iii M" THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF.CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W, KOFOID 7 JjCUn.^.y6tp//^^^^^ Urtrmoutlj ^oU&. 1830-1872. Collated from the File of the Norwich Mercury, BY FREDERICK DANBY PALMER GREAT YARMOUTH : PRINTED BY J. BUCKLE, KING STREET, 1889. Jj/\690 PREFACE 'pHE following pages are a reprint of extracts from the file of the Norwich Mercury y which, under the heading of " Yarmouth Notes," have recently appeared in the columns of the Yarmouth Mercury^ and in consequence of a very generally expressed wish on the part of the public, rc-appear in the present form. At the time these notices of Yarmouth News appeared in the Norwich Mercury, that journal was the organ of the old Whig ]3arty, and such of them, as treat of politics, being doubtless tinged by the party feeling of the Editor, should be so taken and read. The idea of collating this matter suggested itdelf to the compiler upon the occasion of Geo. Wm. Darby Palmer- Kerrisan, Esq., presenting the file of the Norwich Mercury, (then ia his Library), bat which had been preserved by the late Robert Palmer Kemp, Esq., to the Yarmouth Free Library, and it is hoped that this action will not only prove of some entertainment and amusement to the reader, but also wiU be of service to any person who may, in the future, deal with local events as affecting the history of the borough of Great Yarmouth. F. D. P. Hall Quay, December, 1889. M310208 TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE CHARLES LORD SUFFIELD, P.O., K.C.B., &c, &c. The folloiving pages, relating to a Totvn, in the welfare of zuhich his Lordship and his noble forefathers have taken so deep an interest for many years, are loith his permission, inscribed by HIS OBEDIENT SERVANT, THE AUTHOR. Great Yarmouth, December, 1889. YARMOUTH NOTES FIRST SERIES, 1830-40. ' :o: " AVTien found, make a note of" — Capt. Cuttle. 1830. Jan. 2nd.— Contains an advertisement of the report of the "Norfolk Association for preserving the lives of Shipwrecked Mariners," held at Norwich, William Barth, Esq., in the chair, from which it appears that an investigation had taken place as to the loss of seven men from the brig Hamond, and that as the lifeboat was not constructed with a view to affording aid to vessels immediately on the beach, Mr. Ambrose Palmer had most kindly offered to supply a boat for that purpose. Jan. 9th — The prisoners in the gaol returned thanks to IVIr. Daniel Hook for the good dinner of * ' roast beef and plum pudding and a quart of ale each," which he had given them on New Year's Day. Jan. 21. — ^Mr. William Ferrier had given a lecture on Natural History, at the Mechanics' Institution ; and at an adjourned meeting of the Public library, Mr. Charles NichoUs entered upon the office of Treasurer in the room of the Rev. H. R. Bowles, deceased ; and Mr. Thomas Hammond was re-elected librarian. Jan. 28th. — Charles John Palmer, Esq., had been elected a F.S.A. Feb. 4th. — Navigation was stopped by the frost. Feb. 11th. — A Fisherman's Provident Society had been established, to which George Danby- Palmer, Esq., "had been a liberal subscriber, and had accepted the office of treasurer, Mr. Thomas Hammond acting as secretary." March 25th. — A meeting had been held at the New Hall (George Bateman, Mayor, in the chair) to take into consideration " the expediency of building a new church," when Robert Wall, Esq., George Danby- 6 Palmer, Esq., Samuel Tolver, Esq. (Town-clerk), and Mr. Ferrier took part, and a resolution was carried ag-ainst the proposal to build the church. April 3rd. — A boldly contested steeplechase had been run off between several gentlemen of the Muiu-o Hunt, when the prize, a large silver Cup and cover, was won by H. Munro, Esq., who rode the distance, from Fritton to Gorleston (above four miles), in fifteen minutes. Above forty gentlemen afterwards dined at the Bear. April 15th. — A meeting had been held at the New Hall "for the purpose of petitioning Parliament for the further reduction of taxation and a retrenchment in the public expenditure." George Danby-Palmer, Esq., was in the chair, and William Earth, Esq., Simon Cobb, Esq., John Shelley, Esq., John Burton Palmer, Esq., William Smith, Esq., Mr. John Barnes, Mr. Boulton, Mr, Dennent, and Mr. Barrett, took part in the proceedings. April 22nd. — Much damage had been done to the shipping and in the town by a gale. May 6th. — A meeting (George Danby-Palmer, Esq., in the chair) had been held for the purj^ose of appointing a select vestry for the parish. July 3rd. — Owing to the death of King George IV. the paper appeared in mourning. July 8th. — The Hon. Col. Anson and Mr. Rumbold had arrived to canvass the Borough. July 15th. — A funeral service ha'd been held for the late King (the Corporation attending in black robes, wei-e afterwards entertained by the Mayor to chocolate, &c.) It was estimated that there were 3,000 persons in the church. Jul}^ 22nd. ^ — Messrs. Preston and Campbell (the Tory candidates) had arrived. They were attended (so says the advertisement) "by upwards of 400 jDersons, 50 gentlemen on horseback, and an enormous companj^ of gentlemen in their cai'riages, comprising all the consequence and wealth of the town." Aug. 12th. — A meeting had been held to congi'atulate the King on his accession to the Throne (George Danby-Palmer, Esq., in the chair) ; to the resolution then passed Mr. Palmer received a reply from Sir Robert Peel, stating that the King had received the same in a most gracious manner. Aug. loth. — Messrs. Anson and Rumbold had been retiuried " after a severe opposition by almost the entire force of the Corporation." The poll closing — Anson, 944 ; Rumbold, 944 ; Campbell, 7-'54 ; Preston, 754. A dinner of their supporters (W. Barth, Esq., in the chair) was after- wards held at the Masonic Hall. Aug. 26th. — Contains an advertisement that "the old annual main of cocks would he fought near the Feathers' Inn, on Tuesday and Wednes- day, the 7th and 8th September, between the gentlemen of Norwich and Yarmouth, for five sovs. a battle and 50 the odds. Feeders — Stafford, Norwich, and Lamb, Yarmouth." Sept. 2nd. — On the " decollation of S. John " the following officers were elected for the Borough for the ensuing year : — Mayor elect — Edmund Preston, Esq. Chamberlain — Mr. Eobert B. Fenn. Churchwardens — I. Preston, Esq. and Mr. J. T. Bracey. Auditors — G. Bateman, Esq., F. R,. Reynolds, Esq., Mr. I. Preston, and Mr. E. Youell. Collectors — Charles Costerton, Esq., and Mr. James Clarke. Muragers — Charles Symonds and Charles J. Palmer, Esqs. Dec. 9th. — ^A meeting had been held to petition the legislature for a Reform in Parliament. The Mayor (E. Preston, Esq., in the chair), Mr. Alderman Barth, Mr. S. Cobb, John Shelley, Esq., and John Brightwen, Esq., took part in the proceedings. Dec. 23rd, — The self-styled Gorleston and Southtown Corporation dissolved, and formed itself into the " Hand in Hand Friendly Society," audit was ordered that "the regalia of the late Corporation should be sold and the money arising therefrom distributed among the poor of the parish." 1831. Feb. 10th — The Qorleston and Southtoivn Magazine had been issued in weekly numbers or monthly parts, and contained a biographical notice of Mr. Dawson Turner, F.S.A., &c. Feb. 17th. — Amongst the vessels lost and driven ashore by the then late gales were the Alfred (Simmonds), the Flora, the Juno (Moss), the Elizabeth and Mary Welch (Amis), and the Anson (Garwood). March 5th. — Contains the following notice of Mr. Palmer's Fancy Dress Ball : — MR. palmer's fancy BALL. ' ' In our notice of this amusement at the late Festival, we recollect to have said — " The ice has been broken, the pleasure has been felt, and we shall be mistaken if the next effort be not more successful." This pre- 8 diction, intended at the time to bo applied to future festivals, wo did not expect to he so soon, so completely, or so succossfnlly fulfilled, as in the instanct" wo now have the pleasure to record. This entertainment was given at the Town Hall on Tuesday evening last, in celohration of the attainment of his majority hy Mr. S. Palmer, the grandson of the late Danby Palmer, Esq., whose extended private connections and still wider mercantile pursuits have bequeathed to his grandson a more numerous portion of friends than it is the lot of most persons to enjoy at an early period of life. The invitations were sent out with such hospitality, the preparations were on so munificent a scale, that the spirit of the donor seemed to diffuse itself not only to all those who were about to be present, but to all the inhabitants of the borough. The novelty, the continued arrivals, the firing of cannon, the banners floating at the Town Hall, and in various parts of the town, the gay appearance of the ships in the har- bour, most of which were decorated with pennons, as were several vessels in the Roads — all aided in keeping alive the expectation, so that in the evening the Quay, around the hall, was crowded with persons anxious to see the company — so anxious, indeed, that the carriage windows were assailed by men and women jumping up to get a peep at the interior. The company began to assemble about half-past eight, and on entering the ball room were announced by name, and received by Mr. Palmer and his mother and Miss A. Bm'ton (to whom, we understand, ]\Ir. Palmer is about to be united.) These ladies appeared in very elegant Court dresses, and Mr. Palmer in a full-dress Court suit. Till ten o'clock the company continued to arrive, at which houi' Mr. Palmer opened the Ball by leading off a country dance with Miss A. Burton. We never saw a similar entertainment combining so great a variety of character. The brilliancy of the colours and the constant succession of costumes, the reliefs, the contrasts, and the varying shades, reminded us forcibly of those beautiful combinations formed by the kaleidoscope, of which, \'isually, this scene may be said to have been an animated representation. On the one side of a quadrille was to be seen the gawdy Spaniard, lead- ing with haughty dignity the lively Mrs. Ford of the Elizabethian age ; while behind him stood pondering o'er the fleeting vanity of this world the solitary Friar ; opposite ranged the joyous Sailor, indulging his mirth at the expense of the courtly dignity of his fair partner. At one end was the Old Gentleman of two centuries since, in all the gravity and politeness of that age, leading forth some sprightly Tjnrolese ; while at the other was a Chinese Mandarin, paired off with a blacks eyed Gipsy ; 9 a little further, and the Scotchman promenaded with the brilliant Cir- cassian ; the Frieselander with the simply- dressed Quakeress ; the Queen of Scots with the bronze and fierce Turk ; the reckless Massaroni with the lively Mrs. Page ; the dark Colombian with the prim lady of an hundred years ago ; the Forester with the Flower Grirl ; the haughty Knight Templar with the simple Swiss Peasant ; the chivalrous Pole with the heavy Eussian ; the youthfrd Ivanhoe with a French Peasant ; and to crown the diversity, Day and Night were to be seen at once, arm and arm with a Chimney Sweep." April 14th, — The Preston (Capt. Woodthorpe), with passengers, for Prince Edward's Island and Quebec, had been towed down the Harbour. May 5th. — This number contains the following account of the Borough Election, consequent upon the rejection of a Reform Bill : — "The Mayor, in opening the proceedings, said that the electors were met to exercise an important trust, that of electing two persons to rej)resent the Borough — a trust at all times of the greatest responsibility, but certainly never more so than at the present eventful crisis. Deter- mined as he was to ac with strict justice, and with that fairness and impartiality which were the best ornaments of the office he had the honour to hold, he entreated that the contest in which they were now about to be engaged might be conducted on both sides with that order and decorum that forbearance and moderation due from gentlemen to gentlemen, and from man to man. (Cheers.) Mr. B. Dowson, in a brief but emphatic address, put in nomination the Hon. George Anson, this was seconded by R. Palmer Kemp, Esq. T. Clowes, Esq., then proposed, in an address rej)lete with sterling sense and strength, C. E. Rumbold, Esq., seconded by J. Shelley, Esq., who adverted to the circumstance of Mr. Colville being a merchant connected with the West Indian Trade and a supporter of colonial slavery. I. Preston, Esq., jun., and — White, Esq., nominated A. Colville, Esq., and J. Lacon, Esq., jun., and Mr. J. Laws nominated W. Bliss, Esq. Col. Anson and Mr. Rmnbold addressed the electors at consider- able length, pointing out the merits of the measure they supported, during which they were enthusiastically cheered. Mr. Colville also spoke at length, amid much tumult, dming which he was interrupted by loud yells of various kinds — attacking the Bill for its disfranchising nature, and defending colonial slavery. 10 Mr. Bliss had not arrived at that time. A poll was determined and immediately opened and continued till five o'clock on that and the following day, when the numbers were annotmced by the Committee of Anson and Eumbold to be — For Col. Anson . . . . 748 Mr. Eumbold . . 748 ]Mr. CohdUc . . . . 503 Mr. Bliss . . . . 497 The poll was adjoui-ned till Monday. On Sunday morning, however, Messrs. Colville and Bliss left the town, or, as our con-espondent writes, " May Day became more than commonly exhilarating, by the agreeable information quickly diffused through the town, that the enemies of freedom and of the Constitution had fled, happy in evading and escaping from merited punishment, so irritated were the minds of the lower class of society against these obtruders, without a shadow of claim to their suffrages, that, by their flight on Sunday morning, they probably escaj)ed an ablution in the waters of the^beautifvd river Yare." On Monday the books opened, and at the close the final numbers were — For Col. Anson . . . . 903 Mr. Eumbold . . . . 903 Mr. Colville . . . . 547 Mr. Bliss . . . . 541 This vexatious contest, for it was vexatious, inasmuch as it was opposed to the general wish of the inhabitants, as not the slightest chance of success prevailed from the commencement, and the only object of which was to extract money from the purses of the two Members, terminated, not only in the triumphant defeat of the Boroughmongers, but by affording a lesson to the Charles Street Society in London, whose only object is to continue corruption, by the means of corruption, a proof that true independence and love of country is far beyond the purchase of the greatest wealth. But the friends of Eeform at Yarmouth have set a noble example of consis-tency, for they have commenced among them- selves one of the modes which the Eeform Bill will enforce. They have determined to raise among themselves a sum sufficient to defray the legal expenses of the election, and to return their well-tried Members as unhui't in their finances as they are indej)endent in principal, and by this mark of gratitude and esteem to repaj^ the obligations which the 11 inhabitants of Yarmouth in common with the country at large owe to the supporters of the Reform Bill— £1,750— has already been raised. We say to the rest of the nation, " Go thou and do likewise." The Chairing of the Members had taken place amid the most enthusiastic cheers. May 19th. — The thanks of the Yarmouth District Committee for saving lives from shipwreck was voted to Lieut. Harmer, R.N., on saving the crew of the schooner Fleece, which had been wrecked on the Scroby Sand on the 14th inst. May 26th.— The men employed by Messrs. Grout, Baylis, and Co., had an excellent dinner provided for them at J. B. Bales', Apollo Gardens. June 9th. — The Mayor had obtained a rule for a mandamus com- manding the Members of the Corporation to attend a Court for the " transaction of public business." June 16th.— The population had increased 3,024 since the census of 1821, the numbers being — 1831.-22,028 including 913 sailors. 1821.-19,004. 3,024 increase. The remaining part of the Eastern Regiment of Norfolk Militia, con- sisting of about 440 men, had assembled for 28 days' training, under the command of Major Sir E. K. La con. June 23rd. — " Our venerable and highly resjiected Recorder, Robert Alderson, Esq., had delivered in his resignation." June 30th. — The Bishop of Norwich consecrated St. Mary's Church, Southtown. His Lordship was met by the Corporation " in full robes," the Hon. and Rev. Viscount Nevill, the Rev. R. Turner, J. Kitson, Esq. (Registrar), W. Rackham, Esq. (Proctor), and the principal clergy- men and gentry of the neighbourhood. The following was the " correct statement " of the p0})ulutiun, lak(_'n by the Overseers on 30th May and following days, and sworn by them in Petty Session : — Males .. .. 8,980 Females .. 12,135 21,115 Sailors .. .. 913 22.028 12 Inhabited houses . . . . 4,570 Number of families •• 4,869 Houses building . . . . 23 Houses uninhabited .. 191 July 7th contains the f'jllowing notice of the laying- the first stone of St. Peter's Church : — '' For some days past notices had been issued that the first stone of the new Church, to be erected in this town, was to be laid this day ; and at half -past ten this morning the Mayor, Corporation, gentry, and inhabitants assembled at the Town Hall, and proceeded to St. Nicholas' Chm'ch. Prayers were read by the Rev. Harvey Bawtree, and after service the procession moved in the following order : — Bellman, ChTirch Beadles, Constables, the Corporation Band, Hospital Charity Childi-en, Inhabitants and Gentry, Officers of the Navy, Mr. J. J. Scoles, the Architect, the Clergy of Yarmouth and its vicinity, the Regalia, the Right Worshipfiil Edmimd Preston, Esq., the Mayor, his Majesty's Lieutenant for the County, the Hon. and Very Rev. Dr. PeUew, Dean of Norwich, and the Rev. Richard Turner, the Right Hon. and Rev. Viscount NeviU, the Deputy-Mayor, the Aldermen in their scarlet gowns, the Common Councilmen, Constables. On arriving at the ground, the procession passed once round the building to the north-east corner. A copy of the inscription, which had been written on vellimi, and placed with the coins of the present King in a bottle, hermetically sealed, was then read by the To^\ti Clerk : — ** Great Yarmouth. — The first stone of this Church, dedicated to St. Peter, and erected by His Majesty's Commissioners for building new Churches (under the authority of an Act of Parliament, 58th Geo. III. c. 45) on a site granted by the Corporation, and with tbe assistance of their donations, and the s\ibscriptions of several of the inhabitants of the town and its vicinity, was laid on the seventh day of July, m the second year of the reign of His ?iIost Gracious Majesty King William the Fourth, MDCccxxxi., by the Right Worhipful Edmimd Preston, Esquii-e, Mayor ; the Right Reverend Henry Bathurst, Lord Bishop of the Diocese; the Honourable and Very Reverend George Pellew, D.D., Dean of Norwich ; the Honom-able and Reverend Edward PeUew, MA., Minister of the parish. Architect, Joseph John Scoles ; contractors, John Pigg, Jeremiah Wright, George Cattermole, Samuel Bligh, James Watson." The children sang the 100th Psalm during the operation of inserting 13 the bottle in a cavity, and securing the stone, which had been prepared to receive it. A silver trowel was then presented by the Architect, and after the Mayor had spread the mortar, the stone was lowered to the proper place, and the ceremony of striking it was performed by the Clergy and Corporation in succession. The Dean offered up appropriate prayers, accompanied by an address expressly composed for tliis occasion. The children then sang a collect. The Mayor afterwards addressed the company present, on the pious work which they had assisted in commencing ; amidst the general plaudits of the surrounding multitude the band struck up " God save the King," and the company returned to the Town Hall and partook of an elegant cold collation. "The Church, which has been so happily begun, is calculated to con- tain 1,800 persons, and three-fifths of the seats are to be appropriated for ever as free sittings." August 25th. — Contains the following notice : — " By invitation from the Mayor and jMi's. Preston, on i.vJonday sennight, to a promenade at their beautifiil garden, situate on the banks of the river Yare, were assembled almost all the fashion of the town and its vicinity. At seven o'clock the band struck up the national air of " God Save the King," immediately after which the younger part of the company formed themselves into quadrilles, &c., upon the grass plat, near the centre of which tables were supplied with wines of the first quality and every refreshment in season. At eight o'clock a fire balloon ascended from the gTounds in very fine style, which was visible on the grounds and town for about twenty minutes. The amusements concluded with a brilliant display of fire- works. The extreme serenity of the evening, aided by the wild light of the moon and the mure refulgent illumination of the garden with variegated lamps, rendered this a scene which for good humom- and pleasantness has rarely or ever been equalled in this town." Sept. 1st. — Mr. Shelly attended the Corporation meeting and insisted on reading a protest in respect of the non-attendance of that body to their " ordinance." The following oflicers were then elected : — Mayor-Elect — John Preston, Esq. Chamberlain — Mr. E. Youell. Churchwardens — S. Paget, Esq., and Mr. T. E. Laws. Auditors — E. Cory, ]un.,Esq., E. Preston, Esq., G. Danby-Palmer, Esq., and Mr. J. M. BeU. Sept. 8th. — The Coronation Day was observed as a holiday. 14 The Races had been held on the Gtli and 7th, as follows : — " First Day — Tuesday, September Gth. The Gold Cli* Stakes of 100 sovs. (8 subscribers 10' sovs. each) with 20 sovs. added ; the second horse to withdraw his stake. The winner to be sold for 400 sovs. if demanded, &c. Heats, two miles and distance. Mr. S. Palmer named Lord Exeter's ch m Schumla, by Selim, out of Bess, 4 years old, 8st. lib. . . (Hornsby) 1 2 1 Col. Wilson's ch h Kingleader, by Merlin, out of Spotless, 4 years old, Sst 4lbs. . . . . . . ..210 Lord Stradbrokc's b f by Morisco, out of Arcthusa, 3 years old, 6st. nibs. .. •• .. .. 3 dis. A good race after the second heat. Two to one was freely betted on Ringleader ; the last heat was very close, and was won by half a head. Lord Stradbroke's filly lost her rider by a stirrup leather breaking in the second heat. Half-Bred Stake. Heats, one mile and distance ; 5 sovs. each. Mr. Munro's b h Charley, aged, list . . .. .. 2 2 Mr. Smith's ch g Sportsman, aged, list . . . . 11 The Members' Plate of 50 sovs. The winner to be sold for 180 sovs. if demanded, &c. Heats, two miles and distance. Mr, Bromley's ch m Miss Nicolo, 4 years old, 7st. 13lbs. . . 3 dr. Mr. Pettit's b m Ipsala, by Sultan, 4 years old, Sst 2lbs. (C. Edwards) . . . . . . ..121 Col. Wilson's br c Whiskey, by Tuesias, out of Schedam, 3 years old, 6st. 12lbs. . . . . . . 4 3 dr. Lord Stradbroke's b m Gallopade, 5 years old, Sst. 131bs. . . 2 10 Mr. S. Palmer's gr m Christina, 4 years old, Sst. 2lbs . . 6 4? An excellent race ; the heats with difficulty decided. The winner was well rode by C. Edwards. Second Day — Wednesday, 7th September. Town and Country Gentlemen's Plate of 50 sovs. The winner to be sold for 250 sovs. if demanded, &c. Heats, two miles and distance. Mr. Pettit's b m Ipsala, by Sultan, 4 years old, / Sst. 61bs. . . . . . . . . 1 2 ( A dead i 2 Col. Wilson's ch h Ringleader, 4 years old, Sst. 91bs. / ^^at. i (Gosling) .. .. .. ..21^ '^l A severely contested race of four heats. 15 Handicap Sweepstakes of 10 sovs. each, with the remainder added. Heats, one mile and distance. Lord Stradbroke's b f by Morisco, out of Arethusa, 3 years old, 7st. ms, . . . . . . . . 1 w.o. Mr. Pettit's b m Ipsala, by Sultan, 4 years old, 8st. olb. . . 2 dr. After the above account of sport, it is needless to say that everyone who attended the Races , was delighted. The severe running on the first day prevented several of the horses starting on the second, but the four well- contested heats for the Town and Coiintry Gentlemen's Plate more than coaapensated for the deficiency in the number of horses. The ordinaries and Ball were well attended — a very liberal subscription was entered into tor the Races of 1832. The Gold Cup Stakes is already filled, and the Norfolk and Suffolk Hunters' Stake of 5 sovs. each, with 20 sovs. added, for horses not thoroughbred, which have been regularly hunted in either of the above counties, has ah-eady six subscribers. The ladies at the Ball on Tuesday evening commenced a subscription for a Ladies' Plate of 50 sovs. for next year, which will be in addition to the two Fifty Pounds Plates usually given. Edmund Preston, Esq., is appointed one of the stewards for 1832." Sept. 29th. — The Reformers of Yarmouth "had an excellent meeting " at the Town-hall. Mr. Alderman Barth was in the chair, and Messrs. Clowes, S. Cobb, Shelley, Hammond, Sewell, and Munsey took part in the proceedings. Oct. 6th. — The Mayor (John Preston, Esq.,) " celebrated his " inauguration at the Town-hall on Thursday sennight by a sumptuous "entertainment, which was attended by the Lord Lieutenant, Judge "Alderson, Sir- W. Folkes, M.P., the Hon. E. Pellew, and about 300 " gentlemen of the county and town." Nov. 17th. — A Board of Health had been established for the better cleansing the streets and lanes, and the removal of nuisances. The " Star" coach, when about a mile this side of Eye, was driven into by " a fellow in a drunken state," and one of the leaders was killed on the spot. Nov. 24th. — The dairy of John Waters, Esq., of Ormesby, had been broken into and 16 pints of butter, 14 cheeses, a fat goose, and a quantity of meat and flour stolen. Large flocks of " Stormy Petrels " had visited our shores, and between 6 and 7 dozen of them taken alive ; several " Little Auks " and " Arctic Gulls " had also been shot. 16 Dec. 29th. — A poor man known as "Do you know him" was insulted, by a man pulling a nightcaj) over his face, and at the same time informing him that he was about to be "burked," which so much "alarmed the poor creature, that he was taken to his home in a " desponding state." 1832. Jan. 5th. — Ttie Hon and Rev. E. Pellew had distributed the prizes to the Sunday School children. Jan. 12th. — Dr. Cox had delivered a very interesting lecture on "Physiology." Feb. 2nd. — The Kev. Henry Squire was advertised to deliver a course of lectm-es at the Old Meeting. The case of the King against the Aldermen of Yarmouth is reported. Feb. 9th. — With regard to which the following notice appears this week : — " THE KING AGAIXST THE ALDERMEN OF YAKMOUTH. We are authorized to state that the Report of the hearing of this cause, in our last week's paper, is incorrect. Lord Tenterden having observed that there was no ground for an attachment, as the parties had acted bona fide ; that the business of the Corporation must be done, and directed that the rule shoiild be enlarged, to give the Defendants an opportunity of doing so. The Counsel for the Defendants said they were ready to proceed, but could not compel the Mayor to call an Assembly, or the Common Councilmen to meet, — whereupon his Lordship, on the motion of Defendants' Counsel, directed a mandamus to be issued for the filling up all vacancies, and then transacting the other necessary business ; and upon a Return being made to the Writ, the Rule will be discharged." Feb. 16th— A general meeting of the inhabitants was proposed to be held to take into consideration the expediency of erecting a new Work- house, •' it appearing by a report of the select Vestry now published, that the present one is quite inadequate to the purpose, both as to extent and arrangement, and as being utterly incapable of affording room for that classification which is indispensable to the moral improvement and em- ploynnent of its inmates, and also to the comfort of the aged and infirm. It is now about fifty years since any room was added to it. The increase of inhabitants in the town, and not less so of pauperism during that period, calls for enlarged accommodation. It appears by the report that they are without a day room for the females, or any means of separating the sick from the healthy, and so cramped for lodging room, that a con- 17 siderable number of the inmates are compelled to sleep three in a bed. It is intended to proceed agreeabl)^ to the directions of the 59th Geo. III. cap 12, and 1st and 2nd of William IV. cap. 42." March 22nd. — The National Fast had been observed " with a decent solemnity." April 5th. — The appointment of a Recorder is noticed as follows : — "At a Corporate Assemblj-, held on Tuesday last, the long- contested question of ' who should fill the office of Recorder for the borough ?' (vacant by the resignation of Robert Alderson, Esq.,) was decided. The first business which came before the Court was the accepting of that gentleman's resignation, after which Isaac Preston, Sen., Esq., proposed the Sub-Steward (I. Preston, Esq.,) to fill the vacant ofiice ; this was seconded by C. Symonds, Esq. R. Cory, Esq., then proj^osed Mr. Sergeant Mere wether ; this nomination was seconded by Samuel Paget, Esq. On a ballot being demanded, the numbers were found to be equal, viz., 20 for Merewether and the same number for Preston. There were 41 members of the body present, one of whom declined voting. A second ballot was proposed and acceded to, and the same result followed. The Deputy-Mayor (who presided in consequence of the extreme ill health of the Mayor) then said that he would give the members of the Court the chance of a third baUot, on which the gentleman before mentioned voted for Merewether, which gave the learned Sergeant a majority of one, the numbers being for Merewether 21. for Preston 20. Thus has terminated this long agitated question, the product of much squabbling, aye, and of much litigation too. Lord Viscount Exmouth was unanimously chosen Lord High Steward; Isaac Preston, Jun., E.sq., and J. Baker, Esq., were elected Aldermen ; and Messrs. J. E. Lacon, E H. L. Preston Henry Costerton. and Samuel Jay, Common Councilmen. At this Court, Mr. J. Seaman received the appointment of Parish Clerk, and IMr. J. Daniel, Sexton ; 50 guineas were also voted to St. Marj^'s Church, Southtown ; £15 per j-ear granted to Mrs. Breeze (widow of the late hall- keeper), and £12 annuity settled on Mrs. Absolon (widow of the late Parish Clerk.) It was likewise ordered that the usual fee of 20s. upon apprentices' indentures should be taken off. It is only right to state that the entire business of the day was conducted in the most amicable way possible, and that the greatest good temper and gentlemanly feeling was displayed during the discussion on the pending Recordership." April 12th.— The thanks of the Corporation were voted to the Rev. R, Turner upon his resignation of his office of Chaplain to that body. 18 The Sylvan (owned by J. H. Palmer, Esq., and commanded bj^ Captain W. Gilham) and the Preston (belonging to I. Preston, Esq.) had respectively sailed with 100 and 110 emigrants. April 19th. — Two more emigrant vessels, the SjTen and Miser, were advertised to sail for America.— On Friday, then last, (here commonly called Black Friday) the annual meeting had been held at the Guild Hall for the purpose of " reading over " the income and expenditure of our local affairs when " secundum custom (sic.) it was proved that the "receipts of any sum, say £5,299, and the payment of £5,298 was "balanced by £1 being added to the credit side." Mr. Shelly and other gentlemen protested against the manner in which these accounts were made out and presented to the freemen. April 26th. — The newly elected Common Councilmen, Messrs. John Lacon, E. H. L. Preston, Henry Costerton, and Samuel Jay entertained the Corporation and others. John Lacon, Esq., presided, and the following toasts were given : — The King, Queen Adelaide, Princess Victoria, and the Royal Family, Lord Hill and the Army, Sir James Graham and the Navy, Lord Viscount Exmouth, the County Members, &c. Burglaries had been committed on the premises of Mr. William Green, Messrs. Bracey and Son, IMr. Benjamin Welch, and Mr. Joseph Stevenson, and a man named Woolsey had been charged with the offences. May 3rd. — The Fair had been held without " A Yarmouth Fair Wind," and was " very numerously and respectably attended, nor could " its visitants complain of lack of amusements, for of remarkable " giantesses, as remarkable dwarfs, optical dioramas, &c., «&;c., there " were quantum suff, while roundabouts, Russian swings, and ups-and- " downs displayed themselves in abundance to allui-e the juvenile part of " the company out of theii- straj' half -pence and pence." May 10th. — The southern bastion of the fort had fallen " with an immense crash." The " first fruits of the fishing season " had been landed by a boat, (No. 3), belonging to ^h\ George Giles. The night's haul had produced 48 mackerel, which sold at Is. 6d. each. The following vessels had been launched: — The brig Sarah, 190 tons (from Messrs. Tuck's yard), and the brig Sarepta, 160 tons (from Mr. Lubbock's yard.) May 17th. — The news that the Duke of Wellington had " given in 19 and that Lord Grey was then at the palace " was received with joy, and the bells had been rung. May 24th.— The Rattlesnake (180 tons) had been launched from Mr. F. Preston's yard. The mackerel fishery was going on badly, and there was great distress in the town, as thousands depended on that industry for a living. May 31st.— There had been a great fire at Messrs. Grout and Go's. Factory, the loss estimated at £12,000, the premises were uninsured. Two female factorj^ hands, aged respectively 16 and 17, had "fought it out" on the Denes, the prize, a "young tar," when the " shorter combatant" proved victorious. June 7th. — The King's birthday had been celebrated with a great display of flags, the firing of the Church bells, salutes from the Forts, batteries, etc. June 14th. — The following notice appears as to the Reform Act : — REFORM. ' ' For some days previous to the passing of the new Magna Charta of our liberties, ths Reform Bill, the friends of that great and really Conservative measure had met at the Ship Tavern, for the purpose of considering the best method of celebrating the anticipated triumph. At their first meeting it was determined to open a subscription, leaving the precise manner in which the proceeds should be expended as a matter for future consideration. District Committees were forthwith appointed to manage the collections. The subscription, which is not yet closed, is expected to amount to something very handsome. It was first intended to give the freemen a dinner, but on sounding the latter it was found that they (without any exception) preferred receiving a pecuniary present : it was therefore at a subsequent meeting resolved, that each of those persons should receive a donation in money, and that the friends of Reform should dine together at a time and place hereafter to be appointed. The news of the passing of the unrnutilated Bill was received here with every demonstration of joy. The vessels at the Quay displayed a profusion of flags, as did also the principal taverns and inns in the town— indeed everything seemed to show a universal gladness of heart. On Friday last, however, when information arrived of the Royal sanction having been given to the Bill, the fullness of joy exhibited on the occasion knew no bounds. Expectant of the event, a large party of our townsmen (of every grade and condition in life) had proceeded along the Southtown Road on the forenoon of the day, 20 accompanied by a band, flags with appropriate mottoes, &c., to meet the Telegraph. Singular enough, however, the guard of that coach refused to take up the colours, and in answer to repeated enquiries declared "there was no news," although it was afterwards ascertained that he had road from a newspaper in his possession an account of the Royal signature to the inhabitants of Gorleston while passing through that village. The Reformers of Yarmouth, to show their indignant sense of such conduct, refused to wait at night for the Morning Star (that coach being under the same proprietory as the Telegraph), but instantly sent a courier to Lowestoft to announce their intention of meeting, in proces- sion, the Old Blue. Ultimately, that coach, surrounded by a profusion of elegant and appropriate flags, bands playing, &c., paraded the town. It was really a most animating and exhilarating spectacle ; numbers of elegant and beautiful females assembled at the windows to witness the heart- cheering sight of a countless multitude of persons, composed of all ranks in life, alike animated by one feeling, that of exultation and delight. Surely after this our enemies will no longer prate of a reaction ! At any rate, such a flagrant attempt at delusion would be scouted by our patriotic townsmen, as one of the basest of libels on old Yarmouth * * * * The public dinner, rejoicings, &c., will, we have just heard, not take place till after the passing of the Scotch and Irish Bills. The dinner, will, we believe, be held at the Town Hall, there being no reason to doubt that the Mayor, with his accustomed gentlemanly feeling, will grant the building for that purpose. Wm. Barth, Esq., is expected to preside." During the Spring eight vessels had sailed from Yarmouth to different parts of the Canadas, carrying 916 passengers. June 21st. — The Haven and Pier Commissioners had attended for the purpose of examining the Harbour Woiks, and it was hoped that extensive improvements would be made therein. The Conservatives had not announced any candidates, and it was considf^red probable that Messrs. Anson and Rumbold would be re-elected. The Rev. Mr. Griffith, junr., had delivered a very impressive sermon on board the Cyrus under the Bethel Flag. June 28th. — The Corporation had voted an address to the King upon his escape from the late ''atrocious" attack upon him. A vessel was lying off the Pier Head with the Yellow Flag (cholera) flying. July 5th. — A public dinner was to be held to celebrate the passing 21 of the Reform Bill, and l\fr. "Windham, th€ Liberal candidate for E. Norfolk, was to meet his friends, Major Keppel being unable to accompany him. July 12th. — The Dreadnought lugger (having on board a large cargo of smuggled goods) had been captured. The Sylvan (belonging to J. H. Palmer, Esq.,) had arrived at Quebec with emigrants. Jxily 26th. — The annual water frolic is thus noticed : ** Monday last was our annual water fi'olic. The heavens, which appeared inauspici- ously to lour dui'ing the early part of the day, cleared about noon, and a cloudless and sun-lit sky enabled the admirers of boating excursions to enjoy with high zest the pleasures afforded them by the recurrence of of this aquatic treat. The beautiful bosom of Breydon was literally covered with craft of every description, from the stately barge and elegant pleasure boat, down to the humble punt. Three boats, the Coriander, Balls ; the Emerald, of Lowestoft, Col. Jones ; and the Hornet, of Beccles (the two latter latteeners), were the competitors for the cup. The former had the start, and kept the lead during the three heats, and eventually won by 400 yards. About five o'clock p.m. the boats drew up for dinner. The toute ensemble was at this time picturesque in the extreme, the river, as we have said, studded with boats of various descriptions ; the rond (which at this time was more than usually dry and firm) crowded with well-dressed persons of both sexes, whose joyous countenances showed that they looked gratifyingly on the sight ; the beautiful ruins of Burgh Castle (the Garianonum of the ancients) in the distance, gilded with the gloomy brightness of a western sun — the declivity of the hill bedecked with many tea-drinking parties, all pre- sented a scene which must have given delight to every true lover of his species. On the following day a cup (the gift of the spirited landlord of the Berney Arms) was sailed for by five 14 feet boats, which was won by the Sultan, George Alexander, who beat her antagonists hollow. We are happy to say that the general feeling of pleasure was not alloyed by the occurrence of a single accident." The Theatre had opened with Guy Mannering and Damp Beds. There was a very poor house. The brig Ida (188 tons) had been launched from Mr. F. Preston's yard. August 23rd. — The following estimate of the number of electors under the Reform Act had been made : — Freemen 1,063 ; £10 house- holders in Yarmouth, 492 ; and in Gorleston, 144 ; total, 1,699. 22 The Summer Fishine; had eommonced ; 300 lasts of herring had ah'eady been brought in. August 30th. — Messrs. Windham and Keppel (the Liberal candi- dates for East Norfolk) had dined with about 50 electors at the King's Head (B. Dowson, Esq., in the chair.) The following Corporate officers had been elected : — Mayor-Elect — John Baker, Esq. Chamberlain — Mr, K. Ferrier. Churchwardens— John Preston and Charles Symonds, Esqs. Auditors— I Preston, John Danby-Palmer, T. F. Garwood, and Charles J. Palmer, Esqs. Collectors — John Danby-Palmer, Esq., and Mr. Henry Costerton. Sept. 6th. — The Races had been held and proved very successful. Sept 13th. — Mr. C. E. Rumbold (Col. Anson being detained in Derbyshire by illness) made a public entry into this town, when the carriage containing the Hon. Member and N. B. Palmer, Esq., had sup- ported on its roof a most elegant silk flag bearing the words ' ' Gorleston and Southtown Voters" upon it. Sept. 20th. — A public dinner had been given by the Gorleston voters to Messrs. Anson and Rumbold, when 52 gentlemen attended, and W. Barth, Esq., occupied the chair. Oct. 4th. — The inaugural dinner to the Mayor was held at the To-s>ti Hall, and was attended by " nearly 500 guests, among whom were a "large number of the nobility and gentry residing in or near ** Yarmouth." Oct. nth. — The herring fishing had been very unsuccessful. This was attributed to warm weather. Oct. 18th. — The following notice as to the Wandering Piper appears :— " The Wandering Piper, who has attracted so much notoriety, is expected to visit Yarmouth in the course of a ver}'- few days. He is of a rank in life which few suspect who are not acquainted with his private history. He was for a considerable time an officer in the Army, served under Sir John Moore and the Duke of Wellington, and sold his com- mission after the battle of Waterloo. His opponent is Count Bonder, a French Nobleman, but educated in Scotland at the same school with the piper, and betwixt him a great friendship subsisted. They met in London in 1825, when a dispute arose between them concerning the hospitality of different nations, which ended in both parties finally agreeing, for the sum of £5,000, to travel in disguise, the one as a fiddler in France and 23 Belgium, and the other (our hero) as a piper in Britain and Ireland, to subsist upon what the puhlic might he pleased to give them unsolicited, and whoever should have most money in the end was to gain the prize. They both commenced their wanderings in the summer of 1825, hut an uncle of the piper's, who then held a high official situation, having got notice of the freak, put a stop to the proceedings before the end of three months ; this gentleman, however, died in 1827, which left both parties free from restraint, in consequence of which they started in August, 1828, the one from Stonehaven, in Scotland, and the other from Calais, in France. This important campaign was only intended to last three years, and would have been finished before now had not the piper received a severe hurt from the upsetting of a stage coach in Ireland, which con- fined him for fifteen months — dmnng which time there was a secession of hostilities on both sides. The piper during his illness lay at the house of Sir Thomas Butler, Bart., Ballintemple, county Carlow, where he met with the greatest kindness ; indeed, the Irish, high and low, seem to have completely entered into the spirit of the undertaking. He was never allowed in any one instance to pay anji;hing at the hotels where he put up, waiter, chambermaid, boots, and porter all refused to accept of any remuneration for their services, nay, the very beggar wished his ' honour good luck and a safe journey,' without lapng him under fm-ther contribution. He says that he has been charged in all instances to the very utmost extent in England ; we could have wished it had been otherwise, for the honour of our national character. During his rambles, it is said he had given £550 to different charities, that receipts for which are lodged for safety with John Stuart, Esq., of 19, Cleveland Row, Finsbury Square, London." Oct. 25th. — The wandering piper had begun his rounds and had lunched with the Mayor. Nov. 8th — Electioneering partizanship was displaying itself. A ' ' True Red Committee ' (composed of the lowest order of beer-loving Burgesses) had been formed" and Andrew Colville, Esq., had been requested to stand for the Borough in that interest. Nov. 15th.— Mr. Colville had arrived in the Borough and addressed the electors from the " Star " balcony. Dec. 6th. — Contains the following article : — '' Tuesday last was a proud day for the friends of Reform, comprising as they do a vast majority of all ranks of our town's-people. It having been announced by hand-bill the day previous that Col. Anson and jMr. Rumbold would 24 arrive tho following day, as early as the hour at noon, tho Soiithtown Road was crowded with pedestrians and equestrians of all classes. Between twelve and one o'eloclc the entire hody of the Political Union (full 400 strong-) asseuiLled at the (ruardian Angel, with hlue inhlions and their hadges round their neeks. The worthy candidates having arrived at the ahove inn, th(> procession hegan to move in the following order: — Two trumpeters on horseback ; banner — Yarmouth Union of the Work- ing Classes : flags — Union Jack, Eoyal Standard of England ; ' Uni- versal Suffrage and Vote h}^ Ballot ' ; * Short Parliaments and Liberty of the Press ' ; ' The love of our Country leads us ' ; ' Close Corporations abolished ' ; ' Equal Laws and Equal Rights ' ; ' United we stand, divided we fall ' ; banners of the King and Reform. Flags — * Gorleston and Southtown Voters ' ; ' Anson and Rumbold ' ; ' Friends.' Flags — ' The People's Cause ' ; 'The Poor Man's Rights ' ; ' Reduction of Taxation ' ; ' Close Corporations Opened ' ; ' Abolition of Slavery ' ; ' Cheap Government and Equal Rights ' ; ' The Liberty of the Press ' ; ' Knowledge is Power ' ; ' Civil and Religious Liberty ' ; ' Freedom of Election.' The procession, on entering the town by the Bridge, was welcomed by the exultant shouts of an innumerable concourse of expec- tant individuals, who had by this time lined the new Hall Quay, eager to witness the imposing spectacle. The blue pennons of numerous ships, ' floating in the breeze,' added not a little to the joyousness of the occasion. The procession moved on, adding to its numbers as it ad- vanced along the Quay, up South Street, along King Street, down our beautiful Market Place, and back to the Committee Rooms, from the windows of which the assembled multitude (consisting certainly of not less than 5,000 persons) were addressed by Mr. Alderman Barth, Col. Anson, Mr. Rumbold, and J. Shelly, Esq. The weather was till towards noon rather showery ; fortunately it then cleared up. Such, however, appeared to us the general enthusiasm, that it seemed as if no weather coiild have damped the universal feeling of delight, nor have abated the desire to witness the proceedings of this memorable day. Numbers of well-dressed females from the windows of the houses, as the procession passed along, were to be seen, with approving smiles, shaking blue flags, elegant banners, &c., »S:c., thus demonstrating their hearty participation in the high feeling of satisfaction which displayed itself all around. Too much praise cannot be given to Capt. Garson and Mr. Gamble for the judgment shown by them in marshalling the procession. Nor ought we to omit mentioning, in terms of high commendation, the 25 excellent conduct of the Union on the occasion — conduct which was noticed in the evening at the King's Head, hy the Chairman (Mr. T. Hammond) making a very handsome acknowledgment of their ser^dces, and giving as a toast (which was drank with three times three and very general applause) 'The Council of the Political Union.' Siirely, if it had been before j)0ssible for the Conservatives (as they improperly styled themselves) to have mistaken the feeling of the town, the proceedings of Tuesday last must have entirely undeceived them, and enabled them to see the utter hopelessness of a contest with our late excellent representa- tives. Monday next is the day of election^ when we shall see whether these hardy and obstinate men are still determined to pull down certain ruin on their party. On Thursday night Messrs. Anson and Eumbuld, addressing their numerous friends from the balcony of the Crown and Anchor, were insulted by water thrown upon, and it is reported tiles at them, from a small red inn adjoining. This roused the indignatiun of the multitude, and the destruction of the windows was the consequence. A spirited youth resented still further indignity offered to his friends by springing from the balcony and seizing upon and destroying the enemy's blood-red standard." Dec. 15th. — The nomination took place at the " Tol-hall," and after the Mayor had opened the proceedings, Col. Anson was nominated by William Barth, Esq., seconded by Mr. Thomas Clowes, Mr. Rumbold by John Shelly and John Brightwen, Esqs., and A. Colville, Esq., by John Lacon, Esq., and Mr. B. Gooch. The show of hands was in favour of Messrs. Anson and Rumbold. The poll for the first day was — Rumbold .. .. ,. 715 Anson . . . . , . 699 CoMUe .. .. ., 631 And at the close on the second day — Rumbold . . . . . . 838 Anson . . . , . . 829 Colville .. .. ..751 Dec. 20th. — A dinner had been held to celebrate the return of these gentlemen, "when William Barth, Esq., presided, C. Sayers, Esq., was " his vice, and X. Palmer and John Shelly, Esqs., headed the tables to " the right and left of him." 26 1833. Jan. 3rd. — The prisoners in the Gaol and Bridewell returned thanks to the Mayor (J. Baker, Esq.) for the plentiful dinner of roast beef, plum pudding, and a quart of ale each, which he gave them on Christmas Day. Jan. 10th. — A large alligator had been taken by a Dutch fishing boat off Orford Ness. Jan. 14th. — H.M. fi'igatcs Castor (Cajit. Lord J. Hay) and Conway (Capt. Eden), together with the French frigate Arcade, came into the Roads to victual and get a supply of water. Jan. 17th. — A number of ladies and gentlemen visited the men-of- war : and on the following Tuesday the vessels proceeded " out of the Cockle, accompanied " by the Royal Charlotte cutter (Lieut. Harmcr), she " keeping to wdndward until lost to view." Jan. 31st. — A suggestion had been made at the Corporation assembly as to reform of that body, but was not supported. Feb. 7th. — A fine vessel of 216 tons had been launched from Mr. Preston's yard, and it was stated that " It is now allowed by merchants ** from all parts of the world that the finest and handsomest vessels are '* now built in this port." Feb. 21st. — The Flora, a French frigate, had arrived in the Roa^s. Feb. 28th. — The petition against the return of Messrs. Windham and Keppel (M.P.'s for East Norfolk) had " excited much surprise and indignation * ' amongst the numerous friends of these gentlemen in the town," March 7th. — It was proposed to start a steam packet for the convey- ing of goods and passengers to Hull. A warrant fi-om the Speaker of the House of Commons had been received, requesting the attendance of the Mayor and Town Clerk before a Committee of the House ' ' to give an account of aU matters relating to '' the town and Corporation ; consequently J. Baker, Esq., and S. Tolvcr, " Esq., had left Yarmouth on Monday." A public meeting on the question of Corporation Rcfoim had been held, Mr. C. Sayers in the chair. Messrs. J. SheUy andS. Cobb spoke, and a petition was adopted, which received 1,958 signatui-es. A petition had also been adopted by the members of the " Yarmouth Union of the AVorking Classes " against *' The Irish Coercion Bill." March 14th. — The Inquiry as to the administration of Corporate affaii's WHS proceeding in London, when the following gentlemen were there upon that business on behalf of the Corporation : — The Mayor, the 27 Town Clerk, and the Water Baliff, while Messrs. Worship, Barth, Shelly, and Barrett represented the Town Committee. March 21st. — The works at St. Peter's Church were " at a stand " for the want of funds, £600 being required. April 4th. — The Haven Commission were indehted £25,000. The Sessions were held with the *' light calendar of 15 prisoners." April 18th. — Lord Orford had accepted the office of Lord High Steward of the Borough, rendered vacant through the death of Lord Exmouth. The Eev. Mark Waters had been appointed one of the ministers of St. George's Chapel. April 24th. — The Rev. Mr. Clarke of Norwich, had accepted the ministry of St. Peter's, the ladies proposed to present the communion plate to this Church. May 23rd. — The mackerel fishing had been very unsuccessful. A meeting had been held to approve of the proposed Eules for the intended Proprietary Grammar School. May 30th. — A Commission had been appointed to inquire into Corporate affairs '" on the spot." Sir F. Palgrave had obtained from H.M. Commissioners of Records the presentation of some valuable publications to the Library. June 13th. — Lord Exmouth had arrived in his yacht, and subic- quently sailed with his brother, the Vicar (the Hon. E. PcUew), for St. Petersburgh. Jime 20th, — Vice- Admiral Parker had been appointed a K.C.B. July 11th. — The following is the account of the Burgh Water Frolic : — ''Monday last being the day appointed for our annual water frolic, an immense quantity of boats (from the splendid pleasui-e barge to the humble punt) started from our Bridge at eleven o'clock a.m. with a favourable and somewhat stiff breeze from the N.E. At two o'clock the various crafts laid-to in the Narrows to witness the sailing match. The competitors were the Venus (cutter-rigged boat), Last ; Algerinc (latteener), Craske ; Emerald, (latteener) Col. Jones ; and the Hornet, Everett. The prize (an elegant silver cup) was won by the Venus. At starting the Hornet had the lead for a short distance, when she was passed by the Venus, and on rounding the upper cross stake the latter boat and the Emerald were close together, and remained so, till they got within the Narrows, when the Colonel succeeded in passing her, winning 28 the first by about half a minute. In two minutes after the Venus recovered her lost ground and passed her opponent, and succeeded in rounding the stake one minute before the Emerald, who, however, neared so fast that had not the Venus rounded the flag very closely she must have lost the match, the Colonel being to windward. The oldest boater never remembers so closely contested a run. After sailing, the various crafts (which absolutely studded the river) got under weigh, and pro- ceeded towards the ancient Garianonum, opposite to which they dined. At seven o'clock p.m. the boats started for home, where they arrived in about an hour, all safe, nothing having occurred to damp the pleasures of the day, which was an extremely fine one. At Burgh, Chase, the spirited proprietor of the Neptune Gardens, was completely at home, while on the adjacent hills, opposite the cage, various groups of happy faces were to be seen enjoying tea, &c. This, together viiih the immense crowd of company that congregated on the road, presented a scene that must have been witnessed to have been fully appreciated. Among the company v,cre our worthy Mayor and a large party of fashionables in the handsome barge belonging to W. Fisher, Esq., S. T. Berney, and J. Pemice, Esqs., in the former's fast-sailing boat Meteor, ]\Ir. Alderman Barth in the admiral's (Green's) boat, &c., &c. This, together with the countless multitudes that crowded the decks of the tug, Royal Sovereign and Emperor steamers, made the river appear a sort of floating fair. On the next day a number of boats, barges, &c , sailed to the Berney Arms to witness a rowing match (for a silver cup, given by Mr. Barnett, the landlord of the house) by four- oared gigs, which was won by the Wasp, a Norwich boat, belonging to William Gallant, jim. Nearer home we observe! an unusually large number of stalls, &c., at our bridge foot. On the whole, there seemed nothing wanting to make this annual festival worthy of brighter days, but the presence of the Corporation barge, without which (although no brawlers against innovation) we cannot but think the Kegatta is shorn of much of its glory." July 1 8th. — A fight had taken place on the Factory Denes, for one Sovereign, between Thomas Purdy, of Caister, commonly known as " The Caister Champion," and George Elliott, of Ingham. At the 133rd rounl (the battle lasted Ih. SOmin.) Elliott was declared the victor. Two men (Seager and Hanson) had quarrelled in the Boar Tap, when Nathaniel Laccy, in trying to part them, was knocked down and his leg broken. August 22nd. — "As early as nine o'clock on Friday morning an 29 immense concourse of genteely- dressed persons had congregated before St. Peter's Church, anxious not to miss the opportunity of witnessing the solemn and imposing ceremonial about to take place. At ten o'clock the principal door was thrown open, and this large assemblage entered. The greatest order and decorum prevailed, owing certainly to the excel- lent arrangement of C. Symonds, Esq., one of the Churchwardens for the 3"ear, who, to prevent confusion, had issued tickets, which were left at the houses of the respectable housekeepers, without the least distinc- tion, as also at the various lodging houses for the use of the visitors. About eleven o'clock the Mayor (John Baker, Esq.), with the customary regalia, attended by several other members of the Corporate body entered the church, and wore shown to the pews aj^pi'o printed for their reception. The Bishop of Winchester soon arrived with his Chaplain and Registrar and proceeded up the middle aisle to the altar, where the service began by the latter gentleman presenting the petition to the Bishop, who re- delivered it to the Registrar, when it was by him read aloud. The Right Rev. Prelate then pronounced the following words, in a solemn, appropriate, and sonorous tone of voice — '' I am now ready to give my full consent to that which you have desired, and may Almighty God bless the good work in which we are about engaging." His Lordship then, with his officers and clergy, walked to the west end of the church and back again to the altar, repeating alternate versicles of the 42nd Psalm. The Bishop having seated himself at the table, the Deed of Consecration was read by the surrogate (the Very Rev. the Dean of Norwich), after which his Lordship read the exhortation, prayers, &c., appointed for the occasion. The usual morning prayers were read from the desk by the Hon. and Rev. E. Pellew, with the exception of those parts especially appropriated to the occasion, which were read by the Bishop. The reading Psalms most judiciously selected for the occasion were the 84th, r22nd, and 132nd ; the lessons, parts of the 8th chapter of 1st Kings, and of the 10th chapter of Hebrews. After the prayers, verses 6, 7, and 8 of 26th, with Gloria Patri, was performed by a very full orchestra of instrumentalists and vocalists. The common service was performed by the Bishop, with the exception of the Epistle and the Nicene Creed, which were read by his Lordship's Chaplain, the Rev. Alexander Dallas. The 100th Psalm (Tate and Brady's version) was then sung by the whole choir. The sermon, a striking, apposite, and eloquent one, was preached by the Rev. Mr. Clark, the appointed minister of the Church, from Genesis, chapter 28th, verses 1 6 and 1 7 — 80 '* And Jacob awiikcth out of his sleep, &c." [832 young persons were confirmed by the Bishop of Winchester."] August 29th. — The Races had been held, and on ''Tuesday and "Wednesday the gi-eat annual main of cocks had been fought at the " Bush Tavern, South Quay, between the gentlemen of Norwich and the "gentlemen of Yarmouth for £5 a battle and £50 the odds, which was *' won by Norwich, who were six battles a head." Sept. loth. — The smack Endeavour^ of London, had been seized with 65 casks and 16 bales (2,800 lbs. in weight) of tobacco on board her. The following Corporate officers had been chosen : — John Danby- Palmer, Esq., Mayor; Mr. James Jay, Chamberlain ; F. R. Ee^-nolds, Esq., and J. M. Bell, Esq., Churchwardens. The late gales had caused an immense quantity of sand and shingle to be washed into the Harbour, so as to form a point opposite the South Pier. Oct. 3rd, — The following is the report of the Yarmouth Guild Day :— " On Monday the Mayor and the Mayor Elect (J. Danby-Palmer, Esq.), accompanied by the Earl of Orford and the members of the Cor- poration, attended divine service at St. Nicholas' Church, by the Hon. and Rev. Edward Pellew, after which the Rev. Thomas Baker, Chaplain to the Body Corporate, preached an excellent sermon. After service the Corporation adjourned to the Guildhall, where the Mayor-Elect was sworn into office with the customary ceremonies. The Recorder (INIr. Sergeant Merewether) being absent, the Town Clerk, previous to presenting the patent of appointment as Lord High Steward of the Borough to the Earl of Orford, addressed his Lordship, observing that the Corporation entertained a high sense of the honour conferred upon them by his Lordship's acceptance of an office which (as constituted by one of the charters of the borough) assimilated with that ef Lord High Steward of England, an office of great power and authority, having under the King the regulating the administration of justice, which had not since its forfeiture in the reign of Henry the Third, by its hereditary j^ossessor, been granted to any one except upon and for particular occasions, and had only been presented to one of the Nobility and a Lord of Parliament. So by the Charter of King Charles, the High Steward of the borough of Yarmouth must be ' unus praeclarus vir,' the meaning of which might be gathered from the appointment of William, Earl of Yarmouth, to be the first modem High Steward, and 31 that to the present time the office had been filled by noblemen distin- guished by their talents and services as statesmen, or great naval and military commanders. Amongst them were the celebrated Sir Robert Walpole, Earl of Orford, a second Robert Earl of Orford, and George Earl of Orford, who together held that office for nearly 60 years, much to the honour and advantage of the Borough. Although their connec- tion with that noble family had been interrupted, it had not been for- gotten by the Corporation, who were happy in having the honour of renewing it in the person of his Lordship, in whom they found that ' praeclarus vir ' pointed out by the charter, and they doubted not but that his Lordship would support them in all transactions grounded in honour, honesty, and good faith, and ha\dng for their object the public good, and that he would defend and maintain their ancient rights, privi- leges, and immunities. The Town Clerk then presented Lord Orford with his appointment, and assured his Lordship that his presence among them would always be hailed with pleasure by the Corporation. The Earl of Orford was then sworn, and immediately addressed the Mayor and Corporation in an eloquent speech, in which he said he claimed no merit to himself for the choice which had been made by the Corporation, but attributed it solely to the recollection of the former connection of the borough with his ancestors, which had been so hand- somely alluded to by the Town Clerk, and to that firm line of conduct in political life which he had thought it his dutj'- steadfastly to pursue, which it was his pride and pleasure to maintain, and that although the Corporation might have selected a person of more influence than himself, yet he would yield to no one in zeal, and no exertion on his part would be spared to uphold the rights, privileges, and immunities of the Corporation, which had that day been entrusted to the Mayor, and which it was to be hoped he would be permitted to resign unimj)aired to his successor. He himself should always, feel it his duty and jDleasure to render his services available to the true interests of the borough. The other annual officers were then sworn, and the Mayor, accom- panied by the High Steward and the Corporate Body, walked to the Town Hall, where a most splendid entertainment was provided for up- wards of three hundred and thirty gentlemen, among whom were the Right Hon. the Earl of Orford, the Right Hon. Viscount Nevill, the Hon. Mr. Justice Alderson, the Hon. the Rev. E. Pellew, the Hon. P. H. Abbott, Sir E. K. Lacon, Bart., Vice -Admiral Sir George Parker, K.C.B., Col. Petre, Col. Mason, Robert Marsham, Esq., J. Postle, Esq., 82 Stratton Marsham, Esq., E. H. K. Lacon, Esq., W. M. Pracd, Esq., Rev. C. Pcnricc, Rev. J. Humfrcy, Rev. — Clarke, Rev. J. Gunn, Rev. B. Winthorp, John Penrice, Esq., R. Rising, Esq., S. Palmer, Esq., W. Carpenter, Esq., Capt. Onslow, R.X., Capt. M. KeUy, R.N., Capt. Travers, R.N., Major Travers, Capt. Carew, R.N., H. Munro, Esq., B. Caldecott, Esq., &c., &c. The healths of their Majesties — the Princess Victoria and the rest of the Royal Family — his Majesty's Ministers, and the Duke of Wellington, were drank. On the health of the Earl of Orford being given, the noble Lord, in returning thanks, alluded to the commission for investigating Corporations, declaring ' that he denounced the illegality of the commission.' His Lordship gave the health of the Mayor and Prosperity to the Town of Yarmouth, for which the Chief Magistrate expressed his acknowledgment, stating his determination to do all he could to forward the best interests of the town on every occasion. On the health of Mr. Justice Alderson being given, the learned Judge spoke of the Constitution of this country as being so framed as to allow all who had the talents and industry to arrive at the very highest dignities the King could confer, and concluded by saying that the question for the people to consider was whether they would close the avenues to those dignities. The healths of Lord Ne\all, Mr. Charles Palmer (the son of the Mayor), Sir. E. K. Lacon, Lord Walpole and the House of Wolterton, Lord Wodehouse and the House of Kimberley, and a variety of other toasts were given ; after which the Mayor and a large party adjourned to the Ball at the Bath Rooms, where dancing continued till a late hour." Oct. 31st. — " On Monday evening last, as Mr. Marsh, of the house of Marsh and Barnes, wine and spirit merchants, was returning in his gig from Beccles, he overtook a female on the road near Fritton, who, as Mr. M. passed, implored assistance. He pulled up, and finding the poor creature in an exhausted and high state of nervous excitement, and that she was on her way to this place, he took her up, when she stated as follows — that she had walked from Yarmouth to Heckingham House to obtain relief for a relative residing in Yarmouth, that she had obtained 3e., was returning home aci'oss the Marshes, and when near the New Cut and bridge over the dam, she saw two men, who appeared to come from a wherry, and when they met her one of them presented a pistol and threatened to shoot her, but she answering in the negative to the enquiry of ''Do you know us," one of them said, "Don't shoot her." They 38 then searched, took from her 2s. 6d., some halfpence, and a handkerchief with some trifles, knocked her down by a blow on the face, and so left her. When she recovered she proceeded on her journey till the above gentleman humanely assisted her into the town and relieved her ; but she was so weak from the fright as to stagger when she left the gig. She states that she thinks shp could recognize one of the men. Might not some enquiry as to what wherry was moored in the Cut at that time lead to the detection of the perpetrators of so diabolical an act as that of distressing the distressed. We respectfully submit to the gentlemen who are the guardians for the himdred of Heckingham if some safe plan could not be devised to relieve non-resident paupers, so as to obviate the necessity of a jom-ney by them of so many miles." Dec. 5th. — The winter assemblies having been discontinued for two years had been revived, and the first assembly had been held at the Town Hall, (the Mayor (J. Danby Palmer, Esq.) and Vice-Admiral Sir G-eorge Parker, K.C.B., Stewards). It was attended by all the principal families of the town and neighbourhood. Dec. 12th. — A fine schooner named the Fairy Queen, 150 tons register, had been launched from W. Lubbock's yard. Dec. 28th. — The altar piece presented to St. Peter's r'hurch by Col. Mason was put up on Christmas Eve. 1834. Jan. 9th. — Samuel Tolver and Charles John Palmer, Esqs., had been appointed Perpetual Commissioners for the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk. Jan. 16th. — News had been received that the Lion, belonging to G. D. Palmer, Esq., had arrived at Civita Vecchia on the 26th ult. Jan. 30th.— Two schooners of about 80 tons register, named the Norwich Trader and Lowestoft Merchant, had been launched from I\Ir. Thomas W. Branford's yard. A requisition was being signed for the purpose of having the "upper" ferry established . Feb. 6th. — Messrs. Buckle and Hogg, two of H.M. Municipal Commissioners, had arrived for the purpose of holding an Inquiry into the doings of the Corporation. A crowded meeting had been held to petition Parliament for an abolition of Church Rates. J. Shelly, Esq., was called to the chair, and the following gentlemen took part in the proceedings : — Rev. 84 Mr. Bctts, J. B. Talmcr, Esq., Rev. T. Tnit, Mr. D. Chapman, Rev. H. Squire, and Rev. A. Creak. Feb. 20th. — Capt. Manhy had given " an elegant and fnlly " attended fete " at the Barraeks. Feb. 29th. — The ^Munieipal Commissi oner.s were sitting at the Tolhouse. March Gth. — The Commissioners having finished their investigation were entertained by Alderman Bath at Dinner. April 10th. — ]\Ir. G. Garson had been appointed Lloyd's Surveyor. The annual silver cup, given by Mr. Bales to the members of the '* Yarmouth British Yacht Club," was to be sailed for in May. April 17th. — A meeting had been held to oppose certain clauses in the proposed Haven and Pier Bill then before Parliament, Mr. Alderman Barth in the chair, the following took part in the proceedings : — Messrs. J. Brightwen, J. Shelly, A. Palmer, S. Cobb, R. Ferrier, G. D. Palmer, B. Dowson, P. Stead, and William Barber. April 24th. — The Baltic (belonging to I. Preston, Esq.) and The Venus (belonging to G. D. Palmer, Esq.) had sailed with emigrants for North America. May 1st.— A brig called the Friends, of 190 tons register, had been launched from IMr. A. Palmer's yard. May 15th. — The "New Proprietary Grammar School " had been opened, John Danby Palmer, Esq., being Chairman during the pro- ceedings. Jime 5th. — The Misses Seaman had been appointed postmistresses. June 12th. — "A remarkably fine ship of 374 tons" had been launched from the dockyard of Ambrose Palmer, Esq. June '^eth. — Contains the following notice of an " Ingenious Inven- tion " : — "A few weeks since a young lady having lost her left leg by "amputation, four inches below the knee, applied to INIr. W. B. Neslen, '* shoe and last maker, of this town, complaining of the inconvenience " she experienced from the wooden substitute she had procured. Mr. N. ' ' immediately set about remedying this, which he eventually accom- " plished by the making of a leg, which for useful purposes has in a very " great measure supplied the loss of the original limb. It was composed " of light sycamore wood, cased with leather, with elastic springs for the "foot. It was shown to several mechanics in the neighbourhood, who " all gave an opinion highly favourable to the ingenuity of its construc- " tion. It weighs 31bs. (the former substitute weighed 71bs.) and is con- 35 " nected with the knee by springs. The lady is cnahled to make very '' nearly the same use of the artificial as she pre\aously had done with the *' real limb." The anniversary of the King's accession to the Throne had been observed, the Corporation attending divine service, when the Rev. T. Baker j)reached " an appropriate sermon." July 24th. — Mr. William Mabson had been chosen a Common Councilman in the room of Mr, John Robson, deceased. July 31st. — The annual water frolic had been held, Mr. Stephen Miller's Water Witch taking the prize. Aug. 14th. — Messrs. C. Davie, Samuel Palmer, Frederick Paget, Capt. Todman, R.N., and the Rev. Mark Waters had been elected Paving Commissioners. Aug. 21st.— A dinner had been given (Gr. D. Palmer, Esq., in the chair) to Messrs. T. Hammond and R. B. Fenn, as a compliment for services rendered by them to the fishing interest. Aug. 28th. — The Stratheden, 400 tons register, had been launched from Mr. F. Preston's yard. Sept. 2nd. — The following had been chosen Corporate officers for the ensuing year: — Isaac Preston, jun., Esq., Mayor; Mr. J. E. Laws, Chamberlain; J. Danby Palmer, and E. H. L. Preston, Esqs., Church- wardens; Sir E. K. Lacon, Bart., Isaac Preston, Esq., and Messrs. R. Ferrier and William Yctts, Auditors ; J. D. Palmer, Edmund Preston, Robert Cory, jun., William Barth, Esqs., and Messrs. E. H. L. Preston, S. B. Cory, C. J. Palmer, Vestry ; J. Baker, Esq., and Mr. James Jay, Collectors ; and Messrs. F. Preston and Samuel Jay, Muragers. Oct. 2nd. — Contains the following report of the proceedings on the "Mayor's Day" : — " Monday being th3 feast of St. Michael, the day was ushered in by ringing of Bells, flags at the New Hall, Church, &c. The Mayor-Elect (I. Preston, jun., Esq.) ordered twopenny buns to be given to the children of the different charity schools in the town, and it was really gratifying to observe the number of haj)py boys and girls, with cheers parading Gaol-street, the Quay, &c., with their gifts in their hands. About two o'clock in the afternoon the Mayor and Corporation attended divine service at St. Nicholas' Church, where a sermon was delivered by the Rev. F. Baker (son of the Rector of Rollesby) from Acts, chapter 23rd, 4th and 5th verses, which in the days when passive obedience and non-resistance reigned might have been considered an excellent one. Happily, however, those days are past, and few, probnljly, of the rev. rsr, gentleman's hearers accorded witli him when they heard him denounce from the pulpit the great majority of those who sought Reform in the Church, ami other acknowledged abuses as infidels, atheists, and anarchists, and those who aimed at the overthrow of the Church, the Altar, and the Crown. From the Church the Corporation proceeded to the (.ruildhall, where the jNIayor-Elect (after having taken the oath of ofiice) spoke to the following effect :— " Gentlemen, previous to assuming the chair of Chief ^lagistracy, which T am ahout to fill, you will allow me to thank you for the proof that you have given me of your confidence Gentlemen, I sought not this office ; I have accepted it only that I might endeavour to render myself useful to my fellow townsmen. Gentlemen, it is not the pageantry, the sword and mace (though even these may be of use in their way) that have allured me to this office — no ; had I been capable of being actuated by such motives, I should have been indeed unworthy of taking (as I have just taken) the Holy Gospels in my hand, and to have sworn before my God, to execute to the best of my ability, the important duties of Chief Magistrate of my native town. I would now address myself to my proper brethren, I would address myself to all, high or low, rich or poor, and exhort them to do all that in their power lie to promote the decorum of social life, by checking vice, immorality, and debauchery. Gentlemen, I thank you very much for the patience with which you have hoard me." This address was delivered with much firmness, and at the same time with considerable emotion, and was received with great applause. After the ceremony of robing, and the other routine business had been gone through, the newly-elected Mayor, Deputy-Mayor, &c., proceeded (escorted by the town band, flags, &c.) to the New Hall, where a sumptuous dinner was served to a numerous and highly respectable assembly of the Body Corporate, and the friends of the Chief Magistrate. The dessert, which was fine and abundant, was, we understand, served by Mr. Brooks, of the Market Row. Oct. 9th.— Harry Worship, Esq., had delivered a very interest- ing lecture on the " Philosophy of Dreams." Oct. 16th. — The frequency of robbery at sea had induced the fisher- men to keep an unusually sharp look out. Oct. 23rd.— Charles J. Palmer, Esq., had been elected an Alderman in the place of Dr. Bateman, deceased. It appears from the report of the proceedings at the Re\'ision Court that the lower ferry was then let at £30 a year only. Oct. 30th.— The " Blues" claimed a gain of 50 on the revision of the Freeman's list. 37 The fishing was reported as going on " very badly." Nov. 6th. — A public meeting had been held on the subject of the Port and Haven Bill, the Mayor in the chair, when Messrs. George Danby Palmer, Shelly, Brightwen, Ferrier, Barth, and Dowson took part in the proceedings. Nov. 20th. — The Conservatives had held a meeting at Bammant's Green, Mr. William Mabson in the chair, pledging themselves to support the Hon. W. H. Beresford and W. M. Praed. Nov. 27th.— Col. Anson had spoken from the Committee Room in Regent Street, when Messrs. George Steward and J. Shelly took part in the proceedings. The " Political Union" required Col. Anson and ^Ix. Rumbold to pledge themselves to support "Corporation Reform, Triennial Parlia- ments, Extension of the Suffrage, and Vote by Ballot." Dec. 4th. — A meeting of voters in the Blue interest had been held at the Crown and Anchor Tavern, when it was determined ' ' to sink all minor differences " in order to secure the return of Col. Anson and Mr. Rumbold. Mr. N. B. Palmer addressed a crowded assembly from the Committee Rooms. Dec. 11th. — Thomas Baring, Esq., had arrived as Mr. Praed's col- league, and both gentlemen had addressed the electors from the Newcastle Tavern, and a house on the South Quay, which they had engaged as a Committee Room. Dec. 18th. — The contest was progressing. Col. Anson assuring his supporters "that at that moment their canvassing book stood better " than he had ever known it to stand since he had known Yarmouth." Dec. 23rd. — There had been a " violent scuffle " between the Reds and the Blues, during which ' ' the son of a Baronet was puUed from his •'horse and beaten violently." 1836. Jan. 8th, contains the following account of the election : — " It is with feelings of the deepest sorrow that we announce that our late members, Messrs. Anson and Rumbold, are ousted from the repre- sentation. We said last week that nothing but the most gross and un- blushing bribery could possibly unseat these gentlemen, and these means have been had recom-se to, to an unprecedented extent. Messrs. Baring and Praed are returned, not by the free and independent voice of the people, but by a bought majority, bought by means most disgraceful both to 88 giver and receiver, although we cannot help thinking that the larger portion of disgrace attaches to the former — for what can he more dis- creditable, what can he more contrary to the high honour which ought to distinguish the gentleman, than to take advantage of the poor freeman, and hy (in this instance doubly accursed) gold to make him forfeit his solemn promises ? Do our opponents ask for proofs of this? We have them in the infamous system of cooping (a system which we had hoped was confined to a neighbouring city, but which has been now imported into this till now uncorrupt borough), which has been with a bold im- blushing front carried on to a large extent in certain houses in the town. We have them in the number of freemen who were to be seen on both election days coming up to the Red booth with Blue colours in their hats, and in the madness of infuriating drink, flinging them in the face of and grossly abusing a highly respected and respectable fellow townsman of ours, while at the same time they recorded their votes for Messrs. Baring and Praed. We have it in the fact that four sovereigns, with a promise of as much more, and £2 10s., with a like promise, were given to two poor freemen of the names of Boyce and Stevenson, to induce them to vote for the Eeds, but who, with a truly noble spirit that cannot be too highly appreciated, brought the money into their hands to the Blue booth, and then polled for Messrs. Anson and Rimibold. But, imfortu- nately for the good cause, these glorious examples were not generally followed. The Red Leaders took good care for the most part of their deluded and purchased victims, by plying them with drink, keeping them in strong hold, &c., to allow them to return to the paths of recti- tude. We do think that the feelings of our late members are rather to be envied by those of the present, the former having lost with honour, the latter owing their election not to the feeling of the town (that we confidently say, without fear of contradiction, is with Messrs. Anson and Rumbold), but to the exercise of the most abominable and venal means to effectuate it. If anj^thing like the sums which we have heard mentioned have been expended in this shameful warfare of gold against principle, our opponents may truly say with one of yore, ' another such victory will ruin us ! ' The most active measures are being had recourse to (and may they be successful) either by substantiating the individual instances of bribery, which we know have to a great extent taken place to oust the members from those seats which they so unjustly obtained by bad means, manifestly against the feeling and real wishes of the town to oust IMessrs. Baring and Praed from the ill- earned honours so surreptitiously procured 39 for them, or at any rate to make the guilty individual perpetrators pay the penaltj^ of such acts ! " " The nomination of the candidates took place at the Guildhall, on hustings erected outside. The Town Clerk (S. Tolver, Esq.) having read the precept, the Mayor, in a loud voice, requested a patient hearing for those who might address them. Mr. Alder- man Earth, in a neat speech, proposed the Hon. Col Anson as a fit and j)roper person to represent the horough. B. Dowson, Esq., seconded the nomination. Vice-Admiral Sir G. Parker, K.C.B., in a very manly and straightforward speech, proposed Mr. Eumbold, when Mr. Shelly presented himself as the seconder. A picked party of his opponents, evidently brought there for the purpose, attempted by every discordant noise to prevent his being heard ; by dint of perseverance, however, and the powerful support of his numerous friends, Mr. S. with even more than his usual eloquence, at considerable length supported the nomina- tion. Messrs. R. Ferrier and A. Palmer proposed and seconded Mr. Baring, and IMr. J. Penrice proposed and Mr. J. Lacon seconded the nomination of Mr. Praed. The Hon. Col. Anson spoke at great length, and with all his wonted power, in the course of a really luminous speech, he expressed the surprise he had felt on finding Mr. A. Palmer (a gentle- man who had before honoured him with his support) among the ranks of his opponents. Mr. P. explained by saying it was because Col. A. had allied himself to Radicals and destructives. The Hon. Col. said he was surprised at having such a reason assigned. It was known to all that he had never succumbed to the Radicals. That deeply grateful as he was for their support, he had, and should again, unless convinced of their necessity, ojDpose their great measures of vote by ballot and triennial parliaments. That he was so far independent appeared in this, that with the ballot he believed the present opposition would scarcely have occurred, or if it had it would have been but a very few hours ere it would have terminated in the triumph of himself and Mr. Rumbold. (Loud cheers.) The other candidates also addressed the assembled multi- tude. The poll commenced the following day, and from the activity with the Pink and Purples, or Reds, or Conservatives, for in the motley assemblage of coalition of colours we scarcely know what exactly they call themselves, brought up their voters, it was feared that they would head the first day's poll. The event proved the correctness of the pre- diction, for at four o'clock it was found that the Tories had a majority of 192 ; although the Blues rallied next morning, that majority could not 40 he alto£?othor overcome. The final close of the poll left Messrs. Bannj^ and Praed a majority of 88. Anson . . . . . . 680 Rumbold .. .. 675 Baring . . . . . . 772 Praed .. .. 768 "Col. Anson and Mr. Riimhold addressed an immense concourse of per- sons, by whom they were repeatedly and loudly cheered, from the King's Head windows. They were preceded by Mr. Alderman Earth, Col. Anson's very deep emotion not enabling him immediately to come for- ward. "SATien he did come forward he said no language which he could use could sufficiently express his sorrow at the dissolution of the connec- tion so long subsisting between them ; their present members would find their task a comparatively easy one ; they wotdd find that such attention had been paid to the town that the path would be plain before them, and that little indeed would remain to be done. (Loud cheers.) They had been defeated by means most flagitious. Let not the present members, however, be too certain of tbeir seats, for if by any means these foul pro- ceedings could be sifted to the bottom, measures would be taken to remove them from their ill-acquired honours. With him and Mr. Rumbold, he was happy to say, still remained the real voice of the people. (Cheers.) He was proud of this, and would in conclusion assui-e them that whether in or out of Parliament their interests would ever have a prominent place in his regards. (Loud cheers.) Mr. Rumbold spoke under the influence of great agitation, and in the course of a very lumin- ous speech adverted to the disgraceful fact of having in his pocket a proof that, in a room in this town a bribe was offered in the presence and with the cognizance of a Magistrate. (Cries of 'Shame, shame.') He should carry into retirement with him the deepest sense of their uniform kindness, and a determination ever to forward the interests of any of his former constituents, who might apply to him, to the best of his ability. The chairing of to-day was hailed by numbers with demonstrations which must have been the very reverse to the members ; indeed, we are sure that if the Blues had shown in full strength their exasperated feel- ings (and they did not do this alone in compliance with the advice of their leaders), there could have been no chairing. A dinner of our late members' friends is now about taking place at the IMasonic Hall, very numerously attended. A subscription for the purchase of a piece of plate for them is commenced, and will include the smallest amount. This will con- firm us in our conviction that the sense of the town is with the Blues.'* 41 Jan. 15th. — About lOO supporters of Messrs. Anson and Rumbold dined at the Masonic Hall, when both those gentlemen were present. Jan. 22nd. — The polling for East Norfolk showed a majority of 149 in the town for Windham and Gurney. Mr. Hume, M.P., Mr. Windham, and Mr. Palmer had addressed the electors. Feb. 12th contains the following account of a sailing match from Yarmouth to Venice : — " The Lion, Punchard, having some time been considered the fastest ship out of this port, a brig was built, and launched in the middle of September, called the Vivid (Captain M. Butcher, jun.) and matched against the Lion, for Venice, which vessel sailed at 3 p.m. on the 2nd of December, and the Vivid sailed at 6 p.m. on the following day, being 27 hours difference in favour of the former vessel ; since which period letters have been received from Venice from each Captain, stating that the Vivid passed the Gut of Gibraltar on the 22nd of December and the Lion on the 29th. They also state that the Vivid arrived at Venice on the 17th ult, and the Lion on the 24th ult." A meeting of the subscribers to the plate to be presented to the late M.P.'s (Messrs. Anson and Rumbold) had been held, when it appeared that 3,685 persons had contributed £370 Os. 8d. March 2nd. — Mr. C. Aldred had given a lecture on the " Philosophy of Sleep." There had been " a most tremendous hurricane," and it was stated that *' the oldest seaman does not recollect so much damage occurring on *' this coast with an off-shore wind." March 16th. — £100 had been deposited by three gentlemen " as the " issue of a voyage to be performed by the Vivid, Lion, and Rapid, from *' these Roads to the Naze of Norway and back." March 26th. — The ladies of Yarmouth were about to present two very elegant silver mugs to Miss Anson and Miss Emily Anson, the daughters of the late M.P. for the borough. April 16th. — Mr. W. Davie, Trinity Agent, had been appointed a Sub- Commissioner of Pilotage in the room of John Fisher, Esq., on the recommendation of John Danby Palmer, Esq., and W. J . Hurry, Esq., the other Commissioners. Mr. F. Preston had launched a very fine vessel of 464 tons called the Mary Anne. A Society for promoting the Purity of Election had been formed. A^ril 23rd. — The members (Messrs. Baring and Praedj attended a 42 dinner to which they had "been invited by their constituents, at the Town Hall. Sir E. K. Lacon, Bart., presided. John Penrice, Esq., sat at the head of the right hand table, and Ambrose Palmer, Esq., at the head of the left. Mr. Paget was vice-president. Among the company were Lord Walpole, M.P., E. Wodehouse, Esq., M.P., Sir Thomas Gooch, Bart., Sir Jacob Preston, Bart., — Lawson, Esq., M.P., the Mayor of Yarmouth, John Danby Palmer, Esq., Captains Onslow, Gunthorpe, Manby, and Grint ; M. Lacon, J. M. Lacon, W. Fisher, I. Preston, J. Preston, R. Fcrrier, J. G. Fisher, E. Loathes, G. E. Francis, R. Cory, W. Yetts, F. Preston, and Chas. J. Palmer, Esqs. ; the Revs. T. Baker, C. Penrice, W. Lucas, — Green, and about 250 electors. May 14th. — The smuggler " Nancy, of London," was brought in by the Badger, cutter, having on board 150 tubs of brandy, a few bags of tea, and some dry goods. June 18th. — A meeting of Reformers had been held at the Star Hotel, when G. Danby Palmer, Esq., moved that a petition should be presented in favour of the Corporation Reform Bill. June 25th. — Another meeting on the same subject had been held at the Mechanics' Hall. Messrs. William Barth, R. Wall, Thomas Hammond, E. Sewell, S. Cobb, and J. Shelly taking part in the pro- ceedings. July 2nd. — Mr. Praed had presented a petition against the Corpora- tion Reform Bill from the town. July 30th. — The following notice appears of the death of J. Shelly, Esq. :— " It is with feelings of more than ordinary regret that we this week announce the sudden death of John Shelly, Esq. This estimable gentle- man had concluded his examination on Tuesday forenoon last before the Parliamentary Committee, and after being highly complimented by the noble Chairman (Lord F. Egerton) for his ability (feeling himself some- what unwell), had retired to his inn, where he directed the waiter to call him in half-an-hour. The servant went upstairs at the time appointed, about two in the afternoon, and found Mr. S. sitting in a chair, nearly dead. We repeat that we feel more than ordinary regret at having this announcement to make. As a leader and rei^resentative (if we may so say) of a party his death will create a void that it will be long indeed ere it be filled. His was a master mind — once embarked in a subject (what- ever might be its magnitude) it was sure to be treated powerfully and ably by Mr. Shelly, the whole energies of whose mind were directed to 43 its elucidation for the benefit of his fellow townsmen. There might, indeed, be those who excelled this really gifted man in some particular department, but for general knowledge, facility, power, ease, and even elegance of expression, our lamented friend, we should say, has not left his equal in this, his native town. That he was a warm partizan, no one can deny, but that he was directed in his every movement of a public nature by sincerity and conscience is equally clear to every one who had the happiness of knowing him. The great majority of the shops kept by those in the Liberal interest are shaded, to show the sense which is enter- tained of the irreparable nature of the public loss sustained. But it is not alone in public that the work of Mr. S. was known. As a father, husband, friend, and Christian, his conduct was alike exemplary. We will venture to say that, warm as was his political partizanship, he never made himself one personal enemy. Mr. Shelly has left an amiable wife and eleven children to deplore his loss." August 8th. — The Eegatta had been held, when the cup was won by Sir Jacob Preston's " Maria " ; on this occasion Edmund Preston, Esq., entertained " about 200 of the fashionables of the town." August 13th. — The petition in favour of Corporation Reform had been signed by 2,500 persons. August 20th. — The following notice appears : — '' On Friday night, Mr. Prentice, of whose contumacy before a Com- mittee of the House of Cormnons our readers have heard so much, arrived here, having been recently released from Newgate. The day previous handbills made their appearance, inviting the friends of Messrs. Baring and Praed to accompany Prentice into town. About seven o'clock on the first -mentioned evening a party of from twenty to thirty left the housG of a publican in Chapel Street, preceded with band, colours, and banners down Regent Street, over the bridge, and so on to Hopton. On the arrival of the "Morning Star" coach Prentice was taken out and placed in an open landau, in which he stood upright, bowing, as he went along, to the assemblage, which by this time had become very large, induced thereto by the novelty of the scene. The procession with much mock gravity moved on to the bridge, by torch light, went round the town, and thence proceeded to the Bowling Green, where the lion of the night spoke from a window. He described the present as the proudest, the happiest day of his life — said that although the Reform Bill had given him a vote, yet he hated it, — he hated also the Corporation Reform Bill, and hoped that the Lords would so mutilate it that Lord John 44 Russell might not know his own child again." October 8th contains the following paragraph : — ** Some admirers of the Corporation met on Tuesday sen'night to " celebrate ]\tichaelmas Day at the Angel Inn, Mr. F. Paget in the chair. '* We understand that some of the leading members of the expiring body ** were present." October 18th contains a notice of Brock's miraculous escape from drowning. Oct. 22nd. — The first Oddfellows' funeral in this town is thus recorded : — " On Thursday afternoon last the novel ceremonial of an Oddfellows' funeral took place in processional order. The deceased, Nathaniel Sj)ilman, had been for many years a member of the two lodges in this town, and, it having been his request, he was interred with the usual honours appertaining to the Order. Accordingly, the brethren of the two lodges proceeded in the following order to the house of the deceased : — officer of the lodge with his drawn sword, secretary bearing the scroll, two officers with their wands, two of the head officers of each lodge, two officers with wands, two of the second officers of the lodges, a large con- course of the brethren adorned with their numerous silver medals, aprons, &c., two of the wardens carrying their badges. On their arrival at the house they proceeded to the churchyard in the above order, with the addition of the Hon. and Rev. Edward Pellew preceding the body, which was carried by six of the brethren of the lodge, with six others as pall -holders, wearing their different medals and aprons. When at the grave the Hon. and Rev. E. Pellew read the burial service, and at the conclusion the scroll was thrown in, each of the brethren throwing in sprigs of rosemary. The secretary to both lodges read the funeral obsequies over the grave. They then returned to the house of the deceased's relatives, and after leaving the family (who had attended the remains to the grave) proceeded in the same order to the lodge -room, where they soon after separated. Certainly nothing could have been more solemn and impressive than was the whole of this ceremonial. At a meeting of the brethren on the Monday following, it was unanimously resolved, that the secretary should issue a circular to the Hon. and Rev. E. Pellew, thanking him for the great condescension and kindness evinced by him in attending the funeral of their late departed brother." Nov. 5th. — A meeting to consider the question of constructing a railway had been held. Admiral Sir G. Parker, William Earth, Esq., 45 Ambrose Palmer, Esq. (who prognosticated that by means of a railway the fisheries would become so immense as to be the astonishment of all), R. S. Lonsdale, Esq., R. Ferrier, Esq., R. Palmer Kemp, Esq., and others took part in the proceedings. Nov. 12th. — The following gentlemen had been nominated by the Whig party as the candidates for election to the Reformed Corporation : — Gorleston Ward: William Earth, Thomas Hammond, J. S. Bell, H. Martin, P. Stead, and J. W. Dowson. Nelson Ward: George Danby Palmer, R, Palmer Kemp, S. Robinson, J. Symonds, G. W. Garson, and M. Butcher. St. George's Ward: C. Sayers, H. V. Worship, Thomas Lettis, William Grave, George Penrice, M.D., and William Barker. Regent Ward : John Brightwen, S. Palmer, S. C. Marsh, C. Davie, B. Dowson, and J. Tomlinson. Market Ward : E. M. Clowes, William Johnson, W. Hammond, S. Cobb, E. Sewell, and B. Cobb. St. Nicholas^ Ward: Thomas Thornton, A. Sewell, Joseph Fiddes, R. Hammond, W. N. Burroughs, and C. E. Doughty. It was reported that the Tories had held " secret meetings " and were pre- pared to nominate Messrs. S. H. Aldred, J. E. Laws, B. Sherrington, P. Moore, E. H. L. Preston, and — Moore. Messrs. J. G. Plummer, D. Hook, and S. Sherrington had also issued a joint address in the South Ward ; R. Ferrier and F. Preston had offered themselves for the St. George's and St. Andrew's Wards, and R. Wall for the South Ward. Nov. 26th. — It is recorded that in the month ending October, then last, there entered ' ' inwards ' ' at the Custom House of this port 306 vessels, the tonnage of which amounted to 24,933 tons, and with cargoes "outwards" 120 vessels, of a tonnage of 8,560 tons. The "Old Spring," a ship of nearly 400 tons (belonging to George Danby Palmer, Esq.), had arrived from Archangel with timber, and came up to the Quay without unlading any part of her cargo. Dec. 10th. — The retiring Aldermen (except Mr. Barth) were enter- tained by their Tory friends previous to their quitting office. Dec. 20th. — About 120 gentlemen retaliated upon this course by giving a dinner to Mr. Barth, S. Cobb, Esq., in the chair. S. Palmer, H. Worship, Thos. Hammond, George Danby Palmer, R. Palmer Kemp, H. y. Worship, C. Bell, Thomas Green, Esqs., Capt. Jeffries, and Messrs. Burroughs, W. J. Mason, B. Cobb, Gra,ve, R. Hammond, T. Lettis, and S. Robinson took part in this entertainment. 