Charles Atwwod Kofoid 
 18 & 19 VICT., CAP. 120. 24 & 25 VICT., CAP. 102. 
 A w<* 
 of SEoais for flje 6rmMc|r Distort 
 1. The ordinary meetings of the District Board shall be held 
 at the Board Eoom every alternate Wednesday Evening, at 7 
 o'clock precisely. 
 2. A Special Meeting of the Board shall be called, upon a 
 requisition stating the object of such Meeting, and signed by any 
 five members of the Board ; such Special Meeting shall be held at 
 the usual hour in the Evening, and if any ordinary Meeting be 
 convened for the same time and place, the business of such 
 Special Meeting shall have precedence of such ordinary Meeting, 
 The business for -which such Special Meeting is called shall be 
 stated fully in the summons, and no other business than that so 
 stated shall be entertained until the business of the Special 
 Meeting is concluded. 
 3. Every Member of the Board shall be summoned by the 
 Clerk to attend at each Meeting of the Board ; such summons, 
 with all notices of motions, and other special business, shall be 
 printed or written, and the Clerk shall post or cause the same to 
 be delivered to every Member at least two clear days before the 
day of Meeting ; and in all cases in which in any Report of a 
 Committee, intended, to be laii bsfore the Board, it shall be 
 proposed to incur any expense exceeding 10, the purport of 
 such proposition, and the amount proposed to be expended, shall 
 be stated in the summons to each Member. 
 4. The Clerk shall prepare an Agenda of the business to be 
 transacted at each Meeting, to be laid before the Chairman 
 previous to the commencement of business ; and at ordinary 
 Meetings such Agenda shall be in the following order : viz. 
 a. After election of Chairman, minutes of former meeting 
 to be read and signed. 
 b. Reports of Committees. 
 c. Ditto of Officers. 
 d. Motions of which notice has been given. 
 e. Letters, &c. 
 5. The chair shall invariably be taken, and business proceeded 
 with, not later ihan five minutes past the hour fixed for each 
 Meeting of the Board. 
 6. In case the Board determine to appoint a Chairman of their 
 meetings from year to year, it shall not be competent for any 
 member at any subsequent meeting during such year, to propose 
 any other member as Chairman, except by giving notice of his 
 intention so to do at the next previous meeting ; but if the 
 Chairman so appointed by the Board be absent at five minutes 
 past the time for which any meeting is summoned, a Chairman 
 shall be chosen from among the members present. 
 7. Every member of the Board shall, before taking part in the 
 business of any meeting of the Board, sign his name in a book to 
 be provided for that purpose, to be called the " Attendance Book." 
8. The minutes of the proceedings of the last meeting of the 
 Board shall be read at the commencement of every succeedirwg 
 meeting, in order that if there be any mistake, omission, or 
 inaccuracy therein, the same may be rectified; and if at any 
 time it appear to any member that the minutes have been in- 
 correctly recorded, the subject shall be taken into consideration 
 prior to the meeting proceeding to any other business. 
 9. No additional officer shall be appointed, and no officer- 
 shall be dismissed by the Board, without special notice thereof 
 being given in the summons for the meeting at which such 
 appointment, or dismissal, is to be proposed. 
 10. No business shall be entertained at any meeting of which 
 previous notice shall not have been given, except communications 
 from the Metropolitan Board of Works, Reports from Committees, 
 or Officers of the Board, or notices to the District Board requiring 
 immediate attention. All notices of motion must be in writing, 
 signed by the member giving such notice, and shall be handed to 
 the Clerk five days, at least, before the day of meeting at which 
 the motion is intended to be discussed, so that a written or 
 printed notice thereof may be sent to each member in the sum- 
 mons convening such meeting. 
 11. No member shall speak more than once on the same 
 question, except in explanation, and such explanation shall be 
 strictly confined to the clearing up of something which has been 
 misunderstood. The privilege of reply shall be restricted to the 
 mover of the original resolution. 
 12. No question or amendment shall be proposed at any 
 meeting of the Board, which is the same in substance as any 
 question which, during the same sitting of the Board, shall have 
 been resolved in the affirmative, or negative. 
 13. No resolution or amendment shall be put from the 
 chair unless the same be reduced to writing, and seconded. 
