J^-4> , ^\ ■^ .-v l-^ I /)fi C^^- ^ 1^ ,^^ ^' ^ ^^N^ r W^ y/J ft \ *;-\ ^/<^" THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE Ex Libris ISAAC FOOT of5cn 'ZvcacMt}) §ctkG SELECTIONS FROM THE WRITINGS OF WALTER SAVAGE LANDOR SELECTIONS FROM THE WRITINGS OF WALTER SAVAGE LANDOR ARRANGED AND EDITED BV SIDNEY C O L V I N ILontion MACMILLAN AND CO., Limited NEW YORK : THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1902 / Firs' Edition Jvly \Z'&° / RcJ'rintcd Si-ptcml'cr \ZZ2, 1S83, 1885, 1889, iSoo, 1894, 1895, 1902 PREFACE. When lately it was my privilege to contribute a sketch of Landor's life to Mr. Morley's justly popular series of English Men of Lcttas, I could not but be conscious that hardly by one in ten or twenty among my readers was very much likely to be known of him beyond his name. Warmly as his writings have always been praised by a few, with llie main body of the reading public they have failed hitherto to make their way. There exists, however, a curiosity aliout Landor, and a desire to know him better : even the reception of the sketch in question, following as it dfd"~within a few years^ or^ the second edition of Mr. P"orster's detailed Life, helps, if I may say as much, to prove it. Who, indeed, would not be curious ? Who, that had once had his attention called towards it, could fail to be interested in so original and so imposing a figure ? Hut strong as is the interest which Landor's personality is calculated to excite, the interest excited by his work in literature should be stronger still. The virtues of the writer, indeed, like those of the man, are far from being unobstructed or complete, and with his best work not a iitUe that is unacceptable is mixed up. But what most distinguishes Landor from other English writers is not his incompleteness ; it is not his combination of high excellences with disconcert- ing faults : it is the character of those excellences them- selves that most distinguishes him ; it is the exceptional aim and direction of his art. • '" VI PREFACE. Landor's position may in general terms be best defined by saying that he was a classic writing in a romantic age. In calling him a classic, I do not of course refer merely to his scholarship, or to the fact that a considerable part of his work deals with subjects of ancient Greece and Rome. It is true that Landor was a scholar, and in Latin especially a scholar of unusual jpower and attain- ments. The acquisitions of his Rugby days^'vivified by imagination and strengthened by after-study, remained with him always ; and he wrote and thought in Latin as naturally and as willingly as iti English. Probably no other writer has illuminated with stronger flaslies of poetical insight a more familiar book-knowledge of Rome. And certainly no other writer so trained on thoughts of Rome, none so steeped in Latinity, has had an equally just appreciation of the genius and the charm of Hellas. Both in style and sentiment Laiidor's writing was vitally influenced by Latin models ; but from the first he real- ised for himself, what the classical scholarship of his age was only then beginning to realise, the essential inferiority of the Roman genius to the Greek."~'Hej)ut Greece in her right place ; and if his Athenian statesmen and orators, if the Pericles and Phocion and Demosthenes of his creation are apt, by a certain self-conscious and set dignity of attitude, to recall Roman rather than Greek originals, yet when it comes to the true enchanted world of Hellas, to scenes or narratives from the beauti- ful undecaying Greek mythology, here Landor is perfectly at home ; with admirable grace, freedom, and fitness he creates figures that move and act, and suffer and are con- soled, in the " gravely-gladsome light " of that imaginary world : ■ ' " " And through the ti-umpet of a child of Rome Rang the pure music of the flutes of Greece." Concerning this part of Landor's work, taken at its best, Mr. Swinburne has in those two felicitous lines said the last word. It is not scholarship, however, it is not a predilection PREFACE. VU for classic subjects, nor even a happy art in handling them, that can make a writer that which we understand by the word classical as distinguished from that which we understand by^the word romantic. The distinction lies deeper, and is a distinctionliiuch less of subject than of treatment, altliough to some subjects the one mode of treatment may be more appropriate, and to some the other. And here let us listen to Landor himself. "The classical, like the heroic age," writes he in his epistle to the author of Festus, " Is past ; but poetry may re-assume That glorious name with Tartar and with Turk, With Goth or Arab, Sheik or Paladin, And not with Roman or with Greek alone. The name is graven on the workmanship." "The name is graven on the workmanship," and to define for our present purpose the difference between the classical and the romantic modes of workmanship : in classical writing every idea is called up to the mind as nakedly as possible, and at the same time as distinctly ; it is exhibited in white light, and left to produce its effect by its own unaided power. In romantic writ- ing, on the other hand, all objects are exhibited as it were through a coloured and iridescent atmosphere. Round about every central idea the romantic writer sum- mons up a cloud of accessory and subordinate ideas for the sake of enhancing its effect, if at the risk of confus- ing its outlines. The temper, again, of the romantic writer is one of excitement, while the temper of tbe classical writer is one of self-possession. No matter what the power of his subject, the classical writer does not fail to assert his \ mastery over it and over himself, while the romantic writer ? seems as though his subject were ever on the point of dazzling and carrying him away. On the one hand there is calm, on the other hand enthusiasm T~'tTie virtues of the one style are strength of grasp, with clearness and justice of presentment : the virtues of the other style are glow of spirit, with magic and richness of suggestion. Of h viii PREFACE. imaginative literature in England the main effort has fron. the first been romantic The Elizabethans were essentially romantic, some of thein extravagantly so : Shakespeare, who' Could write in all manners, was in a preponderating degree romantic, and never more so than in his treat- ment of Greek and Roman themes. To quote again the same critical epistle of Landoi-'s own, " Shakespeare with majesty benign called up The obedient classics from their marble seat, And led thera through dim glen and sheeny glade. And over precipices, over seas Unknown by mariner, to palaces High-arch'd, to festival, to dance, to joust. And gave them golden spur and vizor barred. And steeds that Pheidias had turned pale to see." Of the great English poets, Milton was the most classical, beholding the vast images that filled his mind's eye in steady rather than in iridescent light, defining them when they are capable of definition, and maintaining a majestic self-possession in their presence. In Paradise Lost the images indeed are often such as no power could define : the perfection of the classical style In Milton^s work is to be found rather in Samson Agonistes and in some of the sonnets ; while in Paradise Regained the characteristics of the style are pushed to excess. Then followed an age, the age of Anne and the first Georges, of which the literature claimed for itself the title of classical, and was indeed marked by uncommon qualities of clearness, calm- ness, and precision. But then it was not a literature of imagination ; it was only a literature of the understand- ing and fancy. In the regions of the imagination, of poetry in the higher sense, the literature of that age rarely laid hold of the object at all ; it dealt, not in realities, but in literaiy counters and catchwords bearing a merely conventional value to the mind. By the time when Landor began to write, people were getting tired of this conventional literary currency, and learning to crave for something real in poetry. His immediate contemporaries were Wordsworth, Scott, Coleridge, Southey, iLamb; J-. ■' ■J^^*^J ^ p^WJ^«f PREFACE. IX spirits bom to unlock again for the English race the sealed f treasufe-honses of the poetical imagination. i Neither in choice of subject nor in treatment was the work of these men, nor that of the yet more fervid spirits who soon followed them, of Byron, Shelley, and Keats, deliberately or consistently romantic in the same sense as that of a certain group of contemporary writers in Ger- many was romantic, and still more that of the brilliant and acutely self-conscious group who assumed the title a generation afterwards in France. In the work of the English writers of this age, the romantic and the classical modes of treatment are mixed. The romantic mode, however, prevails ; as in an age of re-awakening, an age of imaginative conquest and discovery, enthusiasm is the temper to be expected, and the light wherein objects naturally appear is the vibrating or coloured light, the halo, as it is commonly called, of romance. Scott and Coleridge in their early days both copied the rBBTantic models" of Germany. A few years later Scott was to figure in the eyes of all Europe as the great itiaster of the romance of Scottish scenery and of the mediaeval past, and a few later again, Byron as the great master of the romance of travel, and of social and religious revolt. Meanwhile Coleridge had already written, in the Ancient Mariner and Chrislabcl and Kubla Kha7t, examples of a romantic poetry more highly wrought and more magical in suggestion than any work either of Scott or Byron. Lamb, in alliance v«th Coleridge, had made himself the apostle of the romantic spirit as it is exhibited in the old English drama and lyric. Southey, whose natural gifts and in- stincts were for the classical manner of writing, tried hard to write romantically, and did so in a few ballads, but in epics like Thalaba and Kehanta compassed little of the true romantic beyond remoteness of subject and irregularity of form. Wordsworth, the most determined enemy of false classicism, was in much of his writing truly classical. Tlie qualities of Wordsworth's work on which Mr. Matthew Arnold with so much justice insists, when he PREFACE. t speaks of his style as being " bald as the bare mountain- tops are bald, with a baldness fullTJfgrand'eur," or again as a style " relying solely on the weight and force of that which with entire fidelity it utters," those are qualities dis- tinctively characteristic of the classical manner in litera- ' ture. It is, of course, true that from many of Wordsworth's utterances the indispensable elements of weight and force » are wanting : there is a large part of his work wherein 5 either the themes are too trifling, or the thoughts are I too sterile, to sustain and dignify a classical treatment, I There is also another part of it, and that the part which many of us most value, wherein he writes under the dominion of emotions and ideas having their sources too far withdrawn in the depths of our nature to be perfectly grasped, strongly as Wordsworth by comparison with any other writer has grasped them. It is not indeed to the romantic manner, nevertheless it is to a suggestive and adumbrative manner quite distinct from the classical, that Wordsworth's writing in these latter moods belongs : and they are the moods which yielded him his inspiring revelations of a spiritual power in nature ; his commun- ings with " The humaivsoul of Universal Earth Dreaming on things to come ; " his " sense sublime Of something far more deeply interfused ;' his imperfectly recovered pictures of the mind, accom- panied "with gleams of half-extinguished thought. With many recognitions dim and faint, And somewhat of a sad perplexity." To Landor this portion of Wordsworth's work had little meaning : he had little interest in any ideas but' those , which could be perfectly grasped, and exhibited in pre- * cise lineaments like the shapes of antique gods. From the beginning the peculiar aim and direction of his art made themselves apparent. While Wordsworth and Coleridge were meditating among the Qua ntock H ills their vol ume PREFACE. XI of Lyrical Ballads, to which Wordsworth contributed his Lines on-RevtstHng- Tint'irH Ab'dey^~2inii: XZoltr'idgt his Ancient Maj-iner, Landor was wandering beside the estuaries of Caermarthenshire, alone with Pindar and Milton, and meditating his narrative poem of Gebir. The theme which he had chosen, a confused quasi- oriental theme of primeval warfare and enchantment, was pre-eminently suggestive of a romantic treatment. The treatment Landor attempted to apply to it was classical. The result as a whole is marred by excessive condensation of meaning and abruptness of transition, but has always powerfully impressed poets and students of poetry by the precise and strong presentment of its indi- vidual images. We are in a land of incantation ; but there is nothing undefined or vague about the nature of the perils that environ us. We approach the ruined city of Masar. " Begone," cries the weird woman of the ruins, " Begone, nor tarry longer, or ere morn The cormorant in his solitary haunt Of insulated rock or sounding cove Stands on thy bleached bones and screams for prey." Or we descend into the kingdom of the damned, and hear the sound of the infernal river — " A river rolling in its bed, Not rapid— that would rouse the wretched souls, Not calmly— that would lull them to repose. But with dull weary lapses it still heaved Billows of bale, heard low, but heard afar." For this accurate and firm definition of things, however visionary and unearthly, the romantic mariner substitutes a thrilling vagueness and confusion, as for instance in the Ancient Marina- — " And through the drifts the snowy clifts Did send a dismal sheen ; Nor shapes of men nor beasts we ken, The ice was all between. " The ice was here, the ice was there, The ice was all around ; It cracked and groaned and roared and howled, Like noises in a swound." Xll PREFACE. Similarly in the description of beauty, the type, the per fection of romantic workmanship is Shakespeare's — " Rubies unparagon'd, How dearly they do 't ! 'Tis her breathing that Perfumes the chamber thus : the flame o' the taper Bows towards her, and would under-peep her hds. To see the enclosed lights, now canopied Under those windows, white and azure, laced With blue of heaven's own tinct." Landor can realise the presence and the charm of beauty with a vividness and a delicacy not so far behind those of Shakespeare himself : but it is in another manner : he trusts to the simple facts, and does not suffer himself to go beyond them : he shows us beauty, even under the most enchanting circumstances, not in this tremulous and coruscating light, but in quiet light, thus — " Downcast were her long eye-lashes, and pale Her cheek, but never mountain ash displayed Berries of colour like her lip so pure, Nor were the anemones about her hair Soft, smooth, and wavering like her face beneath." In the interpretation of scenery, again, compare the woodland twilight of Keats— " But here there is no light. Save what from heaven is with the breezes blown Through verdurous glooms and winding mossy ways : " compare these and the beautiful lines that follow them — " I cannot tell what flowers are at my feet, Nor what soft incense hangs upon the boughs," with a twilight of Landor's — "Within how few minutes has the night closed in upon us; Nothing is left discernible of the promontories, or the long irregular breakers under them. We have before us only a faint glimmering from the shells in our path, and from the blossoms of the arbutus." The presence of the twilight and its spell are in the work of Landor not less keenly felt and realised than in the work of Keats, only they are felt and realised in a widely different manner. Neither is the difference merely that between the poetical and the prose form of expression ; it is that between one mood or temper of imaginative work PREFACE. Xin and another. The romantic manner, the manner of Shakespeare and Coleridge and Keats, with its thrill- ing uncertainties and its rich suggestions, may be more attractive than the classic manner, with its composed and measured preciseness of statement. Nay, we may go further, and say that it is in the romantic manner that the highest pitch of poetry has assuredly been reached : in the perfect and felicitous specimens of that manner English poetry has given us something more poetical even than Greece or Rome ever gave us. But on the other hand the romantic manner lends itself, as the true classi- cal does not, to inferior work. Second-rate conceptions excitedly and approximately put into words derive from it an illusive attraction which may make them for a time, and with all but the coolest judges, pass as first-rate. Whereas about true classical writing there can be no illusion. Tf presents to us conceptions' caltnly realised in words that exactly define them, conceptions depending for their attraction, not on their halo, but on themselves •, it relies for its value "solely on the weight and force of that which with entire fidelity it utters," or if not on these qualities solely, at least on them together with our sense of mastery and of fitness in the utterance. To write in this strong and severe manner was con- sciously Landor's aim from the beginning. The question next arises, what is the value of the conceptions which he in this manner seeks to present to us ; what were the powers of mind which he brought to bear on the busi- ness of literature as he conceived it ? To almost every English writer, himself of high power, from the days of the first publication of Gebir to our own, Landor's natural and acquired gifts have seemed to be of the first order. Who indeed that has ever read him can doubt it ? In an age of distinguished spirits, he was for height and range of power unquestionably one of the most distinguished. Neither were his natural gifts more remarkable than the strenuousness with which he cultivated them. From a lower, or at least a far more broken, level of character xiv PREFACE. than Milton, Landor through all his length of days devoted himself to great thoughts and studies with a persistence resembling Milton's own, and with an equally scornful withdrawal of himself from vulgar pleasures and ambitions. It is true that he was not one of those spirits in the age who opened up new intellectual or moral horizons, or revealed new sources of imaginative suste- nance to the mind. Rather he kept his gaze fastened on objects which have an equal value for eveiy age, on the knovra actions and heroic shapes of history, and on the great permanent conditions of human life and experience. On these he mused with not less absorption than independence of spirit, his familiarity with the best literature being turned to account by him in avoiding rather than in repeating the thoughts of others. He had a soul in love with heroism, in love with freedom, in love with beauty, and as ardent in indignation as in compassion. He had a strong and finely-touched imagination, and a mascu- line and confident understanding, in which robust preju- dice and perfect lack of prejudice were strangely blended. The master faculty in his mind was certainly the poetic or imaginative faculty. This in his creative work ranges with equal assurance from the extreme of strength to the extreme of tenderness. In images of terror what other writer has shown greater daring, or a firmer stroke, than Landor in a picture like this of the funera;i pyre con- suming the last survivor among the besieged citizens of Numantia ? " He extended his withered arms, he thrust forward the gaunt Hnks of his throat, and upon gnarled knees, that smote each other audibly, tottered into the civic fire. It, like some hungry and strangest beast on the innermost wild of Africa, pierced, broken, prostrate, motionless, gazed at by its hunter in the impatience of glory, in the delight of awe, panted once more, and seized him !" Beside instances of this kind, where for force of grasp Lander's hand resembles that of his own Count Julian — " the hand," as Julian says to Roderick;- " that hurl'd thy chariot o'er its wheels, And held thy steeds erect and motionless As molten statues on some palace gates"— PREFACE. XV beside instances like this, it would be easy to set others in which he is no less admirable for tenderness of touch. In dealing with womanhood ah J infancy, ahd especially when his theme takes him into the house of mourning, Landor can surpass all except the very greatest writers by the depth of his intuition, by the exquisite delicacy of his approach ; his dealings with human weakness and affliction are then like those dealings with the flowers which he tells us of — " I never pluck the rose ; the violet's head Hath shaken with my breath upon its bank And not reproach'd me ; the ever-sacred cup Of the pure hly hath between my hands Felt safe, unsoil'd, nor lost one grain of gold." * Even in work that is not creative, nor in its main intention poetical, even in reflective and discursive writing, it is from the poetic faculty that Landor's thoughts derive miiciT of their colour. It h,a.s been said /f / of him with great justice by Mr. I-owell, that in the "" ^ f f region of discursive thought we cannot so properly call him a greaf thmTver, 'as a ihan who had great thoughts. For a great thinker the operations of his mind were too unsysteinatic. Judgments, indeed, he framed and ex- pressed on many of the great topics of human medita- tion, but isolated judgments standing each by itself, and not connected by any ratiocinative process with one another. Of these judgments some are marked by an original and benignant wisdom, others by headstrong prejudice, others again represent in a weighty and lucid form the average conclusions of mankind. But it is characteristic of Landor's thinking in all moods alike, that for every conclusion of his understanding he has an imaginative similitude always ready, and often a' whole cluster of them. These similitudes of Landor's serve sometimes to disguise mtJi'e or less effectively a fallacy; and sometimes admirably to illuminate and recommend a truth : but few thoughts of his are complete vnthout them ; and in his typical thoughts the judgment and XVI PREFACF^ the similitude are inseparable. When Landor, for in- stance, says, " The noble mansion is most distinguished by the beautiful images iTrelains^of TJemgs passe'd away ; and so is the noble mind," that is one of his typical thoughts concerning life ; and again it is one of his tj'pical thoughts concerning literature when he says, of the mixture of fact and fiction in the early legends of a people — ■"" ' ' " "What was vague imaginalion settles at last and is received for history. It is difficult to effect and idle to attempt the separation : it is like breaking off a beautiful crystallisation from the vault of some intricate and twilight cavern, out of mere curiosity to see where the accretion terminates and the rock begins." In the illustrations from Landor's writing which have thus far occurred to us, and even in those quoted ex- pressly to illustrate his poetical or imaginative power, examples in prose have found place interchangeably with examples in verse. The reason is, that in his prose Landor could be at least as poetical as in his verse. To say this is of course to imply for his poetry properly so called a certain measure of condemnation. The born poet is not himself except in verse ; he finds in its effects his ideal delight, and in its laws the truest freedom. Landor wrote in verse abundantly and well, but hardly with the full instinct of the born poet. His verse has many fine qualities, now of stateliness and weight, now of grace, clearness, and crispness, and always of sobriety and vigour ; but it lacks the perfection of spontaneous charm, it even lacks something of the born poet's certainty of ear. Landor was a great admirer and student of the harmonies of Milton," but in analysing them he seems not imlrequenny to miss the mark ; and his own verse is Miltonic only by the majesty of single lines and phrases. The variety and continuity of harmony in IVIirron's blank verseplits pro- longed, involved, and sustained movements, what De Quincey calls its "solemn planetary wheelings," it was beyond his means to rival. De Quincey has chosen a PREFACE. xvn fine passage of Landor's blank verse, and has shown with great justice and ingenuity how by a simple change, which did not occur to its author, its move- ment might have been amplified and enriched. The passage is from Landor's tragedy of Count Julian, where Hernando says of Julian — " " No airy and light passion stirs abroad To ruffle or to soothe him ; all are quell'd Beneath a mightier, sterner stress of mind. Wakeful he sits, and lonely, and unmoved, Beyond the arrows, shouts, and views of men ; As oftentimes an eagle, ere the sun Throws o'er the varying earth his early ray, Stands solitary, stands immovable Upon some highest cliff, and rolls his eye, Clear, constant, unobservant, unabnsed. In the cold light, above the dews of mom," " One change," says De Quincey in commenting on this passage, "suggests itself to me as possibly for the better, viz. if the magnificent line — - 'Beyond the arrows, shouts, and views of men,' were transferred to the secondary object, the eagle, and placed after what is now the last line, it would give a fuller rythmus to the close of the entire passage ; it would be more literally applicable to the majestic and solitary bird than to the majestic and solitary man " — at which point we may break off from De Quincey, whose sug- gestion, so far at least as concerns thfe rhythm of the passage, needs only to be tried in order to be accepted. It is perhaps after all in the lighter vein of blank verse that Landor's happiest effects are attained ; for instance in the blank verse of the Hellenics, — " Onward the vessel flew ; the skies again Shone bright, and thunder roli'd along, not wroth, But gently murmuring to the white- wing'd sails," — or in the blank verse of the meditative and elegiac pieces, — " Thou sleepest not forgotten, nor unmourn'd. Beneath the chestnut shade of St. Germain. Meanwhile I wait the hour of my repose," — XVIll PREFACE. while occasionally, even in his good work, he exhibits I instances of metrical poverty like this — " Aeon had grieved, he said, grieved bitterly, But Aeon had complied ; 'twas dutiful." k In his odes and irregular lyrics Landor has fine flight; ■ alternately with awkward pauses and declensions, not of sound only, but sometimes of sense also. In cast- ing, as he was in the habit of doing, his daily medita- tions into homelier metres, into the couplet or quatrain of eight-syllable lines, he was often extremely happy. He handles these fonns in a manner almost as neat and bright as that of Prior, with a touch from time to time of weightier thought "tflid higher poetry than any of which the age of Prior was capable : and the only thing to be (said against his best work in this vein is that it is almost