4B 1836. Jan. 2nd. — The following is the account of the first election of Town Councillors under the Municipal Reform Act : — " The election of Town Councillors took place here on Saturday last. The polling commenced at nine o'clock in the morning, and finished at four in the afternoon. The return was published on Monday by the Mayor, as follows : — NORTH WARD. Richard Hammond William N. BiuTOUghs Abraham Sewcll Charles George Doughty Benjamin Sherrington E. H. L. Preston MARKET WARD. Simon Cobb William Johnson William Hammond Benjamin Cobb Edward N. Clowes Edward Sewell REGENT WARD. 108 99 94 91 90 89 135 134 131 129 128 124 ST. GEORGE S WAR C. Sayers W. Grave George Penrice, M.D. W. Barber H. V. Worship . . Thomas Lettis . . SOUTH WARD. G. D. Palmer . . R. P. Kemp George Garson . . M. Butcher John Symonds . . Samuel Robinson GORLESTON AND SOL'THTOWN ST. Andrew's ward 91 91 91 91 90 89 147 137 127 124 122 118 OR John Brightwen .. 98 J. S.Bell .. .. 116 Samuel Palmer .. 98 Thomas Hammond .. Ill S. C. Marsh .. ..98 J. W. Dowson . . .. 105 Joseph Tomlinson . . 98 William Barth . . . . 101 C.Davie .. .. 97 Hezekiah Martin .. 91 Benjamin Dowson . . 95 P. Stead . . . . 87 It is a matter of great congratulation that 34 out of the 36 Councillors are Reformers. This election was conducted with tranquility. Devoutly it is to be wished that parliamentary elections were managed in the same way. The laborious portion of our population had no inducement held out to them to lose a single hour. It is a little curious that Mr. William Prentice — that very Mr. Prentice who made so conspicuous a figui^e in our election parliamentary investigation, j)roved one of the most formidable antagonists with whom the Liberal candidates in the town had to contend." 47 Jan. 7th. — The first meeting of the Eeformcd Corporation is reported as follows : — "The Town Council met on Thiirsday last at the Tolhouse Hall, John Brightwen, Esq., in the chair, (Isaac Preston, Esq., having, we understand, ceased to exercise the functions of Mayor since his publica- tion of the Council List), for the purpose of choosing twelve Aldermen. The choice fell on the following gentlemen : — Messrs. J. Brightwen, Benjamin Dowson, Eohert Teasdel, Joseph Starling, J. B. Palmer, R. S. Lonsdale, Thomas Pitt, Captain William Larke, R.N., Benjamin Fenn, Robert Wall, Christopher Nicholls, and Captain James Jefferies. On the following day the Aldermen and Council met at the same place for the election of a Mayor and for other public business. Mr. E. H. L. Preston proposed Mr. Richard Hammond. Mr. H. thanked Mr. P. for the proposition, and said that he should still more thank his friends if they voted against him. William Barth, Esq., was then chosen Mayor, amidst loud cheering. IVIr. B. was then, together with the Aldermen, sworn in. The Court was then thrown open to the public, when the front and side galleries were instantly filled by a very respectable con- course of persons, the body of the hall being appropriated to the Council. Several gentlemen were named for Magistrates to be recommended to the Crown. Accounts were ordered touching the property (and profits aris- ing from such property) held by the late Corporation, together with accounts of the official persons employed, their salaries, &c. , for the last five years. J. Tolver, Esq., was then chosen, dimng pleasure, as Town Clerk." ** Our Conservatives had dined together on Thursday to celebrate the anniversary of the return of Messrs. Baring and Praed. They have been obliged to put themselves on a level with the Reformers, and be content with three shilling tickets instead of fifteen. The dinner took place at the Angel Inn, J. E. Lacon, Esq., in the chair." Jan. 14th contains the following report : — " There was an unusual quantity of business transacted at the Cor- poration Assembly on Wednesday last. It was first proposed that a petition should be addressed to the King, praying for four Sessions of Oyer and Terminer a year. It was suggested that the Recorder should be allowed £60 a year. To this Mr. E. L. Preston objected, who moved that it should be £50. To this it was replied that the latter sum was allowed by the late Corporation when Sessions were only held twice a year. The original motion was carried unanimously, Mr. E. SeweU 48 observing that ]\Ir. P's was a false economy. It was next moved by Mr. S. Cobb that the Great Seal should be called that of the Town Council, and not of St. Nicholas'. He had no objection to all remaining as it was except the expensive name of St. Nicholas. This was warmly opposed by Mr. Preston. It was, however, carried unanimously. l^Ir. Richard Hammond read a list of persons to form the Committee of Finance. To this plan Mr. Preston warmly objected, saying he had no notion of names being got up " ready cut and dried." It was stated in answer that the list (to which no objection was then made) was agreed to at the Watch Committee, of which Mr. P. formed one, and which he might have attended if he pleased. Mr. B. Sherrington (of the same politics as ]Mr. P.) was on the Committee, and was present. The Finance Committee agreed to were, the Mayor (who is appointed ex-officio on all Committees), Messrs. S. Cobb, R. S. Lonsdale, Charles Nicholls, B. Dowson, Martin, G. D. Palmer, C. Sayers, W. Johnson, and Burroughs. On the Mayor explaining the duties of the Borough Lands Committee, it was suggested and agreed to, that the tradesmen employed solely by this Committee should be only for small jobs. This being a most important business, it was determined that all the Council should form the Com- mittee. On the Water -Bailiffs and Met Farm Office Committee, it was resolved, on the motion of ]\Ir. S. Cobb, that it be called " Committee of Port Dues" ; the officer "Collector of Port Dues." The Committee appointed were Messrs. W. Barber, G. D. Palmer, T. Pitt, R. Teasdel, Martin, J. B. Palmer, Thomas Hammond, Fenn, Butcher, and Dowson. Market and Corporation ToUs' Committee : Messrs. Johnson, Brightwen, S. Cobb, Sayers, Nicholls, Sherrington, R. Hammond, S. Palmer, Symonds, J. B. Palmer, and Martin. Committee for Caister Causeway : Messrs. R. P. Kemp, S. Palmer, Nicholls, Fenn, Tomlinson, R. Hammond, and Sayers. Church Trustees : Messrs. Larke, Kemp, Burroughs, J. Dowson, Starling, B. Cobb, S. Palmer, E. N. Clowes, Marsh, Tomlinson, Garson, Grave, Butcher, Barber, Robinson, Preston, Martin, Symonds, Sherrington, and G. D. Palmer. All the outstanding drawbacks are to be referred to the Port Dues Committee. The ringers' bill, £12 10s. for five days' ringing, was disallowed. Admiralty Court : R. Cory, jun., returned that he had in five years received as registrar £1,483 16s. 8d., and claimed as compensation £200 per year for his natural life. Proctors : C. J. Palmer claimed £1,036 7s., C. Sayers £1,196 5s. 6d., I. Preston £692, E. R. Palmer £497. Thomas King, gaoler, petitioned for continuance of place, stated emoluments, and asked 49 £13 7s. 4|d. compensation, as 'RTarshall of the Court of Admiralty. Mrs. King, as matron, received £10 per year, and prayed to be continued. Alfred King, turnkey, received 14s. per. week, and prayed for con- tinuance. The five sergeants-at-mace sent a return of their emoluments for five years, and petitioned for their continuance. B. Welsh, chapel clerk, made about £47 per year, and prayed for continuance. The Rev. Thomas Baker, as lecturer, received £120 per year. The Hon. and Rev. E. Peilew received from the late Corporation £40 per year and a house, for which he pays Is. per year rent. John Seaman, parish clerk, receives no salary, but averages about £80 per annum. The Revs. J. Homfray and Mark Waters declined the statement of their proceeds, as they con- ceived the returns did not apply to them as Ministers of a Chapel endowed by Act of Parliament. They begged their refusal might not be con- sidered as arising from discourtesy. Their communication was rejected. These returns were referred to a Committee of the Mayor's assistants " Jan 21st. — The Earl of Orford had been removed from his office of High Steward and the Earl of Lichfield elected in his place. The following gentlemen were suggested as Magistrates : — William Barth, Esq., Sir George Parker, K.C.B., George Danby Palmer, H. V. Worship, J. Brightwen, C. Nicholls, R. Palmer Kemp, S. Cobb, and S. Palmer, Esqs., and Capt Larke, R.N., by the Council. Sixteen new watch and policemen, and two superintendents had been appointed. The Mayor and Town Council had attended service at St. Nicholas' Church, " The Mayor with no other insignia of office than the chain and " the sword carried by an officer." Feb. 4th. — The Tories had held a dinner in the Theatre in honour of Messrs. Baring and Praed. Seven hundred persons attended. Feb. 18th. — Has the following report of a high tide : — " The scene of devastation on our beach, occasioned by the late high tides, exceed the powers of description. Wednesday morning, in some measure, prepared us for the event ; the sea was at that time breaking over the jetty, and reached as high as the houses. It was prophesied bv nautical men that if the next tide was equally high the consequences would be most disastrous, and, unfortunately, it so proved. The sea in the evening undermined the foundations of most of the dwellings, throw- ing down the walls of many, to the great injury of those of the inmates who had not taken the precautions to remove their property. Furniture was seen floating in all directions, in the presence of the astonished and 50 alamiod miiltitudo. The snmmor vosidonco of tho Right Hon. Lord Borners is more than half destroyed, while the house of the Misses Ansell and tho Right Hon Lord Nevill were surrounded ; in fact, such a scene of general devastation never in the memory of the oldest inhabitant presented itself. The sea at one time reached some way up the Jetty Road. While a person was assisting tho landlord of the Holkham Tavern to remove his beds, &c., to a back warehouse, the sea burst in and broke down the front wall. At one part of the South Denes the sea and river might be scon meeting. Part of the South Quay was flooded. It was unusually high at the bridge, and likewise some of the lower parts of the town. Amidst this wide spreading destruction, we are glad to say, no lives were lost." Feb. 22nd.— The Lord High Steward (the Earl of Lichfield) had been sworn in, and a dinner given in his honour. The noble lord was accompanied by the Mayor, Lord Suffield, the Hon. George Anson, Mr. Rumbold, Sir. W. Ffolkes, and Mr. Adair. March 10th. — A meeting had been held, the Hon. and Rev. E. Pellew presiding, to consider the establishment of a penny library for the working classes. March 24th. — A bet had been made by Mr. Ringer, of the Elephant and Castle liquor shop in the Market Place, " that on Monday he would *' sell 1,000 glasses of ale and porter from six o'clock in the morning and " close the same night. Mr. R. closed at 10, after selling 2,454, at one *' penny per glass." Mr. F. Preston had launched a fine ship of 370 tons from his yard. April 2nd. — Mr. Edward H. L. Preston and Mr. Green had been tried and acquitted upon charges of bribery alleged to have been com- mitted by them at the General Election, when IMessrs. Baring and Praed were returned for the borough. April 7th. — A poll had taken place for two Haven and Pier Com- missioners, as follows : — George Danby Palmer . . . . 375 WiUiamBarth .. .. 375 Sii' E. Lacon . . . . . . 207 Samuel Paget .. .. 168 and Messrs. Palmer and Barth were consequently elected. April 14th contains the following paragraph as to the recent bribery prosecution : — ' ' Yesterday there was a grand public dinner at the Angel Inn, to 51 celebrate what the Tories call 'the defeat of the Attorney -General and * the Yarmouth Radicals ; ' but what we should say was a fortunate escape of the accused parties, arising from the glorious uncertainty of the law. John Lacon, Esq. , was in the chair. Richard Ferrier, Esq. , presided at the left hand table. The two vice-presidents were Mr. Aldred and Mr. John Clarke. A very handsome silver teapot and ewer were pre- sented to Mr. William Green, by John Penrice, Esq., in an appropriate speech, for his exertions at the last election. We were not present, but had these particulars from a Tory friend, who also said * he thought ' 'twas hard poor Prentice hadn't something, as he did as much as Green, ' and more too.' There were about 70 persons present." Twenty gentlemen, all of Reform principles, had been elected select Vestrymen. Five hundred merchants and others had attended a public meeting to protest against the proposal of the Eastern Counties' Railway Company to construct a line to Harwich. April 28th. — The seamen had " struck " for an increase of wages. Several persons had been fined for keeping disorderly houses. Seven vessels had been cleared with emigrants for America, carrying 850 adults and 600 children, and several other vessels were fitting out for the same voyage. May 9th. — The town was suffering from a number of dogs prowling about, one of which had severely bitten a young lady. May 1 9th. — Mr. William Ferrier had been elected Coroner by the Council, which body had voted, by a majority of one, to retain the Market Cross. June 9th.— Mr. Jefferies Barth had been elected Clerk of the Peace. June 17th. — Nathaniel Palmer, Esq., had been appointed Recorder. June 23rd. — A fine new schooner (The Clipper) had been launched for William Hurry Palmer, Esq., and was expected to be the fastest sailing vessel out of the port. June 30th. — The Cross was ordered to be pulled down. July 14th. — It was stated that " Yarmouth is very full of strangers, who flock here from all parts of the country to enjoy the cool sea breezes. We believe there is not any other place that affords so excellent a view of shipping in motion as Yarmouth Roads, it being the great thoroughfare for all vessels trading to the North. The Bath Room is one of the principal attractions to visitors, as it is a most agreeable lounge during the heat of the day, and frequent undress balls enliven the youthful part 52 of the compiiny. Tho Bath Room has hcon well attended this year, and we are happy to say the list of subscribers gives promise of a good season." The destruction of the Cross is thus noticed : — "On Friday last the Market Cross was sold by public tender for £55 6s., and on Monday morning workmen commenced pulling it down. It has now entirely disappeared, to the gratification of the residents in the Market Place, to whom it had long been a great annoyance, in con- sequence of its having become a rendezvous for idle and dissolute persons. The Tories lament the loss of it, and call the Corporation des- tructives for having removed a public nuisance ! We know not what claim it had upon their sjnnpathies, except in being a fit emblem of the late Body Corporate, for like that it perhaps was of service at some by- gone period of time, but having long ceased to be useful, it had fallen to abuse and rottenness, and to complete the resemblance it has, after some struggles, been swept away by the cuiTent of public opinion." August 9th. — The Hon. and Rev. E. Pellew had been presented with plate of the value of £100 by the parishioners. August 25th. — The Races had been held, the Stewards being the Earl of Orford, Lord Henniker, and T. Baring, Esq., M.P. About 160 ladies and gentlemen attended the Race Ball, and 2,000 persons patronized the Vauxhall Gardens. Sept. 1st.— The Regatta had been held, and the Theatre had been well filled on the Stewards' bespeak, when an attempt to get up a cry of " Baring and Rumbold " proved a failure. Sept. 22nd. — 172 persons holding Corporation leaseholds had inti- mated theii- desire to purchase the freehold of their properties, at prices amounting to £6 , 9 11 . Oct. 6th. — The price of herrings was £23 to £24 per last. Oct. 13th. — The compensation awarded to the Town Clerk for loss of his offices of Magistrates' Clerk and Clerk of the Peace had been settled at £222 per annum. Nov. 3rd. — The result of the Municipal Election is reported as follows : — " Our Municipal Election took place on Tuesday last. The contest in the St. Nicholas' Ward was a severe one. It was neck and neck between Mr. Nuthall and E. H. L. Preston all day. At length the elec- tion was carried by a ivorthy, who, after promising constantly to vote for Nuthall and Sherrington, was suddenly not to be found ; but about five 53 minutes before the close of the poll he was hroug-ht out of the Saracen's Head, a low public-house, in a state of intoxication, his voting paper having been changed or altered to Preston and Fiddes. This decided the thing in Mr. Preston's favour, as before that time the numbers for him and Mr. Nuthall were 102 each. Such a mode of gaining an election is quite in keeping with Tory practices, and needs no comment. The validity of the election is, however, disputed on the grounds of a bad vote on the Tory side, and an informality in the appointment of an Alderman to preside in the absence of the Aldermen of the Ward. The following is a list of Councillors returned : — St. Nicholas^ Ward •• Mr. Sherrington and Mr. Preston. Market : Mr. E. N. Clowes and Mr. Sewell. Regent : IMr. Cufaude Davie and Mr. John Fish. -iS^. George's : Mr. Worship and Mr. Lettis. Nelson : Mr. Robinson and Mr. Symonds. St. Andrew^s : Mr. Martin and Mr. Frederick Preston." Nov. 10th. — A dinner, attended by 200 gentlemen, had been given to William Earth, Esq. (the Mayor.) Nov. 24th.— The old Bridge had been sold in one lot for £96. Dec. 22nd. — Mr. F. Preston had launched a beautiful brig called the " Catherine," of 212 tons register. Dec. 29th. — Heavy weather prevailed, with so much snow that the coaches were obliged to cease running. 1837. Jan. 5th. — The '' Isis," of this port, and a sloop belonging to Wells, had been towed off the beach into the harbour. Jan. 12th. — Eleven vessels still remained on the beach, and the jetty had been damaged by the Henry, of North Shields, having run into it. Improvements were being effected at the Bath Rooms. A floating-light was to be placed at St. Nicholas' Gat. Jan. 19th. — The increase in the Customs for the year ended 5th January, 1837, was £7,000. Feb. 2nd. — The Town debt was stated to have been left by the late Corporation at £11,000, with 19s. 6d. in hand to meet that demand. Feb. 16th. — A meeting had been held for the purpose of moving for the abolition of Church Rates. Feb. 23rd. — Mr. Kay, Assistant Poor Law Commissioner, had been down with a view to bringing the Town under the Poor Law Amend- ment Act. 54 IMareh 23rd. — The ** Export Merchants " had given a dinner to their friends at the Star Hotel, when Georg-e Danhj- Palmer, Esq., presided. March 30th. — At the Vestry meeting the parishioners claimed and I'xercised the right of electing hoth Churchwardens. A^jril Gth. — The nomination for the first Board of Guardians (N. Palmer, Esq., acting as Returning Ofl&cer) had been sent in. The fol- lowing gentlemen were elected: — Messrs. John Brightwen, H. V. Worship, S. V. Moore, S. Miller, jun., E. X. Clowes, W. Chambers, J .Fish, G Harley, S. Cobb, R. P. Kemp, S. Palmer, and W. Grave. April 20th. — The following officers were elected by the Board : — R. P. Kemp, Chairman ; S. Cobb, Vice-Chairman ; J. L. Cufaude, Clerk ; D. Turner, Treasmer ; B. L. Love, Auditor ; Harry Worship iind Joseph Bayly, Registrars ; Charles Bell and Henry Palmer, Joint Superintendent Registrars ; and — Kemp, Governor of the Workhouse. May 4th. — The Guardians had fixed the site for the new Workhouse on the North Denes. May 11th.— Mr. Harry Worship and Mr. J. Bayly had been elected parish surgeons. May 18th. — Mackerel were selling at £2 14s. per hundred. May 25th. — The inhabitants had voted an address to the Princess Victoria. June 22nd. — The paper appears in mom-ning for the King. It con- tained a notice that " The proclamation of Her Majesty the Queen was to be made to-morrow " {i.e., on 21st June.) June 29th. — Mr. Baring had given £25 to the Methodist Chapel. The Queen had been proclaimed by the Mayor " in front of the Hall " and at other places in the town. Kerrison Kerrison, Esq., son of M. Kerrison, Esq., of Ran worth, had been drowned while bathing from the beach. July 13th. — S. Palmer, Esq., had called a meeting at his own house to consider the question of selecting candidates for the representation of the Borough, when ISIr. Rumhold and Mr. Wiltshire were introduced to the electors. July 29th. — The election is reported, when Mr. Baring was proposed and seconded by Messrs. Ambrose Palmer and Richard Ferrier ; Mr. Rumbold by Sir George Parker and Mr. Brightwen ; Mr. Gambler by Mr. J. Penrice and Mr. J. E. Lacon ; and Mr. Wilshere by IMr. Robert Palmer Kemp and Mr. B. U. Dowson. 55 The poll closed — Rurabold .. .. .. 790 Wilshere . . . . . . 779 Baring .. .. .. 699 Gambler . . . . . . 685 August 24rth.. — The Races had been held, Mr. Wilshere, M.P., staying with Mr. S. Palmer, while Mr. Rumbold, M.P., was at the Mayor's house. Sept. 7th. — First meeting of the "Reform" Magistrates for the purpose of granting licences ; present — The Mayor, Dr. Penrice, G. Danby Palmer, S. Cobb, Charles Nicholls, and William Hammond, Esqs., and " the first step taken towards breaking up the monopoly which *' had hitherto been enjoyed by brewers and spirit merchants." Sept. 14th. — The "Foxhound" (Captain Betts), belonging to G. Danby Palmer, Esq., had sailed with 1,250 barrels of heri'ings for Venice. The schooner "Wilshere" had been launched from Messrs. Fellows' yard for Messrs. Barker and Stone, who entertained their friends on the occasion at the Star Hotel. Sept. 21st. — £21 had been voted for pulling down the Pudding Gates. Sept. 28th. — The Lord Bishop had held a confirmation, and received an address from the Corporation at the Guild Hall. Oct. 5th. — The Reformers claimed a gain of 56 at the Revision Court. The "Parroch Hall," a fine ship of 450 tons, had been launched from Mr. I. Preston's yard. Oct. 26th. — Joseph Bonaparte, ex-King of Spain, had visited the town. The " Tantivy," schooner had been launched from Messrs, Fellows' yard. Nov. 2nd. — The Liberal candidates had been re-elected in all the Wards without opposition, Nov. 9th. — Dr. Penrice was elected Mayor, after a ballot, by 20 votes, as against 14 votes given for Mr. S. Cobb ; Samuel Jay, Esq., was elected an Alderman in the place of Mr. Wall. Nov. 23rd. —Mr. Joseph Fiddes, James N. Sherrington, and James Raven had been elected Commissioners of the Borough Court of Reque sts, The ** Harlequin," 350 tons hurthen, had hoon launched from Mr. I. Proston's yard. Dec. 7tli, — The Tories had petitioned against the return of the sitting meui])ers, ])ut had suggested a compromise, which had heen " rejected with the ridicule it deserved." Mr. Joseph Baj-ly had been elected a Councillor for St. George's Ward. Dec. 2 1st. — Mr. William Danhy Palmer had heen elected a Council- lor for St. Andrew's Ward, in the place of IMr. Dowson, deceased. Dec. 28th. — A Temperance sermon had heen preached hy the Rev. T. Clowes from i. Cor., viii., 8, 13. The weather had been remarkably mild, warmer than it was often in Ma 5' and June. 1838. April 19th. — Winter had come again, and the frost had blocked up several pumps. The nights were extremely dark, and great complaints had been made by inhabitants of the total absence of lights in the streets. Coaches had been engaged to take up the Tory witnesses for the hearing of the election petition, while the Whigs were going to London by the " Ailsa Craig" steam packet. April 26th.— The following Committee had been struck for the hear- ing of such petition : — The Hon. E. Grimshaw, Charles Rushout, H. Thomas, E. Baker, W. C. Brodie, J. C. Holmes, and J. Bailey (Tories), and J. E. Vivian, R. W. Hunt Lord M. Hill, and the Hon. George Byng (Whigs). May 3rd. — This Committee had come to the resolution — That C. E. Rumbold and W. Wilshere, Esqs., are duly elected, but that the petition was not frivolous or vexatious. May 10th. — This decision appears to have been the result of an arrangement made by a few gentlemen of the Whig and Tory parties, that one of the members (it is believed Mr. Wilshere) would accept the Chiltern Hundreds at the end of the present Session of Parliament. It was believed in that event Mr. Baring would be opposed. It is stated that " of late our m.embers have not reposed on a bed of roses." May 17th. — The schooner "Stamboul" had been launched from Messrs. A. Palmer and Son's yard. May 24th. — A suggestion appears to found a Dispensary in Yarmouth and that the Council fund should be applied towards this end. 57 This fund then consisted of £2,500, and was formed by the contributions of each Alderman of £10 and each Common Councilman £5 on his election. May 31st. — The " Pantaloon," a fine, large, round- sterned brig of 180 tons, had been launched by her owners, Messrs. A. and G. Steward ; and the " Victoria," 350 tons, by Mr. J. Preston. A meeting had been held at the Town Hall to consider the propriety of establishing a small Hospital for Great Yarmouth and the East and West Fleggs and Mutford and Lothingland Hundreds. The Hon. and Rev. E. Pellew presided, and amongst those present were all the resident clergy and medical gentlemen of the town, with Messrs. G. D. Palmer, Brightwen, W. Steward, B. Dowson, Worship, &c. June 7th and 14th. — Col. Thompson had been suggested as a candi- date for the Borough, and Mr. Northhouse had addressed a meeting on his behalf. Mr. George Steward was taking an active part in this affair. June 21st. — Suggestions were being made for the celebration of the Queen's Coronation. Messrs. Henry Emms and William Simms had been appointed Reliev- ing Ofl&cers. The donations for the proposed Hospital were £200 and the annual subscriptions £280. June 28th. — This issue contains the following account of how, after a futile effort had been made by the Vicar, which appears not to have been a success, H.M. Coronation was celebrated. At an "adjourned meeting of the subscribers to the fund for celebrating her Majesty's Coronation, by giving a dinner to the poor children of the town on that day, held at the New Hall, on Thursday evening last, the Hon. and Rev, E. Pellew in the chair, those gentlemen who had undertaken to collect subscriptions reported that they had scarcely any further funds to add to those already collected. Under these circumstances the chairman sub- mitted to the meeting that the proposed plan of feasting the children was a failure from the want of funds. Considerable discussion then ensued as to the propriety of taking steps towards celebrating the Coronation day in any other way, upon which there were manj^ conflicting opinions. At length Mr. Samuel Palmer, after recapitulating all that had been done, and regretting that up to that time nothing had been realized, moved — ' That a subscription be now entered into, to provide such ' amusements for the poor of the town on the day of the Coronation as ' may seem fit to the subscribers, and that a committee be appointed to 58 * carry the same into effect.' Mr. Samuel BarLcr moved, as an amend- ment, ' that all the poor of the town he regaled with roast heef and plum pudding ' ; but it appearing to the meeting that as money enough could not be raised to regale the children, it would be impossible to raise a sufficient sum to feast all the poor. The amendment was negatived, and Mr. Palmer's motion was unanimously carried. The Chairman then left the chair, and jMr. George Danby Palmer was called on to preside, when thanks were voted to the late Chairman ; a spirited subscription was begun in the room ; a committee was appointed to carry Mr. Palmer's motion into effect, and the meeting separated." *' Since that time the gentlemen composing the committee have col- lected money to the amount of about £200, and a bill of fare has been issued sports and entertainments to take place on the South Denes, amongst which are horse, pony, and donkey races. Jumping in sacks, climbing matches, and running after pigs with soaped tails. There will also be sailing matches on the river. A dinner will take place in a marquee erected on the ground, the Mayor in the chair. A stand and several booths have also been built for the accommodation of the public. The amusements will conclude with a superb display of fireworks, under the direction of an artist from London." July 7th contains the following record of the result of such action : — " The festivities and sports which were to have taken j)lace on Thursday last in honour of the Coronation were interrupted by a heavy fall of rain, which commenced at the hour fixed for the fun to begin, and continued nearly, ' sans' intermission, until night. This untoward state of the elements prevented any very great assembly of multitude taking- place ; nevertheless there were some two or three thousand determined holiday-makers congTCgated on the South Denes, and the horse and pony races came off m spite of the unfavourable state of the weather. The race for hacks was well contested and won by Highflyer, beating Whiscumsnivet, the Ambassador, and Sir William. The pony race was also a good one ; we could not learn the name of the winner. Four boats started for the silver cup — value £7 — viz., the Coriander (Balls), Levia- thian (Preston), Louisa (Fiddis), and Neptune (Green). The wind was light at starting, and towards the end of the match there was so little as scarcely to fill the sails ; the Coriander won by about half a length. The lemainder of the sports were postponed until Friday afternoon. At foiu- o'clock upwards of 100 gentlemen sat down to dinner in a marquee erected 59 on the Denes, the Mayor (Dr. Penrice) in the chair. After dinner the health of the Queen was drunk with long, loud, and hearty cheers, and the usual loyal and patriotic toasts were given ; several excellent songs were sung, and about half-past ten the company returned to the town preceded by a band of music. The children at the various charity schools and the inmates of the Fishermen's Hospital were handsomely entertained. The Temperance people had a tea meeting, and all, as far as the weather would permit, appeared to enjoy themselves in their own way. On Friday afternoon, at three o'clock, the sports were re -commenced, the weather being most propitious and the sim shining with surpassing- brilliancy. Yarmouth poured out thousands upon thousands of its work- ing population, and great numbers of all classes were present to witness the fun and partake of the amusement of the day. The performances, if so they may be called, took place on a stage immediately opposite the stand, which was filled with spectators, under the superintendence and dii'ection of a gentleman, to whose good humoured exertions too much praise cannot be given, and who was ably assisted by others in providing and bringing out such entertainments for the humbler classes as seemed best adapted to their taste and habits. First came two chimney sweeps in full costume; they dived in a tub of meal for pieces of money, which they picked out with their mouths Numberless sneezings and many collisions of sooty heads, now, however, converted into floury nobs, took place during this match, to the great merriment of the assembled crowds ; at length the money was all abstracted, and the performers, well washed, made their bows and retired from the stage. Next came bobbing for oranges in tubs of water, by boys with their hands tied behind them. Then a singing match by boys, which was won by an urchin of the name of John Hutchin, who sung two comic songs with inimitable humour and e:ffect. A horn pipe match followed, in which the best dancers made up by agility for what was wanting in gTace and elegance. Grin- ning through horse collars succeeded, and here one Billy Derry out- ugiied the ugliest — O ! for grinning through a horse collar, commend me to Billy Derry. Then we had six old women, drinking scalding hot tea for a prize of one sovereign ; the efforts of these poor old creatures to gulp down the almost boiling fluid, were at once both pitiable and ludicrous, but they appeared to enjoy the parts they were acting almost ati much as the spectators didj who gave way to the most uproarious laughtci' we ever remember to have heard , they were all well rewarded lor their exhibi- 60 tion. There were also donkey races, climbing soaped poles, gingling matches, running wheelbarrows blindfold, a rowing match, and races after pigs with their tails soaped, and twcnty-fonr barrels of ale were given away to the populace on the ground. At half -past ten at night the Market Place was literally crammed with people to witness the display of fireworks, which was splendid and worthy of the occasion, and concluded the Coronation amusements. Immediately after the fireworks had ceased the crowd dispersed, and by twelve o'clock the streets were as quiet as upon ordinary occasions." July 14th. — The Corporation had voted an address to the Queen, of which the following is the notice : — "At an assembly of the Corporation, held on Wednesday, the Mayor read a congxatulatory address to Her Majesty the Queen, upon the Coronation, which was unanimously adopted by the Council, and Mr. Barth, Mr. Robert Palmer Kemp and Mr. Samuel Palmer, were ap- pointed a deputation to carry up and present the same ; it being left to the option of any other gentlemen of the Council to join the deputation." The Mayor, preceded by the Regalia, had walked to church, " im- accompanied by a single member of the Town Council." July 5th. — Col. Thompson had declined to come forward. Mr. J. Symonds had given a silver cup, value £5 5s., to be bowled for in honour of the Coronation. There were 34 competitors, and it was won by Mr. John Porrett, " the veteran bowler." July 12th. — A meeting of freemen to oppose Mr. Baring's return at the ensuing election had been held at the Masonic Hall, Mr. Joseph Bayly (Chairman). Capt. Love, Mr. John Clowes, jun., Mr. Lawrence, and Rlr. Charles Marsh took part in the proceedings, and the following- gentlemen were appointed a committee to carry the resolutions passed at the meeting into effect: — Messrs. Joseph Bayly, John Clowes, jun., S. Cobb, E. R. Palmer, Henry Pickard, Charles Marsh, Thomas Thompson, jun., and Capt. Love. The Corporation address to Her Majesty had been presented by Messrs. Barth, R. P. Kemp, and S. Palmer. July 26th.— The Water Frolic had been held, when the ' ' Leviathian " (Bessey) beat the " Union " (Barber), the Mayor and Corporation attended the sports in a barge. Dr. Penrice (the Mayor) and Dr. Cox has been elected physicians, and Messrs. Charles Costerton, George Bateman, John Pri chard, and John C. Smith, surgeons to the Hospital. 61 August 9th. — The Queen had signified her intention of becoming a patron of the Hospital. August 16th. — The freemen had determined to re-elect Mr. Wilshere free of expense, Messrs. Simon Cobb and G-eorge Steward speaking on the subject ; and a committee had men formed to further this object, of which Mr. Cobb was chairman, Mr. J. Bayly, secretary, and Mr. J. Clowes, treasurer. August 16th. — The new Writ had been moved for, and the blue flag with the inscription of "Wilshere, the Reformer," had been displayed at the Committee Room in Regent Street. August 25th. — Mr. Baring, and Mr. Gr. Steward (for Mr. Wilshere) had been canvassing the electors. At the nomination the former gentle- man was proposed and seconded by Mr. J. Lacon and Mr. E. H. L. Preston, and the latter by Mr. John Clowes, jun., and Mr. Joseph Bayly ; Mr. George Steward representing ]\Ir. Wilshere. Mr. Baring then addressed the electors. The result of the poll was declared to be — For Wilshere . . . . 735 Baring .. .. 702 A very painful occurrence had happened. A poor fellow "who took some part in the election " declared that if Mr. Baring lost the election he would hang himself. The poll closed at 4, and he had effectually hung himself and was cut down before 5 o'clock. August 30th. — The friends of Mr. Wilshere had dined together at the " Star." Mr. G. Steward had been chaired for Mr. Wilshere. Mr. S. Palmer had received a letter from Mr. Wilshere, exj)ressing in the warmest terms his sense of the high honour thus conferred upon him. Sept. 6th. — Mr. Wilshere had arrived in Yarmouth and addressed the electors. C. F. Burton, Esq., had died from the effects of a fall from his horse on the Southtown Road. Sept 17th. — A public dinner of the supporters of Mr. Wilshere had been held at the Town Ball. Admiral Sir George Parker, K.C.B., presided, and amongst those present were Messrs. George Steward, S. Cobb, the Mayor, T. O. Springfield, Capt. Pearson, Capt. Harmer, J. Fowler, H. Munro, Rev. T. Fowler, R. Hammond, H. Worship, C. BeU, S. Palmer, N. Palmer, C. Marsh, E. R. Pahner, J. L. Cufaude, Clowes, &c. Sept. 20th. — At the Roads Regatta the "Brilliant" was first, the 62 *' Red Rover" second, and the " Algerine " third, in the match for the silver cup. weighing 17oz. The "Coastguard" had been practising, under the dreetion of Cajit. Harmer and Lieut. Kishee. Sept. 27th. — In consequence of the long continuance of calm weather the millers had not been able to grind Sxiy corn for three weeks. Oct. 4th. — The Revision Court had been held, Messrs. W. Worship and J. Ij, Cufaude appearing for the Reformers, and Messrs. Waters and E. H. L. Preston for the Tories. The Whigs claimed a majority, on the result of 51. Oct, 11th. — Lord Tavistock and C. B. Greville (acting as referees) with regard to the recent contest had stated " that if requested by Mr. "Baring, Mr. Wilshere is bound to resign his seat for Yarmouth (for " which he was elected without his knowledge or consent), and that in " the event of Mr. Baring offering himself again as a candidate for the " representation of that borough, Mr. Wilshere is not at liberty to " oppose him." Mr. William NoUoth, jun., had been elected organist of St. George's Chapel. Oct. 18th. — There had been a strong wind from thew.N.w., and from 150 to 200 vessels had sustained damage. It is contemplated that there were between 2,000 and 3,000 ships at anchor within sight of the Jetty. The " Reis Effendi." schooner, had been launched from Messrs. A. Palmer and Son's yard. Mr. Wilshere was staying with Mr. Palmer, who had entertained most of the principal inhabitants, including the Mayor, Sir George Parker, and W. Danby Palmer, John Carr, George Steward, Esq., and others. In case Mr. Wilshere was asked to resign his seat by Mr. Baring, Mr. Robert Palmer Kemp had been selected as the candidate in the Blue interest. Oct 25th. — The Tories had commenced their "Municipal cam- paign." Nov. 1st. — There had been from 1,500 to 2,000 vessels windbound and at anchor in the Roads, these had got under sail on Sunday, and were immediately followed by about 1,000 vessels from beyond Lowestoft, and it was contemplated that more than 3,000 vessels had passed through the Roads in five hours, in so close procession that the sea could not be discerned beyond them. 63 With regard to the Municipal Election , only one Tory was on the 1st Nov'eml)er "found in the field," viz., Mr. J. G. Plummer, who op- posed l\Tr. Marsh in the Eegent "Ward. At the close of the poll the numbers were— Tomlinson , . . . . . 89 Marsh .. .. .. 73 Plummer . . . . . . 72 The following was the general return for the town : — St. Nicholas^ Ward : Messrs. R. Hammond and W. N. Burroughs. MarJ{ct Ward : Messrs. S. Cobb and W. Johnson. Regent IVard : Messrs. J. Tomlinson and C. Marsh. St. George'' s Ward: Dr. Pern-ice and Mr. A. Clarke. Nelson Ward: Messrs. G. Danby Palmer and R. Palmer Kemp, all of whom were of the Liberal party. A meeting of the members of the " Operative Conservative Club " had been held, Mr. Thomas Paul, printer, in the chair. Nov. 25th. — Messrs. Thomas Hammond and Samuel Crowe had been elected Councillors for the South Ward. The fishing-boats "Mary," "Reward," and "Walter and Ann" had been lost with all hands. Mr. F. Preston had laimched a brig of 250 tons named the " Undaunted." Nov. 15th. — Mr. Simon Cobb had been elected Mayor. He was the first Dissenter who had been elected to that ofiice since the time of Charles II. On Sunday he had given a lunch, when amongst those present were the Hon. and Rev. E. Pellew, Dr. Penrice, Dr. Cox, thp Rev. W. Sqmre, and Messrs. S. Tolver, Nichols, Hammond, Palmer, Pull}Ti, Marsh, B. Cobb, E. H. L. Preston, &c. Mr. Thomas Lettis, jun., had been elected a Councillor for the St. George's Ward, in the place of Dr. Penrice, who had been made an Alderman. Mr. Samuel Costerton, ballast lessee, had been fined 40s. and costs for contravention of the Harbour Act. It was contemplated to hold a meeting in favour of the repeal of the Corn Laws. The annual Savings' Bank meeting had been held, when it appeared that 2,004 accounts totalling £60,065 lis. Id. were deposited in this institution. The " Reindeer," yawl, had been launched for the Young Company. She was 75 feet long and could curry 500 yards of canvas. Eighty-two persons were launched in her. (54 The "Columbine," brig, built for Messrs. G. and A. Steward, had been launched. Dec. 27th.— Mr. W. Saunders had been elected a Councillor for the St. George's Ward, in the place of Mr. Grave, deceased. The Teetotal Society had a procession, headed by a boy on horse- back, which was " set upon " by the rabble, and several of its banners destroyed. 1839. Jan. 3rd. — The first half-yearly meeting- of the governors and sub- scribers to the Hospital had been hold, and is reported as follows : — " On Friday the first half-yearly meeting of the governors and sub- scribers to the HosiDital was held at the Town Hall, the Hon. and Kev. Edward Pellew in the chair. Mr. A. Drew was unanimously elected resident Dispenser, at a salary of £60 per annum. Some alterations of the rules were agreed upon. Mr. S. S. Barber then moved that the votes for officers to the institution should be taken by ballot, and not by voting papers, as at the first meeting, which was lost by a majority of 17 to 13. It is intended to bring the question forward again at the next meeting. The E«v. J. North, honorary secretary to the institution, stated that at the last yearly meeting of the old Dispensary, in October, it was resolved that an application be made to the subscribers to the Hospital for a grant from their funds to discharge the additional bills. At Lady-day last they had moved into the house at present used for the Hospital. They S'oon felt they could not maintain the increased expenditure with the same funds, and a meeting was called of the subscribers, when the pro- jDOsition was fii'st started for the Hospital, and in the end the Hospital was established. At the close of the year, owing to circumstances over which he could not say who had the control, it was found that the managers of the Dispensar}'^ could not pay their liabilities by £33. They had furniture which was valued at £7 10s., leaving them minus £25 10s. O^d. He now asked whether they would make a grant of that amount from the funds of the Hospital. B. Dowson, Esq., j)roposed that a transfer be made of that sum to defray the deficiency, the new institution having been established on the old one. C. Nichols, Esq., seconded it on the further ground that the old institution had deferred several applications for assistance for the benefit of the Hospital, such as sermons at church, &c. Mr. North said all their funds had been merged into those of the Hospital. John Lacon, Esq., thought it would be 65 better to raise the sum among themselves, which proposition, after a great deal of discussion, was nltimately carried, and 13 sovereigns were subscribed in the room. The decision was extremely satisfactor}- to all the new subscribers to the Hospital." A very handsome vessel named the ' ' Jenny Jones ' ' had been launched from Mr. F. Preston's yard. Jan. 10. — Edward Woodrow, baker, had been committed for trial on the prosecution of the Guardians, for selling them short weight bread for the paupers. Jan. 17th. — The Poor Law Commissioners having complained of the Board of Guardians because they had presented a Christmas dinner to the paupers, the Guardians justified such proceedings. Jan. 24th. — A subscription had been entered upon for the purpose of relieving the families of those seamen who had been lost in the recent gales. £115 was collected in the room. Jan. 31st. — An Anti-Corn Law meeting had been held at the Town Hall. Feb 7th. — Meetings of the freemen had been held as to the question of whether Mr. Wilshere should be called on to resign his seat. At the Quarter Sessions, Mr. Edward Woodrow was convicted for selling " short weight " bread to the Guardians, and sentenced to pay a fine of £50, which he paid, but "not until the Eecorder (N. Palmer, Esq.) had twice threatened to commit him for contempt of Coui't." Feb. 14th. — The Town Council adopted a petition for the abolition of the Corn Laws with only two dissentients. Feb. 21st. — -Mr. John Owles had been elected a Councillor in the place of Mr. Cobb, who had been raised to the Aldermanic Bench. Mr. Wilshere had presented the town petition against the Corn Laws ; it was signed by 2,355 persons. Mr. Owen had delivered a lecture on " Socialism." March 7th. — The use of the Town Hall had been refused to Mr. Hallock, a "Socialist" lecturer. March 14th. — Mr. Rumbold had presented the Corporation's petition for the repeal of the Corn Laws. A meeting of the Chartists had been held at the Masonic Hall, Mr. Fleet in the chair, and was addressed by Messrs. Gill and Deegan, delegates. March 21st.— The Rev. W. Squire had lectured at the Masonic Hall in reply to Mr. Owen. More than 1,200 persons were present. ^farch 28th.— The sixteen Liberal candidates had been elected Guai'dians. April 4th.— A meeting had been held for the purpose of forming: a local branch of the Shipwrecked Mariners' Society, S. Cobb, Esq. (Mayor) in the chair. Sir George Parker and Messrs. James H. Palmer, Matthew Butcher, and George Danby Palmer took part in the pro- ceedings. April 11th. — The election of Haven Commissioners had resulted as follows : — For George Danby Palmer . . 511 W. Earth . . . . 473 E. H. L. Preston . . . . 380 C. J. Palmer . . . . 277 April 18th. — A petition had been adopted in favour of a penn)^ postagi'. lilay 2nd. — ^Tr. Pickard (a Guardian) had complained to the Mayor that he was continually being insulted by Mr. E. Woodrow since that person had been convicted at the Sessions. May 9th. — An endeavour was being made to revive the " Dutch Fair," in order to which such vessels were to be exempted from dues from the 17th to 30th September. There were 23 prisoners for trial at the Sessions. May 23rd. — An address had been voted to the Queen to congratulate her upon the issue of the " Bed Chamber" plot. The Mayor was in the chair and G. Peiirice, R. Palmer Kemp, William Danby Palmer, W. Johnson, George Steward, and E. H. L. Preston, Esqs., took part in the proceedings. May 30th. — Sixty gentlemen dined at the King's Head to com- memorate the Queen's Birthday. The Mayor presided, and the follow- ing toasts were given: — ''The Queen," "The Duchess of Kent," "Capt. Harmer and the Navy," " The Army," "The Mayor," "The Borough Members," "George Danby Palmer, Esq.," "Mr. George Steward," "Lord Durham," "Mr. William Johnson," "The Yice- Chairman," " The Mayoress and Ladies of Yarmouth," and a number of other toasts. The meeting separated " at a late hoiu-." June 1 3th. — A large assemblage of ladies and gentlemen had witnessed a Jewish wedding at the Town Hall, performed by Rabbi Sternbergh ; it was publicly performed. The Races were not likely to be held, owing to a want of funds. 07 June 20th, — The Rev. George Anguish, of Somerleyton Hall, had given £oO towards the Hospital fund. July 4th contains the following as to the Yarmouth Hospital and Dispensary : — ' ' The first annual meeting of this Institution was held at the Town Hall on Friday last, on which occasion the "Worshipful the Mayor was in the chair. He felt gratified by the honour that meeting had done him in calling him to the chair. In looking over the programme of the meeting, he found the accounts were to be audited — they were requested to pay their subscriptions, to elect annual officers, and to take into con- sideration the erection or pur':hase of a building for a new Hospital. William Stewai'd, Esq., read abstracts from the secretary and treasurer's books, by which it appeared that the benefactions amounted to £292 9s. 6d , subscriptions to £435 19s., and interest at the bankers £8 15s. 2d., and that there had been expended for fitting up and furni- ture, £141 8s. lOd. ; for housekeeping, salaries, and wages, £94 15s. 9d. ; chemists' bills, drugs, &c., £90 15s. ; books, stationery, and printing, £35 I4s. 9d. ; rent and incidentals, £33 3s. Id. ; lea\'ing a balance in treasurer's hands of £341 6s. 3d. Mr. Steward stated that the accounts had been made out with great care, and examined by two auditors. The total number of patients that had been admitted from October 1st, 1838, to June 1st, 1839, was 532, being 35 in and 439 out-patients, of whom 5 in and 9 oiit remained on the books. J. Tidswell, Esq., moved that the report now read be received, that it be ordered to be printed, and a copy placed in the hands of each of the subscribers, which was seconded by the Rev. W. F. Clarke, and carried unanimously. The meeting then proceeded to the election of such officers as retire annually, when all the old officers were unanimously elected, with one alteration. The Rev. M. Waters, who had been on the Committee, having accepted the office of honorary secretary, vice Rev. J. North, M-ho had left the town, J. Tidswell, Esq., was chosen in his room. The Chairman said the next bvisiness was of considerable importance. It was to consider the propriety of erecting or purchasing a building for the use of the Institution. William Steward, Esq., would submit to the meeting a proposal he held in his hand, which was to raise a building fund of £1,000, in shares of £10 each, on which interest at £3 per cent, per annum is to l)e paid till the fund will enable them to liquidate it ; and in the interim every r>8 shnroholder to have the ric^ht of recommending one out-pationt for each share annually. One oliject in raising- the fund now was, that they had £1 ')1 in hand from the henef actions, and Mr. Anguish had sent them £50 towards the huilding fund. The interest would not amount to what they now paid for rent. They hoped the Corporation would grant them an eligible site for the intended new huilding. The Kev. ]\I. Waters was siu-e there would be no difficulty in raising the requii'cd fund, as they would soon have £300 paid in donations, which would prevent any risk to the shareholders. The Chairman suggested that it would be better first to resolve that it would be expedient to erect or purchase a building, and then to submit the means for raising the money, in which opinion J. Brightwen, Esq., fully concurred, when IMr. S. S. Barber proposed, that it is the opinion of this meeting that it is expedient that an Hospital should be built, which was seconded by Mr. E. H. L. Preston. Mr. W. S. Lacon thought it premature to build at present ; the Hospital had only been in operation a few months, and at the last meet- ing, when certain resolutions were proposed, certain gentlemen, who did not like those resolutions, said they would withdraw. He would propose that the consideration of the question be postponed to that day twelve months, which was seconded by Dr. Sabine. J. G. Fisher, Esq., thought the building of an Hospital would pro- mote the object they had in view, and could not agree with Mr. Lacon, in which he was supported by the Rev. M. Waters. The amendment being put, only six voted for it, and the original motion was carried. jNIr. E. H. L. Preston then proposed that the plan for raising a fund, as proposed by Mr. Steward, be adopted, and that a paper be laid on the table to receive the names of persons willing to take shares, which was seconded by Mr. Barber. J. G. Fisher, Esq., proposed the thanks of the meeting to the Mayor for his conduct in the chair, which was carried by acclamation. The Mayor, in returning thanks, expressed his determination to do all in his power to procure them an eligible spot on which to erect the new edifice. Those present having paid their subscriptions, the meeting separated." A band of music had been engaged to perform near the Jetty on Wednesday and Saturday evenings during the summer. 69 July 11th. — A vessel named the " Cadmus" had been launched from Teasdell's AVharf. An inquest had been held at Shrublands, Gorleston, the residence of William Danby Palmer, Esq., upon the body of a boy who had been killed by a fall from a stack. Verdict, " Accidental death." July 18th. — The " Galatea " (schooner) had been launched from Mr. A. Palmer's, jun., yard. Aug. 1st. — Another meeting in connection with the Shipwrecked Mariners' Society had been held. Sir George Parker, the Hon. and Rev. E. Pellew, George Danby Palmer, Esq., and the Rev. Mr. Sidney took part in the proceedings. Pleasure yachts were allowed to enter the Harbour free of dues. August 10th. — The Races had been held for the following stakes : — Gold^ cup, £10 each, and £20 added ; the Members' Plate of £50 ; the Vauxhall Coronation Cup, £25 ; and the Iimkeepers' and Tradesmen's Silver Cup, £50. The following local gentlemen entered or named horses at this meeting : — Mr. Wilshere, Mr. Rumbold, Mr. Webber, Mr. Wodehouse, Mr. Burroughes, Mr. R. P. Kemp, Mr. Samuel Palmer, Mr. A. Tompson, Mr. John Kerrison, and Mr. William Danby Palmer. Madame Vestris and Mr. Charles Matthews were filling the Theatre nightly. At the Regatta, " The Widgeon," a London yacht, had carried off the prize. The Dissenters, not approving of these sports (the Regatta and Races), had had a meeting of their own in the shape of a choral festival. August 15th. — Sir Jacob Preston, John Penrice, and Charles Steward, Esqs., were announced as Stewards of next year's Races. August 22nd contains the following : — "We hear from the most "undoubted authority that Mr. John E. Lacon, with a munificence " almost unparallelled, has equally divided the large property left to him " by his father between himself and his brother, the present Sir Edmund "H. K. Lacon, Bart." Sept. 5th. — Mr. Preston had launched the " George Lord," of 205 tons register. Oct. 3rd. — The Revision Court had been held, and the Liberals claimed a gain of 58 on the return. Oct. 17th. — At a Liberal meeting held at the " Crown and Anchor," G. D, Palmer, Esq., had proposed the health of Samuel Jay, Esq., as " Mayor-Elect." 70 There were " nig'htly depredations" takint^ place at Gorleston. Oct. 31st. — Fortiinatiis Robert Townshend Crisp was indicted for publishing on the 13th October a certain filthy and libellous paper called the " Paul Pry," containing a slanderous and malicious libel on Henry Holmes Baker. The Jurj^ were locked up two hours before returning a verdict of guilty, on which Crisp was fined £5. Nov. 7th.— The Earl of Lichfield had given £30 to the Hospital Fund. The old members of the Council had been re-elected, except in St. Andrew's Ward, where William Hurry Palmer, Esq. , was returned . The only Ward contested was the Regent, with the following result : — C. Davie, 81 ; J. Fish, 76 ; J. G. Plummer, 71 ; S. Miller, 62. A meeting of Liberals was afterwards held, and Mr. Jay's health (as Mayor- Elect) drunk with three times thi'ee. Nov. 14th.— At the Council on the 9th, Mr. G. D. Palmer proposed Mr. Jay as Mayor for the ensuing year, and he was elected to that office. Dec. 5th. — Capt. Pearson had been elected an Alderman in the place of John B. Palmer, Esq., deceased. An anti-poor law meeting had been held ; only 52 persons present. Dec. 19th. — The Mayor (S. Jay, Esq.) had commenced a round of Civic entertainments of a most " recherche " character. The Yarmouth Savings' Bank had 2,137 accounts and £63,513 13s. 7d. on deposit. Dec. 26th. — The Mayor and Corporation had attended St. Nicholas' Church, after which his Worship entertained a large party of friends at lunch. The " Blue " freemen had held a meeting to receive a very handsome blue banner, inscribed " Presented to the freemen in commemoration of " their victory over the attempt to enslave them,' and * United we stand, " divided we fall. Wilshere's majority 38. ' " 1840. Jan. 2nd contains the following as to " Yarmouth Hospital " : — " The half-yearly meeting of the governors of this institution was held at the Town Hall on Saturday. William Steward, Esq., took the chair, and stated that the building was expected to be completed for the reception of patients by Lady-day. The cost of the building, including furniture and the tower (a very ornamental building, to be used as a look-out), with other incidental charges, would amount to £1 ^600. (Expres* 71 sions of surprise, and "What ! no more?") He believed that £1,600 would cover the whole expense, to meet which they had already received by benefaction (including £200 from the Norwich Musical Festival) up- wards of £600, while upwards of £1,000 had been raised among the shareholders. It would be highly desirable to pay off the share- holders as the funds would allow, and to keep up the annual subscriptions. At present they were adequate to the annual expen- diture, but he trusted the inhabitants would do their utmost to increase the annual income. This was the only charitable institution founded on the day of her Majesty's Coronation, and he was induced to hope that an application to Her Majesty's advisers would obtain a benefaction from her privy purse. He was sanguine in his antici- pation that in a short time the shares would be reduced to one for each shareholder, which it was thought desirable should remain. F. R. Reynolds, Esq., thought the reduction would be made in less than seven years. The Rev. M. Waters said that, allowing them to remain in their present position, the new institution would not be more rent than the present Hospital in Queen Street. Mr. Steward then submitted a resolution, that all monies arising from benefactions or otherwise, except from annual subscriptions, be ap- plied in pajdng the shareholders till such shareholders should have but one share each : and that the annual subscriptions should be kept as a distinct fimd. This resolution was moved by H. Y. Worship, Esq., and seconded by C. J. Palmer, Esq., and carried unanimously. The Secretary observed that the balance of subscriptions would be less at the end of the present year than it was at the end of the preced- ing one, and this he mentioned that the public might know it would depend on themselves whether so excellent an institution should continue as efficient as it had hitherto been. It was stated that the number of out-patients had never been less than 100 throughout the past half-year." Jan. 16th.— The first subscription Ball had been held at the Town Hall, when about 70 or 80 of the elite were present. Hewlett's band had been engaged for the occasion. Jan. 23rd. — A " dreadful storm " had visited the town, and con- siderable damage had been done to the roofs of houses, while a schooner in making for the Harbour had been caught in the squall and simk, with the loss of foiu- lives. 72 George Danby Palmer, Esq., had entei-tained a large party of the members of the '* Yarmouth Fishing Clubs " and others in the new room at Bird's Koyal Hotel, when the Mayor, Sir George Parker, Capt. Pearson, R.N., Capt. Harmer, R.N., George Penrice, M.D., W. Barth, R. P. Kemp, S. Palmer, W. H. Palmer, W. S. Ferrier, R. S. Lonsdale, S. P. Edwards, W. Yetts, G. Steward, T. Hammond, R. Hammond, S. C. Marsh, Esqs., and most of the influential gentlemen and merchants of the town were present. Feb. 13th^ — The Queen's Marriage had been celebrated as a general holiday, with the usual demonstrations of loj^alty, and 150 gentlemen had dined together at the Town Hall, when the Mayor presided. Feb. 20th. — Ambrose Palmer, Esq., had complained to the Magis- trates of the late delivery of the mails, which it appeared often did not arrive until after 12 o'clock in the day. March oth. — Samuel Jay, Esq., and William Barth, Esq., had pro- ceeded to London to present an address to Her Majesty from the Town Coimcil upon her marriage. Messrs. Fellows had launched the " Lucy," a schooner of 100 tons register. March 12th. — The Mayor (S. Jay, Esq.) had been presented at Court by William Wilshere, Esq., M.P., on the occasion of taking up the Corporation address. Capt. Love had been elected Inspector of Police by thirteen votes to one vote. There were twelve candidates for the office. March 26th. — Mr. Joseph Fiddes had been elected an Alderman in the place of Mr. William Barber, deceased. April 2nd.— The Hospital having been completed, was opened for public inspection, and had been ^-isited by nearly 1,000 inhabitants of the town and neighbourhood. Eight hundred patients had been relieved by this Charity since the previous August. April 9th. — Sixteen Whigs had been elected Guardians by very large majorities. April 23rd. — Messrs. C. Da^-ie, William Johnson, and S. Y. Moore had been nominated at the Yestry meeting as Churchwardens, and a poll demanded. The Conservatives had dined together at the Angel Hotel, Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., in the chair, when a magnificent silver waiter, weighing 221 ozs., was presented to Mr. Edward H. L. Preston. Uijon it was the following inscription: "Presented to Edward Harbord 78 Lushington Preston by the Conservatives of Great Yarmouth, as a testi- monial of their esteem and high approval of his firm and active support of those principals which constitute the best bulwark of the Throne, and the surest safeguard of the people." Messrs. Aldred and Son supplied it. The Mayor (S. Jay, Esq.) had received the Sacrament at St. Nicholas' Church, and afterwards entertained the Town Council and a party of friends with a sumptuous cold collation. April 30th.— Messrs. Da\de and Johnson had been elected Church- wardens, three votes only having been polled for Mr. Moore. Not a single case of theft or disorderly conduct had been reported at the Fair, " a circumstance unparallelled in the history of Yarmouth." May 14th. — A petition for the repeal of the Corn Laws had been signed by 1,400 persons. May 21st. — Mr. and Mrs. Bird's " opening dinner " had been held at the Eoyal Hotel. The Mayor occupied the chair, and was suj)ported by the Kev. Richard Grooch, G. Danby Palmer, W. Barth, T. Brown (Thrigby), R. Ferrier, W. Ferrier, T. Fowler, C. Marsh, G! Steward, A. Tompson, W. Carpenter, and F. Lloyd, Esqs., Captain Nelson, Messrs. Paul, Christmas, Primrose, Smith, E. Browne, Hart, Middleton, and upwards of 100 gentlemen of the town and neighbourhood. May 28th. — Complaints had been made of the "screaming" and '* bell-ringing " of the steamboats, which the editor thought should be ** reformed altogether." The London letters had not been received on Saturday last, owing to those intended for Yarmouth, Isle of "Wight, having been forwarded to this town, while " our mails " were sent on to Edinbiu-gh. June 6th. — The carcase of a grampus had been towed on to the Beach. June 11th. — The Mayor (S. Jay, Esq.) had again entertained his friends at luncheon after Divine Service. The " Eleanor Palmer," schooner, had been launched from Mr. A. Palmer, junr.'s, yard, for W. H. Palmer, Esq., who, in the evening, entertained a large party of friends at the Royal Hotel. June 19th. — The Council had voted addresses of congratulation to H.M. the Queen, Prince Albert, and the Duke of Kent, on the " escape " of Her Majesty from assassination." This was moved by Mr. E. Sewell, and seconded by G. D. Palmer, Esq. July 2nd. — The new police had made "their maiden turn out" under Capt. Love. Mr. J . Nolloth had supplied the uniforms. 74 Tho annual Hospital mcctinc: had hocn held at the Board Koom of that institution. July 9th.— The iMayor had attended the Annual Water Frolic, ac- companied by some 30 gentlemen, including the Dcputy-lMayor, Gr. D. Palmer, Esq., Capt. Harmer, Capt. Pearson, S. P. Edwards, Esq., and several members of the Council. Three young men were capsized and two of them, Mr. John Rivett and Mr. Walter Feek, drowned. " A fellow named Cullingford had cut down the doorstalls of Mr. ** Wm. Sayer's house in which he was engaged nearly two hours without " being detected by any of the new police." July 16th.— The Council resolved that " the old tower on the Chapel " lilount be levelled with that of the Hospital, and that the wall to the " east thereof be faced with white brick and coped witk cement." Jilr. Guthrie (son of Capt. Guthrie) had saved a boy fi'om being drowned at the Jetty. Tho *' Maid of Athens" had been launched from Mr. I. Preston's yard. July 2oth. — The Races had been held. The Town and County Plate of £50 was won by the Hon. I. Sandiland's '' Luther," which was '* claimed" by Mr. S. Palmer for £150 (his horse "Diana" running second in the race.) As Stewards for next year, Henry Stracey, Alexander Shafto Adair, and Samuel Palmer, Esqs., w^ere chosen. At the Regatta, Lord A. Paget's •* Sabrina " won the £25 cup. When a hearse, with mourning coach and friends of the deceased arrived at the Cemetery, it was found that ' ' no orders had been given to dig a " grave," and the funeral had to be postponed. Aug. 16th. — Youell's gardens were "most attractive ; " there were 3,000 pairs of carnations and picotees in bloom. Samuel Jay, Esq., had been appointed a Justice of the Peace for the Borough. Aug. 20th. — A great improvement had been made by lighting the town with gas ; the Gas Company ha^dng laid do-^Ti a large main, and reduced the price of gas 25 per cent. Mr. A. Thrower had been elected a Councillor in the place of Mr. F. Preston. Sept. 3rd. — A meeting had been held at the Town Hall, Wm. Steward, Esq., in the chair, for promoting the erection of a better class 75 of houses on the Beach to the south of the Royal Hotel (the Victoria Building Company.) Mr. John Clowes had been thrown from his gig- on the Quay. Sept. 17th. — Lord and Lady Wodehouse were staying at the Royal Hotel ; his Lordship had consented to patronise the New Building Com- pany. Sept. 24th. — Madame Persiani, and Signers Nigri, Rubini, and Puzzi, had given a grand concert at the Town Hall. A meeting of the pro\dsional Committee of the Victoi-ia Building Company had been held, and £8,000 had been subscribed for the objects of the Company. Oct. 8th. — The prospectus of the Victoria Building Company appears in this issue, the Directors being William Steward, William Baynes, Benjamin Dowson, Richard Ferrier, William Johnson, Robert Palmer Kemp, John E. Lacon, George Danby Palmer, Thomas Fowler Steward, and Charles Symonds, Esqs. A letter had been received at the Post-office, directed "Mr. *' Thompson, Row next my grandmother's, Yarmouth." Nov. 5th. — The following was the result of the Municipal election : — NORTH WARD. J.N.Sherrington .. 119 I J.C.Smith .. 98 C. a. Doughty .. 116 I J. F. Costerton .. 68 NELSON WARD. M. Butcher and J. G. Connell (no opposition.) ST. ANDREW S WARD. AVm. Barth 100 John G. Rivett 77 Wm. Danby Palmer 88 Hemy Teasdell ST. George's w-ard. 66 Joseph Bayly 89 John Algar 89 John L. Cufaude 89 Charles Cory 83 And the Alderman gave his casting vote in favour of Messrs Bayly and Cufaude regent ward. Samuel Palmer and John Barker (no ojiposition.) MARKET W'ARD. D. A. Gourlay and Charles Miller (no opposition.) A doputation had waited on Mr. Samuel Palmer and presented a requisition to liim, to ho put in nomination for the office of Mayor. Mr. W. Johnson presented this, signed by 40 members of the Council. The ** Hamlet," 400 tons, had been launched from Mr. A. Palmer's, jiin., yard. Nov. 12th. — Mr. Samuel Palmer had been elected Mayor. Nov. 26th. — Richard Ferrier and Charles Cory, Esqs., refused to pay the Poor's Rate, and a distress warrant was issued, under which a clock,. a silver cup, and a hat stand had been seized. The object of these gentlemen appeared to be to dispute the validity of a Rate of Is. 3d. in the£. Dec. 3rd, — The Council had voted the usual loyal addi-esses on the birth of the Princess Royal. Dec. 10th. — A public meeting had been held for the like purpose when the address to Her Majesty was moved by the Hon. and Rev. E. Pellew, and seconded by Wm. Steward, Esq. That to Prince Albert, by Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., and George Danby Palmer, Esq. And that to the Duke of Kent b)^ Sir George Parker, K.C.B., and J. G. Fisher, Esq., S. Palmer, Esq., Sii' E. H. K. Lacon, and Sir George Parker, were deputed to present such addresses. Dec. 17th.— A meeting of the Shipwrecked Mariners' Society had been held. The local committee then consisted of Messrs. G. W. Manby, Isaac Preston, W. J. Hurry, G. D. Palmer, J. W. Shelly, Costerton, Capt. Harmer, J. G. Fisher, D. Turner, Gunthorpe, Ambrose Palmer, W. Earth, John Penrice, M. Butcher, and Capt. Pearson. Dec. 24th. — An anti-slavery meeting had been held (the Mayor in the chair.) Dec. 31st. — The teetotallers had had a procession. Among their flags a new one by the workmen of IMr. Brand (tailor) on which was painted a lifeboat, with the motto '* Total Abstinence, the Drunkard's Lifeboat." Samuel Jay, Charles Pearson, William Johnson and J. W. Shelly, qualified as INIagistrates at the Quarter Sessions. YARMOUTH NOTES SECOND SERIES, 1841-51 '' When found, make a note of" — Capt. Cuttle. 1841. Jan. 14th. — A meeting for the relief of the j)oor had been held, when £300 was raised in the room. Jan. 21st. — Mr. E. R. Palmer had been appointed Inspector of Corn Returns. Jan. 28th. — The " Greyhound " (Barker) had arrived at Naples in fifteen days, *' being the quickest passage ever known." Feb. 1 1th. — About fifty tradesmen had dined at the " Star " to com- memorate the baptism of the Princess Royal. Feb. 18th. — A local committee had been formed in connection with the " Marine Penitent Female Refuge," with the Hon. and Rev. E. Pellew, president ; Mrs. C. S. D. Steward, treasurer; and Mrs. G. Danby- Palmer, secretary. On Tuesday, the whole of the London traders, sixteen in number, were lying in the harbour, owing to the late frost. A meeting of the Cons ;rvative ratepayers had been held to protest against the Is. 3d. poor's rate. Feb. 25th. — A meeting had been held at the Town Hall for pro- moting a railway from Yarmouth to London. March 11th. — The works of the Victoria Building Company had been commenced, and the Mayor had been requested to lay the first stone. The *' Saucy Jack," 250 tons, had been launched from Mr. I. Chapman's yard. March 18th. — Wni. Barth, Esq., had received an appointment in the Money Order Office of the Post Office, London. 78 March 25th. — Records the laying of the first stone on the Victoria Building Company's Estate, when Captain Harmer, R.N., (W. M. of Lodge " United Friends,") addressed the assembly as follows : — " At the request of the Directors of the Victoria Building Company, " we are here assembled as Masons to assist our "Worthy Brother, who *' now occupies the civic chair of this borough, to lay the foundation * * stone of this important and interesting work — important and interesting " indeed to Yarmouth. May the work prosper, and from the foundation " abcut to be laid, may structures arise ornamental to the town, ' * beneficial to its inhabitants, and advantageous to the builders. May * ' the promoters of these buildings live to see their great and spirited '* design carried out, and when it shall please the Grand Leveller of '* human greatness to call them from hence, may they arrive at the " point or centre where the World's Great Architect lives and reigns for •' ever." Bro. Richard Ferrier, P.M. — '' So mote it be." The Mayor then proceeded to deposit two coins of her present Majesty in the stone, over which a brass plate was laid bearing the following inscription : — " The first stone of Kimberley Terrace, Great Yarmouth, to be *' erected by the Victoria Building Company, was laid by Samuel «* Palmer, Esq., Mayor of Great Yarmouth, on the 22nd day of March, " in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty One, '* and in the Fourth year of the reign of Queen Victoria. William " Steward, Esq., Chairman of the Board of Directors ; Thomas Marsh " Nelson, Esq., Architect." A public dinner was afterwards held at the Royal Hotel, George Danby- Palmer, Esq., in the chair. April 1st. — The election of Guardians had ended in "the signal " defeat of the Tories." April loth. — Messrs. C. Davie and D. A. Gourlay had been elected Churchwardens by the Vestry. April 22nd. — Mr. F. Preston's shipyard was likely to be given up, thus throwing many men out of employment. An Ecclesiastical inquiry had been held " to make inquiry into a " (;ertain charge preferred by one James Laws, a sailmaker, living in " Row 99, against the Rev. , Clerk in Holy Orders. " Nathaniel Palmer, Esq. (instructed by Messrs. Tolver, Preston and " Tolvta) appeared fcr the respondent. The charge was that of 79 ** soliciting the chastity of the complainant's wife by sending her letters, " one of which was as follows : — Meet me to-night about nine or half- ** past nine between Penrice's and the beach." This charge, in the absence of the letter, was pronounced by the Commissioners not to have been proved." May 6th. — At the Levee, S. Palmer, Esq., and Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., had been presented by W. VVilshere, Esq., M.P. Six hiindred persons had been confirmed at St. Nicholas' Church by the Bishop of Norwich. The "Indiaman," 821 tons, had been launched from Mr. Preston's yard for Mr. Somes. She was estimated to cost £18,000. May 13th, — The " Highlander," 122 tons, had been laimched from •Mr. D. King's yard. Mr. W. Johnson had been appointed a '* tradesman to Her Most *' Gracious Majesty." May 20th. — A merry peal was rung upon St. Nicholas' Church bells in consequence of Sir Jacob Astley ha\'ing made good his claim to the Barony of Hastings. The Norfolk Yeomanry, under the command of Major Loftus, had entered the town for seven days' duty. May 27th. — The Officers of this corps had given a splendid ball at the Bath Eooms, at which 2O0 i3ersons were present. Mr. G. Blake had been summoned for refusal, on conscientious grounds, to pay the Church Rate. June 3rd. — A meeting had been held *' in support of Her Majesty's *' Ministers." June 10th. — Messrs. Rixmboldand Wilshere had issued their address to the electors ; Lord George Somerset and Mr. Smythe had been named as probable Tory candidates for the Borough. June 17th. — Mr. G. Blake had been ordered to pay Is. 6d., the amount of the Church Rate, " which he did and departed." The census had been taken, showing a population of 25,000. During the week the roof had been placed on the hotel and houses forming the south end of Kimberley Terrace. June 24th. — The Slayor " having received the precept for the "election proceeded to the Market Place, and Guild Hall, accompanied by " several hundred gentlemen, when such precept was read," no opposition being yet announced. The " Norfolk," 120 tons, had been launched by Mr. A. R. Palmer. 80 Jxily 3rcl. — The election had taken place when Sir George Parker proposed, and IVTr. J. Brightwen seconded Mr. C. E. Rumbold ; Mr. Geo. Danby-Palmor and I\Ir. B. Dowson proposed and seconded Mr. Wilshere ; Mr. R. Ferrier and Mr. Lacon proposed and seconded Mr. Thos. Baring ; and Mr. E. H. L Preston and Mr. AV. H. Bessey performed the like oflBce for Mr. J. Soames. These proceedings lasted from eleven o'clock until half -past two o'clock, during which time " it rained hard and many got wet to the skin," but, notwithstanding that, *' a more disorderly attendance" had never been seen. After the nomination the late members were chaired roimd the town, when there was a scuffle in the Market Place and one man was seriously wounded. Next day the poll was held and the numbers declared — C. E. Rumbold .. ..943 W. Wilshere .. .. ..945 T. Baring .. .. ..501 J. Soames . . . . . . 491 Jul}- 15th. — Alex. Shafto Adair, Esq., (the late candidate for East Suffolk) had accompanied S. Palmer, Esq. (with whom he was staying), to church The " Vanguard," built by Mr. W. Teasdel, had sailed for London. Six shipwrights, who had gone out with the *' Norfolk " to finish her at sea, were capsized on their return journey in their boat, one of them named Cole being drowned. July 22nd. — '* Mr. R. R. B. Norman, surgeon dentist, had been admitted a Licentiate of "Apothecaries' Hall, London." The "Good Samaritan" Lodge had held its anniversary at the Gallon Can, Gaol Street. Mrs. Barnwell (late Miss Shipston), a native of Yarmouth, had given a concert at the Town Hall to a very "genteel" audience. Among those present were W. Wilshere, Esq., M.P., A. S. Adair, Esq., Rev. C. Penrice, Mrs. G. D. Palmer, the Misses Chevalier, and G. Borrett, and A, Tompson, Esq. An explosion of fireworks had taken place at the Vauxhall Gardens, but, fortunately, no one was injured. The Races had been held, when the " Gold Cup," value £100, was won by Mr. S. Palmer's " Langolee." The £50 plate by Mr. Rogers' '• Jessica." The Vauxhall Coronation Cup Stakes by Mr. Miuiro's " Clifton." The Town and Country Gentlemen's plate by Mr. Herman's " Blanche." The Handicap Stakes by IMr. Bradford's 81 " Vigilance," and the Tally-Ho Stakes (for Hunters) by Mr. Wm. Danby- Palmer's "Daniel." July 29th. — The Mayor had proceeded to the Narrow Waters for th) Water Frolic, accompanied by Messrs. W. Wilshere, M.P., S. Jay, Gr. D. Palmer, J. Tomlinson, W. Johnson, and several other members of the Corporate body. The cup was won by the " Red Rover," the property of Mr. S. C. Marsh. At night the Vauxhall Gardens had " a bumper " August 5th. — A splendid terrace, road, and promenade was being formed on the Victoria Building Company's Estate by Mr. George Fenn. A very superb silver soup tureen weighing 230 ozs., was to be pre- sented to Samuel Paget, Esq., by the Shipping Assurance Association. A dejeuner had been given at the Barracks by Captain George W. Manby, then in his 76th year, to commemorate the 38th anniversary of his appointment as Barrack Master. August r2th. — The census showed the j)opulation of the Borough to be as follows : — Males. Females. Total. 10,427 13,524 23,951 Sailors .. 1,300 1,300 Totals 11,727 13,524 25,251 August 19th. — The " Rosa Anna," 115 tons, had been launched from ]Mr. Lubbock's yard. August 26th. — A complaint was made by Mr. John E. Lacon to the Secretary of State, that the police (being voters) had "on the day " preceding the recent election been permitted to resign, and that " immediately after the contest they were ail re-ajDpointed." The Mayor and Mrs. Palmer had given a bespeak at the Theatre. Sept. 9th,— It was stated that Captain Harmer, " whose undaunted " coui-age had rendered him the means of saving many lives from *' shipwreck, had obtained the command of H.M. Steamship " Driver," " on board which he hoisted his flag a few days since." The " Oriental " (schooner), had been launched from Mr. Preston's yard. Sept. 16th.— There had been a &e at the house of Mr. Simon Jay, surgeon, Regent Street. Sept. 30th. — The Brethren of Lodge "United Friends" had given 8'2 a dinner to their late W.M., Capt. Harmer, R.N.. previous to his Jepartxire in the " Driver," at the Star Hotel. On Sunday, the following collections had been made for the Hospital :— S. Nicholas', £10 ; S. Peter's, £16 Hs. 2d. ; 6. George's, £8 6s. 2d. ; S. Mary's, £8 lis. o^d. ; Now Meeting, £5 3s. Ud. : Wesleyan, £7 7s. ; Old Meeting, £3 6s. 8d. At the Sessions, the Grand Jury presented the disorderly state of the Market Place every evening between tnght and ten o'clock. Oct. 7th. — The testimonial before mentioned had been presented to Mr. Samuel Paget, at a dinner held in the Town Hall. Geo. Danby Palmer, Esq., was in the chair "doing the honours of the table with much spirit." Nov. 4th. — The Municipal election had passed over without contests, the following was the return: — St. Nicholas' Ward: R Hammond and W. N. Burroughs. Market : W. Johnson and John Owles. Regent : J . Tomlinson and S. C. Marsh. St. George's : T, Lettis, jun., and J. W. Shelly. Nelson : G. Danby Palmer and W. Chambers. St. Andrew's : T. Hammond and S. Crowe. John Penrice, Esq. had qualified as a Magistrate ; the Editor remarks — "We understand that a large batch of Torj- Magistrates is "about to be created," (George Bateman, James Clarke, J. F. Costerton, Ambrose Palmer, E. H. L. Preston, J. C. Smith, and Wm Yetts, Esqs., were then added to the Roll of Justices.) Wm. Johnson, Esq., had been requested by 38 Councillors to allow himself to be nominated for the office of ]\Iayor, Nov. 11th. — On the 9th November, Mr. Johnson had been elected to that office. Nov. 25th. — The " Arab," 175 tons, had been launched fi'om Mr. Teasdel's yard. The " Sabbath Observance Society " had issued an address, stating that " no less than 144 shops were doing business ; that carting of fish " and other articles connected with the fishing, and beer from the "breweries, &c., was witnessed to a great extent, and that 150 public- " houses were open on the Lord's Day." The Magistrates had cautioned Mr. I. Mayers and Mr D. L. Cohen (Jews) as to Sunday trading. Dec. 9th. — The "Driver" (Capt. Harmer) had been nearly lost on the rocks under Steel point, near Flamborough Head, but after heavino- the guns overboard she got off and put into Shields for repairs. 83 Dec. 23rd.— The Savings' Bank report showed 2,378 accounts and £71,''>21 16s. lOd. amount deposited. The Rev. H. N. Burrows, A.M., had heen elected Head-Master of the Proprietary Grammar School. 1842. Jan. Ist. — The half-yearly Hospital meeting had been held. The prisoners had been regaled by the Mayor with roast beef, plum pudding and one pint of beer each. Jan. 8th. — Some boys had made a *• slider" near Dr. Borrett's house, upon which Mrs. Borrett had fallen and broken one of her arms. Jan. 20th. — A public meeting of the inhabitants had been held for the purpose of considering the way in which they should celebrate the Royal Christening, when Sir E.^Lacon, the Hon. and Rev. E. Pellew, Messrs. G. D. Palmer, J. Bright wen, W. N. Burroughs, I, Preston, C. Nichols, and J. F. Costerton were, with others, present. The members of the " Loyal Prince of Wales " Lodge of Oddfellows, which had then been " newly formed," dined together at the Black Lion, Bro. W. N. Turner, N.G., presided, supported by Bro. Loft, P.G.M., and Bro. Raven, P.D.G.M. ; F. Palmer, Esq., surgeon to the Order, occupied the Vice-chair, and about 50 Brethren were present ; the following toasts were drunk: — "The Queen," "Prince Albert," " The Princess Royal and the Prince of Wales," " The Duke of Sussex and the rest of the Royal Family," "The Army and Navy," " Our Glorious Institutions," and '^The Loyal Prince of Wales' Lodge of O F. of theM.U." Jan. 27th. — The Christening of the Prince of Wales had been commemorated by a dinner at the Crown and Anchor Hotel, where the Mayor and a large number of his friends dined together, and by a ball at the Town Hall (opened by C. J. Palmer, Esq., and the Mayoress), at which about 200 persons were present. A meeting had been held to consider the question of the erection of a Corn Exchange. The inmates of the Workhouse and Fisherman's Hospital returned thanks to S. Palmer, Esq., for an excellent dinner provided for them by that gentleman on the " Christening Day." Feb. 3rd. — The London Mail did not get in until 12.38 ; the frequent delays in these Mails were a source of serious inconvenience. 84 Foh. 10th.— The Vicar had issued an address, calling attention to the spiritual destitution of the town, and the restoration/)! St. Nicholas' rinnrli. A (••u'rc.'qjondent states, "Never, perhaps, has a church bci-n so disfigured ; l\w introduction of that deformity, the Fisherman's Gallery, that wretched ' gew-gaw * the Mayor's seat, those laternal deformities, the desk and pulpit, and in a word those violations of every principle of taste by which the building has been defaced, have rendered it the ugliest as well as the dirtiest church in the Kingdom." Feb. 17th.— Great excitement had been caused in the town by the death of James Duck, aged 69, after having been pushed or knocked down by Mr. Francis Paget. The Coroner's Jury found, '•' That deceased died of apoplexy, aided and accelerated by a fall he received shortly before his death, but how or in what manner the fall was received doth not appear to the said Jurors," only 12 (of the 18 Jurors) signed this inquisition. Feb. 24th. — From a petition presented as to the Mail service, it appeared there were then 574 ships of an aggregate burden of 50,325 tons, belonging to this port. Mr. Christopher Taylor had been appointed agent and surgeon to the sick and wounded seamen, in the place of Wm. Taylor, Esq., deceased. March 3rd. — 2,300 inhabitants of Yarmouth had signed the petition for the total Repeal of the Corn Laws. March 10th. — Wm. Worship, Esq., had been elected a Councillor for the North Ward. March 31st. — A "'Gold Coronation Medal" had been presented by the Queen to Capt. Manby, for preservation of lives from shipwreck. A meeting, convened by circular, had been held to consider Sir Robert Peel's proposed "Income Tax." The Mayor presided ; Mr. S. Cobb moved and Mr. G. D, Palmer seconded, a resolution to the effect "That it is the duty of the meeting by every constitutional means " in its power to resist the income tax proposed by Sir R. Peel." Mr. E, H. L. Preston moved, and Mr. C. Cory seconded as an amendment, "That the Mayor be instriicted to call a meeting of the "public," which was lost by 31 to 34. A petition was to be " got up " against the tax. April 7th. — It was rumoured that Jas. M. Cox had been killed by W. B. Ebbage, but the Jury found that he died from " mis-adventure." April 14th. — A Hemsby boat, which had put off to a vessel, had been lost and nine hands drowned out of her. 85 May 5tli. — The Vauxhall Gardens had been opened for the season, and 100 gentlemen had partaken of a cold collation there on the occasion. Charges of manslaughter had been preferred before the Magistrates in respect of the cases of Ebbage and Cox. May 19th. — The Mayor had attended the Levee and presented addresses to H.M. the Queen, Prince Albert, and the Duke of Kent, on the birth of the Prince of Wales. June 9th. — Mr. Matthew Hastings Swann had had the degree of " Doctor of Philology " conferred on him by the University of Berlin. The Victoria hotel had been completed, and was to be opened by Mr. Balls of St. James' Square, London. June 23rd. — The Victoria hotel had been opened with a public dinner, at which J. E. Lacon, Esq., presided. June 30th. — At the Hospital meeting it was stated that the annual subscriptions had amounted to £334 9s. , and the benefactions to £150 Cs. 5d. , the expenditure being £357 18s. 3d. 76 in-patients and 829 out-patients had been relieved. Geo. Penrice, Esq., M.D., was re-elected physician, and J. C. Smith and Geo. Bateman, Esqs , were re-elected surgeons. July 14th. — Commissioners had been appointed for the purpose of carrying into eifect the provisions of the Income Tax Act. July 21st. — Samuel Palmer, Esq., had been chosen clerk to such Commissioners. July 28th. — A prospectus had been issued for the purpose of establish- ing " Shamj)ooing Baths " at Yarmouth. The Mayor had attended the Water Frolic ; the first match was won by the " Red Rover" (S. C. Marsh, Esq.) August 4th. — There had been a fire at Mr. Harvey's tan yard. August nth. — The first general meeting of the shareholders in the Yarmouth and Norwich Railway had been held at the Victoria hotel, Geo. Stephenson, Esq., in the chair. It was stated that the line would be probably opened in the Spring of 1844, that the expenses already incurred would not exceed £10,000, and that 8,000 shares had been taken up. August 25th. — A " young lady from Lincolnshire," about 18 years of age, had eloped irom lodgings on the Beach with a Yarmouth gentleman. Sept. 8th. — At the Races, the Gold Cup was won by Mr. Wilshere's "Evasion " ; the VauxhaU Stakes by Mr. H. Stracey's " Protempore " ; 86 the Momber's Plate, and the Gentlemen's Plate by Mr. S. Palmer's " Evcrilda " : and the Handicap Stakes by Mr. Bignold's •'Camille." StriMiuous endeavours were made to " put down low jraTubling," but the gamblers appearc^d to have found refuge in the i)ublic-liouses, notably at the King's Head Inn, Market Place. The "Bruce " had been launched from Mr. Chapman's yard. Sept. loth. — The Mayor (W. Johnson, Esq.), had entertained 100 friends at luncheon, on Sunday, after attending Church, where the Hon. and Rev. E. Pc^Uew had preached in aid of the Charity Schools, established in 1713. The Race ball had been held at the Bath Rooms, which only 68 persons had attended. Sailing matches had been held on the river, the starting place had being opposite the monument, when the "Red Rover" (S. C. Marsh), beat the "Maria" (Sir J. Preston), and the " Xeptune " (J. Green). The Royal Sovereign won the Yaawl Match. Sept. 22nd. — H.M. the Queen had passed through the roads in the " Trident," accompanied by two other steamers. Sept. 29th. — The "India" had, after extensive repairs, been launched from Mr. A. R. Palmer's yard. I\Ir, R. Lubbock had launched the " Isabella " (200 tons) for S. Sherrington, Esq. Oct. 6th. — One of Mr. Shuckford's boats had brought in 23^ lasts of herring, valued at £700. Oct. 13th.— The Corn Exchange in Regent Street had been opened, when 150 gentlemen dined together. B. Dowson, Esq., was chairman, and Messrs J. E. Laws and Thos. Barber were vice-chairmen. The Mayor, G. Danby-Palmer, Esq., Sir E. Lacon, Bart., and others being present. Oct. 20th. — There had been a iii'e at the " Xew Commercial " club house. Nov. 3rd. — A prisoner named Lessey comi^lained to the Judge of the Insolvent Debtors' Court that he had lain in prison for 23 weeks befon; he obtained his discharge, and had then been arrested again at the suit of his solicitor for £19 19s. 4d. and was thus again a prisoner. The following Councillors had been elected : — North IVard: Mr. W. H. Bessey and Mr. C. May (\dce Mr. E. H. L. Preston retired.) Market Ward : Mr. E. Sewell and Mr. S. Miller, jun. (vice Mr. 87 E. N. Clowes, resigned). The polling being for Sewell .. .. 