BIOLOGY R 9 OXFORD MEDICAL PUBLICATIONS THE MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH PUBLISHED BY THE JOINT COMMITTEE OF HENRY FROWDE, HODDER & STOUGHTON 17, WARWICK SQUARE LONDON, B.C. 4 OXFORD MEDICAL PUBLICATIONS THE MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH BY J. HOWARD MUMMERY D.Sc. (PENN.), M.R.C.S., L.D.S. ENG. LONDON HENRY FROWDE HODDER & STOUGHTON OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS WARWICK SQUARE, E.C. 1919 Q L1L M9 BIOLOG* UBRARY G TO SIR EDWARD SHARPEY SCHAFER, F.R.S. IN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF MANY KIND SUGGESTIONS AND IN REMEMBRANCE OF PAST ASSOCIATION UNDER THE GENIAL INFLUENCE OF THAT GREAT TEACHER OF PHYSIOLOGY PROFESSOR WILLIAM SHARPEY 462538 e Science may appear to lose influence when the fallacy of a prevailing hypothesis is demonstrated ; but it holds a treasured reputation for honesty of purpose by frankly acknowledging and registering its mistakes.' J. W. MELLOE. ' If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts ; but if he will be content to begin with doubts, he shall end in certainties/ FRANCIS BACON. PREFACE IN the following pages I have endeavoured to bring up to date, as far as possible, our knowledge of the microscopic anatomy or histology of the teeth. No doubt much remains obscure, and there are very many points which are still matters of controversy, but modern methods of research have done much to clear up a great deal of this obscurity, which must, however, always attend the study of such difficult tissues to investigate as the dentine and enamel of the teeth. Sir Charles Tomes's Dental Anatomy is still the acknow- ledged and authoritative text -book for the wide field which it covers, and the present work is confined to dental histology, in which there are many points which have not been fully considered in recent English text-books on the subject. In presenting the results of my own investigations, which have occupied me for many years, I hope I have adequately acknowledged the work of others on the same subject. It has been difficult during the last four strenuous years to obtain papers and communications from abroad, and if I have overlooked any important research I can only express my regret for any such omission. It may perhaps be considered that I have hardly given sufficient space to the historical aspect of histological research, but I have avoided referring at great length to obsolete views and those now not generally received, in order that the student may obtain a clearer understanding of the present state of knowledge and of the different theories that chiefly hold their ground at the present day. To the pioneers in dental histology, and in England especially to Sir John Tomes and Mr. James Salter, we owe a great debt of gratitude. These early investigators obtained viii PREFACE the most important results with the comparatively imperfect methods of research then at their disposal, and stimulated and guided the work of those who followed them, whose facilities with perfected modern methods have been very much greater ; results which might never have been obtained had the way not been pointed out by their predecessors in the same field of knowledge. I desire to most gratefully acknowledge my indebtedness to friends who have given me assistance in carrying out this work ; especially to my friend Mr. Montagu Hopson, to whom I owe many valuable suggestions, and whose kind help in reading the proof-sheets and assisting in the compilation of the index has been of the greatest value. I also wish to acknowledge my indebtedness to Professor Symington, F.R.S., for his kindness in supplying me with valuable material and permission to reproduce a photograph from the Atlas of Skiagrams ; to Sir E. Sharpey Schafer, F.R.S., for the use of an illustration from the Microscopic Anatomy ; to Sir E. Ray Lankester, F.R.S., for permission to reproduce a figure from the Quarterly Journal of Micro- scopical Science ; to Professor Osborn for the use of two figures from his work on The Evolution of the Mammalian Molar Teeth ; and to the publishers of Leduc's Mechanism of Life for permission to reproduce an illustration from that work. To Mr. John Humphreys of Birmingham I am indebted for the loan of several important preparations from his valuable collection. The illustrations, when not otherwise stated, are from my own photographs and preparations. J. HOWARD MUMMERY. 70 ALBERT BRIDGE ROAD, S.W. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE PREFACE ....... vii INTRODUCTION ..... 3 I. DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH IN MAMMALIA 13 Evolution of the Human Molar " ^ .32 II. ENAMEL . . . ... 46 Tubular Enamel . . ,\ . . 84 The Enamel of Rodents . . .106 III. DEVELOPMENT AND CALCIFICATION OF THE ENAMEL . . . ... 119 IV. THE DENTAL PULP . . . . i, 197 V. DENTINE . . . . ... 236 Development . . . . .262 Calcification . . . " . . . 278 VI. CEMENT . . . '.' . . . 287 Development . . . . . . 294 Calcification . '[ . . . 298 Absorption . . . , . .299 VII. THE PERIODONTAL MEMBRANE . ; . 305 The Gum . . . . ... 309 VIII. THE TOOTH FOLLICLE AND ITS CONNEXIONS 311 IX. NASMYTH'S MEMBRANE .... 333 Eruption of the Teeth . . . .346 X. THE ATTACHMENT OF TEETH . . . 352 XI. HORNY TEETH ...... 366 INDEX 871 MUMMERY Ti INTRODUCTION IN a work on the microscopic anatomy of the teeth it may perhaps be considered necessary to define exactly what is meant by a tooth. This might seem at first sight an easy matter, but in formulating any exact definition we meet with many difficulties. It may be said that if we except the bill of the bird, all horny or calcified organs which occupy the commencement of the alimentary canal may be looked upon as teeth, and that their primary function is prehension. But such a defini- tion does not cover the whole ground, for some teeth never erupt, as the incisors of the female Narwhal ; teeth are found in ovarian cysts, while the placoid scales of the Sharks are identical in structure with true teeth. Although the bill of the bird does not appear to fall under the category of teeth, birds may be looked upon as modified reptiles, and there is little doubt that they are descended from forms which possessed true teeth, but these were lost before Tertiary times. The fossil birds described by Marsh were furnished with teeth, and the Archseopteryx was a toothed animal with strong affinities to both birds and reptiles. Among recent birds Carl Rose has described the formation of a tooth-band in a tern (Sterna Wilsoni), although it is quite rudimentary," and no teeth are derived from it (6). Although the primary function of teeth is prehension, they are also used in many instances as weapons of offence and defence, as the tusks of the Boar ; and those that are developed exclusively in the male serve as sexual weapons. The enormous canines of the Walrus assist in locomotion and grasping, as well as in combat, and the greatly developed incisors forming the tusks of the Elephant are used in uprooting trees and carrying heavy weights, while the Beaver employs its sharp incisors in felling timber to form its dams. In the human being teeth serve as aids to speech. These organs are variously adapted by their form and B2 4 MICROSCOPIC 1 ANATOMY OF THE TEETH structure to their several purposes ; the pointed, more or less conical teeth being employed for the seizure of prey, both the sharp pointed teeth of many fishes and the more powerful canines of Carnivora. The incisors are modified for dividing and tearing, and the molars both for this purpose, and also, in many animals, for the grinding and trituration of the food. In all these modifications they are most perfectly adapted to their chief purpose, the seizure and preparation of the food. As resisting power and a certain degree of hardness are essential to the functions performed by the teeth, they are usually calcified, that is, permeated by, or impregnated with, inorganic salts. Some teeth, however, persist through- out life as horny structures, produced from the stratum corneum of the oral epithelium, as the teeth of the Cyclo- stomata (Petromyzon, Myxine, and Bdellostoma) in fishes, and the adult structures in Ornithorhynchus which take the place of teeth, although more correctly described as horny plates. While confined in the higher forms to the maxillary, premaxillary, and mandibular bones, teeth are found, especially in fish, in many other positions, as on the pre- mandibular, vomer, pterygoid, and pharyngeal bones, and upon the branchial arches. In many fish the whole mouth bristles with teeth, and they are even found upon the tongue in the parasitic Myxine. Horny structures are also present on the tongue of Ornithorhynchus. Three chief tissues constitute the structure of the com- pleted tooth : dentine, enamel, and cement. The bulk of the tooth is made up of dentine, a hard (falcified substance penetrated in different degrees by channels ; an exceedingly hard external layer, the enamel, is present in most teeth and covers the exposed surface of the crown and the roots, and in some instances the crowns of the tooth are coated with cement, which, as its name indicates, serves in many teeth to bind together the other two tissues, as shown in the Ungulates, where the cement in some forms in early stages a complete investment of the crown, and when subjected to wear, occupies the intervals INTRODUCTION 5 between the layers of enamel and dentine, and wearing down more rapidly than either of these, maintains a sharp cutting edge or surface to the tooth, as is most conspicuously seen in the Rodents. The calcined portion of the tooth surrounds a cavity occupied by the pulp, which in a foundation of connective- tissue fibres supports the blood-vessels and nerves and the formative cells of the dentine, and persists during the life of the tooth. The mammalian tooth is implanted in a socket within that portion of the bone of the jaw which is especially developed to receive it, named the alveolus. The tooth is attached within the socket by a fibrous membrane, the periodontal membrane or ligament, wiiich is continuous with the periosteum of the alveolar bone on its outer aspect. All teeth are not, however, implanted in sockets, being in many animals attached by anchylosis, the tissue of the tooth merging into that of the bone ; but, as shown by C. S. Tomes, this attachment in most cases is not direct to the bone of the jaw, but to a separate process of bone, the bone of attachment, which is analogous to the alveolar process of human teeth. Various modifications of these modes of attachment are found in the animal kingdom, which will be considered in another place, and show a remarkable adaptation to the habits and mode of life of the different species. Especially with the class of fishes is this very noticeable, the varieties of adaptive modification being so numerous that a large number have probably not yet been described. Teeth are called dermal appendages, and both in structure and development are closely related to the skin. This is especially well seen in the Sharks, where it is very evident that the teeth and the dermal spines are similar structures, the teeth passing by almost imperceptible gradations into the dermal spines and appendages of the skin. The close relation of the teeth and hair is another evidence of their dermal nature. In many instances this interdependence of the teeth and hair has been manifested ; a great excess of hair being accompanied by abnormalities, diminution of number, or absence of teeth*. 6 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH Teeth are developed from the mucous membrane of the mouth, and as stated by Beddard (2) : ' Developmentally and histologically there are (in Mammalia) no fundamental divergencies from the teeth of Vertebrates lower in the scale. The teeth originate quite independently of the jaws with which they are, later, so intimately connected, the inde- pendence of origin being one of the facts upon which the current theory of the nature of teeth is founded. The scales of the Elasmobranch fishes consist of a cap of enamel upon a base of dentine, the former being derived from the epi- dermis and modelled upon a papilla of the dermis, whose cells secrete the dentine. The fact that similar structures arise within the mouth (i. e. the teeth) is explicable when it is remembered that the mouth itself is a late invagination from the outside of the body, and therefore the retention by its tissues of the capacity to produce such structures is not remarkable.' To the comparative anatomist and anthropologist, teeth are of the greatest importance, as from their indestructible nature they have survived the vicissitudes of time and destructive agencies in the , most remarkable manner. When found either alone or in association with remains of a more perishable nature, they have indicated by their form and structure the nature of the food and the habits and affinities of long extinct forms, and have served to forge the links of the evolutionary chain, from the remotest appearance of vertebrate life on the earth to the present time. The varieties of combinations of the different tissues, the intricate patterns assumed in different teeth, and the differences in the intimate structure of the dentine and enamel, render the study of these organs throughout the animal kingdom a source of unfailing interest and of the greatest importance in all endeavours to obtain a better comprehension of the evolutionary development of organized beings. They render it still more evident that, so far as the organic world is concerned, the doctrine of evolution as stated by Darwin rests upon a sure foundation. The sur- vival of the fittest is a demonstrable fact, and the principal, INTRODUCTION 7 although, as Darwin himself said, not the sole agency by which this is brought about, is natural selection. It should not, however, be forgotten that the great principle enunciated by Darwin which laid the foundation of the modern science of evolution was descent with modifica- tion. Darwin's theory is too often spoken of as the theory of natural selection, but this was only an explanation of the method by which he considered the change of one species into another was chiefly brought about. As stated by De Vries, * The theory of descent remains unshaken even if our conception concerning the mode of descent prove to be in need of revision ' (8). The law of natural selection is founded on the fact that variations arise among groups of organisms, and those variations which are of advantage to the organism in the struggle for existence are perpetuated by heredity. Darwin states in the Origin of Species (3 a), ' natural selection acts solely by accumulating slight, successive, favourable varia- tions, it can produce no great and sudden modifications/ but Darwin considered that natural selection, while it has been the principal agent, has not been the sole influence in the evolution of species ; he considered it was aided in an important manner by the inherited effect of the use and disuse of parts. The discoveries of Mendel (5) have, however, of late years considerably modified several of Darwin's conclusions. These important discoveries were for a long time passed over in silence, but have lately obtained great prominence among evolutionists, and they explain much in the doctrine of heredity which has hitherto been obscure. Mendel's researches -were repeated and confirmed by De Vries, Torrens, and Tschermak, and published by them in 1900. Mendel's first series of experiments were made on the edible pea. A variety of this pea with tall stems was crossed with a short-stemmed variety. The next generation, F r showed all long-stemmed plants, and this tallness he described as the ' Dominant ' character. These tall plants, when self- fertilized, gave in the next generation, F 2 , both tall and short plants in a definite numerical relation to one another, this being in the ratio of, approximately, three tall to one short. 8 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH These short plants he called the Recessives. The recessives when self -fertilized gave pure short plants, the short variety remaining pure in succeeding generations. The dominants, however, continued to yield both pure tall plants and also mixed plants, showing in successive generations the same proportion of three tall to one short. As stated by Bateson (1), ' the whole F 2 generation, there- fore, formed by self-fertilization of the original hybrid, con- sists of three kinds of plants : 25 per cent. 50 per cent. 25 per cent, pure dominants impure dominants pure recessives or three dominants to one recessive.' It is thus seen that a permanent pure variety arises from the mixed variety, and in this instance a fixed law of varia- tion is established. Many experiments demonstrate that these laws are applicable to all living organisms, both vegetable and animal. As Bateson says : * The fact of segregation was the great discovery which Mendel made segregation being the dis- sociation of characters from each other in the course of the formation of the germ.' Natural selection acts on variations, but how these varia- tions occurred had always previously been an obscure and undetermined problem. Mendel's researches have, to a great extent, contributed to the solution of this problem, and although much yet remains obscure, this discovery has given an impulse to the study of heredity which cannot fail to have the most far- reaching and important results. As the author above referred to says : ' There is nothing in Mendelian discovery which runs counter to the cardinal doctrine that species have arisen by means of Natural Selection,' or ' the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life ', but, as he points out, the scope of natural selection is closely limited by the laws of variation, and Darwin would have welcomed the work of Mendel Avith delight, as explaining much which he himself felt to be obscure. INTRODUCTION 9 The bearing of these laws on the phenomena of colour variation has been studied in many plants and animals, and there is little doubt they will be of great value in the study of the heredity of disease as well. As to what influence these laws may have had on the evolution of the forms of teeth, we are quite without evidence. Other factors have also to be considered, as sexual selection and concomitant variation. Sexual selection is illustrated by the fact that those individuals among the males which possess certain physical advantages over their fellows, will be able to obtain the mastery in their fights for the possession of the females, as by the provision of stronger and better-developed horns or tusks ; and their superior physical development would be inherited. Concomitant variation or correlation of growth is shown in the development of one organ at the expense of another an animal with very large horns having suppressed canines, and one with greatly developed tusks showing absence or diminution of horns. One illustration of the truth of the doctrine of evolution is the existence, in the course of development of the higher forms, of vestigial remains of organs constantly present in the adult forms of early progenitors^ as instanced by Darwin in the teeth of Ungulates (36): ' The calf has inherited teeth, which never cut through the gums of the upper jaw, from an early progenitor having well-developed teeth ; and we may believe that the teeth in the mature animal were formerly reduced by disuse, owing to the tongue and palate, or lips, having become excellently fitted through natural selection to browse with- out their aid ; whereas in the calf the teeth have been left unaffected, and on the principle of inheritance at corre- sponding ages have been inherited from a remote period to the present day. * Disuse, aided sometimes by natural selection, will often have reduced organs when rendered useless under changed habits or conditions of life ; and we can understand on this view the existence of rudimentary organs.' Darwin established the great principle of continuity 10 MICROSCOPIC .ANATOMY OF THE TEETH throughout the organic world, and as Professor Huxley says : ' The primordial germs of a man, a dog, a bird, a fish, a beetle, a snail, and a polype, are in no essential structural respects distinguishable. In this broad sense it may with truth be said that all living animals, and all those dead faunae which geology reveals, are bound together by an all- pervading unity of organization." Especially since Darwin's time, the study of the cell and its relations to heredity has greatly occupied the attention of naturalists, and ' microscopic anatomy has shown us the nature of the material on which organic evolution has operated '. We have to distinguish between the ' somatic ' or body cells and the ' germ ' cells. The somatic cells build up the body of the individual, the germ cells are the racial cells, and the phenomena of heredity depend on their continuance from one generation to another. The germ cell, according to Weismann, is immortal ; the somatic cell perishes with the individual body. As Wilson says (9) : ' The cell theory must be placed beside the evolution theory as one of the foundation stones of modern biology these two great generalizations have been developed along widely different lines of research, and have only within a very recent period met upon a common ground.' The cell nucleus is shown to be the vehicle of inheritance, and, as this author further states, * thus the wonderful truth became manifest that a single cell may contain within its microscopic compass the sum total of the heritage of the species. The death of the individual involves no breach of continuity in the series of cell divisions by which the life of the race flows onwards the individual body dies, it is true, but the germ cells live on, carrying with them, as it were, the traditions of the race from which they have sprung, and handing them on to their descendants ; the body is merely the carrier of the germ cells which are held in trust for coming generations.' Another question which has led to much controversy is whether characters acquired during the lifetime of the individual are capable of being transmitted to the offspring. This much-debated theory was formulated by Lamarck in INTRODUCTION 11 the early part of the nineteenth century, and Darwin, in order to account for the transmission of acquired characters, founded his theory of ' pangenesis ', by which he considered the germ cells were compounded of minute germs from every part of the body, and he thus accounted for the transmission of acquired as well as congenital variations ; but this theory has been abandoned by subsequent authorities. The theory that characters acquired during the life of the individual are transmitted by heredity has met with very little acceptance in Great Britain or in Germany, but has many supporters in France and especially in America, where the school of neo-Lamarckians, supported by such eminent naturalists as Cope, Ryder, and Osborn, still maintains a prominent position. Weismann, who was one of the chief opponents of this theory, considers that ' not one of the asserted cases of transmission of acquired characters will stand the test of rigid scientific scrutiny '. * It is impossible ', he says, ' that acquired characters should be transmitted, for it is inconceivable that definite changes in the body or " soma " should so affect the proto- plasm of the germ cells as to cause corresponding changes to appear in the offspring.' But all these researches, which have so much occupied the attention of a host of investigators for the past fifty years, have not brought us any nearer to an understanding of the origin of life. If we admit the possibility of spontaneous generation in the earliest conditions of the globe, we cannot form any conception of such a process we fail to comprehend the ener- gizing force which originated such beginning. If we study the production of the remarkable osmotic growths produced by Leduc and others from inorganic salts in a colloid, we cannot be sure that these curious forms, similar as they are to the products of living organisms, show anything but an analogy to, and are not identical with them. If we accept Lord Kelvin's hypothesis, ' that life may be, and may have been, disseminated across the bounds of space throughout the solar system and the whole universe' (7), this brings us no nearer to the origin of life, and we can 12 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH only say with Hutton, we find * no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end \ l 1 For an interesting description of Arrhenius' view of the mode by which minute organic particles might be supposed to be disseminated into space from our atmosphere, see Growth and Form, by D'Arcy W. Thompson, pp. 48 and 49. It has, however, been suggested that the nature and intensity of the light outside our atmosphere would be rapidly destructive to all forms of life, and as Sir Ray Lankester says in a recent work (4) : ' Hence Sir James Dewar argues that, whilst it would appear that the extreme cold of space would not kill a minute living germ and prevent it passing from planet to planet or from remotest space to our earth, yet one thing which is more abundant in space than within the shell of our atmosphere is absolutely destructive to such minute particles of living matter, even when hard frozen, and that is intense light, the ultra-visible vibrations of smallest wave length.' REFERENCES 1. Bateson. MendeVs Principles of Heredity. Camb., 1909. 2. Beddard, F. E. Camb. Nat. Hist., x. 43-4. 3. Darwin, C. (a) Origin of Species, p. 282 ; (6) ibid., p. 292. 4. Lankester, E. R. Diversions of a Naturalist, p. 159. 5. Mendel, Gregor Johann. Versuche uber Pflanzen-Hybriden : Verb. Naturf. Ver. in Brunn, Bd. 10, 1865. Translation in Journal Roy. Horticult. Soc., 1901, xxv, xxvi. 6. Rose, C. ' liber die Zahnleiste und die Eischwiele der Sauropsiden.' Anat. Anzeig., 1892, Xos. 23 and 24, p. 749. 7. Thompson, D'Arcy W. Growth ami Form. Camb., 1917. 8. De Vries, Hugo. Plant Breeding, London, 1907, p. 3. 9. Wilson, E. B. The Cell in Development and Inheritance. London and New York, 1896. CHAPTER I DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH IN MAMMALIA THE two principal tissues of the teeth are enamel and dentine, enamel being derived from the ectodermic epi- thelium of the mouth and dentine from the mesodermic submucous tissue. The enamel organ is the first part of the tooth germ to appear, the dentine papilla arising later, although it is the first to show commencing calcification. While, however, the appearance of an epithelial inflection Epithelial is the most constant indication of tooth formation, it does mflectlon not necessarily point to the future formation of enamel. Tooth germs are developed, not upon the surface, but always at some little distance within the tissues, and in their simplest form consist of dentine and enamel only, bnt the future tooth is determined by the epithelial inflection rather than by the dentine germ, which is a subsequent production of the mesodermic tissue. It is only in comparatively recent times that a clear understanding of the mode of development of the teeth has been arrived at. The views held by Goodsir (7) were for long accepted as giving a true explanation of the process of tooth develop- ment, and were adopted by Professor Owen and many other eminent authorities. Goodsir considered that the first indication of tooth Views of formation was the appearance of a groove which he called ' the primitive dental groove ', and that this was followed by a papillary stage, a follicular, and an eruptive stage. This primitive dental groove we now know was not a groove but a band. The epithelial band is formed from the cells of the deeper layer of the epithelium of the mouth, and is, by the proliferation of these cells, prolonged downwards into the mesodermic tissue as a continuous band, passing horizontally along the line of the future jawbones. The 14 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH separation of the cells of the mesoderm by the intrusion of the epithelial band forms a groove (the primitive dental groove of Goodsir), but it is not hollow, but filled with the cells of this epithelial band. Goodsir 's views were correct up to a certain point, but the methods of preparation then available did not enable him to appreciate the all-important part taken by the epithelial cells in this process, as these cells were washed out of the depression in the mesodermic tissue produced by the ingrowth of the epithelium, which then appeared as a hollow groove. As pointed out by Schafer (24), Kolliker showed the importance of the cells of the deeper layer of the epithelium of the mouth in the production of the primitive dental lamina from which the enamel organs of the teeth are developed, as although attention had already been drawn to this by Huxley (10) and Marcusen (17), it had not been generally accepted. In fact Huxley accepted the views of Goodsir, except with regard to the development of the teeth in fishes and reptiles, which he did not consider could be explained by this view. The explanation of the mode of development of the teeth in the Mammalia, now generally accepted as the true one, is founded upon the researches of Kolliker (12), Leche (14), Rose, and many others, and has been demonstrated by Rose (19) in the series of illustrative models w r hich he prepared. There are certain differences in the development of the teeth in reptiles and fishes which will be considered else- where. At about the thirty-fourth to the fortieth day of intra- uterine life, when the embryo is from 12 to 15 mm. long, before the commencement of ossification, the lower jaw being represented by Meckel's cartilage only, the first indication of tooth formation occurs. This consists of an ingrowth of the deeper layers of the epithelium of the mouth, forming a band which follows the line of the future alveolar margin of the jaw. While it is usual to speak of an ingrowth of the epithelium, it is neces- sary to remember that in the embryonic jaw we are not looking at a completed tissue in which the only active DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH IN MAMMALIA 15 growth is that of the epithelial cells, but at a structure which is rapidly enlarging in every direction ; upgrowth and downgrowth are proceeding at the same time, and the tissues of the embryonic jaw are increasing in thickness as well, so that the tissue near the surface becomes more deeply situated, owing to the increase of growth in all directions around it. It is thus seen that the usual description of an ingrowth or downgrowth of the cells is not strictly correct, and it would be more accurate to speak of it as a proliferation of the deeper cells of the epithelium, which become deeply situated on account of the growth of the neighbouring mesodermic cells. Really the whole surface of the epithelium is raised, and the general proliferation of cells being associated with the growth of the jaw tissues on every side, the parts are in- creased in size and not diminished, as might be suggested by the usuaj description. To avoid confusion, however, this proliferation of cells will be spoken of as an ingrowth or downgrowth. In some mammalian germs, more especially in Ungulates, Primitive there is a more or less marked heaping up of the epithelium over the situation of the ingrowth. This ingrowth, the 'primitive dental lamina ', divides (according to Rose on the forty-eighth day) into two separate bands lying rectangularly to one another, the one passing perpen- dicularly into the jaw (the labio-dental lamina), the other more or less horizontally backwards, constituting the true tooth-band or ' dental lamina '. The labio-dental lamina is an ingrowth of the epithelium Labio- between the lip and the jaw, the cells of which atrophy and form an open groove extending along the developing jaw, between the tooth- band and the opening of the mouth in front, and the tooth-band and the buccal wall farther back. There is some difference of opinion with regard to the time and mode of differentiation of the labio-dental lamina and the dental lamina. These divisions of the primitive dental lamina arise, according to Rose, simultaneously. Baume (2) is of opinion that the dental lamina (or tooth-band) is differentiated from the previously formed labio-dental lamina, 16 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH while Leche (14) considers that the two laminae are formed simultaneously and independently. 1 Tooth- The dental lamina or tooth-band with which we are more imme'diately concerned does not pass quite horizontally into the jaw, but is curved, in the maxilla backwards and up- wards, in the mandible backwards and downwards. Little thickenings or buds soon appear upon the dental lamina where teeth are to be formed ; these thickenings, however, do not arise upon the free lower margin of the lamina, but on its labial aspect just short of that margin. The thickened portions grow down into the submucous tissue beneath, forming a cap over the mesodermic dental papilla, and form the enamel organs of the milk teeth (fig. 1). In this figure the relations of the mesodermic dentine papilla with the epithelium are shown diagrammatically. As the enamel organs are not given off from the free edge of the lamina, there is left a free growing edge above and behind the milk-tooth germs in the upper jaw, below and behind them in the lower jaw, and from this produced portion of the tooth-band the successional permanent teeth are developed. These latter then are not produced from the neck of the enamel organ, as was formerly taught, but from the further growing margin of the parent tooth lamina. As the develop- ing jaws continue to grow backwards, the portion of the dental lamina beyond the limits of the forming deciduous teeth is prolonged also in the same direction, and gives rise to the permanent molars. When further developed, the enamel organs become separated from the dental lamina, and are only attached to it by means of connecting bridges which undergo perforation and absorption, the further development of the tooth proceeding independently of the dental lamina. At birth the connecting bands between the milk incisors have nearly disappeared, while those between the first and second temporary molars are still uninterrupted. 