 14. On questions without motion being put to Officers of the 
 Board, no discussion thereon shall be allowed ; and members of 
 the Board are to keep within the limits of their question, and are 
 not to be permitted to argue, or make observations on the subject 
 or merits thereof. 
 15. On all questions of order at meetings of the Board, or of 
 any Committee, the decision of the Chairman of the meeting 
 shall be final. 
 16. No petitioner or memorialist shall be permitted to address 
 the Board. 
 17. All notices from builders and others shall be referred by 
 the Clerk to the officer whose duty is involved therein, for him to 
 report thereon to the next meeting of the Board. 
 ] 8. All reports from officers shall be delivered to the Clerk at 
 least three hours before the meetings of the Board. 
 19. At each ordinary meeting a summary statement of the 
 payments and receipts since the last meeting shall be laid before 
 the Board, signed by the Accountant. 
 20. All orders on the Treasurer of the Board for payment of 
 money shall be prepared by the Accountant and laid before the 
 Board, and shall be signed by the Chairman and two other mem- 
 bers of the Board, and countersigned by the Clerk and by the 
 21. All letters ordered by the Board to be written, shall be 
 written and forwarded to their destination within three days 
 after the meeting at which they shall be ordered to be so written, 
and such letters shall be entered in a book, called the " Letter 
 Book," and such book shall be laid on the Board-room table at 
 each ordinary meeting. 
 22. The Common Seal of the Board shall not be affixed to any 
 document whatever except in the presence of the Board, and such 
 seal shall remain in the custody of the Clerk* 
 23. At the first ordinary meeting of the Board, after the first 
 Wednesday in June in each year, three distinct Committees shall 
 be appointed for examining, inquiring, and reporting to the Board 
 upon the several matters referred to them from time to time, that 
 is to say : 
 One such Committee for the Parish of Greenwich, to be formed 
 of the members elected by that parish to the District Board ; 
 one other such Committee for the Parish of St. Nicholas, 
 Deptford, formed of the members elected by that parish; 
 and one other such Committee for the Parish of St. Paul, 
 Deptford, including Hatoham, to consist of the members 
 elected by that parish. 
 21', Such Committees shall have power to appoint Sub- 
 Committees from among themselves, to represent the several 
 wards of the respective parishes : such Sub-Committees shall 
 report to their respective Committees, but shall not have power 
 to report on any matter to the Board. 
 25. At the same first ordinary meeting of the Board, a Com- 
 mittee shall also be appointed, to consist of five members from the 
 Parish of Greenwich, five from St. Paul, Deptford, including 
 Hatcham, and three from St. Nicholas, Deptford, whose duty it 
 shall be to enquire into all matters of finance, audit accounts, and 
 to report from time to time to the Board. 
 26. The Chairman of the Board for the year, and the member 
 representing the Board at the Metropolitan Board of Works, shall 
 be members of all such Committees ; and the Chairman of the 
 Board shall be ex-officio Chairman of all Committees at which he 
 may be present. 
 27. In all such Committees it shall be competent for the 
 Chairman to give a casting vote, in addition to his vote as a mem- 
 ber of the Committee. 
 28. The proceedings of every standing Committee of the 
 Board shall be entered in separate Minute Books, to be provided 
 and kept for that purpose. 
 29. The Annual Ballot for the Auditors of the Board shall be 
 on the first ordinary meeting of the Board in the month of April 
 in each year. 
 30. A list of the members of the Board, and of the several 
 officers, with their respective addresses, and the time for which 
 they are elected, shall be printed and suspended in a frame in the 
 31. No person who has been a member of the Board shall be 
 eligible for any office in the gift or under the appointment of the 
 Board, until three months after such person shall have ceased to 
 be a member. 
 32. No father or son of any member of the Board, nor the 
 partner of any father or son of any member of the Board, shall be 
 capable of becoming a candidate for any office or situation in the 
 gift or appointment of the Board, or of entering into any contract 
 with, or doing any kind of work, directly or indirectly, for the 
 Board. (See also Section 54 of the Act 18 and 19 Vic., cap. 120.) 
 33. All officers elected by the Board shall be elected annually, 
 unless removed by the Board under the provisions of the Act. 
 34. The annual election of the officers of the Board shall be on 
 the first ordinary meeting of the Board, after the first Wednesday 
 in the month of June in each year. 