162 Miller .. .. 142 J. Richmond . . . . 29 J. Lawn . . , . 29 Regent Ward : Messrs- C. Davie and J. Fish (re-elected.) St. George's JFard : Mr. Lettis and P. Pullyn, Esq. (vice A. Woods, Esq., resigned.) Nelson TFard : Messrs. Robinson and Symonds (re-elected.) St. Andrew^ s Ward : Messrs. Thrower and W. H. Palmer (re- elected.) Nov. 10th. — At the Council meeting on the 9th, Mr. R. Hammond proposed and Capt. Pearson seconded, the election of Samuel Palmer, Esq., as Mayor ; and Mr. Brightwen moved and Mr. C. Davie seconded, William Hurry Palmer, Esq., for that office. A warm debate ensued, during which Mr. S. Cobb was somewhat violent, and in the result Mr. S. Palmer was elected by 23 to 13 votes. Those voting for Mr. S. Palmer were Messrs. W. Hammond, C. Pearson, W. D. Palmer, G. D. Palmer, J. Fiddes, H. Fellows, T. Lettis, jun., S. C. Marsh, J. Tomlinson, T. Hammond, J. G. Cannell, J. Fish, M. Butcher, J. Crow, W. Chambers, J. L. Cufaude, J. Bayly, T. Lettis, R. Hammond, J. Barker, B. Fenn, A. Thrower, andfS. Cobb. And for Mr. W. H. Palmer— Messrs. J. Brightwen, C. Miller, E. Sewell, C. Davie, S. Robinson, D. A. Gourlay, S. Miller, jun., W. Worship, C. May, J. Owles, J. N. Sherrington, J. Symonds, and W. N. Burro^ighs. In the evening a dinner took place at the Star Hotel, the Mayor in the chair. A meeting of the Victoria Building Company had been held, when it appeared that £14,000 raised by shares and £6,000 raised on mortgages, had been expended on the buildings. Nov. 17th. — A " Total Abstinence " lecture had been delivered by Mr. Smeeton, at the Guild Hall. Nov. 24th. — The Amateur Musical Society had held a concert at the Town Hall, when Mr. Suggate, Mrs. Barnwell, and Mr. Norfor's per- formances were specially praised. The opening dinner had been held at the " Bear." Nine hundred lasts of herring had been caught ' ' between Thursday "se'night and the succeeding Sunday," which was considered an extraordinary catch of fish. 88 Dec. 22ad. — Savings' Bank meeting showed 2507 depositors and upwai'ds of £7o,o91 funds. The Rev. M, Waters was elected a trustee of th(^ institution. Tlic Poor Law C'nnruissiom-rs having- n.'t'uscil to sancliuu a Christmas Diinicr at the Woiklmasc, a siil»seri|)li()n was Itcing got ujj to provide th(; inmates with one. 1843. Jan. 5th. — A Bachelors" ball had been held at the Bath Rooms, when 57 ladies and about a similar number of gentlemen were present. The party broke up at about three o'clock in the morning. Some young fig trees had sprung up in Mr. II. Fellows' Dock. Jan. r2th. — A "true and complete peal of Grandsire Caters con- taining 5004 changes," had been rung on St. Nicholas' bells : — James Burman (treble), James Stolworthy (second), Robert Bunn (third), James Lamb, aged 83 (fourth), Henry Stolworthy 'fifth), Frederick Watering (sixth), Thomas Fox (seventh), Daniel Woods (eighth), Charles Payne (ninth), and Thomas Stolworthy (tenor). Jan. 19th. — A meeting of the Trustees of the Acle Turnpike Road had been held in regard to the state of theu' accounts. Jan. 26th. — Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Laws had given a grand ball at the Corn Exchange. The Hospital had received £120 from the Managers of the Norwich Festival . Felj. 2nd. — Miss HiiUey had given a concert and a ball at the Town Hall, when Mr. Xorfor sang two songs with judgment and the ball was well attended. The Gaol was so full " that it was almost impossible to provide " sufficient accommodation for the sleeping of the prisoners." Feb. 9th. — Messrs. Youell and Co. had received Her Majesty's commands to supply her with some plants from their nursery. "On Tuesday, owing to the badness of the road, the London Mail " arrived so late that the letters could not be delivered till one o'clock." The third concert of the Musical Society had been held at the Town Hall, when Mrs. Barnwell and Messrs. Palmer, jSTorfor, West, Springall, Offord, Hardingham, and Brightwen, took part in the proceedings. Feb. IGth. — H. Patteson and C. J. Palmer, Esqs., attended before the Magistrates and obtained their certificates, that the whole of the capital of £150,000 had been subscribed for the Norwich and Yarmouth Railway Company. 89 Feb. 23rd. — Two cargoes of iron had arrived for the Eailway. '' Button Smith, a notorious highwayman," had been taken at Norwich, and was to be examined before the Yarmouth Justices on account of his depredations in the neighbourhood. A man of " very respectable dress and genteel appearance " persisted in standing near Mr. Bell's malthouse door, which he stated was " the " entrance to Hell," and as he seemed to be suffering from monomania ho was placed under the care of his brother, who was the captain of a ship in the Roads. March 2nd. — It was proposed to place a lightship at the " Cockle " Gat." March 16th. — Mr. (now Sir James) Paget had been presented with plate of the value of £70, by his pupils at St. Bartholomew's Hospital. The ** Trinity Arms" Lodge, No. 220, U.A.O.D., had held its first anniversary dinner at the Trinity Arms, South Quay, "when 50 brethren and friends sat down to a most sumptuous dinner," March 30th. — Sixteen Liberal Guardians had been again elected. April 13th. — It was understood that the contracts for building the new Bridge had been taken for something less than £10,000. April 20th. — Messrs. C. Davie and D. A. Gourlay had been re- elected churchwardens by the Vestry. April 27th. — The petitions against the Educational Clauses of the Factories Kcgulation Bill from the parents of Sunday School Children had received upwards of 500 signatures in the course of a few hours. May nth. — The Acle Turnpike Road was being' thoroughly repaired ; it was stated that these Tolls were then let for upwards of £400 a year. May 18th. — R. Rising, Esq., of Horsey, had shot a crested Cormo- rant, which had been stuffed by Mr. Harvey, and could be seen at his shop. May 25th. — A meeting of the Victoria Building Company had been held, when Mr. Dowson admitted "that much money had been mis- " spent," and a warm discussion took place between Mr Worship and ]\fr. Nelson (the architect) ; Mr. Spilling threatened to file a Bill in Chancery against the Directors, and Messrs. R. P. Kemp and W. Johnson refused to be re-elected to the Board. This meeting, "which was '• frequently one of great confusion," lasted six hours. June 1st. — A new Jetty was projected opposite the Victoria Terrace, at which steampackets could land passengers and goods. June 18th. — A single- wicket game of cricket had been played on the 90 Denes between six members of the Amateur Club, the players being Jilessrs. Chamberlin, Tyrrell, and Diver, v. Greenacre, Aldrcd and Xolloth, the latter won by 23 to 8 runs. June 24th. — Mr. H. Worship had resigned the office of Parish Surgeon. June 29th.— Mr. F. N. Palmer had been elected to that office in Mr. Worship's place. Many gentlemen had been fined for riding across the corner of the pavement near the Star. Jidy 6th.— The London letters now arrived before eight o'clock by " Patent Mail" in lieu of the Telegraph Coach. July 13th, — The ''Hudson" had been lengthened and launched from Mr. F. Preston's yard. A shark, seven feet long, had been taken by some fishermen. July 20th. — S. Tolver, Esq., had presented an hydraulic bed to the Hospital. Kobert Stevenson, Esq., had been in Yarmouth and determined on the site for the Terminus. July 27th. — The " Good Samaritan" Lodge had held its anniver- sary at the Masonic Hall. The chair was filled by the X.G. William Freeman, P.G. Borking occupying the vice-chair. Among the com- pany present were R. H. Beart and F. Palmer, Esqs., and Messrs. W. Hammond, W. H. Perkins, G. Eainer, G. R. Store}', R. Symonds, C. Hall, C. Bartram, W. Sayers, &:c. The Water Frolic had been held, the Mayor and Corporation attending in a Barge. August lOth. — Wm. Steward, Esq., had bequeathed £100 to the Hospital. The intelligence of the death of Capt. Harmer, R.N., of H.M.S. " Driver," had been received, and the flags thereupon hoisted at half- mast on the TowTi Hall. August 17th. — The Races had afforded little real sport ; the Gold Cup race was " drawn " as there were only two entries for it. The Magistrates had issued a notice against gambling. There had not been a single case of pocket picking reported at the Races. August 24th. ^ — As no Regatta had been held this year, Lieut. Eyton, R.N., was endeavouring to get up a subscription for one to be held next year. 91 Sept. 7th. — The Cxovernment Inspector was very dissatisfied with the state of the Gaol. The Yarmouth Mail had been upset near the Suspension Bridge. Sept. 14th — Capt. Pike had been elected an Alderman in the room of Dr. Penrice, deceased. The Council had determined not to appoint a chaplain in future, and to let the Vicarage " as any other property is let." Sept. 21st. — The Norwich and Yarmouth Cricket Clubs had played a match here with the result : — 1st ins. 2nd ins. Total. Yarmouth .. 79 50 129 Norwich .. 96 42 138 (xlnd three wickets.) Oct. 5th. — The hotels and lodging-houses continued well filled, and tb3 roadstead was crowded with shipping. Oct 12th. — Four Women and a man had been baptized by immersion in the sea from three of Mr. Bowles' machines. Nov. 2nd. — A Temperance meeting had been held at the Town Hall, addressed by Messrs. Fisher, Pike and Keif, tlio Rev. J. Meffin occupied the chair. An awful storm of wind from the S.E. had visited the town, and several ships had been driven on to the Beach, The following Coimcillors had been elected : — North Ward : — Messrs. Wm. Worship and Peter White. Market Ward : — Messrs. D. A. Gourlay and C. Miller. Regent Ward : Messrs. S. Palmer and J. D. Chapman. St. George's Ward: Messrs. J. Bayly and W. A. Burton. Nelson Ward : Messrs. J. G. Cannell and Wm. Thos. Clarke. Gorleston Ward : Messrs. W. Danby- Palmer and John Hammond. Nov. 9th. — There were then forty-seven Liberals and one Con- servative in the Town Council. At the election of Mayor, Mr. Alderman Fenn proposed, and Mr. Thomas Hammond seconded, Samuel Charles Marsh, Esq., and Mr. Sewell proposed, and Mr. Shelly seconded Wm. Hurry Pahner, Esq., for that office ; on a division Mr. Marsh was elected by 20 votes as against 18 given for Mr. Palmer. Nov. 18th. — A largo party of the Town Council and their friends had dined together at the Star Tavern ; amongst those present were ths Mayor, the Ex-Mayor, G. Danby Palmer, W. Johnson, R. Hammond, 92 W. Danby Palmer, C. Pearson, R. S. Lonsdale, W. S. Ferricr, H. Worship, and G. W. Holt, Esqs. The Mayor had entertained 200 gentlemen on his return from Church on Mayor's Sunday. THE FUNERAL OF CAPTAIN HARMER, R.N. " The following particulars, relative to the interment of this much lamented officer (who died while in command of Her Majesty's steam frigate "Driver," in China), will, (the Editor thinks), no doubt, be read with much interest : — H.M.S. " Thalia," at Chusan, China, 17th April, 1843. " As I have arranged, with the kind concurrence of Major General Sir James Schoedde, that the interment of the late lamented Capt. Harmer, of Her Majesty's steam frigate " Driver," shall take place to-morrow forenoon at ten o'clock ; it is my direction that the officers, seamen, and marines mentioned underneath, be sent in boats also stated against each ship's name, so as to assemble round the "Driver" at half -past nine o'clock. The procession of boats will leave the " Driver " precisely at ten o'clock and proceed to the West pier, abreast that vessel, when it will be met by the Major General and all the officers of the garrison and a de- tachment of 100 rank and file of Her Majesty's 95th Regiment, as that gallant officer has, in the most handsome and kind manner, expressed an anxious wish to pay every possible mark of respect to the remains of the much regretted Capt. Harmer. As many of the officers of the army lost their fiill dress coats during the late war in this country, I have arranged with General Sir James Schoedde, in order that both services may appear alike, that all the officers of the navy and marines appear in undress coats, epaulettes, cocked hats and swords, with crape on the left arm above the elbow, if it can be procm^ed in time. The marines will be in full dress, but without chakos, and will be pro\aded with three rounds of blank cartridges for every man. The seamen are to be in blue jackets and trousers, white frocks and black hats All the arrangements on the part of the army are to be conducted by Major O'Leary, Brigade Major of Chusan ; on the part of the navy, Capt. Quin, of H.M.S. " Minden." The pall bearers are to be three Field Officers of the army, and the Commanders ofthe" Pelican," "Serpent," and "Pylades." Lieut. Kisbee, of the "Driver," will be chief mourner, supported by the Officers of that vessel. H.M.S. " Thalia." — Foui- boats, three lieutenants, purser, naval 93 instructor, two medical officers, one midshipman, three volunteers (1st class.) H.M.S. " IMindon." — Throe boats, two lieutenants, master, purser, two medical officers, two volunteers (1st class), one sergeant and ten marines. H.M.S. "Pelican "—Two boats, two lieutenants, one medical officer, purser, one mate, one midshipman one volunteer (1st class), one sergeant, and fifteen marines, H.M.S. " Serjoent" and " Pykdes."— Same as " Pelican " in every respect as to boats and marines, and as nearly as possible with regard to officers. All the officers and crew of the ''Driver" will attend, excepting those left on board to take care of the vessel. The above number of boats is exclusive of those the Captains and Commanders will be in. The colours of all the squadron will be hoisted half-mast high at eight o'clock, and remain so till sunset. Signed, Chas. Hope, Captain of H.M.S. " Thalia," and senior officer Chusan. P.S. — The boats will be provided with ensigns and pendants, but only the former will be half-mast high. Capt. Harmer was buried under the fort, surrounded by hundreds of his brethren in arms, who were either killed at the last capture of Chusan or who died from the effects of the climate. The officers of the " Di-iver," much to their credit, and evincing a proper respect for a much-loved commander, have erected a neat monument over his remains at their own expense. So highly was he esteemed, even by the Chinese, that numbers of the respectable men of the city also attended. The merchant ships, following the example of the squadron, kept their colours half-mast high until sunset. Of Capt. Harmer it might well be said, in the language of the order, ' ' that he paid proper respect to those who were destined to rule over "him; that he worked diligently, lived creditabl)-, and acted honour- " ably by all men." Brother, farewell. Dec. 2nd. — Mr, John B. Bales had been presented with a splendid tea service, inscribed, ** presented to Mr. John Barney Bales, Sergeant- at-Mace, by the inhabitants of this town, for their high opinion of him as a public officer." A swindler, calling himself "Clinton," had been victimising the inhabitants. 94 Deo. 0th. — The first subscription concert had heen held at the Town Hall. Doc. IGth. — It was stated that tho value of the Yarmouth livino- was then estimated at £430 per annum. Dec. 2?rd.— The Birmingham and Leicester coacli liad run o^er Mr. John Clowes, jun., at Caister, the hind wheel passing- ovov his body and very severely bruising his leg and thigh. A light vessel had been placed in the. Cockle Gat. Dec. 30th. — The Temperance Society had held their annual festival at the Town Hall, and in the course of the afternoon some members of Rechabite Tent had walked in procession round the town, headed hy the Temperance Band, and carrying a few banners and the insignia of the order. 1844. Jan. 6th. — At a concert and ball given at the Town Hall, a violin duet, by the Masters Hulley, was played with " great spirit." Bartholomew Earle, " for the last eight years butler to S. Palmer, Esq. " had been discovered quite dead, suspended by the neck from a beam in that gentleman's cellar. The inquest lasted seven hours, and was attended by S. C. Marsh, Esq. (Mayor), and S. Palmer, G. D, Palmer, W. D. Palmer, C. Pearson, G. Bateman, J. C. Smith, J. Hammond, and A. Woods, Esqs. The deceased left a widow and four childi-en ; the verdict was temporary insanity. Jan. 13th. — The Railway Company had abandoned their plan of erecting a bridge over the river with wharfs on the North Quay. Jan. 20th. — The congregation of the Mariner's Chapel had presented a testimonial to their minister, Mr. Joseph Pike. Jan. 27th. — The Hon. and Rev. E. Pellew had been presented with a testimonial consisting of a teapot, coffee pot, massive silver waiter, cream ewer, and sugar basin upon his resigning the Vicarage. Feb. 3rd. — The Haven Commissioners had determined to oppose the proposed Railway bridge over the Bure, the following Commissioners being present on this occasion: — Robert Marsham, Esq. (Chairman), H. N. Burroughes, Esq., M.P., Col. Petro, John Pemnce, John F. Leathes, F. W. Farr, Geo. Danby Palmer, T. 0. Springall, John Marshall, Peter Finch, and W. Hammond, Esqs. The Borough Lands Committee recommended that the Rev. H. Mackenzie (the incoming Vicar) should have the parsonage house at the yearly rent of Is. 95 Feb. 10th. — John Franklin, the SouthtoivTi pedestrian, had walked from the Duke's Head Inn, Yarmouth, to the Shire Hall, Norwich, and hack in 11^ hours for a wager of £10. Feb. 17th. — In pursuance of the will of the late Mr. James Moyse, of Yarmouth, the Rev, F. P. Baker and Mr. John Baker had distributed £oO amongst poor persons residing in the town, and Islv. E. C. Sharpin, of Beccles, had distributed £10 amongst the poor there. It was proposed to appoint a schoolmaster at the Gaol, with a salary of £50 a year. Feb. 24th — A disi3ute having arisen between the Magistrates and the Town Council as to the liability of the latter to fiu-nish the Justices Court Room, "Sir. C. Austin's opinion had been taken on the subject, which proved to be in favour of the Justices. March 2nd. — The electric telegraph had been laid along the railway, March 8th. — A meeting had been held of the owners and occupiers of property in the Market Ward, when it was proposed to oppose the Railway Bridge scheme, and Messrs. Wm. Johnson and Richard Ferrier were appointed a deputation to wait upon Sir E. Lacon (the only local Director) to urge the views of the meeting upon him. March 23rd. — The Town Council had determined to expend £500 in alterations at the Gaol, The Rev. R. G. Mason, "the Father Matthew of Scotland," had held two meetings at the Town Hall. March 30th. — The Committee of the House of Commons sitting on the Railway Bill had f oimd the preamble as to the proposed Bridge over the Bure "not proven." Mr. Pellew had been presented with the testimonial by Sir E, Lacon and B. Dowson, Esq., on behalf of the subscribers. April 6th. — Messrs. Wm. Cross, John Richmond, Wm, Burton, and J, T. Buston had been appointed overseers. The following gentlemen had been elected Guardians : — Messrs. G. Danby Palmer, W. A. Burton, J. Fiddes, J. Fish, S. C, Marsh, J. Starling, J. Tomlinson, D. A. Gourlay, J. Lawn, F. Clark, S. W. Bly, W. Smith, J. D. Chapman, T. Hammond, J. Brightwen, and C. Pearson. There was only one Tory candidate, who was rejected. April 1 3th. — On Good Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tomlinson had been thrown from a gig at Fritton, and Mrs. Tomlinson was seriously injured, while Mr, Tomlinson escaped with a few bruises ; their little boy who was with them was unhurt. 9fi May 4th. — Contains the report of the opening of the Railway from XorwiVh to Yarmouth, on the 30th April, it was stated that the works liad liccn ooinplcliMl in tho space of ei,o-ht months from their eommenoe- ment, hy Messrs. Po^to, Grissel & Co. A flejeucnr had heen given at the Assemhly Rooms, Xorwicli, hy the eontractor to loO ladies and gentlemen, when the following toasts were griven : — ''The Queen," "Success to the Yarmouth and Norwich Railway," "Prosperity to the City of Norwich and the Port of Yarmouth," " The healths of the Mayors of Norwich and Yarmouth," "Mr. Peto " (hy the Mayor of Norwich), "The Ladies," (by Mr. Peto), after which they retired ; " Mr. Stephenson and the Directors," and "Mr. Grissel " (hy John Penrice, Esq.) On the same day a train made its first trip to Yarmouth, starting at twelve o'clock, and returning at 7 minutes to 4 o'clock, accomplishing the return joiu'ney between Yarmouth and Norwich in 42 miniites. On 1st May the shareholders and friends of the Railway gave a dinner to the Directors, at the Victoria Hotel, the Mayor in the chair, C. J. Palmer, Esq., was vice-president, and there were also present Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., Adam Duff, Esq., H. Bolingbroke, Esq., R. Till, Esq. (treasurer), G. N. Tcotal, Esq. (secretary), the Mayor and Sheriff of Norwich, J. Penrice, J. E. Lacon, Capt. Lacon, RN., E. H. L. Preston, W. H. Palmer, W. Johnson, W. Yetts, J. C. Smith, R. Hammond, vV. Goldsmith, T. M. Nelson, E. Youell, I. 0. Taylor, W. S. Ferrier, H. Fellows, S. Nightingale, C. Brown, and H. Aldred, Esqs. May 11th. — A number of sailors had been thrown out of employment owing to a strike of pitmen in the North and other causes, and it was proposed that they should apply to the Guardians for temporaiy relief. May 18th. — The Yarmouth Anti-Corn Law League had held a meeting at the Masonic Hall, Mr. D. A. Gourlay in the chair. A meeting of the Gas Company had been held in London, when it was agreed to reduce the price of gas from 10s. to 8s. per 1000 cubic feet ; (in 1840 the price had been 13s. 4d.,) the shareholders were then recei\'ing 5 per cent, on their shares. Mr. Nelson had stated to Mr. Lacon that he could not redeem his pledge to complete Kimberley Terrace. Mr. T. C. Foreman (confectioner), had been assaulted by Mr. Bidden (surgeon) . 97 May 25th. — Miss Pestall had received a telegraiDhic message to provide a dinner for the Railway Directors at five o'clock, which left Norwich at four o'clock on the same day, and the order was fulfilled in "the fine old carved room." June 1st. — The second instance of the escape of a prisoner from the gaol during the last few^ months had occurred, this man's name w'as Cooper. June 9th. — A meeting, to establish a Marine Regatta, had been held, w^hen the following Committee was appointed for that purpose : — The Mayor, S. Palmer, B. Dowson, John Penrice, and Chas. Pearson, Esqs., Sii' George Parker, and Lieut. Eaton. The Victoria Brass Band had commenced playing on the Terrace. June 15th. — Madame Vestris and Chas. Matthews were to appear at the Theatre. July 6th. — The " Byzantium," 290 tons, had been launched from Mr. F, Preston's yard. A meeting of the local Anti-Corn Law League had been held, and the conduct of Messrs. Rumbold and Wilshere censm-ed for not support- ing the movement for the entire abolition of these duties. July 13th. — JMr. C. D. Amott, of Gorlestoa, had obtained the diploma of the Eoyal College of Sm-geons of England, and had been admitted a Licentiate of the Apothecaries' Company. July 27th.— At the Water Frolic, the "Red Rover" (S. C. Marsh) had beaten the "Leviathan" (Bessey), and the "Pearl" (Sir W. B. Proctor), but was disqualified on protest, and the prize awarded to the " Leviathan." August 3rd. — The Regatta had proved a success, the following is the report given of the s^^ort : — " The Regatta at Yarmouth, on Friday, was one of the must spirited and gay scenes ever witnessed. The terrace, the shore, the Jetty, the windows, were filled with gaily- dressed spectators, whose constantly moving figures rendered the scene one vast and ever -changing kaleido- scope. The day was glorious, and the sea was thickly sprinkled with boats and vessels of all kinds, which merrily bounded before the gale in quick and ever- varying succession. The following was the result of the day's amusement, which gave infinite pleasure to the thousands who thronged from all parts of the country. A silver cup and cover, value £50, fur Yachts not exceeding 25 tuu&, belonging to a Yacht Club. • 98 Yachts tons. Owners. Colours. 1. Mystery 25 Lord A. Paget b <& w Maltese cross 2. Gnome 25 Thos. Meeson b & w with crown Carried away gaff topsail yard, and gave up. A silver cup, vulue £12, by Pleasure Boats, 19 feet on the ram and upwards. Won by ** Leviathan," (Mr. W. Bessey), beating four others. A handsome silver Cup. — A Eowing Match by Amateur Gigs, not exceeding 25 feet, given by Mr. Balls of the Victoria Hotel, which was won by the '* Enigma." A grand sailing match for a purse of 25 sovs. by Yawls of any length. — First yawl to have 12 sovs., the second 5, and the third 3. Won by the "Victoria" ; 2nd, " Greyhound" ; 3rd, " Royal Sovereign." A Rowing Match for a purse of 10 sovs. by Beach Gigs of any description, and manned as they pleased. First gig 7 sovs., second 3 sovs., which was won by the " Princess Victoria " (Critten), the '* Star" being second. The amount of receipts at the Repository held at Bath Rooms, on Friday, including a few subsequent sales, was £77 8s. Od., viz., received at the doors, £16 16s. 6d. ; contributions by the members for the Borough, £10 ; amount of sales, £50 Us. 6d. ; the expenses of fitting up the rooms, etc., were £12 8s. Od. ; leaving a balance of £65, which was distributed as folio is^s : — For the aged poor, £3 ; the sick poor £1 ; and to the District Visiting Society, School of Industry, and Blanket and Clothing Society, £20 6s. 8d. each. Aug; lOth. — Five individuals were living in a house in the Lion and Lamb Row, whose united ages amounted to 385 years. Aug. 24:th. — The tide had flowed up to Victoria Terrace and beyond Ansell's Buildings, affording an enchanting sight to the visitors. The foundation stone of the New Wesleyan Chapel had been laid at Gorleston. Sept. 21st. — The organ of S. Nicholas' had been re-opened, full Cathedral service being performed, when about 5,000 persons attended the two services. JMr. Mackenzie jDreached from Psalm 100, 1st and 2nd, and £72 lOs. was collected. A choii- was about to bu formed, under Mr. Warne. Oct. 5th. — The Victoria Building Company had sold the ground for the purpose of the erection of Brandon Terrace. Oct. 19th. — The Magistrates had determined upon memorialising the 99 Postmaster General to have the mails'transmitted by railroad. Nov. 2nd. — A " Railway meeting " had been held upon the requisi- tion of the Mayor, and the following committee appointed to inquire as to the schemes proposed. The Mayor (S. C. Marsh), G. Danby Palmer, E. H. L. Preston, W. Johnson, J. E. Lacon, R. Hammond, R. Ferrier, R. S. Lonsdale, J. Clark, S. Palmer, A. Palmer, W. H. Palmer, J. Orfeur, B. Dowson, D. Turner, and J. W. Shelly, Esqs., and Messrs. C. Moore and T. Hammond. The following had been again re-elected Councillors without any opposition : — Richard Hammond, W. N, Burroughs, W. Johnson, John Owles, J. Tomlinson, !S. C. Marsh, Thos. Lettis, jun., J. W. Shelly, Geo. Danby Palmer, W. Chambers, S. Crow, and T. Hammond, Messrs. Chas. Cory, Geo. Danby Palmer, T. 0. Springfield, R. Marsham, Samuel Tolver, and Capt. Smyth, R.N., had had an interview with the President of the Board of Trade on the subject of the proposed new Bridge over the Bure. Twenty- five gentlemen of the Coi'poration had dined at the Feather's Inn, to commemorate the opening of the new Fish Market by S. C. Marsh, Esq. (the Mayor), who presided on the occasion. November 9th contains the following legal report : — " The Queen v. Chas. Cory Aldred. — Application for a criminal infor- mation. — Mr. Martin applied in this case on behalf of Mr. Marsh, the Mayor of Yarmouth, for a rule for a criminal information against the defendant. Mr. Marsh stated in his affidavit that he was Mayor of Yarmouth, and a Magistrate of the Borough, and that on the 10th of June last he attended at his office for the purj^ose of transacting magisterial business, upon which occasion a person was charged with ringing the bell of Mr. Aldred during divine service, and a constable produced a paper without any dii-ection or signature relative to the offence with which the person was charged. The Mayor and the Magistrate who was with him were of opinion that they could not receive such a paper, and that Mr. Aldred ought to attend himself. The paper was returned to the constable with injunctions to tell Mr. Aldred that he must attend himself if ho wished to take proceedings against the party. This took place on the 10th of June. On the I'ith of June, Mr. Marsh was going along King-street, when defendant came up to him, seized him by the arm, and making use of some very offensive expressions, demanded an explanation for the impertinent manner in which the Mayor had treated his letter. The Mayor replied that he was the Chief Magistrate of the 100 town, that his hands wore therefore tied up, and that he could not enter into any explanation then, Mr. Aldi-ed then reiterated the expressions, and followed Mr. Marsh up the street, still repeating them all the time. .Mr. Marsh after this sent two persons to Mr. Aldred, requesting him to consider what he had done, and whether he would not attend to make some apology for his conduct. Mr. Aldred did attend, hut instead of making an apology he repeated the ohservations again in a manner most offensive to the Mayor. After the first offence, the Mayor thought to take proceedings against the defendant for sureties to keep the peace, but considered that the repetition of such conduct in an open Coui t was such an aggravation of the original offence, that he felt it due to his office and himself to take other proceedings. One of the Magistrates insisted on taking sureties, which he did two or three days afterwards. But he (Mr. Martin) apprehended that the circumstances of this case were such as not to deprive Mr. Marsh on that account of coming to this Court. Mr. Justice Patteson — You do not put this as being a provocation to a breach of the peace ? Mr. Martin — It was an actual breach of the peace, for an assault was committed. Mr. Justice Patteson — That was in the first instance. There was nothing but words in the second instance, but the Magistrate was acting at the time in his magisterial capacity. Mr. Martin — It was so ; and they thought it also right to have an affidavit from the Police -constable, who stated in his affidavit that he merely delivered the paper without any offensive expression whatever, and the answer he received was " D n the Mayor and IMagistrates ; what do I care for them ? — Rule nisi granted. " Nov. 16th. — Wm. Hurry Palmer, Esq., had been unanimously elected Mayor, and entertained 50 or 60 of his friends at the Star Hotel. The event was also commemorated by dinners at the '* Capt. Harmer" and at the '' Queen's Head." Nov. 23rd — Colliers were getting 7s. a ton for freight. A large party of gentlemen of different politics had given a dimier to the Mayor (W. H. Palmer, Esq.) at the " Victoria," when J. E. Lacon, Esq., presided. Nov. 30th. — The Eule in "the Queen's on prosecution of Marsh v. Aldred" had been made absolute. Mr. Martin and Mr. Palmer sup- ported, and Mr. Piatt opposed in these proceedings. Dec. 14th.— Complaint was made that the Pridport nets were diivirg 101 the nets made in Yarmouth by women and girls out of use. Great excitement prevailed in consequence of the murder of Mrs. Chandler, with regard to which some men named Yarham, Royal, and Hall were supposed to be the culprits. Dec 21st. — The grocers had determined to close their shops at 8 o'clock. 1846. Jan. nth. — A Railway meeting had been held (W. H. Palmer, Esq., in the chair) to consider the report of the Committee appointed at the previous meeting. Feb. Ist.^A meeting had been held to assist the widows and children of the men lost on the 26th January then last. Progress was being made in building Brandon Terrace. On Sunday night, between 11 and 12 o'clock, there had been 19 feet 6 ins. of water on the bar, being 10 ins. higher than any tide of which there was an official report. Southtown was flooded, and -the water flowed up to the trees on the Quay. Feb. Sth.— The Board of Trade had remitted £20 to the fimd for the relief of the sufferers by the late storm. Feb. loth. — And her Majesty the Queen had sent a like smn to the same fund. Feb. 22nd. — The Town Council had petitioned against the Income Tax, and in favour of the Waveney Valley Railway. The rivers were " fast with frost." March 1st. — A ball had been held at the Town-hall for the benefit of the Hospital. 130 persons were present, among whom were the Mayor and Mrs. W. H. Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. C. J, Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Marsh, Messrs. F. and W. Worship, the Misses Worship, IVIr. Wm. Johnson, the Misses Johnson, Miss M. Lacon, Mr. C. Dow^son, Mr. and Mrs. Playford, Mr. and Mrs. F. Palmer, Messrs. Salmon Palmer, J. Richard, G-. B. Costerton, Henry Danby-Palmer, Szc. March Sth. —Large quantities of wreck were floating in the Roads. March loth. — The subscription to the " Shipwreck (Phoenix) Fund'' amounted to £1,500 9s. 4d., and a suggestion had been made to form it into a " permanent fund," or to endow the Fishermen's Hospital with it. March loth. — A petition had been adopted against the Dereham Railway Bill. C. J. Barley, Esq., had bequeathed £100 to the Hospital. There were only four cases at the Quarter Sessions. 102 March 22nd. — The case of " Hook against Davie" had been tried, and the Will prejiarcd by Mr. Cory declared against, the Judge stating that Mr. Cory shoiild have taken ' ' a more correct view of his duty as a solicitor." April 5th. — E. llising, Esq., had taken, at Horsey, a pike measuring 3^ feet in length, 2 feet in cu'cumference, and weighing 28 lbs., it was supposed to be from 8 to 10 years old. An accident had happened at Cooke's Circus, during the performance of "St. George and the Dragon," by the breaking down of a gallery, owing to which William Lilley, aged 33, had broken his leg in two places. Mr. F. Palmer was treating this case at the Hospital. April 12th. — Koyal, Hall and Map^s, had been tried at the assizes fur the murder of Harriet Chandler. Mr. Palmer and Mr. O'Malley appeared for the prosecution, and Mr. Prendegast and Mr. Couch for the defence, which was an "alibi ;" the jury acquitted all the jjrisoners. April 19th. — S. Cobb, Esq., had laid the foundation stone of the Unitarian Chapel, which was to be built on the site of the " Old Meeting House " in Gaol Street. April 26th.— "In the Bail Court, Saturday, 19th April, 1845. Before IMr. Justice Coleridge, The Queen on the prosecution of Samuel Charles Marsh, Esq., v. Charles Cory Aldred. Mr. Martin — My Lord, in the case of the Queen v. Aldi-ed, my learned friend, Mr. Robinson, will address your Lordship. Mr. Robinson — In this case, my Lord, Mr. Aldi^ed has been indicted for having spoken certain words of the prosecutor ; he has pleaded not guilty. This gentleman, I have to state, used the words under some mistake, and he is now anxious to withdraw his plea of not guilty, and to express his regret for having used the words of which the prosecutor has complained. I have now, therefore, to withdraw the plea of not guilty and to enter a plea of guilty. Mr. Martin — My Lord, I appear on behalf of the prosecutor, the Mayor of Yarmouth, who felt himself compelled to bring the matter before the Court. He has no personal feeling in the matter, and is perfectly satisfied with the expression of regret made by my learned friend, und upon payment of the costs by the defendant, if your Lordship pleases, he will not proceed fm^ther. Mr. Justice Coleridge — Very well." Yarham (who figured in the Chandler mmder case) had ' ' at length 103 been compelled, by the expression of public feeling, to quit the town." May 3rd. — Only one tender had been sent in for the New Haven Bridge, and it was considered probable that the plans for it would bo amended. May 10th. — Reports the " Fall of the Yarmouth Suspension Bridge," (with a wood- cut of the wreck of that structure), which had happened on Friday, the 2nd inst. The following is extracted from such report : — '* On the afternoon of the day on which this narration bears date, Nelson, the Clown at Mr. Cooke's Circus, had undertaken to swim iu a tub, drawn by four geese, from the drawbridge on the Quay to the Suspension Bridge across the North river— a foolish exhibition— but it was one which, from its novelty in Yarmouth, was calculated to attract the multitude. As early as five o'clock, when the train arrived from Norwich, although raining smartly, thousands of spectators had already assembled to witness the feat on both sides of the river. The Bridge was then comparatively clear. The Clown commenced his feat with the flood tide at the drawbridge, and had entered the North river. There were many persons on the Bridge, and as he drew near, the multitude upon it endeavoured to obtain a full view as he should pass underneath. Already had he reached Bessey's Wharf, not far from the Bridge, when one or two of the rods were observed to give way ; an instant alarm was given to quit the bridge. Alas I the caution came too late. The chains broke, and quick as the passing thought, one entire side fell, and the whole mass of the human beings, whose numbers were estimated from three to four hundred, were swept into the river below. The traffic road of the Bridge, which but an instant before was horizontal, had become nearly perpendicular. The children, poor little things, of whom there were very many, and had naturally gathered to the balustrade, were of course the first to sink, while the force with which the whole fell, caused those who were in the background to be hurled with terrific force into the water beneath, crushing and annihilating those under them. Oh ! who shall paint the one mighty simultaneous agonizing death-scream which burst upon the affrighted multitiide around — re- echoing from earth to heaven — may the appeal not be made in vain. One instant and all was bushed, save the struggling of a few whose lives it pleased their Maker in his mercy to spare. The waters, we are told, as if gifted with a sudden impulse of horror, at this fell swoop of death, recoiled in the impetus of the fall and "boiled up " at the back of the 104 Bridge, which hung perpendicularly below the surface of the river. As suddenly the struggle for life was jwist to all but a few. I'hen came a scene scarcely less heartrending. With an energy, act- ivity, and stern determination of purpose, which are among the wise and merciful provisions of the Almighty, twenty-seven children, all girls, were iiumediately rescued alive on the West side of the river, and as instantly put to bed at the " Yauxhall Gardens," \vho as soon as revived were replaced by others equally benefically spared, or by some never to be recalled. Some scrambled out and rushed home to their own houses, not a few fainting after arriving safe at home. On the East side numbers of bodies were taken into the adjoining houses, where all the assistance which medical skill, humane attention, in short all the aid which humanity w^ould teach everyone to offer, w^as brought to bear. Alas how often in vain. In one house alone, at nine o'clock at night, out of sixty- eight bodies carried in only three were revived. Many a touching scene w^as witnessed as the anxious mother, and the hardly less excited father or friend, recognised some missing one safely emerging from the crowd. Thousands thronged the North Quay — messengers were despatched in all directions to procure medical aid, and the communication with the West side of the water being cut off, hundreds were left in painful susj)ense respecting those who were safe on the opposite shore. Nothing could exceed the promptitude, activity, and attention of the surgeons and medical men of the town, all of whom were in immediate attendance doing all they could to afford relief to the sufferers, where the slightest chance of resuscitation appeared. Mr. Lacon and a number of the persons employed in his brewery were exceedingly active in supplying hot water for baths, which is not far distant. All the blankets from the Union House that could possibly be spared were in requisition. The scene now presented is still most agonising. Children, mothers, and fathers, seeking one or other of their families, tracing and discovering in the pale face of some of the dead, one of their dearest ties. In every street are to be seen one or more bodies extended on biers, returning to that home from which but short minutes before they had passed in health and life. The consternation — the agony of the town is not to be des- cribed — it is as if some di-ead punishment was felt to have fallen uj^on its inhabitants — everj- face is horror-stricken — every eye is dim. Never since the devasting plague in. 1664, which swept off 2000 of its inhabitants, has Yarmouth, notwithstanding its numberless shipwrecks, 105 been visited with so dire a calamity, occurring too at the very moment a public meeting was about to be held to make arrangements for the distribution of the funds which have been received for the widows and families of the Beachmen who were lost in Januarj- last. How many are there added to tliis list ? We dare not anticipate — Time -wall show. Numbers, it is believed, are entangled with the rods and other portions of the broken Bridge. At this hour it is impossible to say how many or who are called to their dread accounts. The escape of some was miraculous. One woman, of the name of Gillings, the wife of a carpenter, was on the Bridge with her child ; when she was hurled into the water, with extraordinary presence of mind she seized her child's clothes with her teeth — thus preventing the rush of water, and paddled herself to a place of safety. On the East side of the Bridge the greater number were taken to the " NorT\'ich Arms Inn," where there were at one time fifty-three corpses. Others were taken to the ''Admiral Collingwood " and to the " Swan," and many to their own houses. Not a few of those who first got out of the water went away unnoticed, and their number is unknown Up to a late hour last night, it was ascertained that seventy-five dead bodies had been taken out of the water ; and up to midnight, from the enquiries made, it was ascertained that forty-five others were missing. By far the greater number of those lost were females and children. James Marshall, 16, escaped with a wovmd in the scalj). Two boj's named Honorley, aged twelve and seventeen, were taken home, the younger died last evening, the elder is likely to recover. The inquest on the bodies of the drowned was held next day at the " Church Hall," before W. S. Ferrier, Esq., coroner, when the following gentlemen were sworn on the Jury : — Samuel Palmer, Esq., (foreman), and Messrs. John Norman, John Orfeur, John Fenn, G. B. Palmer, William Smith, William Spillings, Charles Barber, Charles Woolverton, Joseph Davy, James Emms, William Haylett, Mark Blowers, J. E. Laws, John Stagg, E. Garrod, Thomas Davy, and James Pratt, and after hearing evidence as to the identification of the bodies of the drowned was adjourned sive die. The following list of the victims is given : — No. Age. 1. Adams, Robert, Rainbow Corner .. ..7 2. Augur, Caroline, Garden Row . . . . 10 3. Bussey, Harriett, Ferry Boat Row . . . . 26 4. Beloe. George John Henry, Fuller's Hill .. 9 106 5. Buttifant, Sarah Ann, Kow 2 6. Borking, Emily Ilan worth, George Street 7. Burton, Benjamin Patteson, Row o4 8. Barher, Christopher, Pudding Gates 9. Bradhorry. Isaac, King Street, Norwich . . 10. Beckett, Ann, Priory 11. Barker, Leonard, Surrey Street, Norwich (not yet found) 12. Buck, James Seaman, Row 17 (not yet found) 13. Balls, Reeder Thurston, Bath Place 14. Church, James, Rainbow Corner 15. Crowe, Eliza, Row 6 .. 16. Church, Caroline, Horn Row . 17. Conyers, Elizabeth, Row 13 18. Cole, Jane, Row 65 19. Durrant, William, Row 24 20. Ditcham, Mary Ann, Row 18 . 21. Duffield, Eliza, Rainbow Corner 22. Dye, Charles, Moat 23. Dye, Benjamin, Rainbow Corner 24. Edwards, Maria, Garden Row 25. Ebbage, David, Row 17 26. Field, Hannah, Row 14 27. Fulcher, James, Row 34 28. Fulcher Elizabeth, St. John's Head Row 29. Funnell, John, Wortwell (not yet found) 30. Fox, John Horace, Butcher's Row 31. Field, Susannah, Say's Corner Row 32. Gilbert, Sarah, Row 14 33. Gotts, Alice, Conge 34. Gotts, Alice, jun. 35. Grimmer, William, Moat 36. Hendle, William, Ferry Boat Row 37. Hunn, Sarah, Row 3 38. Hunnibal, Elizabeth Jane, Row 110 39. Hatch, Elizabeth, East Hill 40. Johnson, Elizabeth, Row 23 41. Johnson, Sarah Ann, Row 23 42. Johnson, Thomas (or Robert), Row 1 107 No. 43. Jenkerson, Mary Ann, Row 1 44. .Tuniper, Maud, at Workhouse 45 King-, Marj' Ann, Apollo Walk 46. Lucas, Frederick, Row 21 47. Lake, Mary Ann, George and Dragon Row 48. Lyons, William, Row 1 49. Little, Harriet Mary, Market 50. Livingstone, Joseph, King Street 51. Livingstone, Matilda, King Street 52 May, Clara, Row 6 53. Mears, Susan, Ferry Boat Row 54. Manship, Elizabeth, Rainbow Corner 65. Morgan, Elizabeth, Row 1 56. Maze, Robert, Charlotte Street 57. Rowley, Elizabeth, Row 2 58. Powley, Richard, Row 3 59. Parker, Charlotte, Row 13 60. Powley, Amelia, White Lion Opening 61. Richardson, Phoebe, Row 99 62. Roberts, Lydia, Pudding Grates 63. Roberts, Mary Ann, Pudding Gates 64. Read, Elizabeth, Rainbow Corner 65. Scotten, Ann Maria, Row 3 66. Stol worthy, Maria, King's Arms Yard 67. Tann, Harriett, George and Dragon Row 68. Tennant, John, Railway Walk 69. Tennant, William, ditto 70. Thorpe, Heppy, Row 2 71. Trory, William Townshend, George Street 72. Thompson, Mary Ann, British Lion Alley 73. Utting, Louise, Row 33 (not yet found) 74. Utting, Sarah, Gaol Paved Row 75. Utting, Caroline, Row 33 76. Vincent, Maria, Apollo Walk 77. Vincent, Richard, missing 78. Watts, William Walter, Coble's Buildings, Pudding Lane (not yet found) 79. Young, Emily, FuUer's Hill 80. Yallop, Martha, George Street , , 108 The following is tho list of persons who were rescued, as far as ascertained : — Sarah Ann Thorpe, aged 13, who continues very ill. Mary Ann Ai-nold, with child in hor arms. airs. Thomas Money, reported to ho in great danger. Tiehecca Page. Mary Church, was taken out near the lime kiln. Hannah Eliza Lake, an infant. "Widow Edwards, reported to be in a dangerous state. Martha Field, aged 7 years. Mr. Frederick Nathaniel Palmer, surgeon. Mr. William Jackson. Eliza, daughter of Mr. James Borking, dyer, aged 12, whose sister was drowned. She got hold of a man's leg and he pulled her out. Martha Field, a 3'oung woman, who came into Court, but had her head tied up and seemed much bruised Elizabeth Cuddon, a young woman from Ipswich. Mary Utting, mother of Caroline Utting. Ann Bowles, aged II years. Mrs. David Little and one child, another being drowned. Mrs. Li^-ingstone and one child, two having been drowned. Mrs. Louisa Beloe and one child, another child drowned. Mrs. Susan Money and one child . Elizabeth Rowland, aged 16, said that she and her four brothers were on the Bridge but a minute or two before, but having been cautioned by her mother not to take the children on the Bridge for fear they should come to any harm, and being fearful lest from the crowd they might be pushed into the water, she left, and thus providently escaped. Susan Knights stated that she was on the West end of the Bridge with three children, all of whom were happily saved. Maria Smith went down twice, when she caught hold of a boat and was taken into a wherry. Elizabeth Bowles was on the end of the Bridge, but happily escaped. Grace Duffell, mother of Elizabeth Duffell. Elizabeth Browne. — She said there was plenty of time for all to have escaped after they heard the chain break, had they been aware of the danger. A little girl, sister of Maria Stol worthy. Betsy Wright left the Bridge a minute or two before it fell. 109 Alfred Norman on hearing- a cracking noise ran off on the West side of the Bridge, when he saw the Bridge fall. Eleanor Eliza AUman says, a man called out that the Bridge would fall, and she ran off ; she said " In about five minutes after the Bridge feU." Eobert Whitlock left the Bridge to look for his brother, and the Bridge fell before he returned. A little boy named Jay, son of Mr. Jay, baker, White Lion Gates, said that when he was under the water, the people looked as if they were hugging each other. He could see them quite perfectly. One man fell across a piece of iron with his head just above water ; he reached to two giiis who were struggling for life, and a third caught hold of his collar. All four were saved. A young man named Simmons, (whose leg was also fractured in extricating them from the bended iron of the Bridge with a crowbar) . Eobert Marshall, aged 16, escaped with a scalp wound. Sarah Linder, aged 12, Row 132, was also rescued with a wounded scalp. Martha Ann Stolworthy, aged 7 years. Mr. John Lake's servant and one child saved. A brother of B. P. Burton's. A young woman named Cook, living in Eow 65. Harriett Hunnibal, Eow 110. Caroline Eoberts was standing quite at the foot of the Bridge, and escaped without going into the water. John Watts, aged 16, and three brothers were saved. Tresor Steward, aged 12, Priory. Hannah Watering, aged 8, Priory. It was noted that the handbiU issued by Nelson, the Clown, was prefaced by this extraordinary motto, " Isit to be a benefit, 'or not ? ' that is the question." And in another part of it, it is stated, " Mr. Wm. Cooke will appear in a dpng scene'" May 17th. — In reply to a memorial from the Town Coimcil, the Government had directed Mr. Jas. Walker, C.I., to attend at Yarmouth and examine the wreck of the Suspension Bridge. A meeting of the Eeachmcn's Eelief Fund had bct-n held, Wni. H. 110 Palmer, Es(i , in tlic chair, when the following uccount was presented : — £ s. d. Annuities to widows . . . . 438 Weekly allowances to children . . 434 4 Gratuities to widow's of "Warner, PojTitz, and S. George Star Company for loss of yawl Survivors for loss of clothes, &:c. £1,194 Leaving a balance of about £600 in hand, and it was determined on the motion of the Rev. H. Mackenzie, seconded by Geo. Danby Palmer, Esq., that the fund should be called, '' The Great Yarmouth Royal Life Fund." Mr. Marsh had attended the levee. May 24th. — The Rev. H. Mackenzie had proposed the restoration of S. Nicholas' Church, which he estimated would cost £5,000. The "Bridge Jury "had met again, and, after hearing exadence, arrived at the following verdict in one case which governed the rest .' — " That deceased came to her death by the falling of the Suspension '* Bridge across the river Bure, in this Borough, on the 2nd May, 1845 ; "and that the falling of the bridge was attributable immediately to a ** defect in the joint or welding of the bar that first gave way, and to *' the quality of -p^vt of the iron, the workmanship being inferior to the ** requirements of the original contract, which had provided that such *• should be of the first quality." May 31st. — A temporary bridge had been opened across the Bui^e. The Committee on the Norfolk and Suffolk Railway lines had met. The " Diss, Becclesand Yarmouth" promoters had abandoned that portion of their line which connected Lowestoft with Yarmouth, and had agreed to go to Reedham and abandon Yarmouth. The Lowestoft line had passed through committee. The Yarmouth and Norwich line was thrown out as regarded the bridge and tramway, so that no second bridge would be built that year, June 7th. — The Royal Hospital on the South Denes was being converted into a Naval Lunatic Asylum. June 14th. — Ihrcc of the houses on Brandon Terrace were nearly ready for occupation. An arrangement had been come to between the Directors of the Ill Norwich and Yarmouth Railway and Mr. Cory as to the bridge toll question and the Company were to erect a free bridge over the river, but it was still doubtful on which side of the stream the station would be erected. June 21st. — The price agreed to be paid by the Company for this right, with the adjacent land required by them and Paget's brewery was stated by the Bury Post to be £26,000. Many influential traders were moving to get the terminus fixed at Southtown near the bridge foot. A new Roman Catholic Chapel was projected on a site near Paget's brewery (North Quay.) June 28th. — The "Vauxhall Gardens" had passed from Mr, Spnonds to Mr. Franklin, and a magnificent saloon upwards of 60 feet erected there. July 5th. — The Church trustees had determined to spend £l,2oU on repairs of the fabric of S. Nicholas' Church. Two tenders had been sent in for the Haven bridge, one by Mr. Peto exceeding £32,090, and the other by Mr. Simpson something under £20,000. July 12th. — Fifty persons had taken a trip to Holland in the steamer "Cambridge" of Hull. Sunday night had been one of incessant thunder and lightning. July ]9th. — The Regatta was advertised under the patronage of " The Earl of Stradbroke, Sir- Thomas Gooch, Bart., the M.P's. for Great Yarmouth, and other noblemen and gentlemen. Stewards : Capt. A. W. Jerningham. R.N., and Capt. J. H. Windham, R.N." Mr. W. S. Simpson's tender of £19,070 for the erection of the Haven Bridge had been accepted by the Coimnissioners, but he not having complied with their terms, the matter had been ordered to be " post^wned for the present." July 26th. — The Borough Members (Messrs. Rumbold and Wilshere) had attended an Anti-Corn Law League meeting at the Corn Hall. The Mayor had entertained a large party (forty to fifty gentlemen) on board his barge at the Burgh Water Frolic, this the reporter appears to have considered of more importance than the sailing matches, as regards which he makes the faintest allusion. Aug. 12th. — The Regatta had been a great success, 5,000 persons Cuming from Norwich alune. The following yachts competed : — **Belvidere" (Lord A. Paget), "Blue Bell" (Mr. Hodges), "Prima 112 Donna" (Mr. Tatham), and '« Phantom" (Mr. Wilkinson). The *' Blue Bell" won, the " Belvidere " which was leading at the time, having got on Scroby, for which a salvage claim of £75 was made by the bcaclmicn. (They were ultimately awarded £27 for their services.) A dinner was given during the day to the beachmen in a tent on the Beach, and the lifeboats tested. At the Races the following stakes were run for on the first day : — The Gold Cup Stakes by subscribers of £10 each ; a Plate of £50, given by the Members ; Vauxhall Hunters' Cup Stakes of £30 ; and on the 2nd day, The Town and County Gentlemen's Plate of £50 ; the Railway Stakes of £30 ; and the Tally Ho Stakes of £1 each with £10 added. A number of " light-fingered " gentry were present. The Race dinner had been held at the " Victoria " Hotel, when the Mayor presided ; and a Ball at the Town Hall, when the following ladies and gentlemen were present : — The Mayor and Mrs. "W. H. Palmer, C. E. Rumbold, Esq., M.P., W. Wilshere, Esq., M.P., Sir Henry and Lady Robinson, H. N. Burroughes, Esq., S. C. Marsh, Esq. and Mrs. Marsh, Mrs. and the Miss Musketts, Mr. Recorder Jermy, Mrs. Jermy, Mr. Penrice, Mrs. and Miss Onslow, Mrs. and Miss Pooley, Mr. and Mrs. Wythe, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Edmimd Preston and the Miss Prestons, Mr., Mrs. and Miss Bateman, Mr. and Miss Steward, Mr. Henry Steward, Mrs. and the Miss Stewards, Caj^tain, Mrs. and the Misa Pearson, Mrs. and the Miss Chevalliers, Mr. Clement Chevallier, Mr. Dowson, Mr. George Tomj)son, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. L. Preston, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tomjjson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Preston, Mr. B. Caldecott, Mr. W. Worship, Mrs. and Miss Burton, Miss Paget, Mr. Fisher, Mr. W. C. Reynolds, &e. Clapp's celebrated military band attended, and the whole went off exceedingly well, the company not separating till half-past thi-ee o'clock. It was computed that not less than 2,000 persons attended the A^'auxhall Gardens, among whom were the members for the Borough. Aug. 9th. — A hurricane had visited the town, but beyond dismasting two vessels and blowing a girl into a j)ool of water does not appear to have caused much mischief. The only mails then brought to Yarmouth by rail were those from London and Norwich. The " Repository " sale at the Bath Room on the Regatta day had realized £82. 113 Mr. C. D. Arnotthad had conferred on him the degree of M.D. by the Edinburgh University. Aug. 16th. — A'Pooi-'s rate of Is. 4d. in the £ had been made. The Railway Company was forwarding its own goods by water as the cheaper process. Aug. 23rd. — Messrs. Youell's nurseries were very attractive, they had 4,000 carnations and 180 fuchsias in bloom. Complaints had been made that "for two Sundays past " great quantities of herring had been despatched to London by rail. Six hundred sail of colliers and merchant vessels which had been wind-bound here had proceeded to sea. Aug. 30th. — The abolition of the coal dues, and the question of the better delivery of the mails were being agitated. IVIrs. Spooner (Dr. Bateman's sister) had met with a fatal accident by falling downstairs. Sept. 6th.— £3,600 had been subscribed for the S. Nicholas' Church restoration. Sept. 13th — Mr. C. S. D. Steward had been elected an Alderman against his express wish, and only took the oath upon being threatened with u fine. The allotment of Waveney Valley shares was to take place. The applications exceeded 80,000. Oct. 11th. — S. Palmer, Esq., had been requested to accept the office of Mayor, as it was considered desirable to have " a gentleman of sufficient influence and leisure to watch and protect the interests of this important port during the progress through Parliament of the several railway schemes. ' ' The Freemasons meeting at the ' SStar Tavern" (Lodge 313) had been honoured by the presence of Lord Suffield, Provincial Grand Master. Oct. 25th.— The Hon. Col. George Anson had been on a visit to S. Palmer, Esq., leaving to visit Lord Stradbroke, with the object of making- arrangements as to the Waveney Valley Line. Whilst in Yarmouth the Hon. Colonel accepted the office of Steward of the Races next year. Nov. 1st. — 6,600,000 herrings had been landed in one day. A fishmonger wanting to buy a turbot was asked 24s. for one on the Beach, which being refused, these fish wore forwarded to London, when they fetched 55s. each. Nov. 8th. — At the Municipal Election, Henry Danby Palmer, Esq., had been returned for the North Ward, vice C. May ; Mr. James Lawn 114 for tho ^Tarkct ■V\''arfl, vice S. Millor, jun. ''who harl ■been selected for St. Andrew's Ward, vice A. Thrower) ; and Frederick Palmer, Esq., for Regent AVard, vice C. Pa vie, "whose sudden resignation had caused much astonishment." There was no contest and the other Councillors were re-elected. Xov. t.')th. — The Mayor (S. Pahner, Esq.) had entertained about oO memhers of the Council and others at tho " Star Tavern." The following toasts were given : — The Queen, H.R.H. Prince Albert, The Prince of Wales, The Queen Dowager, The Army and Navy, The Lord High Steward, The Mayor, George Danby Palmer, Esq., Mr. Burroughs, Mr. Gourlay, Mr. R. Hammond, The Magistrates, The Mayoress, and the Press, Nov. 29th. — A report had been circulated that Yarham had con- fessed that he was the murderer of Mrs. Chandler. It was stated that Gorton Sand had disappeared and there were 20 feet of water, when recently there had been only from 2 to 8 feet. Dec. 6th. — It was then ascertained that it was the North part of the Holme, and not the Gorton Sand, which had been washed away. There was a pear tree growing on the wall of Messrs. Tolver and Preston's Office, on which was a branch of o blossoms fuUy expanded. Dec. 13th. — The fishing had been a very good one. Many of the boats had averaged 30 lasts, and one firm employing 8 boats had averaged 41 lasts a boat Dec. 20th. — There had been a high tide, during which the landlord of the " Trinity Arms " had been serving customers (who rowed there in boats) out of the window. 1846. Jan. 3rd. — The friends of total abstinence had held their ninth anniversary and festival at the Town-hall on 26th December. Yarham had been privately examined on the charge of murdering Mrs. Chandler, and remanded to the 5th inst. .Tan. 10th. — Yarham had been further examined privately and a further remand granted. Jan. 17th.— Yarham had been committed for trial on the capital charge by S. Palmer, W. H. Palmer, and W. Johnson, Esqs, Feb. 7th — Disputes had arisen with regard to the rating of houses on the Denes. 115 The Borough Lands Committee had resolved to allow the enclosure of the land in front of the Workhouse by the Guardians. The question of supplying- the town with water hy Water Works was l)cing mooted. F(!b. 11th.— Mr. W. Bcoching had launched the "Joseph and Mary." Fel). 2 1st. — The " Speedy " (Lieut. G. Spray) had arrived to receive Volunteers. Feb. 28th. — Mr Cufaude Davie had called the Mayor's attention to the formation of a proper fii-e brigade for the town. The Rev. W. H. Clarke had been presented with a testimonial, consisting of a purse of £205. March 1 4th. — The fishmer chants had determined to take steps to improve and extend the Jetty. The Rev. Bowyer Vaux had delivered a lecture on " Alfred the Great " at the Corn Exchange. Coals were being retailed at 8d. a cwt. on the Quay. March 21st. — Mr. Lacon had ])ronght before the Railway Com- missioners the question of the site of the proposed terminus, whicli Mr. G. D. Palmer, suggested should be opposite Fuller's Hill, and a meeting was proposed to be called on the subject. March 28th. — The question of tramways on the Quay was under consideration. April 11th. — The price of gas had been reduced from 8s. to 6s. 8d. per 1000 cubic feet. Yarham had been tried at the Assizes and convicted for the murder of Mrs. Chandler ; the counsel engaged being Mr. Palmer and Mr. O'Malley, for the prosecution, and Mr. Dasent for the prisoner. April 18th. — Messrs. C. Davie and D. A. Gourlay had been elected churchwardens by the Vestry. Yarham had been executed at Norwich. April 1 5th. —A meeting had been held as to the railroad and tram- ways, the Mayor (S. Palmer, Esq ) in the chair. Mr. G. D. Palmer (who thought they wanted better railway accommodation and a shorter and quicker line to London), Mr. J. E. Lacon (who advocated a railway station on the Denes), and others, took part in the proceedings, which eventuated in a resolution condemning the proposed Denes site for the station. The Town Council had proposed to present the Town -Clerk (S. 116 Tolvor, Esq.) with his portrait, which offer that gentleman declined to accept. May IGth. — Mi'.s. Dick and her dauj^hter, who gave evidence against Yai-ham had been sul)jected to great annoyances, and her husband, who «'as a sergeant in the Army, was consequently about to bo removed from Yarmouth. June 6th. — A meeting had been held in favour of the Waveney Valley Railway line. Tenders had been invited for the restoration work at St. Nicholas' Church. June 13th — The "Norfolk," steamer, had made her first trip to London. Owing to the fine weather a large number of visitors were arriving. June 27th. — A Church Restoration meeting had been held, when the '* Church Trustees " refused to find £1,250 towards the work as promised, although a like sum had been raised by subscription. The annual distribution of prizes had been made by the Rev. H. Mackenzie at the Proprietary school. July 17th. — The Mayor had refused to allow the use of the Town Hall for the Regatta BaU. July 25th. — The Regatta had been held on the 21st inst., when 100 ladies and gentlemen attended the Ball at the Corn Hall. The town was very fviU and £1 Is. a night was given for beds. A steamer from Lynn had landed a large number of passengers at the Jetty. The Regatta cups had been supplied by Mr. Simpson, Mr. Last, and ^Ir. Hunt. Aug. 22nd. — Annoyance had been caused by bathing from the Beach between the Victoria Hotel and Nelson's Monument. The Theatre was " doing well " ; on Monday, 100 persons had been turned away from its doors. Sept. 12th. — The Races had been held when immense crowds of people had flocked into the town, the " Orwell," steamer, bringing 200 from IpsTsdch, and the first train from Norwich 1 ,500, and ' ' by the time the trumpet was sounded for the first race there could not have been less than 10,000 people on the Race ground." The Race ordinary was at the " Angel," and the Race Ball at the Town Hall, where 170 persons were present, including the Earl of Stradbroke, Mr. W. Wiltshere, M.P., Sir E. H. K. and Lady Lacon, the Mayor and Mrs. Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Wythe, Mr. Percival and family, Mrs. and Miss Ives, Mr. and Mrs. J. 117 Jermy, junr., Mrs. and Miss Burton, Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Palmer, Dr. G. Bateman, M.D. and family, Mrs. and Miss Chevalier, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. L. Preston, Mr. A. Steward and family, Capt. Pearson, R.N. and family, the Misses Love, the Misses Penrice, Mrs. and Misses Muskett, Mr. G. Tompson, Mr. W. Worship, Mr. I. Preston, jun., and Mr. C. J. Palmer. Dancing- was kept up till three o'clock in the morn- ing with great spirit. The Tradesmen's Ball at Noven-e's room was tliinly attended. Sept. 19th.— The ''Norfolk" and "Enterprise," steamers, had arrived with cargoes from Rotterdam. Herring was selling at from £35 to £40 per last. There was a great demand for vessels for the export of grain. Sept. 26th. — "Sunday had been ' Dutch Sunday,' so called from the circumstance of its being the first Sunday in the home fishing when many Dutch Schuytz visit our coast." Oct. 3rd.— The Rev. H. N. Burrows had left the Proprietary School, on which occasion he had been presented with a handsome silver waiter. A Committee had been appointed to carry out the building of S. Peter's Schools. Several locusts had been captured at Youell's nursery ground and at Ormesby. Oct. 17th. — About 70 lunatics had arrived at the Naval Asylum (late Hospital) on the South Denes. The " Enterprise " had encountered bad weather, and had to throw half of her cargo of sheep and bullocks overboard. Nov. 7th. — One of Mr. Shuckford's boats had brought in an enor- mously large quantity of herrings. The following notice of the Municipal Election appears : — " At the Ward meeting of the_constituency of St. George's Ward, on Friday night, not one of the Councillors attended, and the result was that Mr. George Playford being called to the chair, a resolution was come to, to return Messrs. Ferrier and Benjamin Jay if they could. An effort was made, a poll was demanded, even the partizans of the Blue candidates themselves forgot, for once, the distinction of party. Our friends at least will have the pleasiu-e of knoT\dng that if they have two opponents, they, at least have two honom-able gentlemen, whose intimate acquaintance with business will qualify them for the ofiice." On Monday evening last a supper was given by the two re-elected Coiincillors of the Regent Ward, Samuel Palmer, Esq. and J. D. Chapman, 118 Esq., to the ratepayers in the above Ward, at the " Cro-wn and Anchor " tavern. The chair was taken by B. Fenn, Esq. The cloth having been removed, the healths of *' Her Majesty the Queen," " Prince Albert and the Royal Family," " The Members for the Borough," ** The re-elected Councillois," *.^'e., were given. Several songs were sung during the evening, and appropriate speeches were delivered by several gentlemen present, and the parties retired at a late hour highly pleased with the evening's entertainment. Great credit is due to the hostess (Mrs. Reeve) for so excellent a collation which was served up in the best style. Nov. 14th. — jMr. W. N. Burroughs had been elected Mayor, and a dinner given at the Star to celebrate the event. Nov. 21st. — The Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft Steam Packet Company was providing suitable vessels for the station. F. R. RejTLoldg, Esq. had been appointed Receiver of Admiralty Droits for Yarmouth. Nov. 28th. — And Samuel Palmer, Esq. to the like office for the Norfolk coast. It was stated that the New Catholic Church would be 100 fet't in length, 50 feet wide, and have a steeple 70 feet in height. Dec. 5th. — It had been resolved to place gas lamps on the South Market Road. Dec. r2th. — Spencer T. Smyth, Esq , had lectui-ed at the Young Men's Institute on " Physiological Anatomy." £2,256, r2s. 4d. had been raised forS. Nicholas' Church restoration. Dec. 19th — An ancient footpath, nearly 6 feet below the present surface of the street leading from the Quay to Regent Street, had been discovered. Dec. 26th. — Upwards of £200 had been subscribed for the Ragged School on the Caister Road. The Chancel of S. Nicholas' Church was being cleared for Divine Service ; the Sunday School service and teaching being then conducted in the Guild Hall and North aisle of the Church. About 80 electors of St. George's Ward had given a dinner to Messrs. Ferrier and Jay " to commemorate their recent triumph " at the Masonic Hall. Among the guests were W. S. Ferrier, R. Ferrier, jun., C. C. Aldi-ed, J. C. Smith. Esqs., and Messrs. J. T. Bracey, J. G. Plummer, J. Plajrford, B. MiUer, C. Woolverton, Bradbeer, W. Nolloth, P. Coble, W. Green, &c , &c., Mr. G. S. Shingles occupying the chair. 119 1847. Jan 2nd. — The Mayor had purchased a seventy stone ox, and dis- tributed the meat from it to the poor. Jan. 9th. — Chas. J. Pahner, Esq., had been appointed Receiver of Admiralty Droits in the place of F. R. Reynolds, Esq., deceased. Jan. 16th.-— A meeting had been held to consider the distress in Ireland, and a subscription list opened for the purpose of affording- relief. A meeting had been held to consider and iorward, if possible, the building of a new bridge over the river. The frost in Holland had caused the steamers to cease running between that country and Yarmouth. Jan, 23rd. — A densely crowded Railway meeting had been held at the Town Hall. Charles John Palmer, Esq., had been appointed Clerk to the South- town Turnpike Trust, in the place of F. R, Reynolds, Esq., deceased. Jan. 30th. — There had been heavy gales, at one time approaching a " complete hurricane." Feb. 6th. — Seven persons had recently aied in the Workhouse, whose joint ages amounted to 562 years. A meeting had been held to protest against the "light dues" on shipping. Feb 1 3th. — There had been a heavy fall of snow accompanied bj' fro^, and the traffic with Rotterdam was again interru]3ted. The Chancel of S. Nicholas' Church was already occupied for Divine service. Feb. 27th.— The Rev. W. Stokes had delivered a lecture upon the subject that "All war is inconsistent with the Christian religion, and " the best interests of nations." March 6th. — James Paget, Esq., had been .dected one of the Assistant Surgeons of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London. There was at this time a uniform depth of nine feet of water on the bar at low water. Joseph Turner, of Row 14, having applied to the Guardians for relief, his house had been searched by the Relieving- Officer, when £40 was found in it, and he and his sister appeared also to have £180 to their credit on a banking account. March 1 3th. — Mrs. Gooderham had bequeathed £500 to be invested for the benefit of the New Meeting House. A Commission of inquiry had been opened on the state of mind of 120 Philip Bliindoll Nesbitt, Esq., a j^entleman aged 35, and entitled to projiorty valued at £100,000, when the Jury found " that l\Ir. Xoshitt had been of unsound mind since the 21st Oetoher, 1S43, without any lucid intervals." March 20th. — There was only one prisoner for trial at the Sessions, an old man charged with stealing a cask of pickled herring, for which he was sentenced to one month's imprisonment. Mr. C. J. Palmer had addressed a letter to the local press on the subject of the discoveries made during the restoration of S. Xicholas' Church. Mr. Hilling, engineer, had prepared a scheme for chaining the town. March 27th. — The Dissenters were agitating against the proposals of the Committee of the Council on education. A solemn fast had been observed. April 3rd. — Miss Lettis had been presented with a silver salver by the poorer members of the Unitarian Congregation. The "Media " had been launched from Mr. Henry Fellows' yard. March 10th. — The burial ground at the east-end of the Church- yard had been consecrated by the Lord Bishop of Norwich. J. T. Birch, Esq., the newly-appointed Judge, had held the first County Court " simply for the appointment of officers" ; causes were to be heard on the 20th inst. The right of appointing overseers had been claimed by Mr. E. H. L. Preston on behalf of the Justices generally, the Mayor also claiming the right personally to appoint them as theretofore. The Church Trustees ha^^.ng• liquidated, the church debt had become " extinct." Both the Churchwardens had been re-elected by the Vestry, and a Church rate agreed to. April 17th. — A Shipowner's Protection Society had been formed, the necessary funds to be raised by a subscription of 7d. per ton register. The weather at the Fair had been cold and the business transacted of a '* limited amount." April 24th, — The new Terrace on the North Beach was to be com- menced immediately by Mr. C. Cory. It was described as being "at the beach end of Regent Road on the late site of Pilch's Mill and to extend to Page's and Ansell's Buildings." Mr. Scholes was the architect. Judge Birch had held his first Court for trials at the Tolhouse Hall, 121 there were only three cases heard — " Lettis v. Dye," " Vale v. Fenn," and " NoUoth v. Eooke," all for the recovery of small debts. May 1st. — The Bishop of Norwich had confirmed 383 young people, (of whom 270 belonged to Yarmouth) at S. Nicholas' Church. It was stated at the Council that while the prisoners cost 4s. 6^d., the paupers only cost 2s. 9d. per head. May 8th.— The first stone of a new Jews' Synagogue had been laid by Mr. D. L. Cohen. May 15th. — Mr. Samuel Wm. Aldredhad received the first prize for midwifery at St. Bartholomew's Hospital. The annual general meeting of the Victoria Building Company had been held, B. Dowson, Esq., in the chair, when the Hon. W. E. Rous, Sir E. Travers, E.N., J. Garnham, W. Baynes, T. F. Steward,, J. C. Smith, H. V. Worship, E. Stewaid, A.Woods, C. J. Palmer, W. Worship and W . C. Eeynolds, Esq., were present, and dividends of 2s. 6d. per share upon the original shares, and £5 per cent, upon the new shares were recommended. The poor's rate was Is. lOd. in the £ for the current quarter, being nearly double the former average. May 22nd. — Eighty cases had been entered in the County Court. June 5th. — Mr. Wilshere had determined to retire from the repre- sentation, and as Mr. Eumbold was not likely to be again supported by the Dissenters, it was thought possible that Col. Anson would be asked to contest the Borough. The figures of the boy and girl bad been placed in front of the Charity School, they had previously been in S. Nicholas' Church. Messrs. C. C. Aldred and F. Palmer had complained to the Justices of the dirty state of the fish market. There had been a plague of mice in the Fleggs, 400 combs of wheat had been destroyed in one stack by them, and when the corn was threshed the machine literally ran with their blood. June r2th. — A rule had been granted for a writ of certiorari to remove the appointment of Overseers into the Queen's Bench. Col. Anson had declined to stand for the Borough. It was said that Mr. Eumbold had spent £40,000 in his contests, and that "with the blue party it seemed Yarmouth is all too dear a place to contest." Samuel Palmer, Esq., 8. Cobb, Esq., and Mr. D. A, Gourlay had gone to town to find a candidate. "Marsh v. Travers. — In compliance with Mr. Chancellor Evans' l-2'2 " order on Saiurclay last, the defendant (Dame Anne Palmer Travers) " duly performed retraction in the house of the INIinister at Yarmouth." The foundation of Britannia TeiTace was progressing slowly. June 19th, — Mr. Wynn Ellis had been suggested as a successor to Mr. Wilshere in the '-Blue" interest, while the '*Reds" had held a meeting at the Fish Stall House (Mr. Thomas Paul in the chair.) Mr. D. A. Gourlay was spoken of as Mayor for the ensuing year. IMr. C. J. Palmer had resolved to print Manship's Yarmouth, the M.S. of which was in his possession. A Caister yawl had upset near Caister Rails, and three men, Church, Key, and Howes, drowned. A meeting of electors had been convened to meet the deputation which had been in London searching for a Candidate, when nearly an hour having elapsed without George Danbj' Palmer, Esq., putting in an appearance as chairman, Mr. W. Johnson was called on to preside ; Mr. Rumbold was accepted as a candidate, and Mr. Wynn Ellis requested to meet the electors. June. 26th. — " A portion of the electors" had held a meeting at the ** Crown and Anchor " when Mr. Lawn presided, and it was alleged that Mr. Goldsmid had been requested to come forward and that an attempt had been made *' to sell the Borough." The Dissenters also had held a meeting at which Mr. I. W. Shelly took the chair. *' At the Quarter Sessions, the Recorder sat without his wig, that appendage having been stolen." A batch of informations had been laid against " respectable bakers " for selling short weight bread ; they were fined lis. each and cautioned. July 3rd. — Upwards of 40 fish-owners had signed a notice stating their desire to suppress smuggling. Another meeting of electors had been held at the " Star," and the following Committee appointed to consider the position : — Messrs. J. Brightwen, B. Dowson, J. W. Shelly, R. Hammond, Thomas Clowes, George Danby Palmer, H. V. Worshiij, S. Cobb, C. Davie, Thomas Hammond, D. A. Goiurlay, J. Bayly, J. Jackson, J. Fish, T. Lettis, jun., W. Johnson, and J. Lawn. The Paving Commissioners had given leave to put down posts to stop the carriage traflfic past the Tolhousc during the sittings of the Council and the County Court. The subscriptions to the Hospital " continued to decline " and then amoimted to only £315 16s. per annum. 123 July 10th. — Gorleston Cliff had been strongly recommended "by the Faculty," and among the recent arrivals there, were the Dowager Lady Suffield and Mrs. Thurlow and family. Mr. Wynn Ellis had declined to visit the Borough, and E. J. Bagshaw, Esq., had been requested by the Committee to come before the electors. Another meeting had been held at the "Star" (Mr. S. Cobb in the chair) when the charge of "selling the Borough" was made against Mr. Samuel Palmer by Mr. Cufaude ; this was repudiated by that gentleman, and after a warm discussion, during which Mr. B. Dowson stated ' ' he thought there was a good deal of treachery going about the town," it was ultimately decided "to call a meeting of all electors, and a handbill had been issued convening such meeting on the Hall Plain for Thursday evening." July 17th. — Mr. Bagshaw had arrived in Yarmouth and held a meeting at the "Star" Hotel, which was "not so fully attended as evening meetings usually were." Among those present were Messrs. S. Cobb, W. Johnson, B. Dowson, W. Worship, J. W. Shelly, R. Hammond, T. Hammond, D. A. Gourlay, S, Rice, Thompson, Worship and S. Palmer, when a resolution was carried, inviting Mr. Bagshaw to become a candidate for the Borough. Another meeting had also been held at the same place, present — Sir George Parker, B. Dowson, W. Briggs, William Hurry Palmer, W. Worship, P. Pullyn, C. Pearson, J. W. Shelly, and others, whrn a resolution was carried by 19 to 6 requesting Mr. Rumbold to retire from the contest. Mr. Goldsmid had held a public meeting at the Masonic Hall, Mr. M. Butcher in the chair, when a resolution was passed pledging the meeting to support that gentleman at the ensuing contest. The Regatta had been held, when the Town Plate, value £.50, was won by the "Alarm," 18 tons. G. Cooke, Esq., R.T.Y.C., and the Piu'se of £20 for yawls, by the " Morning Star," Star Company. The Regatta Ball was attended by about " 40 or 50 couples," amongst whom were the Dowager Lady Suffield, Lady Durrant, R. J. Bagshaw, Esq., and Mrs Bagshaw, Miss Burton, R. Marsham, Ef^q., jun., B. Caldecott, Esq., Mr. and Mrs. H. Muskett and family, Capt. Pearson, RX., Capt. Ellis, R N., Dr. Robinson, I.Preston, Esq., and Miss Preston, Mr. and Mrs. S. Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Walpole, Mrs. and Miss Burton, Mr. W. and Miss Worshii^, &c. July 2'ith. — About 50 or 60 Nonconformist electors had held a 124 meeting at the Congregational Schooli'oom, when the pledges of Mr. Bagshaw were considered satisfaetory to the meeting. A public meeting of the friends of Mr. Eumbold had been held at the Masonic Hall, (William H. Palmer, Esq., in the chair) when a reso- lution that Mr. Eumbold was a fit and proper person to represent the Borough was carried. Lord Arthur Lennox and 0. E. Coope, Esq., had been met by their friends at the " Greyhound Inn," Gorleston, and escorted into the town, the ** procession " consisting of one private carriage, followed at a long distance by flag bearers and about half-a-dozen gentlemen on horseback preceding a carriage containing the candidates and theii' friends. On arriving at the Market Place at nine o'clock these gentlemen mounted a balcony, when R. Terrier, in a few words, amidst tumultuous cheering introduced Lord A . Lennox ; I. Preston, Esq., did the like service for Mr. Coope, and the candidates having addressed the meeting, which was also addressed by Messrs. Harvey, Charles Cory, and R. Terrier, jun., Mr. Goldsmid had also addressed the electors at the " King's Head." The Maj'or and Corporation had attended the Water Frolic (Mr. Fiddes acting as Admiral). Mr. Bagshaw was of the party, but Mr. Goldsmid, although expected, did not put in an appearance. The Mayor's bespeak at the Theatre for the benefit of the Hospital had raised £25 6s. 6d. July 31st. — Mr. D. A. Gourlay had been toasted at the Water Frolic by Mr. S. Palmer, as Mayor elect. The following w^as the return of the polling : — Rumbold. Goldsmid. Lennox. Coope. kt 9a.m 174 .. .. 175 .. . . 140 .. . . 140 ,, 10 ,, .... 334 .. .. 330 .. .. 326 .. .. 323 „ 11 ,, .... 469 .. .. 461 .. . . 502 . . .. 493 ,,12 „ .... 579 .. .. 561 .. . . 601 . . .. 587 ,, 1 p.m 639 .. .. 617 .. . . 687 . . .. 674 „ 2 ,, .... 672 .. .. 643 .. . . 754 .. . . 737 „ 3 „ .... 709 .. .. 671 .. . 788 . . .. 772 ,, 4 ,, (close) 729 .. . . 698 . . .. 844 .. . . 813 Aug. 14th. — It was reported that from 200 to 300 freemen had been bi'ibed to vote for Lord Lennox and ]\Ir. Coope, audit was " confidently anticipated ' ' that those gentlemen would resign their seats to avoid exposure. 125 Aug. 21st. — The races had been hold on the 17th and 18th (Stewards : Lord Suffield, Visconnt Anson, The Hon. Capt. Rous, and George Danhy Palmer, Esq.) when Mr. 0. E. Coope's " Bit Nibble " won the Members' Plate. Lord A. Lennox had attended the Race Ordinary and suggested a course of action under which better entries were likely to be ol)tained. Aug. 28th. — Mrs. Coope (mother of the M.P.) had given £50 to the Church restoration, £50 to the Town Charities, and £10 to the Hospital. Lodgers had experienced a difficulty in finding accomodation in the town. It was anticipated that Britannia-terrace would be completed in three weeks' time. Sej)t. 4th — The new Sjmagogue in Row 42 had been consecrated, the Rev. B. Levy, of Brighton, conducting the service. Among the list of donors towards the building fund where the Mayor, Baron Rothschild, M.P., Sir Moses Montefiore, Sir S. L. Goldsmid, and F. H. Goldsmid, Esq. Sept. nth. — The British School had been repaired and re -opened by Mr. D. Tomkins (from the British and Foreign School Society, City road, London.) Mr. Goldsmid had had a bespeak at the Theatre which was ' 'very fully attended," and he had given subscriptions to most of the local charities. Sept. 18th. — Complaints were again being made as to Sunday trading. Mr. Goldsmid's friends entertained no doubt as to the success of his petition. He had entertained twenty gentlemen at the Royal -hotel. Oct. 2nd. — It was considered likely that Mr. Gour lay would decline the Mayoralty, and that Dawson Turner, Esq., would accept that office. Oct. 16th. — Mr. Dixon, of Norwich, had fitted up the tracing of the easternmost window of St. Nicholas' Church with stained glass, and the circular columns which had been removed when the Fishermen's gallery was built, were being restored. Oct. 25th. — The Liberals claimed a gain of 37 at the Revision Court. On Sunday a very large party of gentlemen and tradesmen had accompanied the Mayor to Church, it being the day appointed for the National thanksgiving for the harvest. Afterwards His Worship enter- tained them at the Town Hall, upwards of 400 invitations had been sent out for this luncheon. 126 The inovoaso of liiiildings was proceeding on the Denes vcrj^ rapidly. Coals were very soareo. On the previous Saturday a vessel had arrived and sold her cargo at 21s. per ton. Nov. 6th. — A vessel of 400 tons was about to be launched from Mr. Barber's dock. A herring had been caught off Yarmouth, measuring lo.^ inches, in length and weighing above 15 ozs. The following had been the result of the Municipal election : — North Ward. — The Mayor (W. N, Burroughs) and R. Hammond re-elected. Market Ward. — No return given. Regent ^rar^.— Samuel Charles Marsh (re-elected) with Dawson Turner (vice Tomlinson resigned). St. George's Ward. J. C. Smith (Con.) .. .. 112 J. G. Plummer (Con.) . . . . 121 T. Lettis, jun. (Lib.) .. ..103 M. Butcher, jun. (Lib.) .. 82 Nelson Ward. George Danby Palmer (Lib.) . . . . 186 William Chambers (Lib.) . . 133 Henry Jay (Con.) .. .. 113 St. Andreivh Ward. E. H. L. Preston (Con.) . . 148 William Hammond (Con.) .. .. 141 Samuel Crow (Lib,) . . . . 96 T. Hammond (Lib.) .. .. 91 Messrs. T. Lettis, T. Hammond, and S. Crow, who were old members of that body, thus losing their seats in the Council. Nov. 13th. — ^Ir. D, Turner had resigned his office as Borough Treasurer and had been re-elected for the Regent Ward. The " Cordelia " (400 tons) had been launched from Mr. Barber's yard. At the Town Council meeting on the 9th, Mr. Geo. Danby Palmer moved and Mr. R. Hammond seconded, Philip Pullyn, Esq., for Mayor. And Mr. Ferrier proposed and Mr. E. H. L. Preston seconded, the re-election of the Mayor (Mr. Burroughs). The following was the voting on this : — For Mr. Pullyn — Messrs. Cobb, Pike, Fellows, Barker, R. Hanmiond, 127 H. D. Palmer, P. White, Owles, Lawn, D. A. (rourlay, Marsh, Fish, F. Pahner, S. Pabncr, J. D. Chapman, Lettis, G. D. Pahner, Cnambers, Sj-moncls, Cannell, and Clarke. — 21. For Mr. Burroughs— Messrs. Bessey, Worship, C. Miller, Ferrier, Jaj-, Plummer, Smith, W. H. Palmer, John Hammond, Rivett, Preston, W. Hammond, and Kivett. — 13. The retiring Aldermen were Messrs. John Bright wen, C. S. D. Steward, A. Steward, \V. Walpole, C. Pearson, and S. Gobi). Nine gentlemen, were nominated to fill their places, and the following was the result of the voting : — Votes. For C. Pearson . . . . 24 S. Cobb Geo. Bateman C. J. Palmer . . W. Walpole Edmund R. Palmer R. Hammond H. Boulter A. Steward 27 12 15 22 24 25 19 1 In the evening about fifty gentlemen dined with the Mayor at the Star. Nov. 20th. — A new gas holder, which had been "dignified" by being named after the Queen, had been erected. Six vessels had taken in cargoes of herring for the Straits. Dr. C. L. Robinson had delivered a lectiure on the Sanitary condition of Yarmouth, in which he alluded pointedly to the Corporation. This was considered extremely uncourteOus to the Mayor, who had presided on the occasion. Dec. 4th. — Capt. Manby having completed his 82nd year, had made his annual distribution of bread to 37 poor families. Dec. 18th. — There had been 150 cases disposed of in the County Court; A j-oung gentleman had been fined £5 for wrenching off knockers from houses on the Denes. Dec. 25th. — The flshowners had formed a society for the prosecution of thieves, subscription 10s. for each member. 128 1848. Jan. 1.— Tho elder Brethren of the Trinity House had declined to take Nelson's Monument into their hands. The " Earl Grey," London trader, had been lost. It was said that 35 years liad elapsed since a similar fate had befallen one of these vessels. Jan. 8th. — Five vessels had been fitted out for the sole and turbot fishery in the style of the Barking smacks. Jan. 15th. — The Mayor had entertained 140 guests at a dinner in the Town Hall. The pumps in Eegent street had suddenly become dry. Jan. 22nd. — The second subscription ball had been held at the Town Hall, 120 persons were present, the Stewards being Capt. Ellis, R.N., and Richard Bell, William H. Palmer, "VV. Worship, and C. J. Palmer, Esqs. Jan. 29th. — The '* Venus," belonging to G. D. Palmer, Esq., had been lost off Elsinore. Feb. 5th. — A wild duck had been shot just above the Haven Bridge. F'^eb. 12th. — The following Committee had been appointed to try the Yarmouth Petition : — Mr. E. Ellice, Mr. Charles Lushington, Mr. W. H. C. Plowden, and Mr. H. Stuart, and they had chosen Mr. Ker Seymour their chairman. Evidence had then been taken and the pro- ceedings adjourned. Feb. 19th. — The Members had been unseated and the disfranchise- ment of the freemen suggested by this Committee. Mr. Goldsmid had arrived at the " Royal," but even his own friends were of opinion that his visit was " inopportune," owing to the Committee having recommended the disfranchisement of the freemen. Feb. 26th. — A requisition was being signed requesting Mr, John E. Lacon to offer himself as a candidate for the Borough. March 11th. — An election for a councillor in the Nelson Ward, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of j\Ir. W. Chambers had been held as follows : — Thomas Hammond (Lib.) .. 152 Robins Purdy (Con.) . . . . 52 Majority for Hammond . . 100 March 25th. — There had been an eclipse of the moon. 'I'hree hundred idle characters had proceeded to the Workhouse and demanded out- door relief, but dispersed on the appearance of the Mayor and a few constables. 129 April Sth. — Mr. W". K. Last had erected an illuminated clock in King Street which, was a great accomodation to the inhabitants. Messrs. George Danby Palmer and John Barker had been elected Haven Commissioners, and Messrs. D. A. Gourlay and E. Hammond Supemumary Commissionei-s. April 15th. — The Mayor had appointed Messrs. George Arbon and William Livingston (WTiigs), and Kobcrt Breeze and John E. Barnby (Tories) Overseers in the place of the ' ' party ' ' nominations hitherto made of these officials. May 6th. — The fair ''although pretty well attended so far as numbers was concerned was altogether as spiritless a concern as could be desired." May 13th. — From the report of the Gas Company's meeting it appeared that the balance of jprofit, after pajdng dividend on the new shares, was £625 17s. 7d. ; the rentals amoimted to £2164 lis. 5d., and the total income to £2720 3s., the expenditm-e being £2094 6s. lid. Mr. Tolver (Town- Clerk) had, at the Council meeting, formally announced his intention to retire, when the deepest regret was expressed by Messrs. George Danby Palmer, Dawson Turner, and Alderman Fenn, who wished him to re- consider his decision. William S. Ferrier, Esq., coroner, had died. May 20th. — The Eace Committee had resolved (as there were no Borough Members) not to hold any Eaces this year. A meeting of the Coimcil had been held to elect a coroner, when, in the absence of the Mayor and Deputy- Mayor who were attending the Levee, Simon Cobb, Esq., was called to the chair. Dawson Turner, Esq., proposed, and Mr. D. A. Gourlay seconded, Mr. Frederick Nathaniel Palmer (surgeon) . Mr. Eichand Hammond proposed, and Mr. Walpole seconded, Mr. Charles H. Chamberlin for the office. Capt Pike and Messrs. Worship and Sewell left the Coimcil before the voting, which was, for Mr. Chamberlin : Messrs. J. Barker, S. Cobb, Walpole, R. Hammond, sen., H. Boulter, H. D. Palmer, P. White, R. Hammond, jun., C. Miller, J. Owles, J. Fish, J. D. Chapman, E. Ferrier, J. G. Plummer, W. T. Clarke, G. D. Palmer, T. Hammond, J. G. Eivett, E. H. L. Preston, H. Butcher, and W. Hammond— 21. For Mr. Palmer: Messrs. H. FeUows E. E. Palmer, W. H. Bcssey. J. Lawn, D. A. Gourlay, S. C. Marsh, D. Turner, and S. Miller— 8. Neuter : J. C. Smith. June 3rd. — Mr. Chamberlin had held his first inquest at the " Nev^ Fountain Tavern," on the body of Elizabeth IMaria Crowe. 180 June. 10th. — Mr. Goldsmid had signified his intention of standing for the Borough, Mr. Rumbold also was likely to come forward, and Mr. Sandars, of Taplow House, Bucks, had offered himself (Mr'. Lacon not being able to stand) to the electors. July 1st. — The Rev. AV. Langley Pope, one of the curates, had married a girl of 16, the granddaughter of Mr. Woodhousc, painter, and had been dismissed from his ciu-acy. Mr. Goldsmid had determined not to contest the Borough. July 8th. — Mr. Bagshaw had met the electors at the Corn Exchange, (George Danby Palmer, Esq., in the chair,) Mr, J. Bagshaw, M. P., and Mr. J. W Shelly also addressing the meeting. July 15th. — At the nomination Mr. S. Cobb proposed and Mr. Sewell seconded, C. E. Rumbold, Esq. Mr. S. H. Aldred proposed, and Mr. W. H. Bcssey seconded, John Sandars, Esq. And Mr. T. Hammond and J. Jackson proposed and seconded, Robert John Bagshaw, Esq. The following statements of the poll were issued during the contest : — (The snmll number of votes recorded was consequent on the disfranchisement of the freemen, and the election taking place before those freemen who were entitled to do so, could qualify as Householders.) Sandars. Rumbold. Bagshaw. 10 a.m. 121 134 156 121 p.m. . . 292 279 244 1 ,, 312 301 253 n „ .. 330 323 264 2 „ 358 338 275 H „ .. 393 366 298 4 „ 416 386 300 After the declaration of the poll only Mr. Sandars' friends made any preparation for the chairing. '' Not a bit of blue ribbon was seen, and ]Mr. Rumbold's friend seemed all to have been dyed deep red." Mr. Bagshaw addressed the electors from the " Star Hotel," when Mr. J. W. Shelly made some strong observations on the conduct of Mr. Rumbold's friends in supporting ]\Ir. Sandars jointly with that gentle- man, which appear to have caused a great deal of " heart burning " in the borough and this especially so with regard to a combination known as the " Star clique." July 22nd. — ]\Ir. Edward Sewell (aquaker) who had been denounced 131 by Mr. Shelly for \-oting for Sandars and Eumbold, vindicated his conduct in this issue. The gigs of Mr. C. C. Aldred and Mr. Spencer Smyth (surgeons) had been in collision in Regent Street, and the latter gentleman and his assistant upset. The Regatta had been hold, the band of the 16th Lancers coming from Norwich, and there was an immense concourse of people present. In the first match, a purse of £60 for yachts, the following entered : — 1. — "Esk," R. Antrem, Esq., 25 tons, wliitc with red border, R.T.Y.C. 2. — " Prima Donna," J. L. Ives, Esq., 25 tons, white with blue cross, R.T.Y.C. 3. — " Mosquito," C. Mare, Esq., 50 tons, blue and orange quartered, R.T.Y.C. 4. — " Secret," I. Wicks, Esq , 25 tons, blue and white crescent, R.T.Y.C 0. — '' Gauntlet," J. Peiuice, Esq., 15 tons, red and white zigzag, R.Y.Y.C. 6.