B THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Ex Lihris SIR MICHAEL SADLER ACQUIRED 1948 WITH THE HELP OF ALUMNI OF THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION FMOPfTIS JPIECE , yr/ ) ///^ /• /f rr.i /irff/yr //y /><■/// r/f -r/ ^/-/j //■//// '/ /■d »elf rdiai.re under circumstances i^f dllTiciilty and danxer. The book i» i'X<-efciini;l> well calculated for childn-n. to whom Us intrreitinx content*, its hHiidsoiiii- appraianrc, and livaiiliful illustrations Mill render it an acceptable present." — Tait'$ Maguttnt, Hrpl. ISA'J. "A very delightful book for yoimK reader*. The intereKt is deep and «ell su«lamed, the .»t\le unifurnily a;;reeable and lively ; an.! the kn /wledite of thu writer, who hns livid for »oine time on the llice Lake I'l.nik, tl'e ncene of the jtorv, adds a. value to the book for renders of all aire*. Mr. Ilnrvey has con- tributed some excrllciit \v6odculs, and the book is altogether a pretty anil in- teresting one." — Guardian. INSTRUCTIVE AND AMUSING CHEMISTRY NO MYSTERY ; being the Subject flatter of a Course of Lectures by Dr. Scoffcrn. illustrated with Diagrams aud "VVoodcuts. Second Edition, revised and corrected, with Index, price 3s. 6d. cloth lettered. "A very agrpealile .icco\int of some of the leadins facts and iirincipU-s of Chemistry', not only made plain to the meanest capacity, but attractive, we fhould imagine, to the most idle youth, and amusing to all." — Spectalor. " This work contains quite as much information as is requisite for any person who does not intend to make Chemistry a professional or hobby-horsical pursuit. The various information is conveyed in a clear and distinct manner, so ihat (he dullest child can hardly fail to understand what it means. We recommend every father to [lurchase this work for his children, unless they happen to be particularly stupid. It does much credit to Mr. Scoffern, the author : ii is very well printed and neatly hound."— Po/i'k? would be more popular." — Enfilhh Churchmnn. " A lively narrative ol school-hii\ adventures." " .\ very charming and admirahly-written volume, * * » It is .adapted to make boys better." •' A simple and jdeasing story of school-boy life."— /o/ui BuU. DECOY (the); or, an Agreeable Method of Teaching Children the elementary Parts of English Grammar. Price I5. sewed! DOCTOR'S LITTLE DAUGHTER. The story of a Child's Life amidst the Woods and Hills. By Eliza Meteyard. In foolscap 8vo. price Is. Crf. elegantly bound and gilt, with numerous Illustrations by Harvey. " This is a very delishtful book, especially calculated for the amusement and instruction of our youn?; friends; and is evidently the | roduction of a rij;ht- th inking and accomplished nwA."— Church of England lifview. " An elegant, interestin;;, and unobjectionable present tor young ladieR. The moral of the book turns on benevolence." — Christian Timi'ii. " This Story of a Child's Life is so full of beauty and meekness, that we can hardly express our sense of its wortli in the words of common praise." — Non- ' cnformist. ^ •• This will be a Mioice present for the young."— B/i'»sA Quarterly fitvietr. " The whole story is told with a nio'it touchinj; srace, and a golden glow of ': poetry pervades it. The line designs of Harvey wliich illustrate the book, add greatly to its attractivness, and we cannot entertain a douht of its becoming one of the most popular volumes in the ' Children's Library.' " — Elisa Cook's Journal. EARTH (the) and ITS INHA-RITANTS. By Margaret E. Darton. Crown Svo*. cloth, with coloured Frontispiece. Price bs. AuTiiLK II \u., Virtue, & Co. 35, Paternostek Row, WORKS FOR THE YOUNG. i:i)GEWORTIl'S EARLY LESSONS. New and cheaper Edition, fcap. cloth, 3*. 