 35. The Medical Officer of Health shall render to the Board a 
 Report monthly, on the first ordinary meeting of the Board in 
 each month ; and a Report annually, on the last ordinary meeting 
 of the Board in the month of May ; which last-mentioned Report 
 shall be printed and circulated amongst the members of the Board. 
 36. The Clerk shall at the first ordinary meeting of the Board 
 in every month, make a return of all cases in which the Board 
 shall have ordered proceedings to be taken against persons 
 offending against the provisions of the Act, or not complying 
 with the directions and regulations of the Board. 
 37. The Clerk shall prepare the Annual Report of the proceed- 
 ings of the Board, and such Report and an abstract of accounts, 
 to be prepared by the Accountant, with a statement showing the 
 receipts and expenditure and liabilities of the Board, in relation 
 to each parish, distinguishing moneys received on account of 
 rates and private works, and a summary statement of all con- 
 tracts entered into by the Board, shall be laid before the Board 
 at the last ordinary meeting in the month of May, and printed 
 and circulated among the Members. 
 38. The Accountant shall keep a Schedule or Register of the 
 Furniture, Instruments, and other property of the Board, and of 
 all additions thereto from time to time, which Schedule or Eegister 
 shall be laid by the Accountant before the Finance Committee 
 annually, in the month of April, and be reported by such Com- 
 mittee to the next meeting of the Board. 
 39. The bonds of all officers, contractors, and others, required 
 to give security, shall be inspected once in every year, by the 
 Finance Committee, who shall report thereon at the first ordinary 
 meeting of the Board, in the month of July in each year. 
 40. All books, required by the 61st section of the " Metropolis 
 Local Management Act " to be open for examination and inspec- 
 tion at all reasonable times, as therein mentioned, shall be open for 
 that purpose daily, except Sundays, &c., from 10 to 12 o'clock. 
 41. No work shall be done, or expenditure incurred, except on 
 the express order or by the special authorization of the Board, 
 as recorded in the Minute Book. 
 42. A " Works Book " shall be kept by the Road Surveyor, 
 in which shall be fully entered a statement of all works ordered 
 by the Board, having a reference to his office ; and a notification 
 made therein when such works are commenced and completed. 
 43. Before the Board shall order the execution of any work, 
 the cost of which shall be estimated to exceed 25, full plans and 
 specifications, with an estimate of the cost thereof, shall be pre- 
 pared, and submitted for the consideration and approval of the 
 44. No member of the Board, unless specially authorized, 
 shall interfere in the execution of any work ordered to be done. 
 45. All orders for Works and other matters directed by the 
 Board to be done, or by any Committee duly authorized for that 
 purpose, shall be issued by the proper officer within three days 
 from the day such order is given. 
 46. The internal arrangements for the drainage of any house 
 or building to be connected with any public sewer shall not be 
 commenced until the works for the external drainage shall have 
 been completed by the Board. Sect. 73. 
 47. Every notice of new buildings or house drainage, required 
 to be given under the 76th section of the Act, shall be accompanied 
 by a proper Plan drawn to a scale of 11, 22, or 44 feet to one inch, 
 showing the proposed drainage, the situation of the premises, and 
 distance from the sewer ; according to which plan, if approved, 
 or as altered previous to the Board's sanction being given thereto, 
 the person or persons giving such notice shall be bound to carry 
 out the work, and which Plan, so approved, shall be filed and 
 kept with the records of the Board. 
 48. Such part of any private drain from any house or building 
 as shall be under or in any street, and shall be required for 
 branching the same into any public sewer, shall be constructed 
 by the Board, and the expense and cost thereof be paid by the 
 owner of such house or building. Sect. 78. 
 49. On any house or building being connected with any public 
 sewer, the cesspool, theretofore receiving the drainage of any such 
 house or building, shall be emptied and filled up with proper dry 
 rubbish, to the satisfaction of the Board. Sect. 85. 
