Z881 S441 F5 MAIN "1 1 TTLE PUBLIC LIBRARY FINDING LIST OF English Prose Fiction SEATTLE: PUBLISHED BY THE LIBRARY 1903 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/findinglistofengOOseatrich SEATTLE PUBLIC LIBRARY FINDING LIST OF nglish Prose Fiction SEATTLE: PUBLISHED BY THE LIBRARY 1903 DENNY-CORYELL CO. PRINTERS SEATTLE, WASH. FINDING LIST OK English Prose Kiction Author and Title Entries are arranged in one alphabetical list; names of authors are in heavy faced type. Books for young readers are itidicated by "j" before the call number v A. D. 2000. Fuller F954A Aaron in the wildwoods. Harris JH24A Abandoned claim. Loughead JL923A Abandoned farmer. Preston* P9254 Abbe Constantin. Halevy H137A ABBOT, Alice Balch. Frigate's name- sake ., JAB24F Abbot. Scott ,...SC084A Same JSC084A ABBOTT, Jacob. English channel JAB25E Excursion to the Orkney islands JAB25E Florence and John JAB25F Florence's return JAB25F4 Grimkie JAB25G4 Rollo in Geneva JAB25G Rollo in Holland JAB25H Rollo in London JAB25L Rollo in Naples JAB25N Rollo in Paris JAB25P Rollo in Rome JAB25R4 Rollo in Scotland JAB23S Rollo in Switzerland JAB25S7 Rollo learning to read jAB25Lc Rollo on the Rhine JAB25R Rollo's correspondence jAB25Co Visit to the Isle of Wight JAB25I Abdallah. Laboulaye JL115A According to Plato. Moore M784A According to St. John. Chanler C365A Across her path. Swan SW25A Across Texas. Ellis JEL56A Across the campus. Fuller F95412A Action and the word. Matthews M434A Active service. Crane C853A Adam and Eve. Parr P24515A Adam Bede. Eliot EL45A Adam Graeme. Oliphant OL35Ad Adam Johnston's son. Crawford C857Ad ADAMS, Ellinor D. Girl of to-day JAD14G ADAMS, Mary. Confessions of a wife..AD144 ADDISON, Joseph. Sir Roger de Cover- ley AD24S ADE, George. Doc' Home AD33D Adele Cathcart. Macdonald M144AD Adele. Kavanagh K17413A ADELER, Max, pseud. See CLARK, Charles Heber. Adirondack cabin. Lothrop JL914A Admirable lady Biddy Fane. »Barnett. . .B273A Admiral's caravan. Carryl : . JC236A Adrift in the wilds. Ellis JEL56A3 Adventurer of the north. Parker P224A. Adventurers. Watson W33512A Adventures in Thule. Black JB563A Adventures of a brownie. Craik JC845A Adventures of a freshman. Williams.. .W6737A Same JW6737A Adventures of Captain Horn. Stockton. .ST65Ad Adventures of Captain Kettle. Hyne...H995A Adventures of Francois. Mitchell M695A Adventures of Gil Bias. Le Sage L564G Adventures of Harry Richmond. Mere- dith M544H Adventures of Herr Baby. Molesworth..JM734A Adventures of Jimmy Brown. Alden. .JAL2217J Adventures of Joel Pepper. Lothrop.. ..JL914A4 Adventures of Joseph Andrews. Field- ing.... F465J4 Adventures of Mabel. Peck JP336 Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green. Brad- ley B725L Adventures of Philip. Thackeray T324P4 Adventures of Prince Lazybones and oth- er stories. Hays JH3335P Adventures of Prince Prigio. Lang JL25P3 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Doyle.. .D775A 438.1 95 FICTION Adventures of Torqua. Holder JH713A Aerial runaway. Chipman JC443 AESOP. Fables JAE85F Afar in the forest. Kingston JK616A Same, N. Y. point for the blind. Affair of honor. Weber JW384A Afield and afloat. Stockton ST65AF Afloat and ashore. Cooper C785A Afloat with the flag. Henderson JH384A Afraja. Mugge M894A African millionaire. Allen AL5412A After dark. Collins C695A After dinner stories. Balzac B219A Aftermath. Allen AL5414A Afterwards. Watson W33514A Against heavy odds. Boyesen JB696A Against human nature. Pool P783 A. Agatha. Tenney T256A Agatha Page. Henderson H384A Agatha's husband. Craik C845A Agnes Hopetown's schools and holidays. Oliphant JOL35A Agnes of Sorrento. Stowe ST76A Agnes Surriage. Bynner B995A AGUILAR, Grace 1 . Days of Bruce AG95D Home influence AG95H Home scenes and heart studies AG95H4 Mother's recompense, sequel to "Home influence" AG95M Vale of cedars AG95V Woman's friendship AG95vV AHO, Juhani, pseud. Squire Hellman AH63 AIDE, Hamilton. Elizabeth's pretenders. AI21E Jane Treachel A124J Voyage of discovery AI24V AINSWORTH, William Harrison. Auriol.A168A Boscobel AI68B Constable de Bourbon AIC8C4 CricKton AI68C6 Flitch of bacon AI68F Hilary St. Ives '. . .AI68H Mervyn Clitheroe AI68M Miser's daughter AI68M3 Old St. Paul's AI6804 Ovingdean grange AI680 V Rookwood AI68R Saint James' AI68Sa Spendthrift AI68Sp Albert Savarus. Balzac B219A4 Stanley Brereton Ai68S3 Star chamber Ai68ST Tower of London Ai68T Airy fairy Lillian. Hungerford H4895A Alabaster box. Besant B465 Aladdin O'Brien. Morris M8342A Alan Ransford. Deland JD375A ALARCON, Pedro Antoinio de. Brun- hilde AL15B Moors and Christians AL15M. Three-cornered hat AL15T ALCOTT, Louisa May. Aunt Jo's scrap- bag (6 vols.). 1 My boys 3ALI8AI 2 Shawl straps ^ JAL18A2 3 Cupid and chow-chow JAL18A3 4 My girls JAL18A4 5 Jimmy's cruise in the Pinafore. . . .JAL18A5 6 Old-fashioned Thanksgiving JAL18A6 Eight cousins j AL18E Garland for girls j AL18G Hospital sketches AL18H Jack and Jill JAL18J Jo's boys, sequel to "Little men'. . . .JAL18J4 Little men, sequel to "Little women".. JAL18L Little women j AL18L4 Lulu's library 3 AL18L7 Modern Mephistopheles AL18M Moods AL18M4 Old-fashioned girl JAL190 Proverb stories 3ALI8P Recollections of my childhood's days..jAL18Re Rose in bloom, sequel to "Eight cousins" j AL18R Silver pitchers JAL18S4 Spinning-wheel stories JAL18S7 Under the lilacs 3ALI8U Work 3ALI8W ALCOTT, Louisa May and others. Christ- mas plum-pudding stories and oth- ers jAL18Ch ALDEN, G. R. Glimpses of boyhoo'd. . .JAL21G ALDEN, Mrs. Isabella Macdonald (Pansy pseud.) Bernie's white chicken. .3 AL22B Bobby's wolf JAL22B5 Chautauqua girls at home JAL22C Christie's Christmas JAL22C5 Docia's journal JAL22D Dozen of them JAL22D6 Exact truth JAL22E Getting ahead JAL22G Grandpa's darling JAL22G6 Judge Burnham's daughters JAL22J Julia Reid JAL22J6 King's daughter JAL22K FICTION A " ttle card JAL22L Miss Priscilla Hunter JAL22M Mrs. Harry Harper's awakening JAL22M4 New year's tangles JAL22N Pansies JAL22P Pansy's scrapbook JAL22P5 Three people JAL22T ALDEN, Mrs. Isabella Macdonald (Pansy, pseud.) and FOSTER, Mrs. I. H. (Fay Huntington, pseud.) JAL22T Modern prophets JAL2213M Divers women JAL2215D ALDEN, Mrs. Isabella Macdonald (Pansy' pseud.) and LIVINGSTONE, Mrs. C. M. From different stand- points, JAL2213F ALDEN, Mrs. John. See WESTOVER, Cynthia M. ALDEN, William Livingston. Adventures of Jimmy Brown JAL2217J Cruise of the canoe club JAL2217C Cruise of the "Ghost" JAL2217C4 Moral pirates JAL2217M New Robinson Crusoe JAL2217N LDRICH, Thomas Bailey. Marjorie Daw AL24M Prudence Palfrey AL24P Queen of Sheba AL24Q Stillwater tragedy AL24S Story of a bad boy JAL24S Two bites at a cherry AL24T LDRICH, Thomas Bailey, joint author. See OLIPHANT, Mrs. Margaret Oli- phant (Wilson). Aldyth. Fothergill F824A Alec Forbes of Howglen. Macdonald. .M144A1 ALENZON, d' tr. Bonze AL25B ALEXANDER, Mrs. See HECTOR, Mrs. Annie French. Alfrieda. Specht ! SP334A Alice. Bulwer-Lytton B878A Alice Learmont.' Craik JC845A4 Alice Lorraine. Blackmore B567A Alice of old Vincennes. Thompson. . . .T37414A Alice's adventures in wonderland. Dodg- son JD667A Alien. Montresor M77A Alkahest. Balzac B219A7 All around a palette. Champney JC358A All in a garden fair. Besant B465A1 All sorts and conditions of men. Be- sant B465A ALLAN, James. Under the dragon flag..AL5U Allan Quartermain. Haggard H125A Allan's wife. Haggard H125A3 ALLEN, Charles Grant Blairfindie. Afri- can millionaire AL5412A Cruise of the Albatross JAL5412C Duchess of Powysland AL5412D Hilda Wade AL5412H Tents of Shem AL5412T What's bred in the bone AL5412W ALLEN, Grant. See ALLEN,' Charles Grant Blairfindie. ALLEN, James Lane. Aftermath AL5414A Choir invisible AL5414C Flute and violin AL5414F Kentucky cardinal AL5414K Reign of law AL5414R ALLEN, Richard. Miss Eaton's ro- mance AL54HJM ALLEN, Willis Boyd. Cleared for ac- tion JAL5416C Navy blue JAL5416N ALLISON, Young E. Passing of Major Kilgore AL56P ALLSTON, Margaret, pseud. See FAR- QUHAR, Anna. ALLSTON, Washington. Monaldi AL57M Almost a duchess AL66 Almost as good as a boy. Douglas JD748A Alone on a wide, wide sea. Russell R914A Alpine fay. Burstenbinder B945A Alroy. Disraeli D636A Alsacian schoolmaster. Erckmann and Chatrian ER25A Alton Locke. Kingsley , K614A Altruist. RamS R144A3 ALTSHELER, Joseph Alexander. Herald of the west AL76H In circling camps AL76I My captive AL76M Wilderness road AL76W Amadis of Gaul. Lobeira L7824 Amateur fireman. Kaler JK128A Amazing marriage. Meredith M544A AMBER, Miles, pseud. Wistons AM15W Amelia, History of. Fielding F465A American. James J23416A American citizen. Ryley R988A American diary of a Japanese girl. Glory, pseud G5142A American girl in London. Cotes C823A 6 FICTION American Monte Cristo. Hawthorne. .H315Am American peeress. Taylor T21514A American politician. Crawford C857A American senator. Trollope T745Am American wives and English husbands. Atherton AT45Am American woman. Swan S W25A2 Americans at home. Haliburton H138A AMICIS, Edmondo de. Cuore JAM52C Heart JAM52H Among Malay pirates. Henty jH397Am Among the camps. Page JP145A Among the Esquimaux. Ellis JEL56A5 Amos Dunkel. Kaler JK128A3 Amos Judd. Mitchell M693A Amos Kilbright. Stockton ST65A Amyas Egerton, cavalier. Hervey H446A ANDERSEN, Hans Christian. Dream stories JAN25D Elfin stories JAN25E Fairy tales and stories JAN25F Same. N. Y. point for the blind. Stories JAN25S Stories for the household JAN25S4 Two baronesses AN25T Wonder tales for children JAN25W Andreas Hofer. Mundt M924A ANDREWS, Charlton. Parfit gentil knight '.'. .AN27P ANDREWS, Jane. Each and all JAN27E Only a year JAN270 (Same N. Y. point for the blind.) Seven little sisters who live on the round ball that floats in the air. .JAN27S Stories Mother Nature told her chil- dren JAN27S4 Ten boys who lived on the road from long ago to now JAN27T Andromeda. Buchanan B854A Andromeda. Fletcher F635A Andy's ward. Kaler JK128A4 Angelot. Price P932A Anglomaniacs. Harrison H245A Anima vilis. Rodziewicz R6154A Animal story book. Lang JL25A Anna Karenina. Tolstoi T585A Annals of a quiet neighborhood. Mac- donald M144A Annals of a sportsman. Tourgeneff T845A Anne. Woolson W887A Annie of Geierstein. Scott SC084A5 Anne Scarlett. Taylor T21516A Anneke. Champney JC358A4 Annie Kilburn. Howells H837A Another Englishwoman's love letters. Pain ; P16A Another's burden. Payn P296A ANSTEY, F., pseud. See GUTHRIE, Thomas Anstey. ANTHONY, Geraldine. Victim of circum- stances AN84V Antigone. Bourget B665A Anting-anting stories. Kayme K184A Antiquary. Scott SC084A6 Same JSCOS4A6 Antonia. Belden B4125A Antonia. Dudevant D865A Antonina. Collins C695A4 ANTROBUS, Mrs. C. L. Quality corner..AN89Q Wildersmoor AN89W ANTROBUS, Suzanne, now Mrs. Albert A. Robinson. King's messenger. .AN892K ANVERS, N. d'., pseud. See BELL, Nan- cy R. E. Meugen. Anxious moment. Hungerford H895A3 Appassionata. Keeling K245A Apprentices to destiny. Long L85A April baby's book of tunes. Arnim. . .'. JAR64A April hopes. Howells H837A4 April's lady. Hungerford H895A5 April's sowing. Hall H145A Arabella and Araminta stories. Smith. JSM49A Arabian nights. Clarke, ed JAR14 Arabian nights. Hale, ed JAR14H Arabian nights, Stories from the JAR14S Arabian nights' entertainments AR14 Arabian tales. Heron, tr AR14H ARBLAY, Madame Frances (Burney) d'. Evelina AR16E Arachne. Ebers EB35A Arctic Crusoe. St. John JSA24A Ardath. Corelli C815A Arden .Massiter. Barry B279A Ardis Claverden. Stockton ST65A4 Argonauts. Orzeszko OR95 Ariadne. Rame R144A5 Arickaree treasure. Clarke C5513 Ark of Elm island. Kellogg JK294A Arkansas planter. Read R224A Armadale. Collins C695A6 Armed ship "America." Kaler JK128A5 Arminell. Gould G73A2 Armorel of Lyonesse. Besant B465A5 FICTION Armourer's 'prentices. Yonge Y84A Army society. Stannard ST27Ar Army wife. King K58A Arne. Bjbrnson B556A ARNIM, Mary Annette (Beauchamp) Grafin von. April baby's book of tunes JAR64A Benefactress AR64B Elizabeth and her German garden. .. .AR64E § Solitary summer. AR64S RNOLD, Edwin Lester. Constable of St. Nicholas AR65C Phra the Phoenician AR65P ARNOLD, Sarah L. and GILBERT, Charles B. "Stepping stones to lit- erature. 1st, 2nd and 3rd readers.jAR6516 Around the world in eighty days. Verne. .V595A Ars et vita. Sullivan SU54A Arthur Bonnicastle. Holland H715A Arthur Brown. Kellogg JK294A6 Arthur Mervyn. Brown B812A Arthur O'Leary. Lever i L575A As a falling star. Phelps P515A As the goose flies. Pyle JP9983 As the light led. Baskett B296As Asa Holmes; or, at the cross roads. John- ston J6432A' Asaph. Cooley C775A ASBJORNSEN, Peter Christen. Fairy tales from the far north JAS15F Round the yule log JA515 Ashes of empire. Chambers C356A Ashes of roses. Wheatley W563A ASHTON, Mark. She stands alone AS37S Aspasia. Hamerling H173A Aspern papers. James J23416A2 ASPINWALL, Alice. Short stories for short people JAS66S Associate hermits. Stockton ST65A6 Astonishing history of Troy town. Couch. .C83A ASTOR, William Waldorf. Sforza; a story of Milan AS84S Valentino AS84V Astray in the forest. Ellis JEL56A6 At Aboukir. and Acre. Henty JH397A1 At Agincourt. Henty JH397A3 At any cost. Mayo M457A At fault. Smart SM25A At her mercy. Payn P296A4 At large. Hornung H7864A At last. Terhune T275A At odds. Tautphoeus T195A At Sunwich port. Jacobs J154A At the back of beyond. Barlow B247A At the back of the north wind. Mac- donald M144A8 Same.. : JM144A8 At the councillor's. John J615A At the court of Catherine the Great. Whishaw W5778A At the mercy of Tiberius. Wilson W695A At the point of the bayonet. Henty. . .JH397A6 At the siege of Havana. Kaler JK128A6 At the siege of Quebec. Kaler JK128A7 At the sign of the Cat and Racket. Bal- zac B219A10 At war with Pontiac. Munroe JM925A At Wellesley. Sherwood SH572A Atelier du Lys. Roberts R544A Atheist's mass. Balzac B219A9 ATHERTON, Mrs. Gertrude Franklin (Horn). American wives and Eng- lish husbands .AT45Am Californians AT45C Conqueror AT45C5 Los Cerritos AT45L^ Patience Sparhawk AT45P Question of time AT45Q Senator North AT45S ATKINSON, J. C. Last of the giant kill- ers JAT54L Attic philosopher in Paris. Souvestre. .S088A Audrey. Johnston J644A AUERBACH, Berthold. Convicts and their children AU32C Foresters ATJ32F Little barefoot JAU32L Lorley and Reinhard ATJ32L On the heights ATJ320 Auld licht idylls. Barrie B275A Aulnay tower. Howard .H833A AULNOY, Comtesse d\, PERRAULT, C, and others. Old-fashioned fairy tales JAU54 Aunt Anne. Clifford C614A Aunt Betsy's rule JATJ58 Aunt Diana. Carey JC18816A Aunt Hannah and Seth. Kaler JK128A8 Aunt Jo's scrap-bag series. 6 vols. See ALCOTT. Aunt Jane's hero. Prentiss P915A Same JP915A 8 FICTION Aunt Kitty's tales. Mcintosh JM185A Aunt Serena. Howard H833A4 Aurelian. Ware W22A Auriol. Ainsworth AI68A Aurora. Tincker T494A AUSTEN, Jane. Emma AU74E Mansfield Park AU74M Northanger abbey AU74N Pride and prejudice AU74P4 Sense and sensibility AU74S AUSTIN, Alfred. Haunts of ancient peace AU75H AUSTIN, Mrs. Jane (Goodwin). Betty Alden AU76B David Alden's daughter AU76D Desmond hundred AU76D4 Dr. Le Baron and his daughters, sequel to "Nameless nobleman" AU76D6 Nameless nobleman AU76N Nantucket scraps AU76N4 Standish of Standish AU76S Author of Beltraffio. James J23416A4 Autobiography of a quack. Mitchell. . .M695A3 Autobiography of a slander. Bayly B346A Autobiography of a thief. Reade R225A Autobiography of a tomboy. Gilder JG384A Autobiography of a tramp. Crawford C8573 Autobiography of a truth. Bayly B346A3 Autocrats. Lush L9755A Averages. Stuart ST915A Averil. Carey JC18816A7 Awakening of Mary Fenwick. Whitby.. .W583A Award of justice. Barbour B2328A Awkward age. James J23416A6 Aylwin. Dunton D929A Azarian. Spofford SP64A Aztec treasure-house. Janvier J267A Same JJ267A B B. O. W. C. De Mille JD395B BABCOCK, Bernie. Justice to the wo- man B113J BABCOCK, William Henry. Tower of Wye B114T Babs the impossible. MacFall M164Ba BACHELLER, Irving. D'ri and I B126D Eben Holden B126E Bachelor maid. Harrison H245Ba Bachelor's Christmas. Grant G765B Bachelor's establishment. Balzac B219Ba Backwoodsman. Stanley ST2413B Same JST2413B BAGOT, Richard. Casting of nets B148C Bagsby's daughter. Van Vorst V378 BAILEY, H. C. My lady of Orange B152M Bailiff's maid. John J615B BAIN, Francis William. Dmitri B16D BAIN, R. Nisbet, ed. and tr. Cossack fairy tales JB16C Russian fairy tales jB16 BAKER, James. By the western sea...B174B BAKER, Sir Samuel White. Cast up by the sea JB17417C True tales for my grandsons JB17417T BAKER, William Mumford. Blessed Saint Certainty B17418B His majesty, myself B17418H Making of a man B17418M Balaam and his master. Harris H24B BALCH, F. H. Bridge of the gods B186B BALDWIN, James. Fairy stories and fa"- bles JB193F (Same, N. Y. point for the blind.) Fifty famous stories retold JB193F3 Horse fair JB193H School reading by grades, 1st year....jB193F6 • Story of Roland JB193R Story of Siegfried JB193S Story of the golden age JB193G BALESTIER, Charles Wolcott. Benefits forgot B195B BALESTIER, Charles Wolcott, joint au- thor. See KIPLING, Rudyard. BALFOUR, Andrew. By stroke of sword. .B196E To arms , B196T Vengeance is mine B196V BALLANTYNE, Robert Michael. Battles with the sea JB214B Coral island JB214C Dog Crusoe and his master JB214D Erlirig the bold JB214E Gascoyne, the sandal- wood trader JB214G Gorilla hunters JB215G4 Hot swamp jB214Ho Hudson bay; or, every day life in the wilds of North America JB214H Lighthouse „ JB214L Shifting winds JB214S Twice bought JB214T Ungava JB214U World of ice JB214W FICTION 9 Young fur-traders JB214Y Ballantyne. Campbell C15315B BALLARD, Susan, tr. Fairy tales from Japan JB2145 Ballet dancer. Serao SE64B BALZAC, Honore de. After-dinner sto- ries B219 A Albert Savarus B219 A4 Alkahest B219A7 At the sign of the Cat and Racket. . .B219A10 Atheist's mass B219A9 Bachelor's establishment B219Ba Beatrix ' B219Be Best of Balzac. Jessup, ed f B219B3 Brotherhood of consolation B219B6 Bureaucracy B219B Catherine de Medici B219Ca Cesar Birotteau B219C Chouans B219C2 Country doctor B219C4 Country parson. Same as Village rec- tor B219C5 Cousin Pons B219C8 Daughter of Eve B219Da Duchesse de Langeais B21SD Eugenie Grandet B219E Father's curse B219F2 Gallery of antiquities B219Ga Gobseck B219Go Gondreville mystery B219G4 La Grande Breteche and other stories.B219Gr Great man of the provinces in Paris. Same as Distinguished provincial at Paris B219G Historical mystery B219H Jealousies of a country town B219J Lily of the valley B219L2 Lost illusions B219Lo Louis Lambert .B219L4 Lucien de Rubempre B219Lu Magic skin. Same as Wild ass's skin..B219M Marriage contract. Same as Marriage settlement B219M2 Member for Arcis B219M4 Middle classes B219M5 Modest Mignon B219M6 Parisians in the country B219Pa Pere Goriot. Same as Old Goriot B219P Pierrette B219P4 Princess's secrets B219PC Quest of the absolute B219Q Seamy side of history B219Se Seraphita B219S Sons of the soil. Same as Peasantry.. B219S4 Start in life B219St Thirteen B219Th Two brothers B219T Unconscious mummers B219U2 Unknown masterpiece B219U4 Ursula. Same as Ursule Mirouet B219U6 Village rector. Same as Country par- son B219V Woman of thirty B219W6 BAMFORD, Mary E. Eleanor and I..JB2194E Janet and her father JB2194J BANCROFT, Albetta. Royal rogues JB223 BANGS, John Kendrick. Booming of Acre Hill B224B Mr. Munchausen ....B224M Olympian nights B22401 Over the plum pudding B2240 Rebellious heroine B224R Toppleton's client B224T Banishment of Jessop Blythe. Hatton. .H286B Banker and the bear. Webster W393 Banker of Bankersville. Thompson. . .T37414B BANKS, Louis Albert. Oregon boyhood.. .JB2250 BANKS, Nancy Huston. Oldfleld B2252 Banned and blessed. Blirstenbinder B945B Banner of blue. Crockett C876Ba Bar Harbor days. Harrison JH245B4 Barabbas. Corelli *. ..C815B Barbara. Hector H357Ba Barbara Heathcote's trial. Carey C188B Barbara Ladd. Roberts H543B Barberry bush. Woolsey JW886B BARBOUR, Anna Maynard. Award of justice B2328A That Mainwaring affair B2328T BARBOUR, Ralph Henry. Behind the line JB233B Captain of the crew JB233C For the honor of the school JB233F Half-back JB233H Barchester Towers. Trollope .T745Ba BARHAM, Richard. Cousin Nicholas. . .B238C BARING-GOULD, Sabine. See GOULD, Sabine Baring. Barker's luck. Harte H253Ba BARLOW, Jane. At the back of beyond.. B247A From the land of the shamrock B247F 10 FICTION Irish idylls B247I Kerrigan's quality B247K Strangers at Lisconnel B247S Barnaby Lee. Bennett JB439B Barnaby Rudge. Dickens .'. ., D552B BARNES, James. For king or country. .JB236K Midshipman Farragut JB236M Princetonian B236P With the flag in the channel JB236W3 Baron Munchausen. Raspe JR184B Baron Trump's underground journey. Lockwood JL816B Baron's sons. Jokai J675Ba BARR, Mrs. Amelia Edith (Huddleston). Beads of Tasmer B27B Bernicia 4. B27B1 Between two loves B27Be Border shepherdess B27B2 Bow of orange ribbon B27B4 Christopher and other stories B27C Cluny Macpherson B27C6 Daughter of Fife B27D Feet of clay B27F Flower of Gala Water B27F2 Friend Olivia B27F4 Hallam succession B27H Harvest of the wind B27H3 Household of McNeil B27Ho I. thou, and the other one B27I In spite of himself B27I4 Jan Vedder's wife B27J King's highway B27K Knight of the nets B27K4 Last of the MacAllisters B27L Lion's whelp B27L1 Lone house B27L2 Lost silver of Briffault B27L4 Love for an hour. B27L6 Maid of Maiden Lane B27M Master of his fate B27M2 Mate of the "Easter Bell" B27M4 Michael and Theodora jB27Mi Paul and Christina B27P Preacher's daughter B27P6 Prisoners of conscience B27P8 Remember the Alamo B27R Rose of a hundred leaves B27Ro Scottish sketches B27S She loved a sailor B27Sh Singer from the sea B27S2 Sister to Esau B27S4 Song of a single note B27S5 Souls of passage B27S8 Squire of Saridal-side B27S6 Trinity bells B27T Was it right to forgive ? B27W2 Woven of love and glory. . . .* B27W4 BARR, Robert. Prince of good fellows..B2717P Strong arm B2717S Tekla B2717T Victors B2717V BARRETT, Frank. Admirable Lady Bid- dy Fane B273A Out of the jaws of* death B2730 BARRETT, Wilson*Sign of the cross. .B27317S BARRETT, Wilson and BARRON, El- wyn. In old New York .B27319 BARRETT, Wilson and HICHENS, Rob- ert. Daughters of Babylon B27318D BARRIE, James Matthew. Auld licht •idylls B275A Little minister B275L Little white bird B275L4 My Lady Nicotine. — Margaret Ogilvy. .B275M Sentimental Tommy B275S Tommy and Grizel B275T6 When a man's single B275W Window in Thrums ■ B275W4 Barriers burned away. Roe R6213B BARRILI, Anton Guilio. Devil's portrait.. .B277D Eleventh commandment B277E Whimsical wooing B277W Barrington's fate. Hunt H914B BARROW, Elizabeth N. Fortune of war..B278F BARRY, William. Arden Massiter B279A Two standards B279T Wizard's knot B279W Barry Lyndon, Memoirs of. Thackeray.. .T324B BARTLETT, G. H. Water tramps JB283W BARTON, William Eleazar. Hero in homespun B286H Prairie schooner JB286P When Boston braved the king JB286W Basil. Collins C695B BASKETT, James Newton. As the light led B296AS BATES, Arlo. Book o' nine tales B316B Lad's love B316L Love in a cloud B316L4 Philistines : B316P4 Puritans B316Pu Wheel of fire B316W FICTION 11 BATES, Katherine Lee. Rose and Thorn JB31614 BATES, Morgan. Martin Brook B3165M Bath comedy. Castle C275B BATTERMAN, Annie. See LINDSAY, Mrs. Annie (Batterman). Battle-ground. Glasgow G46B Battle invisible. Reed R251B Battle of New York. Stoddard ...JST67B Battle of the strong. Parker P224B Battlement and tower. Rhoscomyl R347B Battles with the sea. Ballantyne JB214B BAUM, Lyman Frank. Master key. . .JB3286M Mother Goose in prose JB3286M3 New wonderland JB3286W Wonderful wizard of Oz JB3286 Bay-path. Holland H715B Bayard from Bengal. Guthrie G98514B BAYLOR, Frances Courtenay. Georgian bungalow JB345G Juan and Juanita JB345J Miss Nina Barrow JB345M BAYLY, Ada Ellen (Edna Lyall, pseud.). Autobiography of a slander B346A Autobiography of the truth B346A3 Derrick. Vaughan B346D Donovan B346D4 Doreen '. B346D6 Hardy Norseman B346H Hope the hermit B346Ho How the children raised the wind JB346H In spite of all B346In In the golden days B346I Knight-errant B346K Max Hereford's dream B346M To right the wrong B346T "Wayfaring men B246Wa We two , B346W Won by waiting B346W4 Bayou folk. Chopin C454B BAZAN, Emilia Pardo. Morrina B349M Swan of Vilamorta B349S Beach patrol. Drysdale JD848B BEACONSFIELD, Earl of. See DIS- RAELI, Benjamin, earl of Bea- consfield. Beads of Tasmer. Barr .B27B BEAN, F. Pudney and Walp B376P Bear hunters. Bowman JB684B Bears of Blue river. Major JM288 Beata, La. Trollope T74517Be Beaton's bargain. Hector H357B Beatrice. Haggard H125B Beatrice. Kavanagh K17413B .Beatrice and Benedick. Smart SM25Be Beatrice of Bayou-Teche. Jones J69B Beatrix. Balzac B219Be Beatrix Randolph. Hawthorne H315B Beauchamp's career. Meredith M544B Beau's comedy. Dix and Harper D64414 Beautiful Joe. Saunders JSA84B Beautiful Joe's paradise. Saunders . . .jSA84Be Beautiful wretch. Black B563B Beauty's daughters. Hungerford H895B »Bebee. Rame R144B3 BECKE, George Louis. By reef and palm '. B3865B Ebbing of the tide. B3865Eb Edward Barry B3865E Pacific tales B3865P Ridan the devil B3865R Rodman the boat-steerer, and other stories ' B3865R4 BECKE, George Louis and JEFFERY, Walter. First fleet family B3866F Mutineer B3866M Mystery of the Laughlin islands B3866M4 BECK FORD, William. Vathek B387V Bed-time stories. Moulton JM868B BEDE, Cuthbert, pseud. See BRADLEY, Rev. Edward. BEDOLLIERE, E. de la. Story of a cat..jB3937S Bee-man of Orn. Stockton JST65B BEECH ER, Henry Ward. Norwood B395N Before the dawn. Noble and Noble N668B Beggar my neighbors. Laszowska L339B Begum's daughter. Bynner B995B Behind closed doors. Rohlfs R635B Behind the line. Barbour JB233B "Behind time." Lathrop : JL345B BEHRENS, Bertha (W. Heimburg, pseud.). Her only brother B399H Maiden's choice B399M Penniless girl B399P BELDEN, Jessie Van Zile. Antonia. ...B4125A Beleaguered city. Oliphant OL35Be Belhaven tales. Harrison H245B BELL, Acton, pseud. See BRONTE,, Anne. BELL, Currer, pseud. See BRONTE, Charlotte. 12 FICTION BELL. Ellis, pseud. See BRONTE, Emily. BELL, Lilian. See BOGUE, Mrs. Lilian (Bell.) BELL, Nancy R. E. (Meugens) (N. D. An- vers, pseud.). Story of a dog JB414S Bell of St. Paul's. Besant B465Be Bell-ringer of Angel's. Harte H253Be BELLAMY, Edward. Blindman's world...B4l6B Duke of Stockbridge B416D Equality B416E Looking backward B416L Six to one B416S Belle-Nivernaise, La. Daudet JD265B Bellerue. Woodruff W865B Belles and ringers. ' Smart SM25B Belshazzar: a tale of tbe fall of Babylon. Davis ' D292B Belton estate. Trollope T745B Ben Hur. Wallace W156B Benefactress. Arnim AR65B Benefits forgot. Bales\ier ; B195B BENGOUGH, Elsie Armstrong. Talk of the town B435T BENNETT, John. Barnaby Lee JB439B Master Skylark JB439M Bennett twins, tfurd JH932B BENSON, Blackwood Ketcham. Who goes there? B442W BENSON, Edward Frederic. Capsina B443C Luck of the Vails B443L Princess Sophia B443P Scarlet and hyssop B443S BENSON, Margaret. Soul of a cat JB443S Bentinck's tutor. Payn P296B BENTON, Kate A. Geber -. .B449G Beppo. Trollope T74517B Bequeathed. Whitby W583B BERGENGREN, Mrs Anna Farquhar. See FARQUHAR, Anna. BERGER, E, pseud. See SHEPPARD, Elizabeth S. BERGER AC, Cyrano de. Voyage to the moon B4553V Berlin and San-souci. Mundt M924B BERNHARD, Marie. Household idol. . ..B458H Bernicia. Barr B27B1 Bernie's white chicken. Alden JAL22B Bertrams. Trollope T745B4 BESANT, Sir Walter. Alabaster box B465 All in a garden fair B465A1 All sorts and conditions of men B465A Armorel of Lyonesse B465A5 Bell of St. Paul's B465Be Beyond the dreams of avarice B465B Captain's room B465C Changeling B465C3 Children of Gibeon B465C4 City of refuge B465C6 Demoniac B465D Dorothy Forster B465D3 Dorothy Wallis B465D4 For faith and freedom B463F Fountain sealed B465F3 Fourth generation B465F5 Herr Paulus B465He Holy rose B4G5H In deacon's orders B465In Ivory gate B465I Lady of Lynn B465L Mastercraftsmah B465M No other way B466N Orange girl B4650 Rebel queen B465R Revolt of man B465R3 St. Katherine's by the tower B465S To call her mine B465T Uncle Jack I; Verbena Camellia Stephanotis B465V World went very well then B465W BESANT, Sir Walter and RICE, James. By Celia's arbour B466B gase of Mr. Lucraft B466C Chaplain of the fleet B466C4 Golden butterfly B466G My little girl B446M4 Ready money Mortiboy B466R Seamy side B466S Ten years tenant B466T This son of Vulcan B466T2 Twas in Trafalgar's bay B466T4 With harp and crown B466W Beside the bonny briar bush. Watson. ..W33514B Same. N. Y. point for the blind. Bessie Costrell, Story of. Ward W33514B Best of Balzac. Jessup. ed B219B3 Best of husbands. Payn P296B2 Beth book. MacFall M164B Bethia Wray's new name. Douglas D74SB Betrothed. Scott SCOS4B Betsy R©ss. Hotchkiss H797B Better times stories. Kirk K634B FICTION 13 Betty Alden. Austin AU76B Betty Leicester. Jewett JJ55517B Betty Leicester's Christmas. Jewett.. JJ55517B3 Between the lines. King K58B Between two loves. Barr B27Be Between whiles. Jackson JJ132B Betwixt the Forelands. Russell R914B Beulah. Wilson W695B Bewitched fiddle. MacManus M22516B Beyond the border. Campbell JC15318 Beyond the bourn. Fiske F544B Beyond the city. Doyle D775B Beyond the dreams of avarice. Besant. ..B465B Beyond the gates. Ward W21B Bianca. Maturin M437B BIART, Lucien. Involuntary voyage B474I Bicycle of Cathay ST65Bi Biding his time. Trowbridge JT75717B Big brother. Eggleston JEG3514B Big cypress. Munroe JM925B BIGELOW, Edith. Diplomatic disen- chantments B484D BIGOT, Madame Mary (Healy.) See HEALEY, Mary. BIKELAS, Demetrios. Loukis Laras B486L Bilberry boys. Swett JSW44B Billy stories. Lovett JL949 Bimbi. Rame JR144B Biography of a grizzly. Thompson. . .JT37413B Biography of a locomotive engine. Frith. .F917B Birchwood. Williams JW6733B BIRDSALL, Katharine Newbold. Jacks of all trades and what they did. .JB5324 Bird's Christmas carol. Wiggin JW637B Bishop Pendle. Hume H884B ISHOP, William Henry. Choy Susan and other stories B545C Detmold; a romance ..B545D Golden justice B545G House of a merchant prince B545H Bishop's shadow. Thurston T425B Same JT425B Bittersweets. Hatton H286B3 BJORNSON, Bjbrnstjerne. Arne B556A Fisher maiden B556F Heritage of the Kurts B556H In God's way B556I Magnhild B556M Synnove Solbakken B556S BLACK, Alexander. Girl and the guards- * man B562G Miss Jerry B562M Modern daughters B562M3 BLACK, William. Adventures in Thule.jB563A Beautiful wretch B563B Briseis B563B5 Daughter of Heth B563D Donald Ross of Heimra B563D4 Four MacNicols JB563F Green pastures and Piccadilly B563G Handsome Humes B563H Highland cousins B563H4 In far Lochaber B563I In silk attire B563I5 Judith Shakespeare B563J Kilmeny B5G3K Lady Silverdale's sweetheart B563L Macleod of Dare B563M Madcap Violet B563Ma Magic ink B563M2 Maid of Killeena B563M3 Penance of John Logan B563Pe Prince Fortunatus ' B563P Princess of Thule B563P2 Sabina Zembra B563S Shandon bells B563S2 Stand fast, Craig-Royston! B563S4 Strange adventures of a house-boat. .B563S5 Strange adventures of a phaeton B563S6 Sunrise . ._ B563S8 Three feathers B563T White heather B563W White wings B563W2 Wild Eelin B563W3 W r ise woman of Inverness ., B563W4 Wolfenberg B563W6 Yolande B563Y BLACK, Winifred. See LAURIE, Annie, pseud. Black arrow. Stevenson ST47B Black Beauty. Sewell JSE86B Black but comely. Melville M496B Black diamond. Jokai J675B Black Douglas. Crockett C876B1 Black gown. Hall H146B Black Rock. Gordon G655B Black terror. Leys L599B Black tor. Fenn JF364B Black tortoise. Viller V715B Black wolf's breed. Dickson D567B BLACKALL, Emily L. Superior to cir- cumstances B564S 14 FICTION BLACK MO RE, Richard Doddridge. Alice Lorraine B567A Christowell B567C Clara Vaughan B567C4 Cradock Nowell B567Cr Cripps, the carrier ' B567C7 Dariel B567D Erema B567B Kit and Kitty B567K Lorna Doone B567L Maid of Sker B567Ma Mary Anerley B567M Perlycross ' B567P Remarkable history of Sir Thomas Up- more, Bart >. B567R Slain by the Doones B567S1 Springhaven B567S - Tales from the Telling-house B567T BLACKWOOD'S Magazine, Tales from. See Tales from Blackwood. Bladys Stewponey. Gould G73B1 BLAISDELL, Etta A., and BLAISDELL, Mary Frances. Child life: a first reader JB578C Child life in literature: a fourth reader , JB578C4 Child life in many lands : a third reader JB578C3 Child life in tale and fable: a second reader ! JB578C2 BLAKE, M. M. Cqurtship by command.... B582C Blakes and Flanagans. Sadlier SA133B Blanche, Lady Falaise. Shorthouse SH84B BLAND, Mrs. Edith Nesbit. Book of dragons JB594B Nine unlikely stories JB594N Red House B594R Wouldbegoods JB594 Blazed trail. White W5812B Blazing arrow. Ellis JEL56B2 Bleak house. Dickens D552B4 Blennerhasset. Pidgin P593B Blessed Saint Certainty. Baker B17418B BLIND, Mathilde. Tarantella B617T Blind brother. Greene JG83B Blind fate. Hector H357B1 Blind musician. Korolenko K8467B Blindman's world. Bellamy B416B Blithedale romance. Hawthorne H31517B BLOUET, Paul ("Max O'Rell," pseud.). Woman and artist B6245W Blue dragon. Peard JP315B Blue fairy book. Lang JL25B Blue flower. Van Dyke V286B Blue pavilions. Couch C83B Bluebeard's keys and other stories. Ritchie R517B BLUM, George, and WAHL, Louis. Sea- side and wayside fairies JB62616S BLUNDELL, Mrs. M. E. (Sweetman) (M. E. Frances, pseud.). Daughter of the soil B627Da Duenna of a genius B627D Fiander's widow B627F In a north country village B627I Maime o' the corner B627M Yeoman Fleetwood B627Y Bo-peep jB63 BOARDMAN, William H. Lovers of the woods B6315 Bob, son of Battle. Ollivant OL48B Bob; the story of our mocking bird. Lanier JL275B Bobby's wolf. Aiden JAL22B5 Bobtail Dixie. Smith JSM4S Bodleys afoot. Scudder JSCU25B4 Bodleys telling stories. Scudder . . . .JSCU25B6 Bog-myrtle and peat.... C876B BOGUE, Mrs. Lilian Bell. Hope Loring...B634H Instinct of stepfatherhood and other stories B634I Little sister to the wilderness B634Li Love affairs of an old maid B634L Sir John and the American girl B634S Under side of things B634U BOLDREWOOD, Rolf, pseud. See BROWN, Thomas Alexander. BOLTON, Sarah Knowles. Stories from life. 9. JB639S Bonaventure. Cable C112B Bondman. Caine C123S Bondwoman. Ryan > R952 BON EH ILL, Captain Ralph, pseud. See STRATEMEYER, Edward. Bones and I. Melville M496B2 BONNER, Geraldine. Hard pan B644H Bonnie Prince Charlie. Henty JH397B3 Bonny Kate. Fisher F534B \ Bonnybel Vane. Cooke C774B BONSAL, Stephen, ed. Golden horse- shoe B6456G Bony and Ban. Catherwood jC2S5Bo FICTION 15 Bonze. Alenzon, d', tr AL25B Book o' nine tails. Bates B316B Book of cats and dogs. Johnnot JJ665B Book of dragons. Bland JB594B Book of Knight and Barbara. Jordan JJ762 Book of romance. Lang JL25B3 Book of snobs. Thackeray T324S4 Book of true lovers. French FSSSB Boom of a western city. Cooley C77516B Booming of Acre Hill. Bangs . . , B224B BOONE, Henry Burnham, and BROWN, Kenneth. Eastover court house.. ..B6465B BOOTH, Maud Ballington. Lights of child-land JB647L Sleepy time stories JB647S BOOTH BY, Guy. Long live the king. . .B6475L My Indian queen B6475M Bordentown story-tellers. Butterworth...jB986B Border shepherdess. Barr ' B27B2 BORDERS, Joe H. Queen of Appalchia..B6477 Born player. West W52B BORROW, George. Lavengro B648L Romany Rye B648R Wild Wales B648W Borrowed month and other stories. Stock- ton ST65B Boscobel. Ainsworth AI68B Boss and other dogs. Pool JP783B Boss of Taroomba. Hornung H7864B Boston boys of 1775. Kaler jK128Bo Bostonians. James J23416B BOUCl.CAULT, Dion, joint author. See READE, Charles. Bound in honor. Trowbridge JT75717B5 Bound together. Fargus F225B Bourdaloue and Louis XIV. Bungener.. .B884B BOURDILLON, Francis William. Ne- phel6 B66N BOURGET, Paul. Antigone B665A Disciple B665D Pastels of men. 1st ser B665P BOUVET, Marguerite. Child of Tuscany.jB668C Little house in Pimlico jB668Li Little Marjorie's love-story JB668L My lady B668M Pierrette jB668Pi Prince Tip-Top JB668P Sweet William JB668S Bow of orange ribbon. Barr B27B4 BOWLES, Emily. In the Camargue B682I BOWMAN, Anne. Bear hunters JB684B BOWRING, Sir John, tr. Flowery scroll. .B688F BOWYER, Mrs. See NICHOLL, Edith May. Boy. Corelli 4 C815B Boy captain. Kaler JK128B Boy duck hunters. Kellogg JK2944 Boy emigrants. Brooks JB79415E Boy farmers. Kellogg JK294B Boy hunters. Reid JR275B Boy hunters df Kentucky. Ellis JEL56B3 Boy I knew and four dogs. Hutton JH977B Boy knight. Henty jH397Bo Boy life on the prairie. Garland JG18714B Boy-Lollard. Reed JR252B Boy patriots. Ellis JEL56B5 Boy settlers. Brooks JB79415S Boy tramps. Oxley JOX44B Boyar of the terrible. Whishaw W57T8B BOYESEN, Hjalmar Hjorth. Against heavy odds JB696A Boyhood in Norway JB696B Daughter of the Philistines B696D Gunnar, a tale of Norse life B696G7 Mammon of unrighteousness B696M Modern vikings JB696M Norseland tales JB696N Queen Titania B696Q Social strugglers B696S Tales from two hemispheres B696T Boyhood in Norway. Boyesen . . . : JB696B BOYNTON, T. H. Little Johnny Two- boys JB714 Boys at Chequasset. Whitney JW615B Boys of Fairport. Brooks JB79415F Boys of Fort Schuyler. Kaler JK128B6 Boys of Grand Pr6 school. De Mille. . .JD395B3 Boys of other countries. Taylor JT215B Boys of 1745. Kaler JK128B4 Boy's revolt. Kaler JK128B8 Boy's town. Howells JH837B BRABOURNE, Lord (Edward Hugessen Knatchbull-Hugessen). Forest fairy jB723Fo Friends and foes from fairy land JB723F Bracebridge Hall. Irving IR8418B3 Braddock; a story of the French and In- dian wars. Musick. i M974B BRADDON, Mary Elizabeth.' See MAX- WELL, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth (Brad- don.) 16 FICTION BRADLEY, Rev. Edward. Further ad- ventures of Mr. Verdant Green B725A Little Mr. Bouncer and his friend Ver- dant Green B725L BRADSHAW, William R. Goddess of At- vatahar B727G BRADY Cyrus Townsend. For love of country B729F For the freedom of the sea B729F2 Same JB729F2 Grip of honor B729G Same JB729G Hohenzollern B729H In the wasp's nest JB729I Quiberon touch B729Q Reuben Jones JB729R When blades are out B729W Woven with the ship B729W2 BRADY, Jasper Ewing. Tales of the tel- egraph JB7294T Braganza diamond. Kaler JK128B9 Brahmin's treasure. Henty jH397Br BRAIN E, Sheila E. Princess of hearts..jB7334P BRAMSTON, Mary. Silver star valley..jB7345S Brave baby. Wiltse JW713 Brave girls. Catherwood, and others. .JC28515 Brave lady. Craik C845B Brave Tom. Ellis JEL56B8 Bravest of the brave. Henty JH397B4 Bravo. Cooper C785B Breadline. Paine P163B Bread-winners B743 Breaker of laws. Ridge R4335B Breaking of the storm. Spielhagen SP44B Breezie Langton. Smart SM25B4 BREMER, Fredrika. Diary B753D Father and daughter B753F Home; or, life in Sweden B753H Neighbors B753N Brethren of the coast. Munroe JM925B4 BREWSTER, Frances S. When mother was a little girl JB759 Bric-a-brac stories. Harrison JH245B Brick moon and other stories. Hale H13B Bricks without straw. Tourgee T644B4 Bride from the bush. Hornung H7864B4 Bride of Lammermoor. Scott SC084B6 Same JSC084B6 Bride of the Nile. Ebers EB35B Bridge of the gods. Balch .B186B BRIDGES, Mrs. (Mrs. Forrester, pseud.). Diana Carew B765D I have lived and loved B765I June B765J Mignon B765M Brigand. Dumas D892B6 BRINE, Mary D. Little lad Jamie JB773L BRISCOE, Margaret Sutton. Sixth sense and other stories B7753S Briseis. Black B563B5 BRODHEAD, Mrs. Eva W. (McGlasson). One of the visconti B7830 Broken bonds. Smart SM25B5 Broken ring. Tompkins T597B BRONTE, Anne (Acton Bell, pseud.). Ten- ant of Wildfell hall B788T BRONTE, Charlotte, afterwards Mrs. Nicholls (Currer Bell, pseud.). Jane Eyre B78813J Professor B78813P Shirley B78813S Villette B78813V BRONTE, Emily (Ellis Bell, pseud.). Wuthering heights B78815W BROOKE, Magdalen. Eleanor Lambert..B792E Brookes of Bridlemere. Melville M496B4 BROOKS, Byron A. Phil Vernon and his schoolmasters JB7938P BROOKS, Dorothy. Stories of the red children JB7939 BROOKS, Eldridge Streeter. In blue and white .JB794I In Leisler's times B794I In no-man's land JB794I3 Son of the revolution jB794So Storied holidays JB794S Under the allied flags JB794U With Lawton and Roberts JB794W BROOKS, Henry S. Catastrophe in Bo- hemia B79414C BROOKS, Hildegard. Master of Cax- ton B7946M Without a warrant B7946W BROOKS, Noah. ,Boy emigrants JB79415E Boy settlers JB79415S Boys of Fairport JB79415F Lem JB79415L Our base ball club JB794150 BROOKS, Sarah Warner. Poverty Knob B7947 Broom-squire. Gould G73B FICTION 17 Brotherhood of consolation. Balzac B219B6 Brothers of pity. Ewing JEW55B2 Brothers Rantzau. Erckmann and Chat- rian ER25B4 Brought home. Smith SM513B Brought to the front. Kellogg JK294B4 BROUGHTON, Rhoda. Cometh up as a flower B798C Foes in law B798F "Good-bye sweetheart" B798G Mrs. Bligh B798M Red as a rose is she B798R BROWN, Abbie Farwell. Lonesomest doll JB81L BROWN, Alice. Day of his youth B81B King's End • • -B81K Margaret Warrener B81Ma Meadow grass B81M Tiverton tales B81T BROWN, Annie G. Fireside battles B8114F BROWN, Caroline, pseud. See KROUT, Caroline Virginia. BROWN, Charles Brockden. Arthur Mer- yyn B812A BROWN, Helen Dawes. Her sixteenth year JB812H Little Miss Phoebe Gay JB812L Two college girls B81213T BROWN, Kenneth. See BOONE, Henry Burnham. BROWN, William Horace. Southern heritage B81218S Brown of Lost river. Stickney. ST54B Brown owl. Hueffer JH872B BROWNE, Frances. Wonderful chair and the tales it told JB8138 BROWNE, George B. (George Douglas, pseud). House with the green shutters B8132H BROWNE, Mrs. Lida Briggs. Words that burn B8134W BROWNE, Thomas Alexander (Rolf Bol- drewood, pseud.). Colonial refor- mer B8136C Crooked stick B8136C3 Miner's right B8136M Modern buccaneer B8136M2 My run home B8136M3 Plain living B8136P Robbery under arms B81CGrt Romance of Canvastown B8136R3 2-L. Sphinx of Eagle-hawk # . B8I36S2 Squatter's dream B8136S3 Sydney-side Saxon B8136S4 War to the knife B8136W BROWNELL, Clarence L. Tales from Tokio B814T BROWNELL, Elizabeth B. Dream chil- dren JB8142 Brownies. Ewing JEW55B4 Browning courtship . White W5843B4 Browns. Smith JSM515B Bruin; the grand bear hunt. Reid JR275B6 BRUN, S. Jacques. Tales of Languedoc. .JB833 Brunhilde. Alarcon AL15B Bruno. Dewey JD514B BRUSH, Mrs. Christine (Chaplin). Col- onel's opera cloak B836C BRUSH, Mary E. Paul and Persis JB836P BRYANT, John D. Pauline Seward B842P BRYCE, Lloyd. Friends in exile B843F Lady Blanche's salon B843L BUCHANAN, Robert. Andromeda B854A Buchholz family. Stinde ST75B Buell Hampton. Emerson EM34B BULLEN, Frank T. Deep-sea plunder- Ings B8754D BULLOCK, Shan F. Irish pastorals . . ...B876I BULWER-LYTTON, ' Edward George, Earl Lytton, 1st baron Lytton. Al- ice, sequel to "Ernest Maltravers"..B878A. Caxtons B878C Coming race •. B878C4 Devereux .B878D Ernest Maltravers B878E Eugene Aram B878E6 N Godolphin B878G Harold B878H Kenelm Chillingly . .B878K Last days of Pompeii B878L Same JB878L Last of the barons «... B878L4 Leila \ .B878L6 Lucretia B878L8 My novel B878M Night and morning B878N Parisians B878P Paul Clifford B878P2 Pelham B878P4 Pilgrims of the Rhine | B878P5 Rienzi B878R Strange story B878S 18 FICTION What will he do with it? B87SW Zanoni ! B878Z Bundle of life. Craigie C8443B BUNGENER, Lawrence L. P. Bourdaloue and Louis XIV B884B BUNNER, Henry Cuyler. Jersey street and Jersey lane B885 J Love in old cloathes B885M Midge B885M More short sixes B885Mo "Short sixes" B885S Story of a New York house B885S4 Woman of honor B885W Zadoc Pine B885Z Bunny stories. Jewett . * JJ555B BUNYAN, John. Pilgrim's progress B888P Same JB888P Bureaucracy. Balzac B219B Burglars in paradise. Ward W21B4 Burgomaster's wife. Ebers EB35B4 Burial of the guns. Page P145B Burlesques. Thackeray T324B4 BURNETT, Mrs. Frances Eliza (Hodg- son) now Mrs. Stephen Towne- send. Captain's youngest JB935C Children I have known JB935C2 Dolly B935D Earlier stories „ B935E Editha's burglar JB935E