6il. or in Four Pocket Volumes, price lOi. ENGLISH STORIES of the OLDEN TIME. By Maria Hack. A New Edition, AVith Vij.'nettes by H A K V E Y . [lit prepay a tion. " A popular History of EnslainI, from Alfred to Elizabeth, adapted to the capacities of yuiiDK person*. The mailer is unexceptionable, and embodies a good I (Ipal uf inforniation, valiiiible and interesting to juvenile readers, with adispas- ; tinnalP and ju-t estimate of the characters of tlic persons, :ind the cau>es and intlurnce ofevcnW." — SptctatOT. \ EVENINGS AT HOME; or, the Juvenile BudL'et opened. By Dr. Aiken and Mrs. B.vRBAiLn. Sixteenth Edition, revised and newly arran;];ed by AuTHtu AiKKN, Esq. and Miss Aiken. With Engravings by Harvey. Fcap. Svo. Price 3j. G of this lU Kant tittle volume, who lias once more done herself iiillnite credit by:i transcript of the realities of life, (ofdirly and truly made, as to uo lionie to lie heart of every one who folloMs the tale to the rnnrliision. It m a huh gill to l,r able to write well ; but it i* a far InKhtrraiul iii>t,lei- privilege to li.- known to wriie usefully, and to the best of purpn.cs ; and this Mrs. Geldart ha» neverinore vlTcctunlly done than id ' l.ove, a Keulity, not a ICuiiiaiire.'"— iJWi's iVcuriigtr. MAY DUN HAS. Fcap. cloth. Price 25. Of/. EMILIE, THE PEACE-MAKER. Fcap. cloth. Price 2<.GJ. STOK I E.S OF SCOTLAND. Fcap. cloth. Price 25. G«land. They will be vatuable. especially to the non-classicul, as an accurate picture ol (ireecc, it* annals, nnd It* great utva' — Tuil't Haguriite €) Arthur \Iku.., Viktuf, & Co. 25, I'ateknoster Kow. INSTRUCTIVE AND AMUSING HEROINES OF THE MISSIONARY ENTERPRISE; or, Sketches of Prominent Female Mission aries. By Daniel C. Eddy. "With Preface bv the Rev. John Gumming, D.D. Third Edition, in fcap. 8vo. Price Is. 6rf. cloth, or 25. 6d. f;ilt edges. " This is abook for the manv. .ind csnrmt f;iil ti> lie a sreat favoiiritp, especially with the sex whose virtues and labours it ivcords."~lhitisU llanner. HOWITT.— A BOY'S ADVENTURES IN THE WILDS OF AUSTRALIA; or, Herbert's Note Book. By William Howitt. With Designs by Harvey. New and Cheaper Edition, price 2s. bds. ; or 45, cloth gilt. " It is really the next thins; to a personal pilgrimage throu;;li tlie Golden Land. In vivid portraiture ot thinus as they are, it far e.xcels every publication that hns yet readied us from Australia."— B;i7!"s/( Umtner. "All the boys in England, whether ' old boys ' or young ones, will rejoice in this faseinating book, full of anecdote and wild adventure ; sober as we are and little given to ro.niTi, it has inspired us w jth a strong desire to take a journey in the Bush, if we eould see the end of it. The descriptions of the scenery, the treeF, and tlie animals are extremely spirited and graiihic, — they have all the app''arance of being written on the spot, and are redolent of the fresh open air. We have very seldom read a bonk of travels that has charmed us so niueh, and we shall consider that the young folks who find it lianiring on the bough of their ' Christmas tree' are extremely fortunate." —Alhenfeum. "As might be expected, they will tind not only interesting and amusing incidents and descriptions, but a good deal of iiselul inforniat.on on the subject of Australian life, among the natives as well as among emigrants There ar- se veral woodcuts illustratinc; some of the most striking scenes, and the book will take a high rankamong Christmas and New Yearpresents." — Eiiglhh Churchman, " This is a capit.