1 For the sake of clearness of description the nomenclature given by Professor Schafer .(Microscopic Anatomy) is adopted. The primitive Zahnleiste is called the primitive dental lamina. The Lippenfurche of Rose is called the labio-dental lamina, and the Zahnleiste of Rose the dental lamina or tooth-band. DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH IN MAMMALIA 17 The breaking up of the dental lamina and the connecting bridges gives rise to little separated portions or islands of epithelium, the so-called ' glands of Serres ' (20). As will be shown, however, in discussing the structure of the follicle Connoct- (p. 311), the remains of the epithelial bridges or necks of the blf.i, es FIG. 1. Diagrams illustrating development of mammalian teeth (adapted from Gegenbaur). ep. Epithelium of mouth; /. furrow (not always present); I dental lamina or tooth- band ; V. its continuation to form the permanent tooth ; eo. enamel organ cells ; ex. epithelium ; s stellate reticulum ; e. enamel ; a. ameloblasts ; d. dentine ; p. papilla ; b. bone ; m. germ of permanent tooth : c. capsule. enamel organ do not all atrophy there is also a prolifera- tion and further development of these cells which takes place within the connective tissue of the follicle. On the surface of the epithelium of the jaw is a shallow Tooth groove, the ' tooth furrow ', which marks the connexion of the tooth-band with the oral epithelium ; this furrow runs furrow . 18 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH chiefly on the outer side of the wall of the jaw, but in the incisor region, on the top of the jaw wall. As Rose says : ' This tooth furrow (which, as already mentioned, indicates the line of demarcation of the tooth-band from the epithelium of the jaw) is in some places fairly deep, in others scarcely indicated, in places even, obviously double, according to the more or less irregular disposition of the tooth-band.' Rose's Rose prepared a series of wax models built up by the B s< ingenious method of Born, which show the important points in this explanation of the mode of development of the teeth, which is now generally accepted as being in most particulars the correct one. FIG. 2. From the model of the mandible of an embryo of nine weeks. a. tooth- band ; 6. lip furrow band ; c. lip furrow. These models are made to scale, from photographs of serial sections, magnified to the same degree and copied on sheets of wax, which are moulded into a solid model by melting their edges. Three of these models are figured in the accompanying illustrations, and a description of them may assist in obtain- ing a clear understanding of the most important points in mammalian tooth development. Fig. 2 shows a photograph of the model of the epithelial surface of the mandible of an embryo of nine weeks, 2-5 cm. in length. The opening of the mouth is represented with part of the epithelium of the lip and of the mucous mem- brane of the mouth. The tooth-band is seen as a curved band directed backwards ; in the mandible at this stage it shows an undulating margin and enlargements at intervals, DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH IN MAMMALIA 19 the enlargements being the first indication of the separation 7 of the original enamel organs. 1 Fig. 3 is a photograph of the model of the maxilla of an embryo, fourteen weeks old, 11^- cm. in length. The epithelial structures only are seen, looking down upon the upper or cranial aspect of the epithelium of the mouth and into the hollow caps of the epithelial enamel organs, which are advancing in a vertical direction towards the observer, FIG. 3. From the model of the maxilla of an embryo of fourteen weeks. The epithelial structures viewed from above. The germs of the ten deci- duous teeth are seen. d. lip furrow ; c. lip furrow band ; 6. tooth germ ; a. tooth-band ; of. prolongation of tooth-band to form permanent teeth. the free margin of the tooth-band also advancing upwards behind and beyond the enamel organs. These enamel germs have been aptly compared to swallows' nests attached to the flat surface of a board ; they are seen to be attached to the labial surface of the tooth-band and not to its free growing margin. The mesodermic tissues are not represented in the model, being supposed to be stripped off from the epithelial structures. 1 A set of these models is to be seen in the Odontological section of the Hunterian Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons. Details of the mode of production of the models are given in Rose's original paper (19) and in the author's communication to the Odontological Society's Trans., May 1893. C 2 20 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH Fig. 4 shows the left half of the mandible of a seventeen- weeks' embryo, 18 cm. long. The enamel organs of the five temporary teeth of that side are seen growing from the tooth-band, which shows indications of absorption between the germs. The prolongation of the tooth-band backwards, which gives origin to the first permanent molar, is very clearly seen. It is evidently not produced from the neck of the enamel organ of the temporary tooth, as formerly taught, but from a further backward growth of the original tooth- band. 1 FIG. 4. Model of left half of mandible of a seventeen weeks' old foetus, c. lip furrow ; &. lip furrow band ; a. tooth-band ; a', prolongation of tooth-band to form first permanent molar. From these models and the foregoing description, it can be easily understood that in the process of breaking up and absorption of the tooth-band between the forming enamel germs, remnants of this epithelial lamina may persist, and give rise to such irregularities as supernumerary teeth, odontomes, &c., other portions becoming degenerated and not absorbed, giving rise to such abnormal structures as cysts and epithelial pearls. The question of the existence of pre-milk and post- permanent teeth is closely connected with this mode of development of the teeth. Pre-milk teeth would be produced by buds given off from 1 To understand clearly the relations of the parts in this model the page containing the illustration should be held above the head (the lower margin of the page forward), and viewed from below and from the front. DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH IN MAMMALIA 21 the tooth-band in front of the buds for the milk teeth These have often been described in developing teeth, but are probably never calcified. Post-permanent teeth are considered to be due to the downgrowth of the persisting remains of the dental lamina or tooth-band, at the back of the jaw. C. S. Tomes (27 a) says: 'A post-permanent set is repre- Post-per sented in some animals by bands beyond the permanent ^fpre- tooth germs, but these never calcify,' and he further says lacteal that he ' regards both pre-milk and post-permanent rudiments 8 as at best hypothetical, and the evidence insufficient to establish their existence ' ; but Marett Tims says : ' There is now less reason for hesitation in accepting the evidence of the pre-milk vestiges than was formerly the case. Doubt may still exist as to the value of the post-permanent downgrowths of the dental lamina.' In the further course of development, the successional permanent teeth grow more deeply into the jaw, ingrowing septa of bone separate them from the milk teeth, and they come to have an alveolus of their own. Immediately following the formation of an enamel organ Dentine from the epithelial dental lamina, the dentine germ arises papl and is seen in the form of a papilla filling up the concavity of the enamel organ. As previously stated, the production of the dentine papilla seems to be- determined by the formation of an enamel organ, and the dentine germ is not a true papilla, but a con- densation and proliferation of the cells of the mesoderm in this situation, first appearing as an opacity in the sub- mucous tissue. Leche holds that this may be due to the crowding of the cells by the surrounding growth of the epithelial cells of the enamel organ. Dursy (6) considers that this opacity forms a band extending all around the jaws, the prominences only arising where teeth are to be formed, and the intermediate portions of the opaque band becoming absorbed in the same manner as are the connecting bridges of the epithelial dental lamina. The lower and lateral margins of the dentine germ are later prolonged upwards, surrounding the enamel organ and S * 2 1 1 Q o m l-a* 1 H I .S DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH IN MAMMALIA 23 meeting over its upper surface. It thus becomes closed in by the mesodermic tissue, which forms the sac of the develop- ing tooth. The tooth-sac of the developing permanent tooth is Tooth- closed in by a bony shell, except at its uppermost point, sac * where it is pierced by a foramen which opens upon the gum behind the corresponding milk tooth. From the sac a fibrous band passes through this foramen and becomes blended with the gum behind the milk tooth. This band or cord is called the ' gubernaculum ' or rudder, as it was Gubema- supposed to guide or direct the course of the erupting tooth, culum. There is, however, no distinct canal, but bands of connective- tissue fibres enclosing strands of epithelium. Its position is marked by the foramina, which are seen in the bone immediately behind each of the temporary teeth. Malassez (16), in a paper ' On the Structure of the Guber- naculum dentis ', says : ' The teeth of replacement are con- tained in a bony cavity which is prolonged in the form of a canal to the alveolar border, where it opens at the inner side of the milk tooth. The dental follicle prolongs into the canal a kind of cord which continues until lost in the fibrous tissue of the gingival margin.' It was considered by Delabarre (5) and Serres (20) to be hollow and to guide the tooth in eruption. Sappey (21) said it contained 'the last remnants of the epithelial proliferations '. Malassez con- siders there is no part of the gubernaculum in which a canal exists, but it is made up of connective-tissue fibres, mostly arranged longitudinally, but the point to which he would draw particular attention is that the connective tissue encloses numerous epithelial strands. In the deep part the epithelial elements are more abundant and form a ' rich network ' and ' lateral buds in the form of clubs ' are to be seen. ' In the most superficial part of the gubernaculum they are, on the contrary, less numerous, less rectilinear, and more rarely anastomosed.' He also says that these tracts of epithelium can be seen to proceed from the ' corre- sponding enamel cord of the enamel organ ', which he considers not only persists, but ' even proliferates with great activity in the neighbourhood of the tooth of replacement '. and his conclusion is that ' this fact leads us to surmise 24 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH that the epithelial masses play a certain role in the eruption of the corresponding tooth '. These observations will be further considered in treating of the dental follicle (see p. 317), but Warwick James (11) has lately expounded a similar view in connexion with the eruption of the temporary teeth. He considers that the epithelium ' directs the tooth to its position in the gum ', and that the ' path of eruption is prepared by the epi- Epitheliai fchelium '. The principal agents in providing this path are the 'epithelial coils' or 'globes epidermiques ', which, by opening out and disrupting, form spaces in the connective tissue of the follicle in the course of the erupting tooth. The epithelial coils will be further considered in another place (p. 312). The tooth-sacs, shown in fig. 5 as they appear at birth, consist of an outer and an inner coat, the outer connected with the periosteum, and the inner coat richly supplied with blood-vessels and separated from the outer by a thin layer of jelly-like connective tissue. The extreme vascularity of the inner coat ' doubtless has relation to the nutrition of the enamel organ ' (Schafer). From the tooth-sac, which is seen to take its origin from the tissue of the mesoderm, the cement and periodontal membrane are formed, and in those animals which possess coronal cement, an investing cap of cement also. Fig. 5, drawn by the author from a preparation by Professor Symington, shows the tooth- sacs in the left half of the mandible at birth, and in figs. 6 and 7 are shown the stages of calcification of the milk teeth at birth. It is seen that the calcified cusps of the molars have become fused together, and the calcification of the first permanent molar appears as a tiny triangle in its crypt. Fig. 8, a skiagram from Professor Symington's atlas (23) y shows very distinctly the stages of calcification at the period of birth. The crypts of the teeth are seen and the fusion of the calcifying cusps of the temporary molars i& well shown, also the single calcified point of one cusp of the first permanent molar. As pointed out by Professor Symington, there is no important difference between this specimen (one month old) and that of the newly-born PLATE I. fr Germ of Human Temporary Molar in the crypt. The extension of the tooth band for the formation of the permanent tooth is seen on the left. x 50. DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH IN MAMMALIA 25 infant, but the calcification, being slightly further advanced, gives a better image on the photographic plate, and has therefore been chosen as an illustration. FIG. 8. Right side of jaws of male infant one month old. First molar more calcified than second molar. Independent deposits on the second molar are well shown ; they become gradually united by extension of the calcification. A single calcified tip of one cusp of the first permanent molar only is seen. There is no important difference between this stage and the condition af birth. From Symington and Rankin's Atlas of Skiagrams. The first indication of tooth formation is the differentia- Summary, tion of a band of epithelial tissue just beneath the surface of the forming jaw : this is the primitive dental lamina. The primitive dental lamina separates at an early stage into two laminas at right angles, or nearly so, to one another 26 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH the vertically directed labio-dental lamina and the hori- zontally placed dental lamina or tooth-band. Prominences arise on the tooth-band, near to, but not at the margin of the lamina, on its labial aspect. These prominences become the enamel organs of the milk teeth. The free margin of the lamina behind these germs gives rise to the sticcessional permanent teeth, the permanent molars being formed from that portion of the lamina which grows backwards beyond the limits of the milk dentition. The germs of the teeth become separated and detached from the lamina by the absorption of the connecting bridges. Each dentine germ or papilla is formed beneath the cap of the enamel organ, and is produced in the mesodermic tissue, which, according to Dursy, is differentiated as a continuous opaque band round the jaws, corresponding to the epithelial dental lamina from which the enamel is formed. These papillae appear in the band in the positions corre- sponding to those of the future teeth, while the intermediate portions become atrophied and disappear like the bridges of the epithelial lamina. The margins of the dentine germ are described as grow- ing up and around the epithelial enamel organ, forming the tooth-sac from which the cement and periodontal membrane are produced. It is doubtful if this is a correct description, and this enclosure of the enamel germ may with more probability be considered to be due to the con- densation and proliferation of the surrounding connective tissue. The histology of the enamel and dentine organs and the tooth follicle will be described in another chapter. The accompanying table carries the development of the teeth up to the time of birth. The eruption of the permanent teeth will be better considered in works on dental anatomy ; no work on the histology of the teeth would, however, be complete without some account of the development of these organs. In fig. 9 is shown the tooth germs in their crypts in the upper jaw of a foetal pig, and in fig. 10 a more advanced germ from the pig in which the calcification of the dentine and enamel is further advanced. DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH IN MAMMALIA 27 FIG. 9. Upper jaw of pig. The developing teeth in situ. FIG. 10. Tooth germ of pig within the crypt. 28 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH a &2 1 I s s 1 * O Primitive heel or Talonid. Posterior mesial Hypoconulid J Origin of Scott (22) claims that the premolars have arisen by a premolars. (jjg eren ^ p roce ss from the molars, and considers that the internal cusps of these have arisen from the cingulum. Cope considers that this may show ' the origin of two identical structures by different evolutionary routes '. Among the many critics of the tritubercular theory, Forsyth Major (15) considers that the advocates of tri- tuberculism have failed to show that the mammalian molar can be traced back to a more and more simple form, and is Polybuny. of opinion that it can be traced to a polybunous or multi- tuberculate form, and that the real tritubercular pattern is a more specialized secondary stage. He states that in the lower Eocene strata, multitubercular teeth are found side by side with the simpler forms. He would, therefore, consider that the tritubercular teeth are reduced and modified forms of earlier multitubercular molars. Ameghino considers the tritubercular form to be ' the result of the simplification of molars which were formerly more complicated '. DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH IN MAMMALIA 37 Osborn, in reply to this criticism, says : ' The further we go back among the ancestors of the Multituberculates and Rodents, the less polybunic and more tritubercular they appear.' He holds that the multituberculate tooth is of tritubercular origin. Leche (14), Taeker (25), and Rose, from the study of development in the embryo, agree in stating that in mar- supials, ungulates, and man the first cusp to develop is the paracone and not the protocone. M. F. Woodward (28) also confirms this observation, and says that the paracone is identical with the primitive dental germ, and the protocone is an internal ledge growing out from its base, and con- cludes that the paracone in upper molars corresponds to the primitive reptilian cone. In the lower teeth, however, the successional development corresponds with the order of the cusps in the trigonid of the lower molar. Marett Tims (26), working on the embryology of the dog, comes to similar conclusions considering its molar to con- sist of a primary cone, the paracone, a secondary cone, the metacone, and three cusps derived from the cingulum, which he considers plays a very important part in the development of the mammalian molar. Smith Woodward (29), speaking of primitive trituberculy, says 'this at first sight brilliant generalization can only be accepted as a convenient working hypothesis which remains on its trial', and Gidley (8) concludes that 'no theory involving an absolute uniformity of succession in the develop- ment of complex molars will hold true for all groups of animals '. He considers, however, that the nomenclature proposed by Osborn is very convenient for description, and saves much confusion which would be- brought about by any change in the descriptive terms used. While there have been a great many criticisms of the tritubercular theory, it has been very ably and impartially stated by Osborn, who acknowledges many difficulties in the acceptance of the theory in its entirety. The most recent investigation of the evolution of the Boik's mammalian molar is that by Professor Bolk of Amster- res ^ arches - dam (3). In discussing the views of this author we have to distinguish between the fusion of teeth in an antero- 38 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH posterior (mesio- distal) direction, which would be a fusion of teeth of the same series, and fusion in a transverse or bucco-lingual direction, which would mean the fusion of teeth of different series. Professor Bolk, in his first paper (3 a) on the relationship of the mammalian dentition to that of the reptiles, considers that there is an intimate relation between the diminution of mammalian tooth generations and the complication of their crown surfaces. He says that the so-called single tooth row of the reptiles is really double, consisting of an outer and an inner row, and that their dentition only secondarily becomes what he terms ' mono- stichic ', consisting of an apparently single row. He even describes a third row, but this is resorbed before eruption. He considers that the diphyodont dentition of the Mam- malia represents the two rows of the reptilian ancestor, thus concluding that each tooth in the primates has arisen from the concrescence of two tooth generations. ' The complica- tion of the teeth in longitudinal (mesio -distal) direction was initiated among the reptiles and inherited by the Mammalia. The complication of the crowns in a transverse (bucco- lingual) direction is the result of the concrescence of two t^oth generations, whereby the origin of the mammalian tooth from the reptilian was completed, and ' by this con- crescence the multiplicity of the tooth generations was suppressed'. In other words, the polyphyodont dentition of the reptiles is represented by the complication of the crowns of the mammalian tooth in a transverse direction. In his second paper (3&), Bolk describes the results of the microscopic examination of early tooth germs in man and other primates. He also made use of the Born system of modelling employed by Rose in his work on tooth develop- ment (see p. 16). In this paper he describes, in the germs of both deciduous and permanent teeth, the following structures in connexion with the enamel organ : ( 1 ) a lateral enamel ledge, (2) an enamel crypt, (3) an enamel septum, (4) the enamel navel. 1 The lateral enamel ledge is a buttress or outgrowth arising from each tooth on the lateral margin of the enamel organ. 1 A good summary of Professor Bolk's views is given in a review in the Dental Ccsmos for 1913, vol. 55, pp. 103 and 1058. DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH IN MAMMALIA 39 The enamel crypt is a niche enclosed laterally by the lateral ledge, and its floor is formed by the top of the enamel organ. The enamel septum. Two centres are described for the differentiation of the enamel pulp (or stellate reticulum) a mesial or lingual and a lateral or buccal. An area of undifferentiated cells forms a septum between these two centres, and stretches from the external epithelium of the enamel organ to the stratum intermedium, dividing the body FIG. 11. Enamel organ of Macropus, showing division of stellate reticulum into two portions. The enamel septum of Bolk. ( x 225.) of the enamel organ into a mesial and a lateral portion (see figs 11,12). The enamel navel, as this author calls it, is a groove or depression in the external epithelium of the enamel organ at the point where the septum touches this layer ' This groove ', he considers, ' further accentuates the division of the enamel organ into a mesial and a lateral half, suggested by the septum.' Marett Tims and Hopewell Smith describe and figure in the enamel organ of a Wallaby a division into two parts, but are uncertain whether to interpret it as the fusion of 40 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH two enamel organs or the subdivision of one. If considered to represent the latter, this photograph (p. 369, To-mes's- Dental Anatomy, 7th ed.) shows Bolk's enamel septum ami the enamel groove or navel in the external epithelium. In a preparation of the author's of the enamel germ of Macropus the enamel septum is very evident, as shown in figs. 11 and 12. The stellate reticulum is seen to be divided into two parts, and the cells in the septum are not fully differen- tiated. Under higher magnification (fig. 12) the junction of FIG. 12. Under higher magnification, showing blending of cells of the enamel septum with those of the stratum intermedium. ( x 350.) the cells of the septum with those of the stratum inter- medium is well seen. In this preparation, however, the septum cannot be traced to its junction with the external epithelium, and the groove on the surface of the latter is not visible. It does not appear that in this case the line of cells can be looked upon as indicating the fusion of two enamel organs, but actually represents the subdivision of one, and tends to lend confirmation to Bolk's description, As he finds these structures in the enamel organ of the primates, Bolk considers that they indicate that each primate tooth arises from the fusion of two separate germs ; DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH IN MAMMALIA 41 that each primate tooth is a double structure equivalent to two reptilian teeth. This view is a compromise between the concrescence and the differentiation theories. * In the reptilian ancestor of the Mammalia a triconodont differentiation had arisen, and two such triconodont teeth, one buccal and one lingual, had become fused. The fusion of these two triconodont teeth, the lingual side of one, to the labial side of the other, yielding a six-cusped element as the typical mammalian tooth, the varieties arising by a secondary reduction of this six-cusped tooth.' It is seen that Bolk disposes of the assumption that each cusp of the mammalian tooth represents a single reptilian cone-tooth. Summary To account for the evolution of the human molar tooth, several theories have been formulated, the most important of these being : Trituberculism. The Polybuny or Multicuspidate theory. Concrescence. Bolk's triconodont concrescence theory, as it might perhaps be called. The Tritubercular theory is a very important generaliza- tion, and although not generally accepted in its entirety, throws great l : ght upon the relations of the cusps and the functional evolution of the human molar. This theory, founded by Cope on the discoveries of early mammalian remains in New Mexico, considers that the principal cusps of both upper and lower molars are produced by the addition of cusps to the first-formed protocone, which represents the original haplodont or single cone of the reptiles. These added cusps take the shape of a triangle in early forms of the Mammalia, in the upper jaw the base of the triangle being outwards, the protocone forming the inner cusp ; in the lower molars the base of the triangle is inwards, the protocone forming the outer apex of the triangle. This primitive triangle is called the trigon in the Trigon upper teeth, the trigonid in the lower. To this trigon Trigoni another element is added, the heel or talon, the trigon 42 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH representing the cutting or sectorial type, the talon the crushing or masticating type. ( Protocone. fTrigon (upper) J Paracone. Primitive Triangle . J 1 Metacone. I Protoconid. j^Trigonid (lower) -I Paraconid. (Metaconid. r Talon (upper) Hypocone. Heel Hypoconid. ^Talonid (lower) Metaconid. Hypoconulid. Talon and The talonid is more developed in the lower molars forming Talonid. **.** , , , three ot tne nve cusps, the talon only possessing one, the hypocone. In the trigonid of the lower molars the paraconid is suppressed. It has been shown, however, by several embryologists that the paracone is the first to appear in the upper molars, although the order of the appearance of the cusps of the lower molars corresponds to the Cope-Osborn theory. The Multi- other principal criticism brought against this theory is that lar Theory, niulti tubercular molars are found in association with tri- tubercular forms in the same geological strata, and it is considered quite as probable that the cusps of higher forms are produced by the suppression of cusps, and not by addition to a single cone. This is ca led the Polybuny or Multitubercular theory. The theory of Concrescence, supported by Ameghino (1), Rose, and Kiikenthal (13), supposes the cusps of human molars to have arisen by the union or concrescence of simple cones. According to Bolk, the multicuspidate teeth of the primates have arisen from the fusion of ancestral reptilian teeth, both antero -posteriorly and laterally, the antero- posterior fusion being of teeth of the same series, the lateral fusion, of teeth of separate series. In each case a triconodont tooth has arisen, and these becoming laterally fused, form the six-cusped molar, which he considers the typical mam- malian molar tooth, further modification arising by the addition or suppression of cusps. DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH IN MAMMALIA 43 As it is generally allowed that subsidiary cusps arise from the cingulum, Bolk's views would appear to combine to some degree three principal views of cusp development concrescence, trituberculy, and the cingulum theory. The structures described by this author in the enamel organ are of great interest in their bearing on tooth develop- ment, and the confirmation of their constant presence in early tooth germs would be of great value in the explanation of the evolution of the teeth of primates. The subject is such a complicated one, especially in determining the homologies of the ungulate molar, and there are so many side issues connected with it, that it is impossible to give anything but the merest outline in a work of this scope, but the author has endeavoured to state as simply as possible the principal views with regard to the evolution of the human molar. The reader who wishes to pursue this interesting subject further is referred to the works mentioned in the short bibliography attached to this chapter, and especially to Osborn's Evolution of Mammalian Molar Teeth. An interest- ing paper on the evolution of human dentition by Mr. John Humphreys was contributed to the Sixth International Dental Congress (9). REFERENCES 1. Ameghino, F. (a) Filogenia, 1884. (6) 'On the Primitive Type of the Plexodont Molars of Mammals.' Proc. Zool Soc. Lond., 1899. (c) ' Sur 1'evolution des dents des mammiferes.' Bol Acad. Nac. Ciencias en Cordoba, t. xiv, 1896, pp. 381-517. 2. Baume. ' Versuch einer Entwickelungsgeschichte des Gebisses.' Odontologische Forschungen, 1882. 3. Bolk, L. (a) 'The Structure of the Reptilian Dentition and its Rela- tionship to the Mammalian Dentition.' Anai. Anzeig., vol. xli, Supplement, Berlin, 1912. (6) Die Ontogenie der Primatenzdhne (Odontolog. Studien, I): Versuch einer Lo'sung der Gebissprobleme, 122 pp., Jena, 1913. 4. Cope, E. D. (a) ' Systematic Catalogue of the Vertebrata of the Eocene of New Mexico.' Rept. Geog. Explor. and Surveys, 5 FIG. 157. Tooth of a tertiary fossil fish (Aetobatis) showing the plici- dentine in longitudinal section. From a specimen lent to the author by Mr. J. Humphreys. FIG. 158. Longitudinal section of plicidentine from the fossil eocene fish Edaphodon. From Mr. Humphrey's collection, p. Pulp cavity. 256 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH While we may look upon plicidentine as orthodentine in which the arrangement of the tubes is so modified as to produce a number of different and complicated patterns, the next variety of dentine which we shall consider has an altogether different structure. Vasodentine. Vasodentine differs from orthodentine mainly in the fact that it contains no dentinal tubes, but their place is taken by a system of blood channels containing blood-vessels in connexion with the vessels of the tooth- pulp. These blood-vessels have a very definite and regular arrangement in typical vasodentines, blood corpuscles are seen within them, and the blood in life circulates through them. ' The arrangement of the vascular canals is regular and striking, , reminding one of the appearance of the vessels in an intestinal villus ; in fact, an intestinal villus petrified, whilst its capillary network remained pervious, and red blood continued to circulate through it, would form no bad representation of a typical vasodentine tooth.' 