—" Blue Bell," Lord A. Conyngham, 30 tons, light blue, S.Y.C. 7. — "Daring," G. Cook, Esq., 31 tons, red bui-gee R.T.Y.C. The ' ' Daring ' ' and ' ' Secret ' ' withdi-e w under protest that the " Mosquito" did not start from her moorings. This she had done, but the hour for starting having been delayed she was obliged to remove. At ten seconds past one o'clock they all started with a stiff breeze from the S.W. The " Mosquito " took the lead after rounding the first buoy, and maintained it throughout. The " Esk " gave up the contest at 2.30, and the ' ' Blue Bell ' ' in rounding the second buoy carried away her foremast. The times at which they came in were as follows : — 1st knd. 2xD iiND. 3kd rxd. H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S. "Mosquito" .. 1 55 20 2 54 8 3 52 47 "Blue Bell" .. 2 3 33 3 12 54 4 19 31 "Prima Donna" .. 2 7 54 3 33 o8 5 10 31 "Gauntlet" .. 2 18 44 3 59 30 The "Mosquito," is a very superior vestel, built by Mr. Mai'c of 132 Blackwall, who built the " Norfolk," steampacket, of this port. Immedi- ately after the rceeipt of the prize, whieh was awarded by the Committee to whom the protest was referred, she set off for Hull to contend for the prize on Thursday. Sailing match for a purse of 20 sovereigns. Time race by Yawls of any length ; the first Yawl to have £12, the second £5, and the third £3. Four to start or no match. Time 30 seconds to a foot. Entrance 2s. 6d. 9. " Reindeer," Young Company, 70 feet. 8. " Royal Victoria," Denny's Company, 60 feet. " Royal Sovereign," Young Company, 60 feet, drawn. 7. " Bees' Wing," Star Company, 65 feet. 4. '' Queen Victoria," Holkham Company, 64 ft. 0. " Swiftsure," Southwold, 49 feet. 3. " Greyhoimd," Lowestoft, 45 feet. X '* Royal Standard," Standard Company, 51 feet. 6. " Gratitude," Star Company, 53 feet. They started 3h. 7m. 10s. The "Reindeer" and " Bees' Wing " carried away their foremasts in the first round. The " Swiftsure " and "Greyhound" gave up in the first round. The "Royal Standard" completed her first round at 4h. 34m. 51s., after which she gave up, ha\dng carried away her foremast, considerable time being lost in rigging out another which she had on board. The other boats came in : — 1st rnd. H. M. s. " Royal Victoria " .. 4 10 42 " Queen Victoria " .. 4 15 47 "Gratitude" .. 4 19 33 Sailing match by Shrimp Boats for £8. Not to exceed 21 feet in length, over all, first boat £5, second boat £2, third boat £1 ; no sail allowed but their customary mainsail and foresail, six to start or no match ; entrance Is. The following boats were entered, and started at 3h. 51m. 10s. :— The four which came in first, arrived at the winning point at the time affixed to their names, the others were not timed : — H. M. s. " Caroline," Richard Sutton, 19| feet. " Four Sisters," John Edmonds, 20 feet .. 6 11 27 " Defiance," Robert Blake, 19 feet .. 6 32 48 *' Who would have thought it," Jas. Woods, 20 feet. 2nd rnd. 3rd rnd. H. M. S. H. M. S. 5 13 44 6 15 5 5 20 46 6 21 20 5 37 54 6 49 45 133 " Paragon," William Lodge, 20 feet. " Anne," Robert Drane, 18^ feet. '* Yiper," Richard Harrod, 19 feet. "Blossom," Mrs. Lam, 19 feet .. 6 14 19 ''Robert and Maria," Robert Garwood, 21 feet 6 16 8 " Providence," Henry Hellenburgh, 20 feet. " Elizabeth," Georges Ives, 20| feet. Rowing Match for a purse of 6 sovereigns, by Beach Gigs, not exceeding six oars, and to be rowed by men belonging to distinct companies. First gig £4 ; second, £2 ; three to start or no match ; entrance Is. They started at 6h. 36m. and came in : — *' Guardian," Young Company .. 1 "Star," Star Company, did not start. " Fearnought," Holkham Company . . 3 " Jenny Lind," Lowestoft . . . . 2 The first of these came in at 6h. 48m. os. A dinner was provided at the Norfolk Hotel, at which several gentle- men were present. *' The ball in the evening was held at the Town Hall, and was very well attended, although some families in the town were prevented being present by a recent removal by death. Among those whose names we have been able to procure, were some of the Officers of the 16th Lancers and their ladies, Lord A. and Lady Conyngham, the Right Worshipful the Mayor of Yarmouth and the Misses Boulter, the Mayor of Norwich, F. Tattershall, Esq., R. Ferrier, Esq., Captain, IMrs. and Misses Pearson, 'Mr. and Mrs. Chevallier, Mr. and Mrs A. Steward Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Palmer, Mr and Mrs. W. C. Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. L. Preston, J. Wicks, Esq., Mr. and Mrs. Caldecott, Rev. E. B. and Mrs. Frere." July 26th. — On the previous Thursday ** a very calamitous accident " had occurred ; Capt. Pearson and his family had been to the Theatre, and on their return iMiss Mary Sayers walked straight from Regent Street over the Quay Head and was drowned. The body was i)icked up on the following morning. Mr. J. W. Shelly returned to the charge against Mr. Sewell, and accused him of unduly influencing a voter named Carr. At the Water Frolic the " Stranger " won the cup. The " Thorn," a " Bermudian cutter-rigged boat," belonging to Capt. Ellis, R.N., attracting- much attention. 134 Aug. oth. — Mr. Carr and Mr. Sewell repudiated Mr. Shelly's sug- gestions, and totally denied his statements to be correct. The following is the report of the inquest held on the body of Miss Sayers : — " On the 27th ult., at the house of Caj^tain Pearson, an inquest was held before Mr. C. H. Chamberlin, on the body of Miss Mary Sayers, aged 72. The body of the deceased was identified by W. H. Palmer, Esq., who stated that he left her the previous night at the door of the Theatre about ten minutes before eleven ; her sister. Miss E. l^ayers, went home in a sedan chair and deceased walked. The night was extremely dark and rainy, but no gas lamps were lighted. Captain Pearson and his family were spending the evening out, and on returning at about half- past eleven, found Miss E. Sayers in some anxiety that her sister was so long in following her. Captain Pearson immediately went to the police office to procui'c assistance m searching for her, for which pm']30se Police- constable Page took a lantern. About half-x^ast three in the morning he di-agged the river opposite the To^ti Hall, and there found the body. The watch of deceased stopped precisely at eleven o'clock. The Jury returned a verdict that the deceased w^as accidentally drowned by walking over the Quay-head, in consequence of the extreme darkness of the night." There had been a considerable discussion on the question of the election of surgeons to the Hospital, and ultimately a poll was taken as follows : — A. J. Impey, M.D. ... .. 173 John Dumi, M.D. . . . . 74 Spencer Sm>i;h .. ..227 C. B. Dashwood .. .. 18i Josh; Bayly . . . . 143 G. Dimock . . . . 28 and Dr. Impey and Messrs. Smyth, Dashwood and Bayly were declared duly elected. Aug. 26th. — An explosion had taken place on board the "Earl of Liverpool," London steam packet, off Lowestoft, by which two of the crew had been killed. St. Nicholas' Church had been re -opened after the work of restora- tion, when the Lord Bishop of Norwich preached, and 150 ladies and gentlemen partook of a luncheon at the Town Hall, amongst those present being Baron Alderson and M. Guizot and his daughter. 135 Sept. 2nd. — At the races it was remarked that the Railway, while increasing the number of people, had decreased the number of vehicles on the course, gigs, horses and private carriages being superseded by cab flies and omnibuses. The ordinary had been held at the '' Angdl," when sixty -five gentle- men sat down to dinner, for which two haunches of venison had been sent by the M.P's. One hundred and eleven ladies and gentlemen had attended the ball at the Town Hall, when the Members for the Borough, the Officers of the 16th Lancers, Mr. and Misses. Lacon, Mr. and Mrs. Palmer, Mr. I. Jermy, ]Mr., Mrs. and Miss Caldecott, Captain, Mrs. and Misses Pearson, j\Ir., jMrs. and Miss Tuck, ]Mr., Mrs. and Miss A. Steward, Mr. B. Dowson, &c., were present. The Rev. Geo. Hills, MA., P.O. of St. Mary's Quarry Hill, Leeds, had accepted the living then vacant by the resignation of the Rev. H. Mackenzie. It was remarked that none of the Corporation had attended the luncheon on the occasion of the re-opening of the Church, the Mayor stating that he could not attend the meeting as ' ' the Church ' ' was to be one of the toasts given. Sept. 9th. — The "Hudson" had been launched from Mr. Barber's yard, after extensive repairs. Sept. 2 3rd.— The Rev. G-. Hillshad "read himself in" at St. Nicholas' Church. Captain Kisbec, R.N., was making experiments with a "patent float." Sept. 30th. — The Bishop of London and Mrs Blomfield were staying at Yarmouth. The first buildings on the Britannia Terrace had been commenced, A proposition had been made to extend the esplanade and carriage drive from this to the A^ictoria Terrace. Oct. 7th.— The Good Samaritan Lodge, M.U.O.F., had held its anniversary at the Masonic Hall, F. Palmer, Esq. , in the chaii-, when about sixty members sat down to dinner, and a silver watch and gold guard chain were presented to W. Hanworth, P.G., for his services to the Lodge during the then past three years. Oct. 14th. — The wards were likely to be hotly contested in November, Sir E. H. K. Lacon being one of the candidates ; but at the Registration Court he could not substantiate his claim to be on the Burgess Roll. 136 Richard Brll, Collector of customs, had died from an attack of the gout. Oct. 2 1st. — A meeting had been held, the Ma)' or in the chair, for purpose of considering the question of the establishment of Water Works. Nov. 4th. — At the Municipal election there had been a return to the corrupt system of " feasting," and at Gorleston certain vutors were so detained all day until after the poll had closed in order to avoid a contest. The follo\\'ing was the result : — North Ward. — Mr. W. H. Bcssey and Mr. Henry Danby Palmer re- elected, no opposition. Market Ward. — Mr. Sewell retired, and Mr. Lawn was unseated. The poll being — John E. Bamby, C . . . . 123 John Fenn, C . . . . 120 (sic) James LawTi, L . . 120 ChristoiDher Steward, L . . 120 Regent Ward (sic), {a) The Mayor (P. Pulh-n, Esq.) was re-elected vAih. Mr. R. FeiTier, jun., a Tory, in the place of Mr. Lettis (a Whig) resigned. Nelson Ward. — John Symonds, L . . . . 120 A. J. Impey, L . . 114 W. H. Bamby, C . . . . 105 H.Jay, C .. .. 96 Gorleston Ward. — Messrs. Wm, H. Palmer, (L), and S. Miller (C), returned without oj)position. The result was a Conservative gain of 5 seats. {a) Evidently this should be St. George's Ward. There is no return for the Regent Ward, but Sir E. Lacon and Mr. Cherry appeared to have been in fact then returned for that Ward. [Ed. Y.M.] Nov. 11th. — At the Council meeting on the 9th, Mr. Richard Hammond proposed and Mr. Dawson Turner seconded, the re-election of Philip PulljTi, Esq., to the Mayoralty, and Mr. E. H. L. Preston, pro- posed and Mr. Fenn seconded, Mr. S. C. Marsh for that office, but upon a di\'ision being taken, Mr. Pullyn was re-elected by 28 to 15 votes. For Mr. Pullyn — Messrs. Fiddes, Bayly, Barker, Cobb, Pearson, Pike, Fellows, Walpole, R. Hanmiond, sen., Bcidter, E. R. Palmer, H. D. Palmer, P. White, R. Hammond, jun., W. N. Burroughs, D. A. 137 GoTirlay, C. Miller, W. Johnson, J. Owles, S. Palmer, J. D. Chapman, D. Turner, J. Symonds, W. T. Clarke, G-. D. Palmer, T. Hammond, A. J. Impey and J. Hammond. For Mr. Marsh — B. Fenn, W. H. Bessoy, J. Fenn, J. E, Barnby, J, Cherry, R. Ferrier, W. Worship, B. Jay, J. G. Plnmmer, J. C. Smith, W. H. Palmer, S. Miller, J. G. Rivett, E. H. L. Preston and W. Hammond. Nov. 18th.— The ease of Reg. v, Prestoii had been decided, the Court of Queen's Bench holding that the appointment of Overseers rested with the Mayor alone, and not with the Magistrates generally. The friends of Mr. S. C. INIarsh, who voted for him as Mayor had dined together at the Bear. It was stated that the Tories could not find a Mayor (mare) without going to Marsh. A high tide had flowed up to the Victoria and Britannia Terraces. Dec. 2nd. — A dinner had been given to the Mayor at the " Star" Tavern, at which Mr. W. N. Burroughs presided. The town had been thrown ' ' into a complete ferment by the report of the catastrophe at Stanfield Hall," Dec. 16th. — A meeting had been held at the Town Hall for the purpose of impressing the " obligation of the Christian Sabbath." Wm. H. Palmer, Esq., occupied the chair, and was supported by J. W. Shelly, Esq., and all the local Dissenting Ministers. John E. Lacon, Esq., had died, to the great grief of the townsfolk. Dec. 23rd. — Thos. Brightwen, C. J. Palmer and C. L. Robertson, Esqs.,had waited on the Rev H. Mackenzie and presented him with a testimonial of plate. The question of the drainage of the Denes was being considered, and a meeting had been held on the subject, R. Ferrier, Esq., in the chair. 1849. Jan. 13th — The " Cosmopolite," 312 tons register, had been launched from Mr. Brandford's yard. Feb. 3rd. — There were 1,145 boys and 14 61 girls attending the Sunday Schools, about 1,000 of whom belonged to the Established Church. Feb. 10th. — Mr John LomasCufaude had been unanimously elected Clerk of the Peace, in the place of Mr. J. Barth resigned. Feb. 17th. — Mr. Ferrier, upon wishing to leave the Council found the door locked, and made a disturbance by kicking it " with great violence." 138 The Mayor was requested to take notice of this, and on the motion of Mr. W. Worship the following resolution was jiasscd : — That " we as a Council hold the IVIayor blameless for taking anyone into custody "in protecting this Council in its deliberation." March 3rd. — Complaint was made as to the decay of the South Quay trees. March 10th. — A religious service had been held on board the " Cosmopolite," before her first voj-age, she being bound to Singapore. The Mayor (P. PiiUyn, Esq.) had entertained the Recorder, the Bar, and several friends at a sumptuous dinner at the " Star." March 30th.— Contains a full account of the trial of Rush for the Stanfield Hall miu'ders. April 14th.— The appointment of Overseers having become vested in the general body of the Justices by Act of Parliament, the first appoint- ment by them had been made. The following Justices being present : — The Mayor, S. Cobb, R. Hammond, G. D. Palmer, and J. W. Shelly, Esqs., (Whigs), and Geo. Bateman, W. H. Bessey, W. ThurteU, W. Yetts, J. C. Smith, Wm. Danby-Palmer, J, F. Costerton, E. H. L. Preston, and B. Jay, Esqs. (Tories). The following were appointed : — Wm. Green, James Borking, John Key, and Samuel Lessey. The Vestry meeting at the Guildhall had been crowded to suffoca- tion. R. Hammond proposed Mr. C. S. D. Steward for re-election, and Mr. Burroughs nominated Mr. F. Worship for re-election, and they were re-elected accordingly churchwardens for the ensuing year. April 21st. — One hundred and ten ladies and gentlemen had attended the second Subscription Ball. April 28th. — Mr. Gourlay had been elected chairman, and Messrs. Lawn and S. Norman, vice-chairmen, of the Board of Guardians. There had been no contest at the election of the Board. May 19th. — The Mayor had given a dinner at the Star. June 2nd. — The "Yarmouth Bridge Bill " had passed the Com- mittee stage, and it was confidently expected that Breydon would now be deepened. On ^A^iit-Monday the Temj)erance Society had held a meeting at the Masonic Hall, Mr. W. T. Fisher in the chair. Captain Wm. Larke, R.X., had received from the Admiralty a war medal issued for the action fought off Cape St. Vincent, on the 14th Febraary, 1797, in which glorious engagement he was signal midship- man on board the " Prince George," 98 guns. 139 A petition in favour of a national poor's rate was in course of signature. June 9th. — Col. Mason had presented a very handsome carved lectern to St. Nicholas' Church. Most of the lodging houses on or near the Victoria Terrace were let. The Marchioness of Wellesley was staying in the town. June 16th. — The report of the British School showed that there were then 200 scholars at that establishment. June 23rd. — A tailor, on tramp, had (having procured a bed at the Neptune Public -house) drank 9 pints of beer at night and 4 the next morning before proceeding to Lowestoft. June 30th. — The Lord Lieutenant, with Lady Leicester, several members of the Digby family, Mr., Mrs. and Miss WTiitbread, the Hon. Mr. Coke, Col. Porter, Lord Hastings, the Hon. Mr. Astley, Mr. F. Astley, and Mr. Norris, had secured rooms at the Victoria Hotel. The Gruildhall was in progress of demolition. There had been a good catch of mackerel, one boat having brought upwai'ds of 6,000 fish. July 1 4th. — ■ At the Regatta the following yachts competed : — " Hilda," R.T.Y.C., 25 tons; "Cynthia," R.V.Y.C, 50 tons; "Foam," R.V.Y.C, 20tons ; " Mosquito," R.T.Y.C, SOtons; " Secret," R.T.Y.C, 20 tons; and the "Juvenile," R.H.Y.C, 15 tons. The " Cynthia," won the cup. Upwards of 2,300 passengers were conveyed to Yarmouth by the Railway to witness these sports. The Mayor's windows had been broken and a reward of £10 offered. Aug. 25th. — Complaint was made that when fishing boats arrived at the Quay on Sunday, a crowd collected round the door of some public - house, and on the arrival of a salesman he was accompanied into such house and held a sale there of the fish, and that the police never interfered to prevent this violation of the Sabbath. Sept. 1st.— Lady Agnes BuUer, Sir William and Lady Wimper, and Mr. and Mrs. Wood had taken houses on Brandon Tei-race, An individual resident in the town, had, for the wager of a bottle of rum, driven a pony and cart to the end of the Jetty, for which he was taken before the Justices and fined 20s. Great complaint had been made of persons smoking cigars on Victoria Terrace to the annoyance of ladies. Reports as to the appearance of cholera were prevalent in the town. 140 Sopt; 8th. — G. D. Palmer, Esq., had presided at a meeting of sixty of the paving Commissioners, and with a view to the threatened appear- ance of cholera, the following special committee as to scavengering was appointed : — Messrs. G. D. Palmer, J. Fish, C. E. Bartram, C. Pearson, and W. Squire. St. Peter's Church had heen lighted with gas and opened for even- ing service. Sept. loth. — The Theatre had heen closed after a disastrous season, it was considered that Mr. Clarence had lost £100 by this venture. Mr. Cufaude and another gentleman amateur had appeared at the Theatre, in A new way to pay old Debts, and had been received with "rapturous applause." The Drainage question had been discussed at a meeting of the inhabitants (the Mayor in the chaii-) . Sept. 22nd — The transfer of the parsonage house from the Corpora- tion to the Vicar, had been virtually completed. Oct. 13th. — The tide had flowed up to Britannia Terrace. A bed of oysters had been discovered between the Monument and North Pier. "Dogfish" had damaged the fishermen's nets and devoured a *' large quantity of herring." Oct. 20th. — Friday having been the day appointed for "Humilia- tion and Prayer," upwards of 2,900 persons attended St. Nicholas' Church services ; in the morning the Rev. Geo. Hills preached from Micah vi., 6, 7 and 8 ; in the afternoon the Rev. H. Neville ; in the evening the Rev. G. Hills, from Numbers xxi., 48. The collections amounted to £100. Nov. 3rd. — The Market and Regent Wards had been contested. Messrs. Gourlay and Steward (Whigs) against Messrs. W. Aldred and Fyson (Conservatives) in tha Market Ward, and Messrs. J. Fish and J. D. Chapman (Whigs) against Messrs. R. D. Barber and H. R. Harmer (Conservatives) in the Regent Ward. The elections terminated in favour of Messrs. Barber and Fish in the Regent, and Messrs. Aldred and Gourlay in the Market Ward. In the North, St. George's, and Nelson Wards there were no contests, consequently Messrs. Wm. Worship, P. White, R. Ferrier, B. Jay, G. CanneU, and M. Butcher had been re-elected. In the Gorleston AVard Messrs. Clarke (Whig) and R. Steward (Conservative) had been returned. 141 Nov. 10th, — At the Council meeting on the 9th, Mr. Owles proposed, and Mr. W. Johnson seconded, Mr. D. A. Gourlay for the Mayoralty, and Mr. R. Steward proposed and Mr. Cherry seconded, the election of Mr. E. H. L. Preston to that office, when the voting was, for Mr. Gourlay 27 and for Mr. Preston 14. Nov. 17th. — A "Sanitary Inquiry" had been held before Wm. Lee, Esq. Dec. 22nd. — Mr. J as. Jackson had been elected a Councillor for the North Ward in the place of Richard Hammond, Esq., who had been appointed an Alderman, vice S. Cobb, Esq,, deceased. Dec. 30th.— £35 13s 6d. had been i^aid by Mr. Sloman to the fmids of the Hospital, on account of the profits derived from the sale of hymn books. The inmates of the Workhouse had been regaled with a dinner of plum pudding and roast beef, with a pint of strong beer each. 1850. Jan. 5th. — At the Hospital meeting it was stated that £96 4s. lid. had been collected for that institution on the general Fast Day. Mr. B. Dowson occupied the chair, and Messrs. G. D. Palmer, J. G. Cannell, W. Steele, W. H. Palmer, and Dr. Impey took part in the proceedings. Jan. 12th. — The Haven Commissioners were being urged to lengthen the Jetty, to enable vessels to land there when they could not enter the port. Jan. 19th. — An address of condolence had been voted by the Town Council to the Queen on the occasion of the death of the Queen Dowager, The parsonage house had been purchased from the Corporation by private subscription. The Revs. J. Everitt, S. Dunn, and W. Griffiths, three Wesleyan Ministers, expeUcd by the Conference, had held a meeting of their friends at the Corn Hall. Jan. 26th. — The annual meeting of the Royal Life Fund had been held, W. H. Palmer, Esq., in the chair, when the expenditure for the year appeared to have been £174 lis. 9d., as against assets amounting to £172 15s. 9d. The Rev. Bowyer Vaux had delivered a lecture on " Nineveh." The " Enterprise," steamer, was being ropau-ed by Mr. A. R. Palmer, prior to her resuming her passage between this port and Rotterdam. 142 Feb. 9th. — The fishery business was in a very depressed state, and it was computed that from £15,000 to £20,000 less cash would on that account be circulated in the town. Ninety volumes of books had been given to the library of the Young Men's Institute by the Mayor (D. A. Gourlay, Esq.), Admiral Hills and Robert Steward, Esq. Feb. 16th. — An endeavour was being made to reduce the wages paid to coalheavers. Feb. 23rd. — Disturbances had arisen on this account, and a man named Lightning had complained to the Mayor that he had been assaulted by James Miller and others because he agreed to the owners, terms. ]\Ir. Henry Pickard (reliexing officer) had been charged before the Magistrates for the manslaughter of Sarah Auger (aged 20) and acquitted. The smack ''Good Intent" had been seized and condemned as a smuggler, and Kichard Parmenter, of the White Swan Inn, and George Shirley, fish curcr, had been committed to Norwich Castle upon Exchequer writs for £8,230 each. A meeting had been held with regard to the legalisation of marriage with a deceased wife's sister (the Mayor in the Chair), when a petition in favoui" of that measure was adopted. March 9th. — The *' Sacramento " (400 tons) had been launched from Mr. H. Fellows' yard. March 16th. — Mr. Worship, Mr. Ferrier, and Mr. Jay, had attended a meeting of the Haven Commissioners, and suggested that the first stone of the bridge should be laid with Masonic honours. Mr. Benjamin Button had been appointed one of the parish surgeons in the place of Mr. William Burgess deceased. The highest tender for the ballast dues had not been taken owing to a mistake of the Deputy Town Clerk. The conduct of the prisoners in the gaol had been of an extremely disorderly character. March 23rd.— The "Eagle" (recently launched from the yard of Mr. T. Barber) had been lost off Jaffa. Mr. Barber was insured to the extent of £4,000. Five wherries had broken adrift at night and fouled the Haven bridge but they had aU been secui-ed by the river watch. March 30th.— There had been a heavy fall of snow and intense cold, the thermometer standing at 23 deg. 143 Two new oyster beds had been discovered in the roadstead, and oysters vended at Id. to 3d. per quarter. April 6th. — The first boilers ever made in the town had been manufactured by Mr. S. V. Moore, for the " Enterprize," and fixed in her at the Crane. They weighed 13 tons each. William Earth, Esq. , had died in London. Mr. Robert Waters' mill at Southtown had been burnt. It was insured for £1,600 in the Sun and Norwich Union Fire Offices. April 13th. — The death of Admiral Hills is recorded. The following Guardians had been elected : — The Mayor (D. A. Gourlay, Esq.), T. Brightwen, James Jackson, George Danby- Palmer, S. C. Marsh, J. Fish, J. Fiddes, and B. Fenn, Esqs., and Messrs. M. Blowers, R. Ecclestone, C. Steward, J. Lawn, T. Lettis, jun., S. Norman, J. D. Chapman, and S. J. Fill. April 20th. — A petition for the abolition of Church Rates was being signed in the town. April 27th. — The Congregationalists had determined to build a new chapel upon part of the site of the late Mansion of John Penrice, Esq. , in King Street, and £1,107 10s. 7d. had already been subscribed. Dr. Smyth had delivered a lecture on ' ' Respiration and Atmospheric Air," at the Y.M.I. The attendance was small. May 4th. — Contains the record of the death of Samuel Palmer, Esq., from the effects of an accident. Mr. Palmer was taking a drive in the afternoon, and while going over the Bridge his pony took fright at the firing of some cannon in commemoration of the marriage of Miss Costerton, Mr. Palmer in attempting to jimip out of his gig was thrown with great force upon his head, which injury proved a fatal one. A finely -toned bell weighing 10 cwt. 3 qrs. 14 lbs. in the key G, bearing the inscription " Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam," had been fixed in the tower of the new Roman Catholic Church. The Poor's box in the Parish Church had been broken open, and the contents, believed to be a large amount, stolen. May 11th. — Mr. E. H. L. Preston had been appointed Receiver of Admiralty Droits iu the place of Mr. Samuel Palmer deceased. The following compensation had been awarded, with regard to the properties taken for the approach to the new bridge : — Mr. Puncher ., £1,757 Mr. Teasdel . . £418 Messrs. Preston's case was going to a Suffolk jury. 144 May 18th. — The *' Boar Hotel," was being demolished for the new bridge approach. The Jury impannelled in the case of Preston v. The Haven Com- missioners, after hearing the evidence of the plaintiff, and Mr. Palmer in reply, awarded them £950 damage and £100 for the value of the land taken. May 2oth. — Rustic sports had been provided on the South Denes, at Whitsuntide, when there had been a great influx of people brought by rail and the " Earl of Liverpool " steamer. The *' Prince of Wales," Kevenue cutter, Lieut. John Allen, had brought into the harbour the " Seaflower," ha\dng on board 122 parcels of leaf tobacco of 50 lbs. each. June 1st. — The Queen v. The Justices of Great Yarmouth, as to rating Vauxhall Gardens, had been heard and the rule obtained for the parish, discharged with costs. Mr. O'Malley appeared for Mr. C. Cory, and Mr. Palmer for the parish. The Southtown tolls had been let by auction to Mr. W. Matson for £344 per annum. In 1820 these tolls had only realised £248. A large meeting had been held at the Angel inn on the subject of the exceedingl}'- high Poor's rate leaded in the parish, Mr. Richard Terrier in the chair. June loth. — It appeared from the Guardians accounts that 25 per cent, was allowed in their accounts " for waste in the consumption of meat." June 22nd. — The following persons had been elected Poor's rate col- lectors, viz., Mr. Robert Bullen, Mr. Thomas Keif, Mr. High, Mr. R. Harbert, and Mr. WiUiam Nutman. Bro. Richard Ferrier had entertained his brother Masons at Burgh Castle, in commemoration of the completion of his new mansion, the foundation of which was laid mth Masonic honours. July 6th. — JMr. Joseph Clarence had obtained a license for the Theatre for six months, subject to certnin more stringent regulations than had previously prevailed. July 13th. — The flag on the chiu'ch and the town flags on the hall had been hoisted at half-mast upon the day of Sir R. Peel's funeral. William Johnson, Esq., of Southtown, had given an entertainment on the occasion of the marriage of his daughter to William Mart, Esq., of London. July 27th. — A meeting had been held with regard to the ** Public Health Act." 145 Aug. 3rd. — A Mrs. Baker (a visitor) had attempted to commit suicide in one of Mr. Brown's bathing machines. Aug. 10th. — Youell's nurseries were in full bloom. Mr. John Morton, of Caister, had tat en the degree of a M.C.S. Edin. Aug. 17th. — The late high tide had removed nearly 60 acres of beach and sandbanks at Caister, and a shoal called the Hood, l>dng to the North of the village had disappeared. Consequent upon this there had been a large deposit of sand upon Yarmouth Beach. Robert Rising, Esq., the auditor, having applied for a summons against Mr. Henry Pickard, late assistant overseer and rate collector, on a charge of embezzling £675 13s. 8|d., at the hearing of such infor- mation the prisoner pleaded " guilty," and failing sufficient distress he was sentenced to two months' imprisonment. He had sureties to the amount of £400 who were being proceeded against. Aug. 24th.— Col. Peel, M.P., J. S. Dunkald, Esq., and Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., had acted as Stewards of the Races. The Ferries had been let by William Walpole, Esq., by auction, the upper ferry for £250, and the Gorleston ferry for £175 per annum. Aug 31st. — Lady Bolton, a niece of Lord Nelson, had visited Capt. Manby, who had been a schoolmate of his Lordship 79 years previously. Sept. 14th. — The churchwardens and overseers had been summoned before the Justices to show cause why they neglected or refused to pay over to the Gruardians the sum of £789, in accordance with their order, and the hearing of the case adjourned. Sept. 21st. — A supplemental rate of 2d. in the £had been made to meet this demand. It appeared that the Gruardians asked for £2,800 for the current quarter, but the overseers insisted that £2,200 would suffice, and only in the first instance raised that amount, hence the deficiency. Sept. 28th. — There was likely to be an appeal against this supple- mental poor's rate. A meeting of the electors for the Regent Ward had been held at the " Star and Garter " Inn, at which Mr. Thomas George presided, when S. C. Marsh and R. H. Harmer, Esqs., offered themselves as candidates, the determination of D. Turner, Esq., to retire was announced by Mr. W. Worship. Oct. r2th. — The season, in consequence of the high position Lowes- toft had taken as a watering place, had been far from prosperous. Sept. 26th. — The new Roman Catholic Church had been licensed for marriages. 146 The following tenders had been sent in for the draining the Denes: — J. Thompson, (Yarmouth), £4,424; W. Johnson, (London), £4,393; (Jr. Piggins, (Yarmouth), £4,234 19s. ; R. Page, (Yarmouth), £3,922 ; and R. Pratt, (Yarmouth), £3,715. The lowest tender was accepted ; about 7,400 feet of sewer being required. A Vestry Meeting had,been held as to the Rating of small tenements, when the poll taken on an amendment in favour of applying the Act, was 329 as against 68 against it. A special Sessions had been held to hear upwards of 250 appeals against the recently made Poor's Rate. Mr. J. H. Harrison's was the case taken, and after hearing Mr. Chamberlin on his behalf, and examining the Rate Book, Mr. Preston moved and Mr. G. Danby- Palmer seconded, and it was carried by the vote of the bench that an unequal assessment existed and the rate was accordingly quashed. Mr. Cufaude on behalf of the Overseers, then stated that he agreed to this. The decision was received with applause. Sir J. Walmesley, M.P., J. Hume, Esq., M.P., and T. Norton, Esq., attended a meeting as a deputation from the Financial Reform Association. Nov. 9th. — The result of the Municipal Election had left the parties equally balanced in the Council ; the means used in these contests having in most instances been "disgusting and disgraceful." The following was the polling : — Gorleston Ward. E. H. L. Preston, (0) W. Hammond, (C) S. Crowe, (L) F. S. Costerton, (L) J. Jackson, (L) W. N. Burroughs, (L) S. Nightingale, (C) . C. Cory, (C) North Ward Regent Ward. S. C. Marsh, (C) J. D. Chapman, (L) H. R. Harmer, (C), . F. Palmer, (L) . . 185 170 78 64 108 105 90 68 105 103 94 83 147 St. George's Ward. J. G. Plummer, (C) .. .. .. .. 130 J. C. Smith, (C) .. .. .. 116 J. Barker, (L) . . .... . . 101 Nelson Ward. G. D. Palmer and T. Lettis, (unopposed). Market Ward. C. Aldred, (C) . . . . . . . . 129 F. Worship, (C), .. .. .. .. 123 J. Owles, (L) . . . . . . . . 104 J. Cobb, (L) . . . . . . . . 84 Nov. 16th,— At the Covmcil Meeting on the 9th, 46 members being present, Mr. George Danby-Palmer proposed and Mr. P. Pullyn seconded Capt. Charles Pearson, R.N,, for the office of Mayor, and Mr. AVm. H, Palmer proposed and Mr, E. H, L, Preston seconded. Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., for that office. Upon taking the votes it appeared 25 were for Capt. Pearson and 21 for Sir E. H, K. Lacon. Mr. Ferrier then remarked " The majority for Capt. Pearson is 4, and as 10 Aldermen voted for him, he is in fact returned by gentlemen who are now out of office." Messrs. J. Fyson, Chas. J. Palmer, J, C. Smith, H, Jay, AV, Yetts, (Conservatives) and the Mayor and Messrs. J. Pike, J. Fiddes, J. Bayly, J. Barker and B. Fenn, were then nominated for Aldermen, when 42 members voted for Mr, Fenn and 21 for the other 5 party candidates, whereupon Mayor gave his casting vote in favour of the Whig Nominees, The Mayor's dinner was held at the " Star " on the following Monday, when His Worship occupied the chair and R. Hammond, Esq., the Vice-chair. D, A. Gourlay, Esq. (Deputy- Mayor) P. Pullyn, G. Danby-Palmer, H. Worship, F. Palmer, W. N. Burroughs, Esqs., and the principal Liberal members of the Corporation were present. The price of Gas had been reduced to 5s. per thousand cubic feet. H, Palmer, Esq,, had notified his intention to resign the Town Clerkship. IMr. Cufaude, Mr. C. Cory^ and Mr. J. Clowes, were spoken of as probable candidates. Mr. G. Johnson had been elected master of the Workhouse. Nov, 23rd, — The crew of a Sheringham smack had been fined £100 each, or six months' imprisonment for smuggling 2,760 lbs. of tobacco. 148 Dec. 14th. — Several houses on the Denes had been broken into, and some brushes stolen from Mr. J. Palmer's warehouse at the Bridge foot, where the thieves missed taking a considerable amount of gold and silver carelessly left on the premises. Dec. 21st. — W. Lee, Esq., had held an Inquiry as to the di-ainage of the Denes. YARMOUTH NOTES THIRD SERIES, 1851-60 ''When found, make a note of" — Capt. Cuttle. 1861. Jan. 4th. — At the meeting- of the Town Council, the Councillors for the St, George's, Market and Gorleston Wards refused to appoint Ward Aldermen "as they had no confidence" in the Aldermen recently appointed by the casting vote of the Mayor. The "Water question" was before the public, when, as to the Ormesby water with which it was proposed to supply the town, Mr. Cooper, an eminent analytical chemist, stated that such water "was turbid from the gTeen and brown matter in it " and that ' ' the large quantity (four grains) of vegetable organic matter that it contained rendered it wholly unfit for domestic purposes other than cleansing," Jan. 11th. — Chas. J, Palmer had presided at the Annual Public Library meeting, when it was stated that upwards of 5,000 books belonged to that institution. J. Tolver, Esq. had sent in his resignation as Clerk to the Paving Commissioners. Jan. 25th. — It was stated that a provisional order was about to be issued, ai)plying the "Health of Town's Act" to the Borough, thus threatening the Paving Commissioners with extinction. There was great complaint against these Commissioners for not properly lighting the Denes. Wm. Sumner, an ex- constable was bound over to keep the peace at the instance of Samuel Tolver, Esq. Feb. 1st. — The following notice appears as to No, 4, South Quay: — ' ' A tradition has long existed in connection with the Elizabethian House upon the Quay, formerly belonging to John Carter, the regicide. 150 but now the residcuce of C. J. Palmer, Esq., F.S.A., (mentioned by Noble, vol. 2, p. 340), that of the "many secret consults" which the rebels held prior to the trial and execution of King Charles I. the fatal and final one took place in a chamber in the above mentioned house, in which Carter then lived. A meeting of the chief Parliamentarian Generals was summoned, and the regicides, it is said, met early in the afternoon, and the conference, which was one of ' great secrecy,' did not terminate until near the hour of midnight, the dinner which had been ordered for four o'clock not being served until the meeting broke up. This tradition, though generally credited, had hitherto received no con- firmation to render it of historical value. The important fact has, how- ever, been placed almost beyond a doubt, as we can state on the authority of F. Worship, Esq., that in the course of the labours of the Committee recently appointed by the Town Council to inquire into the ancient records and muniments of the Borough, a record has been found of the visit of Oliver Cromwell to our town about the time alluded to, it having never yet been definitely ascertained that the Protector visited Yarmouth. We hope this very interesting discovery will induce the Coromittee to prosecute their labours, and when the valuable town docimients have been arranged and restored, the Council will see the propriety and necessity of providing some suitable depository for them." Feb. 8th. — The New Mercantile Marine Act had excited much dis- satisfaction, and several handbills had appeared urging the sailors to take action, and on Tuesday morning having "struck," they mustered in groups on the Hall- quay. Subsequently they formed in procession to the number of 1,000 and paraded the town for several hours ; they had a band and flags with them, and a board on which was written *' Do not sign the laws " and " Wages £2 158. Summer and Winter." A Seaman's Union had been formed having 450 members, and Mr. J. Teasdel having given notice that he did not intend to reduce the wages paid to his men to 50s. a month, several hundred of the men on strike, went over the Bridge and manned the yards of a vessel belonging to that gentleman, for whom they gave some loud and hearty cheers. The Magistrates refused to sign a Is. 9d. Poor rate, but such rate was subsequently signed by Mr. W. H. Palmer and Mr. J. Fenn and the rate for that amount made. Feb. 1 6th. — A meeting of the shipowners had been held at the Town- hall to consider the seamen's grievances, the Mayor in the chair, when upon the motion of Mr. Greorge Danby-Palmer, a resolution was carried 151 to obtain a repeal of tlie act of Parliament complained of, and a Committee formed consisting of six owners and six seamen with the Mayor as chair- man to give effect to such resolution ; the wages question was, however, not discussed. Feb. 22nd. — A further meeting had been held *' to take into consider- <'ation the present complaint of seamen respecting their wages, that the *' same may be equalized throughout the year whether by voyage or <* month." About 30 owners were present, and also the Sailors' Committee ; the Mayor was in the chair, and the sailors refused to be bound by their "old agreement ; " the following account is given of their subsequent pro- ceedings : — ''Since the above meeting a letter has been sent to the Mayor, annoiincing that the sailors were determined not to abide for the future by the old agreement ; and handbills were also publicly issued, announcing a *' grand procession " of the seamen of the port for the following day. Accordingly on Saturday the sailors assembled opposite to their rendezvous, at the Koyal Exchange on the Quay, to the number of about 1,500, and flags, union jacks, &c,, with a band of music having been procured, a procession was formed, which paraded the town for several hours. Th3 men were mostly respectably attired, and wore rosettes of various colours, from which were suspended the medals of the Ship- wrecked Mariners' Society. Some of the men were dressed in various emblematical characters, such as Britannia, Neptune, Amphitrite, Triton, &c., and were borne upon the shoulders of the crowd in boats, dolphin cars, &c., which were decorated with evergreens, &c., in short the whole assemblage seemed more like a triumphal procession than that of a demonstration occasioned by one of those unfortunate breaches between employers and employed, termed a " strike." Throughout the crowd a number of placards were distributed, bearing the following inscription : — *' We, the seamen of Yarmouth, hereby testify our gratitude to the " inhabitants, for the handsome manner in which they have come forward "to assist us in obtaining our just rights." Also a number of poles, terminating in tridents, fishes, &c., were borne aloft, together with a handsomely carved model ship, covered with the flags of all nations." Mr. S. S. Barber had applied to the Bench for the assistance of the civil force to protect his seamen, who had just arrived by the "Maid of the Yare," London Trader, and who had been persuaded to leave their vessel, and even threatened to be taken away by force if 152 they did not leave . The Superintendent and some of the police went dowTi to the spot, but, as the men remained perfectly peaceable, their presence was not at aU required. The following members of the Council had addressed a letter to the Treasury protesting against a proposed loan for drainage purposes, which was said to have been carried by a majority of the Council at its last meeting: — Sir E. H. K. Lacon, R. Ferrier, E. H. L. Preston, F. Worship, William II. Palmer, R. Steward, R. D. Barber, E. R. Aldred, J. C. Smith, J. G. Plummer, J. Cherry, J. E. Barnby, C. C. Aldred, B. Jay, R. Ferrier, junr., S. Miller and William Worship, and thereupon at the Council meeting a very warm discussion ensued, during which ]\Ir. C. C. Aldred was accused of ha\n.ng called Mr. George Danby- Palmer " a liar," and Sir E. H. K. Lacon (by Mr. Henry Danby- Palmer) of having made a disturbance by "kicking against the panels." March 1st. — The following Councillors subsequently addressed a letter to the Treasury in respect of these proceedings : — D. A. Gourlay, H. Danby- Palmer, J. Bayly, R. Hammond, J. Lettis, junr., J. Fish, W. T. Clarke, J. Barker, P. PuUyn, J. Jackson, J. D. Chapman, R. Hammond, junr., G. Danby-Palmer, W. N. Burroughs, C. E. Bartram, M. Butcher, J. G. CamieU, H. Boulter, P. ^Vhite, J. Fiddes and J. Pike. This issue contains the following report of the Sailors' Strike and Riot :— ' ' We have this week to record a riot of a serious nature arising out of the unfortimate strike among the seamen who, until recently, had conducted themselves in a manner highly creditable to so large a body of men placed in such circumstances. Since the ill-advised rejection, by the men, of the old agreement as to wages, there have been several mariners (as there always must be with an over- stocked labour market) quite ready and glad to sail at different rates to those proposed by those who struck ; and forseeing that if such defections from their camp continued, their strike would be unavailing, the sailors have during the last week been in the habit of parading the Quay, in gangs, for the purpose of unlawfully preventing such as were willing to go to sea from joining their ships, and partly by force, and partly by threats, several men have been deterred from fulfilling their engagements. Although these facts were known to the authorities, no steps were taken to put a stop to them, in the hope that the reasonable and peaceable portion 153 of the sailors would see how unjustifiable was the course they were pursuing, and how really destructive it was to the interests both of the owners and men. The same line of conduct was, however, continued. The first case brought before the Bench was that of Samuel Graystone, the mate of the schooner " Ant," belonging to Mr. S. ,S. Barber, who applied for the protection of the police, the men having been taken out of his vessel on Friday afternoon last. On Saturday morning, Mr. Barber again appeared before the Mayor to complain that the master and crew of the "Maid of the Yare " had been intermitted, and made to go on shore. The master having come up and corroborated this statement, the crew were sent for and asked if they were willing to go to sea, having signed articles. The master and mate said they were, but the men declined, through fear of personal violence. They were told that if they did not they must be sent to gaol, but if they were willing to go they should be protected. They then agreed to go, and were sent down accordingly with a body of the police ; the master and mate went on board, but the crew refused, and the police were therefore withdrawn, when some sailors went and ill-used the mate, throwing him over the bows of his ship on to the Quay Head. The captain also was pushed on shore. Subsequently the Bench were informed that the man Graystone had again been taken out of his vessel, which had gone to sea without him, and was then lying in Gorton Eoads. Graystone was sent for, and said he was not willing to go ; but on an information being- taken against him for refusing, he said he would if he could be protected. A steamtug was therefore ordered to convey him to his vessel, and on its arriving opposite the Town Hall at half-past two o'clock, the Magistrates agreed, before taking any other steps, to try whether the police were not sufficient to protect the men on board, notwithstanding the evident determination of a large body of sailors to prevent him. The Superintendent of Police, therefore, arranged the whole force, and with Graystone in the centre, surrounded by the Mayor and Magistrates, the escort left the station-house, distant not more than one hundred yards from the steamtug. When about half way down, the crowd, which then consisted of about 200 or 300 sailors, set up a tremendous yell and rushed upon the police, whose ranks were speedily broken, several of the police and Magistrates being struck. They rallied, and with the assistance of the Magistrates, who were mainly instrumental in preventing Graystone from being rescued, they succeeded in placing him safely on board the tug. The principal ringleaders were 154 then picked out, and after some considerable' struggling they were got into the station-house. By this time the concourse of people had increased to upwards of a thousand. Some of the men then obtained a spar or boom which was brought opposite the station-house door for the purpose of using it as a battering ram to release the six or seven prisoners within. Several stones were thrown, and a few windows broken ; upon which the Mayor immediately swore in as many persons as were willing to be special constables, and a sally was made upon the mob, and with con- siderable difficulty the spar was got away, and one or two of those who were using it were taken into custody, but being completely over- powered, the authorities were compelled to retreat with the force into the station-house. Shortly after, Cajjt. Ellis, B.N., having arrived with a body of the coastguardsmen, armed with muskets, &c,, together with some of the men from the revenue cutter, they took up a position in front of the Hall and Police-station. The Mayor then read the Riot Act, the people not dispersing, but on the contrary rather increasing, as there must then have been several thousands. Mr. G. D. Palmer addressed a few words to them from the Hall- door, imploring them to desist from the foolish course they had taken, and entreating them to disperse peaceably. A stone was then hurled at the spot where the Magistrates were standing, but it fortunately did not take effect, and the man 'who threw it was instantly secured and brought into the station-house. The following proclamation was issued by the Mayor : — " Borough of Great Yarmouth, 22nd Feb., 1851. " Notice. — A riot ha\dngthis day taken place in this Borough, and the Riot Act having been read, all j)eaceable and loyal inhabitants are desired to keep in their houses until order has been restored. And notice is hereby further given, that no assemblage of persons will be allowed. Charles Pearson, Mayor." After a consultation of the Magistrates, they unanimously deter- mined to send to Norwich for a troop of the Military stationed there. A telegTaphic message was therefore despatched, which reached the Norwich Station about half -past four o'clock. In the meantime nine of the East Norfolk Militia located here, imder Captain BrowTi, arrived, and were speedily followed by detachments of the Coastguard from the stations at Caister, Winterton, Corton, &c., who were all sworn in as special constables. The total available force for the protection of the town now amounted to 201, viz., 90 special constables, 81 ofl&cers and men of the revenue cutter and coastguard, 21 policemen, and 9 militia 155 men ; and it was determined to clear the space in front of the station- house, which, with much difficulty was accomiDlishcd, when the police succeeded in picking out and taking several of the ringleaders. Some persons consider that the people might have been entirely- dispersed without the aid of the military, but considering the over- whelming number of persons present, it could only have been accom- plished by the armed force charging among the people, which might have involved much bloodshed, if not actual loss of life, and there can be no doubt that the authorities exercised a wise and prudent discretion in contenting themselves by keeping the crowd as it were at bay, until the arrival of the military, a troop of which, consisting of 35 of the 11th Hussars, under Captain Douglas, reached the Yarmouth station by special train at about a quarter to six in the evening. A great mob of people had assembled at the terminus, and the officer in conunand refused to enter the town unless accompanied by a magistrate on horseback. J. C. Smith, Esq., accordingly having gone down, the troop, a little before seven o'clock, entered the town and cantering their horses over the quay and pavements, the crowd which had remained in front of the Police-court fled in every direction, some of them in their anxiety to escape the too near approach of the soldiers' swords, actually running- over one another. Several women were knocked down by the mob in their flight, but we believe no injuries, beyond a few broken heads and bruised limbs, were received by any one. Great numbers of persons, however, secreted themselves by the river side, and in the ends of the nimierous narrow rows in the town, under the impression that the military could not dislodge them. The Mayor, however, having issued orders for the entire quay to be cleared, the police, aided by a strong- body of special constables, were for some hours engaged in dispersing the knots of people who had collected in these localities ; patrols of the military and the police were then placed at all the principal thoroughfares leading to the Town Hall, which had been the scene of the riot, for the purpose of stopping all persons from coming that way. About eleven o'clock order having been, comparatively speaking, restored, the Magistrates consulted -with the commanding-officer, and it was agreed that the military (which now numbered 75 in all, having been joined by another troop) should retire to their quarters, holding themselves in readiness to be called out at a minute's warning. The police were sent on their regular beats, but the cutter's men and coastguardsmcn remained at the Hall during the whole of the Saturday night, as did also the special 156 constables, who were divided into three divisions, under regular captains, for the purpose of relieving- each other every four hours. At half -past nine on Sunday morning, the Mayor and ]\Iagistrates again assembled, but as cvcrj-thing had passed off quietly during the night, and as there did not seem any disposition on the part of the persons who were collected round the Hall (more by curiosity than otherwise) to commit any breach of the peace, the special constables, wdth most of the coastguardsmen were released from further duty until they should be again summoned, if required, by the alarm bell. At the close of the morning's servdce the Magistrates held a further consultation, when it was determined to draw up a report of the occiuTences which had taken place, and to transmit the same to Sir G. Grey, the Secretary of the Home Department, to whom it was suggested that it would be advisable that a war steamer should be sent down to the port until order was entirely restored. We cannot conclude our rej)ort ^\dthout bearing our testimony to the great and extraordinarj^ exertions to maintain peace and order made by our excellent Chief Magistrate, ably supported as he was by everyone of his brother Magistrates, and to the firmness and determination displayed by the Authorities may be mainly attributed to the preservation of the public peace, and the prompt and effectual suppression of the riotious spirit displayed by some thoughtless and illadvised men. It could hardly have been supposed that any friends of order could have been found ready to cast any blame upon the Authorities for the wise precautions they took, but we regret to say that some persons who, instead of coming forward to assist in presersdng the public peace, kept, to their shame, in their own houses, and who, entirely ignorant of the organisation which was on foot, presume to censure those whom they should have been the first to support. Such parties are, however, we trust, but few, for we feel sure that the course pursued on the present occasion by the Authorities, will receive the unqualified approval and sanction of all the peaceably disposed and loyal inhabitants of the town. The conduct of the Police force — as well as that of the special constables — was most meritorious and j)raiseworthy ; some of the former especially distinguished themselves for thcii' courageous conduct, but it would be invidious to make any distinction between them, as all the men in the force are equally deserving of praise. They exercised the greatest forbearance, being most grossly insulted and ill-used, notwithstanding which they abstained from using their staves until the spirit of riot being ojpenly manifested, they were dii'ected to use them by their excellent superintendent, Capt. B. Love. Police- constable \t7 Fuller lias been very seriously injured, it being feared that some of his ribs are broken ; another man who was engaged in the cowardly act of beating Police -constable Johnson while on the groimd, in his turn received a blow from the trimcheon of one of the special constables, which inflicted a very serious wound on his head. Many other persons were hurt in the course of the riot, but not that we can learn to any serious extent. It is said, however, that a man was severely wounded in the hand by the sword of one of the soldiers, he having seized the bridle and nearly thrown the latter." On the succeeding Monday the several cases were dealt with arising out of these proceedings. Mr. I. Preston appeared to prosecute, Mr. C. Cooper (instructed by Mr. F. S. Costerton) representing the prisoners. Robert Watson (for obstructing Captain Love, Siu"perintendent of Police) fined 10s. James King (for threatening E. H. L. Preston, Esq.,) fined 40s. Samuel Bowles (like offence) fined £3. John Crow (ditto) fined £1. James Harvey, William Balls and William Stoddard (ditto) dis- charged with a caution. Samuel Go wing (ditto) fined £1, Henry Walpole (charged by William Danby-Palmer, Esq., with a like offence) fined £2. James Vincent (for creating a disturbance) fined 10s. George Walton (charged by Mr. S. S. Barber) for a " rescue," fined £5. Alfi-ed Pye (for assaulting Police -constable Lattimore) fined £2. William Bee, John Creak, Benjamin Mallett, Edward Brooks, and Robert Willgrass (charged with having taken part in the riot and disturbance) were committed for trial, but Bee, Mallett and Creak were admitted to bail in two sureties of £40 each and their o^ti recognizances for £68 each. H.M. ships ''Black Eagle" and ''Lightning" had entered the Harbour and laid on the west side of the river. The Workhouse (which unfortunately contained a large number of idle and dissolute characters) had been the scene of frequent disturbances, and police had been lodged there on that account. Duiing the riot an outbreak, however, had taken place, and a ringleader named Charles Girdlestone taken into custody ; he was sentenced to 42 days' hard labour 158 for this offence, and would be sent for trial for a ferocious attack on the police. Three other paupers had been sent to the treadmill for 21 days each for refractory conduct. March 8th. — At the Quarter Sessions, (held before N. Palmer, Esq.), the riotei-s, John Creak (24), Benjamin Mallett (34), John Brooks (19), William Bee (26), and Robert Willgrass (— ), were put upon their trial. Mr. Hotson (with whom was Mr. Mills and Mr. Bulwer) prosecuted, and Mr. Evans (with whom was Mr. C. Cooper) defended the prisoners, the Jury (having deliberated for 25 minutes) returned a verdict of Not Guilty, " which verdict was received with a loud burst of applause, which lasted two or three minutes." March 15th. — The strike had ended, most of the owners having consented to sign agreements for giving the men the wages they asked for, for a period of 12 months. March 22nd. — The sailors had held a " Grand Procession with flags, " banners, and triumphant cars." In the latter were several men attired as Neptune, Britannia, &c., in the evening they attended at the Vauxhall Gardens, where there was a grand display of fireworks. — During the strike 500 stones of flour, 600 lbs. of beef, and 500 cwt. of coals, had been distributed amongst the families of the men on strike from the contributions of the inhabitants. The N.A.O.D. had met at the Trinity Arms to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Trinity Lodge, No. 220. Messrs. R, R. B. Norman, J. P. Hastings, P. A., and F. Palmer took part in the proceedings. — It was stated there were then three lodges of this order in the town. April 5th. — IMr. Ferrier and Sir E. H. K. Lacon had appealed, without success, against the rating of certain jaroperty on the Denes, on the ground " that it was not within the town." April 12th. — IMr. S. Tolver had instructed Mr. Coppock, the parlia- mentary agent, to prepare the petition against the apj)lication of the Public Health Act to the town, and this document was being numerously signed. It was proposed to form a * * Pilot ' ' Steam Tug Company (capital, £ 1,000 in £5 shares.) George Danby-Palmer and J. Barker, Esqs., had been elected Haven Commissioners, and D. A. Gourlay and R. Hammond, Esqs-, Supernum- erary Haven Commissioners. April 19th. — Mr. T. Brightwen was urging the apj)ointment of a Chaplain at the Workhouse, 159 The Conservatives had secured, for the'first'time, several seats at the Board of Guardians, the following forming the new Board : — Nominated by both parties — Messrs. B. Fenn, S. C. Marsh, and S. V. Moore. Liberals — Messrs. G. Danby-Palmer, D. A Gourlay, and T. Brightwen. Conservatives — Messrs. R. Ferrier, E. R. Aldred, C. Woolverton, W. Worship, J. G. Plmnmer, W. Laws, E. H. L. Preston, S. Nightin- gale, J. Cherry, and T. Pavil. Captain Ellis, R.N., had exlubited the model of a fast sailing yacht. Captain James Day had been fined £5 for assaulting Mr. Nolloth, tailor. The " Public Heath Act " was again being discussed by the Town Council, where Mr. Burroughs moved, and Mr. Barker seconded, a petition against the application of the Act to the Borough, and IVIr. F. Worship moved, and Mr. R. Ferrier, jun., seconded as an amendment that the Council pass to the next business on the agenda paper. Upon a division the amendment was lost by 15 to 23, and the original motion declared to be carried by 23 to 17 votes. April 26th. — At a meeting held at the Angel-inn (C. J. Palmer, Esq., in the chair) it was thought desirable 'Uo advertise the town, *' and that a saxhorn band should play daily on the principal promenades." May 10th. — The pilots of Gorleston had succeeded in establishing a Tug Company, and had purchased a boat of 45 horsepower, called " The Royal Albert." J. Hume, Esq., M.P., had introduced a deputation of Ratepayers oj)posed to the " Public Health Act " to Lord Sejonour (at the Woods and Forests OiB.ce) ; it consisted of Charles Pearson, Esq., (Mayor) ; D. A. Gourlay, Esq., (Deputy -Mayor) ; George Danby-Palmer, Esq., and William N. Burroughs, Esq., with Mr. J. H. Harrison (Secretary), while 18 members of the Council at the same time petitioned Parliament in favour of the measure. The sailors had held a meeting to consider the *' Ticket" system and the '' Muster Roll " fund. May 17th. — In consequence of the removal of the window tax, bricklayers were busy throughout the town opening out \\dndows formerly blocked up. , Mr. Cosgrove's saxhorn band was to perform on the North and South Terraces during the season. 160 The census had been taken with the following result : Houses inhabited. Uninhabited. Total. Building. 5,984 344 6,328 78 Families. Males. Females. Total. 6,154 11,544 15,014 26,558 Increase of population per cent., 10-3. This included 347 inmates of the "Workhouse. It was noted that in 1619 Manship estimated the then population of the town at 1,200 households, which would give a population of some 7,000. In 1724 a writer named Andrews stated the population at 13,000 or 14,000 ; and in 1784 when it was first accurately taken, it was foimd to be 12,608. The then returns were considered disappointing, as it was expected that the town contained 30,000 persons, but it was noted that 2,500 sailors belonged to the port, half of whom were probably not at home when the return was made. At this time Gorleston had a population of 2,586, and Southtown of 1,412 persons. John Annison, the driver of the Sutton coach, had been convicted for the fourth time of convepng passengers to Yarmouth at a greater speed than four miles an hour without having a nimiber plate on his vehicle, and fined £10 with £3 3s. costs. May 31st. — Visitors were beginning to arrive. June 7th. — A project was on foot for lajdng out the Chapel Denes as an ornamental walk for the public. June 28th. — A mushroom measuring 29 inches in circumference, with a stalk about the thickness of a man's \\Tist and weighing 2|-lbs., had been grown at Bradwell. James Gedge, a pauper lunatic, had escaped from the AYorkhouse, having only a shirt on. July 5th. — A Bill had been brought in by Lord Seymour and Mr. Comewall Lewis confirming the provisional order to applying the provisions of the Board of Health Act to the towTi. July 19th. — A petition, signed by 1,550 persons, had been presented to the House, and a deputation had waited on Lord John Eussell with regard to this action of the Government. The M.P's. for the towTi being in favour of the measure, '* had been requested to resign the trust they had abused." This action emanated 161 from a public meeting of ratepayers, over which George Danhy-Pahner, Esq., presided, and at which Mr. S. W. Bly, Mr. A. Ames, Mr. W. N. Biu-roughs, Mr. S. V. Moore, Mr. R. Hammond, and Mr. T. Parker took part. July 26th. — The Bill nevertheless passed through Committee by a majority of 92 against 12. Sir J. Walmsley had opposed and Lord Seymour supported the measure, but eventually it passed the House of Commons without a a division. The paupers were much dissatisfied at not being allowed, as formerly, to attend places of Worship in the town on Sundays. Mr. C. Houchen had delivered an address on this subject, and denounced the action of the Guardians. Aug. 9th. — It was computed that many hundreds of children in the North District were entirely without the opportunity for instruction, and it was proposed to fit up the Priory as a National School to meet thia want. Evidence had been taken by the Committee of the House of Lords upon the Public Health Bill being applied to the town, and they reported the Bill to the House without amendment ; thus there was a '* speedy *' prospect of the town being well drained and made clean and healthy in " spite of its one-idead rulers." Captain Smyth, R.N., had been raised to the rank of Post-Captain. Six hundred and thirty electors had signed a requisition calling on Messrs. Rumbold and Saunders to resign theii' seats as M.P's. for the . Borough. This would form a majority of the voters. The East Norfolk and Suffolk Horticultural Show had been held under the patronage of the Mayoress, Lady Lacon, and Mr, S. C. J. Palmer. Aug. 16th. — The 279th, andlast, meeting of the Paving Commissioners had been held, when there were present — Messrs. George Danby- Palmer (in the chair), B. Dowson, W. N. Burroughs, J. Fish, C. E. Bartram, F. Pahner, J. H. Harrison, S. V. Moore, P. White, J. Cobb, W. Crow, I. Lettis, jim., andW. H. Bessey. Mr. Beeching's newly-built lifeboat had been submitted to several tests opposite the Crane. Aug. 23rd. — Mr. Beeching's model had obtained the prize in the Lifeboat Competition at Somerset House. There were 280 models and plans sent in, the first six boats being — James Beeching, Great Yarmouth ; Henry Hinks, Appledore ; J. and E. Pellew, Newbury; William 162 Toasflol, Groat Yarmouth ; Tlarvu}' and Son, Tpswich, and George Farrow, South Shields. Aug. 30th. — The Licensed Victuallers had held a large and important meeting for the purpose of protecting their interests, S. C. Marsh, Esq., in the chair. Mr. G. Blyth (Reporter to the Norfolk Neivs) had been induced to visit at night a tower in the South-End of the town, belonging to George Danby-Palmer, Esq., when he had been assaulted by some person there, and of this he had complained to the Bench. Sept. 13th. — The Justices had refused to grant any fresh licenses at the Brewster Sessions. The ' ' Reindeer ' ' yawl (manned by Beachmen) had ^challenged the *' America " yacht to sail for £105. Sept. 20th. — The Council meeting had been broken up, leaving 20 subjects undisposed of, owing to all the Conservatives and two or three of the Liberal members leaving the meeting, which was thus reduced below the required number to form a '' quorum." Sept. 27th.— ^Ir. Hilling had been ajDpointed Town Surveyor at a salary of £80 per annum, and £250 had been proposed as the salary of the Town-Clerk, he also acting as Clerk to the newly-formed Local Board of Health Mr. Clowes, however, declined to give his assent to serve on these terms without further consideration. Oct. 4th. — There had been heavy gales and the Roadstead presented " a most lamentable scene, crowded with shipping, which had put in for " refuge to the number of some hundreds." Two of the vessels belonging to the Franklin Exploration Expedition were in the Roads. Oct. 11th. — Harris Wilshak had been charged with being concerned in smuggling 14lbs. of tobacco. At the Revision Court Mr. F. S. Costerton appeared for the Liberals, and Mr. C. Preston for the Tories. Neither party claimed any gain from the proceedings on the Parliimentary Lists, but on the Burgess Roll the Liberals claimed a gain of 19, of which 15 were in the Regent-ward, where a very warm contest was expected in November. Oct. 18th. — Mr. J. W. Crowe had been elected Surgeon to the Hospital School. The new Valuation Lists had increased the assessment of the jjarish by £47,000. Active preparations were being made for the Municipal contests. 163 Mr. Wilshak had been acquitted on the charge of smuggling. G-eorge Deacon, known as '' The Prox^het," had thrown himself into the river, as he stated that it was impossible that he should sink ; he would have been drowned but for the help of the bystanders. When taken to the Station House he was found to have £18, 2 old gold coins, and 21s. 6d. upon him. Oct. 25th. — The Priory was being fitted for National Schools. Houchen, who had been preaching against "the powers that be," had been bound over to keep the peace in two sureties of £25 and himself in £50. Nov. 8th. — The Municipal Election had been hotly contested and the partizans of the winning party (the Tories) made it " a boast of having " expended in the five wards a sum of money variously stated from £800 to £1,200." The following was the return given with the poll of 1850 appended to it ;- 108 103 97 108 Mr. Burroughs, L. . . . . 105 Mr. Nightingale, C. . . . . 90 Mr. Cory, C. . . . . 68 In this Ward the Liberals headed the poll until nearly one o'clock, when a detachment of Conservative ''runners" with some "dust" turned the election. The price of votes was high, and ranged from £8 to £12 ; and it is said that two polled for the winning party cost £20 ! Market Ward. 1851—270 Voters. Mr. J. E. Barnby, C. ,. .. 148 Mr. J. Fenn, 0. . . . . ] 32 Mr. John Cobb, L. . . . . 120 1850-261 Voters. Mr. C. Aldi-ed, C. . . . . 129 Mr. F. Worship, C. .. ..123 Mr. Owles, L. . . . . 104 ^Ir. J. S. Cobb, L. . . . . 84 North Ward. 1851- -219 Voters. Mr. ISIr. Mr. Mr. S. w J. H Nightingale, C. '. H. Bessey, C. Mainprice, L. . D. Palmer, L. •• Mr. J. 1850- Jackson, L. -208 Voters. 164 In this Ward the Liberals did not bring forward two candidates, being anxious to mark their approbation of Mr. Barnby's consistent op- position to the Public Health Act ; and here, as in the North "Ward, their candidate headed the poll until the arrival of the other portion of Conservative workers from the Regent Ward, when a sufficient number of loose fish were immediately polled to swamp the majority, at that time about twenty. The prices of votes ranged from five pounds to ten guineas at a late hour of the day. Regent Ward. 1851—244 Voters. Sir E. H. K. Lacon, C. .. ..115 Mr. J. Chei-ry, C. .. .. 114 Mr. F. Palmer, L. . . . . 101 Mr. J. Clowes, L. . . . . 90 1850—234 Voters. Mr. Chapman, L. . . . . 104 Mr. Marsh, 0. . . . . 104 Mr. Harmer, C. . . . . 93 Mr. F. Palmer, L. . . . . 84 Great exertions were used to secure the return of the out -going Councillors, and it having been almost publicly stated that the Conserva- tives were determined to win " at any cost," votes, in consequence, got up the night before the election to a very high premium — from £5 to £15 ; and "split " votes even were in very great demand at £8 and £10. One case is mentioned of a voter, in another Ward, who, forseeing the value which votes would attain, speculated in the purchase of one in this a month before the election, at the trifling sum of £3, and so profitable was the investment that on the election morning he sold it for £10. The money spent in this Ward was stated at £350. St. George's Ward. 1851—256 Voters. Mr. R. Ferrier, jun., C. .. ..126 Mr. H. Jay, C. . . . . 126 Mr. P. PuUjTi, L. . . . . 76 Mr. J. W. SheUy, L. . . . . 66 1850—250 Voters. Mr. J. Plummer, C. .. .. 130 Mr. J. C. Smith, C. .. .. 116 Mr. J. Barker, L. .. .. 101 165 Mr. Pullyn and Mr. R. Ferrier, j tin., were the outgoing Councillors, and the former was brought forward again by the Liberals, in conjunction with Mr. Shelly, the Conservatives selecting Mr. H. Jay (who had formerly contested the Nelson Ward unsuccessfully) as a colleague for Mr. Ferrier. Messrs. Pullyn and Shelly refused even to canvass the electors, and although sonio of their friends solicited the suffrages of the Ward for them, there can be no doubt, however right in principle the non- canvassing may be, it operated against them, and this, combined with the constitutional principles upon which their election was con- ducted, contributed to their defeat, money being freely spent on the other side. Much regret is felt at this result, and especially at the loss of the public services of Mr. Pullyn, after his having so long served the Ward, and after his twice filling the office of Chief Magistrate in a manner that won for him the praise even of his political opponents. Nelson Ward. 1851—341 Voters. Dr. Impey, L . . . . . . 132 Mr. S. V. Moore, L . . 132 1850—317 Voters. Mr. G. D. Palmer, L . . . . 121 " Mr. T. Lettis, L .. .. 119 The Conservatives did not contest this Ward, and Dr. Tmpey was re-elected, in conjunction with Mr, Moore in the room of Mr. J. Symonds, now non-resident . Gorleston Ward. 1851—344 Voters. Mr. S. Miller, C . . . . 136 Mr. W. H. Palmer, C .. .. 135 Mr. J. H. Harrison, L . . 76 Mr. N. Sterry, L. .. .. 74 1850—337 Voters. Mr. E. H. L. Preston, C .. ..185 Mr. W. Hammond, C .. .. 169 Mr. S. Crow, L . . . . 78 Mr. Costerton, L . . . . 64 This Ward was contested, but in rather a peculiar way, for although it was supposed that some opposition to the outgoing Councillors would be made, it was treated by the Conservatives as a " sham " one, and such it really seemed up to 12 o'clock, when the state of the poll came out with 166 upwards of 100 for Messrs. Miller and Palmer, and only about two votes for each of thi-ir ojipononts ! This, however, was only a ruse de guerre, and in a short time the voters came up almost in a body for Messrs. Harrison and Sterry, who stated in their address that in '* the short space of four hours they obtained 97 promises," and had they been sooner in the field it is thought they would have met with better success. The result of the Elections has been a gain to the Conservative party of two seats, and this reduces the two parties to a level in the Council ; the Liberals ha\e still, however, a bare majority, and it is doubted whether they will not be able to carry the Mayoralty for another year. The Conservatives, it is said, intend nominating either Sir E. H. K. Lacon, or (which is mor3 likely) Mr. S. C. Marsh for that office, whilst the names of Alderman E R. Palmer and Alderman Bartram are spoken of by the Liberals. The Bishop of Norwich, attended by the Rev. S. Hills and his chaplnin, had inspected the Priory buildings, when they were received by J. H. Hakewell, Esq., (the architect) and C. J. Palmer, Esq., (the hon. secretary to the Committee) . Mr. Worlledge had moved the Court of Queen's Bench for a " quo warranto^'' to try the legality of Mr. Hammond's election as a Councillor for the St. Andrew's Ward, and the rule had been granted. Nov. 15th. — The Hospital Vas badly supported, and it was stated that unless £150 a year in additional subscriptions could be obtained, the assistance afforded to sufferers must be abridged. A lecture on " Bloomerism " had been deliA^ered \)j Mrs. Knights at the Corn Hall in full "Bloomer" costume, but she did not appear to have achieved a marked success. Dr. Wolff (the traveller) had offered to give some lectures in the town in aid of the National Priorj^ Schools. At the Town Council for the Election of Mayor, a great crowd assembled prior to the meeting, when Sir E. K. Lacon proposed, and Mr. Fenn seconded, S. C. Marsh, Esq., to fill that offic;, and jMr. George Danby-Palmer moved, and INIr. R. Hammond seconded, the re-election of Captain Charles Pearson, R.N. Upon the votes being taken, there appeared for Captain Pearson — Aldermen Pearson, Boulter, Bartram, Bayly, Fiddes, Hammond, Pike, R. Hammond, jun., E. R. Palmer, and Barker ; Councillors Burroughs, Butcher, Cannell, Clarke, Chaj)man, Fish, Gourlay, Impey, Jackson, Lettis, Moore, G-. D. Palmer, and P. White ; total, 23. For Mr. Mai^sh— Alderman B. Fenn ; Councillors 167 C. Aldred, E. Aldred, Barber, Bessey, Cherry, Ferrier, Ferrier, jun., J. Fenn, W. Hammond, B. Jay, H. Jay, Lacon, Marsh, S. Miller, Nightingale, W. H. Palmer, Plummer, Preston, Smith, Steward, F. Worship, and W. Worship ; total, 23. And the Mayor, giving a casting vote for himself, declared himself duly elected. Subsequently the Town Clerk (Mr. John Clowes) declared that he would not continue in that office at the salary of £2o0, and it having been stated that Mr. Charles Cory would accept it on those terms, he was elected Town Clerk by 23 against 15 voices. Mr. Cory then attended, was informed of his election, and an order made on the late Clerk to hand over the papers relating to the office to him. In conclusion, the Editor expressed a hope that " on *'no future occasion will any parties be allowed to violate order and " decorum in a way so disgraceful as they did on Monday last." Nov. 22nd. — A dinner had been given to the Mayor at the Star- hotel, when 45 members of the "Council and others attended. A Poor's Rate of Is. 2d. in the £ had been made. Great dissatisfact- ion existed as to the new assessment of the parish. Nov. 29th. — Mr. Josej)h Sandars, M.P., had issued a reply to the reqmsition of the electors, justifying the course he had taken with regard to the Public Health Act. A meeting had been held with regard to the new assessment, Mr. J. H. Harrison in the chair. The town had been visited with a tremendous gale, during which several vessels had been blown out to sea. At the time of the storm there were 700 sail between this port and Lowestoft. The "Enterprise," 600 tons, had been launched from Mr. Branford's Yard ; she was christened by Miss Barber and Miss Holt. Dec. 6th. — A public meeting had been held at the Town-hall (Mr. J. H. Harrison in the chair) for the purpose of considering the Poor's Rate assessment recently made. About 400 persons attended, when the same was condemned, and a subscription commenced for the purijose of disputing the validity of it. In respect of such proceedings, Mr. F. S. Costerton had been engaged as solicitor to the owners of small tenements, and Mr. C. H. Chamberlin for the general body of appellants, estimated at from 500 to 600 in number at the least. Dec. 13th. — At the special meeting of the Town Council, " a scene ' * of much disorder and confusion arose out of some recriminations relative " the late Town- Clerk, between Mr. Burroughs and Mr. Preston, 168 Dec. 20th. — On the hearing of the assessment appeals, the rate was quashed by the Justices on the ground of unequal assessment. In these proceedings Mr. Chamberlin appeared on behalf of the Committee of Ratepayers, Mr. C. Cory for several private individuals, and Mr. Cufaude for the Overseers. Dec. 27th — The Overseers had applied for, and obtained a fresh rate of Is. 2d. in the £. It had been determined in future not to use the "St. Nicholas' Seal," belonging to the Corporation, and for practical purposes a smaller seal was to be made ; the old one had been in use since about the year 1251. The Race Committee had issued its report, from which it appeared that the income had been, for the last year, £512 Is. 3d., as against £523 3s. lid. expended. 1862. Jan. 3rd. — The new Railway Bridge had been opened. Jan. 17th. — There was further dissatisfaction in the town on the subject of the Assessment and the Poor's Rate ; a summons, obtained by Mr. J. H. Harrison against some officials for not allowing him to inspect the rate-books, was dismissed with costs. Mr. Hammond (one of the Justices) had called the attention of the Press to the manner in which on certain occasions Magistrates were *' drummed up." William Rising, Esq., of Somerton HaU, had entertained a large party of sporting fiiends at the Angel Hotel. A portion of the Gorleston Cliff had fallen away, carrying with it the Misses Barber, who were subsequently dug out of the sand below. A high tide had washed over the west side of the Harbour with such force that a vessel belonging to W. H. Palmer, Esq., had been driven from her moorings. On the Beach it flowed past the Britannia Terrace. Jan. 24th. — There were more Poor's Rate appeals, and 'Mr. J. H. Harrison being dissatisfied with the result of them, gave notice that he should carry his case to the Quarter Sessions, Jan. 31st. — Captain Manby had received a medal from the Jurors at the Great Exhibition for the life-saving models which he had exhibited there. The parish had been divided into five wards for Poor Law jDurposes ; prior to this the whole 16 Guardians had been voted for " en bloc " by the ratepayers throughout the whole parish. 169 Mr. Worlledge had again appeared before the Queen's Bench in the case of " The Queen v. Hammond," and the Court had granted the rule. Feb. 7th. — Mr. J. H. Harrison had been fined for an alleged assault on a constable, arising out of the confusion in the Court on the late hearing of the Poor's Rate appeals. He gave notice of appeal to the Quarter Sessions. Feb. 14th. — Mr. Harrison had presided at another meeting of rate- payers who were dissatisfied with the action of the Justices as to the assessment. Feb. 21st. — It was announced by a handbill signed by Mr. Harrison, that these owners had come to a satisfactory arrangement with the Overseers, and that further legal proceedings had been abandoned. Feb. 28th.— "The Queen Charlotte" and "Mad Bess" steam- packets were advertised as going to run between this port and Rotterdam. March 6th. — A meeting of shipowners had been held (S. Paget, Esq., in the chair), to consider certain representations made to them from other places, with regard to the action to be taken by their class at the next General Election, but no resolution was arrived at in conformity therewith. Henry Austin, Esq., (Secretary to the General Board of Health), had visited and inspected the towoi. March 13th. — Mr. Beeching continued to receive mimerous orders for his improved lifeboats. The Mormons had engaged the School of Industry as a *' Church." The following were the tenders for the Priory Schools : — Mr. John Key £1,120, Mr. R. Page £1,232, Mr. R. Pratt, £1,310, and a London builder £1,637. Mr. Norfor and Mr. Stanley were acting with the successful contractor. March 20th.— A meeting had been held at the King's Head Inn with regard to the representation of the Borough. Mr. J. W. SheUy was chairman, and Mr. R. Hammond, John Owles, and C. E. Bartram took part in the proceedings, which eventuated in a request to Sir Charles Napier, K.C.B., and W. T. M'CuUagh, Esq., M.P., to contest the Borough in the Liberal interest. March 27th. — The Conservatives had held a meeting at the Angel- hotel for a similar purpose. Mr. E. H. L. Preston presided. Mr. R. Ferrier moved, and Mr. W. H. Palmer seconded Sir E. H. K. Lacon as a candidate for the Borough, and Mr. B. Dowson proposed, and Mr. S. H. Aldred seconded Mr. C. Rumboldas his colleague. 170 The question of the rating of the Yauxhall property had been settled by the Court finding that the premises were in Norfolk, which was, in fact, a verdict for the plaintiff. The sum in dispute was lis. 8d., and it was estimated that the costs amounted to about f 1,000. A fire had occurred on Mr. Ecclestone's premises in the Broad Row. G. Danby-Palmer, E. H. L. Preston. E. Hammond, and W. N. Burroughs, Esqs., were early on the spot and rendered valuable assistance. Mr. George Barrett had been elected Master of the Blue Coat Charity School in the place of the late Mr. Gershom Davie. Captain Ellis, R.N., and the Coastguard had seized 162 bales of tobacco on board the collier " Martha," A quartctt meeting had been held at Noverre's Eooms, the per- formers being William Yetts, Esq., (leader), Mr. D. Hogarth, Mr. G. Sharp, and IMr. Stonex. April 3rd. — The Liberal party had held a meeting at the "Star" for the purpose of recei^^g Admiral Sir C. Xapier and "W. T. M'Cullagh, Esq., M.P., who had arrived in the town (J. "W. Shelly, Esq., in the chair) ; on the same day a public meeting of electors had been held in the Com Exchange (George Danby-Palmer, Esq., chairman), and on the platform were R. Hammond, P. PuUjoi, J. W. SheUy, J. Bayly, T. Lettis, J. Jackson, C. E. Bartram, R. Barber, C. Miller, Esqs., Captain W. Briggs, Messrs. J. D. Chapman, Chris. Steward, J. Mainprice, B. Bellin, J. Cobb, P. White, and others. The meeting was a crowded one, and the candidates appear to have been heartily received. April 10th. — W. Stirling Lacon, Esq., H.E.C.S., had invented an appliance for the more easily lowering of ships' boats, which was approved by many nautical gentlemen, including, locally. Admiral Sii' E. Travers, R.N., and Captain Pearson, R.N. The Rev. Partridge, A.M., had been recommended by the Committee to the proprietors for the post of Head Master at the Grammar School. The Priory Schools had been commenced. At the Election of Guardians, Mr. J. H. Harrison had been nominated for all the Wards, but had elected to stand for the Nelson Ward, in which he resided. Messrs. W. Green, W. Wright, S. Lessey, and J. Borking had been re-elected Overseers. Captain John Pike (9ne of the Aldermen) had died. 171 April 17th. — Mr. Riimbold, M.P., had arrived in Yarmouth, as also had Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Admiral Sir C. Napier, and W. T. McCullagh, Esq., M.P. The Tories wore making a private canvass in the evenings. The Rev. Bowyer Vaux had been appointed Chaplain to the Military- Asylum, vice the Rev. C. Davie, M.A., resig-ned. The following Guardians had been elected : — St. Nicholas^ Ward. — Messrs. Thomas Brightwcn, E. H. L. Preston, and S. Nightingale. Regent. — Messrs. W. Worshijj, S. C. Marsh, and D. A. Gourlay. St. George's. — Messrs. B. Fenn, R. Ferrier, and P. Coble, ifar^^^.— There was a contest here as under : — E. R. Aldred . . . . . . 248 W. Laws . . . . 238 Edward Harvey .. .. 161 Edward B. Jay . . . . 89 The first three were elected. In the Nelson Ward the return was — George Danby-Palmer . . . . 327 Charles Woolverton . . . . 286 S. V. Moore . . . . . . 276 W. Yetts .. .. 176 J.H.Harrison .. .. .. 147 The first four were therefore elected. Messrs. William H. Palmer and E. P. Youell had been elected by the pew-holders, Churchwardens of St. Mary's, Southtown ; and Mr. F. R. King (vice F. S. Costerton resigned) and Mr. "William Hammond had been appointed to similar ofl&ce at Gorleston. At the Yarmouth Vestry (the Rev. G. Hills presiding), Mr. R. Hammond proposed, and Mr. J. G. Fisher seconded the re-election of of Mr. C. D. Steward, and Mr. B. Fenn proposed, and Mr. F. "Worship seconded the re-election of Mr. E. R. Aldred. The Church Rate was then 2\di. in the £. At this meeting Messrs. R. Hammond and J. Davey were re-elected " auditors " for the ensuing year. April 24th. — It was said that Lord A. Lennox was ready '' to start "for Yarmouth. Meanwhile Sir E. H. K. Lacon was canvassing the electors, accompanied by about 30 leading Conservatives, and Mr. Rumbold M.P. was taking[a similar course in company with six or seven personal friends, while Sir Ci Napier and Mr. McCuUagh, M.P., were addressing crowded meetings of electors in the several Wards of the Borough. 172 At the Council Meeting, Mr. C. C. Aldrcd had publicly apologised for stating as regarded JNIr. F. S. Costerton ''that a constituency had been " defeated by the advice of a petty-fogging lawj^er." The election of an Alderman was then proceeded with, when the voting — For Mr. Yetts , , . . . . 23 ,, Mr. Pull}-n .. .. 23 And the Mayor gave his casting vote in favour of Mr. Pullj-n. Mr. Palmer had obtained a rule in the Queen's Bench for a new trial in the case of Bradstreet v Hammond. May 1st. — Contains much matter reflecting on Mr. Rumbold's present position as contrasted with his former one when connected with the Liberal party. Having completed his canvass, that gentleman had issued a joint address vnth. Sir E, Lacon, and being seriously indisposed had left Yarmouth for his country seat. The Tory Government, which had been in office six weeks, had ap- pointed Messrs. B. Fenn, T. Brightwen, J. Cherry, R. Steward, C. C. Aldred, and J. G. Plummer, Magistrates for the Borough. The Bench previously to this had consisted of Liberals, Messrs. George Danby-Palmer, R. Hammond, W. Johnson, and J. "W. Shelly, and Conservatives, J. F. Costerton, E. H. L. Preston, William Danby- Palmer, W. Thurtell, J. C. Smith, WiUiam H. Palmer, B. Jay, W. Yetts, J. Fenn, and "W. H. Bessey. The ** Disfranchised Freemen " had held a meeting and adopted a petition to Parliament, Messrs. Jacob Harvey, Nelson, Eoyal, and J. Taylor taking part in the proceedings. The agents of the Custom House had taken into custody the landlord of the " Honest Lawyer." May 8th. — The coffer-dam at the new Bridge works had "blowTiup ; " on the following day the old Bridge had been on fire. The Cricket Club had been re-established. The Freemen's Petition had received 972 signatures. A tradesman in the town had given a dinner to four old people, whose united ages amounted to 368 years. May loth.— It was stated that the Eev. - Smith had left £14,000 to endow two scholarships at Caius College for natives of Yarmouth. The Poor's Eate was to be Is. 2d. in the £, the sum of £2,521 being required for that purpose by the Guardians. May 22nd. — A salmon trout had been caught near Winterton, ha\dng a gutta percha ring on its tail with "192 Tweed 1852 " stamped upon it. 173 At a meeting of the Sailors' Association, Mr. J. D. Chapman had been presented with a silver medal. The Directors of the Victoria Building Company had dineowestoft." The Sailors marched in procession to the " Star'' where the Liberal candidates were staying with a band, colours, and chariots borne by the men, on which were "Britannia," "Xeptnne," "Triton," &c. Upon the Blue flags appeared " M'Cullagh and Freedom of Election," " True Blue and Victory," " England expects that every man will do his duty," &c. ; and on the Red flags " Lacon our Townsman," " Lacon and Rumbold for Ever," ** Church and State," and " Cheap Bread and no ^lonopoly." Mr. B. Dowson proposed, and Mr. William Hurry Palmer seconded Mr. Rumbold ; Mr. George Danby-Palmer proposed, and Mr. J. W. Shelly seconded Admiral Sir Charles Napier, K.C.B. ; Mr. R. Terrier proposed, and Mr. E. H. L. Preston seconded Sir E. H. K. Lacon ; and Mr. R. Hammond proposed, and Mr. Jackson seconded Mr. William T. McCullagh. The show of hands was largely in favour of Sir C. Napier and Mr. McCullagh, whereupon Mr. B. Dowson demanded a poll for Sir E. H. K. Lacon and Mr. Rumbold. After these proceedings the sailors again formed in procession and marched round the town, and the electors were addressed from the Star by Messrs. Uwles, Jackson, and Shelly. The poll was taken on the following day as under : — McCulla< ih. Napier. Lacon. Rumbold. 8.30 ... 66 .... 63 .. .. 46 . 43 .9 . 118 .... 116 .. .. 102 . ... 101 9.30 ... . 189 .... 185 . . .. 199 . ... 196 10 . 239 .... 233 .. . . 239 . . . . 234 11 . 268 .... 264 .. .. 278 . . . . 269 11.30 ... . 344 .... 342 . . . . 373 . . . . 352 12 . 386 .... 384 . . . . 430 . ...400 12.15 ... . 410 .... 407 . . .. 467 . , . . . 423 1 . 435 .... 430 .. ,.. 493 . . . . 455 2 . 460 .... 448 .. .. 519 . ... 472 2.15 ... . 470 .... 455 . . . . 521 . ... 473 this point (the Editor says) practices which may be imagined, and which will hereojter be described, decided the poll, and m a quarter of an Lacon. Kumbold o42 .... 492 572 .... 515 175 hour the numbers stood— McCullagh. Napier. 483 .... 463 3 .... 499 .... 476 Mr. S. W, Craekc then proceeded to serve notices upon certain electors before voting-, and Mr. McCullagh, in company with Mr. Ueorge Danby-Palmer, and INIr. J. W. Shelly, informed the Mayor that the pro- ceedings would be questioned. McCullagh. Naj)ier. Lacon. Rumbold. 3.30 .... 516 .... 484 .... 601 .... 541 4 .... 521 .... 486 .... 611 .... 547 After the close of th^ poll Mr. McCullagh again addressed the electors, and a fracas ensued, during which two or three persons were injured. July 17th,— From 7,000 to 8,000 visitors had attended the Regatta, when the Mosquito, Yolante, and Secret contended for the Club yacht prize, which was won by the iirst-named, yacht ; the Reindeer won the principal yawl prize. A crowded meeting of the Liberal electors had been held at the Star- hotel, (W. X. Burroughs, Esq., in the chair), which was addressed in a speech of two hours' length by Mr. McCullagh, with a view to petitioning against the return of Lacon and Rumbold. It was stated that the boy who was injured during the election at Mr. Feltham's was progressing favourably. An application had been made to the Bench for compensating the persons whose property had been injured on the day of election. It was stated that 40 panes of glass had been broken at Mr. Feltham's, and that the windows of the Angel Hotel had also suffered cont-iderably. July 24th. — The town was very full of visitors, and the price of provisions much enhanced thereby. July 31st. — The Mayor had not attended the Water Frolic. Aug. 7th. — A meeting had been held to consider the question of forming a Company to supply Goriest on and Southtown with gas, George Danby-Palmer, Esq., in the chair; William Johnson, S. Crowe, H. Fellows, R. S. Watling, H. Martin, W. T. Clarke, Esqs., Mr. Pag-e, Mr. Greaves, Mr. Gooda and Mr. Howes were, with many others, present. An influential committee was formed and a considerable sum subscribed in the room. A curious mural painting had been dibcovered in St. Nicholas' Church. 17(> Mr. Craskc hud recovered 30s. from George Thurlell, Esq., for damages to his coat on the Election day. On the application of Mr. Chaml)erlin for Mr. Goodcrich, and Mr. F. Ferrier for Mr. Brown, the Magistrates had signed the following orders for pajTncnt of damages and costs arising out of the Election riot : — £ s. d. £ 8. d. Mr. Brown, damages 7 Oil costs 6 13 13 13 11 Mr. Goodcrich, damages 4 costs 6 10 Magistrates' Clerk's fees .5 19 1 £29 13 Aug. 14th. — The Races had been held. Stewards : Lord W. Powlett, Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., M.P., and B. Bond Cabbell, Esq , M.P. The entries were "numerous and good" ; there were several charges brought against pickpockets before the Justices arising out of these sports. It was stated that " a Mr. John Cooper" had been the author of the several paragraphs during the late Election, of which so nuich complaint had been made. The King of Holland had presented Mr. W. Stirling Lacon with a silver medal for his invention for lowering ship's boats. Th(; Great Britain was being fitted with this apparatus. Aug. 28th. — Commander Henry J. Lacon had been appointed to the " Daring," 12, brig. W. T. McCullagh, Esq., had been staying with the Mayor, and had visited Grout's factory. Sept. 4th. — There were 1S2 aitj^licants for renewal of licenses ; no new licenses were granted, although in respect of one case the Justices divided live against live, and a " scene of confusion " ensued. Sept. 11th.