^l book, and will commend itself alike to young and old. It is full of humour, adventure, excitement, and those incidt-nts of peril and pleasure which seem indigenous to Australia. The gold-diggings, bush-rangers and bush-fires— floods, robbers, and hunting 'scapes— all contribute their quota to this interesting book. It is eniphaticallv a bov's book, and will be a very acceptable Christmas-gift."— C/iwrcA and State Gazette. " This book was written in the midst of the scenes it dfseribes, and has the reality and vividness of actual experience and ,Tdventure. In the form of a boy's journal, it pictures Australian scenes, and records the incidents of travel in the bush. The natural history of the bush is very instructively and amusingly woven into the story I,et us then commend it, to boys espeeinlly, as decidedly tirst- rate— one of the best bookseverfurnishedfortheirgraiilication." — Nuticoninrmisl. HOW TO WIN LOVE ; or, Rhoda's Lesson. A Story Book for the Young. By the Author of " :\Iichael tlie Miner," "Cola Jklonti," '&:c. With Illustrations on Steel. Second Edition, in square ICmo. hand- .somely bound in cloth. Price 25. Gd. with gilt edges. " A very captivating story." — Motniin; Past. " Truthfulness, descriptive talent, and pure luoralitv in evcrv line." — l.iteiary Gazette. " Just wliat a story for children ought to he."—Dnu!rlas.hrrald'sNeu'ipappr. LADY MARY AND HER NURSE; or, a PEiaMNTO THE CANADIAN F(mEST. By Mrs. Traill, Author of " Canadian Crusoes." Illustrated by Harvey. Fcap. cloth, 25. 6rf. ; or os. 6d. gilt edges. Arthuu Hall, Virtue, & Co. 25, Patetinosttcr Row. WORKS FOR THE YOUNG. LAWRENCE'S (Miss) STORIES FROM THE OLD AN]) NEW TESTAMENTS. New Edition, with Cuts. [In preparation. MANUAL OF HERALDRY, Beinp a concise Description of the several Terms used, and conlaininfi a Dictionary of even,' Designation in the Science. Illustrated by -lOO Enirravings on Wood. New Edition, in fcap. 8vo. Price 3s. in enihleniatic cover. MANUAL OF rERSPECTIVE. Illustrated l,y numerous Engravings. By N. Whittock. Price \s. 6d. MANUAL OF GEOGRAPHY, Physical and Political. For the use of Schools and Families, with (Juestions for Examination. By Edward Fahr, Author of " History of England," &:c. Price l*. Cid. " Tlioiish iirrfr^ctly frri- fnmi preti-nsinn, and iiroposeil only as an assistant tii the mother or the ti'ach«'r, this little book is one ol' the best works on seneial Keo;;rMp)iy that have eoinc uikIit our noliee for a U>nj; time. A carelul reailiii;! of the more recent work* of stuti-stt anil travelh'rs is apparent in its pages. The inrormation it well put to;;etlier, and llie severiil subjects are proHisely lllustraied."— .^//irnif'UHi. MY OLD PUPILS. \Vith Four Illustrations on Wood. Square IGmo. Price 1*. hds. or 2s. 6d. handsomely bound in cloth, with gilt edges. MY YOUTHFUL COMPANIONS. By the same Author. Willi Sloel Frontispiece. 18mo. cloth. Price Gd. NAOMI ; or, tlie Last Days of Jerusalem. By Mrs. J. B. Webb. New Edition, with Designs by (Gilbert, and View and Plan of Jeru- salem. Fcap. 8vo. cloth lettered. Price"*. 6 J. ■• One of the nio»t interesting works we have read for some time. The senti- ments are appropriate, the style i< (.'raieful, and the tale Is well contilved. • ♦ • We are not, then, siirpriserl at the popularity it has attained, it deserves it ; and we rordinlly wish it fiiither sorreis."— .Ur/ro/io/iVdri. ** It is in truth an admirable liitlr vidiime, and wi-U worthy of a yet more ex- tensive p.itronnite than it I'as already received."