m Z9S64 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES (3corge 2), Smith's u f Uuetratet) (Eatalogue of Earl^ lp)nnte6 :Booke 1460*1500 Zbc Ipembrofee Ifncunabula. To my Customers: The Collection of Early Printed Books now on Exhibition at my New Store and offices at 547 Fifth Avenue has been selected principally by me from the Magnifi- cent Library of the Earl of Pembroke, a portion of which, comprising the Illuminated Manuscripts, Block Books and Incunabula, was recently sold at Auction in London, at which Sale I was the Largest Purchaser. The Origin of this Historic Library remains unknown. The Great Bibli- ographer Thomas Frognal Dibdin considered it to be one of the oldest private Collections in Existence; and from the time of the Third and Fourth Earls of Pembroke, **the Incom- parable Pair of Brethren" to whom the First Folio Shakespeare was dedicated, the Library was continually being enriched by Additions supplied by the descendants of a Family, always renowned for their Cultivation of Literature and the Fine Arts. Among the Books themselves, that may be briefly mentioned here, is a Copy of the Superlatively Rare Dutch Edition of the ** Speculum Humanae Salvationis" known in Dutch as **Dat Speghel der Menscheliker Behoudenisse." Besides this, the Pembroke Copy, there are two copies, both imperfect in the City Library of Haarlem, in which City this wonderful Specimen of Xylography is said to have been pro- duced by Lawrenz Janson Koster. There was also a Copy, likewise imperfect in the Town Library of Lille which has probably been destroyed by Fire in the Present War. No Copy, perfect or imperfect, is to be found in the Great British Museum Collections, the Bodleian Library at Oxford or in the National Library at Paris. Another Monument of the Greatest Typographical Importance is the "Catholicon" of Joannes Balbus, printed by Gutenberg, the Inventor of Printing, and of special interest as being the fourth Book printed with a date, 1460, and of the Greatest Literary Value and Interest as being the First Lexicon or Dictionary ever published. There is also a Beautiful Copy of the First Edition of the First Greek Lexicon printed in Milan in 1499, compiled by Suidas. The Collection includes 5 Books from the Press of William Caxton the First English Printer, amongst them being the First Work ever printed in the English Tongue, known as the ••Recuyell of the Histories of Troye." This was printed by Caxton at Bruges. Another Magnificent Volume is tlie *'GaiTie and Playe of the Chesse" being tlie Second Book printed by Caxton in England and the Second English Book to appear \sitli Illustrations. The other three Caxtons are Higden's Polychronicon, \M: Mirk's Festivall. 1490: and Cicero on Old Age. 1481. This assembling of as many as Five Caxtons in any one Catalogue is a Matter of Exceptional Literary Im|X)rtance and has never before happened in /vmerica. Of Equal Importance is the Famous "Book of Saint Albans" printed by the School Master Printer of Saint Albans in 1486. This is notable as being not alone one of the ver> Rarest Books in the English Tongue, but also at the same time, as being the Earliest of the innumerable Elnglish Books on Sport, the First English Armorial, and also the first Book to contain Ejiglish Popular Rhymes. Two Exceedingly Curious Relics of Religious History in the shape of Papal Indulgences for tlie Remission of Sin are to be found in the Collection. These Indulgences were offered at Public Sale by the Priests during the Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries, and empowered the Confessor, upon receipt of a prescribed fee, to grant Full and Absolute Pardon in Life and Death, for any Sins however enormous, committed by the penitent purchaser. One of these is a particularly interesting specimen of Block Printing dated 1482 and supposed to have been issued in Munich, where Letter-Press Printing was only introduced at the very end of the Century. Wonderfully fine specimens of the Early Wood-Engraver's Art are to be found in many of the Volumes Exhibited and the Collection comprises many Splendid Incunabula from the First Presses of Mentz, Strassburg, Cologne, Nuremberg, Ulm, Basel, Rome, Florence, Venice, Milan. Bologna, Ferrara, Verona, Paris, Lyons, Louvain, Bruges, Haarl- em. Westminster and London. As was the Custom of the Period the Margins, First Pages and Initial Spaces of the Books have been beautifully Illuminated and Artistically Painted and Decorated by the foremost Artists then practising in the different Countries mentioned. Of Rare and Early French and Italian Books the Number is large and includes many which are very seldom, seen in Bookseller's Catalogues. Amongst them being the only known vellum printed Copy of Jehan Bouchet's ''Lamoureux transy sans Espoir" published by Anthoine Verard of Paris and very richly decorated with 20 superb Illuminated Miniatures. Magnificent Specimens of the Works of the Fathers of the Church and other Early Christian Writers are nobly represented; such as the First Edition of the Works of Saint Ambrose printed at Basel in 1492; the Writings of Alexander de Ales, an English Franciscan Monk and noted Theologian who died about 1250. Rare Editions of Thomas Aquinas and Thomas a Kempis the Author of the Imitation of Christ, one of the most v/idely printed Books in the World; some Splendid Saint Augustines from the First Press of Venice; The Famous Epistles of Saint Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage, Martyred about 258 A. D., published for the first time by Sweynheym and Pannartz, the First Printers of Rome; a Vellum-Printed Copy of Saint Jerome printed in 1470 by Peter Schoeffer Partner of Gutenberg's and many others of Equal Rarity and Value. Fine First Editions of the most Famous Greek and Latin Classics are also nu- merously represented such as Aristotle, Euripides, Cicero, Plautus, Quintilian, Aristophanes Aulus Gellius, Boethius, Cornelius Nepos, Eutropius, Justinus, Juvenal, Lucian, Macrobius, Suetonius, Tacitus and many other famous Writers and Historians of Antiquity. The Great Private Libraries of Europe which specialized in the Collection of Early Printed Books have been gradually sold and otherwise dispersed and the Acquisition of Books from the First Presses of Europe is daily becoming more and more restricted, and the Visible Sources of Supply will soon be closed altogether. An Illustrated Catalogue of the Collection has been prepared and will be for- warded to Book Collectors on application, and the Books will remain on View until the end of February. GEORGE D. SMITH. January, 1916. 547 Fifth Avenue, New York. MONUMENTS OF EARLY PRINTING IN GERMANY, THE LOW COUNTRIES. ITALY, FRANCE AND ENGLAND 1460—1500 GEORGE D. SMITH 547 Fifth Avenue. New York Telephone 2626 Murray Hill Z^Sfc^A PREFACE The Books offered in this Catalogue have been specially selected to Illustrate the History of the Origin and Development of the Art of Print- ing and include many of the most Notable Works produced by the Earli- est Typographers of Germany, the Low Countries, Italy, France and England. Amongst them are the "Cradle Books" of the First Presses of the Famous Free City of Mayence the Birth-Place of the New Art; Cologne, Nuremberg, Strassburg, Ulm, Basel, Munich and a few other German Cities. Splendid Incunabula are here from the First Presses of Italy, the Country where the greatest and most permanent Improvements in the Art of Typography were perfected, and where in the last quarter of the Fifteenth Century there were more Cities where Printing was practised than in the whole of Germany and Holland combined, and almost twice as many as could be found in France. The Principal Cities represented are Rome, Milan, Bologna, Ferrara, Treviso, Florence, Verona, Parma, Vicenza, Friuli, and Venice, the Undisputed Centre of the Printing and Publishing Crafts of the World for nearly two Centuries. The New Art was not Introduced into England until after 1472, and the Present Collection includes some very Remarkable English Rarities. For the First Time in the Bibliographical Annals of America Five Splendid Caxtons are here offered for sale at one time, together with a Magnificent Copy of the World Famous Book of St. Albans by Dame Juliana Berners, also one of the only 2 known Vellum printed Copies of Richard Pynson's "Nuptial Song" written on the occasion of the marriage of the Daughter of Henry VII of England, by Peter Carmelianus and a magnificent Copy of his grandly printed Black Letter Edition of the History of Troye by Dan John Lydgate. Some Very Valuable and very Beautiful Works from the First Presses of Paris, Lyons, Louvain, Deventer, Haarlem, Bruges, and other Famous Cities of France and the Low Countries are also here described. Amongst the Most celebrated Names of the World's First and Greatest Printers are those of Gutenberg the Inventor of the Art of Reproducing Books by movable metal types, Schoeffer his Partner, the ever mysterious **R" printer, Eggesteyn of Strassburg, Koburger of Nuremberg, Ulrich Zell, Heinrich Quentell, Michael Wenssler and Michael Furter of Basel, Zainer of Ulm, Conrad Sueynheym and Arnold Pannartz the First Roman Printers and Ulrich Hahn their Successor, John and Vindelin of Speyer the First Printers of Venice, Erhardt Ratdolt, Nicholas Jenson, Aldus the Founder of the Greatest of all Ancient Presses, Zarotto and Valdarfer of Milan, John of Westphalia, Kerver and Verard of Paris, the Schoolmaster Printer of St. Albans, William Caxton of Westminster and his assistant Richard Pynson. 1861988 From Holland we have the Famous Combination of Block Printing and Typography known as the "Speculum Humanae Salvationis" or in Dutch "Spetihel onser Behoudenisse." This had its origin at Utrecht about the year 1471 but the name of the Printer is unknown. It was formerly attributed to Lawrence Janson Koster, and was supposed to have been printed by him at Haarlem about 1440, before Gutenberg printed at Mainz. There are still some Writers who hold to this Theory and who claim that the Speculum is the Earliest Specimen of Printing with movable types, thus anticipating the Gutenberg Bible by many years. The Five or Six Books bearing a later date than that of the Year 1500 have been included here on account of their having been printed by the Assistants or Collaborators of the First Printers or on account of their exhibiting some new Development in the Typographical Art. The total Value of this relatively small Collection amounts in all to about $150,000, but its Intrinsic Value lies in the unusually Choice State of the Works which compose it, the original Collectors of the Greater Portion of it having made this their Chief Desideratum nearly as long as two hundred years ago. Attention must be paid to the fact that the Opportunity to acquire these Noble Monuments of the Early Printers is becoming of immensely greater difficulty every day. The Private Libraries of Europe who assid- uously collected the Glories of the First Presses are practically all sold out, and there is absolutely no chance of their ever being dispersed by the Great National and Public Libraries which now contain the only Specimens of them extant. An Illustration of the Old Morocco Bindings of most of the Books in the Collection is given on page 53. Each Volume is preserved in a handsomely made morocco fireproof Case. THE OLDEST MONUMENT OF XYLOGRAPHY AND TYPOGRAPHY EXTANT. 1. Speculum Humanae Salvationis. BLOCK BOOK. Dat Speghel Der Menscheliker Behoudenisse. Small folio, old red morocco gilt, ornamental frame and borders, gilt back. (Holland, Lourens Janszoon Coster, before 1470) . $12,000 . 00 The Dutch translation of the Latin Speculum, and according to Schreiber the SECOND DUTCH EDITION. It contains 58 leaves, printed on one side of the paper, the blank sides pasted together (some have been partly separated); the first three leaves contain a preface, long lines, Gothic Letter, 31, 30, to a page, leaf 4 a table of chapters, 32 lines, while the remaining 54 leaves have each a diptych illustration within gothic columns and arches, w^ith a Latin inscrip- tion; below in two columns is the explanatory Dutch text, the num- ber of lines to a page varying from 24-27. The arrangement of leaves is the same as in the Latin edition, save in regard to the prefatory matter. All the illustrations are in the original uncoloured state. The interest of the present copy is enhanced by the fact that it was formerly in the possession of the celebrated geographer Abraham Ortelius (1527-98), and the following inscription in his hand appears on the recto (otherwise blank) of the first leaf. "Pr. ccxxiij De hoc volumine vide que scribet Had. Junius in sua Batavia, cap. 17. de Harlemo ubi hunc nominat SPECULUM NOSTRAE SALUTIS." On tlic dcatli of Orlclius llie volume passed iiilo Ihe hands of his nei)hew Jacobus Colius Orlelianus who has written under his uncle's note "Den Spiegel onser behoudenisse Jacobi Colii Orteliani, 1598." GEORGE D. SMITH. 547 FIFTH AVE., NEW YORK <&fmep fimalc&iit rou8 utpctc op ^i Qmt m Type mavglK melt tic amkh Utctt htm tr jbr Ijoctf rmt feonttJcrrtt C-fi alfo jjcrfti iif onit ij hcmclf OBgiic gficlrif fiotf lolrtj *£fi flOtl)fi(j CO tiftf ^i trgf s Ijcm gfimi onwdf r DitbciC fllTrior«f.v5it totiirb mTttctc apronrn fij BricDint f fliCo ttttl tot ^i allcjjmc lumtm \\t p5 ^are tiarorc^ alo fpul.efi toccti brttie Im tan f pd bic ioco&ap rod tticrt mtttPit »g OTflUfn iji fJo atot'lijjjf.irmf|fie lett ai Oilhp IfliCar^cifc Ijcfftroilc rrr fjiirfigucfrrC tauiH Utt ronifh jiie sanicn botrn Or meg quart lu& fnemlitb wcbcorr^.^fmrp rorrp trglif yetn tifTD ^out rnlr fpuroctjic iocJjftop rocrp in m Ijaataorjlic tnom cfifpuroe«^mcB Ijirt nuii) crn bbctgkt me^ rocfttuuJJC iortCap tft f pm trn ticcltptrr abpfap rooulc (rmr|i oofi (Hirflrgliru ^r bb?.tncr teuia iiic btnomt fngrlf Coutt iiir bcfpottrro toot oi)Cflcc^ bjjc.mcc ^1 en olviiis. l-'pislolnc dc ( "oiinciiIu M;iiitii;iii<). Ro- man letter, lonu lines, 34 to the paiie, with signatures, but no numeration. Sni;ill folio, lino old s|)rinklo(l cnlf .i>ilt, Milan, Antonio /aioto. 14S1. $17.5.00 First Ktiition. ^^^ilUMl l>y the loMrnod Po])e Pins II, Piccolomini, tlie Anthor of some I'amons Love Homances and Deiuuiciations of Mahomet and the Turks. Contains sonu^ Ki)istles not reprinted. AN EXCEEDINGLY RARE EARLY AESOP. 1497 5. Aesop. Fal)ulae Selecta(\ (iraece et Laline. ad verhum redditae. Printed in double columns in Roman Letters and in Greek Characters, 24 lines to the page. 4to, old red morocco irilt. dentelle Ixtrders. iiilt edges in red le\anl case. Reggio d'Emilia. DionysioBertochi. 141)7. ^ $300.00 AX EX('EEL)IX(;LY hake EDITIOX, commencing with the Latin Epistle of Bonus Accursius, the Editor of the First Aesop in Greek, to J. F. Turrianus. EARLY ASTRONOMICAL WITH FINE WOODCUTS. 6. Albumasar. De magnis ("onjunctionibus Annorum Revolu- tionibus: aceurum profectionil)us: octo continens tractatus. Small Gothic Letter, long lines, 45 to the full page, no numeration. Large woodcut of two Astronomers on title page, fine Orna- mental Initial Letters white on black throughout and about 300 woodcuts of the Constellations and the Signs of the Zodiac all beautifully engraved in the finest Venetian Manner. Small 4to, crimson crushed levant with broad gold tooled (ioral borders on sides doublures of crimson levant gilt, gilt top other edges entirely uncut, bv THE CLUB BINDERY. Venice. Jacobus Pentius deLencho. 1515. $175.00 A Magnificent Specimen of Venetian Tj'pographv and Engraving in a Beautiful Binding signed by LEOX MAILLARD. MAGNIFICENT COPY OF THE EDITIO PRINCEPS OF ST. AMBROSE. 1492. 7. Ambrose, Saint. ()})era Omnia. Gothic Letter. Double Columns, 52 lines to a page, with signatures but no numera- tion. Large woodcut, colored by an old hand on frst page. Numerous ornamental Capitals painted in red and blue alternately. Printed notes in the margins. 'J vols, folio, old English red morocco gilt, ornamental borders, tooled backs, gilt edges. Preserved in fine levant Solander Cases. Ba.sel. Johan de Amer- bach. 1493. $400.00 The rare First Edition of the Writings of the Great Latin Church _Sucto5opermnrequcnt(um. Quid tibiTancta fides paferotnemoraderependet Qua tua colluftrat/fcripta decora/nlmis J* Per te czefaribus utuendi norma beatc Przefcnptaefltmiilfis cbrifhcoliTcp bom's. Plurfma cerfe tuis debet uencranda libellis Relligio:infractaq?faaseffefidcm. Haerefici exborrent mcrito uenerabile nome Ambrofijtquo^i malleus (pfefuit. Necpotuerequideuerbumutaremaligtii; Illius ex fcriptis dogmattbur(^ ui'ru No. 7. Saint Anil)rose. Basel. 1¥M. 10 GF.ORGF. D. SMITH. 547 FIFTH AVE.. NEW YORK Ainl>ri>M'. Saint I (nitiniitd. FiitluM". Hisliop Ambrose of Milan. lioinid in at the iK'^iiinin^ ol" tlio First \ oluMU' and at the end ol" the Tliinl are two XClluin lea\'es from a Twelfth Century Service 15ook, neatly written in lar^e Char- acters on hoth sides in red and hlack and with a finely j)ainte(l and Illuminated Miniature of St. Michael in Episcopal Kohes, on the First. The liemarkahly fine lar^e woodcut on the first j)a^e repre- sents St. Ambrose in his Study in his Bishop's r()l)es and Mitre com- posim; liis Hook. So(> llhistratioii on pa^e 9. 8. Ales, -Alexander Dc. Sni)(M- t(M-tium Senteiiliarum. Gothic Letter, double eolumns, 52 lines to the column, with signa- tures, no numeration or catchwords. Small folio, olive morocco anti(|ue. ^ilt edges. Venice. Jolian of Cologne and Johan ]\Ianthem of (dieretzem. ' U7o. $225.00 First Edition. The Author was an En<>'lisli Franciscan Monk and noted Theologian. lie died about l^oO. liound in at tlie beginning and at the end are two leaves from a Fifteenth Century Clioir Book with nuisical Notation and a fine Illuminated Initial Letter. FIRST EDITION OF ARISTOPHANES. 1498. 9. Aristophanes. Comoediae X()\em, cum scholiis Craecis et rraefationc (iracca Marci ^lusuri. Printed in large and small- er Greek Types w ith signatures but no numeration, ornament- al woodcut Initials and head-bands of interlacing scrolls. Folio, very fine Old P^ui^lish red morocco, i»old tooled borders and back, Lrilt edges. Venetiis ai)ud Aldum. 1498. $500 . 00 EDITIO PRINCEPS of the Comedies of Aristophanes splendidly printed by Aldus, and one of the Karities and Glories of Early Greek Tyjjography. The preface by ]\Iusuro treats of the necessity of studying the (ireek Language, and highly praises Aristophanes on the e.xcellence of his Style. It also contains a second preface by Aldus. 10. Aquinas, Thomas. Commentarium sujjer (juatuor Evange- li>tas. Printed in Gothic Letter of two sizes, without numera- ation, signatures or Catchwords. Very fine large pen drawn and painted Initial Letter commencing each of the four Gospels. Folio, original ^Monastic Ijinding of oak boards covered witli leather stamped witli Roses, Fleurs-de-Lys, Birds and Angels in diamonds .shaped compartments, Brass corner guards and clasps. Basel. MichaelWen.ssler. 1470. $250.00 Rare Pearly Pxlition of one of the most important of the Great Thirteenth Century C'lnirclinian's A\'rilings. [EDITIO PRINCEPS OF THE "MORALS" OF ARIS- TOTLE. 1480. 11. Aristotle. l)e Moribus ad Xic-omacheum Lil)ri X J. Argy- ro7)ylo Byzantio interprete. Roman Letter, long lines 31 to the page, with signatures but no numeration. Folio, old calf in finelevantca.se. Florence. Xicholaus Laun'utius, ( 14S()). $250.00 First Edition, AND OF EXTRE:\IE RARITY. COLLECTION OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS 11 THE RARE ORIGINAL EDITION. 1486. 12. Aristotle. Libri de Animalibus Aristotelis interprete Theo- dore Gaza. Printed in Roman letter, long lines, 35 to the page, with signatures but no numeration. Folio, fine old English red morocco, dentelle borders on sides, tooled back, gilt edges. Pre- served in a fine levant Solander case. Venice, Johan of Cologne and Johan Manthen. 1486. $350.00 FIRST EDITION. Very handsome copy in Beautiful old English Binding. On the wide margins are written many interesting notes in a very old hand. 13. Asconius Pedianus, Quintus. Commentarii in Ciceroni Orationes; Georgius Trapezuntius de Artificio Ciceronianae Orationis Pro Q. Ligario; Ant. Luschi inquisitio super XI Orationes Ciceronis. Printed in Roman letter, long lines 35-37 to the page with signatures but no numeration, some marginal Notes in a con- temporary hand. Folio, old English red morocco gilt, gilt edges. Venice Johann of Koln and Johann Manthen. 1477. $175.00 The Editio Princeps of these valuable Commentaries, and exceed- ingly rare. The two last folios of the volume contain two very curious Epistles from Hieronymus Squarzaficus to Ant. Serachus Arch- bishop of Corinth dated from his "Solitary dwelling" Venice. 1477. THE RAREST OF THE ALDINE VOLUMES. 1499. 14. Astronomici Veteres Scriptores. Julii Firmici Astronomi- corum libri octo integri, et emendati, ex Scythicis oris ad nos nu])er allati. Marci Manilii astronomicorum libri quinque. Arati Pliae- nomena Germanico Caesare interprete cum commentariis et imagin- ibus. Arati ejusdem phaenomenon fragment um Marco. T. C. interprete. Arati ejusdem Phaenomena Huff Festo Avieno para- phraste. Arati ejusdem Phaenomena graece Theonis commentaria copiosissima in Arati Phaenomena graece. Prodi Dindochi S])]iaera graece Procli ejusdem Sphraera, Thoma Linacro Hritaniio inler})rete. Printed in Roman Letter and small Greek characters, and illustrated in the Latin version of Aratus by Germanicus, with woodcut diagrams and figures of the Zodiac. Small fohO, fine old red morocco gold tooled on sides and l)ack, gilt edges. Venice. Aldus Romanus. 