too classically direct and simple ; so devoid is it of trick or mannerism as to be in style almost impersonal. On the whole, then, fine as is much of Landor's work in verse, justly as examples of it must claim a place in any collection of his writings, we shall agree with his (own estimate when he treats it as the work, compara- tively speaking, of an amateur : comparatively, that is, to his work in prose. " Poetry was always my amuse- ment, prose my study and business." In fact it is in prose that Landor's powers and his cultivation of them make themselves most truly felt. Of the very few English wiiters who have written prose like artists or like masters, Landor, whether he is read by few or many, must always b'e' counted among the first. There are limits, indeed, to the excellence of his prose, in that its structure is too regular and firm for perfect freedom. Its affinities are with the prose of the best Latin rather thfi:i with that of the best Greek writers: with Latin, "the expression of law," as Professor Jebb has admirably put it, rather than with Greek, " the voice of life." But of this severely regulated and measured prose, this prose which is as deliberately removed from the casualness of common speech as the figures of ideal sculpture are removed from PREFACE. XIX the casualness of common life, of this severe and senten- tious prose Landor's writing furnishes in English the best example. That he is never stiff and never declamatory would be too much to say ; but these are the incidental blemishes of a style which in its kind often reaches per- fection. Landor's feeling for the value and weight of words was of that sort'wliTch comes from a habitual conversance with the best writers, and with the best writers only; and his choice of them is as sound and scrupulous as is the stracture of his sentences. He imitates no model, but when he aims at effects of pomp he can be as majestic as any of the great seventeenth - century masters of elo- quence, from Hooker to Milton himself, without their tendency to involution of thought and entanglement of clauses ; and when he aims at effects of simplicity he can be as plain as the great eighteenth-centuiy masters of easy prose, as Addison or Goldsmith, without their tendency to negligence and triviality. There is besides about everything he utters an air of authority and breeding, there is a lofty tone at once peremptoiy and urbane, which^is wholly personal. Especially is Landor dis- tinguished by the beauty of sound in his single sentences. Instances of this beauty we need not give ; the pages that follow are full of them. Such is the haimony of his best prose that strains of it haunt'tlie: ear and memory with an effect almost as pleasurable and stirring as strains of verse. At the same time few writers have been farther removed from the fault of breaking up their prose into the fixed and recurrent rhythms of verse itself. No one, again, is less open to the charge of constnicting harmonies in the air, or cultivating effects of sound apart from sense. Excess rather than poverty of meaning is at all times char- acteristic of Landor's writing ; and in theory he objects to any beauty of style except that which proceeds from the rigidly accurate and just expression of ideas. "Never look abroad for any kind of ornament ; Apollo, either as the god of day, or the slayer of the Python, had nothing about him to obscure his clearness, or impede his XX PREFACE. strength." " Natural sequences and right subordination of thoughts, and that just proportion of lumbers in the sentences which follows a strong conception, are the constituents of true harmony." And again, "Whatever is rightly said, sounds rightly." " I hate false ^rds, and seek with care, difficulty, and moroseness, those that fit the thing." It is a new revelation of the beauty and nobility of the English tongue, it is a testimony at the same time to the power and selection of his thoughts, that Landor, writing as he in general does with due observance of his ovra principles, produces strains of a harmony so masculine and full. With these high gifts and powers, then ; with his range and energy of imagination and thought, and his love for what all love, for heroism, beauty, and freedom ; with his vigorous and pure, if somewhat unequal and im- personal style in poetry, and with his prose style which is in its kind unrivalled ; how is it that Landor has not taken a more prominent place among the acknowledged great writers of his country ? How is it that even by those who would not dispute his rank he is nevertheless so little read ? The answer to these questions has been partly given already. The classical manner in literature for one thing, in which Landor by instinct and on principle wrote, appeals necessarily to a smaller public than the romantic manner. Necessarily, because classical writing asks more of the reader than romantic, and in a certain sense does less for him. The classical writer assumes that his reader will estimate for himself the ideas which are presented to him : the romantic writer eagerly pro- claims the impressiveness of his own ideas as he presents them. The classical writer handles great thoughts and images, and even great passions, collectedly, like one accustomed, and expecting his reader to be accustomed, to none other. The romantic writer from whatever he handles catches fire, and his fire is contagious ; his ex- citement breeds excitement in the reader ; and a public wh.ich is slow to appreciate the grave reality of power PREFACE. XXI and passion in a poem like Wordsworth's Affliction of Margaret, is eager in its appreciation ~6T the clamorous paraae of power and passion in a poem like Byron's Corsair. The classical writer, in a word, appeals only , to flibse who know for themselves what is good : the romantic writer appeals to everybody, and is often ap. predated above his value. Landor knew this perfectly well, and deliberately narrowed his appeal to the few. But the responSS'ToasTjeen even more limited and longer in coming than he foresaw. There is in every generation a public, although not a large one, which can enjoy the best literature for itself, and for whom the classical manner of writing is, in itself no stumbling-block, but an attraction. Yet even of this public, not many in each generation have thus far been attracted to Landor ; it is only the minority of this minority who have enjoyed himr One reason is that, allied with Landor's scornful and not unworthy disregard of vulgar favour, there was also in him a want of legitimate literary tact. The opera- f tions of his mind were goverriedv not by sympathy with \ the minds of others, but exclusively by private impulse. * Moreover, and this is the worst, those operations were in their nature peculiarly inconsecutive. With all his great and various powers, and With all his serious and strenuous cultivation of them, Landor was deficient in the instincts of sequence and connection. The energies of his mind' were inexhaustible, but its workings, whether > of imagination or of thought, consisted not so much of coherent trains as of independent and imperfectly con- nected acts. Hence an abruptness, a lack of organic con- struction and evolution, whereby the interest of the reader is constantly subject to be baffled and disappointed. Hence also, and from the further failure of instinct to per- ceive where a reader is likely to be ignorant of an allusion, or to be baffled by a suppression, or to miss drawing an inference or catching a clue, arises in Landor's work the occasional fault of actual obscurity. He was determined to say nothing" superfluous, fitid nothing, if it" could be XXll PREFACE. avoided, that another had said before him ;' but to be ob- scure was the very opposite of his desire. It is a failure of his art, as he himself acknowledges, when he is so. No estimate of Lander or of his powers can be just in which these shortcomings are not acknowledged. They condemned to comparative futility the efforts of the first twenty-five years of his literary career ; the years during which the vital work of his contemporaries, Wordsworth, Scott, and Coleridge, and even of his juniors, Byron, Shelley, and Keats, was accomplished. During those years, besides a few love-poems and elegies, Landor's chief productions in literature had been Gebir, Count Julian, and the Latin Idyllia Heroica. In spite bfits original and powerfully grasped imagery, Gebi}- as a narrative poem fails by over-condensation and abrupTness. Count Jiilian, in spite of its sublime conception and some "^pregnant passages, fails as a tragedy for want of right construc- tion and evolution. To have written the Idyllia Heroica at all, at least under the impression that TSOMiiterary fame was to be won by exercises of that kind, however masterly, showed a misapprehension of the relations of scholarship to life. It was not until after 1820 that Landor began the I/naginary Conversations, the produc- tion of which, and of the three books that are each a kind of separate and amplified imaginary conversation, the Examination of Shakspeare, Pericles and Aspasia, and T)ie Pentameron, constitutes his most solid title to glory. In no other form of composition could his powers have found larger scope than in this ; in no other could defect of strict evolution, and of tact in tak- ing the reader with him, tell less against him. But even in this free and unexacting form of composition, those defects do nevertheless tell against Landor heavily. Readers, the minority of a minority, who love the great quafiKes of imagination and thought and style too well to let anything deter them from their enjoyment, have felt the defects and overcome them. Less tenacious readers feel them and are deterred. PREFACE. XXin The Imaginary Conversations of Landor divide them- selves rougKTy into two classes : one of short and stirring scenes, scenes of emdtion~'and generally also of action : the other of long and quiet scenes, scenes mainly of dis- cussion and reflection. Over and above the strength and purity of style which are common to all alike, Landor 's more impassioned dialogues derive their value from his fine poetic and historic sense in the choice of characters and situations (though like an artist he makes of history his servant and not his'master), from his chiv- alrous ideals of behaviour and sentiment, and from his admirable strokes of insight into the heart. In types of heroism and tenderness he is often a true dramatic creator, though not in those of meanness or cruelty, which he constructs from the outside, fiercely and satiri- cally. But even in these short scenes, written in a form which does not demand much strictness of evolution, we are often aware of disconcerting gaps and breaks of sequence in the chain of the emotions ; and sometimes, too, of passages where the posture and rhetoric merely of the situation, and not its real emotions, are presented to us. In the longer dialogues Landor made comparatively little attempt at dramatic character or creation. Rather he selected and brought together the variouj personages of history, in order to distribute among them the matter of his own incessant and lofty meditations. Tn his own likeness created he them, sometimes with a paradoxical neglect, but oftener with just sufficient observance, of probabilities. The virtues of this class of convereations are their extraordinary energy, fulness, and ripeness of thought and imagery, and the fine sense of dignity and urbanity, of grace, and sometimes of humour, which is shown in the intercourse of the personages. Their faults are the frequent intrusion of irrelevant apologues and disquisitions, with a want of argumentative sequence, and of sufficient organic connection between one part of the same dialogue and another. They are full of noble things, but they rarely " go," or only for a few pages at a time. c XXIV PREFACE. The reader who in the midst of his admiration asks him- self whither he is progressing, and to what end being conducted from wliat beginning, is often obliged to acknowledge that he has not been progressing at all, but only, as Mr. Leslie Stephen in his acute though unsym- pathetic criticism puts it, "marking time." And, un- fortunately, where sequence is \ffahtihg, where the reader does not feel himself led on by some coherent chain either of reasoning or feeling, though admiration may indeed be excited, yet interest can hardly by any possible combination of excellences be detained. Landor's indomitable, solitary activity was only brought to an en37'a"§~6vefy one knows, in our own day, long after all his contemporaries had gone to rest. His last twenty- five years were devoted to the production, in prose, of more Imaginary Conversations, with many occasional utterances on the political circumstances of the day ; and in verse, of more dramas and dramatic scenes, with a new class of narrative poems, the Hellenics, shorter, lighter, and brighter than those of his ^outh, and the best of them contributing a real and brilliant addition to the poetical literature of the century ; besides an abundance of occa- sional" verses,' oTten full of a fine meditative grace, and touched as few things in literature are touched with the mellowness and dignity of patriarchal age. In the series of seven stout volumes wherein alone these various writings of Landor are now easily acces- sible, while there is much which every one who reads at all might be expected to know and care for, there is much also in which only the professed student of literature can take interest. The object of the present Golden Treasury is not to effect a complete separation of the acceptable from the unacceptable parts of Landor's work : such a separation would be in fact impossible, moreover the bulk of what is good would far exceed the limits of our undertaking : it is to present in a convenient and familiar shape such a selection of his best work as shall fairly represent the range and variety of his powers. Verse, from the nature PREFACE. XXV of the case, finds a place side by side with prose in the selection. Landor himself was much given to mixing them. With him, as I have already indicated, verse and prose do not, as with most writers, represent a higher and a lower form of literature respectively, but merely alternative forms ; and in prose he writes frequently at a higher pitch, as well as on the whole with a more accom- plished art, than in verse. It is not, then, according to their form, but according to their contents, that the selec- tions which follow have primarily been arranged. The first section contains examples of Landor's imagi- native and creative work, secondarily divided into those which are dramatic and those which are narrative in form. Here are given in full some of the best of the short prose dialogues of emotion, with one or two in verse, and with a few passages of a similar impassioned kind, extracted from longer conversations ; the personages ranging from heroes and heroines of Greek mythology to those of modem history. Landor, with his disdain for super- fluities, and his love for the naked presentment of ideas, rarely condescends in these scenes to supply a syllable of preface or stage direction : I have prefixed to such as seemed to need it a few words explaining the situation. Then comes the narrative division, beginning with a few extracts from the strong and vivid, but abrupt and sometimes difficult poetry of Landor's youth : these are followed by a selection from the later and admirable, light, bright, and truly Greek Hellenics: and these by some of the separate narrative episodes that lie embedded like jewels in Landor's longer prose works. There is nothing in literature which quite resembles these ; there are very few things in literature_/better. De Quincey, whom the ordinary handbooks and compeiidiums of English literature as unduly, I think, magnify as they neglect Landor, is commonly quoted as the especial modern master in English of impassioned prose. De Quincey is indeed an author well worthy of study. He was^aT^an of eloquence and attainments ; of a strong XXVI PREFACE. though eccentric vein of imagination ; and of soUd, though again in great part eccentric, thought and re- search. He was full of ingenuity and resource, but full also of conceit and affectation ; loving above all thing? to flourish his resources,"' and to make circuits round about his subject, discoursing to us of the fine dis- closures which he is about to make, and in the end as often as not making none ; a remarkable writer, as it seems to me, in the second order, Iju't a bad model, and in hardly anything a really great or straightforward master. In the field of high imaginative prose especially, to insist on De Quincey's Ladies of Sorrow or his Daughter oj Lebanon, when there exist such masterpieces as Lander's Dream of Boccaccio and Dream of Petrarca, is surely to call away attention from the best to the second best. The second section of our Golden Treasury contains examples of Landor's reflective and discursive manner, chiefly from the longer conversations and other prose writings. And here it has been necessary to proceed by the method of short extracts almost entirely. If any of the long conversations had been given in full, it would have been necessary for proportion's sake to give those of Epicurus with Leontion and Ternissa, and of Plato v/ith Diogehes, from among the Greek ; those of the two Ciceros, and of Lucullus and Caesar, from among the RoiTian-t and from among the English, that of Marvel and Milton, with that of Barrow and Newton or of PeniTaTf^ Peterborough at least. ' This within our limits was out of the question. Moreover I think a fuller representation of Landor's mind was to be obtained by the method I have followed, of grouping according to their subject-matter thoughts taken not from a few only but from a wide range of his discursive writings. The thoughts of Landor suffer less than that of almost any other man in being thus detached from their context. Many of them, indeed, we know to have been origin- ally framed independently, and thrust into their context afterwards. As thus extracted and grouped, they in PREFACE. XXVU deed are partly shorn of the charm which conies from those attractive qualities of intercourse and bearing with which Landor endows his speakers. But they will Bcrve to show of what substance his mind was made. " We should hesitate to name any writings which would afford so large and so various a selection of detached passages complete in themselves," so wrote Mr. Lowell of Landor while he was'sltill alive ; and again, " We should be at a loss to name the writer of English prose who is his superior, or, setting Shakespeare aside, the writer of English who has furnished us with so many delicate aphorisms of human nature." It is especially of Landor as an aphoristic writer that this section will enable the reader to judge. A moral or intellectual teacher of the great revealing, initiating order Landor is not : but he is one whose utterances dwell in our thoughts and make them richer. In the sphere of life and conduct he unites great force and originality of observation with a noble benignity of temper ; and there are few generous virtues and few lofty pleasures but come recommended from his mind to ours in a new light of imaginative beauty, and with a new and memorable charm of presentment. In the sphere of politics and government, it must be allowed that he neveT'gorTiiuch^beyond the elementaiy principles of love of freedom and hatred of tyranny. These prin- ciples, we must however remember, he in the Europe of his time saw continually in danger of extinction. On their behalf he felt and wrote as passionately throughout ♦he greater part of a century as during their brief life-days did either Byron or Shelley. But of the complexity of political organisms and political prol)lems Landor had no conception, and practical as he believed and intended much of his writing on politics to be, it is usually so much high-minded declamation and no more. From these trumpet-calls against kings and oppressors, our selection passes on to Landor's utterances concerning his own art of letters. No one had a larger or closer knowledge iCXVllI PREFACE. of the best literature of all ages. No one, moreover, felt more kindly to his contemporaries, or took a manlier pleasure in praising them, or was less capable of spoiling praise by partiality. Landor's sayings con- cerning the duty and temper of the critic might furnish a code for th'e" guidance of every one undertaking that office. Of his own vmting a considerable part is critical, and his criticism is often detailed and analytic ; but most commonly in the technical and verbal sense ; in the spiritual or psychological sense more rarely. For this latter kind of analysis Landor was not so well endowed as some of his contemporaries. De Quincey, for ever questing in a circuit, when from timeT^W time he gets really on the scent ; Coleridge, when from his speculative labyrinths he emerges ^IffW straight paths and daylight ; are both of them subtler critics than Landor. If Landor is ever subtle, it is in the analysis not of the mind, but of the heart ; witness his famous commentary on the Paolo and Francesca of Dante. It is for range and largeness of critical survey, and for weight and felicity in the expression of broad synthetic judgments on literature and the workers in literature, that Landor is really incomparable. '* With a vigorous and easy motion," to use a phrase of his own, " such as the poets attribute to the herald of the gods," he ranges from Homer to Virgil, and from Pindar to Catullus, and from the ancients down to his own contemporaries, dealing out his ripe, authoritative judgments right and left. Of his treatment of the technicalities of English spelling and English style I have given only one or two brief examples, interesting and masterly as these, too, often are. Neither have I thought it desirable to spell his work in these selections as he liked it spelt, but in the usual way. "Talkt," *' quencht," and the other pecu- liar usages which Landor so stoutly advocated, may have much to recommend them, but neither his advocacy nor that of others has made them prevail, and in a book intended to be read they seemed better abandoned. PREFACE. XXIX Finally, I have put into a separate section examples of Landor's writing about persons and about himself. These are chiefly in verse. Landor had two personali- ties, an inner one, so to speak, disguised by an outer ; the inner being that of a stately and benign philosopher, the outer that of a passionate and rebellious school- boy. Of the external and superficial Landor, the man of headlong impulses and disastrous misapprehensions and quarrels, enough and to spare has been said and repeated. But together vnth this indignant, legendary Landor, we must not forget that there existed the other Landor, the noble and gentle heart, the rich and bountiful nature, the royally courteous temper, which won and held the loving admiration of spirits like Southey and the Hares, like Leigh Hunt and Forster and Dickens, like Robert and Elizabeth Browning, and even of one so grudging of admiration as Carlyle. That Landor's inner and nobler self had little hold on or government over his other self must be admitted. From his nature's central citadel, to use a mediaeval figure, of Pride, High Contemplation, and Honourable Purpose, he failed to keep ward over its outlying arsenals of Wrath, which Plaste and Misjudg- ment were for ever wantonly igniting, to the ruin of his own fortunes, and the dismay of his neighbours and well-wishers. Landor in truth never fairly faced or contended against these turbulent and explosive elements in his own char- acter, but after every new experience of their consequences forgot or laughed them off. Neither does his literary self- consciousness extend to them, or it extends to them but faintly. It is the philosophic and benignant Landor, walking in spirit "with Epicurus on the right hand, and Epictetus on the left," that speaks to us in his personal writings almost alone. First in this section I have tried to group the verses of all dates relating to his early love and life-long friend, " lanthe." Next comes a selection of poems embodying a^ few' of his other most cherished reminiscences and affections, and especially his idealising XXX PREFACE. n affection for Southey. Next, some of his judgments on himself and on others, delivered with his high air of authority now in prose and now in verse ; and lastly the expressions of that dignified and serene mood in which in his old age he was accustomed to contemplate the approach of death. This, then, is what I have tried to do for Landor : to bring together in a familiar shape a sufficient body, first of his creative and impassioned writing, next of his reflec- tive and discursive writing, and lastly of his personal and occasional writing, to represent for readers in gen- eral the range and character of his so incomplete yet so extraordinary powei-s. If I have performed my task at all rightly, the result ought to many readers to be welcome. Even the student already well acquainted with Landor may be glad to possess in such a shape a selection of his most characteristic things. Not, I am well aware, that any true student will ever in"^is heart quite approve another's selection from an author he loves, or fail to feel convinced that he could have made a better one himself: but even to the student I may at least remark that in the notes at the end of the volume he will find matter which i?!Sy interest him, and which is not readily to be found elsewhere. Primarily, however, it is not for him that the volume is intended, but for that large class of readers who have an appetite for the best literature, but not the leisure, or not the tenacity, to overcome difficulties in its approach. Lan- dor in his contempt for popularity intentionally put some difficulties in the way of those seeking to approach him, and more unintentionally, by his deficiency in tact and in consecutiveness of mind. These deficiencies, as it seems to me, prevent him from being one of the greatest, but they do not prevent him from being one of the great, English writers, and in proportion as it helps to make this great writer no longer by name only, but really knov/n, will the purpose of my work have been accomplished^, \ CONTENTS Preface PAGE V DRAMATIC AND NARRATIVE. 1. ii. iii. iv. V. vi. vii. viii. ix. X. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. XV. xvi. xvii. xviii. xix. XX. xxi. DRAMATIC. Peleus and Thetis . Achilles and Helena Menelaus and Helen at Troy The Shades of Agamemnon and Iphigeneia vEsop and Rhodope Marcellus and Hannibal Scipio, Polybius, and Panaetius The same Metellus and Marius Tiberii:s and Vipsania Leofric and Godiva Tancredi and Constantia Mahomet and Sergius . Filippo Lippi and Pope Eugenius IV. . Leonora di Este and Father Panigarola The Maid of Orleans and Agnes Sorel Henry VIII. and Anne Boleyn Roger Ascham and Lady Jane Grey Essex and Spenser Lady Lisle and Elizabeth Gaunt . Peter the Great and Alexis . 