— Messrs. Harrison had launched the "Water Witch," 37, smack, from their yard. The Bridge works had been stopped owing to " quicksands." Sept 18th. — The Paper appears in mourning for the Duke of Wellington. Sept. 2.3th.— Lieutenant Chambers had ascended in the Prince of Wales balloon from the A^auxhall- gardens ; it contained 36,000 cubic feet of gas. He descended on a marsh near the Norwich-road at no great distance from the place of ascent. 177 Dr. Impey's sudden and lamented death had caused a vaoanoy in the Nelson-ward, and the Conservatives had started Mr. John Clarke as their nominee. Oct. 2nd.— The *' Lady Haven Estate " in Southtown had been sold for £7,000. At the Nelson-ward Election, the oi)position to'Mr. Clarke's return was only a nominal one, the numbers being- — Mr. J. Clarke (Con.) .. .. 122 Mr. Owles (Lib.) .. .. 4 The numbers in the Council were thus balanced 24 to 24. Oct. 9th. — Records the death of Admiral Fisher. An appeal was made for the restoration of the Nelson Column. At the Registration Court, Mr. C. Chamberlin appeared for the Liberals and Mr. Cufaude for the Conservativ3S, and the former claimed a gain of 42 upon the revision. Oct. 1 6th. —At the Court held for the Revision of the Burgess Roll, Mr. Chamberlin again appeared for the Liberals and Mr. Ferrier for the Conservatives, and the former again claimed a gain upon the proceedings. It was proposed to erect a monument to the memory of the late Dr. Impey. Oct. 23rd.— Peter Le Neve Arnold. Esq., a dumb gentleman, had been found to be of unsound mind since January, 1840. This Inqurrv was conducted at the Victoria Hotel. The Bishop of Norwich had confirmed 136 candidates. Oct. 30th. — A man named Horth had been committed for trial on the charge of attempting to murder Mrs. Proudfoot. The names of Messrs. S. C. Marsh, J, G. Plummer, and C. J. Palmer (the Mayor-Elect in 1835), were mentioned as probable holders of the Mayoralty during the ensuing year. Dr. Dunne had been elected Physician to the Hospital (vice Impey deceased). Nov. 6th.— Mr. J. S. Cobb had lectured on the *• Objects and Uses of Botany." MUNICIPAL ELECTION. Regent Warcl.—BsLvhav (C) and Fish (L). St. George's Ward. — Ferrier and B. Jay (C). Nelson JFard.—W. Yetts and C. J. Palmer (C). Gorleston.—K. Steward (C) and W. T. Clarke (L.) The returns for the North and Market Wanls could not be given. 178 Nov. 13th. — At the Council Meeting Mr. Aldei-man Fennhad proposed, and Rlr. Prestou seconded, S. C". Mursli, Esq.. as Mayor for the ensuing Y«-'ar, and that gentleman was thereupon elected without opposition. Upon the r(?-election of Corporation otticer.s, Mr. Bales (the old officer) was op])osed by Mr. Collins as second Mayor's officer, and the latter appointed, 8 Liberals voting for Bales, and 21 Conservatives for Collins. The Mayor's Dinner was held at the Town-hall. Cosgrove's Brass Band attended and a nuniLer of ladies were in the gallery ; the decorations were very rich and elegant ; 186 gentlemen were present, amongst whom were — Viscount Le Franchien, Sir E. Travers, K.H., H. N. Burroughes, Esq., M.P., Rev. R. Bpnt, Messrs. T Browne, T. Brightwen, R. D. Barber, J. Baker, M. Brown, C. Brown, E. Bell, W. H. Bessey, J. Bracey, C. Cherry, C. Cory, W. Clementson, J. L. Cufaude, T. W. Clarke, C. Chamberlin, W. Dowson, C. B. Dashwood, W. H. Diver, Captain P. Eyton, R.N., R. Ferrier, B. Fenn, J. G. Fisher, Captain Gooch, R.N. D. A.. Gourlay, W. Johnson, H. Jay, B. Jay, J. Jackson, H. Matchett, S. Nightingale, E. H. L. Preston, Captain Pearson, R.N., A. Preston, William Dapby-Palmer, C. J. Palmer, W. H. Palmer, P. Pullyn, J. G. Plummer, W. Rising, Captain Smyth, R.N., F. Steward, R. Steward, S. W. Spelman, J. C. Smith, W. Thurtle, H. Teasdel, Rev. B. Vaux, Captain White, R.N., Rev. M. Waters, H. V. Worship, F. Worship, VV. Worship, H. S. Watling, J. D. Waters, W. Yetts, E. P. Youell, &c. The "Norfolk," 300 tons, had been launched from Mr. Fellows' yard. Nov. 20th. — The Right Hon. M. T. Baines had presented the petition against the return of Sir E, H. K. Lacon and Mr. Rumbold, whereupon *' Mr. Rumbold (who was present) took up his hat and left the House." The funeral of the Duke of Wellington had been observed as a general day of moiu-ning. A fire had nearly been occasioned by an accident in the Town-hall kitchen during the Mayor's Dinner. Nov. 23rd. — Sir E. Lacon and Mr. Rumbold (accompanied by Mr. W. H. Palmer) had had an intei'view with the Right Honourable J. W. Henley, and presented the Shipowners' Memorial. Sergeant Kinglake and Mr. O'Brien had been retained by Air. F. S. Costerton in the matter of the Election petition. Mr. Robert Steward had caused the Attorney -General to serve writs on several members of the Town Council, with a view to testing the validity of the renewal of leases by that body under a custom then in force 179 in the town. Mr. W. Worship strongly deprecated this proceeding. Dec. 4th. — At the Council meeting it was resolved, on the motion of Mr. Ferrier, seconded by Mr. C. C. Aldred, that the Town Clerk defend the actions so commenced at the instance of Mr. Steward. The petition had been defeated, as the Examiner had reported " the sureties to the petition to be informal and invalid." The Tories had sent the bellman round the town to announce this fact. Captain Fisher, U.N., had been appointed to the command of the " Magician," 16 gun steam frigate, 400 horse-power. It was proposed to start a " Conservative Land Society " at Yarmouth. Dec. nth. — Messrs. George Danby-Palmer, W. N. Burroughs, John W. Shelly and R. Hammond, junr., had petitioned the House of Commons for redi*ess as regarded the action of the Examiner as to the Election petition. Dec. ISth. — A public meeting had been held to consider the con- struction of "a Marine Parade and Drive." About 300 or 400 persons were pi-esent ; the Mayor presided, and was supported by Charles Pearson, Esq., R.N., C. E. Bartram, C. Aldred, J. Jackson, J. Chapman, E. Aldred, C. J. Palmer, F. Palmer, R. Dowson, C. Miller, E. Preston, J. C. Smith, R. Ferrier, H. D. Palmer, R. Steward, J. Cherry, W. C. Reynolds, F. Worship, W. Worship, &;c. Mr. 0. J. Palmer moved, and Mr. D. R. Fowler seconded a resolution in favour of the proposal ; and Mr. Amis moved, and Mr. J. Cobb seconded as an amendment *' That those who wanted " a Parade should pay for it," which amendment the Mayor declared, amid some confusion, to be carried. Dec, 25th.— A " wholesale robbery " of fish had taken place at Mr. Charles Cannell'soffi'.-e. The Government had been defeated upon the Budget, Si-r E. H. K. Lacon voting with, and ]Mr. C. E. Rumbold against, them. 1863. Jan. 8th. — A meeting of Liberal electors had been addressed by Mr. McCuUagh relative to the rejection on technical grounds of the petition against the return of the M.Ps. George Danby-Palmer, Esq., occupied the chair, and Messrs. F. S. Costerton, P. Pullyn, R. Hammond, J. Clowes, C. E. Bartram, J. Jackson, J. Bayly, W' . N. Burroughs, J. D. Chapman, J. Cobb, W. Livingstone, S. Parker, J. IVIainprice, D. R. Fowler, P, White and others were present. 180 It was rumoured that Mr. Runibold would not again offer himself for the Borough, owing to his having voted against the Clovernment, which had angered his Tory supporters. Jan. loth. — An election had heen held for a Councillor in the Gorleston Ward, owing to the death of Mr. 8. Miller. The numbers polled were — For Mr. William Hanimond . . 132 ,, Henry Danhy-Palmer, Esq. .. 88 Majority . . 44 The Tories gave *' their usual breakfast. Many of the electors on both sides did not poll." The Rev. Bowyer Vaux had presided at the Annual Public Library Meeting. Jan. 22nd.— At the " Great Metropolitan Poultry Show," E. H. L. Preston, Esq., Mr. E. Hughes and Mr. Henry Tiirrell had won prizes. One hundred and thirty persons had attended the first Subscinption Ball at the Town Hall. Jan. 29th. — Considerable progress was being made with the new Bridge works. Bro. Oswald Diver had been installed Master of Lodge Friendship at the Duke's Head. Feb, 5th. — The retm-n of paupers showed — In-door, 331: out- door, 1,289 ; cost of out-relief, £83 15s. llfd. for the week. Feb. 12th. — The Wellington Pier Bill was reported as having complied with standing orders. Mr. James W. Crowe had been appointed Medical Officer for the North District in the place of Mr. Button appointed to a similar office for the Workhouse. Feb. I9th.— Mr. C. J. Palmer brought to the notice of the Council the dilapidated state of the Nelson Monument, and Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Mr. Palmer, Mr. Burroughs, IMr. Ferrier, Captain Pearson, and Mr. Steward were appointed a Committee to consider the subject. Mr. Palmer also called attention to the state of the town's muniments, and it was agreed that Mr. Harrod should be ongaoed to arrange same at a fee of £20. Mr. Chamberlin (Coroner) required the Council to seal his appointment : this had been neglected in 1848 w^hen he was appointed to that office. Feb. 26th. — The Yarmouth Water Works Bill had been read a second time in the House of Commons. 181 March r2th. — Mr. Jarvis, jeweller, Broad Row, had been committed for trial on the charge of attempting- to defraud an Insurance Company by setting fire to his premises. March 19th. — The House of Commons Committee had decided that the preamble of the Water Works Bill was proved. Mr. Webster appeared for the promoters, and Mr. Lynda for certain landowners who petitioned against it. Evidence was given in support of the measure by Messrs. R. Ferrier, Charles Cory, W . Rising, and Spelman. April 2nd. — At the Vestry Meeting, Messrs. Steward and Aldred had been re-elected Churchwardens, and a Church rate of Ud, in the £ voted. The retiring Guardians had been re-elected. Sir Charles Napier, K.C.B., had visited the town and called on several of his more active supjiorters at the re(;ent contest. April 9th. — Messrs. Borking, Clreen, Wright, and Bradbeer had been elected Overseers. The Wellington Pier and A¥ater Works Bills had passed the Commons. The East Norfolk Militia were to meet for training on April 19th. April 16th. — The Town Council had proceeded to elect a Surveyor, when the voting was — For Mr. Laing 22 ,, Mr. Parker 15 And Mr, Laing was consequentlj^ appointed to that post. April 23rd. — The East Norfolk Militia had assembled and paraded in the Lunatic Asylum yard. April 30th. — At a meeting of the Wellington Pier ComjDany (S. C. Marsh, Esq., in the chair), it was determined to proceed with the erection of that structure at once. May 7th. — The second Subscription Ball had been attended by up- wards of 170 of the principal inhabitants of the town and neighbourhood, including the Mayor, Mrs. Marsh and part}'. Captain, Mrs. and Miss Pearson Mr, and Mrs. Caldecott, Misses Caldecott (2) and Miss Loathes, Rev. F. Steward, Mrs. and Miss Steward, Mr., Mrs., and Miss Brown (Thrigby), Mr, and Mrs, Harcourt (Burgh Castle), Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Palmer, Rev. S. T. Preston and Miss Preston, Mr. and Mrs. E, H, L. Preston and Miss H. Preston, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Sharpe, Mr. and Mrs. H, Reeve (Lowestoft), Mr, and Mrs, A. Steward and party, Mr, and Mrs, W. C, Re^molds and Miss Pellew, Rev.E, B. Frere, Mrs. Frere and party, Mr. and Mrs. R. Ferrier, Mr. and Mrs. J. Steward and IMiss Stephens. 18l> Captain and Mi.ss Money, Colonel Mason and officers of the East Norfolk INIilitia, Captain Adshrighton and the officers of the 4th Light Dragoons, See. May 14th.— Colonel Mason and the offict^'s of the East Norfolk Militia had been entertained at a Biull at the Town Hall give l)y some of the principal inhabitants. G. W. Haggard, Usq., had delivered a lecture on " The Militia." E. H. L. Preston, Esq., had been offered £31 10s. for seven chickens, hatched in February, the off -set of his prize white Cochin China fowls. May 21st.— The East Norfolk Militia had been disbanded. A Si^anish hen, the property of Mr. Josiah Stevenson, had laid an egg measuring 8 inches round, 6| inches in length, and weighing more than 3^ ounces. May 28th. — The Queen's Birthday had been celebrated, the Mayor and a number of gentlemen dining at Bird's Royal Hotel on the occasion. The Eeform Association of Great Yarmouth had been addressed by Mr. ATcCullagh in a speech of two hours' duration. June 4th. — Experiments in "table moving " were being made at the Young Men's Institute by the Hon. Sees., Messrs. John Fellows, S. C. Sothem, John Beattie and Barcham Saver. June 11th. — Sir C. Xapier, K.C.B., had been appointed Vice- Admiral of the Blue. June 26th. — The driving of the first pile of the Wellington -pier was advei-tised to take place oii the 28th inst. July 2nd. — A report of which event appears in this issue, when a marquee was erected near the Victoria Hotel, and at the request of Mr. Waddington (Chairman of the Company), Mr. S. C. Marsh (the Mayor), performed the ceremony. The following w\a8 the inscription : — " This, the first pile of the Wellington Pier, was di-iven on the 28th of "June, 1853, by S. C. Marsh, Esq., Maj'or of this borough; David " Waddington, Esq., M.P., Chairman of the Board of Directors ; Peter "Ashcroft, Esq., Engineer ; Charles J. Palmer, Esq., Secretary." In the evening between 50 and 60 gentlemen dined at the Victoria Hotel, the Mayor in the chair and C. J. Palmer, Esq., in the vice-chair. July 9th.— At the Regatta the "Phantom," "Thought," and "Maude," yachts, contended for the prize, which was won by the former. July 30th.— At the Water Frolic the " Shannon " (lateen), Brighten, Beccles, won the first, and the " Oberon" (cutter), Morton, Aylsham, th« second prig^. 183 The Monument was still in a dilapidated state . Aug. 6th— The Baptist Chapel in Row 1') had been re-opened after extensive repairs. Aug. 20th.— Mr. W. C. Nutman (clerk to Mr. J. L. Cufaude) had >)pen elected a Relieving- officer in the place of Mr. Thomas Thornton. Sep. 3rd. — John Mortlock Lacon, Esq., had died suddenly ; he was in his 68th year. At the general Licensing day it was moved by James Cherry", Esq., and seconded by R. Steward, Esq., " That no fresh licenses be granted." Mr. Clinker Newson had appealed against the poor rate on the novel ground that he was rated at too low an amount. Sep. 10th. — The " Clai-issa " barque, of 33o tons register, had been launched from Mr. Chapman's yard. Oct. 1st. — Mr. Peter Coble had died suddenly from disease of the heart before his medical adviser, Mr. C. C. Aldred, could attend him. Oct. 8th.— The Registration Court had been held, Mr. Watson (of Norwich) and Mr. Preston appearing for the Tories, and Mr. J. Clowes and Mr. W. S. Costerton for the Liberals, who claimed a gain of 120 on the Borough Register. Nov. oth. — Five hundred and fifty feet of the Wellington Pier had been opened to the public, the Corpoi-ation attending, and in the evening there was a public dinner at the Victoria Hotel in honour of the event. At the Municipal Election in the North Ward, Messrs. BuiTOughs (L) and Jackson (L) were re-elected without opposition. In the Market Ward the polling was — F. Worship (C) 125 E. R. Aldred (C) 118 J. Owles (L) 92 J. Cobb(L) 68 In the Kecjent Ward, S. C. Marsh (C) and J. D. Chapman (L) and in the St. George's Word J. Gr. Plummer (C) and J. C. Smith (C) were not opposed. In the Nelson Ward there was a contest, but no numbers are given ; Dr. Dunn and Mr. W. Thurtell (Cs) opposing the re-election of Mr. George Danby- Palmer and Mr. Thomas Lettis (Ls) who were again returned, and in ySi!. Andrew'' s Ward the -polling wa.s — H. Teasdel(C) 139 E. H. L. Preston (C) 134 S. Crowe (L) 41 W. Sterry (L) 7 184 Tho Conservatives, on tho whole, h.id inorcased their majority by ono. The following- paragraph appears in this issue :— •' Among the pass- ** cngers by the " Argo " s.s. from Sydney, is Mr. Harrison, of Great ** Yarmouth, who brings with him 3,000 ounces of gold dust, valued at " between £11,000 and £12,000.'"— Morninff Chronide. The first Subscription Ball of the season had been held at the Town Hall, 90 persons Vieing present, the hall had been re-painted a light green in lieu of the old salmon colour, and four beautiful statues of ** Clio," "Erato," and "The Dancing Girls of Canova," had been placed in the niches. Nov. 12th. — At the Council meeting, on the nomination of Mr. W. Worship, seconded by Mr. C. .1. Palmer, James Cherry, Esq., had been elected Mayor. The following Whig Aldermen then went out of office ; — K. Hammond, jun., E. R. falmer, H. Boulter, C, E. Barham, and W. Walpole with B, Fenn (C), and the following voting took place to fill these vacancies : — Mr. T. Bunn 21 , , T. Foreman 21 ,, W. C. Reynolds 27 ,, J. G. Rivett 26 „ G. S. Shingles 26 „ E. P. YoueU 26 ,, R Hammond, junr 10 ,, Boulter 6 , , J. Brown 5 ,, E. K. Palmer 8 ,, SirE. Tavers 1 „ H. Worship 1 „ S. Paget 1 Nov. 26th.— Court "Buck of the Forest," A.O.F., had been opened at the Buck Inn. One hundred and nineteen jDersons had been confirmed by Bishop Spencer at St. Nicholas' Church. Dec. 3rd. — It was proposed to establish a School of Design in the town. Captain Manby had attained his 88th year. Dec. 24th. — A parochial Museum was being formed at the Priory. 185 The Local Board District Kate was signed at Is 4^d. in the £. Dec. 31sf.. — Mr. C. J. Palmer had presided at the annual dinner of the iiubscribera of the Public Library. 1864. Jan. 7th. — Several houses had been damaged by a "fearful " storm. The "Seamen's Association" had held a demonstration with a procession round the town. At a subsequent meeting held at their Club House the following toasts were given :— " The Queen," " May " British Sailors weather the Storm," " England expects every man *' will do his duty," " The Owners and Merchants of Yarmouth," " May British Sailors never want for grog and tobacco." Jan. 14th. — The " Eleanor Palmer," belonging to W. H. Palmer, Esq., had been " totally lost " on the coast near Athens. This was the third vessel that gentleman had lost since 1853. Jan. 21st, — At a meeting of the Town Council it had been detennined to oppose the " Wavcncy Valley Drainage Bill." Captain Broadhoad, R.N., was engaged at this port raising a corps of Sea Feneibles. Jan. 28th. — The first Subscription Ball had been held, for which Copgrove's Band was engaged, and dancing kept up until four o'clock. Sergeant Johnson had been charged by Mr. George William Moore with having been drunk and assaulting him. The parties, together with Mr. Silvers, IMr. J. H. Harrison, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Howlett, and Mr. W. Wright appear to have been in Cosgrove's public-house at three o'clock in the morning, when the alleged offences were said to have been com- mitted. Jan. 28th. — N.B. This is the first issue of the Norwich Mercury as a bi-weekly newspaper. The following improvements were noted : — The new Haven Bridge and also the Wellington Pier were nearly completed. The Water Works were being formed. The South town Gas Works would soon be opened. The new Bank of Messrs. Gurney and Co., was in the course of erection. Many new streets were being formed on the North, East, and South Denes. The Marine Drive was projected. 186 The tuwn had been selected for the ^Militia Bai-iaoks, and it was said that the Victoria P^splanade was likely to be carried as far as the South Battery. On the other hand the state of the Chapel Denes had, however, long been "a disgrace to the town." There had been an " immense fleet " of vessels in the Roads. Feb. 1st. — There bad been snow-drifts o feet deep on the line between Yarmouth and Reedham. Feb. 8th.— Mr. Burroughs had, at the Council meeting, denounced certain gentlemen as " traitors to the town " and " tools of Mr. Peto." Feb. 11th. — A considerable quantity of human bones had been found near the Caister Road, which were supposed to bo the remains of persons who died of the plague and received burial from the Leper Houses which formerly existed there. Feb. 18th. — There had been extremely high tides, a violent storm, and a heavy gale. Several dockyards had been overflowed, and about thirty balks of timber h.ad been lost from Mr. Steward's yard. Feb. 22nd. — A Tradesmen's Ball had been held in the Town Hall. Feb. 2oth. — A Liberal meeting had been held at the Star Hotel, (George Danby- Palmer, Esq., in the chair) when resolutions in favour of Lord John Russell's Reform Bill and the Ballot were adopted. There had been another high tide, the Quay being in several places inundated ; the surf rolling over the old Jetty. March 1st. — Owing to the sitting of the County Court, the Council had met in the Grand Jury Room at the Tolhouse. The Seamen's wages were so high that they preferred the Merchant Service to the offers being made by Sir Charles Napier to join the Xavy. March 4th. — John Eagleton charged with having fraudulently cheated the Guardians of the Poor by delivering to poor persons receiving out- door relief bread of short weight, was found guilty, subject to a case for the opinion of the Court of Criminal Appeal, (Mr. J. Cobb and Mr. L. A. Meal being his sureties in £50 each.) March 8th. — A Tender has arrived to take off the Coastguardsmcn and Naval Volunteers, Rear- Admiral Plumridge had been siunmoned to London for the purpose of hoisting his flag in the Baltic Fleet under Sir Charles Napier. A vessel had been sent to sea manned entirely by master mariners ; the rise in wages and the attractions of the Navy having so reduced the number of common seamen. 187 March 1 1th. — The Baltic Fleet was expected to pass Yarmouth. A public meeting in favour of the Reform Bill had been held at the Corn Hall (George Danby- Palmer, Esq., in the chair), when the following gentlemen took part in the proceeding!^ : — Mr. W. N. Burroughs, Mr. McCullagh, Mr. J. W. Shelly, Mr. C. E. Bartram, Mr. J. Clowes, Mr. J. Owles, Mr. Jackson, Mr. D. A. Gourlay, and Mr. II. Hammond. March 18th. — A meeting had been held at the Star Hotel, Mr. J. H. Harrison in the chair, to consider the rating of cottage jiroperty, March 2oth —A memorial brass had been placed in St. Nicholas' Church to the memory of the late Dr. A. Impey. A meeting in favour of *' Sabbath Observance " had been held. March 20th — Contains the Royal proclamation of the war with Russia. April 1st. — The Baltic Fleet was at Kiel, and Admiral Plumridge was likely to shift his flag from the " Ijeopard " to the "St. Jean d' Acre." April 12th. — At the meeting for the Election of Haven Commiss- ioners, Captain Scott proposed and Captain Briggs seconded George Danby-Palmer, Esq. ; W. Yetls, Esq., proposed, and C. J. Palmer Esq., seconded, R. Ferrier, Esq. ; J. Jackson, Esq., proposed, and Garson Blake, Esq., seconded, J. Barker,Esq. ; H. Palmer, Esq., proposed, andS. Cobb, Esq., seconded, Richard Hammond, Esq , junr. ; and Mr. J. Owles pro- posed, and Mr. T. Lettis seconded, D. A. Gourlay, Esq. Mr. Ferrier declined to go to a poll, and thereupon Messrs. Palmer and Barker were elected Commissioners and Messrs. Hammond and Gourlay Supernu- merary Commissioners without opposition. The following had been result of the Guardians' Election : — St Nicholas^ Ward. —James Jackson, cottage owner, 200, elected ; Samuel Xightingalc, brewer, 167, elected ; John M-|ihr " had been in the Roads. Mr. John Clowes declined to pay £1 2s. due for Board of Health rate, on the grotind that the Board was indebted to him for services rendered whilst he was Town Clerk. A distress was ordered to be issued. June 17th. — Two vessels with wounded seamen were expected for the Hospital. A small steamboat, the property of J. Fenrice, Esq., had exploded near the Bridge. June 21st. — Mr. McCullough, Mr. Chambcrlin, Captain Briggs, and Mr. Scott had attended the Right Hon. E Cardwell as a deputation from the " Shipping Association." The premises occupied by the Great Yarmouth and Gorleston Institute had been j)urchased by C. J. Palmer, Esq , for £i,780. July 1st. — The Norfolk Artillery had completed their 50 days' training, the gun practice being for 24 -pounders at a target range of 1,250. A meeting to promote the " Roads Regatta " had been held. July 8th. — The month of Jime had been intensely cold on the East coast. July 15th. — The mackerel fishing had been very successful, the returns then amounting to £30,000, which sum would be jDrobably increased to £40,000 before the boats made up. July 22nd. — The "Hornet" screw frigate, 16 guns, had anchored in the Roads, on her way to join Sir Charles Napier's I leet in the Baltic. Four thousand peisons had ai lived in one day by excursion trains from Norwich, Ips-svich and L}Tin. S. M. Peto, Esq., M.P., had laid the foundation stone of the King Street Congregation Chapel; aftei wards there vas a dejeuner at the Victoria Hotel, where J. W. Shelly, Esq., presided. Lord Sondes had been appointed Lord High Steward of the Borough. 191 Aug. 2nd. — Many visitors were arriviHg-^ chiofiy from Cambridge and the Isle of Ely. A Poor's rate of Is, 6d. in the £ had been signed. Aug. 5th. — At the Roads Regatta the following yachts entered : — Name. Tons. Owner. Phantom 25 S. Lane, Esq. Thought 28 C. Coope, Esq. Sheldrake 17 Capt. Love. The Sheldrake gave up and the others were timed as follows :— 1st round. 2nd round. 3rd round. H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S Thought 12 56 1 48 U 2 41 6 Phantom 12 58 45 1 50 48 2 45 5 In the yawl match the " Queen Victoria " beat the "Eclipse," " ttoyal Victoria " and " Cambridge Lass." The dinner was held at the Victoria Hotel, the Ma} or in the chair. The Earl of Albemarle, Mr. Butcher, Mr. C. Cory, Mr. C. J. Palmer, and Mr. Seaman took part in the after dinner proceedings. Steamers continued to pass through the lioads on their way to the Baltic. Aug. 9th.— Edward Tupman and Edward Gill, captains of vessels, bound for the North, had been charged with assaulting S. C. Marsh, Esq., Deputy- Mayor, and fined £5 each or two months' imprisonment, and also 50s. each and 15s. damage to clothes, for assaulting Mr. Joseph Giles (gaoler). Aug. 12th.— Sir John Walsh am had held an Inquiry as to the Election of Guardians and *' impounded " several voting papers. The screw frigate *' Horatio " had been in the Roads and visited by numbers of persons. It was rumoured that some 40 vessels, known as " Barking Smacks " were likely to be added Lo the local fishing fleet. The Centenary of the Baptist Church, Church Plain, had been celebrated. Messrs. Chailes Gill and William Sidney had become lessees of the Theatre. Aug. 19th. -The " Amateur," lattecn (E.Brown), Norwich, won the prize at the Water Frolic. Aug. 26th. -Seven thousand excuis onists had been brought by train from Xurv. ich and other places to the Races. 192 George Winkficld (Yarmouth), John Chambers (Hull), George Bell, (Fakenham), Robert Todd (Yarmouth), J. Bitten (Yarmouth), Charles Reed (Yarmouth), and T. R. Mills (Southtown), were charged with obstructing the Hall Quay (})ut in fact for holding a religious service there.) They were defended by iNIr. Tillett, of Norwich ; Chambers was fined 40s. and costs. Aug. 30th. — " Lodgings was scarcely to be obtained" in the town. There was a band of thieves about who had extracted ' * the contents of many pockets." The question of tbo "open air preachers" was again before the Justices, when the fine proposed to be inflicted on Chambers wasabandoned, it being, in fact, admitted that, under the circumstances of the case there was no power to inflict it. Sep. 2nd. — A meeting had been held (the Rev. G. Hills presiding) to consider the further restoration of St. Nicholas' Church. Thirty boats were gone to the iScotch fisheries, and herring was sell- ing at from £8 to £14 per last. A foot race for £5 over 100 yards had been run on the South-denes, when Mr. Browne beat Mr. George Diver by half a yard. Sep. 6th. — The gas lamps at Gorleston and Southtown had been lighted for the first time. No minister had attended at St. Mary's, Southtown, to conduct the Sunday morning service. Sep. 9th.— The Justices had again refused to grant any fresh licenses. Sep. 18th. — The " Ada," a barque of 435 tons, had been launched from Mr. Thomas Barber's yard. The Rusbian Barque *' Carolina" had been sold by E. H. L. Preston, Esq., at the Star, for £1,110, and her cargo of 321 Ions of salt for £347, making a total of £1,457. Sep. 20th. — The proposed grant of a piece of land by the CorjX'ration, fur the purpose of a cemetery, had been approved by the Secretary ef State. Sep. 23rd. — The French frigate " Expeditive," 20 guns, was anchored in the Roads, and a dead body had been landed from her for interment. Sept. 27th. — The coal trade was unuKially brit-k : during the week 70 colliers had arrived at the port, and th(fcc, with Ihe other (laft there, crowded the Harbour." 193 After the 1st of October the drapers had determined to close their shops at seven d*clock. Messrs. Mann, Giles, and Freeman, ** extensive fish salesmen," had been summoned for allowing " swills " to remain on the Quay longer than necessary for their business piu'poses. Oct. 4th. — At the revision of the Burgess List, the Liberals had lodged 59 objections and put in 347 new claims, and the Tories had made 373 objections. The telegraphic announcement of the great victory of the allied armies over the Russians (Battle of the Alma) had been received shortly after eleven o'clock, and created intense excitement ; the flags had been hoisted on the Town Hall and the Church, and but for the interference with divine service, the bells, doubtless, would have sent forth a merry peal. Thanksgivings had been offered in all places of worship for the abundant harvest. Oct. 7th. — The Borough Revision Court had been engaged with the Lists for three days and a half ; the Liberals sustained 300 claims, as against 50 sustained by the Tories. Oct. nth. — Mr. Wright (who had been objected to) was charged before the Justices for assaulting Sergeant James Gowen (the Tory objector) and bound over to keep the peace. There was a warm dis- cussion on the Bench during these proceedings between Mr. R. Hammond and Mr. R. Steward. At the Revision of the Parliamentary List, Mr. Cufaude and Mr. Preston appeared for the Tories, and Mr. Costertoii for the Liberals, and the latter claimed a gain upon the proceedings. Oct. 18th. — A " great meeting" of Liberals had been held at the Star Inn ; G-. Danby-Palmer, Esq., (chairman), Captain Pearson, R.N., J. W. Shelly, Esq., R. Hammond, Esq., W. T. McCuUagh, Esq., J. Clowes, Esq., J. Owles, Esq., and Mr. Jackson took part in the pro- ceedings. At the Gaol Sessions, N. Palmer, Esq., (Recorder) and R. Steward, Esq., (acting as Visiting Justices) had dismissed the Gaol Chaplain (Rev. George Hills). This action was deprecated by some of the Justices, and ultimately the question was referred by them to the Quarter Sessions. An "impudent thief" had picked a woman's pockwt, while she waa in the Police-court. 194 Oct. 2 1 St.- The New Bridge had been completed, und formally opened to the public, at a cost of little less than £60,000. H.M, yacht '' Fairy " had arrived in the Harbour. Ladies were collecting linen rags for the wounded soldiers in the East. Oct. 2/')th. — Mr. R. Hammond and the ^layor (Mr. Cherry) weie at "loggerheads" with regard to certain statements made by the former gentleman at the Liberal meeting. The " Gajlan," a Fi-ench man-of-war, had entered the Harbour for the purpose of coaling. One hundred and thirteen young persons had been confirmed at St. Nicholas' Church by the Bishop of Norwich. Nov. 1st. — A '• patriotic fund " meeting had been held at the Town Hall, the Mayor (J. Cherry, Esq.) in the chair. Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., M.P., Sir E. Travers, K.H., Rev. J S Russell, Rev. B. Vaux, Rev. J. B. Bampton, Rev. McSwiney, C. J. Palmer, R. Steward, R. Hammond, George Danby-Palmer, J. W. Shelly, C. C. Aldred, Esqs., and Captains G-ilbertson and Roberts, and others were present, and a subscription list opened, which was headed by donations of £25 each from Messrs. Gurney & Co., George Danby-Palmer, Esq., and Sir E. H K. Lacon, Bart., M.P. Nov. 4th. — At the Municipal Election " it was rumoured that no <' small amount of ready cash had been sent into circiilation." The result of the polling was — Sf. Oeorge's Ward. Mr. H. Jay (C) .. .. 137 Mr. R. Ferrier, Junr. (C) . . 139 Captain Pearson R.N. (L) . . 99 Mr. Jas. Scott (L) . . 99 Regent Ward. Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart. (C) . . 128 Mr. J. Cherry (C) .. 126 Mr. John Clowes (L) . . . . 88 Mr. Henry Danby-Palmer (L) .. 87 Market Ward. Mr. J. Fenn 'C) .. .. 186 Mr. J. E. Barnby (C) . . 184 Mr. J. Cobb (L) .. .. 133 Mr. D. R. Fowler (L ., 123 195 Mr. S. Nightingale (C) 203 Mr. W. H. Bessey (C) 187 Mr. R. Hammond (L) 187 Mr. H. Boulter (L) 173 And the Alderman gave his casting vote in i xivour of Mr. Nelson IFard. Mr. J. Clark (C) 184 Mr. 8. V. Moore (L) 182 Mr. J. H. Harrison (L) 122 Gorleston Ward. Mr. William H. Palmer (C) 131 Mr. W. Hammond (C) 118 Mr. G. Blake (L) 61 Mr. Sterry (L) 46 ^Tessrs. Henry Palmer, C. J. Palmer, C. H. Chamberlin, Bessev William T. Clarke, E. R. Palmer, and F. W, Ferrier had been appointed Admi- ralty Commissioners. Nov. 1 1th — At the Council meeting Mr. E. H. L. Preston proposed and Mr. Worship seconded, Charles J. Palmer, Esq., as Mayor for the ensuing year, and he was elected to that office without opposition. Nov. 15th. — The question of the formation of a ** F)urial Board " was being discussed. The Naval Hospital was being prepared for 350 sick and wounded from the Black iSea fleet. Nov. 18th.— The Mayor (C. J. Palmer, Esq.), had issued cards for an entertainment at the Town Hall on the 30th inst. Mr. J. L. Porter had been appointed manager of the National Provincial Bank at Yarmouth. The Police had contributed one day's pay to the Patriotic Fund. The "Tourist," London passenger steamer, Captain Dawson, had been lost on the North Sand. She was a very old vessel, and it was stated that this woiild have been her last voyage if no accident had happened to her ; she was fully insured. Nov. 22nd. — Messrs. Gurney & Co's. new Bank had been opened. A poll had been taken on the question of the formation of a " Burial Board," when the voting on the first day was — For the Board 312 A-gainst it 311 196 A meeting of Ratepayers was subsequently held and the scheme denounced by several speakers. Nov, 29th. — The Town Council had re -appointed the Rev. G. Hills, gaol chaplain " with onlj'- two dissentients." Nearly £1,000 had been raised for the Patriotic Fund. The polling for the Burial Board had closed as under — For 468 Against 544 Majority 76 The " Sir William Jolliffe " had been placed on the station in the place of the " Tourist." Dec. 13th. — Messrs. Dumbleton, Bradbeer, Palmer, and Bunn had complained to the Bench of the obstructions on the Quay. Dec. 2.3rd.— The Council had " suspended " the sexton for alleged misconduct. The grocers and drapers had determined to close their shops on the day following Christmas Day. *' The Skimmer of the Sea," a barque of 320 tons, had been launched from Mr Branford's yard. Dec. 30th. — The East Norfolk Militia having been permanently^ embodied, had assembled under the command of Colonel Mason, but the Norfolk Militia Artillery had not been called up. T. Brightwen, Esq., had qualified as a Magistrate. Several large packages of warm clothing had been forwarded by the ladies of the town for the use of the soldiers in the Crimea. C. J. Palmer, Esq. , had entertained the inmates of the Gaol. Pickpockets were again in town, and John Webb had been robbed by them of £4 15s. Mr. Smyth had been appointed Surgeon to the Gaol in the place of Mr. H. Worship deceased. 1856. Jan. 6th.— There had been a high tide and heavy flood ; 130 yards of the rails between Yarmouth and Reedham h-id been carried away by the latter. 197 The following gentlemen had been chosen as the Library Committee. — The Mayor (C. J. Palmer, Esq.), Rev. J. B. Bampton, Rev. H. Squire, and Messrs. B. Fenn, R. R. B. Norman, .1. Bayly, and S. C. Burton. It was considered too cold to drill the Militia on the South-denes, Jan. 13th. —The following quantity of fish had been forwarded from Yarmouth during the preceding year : — Packages. Tons. Cwt. From Jan. to Sep 282,441 . . 10,591 — 10 ,, Oct. to Dec 250,981.. 9,411 — 15 Total 533,422 .. 20,003 ,, 5 During the week 20 men of the East Norfolk Militia had volun- teered for the line. At the Tract Lenders' Festival 400 persons had partaken of tea at the Priory. They were addressed by the Rev. G. Hills, Rev. G. W. Grogan and other friends. Jan. 17th. — The Norfolk Artillery Militia had received an order to be permanently embodied from the 23rd inst. Jan. 20th. — Sixty more men had volunteered from the East Norfolk Militia for the line, making a total of 300 of such volunteers in all. Winter had set in " with all the vigour and severity peculiar to this portion of the Eastern Coast." Jan. 24th. — The weather continued intensely cold, and the naviga- tion of the rivers were stopped by the accumulation of ice . The District Visiting Society was doing great work in the way of alleviating distress. Pickpockets were still at work. A woman had been robbed by one of them in the Market Row of 8s. 6d., and Mrs. Pole, of Burgh Castle, had suffered a loss of £2 1 7s. in this way. Jan. 27th. — The Norfolk Artillery Militia had assembled, — 156 non- commissioned officers and men, with the following officers : Captain Astley, Lieutenants Penrice, Tredcroft and North, Adjutant Gilberton, and Surgeon C. C. Aldred. Lord Hastings had not yet joined them. The Rev. Bowyer Vaux had announced, to the Hospital Committee that the Medical Library of the late Mr. Harry Worship would be pre- sented to that Institution. Bro. William Lucia had been elected W.M. of Lodge " Friendship," in succession to Bro. Oswald Diver. 198 Fob, 14th.— The husiness of the Port had been much affected by the rigour of the weather . Fel). 17th. — Thirty-four men had vohinteered from the Norfolk INIilitia Artillery for the Royal Artillery. The South-quay was blocked by the coal carts near the Town Hall, and great complaints being made about this it was suggested that the colliers should unload at a wider part of the quay. Feb. 2l8t. — Thfi Subscription Ball had been attended by the Mayor and Mrs. Charles Palmer, Lieutenant-Colonel IMason, the Honourable Mr. Harbord, Mr. Astley, Mr. Graver Brown, Mrs. E. Graver Brown, Reverend A. B. Sm}i;h, Captain Gay, Captain and Mrs. Rippingall, Captain and Mrs. Mathew, Captain, Mrs., and Miss Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. Meadwell, Mr., Mrs., and Miss E. H. L. Preston, Mr., Mrs., and Miss Marsh, Mr., Mrs., and the Misses. Steward, Mr. and Miss Chevallier, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. Ferrier, Mr. Smith, (East Norfolk Militia) Mr. Smyth (East Norfolk Militia) and Mrs. Smyth, Mr. Palgrave, Mr. and the Misses Barber, Mr. Boycott, Mr. Press, Mr. Aldred, Mr. EjTe, &c., &c. The town was infested by a gang of thieves. Four deserters from the Royal Na\'3'' had been captured in the town. A meeting had been held for the relief of the poor, the Mayor presided, and the Rev. G. Hills, and Messrs. R. Hammond, E. H. L. Preston, T. Bright wen, S. Dowson, R. Steward, R, Ferrier, and VV. N. Burroughs took part in the proceedings. Mr. George Danby-Palmer sent £10 to the fund, and more than £200 was then collected in the room. Feb. 24th --Full power to act as a Burial Board had been vested in the Town Council, and the following Committee of that body appointed to carry out the Act : — The Mayor, and Messrs. R. Ferrier, F. Worship, E. R. Aldred, W. N. Burroughs, J. Jackson, C. E. Bartram, P. PuUyn, and T. Foreman. Feb. 28th. — A thaw had commenced, and \t was hoped that the River traffic would soon be able to be resumed. Mr. Gyngell had superintended a grand display of fireworks on the Star Quay, which was witnessed by about 7,000 or 8,000 persons. March 3rd. — A ship of war was likely to be stationed in the Roads to protect the shipping there. The first of the frozen-in wherries had been liberated at Reedham, and the Steam Packet communication had been resumed with London, 199 March 10th.— The Norfolk Militia Artillery had been removed to London en route for Eastbourne ; when 170 men and the following- officers, Captain Penrice, Adjutant Gilbertson, Lieutenants Tredcroft, North, and Micklewaite, left the town. A meeting-, at the Angel Hotel, had been held for the purpose of establishing- a pack of harriers ; Mr. H. Grimmer was chairman, Mr. Jex, of Hopton, undertook to piu'chase the hoimds, and Mr. J. L. Cufaude to act as honorary secretary to the Committee. ]March 14th.— The Market was to be held on Tuesday the 20th, as Wednesday, the '21st, had been proclaimed a day for fasting and humiliation. The Batteries were being armed with 24 -pounders, and it w£S pro- posed to construct a fort on Gorlestou Cliff, to be armed with 68 pound guns. March 17th. — Lectures had been delivered by the liev. R. Cory on " Jerusalem," and by Mr Craft (a man of colour) upon " Amei-ican Slavery." Bro. Robert Harmer had presided at the annual dinner of the " Druids, Trinity Lodge, 220." March 21st — Several complaints had been made of unprovoked assaults V)y members of the East Norfolk Militia upon respectable inhabitants of the town. March 24th. — At the Quarter Sessions, the Grand Jury presented the foul state of the Court House at the Tolhouse. The national Fast Day had been strictly observed. Robberies continued to be very frequently committed in the town. April 4th. — H.M.S. '* Harrier " (17 guns) was then stationed in the Roads, and a rendezvous had been opened for Volunteers to the North Sea fleet. Three hundred men of the East Norfolk Militia had claimed a right to be dismissed, having served 56 days in the then year under the terms of their enlistments, and they were dismissed accordingly. April 7th. — Messrs Green, Borking, Clayton, and Harbord had been appointed Overseers, which, as a " partizan " step, was justified by Mr. C. C. Aldred, and objected to by Mr. R. Hammond. April 14th. — A militiaman had been buried with military honours. Messrs. Aldred and Steward had been re-elected Churchwardens by the Vestry. The Vestry decided on the question of making- a Church rate, when 200 there appeared 64 for and 87 against the rate, but the r aajori press the matter any further, and ult imately a rate of 1 M. in agreed to. The Guardians' Election had resulted as follows : — North Ward. Mr. J. Jackson (L) 258 Mr. J. Mainprice (L) 252 Mr. J. W. Craske (L) . . 198 Mr. S. Nightingale (C) 246 Mr. E. H. L. Preston (C) 214 Mr. W. Wright (C) 193 Market Ward. Mr. D. A. Gourlay (L) 226 Mr. C. Steward (L) ,, 165 Mr. A. Ames (L) 136 Mr. H. Laws (C) 252 Mr. C. C. Aldred (C) . . 247 Mr. J. Browne (C) 200 Regent Ward. Mr. John Clowes (L) . . 120 Mr. F. Palmer (L) 147 Mr. J. A. Norman (L) 147 Mr. W. Worship C) .. 198 Mr. S. C. Marsh (C) 196 Mr. T. Foreman (C) . . 164 St. George' s Ward. Mr. T. Lettis, Jun., (L) 159 Mr. J. Scott (L) 127 Mr. B. Fenn (C) 223 Mr. K. FeiTier (C) 217 Mr. J. G. Plummer (C) 194 Nelson Ward. Mr. J. H. Harrison (L) 203 Mr. G. Danby-Palmer (L) ,, 226 Mr. S. V. Moore (L) . . .. 193 Mr. W. T. Fisher (L) 131 Mr. W. C. Reynolds (C) 176 Mr. J, Clark (C) 187 Mr. C. Woolverton (C) , . 249 Mr. T. Brightwen (C) .. 218 201 April 18th. — A proposal had been made to have all the houses in the town numbered. April 25th. — A purse of money had been presented to Mr. Farrow, the Secretary of the Liberal Association, " for his long- continued service in the Reform cause." April 28th. — The Poor's Rate was estimated at Is. 6d. in the £, to meet £3,000 required by the Guardians tor the Quarter, who had then £430 in hand to meet demands amounting to £1,450. May 2nd.— Mr. Lane had been appointed Collector of Poor's rates for the Market Ward, Greorge Danby- Palmer, Esq., had almost entirely recovered from the indisposition which he had been suffering from during the winter, and it was proposed to entertain him at a public dinner. May 5th. — The new burial ground comprised about 10 acres in extent, and the following tender was recommended by the Committee to the Council : J. Thompson, for walls, £1,388 ; gates, £50 ; leveling, £110 ; total, £1,548, with respect to fitting it for use. Nelson's Column was still allowed to fall into decay. May 9th. — Mr. Allcock had been appointed Poor's Rate Collector for the Nelson and Regent Wards. The sale of part of the landed properly of the late Mr. Ambrose Palmer had taken place, the ship -yard and docks bringing £1,100 and £900 respectively. The leasehold premises on the west side of the river were bought by Mr. Joseph Powell, and the building sites near Queen's Road fetched about 20s. per foot frontage with a ground rental of about 2s. per yard upon the same. Letters could now be posted as late as 8.10 p.m. Water had been conveyed by the Company's mains to Yarmouth from Ormesby for the first time. One of these pipes burst near the " Gallon Can." May 12th. — The Victoria Gardens had been laid out and were likely to outvie any in the neighbourhood. May 19th. — Mr. Lummis had resigned the office of Librarian. The Workhouse had been lighted with gas. A meeting for the purpose of advocating '* Administrative Reform " had been held at the Town Hall, when Mr. R. Hammond presided, and Mr. McCullagh delivered a stirring address. The Tories complained that this meeting was "got up" by the Liberals for party purposes. 202 May 23rd. — The Water Company had offered to supply water for street- watering purposes free of expense. H.M.S. *' Harrier " had been firing shell to a distance of 1,200 yards in the direction of Sci'oby ; the Queen's Birthday had been observed in the usual way. May 26th. — The Water Works had been opened, and in the evening 80 gentlemen dined at the Town Hall, under the presidency of the Mayor (C. J. Palmer, Esq.), who was supported by Sir E. H. K. Lacon. M.T*., and Lieut. -Col. Mason. "Sir. ¥ Maryson and Mr. D. D. Offord, the candidates for the post of Librarian, having each obtained 27 votes, the Mayor gave his casting vote in favour of Mr. Offord, who was thus elected to the post. Eight additional gas lamps had been placed on the Wellington Pier. May 30th.— The first stone of the Wesleyan Free Church, on the Regent Road, had been laid by S. C. Marsh, Esq. June 2nd. — The Russian brig " Phoenix " had been brought in by a prize crew. June 9th. — The mackerel fishing was going on badly, and many "boats had lost nets. July 18th. — A brace of tench, weighing between eight and nine pounds, had been taken at Ormesby. Mr. Stracey (afterwards Sir Edward Stracey, Bart.), the Tory candidate for East Norfolk had visited the town. (He was returned, on this occasion, without opposition.) July 21st. — At the Regatta the following prizes were offered for luggers : — £50, £20, and £10, and there were ten entries : during the match the " Race-horse " (Mr. I. Shuckford) was run down by the " Ocean Star " (Smith and Son). Her crew was rescued by the yawls *' Queen Victoria " and " Standard," but the master of the lugger (Lark) had two of his ribs broken. The " Brothers " (T. Lettis, jun.) won the first prize, the " Henry" (H. Swann, jun ) and the " Prima Donna " (J. Minns) taking the other two prizes. The yawl prizes were not awarded. The following notice again appeared with regard to the case of " REGINA V. EAGLETON." '* The defendant, John Eagleton, a baker, at Yarmouth, who had contracted with the Guardians of Yarmouth to supply the pour with bread, was tried before the Recorder, N. Palmer, Esq., at the Quarter Sessions in March, 1854, upon an indictment charging him, in the seven 203 first counts, with an oifonce at common law, in fraudulently supplying the poor with bread of short weight ; and, in the three last counts, with attempting to obtain pajonent from the Guardians, by falsely pretending that he had supplied full weight. He was found guilty by the jury, but the Recorder reserved a case for the opinion of the Court of Criminal Appeal, as to the proprietory of the conviction in point of law. On the first argument on April 29th, 1854, before Pollock, C.B., Parke, B., Creswell, J., and Williams, J., the case was referred back to the Recorder, for him to state the whole evidence given at the trial, which he did accordingly, and the case, as re-stated, was, on the following 3rd of June, argued before Lord Campbell, C. J , Alderson, B., Coleridge, J., Martin, B., and Crowder, J , and they, having doubts as to (he proprietory of the conviction, desired the case to be argued before the 15 judges, and on the 2nd December, 1854, it was argued before Jervis, C. J., Pollock, C. B., Parke, B., Maule, J., Wightman, J., Erie, J., Piatt, B., Martin, B., and Crompton, J., and again on the 3rd of February last, before Jervis, C. J., Parke, B., Maule, J., Wightman, J., Creswell, J,, Erie, J., Piatt, B., Williams, J., Martin, B., and Crompton, J, — Mr. Bulwer appeared in support of the conviction, and Mr. Bodkin, Mr. Clerk, and Mr. J. H. Mills on behalf of the Defendant. The Judges took time to consider, and on July the 9th, Mr. Baron Parke delivered their judgment, affirming the conviction on the last three counts. The defendant will, therefore, have to appear before the Recorder at the next October Sessions to receive judgment." July 25th. — One bundled and thirtj' ladies and gentlemen had attended the Regatta Ball at the Town Hall, among whom were — the Mayor and Mrs. Palmer, Lord Hastings, J^ir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., M.P., Lieut -Col. Mason. Captains Longe, Markham Gay, and other Ofiicers of the East Norfolk Militia, &c. Hewlett's band attended, and dancing was kept up until 4.30. July 28th,— The Grand Jury had found a true bill against Messrs. R. Ferrier, sen., and R. Ferrier, jun., for assault upon John William de Caux, and it was stated that the case would be tried at the next Assizes. Aug. 4th. — The Mayor had presided at a meeting called to consider the " Small Tenements Act." Eighty-five boats engaged in the Mackerel Fishery had taken fish to the value of £27,994. Aug. 18th. — All hope of raising the " Racehorse," which was sunk at the Regatta, had been abandoned. The attempt to do so had cost£150. 1^04 Aug. 22x1(1. —C. J. Palmer, Esq., Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., M.P., and Captain D. Lane had acted as Stewards of the Races, and 6,000 persons had been brouy^ht lo the sports by rail. Between £170 and £180 had been raised by a bazaar for the Congre- gational Chapel, King Street. Aug. 25th. — Mr. E. H. L. Preston had had the small bone of his arm broken whilst endeavouring to quell a disturbance which had arisen between some of the Artillery Militiamen. Eight}- ladies and gen. lemen had attended the Race Ball. Aug. 29th.— Mr. J. H. Tillett had produced the " Bench Wan-ant " for the apprehension of the Messrs. Ferrier for the assault upon Mr. J. W. de Caux, reporter to the Mercury and Norfolk News ; bail wa:« placed at £100 and two securities of £50 in each case. Sept. 8th — 150 men of the Horse Artillery had been encamped on the North Denes, under the command of Captain Mountain and three Lieutenants. Sept. 12th. — These troops had been reviewed on the South Denes in the presence of several thousands of persons. Sept. 15th. — The news of the evacuation of the Southern part of Sebastopol by the Russians had been received by the general public with incredulity, they saying " too good news to be true." Sept. 22nd. — A hare had taken to the sea, and was picked up by a person who went after it in ct boat ; having killed it, he sold it for 2s. 6d. Oct. 3rd. — Sunday had been a day of thanksgiving for the success of the allied armies in the Crimea. Oct. 10th. — The " Scampo," a Russian prize, had been brought into the Harbour. At the Quarter Sessions there was another discussion between the Recorder and Mr. Steward on the one hand and the Visiting Justices on the other side, as to the validity of the appointment of the Rev. G. Hills as Chaplain to the Gaol. John Eagleton had been sentenced to three months' imprisonment. Oct. 17th. — The Liberals claimed a gain of 44 on the Municipal Revision, when Mr. Costerton appeared for the Liberal, and Mr. Cufaude for the Tory, party. Oct. 20th. — A very brisk corn trade was being carried on, vessels coming in light to load with com for France and Holland. Robert Steward, Esq., had been fined 20s. and costs for obstructing the Quav-head. 205 Oct. 27th —The East Suffolk Railway was projected. In 1855, 258,121 quarters of corn had been shipped at thia port. The " Hopton Harriers " had held their first meet at the Kennel at Hopton. Mr. W. Jex provided luncheon. The next moot was to be at Haddiscoo. Oct. 31st. — Messrs. Beeching- and Son had launched a beautiful lifeboat for the Gorleston beachmen. Nov. 3rd. — Only two Wards had boon contested. The returns were : — St. mchol'cs' Ward. W. Worship (C) 405 J. B. Hilton (C) 405 Henry Danby-Palmcr (L) 202 John Mainprice (L) 'KSl Reg e tit Ward. R. D. Barber (C) 22 1 R. R. B. Norman (C) 2.^ John Clowes (L) 159 John Fish (L) 159 The names of the other re-elected Councillors are not given. Four gun-boats had come into the Roads from the Baltic. Nov. 10th. — ^The Mayor of Norwich had given a grand ball, in St. Andrew's Hall; Mr., Mrs. and the Misses Marsh, the Officers of the East Norfolk Militia and Norfolk Artillery Militia, the Misses Steward, the Mayor of Yarmouth and INIrs. Palmer, Mr. W. Danby-Palmer, Mr. F. Danby-Palmer, and others had attended it from Yarmouth. Nov. 14th. — The " Meander," 44 gun frigate, was at anchor off the Monument. Nov. 28th.— Lieut. Matthew Gooda, late of the East Norfolk Militia, had died at Southtown, aged 76. Dec. 1st — The dinner, commemorative of the re-election of C. J. Palmer, Esq., to the office of Chief Magistrate, had been held at the Town Hall. His Worship was supported on his right by the Hon. H. Byng, Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., M.P., Lieut. -Colonel Astley, the Rev. George Hills, and J. Harcourt, Esq., and on his left by the Recorder (N. Palmer, Esq.), Sir H. J. Stracoy, Bart., M.P., the Maycn- of Norwich and Captain Broadhead, R.N. The IMayor's guests on this occasion numbered upwards of 100 persons. 206 George Danby-Palmer, Esq., had presided at a meeting called for the purpose of promoting a national testimonial to Admiral 8ir Charles Napier, K.C.B. Dec. 8th. — Mr. Wright (of the Adelphi) had been performing at the Theatre. Dec. 12th. — The Mayor had attended the magniScent reception given to the King of Sardinia by the Corporation of London . Dec. 22nd. — The stormy easterly winds had driven several vessels on to the Beach. On the north of the Jetty were four brigs, viz., the " Friends," of London ; the *' George," of Yarmouth ; the " Boa," of Coldiester ; and another. And on the south, one brig, a sloop (the " Telegraph,") and a billy-boy. Dec. 26th.— The Norfolk Artillery Militia had marched into the Southtown Barracks under the command of Colonel Astley. The following Magistrates had been selected to hear salvage cases : — George Danby-Palmer, R. Steward, R. Hammond, J. G. Plummer, J. W. Shelly, B. Fenn, E. H. L. Preston, and W. H. Palmer, Esqs. Dec. 29th. — The Hon. Colonel Vereker was spoken of as a colleague for Sir E. H. K. Lacon, should Mr. Rumbold resign his seat, but this rumour as to Mr. Rumbold's resignation, the Glohe stated on authority, was without foundation. At the Quarter Sessions, a con\-iction of R. Steward, Esq., by the Justices, for obstructing the quay, was quashed with costs. The question of the legality of the Rev. G. Hills' appointment as chaplain to the gaol was again considered hy the Recorder and Justices. i\".^. — The file for the Tear 1856 is jnissitig. 1867. Jan. 3rd. — The fourth anniversary of Court " Crown and Anchor " A.U.F. had been celebrated by a dinner at Bro. Franklin's, Hall Quay. Mr. G. B. Dashwood occupied the chair, and it was stated that the Court then consisted of 90 members. Jan. 10th. — There had been a loan exhibition at the Priory Hall. Messrs. Charles J. Palmer, B. Fenn, Rev. H. Squire, Dumbleton, R. R. B. Norman, Burton, and J. Bayly had been elected the members of the Public Library Committee. Jan. 1 7th. — The " Britannia Pier Bill " was projected, and the VV eilinglun Pier Company had determined not to oppose that undertaking. 207 The bod)' of a whale, which had been taken at Winterton, was being exhibited on the Church Plain. The Rev. W. D. Wade, the new minister of !St. Mary's, Soulhtown, had, before leaving Southsea, been presented with a purse of £61. Jan. 21st. — The "Sisters" had been in collision with one of the stone piers of the Bridge, which it bad considerably damaged. Feb. 4th. — An Anti- Income Tax meeting had been held at the Town Hall. The Mayor presided, and the following took part in the proceedings : — Messrs. George Danby- Palmer, Bradbeer, Gary on Blake, W. Livingston, S. B. Cory, R. Hammond, J. Clowes, J. H. Harrison, J. Rivett and J. Fiddes. Mr. S, Bradbeer appeared to be the mover in this matter. The Poor's Rate was Is. 6d. for the quarter. Feb. 18th.— H.M. Line of Battle-ship " Blenheim," 74, had steamed into the Roads. Feb. 21st. — A '' Poor's Rate " meeting had been held at the Masonic Hall. Mr. W. Livingston presided, and a i-esolution protesting against the Is. 6d. quarterly rate was adopted. Messrs J. Rivett, Joseph Neave, Royal, R. Bailey, Nichols, and F. Starling spoke on the subject, while the conduct of the Guardians was defended by Mr. J. H. Harrison, one of the Board. Feb. 2oth. — A case which excited considerable interest, had been heard at the County Court, Tolhouse-hall, before the Judge (T. J. Birch, Esq.) The plaintiff was Mr. John Cobb, leather merchant, for whom Mr. C. H. Chamberlin appeared ; the defendants were Messrs. W. N. Burroughs and G. D. Ealmer, who were represented by Mr. J. L. Cufaude. The plaintiff stated that he was a candidate for the office of Councillor for the Market- ward, in November, 1851, and that he became such at the solicitation of Messrs. W. N. Burroughs and G. D, Palmtr. At the time he became a candidate he distinctly told them that he would not pay out of his own pocket more than £10 towards the expenses of the election, and it was understood that the Liberal party, to which he belonged, would subscribe the remainder. The evening before the election he received an estimate of what the expenses were likely to be, and in consequence of that he at once saw both Mr. Burroughs and BIr. G. U. Palmer. That estimate, he believed, amounted to about £45, while the subscriptions altogether amounted to but £42. After some conversation they agreed to hold him harmless of the amount of the expenses that might exceed the sum subscribed, and he and Mr. Burroughs then went 208 to the Committee -room of the North-ward, where Mr. Burroughs said they had made arrangements for their friend John Cobb winning the Market- ward. The expenses of the election, which he (the plaintiff) lost, amounted altogether to £58 Is. 7d. The balance, therefore, which he now claimed from the defendants was £16 Is. 7d.— The plaintiff, in cross- examination by Mr. Cufaude, admitted that £39 of the whole amoimt was tor — . — Mr. Cufaude contended that if, as the plaintiff stated, the defendants had given him a guarantee for the surplus expenses, the guarantee ought to have been in writing. And, assuming the evi- dence was true, which, however, he disputed, it was impossible for the plaintiff to recover, inasmuch as he himself had allowed that a large part of the whole of the expenses was for , w^hich was an illegal act. — Mr. Chamberlin contended that the plaintiff, after receiving the promise from the defendants, acted only upon the faith of that promise, and that therefore, as they had entered upon an engagement to pay the money, they were liable. The money, moreover, had not been spent by the plaintiff, but by the committee appointed to conduct the election, and until the election was over, the plaintiff was not aware that any of the money had been spent in . — His Honour said it was clear the guarantee should have been in writing. He was of opinion, also, that the plaintiff was not bound to pay the illegal charges, and conse- quently he could not bring his action for the money which he claimed. — The plaintifi was, accordingly, non-suited. March 4th. — The "Branch," a schooner of 150 tons, had been launched from Messrs. Fellows and Son's yard. A distress warrant had been issued against the effects of Mr. James Lawn, draper. Broad Row, for 5s. 3d. due for Church rate. Mr. Cufaude, who appeared for the Churchwardens, stated that the amount of defalca- tions on the present rate was " about £14 or £15." A meeting of the shareholders in the Yarmouth and Haddiscoe Railway had been held at the Star Hotel. R. Hammond, Esq., presided, and there were present— C. C. Aldred, Esq., (the Mayor), C. J. Palmer, T. Brightwen, William H. Palmer, E. H. L. Preston, W. C. Reynolds, E. P. Youell, G. G. Day, H. Danby-Palmer, and William Day, Esqs. March Uth. — N. Palmer, Esq., (Recorder), had appointed John B. Bales (late Sergeant-at-Mace) an Inspector of Weights and Measures in the room of Mr. Wall. The address of Messrs. Torrens McCullagh and Edward Watkin to the electors appears in this issue. 209 March 14th. — The Liberal electors had held a meeting, at the Corn Exchange, J. Shelly, Esq., in the chair, when both candidates delivered addresses, and a resolution pledging- the meeting to support them was unanimously carried. Mr. Cufaude had applied for 17 more summonses against Church Rate defaulters, and Mr. Garson Blake had been summoned for a like default by the Gorleston Churchwardens. There had been a high tide, which had dashed over the new Marine Drive works. March 16th. — Mr. J. W. Shelly had presided over a meeting at the ' Star,' when Messrs. McCullaghand Watkin were adopted as the Liberal candidates. There was a suggestion of a local gentleman's name as a candidate, to which the Editor refers to by the quotation — " and palm to palm is holy P«^mer's kiss." March 18th. — The Libaral electors and non-electors had been addressed by both the Liberal candidates at the Duke's Head public- house at Gorleston, S. Dowson, Esq., j)resided, and there were present — Messrs. J. H. Fellows, N. Sterry, A. Markland, Captains Manthorpe, Stanford, and Tunbridge, and Messrs. J. Page, A. King, J. Ling, G. Reynolds, C. E. Bartram, and J, Cobb. The four candidates, Messrs McCuUagh and Watkin and Sir E. H. K. Lacon and Colonel Vereker, had been invited to attend a meeting of electors at the Masonic-hall. None of them were present, but, neverthe- less, a resolution pledging the meeting to support the Liberal candidates was carried. The "Venus," 150 tons register, had heea launched from Mr. Rust's yard. March 21st. — D. A. Gourlay, Esq., had presided at a great Liberal meeting held in the Corn Exchange, when Messrs. J. W. Shelly, P. Pullyn, S. Dowson, F. S. Costerton, W. Briggs, C. Sayers, S. Palmer, C. E. Bartram, J. D. Chapman, J. Bailey, F. Dendy, J. Cobb and others were present. The Conservatives had also convened a meeting at Crowe's Assembly-rooms, Chapel-denes, when E. H. L. Preston, Esq., presided. Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Colonel Vereker, and J. Cherry, Esq., addressed the assembly . Sir E. N. Buxton, Bart., and Major-General C. A. Windham, the Liberal candidates for East Norfolk, had held a meeting in the Corn-haH, 210 ^Ir. R. Hammond presided, and was supported bj' Messrs. Benjamin Dowson, J. Clowes, C. li. Ohamberlin, P. Piillyn, A. W. Biddulph, S. Pabiifr, T. Burton Steward, F. Pahncr, \\ . N. Bm-roughs, C. E. P>urtrani, E. R. Pabner, J. 11. Harrison, J. Owles, J. Cobb, &c. George Tewsley, Sergeant in the London Constabularj^ had been elected Superintendent of the Borough Police Forci'. The case against Mr. Garson Blake had been heard as to non-pay- ment of Church Rate and the usual order made. Mr. S. Waters Spelman had submitted to public competition various freehold estates, belonging to the late Mrs. Ann Marsh, which realised £S,672. JMarch 2oth. — The Election was "assuming all the features of a "bitter, as well as a strong contest." J. Shelly, Esq., had presided at another Liberal meeting held in the Corn. Hall, and Mr. J. Royal at a meeting of non-electors in the same interest held at the Masonic Hall. The Church Rate question had again been before the Justices, when Mr. Chamberlin appeared for the defaulters, who were Henry Boulter (baker), 4s. 6d. ; Joseph Neave (twine -spinner), Is. 9|d. ; George Goodrick (shoemaker), Ss. 6d. ; Henry Blyth (shoemaker), 4s. ; George Clowes (ironmonger), os. ; William Curtis (cork -cutter), os. Id. ; James Rivett (baker), 4s. ; Frederick Starling (shoemaker), Is. 10|d. ; Angelina Cox and W. P. Brown (brokers), 4s. 2|d. ; John Clowes (grocer), 4s. ; William Livingston (draper), 3s. ; Robert Erowne (gentleman), 2s. ; George Danby-Palmer (Esquire), 8s. 6fd. ; and George Danby-Palmer and Salmon Palmer (Esquires), 3s. 6d. Mr. W. Sidney had again opened the Theatre. March 28th. — A monster meeting of Liberals had been held on the Hall Quay in front of the Star, when Mr. W. Briggs occupied the chair ; 500 Liberals had attended a meeting at the Globe Inn, Gorleston, where Mr. T. Burton Steward presided. Both meetings were very- enthusiastic. It was said the Tory candidates were " Sir Edmund Lay — on and Colonel Very— queer. April 1st. — The polling had resulted as follows ; — Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. McCullagh 161 .. 304 .. 416 .. 527 Watkin 150 . . 296 . . 405 . . 507 Lacon 122 .. 234 .. 335 .. 43C Vereker 115 .. 220 .. 305 .. 383 211 One. Two. Three. Four. McCullagh 562 .. 587 .. 600 .. 609 582 . . 590 492 .. 521 428 .. 451 158. McCullagh and Watkin the Star leads. Watkin 541 .. 568 Lacon 443 . . 481 Vereker 393 .. 419 Majority for the Liberals After the declaration of the poll Messrs addressed from 12,000 to 15,000 persons from April 8th. — Messrs. W. Green, J. Borking, J. Clayton, and W. Harbord had been re-ajjpointed overseers of the parish. April nth. — At the Election of Haven Commissioners Captain Scott proposed, and Mr. J. H. Harrison seconded the re-election of George Danby- Palmer, Esq., "to whom the town was greatly indebted for his "long and valuable services." Mr. T. Lettis, junr., proposed, and Mr. Henry Danby- Palmer seconded Mr. J. Barker. Mr. F. Palmer proposed and Captain Briggs seconded R. Hammond, Esq. ; and Mr. G. Blake proposed, and Captain Manthorpe seconded Mr. D. A. Gourlay, where- upon the two formsr were declared to be elected Commissioners, and the two latter Supernumerary Commissioners. Mr. J. Owles had presided at a meeting of the Liberal Registration Society. The following was theresultof the Guardians' Election: — JVorth Ward : Messrs. J. Mainprice, S. Nightingale, andE. H. L. Preston re-elected. Market Ward: Messrs. D. A. Gourlay, C. C. Aldred, and W. Laws, re- elected. Regent Ward : Messrs. W. Worship, S. C. Marsh, and E. D. Barber, re-elected. St. George's Ward : Messrs. B. Fenn and J. G. Plummer, re-elected, with Mr. T. Foreman in the place of Mr. J. Clark resigned, and in the Nelson Ward (Mr. J. H. Harrison having resigned) the polling was— Brightwen 402, Woolverton 431, Reynolds 309, Clark 339, and Moore 287, Mr. Clark thus taking the place of Mr. Harrison. April 18th.— At the annual Vestry Meeting there was a large attendance. The Rev. George Hills presided, and Mr. Hammond pro- posed, and Mr. T. Brightwen seconded, the re-election of C. S. D. Steward as Churchwarden. Mr. Lawn then proposed Mr. George Danby- Palmer, but that gentleman declined the honour and explained that the reason why he would not pay the Church Rate was that the Churchwardens, while pressing the poor, discharged the rich, and especially Mr. Talbot, from payment of that tax. Mr, B, Fenn proposed, 212 and Mr. S. C. Marsh seconded Mr. Edward Aldrcd ; Mr. J. H. Harrison and Mr. Ncavo addressed the meeting amid "great uproar," and fventually the appointment of Mr. Steward and Mr. Aldred was carried ])y a large majority. Messrs. Hammond, Fenn, and Harrison were ajipointed a Committee to loolc into the question of the St. Nicholas Estate, and Mr. K. Hammond was re-appointed Auditor of the Vestry's accounts. Measures were being taken by Mr. M. Butcher and others with a view to establishing a School of Art. April 22nd.— The Artillery Band was performing on the Hall-quay. Trade at the Fair " had been brisk." April 25th. — The Rope -walks " which had caused such great annoy- ance " were to be removed, and the following compensations had been jwid to owners of them : — Mr. Bracey, £750 ; Mr.T. Lettis, jun., £550 ; Mr. Green, an annuity for himself and Mrs. Green equal to £420 ; and to Mr. R. Barber (who had refused £200), £615 under the award of C. Evans, Esq., of Norwich. April 29th. — A meeting had been held at Mr. Paget's late residence for the purpose of forming a School of Navigation in connection with the School of Art. May 2nd. — A petition in favour of the i-emoval of Jewish Disabilities was being signed in the town, and the Mayor (C. C. Aldred, Esq.), George Danby-Palmer, R. Hammond, J. \V. Shelly, J. Fenn, D. A. Gourlay, W. Johnson, P. Pullyn, and R. Steward, Esqs., had supported the movement. The East Norfolk Militia Band had performed on the Hall -quay. The Poor's rate was Is. 4d. for the quarter. The Insignia belonging to the Corporation had been sent to the Manchester Art Exhibition. May 6th. — The entire Police force (with the exception of the Super- intendent) had received one month's notice to quit the force, with liberty to apply for re-appointment. May 16th. —A petition, signed by E. H. L. Preston and R. Ferrier, Esqs., (Mr. C. Moore being surety for the required £1,000), was about to be lodged against the return of Messrs. McCullagh and Watkin. May 20th. — This petition had been presented to the House of Commons. M-dy 23rd. — A young woman, residing in the Star and Garter Row, had been charged before the Justices "with illegallv detaining a silver 213 mace, the property of the Corporation." Defendant said that she did not know whore it was, but that her mother, who had been dead three years, " wished it to be buried with her." The case was adjourned for a week, when the defendant " bounced out of Court." -May 27th — Several friends of the sitting Members had received .Speaker's warrants, as also had Sir E. H. K. Lacon, who was served as he was abou.t to start on a Continental tour ; Messrs. B, Powell and (ieorge Byford had also been served. May 30th. — The guarantee fund for opposing- the petition had reached the sum of £2,400. Two Russian guns had been received by the Corporation. It was proposed to carry on the trawl fishery by means of ' ' iron screw welled smacks of 150 tons burden." June 3rd. — The police had been re-modelled. Originally the force consisted of 4 sergeants, 16 privates, beside 4 non-permanent men who formed the '* river watch." Of these a sergeant and six privates had been discharged, and in their stead a sergeant and 13 privates appointed ; the force, therefore, then consisted of a Superintendent, four sergeants, and 23 privates . The "small silver mace " above referred to had been delivered up by the Carter family to the Corporation. June 6th. — Fourteen hundred persons had visited the town by excursion train from Norwich on Whit-Monday. June 10th. — Contains an obituary notice of Mr. Rumbold, who had died at Brighton on the 31st. ult., aged 69. It was stated that he had " not left behind him one enemy.'''' The Yarmouth Standard, started three months since as an advocate " of Conservative and true Christian principles," had ceased to exist. June 13th.— The mackerel fishery had improved, Mr. Mainprice's Company of 14 boats had sent in 12,000, and Mr. Shuckford's 10,000 fish. June 20th. — Mackerel were selling from 31s. to 32s. per 100. The " Fisherman " (Mr. James Woolverton) being the " headbodt." June 24th. — The " Russian guns " were to be placed either on the Rlarine Parade, Hall Quay, or Chapel Denes. One thousand silver penny pieces of the reign of King John, the two first Edwards, and Alexander I. of Scotland had been found at a depth of about 17 feet in Mr. Ambrose Palmer's dry dock. The " Eastern Unitarian Christian Societ}- " had celebrated its 44th Anniversary at Great Yarmouth. The Rev. Dr. Sadler preached from 214 I Cor. xii., 27. At the subsequent meeting, Sir Thomas Beevor, Bart., presided, and Mr. J. \V. Dowson, Mr. Mills (Norwich), Mr. W. N. Burroughs, the Rev. H. Squire, Mr. S. Dowson, Rev. D. Davis, Mr. Welhaui :uid Mr. C. Freeman tuck part in the proceedings, afterwards 70 members partook of a cold collation at the Victoria Hotel. At the quarterly meeting of the Primitive Methodist Society, it was stated that their members had increased by 100 during the last quarter. One boat had brought in 6 lasts of herring, selling at from £20 to £28 per last. July 1st. — A cricket match had been played on Gunton-denes between the Yarmouth and Lowestoft Clubs, in which the latter was victorious. The Yarmouth team consisted of Messrs. Graystone, Jennings, G. Clarke, Reeve, J. S. Browne, Young, R. Clarke, Vaughan, E. Clarke, Steward, and C. Diver. Mr. T. Lettis, jun., had been found dead in his coimting-house, and the Jury had returned a verdict " That deceased destroyed himself ♦'while in a state of temporary insanity." July 8th. — Mr. C. E. Bartram had been elected a Councillor for the Nelson- ward in the room of the late Mr. Lettis, the polling being — C. E. Bartram 112 J. H. Harrison 84 July lllh. — The Lord Bishop had laid the corner-stone of St. John's Church. Mr. J. A. Hakewell was the architect. Mr. A. W. Morant supervised the erection, and Mr. R. Steward was the contractor for the entire work at £1,246. The Bishop preached from Col. iii., 1,2, 3 and 4. July 18th. — There was to be no Regatta this year. Mr. Harmer's coloured photographic portraits were much admired. Mackerel had been scarce, owing, it was supposed, to the coldness of the weather. July 2oth. — A detachment of Royal Artillery, about 145 strong, was encamped on the North- denes. James Ablett a pauper nurse at the Workhouse, had been committed for trial at the Assizes for the wilful' murder of Angus Steward. July 29th. — The Committee (which consisted of the Earl of March, chairman, Mr. H. M. Clifford, Mr. C. J. Dupre, Mr. W. J. Garnet, and Colonel Maxwell), was sitting upon the petition against the return of Mesrs. McCullagh and Watkin as M.P.'s for the Borough. Aug. 1st, — This Committtee had unseated both those gentlemen. 215 At the Water Frolic for the first match the following entries were made : — Kathleen Messrs. Diver and Chamberlin Belvidere , Mr. T. Read, jun. Victorine Mr. J. Fiddes Ontario Mr. F. Frere P>sche Mr. J. Fenn, jun. Iris Mr. A. D. Stone At the finish the Kathleen beat the Belvidere by some 300 yards. The second match was won by Mr. Green's *' Enchantress " (latteen.) Aug. 5th. — There had been a monstre Liberal Demonstration, when Mr. A. W. Young and Mr. J. Mellor, Q.C., were accepted as the candidates of that party. Some 10,000 to 12,000 persons were present. Aug. 8th.— Among the Tories " vacillation, uncertainty, and luke- warmness prevailed." Sir Samuel Hogg, Mr. Mackenzie, and Sir Henry Stracey had been tried without avail. The Hon. Ernest Duncombe had visited the Borough, and left without taking further action ; so Sir Edmund Lacon was still alone in the field as a Conservative candidate. Aug. 13th.— Sir E. Lacon had retired from the contest. The nomination had taken place outside the Town Hall, when Mr. J. W. Shelly proposed, and Mr. H. Danby-Palmer seconded Mr. A. W. Young; and Mr. R. Hammond proposed, and Mr. P. Pullyn seconded Mr. J. Mellor, Q.C, and there being no other nomination, those gentlemen were declared duly elected. Messrs. McCullagh and Watkin subsequently addressed the electors from the Star Hotel. Aug. 23rd —About 90 ladies and gentlemen had attended the Race Ball at the Town Hall. Mr. Allen's tender of £3,156 lis. 5d. for the erection of the Britannia Pier, and Mr. Thompson's tender of £260 for making the approaches to it, had been accepted. Herrings were selling at from £20 to £26 per last. Sept. 12th.— A new organ had been built for St. Peter's Church at a cost of £400. Sept. 23rd.— The Mayor had convened a meeting for the purpose of raising a fund for the relief of the sufferers by the Indian Mutiny. Among those present were— Sir Eaton Travers, the Revs. G. Hills, J. S. Russell, J. B. Brampton, B, Vaux and D. Oliver, Dr. Dunne, and 216 Messrs. J. W. SheUy, S. Tolver, P. PuUyn, J. G. Fisher, R. Ferrier, sen., S. Dovvson, A. R. Palmer, G. Blake, E. P. Youell, C. Preston, E. R. Aldred, W. Davie, kc. ; the sum of £233 17s. was subscribed in the room. Sept. oOth. — The following shareholders had attended the ordinary general meeting of the Yarmouth and Haddiscoe Railway Company : — Sir E. H. K. Lacon (Chairman), Sir M. Peto, R. Hammond, J. Clowes, B. Fenn, C. E. Bartram, and W. H. Palmer, Esqs., &c., and power was given to the Directors to raise £25 000 by way of mortgage. Oct. 3rd.— The Britannia Pier Works were being actively pushed on. Mr. J. H. Harrison (the Ballast lessee) had called a meeting of 120 masters of vessels at the St. George's Hall, for the purpose of receiving a statement from that gentleman, during which he said that he proposed to give a donation of £8 to the Fishermen's Hospital, which sum he had received from a dispute (in which he did not concur) with the Corporation. Mr. Harrison was loudly cheered by the meeting, which he regaled with choice wines and spirits. The Rev. J. S. Russell had preached his farewell sermon at the King Street Chapel, where he had laboured for the past 14 years. Oct. 10th. — The Day of National Fast and Humiliation had been observed in the town " in a most becoming manner." Herring was selling at from £10 to £18 per last. Oct. 17th. — Three hundred pounds had been collected for the Indian Relief Fund. Oct. 21st. — Contains the following report; — *' A Vestry meeting was held in the Town-hall, on Friday, for the pm^pose of considering the propriety of making a Church rate. There was a large attendance ; the minister of the parish (the Rev. G, Hills, B.D.), of course presided. — The Chairman, in opening the proceedings, stated that the rate which would be proposed would be, in all respects, a legal one ; it would include a charge for St. Peter's Church, as the Churchwardens had been advised that that edifice was chargeable upon the rate in the same way that the Parish Church was. With regard to the new church of St. John's, a fund had been raised which would be invested for keeping it in repair, so that it might never become chargeable to the parishioners. The Churchwardens, in order to preserve as much harmony as possible, would only ask for a rate for the repair of the fabrics, and for the payment of such legal charges as they were compelled to include in the rate ; the 217 items which would be left out would, therefore, amount to between £60 and £70, and would have to be defrayed by voluntary contribution. — Messrs. C. S. D. Steward and E. R. Aldred, the Churchwardens, moved and seconded that a rate of I |d. in the pound bo levied for the ensuing year ; the amounts which it was estimated would be required were — for the Parish Church, £142 5s. 4d. ; for St. Gcorg-e's Chapel, £32 6s. 6d. ; for St. Peter's Church £?2 ; and for general purposes £35. — Mr. W. T. Fisher moved, and Mr. J. Lawn seconded, *' That at a time when it is expected that the Government will pass a bill for the abolition of Church rates, it appears to this vestry that it is inexpedient to in- crease the rates by including St. Peter's Church, as it may ultimately add to increased taxation." Mr. Fisher also moved, and Mr. Joseph Neave seconded, ' ' That time be given for the ratepayers to examine the estimates, and that the meeting do therefore adjourn for three weeks for that purpose." — The Chairman refused to put either of the above amendments — the first because Mr. Fisher would not alter it by leaving out the words " By including St. Peter's Church," and the second because he did not consider it to be a bona fide objection. — Mr. Fisher entered written protests, signed by himself, against the decision of the chairman, which protests he requested might be entered in the Vestry Clerk's minutes of the meeting. — Mr. J. H. Harrison moved, ' ' That until after the committee, which was appointed in April last to confer with the Churchwardens relative to the property belong- ing to the Parish Church, had made its report to a further vestry, it is inexpedient to make a rate." Mr. F. Starling seconded the amendment. — The Chairman, in endeavouring to prevail upon Mr. Harrison to withdraw his amendment, stated that in March next, property which now let at from £29 to £30 a year, and that in September, 1859, jsroperty which now realised £50 per annum, would fall in ; he agreed with them that the greatest care ought to be taken in properly administering this property, and said he believed its value would be increased threefold. — The amendment was carried by an immense majority, and the meeting, therefore, was adjourned sine die. Oct. 28th. — Many vessels had been lost, and amongst them the " Botsy " (G. D. Palmer, Esq., owner), on Palling Beach. (N.B.— She was at that time the oldest vessel afloat hailing from the port, and had belonged to the Palmer family for, more than 100 years.) Oct. 31st. — The Liberal electors had held a gTand soiree at the Town Hall, Messrs. A. W. Young, M.P., and J. Mellor, Q.C., M.P., being 218 present ; 220 persons attended, amongst whom were R. Hammond, Esq., (Chairman), and Messrs. G. D. Palmer. J. W. Shelley, W. N. Burroughs, P. Pullyn, C. E. Bartram, D. A. Gourlay, J. Clowes, G. Blake, W. T. Clarke, F. Palmer, H. D. Palmer, D. B. Palmer, W. T. Fisher, J. Cobb, J. Mainprice, W. Briggs, J. H. Harrison, J. Owles, J. Neave, &c Mr. McCullagh was unable to attend, but the meeting was addressed by Messrs. Young, Mellor, and Watkin, and the utmost unanimity prevailed. Nov. 4th. — Some 2,000 persons had attended an open-air Liberal Demonstration on the Hall-quay, at which G. Danby- Palmer, Esq., presided, and which was addressed by l\Ir. Watkin. At the Municipal Election the Tories had been successful, the Liberals *' not going in to win," At the close of the poll the Conserva- tive procession, consisting of a band of music, some flags, bearing such inscriptions as ** Cheap Bread and Economy," and about four or five cabs fonned and paraded through the i^rincipal thoroughfares. The returns were — Regent Ward. Sir E. H. K. Lacon, (C) 118 J. Cherry, (C) 114 ^ J. Owles, (L) 82 F. Palmer, (L) 78 Market Ward. J. E. Bamby, (C) 128 J. Fenn, (C) 126 J. Scott, (L) 110 G. W. Clowes, (L) 107 St. George's Ward. W. J. Foreman, (C) 121 H. Jay, (C) 117 A. D. Stone, (L) 85 J. lill, (L) 80 Nelson Ward. S. V. Moore, (L) 211 J. Clark, (C) 151 J. Clowes, (L) 127 North Ward. 8. Nightingale, (C) 144 W. H. Bessey, (C) 132 J. Mainprice, (L) 126 J. Cobb, (L) 109 219 St. Jndrew^s Ward. J. Hammond, (C) 185 WiUiam H. Palmer, (C) 174 Henry Danby- Palmer, (L) 164 J. Barker, (L) 150 Mr. J. Clowes had entered a protest against the return in the Nelson Ward " on the ground of the presiding alderman having left his post during the election." Nov. 7th. — The first general meeting of the Shareholders of the Britannia Pier Company had been held, the accounts showing £1,365 received, and £781 12s. 6d. expended. Nov. 11th.— At the Council Meeting, Mr. E. H. L. Preston proposed, and Mr. Palmer (Deputy- Mayor) seconded, Mr. Francis Worship for the office of Mayor. Mr. R. Steward then proposed Mr. W. H. Bessey, who declining the honour, Mr. Steward suggested the name of Mr. Plummet, who also refusing to serve, the Mayor declared Mr. Worship imanimously elected to the office. The Poor's rate was Is. 4d. in the £. Nov. 14th. — Thirty-six gentlemen had attended the dinner given to the Ex- Mayor at the Town Hall. Herring was selling at from £12 to £20 a last. The adjourned Vestry Meeting for the purpose of considering the propriety of making a Church rate had been held in the Town Hall. There was a large attendance of ratepayers, who were, of course, presided over by the minister of the parish. The Committee appointed to consider the value of the Church property recommended that that which had fallen in, and which would fall in on the 25th of March next, should be re-let on repairing leases of 14 years' duration, at a rental of £76 16s. — Mr. J. H. Harrison, one of the committee, gave a detailed account of all the Church property, both of that which fell in in September last, and that which will fall in during next year and 1859 and 1860. He had no doubt, whatever, that if the property was properly managed, there would be no necessity for asking for a Church rate after I860.— Mr. C. S. D. Steward and Mr. E. R. Aldred, the Churchwardens, moved and seconded respectively, "That in conse- quence of the increased rental of the estate belonging to St. Nicholas' Church not being available for the current year, a rate of l|d in the pound be now made and assessed." — Mr. J. H. Harrison thought that St. Peter's Church ought not to be included in the rate, and moved as an 220 amendment, •' That St. Peter's Church having been erected hy voluntary contributions, with an understanding that it should bo maintained and supported by its pew rents, and ehould in no way become a charge upon the parish, this Vestry deems it advisable to refuse making a rate until the Churchwardens do exclude the said Church of St. Peter wholly from their estimate." — Mr. J. Lawn seconded the amendment, but the ChaiiTuan refused to put it, on the ground that he could not consistently with his duty do so. — After considerable discussion, in the course of which the Clerk stated that St. Peter's Church could be legally included in the rate, Mr. W. T. Fisher moved, and Mr. J. Lawn seconded, on the ground that the Church property, if re-let at its lull value, would realize more than sufficient for the necessary repairs of the Parish Church, and that money, which could afterwards be repaid out of the surplus, could be borrowed to defray the expenses for the next two years, — " That this meeting resolves to adjourn for four weeks, to obtain the necessary amount and thereby to avoid the necessity of making a Church rate." — The Chairman conscientiously refused to put this amendment on the ground that it was not a bonajide one, and also the following amendment, which was likewise moved by Mr. W. T. Fisher, " That in order to give the Churchwardens tiaae to prepare a proper estimate, the Vestry to adjourn for three weeks." — Mr. J. H. Harrison then moved, " That it is inexpedient and inadvisable to make a Church rate at this meeting." — The Chairman, however, refused to put this, as also another amendment by Mr. J. H. Harrison to the effect, " That a Church rate of a farthing in the pound be levied." — After a great deal of uproar, the motion of the Churchwardens was lost by a considerable majority. A poll was then demanded, when the Chairman appointed Mr. J. L. Cufaude to be the assessor, and the meeting adjourned. The following numbers were polled during the afternoon : — For the rate 225, against it 195. Nov. 18th. — The polling of the Vestry had been concluded as follows .• — For the Rate 651 Against 771 and at 10 o'clock on Saturday, Mr. Hills stated that the poU would not be re-opencd. On the following day (Sunday) the clocks at the Parish Church and St. George's Chapel were stopped, and the bells " tolled " at the hour for performance of divine service. 221 N'ov. 2lst. — Mr. D. Tomkins, of the British School, had again satisfied the Government Inspector. R. Hammond, Esq., had presented 40 cwt. of coal to the inmates of the Fisherman's Hospital. Nov. 28th. — It was calculated that there were 400 boats then engaged in the Herring Fishing belonging to Yarmouth. Dec. 12th. — The Mayor's "feast" had been held at the Town Hall, 120 gentlemen being present, including Lord Sondes (High Steward), Sir E. N. Buxton, Bart., M.P., Sir H Stracey, Bart., Sir. E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., Colonel Elmhirst, Colonel Sankey, Major Taylor, Captain Nugent, Captain Dunt, the Revs. B. Vaux, J. Gunn, M. Waters and J. B. Bampton, Messrs. R. Hammond, W. N. Burroughs, C. J. Palmer, C. Cory, E. H. L. Preston, E. P. YoueU, W. Yetts, R. Steward, B. Jay, C. H. Chamberlin, R. S. vVatling, I. Preston, jun., W. C. Reynolds, R. Ferrier, W. H. Palmer, C. Preston, F. Palmer, H. D. Palmer, J. C. Smith, D. A. Gourlay, &c. The " recruiting staff " of the 9th Regiment, then at Yarmouth, consisted of Lieut. -Colonel C Elmhirst, Brevt-Colonel Sankey, Major A. Taylor, Captains W. Dunt, H. F. IVIanton, W. Nugent, D. A. Barnett, R. P. O'Shea, J. W. MacFarlane, — Garden, and J. Graham, Lieutenants H. G. H. Grubbe, H. Gipps, and A. F. B. Wright, Adjutant Bolton, Ensigns C. S. Perry, J. L. Bradshaw, S. Lynne and C. T. Coote, Quarter- Master Arrowsmith, and 19 Sergeants and 10 Corporals. Dec. 30th. — There were 30 prisoners in the Gaol, and they had been regaled with a Christmas dinner by the Mayor. The Clocks at the Parish Church and St. George's Chapel had been set going again at the instance of the Town Council. 1868. Jan. 2nd.— Contains the following article on the Old Year : — " 1857 has been a good year for our port. Our fisheries have prospered ; our mercantile and shipping report is favourable ; and our comniercial credit has stood firm and upright against the pressure of a severe monetary crisis. We have proved the elasticity of our resources, and have demonstrated the strength and stability of our enterprise. The fashionable season has also been one on which we have to congratulate ourselves. During the summer and autumn of 1857, Yarmouth was full of visitors ; our beach was crowded with company ; and our hotels and lodging houses were all full. In short, on New Year's Day we find that we can strike a balance on the right side, and look forward with hope based on the solid foundation of proved success. There is but one great drawback to the seasonable satisfaction such a state of things affords. Our political divisions have materially diminished the account in our favour, and have seriously interfered with the social harmony of the town. We have suffered ourselves to be led away into personal altercations, and have so departed from the straight road of a defined and thought-out jjrinciple. This has been a grave mistake, as we are now beginning to discover. But generally we have yet to learn that political zeal is not inconsistent with the courtesies of society, and that ill-tempered advocacy is worse than useless. Let us hope, however, that the moderate men of both political opinions, who must, we are sure, see the error of this course, will for the future guard against indiscretions, which aie as inherently wrong as they are manifestly prejudicial to any cause that stands^ upon Principle and is supported by its own Truth. We know we express the opinion of the thinking portion of the con- stituency in advising an abstinence from the littleness of factious strife, and in suggesting a more elevated view of political verities, we are satisfied we are answ^ering to the wish of the most respectable members of the opposing parties, and are explaining what is only wanting to con- solidate the established prosperity of Yarmouth." The Hospital mseting showed a deficit of from £40 to £50 on the annual accounts. Jan. 6th. — It was rumoured than an addition would shortly be made to the local Magistracy. Jan. 9th. — Mr. C. J. Palmer occupied the cbair at the annual Library Meeting. It was stated that there were then nearly 10,000 volumes belonging to that Institution, of which about 22 were circulated daily. Jan. 13th. — Mr. Roach (Station-master) was, much to the regret of the inhabitants, leaving Yarmouth. Jan. 16th. — Mr. George Danby-Palnier had presided at a dinner given to B. Fcnn, Esq., when that gentleman was presented with 203 oz. of plate (value £100) by the Great Yarmouth Provident Fisherman's Society, of which he had acted as Hon. Sec. for 30 years. The Russian guns were to be placed at the South end of the Hall Uuay. 223 Court *' Star of the East," A.O.F., had held its auniverjrury at the Regent Tavern. Jan. 23rd. — The Rev. F. W. Johnson had been appointed minister at St. John's Church. A meeting of the Town Council had been held to consider the question of the proposed appointment of Justices, when Mr. E. H. L. Preston moved, and Mr, B. Fenn seconded, the adoption of a memorial to the Lord Chancellor, deprecating the propossd appointment of Messrs. P. Pullyn, D. A. Gourlay, Frederick Palmer, William T. Clarke, John Barker, and John Owles, and Mr. George Danby-Palmer moved, and Mr. Chapman seconded, an amendment in favour of such appointments, which, on a division, was lost by 25 to 5 votes. The Mayor made some warm remarks of a personal nature, which brought a similar retort from Mr. Chapman, and it was stated that "the last *' portion of these remarks was given amid applause in the gallery and "laughter of the members, the meeting breaking up in great confusion." Feb. 6th. — The same question had been discussed at a meeting of Magistrates, when the Clerk was directed to apply to the Lord Chancellor for the correspondence with regard to the proposed appointments. Feb. 10th.— This request had been declined by his Lordship, and it appeared that the Roll had been sent for, which led to a discussion of a personal character. Feb. 13th.— The Town Council, on the motion of Mr. C. J. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Burroughs, had voted an address to the Queen on the occasion of the marriage of the Princess Royal. A letter was read at the same meeting, ^tating that the Lord Chan- cellor had added the names of the six before ffientioned gentlemen to the Commission of the Peace. Feb. 20th.— It was proposed to extend the Marine Parade. The 9th Regiment of Foot had left Yarmouth for Bradford. Daring its stay here some 200 recruits had been obtained. Mr. Frederick Palmer had qualified as a Justice of the Peace. St. John's Church had been opened for service, when the Revs. F. W. Johnson and George Hills preached in the morning and afternoon respectively. Feb. 24th.— The cost of the maintenance of the poor of the parish had increased since the passing of the 9th and 10th Vic. cap. 5G from about £9,000 to £10,376 per annum. Messrs. J. Barker and P. Pullyn had qualified as Magistrates. 224 Feb. 27th.— The 24-poimders at the Batteries were to be replaced by 74 pound guns. March 6th.