1499. $.S50.00 Very fine large Copy of this cxcoodiiigly rare Aldine Kdiliou. The Greek works at the end are missing in most of (he Copies which occur for sale. See Ilhistnilion on pn^e 1*2. 12 1 Eonenabciicficioiunonis fntcraftracollocatudicit'.cocp uir^ tutc carrcras prxccllat. Pcriandnis Khodius rcferc cii ob primes laborcsHcrculismcmoriscaufa.lioiiorificeaftnsillatu . Nigi' diusrcfcrt hunc Iconcm micncum apud lunam luflTu iunonis&iii ter^ taarchadiainrcgione ncmciinfpclimcamihdimon nominefucnt, qiiamqdam aphrifo dicLuu.&mlTuIunomsadHerculisexinum di' milTumque Hercules lulTu Eunflhci mccrfecitcum Molocho hofpite fuo.cuius clauam pro uinbus tnbutam principio eftadepcusciim qua Icoiicuucrfccir.itaq; poflcaclauapro gladio pcUe pro fcutorcliquo te^ pore uriccrpit&: apud omnesmortalcs gratusob uiruuem haberi coc pitiunoporromagisodiocirc , Quaproprcrlconem cilefh memona dignarumuoluntatelunoniiuos arbicramur.Hicnotabilis&maxi" mus Hirer fignacft.Pleriq;uoluntnemcajgymnicosludosob hunc leo neminfl:tutos.hic torus figuratur.Habetitellasmcapiterrcs.icollodu as.mpeclorcclaramunam.uifpnaatres.m Cauda media unam.ni uiti' ma Cauda claram unam.iii medio uctreuuam.fub pecT:oreduas,ipno re pedeclaram unam.fub ucnrreunam claram, m medio ueiitns unam, in poftcnorepcdeclarauna'.mgenupoftenonclaraunam.fiur omncs dccem&noue. Vident-aliajftellxobfcuraEfepremiuxtacaudam eius, qu2 uocanr''cniicsbereriiccs,&:runrea^uirginuinou2 Icfbo pieriit. illaaurcmagna&claraquasinpedtoreeiuseftappellaturtybcroae. ONE OF THE EARLIEST BOOKS PRINTED IN ROME. 1468. 15. Augustine, Saint. De Civitate Dei Libri XX. Printed in Roman Letter, long lines 46 to a page, without marks, numerous ornamental Initials painted in red with elaborate pen ornamentation. Folio, old Enf^lish red morocco gilt, gilt edges. Rome. Conrad Swevnhevm and Arnold Pannartz. 1468. $650.00 Second Edition of this World Famous Work and the First Edition Printed in Rome. Rarer perhaps than Mentelin's Edition issued the year previous, as only 27.5 Copies were printed. It is jjrinted in the Pure Roman Letters which were cut by Sweynheym in 1467 after models of penmanship. lie and Pannartz quitted the Monastery at Subbiaco in or soon after June 1467, for the j)urpose of setting up their Press in the Palace of the Princes Massimi at Rome. Before the end of that vear he had succeeded in creating THE FIRST FOUNT OF GENUINE RO:\IAN TYPES. COLLECTION OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS 13 FROM THE FIRST VENETIAN PRINTING PRESS. 1470. 16. Augustine, Saint. De Civitate Dei libri XXII. Roman letter, long lines, 50 to the page, with the table in double column, running titles written in red by a contemporary hand. Folio, fine old red morocco gilt, full tooled back, gilt edges. Venice. Johan of Speyer, finished by Wendelin, 1470. $1500 . 00 A very fine large copy of this exceedingly rare work, the fourth Book printed in Venice where in 1469 Johan of Speyer had established the first press. He died before the Book was completed and it was finished by his Brother Wendelin. The very interesting Colophon in verse relates the sudden death of Johan Speier and the succession of his brother Wendelin to his press in the "Adriatic City." Pre- served in a very fine levant Solander Case. See Colophon below. Qui docuit Venetos exfcribi pofle Joannes Menfe fere trino Centena uolumina plini Et totidcm Magni Ciceronis Spira hbellos: Cfperat Aurcli:fubita fed morte pcrcntus Non potuit Ccptum Venetis finire uolumcn Vindclinus adeft eiufdem frater:8^ arte Non minor:badriacaqp morabitur urbc .M.CCCC.LXX. VELLUM COPY OF THE FOURTH BOOK PRINTED AT VENICE. 1470. 17. Augustine, Saint. De Civitate Dei. Roman Letter, long lines, 50 to the page, without signatures, catchwords, or numeration, the Contents in double column. On the first page of text is exquisitely painted a full page interlacing scroll border in light green, blue, carmine and gold by a contempor- ary Venetian Illuminator who has also executed throughout the text 23 large Initials in the same Artistic Manner. Folio, brown levant, white vellum linings and flv leaves, gilt edges, bv MARIUS MICHEL. Venice. John and Vindelin of Speyer.^ 1470. $4500 . 00 PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON FINE VELLUM, ONLY 7 SIMILAR COPIES ARE KNOWN. In MOO John of Speyer established the First Press at Venice where he printed Cicero's Letters twice, then an Edition of Pliny's Natural History, and then commenc- ed on this Augustine, })efore its com])letion hv died, and it was finislied early in 1470 by his Brother Mndelin whom I he C()l()j)lion describes as being "no less expert than his Brother" and also states that he "was there to finish it and would continue to dwell in the Adriatic City." A MAGNIFICENT MONUMENT OF VENETIAN PRINT- ING FROM ITS FIRST PRESS. See Illusln.lion on page 14. 14 GEORGF. D. SMITH. 517 I MTH A\K.. NEW YORK ^^l:^/'. .a:^^:^. J^\xrt\\\ A^futbnx deciuitxtt dci y An 1 fi'L-li.ncr Incip It: ^ INTERE-N C\'N\ ROM\ GOTTHORNM IRR\'P tionr ic;cntiuni Tub rcc;c .M.uico at^y impctii m.ic;nf cliJiscucrfi ci\ f'us cuerlionem Jforum tilforum mutoriu}) cultorcs c\uos ufiuto nomine piganos uocamusin chrirtiAti.i rdigionc retcrre L-onantes folito acerbius ft; imartus df u ucu bl.ifp hcmire ccpf rut. X'ndecgo fxardclcrns zclo domus dci: iJucrfus foru bl.ilphe' .■\ , mus ueTcrrorcs libtos de ciaiutr dci fcribcrc illitiii Quod opus l^pcTiliquot annos mc tcnuit.coq- alu multa :ntcrcurtcb.it quf ditTern nooportcrft; ft: mc prius ad foluendum occupabat.Hoc lutcde ciuitatcdcigrandcopns tandem. NXii.libris ell tcrmiatu. c^uoru quinc]uc prmii cos rcttllunt iqui res hum.inas ita profpari uolunt utad hoc mutorum dcorum cultum quos pagani colere confueuerut ncccflanu eilcarbitrcr ct quia prohibctur mala ifla e.xonri itqj abundarc contcnduntiScquctes iutcm quiq; aduerfuf cos Loquuntur:qui iacecur bfc mala nccdctuilTc uq ncc dctutura mortalibus ft: ca nunc mat;ai nunc parua locis tcporibus; pcrfonifq; uariari. Scd deoru mutorumcultum quo cis facnficatur: propter uitam poll mortem futuram cfTeunlemdifpuunt. His ergo. x. Iibrisduf ill? uancopintones cbriflianf relieioni aduerfan^ refcrlluntur.Sed nequifq nos aliena tantum rcdargajfTe nonautcm notlra afTcruinc reprfbenaer&:;id agit pars altera opens hums: ?|Uf .xii.libris continetur.Quanq ubi opus e{\:>^ in prioribus.x.quf noftra untineramus:&: in.xii poflerioribusred.^rguamusaduerfa Duodeci ergo librorum fcauentium pnmiquatuorcontinentexortum duarum ciuitatum quarum ell una del altera Hums mundi. Sccundi qtutuor cxcurfum carum feu proeurfum. Term ucro qui ft: poftremi dcbitos fines. Ita omncs. xxii . libricum fint de utraqucciuiute confcripti: titutum timcn a meliorc accc' perunt ut dc ciuitatc del p>otius uocarcntur in quorum degmo libro non dcbuit pro miraculof>oni:in Abrae facrificio tlammam Cflitus fa(ilam inter diuifas uic'kimas cucurnfre:quoniam hoc illi in uifionc monflratum cCi. In xn. libro quoddicflumefldcSamuelenoncratdc filiis A.iron :diccndum potiusfuit: non erac films facerdotis. Filios quippe faccrdotum dcfunc^is Ciccrdotibus fuccedere magis legitimi moris futt. Nam in filiis Aaro rcpit" pater Samiiclis: fed facerdos non fuit:nec ita i filiis utcu ipfc genu cnt Aaro: (id ficut omnes lUius populidicunturfilii ifracl. Dc-JuiiiCrlJriji nomirur .,^1 quiBui ir.iiil^ituminirbii prater chri/tam b4rtjripcpcrcc»-unr "^ ., rruiQn^ C-lpitulttTnpmmum. ^^LORIOSISSIMAM CI\'ITATEM DEI fmc n hoc tempoi; curfucu intcrimpios pcrcgrinatur ex ..:v ■.'., fide uiucnf: flue i ilia ftabilitatcfedisftcrnp qu.inunc J^ .cxpe<^atpcrpaticntiam:quoadufq; luflitia conuertat . ^ ; „ ll^ in iudiciu:dcinccps adcptura perexcclletiamui(floria ;> ^''f -^il^^' ultimactpaccperfeclaibocopcrcadteinftitutoet mca •'Of^^^rth^V^^J^^^i.promifrionedebitoidefendercaducrfus eos qcondi' ^^^ ^V"*^:-.'J ^ori ems dcos fuos prpferiit fill carilTime Marcelline fufceprmagnum opus etarduum: fed dcus adiutornoftcr. Nam fcioquibus uiribuf opus fit;ut perfuadcatur fuperbis:qtafit uirtus bumilitatis:qua fit ut oia terrcnacacuina temporal] mobilitate nuuntia:non bumano ufurpata fiftu:fcddiuiru gratia donau cclfitudo tranfccndat. Rex cnim & conditor Xo. 17. Saint Augu.stine. \'eniee. 1470. COLLECTION OF EARLY PRINTED COOKS 15 /■ ^ Vafgrca irpotTco^fao'.id efbdcccntur dtcunc;e4fueteref V--^do<^«Jtiinocdfuocuicu moderameca'cu dccenctuncuUfftu uoculSnoncO appelldbanc.Qijod nunc aut barbarc quern loqut dicimuf: id uiciu (ermomf- non bcrbari eflefcd rufhcd ec cum eo uicw loquencef rufbice log didhcabanc. P. Nigidiufm comccdruf grammdnaf.R.ufhcuffit fcrmo tnquic:fi afpircf perperam. Icacf id uocdbuIu:qd' diacur uulgo barbanfmuOqui ante dun A.ugurh ecacem pure acq; mcegre loquun funt^an dtx^'Cic^itondueqdem muem. Diuerfum de ndcora ItonCi dtxtHe Homerft nr camnmbur cc Hcrodocum tn bifVoni^Q^apuc. vit. f ^ Eenaf mccr o mn^ mta femcl parere. Eoqj uno partu nung I cder c pluref- q unum : Herodoruf in ccrcta btfbona fcriptum rcftqc. Verba exe»kbro becfunc.MSf.i; Vlaif/a: to[i Krxvpora/ TOi^Kai epacrvTarop aira^^prrciJ^Kij TifCTti Ip T-KTOv V/ ntcf ov^£p.td cfk Cura ducc antntalninracernnia ftc Lceaa: ec atfdaa(Timum;femelomntno-minra:ccurBiparn::enicei>do cmm cum 6etu pancer matnce proucic.Rei uera bumfce caufd e q> cu m matrice manenf moncari tnctpicGjcuIufmocuf likunguicuhf prcmtmitufferaru longe omntu dcuciflimtHmdcncc diicerpic^cum tn maiufconanuo dugercennmulcomdgifdilantdfprodictaftdce uero lam nixu. prorlum relinqutt; eoru integrum et fanum mbil: HomeruT auce leoneT Sic emm femtnafquoqt uinh gencreap/ pelUc:quod grammatici fcTriJcoipop.td e promifcuu uocacplunf gignere:dcq; educdre caculof dicic. Vcrfufqutbuf bocapcrce de/ monffcrac^bt func- SlC TMKll.QCr T I <^Ti- \.tOi\t Trfcpf OlCTf TiKiO'Tl p CO pax^ p Ktti aropx i C v paprwo'op Toci tp v-\>t apS^piCETTCcKTHptO' id eft Vcq; leo in filua ftdbac fua ptgnora arcum Cui manufoccurfeccdrulornemurinceragenct: c Venacnx acancfta uirum.Iccmalio m loco idem figatftcaC, No. 19. Aulus GelHus. Rome. 14(59. 16 GEORGt; D. SMITH, 547 FIFTH AVE.. NEW YORK ''ON THE CIT^ OF GOD ' SUPERBLY PRINTED BY JENSON. 1475. 18. Augustine, Saint. \)v ("ivihitc Dri lihi-i XXII. Printed in Gothic Letter, double Columns, 46 lines to the pa^e, no marks. Lar^e Initial letters beautifully painted in blue with pen ornamentation and numerous smaller Capitals in red and blue. l-'olio. old red iiiorocco Hncly i^old (ooUmI. old \('lluni end leaves. i,m1 I (>(lm>s. \ eiiico. Nicolas .leiisoii. 147.>. $().5().()() A iH'autitul sjH'ciiiuMi of Jonson's clear and liandsome Gothic type. Contains all the hlank leaves i^enerally missing. 19. Augustine, Saint. Psahnonnn Kxi)]anali(). Printed in Gothic Letter, double Columns, 54 lines to the page, with Signatures, but no numeration or catch words. Folio, old calf, uill hack. Basel. Johan de Anierhach (14SI)). $100.00 \ ery fine Coj)y of an exceedingly rare Book, no Copy of which seems to liave occurred for sale for years. FIRST EDITION OF AULUS GELLIUS FROM THE FIRST ROMAN PRESS. 20. Aulus Gellius. Xoctes Atticae ex recognitione Jo Andrae E] )i^( ( . Aleriensis. Roman letter long lines 38 to the page, with- out marks. Commences with the Epistle of the Editor to the Pope Paul II which occupies 5 leaves, and a Table of Chapters, 14 leaves. On the first page of the work is a very fine large decorative Initial Letter and a beautiful border painted and Illuminated by an artist of the Florentine School. Through- out the text are 18 large capitals in gold and colors executed in the same style, w ith numerous smaller capitals painted in red and blue. Folio, fine old English red morocco, gold borders on .sides, gilt edges. Rome. C. Swevnhevm and A. Pannartz. 1469. $-27.50 . 00 ONE OF THE RAREST BOOKS ISSUED FROM THE FIRST PRESS OF R0:ME. Only ^27.5 Copies were printed. Xota})le for the large amount of Greek type used in it, leaf 109 being entirely covered with it. Aulus Ciellius a Latin Grammarian of the Second Century composed his "Attic Nights" for the Amusement of his Children. It appears from his own account that he had been accustomed to keeping a Diary in which he recorded whatever he heard in conversation, or met with in his reading that he considered worth remembering. The Work contains Anecdotes and Arguments, Scraps of History and Pieces of Poetry and dissertations on various points in Philosophy, and it consequently gives much valuable information on subjects relating to Anticjuity of which we should have been otherwise ignor- ant. See Illustrations on pages 1.5 and 93. COLLECTION OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS 17 COUNT HOYM'S COPY BOUND BY PADELOUP. 21. Aulus Gellius. Noctes Atticae. Printed in Roman char- acters, long lines 36 to the page, without numeration or catch- words. Small Folio, old green morocco, the ARMS OF COUNT HOYM stamped in gold on the centre of the covers, and his crowned monogram in the panels of the back; doublure of citron morocco, with wide dentelle borders, gilt edges by PADELOUP LE JEUNE, with his ticket on the first page. Venetiis: per Andream lacobi Catharensem, 1477. $400 . 00 An extremely rare edition of the Attic Nights. Edited by ALDUS and in a particularly rich specimen of Padeloup's binding for Count Hoym the "Polish Grolier" then Ambassador at the Court of France from the King of Poland. FIRST ALDINE EDITION OF THE *^ATTIC NIGHTS" 22. Aulus Gellius. Auli Gellii Noctium Atticarum Libri un- deviginti. Aldine Anchor and Dolphin device on first and last pages. Stout 8vo, dark green crushed levant, gilt panelled sides and back, gilt edges by BEDFORD. Venetiis in aedibus Aldi et Andreae Soceri. 1515. $50.00 First Aldine Edition and First of the two Issues of this date. Ed- ited by G. B. Egnatius without any Commentaries but wdth a com- plete Index and with Explanations of the Greek Passages. WITH GRAND WOODCUTS. 23. Avienus, Rufus Festus. Opera, scilicet Arati Phaenomena et orbis terrae descriptio; Ciceronis fragmentum Arati Phaenome- non; Q. Sereni medicinae liber; omnia curante V. Pisano. Roman letter long lines 38 to a page, with signatures, numerous fine woodcuts of the Figures of the Zodiac. 4to, old English red morocco richly gold tooled, gilt edges. Venice, Antonio de Strata. 1488. $250.00 An extremely uncommon Edition of this Latin Poet and Geograph- er's works. The Remarkable Woodcuts of the Zodiac and (\)nslella- tions are typical specimens of the \\'netian Engravers Art, and were copied by Aldus in his "Astronomici Veteres." 18 GKORGE D. SMITH. 547 MMH AVE.. NEW YORK SPl KNOin COPY OF CU'TENBERG'S ^'CATHOLICON," 14(>0. THE FOURTH BOOK PRINTED WITH A DATE. 24. Balbus Do Janua, Joannes. ( alliolicoii. Printed in Gothic Letter, double eolumns, 66 lines to the column, 373 leaves without marks. IJomul in ";? \(»ls. I'olio, i^raiul old En^lisli straiuiil iiraiiu-tl rod iiiorocco. Ncrv l)r()ad ii'old Ixu'dors ol' Flowers and l>oaves on >idos. olahoraloly loolcd hacks, broad inside borders of citron morocco richly h)olrd. lininits and fly Univcs of crimson silk, irilt cdi:cs. Mcnlz. uK.han (bihMihrry.) 1 Ki(). $7.)(M).()() Editio Princeps. THE SE( OM) HOOK PRINTED BY (IFT- ENBERC AM) THE FOrin 11 BOOK PRINTED WrrH A DATE. Its extraordinary rarity and value are conceded by all Bihlioiira])h- ers. Its im]iortance is yreatlv due to the fact that it is the FIRST LENK ON OR 1)I( TIONAJiY EVER PIBLISHEl). The mag- nificent Bindinij is a most uncommon example of Old English gold toolini;. These volumes were formerly in the MacC.'arthy library, but the coi)y does not a])i)ear in the sale catalogue, as it had been previously exchanged for one j)rinted on vellum. A Remarkably Fin(^ ^'io alius nutu mfantium liiia,itc fi wnr Oi(crtc.(2iu eg nuofcpc pwutio reuclaf qiioo C&picnhhm cclaf. \nc liber c^njqiuo.catbolicDfi. Ofiicr TricarnaoonJu At)r)H CO (xcc U /lima m ur be mdcjuntind nadonio mdjrc g^r-maino'.QMam Jjci dcmendcJ Mm aim rniyvmj lumnic.eono cy (j twim. ceteris rcrrai; nadonibuo pivFcme.illufVrdn: eg e!g;n4twy cfl- jlon ralami.lHli.aut pctinc fiifFm gio.fj mtVd patronai; Formau eg concoioia^p or oonc ct inoOulo.inipn?fr«e atqj conPccrus «!>. lOinc tib) fanch? pat«r tiafo al flammc faoo.laus «t bonoj ono tniio tribuaht: et uno Gcdcfic lau tx libno hoc otbolicr pUuDc Qui lauoan? piam Temper won iinquc marimti DC0.6l\/lC)/iO No. 24. Gutenberg's Catholicon. 1400. See also Illustrations on pages 90-91. 20 GF.ORC.F D. SMITH. 547 FIFTH AVE.. NEW YORK THE "R" PRINTER'S VERY RARE ''CATHOLICON." 25. BALBl'S DE JANUA, JOANNES. Calliolicoii, ('onmioiices "lmil)il suiHiuM tiuo \oc;iliir ( ';it liolicoii (Mlit.-i a Eratrc .lolKiiiiie de .lamia i»r(linis Fratnini Pivdicaloruni." Printed in Gothic Letter, double columns, 67 lines to the column, without marks, sev- eral very fine lariie painted Capital Letters in carmine and blue, and w ith hundreds of initials painted in red. Folio, blue morocco extra, iiiarhloil cduvs liill. Willioul Place, Printer's name or date (Strasshurii the ''H"" Printer about 140(1) $900.00 The Extremely Hare Editit)n from the press of the Printer who used the peculiarly formed capital "H" .so well known to .students of Fifteenth (\Mitury Tyi)o,ura])hy. By Ilain and other Bibliographers, bdoks containiuii this peculiar letter were attributed to the press of Mentelin, but it is now generally allowed that it cannot with any certainty be said who was tlu^ ])rintcr of them. See Illustration opi)osite. 26. BARTHOLOMOEUS DE CHAIMIS. Ccmfessionale Barthol- omei. Gothic letter, double columns, 35 lines to the page, w^ith signatures. 4to, full lireen crushed levant; fine blind tooled bor- ders on sides, gilt edges by RIVIERE, n, p. n. d. about 1485 $60 . 00 The first page bears only the two words Confessionale Bartholomei. A very rare and Pearly lulition of this P'amous ^Manual of Confession. According to Hain it was presumably printed by Sjjeyer of Strassburg about 14So. Fine Copy with marginal notes in a very old hand. FROM THE FIRST PRINTING PRESS OF ROME. 1469. 27. BESSARION, JOANNES.. Adversus Calumniatorem Platonis libri W et liber de Xatura et Arte adversus Georgium Trapezuntium. Roman letter and Greek Types for quotations, long lines 38 to the page, without marks, two large Initial letters of a very unusual style of Ornament composed of interlaced decorative scrolls entwining the plain letter, painted in brown, and with other large Capitals painted in red. Folio, old calf gilt, Rome, Conrad Sweynheym and Arnold Pannartz. (1469). $800 . 00 First Edition of a Rare and Famous Book written by John Bessa- rion the Patriarch of Constantinople who died in 1472. Sweynheym and Pannartz established the first Italian Printing Press in the Mon- asterA- at Subbiaco in 1465 which they left in 1467, for the purpose of setting up their press in the Palace of Prince Massimi at Rome. The Colophon containing the Printers' names and those of their Patrons the AIas.simi, is in the form of an eight-line Latin Verse. The date of the Book is certified by two Epistles thanking Cardinal Bessarion for the Book each dated 1469. On the blank leaf at the beginning is a contemporary inscription to the effect that the Book had been bequeathed to the Carthusian Monastery by Senor Nicolas de Coimbra in 1480. COLLECTION OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS 21 hoc rolummoooftc in bac oi'cfKone quic^ Q.UICO MB-vine m quiccu8ca>tuni> H^uocirca (tircjgcompofitionc -xd pectus per quanam irrcgularicareni iiTg(tur cum iflifl- fcj quo cuca .p2o coniun coinpofitis a minus ^2l,"° mono oue ptc9 fnnc in cuangcUo luce ut- ^uo mooofietiOuoquonia virumno cognofco Aliquanoo quomoOD ritKtur c(Tc oicSi'o compofi ta-feo potiua eft ibi irrcgularie qucOam vocum co ^eries que ponitur loco rniug oi(fl6i9-ut quomo loeft-qualittr-ettuc acccntujcui adi elTct vna oi tSio-^acuiturquo-fcb moPogiauatur- vioeinre cuoa gte in ca -oe copofitis a mooo ^♦j^uonoarn acucrblum temponeper qrcnbit'4* ocriujcur aquanoo /Oluonia oiuncflio caufalifucl fubcotmuatla.Cau faUs.utqm pocft tibilcge$ubcorinuatfa ucquo niam ambulac mouicur-lic quoniiqa'ud ergo vna pars eft fecunoutti papi- Ecoiffertquonia^aquia (iciit babes in quia Suoniaqiiibcmi'quia uet er^o-Vtia p^ra eft co ^ i-«a quoniaetquioem-oCcitc grauacur qui. cc acuicur an^^offunt ctia ci^c oue gtcs-et tunc euo bus accerib? rcgiitui -6^ acuitur qui.& fcjibit tiic quoniam g m£< tunc quoniani quiocm ioc} eft qo Suiacertf-Ec ficfumitur inpjiinaaDCoz-^cri-capi i,rfi quiocm g bo mine mcis jc- ^Jji02fum i' uerfus qua j^teyEt componit a quo 6i ucrfum>5f fillabicat quo2fum-6c6zquo2fiicuqj iocft-ucrfuaquacunqj ptem-Pmbug CSjuotennis a quoc ct annus compoitnr bicct bcc quotcnnia ct boc ne- & quofennue na^num-i- quoc annojum.ctbabct querere ocnunicroannozuj- ao quoo oebrnt refpoocri buiufmooi nomia occcnnis rriennia ic.Vtliftegtnitiuusanno^ cum nomine numeraliut quotcnniBeetubienniftriema-bim? trim u8triu*m uel quatruoz anno:^- uc rlc bugui'lMam p q.fcribiocbccWoccriam vulcpap tt aqHotioie Dicitur quoti oianue na.nunificut.