3 7 '3 17 22 33 38 45 47 52 56 63 67 71 78 81 90 96 100 106 no XXXll CONTENTS, NARRATIVE. xxii. The Loves of Gebir and of Tamar. From " Gebir" xxiii. The Meeting of the Weird Sisters. From the same xxiv. I'he Marriage Morning. From the same XXV. The Death of Chrysaor . xxvi. Thrasymedes and Eunoe XAvii. Enallos and Cymodameia xxviii. The Hamadryad . xxix. Aeon and Rhodope XXX. The Death of Artemidora xxxi. The CrovvTiing of Thelymnia xxxii. The Dream of Euthymedes xxxiii. A Tuscan Sabbath xxxiv. The Death of Acciaioli . XXXV. The Dream of Boccaccio xxxvi. The Dream of Petrarca xxxvii. The Fate of a young Poet PAGE 119 124 128 130 132 13s 140 149 153 154 156 158 i6s 167 172 176 II. REFLECTIVE AND DISCURSIVE. RELIGION. xxxviii. The Origin of Idolatry 181 xxxix. ........... 182 xl. Differences of Opinion in ReHgion ..... 183 xli. — xlli 186 xUii. — xliv. — xlv. ......... 187 xlvi. — xlvii. .......... 188 xlviii. The Efficacy of Prayer ...... i8g FAME, AND TRUE AND FALSE GREATNESS. xlix. — I. — li .......... 191 Hi. — liii. ........... 193 Hv.— Iv. ........... 194 Ivi. — Ivii. — Iviii. — lix. ........ 195 I.v. — Ixi. — l.\ii. The Fame of Milton ..... 196 Ixiii. The same . ......... 197 Ixiv. — Ixv. ........... 198 CONTENTS. xxxm PAGE Ixvi. — Ixvii. — Ixviii . 199 Ixix. — Ixx. — Ixxi. — Ixxii. — Ixxiii. ...... 200 DEATH AND MORTALITY. Ixxiv. — Ixxv. .......... 201 Ixxvi 203 Ixxvii. — Ixxviii. — Ixxix 205 lx.x.\. ............ 206 LIFE AND HUMAN NATURE. Ixxxi. — Lxxxii. — Ixxxiii. — Ixxxiv. — Ixxxv. ..... 207 Ixxxvi. — Ixxxvii. Love of Power. — Ixxxviii. The same . . 208 Ixxxix. The same. — xc. The same. — .\ci. — xcii. — xciii. . . 209 xciv. — xcv. — xcvi. — xcvii. — xcviii. Vanity in Women. — xcix. . 210 c. — ci. — cii. — ciii. 211 civ. — cv. — cvi. — cvii.— cviii. ....... 212 cix. — ex. Friendship. — cxi. The same. — cxii. The same . . 213 cxiii. Town and Country. — cxiv. The same .... 214 c.xv. The same .......... 215 cxvi. The same 216 cxvii. Love of Truth 217 cxviii. The same.— cxix. The same. — cxx. — cxxi. . . . 218 cxxii. — cxxiii. Quickness. — cxxiv. — cxxv. — cxxvi. . . . 219 cxxvii. — cxxviii. — cxxix. Idleness 220 LOVE, MARRIAGE, AND FAMILY AFFECTION. cxxx.^cxxxi. — cxxxii. — cxxxiii 222 cxxxiv. — cxxxv. Love's Timidity. — cxxxvi. The same — cxxxvii. 223 cxxxviii. Love and Genius. — cxxxix. Marriage . . . 224 cxl. The same. — cxli. The same 225 cxlii. Love of Children. — cxliii. The same .... 228 cxliv. The same .......... 229 cxIv. The same. — cxlvi. The same. — cxlvii 230 cxlviii. 232 MANNERS, SOCIETY, AND NATIONAL CHARACTER. cxlix. Women's Dress 233 cl. Scents and their Associations 234 XXXIV CONTENTS. cli. Society and Solitude clii. — cliii. — c>iv. — civ. ..... clvi.— clvii. — clvili. — clix. ..... cl.x. — clxi. Men and Dogs ..... clxii. The same. — clxiii. English Hospitality . clxiv. The same . . , . cl.w. — clxvi. ....... clxvii. — clxviii. Italian Taste and the Love of Trees cl.xi.x. Aspect of Towns in France and Italy cl.x.x. Respect for the Dead in Italy . PAGE 236 237 238 239 241 243 244 245 247 248 POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT. cl.xxi. . clxxii. . clx,xiii.- clxxvi. clx.xvii. cl.xxviii. clxxix. clxxxi. clx.xxii. clx.xxlii clx.xxiv, -clxxiv. The Fate of Despotisms. Napoleon and Pericles . The Death of Hofer The Trotibles of Ireland The same. — clxxx. The same The Greek War of Liberation The same .... On the Accession of a Liberal Pope -clxxv. Democracy 250 251 252 253 254 2J7 258 259 261 262 263 LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE. clxxxv.— clxxxvi. — clxxxvii. clxxxviii clxxxix. — cxc. cxci. — c.\cii. — c.xciii. . cxciv. — cxcv. — cxcvi. . c.xcvii. — cxcviii. Sedateness in Poetry.— cxcix-. The CO. Pindar. — cci. Latin Styles ccii. Virgil's Dido. — cciii. . cciv. — ccv ccvi. — ccvii. — ccviii. — ccix. The ccx. Poetry and History . ccxi. The Province of History ccxiii. — ccxiv. ccxv. — ccxvi. Origins of Poetry 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 279 280 CONTENTS. XXXV PAGE ccxvii.— ccxviii. — ccxix. Milton 281 ccxx. — ccxxi. Milton and Johnson 282 ccxxii. French Prose. — ccxxiii. Addison 283 ccxxiv. Gibbon. — ccxxv. Wordsworth. — ccxxvi. Praise and Censure .......... 284 ccxxvii. The same. — ccxxviii. The same. — ccxxix. The same — ccxxx. The same. — ccxxxi. The same. — ccxxxii. The same ........... 285 ccxxxiii. The same. — ccxxxiv. The same. — ccxx.xv. The same. — ccx.xxvi. The same ........ 286 ccxxxvii. The same. — ccxxxviii. The same. — ccxxxix. The same ........... 287 ccxl. The same 288 cccxli. Dante's Paolo and Francesca 289 ccxlii. Verbal Criticism, with an Example .... 292 ccxliii. Of Idiom. — ccxliv. Of Quotation 293 ccxiv. Vulgarisms. — ccxlvi. Gallicisms and Latinisms. — ccxlvii. English Orthography and Diction 294 ccxlviii. The same ......... 298 ccxlix. The same . .... . . 299 ccl. — ccli 300 III. PERSONAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL. TO lANTHE. cclii. Homage ......... 303 ccliii. " On the smooth brow and clustering hair " . 303 ccliv. "There is a flower I wish to wear "... 303 cclv. " It often comes into my head " . . . . 303 cclvi. " All tender thoughts that e'er possess'd " . . 304 cclvii. " Pleasure ! why thus desert the heart ? " . . 304 cclviii. Renunciation ........ 304 cclix. " You smiled, you spoke, and I believed " . . 305 cclx. " So late removed from him she swore " . . . 305 cclxi. " I held her hand, the pledge of bliss " . . . 305 cclxii. Absence ......... 305 cclxiii. " Flow, precious tears ! thus shall my rival know " 306 cclxiv. " Mild is the parting year, and sweet " . . . 306 cclxv. Years after 307 XXXVl CONTENTS. cclxvi. "No, my own love of other years ! " cclxvii. " I wondernot that youth remains " cclxviii. " Your pleasures spring like daisies in the grass' cclxix. " Years, many parti-colour'd years " cclxx. " Well I remember how you smiled " PAGE ■ 307 • 3°7 . 308 • 308 . 308 INVOCATIONS AND REMINISCENCES. cclxxi. On Swift joining Avon near Rugby cclxxii. Abertawy . cclxxiii. Rose Aylmer . cclxxiv. To J. S. . cclxxv. A Fiesolan Idyl cclxxvi. Fiesolan Musings cclxxvii. To Joseph Ablett cclxxviii. To Wordsworth cclxxix. To Southey cclxxx. To the Sister of Elia cclxxxi. Farewell to Italy cclxxxii. Landor in England to his Youngest Son in Italy cclxxxiii. Thoughts of Fiesole, from Torquay cclxxxiv. On the Death of Southey cclxxxv. On the same ccbcxxvi. To the Rev. Cuthbert Southey cclxxxvii. To the Memory of Julius Hare cclxxxviii. To the Memory of Lady Blessington 309 3" 312 312 312 314 316 320 322 324 324 325 327 328 329 330 332 332 CHARACTERS AND CONFESSIONS. cclxxxix. An Apologue on Byron, 1822 ccxc. Note to the above, 1824 ccxci ccxcii. ccxciii. ccxciv. ccxcv. ccxcvi. ccxcvii. ccxcviii. Shelley . Southey . A Confession of Jealousy Robert Browning Macaulay Charles Dickens Literary Enmities . ccxcix. ccc. " I know not whether I am proud " ccci. " The chrysolites and rub les Bacchus brings 334 335 337 338 338 339 339 339 340 340 341 342 343 CONTENTS. XXXVli PAGE cccii. The Genius of Greece 343 ccciii. On his own Againei>inon and Iphigeneia . . 344 ccciv. The Author of D>y St/cA's to his Readers . . 344 cccv. 344 cccvi. — cccvii. — cccviii . 345 ON' THE APPROACH OF OLD AGE AND DEATH. cccix. cccx. cccxi. cccxii. cccxiii. cccxiv. cccxv. cccxvi. cccxvii. cccxviii. cccxix. cccxx. To Age " Is it not better at an early hour " To a Painter " Give me the eyes that look on mine '' " To his young Rose an old man said ' The Three Roses .... " Various the roads of life ; in one " " The day returns, my natal day " . On his Seventy-fifth Birthday On his Eightieth Birthday Memory ...... " Death stands above me, whispering low Notes 346 347 347 347 348 348 349 349 349 349 350 350 I. DRAMATIC AND NARRATIVE. DRAMATIC. PELEUS AND THETIS. The sea-goddess Thetis, wedded by the decree of the gods to Peleus, and afterguards by the same decree separated from him, appears again before him at the hour when their son Achilles, having been discovered in his retreat on Scyros, has departed with the Grecian armament to Troy. Thetis. O Peleus ! O thou whom the gods conferred upon me for all my portion of happiness — and it was (I thought) too great Peleus. Goddess ! to me, to thy Peleus, O how far more than goddess ! why then this sudden silence ? why these tears ? The last we shed were when the Fates divided us, saying the Earth was not thine, and the brother of Zeus, he the ruler of the waters, had called thee. Those that fall between the beloved at parting are bitter, and ought to be : woe to him who wishes they were not ! but those that flow again at the returning light of the blessed feet, should be refreshing and divine as morn. Thetis. Support me, support me in thy arms once more, once only. Lower not thy shoulder from my cheek, to gaze at those features that (in times past) so pleased thee. The sky is serene ; the heavens frown not on us : do they then prepare for us fresh sorrow ? Pre- pare for us ! ah me ! the word of Zeus is spoken : our 4 DRAMATIC. Achilles is discovered : he is borne away in the black hollow ships of Aulis, and would have flown faster than they sail, to Troy. Surely there are those among the gods, or among the goddesses, who might have forewarned me ; and they did not ! Were there no omens, no auguries, no dreams, to shake thee from thy security ? no priest to prophesy ? And what pastures are more beautiful than Larissa's ? what victims more stately? Could the soothsayers turn aside their eyes from these ? Peleus. Approach with me and touch the altar, O my beloved ! Doth not thy finger now impress the soft embers of incense? how often hath it burned, for him, for thee ! And the lowings of the herds are audible for their leaders, from the sources of Apidanus and Enipeus to the sea-beach. They may yet prevail. Thetis. Alas ! alas ! priests can foretell but nol avert the future ; and all they can give us are vain pro- mises and abiding fears. Peleus. Despond not, my long -lost Thetis ! Hath not a god led thee back to me? Why not hope then he will restore our son ? Which of them all hath such a boy offended ? Thetis. Uncertainties — worse than uncertainties — overthrow and overwhelm me. Peleus. There is a comfort in the midst of every un- certainty, saving those which perplex the gods and con- found the godlike, Love's. Be comforted ! not by my kisses, but by my words. Achilles may live till our old age. Ours ! Had I forgotten thy divinity ? forgotten it in thy beauty ? Other mortals think their beloved par- take of it then mostly when they are gazing on their charms ; but thy tenderness is more than godlike ; and never have I known, never have I wished to know, whether ought in our inferior nature may resemble it. PELEUS AND THETIS. 5 Thetis. A mortal so immutable ! the Towers above are less. Peleus. Time without grief would not have greatly changed me. Thetis. There is a loveliness which youth may be with- out, and which the gods want. To the voice of compas- sion not a shell in all the ocean is attuned ; and no tear ever dropped upon Olympus. Thou lookest as fondly as ever, and more pensively. Have time and grief done this? and they alone? my Peleus ! Tell me again, have no freshly fond anxieties ? Peleus. Smile thus ! O smile anew and forget thy sorrows. Ages shall fly over my tomb, while Lhou art flourishing in imperishable youth, the desire of gods, the light of the depths of Ocean, the inspirer and sustainer of ever-flowing song. Thetis. I receive thy words, and bless them. Gods may desire me : I have loved Peleus. Our union had many obstacles ; the envy of mortals, the jealousy of im- mortals, hostility and persecution from around, from below, and from above. When we were happy they parted us : and again they unite us in eternal grief. Peleus. The wish of a divinity is powerfuller than the elements, and swifter than the hght. Plence thou (what to me is impossible) mayest see the sweet Achilles every day, every hour. Thetis. How few ! alas how few ! I see him in the dust, in agony, in death : I see his blood on the flints, his yellow hair flapping in its current, his hand unable to remove it from his eyes. I hear his voice ; and it calls not upon me ! Mothers are soon forgotten ! It is weak- ness to love the weak ! I could not save him ! He would have left the caverns of Ocean, and the groves and meadows of Elysium, though resounding with the songs of love and heroism, for a field of battle. 6 DRAMATIC. Peleus. He may yet live many years. Troy hath been taken once already. Thetis. He must perish ; and at Troy ; and now. Peleus. The now of the gods is more than life's duration ; other gods and other worlds are formed within it. If indeed he must perish at Troy, his ashes will lie softly on hers. Thus fall our beauteous son ! thus rest Achilles ! Thetis. Twice nine years have scarcely yet passed over his head ; twice nine have not yet rolled away since "O the youth of ^mathia ! O the swift, the golden- haired Peleus !" were the only words sounded in the halls of Tethys. How many shells were broken for their hoarseness ! how many reproofs were heard by the Tritons for interrupting the slumbers — of those who never slept ! But they feigned sound sleep : and joy and kindness left the hearts of sisters. We loved too well for others to love us. Why do I remember the day? Why do I remind thee of it ? — my Achilles dies ! it was the day that gave me my Achilles ! Dearer he was to me than the light of heaven, before he ever saw it : and how much dearer now, when, bursting forth on earth like its first day- spring, all the loveliness of Nature stands back, and grows pale and faint before his. Peleus. O thou art fallen ! thou art fallen through my embrace, when I thought on him more than on thee. Look up again ; look, and forgive me. No : thy forgive- ness I deserve not — but did I deserve thy love? Thy solitude, thy abasement, thy parental tears, and thy fall to the earth, are from me ! WTiy doth aught of youth linger with me ? Why not come age and death ? The monster of Calydon made (as thou knowest) his first and most violent rush against this arm ; no longer fit for war, no longer a defence to the people. And is the day too come when it no longer can sustain my Thetis? ACHILLES AND HELENA. 7 Thetis. Protend it not to the skies ! invoke not, name not, any Deity ! I fear them all. Nay, lift me not thus above thy head, O Peleus ! reproaching the gods with such an awful look ; with a look of beauty which they will not pity, with a look of defiance which they may not brook. Peleus. Doth not my hand enclasp that slender foot, at which the waves of Ocean cease to be tumultuous, and the children of vEolus to disturb their peace ? O, if in the celestial coolness of thy cheek, now resting on my head, there be not the breath and gift of immortality ; O if Zeus hath any thunderbolt in reserve for me ; let this, my beloved Thetis, be the hour ! II. ACHILLES AND HELENA. Achilles, during the siege of Troy, having /-val). The ladder should have been better spiked for that shppery ground. I am down again safe however. Here a man may walk securely, and without picking his steps. Metellus. Tell me, Caius, what thou sawest. Marius. The streets of Numantia. Mdellus. Doubtless ; but what else ? Marius. The temples and markets and places of exer- cise and fountains. Metellus. Art thou crazed, centurion! what more? speak plainly, at once, and briefly. Marius. I beheld then all Numantia. Metellus. Has terror maddened thee ? hast thou des- cried nothing of the inhabitants but those carcases under the ramparts ? Marius. Those, O Metellus, lie scattered, although not indeed far asunder. The greater part of the soldiers and citizens, of the fathers, husbands, widows, wives, espoused, were assembled together. Metellus. About the altar ? Marius. Upon it. Metellus. So busy and earnest in devotion ! but how all upon it ? Marius. It blazed under them and over them and round about them. Metellus. Immortal gods ! Art thou sane, Caius Marius? Thy visage is scorched: thy speecii may wander after such an enterprise : thy shield burns my hand. E 50 DRAMATIC. Maritis. I thought it had cooled again. Why, truly, it seems hot : I now feel it. Metellus. Wipe off those embers. Maritis. 'Twere better : there will be none opposite to shake them upon, for some time. The funereal horn that sounded with such feebleness, sounded not so from the faint heart of him who blew it. Him I saw ; him only of the living. Should I say it ? — there was another : there was one child whom its parent could not kill, could not part from. She had hidden it in her robe, I suspect ; and when the fire had reached it, either it shrieked or she did. For suddenly a cry pierced through the crackling pinewood, and something of round in figure fell from brand to brand, until it reached the pavement, at the feet of him who had blown the horn. I rushed toward him, for I wanted to hear the whole story, and felt the pressure of time. Condemn not my weakness, O Csecilius ! I wished an enemy to live an hour longer ; for my orders were to explore and bring intelligence. When I gazed on him, in highth almost gigantic, I wondered not that the blast of his trumpet was so weak : rather did I wonder that Famine, whose hand had indented every limb and feature, had left him any voice articulate. I rushed toward him, however, ere my eyes had measured either his form or strength. He held the child against me, and staggered under it. "Behold," he exclaimed, "the glorious ornament of a Roman triumph !" I stood horror-stricken; when suddenly drops, as of rain, pattered down from the pyre. I looked ; and many were the precious stones, many were the amulets and rings and bracelets, and other barbaric ornaments, un- known to me in form or purpose, that tinkled on the hardened and black branches, from mothers and wives and betrothed maids ; and some, too, I can imagine, METELLUS AND MARIUS. 5 1 from robuster arms, things of joyance won in battle The crowd of incumbent bodies was so dense and heavy, that neither the fire nor the smoke could penetrate upward from among them ; and they sank, whole and at once, into the smouldering cavern eaten out below. He at whose neck hung the trumpet, felt this, and started. "There is yet room," he cried, "and there is strength enough yet, both in the element and in me. " He extended his withered arms, he thrust forward the gaunt hnks of his throat, and upon gnarled knees, that smote each other audibly, tottered into the civic fire. It, like some hungry and strangest beast on the innermost wild of Africa, pierced, broken, prostrate, motionless, gazed at by its hunter in the impatience of glory, in the delight of awe, panted once more, and seized him ! I have seen within this hour, O Metellus ! what Rome in the cycle of her triumphs will never see, what the Sun in his eternal course can never show her, what the Earth has borne but now and must never rear again for her, what Victory herself has envied her — a Numantian. Metelhis. We shall feast to-morrow. Hope, Caius Marius, to become a tribune : trust in fortune. Marius. Auguries are surer : surestof all is perseverance. Metellus. I hope the wine has not grown vapid in my tent : I have kept it waiting, and must now report to Scipio the intelligence of our discovery. Come after me, Caius. Maritts (alone). The tribune is the discoverer ! the centurion is the scout ! Caius Marius must enter more Numantias. Light-hearted Cascilius, thou mayest per- haps hereafter, and not with humbled but with exulting pride, take orders from this hand. If Scipio's words are fate, and to me they sound so, the portals of the Capitol may shake before my chariot, as my horses plunge back at the applauses of the people, and Jove in his high domi cile may welcome the citizen of Arpinum. 52 DRAMATIC. TIBERIUS AND VIPSANIA. Tiberius Claudius Nero having been compelled by Ins tnothet Livia and by A ugnsUis to put away Ms first wife Vip- sania, the daughter of Agrippa, and to marry Julia, the daughter of Augustus, afterwards meets Vipsania unexpectedly. Tibe7-iiis. Vipsania, my Vipsania, whither art thou walking ? Vipsania. Whom do I see ? my Tiberius ? Tiberius. Ah ! no, no, no ! but thou seest the father of thy little Drusus. Press him to thy heart the more closely for this meeting, and give him Vipsania. Tiberius ! the altars, the gods, the destinies, are between us — I will take it from this hand ; thus, thus shall he receive it. Tiberius. Raise up thy face, my beloved ! I must nol shed tears. Augustus ! Livia ! ye shall not extort them from me. Vipsania, I may kiss thy head — for I have saved it. Thou sayest nothing. I have wronged thee ; ay ? Vipsania. Ambition does not see the earth she treads on : the rock and the herbage are of one substance to her. Let me excuse you to my heart, O Tiberius. It has many wants ; this is the first and greatest. Tiberius. My ambition, I swear by the immortal gods, placed not the bar of severance between us. A stronger hand, the hand that composes Rome and sways the world Vipsania. Overawed Tiberius. I know it ; Augustus willed and commanded it. Tiberius. And overawed Tiberius ! Power bent. Death terrified, a Nero ! What is our race, that any TIBERIUS AND VIPSANIA. 53 should look down on us and spurn us ! Augustus, my benefactor, I have wronged thee ! Livia, my mother, this one cruel deed was thine ! To reign forsooth is a lovely thing ! O womanly appetite ! Who would have been before me, though the palace of Caesar cracked and split with emperors, while I, sitting in idleness on a cliff of Rhodes, eyed the sun as he swang his golden censer athwart the heavens, or his image as it overstrode the sea. I have it before me ; and though it seems falling on me, I can smile at it ; just as I did from my little favourite skiff, painted round with the marriage of Thetis, when the sailors drew their long shaggy hair across their eyes, many a stadium away from it, to mitigate its effulgence. These too were happy days : days of happiness like these I could recall and look back upon with unaching brow. O land of Greece ! Tiberius blesses thee, bidding thee rejoice and flourish. Why can not one hour, Vipsania, beauteous and light as we have led, return ? Vipsania. Tiberius ! is it to me that you were speak- ing? I would not interrupt you ; but I thought I heard my name as you walked away and looked up toward the East. So silent ! Tiberius. Who dared to call thee? Thou wert mine before the gods — do they deny it ? was it my fault ? Vipsania. Since we are separated, and for ever, O Tiberius, let us think no more on the cause of it. Let neither of us believe that the other was to blame ; so shall separation be less painful. Tiberius. O mother ! and did I not tell thee what she was ? patient in injury, proud in innocence, serene in grief ! Vipsania. Did you say that too ? but I think it was so : 1 had felt little. One vast wave has washed away the impression of smaller from my memory. Could Livia, could your mother, could she who was so kind to me 54 DRAMATIC. Tiberius. The wife of Csesar did it. But hear me now, hear me : be calm as I am. No weaknesses are such as those of a mother who loves her only son immoderately ; and none are so easily worked upon from without. Who knows what impulses she received ? She is very, very kind ; but she regards me only ; and that which at her bidding is to encompass and adorn me. All the weak look after power, protectress of weakness. Thou art a woman, O Vipsania ! is there nothing in thee to excuse my mother ? So good she ever was to me ! so loving ! Vipsania, I quite forgive her : be tranquil, O Tiberius ! Tiberius. Never can I know peace— never can I pardon — any one. Threaten me with thy exile, thy separation, thy seclusion ! remind me that another climate might endanger thy health ! There death met me and turned me round. Threaten me to take our son from us ! our one boy ! our helpless little one ! him whom we made cry because we kissed him both together. Rememberest thou ? or dost thou not hear ? turning thus away from me ! Vipsania. I hear ; I hear. O cease, my sweet Tiberius ! Stamp not upon that stone : my heart hes under it. Tiberius. Ay, there again death, and more than death, stood before me. O she maddened me, my mother did, she maddened me — she threw me to where I am at one breath. The gods cannot replace me where I was, nor atone to me, nor console me, nor restore my senses. To whom can I fly ? to whom can I open my heart ? to whom speak plainly ? There was upon the earth a man I could converse with, and fear nothing : there was a woman too I could love, and fear nothing. What a soldier, what a Roman, was thy father, O my young bride ! How could those who never saw him have discoursed so rightly upon virtue ! Vipsania. These words cool my breast like pressing TIBERIUS AND VIPSANIA. 55 his urn against it. He was brave : shall Tiberius want courage ? Tiberius. My enemies scorn me. I am a garland dropped from a triumphal car, and taken up and looked on for the place I occupied ; and tossed away and laughed at. Senators ! laugh, laugh ! Your merits may be yet re- warded — be of good cheer ! Counsel me in your wisdom, what services I can render you, conscript fathers ! Vipsania. This seems mockery : Tiberius did not smile so, once. Tiberius. They had not then congratulated me. Vipsania. On what ? Tiberius. And it was not because she was beautiful, as ihey thought her, and virtuous as I know she is, but be- cause the flowers on the altar were to be tied together by my heart-string. On this they congratulated me. Their day will come. Their sons and daughters are what I would wish them to be : worthy to succeed them. Vipsania. Where is that quietude, that resignation, that sanctity, that heart of true tenderness ? Tiberius. Where is my love ? my love ? Vipsania. Cry not thus aloud, Tiberius ! there is an echo in the place. Soldiers and slaves may burst in upon us. Tiberius. And see my tears? There is no echo, Vipsania ! why alarm and shake me so ? We are too high here for the echoes : the city is below us. Methinks it trembles and totters : would it did ! from the marble quays of the Tiber to this rock. There is a strange buzz and murmur in my brain ; but I should listen so intensely, I should hear the rattle of its roofs, and shout with joy. Vipsania. Calm, O my life ! calm this horrible trans- port. Tib'^rius. Spake I so loud ? Did I indeed then send my voice after a lost sound, to bring it back ; and thou fanciedst it an echo ? Will not thou laugh with me, as 56 DRAMATIC. thou wert wont to do, at such an error ? What was 1 saying to thee, my tender love, when I commanded — I know not whom — to stand back, on pain of death ? Why starest thou on me in such agony ? Have I hurt thy fingers, child ? I loose them : now let me look ! Thou turnest thine eyes away from me. Oh ! oh ! I hear my crime ! Immortal gods ! I cursed then audibly, and before the sun, my mother ! XI. LEOFRIC AND GODIVA. The Lady Godiva, '■iding with her husband Earl Lcofric into the city 0/ Coventry, makes intercession ■with him on behalf of the people, and learns f-om his lips on wJiat condition he will pardon them. Godiva. There is a dearth in the land, my sweet Leo- fric ! Remember how many weeks of drought we have had, even in the deep pastures of Leicestershire ; and how many Sundays we have heard the same prayers for rain, and supplications that it would please the Lord in his mercy to turn aside his anger from the poor pining cattle. You, my dear husband, have imprisoned more than one malefactor for leaving his dead ox in the public way ; and other hinds have fled before you out of the traces, in which they and their sons and their daughters, and haply their old fathers and mothers, were dragging the abandoned wain homeward. Although we were ac- companied by many brave spearmen and skilful archers, it was perilous to pass the creatures which the farm-yard dogs, driven from the hearth by the poverty of their masters, were tearing and devouring ; while others, bitten and lamed, filled the air either with long and deep howls LEOFRIC AND GODIVA. 