 50. Prior to the granting of any licence for tho erection of any 
 hoard, fence, or scaffold, the person applying for the same shall 
 deposit at the office of the Accountant to the Board such sum of 
 money as the Surveyor shall estimate, not exceeding 40s., as the 
 cost of repairing and reinstating the road and pavement disturbed 
 in erecting such hoard, fence, or scaffold, in case such road and 
 pavement shall not be repaired by the depositor to the satisfaction 
 of the Board ; the difference (if any) between such estimated cost 
 and the actual cost incurred, to be returned to the depositor if the 
 work be done by the Board ; but if the actual cost incurred by the 
 Board be greater than the amount estimated, the difference shall 
 be paid by the depositor on demand. Sect. 122. 
 The foregoing Bye-Laws were 
 made, agreed to, and confirmed at a 
 Meeting of the Board of Works for the 
 Greenwich District, held on the 15th day 
 of April, 1S68. 
 E. W. JAMES, 
 The Common Seal 
 of the 
 Board of Works 
 for the 
 Greenwich District. 
 The following Sections of the "Metropolis Local Management Act" 
 are hereto appended for general information and guidance : 
 Sect. 54. "In case any member of the Board be declared 
 bankrupt, or apply to take the benefit of any Act for relief of 
 insolvent debtors, or compound with his creditors, or accept or 
 hold any office under the Board, or in any manner be concerned or 
 interested in any contract or work made with, or executed for the 
 Board, in every case such person shall cease to be a member of the 
 Board ; provided always, that no person being a shareholder of any 
 joint. stock company shall be disabled from continuing or acting as 
 a member of the Board by reason of any contract between such 
 company and the Board, or of any work executed by such company; 
 but no such member shall vote on any question in which such 
 company is interested ; and any person who acts as a member of 
 such Board after ceasing to be such member as aforesaid, or who 
 being a shareholder in any such company, votes on any question 
 in which such company is interested, shall, for every such offence, 
 be liable to a penalty of 50, which may be recovered by any 
 person who may sue for the same in any of the superior courts of 
 law, with full costs of suit." 
 Sect. 64. " No officer or servant of the Board shall be in any 
 wise concerned or interested in any contract or work made with 
 or executed for the Board ; and if any such officer or servant be so 
 concerned or interested, or under colour of his office or employment 
 exact, take, or accept any fee or reward whatsoever, other than his 
 proper salary, wages, or allowance, he shall be incapable of 
 afterwards holding or continuing in any office or employment 
 under the Board, and shall 'forfeit and pay the sum of 50, which 
 may be recovered by any person, with full costs of suit, by 
 action in any of the superior courts of law." 
 Sect. 75. " It shall not be lawful to erect any house or other 
 building in this district, or to rebuild any house or building within 
 the district, which has been pulled down to, or below, the ground- 
 floor ; or to occupy any house or building so newly-built or rebuilt, 
 unless a drain and such branches thereto, and other connected 
 works and apparatus, and water-supply (as mentioned in the Act), 
 be constructed and provided to the satisfaction of the Surveyor 
 of the Board, of such materials, of such size, at such level, and 
 with such fall, as the Board or their Surveyor may direct, so that 
 the same shall be available for the drainage of the lowest floor of 
 such house or building, and of its several floors or stories ; also 
 of its areas, water-closets, privies, and offices (if any) ; which 
 drain shall lead from such house or building to the sewer already 
 made or intended to be constructed near thereto, as the Board shall 
 direct or appoint; or if there be no such sewer existing or intended 
 to be constructed within 100 feet of any part of the intended site 
 of such house or building, then to such covered cesspool or other 
 place, not being under any dwelling-house, as the Board shall 
 direct : and whenever any house or building is rebuilt as aforesaid, 
 the level of the lowest floor of such house or building shall be 
 raised sufficiently to allow of the construction of such a drain and 
 such branches thereto, and other works and apparatus as are 
 hereinbefore required, and for that purpose the levels shall be 
 taken and determined under the direction of the Board." 
 Sect. 122 " No hoard, fence, or scaffold shall be erected or 
 set up in any street within the district, for any purpose whatever, 
 nor any posts, bars, rails, boards, or other things by way of 
 inclosure, for the purpose of making mortar, or depositing bricks, 
 lime, rubbish, or other materials, without a licence, in writing, 
 lirst had and obtained from the Clerk or Surveyor of the Board. 
 Every such licence to state the place where, and the purpose for 
 which such hoard, fence, scaffold, or inclosure, is to be set up or 
 made, and the size thereof, and the time for which it is to be 
 permitted to continue." 