* merioicmcrioianiie mcnoian.i num-fKUt writ pf- in fecuDO maio:i-Vnoc quoti oijnum ocbcCfc:ibi in pater noftcr pq- ^ uoticns aoucrbium numciiio cft-freqart-mul toriena-C^uottca-i-quot vicibua-cui rffponoetur fcmcl-bia.tcr-di fimili.i-6{ ccriuatur a quotua- ec 6i liUabicatur quoticfcunqj ^[^otua ab boc ablariuo quo oeriuatur quot 0T3 gcnciia inocclina'ftc tin pluraha nui-6c eft cue iter rogacm infmitum •relattfi- bc inoc quotua ca -cum • numeralf ccoioinalc-vt quotas ca in banco'pmuf uel fecuou3-Q,uotua eft m o,:oine quartua quit? iDfft.^.cbolit?fuboyaconu3.6.t»oufq5i'qpoiu aouertpioQ.noufq}iJOquc locum JK>uer«loa Vnoc ueifua-Tcpuo hue locum eic fignificarc qucufqj 4pniur aoucrbium interroganoi-potcft oeriuari .1 quT'SC fic fcribitur per qct geminu m v-rcl f oteO ocriuari a cuiua genitiuo oc quia-dc tiic rcbct fcti bi p C-6C wnum v> ficuc cur-fii ita comunitur fcribi cur feciioum mooernos fine aTpiracoc ponitur -rn la tini8 0i(fliomb?'!n greds Tcro uel pjincipaliai'in pn cipio-vcl gemiatain mcoia ©icSionc afpirat- vt rbetoz rboDua .pirrbua-rbctia-fic oicitpjifci- ,X{dab interp^etacur laticu oo-urfamco-urimpetue bi acuitur in fine* TTiabbi acuitur in fine &interpjctatur magifter- fiaeoocename.autmagiftcrmeua.^jbbom ioein bi acuicur in fine -XZ abboni in rabbi exponitur A'^abioulua in rabieaexponicur -rt abioua oa-oum-in rabiee c;:ponicur 'Atabiecula le-oi-pua rabies "l^abies a ran quoo eft ira-oicitur hec rabiee bieij vnoebec rabiccula Ic-ci-dC rabiofua fa-funi'd< co fjaratur-vnocrabiofe fiua.nme'aouer'5{ bee rabi« itae catie-ftem a rabiea oititur rabiilua la|um-6C rabioua rabioa oum- penul-cozrcpcai -rabie picn? rabici oatus-f uroje plenus-iracua 'inranua- vnoe rabioulualalumoi- •;f^abfatee fcribit p b -in intcrpcationibua •& coz- penul'flrrium nome titi eft* ;i:^abulu8 rabula rabuluj in rabies cft-ftC coiripic pcnultimam- ^^acemifer -a raccmua ct fcro fcje-componicur raccmifer raccmifcra feruiniocft-racemosfcjcna 6^ui rixcrit fratri fiio racba reua crit cccilio- Qui tiicit fatue rciia crit gebennc igniB ficiit oicit R jcba quijpc in bcbjco colloquio ro;c interietfloiBcft que qoein aim irafcftia often Oit-nec tame plenum uezbum iraciirierxpniit|!'a ua ergo ira rcphenoitur fine uoce-poftmooii veto iracurn vocfffonccpii plcno ucrbo fozmata-Mo extrcmii uiTO cum oicitur fMuc. in rcoarguit que cum voci8exfcfruc;rplcturenampfv.iis. ()|)ll«^ jn'opt* (li\iiuim ii(>\ issiinc coiiiicsliiin. Gothic Letter with nunioration and siiinaturcs. With 176 charniini^ wood- cuts desiLiiied by Fcrrarese Artists and with 3 niai^inificent Itordcrs. I'olin, l)r(»NVM K'\;iMt, l)liii(l tooled i)anols on sidos, gill c(l<^cs l.y HKl.Z MF.DKKE. Frrrara, Lomizo dci Rossi. \VM . $7.>0.()0 VUv Most iiuj)t>rl;»nt Work produced l)y the Early Fcrrara Press and one of the very l''in(>st of Books with Woodcuts, produced in Italy in the Fifteenth (\Mitury. The woodcuts rei)resent Portraits of Famous Women froni the earliest Times to the comi)letion of the Author's Work. A MAliMFICENT ( OPY WITH MANY UN- ( FT FFA\ FS. AM) NOTABLE AS BEIXC THE FH^ST BOOK TO (OXTAIX AFTHFNTK POKTRAFrS OF CONTEMPO- RARY ^^OMEX. Sec Illustrations below and on oi)i)osite page. FO CXXI ec Banrrs Prmcrriadc €t Sfincw tuftochio (apicnris anubtt re cilige cjfn/7 fcruabtt tc bcnoia illam'? amplajbitur tc TTcc qmppc OXmilia tuo in pcctoic titifq; ouribua Temper bcrcanf . EKfancaDcmrtrunrguie 7 manure, capuulum. ccaiiij, OCmctria alia romana n'rgo r mMyr fuit.quc Tub Juliano apoflata pim cipc p:o cbnfto romc martf rio C02c?n3ta efl.'Wam qaum ante 3ultanu; »mpi| fTimum introducu fui(Tet'7 crudclilTuTie vcrbcraf atandcm in confefno' ne perfcucrans'jd vltimmn occimo cbalcndas "Juiias fpiritum Dco emifit. DefanctaCuflocbionr^-'ieromana. capituUim. emu ilxj^^i matronc rom Jc ftlui'7 fua Wr r ^3j ac Dccus/ar.no a nanuita- re cbrt'ii trigeffimo fup:a quadnngen tefimii'poft mouem fanctifl'imi fm pa' tria tyicrcnymi"i ipfa apud Ectblce- miricuin oppidum fclid ooimitioc-^c wi in pace. Vtc namq} rati muUcris •faille hhii bcres in omnibus rtiq? ertitiraqu3quid£5 f^'-nna gcnitnceat cga Slcfillagcrmanaoc qmb'fupw) ncquaqua ocgcncraflc nfa eft:quin'7 omnibus cai u5 vtrrurib'rirginuate adiccta'pcr fimilis fuif . Cuius iter cetera tm oto placuir ipfa fua biimitiB abiec tacr. "irgtnitas/rt cum bencctij eiuspa' trui impcno abiccticncm ipfius'cquo no ferrcnfis animo:p20teftata vEo; ciuf cultum 1 ncglcctum caput mimdano mo:e mutafTctrilli noctc fcqucnti per ri' fum angclus apparuirrembili afpcctu ccnribtic \:s:c rcrba infrcndcns. "^efli ma feminaru3 r.unctibitue etccrabilcs manus erardccnt vtTpzefcntes'acfti turemulicrcsruoctcoiploeiiadantautioies.^fanlc perpcndcre quant'«^ abommabiUs fit Dco^mundanum 7 crcciTiaum oinamentum 7 vdun non fa^ ti8 tuo cruaatuerpiatum fcclu8:7 maritum 7 filioe rcpeniino mtcritu pet" dcs.f lilt itaq3 bee faaatilTima rtrgo-ad fuc fanctcgcnitricis "^ule imitatto/ ncm imp:uni8 rmgulari bumilitate'7 alifg rirtWibuB^pariter 7 Utterarum ta5 b£b:3rc2rum'grecan.ii umc^'q? latinaruj ftudtis plurimwn i(ignita.£t adco ipfa animc o:n3ment3 mundialibus 7 coipozaltbuB piopofuit rt nibil rn^ p:acrmifcnt quca ad txcus matcmum'gloziamcp fuinmi oei creatons 7 re^ dcmptoMsfmconduccrcndactur.andcob boctantam fibi rcndicauit fa' mam rt fuo tempoze rniucrfo 02bi/f3nctimonie 7 boncflatis' pzodigiiim pene appcllarctur.£t idcirco ipfa fua genitrit/CHm cctcrozum filioium amo:e5 p:o ptcr Dcum contcmpfilTcfm bcc fola gnata' que 7 p:oporiti'7 naDigationis ad faaatilTimj oomini noftn lefu cbnfti loca comes eius effc volebat/tantummo do acqmeuit.Qae admodum adbuc adolefccntula,nobilifq?/ac oelicata/quuj puua 6unucbo:u:ti poMraur manibusquodzm incredibiU ardoie fucccn^ fa 7 ipfa afello bumiU fedens'rniuerfa facra oomini noftn loca'cuj reliquis q Hi COLLECTION OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS 23 No. 28. Bcr^()ln(Mlsi.s. l)e Miilirrihus. 1 M)7. 24 GEORGE D. SMITH. 547 FIFTH AVE., NEW YORK R.ARK FARLV GERMAN BIBLE, 1477. 29. BIBLE. Bihlia LMlina. Printed in fine lar^e Gothic Letter, double columns 51 lines to the column, without sig- natures, cateliwords or numeration, all the lari^e Initials finely drawn by hand and painted in red. Tliick lolio, pancllcMl calf, red edi^es. Xinvml)rrii. Anton Kolinriivr 1477. $'-250. 00 tin: (iKEAT M KEMBEKC PKIXTEirS SECOND BIBLE ot" wliicli lu' issnnl no less than IS Editions in '^(l years, a iVat o(|nalled l)y no otluM- of the I'irst Printers. From George Livermore's Famous Bible Collection with the Bookplate of the Harvard College Loan Exhibition dated 1859. IN SPLENDID PKESER- \ ATION. Dr. Pet tiiirew, the Duke of Sussex's Lil)rarian. in eoniparin<>' tlie First and Second Kohuruer Bihle says "The Arrangement of this Bible and its Reading corresponds precisely with the First Edition: but the epistle of the Monk Mesnard, and the Canons of Eusebius have been added. The type of the Bible is of a more elegant character than in the Edition of 1475." 30. BIBLIA SACRA LATINA, editionis vul-atae, cum i)rolo bnalh th^65f^E ^pe of Kipomtfm^g3 •not Wtx fe cckftfe f nanT^e . (Ttcu tlplap airng^ ^a £ k fo t*Hjpn rficj mag Ufiillg ari^ frclg best . (gof gtt (k^ b not of fo gate bv ?»2 '^'H *^ f^ufot^^e of ap*2?ie£o: cf a lotte . (^ct axm^B bt a manngspropur aucfodCslabs :if an otJ^es wan ^ucnotbt >ic d}sgm afocc : be 6f ftcengfel? ©loglj . ^^^(Jln^ i( 10 i^ opgngoT) of Miowt «i^ tf?a£ ftn feito^ of a$mif nsa^Qjiic ttjmg^ . ^ct^ f^H ^f ®'">? fH^ cj^mj?^ be fcoiwc bg a ng l}itco5) g^ugn tl^at ttioo© aiwgs 6gof «o wwc aucfonted>c») t^c6 ajjngc tl^Ktdjbc 6alj3 bga wawg© albn? ftucfottfe . ^ii^ctt m tf)ge; l»Uc afba atconfenj^ flje bobgc of bttii^gttg «ni5 bun^gng Kirf? orf?e4 pUfuc'o ^guGsfc ac w tb bcbc a^cne ftu^ alfo of Coo^atmuae a nobutt XScibc . QCln^ b^w^olbcn; ti^ii) ^ l»fcie of blafgno; of aamgs? fmnf Uifgt an& compglgt ^ c^c^gt at ^?gn£ albns liu gs'^ ftoin d^mcnwaciott of olbce (c*^ 3^a Ccift . jn . cccc » ij?^ ^t . No. .S.5. Hock ol' S;iiiil Albans. UHfi. 28 GF.ORGK D. SMITH. 547 FIFTH AVE.. NEW YORK Popular Rh>nies. lt> aulliorsliii) is allrilmlod to Dame -lulianna Hariu'> *ir lit miums IMion^ss ol" Si)|)\v('ll near Si. Alhaiis. 'Pliis error anise from an inM'ri|)lion found al I lie cud of the .sofoiid pari, the nu'lrical treatise on llunlynu. addressed l)y a School Dame l<» tlie ("hihlren or "Hairns." The j)rinter of the Work is known, from an allusit)n to him hy \Nynkyn de Worde, (o liaxc l)een a School-Master at Si. Allians, whose name ho\\(>\-er has remained nid^nown. Only two complete Copies of the First Edition of this Celebrated work are known. Dihdin in his 15il)li()mania mcMilions tliat this Coju was i,nven to the Karl of Pembroke by John Anslis, the famous Herald. (iart(T Kinii" of Arms. See llhistralions on paj>c's '•iO and "27. FROM THE FIRST PRESS OF LYONS. 1486. 36. BOETHIUS, ANICIUS. De Consolatione philosophiae; De l)i>(ij)hna Seholarium. cum eommentario S. Tliomae de Acjuino. Gothic Letter, long lines, Commentary 45 lines to a page, with separate sets of signatures but no numeration, ornamental capitals painted in red, rubricated throughout. '-2 Vols, in one. Small folio, old red morocco gilt, denlelle l)or(lers on sides, gilt edges. Xo place or printer's name. (Lyon. Guillaume Le Roy) 1486. $350.00 Printed by Guillaume Le Roy who with Bartholomieu Buyer estahlished the First Press at Lyons in 1473. The Gothic Types used by him difiered entirely from those of other printers of the time. Amongst other famous Books from this noted press are the "Roman de la Rose" and the "Doctrinal de Sapience." An exceedingly rare Edition of this P^imous Work. UNIQUE VELLUM COPY WITH 20 RICH MINIATURES. 37. BOUCHET, JEHAN. Lamoureuxtran.sysansEspoir. Printed on fine vellum in Gothic Letter, long lines, with signatures but no numeration. SLPEKBLY DECORATED WITH ^20 LAPvGE MIMATURE PAINTLXGS RICHLY ILLUMINATED IN GOLD AND COLORS. 8vo, fine old morocco, dentelle borders on .sides, tooled back. Paris. Anthoine Verard, about lo0'2. $4750.00 The Original Edition of this very remarkable Work which is partly in Prose and partly in Verse of eight .syllables. Although mystical and allegorical in character it still records manv important Historical Facts. NO ()TI1EI{ COPY BESIDES THIS EVER SEEMS TO HA\'E BEEN SOLD AT AUCTION. It was once in the Sunder- land Collection and at the Sale in 1803 sold for $3200.00. COLLECTION OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS 29 ([3ndiiiiduc cnniiaiiL' ilOTUinc miioca(o. Tpfiilimi o;do iiirij ninm qucm nuiic romana fcruai ccclcfia incipit. a oomimca piimj port oauui cpipba nic ufiB ad fqjtiugcfimaj : t a kalciidin ocrobiin uftp ad aducium fubfcnpia in uitatoaj fmgula fmguliti oomimcui pic biw dicimtur : \u lamcn q- fi opoaucni ulnmum rqictatiir. 3miiratoiium piimum . 19miic ctulttitT eommo:iubilm'oco falutan luo. po. '^ic ocaipcmuB. ^nuiiatoiiu fccundum.T^a: occnpcmue hdan Dommi: z i pfalniie lubilc maed, po. TScMc . '^mtUMOzmm tcrniL iduoma pais nitign' oommiw: i ret itiagn^ fupaomncB otos. pa. '5:lcnU£.3nuiUioa um quanum. Jn manulua DomincromntB lince tmr^.'yominica piimapoftoaaua cpipbaic. ^nuilaiozius. TAcnilc cnilinnus oomiiio: uibton' oeo faluian nfo^p. Tjiiaxjcaipcni''. ^b octaua fpipbamc iifcRad boinitu cam pjimam qiudragrfimc : i a kalcn- di6 oaobiw ufq? ad adutiu pornini fc quma b fttinuti dintur Bd nocmmu5. ■ft'l A/^ dicp omniuj: quomundiiB ortatcondi mnrudquo rdurgct>coti ditwnoa moite uicta libc rctjSl ulfo pjocul tojpo nbus: furgamueomnce ocpw.z noac flUgrainufl piu: ficut pjopbcta nouim". SJortrae pieces m aiidiat: fuaqj dene ram poiiiMt : z crpiatop foalibuti: red dat poloiu} fcdibun^0( qiuq? farranf limo.buiun Oici lempoic: bono amtis pfallimuaroome beam? muncretjjam tiiic paJcma damaortc poftulamiw affa nm: abfit ti bicto foididana : omtufqj ac nwnonual^f fedafit ucl lubiica: c6 pago nortn cojpojis: p qiwauemi igni biw: ipfi crememur acriuflUffl b boc re dcmpro! qucfimua : ut piobra nia dilii a0:iute paenme commoda:nobia bem giu coniaiel^uo camie acm exake: eft'ccti ipfi cclibci) : ur prcflolamur cer nui melon canamun gloncj^rerta pa ta piirtimc: pamqj compar imue; cum fpintu paracljto:rcgiiaii per omnc fccu liiin.31niciT(b onjiu pciccoHi.» ufg< ad kalcndao oaobrui in pominicio Die bunfubfequmobrciim inuii.iM;io it quctuc dicimi" Bd noctJauilJloiiuiiL Stdpicm^oriv- qui feat no&. pa ."WcilcJo f. P||l4?ac furgetcii uigilanuiideo:fiin- IMiper i pfalinw mcdiiemuratq? uiri butJtotm Olio carumui.1 Pulcilcr bjTn' non lS3 t pio regi panlacanenictvcum fuai fancna macamur aulaMUStf'^' " lifiiniilibcatamoucac uiiaji^rcfla boc nobii' oaian bcaia : pairw ac naiL' paniaq5 fancti fpiruiiti:aiiiii> rcboat in oinni glotu mundo. Smcn . 3n pamo. noa.Pc adiicntii m.'Umia «cc rominc quid mulnplican. pci. Biominc iic i liiroic. 2>c pfalrmlla. antipboa. SctuUl. Domino .£>iib Dicta arit. diciintur iidcm Sfalmi . Xcpo;c pafcbali aiit. Sllduui. •apia rcuolutue (A. £l fub dicta arit. di cuntiirpfalmi totiup pjirm noct i lie ui ali|0 noa.fcru jtiir idem o;do. luo mcdiubuur die ac noae^^i ent ti 05 Iignu5 quod plantatu efl feciw dccur fuii aqiuru: quod fmctum fuum Pabii i tempore fiioT£jt foliii aiu? no defluei; T oia quecunqTiJCiet profperabuntiir. |tfon fic unpii non fic.fed lanq'jpulum que pjoi|cu ueniut> a faae imeJT^deo non refurgum impu n ludicio.necp pec catoieo in eofilio lullonim^^ uoniam nouit ooinimio uiam iul1o:u:'Z ua impi omm pcnbil. pfalinuci oauul. l^s' No. 38. Jenson's Breviary. \'(Miicc. 147S. A MAGNIFICENT VELLUM PRINTED BREVIARY. 1478. 38. BREVIARIUM JUXTA RITUM ROMANUM CURIE. ( um Calendario. Printed on VELLUM in Gothic Letter in red and black. Beautiful Border in gold and Colors on the first page, composed of Arabesque Flowers and Leaves and 4 large Figures of Fathers of the Church, with a Cardinal's Arms in the lower border. Numerous other Illuminated Borders throughout, with Historiated Initials and many finely decorated Capital Letters. 2 vols in one. Folio, fine old Freneli red moroeco, ^old tooled Borders on sides, old damnsk lininj^s and flyleaves, gilt edges. Venice. Nicolas Jenson. 147S. $2500.00 ONE OF THE MOST MAGNIFK ENT PRODI CTIONS OF 30 GEORGE D. SMITH. 517 FH TH AVE.. NEW YORK Hrt'viarium ( tnitiuuai. .iKXsoNs rin:ss and onk of tkn ( opiks pkintkd on \ MLLIM. In iU I iii(|U(> and Arlislic ("oloriiin and I lluiiiiiial ion, it o(|Uals tlio Hrsl of I lie Illuiiiiiialcd Maimscripl Hours of llic same Prriod. and llu* Printer was i'\id(Mill> (hHcivcd hy (his K(vs(Mnl)lance wluMi ho Irltrrt'd llio Hook on llir Hack "MAM SC "1{1." The I?ordrr> and l-'iuurt's and olhci- ])aiiit<'d ornanuMds aro extremely eleuant and inchide some woi'k in line ( aniaieu-rou.uc. Amony the Animal I-'iynres is a larize and siiiiiuhir h)()kini;' Kk'])hant painted in hhiek, a Hear walking oil" wilh a Man armed with a Spear, over his Slionlder. Horses with heads of Moidf'e Illustrations on opposite page and on page 9'i. COLLECTION OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS 31 No. .'50. Frontispiece by Duror of Brcydenbach's "Pilri)U'iii. \)c Hello ( 'i\ili lihri sex. Roman Letter, 44 lines to the paiie, with siiiiiatures, printed notes in margins, \er\ tine larue Ilkiniinateei hiitial on first pai>;e with full pa^e interlaeinii Seroll border linely painted in l^lue, red, and i>recn and with many lariie Capitals in red throughout. Small folio, very tine old eilroii iiionjceo. liold (o(>led hack, uill edi^es hy Derome. Treviso. Michael Maiizoiiiii of rarmn. ll-Sd. ^^i.jO.OO \ ery Hiu' (\>|)y ol' llns esteemed Ivlilioii edited hy Ilieroiiymus HoMoiiiiis of Tre\iso. Hooks with I his Hriiiler's lm|)i-iiil are extreme- l\ scarce. ' 41. CAMPANUS JOANNES ANTONIUS. ()i)era, scilicet : Trac- tatu> W Orationes W. Kj)is|olaniiii lihri IX. \ita Pii. Hisloria, Hrachii, Ki)iuraiimiat imi lihri \ III. Printed in Roman letter, 56 lono; lines to the page, with signatures, but no numeration, fine large Woodcut of a Bell on first page, numerous ornamen- tal woodcut initials and a very fine full page Architectural Woodcut with Figures at end. Folio, old sprinkled calf gilt. H(.iiie. Kuchariiis Silher. 141).). if^'^OO . 00 FIRST FDFITOX. Cainj)anus rose from a shepherd hoy to he the confidant of two Popes—Paul II and Sixtus IV. The most interest iiiu i)art of the volume is pro])al)ly the history of the deeds of Andrea Braccio of Mentone, of the Bracchi family, and of the struggles against Sforza and the Lords of Rimini, forming a valuahle contrihution to the history of Italy under the Despots. At the end occurs the famous epigram of Michael Fernow against the Roman booksellers. FIRST EDITION OF A MEDIAEVAL ENCYCLOPEDIA 42. CAPELLA, MARTIAN. Opus de Xu])liis Philologie et Mer- curii lihri duo: de gramniatica; de dialectica; de arithmetica; de rlx'torica; de geometria; de a.tronomia; de nuisica lihri septem. Printed in Roman letter, with the title in large Gothic Char- acters, long lines, 37 to a page, with signatures, but without catchwords, or numeration. Fine printers device on last page. Folio, fine old English Morocco, gilt edges, in fine levant Solander case. Vicenza. Henricus de Sancto Urso. 1499. $200.00 First Eflition. The Essay on ^lusic is partic'darly interesting. The Poet ('aj)ella was horn at Carthage, Africa, and lived in Rome about 47.5. The Work is a medley of Prose and \ erse and is a kind of Encyclopedia of the Arts and Sciences as known for about a thousand years and it was highly esteemed in the Middle Ages as a Text Book. The Section on the Greek Theory of Arithmetic treats> of the various clas.ses of Numbers such as i)lane and solid, and men- tions the supposed Mysteries of the smaller numbers, the monad suggesting one God, the dyad Good and Evil, the triad the Trinity and .so on. A passage in the Section on A.stronomy is said to have suggested the System of Copernicus. COLLECTION OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS 33 [^biglia p,ccpctuo0:tibi Dat tofa cub^ tnup^oB. ; IBcrpctuumnomcntpctpetuumcpDccus. I H^tc ma Cetotc(g:c£Do!l0 coTa cccfcit in bo;ttis. > aittHaquflamrigtiiBUungittJtcant^fuiB. )i6>epttmus!|eticus:faptg0re]ciaegulamojtttm. 1 Cc»eaemgenmm:cump;obitatetencn0. 3Otantosfo!us:bigtIanstcbcntI)ono^0, ecgo ab0 te Oebctuucc bolentc coU. No. 4.3. J^-itile woodcuts and Pynson's large Device on last page. 4l<), cilron Icxanl. |)aii('ll('(l sides gill, and tooled with 15irds and F'lowers, tooled hack, inside borders, vellum linings and flyleaves gilt edges l)y THE ( \A U BINDERY. (London. Kiehard Pvnson ahoul 1.514) $4(H)().()() ONE OF THE ONLY TWO VELLUIVl COPIES KNOWN, the other being in the British MuscMini. A most iiileresting aeeount of 34 C.FORGF. D. SMITH 5J7 FIFTH AVF., NEW YORK VnruwVvMiiis — ( tmt i n iit'il . the KiiiIkissv son! I>v I lie I'lnjHM'or Maximilian to iMiuiaiid to no^o- tiato a Marriai^T Iti'twrtMi llu* KmiJcror's urandson al'lcrwanls the Knipcnn" Cliarlrs \' and Mary danulil(M- ol" Henry \ II. 'V\\v Antlior IVtcr ("arnu'lianu> was tlic Kiiiilisli Conrl Poet, hv wrote first in landation and tlion in vitniieration of Kicliard III, and was ai)|)oint(Ml Chaplain and Latin Secretary to lleniy \ II. He is I'nrllier described as Iteini: l.nte PhiyiM" to IltMiry \ III. Hooks ])rinted l)y Hieliard Pynson will always he of Pecnliar Interest to tlie Collector of liooks from the Early English Presses. Pynst)n a Xorman hy hirth was a Student of the iTiiversity of Paris and learned the Art of Print inu" at Honen, with Cnillanme le Tailleur. He went to Eiiiiland ahout 14SS, and became the Assistant of CAX- TON and fellow-worker of WYXKYX DE WORDE. On the acces- sion of Henry \ III he was a])])ointed Kind's Typographer, became P^ngland's (ireatest Law Printer and introduced lioman Type into that country in L5()9. See Illustration on page 83. FROM THE SECOND PRESS OF FLORENCE. 1480. 44. CARACCIOLO DE LITIO, ROBERTO. Sermones Quadra- gesimales Italice. Roman Letter, long lines, 38 to the page with signatures but no numeration. Folio, old sj)rinkled calf, full gilt back. Florence. Xicliolaus Laurentius. 1480. $100. 00 A very uncommon Edition of Caracciolo's famous writings, from the Second Printer's Press at Florence. Quite unknown to Proctor. Robertus Caracciolus was one of the Order of Minor Friars, and died about '20 years after the pu})lication of this book. He was Bishoj) of Acjuino in 1471, noted for his great eloquence, and for the humor (or, rather, what would today be characterized as burlesciue) in which he attacked the laxity of morals and extravagance of living of the higher prelates. Many editions were printed of his sermons THE FIRST FRENCH EDITION OF CATO. 1487. 45. CATO, DIONYSIUS. Precepta et Disticha cum Commento. Gothic Letter, long lines, 33 to a page, with signatures. On the first page is the title "Cato cum Commento" with a large woodcut printers device, white on black ground. 4to, fine old P>nglish red morocco, gold borders on sides, full gilt back, gilt edges, in fine levant Solander Case. Paris, Pierre Levet. 1487. $275 . 00 The first Translation of Cato into French and extremely Hare. Xo Copy in the British ^Museum or in any of the Famous old English Private Libraries. Books with the Imprint of Peter Levet are very scarce. COLLECTION OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS 35 46. CATULLUS, CAIUS VALERIUS. Catullus, Tibullus,Pr()per- tius et P. Papinii Statii Sylvae. Roman Letter, long lines 35-36 to the pages, without marks but with traces of hand stamped signatures in several places, two leaves supplied in Contem- porary MS, numerous ornamental Capitals painted in red. Small folio, old red morocco, finely gold tooled, gilt edges. No place or date but Venice Johan de Colonia and Jolian Manthen. 