— J/airf.'OSlER KOW INSTRUCTIVE AND AMUSING NURSERY RHYMES. New and Improved Edition, with Frontispiece. 18mo. cloth, gilt, price Is. 6d. ORIGINAL POEMS FOR INFANT MINDS. New and Improved Edition, with Frontispiece. In Two Vols. ISmo. cloth, gilt, price Is. 6d. each. PHILOSOPHICAL CONVERSATIONS: in which are familiarly explained the causes of many daily occurring Natural Phenomena. By Frederick C. Bakewell. Third Edition, with Cuts. Fcap. cloth lettered. Price 3s. 6d. " We can most confidently reoommend the Philosophical Conversations to heads of families, as a work at once highly amusing and instructive." — Birming- ham Journal. " Wa have seldom, if ever, met with so much instruction on curious and philo- sophical subjects conveyed in a form so clear, so entertaining, and so perfectly fri»e from the pedantry or affectation of learned technicalities. We shall be sur- prised if this work does not speedily become the favourite rudimental manual of Natural Philosophy in public seminaries and in private tuition." — Bath Herald. " This is a very pleasing and lucid work, well adapted to allure young people to the study of Natural Philosophy." — Leeds Mercury. " We have perused this volume with much pleasure and improvement. It is a w ork v,p can confidently recommend, especially to the heads of families, as from the subjects selected, and the familiar stvle in which they are treated, it cannot fail of proving both instructive and amusing." — Cambridge Chronicle. PICTORIAL FRENCH & ENGLISH PRIMER. With nearly One Hundred Engravings on Wood. New Edition. [In preparation. PICTORIAL SPELLING BOOK; or. Lessons on Facts and Objects. With 130 Graphic Illustra- tions. Fifth Edition. Price Is. in cloth. PIPPIE'S WARNING ; or, the Adventures of a Dancing Dog. By Cath.4rine Crowe, Author of "Susan llapley," &c. AVith Cuts. Price Is. bds.; or 2s. Qd. gilt edges. PLEASANT PASTIME ; or, Drawing-Room Dramas for Private Representation by tlie Young. AVith Cuts. Price Is. bds. ; or 2s. 6d. with gilt edges. Arthue Hau., ViKi'UE, iV (..o. -26, Paterkoster Row. WORKS FOR THE YOUNG. RECOLLECTIONS OF MRS. ANDERSON'S SniOOL. A Hook for Girls. By Jane Winnard Hoopkr. lUustralu'd by FuANKLiN. Fcap. 8vo. Price 3*. Gii. clolli gilt_ '• A pretty unpretentious volume, neatly embellished, and any in i's livery of green aud ai«ld. Outside and in 'tis precist-ly the bfuu ideal ol' a prcsenl or a prixe-book for a younjf lady. More frosli and more drliirhtful reading than this book it has rarely been our t'orlune to iiict-t " — Morning Adceilitir. " An annMini; series i>r descriptions likely to interest the young folks for whom they are intencled." — Brprets. " AUhouijh profissedly a ' book for pirls,' the volume is so interestin<; in itself as to be calculati'il to give amusement to (hose who have attaineil a riper am-; and, although there is nothinu' attempted beyond amusement, yet a liii;h moral is fonveyed in its pa;:es. One word as to the 'iL'ettins up." The typnuraphy is faultless, and the bindins; and Imish micU as to tit it especially for the place which we sincerely hope it will be found largely to occupy — the drawing-room table." — Bel/atl Meicunj. " A young lady's experiences of a boarding school, which are related in a very amusinx and natural manner." — Enalitk Cliuichtn/in. '• This little s\ork is calculated to be exceedin:.'ly useful in forming the mmds of female children. An old friend with a new face, and an open and a gay one too." — Hell's