Esmeralda B935E5 Fair barbarian B935F Fortunes of Philippa Fairfax B935F5 Giovanni and the other. JB935G "Haworth's" ". B935G His grace of Osmonde B935Hi In connection with the De Willoughby claim B935I Kathleen B935K Lady ot quality B935La Lindsay's luck B935L3 Little Lofd Fauntleroy JB935L Little Saint Elizabeth JB935L4 Louisiana B935L5 Making of a marchioness B935M Methods of Lady Walderhurst B935M2 Miss Crespigny B935M3 Miss Defarge. Same as Woman's will. Natalie B935N Piccino JB935P Pretty Polly Pemberton B935Pr Pretty sister of Jos6 B935P4 Sara Crewe JB935S Surly Tim B935S That lass o' Lowries B935L Theo B935Th Through one administration B935T Tide on the moaning bar B935T4 Two little pilgrims* progress JB935T Vagabondia B935V Woman's will; or, Miss Defarge B935W3 BURNEY Frances. See ARBLAY, Mme. Frances (Burney) d'. BURN HAM, Clara Louise. Dearly bought B937D Dr. Latimer B937D5 Great love B937G3 Miss Archer Archer B937M1 Miss Bagg's secretary B:H7M Miss Pritchard's wedding trip B937M3 Mistress of Beech Knoll B938M4 Next door B937Ne "No gentlemen" B937N Right princess B937R Sane lunatic B937S Sweet Clover B937Sw West Point Wooing B937We Wise woman B937Wi Young maids and old B937Y Burning of Rome. Church JC472B Burnt million. Payn P296Bu BURSTENBINDER, Elizabeth (Ernest Werner, pseud.). Alpine fay B945A fanned and blessed B945B Good luck. Same as She fell in love with her husband B945G His word of honor B945H Saint Michael B945S She fell in love with her husband. Same as Good luck B945Sh Burying the hatchet. Kellogg JK294B6 Bushwhackers. Murf ree M945B Bushy. Westover JW528B "But men must work." Carey C188B8 BUTTER WORTH, Hezekiah. Borden- town story tellers JB986B In old New England B986I In the boyhood of Lincoln JB986I In the days of Audubon JB986A In the days of Jefferson JB986I4 In the days of Massasoit JB986M Knight of liberty JB986K Log school-house on the Columbia JB986L FICTION 19 Parson's miracle JB986P2 Pilot o£ the Mayflower JB986P4 Traveller tales of China jB986Tr True to his home JB986T, Wampum belt JB986W Buz, or, the life and adventures of a honey bee. Noel JN682 By bread alone. Friedman F913B By Celia's arbour. Besant and Rice B466B By England's aid. Henty JH397B5 By his own might. Hillern H555B By order of the czar. Hatton H286B6 By pike and dyke. Henty JH397B6 By proxy. Payn.. P296B8 By reef and palm. Becke B3865B By right of conquest. Henty JH397B7 By right of sword. Marchmont M3345 By shore and sedge. Harte H253B By still waters. Mayo M457B By stroke of sword. Balfour B196B By the Tiber. Tincker T494B By the waters of Babylon. De Koven. .D3695B By the western sea. Baker B174B By their fruits. Nicholl N5467 Bylow Hill. Cable C112B4 BYNNER, Edwin Lassetter. Agnes Sur- riage B995A Begum's daughter B995B Chase of the Meteor JB995C Damen's ghost B995D Nimport B995N Tritons ,..B995T C Cab and caboose. Munroe JM925C Cabin in the clearing. Ellis. . * JEL56C CABLE, George Washington. Bona ven- ture C112B Bylow Hill C112B4 Cable story book. M. E. Burt, ed JC112C Cavalier C112C Grandissimes C112G John March C112 J Strong hearts C112S3 Cable story book. Burt, ed JC112C Cadet days. King JK58C Cadets of Flemming hall. Ray JR214C Caesar Cascabel. Verne V595C CAFFYN, Mrs. Kathleen Mannington. Minx C1153M CAINE, Thomas Hall. Bondman C123B Captain Davy's honeymoon C123C Christian ■ C123C3 Deemster C123D Eternal city C123E Manxman C1Z3M Scapegoat C123S Son of Hagar C123So Caleb West. Smith SM5Ca Californian stories. Harte H253C Californians. Atherton AT45C CALKINS, Franklin Wells. My host the enemy C1296M Called back. Fargus F225C Callista. Newman N465C Calumet "K." Merwin-Webster M5582C Cambric mask. Chambers C356C CAMBRIDGE, Ada. See CROSS, Mrs. Ada Cambridge. Cameos. Corelli C815C Camiola. McCarthy M126C Camp and trail. Hornibrook JH7863 Camp in the mountains. Ellis JEL56C6 Campaign in Kabylia. Erckmann and Chatrian ER25C Campaign of the jungle. Stratemeyer..jST828C CAMPBELL, Archibald. Captain Mac- donald's daughter C153C CAMPBELL, Helen (Stuart), now Mrs. Weeks. Ballantyne C15315B Miss Melinda's opportunity JC15315 Mrs. Herndon's income C15315M Roger Berkeley's probation JC15315R Some passages in the practice of Dr. Martha Scarborough C15315D CAMPBELL, W. D. Beyond the border..jC15318 Campers out. Ellis JEL56C2 Campfire and wigwam. Ellis JEL56C4 Camping out. Stephens JST44C Camping out on the St. Lawrence. Tom- linson.» ,jT595C Campmates. Munroe JM925C2 Can this be love? Parr P24515C Canadians of old. Gaspe G126C CANDEE, Helen Churchill. Oklahoma romance C1162 Candle and the cat. Leonard JL553C Canoe trip. Smith JSM515T Canoemates. Munroe JM925C4 Canon's ward. Payn P296Ca CANTON, William, ed. True annals of •fairy land JC168R Cape Cod folks. Greene .G8317C 20 FICTION Capillary crime. Millet / M616C Caps and capers. Jackson — jJ1318Ca Capsina. Benson B443C Captain Bayley's heir. Henty JH397C Captain Blake. King K58C Captain Bluitt. Clark C5435C Captain Chap. Stockton jST65Ca Captain Close. King K58C3 Captain Davy's honeymoon. Caine C123C Captain Dieppe. Hawkins H314Ca Captain Dreams. King K58C5 Captain Fritz. Miller JM6136C Captain January. Richards JR39C Captain Jinks, hero. Crosby C884 Captain Landon. Savage SA93C Captain Macdonald's daughter. Camp- bell C153C Captain Macklin. Davis D2918Ca Captain of the crew. Barbour JB233C Captain of the Gray-horse troop G18714C Captain of the Janizaries. Ludlow L965C Captain of the Kittiewink. Ward JW21C Captain of the Polestar, and other tales. Doyle D775C Captain of the school. Robinson JR559C Captain Phil. Thomas JT363C Captain Polly. Swett JSW44C Captain Ravenshaw. Stephens ST44Ca Captain Sam. Eggleston JEG3514C Captain Tom. Kaler JK128C Captains courageous. Kipling K625C Captain's dog. Enault. JEN12C Captain's room. Besant B465C Captain's youngest. Burnett JB935C Capture of the "Laughing Mary." Ka- ler JK128C1 Captured by Indians. Ellis JEL56C7 Captured cruiser. Hyne H995C Carcellini emerald. Harrison H245C2 Cardigan. Chambers C356C2 Cardinal sin. Fargus F225C3 Cardinal's musketeer. Taylor T21516C Cardinal's rose. Sutphen ' SU817C Cardinal's snuff-box. Harland H227C Career of a Nihilist. Dragomanoff D782 CAREY, Rosa Nouchette. Aunt Diana..jC18816A Averil JC18816A7 Barbara Heathcote's trial C188B "But men must work" C188B8 Cousin Mona JC18816C Dr. Luttrell's first patient C188D Esther Cameron's story JC18816E2 For Lilias 1..C188F Heriot's choice C188H Life's trivial round C188Li Little Miss Muffet JC18816L Lover or friend C188L Mary St. John C188M Merle's crusade JC18816M Mistress of Brae-farm C188MI Mollie's prince C188M7 My lady Frivol C188M9 Nellie's memories C188N Not like other girls C188N4 Old, old story C18801 Only the governess C1880 Other people's lives C18802 Our Bessie JC188160 Queenie's whim . C188Q Robert Ord's atonement C188R Search for Basil Lyndhurst C188S Sir Godfrey's granddaughters C188S5 Uncle Max C188U Wee wifle C188W Wooed and married C188W4 CAREY, Wymond. Monsieur Martin C18818 Carita. Oliphant OL35C Carita. Pendleton P373C Carl Krinken. Warner and Warner. .JW24414C CARLETON, William. Jane Sinclair C196J Traits and stories of the Irish peas- antry C196T Carlotta's intended. Stuart ST92C Carlyon's year. Payn P291C1 Carolina cavalier. Eggleston R3514C Carpet-bagger. Read and Pixley R2243C CARR, M. E. Love and honor. C23L Carriston's gift. Fargus F225C5 CARROLL, Lewis, pseud. See DODG- SON, Charles Lutwidge. "Carrots:" just a little boy. Molesworth.jM734C CARRYL, Charles E. Admiral's caravan.jC236A Davy and the goblin JC236D CARSON, William. Hester Blair C237H CARTER, Mary Nelson. North Carolina sketches G243N CASKODEN, Sir Edwin, pseud. See MAJOR, Charles. Casa Braccio. . Crawford C857Ca Case of Mr. Lucraft. Besant and Rice....B466C Casimir Maremma. Helps H367C Casper. Warner JW244C ACTION Cast away in the cold. Hayes JH325C Cast up by the sea. Baker JB17417C Castaways. Kaler JK128C2 Casting away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine. Stockton ST65C Casting of nets. Bagot B148C CASTLE, Mrs. Agnes (Sweetman) and CASTLE, Egerton. Bath comedy .. C275B House of romance C275H Pride of Jennico C275P Secret orchard C275S CASTLE, Egerton. Light of Scarthey. . .C276L Marshfleld, the observer C276M "Young April" C276Y Castle Blair. Shaw JSH28 Castle Craneycrow. McCutcheon M139C Castle Hohenwald. Streckf uss ST84C Castle Inn. Weyman W545C Castle Warlock. Macdonatd M144C CASTLETON, D. R. Salem C278S Cat of Bubastes. Henty JH397C3 Cat stories. Jackson JJ132C Catastrophe in Bohemia. Brooks B79414C Cathedral courtship. Wiggin W637C Catherine. Thackeray T324C Catherine de Medici. Balzac B219Ca CATHERWOOD, Mrs. Mary (Hartwell.) Bony and Ban jC285Bo Days of Jeanne D'Arc C285D Lazarre C285L Mackinac and lake stories C285M Old caravan days JC2850 Old Kaskaskia C2850 Secrets at Roseladies JC285S Spanish Peggy jC285Sp Brave girls, and others JC28515 Cats' Arabian nights. Diaz JD543C Cavalier. Cable C112C Cavaliers. Keightley K262C Cavalry life. Stannard ST2,7C Caxtons. Bulwer-Lytton B878C Cecil Castlemaine's gage. Rame R144C Cecile. Smart, , SM25C Cecilia de Noel. Falconer F184C Cecil's tryst. Payn P296Ce Celebrity. Churchill C475C Celtic fairy tales. Jacobs JJ154C Century too soon. Musick M974C Cerise. Melville M496C CERVANTES, Saavedra Miguel de. Don Quixote : C3357D Same JC3357D C6sar Birotteau. Balzac B219C . CHABOT, Adrian. Dancing master C342D Chainbearer. Cooper C785C CHAMBERLAIN, Nathan Henry. Auto- biography of a New England farm- house C355N CHAMBERS, Robert William. Ashes of empire C356A Cambric mask C356C Cardigan .C356C2 Conspirators C356C3 King in yellow C356K Lorraine C356L Maid-at-arms C356M Red republic C356R CHAMPNEY, Elizabeth Williams. All around a palette JC358A Anneke JC358A4 Great-grandmother's girls in New France JC358G Howling Wolf, and his trick-pony. . .jC358Ho In the sky garden JC358T Rosemary and Rue C358R Witch Winnie JC358W Witch Winnie at Shinnecock JC358S Witch Winnie at Versailles JC358V2 Witch Winnie in Holland JC358H Witch Winnie in Paris JC358P Witch Winnie in Venice JC358V Witch Winnie's mystery jC35"8W4 Witch Winnie's studio JC358W6 Chance acquaintance. Howells H837C Chandos. Rame R144C3 CHANEY, George Leonard. P. Grant and Co JC364F Change of air. Hawkins H314C4 Changeling. Besant B465C3 CHANDLER, Mrs. Amelie Rives, now Princess Troubetzkoy. According to St. John C365A Quick or the dead? C365Q ' Tanis the sang-digger C364T Virginia of Virginia C365V Witness of the sun C365W CHANNING, Blanche M. Winifred West JC366W Channings. Wood W85213C Chantry priest of Barnet. Church C472C Chapel of the infant Jesus; or, what no- body ever told me. Filley JF483C 22 FICTION Chaplain of the fleet. Besant & rtice. . .B466C4 Chaplet of pearls. Yonge Y84C2 CHAPLIN, Fannie P., and HUMPHREY, Mrs. Frances A. Little folks of other lands '. JC36814 CHAPMAN, Katherine Elise. Fairy night's dream JC369F Chapter of adventures. Henty JH397C4 CHARLES, Mrs. Elizabeth (Rundle). Conquering and to conquer C38C Draytons and the Davenants C38D4 Joan the maid C38 J Victory of the vanquished C38V CHARLES, Frances. In the country God forgot C3813 Charles Auchester. Sheppard SH487C Charles O'Malley. Lever L575C CHARLESWORTH, Maria Louisa. Min- istering children JC384M Charlie Bell. Kellogg JK294C Charming Sally. Kaler . . . , JK128C4 CHASE, Jessie Anderson. Mayken JC387M Chase of the leviathan. Reid JR275C. Chase of the Meteor. Bynner JB995C Chasing a yacht. Kaler JK128C5 Chatelaine of La Trinite. Fuller F95415C CHATFI ELD-TAYLOR, Hobart Chatfleld. See TAYLOR, Hobart Chatfleld Chatfleld. CHATRIAN, Alexandre, joint author. See ERCKMANN, Emile. Chautauqua girls at home. Alden JAL22C CHENEY, Mrs. Edna Dow. Child of the tide JC422C Sally Williams JC422S Cherry and Violet. Manning M315C CHESNUTT, Charles Waddell. Conjure woman C4274C Marrow of tradition C4274M Chevalier d'Auriac. Yeats Y32C Chevalier de Maison Rouge. Dumas D892C • Chevalier de St. Denis. Jones J69C Chevalier of Pensieri-Vani. Fuller. . .F95415C4 Chicot the jester. Dumas D892Ch Chief justice. Franzos F859C CHILD, Frank Samuel. Colonial witch. .C4347C Puritan wooing C4347P CHILD, Mrs. Lydia Maria (Francis). Ro- mance of the republic C435R Child life; a first reader. Blaisdell and Blaisdell JB578C Child life in literature; a fourth reader. Blaisdell and Blaisdell JB578C4 Child life in many lands; a third reader. Blaisdell and Blaisdell JB578C3 Child life in prose. Whittier JW617C Child life in tale and fable; a second reader. Blaisdell and Blaisdell. JB578C2 Child of the island glen. Kellogg JK294C4 Child of the tide. Cheney JC422C Child of Tuscany. Bouvet JB668C Child of Urbino. Rame JR144C Child stories. Kipling JK625C Child stories and rhymes. Poulsson JP864C Child stories from the masters. Men- efee JM526C Childhood, boyhood and youth. Tolstoi. ...T585C Childhood of Ojibwa. Jenks JJ426 Children at Sherbourne house. Douglas. .D748Ch Children I have known. Burnett JB935C2 Children of Gibeon. Besant B465C4 Children of the abbey. Roche R584C Children of the earth. Macfarlane M165C Children of the frost. London L845C Children of the Ghetto. Zangwill Z15C Children of the king. Crawford C857C Children of the mist. Phillpotts P546C Children of the new forest. Marryat M347C Children of the soil. Sienkiewicz SI17C Children of Wilton Chase. Smith JSM513C Children's book. Scudder JSCU25C Children's picture book JC436P Children's picture fable-book JC436 Children's primer. Cyr JC9048 Child's dream of a star. Dickens JD552 Chimmie Fadden and Mr. Paul. Town- send W66C4 China cup. Volkhovsky JV885C Chinese fairy tales JC4422 Chinese nights' entertainment. Fielde. . .JF455C Chinese stories. Douglas D74818 CHIPMAN, Charles P., and CHIPMAN, William P. Aerial runaway JC443 CHIPMAN, William P. Young minute men JC4434 Chiquita. Tileston T456C Chita. Hearn H353C CHITTENDEN, L. E. Unknown hero- ine C446U Chloris of the island. Watson W33512C Choir invisible. Allen AL5414C FICTION HOLMONDELEY, Mary. Danver's jewels C4537D Devotee C4537D3 Diana Tempest C4537D5 Moth and rust, and other stories C4537M Red pottage C4537R Sir Charles Danvers C4537S CHOPIN, Mrs. Kate (O'Flaherty.) Bayou folk C454B Chosen valley. Foote F735C BChouans. Balzac B219C2 Choy Susan and other stories. Bishop. ..B545C Chris the model maker. Stoddard JST67C2 Christian. Caine C123C3 Christian, but a Roman. Jokai J675C Christian's mistake. Craik C845C Christie's Christmas. Alden JAL22C5 I Christine Rochefort. Prince P935C Christmas angel. Pyle JP9983C Christmas at Deacon Hackett's. Kaler.jK128Ch3 Christmas at Narragansett. Hale H13C4 Christmas books. Dickens D552C Same JD552C3 Christmas books. Thackeray T324C4 Christmas carol. Dickens JD552C Christmas child. Molesworth JM734C2 Christmas every day, and other stories. Howells JH837C Christmas plum pudding stories. Al- cott and others jAL18Ch Christmas posy. Molesworth JM734C4 Christmas stories. Dickens D552C4 Christmas-tree land. Molesworth JM734C6 Christmas wreck. Stockton ST65C4 Christopher and other stories. Barr B27C Christowell. Blackmore B567C Christy Carew. Hartley H255C Chronic loafer. Lloyd L774C Chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann. Har- ris H24A Chronicles of Count Antonio. Hawkins. ..H315Ch Chronicles of fairyland. Hume JH884C Chrystal, Jack and Co. Munroe JM925C6 Chubby Ruff. Huntington JH923C Chuck Purdy. Stoddard JST67C6 Chumley's post. Stoddard jST67Ch Chums. Pool JP783C CHURCH, Alfred John. Burning of Rome .* JC472B Chantry priest of Barnet C472C Lords of the world JC472L To the lions C472T Three Greek children JC472T With the king at Oxford JC472W Young Macedonian JC472Y CHURCH, Alfred John, and PUTNAM, Ruth. Count of the Saxon shore...jC473C4 CHURCH, Alfred John an4 SEELEY, R. Hammer C473H CHURCHILL, William. Princess of Fiji..C474P CHURCHILL, Winston. Celebrity C475C Crisis C475C4 Richard Carvel C475R CHURCHILL, Winston Leonard Spencer. Savrola C47515S Cigarette-maker's romance. Crawford. ..C857C4 Cigarette papers. Hatton : H286C Cinderella. Crockett C876CI Cinderella. Davis D2918C Cindrella; or, the little glass slipper, and other stories. Lang JL25C Cinq-mars. Vigny V685C Ciphers. Kirk K634C Circle of a century. Harrison H245C3 Circuit rider. Eggleston EG35C Circular study. Rohlfs R635C2 Circumstance. Mitchell M695C City of refuge. Besant B465C6 Clara Vaughan. Blackmore B567C4 Clarence. Harte H253C1 Clarissa Harlowe. Richardson R393C CLARK, Charles Heber. Captain Bluitt C5435C CLARK, Henry Scott, pseud. Legion- aries C544L CLARK, Imogen. God's puppets C545G Will Shakespeare's little lad JC54712W CLARK, Kate Elizabeth. Dominant seventh C546D CLARK, Kate Upson. Up the Witch Brook road C5462V That Mary Ann JC54714 CLARK, Susie C. Lorita C54718L CLARKE, Albert G., jr. Arickaree treas- ure C5&13 CLARKE, Mary Cowden. See CLARKE, Mrs. Mary Victoria Novello Cow- den. CLARKE, Mrs. Mary Victoria Novello Cowden. Iron cousin C5516I 24 FICTION CLARKE, Rebecca Sophia (Sophie May, pseud.') Doctor's daughter JC55D Drone's honey JC55D8 In old Quinnebasset JC55I Little Prudy's sister Susy JC55L7 Miss Thistledown JC55M Quinnebasset girls JC55Q Wee Lucy's secret JC55W Classic stories for the little ones. Mc- Murry ... .' JM228C Classic tales. Edgeworth. JED37C Classic tales. Hunt H91414C Claudia. Douglas D748C Claverings. Trollope T745C3 Claybornes. Sage SA16C Cleared for action. Allen JAL5416C Cleg Kelly. Crockett C876C CLEMENS, Samuel Langhorne (Mark Twain, pseud.) Double-barrelled detective story C592D Man that corrupted Hadleyburg C592M Personal recollections of Joan of Arc..C592J Pudd'nhead Wilson C592P Cleopatra. Ebers EB35C Cleopatra. Haggard H125C Clever tales. Porter and Clarke P83315C Cliff climbers. Reid JR275C4 Cliff-dwellers. Fuller F95415C6 CLIFFORD, Mrs. Lucy (Lane.) Aunt Anne C614A Plash of summer t C614F Grey romance C614G Last touches C614L Margaret Vincent C614Ma Mere stories C614M Mrs. Keith's crime C614M4 Wild proxy C614W CLIFFORD, Mrs. William Kingdon. See CLIFFORD, Mrs. Lucy (Lane). Clocks of Rondaine. Stockton JST65C Cloister and the hearth. Reade R225C2 Cloistering of Ursula. Scollard SC043C CLOVER, Samuel Travers. Paul Tra- ver's adventures JC628 Clover. Woolsey JW886C ' Cluny MacPherson. Barr B27C6 Cluster of nuts. Hinkson H592C2 CLYDE, Anna M. t and WALLACE, Lil- lian. Through the year. 2 v...jC62916 Clyffards of Clyffe. Payn P296C1 Coast of Bohemia. Howells H837C4 Coast of freedom. Shaw SH28C Coeur d'Alene. Foote F735Co COFFIN, Charles Carleton. Dan of Mill- brook JC655D Daughters of the revolution C655D Coign of vantage. Wood W85215C Cola Monti. Craik JC845C Colburn prize. Jackson JJ1318C COLERIDGE, Mary E. King with two faces C676K College girls. Good loe G619C COLLIER, Hon. Margaret. Prince Peer- less JC69P COLLINS, William Wilkie. After dark. .C695A Antonina ' C695A4 Armadale C695A6 Basil C695B Dead secret C695D Hide and seek C695H "I say no" C695I Law and the lady C695L Man and wife C695M Moonstone C695M5 New Magdalen C695N No name C695N3 Poor Miss Finch C695P Queen of hearts C695Q Two destinies C695T Woman in white C695W COLLODI, C. Story of a puppet JC696S COLO MA, Luis. Currita, countess of Al- bornoz C715C Colonel Carter of Cartersville. Smith SM5C Colonel Quaritch, V. C. Haggard H125C5 Colonel Starbottle's client. Harte H253Co Colonel's Christmas dinner. King K58C6 Colonel's daughter. King K58C8 Colonel's money. Llllie JL626C Colonel's opera cloak. Brush B836C Colonial reformer. Browne B8136C Colonial witch. Child C4347C Colossus; a story of today. Roberts. .R54413C COLTON, Arthur. Debatable land C726D Delectable mountain C726 Columbia. Musick M974Co Column. Marriott M3468C COMANCHO, EL, pseud. See PHILLIPS, Walter S. Come with me into Babylon. Ward. . : .W2115C Comedies of courtship. Hawkins H314Co Comet of a season. McCarthy M126C3 FICTION 25 ometh up as a flower. Broughton B798C Coming of Chloe. Hungerford H895C Coming of Theodora. White W5843C Coming race. Bulwer-Lytton B878C4 Complaining millions of men. Fuller. .F95413C COMPTON, Margaret. Snow bird and R other tales JC736S omrades true. Ellis JEL56C8 Comtesse de Charny. Dumas D892C2 Concerning Isabel Carnaby. Fowler F829C Concerning Teddy. Hickson JH525C Condemned as a nihilist. Henty JH397C5 Condensed novels. Harte H253C2 Confessions of a clarionet-player. Erck- mann and Chatrian ER25C4 Confessions of a frivolous girl. Grant.. .G765C Confessions of a matchmaking mother. Davidson D2856C Confessions of a wife. Adams AD144 Confidence. James J23416C2 Confident to-morrow. Matthews M434C3 Confidential agent. Payn P296C Conflict of evidence. Ottolengui . . . .* OT85C Confounding of Camelia. Sedgwick SE25C Coningsby. Disraeli D636C Conjure woman. Chesnutt C4274C CONNOR, Ralph, pseud. See GORDON, Charles William. Conquering and to conquer. Charles C38C Conqueror. Atherton AT45C5 Conquest. Dye D984 CONRAD, Joseph. Lord Jim C7655L Tales of unrest C7655T Typhoon C7655T4 Conscience of Coralie. Moore M784C Conscript of 1813. Erckmann and Chat- rian ER25C6 Conspirators. Chambers C356C3 Conspirators. Dumas D892C6 Constable de Bourbon. Ainsworth AI68C4 Constable of St. Nicholas. Arnold AR65C* Constable's tower. Yonge JY84C Consuelo. Dudevant D865C4 Contarini Fleming. Disraeli D636C4 Continental dragoon. Stephens ST44C Contraband. Melville .M496C4 Convict ship. Russell R914Co Convicts and their children. Auerbach...AU32C CONWAY, Hugh, pseud. See FARGUS, Frederick John. COOK, Grace Louise. Wellesley stories.. C773W COOKE, Grace MacGowan, and McKIN- NEY, A. B. Mistress Joy C77317 COOKE, John Esten. Bonnybel Vane .... C774B Mohun C774M COOKE, Mrs. Rose (Terry). "No" C7745N Somebody's neighbors ; C7745S COOLEY, A. K.. Asaph C775A COOLEY, Ellen Hodges. Boom of a west- ern city C77516B COOLIDGE, Susan, pseud. See WOOL- SEY, Mrs. Sarah Chauncey. COOPER, James Fenimore. Afloat and ashore C785A Bravo. — Mercedes of Castile C785B Chainbearer C785C Crater C785C4 Deerslayer : C785D Heidenmauer. — Headsman C785H2 Homeward bound. — Home as found. .C785H6 Jack Tier C785J Last of the Mohicans C785L Same JC785L Same. N. Y. point for the blind. Lionel Lincoln C785L4 Monikins C785M4 Oak openings C7850 Pathfinder C785P Pilot C785Pi Same jC785Pi Same. N. Y. point for the blind. Prairie C785P6 Precaution — Ways of the hour C785P8 Red rover C785R Redskins C785R4 Sea lions. — Afloat and ashore C785S2 Spy C785S4 Same JC785S4 Two admirals C785T Water-witch C785W Ways of the hour C785W2 Wing and wing C785W6 Wyandotte C785W8 COPPEE, Francois. Tales for Christmas and other seasons C795T Copper princess. Munroe JM925C8 Copperhead. Frederic F874C Coral island. Ballantyne JB214C Coral ship. Munroe JM925C9 CORELLI, Marie. Ardath C815A Barabbas C815B Boy C815B4 26 FICTION Cameos C815C Master Christian C815Ma Mighty atom C815M Murder of Delicia C815M6 Romance of two worlds C815R Sorrows of Satan C815S2 Soul of Lilith i C815S Temporal power C815Te Thelma C815T Vendetta C815V Wormwood C815W Ziska C815Z Corinne. Stael-Holstein ST134C Corleone. Crawford C857Co Cornelius O'Dowd. Lever L575C4 Cornell stories. Sanderson SA54C Cornet of horse . Henty jH397Co Corporal Lige's recruit. Kaler JK128C6 CORYELL, John R. Diego Pinzon JC819D Cossack and czar. Ker JK45C Cossack fairy tales. Bain, ed. and tr JB16C Cossacks. Tolstoi T585C4 Cost of her pride. Hector H357C COSTELLO, Frederick Hankerson. On fighting decks in. 1812 JC8216 Tar of the old school C8216T Under the rattlesnake flag JC8216V COTES, Mrs. Everard. See COTES, Mrs. Sara Jeanette (Duncan.) COTES, Mrs. Sara Jeannette (Duncan). American girl in London C823A Crow's nest C823C His honor and a lady C823H Simple adventures of a memsahib C823S1 Social departure C823S5 Same JC823S5 Story of Sonny Sahib jC823So Those delightful Americans ". C823T Voyage of consolation C823V COUCH, Arthur Thomas Quiller ("Q" pseud.). Astonishing history of Troy town C83A Blue pavilions C83B Dead man's rock C83De Delectable duchy C83D Fairy tales far and near JC83F I saw three ships, and other winter tales C83I la C83I3 Laird's luck, and other fireside stories .. C83L Noughts and crosses C83N Old fires and profitable ghosts C830 Ship of stars C83S Splendid spur '. C83S4 Wandering heath C83W White wolf C83W2 Council of three. Seltzer SB496 Count Hannibal. Weyman W545C5 Count of Monte Cristo. Dumas D892C4 Count of the Saxon shore. Church JC472C4 Count Robert of Paris. Scott SC084C6 Countess Eve. Shorthouse SH84C Countess Gisela. John J615C Countess of Rudolstadt. Dudevant D865C6 Country doctor. Balzac B219C4 Country gentleman and his family. 01 i- phant OL35C3 Country of the pointed firs. Jewett J555C3 Country parson. Balzac B219C5 County family. Payn P296C2 Course of true love. Reade R225C4 Court of Boyville. White JW58515C Courtship by command. Blake B582C Courtship In 1720 and 1860. Smart SM25C4 Cousin Mary. Oliphant OL35C5 Cousin Mona. Carey JC18816C Cousin Nicholas. Barham B238C Cousin Pons. Balzac B219C8 COWAN, J. F. Jo-boat boys '. JC8356J Cowmen and rustlers. Ellis JEL56C9 COX, Marie Mcintosh. See CLARK, Hen- ry Scott, pseud. COZZENS, Samuel Woodworth. Cross- ing the quicksands JC838C Young silver seekers JC838Y Young trail hunters JC838Y4 CRADDOCK, Charles Egbert, pseud. See MURFREE, Mary Noailles. Cradock Nowell. Blackmore .B567Cr CRAGIN, Belle S. Saint Peter and Tom JC843S •CRAIG, Alexander. Ionia C844I CRAIG IE, Mrs. Pearl Mary Teresa (Richards), (John Oliver Hobbs, pseud.) Bundle of life C8443B Herb-moon C8443H Robert Orange C8443R School for saints C8443Sc Serious wooing C8443S4 Sinner's comedy C8443S6 Some emotions and a moral C8443S8 Study in temptations C8443St FICTION 27 C8443T MK, Mrs. Dinah Maria (Mulock) Adventures of a brownie JC845A Agatha's husband C845A Alice Learmont JC845A4 Brave lady . C845B Christian's mistake C845C Cola Monti JC845C Domestic stories C845D Fairy book . .JC845F Half caste C845Ha Hannah C845H Head of the family i C845H4 Hero JC845H His little mother C845H6 Is it true? >. JC845I John Halifax, gentleman C845 J King Arthur C845K Laurel bush C845L Life for a life C845L4 Little lame prince JC845L Little Sunshine's holiday "... . JC845L4 Miss Tommy .C845M2 Mistress and maid C845M My mother and I C845M4 Noble life C845N Nothing new C845N4 Ogilvies C8450 Olive C84504 Our year JC8450 Romantic tales C845R Two marriages C845T Unkind word and other stories C845TJ Woman's kingdom C845W Young Mrs. Jardine C845 Y JRAM, George F. Minette; a story of the first crusade . . . C848M CRANE, Alice Rollins. Smiles and tears C852 CRAN E, Stephen. Active service C853A Little regiment and other episodes of the American civil war C853L Red badge of courage C853R CRANE, Walter. This little pig picture book , JC853T Cranford. Gaskell G214C Crater. Cooper C785C4 CRAWFORD, Francis Marion. Adam Johnstone's son C857Ad American politician C857A Casa Braccio C857Ca Children of the king C857C Cigarette-maker's romance C857C4 Corleone, sequel to "Don Orsino" C857Co Doctor Claudius C857D Don Orsino, sequel to "Sant Ilario" . . . C857D3 Greifstein '. . .C857G In the palace of the king C857I3 Katharine Lauderdale C857Ka Khaled C857K2 Love in idleness C857L Marietta C857M Marion Darche C857M2 Marzio's crucifix C857M3 Mr. Isaacs C857M4 Paul Patoff C857P Pietro Ghisleri C857P6 Ralstons, sequel to "Katharine Lauder- dale" S857Ra Roman singer C857R Rose of yesterday C857Ro Sant Ilario, sequel to "Saracinesca" . .C857Ro Saracinesca C857S4 Tale of a lonely parish C857T Taquisara C857Ta Three fates C857T2 To leeward C857T4 Via crucis C857V Witch of Prague '.C857W With the immortals C857W4 Zoroaster C857Z CRAWFORD, J. H. Autobiography of a tramp C8573 CREED, Sibyl. Vicar of St. Luke's C8632V CRELLIN, H. N. Romances of the Ser- aglio C8654 Cressy. Harte H253C4 CREYTON, Paul, pseud. See TROW- BRIDGE, John Townsend. Crichton. Ainsworth AI68C6 Crime and punishment. Dostoieffsky D745C Crimson sign. Keightley K262Cr Crimson wing. Taylor T21514C Cripps the carrier. Blackmore B567C7 Crisis. Churchill C475C4 Crittenden. Fox F83Cr CROCKETT, Samuel Rutherford. Ban- ner of blue C876Ba Black Douglas C876B1 Bog-myrtle and peat C876B Cinderella C876Ci Cleg Kelly C876C FICTION Dark o' the moon C876D Firebrand C876F Grey man C876G lone March C876I Isle of the winds C876Is Joan of the sword hand C876 J Kit Kennedy; country boy C876K Lad's love C876La Lilac sunbonnet C876L Lochinvar C876Lo Men of the moss-hags C876M Raiders C876R Red axe C876R3 Silver skull C876S1 Standard bearer C876St Stickit minister C876S Stickit minister's wooing C876S6 Surprising adventures of Sir Toady Lion JC876S1 Sweetheart travelers JC876S CROFTON, Mrs. Helen (Milman). Ut- ile ladies ' JC877L Uncle Bill's children JC877U Crofton boys. Martineau JM366C CROFTS, Rev John. Effie and her strange acquaintances JC8775E CROLY, George. Tarry thou till I come. Same as Salathiel C879T CROMMELIN, May. Midge C8813M CROMPTON, Frances E. Gentle herit- age JC68818 Cromwell's own. Paterson P274C CRONWRIGHT, Mrs. See SCHREINER, Olive. Crook of the bough. Norman N785C Crooked stick. Browne B8136C3 CROSBY, Ernest. Captain Jink, hero C884 CROSBY, W. E. Our little book for lit- tle folks JC8840 CROSS, Mrs. Ada (Cambridge) Fidelis. .C885F Humble enterprise C885H Little minx C885L Marked man C885M2 Marriage ceremony C885M4 Mater familias C885M6 My guardian C885M7 Not all in vain C885N Path and goal ^. . . C885P Three Miss Kings C885T CROSS, Mrs. Mary Ann (Evans) Lewes, See ELIOT, George, pseud. Cross Patch and other stories. Wool- sey JW886C3 Cross triumphant. Kingsley K61412C Crossing the quicksands. Cozzens JC838C Crowded out o* Crofield. Stoddard JST67C8 CROWLEY, Mary Catherine. Daughter of New France C8854 Heroine of the strait C8854H CROWN I NSH I ELD, Mrs. Mary (Brad- ford)'. Archbishop and the lady. .C8857A Plucky Smalls JC8857P Valencia's garden C8857V Where the trade wind blows C8857 CROWN I NSH I ELD, Mrs. Schuyler. See CROWNINSHIELD, Mrs. Mary (Bradford). Crow's nest. Cotes C823C Crucial instances. Wharton . . , W554C CRUGER, Mrs. Julie Grinnell (Storrow) (Julien Gordon, pseud.) His let- ters C886H Mrs Clyde C886M Wage of character C886Wa Wedding and other stories C886W World's people C886W4 CRUGER, Mrs. Schuyler Van Rensslaer. See CRUGER, Mrs. Julie Grinnell (Storrow.) CRUIKSHANK, George. Fairy book. . JC888F Cruise of Paul Jones. Kaler JK128C9 Cruise of the Albatross. Allen JAL5412C Cruise of the canoe club. Alden JAL2217C Cruise of the Cascb. Kellogg . ., JK294C6 Cruise of the Comet. Kaler JK128C8 Cruise of the Frolic. Kingston JK616C" Cruise of the "Ghost." Alden JAL2217C4 Crusade of the Excelsior. Harte H253C6 Crust and the cake. Mayo M457C2 Crystal button. Thomas T363C Cuckoo in the nest. Oliphant OL35C7 Cudjo's cave. Trowbridge JT75717C7 Cumberland vendetta. Fox F83C CUMMINS, Maria Susanna. Haunted hearts C915H Lamplighter C915L Mabel Vaughan C915M Cuore. Amicis JAM52C Cup of trembling. Foote F735C4 Cupid's garden. Fowler F829C3 CUPPLES, George. Spliced yarn JC924S Curate in charge. Oliphant OL35C8 FICTION 29 Curious career of Roderick Campbell. Mcllwraith M184C rious courtship of Kate Poins. Ship- man SH66C rrita, countess of Albornoz. Coloma. .C715C URTIS, George William. Prue and I. . .C945P USHING, Paul, pseud. Great Chin epi- sode C954G R, Ellen M. Children's primer JC9948 D b Kinzer. Stoddard JST67D ddy Darwin's dovecot. Ewing JEW55D ddy Jake. Harris JH24D isy. Swan JSW25D isy. Warner r W24416D isy Burns. Kavanagh K17413D isy chain. Yonge Y84D Daisy Miller. James J23416D DALE, Darley. Lottie's wooing D152L DALE, J. S. of., pseud. See STIMSON, Frederic Jesup. Dally. Pool P783D Dame Prism. Matthews JM42414D Damen's ghost. Bynner . . . * B995B Damnation of Theron Ware. Frederic. . .F874D Damsel or two. Moore M784D Dan Drummond of the Drummonds. Glad- win JG459D n of Millbrook. Coffin JC655D DANA, Francis. Leonora of the Yawmish..D19L Dancing master. Chabot .C342D Daniel Deronda. Eliot EL45D Kniel Rock, the blacksmith. Erckmann and Chatrian ER25Da nny. Ollivant OL48D nver's jewels. Cholmondeley C4537D Danvers papers. Yonge, in Lady Hes- ter Y84L Danvis pioneer. Robinson R56D Same JR56D D'Arcy of the guards. Shipman SH66D Dariel. Blackmore.* B567D Dark days. Fargus F225D Dark o' the moon. Crockett C876D Darkness and dawn. Farrar F245D Darlingtons. Peake P314 Dartmoor idylls. Gould G73D Dash for Khartoum. Henty v JH397D DAS K AM, Josephine Dodge. Madness of Philip ....D263M Sister's vocation D263Si Smith college stories D263S Whom the gods destroyed D263W DAUDET, Alphonse. Belle-Nivernaise....jD265B Kings in exile D265K Monday tales D265M Pope's mule and other stories JD265P Daughter of a chieftain. Ellis jEL56Da Daughter of an empress. Mundt M924D Daughter of Eve. Balzac B219Da Daughter of Eve. Kirk K634D Daughter of Fife. Barr B27D Daughter of Heth. Black B563D Daughter of New France. Crowley C8854 Daughter of the Philistines. Boyesen. . .B696D Daughter of the snows. London L845D Daughter of the soil. Blundell B657Da Daughter of the south. Harrison H245D Daughter of the tenements. Townsend. . .T66D Daughters of Babylon. Barrett B27318D Daughters of the revolution. Coffin C655D David Alden's daughter. Austin AU76D David Balfour. Stevenson ST47D David Copperfleld. Dickens D552D David Elginbrod. Macdonald M144D David Grieve. Wgrd W2116D David Harum. Westcott W523D David Poindexter's disappearance. Haw- thorne H315D DAVIDSON, George Trimble. Moderns. ..D285M DAVIDSON, Lillias Campbell. Confes- sions of a matchmaking mother. .D2856C DAVIS, Mrs. Mary Evelyn (Moore.) Jaconetta JD289 Queen's garden D289Q Under the man-fig D289U DAVIS, Mrs. Rebecca Blaine (Harding.) Doctor Warrick's daughters D29D Frances Waldeaux D29F Kent Hampden JD29K Silhouettes of American life D29S DAVIS, Richard Harding. Captain Mack- lin D29l8Ca Cinderella D2918C Exiles and other stories D2918E Gallegher and other stories D2918G King's jackal D2918K Lion and the unicorn D2918L Princess Aline , .D2918P Ranson's folly D2918R Soldiers of fortune D2918S 30 FICTION Stories for boys JD2918S , Van Bibber and others D2918V DAVIS, Varina Anne Jefferson. Romance of summer seas D2919R DAVIS, William Stearns. Belshazzar; a tale of the fall of Babylon D292B Friend of Caesar D292F "God wills it" D292G Davy and the goblin. Carryl JC236D Dawn. Haggard H125D DAY, Thomas. History of Sanford and Merton JD33S Day and night stories. Sullivan SU54D Day at Laguerre's. Smith SM5D Day of fate. Roe R6213D Day of his youth. Brown B81D Day of their wedding. Howells H837Da Day with a tramp. Wyckoff W973D Days like these. Townsend T66D4 Days of auld lang syne. Watson W33514D Days of Bruce. Aguilar AG95D Days of Jeanne D'Arc. Catherwood C285D Days of Lamb and Coleridge. Lord L883D Day's work. Kipling K625D Dead man's rock. Couch C83De Dead secret. Collins C695D Deal with the devil. Phillpotts P546D Dealings with the fairies. Macdonald. JM144D DEANE, Mary. Three little maids JD3432T Dear daughter Dorothy. Plympton JP746D Dear Irish girl. Hinkson H592D Dear lady Disdain. McCarthy M126De Dearly bought. Burn ham B937D Death of the gods. Merejkowski M5442D Death ship. Russell R9 i 14D Debatable land. Colton C726D Deborah. Ludlow L965D Debts of honor. Jokai J675D Decatur and Somers. Seawell JSE17D Deemster. Caine .C123D Deep-sea plunderings. Bullen B8754D Deephaven. Jewett J555D Deerslayer. Cooper C785D Defense of Fort Henry. Kaler JK128D2 Deficient saints. Saunders SA84D DEFOE, Daniel. Life of Colonel Jack. . JD365L Robinson Crusoe JD365R Same, N. Y. point for the blind. DE KOVEN, Annie Farwell. By the wa- ters of Babylon D3695B DE KOVEN, Mrs. Reginald. See DE KOVEN, Mrs. Annie Farwell. Delahoydes. Inman JIN6D DELAND, Ellen Douglas. Alan Rans- ford JD375A In the old Herri ck house JD375I Katrina JD375K Malvern JD375M Oakleigh JD3750 Successful venture JD375S DELAND, Mrs. Margaret Wade (Camp- bell.) John Ward, preacher D375J Philip and his wife D375P Sidney D375S Story of a child JD3753S Wisdom of fools D375W Delectable duchy. Couch C83D Delectable mountain. Colton C726 Deluge. Sienkiewicz SI17D Demagogue. Locke L79D DE MILLE, James. B. O. W. C JD395B Boys of Grand Pre school JD396B3 Fire in the woods JD395F Lost in the fog JD395L Treasure of the^sea JD395T DEMING, Edwin Willard. Indian child life JD3954 Demoniac. Besant B465D Denise and Ned Toodles. Jackson. .. .JJ1318D Denzil Quarrier. Gissing G445D Derelicts of destiny. Lindsay L6447D Derrick Sterling. Munroe JM925D Derrick Vaughan, novelist. Bayly B346D Descendant. Glasgow G46D Desert drama. Doyle D775De Desert home. Reid JR275D4 Deserter. Frederic F874De Deserter. King K58D Desmond hundred. Austin AU76D4 Despatch boat of the Whistle. Stod- dard JST67D3 Desperate remedies. Hardy H22418D Destiny; or, the chief's daughter. Fer- rier F415D Detmold; a romance. Bishop B545D DEVEREUX, Mary. Lafitte of Louisi- ana D495L Devereux. Bulwer-Lytton B878D Devil's ford. t Harte H253D Devil's plough. Farquhar F236D Devil's portrait. Barrili B277D I FICTION 3i Devotee. Cholmondeley C4537D3 DEWEY, Byrd Spilman. Bruno JD514B Diamond cut diamond. Trollope T74517D Diana Carew. Bridges B765D Diana of the crossways. Meredith M544D Diana Tempest. Cholmondeley C4537D5 Diary. Bremer.' B753D Diary of a dreamer. Smith SM49D Diary of a freshman. Flandrau F614D Kiary of a goose girl. Wiggin W637D iary of a late physician. Warner. . ..W254P IAZ, Abby Morton. Cat's Arabian Knights JD543C Story book JD543S William Henry and his friends JD543W William Henry letters JD543W3 ick in the desert. Kaler JK128D4 ick Onslow. Kingston JK616D ick Rodney. Grant JG765D ick Sand. Verne V595D2 DICKENS, Charles. Barnaby Rudge D552B P Bleak house -. ..D552B4 Child's dream of a star JD552 Christmas books D552C Same JD552C3 Christmas carol JD552C Christmas stories D552C4 I David Copperfield D552D Dombey and son D552D4 Edwin Drood D552E Great expectations D552G Hard times D552H Little Dorrit D552L Martin Chuzzlewit D552M' Nicholas Nickleby D552N No thoroughfare D552No Old curiosity shop D5520 Oliver Twist D55202 Our mutual friend D55 04 Pickwick papers D552P Sketches by Boz D552S Tale of two cities * D552T Same, N. Y. point for the blind. Uncommercial traveller D552U Dick's wanderings. Sturgis ST93D DICKSON, Harris. Black Wolf's breed...D567B Dictator. McCarthy M126D Diddie, Dumps and Tot. Pyrnelle JP999D Diego Pinzon. Coryell JC819D Digby Grand. Melville M496D Dilly and the captain. Lothrop JL914D Dimitri Roudine. Tourgeneff T845D Dion and the sibyls. Keon K434D Dionysius, the weaver's heart's dearest. Howard H833D Diplomatic disenchantments. Bigelow. . .B484D Diplomatic woman. Mee M476D Disciple. Bourget B665D Disentanglers. Lang L25D Dishonor of Frank Scott. Hamilton. . .H18416D DISRAELI, Benjamin, earl of Beacons- field. Alroy D636A Coningsby D636C Contarini Fleming D636C4 Endymion D636E Henrietta Temple D636H Lothair D636L Sybil D636S Tancred D636T Venetia D636V Vivian Grey D636V6 Young duke D636Y Distinguished provincial at Paris. Bal- zac B219G Same as Great man of the provinces. District messenger boy. Kaler JK128D6 Divers women. Alden JAL2215D DIX, Beulah Marie. Hugh Gwyeth D644H Making of Christopher Ferringham. . .D644M Soldier Rigdale. D644S DIX, Beulah Marie, and HARPER, Carrie A. Beau's comedy D64414 DIX, Edwin Asa. Old Bowen's legacy. .D6442 DIX, Gertrude. Image breakers D6444I DIXON, Mrs. See LESLIE, Emma, pseud. DIXON, Ella Hep worth. Story of a mod- ern woman D646S DIXON, Thomas, jr. Leopard's spots. . .D6464L Dmitri. Bain B16D Dobleys. Masterson M394D Doc' Home. Ade AD33D Docia's journal. Alden JAL22D Dr. Austin's guests. Gilbert G375D Dr. Barriere. Oliphant. in That little cutty OL35T Doctor Ben. Witherspoon W775D Dr. Breen's practice. Howells H837D Doctor Bryson. Spearman SP328D Doctor Carrington. Vane V288D Doctor Claudius. Crawford C857D Dr. Dumany's wife. Jokal J675D4 32 FICTION Doctor Grimahawe's secret. Haw- thorne H31517D Doctor, his wife and his clock. Rohlfs. .R635D4 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Stevenson. . .ST47S Dr. Latimer. Burn ham B937D5 Dr. Le Baron and his daughters. Austin. AU76D6 Dr. Luttrell's first patient. Carey C188D Dr. Martha Scarborough. Campbell. .C15315D Dr. North and his friends. Mitchell.. ..M695D3 Doctor of the old school. Watson. . .W33514D4 Doctor Therne. Haggard H125D4 Doctor Thorne. Trollope T745D Dr. Wainwright's patient. Yates Y26D Dr. Warrick's daughters. Davis D29D Dr. Wortle's school. Trollope T745D2 Doctor's daughter. Clarke JC55D Doctor's dilemma. Smith SM513D4 DODGE, Mrs. Mary Mapes. Donald and Dorothy JD665D Hans Brinker JD665H Land of pluck JD665L ed. New baby world JD665B DODGSON, Charles Lutwidge (Lewis Carroll, pseud.) Alice's adventures in Wonderland. — Through the look- ing-glass JD667A Sylvie and Bruno . JD667S Sylvie and Bruno concluded JD667S2 Through the looking-glass JD667T Dog Crusoe and his master. Ballantyne...jB214D Dog fiend; or, Snarlyyow. Marryat M374S Dog of Flanders. Rame R144D Dog watches at sea. King K5817D Dogs and their doings. Morris JM834D Dog's mission. Stowe JST76D Doing and dreaming. Mayo M457D4 Doings of Raffles Haw. Doyle D775D Doings of the Bodley family. Scudder..jSCU25B DOLE, Edmund P. Hiwa D683H Dollikins and the miser. Eaton JEA84D Dolliver romance. Hawthorne H31517D4 Dolly. Burnett B935D Dolly dialogues. Hawkins H314D Dombey and son. Dickens D552D4 Domestic experiment. MacFall M164D Domestic stories. Craik C845D Dominant seventh. Clark C546D Don John. Ingelow IN44D Don Orsino. Crawford ?C857D3 Don Quixote. Cervantes : . .C3357D Same JC3357D Dona Luz. Valera V236D Donald and Dorothy. Dodge JD665D Donald Grant. Macdonald ' M144D3 Donald Marcy. Ward W21D Donald Ross of Heimra. Black B563D4 Donovan. Bayly B346D4 Donovan Pasha, and some -people of Egypt. Parker P224D Doom castle. Munro M9248D Dora's motto. Mathews JM424D Doreen. Bayly B846D6 Doris. Hungerford H895D4 Doris and her dog Rodney. Wessel- hoeft JW515D Doris and Theodora. Vandegrift JV284D Doris Cheyne. Swan SW25D Dorothy. Woolson W887D Dorothy and her friends. Kirk JK634D Dorothy Deane. Kirk '. JK634D3 Dorothy Forster. Besant B465D3 Dorothy Fox. Parr P24515D Dorothy Gray. Talcott T143D Dorothy Marlow. Marchmont M3345D Dorothy South. Eggleston EG35J4D Dorothy, the puritan. Watson W335D Dorothy 1 Vernon of Haddon Hall. Major...M288D Dorothy Wallis. Besant B465D4 Dorothy's experience. Trafton JT675D Dorymates. Munroe JM925D DOSTOIEFFSKY, Fedor Mikhailovitch. Crime and punishment D745C Idiot D745I Double-barreled detective story. Clem- ens C592D Double marriage. Reade R225D Double thread. Fowler F829D DOUDNEY, Sarah. Prudence Winter- burn D746P DOUGLAS, Amanda Minnie. Almost as % good as a boy JD748A Bethia Wray's new name D748B Children of Sherburne house D748Ch Claudia D748C Floyd Grandon's honor D748F Foes of her household D748F2 Fortunes of the Faradays D748F4 From hand to mouth D748F6 Hannah Ann JD748H Heirs of Bradley house D748H2 Heirs of Sherburne D748H3 Her place in the world D748He FICTION 33 Home nook D748H Hope Mills D748H4 In the king's country D748K In the ranks JD748I In trust ' D748I In wild rose time JD748W Kathie's aunt Ruth JD748K Kathie's harvest days JD748K2 Kathie's soldiers JD748K3 Kathie's summer at Cedarwood JD748K4 Kathie's three wishes JD748K5 Larry :.jD748L Little girl in old Boston JD748L2 Little girl in old New Orleans jD748Li Little girl in old New York JD748L3 Little girl in old Philadelphia ...JD748L5 Little girl in old Washington JD748L9 Lost in a great city D748L4 Lyndell Sherburne D748L8 Mistress of Sherburne D748Mi Modern Adam and Eve in a garden. . .D748M Nellie Kinnard's kingdom D748N Old woman who lived in a shoe JD7480 Osborne of Arrochar D7480 Out of the wreck D74804 Question of silence D748Q Santa Claus land JD74S39 Seven daughters D748S Sherburne cousins D748S3 Sherburne girls D748S4 Sherburne house D748Sh Sherburne inheritance D748S5 Sherburne romance D748S6 Stephen Dane D748S8 Sydnie Adriance D748S9 Whom Kathie married D748W Woman's inheritance D748W4 DOUGLAS, George, pseud. See BROWN, George B. DOUGLAS, Robert Kennaway. Chinese stories D74818 Dove in the eagle's nest. Yonge Y84D4 DOWIE, Menie Muriel. See NORMAN, Mrs. M6nie Muriel (Dowie.) Down the Mississippi. Ellis JEL56D Down the ravine. Murfree M945D4 Down the west branch. Farrar JF245D DOWNING, Hall. Nell Gwynne of old Drury D756N DOYLE, Sir Arthur Conan. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes D775A Beyond the city D775B Captain of the Polestar D775C Desert drama. Same as Tragedy of Korosko D775De Doings of Raffles Haw D775D Duet D775D4 Exploits of Brigadier Gerard D775E Firm of Girdlestone D775F Great shadow D775G Green flag and other stories D775G4 Gully of Blueman's dyke D775G8 Hound of the Baskervilles D775M Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes D775M Micah Clarke D775M3 Refugees D775R Rodney Stone D775R2 ■ Round the red lamp D775Ro Sign of the four D775Si Stark Munro letters D775St Study in scarlet D775S4 Uncle Bernac D775U White company D775W DOYLE, Charles William. Shadow of Quong Lung D77513S DOYLE, Conan. See DOYLE, Sir Arthur Conan. Dozen from Lakerim. Hughes JH8758D Dozen of them. Alden JAL22D6 DRACHMANN, Holger. Nanna D7817N DRAGOMANOFF, Sergius Mikhail (Step- niak, pseud.) Career of a Nihilist..D7823 Dragon and raven. Henty JH397D6 Dragon of Wantley. Wister JW765D DRAKE, Samuel Adams. Watch fires of '76 JD783W Drama in sunshine. Vachell V135D Draytons and the Davenants. Charles. .C38D4 Dream children. Brownell JB8142 Dream children. Scudder JSCU25D Dream days. \ Grahame G7623D Dream fox story book. Wright JW933D Dream life and real life. Schreiner. . .SCH75D v Dream of a modest prophet. Leggett. . .L526D Dream of a throne. Embree EM13D Dream stories. Andersen JAN25D Dreamers of the ghetto. Zangwill Z15D Dred. Stowe ST76D D'ri and I. Bacheller B126D Driven back to Eden. Roe R6213D3 DROMGOOLE, Miss Will Allen. Far- rier's dog and his fellow .JD833F 34 FICTION Valley path D833V Drone and a dreamer. Lloyd L774D Drone's honey. Clarke JC55D8 Dross. Scott SC082D DRUMMOND, Hamilton. King's pawn..D844H Man of his age D844M Seigneur de Beaufoy D844Se Seven houses D844S DRUMMOND, Henry. Monkey that would not kill JD844M DRYSDALE, William. Beach patrol. . .JD848B Mystery of Abel Forefinger JD848M DUBOIS, Constance Godard. Soul in bronze D853S DU CHAILLU, Paul Belloni. Ivar the Viking JD854I King Mombo JD854K Lost in the jungle JD854L DUCHESS, pseud. See HUNGERFORD, Mrs. Margaret (Hamilton) Argles. Duchess. Hungerford . H895D6 Duchess de Langeais. Balzac B219D DUDENEY, Mrs. Henry. Folly corner. . .D863F Spindle and plough D863S DUDEVANT, Mme. Amantine Lucile Au- rore (Dupin) (George Sand, pseud.) Antonia D865A Consuelo D865C4 Countess of Rudolstadt D865C6 Haunted pool D865H Nanon D865N Duenna of a genius. Blundell J5627D DUER, Caroline. Unconscious come- dians D868 Duet. Doyle D775D4 Duffels. Eggleston EG35D Duke of Stockbridge. Bellamy B416D Dulce's promise. Scannell JSCA66D DUMAS, Alexandre Davy. Brigand D892B6 Chevalier de Maison Rouge . . i D892C Chicot the jester D892Ch Conspirators D892C6 Count of Monte Cristo D892C4 Countess de Charny D892C2 Forty-five guardsmen .D892F Horoscope D892H4 Louise de la Valliere D892L Man in the iron mask D892Ma Marguerite de Valois D892M2 Memoirs of a physician D892M4 Monsieur de Chauvelin's will D892M7 Queen's necklace D892Q Regent's daughter D892R Son of Porthos D892S4 Sylvandire D892S8 Taking the Bastile ', D892Ta Ten years later D892Te Three guardsmen. Same as Three musketeers D892T2 Three musketeers. Same as Three guardsmen D892T4 Twenty years after D892T6 Two Dianas D892Tw Vicomte de Bragelonne D892V DU MAURI ER, George Louis Palmella Busson. Martian D896M Peter Ibbetson D896P Trilby D896T Dumb foxglove. Slosson SL55D DUNBAR, Paul Laurence. Fanatics D91Fa Folks from Dixie D91F Love of Landry D91L Strength of Gideon D91S DUNCAN, Norman. Soul of the street. ..D914S DUNCAN, Sara Jeanette. See COTES, Mrs. Sara Jeanette (Duncan.) Duncans on land and sea. Woods JW867D DUNN, Byron A. From Atlanta to the sea JD926F On General Thomas's staff JD926 DUNN, Martha Baker. Memory street. .D925M DUNTON, Larkin, ed. World and its peo- ple, Book 1, first lessons JD929 World and its people, Book 2, glimpses of the world JD929G DUNTON, Theodore Watts. Aylwin D929A DURAND, Mrs. Alice Marie, C. F. (Henri Greville, pseud.) Nikanor. D932N Dusantes. Stockton ST65D Dust. Hawthorne H315D4 Dutton's holiday annual for 1901. Fuller, ed '. ...JF954 Dwarf's tailor. Underhill JUN23 Dwellers in the hills. Post P8445 DYE, Eva Emery. Conquest D984 Dynamiter. Stevenson and Stevenson. ST4715D Dynevor terrace. Yonge Y84D6 E Each and all. Andrews JAN27E Each life unfulfilled. Ray R214 Eagle's heart. Garland.-. G18714E FICTION 35 EARLE, Mary Tracy. Thro' old rose glasses EA73T Earle's daughter. Sewell SE86E Earlier stories. Burnett B935E Earth trembled. Roe R6213E East Angels. Woolson W887E East Lynne. Wood W85213E EASTMAN, Charlotte Whitney. Evolu- tion of Dodd's sister EA78E Eastover court house. Boone and Brown B6465E EATON, F. Dollikins and the miser. . .JEA84D Ebb-tide Fisher F534E Ebb tide. Stevenson and Osbourne ST48E Ebbing of the tide. Becke B3865Eb Eben Holden. Bacheller B126E EBERS, Georg Moritz. Arachne EB35A Bride of the Nile EB35B Burgomasters wife EB35B4 Cleopatra EB35C Egyptian princess EB35E Emperor EB35E4 Homo sum EB35H In the desert EB35I2 Joshua EB35J King and queen of Mollebusch EB35K Margery EB35M Only a word ! EB350 Same as Word only a word. Uarda EB35U Word only a word EB35W Same as Only a word. Echo of a passion. Lathrop L345E EDGEWORTH, Marie. Classic tales. . JED37C Moral tales JED37M Popular tales ED37P Editha's burglar. Burnett JB935E Editor's tales. Trollope T745E Ednah and her brothers. White JW585E Edward Barry. Becke B3865E Edward Burton. Wood W85214E EDWARDES, Mrs. Annie. Susan Field- ing ED95S EDWARDS, Harry Stillwell. His defense, and other stories ED9515H Sons and fathers ED9515S Two runaways and other stories ED9515T Edwin Erothertoft. Winthrop. . . •. W737E Edwin Drood. Dickens D552E Effie and her strange acquaintances. Crofts JC8775E EGGLESTON, Edward. American life and adventures JEG35A Circuit rider EG35C Duffels ) EG35D Faith doctor EG35F Graysons EG35G Hoosier schoolboy JEG35H Hoosier school-master EG35H Mystery of Metropolisville EG3'5M Queer stories for boys and girls JEG35Q Roxy EG35R EGGLESTON, George Cary. Big broth- er...?.... JEG3514B Captain Sam JEG3514C Carolina cavalier EG3514C Dorothy South EG3514D Last of the flat-boats; story of the Mississippi JEG3514L Egoist. Meredith M544E Egyptian princess. Ebers EB35E EHRMANN, Max. Fearsome riddle EH84F Mystery of Madeline Le Blanc EH84M Eight cousins. Alcott JAL18E Eight hundred leagues on the Amazon. Verne V595E Ekkehard. Scheffel SCH22E EL COMANCHO, pseud. See PHILLIPS, Walter S. Elder Boise. Tomlinson... T595E Eleanor. Ward W2116E Eleanor and I. Bamford JB2194E Eleanor Lambert. Brooke B792E Elect lady. Macdonald M144E Electrical boy. Trowbridge JT75715E Eleventh commandment. Barri I i B277E Elfin stories. Andersen JAN25E ELIOT, Annie, pseud, of Mrs. Annie Eliot Trumbull. White birches. .EL43W ELIOT, George, pseud, of Mrs. Mary Ann (Evans) Lewes Cross. Adam Bede EL45A Daniel Deronda EL45D Felix Holt EL45F Middlemarch EL45M Mill on the floss EL45Mi Romola EL45R Silas Marner EL45S Same JEL45S Elissa. Haggard H125E1 Elizabeth and her German garden. Ar- nim AR64E 36 FICTION Elizabeth's pretenders. Aide TI24E Ellice Quentin. Hawthorne H315E ELLIOTT, Sarah Barnwell. Incident and other happenings EL5571 Jerry EL557J Making of Jane EL557M ELLIS, Edward Sylvester. Across Tex- as JEL56A Adrift in the wilds JEL56A3 Among the Esquimaux JEL56A5 Astray in the forest JEL56A6 Blazing Arrow JEL56B2 Boy hunters of Kentucky JEL56B3 Boy patriots JEL56B5 Brave Tom JEL56B8 Cabin in the clearing JEL56C Camp in the mountains JEL56C6 Campers out JEL56C2 Campflre and wigwam JEL56C4 Captured by Indians JEL56C7 Comrades true JEL56C8 Cowmen and rustlers JEL56C9 Daughter of a chieftain jEL56Da Down the Mississippi JEL56D Footprints in the forest JEL56F Four boys JEL56F4 From the throttle to the president's chair EL56F5 Same JEL56F5 Great cattle trail JEL56G Honest Tom jEL56Ho Hunters of the Ozark JEL56H In red Indian trails jEL56In In the days of the pioneers JEL56I Iron heart . JEL56I3 Jack Midwood jEL56Ja Jaunt through Java JEL56J Klondike nuggets JEL56K Land of wonders jEL56La Last war trail JEL56L Lena-Wingo, the Mohawk JEL56L3 Lost in Samoa JEL56L5 Lost in the Rockies jEL56Lo Lost in the wilds JEL56L6 Lost trail JEL56L7 Ned in the block house JEL56N Ned in the woods JEL56N2 Ned on the river JEL56N4 On the trail of the moose JEL5602 Our Jim JEL5606 Path in the ravine JEL56P Phantom of the river JEL56P2 Pontiac, chief of the Ottawas JEL56P3 Red Eagle JEL56R2 Red feather JEL56R4 Red plume JEL56R6 Righting the wrong jELo$R8 River fugitives JEL56R9 Secret of Coffin island jEL56Se Shod with silence jEL56Sh Storm mountain JEL56S4 Strange craft and its wonderful voy- age JEL56S6 Tad JEL56T Tecumseh JEL56T4 Through forest and fire JEL56T6 Through jungle and wilderness JEL56T7 True to his trust JEL56T8 Two boys in Wyoming JEL56T9 Uncrowning a king jEL56Un Up the Tapajos JEL56U Waif of the mountains JEL56W9 Wilderness fugitives JEL56W Wolf Ear the Indian JEL56W4 Wyoming JEL56W6 Young conductor JEL56Y1 Young gold seekers of the Klondike..jEL56Yo Young hero JEL56Y Young ranchers •■ JEL56Y6 Young scout JEL56Y8 ELLIS, Edwin J. Man of seven offers..EL5614M ELLIS, J. Breckenridge. Holland wolves EL583H Elsie Venner. Holmes H734E Elsket. Page P145E Elusive Hildegarde. Martin M365E Emancipated. Gissing G445E Embarrassments. James J23416Em EMBREE, Charles Fleming. Dream of a throne EM13D .Heart of flame EM13H EMERSON, Willis George. Buell Hamp- ton EM34B Emigrant ship. Russell R914E Emma. Austen AU74E Emmet Bonlore. Read R224E EMORY, Frederick. Maryland manor.. EM63M Emperor. Ebers EB35E4 Empress Josephine. Mundt M924E Empress Octavia. Walloth W1574E En route. Huysmans H986E ENAULT, L. Captain's dog JEN12C FICTION 37 Snchanted burro. Lummis L975E Enchanting and enchanted. Hack- lander JH117E End of a rainbow. Johnson JJ633E Endymion. Disraeli D636E Enemy to the king. Stephens ST44E English channel. Abbott JAB25E English fairy tales. Jacobs JJ132E Englishman's love letters EN357 Englishwoman's love letters. Ho us- man H815E Enoch Willoughby. Wickersham W635E Epicurean. Moore M78418E Equal to the occasion. Mayo M457E Equality. Bellamy B416E ERCKMANN, Emile, and CHATRIAN, Alexandre. Alsacian schoolmaster ER25A Brothers Rantzau ER25B4 Campaign in Kabylia ER25C Confessions of a clarionet-player ER25C4 Conscript of 1813 ER25C6 Daniel Rock, the blacksmith ER27>Da Great invasion of 1813-14 ER25G Illustrious Dr. Matheus . . . ER25D Madame Therese ER25M Polish Jew ER25P States general ER25St Stories of the Rhine ER25S Wild huntsman ER25W4 Year one of the republic ER25 Y Erema. Blackmore B567E Eric. Farrar JF24514E Eric Brighteyes. Haggard H125E Erlach court. Schubin ' SCH76E Erling the bold. Ballantyne JB214E Ernest Maltravers. Bulwer-Lytton B878E Errant wooing. Harrison H245E ERSKINE, Mrs. Thflmas. Wyncote ....ER85W Escape from the tower. Marshall M355E Esmeralda. Burnett B935E5 Espiritu Santo. Skinner SK36E Estevan. Musick M974E Esther Cameron's story. Carey JC18816E2 Eternal city. Caine C123E Eternal quest. Steuart ST464E Etidorhpa. Lloyd L77E EUBANK, Lulu Katherine. Old Glory.. ETJ160 Eugene Aram. Bulwer-Lytton B878E Eugenie Grandet. Balzac B219E Euphrosyne. Lawson L466E Europeans. James J23416E Eustace^diamonds. Trollope T745E2 Evan Harrington. Meredith M544E4 EVANS, Augusta, pseud. See WILSON, Mrs. Augusta Evans. EVANS, Mary Ann. See ELIOT, George, pseud. Evelina. Arblay AR16E Evening tales. Ortoli JOR86E Every inch a king. Sawyer SA955 Everyone his own way. Wyatt W968E Evolution of Dodd. Smith SM519 Evolution of Dodd's sister. Eastman EA78E EWELL, Alice Maud. White guard to Satan EW34W EWING, Juliana Horatio (Gatty). Broth- ers of pity JEW55B2 Brownies EW55B4 Daddy Darwin's dove cote JEW55D Flat-iron for a farthing JEW55F Great emergency JEW55G Jackanapes JEW55J Jan of the windmill JEW55J4 ' Lob-Lie-by-the-fire JEW55L Melchior's dream JEW55M Mrs. Overtheway's remembrances. JEW55M4 Six to sixteen JEW55S Story of a short life JEW55S2 We and the world JEW55W Exact truth. Alden JAL22E Excursion to the Orkney islands. Ab- bott . JAB250 Executor. Hector H357E Exiles and other stories. Davis D2918E Expedition of Humphrey Clinker. Smol- lett SM75E Expiation. French F886E Exploits of Brigadier Gerard. Doyle D775E Express messenger. Warman W238E Eye of a god. Fraser F8644E Eyebright. Woolsey JW886E Ezra Caine. Sharts SH256 Ezra Jordan's escape. Kaler JK128E7 F F. Grant and Co. Chaney JC364F Fabiola. Wiseman W756F Fables. Aesop JAE85F Same. New York point for the blind. Fables and folk stories. Scudder JSCU25F Face illumined. Roe R6213F Facing death. Henty JH397F 38 FICTION Faience violin. Fleury-Husson F63CF Fair barbarian. Burnett B935F Fair god. Wallace W156F Fair maid of Perth. Scott SC084F Fair Saxon. McCarthy M126F Faire gospeller. Manning M315F Fairy book. Craik JC845F Fairy book. Cruikshank JC888F Fairy book. Laboulaye JL115F Fairy nights' dream. Chapman JC369F Fairy stories and fables. Baldwin JB193F Same. New York point for the blind. Fairy tale and fable. Thompson JT37415 Fairy tales. Andersen JAN25F Fairy tales. Grimm, ed by Wiltse JG885F Same. New York point for the blind. Fairy tales. Rolfe. ed JR644F Fairy tales in other lands. Goddard. . . JG544F Fairy tales far and near. Couch JC83F Fairy tales from far Japan. Ballard, tr. . JB2145 Fairy tales from the far north. Asbjbrn- sen JAS15F Faith and unfaith. Hungerford H895F Faith doctor. Eggleston EG35F Falcon of Langeac. Whiteley W587F FALCONER, Lanoe, pseud of Mary Haw ker. Cecilia de Noel F184C Fallen fortunes. Payn P296F False start. Smart SM25F Family affair. Fargus F225F Family feud. Harder H216F Family scapegrace. Payn P296F2 Family tree and other stories. Mat- thews M434F Fanatics. Dunbar D91Fa Fanciful tales. Stockton jST65Fa Far away and long ago. Kemble K315F Far-away melody. Wilkins W654F Far from the maddening crowd. Hardy. H22418F Far in the forest. Mitchell M695F FARGUS, Frederick John (Hugh Con- way, pseud.) Bound together F225B Called back F225C Cardinal sin F225C3 Carriston's gift F225C5 Dark days F225D Family affair F225F Living or dead F225L Slings and arrows F225S F A R J EO N , Benjamin Leopold. Grif F227G Last tenant F227L FARMER, James Eugene. Grenadier. . .F228G FARQUHAR, Anna, now Mrs. Bergen- gren. Devil's plough F236D Her Boston experiences F236H Her Washington experiences F236H2 FARQUHARSON, A. C. St. Nazarius. .F237S FARRAR, Charles Alden John. . Down the west branch JF245D Wild woods life JF245W FARRAR, Frederick William. Darkness and dawn F245D Eric JF24514E Gathering clouds F245G Julian Home F245 J St. Winifred's JF24514S Farrier's dog and his fellow. Drom- goole JD833F Farringdons. Fowler F829F Fate of Mansfield Humphreys. White.. W585F Fated to be free. Ingelow IN44F Father and daughter. Bremer B753F Father Brighthopes. Trowbridge ...jT75717Fa Father Stafford. Hawkins' H314F Fathers and sons. Tourgenieff T845F Father's curse. Balzac B219F2 Favor of princes. Luther L976F Fearful responsibility. Howells H837F Fearsome riddle. Ehrmann EH84F Feather. Hueffer JH872F Feet of clay. Barr B27F Felix Holt. Eliot EL45F Fellowe and his wife. Howard, and Sharpe H83315F FENN, George Manville. Black tor JF364B Nurse Elisia F364N Uncle Bart JT364U Vicar's people F364V Ferdinand. Count Fathom.' Smollett... .SM75C FERGUSON, Sir Samuel. Hibernian night's entertainment F382 Fernley House. Richards JR39F FERRIER, Susan Edmonstone. Des- tiny; or, the chief's daughter F415D Inheritance F415I Marriage F415M Fianders widow. Blundell B627F Fickle wheel. Stephenson ST45F Fiddler of Lugau. Roberts R544F Fidelis. Cross C885F FIELD, Caroline Leslie. Nannie's hap- py childhood JF454W FICTION 39 IELD, Charles Kellogg, and IRWIN, Will Henry. Stanford stories. . .F45314S IELD, Eugene. Holy cross and other tales F454H House F454Ho Little book of profitable tales F454L Second book of tales F454S IELDE, Adele M. Chinese nights' en- tertainments JF455C I ELDING, Henry. Adventures of Jo- seph Andrews F465J4 History of Amelia F465A Jonathan Wild F465J Tom Jones F465T IELDING, Henry. Thibaw's queen ...F4653T ifth string. Sousa S085F Fifty famous stories retold. Baldwin. .JB193F3 Fifty years, three months, two days. Wolff W831F Fight for the crown. Norris N795F Fight with fate. Hector H357Fi Fighting bishop. Hopkins H774F Filibusters. Hyne H995F IFILLEY, Mrs. Chauncey. Chapel of the infant Jesus; or, what nobody ever told me ..JF483C FILON, Pierre Marie Augustin. Garrick's pupil F487G Findelkind. Rame JR144F Finding of the gentian. Rollins JR652F ■FIND LATER, Jane Helen. Green graves of Balgowrie F495G Rachel F405R FINN, Francis J. Percy Wynn JF499P Finn and his companions. O'Grady JOG73F Fire in the woods. De Mi lie t . .JD395F Firebrand. Crockett C876F Firelight stories. Moulton JM868F Fireside battles. Brown B8114F Firm of Girdlestone. Doyle D775F First Christmas tree. Van Dyke JV286 First cruiser out. Stoddard JST67F First family of Tasajara. Harte H253F First fleet -family. Becke B3865F First harvests. Stimson ST55F First men in the moon. Wells W463F First supper. Sturgis ST927F First violin. Fothergill F824F First year book. Hazen JH337F FISGUILL, Richard, pseud. See WIL- SON, Richard Henry. FISH, Williston. Short rations F53S FISHER, Frances C. (Christian Reid, pseud.). Bonny Kate F534B Ebb tide , F534E Land of the sky F534L Mabel Lee Fo34M Question of honor F534Q Summer idyl F534S Valerie Aylmer F534V Fisher boys of Pleasant Cove. Kellogg. .JK294F Fisher-maiden. Bjbrnson ,. .B556F Fishin' Jimmy. Slosson SL55F FISKE, Amos Kidder. Beyond the bourn F544B Fitch club. Williams JW6733F Five days experiments at Wentworth Grange. Palgrave JP175W Five little finger stories. Warner . . . JW24414 Five little Peppers abroad. Lothrop. . . .JL914F Five little Peppers and how they grew. Lothrop JL914F Five little Peppers grown ifp. Lothrop. ..JL915F2 Dive little Peppers midway. Lothrop. .JL914F4 Five old friends. Ritchie JR517F Flamingo feather. Munroe JM925F FLANDRAU, Charles Macomb. Diary of a freshman F614D Harvard episodes F614H Flash of summer. Clifford C614F Flat-iron for a farthing. Ewing JEW55F FLAUBERT, Gustave. Salammbo F618S Flavia. Leslie L565F FLEMING, Mrs. Alice M. (Kipling). Pinchbeck goddess F625P FLEMING, George, pseud. See FLETCH- ER, Julia Constance. FLETCHER, Julia Constance (George Fleming, pseud.). Andromeda ...F635A Head of Medusa F635H Kismet F635K Mirage ' . . . F635M Truth about Clement Ker F635T Vestigia t F635V FLETCHER, Robert Howe. Marjorie and her papa '. . . JF635M FLEURY-HUSSON, Jules. Faience vio- lin F636F Flight of the shadow. Macdonald M144F Flip and other stories. Harte H253F1 Flipwing the spy. Wesselh*oeft JW513F Flitch of bacon. Ainsworth AI68F 40 FICTION Floating prince. Stockton JST65F Flock of boys and girls. Perry JP425F Flood-tide. Greene G8317F Florence and John. Abbott , JAB25F Florence stories — Visit to the Isle of Wight. Abbott JAB25I Florence's return. Abbott JAB25F4 Flotsam. Scott SC082F FLOWER, Elliott. Policeman Flynn F669P Flower de hundred. Harrison H245F Flower pf forgiveness. Steel ST34F1 Flower of Gala Water. Barr B27F2 Flower of the family. Prentiss JP915F Flower of the tropics. Sutton SU82F Flower of the wilderness. Plympton. . .JP746F Flower that grew in the sand. Higgin- son H534F Flowery scroll. Bowring, tr B688F Floyd Grandon's honor. Douglas D748F Flute and violin. Allen AL5414F Flying Hill farm. Swett JSW44F FLYNT, Josiah, pseud. See WILLARD, Josiah Flynt. Foes in ambush. King K58F Foes in law. Broughton B798F Foes of her household. Douglas D748F2 Folks from Dixie. Dunbar D91F Folle Farine. Rame R144F Follow me. Prentiss JP915F2 Folly corner. Dudeney D863F FOOTE, Mrs. Mary Hallock. Chosen valley F735C Coeur d'Alene F735Co Cup of trembling and other stories. . .F735C4 In exile and other stories F735I Led-horse claim F735L4 Prodigal F735P Footprints in the forest. Ellis JEL56F Footsteps of a throne. Pemberton P366F For a song's sake. Marston M356F For cash only. Payn : P296F3 For faith and freedom. Besant B465F For freedom's sak«. Paterson P274F For his country. Saunders jSA84Fo For his sake. Hector H357F For king or country. Barnes JB236K4 For Lilias. Carey . . ., C188F For love of country. Brady B729F For name and fame. Henty JH397F3 For the blue and gold. Lichtenstein L613F For the fourth time of asking. Smith. .JSM513F For the freedom of the sea. Brady B729F2 Same '. .' JB729F2 For the honor of the school. Barbour.. .JB233F For the major. Woolson W887F4 For the other boy's sake. Saunders ...JSA84F For the sake of the duchess. Walkey. .W1532F For the temple. Henty JH397F4 For the white rose of Arno. Rhoscomyl...R347F For Tommy. Richards R39F FORD, George. 'Postle farm F75P FORD, Paul Leicester. Great K. & A. train robbery F7516G Honorable P.eter Stirling F7516H Janice Meredith F7516J Story of an untold love F7516U Tattle tales of Cupid F7516T I Wanted, a chaperon F7516Wa Wanted, a match-maker F7516W Foregone conclusion. Howells H837F4 Forest fairy. Brabourne jB723Fo Forest Glen. Kellogg JK294F4 Forest lovers. Hewlett H495F Foresters. Auerbach AU32F Forge in the forest. Roberts R543F FORSYTH,. Jean, pseud. See MclL- WRAITH, Jean N. Fort Frayne. King K58F3 Fortune of war. Barrow B278F Fortune's boats. Krause K866F Fortune's fool. Hawthorne H315F3 Fortunes of Glencore. Le"ver L1575F Fortunes of Hector O'Halloran. Max- well M45417F Fortunes of Nigel. Scott SC084F6 Fortunes of Oliver Horn. Smith SM5F Fortunes of Philippa Fairfax. Burnett.. .B935F5 Fortunes of Rachel. Hale H13F Fortunes of the Colville family. Smed- ley SM35C Fortunes of the Faradays. Douglas — D748F4 Fortunes of Toby Trafford. Trow- bridge JT75717F Forty-five guardsmen. Dumas DS92F "Forward march." Munroe jM925Fo FOSDICK, J. William. Honor of the Braxtons . . .»**T. F784H FOSTER, Mrs. Isabella H. Mrs. Deane's way JFS13M Modern exodus JF813M5 Those boys ■ JFS13T FICTION 41 FOSTER, Mary Louise (Louise Forss- lund, pseud.). Ship of dreams. . .F8129S FOSTER, Maximilian. In the forest F813 Foster brothers. Payn P296F5 FOTHERGILL, Jessie. Aldyth F824A First violin F824F From Moor isles F824F4 Kith and kin F824K March in the ranks F824M Oriole's daughter F8240 Probation • F824P Foul play. Reade R226F FOULKE, Elizabeth. Twilight stories. .JF827T Found dead. Payn P296F7 Found in the Philippines. King K58F8 Found wanting. Hector H357F6 Found, yet lost. Roe R6213F3 Fountain sealed. Besant B465F3 Four and five. Hale JH13F Four boys. Ellis JEL56F4 Four for a fortune. Lee JL51F Four-leaved clover. Tuttiett T886F Four MacNicols. Black JB563F Four masted cat-boat. Loom is L876F Four on a farm. Smith JSM515F Four on an island. Smith jSM513Fo Four winds farm. Molesworth JM734F Fourth generation. Besant B465F5 WLER, Ellen Thorneycroft. Concern- in Isabel Carnaby F829C Cupid's garden F829C3 Double thread F829D Farringdons F829F Fuel of fire F829F4 Sirius F829S Fowler. Harraden H237F FOX, John, jr. Crittenden F83Cr Cumberland vendetta F83C Kentuckians F83K Mountain Europa F83M Fox-woman. Long L849F Foxy the faithful. Wesselhoeft jW515Fo Framley parsonage. Trollope T745F FRANCE, Lewis B. Pine valley F842P Frances Waldeaux. Davis D29F Francezka. Seawell SE17F FRANCIS, M. E., pseud. See BLUN- DELL, Mrs. M. E. (Sweetman). Francis Cludde. Weyman W545F Frank Mildmay. Marry at '. M347F Frank Warrington. Harris H2415F Frankenstein. Shelley SH46F FRANZOS, Karl Emil. Chief justice. . . .F359C FRAPAN, Use. God's will and other stories F863G FRASER, Mrs. Mary (Crawford) (Mrs Hugh Fraser). Palladia F864P Splendid Porsenpa F864S FRASER, William Alexander. Eye of a god F8644E Mooswa and others of the ' bound- aries JF8644 Outcasts JF86440 Thoroughbreds F8644T Frau Frohmann. Trollope T745F3 Frau Wilhelmine. Stinde ST57F FRAZAR, Douglas. Log of the Mary- land JF865L Perseverance island JF865P FREDERIC, Harold. Copperhead F874C Damnation of Theron Ware. Same as Illumination F874D Deserter F874De Gloria Mundi F874G Illumination. Same as Damnation of Theron Ware F874D In the sixties F874In In the valley F874I Lawton girl F874L March hares F874M Market place F874M3 Marsena and other stories F874M5 Mrs. Albert Grundy .«. .F874M8 Seth's brother's wife F874S Frederick the Great and his court. Mundt M924F Frederick the Great and his family. Mundt M924F2 Freeland. Hertzka H445F FREEMAN, Mrs. Charles M. See WIL- KIN S, Mary Eleanor. FREMONT, Jessie Benton. Will and way stories JF884W FRENCH, Alice (Octave Thanet, pseud.). Book of true lovers F886B Expiation F886E Heart of toil F886H Missionary sheriff F886M Stories of a western town F886S We, all JF886W FRENCH, Allen. Junior cup JF88614 42 FICTION FRENCH, Henry Willard. Lance of Kan- ana \jF88616 French country family. Witt . .• JW785F FREYTAG, Gustave. Lost manuscript. .F896L FRIEDMAN, Isaac Kahn. By bread alone F913B Poor people F913P FRIEDRICH, Bertha (Heyn). (Golo Rai- mond, pseud.). v From hand to hand . .' F915F New race F915N Friend of Caesar. Davis D292F Friend of the people. Rowsell R798F Friend Olivia. Barr B27F4 Friends and foes from fairyland. Bra- bourne JB723F Friends in exile. Bryce B843F Friends though divided. Henty JH397F8 Friendship. Rame R144F4 Frigate's namesake. Abbott JAB24F FRITH, Henry. Biography of a locomo- tive engine F917B Under Bayard's banner F917U Frithjof, viking of Norway and Poland, paladin of France. Ragozin JR127F From Atlanta to the sea. Dunn JD926F From different standpoints. Alden. .JAL2213F From dusk to dawn. Woods W867F From exile. Payn P296F9 From hand to hand. Friedrich F915F From hand to mouth. Douglas D748F6 From jest, to earnest. Roe R6213F5 From Moor isles. Fothergill F824F4 From one generation to another. Scott. SC082F3 From sand hill to pine. Harte H253F2 From school to battlefield. King JK58F From shadow to sunlight. Lome L895F From the earth to the moon. Verne. . .V595F2 From the five rivers. Steel ST34F From the land of the shamrock. Barlow. .B247F From the land of the snow pearls. Hig- ginson H534F4 From the memoirs of a minister of France. Weyman W545Fr From the throttle to the president's chair. , Ellis . .EL56F5 Same JEL56F5 Front yard. Woolson W887F Frontier stories. Warman W238F FROTHINGHAM, Eugenia Brooks. Turn of the road F935T Frowzle, the runaway. Wesselhoeft . .JW515F4 Frozen pirate. Russell R914F Fuel of fire. Fowler F829F4 Fugitive. Spears JSP33F Fugitives. Roberts .R54413F FULLER, Alfred J., ed. Dutton's holiday annual for 1901 JP954 FULLER, Alvarado M. A. D. 2000 F954A FULLER, Anna. Katherine Day F9541K Literary courtship F9541L One of the pilgrims F95410 Peak and prairie F9541Pe Pratt portraits F9541P Venetian June F9541V FULLER, Carolime M. Across the cam- pus F95412A FULLER, Edward. Complaining millions of men F95413C FULLER, Emily. Prize watch JF95412 FULLER, Henry Blake. Chatelaine of la Trinite F95415C Chevalier of Pensieri-Vani F95415C4 Cliff dwellers F94515C6 Last refuge ' F95415L With the procession F95415W FULLER, Mabel Louise. In poppy land JF95413I FULLERTON, Lady Georgiana Char- lotte. Stormy life F956S Fur-seal's tooth. Munroe jM925Fu Further adventures of Captain Kettle. Hyne .....H995F3 G Gabriel Conroy. Harte H253G Gabriel Tolliver. Harris H24G Galahad of the creeks. Yates Y32G GALDOS, Benito Perez. Marinela G13M Sarago^sa G13S Gallagher and other stories. Davis ....D2918G GALLAHER, Grace Margaret. Vassar stories G134V Gallery of antiquities. Balzac B219Ga Galloping Dick. Watson W33512G Gallops. Gray G794 Galopoff. Jenks JJ427G Game of love. Paterson . . . .' P2743G Garden behind the moon. Pyle JP998G Garden of a commuter's wife G1636 Garden of Eden. Howard H833Ga FICTION 43 I Or RLAND, Hamlin. Boy life on the prairie JG18714B Captain of the Gray-horse troop. .. .G18714C Eagle's heart G18714E Her mountain lover G18714H Jason Edwards G18714J Little Norsk . .• G18714L Member of the third house G18714Me Prairie folks G18714P Rose of Dutcher's coolly G18714R Wayside courtships G18714W Garland for girls. Alcott JAL18G Garman and Worse. Kielland K545G RRETT, Edward, pseud. See MAYO, Mrs. Isabelle Fyvie. Garrick's pupil. Filon F487G Garrison tangle. King K58G Gargtang Grange. Trollope T74517G Garth. Hawthorne H315G Gascoyne. Ballantyne JB214G GAS K ELL, Mrs. Elizabeth Cleghorn (Ste- venson.) Cranford G214C izzie Leigh and other stories G214L Same JG214L Mary Barton .G214M North and south G214N Ruth G°,i4R2 Sylvia's lovers G214S Wives and daughters G214W SPE, Philippe Aubert de. -Canadians of old G216C Gaston de Latour. Pater P272G RATES, Josephine Scribner. Story of live dolls JG226S ates ajar. Ward W21G ates between. Ward W21G2 Gathering clouds. Farrar F245G GAUL, Gilbert. Strange manuscript found in a copper cylinder G235S GAUTIER, Judith. Usurper G237U GAUTIER, Theophile. My household of pets JG237M Geber. Benton '.B449G General Bounce. Melville M496Ge General's double. King K58Ge Gentianella. Randolph R155G Gentle heritage. Crompton JC8818 Gentleman from Indiana. Tarkington. .T178G Gentleman of France. Weyman W545G Same JW545G Gentleman vagabond. Smith SM5G George Driffel. Payn P296Ge Georgian actress. Hopkins H7742G Georgian bungalow. Baylor JB345G Georgians. Hammond H186G Gerald Fitzgerald. Lever L575G GERARD, Dorothea. See LONGARD DE LONGGARDE, Madame. GERARD, Emily. See LASZOWSKA, Mme. E. G. de. Gerda. Schwartz SCH933G German household tales. Grimm JG885G Gertrude. Sewell SE8fiG Getting ahead. Alden JAL22G Giant's gate. Pemberton P336G4 GIBBON, J. M., ed. In the reign of old King Cole ?...jG352 GIBBS, George. In search of mademoi- selle G354I GIBSON, Charles Donnel. My lady and Allan Darke G355M GILBERT, William. Dr. Austin's guests. .G375D Gilbert Gurney. Hook H766G GILDER, Jeanette Leonard. Autobiog- raphy of a tomboy JG384A Taken by siege G384T Gilian the dreamer. Munro M9248G GILLMAN, Henry. Hassan: a fellah. . .G4158H GILMAN, Bradley. Parsonage porch. .. .G424P GILMORE, James Roberts. (Emund Kirke, pseud.) On the border G4250 GILSON, Roy Rolfe. When love is young G428W Giovanni and the other. Burnett JB935G Girl and the governor. Warren W2535 Girl and the guardsman. Black B562G Girl at Cobhurst. Stockton ST65Gi Girl at the half way house. Hough H812 Girl of the commune. Henty JH397G3 Girl of today. Adams JAD14G Girl of Virginia. Thruston T417G Girl without ambition. Robson JR579 Girls and I. Molesworth JM734G4 GISSING, George Robert. Denzil Quar- rier G445D Emancipated C445E GLADDEN, Washington. Santa Claus on a. lark JG453S Gladiators. Melville M496G GLADWIN, William Zachary (Gulielma 1 Zollinger, pseud.) Dan Drummond of the Drummonds JG459D 44 FICTION Maggie McLanehan JG459M Widow O'Callaghan's boys JG459W GLASGOW, Ellen Anderson Gholson. Battle ground G46B Descendant G46D Voice of the people G46V Glimpses of boyhood. Alden JAL21G Gloria Mundi. Frederic F874G GLORY, Miss Morning, pseud. Amer- ican diary qf a Japanese girl. . . .G5142A GLOVATSKI, Alexander. Pharaoh and the priest G5J.5P Glow-worm tales. Payn P296G1 Gobseck. Balzac B219G God in the car. Hawkins H314G God of his fathers. London L845G God save the king. MacDonald M1446 God seeker. Rosegger R7207G God wills it. Davis D292G GODDARD, Julia. Fairy tales of other lands JG544F Goddess of Atvatabar. Bradshaw B727G Godolphin. Bui wer-Lytton B878G God's fool. Schwartz . . * SCK93G God's puppets. Clark C545G God's will, and other stories. Frapan. . .F863G GOETHE, Johann Wolfgang von. Nov- els and tales G554 William Meister's apprenticeship G554W .Wilhelm Meister's travels G554W3 Goethe and Schiller, ivf undt M924G GOGOL, Nikolai Vasilievich. Tchitchik- off's journeys; or, dead souls G556T Gold and dross. Mayo M457G Gold bug. Poe JP752G Gold Elsie. John J615G Gold, gold in Cariboo. Wo I ley W8347 Gold-seeking on the Dalton trail. Thomp- son JT373 Golden age. Grahame G7623G Golden arrow. Hall H146G Golden autumn Hector H357G Golden book of Venice. Turnbull T849G Golden butterfly. Besant and Rice B466G Golden canon. Henty JH397G6 Golden days of '49. Munroe JM925G Golden fairy book JG568 Golden fleece. Hawthorne H315G5 Golden Fluff. Morris JM3842 Golden gossip. Whitney W615G4 Golden horseshoe. Bonsai B6456G* Golden house. Warner W24413G Golden justice. Bishop B545G Golden lion of Granpere. Trollope T745G Golden opportunities. Metcalf JM564G Golden sorrow. Hoey H671G Golden sorrow. Pool P783G GOLDSMITH, Oliver. Vicar of Wake- field G575V Same JG575V Gondreville mystery. Balzac B219G4 Good Americans. Harrison H245G Good-bye sweetheart. Broughton B798G Good for nothing. Melville M496G4 Good luck. Biirstenbinder B945G Same as She fell in love with her hus- band. Good old times. Kellogg JK294G Good red earth. Phillpotts P546C Good ship "Mohock." Russell R914G2 GOODLOE, Abbe Carter. College girls..G619C GOODWIN, Maud Wilder. Head of a hundred G63H Sir Christopher G63S White aprons G63W GORDON, Chas. William (Ralph Con- ner, pseud.) Black rock G655B Man from Glengarry G655M Sky pilot G655S GORDON, Julien, pseud. See CRUGER, Mrs. Julie Grinnell (Storrow.) Gorilla hunters. Ballantyne JB214G4 Gospel stories. Tolstoi T585G Gospel writ in steel. Paterson P274G GOSS, Charles Frederic. Loom of life. .G6935L Redemption of David Corson G6935R GOSS, Warren Lee. In the navy jG694i Jack Alden JG694.T GOSSE, Edmund William. Secret of Nar- cisse G695S GOULD, Sabine Baring. Arminell G73A2 Bladys Stewponey G73H1 Brown squire G73B Dartmoor idylls G73D Grettir the outlaw JG73G Icelander's sword JG73I Old English fairy tales jG73 Urith G73U Winifred G73W GRAHAM, Jas.-M. Son of the czar G762S GRAHAM, John, pseud. See PHILLIPS. David Graham. FICTION 45 RAHAME, Kenneth. Dream days G7623D Golden age G7623G Gramercy Park. Wood W85215G GRAND, Mme. Sarah. See MacFALL, Mrs. Haldane. Grande Breteche, and others stories. Bal- zac B219Gr Grandfather's stories. Johonnot JJ665G Grandissimes. Cable C112G Grandpa's darling. Alden JAL22G6 GRANT, James. Dick Rodney JG765D GRANT, Robert. Bachelor's Christmas and other stories G765B Confessions of a frivolous girl G765C Jack Hall JG76516J Jack in the bush JG76516J2 Opinions of a philosopher .G7650 Reflections of a married man. G765R Unleavened bread G765U Granville de Vigne. Rame R144G Grape from a thorn. Payn P296G Grapes of wrath. Norris N7946G GRAS, Felix. Reds of the midi G769R Terror G769T White terror G769W Graustark. McCutcheon M139G GRAY, David. Gallops G794 Gray champion. Hawthorne JH31517G Gray man. Crockett , C876G Gray roses. Harland H227G Graysons. Eggleston EG35G Great cattle trail. Ellis JEL56G Great Chin episode. Cushing, pseud C954G Great emergency. Ewing JEW55G Great expectations. Dickens D552G Great grandmother's girls in New France. Champney JC358G Great invasion of 1813-14. Erckmann and Chatrian ER25G Great K. and A. train-robbery. Ford. . . .F7516G Great love. Burnham B937G3 Great man of the provinces in Paris. Balzac B219G Same as Distinguished provincial at Paris. Great match. Smith SM515G Great shadow. Doyle D775G Great stone of Sardis. Stockton ST65Gr Great tontine. Smart SM25G Great war syndicate. Stockton ST65G4 Great white way. Paine .P163G Greater glory. Schwartz SCH93G3 Greater inclination. Wharton W554 Greatest heiress in England. Oliphant. . .OL35G GREEN, Anna Katharine. See ROHLFS, Mrs. Anna Katharine (Green.) GREEN, Evelyn Everett. In the wars of the roses JG824 Green book. Jokai J675G Green fairy book. Lang JL25G Green fire. Macleod M2247G Green flag. Doyle D775G4 Green gate. Wichert W634G Green graves of Balgowrie. Findlater. .F495G Green mountain boys. Thompson JT374G Green pastures and Piccadilly. Black.. B563G Green pleasure and grey grief. Hunger- ford H895G GREENE, Homer. Blind brother JG83B GREENE, Mrs. Sarah Pratt McLean. Cape Cod folks G8317C Flood-tide .G8317F Vesty of the basins G8317V GREENWELL, Dora. Two friends G855T GREENWOOD, Grace, pseud. See LIP- PI NCOTT, Mrs. Sarah T. (Clarke.)' Greifenstein. Crawford C857G Grenadier. Farmer F228Q Grettir the outlaw. Gould JG73G GREVILLE, Henri, pseud. See DU- RAND, Mme. Alice Marie C. F. GREY, Maxwell, pseud. See TUTT- IETT, Mary Gleed. Grey fairy book. Lang JL25G4 Grey romance. Clifford C614G Grif. Farjeon F227G Griffith Gaunt; or, jealousy. Reade R225G4 Grim house. Molesworth JM734G6 Grimkie. Abbott JAB25G4 GRIMM, Jacob Ludwig Karl and Grimm, Wilhelm Karl. Fairy tales, ed. by S. A. Wiltse JG885W Same. N. Y. point for the blind. German household tales JG885G Household fairy tales jG885Ho Household stories JG885H Popular fairy tales JG885P GRIN NELL, George Bird. Jack ajnong the Indians '. . 3G886J Jack, the young ranchman JG886J2 Grip of honor. Brady B729G Same JB729G 46 FICTION Grisly Grisell. Yonge Y84G Group of noble dames. Hardy .H22418G Guardian angel. Holmes H734G Guenn. Howard H833G Guerndale. Stimson ST55G Guernsey lily. Woolsey JW886G GUERRAZZI, Francesco Dominico. Man- fred; or, the battle of Benevento. .G938M Guert Ten Eyck. Stoddard JST67G4 Guild court. Macdonald M144G Guilderoy. Rame R144G6 Guilio Malatesta. Trollope T74517G3 Gulliver's travels. Swift JSW52G Same. N. Y. point for the blind. Gully of Blueman's dyke. Doyle D775G8 Gunnar; a tale of Norse life. Boyesen. .B696G7 GUNSAULUS, Frank Wakeley. Monk and knight G954M Gustavus Adolphus and the thirty years war. Topelius T625G GUTHRIE, Ellen J. Tales of the cove- nanters G985T GUTHRIE, Thomas Anstey (F. Anstey, pseud.). Bayard from Bengal. . .G98514B Lyre and lancet G98514L Tinted Venus G98514T . Tourmalin's time cheques G98514W Vice versa G98514V Gutta percha Willie. Macdonald JM144G Guy Mannering. Scott SC084G Same JSC084G Gwen Wynn. Reid R275G Gwendoline's harvest. Payn P296G4 Gwynett of Thornhaugh. Hayes H325G GWYNN, Stephen Lucius. Old knowl- edge G997 Gypsy Breynton. Ward . v jW2Gy Gypsy's cousin Joy. Ward JW2G Gypsy's sowing and reaping. Ward JW2G2 Gypsy's year at the Golden Crescent. Ward JW2G4 H H., A. ed. Lauriel, the love letters' of an American girl H1L H. H., pseud. See JACKSON, Mrs. Helen Maria (Fiske) Hunt. HABBERTON, John. Helen's babies . . .H113H Same JH113H Tiger and the insect H113T Who was Paul Grayson? JH113W HACKLANDER, Friedrich Wilhelm. En- chanting and enchanted JH117E HAGGARD, Henry Rider. Allen Quarter- main H125A Allan's wife H125A3 Beatrice H125B Cleopatra H125C Colonel Quaritch, V. C H125C5 Dawn H125D Doctor Therne H125D4 Elissa H125E1 Eric Brighteyes H125E Heart of the world H125H Jess H125J Joan Haste H125Jo King Solomon's mines H125K Lysbeth H125L Maiwa's revenge H125M Mr. Meeson's will , H125M3 Montezuma's daughter H125M5 Nada, the lily H125N People of the mist H125P She H125S Swallow H125Sw Witch's head H125W Wizard H125W4 HAGGARD, Henry Rider and LANG, Andrew. World's desire H126W Half a dozen boys, y Ray JR214H Half a dozen girls. Ray JR214H3 Half a hero. Hawkins H314Ha Half-back. Barbour JB233H Half caste. Craik C845Ha Half hour stories. Munyon M929 HAINS, Thornton Jenkins. Wind jam- mers H1288W HALE, Edward Everett. Brick moon and other stories H13B Christmas at Narragansett H13C4 Fortunes of Rachel H13F Four and five JH13F In his name, and Christmas stories H13I Man without a country. . . : H13M Same JH13M Our Christmas in a palace H13C2 Same JH13C2 Philip Nolan's friends H13P Stories of adventure JH13S Sybil Knox H13S Ten times one is ten H13T FICTION 47 HALE, Edward Everett and HALE, Lucre- tia P. New Harry and Lucy JH1312N HALE, Lucretia P. Peterkin papers. . .JH1313P Stories for children JH1313S HALEVY, Ludovic. Abb6 Constantin. . .H137A HALI BURTON, Thomas Chandler. Amer- Iicans at home H138A Traits of American humour H138T ^LL, Mrs. Angus W. Icelandic fairy tales JH139I \LL, Mrs. Anna Maria (Fielding). Sketches of Irish character H14S HALL, Gertrude. April's sowing H145A LL, Mrs. M. See HALL Mrs. Angus W. HALL, Ruth. Black gown H146B Golden arrow H146G HALL, Mrs. Samuel Carter. See HALL, Anna Maria (Fielding.) Hallam succession. , Barr : B27H Halves. Payn P296Ha IAMBLEN, Herbert Elliott (Frederick Benton Williams, pseud.}. On many seas H170 Tom Benton's luck JH17T We win JH17W Yarn of a bucko mate JH17Y HAMERLING, Robert. Aspasia H173A IAMERTON, Philip Gilbert. Harry Blount JH176H Marmorne H176M Wenderholme . # H176W HAMILTON, AJice King. One of the BDuanes H1840 MILTON, Mrs. Eugene Lee. See • HOLDSWORTH, Annie E. MILTON, M. Dishonor of Frank Scott H18416D Hammer. Church C473H HAMMOND, Mrs. Henrietta (Hardy). Georgians H186G HAMMOND, William Alexander. Lai. .H18618L On the Susquehanna H186180 HANCOCK, Albert Elmer. Henry Bour- land H194 Hand of Ethelberta. Hardy H22418H Handicapped. Terhune T275H Handsome Brandons. Hinkson H592H Handsome Humes. Black B563H Handy Andy. Lover L948H Hannah. Craik C845H Hannah Ann. Douglas JD748H Hannah Thurston. Taylor T215H Hans Brinker. Dodge JD665H Hans of Iceland. Hugo H877H HANSON, Charles Henry. Stories of the days of King Arthur JH1967S Wanderings of Aeneas JH1967W Happy-go-lucky. Harris H2415H HA R BEN, William Nathaniel. Northern Georgia sketches H213N Westerfelt H213W Woman who trusted H213W4 Hard cash. Reade '. R225H Hard lines. Smart SM25H Hard maple. Warner JW244H Hard-pan. Bonner B644H Hard times. Dickens D552H HARDER, Ludwig. Family feud H216F Hardscrabble. Kellogg JK294W HARDY, Arthur Sherburne. Passe Rose H224P Wind of destiny -. H224W HARDY, Francis H. To the healing of the sea H22414T HARDY, Thomas. Desperate remedies H22418D Far from the madding crowd H22418F Group of noble dames H22418G Hand of Ethelberta H22418H Laodicean H22418 L Life's little ironies H22418L4 Mayor of Casterbridge H22418M Pair of blue eyes H22418P Return of the native H22418R Tess of the D'Urbervilles H22418T Trumpet major H22418T5 Two on a tower H224i8Tw Under the greenwood tree ..H22418U Well beloved H22418We Wessex tales H22418W Woddlanders H22418Wo Hardy Norseman. Bayly : B346H HARKINS, James W., jr. Prince of the east H226P HARLAN D, Henry (Sidney Luska, pseud.). Cardinal's snuff box H227C Gray roses H227G Lady Paramount H227L HARLAND, Henry. Mea culpa H227M My uncle Florimond JH227M HARLAND, Marion, pseud. See TER- HUNE, Mrs. Mary Virginia Hawes. " 48 FICTION Harold. Bulwer-Lytton B878H HARPER, Carrie A., joint author. See DIX, Beulah Marie. HARRADEN, Beatrice. Fowler H237F Hilda Strafford H237H In varying moods H237I New book of the fairies JH237N Ships that pass in the night H237S Things will take a turn . s JH237T HARRINGTON, John Walker. Jumping kangaroo and the apple butter cat. .H238 HARRIOTT, Mrs. Clara (Morris,) Little Jim Crow JH2394 HARRIS, Frank Buflingame. Road to Ridgeby's .H2397 HARRIS, Henry E. King of Andorra. .H2398K HARRIS, Joel Chandler. Aaron in the wildwoods JH24A Balaam and his master H24B Chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann H24A Daddy Jake JH24D Gabriel Tolliver .