— Records the death of Rear-Admiral Sir Eaton Travers, K.H., aged 70. The dates of his appointments were— Lieu- tenant 1S04, Commander 1814, Captain 1829, Rtar-Admiral 1855. He had seen much sers-ice, and was nominated a K.H. on 4th of Februarj'-, 1834. He possessed the silver naval medal with one clasp, had a good service pension, and was a D.L. for the county. Sir Eaton married in April, 1815, Anne Palmer, eldest daughter of William Steward, Esq., by whom he had issue five sons and two daughters. It was hoped that the Yarmouth and Haddiscoe Railway would be opened by the 1st of September next. March 13th. — A dispute had arisen between the Local Board of Health and George Danby-Palmer, Esq., with regard to certain land at the south-end of the town, and Mr. Chamberlin, acting as Mr. Palmer's solicitor, had complained to the Bench of having been assaulted by Mr. Morant (Town Surveyor), upon the '* locus in quo," and what was des- cribed as a ** scene " had ensued. March 20th. — The Naval Hospital was being fitted up for the recep- tion of sick and wounded men from India ; it was noticed that although fitted up in a similar way during the Russian war, it had never then been used. Complaint was made of the " niggardly " way in which the South- town Road was lighted. March 24th. — Lord Sondes had presented a jjetition from the Town Council to the House of Lords on the subject of the Magisterial appoint- ments, but after an explanation by the Lord Chancellor, who justified his action, " the subject dropped." March 27th. — Mr. J. S. Cobb had delivered a lecture on " Chemistry." April 3rd. — Mr. R. Steward had protested against the Senior Magis- trate taking the chair in Petty Session as a matter of right. April 7th. — Ten publicans had been fined for keeping their houses open at illegal hours. April 10th. — At the appointment of Overseers, Mr. E. H. L. Preston moved the apijointment of Messrs. William (jlreen, James Borking, John Clayton, and William Harbord ; and IMr. Owles proposed Mr. James H. Harrison in the place of Mr. Green. Upon the votes being taken, there appeared : For Mr. Preston's list — The Mayor and Messrs. WiUiam 225 Danby- Palmer, E. H. L. Preston, J. C. Smith, W. Yetts, W. Thiirtell, B. Jay, W. H. Ressey, J. Fenn, William Hurry Palmer, J. Cherry, R, Steward, C. C. Aldred, J. Gi- Plummer, and B. Fenn ; and for Mr. Owles' list— Messrs. Geo. Danby-Palmer, J. W. Shelley, W. Johnson, R. Hammond, P. Pullyn, D. A. Gronrlay, Frederick Palmer, VV. T. Clarke, J. Barker, and J. Owles. April 17th.— From 3,000 to 4,000 persons had witnessed the launch of the " Froderica," of 600 tons burthen, from Mr. Branford's yard. April 24th. — St. John's Church had been consecrated by the Lord Bishop of Norwich. H.M.S. ''Edinburgh," 74 tons, and two gun-boats had passed through the Roads. April 28th. — Mr. John Clowes had been returned as a Councillor for the Nelson Ward without opposition in the place of Mr. Samuel V. Moore, deceased. May 1st. — Ninety ladies and gentlemen had attended a ball at" the Town HaU. The sum of £137 had been collected at the Consecration Services at St. John's Church. The Communion plate and stone pulpit in this church had heen paid for from the proceeds arising from the sale of the second edition of the " Story of John Brock." May 5 th. — Reference is made to the drowning of the only son of Captain Ellis, R.N., at South wold. The Poor's rate was Is. 4d. in the £. The Summer excursion trains had commenced running, and had brought many visitors from Norwich. May 8th. — Seventy invalids from Colchester camp were under treatment at the Naval Hospital. The officers in charge were Captain Jervois, Commandant ; Captain Naylor, Pay-master ; Staff-Surgeons, Bradford and Joy , and Mr. Rippon, Purveyor. May 15th. — Disturbances had taken place between some of the Fermanagh Militia and townsmen at Southtown, and the conduct of the Mayor was impugned with regard to his desire to repress the report of this, when Mr. de Caux vindicated the reports sent by him to the news- papers he represented. May 22nd.— The mackerel fleet (about 100 sail) were nearly all at sea, and prices had varied from 35s. to 45s. per hundred. The "Nil Desperandixm" (500 tons) had been launched from Mr. fust's yard. 22C June 12th.— Kecords the death of Sir E. N. Buxton, Bart., one of the M.P's. for East Norfolk. June 16th.— Sir Henry Stracey, a ctmdidate for the seat thus vacant, had met the Conservative electors at the Angel-hotol, when Mr. E. H. L. Preston occupied the chair. It was stated that "Sir Henry is a " favourite in Yarmouth from the interest he has taken in all that relates '* to the interest of the town." June 19th.— The Liberals had met at the Star Hotel, Mr. B. Dowson in the chair, when a resolution accepting- the Hon. Wenman Clarence Walpole Coke as the candidate in the Whig interest had been adopted. John Berrj^ had committed suicide by shooting himself on the South Denes. June 26th. — Mr. Falcke (a gentleman whose father formerly lived in the town) had given subscriptions to the Hospital and the Ragged and British Schools. June 30th. — At the County election, Mr. E. Fellowes, M.P., pro- posed, and Colonel Fitzroy seconded Sir H. J. Stracey, Bart., and Mr. Bulwer proposed, and Mr. Upcher seconded the Hon. Wenman C. W. Coke ; the show of hands was in favour of Sir H. J. Stracey, whereupon Mr. Bulwer demanded a poll on behalf of the Hon. Mr. Coke. July 3rd. — The poU had been declared as foUows : — The Hon. W. C. W. Coke 2933 Sir H. J. Stracey 2720 Majority 213 An analysis of the polling at Yarmouth showed — Coke. Stracey. Yarmouth Voters 288 .. 301 E&W. Flegg „ 150 .. 195 Out ,, 36 .. 58 Gorleston , , 6 . . 4 Southtown ,, 14 .. 14 Mr. Isaac Shuckford had been elected an Alderman in the place of Alderman T. Foreman deceased. A fight had taken place on the North Denes between Plumb (of Bungay) and Swash (of Yarmouth) for £10 a side. It lasted Ih. and 35min., and 93 rounds were fought. Ultimately Swash was beaten. Jidy 10th. — The "Minstrel " had been launched from Mr. Symonda' and the " Success " from Mr. Chapman's yard. 227 July 14th. — " Frequent collisions " were taking- place between the Irish Militia and the inbabitants. July 17th. — Britannia Pier had been opened. The Mayor attended with the *' civic authorities ; " on his arrival two rockets were let off and cannon were discharged. At tha *' dejeuner " subsequently held, C. C. Aldred and C. Cory, Esqs., presided at the tables, faced by D. A. Gourlay, and G. B. Palmer, Esqs. A *' Marine Horticultural Fete " had been held on this pier. July 21st. — A Provincial Grand Lodge of Norfolk Freemasons had been held at the Priory Hall, which 150 brethren attended. Subse-, quently a banquet was held at the Town Hall, when P.G.M. Bro. B. Bond Cabbell presided, Bros. Sir H. J. Stracey and C. H. Chamberlin occupying the vice- chairs. July 24th. — Fifty -seven sick and wounded soldiers, mostly Indian sufferers, had arrived at the Royal Naval Hospital. July 28th.— It was computed that there were between 8,000 and 9,000 visitors then in the town. There had been a heavy gale from the S.W. July 31st.— At the Regatta, which was held from the Wellington Pier, — umpires, Lieut. -Col. Beckham and Mr. M. Butcher; hon. secre- tary, Mr. Henry R, Harmer ;— in the first yacht race the " Violet " (J. E. Kirby) beat the " Aretion " (J. Goodson, Esq.), and the " Silver Star " ( — Mann, Esq.). The following yawls competed as under : — H. M. S. Eclipse 54 ft. came in 6 32 Royal Standard 49 ft. ,, 5 58 40 Queen Victoria 63 ft. ,, 5 50 20 Lady Hume.. 59 ft. ,, 5 54 30 Young Prince . . 47 ft. ,, withdrew Glance 47 ft. ,, 6 3 23 In the next race (for small yachts) the '* Kestrel'* (W. Butcher) beat the " Belvidere " (T. Read), "Isabella" (0. Diver), "Rover" (T. Palmer), and " Gipsy Queen " (Harcourt) ; there were several other races. On this occasion 1,700 persons visited the Wellington Pier, upwards of £40 was taken at the gates, and it was computed that some 12,000 persons were on the Beach ; 3,000 persons visited the Victoria Gardens, where '* Sam Collins " performed, and Mr. Coe had the uiauagement of the display of firevyorks. (latteen) Cooke Horstead 13 feet (cutter) Bungay 12 „ (cutter) C. Smith Aylsham 14 ,, (latteen) R. Morton >> 13 ,, (cutter) W. Teasdel Gorleston 14 ,, 228 Aug. 4th. — The acting Charity Trustees, Messrs. George Danby- Palmt^r and Thomas Tirightwen, had selected the following additional Trustees of the Town Charity Estate :— The Kev. George TTills, Sir E. II. K. Lacon, and IMessrs. C. J. Palmer, J. Brightwen, B. Jay, E. ir. Ti. Preston, C. C. Aldred, Charles Cory, William IT. Palmer, 11. Hammond, W. P. Dowson, W. N. Burroughs, and J. W. Shelley. ()})jection had been taken to the names of Sir E. H. K. Lacon and Messrs. Aldred, Cory, C. J. Palmer, E. H. L. Preston, and W. P. Dowson, and the names of Messrs. Pullyn, C. Miller, G. Blake and J. Fenn proposed as Trustees. Aug. 7th. — At the Water Frolic, Mr. O. Diver acted as hon. secretary, and in the first match the following yachts competed : — Endora Nautilus Clara Fairy Queen Unique The Endora won. In the second race the entries were : — Belvidere T. Read Yarmouth 28 feet Victorine J. Fiddes , , Iris A.D.Stone ,, 27 ,, Tantivy Messrs. Morgan Norwich . . , ... 19 ,, The Belvidere won. The third contest was for a cup, presented by D. Falcke, Esq., for shrimp boats ; the ** Smack " won. During the sports Mr. Gardiner (editor of the Yarmouth Independent) was knocked overboard by the boom of Mr. Diver's boat, but, being a swimmer, escaped with a "good ducking." Aug. 14th. — A meeting had been held for the purpose of establishing a "Beachman's Institute." The Mayor occupied the chair, and G. Harcourt, Esq., addressed the meeting at some length ; Mr. Fisher and the Rev. G. Hills also took part in these proceedings. A mirage had been seen off the coast, presenting the appearance of a number of ships sailing between two chalk cliffs, thought by some to pourtray the Isle of Wight. Nothing of a similar kind had been seen in Yarmouth for 75 years. It was noticed the weather had been close and sultry and the tides low. Aug. 18th.— The sum of £139 1 8s. 6d. had been contributed for the Beachman's Institute. 229 Aug. 25th. — The Norfolk Hotel, Marine Drive, had been purchased by Messrs. Hills and TTnderwood for the sum of £2,160. Sept. \xt — The sum of €14S had l)eon snl)seri])ed for the restoration of the Nelson Monument. About 100 vessels were then engaged in the North Sea herring fishing, the fish i^e;ilising from £12 I os. to £2G per last. George Wells Holt, Esq., who liad officiated as Magistrates' Clerk for more than 22 years, had resigned that appointment. Mr. W. Holt (son of the late Clerk), Mr. H. R. Harmer and Mr. Costerton were candidates for the office. Sept. 8th. — The following Magistrates attended on the appointment being filled up : — F. Worship, Esq., (Mayor), R. Hammond, B. Fenn, J. G. Plummer, W. Johnson, P. PuUyn, F. Palmer, R. Steward, D. A. Gourlay, W. T. Clarke, J. Fenn, E. H. L. Preston, B. Jay, W. H. Palmer, W. Yetts, C. C. Aldred, W. H. Bessey, G. D. Palmer, W. Thurtell, T. Brightwen, J. Owles, and J. C. Smith, Esqs., and on the motion of Mr. Hammond, seconded by Mr. Steward, Mr. William Holt was unanimously elected. The emoluaients of the office were then about £375 per annum. Messrs. Mellor and Young, the M.P's. for the town, had arrived, the former at the Norfolk, and the latter at the Royal Hotel. The Artillery Militia bad assembled for 21 days' drill. There had been further disturbances between the Fermanagh Militia and the townspeople, which had led to a conference between the Magistrates and the officer commanding that Regiment, since which the soldiers had not been allowed to enter the town after 6.30 p.m., and a picket had been stationed on the Bridge. .\ fancy fair in aid of the Sailors' Institute was being held in three marquees fronting the Norfolk Hotel. n.M S. " Pembroke," 60 guns, had sailed for Harwich, after remain- ing in the Roads 14 days. During her stay 40 volunteers had been en- tered upon her books. The King of Prussia's yacht " Grille " had arrived in the Harbour ; she was of 400 tons, and rigged as a three-masted schooner. The officers on board were Captain baron Bothwell, Lieutenants Baron St. Paul, Baron Dobenack, and Count Moate. Sept. 15th. — The Fermanagh Militia had left Yarmouth for Brad- ford, and were to be succeeded by the Louth Rifles, 2.10 The comet (visil)lo with the nak.^d eye) was getting l)righter every night. Sept. 22nd. — One of a recently -arrived advance party of tlic Louth Rifles named John Garret had been found di-owned in the Yare. Sept. 2.')th. — Herring were selling at from £3 to £4 per last for manure. Sept. 29th. — The subscriptions to the Eaces amounted to only £289 18s. 6d., leaving the balance to be raised by sale of race-cards, kc. Mr. Collej- was acting as House Siu-geon at the Hospital. Oct. 2nd. — The East Norfolk JNIilitia had been inspected by Colonel Lewis prior to being disbanded. The Louth Eifles, oOO strong, had arrived, and marched into the Southtown Barracks. The officers were Colonel Lord Bellew, Lieut. - Colonel Sir J. Robinson, Bart ; Major Taaffe, Adjutant Bellingham, Surgeon Dixon, Quarter- Master Edward Burke, Paj-master J. Burke, Captains O'Reiley, Smith, Singleton, and Murray, Lieutenants Evans, Osborne, Townley, Murphy, and Cormack, and Ensigns Mason, Lind- say, Standidge, O'Donald and Twentyman. Oct. 6th. — The mortality in the town was then 23 in 1,000 persons. Oct. 9th. — The fishing had improved, and herring was selling at from £19 5s. to £22 per last. William Holt, Esq , had given a dinner at the Crown and Anchor to the officials connected with the Police Court. Mr. S. J. F. Stafford had been elected Surgeon for the North District. Oct. 16th.— The County Revision hid been held before Mr. R. Couch at the Tolhouse, Mr. Clowes api^earing for the Liberals and Mv. Cufaude for the Tories ; also for the Borough, when Mr. Costerton appeared for the Liberals, and Mr. Cufaude for the Tories. The Liberals claimed gains on both these registers. Oct. 20th. — It was understood that R. Steward, Esq., would be Mayor for the ensuing yesLr. The Mayor (with Messrs. Pilgrim and Cooper as assessors) had held the Municipal Revision, Mr. Costerton ajipearing for the Liberals and Mr. Cufaude for the Conservatives ; the fomier claimed a gain of 73 on the proceedings. Oct. 27th. — Lieutenant Mends, R.N., had been presented with a handsome gold pencil-case by the crew of H.M.S. " Dolphin," (Revenue cruiser on this station), on his resigning- his command, 231 Oct. 30th. — The Bishop of Norwich had confirmed 115 persons at St. Nicholas' Church. Nov. 3rd. — The following Councillors had been elected without opposition: — Xort]i. Ward: Messrs. W. Worshij) and J. B. Hylton. Market JFarcl : Messrs. E. R. Aldred and D. A. Gourlay. Reg cut Ward : Messrs. R. D. Barber and R. R. B. Norman. St. George's Ward : Messrs. R. Ferrier and B. Jay. Nelson Ward : Blessrs. Charles J. Palmer and Charles Woolverton. St. 4ndreic''s Ward : Messrs. Robert Steward and William T. Clarke. Captain Ryder, R.N., Government Inspector, had examined 42 pupils at the School of Navigation. Nov. 6th. — It was " confidently reported" that the Vicar (the Rev. G. Hills) had been appointed Bishop of British Columbia. Nov. 10th —A claim had been made by a person whose father had served in the army from 1802 to 1816, to sell excisable articles without a license, under the 56 George III. cap. 67. Nov. 13th.— At the Council meeting held on the 9th, Mr. William H. Palmer proposed, and Mr. Hylton seconded, Robert Steward, Esq., as Mayor for the ensuing year, and he was declared unanimously elected, but as " the late Mayor was about to invest hitn with the chain of office, " His Worship rather prematurely took hold of the chain and placed it " on the seat." A complimentary dinner had been given b}^ the Council to the ex- Mayor, at which C. J. Palmer, Esq., presided. Nov. 17th. — The Maj^or had dispensed with the formality of being preceded by the maces and other insignia of the Corporation in attending divine service and taking his seat on the Bench. He had also declined wearing the gold chain on the same occasions. Nov. 20th. — Attention was directed to the "Wonders of the " Microscope, published by Mr. Harmer, the photographist of Great *' Yarmouth." Dec. 4th. — The Royal National Lifeboat Institution had sent one of its 30 foot single -banked boats to this station. The Mayor had issued invitations for a dinner at the Town Hall to 170 gentlemen connected with the town and district. The Rev. R. H. Nevill had been appointed to the Vicarage, which was supposed to be worth some £350 per annum. Dec. 1 1th. — iMr. J. H. Harrison had lent the St. George's Hall to the tradesmen, who were getting up a concert for the benefit of the Hospital. 282 Dec. loth. — The Mayor, Sir John Rohinson, Bart., S. C. Marsh and C. J. Pahner, Esq8., had acted as Stewards of the first Subscription Ball, and there were also present — the Mayoress, Captain Winyard, R.N., Captain O'Reiley, Dr. Dixon, Captain Smith, Mr., Mrs. and Miss Harcoiirt, Mrs. and Miss (rwynne, Mrs. C. J. Palmer, Mr. Cnbitt and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ferrier, Mr. W. Travers, Mr. E. and Miss Preston, Mrs. S. C. Marsh and family, Mr. H. Lacon, Mr. and Afrs. Barber and family, Mr. .Tolly, Mr. F. Danby- Palmer, Mr. Bullock, Mrs. A. Thompson, Mr., Mrs. and Miss Venning, Mrs. and Miss Pearson, Dr. Button, IMr. and Mrs. Biddulph, Mrs. R. Steward, Rev. Mr. Gott and family, Mr. Harmer, &c. Mr. J. Petts had been promoted to be Chief Coastguard Ofiicer at Yarmouth. Dec. 11th. — It was proposed to present Bishop Hills with a silver Communion Service. 1869. Jan. 5th. — A meeting had been held (C. J. Palmer, Esq., in the chair) for the purpose of raising a fund with a view to presenting a test- monial to the Rev. George Hills. Sir E. H. K. Lacon, and Messrs. R. Hammond, T. Brightwen, C. C. Aldred, E. H. L. Preston, C. S. D. Steward, and C. Cory, took part in the proceedings, and £145 was raised in the room. The Mayor (R. Steward, Esq.), had given away 300 cwts. of coal to poor persons. Jan. 12th. — It was reported that 20 missionary clergjTnen would accompany the Rev. G. Hills to his new mission, and that Mr. Lupson, Scripture Reader, should be ordained and go as one of these. Jan. 15th. — The members of the Ship Insurance Society, to the num- ber of 30, had held their annual dinner at the " Crown and Anchor " ; Mr. D. A. Gourlay occupied the chair, and Mr. D. B. Palmer the vice- chair. Jan. 22nd. — The East Suffolk Railway was to be opened on the 1st March. Jan. 29th. — The Rev. G. Hills had preached his farewell sermon. The Mayor had given a Juvenile Ball to 130 children at the Town Hall. Among those present were members of the following families : — Reynolds, Youell, Harcourt, Cufaude, Marsh, Impey, Tompson, Clarke, 233 Donald, Norman, Bond, Aldred, Lettis, Woolverton, Butcher, Barnby, Ayers, Reeve, Laws, Bayly, Chamberlin, Dashwood, Bracoy, Palmer, Shuckford, Smith, Smyth, Pliimmer, Barber, &c. Bro. John Cobb had been installed W.M. of Lodge " Friendship " by Bros. O. Diver and J. W. Bunn, and ho had appointed the following officers : — Bros. W. Wright, S.W. ; G-. Harley, J.W. ; C. L. Chipperfield, S.D. ; J. H. Bly, J.D. ; and George Knox, I.G. Feb. 5th. — The ladies had j)resented plate to the value of 50 guineas to the Rev. G. Hills. Mrs. Gray had given a " ball and reception " at the Town Hall. Feb. 9th. — About 100 Foresters had attended the funeral of Bro. Hatch, at Gorleston, on Sunday, which proceeding had been objected to by the Vicar. Feb. r2th — A "Reform" Meeting had been held, Mr. Livingston in the chair. Feb. 16th. — Mr. Boning, of Cambridge, had accidentally injured himself while shooting on the Caistor Marshes. Dr. Smyth, Mr. F, Palmer, Mr. Skinner and Mr. Colley (Hospital) were attending the sufEerer Feb. 19th. — Mr. Ncvill, the new Inciimbent, had arrived, and was going *' to read himself in " on the next Sunday. Feb. 23rd. — This ceremony had been duly performed by him. A Reading-room had been established in connection with the Sub- scription Library on the Quay. Mr. J. C. Smith had presided at Mrs. Sizeland's annual dinner at the Royal Hotel. A high tide had washed over the Beach up to the Marino Drive wall. Feb. 26th.— The Foresters had held a dinner at the Corn Hall ; 100 brethren attended. The Chief Ranger (Bro. Franklin) presided, and Bros. Steele, Home, E. Stagg, Dr. Smyth, Dumbleton and Thompson took part in the proceedings. March 2nd.— Dr. Hills had been consecrated Bishop of British Columbia at Westminster Abbey. The first train from Yarmouth had run over the East Suffolk line. March 5th. — A search for treasure had been made at the '* Stone Cairn " on the North Denes, it seems from the report, without effect. The old Jetty was to be repaired. 234 The officers of the Louth Kiflcs had given a Ball al the Town Hall, for which about 180 invitations were issued. March lOtli,— Messrs. Mcllor and Yoiing had attended a Keform Meeting at the Corn Hall; from 1,000 to 1,200 persons wei-e present. Among the gentlemen accompanying the M.P.'s were Messrs. R. Hammond, P. Pullyn, Gourlay, F. Palmer, Clowes, Briggs, Barker, &c. March 23rd — There was a " rage " for new buildings in the town. March 30th. — A Court of B'oresters had been opened at Hasbro', the officiating officers being D.C.R. Stratford and C.R. Franklin (of Court " Crown and Anchor.") April 2nd. — The question as to who were to be the Liberal candi- dates for the Borough was being " mooted" ; it was reported that Mr. McCullagh was to be put on one side, that Mr. Mellor would withdraw, and that Messrs. Watkin and Young would take the held. A new Coastguard Station was being erected at a cost of £3,500. Mr. Norfor, contractor. April 6th. — The action of *'Morantv. Chamberlin " had been referred to Mr. Barstow. April 9th. — Both parties had been waiting for notice of the Dissolu- tion of Parliament. Sir E. H. K. Lacon and Sir H. J. Stracey were making a house-to-house canvas, accompanied by Messrs. W. Yctts, W. Thurtell, R. Ferrier, C. Cory, S. C. Marsh, W. Worship, E. H. L. Preston, J. G. Plummcr, F. Ferrier, J. Fenn, &c. The Liberals had held a meeting on the Hall Plain, which 3,000 persons attended. Mr. Briggs occupied the chair, and Messrs. J. Clowes, R. Hammond, J. Owles, J. VV.' Shelly, and P. Pullyn took part in the proceedings, which eventuated in the selection of Messrs Watkin and Young as the Liberal candidates. April 13th. — Both parties had held meetings, the Liberals at the " Star " and the Conservatives at the " Fish Stall House." April 16th. — Both parties expressed themselves confident of success, but it was supposed that Gorleston would turn the scale ; the voters there were described as " dangerous men." The barque " Athelstan " (Captain JohnBracey) was to be launched from Fellows' yard on the 19th. April 20th.— The Liberal electors "and their wives " had met at the Corn Exchange, while the Conservatives had held a meeting at the Victoria Gardens. 235 April 23rd.— Cuntains the following report as to '■' THE ELECTION." "The i,'rc:itest activity prevails on both sides, and as the decisive day approaches, the feelings of partizanship are hccon\ing greatly intensified. The printers have had a lively time of it, and turn out a great quantity of matter, an opinion appearing to be prevalent that quality is a secondary consideration. During the last few days, songs, parodies upon songs, speeches, and gross personal abuse have been issued by the supporters of Mr. Watkin, (for it must be admitted that Mr. Young holds himself aloof from this scurrility) with the object, we suppose, of doing that gentleman some good. In our opinion they will have a contrary effect, as we have heard many respectable Liberal electors express themselves disgusted with such unnecessary vulgarity. It may be very true, that in addressing the people, it is necessary to call a spade a spade, but it cannot be at all requisite that the minds of the people should be attempted to be influenced by strong specimens of the Billingsgate vocabulary. Where wit is lacking, silence is preferable to blackguardism. On the Conser- vative side there has also been a fair number of coloured bills and printed addresses issued ; but the writers in this interest have abstained from attempting to be funny. In printed abuse, however, they endeavour to rival their opponents. Betting, if that may be considered a piece of electioneering business, is decidedly in favour of the Conservative can- didates. Each party attributes motives of the most improper kind to the other, and it will be seen that Mr. Watkin fears that his opponents may indulge in " corruption." On the other hand, Sir E. Lacon says voters had told him they dare not support him, as they should be inclined to do, in consequence of persons on the Liberal side having put the "screw " upon them. Tradesmen generally will be glad when the contest is over, as it is daily creating much personal animosity," The '* Athelstan " had been launched ; she was of 500 tons burden, and was to take out Bishop Hills' effects to British Columbia. The " Haddiscoe Swamp " had caused a great difficulty on the East Suffolk line, which was consequently still not open for traffic. William Hewlett, " Red " bill-poster, and Eobcrt Crisp, "Blue" bill-poster, had been before the Magistrates owing to a dispute arising out of the election placards. April 30th. — Both parties had been holding nightly meetings of a "convivial character." On Wednesday some 300 to 400 persons had paraded the town shouting "Down with Lacon and Stracey, " and had broken the windows of the Red Committee rooms in the Market-place. 236 "the nomination" took plate on thu Hall Plain ; the platform, in the centre of which was reserved a place for the Mayor and the Candidates and friends, heing on the Crown and Anchor *4eads." The Blues were to the left of the Major and the Keds to his right ; and in front of the house there was at the time jiroccedings commenced an assemblage numbering 4,000 or 5,000, including a number of females. The Liberals were the first to arrive on the "leads," and on Mr. Watkin showing himself to the crowd, he was loudly cheered, a compliment which the candidate didy acknow- ledged. Shortly afterwards the approach of the Conservative party was indicated by the deep groans of the crowd, who manifested some indica. tions of hostility : but on its being discovered that the Conservative cavalcade was headed by a party of very pugilistic-looking persons, decorated with red ribbon, the threatening attitude of the crowd was somewhat modified, and the two Baronets, with their friends, were allowed to ascend to the "leads" unmolested. "VVTien the two parties had taken their places pn the balcony, the Liberals proposed three cheers, which were given by the great majority, accompanied by the groans of the minority. A number of " beery " individuals struggled to the front, and were a source of annoyance to the speakers throughout. A few minutes before three o'clock the Mayor arrived in state, preceded by his sergeants-at-mace, and accompanied in his carriage by Mr. C, J . Palmer, who acted as his solicitor for the occasion. When his Worship appeared in the balcony the Blues, for some reason, commenced hissmg him, much to the disgust of several of the leading gentlemen of the Liberal party, who protested against such imseemly proceedings. We may state, before attempting to report the numerous speeches that were delivered, that during the whole of the proceedings — more especially when it was the turn of the Conservatives to speak — the crowd was exceedingly dis- orderly, and by their loud shouting and groaning rendered most of the speakers inaudablc to persons a few yards distant from them. The Mayor was grossly insulted at the commencement, and as the proceedings progressed several fights were got up, and the interference of the police was frequently required. Anything more unreasonable and unreasoning than the majority of the crowd it would be impossible to conceive, and when the nomination closed there did not seem to be any person in the t)alcony opposed to the opinion of the Mayor — that the " whole thing was a farce." One side of the question was not heard at all, and the majority shouted without knomng what about. This was singularly illustrated 237 during the speech of Mr. Watkin, when that gentleman took upon him- self the functions of the returning-officer, by calling upon the crowd for a show of hands, which, singularly enough, was against him. Mr. Watkin said, "All those that don't want me to go to the poll, hold up their hands." A forest of hands was exhibited to the great amusement of the Conservatives, who cheered the result Mr. "Watkin then told his friends that they were mistaken, and having explained the mistake to them, assuring them that they were too intelligent to vote him down, he took another show of hands, which was in his favour. We shall be excused for commenting upon the proceedings here ; but the disorder and noise was so great that, as most of the speakers could not be heard, we are necessitated to do it, in order to make our report intelligible. From the beginning to the end "noise " had it in numbers ; but in fighting the honour seemed to be with the Reds, who exhibited considerable pro- ficiency in the pugilistic art. The crowd, which was very closely packed, was divided into two sections, the Blue and the Red, the former having about ten to one of the latter. At times both sections were very ill- behaved, but their misconduct was kindly overlooked by the whole of the speakers except Mr. Watkin, who took the liberty of designating the minority of the "people" as "scoundrels" and "ruffians." These polite designations appeared likely to stir up the ill -blood of the people, inasmuch as four or five fights immediately commenced, in one of which an imfortunate fellow sustained a severe fracture of the proboscis, and it was not until the Mayor had, to use a significant local word, " checked " Mr. Watkin, and warned him against the violent nature of his harangue, that comparative order was restored. The fights in question are deserving of notice. One began between a female, whose bonnet was trimmed with yellow ribbon, and a stout man in a blue guernsey. Gallant Reds and Blues rushed into the affray, doubtless with the object of protecting the woman, and there was every probability of a general set-to. The Mayor, however, directed the police to interfere, and the contest was suppressed, with apparently no worse results than the in- fliction of a few disagreeable blows on the frontispieces of the combatants. The other fights were of less importance ; but altogether this display of pugnacity had the effect of causing the outside portion of the crowd to run away from what they considered to be danger. Other fights, as will be seen from the report, also occurred. One feature in the general noise was much remarked by the gentlemen on the balcony, and as it was amusing we notice it. A half drunken beacLman or fisherman, just so •2 ns far gone as to be witty, but who was unmistakeably a Blue, planted himseK in front of the balcony, and by his extraordinary shouting suc- ceeded in making himself heard above the surrounding tumult. There was some natuKil humour about this fellow, and the way in which he shouted excited the laughter of the Mayor and both parties on the balcony. The man shouted until the veins grew large in his forehead ; he j umped and screamed — h(,' laughed and waved his hat, and others laughed with him — indeed, for a time all laughed with him ; he was in a state of ecstacy or violent enthusLasm. It was difficult for a time to make out what the man meant, but at length he was understood, and his fun was appreciated. Sir E. Lacon wears a full moustache, and so does Sir H. Stracej', and those hirsute ornaments were the objects of this excited individual's enthusiasm. He laughed and shouted — his voice being hoard above the murmur of the crowd, — for fully an hour, — "The beard ! the beard ! will nobody shave him ? A shave ! a shave ! Fetch a barber ! fetch a barber ! — (Loud laughter.) — A clean shave ! A shilling for a razor ! a razor I a razor 1 Lord, a clean shave," &c. Ultimately the man climbed to the top of a post, and threw his hat into the face of a railway porter ; the porter ran to him and struck him in the mouth two or three times, with a force that evidently astonished him, and as his scream then became somewhat distressing, he was ignominiously removed to the outside of the crowd. Many other noticeable incidents occurred, which will be found mentioned in our report. But there is one circum- stance which did not altogether develop itself at the meeting, that we feel compelled to notice. Society, from experience, knows that the prude is the loudest and severest advocate of virtue ; but, as Josephus has remarked, " Every man will think of this as it seemeth good unto him." We have noticed the Gorleston voters, we have recorded the boastings and professions on both sides, and we have ventilated rumours which have been so far well founded. The incident we are about to mention we can vouch for ; it is possible, should circumstances necessitate it, of being proved. On the Wednesday evening, mob law, intimidation, corruption, "the screw," and all the worst elements of electioneering were resorted to ; and we regret to say that the parties who most publicly exhibited themselves as disorderlies were persons whom we won't classify, but who cried out, " Down with Lacon and Stracey " and " Three cheers for Watkin." "the tin canister." A report had been " current that a mysterious old gentleman had 239 arrived from somewhere with a tin canister full of sovereigns, and from the way in which he was dressed it was generally supposed that he was either a Russian or a Shrewshury man come for the purpose of bribery. " Said person," as the Yankees say, was seen in the rear of the balcony at the Crown and Anchor, defying anybody to penetrate the secret of his identity, but occasionally winking and ejaculating, with an occasionally eructory soimd, the words, " All right — in for Watkin." This strange gentleman departed in the evening, minus, it is said, the canister. We will now pass over the irregularities of the story, and give you the words of our informant, whose high standing and character place him beyond suspicion: — "I had attended the Yarmouth nomination, ana took my railway seat, at 8.40 p.m. for Norwich. There were two or three gentle- men in the first-class compartment in which I had placed myself ; and one gentleman was a peculiar sort of mysterious individual. After eyeing the party well, the gentleman gravely said, •* Both sides are buying, I'm afraid, at Yarmouth." One of the party doubted the assertion, but the ancient traveller smiled and said, "No, no." Further explanations took place, until at length our interesting fellow-traveller volunteered this remark, after a feeler from one of the party, " You know I came down from Manchester yesterday, to see my particular friend W . Deuced clever fellow— one of the best railway men in the country. He did wonders for the Manchester and Lincolnshire line, and if we get him in we shall expect him to be one of the best railway men we have." One of the party asked, " Are you a Yarmouth voter, sii' ? " Old Traveller : " No, but I wished to see my friend W on very particular busi- ness, and so I just came down to Yarmouth to see how his election was getting on as we^^, and to add my mite of influence." This, perhaps, will account for the story of the tin canister. The rest we shall leave to the report." Mr. J, Cherry proposed, and Mr. R. Dumbleton seconded Sir K. H. K. Lacon. Mr. R. Hammond proposed, and Mr. J. Owles seconded Mr. Watkin. Mr. E. H. L. Preston proposed, and Mr. S. C. Marsh seconded Sir H. J. Stracey, And Mr. J. W. Shelly proposed and Mr. P. PulljTi seconded Mr. Young. The show of hands was in favour of Messrs. Watkin and Young, whereupon a poll was demanded for Sir E. H. K. Lacon and Sir H. J. Stracey. 240 May 4th. — Tho poll had been taken in Wards as follows : — Lacon. Stracey. Watkin. Young. St. Nicholas' 97 89 76 71 Market 117 113 100 99 Regent 112 108 91 88 St. George's 102 94 89 84 Nel8on 166 153 119 106 St. Andrew's 105 102 93 88 Total .. 699 659 568 536 But it was stated that ' ' there were many cases of bribery, and the ** defeated party threatened a petition against this ' return.' " May 7th. — Between £500 and £600 had been promised as subscrip- tions to that end. There had been a fashionable ball at the Town Hall. The Norfolk Artillery IMilitia had left for Sheerness. INIiles Swiney had been shot in the side by one of the Louth Rifles on the North Denes. May 11th. — It had been proposed to raise a Yacht Club, Mr. H. Morgan acting as Treasurer, and £100 had been subscribed for the purpose. (N.B.— This was the starting of the Norfolk and Suffolk Yacht Club.) ISIeetings of electors had been held to promote the petition. May 18th. — The petition was "likely to reveal a ' hi(/h state of political morality in the Borough.' " May 21st. — Contains the Lord Lieutenant's proclamation as to the fonnation of Rifle Corps. May 25th. — A few persons were talking of raising one of such corps at Yai-mouth, but no active steps had been taken in regard thereto. May 28th. — On the Queen's Birthday, the Mayor had given a luncheon and ball at the Town Hall. The testimonial "consisting of silver candelabra, &c.," and the Corporation address had been presented to Bishop Hills at the Town Hall. Some 250 persons were present, amongst whom were— ]\Iessrs. C. J. Palmer (who presided at the luncheon), Brightwen, C. Aldred, S. Aldred, Sir E. Lacon, M.P., Reynolds, Nash, C. Cory, R. Hammond, F. Worship, W. Worship, E. Erere, F. Palmer, F. Ferrier, T. Brightwen, Captain Holmes, Dr. Smith, Rev. Ne^nll, Johnson, &c. 241 June 1st. — Contains the following report of a *' MEETING TO ESTABLISH A VOLUNTEER RIFLE CORPS." On Friday, a meeting, called by the Mayor, was held at the Town Hall, to take into consideration certain communicfitions which his worship had received from General Peel, the Secretary at War, and Lord Leicester, the Lord Lieutenant of the County. There was a verj' numerous attend- ance. Amongst the gentlemen present were — Sir E. Lacon, Bart., M.P., Lieutenant Colonel Beckham, Captain Naylor, Captain Holmes, Rev. J. B. Bampton, Rev. T. Lowe, Messrs. J. H. Orde, F. Worship, W. Worship, W. Yetts, S. C. Marsh, C. C. Aldred, C. J. Palmer, E. H. L. Preston, J. Clowes, Foreman, &c. The Mayor stated that he had called the meeting in consequence of communications he had received from General Peel and the Lord Lieutenant, and in compliance with a requisition which he had received, and which was signed by seventy gentlemen. He read General Peel's letter and the requisition. He had prepared no resolution or anything of that sort, but should leave the gentlemen asgembled to propose 'any- thing they might think proper. Mr. W. Worship said the subject upon which they had been called together was one upon which there could be no difference of opinion — (hear, hear)— and in order to put the proceedings into a practical form, he should move that a committee bo appointed, which would include Sir E. Lacon and Mr. Orde. Mr. R. Ferrier said he had much pleasure in seconding the motion, and he hoped it would be understood that, although they were forming a military corps, such men as himself might be allowed to contribute to the expenses which would be incurred in its formation. There were, doubtless, many men in the town who could afford to pay for the accoutrements and give up the necessary time ; but there was also in the town a fine class of men, in every way eligible, who could not afford that. It was, therefore, in assisting the latter class that such men as himself could be useful. (Hear, hear.) He should be glad himself to pay the annual expenses of some man who could not afford to do it himself ; and had no objection to put his name down at once for £10 a year. (Hear, hear.) Mr. S. C. Marsh said he did not wish to interrupt the proceedings ; but before they formed the committee he thought they should, by some resolution, declare it desirable to form a Rifle Corps. (Hear, hear.) Having decided to form a corps, the next stop would be to form a com- 242 mittee to carry out the necossury arrangements. He was sure English- men would respond to theoifer that had been made them to allow them- selves to form volunteer corps for the defence of the country. Norfolk had never been behindhand in the manifestation of patriotic feeling, and lie hoped that would not be the case on this occasion. Yarmouth had before shown what she could do for the Governments of England and the defence of the country, and he hoped she was prepared to do something now. (Hear, hear.) He begged to move " That it is expedient to establish a Volunteer Rifle Corps for Great Yarmouth and its vicinity." Mr. Ferrier seconded. — Carried unanimously. Sir E. Lacon, M.P. said he thought it highly essential that a town like Y'armouth should take a stand and come forward at once in obedience to the proclamation that had been issusd by the Queen. They must all put their shoulders to the wheel, and wherever they saw a fine young fellow who was a likely man for the corps, if he did not come forward they must ask him to do so. The duty they had to do that day was very slight" indeed, but for his own part, he would say that he should give the movement all the encouragement that he possibly could. (Hear, hear.) He should now move that a committee be appointed, with power to appoint a sub -committee, and with directions to go round the town and see what force could be got up. (Hear, hear.) Yarmouth. was a large town it was true, but there were also districts around it out of which to draw much assistance ; but he certainly thought it would be desirable to take in the Flegg Hundreds and the Island. Mr. J. Clowes said there were many men m the town who, from age and other causes, would be unable to serve in a rifle corps, but who would be very desirous of taking part in the defence of our shores — men who were loo old to sleep all night in the marsh ditches, or under hedo-es. (Laughter.) For that class of men, he thought there should be an Artillery Corps, as many of them, though not fit to take the field, would be ready to man a gun or work a battery. The Mayor said it was out of the scope of the present meeting to discuss an Artillery Corps. Mr. Orde said Government had intended that Ihcy would sanction and approve the formation of Artillery Corps. Mr. Marsh's motion was then put and carried. Sir E. Lacon, in answer to Dr. Stephenson, said it would, no doubt, be a desirable thing to have a mounted Rifle Corps, only they could not get the horses, and if they could get them, many would be unable to 243 keep them, besides which he should object, unless he wished to see some of them killed, to their mounting horses. (Loud laughter.) But he might say that, at an agricultural dinner, where he was the other day, he heard the farmers express themselves strongly in favour of a mounted force in the Fleggs and the Island. Mr. C. J. Palmer suggested that all w^ho wished to support the corps, either by serving in it or by their subscriptions, should come forward and put down their names at once. (Hear, hear ) The Mayor said he would take down the names of any gentlemen who wished to join the corps. When they saw who were willing to join, they might name a committee, and appoint some gentleman to act as secretary. That being done, the future conduct of the movement would remain with the committee. The following gentlemen then gave in their names as members of the corps: — Sir E. H, K. Lacon, M.P., Sir H. Stracey, M.P. , Lieutenant- Colonel Beckham, S. C. Marsh, C. J. Palmer, B. Jay, K. Ferrier, W. Worship, F. Palmer, F. Worship, W. J. Foreman, W. C. Rej-nolds, S. Aldred, Dr. Stephenson, J. H. Orde, Gr. Harvey, G. Baker, Rev. J. B. Bampton, H. Teasdel, J. W. Bunn, Captain Holmes, C, Brown, J. Tomlinson, H. R. Harmer, G. Diver, H. H. Barber, J. Franklin, E. Fyson, J. B. Stevens, J. Playford, G. B. Costerton, H. Teasdel, T. P. Burroughs, Ambrose Palmer, A. W. Morant, Rev. T. Lowe, and J. Clowes. Mr, R. Ferrier moved that the foregoing be appointed a committee to carry out the arrangements for establishing the corps, with power to appoint a sub-committee ; and that Colonel Beckham be requested to act as honorary secretary. The motion was carried imanimously, and the book containing the list of names was ordered to be left at the Police-station during the ensuing week, to give persons desirous of joining the corps an opportu- nity of entering their names. The proceedings then concluded. June 8th.— The Norfolk and Suffolk Yacht Club had held its first meeting on Breydon Water, and subsequently the members (who appeared in Club uniform) dined at the Club House (Norfolk Hotel), when the healths of Colonel Wilson, Commodore; F. Brown, Esq., Vice-Com- modore ; Mr. Everitt, of Cove Hall, (father of the Club) : Mi . Scott, Aylsham, and others were duly honoured. 244 Mr. Bradnutn's shop at Gorlcstoa had been struck by lightning. June 11th. — iMr. Mellor, Q.C., M.P. for Nottingham, had presented the petition against the return of the M.Ps. June 15th. — The Mayor and the Town Clerk had had a serious ** difference of opinion," and theforaier gentleman had declined to accept the " amende honorable " tendered him. by the latter. It was stated that some 60 persons were ready to join the Rifle Corps. June 18th. — The paper had opened a branch office at No. 31, King Street, Great Yarmouth, with Mr. Clarke as correspondent. Lord Chelmsford, before resigning the seals, had appointed Mr. Francis Worship, Mr. John Clarke, and Mr. E. P. Youell, Magistrates for the Borough. June 22nd.— A meeting had been held at St. George's Hall, (Mr. Harrison in the chair), for the purpose of taking steps to advertise the town. Forty invalid soldiers had arrived at the Royal Naval Hospital. June 29th. — There now apj)eared to be two petitions lodged against the return of Sir E. H. K. Lacon and Sir H. J. Stracey, one signed by Mr. John Clowes (solicitor), and the other by Mr. Bayly (surgeon) and Mr. Pilgrim (draper). A. meeting of the first Company of Volunteers had been held at Crowe's Sale-rooms. This body now numbered 90 men, the second Company having 56 members. Mr. Dumbleton occupied the chair, and Mr. Marsh having explained the position of affairs, the following gen- tlemen were elected officers : — Mr. Marsh (captain), and Mr. Foreman (first), Mr. Brown (second), and Mr. Preston (third) Lieutenants. July 2nd. — The second Company had met at the Angel. Major Nesbitt presided, and the following officers were elected :— Mr'. Orde (captain), Mr. E. P. Youell (Lieutenant), and Mr. J. Tomlinson, jun., (ensign). There were from 8,000 to 10,000 persons on the Piers, Drive, &c., on Sunday evening. July 6th. — Mr. Mellor had given notice that he should call atten- tion to the state of the Yarmouth Bench of Magistrates. The following cricket match had been played en the South Denes : — Mr. Overend's Side. Mr. Willis' Side. Mr. Lawry 7 Mr. Ling 1 Mr. Jackson 3 Mr. Borlase 5 Mr. Fenner 1 Mr. Ellis 245 Lieutenant Townley 12 Mr. Larke Mr. Ablitt 7 Mr. Clarke 2 Mr. Overend 7 Mr. Willis 1 Mr. Cocks Mr. Davey 8 Mr. Edwards Mr. T. B. Stevenson 17 Mr. Baker Mr. Tewsley 4 Dr. Stephenson 4 Mr. Stolworthy Mr. Wright 4 Mr. Green Byes 2 Byes 5 W ides 2 Wides 5 Total 41 Total 48 Afterwards the players dined at the Crown and Anchor Hotel. July 16th. — Owing to his altercation with the Town Clerk, the Mayor declined to attend the meetings of the Council. July 20th. — One of the petitions against the M.Ps' return had been withdrawn. The Rifle Companies numbered over 200. Mr. Orde's Company mustered 80 at their first drill in the Barrack Square. There were then on the Parish Books 272 indoor and 1,247 outdoor paupers, as against 1,134 in the preceding year. July 27th. — Lieutenant -Colonel Mason had retired from the com- mand of the East Norfolk Militia. The Foresters had held a " gala " at the Vauxhall Gardens. Aug. 3rd.— A very large number of Speaker's Warrants had been issued in connection with the Election Petition. Aug. 13th. — Eliza, second daughter of S. C. Marsh, Esq., had been married to Captain Burke, of the Louth Rifles, at the Roman Catholic and St. Nicholas' Churches. The bridesmaids were Miss Marsh, the Misses Victoria, Louisa and Emily Marsh and Miss Waters ; the bride- groom's men were Major Taafe and the ofiicers of the Louth Rifles, and the carriages of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Kemp, Mr. and Mrs. W. Danby-Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. W. Walpole, Mr. and Mrs. Dashwood and others were present on the occasion. The Donegal Regiment was to succeed the Louth Rifles at Yarmouth. Aug. 17th. — The transport " Himalaya" had brought the former, and taken away the latter regiment ; the Louth Rifles had given a ball on board that ship. Aug. 20th. — The porch of the Parish Church was being restoj:ed. 24R There had btjcn a great deal of rain, hut the town was very full of visitors. Aug. 24th. — It was reported that the shock of an earthquake had been felt at Hopton. One hundred and fifty Horse Artillery had been encamped on the North Denes. Mr. Marsh's Company of Volunteers were to be equipped as Artillery. Mr. Orde's Company had drilled on the South Denes in public for the first time. The expenses of the Borough Election had been returned by the auditor as follows : — Conservatives, £809 15s. ; Liberals, £603 17s. 4d. Visitors were flocking to the town, and it was supposed that the standard population had thus been doubled ; beds were fetching the '* highest prices." The " Prophet Jack " was preaching on the Beach. Sept. 3rd. — Among the company present at the Races w^ere Count Batthyany, Lord W. Powlett, the Hon. Harbord Harbord, Colonel Wilson, Sir E. H. K. Lacon, M.P., and Sir H. J. Stracey, M.P. Sept. 7th. — Colonel Henderson had attended at Yarmouth to report on the proposed Artillery Corps, and had informed the Mayor and Mr. Marsh that it *' would have every encouragement from the Government." William Ingram, a labourer, had been scalded to death in Mr. Frosdick's Tanning Copper. Sept. 10th. — The Magistrates had had another "warm" discussion on Licensing Day, as to the granting of new licenses. There were 400 cases of appeal against the Poor's Rate from the St. George's Ward. The Overseers proposed to compound up to a rental of £6 10s. per annum. The Rev. W. Griffiths had been " ordained " at the King Street Chapel. Two or thi'ce " Dutch schuyts " had visited the port. The officers of Mr. Orde's Company had received their commissions. The Donegal Militia had marched out for their first drill on the Denes under the command of Major Todd. Sept. 17th.— The 6th annual meeting of the Elocution Society had been held, Mr. W. Gill in the chair, when Mr. Lovewell Blake, the Secretary, brought up a favourable report of the proceedings of the Society. 247 There were a great number of Rate appeals from the North Ward. The Mayor having determined to commit a prisoner named Angel, (in which course the other Justices did not concur) left the Bench, and had intimated by letter "That he should not sit again as a Magistrate." Next day His Worship again informed the Bench that he had been mis- led by Mr. Holt, and that he should not sit. Sept. 21st.— Three " gents " having hired a house in Brandon Terrace, had been victimising the tradesmen. Sept. 24th. — Two of these persons, who gave the names of Thomas T. George, and William Arnall, had been before the Bench and ordered to find two sureties for the peace in £50 each, themselves being bound for £100 each ; subsequently George was bailed out by his stepfather, a London gentleman, who stated that the prisoner was an articled clerk in receipt of £200 a year from his mother. The North Sea herring voyage was ''fairly alive," as much as £30 a last having been realised for some of the fish. Sept. 28th. — The following were the tenders for the Ballast dues : — James Pumfrey, £405 ; D. S. Bayfield, £375 ; and Jacob Preston, £600. The late lessee, Mr. J. H. Harrison, did not send in a tender. Mr. Preston, however, subsequently threw up his tender, and the dues were offered to Mr. Smith (an ex-lessee) for £550 j)er annum. There had been a " fine illustration of the Northern Lights." Oct. 1st. — A special meeting of the Council had been held as to the Ballast question, when Mr. C. C. Aldred stated '* they had been called together through Mr. Preston's tomfoolery." Captain Marsh and Lieutenant Foreman had received their commis- sions, and thereupon taken the oaths before the Magistrates. Oct. 5th. — The Revision of the Voters' Lists had been proceeded with before Mr. Couch, Mr. W. C. Reynolds representing the Tories and Mr. Costerton the Liberals. The latter claimed a gain of four votes as the result of the proceedings. Fifty members of the 1st Norfolk Artillery Volunteers had been sworn in by B. Fenn, Esq., and were subsequently entertained by their ofiicers at the Crown and Anchor Hotel, A Poor's Rate of Is. 4d. in the £ (to raise £3,3G5 3s.) had been signed. One Corporal and three Privates of the Donegal Militia had been heavily fined by the Justices for assaulting Mr. Nail (printer) and several policemen. 248 Oct. 22nd. — Lord Claude Hamilton and officers of the Donegal Militia had entertained the officers of the French steamer " Galilee." Oct. 26th. — The appointment of officers and non-commissioned officers in the Volunteer Companies had been made, as follows : — Artillery Company : Captain : S. C. Marsh ; Lieutenant : Foreman; Scrgeant-Major : Franklin ; Sergeants : Dumbleton, Moody, and Stol- worthy ; Corporals : Suffling, Clarke, and Clements ; Armoury-Ser- geant : Offord ; Orderly Clerk : Sergeant Crowe. Rifle Company : Captain : J. H. Orde ; Lieutenant : Youell ; Ensign : J. Tomlinson, junr. ; Sergeants : Harmer, Bunn, Preston, and James ; Corporals: Dick, Willis, Fellows, and Pearson. Oct. 29th.— Sixty feet of the Britannia Pier had been carried away by a vessel during a gale which prevailed on the coast. Mr. Chapman had retired from the representation of the Regent Ward. Nov. 2nd. — The " Shipping Interest " was in a distressed state. The Herring Fishing was going on satisfactorily, £15 per last being given for fish. Nov. 5th. — Five wards had been contested. In the Regent Ward Mr. S. B. Cory beating Mr. F. Palmer by one vote. The following were the Councillors elected : — North : W. N. Burroughs and H. Boulter. Market : C. C. Aldred andF. Worship. Regent : S. C. Marsh and S. B. Cory. St. George: J. G. Plummer and J. C. Smith. Nelson : G. D. Palmer and C. E. Bartrum. Gorleston : E. H. L. Preston and H. Teasdel. Among the company present at a Ball held at the Town Hall, were — The Mayor and Miss Steward, Lieut -Colonel Lord Hamilton, M.P , and Lady Hamilton, the Hon. Harbora Harbord, Sir H. Stracey, Bart., M.P., and Lady Stracey, Lady Plumridge, Mr. and Mrs. I. Preston and the Misses Preston, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. L. Preston, Mr. and Mrs. A. Steward, and the Misses Steward, Captain and Mrs. Marsh, Captain J. H. Orde, Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, Mr. F. Danby- Pahner, Dr. Smith, Mr. Tilson, &c. Herring was making from £18 to £2C per last. Bribery had been practised (it was stated) in the Regent Ward, * ' to a disgraceful extent." A drinking fountain was being erected at the north end of the Town HaU. On Tuesday, the gale which had commenced on the previous Tuesday abated, and the weather since that day, had continued to improve. 249 The Regatta Committee Accounts showed a balance in hand of about £60. Nov. 12th. — At the Council Meeting, IMr. R. Ferrier proposed, and Mr. Nightingale seconded, Mr. William Worship as Mayor, and he was unanimously elected to that office. The retiring Aldermen were Messrs. T. Bunn, Gr. S. Shingles, W. C. Reynolds, J. G. Rivett, I. Shuckford, and E. P. Youell, the foUowing Aldermen were elected: — Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., M.P., T. Bunn, G. S. Shingles, I. Shuckford, E. P. Youell, and R. Purdy. Nov. 1 6th.— Owing to the damage sustained by the structure, it had been determined to shorten the Britannia Pier by about 100 feet. " ON ALDERMANIC SIXES." *' At Norwich, Tories loud complain, 'Cause Liberals are elected ; At Yarmouth^ he's alleged insane Who growls that they're rejected." Nov. 23rd. — The Municipal Elections on November 21st had been held as follows : — Rpgent Ward. Mr. W. C. Reynolds 110 Mr. Frederick Palmer 77 St. Andrew'' s Ward. Mr. Richmond elected without opposition. Nov. 26th.— A dinner had been held at the Town Hall in honour of R. Steward, Esq., the ex-Mayor. Sir E. H. K. Lacon presided, and C. J. Palmer and J. B. Hylton occupied the vice-chairs. It was proposed to raise, by shares, £8,000 for the purpose of building Assembly-rooms on the Marine Drive. Nov. 30th. — The Rifle Company had met ''in full dress at the Victoria- gardens," mustering between 80 and 90 strong on this occasion. Dec. 3rd.— The foundation-stone of the " Wherryman's Church " had been laid by W. Worship, Esq , the Mayor. The Mayor had presented rich window hangings and carpets to the Town Hall. Dec. 7th. — It was proposed to form a second Company of Artillery Volunteers. The Rifle Corps had dined at the Corn Hall, when Captain Orde presided, and the Mayor, Lord C. Hamilton, Captain Marsh, Lieu- tenant Foreman, and Dr. Stephenson (1st N.A.V.), had been present. 250 Dec. 17th. — At the Mayor's Inaugural Dinner, 150 gentlemen had attended, the Volunteer Officers appearing in full uniform. The following took part in the after-dinner proceedings :— The Mayor, Lord C. Hamilton, Rev. H. Nevill, Lord Sondes, Mr. E. Howes, M.P. Sir E. H. K Lacon, Bart., M.P., Stracey, Bart., M.P., the Recorder, (Mr. N. Palmer), Captain Orde, Captain Marsh, Mr. F. AVorship, the Town Clerk, Mr. R. FeiTier, and Captain Donelly. Mr. E. R. Palmer had offered a prize of £3 Ss., to be shot for by the 1st N.A.V. The Mayor had presented £50 to the District Visiting Society. About 100 Rate Summonses had been issued. Dec. 21st.— The Rifle Volunteers had attended St. Nicholas' Church on Sunday in uniform. The Magistrates were discussing the question as to who was entitled, in the absence of the Mayor, to the chair at the Petty Sessions. Dec. 24th. — The Rev. F. W. Johnson, Minister of St. John's, had died in London somewhat suddenly. 1860. Jan, 4th. — The Artillery Company had secured the services of a band, and armed the trumpeters " with swords." Several herring boats had again proceeded to sea. Jan. 7th. — Mr. Hulley and Sergeant Cattermole were playing in the N.A.V. Band. Jan. 11th. — The " canard " that one of the M.Ps. intended to retire was denied. Petitions were being largely signed in favour of marriage with a deceased wife's sister. About 30 gentlemen had attended the dinner of the Amicable Shi Plying Club, including Mr. Gourlay (who presided), the Mayor, Mr. R. Hammond, Mr. Burroughs, Mr. Martin, &c. Jan. 14th. — It was stated that Mr. French (whose smacks had been sold under a deed of assignment) had lost his wife's stays, in which a sum of £400 was sewn up, and that the reward offered was £50 or £100. Jan. 18th. — The daughter of Mr. R. Guthrie (aged 6 years) had been run over by a cart. Mr. Bowgin's house at Southtown had been broken into and several articles stolen therefrom. 251 Court " Bear of the Forest," 3187, had celebrated its first anni- versary at the Bear Inn, Southtown. Fifty members sat down to dinner, Bros. Mitchell and Palmer occupying the chair and vice-chair respectively. Several houses had been broken into by thieves. Jan. 2oth.— The Rev. H. Nevill had " politely requested " well dressed persons not to frequent the Beachuian's Church. '* Ghosts " were said to haunt Southtown, and had specially amaz;ed one Macdonald, an engine cleaner at the Southtown Station. Jan 28th. — The following further appointments had been made in the N.A.V. :— Corporal : W. Marsh. Bombardiers : Rees, J. Fish, J. Taylor, and J. Myhill. Acting ditto. : J. Bartram, K. Dumbleton, T. W. Larke', and W. Hunt. Feb. 4th. — At a meeting of the N.A.V. , held at the Victoria Gardens, Lieut. Foreman and Gunner Morant were recommended to the Lord Lieutenant as Captain and Lieutenant of the second Battery which it was proposed to laise. The Donegal Militia had given an entertainment at the Town Hall from 2.30 to 6.30 o'clock ; the Band attended, and the company enjoyed a dance. A second ComjDany of Volunteers was being raised. Bro. W. Wright had been installed W.M. of Lodge " Friendship." Feb. 8th. — It was supposed that the f rince of Orange was likely to become the husband of the Princess Alice. Wild rifle practice was being indulged in at Cobholm Island and other parts of the town, to the danger of the inhabitants. Feb. nth.— W. Rising, Esq. had presided at the annual Market Dinner at the White Horse, when Mr. Mortlock Lacon had repudiated the suggestion that Sir Edmund intended to retire from the representa- tion of the town. The Medical Staff of the Military Hospital had given a ball to 120 guests at the Town Hall. Mr. C. Melly had erected a drinking fountain in front of the Port Dues Office. " Tom Saytrs " was reported to be about to spend three weeks in the town previous to his " set to " with Heenan, the American. Feb. 15th.— W. Worship, Esq., (Maj^orand Chairman of the Board of Guardians) had given a treat to 293 inmates of the Workhouse. Feb. 18th. — An amateur performance had been given at the Theatre in aid of the Hospital. In the first piece Used Up, Captain Hayes, Mr. 252 Kobcrt Harmer, Dr. Kingdom, Sergeant-Major Greaves, Captain Darcus. J. McCormick, Esq., Ensign Leoky and two professional ladies appeared. Sergeant Bonner then danced an Irish jig, after which the Irish Attorney was given, in which the parts of the Attorney and Hawk were taken by Mr. Courtenay and Mr. Burton Steward, and the performance terminated with Bone on both sides. About £25 was thus realised for the charity. There had been a '* great fire " on the Middle Market Koad. Many persons who had promised to subscribe to the " Petition Fund " were " bacldng out." E. P. Youell, Esq., was to be Captain of the 2nd Company of Rifle Volunteers. On Valentine's Day the ladies took great advantage of the fact of its being " Leap Year " in sending these missives to the gentlemen. Feb. 22nd. — The Donegal Blilitia had given a second afternoon dance at the Town Hall. Mr. T. M. Read had been elected second Lieutenant in the N.A.V. "Monday was Cock (antique) or Orange Fair, when the Market ** Place was thronged by the usual ' fair' attractions." March 3rd. — "A most violent and destructive hurricane" had yisited the town and country. The petition had been heard, and the members retained their seats, which news had caused gxeat rejoicing amongst the Tories, while " the money" questio"n was likely to cause some trouble to the petitioners. Captain Foreman and Lieutenant Morant had been gazetted to the first N.A.V. The following had been elected ofiicers of the second Company of Rifles:— Captain, Mr. Youell ; Lieutenant, Mr. Harmer; Ensign, Mr. E. Preston. An untauned leather bag, containing 70 coins of the reign of Henry VIII. had been found on the Beach after a great thickness of sand had been blown away by the late westerly gale, March 10th. — Lieutenant Read and 70 members of the N.A.V. had escorted Captain Marsh, Captain Foreman, Lieutenant Morant, and Dr. Stephenson to the Railway Station on their proceeding to the Levee ; the other officers then present were Captain Orde, Lieutenant Youell, Ensign Tomlinson, and Surgeon Frederick Palmer, of the Rifles. March 24th.— The "Donegals" had celebrated St. Patrick's Day, beginning at five o'clock in the morning. In the afternoon the Officers 253 gave another dance at the Town Hall and entertained a numerous party of friends at their mess at the Southtown Barracks. April 7th, — Mr. J, Lee-Barber had been elected a Second Lieutenant intheN.A.V. In the Rifle Corps, Corporals Dick and Pearson and Privates Barber and Cobb had been elected Sergeants. April nth. — On Good Friday both Volunteer Corps had "fraternised " and drilled together on the Denes ; it was estimated that on this occasion, which was the first " turn out " of the kind, from 8,000 to 10,000 spectators, including Sir E. Lacon, M.P., Captain Holmes, Major Todd, and many ladies and gentlemen, were present. April 14th. — There had been a grand Conservative banquet at the Theatre, at which 350 persons were present. Mr. R. Dumbleton occu- pied the chair, and was supported by Sir E. Lacon, Bart., M.P., Sir H. Stracey, Bart., M.P., the Mayor (W. Worship, Esq.), F. Worship, C. Cory, and C. J. Palmer, Esqs., Captain Marsh, Captain Mansfield, and Ofiicers of the Donegal Militia and others ; Mr. W. Wright and Mr. R. Breeze occupied the vice-chairs ; Mr. Franklin catered for the party. Messrs. Steward and Aldred bad been re-elected Churchwardens by the Vestry. April 25th. — The following Volunteer officers had been entertained at the Donegal Mess : — Captain Marsh, Lieutenants Burton Steward, A. W. Morant, John Lee Barber, and T. M. Read, and Dr. Stephenson (1st N.A.V.), and Captain Youell, Lieutenants Tomlinson, and Harmer, Ensigns Preston and Brown, and Surgeon Frederick Palmer (4th N.R.V.). April 28th — Great complaint was made as to the mode of levying the Poor's Rate. In the Divorce Court, James Cherry, Esq., had obtained a decree for the restitution of conjugal rites against his wife, who was entitled to the income derived from a sum of £8,000. May 5th.— The Mayor had given a grand Ball at the Town Hall, when dancing was kept up until four o'clock in the morning. The E.N. M. had been inspected on the Denes by Major-General Douglas. The Rifle Volunteers ware also on the ground. Bro. Hanworth, Secretary of the "Good Samaritan" Lodge, M.U.O.F., had been presented with an ornamental silver inkstand. May 9th.— A Ball *' of a very elegant character " had taken place at the Town Hall. 254 The E.N.M. had been disembodied, when " many of the men cele- brated the event by getting drunk." The 1st N.A.V. had received 19,000 cartridges and 23,000 percussion caps. A fine porpoise had been gambolling in the river, near the Haven Bridge. May 16th.— The first lot of mackerel (300 fish) had been landed, and realised £4 per hundred. May 23rd. — On the Queen's Birthday, the 1st N.A.V. had fired a salute from the South Star BatterJ^ There was a scarcity of labour in the town. May 26th.— The "launching foy " of the "Caroline" had been held in the Town Hall (this vessel had been launched from Powell's yard, after being repaired at the expense of £5,000.) May 30th. — From 40 to 50 lives had been lost off Yarmouth in a " fearful hurricane," during which one of the pinnacles had been blown off St. Peter's Church and damage done to the fabric to the extent of some £200. June 2nd.— Sixty recruits were drilling for the Rifle Corps. 'Mr. Watkin had addressed a " Reform " meeting at the Com Hall. The Roman Catholic Bishop of Northampton had confirmed 50 children and adults at St. Mary's Church, Regent Road. June 7th. — It was now stated that eleven fishing luggers had been lost with all hands. Twelve fishermen out of the village of Horsey alone had been drowned. The 1st. N.A.V. were forming a 3rd Company, of which Lieutenant Lee-Barber was to be Captain, Mr. Trafford 1st Lieutenant, and Mr. Green 2nd Lieutenant. June 13th. — Fayerman (one of the witnesses at the hearing of the Election Petition) had been charged by SirE. Lacon with perjury, while arising out of this charge actions for slander were being brought against that gentleman by some aggrieved " Blues." June 16th. — A meeting had been held at the Town Hall to raise a fund for the relief of the widows and children of the fishermen lost in the recent gales. About £500 was raised in the room. June 20th. — The Mackerel voj^age was only a "moderate success." This fish was making 30s., and herring 12s. 6d., per hundred. June 23rd. — Henry Fayerman had been committed for trial on a charge of perjury. 255 The Rifle Volunteers had shown themselves "remarkably well in- *' structed in the theory and practice of the rifle." £2,240 had been raised for the families of tlie drowned fishermen. •' The actions against Sir E. Lacon for libelling the Liberal Com- " mittee had been postponed to next term." July 4th contains the following account of the VISIT OF THE CHANNEL FLEET. *' The Channel Fleet has at length visited our Roads, much to the gratification of thousands of the Qu.een's lieges, as well as to the galling disappointment of thousands of the same excellent body. The squadron came in in the open day, clear to the gaze of multitudes, but disappeared like a majestic phantom in the night. A little more than a week ago we were informed that the Channel Fleet had, after an anchorage of sixteen days in St. Margaret's Hope, Frith of Forth, left its moorings under canvas, with auxiliary steam power, and proceeded down the Frith and out to sea, destined for the Yarmouth Roads. As we stated in our last impression, the consequence of thnt information being diffused was to put aU the speculators and quidnuncs of the town and neighbourhood on the alert. Leaving St. Margaret's Hope on the Saturday, the fleet would certainly, it was argued, be here on the Tuesday, on which day the Marine Parade and the Beach were literally swarmed with expectant people, whose glasses were searching the waters in every direction ; but, owing either to the perversity of Admiral Neptune, the weather ofl&ce, or the Vice- Admiral in command (who is admitted by everyone to be a pleasant and courteous gentleman), the fleet did not arrive. Much disappointment and innumerable prophecies followed, and while some knowing individuals averred positively, and '* on undoubted authority " that the fleet had passed and would not come in here, others were equally confident, on the strength of telegrams and "unquestionable information," that the great ships would be seen, on the " next flood." As, however, they put in no appearance up to Friday evening, the conviction that they ha,d omitted us began to be pretty general, especially when "undoubted authority " satisfied us that the squadron had been seen some distance to the south of this port, namely, in the Wold. A few persons held out, notwithstanding their belief that the ships would visit us, and were stirring early on Saturday morning to catch the latest intelligence, when lo ! the rumour spread that the fleet was in sight. People began hurrying to the Beach, which, between 8 and 10 o'clock a.m. presented, as to throng and bustle, an appearance equal to that of 25e Tuesday, with the single exception that the fair sex had not had time to put on the gay attire in which they looked so well on that day. As the Royal Albert, three decker, flag ship of Vice-Admiral Freemantle, ■:came in sight, the cry was, "There they aro ! " and as the magnificent vessel steamed up into the gat there appeared something so triumphant and majestic in her appearance as to make every one who saw her feel proud of the " wooden walls," which have so long defied all the enemies of Old England. Britannia from the top of the lofty pedestal in front of the gatway might look down with pride iipon the splendid ship which marched in stately grandeur " o'er the mountain waves." The Royal Albert was seen to be followed by a long dark line of smoke, and every few minutes other great ships came in sight moving apparently with ease and controllable but irresistible force. As the flagship came through the gat of St. Nicholas, the dense masses of people who lined the shore expressed in a variety of forms their admiration of the dimensions and commanding aspect of this great three decker. The seafaring people looked at the matter with a professional eye, and amongst them might frequently be heard such expressions as ' ' Old Rounce (the Gorleston pilot) is bringing her in stunnin ! " On came the great ship,^as grace- fully and as gently as a swan would move upon the surface of an un- troubled lake, — until she was surprisingly near the shore for a ship of her size. She then glided round in a most beautiful manner, as if look- ing for the best place to drop her anchor, a point which was soon decided, when it was found that she was in about an exact line with the Victoria Hotel. The sight in the gatway had now become grand in the extreme, as all the line of battle ships were in sight, moving majestically forward by the aid of power unseen, while the flagship was actively engaged in signalling to the various ships as they came up as to the respective posi- tions they were to take. The ships seemed to be managed with perfect ease, and could be turned or moved in any direction with surprising celerity. The scene while they were taking up their positions and drop- ping their anchors was beautiful and will not soon be forgotten by those who saw it. The Locust, steam tender, had arrived in the Roads previously, and the ships that arrived with the Royal Albert, which has 121 guns, and carries 1,100 men, were the Edgar, 91, flagship of the Rear- Admiral Erskine , the Mersey frigate, 40 ; the Donegal, 101 ; the Trafalgar, 91 ; the Conqueror, the Centurion, the Mars, the Diadem, the Algiers, the Aboukir, and the Greyhound corvette, 1 7, acting as tender to the Royal 257 Albert. The fleet anchored in two lines, and presented a most gratifying spectacle to the inhabitants, who felt what a security, it must be in a time of war, while at the same time they could not refrain from reflecting on the terrible havoc that must be committed were those quiet -looking ships to unbosom their thunders, and vent their indignation upon the town for a space of about five minutes. Soon after the Vice -Admiral's flag ship had anchored, the Volunteer Artillery fired a salute of 15 guns, but owing to the regulations of the service, the ship was precluded from returning the compliment. The band of the Artillery subsequently played on the Drive, and gave a festive character to the morning. Eeports rapidly got afloat as to how long the fleet would stay, some contending that it would not go till Wednesday, as the Admiral and ofiicers had accepted an invitation to a ball which the Mayor purposed giving at the Town Ball on Tuesday evening ; while, on the other hand, it was asserted that the fleet would depart in the course of the night, as during the day they received five or six despatches from the Admiralty, and thus disappoint the thousands who it was expected would come into the town by rail on Sunday. Neither of the predictions turned out to be true. Had the ships not been detained at sea by the contrary winds, which caused them to keep steam up even to the last, they would have been here for four or five days. Before coming in they had for two or three days been within 60 miles of us, trying to reach here with their sails alone. They had not been long at anchor before sundry mariners and bare-footed frolicsome and reckless tars, were seen ashore, lugging away immense baskets of fresh bread, butter, &c., and diversifying this duty by frater- nising with as many of the girlhood of the place as they happened to come in contact with. The Blue Jackets are decided favourites ashore, and few people seem disposed to prevent them doing as they please. It would give great satisfaction to the inhabitants of this town, if, in their annual cruises, the Channel Squadron woidd occasionally drop in here, for we are sure that their present visit, besides being advantageous to the town, will obtain many seamen ; for who would wander about in a rotten and and miserable old collier when he might lead a worthy and a jolly life amongst excellent fellows, on board a floating tower and mension equal to the most convenient and best regulated establishments ashore ? It is a long time since a fleet was seen in our Roads, although there is probably no point upon the coast where so much shijiping passes as this. The last fleet that was in the Eoads was in 1810, under the command of Admiral Someis, whose flagship was the Victory 258 (Nelson's old ship), and that fleet passed here on its waj' to the Baltic, the ports of which it was going to blockade. There were then in the fleet besides the Admiral's ship of 98 guns, the Formidable, 98 ; the St. George, 98 ; the Dreadnought, 98, now a hospital ship, and a number of 74' s, making together fourteen sail, some of which were with Admiral Sir John Eoss, at the blockade of Dantzic, in 1812 (and frozen up there in 1813). In 1801, Nelson was in here on his way to Copenhagen, and in 1807, Admiral Gambier's fleet was bound for the same place, and sail- in"- hence fetched in the ships and stores of the Danes. In the time of those fleets, the North Sea and Baltic Pilots of this port were of great service — a class of men of whom, we believe, only one remains. His name is Richard Webb. He was frozen up in the Baltic in 1812, while acting as pilot (wintered there during the burning of Moscow), and was altogether engaged for 15 years in piloting government vessels in the wars of that time, important services for which the old boy alleges he has received nothing but unfulfilled promises from the "great guns " aloft. One would think that'an old sailor who had served in the "battle and the breeze " for so long a period, and in such momentous times, ought to have received some substantial recognition of his services. The fleet and the ofiicers and men from it who came ashore during the day have been closely scrutinized and gazed at, parties ha% ing been on board the flagship, it became a question of interest as to what they would do at night. At sunset a gun was fired from the Admiral's ship, at the sound of which, as if by magic, the flags droj)pcd from the stern of every vessel at the same instant, though the top^ards did not go down as was expected. That was about half -past eight o'clock, and at nine bang went another gun from the Admiral's ship followed by the rattle of musketry on board the others, and seamen said, ' There's the old Admiral a-fallen down the main hatchway,' that being the correct nautical form of indicating that the hands were ordered to ' turn in.' At about the same time lights were shown in front and at the sterns of the ships, producing a brilliant and lively spectacle, taken in conjunction with the hundreds of lights on small craft lying at anchor, and as shown by the screw collicrrj which were ever and anon passing through the fleet and flowing out dark volumes of smoke. With Saturday Mr. Swann's contract to supply beef at 4jd. per lb., luckily for him, expired, and he agreed, w^e believe, to execute the orders of the fleet at 6^d. Sunday morning, as had been anticipated by the Yarmouth innkeejaers and others, brought an immense number of people into the town, the 259 trains from Norwich being very lengthy. The weather was fine, and as the fleet still remained in the Roads, there was every prospect of enjoy- ment. As the excursionists came into the town they proceeded, after refreshing the inner man at the earliest opportunity, either to the beach or on board the three steamers of Fill and Co. (Chesapeake, Volunteer and Florence Nightingale), which were ready, as soon as filled, to start for s journey round the fleet, ^he Chesapeake was the first to start, and as she steamed down the harbour the excursionists had a good view of the quays and shipping, and also of the hamlet of GorL;ston. As soon as the bar was crossed, the great ships were all plainly visible, their sides bristling with guns, and alive with seamen, who, on the visitors ap- proaching, exchanged a few friendly shouts with them. From the middle of the two lines in which they were moored, the ships had a noble and awe-inspiring effect upon those who had not before seen such wonders of the sea — they were, in fact, so many towers of strength filled with dauntless warriors- The Mersey, the smartest, the swiftest, and most powerful frigate of the fleet, was greatly admired, as was also the Royal Albert, and many thought — • ' How proud must be our Admiral Of such a bonny barque." Officers and men were at nearly all parts of the ship, and cordially invited the excursionists to go on board, an offer whicli the steamer declined, out of regard to the safety of the passengers. Small pleasure boats from the beach, however, were running to the fleet in large numbers, cutting and plunging through the sea that might have made some persons timid. The steamers disembarked their freight at the Britannia Pier (which found Sunday the most prosperous day of its existence) and continued throughout the day to run to and from that Pier without intermission. Indeed, in the afternoon the Britannia Pier, which was crowded almost from end to end, presented a remarkable spectacle. The beef, potatoes, and gi-eens for the fleet were brought to the pier-head in carts, and were stacked for conveyance to the ships in the ships' boats. The sailors, amongst whom was the usual per centage of black fellows, tossed the beef and cabbages into the boats in a manner not at all ceremonious, and one quarter to a certainty, though some say three or four, w^as pitched into Davey Jones's locker. This scene of conveying away the carcases of about 60 bullocks (so the number was stated, though we think over the mark), of a few sheep, and goodness only knows how many cabbages and loaves, was very interesting to the public, and kept the pier 260 crowded with spectators till six or seven o'clock. There was in the afternoon and evening the largest assemblage of people on the parade and beach that the oldest inhabitant remembers to have seen in the town, and it was not till a late hour that the last disappeared. The effect of so many strangers being in the town was to effect an entire demolition of most of the eatable stores in^the hands of the innkeepers ; and it is sufficient to say that a great thirst prevailed. The Jacks and officers who were ashore in some force in the afternoon preferred wandering into the town and outskirts ; and the former, who as a rule were shoeless, seemed to pick up a good deal of fun. Besides the usual mode of conveyance of pouring in visitors, we observed several original vehicles from the country arrive in the afternoon, laden to excess and to the evident inconvenience of the passengers. The day passed off so well that the majority of the inhabitants retired, hoping, we have no doubt, that the Channel Fleet might remain a week. Sinister rumours, how- ever, were at work, and some fears were secretly entertained. Great bags of letters had been taken from and sent to the Post Office, and report was that despatches had been received ordering the fleet off to Spithead at once. When the general bidk of the population awoke on Monday morn- ing, alas ! the fleet — with the exception of the Mars, which haa lost an anchor and was waiting to endeavour to regain it — were off ! They left us between five and six o'clock ; and many have a firm opinion that the Mars was detained by some Providential influence, so that the thousands of excursionists who came in on Monday, in the hope of seeing the Channel Fleet, might not be utterly disappointed. May a British Fleet honour us again with its presence, at the earliest opportunity." The following Commissions had been issued : — " Great Yarmouth " Rifle Volunteer Corps— Frederick Palmer, Esq., to be Surgeon ; Henry " Ralph Nevill to be Hon. Chaplain." The trident had been struck by lightning from the hand of Britannia on the Nelson Column. July 7th.— The " Good Samaritan" Lodge, M.U.O.F., had voted £5 5s. to the Fishermen's Fund. Mr. Job Smith had presided at a Working Man's Reform Meeting, held in Crowe's Assembly Rooms. July 21st. — The Fisherman's Widows and Orphans' Fund exceeded £7,300. The new building for the Sailors' Home was progressing rapidly. 261 ** The hot weather had brought large numbers of excursionists to "the sea-side." July 25th. — The Donegal Militia had left the town for Ireland, where they were to be disembodied. Aug. 1st. — " Benjamin Hollis, a fine young man belonging to the " Artillery Volunteers." had been buried with Military honours. Aug. 4th. — The 3rd and 4th Companies of the Rifle Volunteers had appeared for the first time in uniform. A •* young lady about twenty years of age had disappeared " at the same time as the Militia left the town. Aug. 8th. — At the Water Frolic the " Iris " won the cutter match, and the " Enchantress " the latteen match. " A reward of £100 had been offered for the apprehension of John *' D. Chapman, late of this town." At the Regatta the following had been the result of the matches : — FIRST GLASS YAWLS. A Purse of £30, to be sailed for by yawls from all parts ; of not less than 45 feet in length, manned by the beachmen engaged in saving life from shipwreck. First prize, £15 ; second, £10 ; third, £5. No entrance fee. The first yawl to pay £1, the second 15s., and the third 7s. 6d. to the Regatta Fund. Queen Victoria, Yarmouth 1 Eclipse, Lowestoft 2 Gipsy Queen, Winterton 3 A Purse of £50, to be sailed for by Yachts belonging to any Royal Yacht Club in Great Britain, above 20 tons and not exceeding 50 tons register. No restrictions as to sails or men. The winner to pay five guineas to the second yacht. Belvidcre, (T. M. Read,) Yarmouth 1 Kestrel, (W. Butcher), Norwich 2 SECOND CLASS YAWLS. A purse of £20, to be sailed for by yawls from all parts, of not more than 45 feet in length, manned by beachmen. First prize, £12 ; second prize, £5 ; third prize, £3. First yawl to pay £1, second yawl 10s., third yawl 5s. to the Regatta Fund. Good Tidings, California 1 Volunteer, Yarmouth 2 Flying Fish, ditto 3 262 A Rowing Match for £15, by six-oared gigs, single banked, from any part. To be contended for in heats. Four to start or no race. No entrance fee. First boat to receive £8 ; second boat, £5 ; third boat, £2 ; manned by those who usually work as beachmcn. Shooting Star, "Winterton 1 Champion, Yarmouth 2 Quebec, Pakefield 3 Some more rowing by ships' boats, sculling, and a duck hunt brought the programme to a close. The following were among the persons present at the Regatta Ball ; —The Mayor, Sir. E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., M.P., Lady Plumridge, Miss Plumridge, Lieut. -Colonel Astley, Major and Mrs. Rushbrooke, Major Penrice, Miss Penrice, Captain the Hon. R. Harbord, Count Melchoir de Weazle, Captain Longe, Mr. Stracey, Mr. Bedingfield, Mr. and Mrs. A. Steward and the Misses Steward, Mrs. F. Steward, IMr. and Mrs. Postle, Mr. and Mrs. Palmer, Mr. Waters and the Misses "Waters, Captain and Mrs. Wynyard, Major Wodehouse, the Rev. G. Hawes and the Misses Hawes, Mrs. Patridge, Mr. Molyneux Steel, Mr. D'Eye, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Reynolds, Mrs. Mends, Miss Pearson, Miss Hubbard, Mrs. Foster, Miss Foster, Miss Gwynn, the Misses Cubitt, Mr. E. Frere, Mr. and Mrs. Orde, Captain and Mrs. Ives, Miss Lennard, Captain Jervoise, &c. Aug. 22nd. — The E.N.M. (which had been embodied since the 5th April, 1857) had been disembodied. Gipsies '* infested the Beach " to the annoyance of the public. Aug. 25th. — The N.A.M. had been disembodied at Yarmouth. Sept. 1st. — Only 58 persons had attended the Race Ball, among whom were the Mayor, the Hon. H . Harbord, Captain Bedingfield, Captain Holmes, Mr. Orde, Mr. Marsh, Mr. Palmer, &c. Colonel Sir Thomas Troubridge had inspected the Rifle Volunteers. Sept. 5th.— The Rifle Corps was holding its first prize shooting matches on the North Denes, the E.N.M. Band being on the ground and playing during the firing. Mr. Fenner had won the Borough Members' Prize, having at the 500 yards scored 8 against Lieutenant Brown's 6 points. A hare had been hunted from the South Denes by *' men, dogs, and boys " to Adam and Eve Gardens, and had been " transferred to a bake office before 12 o'clock." 263 A roulette table had been an attraction in the town, and several gentlemen had '' dropped " their money at that game. Sept. 18th. — The following had been the result of the Prize Shooting : — 1. — Borough Members' Prize of £10, shot for at ranges of 300, 400, and 500 yards. Winner, Fenner. 2. — Officers' Cup, value £5, shot for at ranges of 200 and 300 yards. Winner, Davis. 3. — A '* Turner " Rifle, presented by Major Orde, shot for at ranges of 500 and 600 yards, for which Pearson and Leman tied, upon shooting off Leman was the winner. 4. — Ladies' Challenge Cup, value £35, shot for at ranges of 650, 700, 800, and 900 yards, the firing for which was not concluded, but Boreham and Boulton had the highest scores in this contest. Sept. 12th.— The Prize Shooting had been completed by Mr. Bly, (ironmonger) making 12 points out of 20 shots, 5 at each of the distances of 850, 700, 800, and 900 yards, in the Challenge Cup competition, and he was declared to be the winner, and the champion shot of the corps. The pugilist Mace was training at Yarmouth previous to his fighting Bob Brettle. Sept. 19th.— The prizes had been presented to the several winners in the recent Rifle Corps Competition by the Mayor at the Town Hall, when amongst those present were Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Lady and Miss Lacon, Major and Mrs. Orde, Captain Holmes, the Officers of the Rifle Coips, Major Todd, E. R. Palmer, Esq., Captain Jervoise, C. C. Aldred, Esq., Rev. M. Waters, C. J. Palmer, Esq., &c., &c. After this, the Mayor invited those present to dance, himself leading off with Lady Lacon. Mr. E. R. Aldred had supplied the cups, and champion's medal. The Volunteer Artillery had appeared in "busbies" for the first time. Sept. 22nd. — The Yarmouth Volunteers had attended the Review of I he County Corps held on Household Heath, Norwich, by the Lord Lieutenant, who was accompanied by Major-General Wood, Lord Suffield, Colonel Astley , and the Hon. Harbord Harbord as aides-de- camp, and a brilliant staff. The Yarmouth Rifles numbered 1 Field Officer, 4 Captains, 4 Lieutenants, and 4 Ensigns, 1 Staff Officer. 11 Sergeants, 4 Drummers, and 172 Privates, total 201. The total 264 number of Volunteers on the field being between 1,100 and 1,200. The spectators arc stated to have said as the Volunteers marched past — "These with the Hussar hats on are the Yarmouth Artillery," and *' These arc the Yarmouth Rifles — well done Yarmouth." Sept. 26th. — The number of the Volunteer Artillery present at the Review was stated to have been 156. Herring was selling at from £23 to £30 per last. Sept. 29th. — " Several hundreds of vessels had passed through the Roads for the North in full sail, and one close fleet." Oct. 3rd. — James Denny Chapman had absconded and been declared bankrupt, with debts estimated at £30,000. Oct. 6th. — At the Revision Court Mr. Costerton had appeared for the Liberals and Mr. Rejmolds for the Tories ; the former claimed a gain of 88 votes. Oct. 20th. — St, Andrew's Church had been consecrated by the Bishop of Norwich. Nov. 3rd.— At the Municipal Election there was a contest in the Regent Ward, resulting as follows : — RejTiolds (C.) 106 Wright (C.) 101 Livingston (L) 61 For the other wards the following gentlemen were returned without opposition : — North — William H. Bessey and Samuel Nightingale (C's.) Market — John Fenn and John E. Barnby (C's). St. George's — William J. Foreman and Charles Palmer (C's). Nelson — John Clarke (C.) and John Clowes (L). Gorleston — Samuel C. Richmond and Thomas W. Gooda (C's). It was *' darkly hinted" that Mr. S. Nightingale would be the next Mayor. Nov. 10th.— The Mayor, the Rev. Mr. Peade, Messrs. C. S. Marsh, R. S. Watling, S. Nightingale, T. Brightwen, B. Dowson, and Mr. W. C. Reynolds had been nominated by a Public Meeting as a Committee for the purpose of founding a " Public Hall and Assembly Room." Mr. Palmer and Mr. Falcke had each offered to take 20 shares of £10 in the undertaking. Nov. 14th. — At the Council Meeting on the 9th, Mr. Charles J. Palmer proposed, and Mr. F. Worship seconded, the election of Mr. 265 Samuel Nightingale as Mayor of the Borough, and, there being no opposition, he was elected to that office accordingly. The " Eleanor," brig of 300 tons register, had been launched *' in full rig " from Messrs. Beechings's yard. She was to proceed to the Mediterranean with herring. Nov. 17th. — **A nocturnal exploit of some Volunteer youths had been much talked of for several days past," and a "dashing junior officer " had nearly fallen into the hands of the police. Nov. 24th. — '* Practical jokes " prevailed, one "joker " finding next morning that he had been over night '* cracking his own panes." The "political actions at law " against Sir E. Lacon were "in course of settlement." Dec. 8th. — An explosion had taken place on board the " Tonning " steamer at sea, and inquests on several bodies of the men killed held at Yarmouth. Dec. 22nd. — The Volunteer Artillery had given a concert at the Corn Hall, when Messrs. John Franklin, W. Offord, Clements, J. Bartram, J. Cocks, W. C. Mack and the Masters Nutman took part in the performance. The following was the form of apology upon which the actions against Sir E. Lacon had been settled, upon his payment of plaintiff's costs : — "Great Yarmouth, "Nov. 29th, 1860. " Dear Sir, — Upon full enquiry, I find that the statements made by me in a speech at the dinner at the Theatre in April last, and complained of by you as reflecting on yourself as a member of the committee therein referred to, were made under an erroneous impression of the facts of the case, as far as yourself and the committee are concerned. *' Under these circumstances, I have no hesitation in withdrawing the imputations you and the committee complain of, and the plea of justification, and in expressing my regret that legal proceedings were deemed necessary, which, being now ended, no difference will, I trust, henceforth be made in the friendly feeling that has previously existed between us. " Yours truly, "Edm. H. K. Lacon'." W. T. Clarke, Esq." At the Police Court, Mr. Owles again called attention to the 266 "practical" joking question, when Sergeant Barnes stated that the jokers " were attired in cloaks, and one wore a uniform cap." Dec. 29th. — The Rifle Corps, 180 strong, had marched to Hopton, where Major Orde " regaled them on bread and cheese, hot sausage rolls, " and plenty of old ale." YARMOUTH NOTES. FOURTH SERIES, 1861-1873 "When found, make a note of" — Capt. Cuttle. 1861. Jan. 2nd. — The poor rate assessment had been raised some £14,000, and a Is. 2d. rate thereon made. Mr. F. Ferrier (Deputy Coroner) had held an inquest on the body of Thomas Algar, the clown who had expired at the Theatre iminediately after the performance on the previous Friday. The deceased was 34 years of age, and left a widow and one child. The verdict was that deceased died from "natural causes" ; Mr. C. C. Aldred (the Surgeon) and the Jury gave their fees to the family. Jan. 5th. — The Eevenue cutter, in attempting to run for the harbour, had fouled the pier and was sunk. Jan. 12th. — " The strong frost had literally stopped the river traffic." It had been decided to give £124 worth of coal to the poor. Jan. 19th. — A public meeting had been held to raise funds for that purpose. The Mayor presided, and the following gentlemen took part in the proceedings: — Mr. W. Worship, the Rev. B. Vaux, Mr. R. Steward, Mr. C. C. Aldred, Mr. R. Hammond, Mr. T. Brightwen Mr. C. Cory, Mr. L. Blake, and Mr. E. H. L. Preston. Sir E. Lacon sent a cheque for £50, and £350 was subscribed in the room. Jan. 26th.