147.5. $500 . 00 THE SECOND EDITION OF THE COLLECTED WORKS OF THESE FOUR POETS AND OF GREAT RARITY. It Commen- ces on the verso of leaf I with a brief summary of the Life of Catullus occupying 11 lines only. The Poems of Catullus then begin on the recto of the next leaf and occupy 34 leaves. Then follows a Life of Tibullus followed by his poems occupying 3*2 leaves. Next is the Life of Propertius followed by his poems which occupy the ensuing 59 leaves, with the Imprint of John of Cologne and John of ]\Iautlien at end. Statins follows and occupies the next 60 leaves. The few Copies which occur for sale hardly ever contain the Lives of the three Poets and the three blank leaves. A former owner has erased many of the very numerous passages in Catullus wliicli offend by their grossness and impurity but the ink in course of time has faded away leaving the original printed text intact. FIRST EDITION OF A FAMOUS MEDICAL WORK. 1478. 47. CELSUS, CORNELIUS. De Medicina Libri \'1II ex Recogni- tione B. Fontii. Roman letter, long lines, 34-35 to the page with printed signatures. Folio, old English retl morocco with tooled borders, gilt back, gilt edges. Florence. Nicholas Laurctil ius. 1478. $350.00 First Edition of this exceedingly rare Book. Owing to the dillVM-- ent sizes of paper used in the Book some folio and some ((uarlo. Ilic collation of the Book is confusing. The Works of this (V^lebrated Roman Physician who hvcd in I lie First Century under Tiberius are renowned for their Learning, (iood sense and Practical Information and have been Iranslated inlo every European Language from ihe dale of this Edilio Pnncei)s until the Present Time. THE SECOND BOOK PRINTED IN ENGLAND BY CAXTON. 48. CESSOLIS, JACOBUS DE. The (.;..n<' .md Pl;iyr of Ihe Chesse moralized. Transl;il<>(l l)y Wilhain CmxIoii Ironi tlie Krcnch ol' Jehan de Vignav who Iranslalcd from llic Ilahan of Cessolis. Black Letter, long lines 29 to a page, with signatures but no numer- ation or Catch Words, Large Woodcuts. Has 46 leaves, out of 84. Small folio, very fine old Englisli red morocco willi dcnielle 36 GEORGE D. SMITH. 547 FIFTH AVE.. NEW YORK C'a\l<»n ( mtiinut'd. hordors. full irill rduvs. No \)\i\ic or (laic l>ul W (>sl minslcM-, William C'axton, aKoiit 14S:{. $^>7.)0.()0 Second Edition and excessively Rare. Accordiniv to De Ricci onlv 13 copies exist, only two of which are perfect. Generally considered as the Second Book, printed by Caxton in England and also the Second English Book illustrated with Woodcuts. Set- lllii--tr;itioii oil oppuxiU- pM^c. FIRST EDITION OF CICERO'S TUSCULAN DISPUTATIONS. 1469. 49. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Tusc-uianac Qiiesliones. Lil.ri \ Printed in small semi Gothic Characters, long lines 35 to the page. Mo. uroen c-ruslied levant, fiiic.j>()ld borders on sides, to(.l'>d l)ac-k. while vellum lininii's and flyleaves, by THE CLUB BINDKHY. Kone. llrieh Ilaim. U()<). $900.00 KDITK) PRINCEPS. A BEArTIITLUY PRINTED EDI- TION FROM THE SE( OND PRESS OF RO:\lE. The blanks left for the (iieek Quotations liave l)een filled in with very old hand- wrilinu". Ht-t- Illustration on ()j)j)()site page. \ VERY RARE CICERO FROM THE FIRST PRESS OF ROME. 1470. 50. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Epistolae ad :\L Brntum, et Ciceronis Q. Frairem, ad Oelaviiim, et ad Atticum; ex Reeognitione Jo Andreae. Roman letter, long lines 38 to a page, without marks. Folio, fine old En^-lish red morocco gilt, gokl l)orders on >ides. full tooled baek. gilt edges. Rome. Conrad Sweynheym and Arnold Pannartz. 1470. $1250.00 EDITIO PRINCEPS placed by Brunei before Jenson's Edition printed in tlie same year at Venice. According to the records Copies liardlv ever occur for Sale. Onlv 275 Copies were printed and it has now become of superlative Rarity. A MAGNIFICENT SPECIMEN OF E VRLY PRINTINCr FROM ONE OF THE .AlOST FAMOUS PRESSES OF THE AVORLD. FROM THE FIRST PRESS OF MILAN. 51. CICERO. Orationes. Printed in Roman Letter, long lines, 50 to the page, with signatures, but no numeration. Coat of Arms sketched in on first page in the blank space left for an Initial. Folio, very fine Old English red morocco gilt, tooled baek, gilt edges. No jjlace or date, but Milan, Antonio Zaroto about 1480. $250.00 Magnificent Copy of this f^xtremely Rare Edition. COLLECTION OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS 37 «E:£^ ,'*■■§' lis es- «> o ^&g^«^^ 05> <* TtJ SS ^ o » o ^ j: s? ta^ -^ '^ i » -» «^^ 5- » .«^ -a * X ■" ' e 5 «j .w —^ j^ -i *, " fl* *♦ :J •o »— Aj lit 2 e Ji o 2i^ ■■§ 3 i- «« o H t» S 3 « 6, flu .. C ^« 5 ^ p-^ tJ ^ e ^ 10 ^ t; ji- :j a- p >c- a bflxt 38 GEORGE D. SMITH. 517 FIFTH AVE., NEW YORK VANO VAMMIHISEMPER; • „ FREQ_\ENS.CONSrtCTVS ^ '•'''' •Tniilfr'"-'"'^'' ''"•';' 'tikAutrm^^bais i;:r.;uf cltuilu>C^^;.-^trsi Un^cn hoc jditu ciixin-.c pituit Yir"***" '•m"f '^'^f'T. t^mpTi arTM.-r,.^ r/-mp-rili.t trjn!"c:ttci-Ji:mpqt«ii.lun;^ogh- K-mn»rinrinn:]uj Jbiisijui^ , JjjA^ ,/ u^-ftram cijii Hf^'^^-I-""^- fijnmiULwiii cnaJtorum rrrirnl i g* ;""'"^''"j'..',""i!rf.-^.jr^.JZ.' iU ts.ncunucu;t:5iciajcatu^l*aBf4C;lcintcllexjQuinte5 16>. cjuidde''^, JtV^--^^^^^ J n:r luJicjrctis; & juii jl:is pnrfcnbereAiflluc cum ft jiu'Wifflris in metintum.{it:;p'tuauis£ bfjnfcnbus fnanHir/limi-efle ucIuiQis. « &.id j»;cr!dum ficultitis tintcm &uatum^ommiuigiljtiex fcrefl ^^\ cutjrrdicedr.rjuoodunji rxrrcitJt;o potuit af fcrre certe & fiqd ,V^ et;jiTi3iccJo confei:jui pcflum: iisortendam potifliir.u: <^ei cjucot rei frofbj luo iudia'^ tTi1"i^-i.'<- ^enf^c 6g ^uKcncc ^ pamo fA), rUANClSdS MATrHANTH'S. \)v (•..nipoiuMidis (•;iniiinil)us (>l>u>('iiliiin; Nicohii Pendht Syijonliiii di" iiriu'rihiis nu'li-oriiin. Roman letter, lonii lines, 38 to a pa^e, with Siiinatures. \ riiict". Maximo dr Papi.i 14!)1. "2 vols, in oiio. 4lo, fine old red inoroeio. deidelle IjoicKms oii sides, ^ill (mIi^cs. tooled hack, i'lorence 1485. Venice 14J)1. .^-iToOO Two snjierlalively rare works. I'lie First is unknown to Ilain or Proctor, the other is also nndeserihed by Proctor. FROM THE SECOND PRESS OF LOUVAIN. 55. COLUMNA, GUIDO DE. Ilistoria Destructionis Trojae. Got hie Letter long lines, 30 to a page, with signatures but no numeration, large ornamental initial on first page painted in blue with pen ornamentation in red. Rubricated throughout. 4to. fine oKl Kniilish red nioroeeo, dentelle borders, gilt edges, pre- served in a handsome levant Solander Case. No place or date, but Louvain. Johan of Westi)halia. 1475. $350.00 A celebraletl Romance written in P287 which (iuido asserts to be a genuine History taken from Dictys Cretensis. The author accom- panied Edward I on his return from the Crusades to England, wliere he j)rol)ably wrote this work, which on its appearance was so po])ular as to find translators into almost every European Language, including one into English by the Famous Poet Monk of Bury, John Lydgate. John of AVestphalia the jjrinter of the Book was the second printer to establish a press at Louvain in the Low Countries. An ingenious attempt has been made to credit the Oxford Press of Theodoric Rood with the printing of the Book. Ijy means of a printed Monogram on the last page of the text in this Copy and the Book has been lettered on the back "Oxon. 1480." RARE EARLY GREEK AND LATIN LEXICON. 1483. 56. CRASTON, JOANNES. Lexicon Graeco-Latinum cum praefa- tion<' Boni Accur>ii. Roman letter double columns, 44 lines to a page, with signatures but no numeration. Folio fine old Eng- lish red morocco gilt, gold borders on sides, tooled back, gilt edges. ^'ice^za. Dionysius Bertochus. 148.S. $3^25.00 First Edition of this rare work with a date. Its Compiler Joannes Craston of the Carmelite Order was one of the most famous of the Early Lexicographers. He edited Lascaris and a (ireek-Latin Psalter. This and the "\'ocabularius" of the same date were the first Books printed ))y Bertochus at his own press; his other works were all printed at Venice, Bologna, Reggio and Modena. COLLECTION OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS 41 A RARE JENSON BOOK IN BEAUTIFUL BINDING. 57. CORNELIUS, NEPOS. Aemilii Prolyl Mri Clarissimi de Mta Excellent ium Liber. Roman Characters 31 and 32 long lines to the page on 52 unnumbered leaves without Signatures or Catchwords. Initials beautifully painted in Blue, Green and Ked. Folio, English straight-grained green morocco, with wide blind-tooled dentelle borders on sides, centre compartments with gilt angle ornaments composed of Dots, Stars, Flowers, Leaves and Circlets; back with gold dot and blind tooled ornaments, inside borders, gilt linings and flyleaves, gilt edges by ROGER PAYNE. Venetiis. Nicolaus Jenson. 1471. $1500.00 FIRST EDITION OF THIS MASTERPIECE OF TYPOGRA- PHY from the Famous Jenson Press. With the first page beautifully ornamented with an illuminated Miniature painting of an Ancient Naval Battle and with a complete Border painted in the style of the Pompeian Frescoes. THE BINDING BY ROGER PAYNE IS A SPLENDID EXAMPLE OF HIS FINEST MOROCCO WORK- MANSHIP. From the Mark Masterman Sykes, Syston Park and other Famous Libraries. A VERY RARE WORK FROM THE FIRST PRESS OF ROME. 1471. 58. CYPRIAN, SAINT. Epistolae et Opuscula, ex recensione Jo. Andreae Episcopus Aleriensis. Roman letter, long lines, 38 to a page without marks. Finely painted and illuminated Border by an Italian Artist on first page, with a large initial and ern- blazoned Coat of Arms at foot, numerous large and small ini- tials painted in red and blue. Folio, old red morocco gilt, tooled borders, gilt edges. Rome. C. Swevnhevm and A. Pannartz. 1471. $()50 . 00 The First Edition of these celebrated Letters with a date. One of the rarest Works issued by this famous Press. Saint Cyi)rian one of the most learned Fathers of the Latin Church was Bishoj) of Carthage in Africa and suffered Martyrdom in A. 1). '^.jS. WITH THE ARMS OF MARCO FOSCARI, DOGE OF VENICE. 59. DELPHINUS, PETRUS. Ei)isl()larum Lil)ri XIL in lucem editi cura et studio Jac Brixiani. Roman L tter. With the Initial Letters throughout in gold on a blue ground, and with elabo- rate gold ornamentation on the margins of every page. Beau- tiful woodcut title page. FoHo, c()nlem])orary red morocco, bound for the DOCiE FOSCWRl with his lai-ge Anns in gold on sid(>s, gill back, gilt edges. Venice. Bernar(hiii Henah. b>'^4. $^>.")0 . 00 First Edition of this magnificenl Spcciincu of Venetian Printing. Complete with the Leaf of Errata. An excce(h"ngly rare Book from the Labedoyere and other famous Lil)raries, and the sanu> Coj)y described by Brunei as liaN'iiig sold a hnii(h \ ariis l(.(|U(>n.li fiuuris sivc.lc intuio (lit t audi. Roman letter, lonii lines, 25 to a pai>;e, without marks, tine lariie initial on first paoje, painted in blue with elaborate pen ornamentation. Ho. old red morocco willi tooled liordcr^. uill cdu<'>. in fine Sohiiidcr Case. FeiTiira. Aiidrc Bcaiil'orL U7I. ' $450.00 l'ir>( Edition with a date and exceed iiiii'ly rare. Tlu^ Second l^ook |»riiitelr;iii(>ii Ix-low. quoc{quum bpc diligeter tenucris-.Ex infi nito poenc baru reru numero alia qupdam non minuf utiliora fedgrauiora fubnedti. Quimobrcm ut tu facis cupidillimc Ifaru rtudia complc(ftcrc:&: qu^ indies afTequere ad exercitacionem accommoda.cf. Vale. C'^^Sex nonas maius o^ober lulius &c mars. Quattuor & rcliquLtcnSC idus qlibet o€io Indedies reliquos omnis dicefTe kalendas. Njmcn fortiri dcbent a menfe fequenti , lunius Aprilis feptcmqi noueqi tncenos. Vnum addis relics. Viginti tebruus o(ilo ^ Expliciut clegatie parue domini auguftini • datbi Sencnfis. ImprplTc icrraric die dccK manona O<^obris. c:m.cccc.lxxi. g' ImprefTi Andreas hoc op^:cui fricia nome ^TVaddiC;at ciuis ferraricnfis ego. rT^erculeo felix ferraria tuta manebat r"Numine:pcrfe(flus cum hbcr ifte fuit, Xo. 00. ])atlius. Fcrrara. 1471. COLLECTION OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS 43 A RARE FIFTEENTH CENTURY FABLE BOOK. 61. DIALOGUS CREATURARUM MORALIZATUS onini nia- terie morali jociindo et edificativo modo applicabilis. Gothic letter, double column, 41 lines to the page, 62 unnumbered leaves. Initials painted in red. Folio, red levant gilt, gilt top, uncut, by TRAUTZ-BAUZONNET. Cologne. Conrad Winters of Hoem- borck. 1481. $450.00 One of the Rarest of all the Early Editions of these Famous "DIALOGUES OF CREATURES MORALYSED." One of the most Popular and Amusing Books of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries. Superb Copy containing many uncut leaves. In the fine Yemeniz Binding and with his Book Label. FROM THE FIRST PRESS OF BOLOGNA. 1472. 62. DIODORUS SICULUS. Bibliotheca, sen historiarum prisca- rum libri \T, e graeco in latinum traducti per Fr. Poggium ; et Cornelii Taciti de moribus et populis Germaniae libellus. Roman Letter, 42 to the page, long lines w^ithout signatures, numeration or catchwords. Folio, full brown crushed levant, the sides tooled and gilt, with an interlaced geometrical design in the Grolier manner, gilt back, inside borders, vellum linings and flyleaves, gilt edges, by MARIUS MICHEL. Bononiae, (Baldassare Azzoguidi, 1472). $475.00 EDITIO PRINCEPS. Extremely Rare, especially with the 6 leaves containing the "Germaniae libellus" of Tacitus, also printed here for the first time. A BEAUTIFUL EXAMPLE FROIM THE FIRST PRESS OF BOLOGNA. Remarkably fine copy in a grand and appropriate Binding. The History of Diodorus who was contemporary with Julius Caesar and Augustus comprehends a period of lli38 years, besides the time preceding the Trojan War, and is carried down to the end of Caesar's Gallic War. A RARE EARLY ALDINE. 1499. 63. DIOSCORIDES. IVdacii Discoridis Amabarzei de Materia medica libri sex. De Alexi])harmacis et Tlieriacis Hl)ri Ires, se])iiuii, octavi, et nini nomibus insigniti. Nicanch-i C()l()j)h()nii Tlieriaca el Alexipharmacia, cum scholiis. Title and text entirely in Greek Characters, but with Latin preface by Aldus, with signatures but no numeration. Folio, old red morocco, gill wilJi deiilelle borders, full tooled back, gilt edges, Venetiis, apud Aldum. 141)9. .%)00.()0 The Editio PriiK'e{)s. Descrilied by Rcnouanl as "tres precieuse" and one of the most esteemed of the First Aldine Productions. Dioscorides is the mosl edebraled Herbnlisl of Aiiliciuily nnd is su]> posed to have lived in Ihc limes of (1(M)J);iI i;i ;iiid for 1(1 ceiiliiries there was nothing known superior to this woik of liis on llie "Materia Medica." 44 GEORGE D. SMITH. 547 FIFTH AVE.. NEW YORK TWO R.\RE GREEK GRAMMARS. 64. ENCHIRIDIUM GRAMMATICES. In hoc Lihn. hnrv sunt. En.ltMU.ita ( liri^oloi'ac. \)v Aiioinalis \(M"l»is. !)<> rorinal ioiic Icm- l)orimi ( 'liaUoii(iill.io TIuMlori dc ( Oiislriiclioiu'. IIcM'odiani (UmmicIc- ticis. v^'ontontiat* unius canniiiis (>\ dixcrsis jxx'lis. Caloiiis Hoiiiani Sontriiliao (|uar Iransliilil c\ lalina xoce in iiraccaiii lin.miam inaximus inoiiaclius ])lami(lcs. himo, sinni)lu()usly hound in dark l)lue straiijlit grained morocco, with rich i>()ld I)()rders on sides, l)ack covered will) iiold (h)t toohiiii', rose silk hninii's and flyleaves, ^ill edues. l)y Courtcval wilh his Ticket. Florence. Pliilij) -lunla. l.Vld. ' $7.5.00 First Edition in a heautilul hindinii". Bound in is Theodore (iaza's "Lilier de Rudinientis (Iraecaruni l>iteraruni." Tuhiniien (1.51()). (iaza's (iramniar was in universal ust^ at the beginning of the Kith Century. A MAGNIFICENT SPECIMEN OF ALDINE GREEK PRINTING. 1499. 65. EPISTOLARUM GRAECARUM COLLECTIO. Epistolae I5asilii niagni. Lihanii Rheloris. Chionis Platonici, Aechinis et Iso- cratis oratoruni. Phalaridis tyranni, Bruti Roniani, A})olonii Tyanen- sis, Juliani Apostatae; F^pistolae diversoruni Phil()so})horuni oratoruni, rhetorum sex et viginti. Printed in small Greek cursive Charac- ters, with head titles in Capitals, long lines, 26 to a page with with signatures but no numeration, ^i jKirts in 1 vol. 4to, old red morocco gilt, elaborate dentelle })orders on sides, tooled hack, gilt edges. Venetiis, apud Aldum. 1499. $17,5.00 First Aldine Edition and of great Rarity. The First Title reads "Epistolae Basilii Magni" etc., and the second "Epistolae diversorum philosophorum," with a list of the Authors including Plato, Denio.>thenes, Ilijijjocrates, Diogenes, Procopius and '-21 others. THE FIRST BOOK CONTAINING GEOMETRICAL FIGURES. 1482. 66. EUCLID. Preclarissimus liher Elementorum Euclidis per- .spicacissimi in artem (ieometriae incipit c|uam foelicissime. Printed in two sizes of Gothic Letter. Heading of First page printed in red within a beautiful three-quarter woodcut border, numerous large and small woodcut initials and numerous Geometrical Figures printed in the outer margins. F'olio. Sumj;tu(nisly hound in a Rich Architectural Mosaic Design composed of 7 vari-colored leathers excjuisitelv gold tooled; white vellum linings and flvleaves. gilt edges hv LEON MAILLARD OF THE CLUB BINDERY. Venice. Erhardt Ratdolt. 148^2. $600.00 THE FIRST EDITION OF EUCLID and a Book of Supreme 45 m 1(i>Jcclanllimii0 libcrcloncntoium /Euclidis pcrlpi/ MCilTuTil m anon i&cometjnc iiKipit qu^foelicillimc: Dc pnnnpij j p (< nociB;^ pnio oi oirtini C(iKtus c11 cuiua ts 110 dl.G Ziiica eft iionibus aranikm. lojimdo fine latmidmcciii''(:iuidcc):/ rrcmitates It ouo piiita. C2inea recta ■"«> c ab vno pucto ad aim bicuilTiina c%ti/ ' ' lioi ejtrcmitatcsfuasvtruqieofrcd pummi fioui.CSuplictee c q logitudmc 1 1an fc r I'-^'^wijC^^^S mdiric nil b):cui"\ernii quidc fut liiice. k'^^f 'St^Sl CSupfu-ico plana c ab vn a linca ad a/ ii I Yii^J^^^ li.icrtclic icrtTCniitatcoliiaprciipicc r V— S?ii* v^^ canupiiluo planus c Duaru luicaru al/ hcic applicaiioq^no oirccta. CiQuadoautangulun? pririct Pi:c lincc rcac ratilmc" angulue noiar. fl jClii rccu liiicj lup rccii Itcrcrit ^uoq•. an^uli vtrobiqi hicrit eqlcs cor via q;, rtcfait O >liricjqi lincc llipnat' a cm lupfrat ppciidicularis \\x at.Gan jiiilni-. vo qui recto maioJ i obtuluti Dicit.Caiia;ul'Vo nnno: re itoJci:i"jppcllar.CXcnnin'\-qovrniilciiiulqihn li-.O-i'ijura c qtiiiuio vltcrniis r-'nricf .C. No. 66. Euclid. Venice. 148^2. Interest, being the Earliest Printed Work in whieh continuous Geometrical Figures occur in anj^ Quantity and printed with such Care and Ingenuity. Many of the Figures are composed from lines and rules, but a very large number are delicate wood engravings. The Enormous Labour attending such a task is dwelt upon at length by Ratdolt in his Scholarly Dedication to the Doge John Mocenico, professing his wonder that amid the great (|uantity of Old and New Books that were daily being j)ubh"shed in the Doge's "fortunate and prepotent City" so little had been done for the Study of Mathematics, but supposes thai it arose from the diflicully of printing the necessary Diagrams with the Text. Ratdolt printed in Venice from 1470 to 14i\ c ( "onii)ilal ion of i^xlracts from tlic old (Jrcck and l.alin jkhMs and was nmcli used as a Reference ^Vork 1)V StudenU of llie l"'ifleenlli and earlv Sixteenth Centuricvs. 71. EYB, ALBERTUS DE. .Mar-aiita Poelica. Gothic let- ters, double eolumns, 44 to the column, with signatures and numeration. Folio, contemi)orary (ierman Binding of oak boards coveivii with stam])ed hrown calfskin, brass corner guards and centre bosses and clas])s. No i)lace or date but Slrassburg, ]\Iartin Seliott. US'i. $1^3.00 A n'agnificenlly clean, tall and perfect example of Pearly (ierman printing. On tlie first jiage of text is a large and finely painteil Initial Letter and liefore folio 139 is jjainted a border of twininir tiowers with a dwarf and parrot in centre of the lower margin. THE FIRST BOOK FROM THE FIRST PRESS OF MILAN. 1471. 72. FESTUS, SEXTUS POMPONIUS. De Verborum signi- ficatione lil)er. Roman letter, long lines, 31 to the page, with- out marks, blanks left for insertion of Greek passages which have mostly been added in red by a contemporary hand, large initials painted in blue. Folio, old red morocco gilt, tooled bor- (Ier>. iiilt etke>. Milan. Antonio Zarot to. 147L $42.-5.00 EDITIO "PRIXCEPS. Fine large clean Copy of the extremely Rare F'irst F^lition. Antonio Zarotto the Prototypographer of ^NLilan commenced printing in 1471 in which year he issued his F'estus on August 3rd and Pomj^onius Mela in Octol)er following. He was the first printer to use the di])thongs oe and ae for wliich the oilier printers used the simple e. This excessively Rare \\ork "On the Significa- tion of Words" is one of the most useful we possess for acquiring an accurate knowledge of the Latin Tongue. The Book commences at the Letter A without any form of title whatsoever and continues to its end at the word "Vernifera." VERY RARE SPECIMEN OF BLOCK PRINTING. 