57 or sharp and quick barkings, as they struggled with hunger and feebleness or were exasperated by heat and pain. Nor could the thyme from the heath, nor the bruised branches of the fir-tree, extinguish or abate the foul odour. Leofric. And now, Godiva my darling, thou art afraid we should be eaten up before we enter the gates of Coventry ; or perchance that in the gardens there are no roses to greet thee, no sweet herbs for thy mat and pillow. Godiva. Leofric, I have no such fears. This is the month of roses : I find them everywhere since my blessed marriage : they, and all other sweet herbs, I know not why, seem to greet me wherever I look at them, as though they knew and expected me. Surely they cannot feel that I am fond of them. Leofric. O Hght laughing simpleton ! But what wouldst thou ? I came not hither to pray ; and yet if praying would satisfy thee, or remove the drought, I would ride up straightway to Saint Michael's and pray until morning. Godiva. I would do the same, O Leofric ! but God hath turned away his ear from hoHer lips than mine. Would my own dear husband hear me, if I implored him for what is easier to accomplish ? What he can do like God. Leofric. How ! What is it ? Godiva. I would not, in the first hurry of your wrath, appeal to you, my loving lord, in behalf of these unhappy men who have offended you. Leofric. Unhappy ! is that all ? Godiva. Unhappy they must surely be to have offended you so grievously. What a soft air breathes over us ! how quiet and serene and still an evening ! how calm are the heavens and the earth ! shall none enjoy them ? Not even we, my Leofric ! The sun is ready to set : let if 58 DRAMATIC. never set, O Leofric, on your anger. These are not my words ; they are better than mine ; should they lose theii virtue from my unworthiness in uttering them ! Leofric. Godiva, wouldst thou plead to me for rebels ? Godiva. They have then drawn the sword against you ! Indeed I knew it not. Leofric. They have omitted to send me my dues, established by my ancestors, well knowing of our nuptials, and of the charges and festivities they require, and that in a season of such scarcity my own lands are insufficient. Godiva. If they were starving as they said they were Leofric. Must I starve too ! Is it not enough to lose my vassals? Godiva. Enough ! O God ! too much ! too much ! may you never lose them ! Give them hfe, peace, comfort, contentment. There are those among them who kissed me in my infancy, and who blessed me at the baptismal font. Leofric, Leofric ! the first old man I meet I shall think is one of those ; and I shall think on the blessing he gave and (ah me !) on the blessing I bring back to him. My heart will bleed, will burst — and he will weep at it ! he will weep, poor soul ! for the wife of a cruel lord who denounces vengeance on him, who carries death into his family. Leofric. We must hold solemn festivals. Godiva. We must indeed. Leofric. Well then. Godiva. Is the clamourousness that succeeds the death of God's dumb creatures, are crowded halls, are slaughtered cattle, festivals ? are maddening songs and giddy dances, and hireling praises from party-coloured coats ? Can the voice of a minstrel tell us better things of ourselves than our own internal one might tell us? or can his breath make our breath softer in sleep ? O my beloved ! let everything be a joyance to us : it will, if we will. Sad is LEOFRIC AND GODIVA. 59 the day, and worse must follow, when we hear the black- bird in the garden and do not throb with joy. But, Leo- fric, the high festival is strown by the servant of God upon the heart of man. It is gladness, it is thanksgiving ; it is the orphan, the starveling pressed to the bosom, and bidden as its first commandment to remember its bene- factor. We will hold this festival, the guests are ready : we may keep it up for weeks, and months, and years together, and always be the happier and the richer for it. The beverage of this feast, O Leofric, is sweeter than bee or flower or vine can give us : it flows from heaven ; and in heaven will it abundantly be poured out again, to him who pours it out here unsparingly. Leofric. Thou art wild. Godiva. I have indeed lost myself. Some Power, some good, kind Power, melts me (body and soul and voice) into tenderness and love. O, my husband, we must obey it. Look upon me ! look upon me ! lift your sweet eyes from the ground ! I will not cease to suppli- cate ; I dare hot. Leofric. We may think upon it. Godiva. Never say that ! What ! think upon goodness when you can be good ? Let not the infants cry for sustenance ! The mother of our blessed Lord will hear them ; us never, never afterward. Leofric. Here comes the bishop : we are but one mile from the walls. Why dismountest thou ? No bishop can expect it. Godiva ! my honour and rank among men are humbled by this : Earl Godwin will hear of it : up ! up ! the bishop hath seen it : he urgeth his horse onward : dost thou not hear him now upon the solid turf behind thee ? Godiva. Never, no, never will I rise, O Leofric, until you remit this most impious tax, this tax on hard labour, on hard life. Leofric. Turn round : look how the fat nag canters, as 6o DRAMATIC. to the tune of a sinner's psalm, slow and hard-breathing. What reason or right can the people have to complain, while their bishop's steed is so sleek and well caparisoned ? Inchnation to change, desire to abolish old usages. Up ! up ! for shame ! They shall smart for it, idlers ! Sir bishop, I must blush for my young bride. Godiva. My husband, my husband ! will you pardon the city ? Leofric. Sir bishop ! I could not think you would have seen her in this plight. Will I pardon ? Yea, Godiva, by the holy rood, will I pardon the city, when thou ridest naked at noontide through the streets. Godiva. O my dear cruel Leofric, where is the heart you gave me ! It was not so ! can mine have hardened it! Bishop. Earl, thou abashest thy spouse ; she turneth pale and weepeth. Lady Godiva, peace be with thee. Godiva. Thanks, holy man ! peace will be with me when peace is with your city. Did you hear my lord's cruel word ? Bishop. I did, lady. Godiva. Will you remember it, and pray against it ? Bishop. Wilt thou forget it, daughter ? Godiva. I am not offended. Bishop. Angel of peace and purity ! Godiva. But treasure it up in your heart : deem it an incense, good only when it is consumed and spent, ascending with prayer and sacrifice. And now what was it ? Bishop. Christ save us ! that he vnll pardon the city when thou ridest naked through the streets at neon. Godiva. Did he not swear an oath ? Bishop. He sware by the holy rood. Godiva. My Redeemer ! thou hast heard it ! Save the city ! LEOFRIC AND GODIVA. 6l Leofric. We are now upon the beginning of the pave- ment : these are the suburbs : let us think of feasting : we may pray afterward : to-morrow we shall rest. Godiva. No judgments then to-morrow, Leofric? Leofric. None : we will carouse. Godiva. The saints of heaven have given me strength and confidence : my prayers are heard : the heart of my beloved is now softened. Leofric {aside). Ay, ay— they shall smart though. Godiva. Say, dearest Leofric, is there indeed no other hope, no other mediation ? Leofnc. I have sworn : beside, thou hast made me redden and turn my face away from thee, and all the knaves have seen it ; this adds to the city's crime. Godiva. I have blushed too, Leofric, and was not rash nor obdurate. Leofric. But thou, my sweetest, art given to blushing ; there is no conquering it in thee. I wish thou hadst not ahghted so hastily and roughly : it hath shaken down a sheaf of thy hair : take heed thou sit not upon it, lest it anguish thee. Well done ! it mingleth now sweetly with the cloth of gold upon the saddle, running here and there, as if it had life and faculties and business, and were work- ing there upon some newer and cunninger device. O my beauteous Eve ! there is a Paradise about thee ! the world is refreshed as thou movest and breathest on it. I cannot see or think of evil where thou art. I could throw my arms even here about thee. No signs for me ! no shaking of sunbeams ! no reproof or frown or wonderment — I will say it — now then for worse — I could close with my kisses thy half-open lips, ay, and those lovely and loving eyes, before the people. Godiva. To-morrow you shall kiss me, and they shall bless you for it. I shall be very pale, for to-night I must fast and pray. 62 DRAMATIC. Leofric. I do not hear thee ; the voices of the folk are so loud under this archway. Godiva {to herself). God help them ! good kind sculs ! I hope they will not crowd about me so to-morrow. O Leofric ! could my name be forgotten ! and yours alone remembered ! But perhaps my innocence may save me from reproach ! and how many as innocent are in fear and famine ! No eye will open on me but fresh from tears. What a young mother for so large a family ! Shall my youth harm me ! Under God's hand it gives me courage. Ah, when will the morning come ! ah, when will the noon be over ! The story of Godiva, at one of whose festivals or fairs I was pre- sent in my boyhood, has always interested me ; and I wrote a poem on it, sitting, I remember, by the sqttare J>ool at Rugby. When I showed it to the friend in whom I had most confidence, he began to scoff at the subject ; and on his reaching the last line his laughter was loud and immoderate. This Conversation has brought both laughter and stanza back to me, and the earnestness with which I entreated and implored my friend 7iot to tell the lads; so heart- strickenly and desperately was I ashamed. The verses are these, if any one else should wish another laugh at me : — In every hour, in every mood, O lady, it is sweet and good To bathe the soul in prayer ; And at the close of such a day, ^Vhen we have ceased to bless and pray, To dream on thy long hair. May the peppermint be still growing on the bank in that place ! W. S. L. TANCREDI AND CONSTANTIA, 63 XII. TANCREDI AND CONSTANTIA. During the struggle for the cro7vn of Sicily between the Etnperor Henry VI., married to Constance daughter of the Sicilian King Williavt II., and Tancred Count ofLecce, natural son of King Roger II., Constance has fallen a prisoner into the hands of Tancred. Constaiitia. Is this in mockery, sir ? Do you place me under a canopy, and upon what (no doubt) you presume to call a throne, for derision ? Tancredi. Madonna ! if it never were a throne before, henceforward let none approach it but with reverence. The greatest, the most virtuous, of queens and empresses (it were indecorous in such an inferior as I am to praise in your presence aught else in you that raises men's admira- tion) leaves a throne for homage wherever she has rested. Constantia. Count Tancredi ! your past conduct ill accords with your present speech. Your courtesy, great as it is, would have been much greater, if you yourself had taken me captive, and had not turned your horse and rode back, on purpose that villanous hands might seize me. Tancredi. Knightly hands (I speak it with all sub- mission) are not villanous. I could not in my heart command you to surrender ; and I would not deprive a brave man, a man distinguished for deference and loyalty, of the pleasure he was about to enjoy in en- countering your two barons. I am confident he never was discourteous. Constantia. He was ; he took my horse's bridle by the bit, turned his back on me, and would not let me go. 64 DRAMATIC. Tancredi. War sometimes is guilty of such enormities, and even worse. Cotistantia. I would rather have surrendered myself to the most courageous knight in Italy. Tancredi. Which may that be ? Constantia. By universal consent, Tancredi, Count of Lecce. Tancredi. To possess the highest courage, is but small glory ; to be without it, is a great disgrace. Constaiitia. Loyalty, not only to ladies, but to princes, is the true and solid foundation of it. Count of Lecce ! am I not the daughter of your king ? Tancredi. I recognise in the Lady Constantia the daughter of our late sovran lord. King William, of glorious memory. Constantia. Recognise then your queen. Tancredi. Our laws, and the supporters of these lawSj forbid it. Constantia. Is that memory a glorious one, as you call it, which a single year is sufficient to erase? And did not my father nominate me his heir ? Tancredi. A kingdom is not among the chattels, of a king : a people is paled within laws, and not within parks and chases : the powerfuUest have no privilege to sport in that inclosure. The barons of the realm and the knights and the people assembled in Palermo, and there by acclamation called and appointed me to govern the state. Certainly the Lady Constantia is nearer to the throne in blood, and much worthier : I said so then. The unani- mous reply was that Sicily should be independent of all other lands, and that neither German Kings nor Roman Emperors should control her. Constantia. You must be aware, sir, that an armed resistance to the Emperor is presumptuous and traitorous. Tancredi. He has carried fire and sword into my TANCREDI AND CONSTANTIA. 65 country, and has excited the Genoese and Pisans, men speaking the same language as ourselves, to debark on our coasts, to demolish our villages, and to consume our harvests. Constantia. Being a sovran, he possesses the undoubted right. Tancredi. Being a Sicilian, I have no less a right to resist him. Constantia. Right ? Do rights appertain to vassals ? Tancredi. Even to them ; and this one particularly. Were I still a vassal, I should remember that I am a king by election, by birth a Sicilian, and by descent a Norman. Constantia. All these fine titles give no right whatever to the throne, from which an insuperable bar precludes you. Tancredi. What bar can there be which my sword and my people's love are unable to bear down ? Constantia. Excuse my answer. Tancredi. Deign me one, I entreat you, Madonna ! although the voice of my country may be more persuasive with me even than yours. Constantia. Count Lecce ! you are worthy of all honour, excepting that alone which can spring only from lawful descent. Tancredi. My father was the first-born of the Norman conqueror. King of Sicily : my mother, in her own right, Countess of Lecce. I have no reason to blush at my birth ; nor did ever the noble breast which gave me nourishment heave with a sense of ignominy as she pressed me to it. She thought the blessing of the poor equivalent to the blessing of the priest. Constantia. I would not refer to her ungently : but she by her alliance set at nought our Holy Father. Tancredi. In all her paths, in all her words and actions, she obeyed him. F 66 DRAMATIC. Constantia. Our Holy Father ? Tancredi. Our holiest, our holy one, " our Father which is in heaven." She wants no apology: precedent is nothing : but remember our ancestors : I say ours ; for I glory in the thought that they are the same, and so near. Among the early dukes of Normandy, vanquishers of France, and (what is greater) conquerors of England, fewer were born within the pale of wedlock than without. Nevertheless the ladies of our nation were always as faithful to love and duty, as if hoods and surplices and psalms had gone before them, and the church had been the vestibule to the bed-chamber. Cojistantia. My cousin the countess was irreproachable, and her virtues have rendered you as popular as your ex- ploits. Who is this pretty boy who holds down his head so, with the salver in his hand ? Tancredi. He is my son. Constantia. Why then does he kneel before me ? Taiici-edi. To teach his father his duty Constantia. You acknowledge the rights of my husband ? Tancredi. To a fairer possession than fair Sicily. Co7tstantia. I must no longer hear this language. Tancredi. I utter it from the depths of a heart as pure as the coldest. Constantia {to the boy). Yes, my sweet child ! I accept the refreshments you have been holding so patiently and present so gracefully. But you should have risen from your knees, such a posture is undue to a captive. Boy. Papa ! what did the lady say ? Do you ever make ladies captives ? (To Constantia). Run away : I will hold his hands for him. Constantia. I intend to run away ; but you are quite as dangerous as your father. Count ! you must name my ransom. MAHOIVIRT AND SERGIUS. 67 Tdncredi. Madonna, I received it when you presented your royal hand to my respectful homage. The barons who accompanied you are mounted at the door, in order to reconduct you ; and the most noble and the most venerable of mine will be proud of the same permission. Consiantia. I also am a Sicilian, Tancredi ! I also am sensible to the glories of the Norman race. Never shall my husband, if I have any influence over him, be the enemy of so courteous a knight. I could almost say prosper ! prosper ! for the defence, the happiness, the example, of our Sicily. Tancredi. We may be deprived of territory and power ; but never of knighthood. The brave alone can merit it, the brave alone can confer it, the recreant alone can lose it. So long as there is Norman blood in my veins I am a knight : and our blood and our knighthood are given us to defend the sex. Insensate ! I had almost said the weaker ! and with your eyes before me ! Constantia. He cannot be a rebel, nor a false bad man. Ta7icredi. Lady ! the sword which I humbly lay at your feet was, a few years ago, a black misshapen mass of metal : the gold that surrounds it, the jewel that sur- mounts it, the victories it hath gained, constitute now its least value ; it owes the greatest to its position. XIII. MAHOMET AND SERGIUS. Mahoviet confides his schemes and his asJ>i7-ations to hii friend, the Nestorian mo7ik Sergins. Mahomet. I should rather like, if convenient to Sergius, to extend my empire over the plains of Damascus ; chiefly because this empire must be extended l:)y the sword, which 68 DRAMATIC. is tempered nowhere in such perfection as by the waters of Abbana and Pharphar. Sergius. I demur to this. Mahomet. I would engage to give thee in exchange the whole of Europe. Sergius. Mahomet, thou art ambitious. Mahomet. To serve my friend ; otherwise no mortal was ever so far removed from it. I have many other faults ; none however which a friend can suffer from, or ought to see. Sergius. Although I little doubt that any plausible new religion would subvert the old rottenness that lies accumu- lated around us, now that people find the priests of Christ assuming the garb and language of despots, with the temper and trade of executioners, yet it may be the labour of years to penetrate with an army from the centre of Arabia into this country. Mahomet. Of two or three at most. I have had visions that promise me Syria. Sergius. Mahomet, the system I laid down for thee contains no visions. Mahomet. Many spring from it. Sergitis. Thou wouldst alter it, I see. Mahomet. It was too pure : people have fed upon pro- digies ; they must have them still. Situate the native of a watery plain upon the mountain, and he will regret the warm comfortable fogs and the low fleeting lights of his marsh. I would continue on the best terms with my adviser and guide ; but verily my entrails yearn for the good people of Damascus. Sergius. Leave them to me ; and if thy entrails yearn take a goblet of Cyprus. Mahomet. I dare not drink wine : it aggravates my malady, the only one to which I am subject. Another inspiration here comes over me. I will forbid the usf MAHOMET AND SERGIUS. 69 of this beverage. Why should others enjoy what I can not? Sergius. True religionist ! But, Mahomet ! Mahomet ! will vision upon vision, revelation upon revelation, super- sede this delicious habit? Relinquish such an imprac- ticable conceit. Forbid wine indeed ! God himself, if he descended on earth, and commanded it in a louder and clearer voice than that at which the creation sprang forth, unless first he altered the composition both of body and soul, would utterly fail in this commandment. Mahomet. I will order it ; I will see it executed : for now thou urgest me. Yea, Sergius ! men shall abstain from wine in all those regions of the earth where wine hath fragrance and captivation : and they shall continue to drink it and be damned where it is nauseous and fiery ^nd .(Ethiopian in complexion : and the priests in those regions shall drink the most of it. Thus saith the Lord. Sergius. He hath said many things which nobody minds. If whole nations abstain from wine, by any ordinance, prophetic or angelic, and from such wine as Syria and Cyprus and Chios and Crete afford us, there will be a miracle not resembling most others ; no miracle of a moment, witnessed by the ignorant and run away with by the impostor, a sacrilege to examine ; but a mir- acle to be touched and interrogated, as long, as attentively, as intrinsically, as the most incredulous could require, and such as all the world must acknowledge to be irresist- ible, and must bend before its divinity. » , » Mahomet. Hitherto, when I dreamed that thou madest to me any cession of territory for the plantation of the faith, thou didst give me thy blessing and cede it. Sergius. And thou didst to me in like manner. But now thy dreams cover nation after nation ; let us agree, my friend Mahomet, to dream no more. Lie on thy left side, man, on thy noble camel-hair couch, white and 70 DRAMATIC. black like a zebra (as thou boastest in thy poetry), and never turn thy face again toward Syria. Mahomet. This seems, my friend, like a threat. Sergitis. Say rather, like divination. Mahomet. I can divine better than thou canst. Sergius. Contentment is better than divination or visions. Thou wert born and educated in Arabia : and nothing can transcend the description thou hast given me of thy native country. Ala/iomet. All native countries are most beautiful ; yet we want something from them which they will not give us. Our first quarrels of any seriousness are with them ; as the first screams and struggles of infants, the first tear- ing of robes and sobs of anger, are against their mothers. Delightful is it to bathe in the moonsea on the sands, and to listen to tales of genii in the tent : but then in Arabia the anxious heart is thrown into fierce and desperate commotion, by the accursed veil that separates beauty from us. There we never see the blade of that sweet herbage rise day after day into light and loveliness, never see the blossom expand ; but receive it unselected, unsolicited, and unwon. Happy the land where the youthful are without veils, the aged without suspicion ; where the antelope may look to what resting-place she listeth, and bend her slender foot to the fountain that most invites her. Odoriferous gales ! whether of Deban or of Dafar, if ye bring only fragrance with you, carry it to the thought- less and light-hearted ! carry it to the drinker of wine, to the feaster and the dancer at the feast. If ye never have played about the beloved of my youth, if ye bring me no intelligence of her, pass on ! away with you 1 FILIPPO LIPPI AND EUGENIUS IV. 7 1 XIV. FILIPPO LIPPI AND EUGENIUS IV. The painter Fra Filippo Lippi, en his return from captivity in Darbary, is questioned by Pope Engcniiis IV. concerning his experiences in the service of the corsair A hdiiL Etigenitis. How wert thou mainly occupied ? Filippo. I will give your Holiness a sample both of my employments and of Abdul's character. He was going one evening to a country house, about fifteen miles from Tunis ; and he ordered me to accompany him. I found there a spacious garden, overrun with wild-flowers and most luxuriant grass, in irregular tufts, according to the dryness or the humidity of the spot. The clematis over- topped the lemon and orange trees ; and the perennial pea sent forth here a pink blossom, here a purple, here a white one, and, after holding (as it were) a short conversation with the humbler plants, sprang up about an old cypress, played among its branches, and miti- gated its gloom. White pigeons, and others in colour like the dawn of day, looked down on us and ceased to coo, until some of their companions, in whom they had more confidence, encouraged them loudly from re- moter boughs, or alighted on the shoulders of Abdul, at whose side I was standing. A few of them examined me in every position their inquisitive eyes could take -, displaying all the advantages of their versatile necks, and pretending querulous fear in the midst of petulant approaches. Eiigenius. Is it of pigeons thou art talking, O Filippo? I hope it may be. 72 DRAMATIC. Filippo. Of Abdul's pigeons. He was fond of taming all creatures ; men, horses, pigeons, equally : but he tamed them all by kindness. In this wilderness is an edifice not unlike our Italian chapter-houses built by the Lombards, with long narrow windows, high above the ground. The centre is now a bath, the waters of which, in another part of the enclosure, had supplied a fountain, at present in ruins, and covered by tufted canes, and by every variety of aquatic plants. The structure has no remains of roof : and, of six windows, one alone is unconcealed by ivy. This had been walled up long ago, and the cement in the inside of it was hard and polished. "Lippi!" said Abdul to me, after I had long admired the place in silence, " I leave to thy superintendence this bath and garden. Be sparing of the leaves and branches : make paths only wide enough for me. Let me see no mark of hatchet or pruning-hook, and tell the labourers that whoever takes a nest or an egg shall be impaled." Engenius. Monster ! so then he would really have impaled a poor wretch for eating a bird's egg? How disproportionate is the punishment to the offence ! Filippo. He efficiently checked in his slaves the desire of transgressing his command. To spare them as much as possible, I ordered them merely to open a few spaces, and to remove the weaker trees from the stronger. Mean- while I drew on the smooth blank window the figure of Abdul and of a beautiful girl. Eugenius. Rather say handmaiden : choicer expres- sion : more decorous. Filippo. Holy Father ! I have been lately so much out of practice, I take the first that comes in my way. Hand- maiden I will use in preference for the future. Etigenius. On then ! and God speed thee ! Filippo. I drew Abdul with a blooming handmaiden. One of his feet is resting on her lap, and she is drying FILIPPO LIPPI AND EUGENIUS IV. 73 the ankle with a saffron robe, of which the greater part is fallen in doing it. That