-. H24G Little Mr. Thimblefinger and his queer country JH24L Making of a statesman H24M Mr. Rabbit at home JH24M Nights with Uncle Remus H24N Same JH24N On the plantation JH240 On the wing of occasions H240 Plantation pageants JH24P Sister Jane H24S Story of Aaron JH24S Uncle Remus, JH24U Uncle Remus and his friends H24U3 HARRIS Mrs. Miriam (Coles). Frank Warrington H2415F Happy-go-lucky H2415H Rutledge H2415R Sutherlands H2415S HARRISON, Mrs. Burton. See HARRI- SON, Mrs. Constance Cary. HARRISON, Mrs. Constance Cary. Anglomaniacs H245A Bachelor maid H245Ba Bar Harbor days JH245B4 Belhaven tales. H245B Bric-a-brac stories JH245B Carcellini emerald , H245C2 Circle of a century H245C3 Daughter of the south H245D Errant wooing H245E Flower de hundred H245F- • Good Americans H245G Merry maid of Arcady H245M Old-fashioned fairy book JH2450 Princess of the hills H245P Son of the old dominion H245So Sweet bells out of tune H245Sw Triple entanglement H245T3 HARRISON, Elizabeth. In story land. .JH24515 HARRISON, Jennie. Little boots JH24516 HARRISON, Mrs. Mary St. Leger (Kings- ley) (Lucas Malet, pseud.) Little Peter JH24517L Harry Blount. Hamerton JH176H Harry Heathcote. Trollope T745H Harry Lorrequer. Lever L575H HARTE, Francis Bret. Works H253W8 Barker's luck, and other stories H253Ba Bell-ringer of Angel's and other sto- ries H253Be By shore and s'edge H253B Calif ornian stories H253C Clarence, sequel to "Susy" H253C1 Colonel Starbottle's client, and some other people H253Co Condensed novels and stories H253C2 Cressy H253C4 Crusade of the Excelsior H253C6 Devil's ford H253D First family of Tasajara H253F Flip and other stories H253F1 From sand hill to pine H253F2 Gabriel Conroy H253G Heiress of Red Dog, and other tales. .H253H2 Heritage of Dedlow Marsh, and other tales H253H6 In, a hollow of the hills H253In In the Carquinez woods H253I Luck of Roaring Camp, and other sketches H253L Maruja H253Ma Mr. Jack Hamlin's mediation H253M Openings in the old trail H2530 Phyllis of the Sierras H253P4 Protegee of Jack Hamlin's, and other stories H253P Sally Dows, and other stories, H253S2 Sappho of Green Springs H253S Stories in light and shadow H253S6 FICTION 49 usy, sequel to "Waif of the plains". .H253S3 Tales of the Argonauts, and other sketches H253T Tales, poems and sketches H253T3 Tales of trail and town H253T2 Thankful Blossom H253T4 Three partners H253T6 Under the redwoods H253U Waif of the plains H253W Ward of the Golden Gate H253W4 fRTLEY, Mrs Mary (Laffan.) Christy Carew H255C RTNER, Eva, pseud, of E. von^Twar- dowska. Pythia's pupils JH257P Severa H257S HARTT, Irene Widdemer. On the Charleston H2590 Harvard episodes. Flandrau F614H Harvard stories. Post P8446H Harvest of the wind. Barr B27H3 Harveys. Kingsley K61413H Hassan; a fellah. Gillman G4158H HASTINGS, Elizabeth, pseud. See SHER- WOOD, Margaret. TTON, Joseph. Banishment of Jes- sop Blythe H286B Bitter sweet H286B3 By order of the czar H286B6 Cigarette H286C Under the great seal H286U HAUCH, Joseph Carsten. Robert Ful- ton H293R Haunted hearts. Cummins C915H Haunted pool. Dudevant. D865H Haunts of ancient peace. Austin AU75H HAWKINS, Anthony Hope (Anthony Hope, pseud.) Captain Dieppe. .H315Ca Change of air H314C4 Chronicles of Count Antonio H314Ch Comedies of courtship H314Co Dolly dialogues H314D Father Stafford H314F v God in the car H3J.4G Half a hero H314Ha Heart of the Princess Os'ra H314H Intrusions of Peggy H314I4 King's mirror H314K Man of mark H314M Phroso H314Ph Prisoner of Zenda H314P Quisante' H314Q 4-L. Rupert of Hentzau H314R Simon Dale H314S Tristram of Blent H314T Haworth's. Burnett B935H HAWSER, A. B., pseud, of Julius W. Mul- ler. Starboard lights H3147S HAWTHORNE, Julian. American Monte Cristo H315Am Beatrix Randolph H315B David Poindexter's disappearance H315D Dust H315D4 Ellice Quentin H315E Fortune's fool H315F3 Garth H315G Golden fleece H315G5 John Parmelee's curse H315J Love is a spirit H315Lo Love — or a name H315L Miss Cadogna H315M Noble blood H315N Sebastian Strome H315S Six cent Sam's H315S6 Spectre of the camera H315S8 HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel. Blithedale ro- mance H31517B Doctor Grimshaw's secret H31517D Dolliver romance H31417D4 Gray champion JH31517G House of seven gables H31517H Same JH31517H' Same. *J. Y. point for the blind. Marble faun H31517M Mosses from an old manse H31517M4 Scarlet letter H31517S Snow image H31517S4 Tales of the White Hills jH31517Ta Tanglewood tales JH31517T Twice-told-tales H31517T Wonder book JH31517W HAYES, Frederick W. Gwynette of Thornhaugh .H325G Kent squire H325K HAYES, Henry, pseud. See KIRK, Mrs. Ellen Warner Olney. HAYES, Isaac Israel. Cast away in the cold JH325C HAYS, Mrs. Helen. Adventures of Prince Lazybones and other stories JH335P Princess Idleways JH335P3 HAYS, Mrs. W. T. See HAYS, Mrs. Helen. 50 FICTION Hazard of new fortunes. Howe I Is H837H HAZ ELTON, George Cockrane, jr. Mis- tress Nell H3367M HAZEN, Marshman William. First year book JH337F He fell among thieves. Murray and oth- ers M96412H He fell in love with his wife. Roe R6213H He knew he was right. Trollope T745H4 He, she and they. Lee L5H He that will not when he may. Oli- phant OL35H1 Head of a hundred. Goodwin G63H Head of Medusa. Fletcher F635H Head of the family. Craik C845H4 Headsman. Cooper. In Heidenmauer. . .C785H2 HEALY, Mary, afterward Madame Mary Healy Bigot. Mere caprice H348M HEARN, Lafcadio. Chita H353C Heart. Amicis JAM52H Heart and soul. Skinner SK36H Heart of Denise. Yeats Y32He Heart of Hetta. Rowlands. R7963H Heart of life. Mallock M295He Heart of Midlothian. Scott SC084H Same JSC084H Heart of oak. RusseJl R914H Heart of oak books. Norton, ed JN825II Heart of the ancient wood. Roberts R543H Heart of the doctor. Foster F8127H Heart of flame. Embree EM13H Heart of the Princess Osra. Hawkins. .H314H Heart of the world. Haggard H125H Heart of toil. French FS86H Hearts courageous. Rives R527H Heart's highway. Wilkins W654He Heartsease. Yonge Y84H Heather and snow. Macdonald M144H4 Heavenly twins. MacFall M165H HECTOR, Mrs' Anne (French) (Mrs. Alexander, pseud.) Barbara H357Ba Beaton's bargain H357B Blind fate H357B1 Cost of her pride , H357C Executor H357E Fight with fate H357Fi For his sake H357F Found wanting H357F6 Golden autumn H357G Her dearest foe H357H Heritage of Langdale H357H4 Life interest H357L Look before you leap H357L4 Mammon H357M Missing hero H357M3 Mrs. Crichton's creditor.... H357M5 Ralph Wilton's weird H357R Ward in chancery H357Wa Which shall it be? H357W Winning hazard H357W3 Wooing o't H357W4 HEGAN, Alice Caldwell. See RICE, Mrs. Alice Hegan. Heidenmauer. Cooper C785H2 Heidi. Spyri JSP97H HEIMBURG, W., pseud. See BEHRENS, Bertha. Heir of Redclyffe. Yonge Y84H2 Heir of the ages. Payn P296He Heir presumptive. Oliphant OL35H4 Heiress of Red Dog, and other tales. Harte H253H2 Heirs of Bradley House. Douglas D748H2 Heirs of Sherburne. Douglas D748H3 Helbeck of Bannisdale. Ward W2116H Held fast for England. Henty JH397H Held for orders. Spearman SP328H Helen Beaton, college woman. Rouse. .R7615H Helen's babies. Habberton H113H Same JH113H Helmet of Navarre. Runkle R875H HELPS, Sir Arthur. Casimir Maremma..H367C Ivan de Biron H367I Story of Realmah H367R HENDERSON, Isaac. Agatha Page H3S4A, Prelate H384P HENDERSON, William James. Afloat with the flag JH384A Last cruise of the Mohawk.- JH384L Sea yarns for boys JH384S HENKEL, Friederika. Mistress of Ibich- stein H385M Henrietta Temple. Disraeli D636H HEN R Y, Arthur. Island cabin H395 Henry Bourland. Hancock H194 Henry VIII and his court. Mundt M924H Henry Esmond. Thackeray T324H Henry Worthington, idealist. Sherwood. .SH57 HENTY, George Alfred. Among Malay pirates jH397Am At Aboukir and Acre; Napoleon's in- vasion of Egypt JH397A1 FICTION 51 At Agincourt; tale of the White Hoods of Paris JH397A3 At the point of the bayonet; a tale of of the Mahratta war JH397A6 Bonnie Prince Charlie; Fontenoy and Culloden JH397B3 Boy knight; tale of the Crusade jH397Bo Brahmin's treasure jH397Br Bravest of the brave; Peterborough in Spain, 1705-7 JH397B4 By England's aid; or, freeing of the Netherlands, 1585-1604 JH397B5 By pike and dyke; rise of the Dutch republic JH397B6 By right of conquest; or, with Cortez in Mexico JH397B7 By sheer pluck; a tale of the Ashanti war, 1874 JH397S4 Capt. Bayley's heir; or, gold fields of California- I . ..JH397C Cat of Bubastes; tale of ancient Egypt JH397C3 Chapter of adventures; bombardment of Alexandria JH397C4 Condemned as a Nihilist; story of es- cape from Siberia JH397C5 Cornet of horse; Marlborough's wars..jH397Co Dash for Khartoum; tale of the Nile expedition JH397D Dragon and raven ; or, the days of King Alfred JH397D6 Facing death; tale of the coal mines..jH397F For name and fame; Afghan war, 1885 JH397F3 For the temple; the fall of Jerusa- lem JH397F4 Friends, though divided JH397F8 Girl of the commune, 1871 JH397G3 Golden canon JH397G6 Held fast for England; siege of Gib- raltar, 1779-83 JH397H In freedom's cause; story of Wallace and Bruce JH397F6 In Greek waters; Grecian war of inde- pendence, 1821-27 JH397I In the hands of the cave-dwellers JH397I8 In the heart of the Rockies jH397In In the reign of terror, 1793 JH397I2 In times of peril; tale of India JH397I4 Irish brigade; tale of the war in Flan- ders and Spain JH397I3 Jack Archer; a tale of the Crimea JH397J Jacobite exile; in service of Charles XII. of Sweden JH397J2 Knight of the white cross; siege of Rhodes JH397K Lion of St. Mark; Venice, 14th cen- tury JH397L Lion of the north; tale of Gustavus Adolphus '. JH397L4 Maori and settler; story of the New Zealand war JH397M March on London; story of Wat Ty- ler's insurrection JH397M3 No surrender; tale of the rising in La Vendee jH397No On the Irrawaddy; the first Burmese war, 1824 jH3970n One of the 28th; story of Waterloo. . JH3970 Orange and green; tale of the Boyne and Limerick JH39705 Out on the pampas; or, the young set- tlers JH39707 Out with Garibaldi JH397012 Queen's cup H397Q Red-skin and cow-boy; a tale ot the western plains JH397R Roving commission;' or, through the black insurrection at Hayti JH397R3 St. Bartholomew's eve; a tale of the Huguenot wars JH397S St. George for England; tale of Cressy and Portiers JH397S3 Sturdy and strong JH397S5 Tales of daring and danger JH397T Through Russian snows; Napoleon's retreat from Moscow JH397T7 Through the fray; story of the Luddite riots JH397T6 Through the Sikh war; conquest of the Punjab JH397T8 Tiger of Mysore; war with Tippoo Saib jH397Ti To Herat and Cabul; story of the first Afghan war jH397To Treasure of the Incas jH397Tr True to the old flag (American revo- lution) JH397T9 Under Drake's flag; a tale of the Span- ish main JH397U Under Wellington's command; a tale of Peninsular war , JH397U5 52 FICTION When London burned; a story of res- toration times and the great fire jH397Wh With Buller in Natal jH397Wi With Clive in India; 1750-60 JH397W With Frederick the Great; story of the seven years' war JH397F5 With Kitchener in the Soudan JH397W4 With Lee in Virginia; story of the Am- erican civil war JH397W5 With Moore at Corunna JH397M5 With Roberts to Pretoria; a tale of the South African war JH397W6 With the British legion JH397W7 With Wolfe in Canada; winning of a continent JH397W8 Won by the sword; tale of the thirty years' war jH397Wo Wulf, the Saxon; story of the Norman conquest jH397Wu Yarns on the beach JH397Y Young buglers JH397Y2 Young Carthaginian; story of the times of Hannibal JH397Y4 Young colonists; war with the Zulus and Boers JH397Y6 Young f ranc-tireurs ; Franco-Prussian war JH397Y8 Young midshipman; story of the bom- bardment of Alexandria JH397Y9 HEPWORTH, George Hughes. Hiram Golf's religion H412H Her Boston experiences. Farquhar F236H Her dearest foe. Hector H357H Her ladyship's elephant. Wells W4628H Her majesty. Tompkins T597H Her majesty's minister. Le Queux L559H Her memory. Schwartz SCH93H Her mountain lover. Garland G18714H Her object in life. Mayo M457H Her only brother. Behrens B399H Her place in the world. Douglas D748He Her sailor. Saunders SA84H Her sixteenth year. Brown JB812H Her Washington experiences. Farquhar..B236H2 Herald of the west. Altsheler AL76H Heralds of empire. Laut L375H Herb-moon. Craigie C8443H Hereward the wake. Kingsley K614H Heriot'a choice. Carey C188H Heritage of Dedlow marsh. Harte H253H6 Heritage of Langdale. Hector H357H4 Heritage of the Kurts. Bjbrnson B556H Heritage of unrest. Overton OV274 Hermann Agha. Palgrave P175H Hero. Craik JC845H Hero in homespun. Barton B286H Heroes. Kingsley JK614H Heroic deeds. Johonnot JJ665 Heroine of the strait. Crowley C8854H Heroines in obscurity. Keddie K235H Heronford. Keightley K262H Herr Paulus. Besant B465He HERRICK, Robert. Web of life H435W HERTZKA, Theodor. Freeland H445F HERVEY, Maurice H. Amyas Egerton, cavalier H446A Hester. Oliphant OL35H6 Hester Blair. Carson C237H Hester's venture. Roberts R544H Hetty's strange history. Jackson J132H HEWLETT, Maurice Henry. Forest lov- ers H493F Life and death of Richard Yea-and- nay H495R Little novels of Italy H495L New Canterbury tales H495N HEYSE, Paul. In Paradise H513I Hiawatha primer. Holbrook JH695H HIBBARD, George Abiah. Nowadays, and other stories H521N Hibernian nights' entertainment. Fergu- son F382 HICK ENS, Robert Smyth e, joint author. See BARRETT, Wilson. HICKS, Mrs. Philip. See WHITBY, Be- atrice Jeannie. HICKSON, Mrs. Murray. Concerning Teddy JH525C Hidden path. Terhune T275H2 Hide and seek. Collins C695H HIGGINSON, Mrs. Ella (Rhoads.) Flower that grew in the sand H534F From the land of the snow pearls H534F4 Mariella of out-west .H534M HIGGINSON, Thomas Wentworth. Mal- bone H535M Monarch of dreams H535M4 High school days in Harbortown. West- selhoeft JW515H High spirits. Payn P296H Highland cousins. Black B563H4 FICTION 53 ary St. Ives. Ainsworth AI6SH Hilda Strafford. Harraden H237H Hilda Wade. Allen AL5412H HILL, Mrs. See LIVINGSTON, Grace. HILL, John Alexander. Stories of the railroad H55S Hill of pains. Parker P224H HILLERN, Wilhelmine von. By his own might H555B Hour will come H555H On the cross H55503 Only a girl H5550 HINKSON, Mrs. Katharine (Tynan.) Cluster of nuts H592C2 Dear Irish girl H592D Handsome Brandons H592H Oh! what a plague is love! H5920 She walks in beauty H592S That sweet enemy H592T Way of a maid H592W2 When love is kind H592W6 Hiram Golf's religion. Hepworth H412H defense, and other stories. Ed- wards ED9515H s father's son. Matthews M434H His grace of Osmonde. Burnett B935HI His honor and a lady. Cotes CS23H His letters. Cruger C886H His little mother. Graik CS45H6 His little royal highness. Ide JID22H His lordship's leopard. Wells W4628H3 His majesty myself. Baker B17418H His one fault. Trowbridge JT75717H His own master. Trowbridge JT75717H3 His sombre rivals. Roe R6213H3 His vanished star. Murfree M945H His word of honor. Burstenbinder B945H Historical mystery. Balzac B219H History of a crime. Hugo H877H4 History of Amelia. Fielding F465A History of Jack the giant-killer. Lang...jL25J History. of Sanford and Merton. Day JD33S History of the robins. Trimmer JT733R Hitherto. Whitney W615H Hiwa. Dole D683H HOBBS, John Oliver, pseud. See CRAIGIE, Mrs. Pearl Mary Teressa (Richards). HOEY, Mrs. Cashel. See HOEY, Mrs. Frances Sarah. HOEY, Mrs. Frances Sarah. Golden sor- row i H671G Love's creed H671L Out of court H6710 Stern chase H671S HOFFMAN, Ernest Theodor Wilhelm. Weird tales H674W Hohenzollern. Brady B729H HOLBROOK, Florence. Hiawatha primer JH695H HOLDEN, Martha Everts. See AMBER, Miles, pseud. HOLDER, Charles Frederick. Adventures of Torqua JH713A Treasure divers JH713T HOLDS WORTH, Annie E. (Mrs. Eugene Lee Hamilton.) Michael Ross, min- ister H7135M Valley of the great shadow H7135 HOLLAND, Clive. Lure of fame H714L Marcelle of the Quarter H714M Writer of fiction H714W HOLLAND, Josiah Gilbert. Arthur Bon- nicastle H715A Bay path H715B Miss Gilbert's career H715M Seven oaks H714M Holland wolves. Ellis EL583H HOLLEY, Marietta. Josiah Allen's wife H725J My wayward pardner H725M Samantha among the brethren H725S2 Samantha among the colored race H725S6 Samantha at Saratoga H725S8 Samantha at the world's fair H725S12 Samantha in Europe H725S13 Sweet Cicely H725S14 Holly-berry and mistletoe. Hyde JH994H HOLM, Saxe, pseud. Stories, 2 vol H73S Holmby house. Melville M496H2. HOLMES, Oliver Wendell. Elsie Ven- ner H734E Guardian angel H734G Mortal antipathy H734M Holy cross. Field F454H Holy rose. Besant B465H Home; or, life in Sweden. Bremer B753H Home again. Macdonald M144H Home as found. Cooper, in Homeward bound C785H6 Home influence. Aguilar AG95H 54 FICTION Home scenes. Aguilar '. AG95H4 Home work. Douglas D748H Homeward bound. Cooper C785H6 Homo sum. Ebers EB35H Honest Tom. Ellis jEL56Ho Honor of the Braxtons. Fosdick F784H Honorable Peter Stirling. Ford F7516H Honour of Savelli. Yates Y32H HOOD, Thomas. Tylney Hall H764T HOOK, Theodore Edward. Gilbert Gur- ney H766G Hoosier school boy. Eggleston JEG35H Hoosier school-master. Eggleston EG35H HOPE, Anthony, pseud. See HAWKINS, Anthony Hope. HOPE, Ascott R., pseud. See MON- CRIEFF, Ascott, R. H. Hope Benham. Perry JP425H Hope Loring. Bogue B634H Hope Mills. Douglas D748H4 Hope the hermit. Bayly B346H1 Hopes and fears. Yonge Y84H4 HOPKINS, Herbert Muller. Fighting bishop H774F HOPKINS, Mrs. Pauline Bradford (Mack- ie). Georgian actress H7742G Story of Kate JH7742S Ye lyttle Salem maide . . . , H7742 Y Horace Chase. Woolson W887H Horace Templeton. Lever L575H4 Hornby mills. Kingsley K61413H6 HORN I BROOK, Isabel. Camp and trail.. JH7863 HORNUNG, Ernest William. At large.. .H7864A Boss of Taroomba H7S64B Bride from the bush H7864B4 My lord duke H7864M Raffles H7864R Rogue's march H7864R3 Shadow of a man H7864S Some persons unknown H7864S4 Tiny Luttrell . H7864T Unbidden guest H7S64U Young blood H7864Y Horoscope. Dumas , .D892H4 Horse fair. Baldwin JB193H HORTON, George. Like another Helen...H7S9L Long straight road H789L2 Tempting of Father Anthony H789T Hospital sketches. Alcott AL18H Hosts of the Lord. Steel ST34H Hot plowshares. Tourgee T644H Hot swamp. Ballantyne jB214Ho HOTCHKISS, Chauncey Crafts. Betsy Ross H797B In defiance of the king JH797CI Strength of the weak H797S HOTCHKISS, Louise S. Their own wed- ding H7976T HOUGH, Emerson. Girl at the half way- house H812 Mississippi bubble HS12M Hound of the Baskervilles. Doyle D775H Hour will come. Hillern H555H Hour's promise. Trumbull T773H House. Field F454Ho House boat on the St. Lawrence. Tom- linson JT595H House by the medlar-tree. Verga V585H House divided. Watson W33512H House in Bloomsbury. Oliphant OL35H8 House of a merchant prince. Bishop B545H House of de Mailly. Potter P854H House of Egremont. Seawell SE17H House of Martha. Stockton ST65H House of romance. Castle C275H House of the hidden treasure. Tuttiett. .TS86H House of the seven gables. Haw- thorne H31517H Same JH31517H House of the wizard. Taylor T21516H House of the wolf. Weyman W545H Same JW545H House with the green shutters. Brown. .B81212H Household fairy tales. Grimm jG885Ho Household idol." Bernhard B458H Household of Glen Holley. Li I lie JL626H Household of McNiel. Barr B27Ho Household stories. Grimm JG885H Household of Edennse. Popham P814H HOUSMAN, Lawrence. English wo- man's love letters H815E Modern Antaeus -' H815M How John Norton, the trapper, kept his Christmas. Murray M96417J How the children raised the wind. Bayly . . JB346H How Tommy saved the barn. Kaler. ..JK128H4 HOWARD, Blanche Willis, afterward Mrs. B. W. (H.) Von Teuffel. Aulnay Tower H833A Aunt Serena H833A4 Dionysius, the weaver's heart's dearest H833D FICTION 55 Garden of Eden H833Ga Guenn H833G No heroes JH833N One summer H8330 Open door H83302 HOWARD, Blanche Willis, and SHARP, William. Fellowe and his wife. .H83315F HOWE, Edgar Watson. Man story H835M HOWELLS, William Dean. Annie Kil- burn H837A April hopes H837A4 Boy's town JH837B Chance acquaintance H837C Christmas every day JH837C Coast of Bohemia H837C4 Day of the wedding H837Da Dr. Breen's practice H837D Fearful responsibility H837F Foregone conclusion H837F4 Hazard of new fortunes H837H Imperative duty H8371 Indian summer H837I4 Kentons ! H837K Lady of the Aroostook H837L Landlord at Lion's Head H837L3 Minister's charge H837M Modern instance H837M4 Open-eyed conspiracy H8370 Pair of patient lovers H837P Quality of mercy H837Q Ragged lady H837Ra Rise of Silas Lapham H837R Shadow of a dream H837S Story of a play H837S4 Suburban sketches H837S6 Their silver wedding journey H837Th Their wedding journey^ H837T Traveler from Altruria H837Tr Undiscovered country H837U World of chance H837W HOWITT, William. Man of the people...H844W Howling Wolf. Champney jC358Ho Hoyden. Hungerford H895H2 HOYT, Eleanor. Misdemeanors of Nancy H856M HUBBARD, Elbert. Time and chance H86T Hudson Bay. Ballantyne JB214H HUEFFER, H. Ford Madox. Brown owl JH872B Feather JH872F Hugh Gwyeth: a roundhead cavalier. Dix D644H Hugh Wynne. Mitchell M695H HUGHES, Rupert. Dozen from Lake- rim JH8758D Lakerim athletic club JH8758L HUGHES, Thomas. Tom Brown at Ox- ford JH876T Tom Brown's school days JH876T4 HUGO, Victor Marie, viscomte. Hans of Iceland H877H History of a crime H877H4 Hunchback of Notre-Dame H877H4 Le^ Miserables H877M2 Man who laughs H877M Ninety-three H877N Toilers of the sea H877T HULBURT, Archer Butler. Queen of Quelparte H8776Q Human boy. Phillpotts JP546H Humble enterprise. Cross C885H Humble romance. Wilkins W654H Humbled pride. Musick M974H HUME, Fergus W. Bishop Pendle H884B Chronicles of faeryland JH884C Humorous stories. Payn P296H8 HUMPHREY, Frances A. and others. When I was a little girl JH88515 Wonder stories of history JH88515W4 HUMPHREY, Frank P., pseud. New England cactus H885N HUMPHREYS, Mary Gay. See SOMER- VILLE, Henry, pseud. Hunchback of Notre-Dame. Hugo H877N4 Hundred anecdotes of animals JH892 Hundredth man. Stockton ST65H4 H U N E K E R, James. Melomaniacs H893M Hungarian nabob. Jokai J675H HUNGERFORD, Mrs. Margaret (Hamil- ton) (The duchess, jpseud.) "Airy fairy Lilian" H895A Anxious moment H895A5 April's lady H895A5 Beauty's daughters H895B Coming of Chloe H895C Doris H895D4 Duchess H895DS Faith and unfaith H895F Green pleasure and grey grief H895G Hoyden H895H2 In durance vile, and other stories H895I 56 FICTION Jerry H895J Lady Branksmere H895L2 Lady Patty H895L3 Lady Val worth's diamonds H895L4 Lady Verner's flight H895La Lonely maid (same as Lonely girl) . . .H895L7 Lovice H895L8 Loys, Lord Berresford and other tales..H895L9 Maiden all forlorn and other stories. .H895Ma Marvel H895M2 Mental struggle H895Me Mrs. Geoffrey H895M Modern Circe H895Mo Molly Bawn H89 # 5M4 Nor wife nor maid H895N Nora Creina H895N3 O tender ' Dolores H8950 O'Conners of Ballinahinch H89504 Peter's wife .' H895P Phyllis H895P2 Point of conscience H895P4 Portia H895P6 Professor's experiment H895P8 Red-house mystery H895Re Rossmoyne H895R Three graces H895T . Under-currents H895TJ Unsatisfactory lover H895U3 HUNT, Helen. See JACKSON, Mrs. Hel- »en Maria (Fiske) Hunt. 'HUNT, James Henry^ Leigh. See HUNT, Leigh. , HUNT, Mrs. Margaret (Raine). Barring- ton's fate H914B HUNT, Leigh. Classic tales H91414C Hunter cats of Connorloa. Jackson JJ132H Hunters of the Ozark. Ellis JEL56H HUNTINGTON, Faye, pseud. See FOS- TER, Mrs. Isabella H. HUNTINGTON, George. Chubby Ruff. .JH923C HURD, Grace Marguerite. Bennett twins JH932B HURLBUT, Ella Childs. Mrs. Clift-Cros- by's niece H396M Hurricane Hurry. Kingston K616H HUSSEY, Eyre. On account of Sarah. . .H9650 HUSTED, Mary Hall. Stories of Indian children JH9655 HUTTEN, Bettina, baroness von. Our lady of the beeches H9766 HUTTON, Laurence. Boy I knew and four dogs JH977B HUYSMANS, JOris Karl. En route H986E HYDE, Mary Caroline. Holly-berry and mistletoe JH994H HYNE, Charles John Cutcliffe Wright. Adventures of Captain Kettle H995A Captured cruiser H995C Filibusters H995F Further adventures of Captain Kettle..H995F3 Lost continent H995L Master of fortune H995M New Eden H995N Paradise coal-boat H995Pa Prince Rupert H995P Stimson's reef H995S Kypatia. Krngsley.. K614H4 Hyperion. Longfellow L863H I I am the king. Stevens ST469I I have lived and loved. Bridges B765I I say three ships. Couch C83I I say "no." Collins C695I I, thou, and the other one. Barr B27I la. Couch .* C83I3 Ice queen. Ingersoll JIN442I Iceland fisherman. Viaud V655I Icelander's sword. Gould JB73I Icelandic fairy tales. Hall JH139I Ickery Ann and other girls and boys. Peattie JP324I Idalia. Rame R144I IDE, Mrs. Charles. See IDE, Mrs. Fran- ces Otis. IDE, Mrs. Frances Otis (Ruth Ogden . pseud.) His little royal highness.. JID22L Loyal little redcoat JID22L Ideala. MacFall. . . . . . M1641 Idiot. Dostoieffsky D745I Idleborn. Taylor T21514I Illumination. Frederic F874D Same as Damnation of Thercn Ware. Illustrious Dr. MathSus. Erckmann and Chatrian ER25D Image breakers. Dix D6444I Imaginotions: truthless tales. Jenks. . . JJ427I Imperative duty. Howells H837I Imperial lover. Taylor T21516I In a dyke shanty. Pool P7S3D4 In a hollow of the hills. Harte H253In FICTION 57 In a north country village. Blundell B627I In a winter city. Rame R144I3 In black and white. Kipling , . .K625I In blue and white. Brooks JB794I In Blue Creek canon. Ray JR214I In circling camps. Altsheler AL76I In connection with the De Willoughby claim. Burnett B935I In deacon's orders. Besant B465In In defiance of the king. Hotchkiss JH7976I In direst peril. Murray M964I In durance vile. Hungerford H895I In exile and other stories. Foote F735I In far Lochaber. Black B5631 In freedom's cause. Henty JH397F6 In God's way. Bjornson "°5c6I In great waters. Janvier J267G In Greek waters. Henty JH397I In His name; Christmas- stories. Hale H13I In his steps. Sheldon SH44I In Kedar's tents. Scott SC082I In king's byways. Weyman W545I In Leisler's times. Brooks B794I In Maremma. Rame R144I5 In New Granada. Kingston JK616N In No-man's land. Brooks JB794T3 In old France and new. McLennan M2245I In old New England. Butterworth B986I In old New York. Barrett B27319 In old Quinnebasset. Clarke JC55I In old Virginia. Page P145I In our country. Terhune T275I In paradise. Heyse H513I In peril and privation. Payn JP296I In pirate waters. Munroe JM925I In poppy land. Fuller JF95413I In red Indian trails. Ellis jEL56In In search of mademoiselle. Gibbs G354I In search of the castaways. Verne V595I In silk attire. Black B563I5 In Simpkinsville. Stuart ST92I In spite' of all. Bayly B346In In spite of foes. King K58I In spite of himself. Barr B27I4 In story land. Harrison JH24515 In the Alamo. Read R224I In the boyhood of Lincoln. Butter- worth JB986I In the cage. James J23416I3 In the Camargue. Bowles B682I In the Carquinez woods. Harte H253I In the clouds. Murf ree M945I In the counselor's house John J615In In the country God forgot. Charles C3813 In the. crucibles. Litchfield L71I In the days of Audubon. Butterworth. .JB986A In the days of Jefferson. Butterworth. JB986M In the days of Massasoit. Butterworth. .JB986M In the days of the pioneers. Ellis JEL56I In the desert. Ebers EB35I2 In the eastern seas. Kingston JK616I Ih the first person. Pool P783I In the forest. Foster F813 In the golden days. Bayly B346I In the hands of the cave dwellers. Henty JH397I8 In the hands of the redcoats. Tomlin- son JT595I3 In the heart of the Rockies. Henty jH397In In the heart of the storm. Tuttiett T886I In the High valley. Woolsey JW886I In the king's country. Douglas D748K In the middle of the watch. Russell R914In In the name of a woman. Marchmont. .M3345I In the navy. Goss JG694I In the old Herrick house. Deland JD375I In the olden time. Roberts R544I In the palace of the king. Crawford ... . .C857I3 In the permanent way. Steel ST34In In the ranks. Douglas JD7481 In the reign of old King Cole. Gibbon, ed.jG351; In the reign of "terror. Henty JH397I2 In the Sargasso sea. Janvier J267I Same JJ267I In the Schillingscourt. John J615f In the sixties. Frederic F874In In the sky-garden. Champney JC358I In the "stranger people's" country. Mur- free M945I4 In the three zones. Stimson ST55I In the tideway. Steel ST34I In the valley. Frederic F874I In the war of the roses. Green JG824 In the wasp's nest. Brady JB729I In times of peril. Henty jH397I,4 In trust. Douglas D748I In trust. Oliphant OL25I In varying moods. Harraden H237I In war time. Mitchell M695I In wild rose time. Douglas JD748W INCA-PANCHO-OZALLO. Lost Inca. . . .IN25L Incident and other happenings. Elliott..EL557I 58 FICTION Indian child life. Deming JD3954 Indian fairy .tales. Jacobs JJ154E Indian mutiny. Rousselet R764T Indian summer. Howells H837I4 Inez. Wilson W6951 Infelice. Wilson W695I4 Infidel. Maxwell M454I INGELOW, Jean. Don John IN44D Fated to be free IN44F John Jerome IN44J Mopsa the fairy JIN44M Motto changed IN44M Off the Skelligs IN440 Sarah de Berenger IN44S Studies for stories IN44S4 Three fairy tales JIN44T INGERSOLL, Ernest. Ice queen JIN4421 Ingleside. Krause JK866I INGLIS, Henry D. New Gil Bias IN46N INGRAHAM, Joseph Holt. Pillar of flre..IN48Pi Prince of the house of David IN48P Throne of David IN48T Inheritance. Ferrier F415I Initial experience. King K58I3 Initials. Tautphoeus T195I Inlander. Robertson R545I INMAN, Henry. Delahoydes 3IN6D Ranche on the Oxhide JIN6R inn of the Silver Moon. Viele V675I Innocent; a tale of modern life. Oli- phant OL35I4 Inside the bar. Melville, in Market Har- borough M496M4 Instinct of stepfatherhood, and other sto- ries. Bogue B634I Interpreter. Melville M496I Into unknown seas. Ker JK45I Intrusions of Peggy. Hawkins H314I4 Invaders. Tolstoi T585I Invisible links. Lagerlof L1343I Invisible man. Wells W463I Involuntary voyage. Biart B474I lone March. Crockett C876I Ionia. Craig C844I Irish brigade. Henty JH397I3 Irish fairy and folk tales. Yeats JY32F Irish idylls. Barlow B247I Irish pastorals. Bullock B876I IRON, Ralph, pseud. See SCHREINER, Olive. Iron brigade. King K58I7 Iron cousin. Clarke C5516I Iron heart. Ellis JEL56I3 Ironmaster. Ohnet OH45I IRVING, Fannie Belle. Six girls '.JIR84S IRVING, Washington. Bracebridge Hall. IR8418B3 Legend of Sleepy Hollow JIR8418L Rip Van Winkle JIR8418R Sketch-book JIR8418S Tales of a traveler IR8418T Same JIR8418T Wolfert's roost IR8418W Is he popenjoy? Trollope T7451 Is it true? Craik JC845I ISAACS, Abram Samuel. Stories from the rabbis IS13S Isabel Dysart. Oliphant. In That little cutty OL35T ISHAM, Frederic S. Stories IS33S Isidra. Steell ST35I Island. Whiteing W5863I Island cabin. Henry H395 Island nights' entertainments. Steven- son ST47I Island of Dr. Moreau. Wells W453I2 Island refuge. Kaler JK128I6 Isle of the winds. Crockett C876Is Isle of unrest. Scott SC082I4 It is never too late to mend. Reade R225I Ivan de Biron. Helps H367I Ivanhoe. Scott SC084I Same JSC0841 Same, N. Y. point for the blind. Ivar the viking. Du Chaillu JD854I Ivors. Sewell SE86I Ivory gate. Besant B465I J J. Devlin, boss. Williams W6735 J. S. of Dale, pseud. See STIMSON, Frederick Jesup. Jack Alden. Goss JG694J Jack among the Indians. Grinnell JG886J Jack and Jill. Alcott 3ALI8J Jack Archer. Henty JH397J Jack Ballister's fortunes. Pyle JP998J Jack Hall. Grant JG76516J Jack Hinton. Lever L575J Jack in the bush. Grant JG76516J2 Jack Midwood. Ellis jEL56Ja Jack Morgan, a boy of 1812. Stoddard.. .JST67J FICTION 59 Jack Racer. Somerville S054J Jack the giant killer. History of. Lang...jL25J Jack the hunchback. Kaler JK128J Jack the young ranchman. Grinnell . . . . JG886J2 Jack Tier. Cooper C785J Jackanapes. Ewing JEW55J Jack's courtship. Russell R914J Jacks of all trades and what they did. Birdsall JB5324 JACKSON, Gabrielle Emilie. Caps and capers jJ1318Ca Colburn prize JJ1318C Denise and Ned Toodles JJ1318D" Pretty Polly Perkins JJ1318P JACKSON, Mrs. Helen Maria (Fiske) Hunt (H. H., pseud.). Between I whiles JJ132B Cat stories JJ132C Hetty's strange history J132H Hunter cats of Connorloa JJ132H Letters from a cat JJ132L Mammy Tittleback JJ132M Mercy Philbrick's choice.... J132M Nelly's silver mine JJ132N Ramona J132R Zeph JJ132Z Jacob Faithful. Marryat M347J Jacobite exile. Henty JH397J2 JACOBS, Joseph. Celtic fairy tales JJ154C English fairy tales JJ154E Indian fairy tales JJ154I More Celtic fairy tales jJ154Mo More English fairy tales JJ154M JACOBS, William Wymark. At Sunwich port J154A ■ Lady of the barge J154La Light freights J154L Many cargoes '. . . J154M Master of craft J154M3 More cargoes J154Mo Sea urchins J154S Skipper's wooing J154S4 Jaconetta. Davis JQ289 JAK, pseud. See WILLIAMS, Annie • Bowles. JAMES, Bushrod Washington. Political freshman J233P JAMES, George Payne Rainsford. Mor- ley Ernstein J23414M Richelieu J23414R JAMES, Henry, jr. American J23416A Aspern papers J23416A2 Author of Beltraffio J23416A4 Awkward age J23416A6 Bostonians J23416B Confidence J23416C2 . Daisy Miller J23416D Embarrassments J23416Em Europeans J23416E In the cage J23416I3 Lesson of the master J23416L London life J23416L3 Madonna of the future J23416M Other house J234160 Portrait of a lady J23416P2 Princess Casamassima J23416P4 Private life J23416P6 Reverberator J23416R Roderick Hudson J23416R4 Siege of London J23416Si Soft side J23416S Spoils of Poynton J23416S4 Stories revived J23416S8 Tragic muse J23416T6 Two magics J23416T Washington square J23416Wa Wheel of time J23416W Wings of a dove J23416Wi Jamesons. Wilkins W654Ja JAMISON, Mrs. Cecile Viets Hamilton. Lady Jane JJ245L Seraph, the little violinist JJ245S Toinette's Philip JJ245T Jan of the windmill. Ewing JEW55J4 Jan Vedder's wife. Barr B27J JANE, Fred T. Violet flame J25V Jane Eyre. Bronte B78813T Jane Field. Wilkins W654J Jane Sinclair. Carleton C196 J Jane Treachel. Aide AI24J Janet and her father. Bamford JB2194J Janice Meredith. Ford F7516 J JANVIER, Margaret Thompson. See VANDEGRIFT, Margaret, pseud. JANVIER, Thomas Allibone. Aztec treas- ure-house J267A Same JJ267A In great waters J267G In the Sargasso sea J267I Same JJ267I Passing of Thomas, and other stories... J267P 60 FICTION Uncle of an angel J267U Japanese nightingale. Watanna W294 Japhet In search of a father. Marryat...M347J4 Jarvis of Harvard. Kauffman K164J Jason Edwards. Garland G18714J Jaunt through Java. Ellis JEL56J JAY, W. M. L., pseud. See WOODRUFF, Julia L. Mathilda. JAYNE, R. H. Through Apache land. .JJ335T Jealousies of a country town. Balzac. . .B219J Jean Berny, sailor. Viaud V655J Jean Noel. Scanned 3SCA66J JEFFERY, Walter, joint author. See BECKE, George Louis. JENKS, Albert Ernest. Childhood of Ojibwa jJ425 JENKS, Tudor. Galopoff, the talking pony JJ427G Imaginotions : truthless tales JJ427I Jenny Wren's boarding house. Kaler. .jK128Je JEROME, Jerome Klapka. Observations of Henry J4830 Paul Kelver J483P Sketches in lavender, blue and green. ..J483S Jerome; a poor man. Wilkins W654Je Jerry. Elliott EL557J Jerry. Hungerford H895J Jerry the blunderer. Wesselhoeft JW515J Jerry's family. Kaler JK128J2 Jersey boy in the revolution. Tomlin- son JT595J Jersey street and Jersey lane. Bunner. .B885J Jess. Haggard _. H125J Jessamine. Terhune T275Je Jethro Bacon of Sandwich. Stimson ST55J Jew. Kraszewski KS55 J Jewel in the lotos. Tincker T494J Jewel of Ynys Galon. Rhoscomyl R347J JEWETT, John Howard (Hannah War- ner, pseud.) Bunny stories JJ555B JEWETT, Sarah Orne. Betty Leicester, a story for girls JJ55517B Betty Leicester's Christmas JJ55517B3 Country of the pointed firs J555C3 Deephaven J555D King of Folly island J555K Play days. JJ55517P Strangers and wayfarers J555S Tales of New ( England j J55517T Tory lover J555T Jilt. Reade R225J Jimmy and his partners. Kaler jK128Ji Jo-boat boys. Cowan JC8356J Joan Haste. Haggard H125Jo Joan of the sword hand. Crockett C876J Joan the maid. Charles C38J Joel Harford. Kaler JK128J3 JOHN, Eugene (E Marlitt, pseud.). At the councillor's. Same as In the counselor's house J615A Bailiff's maid J615B Countess Gisela ,..J615C Gold Elsie J615G In the counselor's house. Same as At the councillor's J615In In the Schillingscourt J615I Lady with the rubies J615L Little moorland princess. Same as Princess of the moor J615L4 Old ma'm'selle's secret J6150 Owl's nest J61504 Princess of the moor. Same as Little moorland princess J615P Second wife J615S John. Oliphant OL35J2 John Brent. Winthrop W737J John Caldigate. Trollope T745J John Dorrien. Kavanagh K17413 J John Forsyth's aunts. White W5843J John Godsoe's legacy. Kellogg JK294J John Halifax, gentleman. Craik C845J John Holdsworth. Russell R914J3 John Inglesant. Shorthouse SH84J John Jerome. Ingelow IN44J John Kenadie. Saunders SA8412 John March. Cable C112J John Norton's Thanksgiving party. Mur- ray M96418 John Parmelee's curse. Hawthorne H315J John Splendid. Munro M9248J John Vytal. Payson P297J John Ward, preacher. Deland D375J John Winter. Mayo M457J Johnnie. Laughlin L365J Johnny Twoboys. Boynton JB714 JOHNSON, Rossiter. End of a rainbow. .JJ633E Little classics: Love J633L Phaeton Rogers JJ633P JOHNSON, Samuel. Rasselas J634R JOHNSON, William Henry. King or knave, which wins? J63419K King's henchman J63419K3 FICTION 61 JOHNSTON, Annie Fellows. Asa Holmes; or, at the cross-roads J6432A Little colonel JJ6433C Little colonel's holidays JJ6433C3 Little colonel's house party JJ6433C4 JOHNSTON, Charles. Kela Bai J6433K JOHNSTON, J. Wesley. Riddle of life..J6437R JOHNSTON, Mary. Audrey J644A Prisoners of hope J644P To have and to hold. . , J644T JOHNSTON, Richard Malcolnt. Mr. Ab- salom Billingslea J645M Mr. Eilly Downs J645M4 Ogeechee cross-firings J6450 Old times in middle Georgia J64503 Primes and their neighbors J645P IOHONNOT, James. Book of cats and dogs JJ665B Grandfather's stories JJ665G Heroic deeds JJ665 JOKAI, Maurus. Baron's sons J675Ba Black diamonds J675B Christian but a Roman J675C Debts of honor J675D Dr. Dumany's wife J675D4 Green book J675G Hungarian nabob J675H Lion of Janina. . .'. J675L Modern Midas J675M Nameless castle J675N Poor plutocrats J675P Pretty Michal J675P4 There is no devil J675T Jolly good summer. Smith JSM515J Jolly good times. Smith JSM515J2 Jolly good times at Hackmatack. Smith. JSM515J3 Jolly good times at school. Smith. .JSM515J4 Jolly good times today. Smith. . .'