73. FORMA CONFESSIONALIS. Pateat universis i)resentes litteras inspecturis. Qualiter deuot in xpo diocess ad op sancte cruciate p sactissimi in xpo pret et dnm nrm dnn Sixtu diuina puidetia papa quartu ordinatum debitam fecerit otributione. Quapropter auctoritate prefati domini nostri ppe ptate sit eligendi sibi confesso- rem prespiterum ydoneum religiosum vel seculare. qui audita dili- genter eius ofessione absolvere eum possit auctoritate pdicta ab omib comissis per eum excessibus et peccatis quibuslibet quantumcuq enormibus. Etia si talia forent ppter sedes apostoliea esset Forma Confessionalis — Continued. ^^ cosulenda. Et a censuris et penis ac excoicationibus onmbus. A iure vel p statuta quecuq pmulgatis et seda applice reseruatis semel dumtaxat. A non reseruatis vere eidem totiens quotiens id petierit. Ac semel in vita et in mortis articulo plenaria omnium peccato suorum indulgent ia et remissionem impendere. Non obsta- tibus quibuscuq reservationibus a pfato pontifice. vel eius prede- cessoribus factis prout in bulla data M.CCC.LXXX pridie nonas decebris pontificat eiusdem anno decimo plenius continetur. In cui rei fidem et testimoniu Ego frater Petr Gardian & pdicator ouet monacen. ordinis mino rum subcommissarius eiusdem sanctissimi dni nostri. Sixti pape quarti super prefato negocio deputatus pre- setes litteras fieri feci. Et sigilli cruciate impressione muniri. Anno domini. M.CCC.LXXXIL die" (Here follows a blank space for the date to be filled in in MS. This occupies fourteen lines, and beneath follows) FORMA ABSOLUTIONIS. 10^ in. by 6^ in. bound in crushed blue morocco gilt, inside dentelles, Munich. 1482, $400.00 An exceedingly Rare and curious specimen of Block Printing. The whole occupies 23 lines, and is entirelj^ engraved on wood and printed on paper. There are some lacunae, which are indicated by dots. It was no doubt printed at Munich, where letterpress printing was not introduced till quite the end of the century. Indulgences in the Early Church were the moderation of Ecclesiastical Punish- ment. The Papal Systems for the absolute Pardon of sin, commenced by Leo III about the year 800, w^ere granted in the 11th (^entury by Gregory \TI and by Urban II, and by others, in the 12th Century as Rewards to the Crusaders. Clement V was the first Pope who made public sale of Indulgences in 1313. In 1517 Leo X published General Indulgences throughout Europe, and the Resistance to them led to the Reformation. UNIQUE VELLUM COPY OF A FAMOUS FRENCH CHRONICLE. 74. GAGUIN, ROBERT. Compendium Roberti Gaguini super Francorum Gestis. Roman Characters, 45 long lines to the page, with signatures. Every line ruled in red throughout. Full page Woodcut Title with the Arms of France and the Arms of the Provinces, full length figures of St. Denis and St. Remy, Kerver's fine printer's Device at end and numerous Large and Small Initial Letters illuminated in gold and colors. Small folio, red levant gilt, pjinelled sides, gilt edges by BAUZONNET. Paris. Thielman Kerver. 1500. $850.00 ONE OF THE MOST MAGNIFICENTLY VELLUM PRINTED VOLUMES EVER ISSUED BY ANY FRENCH PRESS. The only other Vellum Copy extant is in the possession of the National Library in Paris. From the Firmin Didot and other noted Collector's Libraries. 50 CF.ORGK D. SMIIH. 517 FIFTH AVK.. NKW YORK DR. PFA TINGER S COPY OF A RARE OLD MEDICAL. 149L 75. GAZI, ANTONIO, ("oroiia Morida Mcdicinac; si\c (\m- sorvatii) Saiiitalis. Printed in Roman Letter, double eolumns, no numeration but witb siiinatures. On first paiic of Text is a Female P^iiiure supported by two Coats of Arms in Laurel Wreaths allfinely hand drawn and colored; first Column of Text eommenees with a very lar^e Initial Letter painted in Carmine on a Gold-Camaieu Ground, all other Capitals painted in Red and Blue alternately and ornamented with pen flourishes. Folio, ivd morocco aiiti(iue, j^ilt edges. \'cnetiis Johannes dv Forlivio et (irogorius FValros. 1491. $225.00 First Edition of this very Rare Early Medical Work. On the Illumination on first ])aiic is written the Contemporary Autograph of DU. CONRAD PErTlNCiER, the famous German Antiquarian and Friend of Aldus. On the other side of the Central Figure is the Autograph Signature of :\rARGARETTA WELSERIN presumably the i)octor's Wife, and a relation of Marco Welser the German Historian and Statesman. THE SHIP OF FOOLS WITH FINE WOODCUTS. 76. GEILER VON KAYSERBERG. Nauicula sine Speculum F'atuorum in sermones iuxtra turmarum seriem diusa: suis figuris iam insignita, a Jacobo Othero diligenter collecta. GOTHIC LETTER. With 112 spirited woodcuts, several of which are with xylo- graphic inscriptions, one bearing the date 1494. 4to, old red morocco gilt, blind tooled centre ornaments, blue silk linings, gilt edges. Argentorati. 1511. $125.00 F'irst Edition of these extraordinary Sermons preached in 1494-8 by .lolian Geyler, of Keyserberg, a whimsical priest who had much of the Humor of Rabelais and Swift. He turned the Matter of the Shij) of FVjols into Homilies no less satirical than the original Book and ifinitely more curious considering their application. The print- er's name is not given but he is supposed to have been Mathias Hui)fufi. SI PERB COPY. FROM THE PRESS OF THE FIRST COLOGNE PRINTER. 77. GERSON, JOHANNES. Opu.sculum tripartitum de prae- ccj)ti> Decalogi de coni'essione et de Arte moriendi. GOTHIC LETTER, Long lines, 27 to the page without Signatures, Numeration or Catchwords. 4to, brown levant, gold and blind tooled on sides and l)ack, rough edges by THE CLUB BINDERY. (Cologne. Ulrich Zell about 1408.) $250.00 An extremely curious work on the Use and Modes of Confession Ulrich Zell started the first Printing Press of Cologne about 1465- 1400. A Very beautiful and most desirable specimen of the Earliest •German Typography. The Author was Chancellor of the University of Paris and died in 1429. COLLECTION OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS 51 FROM THE FIRST PRINTING PRESS OF NUREMBERG. 1470. 78. GERSON, JOHANNES. De Spiritualihus Niiptiis. Opus- culiim super Cantica Canticorum. Gothic Letter, long lines, 37 to the page, without numeration, signatures or catchwords, large Initial Letters Painted in red and blue alternately, last leaf blank. Folio, dark brown crushed levant, with very beautifully blind tooled small compartments on sides, each containing a small gold Rose; doublure of olive brown levant, with rich gilt borders, silk flowered flyleaves, rough edges gilt by THE CLUB BINDERY. Nuremberg. Johan Sensenschmidt. 1470. $1000.00 If not THE FIRST Book printed at Nuremberg, certainly one of the first few there printed, 1470 being the date of the earliest Nuremberg book known. Magnificent Copy in a Magnificent Binding. See Illustration below. : ♦ J>c.$pmtuaIite.Mupcn0- : • Mcipit opufcuiu /ftlagnftri "Johanis fie gcribna (Taccllarn pa rtficn^fup Catica catxco^t &i> c&rthnfidi'fc^m triplicc amo:c di(lincci nnip(almatarct>m pticoes atcf zfibct&cones earudS fclJin nouu mo&u €t op9 iftud multu fubtilc 2 altum va(«9 4> Ocuo ti9 HSphtiuis v€t praitti^ pmo ^bcmtum /llw fieri placuit pucnirc mc " 'mctev^ci)itat9 fu mccu fi qua opia v\affitu Vacua r« r^nccIW mca pol^ affcrrcSubnt mox aimi pctxf CIO we &CUOCO10 moJo fatin9 coz mcG ancntirc qa amo tc • ctcrii ntui; co:^ vota fut fimilia.'Vcy. poft tot a fummis higcniis C>Kflata fupcifdecanti'qdud quale poi^a£>dcpjupcu{anul(i9 uc( tc; pioc ocuocois me« bm (atis m bubio fuit aim9 . taOc ofnlu? m iiuxilto pcu t>f ap-Cccrcui nouu aliqd aut (alt« nouo moio lai bcrc K pmiflo tbcmate Amo t«v ^f^o tc vox ifta vox pctri c a& 5nm t«r mtcrrognntcm tcrdo rcpetitd-^nc tufcis qa amo te.^iuxta q6 wcbii triplicatum«pofrumu0all«go:iccmo:alitcr ct an ago ^Tcctripliccm m crcatura radonali amo«cm mtdligcrc- libe rum-arbitrariii.gtuitu-libc^, ocrcatu-arbitriii&cUbcras • g< tuitii fup mfurui.5>iminb mtcrim f monc Dc anio:c pure natu rail vcgctatiuo ^ aiali-et bito tiiimo rcfpccflu ii> amotcm bci ficut babuit petr9 J>«c5s amo tc-^ft ailt amo: noftcr ao Ocii triplex m genera .putftatimOKftii eft* a bui9 ^^biamo- treff Ire (ignat m cmgmatCf cl pnapiiiv/H mc6w* opco»9 xpf cfFuOit »pi filn dei firailce apfte v j^t v«o ^ccfTus bercibp Si No. 78. .J()Ii;inii(vs dc (icrson. 1472. GEORGE D. SMITH. 547 FIFTH AVE., NEW YORK pttma 05 O^fiaiaw) |f\ Capi6uCu wj pamum' ?if6tt fo Cirmpnc an&? t5gfc ^tg6::cj of^ttcfii (an02 of fcpcncc tif)? mc ^ an^ cc^c of ou:c fort) fa^;0^of (tat'^oaif} ' ^tg^t ^gfc • 0!<\^. S&nt^g an^? of o^uctfc manc^: mc»j t^at tfeccc ii) oCo? ^ 6^qii€t(Vt) 65 gwic fefgncffe of i^tf tBr^6?v6 of <£!tonpaci5 ecafct) an^^ rOj?rt«) cCc:Cj) t^e t^^t t»^a? of ^c^e^. ^^nfampCc of Cjjujjngj/ano^ptigjof gooOnc^t^c me^gnoj of t^c t§cc ^a f rcc of t^c fereuce of 05ugngec'(r t^c mctpngc of t^cfbiu t5a i? vjc of i^^c four pt^ndpiC ^reuc6 of f^etSc© of iK^aC ctbt^^ng? 4 \ (Df t^c to^icfie t^jjngce out C^ftC cunning mj)gOt not aoiftc BnotiSCcci^ nc fbCj'Sc t^c fbui(^/6utG?fgnc0 of ^:^er:0 6? outxf ^nwnnpttge ^C>:c f(x\?>^ c»nO? fttf mcl>? mj)n:c of Ttunc^cnt cm^? oCt)c octree J^^^it ^t>t)e oiOegnct)? (ttttce an^^^t? ♦ t^nge nj tetrtc?>j>c of t^c "Snpctf^gOtneffc of mona^noc* Sj pca^ go^/^^ f^f^? SnoWe <8mpetoute ®on^:c5 of t?c (pOt^r^ete 01 cff^o fitb^c t^appoftCce» (^ut fc^c^: no6Cc 0«^ Cee an^? t^ej?t ^on^ct tSctftcc tBctc not ®ir6)t) m O^ftoi^cd an&? fo 6cptc ni mpncc'tB^ ff^oC^c BnotBe eudOPun) 6ut ^cncco *tt)'Oi^ <8pirtG?6 ^a^tR Street) fit© oecce / ^t^tj?agc of gt>octe0 16 mo:c SSoit^ to pcapf^ng? of ^mpetoute t^at) affc t^c ®cCrt)e of fc^io^oiC^? an^ (Kj?c6«ffeo t^ot t^c^tBcCoe^? tB6yG? e^c^ ^ re a C^uc/ijfoi rtaj)!?c io ^^tncffe of t^mc^lllgn^c of tj^f Wcffa ; 3gc: of oCojncffc^ftoi^e ^cCtBt^ paff^ng to^ngce/ ftw^putfrt^ Xo. 7J). Caxton's Polvchronicon. 148'2. CAXTON'S POLYCHRONICON. 1482. ss 79. HIGDEN, RALPH. Polychroiiicoii. (Translated out of Latin into English l)y John of Treves; Jind conthiiied by William Caxton.) Black letter, long lines, 40 to the page with signa- tures and numeration, rubricated and with Capitals crudely painted in red, lacks 62 leaves to be complete. Small folio, old English red morocco gilt, dentelle borders on side, gilt edges, no place or date, but Westminster. William Caxton. 1482. $3700 . 00 THIS EXTREMELY RARE PRODUCTION OF CAXTON'S PRESS IS THE FIRST EDITION OF THE POLYCHRONICON IN ENGLISH AND A SPLENDID EXAMPLE OF THE EXCEL- LENCY OF TYPOGRAPHICAL PERFECTION ATTAINED BY HIS PRESS. Of the 29 copies enumerated by Blades all but 5 are imperfect, some being fragments only. In the fine wide margins are many interesting MS Notes in a nearly contemj)orary hand. See Illustration below and on opposite page. No. 71). IliK'lt'ii- ("axtoii. I tH--^. Old Knylisli Morocco BiiKliii;^. S4 GEORGE D. SMITH. 547 FIFTH AVE., NEW YORK FROiM THE PRESS OF HARLEM'S FIRST PRINTER. 80. GLANVIL, BARTHOLOMEW DE. Do ri()i)rielalibus Hcnini. Dutch Toxl in Black Letter, double columns, 40 lines to the paiie, with signatures. With 11 full pa^e and very quaint woodcuts of the Supreme Beini];, Devils, Birds, Fishes, the Seasons, etc. Folio, hrown k'\nnl. uold |)aiu'll('(l sides, with l.hiul tooK'd oiiKimonts, -ill c(l-os hv THE ilAU BINDERY. Haarlom. .lac-oh BolhuM't. 14S.5. $750.00 (Iraiid ('<»py of this curious Mediaeval Encycloj)edia of Medicine, riiilosojihy. Natural History, (iod. Nature of Metals and Plants, etc. Accordinii to Wynkyn de Worde who published an English translation, the first Edition was printed by WILLIAM CAXTON in Cologne, about 1470. Formerly in the C'rawford Lil)rar\ . 81. GREGORIUS MAGNUS, SAINT. Moralia in Job. Gothic letter, preface and Table in Roman letter, printed in double columns, 55-56 to a page without marks. Folio, Old Knyhsh red niorocco ^ilt, tooled borders, gilt edges in levant case. Honic. Simon de Luca. 147o. $200.00 A rare and fine sj^ecimen of Early printing from the press of Simon de Luca who in 1471 was a partner of Ulrich Halm's, the second Printer at Rome. 82. HOMELIARUS DOCTORUM super Evangelia. Home- hae et Postillae Doctoruni de Tempore et de Sanctis per totium annum. Printed in Gothic Letter, double columns, 47 lines to the column, without numeration, signatures or catchwords. Large pen drawn Initial painted in carmine and blue on first page and all the large Initials painted in red throughout. F()h(j, l)rown i)igskin with elaborate l^lind tooled comj)artments on >ides, blind tooled })ack, gray silk linings and flvleaves, old red edges, by THE CLUB BINDERY. Cologne about 1475. $350 . 00 An exceedingly rare Work and a splendid specimen of Early Printing. The Printer is unknown but the Book comes from the same press as the Sarum Breviary. Laid in is a Manuscript Index written on 4 pages by a former owner, a Franciscan Friar, in lOOO. SOLOMON'S SONG OF SONGS. COLOGNE. 1477. 83. HONORIUS, AUGUSTODUNENSIS. Solemnis et devota Expositio in librum Salomonis qui dicitur CANTICA CANTICO- RLM. Printed in Gothic Letter, double columns, 34 lines to the column, without numeration but with signatures, Initial Letters printed in red and blue alternately. Small 4to, half red levant, rough edges. No Printer's Name, Place or Date, but Cologne. Johan Guldenschaff. About 1477. $50.00 An exceedingly Rare Edition of this Curious Work written by Honorius of Autun in the Twelfth Century. A very attractive specimen of Early Cologne Printing. COLLECTION OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS 55 A RARE PAPAL LETTER OF INDULGENCE ON VELLUM. 84. INDULGENCE. Raymundus miseratioe diiiina Tituli sancte marie noue. sancte Romane ecclesie psbyter Cardinalis Gur- censis; ad vniuersam Germania : Daciam: Suetia: NorwegiarFrisiam, Prussia: oesq et singulas ilia puincias: ciuitates:terras et loca: eua sacro Romano impio in ipsa Germania subiecta eis adiacetia aplice sedis de latere legatus Universis singulis psentes Iras inspect uris salutem in dno. Notu facimus sanctissim in xpo pater et dns noster dns Alexander diuina puidentia papa sextus et modernus. Concessit oibus et singulis vtriusq sexus xpi fidelibus. p tuitoe orthodoxe fidei cotra Thurcos eiusde fidei inimicos iusta ordinatione nostra man adiutrices porrigetib pier Jubileum et alias indulgetias: gras et facul- tates Datu sub sigillo nostro as hoc ordinato die mensis Anno dni M. CCCCC. ij. (Then follow the forms of the Abso- lution.) A Broadside in Gothic letters, printed on vellum. Small 4to, fine old blue morocco. 1502. $350 . 00 This Rare Broadside consists of twenty-nine lines, and measures 5^ in. by l}/2 in. The name and date of the month are left blank, that they may be filled in manuscript. A Singularly Interesting Monument of Religious History, issued during the Pontificate of the Monstrous RODERIC BORCilA, known as Alexander the Sixth, who shortly afterwards was poisoned at a Feast by drinking of a Bowl he had prepared for one of his Guests. Indulgences, the papal system for the Absolute Pardon of Sin were commenced by Leo III about the year 800. In the twelfth Century they were granted as Rewards to the Crusaders. In 1313 Clement V was the first Pope to make them a matter of public sale. In the early part of the 16th Century Leo X published general Indulgences throughout Eiu'ope and the Resistance to them led to the Reformation. By the terms of this Miraculous Document the purchaser could choose his own Confessor, to whom was given the power, after hearing the Confession, to absolve him from all Sin, however enormous, and grant him full remission during Life and again at Death. The Form of the Absolution which follows after the Confession was clearly intended to be pronounced by the pardoner so that the purchaser of the Indulgence could be absolved from the most serious Crimes within a few minutes after its price had been paid. 56 GEORGE D. SMITH. 547 FIFTH AVE.. NEW YORK RARE EARLY ASTRONOMICAL WITH BEAUTIFUL CUTS. 1485. 85. H\'CiINl'S, C. J. l*(»<>li(()ii AslroiKHiiicoii. Roman letter loiiLi lines, 32 to the paiie, with signatures but no numeration. Illustrated with 48 finely engraved and eurious woodcuts of the siiins of the Zodiac, Planets and Constellations including a full paiie cut of the Globe and numerous fine woodcut initials 4tn. iinc old vcil iiiorocco L;ilL (Iciitcllc hordci's. tooled i)ack, ^ill cducs, \tMii(v. Krhnrdt Katdoll. 14S.>. $2':>.5 . 00 \ ory Hue C()i)y ol a J^are and Curious Work. Tlie Pooticon Astronoiuicon is wriltcn in Proso and consists of four J5ooks hcinc: partly Astronomical and Mallionialical, i)arlly ^Nlylliolo^ical and Pliiloso|)lii('al in its Character, since it gives the Origin of the Catas- terisnis according to the Legends of tlie Poets. \ ELLUM COPY FROM THE PRESS OF GUTENBERG'S PARTNER. 1470. 86. JEROME, SAINT. Episiolaeet tractatus Sancti Hieronyini. Laro;e Gothic letters in red and black, double columns, without Numeration, Sionatures or Catchwords. MAGNIFICENTLY PRINTED ON VELLUM THROUGHOUT. 2 vols, in one. Tall folio, original hinding of oak hoards covered with stamped ]>igskin witli clasj)s. ?kl:iinlz. Peter Schoeffer. 1470. -t'-^OOO . 00 A maonificent Specimen of Vellum printing from the Press of the third Printer in the World. The Text was edited l)y the famous Doctor of Law JcjJianncs Andreae. Books on Vellum from the First Printing Presses of Europe are now of the highest Rarity and \'aluc, most of them having heen locked up in the Great National Collect ion>; for many years hack. FROM THE FIRST PRESS OF ULM. 87. JERCME, SAINT. \'ilae Sanctorum Patrum. Gothic character, 40-41 lines to the page, without signatures and catchwords. I'olio. contcmj)orary hinding in wooden boards and half jtigskin. I'Im. Johann Zainer about 1478. $'200.00 A (irand Specimen from Zainer's Press. FT^O:\I THE LIBRARY' OF WILLI A:M :\10I{H1S. with his hook-lahel, and an A. L. S. from him inserted, dated Fchi-uary 2.'3, 1891, referring to the (ierman edi- tion of this book. It also contains the manuscript catalogue slip of his library at Kelmscoti House, Hammersmith. THE LEGEND OF BARLAM AND JOSAPHAT. 1476. 88. JOHANNES DAMASCENUS. lncii)it liber gestorum Bar- laam et Jo.>a]>liat .ser\(jrum dei, grcco sermonc editus a Johanne Damasceno vero .sancto et erudito. Gothic Letter, long lines, 29 to the page, no marks but with signatures in contemporary COLLECTION OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS j57 Johannes Damascenus — Continued. MS. Initials painted in red. Small 4to, fine old blue morocco extra, gilt edges by J. Clarke. Without place, date or Printer's name, but Strassburg. H. Eggesteyn about 1476. $250.00 According to Brunet jjrobably the Earliest Edition known of this Mystic Romance the authorship of which has been attributed to the Famous Father of the Church, Saint John of Damascus. It has been translated into nearl}^ every language of the World, even Tagalo. FROM THE PRESS OF THE FIRST ITALIAN PRINTER. 1475. 89. JOSEPHUS, FLAVIUS. De Bello Judaico Libri VII, ex recognitione B. Platyne. Printed in Roman Letters, long lines, 33 to the page, without marks, a large ornamental Initial on first page painted in gold and colors. Coat of Arms emblazoned in lower margin, with scroll ornamentation. Folio, old red morocco, gilt edges. Rome. Arnold Pannartz. 1475. $450.00 A Ijeautiful specimen of Early Printing in which Pannartz used much smaller types than when he was in partnership \\itli Conrad Sweynheym. Very rare. Flavins Josephus the celebrated Jewish Historian was born in Jerusalem of a priestly Family about A. D. 37. In the revolt against Titus and Vespasion he held various commands. Only Jose])lius and one other escaped the Slaughter of the Jews by the Roman Soldiery. EDITIO PRINCEPS OF THE HISTORIAN JUSTINUS. 1470. 90. JUSTINUS. Justini Historici in Pompeii Trogi Historias libri XLIV. Roman Letter, long lines, 30 to the pages, without marks and with many contemporary manuscript notes in the margins. Small folio, very fine old Russia, richly gill on sides and back. Venice. Nicolas Jenson. 1470. $550 00 First Edition of this famous Autlior. Described by Dilxlin as a "rare and very beautiful production"of Jenson's Art and one of the Earliest Works from his press which he established in WMiice the same year, 1470. Ilis name as printer a])])ears in I lie 4 line Colophon. "Historias ueteres peregrinaq, gesta reuoluo lustinus. lege me; sum trogus ipse breuis. Me gallus ueneta lenson Nicolaus in urbc Formauit; Mauro principe Christophoro." A magnificent Coi)y of this very Rare IJook, roi-iiuM-ly in llie (Ireal Library of the Duke of Sussex, with his Bookplalc and Iwo others of famous collectors. FROM THE SECOND PRESS OF ROME. 91. JUSTINUS. F|)il()ma ill Trogi Pom])ei Ilislorias. Printed in Roman Letter, long lines, 32 to the page, without marks. Large painted ornamental Initial with pen ornamentation on S8 GEORGE D. SMITH. 547 FIFTH AVE.. NEW YORK Jii^tinu^ - / ttntinidil. first paiio, enclosinii an emblazoned Coat of Arms, llo, old rtnl iiun-ocro uill. tlciilclK* l>()r(l(>rs on sides, (oolrd l);u-k, liilt od^cs. No phuv or dato l)ut. Homo, llricli llnliii ;»l)out 147(h $.S.">().()(> Miicli nutT than tlic Jonson Kdition also printed in 1470 and often reiiarded as the First. On the Marij:ins throughout nvo written many scliohu-ly Notes in a very Old Hand. A RARE AND FINE VALDARFER. 1476. 92. JUSTINUS. .luslini Historiei Clarissimi in Tro,i;i Pomj)eii Liltri \L1\ . Roman Letter, long lines, 34 to the page, without marks. Large Capital letters prettily painted in gold on the first, second and last pages and contemporary MS. Notes in the very wide margins. Small folit), crimson crushed levant, with fine centre and Corner Ornaments in gold, inside borders, marbled edges gilt by HARDY. Milan. Christopher Valdarfer. 