1 Perhaps the most typical vasodentine is seen in the tooth of the Hake (Merluccius) (fig. 159 and Plate VI). A strongly-marked lamination of the matrix parallel to the surface of the pulp cavity is very evident in these teeth, and that this is a structural condition is shown by the breaking up of sections of the Hake's tooth into parallel laminae. Thorn-like projections from the vascular tubes along the lines of the laminse are also evident in many places (fig. 159). The outer layer of the tooth in the Hake contains no blood channels and shows a faint indication of lamination. This layer is described by Rose as vitrodentine, but as this part of the dentine does not differ in structure or develop- ment from the matrix material which intervenes between the vascular tubes, Tomes does not consider that a distinctive name should be applied to it. The vascular canals which do not enter this layer form loops at its inner boundary which sometimes communicate with a single peripheral channel in this situation (fig. 181). In the flounder, at and near the tip of the conical tooth, the dentine is of the true orthodentine variety ; but lower down 1 C. S. Tomes, Dental Anatomy, 7th ed., p. 91. DENTINE 257 scattered vascular tubes appear, and in the lower portion of the tooth there are no dentinal tubes, but a typical vaso- dentine has taken their place. From this, as Tomes says, 1 ' it may be learnt that hard dentine and vasodentine are not fundamentally dissimilar, and that they may pass into one another by imperceptible gradations, so that it cannot be said exactly at what point the name of vasodentine is to be given to it '. The teeth of the extinct Megatherium show a regular system of vascular canals on the inner portion of FIG. 159. Vasodentine of Hake (Gadus Merluccius) showing thorn-like projections and longitudinal striation of the matrix. ( X 150.) the dentine terminating at a definite line, the rest of the tissue being made up of tubular or ortho- dentine. The outer part of the dentine of the Manatee shows forms which have the general appearance of vascular loops, but con- siderably modified by the encroachment of calcification upon them, the rounded contours of the margins suggesting a resemblance to elongated interglobular spaces (Tomes). From the evolutionary standpoint the above observations are of considerable interest ; it is an undecided question whether the ancestral form of dentine was of the tubular or vasodentine variety. They seem to exist side by side 1 C. S. Tomes, Dental Anatomy, 7th ed. ; p. 94. MUMMERY g 258 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH in very early forms, but in the higher Mammalia the tubular or ortho- dentine seems to have supplanted in most cases the probably more primitive vasodentine. In Sargus ovis loops are seen within the dentine which appear to be the remains of vascular tubes, and may indicate that the dentine of Sargus was derived from a vasodentine. Similar loops at the base of the tooth in Sargus are evidently, in the author's preparations from freshly-fixed material, in communication with the pulp cavity, while isolated crescentic forms are seen deeply in the dentine. In ground preparations FIG. 160. Vascular network in centre of incisor tooth of Sargus ovis. e. Enamel ; d. dentine. Ground section. (x!50.) of similarly preserved incisor teeth of Sargus, what certainly appear to be vascular canals are seen passing out from the narrow prolongation of the pulp cavity in the crown and forming a branched network which reaches up to the enamel (fig. 160). This was found in all the teeth examined, when they were so cut as to expose the central part of the axis of the tooth, and this branching system appears to be confined to this area and to extend in a direction parallel to the flattened surfaces of the. tooth. Again, in Scarus, loops having every appearance of being vascular tubes are seen in abundance in the dentine, and at the enamel margin they distinctly project into the enamel (fig. 161). In the teeth of the Tasmanian Devil (Sarcopkilus ur sinus) of which a good preparation, preserved in formol, was DENTINE 259 given to the author by Dr. Mackenzie, not only scattered crescentic loops are found in the deeper parts of the dentine, but in several places around the circumference of the pulp channels are seen in the dentine communicating with the pulp, and blood-vessels enter them, the endothelial cells and blood corpuscles being evident within the canals in the dentine. The blood-vessels can be traced along the pulp and seen to cross the odontoblast layer and enter the tubular canals, which penetrate some little distance into the dentine. As, however, these vascular canals pursue a very e FIG. 161. Vascular loops in tooth of Pseudoscarus. e. Enamel ; d. dentine. Ground section. (x!50.) twisted course, more deeply in the dentine only portions of them are seen, cut across (fig. 162). In the Cynomys (Prairie Marmot) (fig. 163) the author found the dentine to be permeated by vascular canals in great abundance. He has not been able to find any record of the previous observation of this condition in Cynomys, but it is very evident in ground sections of the incisor and can scarcely have failed to be detected. Short vascular canals in the dentine of many rodents are described by Owen (17) and J. Tomes (21 b). From these observations we see that the most permanent and highly developed form of dentine would appear to be tubular or ortho- dentine, and that in the course of develop- S 2 260 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH ment to higher forms the vasodentine structure has gradu- ally disappeared, only existing here and there as vestiges ; but in Sarcophilus and Cynomys there would appear to be a more complete indication of reversion to the original structure. A similar argument applies to the tubular enamel of marsupials, where we see a reduction of the tube system even in the same class of the mammalia, until in the Wombat it has ceased to be apparent, but in Hymx, Dipus, and Sorex FIG. 162. Dentine of Sarcophilus ursinus. Capillary vessels entering dentine. ( x 350.) among the higher mammalia we find a more or less complete reversion to the original tubular enamel, and in man and other mammals a slight penetration by tubes shows that all traces of such a condition have not been finally lost. Osteodentine or Trabecular Dentine. Osteodentine is very nearly allied to bone in structure. There is no distinct pulp cavity, but the interior of the tooth is traversed by bony trabeculae, the interspaces being occupied by medullary canals and blood-vessels which may be considered to take the place of the pulp. The large medullary channels at the base of the tooth divide and ramify like the branches of DENTINE 261 a tree, spreading out on every side towards the circum- ference. In some sharks, and in the Pike, a more regular arrangement of these medullary spaces is seen at the periphery, giving this layer more the appearance of ortho- dentine ; but the tubes do not enter at their bases into a pulp cavity, but are continuous with the main branches of the medullary system in the centre of the tooth as in Lamna (fig. 164). If treated with alcoholic fuchsin (allowed to penetrate by FIG. 163. Dentine of incisor of Cynomys (Prairie Marmot) showing vascular loops. ( x 350.) capillary attraction) the structure of an osteodentine tooth is beautifully brought out, the stain penetrating into the very finest divisions of the branching processes, which resemble the canaliculi of bone (fig. 165). In some examples of osteodentine the resemblance of the tissue to bone is much more marked than in the specimens shown in the illustrations, and traces of lamination are seen. ' The similarity of the channels of the pulp in osteodentine to Haversian canals in bone is in some respects close ; so similar, that when teeth consisting of osteodentine become, as in many fish they do, anchylosed to the subjacent bone, 262 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH it becomes impossible to say at what point the dentine ends and the bone commences ; and this difficulty is intensified by the fact that the bone of many fishes lacks lacunae and is almost exactly like dentine.' l The Development and Calcification of Dentine. As pre- viously stated, dentine is developed from the mesodermic dentine papilla, which is a condensation of the cells of the mesoderm beneath the previously-formed ectodermic enamel- forming cells. As shown by Von Brunn (4), in several orders FIG. 164. Osteodentine tooth of Lamna cornubica (Porbeagle Shark). Osteodentine ; central tubes radiating from medullary channels, e. Enamel. Fuchsin stain by capillary attraction. ( x 50.) of the Mammalia the appearance of epithelial cells always precedes and appears to determine the formation and limits of growth of the dentine. Von Brunn and Von Ebner (6) were unable to substantiate the existence of this determining epithelial organ in the formation of the dentine of the root in man, but as explained in the chapter on ' The Tooth Follicle and its Connexions ', the author has found a similar condition in human teeth. He has shown that this epithelial sheath proceeds from cells of the follicle which are not differentiated to form an enamel organ. This, however, 1 Tomes's Dental Anatomy, 7th ed., p. 100. DENTINE 263 will be more fully considered when treating of the * Sheath of Hertwig '. In teeth in which enamel is present, however, the forma- tion of an enamel organ always precedes the differentiation of the cells of the papilla to form a dentine organ, although calcification in Mammalia commences first at the summit of the dentine papilla. In some fish the calcification of the enamel precedes that of the dentine, and in marsupials, although the process of calcification commences in the I FIG. 165. Enamel and osteodentine of Heterodontus (Cestracion). Fuchsin stain by capillary attraction. ( x 50.) dentine, a very much larger proportion of enamel is soon laid down above it ; this enamel, however, is not at this stage fully calcified. When the dentine papilla is first seen to form a definite dentine organ or tooth-pulp, and is enclosed above and at the sides by the prolongation of the enamel organ, there is no differentiation of the connective-tissue cells to form a distinct peripheral layer beneath the enamel organ, but they are uniformly distributed throughout the pulp. Very soon, however, larger rounded cells are seen accumu- lating at the margins of the pulp. These cells have large nuclei and a very small amount of cytoplasm, and many have short truncated prolongations, but there is no appearance 264 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH of a distinct process as shown in fig. 1 15, &c. The connective tissue of the pulp is seen passing between these cells, which lie in its meshes. The rounded cells at the circumference soon assume a pyriform or subcylindrical form, and a long process extends from their upper end which develops into the dentinal fibril (fig. 166). These cells are described as odontoblasts. The first appearance of the dentine occurs in the form of a clear layer of a semi-transparent substance which borders the pulp and is in contact with the enamel FIG. 166. Macropus. First commencement of calcification of the dentine at the coronal part of the pulp. a. Ameloblasts ; o. odontoblasts ; c. com- mencing calcification of the dentine ; b. odontogenic zone. ( x 650.) organ cells externally and with the now distinctly differ- entiated odontoblasts internally, and their dentinal processes can be seen passing across this area. A thin line of calcification commences with rounded contours towards the pulp, and is separated from the odontoblasts by the clear layer above described. Two different views have been held as to the mode of formation and calcification of dentine. These may be called the ' conversion ' and ' secretion ' theories. For a long time the view most widely received and embodied in all the principal text-books was the conversion theory of Waldeyer, DENTINE 265 Boll, and others, and upheld by C. S. Tomes in the earlier editions of his Dental Anatomy, where he says : ' The dentine is, I believe, formed by the direct conversion of the odontoblast cells just as the enamel is by the enamel cells, and is derived from them and from them alone.' Schwann also looked upon the dentine as being probably the ossified substance of the pulp, and Waldeyer, considering the process of ossification to be identical with that of ordinary bone, held that the dentinal fibrils are the central remains of the odontoblasts, while their peripheral portions become basis substance. The other view, that of secretion, was held by John Hunter, who says, ' The ossified part of a tooth would seem to have much the same connexion with the pulp as a snail has with its shell '. Kolliker, Lent, Hertz, and Baume looked upon the forma- tion of dentine as a secretion process. Baume says : ' The odontoblasts secrete a material which calcifies, rather than that they themselves are converted.' Tomes, in the later editions of his book, considers that the dentine is calcified by a process of secretion, and follow- ing the previous investigations of Von Ebner and others, the conversion theory of the formation of dentine has been to a great extent abandoned, this conversion theory being that the odontoblast cell becomes actually converted into dentine matrix, its centre remaining uncalcified as the soft fibril, and the rest of the cell forming in different degrees of calcification the Neumann's sheath and the matrix. The view held by the author and by numerous histologists at the present day is that the cells of the pulp secrete a material which calcifies, they themselves not entering into the calcified substance but receding farther and farther into the pulp as calcification advances, and the fibril becomes more and more elongated. The Dentine Matrix. Professor von Ebner, in his paper in the Handbuch der Zahnheilkunde, 1891, described the resemblances of dentine to bone : he showed that in decal- cified dentine (treated with hydrochloric acid in a salt solution) a fibrillar structure can be detected, and that by tearing the decalcified dentine the fibrillse could be some- 266 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH times isolated. He describes these fibrillse as being very fine, scarcely more than 5 \j, thick, and as showing the same characteristics as the glue-giving connective -tissue fibres, but they are not arranged in lamellae as in bone. The fibres cross each other and mostly in planes perpendicular to the dentinal tubules. Von Ebner considered that these fibres were due to a change in the upper and peripheral portion of the odontoblast cell, and according to Rose's explanation of this view, in some cases ' the peripheral ends of the odontoblasts are first of all changed into a homogeneous layer of non-granular protoplasm in which the fibrils become visible only later'. 1 This author also says 'the dentinal fibrils are those remains of the cell bodies which are left when the odontoblasts are changed into gelatine- yielding fibrils, and which retain their protoplasmic struc- ture '. According to this view there would be a gradual using up of the peripheral portion of the odontoblast cell as calcification advances, the layer of uncalcified dentine in the odontogenic zone being formed ' by the change of the peripheral portion of the odontoblasts into gelatine- yielding fibrils. The dentine calcifies by the deposition of salts of lime between the fibrils.' In fig. 167 delicate fibres are seen crossing the odontoblasts and entering the odonto- genic zone which certainly appear to be fine fibres from the pulp, and in fig. 168, from the tooth of a calf treated with chromic acid, fibres can be seen crossing the odontoblasts and entering the odontogenic zone. The author has but lately found further corroboration of his view that connective-tissue fibres prolonged from the tissue of the pulp enter the dentine and form its fibrillar basis as explained on p. 268. It appears possible that a portion of this fibrillar founda- tion substance, forming the odontogenic zone, may be laid down by the odontoblasts as Von Ebner describes ; but many 1 Rose, in his paper above referred to, says : ' As Partsch correctly remarks., Mummery has examined pathologically changed human teeth or unfavourably preserved preparations.' This assumption of Professor Partsch endorsed by Rose is made without any evidence, he never having seen the preparations or made any inquiry concerning them. Such a method of criticism needs no further comment. DENTINE 267 z -P FIG. 167. Human premolar. Weil process, showing the fine connec- tive tissue investing the odontoblasts. d. Dentine : z. odontogenic zone : o. odontoblasts; p. pulp. (x250.) P FIG. 168. Tooth of Calf. Ground section, by the Weil process, showing fibres between and around odontoblasts becoming incorporated in odonto- genic zone. d. Dentine ; z. odontogenic zone ; o, odontoblasts ; p. pulp. (x400.) 268 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH preparations of the author's suggest that this zone is also penetrated by delicate connective-tissue fibres from the pulp (15 a). The opinions of such an authority as Professor von Ebner, who has studied this subject for many years, must always be received with the greatest respect. Klein (12 a) held that the network of reticular tissue in the substance of the odontoblasts is the reticular basis of the dentine matrix, which would be thus an intracellular substance. The author in a paper published in 1892 (15 a) showed that connective-tissue fibres from the pulp pass into the forming dentine, and considered that the fibres seen in its substance are the incorporated connective -tissue fibres of the pulp which thus form a meshwork or foundation in which calci- fication takes place. The fibres are intercellular and not intracellular as considered by Klein. As described in this paper, in preparations cut by the Koch- Weil process and consequently not decalcified, processes were seen springing from the dentine and blending with the connective tissue of the pulp all around the margin of the pulp cavity. These processes have the appearance of connective-tissue bundles partially impregnated with lime salts. At the inner margin of the dentine they are seen to spring from its substance in a direction more or less parallel to the surface, these horizontal bundles of fibres blending together into larger bundles at right angles to the surface of the dentine, much as the spreading roots of a tree coalesce to form its trunk. These bundles, the high refractive index of which suggests their partial calcification, are plainly seen to be continuous with the general connective tissue of the pulp. One is reminded, in looking at these larger pro- cesses, of the similar appearances in the formation of bone in membrane, where spiculae are seen shooting out in advance of the calcified substance (figs. 169 and 170). At the apex or coronal portion of the pulp cavity these processes are more slender, form wide open loops, and can be traced for some distance into the pulp. In sections cut somewhat obliquely (not in the same plane as the odontoblasts) there is an appearance of small deeply- DENTINE 269 FIG. 169. Inner margin of pulp of human tooth. Large bundles incorporated in dentine. ( X 350.) FIG. 170. Similar to fig. 171. (x350.) 270 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH stained cells or cell nuclei crowded upon and following the course of the bundles of connective-tissue fibres above described. These cells are distinctly smaller than the odontoblasts, so that one would conclude that among the odontoblasts are other cells which play an important part in dentine development but are not arranged in a definite layer. The author has since shown that these cells are not destitute FIG. 171. Human premolar. Margin of pulp cavity. a. opposite a stellate connective-tissue cell sending processes into the forming dentine. (x,350.) of processes as stated in his paper, but a differential connec- tive-tissue stain shows long processes proceeding from them and a very definite amount of cytoplasm around the nucleus (fig. 171). In sections cut in the plane of the odontoblasts, where these larger fibre bundles are not present, a distinct reticulum of fine connective-tissue fibres can be seen passing between and enveloping the odontoblasts, and by careful focusing they can be seen to be gathered into bundles and incor- porated with the matrix substance out of which they appear to spring. The small elongated and irregular-shaped connective-tissue cells are seen mingled with the odonto- DENTINE 271 blasts. It is difficult to trace these fine fibres within the clear odontogenic zone, but in the tooth of the calf kept for a long time in chromic acid they are very distinctly visible (fig. 168). These observations were very clearly corroborated by the examination of sections of the incisor teeth of a rat prepared by the Weil process. A very strong connective tissue is seen in the pulp, and an open-meshed reticulum of connective-tissue fibres at the margin of the dentine surrounded by small cells similar in appearance to those of the main substance of the pulp. In these specimens the fibres can be clearly traced into the formed dentine. It has been recently stated * that the author has receded from his view of the part taken by the odontoblasts in the calcification of the dentine, as expressed in his paper in 1892 (15 a), and it is made to appear that he did not then look upon the odontoblasts as the calcifying cells ; but in that paper he speaks of the dentine as a tissue ' which, according to the view of secretion here maintained, is a material elaborated by the odontoblasts and other cells, upon a connective-tissue foundation '. He never considered the odontoblasts to have any but a calcifying function, but considered that other small cells found in the pulp also took some part in the produc- tion of the matrix, and recent observations, as shown in fig. 171, have con- firmed him in that conclusion. Nowhere in the paper referred to or else- where has he denied the principal part taken by the odontoblasts in the calcifying process, and never at any time has he considered that sensation was conducted by the dentinal fibril, as this criticism might appear to suggest. In the rat the fibrous strands are very distinct within the formed dentine, forming a band of a slightly darker appearance than the rest of the dentine and fading away in the deeper parts of the tissue approaching the enamel (fig. 172). The incorporation of connective-tissue fibres in the forming dentine of the Elephant is very evident (fig. 173), and, as described in considering the development of vaso- dentine, a very abundant connective tissue is incorporated in the tooth of the Hake, showing that in fish, as well as in several orders of the Mammalia and in man, connective tissue forms a framework or basis to the dentine (fig. 181). Von Korff in 1905 published a paper (13) in which he 1 A. Hopewell Smith, Normal and Pathological Histology of the Mouth, vol. i, p. 290 (1919). 272 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH showed that in early stages of the development of dentine there was a penetration of pulp fibres between the odonto- blasts, and argued that this indicated that the dentine was not a product of the odontoblasts but was formed by the connective tissue of the pulp. The fibres described by Von Korff in the early development of the dentine are arranged in a corkscrew-like form, terminating in the forming dentine in a fan-shaped expansion of fibres (fig. 174). He claimed in this paper that he was the first to describe connective tissue in the dentine, but as Von Ebner points out, he had FIG. 172. Pulp and dentine of Rat showing incorporation of connective tissue in dentine, (x 175.) himself described it thirty years before and, as he states, it had also been demonstrated by Gebhart, Ramon y Cajal (1888), and Mummery (1892). Guido Fischer (7), writing in 1910, says that while he was at first inclined to agree with Von Korff s theory, he cannot accept this author's conclusions. While pulp fibres are evident in developing dentine, as had been pointed out by previous authors, he does not agree to this interpretation of them as dentine producers, and agrees with Von Ebner that the collagen fibres of the dentine substance are arranged at right angles to the dentinal tubes, that they are not gelatine yielding, and do not show double refraction. FIG. 173. Incorporation of connective tissue of pulp in ivory of Elephant's tusk. ( x 100.) FIG. 174. Fibres of Von Korff in tooth germ of Cat. o. Odontoblasts ; /. fan-like expansion of fibre bundles ; g. corkscrew-like fibres ; z. odontogenic zone ; c. commencing calcification ; a. ameloblasts. (From illustration to his paper.) 274 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH There is, we think, no doubt that bundles of connective- tissue fibres, which pass into the dentine as Von Korff describes, are to be seen in developing teeth, but, as Von Ebner says, they do not course parallel to the dentinal tubes as claimed by Von Korff, but pass within the dentine generally at right angles to the tubes. These corkscrew-like bundles of connective tissue are occasionally seen in the pulps of fully erupted teeth (fig. 175). Studnicka adduces, as an example of the share of the pulp in dentine formation, the fibre bundles occasionally observed in growing dentine, which are identical in appearance with P FIG. 175. Corkscrew-like fibres in human permanent tooth. d. Dentine ; p. pulp. ( x 250.) those described by Von Korff in early stages of development, and which are more to be compared with the Sharpey fibres in bone. Von Ebner considers that the fact that in the later stages of dentine formation gelatine yielding bundles of connective tissue incorporated in the dentine are to be seen, which, as he says, he and the present author independently observed, has no direct bearing upon the typical first development of the dentine. He also looks upon these gelatine-containing bundles as analogous to the penetrating fibres of Sharpey. The fibres described by Von Korff in developing teeth are not gelatine-yielding fibres and do not show double refraction, and we must conclude they are to be looked upon DENTINE 275 as matrix or foundation fibres in which the lime salts are deposited by the agency of the odontoblasts. 1 That connective-tissue fibres from the pulp in young teeth with uncompleted roots are sometimes seen passing in a radiating manner into the dentine is shown in fig. 171. The specimen from which this photograph was taken was stained with Van Giesen stain, which brings out connective tissue very conspicuously. The fibres can be seen passing from the pulp and spreading out into the dentine ; deeper within its substance they pass, not parallel, but more or less at right angles to the dentinal tubes. The appearance in these sections of small cells apparently in intimate relation with these fibres when the section passes in this direction is a little puzzling, as the odontoblasts are not visible as a distinct layer where these rows of cells are evident, although their nuclei can be seen in places lying between them. This appearance was illustrated in the author's paper of 1892, where he described the cells as being destitute of pro- cesses ; a more selective connective -tissue stain has, however, since shown that a distinct cytoplasm surrounds these nuclei, and that processes of the cell are produced from it extending on every side (fig. 171 at a). In the later stages of dentine formation, when these penetrating fibres are seen in the dentine, they appear to be partially impregnated with lime salts in advance of the general line of calcification, and the question arises whether these smaller cells take any part in the calcification of the matrix. In the paper above referred to the author expressed the opinion that ' These cells secrete a material which calcifies along the line of the odontogenic fibres ', but it is very difficult to decide if this is the case or not. 1 In the new edition of his Histology (1919) Professor Hopewell Smith says : ' It is probable that these connective-tissue fibres are considered by Howard Mummery to be the terminations of the myelinic nerve fibres of the pulp.' It is difficult to understand how any histologist could make such a mistake. V. Korff described these fibres only in young developing teeth at the very first commencement of calcification, and although a few are now and then to be met with in older pulps they are easily distinguished (see fig. 175). The nerve fibres shown by the author arise from unmistakable medullated nerve trunks, and moreover the fibres of V. Korff take the stain very differently and much more faintly in gold preparations. 276 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH Von Ebner says : ' Without doubt the odontoblasts are the essential and sole dentine formers in the growth of typical normal dentine ; they are the gelatine-yielding cells as well as the lime-salt producers ; under special conditions other cells of the pulp can, however, lay down a dentine-like substance.' l That calcification can take place in the pulp independently of the odontoblasts is seen in the formation of pulp-stones and irregular calcific deposit, and is consistent with what is shown of calcification in degenerations of connective tissues elsewhere. A comparison of fig. 177, where the connective-tissue fibres of the periodontal membrane are entering the forming cement, with figs. 169 and 171 showing the incorporation of connective-tissue bundles in the pulp with the dentine, is interesting as showing the great similarity of the appear- ances in the two tissues. To recapitulate : Summary. (1) In the early development of the dentine, connective- tissue fibres from the pulp pass in bundles into the forming dentine in a more or less radiating manner, but they do not course, within the dentine, in a direction parallel to that of the tubes, but transversely to them. This incorporation of the connective-tissue fibres is not immediately connected with the calcification of the matrix. The fibres at this stage are not lime-containing and do not show double refraction, but they form an organic foundation or scaffolding in which calcification takes place. (2) It is not only in the earliest stages of dentine formation that this meshwork of foundation tissue is laid down, but it also occurs throughout the active growth of the dentine, although in the later stage the fibre bundles have not the regular arrangement described by Von Korff in the early stages of development. Bundles of connective tissue are, however, evident, which are becoming incorporated with the forming dentine in later stages and appear to be analogous to the penetrating fibres of Sharpey in bone. (3) In teeth in use, in which the first formation of root and crown is completed, but the cells at the circumference of the 1 In a letter. DENTINE 277 FIG. 176. Adult human molar affected by caries. Action of aoids of caries, showing striation and contours as in figs. 178 and 179. ( x 600.) Fro. 177. Sharpey's fibres penetrating forming cement ; from the same tooth as that from which figs. 170 and 171 were taken. ( x 350.) 278 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH pulp are still depositing the dentine, delicate connective- tissue fibres from the pulp are continuously being incor- porated with the forming dentine. There seems to be every reason to believe that the principal active agents in the separation and deposition of the lime salts are the odontoblasts, and that they shed out their product into the organic framework laid down to receive it, and according to Von Ebner also contribute a delicate fibrillar foundation to the matrix substance. Calcification of the Dentine. In young growing teeth there is a portion of the matrix bordering on the pulp forming a marginal band between the calcified dentine and the odontoblast cells. This layer, the odontogenic zone, shown in figs. 167 and 168, appears to consist of the collagenous basis substance of the dentinal matrix in which the deposit of the lime salts takes place. The uncalcified portion of the matrix, in teeth that have not been treated with acids, unlike the calcified part, takes the stain readily, and the advancing calcification is seen encroaching upon it in the form of rounded masses of the lime salts, or calcospherites, some of these calcospherites lying free in the surrounding uncalcified material (fig. 143). The spherites in this ad- vancing layer are seen to be quite clear and to exhibit no radial or concentric markings in the calcified preparations. When a young tooth is decalcified, the rounded contours of the calcifying border have exactly the same appearance as in the calcified tooth ; they appear structureless and consist of the calcoglobulin basis of the spherites, which takes stains readily. The interglobular spaces in imper- fectly-developed dentine show also very clearly the advance and coalescence of these bodies in the basis substance. In some sections prepared by Ramon y CajaPs silver- nitrate method, and which were taken from an unerupted human premolar, a further stage in the consolidation of the matrix is revealed which appears to throw a strong light on the mode of calcification of dentine, and to make clear the meaning of certain appearances in the adult tissue which had not received a satisfactory explanation. At the borders of carious cavities, a fine striation, very much like muscle striation, is seen in the dentine in some DENTINE 279 cases, where the action of the secreted acid has been in considerable advance of the invading micro-organisms. An examination of the silver-stained developing tooth shows that this appearance is due to structural conditions which have been revealed by the action of the acid (fig. 176). As previously stated, the calcospherites seen at the margins of human dentine appear clear and structureless, but it was pointed out by Rainey, referring to the calcifica- tion of the clear calcospherites in shell, that ' as the develop- FIG. 178. Calcoglobulin contours in forming dentine. Uneiupted premolar. ( x 700.) ment progresses the globules lose their bright and structure- less character and begin to present laminae and radiating lines just as the artificial calculi do, the lines being more distinct when the globules are suffering disintegration '. Figs. 178 and 179 show that this is the case in the dentine. The decalcified calcospherites are seen to have first coalesced into larger bodies and then to have become laminated, showing strongly-marked concentric striae. The dentine is stained a deep brown by the Cajal process and is everywhere traversed by these contours. The circular bodies are of very various sizes, and the outermost striae composing the 280 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH rings are drawn out into laminae which pass more or less parallel to the surface of the dentine. Fig. 179 shows the drawing out of the marginal striae, which remain equidistant from one another. It is seen in this figure that the dentine, in a thin section, splits along these lines of lamination, the splitting not only following the extended laminae but also the contours of the round bodies themselves, where they have not been drawn out in this manner. It will be noticed that the lines remain absolutely parallel and never join with FIG. 179. Calcoglobulin contours in forming dentine. Unerupted premolar. ( x 600.) one another in the same layer. This form of lamination of the dentine would thus appear to have nothing to do with physiological lines of growth, but to be due to a purely physical cause, the extension of the elements of the globular bodies in parallel lines. In teeth in a further stage of develop- ment the rounded contours are to a very great extent lost, and only the parallel striae remain as evidence of the original structure. In the completed dentine the striae are hidden by the dense calcification, but as shown above, occasionally revealed in caries by the action of the bacterial acid products DENTINE 281 upon the matrix. In the finished dentine of the Wombat's incisor this lamination is particularly well marked and conspicuous. That this lamination or stratification of the dentine is due to the structure of the calcospherites is, we think, very evident, and is the result of the rhythmic or periodic deposit of the lime salts in the colloid. The phenomena of the production of Liesegang's rings (fig. 180) gives strong evidence of this, showing that the phenomena of diffusion are periodic. As Leduc says (14) : ' The growth of an osmotic production shows itself not as a continuous process but periodically.' D'Arcy Thompson (20) also refers FIG. 180. Liesegang's rings. Stratification by periodic diffusion. (Pro- duced by diffusion from a drop of silver nitrate in a solution of gelatine to which a drop of sodium arsenite has been added. ) From Leduc. to this when he says : ' Among these various phenomena, the concentric striation observed in the calcospherite has acquired a special interest and importance. It is part of a phenomenon now widely known and recognized as an important factor in colloid chemistry under the name of Liesegang's rings.' These rings are formed when a salt, such as bichromate of potash, is placed on gelatine poured upon a glass plate, the diffusion of the salt in the colloidal gelatine solution showing a rhythmic deposit, leading to the formation of concentric rings, and it is this rhythmic deposit which occurs in the formation of the calcospherite in the colloid. As Leduc says, all the phenomena of life are periodic, 1 although Mr. Carter states, referring to Leon Williams's 1 For a discussion of periodicity and rhythmic deposit see Leduc 's Mechanism of Life, chap, vi, p. 67, and D'Arcy W. Thompson's Growth and Form, pp. 427-31. 