. . . JSM515J5 Jolly Rover. Trowbridge JT75717J Jonas Brand. Valentine V235J Jonathan Wild. Fielding F465J JONES, Alice Ilgenfritz. Beatrice of Bayou Teche J69B Chevalier de St. Denis J69C JONES, Cecilia Anne. Little Sir Nich- JONES, M. Rebekah J71R JORDAN, David Starr. Book of Knight and Barbara j J762 JORDAN, Elizabeth Garver. Tales of a city room J762T Tales of destiny J762T2 Tales of the cloister J762T4 Jo's boys. Alcott JAL18J4 Jo's opportunity. Lillie JL626J Joscelyn Cheshire. Kennedy K385J Joseph and his friends. Taylor T215J Joseph Andrews, Adventures of . . Field- ing .t.F465J4 Joseph II. and his court. Mundt M924J Josey and the chipmunk. Reid JR275J Joshua. Ebers EB35J Joshua Davidson, True history of. Linton L657J JOSIAH ALLEN'S WIFE, pseud. See HOLLEY, Marietta. Josiah Allen's wife. Holley H725J Josiah in New York. Kaler JK128J5 Journey to nature. Mowbray M872 JOYCE, Patrick Weston. Old Celtic ro- mances J844 Joyce. Oliphant OL35J4 Joyous story of Toto. Richards JR39J Juan and Juanita. Baylor JB345J Juanita. Mann '. M313J Jucklins. Read R224J2 Judge Burnham's daughters. Alden JAL22J Judge Elbridge. Read R224 J3 Judge's cave. Lothrop .L914J Judith. Terhune T275 J Judith Shakespeare. Black B563J Juell Deming. Lawrence L431J Juggler. Murfree M945J Juletty. McElroy M146J Julia Reid. Alden JAL22J6 Julian. Ware W22J Julian Home. Farrar F245J Jumping kangaroo and the apple butter cat. Harrington JH23J June. Bridges B765 J Jungle book. Kipling JK625J Same, N. Y. point for the blind. Junior cup. French JF88614 Jupiter Lights. Woolson W887J Just about a boy. Phillips JP5445J Just sixteen. Woolsey JW886J Just so stories. Kipling JK625J2 Justice to the woman. Babcock B113J K Kaleidoscope. Lothrop, and others JL915K 62 FICTION KALER, James Otis (James Otis, pseud). Amateur fireman JK128A Amos Dunkel JK128A3 Andy's ward .JK128A4 Armed ship America JK128A5 At the siege of Havana JK128A6 At the siege of Quebec JK128A7 Aunt Hannah and Seth JK128A8 Boston boys of 1775 jK128Bo Boy captain JK128B Boys of Fort Schuyler JK128B6 Boys of 1745 JK128B4 Boy's revolt JK128B8 Braganza diamond JK128B9 Captain Tom JK128C Capture of the Laughing Mary JK128C1 Castaways JK128C2 Charming Sally JK128C4 Chasing a yacht JK128C5 Christmas at Deacon Hackett's jK128Ch3 Corporal Lige's recruit JK128C6 Cruise of the "Comet" JK128C8 Cruise with Paul Jones JK128C9 Defence of Fort Henry JK128D2 Dick in the desert JK128D4 District messenger boy JK128D6 Ezra Jordan's escape JK128E7 How Tommy saved the barn JK128H4 Island refuge i JK128I6 Jack the hunchback JK128J Jenny Wren's boarding house jK128Je Jerry's family JH128J2 Jimmy and his partners jK128Ji Joel Harford JK128J3 Josiah in New York JK128J5 Larry Hudson's ambition jK128La Left behind JK128L Little Joe JK128L3 Life savers JK128L4 Lobster catchers JK128L6 Mr. Stubb's brother JK128M Morgan, the Jersey spy JK128M4 Neal, the miller JK128N Off Santiago with Sampson JK12802 On schedule time JK12806 On the Kentucky frontier JK12804 Our uncle, the major JK12809 Princess and Job Potter •. ..JK128P7 Raising the "Pearl" JK128R Runaway brig JK128R5 Sarah Dillard's ride JK128S Search for the silver city JK128S2 Short cruise JK128S3 Signal boys of *75 JK128S4 Silent Pete JK128SI Teddy jK128Te Teddy and Carrots JK128T2 Telegraph Tom's venture '. .JK128T4 Tim and Tip JK128T Toby Tyler JK128T5 Tory plot JK128T7 Traitor's escape JK128T9 Treasure-finders JK128T12 Under the liberty tree JK128U5 When Dewey came to Manila JK128W When Israel Putnam served the king JK128W1 When we destroyed the Gaspee. . . JK128W2 With Lafayette at Yorktown JK128W3 With Perry on Lake Erie s JK128P2 With Porter in the Essex JK128P3 With Prebel at Tripoli JK128P6 With the regulators JK128W4 With the swamp fox . . . > JK128W5 With Warren at Bunker Hill JK128W7 With Washington at Monmouth JK128W8 Wood island light jK128Wo Wreck of the circus jK128Wr Wrecked on Spider island JK128W9 Kaloolah. Mayo M45718K Kate Bonnet. Stockton ST65K Kate Carnegie. Watson W33514K Kate Coventry. Melville M496K Katerfelto. Melville M496K4 Katharine Ash ton. Sewe II SE86K Katharine Day. Fuller F9541K Katharine North. Pool P783K Katherine Lauderdale. Crawford C857Ka Kathie Brande. Parr P245K Kathie's aunt Ruth. Douglas JD748K Kathie's harvest days. Douglas JD748K2 Kathie's soldiers. Douglas JD748K3 Kathie's summer at Cedarwood. Doug- las , JD748K4 Kathie's three wishes. Douglas JD748K5 Kathleen. Burnett B935K Katie Stewart. Oliphant OL35K2 Katrina. Deland JD375K KAUFFMAN, Reginald Wright. Jarvis of Harvard K164J KAVANAGH, Julia. Adele K17413A Beatrice K17413B FICTION 63 Daisy Burns K17413D John Dorrien K17413J Madeleine K17413M Nathalie K17413N Rachel Gray K17413R Kavanagh. Longfellow L863K KAYME, Sargent. Anting-anting stories.K184A KEATS, Gwendoline. (Zack, pseud.). Life Pis life K227L On trial K2270 Tales of Dunstable weir K227T White cottage K227W K EDDIE, Mrs. Henrietta (Sarah Tytler, pseud.). Heroines in obscurity. . .K235H KEELING, Elsa d'Esterre. Appassion- ato K245A Orchardscroft K2450 KEIGHTLEY, Samuel Robert. Cavaliers. K262C Crimson sign K262Cr Heronford K262H Last recruit of Clare's K262L Silver cross K262S Kela Bai. Johnston J6433K Kelea. Twombly T936K KELLOGG, Rev. Elijah. Ark of Elm • island JK294A Arthur Brown 5K294A6 Boy farmers JK294B Brought to the front JK294B4 Burying the hatchet JK294B6 Charlie Bell JK294C Child of the island glen JK294C4 Cruise of the Casco JK294C6 Fisher boys JK294F Forest Glen 5K294F4 Good old times JK294G Hardscrabble JK294H John Godsoe's legacy JK294J Lion Ben of Elm island JK294L Live oak boys JK294L4 Mission of Black Rifle JK294M Sophomores of Radcliffe JK294S Sowed by the winds JK294S2 Spark of genius "... . JK294S4 Stout heart JK294S6 Strong arm JK294S8 Turning of the tide JK294T Unseen hand JK294U Whispering pine JK294W Winning his spurs JK294W4 Wolf run JK294W6 Young deliverers JK294Y Young ship-builders JK294Y4 KELLOGG, Frank E. Boy duck hunters.jK2944 KELLY, Florence Finch. With hoops of steel K295W Kelp-gatherers. Trowbridge JT75717K KEMBLE, Frances A. Far away and long ago K315F KEMPSTER, Aquila. Way of the gods. .K325W Kenelm Chillingly. Bulwer-Lytton B878K Kenilworth. Scott SC084K Same, N. Y. point for the blind. KENNEDY, John Pendleton. Rob of the bowl K384R KENNEDY, Sara Beaumont. Joscelyn Cheshire ;..K385J Kent Hampden. Davis JD29K Kent squire. Hayes H325K Kentons. Howells H837K Kentuckians. Fox F83K Kentucky cardinal. Allen AL5414K Kentucky colonel. Read R224K KEON, Miles Gerald. Dion and the sibyls K434D Kept in the dark. Trollope T745K3 KER, David. Cossack and czar JK45C Into unknown seas JK45I Lost among white Africans JK45L2 Lost city JK45L4 Prisoner among pirates JK45P Swept out to sea JK45S Vanished ..JK45V Wizard king JK45W Kerrigan's quality. Barlow B247K K ESTER, Vaughan. Manager of the B. & A K485M Khaled. Crawford C857K2 Kidnapped. Stevenson ST47K KIELLAND, Alexander L. Garman and Worse K545G Tales of two countries K545T Kilmeny. Black B563K Kim. Kipling K625K KIMBALL, Richard Burleigh. Romance of student life abroad K565R Was' he successful? K565W KING, Anna Eichberg, afterward Mrs. A. E. K. Lane. Kitwyk stories K57K KING, Basil. Let not man put asunder..K5714L KING, Charles. Army life K5SA 64 FICTION Between the lines K58B Cadet days JK58C Captain Blake K58C Captain Close K58C3 Captain Dreams K58C5 Colonel's Christmas dinner. K58C6 Colonel's daughter K58C8 Deserter K58D Foes in ambush K58F Fort Frayne K58F3 Found in the Philippines K58F8 From school to battlefield JK58F Garrison tangle ". K58G General's double K58Ge In spite of foes K58I Initial experience K58I3 Iron brigade K58I7 Kitty's conquest K58K Laramie K58L Marion's faith, sequel to "Colonel's daughter" K58M Ray's daughter K58R Ray's recruit... K58R3 Soldier's secret K58S Starlight ranch, and other stories K58S6 Sunset pass K58S8 Trooper Galahad , K58T3 Trooper Ross, and Signal Butte 3K08T Trumpeter Fred jKoSTr Two soldiers K58Tw Under fire K58U War-time wooing -» . .K58W Waring's peril K58W5 Warrior gap K58W7 Way of the west IK58W8 Wounded name K58W9 KING, Grace Elizabeth. Tales of a time and place K5813T KING, Stanton H. Dog watches at sea..K5817D King and queen of Mollebusch. Ebers. .EB35K King Arthur. Craik C845K King in yellow. Chambers C356K King Midas. Sinclair SI598K King Mombo. Du Chaillu JD854K King Noanett. Stimson ST55K King of Andorra. Harris H2398K King of Folly island. Jewett J555K King of Honey island. Thompson. .. .T37414K King of the broncos. Lummis L975K Same .' JL975K King of the Golden river. Ruskin JR894K Same, N. Y. point for the blind. King of the park. Saunders JSA84K King or knave, which wins? Johnson. .J63419K King Solomon's mines. Haggard H125K King with two faces. Coleridge C676K King's daughter. Alder** JAL22K King's end. Brown B81K King's henchman. Johnson J63419K3 King's highway. Barr B27K Kings in exile. Daudet D265K King'3 jackal. Davis D2918K King's messenger. Antrobus AN892K Kings own. Hawkins H314K King's own. Marryat M347K King's pawn. Drummond D844K King's stratagem. Weyman W545K KINGSLEY, Charles. Alton Locke, tail- or and poet K614A Greek Heroes ..JK614H Hereward the Wake, the last of the English K614H Hypatia .K614H4 Two years ago K614T Water babies JK615W Westward ho! K614W Same jK614We Yeast K614Y KINGSLEY, Mrs. Florence (Morse.) Cross triumphant K61412C Paul; a herald of the cross K61412P Prisoners of the sea K61412P4 Stephen, a soldier of the cross K61412S Titus, a comrade of the cross. K61412T KINGSLEY, Henry. Harveys K61413H Hornby mills .K61413H6 Leighton court K61413L Mademoiselle Mathilde K61413M Ravenshoe K61413R Reginald Hetherege K61413R3 . Silcote of Silcotes K61413S Stretton K61413S4 Valentin.... K61413V KINGSTON, William Henry Giles. Afar in the forest 3K6I6A Cruise of the Frolic <.. JK616C Dick Onslow JK616D Hurricane Hurry K616H In the Eastern seas....' JK616I In New Granada JK616N South sea whaler JK616S4 Stories of the sagacity of animals: cats FICTION 65 and dogs JK616S6 Stories of the sagacity of animals: the horse, etc JK616S8 KIPLING, Rudyard. "Captains cour- ageous" K625C Child stories JK625C Day's work K625D In black and white K625I Jungle book JK625J Same, N. Y. point for the blind. Just so stories JK625J2 Kim K625K Light that failed K625L Many inventions K625M Mine own people K625M3 Phantom 'rickshaw, and other stories. ..K625P Plain tales from the hills K625P4 Second jungle book JK625S Soldier stories K625S2 Soldiers three, and military tales. .. .K625S3 Stalky & Co K625S4 Under the deodars K625U Wee Willie Winkie K625W KIPLING, Rudyard, and BALESTIER, Wolcott. Naulahka K626N KIRK, Mrs. Ellen Warner (Olney), (Henry Hayes, pseud.). Better times stories K634B Ciphers K634C Daughter of Eve K634D Dorothy and her friends JK634D Dorothy Deane JK634D3 Lesson in love K634Le Midsummer madness K634M3 Our lady Vanity K6340 Queen money , K634Q Sons and daughters K634S Story of Margaret Kent K634S3 KIRKE, Edmund, pseud. See GILMORE, James B. KIRKLAND, Joseph. McVeys K636M KIRKMAN, Marshall Monroe. Romance of Gilbert Holmes K637R KIRSCHNER, Lola. See SCHUBIN, Os- sip, pseud. Kirsten. Oliphant OL35K4 Kismet. Fletcher F635K Kit : a memory. Pay n P296K Kit and Kitty. Blackmore B567K Kit Kennedy, country boy. Crockett C876K Kith and kin. Fothergill. . . % P824K 5-L. Kitty's conquest. King K58K Kitwyk stories. King K57K Klondike nuggets. Ellis JEL56K Knight-errant. Bayly B346K Knight of liberty. Butterworth JB986K Knight of the nets. Barr B27K4 Knight of the nineteenth century. Roe..R6213K Knight of the white cross. Henty JH397K Knights in fustian. Krout : . . .K925K Knights of the cross. Sienkiewicz SI17K KNOX, Mrs. Adeline (Trafton). See TRAFTON, Adeline. KOROLENKO, Vladimir. Blind musi- cian K8467B KRASZEWSKI, Joseph Ignatius. Jew. . .K855J Memoir of the Countess Cosel K855M KRAUSE, Lydia Farrington (Barbara Yechton, pseud.)' Fortune's boats..K866F Ingleside 3K866I KROUT, Caroline Virginia (Caroline Brown, pseud.) Knights in fustian. K925K L Labor of love. Magruder JM2765L LABOULAYE, Edward RenS Lefebure. Abdallah JL115A Fairy book JL115F Last fairy tales JL115L LA BRETE, Jean de. My uncle and my cure L116M Lachmi Bai, Rani of Jhansi. White. . .W5845L Laddie, in Miss Toosey's mission JM692 Lad's love. Bates M316L Lad's love. Crockett C876La Lady Betty Stair. Seawell JSE17L Lady Blanche's salon. Bryce B842L Lady Branksmere. Hungerford H895L2 Lady Hester; or, Ursula's narrative. Yonge. in Danver's papers Y84L Lady Isobel. Pollard JP762L Lady Jane. Jamison JJ245L Lady Judith. McCarthy M126L Lady Maud. Russell R914L Lady of Castell March. Rhoscomyl R347L Same as Shrouded face. Lady of dreams. Silberrad SI33L Lady of Lynn. Besant B465L Lady of quality. Burnett B935La Lady of the Aroostook. Howells H837L Lady of the barge. Jacobs J154La Lady of the regency. Rawson R197L 66 FICTION Lady or the tiger? Stockton ST65L Lady paramount. Harland H227L Lady Patty. Hungerford H895L3 Lady Silverdale's sweetheart. Black B563L Lady Valworth's diamonds. Hungerford. .H895L4 Lady Verner's flight. Hungerford H895La Lady William. Oliphant OL35L Lady with the rubies. John J615L Lady's walk. Oliphant OL35La Lafitte of Louisiana. Devereux D495L LA FLESCHE, Francis. Middle five JL133 LAGERLOF, Selma. Invisible links L1343I Miracles of antichrist L1343M. Story of Gdsta Berling L1343S Laird of Norlaw. Oliphant OL35L1 Laird's luck. Couch C83L Lakerim athletic club. Hughes JH8758L Lai. Hammond H18618L LAMARTINE, Alphonse Marie Louis Prat de. Raphael L165R Stone mason of Saint-Point L165S LA MOTTE-FOQUE, Friedrich Heinrich Karl, baron de. Undine JL196 Lamplighter. Cummins C915L Lance of Kanana. French JF88616 Lances of Lynwood. Yonge JY84L Land-leaguers. Trollope T745L2 Land o' the leal. Lyall L98L Land of Cockayne. Serao SE64L Land of pluck. Dodge JD665L Land of the sky. Fisher F534L Land of wonders. Ellis jEL56La Landlord at Lion's Head. Howells H837L3 LANE, Mrs. A. E. K. See KING, Anna Eichberg. LANE, Mrs. Martha Allen Luther! Sto- ries for children JL24 Same, N. Y. point for the blind. Lane that had no turning. Parker P224L Laneton parsonage. Sewell SE86L LANG, Andrew. Disentanglers L25D Monk of Fife L25M My own fairy book JL25M LANG, Andrew, ed. Adventures of Prince Prigio JL25P3 Animal story book JL25A Blue fairy book JL25B Book of romance JL25B3 Cinderella JL25C Green fairy book JL25G Grey fairy book JL25G4 History of Jack the giant-killer JL25J Little Red Riding-hood JL25L Pink fairy book JL25P Prince Darling JL25P4 Prince Ricardo JL25P6 Princess on the glass hill JL25P7 Red fairybook JL25R Red book of animal stories jL25Re Sleeping Beauty in the wood JL25S4 True story book JL25T4 Violet fairy book JL25V Yellow fairy book JL25Y LANG, Andrew, joint author. See HAG- GARD, Henry Rider. LANIER, Sidney. Bob: a story of our mocking bird JL275B Laodicean. Hardy H22418L Laramie. King K58L Larry. Douglas JD748L Larry Hudson's ambition. Kaler jK128La Lass o' Lowries. Burnett B935L Last chronicle of Barset. Trollope. .. .T745L4 Last cruise of the Mohawk. Henderson. JH384L Last days of Pompeii. Bulwer-Lytton B878L Same JB878L Last entry. Russell R914L2 Last fairy tales. Laboulaye JL115L Last king of Yewle. McDermott M142L Last lady of Mulberry. Thomas T364L Last of the barons. Bulwer-Lytton B878L4 Last of the flat-boats. Eggleston JEG3514L Last of the giant killers. Atkinson. . . JAT54L Last of the MacAllisters. Barr B27L Last of the Mohicans. Cooper C785L Same JC785L Same, N. Y. point for the blind. Last of the Mortimers. Oliphant OL35L2 Last recruit of Clare's. Keightley K262L Last refuge. Fuller F95415L Last sentence. Tuttiett T886L Last tenant. Farjeon F227L Last touches. Clifford C614L Last war trial. Ellis JEL56L Last word. MacGowan M1746L LASZOWSKA, Mme. Emily de (E. D. Gerard.) Beggar my neighbor. . .L339B Reata L339R Sensitive plant L339S Waters of Hercules L339W Late Mrs. Null. Stockton ST65L4 Later love lettefs of a musician. Reed. .R252La FICTION 67 THROP, George Parsons. "Behind time" JL345B Echo of passion L345E Would you kill him? L345W Latimers. McCook M1366L LAUGHLIN, Elmer Osborn. Johnnie L365J Laughter of the sphinx. Vorse V917L Laurel hush. Craik C845L LAURIE, Annie, pseud, of Winifred Black. Little boy who lived on a hill JL373L Lauriel; the love letters of an American girl. H. ed H1L LAUT, Agnes Christina. Heralds of em- pire L375H Lords of the north .L375L Lavengro. Borrow B648L Law and the lady. Collins C695L LAWLESS, Emily. Millionaire's cousin..L425M With Essex in Ireland L425W LAWRENCE, Albert Lathrop. Juell Deming L431J WSON, Elsworth. Euphrosyne L466E Lawton girl. Frederic F874L Lazarre. Catherwood C285L Leafless spring. Schubin SCH76L Led-horse claim. Foote F735L4 LEE, Albert. Four for a fortune JL51F He, she and they L5H Tommy Toddles JL51T LEE, Mrs. Gerald Stanley. See LEE, Mrs. Jennette. LEE, Holme, pseud. See PARR. H. E, Mrs. Jennette (formerly Jennette Barbour Perry). Pillar of salt L505 Son of a fiddler L505S LEE, Mary Catherine. Quaker girl of Nantucket L51Q LE FANU, James Sheridan. Tenants of Malory L523T LE FEVRE, Edwin. Wall street stories. .L5236 Left behind. Kaler JK128L Left on Labrador. Stephens JST44L LE GALLIENNE, Richard. Prose fan- cies L524P Legend of Montrose. Scott SC084L Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Irving. .. .JIR8418L Legends of the red children. Pratt 3P886L LEGGETT, M. D. Dream of a modest prophet L526D Legionaries. Clark C544L LEIGH TON, Alexander. Mysterious le- gends of Edinburgh L5353M Leighton court. Kingsley Ktfl413L Leila. Bulwer-Lytton B878L6 Lem. Brooks JB79415L Len Gansett. Read R224L Lena-Wingo, the Mohawk. Ellis JEL56L3 Leona. Molesworth M734L LEONARD, Mary F. Candle and the cat JL553C Spectacle man JL553S Leone. Monti M7674L Leonora of the Yawmish. Dana D19L LEON OWENS, Mrs. Anna Harriette. Ro- mance of the harem L554R Leopard's spots. Dixon D6464L LE QUEUX, William. Her majesty's min- ister L559H Les mis6rables. Hugo H877M2 LE SAGE, Alain Ren6. Adventures of Gil Bias L564G LESLIE, Emma, pseud, of Mrs. Dixon. Flavia L565F Less black than we're painted. Payn...P296L Lesson in love L5663 Lesson in love. Kirk K634Le Lesson of the master. James J23416L Lessons in love. Trask T693L Let not man put asunder. King. K5714L Letters from a cat. Jackson JJ132L Letters from a self-made merchant to his son. Lorimer L8927 LEVER, Charles James. Arthur 0'Leary.L575A ' Charles O'Malley L575C Cornelius O'Dowd L575C4 Fortunes of Glencore L575F Gerald Fitzgerald L575G Harry Lorrequer L575H Horace Templeton L575H4 Jack Hinton L575 J Lord Kilgobbin L575L Martins of Cro' Martin L575M One of them L57505 Sir Brook Fosbrook L575S Sir Jasper Carew L575S4 Tales of the trains L575T That boy of Norcott's L575T3 Tom Burke of "Ours" L575T6 LEWIS, Alfred Henry (Dan Quin, pseud). Wolfville » L585W 68 FICTION LEWIS, Lady Theresa. Semi-detached house L586S LEYS, John K. Black terror L599B LICHTENSTEIN, Joy. For the blue and gold L613F Life and adventures of Robin Hood. Marsh JM354R Life and death of Richard Yea-and-nay. H ewlett H495R Life for a life. Craik .C845L4 Life interest. Hector H357L Life is life. Keats K227L Life is worth living. Tolstoi T585L Life of a woman. Risley R492L Life of Colonel Jack. Defoe JD365L Life savers. Kaler JK128L4 Life's trivial round. Carey C188Li Light freights. Jacobs J154L Light of Scarthey. Castle C276L Light of the world. Ward W2114L Light princess. Macdonald JM144L Light that failed. Kipling K625L Lighthouse. Ballantyne JB214L Lighthouse village. , Sibley SI126L , Lights of child-land. Booth JB647L Like another Helen. Horton H789L Like father like son. Payn P296L2 Lilac sunbonnet. Crockett C876L Lilian and Lili. Roberts R544L Liliesleaf. Oliphant OL35L3 Lilith. Macdonald ! M144L LILJENCRANTZ, Ottilie A. Thrall of Leif the lucky L6258 LILLIE, Mrs. John. See LILLIE, Mrs. Lucy Cecil (White).- LILLIE, Mrs. Lucy Cecil (White). Col- onel's money JL626C Household of Glen Holly JL626H Jo's opportunity JL626J Mildred's bargain JL626M Nan JL626N Rolf house JL626R Lily of France. Mason M3845L Lily of the valley. Balzac B219L2 LINCOLN, Jeanie Gould. Pretty Tory. .JL633P LINDAU, Rudolph. Liquidated and the Seer L644L Lindisfarm chase. Trollope T74517L LINDSAY, Batterman. See LINDSAY, Mrs. Annie Batterman. LINDSAY, Mrs. Annie Batterman. Dere- licts of destiny .' L6447D LI NDSAY, Maud. Mother stories JL6447 Lindsay's luck. Burnett .B935L3 Linley Rochford. McCarthy M126L3 LINTON, Elizabeth Lynn. Joshua Da- vidson L657J Misericordia L657M Patricia Kemball L657P LINTON, Elizabeth Lynn, ed. Witch sto- ries L657W LINTON, Mrs. William J. See LINTON, Mrs. Elizabeth Lynn. Lion and the unicorn. Davis D2918L Lion Ben of Elm island. Kellogg JK294L Lion of Janina. Jokai J675L Lion of St. Mark. Henty JH397L Lion of the North. Henty JH397L4 Lionel Lincoln. Cooper * . . .C785L4 Lion's brood. Osborne OS142 Lion's whelp. Barr B27L1 LIPPINCOTT, Mrs. Sarah J. (Clarke) (Grace Greenwood, pseud.). Stories qf my childhood JL665M Liquidated and the Seer. Lindau L644L List, ye landsmen! Russell R914L4 LITCHFIELD, Grace Denio. In the cru- cible L71I Little he and she JL71L Moving finger writes L71M Literary courtship. Fuller F9541L Little barefoot. Auerbach JAU32L Little Bermuda. Pool JP783L Little book of profitable tales. Field F454L Little boots. Harrison JH24516 Little boy who lived on a hill. Lanier. . .JL275L Little brother. Willard W6622L Little Browns. Wotton JW916L Little Captain Doppelkop. Lockwood. .JL816L Little card. Alden JAL22L Little classics. Johnson, ed JJ633L Little colonel. Johnston JJ6433C Little colonel's holidays. Johnston JJ6433C3 Little colonel's house party. Johns- ton JJ6433C4 Little country girl. Woolsey JW886L Little Dorrit. Dickens D552L Little folks: East and west. Shattuck..jSH266L Little folks of other lands. Chaplin and Humphrey JC36814 Little giant Boab. Lockwood JL816W FICTION 69 Little girl in old Boston. Douglas JD748L2 Little girl in old New Orleans. Doug- las JD7848L1 Little girl in old New York. Douglas. JD748L3 Little girl in old Philadelphia. Doug- las JD748L5 Little girl in old Washington. Doug las.. JD748L9 Little girl of long ago. White JW585L Little he and she. Litchfield JL71L Little house in Pimlico. Bouvet JB668L1 Little Jarvis. Seawel I JSE17L4 tie Jim Crow, and other stories. Harriott JH2394 Little Joe. Kaler JK128L3 Little journey in the world. Warner. .WG4413L Little lad Jamie. Brine .JB773L Little ladies. Crofton JC877L Little lady: her book. Paine JP163L Little lame prince. Craik JC845L Little Loo. Russell .R914L7 Little Lord Fauntleroy. Burnett JB935L Little Lucy^s wonderful globe. Yonge. .JY84L4 Little maid of Concord town. Lothrop. .JL914L Little Marjorie's love story. Bouvet JB668L Little master. Trowbridge JT75717L5 Little men. Alcott JAL18L Little millers. Merriman JM555L Little minister. Barrie B275L Little minx. Cross C885L Little Miss Muffett. Carey JC18816L Little Miss Phoebe Gay. Brown JB812L Little Mr. Bouncer and his friend Ver- dant Green. Bradley B725L Little Mr. Thimblefinger. Harris JH24L Little moorland princess. John J615L4 Little musician. Scannell JSCA66L5 Little Norsk. Garland G18714L Little novels of Italy. Hewlett H495L Little Peter. Harrison JH24517L Little Pussy willow. Stowe JST76L Little regiment. Crane C853L Little Saint Elizabeth. Burnett JB935L4 Little savage. Marryat . ... M347L Little schoolmaster Mark. Shorthouse. .SH84L Little Sir Nicholas. Jones JJ71L Little sister to the wilderness. Bogue. .B634Li Litle Smoke. Stoddard JST67L Little Sunshine's holiday. Craik JC845L4 Little white bird. Barrie B275L4 Little women. Alcott JAL18L4 Lischen and the fairy. Scannell JSCA66L3 Live oak boys. Kellogg JK294L4 Lively adventures of Gavin Hamilton. Seawell JSE17G Lives of the hunted. Thompson JT37413L Living or dead. Fargus F225L LIVINGSTON, Mrs. C. M. Story, of Puff JL765S LIVINGSTON, Grace, afterward Mrs. Hill. Parkerstown delegate . . .JL76514P Lizzie Leigh and other stories. Gaskell. .G214L Same JG214L LLOYD, John Uri. Etidorhpa L77E Stringtown on the pike L77S Warwick of the Knobs L77W LLOYD, Nelson. Chronic loafer L774C Drone and a dreamer L774D Lob Lie-by-the-fire. Ewing JEW55L LOBEIRA, Vasco. Amadis of Gaul L7824 Lobster catchers. Kaler JK128L6 Lochinvar. Crockett C876Lo LOCKE, David Ross (Petroleum V. Nas- by, pseud.). Demagogue L79D Locke Amsden, the schoolmaster. Thomp- son JT374L . LOCKWOOD, Ingersoll (Irwin Longman, pseud.). Baron Trump's under- ground journey JL816B Little Captain Doppelkop JL816L Little giant Boab JL816W Little Prudy's sister Susy. Clarke JC55L7 LOCKWOOD, Melancthon Clarence. See PAUL, Kenneth, pseud. Lofty and lowly. Mcintosh M185L Log of the Maryland. Frazar JF865L Log school-house on the Columbia. But- terworth JB986L LOGIE, Alfred E. and others. Story read- ers JL8274 LONDON, Jack. Children of the frost.. L845C Daughter of the snows L845D God of his fathers L845G Son of the wolf L845S London life. James J23416L3 Lone hours. Barr B27L2 Lone pine. Townshend T667L Lonely girl. Hungerford. Same as Lone- ly maid H895L7 Lonely maid. Hungerford H895L7 Lonesomest doll. Brown JB81L LONG, John. Luther. Fox woman L849F Madame Butterfly L849M 70 FICTION Naughty Nan L849N Prince of illusion L849P LONG, Lily A. Apprentices to destiny L85A Squire of low degree .*. L85S Long exile. Tolstoi T585Lo Long live the king. Boothby B6475L Long odds. Smart SM25L Long straight road. Horton H789L2 LONGARD DE LONGGARDE, Mme. Dor- othea (Dorothea Gerard). One year L853 LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth.' Hy- perion L863H Kavanagh L863K LONGMAN, Irwin, pseud. See LOCK- WOOD, Ingersoll. Look before you leap. Hector H357L4 Looking backward. Bellamy B416L Loom of life. Goss G6935L LOOM IS, Charles Battell. Four-masted cat-boat L876F Yankee enchantments JL876Y LOONEY, Louisa Preston. Tennessee , sketches L878 LORD, Alice E. Days of Lamb and Cole- ridge L883D Lord Allingham. Manning M3154 Lord Jim. Conrad C7655L Lord Kilgobbin. Lever L575L Lord Linlithgow. Roberts R54413L Lord Ormont and his Aminta. Meredith. .M544L Lord protector. Yeats * Y32L Lords of the north. Laut L375L Lords of the world. Church JC472L LO RIMER, George Horace. Letters from a self-made merchant to his son. . .L8927 LORIMER, Norma. Mirry-Ann L893M Lorita. Clark C54718L Lorley and Reinhard. Auerbach ATJ32L Lorna Doone. Blackmore B567L LORNE, John George Douglas Suther- land Campbell, marquis of. From shadow to sunlight L895F Lorraine. Chambers C356L Los cerritos. Atherton AT45L Lost among white Africans. Ker JK45L2 Lost city. Ker '. JK45L4 Lost continent. Hyne H995L Lost Gip. Smith JSM5L5 Lost gold of the Montezumas. Stod- dard JST67L3 Lost hero. Ward JW2113L Lost illusions. Balzac B219Lo Lost in a great city. Douglas D748L4 Lost in Samoa. Ellis JEL56L5 Lost in the fog. De Mille JD395L Lost in the jungle. Du Chaillu JD854L Lost in the Rockies. Ellis jEL56Lo Lost in the wilds. Ellis JEL56L6 Lost Inca. Inca-Pancho-Ozollo IN25L Lost jewel. Spofford JSP64L Lost manuscript. Freytag F896L Lost mountain. Reid JR275L Lost silver of Briffault. Barr B27L4 Lost Sir Massingberd. Payn P296Lo Lost trail. Ellis JEL56L7 Lothair. Disraeli D636L LOTHROP, Anna, pseud. See WAR- NER, Anna Bartlett. LOTHROP, Mrs. Harriett Mulford (Stone) (Margaret Sidney, pseud.). < Adirondack cabin JL914A Adventures of Joel Pepper JL914A4 Dolly and the captain JL914D Five little Peppers abroad JL914F1 Five little Peppers and how they grew JL914F Five little Peppers grown up JL914F2 Five little Peppers midway JL914F4 Judge's cave L914 J Little maid of Concord town JL914L Pettibone name jL914Pe Phronsie Pepper JL914P Rob JL914R Stories Polly Pepper told JL914P3 What the seven did JL914W LOTHROP, Mrs. Harriet Mulford (Stone). and others. Kaleidoscope JL915K LOTI, Pierre, pseud. See V1AUD, Louis M. Julien. Lotta Schmidt. Trollope T745L6 Lottery ticket. Trowbridge jT75717Lo Lottie's wooing. Dale D152I- LOUGHEAD, Flora Haines. Abandoned claim 3L523A Man who was guilty L923M Louis Lambert. Balzac B219L4 Louisa of Prussia. Mundt M924L Louise de la Valliere. Dumas D892L Louisiana. Burnett B935L5 Loukis Laras. Bikelas B4S6L Loup-garou. Phillpotts P546Lo FICTION 71 Lovable tales of Jane and Josey and Joe. Smith JSM49L Love affairs of an old maid. Bogue B634L Love and honor. Carr C23L Love and life. Yonge Y84L2 Love and Mr. Lewisham. Wells W463L Love for an hour is love forever. Barr. . .B27L6 Love in a cloud. Bates B316L4 Love in idleness. Crawford C857L Love in old cloathes. Bunner B885L Love in the backwoods. Mitchell M6934L Love is a spirit. Hawthorne H315Lo Love me little, love me long. Reade R225L Love of Landry. Dunbar D91L Love of Parson Lord. Wilkins W654L Love — or a name. Hawthorne H315L Love tales. English L943E Love tales. Irish L943I Loveliness. Ward JW2L LOVER, Samuel. Handy Andy L948H Rory O'More L948R Lover or friend. Carey C188L Lover's creed. Hoey H671L Lovers of the woods. Boardman B6315 Loves of the Lady Arabella. Seawell...SE17L3 LOVETT, Eva. Billy stories JL949 Lovice. Hungerford H895L8 Loyal little redcoat. Ide JID22L Loyalty George. Parr P24515L Loys, Lord Berresford and other tales. Hungerford H895L9 Lucien ae Rubempre. Balzac B219Lu Luck of Roaring Camp and other sketches. Harte H253L Luck of the Vails. Benson B443L Lucretia. Bulwer-Lytton B878L8 LUDLOW, Jas. Meeker. Captain of the Janizaries L965C Deborah .L965D That angelic woman L965T Luke Delmege. Sheehan SH38L Lulu's library. Alcott JAL18L7 LUMMIS, Charles Fletcher. Enchanted burro L975E King of the broncos L975K Same JL975K Man who married the moon JL875M New Mexico David JL975N Lure of fame. Holland H714L LUSH, Charles Keeler. Autocrats L9755A <, Si LUSKA, Sidney, pseud. See HARLAN D, Henry. - LUST, Adelina Cohnfeldt. Tent of grace : L9756T LUTHER, Mark Lee. Favor of princes. .L976F LYALL, David. Land o' the leal L98L LYALL, Edna, pseud. See BAYLY, Ada Ellen. Lying prophets. Phillpotts P546L Lyndell Sherburne. Douglas D748L8 Lyre and lancet. Guthrie G98514L Lysbeth. Haggard H125L M M. or N. Melville M496M MAARTENS, Maarten, pseud. See SCHWARTZ, Joost Marius van der Poorten. Mabel Lee. Fisher F534M Mabel Vaughan. Cummins C915M Macaria. Wilson W695M McAULAY, Allan. Rhymer M118R McCABE, James Dabney. Planting the the wilderness JM124P McCALL, Sidney. Truth Dexter M1254T MCCARTHY, Justin. Camiola M126C Comet of a season M126G3 Dear Lady Disdain M126De Dictator M126D Fair Saxon M126F Lady Judith M126L Linley Rochford M126L3 Maid of Athens M126M Miss Misanthrope M126M2 Mononia M126Mo My enemy's daughter M126M3 Paul Massie M126P Red diamonds M126Re Riddle ring M126R Three disgraces M126T McCHESNEY, Dora Greenwell. Rupert by the grace of God M132R McCLELLAND, Margaret Greenway. Ob- livion M1350 Princess M135P White heron M135W McCOOK, Henry Christopher. Latimers.M1366L McCUTCHEON, George Barr. Castle Craneycrow M139C 72 FICTION Graustark M139G Macdermots of Ballycloran. Trollope. .T745M McDERMOTT, P. L. Last king of Yewle M142L MACDONALD, George. Adele Cathcart. M144Ad Alec Forbes of Howglen M144A1 Annals of a quiet neighborhood M144A At the back of the north wind M144A8 Same JM144A8 Castle Warlock M144C David Elginbrod M144D Dealings with the fairies JM144D Donal Grant, sequel to Sir Gibbie M144D3 Elect lady M144E Flight of the shadow M144F Guild court M144G Gutta-percha Willie JM144G Heather and snow M144H4 Home again M144H Light princess, and other tales JM144L Lilith M144L Malcolm M144M Marquis of Lossie, sequel to Malcolm.M144M3 Mary Marston M144M5 Paul Faber M144P Phantastes M144P3 Portent M144P6 Princess and Curdie jM144Pr Princess and the goblin JM144P Ranald Bannerman's boyhood JM144R Robert Falconer M144R Rough shaking JM144R5 St. George and St. Michael M144S Salted with fire M144Sa Seaboard parish, sequel to Annals of of a quiet neighborhood M144S2 Sir Gibbie M144S4 Stephen Archer M144S8 There and back M144Th Thomas Wingfold M144T Vicar's daughter, sequel to Seaboard parish M144V Weighed and wanting M144W2 What's mine's mine M144W3 Wilfrid Cumbermede M144W4 MACDONALD, Roland. God save the king M1446 McELRATH, Frances. Rustler M1458R McELROY, Lucy Cleaver. Juletty M146J Silent pioneer M146S MacFALL, Mrs. Haldane (Sarah Grand, pseud.) Babs the impossible M164Ba Beth book M164B Domestic experiment M164D Heavenly twins M164H Ideala M164I Our manifold nature M1640 Singularly deluded M164S Tenor and the boy M164T (Pt. 4 of Heavenly twins.) MacFARLANE, Annie Robertson. Chil- dren of the earth M165C MacGOWAN, Alice. Last word M1746L MacGRATH, Harold. Puppet crown M175P MACHAR, Agnes Maule. Marjories' Can- adian winter JM182M MclLWRAITH, Jean N. (Jean Forsyth, pseud.) Curious career of Roder- ick Campbell M184C MclLWRAITH, Jean N., joint author. See Mclennan, wniiam. MclNTOSH, Maria Jane. Aunt Kitty's tales JM185A Lofty and the lowly M185L Meta Gray JM185M- Two lives M185T Two pictures Mi85T2 MACKENZIE, H. Man of feeling M195M MACKIE, Pauline Bradford. See H*OP- KINS, Mrs. Pauline Bradford (Mackie). Mackinac and lake stories. Catherwood..C285M McKINNEY, A. B. joint author. See COOKE, Grace MacGowan. MACLAREN, Ian, pseud. See WATSON, John. McLAWS, Lafayette. When the land was was young M2237 MAC LAY, Arthur Collins. Mito Ya- shiki M224M McLENNAN, William. In old France and new M2245I Spanish John M2245S McLENNAN, William and MclLWRAITH, Jean N. Span o' life M2246Sp MACLEOD, Fiona. Green fire M2247G Pharais M2247P Washer of the ford M2247W Macleod of Dare. Black B563M McMANUS, L. Silk of the kine M225S FICTION 73 M ACM AN US, Seumas. Bewitched fid- dle M22516B Through the turf smoke M22516T McMURRY, Mrs. Lida Brown. Classic stories JM228C McTeague. Norris N794M McVeys. Kirkland '. .K636M Madam. Oliphant OL35M Madame Butterfly. Long : L849M Madame Gosselin. U I bach UL14M Madame Mary. Wesselhoeft JW515M Madame Rosely. Monniot M755M Madame Therese. Erckmann and Chat- rian ER25M Madcap Violet. Black B563Ma Madeleine. Kavanagh K17413M Madeline. Opie OP35M Madelon. Wilkins W654M Mademoiselle Mathilde. Kingsley K61413M Mademoiselle Mori. Roberts R544M Madness of Philip. Daskam D263M Madonna of the future. James J23416M Madonna of the tubs. Ward W21Ma Magdalen Hepburn. Oliphant OL35M2 Maggie Bradford's fair. Mathews JM424M4 Maggie Bradford's school-mates. Math- ews JM424M6 Maggie McLanehan. Gladwin JG459M Magic ink. Black B5G3M2 Magic skin. Balzac B219M Same as Wild ass's skin. Magnhild. Bjbrnson B556M MAGRUDER, Julia. Labor of love JM2765L Manifest destiny M2765M3 Maid-at-arms. Chambers C356M Maid of Athens. McCarthy. M126M Maid of Killeena. Black B563M3 Maid of Maiden Lane. Barr B27M Maid of Sker. Blackmore B567Ma Maiden all forlorn. Hungerford H895Ma Maiden's choice. Behrens B39M Maime o' the corner. Blundell B627M MAI RET, Jeanne, pseud. See HEALY, Mary. Maiwa's revenge. Haggard M125M MAJOR, Charles. Bears of Blue river. .. JM288 Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall M388D When knighthood was in flower M288W Making of a country farm. Mowbray.... M872M Making of a man. Baker B17418M Making of a marchioness. Burnett B935M Making of a statesman. Harris H24M Making of Christopher Ferringham. Dix..D644M Making of Jane. Elliott BL557M Malbone. Higginson H535M Malcolm. Macdonald M144M MALET, Lucas, pseud. See HARRISON, Mrs. Mary St. Leger (Kingsley). MARLITT, E., pseud. See JOHN, Eu- genie. MALLOCK, William Hurrell. Heart of life..... M295H© Malvern. Deland JD375M Mammon. Hector H357M Mammon of unrighteousness. Boyesen..B696M Mammy Tittleback and her family. Jack- son JJ132M Man and wife. Collins C695M Man-eaters. Reid JR275M Man from Glengarry. Gordon G655M Man; his mark. :Morrow M8355M Man in black. Weyman W545Ma Man in the iron mask. Dumas D892Me Man of feeling. Mackenzie M195M Man of his age. Drummond D844M Man of mark. Hawkins H314M Man of seven offers. Ellis EL5614M Man of the people. 3 v. Howitt H844M Man story. Howe H835M Man that corrupted Hadleyburg. Clem- ens C592M Man without a country. Hale H13M Same JH13M Man who laughs*. Hugo H877M Man who married the moon.' Lummis..jL975M Man who outlived himself. Tourgee. . .T644Ma Man who was guilty. Loughead L923M Manager of the B. & A. Kester K485M Manfred; or, the battle of Benevento. Guerrazzi G938M Manifest destiny. Magruder M2765M3 MANN, Mary. Juanita M313J MANN, Mrs. Millicent E. Margot JM313M MANN, Rufus. Prelude and the play..M3135P MANNING, Anne. Cherry and Violet. . .M315C Faire gospeller M315F MANNING, Marie. Lord Allingham M3154 MANSERGH, Jessie, pseud. See VAI- ZEY, Mrs. George de Home. Mansfield Park. Austen AU74M MANTEUFFEL, Frau Ursula (Zoege) von. Violetta M318V 74 FICTION Mantle of Elijah. Zangwill Z15Ma Manxman. Caine C123M Many cargoes. Jacobs J154M Many inventions. Kipling K625M Many waters. Shackleton SH12M Maori and settler. Henty JH397M Marble faun.' Hawthorne H31517M Marcella. Ward W2116M Marcelle of the quarter. Holland H714M MARCH, Anne, pseud. See WOOLSON, Constance Fenimore. March hares. Frederic F874M March in the ranks. Fothergill F824M March on London. Henty JH397M3 MARCH MONT, Arthur William. By right of sword M3345 Dorothy Marlow M3345D In the name of a woman M3345I Miser Hoadley's secret M3345M Margaret Davis, tutor, Ray... JR214M Margaret Montfort. Richards jR39Ma Margaret Percival. Sewell SE86M Margaret Vincent. Clifford C614Ma Margaret Warrener. Brown B81Ma Margery. Ebers EB35M Margot. Mann JM313M Marguerite de Valois. Dumas D892M2 Marianela. Galdos G13M Marie. Richards JR39M Marie Antoinette and her son. Mundt..M924M Mariella of out-west. Higginson H534M Marietta. Crawford C857M Marietta. Trollope T74517M Marine residence. Payn P296M Marion Darche. Crawford C857M2 Marion Fay. Trollope T745Ma Marion's faith. King ■ K58M MARRIOTT, Charles. Column M3468C Marius the Epicurean. Pater P272M Marjorie and her papa. Fletcher JF635M Marjorie Daw, and other stories. Aid- rich ! AL24M Marjorie's Canadian winter. Machar, A. M JM182M Marjorie's play days. Paull JP2846 Marked man. Cross C885M2 Market Harborough. Melville M496M4 Market place. Frederic F874M3 Marm Lisa. Wiggin W637M Marmorne. Hamerton H176M Marooned. Russell R914M Marquis of Lossie. Macdonald M144M3 Marriage. Ferrier F415M Marriage ceremony. Cross C885M4 Marriage contract. Balzac B219M2 (Same as Marriage settlement.) Marriage of Elinor. Oliphant OL35Ma Marriage settlement. Balzac B219M2 Same as Marriage contract. Married beneath him. Payn P296M2 Marrow of tradition. Chesnutt C4274M MARRYAT, Frederick. Children of the New Forest ."M347C Frank Mildmay M347F Jacob Faithful M347J Japhet in search of a father M347J4 King's own M347K Little savage M347L Masterman Ready JM347M Midshipman Easy M347M Mission; or, scenes in Africa M347M2 Monsieur Violet M347M4 Newton Forster M347N2 Olla Podrida : ..M3470 Pacha of many tales M347P Percival Keene M347P2 Peter Simple M347P3 Phantom ship M347P5 , Poacher, M347P7 Poor Jack M347P8 Privateersman M347P9 Rattlin, the reefer M347R Snarleyyow M347S Settlers in Canada M347Se Valerie M347V Marse Chan. Page P145M Marsena. Frederic F874M5 MARSH, John B. Life and adventures of Robin Hood JM354R MARSHALL, Mrs. Emma (Martin.) Es- cape from the tower M355E Marshfield the observer. Castle C276M MARSTON, Philip Bourke. For a song's sake M356F Martian. DuMaurier D896M MARTIN, Mrs. Helen Riemensnyder. Elusive Hildegarde M365E Martin Brook. Bates B3165M Martin Chuzzlewit. Dickens D552M Martin Merrivale. Trowbridge JT75717M MARTINEAU, Harriet. Crofton boys. JM366C Martins of Cro' Martin. Lever L575M FICTION [artlet seal. Walworth W176M Maruja. Harte H253Ma Marvel. Hungerford H895M2 Mary. Molesworth JM734M Mary Anerley. Blackmore B567M Mary Barton.- Gaskell G214M Mary Dominic. Rhys R348M Mary Garvin. Pattee P2758M Mary Marston. Macdonald M144M5 Mary Paget. Smith SM516M Mary St. John. Cary, C188M Maryland manor. Emory EM63W Marzio's crucifix. Crawford C857M3 MASON, Alfred Edward Woodley. Mi- randa of the balcony M384M Watchers M384W MASON, Mrs. Caroline Atwater. Lily of France M3845L Woman of yesterday M3845 MASON, Mrs. J. H. See MASON, Mrs. Caroline Atwater. Mason's Corner folks. Pidgin, in Quincy Adams Sawyer P593 Massarenes. Rame R144Ma Master. Zangwill Z15M Master and man. Tolstoi T585M - , Master Christian. Corel I i C815Ma Master craftsman. Besant B465M Master key. Baum JB3286M Master of Ballantrae. Stevenson ST47M Master of Caxton. Brooks B7946M Master of craft. Jacobs J154M3 Master of fortune. Hyne H995M Master of Rathkelly. Smart SM25M Master of the magicians. Ward W2113M Master Rockafellar's voyage JR914M Master Skylark. Bennett JB439M Masterman Ready. Marryat JM347M Masters of men. Robertson K546M MASTERSON, Kate. Dobleys M394D Mate of the good ship York. Russell. .R914M4 Mate of the "Easter Bell." Barr B27M4 Materfamilias. Cross C885M6 MATHEWS, Frances Aymar. My lady Peggy goes to town M424M MATHEWS, Joanna Hooe. Dora's mot- to JM424D Maggie Bradford's fair. JM424M4 Maggie Bradford's school-mates JM424M6 MATHEWS, Margaret H. Dame Prism... JM42414D MATTHEWS, James Brander. Action and the word M434A Confident tomorrow M434C3 Family tree, and other stories M434F His father's son M434H Outlines in local color M4340 Story of a story, and other stories. . .M4S4S Tom Paulding JM434T Vignettes of Manhattan. I M434V With my friends M434W MATURiN, Edward. Bianca M437B MAUPASSANT, Guy de. Two brothers..M445T MAUPASSANT, Guy de, and others. Modern ghosts M4452 Max Hereford's dream. Bayly B346M Maximina. Valdes V234M MAXWELL, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth (Brad- don.) Infidel M454I Venetians M454V MAXWELL, William Hamilton. Fortunes of Hector O'Halloran M45417F MAY, Sophie, pseud. See CLARKE, Mrs. Rebecca Sophia. Mayflower. Stowe ST76M Mayken. Chase JC387M MAYO, Mrs. Isabelle Fyvie (Edward Gar- rett, pseud.) At any cost M457A By still waters M457B Crust and the cake M457C2 Doing and dreaming M457D4 Equal to the occasion M457E Gold and dross M457G Her object in life M457H John Winter M457J Occupation of a retired life M4570 Premiums paid to experience M457P Seen and heard M457S MAYO, William Starbuck. Kaloolah. .M45718K Mayor of Casterbridge. Hardy H22418M Mazel. Wilson W69574 Mea culpa. Harland H227M MEADE, Lillie Thomas. See SMITH, Mrs. Lillie Thomas (Meade.) Meadow grass. Brown B81M MEE, Huan. Diplomatic woman M476D MEEKER, Nellie T. See (VALENTINE, Jane, pseud). Melbourne house. Warner W24416M Melchoir's- dream. Ewing JEW55M Melody. Richards JR39TVI3 Melomaniacs. Huneker H893M 76 FICTION Meloon farm. Pool P783Me MELVILLE, George John Whyte. Black but comely M496B Bones and I M496B2 Brookes of Bridlemere M496B4 Cerise M496C Contraband M496C4 Digby Grand M496D Gladiators M496G Good for nothing M496G4 General Bounce ■ .M496Ge Holmby house M496H2 Interpreter M496I Kate Coventry M496K Katerfelto M496K4 M. or N M496M Market Harborough, and Inside the , bar M496M4 Queen's Maries M496Q Rosine and sister Louise M496R3 Roy's wife M496R5 Sarchedon M496S , Satanella M4S6S2 Tilbury Nogo. ; M496T Uncle John M496U White Rose ,. M496W MELVILLE, Herman. Moby-Dick M497M White jacket M497W Member for Arcis. Balzac B219M4 Member for Paris. Murray M96414M Member of the third house. Garland. G18714Me Memoirs of a physician. Dumas D8i2M4 Memoirs of Barry Lyndon. Thackeray. ..T324B Memoirs of Mr. C. J. Yellowplush. Thack- eray T324M Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. Doyle D775M Memoirs of the Countess Cosel. Kras- zewski K855M Memories. Muller .M913M Memory street. Dunn D925M Men of iron. Pyle JP998M Men of the moss-hags. Crockett C876M Men with the bark on. Remington R284M Men, women and ghosts. Ward W21M MENEFEE, Maude. Child stories from the masters JM526C Mental struggle. Hungerford H895Me Mercedes of Castle. Cooper, in Bravo... .C785B Merchant of Berlin. Mundt .M924M2 Merchant vessel. Nordhoff JN755M4 Mercy Philbrick's choice. Jackson J132M Mere caprice. Healy H348M Mere child. Walford W146M Mere stories. CI iff ord CG14M MEREDITH, George. Adventures of Harry * Richmond M544H Amazing marriage M544A Beauchamp's career M544B Diana of the Crossways M544D Egoist..,. M544E Evan Harrington M544E4 Lord Ormont and his Aminta M544L . One of the conquerors M5440n Ordeal of Richard Feverel M5440 Rhoda Fleming M544R Sandra Belloni M544Sa Shaving of Shagpat M544S Tale of Chloe M544Ta Tragic comedians M544T Vittoria M544V MEREJKOWSKI, Dimitri Sergeitch. Death of the gods M5442D Merle's crusade. Carey JC18816M MERRICK, Leonard. One man's view. . . .M552 MERRIMAN, Effie W. Little millers. . JM555L MERRIMAN, Henry Se'ton, pseud. See SCOTT, Hugh S. Merry adventures of Robin Hood. Pyle...jP998R » Merry chanter. Stockton ST65M Merry maid of Arcady. Harrison H245M Merry men. Stevenson ST47M3 Mervyn Clitheroe. Ainsworth AI68M MERWIN, Samuel. Road to Frontenac..M558R MERWIN, Samuel and^ Webster, Henry . Kitchell. Calumet "K" M5582C Short line war ■ M5582S Meta Gray. Mcintosh JM185M METCALF, Mrs. H. C. Golden opportun- ities JM564G Methods of Lady Walderhurst. Burnett..B935M2 MEYER, Annie Nathan. Robert Annys. poor priest M575R Micah Clark. Doyle D775M3 Michael and Theodora. Barr jB27Mi Michael Carmichael. Sandys SA242M Michael Ross, minister. Holdsworth. . .H7135M Michael Strogoff. Verne V595M2 Middle classes. Balzac B219M5 Middle five. La Flesche JL133 Middlemarch. Eliot EL45M Midge. Bunner B885M Midge. Crommelin C8813M FICTION 7-7 Midshipman Easy. Marryat M347M P Midshipman Farragut. Barnes JB236M Midshipman Stuart. Munroe JM925M Midsummer madness. Kirk K634M3 Mighty atom. Corelli C815M Mignon. Bridges . B765M MIKSZATH, Kalman. St. Peter's um- brella M5898S Mildred's bargain. Lillie JL626M MILES, George Henry. Truce of God...M596T Military tales. Kipling, in Soldiers three <..K625S3 Mill on the floss. Eliot EL45Mi MILLER, Emily Huntington. CaptaiD Fritz JM6136C MILLER, Esther. Prophet of the real. ..M614P MILLER, Mrs. Harriet Mann. Nimpo's troubles JM614N MILLER, Sara. Under the eagle's wing..jM6146 MILLET, Frank Davis. Capillary crime..M61GC Millionaire's cousin. Lawless L425M Millionaires of a day. Van Dyke V287M Milly. At love's extremes. Thompson.. T37515M Milly and Oily. Ward JW2116M MILMAN, Helen. See CROFTON, Mrs. Helen (Milman). M1LNER, Sarah A., joint author. See LOGIE, Alfred E. Mine own people. Kipling K625M3 Miner's right. Browne B8136M Minette; a story of the first crusade. Cram C848M Ministering children. Charlesworth JC384M Minister's charge. Howells N . H837M Minister's guest. Smith SM514M Minister's wooing. Stowe ST76M4 Minute boys of Lexington. Strate- meyer JST828M Minx. Caffyn C1153M Miracles of antichrist. Lager I5f L1343M Mirage. Fletcher F635M Miranda of the balcony. Mason M384M Mirk Abbey. Payn P296M3 Mirry-Ann. Lorimer L893M Mischief's Thanksgiving and other stories. Woolsey JW886M Misdemeanors of Nancy. Hoyt H856M Miser Hoadley's secret. Marchmont. . .M3345M Misericordla. Linton L657M Miser's daughter. Ainsworth AI68M3 Miss Angel. Ritchie R517M Miss Archer Archer. Burnham B937Mi Miss Bagg's secretary. Burnham B937M Miss Bretherton. Ward W2116M3 Miss Cadogna. Hawthorne H315M Miss Crespigny. Burnett B935M3 Miss Curtis. Wells W464M Miss Defarge. Burnett B935W3 Same as Woman's will. Miss Eaton's romance. Allen AL5416M Miss Eyre from Boston. Moulton M868M Miss Gilbert's career. Holland H715M Miss Jerry. Black B562M Miss Lou. Roe R6213M Miss Mackenzie. Trollope T745M4 Miss Marjoribanks. Oliphant OL35M7 Miss Melinda's opportunity. Campbell..jC15315 Miss Misanthrope. McCarthy M126M2 Miss Nina Barrow. Baylor JB345M Miss Parson's adventures. Russell, and others R91412M Miss Priscilla Hunter. Alden JAL22M Miss Pritchard's wedding trip. Burn- ham B937M3 Miss Stuart's legacy. Steel ST34M Miss Tommy. Craik C845M2 Miss Toosey's mission and Laddie JM692 Miss Williamson's divagations. Ritchie R517M3 Missing hero. Hector H357M3 Mission; or, scenes in Africa. Mar- ryat M347M2 Mission of Black Rifle. Kellogg JK294M Missionary sheriff. French F886M Mississippi bubble. Hough H812M Mr. Absalom Billingslea. Johnston J645M Mr. Billy Downs, and his likes. John- ston J645M4 Mr. Isaacs. Crawford C857M4 Mr. Jack Hamlin's mediation. Harte. . .H253M Mr. Kris Kringle. Mitchell JM695M Mr. Meeson's will. Haggard H125M3 Mr. Munchausen. Bangs .B224M Mr. Rabbitt at home. Harris JH24M Mr. Rutherford's children. Warner JW244M Mr. Scarborough's family. Trollope ...T745M6 Mr. Stubb's brother. Kaler JK128M Mr. Wayt's wife's sister. Terhune T275M Mrs. Albert Grundy. Frederic F874M8 Mistress and maid. Craik C845M Mrs. Annie Green. Read R224M Mrs. Bligh. Broughton B798M Mrs. Bob. Stannard ST27M 78 FICTION Mistress Branican. Verne V595M4 Mistress Brent. Thruston T417 Mrs. Cliff's yacht. Stockton ST65M2 Mrs. Clift-Crosby's niece. Hurlbut H936M Mrs. Clyde. Cruger C886M Mrs. Crichton's creditor. Hector H357M5 Mrs. Dean's way. Foster JF813M Mrs. Dine's jewels. Russell R914M5 Mrs. Falchion. Parker P224M Mrs. Geoffrey. Hungerford H895M Mrs. Gerald. Pool P783M2 Mrs. Green. Rynd R99 Mrs. Harry Harper's awakening. Al- den JAL22M4 Mrs. Herndon's income. Campbell C15315M Mistress Joy. Cook C77317 Mrs. Keats Bradford. Pool P783M Mrs. Keith's crime. Clifford C614M4 Mrs. Knollys and other stories. Stim- son ST55M Mistress Nell. Hazelton H3367M Mistress of Beech Knoll. Burnham B937M4 Mistress of Brae Farm. Carey C188M Mistress of Ibichstein. Henkel H385M Mistress of Sherburne. Douglas D748Mi Mrs. Overtheway's remembrances, Ew- ing JEW55M4 Mrs. Tree. Richards R39M Mrs. Wiggs of the cabbage patch. Rice R364M Misunderstood. Montgomery M767M MITCHELL, John Amos. Amos Judd...M693A Pines of Lory M693P That first affair M693T MITCHELL, Langdon Elwyn. Love in the backwoods M6934L MITCHELL, Silas Weir. Adventures of Frangois M695A Autobiography of a quack M695A3 Circumstance M695C Dr. North and his friends M695D3 Far in the forest M695F Hugh Wynne, free Quaker M6©511 In war time M695I Mr. Kris Kringle JM695M Prince Little Boy JM695P Mito Yashiki. Maclay M224M Moby-Dick. Melville M497M Modern Adam and Eve in a garden. Douglas D748M Modern Antaeus. Housman H815M Modern buccaneer. Browne B8136M2 Modern daughters. Black B562M3 Modern Circe. Hungerford H895Mo Modern Dick Whittington. Payn P296M5 Modern