she is a bondmaid is discernible, not only by her occupation, but by her humility and patience, by her loose and flowing brown hair, and by her eyes expressing the timidity at once of servitude and of fondness. The countenance was taken from fancy, and was the loveliest I could imagine : of the figure I had some idea, having seen it to advantage in Tunis. After seven days Abdul returned. He was delighted with the improvement made in the garden. I requested him to visit the bath. " We can do nothing to that," answered he impatiently. " There is no sudatoiy, no dormitory, no dressing-room, no couch. Sometimes I sit an hour there in the summer, because I never found a fly in it : the principal curse of hot countries, and against which plague there is neither prayer nor amulet, nor indeed any human defence." He went away into the house. At dinner he sent me from his table some quails and ortolans, and tomatoes and honey and rice, beside a basket of fruit covered with moss and bay-leaves, under which I found a verdino fig, deliciously ripe, and bear- ing the impression of several small teeth, but certainly no reptile's. Eugenius. There might have been poison in them for all that. Filippo. About two hours had passed, when I heard a whirr and a crash in the wdndows of the bath (where I had dined and was about to sleep) occasioned by the settling and again the flight of some pheasants. Abdul entered. " Beard of the Prophet ! What hast thou been doing? That is myself! No, no, Lippi ! thou never canst have seen her : the face proves it : but those limbs ! thou hast divined them aright : thou hast had sweet dreams then ! Dreams are large possessions : in them the possessor may cease to possess his own. To the slave 74 DRAMATIC. O Allah ! to the slave is permitted what is not his ! — 1 burn with anguish to think how much — yea, at that very hour. I would not another should, even in a dream but, Lippi ! thou never canst have seen above the sandal?" To which I answered, " I never have allowed my eyes to look even on that. But if any one of my lord Abdul's fair slaves resembles, as they surely must all do, in duty and docility, the figure I have represented, let it express to him my congratulation on his happiness." " I be- lieve," said he, "such representations are forbidden by the Koran ; but as I do not remember it, I do not sin. There it shall stay, unless the angel Gabriel comes to forbid it." He smiled in saying so. Eugenius. There is hope of this Abdul. His faith hangs about him more like oil than pitch. Filippo. He inquired of me whether I often thought of those I loved in Italy, and whether I could bring them before my eyes at will. To remove all suspicion from him, I declared I always could, and that one beautiful object occupied all the cells of my brain by night and day. He paused and pondered, and then said, "Thou dost not love deeply." I thought I had given the true signs. "No, Lippi ! we who love ardently, we, with all our wishes, all the efforts of our souls, can not bring before us the features which, while they were present, we thought it impossible we ever could forget. Alas ! when we most love the absent, when we most desire to see her, we try in vain to bring her image back to us. The troubled heart shakes and confounds it, even as ruffled waters do with shadows. Hateful things are more hate- ful when they haunt our sleep : the lovely flee away, or are changed into less lovely." Eugenius. What figures now have these unbehevers ? Filippo. Various in their combinations as the letters oi the numerals ; but they all, like these, signify something. FILIPPO LIPPI AND EUGENIUS IV. 75 Almeida (did I not inform your Holiness?) has large hazel eyes. Eugcnius. Has she? thou never toldest me that. Well, well ! and what else has she ? Mind ! be cautious ! use decent terms. Filippo. Somewhat pouting lips. Eugenius. Ha ! ha ! What did they pout at ? Filifpo. And she is rather plump than otherwise. Eugenius. No harm in that. Filippo. And moreover is cool, smooth, and firm as a nectarine gathered before sunrise. Eugenius. Ha ! ha ! do not remind me of nectarines. I am very fond of them ; and this is not the season ! Such females as thou describest, are said to be among the likeliest to give reasonable cause for suspicion. I would not judge harshly, I would not think uncharitably ; but unhappily, being at So great a distance from spiritual aid, peradventure a desire, a suggestion, an inkling — ay! If she, the lost Almeida, came before thee when her master was absent — which I trust she never did But those flowers and shrubs and odours and alleys and long grass and alcoves, might strangely hold, perplex, and entangle, two incautious young persons — ay ? Filippo. I confessed all I had to confess in this matter, the evening I landed. Eurcnitts. Ho ! I am no candidate for a seat at the o rehearsal of confession : but perhaps my absolution might be somewhat more pleasing and unconditional. Well ! well ! since I am unworthy of such confidence, go about thy business— paint ! paint ! Filippo. Am I so unfortunate as to have offended your Beatitude ? Eugenius. Offend »ie, man ! who offends tiie ? I took an interest in thy adventures, and was concerned lest thou niightest have sinned ; for by my soul ! Filippo ! 76 DRAMATIC. those are the women that the devil hath set his mark on. Filippo. It would do your Holiness's heart good to rub it out again, wherever he may have had the cunning to make it. Eugenius. Deep ! deep ! Filippo. Yet it may be got at ; she being a Biscayan by birth, as she told me, and not only baptised, but going by sea along the coast for confirmation, when she was captured. Eugenius. Alas ! to what an imposition of hands was this tender young thing devoted ! Poor soul ! Filippo. I sigh Tor her myself when I think of her. Eugenius. Beware lest the sigh be mundane, and lest the thought recur too often. I wish it were presently in my power to examine her myself on her condition. What thinkest thou ? Speak. Filippo. Holy Father ! she would laugh in your face. Et{genius. So lost ! Filippo. She declared to me she thought she should have died, from the instant she was captured until she was comforted by Abdul : but that she was quite sure she should if she were ransomed. Eugenius. Has the wretch then shaken her faith ? Filippo. The very last thing he would think of doing. Never did I see the virtue of resignation in higher perfec- tion than in the laughing light-hearted Almeida. Eugenius. Lamentable ! Poor lost creature ! lost in this world and in the next. Filippo. What could she do? how could she help herself? Eugenitis. She might have torn his eyes out, and have died a martyr. Filippo. Or have been bastinadoed, whipped, and given up to the cooks and scullions for it FILIPPO LIPPI AND EUGENIUS IV. 77 Eugenius. Martyrdom is the more glorious the greater the indignities it endures. Filippo. Almeida seems unambitious. There are many in our Tuscany who would jump at the crown over those sloughs and briars, rather than perish without them : she never sighs after the like. Eugenius. Nevertheless, what must she witness ! what abominations ! what superstitions ! Filippo. Abdul neither practises nor exacts any other superstition than ablutions. Eugeniiis^. Detestable rites ! without our authority. I venture to affirm that in the whole of Italy and Spain no convent of monks or nuns contains a bath ; and that the worst inmate of either would shudder at the idea of observing such a practice in common with the unbeliever. For the washing of the feet indeed we have the authority of the earlier Christians ; and it may be done ; but solemnly and sparingly. Thy residence among the Mahometans, I am afraid, hath rendered thee more favourable to them than beseems a Catholic, and thy mind, I do suspect, sometimes goes back into Barbary unreluctantly. Filippo. While I continued in that country, although I was well treated, I often wished myself away, thinking of my friends in Florence, of music, of painting, of our villeggiatura at the vintage-time ; whether in the green and narrow glades of Pratolino, with lofty trees above us, and little rills unseen, and little bells about the necks of sheep and goats, tinkling together ambiguously ; or amid the grey quarries or under the majestic walls of ancient Fiesole ; or down in the woods of the Doccia, where the cypresses are of such a girth that, when a youth stands against one of them, and a maiden stands opposite, and they clasp it, their hands at the time do little more than meet. Beautiful scenes, on which Heaven smiles 78 DRAMATIC. eternally, how often has my heart ached for you ! Ht who hath lived in this country, can enjoy no distant one. He breathes here another air ; he lives more life ; a brighter sun invigorates his studies, and serener stars influence his repose. Barbary hath also the blessing of climate ; and although I do not desire to be there again, I feel sometimes a kind of regret at leaving it. A bell warbles the more mellifluously in the air when the sound of the stroke is over, and when another swims out from underneath it, and pants upon the element that gave it birth. In like manner the recollection of a thing is fre- quently more pleasing than the actuality ; what is harsh is dropped in the space between. XV. LEONORA DI ESTE AND FATHER PANIGAROLA. Leonora di Este, sister to the Duke of Ferrara, beloved by Tasso, questions Panigarola on her death-bed concern- ing the manner in which the />oet {being in confinejnent as a hinatic') has borne the news that she is about to die. Leonora. You have then seen him, father ? Have you been able, you who console so many, you who console even me, to comfort poor Torquato? Panigarola. Madonna ! the ears of the unhappy man are quickened by his solitude and his sorrow. He seemed aware, or suspicious at least, that somebody was listening at his prison-door ; and the cell is so narrow that every sound in it is audible to those who stand outside. Leonora. He might have whispered. Panigarola. It would have been most imprudent. Leonora. Said he nothing? not a word? — to prove — to prove that he had not lost his memory ; his memory ? of LEONORA AND PANIGAROLA. 79 what ? of reading his verses to me, and of my listening Ic them. Lucrezia listened to them as attentively as I did, mtil she observed his waiting for my applause first. When she applauded, he bowed so gracefully : when I applauded he only held down his head. I was not angry at the difference. But tell me, good father ! tell me, pray, whether he gave no sign of sorrow at hearing how soon I am to leave the world. Did you forget to men- tion it ! or did you fear to pain him ? Panigarola. I mentioned it plainly, fully. Leonora. And was he, was gentle Torquato, very sorry ? Panigarola. Be less anxious. He bore it like a Chris- tian. He said deliberately, but he trembled and sighed, as Christians should sigh and tremble, that, although he grieved at your illness, yet that to write either in verse or prose, on such a visitation of Providence, was repug- nant to his nature. Leonora. He said so ? could he say it ? But I thought you told me he feared a listener. Perhaps too he feared toawaken in me the sentiments he once excited. How- ever it may be, already I feel the chilliness of the grave : his words breathe it over me. I would have entreated him to forget me ; but to be forgotten before I had en- treated it !— O father, father ! Panigarola. Human vanity still is lingering on the precincts of the tomb. Is it criminal, is it censurable in him, to anticipate your wishes ? Leonora. Knowing the certainty and the nearness of my departure, he might at least have told me through you that he lamented to lose me. Panigarola. Is there no voice v/ithin your heart that clearly tells you so ? Leonora That voice is too indistinct, too troubled with the throbbings round about it. We women want some- 8o DRAMATIC. times to hear what we know ; we die unless we heai what we doubt. Panigarola. Madonna ! this is too passionate for the hour. But the tears you are shedding are a proof of your compunction. May the Virgin, and the Saints around her throne, accept and ratify it. Leonora. Father ! what were you saying ? What were you asking me ? Whether no voice whispered to me, assured me ? I know not. I am weary of thinking. He must love me. It is not in the nature of such men ever to cease from loving. Was genius ever ungrateful ? Mere talents are dry leaves, tossed up and down by gusts of passion, and scattered and swept away ; but Genius lies on the bosom of Memory, and Gratitude at her feet. Panigarola. Be composed, be calm, be resigned to the will of Heaven, be ready for that journey's end where the happier who have gone before, and the enduring who soon must follow, will meet. Leonora. I am prepared to depart ; for I have struggled (God knows) to surmount what is insurmountable ; and the wings of angels will sustain and raise me, seeing my descent toward earth too rapid, too unresisted, and too prone. Pray, father, for my deliverance : pray also for poor Torquato's : do not separate us in your prayers. ! could he leave his prison as surely and as speedily as 1 shall mine ! it would not be more thankfully. O ! that bars of iron were as fragile as bars of clay ! O ! that princes were as merciful as Death ! But tell him, tell Torquato— go again ; entreat, persuade, command him, to forget me. Panigarola. Alas ! even the command, even the com- mand from you and from above, might not avail perhaps. You smile. Madonna ! Leonora. I die happy. MAID OF ORLEANS AND AGNES SOREL. 8 1 XVI. THE MAID OF ORLEANS AND AGNES SOREL. Jeanne tTArc is introduced into the /'rescnce of Aggies Soret, mistress of the French king, Charles VII. Agnes. If a boy could ever be found so beautiful and so bashful, I should have taken you for a boy about fifteen years old. Really, and without flattery, I think you very lovely. Jcan7ie. I hope I shall be greatly more so. Agnes. Nay, nay : do not expect to improve, except a little in manner. Manner is the fruit, blushes are the blossom : these must fall off before the fruit sets. Jean7te. By God's help I may be soon more comely ii) the eyes of men. Agnes. Ha ! ha ! even in piety there is a spice of vanity. The woman can only cease to be the woman when angels have disrobed her in Paradise. Jeanne. I shall be far from loveliness, even in my own eyes, until I execute the will of God in the deliverance of his people. Agnes. Never hope it. Jeanne. The deliverance that is never hoped seldom comes. We conquer by hope and trust. Agnes. Be content to have humbled the proud islanders. O how I rejoice that a mere child has done so. Jeanne. A child of my age, or younger, chastised the Philistines, and smote down the giant their leader. Agnes. But Talbot is a giant of another mould : his will is immovable, his power irresistible, his word of com- mand is Conquer. 82 DRAMATIC. Jeanne. It shall be heard no longer. The tempest of battle drowning it in English blood. Agnes. Poor simpleton ! The English will recover from the stupor of their fright, believing thee no longer to be a sorceress. Did ever sword or spear intimidate them ? Hast thou never heard of Creci ? hast thou never heard of Agincourt ? hast thou never heard of Poictiers ? where the chivalry of France was utterly vanquished by sick and starving men, one against five. The French are the eagle's plume, the English are his talon. Jeanne. The talon and the plume shall change places. Agties Too confident ! Jeanne. O lady ! is any one too confident in God ? Agnes. We may mistake his guidance. Already not only the whole host of the English, but many of our wisest and most authoritative churchmen, believe you in their consciences to act under the instigation of Satan. Jeanne. What country or what creature has the Evil- one ever saved ? With what has he tempted me ? With reproaches, with scorn, with weary days, with slumberless nights, with doubts, distrusts, and dangers, with absence from all who cherish me, with immodest soldierly lan- guage, and perhaps an untimely and a cruel death. Agnes. But you are not afraid. Jeajine. Healthy and strong, yet always too timorous, a few seasons ago I fled away from the lowings of a young steer, if he ran opposite ; I awaited not the butting of a full-grown kid; the barking of a house-dog at our neighbour's gate turned me pale as ashes. And (shame upon me !) I scarcely dared kiss the child, when he called on me with burning tongue in the pestilence of a fever. Agnes. No wonder ! A creature in a fever ! What a frightful thing ! Jeanne. It would be were it not so piteous. MAID OF ORLEANS AND AGNES SOREL. 83 Agnes. And did you kiss it ? Did you really kiss the lips ? Jeanne. I fancied mine would refresh them a little. Agnes. And did they? I should have thought mine could do but trifling good in such cases. Jeanne. Alas ! when I believed I had quite cooled them, it was death had done it. Agnes. Ah ! this is courage. Jeanne. The courage of the weaker sex, inherent in us all, but as deficient in me as in any, until an infant taught me my duty by its cries. Yet never have I quailed in the front of the fight, where I directed our ranks against the bravest. God pardon me if I err ! but I believe his Spirit flamed within my breast, strengthened my arm, and led me on to victory. Agnes. Say not so, or they will burn thee alive, poor child ! Why fallest thou before me ? I have some power indeed, but in this extremity I could little help thee. The priest never releases the victim. What ! how ! thy countenance is radiant with a heavenly joy : thy humility is hke an angel's at the feet of God : I am unworthy to behold it. Rise, Jeanne, rise ! Jea7ine. Martyrdom too ! The reward were too great for such an easy and glad obedience. France will become just and righteous : France will praise the Lord for her deliverance. Agnes. Sweet enthusiast ! I am confident, I am cer- tain, of thy innocence. Jeanne. O Lady Agnes ! Agnes. Why fixest thou thy eyes on me so piteously ? Why sobbest thou ? thou, to whom the representation of an imminent death to be apprehended for thee, left un- troubled, joyous, exulting. Speak ; tell me. Jeanne. I must. This also is commanded me. You believe me innocent ? 84 DRAMATIC. Agnes. In truth I do : why then look abashed ? Alas ! alas ! could I mistake the reason ? I spoke of innocence ! Leave me, leave me. Return another time. Follow thy vocation. /eanne. Agnes Sorel ! be thou more than innocent, if innocence is denied thee. In the name of the Almighty, I call on thee to earn his mercy. Agnes. I implore it incessantly, by day, by night. Jeanne. Serve him as thou mayest best serve him ; and thy tears, I promise thee, shall soon be less bitter than those which are dropping on this jewelled hand, and on the rude one which has dared to press it. Agnes. What can I, what can I do ? Jeanne. Lead the king back to his kingdom. Agnes. The king is in France. Jeanne. No, no, no. Agnes, Upon my word of honour. Jeanne. And at such a time, O Heaven ! in idleness and sloth ! Agnes. Indeed no. He is busy (this is the hour) in feeding and instructing two young hawks. Could you but see the little miscreants, how they dare to bite and claw and tug at him. He never hurts or scolds them for it; he is so good-natured : he even lets them draw blood; he is so very brave ! Running away from France ! Who could have raised such a report ? Indeed he is here. He never thought of leaving the country : and his affairs are becoming more and more prosperous ever since the battle. Can you not take my asseveration ? Must I say it ? he is now in this very house. Jean7te. Then not in France. In France all love their country. Others of our kings, old men tell us, have been captives ; but less ignominously. Their enemies have respected their misfortunes and their honour. MAID OF ORLEANS AND AGNES SOREL. 85 Agnes. The English have always been merciful and generous. Jeanne. And will you be less generous, less merciful ? Agnes. I ? Jeanne. You ; the beloved of Charles. Agnes. This is too confident. No, no : do not draw back : it is not too confident : it is only too reproachful. But your actions have given you authority. I have, nevertheless, a right to demand of you what creature on earth I have ever treated ignominiously or unkindly. Jeanne. Your beloved ; your king. Agnes. Never. I owe to him all I have, all I am. Jeanne. Too true ! But let him in return owe to you, O Lady Agnes, eternal happiness, eternal glory. Con- descend to labour with the humble handmaiden of the Lord, in fixing his throne and delivering his people. Agitei. I can not fight : I abominate war. Jeanne. Not more than 1 do ; but men love it. Agnes. Too much. Jeanne. Often too much, for often unjustly. But when God's right hand is visible in the vanguard, we who are called must follow. Agnes. I dare not ; indeed I dare not. Jeanne. You dare not ? you who dare withhold the king from his duty ! Agnes. We must never talk of their duties to our princes. Jeanne. Then we omit to do much of our own. It is now mine : but above all it is yours. Agnes. There are learned and religious men who might more properly. Jeanne. Are these learned and religious men in the court ? Pray tell me : since, if they are, seeing how poorly they have sped, I may perad venture, however un- willingly, however blameably, abate a little of my rever- 86 DRAMATIC. ence for learning, and look for pure religion in lower places. Agnes. They are modest ; and they usually ask of me in what manner they may best please their master. Jeanne. They believe then that your aflFection is pro- portional to the power you possess over him. I have heard complaints that it is usually quite the contrary. But can such great men be loved? And do you love him ? Why do you sigh so ? Agnes. Life is but sighs, and when they cease 'tis over. Jeanne. Now deign to answer me : do you truly love him? Agnes. From my soul ; and above it. Jeanne. Then save him. Lady ! I am grieved at your sorrow, although it will hereafter be a source of joy to you. The purest water runs from the hardest rock. Neither worth nor wisdom come wdthout an effort ; and patience and piety and salutary knowledge spring up and ripen from under the harrow of affliction. Before there is wine or there is oil, the grape must be trodden and the olive must be pressed. I see you are framing in your heart the resolution. Agnes. My heart can admit nothing but his image. Jeanne. It must fall thence at last. Agnes. Alas ! alas ! Time loosens man's affections. I may become unworthy. In the sweetest flower there is much that is not fragrance, and which transpires when the freshness has passed away. Alas ' if he should ever cease to love me ! Jeanne. Alas ! if God should ! Agnes. Then indeed he might afflict me with sc grievous a calamity. Jeanne. And none worse after ? Agnes. What can there be ? O Heaven ! mercy ! mercy ! MAID OF ORLEANS AND AGNES SOREL. 87 Jeanne. Resolve to earn it : one hour suffices. Agnes. I am lost. Leave me, leave me. Jeaune. Do we leave the lost ? Are they beyond our care ? Remember who died for them, and them only. Agnes. You subdue me. Spare me : I would only collect my thoughts. Jeanne. Cast them away. Fresh herbage springs from under the withered. Be strong, and, if you love, be generous. Is it more glorious to make a captive than to redeem one ? Agnes. Is he in danger ! O ! — you see all things — is he ? is he ? is he ? Jeanne. From none but you. Agnes. God, it is evident, has given to thee alone the power of rescuing both him and France. He has bestowed on thee the mightiness of virtue, Jeanne. Believe, and prove thy belief, that he has left no little of it still in thee. Agnes. When we have lost our chastity, we have lost all, in his sight and in man's. But man is unforgiving, God is merciful. Jeanne. I am so ignorant, I know only a part of my duties : yet those which my Maker has taught me I am earnest to perform. He teaches me that divine love has less influence over the heart than human : He teaches me that it ought to have more : finally. He commands me to announce to thee, not His anger, but His will. Agites. Declare it ; O declare it. I do believe His holy word is deposited in thy bosom. Jeanne. Encourage the king to lead his vassals to the field. Agnes. When the season is milder. Jeanne. And bid him leave you for ever. Agnes. Leave me ! one whole campaign ! one entire 88 DRAMATIC. summer ! Oh anguish ! It sounded in my ears as if you said " for ever." Jeanne. I say it again. Agnes. Thy power is superhuman, mine is not. Jeanne. It ought to be, in setting God at defiance. The mightiest of the angels rued it. Agnes. We did not make our hearts. Jeanne. But we can mend them. Agnes. Oh ! mine (God knows it) bleeds. Jeanne. Say rather it repels from it the last stagnant drop of its rebellious sin. Salutary pangs may be pain- fuller than mortal ones. Agnes. Bid him leave me ! wish it ! permit ! think it near ! believe it ever can be ! Go, go — I am lost eternally. Jeanne. And Charles too. Agnes. Hush ! hush ! What has he done that other men have not done also ? Jeanne. He has left undone what others do. Other men fight for their country. I always thought it was pleasant to the young and beautiful to see those they love victorious and applauded. Twice in my lifetime I have been present at wakes, where prizes were contended for : what prizes I quite forget : certainly not kingdoms. The winner was made happy : but there was one made happier. Village maids love truly : ay, they love glory too ; and not their own. The tenderest heart loves best the courageous one : the gentle voice says, "Why wert thou so hazardous?" the deeper- toned replies, " For thee, for thee." Agnes. But if the saints of heaven are offended, as I fear they may be, it would be presumptuous in the king to expose his person in battle, until we have supplicated and appeased them. Jeamie. One hour of self-denial, one hour of stern exer MAID OF ORLEANS AND AGNES SOREL. 89 tion against the assaults of passion, outvalues a life of prayer. Agnes. Prayer, if many others will pray with us, can do all things. I will venture to raise up that arm which has only one place for its repose : I will steal away from that undivided pillow, fragrant with fresh and unextinguishable love. Jeanne. Sad earthly thoughts ! Agnes. You make them sad, you cannot make them earthly. There is a divinity in a love descending from on high, in theirs who can see into the heart and mould it to their will. Jeanne. Has man that power ? Agnes. Happy, happy girl ! to ask it, and unfeignedly. Jeanne. Be happy too. Agnes, How? how? Jeanne. By passing resolutely through unhappiness. It must be done. Agnes. I will throw myself on the pavement, and pray until no star is in the heavens. Oh ! I will so pray, so weep. Jeanne. Unless you save the tears of others, in vain you shed your own. Agnes. Again I ask you what can I do? Jeanne. When God has told you what you ought to do, he has already told you what you can. Ag7tes. I will think about it seriously. Jeanne, Serious thoughts are folded up, chested, and unlooked at : lighter, like dust, settle all about the chamber. The promise to think seriously dismisses and closes the door on the thought. Adieu ! God pity and pardon you. Through you the wrath of Heaven will fall upon the kingdom. Agnes. Denouncer of just vengeance, recall the sentence ! I tremble before that countenance severely radiant : I 90 DRAMATIC. sink amid that calm, more appalling than the tempest. Look not into my heart with those gentle eyes ! O how they penetrate ! They ought to see no sin : sadly must it pain them. Jeanne. Think not of me : pursue thy destination : save France. Agnes {after a long pause). Glorious privilege ! divine appointment ! Is it thus, O my Redeemer ! my crimes are visited ? Come with me, blessed Jeanne ! come in- stantly with me to the king : come to him whom thy virtue and valour have rescued. Jeanne. Not no-,v ; nor ever with thee. Again I shall behold him ; a conqueror at Orleans, a king at Rheims. Regenerate Agnes ! be this thy glory, if there be any that is not God's. XVII. HENRY VTII. AND ANNE BOLEYN. The King /•resents Idmself suddenly and in disguise be/ore /lis cast-off ivifc after she has teen condemned to death. Henry. Uost thou know me, Nanny, in this yeoman's dress? 