1476. $375 . 00 A s])lendid Coj)y of a very Rare Edition and a grand specimen of Typography from \ aldarfer's F'amous Milanese Press. THE GENUINE FIRST ALDINE JUVENAL. 1501. 93. JUVENAL ET PERSIUS. Satyrae. Small 8vo, very fine ohi blue morocco, gold tooled borders on sides, back covered with dot and leaf tooling, gilt edges. Venetiis in aedibus Aldi. loOl. $60.00 First Edition. Printed without the Anchor Device and without the mention of any one else but Aldus in the Imprint, which is here in italics whilst in the other issue with the same date it is printed in capitals. The Beautiful little l)inding is signed by BOZERIAN JEUNE. 94. JUVENAL. Juvenalis. Persius. Small 8vo, fine old Eng- lish red morocco, gilt edges. Venetiis, in Aedibus Aldi et Andreae Soceri. flense Augusto. 1.501. $25.00 A most interesting Aldine F^dition. There were two issues of Juvenal with tlie same date 1501. The earlier of the two appeared without the device of the Anchor on the first page, as the above has, and without any mention of Aldus's son in law in the imprint. Their pjirtnershij) is not supposed to liave commenced before 1508. An unusually tall copy. A NOTABLE EARLY EDITION OF THE ^'IMITATION OF CHRIST " 95. KEMPIS, THOMAS A. 0])era et Lil)ri vitae fratris Thome de Kemi)is ordinis Canonicorum regularium. Gothic Letter, dou- ble columns, with Initial Letters painted in red and blue alter- nately. Small folio, in the original Monastic Binding of Oak Boards covered with stamped pigskin, Nuremberg. Caspar Hochfeder. 1494. $250.00 This verv Rare Volume commences with "THE IMITATION OF COLLECTION OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS 59 CHRIST" which occupies the first 58 pages. It is also remarkable as containing the first printed protest against the Attribution of its Authorship to Gerson the Chancellor of the University of Paris. Excepting the Bible, no other Book in the World has been more widely read and printed than the IMITATION OF CHRIST. Over Five thousand Editions of it are known to have appeared since its first appearance in Book Form and translations of it have been published in nearly sixty of the World's Languages. RARE EARLY MEDICAL WORK WITH FINE WOODCUTS. 1500. 96. KETHAM, JOHANNES DE. Fasciculus Medicinae. Inci- pit fasciculus medicine compositus per excelletissimum artium ac medecine doctorem: dominum Joanem de Ketham x\lamannum: tractans de anothomia et diuersis infirmitatibus : et corporis humani: cui annectuntur multi alii tractatus per diuersos excelletissimos doctores copositi. Necnon anothomia Mudini. Gothic Letter, double columns, outline v^oodcuts and fine ornamental initials. Small folio, crushed crimson morocco extra, inside dentelles, gilt edges by PETIT. Impressum Venetiis per Joannem et Gregoriu de Gregoriis fratres. 1500. $450.00 The First leaf bears on the recto a large woodcut of a master instructing his students, above whom is inscribed: "Petrus de Montagnana,"and the verso is occupied by a fine woodcut represent- ing a consultation of doctors. The other woodcuts which are tlie full size of the page give figures of men and women. Doctors, the Death bed of a Plague Patient, a dissection scene with ten figures. The woodcuts, which are the grandest works of the kind produced in Venice except the "HYPNEROTOMACHIA" are said by some bibliographers to have been designed by ANDREA MANTECNA. Dr. Lippmann however savs, "The design is undoubtedly by an artist nearly related to GENTILE BELLINI. The figures are from tw^elve to fifteen centimetres in height, and — especially the heads drawn with much skill. There is a statu- esque ease in the arrangement of the compositions, which gives them an appearance of relief, and harmonises admirably with the simple and firm outline-drawing. The scenes which exhibit the dying plague-patient, and the consultation of doctors, have a touch of that solemn gravity which Venetian art knew so well how to infuse into the pictorial representation of important incidents." See Ilhislration on paj-e (>(). 60 GEORGE D. SMITH. 547 KIFTH AVE.. NEW YORK Xo. 97. Fasciculus Medicinae. Venice. 1500. 61 >fl*^» ^ \tntiinit(l. This sploiulitlly priiilod \ <>liiiiu> is mIso ii()hil)l(> ;i.s IxMiii^ I lie Second Hook issiuul l)v Scli\vt\vnlu\vm and Pnniiarlz nritM- [\\v lvslal)lisliiiii; of tlioir Prrss in Homo. H contains in nt'arly ('()nlcnii)orary writint;; four or ti\-c in.scrij)tions showing its jjivvious residences in se\-eral Italian Monasteries. On folio 1 is written "Plcno jure spectat ad Monastcrium Sancti Cassiani suis Fratribus" On folio \'i unilcr the llluniinaled Horder some Monk has written "Monastcrii vaHe ad usuni doni vcrdiani de sancto Martino" On last pa^e of all is the Inscrii)ti()n "Questo Libro e del monasterio di Monte Scalari." On first i)a.ue of Contents is also a Stamj) "Flor: Bib: S: Trinit" in the middle of which is a Crozier. Laetantius was the most Klo(|uent of all the Karly Ecclesiastical Authors and his Latinity accjuired liim the title of the "Christian Cicero." He fiourished ahout A. D. S'iO. See Illustration on page 61. FIRST BOOK PRINTED IN THE ENGLISH TONGUE. 98. LE FEVRE, RAOUL. Here hegynneth the Hecuyell of the Histories of Troye. composede and drawen out of Dyverce Bookes of Latin into Frensshe by Raoul le Fevre and trans- lated and drawen out of frenshe into englissche l)y WILLIAM CAXTOX mercer of ye cyte of London at the comandement of Margarete Duchesse of Bourgoyne which sayde trans- lacion ande werke was begonne in Brugis, the fyrst day of Marche ... .a thousande foure honderde sixty and eyghte, and endede and fynysshide in Colen the XIX day of Septembre a thousande foure honderde sixty and enleven etc. Black Letter, long lines, 31 to a page, without marks. Contains 280 leaves out of 352 the complete number. Large capital Letters painted in red and blue, partly rubricated. 3 Books in one. Folio fine old English red morocco gilt, broad dentelle borders on sides, full tooled back, inside borders, gilt edges. Preserved in a very fine levant Solander Case. Xo place, printer's name, or date, but Bruges. William Caxton. U72-5. $4500. 00 The First Book printed in the English Language. During the jjrogress of the Book tlirougli tlie Press, Caxton as he states in the Prologue to the Third Book, learned "the new Art of Printing." The Duchess of Burgundy, it is stated as a fact, corrected the English of the First Part of the Translation. When Caxton printed his Edition of this Book Englishmen for the first time saw their own language in print. The Story in the Original French was a favourite of the Engli.sh and PVench Courtiers; for though nominally a History of the Trojan War it is really a series of Love scenes interspersed with Knight-Errant ry and Mythology. Its Author was Raoul Lefevre Chaplain and Secretary to Philipj)e le Bon, Duke of Burgundy. According to De Ricci, the Caxton Bibliographer, only 5 Copies of the Book are in private hands. COLLECTION OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS 65 99. LEONARDUS DE UTINO. Sermomini Floridorum fratris Leonardi de Utino Sacrae Theologiae Prol'essoris ac Ordinis Praedi- catorum Praecipiu quos praedicavit Floreiitiae A. D. 1435, coram tola Curia Roniana ibidem tunc temporis residente Eugeuio Papa IV. Printed in very fine small Gothic Letter, double columns, with signatures, the Initials painted in red throughout and with Printer's device on last page. 4to, original oak boards covered with dark leather. Lyons, Johannes Trechsel. 1496. $50.00 Fine Specimen from this famous Lyons Press. The Author Leonardo of Udina was one of the most celebrated Dominican Preachers of the Thirteenth Century. ONE OF THE FIRST BOOKS PRINTED IN VICENZA. 1476. 100. LEONICENUS, OMNIBONUS. Commentarium in Cice- ronis Libros de Oratore. Printed in small Roman Letter, long lines, 44 to the page, with signatures, but no numeration, old MS. notes in margins. Folio, old red morocco very finely gilt on sides and back. Vicenza. Giovanni di Reno. 1476. $300.00 Editio Princeps of these valuable Commentaries. Contains the first leaf containing the six lines of Preface often missing. The Author was a very noted Italian Grammarian and Philogist who flourished in the middle of the Fifteenth Century. FINE EARLY SPECIMEN OF BELGIAN PRINTING. 101. LIBELLUS DE MODO CONFITENDI et Penilendi. Gothic Letter, long lines 34 to the page, with signatures, rubricated throughout. Small 4to, brown morocco gilt, gilt edges, by C. Smith. Deventer. 1488. $75.00 Very fine Specimen of Early Belgian Printing. INTERESTING SPECIMEN OF EARLY PRINTING AT COLOGNE. 102. LIBELLUS DE VENERABILI SACRAMENTO ET VAL- ORE MISSARUM. Gothic Letter, long lines, 27 to a full page, without marks, rubricated. Small 4t(), i)()lislie(l calf, inside den- telles, gilt edges In Ramage. No place, but Cologne. Arnold Ten Hoernen about 1472. $85 00 Rare. An inscription on the first page (after 150'2) attributes the authorship of this Tract to WERNEli HOLEWINC^K, the author of "FASCICULUS TEMPORUM" who died in UAH. The absence of regular justification at the line endings is very noticeable and shows this to be one of Ten Hoernen's earliesi Books. lie coninHMiced printing in 1471. M GEORGE D. SMITH. 547 FIFTH AVE.. NEW YORK (^Qucfto c clbbbroche tracla di Mcrcatanc & ufanzc dcpacfi The First Banker's Office. No. 103. Libro di Mercantie. 149(). FIRST ILLUSTRATION OF A BANKER'S OFFICE. 103 LIBRO DI MERCANTIE. Questo e el libbro die tracta di Mercatie is: usanze depaesi. Per Georgio di Lorenzi Chiarini. Small 4to, brown morocco, inside fillets, gilt edges. Impresso in Firenze appetitione di Ser Piero da Pescia, per Bartolommeo dei Libri about 1496. $150.00 The first Book to give the Customs relating to Banking and Ex- change in u.se among the Florentine ^Merchants at the close of the Fifteenth Century. It is the source from which many later Writers derived their Material and is particularly valuable in showing the Nature of the Practical Problems of the Period. Giorgio Chiarini was a Famous Florentine Arithmetian of the P'ifteenth Century. On the title is an outline woodcut of the interior of a bank, which is the earliest representation of a Bank known. An account of it is given in Kristeller's Early Florentine Woodcuts. Of Extreme Interest and Rarity. See Illustration above. COLLECTION OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS 65 THE FIRST ITALIAN VERSION OF LIVY. 1476. 104. LIVIUS, TITUS. Tito Livio volgarrizato da Riiggiero Ferrario. Printed in Roman letter, double columns, 55 lines to a page, without marks: the first page in each volume is surrounded by a border of gold bars and Floral Scrolls painted in colors and Illuminated, the lower margins Containing an Heraldic Coat of Arms of a former owner. There are numerous small initials painted in red and blue alternately and many larger ones painted in gold with marginal elongations. Volumes Two and Three only. 2 vols. Folio, old sprinkled calf, tooled backs. Appresso al Palatio di San Marco. 1476. $250 . 00 The First Edition of Livy's Decades printed in Italian by Ulric Hahn, the Second Roman Printer. Complete and Perfect Copies are apparently unknown. 105. LUC ANUS, MARCUS ANNAEUS. Pharsalia. Begins: M. Annei Lucani Vita ex commentario antiquiss. On recto of the fourth leaf. M. Annei. Lucani. Cordubensis. Pharsaliae: liber: primus, Roman Letter, long lines, 36 to the page, small woodcut orna- ments at head of each book. Small folio, crushed olive morocco, with antique gilt ornaments, gilt edges by Bedford. No place, or Printer's name or date but Verona, Giovanni and Alberto Alvise about 1473. $200.00 A very Rare Early Edition attributed by Proctor to the Verona Press of the Brothers Alvise. The four preliminary leaves contain the Life of Lucan and Extracts from Martial, Statins and Tacitus. 106. LUCANUS, MARCUS ANNAEUS. M. Annei Lucani.Civi- lis Belli libri decem. Small 8vo, crimson crushed levant, wide gold borders on sides, enclosing the Anchor and Dolphin, inside borders, gilt edges. Venice. Aldus. 1502. $75.00 First Aldine Edition. Edited from an Ancient Manuscript by Aldus with a Life of Lucan at end. Fine Copy in a very rich Binding. EDITIO PRINCEPS OF LUCIAN'S DIALOGUES. 1496. 107. LUCIAN SAMOSATENUS. Dialogi. Printed through- out in beautiful Greek types, long lines, 42 to the page. Folio fine old diamond russia, gold line borders on sides with fioral festoons at corners, back panels filled with minute gold tooling, leather joints, purple paper linings and flyleaves, gilt edges by ROGER PAYNE. Florence. (Lorenzo de Alopa. 149G.) $(500.00 Magnificent Copy of the First Edition of Lucian's Famous Dia- logue including the "AMORES" and "ASINUS." A Latin List of contents was added at a later date according to Brunet. It reads, "Quae hoc volumine continentur. Luciani Opera. Icones Philos- trati. Philostrati junioris Icones. Ejusdem Heroica. Descrip- tiones Callistrati. Ejusdem vitae Sophistarum. "A VERY RARE CC GEORGE D. SMITH. 547 FIFTH AVE.. NEW YORK I.iuiii M — ( 'out in ut'd. AM) HKAl'l iri I. NOMMi: IN A TYPICAL HOCKK TAYXK H1\1)1N(. i-iiOM rilK LliiKAinKSOF M.VN^ NOTKI) SCHOL- I.AHS. DK. ASKKW, DK. DKIKV OF IIAKKOW, I)U. 151 KNKV AND OTHKHS. lOcS. LUCRETIUS CARUS, TITUS. IV Wcnun Xatura Lihri \ I. Printed in Roman Letter, lonii lines, 41 to the page with numerous very old MS. Notes and Corrections. Folio, l)ri«;ht old Kii_i;lisli vvil iiinrocco uilt . ^ilt cdiivs. Xorona. Paul Fridenl)er<^('r. 14S(). $.S^2.5.()() The Second Edition of one of the Grandest Poems of Anti- quity and of Excessive Rarity. There is no Colophon to the Book hul on the last j)a.i;e of the text i.s a poetical inscription containing tlie name of the Printer, the Place of Printing and the date as above. A VERY EARLY DESCRIPTION OF JERUSALEM. 1470. 109. LUDOLPHUS DE SUCHEN. De terra sancta et itinere jherosoloniitano et de statu eius et alijs mirabilibus que in mari conspiciutur videlicet mediterraneo. (On folio 34 verso.) Finit feliciter libellus de jtinere ad terram sanctain, &c. Small Gothic Letter, long lines, 41 to the page, without marks. Small folio, straight grained morocco, gold lined })orders on sides, gilt edges })y Aitken. No Place, Date or Printer's Name, but Strassburg, Ileinrich Eggesteyn. 1470. $350.00 EDITIO PRIXCEPS of this very rare Volume. The Author Ludolf, was Vicar of Suchen and in 1350 wrote this account of his Travels in the Orient during five years 133G-1341, explaining that "as many others who had made one short pilgrimage found plenty to write about, so he with his long experience might relate a little." The Reverend Author was a very observant traveller and his narrative is of very considerable Interest. 110. LUDOLPHUS DE SUCHEN. De terra sancta et itinere iheros(;lomitano et de statu ei et aliis mirabilibus que in mari conspi- ciuntur videlicet mediteraneo. (On folio 34.) Finit feliciter libellus de itinere ad terram sanctam. Small Gothic Letter rubricated. Small folio, crushed purple morocco extra, gilt edges by R. de Coverly. (Strassburg. Ileinrich Eggesteyn. 1471.) ^$200. 00 The Second Edition of this P]xtreniely Interesting Early (kiide Book. It consists also of thirty-four leaves, the first being "Registru de itinere ad terra sancta." It is printed in double colunms, and has forty-two lines to a full page. It is also from the press of H. Eggesteyn of Strassburg. Both Editions Are Extremely Rare. COLLECTION OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS 67 A MAGNIFICENT BLACK LETTER PYNSON. 1 10a. LYDGATE, JOHN. The Historye Sege and Dystruccyon of Troye. Black Letter, double columns, very large woodcut of the Royal Arms of England on first page and several very quaint half page w^oodcuts, in ornamented borders throughout the text, Pynson's large Device on last page. Folio, brown crushed levant extra, gilt edges by BEDFORD. London. Em- prynted by Richard Pynson, Prynter unto the Kyngs Noble Grace. 1513. $650.00 First Edition, and of excessive rarity, not more than four Copies being known. The Bibliotheca Poetica asserts that there was absolutely no perfect Copy in existence. John Lydgate a monk of the Benedictine Abbey of Bury lived between 1370 and 1450. He travelled extensively in Italy and France and studied the Italian and French poets, particularly Dante, Boccaccio, and Alain Chartier, and became *'so distinguished a proficient in polite learning, that he opened a school in his Monastery for teaching the sons of the Nobility the Arts of Versification and the Elegancies of Composition." According to Warton he is the first of the English Writers "whose style is cloathed v^ith that perspicuity in w^hich the English Phrase- ology appears at this day to an English Reader." THE FIRST PRINTING OF HOMER IN GREEK. 1472. 111. MACROBIUS, AURELIUS. Somnium Scipionis ex Cice- ronis Libro de Republica excerptum Macrobii Saturnaliorum Libri. Printed in Roman Letters, long lines, 40 to the page, w^ith numerous Quotations from Homer in Greek Characters, without signatures or catchwords. Folio, fine old red morocco gilt, gilt edges. Venice. Nicolas Jenson. 147'Z. $1S()().00 EDITIO PRINCEPS. Notable as containing the first Printed Texts of Parts of Homer and Lucretius. One of the most (hflicult First Editions procurable of all the Classics, and a magnificent specimen of Jenson's Typography. In the "Somnium Scipionis" the Author, who was a Court Chamber- lain in the Reign of Theodosius the Younger, gives nuich informal ion respecting the opinions of the later Platonists on the I>aws wliich govern the Earth and Universe. The "Saturnalia" is a compilation in the manner of the Attic Nights of Auhis Cclliiis and rc|)()rls dia- logues which took place at tabic during the Saliinialia. The Vciu- broke Copy on Vellum, sold last year for $(S()()().()(). See Illustration on page 68. 6S GEORGE D. SMITH, 547 FIFTH AVE.. NEW YORK ^TACROBII AVRELII THEODOSII VIRI CONSVLA. RIS ET ILLVSTRIS SATVRNALIORVM .LIBER. ^ p Rimis mcfis port cpulas la rcmotis & diCcuuim uanantibus poculis minutioribus: Pratcxtatus foletcibus I'quit cii rumu''tacicosefficcre: potus loquaccs. At nosfiC inter pocula filcmus tiq dcbcat fcnis uel ctiam phtlofophicis carerc trac-' tanbus talcconuium. EtSymmachuj: Vcrum nc ira fentis VcdtiYut philofophia conuiuiis iternt:&: no taq ccfona quardam Siplus nimio uerecunda materfamilias penetralibus futs connneatur:' nee mifceat fc libcro:cui etii tumultus familures futrcu ipfahuiusfituerccundia:: ut nrcpicu no modo uerboru:fed ne cogitationu qdc f facrarium fua: qctis admidat. Doceatnos uel peregnna inftituno fitdifciplina a parthis pe^ tita:q folctcucocubinisnocucoiugibusinirccouiuta: tanqhas &Ci uuU gus^duci & lafciuire quoqj dlas no nifi domi abdius tuen deceat ted;u pudorem. An ego cenfeam produccndam philofophiam: quorethorica uenire ars fiCprofelTio populans erubuitf'Ifocrates enimgnEcus orator qui uerba pnus libera fub numeros irc pnmus coegit : cum in conuiuto a fodalibus oraretur:ut aliquid in medium de eloquentix (ux fontc prcfcrret: hac ueniam deprecatus efl:. Qui prifens inquit locus &i tcm^ pus cxieit:cgo no calico, qua: ego calico :nec loco prarfcntifuntaptanec tcmpori. Ad hzc Euftachius; Probo Symmache propofitum tuum: ^ philofophiam ca quam maximam putas obfcruatione uenerans: ut ta rurfi intra fuum penetral exiftimcs adorandam. Sed Ci propter hoc a conuiuiis exulabitiproculhincfacefTant U alumnx eius honeflatc dice & modeftum nee minus cum fobnetate pictatem. Quamenun harum dixenm mmus e(Te uenerabilc'.'' Itafit ut ab emfmodt coetibus relcgatus matronarum talium chorus libertatemconuiuiorum folis concubinis id eft uitiis &: criminibus abdicat. Sed abfit:ut philofophu qus f fcholii fuisfolliatctracftatdcofficiis conuiuialibus: ipfa conuiuia reformidet; tanq no poffit rebus affercre:quz folet uerbis docere:aut ncfoat feruare modum: cuius i omnibus humans uitz aeftibus tcrminos ipfa cdftituit< Neqj cnim ita ad menfas inuito philofophiam:ut non fe ipfa moderet: CJius difciplinaeft rerum omnium modcrationem docere. Vr ergo mtec te &: Vecftiu uelut arbitrali ludicationecompona: apcnamqde philofc phu: tridiniorum fores. Sed fpondeo ficinrcrfuturime menfuramnotat fibi ac feclatonbus fuis difpefattonis excedat. Tuc Funus:Quia te unicii Euftachi inquit fedtatorem philofophiz noftra a;tas tulit; oratus fis ut No. 111. The JeDson Macrobius. 1472. 112. MANCINUS, DOMINICUS. De Passione Domini Nostri Jesu Christi Liber. Printed in Gothic Letter, long lines, 36 to the page, with signatures but no numeration, Initials painted in red and blue alternately. Small 4to, half dark blue calf. (Paris. George Mittelhuss, about 1488.) $50.00 A most Curious and verv' Rare Poem on the Passion of Christ, with COLLECTION OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS 69 Mancinus — Continued. the assertion that the Raising of Lazarus from the dead was the chief Factor in the Conspiracy against Christ, headed by the High Priest Caiaphas. Entirely undescribed by Hain or Copinger, nor is there any Copy in the British Museum. Fine Copy from the Library of Anatole de Montaiglon the well known French Writer and Bibliophile. 113. MANILIUS, MARCUS. Astronomicon hbri V. Printed in Roman letter, long lines, 28 to a page, with signatures but no numeration. 