282 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH work on enamel, ' There is no support for any theory which endeavours to explain the appearances found in formed or forming enamel as being due to intermittent rhythmical secretion from the cells ' (5) . Mr. F. J. Bennett, in a paper read before the Odonto- logical Society in 1888, described the appearances produced by the action of glycerine on dentine in which laminae were brought into view, but the structure of the calcospherites was not apparent in these preparations (1). From these observations it would appear that the stages in the calcification of dentine are : Summary. First, the appearance of the small, clear, circular bodies which form in a colloidal matrix by the coalescence of minute particles, as seen in artificial experiments. Secondly, the coalescence of these clear bodies, which becoming incorporated in the basis substance of the dentine are still more completely fusod together, lose their structure- less character, and exhibit concentric lines. Thirdly, the coalesced calcospherites undergo disintegra- tion, their concentric elements being spread out into the laminae of the dentine and the lime salts becoming equally diffused in tho calcified matrix. Fig. 80 shows calcospherites formed in Harting's albumin experiment referred to on p. 140. It is seen that the concentric markings on the calcified artificially-produced spherite are precisely similar to those in the calcoglobulin substance of the decalcified dentine. It is noticeable that while in the calcification of enamel we meet with spherites having radial striae, these are not seen in dentine, where all the component cpherites are seen to be of the concentrically- arranged variety. As to the exact mode and channels of secretion of the lime salts in dentine we have still but little accurate know- ledge. We know that the deposit takes place, not in direct contact with the odontoblasts but gradually advances from above upon the odontogenic zone ; this would suggest that the lime salts pass by dialysis from the tubes of the dentine, containing the protoplasmic prolongation of the secreting odontoblast cell, into the dentinal matrix, and the minute subdivisions of the tubes with their protoplasmic DENTINE 283 contents would afford a very efficient means of distribution of the calcifying substance within the matrix. It was pointed out by Erwin Hohl (9), that in longitudinal section, while the sheath of Neumann is very evident, with suitable staining, in the calcified portion of the dentine, it is not to be seen in the odontogenic zone, where the tubes appear to have no definite walls. This observation is confirmed by the author's silver- stained sections. Hohl considers that this fact points to ' the dependence of the sheath of Neumann on calcified dentine substance ' . Whether this sheath is concerned in the calcifying process and serves the purpose of a dialysing membrane might be considered, but if this lining sheath to the tubules really exists or not is still considered by some a matter of con- troversy ; its presence would not, however, appear to be necessary to account for this mode of impregnation of the matrix, for such dialysis could take place through the outer limiting membrane of the dentinal fibril into the matrix substance, and, as stated above, its permeation by the minute subdivisions of the tubes would much facilitate the process. It is difficult to explain the deposit of the lime salts at a distance from the odontoblast cell itself, unless we consider that the dentinal fibril which is an extension of the cell takes an active part in the process, as suggested. The Calcification of Vasodentine. Vasodentine is de- veloped around the walls of a central pulp cavity which is traversed by large and abundant blood-vessels, these vessels becoming incorporated in the dentine as calcification pro- ceeds, and not receding deeper into the pulp as they do in Mammalia. As C. S. Tomes says : * In the calcification of the formative pulp into vasodentine, this recession of its vessels does not take place ; the whole vascular network of the papilla remains, and continues to carry blood circulating through it, even after calcification has crept up to and around it.' In a vasodentine pulp the connective tissue is very abundant, and forms a definite layer of fibres around its circumference. These fibres had originally been looked upon as odonto- blasts ; they occupy the position of the odontoblast cells in 284 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH the formation of orthodentine, and are arranged very much in the same manner, but a careful examination of a thin section shows that there are no nuclei, and that the tissue composing this layer is made up of fibres and not cells (fig. 181). Rounded or polygonal cells are, however, to be seen lying among them in places which have a strong resemblance to osteoblasts. The absence of odontoblasts would appear to be consistent with the absence of dentinal tubes in vaso- FIG. 181. Connective-tissue fibres lining pulp cavity of Hake (Merluccius). Ground Weil section (unstained). ( x 150.) dentine, as the typical odontoblast is provided with a process, the dentinal fibril, which is not found in vasodentine. In teeth in which orthodentine is found in one portion of the tooth, while the rest is composed of vasodentine, as in the flounder, odontoblasts are seen in the area of the pulp tissue beneath the tubular dentine, although absent farther down, where vasodentine has taken its place. Tomes had at first considered that this layer around the pulp consisted of elongated odontoblasts, but after a reconsideration of his own and the author's preparations, he agreed that there was no evidence of this, and that it really is composed of DENTINE 285 specially arranged connective-tissue fibres. Thin sections of freshly-fixed preparations of the teeth of the Hake, which had not been decalcified and were prepared by the Weil process, confirmed the author's conclusions, as neither these nor the earlier preparations showed any nuclei in the layer, and its connexion with the connective tissue of the pulp was quite evident. As further evidence of the nature of this bordering layer, the teeth of the Hake often break up in the direction of the bordering fibres, and this splitting appears to be continuous with them. 1 The Calcification of Osteodentine. From the great simi- larity of osteodentine to bone we should expect to find a similar mode of development to that of membrane bone. In osteodentine there is no separate pulp cavity, but medullary spaces traversed by trabeculoe of bony substance. The spiculse or trabeculse are clothed with cells in every way resembling osteoblasts ; they are continuous with bundles of connective-tissue fibres, and at the junction of the tooth with the bone of attachment these trabeculae become incorporated with the bone tissue of which they form a part. The development is in every respect similar to that of bone in membrane, and the connective-tissue bundles become incorporated in the calcified tissue as Sharpey's fibres do in bone. It is thus seen that orthodentine, vasodentine, and osteo- dentine are all calcified on a connective-tissue foundation, and as Tomes says : ' The development of the several varieties of dentine which seem to run into one another structurally by almost imperceptible gradations comes into line and so seems more intelligible.' 1 As pointed out on p. 256, the teeth of the Hake are often seen to break up in a transverse direction as well, following the transverse lamination of the dentine. REFERENCES 1. Bennett, F. J. ' On certain Points connected with the Structure of Dentine.' Trans. Odontol. Soc. Great Brit., vol. xxi, p. 6, 1889. 2. v. Bibra. See ref. on p. 117. 3. Black, G. V. ' An Investigation of the Physical Characters of the Human Teeth in Relation to their Diseases.' Dental Cosmos, May 1895, vol. xxxvii, p. 353 et seq. 286 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH 4. v. Brunn. ' Ueber die Ausdehnung des Schmelzorganes in seiner Bedeutung f. die Zahnbildung.' Archiv f. Mikr. Anat., 1887, Bd. xxix, pp. 367-83. 5. Carter, Thornton. ' The Cytomorphosis of the Marsupial Enamel Organ,' &c. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., vol. ccviii, p. 288. 6. v. Ebner, V. Handbuch der Zahnheilkunde, p. 253. 7. Fischer, G. Ban u. Entwickelung der Mundhohle des Menschen. 1910. 8. Hunter, John. John Hunter's Works, Palmer's Edition, 1835. 9. Hohl, Erwin. ' Beitrag zur Histologie der Pulpa und des Dentins.' Archiv f. Anat., 1896. 10. Hoppe, F. ' Untersuchungen iiber die Constitution des Zahnschmelzes.' Virchow's Archiv f. Pathol. Anat., Berlin, 1862, Bd. xxiv, pp. 13-32. 11. Hanazawa, K. ' A Study on the Minute Structures of Human Dentine.' Trans. Panama Pacific Dental Congress, 1915, p. 80. and Dental Cosmos, Feb. 1917 and March 1917, vol. lix. 12. Klein, E. (a) Elements of Histology. (b) Klein and Noble Smith. Atlas of Histology. London, 1879. 13. v. Korff. ' Die Entwicklung der Zahnbeingrundsubstanz der Sauge- thiere.' Archiv f. Mikr. Anat., xlvii. 1. 14. Leduc, S. Mechanism of Life, p. 68. 15. Mummery, J. H. (a) ' Some Points in the Structure and Develop- ment of Dentine.' Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., London, 1892, Ser. B., vol. clxxxii, pp. 527-45. (b) ' On the Process of Calcification in Enamel and Dentine.' Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., vol. ccv, pp. 95-113, 1914. 16. Neumann. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss des normalen Zahnbeins und Knochengewebes. Leipzig, 1863. 17. Owen, R. Odontography, p. 406. 18. Romer, O. Zahnhistologische Studie, 1899. 19. Rose, C. ' Contributions to the Histogeny and Histology of Bony and Dental Tissues.' Dental Cosmos, Nov. and Dec. 1893. 20. Thompson, D'Arcy W. Growth and Form, p. 427. 21. Tomes, J. (a) ' On the Presence of Fibrils of Soft Tissue in the Dentinal Tubes.' Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., 1856. (b) ' On the Structure of the Dental Tissues of the Order Rodentia.' Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., 1850, pp. 529-68. 22. Tomes, C. S. (a) A Manual of Dental Anatomy, 7th ed., p. 83. (b) * Upon Rose's proposed Classification of the Forms of Dentine.' Anat. Anzeig., Bd. xiv, No. 13, 1898. CHAPTER VI CEMENT THIS tissue, both by its structure, its chemical composi tion, and its mode of development, is seen to be simply a slightly modified form of bone. This, the. ' crusta petrosa ' of early authors, is usually termed cement by the general anatomist ; but cementum is the term which has been usually applied to it by dental histologists, although the French have retained the word ' cement J . 1 Cement in man is confined to the roots of the teeth, where it forms a continuous investment of the dentine, but in many compound teeth it forms the cementing substance between the plates, as in the Elephant and the Capybara, and in Ungulates before the teeth come into use it forms a complete investment of the crown. As previously pointed out and as shown in the compound teeth above referred to, a sharp masticating surface to the tooth is maintained by the unequal wear of the different tissues. The cement, being the least resistant, is worn down more readily than the dentine, and the latter more easily than the hard enamel, which by projecting above the other tissues affords a rough sharpened surface for the purposes of mastication. At the neck of the human tooth the cement is usually considered to terminate at the point of contact with the enamel, but there are considerable variations in the relations of the two tissues in this situation in normal teeth. This question was especially studied by J. Choquet, who from the 1 In the present work the author has ventured to adopt the word 'cement' for this tissue. The Committee on nomenclature of the Anatomical Society have confirmed the use of the word cement, and it is the term in use in all the text-books of general anatomy. It would appear very desirable that one word only should be employed to describe the same tissue, and for these reasons the author has thought it advisable to use the word cement instead of cementum, although the latter has been in use for a long time in English and American works on dental anatomy 288 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH examination of a large number of teeth found four different conditions present : 1. The enamel overlaps the cement. 2. The cement overlaps the enamel. 3. The two tissues terminate in direct contact. 4. There is a solution of continuity and an exposed surface of dentine between the enamel and cement (3). In the first case, where the enamel overlaps the cement there is a marked difference in the percentage of cases between the teeth of young subjects and those of adults. In the young teeth this arrangement of the tissues was found in 57 per cent., and in adults in 12-5 per cent. In the second case, where the cement was seen to overlap the enamel, the difference between the teeth at different ages was more marked, this condition not being observed in a single case in young teeth ; but in adults 62-5 per cent, of teeth examined showed this overlap. These results are easily understood on considering the process of development. The formation of the cement proceeding after the enamel is fully laid down, the osteoblasts continuing to deposit cement add somewhat to the thickness of the tissue at the neck of the tooth, and an overlap is easily comprehended, and would be only found in adult teeth. The conditions 3 and 4 exist according to this investiga- tion in exactly similar proportions in adult teeth. In some few cases a large overlap of cement with numerous lacunae is seen, as shown in fig. 182. This is probably a pathological condition, and is of rare occurrence, produced by an over- activity of the cells of the follicle wall, probably due to some chronic irritation of the tissues surrounding the tooth ; but it is to be noticed that this deposit of cement takes place outside the Nasmyth's membrane, which has been clearly proved to be of an epithelial nature and derived from the ectodermic enamel organ. The basis substance or matrix of the cement appears almost structureless or very faintly granular, and its collagen foundation retains its form and structure after decalcifica- tion by acids. Like bone, cement has a lamellar structure and encloses lacunae and canaliculi, the lacunae enclosing a nucleated cell (an included osteoblast), whose processes CEMENT 289 are prolonged into the canaliculi (figs. 183-186). The lacu- rial cells are very clearly seen in specimens prepared by the Weil process, which have been previously stained with borax carmine. The lacunal cells in bone were first described by Virchow. They entirely fill the lacuna in the fresh state and send processes along the canaliculi. The lacunal cells in cement are identical in essential structure with those of bone, enclosing a large readily stained nucleus with one or two FIG. 182. Large overlap of cement, human molar. d. Dentine ; e. enamel ; c. cement. ( x 50. ) nucleoli. In several instances the lacuna with its contained cell and processes has been isolated from the bone, the walls of the space having resisted the decalcifying acid, as the Neumann's sheaths do in dentine; and fig. 183, from Schafer's Microscopic Anatomy, shows such a separated lacuna with its contained cell and processes. As this author says, ' It can scarcely be doubted that the protoplasm of the nucleated corpuscle takes an important share in the nutritive process in bone, and very probably serves both to modify the nutritive fluid supplied from the blood and to further its distribution through the lacunar and canali- MUMMERY 290 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH cular system of the bony tissue' (7). These remarks will apply with equal force to cement. It is claimed by Walkhoff and by Hope well Smith (4) that normal cement does not contain lacunae, but while these are rarely found in the thin layer at and near the neck of the tooth, there seems little doubt they are abundantly present in that of the root, and in the development of the cement at the growing root tip they are distinctly seen becoming included in the forming tissue. It would appear that if all cement containing lacunae is to be looked upon as pathological, there would be very few teeth that could be said to possess normal cement. In fig. 190 lacunae are seen in the thin layer on the outside of the root where FIG. 183. Bone cell isolated (Schafer after Joseph), a. Proper wall of lacuna shown at a part where the corpuscle has shrunk away from it ; c. cell ; n. nucleus. the deposition of this tissue has apparently been quite normal. The cement at the neck of the tooth is clear and translucent, and seldom shows any trace of lamination ; but in the root portion of the tissue the lamellae are very con- spicuous, and represent lines of incremental growth as in bone. The processes of the lacunal cells communicate with one another and with the fine terminations of the dentinal tubes in the granular layer of the dentine. They thus, where present, form a chain of communication of protoplasmic material between the periodontal membrane and the pulp, as is clearly shown in figs. 184-186 from a tooth of a marsupial, and in a human molar in fig. 187. Those who deny the existence of lacunae in normal cement would not admit that such intercommunication exists. As in bone, the perforating fibres of Sharpey are seen to CEMENT 291 FIG. 184. Tooth of Bettongia, showing communication of dentinal fibrils with periodontal membrane. ( x 250.) FIG. 185. Lacunal cells within the lacunas of cement (Bettongia), showing communication of dentinal fibrils with canaliculi. The lacunal cell is seen to occupy the whole lacuna. Two nucleoli are seen within the dark-stained nucleus. ( x 350.) U 2 292 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH enter the substance of the cement from the periodontal membrane and penetrate it in more or less parallel lines. These fibres are prolongations of the connective-tissue bundles, and serve to attach the membrane to the tooth. It is undecided if they are calcined or not. In caries of cement the micro-organisms penetrate along the lines of these fibres exactly as they do along the canals of the dentine, which would lead us to suppose that they are not FIG. 186. Similar preparation to fig. 185. ( x 350.) so fully impregnated with lime salts as the surrounding matrix. Haversian canals are said to be occasionally seen in the cement of human teeth, but are of rare occurrence, and when present are generally found in the thick portion between the roots of the molars. The lamellae are arranged concentrically to the canal, as in bone. Vascular canals are also occasionally seen, which do not exhibit the structure of Haversian canals, but simply appear as channels or perforations in the sub- stance of the tissue. In the specimen figured (fig. 192) there were numerous canals in the dentine of the root, and each of these is seen to be surrounded by a layer of cement containing lacunae. CEMENT 293 The cement appears to be in contact with the granular layer of the dentine (fig. 184), but a clear layer often, but not always, intervenes. It is sometimes described as a structureless layer of dentine, sometimes as cement. In figs. 184, 185, and 186, the granular layer is seen in immediate contact with the cement, and the fine terminal branches of the dentinal tubules are continuous with the canaliculi. This condition is also seen in many of the Y Fia. 187. Communication of dentinal tubes with cells of granular layer and with canaliculi of the cement, c. Cement ; d. dentine ; g. granular layer. (Human molar. ) ( x 150.) author's preparations of human teeth. The majority of the canaliculi are directed towards the outer surface (figs. 187, 188, and 189. Many appearances suggest that the outer layer consists of the first-formed cement, but it is very difficult to speak with any certainty on the point (see figs. 186 and 190). The lacunae and their canaliculi are scattered or arranged in rows ; they are much more irregular in form than the lacunae of bone, and often have a tufted appearance, and the canaliculi are frequently seen in the roots of teeth extending across several lamellae and of great length. In irregularly deposited cement some of the lacunae have no apparent canaliculi ; these are the bodies which Hope well 294 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH Smith calls abrachiate lacunae. The incremental lines in cement follow the contour of the root and form the laminse in thick cement ; they are, as in bone, the indica- tion of the incremental deposit of the calcined tissue, and have been known as ' the incremental lines of Salter '. Development of Cement. In the cement of human teeth, which is confined to the roots, the process of ossification is exactly similar to that of bone in membrane. In ungulates and animals possessing coronal cement, a cement organ has FIG. 188. Feathery canaliculi in cement in root of human molar. ( x 150.) been described by Robin and Magitot (6). They say : ' The coronary cement is produced by the mode of ossifica- tion, called ossification by substitution, or by the ossification of preceding cartilage of the same form, for which is sub- stituted a corresponding osseous layer.' The details of the process of ossification given by these authors do not, how- ever, exactly correspond to those of the ossification of bone in cartilage generally accepted. They describe the invasion of the fibre-cartilaginous basis substance by points or spots of ossification which form small plates produced into pro- longations or trabeculee which arise from their periphery, CEMENT 295 FIG. 189. Similar to fig. 188. Laminae of the cement (human). ( x 150.) d FIG. 190. Dentine cement and bone in situ. Lacunae are visible in the cement, b. Bone; c. cement ; p. periodontal membrane ; d. dentine. (x80.) 296 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH the vessels having completely disappeared from the cartilage in the region of ossification. The subsequent removal of this first-formed bone and the re-deposit of bony matter in the interior of the cartilage are however, not described by them in considering this mode of calcification of the cement. In the radicular cement of human teeth, where the process is similar to that seen in membrane bones, the connective tissue of the follicle with its rich vascular supply invests the forming root ; but a layer of epithelial cells, extending from the epithelial elements in the coronary portion of the follicle, and known as the sheath of Hertwig, extends downwards along the margin of the dentine as far as it is formed, and as described on p. 320 is the form- determining organ of the dentine as first shown by Von Brunn (2) . The dentine is laid down beneath this epithelial sheath, which always intervenes between it and the con- nective tissue of the periodontal membrane during the active, growth of the root. Where no cement has begun to form, as can be seen at the tip of the forming root, the epithelial layer is in contact with the dentine. As soon as the development of the cement commences, bundles of connective tissue and osteoblasts in every respect similar to those of bone pass between the epithelial cells of the sheath .from the surrounding connective tissue of the follicle, separating the epithelial masses composing the sheath from one another, and the fibrous bundles become firmly attached to the dentine. The osteoblasts can be seen in sections to occupy little spaces or divisions between the connective- tissue bundles, and as in bone, some of them become included within the forming tissue, and remain as the lacunal cells of the finished cement (figs. 191 and 193). As was first pointed out by Kolliker, the calcareous sub- stance is deposited in little flakes or plates which afterwards coalesce (fig. 194). The connective-tissue bundles become incorporated in the forming cement, and form the Sharpey's fibres as in bone (fig. 193, &c.). The osteoblasts are probably modified connective-tissue cells, but they are considered by some authorities to be leucocytes derived from the circulating blood ; they are very abundant and lie in the first-deposited cement CEMENT 297 FIG. 191. Cement and periodontal membrane in an adult tooth g. Granular layer of dentine ; c. cement with Sharpey's fibres ; p. perio- dontal membrane and osteoblasts. ( x 700.) FIG. 192. Vascular canals in dentine surrounded by cement. Root of human molar tooth. ( x 150.) 298 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH between the little flakes above described, their processes passing between them. These are the more faintly stained cells seen between the flakes in fig. 194. Schafer (Microscopic Anatomy) says : ' Osteoblasts are probably specially modified connective-tissue corpuscles, perhaps of the nature of plasma cells ; but after being included in the lacunae they may undoubtedly be regarded as homologous with the lamellar cells of connective tissue. d FIG. 193. The penetrating fibres of Sharpey in forming cement, osteo- blasts lying between them. s. Remains of Hertwig's epithelial sheath ; d. dentine ; c. cement. ( x 450.) It is not probable that they are produced from leucocytes, as suggested by Kassander ' (5). Calcification. Two different views have been held as to the mode of calcification in bone and cement, one being that the osteoblasts are actually converted into bony substance, the other that they secrete the calcifying material. A similar controversy has been held over the mode of deposition of enamel and dentine, but the view more generally held with regard to the process occurring in bone is in harmony with that chiefly received in reference to the other tissues of the tooth, that it is formed by the secretion of a material which calcifies and not by an actual conversion CEMENT 299 of the cell substance into bone. This view was upheld by Gegenbaur and Kolliker, while Waldeyer (9) and others maintain that there is a ' direct conversion of the protoplasm of some of the osteoblasts into bony tissue '. Schafer, in supporting the secretion theory, points out that there is no indication of cell areas in the formed tissue, and no half- calcified osteoblasts are to be seen. As is seen in fig. 191, which shows the penetrating fibres in the cement in a Weil preparation from a tooth freshly FIG. 194. Forming cement showing that it is deposited in flakes. The faintly stained cells between the flakes are the osteoblasts. ( x 450.) fixed in sublimate, the Sharpey's fibres appear as channels in the substance of the tissue communicating with the exterior and in close contact on the inner side with the granular layer of the dentine. If these run, as they appear to do, in actual channels in the cement, they may serve as a means of communication between the fibrils of the dentine and the periodontal membrane, and in the absence of lacunae with their canaliculi, may serve to keep up this communication. In caries in the cement the micro- organisms penetrate the tissue along the lines of these fibres exactly as they do the tubes of the dentine. Absorption. Absorption occurs in the temporary teeth as a normal physiological process, and is the agency by which 300 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH the deciduous teeth are removed to make room for their permanent successors. In the permanent teeth the process is chiefly a pathological one, although the moulding of the forming roots appears to be by an alternation of absorption and deposition as in the formation of bone. In the temporary teeth, absorption commences in the cement, but not necessarily at the nearest point to the erupting permanent tooth, and is not due to pressure from beneath. The cement and dentine show semilunar indenta- FIG. 195. Absorption of temporary tooth. Weil process. (x!50. ) tions, the lacunae or foveolse of Howship, and if the tooth is not previously shed, absorption will proceed to the excavation of the enamel (figs. 195 and 196). These excavations are occupied by large multinucleated cells, the osteoclasts, which are the active agents in absorp- tion both in bone and teeth. By what means they produce this result is not determined. It is considered probable that they secrete an acid which has a solvent effect upon the lime salts, but this has never been definitely proved. It has also been suggested that they cause absorption by the protrusion of amoebiform processes into the hard tissues, but the view more generally held is that they secrete some CEMENT 301 solvent agent, probably of an acid nature. The osteoclasts are usually multinucleated or giant cells, and vary very much in size and in the number of their nuclei. It is con- sidered by many that both osteoclasts and osteoblasts are modified connective-tissue cells and are interchangeable, osteoblasts becoming converted into osteoclasts and vice versa. Another view of their origin is that they result from the fusion of leucocytes, but the former is the view more generally held. Hope well Smith states, speaking of the FIG. 196. Absorption of a temporary tooth. Ho wahip's lacunae and osteoblasts. Weil process. Stained carmine. ( x 250. ) absorption of permanent teeth, that osteoclasts do not exist ' in the innermost zone of the root membrane ' ; he denies the presence of osteoclasts in the absorption of the dentine and cement of permanent teeth, and also considers that true Howship's lacunae are not found on the tooth side of the membrane (4). It is, however, very evident in many instances that Howship's lacunae and osteoclasts are present in both dentine and cement which is undergoing absorption (fig. 197), and they show no recognizable difference to those seen in absorbing bone or temporary teeth. Cement being but a modified form of bone, it is reason- 302 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH able to expect that the same process of absorption accom- plished by the same agents would be found in the teeth. Osteoclasts have been shown to be present in the absorption of the dentine of implanted teeth, by Wilkinson, and were also present within the lacunae of Howship in the absorption of the implanted tooth in a dog, in Scheff s implantation experiment. In the roots of teeth which have been the subjects of slight pathological changes, alternations of absorption and FIG. 197. Absorption of dentine in permanent molar. Howship's lacunae and osteoblasts. Weil process. (x!50. ) deposition are seen to have taken place, the semilunar excavations in both bone and dentine being occupied by a deposit of cement, sometimes containing ordinary branched lacunae and canaliculi and sometimes small lacunae destitute of processes. In an abscessed tooth large portions of the root are often seen to be excavated and absorbed by the osteoclasts (fig. 198). As previously stated, both in the bone and in the per- manent teeth alternations of absorption and deposition are seen, in the permanent teeth generally as the result of pathological conditions, but in the formation of the roots of permanent teeth this alternation can often be detected. CEMENT 303 A moulding or shaping process appears to take place, the osteoblasts apparently laying down more tissue than is eventually required and the osteoclasts removing the super- fluous material. This double action of the formative cells of the cement can be well seen in fig. 216, where osteo- blasts are laying down the tissue, and large giant cells are absorbing it on their inner side. Many authorities, especially the French histologists, deny the existence of a distinct absorbent organ, and look upon FIG. 198. Absorption of dentine and re-deposit of cemental tissue. Weil process. (x!50.) the absorption of the temporary teeth as a physiological process of rarefying osteitis, in which absorption and deposi- tion alternate. This view is held by Redier, Malassez, and Galippe, and was embodied in a paper contributed to the International Dental Congress of 1910 by J. Choquet, who came to the same conclusion from his own researches (3). As Professor Sims Woodhead states (10), * Rarefying osteitis must be looked upon as a process rather than a distinct disease ' ; and again on p. 477 : 'In rarefying osteitis there is increased absorption of bone accompanied by a corre- sponding new formation.' That such a process does occur in temporary teeth is 304 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH evidenced by the fact that alternations of removal and deposition of tissue are often seen in these teeth during the process of absorption, and this is also evident in the absorp- tion of the roots of permanent teeth. As previously stated, osteoblasts and osteoclasts appear to be interchangeable, the same cells sometimes performing one function, some- times another ; the multinucleated osteoclasts being simply modified osteoblasts. In a recent paper (8) Dr. Eugene Talbot says : ' When once the absorption of cementum has occurred, it is rarely if ever reproduced.' The tissue which fills up the absorbed areas in many teeth which have undergone chronic absorp- tion certainly appears to be an irregular deposit of cement, which in many of the author's specimens is laminated. Black also says : ' These absorptions ... are afterwards repaired by the deposits of cementum, and the lamellae of cementum subsequently la-id down are seen to pass over them without any material disturbance.' (1). One would imagine that in the very recent absorptions produced in Talbot's experiments on dogs sufficient time had not been allowed for the process of re -deposition to take place. REFERENCES 1. Black, G. V. The Periosteum and Peridental Membrane. 