exodus. Foster JF813M5 Modern ghosts. Maupassant and oth- ers M4452 Modern instance. Howells H837M4 Modern Mephistopheles. Alcott AL18M Modern Midas. Jokai J675M Modern prophets. Alden JAL2213M Modern Telemachus. Yonge Y84M Modern vikings. Boyeson JB696M Moderns. Davidson D285M Modeste Mignon. Balzac B219M6 Mohammed Ali and his house. Mundt..M924M4 Mohun. Cooke C774M MOLESWORTH, Mrs. Mary Louise (Stewart). Adventures of Herr Baby JM734A "Carrots," just a little boy JM734C Christmas child JM734C2 Christmas posy JM734C4 Christmas tree land JM734C6 Four winds farm JM734F Girls and I JM734G4 Grim house JM734G6 Leona M734L Mary JM734M Rosy and other stories JM734R Tapestry room JM734T Tell me a story JM734T4 Two little waifs JM734T7 Us, an old-fashioned story JM374U MOLESWORTH, Olive, and others. Tales told in the twilight JM735T Mollie's prince. Carey C188M7 Molly Bawn. Hungerford H895M4 Monaldi. Allston ALS7M Monarch of dreams. Higginson — ...H535M4 Monastery. Scott SC084M Same JSC084M MONCRIEFF, Ascott Robert Hope (As- cott R. Hope, pseud.). Ready made romance M743R Monday tales. Daudet D265M Monikins. Cooper C785M4 Monk and knight. Gunsaulus G954M Monk of Fife. Lang L25M Monkey that would not kill. Drum- mond JD844M MONNIOT, Victorine. Madame Rosely..M755M FICTION 79 Mononia. McCarthy M126Mo Monsieur Beaucaire. Tarkington T178M Monsieur de Chauvelin's will. Dumas.. .D892M7 Monsieur Martin. Carey C1881S Monsieur Violet. Marryat M347M4 MONTAGU, Irving. Things I have seen in war M762T Montanye. Stoddard JST67M4 Montezuma's daughter. Haggard H125M5 MONTGOMERY, Florence. Misunder- stood M767M Seaforth M767S Thrown together M767T Thwarted M767T2 Transformed M767T4 MONTI, Luigi. Leone M7674L MONTRESOR, Frances Frederica. Al- ien: a story of middle age M77A Moods. Alcott AL18M4 Moon princess. Munkittrick JM92465 Moondyne Joe. O'Reilly OR34M Moonstone. Collins C695M5 MOORE, Frank Frankfort. According to Plato M784A Conscience of Coralie '. M784C Damsel or two M784D Nest of linnets M784N MOORE, Thomas. Epicurean M78418E Moors and Christians. Alarcon AL15M Mooswa and others of the boundaries. Fraser JF8644 Mopsa the fairy. Ingelow JIN44M Moral pirates.. Alden JAL2217M Moral tales. Edgeworth JED37M More bed-time stories. Moultan JM868M More cargoes. Jacobs J154Mo More Celtic fairy tales. Jacobs, ed jJ154Mo More English fairy tales. Jacobs, ed JJ154M More good times at Hackmatack. Smith JSM515M More "short sixes." Bunner B885Mo MORGAN, Lady. O'Briens and O'Flaher- tys M822 Morgan, the Jersey spy. Kaler JK128M4 Morley Ernstein. James J23414M Morrifia. Bazan B349M MORRIS, Clara. See HARRIOTT, Mrs. Clara Morris. MORRIS, Francis Orpen. Dogs and their doings JM834D MORRIS, Gouveneur. Aladdin O'Brien. .M8342A MORRIS, Mrs. Ida Dorman. Golden Fluff JM8342 MORRIS, William. Water of the wond- rous isles M834Wa Well at the world's end . . | M834W2 Wood beyond the world M834W4 MORRISON, Mary Gray. Sea-farers. . .M8348S MORROW, William C. Man: his mark..M8355M MORSE, Livington Burwell. Road to no- where JM8358 Mortal antipathy. Holmes H734M Moss-side. Terhune T275M4 Mosses from an old manse. Haw- thorne H31517M4 Moth and rust and other stories. Chol- mondeley C4537M Mother Goose in prose. Baum JB3286M3 Mother stories. Lindsay JL6447 Motherless; or, a Parisian family. Witt. tr. by Craik W785M Mother's recompense. Aguilar AG95M Moths. RamS R144M Motto changed. Ingelow IN44M MOULTON, Mrs. Ellen Louise (Chand- ler). Bed-time stories JM868B Firelight stories JM868F Miss Eyre from Boston M868M More bed-time stories 3M868M Mountain Europa. Fox F83M Moving finger writes. Litchfield L71M MOWBRAY, Jay Paul, pseud, of Andrew C. Wheeler. Journey to nature. .. .M872 Making of a country home M872M Tangled up in Beulah land M872T MUGGE, Theodore. Afraja M8£4A MUHLBACH, Louisa, pseud. See MUNDT, Mrs. Klara (Muller). MULLER, Friedrich Max. Memories. . .M913M MULLER, Julius W. See HAWSER, A. B., pseud. MULOCK, Dinah Maria. See CRAIK, Mrs. Dinah Maria (Mulock). MUNDT, Mrs. Klara Muller (Louisa Muhl- bach, pseud. Andreas Sofer M924A Berlin and Sans Souci M924B Daughter of an empress M924D Empress Josephine M924E Frederick the Great and his court M924F Frederick the Great and his family. . .M924F2 Goethe and Schiller M924G Henry VIII. and his court M924H SO FICTION Joseph II. and his court M924J Louisa of Prussia and her times M924L Marie Antoinette and her son M924M Merchant of Berlin M824M2 Mohammed Ali and his house M924M4 Napoleon and Bliicher M924Na Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia. . .M924N Old Fritz and the new era M9240 Prince Eugene and his times M924P Queen Hortense M924Q MUNKITTRICK, Richard Kendall. Moon prince JM92465 MUNN, Charles Clark. Uncle Terry. . .M9247U M U N RO, Neil. Doom castle M9248D Gilian the dreamer M9248G John Splendid '. M9248J Shoes of fortune M9248S M UN ROE, Charles Kirk. See M UN ROE, Kirk. M UN ROE, Kirk. At war with Pontiac...jM925A Big cypress JM925B Brethren of the coast JM925B4 Cab and caboose JM925C Campmates JM925C2 Canoemates JM925C4 Chrystal, Jack and Co JM925C6 Copper princess JM925C8 Coral ship JM925C9 Derrick Sterling JM925D Dorymates JM925D5 Flamingo feather JM925F Forward, march ,. . . jM925Fo Fur-seal's tooth jM925Fu Golden days of '49 JM925G In pirate waters JM925I Midshipman Stuart JM925M Painted desert jM925Pa Prince Dusty JM925P Raftmates JM925R Ready rangers jM925Re Rick Dale '. JM925R2 Shine Terrill jM925Sh Snow shoes and sledges JM925S Son of Satsuma JM925S4 Through swamp and glade JM925T Under orders JM925U Under the Great Bear JM825U3 Wakulla JM925W White conquerors JM925W4 With Crockett and Bowie JM925W6 M UN YON, Dora Harvey. Half hour stories M929 Murder of Delicia. Corelli C815M6 MURFREE, Mary Noailles (Charles Eg- bert Craddock, pseud.). Bush whackers M945B Down the ravine M945D4 His vanished star M945H In the clouds M945I In the "Stranger People's" country. . .M945I1 Juggler M945J Mystery of Witch Face mountain and other stories M945M Phantoms of the foot-bridge M945Ph Prophet of the Great Smoky moun- tains M945P Story of Keedon Bluffs M945K Story of old fort Loudon M945S Where the battle was fought M945W Young mountaineers M945Y Murphy's master. Payn P296M7 MURRAY, E. C. G. Member for Paris..M96414M MURRAY, J. David Christie. In direst peril M964I Time's revenges M964T MURRAY, J. David Cristie, and others. He fell among thieves M96412H MURRAY, William Henry Harrison. John Norton's Thanksgiving par- ty t ' M96418 How John Norton, the trapper, kept his Christmas M96418J Murvale Eastman. Tourgee T644M MUSICK, John Roy. Braddock: a story of the French and Indian wars M974B Century too soon: a story of Bacon's rebellion M974C Columbia: a story of the discovery of America .' . . .M974Co Estevan: a story of the Spanish con- quest M974E Humbled pride: a story of the Mexican wars M974H Pilgrims: a story of Massachusetts. . .M974P Saint Augustine: a story of the huge- nots in America M974Sa Sustained honor: a story of the war of 1812 M974S Union: a story of the great rebellion. .M974U Witch of Salem; or, Credulity run mad M974W FICTION 81 Mutineer. Becke B3866M My captive. Altsheler AL76M My Danish sweetheart. Russell R914My My dark companions. Stanley JST24 My enemy's daughter. McCarthy M126M3 My guardian. Cross C885M7 My host, the enemy. Calkins C1296M My household of pets. Gautier JG237M My Indian queen. Boothby B6475M My lady. Bouvet B668M My lady and Allan Darke. Gibson G355M My lady Frivol. Carey C188M9 My lady Nicotine: Margaret Ogilvy. Barrie .B275M My lady Nobody. Schwartz SCH93M My lady of Orange. Bailey B152M My lady Peggy goes to town. Mathews.. .M424M My lady Rotha. Weyman W545M My little girl. Besant and Rice B466M4 My lord duke. Hornung H7864M My mother and I. Craik C845M4 My new curate. Sheehan SH38M My novel. Bulwer-Lytton B878M My own fairy book. Lang JL25M My run home. Brown B8136M3 My shipmate Louise. Russell R914M6 My uncle and my cur6. Brete L116M My uncle Benjamin. Tillier T464M My uncle Florimond. Harland JH227M My watch below. Russell R914M7 My wayward pardner. Holley H725M My wife and I. Stowe ST76M6 My young Alcides. Yonge Y84M8 My young master. Read R224M3 MYERS, Jane Pentzer. Stories of en- chantment JM994S Mysteries of Paris. Sue SU25M Mysteries of Udolpho'. Radcliffe R116M Mysterious island. Verne V595M6 Mysterious legends of Edinburgh. Leigh- ton L535M Mystery of Abel Forefinger. Drysdale. .JD848M Mystery of Madeline Le Blanc. Ehr- mann EH84M Mystery of Metropolisville. Eggleston. .EG35M Mystery of Mirbridge. Payn P296M9 Mystery of the Laughlin islands. Becke B3866M4 Mystery of the Ocean Star. Russell . . .R914M9 Mystery of the sea. Stoker ST677M 6-L. Mystery of Witchface mountain. Mur- free M945M N Nada, the lily. Haggard H125N Nameless castle. Jokai J675N Nameless nobleman. Austin AU76N Nan. Lillie JL626N Nanna. Drachmann D7817N Nannie's happy childhood. Field JF454W Nanon. Dudevant D865N Nantucket scraps. Austin AU76N4 Napoleon and Bliicher. Mundt M924Na Napoleon and the queen of Prussia. Mundt M924N Napoleon Jackson. Stuart ST92N NASBY, Petroleum V., pseud. See LOCKE, David Ross. Natalie. Burnett B935N Nathalie. Kavanagh K17413N Nature's serial story. Roe R6213N Naughty Nan. Long L849N Naulahka. Kipling and Balestier K626N Navy blue. Allen JAL5416N NAYLOR, James Ball. Ralph Marlowe. .N236R Sign of the prophet N236S Neal, the miller. Kaler JK128N Near the throne. Thorold T396N Near to Nature's heart. Roe R6213N3 Ned in the block-house. Ellis JEL56N Ned in the woods. Ellis JEL56N2 Ned on the river. Ellis JEL56N4 Neighbor Jackwood. Trowbridge JT75717N Neighbors. Bremer B753N Neighbors on the green. Oliphant OL35N2 Neighbor's wives. Trowbridge JT75717N5 Nell Gwynne, of old Drury. Downrng — D756N Nellie's memories. Carey C188N Nelly Kinnard'a kingdom. Douglas D748N Nelly's silver mine. Jackson JJ132N Nephele. Bourdillon B66N Nerve of Foley. Spearman SP328N Same JSP328N NESBIT, Edith See BLAND, Mrs. Ed- \th (Nesbit). Nest of linnets. Moore M784N Neutral French. Williams W6733 New Arabian nights. Stevenson ST47N New baby world. Dodge JD665B New book of the fairies. Harraden JH237N New Canterbury tales. Hewlett H495N 82 FICTION New Christians. White W5847N New Eden. Hyne H995N New England cactus. Humphrey H885N New England farm house. Chamber- lain C355N New England nun and other stories. Wilkins W654N New Gil Bias. Inglis IN46N New Harry and Lucy. Hale JH1312N New Magdalen. Collins C695N New Mexico David. Lummis JL975N New minister. Paul P283N New race. Friedrich F915N New rector. Weyman W545N New Robinson Crusoe. Alden JAL2217N New senior at Andover. Ward W2114N New Swiss family Robinson. Pomeroy. .JP773N New wonderland. Baum JB3286W New Year's bargain. Woolsey JW886N New Year's tangles. Alden JAL22N Newcomes. Thackeray T324N NEWMAN, John Henry, cardinal. Cal- lista N465C Newton Forster. Marryat M347N2 Next door. Burnham B937Ne Nibsy's Christmas. Riis JR443N Niccolina Niccolini. Roberts R544N Nicholas Nickleby. Dickens D552N NICHOLL, Edith Mary, afterward Mrs. Bowyer. By their fruits N5467 Nidworth. Prentiss JP915N Nigel Ferrard. Reynolds R335N Night and morning. Bulwer-Lytton B878N Nights with Uncle Remus. Harris H24N Same JH24N Nikanor. Durand D932N Nimport. Bynner B995N Nimpo's troubles. Miller JM614N Nine little goslings. Woolsey JW886N3 Nine unlikely tales. Bland JB594N Nineteenth century miracle. Zangwill. . .Z16N Nineteenth hole. Sutphen SU817N Ninety-three. Hugo H877N "No." Cooke C7745N "No gentleman." Burnham B937N No heroes. Howard JH833N No name. Collins '.C695N3 No other way. Besant B465N No surrender. Henty jH397No No thoroughfare. Dickens D552No Noank's log. Stoddard JST67N NOBLE, Edmund, and PIMENOFF, Ly- dia Lvovna. Before the dawn N668B Noble blood. Hawthorne '. H315N Noble blood. Wildenbruch W6467 Noble life. Craik C845N NOEL, Maurice. Buz; or, the life and ad- ventures of a honey bee JN682 None but the brave. Sears SE158N Nor wife, nor maid. Hungerford H895N Nora Creina. Hungerford H895N3 NORDHOFF, Charles. Merchant ves- sel JN755M4 NORMAN, Mrs. Menie Muriel (Dowie) Crook of the bough N785C NORRIS, Frank. McTeague N794M Octopus N7940 NORRIS, Mary Harriott. Grapes of ■wrath N7946G NORRIS, William Edward. Fight for the crown, N795F Norseland tales. Boyesen JB696N NORTH, Christopher, pseud. See WIL- x SON, John. North and South. Gaskell G214N North Carolina sketches. Carter C243N North pole. Verne ". .V595P Northanger abbey. Austen AU74N Northern Georgia sketches. Harben — H213N NORTON, Charles Eliot. Heart of oak brooks (6. vols.) JN825H Norwood. Beecher B295N Not all in vain. Crockett C885N Not like other girls. Carey C188N4 Not quite eighteen. Woolsey JW886N5 Not wooed but won. Payn P296N Nothing new. Craik C845N4 Notre-Dame, Hunchback of. Hugo H877N Noughts and crosses. Couch C83N Novels and- tales. Goethe G554 Nowadays and other stories. Hibbard . .H521N No. 5 John St. Whiteing W5863N Nurnberg stove. Rame JR144N Nurse Elisia. Fenn F364N Nuttie's father. Yonge Y84N O O tender Dolores. Hungerford H8950 Oak openings. Cooper C7850 Oakleigh. Deland JD3750 OBER, Frederick Albion. Tommy Fos- ter's adventures JOB24 FICTION 83 Oblivion. McClelland M1350 O'Briens and O'Flahertys. Morgan M822 Observations of Henry. Jerome J4830 Occupations of a retired life. Mayo ...M4570 Ocean free lance. Russell R9140c Ocean tragedy. Russell R9140 O'Connors of Ballinahinch. Hunger- ford H89504 Octopus. Norris N7940 Odd or even? Whitney W6150 Off Santiago with Sampson. Kaler ...JK12802 Off the Skelligs. Ingelow IN440 OGDEN, Ruth, pseud. See IDE, Mrs. Frances Otis. Ogeechee cross-firings. Johnston J6450 Ogilvies. Craik C8450 O'GRADY, Standish. Finn and his com- panions JOG73F Oh! what a plague is love! Hinkson ...H5920 O H N ET, Georges. Iron master OH45I Oklahoma romance. Candee C1662 Old beau. Wood W852150 Old Bowen's legacy. Dix D6442 Old caravan days. Catherwood JC2850 Old Celtic romances. Joyce J844 Old curiosity shop. Dickens D5520 Old Ebenezer. Read R2240 Old English fairy tales. Gould JG73 Old-fashioned fairy book. Harrison JH2450 Old-fashioned fairy tales. Aulnoy, Per- rault and others JAU54 Old-fashioned girl. Alcott JAL180 Old fires and profitable ghosts. Couch... C830 Old French fairy tales. Perrault and Aulnoy JP4227 Old Fritz and the new era. Mundt M9240 Old gentleman of the black stock. Page..P1450l Old Glory. Eubank EU3RO Old Goriot. Balzac B219P Same as Pere Goriot. Old Kaskaskia. Catherwood C2850 Old Kensington. Ritchie R5170 Old king Cole. Gibbon, ed JG352 Old knowledge. Gwynn G997 Old maid's love. Schwartz SCH930 Old maid's paradise. Ward W210 Old mam'selle's secret. John J6150 Old Mr. Tredgold. Oliphant .OL3504 Old Mortality. Scott SC0840 Old, old fairy tales. Valentine JV2350 Old, old story. Carey C18801 Old Rough, the miser. Wesselhoeft ...JW5150 Old St. Paul's. Ainsworth AI6804 Old times in middle Georgia. Johns- ton ...J64503 Old woman who lived in a shoe. Doug- las JD7480 Old-field school-girl. Terhune JT2750 Oldfield. Banks B2252 Oldtown folks. Stowe ST760 Ole rabbit's plantation stories. Owen..jOW240 OLIPHANT, Mrs. Margaret Oliphant (Wilson.) Adam Graeme OL35Ad Agnes Hopetown's schools and holi- days.... . .JOL35A Beleaguered city OL35Be Carita OL35C Country gentleman and his family. . .OL35C3 Cousin Mary OL35C5 Cuckoo in the nest OL35C7 Curate in charge OL35C8 Greatest heiress in England OL35G He that will not, when he may OL35H1 Heir presumptive, and the heir appar- parent OL35H4 Hester OL35H6 House in Bloomsbury OL35H8 In trust OL35I Innocent: a tale of modern life OL35I4 John OL35J2 Joyce OL35J4 Kate Stewart OL35K2 Kirsteen OL35K4 Lady William OL35L Lady's walk OL35La Laird of Norlaw OL35L1 Last of the Mortimers OL35L2 Liliesleaf OL35L3 Madam OL35M Magdalen Hepburn OD85M2 Marriage of Elinor OL35Ma Miss Majoribanks OL35M7 Neighbors on the green OL35N2 Old Mr. Tredgold OL3504 Oliver's bride OL3506 Perpetual curate OL35P2 Phoebe, junior OL35P4 Primrose path OL35P5 Prodigals OL35P6 Railway man OL35Ra Rector, and the doctor's family OL35R2 Rose in June OL35R4 84 FICTION Salem chapel OL35S Sir Robert's fortune OL35S3 Sir Tom OL35S4 Son of his father OL35S5 Son of the soil OL35S6 Sons and daughters OL35S7 Sorceress OL35S8 Story of Valentine OL35S9 That little cutty: — Dr. Barriere and Isa- bel Dysart OL35T Two Marys OL35T6 Two strangers OL35T9 Unjust steward OL35U Ways of life OL35W Whiteladies OL35W2 Who was lost and is found OL35W4 Widow's tale OL35W5 Within the precincts OL35W7 Wizard's son OL35W8 Young Musgrave OL35Y OLIPHANT, Mrs. Margaret Oliphant (Wil- son) and Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. Second son OL36S Olive. Craik C84504 Oliver Twist. Dickens D55202 Oliver's bride. Oliphant OL3506 Olla podrida. Marryat M3470 OLLIVANT, Alfred. Danny OL48D Bob, son of battle OL48B Olympian nights. Bangs B22401 On account of Sarah. Hussey H9650 On fighting decks in 1812. Costello JC8216 On fortune's road. Payne P29630 On General Thomas's staff. Dunn JD926 On many seas. Hamblen H170 On Newfound river. Page P145N On Peter's island. Ropes R6850 On schedule time. Kaler JK12806 On the border. Gilmore G4250 On the bright shore. Sienkiewicz SI170 On the Charleston. Hartt H2590 On the cross. Hillern H55503 On the eve. Tourgeneff T8450 On the face of the waters. Steel ST340 On the fo'k'sle head. Russell R91403 On the heights. Autfrbach AU32,0 On the Irrawaddy. Henty jH3970n On the Kentucky frontier. Kaler JK12804 On the plantation. Harris JH240 On the Susquehanna. Hammond H186180 On the Suwanee river. Read R22403 On the trail of the moose. Ellis JEL5602 On the wing of occasions. Harris H240 On to Pekin. Stratemeyer JST8280 On trail. Keats K2270 One before. Pain P160 One good guest. Walford W1460 One man who was content. Van Rens- selaer V3550 ' One man's view. Merrick M552 One of our conquerors. Meredith M5440n One of the Duanes. Hamilton H1840 One of the pilgrims. Fuller F95410 One of the 28th. Henty JH3970 One of the visconti. Broadhead B7830 One of them. Lever L57505 One summer. Howard H8330 One year. Longard de Longgarde L855 Only a dandelion. Prentiss JP9150 Only a girl. Hillern H5550 Only a word. Ebers .' .EB350 Only a year. Andrews JAN270 Only girls. Townsend JT6640 Only sister. Witt. JW7850 Only the governess. Carey C1880 Opals from a Mexican mine. Valliere. . . .V240 Open door OP24 Open door. Howard H83302 Open eyed conspiracy. Howells H8370 Open question. Robins R5580 Opening a chestnut burr. Roe R62130 Openings in the old trail. Harte H2530 OPIE, Mrs. Amelia. Madeline OP35M Opinions of a philosopher. Grant G7650 Opponents. Robertson R5450 Orange and green. Henty JH39705 Orange girl. B.esant B4650 Orchardscroft. Keeling K2450 Orcott girls. Vaile JV1950 Ordeal of Elizabeth OR24 Ordeal of Richard Feverel. Meredith. . .M5440 Oregon boyhood. Banks JB2250 O'REILLY, John Boyle. Moondyne Joe...OR34M O'RELL, Max, pseud. See BLOUET, Paul. Original belle. Roe R621304 Oriole's daughter. Fothergill F8240 Orley farm. Trollope T7450 ORTOLI, Frederic. Evening tales JOR86E ORZESZKO, Eliza. Argonauts OR95 OSBORNE, Samuel Duffleld. Lion's head OS142 FICTION 85 Osborne of Arrochar. Douglas |. . .D7480 CSBOURNE, Lloyd. Queen versus Billy. OS15Q OSWALD, E., pseud, of Bernhardine Schulze-Smidt. Vain forebodings..OS94V Other fellow. Smith SM50 Other girls. Whitney W61504 Other house. James J234160 Other people's lives. Carey C18802 Other things being equal. Wolf W8330 Othmar. Rame R1440 OTIS, James, pseud. See KALER James Otis. Otto of the silver hand. Pyle JP9980 OTTOLENGUI, Rodrigues. Conflict of evidence OT85C OUIDA, pseud. See RAME, Louise de la. Our base ball club. Brooks JB794150 Our Bessie. Carey 3CI88I6O Our Christmas in a palace. Hale H13C2 Same JH13C2 Our clerk from Boston. Rand R1530 Our gold mine at Hollyhurst JOU7 Our Jim. Ellis JEL5606 Our lady of the beeches. Hutten H9766 Our lady Vanity. Kirk K6340 Our little book for little folks. Crosby ..JC8840 Our manifold nature. MacFall M1640 Our mutual friend. Dickens D55204 Our new mistress. Yonge Y840 Our pet's picture book JOU75 Our uncle, the major. Kaler JK12809 Our year. Craik JC8450 Out of court. Hoey H6710 Out of Mulberry street. Riis R4430 Out of step. Pool P7830 Out of the jaws of death. Barrett B2730 Out of the wreck. Douglas D74804 Out on the pampas. Henty JH39707 Out with Garibaldi. Henty JH397012 Outcasts. Fraser JF86440 Outlines in local color. Matthews M4340 Outsider. Smart SM250 Over grass-grown trails. Shedd SH36 Over the plum pudding. BaVigs B2240 OVERTON, Gwendolen. Heritage of un- rest OV274 Ovingdean grange. Ainsworth AI680v OWEN, Mary Alicia. Ole rabbit's planta- tion stories JOW240 Owl's nest. John J61504 OXLEY, James MacDonald. Boy tramp..jOX44B P Pacha of many tales. Marryat M347P Pacific tales. Becke B3865P Pagan of the Alleghanies. Ryan R952P PAGE, Thomas Nelson. Among the camps JP145A Burial of the guns P145B Elsket P145E In ole Virginia P145I Marse Chan P145M Old gentleman of the black stock P14501 On Newfound river P145N Red Rock P145R Santa Claus's partner •• JP145S Two little confederates JP145T Unc' Edinburgh P145U PAIN, Barry. Another Englishwoman's love letters P16A One before P160 Stories and interludes P16S PAINE, Albert Bigelow. Bread line P163B Great white way P163G Little lady: her book JP163L Van dwellers P163V Painted desert. Munroe jM925Pa Pair of blue eyes. Hardy H22418P Pair of patient lovers. Howells H837P PALGRAVE, Francis Turner. Five days entertainments at Wentworth Grange JP175W PALGRAVE, William Gifford. Hermann Agha P1V5H Palladia. Fraser F864P PALMER, Frederick. Ways of the ser- vice P183W Palmetto leaves. Stowe ST76P Pamela. Richardson R393P Pan Michael. Sienkiewicz SI17P PANGBORN, George Wood. Roman Biz- net P194R Pansies. Alden JAL22P PANSY, pseud. See ALDEN, Mrs. Isa- bella. Pansy's scrap book. Alden jAL22P;i Papa Bouchard. Seawell > SE17P Paradise coal-boat. Hyne H995Pa Parfit gentil knight. Andrews AN27P Parisians. Bulwer-Lytton B878P Parisians in the country. Balzac B219Pa PARKER, Gilbert. Adventurer of the north ....P224A 86 FICTION Battle of the strong P224B Donovan pasha and some people of Egypt P224D Hill of pains P224H Lane that had no turning P224L Mrs. Falchion P224M Pierre and his people P224P Pomp of the Lavilettes P224Po Right of way P224R Seats of the mighty P224S Trail of the sword P224T2 Translation of a savage P22 / 4T6 Trespasser P224Tr When Valmond came to Pontiac P224W PARKER, G., and others. Tavistock tales P2242T Parkerstown delegate. Livingston . . . JL76514P Parlous times. Wells W4628P PARR, Harriet (Holme Lee, pseud.) Kathie Brande P245K Vicissitudes of Bessie Fairfax P245V PARR, Mrs. Louisa. Adam and Eve. . .P24515A Can this be love? P24515C Dorothy Fox P24515D Loyalty George P24515L Squire P24515S Parsonage porch. Gilman G424P Parson's miracle. Butterworth JB986P2 Pascarel. Rame R144P Passages from the diary of a late physi- cian. Warren W25fP Passe Rose. Hardy H224F Passing of Major Kilgore. Allison AL56P Passing of Thomas and other stories. Janvier J267P Pastels of men. Bourget B665P Pastor Naudie's wife. Rod R61P Pastor's fireside. Porter P834P PATER, Walter Horatio. Gaston de La- tour P272G Marius the epicurean P272M PATERSON, Arthur Henry. Cromwell's own P274C For freedom's sake P274F Gospel writ in steel P274G PATERSON, William Romaine (Benja- min Swift, pseud.). Game of love..P2743G Path and goal. Cross C885P Path in the ravine. Ellis JEL56P Pathfinder. Cooper C785P Patience. Warner W244P Patience Sparhawk. Atherton AT45P Patience Strong's outings. Whitney ...W615P Patricia Kemball. Linton L657P Patroon Van Volkenberg. Stephenson. .ST45P PATTEE, Fred Lewis. Mary Garvin. . .P2758M PATTESON, Mrs. S. Louise. Pussy meow JP2765 Patty Fairfield. Wells JW463P PAUL, Kenneth, pseud, of Melancthon Clarence Lockwood. New min- ister P283N Paul, a herald of the cross. Kingsley. .K61412P Paul and Christina. Barr B27P Paul and Persis. Brush JB836P Paul and Virginia. Saint Pierre *. . . JSA26P Paul Clifford. Bulwer-Lytton B878P2 Paul Faber, surgeon. Macdonald M144P Paul Jones. Seawell JSE17P Paul Kelver. Jerome J483P Paul Massie. McCarthy M126P Paul Patoff. Crawford C857? Paul Travers' adventures. Clover JC628 Pauline Seward. Bryant B842P PAULL, Mrs. George E. See PAULL, Mrs. Minnie E. Kenney. PAULL, Mrs. Minnie E. Kenney. Mar- jorie's play days JP2846 PAYN, Jaines. Another's burden P296A At her mercy P296A4 Bentinck's tutor P296B Best of husbands P296B2 Burnt million P296Bu By proxy P296B8 Canon's ward P296Ca Carlyon's year P296C1 Cecil's tryst P296Ce Clyffords of Clyffe P296C1 Confidential agent P296C County family P296C2 Fallen fortunes P296F Family scapegrace P296F2 For cash only P296F3 Foster brothers P296F5 Found dead P296F7 From exile P296F9 George Driffell P296Ge Glow-worm tales P296G1 Grape from a thorn P296G Gwendolin's harvest P296G4 FICTION 87 Halves P296Ha Heir of the ages P296He High spirits P296H Humorous stories P296H8 In peril and privation JP296I Kit; a memory... P296K Less black than we're painted P296L Lost Sir Massingberd P296Lo Like father, like son P296L2 Marine residence P296M Married beneath him P296M2 Mirk Abbey P296M3 Modern Dick Whittington P296M5 Murphy's master P296M7 Mystery of Mirbridge P296M9 Not wooed but won P296N Perfect treasure ,. . .P296Pe Prince of the blood P296P5 Sunny stories P296S4 Talk of the town '.P296T Thicker than water P296T3 Trying patient P296T5 Two hundred pounds reward P296T7 Under one roof P296U Walter's word P296W What he cost her P296W2 Woman's vengeance P296W4 Word and the will P296W6 PAYNE, William Hudson. On fortune's road P2963Q Story of Eva P2963 PAYSON, William Farquhar. John Vytal..P297J Peace makers., Stannard ST27Pe Peak and prairie. Fuller F9541Pe PEAKE, Elmore Elliott. Darlingtons P314 PEARD, Frances Mary. Blue dragon. . .JP315B Pearl of Orr's island. Stowe ST76P2 Peasantry. Balzac. B219S4 PEATTIE, Mrs. Elia Wilkinson. Ickery Ann and other girls and boys JP324I PECK, Harry Thurston. Adventures of Mabel JP336 Peggy. Richards JR39P Pelham. Bulwer-Lytton B878P4 PEMBERTON, Max. Footsteps of a throne ? P366F Giant's gate P366G4 Pembroke. Wilkins W654P Penance of John Logan. Black B563Pe Pendennis. Thackeray T324P2 PENDLETON, Louis. Carita: a Cuban romance P373C Penelope Prig. Plympton ' JP746P Penelope's English experiences. Wiggin. in Cathedral courtship W637C Penelope's Irish experiences. Wiggin W637I Penelope's progress. Wiggin W637P2 PENN, Rachel, pseud. See WILLARD, Caroline McCoy White. Penniless girl. Behrens B399P Pennsylvania stories. Quinn Q45P People of the mist. Haggard H125P Pepita Ximenez. Valera V236P Pepper and salt. Pyle JP998P Percival Keene. Marryat M347P2 Percy Wynn. Finn JF499P Pere Goriot. Balzac B219P Peregrine Pickle. Smollett SM75P Perfect treasure. Payn P296Pe Perilous secret. Reade R225P2 Perlycross. Blackmore '. B567P Perpetual curate. Oliphant OL35P2 PERRAULT, Charles and AULNOY, Marje Catherine Jumelle de Bernville, comtesse d'. Old French fairy tales JP4227 PERRY, Jennette Barbour, pseud. See LEE, Mrs. Jennette. PERRY, Nora. Flock of boys and girls. JP425F Hope Benham JP425H Rosebud garden of girls JP425R Three little daughters of the Revolu- tion JP425T Youngest Miss Lorton JP425Y Perseverance island. Frazar JF865P Personal recollections of Joan of Arc. Clemens C592J Peter Budstone. Trowbridge JT75717P Peter Ibbetson. Du Maurier D896P Peter Simple. Marryat M347P3 Peterkin papers. Hale JH1313P Peter's wife. Hungerford H895P PETERSON, Maud Howard. Potter and the clay P4423 Pettibone name. Lothrop jL914Pe Peveril of the Peak. Scott SC084P Phaeton Rogers. Johnson JJ634P Phantastes. Macdonald M144P3 Phantom death. Russell R914P Phantom future. Scott SC082P 88 FICTION Phantom of the river. Ellis JEL56P2 Phantom 'rickshaw. Kipling K625P Phantom ship. Marryat M347P3 Phantoms of the foot-bridge. Murfree. .M945Ph Pharais. Macleod M2247P Pharaoh and the priest. Glovatski G515P Phebe. Ray JR214P PHELPS, Eleanor £raylord. As a falling star P515A PHELPS, Elizabeth Stuart. See WARD, Elizabeth Stuart (Phelps.) Phil and his friends. Trowbridge . . . JT75717P2 Phil "Vernon and .his school-masters, Brooks JB7938P Philip and his wife. Deland D375P Philip Longstreth. Van Vorst V3783 Philip Nolan's friends. Hale H13P Philip Winwood. Stephens ST44P Philistines. Bates B316P4 PHILLIPS, David Graham (John Graham, pseud.) Great god success P5443G Woman ventures P5443W PHILLIPS, Henry Wallace. Red Saun- ders P5445R PHILLIPS, Walter S. (El Comancho, pseud.) Just about a boy JP5445.T PHILLPOTTS, Eden. Children of the mist P546C Deal with the devil P546D Good red earth P546G Human boy JP546H Loup-garou P546Lo Lying prophets P546L River P546R3 Some every-day folk P546S Sons of the morning P546S3 Striking hours P546S6 Phineas Redux. Trol lope '. T745P'* Phoebe, junior. Oliphant OL35P4 Phra the Phoenician. Arnold AR65P Phronsie Pepper. Lothrop JL914P Phroso. Hawkins H314Ph Phyllis. Hungerford H895P2 Phyllis of the Sierras. Harte H253P4 Piccino. Burnett JB935P Picciola. Saintine SA27P Pickwick papers. Dickens D552P PIDGIN, Charles Felton. Blennerhassett..P593B Quincy Adams Sawyer and Mason's cor- ner folks P593 Pierre and his people. Parker P224P Pierrette. Balzac B219P4 Pierrette. Bouvet jB668Pi Pietro Ghisleri. Crawford C857P6 Pilgrims. Musick M974P Pilgrims of the Rhine. Bulwer-Lytton. .B878P5 Pilgrim's progress. Bunyan B888P Same JB888P Pillar of fire. Ingraham IN48Pi Pillar of salt. Lee L505 Pillars of the house. Yonge Y84P Pilot. Cooper C785Pi Same jC785Pi Same New York point for the blind. Pilot of the Mayflower. Butterworth. . JB986P4 Pinchbeck goddess. Fleming F625P Pine needles. Warner W24416P Pine valley. France F842P Pines of Lory. Mitchell M693P Pink and white tyranny ST76P4 Pink fairy book. Lang JL25P Pioneers. Cooper C785P4 Pipistrello and other stories. Rame R144P2 Pirate. Scott SC084P4 Pirate goid. Stimson ST55P Plain living. Browne B8136P Plain tales from the hills. Kipling K625P4 Plantation pageants. Harris JH24P Planting the wilderness. McCabe JM124P Play days. Jewett JJ55517P Play or pay. Smart SM25P Pluck. Stannard ST27P Plucky Smalls. Crowninshield JC8857P Plungers. Smart r SM25P5 PLYMPTON, Almira George. Dear daugh- ter Dorothy JP746D Flower of the wilderness JP746F Penelope Prig and other stories JP746P Rags and velvet gowns'. jP746Ra Wanolasset JP746W Poacher. Marryat M347P7 Pocket rifle. Trowbridge JT75717P6 POE, Edgar Allen. Gold bug JP752G Tales P752T Poganuc people. Stowe ST76P6 Point of conscience. Hungerford H895P4 Policeman Flynn. Flower F669P Political freshman. James J233P Polish Jew. Erckmann and Chatrian ER25P POLLARD, Eliza Frances. Lady Isobel. JP762L Polly Oliver's problem. Wiggin JW637P FICTION 89 POME ROY, Helen. New Swiss Family Robinson JP773N Pomona. Smith JSM513P7 Pomona's travels. Stockton ST65Po Pomp of the Lavilettes. Parker P224Po Pontiac. Ellis JEL56P3 POOL, Maria Louise. Against human na- ture P783A Boss and other dogs JP783B Chums JP783C Dally P783D Golden sorrow P783G In a dike shanty P783D4 In the first person P783I Katherine North P783K Little Bermuda JP783L Meloon farm P783Me Mrs. Gerald P783M2 Mrs. Keats Bradford, sequel to "Roweny in Boston" P783M Out of step P7830 Red-Bridge neighborhood P783Re Roweny in Boston P783R Sand 'n' bushes P783S Tenting at Stony beach P783Te Two Salomes P783T Poor Jack. Marryat M347P8 Poor Miss Finch. Collins C695P Poor people. Friedman F913P Poor plutocrats. Jokai J675P Pope's mule and other stories. Daudet. .JD265P POPHAM, Florence. Housewives of Eden- rise P814H Popular fairy tales. Grimm JG885P Popular tales. Edgeworth ED37P Port of missing ships. Spears SP33P Portent. Macdonald M14IP6 PORTER, Charlotte, and CLARKE, Hel- en A. comps., Clever tales P83314C PORTER, Jane. Pastor's fireside P834P Scottish chiefs P834S Same JP834S Thaddeus of Warsaw , P834T Portia. Hungerford H895P6 Portion of labor. Wilkins W654P4 Portrait of a lady. James J23416P2 POST, Melville Davisson. Dwellers in the hills P8445 Strange schemes of Randolph Ma- son P8445S POST, Waldron Kintzing. Harvard stories P8446H 'Postle farm. Ford F75P Pot of gold. Wilkins JW654P POTTER, Margaret Horton. House of de Mailly P854H TJncanonized P854U Potter and the clay. Peterson P4423 Potter's thumb. Steel ST34P POULSSON, Anna Emilie. Child stories and rhymes JP864C Thro' the farmyard gate JP864T POUSH KIN, Alex. Prose tales P868 Poverty grass. Wyman W984P Poverty knob. Brooks B7947 Powers that prey. Willard W6622P Prairie. Cooper C785P6 Prairie folks. Garland G18714P Prairie schooner. Barton JB286P PRATT, Mara L. Legends of the red children JP886L Pratt portraits. Fuller F9541P Preacher's daughter. Barr B27P6 Precaution. Cooper C785P8 Prelate. Henderson H384P Prelude and the play. Mann M3135P Premier and the painter. Zangwill Z15P Premiums paid to experience. Mayo ....M457P PRENTISS, Mrs. Elizabeth (Payson). Aunt Jane's hero P915A Same jP915.\ Flower of the family JP915F Follow me JP915F2 Nidworth JP915N Only a dandelion JP9150 Stepping heavenward JP915S PRESTON, Harriet W. Year in Eden. . .P925Y PRESTON, Sidney Herman. Abandoned farmer P9254 Pretty Michael. Jokai J675P4 Pretty Polly Pemberton. Burnett B935Pr Pretty Polly Perkins. Jackson JJ1318P Pretty sister of Jose. Burnett B935P4 Pretty Tory. Lincoln JL633P PRICE, Eleanor C. Angelot P932A Price of a coronet. Sales SA34P Pride and prejudice. Austen AU74P4 Pride of Jennico. Castle C275P Prime minister. Trollope T745P4 Primes and their neighbors. Johnston J645P Primrose path. Oliphant OL35P5 90 FICTION PRINCE, Helen Choate Pratt. Story of Christine Rochefort P935C Strongest master P935S Prince and the page. Yonge jY84Pr Prince Darling. Lang JL25P4 Prince Dusty. Munroe JM925P Prince Eugene and his times. Mundt . . .M924P Prince Fortunatus. Black B563P Prince Lazybones. Hays JH335P Prince Little Boy. Mitchell JM695P Prince of Georgia and other tales. Ralph.R136P3 Prince of good fellows. Barr B2717P Prince of illusion. Long L849P Prince of India. Wallace W156P Prince of the blood. Payn P296P5 Prince of the east. Harkins H226P Prince of the house of David. Ingra- ham IN48P Prince Otto. Stevenson ST47P Same JST47P Prince Peerless. Collier JC69P Prince Prigio, Adventures of. Lang JL25P3 Prince Ricardo. Lang JL25P6 Prince Rupert. Hyne H995P Prince Tip-Top. Bouvet JB668P Prince Uno. Uncle Frank, pseud JUN13P Prince Vance. Putnam and Bates JP9845P Princess. McClelland M135P Princess Aline. Davis..* D2918P Princess and Curdie. Macdonald jM144Pr Princess and Job Potter. Kaler ..JK128P7 Princess and the goblin. Macdonald JM144P Princess Casamassima. James J23416P4 Princess Idleways. Hays JH335P3 Princess Liliwinkins. Wright JW932 Princess Napraxine. RamS R144P4 Princess of Fiji. Churchill C474P Princess of hearts. Braine B7334P Princess of the hills. Harrison H245P Princess of the moor. John J615P Princess of Thule. Black B563P2 Princess on the glass hill. Lang JL25P7 Princess Puck. Silberrad SI33P Princess Sophia. Benson B443P Princess Xenia. Watson W33512P Princess's secrets. Balzac B219P6 Princeton stories. Williams W6737P Princetonian. Barnes B263P Prisoner among pirates. Ker JK45P Prisoner of Zenda. Hawkins H314P Prisoners and captives. Scott SC082P4 Prisoners of conscience. Barr B27P8 Prisoners of hope. Johnston J644P Prisoners of the sea. Kingsley K61412P4 Private life. James J23416P6 Private Tinker. Stannard ST27Pr Privateersman. Marryat M347P9 Prize cup. Trowbridge JT75717P8 Prize watch. Fuller JF95412 Probation. Fothergill F824P Problematic characters. Spielhagen SP44P Prodigal. Foote F735P Prodigals. Oliphant OL35P6 Professor. Bronte" B78813P Professor's experiment. Hungerford ...H895PS Prophet of the great Smoky mountains. Murfree M945P Prophet of the real. Miller M614P Prose fancies. Le Gallienne L524P Prose tales. Poushkin P868 Protegee of Jack Hamlin's. Harte H253P Proverb stories. Alcott jALISP Prudence Palfrey. Aldrich AL24P Prudence Winterburn. Doudney D746P Prue and I. Curtis C945P PRYCE, D. H. Valda Hanem P959V P's and Q's. Yonge JY84P Puck. Rame R144P6 Pudd'nhead Wilson. Clemens C592P Pudney and Walp. Bean B376P PUGH, Edwin. Tony Drum P9648T Puppet crown. MacGrath M175P Purchase of the north pole. Verne V595P Puritan wooing. Child C4347P Puritans. Bates B316Pu Pussy Meow. Patterson JP2765 Put yourself in his place. Reade R225P4 PUTNAM, Eleanor, now Mrs. Arlo Bates. Prince Vance JP98415P PYLE, Howard. Garden behind the moon JP998G Jack Ballister's fortunes JP998J Men of iron I JP998M Otto of the silver hand JP9980 Pepper and salt JP998P Robin Hood , JP99SR Rose of Paradise JP998R4 Twilight land JP998T Wonder clock JP998W PYLE, Katherine. As the goose flies JP9983 Christmas angel JP9983C FICTION. 91 PYRNELLE, Mrs. Louise Clark. Diddie, Dumps, and Tot •• JP999D Pythia's pupils. Hartner JH257P Q "Q," pseud. See COUCH, Arthur Thomas Quiller. Quaker girl of Nantucket. Lee L51Q Quality corner. Antrobus AN89Q Quality of mercy. Howells H837Q Quartet. Stoddard JST67Q Queechy. Warner W24416Q Queen Hildegarde. Richards JR39Q Queen Hortense. Mundt M924Q Queen Money. Kirk K634Q Queen of Appalachia. Borders B6477 Queen of hearts. Collins C695Q Queen of Quelparte. Hulburt H8776Q Queen of Sheba. Aldrich AL24Q Queen of spades. Roe R6213Q Queen Titania. Boyesen B696Q Queen versus Billy. Osbourne OS15Q Queenie's whim. Carey C188Q Queen's body-guard. Vandegrift JV284Q Queen's cup. Henty H397Q . Queen's garden. Davis D289Q Queen's Maries. Melville M496Q Queen's necklace. Dumas D892Q Queer little people. Stowe .