4to, very fine old red morocco gilt, tooled borders, gilt edges, in fine Solander Case. No place, printer's name, or date. Venice. Printer unknown, about 1490. $150.00 One of the rarest Volumes of Classical poetry in Existence and the First Roman Work on Astronomy. RARE AND SPLENDID SPECIMEN OF COLOGNE PRINTING. 1472. 1 14. MA YRONIS, FRANCISCUS DE. Flores Beati Augustini extracti per Veritates ex Libris de Civitate Dei per Magistrum FRANCISCUM DE MAYRONIS de Ordine Fratrum Minorum. GOTHIC CHARACTERS, double columns, 35 lines to the column. Initial Letters very skilfully painted in red and blue. Without Signatures or Catchwords, or numeration. Small folio, green crushed levant, sides beautifully blind tooled, gilt edges, by RIVIERE. Koln about 147<2. $650.00 Of this extremely rare and very beautifully printed Book only 3 other Copies are known, the Kloss Copy, one in Cambridge University Library and the British Museum Copy which is imperfect. A Magnificent Monument of Early Typography. THE PARABLE OF THE PRODIGAL SON WITH WOODCUTS. 115. MEDER, JOHANNES. Quadragesimale de Filio Prodigo novum editum a quodam fratre minore de observantia in inclita civitate Basiliensi de filio prodigo et de Angeli i])sius admonitioue salubri. Gothic letter, 34 long lines to the page, with signa- tures, 18 striking woodcuts and fine Printer's device at end: rubricated throughout and with many Capital letters painted in red. Small 8vo, brown crushed levant with rich gold borders on sides, full tooled back, inside dentelle borders, marbled edges giH byLORTIC. Basel. Michael Furter. 140.5. $1'^.5.00 FIRST EDITION. The series of IS fine woodculs depicting the Riotous Career and Repentance of the Prodigal Son are notable specimens of the best Basel Engniver's Art at the period. Very beautiful copy which in 1001 belonged to the Monastery of Mount St. George and afterwards passed into the possession of the Famous French Bil)liophile Ambrose Firmin Didot. 70 GEORGE D. SMITH, 547 FIFTH AVE.. NEW YORK 116. MEINRAD, SAINT. P;.ssi,. Sancti Moyiirhadi Mar- tyri^ v[ \\cvv\\\\\av. Gothic Letter, lonii lines, 38 to the paiie, with siiinatures but no numeration. ILI.l STKATKl) wnil n FAlin.MKLY fink WOODCITS BY ONE OF HASFl/S FlNFSr AimSTS OF TIIF PFKIOD. Small 4(<., luiiwii Icvaiil. :> line Itordors on sidos, hack filled with ininuto ^old tooliiii:. inside Ix.rders, <;ilt edj^es by BAl'ZOXXKT-TRArTZ. Basel. Michael Furter. 149(5. $^2.50. 00 An e.\cessivel\- Hare AVoodcut ^^()l•k in the finest possible Condition. A MAGNIFICENT CAXTON. 1490. 117. MIRK, JOHN. Festivall: this treatis is drawen ont of I.eiJienda Aniea, that he that lyst to study therein he shall fynde redy therein of all the j^ryneipalle festis of the yere of eche one a short sermon for him to teche. and for other to lerne. Black Letter double columns, 33 lines to a page, with signatures, but with- out foliation, Caxton's large Device on back of last leaf, wood- cut in the text of St. Andrew on back of folio 89. Small folio, old red morocco, uilt dentelle borders on sides, tooled back, gilt ediies. ''CAXTOX :\IE FIERI FECIT" at end. Westminster about 1490. $4500.00 The Second Edition and of extreme Raritv. De Ricci could only trace six Copies, NOT ONE OF WHICH IS PERFECT, and only one of them was in private hands. On a blank leaf at commencement is a long note about the Book and Caxton's other productions, in the writing of Samuel Palmer, the author of the "General History of Printing." A GRANDLY PRINTED FIFTEENTH CENTURY ENCYCLOPEDIA. 118. MIROIR HISTORIAL de Vincent de Beauvais. Traduit de Jean de \ ignay. With numerous large and spirited Wood- cuts occupying almost the entire page. 5 vols, folio, brown levant, the sides and backs beautifullv })lind and gold tooled, gilt edges, })v THE CLUB BINDERY. Paris. Pour Anthoine Verard. 1 49.5-90. .$1,500.00 First French Edition and up to its time the most voluminous Work produced by any Paris Press. Brunei remarking on this says. "Although these five big volumes were printed in the short space of eight months, they are so fine and uniform in their printing, that the cleverest printers of today could not surpass them." Tlie original Latin F^lition of the Work, printed by Mentelin in 1473. at Strassbourg under the name of *^Speculum quadruplex, Naturale, Doctrinale, Morale, Historiale," was a veritable Encyclop'edia of 13th Century Art, Science, Philosophy and Tradition and contains many valuable extracts from Older Works now entirely lost or altered out of Resemblance. COLLECTION OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS 71 No. 119. MoHtor de Laniis. CURIOUS WORK ON WITCHES AND SORCERERS. 1489. 119. MOLITOR, ULRICH. De Laniis el Philonieis Mulieril)iis. Gothic letter, 34 long lines to the page, with signatures but no numeration, 7 curious woodcuts, snuill Mo, I'mII l)r()\vii enislied levant with line borders, gilt edges by BEDFORD. (Slrassbiirg. Martin Flach. 1489.) -1^1 S.> 00 The text in this Edition is more correcl lli.iii lli.il in I lie Edition printed the same year at Cologne. Tlie very (|uainl euls dei)ieling the departure of the Witches for their Sabl)alii, their liu ant at ions over the Cauldron, Witches riding Wolves, ete., are amongst the earliest Illustrations of Witchcraft known. An extremely fine Copy. See Illustrations above and on page 72. iZracmm no lUufmffi mum pnncipcm V^nm ^t\i;i\n\\inX)u..uc\)idticcm auJlrie. if>f iriccdriruhictc.t): (amia crpbiromas mnlicnbijs per Xllncum moliforis t>t; conltaiiria .(liidq pnpicitria.Dccreto runi txxrorcm a cmic conilAttticn.cMihiH parronfi. nd 1^/ iioicm euirdcrnp:iiKipi8 ac (ubihccddrndinid cmciidano uclcnpcus £pi(ToLi ^ccllctiflmie pnccps ct t>uc.nnic arcbi'dBt' c^lctidi (Time, buids vlric^ molifo:i9CtcconllirMt>octoi.tuccciritudmi9rc fcinobkqumci^'crt. Cil iMq5rngio2ibj anmupcdis quam t>jm ljnu:?ccmanrnrricu. fcr:ja tiiccvccUcncic. muifiiVe Z>iccrcfltAq'^a\mt\cmu[\ctito(ubmpe\iomulicrc9^\}tt iurmodibcrcfirufpecrccflprcforcnr.cipndq^tojttiramnircf rotate, van 4 rcrpcndcrcitf\nit> tuio coufuUby .varp. ca Oe rcinMrrcopinanrito vnoquippc uuihm.aUcroiicmpcin flliam partem Occlinante-randcapud tuam cicmeriam mci mcmo:iatncidic.3ta(]5p2oiMr»taruaauidirare:vcritarcm cognofccndt'.pcr tiic iDicsoationis corulc8t>cniandattl fufcc-' pr. vr qutd Cijo m ca re fcntircm .id f «9 etccUcnti'c.flili offko X>cCiQnarcuoi\oimncrcm.'Ucrumaum\3 illnc labon'ofiij crpcriculorumrit.labon'ofumquiclcmiTiil^itiialijsocaipa to.ct vicfum quercrccurancf, *p>cnculorum aurcm p:oprcr i"imtdoscroccr9Lroccs:c)uicuiicri>c)U£iKqumtarino rilcclTantcatuniniari.crqucipiTiuincrttacji'pcnri noil pore rmirivcncnofotKDrevclartrcfegcrlpjicus.laceriirciioomic tunt.Ouaiiieinfnpcr iflainarcria pccclarosetiaOoctofcs in X>ubiQ ^iduocaucm JBttn tngtiumepftimaui quia ^ ru« ejcccllcntiacoc^ufcul! mcimcbratmeobfcquqsobtince .te uincra cms ctia ft que ruiUiiiumi virce polTidcaa vt turn ep tcrioz\a l?oini9 preo fcfc ad f ua Dcuoiicntol->reqin'a .Ocbilis qnoq^^triidiaiDtdlccrnQtiHne ndtwcddtttdiniQ ^\'iam a a No. 119. Molilor (Ic Laniis. THE ART OF WARFARE IN THE 15th CENTURY. 120. MONTIUS, PETRUS DE. Exercitiorum, atqiie artis mili- taris c-oUectanae in trcs libros distincta; DE SIXGULARI C'P^HTA- MIXE sive dissentione deque veterum recentiorumque ritu ad Carolum Hyspaniarum Principem. GOTHIC CHARACTER. 2 vols, in one, folio, red levant, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, by MASS(JX-DEBOXXELLE. Mediolani: Jo. Angelas Scinzenzeler, impensa JO. Jacobi et Fratrum de Lignano. 1.509. $125.00 Two most curious and interesting Treatises on the Arms, Armour, Art of Riding, Fencing and Duelling, Gymnastics, Code of Single Combat, Wrestling, Choice of Arms and hundreds of other Arts and Accompli.shments neces.sary to the Soldier of the loth Century. The Author was a celebrated Italian Soldier and Tactician, who lived between 1460 and 1530. COLLECTION OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS 73 UNIQUE COPY OF THE SECOND EUROPEAN NEWSPAPER. 1515. 121. NEWE ZEYTUNG. Wie unnd welcher gestalt Keyserliche Maiestat, mit sampt den Konigen von Hungern und Polen, am seclizehenden tag Julij, Tausent Funflmndert funzeliene zu Wien eingeriten ist, und was sich aldo verloiifen hat. Gothic Letter, long lines, 37 to the page, 6 leaves, on the first, below the title is a very fine woodcut of the Crowned Eagle of Austria. Small 4 to, crimson levant, gold line borders on sides, gilt edges. Nuremberg Friderich Peypus. 1515. $100.00 Records the Events of the Sixth Day of July 1515 when the King of Hungary and Poland attended by his Chancellor Lazla von Sternberg, two Bishops and his Retinue to the number of four or five hundred horsemen arrived at the Court of Vienna, with descriptions of the Costumes, and the Entertainments given by the Kaiser. THE SECOND NEWS LETTER ISSUED IN EUROPE AND OF EXTREME RARITY. The First, the original of the modern Newspaper was issued also in Nuremberg in 1510. RARE EARLY WOODCUTS OF THE SYBILS. 122. OPUSCULA. Quattuor hie compressa opuscula. Discor- dantie sanctorum doctorum (Hieronymi Augustini) Sybillarum de Christo Vaticinia. Varia Judeorum et Gentilium de Christo testimonia. Centones probe Falconie de utriusque testament i hystoriis ex carminibus Virgilii selecti. Printed in large and small sized Gothic Letter, with signatures, some very fine ornamental Initials on a black ground and 12 Remarkable Woodcuts, of the Sybils, each surrounded by a beautiful Renaissance border. 4to, half brown morocco gilt. W'uice. Bernardo Benali about 1488. $100.00 Four extremely curious Tracts on the Mj'steries of the Ancients, the Prophecies of the Sybils, and of the Jews and Early Christians. GRAND COPY OF THE FIRST OVID PRINTED IN VENICE. 123. OVID. PLil)lii Ovidii Nasonis Opera Omnia, Medea excepta. Printed in Roman letter, long lines, 43 to the page, without marks. On the first page, is a large painted Ornamental Initial in gold and colors and a partial border, painted in purple and gray, containing three medallion heads in gray on a dark blue ground. At foot of page within a laurel wreath is the coat of Arms of the noble Family of Cesi of Florence. Throughout the text are numerous large Initials in red and blue with pen ornamentation. 2 parts in one vol. Folio, fine old English red morocco gilt, borders on sides, full looled back, gilt edges. Venice. Jacobus Rul)eus. 1474. $850.00 74 GEORGE D. SMITH. 547 FIFTH AVE., NEW YORK ()\ ill ('o)ttiniitd. A ni;ii:nitii'(Mit spociinon of cnrlv WMiclian i)riiilin,ii' and tlu' FIRST KDITIOX OF OVID rUIXTFI) TIIFIUv Iliohly praised hy Hniiiot and Dilxlin who says of it: "The Impression presents us with a specimen of the Early Venetian Press which when in fine preservation, may vie with the best productions of the Spiras and John of Cologne." Tlic Margins contain an iinniense ninnlior of very scholarly MS. Notes. 124. PASSION OF CHRIST. (\)llecti() duarum Passionum Josu C hristi, per JOllAXNEM KANNEMANN. Historia Martvrii Sanctac Katherinae, i)er HABANFM MAURI M. Gothic Letter, lono lines, 40 to the page, without numeration or catchwords but with signatures, large Initials painted in red. Small folio, dark l)hic crushed levant, elaboratelv l)lind tooled on sides and back, inside borders, rough edges gilt, by CHA:\IB0LLE DURU. No Place, Printer's name or date; but Cologne. Johann Koelhofl*. 1477. $250 . 00 Splendid Copy with many of the Edges uncut. A most desirable S]K^cimen of Early Cologne Typography from the Press of John Koelhofl' the Printer of the famous Cologne Chronicle. 125. PAULUS DE VENETIIS. Logicae Institutiones. Printed in Gothic letter, double columns, 48 lines to the page, with signatures but no numeration. Small 4to, green levant, in- side borders, gilt edges bv HI^TEKE. Venice, Gabriel Grassis n.d. about 1480. ' $50.00 ^'ery rare. Bound with it is the "Compendium Logicae per Paulum Pergulensem." Printed in \'enice by Baptist de Tortis 1488. Two fine specimens of Early Venetian Typography. CURIOUS EARLY WORK ON JEWISH RITES. 1508. 126. PFEFFERKORN, JOHANNES. Libellus de Judaica con- fessione sive Sabbato Afflictionis. Gothic Letter, long lines, 36 to the page, with signatures but no numeration. F'ine large woodcut on first page showing the Interior of a Synagogue and 4 half page woodcuts showing Jewish ablutional and Mourning Rites and Ceremonies. 4to, full brown crushed levant, gold pannelled sides and back, gilt edges by BEDFORD. Nuremberg. Johann Weyssenburger. 1508. ^ $100.00 First Edition of this very singular Work by an Apo.state Jew. Beautiful Copy. COLLECTION OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS 75 THE RAREST OF THE EARLY EDITIONS. 1473. 127. PETRARCA, FRANCESCO. Sonetti, Canzoni e Trionfi. Roman letters, long lines, 30 to a page, without marks, orna- mental Initial painted in gold and colors, an emblazoned Coat of Arms in a laurel wreath at foot of first page, some verse headings inserted in MS. Small folio, old English red morocco gilt, borders on sides, tooled back, gilt edges. Venice. Gabriel and Filippo di Piero. 1473. $1000.00 A very uncommon and very early Edition. Undescribed by Brunei and in none of the best known Collections, contains the 7 folios of the Table, which are often wanting, bound in at end. Only four Books were printed at this Venetian Press of which this was the last. See Ilhistration below. Soncffv jffM" 0\ CHASCOLTATE IN RIME SPARSE IL SONQ DI Q_VEI SOSPIRI ON _piO MVTRIVA IL CORE In W| mib primogiouenile errore Qusdoera i parte dtrohuomiiarquel chifono D el wane (tile \ chio piago &: ragiono, Fra le uane fperanze el uan ddpre. Ouc fiacbiperproua intenda anjore Sperotrouar pieta non chepcrdono M a ben ueggio hor fi come al popol rutto Fauola fui gran tempo onde fouente Di me medefino meco mi ucrgcgno E del mio uancggiarucraogna e il irutto El pciitirfi el conofccrchiaramcnte Ctie (juanto piacc al mondo e breuc Togno SofL'itt smnio. p Er far una ligiadra fua uendctta Et punire in un di ben milk oEFefe Celatamente amor larco riprefe Come huom cha nocer luoco cf tempo afpedla E ra In mia uirtute al corriftrctta Per far lui ncl gliocchi fuc difefe Quandol colpo mortal lagm difccfe Oue folea fpuntarfi ogni faetta P ero turbata nel primiero alTalto Non hcbbe tanto ne uigor nc fpatio ChcpotelTealbifogno prcnder iarme, O wero al poggio fancofo & alto Ritrarmi ac:orramcnte dalo ftrazio Dai qual oggi uorebbc U no po aitarme FANTAGVC/ No. 127. Pcln.rcli. Venice. 147.'J. 7f GEORGE D. SMITH. 547 FIFTH AVE., NEW YORK ONE OF THE EARLIEST BOOKS PRINTED IN PADUA. 1473. VIS. PLATEA, FRANCISCUS DE. Opus K.vsiihilioiium, rsum- nmi »>l K\i()nnniini(;ili(uiiiiii. Roman letter, 40 lines to a page, without siiinatures, printed numerals in the margins. Folio, oM sprinkled tall" uill, uilt l);H'k. Padua. Lcoiiardiis Acliales. U7.S. $*:>()(). 00 From tliis Print(M-'s First Press. Wtv Scanr. Fine Copy. The First Book ])rinted in Padua was Hoccaccio's "I'^ianimetta" which appeared in March 141^2. Francis (k* Phdca was one of the First Writers on the Laws of Usury anil lixeommunication. FIRST EDITION OF THE LIVES OF THE POPES. 1479. 129. PLATINA, BARTHOLOMAEUS. Liber de Vita Christi nc i^ontificuni onuiiuni (jui hactenus ducenli et viginti duo fuere. Roman letter, long lines, 39 to the page, with signatures, but no numeration, large Capitals painted in red and blue, some with pen ornamentation, two leaves supplied in neat contem- rary Manuscript, numerous MS. notes in the margins. Foho, ohi red morocco gilt, ornamental borders on sides, gilt edges, in a fine levant Solander Case, ^'enice. Johan de Colonia and Johan Manthem. 1479. $250.00 First Edition of a rare and extremely popular Book during two centuries. Of it Brunet says, *'Les vies des papes de Platine sont ecrites avec elegance, et elle renferment certaines partic- ularites assez remarquables; aussi ont elles eu une grande vogue pendant deux siecles, et en compte-t-on un grand nombre d'editions." THE FIRST BOOK PRINTED AT FRIULI. 1480. 130. PLATINA, BARTHOLOMAEUS. Platyne de Honestate \'oluptate et \'alitudine. Gothic Letter, long lines, 32 to the page, no marks. Small 4to, full crimson crushed levant, inside borders, marbled edges gilt, by Trautz-Bauzonnet. In Civitatae Austriae, Gerardus de Flandria. 1480. $200 . 00 An extremelv Rare Edition of this Famous Cookery Book, and notable as THE FIRST BOOK PRINTED AT FRIULL Gerardus de Flandria or de Lisa had his first press at Treviso in 1471, his second at Venice in 1477 and his third here, where he only produced two Books. Beautiful Copy. EDITIO PRINCEPS OF THE TWENTY COMEDIES OF PLAUTUS 13L PLAUTUS, MARCUS ACCIUS. Viginti Comoediae; lin- guae latinae deliciae magna ex parte emendata per Georgium Alex- andrinum Merulam. Printed in Roman Letter, long lines, 41 to the page, without marks, numerous initials painted in red and blue alternately. Small folio, old English red morocco gilt, COLLECTION OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS 77 an Comia cliri(TlAmphitryo. Argumcntunv. :Oii?>SAr 1 fictem uerfas imphitiyonis iuppiter )Dm bcUam gf reict cum telcjxsis horttbus: I Aloamcnim uxortm cf pit nfurarijm: 1 Mcrcnrius formim fofif Cefui gent |Ab{enns:his ilcumcni donpitur (lolis; aPoflq ff dicre Qcri imphitryo H fofii ^V^ttrque dtlodonturdolij minim in rhodum. ''HiTK lurgiamtumulfus unori H. uiro --'iiK^ Donee cum lonitruuocemilTiocittbeie /';j\ ^ AdultCTumfe iuppiter confcffascft: A"i\v^ Argmnentnm. A ^'A^fe-- /\ Morccaptus ikumcnac iuppiter "/ tlu' third item is an IS pa^o ()ri<;inal ^Manuscript play •'AMriilTKrO" in the hand wriliuK of Philip Beroaldus, a well known Italian Scholar and Satirical Writer who died in 1505. See Iilustr;ilioii on |);im' 77. WITH BEAUTIFUL VENETIAN WOODCUTS. 132. PLAUTUS. Coniediae XX, ex Emendationibus atque Comment ariis Bernardi Saraceni et Joannis Petri Vallae. Title within a very fine Architectural and Arabesque border with grotesque figures, numerous very fine woodcuts of Stage incidents throughout. Folio, wine colored levant, the sides and back elaborately blind tooled, inside gilt borders, marbled edges gilt, bv CHAMBOLLE-DURU. Venice. Lazarus de Soardis. 1511 $200 . 00 First Complete Edition, and remarkable for the Vigor and Beautv of the Woodcuts. The FULL PAGE CUT fronting the first Comedy represents the Interior of a Theatre with an Actor declaiming from the Stage to a most attentive Audience. A RARE ALDINE GREEK EDITION. 1502. 133. POLLUX, JULIUS. Vocabularium Graece. Printed in very fine Greek Types in double columns with two Indexes, Greek and Latin. Folio, brown morocco, with the Anchor and Doljihin Device in gold on sides, gilt edges. Venetiis apud Aldum. lo(H. $60.00 First Edition of this Rare Greek Vocabulary. Very handsome 134. PRAGMATIQUE SANCTION, en Francois avec GUIL- LFRME PARALDI de la pluralite des Benefices. Large and fine Grotesque woodcut Initial on the title which is printed in red and black, large woodcut on back of title representing a Monk in his Study. Text printed in Black Letter. Rare woodcut device of Martin Alexandre occupying last page. "2 i)art.s in one vol. Small 4to, half brown calf. Paris. Gaspard Philippe pour Martin Alexandre. 1508. $70 . 00 P'irst Edition in French of the Ordinances of the French Kings regarding Questions arising between Church and State. In these the Rights of the Gallican Church were firmly maintained by Charles \ II against the L'surpation of the Popes in the Choice of Bishops. The Second Title reads: "S'ensuit le traicte d? 1' Avarice des Ministres de I'Eglise, de Symonie, pluralite des Benefices compose par Guil Paraldi de son vivant, Evequ? de Lyon." COLLECTION OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS 79 Gl^omponij Zllbcllae (Cofmograpbi^eosrapbia T^zifciani quoq5 ej: oionyrio ZbcfTaloiiicenU oc fim oibie intcrpzetatio. lf>omponij ^DeUaeoeo2bj6(im Sliberpjimus. ']|^:ooemioni. Kbisfirum ulcere aggredioi (mpc/ ditum opus ^ facnndi^ minimc ca/ pax. jConftat cnim fcre ex gentiu lo commq5 nominibus-.i eoium per/ plexo fan's oidincrqucm pcrfcqut longn cniagis q5 bcnigna materia Ucrum afpici ratnen c03nofciq5 oi/ gni(Tinium:«quod fi non ope inge/ nij ojaiuCs'.Qt ipfa fut corcinplatio/ lie pzectum opcrg atreiidentiu ab/ foluar. Dicamaurem alias pluract cxactius . Tlunc autem vt qucq$ cniiu cloriiTima « (!riaim ac pmo quidem-.qu^fit foima toriusiquigimximcpjitee.quo fuigu1§mo dofintivrqjbabircurcxpcdiam.Dcinderurrus oias omnium cc lirto?a vt intra exfrnq5 furtr:arq5 Vt ca fubit ac circumluit pclagus: additis qug in natura rcgionum incolarumq, memd^wnda funt. 3d quo facilius (ciri polTir atq5 acapi : paulo altius fumma repc/ tctor. D/3undi in quaituo: partes oiuifio. DHne igitnr boe |quicquid eft : cui mundi c gliq5 no J men indidinius: vnum id eft: ^ vnoainbim fccun/ ciaq5flmplcctiiur. partibusoiffcrt. Wndefol oritur o:icn3iiuncupatur:aut onus, quo oemcrgitur oc/ cidcns vcloccafusrquaoecurritmcridies. abaducr fa parte feprctrio.butc medio terra fubliniis cingitnr vndiqj man: cadeniq5 in DUO latcraiqugbgmifpb^rianoianrab oiicnie oioifa No. 135. Geographiu. 148^2. A RARE EARLY GEOGRAPHY. 1482. 135. POMPONIUS MELA. Pomponii Melae Cosmographia; Geographia prisciani quo(i ex Dioiiysio Thessaloniconsi de situ orhis interpretatio. Gothic Letter, long lines, 31 to the page, with signatures. Fine woodcut Map of the World as known to Ptolemy on back of first leaf. Ornamental woodcut initial letters. 