2. v. Brunn, A. See references to Chapter VIII. 3. Choquet, J. (a) ' Notes sur les rapports anatomiques entre I'Email et le Cement.' UOdontologie, Feb. 1899. (6) ' fitudes sur la resorption des racines des dents temporaires,' &c. Trans. Fifth Int. Dent. Congress, Berlin, 1910. 4. Hopewell Smith, A. Normal and Pathological Histology of the Teeth, 1919, p. 84. 5. Kassander. Anat. Anzeig., 18, 1900. 6. Robin et Magitot. Genese et developpement des follicules dentaires.' Journ. de I 'Anat. et de la Physiol., vol. iv, 1861. 7. Schafer, E. A. Microscopic Anatomy, 1912, p. 148. 8. Talbot, Eugene. ' Bone Absorption around the Roots of Teeth.' Dental Cosmos, May 1919. 9. Waldeyer. Archiv f. Milcr. Anat., i. 1865. 10. Woodhead, G. Sims. Practical Pathology, Edin., 1892, p. 474. CHAPTER VII THE PERIODONTAL MEMBRANE THE periodontal membrane, alveolodental periosteum or pericementum, surrounds the implanted part of the tooth in man, intervening between the cement of the root and the bone of the alveolus. It is derived from the connective tissue of the tooth-sac or outer portion of the follicle, and consists of connective-tissue fibres and cells with nerves and blood-vessels, but no elastic tissue. It is held by Malassez (2) that the term alveolodental periosteum commonly employed in describing this membrane is ' as false from the physiological point of view as from the anatomical '. He considers it shows none of the charac- teristics of an enveloping membrane, but solid fibrous fasciculi, which he considers form a kind of circular ligament. He further says : * Reviewing the evidence of comparative anatomy, we see that in many animals the teeth are not enclosed in alveoli, but they are seen to be simply included in the mucous membrane of the gum, but are also attached to the maxilla by solid ligament ous fasciculi, the analogue of the so-called alveolodental periosteum.' Ranvier l also stated that ' there exists between the tooth and its alveolus no separable membrane such as is present around the long bones ', and looks upon the alveolar cavity as ' nothing but an enlarged medullary space, communicating with neighbouring spaces '. The white fibrous connective-tissue bundles, of which this membrane is chiefly composed, pass from tooth to bone in a more or less transverse direction, and they become blended with the tissue of the gum at the neck of the tooth. These bundles are attached to the cement by strong fibrous bands which pass into its substance (figs. 191, 193, and 199) as Sharpey's fibres, and they penetrate the bone of the alveolus in a similar manner. The direction of the connective-tissue strands or bundles varies considerably in different parts. 1 Ranvier, Unpublished Lectures at the College of France. 306 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH Near the end of the root they are chiefly oblique, passing upwards and outwards to their attachment to the bone, but are crossed by bundles of fibres passing in the opposite direction and interlacing with them. It is thus seen that there is no separate membrane connected with the tooth and another with the alveolus, but its fibres are continuous from one side to the other, although they are coarser on the outer side of the membrane and finer on the side of the cement ; but there is no distinct arrangement in layers, FIG. 199. Periodontal membrane showing oblique direction of fibres and their intercrossing. ( x 450.) the finer fibres passing insensibly into the coarser ones. The oblique direction of the fibres and their intercrossing with others passing in an opposite direction are well shown in fig. 199. The general arrangement of the fibres is such as to swing or suspend the tooth within the socket and allow of a certain amount of movement, preventing undue pressure on the nerves and blood-vessels of the alveolus. Blood-vessels are abundant in the periodontal membrane midway between the bone and the tooth, and numerous capillaries are seen near the cement, and it is richly supplied with nerves. THE PERIODONTAL MEMBRANE 307 Both the blood-vessels and nerves of the membrane are chiefly derived from the main trunks which are supplied to the tooth-pulp. The final terminations of the neurofibrils bordering the cement have not hitherto been satisfactorily demon- strated. Dr. Black says that after destruction of the nerves enter- ing the apical foramen, such as occurs in alveolar abscess, the membrane still remains sensitive, and considers ' it follows, therefore, that the nerves entering the membrane through the walls of the alveolus are sufficient for the maintenance of the sensory functions '. Black describes nerve bundles entering the wall of the alveolus by way of the Haversian canals, but he does not actually demonstrate any such nerve supply, and although nerve fibres enter the bone in company with the arteries we do not think it has ever been shown that they have any distribution without the bone, but are supplied to the coats of the arteries. The same author in his work on the Periosteum and Peridental Membrane devotes a chapter to the description of lymphatics in the membrane, but there can, we think, be little doubt that the structures which he describes as lymphatics, and which he compares to the Peyer's patches of the small intestine, are not glands but the epithelial remains of the sheath of Hertwig, present in all teeth. The remains of the epithelial sheath are seen as isolated collections of epithelial cells lying in a more or less complete row at a little distance from the cement. The continuous sheath which extends downwards during the formation of the root becomes cut up by the invading fibrous bundles, and in many places disappears ; but where the membrane is not very dense, remains as rounded or elongated collections of cells which have a strong resem- blance to glandular tissue. The limiting membrane which Black describes appears to be the result of the union of the cell walls of contiguous cells, and is very marked in the network of epithelial cells forming the sheath of Hertwig beneath the forming roots of the teeth, as described on another page. Fusiform connective-tissue cells are everywhere present X 2 308 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH between and among the fibrous elements of the membrane, and the osteoblasts, probably derived from them, are in contact with the bone and the cement. Calcified bodies are often found in the peripdontal membrane, the so-called ' epithelial pearls ', which appear to be due to calcification in the cell nests or epithelial remnants (fig. 200). Large multinucleated cells, the osteoclasts, are often seen in the situation where absorption of the cement is in progress. Under the influence of these different cells, FIG. 200. A so-called epithelial pearl in the periodontal membrane, c. Cement ; d. dentine. ( x 150.) absorption and re-deposition of cement is often seen to be taking place at the surface of the tissue as above described. The periodontal membrane is derived from the connec- tive tissue of the capsule, which, as described in the chapter on development, extends around the dentine papilla ; the connective-tissue fibres which it contains penetrate the cement which is deposited around them, and they thus become involved in the calcified tissue, as are the penetrating fibres of Sharpey in bone, with which they are strictly analogous. As in bone, it is doubtful if they are fully calcified, and the occurrence of caries in the cement where the micro- THE PERIODONTAL MEMBRANE 309 organisms pass along the course of the Sharpey's fibres suggests that they are not calcified, the organisms penetrating channels in the cement occupied by the fibres exactly as they do the tubes of the dentine. It can be easily understood from its mode of development that the blood-vessels and nerves which are supplied to that portion of the papilla which afterwards becomes the dental pulp are common to both pulp and membrane, some branches passing to the pulp, others to the membrane. It is evident that the principal vascular supply comes from the large vessels at the apex of the root, but these also form com- munications with the vessels of the gum and alveolus. The rich supply of both blood-vessels and nerves to the membrane would fully account for its great sensibility in inflammatory conditions. If lymphatics are present, as must be expected, in the periodontal membrane, it is not at present known whether they form a perivascular network or exist as distinct lymphatic vessels, but there is, we think, every evidence that the lymphatic system described by Black is in reality the sheath of Hertwig, the remarkable resemblance of these regularly arranged cells to a tubular system easily lending itself to such an interpretation. The Gum The gum is the name given to that portion of the mucous membrane of the mouth which surrounds the teeth. It is continuous with, and identical in structure with, the mucous membrane of the rest of the oral cavity, but is slightly denser and is blended with the periosteum of the alveolar bone and with the periodontal membrane. The microscopic structure is characteristic of all mucous membranes. The surface layer is made up of flattened epithelial cells, beneath which, as in the epidermis, are found the stratum corneum, stratum lucidum, stratum granulosum, and the cylindrical cells of the Malpighian layer. The flattened epithelial cells of the external layer are continually being shed from the surface, and their characteristic forms are seen in all preparations of the fluids of the mouth along with the mouth bacteria shown in all 310 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH cover-glass preparations. The gum tissue is firmly bound down to the bone beneath, its firm fibrous tissue being blended with that of the periosteum, with which it is con- tinuous. Numerous large papillae, single or compound, cover its surface, and involved in the gum tissue near its outer margin cell nests or more or less open spaces (epithelial coils) are found, probably the bodies which were considered by Serres to be glands. The structure and probable function of these bodies will be considered in treating of the tooth follicle and its connexions, but there is little doubt they are derived from the epithelial cells of the dental lamina or tooth-band. The gum is very poorly supplied with nerves, as its well- known lack of sensibility would indicate, but it has an abundant vascular supply. Simple mucous glands are abundantly found in the gum tissue. REFERENCES 1. Black, G. V. Periosteum and Peridental Membrane, chap. x. 2. Malassez, L. ' Sur 1'existence d'amas epitheliaux autour de la racine des dents,' etc., with appendix on the so-called Alveolar Periosteum. Archives de PhysioL, 1885, Ser. 3, vol. v, pp. 129-48. CHAPTER VIII THE TOOTH FOLLICLE AND ITS CONNEXIONS IN the present chapter it is proposed to consider the histology of the permanent tooth follicle and the sheath of Hertwig, which is intimately connected with it. The Follicle. As shown in Chapter I, the tooth is enclosed in a sac within the bony crypt of the jaw. This sac is com- posed chiefly of connective tissue derived from the outer layer of the mesodermic dentine papilla, and surrounds the whole tooth, including the enamel germ. This extension of the papilla is generally described as an upgrowth from its margins, which is continued until it meets over the con- tained tooth germ, thus completely enclosing it. Whether, however, such upgrowth really -occurs is somewhat doubtful, and Tomes considers it is more probable that the tissue in which the dentine organ is formed has become ' more pronounced ', that the follicle is in fact formed by a con- densation of the connective tissue in the neighbourhood of the tooth germ. The bony crypt of the temporary" teeth does not com- pletely surround the tooth, but is open at the top, and is more comparable to a deep groove than a closed crypt. The follicle can be easily separated from the bony crypt and from its attachment to the tissue of the gum, and removed as a separate sac, the mucous membrane of the gum remaining undisturbed, as explained in the chapter on Development, p. 11. The dental follicle of the temporary teeth has been very fully described by Magitot (8) in collaboration with Robin and with Legros, (6) and the epithelial elements were first fully investigated by these authors and by Malassez, the latter having specially studied the remnants of the tooth-band in connexion with the occurrence of epithelial tumours in the depth of the jaws. Malassez (7) showed that independently of the epithelial process, which develops into the enamel organ, the tooth-band 312 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH produces other buds, and that there is a growth or pro- liferation of these buds within the follicle. He divides these epithelial products into three principal groups, including those found in the connective tissue of the capsule between the follicle and the surface : 1. A superficial group attached to the deep surface of the epithelium of the gum. 2. An intermediary group situated between the mucous membrane and the follicle. 3. A deep group connected with the enamel organ. Under the first group he includes products composed of cells of the Malpighian type and other club-like collections and strands of cells which have a cylindrical form. In this layer are found the epithelial bodies spoken of by the French authors as ' globes epidermiques '. These have been further studied by Warwick James in a paper on the eruption of the teeth (5), who gives them the more descriptive term of ' epithelial coils '. These coils appear to originate from the club -like cell accumulations which bear a strong resemblance to the cell nests in epithelioma, and can be seen in various stages of transition in the epithelial coils. In the later condition of the epithelial coil it is difficult to trace in its structure any indication of the epithelial cells, and it has more the appearance of being made up of concentric layers of a delicate connective tissue, but the stages of development shown in figs. 202, 203, 204, make its epithelial nature quite evident. These epithelial coils open out more and more until at last, near the surface of the gum, the concentric striae have disappeared, and they merely remain a's wide spaces in the connective tissue and open on the gum surface. Warwick James considers they take an important part in the eruption of the temporary teeth, causing the tissues to give way and open out to form a channel for the erupting tooth. A similar function is assigned by Malassez to the epithelial strands found in the gubernaculum of the permanent teeth (see p. 21). It is probably these bodies in the gum which Serres described as glands. The intermediary group is situated between the mucous TOOTH FOLLICLE AND ITS CONNEXIONS 313 membrane and the dental follicle, and the cellular masses are seen to form a kind of band or irregular network (see FIG 201. Elongated mass of epithelial cells in follicle. ( x 350.) FIG. 202. Cell nest in follicle. Early stages of epithelial coil. ( x 350.) fig. 201) ; these strands communicate with the prolongations of the mucous membrane, and also with cells deeper placed 314 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH and within the follicle. Epithelial coils are sometimes present among the cells of this group. The third group of epithelial products, which is found within the follicle itself, is chiefly derived from the enamel organ and the buds which separate from it, but is also in connexion with the cells of the intermediary group. It was shown both by Robin and Magitot and by Malassez, that the external epithelium of the enamel organ does not form a continuous investment, but in many places shows FIG. 203. Epithelial coil. (x!50.) openings or intervals penetrated by blood-vessels, which thus come to lie upon the outer cells of the stellate reticulum and in direct contact with them. The external epithelium is also seen to give off conspicuous buds from its outer surface (fig. 205). It is thus seen that the epithelial cells present in the follicle of the temporary tooth and in the tissue which intervenes between this and the mucous membrane of the gum are abundant, and, far from degenerating, are proliferating in this situation. The broad band of epithelium which forms the neck of the enamel organ, derived from the tooth-band, becomes broken up as previously described (Chap. I), and the con- TOOTH FOLLICLE AND ITS CONNEXIONS 315 FIG. 204. Epithelial coil (globe epidermique). (x 150.) to FIG. 205. Budding of the external epithelium (human tooth), s. Stellate reticulum ; e external epithelium ; b. blood-vessels. (Photograph from a preparation by Mr. W. James.) ( x 150.) 316 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH necting bridges with the neighbouring teeth and with the tooth-band become broken up, separated, and partially absorbed ; but in many places these cells do not disappear but proliferate within the connective tissue, and are found in the different forms described by Malassez and Magitot. Malassez described these cell proliferations in connexion with the formation of tumours in the gum and periodontal membrane, and did not fully recognize their true histological and physiological significance ; but he was the first to show that not only in the coronal part of the follicle but in the periodontal membrane surrounding the root of the tooth such epithelial remains are found. As will be shown later, the epithelial masses in the periodontal membrane are also derived from the cells of the upper part of the follicle, and although seen in fully formed teeth only as separated groups of cells, are really the remains of a continuous epithelial layer known as the sheath of Hertwig, as was first pointed out by Von Brunn. The follicle of the permanent teeth just prior to eruption does not appear to have been hitherto very fully described, chiefly owing to the difficulty of obtaining suitable material for the investigation. As Warwick James says : ' Previous investigations into the histology of these remains have been almost entirely restricted to foetal tissues ; after birth they have been considered chiefly from the standpoint of patho- logy ; ' and he further says : ' The authors ' (referred to above) ' seem to imply that the primary connexion with the epithelial tooth-band is lost, and that a secondary connexion is established between the buds of the epithelium which extend throughout the follicle.' Warwick James considers that ' the proliferation and formation of buds indicates a continuous growth, which continues with variable activity until the eruption of the teeth takes place '. This process certainly appears to occur in the follicle of the permanent teeth, although Legros and Magitot state that ' all end by being absorbed and disappearing ', and other authors, pro- bably referring to this statement, have concluded that nothing remains in the follicle prior to eruption but con- nective tissue and tiny masses of epithelium, the so-called glands of Serres. PLATE V, Molar tooth in the follicle semi -diagrammatic, c. Connective tissue of the capsule ; e. position of enamel ; d. dentine ; cm. cementum ; h. Hertwig's sheath ; ft. continuation of Hertwig's sheath ; //-. inflections of Hertwig's sheath around the forming roots ; . partially detached layers of cells forming Nasmyth's membrane ; eo. termination of enamel organ at neck of tooth ; z. odontogenic zone ; p. pulp ; o. odontoblasts. (The epithelial elements are coloured red. x 8.) To face p. 316. TOOTH FOLLICLE AND ITS CONNEXIONS 317 It is clearly seen in the author's preparations of the permanent tooth follicle that, far from this being the case, the epithelium at this late stage is present in great abun- dance, and Warwick James's conclusion with regard to the temporary teeth is no doubt also true as regards the per- manent, that ' the epithelium is produced continuously up to the period of eruption ', and that while some cells are proliferating, others are degenerating, those immediately over the enamel organ appearing to be undergoing degenera- tive changes, while those in the centre of the follicle would seem to be in a normal, active condition. There are probably some differences in the arrange- ment of the epithelial tissue within the follicle of the permanent teeth, as they are more completely enclosed within the bony crypt than are the temporary teeth, and thus further cut off from the oral epithelium and its extensions. The author had an excellent opportunity of studying the histology of the follicle of the permanent tooth in a specimen kindly given to him by his friend Mr. Dolamore. This, a lower second molar entirely enclosed in the follicle and freshly preserved in formol, enabled him to procure a series of sections by the freezing method, including the whole width of the tooth, and the connexion of the follicle with the tooth at the neck was fortunately maintained, the enclosed area representing the calcified enamel (which had been decalcified in formic acid). These preparations of the follicle are represented by the drawing on Plate V, which, though semi-diagrammatic, accurately shows the relations and connexions of the tissues as seen in the sections. Apart from the epithelial cells, two rather remarkable appearances are met with in the follicle. Calcified masses of irregular shape are seen in the centre (fig. 206). These are within the connective tissue and not in contact with epithelium. The calcification encloses small rounded or fusiform cells which do not resemble osteoblasts, but appear to be the unaltered connective-tissue cells of the surrounding tissue. These small masses are exactly similar in structure to the calcified bodies in the centre of the pulp in many teeth (see fig. 153). They do not appear to show the structure of 318 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH cement, and are always well separated from the inner epithelial layers. The other noticeable appearance is the presence of a fenestrated membrane-like expansion which is seen only opposite the sulcus between the cusps of the molar tooth (fig. 207). It is difficult to decide what this membrane repre- sents ; if it forms a portion of the inner layer of Nasmyth's membrane it is difficult to account for its fenestrated nature, as the clear layer in preparations of the membrane is never FIG. 206, Calcified masses within the follicle at its centre. ( x 50.) fenestrated but entire. The openings in the membrane are of very unequal sizes, and the whole structure appears to be of a stouter and tougher nature than the thin fenestrated membrane which can be raised from the enamel surface, especially in marsupials. At the point of junction with the tooth, the follicle is narrow and composed of strong connective tissue. Epithelial cells are present in this narrow part of the follicle, and can be traced upwards to its coronal portion, where they are in great abundance, and can be seen in all stages of growth and degeneration. It is noticeable that the epithelial masses appear to have TOOTH FOLLICLE AND ITS CONNEXIONS 319 no connexion with the connecting band or bridges ; they appear to form, as Warwick James suggests they do in the tem- porary tooth follicle, a secondary system established by the anastomosis of the buds, and in the permanent tooth follicle they are apparently cut off from connexion with the oral epithelium. Figs. 208, 209, 210 show the broad masses of epithelium at the inner margin of the follicle, the positions of which are indicated in the diagram. FIG. 207. Fenestrated membrane at the centre of the follicle margin at the point where a prolongation of the cells passes between the enamel cusps. ( x 750.) It is seen that while some of these cells, especially those in contact with the enamel organ, are flattened and arranged in many layers, deeper in, a network of epithelial cells is present which show no apparent signs of degeneration. In fig. 209 it can be seen that rounded cell accumulations are present, resembling cell nests, and in many places show multiple nuclei. They are apparently undergoing amitotic division in this situation, and it has been shown that this form of cell division in which the nucleus divides with or without the division of the cell body is generally found in stratified epithelia when undergoing degenerative changes such as keratinization. 1 In this case there is no division of the cell body but merely of the nucleus, and in many cells 1 Schafer, E. A., Microscopic Anatomy, p. 96. 320 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH the author has been able to detect as many as eight nuclei in an individual cell, as shown in the description of Nasmyth's membrane. The most striking point in these preparations is the great abundance of epithelium, and this in a stage when the enamel is completed and the tooth about to erupt ; they also show that Nasmyth's membrane is attached at this stage to the inner margin of the follicle, although in most places its connexion is very slight and it is easily detached. FIG. 208. Mass of epithelium at inner margin of follicle. Some portions of last-formed enamel still attached. ( x 150.) This point is further considered in describing Nasmyth's membrane. The Sheath of Hertwig. Although it was long ago shown that an epithelial investment of the whole tooth is found in mammalian teeth, the real importance and significance of this discovery has scarcely been sufficiently recognized. Not only is the enamel laid down by epithelial cells, but the growing dentine, although a mesodermic product, is also under the influence of an epithelial organ, the ' sheath of Hertwig ', and, as will presently be shown, it would appear that the conclusion of Von Brunn that where there is ' no TOOTH FOLLICLE AND ITS CONNEXIONS 321 epithelial sheath there are no odontoblasts and no dentine formation ' is probably correct, and is also true for the teeth of man, and it is demonstrated that the forming tooth FIG. 209. Epithelium at inner margin of follicle. Cell nests and multiple nuclei. ( x 150.) FIG. 210. Inner margin of follicle. Flattened epithelial cells at lateral margin. ( x 150.) 322 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH is surrounded by an investing open-meshed network of epithelium which extends from the upper or coronal part of the follicle, enveloping the forming roots on their outer aspect. It was shown by O. Hertwig (4) that in certain amphibia the teeth are more or less surrounded by an epithelial sheath or investment, and Von Brunn (2), carrying the investigation farther, showed that in many mammalian orders such an epithelial sheath exists ; in fact in all the specimens examined, which included those of Rodents, Ungulates, and Carnivora. He concluded, from his observations, that the epithelial sheath which surrounds the roots of the forming teeth really determines the deposition and limits of the dentine, and as it were moulds the dentine of the roots, confining it within certain limits and preventing its extension into the surround- ing connective tissue. He says that where there is no Hertwig's sheath there are no odontoblasts and no dentine, that it is in fact the moulding or determining organ of the dentine of the root. He was unable to find this sheath in human teeth, and although its presence in Mammalia seemed to indicate that it must be present also in man, the material at his disposal did not show it. The preparations of human teeth made by Professor Von Ebner also failed to reveal it, but both he and Von Brunn concluded that it must be present, and would be seen if suitable preparations could be made (3). It was considered by Von Brunn, in common with all those who have described this sheath in Mammalia, that it was produced by a downward growth of the inner and outer layers of the enamel organ, the function of which, they considered, was not only the formation of enamel but also that of determining the limitation of the growth of the dentine. The author's preparations of the follicle and tooth in position above described would appear to show, however, that on this point the previously mentioned authorities were mistaken. It is seen that the enamel organ is not prolonged beyond the point where the follicle is attached to the tooth at its neck, but that the enamel organ terminates where the enamel terminates. This is seen not only in all the sections TOOTH FOLLICLE AND ITS CONNEXIONS 323 from this one specimen but in several other less perfect preparations of the follicle procured, and an investigation of a Rodent developing tooth for comparison confirms the conclusion arrived at. In the mouse, which was one of the animals examined by Von Brunn, it is seen that the enamel organ terminates at the point of junction of the follicle with the tooth, and is clearly not continued downwards on to the roots (fig. 211). P FIG. 211. Developing tooth of Mouse, a. Termination of enamel organ at the point where the enamel terminates : the space occupied by the enamel, of which some portions have escaped complete decalcification, is contracted by disturbance of the section in cutting ; d. dentine ; p. pulp. (x400.) It would appear that the great difficulty of obtaining sections showing the attachment of the follicle with dis- tinctness has led to this misinterpretation of the conditions. Especially in the tooth germs of the lower animals with their irregular crowns it is very difficult to be sure of the exact relations of the follicle to the tooth, but in the simpler teeth of man it is very clearly visible in complete longi- tudinal sections. Y 2 324 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH We thus see that the sheath of Hertwig is not a downward extension of the cells of the enamel organ, and we have to look elsewhere for its origin. In figs. 212 and 213 the strand of cells composing the sheath can be seen passing to the outside of the enamel at the point of junction of the follicle with the tooth, and the termination of the cell layers of the enamel organ is distinctly e.o FIG. 212. The junction of the follicle with the tooth at the neck. e.o. Enamel oigan ; h. Her twig's sheath passing to the outer side of enamel organ ; o. osteoblasts and thin layer of cement ; d. dentine. ( x 150.) visible. It is seen that the sheath of Hertwig has no connexion whatever at this point with the enamel organ, but is com- pletely shut off from it within the connective tissue of the follicle. The strands of epithelial cells of which the sheath is com- ' posed pass to the coronal part of the follicle, and appear to be derived from the cell elements which are there present in such abundance. While these cell extensions are plainly seen at the neck of the tooth passing to the outer side of the terminal portion of the enamel organ, they cannot be traced very far into the TOOTH FOLLICLE AND ITS CONNEXIONS 325 tissues of the follicle above, as these tissues are very much narrowed just above the line of junction (see fig. 210 and Plate V) with the tooth, and the nests of epithelial cells are much compressed and obscured by the dense bands of con- nective tissue ; also it must be remembered that in the upper part of the follicle these epithelial cells have ceased their functional activity and are probably undergoing absorp- tion, while lower down, around the root, they are active and e.o FIG. 213. Junction of follicle and tooth under higher magnification from a similar preparation, h. Hert wig's sheath ; e.o. enamel organ ; c. cement ; d. dentine. ( x 400. ) fully developed during the formation of the dentine and cement of the growing root. With regard to the actual sources of these cells, they are probably derived from proliferations of the tooth-band within the follicle, and possibly also from the buddings or proliferations of the external epithelium of the enamel organ with which the epithelial cells of the follicle form con- nexions. See fig. 205. In young teeth with forming roots., the sheath of Hertwig is seen passing down the side of the root parallel to its surface but not in contact with it, and is a more or less 326 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OP THE TEETH continuous band, often arranged as a distinct network, so that the tooth at this stage is enclosed in an epithelial net with open meshes. The sheath is continued to the forming root tip, and as it nears this point it approaches more closely to the dentine ; the network arrangement is not seen, but two distinct layers of epithelial cells in close contact, which at the tip of the root lie upon the dentine and turn round it to extend into the connective tissue of the forming pulp in a long curling band, the termination of this band bc-ing FIG. 214. Hertwig's sheath surrounding forming root. Eoot about half formed. The sheath is seen to be in contact with the dentine at the lower end (h 2 ) ; the osteoblasts and depositing cement are seen to the inner side of h l ; h 3 . the curling band of Hertwig's sheath separating the pulp (p) from the connective tissue of the follicle. ( x 150.) formed by the reflection of the two layers of cells, which form a close loop. A similar loop is continued from the opposite side of the root tip, but these two loops do not meet, but leave a space between them occupied by the developing pulp with its entering nerves and blood-vessels. It can be seen in figs. 214, 215, and 216 that the odontoblasts and the form- ing dentine are completely cut off from the surrounding connective tissue of the follicle by this epithelial band. An examination of the forming root at different stages of growth shows that this epithelial inflection in man gradually shortens FIG. 215. Root tip at later stage. Shortening of the epithelial sheath. o. Osteoblasts ; h 1 . Hertwig's sheath ; h 2 . Hertwig's sheath in contact with the dentine ; d. dentine ; p. pulp, (x 150.) FIG. 216. Root tip at still later stage. Involution of Hertwig's sheath much shortened, o. Osteoblasts and osteoclasts in forming cement ; h 1 . Hertwig's sheath in contact with dentine ; h 2 . termination of sheath in pulp (p.). (x!50.) 