'Sblood ! does it require so long and vacant a stare to recollect a husband, after a week or two ? No tragedy-tricks with me ! a scream, a sob, or thy kerchief a trifle the wetter, were enough. Why ! verily the little fool faints in earnest. These whey faces, like their kins- folk the ghosts, give us no warning. {Sprinkling -water over her.) Hast had water enough upon thee ? take that then — art thyself again ? Anne. Father of mercies ! do T meet again my husband, as was my last prayer on earth ! do I behold my beloved lord— in peace— and pardoned, my partner in eternal HENRY VIII. AND ANNE BOLEYN. 91 bliss ! It was his voice. I cannot see him— why cannot I ? O why do these pangs interrupt the transports of the blessed ! Henry. Thou openest thy arms : faith ! I came for that : Nanny, thou art a sweet slut : thou groanest, wench : art in labour ? Faith ! among the mistakes of the night, I am ready to think almost that thou hast been drinking, and that I have not. Anne. God preserve your Highness : grant me your forgiveness for one slight offence. My eyes were heavy ; I fell asleep while I was reading ; I did not know of your presence at first, and when I did I could not speak. I strove for utterance ; I wanted no respect for my hege and husband. Henry. My pretty warm nestling, thou wilt then lie ! Thou wert reading, and aloud, too, with thy saintly cup of water by thee, and — what ! thou art still girlishly fond of those dried cherries ! Anne. I had no other fruit to offer your Highness the first time I saw you, and you were then pleased to invent for me some reason why they should be acceptable. I did not dry these : may I present them such as they are ? We shall have fresh next month. Henry. Thou art always driving away from the dis- course. One moment it suits thee to know me, another not. Anne. Remember, it is hardly three months since I miscarried ; I am still weak and liable to swoons. Henry. Thou hast, however, thy bridal cheeks, with lustre upon them when there is none elsewhere, and obstinate lips, resisting all impression ; but, now thou talkest about miscarrying, who is the father of that boy ? Anne. The father is yours and mine — he who has taken him to his own home, before (like me) he could struggle or cry for it. 92 DRAMATIC. Henry. Pagan, or worse, to talk so ! He did not come into the world alive : there was no baptism. Anne. I thought only of our loss : my senses are confounded. I did not give him my milk, and yet I loved him tenderly ; for I often fancied, had he lived, how contented and joyful he would have made you and England. Henry. No subterfuges and escapes. I warrant, thou canst not say, whether at my entrance, thou wert waking or wandering. Anne. Faintness and drowsiness came upon me sud- denly. Henry. Well, since thou really and truly sleepedst, what didst dream of? Anm. I begin to doubt whether I did indeed sleep. Henry. Ha ! false one — never two sentences of truth together. — But come, what didst think about, asleep or awake ? Anne. I thought that God had pardoned me my offences, and had received me unto him, Henry. And nothing more ? Anne. That my prayers had been heard and my wishes were accomplishing : the angels alone can enjoy more beatitude than this. Henry. Vexatious little devil ! she says nothing now about me, merely from perverseness. — Hast thou never thought about me, nor about thy falsehood and adultery ? Anne. If I had committed any kind of falsehood, in regard to you or not, I should never have rested until I had thrown myself at your feet and obtained your par- don : but if ever I had been guilty of tliat other crime, I know not whether I should have dared to implore it, even of God's mercy. Henry. Thou hast heretofore cast some soft glances upon Smeaton ; hast thou not ? HENRY VIII. AND ANNE BOLEYN. 93 Anne. He taught me to play on the virginals, as you know, when I was little, and thereby to please your Highness. Henry. And Brereton and Norris, what have thej taught thee ? Anne. They are your servants, and trusty ones. Henry. Has not Weston told thee plainly that he loved thee ? Anne. Yes ; and Heti7-y. What didst thou ? Anne. I defied him. Henry. Is that all ? Anne. I could have done no more if he had told me that he hated me. Then indeed I should have incurred more justly the reproaches of your Highness : I should have smiled. Henry. We have proofs abundant : the fellows shall one and all confront thee — ay, clap thy hands and kiss my sleeve, harlot ! Anne. O that so great a favour is vouchsafed me ! my honour is secure ; my husband will be happy again ; he will see my innocence. Henry. Give me an account of the monies thou hast received from me, within these nine months : I want them not back : they are letters of gold in record of thy guilt. Thou hast had no fewer than fifteen thousand pounds within that period, without even thy asking ; what hast done with it, wanton ? Anne. I have regularly placed it out to interest. Henry. Where ? I demand of thee. Anne. Among the needy and ailing. My lord arch- bishop has the account of it, sealed by him weekly : I also had a copy myself : those who took away my papers may easily find it, for there are few others, and they lie open. 94 DRAMATIC. I/emy. Think on my munificence to thee ; recollect who made thee — dost sigh for what thou hast lost ? Anne. I do indeed. Heiny. I never thought thee ambitious ; but thy vices creep out one by one. Anne. I do not regret that I have been a queen and am no longer one ; nor that my innocence is called in question by those who never knew me : but I lament that the good people, who loved me so cordially, hate and curse me ; that those who pointed me out to their daughters for imitation, check them when they speak about me ; and that he whom next to God I have served with most devotion, is my accuser. O my lord, my hus- band, and king ! the judgments of God are righteous ; on this surely we must think alike. Henry. And what then ? speak out — again I command thee, speak plainly — thy tongue was not so torpid but this moment. Anne. If any doubt remains upon your royal mind of your equity in this business, — should it haply seem possible to you that passion or prejudice, in yourself or another, may have warped so strong an understanding, — do but supplicate the Almiglity to strengthen and enlighten it, and he will hear you. Henry. What ! thou wouldst fain change thy quarters, ay? Anne. My spirit is detached and ready, and I shall change them shortly, whatever your Highness may deter- mine. Henry. Yet thou appearest hale and resolute, and (they tell me) smirkest and smilest to them all. Anne. The withered leaf catches the sun sometimes, little as it can profit by it ; and I have heard stories of the breeze in other climates, that sets in when daylight is about to close, and how constant it is, and how refreshing. HENRY VIII. AND ANNE EOLEYN. 95 My heart indeed is now sustained strangely : it became the more sensibly so from that time forward when power and grandeur and all things terrestrial were sunk from sight. Every act of kindness from those about me gives satisfac- tion and pleasure, such as I did not feel formerly. I was worse before God chastened me ; yet I was never an ingrate. What pains have I taken to find out the village girls who placed their posies in my chamber ere I arose in the morning ! how gladly would I have recompensed the forester who lit up a brake on my birthnight which else had warmed him half the winter ! But these are times past : I was not Queen of England. Henry. Nor adulterous, nor heretical. Anne. God be praised ! Henry. Learned saint, thou knowest nothing of the lighter, but perhaps canst inform me about the graver of them. Anne. Which may it be, my liege ? Henry. Which may it be, pestilence ! I marvel that the walls of this tower do not crack around us at such impiety. Anne. I vi^ould be instructed by the wisest of theo- logians ; such is your Highness. Henry. Are the sins of the body, foul as they are, com- parable to those of the soul ? Anne. When they are united they must be worst. Henry. Go on, go on : thou pushest thy own breast against the sword : God has deprived thee of thy reason for thy punishment. I must hear more ; proceed, I charge thee. Anne. An aptitude to believe one thing rather than another from ignorance or weakness, or from the more persuasive manner of the teacher, or from his purity of life, or from the strong impression of a particular text at a particular time, and various things besides, may influ- 96 DRAMATIC. ence and decide our opinion ; and the hand of the Al- mighty, let us hope, will fall gently on human faUibility. Henry. Opinion in matters of faith ! rare wisdom ! rare religion ! Troth ! Anne, thou hast well sobered me : I came rather warmly and lovingly ; but these light ring- lets, by the holy rood, shall not shade this shoulder much longer. Nay, do not start ; I tap it for the last time, my sweetest. If the Church permitted it, thou shouldst set forth on the long journey with the eucharist between thy teeth, however loth. Anne. Love your Elizabeth, my honoured Lord, and God bless you ! She will soon forget to call me ; do not chide her ; think how young she is. Could I, could I kiss her, but once again I it would comfort my heart — or break it. xVlil. ROGER ASCHAM AND LADY JANE GREY. Roger Aschain prepares the mind of his pupil Lady Jane Grey for the perils that will encompass her after her }narriage. Aschain. Thou art going, my dear young lady, into a most awful state ; thou art passing into matrimony and great wealth. God hath w illed it : submit in thankfulness. Thy affections are rightly placed and well distributed. Love is a secondary passion in those who love most, a primary in those who love least. He who is inspired by it in a high degree is inspired by honour in a higher : it never reaches its plenitude of growth and perfection but in the most exalted minds. Alas ! alas ! Jane. What aileth my virtuous Ascham ? what is anii§s ? why do I tremble ? ROGER ASCHAM AND LADY JANE GREY. 97 Aschavt. I remember a sort of prophecy, made three years ago : it is a prophecy of thy condition and of my feehngs on it. Recollectest thou who wrote, sitting upon the sea-beach the evening after an excursion to the Isle of Wight, these verses ? Invisibly bright water ! so like air, Oil looking down I feared thou couldst not bear My little bark, of all light barks most light, And look'd again, and drew me from the sight, And, hanging back, breath'd each fresh gale aghast. And held the bench, not to go on so fast. Jane. 1 was very childish when I composed them ; and, if I had thought any more about the matter, I should have hoped you had been too generous to keep them in your memory as witnesses against me. Ascham. Nay, they are not much amiss for so young a girl, and there being so few of them, I did not reprove thee. Half-an-hour, I thought, might have been spent more unprofitably ; and I now shall believe it firmly, if thou wilt but be led by them to meditate a little on the similarity of situation in which thou then wert to what thou art now in. Jane. I will do it, and whatever else you command ; for I am weak by nature, and very timorous, unless where a strong sense of duty holdeth and supporteth me. There God acteth, and not his creature. Those were with me at sea who would have been attentive to me if I had seemed to be afraid, even though worshipful men and women were in the company ; so that something more powerful threw my fear overboard. Yet I never will go again upon the water. Ascham. Exercise that beauteous couple, that mind and body, much and variously, but at home, at home, Jane ! indoors, and about things indoors ; for God is H 98 DRAMATIC. there too. We have rocks and quicksands on the banks of our Thames, O lady, such as Ocean never heard of; and many (who knows how soon !) may be engulfed in the current under their garden-walls. Jane. Thoroughly do I now understand you. Yes indeed, I have read evil things of courts ; but I think nobody can go out bad who entereth good, if timely and true warning shall have been given. Ascham. I see perils on perils which thou dost not see, albeit thou art wiser than thy poor old master. And it is not because Love hath blinded thee, for that surpasseth his supposed -omnipotence ; but it is because thy tender heart, having always leant affectionately upon good, hath felt and known nothing of evil. I once persuaded thee to reflect much : let me now per- suade thee to avoid the habitude of reflection, to lay aside books, and to gaze carefully and steadfastly on what is under and before thee. Jane. I have well bethought me of my duties : O how extensive they are ! what a goodly and fair inheritance ! But tell me, would you command me never more to read Cicero and Epictetus and Plutarch and Polybius? The others I do resign : they are good for the arbour and for the gravel-walk : yet leave unto me, I do beseech you, my friend and father, leave unto me for my fireside and for my pillow, truth, eloquence, courage, constancy. Ascham. Read them on thy marriage-bed, on thy child- bed, on thy death-bed. Thou spotless undrooping lily, they have fenced thee right well. These are the men for men : these are to fashion the bright and blessed creatures whom God one day shaU smile upon in thy chaste bosom. Mind thou thy husband. Jane. I sincerely love the youth who hath espoused me ; I love him with the fondest, the most solicitous affection ; I pray to the Almighty for his goodness and ROGER ASCHAM AND LADY JANE GREY. 99 happiness, and do forget at times, unworthy supplicant ! the prayers I should have offered for myself. Never fear that I will disparage my kind religious teacher, by dis- disobedience to my husband in the most trying duties. Ascham. Gentle is he, gentle and virtuous : but time will harden him : time must harden even thee, sweet Jane ! Do thou, complacently and indirectly, lead liim from ambition. Jane. He is contented with me and with home. Ascham. Ah, Jane ! Jane ! men of high estate grow tired of contentedness. Jane. He told me he never liked books unless I read them to him : I will read them to him every evening : I will open new worlds to him richer than those discovered by the Spaniard : I will conduct him to treasures, O what treasures ! on which he may sleep in innocence and peace. Ascham. Rather do thou walk -with him, ride with him, play with him, be his faery, his page, his everything that love and poetry have invented ; but watch him well ; sport with his fancies ; turn them about like the ringlets round his cheek ; and if ever he meditate on power, go toss up thy baby to his brow, and bring back his thoughts into his heart by the music of thy discourse. Teach him to live unto God and unto thee ; and he will discover that women, like the plants in woods, derive tlieir softness and tenderness from the shade. lOO DRAMATIC. XIX. ESSEX AND SPENSER. The poet Spenser, newly returned from Ireland after tin burning of his house and infant son, has been summoned to confer with tite Earl of Essex, who as yet is ignorant of his misfortune. Essex. Instantly on hearing of thy arrival from Ireland, I sent a message to thee, good Edmund, that I might learn from one so judicious and dispassionate as thou art, the real state of things in that distracted country ; it having pleased the queen's majesty to think of appointing me her deputy, in order to bring the rebellious to sub- mission. Spenser. Wisely and well considered ; but more worthily of her judgment than her affection. May your lordship overcome, as you have ever done, the difficulties and dangers you foresee. Essex. We grow weak by striking at random ; and knowing that I must strike, and strike heavily, I would fain see exactly where the stroke shall fall. Some attribute to the Irish all sorts of excesses ; others tell us that these are old stories ; that there is not a more inoffensive race of merry creatures under heaven, and that their crimes are all hatched for them here in England, by the incubation of printers' boys, and are brought to market at times of distressing dearth in news. From all that I myself have seen of them, I can only say that the civilised (I mean the richer and titled) are as susceptible of heat as iron, and as impenetrable to light as granite. The half barbarous are probably worse ; the utterly barbarous may be somewhat better. Like game-cocks, they must spur when they meet. One tights because he fights an ESSEX AND SPENSER. lOl Englishman ; another because the fellow he quarrels with comes from a distant county ; a third because the next parish is an eye-sore to him, and his fist-mate is from it. The only thing in which they all agree as proper law is the tooth for tooth act * * * Various plans have been laid before us for civilising or coercing them. Among the pacific, it was proposed to make an offer to five hundred of the richer Jews in the Hanse-towns, and in Poland, who should be raised to the dignity of the Irish peerage, and endowed with four thousand acres of good forfeited land, on condition of each paying two thousand pounds, and of keeping up ten horsemen and twenty foot, Germans or Poles, in readiness for service. The Catholics bear nowhere such ill-will toward Jews as toward Protestants. Brooks make even worse neigh- bours than oceans do. I myself saw no objection to the measure : but our gracious queen declared she had an insuperable one ; they stank ! We all acknowledged the strength of the argument, and took out our handkerchiefs. Lord Burleigh almost fainted ; and Raleigh wondered how the Emperor Titus could bring up his men against Jerusalem. "Ah !" said he, looking reverentially at her majesty, "the star of Berenice shone above him! and what evil influence could that star not quell ! What mahgnancy could it not annihilate ! " Hereupon he touched the earth with his brow until the queen said, " Sir Walter ! lift me up those laurels." At which manifestation of princely good-will he was advancing to kiss her majesty's hand, but she waved it, and said sharply, •'Stand there, dog !" Now what tale have you for us ? 1 02 DRAMATIC. Spenser. Interrogate me, my lord, that I may answer each question distinctly, my mind being in sad confusion at what I have seen and undergone. Essex. Give me thy account and opinion of these veiy affairs as thou leftest them ; for I would rather know one part well, than all imperfectly ; and the violences of which I have heard within the day surpass belief. Why weepest thou, my gentle Spenser? Have the rebels sacked thy house ? Spenser. They have plundered and utterly destroyed it. Essex. I grieve for thee, and will see thee righted. Spenser. In this they have little harmed me. Essex. How ! I have heard it reported that thy grounds are fertile, and thy mansion large and pleasant. Spenser. If river and lake and meadow -ground and mountain could render any place the abode of pleasant- ness, pleasant was mine, indeed ! On the lovely banks of Mulla I found deep content- ment. Under the dark alders did I muse and meditate. Innocent hopes were my gravest cares, and my play- fullest fancy was with kindly wishes. Ah ! surely of all cruelties the worst is to extinguish our kindness. Mine is gone : I love the people and the land no longer. My lord, ask me not about them ; I may speak injuriously. Essex. Think rather then of thy happier hours and busier occupations ; these likewise may instruct me. Spenser. The first seeds I sowed in the garden, ere the old castle was made habitable for my lovely bride, were acorns from Penshurst. I planted a little oak before my mansion at the birth of each child. My sons, I said to myself, shall often play in the shade of them when I am gone, and every year shall they take the measure of their growth, as fondly as I take theirs. Essex. Well, well ; but let not this thought make thee weep so bitterly. ESSEX AND SPENSER. 103 Spenser. Poison may ooze from beautiful plants ; deadly grief from dearest reminiscences. I must grieve ; I must weep : it seems the law of God, and the only one that men are not disposed to contravene. In the performance of this alone do they effectually aid one another. Essex. Spenser ! I wish I had at hand any arguments or persuasions, of force sufficient to remove thy sorrow : but really I am not in the habit of seeing men grieve at anything, except the loss of favour at court, or of a hawk, or of a buck hound. And were I to swear out my condol- ences to a man of thy discernment, in the same round roll-call phrases we employ with one another on these occasions, I should be guilty, not of insincerity but of insolence. True grief hath ever something sacred in it ; and when it visiteth a wise man, and a brave, is most holy. Nay, kiss not my hand : he whom God smiteth hath God with him. In his presence what am I ? Spemer. Never so great, my lord, as at this hour, when you see aright who is greater. May He guide your counsels, and preserve your life and gloiy ! Essex. Where are thy friends ? Are they with thee? Spenser. Ah, where indeed ! Generous, true-hearted Philip ! where art thou ! whose presence was unto me peace and safety ; whose smile was contentment and whose praise renown. My lord ! I can not but think of him among still heavier losses : he was my earliest friend, and would have taught me wisdom. Essex. Pastoral poetry, my dear .Spenser, doth not require tears and lamentations. Dry thine eyes ; rebuild thine house : the queen and council, I venture to promise thee, will make ample amends for every evil thou hast sus- tained. What ! does that enforce thee to wail yet louder ? Spenser. Pardon me, bear with me, most noble heart ! I have lost what no council, no queen, no Essex, can restore. 1 04 DRAMATIC. Essex. We will see that. There are other swords, and other arms to wield them, beside a Leicester's and a Raleigh's. Others can crush their enemies and serve their friends. Spenser. O my sweet child ! And of many so power- ful, many so wise and so beneficent, was there none to save thee ? None ! none ! Essex. I now perceive that thou lamentest what almost every father is destined to lament. Happiness must be bought, although tlie payment may be delayed. Con- sider ; the same calamity might have befallen thee here in London. Neither the houses of ambassadors, nor the palaces of kings, nor the altars of God himself, are asylums against death. How do I know but under this very roof there may sleep some latent calamity, that in an instant shall cover with gloom every inmate of the house, and every far dependant ? Spenser. God avert it ! Essex. Every day, every hour of the year, do hundreds mourn what thou moumest. Spenser. Oh, no, no, no ! Calamities there are around us ; calamities there are all over the earth ; calamities there are in all seasons ; but none in any season, none in any place, like mine. Essex. So say all fathers, so say all husbands. Look at any old mansion-house, and let the sun shine as glori- ously as it may on the golden vanes, or the arms recently quartered over the gateway, or the embayed window, and on the happy pair that haply is toying at it ; never- theless, thou mayest say that of a certainty the same fabric hath seen much sorrow within its chambers, and heard many wailings : and each time this was the heaviest stroke of all. Funerals have passed along through the stout-hearted knights upon the wainscot, and amid the laughing nymphs upon the arras. Old servants ESSEX AND SPENSER. 1 05 have shaken their heads, as if somebody had deceived them, when they found that beauty and nobihty could perish. Edmund ! the things that are too true pass by us as ii they were not true at all ; and when they have singled us out, then only do they strike us. Thou and I must go too. Perhaps the next year may blow us away with its fallen leaves.^ Spenser. Yox you, my lord, many years (I trust) are waiting : I shall never see those fallen leaves. No leaf, no bud, will spring upon the earth before I sink into her breast for ever. Essex. Thou, who art wiser than most men, shouldst bear with patience, equanimity, and courage, what is common to all. Spenser. Enough I enough ! enough ! Have all men seen their infant burned to ashes before their eyes ? Essex. Gracious God ! Merciful Father ! what is this ? Spenser. Burned alive ! burned to ashes ! burned to ashes ! The flames dart their serpent tongues through the nursery-window. I cannot quit thee, my Elizabeth ! I cannot lay down our Edmund. Oh these flames ! they persecute, they enthrall me, they curl round my temples, they hiss upon my brain, they taunt me with their fierce foul voices, they carp at me, they wither me, they consume me, throwing back to me a little of life, to roll and suffer in, with their fangs upon me. Ask me, my lord, the things you wish to know from me ; I may answer them, I am now composed again. Command me, my gracious lord ! I would yet serve you ; soon I shall be unable. You have stooped to raise me up ; you have borne with me ; you have piLied me, even like one not powerful ; you have brought me comfort, and will leave it with me ; for gratitude is comfort. Oh ! my memory stands all a tip-toe on one burning lit happenni 50. Io6 DRAMATIC. point : when it drops from it, then it perishes. Sparc me : ask me nothing ; let me weep before you in peace ; the kindest act of greatness. Essex. I should rather have dared to mount into the midst of the conflagration, than I now dare intreat thee not to weep. The tears that overflow thy heart, my Spenser, will staunch and heal it in their sacred stream, but not without hope in God. Spenser. My hope in God is that I may soon see again what he has taken from me. Amid the myriads of angels there is not one so beautiful : and even he (if there be any) who is appointed my guardian, could never love me so. Ah ! these are idle thoughts, vain wanderings, dis- tempered dreams. If there ever were guardian angels, lie who so wanted one, my helpless boy, would not have left these arms upon my knees. Essex. God help and sustain thee, too gentle Spenser ! I never will desert thee. But what am I ? Great they have called me ! Alas, how powerless then and infantile is greatness in the presence of calamity ! Come, give me thy hand : let us walk up and down the galleiy. Bravely done ! I will envy no more a Sidney or a Raleie-h, XX. LADY LISLE AND ELIZABETH GAUNT. Alice Lisle and Elizabeth Gaunt, condemned to death for sheltering the adherettts of Monmouth, converse in prison before their execution. Lady Lisle. Madam, I am confident you will pardon me ; for affliction teaches forgiveness. Elizabeth Gaunt. From the cell of the condemned we LADY LISLE AND ELIZABETH GAUNT. 