4to, old English red moroeeo gilt, borders on sides, tooled back, gilt edges. Venice. Erhardt Ratdolt. 1482. $()()(). 00 FIRST EDITION WITH THE MAP. Contains a modified Ptolemaic Map of the World engraved on wood, of Europe, Asia and 80 GEORGE D. SMITH, 547 FIFTH AVE., NEW YORK NO. 1'35. Pomponii Mellae Geographia. 1482. P()nii)onius Mela — Continued. the Northern portion of Africa, showing the River Nile, with its sources in two lakes, one directly on the Equator, and the other just .south of it. The.se lakes correspond in places with those now called the Albert and Victoria Nyanza, showing that their location was surmised, if not actually known to Geographers four Centuries before their late Rediscovery. At the South streams rising in mountains flow into the.se Lakes. The Niger in Western Africa is also laid down. This Map is a very early example of true Chiaroscuro printing. Of Pomponius ]Mela nothing whatever is known, but he is believed to have lived in the time of the Emperor Claudius. This is one of the earliest of all Geographical Works, the First Edition of which, without any Map, appeared in 1471. It is written in a simple and clear style and notwithstanding its conciseness is enlivened with interesting descriptions of Manners and Customs. THE FIRST BOOK IN THE CATALOGUE OF THE FAMOUS CHURCH LIBRARY OF AMERICANA. See Illustrations above and on page 79. COLLECTION OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS 81 136. PSALTERIUM cum apparatu vulgari fimiter appresso. Lateiiiish Psalter niit dem Teutschen nutzbarlichen da bey getruckt With the First Title in red and the other in black. Calendar in red and black, the latin text printed in large bold Gothic Letter occupying two-thirds of the page in width, with the German text in small Gothic Types forming an outer column, and extending at the foot across the whole page. Small 4to, full red morocco antique, gilt and painted edges. Basel. Michael Furter. 1502. $75.00 A most interesting Specimen of Early Printing ruled in red in double lines throughout, and with the large woodcut Initials, con- taining heads of the Saints, finely colored by an Old Hand. On two blank leaves at beginning is inscribed a curious Old German Poem on Death and Sorrow, apparently written by the Original Owner of the Volume, Stephen Resler, whose name and motto is written on first page. Copies with the date of 1502 are of extreme Rarity. RARE FIRST EDITION FROM A FAMOUS ROMAN PRESS. 137. QUINTILIANUS, MARCUS FABIUS. Institutionum Oratoriarum libri XII, ex recensione J. A. Campani. Roman letter, long lines, 35 to the page, without marks, Greek passages in iDold Greek type. Folio, fine old red morocco gilt, orna- mental borders on sides, tooled back, gilt edges. Rome (Johan Phil de Lignamine) 1470. $1250.00 EDITIO PRINCEPS. Verv fine large copy of this extremely rare work. THE "INSTITUTES OF THE ORATOR" was com- posed by the Famous Roman Rhetorician between A D. 92 and 94 and has immortalized the Name of Quintilian. It is in twelve Books and is dedicated to Marcellus Victorius. It is not merely a complete treatise on the Rhetorical Art, but it embraces a Plan of Study for the Orator, from the first Elements of Grammar. In it Quintilian states the result of his own long Experience and Profound Reflections. He is said to have been the first Rhetorician to receive a regular salary, amounting to 100,000 sesterces granted to him by Vespasian. FROM THE EARLY PRESS OF PARMA. 138. QUINTILIANUS, MARCUS FABIUS. Declanialionos CXXXVI cura Thadoei Ugoleti editae. Roman letter, long lines, 40 to the page, with signatures and Roman Numerals, Printer's Device on last leaf. Folio, old English red morocco gilt, borders on sides, tooled back, gilt edges. Parma. Angelus Ugoletus. 1494. $125.00 First Edition of many of the "Declamations" of the Famous. Roman Rhetorician's delivered during the Reign of Vespasiai).. Interesting and rare Specimen of Early Parma Printing. • ' 82 [GEORGE D. SMJTH. 547 FIFTH AVE.. NEW YORK 139. REGIUS, RAPHAEL. ,Ki)isl()l,u\Pliiiii (|ua lil)ri nnlunilis lli>ti»ri;K' Pilo \ f>|);isi;m(> (l(Mlic;inlur (Mi;irr;il ioncs. l^jiisdeni de I\" Porsii locis, unn Nnlrrii M;i\imi. (iiu>l)iis Tullii dv Olliciis ac tril)u> orat(>ril)iis »lisi)iit ioiuv^, rtc. Roman letter, lon.i>" lines, 36- 37 to the paiie, with sii^natures but no numeration, ornamen- tal woodcut initials. 4t(), old mottlod calf, ^ill hack. Venice, (udiclinus i.f Pianccrrclo, called "Anima Mca." 1490. $100.00 First Edition of this rare and curions Miscellany. Besides the classical criticism mentioned in the title, the book also contains several intcivstin.<: Tracts, illust rating the Quarrels of the Humanists. WITH THE FIRST ENGRAVED VIEW OF VENICE. 140. ROLEWINCK, WERNER. Fasciculus temimrum om- nium antit|U()rum crouicas c()mi)lecteus. Printed in small Gothic Letter, long lines, with numeration and signatures. Illus- trated with numerous woodcut views of the Great Cities of the World and many other cuts and genealogical diagrams. Folio, irrcen crushed levant gilt, inside borders, marbled edges gilt, bv THArTZ-BAUZOXXET. Venice. Erhard Ratdolt. 1481. $150.00 Amongst the Illustrations in this Curious Chronicle are a most remarkable \'iew of X^oah's Ark with the quarters allotted to the clean and unclean Animals lettered at the Stern and Bow. The Habitation of Men and Birds being amidships. By the side of the Ark is a large Rainbow, one of the first Illustrations of it known. Other interesting Views are those of Rome, B. C. 4484; Jerusalem in the time of X^eV)u- chadnezzar; Cologne where the Author lived as a Carthusian Monk about 1447; Great Britain in the year 184; and the first view of Venice, a design from Actual life showing the Place of Saint Mark with Gondolas in the foreground. Amongst many other interesting Facts recorded bv Rolewinck in Chronological Order is an allusion to the Xew Art of Printing stating that "PRIXTERS OF BOOKS WERE Ml LTIPLYIXG IX THE LAXD." This is dated 1457. FROM THE FAMOUS LOUVAIN PRESS OF JOHN OF WESTPHALIA. 141. SALICETO, NICHOLAS DE. Liber Aureus qui AXTI- DOTARIUS AXIMARUM dictus est. Printed in Gothic Letter, double columns, 42 lines to the Column, with signatures and numeration. Capital letters painted in Blue and Red alter- nately. F'olio, light brown crushed levant, inside borders, gilt top, rough edges with manv uncut leaves. Louvain. Johannes de Westfalia about 1485. " $100.00 A Fine Specimen from this Famous Belgian Press, the second to be established in Louvain, where Joannes de W'estfalia printed many fine Editions of the "GESTA ROMAXORUM"; "THE COXSOLA- TIOX OF PHILOSOPHY" by Boethius and Voragine's "GOLDEX LEGEXD." 83 mice Df0l)om fharles ill ; Seccncm tttfarfiici) fof> Scft4cemd(xcf' nSoBStefeiqnr' C^rn6trn <) fr< nu ob(igc(iftf^< uofunJairr fo^f Sc£(;n6frcuit(t o6fit cv toutfe ffcffs frfcr) m3 f>rti(pouoir(iS pfnemfftniifff) (tqp enct pfai fira cDiffrou^ ^xotUxcttupct Sofitttrmpv a tiofte Ire pfoe 0onrtr^r8 a qiiop fijrniiir /cpmfff rmpfo^rr C ff qof apjfe fa Srnr aSmim^anoij Se £0; Of itiitf 6 « cr 5f no6fc f oaraigr quif puifff f rounrc a pa/ff r fon ttmpe J^icmictrmtntfa ne Sicf (tee (ectacfe nonmfl arroiff laut go:tt ff roaraigf $6 noSfr 8 aa;t fiauff f f tnftrpnnfee (i ecan;t faif?5armc* fai« quant Sunt tntempet en (lea pout qno;> ff e noBfre confa(} ^1 SaifTane c6c< undrHromatneqinfanf futetit tend- mei que f nco:« font fmre 6auf f » faiV; tUtilTjn8parm)> (emonSe Soutoitnt anctennrnentfaitcfmfc^antetauto ^ueeinlJntmit en Cratt cdme cextam* nee canfiffrnfe (TRomaft* tn<\aopef{o tentnntemietUe piorifee SaiOfanfi' fee 1 6r out fail? Satmre 8f frare p«Sf< icffff iit» qui par fr nc granSr 8. t>\ imilli^ \ t)limiinil)iis (>\c(M"|)1;i cl in uiiuni coriJiis ivdjicla. Printed in Roman letter, lonii lines, 33 to the pai>e, with sig- natures but no numeration, with Register at beginning. l-\)li<). old red morocco, tooled hordiTs. i;ill i'di;es. Florence. Anto- nio Miseoniini. 14S^.>. ' $150. 00 I'irst Kdilion of a rare Early (irannnalical Work and one of the earliest works printed at the famous ])ress of Miscomini the Printer of Savonarola's Tracts. THE GOLDEN LEGEND. COLOGNE. 1476. 153. VORAGINE, JACOBUS DE. Aurea Legenda Sanctorum Praeclara nuiltis Profutura Ilistoria Loniiobardica. Printed in Gothic Letter, double columns, without numeration, signa- tures or catchwords. Initials painted in red throughout. Small folio, dark hlue hlind tooled morocco, inside borders, gilt edges. Cologne. Conrad Winters de Hoemborch. 1476. $600.00 An Exceedingly Rare Early Edition of this Famous "Lives of the Saints," and a splendid specimen of Early Typography from the Third City after ]\Ientz, to practice printing. In this Edition are published many Lives not printed before. See lllu.stration on oppo- site page. COLLECTION OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS 89 %heoittus cpifctipus*!* *Cfa>ina5 apftotos* Tbomas cpifojpus* Thomac be aquino>t* 'Vftwentiusmatfae Vitgmumvttbcamnrili'a* 'Vitalis. ^itusamobeflus wilUbccz&ue (pifcopue vcolfgangus ep5» fVtbanus J22p5foms nUattu: y vftli fa tem cbwtHHtc(m«fmptt fla erf tec ptgaata^multis pcoHi immbift«»a|oHff()batciica«a cldtristnmu(tDafc6i?ac fandamitl Iggendig pu lcbrisac taris ytpatifab uiamfub aipt?abgfto?dmg ccjitarmrnt ucnti ' a ad fittcm v% iebuaad'^t: me Co ntabumbt lboc mtpYcl^«mcocp l iflnctDifrf^ta« /\iwomi{M^^ ttfi5fepttiaREfimorcytD«frria fegfa ante Mactitti cpiffcpi' t)c qua. fit ijuggUjtiofiis^cdiaue i femIa'/^'M«£'iI» •^ No. 158. Aurea Legenda. 147(5. GEORGE D. SMITH. 547 FIFTH AVE.. NEW YORK . mafKt num-up* fuf fUfrpt r>qmapm tuor.Cnltcrt oirtxjj foou . iTimo jp^u &i jL> orfbo3 quoo (rnprujA. Vi o-'rW» pbiA.i.nAlufr.tt>i4rmraf>ia 61 4 Oi.( quoO ^ or ct fn) , pfic quo© c (onlVttia-o. )n oufinrafha r.naftA Tu«or CDnlVntaonc ^hecn.piorooia ncro Oicinij At> ft oOos qtioo c onruo.lM pn> OActArvft or niiunibi* On3ni« tvmgc net ACTMhi.f ^niKip.ibfrr .lurf m ilVo n.i(Tjru fmt bbfo JbrtfnoD 6 ptT>^oOt.\.bcrt eo.'t oc db)9 rnbus paWkdbqiu 15 nni$ini.v*nor RivmnH ifh ram }f A pf>np4bon tntrno) fi plinr profoOiJ niinoi pcnir.uf fi rrA5)« pljfi bbcr ifV« uocrrur tattoo I'CWi.to qr fir CDtrunw « I'nnifjr.fAlct PqUiC^ JO oi''« ftmif Tficnnjic rt*m tj or fiiali tnticnmo vft Ocintt fctmcnr ct Orrmcnr'Ono (cnbdnr ct p»^^4ntiir.qu,\U'rr c^fpon.^nrur tt ctbimoloqi Kntur.«t CDnlVjUAnf Jnucnjfc co.i ft mulrjf iifi ks qon« nAruMl#«.tlx*oIo9irj9.moa^ et ocdj rjo«.>(?iCD Arctf ifHii« bbn wt cft.pnmo licrt parrpiGrrr ititrnOdin or ^rooij.amcn qi orttx> 9Jpbu c auoOjimmo lud io proiooum a^m OeoifboTinpbijj.Vfninao t* profoou.rnoo oe ■bymol^d « Orarinfa[>i-\ qujfi nii«tim jliq •iflWn.^cin Tp.Tbwr op ojnfViiwtionc ct Tuio Qspd ^tafi Torc^a.oii^nc r)g"iliafDOC qfi.t;iinOjm OoSnuni qu« r#pc inumiitnT in biblU rt in Oictw frdaACnJ pocnit;.fm o'Cincm ^IptMbcn orDi Miv fubiiT^ini.liVclIu Aiitf bimr dO bonorrm On ft c^onorc nipnro m.me ct bcxti oTiia parm ■ofVn.« omnia fcoa cb3u.n:mon ao uh[irjtc» ffn«4m tt ffrtcfic fee Oei ck oiuf« mdiom meo:n OKTifl miilrtj laboir « Oibi^rnh fhiOlo CDmpiUui QBH quijpf af Ouoi) mci e cr Fuir .uItos bb'f ic ^ ut fx plwimis rt oiufos CMpA floirt.q m#bo M « utiboid Tunc nj brb bicionimo dnliuo.fU 5 bdf^lium.C^iK imliou (lint mdnOan mrnH>ri» pxmopaliu» mcnioimr.liemrmu ca.'i efV fu^iu nu AOOiffc in rinra itin\3ic fg^fVAre.Oi abn^bi u#io uox mn mronmc non a pdreinifoirrtlTic b mmbm.^ t>Of autf non pfuincne cc innbf ^n H AKKmftAUi eu qiufi nolle fnir.lj (onfummdco 1115 fi&unjfn Ubone cf mcirrOrm ronhrti in Ck manr^ino pulfo hn^oTr f^gwc.'^m pioUr«e in px> | nirjfionc IVnfiiiiui onobns OmAn)* rupeio<5infi ,ru«a iTCttw«fVprof9nruo.oclfCT-jr noTCwcucn j tafpoltiomnrfi' tine* immcnficit Ubons.ttfiornS' bonhir proFtd^nOt.lVo Orboioirur mFuniirat cm fioenoi.qiid v*n6r tdii« uHqj aomirt ori.ln bo( I imti OACtAtu Non folu p»a Icurcm n :ria bbtfu. CDrrfni.tri luoi ffm foUou miciN fuc otomo impcnoacft omnc quoO "t ">< foJOtOii orpbenOir otonibu* Dilu.ir. 3v6n«« aittr et exponi* lintre ajlUra I or mcti» in rcronipcnijconf mc fiipit.C-i omen p nx u_ b4 acTipic p>t> 01c fiAfrr lo'Jjnne idnncnli fun't Cc'i pircTS oruotf funo^c. imA a ^3 ifViiio bbn icroixj e ol tbo jv^^ '•*•'-" "''•^ **"^ '**■ P*^^ |>niTio nAmqp Aij^m Oc flfunOo oc ftlUba.i'ufM lureni CX" U'\ OliT'cbdnr. ► Im« alic fuiit uor.\I«.dbc confonanrrt.yoolw rnnt qnc^ fn J CI o u.n.l f lOrni e quoO 1 iiorar.^onronanHii que D'l Tunt (rmiiiool(«ef qucO.\m mure. ^cmiiioalco Tunc fcpfrm-fcj ! m n r ♦ X j.i*?urc Cunt nouem.rej b c D F Q h p q f .ct I ct u pofirv dn uodlcm tn pii opio CHifocm filUl^ff.ur )uno ct iicnus.l ramcn cir firur cDnfonan* an no. in rcmAnet abiwra u% ut niiuc aii.rt- pompoiUfl pomppi.pirrer b^r OA nfi fli.in quo c uoal.^ ct h funr lOpm clcmcnnl qiioO f . D iic»v non c Im (; Arf,'JrAc6nifl nora .liq Cc funt I r.quc porirc poft mur\m in caocm filla b.\ nafii!Ab(Tr tMnirtuiir prrcrntr uoralcm nAfu ralitri loni^i cornpi.Ht AlTfdA ct crncbrc-^j^npU ore CDnronanrce Hmr tn:>5.rfi TonronA'trpofrA Hirer Onas uoalc% njmalitcr.ct x ct i fem^.ut maior Oiix (juj.yoralcc Au^f Onr.qina y fe uo am fhotit.OcmiiforAtco ajpellanf qi pSrnjf no ccni ncn bnr.ur fomiacoc h-miuios Awcll^imuj nc 1 q> ii.r.:;>ijn) jjrom lailt oco^ nl' uiro:;.reo 5 uri Cur.vT) mure nominarc funt ao compAO^ncj bn fonantiu.^cmiuocjlefl quanhl vinamr a uooU bud.canKi rinjAnr miirA!;.(p, ct ;'. cyurt fiyiri rt nomine uiOranratiqiM babcn: Oiffcicnh^t aim f Cimcn canocm cim in Tono uonl q> in mctio c5 nnenr pK^rrm-fr U qiiiO?m pcnifue riiyuAnia e Aulli cnim uicttur ro nii iVquciir? a Ocbcat (fri bi U. PvdJraqo cnim C ttbcf 5 qiioq; mm fimibrer liponitur u amitrenli vim UcaUa piian.tt alia mm 10 non fhor.DiO tnii« cnim anijuic ftait qnif augur fiatri atr.Vti fi n^miic Oil uenatc TOnrempIan.non plus q- rW>9 liafin U&nofcjmonebAbcmus.Doccxpi Xo. ^24. Page of Text of The Gutenberg Catholicon. Mentz. 14(50. COLLECTION OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS 91 No. 24. Old English Morocco Binding on The Gutenberg Catholicon. 1460. M GEORGE D. SMITH. 547 FIFTH AVE., NEW YORK iifm /^^^ ca^tt autc pmornttanti c*>pta pictiC>9 trt co:|>o:< ptoptcr fit [r ■i)o:tm ct pi»fl«txm 4c Paliici pauawtc. C^ci cucutncnt co:pud I ,-^«ui\ c4rb4pC*fmar in ftcto pofiw fiwrtt qtwfi cPrij ct parafitici fiunt* mc fafltx fuc fc mouo-c poiliutt.^i veto aqua in qua tnPwft cocn fxxti tint 6omu8 routur-puR^t* omnttto ftcftructut:. aqiw ftmifttcr in qn* tuf4 bccoquirwr (xut oSanftcr coa tntctficif « ^uftcca cy fumo prtPct cc ty fumo XMCcini f?crcoji6 et

crtPami ct ttigctti fui« 5antw« <^ufcc vcro rtqiw m qua nistt eflcpouie coqumtt ct atfcnici cmini vcPbBPatti fwmo nccantur« 2(rta pu wq^ mc5icc«3Ttnani>u ncccccjTariae at^ttraPitur- j6co be cie (upfcbctc

opa. id eft qudntu inter boicf I dnimi corpifqangcio acq: uircucibufincerfic: I conlcnpfic fcirefubniiccrq: rdtiociridtumP// tbdgordmpbiIoropbumdicic:iiirepcrieadd: I moduldddq: ftdcuf logicudinif emfpfbdnad. iquumferecoftdreccumculiimftddirquod eft Pififdpud louem OlympiumiHercuIempedibulTuifmctdrum idq;fecini: longu pedefducencofceccrd quoq: ftddid in Certif grecie db dliif poftedinfticutdpcdum quiJcm efTenumcro ducencorum^fcdtfi efledliqudOiluni breuiord-fdaIeincelIexic:modu fpdtiiiq: pldte HerwIifToe proporcoif bdbird^canco Fuine:g dliorum p.enuf: qudilco ofympicumftddiuTnloiigiufeflccciceLerd.Comprebenfd ducem mer.kird berculani pediffecundu ndruralem membrorum omniu incerle compcrencid modificdcufeft. Acq- iCd id collegic-' quoderaccofequenf cdco fuiffe Hcrculem corporeexcelfiorc-q dlionqnco ol/mpicu ftddiu cctenrpdn numero fdc^ifdnceirec. {J_^^J-Ierode Acfico cofuldn uirorempeftiuc depromprd in quenddm idcftdrum 8^ gToriofum ddolefcecem fpecie tancu pLif orppbie fc(^dcore werbd Epicftcct ftDiaqbufFefViuiccr js uero ftoi cofaujcicjiul guf loqudci um nebulonumrqui fc ftoi cornuncupdrcnc. ^rCdpuc u. T TErodef Xtncufuir &; greca Fdcundia ti confuldn bonore L Ipredicundccerfebdcfcpe nof:(juum dpud mdgiftrofdtbenif. eflemurfuiKdrcmfurbipximdrme &: cldnfTiniu ui2f Seruilidnu: complunrqrdliofnoftrdcef: qui romdin grecidm dd cdpiendum ingenii culcum coccflerdni:. Xcq: ibi tuncquum effemurdpud eu ijUfTr, muil[dcuinomceftCepb/rid:Keftudm:8^fidercdunimniFld/ Ajt^ grdtiflimo: propulfdbdmurcdlonfincommoddJucoruro umbra ^^f^- ngennu (ongifdbuldcnl^ai moIlibuCcdiu pofhcu rrfrigerdnbuf ifnindif &; abundiO'&r collucctibur toriufq: uili^ uenuftdce ^r i:*yx Wm No. 19. Illuminated Page of the First Edition of Aulus Gellius. Rome. 1469. M GEORGt D. SMITH. 547 FIh~rH AVE.. NEW YORK RARE AND VALUABLE BIBLIOGRAPHICA. 154. CAXTON. Thr Life ;nul Tvix.-nipliy oi' WilliMin (\-ixton, Kimlaiul's lirst PrinltM-. \Nitli Mvidciicr of his 'ryp().nnii)lii('al coii- iioc'tioii with (\)hu*(l Mansion, tlic Printer at Hrii.uos. (\)ni])ikMl l)y WILLIAM HLADKS from •.li-inal Soniccs. With portrait of the DucheSvS of BurLiundy and 65 plates of Caxton's Types, Colo- phons, Watermarks, Woodcuts, Devices, etc. "i vols., 4to, original half morocco, uncut. London. Joseph Lilly. 18()l-3. $40 . 00 An exceptionally fine copy of this rare and valuable work. One of the Few perfect Examples of English Bibliography known. 155. CAXTON. The Game of the Chesse. By William Caxton. A facsimile production of the First Work Printed in England from the copy in the British ^luseum. Black Letter. With 23 Wood- cuts. Small folio, cloth. London. ISC'^. $15.00 Only 80 Copies printed and extremely scarce. Printed in exact facsimile of Caxton's Types, with all the quaint woodcuts splendidly executed, and printed on specially made paper at great cost, in exact imitation of the original and containing Caxton's Reed and Water Marks. Contains a full Caxton Bibliography. 156. ROUVEYRE, EDOUARD. Connaissances necessaires a un Bibliophile. With 7 plates and 5 specimen papers. 2 vols., 8vo. light Brown crushed levant, Aldine gold tooling on sides and backs, gilt tops, uncut bv ZAEHNSDORF. Paris. Ed. Rouveyre. 1883. ' $18.00 Best Edition. Contains some very interesting Chapters on the Care and Preservation of Books, Bindings, Dates and Imprints. The Collating of Books, Distinctive Marks of Ancient Editions, Degrees of Rarity, Repairing of Prints and Books, etc., etc. In a beautiful and appropriate Binding. 157. PORTHMANN, JULES. Essai Historique sur I'lmprim- erie. Par Jules Porthmann. 8vo, fine old straight-grained red morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. Paris. 1810. $25.00 An unqualified endorsement of Gutenberg as the original Inventor of the Art of Printing. The Author was Printer to Louis XVIII. COLLECTION OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS 95 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE FIRST BOOKS ON AMERICA. 158. EPITOME De la Biblioteca Oriental I Occidental, Nautica i Geografica, Per el Licenciado- Antonio de Leon Relator del Supremo i Real Consejo de las Indias. With the extremely fine titlepage engraved by De Courbes containing Figure of anjindian Chief and the names of the Spanish Possessions in thepccident, comprising Peru, New Spain, Filipinas, Florida, Tierra Firma, El Dorado, Brazil, Chili, Magellan, Chiapa. Small 4to, red crushed levant gilt, inside borders, gilt edges, by CHAMBOLLE-DURU. Madrid. Juan Gonzalez. 1629. $65.00 Very fine Copy of this extremely Rare Book containing the First Catalogue of Books relating to America, which occupies pages 61 to 186 inclusive. The index extends over 36 pages. ONE OF TWO COPIES PRINTED ON VELLUM. 159. RENOUVIER, JULES. Des gravures en bois dans les livres d'Anthoine Verard, Maitre Librairie, Imprimeur, Enlumineur and Tailleur sur bois, de Paris, 1485-1512. 8vo, brown levant with a fine Aldine gilt border on sides, gilt top, uncut, by DAVID. Paris. Aubrey. 1859. $125.00 One of two Copies printed on Vellum. With splendid wood engravings from Verard's Large Dance of Death. A most interesting Bibliographical Monograph on the French 15th Century Books of Hours, Danses Macabres and Early Romances. AUTHORS PORTRAITS IN INCUNABULA. 160. RENOUVIER, JULES. PORTRAITS D'AUTEURS dans les Livres du XVe Siecle. Avant-propos par George Duplessis. 8vo, brown levant, Aldine centre ornaments, gilt top, uncut, by DAVID. Paris. Auguste Aubry. 1863. $75.00 One of 4 Copies printed on the finest Vellum. A most inter- esting account of the portraits of Authors to be found in the earliest printed books. The only book written on this very important Bibliographical Subject. 9S GEORGE D. SMITH. 547 FIFTH AVE.. NEW YORK 161. WEIGEL, RUDOLPH. Ilol/chuiltc HrnihmtiM' Moistor, Kino Aii>\valil \on ScIidiumi. (liaractrristischoii und soIUmrmi ()ri«;iiial Foriusolinitlon. odor Blatlorn. walolio von don Enfindorn, Malorn und Zoiohnorn oiuonlianding uosolinitt(Mi wordon sind. In TroiuMi (\»pion von Howalirton Kunstlorn nnsoror Zoit und als IJildwork zur (icsohiohto dor Ilolzsolmoidorkunst. Illustrated with 77 large woodcuts on India paper after the originals by Burgmair, Cranach, Holbein, Wohlgemuth, Rembrandt, Urs Graf, Durcr, Altdorfer, Aldegrever, Schauftelin, Goltzius, Lucas van Leyden Beham, Solis, Stimmer, Bernard Salomon, Vecellio, Livens, Salviati and manv other famous Artists. Folio, half red levant, uiiout. I.oipzii?. k. Woio-ol. lSol-lS.54. $45.00 Tho most authoritativo Work on the Art of Early "Wood Engraving. 162. VENETIAN WOODCUTS. 1481. 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