*. JST76Q Que^er stories. Eggleston JEG35Q Quentin Durward. Scott SC084Q Same JSC084Q Quest of the absolute. Balzac ' B219Q Question of honor. Fisher F534Q Question of silence. Douglas . . . D748Q Question of time. Atherton AT45Q Quiberon touch. Brady B729Q i Quick or the dead? Chanler C365Q QUILLER-COUCH, Arthur Thomas. See COUCH, Arthur Thomas Quiller. QUIN. Dan, pseud. See LEWIS, Alfred Henry. Quincy Adams Sawyer and Mason's cor- ner folks. Pidgin P593 QUINN, Arthur Hobson. Pennsylvania * stories Q45P QuisantS. Hawkins H314T3 Quits. Tautphoeus T195Q Quo Vadis. Sienkiewicz SI17Q Rabbi Saunderson. Watson W33514R Rabbi's sons. Weaver JW376R Rachel. Findlater F495R Rachel Gray. Kavanagh K17413R Rachel Ray. Trollope T745R RADCLIFFE, Anne. Mysteries of Udolpho R116M Raffles. Hornung H7864R Rafnaland. Wilson WQ958R Raftmates. Munroe JM925R Ragged lady. Howells H837Ra RAGOZIN, Zenaide Alexeievna. Frith- jof, viking of Norway, and Rol- and, paladin of France JR127F Rags and velvet gowns. Pfympton. .jP746Ra Raiders. Crockett C876R Railway man. Oliphant OL35Ra RAIMOND, C. E., pseud. See ROBINS, Elizabeth. RAIMUND, Golo, pseud. See FRIED- RICH, Bertha Heyn. Rainy June. Rame R144Ra Raising the "Pearl." Kaler JK128R RALPH, Julian. Prince of Georgia, and other tales R136P3 Ralph Marlowe. Naylor N236R Ralph the heir. Trollope T745R4 Ralph Wilton's weird. Hector H357R Ralstons. CrawfoTd C857Ra RAME, Louise de la (Ouida, pseud.) Al- truist R144A3 AriadnS R144A5 Bebee R144B3 Bimbi JR144B Cecil Castlemaine's gage R144C Chandos R144C3 Child of Urbino JR144C Dog of Flanders R144D Findelkind JR144F Folle-Farine R144F Friendship R144F4 Granville de Vigne; or, Held in bond- , age * R144G Guilderoy R144G6 Idalia R144I In a winter city R144I3 In Maremma R144I5 Massarenes R144Ma Moths R144M 92 FICTION Niirnberg stove JR144N Othmar R1440 Pascarel R144P Pipistrello, and other stories R144P2 Princess Napraxine R144P4 Puck R144P6 Rainy June R144Ra Randolph Gordon R144R Ruffino R144R6 Santa Barbara R144S Signa R144S2 Silver Christ R144Si Street dust R144S3 Strathmore R144S4 Syrlin R144S6 Tower of Taddeo R144T4 Toxin R144To Tricotrin R144T Two little wooden shoes R144T6 Two offenders R144Tw Under two flags R144U Village commune R144V Wanda R144W Waters of Edera R144W3 Wisdom, wit and pathos R144WG Ramona. Jackson J132R Ranald Bannerman's boyhood. Macdonald JM144R Ranche on the Oxhide. Inman 3IN6R RAND, Edward Augustus. Our clerk from Barkton R1530 RANDOLPH, Mrs. Gentianella R155G Randolph Gordon. Rame R144R Rangers. Thompson T374R Ranson's folly. Davis D2918R Raphael. Lamartine L165R RASPE, R. E. Baron Munchausen JR184B Rasselas. Johnson J634R Rattlin, the reefer. Marryat M347R RAU, Heribert. Tone king R19T Ravenshoe. Kingsley K61413R RAWSON, Mrs. Stepney. Lady of the regency R197L RAY, Anna Chapin. Cadets of Flemming hall ! JR214C Each life unfulfilled 1* R214 Half a dozen boys JR214H Half a dozen girls JR214H3 In Blue Creek canon JR214I Margaret Davis, tutor JR214M Phebe JR214P Teddy: her book JR214T Teddy; her daughter JR214T4 Raymonde. Theuriet T345R RAYNER, Emma. Visting the sin R218V Ray's daughter. King K58R Ray's recruit. King K58R3 READ, Opie. Arkansas planter R224A Emmet Bonlore R224E In the Alamo R224I Jucklins ,, R224 J2 Judge Elbridge R224J3 Kentucky colonel R224K Len Gansett R224L Mrs. Annie Green R224M My young master R224M3 Old Ebenezer R2240 On the Suwanee river R22403 Starbucks R224S Tennessee judge R224T Up Terrapin river R224U Yankee from the west R224Y READ, Opie and PIXLEY, F. Carpet- bagger R2243C READE, Charles. Autobiography of a thief R225A Cloister and the hearth R225C2 Course of true love R225C4* Double marriage R225D Griffith Gaunt R225G4 Hard cash R225H It is never too late to mend Rj2251 Jilt R225J Love me little, love me long R225L Perilous secret R225P2 Put yourself in his place R225P4 Simpleton R225S Singleheart and doubleface R225S3 Terrible temptation R225T Wandering heir R225W Woman hater R255W4 READE, Charles and BOUCICAULT, Dion. Foul play R226F Ready made romance. Moncrieff M743R Ready-money Mortiboy. Besant and Rice.B466R Ready rangers. Munroe jM925Re Real folks. Whitney W615R Real issue. White W58517R Real Robinson Crusoe. Wilkinson W655R Reata. Lazowska L339R Rebekah. Jones J71R Rebel. Watson W33512R FICTION 93 Rebel queen. Besant B465R Rebellious heroine. Bangs B224R Rebel's daughter. Woerner W8227R Recollections of my -childhood's days. Al- cott jAL18Re Rector and the doctor's family. Oliphant. OL35R2 Red as a rose is she. Broughton B798R Red axe. Crockett C876R3 Red badge of courage. Crane C853R Red beauty. Stoddard JST67R4 Red blood and blue. Robertson R545R Red book of animal stories. Lang jL25Re Red-bnidge neighborhood. Pool P783Re Red cockade. Weyman W545R Red diamonds. McCarthy M126Re Red Eagle. Ellis JEL56R2 Red fairy book. Lang JL25R Red Feather. Ellis JEL56R4 Red house. Bland B594R Red house mystery. Hungerford H895Re Red men and white. Wister W765R Red mustang. Stoddard JST67R5 Red Plume. Ellis JEL56RG Red pottage. Cholmondeley C4537R Red republic. Chambers C356R Red Rock. Page .P145R Red route. Sime '. SI45R Red rover. Cooper C785R Red rowans. Steel ST34R Red Saunders. Phillips P5445R Redemption of David Corson. Goss G6935R Redgauntlet. Scott SC084R Reds of the Midi. Gras G769R Redskin and cowboy. Henty JH397R Redskins. Cooper C785R4 REED, Eleanor Caroline Gross. Battle In- visible R251B REED, Frederic A. Boy-Lollard JR252B REED, Myrtle. Later love letters of a musician R252La Reflections of a married man. Grant G765R Refugees. Doyle D775R Regent's daughter. Dumas D892R Regimental legends. Stannard ST27R Regina. Sudermann SU24R Reginald Hetherege. Kingsley K61413R3 REID, Christian, pseud. See FISHER, Frances C. REID, Cant. Mayne. Boy hunters JR275B Bruin: the grand bear hunt JR275B6 Chase of the leviathan JR275C Cliff climbers JR275C4 Desert home JR275D4 Gwen Wynn R275G Lost mountain JR275L Man-eaters JR275M Vee-boers JR275V REID, Sydney. Josey and the chipmunk.. JR2755 Reign of law. Allen AL5414R Remarkable history of Sir Thomas Up- more. Blackmore B567R Remember the Alamo. Barr B27R REMINGTON, Frederic. Men with the bark on R284M Sundown Leflare R284S Reproach of Annesley. Tuttiett T886R Rescue. Sedgwick SE25R Residuary legatee. Stimson ST55R Resolute Mr. Pansy. Trowbridge JT75715R Return of the native. Hardy H2241KR Reuben James. Brady JB729R Reverberator. James J23416R Revolt of man. Besant B465R3 Revolution in Tanner's Lane. White. .W58515R Rex Wayland's fortunes. Stanley JST2413R REYNOLDS, Mrs. L. Baillie (G. M. Rob- ins, pseud.) Nigel Ferrald R335N RHOADES, Walter. Story of John Tre- vennick R345 J Rhoda Fleming. Meredith M544R RHOSCOMYL, Owen. Battlement and tower R347B For the white rose of Arno R347F Jewel of Ynys Galon R347J Lady of Castell March R347L Same as Shrouded face. Rhymer. McAulay M118R RHYS, Grace. Mary Dominic R348M Ribstone pippins. Tuttiett T886R3 RICE, Mrs. Alice Hegan. Mrs. Wiggs of the cabbage patch R364M RICE, James, joint author. See BESANT, Walter. Richard Carvel. Churchill C475R Richard yea-and-nay. Hewlett H495R RICHARDS, Mrs. Laura Elizabeth (Howe.) Captain January JR39C Fernley house JR39F For Tommy R39F Geoffrey Strong , R39G Joyous story of Toto JR39J 94 FICTION Margaret Montfort jR39Ma Marie jRo»M Melody JR39M3 Mrs. Tree R39M Peggy ~ JR39P Queen Hildegarde JR39Q Rita jR39Ri Rosin the beau JR39R Three Margarets JR39T Toto's merry winter JR39T4 RICHARDSON, Samuel. Clarissa Har- lowe...: R393C History of Sir Charles Grandison R393S Pamela R393P Richelieu. James J23414R RICHTER, Jean Paul. Titan R415T Rick Dale. Munroe JM924R2 Ridan the Devil. Becke B3865R Riddle of life. Johnston J6437R Riddle ring. McCarthy M126R RIDGE, William Pett. Breaker of laws..R4335B Rienzi. Bulwer-Lytton B878R RIGGS, Mrs. George Christopher. See WIGGIN, Kate Douglas. Right of way. Parker P224R Right princess. Burnham B937R Righting the wrong. Ellis JEL56R8 RIIS, Jacob August. Nibsy's Christmas.. JR443N Out of Mulberry street R4430 RILEY,- James Whitcomb. Sketches in prose R455S Rip Van Winkle. Irving JIR8418R Rise of Silas Lapham. Howells H837R RISLEY, Richard Voorhees. Life of a woman R492L Rita. Richards JR39R1 RITCHIE, Mrs. Anne Isabella (Thacke- ray). Bluebeard's keys and other stories R517B Five old friends JR517P Miss Angel R517M Miss Williamson's divagations R517M3 Old Kensington R5170 Story of Elizabeth R517S Village on the cliff R517V River. Phillpotts P546R3 River fugitives. Ellis JEL56R9 Riverside museum. Williams JW6733R RIVES, Amelie. See CHANDLER, Mrs. Amelie (Rives), now Princess Troubetzkoy. RIVES, Hallie Erminie. Hearts courage- ous R527H Road to Frontenac. Merwin M558R Road to nowhere. Morse JM8358 Road to Paris. Stephens ST44R Road to Ridgeby's. Harris H2397 Rob, a story for boys. Lothrop JL914R Rob of the bowl. Kennedy K384R Rob Roy. Scott SC084R6 Robbery under arms. Browne B8136R Robert Annys. Meyer M575R Robert Falconer. Macdonald M144R Robert Fulton. Hauch H293R Robert Ord's atonement. Carey C188R Robert Tournay. Sage SA16R ROBERTS, Charles George Douglas. Bar- bara Ladd R543B Forge in the forest R543F Heart of the ancient wood R543H ROBERTS, Margaret Denise. Atelier du Lys R544A Fiddler of Lugau R544F Hester's venture R544H In the olden times R544I Lilian and Lili R544L Mademoiselle Mori R544M Niccolina Niccolini R544N That child R544T Same ( JR544T Younger sister R544Y ROBERTS, Morley. Colossus R54413C Fugitives R54413F Lord Linlithgow R54413L ROBERTSON, Harrison. Inlander R545I Opponents R5450 Red blood and blue R545R ROBERTSON, Morgan Andrew. Masters of men R546M Spun-yarn sea stories R546S Robin Hood. Pyle JP998R Robin Hood, Life and adventures of. Marsh JM354R ROBINS, Elizabeth (C. E. Raimond, pseud.). Open question R5580 ROBINS, G. M. pseud. See REYNOLDS, Mrs. L. Baillie. ROBINSON, Mrs. Albert A. See ANTRO- BUS, Suzanne. ROBINSON, Edith. Captain of the school JR559C FICTION 95 ROBINSON, Rowland Evans. Danvis pio- iieer R56D Samfe JR56D Sam Lovel's boy R56S Robinson Crusoe. Defoe JD365R Same. N. Y. point for the blind. ROBSON, Isabel Stuart. Girl without ambition ,. . • JR576 ROCHE, Regina Maria. Children of the abbey R584C Rock of the lion. Seawell JSE17R ROD, Edouard. Pastor NaudiS's young wife R61P White rocks R61W Roden's corner. Scott SC082R Roderick Hudson. James J23416R4 Roderick Random. Smollett SM75R Rodman, the boat-steerer, and other stories. Becke B3865R4 Rodney Stone. Doyle D775R2 RODZIEWICZ, Marya. Anima vilis R6154A ROE, Edward Payson. Barriers burned away R6213B Day of fate R6213D Driven back to Eden R6213D3 Earth trembled R6213E Face illumined R6213F Found, yet lost R6213F3 From jest to earnest R6213F5 He fell in love with his wife » R6213H His sombre rivals R6213H3 Knight of the nineteenth century R6213K "Miss Lou" R6213M Nature's serial story R6213N Near to nature's heart R6213N3 Opening of a chestnut burr R62130 Original belle R621304 Queen of spades R6213Q Taken alive R6213T What can she do? R6213W Without a home R6213W4 Young girl's wooing .R6213Y Roger Berkeley's probation. Campbell. .JC15315R ROGERS, Anna A. Sweethearts and wives R633S Roggie and Reggie stories. Smith JSM49R Rogues march. Hornung H7864R3 ROHLFS, Anna Katharine (Green). Be- hind closed doors R635B Circular study R635C2 Doctor, his wife and the clock R635D4 Sword of Damocles R635S That affair next door R635T2 X. Y. Z. and 7 to 12 R635X Rolf house. Lillie JL626R ROLFE, William James, ed. Fairy tales..jR644F ROLLINS, Alice Wellington. Finding of the gentian JR652F Rollo in Geneva. Abbott JAB25G Rollo in Holland. Abbott JAB25H Rollo in London. Abbott JAB25L Rollo in Naples. Abbott JAB25N Rollo in Paris. Abbott JAB25P Rollo in Rome. Abbott JAB25R4 Rollo in Scotland. Abbott JAB25S Rollo in Switzerland. Abbott JAB25S7 Rollo learning to read. Abbott jAB25Le Rollo on the Rhine. Abbott JAB25R Rollo's correspondence. Abbott jAB25Co Roman Biznet. Pangborn P194R Roman singer. Crawford C857R Romance of a Jesuit mission. Sanford . . SA544R Romance of a midshipman. Russell R914Ro Romance of a rogue. Sharts SH256R Romance of Canvas town. Browne B8136R3 Romance of Gilbert Holmes. Kirkman . . .K637R Romance of Jenny Harlowe. Russell R914R Romance of student life abroad. Kim- ball K565R Romance of summer seas. Davis D2919R Romance of the harem. Leonowens L554R Romance of the republic. Child C435R Romance of two worlds. Corel I i C815R Romances of the old seraglio. Crellin — C8654 Romantic tales. Craik C845R Romany Rye. Borrow B648R Romola. Eliot EL45R Romulus and Remus. Talbot JT1424R Rookwood. Ainsworth AI68R ROPES, Arthur Reed, and ROPES Mary E. On Peter's Island R6850 Rory O'More. Lover L948R Rosalynde's lovers. Thompson T37414R Rose and the ring. Thackeray JT324R Rose and Thorn. Bates JB31614 Rose in bloom. Alcott JAL18R Rose in June. Oliphant OL35R4 Rose island. Russell R914R3 Rose of a hundred leaves. Barr B27Ro Rose of Dutcher's •ooly. Garland G18714R Rose of love. Teal T223R Rose of Paradise. Pyle JP998R4 Rose of yesterday. Crawford .C857Ro 96 FICTION Rose Raymond's wards. Vandegrift . . . . JV284R Rosebud garden of girls. Perry JP425R ROSEGGER, Peter Kettenfeier. God seeker R7207G Rosemary and Rue. Champney C358R Rosin the beau. Richards JR39R Rosine. Melville M496R2 Rossmoyne. Hungerford H895R Rosy and other stories. Molesworth . . .JM734R Rough shaking. Macdonald JM144R5 Round dozen. Woolsey JW886R Round the galley fire. Russell R914R5 Round the red lamp. Doyle D775Ro Round the yule log. Asbjbrnsen JAS15 Roundabout rambles. Stockton JST65R ROUSE, Adelaide Louise. Helen Beaton, college woman R7615H Under my own roof R7615U ROUSE, William Henry Denham. Talk- ing thrush JR7617 ROUSSELET, Louis. Tale of the In- dian mutiny R764T Same JR764T Roving commission. Henty JH397^13 Roweny in Boston. Pool P783R ROWLANDS, Erne Adelaide. Heart of Hetta R7963H ROWSELL, Mary Catharine. Friend of the people R798F Roy, the royalist. Westall W522R Royal rogues. Bancroft JB223 Roy's wife. Melville M496R5 Roxy. Eggleston EG35R Rudder grange. Stockton ST65R Rudder grangers abroad. Stockton ...ST65R2 Ruffino. Rame R144R6 Ruling passion. Van Dyke V2.86R Rumor. Sheppard SH487R Runaway brig. Kaler JK128R5 RUNKLE, Bertha. Helmet of Navarre. .R875H Running the Cuban blockade. Stod- dard JST67R7 Rupert, by the grace of God. McChes- ney M132R Rupert of Hentzau. Hawkins H314R RUSK IN, John. King of the Golden . river JR894K Same. N. Y. point for the blind. RUSSELL, William Clark. Alone on a wide, wide sea R914A Betwixt the Forelands R914B Convict ship R194Co Death ship R914D Emigrant ship R914E Frozen pirate R914F Good ship "Mohock" R914G2 Heart of oak , R914H In the middle of the watch R914In Is he the man ? R914I Jack's courtship ' R914 J John Holdsworth R914J3 Lady Maud R914L Last entry R914L2 List, ye landsmen R914L4 Little Loo R914L7 Marooned R914M Master Rockafellar's voyage JR914M Mate of the good ship York R914M4 Mrs. Dine's jewels R914M5 My Danish sweetheart R914My My shipmate Louise R914M6 My watch below R914M7 Mystery of the "Ocean Star" R914M9 Ocean free lance R9140c Ocean tragedy R9140 On the fo'k'sle head R91403 Phantom death R914P Romance of a midshipman R914Ro Romance of Jenny Harlowe R914R Rose Island R914R3 Round the galley fire R914R5 Sailor's sweetheart R914Sa Sea queen R914S Ship R914S3 Strange elopement R914S6 Strange voyage R914S8 Tale of the ten R914Ta Tale of two tunnels R914T3 Tragedy of Ida Noble R914T5 Two captains R914T6 What cheer R914Wh Wreck of the "Grosvenor" R914W RUSSELL, William Clark, and others. Miss Parson's adventures R91412M Russells in Chicago. Wheaton W565R Russian fairy tales. Bain JB16 Russian portraits. Vogue V-867R Rustler. ' McElrath M1458R Ruth. Gaskell G214R2 RUTHERFORD, Mark, pseud. see WHITE, William Hale. Rutledge. Harris H2415R FICTION 97 RYAN, Marah Ellis. Bondwoman R952 Pagan of the Alleghanies R952P That girl Montana R952Th Told in the hills R952T RYLEY, Madeline Lucette. American citizen R988A RYND, Evelyne Elsye. Mrs. Green R99 S Sabina Zembra. Black B563S SADDER, Mrs. James. See SADLIER, Mrs. Mary Ann Madden. SADLIER, Mrs. Mary Ann Madden. Blakes and Flanagans SA133B Sagacity of animals: cats and dogs. Kingston JK616S6 Sagacity of animals: the horse, and other animals. Kingston JK616SS SAGE, William. Claybornes SA16C Robert Tournay SA16R SAGON, Amyat. When George III. was king SA166 Sailor's sweetheart. Russell R914Sa Saint Augustine. Musick M974Sa St. Bartholomew's eve. Henty JH397S St. Elmo. Wilson W695S St. George and St. Michael. Macdonald...M144S St. George for England. Henty JH397S3 St. Ives. Stevenson ST47Sa Saint James's. Ainsworth AI68Sa ST. JOHN, Percy Bolingbroke. Arctic Crusoe JSA24A. ST. JOHNSON, Alfred. South sea lover. SA254S St. Katherine's by the tower. Besant . . .B465S Saint Michael. Biirstenbinder B945S St. Nazarius. Farquharson i F237S Saint Peter and Tom. Cragin JC843S St. Peter's umbrella. Mikszath M5898S SAINT-PIERRE, Jacques Henri Bernard- in de. Paul and Virginia JSA26P St. Rcman's well. Scott SC084S St. Winifred's. Farrar jF24514g SAINTINE, Joseph Xavier Boniface. Picciola SA27P Salathiel. Croly C879T Salammbo. Flaubert F618S Salem. Castleton C278S Salem chapel. Oliphant OL35S SALES, Pierre. Price of a coronet SA34P Sally Dows. Harte H253S2 Sally Williams. Cheney JC422S 7-L. Salome , Shephard, reformer. Winslow. .W735S SALSBURY, Juniata. Timothy Dole . . .JSA36T Salted with fire. Macdonald M144Sa Saltillo boys. Stoddard JST67S Sam Lawson's Oldtown fireside stories. Stowe JST76S Sam Lovel's boy. Robinson R56S Samantha among the brethren. Holley..H725S2 Samantha among the colored folks. Hol- ley H725S6 Samantha at Saratoga. Hoi ley H725S8 Samantha at the world's fair. Holley...H725S12 Samantha in Europe. Holley H725S13 Samuel Titmarsh. Thackeray T324S SAND, George, pseud. See DUDEVANT, Mme. Amantine Lucile Aurore (Dupin). Sand 'n' bushes. Pool P783S SANDERSON, James Gardner. Cornell stories SA54C Sandra Belloni. Meredith M544Sa SANDYS, Miles. Michael Carmichael...SA242M Sane lunatic. Burnham B937S SAN FORD, M. Bouchier. Romance of a Jesuit mission SA544R Sanford and Merton. Day JD33S Sant' Ilario. Crawford C857S Santa Barbara. Rame R144S Santa Claus land. Douglas jD748Sa Santa Claus on a lark. Gladden JG453S Santa Claus's partner. Page JP145S Sappho of Green Springs, and other sto- ries. Harte H253S Sara Crewe. Burnett JB935S Saracinesca. Crawford C857S4 Saragossa. Galdos G13S Sarah de Berenger. Ingelow IN44S Sarah Dillard's ride. Kaler JK128S Sarchedon. Melville M4965 Satanella. Melville M496S2 Satin-wood box. Trowbridge JT75717S SAUNDERS, Margaret Marshall. Beauti- ful Joe JSA84B Beautiful Joe's paradise jSA84Be Deficient saints SA84D For his country jSA84Fo For the other boy's sake JSA84F Her sailor SA84H King of the park JSA84K SAUNDERS, Marshall. See SAUNDERS, Margaret Marshall. 98 FICTION SAUNDERS, Ripley D. John Kenadie. .SA8412 SAVAGE, Richard Henry. Captain Lah- don . N SA93C Savrola. Churchill C47515S SAWYER, Josephine Caroline. Every inch a king SA955 SAX BY, Mrs. Jessie Margaret (Edmons- ton). Viking-boys JSA969 Say and seal. Warner W24417S SAYRE, Theodore Burt. Son of Carley- croft SA99S Tom Moore SA99T SCAN NELL, Florence and Edith. Dul- cie's promise JSCA66D Jean Noel JSCA66J Lischen and the fairy JSCA66L3 Little musician JSCA66L5 Scapegoat. Caine C123S a Scarlet and hyssop. Benson B443S Scarlet letter. Hawthorne H31517S Scarlet tanager. Trowbridge JT75717S4 SCHEFFEL, Joseph Victor von. Ekke- hard SCH22E School for saints. Craigie C8443Sc School reading by grades. Baldwin ...JB193F6 SCH REINER, Olive (Ralph Iron, pseud.). Dream life and real life SCH75D Story of an African farm SCH75S Trooper Peter Halket of Mashona- land SCH75T SCH U BIN, Ossip, pseud, of Lola Kirsch- ner. Erlach court SCH76E Leafless spring SCH76L SCHULZE, Smidt B. See Oswald, E., pseud. SCHWARTZ, Joost Marius Willem van der Poorten (Maarten Maartens, pseud.) God's fool SCH93G Greater glory SCH93G3 Her memory SCH93H My lady nobody SCH93M Old maid's love SCH930 Sin of Joost Avelingh SCH93S Some women I have known SCH93S3 SCHWARTZ, Marie Sophie. Gerda . ..SCH933G SCOLLARD, Clinton. Cloistering of Ur- sula SC043C Son of a tory SC043S SCOTT, Hugh S. (Henry Seton Merri- man, pseud.). Dross SC082D Flotsam: the study of life SC082F From one generation to another . . . SC082F3 In Kedar's tents SC082I Isle of unrest SC082I4 Phantom future SC082P Prisoners and captives SC082P4 Roden's corner SC082R Slaves of the lamp SC082S1 Sowers SC082S Suspense SC082S3 Velvet glove SC082V Vultures SC082V4 With edged tools SC082W Young Mistley SC082Y SCOTT, Michael. Tom Cringle's log. . .SC083T SCOTT, Sir Walter. Abbot SC084A Same JSC084A Anne of Geierstein SC084A5 Antiquary SC084A6 Same JSC084A6 Betrothed SC084B Bride of Lammermoor SC084B6 Same jSC084E<5 Count Robert of Paris SC084C6 Fair maid of Perth SC084F Fortunes of Nigel SC084F6 Guy Mannerihg SC084G Same JSC084G Heart of Midlothian SC084H Same JSC084H Ivanhoe SC084I Same JSC084I Same. N. Y. point for the blind. Kenilworth SC084K Same. N. Y. point for the blind. Legend of Montrose SC084L Monastery SC084M Same JSC084M Old Mortality SC0840 Peveril of the Peak SC084P Pirate SC084P4' Quentin Durward SCOS4Q Same JSC084Q Red gauntlet SC084R Rob Roy SC084R6 St. Ronan's well SC084S Surgeon's daughter SC084Su Tales of chivalry JSC084T Talisman SC084T Waverley SC084W Same JSC084W Woodstock SC084W6 FICTION 99* Same JSC084W6 Scottish chiefs. Porter P834S Same JP834S Scottish sketches. Barr B27S Scouting for Washington. True JT763 SC UDDER, Horace Elisha. Bodley's afoot JSCU25B4 Bodley's telling stories JSCU25B6 Doings of the Bodley family JSCU25B Dream children .• JSCU25D Fables and folk stories JSCU25F Seven little people and friends JSCU25S SCUDDER, Horace Elisha, ed. Children's book JSCU25C Sea-farers. Morrison M8348S Sea lions. Cooper C785S2 Sea queen. Russell R914S Sea urchins. Jacobs J154S Sea yarns for boys. Henderson JH384S Seaboard parish. Macdonald M144S2 Seaforth. Montgomery M767S Seamy side. Besant and Rice B466S Seamy side of history. Balzac B219Se Search for Andrew Field. Tomlinson. . .JT595S Search for Basil Lyndhurst. Carey C188S Search for the silver city. Kaler JK128S2 SEARS, Joseph Hamblen. None but the brave SE158N Seaside and wayside fairies. Blum. . JB62616S Seats of the mighty. Parker P224S SEA WELL, Molly Elliot. Decatur and i Somers JSE17D Gavin Hamilton JSE17G Francezka SE17F House of Egremont \ SE17H Lady Betty Stair JSE17L Little Jarvis JSE17L4 Loves of the Lady Arabella SE17L3 Papa Bouchard SE17P Paul Jones JSE17P Rock of the lion V JSE17R Strange, sad comedy JSE17S Sebastian Strome. Hawthorne H315S Second book of tales. Field F454S Second jungle book. Kipling JK625S Second son. Oliphant and Aldrich OL36S Second wife. John J615S Secret of Coffin island. Ellis jEL56Se Secret of Narcisse. Gosse G695S Secret orchard. Castle C275S Secrets at Roseladies. Catherwood JC285S SEDGWICK, Anne Douglas. Confound- ing of Camelia SE25C Rescue SE25R Seen and heard. Mayo M457S Seer. Lindau. in Liquidated L644L Seigneur de Beaufoy. Drummond .D844Se SELTZER, Charles A. Council of three...SE496 Semi-detached house. Lewis L586S Senator North. Atherton AT45S Sense and sensibility. Austen AU74S Sensitive plant. Laszowska L339S Sentimental journey through France and Italy. Sterne ST46S Sentimental Tommy. Barrie B275S Seraph, the little violiniste. Jamison. .. .JJ245S Seraphita. Balzac B219S SERAO, Matilde. Ballet dancer, and On guard SE64B Land of Cockayne SE64L Serious wooing. Craiqie C8443S4 Seth's brother's wife. Frederic F874S SETOJM, Ernest Thompson. See THOMP- SON, E/nest Seton. Settlers in Canada. ' Marryat M347Se Seven daughters. Douglas D748S Seven dreamers. Slosson SL55S Seven houses. Drummond D844S Seven little people. Scudder JSCU25S Seven little sisters. Andrews JAN27S Sevenoaks. Holland H715& Severa. Hartner H257S &EWELL, Mrs. Anna. Black Beauty... JSE86B SEW ELL, Elizabeth Missing. Earl's daughter SE86E Gertrude SE86G Ivors SE86I Katharine Ashton SE86K Laneton parsonage SE86L Margaret Percival SE86M Ursula SE86U Sforza: a story of Milan. Astor AS84S SHACKLETON, Robert. Many waters. . SH12M Toomey and others SH12T Shadow of a dream. Howells H837S Shadow of a man. Hornung H7864S Shadow of Quong Lung. Doyle D77513S Shandon bells. Black B563S2 SHARP, Evelyn. Youngest girl in the school JSH253 SHARP, William, joint author. See HOWARD, Blanch Willis. 100 FICTION SHARTS, Joseph W. Ezra Caine SH256 Romance of a rogue SH256R SHATTUCK, Harriette Robinson. Little folks: East and west JSH266L Shaving of Shagpat. Meredith M544S SHAW, Ad61e Marie. Coast of freedom . SH28C SHAW, Flora L. Castle Blair JSH28 She. Haggard H125S She fell in love with her husband. BUrs- tenbinder. Same as Good luck. . .B945Sh She loved a sailor. Barr B27Sh She stands alone. Ashton AS37S She walks in beauty. Hinkson H592S SHEDD, Harry Graves. Over grass- grown trails SH36 SHEEHAN, Rev. Patrick Augustine. Luke Delmage SH38L My new curate SH38N Sheer pluck. Henty JH397S4 SHELDON, Rev. Charles Monroe. In his steps SH44I SHELLEY, Mrs. Mary Wollstonecroft. Frankenstein SH46F SHEPPARD, Elizabeth S. (E. Berger, pseud.) Charles Auchester SH487C Rumor SH487R Sherburne cousins. Douglas D748S3 Sherburne girls. Douglas D748S4 Sherburne house. Douglas D748Sh Sherburne inheritance. Douglas D748S5 Sherburne romance. Douglas D748S6 SHERLOCK, Charles Reginald. Your uncle Lew SH537Y SHERWOOD, Margaret (Elizabeth Hast- ings, pseud.). Henry Worthing- ton, idealist SH57 SHERWOOD, S. V., and others. At Wel- lesley SH572A Shifting winds. Ballantyne JB214S Shine Terrill. Munroe jM925Sh Ship. Russell R914S3 Ship of dreams. Foster F8129S Ship of stars. Couch *. . .C83S SHIPMAN, Louis Evans. Curious court- ship of Kate Poins SH66C D'Arcy of the guards . ? SH66D Urban dialogues SH66U Ships that pass in the night. Harraden..H237S Shirley. Bronte B78813S Shod with silence. Ellis jEL56Sh Shoes of fortune. Munroe M9248S Short cruise. Kaler JK128S3 Short-line war. Merwin-Webster M5582S Short rails. Warman W238Sh Short rations. Fish F53S Short sixes. Bunner v B885S Short stories for short people. Aspin- wall JAS66S SHORTHOUSE, John Henry. Blanche, lady Falaise SH84B Countess Eve SH84C John Inglesant SH84J Little schoolmaster Mark SH84L Sir Percival SHS4S Teacher of the violin and other tales. .SH84T Shrewsbury. Weyman W545S Shrouded face. Rhoscomyl. Same as Lady of Castell March R347L SIBLEY, Louise Lyndon. Light house village SI126L SIDNEY, Margaret. See LOTHROP, Mrs. Harriet Mulford (Stone). Sidney. Deland D375S Sidney-side Saxon. Browne B8136S4 Siege of London. James J23416Si SIENKIEWICZ, Henryk. Children of the soil '. SI17C Deluge SI17D Knights of the cross SI17K On the bright shore SI170 Pan Michael SI17P Quo vadis SI17Q Tales SI17T With fire and sword SI17W Without dogma SI17W4 Yanko, the* musician SI17 Y Sights and insights. Whitney W615S Sign of the cross. Barrett B27317S Sign of the four. Doyle D774Si Sign of the prophet. Naylor N236S Signa. Ram6 R144S2 Signal boys of '75. Kaler JK128S4 Signor Monaldini's niece. Tincker T494S4 Sigurd Eckdal's bride. Voss V937S Silas Marner. Eliot EL45S Same JEL45S SILBERRAD, Una L. Lady of dreams. . .SI33L Princess Puck SI33P Silcote of Silcotes. Kingsley K61413S Silence. Wilkins W654S Silence of Dean Maitland. Tuttiett T886S Silent partner. Ward W21S FICTION 101 Silent Pete. Kaler jK128Si Silent pioneer. McElroy M146S Silk of the kine. McManus M225S Silver Christ. Rame R144Si Silver cross. Keightley K262S Silver medal. Trowbridge JT75717S6 Silver pitchers. Alcott JAL18S4 Silver skull. Crockett C876Si Silver star valley. Bramston JB7345S SI ME, William. Red route SI45R SIMMS, William Gilmore. Woodcraft. . .SI46W Simon Dale. Hawkins H314S Simple adventures of a memsahib. Cotes C823Si Simpleton. Reade R225S Sin of Joost Avelingh. Schwartz SCH93S SINCLAIR, Upton. King Midas SI598K Sindbad, Smith & Co. Stearns JST31S Sindbad the sailor and AH Baba and the forty thieves ]'SI6 Singer from the sea. Barr B27S2 Single heart and double face. Reade. . .R225S3 Singular life. Ward W21S2 Singularly deluded. MacFall M164S Sinner's comedy. Craigie C8443S6 SINNETT, Alfred Percy. United SI66U Sir Brook Fossbrooke. Lever L575S Sir Charles Danvers. Cholmondeley — C4537S Sir Charles Grandison, History of. Rich- ardson R393S Sir Christopher. Goodwin G63S Sir George Tressady. Ward W2116S Sir Gibbie. Macdonald M144S4 Sir Godfrey's granddaughters. Carey . . . C188S5 Sir Harry Hotspur. Trollope T745S Sir Jasper Carew. Lever ,. L745S Sir John and the American girl. Bogue. .B634S Sir Launcelot Greaves. Smollett SM75S Sir Patrick, the puddock. Walford W146Si Sir Percival. Shorthouse SH84S Sir Robert's fortune. Oliphant OL35S3 Sir Roger de Coverly. Addison AD24S Sir Thomas Upmore; Bart. Blackmore...B567R Sir Tom. Oliphant OL35S4 Sirius. Fowler F829S Sister Jane. Harris H24S Sister Louise. Melville, in Rosine M496R3 Sister to Esau. *Barr B27S4 Sisters three. Vaizey JV198S Sister's vocation. Daskam D263Si Six cent Sam's. Hawthorne H315S6 Six girls. Irving JIR84S Six to one. Bellamy B416S Six to sixteen. Ewing JBW55S Sixth sense and other stories. Briscoe. ..B7753S Sketch book. Irving JIR8418S Sketches by Boz. Dickens D552S Sketches in lavender, blue and green. Jerome J483S Sketches in prose. Riley R455S Sketches of Irish character. Hall H14S SKINNER, Henrietta Dana. Espiritu Santo SK36E Heart and soul SK36H Skipper's wooing. Jacobs J154S4 Sky pilot. Gordon G655S Slain by the Doones. Blackmore B567S1 Slaves of the lamp. Scott .' SC082S1 Sleeping Beauty in the wood. Lang JL25S4 Sleepy time stories. Booth JB647S SLEIGHT, Charles Lee. Prince of the pin elves JSL25P Slings and arrows. Fargus F225S SLOSSON, Annie Trumbull. Dumb fox- glove and other stories SL55D Fishin' Jimmy SL55F Seven dreamers SL55S Story-tell Lib SL55S4 Small house at Allington. Trollope ...T745S2 SMART, Hawley. At fault SM25A Beatrice and Benedick SM25Be Belles and ringers SM25B Breezie Langton SM25B4 Broken bonds SM25B5 Cecile SM25C Courtship in 1720 and 1860 SM25C4 False cards SM25F Greaf tontine SM25G Hard lines SM25H Long odds SM25L Master of Rathkelly SM25M Outsiders SM250 Play or pay SM25P Plungers SM25P5 Social sinners SM25S5 Sunshine and snow SM25S7 Tie and trick SM25T Without love or licence SM25W S MED LEY, Frank E. Fortunes of the Colville family SM35C Smiles and tears. Crane C852 SMITH, Abbie N. Bobtail Dixie JSM48 102 FICTION SMITH, Alice Dow. Diary of a dreamer.. SM49D SMITH, Mrs. Annie S. Swan Burdett. See SWAN, Annie S. SMITH, Francis Hopkinson . Caleb West, master diver SM5Ca Colonel Carter of Cartersville SM5C Day at Laguerre's SM5D Fortunes of Oliver Horn SM5F Gentleman vagabond SM5G Other fellow SM50 Tom Grogan SM5T Well worn roads of Spain SM5W SMITH, Francis Hopkinson, and others. Stories of Italy SM6S SMITH, Gertrude. Arabella and Aramin- ta stories JSM49A Lovable tales of'janey and Josey and Joe JSM49L Roggie and Reggie stories JSM49R SMITH, Hannah (Hesba Stretton, pseud.). Brought home SM513B Doctor's dilemma SM513D1 Lost Gip JSM5L5 SMITH, Isabel. Minister's guest SM514M SMITH, Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas. See SMITH, Mrs. Lillie Thomas (Meade). SMITH, Mrs. Lillie Thomas (Meade). Baby John JSM513B Children of Wilton Chase JSM513C Dear JSM513D For the fourth time of asking JSM513F Four on an island jSM513Fo Pomona JSM513P7 Zoe JSM513Z SMITH, Mary Prudence Wells. Browns JSM515B Four on a farm JSM515F Great match SM515G Jolly good summer JSM515J Jolly good times JSM515J2 Jolly good times at Hackmatack . . JSM515J3 Jolly good times at school JSM515J4 Jolly good times today JSM515J5 More good times at Hackmatack . . . JSM515M Their canoe trip JSM515T Young and old puritans of Hatfield. .JSM515Y SMITH, Minna Caroline. Mary Paget.. SM516M SMITH, Nora Archibald. Under the cactus flag JSM517U SMITH, William Hawley. Evolution of Dodd SM519 Smith college stories. Daskam D263S Smoke. Tourgeneff T845S SMOLLETT, Tobias George. Expedition of Humphrey Clinker SM75E Ferdinand, Count Fathom SM75C Peregrine Pickle SM75P Roderick Random SM75R Sir Launcelot Greaves SM75S Snarleyyow. Marryat M347S Snow-bird and other tales. Compton JC736S Snow image. Hawthorne H31517S4 'Snow on the headlight. Warman W238S Snowshoes and sledges. Munroe JM925S Social departure. Cotes C823S5 Same JC823S5 Social sinners. Smart SM25S5 Social strugglers. Boyesen B696S Soft side. James J23416S Soldier of Virginia. Stevenson ST4696V Soldier Rigdale. Dix D644S Soldier stories. Kipling K625S2 Soldier's children. Stannard ST27S4 Soldiers of fortune. Davis D2918S Soldier's secret. King K58S Soldiers three. Kipling K625S3 Solitary summer. Arnim AR65S Solomon Crow's Christmas pockets. Stu- art ST92S Same JST92S Some emotions and a moral. Craig ie.. .C8443S8 Some every-day folk. Phillpotts P546S Some passages in the practice of Dr. Martha Scarborough. Campbell. .C15315D Some persons unknown. Hornung. . . .H7864S4 Some women I have known. Schwartz.. SCH93S3 Somebody's neighbors. Cooke C7745S SOMERVILLE, Henry, pseud, of Mary Gay Humphreys. Jack Racer S054I Son of a fiddler. Lee L505S Son of a tory. Scollard SC043S Son of Carleycroft. Sayre SA99S Son of Gad. Steuart ST4WS Sop of Hagar. Caine C123So Son of his father. Oliphant OL35S5 Son of old Harry. Tourgee T644S Son of Porthos. Dumas » D892S4 Son of Satsuma. Munroe JM925S4 Son of the czar. Graham G762S Son of the old dominion. Harrison H245So Son of the revolution. Brooks jB794So FICTION 103 Son of the soil. Oliphant OL35S6 Son of the wolf. London L845S Song of a single note. Barr B27S5 Sonny. Stuart ST92S4 Sons and daughters. Kirk K634S Sons and daughters. ' Oliphant OL35S7 Sons and fathers. Edwards ED9515S Sons of the morning. Phillpotts P546S3 Sons of the soil. Balzac B219S4 Same as Peasantry. Sophia. Weyman W545S3 Sophomores of Radcliffe. Kellogg JK294S Sorceress. Oliphant OL35S8 Sorrows of Satan. Corel I i C815S2 Soul in bronze. DuBois D8533 Soul of a cat. Benson JB443S Soul of Lilith. Corelli C815S Soul of the street. Duncan D914S Souls of passage. Barr B27S8 SOUSA, J. Philip. Fifth string S085F South sea lover. St. Johnston SA254S South sea whaler. Kingston JK616S4* Southern hearts. Winterburn W7368S Southern heritage. Brown B81218S Southern silhouettes. Walworth W176S SOUVESTRE, Emile. Attic philosopher in Paris S088A Sowed by the wind. Kellogg JK294S2 Sowers. Scott SC082S Span o' life. McLennan and' Mcllwraith. M2246Sp Spanish John. McLennan M2245S Spanish Peggy. Catherwood jC285Sp Spark of genius. Kellogg. , JK294S4 SPARRE, C. See VILLER, Fredrik, pseud. Sparrow the tramp. Wesselhoeft JW515S SPEARMAN, Frank Hamilton. Doctor Bryson SP328D Held for orders 3(P328H Nerve of Foley SP328N Same JSP328N SPEARS, John Randolph. Fugitive JSP33F Port of missing ships SP33P SPECHT, Emma E. H. Alfrieda SP334A Speckled bird. Wilson W695S4 Spectacle man. Leonard JL553S Spectre of the camera. Hawthorne H315S8 Spenders. Wilson W69512 Spendthrift. Ainsworth AI68Sp Sphinx of Eaglehawk. Browne B8136S2 SPIELHAGEN, Frederick. Breaking of the storm SP44B Lady Clara de Vere SP44L Problematic characters SP44P Through night to light SP44T Sjrindle and plough. Dudeney D863S Spinning-wheel stories. Alcott JAL18S7 Splendid Porsenna. Fraser F864S Splendid spur. Couch C83S4 Spliced yarn. Cupples JC924S SPOFFORD, Mrs. Harriet Elizabeth (Pres- cott.) Azarian SP64A Lost jewel JSP64L SPOFFORD, Mrs. Richard S. See SPOF- FORD, Mrs. Harriet Elizabeth (Prescott.) Spoils of Poynton. James J23416S4 Springhaven. Blackmore B567S Spun-yarn sea stories. Robertson R546S Spy. Cooper C785S4 Same JC785S4 SPYRI, Mrs. Johanna. , Heidi JSP97H Square pegs. Whitney W615Sq Squatter's dream. Browne B8136S3 Squire. Parr P24515S Squire Hellman. Aho-Juhani, pseud AH63 Squire of low degree. Long L85S Squire of Sandal-side. Barr B27S6 Squirrel inn. Stockton ST65S STAEL-HOLSTEIN, A. L. Germaine Necker, baronne de. Corinne ST134C Stalky and Co. Kipling K625S4 Standard-bearer. Crockett C876St Standfast! Craig Royston. Black B563S4 Standish of Standish. Austin AU76S Stanford stories. Field F45314S STANLEY, Henry Morton. My dark com- panions JST24 My Kalulu JST24M STANLEY, Hiram A. Backwoodsman. ST2413B Same JST2413B Rex Wayland's fortune JST2413R Stanley Brereton. Ainsworth AI6SS3 STANNARD, Mrs. Arthur. See STAN- NARD, Mrs. Henrietta Eliza V. P. STANNARD, Mrs. Henrietta Eliza Vaughan Palmer (John Strange Winter, pseud.) Army society. ..ST27Ar Cavalry life ST27C Mrs. Bob ST27M Peace-makers ST27Pe Pluck ST27P 104 FICTION Private tinker ST27Pr Regimental legends ST27R Soldier's children ST27S4 Star-chamber. Ainsworth AI68St Starboard lights. Hawser H31473 Starbucks. Read R224S Stark Munro letters. Doyle ; .D775St Starlight ranch. King K58S6 Start in life. Balzac B219St Start in ljfe. Trowbridge JT75717S8 States-general. Erckmann and Chat- rian ER25St STEARNS, Albert. Sindbad, Smith & Co JST31& STEEL, Flora Annie. Flowers of forgive- ness ST34FI From the five rivers ST34F Hosts of the Lord ST34H In the permanent way ST34In In the tideway .ST34I Miss Stuart's legacy ST34M On the face of the waters ST340 Potter's thumb ST34P Red rowans ST34R / Voices in the night ST34V STEELL, Willis. Isidra ST35I Stephen Archer. Macdonald M144S8 Stephen Calinari. Sturgis ST93S Stephen Dane. Douglas D748S8 Stephen, soldier of the cross. Kingsley..K61412S STEPHENS, Charles Ashbury. Camping out JST44C Left on Labrador JST44L STEPHENS, Robert Neilson. Captain Ravenshaw ST44Ca Continental dragoon ST44C Enemy to the king ST44E Philip Winwood ST44P Road to Paris ST44R STEPHENSON, Henry Thew. Fickle wheel ST45F Patroon von Volkenberg ST45P STEPHENSON, Nathaniel. They that took the sword ST452T STEPNIAK, pseud. See DRAGOMAN- OFF, Sergius Michael. Stepping heavenward. Prentiss JP915S Stepping stones to literature. 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade readers. Arnold and Gilbert JAR6516 Stern chase. Hoey H671S STERNE, Laurence. Works ST46 Life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, gentleman ST46L Sentimental journey through France and Italy ST46S STEUART, John Alexander. Eternal quest ST464 Son of Gad ST464S STEVENS, Mrs. Sheppard. I am the king ST469I Sword of justice ST469S STEVENSON, Burton Egbert. Soldier of Virginia ST4696V STEVENSON, Robert Louis. Black ar- row ST47B David Balfour ST47D Island nights entertainments ST47I Kidnapped ST47K Master of Ballantrae ST47M Merry men ST47M3 New Arabian nights ST47N Prince Otto ST47P Same JST47P St. Ives ST47Sa Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ST47S Suicide club ST47Su Treasure island ST47T Same JST47T Weir of Hermiston ST47Wa STEVENSON, Robert Louis and STE- VENSON, Fanny van de Grift. Dynamiter ST4715D STEVENSON, Robert Louis, and OS- BOURNE, Lloyd. Ebb tide ST48E Wrecker ST48W Wrong box ST48W4 Stickit minister. Crockett C876S Stickit minister's wooing. Crockett C876S6 STICKNEY, Mary E. Brown of Lost river ST54B Stiff-necked generation. Walford W146S Stillwater tragedy. Aldrich AL24S STIMPSON, Herbert Baird. Tory maid. - ST5497T STIMSON, Frederick Jesup (J. S. of Dale, pseud.) First harvests ST55F Guerndale ST55G In the three zones ST55I Jethro Bacon of Sandwich, and the Weaker sex ST55 J FICTION 105 *' King Noanett; story of Old Virginia and Massachusetts Bay ST55K Mrs. Knollys, and other stories ST55M Pirate gold , ST55P Residuary legatee ST55R Stimson's reef. Hyne H995S STINDE, Julius. Buchholz family ST57B Frau Wilhelmina, sequel to the Buch- holz family ST57F TOCKTON, Francis Richard. Adven- tures of Captain Horn ST65Ad Afield and afloat ST65Af Amos Kilbright ST65A Ardis Claverden ST65 A4 Associate hermits ST65A6 Bee man of Orn, and other fanciful tales JST65B Bicycle of Cathay ST65BI Borrowed month, and other stories. . .ST65B Captain Chap jST65Ca Casting away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine ST65C Christmas wreck ST65C4 Clocks of Rondaine, and other stories. .JST65C Dusantes, sequel to Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine ST65D Fanciful tales jST65Fa Floating prince, and other tales JST65F Girl at Cobhurst ST65G1 Great stone of Sardis ST65Gr Great war syndicate ST65G4 House of Martha ST65H Hundredth man ST65H4 John Gayther's garden and the stories told therein ST65 J Jolly fellowship JST65J Kate Bonnet ST65K Lady or the tiger? ST65L Late Mrs. Null ST65L4 Merry Chanter ST65M Mrs. Cliff's yacht. ... '. ST65M2 Pomona's travels ST65Po Roundabout rambles JST65R Rudder grange ST65R Rudder grangers abroad ST65R2 Squirrel inn ST65S Stories ST65St Stories of three burglars ST65S2 Story-tellers pack ST65S4 Story of Viteau JST65S Tales out of school JST65T Vizier of the two-horned Alexander. . .ST65V Watchmaker's wife, and other stories. ST65W What might have been expected JST65W Young master of Hyson hall JST65Y STODDARD, William Osborne. Battle of New York JST67B Chris the model-maker JST67C2 Chuck Purdy JST67C6 Chumley's post. Same as Red Beauty. jST67Ch Crowded out o' Crofield JST67C8 Dab Kinzer JST67D Despatch boat of the Whistle JST67D3 First cruiser out JST67F Guert Ten Eyck JST67G4 Jack Morgan; a boy of 1812 JST67J Little Smoke JST67L Lost gold of the Montezumas JST67L3 Montanye JST67M4 Noank's log JST67N Quartet JST67Q Red Beauty. Same as Chumley's post. JST67R4 Red mustang JST67R5 Running the Cuban blockade JST67R7 Saltillo boys JST67S Success against odds jST67Su Swordmaker's son JST67S4 Talking leaves JST67T Two arrows JST67T7 Windfall JST67W3 Winter fun JST67W5 With the Black Prince JST67W7 STOKER, Bram. Mystery of the sea. .ST677M the sea ST677M Stone mason of Saint-Point. Lamartine..L165S Storied holidays. Brooks k JB794S Stories. Andersen JAN25S Stories. Holm H73S Stories. Stockton ST65St Stories and interludes. Pain P16S STORIES BY AMERICAN AUTHORS. 10 v ST7345 Contents: V. 1. Who was she? by Tay- lor ; Documents in the case, by Mat- thews and Bunner ; One of the thirty pieces, by Bishop ; Balacchi brothers, by Davis; Operation in money, by Webster. 2. Transferred ghost, by Stockton ; Martyr to science, by Jacobi ; Mrs. Knollys, by Sttmson ; Dinner-party, by Eddy ; Mount of sorrow, by Spofford ; Sister Silvia, by Tinker. 3. Spider's eye, by O'Brien ; Story of the Latin Quarter, by Burnett; Two 106 FICTION purse-companions, by Lothrop ; Poor Ogla-Moga, by Lloyd ; Memorable mur- der, by Thaxter; Venetian glass, by Matthews. 4. Miss Grief, by Woolson ; Love in old Cloathes, by Bunner ; Two buckets in a well, by Willis; Friend Barton's con- cern, by Poote ; Inspired lobbyist, by DeForest ; Lost in the fog, by Brooks. 5. Light man, by James; Yatil, by Mil- let ; End of New York, by Benjamin ; Why Thomas was discharged, by Ar- nold ; Tachypomp, by Mitchell. 6. Village convict, by White ; Denver express, by Hayes ; Misfortunes of Bro' Thomas Wheatley, by Fairfax ; Heartbreak cameo, by Champney; Miss Eunice's glove, by -Webster; Brother Sebastian's friendship, by Frederic. 7. Bishop's vagabond, by French ; Lost, by Bellamy ; Kirby's coals of Are, by Stockton ; Passages from the jour- nal of a social wreck, by Floyd ; Stella Grayland, by McKay ; Image of San Donato, by Johnson. 8. Brigade commander, by DeForest ; Split zephyr, by Beers ; Zerviah Hope, by Ward ; Life magnet, by Adee ; Os- good's predicament, by Stoddard. 9. Marse Chan, by Page ; Mr. Bixby's Christmas visitor, by Gage; Eli, by White ; Young Strong of the Clarion, by Shinn ; How Old Wiggins wore ship, by Coffin ; " mas has come," by Kip. 10. Pancha, a Story of Monterey, by Janvier ; Ablest man in the world, by Mitchell ; Young Moll's Peevy, by Stephens ; Manmat'ha, by DeKay ; Dar- ing fiction, by Boyesen ; Story of two lives, by Schayer. STORIES BY FOREIGN AUTHORS, 10 v. FRENCH, Vol. I ST735F Siege of Berlin, By Daudet; Juggler of Notre Dame, by France ; Uncle and nephew, by About; Another gambler, by Bourget ; Necklace, by Maupassant ; / Black pearl, by Sardou. VOL. II. Substitute, by Coppee ; Attack on the mill, by Zola ; Virgin's God-child, by Souvestre; Sempstress's story, by Droz ; Venus of Ille, by Merimee. VOL. III. Hidden masterpice, by Balzac ; Sorrow of an old convict, by Pierre Loti ; Mummy's foot, by Gautier ; Father and son, by Rod ; Laurette ; or, the red seal, by Vigny. GERMAN, Vol. 1 ST735G Fury, by Heyse ; Philosopher's pendulum, by Lindau ; Bookbinder of Hort, by Sacher-Masoch ; Egyptian fire eater, by Baumbach ; Cremona violin, by Hoffmann ; Adventures of a New- Year's eve, by Zschokke. VOL. II. Christian Gellert's. last Christmas, by Auerbach; Ghetto violet, by Kompert; severed hand, by Hauff ; Peter Schlem- ihl, by Chamisso. ITALIAN ! ST735I Great day, by Amicis ; Pereat Rochus, by Fogazzaro ; San Pantaleone, by An- nunzio : It snows, by Castelnuove ; College friends, by Amicis. POLISH, GREEK, BELGIAN, HUN- GARIAN ST735P Light-house keeper of Aspinwall, by Sienkiewicz ; Plain sister, t>y nrkeras ; Massacre of the innocents, by Maeter- linck ; St. Nicholas Eve, by Lemon- nier ; In love with the Czarina, by Jokai. RUSSIAN ST735R Mumu, by Turgenev ; Shot, by Pousbkin ; St. John's eve, by Gogol ; Old ac quaintance, by Tolstoi. SCANDINAVIAN ST735S Father, by BJornson ; When father brought home the lamp, by Aho ; Fly- ing mail, by Goldschmidt; Railroad and the churchyard, by Bjornson ; Two friends, by Kielland ; Hopes, by Bremer. SPANISH ST735S3 Tall woman, by Alarcon ; White butter- fly, by Selgas ; Organist, by Becquer ; Moors and Christians, by Alarcon; Bread cast upon the waters, by Ca- ballero. Stories for boys. Davis JD2918S Stories for children. Hale JH1313S Stories for children. Lane JL24 Stories for kindergarten and primary- schools. Wiltse JW713S Stories for the household. Andersen. .JAN25S4 Stories for the young. Stow* JST76S4 Stories from life. Bolton JB639S Stories from McClure's: Comedy M136C Stories from McClure's: Love M136L Stories from McClure's: PoUtics M136P Stories from McClure's: Railroad M136R Stories from McClure's: Youth M136Y Stories from the Arabian nights JAR14S Stories from the rabbis. * Isaacs IS13S Stories in light and shadow. Harte H253S6 Stories mother nature told her children. Andrews JAN27S4 Stories of a western town. French F886S Stories of adventures. Hale JH13S Stories of American life and adventure. Eggleston JEG35A Stories of enchantment. Myers JM994S Stories of Indian children. Husted JH9655 Stories of Italy. Smith, and others SM6S Stories of my childhood. Lippincott . ..JL665M Stories of the days of King Arthur. Han- son JH1967S Stories of the railroad. Hill H55S Stories of the red children. Brooks JB7939 Stories of the Rhine. Erckmann and Chatrian ER25S Stories of three burglars. Stockton ST65S2 Stories Polly Pepper told. Lothrop JL914P3 Stories revived. James J23416SS FICTION 107 Stories, sketches and -studies. Stowe . . .ST76S Storm mountain. Ellis JEL56S4 Stormy life. Fullerton F956S Story book. Diaz D5433 Story hour. Wiggin and Smith .JW63717S Story of a bad boy. Aldrich JAL24S Story of a cat. Bedolliere JB39373 Story of a child. Deland JD3753S Story of a dog. Bell JB414S Story of a modern woman. Dixon D646S Story of a New York house. Bunner. . .B885Si Story of a play. Howells H837S4 Story of a puppet. Collodi JC696S Story of a short life. Ewing JEW55S2 Story of "a story, and other stories. Mat- thews M434S Story of Aaron. Harris JH24C Story of Ab. Waterloo W313S Story of an African farm. Schreiner. .SCH75S Story of an untold love. Ford F7516U Story of Avis. Ward W21S5 Story of Babette. Stuart JST92B Story of Bessie Costrell. Ward W2116S4 Story of Christine Rochefort. Prince ...P935C Story of Elizabeth. Ritchie .R517S Story of Eva. Payne P2963 Story of Gosta Berling. Lager lof L1343S Story of John Trevennick. Rhoades R345J Story of Kate. Hopkins JH7742S Story of Keedon Bluffs. Murfree '.M945K Story of live dolls. Gates JG226S Story of Margaret Kent. Kirk K634S3 Siory of old Fort Loudon. Murfree M945S Story of Patsy. Wiggin jW637Pa Story of Puff. Livingston JL765S Story of Realmah. Helps H367R Story of Roland. Baldwin JB193R Story of Siegfried. Baldwin JB193S Story of Sonny Sahib. Cotes jC823So Story of the golden age. Baldwin JB193G Story of Valentine. Oliphant OL35S9 Story of Viteau. Stockton JST65S Story readers. Logie, Uecke and oth- ers JL8274 Story-tell Lib. Slosson SL55S4 Story-teller ST738 Story-teller's pack. Stockton ST65S4 Stout heart. Kellogg JK294S6 STOWE. Harriet Beecher. Agnes of Sorrento ST76A Dogs mission JST76D Dred ST76D Little Pussy Willow JST76L May flower ST76M Minister's wooing ST76M4 My wife and I ST76M6 Oldtown folks ST760 Palmetto leaves ST76P Pearl of Orr's island ST76P2 Pink and white tyranny ST76P4 Poganuc people ST76P6 Queer little people JST76Q Sam Lawson's Oldtown fireside stories.jST76S Stories, sketches and studies .ST76S Stories for the young JST76S4 Uncle Tom's Cabin ST76U Same JST76TJ We and our neighbors ST76W Strange adventures of a bouse-boat. Black B563S5 Strange adventures of a. phaeton. Black.. B563S6 Strange craft. Ellis JEL56SG Strange elopement. Russell R914S6 Strange manuscript found in a copper cylinder. Gaul G235S Strange, sad comedy. Seawell JSE17S Strange scheme of Randolph Mason. Post \ P8445S Strange story. Bulwer-Lytton 1..B878S* Strange voyage. Russell R914S8 Strangers and wayfarers. Jewett J555S Strangers at Lisconnel. Barlow B247S Stratagems and spoils. White W58517S STRATEMEYER, Edward. Campaign of the jungle JST828C • Minute boys of Lexington JST828M On to Pekin JST8280 Three young ranchmen JST828T3 Under Dewey at Manila JST828U Under Otis in the Philippines JST828U3 STRATEN US, Louisa. Suspected ST83S Strathmore. Ram6 R144S4 STRECKFUSS, Adolph. Castle Hohen- wald ST84C. Too rich ST84T Street dust and other stories. Rami. . .R144S3 Strength of Gideon. Dunbar D913 Strength of the hills. Wilkinson W6548 Strength of the weak. Hotchkiss H797S STRETTON, Hesba, pseud. See SMITH, Hannah. Stretton. Kingsley K61413S4 108 FICTION Strike in the B.