1 07 are going, unless my hopes mislead me, where alone we can receive it. Tell me, I beseech you, lady ! in what matter or manner do you think you can have offended a poor sinner such as I am. Surely we come into this dismal place for our offences ; and it is not here that any can be given or taken. Lady Lisle. Just now, when I entered the prison, I saw your countenance serene and cheerful ; you looked upon me for a time with an unaltered eye : you turned away from me, as I fancied, only to utter some expressions of devotion, and again you looked upon me, and tears rolled down your face. Alas ! that I should by any circum- stance, any action or recollection, make another unhappy. Alas ! that I should deepen the gloom in the veiy shadow of death. Elizabeth Gaunt. Be comforted : you have not done it. Grief softens and melts and flows away with tears. I wept because another was greatly more wretched than myself. I wept at that black attire ; at that attire of modesty and of widowhood. Lady Lisle. It covers a wounded, almost a broken heart : an unworthy offering to our blessed Redeemer. Elizabeth Gaunt. In his name let us now rejoice ! Let us offer our prayers and our thanks at once together ! We may yield up our souls perhaps at the same hour. Lady Lisle. Is mine so pure ? Have I bemoaned as I should have done the faults I have committed ? Have my sighs arisen for the unmerited mercies of my God ? and not rather for him, the beloved of my heart, the ad- viser and sustainer I have lost ! Open, O gates of death ! Smile on me, approve my last action in this world, O virtuous husband ! O saint and martyr ! my brave, com- passionate, and loving Lisle ! Elizabeth Gaunt. And cannot you too smile, sweet Io8 DRAMATIC. lady? are not you with him even now? Doth body, doth clay, doth air, separate and estrange free spirits? Bethink you of his gladness, of his glory ; and begin to partake them. O ! how could an Englishman, how could twelve, condemn to death, condemn to so great an evil as they thought it, and may find it, this innocent and helpless widow ! Lady Lisle. Blame not that jury ! blame not the jury which brought against me the verdict of guilty. I was so : I received in my house a wanderer who had fought under the rash and giddy Monmouth. He was hungry and thirsty, and I took him in. My Saviour had com- manded, my king had forbidden it. Yet the twelve would not have delivered me over to death unless the judge had threatened them with an accusa- tion of treason in default of it. Terror made them unani- mous : they redeemed their properties and lives at the stated price. Elizabeth Gaunt. I hope at least the unfortunate man, whom you received in the hour of danger, may avoid his penalty. Lady Lisle. Let us hope it. Elizabeth Gaunt. I too am imprisoned for the same offence ; and I have little expectation that he who was concealed by me hath any chance of happiness, although he hath escaped. Could I find the means of conveying to him a small pittance, I should leave the world the more comfortably. Lady Lisle. Trust in God ; not in one thing or another, but in all. Resign the care of this wanderer to his guid- ance. Elizabeth Gaunt. He abandoned that guidance. Lady Lisle. Unfortunate ! how can money then avail him ! Elizabeth Gaunt. It might save him from distress and LADY LISLE AND ELIZABETH GAUNT. 1 09 despair, from the taunts of hard-hearted and from the inclemency of the godly. Lady Lisle. In godliness, O my friend ! there can not be inclemency. Elizabeth Gaunt. You are thinking of perfection, my dear lady ; and I marvel not at it ; for what else hath ever occupied your thoughts ! But godliness, in almost the best of us, often is austere, often uncompliant and rigid, proner to reprove than to pardon, to drag back or thrust aside than to invite and help onward. Poor man ! I never knew him before : I cannot tell how he shall endure his self-reproach, or whether it will bring him to calmer thoughts hereafter. Lady Lisle. I am not a busy idler in curiosity ; nor, if I were, is there time enough left me for indulging in it ; yet gladly would I learn the history of events, at the first appearance so resembling those in mine. Elizabeth Gaunt. The person's name I never may dis- close ; which would be the worst thing I could betray of the trust he placed in me. He took refuge in my humble dwelling, imploring me in the name of Christ to harbour him for a season. Food and raiment were afforded him unsparingly ; yet his fears made him shiver through them. Whatever I could urge of prayer and exhortation was not wanting ; still, although he prayed, he was disquieted. Soon came to my ears the declaration of the king, that his majesty would rather pardon a rebel than the con- cealer of a rebel. The hope was a faint one : but it was a hope ; and I gave it him. His thanksgivings were now more ardent, his prayers more humble, and oftener repeated. They did not strengthen his heart ; it was unpurified and unprepared for them. Poor creature ! he consented with it to betray me ; and I am condemned to be burnt alive. Can we believe, can we encourage the hope, that in his weary way through life he will find those only no DRAMATIC. who will conceal from him the knowledge of this execu- tion ? Heavily, too heavily, must it weigh on so irresolute and infirm a breast. Let it not move you to weeping. Lady Lisle. It does not : oh ! it does not. Elizabeth Gaunt. What then ? Lady Lisle. Your saintly tenderness, your heavenly tranquillity. Elizabeth Gaunt. No, no : abstain ! abstain ! It was I who grieved : it was I who doubted. Let us now be firmer : we have both the same rock to rest upon. See ! I shed no tears. I saved his life, an unprofitable and ("I fear) a joyless one : he, by God's grace, has thrown open to me, and at an earlier hour than ever I ventured to expect it, the avenue to eternal bliss. Lady Lisle. O my good angel ! that bestrewest with fresh flowers a path already smooth and pleasant to me, may those timorous men who have betrayed, and those misguided ones who have prosecuted us, be conscious on their deathbeds that we have entered it ! And they too will at last find rest. XXI. PETER THE GREAT AND ALEXIS. Peter the Great reprimaiuis and orders for trial his son Alexis, who had fled to Vienna : the Chancellor reports the result. Peter. And so, after flying from thy fiither's house, thou hast returned again from Vienna. After this aff'ront in the face of Europe, thou darest to appear before me ? Ale.xis. My emperor and father ! I am brought before your majesty, not at my own desire. PETER THE GREAT AND ALEXIS. I I I Peter. I believe it well. Alexis. I would not anger you. Petei: What hope hadst thou, rebel, in thy flight to Vienna ? Alexis. The hope of peace and privacy ; the hope of security ; and above all things, of never more offending you. Peter. That hope thou hast accomplished. Thou imaginedst then that my brother of Austria would maintain thee at his court — Speak ! Alexis. No, sir ! I imagined that he would have af- forded me a place of refuge. Peter. Didst thou then take money with thee ? Alexis. A few gold pieces. Peter. How many ? Alexis. About sixty. Peter. He would have given thee promises for half the money ; but the double of it does not purchase a house : ignorant wretch ! Alexis. I knew as much as that ; although my birth did not appear to destine me to purchase a house any- where ; and hitherto your liberality, my father, hath sup- " plied my wants of every kind. Peter. Not of wisdom, not of duty, not of spirit, not of courage, not of ambition. I have educated thee among my guards and horses, among my drums and trumpets, among my flags and masts. When thou wert a child, and couldst hardly walk, I have taken thee into the arsenal, though children should not enter, according to regula- tions ; I have there rolled cannon-balls before thee over iron plates ; and I have shown thee bright new arms, bayonets and sabres ; and I have pricked the back of my hands until the blood came out in many places ; and I have made thee lick it ; and I have then done the same to thine. Afterward from thy tenth year, I have mixed 112 DRAMATIC. gunpowder in thy grog ; I have peppered thy peaches ; 1 have poured bilge-water (with a little good wholesome tar in it) upon thy melons ; I have brought out girls to mock thee and cocker thee, and talk like mariners, to make thee braver. Nothing would do. Nay, recollect thee ! I have myself led thee forth to the window when fellows were hanged and shot ; and I have shown thee every day the halves and quarters of bodies ; and I have sent an orderly or chamberlain for the heads ; and I have pulled the cap up from over the eyes ; and I have made thee, in spite of thee, look steadfastly upon them ; incor- rigible coward ! And now another word with thee about thy scandalous flight from the palace ; in time of quiet too ! To the point ! did my brother of Austria invite thee ? Did he, or did he not ? Alexis. May I answer without doing an injury or dis- service to his imperial majesty? Peter. Thou mayest. What injury canst thou or any one do, by the tongue, to such as he is ? Alexis. At the moment, no ; he did not. Nor indeed can I assert that he at any time invited me : but he said he pitied me. Peter. About what ? hold thy tongue : let that pass. Princes never pity but when they would make traitors : then their hearts grow tenderer than tripe. He pitied thee, kind soul, when he would throw thee at thy father's head ; but finding thy father too strong for hirn, he now commiserates the parent, laments the son's rashness and disobedience, and would not make God angry for the world. At first, however, there must have been some overture on his part ; otherwise thou art too shame-faced for intrusion. Come — thou hast never had wit enough to lie — tell me the truth, the whole truth. Alexis. He said that, if ever I wanted an asylum, his court was open to me. PETER THE GREAT AND ALEXIS. II3 Peter. Open ! so is the tavern ; but folks pay for what they get there. Open tnily ! and didst thou find it so? Alexis. He received me kindly. Peter. I see he did. Alexis. Derision, O my father, is not the fate I merit. Peter. True, true ! it was not intended. Alexis. Kind father ! punish me then as you will. Peter. Villain ! wouldst thou kiss my hand too ? Art thou ignorant that the Austrian threw thee away from him, with the same indifference as he would the outermost leaf of a sandy sunburnt lettuce } Alexis. Alas ! I am not ignorant of this. Peter. He dismissed thee at my order. If I had de- manded from him his daughter, to be the bed-fellow of a Kalmuc, he would have given her, and praised God. Alexis. O father ! is his baseness my crime ? Peter. No ; thine is greater. Thy intention, I know, is to subvert the institutions it has been the labour of my lifetime to establish. Thou hast never rejoiced at my victories. Alexis. I have rejoiced at your happiness and your safety. Peter. Liar ! coward ! traitor ! when the Polanders and Swedes fell before me, didst thou from thy soul congratu- late me ? Didst thou get drunk at home or abroad, or praise the Lord of Hosts and Saint Nicolas ? Wert thou not silent and civil and low-spirited ? Alexis. I lamented the irretrievable loss of human life ; I lamented that the bravest and noblest were swept away the first ; that the gentlest and most domestic were the earliest mourners ; that frugality was supplanted by in- temperance ; that order was succeeded by confusion ; and that your Majesty was destroying the glorious plans you alone were capable of devising. I 114 DRAMATIC. Peter. I destroy them ! how ? Of what plans art thou speaking ? Alexis. Of civihsing the Muscovites. The Polanders in part were civilised : the Swedes more than any other nation on the continent ; and so excellently versed were they ill military science, and so courageous, that every man you killed cost you seven or eight. Peter. Thou liest : nor six. And civilised forsooth ! Why, the robes of the Metropolitan, him at Upsal, are not worth three ducats, between Jew and Livornese. I have no notion that Poland and Sweden shall be the only countries that produce great princes. What right have they to such as Gustavus and Sobieski ? Europe ought to look to this, before discontent becomes general, and the people does to us what we have the privilege of doing to the people. I am wasting my words : there is no arguing with positive fools like thee. So thou wouldst have desired me to let the Polanders and Swedes lie still and quiet ! Two such powerful nations ! Alexis. For that reason and others I would have gladly seen them rest, until our own people had increased in numbers and prosperity. Peter. And thus thou disputest my right, before my face, to the exercise of the supreme power. Alexis. Sir ! God forbid ! Peter. God forbid indeed ! What care such villains as thou art what God forbids ! He forbids the son to be disobedient to the father : he forbids — he forbids — twenty things. I do not wish, and will not have, a successor who dreams of dead people. Alexis. My father ! I have dreamt of none such. Peter. Thou hast ; and hast talked about them-- Scythians 1 think they call 'em. Now who told thee, Mr. Professor, that the Scythians were a happier people than we are ; that they were inoffensive ; that they were PETER THE GREAT AND ALEXIS. II5 free ; that they wandered with their carts from pasture to pasture, from river to river ; that they traded witli good faith ; that they fought with good courage ; that they in- jured none, invaded none, and feared none ? At this rate I have effected nothing. The great founder of Rome, I heard in Holland, slew his brother for despiting the weakness of his walls : and shall the founder of this better place spare a degenerate son, who prefers a vaga- bond life to a civilised one, a cart to a city, a Scythian to a Muscovite ? Have I not shaved my people, and breeched them ? Have I not formed them into regular armies, with bands of music and havresacs? Are bows better than cannon, shepherds than dragoons, mare's milk than brandy, raw steaks than broiled ? Thine are tenets that strike at the root of politeness and sound government. Every prince in Europe is interested in rooting them out by fire and sword. There is no other way with false doctrines : breath against breath does little. Alexis. Sire, I never have attempted to disseminate my opinions. Peter. How couldst thou? the seed would fall only on granite. Those, however, who caught it brought it to me. Alexis. Never have I undervalued civilisation : on the contrary, I regretted whatever impeded it. In my opinion, the evils that have been attributed to it, sprang from its imperfections and voids ; and no nation has yet acquired it more than very scantily. Peter. How so ? give me thy reasons ; thy fancies rather ; for reason thou hast none. Alexis. When I find the first of men, in rank and genius, hating one another, and becoming slanderers and liars in order to lower and vilify an opponent ; when I hear the God of mercy invoked to massacres, and thanked for furthering what he reprobates and condemns ;— I look I I 6 DRAMATIC. back in vain on any barbarous people for worse barbarism. I have expressed my admiration of our forefathers, who, not being Christians, were yet more virtuous than those who are ; more temperate, more just, more sincere, more chaste, more peaceable. Peter. Malignant atheist ! Alexis. Indeed, my father, were I malignant I must be an atheist ; for malignity is contrary to the command, and inconsistent with the belief, of God. Peter. Am I Czar of Muscovy, and hear discourses on reason and religion ! from my own son too ! No, by the Holy Trinity ! thou art no son of mine. If thou touchesl my knee again, I crack thy knuckles with this tobacco- stopper : I wish it were a sledge-hammer for thy sake. Off, sycophant ! off, run-away slave ! Alexis. Father ! father ! my heart is broken ! If I have offended, forgive me ! Peter. The state requires thy signal punishment. Alexis. If the state requires it, be it so : but let my father's anger cease. Peter. The world shall judge between us. I will brand thee with infamy. Alexis. Until now, O father ! I never had a proper sense of glory. Hear me, O Czar ! let not a thing so vile as I am stand between you and the world ! Let none accuse you ! Peter. Accuse me ! rebel ! Accuse me ! traitor ! Alexis. Let none speak ill of you, O my father ! The public voice shakes the palace ; the public voice pene- trates the grave ; it precedes the chariot of Almighty God, and is heard at the judgment seat. Peter Let it go to the devil ! I will have none of it here in Petersburgh. Our church says nothing about it ; our laws forbid it. As for thee, unnatural brute, I have no more to do with thee neither ! I'ETER THE GREAT AND ALEXIS. 1 I 7 Ho there ! Chancellor ! What ! come at last ! Wert napping, or counting thy ducats ? Chaftcellor {eniering). Your Majesty's will and pleasure ! Peter. Is the Senate assembled in that room ? Chancellor. Every member, sire. Peter. Conduct this youth with thee, and let them judge him : thou understandest me. Chancellor. Your Majesty's commands are the breath of our nostrils. Peter. If these rascals are remiss, I will try my new cargo of Livonian hemp upon 'em. Chancellor {^returning after an interval). Sire ! sire ! Peter. Speak, fellow ! Surely they have not condemned him to death, without giving themselves time to read the accusation, that comest back so quickly. Chancellor. No, sire ! nor has either been done, Peter. Then thy head quits thy shoulders. Chancellor. O sire ! Peter. Curse thy silly sires ! What art thou about ? Chancellor. Alas ! he fell. Peter. Tie him up to thy chair then. Cowardly beast ! what made him fall? Chancellor. The hand of Death ; the name of father. Peter. Thou puzzlest me ; pi^thee speak plainer. Chancellor. We told him that his crime was proven and manifest ; that his life was forfeited. Peter. So far, well enough. Chancellor. He smiled. Peter. He did ! did he ! Impudence shall do him little good. Who could have expected it from that smock-face ! Go on : what then ? Chancellor. He said calmly, but not without sighing twice or thrice, "Lead me to tlie scaffold : I am weary of life : nobody loves me." I condoled with him, and wept upon his hand, holding the paper against my bosom. Il8 DRAMATIC. He took the comer of it between his fingers, and said, "Read me this paper: read my death-warrant. Your silence and tears have signified it ; yet the law has its forms. Do not keep me in suspense. My father says, too truly, I am not courageous : but the death that leads me to my God shall never tenify me. " Petef. I have seen these white-livered knaves die reso- lutely : I have seen them quietly fierce like white ferrets, with their watery eyes and tiny teeth. You read it ? Chancellor. In part, sire! When he heard your Majesty's name, accusing him of treason and attempts at rebellion and parricide, he fell speechless. We raised him up : he was motionless : he was dead ! Peter. Inconsiderate and barbarous varlet as thou art, dost thou recite this ill accident to a father ! and to one who has not dined ! Bring me a glass of brandy. Chancellor. And it please your Majesty, might I call a — a Peter. Away, and bring it : scamper ! All equally and alike shall obey and serve me. Harkye ! bring the bottle with it : I must cool myself — and — harkye ! a rasher of bacon on thy life ! and some pickled sturgeon, and some krout and caviar, and good strong cheese. NARRATIVE. XXTI. THE LOVES OF GEBIR AND OF TAMAR. Cebir, a prince of Spain, tneets and fails in love with his enemy Charoba, Queen of Egypt, whose country he lias invaded in revenge for ancestral wrongs. He sets out to confide his passion to his shephei-d brother Taiiiar. Taiiiar on his part discloses his own love for a sea-nymph, who in the guise of a sailor had challenged, him to wrestle atid overthrown him. Gebir, at Egypt's youthful queen's approach. Laid by his orbed shield ; his vizor-helm, His buckler and his corslet he laid by, And bade that none attend him ; at his side Two faithful dogs that urge the silent course. Shaggy, deep-chested, croucli'd ; the crocodile, Crying, oft made them raise their flaccid ears And push their heads within their master's hand. There was a brightening paleness in his face, Such as Diana rising o'er the rocks Shower'd on the lonely Latmian ; on his brow Sorrow there was, yet nought was there severe. But when the royal damsel first he saw, Faint, hanging on her handmaid, and her knees Tottering as from the motion of the car, His eyes look'd earnest on her, and those eyes Shovv'd, if they had not, that they might have, loved, I20 NARRATIVE. For there was pity in them at that hour. With gentle speech, and more with gentle looks, He sooth'd her ; but lest Pity go beyond And cross'd Ambition lose her lofty aim, Bending, he kiss'd her garment, and retired. He went, nor slumber 'd in the sultry noon. When viands, couches, generous wines, persuade, And slumber most refreshes ; nor at night, When heavy dews are laden with disease. And blindness waits not there for lingering age. Ere morning dawn'd behind him, he arrived At those rich meadows where young Tamar fed The royal flocks entrusted to his care. " Now," said he to himself, "will I repose At least this burthen on a brother's breast." His brother stood before him : he, amazed, Rear'd suddenly his head, and thus began. " Is it thou, brother? Tamar, is it thou? Why, standing on the valley's utmost verge, Lookest thou on that dull and dreary shore Where beyond sight Nile blackens all the sand ? And why that sadness? When I past our sheep The dew-drops were not shaken off the bar, Therefore if one be wanting, 'tis untold. " " Yes, one is wanting, nor is that untold," Said Tamar ; "and this dull and dreary shore Is neither dull nor dreary at all hours." Whereon the tear stole silent down his cheek, Silent, but not by Gebir unobserved : Wondering he gazed awhile, and pitying spake. " Let me approach thee ; does the morning light Scatter this wan suffusion o'er thy brow, This faint blue lustre under both thine eyes?" " O brother, is this pity or reproach?" Cried Tamar, " cruel if it be reproach. THE LOVES OF GEBIR AND OF TAMAR. 121 If pity, O how vain !" " Wha^e'er it be That grieves thee, I will pity, thou but speak, And I can tell thee, Tamar, pang for pang." " Gebir ! then more than brothers are we now ! Everything (take my hand) will I confess. I neither feed the flock nor watch the fold ; How can I, lost in love ? But, Gebir, why That anger which has risen to your cheek ? Can other men ? could you ? what, no reply ! And still more anger, and still worse conceal'd ! Are these your promises? your pity this?" "Tamar, I well may pity what I feel — Mark me aright — I feel for thee — proceed — Relate me all." " Then will I all relate," Said the young shepherd, gladden'd from his heart. " 'Twas evening, though not sunset, and the tide Level with these green meadows, seem'd yet higher Twas pleasant, and I loosen'd from my neck The pipe you gave me, and began to play. that I ne'er had learnt the tuneful art ! It always brings us enemies or love. Well, I was playing, when above the waves Some swimmer's head m.ethought I saw ascend ; I, sitting still, survey'd it with my pipe Awkwardly held before my lips half-closed. Gebir ! it was a Nymph ! a Nymph divine ! 1 cannot wait describing how she came. How I was sitting, how she first assumed The Sailor ; of what happen'd there remains Enough to say, and too much to forget. The sweet deceiver stepp'd upon this bank Before I was aware ; for with surprise Moments fly rapid as with love itself. Stooping to tune afresh the hoarsen'd reed, I heard a rustling, and where that arose 122 NARRATIVE. My glance first lighted on her nimble feet. Her feet resembled those long shells explored By him who to befriend his steed's dim sight Would blow the pungent powder in the eye. Her eyes too ! O immortal gods ! her eyes Resembled — what could they resemble ? what Ever resemble those ? Even her attire Was not of wonted woof nor vulgar art : Her mantle show'd the yellow samphire-pod, Her girdle the dove-colour'd wave serene. ' Shepherd,' said she, 'and will you wrestle now, And with the sailor's hardier race engage ? ' I was rejoiced to hear it, and contrived How to keep up contention : could I fail By pressing not too strongly, yet to press ? ' Whether a shepherd, as indeed you seem, Or whether of the hardier race you boast, I am not daunted ; no ; I will engage. ' ' But first,' said she, ' what wager will you lay?' 'A sheep,' I answered : ' add whate'er you will.' ' I cannot,' she replied, ' make that return : Our hided vessels in their pitchy round Seldom, unless from rapine, hold a sheep. But I have sinuous shells of pearly hue Within, and they that lustre have imbibed In the sun's palace-porch, where when unyoked His chariot-wheel stands midway in the wave : Shake one and it awakens, then apply Its polish'd lips to your attentive ear. And it remembers its august abodes, And murmurs as the ocean murmurs there. And I have others given me by the nymphs. Of sweeter sound than any pipe you have : But we, by Neptune ! for no pipe contend ; This time a sheep I win, a pipe the next.' THE LOVES OF GEBIR AND OF TAMAK. I23 Now came she forward eager to engage, But first her dress, her bosom then survey'd, And heaved it, doubting if she could deceive. Her bosom seem'd, inclosed in haze like heaven. To baffle touch, and rose forth undefined : Above her knee she drew the robe succinct, Above her breast, and just below her arms. ' This will preserve my breath when tightly bound, If struggle and equal strength should so constrain.' Thus, pulling hard to fasten it, she spake, And, rushing at me, closed : I thrill'd throughout And seem'd to lessen and shrink up with cold. Again with violent impulse gush'd my blood. And hearing nought external, thus absorb'd, I heard it, rushing through each turbid vein, Shake my unsteady swimming sight in air. Yet with unyielding though uncertain arms I clung around her neck ; the vest beneath Rustled against our slippery limbs entwined ; Often mine springing with eluded force Started aside and trembled till replaced : And when I most succeeded, as I thought, My bosom and my throat felt so compress'd That hfe was almost quivering on my lips. Yet nothing was there painful : these are signs Of secret arts and not of human might ; What arts I cannot tell ; I only know My eyes grew dizzy and my strength decay'd ; I was indeed o'ercome — with what regret, And more, with what confusion, when I reach'd The fold, and yielding up the sheep, she cried, ' This pays a shepherd to a conquering maid. ' She smiled, and more of pleasure than disdain Was in her dimpled chin and liberal lip. And eyes that languish'd, lengthening, just like love. * ^4 NARRATIVE. She went away ; I on the wicker gate Leant, and could follow with my eyes alone. The sheep she carried easy as a cloak ; But when I heard its bleating, as I did, And saw, she hastening on, its hinder feet Struggle, and from her snowy shoulder slip, One shoulder its poor efforts had unveil'd. Then all my passions mingling fell in tears ; Restless then ran I to the highest ground To watch her ; she was gone ; gone down the tide ; And the long moonbeam on the hard wet sand Lay like a jasper column half uprear'd. " XXIII. THE MEETING OF THE WEIRD SISTERS. Dalica, the nurse of Charoba, repairs by night to her nativt city o/Masar, to concoct an incantation against Gcbir and encounters her sister Myrthyr among the ruins. Once a fair city, courted then by kings, Mistress of nations, throng'd by palaces Raising her head o'er destiny, her face Glowing with pleasure and with palms refresh'd, Now pointed at by Wisdom or by Wealth, Bereft of beauty, bare of ornament. Stood, in the wilderness of woe, Masar. Ere far advancing, all appear'd a plain ; Treacherous and fearful mountains, far advanced : Her glory so gone down, at human step The fierce hyjena frighted from the walls Bristled his rising back, his teeth unsheathed, THE MEETING OF THE WEIRD SISTERS. 