— Dr. Stephenson had been appointed Surgeon for the South District. The ''Racehorse" (belonging to George Danby-Palmer, Esq.), had been abandoned near Cape Horn. There had been a mutiny on board her, and a naval Court was inquiring into the affair at Calloa. Jan. 30th. — The Guardians were calling attention to the " Compul- sory Vaccination Act." 268 Feb. 2nd. — The annual Sailors' Home meetinj^ had been held in the new building on the Drive. Mr. Henry R. Harmer had been appointed a Chancery Com- missioner. Feb. Gth. — At a Vestry meeting it had been determined to take a poll of the parish as to whether the Vestry Act (13 and 14 Vic, cap. 57) should be applied to the parish. Feb. 9th. — Two hundred and eighty- eight appeals had been lodged against the Poor's Rate. Feb. 16th — " Costerton v. Lacon" had been tried. In this action the plaintiff, a solicitor at Yarmouth, complained of having been slandered by the defendant, who was M.P. for the town, and who ultimately consented to a verdict against him for 40s. and costs. Feb. 20th. — The poll of the parish had closed as under : — For applying the Vestry Act 737 Against 414 Majority 323 Mr. Clowes then proposed, and Mr. Livingston seconded, a resolu- tion to the effect that a Vestry Clerk be appointed at a salary of £100 per annum, and ultimately this was carried, and a vote of thanks to the Vicar and his assessor (C. J. Palmer, Esq.), terminated the proceedings. Feb. 23rd. — The Conservatives had adopted Mr. C. H. Chamberlin (a Liberal) as their candidate for the office of Vestry Clerk, the other candidate being Mr. S. B. Cory. Feb. 27th. — The case of Morant v. Chamberlin (which involved the right of user of part of the Quay by George Danby- Palmer, Esq.), had been decided as follows: ''Verdict for plaintiff, issue on the 4 th plea for defendant." March 2nd. — The Prince of Wales had visited the town "incog.'' March Gth. — One Cox, " a magician of Friars' Lane," had been before the Justices. March 9th. — The Hon. Harbord Harbord had been hunting the district with his pack of harriers during the week. Part of a house had been blown down on the Regent Road. March 13th. — The Artillery Corps had adopted white (in lieu of blue) facings to their uniform. March 16th. — The Fitzroy storm signals had been hoisted in the towa. 269 March 23rd. — "Iconoclast" proposed to deliver lectures at the Theatre. This had been stopped by the Maj^or, and an action was threatened against the proprietor of that building. The following is a cn-py of the Bill issued : — ''Theatre Royal, Great Yarmouth. Iconoclast the well-known advocate of Secularism, and co -editor with Mr. Joseph Barker, Sec , will deliver three lectures in the above place, on the 25th, 26th, and 27th of March, 1861. Subjects— Monday, " Were Adam and Eve our first parents?" Tuesday, "The History of the Crucifixion, self -contradictory and incredible." Wednesdaj', " The Atonement and its relation to sin and jDardon." Admission — Lower boxes, 6d. ; upper ditto, 4d. ; pit, 3d. , gallery, 2d. Iconoclast respectfully invites the clergy and ministers of Yarmouth to discuss his lectures ; especially those who claim to have refuted him during his absence." Major Orde, Mr. Chamberlin, and Captain Holmes had given readings from Dickens' works in the saloon of the Victoria gardens before the members of the Rifle Corps and their friends ; Captain Holmes was expected to be appointed adjutant of this corps. March 30th. — " Cufaude v Cory " had been heard at the Assizes, In this action damages were claimed by the plaintiff, Clerk to the Guardians against the defendant, Mr. S. B. Cory, for an alleged libel, he having stated in a handbill that Mr. Cufaude "cooked" the parish accounts. Mr. O'Malley, Q.C., Mr. Power, Q.C., Mr. Keene and Mr. Cherry were for the plaintiff,°and Mr. Palmer and Mr. Hotson for the defendant. The Jury found for the plaintiff with £500 damages. April 3rd. — "The nocturnal jokes" were again the subject of inquiry ; Mr, E. O. Johnson (a Volunteer Sergeant) had been discovered by a policeman taking away Dr. Smyth's bell, but as that gentleman would not prosecute, the charge dro^Dped. Mr. J. H. Harrison then made a complaint to the Court of damages to his property by these " jokers." At the Vestry Meeting, Mr. R. Hammond proposed, and Mr. W. Worship seconded, the re-election of Mr. S. C. D. Steward as one of the Churchwardens, and Mr. Fenn proposed, and Mr. Laws seconded, the re-election of Mr. E. R. Aldred as the other warden, " and the Minister accepted the second nomination as his warden." N.B.— This was the first attempt by a Vicar to take action of this sort, (the right of election of both Churchwardens being vested in the Vestry of the parish,) 270 The following gentlemen had been elected Guardians : — North 7Fard—9>. Nightingale, E. H. L. Preston, and J. B. Hylton. Market Ward—Q. C. Aldred, W. Laws, and J. Fenn. Regent Ward—V\^. Worship, R. D. Barber, and D. A.. Goiirlay. St. George's Ward—i. G. Plumraer, C. E. Bartram, and C. Miller. Nelson Ward — T. Brightwen, C. Woolverton, W. C. Reynolds, and J. Clarke. It was stated that only 7s. 6d. had been subscribed by the lodging- house keepers to the Race Fund. April 10th. — It was understood that the Chairman and a majority of the Board of Guardians were favourable to the admission of Reporters to the Board meetings. ** Great reductions " had been made upon the Poor's Rate appeals. April 13th. — Captain Holmes had been appointed Adjutant to the Rifle Volunteers. Sir J. Walsham had held an iaquii-y as to the allegations with regard to the parish accounts, which had been alluded to in the recent action of " Cufaude v. Cory." Mr. Hotson attended it on behalf of Mr. Cory. April 17th.— Two batteries of Royal Artillery had arrived in the town. April 20th. — A gunboat, with the men of the Revenue cutter on board, had run into the pier-head. An illuminated clock had been placed at the Sailors' Home. A rule ** nisi " had been granted in the action of *' Cufaude v. Cory " on the ground of excessive damages. April 27th. — The *' Harmony," missionary shij), had been launched from Messrs. Fellows' yard. There had been " numerous " arrivals of invalids from India at the R.X. Hospital. May 1st.— Solomon Levy, a converted Jew, had been baptised at St. Peter's Church, F. Worship, Esq., standing "as witness to the Baptism." Afterwards the Rev. Bowyer Vaux preached from Titus iii, 5. May 4th.— The Rifle Volunteers had held a " Mess" at the Star Hotel, when Host Diver catered for them. 71 May 8th.— The following " Census " returns had been made for the parish ; — Excess Males. Females. Total. of Females. Northward 3620 4330 79i0 710 Market Ward 2211 2706 4917 485 Regent Ward 1553 2382 3935 829 St. George's Ward . . 1777 2419 4196 6?2 Nelson Ward 3873 4885 8758 1002 Total 13,034 16,722 29,756 3658 Workhouse 173 159 332 13,207 16,881 30,088 Estimate Gorleston & Southtown & afloat 6,000 36,088 The Rifle Volunteers, 200 strong, had attended St. Nicholas' Church. The leading fish- merchants proposed to purchase two fast steamers as carriers to the London markets. May nth. — Mr. Evans was sitting at the Town Hall to take evi- dence on the claims of the Ormesby and Scratby people to exemption from payment of Market Tolls at Yarmouth. May 18th.— So few mackerel had been brought in, that they were selling at Is. each. May 22nd. — A very old house (formerly part of the Convent) had fallen down in Friars' lane. There had been two military rows between the Royal Artillery and the E.N. Militiamen. May 25th.— The Mayor and Magistrates had met Major Martin (E.N.M.) and Colonel Bruce (R.A.) on this subject, and steps had been taken to prevent the men meeting again. May 29th. — " Mace," the local pugilist, (being known in the neigh- bourhood) was being heavily ' ' backed ' ' for the fight for the championship. June 1 St.— Sergeant Seeley (E.N.M.) had died from the effects of choking himself by swallowing a piece of meat. A " handsome new schooner " had been launched by Mr. Brandford. A " considerable number" of new fishing and pleasure _ boats were being built at the port . 272 Shops were being opened in Regent Street, nnder the Board of Health Act, which had overruled the old local act under which the houses there, were not to be so used, June 8th. — The mackerel voyage had been very unsuccessful. A " Turkish " bath was to be opened in a few week's time. .Tune 15th — Mr. Frederick Danby- Palmer had pa^^.^ed the legal ex- amination (in honors.) A case of alleged " Witchcraft " at Gorleston hud occupied the Bench. June 19th. — At a meeting of the Ratepayers Mr. J. Clowes jto- posed, and Mr. Burroughs seconded, Mr. S. B. Cory as a proper person to fill the ofiice of Vestry Clerk. Mr. Livingstone, Mr. Neave and Mr. Royal also took part in these proceedings. June 22nd. — At the Vestry meeting, held for the election of that officer, Mr. George Danby-Palmer proposed and Mr. Livingstone seconded Mr. S. B. Cory, and Mr. Charles Cory projDOsed, and Mr. G. A. Clarke seconded, Mr. C. H. Chamborlin. The proceedings were of a most disorderly character, terminating "in a talk of many tongues, *' which accused each other of being ' liars ' and so on." June 24th. — At 12 o'clock the poll stood — Cory 270 Cbamberlin 194 And closed — Cory 366 Cbamberlin 269 June 25th. — it closed — Cory 701 Cbamberlin 512 June 26th. — It finally closed- Cory 848 Cbamberlin 620 Majority for Cory 228 Mr. Cory and Mr. George Danby-Palmer then addressed the electors, and votes of thanks to the Vicar (Rev. H. Nevill) and his assessor (Mr. C. J. Palmer) terminated the proceedings. June 29th. — The election for, and meeting of, the " Eastern Counties Asylum of Idiots" had taken plac3 at the Town Hall. The Mayor presided, and there' were also present, Sir Thomas Beevor, Bart., Rev. 273 T. Bailey, Eev. K. M. Bingley, Eev. Thos. Quintin, Rev. E. Postle, and Messrs. W. Worship, T. Brightwen, F. Palmer, John Crisp (Mayor of Beccles), J. H. Bly, &c. July Srd.— M. Desfongerais had been appointed Consul for the French Government at Yarmouth, and had appeared for a French vessel in an adjudication case, held before F. Worship and F. Palmer, Esqs. July 10th.— Mr. S. B. Cory had commenced his duties of Vestry Clerk. The mackerel fishing was a failure, and the Summer fishing " very slow." July 17th.— At the Water Frolic, the " Red Rover" won the cutter, and the " Vampire" the lateen, prize. The Rev. H. Squire had, after a pastorate of 30 years, resigned the Unitarian Chapel Ministry. July 20th.— Messrs. C. J. Palmer, C. C. Aldred. W. Johnson, C. Cory, and J. Brightwen had been appointed a Committee to carry on the proposal to found a Grammar School in the town. A " furious tempest, including thunder, whirlwind, and lightning " had burst over the town. July 31st. — Mr. Lane had claimed £300 damages for libel against the Free Press Newspaper Company, but under the advice of the Chief Justice, a Juror was withdrawn, eacn party paying their own costs. Aug. 7th. — The Vestry Clerk and the Overseers could not '* gee " together. Aug. 10th.— At the Regatta, the "Queen Victoria" and "Volimteer" won the yawl matches, and the " Red Rover " and the *' Belvidere," the pleasure-boat matches. The yacht match fell through in consequence of only two vessels being prepared to sail in it. Aug. 14th. — A number of noisy women outside the Police Court, on the hearing of the claims to be excused payment of the Poor's Rate, had " mobbed " the Vestry Clerk and had in short " taken possession of the '• Court and its entiance." Aug. 17th.— The Rifle Volunteers were holding their Prize Shooting Match on the North Denes. Messrs. Wilshak, Fcrricr, and Swann had won prizes. A great shoal of dog-fish had visited the Eastern coast. Mr. S. B. Cory hud been presented with a sum of money to cover his expenses occasioned by the contest for the ofiice of Vestry Clerk. 274 Aug. 24th.— The Mayor, Lord William Powlett, SirE. H. K. Lacon, Bart., M.P., Liput.- Colon el Baker (10th Hussars), Captain Lane, and C. J. Palmer, Esq., had been nominated Stewards of the Pace Ball. The old Dutch Clock on the South Quay was "to go." It had been stated that the custom prevailed of winding it up " with a hammer." Aug. 28th. — Two ladies had been robbed of their watches on the Wellington Pier. Sept. 7th. — The Volunteers were drilling for the review at Holkham. The Race Ball bad been attended by the Mayor, Lady and Miss Lacon, Mr. M. Lacon, Mr. Blake Humphrey, Mr. Blofeld, Captain and Mrs. Warren, Captain and Mrs. Dods, Lieut. Daveney, Captain Travers, Mr. Bedingfield, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Palmer, Captain Dunne, Mr. Magnay, Captain Jervois, Mr. Stracey, Captain Tumour, R.X., Captain Ensor, Miss Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. F. Frere, Mr. and Mrs. H. Frere, Mr. and Mrs. Falcke and party, Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Mr. F. Danby- Falmer, IVFr. Button, Mr. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Gosnall, Mr. Rising, Mr. Waters, &c. The Drapers (with one exception) had agreed to close on Thursdays at four o'clock Sep. 18th.— The Volunteer Corps under the command of Major IMarsh and Major Orde, had attended the Review at Holkham. Sept. 18th. — The Volunteers had, after their return from Holkham, *' annoyed and disturbed the inhabitants by an irregular firing of musketry " in the streets. A young actor, having gone mad through love for a lady in the town, had been taken to the Workhouse, where the lady's portrait and letters were found upon him. Sept. 2oth— Capt. Tomlinson had won the cup in the Volunteer O&cers' Shooting Match with 10 points, Captains Youell and Holt making 8 points each. The following also competed : — Captain Barber, Lieutenants Harmer and Moore, ana Ecsigns Brown and Aldred. Sept. 28th. — The Rev. C. Voysey had been presented with a private Communion Ser\'ice by the poor attendants at the Wherrymen's Church upon his leaving Yarmouth. A grand bowling match had been held on the Bear Green between the bowlers of Yarmouth and Lowestoft. The latter won by 9 to 6 Oct. 2nd. — Mr. E. P. Youell was mentioned as the next Mayor, He was described as " not a prejudiced partizan on cither side." 275 Oct. 5th.— The Shooting Prizes had been distributed to the Eifle Volunteers at the Town Hall, when about 240 officers and members were present, and a number of ladies and gentlemen who had been invited by the Mayor, who entertained them with champagne on the occasion. The following was the list of winners : — " Tradesmen's Cup," Mr. Fyson ; 2nd prize, Mr. Hudspith. " A Neck Pin," Captain Youell ; " A Cup," Mr. Wilshak ; and other prizes Messrs. Gunfon, Teasdel, Banham, Osborn, Kennott, and Swann. ''The Ladies' Challenge Cup," Mr. Fenner ; and " Thj Officers' Cup,*' Captain Tomlinson. Oct. 12th. — Extensive repairs were being carried on at the Southtown Barracks. Oct. 23rd. — It was stated that Mr. Palmer was to be the new Mayor. Mr. D. Hogarth (Postmaster) had died. Oct. 26th. — The Lord Bishop had held a Confirmation in the Parish Church. Eleven hundred persons had been excused from payment of the Poor's Rate. Oct. 30th. — Mr, Neave and Mr. Livingston (Radicals) were going to contest the North and Regent Wards respectively. In St. Andrew's Ward, a meeting of electors had determined to again nominate Mr. R. Steward (Tory) and Mr. W. T. Clarke (Liberal) in a " if ye'U claw me, I'll claw ye ; style of pastime." An alarming fire had happened in Row 145, the centre of a thickly populated district ; Mr. Self's premises chiefly suffered, his damage being estimated at £300. The Justices had signed a Is. 2d. Poor's Rate. Nov. 2nd.— The trawling business was increasing, 100 t macks then hailing from the port. Two new vessels had been launched at Southtown, one for Mr. Womack and one for Mr. Powell. Mr. Todd had also built a new smack called the " Christiana." Nov. 6th.— Alarming and destructive gales had raged along the whole coast on the 1st of November, and 27 shiiDwrocked seannen had been received at the Sailors' Home. 276 MUNICIPAL ELECTION. The following account is given of this : — " With the exception of two or three of the candidates who came forward as Liberals, the aspirants for Municij)al honours did not this year favour the public with any printed exijositions of their views, or any explanations of the grounds upon which thej- came forward. The elections of Friday, however did not cause much excitement, although at the eleventh hour the Conservatives found themselves opposed in all the wards except St. Andrew's, in which Messrs. W. 'J\ Clarke, and R. Steward were elected unopposed. In the Market Ward, Mr. Gourlay (L) and Mr. E. Aldred (C) sought re-election, and the new candidate was Mr. Lawn, Liberal. The residt of the voting was — Gourlay, 60; Aldred, 59; Lawn, 20. The two former, of course, were elected. In the Regent Ward, Mr. Barber, Conservative, sought re-election, and in the place of Llr. Norman, surgeon (C), who retired. Dr. Stephenson (C) was put forward. The candidates on the other side were Messrs. Livingston and de Caux. The ward again showed its partiality for medicine, and polled as follows : — Barber, 109 ; Stephenson, 106 ; Livingston, 81 ; de Caux, 69. — In St. George's Ward, the Conservative candidates, who sought re-election, were Messrs. R. Ferrier and B. Jay, opposed by Messrs. Scott and Palmer. The poU— Ferrier, 101 ; Jay 101 ; Palmer, 39 ; Scott, 37.— Nelson Ward : C. J. Palmer (C), 93, C. Woolverton (C), 93 ; G. Moore (L), 3 ; Playford (L), 3. North Ward : W. Worship (C), 118; J. B. Hylton (C), 118 ; S. W. Bly (L), 83 ; J. Neave (L), 84.— It was rumoured that during the day some bribery was effected by such moderate sums as half -a- crown and five shillings per man. Nov. 13th. — At the Council meeting Mr. C. C. Aldred proposed, and Mr. Shingles seconded, Mr. Robert Steward as Mayor, and he was elected accordingly. Nov. 20th. — There were between 200 and 300 fishing vessels at faea during the recent gales, of which only 30 luggers were then unaccounted for. About 100 lasts of fish had been delivered on the Quay on the previous Saturday, when prices ranged from £15 upwards. A new Lifeboat had been stationed near the Britannia Pier. Nov. 23rd. — Among the smacks which had been injured in the gale was Mr. Todd's new vessel the "Christiana;" some of this owner's other vessels had suffered damage, and his loss was estimated altogether at £1,000. Nov. 2Hh. — Mr. Lowiiing's fish-uliices had been destroyed by fire. 277 Nov. 30th,— In the Town Council, Messrs. Gooda, Burroughs, Clowes, S. B. Cory, and another had voted against the question of the Mayor being " decorated by the wearing of a gown ;" 17 members had, however, voted that the question be referred to the Lands Committee. The Artillery Volunteers had salved a boat and obtained £7 salvage money to the annoyance of the Beachmen The Parish Authorities " remained at loggerheads " with the Vestry Clerk. In the opinion of the inhabitants the "robes question" seemed only a plan to run up a bill for another " folly." The Police had been furnished with " Southwester " hats. Dec. 4th.— It was stated that the robe business had crojiped up, as the Mayor was going to Court, and it was felt "That if, this year, the Mayor's not knighted, The Corporate * status ' will be blighted. Herring was making £35 per last, and 1,000 packages of trawl fish had been forwarded to the market. Dec. 11th. — The Lands Committee had decided that the Mayor, Town- clerk, and Messrs. Collins, Ellis and Thompson (the officers) should wear gowns, but no head gear had been decided upon for them. Dec. 14th. — " Deerfoot," an American runner, had been performing in the town, when he accomplished 10 miles in 53 minutes. The Treateurer to the^ Rifle Corps (Mr. Clarke) and the Quarter- Master (Mr. C. Diver) were about to be aj^pointed Supernumerary Lieutenants. Dec. 18th.— Owing to the death of the Prince Consort, the paper appeared in mourning. The flags had been hoisted at half-mast on the Town Hall and other public buildings on receipt of this mournful news. Dec. 21st. — The Artillery Volunteers had given an entertainment at the Theatre. Dec. 25th. — There had been a Special Service at St. Nicholas' Church on the occasion of the funeral of the Prince Consort, when the Vicar preached from the text, " And the King said unto his servants, know ye not that there is a Prince and a great man fallen this day in Israel." Sam. iii.,38. At the close of the service the "Dead March" in Saul was played, and the Kiflc Volunteers returned with muflled drum&, the bells ringing at the same time. 278 The Artillery Corps fired minute guns from the South Battery for an hour, and from twelve to two the shops throughout the town were closed. The Town Council met and voted an address of condolence to Her Majesty. Dec. 28th. — A special service had also been hold at the Synagogue, commencing with Psalms 13, 19, 15, and 85, and concluding with a prayer for the Queen and the Royal Family, after which, on the motion of Mr. Pyke, an address of condolence to the Queen and Royal Family was adopted. The Rifle Corps had again on the invitation of Major Orde visited Hopton. 1862. Jan. 4th. — Parcels containing Christmas fare "had fallen among thieves " on the Railway. Jan. 8th. — Up to the 30th ult., 9,257 offers had been received and 8,229 Volunteers enrolled in the Royal Naval Reserve ; of this number 24 held Masters' Certificates, 116 lilates' Certificates, and the force embraced 1,148 petty officers in the Merchant Service. Jan. 15th. — Two pugilists named Foxall and Chambers, (who were occasionally employed as Beachmen), had engaged in a prize fight. " Ducky " Chambers was the winner. Jan, 18th. — Major Orde, Captain Youell, and C. H. Chamberlin, Esq., had been entertaining the Rifle Volunteers at the Drill Hall with " Readings from Modern Authors." It was again proposed to start a Conservative Newspaper in Yarmouth. Jan. 25th. — At the Gorleston Vestry Meeting the Church Rate was not pressed for. Feb. 8th. — The Corporation's costs in " Morant v. Chamberlin" amounted to £1,402 17s. 6d. Feb. 19th. — Mr. A. W. Morant had resigned his commission in the Artillery Volunteers. A cargo of pickled herrings had arrived from Norway. Feb. 22nd. — Messrs. Hewett and Co. were about to transfer the greater part of their trawling business to Gorleston; thus about 100 families would be transfeired from Barking to that village. The Anniversary Dinner of the " Pioneer " Lodge, No. 262 M.U.I.O.F., had been held at the Foundry Aims, Bro. Wellb in the chair. 279 March 5th. — The Town Council had determined to oppose the " Railway Amalgamation Bill." March 12th.— Private H. Fenner (Champion Rifle Volunteer Shot) had been elected a Sergeant. March 15th. — The Anniversary Dinner of the " Prince of VVales " Lodge, M.U.I.O.F., had been held at the Fish-Stall House, P.G. Robins in the chair and P.G. Crome vice-chair. In the Divorce Court, the case of ** Burroughs v Burroughs and Silcock " had resulted in the jury finding that the charges made against each party by the other were groundless ; consequently the petitioner failed in his suit. March 22nd. — Mr. Henry Danby-Palmer had died suddenly. April 2nd. — The Mayor had called a meeting to forward the proposal for holding a Volunteer Review at Yarmouth. The Mayor (Mr. R. (Steward), Mr. R. Ferrier, Mr. D. R. Fowler, Mr. C. J. Palmer, Mr. W. Worship, Mr. J. Clowes, and Mr. S. Nightingale took part in the proceedings, and about £250 was subscribed in the room. April 16th. — The East Suffolk Artillery Militia was stationed at the Southtown Barracks. April 26th. — Colonel Adair (commanding that Regiment) had delivered a lecture at the Corn Hall '* On the land defences of the Eastern Counties." Upon this Regiment leaving ; the Norfolk Artillery Militia, under Colonel Astley, were to occupy the Barracks for five weeks. At the Vestry Meeting, Mr. R. Hammond proposed, and Mr. Bracey seconded, the re-election of Mr. C. S. D. Steward; and Mr. Hylton proposed, and Mr. Shingles seconded, the re-election of Mr. E. K. Aldred. April 30th. — Colonel Pippon had inspected the E.N.M. on the South Denes, when the Regiment mustered 700 rank and file. " Tom Sayers' " Cii-cus had attended the Fair. May 3rd. — Owing to want of funds the Parish Beadle at Gorleston had been discharged. May 7th. — The first stone of the New Bethel had been laid. This building was to replace the old Bethel which for so many years had been held in the ancient house, belonging for several generations to the Palmer family, near the Sailors' Home. May 14th. — It was proposed to erect a Memorial to the late Prince Consort in the town. 280 Practical joking still continued in the Borough. May 17th. — C. J. Palmer, Esq., had presented the Corporation with a scarlet silk gown and black gown formerly worn by the Mayors as robes of office. The following table of precedence had been drawn up by the Council: — 1.— The Mayor. 2. — The Recorder. 3.— The Town Clerk. 4.— The M.P.'s for the Borough. 5. The Members of the Council who had served the office of Mayor according to priority of election. 6. — The Aldermen and Councillors according to priority of election, the former in Wards in which they resided, the latter in the Wards for which they were elected, commencing with the North Ward. At the Parish Audit, the Auditor remarked that " in some instances the amount (of the rate) excused exceeded the sum collected." May 17th. — The following appears as to the Corporate Eobes of Office :— " THE ROBES OF OFFICE." ' ' The Committee as to the Wearing of Eobes of Office reported that Mr. C. J. Palmer, had liberally presented to the Council a scarlet silk gown, and a black gown formerly worn by the Mayors as their Robes of Office ; and the said were accepted by the Committee, and the thanks of the Committee were voted to Mr. Palmer for the handsome donation. The Committee had resolved that the Mayor should wear the black gown as a Robe of Office on all " Ordinary " occasions and the scarlet gown on all "extraordinary" occasions. The "Robes" or "Gown" movement, which was so much spoken of six months ago, bas at length — through the exertions of the Committee to whom it was referred — come to maturity, and the Mayor now has a second hand best gown for "extraordinary" occasions, and a second- hand second best gown for " ordinary " occasions. The old people about Gaol Street, who caught a sight of the Mayor in his gown on Tuesday last, look upon the revived costume as a " degenerate resurrection;" for, instead of there being completeness and congruity in the " fit out," there is a burlesque mixture of the ancient and modern. The gown which erst harmonised with the glorious cocked hat, short tights, and silver buckled shoes, appears decidedly "at sea " in company with the modern hat (or 281 '* 4s. and 9d.") and *' peg-top" trousers. Art critics would object to so close a mixture of the medii^val and the modern, on the gound of the same not being " in keeping." Perhaps, however, when we seethe style of dress on one of the " extraordinary^ " occasions so judiciouslj'- and so elaborately provided for by the Council, we may have something presented to notice which will not cause every Councillor to grin on beholding it, and to talk, as an old writer says, '* most con sumedly " about it afterwards. Dressed as he was on Tuesday, the Mayor of Yarmouth might, without difficulty, have been mistaken (had he been away from home) for Shylock, for one of the Japanese Embassy, or for an Arch Druid, so remarkably unusual was his appearance. Experience may, it is true, tone down the angularities of the affair ; but at the onset the revival of the use of robes does not carry with it either the appearance of gravity or wisdom. On entering the Council Room on Tuesday, the Mayor was preceded by four officials wearing, in addition to the ordinary attire of various colours, gowns, and carrying the sword and two maces as usual, with, on this occasion, the very handsome oar — a part of the regalia which had, for some veiy "extraordinary" reason no doubt, been disused. Following the officers were the Mayor, who wore in addition to his every day clothing a black robe, of somewhat fierce cut, having a sort of fur or bear skin epulet at each shoulder, ornamented with a description of rough filagree ; and over this finery his worship wore (we believe for the first time) the gold chain of office. After the Mayor, entered the Town Clerk in a black robe of a more modest character. For some little time there was much winking and smiling aooongst the Aldermen and Councillors. The business then proceeded, and, as will be seen from our report of the meeting, arrangements were made (in spite of Mr. Richard Ferrier's " chaffing ") for the order of processions. It was also decided to give the Town Hall and the inhabitants the benefit of a public clock, of which the Corporation are owners. It was also jocularly suggested that the Gas Company would be most willing gratuitously to illuminate the dial, and through it the inhabitants. May 21st, — There had been an " Uproarious Vestry Meeting," held for the object of passing a vote of censure on the Vestry Clerk; Mr. S. C. Marsh presided, and in the result, the meeting being in favour of the Vestry Clerk, a poll was demanded. May 29th. — This poll had, after a protest by Mr. J. Clowes as to the regularity of the proceedings, been taken by Mr. C. Diver (acting as Assessor). It closed on the^first day — 282 For the Ve.-try Olork 143 Against him 61 Majority 82 And next morning Mr. Marsh attended and declared the poll closed. May 28th,— Five \essels of war (part of the Channel fleet) were in the Roads. May 31st. — The following ships were anchored abreast of the Jetty : —"Trafalgar" (86), Captain Dickson; the "Revenge" (91), Captain Fellowes; the " Emerald " (51), Captain Caning; the " Chanticleer " (17), Captain .Sterling ; and the " Porpoise " (tender to the *' Revenge.'') June 4th. — This issue contains the following account of " THE CHANNEL FLEET AND PRINCE ALFRED." *' For several days after Wednesday last, a number of persons in this town were almost in a fever of expectation as to the arrival of Prince Alfred, in the " St. George ; " and in spite of official intimation that the Prince is to be considered on business when with the fleet, and, as a consequence, exempt from municipal honours and popular demonstrations, it was determined to make the most of him here. The forerunners of the *' St, George" were boarded and teased by all sorts of enquiries; bills were posted about vnth. the words *' the arrival of Prince Alfred" upon them, and all imaginable measures taken to get up excitement. All, however, failed to draw a large number of strangers to the town ; and we do not exceed the fact when we say that the visit of the Channel Squadron for a much briefer period in 1860, brought to the town ten times the number of strangers who have come on this occasion. The Mayor of Yarmouth, soon after the fleet arrived, offered to give the officers a dinner if they would accept the invitation ; but it was declined. A ball was then offered to be got up, and it was promised that such of the officers as could attend wo\ild do so if the ships BtiVL remained in the Roads and pro\dded it were got up for the earliest possible day—Monday. A ball was, therefore, decided on for that evening. But some uneasiness was felt as to the non-amval of the "St. George " with Prince Alfred ; and when, on Saturday, the ship did not appear, it began to be feared that she would not come, and the people consoled themselves with such information as that the Admiral — a jolly tar — had amused himself by playing a game of bowls at the Vauxhall Green, &c. Although Admiral Smart and the officers declined to dine with the Mayor on shore, they invited his worship and other gentlemen to dine with them afloat, which 283 the Mayor accepted for Saturday night. On Sunday morning the " St. George" came quietly into the Roads through the Cockle Gat, and anchored at the northern end of the line of ships, abreast of the town, at about half-past eight o'clock. It was reported for some time that the ship which had just arrived was the " Donegal," but as it became known that it really was the "St. George," flags were run up in all directions, and persons went to work with their spy glasses, apparently hoping to catch a sight of the Prince. The steamtugs, which ran as passenger boats round the fleet, at once got better freights, and many who took trips in them returned under the impression that they had seen the Prince in the maintop of the "St. George." Others would have it that the Prince was one of the young officers who was ashore on Sunday afternoon, walking leisurely up and down the drive and elsewhere ; this turned out to be correct. But as the Prince was, happily for him, not recognised whilst ashore, he walked about unmolested. Few persons believed that so large a ship as the " St. George" (Captain Egerton) would venture to enter the Roads through the Cockle, but to the surprise of many local nautical authorities she sailed through as cleanly as any fishing cutter, and dropped anchor in as familiar a manner as might have been expected from an old visitant of these waters. Soon after she had anchored the " St. George " was boarded by Mr. Watson, secretary of the Sailors' Home, who brought off messages and letters. Prince Alfred went on shore, incognito, in the afternoon, as did also a large number of other midshipmen and older officers. On Monday morning, the town authorities, and sightseers generally, were on the alert — all being in search of the Prince. But again, as few individuals had a personal knowledge of his Royal Highness, he escaped without recognition, and with Major Cowell (and, we believe, other gentlemen) he drove out into the country. As to this and other proceedings of the Prince during the day, there were scores of different reports ; but we believe we are correct in saying that, after his trip inland, His Royal Highness went from the Beach, in the boat of which he is midshipman, on board the "St. George." On board the ship the Mayor and Town Clerk were, we understand, introduced to the Prince, and courteously received. Between two and three o'clock p.m., the Prince, Admiral Smart, Major Cowell, and the Hon. Manners Sutton (with whom the Prince had consented to partake of luncheon, at Kimberley Terrace), came on shore, accompanied in the boat by the Mayor and Town Clerk. His Royal Highness, the Hou. Manners Sutton, and Major Cowell, then 284 wallvod down to tho Criclcet Ground at the South Dones, where a party of officers from the fleet were playing a game of cricket with the members of the Yarmouth Chih. It had been reported that the Prince would visit the Cricket Ground, and the consequence was that a large number of persons (probably 2,000) congi^egated there about two o'clock, over and above those individuals who had been previously attracted to the spot by the match itself, and by the two bands — one from the fleet, and that of the East Norfolk Militia. As soon as His Koyal Highness was recognised upon the ground, the crowd rapidly closed in around him, and had it not been for the protection afforded him by the two gentlemen by whom he was accompanied, he would in all likelihood have undergone an unpleasant jostling. So pressing and eager did the inquisitive public become that in a few minutes the Royal sailor and Mr. Sutton commenced a retrograde movement, whereupon the people began running and pushing frantically — going in some instances as the saying hath it, ** head over heels." Remarks such as "That is he!" with comments uison the Prince's personal appearance, were loud and frequent ; and much surprise appeared to be felt that the " Duke of York " should go abroad in the ordinary unassuming attire of a midshipman. Some faint attempts at cheering were assayed, but the clamour of the " hunt " which was got up, overpowered everything but the dust. The Prince took all this good humouredly, and with his two protectors walked sharply on to Kimberley Terrace, pursued all the way up the drive by an immense crowd. Most of the persons going southward, and who met the crowd, had no idea what all the row was about until they were told. His Royal Highness got safely to Mr. Sutton's house, and in two or three minutes there was in front of the house, close from the area railing to the coping-stones of the drive on the eastward, a dense assemblage, which continued to increase up to five o'clock, when we observed it still standing there. Lunch over, the Prince, a little after five o'clock, escaped from the back door, unobserved by the crowd, and was enabled to stroll into the town. He went up St. George's Road, through King Street, down Regent Street, and along the Quay, but did not venture into the Market Row. He then visited Mrs. Onslow, who son is chaplain on board the " St. George," and, we believe, a tutor of the Prince. The cricket match terminated in favoiir of the naval men, who had, we hear, 69 runs to spare. In the first innings the Yarmouth players had the best of it, but in the second the bowling of Midshipman Lawson liiade sad havoc among the batsmen. 285 The Ball at the Town Hall was well attended, and went off with great eclat. The Prince, of course, was not present ; but in the course of the evening Admiral Smart and a party of naval officers — who were brought up to the Quay-side, opposite the Hall, in the " Porpoise " gunboat — joined the assembly and remained until after midnight. The number of visitors to the ships increased considerably on Tuesday (this) morning, when it became known that an order had been received for the ships to hold themselves in readiness for sailing next day. Altogether the visit of the fleet on this occasion has been a brilliant affair ; and the public have had ample time to inspect the ships, some of which might much oftener, with advantage, find a berth in Yarmouth Roads. The town has not, we believe, been visited by a Royal personage since the time that Prince William (afterwards King) and the Princess Adelaide landed here, and remained for the night at the Angel Hotel. June 7th. — A.t the Channel Fleet Ball among those present were the Mayor, the Town Clerk, Sir E. Lacon, M.P., Admiral Smart, Captain Fellowes, R.N., Captain Egerton, R.N., Lieutenant the Hon. F. Gordon, Mr. and Miss I. Preston, Lord W. Kerr and other naval officers, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. L. Preston, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Aldred, Misses Cubitt, Mr. A. and Misses Steward, &c. Next day a large number of persons visited the fleet, and dancing took place on the ships' decks. Colonel Ibetson had inspected the Rifle Volunteers on the Denes. The *' Ino " (a pleasure boat) had capsized when alongside the " St. ' George," but all the people in her were saved. June 11th.— At the Vestry Meeting, the " Small Tenements Act" was proposed to be applied to the parish. Several houses and men had been struck by lightning during a thunderstorm. June 14th.— The programme for the Volunteer Review had been published ; it was expected that 3,324 men would take part in it. June 18th. — The Dinner to the Volunteers on this occasion was to take place on St. George's Denes ; there were to be 17 tables, and the dining room to cover 7,550 feet of ground. One quart of beer per man had been offered by Sir E. Lacon to the Volunteers. June 21st. — The Review had taken place and proved a great success ; there were 3,324 men actually on the Denes. At the Dinner held on St. George's Denes, the Mayor presided, and after giving the toasts 286 of "The Queen" and "The Royal Family,'* he gave "The Army, Navy, and Militia,'* to which Colonel Grey, C.B., Captain Lacon, "R.N., and Colonel Adair responded. The Mayor then gave " The Volunteers," to which Colonel Brett replied, and " The Lord Lieutenants of Norfolk and Suffolk," which was acknowledged by Lord Suffield (Vice -Lieutenant of Norfolk) and Colonel Adair. The Mayor then gave "The High Sheriff," who responded. The Mayor then gave " The Lord High Steward," responded to by Lord Sondes, and "The health of Colonel Grey," to which that officer replied ; also " The Brigadiers of the Day," replied to by Colonels Custance, Sir E. Lacon, and Astley. The High Sheriff then proposed " The Mayor," to which Jiis Worship responded, and the healths of the Rev, H. Nevill, of the Noblemen and Gentlemen "who had honoured us with their presence," of "Mr. Charles J. Palmer " and " The Ladies " were also given and responded to. It was considered that " The Mayor and gentlemen who formed the Committee " of Management, and particularly Mr. Charles J. Palmer, well deserved '* the thanks of the public and the Volunteers." June 28th. — Major Marsh (of the artillery) had resigned his com- mission. July 2nd. — It was stated that Major Marsh would be succeeded in his command by Capt. John Lee Barber of the 1st Company, but Mr. Trafford was stated to have also resigned, and it was rumoured that the Artillery was likely to be amalgamated with the Rifle Corps. July 9th. — The Midsummer herring voyage was a failure. Some attributed this to the 130 smacks then fishing from the port, and others to the early catches of immature fish. July 12th. — " Blondin " had been performing at the Victoria Gardens. July 16th.— Commissioner Cane had been holding an inquiry at the Workhouse to ' * ascertain the nature of the duties of the various public officers and method of their discharge." July 19th. — Mr. Henry R. Harmer had been appointed an Admiralty Commissioner. July 23rd. — TJiere had been a poU at Gorleston upon the Church Rate question, which had resulted in a majority of 142 against that impost. The Caister Lifeboat had been struck by lightning while on the Beach and several persons who were taking shelter under her bow injured. 287 July 26th.— At the Regatta the " Audax," J. H. Johnson, R.T.Y.C. won the yacht prize. In the yawl race the " Star of the Eafet," the '* Queen Victoria," and the " Glance " competed, and the former won. The '* Wanderer" (Mr. J. L. Barber) won the Eiver Yachts' match, and the " Volunteer" the small Yawl match. Aug. 6th. — Contains the following notice of " The Water Frolic : — This event, which was formerly important from the fact of the ' new ' Mayor being then chosen, and the official barge of the Mayor and Corporation being present, came off on Monday afternoon, at that part of the Waveney opposite Burgh Castle. No official patronage was given to the affair, and consequently it was not, municipally, of any weight. But as the weather was fine and sunny, with a ' spanking ' southerly breeze, the yachts, which had arranged to attend and compete in two races, were sure of good sport, and the large crowds of persons who assembled early in the day on the North Quay, augured well for the steamboats which Mr. Fill — a worthy man of enterprise — always offers for the accommodation of the public (pay or not pay) either for trips to Cromer and Southwold, or even to Rotterdam fair, an event which East Anglians of old were wont to delight in. At Burgh there was a large assemblage of craft— wherries, ships' boats, punts, yachts, and, in fact, anything that would safely float. Two matches were announced to take place, each for a stake value at £10, and the ordinary river yachts were the competitors, with the exception of the new and mischievous- looking boat of the High Sheriff of Norfolk— a boat which, although it could not out-run Mr. Barber's ' Flying Wanderer,' will yet do credit to her build. The ' public-house wherries,' the pie stalls, the acrobats, and the rest of the contributors to the day's fun were all active and appeared to do a good business. The yachting competition— which the public ought to have considered the best business of the day — began wilh a match for £10, in which five cutter-rigged yachts sailed, viz., Mr. Barber's ' Wanderer,' Mr. Nightingale's ' Red Rover,' Mr. Read's ' Bel- videre,'Mr.R. J. H. Harvey's 'Lady in White,' and Mr. Morgan's 'Bittern' The Wanderer had the advantage throughout, and won— although she was occasionally closely pressed by the Red Rover. The match extended over four rounds. In the second malch for a similar stake by latteens the 'Vampire' (Mr. Everett), the ' Enchantress' (Mr. Green), and the * Merlin ' (Mr. Humfrey) started, and continued in the order named to the close. The ' frolicers ' then conumenced their homeward journey, and in the midst of music and song all arrived safely, we believe, at the 288 Bridge Foot, after spending a convivial, if not a dignified, half day on the stream. The frolic, however, in the absence of official support, is shorn of its ancient splendoiir." August 13th. — The "Order of Precedence of the members of the Council ' ' had been printed. The Mayor had requested the members of that body to accompany him to church on Sundays, Good Friday, and Christmas Day. Mr. S. Nightingale had backed his ** Red Rover" against Mr. Barber's " Wanderer " for four matches at £50 aside. Thieves had "drank the Sacramental wine and robbed the Poor's box" at the Independent Chapel, Gorleston. August 16th. — At the Races, none of the Stewards (who were Lord W. Powlett, Count Batthyany, and Sir H. J. Stracey, Bart , M.P.,) had attended, and the usual Ball at the Town Hall had not been held through lack of patronage. August 20th. — The Yarmouth Cricket Club had played the "Visitors." The score was : — First Innings : Yarmouth, 29 ; Visitors, 15. Second Innings: Yarmouth, 89; Visitors, 32. Grand Totals: Yarmouth, 118 ; Visitors, 47. August 23rd. — It was proposed to raise a Rifle Corps at Ormesby. August 27th. — Sir H. Stracey, had invited the members of the Cor- poration to spend a day at Rackheath. August 30th. — Sir E. Lacon, Bart., had been gazetted Major of the N.A.V., (vice Marsh resigned.) Sept. 3rd. — It was, at the Corporation's visit to Rackheath, dis- tinctly understood that Sir H. Stracey would offer himself again as a candidate for the Borough, and that Mr. Watkin was pledged to come forward again in the Liberal interest. The Council had determined to place an illuminated clock on the Town HaU. The Southtown Barracks had been repaired at considerable expense. Sept. 6th. — At the rifle prize shooting, Colour-Sergeant Chipper- field had tauen the ladies' challenge cup from Sergeant Fenner by one point. Corporal Denew had won the Chief Officers' prize, and Sergeant Dick the Borough Members' prize. Sept. 10th. — This shooting had been continued, and prizes won by Sergeant Pearson, Sergeant Swann, and Volunteer Barrett. Sept, 17th. — The High Sheriff of Norfolk had given a grand Volunteer Review and Fete at Crown Point, the Norfolk Artillery 289 (Norwich and Yarmouth), mustered -on the field 7 Officers, 42 Non- commissioned Officers, 105 Gunners, and 23 Band, total 178 ; the Yarmouth Rifles (4 Companies) were 235 strong, viz., one field Officer, 4 Captains, 8 Subalterns, 5 Staff, 12 Sergeants, 4 Drummers, 185 rank and file, and 16 Band. la the afternoon, the Volunteers and some 2,000 guests wen; enter- tained at dinner in marquees erected for the purpose, and various amuse- ments provided. The following Yarmouth names appear in the list of the competitors for the prizes : — Major Orde, Lieut. C. Diver, and Privates Mark Waters, Isaac Preston, J. B. Pearce, and C. Marsh, while among the guests were the following ladies and gentlemen from this locality :— Col. and Mrs. Baddeley, Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown, junr., Mr. B. Button, Mr. and Mrs. F Clowes, Capt. and Mrs. Cubitt, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel, Mr. and Mrs. Frere, Mr. and Mrs. Harmer, Sir E. H. K. Lacon and Lady Lacon, Capt. and Mrs. Lacon, Mr. T. Matravers, the Mayor of Yarmouth, Lieut, G. W. and Mrs. Moore, Lieut, and Mrs. Morant^ Mr. Nightingale, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Palmer, Mr. and Mrs, W. Danby-Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. F. Palmer, Mr. F. Danby-Palmer, Mr. and Miss I. Preston, the Eev. J. J. and Mrs. Raven, Mr. W. C. Reynolds, Mr. R. Rising, Capt. Rivers, Mr. and Mrs. S. Reeve, Capt. Turnour, Ensign and Mrs. Watling, Mr. W. and Mrs. Worship, Lieut, and Mrs. Wynyard, and Mr. E. P. and Mrs. Youell. Next day the High Sheriff also entertained upwards of 4,000 poor people at Crown Point. Sept. 20th. — Mr. Fenner and Mr. Chipperfield had been shooting well at the County Association Meeting. Messrs. Youell and Co., (Florists) had won two prizes at the Ken- sington Autumn Flower Show. Sept. 27th. — The Liberals claimed a gain of 50 upon the revision of the Borough Voters' List, and it was stated the ' ' the Liberal cause was much indebted to Mr. J. Eagle ton, their Yarmouth agent, whose exer- tions in the Registration Court, in which the late Sir R. Peel said elections were to be won, had been unceasing." Mr. G. V. Brooke was attracting crowded houses at the Theatre. Oct. 4th.— A French and an English corvette were on this station to protect the fisheries. Mr. Chamberlin had appeared before the Justices in support of an application against the form of the Poor's Rate, but the Court had oyei ruled his objections. 290 Oct. 8th. — At the Municipal. Revision Court, Mr. John Clowes and the Vestry Clerk, accused Mr. John Cooper of tampering with the latter gentleman's papers, and a warm discussion ensued thereon. Oct. loth.— At the Quarter Sessions, the Recorder (N. Palmer, Esq.) made an order quashing the Poor's Rate. Mr. C. Cooper appeared on behalf of Mr. J. Clowes as appellant, against the Churchwardens and Overseers, respondents in this case. At the Police Court, Mr. Gardiner, Editor of the Yarmouth Independent, craved sureties of the peace against Mr. J. H. Harrison, when, although the defendant called no evidence to rebut the charge made against him, the Bench (by a majority of two) decided against calling upon him to find sureties. The complainant said he expected this when he saw such a ** drum up " of Magistrates "who had been brought " there as on Licensing day." Oct. 18th. — A narrative of the proceedings at the Volunteer Review had been prepared by Mr. C. J. Palmer, and published. Oct. 22Bd. — There had been disastrous storms at sea, and it was known that four vessels had foundered in the roads. The retiring Councillors were — North Ward : H. Boulter and W. N. Burroughs. Market Ward: F. Worship and C. C. Aldred. Regent Ward : S. C. Marsh and S. B. Cory. St. George's Ward : J. G. Plummer and J. C. Smith. Nelson Ward : G. Danby Palmer and C. E. Bartram. St. Andrew's Ward : E. H. L. Preston and H. Teasdel. One thousand persons had visited the Exhibition (London) by a cheap train. Oct. 25th. — The Mayor had entertained a large party of invited guests at the Town HaU. The Dutchmen had already arrived "in the schuyts or sea-tubs " for the fishing. Nov. 1st. — Several shipments of herring had been made for the Mediterranean . Nov. 5th. — At the Municipal election Mr. Mainprice had taken the place of Mr. Burroughs (who retired), and Mr. Rose had ousted Mr. S. B. Cory, who refused " to the curb to yield." Nov. 8th. — liine fishing from boats and the Britannia Pier had become a fashionable amusement. Nov. 12th.— The Town Council had voted an address of loyalty to the Queen, and to the Prince of Wales, upon the latter attaining his majority. 291 Sir E. H. K. Lacon proposed, and C. J. Palmer, Esq., seconded, the re-election of the iMayor, which motion was carried nem. dis., and the retiring aldermen, Messrs. J. T. Bracey, J, Bunn, B. Fenn, H. R. Harmer, W. Laws, and W. Mabson were re-elected. Nov. 19th. — The prizes recently shot for by the Rifle Volunteers had been distributed at the Victoria Gardens by the Mayor. Nov. 22nd. —The local Charity Trustees' scheme for the establish- ment of a Grammar School had been approved by the Charity Com- missioners. The Lancashire Relief Committee was in full work, and the following articles had been forwarded to Manchester : — 63 coats, 70 cloaks and shawls, 21 dresses, 20 children's frocks, 20 blankets and quilts, 28 pairs of boots, 42 flannel waistcoats and shirts, 34 pairs of trousers, 36 hats, and 361 other articles of clothing. In one day 1,500 lasts of herring had been brought into the harbour. Nov. 26th. — A public meeting in aid of the Lancashire Relief Fund had been held (the Mayor in the chair), and £160 subscribed in the room. Dec. 13th. — Two hundred barrels of herring had been sent to Manchester for the Relief Fund by the fish merchants. Dec. 17th. — The following rota of magistrates for salvage purposes had been appointed : — R. Hammond, E. H. L. Preston, J. W, Shelly, R. Steward, B. Jay, J. Clark, J. Fenn, and P. PuUyn. Dec. 20th. — During the week more than 600 articles of wearing apparel had been forwarded to Manchester for the Relief Fund. The fishing had proved a " successful and profitable season." Dec. 24th. — Mr. Rust had launched a fine new brig for the Mediterranean trade. Dec. 27th. — £850 had been raised for the Lancashire Relief Fund. The town tolls had let as follows : — Market, £550 per annum ; Fish Market, £55 ; and Ballastage, £660 ; the lessees being Messrs. Bowen and Co. of Leeds. Dec. 31st. — Steps were being taken to induce the Norfolk Agricultural Association to visit Yarmouth. The Rev. B. Vaux had presided at the Hospital meeting. The Artillery and Rifle Volunteers had been brigaded together on the South Denes, 292 1863. Jan. 10th. — An inquiry was being held in respect of certain charges against the crew of the lifeboat. Mr. B. Fenn had presided at the annual library meeting. Jan. 14th. — At the lifeboat inquiry, after hearing evidence, the Kev. Mr. Steward moved, and Mr. Fellows seconded, "That the Beach- men were in no way culpable on the occasion, and that, on the contrary, their conduct was all that it ought to have been," which motion was carried unanimously. Mr. E. P. Youell had executed some sleight-of-hand tricks a la Frickcl with neatness and dexterity at the Priory Entertainment . Jan. 17th.— Four hundi-ed persons sat down to tea at the Tract Lenders' Festival. A prize fight had taken place near the town, on a marsh next the Acle Eoad. Jan. 24th. — There had been a ** tremendous gale." Jan. 28th. — The following Charity Trustees had met for the purpose of appointing a head master of the Grammar School — Messrs. Charles J. Palmer (chairman), C. Cory, E,. Hammond, W. N. Burroughs, E. H. L. Preston, B. Jay, and C. 0. Aldred, when the Rev. H, J. Evans, was elected ; the other candidates being the Revs. Merryman, W. Algar, J. Partridge, C. Bachelor, and S. Eld. Jan. 31st. — Sad accounts continued to arrive from the Fishing Fleet, in consequence of the late gales, '* scarcely a smack arriving without bearing some marks of its fiu-y, and the loss of spars and gear, while many of the crews have tales of horror to recount of vessels foundering, and all hands perishing before their eyes without the possibility of rescue." Feb. 4th. — A meeting of the inhabitants had been held to consider what steps should be taken to celebrate the marriage of the Prince of Wales. Feb. 14th. — Harriet Cattermole had jumped into the river, but had been floated by her crinoline until rescued by the police. Feb. 21st. — P.G. J. C. Smith, Surgeon, had presided at the annual dinner of the " Prince of Wales' " Lodge, M.U.O.F., held at the Market Tavern, 46 members and friends being present on the occasion. Feb. 25th. — C. J. Palmer, Esq., (the President), had taken the chair at the meeting of the Shipwrecked Mariners' Society, when it appeared 293 that 215 seamen and widows had been relieved during the past year, and that the income was £177 18s. 4d., as against an expenditure of £219 14s. 4d. Feb. 28th.— At the revision of the Proxy Book, it appeared that a number of persons claiming to act as proxies for the owners of property, were not authorised to do so by such owners, and Mr. Neave intimated that *'the loss of his election last year was due to the scandalous manner ** in which the proxies had been worked against him." March 16th. — The town had been en fete upon the occasion of the marriage of the Prince of Wales, when the Corporation had attended St. Nicholas' Church ; a special sermon had been preached by the Rev. H. R. Nevill, the Artillery had fired a salute of 21 guns from the South Battery, and the Rifles 2, feu dejoie in the Market-place. A Council meeting had also been held, when loyal addresses were moved, and seconded to the Queen and to the Prince and Princess of "Wales by Messrs. E. H. L. Preston and John Clowes, and C. J. Palmer and W. Worship respectively. A volunteer banquet had been held on this occasion at Messrs. Lacon and Co.'s stores, when the following arrangements were made : — First table, Nos. 1 and 2 companies Artillery, (Captains J. L. Barber and W. Foreman) ; second table, 1 and 2 companies Rifles, (Captain Tomlinson and Lieutenant Harmer) ; third table, 3 and 4 companies Artillery, (Captains Green and Brown) ; fourth table, 3 and 4 Com- panies Rifles, (Captains W. Holt and H. Barber) ; the fifth table. Staffs of E.N.M, and N.M.A. Regiments. In addition to the Volunteers, the following gentlemen were present as guests of Sir E. H. K. Lacon, the Mayor (R. Steward, Esq.), Rev. IL Nevill, Rev. B. Vaux, Captain Long, Major Penrice, Major Orde, Adjutant Gilbertson, Adjutant Smith, J. C. Smith, Esq., E.N.M., C. C. Aldred, Esq., Captain Dods, Lieutenant W. Danby-Palmer, E.N.M., Mr. Petts, Quarter- Masters Smith and Hardiment, &c. In the evening " the illuminations were on a most extensive scale, scarcely a house without a transparency or device. The designs on the Town Hall and Hospital School were very beautiful, while many others on private houses were greatly admired. On the Town Hall, facing the north, was fixed the principal illumination, consisting of a magnificent plume of feathers, having the letters "A. A." on either side, and partly encircled with a wreath of oak leaves and acorns. The height of the design was 18 feet by 30 feet in width, and was 294 drawn by Mr. INForant, Town Surveyor, and manufactured by Mr. Doughty, of Gaol Street. The fireworks were continued to a late hour, and we are happy to record that, notwithstanding the pressure of the crowd, no accident occurred to mar the pleasure of the day. The arrangements of the police throughout were most satisfactory, and to the credit of our townsmen it must be stated that at the Police Court the following morning, the magistrates' business was finished in two minutes and a half, the only charge being a case of drunkenness, which was graciously forgiven. The ball at the Town Hall was fashionably and numerously attended and dancing was kept up to the music of Hulley's quadrille band with unflagging spirit until an early hour the following morning. During the day the inmates of the Workhouse and Gaol were regaled, the former at the expense of the Guardians, and the latter by the Mayor. The inmates of the Fishermen's Hospital were also regaled with plum pudding and roast beef, each man having, in addition, a pipe of tobacco, with a liberal supply of stout. The women also partook of tea, with a plentiful supplj* of cake. The inmates expressed themselves deeply grateful to the trustees of the charity for thus enabling them to participate in the festivities of the day." March 18th. — A project had been suggested for the amalgamation of the two local Volunteer Corps, under] the command of Lieut. -Col. Sir E. Lacon, Bart. March 21st. — At an adjourned meeting of the Rifle Corps this question was introduced by Major Orde, who advocated the suggestion, which was opposed by Ensigns Watling and Cobb, and the project was thereupon rejected by a majority of nearly 100 ; consequently the oflBcers, (who were generally in favour of the movement), threatened to resign their commissions. March 28th. — The Poor's Kate, (which had been Is. 8d.), was reduced to Is. 2d. in the £. W. Yetts, Esq., had died at the age of 68 ; he had been for many years a member of the Corporation, and a Justice for the Borough. **Mr. Yetts. was possessed of considerable talent as an artist, and as a musician, and was at all times a liberal patron of the fine arts." April 1st.— The action of " Bayly v. Woodrow " had been tried at the Assizes, the charge being one of slander upon the plaintiff, who was a surgeon, by the defendant, a baker in the town. The verdict being for 40s. and costs. Mr, Coxon, postmaster, had died somewhat suddenly. 295 April 11th. — Messrs. Steward and Aldred had been re-elected Churchwardens : and Messrs. G. Danhy-Palmer and J. Barker, Haven Commissioners, with Messrs. R. Hammond and D. A. Gourlay aa supernumeraries . April 18th.— The East Norfollc Militia had mustered 780 strong at their annual training. The Election of Guardians had resulted in no change being made in the Board except as regarded the election of Frederick Palmer, Esq., a scrutiny of votes was threatened by the defeated candidates. April 22nd.— An otter had been captured on the Hall-quay and remained "in charge of the police," and was the only " prisoner " before the Justices. May 2nd. — The Corporation addresses to the Prince and Princess of Wales had been presented by the Mayor, Lord Sondes, and SirE. Lacon, Bart. J. G. Plummer, Esq., J. P., and a member of the Council, had died. May 9th. — The first ball of the season had been held at the new Assembly-rooms, South Beach, the Stewards being the Mayor, Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., M.P., Major Marcon, Captain Ensor, Captain Longe, and Mr. C. J. Palmer. May 13th. — Mr. J. Scott had been elected a Councillor for the St. George's-ward in the place of the late Mr. Plummer without opposition, Mr. R. Norman (who had issued an address in the Conservative interest) having retired on the eve of the election. H.M.S. " Porcupine" was in the Roads. An " Old Crome " late the property of Mr. Hunt, had been sold for £110 to Mr. J. J. Colman. May 16th. — The Mayor 'had distributed prizes to the following members of the Norfolk Artillery Volunteers : — Sergeant -Major Stol- worthy. Sergeant Sparrow, Sergeant Cocks, Corporal Page, Bombardiers Bullimore, Greenwood, Nutman, Self, and C. Bartram, and Corporal Baker. The Norfolk Artillery Militia, under command of Colonel Astley, had assembled, 600 strong, for its annual training. Mr. Marsh's wine and spirit stores at the corner of Regent and King Streets, had been sold by auction for £3,210. The death of W. T. Clarke, Esq., J. P., had caused a vacancy for the St. Andrew's Ward, and Mr. W. J, Brand had issued an address to the" electors. 296 May 27th. — This contest terminated for : — W. J. Brand 150 W. Rivett 145 And an amusing scene had taken place at the close of the poll between the Mayor and Mr. Rivett, the latter taunting his Worship for not coming up in time to record his vote, and "vowing in not the most correct English a fearful retaliation when his Worship's term of office should expire." June 3rd. — The Bishop had ordained five deacons and four priests at St. Nicholas' Church. June 6th. — The following were the six best shots for the Wimbledon competition : — Corporal Wilshak, 105 points ; Private Barrett, 101 points ; Colour-Sergeant Chipperfield, 99 points ; Sergeant Hudspith, 97 points ; Captain Youell, 90 points ; and Corporal Davey, 89 points. June 10th.— The " Red Rover " had reached Sheerness in nine hours on her way to compete at Erith for the Prince of Wales' Cup. The deliveries of mackerel had been *' very small." June 17th. — The Bill for incorporating the Yarmouth Gas Company was before the Committee of the House of Commons. June 20th. — Mr. Jeremiah Barnes had passed the Legal Examination. June 24th. — The Norfolk Agricultural Society had held its annual show at Yarmouth in the Militia Barrack Square (with a considerable extra space which was boarded in to form the show yard) there was a great display of bunting, Messrs. Owles, Bond, Hylton, Parsons, Barnard, Mabson, Palmer, Fyson, Garratt, and Starling being chiefly noticeable in that respect ; 100 members and fiiends afterwards dined at the Town Hall under the presidency of the Mayor, when, in addition to his Worship, the following were the speakers: — The Hon. Wenman Coke, M.P., Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., M.P., Sir Thomas W. P. Beauchamp, Bart., the Rev. B. Vaux, Sir W. Jones, Bart., Lord Walsingham, Lord Sondes, Mr. W. Burroughs, Mr. Field, Mr. Thomas Browne, Mr. Badham, and Mr. Blyth. D. Falcke, W. Briggs, and J. Scott, Esqs., had been appointed Justices in the place of W. Yetts, J. G. Plummer, and W. T. Clarke, Esqs., deceased. Miss Caroline Fellows (IMrs. Tomkins) had obtained the National Medallion for drawing at the Kensington competition. The Committee of the Commons had declared the preamble of the Gas Bill proved. 297 June 27th. — Major Penrice had been installed W.M. of Lodge *' United Friends," and appointed J. Tomlinson, junr., S.W., F. W. Ferrier, J.W., William Danby- Palmer, S.D., E. P. YoueU, J.D., R. Rising, I.G., and C. Diver, Secretary, The banquet was served at the Star by Host George Diver. Messrs. Youell, florists, were displaying beautiful specimens of the " Lilium Giganteum." July 4th.— The *' Egbert," barque, of 410 tons register, had been launched from Messrs. Fellows' yard. The new Assembly Rooms were proving a great attraction to visitors ; the Artillery Band had been engaged by the directors. July 8th.— The " Red Rover " had beaten Mr. Trafford's new boat the "Alabama," at the Water Frolic, and Mr. Harvey's " Myth" had taken the prize in the second match. The *' Vindex " had been sailed in a foul manner by her crew, much to the disgust of her owner, Mr. J. Tomlinson, junr., who was acting as Hon. Secretary to the sports on the Committee -boat at the time. During these sports a frightful accident had happened in consequence of the hatches of the *' Ruby " wherry falling upon two men, who were thereby crushed to death. July nth. — Mr. Morant had resigned the Town Surveyorship. The magistrates on the salvage rota had been restrained from charging, as heretofore, fees of £2 2s. by the Secretary of State. July 15th. — Charles Eushmer, one of the men killed at the Water Frolic, who was a member of the Norfolk Artillery Volunteers, had been buried with military honours ; it was stated that " this was the only death that had occurred among the Volunteers " since the formation of the corps in the town. Three thousand excursionists had arrived in one day from East Suffolk. July 18th.— The Channel Fleet, consisting of the following ships (under the command of Rear- Admiral Dacres) was in the Roads: — •' Edgar " (flagship), 71 guns, 800 men, 600 horse-power^ Captain Church ; "Emerald" (frigate), 35 guns, 510 men, 600 horse -power. Captain Cummings; " Liverpool," 39 guns, 540 men, 600 horse-power, Captain Lambert; " Black Prince " (armour plated), 40 guns, 726 men. 1,200 horse-power, Captain Wainwright ; "Royal Oak," 35 guns, 547 men, 800 horse-povser, Captain Campbell; "Resistance," 16 guns, 482 men, 600 horse-power. Captain Chamberlin; " Warrior," 40 guns, 706 men, 298 1,200 horse-power, Captain Cochrane ; "Defence," 16 guns, 468 men, 600 horse-power, Captain Phillimore ; ** Trinculo," (tender), 2 guns, 20 men. It was nearly dark by the time the last vessel of the squadron took up her moorings ; numbers of persons, nevertheless, remained on the Beach to a late hour, watching the lights displayed by the vessels as they laid at their anchorage. At eight o' clock on "Wednesday morning, a salute of eleven guns was fired from the Admiral's ship, in acknowledgment of the salute by the Volun- teers the previous evening. During the \\ hole of Wednesday the fleet was inspected by large numbers of visitors, who left the Britannia Pier in steamers plying to and from the squadron at reasonable fares, while the pier itself was the resort of many interested in watching the constant arrival and departure of men-of-war boats, freighted with provisions and stores, or in bringing officers on shore on leave. At one o'clock, the Mayor, and a party on board, left the bridge in the steamboat " Emperor," to pay an official visit to the Admiral. The Mayor was accompanied on the occasion by C. J. Palmer, W. Nightingale, C. C. Aldred, W. Holt, G. S. Shingles, W. T. Foreman, W. Johnson, J. Clarke, B. Fenn, G. P. Youell, W. Laws, J. H. Orde, J. Stephenson, and J. Bunn, Esqs. On arriving at the flag-ship the party were most courteously received by Captain Hornby, in the absence of the Admiral, who, unfortunately, was on shore. After remaining a short time inspect- ing the "Edgar," the party proceeded to the ""Warrior," where they were received by the Hon. Captain Cochrane, who escorted them over the ship. This was by far the most interesting feature of the excursion the powerful armament and splendid construction of this truly noble vessel exciting the admiration of all. The crew, numbering upwards of 700, were all found busily engaged at their varied avocations, some intent upon their drill at the huge Armstrong gims, while others ware pursuing more peaceful avocations. The interior arrangements of the ** "Warrior," as a ship of war, have been so frequently and fully described, that it is unnecessary to allude further to them, suffice it to say that, after viewing all parts of the vessel, one could but feel that England had but little to fear from foreign invasion, while guarded by such bulwarks of defence. The Mayor, with his friends, having made the tour of the fleet, returned to the Britannia Pier and disembarked. The Mayor then proceeded to the Victoria Hotel, where the Admiral was imderstood to be staying, bat was again unsuccessful in having an interview with him, as he had just previously left to go on board his flag- ship. Under these 299 circumstances, the Mayor addressed a letter to the gallant officer, ex- pressing his regret at not meeting him, and tendering on behalf of the town an invitation lo himself and officers to attend a ball at the Town Hall, on Monday 'evening, expressing a hope that his arrangements would enable him to accept it." The Fleet were, however, compelled to leave on the Sunday afternoon. July 25th.— A Bazaar in aid of the Town Charities had been held, when Mrs. Nevill, Mrs. A. B. Crosse, Mrs. C.J. Palmer, Mrs. J. Brown, Mrs. G. Palmer, Mrs, Rivers, Mrs. F. Frere, and Mrs. Harmer had stalls. July 29th.— Captain William Alfred Glasspoole had been appointed A.D.C. to Major-General Honner, C.B., commanding the Scinde Division of the Indian Army. Aug. 1st. — A.t the Regatta the •' Gipsy Queen," of Winterton, had won the yawl race, and the "Little Yankee" (Captain Cholmondley) and the " Belvidere " (T. M. Rpad, Esq.,) the small yacht races. And at the Water Frolic, the " Red Rover " (S. Nightingale, Esq.,) had beaten the "Wanderer" (R. Harvey, Esq.,) and the "Little Yankee" (Captain Cholmondley). The Regatta Dinner had been held at the Norfolk Hotel, (Winder, proprietor) . £80 had been realised at the Bazaar. Aug. 5th. — The Volunteers had been inspected on the South Denes by Colonel Ibbetson. Aug. 8th. — A ring bearing the inscription " Maria Costerton, obit 18, October, 1788, aged 14 years," had been dredged up on Breydon, and claimed by John Fisher Costerton, Esq., who had lost it some 60 years pre\dously at a water party. Aug. r2th.— It was noted that the two drinking fountains were not used by the public. Aug. 19th — Bishop Hills had preached at St. Nicholas' Church in aid of the Columbia Mission. The Mayor had refused the Bishop the use of the Town-haU for a meeting on the same subject, and it consequently had been held at the Priory-hall. £90 was thus raised for the Fund. The Artillery Volunteers (170 strong) had been inspected by Colonel Knox. Aug. 22nd. — One thousand excursionists had amved from New- market and Bury. 300 The Town Clerk stated in Council that the costs of the Corporation in opposing the Gas Bill would amount to £800. The *' Sir Edmund Lacon" Lodge, N.I.TJ.O.F., had been opened at the Volunteer Tavern, when Sir E. Lacon and H. R. Harmer, Esq., weie invested with the respective offices of P.S.F. and P.G. and speeches delivered by those gentlemen and Dr. Stephenson. Aug. 26th. — Sir John Walsham was holding an inquiry as to the Guardians' election for the North Ward, where Mr. J. F. Neave claimed Mr. Hylton's seat ; there appeared to be grave irregularities in the Proxy List of Voters. Aug. 29th. — The memorial stone of the new Baptist Chapel on the Denes had been laid by J. J. Colman, Esq. Sept. 2nd. — Records the death of Samuel C. Marsh, Esq., " after a prolonged and grievous affliction." Sept. 5th. — Mr. Falcke was suggested as a candidate for the Regent Ward to fill the late Mr. Marsh's place in the Council. Sept. 9th. — The *' Justice Roll " could not be found, and there was a ** scene " on the Bench in consequence. Sept. 16th. — On Licensing Day there had been the usual "drum up " of Justices, who were classed as follows by the editor : — Regular Attendants — The Mayor, J. Fenn, J. Owles, B. Fenn, J. C. Smith, F. Palmer, E, Preston, P. Pulljoi, R. Hammond, and J. Barker, Esqs. Occasional but useful attendants — J. Costerton, C. C. Aldred, W. Bessey, W. Thurtell, E. Youell, B. Jay, J. Clark, F. Worship and T. Brightwen, Esqs. Three hundred lasts of herring had been landed in one day, " but proving of inferior quality," had scarcely realised £10 per last. Sept. 19th. — The alterations at the Naval Asylum, amounting to some £2,000 or £3,000, had been entrusted to Mr. George TjTell, of this town. At the Registration Court, Mr. Clowes appeared for the Liberals, and Mr. W. C. Reynolds for the Tories. The Elocution Society (Mr. Lovewell Blake, Secretary-) had held its annual meeting and reunion at the Corn -hall, when 200 members sat down to tea. Sept. 23rd. — The Churchwardens (Messrs. Steward and Aldred) had been presented with silrer tea services, as testimonials of the esteem and regard in which they were held by the parishioners. 301 Mr. Falcke not being qualified to be elected a Conncillor, ]\Ir. Livingston, (Liberal) and Mr. Stagg (Tory) were before the electors in the Regent Ward. Sep. 26th. — The following noblemen and gentlemen had acted as Stewards of the Eaces : — Lord William Powlett, Lord Hastings, Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., Edward Howes, Esq., M.P., Lieut-Colonel the Hon. W. C. W. Coke, M.P., and Colonel Shafto Adair, A.D.C. Mr. J. F. Clarke, as usual, ofiiciated as Judge, and Mr, Samuel Clarke as Starter. The Regent Ward Election had terminated — For Stagg 83 , , Livingston 57 Sept. 30th. — James Scott and William Briggs, Esqs., had qualified as Justices. Oct. 3rd. — Corporal H. H. BaVer had won the Champion Medal at the Artillery Volunteer Prize Shooting. Oct. 7th.— The Market had been " glutted " with fish, and th.- prices consequently remained very low. Oct. 17th. — The Mayor (R. Steward, Esq ,) had given his third banquet at the Town Hall, the INTembera for the Borough (Sir E. Lacon and Sir H. Stracey), the Recorder (N. Palmer, Esq.), and many others being present. Oct. 21st. — Mr. N'ewcomb had been appointed Postmaster. Oct. 24th.— At a dinner, given by Sir E. Lacon, to the members of the Conservative party, it had been determined to again offer the Mayoralty to R. Steward, Esq. The Bishoj) had confirmed 180 young persons at St. Nicholas' Church, The prospects of the fishing were " of a most gloomy character," Two vessels, the '* Leda " and '* Isis " had left for Ancona, the former with 2,900 and the latter with 2,550 barrels of fish, and several thousand barrels had been despatched by steamships trading with the Italian ports. Oct. 28th. — Three hundred lasts of herring had been landed on the Quay on Sunday, which had caused a great disturbance there, and the Magistrates proposed to take steps to prevent a recurrence of such scenes on the Lord's day. Nov. 4th. — The following had been the result of the Municipal Election : — North Ward. Messrs. Bessey and Nightingale (Cons.) not opposed. 302 Regent Ward. Messrs. \V. C. Reynolds and W. Wright (Cons.) not opposed. St. George's Ward. Messrs. Palmer and Foreman (Cons.) not opposed. Nelson Ward. J. H. Harrison (politics doubtful) 148 J. Clark (Con.) 129 J. Clowes (Lib.) 81 Market Ward. J. Barnby (Con.) 121 C. Nuthall (Con.) 121 J. Bivett (Lib.) 82 G. W. Clowes (Lib.) 70 St. Andrew's Ward. Richmond (Con.) 251 Gooda (Con.) 220 Eivett (Lib.) 100 There had been a very heavy gale from the N.N.W. Messrs. Savage and de Caux had been proceeded against for placing swills on the South Quay, and Mr. Savage fined 40s. and costs, but the case against Mr. de Caux was not proceeded with. Nov. 7th. — Mr. C. J. Palmer had proposed and Mr. J. C. Smith seconded in the Council that £2,000 be expended in the further exten- sion of the Marine Drive, which resolution was carried nem dis.''^ The Government had purchased the waste ground between the R.N. Hospital and the Drive, and were about to enclose it. Nov. 11th. — Mr. R. Steward had, upon the nomination of Mr. Fcrrier, seconded by Mr. Nightingale, been re-elected Mayor, and in returning thanks mentioned "his acknowledgments to C. J. Palmer, Esq., to whose advice much of the success that had followed his mayor- alty was justly due, and he had pleasui'e in taking that opportunity of publicly thanking him for the valuable assistance he had at all times so cheerfully rendered." Nov. 25th. — Five corn stacks, valued at upwards of £600, had been burnt on Mr. Hammond's premises at Gorleston. Nov. 28th. — The sum of £135 had been raised for the purpose of presenting a testimonial to the Mayor. The price of gas had been reduced to 4s. 6d. per 1,000 cubic feet. 303 Mr. Critten had launched a new lifeboat, named " The Friend of all Nations." Dec. 5th. — Tremendous gales from the S.S.W. had visited the coast and much damage done to the shipping. Dec. 12th. — The new Methodist Chapel at Burgh had been partly blown down by the gale. Dec. 16th. — The following smacks were reported to be missing : — " Driving Mist " (Mr. Yaxley), " Leveret " and " Three Sisters" (Mr. Nockolds), '* Ranger " (Mr. Norton), "Rhine" (Mr. Symonds), "Osprey " (Mr. Harrison), "Temperance Star" (Mr. Simlett), "Essex" (Mr. Carter), "Rainbow" (Mr. Moore), "Twilight" and "North Star" (Mr. Shuckford), " Gihon " (Mr. Todd), and the "Volunteer" (Mr. Vcale ) The ' ' Volunteer ' ' steamtug, belonging to BIr. S Fill had been lost, owing to her having sprung a leak when about 40 miles from the land, while cruising about to find the missing smacks, and the crew reported that they had left her in a sinking state. Dec. 19th. — The following had been the winners of prizes in the N.A.V. competition :— Corporal Baker, and gunners Manship, Riches, Bartram, Shrimpling, Rainer ; sergeant Steward ; gunners Watson, Davy, Wetherell ; sergeants Cocks and Robinson ; corporal Beevor ; bombardiers Greenwood, Nutman, Self ; and gunners Stringer, Thompson, R. Cory and Howes. The presentation took place at the Drill-room, Regent- street, when the Mayor presided, and Captains Foreman and Barber also addressed the Volunteers. Dec. 23rd. — The thirteen smacks above-named were still missing. Dec. 26th.— C. J. Palmer, Esq. (President of the Institution) had read a paper upon the history of the building occupied as the Public Library and the Port Dues Office, at a Conversazione held therein. The Mayor's Testimonial Fund had reached the sum of £200. The " Medusa " frigate was searching for the missing smacks. Dec, 30th. — There was a warm discussion going on as to the use of one of the Town fire engines at the burning of a vessel named the " Spray," Mr. C. C. Aldred holding that it should not hare been so used, while Mr. Falcke warmly supported the opposite view of the case. The following gentlemen then held commissions in the local Volun- teer Corps. Artillery.— Major, Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart.; Captains, \V. J. Foreman, John Loc Barber, and H. P. Green ; First Lieutenants, A. 304 W. Morant and J. W. C. Ewart : Second Lieutenants, T. M. Read, J. W. D. Gosnall, Robert Rising and John Brown ; Hon. Chaplain, Rev. B. Vaux. Rifles — Major, James Henry Orde ; Adjutant, R. C. Holmes (late Captain 10th Hussars) ; Captains, E. P. Youell, H. H. Barber, W. Holt, and J. Tomlinson ; Lieutenants, H. R. Harmer, G. Moore, F. W. Ferrier, and S. VV. Spelman ; Ensigns, John Cobb, S, Aldred, E. Fyson, and R. Watling ; Surgeon, Frederick Palmer ; Hon. Chaplain, Rer. H, R. Nevill ; Supernumerary Lieutenants, John Clark and Charles Diver. J^.B. — Tht file for the Year 1864 is missing. 1866. Jan. 7th. — A man, 60 years of age, had attended the Guardians, with a view to obtaining a wife out of the Workhouse. He was referred back by the Board to his own parish (Clippesby ) . Jan. 11th. — Benjamin Dowson, Esq., had died in his 77th year ; he was much respected, and the flags on the shipping and the public buildings had been hoisted at half-mast. Jan 14th. — The Haven was in a bad state, and there was so little water on the bar that the *• Rainbow " steamer had landed her passengers on the Beach. Jan. 18th, — John Barker, Esq., one of the Borough Magistrates and a Haven Commissioner, had died in his 69tli year. Jan. 28th. — The Great Yarmouth Building Society had held its first meeting (Major Foreman in the chair), when Mr. Cbij^perfield was elected secretary, and the following gentlemen directors : — H. Buston, J. Stephenson, R. Dumbleton, E. Stagg, and J. Isaac. The " Antelope " cutter had been launched from Mr. Winter's yard, for Messrs. Smith and Son. Feb. 4th. — Mr. C. J. Palmer had presided at the annual Sailors' Home Meeting, when Captain Rivers, D. Falcke, W. Worship, S. Dowson, C. Rose, R. Norman, and J. Scott, Esqrs., Majors Orde and Foreman, and the Revs. Hurst and Harrison were present. A public meeting, over which Mr. E. H. L. Preston presided, had been held in opposition to the *' Haven and Port Bill '' which was being promoted by the Corporation, and the following committee appointed to watch that measure :— Messrs. E. H. L. Preston, W. N. Burroughs, R. Dumbleton, J. W. de Caux, James Scott, Robert Barber, and John Uwles. 305 Feb. 15th. — A " very violent stoi-m " had arisen at the meeting of the Corporation Committee sitting upon the Haven and Port Bill. Feb. 22nd. — The shipowners had met (Mr. R. S. Watling in the chair), to consider the Bill, and had passed a resolution moved by Rlr. G. Blake and seconded by Mr. J. B. Hylton, in favour of the measure. The fishing interest had held a meeting (Mr. B. Fenn in the chair), and condemned the proposed Corporation Fishwharf scheme. Feb. 25th. — At the Council meeting, Mr. E. H. L. Preston and Mr. C. C. Aldred had been " at loggerheads " with regard to the Haven Bill. March 11th. —Mr. H. Boulter, for many years one of the Council- lors for the North Ward, had died. March 22nd. — There had been a heavy gale from the i^.E., which had occasioned great damage to the shipping ; Mr. Petts and the coast- guard had done much good service with Manby's apparatus, in saving life. March 25th. — At the contest in the North Ward, consequent on the death of Mr. Boulter, the numbers were — J. H. Ely (Con.) 121 J. F. Neave (Lib.) 76 Hopton Church, which had recently been destroyed by fire, was to be rebuilt on a new site at a cost of £2,500. April 1st. — During a heavy gale the vessels " Jenny R" and *' Lon- donderry " had been stranded on the Beach. April 8th. — Reports the death of George Danby- Palmer, Esq., as follows: — " We regret to record the decease of this gentleman, who expired at his residence. South Quay, on Tuesday evening last. Mr. Palmer was born July 5th, 1787, and was therefore in his 78th year. He was a member of the old Corporation, and since the passing of the Municipal Reform Act, had continued in the new Corporation, although of late years illness had prevented him from taking any active part in the administration of municipal matters. He was a Justice of the Peace for the County of Norfolk as well as the Borough, and also filled the ofl&ce of Haven Commissioner. Mr. Palmer throughout his long connection with the town was closely identified with the trade and commerce of the port, being a large shipowner, and deeply interested in the fisheries. His loss will be felt by many, particularly among the poor, to whom he was a true friend. As a tribute of respect to his memory, the flags have been hoisted on the shipping and principal buildings in the town during the week." In politics Mr. Palmer was a Whig, and possessed great influence in the town. 306 April 15th.— Mr. H. H. Barber (Lib.) and Mr. S. K. Smith (Con.) were candidates for the seat thus rendered vacant in the Nelson Ward. The following Guardians had been elected : — North Ward : Messrs. S. Nightingale, J. B. Hylton, and I. Shuckford. Market Ward : Messrs. J. Laws, C. C. Aldred, and J. Fenn. Regent Ward : Messrs. W. Worship, R. D. Barber, and C. Diver. St. George's Ward: Messrs. F. Palmer, J. Scott, and B. Fenn. Nelson Ward : Messrs. J. Clowes, W. T. Fisher, C. Woolverton, and G. W. Moore. The shipwrights, who had been on strike, had returned to their employment. April 22nd.— The debt on St. Nicholas' Church was then £6,700. The contest in the Nelson Ward had resulted as follows : — H. H. Barber (Lib.) 150 S. K. Smith (Con.) 117 And " the proceedings throughout the day had all the characteristics of a general election." Messrs. C. S. D. Steward and E. R. Aldred had been re-elected Churchwardens by the Vestry. May 13th. — The "George" schooner had been launched from Mr. Rust's yard. May 27th. — There had been no special demonstration of loyalty on the Queen's birthday. The Dowager Lady Lacon had bequeathed £200 to the Hospital. A ** French Club," of which M. Butel was the tutor, was meeting at the Norfolk Hotel. June 7th. — A meeting of the Conservative party had been held at the Star Hotel, which was attended by Sir E. H. K. Lacon and I\lr. Good son, and an active canvass had been commenced on behalf of those gentlemen, as the Conservative candidates for the Borough. June 10th. — The Liberals had met at the Angel Hotel, when oNfr. E. W. Watkin, by letter, strongly recommended Mr. A. Brogdon, and Mr. J. C. Marshman to the electors, and those gentlemen were, on the motion of Mr. Livingston, seconded by Mr. Moore, requested to visit the Borough with Mr. Watkin. June 17th. —H. M.S. "Dauntless," SI guns, was anchored in the Roads. Mr, S. Barge had obtained the contract for enclosing the land to the east of the Naval Hospital. 3Ir. H. R. Harmer had been presented with an elegant silver salver 307 upon the occasion of his resigning his commission of Lieutenant in the Rifle Volunteers. June 2Lst. — The Liberals had held a monster mooting in the Market Place, when Mr. J. Clowes occupied the chair, and the Liberal candidates (Messrs. Brogden and Marshman) had delivered addresses. The Conservatives had also held a meeting, convened by circular, which had been addressed by Sir E. H. K. Lacon and Mr. Goodson. July 1st. — Both parties bad held meetings at Gorleston, which had been addressed by their respective candidates ; each of the candidates spoke of '* certain success, with fair play." July 5th. — The Editor states "that it is evident from the numbers who hold back their promises, that there is a great expectancy that the value of votes will rise in the market." July 8th. — The Liberals had been holding meetings in each of the Wards, and it was stated that '* both parties are professedly confident of achieving a victory," July 12th. — Mr. Marshman had suddenly and unexpectedly retired from the contest, and Mr. Brogden had issued an address stating that Mr. Vanderbyl would take Mr. Marshman's place as a candidate for the Borough ; it was evident that " the struggle would be one of no ordinary character." The farmers in East Norfolk were agitating for a repeal of the Malt Tax, and had adopted Mr. Clare Sewell Read as their candidate. July 15th.— Sir Thomas B. P. Beauchamp, Bart., had been selected as a colleague of the Hon. Colonel Coke, the sitting Liberal Member for that Division of the County. At the Borough nomination the appearance of the Liberal candidates " was the signal for a regular ovation." When something like a hearing could be obtained, Mr. E. H. L. Preston proposed, and Mr. Dumbleton seconded. Sir Edmund Henry Knowles Lacon, Bart., Mr. R. Hammond proposed, and Mr. J. Scott seconded, Alexander Brogden, Esq. ; Mr. W. Worship proposed, and Mr. C. Woolverton seconded, James Goodson, Esq. ; and Mr. G. Blake proposed, and Mr. J. Owles seconded, Philip Vanderbyl, Esq. The show of hands was by an " immense majority " found in favour of Messrs. Brogden and Vanderbyl. The polling took place on the following day, and this description is given of 308 *' THE ELECTION." • ' The very general expectation that prevailed as to the severity of the contest drew early together large numbers of persons, who thronged the vicinity of the polling places and the streets throughout the day. The polling from eight to nine o'clock was very rapid, both parties striving their utmost to bring up men so as to head the poll. The popular feeling, which manifested itself unmistakeably in favour of the Liberal cause, was sadly damped between the hours of nine and ten o'clock by the appearance of a placard bearing the state of the poll, and showing that the Conservatives, notwithstanding the activity displayed by the other side, had stolen a march upon them, and meant winning. The result of the next hour's polling had considerably increased the Con- servative majority, and, as a large proportion of the electors had voted, it became evident that the battle, as far as Liberal interests were con- cerned, was all but lost. As the day advanced, the position of the Liberals on the poll became worse, and all chance of retrieving their position was hopeless. The excitement was very great in the town, but the crowd continued to conduct themselves pretty quietly, contenting themselves with venting their disappointment by groaning heartily at every vehicle bearing placards of " Vote for Lacon and Goodson." State of the Poll. Nine o'clock. Lacon 298 Goodson 294 Brogden 235 Vanderbyl 226 Ten o'clock. Lacon 541 Goodson 526 Brogden 447 Vanderbyl 425 Eleven o'clock. Lacon 608 Goodson 574 Brogden 506 Vanderbyl 481 309 Twelve o'clock. Lacon , 746 Goodson 712 Brogden 595 Vanderbyl . , . . , 557 One o'clock. Lacon 758 Goodson 708 Brogden 610 Vanderbyl , 571 Two o'clock. Lacon 798 Goodson 757 Brogden 618 Vanderbyl 573 Four o'clock. Lacon 828 Goodson 784 Brogden 634 Vanderbyl 589 The following detail is given of the polling in the various "Wards. — Lacon. St. Nicholas'.. 91 Market 146 Eegent 152 St. George's... 104 Nelson 1S9 Southtown 146 Total.. 828 784 634 589 July 19th.— At the Nomination for East Norfolk, Sir T. B. P. Beauchamp (failing to satisfy the Malt-tax Repeal party), Mr. Clare Sewell Read was proposed as a candidate for the Division, as also were Colonel Coke, Mr. Howes, and Sir Thomas ; the show of hands being in favour of Howes and Read, a poll was demanded for the Whig candidates (the Hon. Colonel Clarence Wenman Walpole Coke and Sir Thomas Brograve Proctor- Beauchamp, Bart.,) who proceeded to Yarmouth, oodson. Brogden. Vanderbyl 86 . 78 . 74 140 . 120 . 109 146 . 106 . 99 100 . 96 . 91 173 . . 138 . 130 139 . 96 . 86 310 where their agent (Mr. F. Danby- Palmer) at once orcranised a meeting of G,O00 persons in the Market-place, Mr. R. Hammond presided, and General Sir Charles A. Windham, Colonel Coke, Viscount Bury, and Sir Thomas Beauchamp addressed the assembly. The Tories also held a meeting in front of the Crown and Anchor Hotel, which was addressed by the Mayor (R. Steward, Esq.), Mr. C. S. Read, and Mr. E. H. L. Preston; the crowd then, however, gave "three cheers for Brogden and Vanderbyl, and as many groans for Howes and Read." July 22nd. — The voting in the town of Yarmouth had been, with regard to this contest, as follows : — Coke 340 Beauchamp .... 314 Howes 297 Read 267 But the general retuim was — Howes , 3,100 Read 2,985 Beauchamp 2,150 Coke 1,994 July 29th. — The Regatta had, owing to the exertions of F. Harmer, Esq., been very successfully conducted. A Swimming Association had been formed in the town, and Mr. George Archard had won the 1,000 yards match. Sir John Walsham had opened an inquiry at the Tolhouse as to the election of Messrs. I. Shuckford, W. J. Foreman, and C. Diver, (Guardians for the parish), whose seats were claimed by Messis. J. F. Neave, C. Steward, and J. Clowes (grocer), respectively. Mr. J. Clowes, (solicitor), appeared for the appellants, and Mr. C. Diver, for the respondents. Aug. 26th. — The Race Ball had been numerously attended, and amongst those present were Lord Suffield, the Hon. Mrs. Harbord and party, Major and Mrs. Orde and party, Mrs. Cubitt and party, Mr. E. H. L. Preston, Miss Preston, Mr. E. S. Preston, Mr. I. Preston, Mr. F. Danby-Palmer and Miss Palmer, Captain and Mrs. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. W. Danby-Palmer, Mr. T. M. Baker, Mr. T. Burton Steward, Mr. E. Frere, Mr. and Mrs. F. Ferrier, Mr. C. J. Palmer, Mr. Tompson, Mr. Penrice, Mr. Trafiord, &c. Aug. 30th.— The Rifle Volunteers were competing for prizes. 311 Sept. 6th. — The Volunteer Rifle Corps had mustered 230 strong when inspected b}' Colonel Deshon. Mr. Shales, of the Star-hotel, had been thrown from his horse on the Drive, and fractured his collar-bone, Sept. 9th.— The Band of the Coldstream Guards had been perform- ing at the Victoria Gardens, and on the Wellington Pier. Sept. 20th. — The Haven Commissioners had drafted certain clauses to be inserted in the New Haven Bill. Owing to the high prices of provision, strikes were threatened by the working men. Sept. 23rd. — The Band of the 13th Hussars had given two concerts at the Victoria Gardens. Sept. 30th. — Herring was selling at from £23 to £25 per last. Oct. 7th. — Mr. W. J. Foreman had been declared a duly elected Guardian for the St. George's Ward, but nothing had yet transpired as to the result of the petitions against Messrs. Shuckford and Diver. A baU in honour of the French and English steamers now in the port, had been given in the Assembly Rooms. Among those present were the Mayor, Mayoress and Miss Steward, Major and Mrs. Orde and party, Captain and Mrs. Cubitt, the Misses Cubitt, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Palmer and Miss Tapp, Mrs. Gott, the Misses Gott and party. Miss Maitland, Mrs. and Miss Seppings, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. L. Preston, Miss Preston, the Misses Larkman, Mr. and Mrs. Gosnall, Miss Pearson, Miss Poole, Mr. and Mis. J. Brown, Mr. F. Danby and Miss Palmer, the ofl&cers of the English and French ships, Mr. A. Steward, Mr. T. M. Baker, Mr. E. S. Preston, Mr. Frere, Mr. W. Danby-Palmer, Mr. M. Waters, Mr. T. B. Steward, &c. A large ferry boat, while delivering ice to a smack in the roads, had been upset, but fortunately none of the men in her had been drowned. Oct. 1st.