328 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH as the development of the root progresses, until when the apical foramen is completely formed it only just reaches the tip of the root (fig. 217). h~ FIG. 217. From a specimen in which the root was nearly completed. The epithelial band (h.) only just turns round the root tip and does not enter the pulp. h. Hertwig's sheath. FTG. 218. Hertwig's sheath (s.) around root of molar. ( x 50.) There is thus every evidence that in man also the epithelial sheath is the determining or moulding organ of the dentine of the root, as claimed for the lower Mammalia by Von Brunn. Between the roots of a molar tooth not only is the sheath seen in the neighbourhood of the dentine, but a band of TOOTH FOLLICLE AND ITS CONNEXIONS 329 a i$>1i FIG. 219. Epithelial sheath beneath root in nearly completed tooth. Network of epithelial cells. ( x 250. ) FIG. 220. Bands of epithelial cells of Hertwig's sheath beneath root of growing tooth. ( x 250.) epithelium passes directly across beneath the two root tips. In this interval between the roots the sheath is often seen to form a very dense network, and scattered epithelial 330 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH cells are also found in the neighbouring connective tissue (fig- 218). The network in this situation is well shown in fig. 219, and fig. 220 shows parallel strands of epithelium at a farther distance from the root end. In one instance a large mass of epithelium resembling the accumulations in the coronal part of the follicle was seen within the connective tissue below the roots. The larger strands forming the network often appear to have a limiting h os FIG. 221. The breaking up of the network of Hertwig's sheath by in- vading connective-tissue fibres of periodontal membrane, os. Osteoblasts and forming cement ; h. remains of Hertwig's sheath. ( x 250. ) membrane as if they were enclosed in a tube. This appear- ance, however, is probably due to union of the cell walls of contiguous cells. If the sheath is traced upwards from the root tip it is seen to become less and less a continuous band, being cut up and separated into isolated groups of cells by the invad- ing connective-tissue bundles of the periodontal membrane, which pass between them to become attached to the forming cement as Sharpey's penetrating fibres ; these with the osteoblasts lie to the inner side of the sheath and continue the formation of the cement (fig. 221). Many of these TOOTH FOLLICLE AND ITS CONNEXIONS 331 isolated groups of epithelial cells disappear, but in most adult teeth a few can be seen in the periodontal membrane at the side of the tooth, and in many cases they are met with in great abundance. Summary It has thus been shown that the enamel organ proper is not continued downwards to form the Hertwig's sheath, that the enamel organ terminates at the point of termination of the enamel, and that the sheath is a prolongation of other epithelial cells in the follicle which lie to its outer side. It is shown that in man, as in other Mammalia, there is every evidence that it moulds and determines the dentine of the root, and is always present where dentine is laid down. As it is shown that the sheath is not the continuation of the enamel organ, it may be considered that two separate epithelial organs are formed from the tooth-band and the cells derived from it the enamel organ, which is especially differentiated to form enamel, and the epithelial sheath, which is the form- determining organ of the dentine. The enamel which covers the exposed part of the tooth is an epithelial product derived from the ectoderm ; the dentine and cement are products of the mesoderm ; but the whole tooth is surrounded at different stages of its growth by an ectodermic structure, the sheath of Hertwig. It can, therefore, consistently be maintained that the for- mation of the whole tooth depends upon the proliferation of the ectodermic epithelial elements. The two structures would have a common origin, but while one presides over the formation of the enamel, the other is developed for the determination and limitation of the growth of the dentine, and as the enamel organ atrophies when the enamel is completed, and only persists as the cornified cells of Nasmyth's membrane, so the epithelial sheath becomes absorbed after the complete deposition of the dentine, and only a few epithelial cells remain as the epithelial debris of Malassez. It has been stated by several authors, especially by C. S. Tomes (9), that in the Edentata an enamel organ is present, although no enamel is formed, and in a paper published in 1876 he showed the presence of enamel organs 332 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH to be universal and quite independent of any after-formation of enamel. The question arises as the result of the observa- tions above recorded, if this epithelial organ in the Edentates can be properly called the 'enamel organ '. It is an arrangement of epithelial cells which no doubt bears a strong resemblance to an enamel organ, but the function of these cells is not that of enamel production ; and as it has been shown that in all Mammalia examined and in some other Vertebrates (by Hertwig) that an epithelial sheath is present, we should conclude that it cannot be absent in the Edentates, and is in them also the dentine limiting organ, probably having no relation to the formation of enamel either as a functional or vestigial characteristic. A paper on the enamel organ of the Edentates was published by Ballowitz in 1892 (1). REFERENCES 1. Ballowitz, E. ' Das Schmelzorgan des Edentaten, seine Ausbildung im Embryo und die Persistenz seines Keimrandes bei dem erwachsenen Thiere.' Archivf. Mikr. Anat., 1892, Bd. xl, pp. 133-57. 2. v. Brunn, A. (a) ' Ueber die Ausdehnung des Schmelzorganes in seiner Bedeutung fiir die Zahnbildung.' Archiv f. Mikr. Anat., 1887, Bd. xxix, pp. 367-83. (fe) ' Beitrag zur Kermtniss der Zahnentwickelung.' Archivf. Mikr. Anat., 1891, Bd. xxxviii, pp. 142-56. 3. v. Ebner, V. Handbuch der Zahnheilkunde, Wien, 1890, pp. 252-4. 4. Hertwig, O. ' Ueber das Zahnsystem der Amphibien und seine Bedeu- tung fiir die Genese des Skeletts der Mundhohle.' Archivf. Mikr. Anat., Bd. xi, Suppl., 1874. 5. James, W. W. 'A Preliminary Note on the Eruption of the Teeth.' Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., 1909. 6. Legros et Magitot. ' Origine et formation des follicules dentaires chez les Mammiferes.' Journ. de V Anat. et de la Physiol., vol. iv, 1873. 7. Malassez, L. ' Sur le role des debris epitheliaux paradentaires.' Archives de Physiol, Paris, 1885, 3 e ser., v. 309-40, and .vi. 379- 449. 8. Robin et Magitot. ' Genese et developpement des follicules dentaires. ' Journ. de Physiol., vol. iv, 1861. 9. Tomes, C. S. ' On the Development of the Teeth of the Newt, Slow- worm, Frog, and Green Lizard.' Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., 1876, vol. clxv, pt. i, pp. 285-96. CHAPTER IX NASMYTH'S MEMBRANE NASMYTH'S membrane, or the enamel cuticle, is a very delicate membrane which can be detached from the surface of the enamel by the action of acids, but which is not other- wise visible to the naked eye. The nature of this acid-resisting membrane was for a long time a matter of controversy. It was called by Nasmyth the persistent dental capsule, but this designation does not suitably describe its anatomical relations, as it has been conclusively shown to be in its principal part an epithelial product, and the connective tissue of the capsule appears to have no part whatever in its formation. 1 The view that Nasmyth's membrane consisted of cement was held by Professor Owen, who says, speaking of human teeth (5), the cement ' is thinnest upon the crown, and very gradually increases in thickness as it approaches the end of the fang ; it is only on the implanted part of the tooth that the radiated cells which demonstrate the close analogy between cement and bone exist ; elsewhere the clear basis of the cement alone is present, and this is soon worn away from the enamel of the crown '. It was also considered by Sir John Tomes (9), and afterwards in the earlier editions of the Dental Anatomy by C. S. Tomes, that this membrane represented a thin layer of cement (10) corresponding to the layer of cement covering the enamel in Ungulates. The chief argument in favour of this view brought forward by these authors was that encapsuled lacunae occurred in the fissures of enamel in many instances, the very great overlapping of the enamel by the cement which is occasionally, but rarely seen in human teeth, and which would appear to be of a pathological nature, lending further evidence in support of this view. Professor Huxley (3) considered that Nasmyth's 1 A paper on ' The Presence of the Sheath of Hertwig in the Teeth of Man, with Notes on the Follicle and Nasmyth's Membrane ', was com- municated to the Royal Society by the author in 1918. 334 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH membrane was the ' membrana preformativa ' between the enamel organ and the forming enamel, and Lent (4) in 1853 was of the same opinion. Nasmyth was the first to show that a membrane could be raised from the surface of formed enamel which had not been exposed to wear. Kolliker held that the membrane was a final product of the enamel cells, while Waldeyer considered it was derived from the external epithelium of the enamel organ. The true histology of the membrane had, however, never been demon- strated until Dr. Paul published his researches (6). He sepa- rated the membrane from the tooth by immersing it in acids, employing in his first experiments 5 per cent, nitric acid, and stripped it from the enamel, staining with silver nitrate or with eosin, but later found he obtained better results by decalcifying in phloroglucin and staining in Ehrlich's hsematoxylin. These preparations demonstrated that Nasmyth's mem- brane consists of two distinct layers an inner clear layer in immediate contact with the enamel, and lying upon this a layer or layers of epithelial cells which from their position must have been derived from the enamel organ. In former observations on this membrane it had been considered that the polygonal markings observed upon the clear layer of the membrane were the impressions of the enamel prisms, but Dr. Paul points out that these markings are very many times larger than those caused by the enamel prisms, which can also be seen in the clear layer. It can be seen, as shown in fig. 222, that the epithelial cells are distinctly visible upon the upper surface of the membrane, while the impressions of the enamel prisms from beneath are also visible, and are seen in this figure in the same field of the microscope as the cells and their impres- sions. It needs no measurement to show the great dis- proportion of size between the two sets of markings. The preparations from which these photographs were taken were made by the author from specimens prepared by a slightly different method from that employed by Dr. Paul. The membrane was floated off from the tooth in formic acid, the detached fragments being well washed and stained with Weigert's iron hsematoxylin. NASMYTH'S MEMBRANE 335 There are certain appearances in many of these specimens not described by Dr. Paul in his original papers, and very difficult to explain on the assumption that the epithelial cells are those of the external epithelium of the enamel organ only, as they have previously been considered to be. These appearances can be, we think, clearly accounted for if Nasmyth's membrane is viewed in connexion with the follicle and studied in longitudinal section. The clear layer is in direct contact with the enamel, and, FIG. 222. Nasmyth's membrane, floated off the enamel in acid. Cellular and clear layers. Clear layer showing impressions of enamel prisms. (x250.) as stated above, was considered by Kolliker to be a final product of the enamel cells, although he apparently did not recognize the double nature of the membrane. Whether this be so or not it is difficult to say, but in the longitudinal sections a clear layer is often seen on the under side of the detached enamel organ cells, and refractile particles of enamel which have escaped complete decalcifica- tion are attached to it. This might suggest that the clear pellicle represents a membrane corresponding to the ' mem- brana pref ormativa ' of Huxley or the internal ameloblastic membrane of Leon Williams. 336 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH It can be seen in fig. 223 that the outlines of the epithelial cells are impressed upon the clear layer in areas where the cells themselves are absent, and are distinctly visible on the upper surface of the clear membrane, while the impressions of the enamel prisms from beneath are seen at the margins. These impressions of the prisms are very distinct, and in many parts are arranged in parallel lines or striae. There seems no doubt that the impressions so arranged indicate the structure of the enamel surface which produces them, ; 1 FIG 223. Nasmyth's membrane allowing impressions of cells of cellular layer on clear layer, c. Epithelial cells ; i. impressions of cells on clear layer. (x250.) showing that the enamel is not smooth, but is arranged in a series of ridges apparently produced by the outcrop of the enamel prisms (fig. 224). The impressions would appear to be produced by the incremental lines of Pickerill, which he considers with several other authors to give rise to the appearance of the striae of Ketzius in enamel. That such imbrication lines are present in enamel is clearly shown by this moulding of the inner membrane upon them. In some specimens, where the clear layer is seen alone, having entirely separated from the cellular layer, this stratification is very marked. It was shown by Pickerill NASMYTH'S MEMBRANE 337 that these imbrication lines are constantly present in the enamel of healthy teeth, and he drew attention to the fact that specimens of Nasmyth's membrane stained with silver nitrate show a distinct striation which he considered corre- sponds to the furrows between each imbrication line. In fig. 224 the impressions of the individual prisms are clearly visible along these lines, which evidently in this case represent the summits of the ridges. The Cellular Layers. In some parts of the floated pre- parations a single layer only of epithelial cells is seen, but Fro. 224. Floated preparation of Nasmyth's membrane showing impressions of enamel prisms in parallel lines. ( x 250.) in most places there are two or many layers. The cells vary considerably in size, so much so that an average measure- ment will not give any clear idea of their dimensions. They are mostly polygonal in outline, separated from one another by a distinct interval, as in epithelia elsewhere, and these channels are crossed by bridges or processes. These processes are in many cases very strongly marked, and in some parts, at the margins, quite thick horny projections from the cell are seen. According to several authors, this strongly marked fibrillation of the cell is intimately associated with the condition of keratinization (Schafer). The cytoplasm of the cell body is clearly defined, and the 338 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH nuclei exhibit the ordinary nuclear structure with one or two strongly marked nucleoli. As stated in describing the follicle, amitotic division of the nucleus without division of the cell body is apparent in many of these cells in the floated preparations, corresponding to the same appearances in the cells of the follicle itself (fig. 225). It is interesting to note that according to several authorities, and as stated by Dahlgren and Kepner, ' In nearly all stratified epithelia, especially in the higher vertebrates, the nucleus divides by mitosis to increase the number of cells, but it changes to amitosis without a division of the cell body in the latter part of the cell's life. The probable object is FIG. 225. Amitotic division in the cells of Nasmyth's membrane. Floated preparation. Camera lucida drawing ( x 800.) to enlarge the nuclear surface for increased metabolism, the formation of keratin in this case ' (2). Wilson says (12), ' Those cells that divide amitotically are on the road to ruin/ and quotes Von Rath, who reached the conclusion that * when once a cell has undergone amitotic division it has received its death warrant it may indeed continue for a time to divide by amitosis, but inevitably perishes in the end '. Certain areas of the membrane show accumulations of cells arranged more or less concentrically, and apparently sur- rounded by a delicate limiting membrane (fig. 226). Dense concentric bodies are also seen in parts of the membrane form- ing definite cell nests (fig. 227) ; these are very opaque and stain badly, and apparently represent a late stage in the de- generation and keratinization of the cells. Cells arranged in NASMYTH'S MEMBRANE 339 FIG. 226. Cell accumulations in a floated preparation of Nasmyth's membrane, ( x 250. ) FIG. 227. Cell nest in Nasmyth's membrane. Floated preparation. (Compare with nest in follicle, fig. 202. ) ( x 250.) an extended series giving very much the appearance of tubes are also seen, and have every resemblance to similar cell extensions in the follicle. Scattered among the cells in these z 2 340 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH preparations are elongated crescentic or thread-like bodies, which appear to be degenerated nuclei as described by Romer in altered epithelial cells. In many parts of these preparations cells are seen which are quite different in appearance. They are elongated, with nuclei at their distal ends, and appear to be attached to the clear membrane by broad expansions ; they have, in fact, a strong resemblance to altered and shrivelled ameloblasts (figs. 228 and 229). Owing to the method of preparation this FIG. 228. Elongated cells in Xasmyth's membrane ( x 250.) elongation of the cells cannot be due to stretching, and when these specimens are compared with those of Nasmyth's mem- brane seen in longitudinal section (figs. 230, 231, and 232), it seems impossible to avoid the conclusion that these are cells of the inner epithelium of 'the enamel organ which have undergone keratinization. Passing to an examination of these longitudinal sections, it is seen that these appear to shed a new light on the nature and extent of the cells included in the membrane. There have been considerable differences of opinion with regard to the persistence of the external epithelium in the later stages of calcification, some authors, as Professor Underwood (11), stating that it becomes blended with the NASMYTH'S MEMBRANE 341 FIG. 229. Nasmyth's membrane. Elongated cells on membrane and impressions of enamel prisms on clear layer. ( x 250.) FIG. 230. Separation of the layers of the enamel organ from the follicle. ( x 250. ) capsule, others, as Legros and Magitot, asserting that the cells of the external epithelium of the enamel organ atrophy before the completion of the calcification of the enamel. 342 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH These preparations of the follicle show that both the external and internal epithelium persist up to the period immediately before eruption. The attachment to the cells of the follicle is very slight, and in most of the preparations large portions of Nasmyth's membrane are seen loose and lying across the section, being attached by one or both extremities to the follicle (see figs. 230, 231, and 232). As shown in figs. 231 and 232, the internal epithelium, the stratum intermedium, and flattened cells oi the external FIG. 231. The enamel organ cells on the inner margin of the follicle, showing commencing detachment. Farther along these layers are com- pletely separated. Longitudinal section. ( x 400. ) epithelium are all seen blended with the follicle, but showing a tendency to detach in places. In fig. 231 the whole of the enamel organ, with the exception of the stellate reticulum, which has long since disappeared, is seen becoming detached from the follicle. It is also seen in these figures that not only these cells but others deeper within the follicle here and there become detached with them. The attachment to the enamel is probably more complete than that to the follicle, but when the enamel has been decalcified without disturb- ance of the neighbouring tissues, as in this case, the attach- ment to the cells of the follicle is better maintained. NASMYTH'S MEMBRANE 343 This detachment of other cells than those constituting the enamel organ will account for the presence, in the floated preparations of the membrane, of the rounded cell masses and the cell nests above described, and we must consider that Nasmyth's membrane consists not only of the external epithelium, but also, and more evidently, of the two inner- most layers of the enamel organ, which have not disappeared on the eruption of the tooth but remain attached to the enamel. FIG. 232. Partial detachment of Nasmyth's membrane from follicle. Columnar cells, many vacuolated. ( x 250.) Summary In preparations of Nasmyth's membrane by separation from the surface of the enamel by acids, cells are seen which do not appear to have any connexion with the enamel organ, such as the rounded bodies and the cell nests. These preparations would appear to be explained by the longitudinal sections of the tooth in the follicle. It is seen that the attachment of the enamel organ with other altered and degenerated cells in contact with it is very slight, and these latter cells show a tendency to separate from the follicle with those of the enamel organ. It is evident that 344 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH far from the external epithelium of the enamel organ dis- appearing, it persists with the two inner epithelial layers, so that we cannot avoid the conclusion that the membrane consists of the altered cornified cells of the whole enamel organ with the exception of the stellate reticulum, and also includes other altered and degenerated cells of the follicle. The clear layer was considered by Kolliker to represent a continuous structureless layer formed by the enamel cells after their work is completed. Another view of its nature may be that it is a persisting ameloblastic membrane, which according to Leon Williams and many others is definitely to be seen between the ends of the ameloblasts and the forming enamel, and corresponds to one position of the ' membrana preformativa ' of Huxley. If the internal ameloblastic membrane had not previously disappeared, it would certainly come to occupy the position of the clear layer of Nasmyth's membrane over the com- pleted enamel, favouring the conclusions of Huxley and Leon Williams that enamel is calcified by the dialysis of lime salts through a membrane. As this dialysing membrane persists while the tooth remains within the follicle, the cells of Nasmyth's membrane would probably still be active and functional, as they are in contact with the blood-vessels of the capsule, and they thus may contribute to the final consolidation of the enamel, as the author has shown is in all probability the case, in the teeth of Sargus. It has been sug- gested that after the eruption of the tooth, when the cells are undergoing keratinization, the whole membrane may serve as a dialysing membrane separating the lime salts from the saliva. Pickerill, who adopts this view, says : ' The enamel, after the eruption of the tooth, is covered with a dead membrane, Nasmyth's membrane ; it is immersed in a fluid saliva, containing in solution lime salts and organic material (mucin and albumin), and it has been shown that fluids with solids in solution can pass into the outer layers of enamel ' (in experiments conducted by Pickerill on the permeability of enamel from without). ' It would seem therefore in every way probable that Nasmyth's membrane acts as an ordinary dialysing mem- brane, through which crystalloids pass, but colloids do not. NASMYTH'S MEMBRANE 345 Therefore, other things being equal, and so long as the lime salts, especially the calcium phosphate, remain in solution, they must tend to pass through the membrane and penetrate the enamel, and the mucin and albumin are kept back. No doubt the process is very slow and gradual, depending largely on the relative osmotic pressures on either side of the membrane, but it must undoubtedly take place ' (7). These considerations are, however, more or less of a speculative nature, and it is difficult to arrive at any definite conclusions with regard to the functions of Nasmyth's membrane ; still it would appear that, given a membrane separating a colloid from a crystalloid, diffusion must, by the laws of osmosis, take place through it. It has been considered by some that Nasmyth's membrane acts as a protective covering to the enamel, preserving it from the action of acids, but it is difficult to conclude how far this can be the case, for in healthy conditions any acid normally present in the mouth would not be likely to have any in- jurious effect upon the enamel, and we cannot consider that Nasmyth's membrane has been evolved for the protection of the teeth from a pathological process such as caries. So long as it is a continuous membrane it would no doubt serve the latter purpose, but when detached in places, would in all probability rather favour the process than otherwise, as bacteria would proliferate beneath the separated mem- brane, which would retain their acid products in contact with the enamel surface. In view of the direct evidence of the cellular nature of Nasmyth's membrane it is scarcely necessary to discuss at any length the earlier views of its origin. Although not the usual function of the follicle in its coronal portion to lay down cement in teeth the crowns of which are not normally covered with this tissue, it seems theoretically conceivable that a kind of attempt to do so might occasionally result in the deposition of a thin layer outside Nasmyth's membrane. It seems, however, highly improbable, and we cannot but think that, as has been suggested, the so-called encapsuled lacunae may be isolated cells of the enamel organ, especially as a thin layer of cement does not show lacunae in its 346 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH normal situation on the roots of teeth in man. The presence of the large cornified epithelial cells with projecting pro- cesses occasionally seen in preparations of the membrane, would lend support to this view. The calcined isolated bodies, above described, sometimes found in the follicle, are within the connective tissue and well separated from the bordering epithelial layers. They do not appear to have the characteristic structure of either bone or cement, and resemble the similar erratic calcification which sometimes occurs in the centre of the connective tissue of the pulp. In 1914 a series of papers was published at Milan by Dr. Arturo Beretta of Bologna (1) on the enamel cuticle. The author has not had an opportunity of seeing the original paper, but only a review which appeared in the Dental Cosmos (May 1915). This author concludes that Nasmyth's membrane results from the transformation of the amelo- blastic layer into the basal membrane (probably referring to the clear layer) and of the upper ameloblastic epithelia into areas of granular consistence, which may be called cuticular epithelial remnants. He would thus agree partially with Kolliker's view, so far as the inner transparent layer is concerned ; but it is difficult to understand what is meant by the areas of granular consistence, as preparations of the membrane show a definite layer or layers of cells. He says that the enamel cuticle remains throughout life, and with the advance of age increases in thickness. This statement is hardly in accordance with previous observations. Eruption of the Teeth The teeth, both of the temporary and the permanent set, are formed deeply in the tissues of the jaw, but soon after the crowns are fully formed take their positions on its upper margin, and the crowns of the teeth are fully exposed within the mouth. The exact method by which this erup- tion of the teeth is brought about has been a matter of much controversy. It seems quite evident that there are several factors concerned in the process, and no one theory NASMYTH'S MEMBRANE 347 that has been brought forward is sufficient in itself to account for the phenomenon. In a recent paper by Warwick James and A. T. Pitts, the authors consider that there are two chief factors con- cerned in eruption (16). (1) A process of advancement of the tooth in the tissues. (2) A process of denudation by absorption of the tissues overlying and surrounding the tooth. In the process of advancement they consider that the point of eruption is determined by the presence of the epithelial columns connecting the oral epithelium with that lining the tooth follicle. The advancement of the tooth is partly due to unequal rates of growth between the various tissues surrounding the tooth, and they consider that the elongation of the root plays some part in eruption. As pointed out by Tomes (17), the elongation of the root is alone quite inadequate to produce the effect. Teeth with stunted roots are frequently erupted, and a tooth with fully completed root may remain within the jaw and erupt late in life. He compares eruption in man with that in reptiles, showing that ' a force quite independent of increase in length shifts the position of and " erupts " successive teeth '. Messrs. James and Pitts compare the eruptive process to ' the opening of a book, the hinged portion being advanced, pari passu, with the separation of the pages of the volume, until it comes to occupy the same level as the free edges '. This implies the movement of the tooth, the cause of which still has to be accounted for ; for while the degeneration and absorption of the cells of the follicle and capsule, and especially the opening out of the epithelial coils (figs. 203 and 204) described on p. 312, would afford a path for the tooth to the surface, it must still be moved forward in this path to its final position in the jaw. Blood pressure was considered by Constant (13) to be the cause, of the movement of the tooth, the vascular tissues beneath the tooth serving as the propulsive force. It seems very probable that this is one of the factors in eruption, but not sufficient in itself to account for the whole process. 348 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH It was considered by A. Underwood that eruption may be caused by the movement of the soft parts surrounding the tooth, due to the growth and changes taking place in the periodontal membrane, and comparable to some extent with the movement of the mucous membrane carrying the teeth over the jaw in the Sharks (18). A somewhat similar explanation of the process of eruption is given by Thornton Carter. 