-mill ST865 Striking hours. Phillpotts P546S6 Stringtown on the pike. Lloyd L77S Strollers. Isham IS33S Strolling players. Yonge Y85S Strong arm. Barr B2717S Strong arm. Kellogg JK294S8 Strongest master. Prince P935S STUART, Eleanor. Averages ST915A STUART, Ruth McEnery. Story of Ba- hette JST92B . Carlotta's intended ST92C In Simpkinsville ST92I Napoleon Jackson ST92N Solomon Crow's Christmas pockets ...ST92S Same JST92S Sonny ST92S4 Student life at Harvard. Tripp T735S Studies for stories. Ingelow IN44S4 Study in scarlet. Doyle D775S4 Study in temptations. Craigie C8443St Sturdy and strong. Henty JH397S5 STURGES, Jonathan. First supper ST927F STURGIS, Julian Russell. Dick's wan- derings ST93D Stephen Calinari ST93S Substitute quarterback. Williams JW6735S . Suburban sketches. Howells H837S6 Success against odds. Stoddard jST67Su Successful venture. Deland JD375S Successors of Mary the first. Ward. . . .W21Su SUDERMANNN, Hermann. Regina SU24R SUE, Eugene. Mysteries of Paris SU25M Wandering jew SU25W SUE, Marie Joseph Eugene. See SUE, Eugene. Sue Orcott. Vaile JV195S Suicide club. Stevenson ST47Su SULLIVAN, Thomas Russell. Ars et vita SU54A Day and night stories STJ54D Tom Sylvester SU54T Summer idyl. Fisher F534S Summer in a canon. Wiggin JW637S Sundown Leflare. Remington R284S Sunny stories. Payn P296S4 Sunnybank. Terhune T275S Sunrise. Black B563S8 Sunset pass. King K58S8 Sunshine and snow. Smart SM25S7 Superior to circumstances. Blackall B564S Supply at Saint Agatha's. Ward W21S6 Surgeon's daughter. Scott SC084Su Surly Tim and other stories. Burnett . . .B935S Surprising adventures of Sir Toady Lion. Crockett jC876Si Susan Fielding. Edwards ED95S Suspected. Stratenus ST83S Suspense. Scott SC082S3 Sustained honor. Musick M974S Susy. Harte H253S8 Sutheiiands. Harris H2415S SUTPHEN, William Gilbert van Tassell. Cardinal's rose SU817C Ninteenth hole ."'. SU817N SUTTON, Warner P. Flower of the trop- ics and other stories of Mexico and the border SU82F Swallow. Haggard H125Sw SWAN, Annie S., afterward Mrs. Smith, Across her path SW25 A American woman SW25A2 Doris Cheyne SW25D SWAN, Miranda Eliot. Daisy: autobio- graph of a cat JSW25D Swan of Vila Morta. Bazan B349S Sweepers of the sea. Wetmore W535S Sweet bells out of tune. Harrison H245Sw Sweet Cicely. Holley H725S14 Sweet clover. Burnham B937Sw Sweet William. Bouvet JB668S Sweetheart Gwen. Tirebuck T5133 Sweetheart Manette. Thompson T37414S Sweetheart travellers. Crockett JC876S Sweethearts and wives. Rogers R633S SWEETSER, Kate Dickinson, ed. Ten boys from Dickens D552Te Swept out to sea. Ker JK45S SWETT, Sophie Miriam. Bilberry boys and girls JSW44B Captain Polly JSW44C Flying Hill farm JSW44F Tom Pickering of 'Scutiny JSW44T SWIFT, Benjamin, pseud. See PATER- SON, William Romaine. SWIFT, Jonathan. Gulliver's travels. JSW52G Same. N. Y. point for the blind. Swiss family Robinson. Wyss JW996S Sword of Damocles. Rohlfs R635S Sword of justice. Stevens ST469S Swordmaker's son. Stoddard JST67S4 Sybil. Disraeli D636S FICTION 109 Sybil and Chryssa. Warner JW244S Sybil Knox. Hale H13S Sydnie Adriance. Douglas D748S9 Sylvandire. Dumas D892S8 Sylvia's lover. Gaskell G214S Sylvie and Bruno. Dodgson JD667S Sylvia and Bruno concluded. Dodgson. .JD667S2 Synnove Solbakken. Bjornson B556S Syrlin. Rame R144S6 T ?ad. Ellis JEL56T Taken alive. Roe R6213T Taken by siege. Gilder G384T Taking of the Bastile. Dumas D892Ta TALBOT, Charles Remington. Romulus and Remus JT1424R TALCOTT, Mrs. Hersey Bradford Good- win. Dorothy Gray T143D Tale of a lonely parish. Crawford C857T Tale of Chloe. Meredith M544Ta Tale of the Indian mutiny. Rousselet..jR764T Tale of the ten. Russell R914Ta Tale of two cities. Dickens D552T Same N. Y. point for the blind. Tale of two tunnels. Russell R914T3 Tales. Craigie C8443T Tales. Poe P752T Tales. Sienkiewicz SI17T Tales for a stormy night. Tourgeneff, and others T846 Tales for Christmas, and other seasons. Coppee C796T Tales from the Mabinogion. Williams, ed JW674T Tales from the Telling house. Black- more B567T Tales from Tokio. Brownell B814T Tales from Tolstoi. Tolstoi T585Ta Tales from two hemispheres. Boyesen. .B696T Tales of a city room. Jordan J762T Tales of a time and place. King K5813T Tales of a traveler. Irving IR8418T Same JIR8418T Tales of all countries. Trollope T745T Tales of an engineer. Warman W238T Tales of chivalry. Scott JSC084T Tales of daring and danger. Henty JH397T Tales " of destiny. Jordan J762T2 Tales of Dunstable weir. Keats K227T Tales of Languedoc. Brun JB833 Tales of New England. Jewett JJ55517T Tales of the Argonauts. Harte H253T Tales of the border. Wilson W6953 Tales of the cloister. Jordan J762T4 Tales of the covenanters. Guthrie G985T Tales of the telegraph. Brady JB7294T Tales of the trains. Lever L575T Tales of the White hills. Hawthorne. jH31517Ta Tales of three centuries. Zagoskin Z14T Tales of trail and town. Harte H253T2 Tales of two countries. Kielland K545T Tales of unrest. Conrad C7655T Tales out of school. Stockton JST65T Tales, poems 'and sketches. Harte H253T3 Tales told in the twilight. Molesworth, and others JM735T Talisman. Scott SC084T Talk of the town. Bengough B435T Talk of the town. Payn P296T Talking leaves. Stoddard JST67T Talking thrush. Rouse JR7517 Talks with Barbara. Tompkins T597T Tancred. Disraeli D636T Tangled trinities. Woodroffe W864 Tangled up in Beulah land. Mowbray. .M872T Tanglewood tales. Hawthorne JH315T Tanis the sang-digger. Chanler C365T Tapestry room. Molesworth JM734T Taquisara. Crawford C857Ta Tar of the old school. Costello C8216T Tarantella. Blind B617T TARKINGTON, Booth. Gentleman from Indiana T178G Monsieur Beaucaire T178M Two Vanrevels T178T TARKINGTON, Newton Booth. See TARKINGTON, Booth. Tarry thou till I come. Croly C879T Same as Salathiel. Tattle-tales of Cupid. Ford F7516T TAUTPHOEUS, baroness Jemima Mont- gomery. At odds T195A Initials T195I Quits _. T195Q Tavistock tales. Parker, and others P2242T TAYLOR, Bayard. Boys of other coun- tries JT215B Hannah Thurston T215H Joseph and his friends T215J TAYLOR, Hobart Chatfield Chatfleld. American peeress T21514A 110 FICTION Crimson wing T21514C Idle-born T21514I TAYLOR, Frances Lilian. Taylor school reader JT21516 TAYLOR, James Bayard. See TAYLOR, Bayard. TAYLOR, Mary Imlay. Anne Scarlett. T21516A Cardinal's musketeer T21516C House of the wizard T21516H Imperial lover T21516I Yankee volunteer T21516Y Taylor school reader. Taylor,. JT21516 Teacher of the violin, and other tales. Shorthouse SH84T TEAL, Angeline. Rose of love T223R Tecumseh. Ellis JEL56T4 Teddy. Kaler jK128Te Teddy and Carrots. Kaler JK128T2 Teddy; her book. Ray JR214T Teddy; her daughter. Ray JR214T4 Tekla. Barr B2717T Tell me a story. Molesworth JM734T4 Teller. Westcott W523T Temporal power. Corel I i C815Te Tempting of Father Anthony. Horton. . .H789T Ten boys. Andrews JAN27T Ten boys from Dickens. Sweetser, ed..D552Te Ten thousand a year. Warren. W254T Ten times one is ten. Hala H13T Ten years later. Dumas D892Te Ten year's tenant. Besant and Rice. . . .B466T Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Bronte B788T Tenants of Malory. Le Fanu L523T Tennessee judge. Read R224T Tennessee sketches. Looney L878 TENNY, E. P. Agatha T256A Tenor and the boy. MacFall M164T Tent of grace. Lust L9756T Tenting at Stony Beach. Pool P783Te Tents of Shem. Allen AL5412T TERHUNE, Mrs. Mary Virginia Hawes (Marion Harland, pseud.) At last.T275A Handicapped T275H Hidden path T275H2 In our country ; T275I -Jessamin .T275Je Judith T275J Mr. Wayt's wife's sister T275M Moss-side T275M4 Old-field school-girl JT2750 Sunnybank T275S When grandmamma was new JT275W Terrible temptation. Reade R225T Terror. Gras G769T Tess of the D'Urbervilles. Hardy H22418T TEUFFEL, Mrs. Blanche Willis Howard von. See HOWARD, Blanche Wil- lis. Tchitchikoff's journeys; or, dead souls. Gogol G556T THACKERAY, William Makepeace. Ad- ventures of Philip T324P4 Book of snobs T324S4 Burlesques T324B4 Catherine T324C Christmas books T324C4 History of Henry Esmond T324H Memoirs of Barry Lyndon, Esq T324B Memoirs of Mr. C. J. Yellowplush T324M Newcomes T324N Pendennis T324P2 Rose and the ring JT324R Samuei Titmarsh T324S Vanity Fair T324V Same JT324V Virginians T324V4 Thaddeus of Warsaw. Porter P834T THANET, Octave, pseud. See FRENCH, Alicej. Thankful Blossom. Harte H253T4 That affair next door. Rohlfs R635T2 That angelic woman. Ludlow L965T That boy of Norcotts. Lever L575T3 That child. Roberts R544T Same JR544T That first affair. Mitchell M693T That fortune. Warner W24413Th That girl Montana. Ryan R952Th That lass o' Lowrie's. Burnett B935L That little cutty. — Dr. Barrere. — Isabel Dysart. Oliphant OL35T That Mainwaring affair. Barbour B2328T That Mary Ann. Clark JC54714 That sweet enemy. Hinkson H592T Their own wedding. Hotchkiss H7976T Their pilgrimage. Warner W24413T Their silver wedding journey. Howells.H837Th Their wedding journey. Howells- H837T Thelma. Corelli C815T Theo. Burnett B935Th There and back. Macdonald M144Th There is no devil. Jokai J675T FICTION THEURIET, Andre. Raymonde T345R They that took the sword. Stephenson. ..ST45T They that walk in darkness. Zangwill. . .Z15T Thibaw's queen. Fielding F4653T Thicker than water. Payn P296T3 Things I have seen in war. Montague. .M762T Things that count. Tompkins T597T2 Things will take a turn. Harraden JH237T Thirteen. Balzac B219Th Thirteenth district. Whitlock W594 Thirty strange stories. Wells W463T This little pig picture book. Crane JC853T This son of Vulcan. Besant and Rice..B466T2 THOMAS, Chauncey. Crystal button. . .T363C THOMAS, Edith Matilda. Treasury of songs, jingles and rhymes JT36314 THOMAS, Henry Wilton. Last lady of Mulberry T364L THOMAS, Martha McCannon. .Captain Phil JT363T Thomas Wingfold, curate. Macdonald. .M144T THOMPSON, Arthur R. Gold-seeking on the Dalton trail '. .JT373 THOMPSON, Daniel Pierce. Green mountain boys JT374G Locke Amsden, the school-master JT374L Rangers T374R THOMPSON, Ernest Seton. Biography of a grizzly JT37413B Lives of the hunted JT37413L Trail of the Sandhill stag JT37413T Wild animals I have known JT37413W THOMPSON, Helen Stuart. Windy creek.T37412 THOMPSON, James Maurice. See THOMPSON, Maurice. THOMPSON, John Gilbert and THOMAS, Edward. Fairy tale and fable JT37415 THOMPSON, Maurice. Alice of old Vin- cennes > T37414A Banker of Bankersville T37414B King of Honey island T37414K Milly: At love's extremes T37414M Rosalynde's lovers T37414R Sweetheart Manette T37414S THORN E, Marion, pseud. See THURS- TON, Mrs. Ida Treadwell. THOROLD, W. T. Near the throne T396N Thoroughbreds. Fraser F8644T Those boys. Foster JF713T Those delightful Americans. Cotes C823T Thrall of Leif the Lucky. Llljencrantz. .L6258 Three boys on an electrical boat. Trow- bridge JT75715T Three brides. Yonge Y84T2 Three clerks. Trollope T745T4 Three colonial boys. Tomlinson JT595T2 Three-cornered hat. Alarcon AL15T Three disgraces. McCarthy M126T Three fairy tales. Inge low JIN44T Three fates. Crawford C857T2 Three feathers. Black B563T Three graces. Hungerford H895T Three Greek children. Church JC472T Three guardsmen. Dumas D892T2 Same as Three musketeers. Three little daughters of the revolution. Perry JP425T Three little maids. Deane JD3432T Three Margarets. Richards JR39T Three Miss Kings. Cross C885T Three musketeers. Dumas D892T4 Same as Three guardsmen. Three partners. Harte.... H253T6 Three people. Alden JAL22T Three scouts. Trowbridge JT75717T Three young continentals. Tomlinson. .JT595T4 Three young ranchmen. Stratemeyer.jST828T3 Throne of David. Ingraham IN48T Through Apache land. Jayne JJ335T Through forest and fire. Ellis JEL56T6 Through jungle and wilderness. Ellis. JEL56T7 Through night to light. Spielhagert SP44T Through old rose glasses. Earle EA73T Through one administration. Burnett. . .B935T Through Russian snows. Henty JH397T7 Through swamp and glade. Munroe JM925T Through the farmyard gate. Poulsson. .JP864T Through the fray. Henty JH397T6 Through the looking-glass. Dodgson. . JD667T Through the Sikh war. Henty JH397T8 Through the turf smoke. MacManus. .M22516T Through the year. Clyde and Wallace. ..JC62916 Thrown together. Montgomery M767T THRUSTON, Lucy Meacham. Girl of Virginia T417G Mistress Brent T417 THURSTON, Mrs. Ida Treadwell (Ma- rion Thorne, pseud.) Bishop's shadow 5 .T425B Same JT425B Thwarted. Montgomery M767T2 Tide on the moaning bar. 1 . Burnett B935T4 112 FICTION Tie and trick. Smart SM25T Tiger and the insect. Habberton H113T Tiger of Mysore. Henty JH397T1 Tilbury Nogo. Melville M496T TILESON, Merrill. Chiquita T456C TILLIER, Claude. My Uncle Benjamin.. .T464M Tim and Tip. Kaler JK128T Time and chance. Hubbard H86T Time machine. Wells W463T3 Times of battle and of rest. Topelius. . .T625B Times of Charles XII. Topelius T625C Times of Linnaeus. Topelius T625L Time's revenges. Murray M964T Timothy Dole. Salsbury JSA36T Timothy's quest. Wiggin . . % JW637T TINCKER, Mary Agnes. Aurora T494A By the Tiber T494B Jewel in the lotos T494J Signor Monaldini's niece T494S4 Tinkham brothers' tide mill. Trow- 'bridge JT75717T4 Tinted Venus. Guthrie G98514T Tiny Luttrell. Hornung H8764T TIREBUCK, William Edwards. Sweet- heart Gwen T513S Titan. Richter R415T Titus, comrade of the cross. Kingsley. .K61412T Tiverton tales. Brown B81T To arms. Balfour B196T To call her mine. Besant B465T To have and to hold. Johnston J644T To Herat and Cabul. Henty jH397To To leeward. Crawford ( .C857T4 To right the wrong. Bayly B346T To the healing of the sea. Hardy H22414T To the lions. Church C472T Toasted leaves JT552 Toby Tyler. Kaler JK128T5 Toilers of the sea. Hugo H877T Toinette's Philip. Jamison JJ245T Told in the hills. Ryan R952T TOLSTOI, Count Lyoff Nikolaievich. Anna KarSnina T585A Childhood, boyhood, youth T585C Cossacks T585C4 Gospel stories T585G Invaders T585I Life is worth living T585L Long exile T585Lo Master and man T585M Tales from Tolstoi T585Ta Two generations T585T War and peace T585W Tom Benton's luck. Hamblen JH17T Tom Brown at Oxford. Hughes JH876T Tom Brown's school days. Hughes JH876T4 Tom Burke of "Ours." Lever L575T6 Tom Cringle's log. Scott SC083T Tom Grogan. Smith SM5T Tom Jones. Fielding F465T Tom Moore. Sayre SA99T Tom Paulding. Matthews JM434T Tom Pickering. Swett JSW44T Tom Sylvester. Sullivan SU54T TOMLINSON, Everett Titworth. Camp- ing out on the St. Lawrence JT595C Elder Boise T595E Houseboat on the St. Lawrence JT595H In the hands of the red coats JT595I3 Jersey boy in the revolution JT595J Search for Andrew Field JT595S Three colonial boys JT595T2 Three young continentals JT595T4 Two young patriots JT595T6 Under colonial colors JT595TJ Washington's young aids JT595W Tommy and Grizel. Barrie B275T6 Tommy Anne, and the three hearts. Wright JW933T Tommy Foster's adventures. Ober JOB24 Tommy Toddles. Lee JL51T TOMPKINS, Elizabeth Knight. Broken ring v T597B Her majesty T597H Talks with Barbara T597T Things that count T597T2 Tone King. Rau R19T Tony Drum. , Pugh P9648T Too rich. Streckf uss ST84T Toomey and others. Shackleton SH12T TOPELIUS, Zacharias Gustavus Adolphus and the thirty years' war T625G Times of battle and of rest T625B Times of Charles XII T625C Times of Linnaeus T625L Toppleton's client. Bangs B224T Torpeanuts the tomboy. Wesselhoeft. .jW515T Tory lover. J e welt J555T Tory maid. Stimson ST5497T Tory plot. Kaler JK128T7 Toto's merry winter. Richards JRS9T4 Touchstone. Wharton W554T FICTION 113 TOURGEE, Albion Winegar. Black Ice...T644B Bricks without straw T644B4 Hot plowshares T644H Man who outlived himself T644Ma Murvale Eastman T644M Royal gentleman T644R Son of old Harry . '. T644S TOURGENEFF, Ivan Sergeyevitch. An- nals of a sportsman T845A Dimitri Roudine T845D Fathers and sons T845F Liza T845L On the eve T8450 Smoke T845S TOURGENEFF, Ivan Sergeyevitch, and others. Tales for a stormy night. . .T846 Tourmalin's time checks. Guthrie. . .G98514T4 Tower of London. Ainsworth AI68T Tower of Taddeo. Rame R144T4 Tower of Wye. Babcock B114T TOWN SEND, Edward Waterman. Chim- mie Fadden and Mr. Paul T66C4 Daughter of the tenements T66D Days like these T66D4 TOWNSEND, Virginia Frances. Only girls JT6640 TOWNSHEND, R. B. Lone pine T667L Toxin. Rame R144To TRAFTON, Adeline, afterward Mrs. Ade- line Trafton Knox. Dorothy's ex- perience JT675D Tragedy of Ida Noble. Russell R914T5 Tragedy of the Korosko. Doyle. Same as Desert drama D775De Tragic comedians. Meredith M544T Tragic muse. James J23416T6 Trail of the sand hill stag. Thompson. JT37413T Trail of the sword. Parker P224T2 Traitor's escape. Kaler JK128T9 Traits and stories of the Irish peasantry. Carleton C196T Traits of American humor. Haliburton...H138T Transformed. Montgomery M767T4 Translation of a savage. Parker .P224T6 TRASK, Kate Nichols. See TRASK, Katrina. TRASK, Katrina. Lessons in love T693L Traveler from Altruria. Howeffs H837Tr Traveler tales of China. Butterworth...jB986Tr Treasure divers. Holder JH713T Treasure-finders. Kaler JK128T12 L.-3 Treasure island. Stevenson ST47T Same JST47T Treasure of the Incas. Henty jH397Tr Treasure of the seas. DeMille JD395T Treasury of old-fashioned fairy tales. . JT7150 Treasury of pleasure books for the young JT715P Treasury of songs, jingles and rhymes. Thomas JT36314 Trespasser. Parker P224Tr Trials of Margaret Lyndsay. Wilson..W69514M Tricotrin. Rame R144T Trilby. DuMaurier D896T TRIMMER, Mrs. Sarah. History of the robins JT733R Trinity bells. Barr B27T Triple entanglements. Harrison H245T3 TRIPP, George H. Student life at Har- vard T735S Tristram of Blent. Hawkins H314T Tristram Shandy. Sterne ST46L Tritons. Bynner B995T TROLLOPE, Anthony. American sena- tor T745Am Barchester towers T745Ba Belton estate T745B Bertrams T745B4 Clave rings T745C3 Doctor Thome T745D Dr. Worth's school T745D2 Editor's tales T745E Eustace diamonds T745E2 Eye for an eye T745E4 Framley parsonage T745F Frau Frohmann T745F3 Golden lion of Granpere T745G Harry Heathcote T745H He knew he was right T745H4 Is he popenjoy? T7451 John Caldigate T745J Kept in the dark T745K3 Landleaguers T745L2 Last chronicle of Barset T745L4 Lotta Schmidt T745L6 Macdermots of Ballycloran T745M Marion Fay T745M2 Miss Mackenzie T745M4 Mr. Scarborough's family T745M6 Orley farm T7450 Phineas Redux T745P2 Prime minister T745P4 114 FICTION Rachel Ray T745R Ralph the heir T745R4 Sir Harry Hotspur T745S Small house at Allington T745S2 Tales of all countries T745T Three clerks T745T4 Vendee, La T745V Vicar of Bulhampton T745V2 < Warden T745Wa Way we live now T745W TROLLOPE, Thomas Adolphus. Beata, La T74517Be Beppo T74517B Diamond cut diamond T74517D Garstang grange T74517G Guilio Malatesta T74517G3 Lindisfarn chase T74517L Marietta T74517M Trooper Galahad. King K58T3 Trooper Peter Halket. Schreiner SCH75T Trooper Ross. King JK58T TROWBRIDGE, John. Electrical boy. .JT75715E Resolute Mr. Pansy. , JT75715R Three hoys on an electrical boat. . JT75715T TROWBRIDGE, John Townsend (Paul Creyton, pseud.). Biding his time JT75717B Bound in honor JT75717B5 Cudjo's cave JT75717C7 Father Brighthopes jT75717Fa Fortunes of Toby Trafford JT75717F His one fault JT75717H His own master JT75717H3 Jolly rover JT75717J Kelp-gatherers JT75717K Little master JT75717L5 Lottery ticket jT75717Lo Martin Merrivale JT75717M Neighbor Jackwood JT75717N Neighbor's wives JT75717N5 Peter Budstone JT75717P Phil and his friends JT75717P2 Pocket rifle JT75717P6 Prize cup JT75717P8 Satin wood box JT75717S Scarlet tanager and other bipeds. .JT75717S4 Silver medal JT75717S6 Start in life JT75717S8 Three scouts JT75717T Tinkham. brothers' tide-mill JT75717T4 Two Biddicut boys JT75717T6 Woodie Thorpe's pilgrimage JT75717W Young Joe JT75717Y Truce of God. Miles M596T TRUE, John Preston. Scouting for Wash- ington JT763 True annals of fairy land. Canton ed. ..JC168R True annals of fairy land: In the reign of old King Cole. Gibbon, ed JG352 True story book. Lang JL25T4 True tales for my grandsons. Baker.. .JB17417T True to his home. Butterworth JB986T True to his trust. Ellis JEL56T8 True to the old flag. Henty JH397T9 TRUMBULL, Annie Eliot. Hour's prom- ise T773H Trumpet-major. Hardy H22418T- r » Trumpeter Fred. King jK58Tr Truth about Clement Ker. Fletcher F635T Truth Dexter. McCall M1254T Trying patient. Payn P296T5 Turn of the road. Frothingham F935T TURNBULL, Mrs. Frances Hubbard Litch- field. Golden book of Venice T849G TURNBULL, Mrs. Lawrence. See TURN- BULL, Mrs. Frances Hubbard Litch- field. Turning of the tide. Kellogg JK294T TUTTIETT, Mary Glead (Maxwell Gray, pseud.). Four leaved clover T886F House of the hidden treasure T886H In the heart of the storm T886I Last sentence T886L Reproach of Annesley T886R Ribstone pippins T886R3 Silence of Dean Maitland T886S World's mercy +. T886W 'Twas in Trafalgar's bay. Besant and Rice B466T4 Twenty thousand leagues under the sea. Verne V595T Twenty years after. Dumas D892T6 Twice bought. Ballantyne JB214T Twice told tales. Hawthorne H31517T Twilight land. Pyle JP998T Twilight stories. Foulke JF827T Two admirals. Cooper C785T Two and one. Vaile JV195T Two Arrows. Stoddard JST67T7 TWo baronesses. Andersen AN25T Two Biddicut boys. Trowbridge JT75717T6 Two bites at a cherry. Aldrich AL24T FICTION 115 Two boys in Wyoming. Ellis JEL56T9 Two brothers. Balzac B219T Two brothers. Maupassant M445T Two captains. Russell R914T6 Two college girls. Brown B81213T Two destinies. Collins C695T Two Dianas. Dumas D892Tw Two friends. Greenwell G855T Two generations. Tolstoi T585T Two hundred pounds reward. Payn P296T7 Two little confederates. Page JP145T Two little pilgrims' progress. Burnett. .JB935T Two little waifs. Molesworth JM734T7 Two little wooden shoes. Rame R144T6 Two lives. Mcintosh M185T Two magics. James J23416T Two marriages. Craik C845T Two Marys. Oliphant . ...OL35T« Two modern vaomen. Wells W464T Two offenders. Rame R144Tw Two on a tower. Hardy H22418Tw Two pictures. Mcintosh M185T2 Two runaways. Edwards ED9515T Two Salomes. Pool P783T Two soldiers. King K58Tw Two standards. Barry B279T Two strangers. Oliphant OL35T9 Two Vanrevels. Tarkington T178T Two years ago. Kingsley K614T Two young patriots. Tomlinson JT595T6 TWOMBLY, Alexander Stevenson. Ke- lea, the surf-rider T936K Tylney Hall. Hood H764T "YNAN, Katharine. See HINKSON, Mrs. Katharine Tynan. Typhoon. Conrad C7655T4 TYLER, Sarah, pseud. See Keddie, Mrs. Henrietta. U TJarda. Ebers EB35U UECKE, Claire H., joint author. See LOG IE, Alfred E. ULBACH, Louis. Madame Gosselin TJL14M Unbidden guest. Hornung H7864U ' Uncanonized. Potter P854U Uncommercial traveller. Dickens D552U Unconscious comedians. Duer D868 Unconscious mummers. Balzac B219U2 Uncrowning a king. Ellis jEL56Un Uncle Bart. Fenn JF364U Uncle Bernac. Doyle D775U Uncle Bill's children. Crofton JC877U Unc' Edinburg. Page P145U UNCLE FRANK, pseud. Prince Uno. . JUN13P Uncle Jack. Besant B465U Uncle John. Melville M496U Uncle Max. Carey C188U Uncle of an angel. Janvier J267U Uncle Remus. Harris JH24U Uncle Remus and his friends. Harris . . .H24U3 Uncle Terry. Munn M9247U Uncle Tom's cabin. Stowe ST76U Same .' JST76U Under Bayard's banner. Frith F917U Under colonial colors. Tomlinson JT595U Under-currents. Hungerford H895U Under Dewey at Manila. Stratemeyer..jST828U Under Drake's Sag. Henty JH397U Under fire. King K58U Under my own roof. Rouse . , R7615U Under one roof. Payn P296U Under orders. Munroe JM925U Under Otis in the Philippines. Strate- meyer JST828U3 Under the allied flags. Brooks JB794U Under the Berkeley oaks UN22 Under the cactus flag. Smith JSM517TJ Under the deodars. Kipling K625U Under the Dragon flag. Allan AL5U Under the eagle's wing. Miller JM6146 Under the Great Bear. Munroe JM925U3 Under the great seal. Hatton H286U Under the greenwood tree. Hardy H22418U Under the liberty tree. Kaler JK128U5 Under the lilacs. Alcott jALlSU Under the man-fig. Davis D289U Under the rattlesnake flag. Costello. JC8216U Under the red robe. Weyman W545U Under the -redwoods. Harte H253U Under two flags. Rame R144U Under Wellington's command. Henty..jH397U5 UNDERHILL, Zoe Dana. Dwarf's tailor..jUN23 Underside of things. Bogue B634U Understudies. Wilkins W654U Undine. La Motte-Fouque JL196 Undiscovered country. Howells H837U Ungava. Ballantyne JB214U Union. Musick M974U United. Sinnett SI66U Unjust steward. Oliphant .OL35U Unkind word. Craik C845U 118 FICTION Unknown heroine. Chittenden C446U Unknown masterpiece. Balzac B219U4 Unleavened bread. Grant G765U Unsatisfactory lover. Hungerford H895U3 Unseen hand. Kellogg JK294U Until the day break. Wilson W6957U Untold love, Story of an. Ford F7516U Up Terrapin river. Read R224U Up the Tapajos. Ellis JEL56U Up the Witch Brook road. Clark C5462U Urban dialogues. Shipman SH66U Urith. Gould G73U Ursula. Balzac B219U6 Ursula. Sewell SE86U Us. Molesworth JM734U Usurper. Gautier G237U V VACHELL, Horace Annesley. Drama in sunshine V135D Vagabondia. Burnett B935V VAILE, Charlotte M. Orcott girls JV1950 Sue Orcott JV195S Two and one JV195T "Vain forebodings. Oswald OS94V VAIZEY, Mrs. George de Home (Jessie Mansergh, pseud.) Sisters three. .JV198S Valda Hanem. Pryce P959V VALDES, Don Armando Palacio. Maxi- mina V234M Sister Saint Sulpice V234S Vale of cedars. Aguilar AG95V Valencia's garden. Crowninshield C8857V Valentin. Kingsley K61413V VALENTINE, Jane, pseud, of Nellie J. Meeker. Jonas Brand V235J VALENTINE, Mrs. Laura Jewry (Aunt Louisa, pseud.). Old, old fairy tales JV2350 Valentino. Astor AS84V VALERA, Juan Valera y Alcala-Galiano. Doiia Luz V236D Pepita Ximenez V236P Valerie. Marryat M347V Valerie Aylmer. Fisher F534V Valley of decision. Wharton W554V Valley of the great shadow. Holdsworth.H7135 Valley path. Dromgoole D833V VALLIERE, George de. Opals from a Mexican mine V2340 Van Bibber and others. Davis D2918V Van dwellers. Paine P163V VANDEGRIFT, Margaret, pseud, of Mar- garet Thompson Janvier. Doris and Theodora JV284D Queen's body-guard JV284Q Rose Raymond's wards JV284R VAN DYKE, Henry. Blue flower V286B First Christmas tree JV286 Ruling passion V286R VAN DYKE, Theodore Strong. Million- aires of a day V287M VANE, I. C. de. Doctor Carrington V288D Vanished. Ker JK45V Vanity fair. Thackeray : T324V Same JT324V VAN RENSSELAER, Mrs. Schuyler. One man who was content V3350 VAN VORST, Bessie, and VAN VORST, Marie Bagsby's daughter V378 VAN VORST, Marie. Philip Longs- treth V3783 Vashti. Wilson W695V Vassar stories. Gallaher G134V Vathek. Beckford B387V Vee-Boers. Reid JR275V Velvet glove. Scott SC082V Vendee La. Trollope T745V Vendetta. Corelli C815V Venetia. Disraeli D636V Venetian June. Fuller F9541V Venetians. Maxwell M454V Vengeance is mine. Balfour B196V Verbena Camellia Stephanotis. Besant. .B465V VERGA, Giovanni. House by the med- lar tree V585H VERNE, Jules. Around the world in eighty days V595A Caesar Cascabel V595C Dick Sand V595D Eight hundred leagues on the Ama- zon V595E Floating city V595F1 From the earth to the moon V595F2 In search of the castaways V595I Journey to the center of the earth V595J Michael Strogoff V595M2 Mistress Branican V595M4 Mysterious island V595M6 Purchase of the north pole V595P Twenty thousand leagues under the sea V595T FICTION 117 Underground city V595U Wreck of the Chancellor V595W Vestigia. Fletcher . .F635V Vesty of the basins. Greene G8317V Via crucis. Crawford C857V VIAUD, Louis M. Julien (Pierre Loti, pseud.). Iceland fisherman V655I Jean Berny, sailor V655J Vicar of Bulhampton. Trollope T745V2 Vicar of St. Luke's. Creed C8632V Vicar of Wakefield. Goldsmith G575V Same JG575V Vicar's daughter. Macdonald M144V Vicar's people. Fenn F364V Vice versa. Guthrie G98514V Vicissitudes of Bessie Fairfax. Parr P245V Vicomte de* Bragelonne. Dumas D892V Victim of circumstances. Anthony AN84V Victor Serenus. Wood W85214V Victors. Barr B2717V Victory of the vanquished. Charles C38V VIELE, Herman Knickerbocker. Inn of the Silver Moon V675I Vignettes of Manhattan. Matthews M434T V1GNY, Alfred Victor, comte de. Cinq- Mars V685C Viking boys. Saxby JSA959 Village commune. Rame R144V Village on the cliff. Ritchie R517V Village rector. Balzac B219V Village watch tower. Wiggin W637V VILLER, Fredrik, pseud, of C. Sparre. Black tortoise V715B Villette. Bronte B78813 V Violet fairy book. Lang JL25V Violet flame. Jane J25V Violetta. Manteuffel M318 V Virginia of Virginia. Chanler . . C365V Virginian. Wister W765V Virginians. Thackeray T324V4 Visiting the sin. Rayner R218V VISSCHER, William Lightfoot. Way out yonder V824W Vittoria. Meredith M544V Vivian Grey. Disraeli D636V6 Vizier of the two-horned Alexander. Stockton ST65V VOGUE, E. Melchior, viscomte de. Rus- sian portraits V867R Voice of the people. Glasgow G46V Voices in the night. Steel ST34V VOLCKHAUSEN, Ad. von. Why did he not die? V884W VOLKHOVSKY, Felix. China cup, and other stories for children JV885C VORSE, Albert White. Laughter of the Sphinx V917L VOSS, Richard. Sigurd Eckdal's bride.. V937S Voyage of consolation. Cotes C823V Voyage of discovery. Aide AI24V Voyage to the moon. Bergerac B4553V Vultures. Scott SC082V4 W Wabeno the magician. Wright JW933W Wage of character. Cruger C886Wa Waif of the mountains. Ellis jEL56Wa Waif of the plains. Harte H253W Wakulla. Munroe JM925W WALFORD, Mrs. Alfred Saunders. See WALFORD, Mrs. Lucia Bethia Colquhoun. WALFORD, Mrs. Lucia Bethia Colqu- houn.. Mere child W146M One good guest W1460 Sir Patrick, the puddock W146Si Stiff-necked generation W146S WALKEY, S. For the sake of the duchess W1532F Wall street stories. Lefevre L5236 WALLACE, Lew. Ben-Hur W156B Fair god W156F Prince of India W156P WALLOTH, Wilhelm. Empress Octa- via W1574E Walter's word. Payn P296W WALWORTH, Mrs. Douglas. See WAL- WORTH, Mrs. Jeanette Ritchie Hadermann. WALWORTH, Mrs. Jeanette Ritchie Hadermann. Martlet seal W176M Southern silhouettes W176S Wampum belt. Butterworth JB986W Wanda, Countess von Szalras. RamS...R144W Wandering heath. Couch C83W Wandering heir. Reade R225N Wandering jew. Sue SU25W Wanderings of Aeneas. Hanson JH1967W Wanolasset. Plympton JP746W Wanted, a chaperon. Ford F7516Wa Wanted, a match-maker. Ford..\ F7516W War and peace. Tolstoi T585W 118 FICTION War of the worlds. Wells W463W War-time wooing. King K58W "War to the knife." Browne B8136W WARD, Mrs. Elizabeth Stuart (Phelps.) Beyond the gates W21B Burglars in paradise W21B4 Donald Marcy W21D Gates ajar W21G Gates between W21G2 Gypsy Breynton jW2Gy Gypsy's cousin Joy JW2G Gypsy's sowing and reaping j W2G2 Gypsy's year at the Golden Crescent. . JW2G4 Loveliness j W2L Men, women and ghosts W21M Madonna of the tubs W21Ma Old maid's paradise W210 Silent partner W21S Singular life W21S2 Story of Avis W21S5 Successors of Mary the first W21Su Supply at Saint Agatha's W21S6 WARD, Mrs. Elizabeth Stuart (Phelps) and WARD, Herbert Dickinson. Come forth W2113C Lost hero JW2113L Master of the magicians W2113M WARD, Herbert Dickinson. Captain of the Kittewink JW21C Light of the world W2114L New senior at Andover W2114N WARD, Mrs. Herbert Dickinson. See WARD, Mrs. Elizabeth Stuart (Phelps.) WARD, Mrs. Humphrey. See WARD, Mrs. Mary Augusta. WARD, Josiah M. Come with me into Babylon W2115C WARD, Mrs. Mary Augusta. David Grieve W2116D Eleanor W2116E Helbeck of Bannisdale W2116H Marcella W2116M Milly and Oily .JW2116M Miss Bretherton W2116M3 Robert Elsmere W2116R Sir George Tressady W2116S Story of Bessie Costrell W2116S4 ■ Ward in chancery. Hector H357Wa Ward of the Golden Gate. Harte H253W4 Warden. Trollope W745Wa WARE,- William. Aurelian W22A Julian W22 J Zenobia W22Z Waring's peril. King K58W5 WARMAN, Cy. Express messenger W238E Frontier stories W238F Short rails W238Sh Snow on the headlight W238S Tales of an engineer W238T White mail W238W WARNER, Anna Bartlett (Amy Lothrop, pseud.). Casper and his friends..]' W244C Hard maple JW244H Mr. Rutherford's children JW244M Patience W244P Sybil and Chryssa § JW244S WARNER, Anna B. and Susan. Carl Krinken JW24413C WARNER, Charles Dudley. Golden house W24413G Little journey in the world W24413L That fortune W24413Th Their pilgrimage . .- W24413T WARNER, Lucy Hamilton. Five little finger stories JW24414 WARNER, Susan (Elizabeth Wetherill, pseud.) Daisy W24416D Melbourne house W24416M Pine needles W24416P Queechy W24416Q What she could JW24416W Wide, wide world W24416W WARNER, Susan (Elizabeth Wetherill, pseud.) and WARNER, Anna Bart- lett. Say and seal W24417S WARNER, Charles. Girl and the gov- ernor W2535 WARREN, Samuel. Passages from the diary of a late physician W254P Ten thousand a year W254T Warrior Gap. King K58W7 Warwick of the Knobs. Lloyd L77W Was he successful? Kimball K565W Was it right to forgive? Barr B27W2 Washer of the ford. Macleod M2247W Washington Square. James J23416Wa Washington's young aids. Tomlinson. JT595W WATANNA, Onoto. Japanese nightin- gale W294 Wooing of Wistaria W294W Watch fires of '76. Drake JD783W FICTION 119 Watchers. Mason M384W Watchmaker's wife. Stockton ST65W Water babies. Kingsley JK614W Water of the wondrous isles. Morris. .M834Wa Water tramps. Bartlett JB283W Water-witch. Cooper C785W WATERLOO, Stanley. Story of Ab, the cave man W313S Waters of Edera. Rame R144W3 Waters of Hercules. Laszowska L339W WAT ROUS, Andrew E. Young Howson's wife, and some other women W3285T WATSON, Mrs. Augusta Campbell. Dor- othy, the puritan W335D WATSON, Henry Brereton Marriott. Ad- venturers W33512A Chloris of the island W33512C Galloping Dick W33512G House divided W33512H Princess Xenia W33512P Rebel ' W33512R WATSON, John (Ian Maclaren, pseud.). Afterwards, and other stories W33514A Beside the bonnie brier bush W33514B Days of auld lang syne W33514D Doctor of the old school W33514D4 Kate Carnegie W33514K- Rabbi Saunderson W33514R Young barbarians JW33514Y WATTS-DUNTON, Theodore. See DUN- TON, Theodore Watts. Waverley. Scott SC084W Same JSC084W Way of a maid. Hinkson H592W2 Way of the gods. . Kempster K325W Way of the West. King K58W8 Way we live now. Trollope T745W Wayfaring men. Bayly B346Wa Ways of life. Oliphant. OL35W Ways of the hour. Cooper C785W2 Ways of the service. Palmer P183W Wayside courtships. Garland G18714W We all. French JF886W We and our neighbors. Stowe ST76W We and the world. Ewing JEW55W We girls. Whitney W615W We two. Bayly B346W We win. Hamblen JH17W Weaker sex. Stimson. in Jethro Bacon. .ST55J WEAVER, Emily- Rabbi's sons JW376R Web of gold. Woods W867W Web of life. Herrick H435W WEBER, Alice. Affair of honor JW384A WEBSTER, Henry Kitchell. Banker and the bear W393 Wedding and other stories. Cruger C886W Wee wifle. Carey C188W Wee Willie Winkle. Kipling K625W WEEKS, Mrs. See CAMPBELL, Helen (Stuart). Weighed and wanting. Macdonald ...M144W2 Weir of Hermiston. Stevenson ST47We Weird tales. Hoffman H674W Weird tales: - German W435G Well at the world's end. Morris M834W2 Well-beloved. Hardy H22418W2 Well-worn roads. Smith SM5W Wellesley stories. Cook C773W WELLS, Carolyn. Patty Fairfield JW463P WELLS, Catherine Boott. See WELLS, Mrs. Kate Gannett. WELLS, David Dwight. Her ladyship's elephant W4628H His lordship's leopard W4628H3 Parlous times W4628P WELLS, Herbert George. First men in the moon W463F Invisible man W463I Island of Dr. Moreau W463I2 Love and Mr. Lewisham W463L Thirty strange stories W463T Time machine W463T3 War of the worlds '. . W463W When the sleeper wakes W463W3 WELLS, Mrs. Kate Gannett. Miss Cur- tis W464M Two modern women W464T Wenderholme. Hamerton H176W WERNER, Ernest, pseud. Ree BURST- EN BINDER, Elisabeth. WESSELHOEFT, Lily Foster. Doris and her dog Rodney JW515D Flipwing the spy JW515F Foxy the faithful jW515Fo Frowzle the runway jW515Fr High school days in Harbortown JW515H Jerry the blunderer JW515J Madame Mary of the zoo JW515M Old Rough the miser JW5150 Sparrow, the tramp , . JW515S Torpeanuts the tomboy JW515T 120 FICTION Winds, the woods and the wanderer. JW515W4 Wessex tales. Hardy H22418W WEST, Mary. Born player W52B West end. White W5847 West Point wooing. Burnham B937We WESTALL, William. Roy the royalist...W522R WESTCOTT, Edward Noyes. David Har- um W523D Teller W523T Westerfelt. Harben H213W Westerners. White W5851.2 WESTOVER, Cynthia M., afterward Mrs. John Alden. Bushy JW528B Westward ho! Kingsley K614W Same jK614We WETHER ELL, Elizabeth, pseud. See WARNER, Susan. WET MO RE, Claude Hazeltine. Sweep- ers of the sea W535S WEYMAN, Stanley John. Castle Inn...W545C Count Hannibal W545C5 Francis Cludde W545F From the memoirs of a minister of France W545Fr Gentleman of France W545G Same '. JW545G House of the wolf W545H Same... JW545H In king's byways W545I King's stratagem W545K Man in black W545Ma My lady Rotha W545M New rector W545N Red cockade W545R Shrewsbury; times of William and Mary W545S Sophia W545S3 Under the red robe; a romance W545U When love calls W545W WHARTON, Mrs. Edith. Crucial in- stances W554C Greater inclination W55i Touchstone W554T Valley of decision W554V What can she do? Roe R6213W What cheer. Russell R914Wh What he cost her. Payn P296W2 What Katy did. Woolsey 3W886W What Katy did at school. Woolsey. . . JW886W2 What Katy did next. Woolsey JW886W4 What might have been expected. Stock- ton JST65W What she could. *Warner . , JW24416W What the Beven did. Lothrop JL914W What will he do with it? Bu>*er-Lyt- ton B878W What's bred in the bone. Allen AL5412W What's mine's mine. Macdonald M144W3 WHEAT LEY, Louise Knight. Ashes of roses W563A WH EATON, Emily. Russells in Chi- cago W565R Wheel of fire. Bates B316W Wheel of time. James J23416W WHEELER, Andrew C. See MOW- BRAY, Jay Paul, pseud. When a man's single. Barrie B275W When blades are out. Brady B729W When Boston braved the king. Bar- ton JB286W When Dewey came to Manila. Kaler. JK128W When George III. was king. Sagon SA166 When grandmamma was new. Terhune..jT275W When I was a little girl. Humphrey and others JH88515 When Israel Putman served the king. Kaler JK128W1 When knighthood was in flower. Major..M288W When London burned. Henfy jH397Wh When love calls. Weymann W545W When love is kind. Hinkson H592W6 When love is young. Gilson G428W When Molly was six. White JW585W When mother was a little girl. Brew- ster JB759 When the land was young. McLaws. . . .M2237 When the sleeper wakes. Wells W463W3 When Valmond came to Pontiac. Par- ker P224W When we destroyed the Gaspee. Kaler.jK128W2 Where the battle was fought. Murfree..M945W Where the trade wind blows. Crown in- shield C8857 Which shall it be? Hector H357W Whims and wooing. Barrili B277W WHISHAW, Frederick J. At the court of Catherine the Great W5778A Boyar of the terrible W5778B Whispering pine. Kellogg JK294W WHITBY, Beatrice Jeannie. Awakening of Mary Fenwick W583A FICTION 121 Bequeathed W583B WHITE, Eliza Orne. Browning court- ship W5843B4 Coming of Theodora W5843C Ednah and her brothers JW585E John Forsyth's aunts W5843J Little girl of long ago JW585L When Molly was six JW585W WHITE, Michael. Lachmi Bai, Rani of Jhansi W5845 WHITE, Percy. New Christians W5847N West end W5847W WHITE, Richard Grant, Fate of Mans- field Humphreys W585F WHITE, Stewart Edward. Blazed trail. W58512B Westerners W58512 WHITE, William Allen. Court of Boy- ville JW58515C Real issue; Kansas stories W58517R Stratagems and spoils W58517S WHITE, William Hale (Mark Ruther- ford, pseud.) Revolution in Tan- ner's lane W58515R White aprons. Goodwin G63W White birches. Eliot EL43W White company. Doyle D775W White conquerors. Munroe JM925W4 White cottage. Keats , K227W White guard to Satan. Ewell EW34W White heather. Black B563W White heron. McClelland M135W White jacket. Melville M497W White mail. Warman W238W White rocks. Rod R61W White Rose. Melville M496W White terror. Gras G769W White wings. Black B563W2 White wolf. Couch C83W2 WHITEING, Richard. Island W5863I No. 5 St. John W5863N Whiteladies. Oliphant OL35W2 WHITELEY, Isabel Nixon. Falcon of Langeac W587F WHITLOCK, Brand. Thirteenth district.. W594 WHITMARSH, H. Phelps. World's rough hand W596W WHITNEY, Mrs. Adeline Dutton Train. Boys at Chequasset . - JW615B Golden gossip W615G4 Hitherto: a story of yesterdays W615H Odd or even? , W6150 Other girls W61504 Patience Strong's outings W615P Real folks W615R Sights and insights W615S Square pegs W615S9 We girls W615W Zerub Throop's experiment W615Z WHITTIER, John Greenleaf. Child life in prose JW617C Who goes there? Benson B442W Who was lost and is found. Oliphant..OL35W4 Who was Paul Grayson? Habberton. . JH113W Whom Kathie married. Douglas D748W Whom the gods destroyed. Daskam D263W Why did he not die? Volckhausen V884W WICHERT, Ernest Alexander A. G. Green gate W634G WICKERSHAM, James Alexander. Enoch Willoughby W635E Wide, wide world. Warner W24416W Widow O'Callaghan's boys. Gladwin. . .JG459W Widow's tale. Oliphant OL35W5 WIGGIN, Kate Douglas, afterward Mrs. Riggs. Bird's Christmas carol. . .JW637B Cathedral courtship and Penelope's English experiences W637C Diary of a goose girl W637D Marm Lisa W637M Penelope's Irish experiences W637I Penelope's progress W637P2 Polly Oliver's problem JW637P Story of Patsy jW637Pa Summer in a canon JW637S Timothy's quest JW637T Village watch-tower W637V WIGGIN, K. D., and SMITH, Nora Archi- bald. Story hour JW63717S Wild Eelin. Black B563W3 Wild huntsman. Erckmann and Chat- rian ER26W4 Wild proxy. Clifford C614W Wild Wales. Borrow B648W Wild woods life. Farrar JF245W WILDENBRUCH, Ernest von. Noble blood W6467 Wilderness fugitives. Ellis JEL56W Wilderness road. Altsheler AL76W Wildersmoor. Antrobus AN89W Wilfrid Cumbermede. Macdonald M144W4 122 FICTION WILHELM, Honor L. Will B. More letters W649W Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship. Goethe G554W Wilhelm Meister's travels. Goethe ...G554W3 WILKINS, Mary Eleanor, now Mrs. Charles M. Freeman. Far away melody W654F Heart's highway W654He Humble romance W654H Jamesons W654 Ja Jane Field W654J Jerome — a poor man W654Je Love of Parson Lord and other sto- ries W654L Madelon W654M New England nun v . . W654N Pembroke, W654P Portion of labor W654P4 Pot of gold JW654P Silence W654S Understudies W654U Young Lucretia JW654Y WILKINSON, Florence. Strength of the hills W6548 WILKINSON, J. A. Real Robinson Crusoe W655R Will and the way stories. Fremont. . . JF884W Will B. More letters. Wilhelm W649W Will Shakespeare's little lad. Clark. .JC54712W WILLARD, Mrs. Caroline McCoy White (Rachel Penn, pseud.). Kin-da- shon's wife W662K WILLARD, Mrs. Eugene S. See WILL- ' ARD, Mrs. Caroline McCoy White. WILLARD, Josaah Flynt (Josiah Flynt, pseud.). Little brother W6622L Powers that prey W6622P William Henry and his friends. Diaz . . JD543W William Henry letters. Diaz JD543W3 WILLIAMS, Mrs. Neutral French W6733 WILLIAMS, Annie Bowles (Jak, pseud.). Birchwood JW6733B Fitch club JW6733F Riverside museum JW6733M WILLIAMS, Eustace Leroy. Substitute quarterback » JW6735S WILLIAMS, Francis Churchill. J. Dev- lin, boss W6735 WILLIAMS, Frederick Benton, pseud. See HAMBLEN, Herbert Elliott. WILLIAMS, Jesse Lynch. Adventures of a freshman W6737A Same JW6737A Princeton stories W6737P WILLIAMS, Meta E., ed. Tales from the Mabinogion JW674T WILLIAMS, Robert Folkestone. Youth of Shakespeare W674 Willis, the pilot. Wyss JW996W WILSON, Mrs. Augusta Jane (Evans) (Augusta Evans, pseud.) At the mercy of Tiberius W695A Beulah W695B Inez W6951 Infelice W695I4 Macaria W695M St. Elmo W695S Speckled bird W695S4 Vashti W695V WILSON, Harry Leon. Spenders W69512 WILSON, John, (Christopher North pseud.) Trials of Margaret Lynd- say W69514M WILSON, John Mackay. Tales of the border W6953 WILSON, Robert Burns. Until the day break W6957U WILSON, William Huntington. Rafna- land W6958R Wl LTSE, Sara E. Brave baby JW713 Stories for kindergartens and primary schools JW713S WILSTE, Sara E., ed. Grimm's fairy tales JG885W -Wind-jammers. Hains H1288W Wind of destiny. ' Hardy H224W WINDER, F. H. With the sea kings. . JW7253 Windfall. Stoddard JST67W3 Window in Thrums. Barrie B275W4 Winds, the woods and the wanderer. Wesselheoft JW515W4 Windsor castle. Ainsworth AI68W Windy creek. Thompson T37412 Wlnefred. Gould G73W WIN FIELD, Arthur M., pseud. See STRATEMEYER, Edward. Wing and wing. Cooper C785W6 Wings of a dove. James .