— Albert Hensman had been killed by Henrich Erenschinsen at the City of London tavern. Oct. 21st. — The Poor Law Inquiry had been resumed, and was pro- ceeding at the Tolhouse before Sir J. Walsham. Prime herring was fetching £35 per last. Oct. 25th. — There had been a heavy gale from the N.E. Oct. 28th.— One hundred and thirty young persons had been confirmed by the Bishop of Norwich. Nov. 1st.— It was reported that 21 lives had been lost in the recent gale. 312 Nov. 4th. — There had only been contests in the Nelson Ward, where Mr. do Caux opposed the re-election of Messrs. Bartram and Barber (Libs.), and in the St. Andrew's Ward, where Mr. Downing opposed the re-election of Messrs. Preston and Teasdcl (Cons.), but in both cases the " opposition proved fruitless." Sixteen and a half lasts of fish delivered from the '' Ethelbert," (Messrs. Smith and Son) had realised £377 14s., and 8 lasts from the "Secret" had made £182 L'is. 3d. Nov. llth. — At the Council Meeting on the 9th, Mr. F. Worship proposed, and Mr. C. Woolverton seconded, Mr. C. C. Aldred as Mayor, who upon his election left the Court with Mr. Steward in order to be invested with the robe and chain, when ' ' considerable surprise was manifested " at Mr. Steward declining to return to the Council Chamber with the newly- elected Mayor. Nov. 18th. — The demand for herring continued very great, and prices ranged up to £28 per last. Mr. Neave had been declared to be elected a Guardian (in the place of Mr. Shuckford) by the Poor Law Board. Nov. 25th. — The Rifle Volunteer Shooting prizes had been presented (the Mayor presiding) at the Town Hall. The Ladies' Challenge Cup was on this occasion handed over to Private Pestell. B. Fenn, Esq., (one of the Justices, and formerly an Alderman of the Borough) had died at the age of 73 years. Dec. 6th. — J. T. Birch, Esq., had presided for the last time as Judge of the Yarmouth County Court, having exchanged that appointment with J. WorUedge, Esq. (the Judge of the Suffolk Courts), for part of his district. Dec. 13th. — The cattle plague had attacked the cows in Mr. Fox's and Mr. Thacker's dairies. Dec. 20th. — It had been determined to lodge a petition against the return of Sir E. H. K. Lacon and Mr. Groodson on the ground of " gross bribery and corruption " Dec. 23rd.— An Art Exhibition was being held at the Town Hall, where J. Owles, Esq's, china was much admired. Dec. 30th. — There had been a meeting of farmers to consider a pro- posed Cattle Plague Rate of 2d. in the £. N.B.- The file for the Year 1866 is missing. 313 1867. Jan. 2nd. — An attack had been made upon the Eecorder (N. Palmer, Esq.), whose ill-health had caused his absence from the Quarter Sessions, by Messrs. R. steward and C. C. Aldred, and the Mayor (Mr. E. P. Touell) by his casting vote, gave effect to this action. David Ealcke, Esq., had died ; his widow had sent £5 for the poor of the town. Jan. 12th. — The " South-end Mission," which had been erected at a cost of £500, had been opened : the Corporation attended this ceremony. Jan. 16th. — The attempt to deprive Mr. Palmer of the Recordership was " strongly condemned," and it was believed that the Secretary of State would not entertain the Magistrates' application. Jan. 19th. — This proved to be true, and the Mayor (Mr. E. P. Youell) had been considerably snubbed by that official in his reply to the letter forwarded by him. There had been heavy gales ; much damage sustained by the shipping ; the Railway traffic had been impeded by the snowdrifts. Jan. 26th. — A meeting had been held to relieve the distress of the poor, when £289 was raised in the room. Dr. Moxon had presided at the anniversary meeting of the "Sir Edmund Lacon " Lodge, N.I.O.F., held at the Volunteer tavern. Feb. 23rd. — The Corporation had held a meeting for the purpose of electing two Haven Commissioners under the recently passed Haven Act, when the voting was — For Mr. Charles Cory (Town- clerk) 25 ,, ,, Robert Steward 24 „ „ E. H. L.Preston 22 Mr. Preston thus losing his seat on the Board, and that gentleman, after regretting that Mr. Youell, (the Mayor) and others should have " put such an insult upon him," stated •' that he severed himself from such a disgraceful party." Feb. 27th. — Mr. Rumbold had been unanimously elected (in the place of Harbert retired), one of the relieving officers. March 2nd. — The Norfolk and Suffolk Building Society had held a meeting at the Oddfellows' -hall, Gorleston, when Mr. VV. J. Brand presided, and addresses were delivered by Messrs. F. Palmer, L. Blake, J. F. Neave, Ling, Sacret, and W. S. Page. 314 On the revision of the Proxy Book, Mr. C. Diver had appeared for the Conservatives and Mr. F. Danby-Palmer for the Liberals. Mr. Copeman, of Long Stratton, had purchased No. 4, South-quay, (the Elizabethan mansion restored by the late John Danby-Palmer, Esq.), for £1,150 and £60 for fixtures. Eighteen hundred and sixty-seven changes had been rung on St. Nicholas' bells on the 1st and 2nd inst., by the Parish ringers. March 6th. — The proposal of the Government to disfranchise the Borough was the subject of general comment. W. H. Bessey, Esq., J. P. and Town Councillor, had died in his 68th year. March 9th. — The Town Council had adopted a petition to Parlia- ment deprecating the proposed disfranchisement of the Borough. Lord Bury (accompanied by Mr. F. Danby-Palmer) was sounding the constituency of East Norfolk with a view to contesting the division upon the next vacancy. The seat on the newly constructed Haven Board held by the ship- owners had been contested with the following result : — For Mr. Watling 191 „ Mr. Scott 91 And the former was consequently elected March 13th. — The Conservative electors had met at the "Star" (W. Worship, Esq., in the chair), and proposed, if disfranchisement could be avoided, a compromise as to the future representation of the Borough. IVIarch 16th. — The Liberals had also held a meeting at the " Angel," when the majority of those present repudiated the suggested compromise ; Mr. R. Hammond (chairman), Mr. J. Clowes, Mr. J. Lawn, Mr. R. Barber, Mr. J. Garratt, Mr. L. Blake, Mr. J. W. de Caux, Mr. W. Livingston, Sir Thomas Beevor, and Mr. J. Scott took part in this discussion. April 6th.— There had been a "Magisterial field-day" for the appointment of Overseers, when the following Justices were present : — Conservatives — The Mayor and Messrs. R. Steward, C. C. Aldred, J. Fenn, B. Jay, J. C. Smith, J. C. Clark, and F. Worship ; and Liberals — Messrs. R. Hammond, P. Pullyn, F. Palmer, J. Owles and J. Scott ; The Tory nominees were appointed after a warm altercation, in which LIr. Steward, Mr. Hammond, Mr. Palmer and Mr. Aldred took promi- nent parts. 315 The following Guardians had been elected : — North Ward : Messrs S. Nightingale, J. T. Buston, and J. F. Neave- Market Ward : Messrs, W. Laws, C. C. Aldred, and J. Rivett. Regent Ward : Messrs. W. Worship, R. D. Barber, and C. Diver. St. George's Ward : Messrs. W. T. Foreman, C. Moore, and E. Stagg. Nelson Ward : Messrs. G. W. Moore, J. Clowes, C. Woolverton, and H. H. Barber. The following tenders had been accepted for the new Fish Wharves : — Bricklaying. Norfor, £533; masonry, Bartram, £1,780; paviour, Chappel, £1,866 7s. Id. ; slater, Dawber, £o30 ; carpenter, Norfor, £1,820; smith, Barnes, £700; plumber, ^\' right, £600; total, £7,899 7s. Id. April 24th.— Messrs. Spence, Everard, Moore, Fenner, Veale, Neave, Harrison, Douglas and Silvers had been upset on Ormesby Broad and narrowly escaped drowning. April 27th, — The bell-ringers had '* struck," owing to their not being allowed to ring a peal on the occasion of a marriage which took place in Passion week. May 4th. — The East Norfolk Militia had been inspected by Colonel Ross, and the 0£Bcers had given a ball at the Town Hall. May 11th. — Some Races, called *'The Spring Meeting," had been held on the Denes under the management of Messrs. D. R. Fowler, E. Stagg, A. Watling, C. Steward, J. T. Savage, and H. Crowe, Mr. Cufaude acting as judge and Mr W. Crowe as starter. May 22nd. — Mr. Edmond Beales had attended a Reform Demon- stration held on the Hall Quay, when the Rev. Shelley occupied the chair. May 29th.— The first stone of the Volunteer Drill Hall (Ensign. F. Danby-Palmer, hon. secretary) had been laid by the Mayor (Captain Youell), after the Rev. B. Vaux had offered up a prayer. Major Orde and Lord Suffield then addressed the corps, which fired several volleys, the band playing " God Save the Queen." The Ringers being still *' on strike," the Church bells were silent on this occasion. June 5th. — The House of Commons had passed the clause disfran- chising the Borough. A halibut had been caught by one of the fishing craft, measuring 6 feet long, 30 inches broad, and weighing 161 lbs. June 8th.— The marriage of Joseph Tomlinson, Esq., to Miss Ellen Larkman, had been celebrated, with much rejoicing, at Belton Church. 316 June 12th.— There had been an alarming fire on Mr. Barnes' nnd Mr. Gooda's premises at Southtown. June 29th.— And another fire at Gorleston on Mr. Kemp's premises, where the damage was estimated at from £1,200 to £1,500. Captain Smyth, R.X. (Pier Master) had been granted a Greenwieh Hospital out -pension of £65 a year. July 6th. — Bro. William Danby-Palmer had been installed W.M. of Lodge ** United Friends" 313, and during the subsequent banquetat the Star Hotel, the band of the Rifle Volunteers had performed on the " leads." E. H. L. Preston, Esq., had been nominated a Knight of the Belgian Order of Leopold. July 13th. — The "Hermit" (smack) had been launched for Mr. H. K. Swann, from Mr. Ambrose J. Palmer's yard. July 24th. — Mr. I. Preston, jun., acted as secretary at the " Water Frolic" (vice Tomlinson resigned), when the following yachts com- peted : — " Spray," 8 tons, F. Foster, Esq. ; ** Iris," 7, Messrs. Harrison and Veale ; " Fleur-de-Lis," 5, P. Gandy, Esq.; "Fleetwing," 9, Messrs. Hart and Asker; "Warrior," 9, H. K. Thompson, Esq.; "Blue BeU," 6, J. E. Preston, Esq.; "Syren," 4, Press Bros. ; "Vixen," 10, P. S. Millard, Esq.; and " Enchantress," 10, H. H. Barber, Esq. The " Blue Bell " won. Aug. 3rd. — At the Regatta, the " Red Rover " declined to try con- clusions with the " SatancUa " and the "Eva," the former of which yachts won the prize. Only three yawls competed with the following results : — H. M. s. " Glance" 2 58 30 " Star of the East " 3 4 46 " Eclipse " 3 5 30 It was remarked that no Yarmouth yawl was entered for the match. On this occasion Mr. F. Harmer acted as starter, and Mr. J. H. Bly as Hon. Secretary. Aug. 24th. — The Mayor had given a ball at his residence at Gor- leston, when about 60 ladies and gentlemen were present. Aug 28th. — The town was full of visitors. It was estimated that from 16,000 to 20,000 persons were at onetime on the Marine Drive on the preceding Sunday. 317 Sep. 7th.— The Mortuat}- Chapel at the Roman Catholic Cemetery, Caister Road, had been consecrated by the Roman Cathoh'c Bishop of Demerara. ' The Corporation land at and near "Norfolk Square "had been offered for sale, and several lots sold to Messrs. H. Teasdel, J. Clowes, J. Isaac, C. Woolverton, and E. Stagg. Sep. 11th. — The Fish Wharves and Market were nearly completed and would shortly be opened ; they had cost about £12,000. The fire engines had been condemned and were about to be re- placed by more powerful ones constructed by Messrs. Shand and Mason. Sep. 14th.— Herring was selling at from £12 to £15 per last. The Corporation had been selling sites near the Naval Hospital, and G-rout & Go's Factory, which had realised an average rent of £1 2s. 5d. per site. Sep. 21st. — Prime herring was selling at £30 per last. Sep. 25th. — J. T. Abdy, Esq., had attended as Revising Barrister for East Norfolk, when Mr. I. O. Howard Taylor and Mr. F. Danby- Palmer represented the Liberals, and Mr. Charles Diver and Mr. Eagleton the Conservatives, each party had made 56 claims and lodged 130 objections. Oct. 16th. — Owing to a glut of fish, some herring were selling so low as £6 per last. Oct. 26th. — The following were the retiring Councillors .-—Messrs. W. Worship, J. D. Hilton, C. J. Palmer, C. Woolverton, R. Ferrier, B. Jay, R. D. Barber, J. Tomlinson, D. A. Gourlay, E. R. Aldred, R. Steward, and W. J. Brand ; all of whom (except Mr. C. J. Palmer) proposed to seek re-election. Nov. 2nd.— Mr. de Caux had appeared as a candidate in the South Ward and Messrs. Neave and Frosdicis: in the St. George's Ward. A small steam boat, the property of Mr. Laurie, had been launched from Mr. Blyth's iron works at Cobholm. Nov. 9th.— The Drill Hall had been opened, when the Volunteers and a large number of guests were entertained by the officers of the Corps, (Major Orde, Captains Youell, H. H. Barber, W. Holt, J. Tomlinson, Lieutenants G. W. Moore, S. Aldred, R. E. Dowson, Fyson, C. Diver ; Ensigns, Ambrose J. Palmer, F. Danby-Palmer, and Adjutant F. A. Cubitt), among whom were the Rev. II. NeviU, Major Foreman, and the Officers of the Norfolk Artillery Volunteers, Captain James, Captain Cubitt, Captain GUbertson, Captain Calthorpe, Captain 318 Ensor, Captain Rivers, and Mossrs. Brightwen, R. Steward, C. II. Chamberlin, S. Dowson, S. Nightingale, C. C. Aldrcd, J. Baumgartner, C. Cory. A. Steward, W. Danby-Palmer, Frederick Palmer, F. Worship J. Starling, K. D. Fowler, T. George, T. P. Burroughs, T. Olley, C. Rose, J. Dumbleton, J. Bracey, E. Stagg, G. "\V. Giles, T. Moore, Maclean, Shales, Barge, E. Cooke, J. Mainpricc, Boning, &c., and there were also a number of ladies present. Nov. 13th. — At the Council meeting, on the motion of Sir E, H. K, Lacon, Bart., seconded by Mr. C. Woolverton, William Worship, Esq., had been elected Mayor. James Sharman, a Trafalgar veteran and keeper of the Nelson Monu- ment, had died at the age of 82 years. Nov. 25tb. — There had been a contest in the Regent Ward, conse- quent upon Mr. W. C. Reynolds' retii-ement from the Council, when the polling was as follows : — T. George (Con.) 124 T. Todd (Ind.) 114 Livingston (Lib.) , 26 Nov. 27th. — A detachment from the 35th, 90th, and 96th Regiments had arrived at the Southtown Barracks under the following officers : — Captain Caldecott (35th), Ensigns Cooper and Aldridge (35th), Lieut. Jones (96th), and Ensign Block well (96th). Dec. 4th. — There had been a ** tremendous gale and tide," and Southtown was flooded. Dec. 7th. — The " Rescuer " Grorlcston lifeboat had been upset at the Harbour's mouth and 25 lives lost. Dec. 11th. — In the action of "Henderson v. Lacon, Bart.," the directors of the late Royal Hotel Company had been held personally liable for mis-statements contained in that Company's prospectus. Dec. 25th. — The Rifle Volunteer Officers had invited 1,100 ladies and gentleman to an entertainment at the Drill Hall, when Major Orde, Captain Youell, the Rev. J. J. Raven, Mr. C. H. Chamberlin, Mr. H. R. Harmer, and Mr. E. H. Combe took part in the performances and readings. 1868. Jan 1st. — A. Brogden, Esq., had given 20 tons of coals to the poor of the borough. Jan. 8th.— "Fenian scare." The Magistrates had held a private Meeting, which was attended by Major Jones and Captain Scovell, (96th 319 Regiment) with a view to adopting measures for the more efficient pro- tection of property within the borough. The ammunition stores had been removed from the Batteries to the Barracks and the Military had paraded and marched to Church with muskets and side arms. Jan. 11th.— The "United Brothers" Lodge, A.T.O.F., had held its 4th annual festival in St. John's Schoolroom. Jan 15th. — Mr. Matthew Butcher, junr., had been appointed Consular Agent to the Italian Government at Yarmouth. Jan. 25th.— The Norfolk and Suffolk Building Society had held its first annual general meeting, Frederick Palmer, Esq., in the chair ; the report was a very favourable one, and, being laid before the meeting by Mr. L. Blake (the Secretary), was unanimously adopted. Jan. 29th. — A fatal fire had occurred at Mr. Pigg's shop and dwelling-house in the Market Row. Mrs. Pigg and two children had been burned to death, and damage sustained to the estimated amount of some £3,00n. Feb. 12th. — The lugger " Flying Fish " had struck upon a sunken wreck, and immediately foundered. The " North Sand " had dried to a very considerable extent. Feb, 19th. — There had been a fracas in the hunting field at Toft Monks, consequent upon Mr. Colman causing a hare to be shot during a run of the Norfolk and Suffolk Harriers, and thereupon having been assaulted by one of the sportsmen. Feb. 26th.— Contains the account of the presentation, at the Cape, of a watch and address to Captain F. Diver, of the " Roman." March 7th.— Mr. S. Aldred had been appointed treasurer to the Race Committee (vice Mr. C. Steward, deceased.) Mr. C. C. Newcomb, post-master, had died. March 11th. — The Quarter Sessions could not be held, as neither the Recorder, or a deputy on his behalf, appeared on the day fixed for holding this Court. *' The Cigar Ship.— This novel specimen of marine architecture, known as the ' cigar ship,' put into this harbour on Friday last, and has since continued to be an object of great curiosity among our seafaring population. The vessel, which is named the ' Walter S. Winans,' was built by the firm of Messrs. Winans, American contractors, and is stated to be on an experimental cruise, with the view of thoroughly testing her sea-going qualities. She is fitted with a screw propeller, the fans of 320 which are entirely submerged. Her engines are of 35 horse power, but can be worked up to 5f, and it is stated she has attained a speed of 14 miles an hour. The peculiarity of her build gives her a singular ap- pearance, her cone-shaped bow projecting for some distance clear of the water, while her stern is more depressed. This gives her a very un- sightly look, and it is evident that her builders have sacrificed everything in her construction to attain a high rate of speed, her berthing and general accommodation being of an inferior character compared with other sea -going steamers." April 4th. — The question of purchasing the Ferries had been con- sidered by the Town Council, the price asked for them being £9,500, and the Committee of the Council had recommended the purchase, but on division the motion to do this was lost by 11 to 10 votes. April 8th — Messrs. Ellis, Pestell, Skoulding, and Harbord had been re-appointed overseers. April 15th.— The following Guardians had been elected : — North Ward : Messrs. Nightingale, Neave, and Buston. Market Ward : Messrs. Laws, Aldred, and Fenn. Regent Ward : Messrs. Worship, Barber, and Diver. St. George's Ward : Messrs. Scott, Foreman, and Palmer. Nelson Ward : Messrs. Woolverton, Moore, Bracey, and Clowes. April 22nd. — Large numbers of codling, plaice, and whiting were being taken in the dykes near the Acle New Road. It was supposed that these salt-water fish were left there by the floods of the previous December, when the Breydon Wall had been broken. May 2nd. — The " Everette " had foundered at her anchors in the Roads. The Fish Wharf was to be extended 1,100 feet, for which work Mr. Parmenter's tender of £1,375 had been accepted. May 23rd. — The property " without the Walls " had been for the first time assessed to the land fax. May 27th. — The Queen's Birthday had been observed as a general holiday, and a salute of 21 guns fired from the South Battery by the Norfolk Artillery Militia, under the command of Colonel Lord Suffield. May 30th, — That Regiment had been inspected by Colonel Knox. June 6th.— Mr. Shuckford, Master of the Workhouse, had died. June 10th. — A meeting, convened by Messrs. 0. Diver and H. Brand, had been held for the purpose of organising an opposition Steam- packet Service. 321 June 27th. — The following had taken part in an Amateur perform- ance at the Regent Hall for the benefit of the Hospital : — Miss Lawes. Miss T. Lawes, Messrs. Colley, Meadows, Lawes, Cattermole, Fenn, "Watson, Godfrey, Cooke, Spence, H. Baker, J. Franklin, and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Young. July 4th. — Mr. and Mrs. Blyth had been elected Master and Matron of the Workhouse. The British Medical Association had held a meeting at the Town Hall, Dr. Vores in the chair ; the following Yarmouth medical men were also present : —Dr. Macleod, R.N., Dr. Smyth, and Messrs. J. C. Smith, Frederick Palmer, Charles Palmer, D. Meadows, T. Moxon, E,. R. B. Norman, Bately and C. B. Rose. July 11th. — Fifty thousand mackerel had been landed in one day and sold at from 10s. to 12s. per 120. July 22nd. — Messrs. E. R. Wodehouse and R. T. Gurdon bad been accepted as Liberal, and Sir E. H. K. Lacon and Major Walpole as Tory, candidates for the then newly- constituted division of North Norfolk. Messrs. C. Woolverton, E. R. Aldred, C. E. Bartram, and R. D. Barher had been " secretly " appointed Justices by the Lord Chancellor. July 30th. — Contains the following as to the coming contest : — "The Liberal candidates are announced to address the electors at the Angel Hotel, Market Place, on Wednesday evening next. Mr. Wode- house arrived on Saturday last, and there is little doubt of both the candidates receiving an enthusiastic welcome on their first public appearance before the Liberal portion of the constituency. The selection of Messrs. AVodehouse and Gurdon for the Northern Division of the County has been regarded with general satisfaction here, even among Liberals of the more advanced school of politics, and the coming contest promises to see the Liberal party of this borough thoroughly united and more than usually perfect in its electoral organisation." Aug. 1st. — The Liberal electors hud been addressed by their candidates in the Long Room, Angel Hotel, J. Clowes, Esq., presiding, and among those present were Sir T. Beevor, Bart., Messrs. J. Scott, F. Palmer, P. Pullyn, C. E. Bartram, H. Brand, W. T. Fisher, Revs. Shelley, Tritton, &c. Mr. Simmons had made a successful balloon ascent from the Victoria Gardens. Aug. 5th.— The Tories had held a meeting at the " Star," E. H. L. Preston, Esq., in the chair, and amongst those present were Messrs. 322 T. Bright wen, I. Preston, W. Holt, E. II. H. Combe, C. Diver, Captain Dods, J. C. Smith, W. J. Foreman, G. S. Shingles, R. GorcU, T. George, R. Dumbleton, J. T. Bracey, J. Bracey, F. Ferricr, H, Cowl, B. Jay, C. Preston, E. Stagg, T. Todd, T. W. Doughty, J. Bunn, J. Cooper, J. Buston, J. G. Ellis, G. Beck, E. Boult, W. Mabson, J. H. Bly, T. C. Foreman, Burgess, &c., Sec. Aug. 8th.— At the Regatta the "Ariel" (T. M. Read), won the prize for schooner yachts, and the '* Red Rover" (Nightingale) and the ** Belvidere " (H. Teasdel), the other yacht prizes. Mr. I. Preston acted as secretary, Messrs. J. Clowes and Petts as umpires, Mr. F. Harmer as starter, and Mr. J. Cobb as time-keeper on this occasion. Aug. 19th. — Gorleston had been made one of the polling places for East Suffolk. Aug. 29th. — The Races had been held, the Stewards being the Mayor (W. Worship, Esq.), Lord Hastings, Baron Rothschild, J. Goodson, Esq., M.P., andF. Barne, Esq. Sep. 5th. — A number of persons had been victimized by the adver- tisement of a ** Trip to Cromer by Steamer," which was to call for them at the Jetty ; no steamboat, however, appeared, and the promoters ran off with the passengers' fares. Sep. 12th. — Messrs. Wodehouse and Gurdon, with Mr. McCullagh Torrens, M.P., had addressed the electors from the Angel Hotel; amongst those present were Sir Thomas Beevor, Bart., and Messrs. J. J. Colman, R. Hammond, Bircham, Rev. Shelley, J. Scott, J. Clowes, C. E. Bartram, F. Palmer, F. Danby-Palmer, J. Mainprice, G. Blake, L. Blake, S. C. Blake, J. FeUows, A. Davie, W. T. Fisher, S. Page, J. Humphries, D. R. Fowler, W. J. Brand, W. Livingston, &c., &c. Sep. 19th. — Dr. Abdy had held the County Revision Court at the Tolhouse, w^hen Mr. I. O. Howard Taylor and Mr. F. Danby-Palmer appeared for the Liberals and Mr. C. Diver for the Conservatives, Sept. 23rd. — The Liberals claimed a gain of SI on the revision, and it was stated "that great credit was due to the Liberal agents, Messrs. I. 0. Taylor (Norwich) and F. Danby-Palmer (Yarmouth) for the care bestowed in preparing the claim and objection lists." Sept. 26th.— The B Battery of the C Brigade, R.H.A., under Colonel Bishop, had arrived at the Southtown BaiTacks ; it was com- posed of 180 men, with 140 horses, and six nine-pound Armstrong guns. The " Sultana'* (brig of 301 tons) had been launched from Messrs. FeUows' yard for Messrs. Stone and Company. 323 Oct. 7th.— The Mayor, with Messrs. W. T. Fisher and R. B. Ellis as assessors, had held the IMunicipal Revision Court at the Tolhouse, when I\Ir. F. Danby-Palmer appeared for the Liberals and Mr. C. Diver for the Conservatives. Oct. 10th. — The following- were the retiring Councillors :— North Ward: Messrs. J. Mainprice and J. H. Bly. Market Ward: Messrs. F. Worship and C. C. Aldrcd. Regent Ward : Messrs. C. B. Rose and E. Stagg. St. George's Ward : Messrs. J. C. Smith and J. Scott. Nelson Ward : Messrs. C. E. Bartram and H. H. Barber. St. Andrew's Ward : Messrs. E. H. L. Preston and H. Teasdel. Oct. 17th. — A vestry meeting had been held with a view to the removal of the organ from the west end of St. Nicholas' Church, the Rev. H. Nevill presided, and Messrs. E. H. Preston, W. Mabson, C. S. D. Steward, R. Hammond, and C. Cory took part in the proceedings. There was a glut of herring, and prices "ruled low." Oct. 21st. — This state of affairs continued, and prices only averaged from £7 to £8 per last. Oct. 28th. — There had been heavy gales, with loss of life at sea, which had interrupted the fishing. Nov. 4th. — James Coleby had escaped from the Borough Gaol. The polling in the contested Wards had terminated as follows : — Regent Ward. E. Stagg (Con.) 177 J. Burton (Con ). 128 T. Todd (Ind.) 92 Market Ward. C. C. Aldrcd (Con.) 174 E. Fyson (Con.) 158 J. F. Neave (Lib.) 133 J. G. Overend (Lib.) 119 St. Andrew'' s Ward. J. P. Baumgartner (Lib.) 276 F. Dendy (Lib.) 274 H. Teasdel (Con.) 173 R. Dumbleton (Con.) 176 The Liberals thus gaijiing two seats at Gorleston. Nov. 7th.— Mr. Lane (Rate Collector) and Mr. R. Page (Billposter), had been before the Justices in consequence of a row arising out of the election. 324 Nov. 14th. — At the Council meeting, S. Nightingale, Esq., hadheen on the motion of Mr. C. C. Aldrcd, seconded by Mr. Woolverton, elected Mayor. And Mr. H. Teasdel (the recently defeated candidate at Southtown) was appointed an Alderman in the place of Mr. John Brown. Nov. ISth. — There had been heavy gales from the N.N. "W., and a schooner had been driven through the Britannia Pier. Nov. 25th.— The nomination for North Norfolk had taken place at Aylsham, when the Rev. H. Lombe proposed, and Mr. E. H. L. Preston seconded, Sir E. K. R. Lacon, Bart. ; Mr. H. R. Upcher proposed, and Mr. J. W. Shelly seconded, Mr. Edmond Robert Wodehouse ; Mr. E. Fellowes, M.P., proposed, and Mr. R. Leaman seconded, the Bon. Frederick Walpole ; Mr. Bulwer proposed, and Mr. Richard England seconded, Mr. Robert T. Gurdon ; and the High Sheriff (Lord Ranelagb) having declared the show of hands equally divided between the candi- dates, a poll was demanded on behalf of all of them. Nov. 28th. — The poll had been declared as under : — Walpole 2,642 Lacon 2,574 Wodehouse 2,237 Gurdon 2,081 At Yarmouth it was stated that " the proceedings throughout the day in connection with the polling for this part of the district were characterised by considerable excitement. The Conservatives from the opening of the poll took a prominent position, and as hour by hour passed away their majority steadily increased, until by three o'clock they were, according to their published returns, nearly 400 ahead. No statement of the poll was made during the day by the Liberals, but every exertion was made to reduce the Conservative majority. Cabs and carriages bearing placards of "Vote for Wodehouse and Gurdon" were dashing about in all directions, keeping up the excitement ; but, despite every effort, the influence of the local candidate proved too strong to be successfiilly resisted, and at four the Conservative declaration of numbers showed the following result : — Lacon 948 Walpole 890 Wodehouse 505 Gurdon 469 325 The polling at Ormesby for the Hundreds of East and West Flegg was also, as might have been anticipated, greatly in favour of the Con- servative candidates. Despite these adverse returns, the Liberal agents were sanguine of better results in other parts of the district, but their majorities at Cromer, "Wells, and Holt, failed to make any material change, so far as the issue of the election was concerned, and it became at length apparent that the hopes of the Liberal majority in North Norfolk were at an end. Notwithstanding the excitement engendered by the contest, the election was conducted throughout with great good humour. During the day the streets and approaches to the polling places were thronged by persons who amused themselves by cheering and shouting in favour of their respective candidates, but there was, during the afternoon, an entire absence of the drunkenness and violence that characterised previous borough elections. If the numbers polled be examined, it will be found that in the county (excluding Yarmouth) Mr. Wodehouse and Mr. Gurdon are in a slight majority. It was in Yar- mouth where the majority was obtained, and which, we hear, will yet be found to have been obtained by illegal practices." Dec. 12th.— Mr. Nutman (Relieving Officer for the North District) had died. It was alleged that an '• aged imbecile pauper," had been taken out of RoUesby Workhouse by a Guardian to vote for the Tory candidates. Dec. 19th. — The directors of the Britannia Pier Company had decided to hand over that structure to Mr. Isaac in consideration of his taking over the mortgage upon it. Admiralty Jurisdiction had been conferred on the Yarmouth County Court. Dec. 30th, contains the following notice of the death of Richard Feriier, Esq. : — " We regret to announce the death of Mr. R. Ferricr, who expired at his rcisidencc, Trafalgar Road, on Sunday morning, after a protracted illness. The deceased gentleman represented St. George's Ward for man} years in the Town Council, though for some time past his ill health had incapacitated him from the discharge of his public duties. He was a man of sound judgment and excellent business habits, and his opinion on all practical matters had great weight with the Coimcil. Mr. Terrier was in politics a Conservative, and in his yoimger days was distinguished by the zeal and energy with which, at all times, he worked for his party. In respect to his memory the flags were hoisted half-mast hiah on the Town Hall." 326 1869. Jan. 2n(l.— The average price of herring during the fishing had been £8 17s. 6d. per last, and the money thus expended had amounted to £146,000. Jan. 6th. — Mr. J. D. Hayes had been elected one of the flelieving Officers in the place of Mr. Nutman deceased. John Coleby alias *' Jack Sheppard," who had recently broken out of gaol, had been re-captured. Jan. 16th. — There had been a contest in St. George's Ward to fill the vacancy caused by Mr. R. Ferrier's death ; when the following was the poll : — Mr. T. ^Y. Doughty (Con.) 104 Mr. H. Hammond (Lib.) 82 Jan. 27th. — A faculty had been obtained for the removal of St. Nicholas' organ from the west end of that church to the North 1 ransept ; this had been strongly opposed by Mr. E. H. L. Preston. Feb. 17th. — There had been severe gales from the Eastward, caus- ing much damage to shipping. Feb. 2l8t. — Mr. John L. Cufaude (Clerk to the Guardians) had been arrested in respect of a claim * ' for which (as he stated to that Board) he had no right in justice to be arrested " ; subsequently he made himself a bankrupt, whem it appeared that he had been involved in racing transac- tions, where he had figured as Mr. De La-Ce. Feb. 27th— The boiler of the " Bold Buccleugh," Hull steamer, had exploded while that vessel was at her Yarmouth Wharf. March 13th. — Mr. Williams, of Cardiff, had been given the "St. Nicholas' Church Contract," although his price (£4,755) exceeded that of Mr. Hood (Norwich), which was £4,194. The following gentlemen (out of 27 candidates) had been elected members of the newly-formed Gorleston Board of Health: — Messrs. Dendy, Baumgartner, Gooda, J. Hammond, Beevor, Gambling, Teasdel, W. Nelson and J. Nelson. Mr. Chipperfield (the late Secretary) had been presented with a testimonial by the Yarmouth Building Society. Two otters had, during a run of the harriers, been captured in a field near Thrigby Hall. March 20th.— Mr. S. B. Cory had been elected Clerk to the Gorles- ton Board at a salary of £50 per annum, and Mr. F. Dendy chairman of that body. 327 April 7th. — The following Guardians had been elected : — North Ward : S. Nightingale, J. T. Buston, and J. F, Neave. JMarket Ward : C. C. Aldred and W. Laws (with a tie between J. A, Norman and R. Tunbridge). Regent Ward: W. Worship, R. D. Barber and C. Diver. St. George's Ward : J. W. de Caux, J. Scott, and J. Rivett. Nelson Ward: C. Woolverton, J. T. Bracey, J. H. Harrison, and G. W. Moore. Messrs. C. S. D. Steward and E. R. Aldred had been re-elected Churchwardens. April 14th. — Mr. J. A. Norman had been seated as a Guardian for the Market Ward ; there were then 9 Conservatives and 7 Liberals upon the Board. The Rifle Corps had held a Church parade. April 17th. — William Danby-Palmer, Esq., had accepted the com- mand of the local batteries of Artillery Volunteers. Major Orde had presided at the soiree of the Norfolk and Suffolk Building Society held in the Corn Hall. May 1st. — The Rifle Corps had given a series of amateur dramatic representations at the Drill Hall, in which Messrs. Wiltshire, Youell, Applewaite, Giles, Watson, Chipperfield, and others had taken part. The Duke's Head had been purchased by Mr. Davey for £1,520. May 12th.— The Officers of the East Norfolk Militia had given a ball to 200 persons at the Town Hall. June 5th. — Mr. E. H. L. Preston had presided at a meeting called for the purpose of presenting a testimonial to Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., M.P. Captain Dods, and Messrs. William Mabson, William Danby- Palmer, C. Woolverton, R. D. Barber, and Dumbleton took part in the proceedings. June 12th.— Mr. Charles Cory (Town Clerk) had died of gastric fever in Italy in his 57th year. June 16th.— Messrs. Charles J. Palmer, C. Diver, and H. R. Harmer were candidates for the office thus rendered vacant. June 23rd. — At the Council meeting Mr. C, Diver (being the only person nominated), was unanimously elected Town Clerk, and a vacancy in the Aldermen being thus caused, the following voting took place : — Mr. J. H. Orde 25 Mr. E. H. L. Preston 3 July 14lh. — The 1st Norfolk Artillery Volunteers (under command of Captain W. Danby-Palmer) had attended St. Peter's Church, 328 July 24th. — The following appointments had been made in the 2nd Norfolk Rifle Volunteers :— W. P. P. Matthews to be Captain, B. Wilson to be Lieutenant, William H, Palmer to be Ensign, W. E. Wyllys to be Surgeon, and T. W. Doughty to be Hon. Assistant Quarter -Master. July 3 1st. — At the Council meeting, Mr, C. C. Aldred was very abusive to Sir. J. C. Smith during the election of a Haven Commissioner in the place of the late Mr. Cory ; the voting was as fullows : — For Mr. W. Worship : The Mayor, and Messrs. Purdy, Shingles, Orde, Watling, Bunn, Teasdel, Worship, Hilton, Barnby, Nuthall, E. K. Aldred, C C. Aldred, R. D. Barber, Tomlinson, Foreman, Doughty, Jay, Woolverton, Bartram, and Steward ; total 21. For Mr. E. H. L. Preston: Messrs. Youell, Harmer, Laws, Mabson, Bly, Fyson, Wright, George, Stagg, J. Burton, W. D. Palmer, Smith, Scott, Yeale, J. T. Bracey, Stone, Barber, Eichmond, Gooda, Brand, Dendy, and Baumgartner ; total 22. Absent, Sir E. H. K. Lacon, and Messrs. Mainprice, J. Bracey, Gourlay and Shuckford. Aug. 4th.— The late P. Stead, Esq., had bequeathed £1,000 to the Hospital. Aug. 28th. — The corner-stone of the Grammar School on Trafalgar Road had been laid by S. Nightingale, Esq. (Mayor). Sept. 11th. — Upwards of 300 lasts of herring had been landed at the Fish Wharf, and prices ranged from £10 to £25 per last. Sept. 25th. — Dr. Hills (Bishop of Columbia) had addressed two public meetings at the Town Hall, and preached at St. Nicholas' in aid of that Mission ; the total sum thus realised was £64 lis. Oct. 2nd. — Mr. R. H. Palmer (Revising Barrister) had been holding Courts at Yarmouth, Ormesby, and Gorleston, when Messrs'. C. Diver, F. Danby-Palmer, and F. W. Ferrier were the agents appearing before him. Mr. Wm. Jas. Palmer had been elected House Surgeon at the Hospital in the place of Mr. CoUey resigned. Nov. 6th. — The following had been the result of the Mimicipal Election : — St. Nicholas^ Ward. Mr. S. Nightingale (Con.) 266 Mr. E. H. L. Preston (Con.) 228 Mr. J. F. Neave (Lib.) 176 329 Market Ward. Mr. J. E. Earnby (Con.) 246 Mr. Nuthall (Con.) 209 Mr. J. A. Norman (Lib.) 195 Regent Ward. Mr. T. George (Con.) 158 Mr. W. Wright (Con.) 156 Mr. F. Danby-Palmer (Lib.) 82 Mr. John Clowes (Lib.) 72 St. George'' s Ward. Mr. J. W. de Caux (Lib.) 156 Mr. W. J. Foreman (Con.) 151 Mr. Chas. Palmer (Con.) 137 Ml-. H. Hammond (Lib.) 132 Nelson Ward. Messrs. Veale and Bracey (Con.) unopposed. St. Andrew^ s Ward. Messrs. Gooda and Eichmond (Con.) unopposed. Nov. 10th.— Charles Woolverton, Esq., had been unanimously elected Mayor. Owing to the recent gales, the following fishing smacks were reported as missing: — The " Prince Albert," "Thomas and Fanny," " Armada," ** Echo," *' Royal Diadem," " Lord Eaglan," " Eugene," "Garland," and "Pursuit." 1,500 wind-bound vessels had sailed through the Roads northwards. Dec. 4th. — The Justices had dismissed a summons for payment of rate in consequence of the action of the Overseers in not placing the rated person on the Municipal list, Mr. F. Danby-Palmer arguing the case for the ratepayer, and the Vestry- Clerk appearing for the Overseers. As this raised a large question on the Register, it had caused some excitement in political circles, and further action was threatened. 1870. Jan. 1st.- Charles Dash wood, Esq., bad given a ball at the Assembly Rooms. Jan. 12th. — Thomas Brightwen, Esq., had died at the age of 59. Damage had been occasioned to several houses in the town by a heavy gale. 330 Jan. 26th. — Another wrecked vessel had been in contact with the Britannia Pier. Jan. 29th. — Mr. J. H. Orde had been elected Borough Treasurer in the place of Mr. T, Brightwen deceased. Two vessels had been in collision with the Newarp lightship. Feb. 12th. — J. Tomlinson, Esq., had been elected Commodore of the Norfolk and Suffolk Yacht Club. There had been a boiler explosion at Messrs. Bracey and Son's Ropery. Feb. 16th. — There had been very heavy gales and much loss to the shipping. During one of these gales the Assembly Rooms had been discovered to be on fire, and this building thus sustained damage to the extent of £700 or £800. Feb. 19th. — A meeting had been held at the Town Hall for the relief of the poor. The Mayor presided, and the Rev. Canon Nevill, Mr. Hammond, Major Orde, Mr. W. N. Burroughs, Mr. Gorell, Mr. John Clowes, Mr. Neave, and Mr. Laws took part in the proceedings. Between £200 and £300 was raised in the room, Feb. 26th. — The organ in the Parish Church had been re-opened. This instrument appears from the report then issued to have been built by Jordan in 1732, and previously repaired in 1812 and 1840; the repairs this time costing £820. March 12th. — Mr. Longley had been holding an Inquiry at the Tolhouse with regard to the alleged neglect of a pauper patient by Mr. Stafford (Surgeon for the North District). March 19th. — Messrs. Blott had been prosecuted by the Haven Commissioners for obstructing the North River, when they were de- fended by Mr. F. Danby-Palmer, and the case adjourned in order to effect a settlement. March 26th. — The Rifle Corps had attended Gorleston Church, and afterwards marched round that village. This was the first time such a parade had taken place. April 9th. — Captain Smyth, R.N., and Captain Dent, R.N., had been promoted to the rank of Admiral. April 13th. — The following had been the polling of the elected Guardians (there being in all 32 candidates) . — North : S. Nightingale (C), 356 ; J. F. Neave (L), 308 ; J. D. HUton (C), 292 ; S. Barge (C), 248. In this ward Mr. Cufaude had decided that Mr. Neave was disqualified, 331 and had consequently declined to declare that gentleman elected, Mr. Neave's solicitor (Mr. F. Danby- Palmer) had, however, taken a different view of the affair, and this question was to form the subject of further proceedings. Market : J, A. Norman (L), 429 ; C. C. Aldred (C), 365 ; W. Laws (C), ?.45. Regent : R. D. Barber, W. Worship, and C. Diver (no figures given.) St. George's: J. W. de Caux (L), 356; J. Scott (L), 312; W. J. Foreman (C), 284. Nelson : G. Woolverton (C), 615,; J. Bracey (C), 548 ; F. Palmer (L), 392 ; J. Clowes (L), 345. April 16th. — Mr. Cufaude had submitted an elaborate statement upon Mr. Neave's case to the Local Government Board. The constitution of the Guardians was then 10 Tories and 6 Liberals. April 23rd. — "Yachting Items": Mr. Palmer was building a schooner yacht. Mr. Preston had purchased the "Otter." The "Red Rover " (Nightingale) was being altered, as was also the " SjTcn." Messrs. Mills and Blake had launched a new barge. Mrs. Bowyer Vaux, her son, and a friend, had been upset in a sailing boat on Breydon. April 30th. — At a sale of Gas Shares, those of £30 realised £45 per share, and those of £7 10s., £11 10s. per share. It was stated that the maximum dividend of 8^^ per cent, was regularly paid on this stock. May 4th. — Sir Alexander Shafto Adair, Bart., (Lib.), and Lord Mahon (Con.) were candidates for East Suffolk. May 14th.— Mr. J. Fenn had caught a perch weighing 3| lb?, and 18 inches in length. May 18th. — There was a report current of a fracas ha\dng taken place between two leading members of the Tory party during a meeting at the Star Hotel. May 21st.— The Norfolk and Suffolk Yacht Club Dinner had taken place at the Town Hall. May 25th. — " It is stated that the gallant gentleman, (Major Fore- man) who figured in the melee that arose at the late conference of the Conservative party is about to seek legal redress for the attack made upon him (by Mr. E. H. L. Preston.") The 1st Noifolk ArtiUery Volunteers (under the command of Captain Commandant William Danby-Palmer) had attended St. Peter's Church. May 28th. — On Her Majesty's Birthday, the Rifle Volunteers under the command of Major Orde) had fired a/eu de j'oie in the Market Place, and the Artillery, under the command of Captain WiUiam Danby-Palmer, had fired a salute of 21 guns from the South Battery. 832 In the evening the officers messed at the Crown and Anchor, when the following wore among the guests present — The Mayor (C. Woolverton, Esq.), the Deputy-Mayor (S. Nightingale, Esq.), Rev. B. Vaux, J. C. Smith, Esq., E.N.M., C. Diver, Esq., (Town Clerk), Captain Cubitt, Captain Alderson, N.M.A., Major Foreman, C. .T. Palmer, Esq., and I. Preston, Esq. June 4th. — The following had been the result of the East Suffolk Election : — Lord Mahon (Con.) 3,456 Sir A. S. Adair, Bart, (Lib.) 3,285 Captain Alderson and Lieutenant Partridge, of the Norfolk Artillery Militia, had given a Ball at the Town Hall. June 11th.— The Nottingham Order of Odd Fellows had held its annual festival at the Corn Hall, Bro. Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., M.P., P.I.F., taking the chair, supported by Bros. Moxon, E. P. Youell, W. Laws, W. J. Foreman, W. T, Fisher, J. H. Fellows, J. Bracey, and Mr. Wiltshire. Mr, Cattermole (Librarian) had been presented with a testimonial in the shape of a watch of the value of £25 and a cheque for £31 10a. June 15th. — Admiral Smyth, R.N., had resigned the office of Pier- Master after 35 years service. June 18th. — The decision of the Local Government Board being in favour of Mr. F. Danby-Palmer's contention, and against that of Mr. Cufaude, consequent thereon Mr. Neave was entitled to his seat at the Board of Guardians. June 22nd.— The brigantine '* Ethel " had been launched from Mr. Rust's yard. June 25th.— The officers of the Norfolk Artillery Militia had given a grand Military Ball at the Assembly Rooms. Mr. C. S. D. Steward and party had caught 10 perch on Ormesby Broad, four of which weighed 121bs. The Yarmouth Co-operative Society was in liquidation, and Mr. Lovewell Blake, the liquidator, had summoned several of the contributors for arrears of call. July 2nd. — Quarter- Master Doughty, Colour- Sergeant Chipperfield, Sergeants Lay and Wilshak and Privates Harpour and Wales had been selected to go to Wimbledon. Mr. I. Preston, accompanied by his friend, Mr. T. M. Baker, had sailed for Holland in the river yacht " Otter." 333 July 16th. — The opening services in connection with the New Middlegate Congregational Church had taken place. The Rev. J. C. Harrison preached from Psalm cxvi., 12 and 13 ; the cost of this build- ing, &c., (less sale of old material) had amounted to £3,515 8s 8d. ; the architect was Mr. J. T. Bottle, the contractor Mr. William Hood, and the sub -contractors Messrs. Burgess, Dumbleton, Sargeson, and Barge. The luncheon, in connection with the event, was held at the "Crown and Anchor," when the Rev. W. Tritton presided ; about 250 persons were present, addresses were delivered by the Chairman, the Rev. J. C. Harrison, the Rev. Dr. Mellor, and Messrs. S. Wi Spelman, J. Crossley, J. T. Bottle and others. July 23rd.— The D Troop B Brigade of the Royal Horse Artillery had arrived at the Southtown Barracks under the command of Colonel Mitchell, comprising 150 officers and men with 120 horses and 6 guns. July 27th. — Upon Mr. Neave attending to take his seat at the Board of Guardians a "scene" took place, several members accusing Mr. Cufaude of partiality, which that gentleman indignantly denied. August 13th. — Mr. Attwood had been returned as a Councillor for the St. Andrew's Ward without opposition, in the place of Mr. Richmond deceased. August 20th. — The following officers and .men of the 1st Norfolk Artillery Volunteers had gone to Shoeburyness : — Captain Commandant William Danby- Palmer, Lieutenants T. Burton Steward and T. M. Baker, Sergeant Smith, Corporals Harrison and Sadd, Bombardiers Steward and Sayer, Gunners Allcock, Millican, and Woodhouse. Captain Youell had (after eleven years' service) retired from the Rifles. Sept. 3rd. — A meeting had been held to raise a fund for the sufferers by the Franco-German war. The Mayor, the Vicar, Dr. Vores, Mr. J. H. Orde, Mr. C. C Aldred, the Rev. W. Griffiths, and Mr. S. W. Spelman took part in the proceedings, and upwards of £100 was raised in the room. Sept. 17th. — Mrs. Gray had bequeathed by will £100 to the Hospital, £19 19s. to the Sailors' Home, and £10 to the Lying-in Charity. Upwards of 60 boats had delivered fish at the Wharf, the price being £16 to £22 per last for fresh fish. Sept. 24th. — The Queen's bounty had been forwarded to Mrs. Spurge. 334 Oct. 5tb. — At a meeting held at the Turk's Head, J. Scott, Esq., in the chair, Mr. F. Danby-Palmer and ^Ir, Hinchman Hammond had been selected as candidates to contest the St. George's Ward in the Liberal interest, Mr, J. Petts, R.N., had resigned his command in the Coastguard after 40 years' service, twelve of which had been spent in Yarmouth. Oct. loth. — No minister had attended at St. Peter's Church to per- form service in the afternoon of Sunday. The old Jetty had been lengthened 60 feet. Mr. E. Stagg (one oT the Councillors for the Regent Ward) had died. £149 13s. 6d. had been raised for the purpose of presenting a testi- monial to Sergeant Berry (of the Police). Mr. S. K. Smith had landed from one of his boats 24 lasts of herrings, which sold for £264. It was calculated that some 2,000 French fishermen were then in Gorleston. Oct. 26th. — Mr. Robert Rising (of Horsey) had been elected a Haven and Pier Commissioner in the place of Mr. Burroughes resigned. Nov. oth.— Owing to the extension of the franchise and the " split " in the Conservative camp, the Municipal Election had excited a good deal of attention, as the following report shows : — " MUNICIPAL ELECTION." ** As was expected, these elections were fought out with considerable spirit, the town throughout the day presenting all the aspects of a con- tested general election, cabs duly placarded with the names and claims of the candidates rushing about the streets in all directions en route to the various polling-places or committee-rooms. In the North Ward the Conservatives were early at work, and were enabled to put their candidates considerably ahead, Messrs. Worship and Hilton counting a formidable majority at an early stage of the contest. The friends of Messrs. Neave and Blyth were, however, far from dismayed, and worked with a degree of zeal that certainly deserved if it did not ensure success. In the course of the afternoon the Conservative majority had been greatly reduced, and it looked at one time as if Mr. Neave's return would have been secured. The aspect of things nerved the Conservatives to renewed efforts and enabled them to keep ahead of their opponents, the result being the return of their candidates, Messrs. Worship and Hilton. 335 In the Market "Ward the greatest excitement prevailed, popular feeling being in favour of Mr. J. Norman (L) and Mr. I. Preston. The latter, although a Conservative, came forward on independent grounds, and as opposed to the compromise that has been entered into for the return of Messrs. Norman and Combe. The last-named gentleman was brought out under the ausjjices of that section of the Conservative party, better known as the " clique," which evoked the determined opposition of the " independent " portion of the party. There was another candidate in the person of Mr J. Garratt (L), but that gentleman retired at an early stage of the contest in favour of Mr. Combe. Soon after the commence- ment of the polling, it became evident that Mr. Norman's election would be safe, and that the real fight would be between Messrs. Combe and Preston. The last-named had a large staff of energetic supporters, and he was soon placed in a majority which no efforts on the part of his op- ponents could break down. The result, therefore, in this ward was the return of Messrs. Norman and Preston, which must be regarded as a great blow to the dominant section of the Conservative party, who strained every nerve to carry their man. The contest in the Regent "Ward was of diminished interest as com- pared with the other parts of the town, and resulted in the return of the Conservative candidates, Messrs. Barber and Tomlinson. Against these gentlemen were arrayed Messrs. "Woodger and Page ; but the candida- ture of the two last-named was carried on in a sort of guerilla fashion that evinced little confidence in a successful result, and their respective chances will be found very fully illustrated in the returns given at the close of the poll. In the St. George's Ward the battle was between Messrs, Doughty and Baker, (C), and Messrs. Palmer and Hammond (L). Here a most determined fight was made, the Liberals commencing the business of the day in a style that evidently meant winning. Soon after the first hour's polling, Messrs. Palmer and Hammond took a commanding lead, and although the utmost zeal was evinced on the part of their opponents, they kept increasing their majority until by noon it had assumed such propor- tions as to place the issue of the contest beyond all question. The result was unexpected, and created quite a sensation among the Conservatives, who chagrined at the turn of affairs in the Market Ward, were little prepared for this fresh source of annoyance and discomfiture. In the Nelson Ward there was no contest, Messrs. Woolverton, (C), and Stone (L) being unopposed. 336 The oloction in the Soiithtown or St. Andrew's Ward was provoca- tive of the iisiial excitement, the Gorlestoniana coming out in considerable force, and testifying their Conservative or Liberal proclivities in the liveliest manner. The candidates were Messrs. Steward and Hammond, (C), as opposed to Messrs. Beevor and Nelson. The contest was well fought throughout, and resulted in the election of the Conservative candidates. In celHbration of the victory in the St. George's Ward, the Liberals paraded a band, which did honour to the occ asion by playing a selection of popular music through the principal streets. OFFICIAL DECLARATION. The official swearing-in of the newly-elected members took place on Thursday afternoon, the proceedings creating more than their wonted interest from the expectation of a "scene." These anticipations were fully realised. Previous to the commencement of the usual routine, Mr. J. F. Neave, one of the defeated Liberal candidates in the North Ward, addressed Mr, S. Nightingale, and, in a tone of considerable vehemence, charged that gentleman and his supporters with having secured the election by unfair practices by bringing forward individuals to personate voters who were dead or at sea, or by other means equally discreditable. The scene which ensued was of the most lively character, some half-dozen Councillors speaking at once. Those in the body of the Court showed their enjoyment by encouraging shouts of "Go it Neave," *' Give it them," an appeal, however, which was scarcely necessary, as the North Ward champion appeared in fine mettle, and continued his address, although the greater part of it was lost in the general turmoil. Re- ferring to the result, Mr. Nightingale was understood to say that Mr. Neave would never be so near winning again, which elicited a rejoinder from the latter that he had been told he should never be elected a Guardian, but he had shown them what he could do, and if he were spared he would yet be in the Council. This declaration of future hostilities was received with great uproar, which was with difficulty quelled sufficiently to enable the business of the meeting to be proceeded with. This having been brought to a termination, after sundry inter- ruptions, the newly-elected hastily quitted the Court, the proceedings having afforded a singular exhibition of political amenities, from a Yarmouth point of view." 337 The following is the official return : — North Ward. Mr. HUton (C) 395 ,, Worship (C) 384 „ Neave (L) 371 „ Blyth(L) 287 Market Ward. Mr. J. A. Norman (L) 402 ,, I. Preston, Junr. (C) 376 ,, Combe, (C) 336 , , Garratt (L) 4 Regent Ward. Mr. J. Tomlinson (0) , 281 „ R. D. Barber (C) .... 261 „ \Voodger(L) 86 „ R. Page(L) 7 St. George's Ward. Mr. F. Danby-Palmer (L) 292 ,, H. Hammond (L) 291 ,, Baker (C) 164 ,, Doughty (C) 142 Nelson Ward. Messrs. Woolverton (C) and Stone (L) unopposed. Southtown or St. Andrew^ s Ward. Mr. R. Steward (C) 365 ,, Hammond (C) ,. 358 ,, Beevor (L) 309 ,, Nelson (L) 300 As the result of this election, it was believed that Mr. E. H. L. Preston would be Mayor for the ensuing year. Mr. F. Ferrier had been returned in the place of Mr. Stagg, deceased, for the Regent Ward. An effort was being made to restore St. George's Chapel. Nov. 12th. — At the Council meeting, Mr. J. C. Smith proposed, and Mr. Bracey seconded, Mr. E. H. L. Preston, as Mayor, and this was carried nem. dis. There had been an enormous catch of herring; Messrs. Smith's *' Ocean Wave " had taken 29 lasts, and on the Thursday it was com- puted that 1,409 lasts of fi.sh had been landed at the Wharf. 338 Nov. 16th.— C. E. Bartram, Esq., J. P. and Councillor for the South Ward had died. Nov. 19th. — The Volunteers had received '* Snider Rifles." Mr. J. H. Fellows had presided at a meeting at the " New Royal Standard" to select a candidate for the South "Ward, when Mr. Fredk. Palmer was brought forward, the other candidates named being Mr. I. Hill, Mr. G. Harvey, and Mr. J. H. Harrison, Nov. 23rd.— Commissions signed by the Lord Lieutenant.- — 2nd N.R.V., Lieut. A. J. Palmer to be Captain, vice Youell resigned ; Ensign E. H. H. Combe to be Lieut., vice Palmer promoted. Nov. 26th. — The following had been the result of the election in the Nelson Ward : — Mr. Fredk. Palmer (L.) 447 „ Isaac HiU (C.) 269 After the declaration of the poll a procession, headed by a band, had paraded the principal streets. Twelve vessels had already cleared with 28,390 barrels of herring for Italian ports. Dec. 3rd. — A petition alleging bribery at St. George's Ward Election, had been presented to the Town Council, and supported there by Mr. J. W. Bunn (one of the Aldermen). Mr. F. Danby-Palmer repudiated the charge on behalf of Mr. Hammond and himself, and, ultimately, on the motion of Mr. Harmer, the document was ordered to be laid '* imder the table." The death of Mr. H. H. Barber (one of the Councillors for the South Ward, and a Captain in the 2nd N.R.V.) is recorded. In the Nelson Ward l\Tr. H. Fenner (C.) had been returned in his place, having beaten Mr. Woodger (L.) by 85 votes. The fishing-boats were "making up" after a very successful voyage. It was proposed to lay down a tramway from Yarmouth to Lowestoft. Dec. 17th. — The Mayor had presented the testimonial to Inspector Berry ; it consisted of a 20 guinea watch and a purse of £145. One fishing boat had caught 142 lasts of herring during the season. It was estimated that £40,000 would be paid to the fishermen in wages. Messrs. Woolverton and George had opened a Stock Sale at Acle, the former gentleman acting as auctioneer. There were a large number of entries, and fat stock had realised 10s. 6d. per stone. 339 Dec. 21st.— Miss Emma Pearson (daughter of the late Captain Pearson, R.N.) had written a letter from the seat of war at Orleans, where she was nursing the sick and wounded. Dec. 24th.— Records the death of Mr. Henry Fellows, shiphuilder, aged 70. Herring had averagud £10 per last during the season, and it was computed that the money value of the fish caught during the season was £180,000. Dec, 28th. — Mr. Wyllys' sledge had upset at the corner of Regent Street, and knocked over a woman, but no serious damage had been sustained. Dec. 31st. — Mr. J. H. Want had obtained the contract for the erection of a new Post Office in Regent Street. 1871. Jan. 4th. — Records the abandonment of what was known as the '* Ordering up system," under which complainants had been accustomed, on payment of a fee of 2s. (without summons), to have persons brought before the Magistrates by the police. A young Danish girl had been discovered working as a sailor on board a vessel. Jan. 10th. — One Thacker, a veteran gunner, generally known as ** Old Stork " had brought down five swans at one shot on Breydon. Jan. 14th. — The Mayor (E. H. L, Preston, Esq.), had given a ball at the Town-hall ; about 1 80 guests were present ; Mr. Sturge led the band ; and Mr. Collins provided the refrfishments. A large otter, measuring 4| feet and weighing 30 lbs., had been shot near the North River ; it had previously been pursued by a skater, who had seized it by the tail, when it turned upon him and inflicted a con- siderable wound on his wrist. Jan. 15th, — The Magistrates had refused to convict in a vaccination case, which conduct was greatly exercising the Board of Guardians. Jan. 25th. — The schooner " Starling " had foundered in the fair way of the harbour between the piers, and thus blocked the navigation. Feb. 1st. — The first subscription ball was advertised with the follow- ing list of stewards: — The Mayor, Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart,, M.P., Henry E. Buxton, Charles Sharpe Sharpe, and William Danby -Palmer, Esqs. 340 Feb. 4th.— Bro. Edward Howes had been installed W.M. of Lodge '* P^iendship," the members of which lodge had presented a testimonial to Bro. C. L. Chipperfield. Mr. W. J. Foreman had presided at the meeting of the Great Yar- mouth Building Society, and Mr. Frederick Palmer at the meeting of the Norfolk and Suffolk Building Society. Each institution published a favourable report of its proceedings and declared bonuses of £15 and £16 13s. 4d. respectively. Mr. Woodger had given 20 tons of coal to the poor in the South Ward. Feb. 8th. — Contains the following account of the death of Robert Steward, Esq. : — •* We regret to record the death of this gentleman who expired suddenly at his residence in Cambridge, on Saturday evening. Mr. Steward for a number of years occupied a very prominent position in this borough, having filled the office of Chief Magistrate on five occasions. He was until recently an active member of the Town Council, having represented the Southtown or St. Andrew's Ward for a lengthened period, during which time he exhibited a warm interest in all that related to the welfare of the borough. Mr. Steward was one of the first to associate himself with the Volunteer movement, and was ever ready with bis purse to aid the cause. It was the occasion of his fifth election to the Mayoralty that his fellow-townsmen determined to present him with a testimonial in recognition of his public services, and so heartily was the appeal responded to, that a sum was soon raised sufficient for the purchase of a handsome service of plate, which was publicly pre- sented at the Town Hall. Latterly Mr. Steward had been suffering from failing health, and had taken up his residence at Cambridge, but on all ocf^asions when anything of public interest was under discussion he was at his accustomed post in the Town Council. Mr. Steward was a Justice of the Peace for the Borough, and also for the County of Suffolk. As a public man his loss will be much felt, for though occa- sionally overbearing and impetuous, his faults were overlooked in the thorough earnestness with which he applied himself to the promotion of those measures which he considered for the general good. Out of respect the flags on the Town Hall and shipping have been hoisted half-mast." A quantity of human remains had been discovered in a vault in Row 112. 341 Feb. nth.. — A fine hare had been captured in the Market Place, after an exciting chase. Feb. 15th.— Mr. E. H. H. Combe and Mr. Nelson had been nominated to fill the vacancy, created by Mr. Steward's death, in the Southtown Ward. J. C. Smith, Esq., had presided at the anniversary of the " Loyal Prince of Wales Lodge," M.U.O.F., at the Market Tavern, when about sixty brethren were present. Feb. 25th. — There were 900 boats then engaged in the fishing, of the gross tonnage of 14,788 tons, manned by 4051 men and 531 boys. Mr. E. H. H. Combe had been returned as a member of the Council for the Southtown Ward. March 8th. — Police- constable Shreeve had met with a fatal accident by falling from the fire escape. The pauper lunatics, 18 in number, had been removed from London to the Ipswich Asylum. An old house in Row 132 had fallen down. March 11th. — The late R. Steward, Esq., had bequeathed a legacy of £19 19a. to each of the following charities : — The Great Yarmouth Hospital, the Priory, St. Peter's, and Gorleston National Schools, the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, the Norwich Blind Institution, the National School Society, the Boys' Hospital School (Norwich), the C. M. Society, and the S. P. G. Society. March 22nd. — A fine pike, weighing upwards of 251bs , had been shot in one of the neighbouring Broads. April ISth. — At the Guardians' Election the new and largely augmented constituency was polled for the first time. Theie was a regular party fight, Mr. John Cooper acting as Conservative agent, and Mr. F. Danby -Palmer for the Liberals, the following being the result : — North Ward. J. F. Neave (L) 844 H. Blyth(L) 662 S. Nightingale (C) 662 J. T. Buston (C) 567 J. Rant (L) 542 S, Barge (C) 478 342 Market Ward. J. A. Norman (L) 621 Wm. Laws (C) 476 J. G. Overend (L) 427 R. Dumbleton (C) 418 R. B. EUis, (C) 397 Regent Ward. R. D. Barber (C) 470 W. Worship (C) 426 J. H. Norman (L) 375 C. Diver (C) ■ : . . 367 J. Clowes (Grocer) (L) 289 R. Bryant (L) 198 St. George's Ward. J. W. de Caux (L) 557 J. Scott (L) 478 J. Rivett (L) 371 W. J. Foreman (C) 298 W. Harrison (C) 248 D. Gooch (C) 244 T. Todd (I) 115 Nelson Ward. F.Palmer(L) 966 C. Woolverton (C) 934 J. Bracey (C) 766 J. Clowes (Solicitor) (L) 678 W. T. Fisher (L) 534 T. C. Foreman (N) 376 G. Harvey (C) 267 J. H. Harrison (N) 80 ''Previous to the declaration of the numbers by the returning of&cer, Mr. John Cooper, on behalf of the Conservative candidates, who had met the previous night, announced his intention not to proceed with the scrutiny before the returning officer, who had no authority to call witnesses, but stated tl^at the whole conduct of the election would belaid before the Poor Law Board with a view to a thorough enquiry being instituted. The election had been conducted in a fraudulent manner. Mr. Cooper, in support of his assertion, inslanced the case of Hurr^ one 343 of the collectors, who, he alleged, had only returned 113 papers out of 300. Names had also been put on various papers without authority, while the collector (Hurr) had taken his papers to the house of one of the candidates, where they were examined and sorted. Another collector in the Liberal interest, named Norman, had been convicted and sentenced to twelve months' imprisonment for robbery. Mr. Cooper went on to say that in the Market Waid (Hurr's district) upwards of twenty papers had never been called for, and he understood that there were upwards of 50 which had been signed by one person. The election had been con- ducted in such an unfair and scandalous manner, that the Conservatives had resolved upon demanding a Poor Law enquiry. Mr. Livingston said it would be for Mr. Cooper and his friends to mafce good the allegations just made. He hoped if there had been any irregularity it would be fully enquired into. Mr. J. A. Norman (who headed the poll for the Market Ward) supposed that Mr. Cooper had suspected the Liberals had been adopting the former tactics of their opponents, and had taken a leaf out of their book. (Laughter.) Mr. Overend (another successful candidate for the Market Ward) denied that the papers had been sorted in the shop as alleged, and said the collector called for information. Mr. Cufaude (the Returning- officer) said the collector ought not to have done this, as it was most irregular and contrary to the instructions given to the collectors. He then gave the return as above, and the proceedings closed. The result has caused considerable heart-burning among the Con- servatives, who have so long held the sway in all matters pertaining to local administration, and they cannot be expected to view with equani- mity the storming of one of their chief strongholds by the enemy." April 22nd, — Mr. Bowgin, who had died at the age of 90, had left a considerable sum of money to local charities. April 26th. -At the first meeting of the recently elected Board of Guardians, Mr. Frederick Palmer and Mr. John A. Norman were res- pectively elected chairman and vice-chairman, in the place of Mr. C. Woolverton and Mr. W. Laws. The smack "Sevastopol" (belonging to Mr. H. Fenner) had been destroyed by fire on the fishing grounds. Judge Worlledge had been appointed Chancellor of the Diocese in the place of Mr. Howes, deceased- 344 May 6th. — The Tree Lance, a notorious local newspaper, had been proceeded againat for libelling Mr. King, of Gorlcstoo. May 10th. — Records the death of Richard Hammond, Esq., as fol- lows : — ** It is with deep regret that we announce the death of this much respected gentleman, who expired at his residence, Regent Road, on Saturday morning last, after a rather lengthened illness. Mr. Hammond during his long career has occupied so prominent a position, and has ranked so high in the opinion of all classes of his fellow-townsmen, that his death, although regarded as imminent, created much sensation. The deceased, who was born in 1792, and was consequently at the time of his decease in his 79th year, was one of the oldest Magistrates of the borough, having been called to the Bench in 1841. During the long period that Mr. Hammond was associated with the administration of justice he was remarkable for his uprightness and thorough independence of character. Wealthy, but yet conspicuous for his unostentatious mode of life, he was at all times accessible to those of his poorer fellow townsmen, many of whom were wont to seek his counsel and advice. In the exercise of his magisterial functions, he was ever disposed to temper justice with mercy, and in his death there must be many who must feel that they have lost a true and valued friend. The deceased for many years occu- pied a leading position as among the most prominent, forward, yet consistent members of the Liberal party, and although he had of late ceased to take any active part in political controversies, he was always deeply interested in everything that pertained to the advancement of the cause which he had so greatly at heart. Mr. Hammond, who was largely connected at one time with the fisheries, had also a considerable stake in the shipping of the port, and accumulated a large property, the bulk of which will, doubtless, have been bequeathed to his three nieces, as he was unmarried. Out of respect to the deceased, the flags on the Town Hall, public buildings, and shipping have been hoisted half-mast, while many private families have shown similar marks of regard to the memory of the deceased." Ihe Guardians had decided to allow Nonconformist Ministers to visit at the Workhouse. May 17th. — One boat had landed 1,000 mackerel, and that fish was selling at from 20s. to 25s. per hundred. May 20th. — The late Mr. Hammond had left the following charitable legacies : — Hospital, £50 ; Sailors' Home, £19 19s. ; Priory schools, £50 ; 345 and St. John's, St. Andrew's, St. Peter's and Primitive Methodist schools, £19 19s. each. The cost of taking the census had amouted to £110 1 5s. June 3rd. — Records the death of David A. Gourlay, Esq., as follows : — " We regret to record the death of this gentleman, who expired at his residence on Wednesday, at the advanced age of 89 years. During his long connection with the town, Mr. Gourlay contrived to amass consider- able wealth, having been largely connected with the shipping interest of the port. The deceased was a much respected member of the Liberal party in the borough, and in 1849 filled the office of Mayor. He was also a Magistrate, having been pkced on the roll of Justices in 1858, and for many years represented the Market Ward in the Town Council, which position he only resigned last year. Mr. Gourlay was of a singularly quiet habit, devoting his entire time to business pursuits, which he continued until advancing years and infirmities compelled retirement. The deceased was deeply interested in the educational movements of the town, and a few year.-* since presented the magnificent donation of £1,000 towards the Wesleyan Schools. As a mark of respect to his memory the flags on the Town Hall and shipping have been hoisted half mast. The number of borough magistrates who have died since 1863 has now reached 15." June 10th. — There had been a stormy discussion in the Council with regard to the proposal to appoint Messrs. Salmon Palmer, Garson Blake, and John W. de Caux, Justices for the Borough, when Mr. James W. Bunn moved, and Mr. C. Woolverton seconded a resolution to the effect that such appointments "would be objectionable" ; and Mr. F. Danby- Palmer moved, and Mr. James Scott seconded an amendment approving such appointments, which was lost by 25 to 7 votes, those voting in the minority being Messrs. F. Danby-Palmer, J. Scott, Frederick Palmer, J. W. de Caux, T. W. Attwood, H. Hammond, and J. A. Norman. Mr. I. Preston's "Otter" had made a passage from Yarmouth to Harwich, a distance of 52 miles in four and a half hours. June 14th. — Mr. Stafford had resigned the surgeonship for the North District, his salary being £100; he stated that he had 2,093 paupers on his books. June 17th. — Ona hundred and twenty- seven men of the R.H.A. were encamped on the North Denes, the officers being Captains Fox- Strangeways and Scott ; Lieutenants Rothe, Hardinge- Brown, and P. F. Blackwood; Surgeon- Major Lewer, and Vet. -Surgeon Walker. 346 Messrs. J. Tolver Waters, Frank Burton, and F. W. Dendy had passed the Legal examination. .lune 21st.— Mr. A, D. Stone had been elected a Haven Com- missioner in the place of Mr. Hammond, deceased, without opposition, owing to ISlv. de Caux's nomination paper having been left at the wrong office. June 24th.— The, *' Oleander," a barque of 440 tons had been launched from TMessrs. Fellows and Son's yard. July r2th.— At the Water Frolic the "Halcyon" won the Brst match, and the "Vivid" the second match; Mr. I. Preston, junr., acted as Secretary. There had been a destructive fire at Mr. Bland's premises on the Queen's Road. July 26th. — There had been a Volunteer Encampment on the North Denes with a brigade field day, when the troops were under the command of Major- General Murray. The Yarmouth Corps had entertained the Officers of the Norfolk and Suffolk Battalions, the Mayor, Major- General Murray, Brigade Major Ogilvie, Captain Alderson, N.A.M., and several other guests at the Royal Hotel. There had been a proposal made to abolish the Fair. The newly-appointed Magistrates, Messrs. Palmer, Blake, and de Caux had qualified. Aug. 19th. — The Council had voted an address of congratulation to Sir James Paget upon his being created a Baronet. The Prince of Wales had consented to accept the Hon. Colonelcy of the Norfolk Artillery Militia, vacant through the death of Lord Hastings. Aug. 26th. — Tomlinson's Brewery and the houses attached to it had been sold in lots by public auction. Sept. 2nd. — St. George's Denes had been for the first time enclosed for a ** Floral Fete," when Mr. James H. Harrison ''with rather a rough element at the back " appeared as a champion of public rights. Sept. 6th. — The following Rifle Volunteer Officers had received certificates of ^proficiency under the new regulations: — Captains Holt, Matthews, and Palmer, and Lieutenants Buxton, Diver, Palmer and Wilson. Sept. 27th. — M. Desfongerais (the re -called French Consul) had been presented with a testimonial before leaving Yarmouth. 347 Sept. 30th. — Heavy gales had prevailed from the E. and S.E. *' Low prices and heavy deliveries" continued to characterise the fishing. Mr. W. B. Neslin, an eccentric character, who had accumulated hundreds, if not thousands of notes of various epitaphs, had died at the age of 70 years. Oct 18th.— E. P. Youell, Esq., had presided at a meeting called to consider the restoration of Gorleston Church . Oct. 21st. — The New Corn Hall in Howard Street had been opened with a public dinner, when about 200 gentlemen attended, the chair being taken by H. S. Grimmer, Esq., and the vice-chairs by Messrs. G. M. Beck, E. H. H. Combe, E. Press, and J. W. Bunn. Nov. 4th. — Five of the Wards had been contested, with the following result : — North Ward. Neave (L) 565 Bly(C) 541 Buston (C) 464 Blyth (L) 432 Market Ward. Fyson (C) 394 Baker (C) 374 Garratt (L) 349 Clowes (L) 321 Regent Ward. Burton (C) 239 Ferrier (C) 212 Goodwin (L) 137 Livingston (L) 117 St. George's Ward. Todd (I) 385 Scott (L) 324 Smith (C) 150 Nelson Ward. Woodger (L) 742 Fenner (C) 467 Palmer (L) 407 St. Andrew^ s Ward. Pendy (L) and Baumgartner (L), unopposed. 348 Mr. Edward S. Preston, who had hcen in the field, having retired at the eleventh hour. The general result was a gain of one to the Liberal party. Nov. 11th. — Mr. S Nightingale had proposed, and Mr. ,7. Scott seconded, the re-election of the ^Mayor (Mr. E. H. L. Preston) and he was re-elected accordingly. The following Aldermen had been re -appointed :— Sir E. Q. K. Lacon, and Messrs. R. Purdy, G. S. Shingles, E. P. Youell, R. S. Watling, and W. Danby- Palmer. Rear-Admiral Thomas L. Gooch had been promoted to be a retired Vice-Admiral. The Rifle Volunteers shed on the N orth Denes had been burnt with the stores contained in it, ' ' and no clue yet obtained to the perpetrator of this wanton piece of mischief." Nov. 18th. — Mr. Woodger had entertained 40 of his friends at a dinner given by him at St. George's Tavern, King Street. The Liberals were organising Working Men's Associations in the several Wards. Nov. 22nd. — The "Reliance," steamtug, had struck a piece of wreck near the Cross Sand, and become a total wreck. She wasvalued at £2,500. Nov. 29th. — Three companies of the 33rd Regiment had arrived at the Southtown Barracks. Captain Harvey was making experiments with his sea torpedoes in the Roads, accompanied by Baron de Grancy and M. Vavasseur. Dec. 6th. — There had been disastrous gales, causing great destruc- tion of shipping property and loss of life. Dec. 16th. — A meeting had been held at Gorleston with a view to the restoration of the Church ; the Mayor presided, and Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., M.P., the Revs. H. Nevill, T. AUnutt (Vicar), J. Walker, S. N. Vowler, and Messrs. E. P. Youell, H. E. Buxton, C. J. Palmer, E. H. H. Combe, W. Teasdel, G. B. Palmer, Stanier, Wilton, Holt, Baumgartner, Bottle, S. Bately. Bellamy, Ling, S. Dowson, W. S. Sandford, Dr. Bately, Capt. Matthews, Capt. Aldrich, &c., were j^resent. Dec. 30th. — Reference is made to the *' New Law of Merchant Shipping" (Plimsoll's Act.) The Prince of Wales being restored to health, it was expected that he would visit Yarmouth with the N.A.M., of which Regiment he was Hon. Colonel, during their training in the Spring. 349 ]\rrs. "Walpole, of Southtown, had bequeathed legacies of £50 to the Hospital and £19 1 9s. to the Sailors' Home. It was estimated that the 600 boats hailing from Yarmouth paid *' something like £4000 for towage to the Tug Companies," Mr. J. F. Neave had erected a new Primitive Methodist Chapel at Brad well. 1872. Jan. 6th. — Mr. J, T. Clarke had been appointed an Admiralty Commissioner. Jan. 20th. — The Town Council had voted congratulatory addresses to the Queen, and the Prince and Princess of Wales, upon the occasion of the recovery of the Prince from his serious illness. There had been a heavy gale from the S.S.W. Jan. 27th.— It was stated that within 12 years five penny news- papers had been started in Yarmouth, all of which had ceased to exist. Jan. 31st.— Mr. John L. Cufaude, Clerk of the Peace, Clerk to the Guardians, and Superintendent Registrar had died at the age of 61 years. Feb. 3rd.— Messrs. Charaberliu, I. Preston, junr., H. R. Harmer and F. W Ferrier were candidates for the first and Messrs. F. Danby- Palmer and F. S. Costerton for the two latter of these appointments. Feb. 7th. — Mr. F. Danby-Palmer had been elected Superintendent Registrar by " a large majority," the other candidates being Messrs. S. C. Burton and H. Cowl. Bro. James Carter had been installed W.M. of Lodge " Friendship." A new route (the loop line) was being constructed between Yarmouth and Lowestoft at a cost of £15,000. Feb. 14th. — Mr. F. Danby-Palmer had been unanimously elected Clerk to the Board of Guardians. Feb. 17th. — At the Council meeting Mr. W. Laws proposed, and Mr. T. M. Baker seconded, Mr. I. Preston, junr.'s appointment as Clerk of the Peace, and Mr. J. W. Foreman proposed, and Mr. J. Bracey seconded, Mr. U. R. Harmer for that office. The voting was — For Mr. Preston : The Mayor and Messrs. J. T. Bracey, Laws, Mabson, Teasdel, Purdy, Nightingale, Bly, Bamby, Norman, Preston (Isaac junr.), Baker, Wright, George, Woolverton, Burton, Ferrier, Todd, Veale, Fenner, Gooda, and VV. Hammond (22), And for Mr. Harmer: Messrs. Bunn, Harmer, Youell, William Panby-Pdlmer, Woro^hip, ililton, Neave, Nuthall, Fyson, Barber, 350 Tomlinson, Foreman, de Caux, F. Danby- Palmer, Scott, J. Bracey, Stone, Woodger, Combe and Baumgartner (20). Mr. Attwood declined to vote. After the voting the following *' scene " took place between the Mayor and Air. Harmer : — *' Mr. Harmer said he had come forward as a candidate, consider- ing his long connection with the party entitled him to their support. He could not let that opportunity pass without expressing his thanks to those gentleman who had accorded him their votes. He could but think if the Mayor had fought a ' manly and open game ' — (cries of * no, no," and uproar) — and postponed his canvassing from the Saturday to the Monday, he should have been in a very different position there that day. (Renewed cheers and uproar.) He believed he should have had most of those promises which the Mayor had obtained on the Sunday. (Cries of 'no, no,' and general uproar.) He felt certain that a great many of his friends in the Council whom he had known many years, and who had been induced to vote against him, were sorry for it, and had only been led to do so by the promise given the Mayor on Sunday. (Cries and groans and general tumult in the gallery.) He met an old friend the other day, and on asking him for his vote, he replied, ' I am verj^ sorry I cannot give it you, as I promised the Mayor on Sunday — (cheers and laughter) — but you have my sympathy, and I hope you may win.' He (Mr. Harmer) could not help replying, ' Hang your sympathy ; give me your vote.' The Maj'or said he could not let Mr. Karmer's remarks upon himself pass without comment. Coming home quietly from church on the Sunday morning referred to following the mace-bearers, Mr. Harmer came up to him and canvassed him for the Clerkship of the Peace, Mr. Cufaude not being then dead. (Hear, hear, and uproar.) He told Mr. Harmer that Mr. Cufaude was not dead and (he might as well tell them all that passed), said he hoped to God he might live till after March, so that they (the Conservatives) might have the opportunity of fighting the Guardians. (Cheers and counter cheers.) In walking down to the Station-house he said to Mr. Harmer, if that should be the case, and they should get a majority at the Board of Guardians, Mr. Harmer could go in for the Clerk of the Guardians, and he (the Mayor) for the Clerk of the Peace, — (loud laughter) —and that they could work together. Mr. Harmer replied by saying that he should go in for both appoint- ments— (cheers and laughter)— and he (the Mayor) replied that he could not do so, but if he (the Mayor) won one, he would support Mr. Harmer 351 in the other, and if Mr, Harmer was successful in one, he could give him his help in trying to obtain the other appointment for his son. (Hear, hear.) In the afternoon of that day Mr. Cufaude died, and as he knew Mr. Harmer was canvassing, did they think he was such a fool as to let him outstep him. (Cheers and uproar.) jMr. Harmer rose to reply, but the confusion became so great owing to the shouting and recrimination, backed up by the adherents of the respective parties in the gallery, that scarcely anything could be heard amid the din of words. During a temporary lull in the storm, Mr. Harmer, who was still speaking excitedly, was understood to say that he did not go between the bark and the tree, but that he wished to tell the whole truth about the conversation between him and the Mayor. He asked the Mayor how Mr. Cufaude was, and he replied that he was very bad indeed, and not expected to live. (At this juncture of Mr. Harmer's reply several of the Councillors vacated their seats, and left the room, and the disorder which had calmed down a little again broke out. Mr. Harmer, thus interrupted, stopped in his speech, but in response to cries of * go on, go on,' from the public, he turned himself to the gallery, and addressing the occupants of that place, continued his remarks.) He said he observed to the Mayor—' In case anything happens, what do you intend to do ? ' The Mayor replied * If my son comes forward I must support him,' to which he (Mr. Harmer) replied ' very naturally, too.' He then told the Mayor that he should be a candidate for the Clerkship of the Peace, and as they walked down Regent-street the Mayor re- marked to him, * If we can only keep the poor fellow alive till after the next election of Guardians, then we must all put our hands into our pockets and turn them (the Liberals) out.' (Cries of * Shame,' * Bribery,' and general uproar. The Mayor then said ' I will propose that you shall be Clerk of the Peace and Isaac, Clerk of the Guardians.' (Cheers and Laughter.) His answer to that generous proposition was, ' I shaU not stand that; I shall expect the better berth of the two.' (Renewed laughter, and cries of ' Go in Harmer.') The Mayor said ' Well, after aU, perhaps Isaac would rather have the Clerkship of the Peace, as there is not much to do, and as he is going to be married, and will be very well off, he won't want it.' (Loud laughter.) Here the confusion became so great that nothing could be heard, and as by this time the majority of the Councillors had dispersed, the proceedings closed amid wild uproar." 352 Feb. 24th. — Mr. Henry E. Buxton had been elected Commodore and Mr. I. Preston, jun., Vice-Commodore of the Norfolk and Suffolk Yacht Club. Mr. T. M. Read was building a new yacht at Beccles. Feb. 28th. — Mr. I. Preston, jun., the newly-elected Clerk of the Peace, had entertained the Recorder and Bar at the Sessions. In the Market Ward, Mr. R. Dumbleton and Mr. J. Garratt had been candidates for the scat vacated by Mr. Preston, when the former gentleman was elected by a majority of 191. April 6th.— Mr. C. S. D. Steward and Captain Gilbertson had been re-appointed Churchwardens, and Messrs. EUis, Skoulding, Lay and Pestell, Overseers. April 3rd. — Nathaniel Palmer, Esq., Recorder, had died at Coltis- hall, aged 79 ; it was stated that " The deceased was at one period of his career a prominent member of the Whig party, and was generally known as * Orator Palmer." He acted with the other members of the Palmer family and their cousins— the Stewards and Hurrys— and was with them instrumental in opening the borough of Great Yarmouth in 1818." The following officers were then with the E.N.M. at its annual training : — Colonel Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., Lieutenant- Colonel Glover, Major Matthew, Captains Dods, Ensor, Applewaite, Ambrose, and McEnry, and Lieutenants Haly, Howes, Long, Lacon, Haggard, Fryer, Barber and Napier. Captain Lacon being absent. April 13th. — The following had be 5n the result of the Guardians' Election . — North Ward. Stafford (C.) , 1,163 Neave (L.) 861 Skoulding (C.) 758 Buston (C.) 664 Blyth (L.) 562 Rant (L.) 365 Market Ward. Norman (L.) 679 Dumbleton (C.) 675 Laws(C.) 599 Overend (L.) 524 EUis(C.) 515 Brand (L.) <.... 472 353 Regent Ward. Barber (C.) 540 Norman (L.) 483 Diver (C.) 428 Preston (C.) 426 Bryant (L.) 337 Rant (L.) 299 Si, George's Ward. de Caux (L.) 613 Scott (L.) 522 Rivett (L.) 400 Foreman (C.) 266 Bunn (C.) 250 Todd (I.) 214 Goocli (C.) 204 Nelson Ward, Palmer (L.) 1,166 Woodger (L.) 1,090 Clowes (L.) 921 Fisher (L.) 770 Woolverton (C) and Bracey (C) (numbers not given.) The result was that 10 Liberals to 4 Tories had been elected. The Town Council had recommended Mr. Mills for the office of Re- corder, he having acted for several years as the late Mr. Palmer's deputy in that office. April 24th. — The first week in June had been fixed for the Prince of Wales' visit to the town. Mr. Frederick Palmer had been re-appointed chairman, and Messrs. J. A. Norman and J. F. Neave, vice-chairmen of the Board of Guardians. Mr. Simms Reeve had been appointed Recorder in the place of Mr. Palmer deceased ; it was stated that he was called to the Bar in 1850 and was a member of the Norfolk Circuit. May 8th. — Funds were being raised for the purpose of decorating the town on the occasion of the Prince of Wales' \'isit. May nth. — The Town Council had formed itself into a committee to consider the public steps to be taken with regard to that event. May 2oth. — Simms Reeve, Esq., had been appointed Judge of the Borough Court of Record. 354 May 29th.— Mr. de Caiix had met with an accident through falling from a cart on the Drive. June 1st.— James Scott, Esq., J. P., and one of the Councillors for the St. George's Ward, had died. June 8th.— Records the first visit of H.il.H. the Prince of Wales to the town, when he lodged at Mr. Cuddon's house (Shaddingficld Lodge). The town was very handsomely decorated, and His Royal Highness was received at the Southtown Railway Station hy the Reception Committee which consisted of Lord Sondes, the Mayor, the Recorder, the Town Clerk, and Messrs. William Mabson, W. T. Attwood, R. D. Barber, F. Dendy, H. R. Harmer, Frederick Ferrier, E. H. H. Combe, F. Danby- Palmer, E. P. Youell, S. Ni-htingale, R. S. Watling, and Bessey. After the Recorder had presented the Corporate address, His Royal Highness and the Committee proceeded to the Town Hall, where 200 guests were entertained. Subsequently His Royal Highness proceeded to the Grammar School and opened the newly-erected hall there. In the evening the town was illuminated. Jime 15th. — Mr. S. K. Smith had been elected a Councillor for St. George's Ward in the place of Mr. J. Scott deceased. June 19th. — '* Notes and Queries" contained a notice of Palmer's **Perlustration of Great Yarmouth," 400 pages of which had then been issued from the press. A man named Howes had been killed through the bursting of a rocket at the Coastguard Station during the Prince's visit, June 22nd records the funeral of the late Mr. Edward Fyson, a member of the Town Council and Captain in the Rifle Volunteers. The Rev. J. J. Raven had had the degree of D.D. conferred upon him by the University of Cambridge. June 26th. — Mr. Simms Reeve had sat as Recorder for the first time at the Quarter Sessions. The Town was filling rapidly with visitors. June 29th. — The polling in the Market Ward had resulted as follows : — Mr. John Garratt (L) 418 Mr. Tyrrell (C) 168 Majority 250 The marriage of Miss Watling (only daughter of Robert S. Watling, Esq.) and Mr. Samuel Nightingale (nephew of Samuel Nightingale, Esq.) had been celebrated *' ainid great rejoicing." 355 July 6th.— The late Mr. E. Fyson had left legacies of £250 each to the Sailors' Home and the Hospital. The new organ at St. IMary's, Southtown, was estimated to cost £250. Mural paintings had been discovered in Gorleston Church. July 13tb.— A ghost was reported to be frequenting the Church- yard ; upwards of 1,000 persons attended at one time to see it. July 20tli.— It was stated that in the year 1871, 19,781 lasts of fish, weighing 39,562 tons, had been conveyed by rail from Yarmouth. Coal had advanced to 32s. per ton. Mr. Palmer had returned from his cruise along the Dutch coast in the yacht " Oasis." July 31st. — The men at Lacon's Brewery had struck for and obtained an advance of 3s. a week in their wages. Aug. 10th. — The observance of the Bank Holiday Act had resulted in an *' enormous influx " of excursionists. Aug. 17th. — Messrs. Fellows, Dendy, and Spelman had been appointed Borough Justices. The following had been the result of the polling for a Guardian to supply the place of the late Mr. Scott in St. George's Ward : — Mr. T. Green, (L) 401 Mr. S. K. Smith, (C) 281 Mr. T. C. Foreman, (N) 126 Aug. 21st.— The Mayor (E. H. L. Preston, Esq.,) had died in the 66th year of his age. Aug. 31st.— Mr. C. VVoolverton had, on the motion of Mr. Worship, seconded by Mr. Bunn, been elected Mayor for the residue of the year of office in the place of the late Mr. Preston deceased. Aug. 31st. — The Channel Fleet — consisting of the " Achilles," flag- ship of Rear- Admiral Randolph, C.B., (Captain Hamilton), 6,121 tons, 1,250 horse power, 26 guns; " Hector," (Captain Cochran), 4,019 tons, 800 horse power, 18 guns; "Penelope," (Captain Wake), 3,096 tons, 600 horse power, 11 guns; "Audacious," (Captain Hope), 3,774 tons, 800 horse power, 14 guns; "Vanguard," (Captain Spain), 3,774 tons, 800 horse power, 14 gu.ns ; "Black Prince," (Captain Lacey), 6,109 tons, 1,125 horse power, 28 guns ; " Resistance " (Caj)tain Montgomery), 3,710 tons, 600 horse power, 16 guns; "Favorite," (Captain Ross), 2,094 tons, 400 horse power, 10 guns— had arrived in the Roads. The Artillery Volunteers fired a salute of 13 guns from the South Battery in 356 honour of flic Fleet, and the IMayor, accompanied by Messrs. J. E. Barnby, W. Mabson, H. Teasdel, T. W. Attwood, C. Diver, R. Dumbleton, T. Todd, Major Orde, F. Danby- Palmer, F. Ferrier, Admiral Smyth, C. E. Nuthall, J. 'J'omlinson, J. bracey, W. Laws, H. Hammond, Geo. Watson, and E. 11. U. Combe, had visited the flagship. Sept. 4th. — Records the departure of the Fleet. Sept. 1 Ith. — The first Election under the Ballot Act had been held. This took place in the North Ward, upon the decease of the Mayor, and resulted in the return of the Conservative candidate, the numbers being for Mr. Skoulding (C.) 434 Mr. H. Blyth (L.) 190 Thus, upon a register of some 1,300 voters, only 629 persons polled Sept. 14th. — Mr. Bunn had been elected a Haven Commissioner by the Council in the place of the late IMr. Preston. Gas had been increased from 4s. to 5s. per 1000 feet '* owing to the increased cost of coal and labour." Oct. 5th. — Mr. Leach's oil and lamp shop and warehouse in the Market Place had been destroyed by fire. Mr. Leach's stock alone thus burat was valued at £1,000; the house belonging to Mrs. Ellis; both these items were, however, covered by insurance. Oct. r2th. — The fish merchants were urging their grievances against the Railway Company. Oct. 16th. — The first rail of the tramway on the Southtown Road had been laid and fixed by Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., M.P. In the evening a dinner had been given at the Town Hall in con- nection with the Ceremony. Jas. Goodson, Esq., presided, and there were also present — the Mayor, the Recorder, the Mayor of Beccles, Captain Penrice, C.B., Mr. Garnham and Mr. Cotching (Directors of the Tramway Company) and Messrs. E. P. Youell, E. H. H. Combe, W. H. Chambers, R. H. Harmer, H. B. Rathbone, Browne, F. Danby-Palmer, J. Hudspith, Jewson, Fox, Underwood, Geard, Brooks, Harrison, G. Billington, Davidson, Cooke, J. H. Bly, Bales, Light, C. J. Palmer, H. Martin, H. Fenn, Dickson, Brown, juur., J. W. Cockrill, May, Filby, J. Thomas, Loathes, A. Nelson, H. Cattan, Shipley, &c. The town had been visited by a heavy gale from the S.W, Oct. 26th. — Coal was reduced in price from 34s. to 27s. per ton. Prices for herring had ruled from £7 to £13 for silted, and from £§ to £20 for fresh fibh ; 3,45i lasts had been landed. 857 Nov. 2nd.— Mr. J. Owles' coU.ection of china had been sold in 1,800 lots. Nov. 6th. — The Municipal Election had resulted as follows : — North Ward. Nightingale, (C) 558 Skoulding, (0) 503 Livingston, (L) ' 240 Woodger, (L) 200 Foreman, (N) 18 Market Ward. Barnby, (C) 258 Martins, (C) 216 Reader, (L) 99 LaWn, (L) 53 Tyrrell, (C) 53 F.egent Ward. Burton, (L) 213 Blake, (L) 180 George, (C) 181 Wright, (C) 173 St. Oeorge's Ward. Foreman, (C) 276