Metitnger. RHYMES FOR THE NURSERY. Illustrated Edition, in lar;ie type, with Sixteen Fine Cuts by CiiLB£RT. IGmo. cloth, gilt etitj'cs. Price 2s. 6d. " The opt n clear type invites the yonni; reader to learn the story of the nice litle picturek. Tliese verses fur cliildren have never bi-en surpassed— scarcely equalled mdeed— for the happy imion i.f fanr-y and precept, the simplicity and iiit- lligibility of the ideas aneclatur. RODWELL'S CHILD'S FIRST STEP TO ENGLISH HISTORY. With many Cuts. New Edition, revised by Julia Corner. ItJnio. cloth. 2s. 6d. ROWBOTHAM'S (J., f.r.s..\.) 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" The work is deservin.' of Cdrnuiendation, as comprehending much that is excellent — the very flowers and gems of En;;lisli poetry — and noti'.ing exception- able." — Tail's Magisiiie. " We can honestly recommend the volume to tl;e favour and con-ldence of our readers." — Eel f die lierifw. " Mr. Payne is entitled to the highest praise for the care bestowed on the antiquated orthography of the earlier authors, and the ability and judgment dis- played in the annexed notes throughout the volume." — The Student. STRATAGEMS. By Mrs. Newton Crossland (late Camilla Toulmin). "With Cuts. Price Is. bds.; or 2s. 6d. gilt edges. " A sweet tale, penned in a fair mood, and such as will make a rare giftfor a child." — Sun. TALES OF MANY LANDS. By Miss M. Frazer Tytler, Author of "Tales of the Great and Brave." Fcap. 8vo. cloth lettered. With Engravings and Woodcut Illustrations. New Edition. [hi preparation. 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A New and Revised Edition, with many Additions to the original Work of Priscilla | Wakefield. Foolscap 8vo. cloth lettered. New Edition. | [In preparation. " A nice little work, in the shape of letters between t«o young ladies w ho are induced to study natural history. Tne anecdotes are well selected, and told in a simple and unaffected manner, which grc.itly enhances their value. The object the authoress had in view is h\iniane, and her book ou^-ht to be in the hands uf every child from eisht to twelve years of age." — Bn'sfol Mi't all ti-nillni; to imiirovc tlip inorali of tli<< \>>iiihriil rr-idrr. We reroinmrnil both thp»r worki u> prraititt t» all irooil rlnl Irni.' — M.no. politan MfignMiuf. PICTOia.VL :\[USEU^r. Thirty Illustrations. Square, fancy Covers. THE YOUNG NATURALIST'S BOOK of BIRDS. By Percy B. St. John. A New Edition, with Sixteen Wood Engravings, by Folkard and WHiMrrR. 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With Cuts. -© Artuur Hall, Virtue, & Co. 25, Paternostfr Row. WORKS FOR THE YOUNG. DARTON AND HARVEY'S PUBLICATIONS. Price One Shilling. In Plain Strong Bindings. HARRY BEAUFOY; or, the Pupil of Nature. By Maria Hack. A New Edition, with Cuts by Lanuseer. ^ JUVENILE ANECDOTES; or, Stories of Children. By P. Wakefield. A New Edition. LITTLE BOOK OF KXOWLEDGE. Eiglit Cuts. LITTLE BOOK OF OBJECTS. Many Cuts. OLD OAK CHEST. Cuts. ROAD TO LEARNING; or, Orij,-inal Lessons in Words of One and Two Syllables. WILLIE ERASER ; or, tlic Little Scotch Bov : and other Tales. By Mrs. R. Lee. With Four Illustrations. Abthur Hall, Virtck, & Co. 25, Patehngster Row. O) — THE HOFLAND LIBRARY; FOR THE INSTRUCTION AND AMUSEMENT OF YOUTH. lilustrated witli Plates, and liaudsomely Bound in Embossed Scarlet Cloth, witli Gilt Edees, &c. FIRST CLASS, in Umo.— Price 2s. 6(1. 1. Memoir of the Life and Literary Remains of JIrs. Hofland. By T. Ramsat, Esq. With Portrait. 2. 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