1 He describes a slight amount of ossification of the margin of the cartilaginous jaw in the Dog-fish, and says: * The crust of bone, which is of a transitory nature, being constantly absorbed and deposited, is instru- mental in causing a progressive movement of the sliding membrane,' and further, * When a functional tooth is shed, absorption of the underlying bone takes place, and also absorption of the fibrous membrane at its outcrop. As a natural consequence of the absorption of the underlying bone and fibrous membrane there is a rapid proliferation of cells at the margin of the cartilage with formation of bony tissue over the same area. The newly formed bony tissue operates on the fibres of the sliding membrane, which is poor in cellular elements and ill-adapted for active growth, and causes the membrane to move upwards and bear with it the next successional tooth.' That the presence of this bony deposit, however, is not essential to the process appears to be indicated by the fact that it is not always found in Elasmobranchs. The section of the edge of the jaw of Lamna at the Natural History Museum does not show the presence of any bone, and no bone is figured in Rldewood's drawing of the eruption of the teeth in Carcharias in the Cambridge Natural History. Carter's conclusions regarding eruption of the teeth in man are as follows : ' Thus we may conclude that in man the cause of eruption, or at least an active factor in producing eruption, is to be found in the disproportionate growth occurring in the tissues forming the tooth and the tissues surrounding the tooth.' It seems impossible to deny that there is a forward move- ment of the tooth in eruption, which is probably due to 1 Colyer's Dental Surgery and Pathology, 1919. NASMYTH'S MEMBRANE 349 many causes, such as the elongation of the roots, the growth of the bone of the jaw, the development of the periodontal membrane, and the blood pressure in the vascular tissues around and beneath it. This advancement of the tooth is therefore probably due to several concomitant forces, and is one factor in eruption, the other being the absorption and opening out of the tissues overlying the tooth. Warwick James, in a previous paper (15), showed very clearly how such a path is prepared by the opening out of the overlying tissues of the capsule as the tooth erupts. He showed that the globes epidermiques or epithelial coils, as he prefers to call them, which are due to degenerative changes in the epithelial elements of the capsule, form very wide spaces within the connective tissue over the tooth ; that these increase in size until they appear as mere openings in the connective tissue, all trace of their epithelial structure being lost, and they eventually open out upon the surface ; but this opening out takes place not by the advance of these bodies, but by a separation or rarefaction of the tissue of the capsule, which is gradually withdrawn on either side of the erupting crown, yielding in the first place at the situation of the epithelial coils. The changes which take place in the epithelium of the follicle and the formation of the epithelial coils have been more fully considered in treating of the follicle (p. 311). Guido Fischer (14), in his paper on the eruption of the teeth, described the union of the outer and inner layers of the enamel organs into one continuous epithelial layer which just previous to eruption becomes blended with the epithe- lium of the mouth. These observations were made on the erupting teeth of the cat, and the illustrations to the paper show this epithelial layer blended with the surface epithelium on either side of the opening through which the erupting tooth is advancing. It is difficult to reconcile this description with what is seen in the sections of the human follicle just before eruption, described in Chapter VIII, for Fischer's figures do not show the detachment of any layer or layers of cells to form Nasmyth's membrane, and one would be more inclined to 350 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH look upon this epithelial layer which he describes as con- sisting of the cells of the deeper part of the follicle. Nasmyth's membrane not being shown would suggest the probability that the separating layers forming this membrane, as shown in figs. 230 and 231, &c., have become completely detached and lost in the preparations figured in the paper. In several of the author's sections this has occurred, and would be probably still more likely to happen with paraffin sections treated with alcohol. In this case, as suggested, it is the deeper epithelial cells of the follicle which are connected with the surface epithelium and not the cells of the enamel organ. As it is considered by Fischer that the outer and inner layers of the enamel organ become united and blended with the surface epithelium, he cannot apparently agree with the views of Von Brunn and Ballowitz that these layers are continued downwards as the sheath of Hertwig, and in fact, in his figures, the sheath of Hertwig is shown as discon- tinuous at the neck of the tooth and is neither a prolongation of the cells of the enamel organ nor of the deeper epithelial cells of the follicle. Teeth do not always erupt in a vertical direction as in man, where the new tooth appears immediately beneath that which is being shed. In osseous fish the successional teeth usually appear at the sides of the tooth in use, but in Sargus both the molars and incisors erupt directly beneath the tooth which is shed, and in the pharyngeal teeth of Labrus the same mode of succession is seen. In the Sharks new teeth come into use in successive rows, being carried forward by the movement of the mucous membrane over the rounded cartilaginous jaws. Some teeth never erupt, but remain embedded in the jaws, as in the female Narwhal, and many instances are recorded in man where teeth have never erupted or have appeared long after the normal period of eruption. Although we have some knowledge of the phenomena accompanying the process, the actual conditions necessary and the forces which govern the process of the eruption of the teeth are still but very imperfectly understood. NASMYTH'S MEMBRANE 351 REFERENCES 1. Beretta, A. ' The Enamel Cuticle Histological and Histogenetic Researches.' La Stomatologia, Milan, No. 9, 1914. 2. Dahlgren and Kepner, W. A. A Text-book of the Principles of Animal Histology, 1908. 3. Huxley, T. H. ' On the Development of the Teeth and on the Nature and Import of Nasmyth's Persistent Capsule.' Quar. Journ. Micr. Sci., No. 3, 1853. 4. v. Lent, E. ' Ueber die Entwicklung des Zahnbeins und des Schmelzes.' Zeitsch.fur wissenschaft. Zoologie, Sechster Bd., p. 121, 1885. 5. Owen, R. Odontography, p. 466. 6. Paul, F. T. ' The Enamel Organ.' Dental Record, 1896, vol. xvi, pp. 493-8. 7. Picked]], H. P. Prevention of Dental Caries, 2nd ed., pp. 135-6. 8. Schafer, E. A. ' Text-book of Microscopic Anatomy.' Quairts Anat., vol. ii, pt. i, 1912, p. 96. 9. Tomes, J. A System of Dental Surgery, 1st ed., 1859, pp. 266-72. 10. Tomes, C. S. Dental Anatomy, 7th ed., p. 122. 11. Underwood, A. Aids to Dental Anatomy and Physiology, 3rd ed., p. 24. 12. Wilson, E. B. The Cell in Development and Inheritance. New York, 1896, p. 82-4. 13. Constant, T. E. ' The Eruption of the Teeth.' Troisieme Congres Dentaire Intern., Paris, 1900, vol. ii, pp. 180-92. 14. Fischer, G. ' Beitrage zum Durchbruch der bleibenden Zahne u. zur Resorption des Milchgebisses.' Anatomische Hefte, 1. Abtheilung, 116. Heft (38. Bd., H. 3), Wiesbaden, 1909. 15. James, W. ' A Preliminary Note on the Eruption of the Teeth.' Proc. Eoy. Soc. of Med., 1909 (Odontological Section). 16. James, W. W., and Pitts, A. T. ' Some Notes of the Dates of Eruption in 4,850 Children under 12.' Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. (Odontological Section), vol. v, No. 5, pp. 80-101. 17. Tomes, C. S. Dental Anatomy, 7th ed., pp. 238-9. 18. Underwood, A. Aids to Dental Anatomy and Physiology, 3rd ed., p. 86. CHAPTER X THE ATTACHMENT OF TEETH WHILE the general study of the attachment of teeth may be better considered in works on dental anatomy, the microscopic structure of the teeth and bone and their con- necting tissues concerned in the different modes of attach- ment render it necessary to dwell somewhat on the different methods by which the union of the teeth with the jaws is brought about. Our knowledge of the forms of attachment, especially in fish, is chiefly due to C. S. Tomes, who was the first to describe the existence of a special bone of attachment in reptiles and fish. The various modes of attachment of teeth may be classified as follows : 1. Fibrous attachment. 2. Attachment by an elastic hinge. 3. Anchylosis. 4. Socketing or gomphosis. (1) Attachment by Fibrous Membrane. This form is seen in the Sharks and Rays. The class Plagiostomi, to which these forms belong, is characterized by a cartilaginous skeleton. The teeth of the Sharks have no direct attachment to the jaw, but are attached to the mucous membrane by strong fibrous bands which envelop the spurs or processes at the base of the tooth and firmly bind it down to the tough fibrous mem- brane covering the jaws. A sliding movement of this fibrous mucous membrane takes place over the jaws as the teeth come into use, the membrane with its attached rows of teeth rolling, as it were, over the rounded margin of the jaw and thus bringing the functional rows of teeth successively into an upright position. As the movement progresses the teeth of the front row are cast off, or shed, and the next row of teeth take their place. That this forward movement of the whole fibrous mem- THE ATTACHMENT OF TEETH 353 brane, carrying the teeth with it, really occurs, was clearly shown by the well-known specimen figured and described by Professor Owen (2). In this case the jaw of a shark (Galeus) was penetrated by the spine of a Sting-ray. The spine entered the jaw in the region of the developing teeth and the scar extended from this position to the front row of the teeth in use, which showed a malformation, the result of arrested development in the region of the injury. This could not have occurred unless the whole of the mucous membrane had been carried forward, sliding over the jaw beneath (fig. 233). m ---c FIG. 233. Part of the lower jaw of a Shark (Galeus) pierced by the barbed caudal spine (s.) of a Sting-ray (Trygon), showing the effect of the wound of the dental matrix on the teeth, which have advanced in their revolving course over the jaw. m. Mucous membrane ; c. cartilaginous jaw ; a. in- jured calcified teeth. Various modifications of the method of attachment by fibrous membrane are seen in fishes. In some the attach- ment admits of a very slight amount of rocking movement, and transitional forms between this and true hinging are met with in great abundance. As seen in the Eel (fig. 234), the teeth are situated on little pedicles of bone, the bone of attachment, first described by C. S. Tomes. This bone of attachment corresponds to the alveolus of a socketed tooth ; it is developed for the attachment of the tooth, and is removed or absorbed when the tooth is shed. It has not the regular microscopic structure of the bone 354 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH of the jaw, with which it is continuous. Both in its lamina- tion and in the irregular lacunae and other spaces which it exhibits it has a coarser appearance than the bone beneath. It is well developed in the teeth of Ophidia. The fusion of the teeth with the bone of attachment is often so complete that it is difficult to distinguish tooth from bone, especially in osteodentine teeth. (2) Attachment by an Elastic Hinge. A simple form of FIG. 234. Teeth of Eel showing union to bone of attachment, and enamel tips. (Photographed from a specimen lent to the author by Sir Charles Tomes. ) e. Enamel tips ; 6. bone of attachment. attachment by a hinge allowing of movement of the tooth upon the bone of attachment is seen in the Echineis, the sucking fish of the Shark, which attaches itself by a sucker on the b?,ck of the head to the skin of the Shark, and although also capable of free movement, obtains most of its nourish- ment from the Crustacea and other organisms found in the slimy substance on the shark's skin. The sucker allows of free movement of the fish in a for- ward direction, but it cannot be detached backwards by any force applied from the front. Each tooth is attached to a special bone of attachment, but is not anchylosed to it ; THE ATTACHMENT OF TEETH 355 it slides freely upon the bone, and exhibits a modified form of hinge. The summit of this pedestal of bone is in the form of a convex ring, slightly raised on one side, resembling the socket of a ball-and-socket joint with the centre cut out, leaving an elevated ring of bone. The base of the tooth is accurately adapted to this surface, and slides easily upon it, forming the convex side of the joint ; the opening for the passage of the tissues of the pulp is large, to allow of the FIG. 235. Hinged tooth from lower jaw of Echineis squalipeta. e. Enamel tip ; a. part of capsule ; b. capsule containing fibres forming hinge ; c. bone of attachment. movements of the tooth taking place without injury to the nerves and blood-vessels. A capsular ligament surrounds the whole, giving a still greater likeness to a ball-and-socket joint (fig. 235). The capsule is strengthened anteriorly and posteriorly by a fibrous band, there being a distinct depression on the bone and also on the tooth, for the attachment of these fibres. It will be seen that this arrangement would allow of a sliding movement of the tooth on the bone of attachment in every direction, but the ring of bone being slightly more elevated on the anterior aspect, the motion is limited in this direction more than in the opposite, and the tooth can be bent over much more in the direction of its point than in any other direction. The strong elastic ligament ous band being stretched, no doubt serves to draw the tooth into A a 2 356 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH position again. The amount of bending down of which these teeth are capable is not very great when compared with such complete forms of hinging as those of the Hake and the Pike, but when the minute teeth are examined under a hand lens and pushed inwards with a needle, they are seen to be considerably depressed and to recover their position immediately upon removal of the pressure, while owing to the shape of the bony pedestal they resist pressure in the opposite direction. The amount of movement is quite sufficient, associated with the strong inward curve of the tooth, to make escape very difficult or impossible for any small creatures captured as prey, which would meet with no obstruction in passing over the crowns of the teeth in entering the mouth. We have thus, in Echineis, a stage in the transition from the fixed teeth of the Shark to true hinged teeth, for here there are elastic ligamentous bands in addition to the capsule seen in the Eel, directing the motion of the tooth chiefly in a particular direction, and the shape of the opposed sur- faces, above described, would appear to be of especial value in giving to this form of hinge as free a movement as possible. For a further description of the teeth of Echineis, the reader may be referred to the author's original paper (1). Hake. From the foregoing description it is easier to comprehend the structure of the more perfectly hinged teeth of the Hake (Merluccius). In this fish the outer row of teeth are anchylosed to the jaw (fig. 236), but the inner row are hinged, and the hinging is of a very complete nature, the tooth being able to be bent inwards to an angle of about 45 and to recover its position with a snap. In fig. 237, which is a photograph of a ground section of the hinged tooth of the Hake, and in Plate VI the tooth is seen in its partially depressed position. The front portion of the tooth is thickened at its base, and when returned to its place, this thickened portion is received on an elevated pad or buttress of bone. In this preparation it was noticed that the tooth was also attached to the inner margin of the bony pedestal. In the published figures of the hinged teeth of the Hake PLATE VI. Hinged tooth of the Hake (Merluccius) from a longitudinal section taken to one side of the middle line. b. Bone of attachment ; /. uncalcified portion of posterior hinge ; a. anterior hinge ; s. stiffened elastic part of posterior hinge ; d. insertion of calcified tooth into posterior hinge ; e. triangular space occupied by interlacing elastic (?) fibres ; i. insertion of outer portion of posterior hinge into bone of attachment (b). (Drawn by the author from a specimen stained with Mann's methyl -eosin.) x 50. B. Diagrammatic representation of bone of attachment viewed from above, the tooth being removed, h. The two halves of the anterior hinge coloured red ; /. pedestal of bone ; r. opposite pulp cavity ; ph. the red dotted line represents the attachment of the posterior hinge ; b. foramen for passage of blood vessels to pulp. To face p. 356. THE ATTACHMENT OF TEETH 357 b- FIG. 236. Anchylosed tooth of Hake (Mcrluccius). t. Tooth; b. bone of attachment. (x50.) e FIG. 237. Hinged tooth of Hake (Merluccius). Ground section to one side of middle line. p. Thickened base of tooth ; a. anterior hinge ; b. bone of attachment forming raised pedestal ; e. triangular space ; /. fibrous part of posterior hinge. ( x 30.) 358 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH this band is not shown, and this observation led the author to examine these hinged teeth in fresh specimens and in decalcified serial sections in order to make clear the mean- ing of this appearance in the ground section. A fresh specimen of this fish of unusually large size was examined, and it was found that a probe could be passed through to the pulp at the centre, but met with resistance to the right and left of this position, showing that the tooth lies free upon the bone only in the middle line of the pedestal. Teeth were decalcified and examined in a series of sections from one side of the tooth to the other. These preparations showed that there is a band of fibrous tissue attached to the tooth and bone on either side of the central opening. On dividing the anterior bands in the fresh tooth, the tooth resumed its position when depressed almost as well as when these bands were entire, but it was unsteady on the pedestal, and easily displaced laterally. Division of the posterior hinge entirely prevented the return of the tooth to the up- right position. The function of this anterior hinge would thus appear to be the increase of the resiliency of the whole structure and the prevention of lateral displace- ment. In the figure in Tomes's Dental Anatomy, the section, presumably a ground one, had been taken through the centre of the longitudinal axis, and the anterior hinge con- sequently is not shown. In Plate VI B a diagrammatic draw- ing of the bone of attachment is shown, the tooth having been removed. The upper part of this diagram represents the elevated pad of bone or pedestal, and it is seen that the pulp cavity is prolonged forward, forming a semicircular hollow at the posterior margin of the pedestal. The two bands which make up the anterior hinge reach from each side only as far as this depression. The ridge of bone at r is at a considerably lower level than the pedestal, and the larger posterior hinge is attached to it, encircling the posterior half of the tooth and bone. The structure of the posterior or principal hinge is shown in fig. 238, photographed from a decalcified section. The outer border of the dentine on the inner side of the tooth is con- tinued downwards to its attachment to the bone, as is well shown at k in fig. 238 and in Plate VI. This portion of the THE ATTACHMENT OF TEETH 359 dentine is not calcified, but appears to be somewhat of the con- sistence of whalebone, although as a mesoblastic product having no other analogy with it ; acids have no effect upon it. It contains no vascular canals, and at its upper portion at/ in this figure is continuous with the dentine at the inner margin of the pulp cavity, and in this portion a few scattered vascular canals are seen, but it terminates at e, where the fibres of the fibrous band d are inserted into it. These fibres again FIG. 238. Section of decalcified tooth of Hake (Merluccius) taken to one side of middle line, showing anterior hinge on one side (a.) stained with Mann's methyl eosin. e. Triangular space ; d. insertion of calcified tooth into fibrous portion of posterior hinge ; s. stiffened elastic part of posterior hinge ; i. junction of fibrous part with s. ; b. bone of attachment ; k. in- sertion of posterior hinge into bone. ( x 50. ) unite at i with the outer band s. Between these two portions of the hinge is an elongated space in which separated strands of fibres are seen. That the two portions of the hinge above described are of a different structure is shown by their staining reactions. When sections are stained with methyl eosin, the dentine and bone are stained red, but the fibrous band/ in the plate is of a bright blue, taking the colour in the same manner as uncalcified connective tissue ; the posterior portion of the band s is coloured uniformly red. 360 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH It would thus appear that the posterior hinge consists of two different substances an outer stiffened portion which is possessed of considerable rigidity but great elasticity, and an inner fibrous portion made up of strands of fibres of an elastic nature, which become relaxed when the tooth is pushed backwards and straighten out when the pressure is removed, and with the stiffer arched spring-like portion at the back immediately return it to its position on the bone. FIG. 239. The posterior hinge of the tooth of the Hake (Merluccius). d. Calcified portion of the tooth inverted into the fibrous portion of the hinge/. ; s. stiffened elastic part of posterior hinge ; p. pulp of the tooth. (x 150.) In fig. 239 the fibrous portion of the hinge is shown under higher magnification and its attachment to the prolonged portion of the vasodentine (d). These fibres, when teased out in glycerine or water, curl very much in the same manner as those of ordinary elastic tissue. The anterior hinge, as shown in Plate VI B and fig. 238, a, is divided into two portions, the tooth in the centre lying free on the bony pedestal. This hinge is made up of stout fibres, which are inserted into the tooth above and the bone below. It is of consider- able thickness and stains blue like the fibrous portion of the THE ATTACHMENT OF TEETH 361 posterior hinge (Plate VI A). Serial sections show that when the central longitudinal axis is approached, this band is no longer visible, and the thickened portion of the lower end of the dentine lies free in the section, portions of the pulp only being attached to it. This apparatus is perfectly adapted to the capture of active prey ; the small fish and other creatures which form the food of the Hake depress the teeth on entering the mouth, a very slight pressure only being necessary, and their escape is prevented by the springing back of the teeth into position. The passage of the captured creature backwards in the mouth is still further facilitated by the hinged teeth on the vomer and pharyngeal bones. Most of these predatory fish swallow their prey in a whole and living condition, and their teeth are not available for any process of mastication. In other members of the Cod family a transitional form of hinging is met with. In the Haddock (Gadus ceglefinus) Haddock, the tooth rests upon a ring of what appears to be dentine, which becomes blended below with the bone of attachment. The upper part of the tooth is quite separated from this lower portion so far as the continuity of the hard tissues is concerned, but surrounded at the point of contact with a fibrous band forming a kind of capsular ligament which is attached to the circumference of the portions above and below the flange. This evidently forms a hinge and allows (fig. 240) of a limited amount of rocking movement, as can be seen in several sections where teeth are seen to be inclined to one side, the opposite side of the ligament being stretched. The pulp, as pointed out by C. S. Tomes, is continued into the cavity below the flange, and he describes odontoblasts in this portion of the pulp, so that we must look upon the tissue in this part of the tooth as a not very clearly defined dentine, and as this author states, its implantation would indicate a transition in the teeth of the Haddock to a socketed type. The hinged teeth of the Angler (Lophius piscatorius) are Angler. attached by radiating fibrous ligamentous bands to the bone, the front of the tooth being free and resting on the bone, but there is no definite differentiated elastic hinge as in the 362 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH Hake. The elasticity is, however, very complete, and the tooth instantly returns to its position when the pressure is removed. Pike. In the Pike (Esox lucius) the marginal teeth are anchy- losed and the palatal teeth are hinged, but the hinging is obtained in a different manner. As pointed out by Tomes, the osteodentine pulp is traversed by elastic bands or trabeculae, which remain uncalcified, and are firmly attached to the dentine at the margin of its dense peripheral portion r h FIG. 240. Tooth of Haddock (Gadus ceglefinus) showing modified hinging at h. 9 and to the bone of attachment beneath, on which the tooth rests. The strong fibrous bands attaching the tooth to the bone on its inner side are not elastic, and the elasticity resides in the trabeculse within the pulp ; when pushed back the tooth recovers its position by the contraction of these bands. The arrangement of the teeth of the Pike is eminently adapted for the retention of living prey, the position of the hinged teeth on the palatal bones directing the captured prey in a longitudinal direction, and thus enabling it to pass into the throat as described by Tomes. Every THE ATTACHMENT OF TEETH 363 angler for pike knows that the fish may often be held for a considerable time and "even drawn out of the water when not hooked, the retention of the living bait between the teeth being so complete that it cannot be withdrawn. The above-named author found examples of hinged attachment in many specimens of deep-sea fish obtained on the Challenger expedition. (3) Anchylosis. This is the more common form of attach- ment in fish and reptiles ; there is no intervening vascular and fibrous membrane, and the union does not take place directly with the bone of the jaw, but through the medium of the bone of attachment. The fusion of the tooth with the bone of attachment is usually very complete, so much so that, as C. S. Tomes points out, in grinding a section of an anchylosed tooth the bone of attachment often comes away from the bone, while it is firmly attached to the tooth (fig. 236). A curious modification of this mode of attachment is seen in the Mackerel, where the tooth is anchylosed to the bone at its lateral margins but unattached below, being, as it were, slung within the bone. The author in an examination of two species of Wrasse (Labrus) found a curious modification of anchylosis in these fishes. The tooth when about to erupt has a large pulp cavity with the usual dentine pulp consisting of connective tissue and blood-vessels and a layer of large odontoblasts. The pulp is extremely vascular and the vessels form a con- tinuous network of loops within the odontoblast layer in close contact with the tubular dentine. The pulp tissue is seen to merge into bone beneath the open end of the rootless tooth. When the tooth is erupted and the deposition of the dentine is completed, the bone tissue invades the pulp chamber and entirely fills it, the bone becoming continuous with the dentine around the inner margin of the pulp, the odontoblasts having entirely disappeared. This is not the same condition as in the anchylosed teeth of the Pike, where the tissue of the tooth is an osteo- dentine, but an actual substitution of the dentine-forming pulp by true bone (figs. 241 and 242). Anchylosis is found in the teeth of the Python and the 364 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH FIG. 241. Pharyngeal tooth of a Wrasse (Tautoga). Unerupted tooth showing pulp and odontoblasts and large vascular supply, d. Dentine. (X25.) FIG. 242. Pharyngeal tooth of Wrasse (Tautoga), erupted. The dentine pulp is completely filled with bone. d. Dentine ; p. bone tissue in pulp. (x25.) THE ATTACHMENT OF TEETH 365 lizards, and in the poison fangs of the viperine snakes. When the tooth is attached to the bone on the outer side, as in Varanus, the attachment is described as pleurodont ; when to the summit of the bone of attachment, as in the Eel, it is spoken of as acrodont. (4) Gomphosis or Socketing. This is the mode of attach- ment seen in human and mammalian teeth generally. The tooth is implanted in a cavity in the bone forming the socket, and is separated from the bone by a fibrous and vascular membrane or ligament, the periodontal membrane. A separate socket is developed for each tooth in Mam- malia, but in the Crocodile, as shown by Tomes, ' the suc- cessive teeth come up and occupy a socket which is more or less already in existence '. In this form of attachment we have the intervention of a vascular membrane, and the bone of attachment is repre- sented by an alveolus, which is a special process of bone developed to receive the tooth, and which becomes absorbed and removed when it is shed. 1 The teeth of the rostrum of Pristis (the Saw-fish), which consist of plicidentine and are of persistent growth, afford an example of socketed teeth in fish, a very rare mode of attachment in this class. 1 This special development of the alveolar process is well shown in the Manatee and in the Sheep, the forming teeth at the back of the mandible lying in a separate tube of bone as seen in two preparations in the Odontological Section of the Hunterian Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons. REFERENCES 1. Mummery. J. H. ' On the Teeth of Echineis.' Trans. Odontol. Soc. Great Brit., vol. xxxi, No. 3, p. 62. 2. Owen, R. OdontograpJiy, p. 39, Plate xxviii. 3. Tomes, C. S. ' Studies upon the Attachment of Teeth.' Trans. Odontol. Soc. Great Britain, 1874-5, vol. vii, pp. 41-56. CHAPTER XI HORNY TEETH THE teeth of the Cyclostomata (Lampreys, &c.) are horny cones ; they show no true calcification, but are made up of cornified cells of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. New horny cones are formed beneath the tooth in use, and successively take its place when shed. In the Lamprey (Petromyzori) these horny structures are found at the sides of the mouth and on the tip of the tongue. In the Hagfish (Bdellostoma) there is a single tooth in the roof of the mouth and minute teeth upon the tongue. This fish is partly parasitic in its habits, living on the mud at the sea bottom, and often boring its way into the bodies of large fish, especially the cod, to which it is often very destructive, eating out the soft parts of its prey by means of the rasping action of its tongue teeth. Beard (2) has described in Bdellostoma the existence of a true layer of odontoblasts and the formation of a cap of imperfectly calcified dentine, and he considered that his pre- parations showed a small cap of enamel upon this dentine. Warren (8), however, denies the presence of calcified enamel or dentine, and shows that a differential stain (picro- nigrosin) indicates that there is no calcification, but the tooth is entirely horny. There is simply a superficial resemblance to calcified teeth, and no odontoblasts are formed. He considers that the dentine cap described by Beard is the succeeding horny tooth beneath that in use, and that it arises in the same manner by the cornification of epithelial cells. Professor Howes (4) in 1894 expressed the opinion that the ' odontoblasts ' which Beard described showed no calcification, and Ayres (1) in the same year could find no trace of dentine or enamel If Warren's views are accepted, and the evidence afforded by his specimens would appear to be conclusive, these teeth HORNY TEETH 367 are in both Petromyzon and Bdellostoma horny structures derived from the epithelium, and have no likeness or analogy to calcified teeth. It has been considered that the teeth of the Cyclostomes are vestiges of the calcified teeth of former types, but it is now more generally held that they represent a stage in tooth evolution. As Dr. Bridge says (3), ' The structure and development of the teeth in the Cyclostomes lend no support to the view that these teeth are degenerate calcified structures. With greater probability they represent a stage in the evolution of teeth and dermal spines, which has been succeeded by a later stage in which calcification superseded cornification as a method of hardening.' There is, in the first place, a downgrowth of the epithelium forming a kind of tooth follicle, and beneath this a small mesodermic papilla. The first indication of a forming tooth occurs above this papilla, and the epidermal cells become flattened. The tooth penetrates the superimposed cells and appears on the surface, the indication of another tooth being already present in a cornified layer of cells beneath it, as shown in the figure taken from Warren's paper (fig. 243). He draws attention to the close resemblance which this struc- ture, with the mesodermal papilla below, bears to a develop- ing hair. The figure shows that the tooth arises within the corium, and is not formed from cells derived from the mesoblastic papilla. The Teeth of Ornithorhynchus. Horny structures which serve the functional purposes of teeth are seen in the Ornitho- rhynchus ; but they are more correctly described as horny plates, for, as will be seen, these are the plates in which the true teeth of the animal are embedded, and are not developed, as in the Cyclostomata, as independent dental structures. For a long time these horny plates were considered to represent the only functional teeth of Ornithorhynchus, until in 1888 Professor Poulton(5) discovered true calcified teeth in an embryo. From an examination of the available material he concluded that the true teeth were beneath the horny plates, but Oldfield Thomas in 1889 (7), from an examination of other specimens, found that the calcified teeth were above 368 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH and embedded in the horny plates, and persist for a con- siderable portion of the life of the animal, and ' are only shed after being worn down by friction with food and sand '. Dr. Semon, who has studied the habits of the Ornitho- rhynchus, says that it feeds chiefly on ' grubs, worms, snails, and, most of all, mussels ', which are stowed into its cheek pouches, ' the food being chewed and swallowed above the surface as the animal drifts slowly along '. He considers FIG. 243. Vertical section of developing tooth of Petromyzon marinus, showing a successional tooth which is just beginning to cornify at its apex beneath the functional tooth, d. Dermis ; dp. dental papilla ; ep. epidermis lining buccal funnel ; ep l . epidermis which has formed the horny functional tooth ht ; ep 2 . epidermis forming the horny cone of the successional tooth ht 1 . (From Warren.) that for cracking the hard shells of the mollusc upon which it mainly feeds, the horny plates are preferable to brittle teeth (6). The eight or ten molar teeth which form the calcined dentition of the animal are replaced by the horny structures, which, developed from the epithelium of the mouth, are produced around and under the true teeth, embedding them, the short roots of the teeth passing through them to the bone of the jaw. As Dr. Beddard says, ' The epithelium of HORNY TEETH 369 the mouth grows gradually under the calcified teeth, a method of growth which has possibly something to do with the shedding of the latter '. The calcified teeth, which are all molars, consist of dentine and enamel of somewhat imperfect structure, the dentine being characterized by the immense number of interglobular spaces present, which would appear to be an indication of imperfect calcification, which is still more apparent in the short roots ; these, as C. S. Tomes says, ' are of a softer, coarser material than the crown, which itself is not of a high type of dentine structure '. In the Tadpole, prior to the commencement of the forma- tion of true calcified teeth, there are horny plates upon the jaws, and on the inner margins of the lips are numerous horny projections, each one of which is, according to C. S. Tomes, the product of a single epithelial cell ; these little conical teeth, as well as the larger plates on the jaws, are continually being shed and renewed from beneath. In the Chelonia (Turtles and Tortoises) there are no calcified teeth, but a horny casing covers both upper and lower jaws, which is broad and crushing in the vegetable feeders and elevated into a sharp ridge in the carnivorous species, as in Cheloneimbricata (the Hawk's-bill turtle), where this horny covering forms a hooked beak with a sharp edge. Horny plates are also present in the jaws of the Sirenia (Manatee and Dugong), which are considered to be allied to the Ungulates, although formerly classed as Cetaceans. These horny plates in the lower jaw of the Dugong cover the abortive rudimentary calcified teeth which never become functional. REFERENCES 1. Ayres. Biological Lectures at Wood's Hall, 1894. 2. Beard, J. (a) ' The Nature of the Teeth of Marsipobranch Fishes.' Morph. Jahrb., 1889, Bd. iii, pp. 727-53. (b) ' The Teeth of Myxinoid Fishes.' Anat. Anzeig., 1888, Bd. iii, pp. 169-721. 3. Bridge, T. W. Cambridge Natural History, vol. vii, p. 248. 4. Howes. Nature, Nov. 1894. MUMMERY 370 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH 5. Poulton, E. B. (a) ' True Teeth in the Young Ornithorhynchus para- doxus.' Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1888, vol. xliii, pp. 353-56. (6) ' The True Teeth and the Horny Plates of Ornithorhynchus.- Quar. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1889, vol. xxix, N.S., pp. 9-48. 6. Semon, Dr. In the Australian Bush. 7. Thomas. O. ' On the Dentition of Ornithorhynchus.' Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1889, vol. xlvi, pp. 126-31. 8. Warren, E. ' On the Teeth of Petromyzon and Myxine.' Quar. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1902, vol. xlv, pp. 631-7. INDEX Abrachiate lacunae, 294. Absorption, 299. in temporary teeth, 300. in permanent teeth, 302. Acrodont, 365. Adsorption, 140. Adventitious dentine, 251. Aitchison Robertson, odon to blasts and nerve fibres, 224. Alternations of absorption and deposition, 302. Alveolodental periosteum, 305. Ameghino on concrescence, 33. Ameloblastic membranes, 132, 152. differential staining of, 133. Ameloblasts, 129. Carter on Tomes' processes, 175. clear bodies in, 151, 172. communicating processes of, 133. crescentic nuclei in, 130, 150. cytoplasm of, 130. in Elasmobranchs, 179, 193. in GadidaB, 180, 193. in Labridse, 188, 193. in SparidsB, 193. mitosis in, 150. Tomes' processes of, 131, 153, 171. Amelo-dentinal junction, 77. Amitotic division in cells of follicle, 319. in cells of Nasmyth's membrane, 338. Amphibia, epithelial sheath of Hertwig, 322. Analysis of dentine, 238. Analysis of enamel, 47. C. S. Tomes on, 48. Lovatt Evans on, 49. Anaptomorphus, 35. Anchylosis of teeth, 352, 363. Andrews, R., on fibrillar basis of enamel, 157. Angler, hinged teeth of, 361. Ant-eater (Cape), 254. Anterior superior dental nerve, 211. Anthropoid apes, defects in enamel of, 57. Archaeopteryx, 3. Arctomys, enamel of, 112. Area, proportion to that of dentine, 164. Arnell on globular bodies in amelo- blasts, 152. Arrhenius, 12. Attachment of teeth, 352. by anchylosis, 363. hi Echineis, 354. by elastic hinge, 352, 354. by fibrous membrane, 352. in Haddock, 361. in Hake, 356. by implantation in sockets, 365. in Pike, 362. Attachment, bone of, 5, 353. Auriculo-temporal nerve, 212. Axon of nerve-end cells, 213. Aye-aye, rodent type of dentition, 116. Ballowitz on sheath of Hertwig, 332. Bartels on lymphatics of pulp, 210. Basal layer of Weil, 229. Bateson, 8. Baume, 15, 265. Bdellostoma, 4, 366. Beading of neurofibrils, 216. Beaver, incisors of, 3. enamel of, 108. Beckwith, gold process for nerves, 227. Bennett, F. J., action of glycerine on dentine, 282. Beretta, A., on Nasmyth's mem- brane, 346. Bettongia, enamel of, 97. Beust, Von, luchsin staining me- thod, 82. Bibra, Von, 47, 237. Birds, teeth of, 3. Black, G. V., on absorption in cement, 304. on lime salts in dentine, 238. on lymphatics of periodontal membrane, 307. on mottled teeth, 71, 103. on nerves of periodontal mem- brane, 307. b2 372 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH Blocks of calcified substance in enamel, 55. Blood-vessels in enamel organ, 184, 187, 193. of pulp, 208. Boar, tusks of, 3. Boas, Von, on Scarus, 94. Bolk on evolution of molar teeth,37. Bone of attachment, 5, 353. Bone dentine (Rose), 236. and dentine, Von Ebner on, 265. Born, system of modelling, 18. Bowerbank on shell formation, 142. Branching of dentinal tubes, 244. of prisms, 52. Bridge, T. W., on origin of horny teeth, 367. Bridges, connecting, in enamel, 65. Brunn, Von, on epithelial sheath, 262. Brush-like termination of nerves in pulp, 212. Budding of external epithelium, 123. Bulbous ending to tubes in Bettongia, 98. Cajal, Ramon y, on intercellular bridges, 153. silver nitrate process, 98. Calcareous deposits due to physical processes, 144. Calcification, 134. at birth, 30. in fish, 177. of dentine, 262, 278. of enamel, 134. Calcified masses in follicle, 317. Calcium phosphate, influence of, 140, 168. Calcoglobulin, 139. in forming dentine, 278. Calcospherites, 140. coalescence of, 140. in caries, 162. in Crab, 141. in dentine, 279. in enamel, 159. in Prawn, 141. under osmotic membrane, 136. Calf, connective tissue in forming dentine of, 271. Cape ant-eater, 254. Capybara, cement in, 287. enamel in, 112. molar of, 106. Carious dentine, lamination at border of, 239. Carpenter, W. B., on shell forma- tion, 142. Carter, T., on colloidal nature of fibril, 174. on development in Gadidae, 181. on eruption, 348. on marsupial enamel, 175. on mitosis in ameloblasts, 150. on outer ameloblastic membrane, 152. on penetration of blood-vessels, 146. on rhythmic deposit, 281. Carnivora, partial penetration of enamel by tubes, 105. Caush, D., on staining of enamel, 163. Cell accumulations in Nasmyth's membrane, 338. division in ameloblasts, 150. of follicle, 319. of pulp, differentiation of, 202. nests in Nasmyth's membrane, 338. theory, 10. Cement, 287. canaliculi of, 293. Choquet on, 287. connexion with dentine, 290. conversion theory of develop- ment of, 299. development of coronary cement, 294. deposit in flakes, 296. Hope well Smith on lacunae, 290. incremental lines of Salter, 294. Kolliker on, 296. lacuna of, 290. lacunal cells in, 290. lamination of, 290. micro-organisms in, 292. osteoblasts in, 296. outer layer of, 293. overlap of cement, 288. in Ungulates, 287. vascular canals in, 292. Cement organ, 294. Cement substance in enamel, 55. Cementum, see Cement, 287. Centrifugal calcification of enamel, 174. Centripetal calcification of enamel, 156. Cesiracion, penetration of enamel by tubes, 84. Cetacea, granular layer in, 241. Cheiromys, dentition of, 116. Chelonia, 369. INDEX 373 Chemical composition of dentine, 237. of enamel, 47. Choquet, I., on absorption, 303. on cement at neck of tooth, 287. Chromic acid, employed by Boll for nerves, 222. Cingulum, 33. Coalescence of calcospherites, 140, 279. Collagen, basis of dentine, 236. Collars of F. Paul, 206. Colloidal suspensions, 139. Communication of dentinal tubes with cement, 290. Concavo-convex form of enamel prisms, 69. Concomitant variation, 9. Concrescence theory, 33. Conical stage in development, 31. Connecting bridges, 16, 66. Connective tissue in dentine, 239, 266, 268, 272. in dentine of Elephant, 271. cells in developing dentine, 270. in pulp-stone of Elephant, 252. of pulp, 266. in vasodentine, 285. Constant, T. E., on blood pressure in eruption, 347. Contour lines of Owen, 247. Conversion theory of development, 144, 264. Cope, E. D., on trituberculism, 11, 33. Copper sulphate experiment, 135. Creodonts, teeth of, 105. Crescentic nuclei of ameloblasts, 130. Crusta petrosa, 287. Cryer, M., 182. Cuscus, bulb-like ending to tubes, 98. Cyclostomata, 366. Cynomys, vascular canals in den- tine of, 259. Darwin, 7. Dahlgren and Kepner on amitotic division, 338 on infundibular gland, 194. Decussation of enamel layers in rodents, 108. Degenerated nuclei in Nasmyth's membrane, 340. Delabarre, 23. Dendrons of nerve-end cells, 213. Dental lamina or tooth- band, 15. Dentinal tubes in enamel, 82. Dentine, 236. action of glycerine on, 282. adventitious, 251. calcification of, 262, 278. calcoglobulin contours in, 278. of Cestracion, 263. chemical composition of, 237. classification of, 236. coalescence of spherites in, 279. communication with cement, 290. connective tissue basis of, 239. development of, 262. direction of calcific deposit, 282. disintegration of spherites in, 161. fibril, 248. fibrillar nature of matrix, 265. fine branches of tubes in, 244. of Flounder, 256. germ, 21. granular layer of, 240. Hanazawa on, 249. Hoppe on sheath of Neumann, 250. interglobular spaces in, 242. lamination of, 280. of Lamna, 262. matrix of, 239, 265. odontogenic zone, 239. orthodentine, 237. osteodentine, 260. papilla, 21, 263. plicidentine, 253. primary curvatures of tubes, 246. resemblances to bone in, 268. Romer on dentinal fibril, 250. of Sarcophilus, 260. Schreger's lines in, 247. secondary curvatures of tubes, 246. sheath of Neumann, 248. striation in, 278. striation in Wombat, 281. trabecular dentine, 237, 260. transverse sections of, 247. vasodentine, 256. Dentz on corpuscles in dentine, 230. Dependorf on nerves of dentine, 226. Dermal appendages, teeth con- sidered as, 5. Descent with modification, 7. Development of cement, 294. of dentine, 262. of enamel, 119. Dewar, Sir J., 12. 374 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH Dewey on lymphatics of pulp, 208. Dialysis, Graham on, 137. Diameter of enamel prisms, 55. Differential staining in tooth of Hake, 359. Dilatations in marsupial enamel, cause of, 166. Diphyodont, 32. Dipnoi, 177. Dipus, enamel of, 84. Dogfish, eruption of teeth in, 348. Dominants, 7. Dromotherium, 34. Dursy, 21. Duval on sensitiveness of dentine, 222. Ebner, V. von, on basal layer of Weil, 229. on detached tubes in enamel, 116. enamel of Petaurus, 115. enamel tubes in Hare, 115. fibres in dentine, 274. fibrillar nature of dentine, 266. fine branches of dentinal tubes, 245. function of odontoblasts, 276. globular bodies in ameloblasts, 152. Hertwig's sheath, 262. ingrowth of enamel tubes, 102. Leon Williams's views, 163. marsupial enamel, 173. Nasmyth's membrane and inter- prismatic substance, 163. resemblances between bone and dentine, 265. staining of enamel, 56. striae of Retzius, 74. Echineis, attachment of teeth in, 354. Edentates, Hertwig's sheath in, 331. Eel, attachment of teeth in, 353. Elasmobranchs, 84, 193. Elastic hinge, 354. Elephant, cement in, 287. connective tissue in dentine, 271. enamel prisms of, 66. incisors, 3. pulp stones in, 252. spear-head in tusk of, 232. Enamel, 46. analysis of, 48, 49. Bibra, Von, on, 47. calcified disks of, 56. calcium salts of, 47. of Capybara, 46. connecting bridges in, 56. cross striae of, 55, 59. crypt, 39. defects in structure, 56, 58, 83. of Elephant, 46. Frankland's method for, 49. germ, 119. Harting on spherites in, 59. Hertz on, 59. Hoppe-Seyler on double salt in, 47. hypoplastic, 76. interprismatic substance, 71. Lovatt Evans on analysis of, 48. magnesium phosphate in, 47. organic matter in, 48, 55. penetration of, 82. position of, 46. radiating fibres in, 83. Retzius, striae of, 72. Schreger's lines, 77. septum, 39. spindles in, 78. staining of, 58. thorn -like processes in, 78. Enamel prisms, 50. arcade arrangement of, 60. branching of, 53. concavo-convex forms, 61. course of, 64. diameter of, 54. Ebner, Von, on, 60. of Elephant, 66, 69. forms of, 60. granular nature of, 55. hexagonal forms, 52. impressions of, 76, 337. interlocking of, 66. Leon Williams on, 55. in Manatee, 52. membrane-like expansions on, 70. needle splitting of, 65. of Phacochosrus, 53. Pickerill on, 54. Smreker on, 60. supplementary, 53. Encapsuled lacunae, 333. End cells, 217. Endoplasm, 200. Entoconid, 36. Epithelial coils, 24, 312. inflection, 13. pearls, 20, 308. remnants, 331. Erosion, calcospherites in, 163. Eruption of teeth, Carter on, 348. Constant on, 347. Fischer on, 349. W. James on, 347. INDEX 375 Eruptive stage of Goodsir, 13. Eskimo, molar of, 35. Evans, Lovatt, on chemical com- position of enamel, 48. Eve on stellate reticulum, 128. Evolution of tubular dentine, 257. Exoplasm, 200. Experiment on decalcification of enamel, 104. Extensibility of neuron" brils, 217. External epithelium, functions of, 121. not continuous, 314. Factors in eruption, 347. Fan -shaped spreading of Tomes' fibres, 157. Fat soluble in food, 170. Fenestrated membrane, 154, 319. Fibril, dentinal, 248. development of, 202. Fibrillar basis of enamel, 104, 157. of shell, 142. Fibrillar nature of dentine matrix, 265. Fibrous attachment of teeth, 352. nature of Rat enamel, 114. Fischer, G., on eruption, 349. Fish, early calcification of enamel in, 263. Retzius on nerve terminations in, 225. tooth development in, 30. Fixation, T. Carter on, 181. Flakes, cement deposited in, 296. Flounder, dentine of, 256. Fluoride of calcium, 237. Follicle of tooth, 311. epithelium in, 320. junction with tooth, 318. origin of, 311. Follicular stage (Goodsir), 13. Foramen ovale, 211. Forsyth Major, 36. Foundation fibres of dentine, 239, 265, 266. Frankland's method, 49. Fritsch on innervation of dentine, 227. Functions of stellate reticulum, 127. of stratum intermedium, 147. Gadidae, 84, 180. Gadus ceglefinus, 181, 361. Galeus, injury of jaw by spine, 353. Galippe on absorption, 303. Gasserian ganglion, 211. Gebhart, 272. Gegenbaur on osteoblasts, 299. Gelatine- yielding fibres, 274. Gels, 137. Germ cells, 10. Gidley, 37. Gland-like enamel organ of Tautoga, 187. Glands of Serres, 17, 23, 3lO. Globes epidermiques, 24, 312. Golgi method for dentine, 225, 244. Gomphosis, 352, 365. Goodsir on development, 13. Graham on dialysis, 137. Granular layer of dentine, 240. Granularity of prisms at dentine margin, 83. Granules in ameloblasts, 151. of enamel blocks, 57. in enamel of Sargus, 92. Gubernaculum, 23. Gum, structure of, 309. Haddock, modified hinge in, 361. Hagfish, 366. Haidenhain on connective tissue, 197. Hair and teeth, relations of, 5. Hake, hinged teeth of, 356, 358. striation in dentine of, 285. connective tissue in pulp, 271. vasodentine of, 256. Halichoeres, 186. Halle on lymphatics of pulp, 210. Hanazawa on dentine, 204, 249. Haplodont, 34. Hare, absence of pigment in enamel, 106. Harrington, N. R., on lime- secret- ing glands, 194. Harting, P., on calcospherites, 139, 167. on structure of prisms, 59. Haversian canals in cement, 292. Heidelberg mandible, pulps of teeth in, 233. Hertwig, O., on epithelial sheath, 296. on placoid scales, 177. Hertz on enamel striae, 59. on secretion theory, 265. on spindles of enamel, 78. Heterodont, 32. Hohl, E., on Neumann's sheath, 283. Homodont, 32. Honeycomb, 156. 376 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH Hopewell Smith on absence of lacunae in cement, 290. on absorption in permanent teeth, 301. on blood-vessels in enamel organ, 121. on dentine development, 271. on myelinic fibres and connective tissue, 275. on nerves of pulp, 224. on odontoblasts as sensation transmitters, 223. on tubes in Sargus, 88. Hoppe on sheath of Neumann in fossil teeth, 250. Hoppe- Seyler on double salt in teeth, 47, 168. Hopson, M., on overgrowth of Rat incisors, 107, 232. Horny plates of Ornithorhynchus, 367. Horny teeth, 366. Howship's lacunae in absorption, 301. Huber on nerve terminations, 218, 225. Humphreys, J., on evolution of teeth, 43. Hunter, J., on secretion theory, 265. on sensitiveness of dentine, 222. Hutton, 12. Huxley, T. H., on dental lamina, 14. on evolution, 10. on ' membrana preformativa ', 152-335. on Nasmyth's membrane, 333. Hydrochcerus, molar of, 106. Hijenodon, 105. Hypocone, 35. Hypoconid, 36. Hypoconulid, 36. Hypoplastic enamel, 76. Imbrication lines in Nasmyth's membrane, 336. Imperfections in enamel, 56. Implantation of teeth, 5. Impressions of cells on Nasmyth's membrane, 336. of prisms on Nasmyth's mem- brane, 336. Incremental lines in enamel, 75. Independent calcification of inter- prismatic substance, 161. Inferior dental nerve, 212. maxillary nerve, 211. Inner ameloblastic membrane, 132. Intercolumnar bridges, 66. Interglobular spaces, 241. Interlocking of tissues in Elephant, 78. Internal epithelium, processes of nuclei of, 130. Involution of epithelial cells, 119. Iron and tannic stain for lateral processes of odontoblasts, 206. for nerves, 227. James, W. W., on cells of follicle, 316. on epithelial coils, 24, 312. on eruption, 347. Kangaroo rats, persistent pulps in, 233. spindles in enamel of, 81. Kassander on osteoblasts, 298. Keith on Krapina teeth, 233. Kelvin, Lord, 11. Keratinization of follicle cells, 319. Klaatsch, 178. Klein on intracellular fibrillse of dentine, 268. on termination of nerves of pulp, 223. Kolliker on deposit of cement in flakes, 296. on development, 14. on enamel tubes, 102. on fine branches of dentinal tubes, 245. on inner layer of Nasmyth's membrane, 334, 344. on origin of connective tissue fibres, 197. on osteoblasts, 299. on secretion theory, 265. on termination of pulp nerves, 223. Korff, Von, on connective tissue in dentine, 200, 271, 274. Korner on lymphatics of pulp, 210. Krapina teeth, pulp cavities in, 233. Kiikenthal on concrescence, 33, 42. Labio-dental lamina, 15. Labridae, penetration of enamel by tubes in, 84, 93. Labrus bergylta, 192. Labrus, eruption in, 6. Labyrinthodon, 254. Lacunae of cement, 288. Lacunal cells, 289. Lamarck, 10. Lamellae of cement, 288. Laminae in dentine of Hake, 256. INDEX 377 Laminae in enamel, 159. Lamination of dentine, 239, 280. Lamna cornubica, enamel of, 84, 86. Lamprey, 366. Lankester, Sir E. R., 12. Lateral enamel ledge of Bolk, 38. Law, W. J., on blood-vessels in enamel organ, 122. on nerves of dentine, 230. Layers of Nasmyth's membrane, 325. Leche on dentine papilla, 21. on development, 14. on development in fish, 30. Leduc on osmotic growths, 11. on rhythmic periodic deposit, 281. Lent on Nasmyth's membrane, 334. on secretion theory, 265. Lepidosteus, 253. Leporidse, 108. Leucocytes, as origin of osteoblasts, 298. Liesegang's rings, 281. Lime salts in dentine, Black on, 238. Lingual nerve, 212. Loeb on semi-permeable mem- branes, 137. Lophius, 361. Lumbricus, lime- secreting glands in, 194. Lymphatics of periodontal mem- brane, 307. of pulp, 208. McKay on mottled teeth, 71. Mackenzie, Dr., 259. Mackerel, attachment in, 363. Macropus, blood-vessels in enamel organ, 122. slow calcification in, 263. staining of enamel in, 164. teased preparations of, 66, 158. Macropus billiardieri, vessels in, 121. Magitot on cement organ, 294. on dental follicle, 311. on external epithelium, 122. on nerve terminations, 224. Malassez on absorption, 303. on dental ligament, 305. on epithelial debris, 311. on external epithelium, 122. on follicle, 312. on gubernaculum, 23. Mall on connective tissue fibres, 197. Manatee, alveolus of, 365. dentine of, 257. enamel of, 52. Marcusen, 14. Marginal plexus, 218. Marmot, Prairie, dentine of, 112. Marsupial tubular enamel, 96. ameloblastic membranes in, 152. bending of tubes in, 97. Bettongia, termination of tubes in, 98. calcospherites in, 159. Carter, T., on, 174. decalcification of, 104. development of, 173. dilatations in enamel of, 97, 165. fibrillar foundation of, 104, 157. honeycomb in, 156. organic basis of, 103. Paul on, 165. staining of, 100. teased preparations of, 66. Tomes, C. S., on tubes of, 103. on development of, 173. Tomes, J., on tubes in, 97. Tomes' processes of, 153. transverse sections of, 100, 102. transverse striation in, 158. variations in amount of penetra- tion by tubes, 97. Matrix of cement, 288. of dentine, 239, 265. Medullary canals of osteodentine, 261. Megatherium, dentine of, 257. Mellanby, feeding experiments, 170. ' Membrana preformativa ' of Hux- ley, 335. Membrane - like expansions in enamel, 65. Membranes in enamel organ, 132. Mendel, researches of, 7. Mental branch of inferior maxillary nerve, 212. Mesenchyme cells, 197. Mesonyx, 105. Metacone, 34. Metaconid, 36. Methylene blue intra-vitam stain- ing, 227. Middle superior dental nerve, 211. Miller, W. D., on interlocking of tissues in elephant, 78. on lime salts in dentine, 238. Molar, evolution of human, 32. Monophyodont, 32. Morgan on lymphatics of pulp, 210. Morgenstern on nerves of pulp, 225. Motor root of fifth nerve, 211. 378 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH Mouse, termination of enamel organ in, 323. Multitubercular theory, 32. Muridae, enamel of, 113 . Myliobates, 254. Myxine, 4. Narwhal, incisor of, 3, 350. Nasmyth's membrane, 333. as a dialysing membrane, 344. attachment to follicle, 342,. Biretta, A., on, 346. cell accumulations in, 338. cell nests in, 338. cells involved in, 335. cellular layer of, 337. clear layer of, 335. considered as cement, 333. elongated cells in, 340. impressions of cells on, 336. of prisms on, 336. inclusion of deep cells of follicle in, 343. keratinization of cells of, 337. longitudinal sections of, 340. methods of preparation of, 334. Navel, enamel, of Bolk, 39. Needle-like splitting of prisms, 65. Neo-Lamarckians, 11. Nerves of the pulp, 212. accompanying blood-vessels, 208. at cornu of pulp, 212. axons of nerve cells, 213. Beckwith method of staining, 227. brush-like spreading of axis cylinder, 212. dendrons of end cells, 213. end cells, 213, 218. medullated nerves of pulp, 212. of periodontal membrane, 306. plexus of Raschkow, 213, 229, 230. supply to odontoblasts, 218. subdivisions of, in pulp, 212. authors on, 222. Aitchison Robertson, 223. Boll, 222. Dependorf, 226. Duval, 222. Fritseh, 227. Hopewell Smith, 223. Huber, 225. Hunter, J., 222. Klein, 223. Kolliker, 223. Law, 230. Magitot, 224. Morgenstern, 225. Pont, 226. Retzius, 225. Romer, 226. Salter, 222. Weil, 224. Neumann's sheath, 237, 248. dependent on calcification, 283. Neurofibrils around odontoblasts, 218. beading of, 216. extensibility of, 216. in dentinal tubes, 218. wavy course of, 216. Neuron theory, 214, 220. New Mexico mammals, 33. Noyes on lymphatics of pulp, 208. Odontoblasts, Aitchison Robertson on, 224. dentinal process of, 206. development of, 202, 264. functions of, 276. Hopewell Smith on, 223. lateral processes of, 206. Paul on, 206. pulp processes of, 206. Odontogenic zone, 239, 264. Olfactory nerve, 225. Ollendorf on lymphatics of pulp, 210. Organic basis of enamel, 103. Origin of enamel spindles, 81. of Hertwig's sheath, 322. of species, 7. Ornithorhynchus, teeth of, 4, 367. Orthodentine, 237. Orycteropus, 254. Osborn on mammalian molar, 32. on neo-Lamarckism, 11. Osmotic membranes, 136. Osseous fish, development in, 180. Osteoblasts, origin of in forming cement, 296. Osteoclasts, 308. in implanted teeth, 302. Osteodentine, 260. calcification of, 285. in Heterodontus, 261, 263. in Lamna, 262. in Pike, 362. Ostwald on colloids, 139. Outer ameloblastic membrane, 132. Outer layer of dentine in relation to cement, 293. of teeth in Selachia, 237. INDEX 37D Oval bodies in ameloblasts, 151. spherites in enamel, 160. Overgrowth of Rodent incisors, 107. Owen, R., contour lines of, 247. on coronal cement, 333. on penetration of Shark's jaw by Sting- ray, 353. on Rodent enamel, 108. Pagellus, 192. Pan genesis, 11. Papillary stage of Goodsir, 13. Paracone, 34. Paul on collars of odontoblasts, 206. on external epithelium, 121. on functions of stellate reti- culum, 127. on inclusions of dentine matrix, 165. on Nasmyth's membrane, 334. on tubes of marsupial enamel, 103. Pauli and Samec on solubility of calcium salts, 169. Pavement epithelium, 60. Pea, Mendel's experiments on, 7. Periodicity of deposit, 281. Periodontal membrane, 305. blood-vessels of, 306. direction of fibres in, 305. lymphatics of, 307. nerves of, 306. origin of, 308. sensibility of, 309. Peripheral sensory neuron, 220. Persistence of cells of tooth-band, 316. of external epithelium, 340. Persistent pulps, 230. Petaurus, Von Ebner on enamel of, 115. Petromyzon, 366. Phalanger, terminations of enamel tubes, 98. Philip on osmotic membranes, 138. Physical phenomena in calcifica- tion, 135. Pigmentation in Retzius's striae, 74. of Rodent enamel, 106. Pike, hinging in tooth of, 362. Pinna, shell- membrane in, 143. Pitts, A. T., on eruption, 347. Placoid scales, 145, 177. stage of development, 31. Plagiostomes, development, 178. succession of teeth in, 352. Pleurodont, 365. Plicidentine, 253. Polybuny, 36. Polyphyodont, 32. Pont on peripheral neurons, 226. Porcupine, enamel of, 112. Posterior superior dental nerve, 211. Post- permanent teeth, 21. Poulton on blood-vessels in enamel organ, 122. on teeth of Ornithorhynchus, 367. Pradentine, 239. Prairie marmot, 259. Prawn, calcification in, 142. Precipitation of phosphates, 169. Pre-milk teeth, 20. Preponderance of phosphates in enamel and dentine, 167, 237. Primary curvatures of dentinal tubes, 246. Primitive dental groove of Goodsir 13. Primitive dental lamina, 15. Prisms of enamel, 50. Processes of connective- tissue cells, 198. Proliferation of cells of follicle, 311. Protocone, 34. Protoconid, 36. Protodont, 34. Prussian blue for lymphatics of pulp, 210. Pseudolabrus, 186. secreting organ in, 148. Pseudoscarus, absorption of enamel in, 94. blood-vessels in enamel organ, 146. maxillary teeth of, 96. Pulp stones in Elephant, 252. Python, anchylosis in, 363. Rainey on disintegration of spher- ites, 279. on molecular coalescence, 138. Ranvier on origin of connective tissue, 197. on periodontal membrane, 305. Raschkow, plexus of, 212, 230. Rat, connective tissue in dentine, 271. course of prisms, 113. fibrous nature of enamel, 114. overgrowth of incisors, 232. secreting organ in, 129. Rath, Von, on amitotic division, 338. Recessives, 8. Redier on absorption, 303. Reduction of organs, 9. 380 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH Relations of areas of enamel and dentine, 180. of nerves and vessels in pulp, 208. Reptiles, tooth development in, 30. nerve terminations in, 225. Resorption of enamel tubes, 117. Retzius, brown striae of, 72. on nerve terminations, 218, 225. on nerves in fish and reptiles, 218. Robin and Magitot on cement organ, 294. on external epithelium, 122. on structure of follicle, 314. Rodent enamel, 106. Rods of enamel, 55. Romer, O., on degenerated nuclei, 340. on nerves of dentine, 226. on non-existence of Neumann's sheath, 249. on spindles of enamel, 80. on structure of dentine, 250. on branching of dentinal tubes, 243. Rose, C., on basal layer of Weil, 229. on classification of dentines, 236. on concrescence, 42. on development of teeth in reptiles and fish, 30. on incorporation of fibres from odontoblasts in dentine, 266. on stellate reticulum, 127, 146. on surface membrane in Plagio- stomes, 179. on tooth-band in birds, 3. Ryder, 11. Salter, J., on termination of pulp nerves, 222. Sappey, 23. Sarcophilus ursinus, 258. Sargus, enamel organ of, 193. blood-vessels in, 182. eruption in, 350. staining of tubes in enamel, 86. vascular canals in, 94. Sargus noct, 89, 186. ovis, 87. vulgaris, 90. Sawfish, persistent pulp in, 233. Schafer, Sir E. A., on connective tissue, 197. nutrition of enamel organ, 24. osteoblasts, 298. secretion theory in cement, 299. Schreger's lines in dentine, 247. in enamel, 77. Schwann on conversion theory, 265. Schweitzer on lymphatics of pulp, 208, 210. Sciurus, enamel of, 111. Scleroblasts, 177. Scott on origin of premolar, 36. Secondary curvatures of dentinal tubes, 246. Secondary dentine, 251. Secreting organ in Sargus, 184. in Tautoga, 187. Secretion theory, 144, 265. Segregation, 8. Semon on habits of Ornitho- rhynchus, 368. Sensory and trophic fibres, 221. Sensory nature of nerves of pulp, 220. Sensory neuron, 220. Serration of prisms in rat, 113. Serres, glands of, 17, 310. Sexual selection, 9. Sharpey's fibres in cement, 290. Sheath of Hertwig, 296, 320. source of cells of, 325. Sheath of Neumann, 237, 248. Shell, calcification of, 139. Smreker on enamel prisms, 60. Socketing of teeth, 352. Sols, 137. Somatic cells, 10. Sorex, tubular enamel of, 84. Spaces at amelo- dentinal junction, 165. Spee, Graf von, on globular bodies in ameloblasts, 152. Speech, teeth as aids to, 3. Spindles in enamel, 78. relation of nerves to, 220. Staining of enamel, 58. Starling, Professor, 227. Starr on lymphatics of pulp, 210. Stellate reticulum, 120. absence in lower vertebrates, 127. form of cells, 125. Leon Williams on, 125. part in calcification, 146. Rose on, 127, 146. Sterna Wilsoni, tooth germs in, 3. Stratum intermedium, blending with ameloblasts, 128. nuclei of cells of, 128. processes of cells of, 133. Striation in dentine, 278. of enamel prisms, 59. Stroma in enamel organ of G.adida 1 , 180. INDEX 381 Studnicka on fibres in dentine, 274. Successional teeth, formation of, 16. Superior maxillary nerve, 211. Supernumerary teeth, origin of, 20. Surface tension, 139. Symington, J., skiagram of develop- ment, 24. Synapses, 213, 226. Tadpole, horny teeth of, 369. Taeker on paracone, 37. Talbot, E., on absorption in cement, 304. Talon, 34. Tarsius, 35. Tasmanian devil, 258. Tatusia, 32. Tautoga onitis, 186, 193. Teased preparations of marsupial enamel, 62, 158. Terebratula, membrane in, 143. Terminations of nerves at cement margin, 219, 246. at enamel margin, 219. in enamel spindles, 226. of tubes in Macropus, 165. Testut on lymphatics of pulp, 210. Thomas, Oldfield, on teeth of OrnitharJiynchus, 367. Thompson, D'Arcy W., on adsorp- tion, 140. on calcareous deposits, 144. on Liesegang's rings, 281. on organic particles in space, 12. on Pauli and Samec's views, 169. Tims, W. Marett, on blood-vessels in enamel organ, 121. on cingulum, 33. on monophyodonts, 32. on pre-milk teeth, 21. on teeth of Canidee, 37. Tomes, Sir Charles, on ameloblastic membranes, 133. on bone of attachment, 5, 353. on chemical composition of enamel, 48. on classification of dentines, 236. on clumsy joint, 165. on conversion theory, 265. on crescentic nuclei, 130. on development in Elasmo- branchs, 178. on development in Gadidse, 180. on development in marsupials, 153. on enamel of Selachia, 84. on eruption of teeth, 347. on incorporation of Tomes' pro- cesses, 145. on interprismatic substance, 71. on Nasmyth's membrane, 333. on nature of tubular enamel, 103, 173. on origin of Rodents, 116. on post-permanent teeth, 21. on stellate reticulum, 128. on teeth of Creodonts, 105. on terminations of dentinal tubes, 165. Tomes, Sir John, decalcification of marsupial enamel, 104. on dentinal fibril, 248. on enamel of marsupials, 97. on enamel of Rodents, 108. on granular layer in Rodents, 240. on serration of prisms in rat, 113. Tomes' processes of ameloblasts, 131, 153. Torrens, 7. Trabecular dentine, 236, 260. Transverse fibrillation of marsupial enamel, 157. sections of marsupial enamel, 100. tubes in dentine, 206. Traube's membranes of precipita- tion, 135. Triconodon, 34. Trigon, 34. Trigonid, 36. Trituberculism, 33. Tschermak, 7. Tubes in enamel from without, 84, 96. Tubular dentine, 236. enamel, 84. Underwood on cells of stellate reticulum, 1^7. on external epithelium, 340. on spaces between ameloblasts, 131. on spherites in erosion, 163. on striae of Retzius, 74. Unequal wear of tissues, 107. Unerupted teeth of Sargus, 91. Ungulates, cement in, 287. Varanus, attachment in, 365. Vascular canals in cement, 292. in dentine, 253. in dentine of Rodents, 259. 382 MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE TEETH Vascular loops in dentine of Manatee, 257. of Cynomys, 259. of Sarcophilus, 258. of Sargus, 258. Vascular tubes in Labrus, 185. in Sargus, 185, 193. Vasodentine, 236, 256. calcification of, 283. connective tissue in, 285. transition to orthodentine, 257. Vertical succession of teeth, 90, 350. Vries, De, on evolution, 7. Waldeyer on connective tissue, 197. on conversion theory, 264. on Nasmyth's membrane, 334. on spindles in enamel, 78. Walkhoff on cement substance of enamel, 71. on imperfections in enamel, 58. on Smreker's views, 61. on spindles of enamel, 80. Wallaby, blood-vessels in enamel organ of, 121. Walrus, tusks of, 3. persistent pulps in, 233. Wart-hog, enamel of, 54. Water in combination in enamel, 237. Wavy course of neuro fibrils, 216. Wedl on blood-vessels in enamel organs, 147. Weil on basal layer, 228. on nerves of pulp, 224. Weissmann on acquired characters, 10. Wellings on spaces between amelo- blasts, 131. on stellate reticulum, 127. Wharton's jelly, 198. Wilkinson on absorption in im planted teeth, 302. Williams, Leon, on enamel, 163, 173. on fibrous enamel of Rat, 114. on functions of stratum inter- medium, 149. on globular bodies in ameloblasts, 152. on independent calcification of prisms, 163. on secreting organ in Rat, 129. on striae of Retzius, 74. Wilson on amitotic division, 338. on the cell, 10. Wing processes of prisms, 62. Woodhead, G. Sims, on calcification, 168. on rarefying osteitis, 303. Woodward, S., on evolution of molar, 37. Wombat, absence of enamel tubes, 97. persistent pulps in, 233. striation of dentine in, 281. Zsigmondy on striae of Retzius, 76. SOME OTHER OXFORD MEDICAL PUBLICATIONS. THE SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF DENTAL SURGERY. Edited by NORMAN G. BENNETT, M.B., Dental Surgeon to St. George's Hospital, &c. Assisted by 34 well-known Dental Surgeons. Crown 4to (10 x 7J). Cloth. 993 illustrations. Pp. 797. Price % 2s. Od. net. Complete in one volume. ' We commend it as a book of reference to every medical man.' British Medical Journal. STOMATOLOGY IN GENERAL PRACTICE: or Diseases of the Teeth and Mouth. By H. P. PICKERILL, CH.B., M.D.S. (Birm.), L.D.S. (Eng.). Demy 8vo (8 x 5J). Cloth. 65 illustrations. Pp. 280. Price 17s. net. This work fills the gap between medicine and dentistry. 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