125 Drew the long growl and with slow foot retired. Yet were remaining some of ancient race, And ancient arts were now their sole delight. With Time's first sickle they had mark'd the hour When at their incantation would the Moon Start back, and shuddering shed blue blasted light. The rifted rays they gather'd, and immersed In ]:)otent portion of that wondrous wave. Which, hearing rescued Israel, stood erect. And led her armies through his crystal gates. Hither (none shared her way, her counsel none) Hied the Masarian Dalica : 'twas night, And the still breeze fell languid on the waste. She, tired with journey long and ardent thoughts, Stopp'd ; and before the city she descried A female form emerge above the sands : Intent she fix'd her eyes, and on herself Relying, with fresh vigour bent her way ; Nor disappear'd the woman ; but exclaim'd, (One hand retaining tight her folded vest) " Stranger ! who loathest life, there lies Masar. Begone, nor tarry longer, or ere morn The cormorant in his solitary haunt Of insulated rock or sounding cove Stands on thy bleached bones and screams for prey. My lips can scatter them o'er every sea Under the rising and the setting sun. So shrivell'd in one breath as all the sands We tread on, could not in a hundred years. Wretched who die nor raise their sepulchre ! Therefore begone." But Dalica unawed, (Though in her wither'd but still firm right hand, Held up with imprecations hoarse and deep, Glimmer'd her brazen sickle, and enclosed Within its figured curve the fading moon) 126 NARRATIVE. Spake thus aloud. " By yon bright orb of Heaven, In that most sacred moment when her beam (Guided first thither by the forked shaft,) Strikes thro' the crevice of Arishtah's tower " " Sayest thou?" astonished cried the sorceress, " Woman of outer darkness, fiend of death, From what inhuman cave, what dire abyss, Hast thou invisible that spell o'erheard ? What potent hand hath touched thy quicken'd corse, What song dissolved thy cerements? who unclosed Those faded eyes, and fill'd them from the stars ? But if with inextinguish'd light of life Thou breathest, soul and body unamerced, Then whence that invocation ? who hath dared Those hallow'd words, divulging, to profane?" Dalica cried, " To heaven not earth address'd Prayers for protection cannot be profane. " Here the pale sorceress turn'd her face aside Wildly, and mutter' d to herself amazed, " I dread her who, alone at such an hour, Can speak so strangely, who can thus combine The words of reason with our gifted rites. Yet will I speak once more. If thou hast seen The city of Charoba, hast thou marked The steps of Dalica ?" "What then?" Of Dalica has then our rites divulged." "Whose rites?" " Her mother's." "Never. ' The tongue Presumptuous, thou wert Dalica." Woman ! and who art thou?" " One would think, "I am; THE MEETING OF THE WEIRD SISTERS. \2^ Willi close embrace Clung the Masarian round her neck, and cried, "Art thou then not my sister? ah ! I fear The golden lamps and jewels of a court Deprive thine eyes of strength and purity : O Dalica ! mine watch the waning moon, For ever patient in our mother's art. And rest on Heaven suspended, where the founts Of Wisdom rise, where sound the wings of Power : Studies intense of stern and strong delight ! And thou too, Dalica, so many years Wean'd from the bosom of thy native land, Returnest back and seekest true repose. O what more pleasant than the short-breath'd sigh When, laying down your burthen at the gate And dizzy with long wandering, you embrace The cool and quiet of a homespun bed." " Alas !" said Dalica, "tho' all commend This choice, and many meet with no control. Yet none pursue it ! Age by care oppress'd Feels for the couch and drops into the grave. The tranquil scene lies further still from Youth : Frenzied Ambition and desponding Love Consume Youth's fairest flowers ; compared with Youth Age has a something something like repose. Myrthyr, I seek not here a boundary Like the horizon, which, as you advance. Keeping its form and colour, yet recedes : But mind my errand, and my suit perform." 128 NARRATIVE. XXIV. THE MARRIAGE MORNING. Gebir and Charoba are to be united in the presence of tfuit respective hosts. The poet describes the excitement in the camp and in the city, and iicnu the bridegroo'" ci>^ bride severally rise and begin the day. The long awaited day at last arrived, When, link'd together by the seven-arm'd Nile, Egypt with proud Iberia should unite. Here the Tartessian, there the Gadite tents Rang with impatient pleasure : here engaged Woody Nebrissa's quiver-bearing crew, Contending warm with amicable skill ; While they of Durius raced along the beach And scatter'd mud and jeers on all behind. The strength of Bsetis too removed the helm And stripp'd the corslet off, and stanch'd the foot Against the mossy maple, while they tore Their quivering lances from the hissing wound. Others push forth the prows of their compeers, And the wave, parted by the pouncing beak, Swells up the sides, and closes far astem : The silent oars now dip their level wings, And weary with strong stroke the whitening wave Others, afraid of tardiness, return; Now, entering the still harbour, every surge Runs with a louder murmur up their keel, And the slack cordage rattles round the mast. Sleepless with pleasure and expiring fears Had Gebir risen ere the break of dawn, THE MARRIAGE MORNING. 1 29 And o'er the plains appointed for the feast Hurried with ardent step : the swains admired What so transversely could have swept the dew : For never long one path had Gebir trod, Nor long — unheeding man — one pace preserved. Not thus Charoba : she despair'd the day : The day was present ; true ; yet she despair'd. In the too tender and once tortured heart Doubts gather strength from habit, like disease ; Fears, like the needle verging to the pole, Tremble and tremble into certainty. How often, when her maids with merry voice Call'd her and told the sleepless queen 'twas morn, How often would she feign some fresh delay, And tell them (though they saw) that she arose. Next to her chamber, closed by cedar doors, A bath of purest marble, purest wave, On its fair surface bore its pavement high : Arabian gold enchased the crystal roof. With fluttering boys adorn'd and girls unrobed : These, when you touch the quiet water, start From their aerial sunny arch, and pant Entangled mid each other's flowery wreaths, And each pursuing is in turn pursued. Here came at last, as ever wont at morn, Charoba : long she linger'd at the brink ; Often she sigh'd, and, naked as she was. Sate down, and leaning on the couch's edge On the soft inward pillow of her arm Rested her burning cheek : she moved her eyes : She blush'd ; and blushing plunged into the wave. Now brazen chariots thunder through each street And neighing steeds paw proudly from delay, While o'er the palace breathes the dulcimer, Lute, and aspiring harp, and lisping reed ; K 13° NARRATIVE. Loud rush the trumpets bursting through the throng And urge the high-shoulder'd vulgar ; now are heard Curses and quarrels and constricted blows, Threats and defiance and suburban war. Hark ! the reiterated clangour sounds ! Now murmurs like the sea or like the storm Or like the flames on forests, move and mount From rank to rank, and loud and louder roll, Till all the people is one vast applause. Yes, 'tis herself, Charoba — now the strife To see again a form so often seen ! Feel they some partial pang, some secret void, Some doubt of feasting those fond eyes again ? Panting imbibe they that refreshing sight To reproduce in hour of bitterness ? She goes, the king awaits her from the camp : Him she descried, and trembled ere he reach'd Her car, but shudder'd paler at his voice. So the pale silver at the festive board Grows paler fill'd afresh and dew'd with wine : So seems the tenderest herbage of the spring To whiten, bending from a balmy gale. XXV. THE DEATH OF CHRYSAOR. Neptune, at the request of Jo7-^ CLV. Pericles. Every time we pronounce a word differently from another, we show our disapprobation of his manner, and accuse him of rusticity. In all common things we must do as others do. It is more barbarous to under- mine the stability of a language than of an edifice that hath stood as long. This is done by the introduction of changes. Write as others do, but only as the best of 238 REFLECTIVE AND DISCURSIVE, others : and if one eloquent man, forty or fifty years ago, spoke and wrote differently from the generality of the present, follow him, though alone, rather than the many. But in pronunciation we are not indulged in this latitude of choice ; we must pronounce as those do who favour us with their audience. CLVI. Petrarca. Nobody ever quite forgave, unless in the low and ignorant, a wrong pronunciation of his name ; the humblest being of opinion that they have one of their own, and one both worth having and worth knowing. CLVII. Aspasia. Men may be negligent in their handwriting, for men may be in a hurry about the business of life ; but I never knew either a sensible woman or an estimable one whose writing was disorderly. CLVIII. Johnson. And pray, now, what language do you like ? Home Tooke. The best in all countries is that which is spoken by intelligent women, of loo high rank for petty affectation, and of too much request in society for deep study. CLIX. Cleoni. There is nothing in poetry, or indeed in society, so unpleasant as affectation. In poetry it arises from a deficiency of power and a restlessness of pretension : in conversation, from insensibility to the graces, from an MANNERS, SOCIETY, NATIONAL CHARACTER. 239 intercourse with bad company, and a misinterpretation of better. CLX. Metastasio. False delicacy is real indelicacy. Half- educated men employ the most frequently circumlocutions and ambiguities. The plain vulgar are not the most vulgar. CLXI. — MEN AND DOGS. M. La Fontaine apologises to M. de La Rochefoucauld. La Fontame. You have been standing a long time, my lord duke : I must entreat you to be seated. Rochefoticaitld. Excuse me, my dear M. La Fontaine ; I would much rather stand. La Fontaine. Mercy on us ! have you been upon your legs ever since you rose to leave me ? Rochefoucauld. A change of position is agreeable : a friend always permits it. La Fontaine. Sad doings ! sad oversight ! The other two chairs were sent yesterday evening to be scoured and mended. But that dog is the best -tempered dog ! an angel of a dog, I do assure you ; he would have gone down in a moment, at a word. I am quite ashamed of myself for such ina'ttention. With your sentiments of friendship for me, why could you not have taken the liberty to shove him gently off, rather than give me this uneasiness ? Rochefoucauld. My true and kind friend ! we authors are too sedentary ; we are heartily glad of standing to converse, whenever we can do it without any restraint on our acquaintance. La Fontaine. 1 must reprove that animal when he un 240 REFLECTIVE AND DISCURSIVE. curls his body. He seems to be dreaming of Paradise and Houris. Ay, twitch thy ear, my child ! I wish at my heart there were as troublesome a fly about the other : God forgive me ! The rogue covers all my clean linen ! shirt and cravat ! what cares he .' Rochefojicatild. Dogs are not very modest. La Fontaine. Never say that, M. de la Rochefoucauld ! The most modest people upon earth ! Look at a dog's eyes ; and he half- closes them, or gently turns them away, with a motion of the lips, which he licks languidly, and of the tail, which he stirs tremulously, begging your forbearance. I am neither blind nor indifferent to the defects of these good and generous creatures. They are subject to many such as men are subject to : among the rest, they disturb the neighbourhood in the discussion of their private causes ; they quarrel and fight on small motives, such as a little bad food, or a little vain-glory, or the sex. But it must be something present or near that excites them ; and they calculate not the extent of evil they may do or suffer. Rochefoucauld. Certainly not : how should dogs calcu- late? La Fontaine. I know nothing of the process. I am unable to inform you how they leap over hedges and brooks, with exertion just sufficient, and no more. In regard to honour and a sense of dignity, let me tell you, a dog accepts the subsidies of his friends, but never claims them : a dog would not take the field to obtain power for a son, but leave the son to obtain it by his own activity and prowess. He conducts his visitor or inmate out a- hunting, and makes a present of the game to him as freely as an emperor to an elector. Fond as he is of slumber, which is indeed one of the pleasantest and best things in the universe, particularly after dinner, he shakes it ofi" as willingly as he would a gadfly, in order to defend his MANNERS, SOCIETY, NATIONAL CHARACTER. 24 I master from theft and violence. Let the robber or assail- ant speak as courteously as he may, he waives your diplo- matical terms, gives his reasons in plain language, and makes war. I could say many other things to his advan- tage ; but I never was malicious, and would rather let both parties plead for themselves : give me the dog, however. CLXII. Marvel. I look to a person of very old family as I do to anything else that is very old, and I thank him for bring- ing to me a page of romance which probably he himself never knew or heard about. Usually, with all his pride and pretensions, he is much less conscious of the services his ancestor performed, than my spaniel is of his own when he carries my glove or cane to me. I would pat them both on the head for it ; and the civiler and more reasonable of the two would think himself well rewarded. CLXIII. — ENGLISH HOSPITALITY. The Portngttese prince Dom Miguel describes to his 7nother his treatment as a guest in the house of Lord Dudley. Mother. Did he treat you handsomely, my child ? Miguel. Handsomely, for a heretic. He gave me plenty of fish and eggs both Fridays and Saturdays. People say he has in his service one of the best cooks in England : yet you will laugh when you hear how he cooked things. The eggs in England are not unlike ours. They have escaped the effects of what is miscalled the Reformation. Fish, I just now told you, they have in that country : but they are somewhat deficient in the noisier species — no bonita, no dolphin ; and porpoises and seals tnust be ex- R 242 REFLECTIVE AND DISCURSIVE. cessively dear, and the fishermen very inexpert in catching them, not a single slice having ever been offered to me at the best covered and most delicate table. They seem really to prefer the coarser kinds. The Mayor of London sent, as a present to Conde Dudeli, a prodigious fish he called sturgeon, a sort of dog-fish, but of the mastiff breed, and uncontrollable by cookery. Perhaps much of the deal timber, which bears a heavy duty in the port of London, is smuggled under the name of sturgeon. Mother. Never hint it to them : let the knaves be cheated in the customs. Poor Miguel ! so they reduced thee to eat chips and shavings and splinters and blocks ! What ! nothing more delicate ? Miguel. I once was served with what I flattered myself were surely snails, but I found they were only oysters. Another time, when I fancied I had a fine cuttle-fish before me, they put me off with a sole. Mother. Heretics ! heretics ! poor blind creatures ! little better than Moors, Jews, and Freemasons ! Miguel. I have tasted in England eight or nine different kinds of soup ; and vainly have I sounded the most promis- ing of them for a single morsel of fat bacon or fresh pork. Mother. Have they no chestnuts and acorns, then ? or are all the pigs kept to clean the streets ? Miguel. I do not know : but neither fat bacon nor lean ever enters their soup ; nor does pork, nor sausage, nor heart, nor liver, nor caviar, nor vetch, nor gourd, nor oil, nor cheese. Mother. Ha ! ha ! I see how it is. They must trade with some nations where cheese, and oil, and caviar, and gourd, and vetch are always in great demand ; and these they export for lucre. And perhaps their animals have no heart or liver within them. But sausage, and pork, and bacon — Son Miguel ! don't you smell something there ? The English are Jews in disguise : I often thought MANNERS, SOCIETY, NATIONAL CHARACTER. 243 as much. They won't have Virgin, they won't have Child, they won't have bacon. Migttel. I did not say quite that. They eat swine-flesh : bacon has been brought to me at table: 1 have seen them eat it, though strangely. Mother. With what forms and ceremonies ? Miguel. Little of those ; for in the mere act of eating, they really are adepts, and very explicit. Alother. How then ? how then ? I crack to hear. Miguel. Boiled, actually boiled ! hot, smoking hot ! and served up whole ! Mother. Smoking a little, but put into ice, no doubt, to render it eatable, with the radishes, ligs, shalots, chives, bean-pods, green almond-shells, liquorice, and stewed prunes. Miguel. I never saw those with it all the while I was in England ; but I once observed it eaten with half-grown peas ; and another time a Minister of State was so pre- occupied by stress of business, that he forgot there was chicken on his plate, and (as I live) ate both together. Alother. And they gave you neither stewed prunes nor figs with it ! My son, they slighted you out of hatred to me, who always had an eye upon them, which they never could bear. Ham before a queen's son in this naked fa.shion ! And forsooth they talk about alliance ! CLXIV. Miguel. It was Friday, and there were several kinds of fish at table ; and knowing that I could eat little else, and observing that I had been helped to a shce of turbot, and had requested a trifle of assafoetida, and a few lumps of sugar and a pinch of saffron, and a radish and a dande lion, a servant brought me a lobster, well enough cut into pieces, but swimming, or bemired rather, in a semi-liquid 244 REFLECTIVE AND DISCURSIVE. paste of flour and butter : and though he saw I had turbot before me, and had heard me call for oil and vinegar and grated goat -cheese, which a civiler valet had already brought, he bowed with the gravest face in the world, and offered me the two fish together, to say nothing of the butter. I took it ill, but sate silent. To appease my just resentment, the rest of the company did actually eat both at once, and some of them so heartily, it was evident they wished me to believe it is the custom of the country. Mother. Fit punishment ! though imposed by them- selves. Strange uncivilised people ! It may be, how- ever, that this is their way of fasting : for they have some notions of religion, though erroneous and foolish. Miguel. Mother, nothing can escape your sagacity and penetration : you are perfectly right. And now I re- member another fast of theirs, kept in perverseness on Monday. Count Dudeli had partridges at table ; and I observed that he took a piece of bread poultice, brought hot to him from a hospital, and ate it with the breast of the bird. The others thought to get offices under him by doing the same ; and, although several did it, there was not one that was forced to leave the company : such strong stomachs have the English. CLXV. Alfieri. The Spaniards have no palate, the Italians no scent, the French no ear. Garlic and grease and the most nauseous of pulse are the favourite cheer of the Spaniard ; the olfactory nerves of the Italian endure any- thing but odoriferous flowers and essences ; and no sounds but soft ones offend the Frenchman. CLXVl, Boccaccio. The Frenchman is ready to truss you on his MANNERS, SOCIETY, NATIONAL CHARACTER. 245 rapier, unless you acknowledge the perfection of his humanity, and to spit in your face, if you doubt for a moment the delicacy of his politeness. CLXVII. Alfieri. It is easier to get twenty oaths and curses from an Englishman than one tear ; but there are hot springs at the centre of his heart which bring forth perpetual fertility. He puts unhappiness down despotically, and will labour at doing good if you abstain from looking at him while he does it. CLXVIII. — ITALIAN TASTE AND THE LOVE OF TREES. Landor, being at Genoa, converses with his landlord, the Marchese Pallavicini. Landor. I am pleased by the palace opposite, not hav- ing seen in Italy, until now, a house of any kind with a span of turf before it. Like yours and your neighbour's, they generally encroach on some lane, following its wind- ings and angles, lest a single inch of ground should be lost ; and the roofs fight for the centre of the road. I am inclined to believe that the number of houses of which the fronts are uneven, is greater than of the even, and that there are more cramped with iron than uncramped. These deformities are always left visible, though the house be plastered, that the sum expended on the iron and labour may be evident. If an Italian spends a livre, he must be seen to spend it : his stables, his laundry, his domestics, his peasants, must strike the eye together : his pigstye must have witnesses like his will. F>ery tree is accursed, as that of which the holy cross was fabricated, and must be swept away. When I resided on the Lake of Como, I visited the 246 REFLECTIVE AND DISCURSIVE. palace of Marchese Odescalchi. Before it swelled in majesty that sovran of inland waters ; behind it was a pond surrounded with brickwork, in which about twenty young goldfish jostled and gaped for room. The Larius had sapped the foundations of his palace, and the Mar- chese had exerted all his genius to avenge himself: he composed this bitter parody. I inquired of his cousin Don Pepino, who conducted me, when the roof would be put on. He looked at me, doubting if he understood me, and answered in a gentle tone, " It was finished last summer." My error originated from observing red pan- tiles, kept in their places by heavy stones, loose, and laid upon them irregularly. "What a beautiful swell, Don Pepino, is this upon the right," exclaimed I. "The little hill seems sensible of pleasure as he dips his foot into the Larius." "There will be the offices." "What ! and hide the Grumello? Let me enjoy the sight while I can. He appears instinct with life, nodding the network of vines upon his head, and beckoning and inviting us, while the fig-trees and mulberries and chest- nuts and walnuts, and those lofty and eternal cypresses, stand motionless around. His joyous mates, all different in form and features, push forward ; and if there is not something in the air, or something in my eyesight, illusory, they are running a race along the borders. — Stop a moment : how shall we climb over these two enormous pines ? Ah ! Don Pepino, old trees in their living state are the only things that money cannot command. Rivers leave their beds, run into cities, and traverse mountains for it ; obelisks and arches, palaces and temples, amphi- theatres and pyramids, rise up like exhalations at its bidding ; even the free spirit of man, the only thing great on earth, crouches and cowers in its presence — it passes away and vanishes before venerable trees. What a sweet MANNERS, SOCIETY, NATIONAL CHARACTER. 247 odour is there ? Whence comes it ? Sweeter it appears to me and stronger than of the pine itself." " I imagine," said he, " from the linden ; yes, certainly." "Is that a linden? It is the largest, and, I should imagine, the oldest upon earth, if I could perceive that it had lost any of its branches." " Pity that it hides half the row of yon houses from the palace ! It will be carried off with the two pines in the autumn." " O Don Pepino," cried I ; " the French, who abhor whatever is old and whatever is great, have spared it ; the Austrians, who sell Jheir fortresses and their armies, nay, sometimes their daughters, have not sold it — must it fall?" » » » How many fond and how many lively thoughts have been nurtured under this tree ! hovvf many kind hearts have beaten here ! Its branches are not so numerous as the couples they have invited to sit beside it, nor its blossoms and leaves together as the expressions of tenderness it has witnessed. What appeals to the pure all-seeing heavens ! what similitudes to the everlasting mountains ! what protestations of eternal truth and con- stancy ! — from those who are now earth; they, and their shrouds, and their coffins. The caper and fig-tree have split their monuments, and boys have broken the hazel-nut with the fragments. Emblems of past loves and future hopes, severed names which the holiest rites united, broken letters of brief happiness, bestrew the road, and speak to the passer-by in vain." CLXIX. — ASPECT OF TOWNS IN FRANCE AND ITALY. Marchese PaUavicini. Our towns are in much better style than our villas. Landor. They indeed are magnificent, and appear the 248 REFLECTIVE AND DISCURSIVE. more so after the wretched streets of France. In that country almost everything animated is noisy, and ahnost everything inanimate is misshapen. All seems reversed : the inhabitants of the north are darker than those of the south : indeed the women of Calais are much browner than any I have seen in Italy : the children, the dogs, the frogs, are more clamorous than ours ; the cocks are shriller. But at worst we are shocked by no contrast, the very language seeming to be constructed upon stinks ; while in Italy we cannot walk ten paces without deserving the union of stateliness and filth, of gorgeous finery and squalid meanness ; and the expressions of vice and slavery are uttered in the accents of angels. The churches are fairly divided between piety and prostitution, leaving the entrance and a few broken chairs to beggary and vermin. CLXX. — RESPECT FOR THE DEAD IN ITALY. Landor. No people but the English can endure a long continuation of gravity and sadness : none pay the same respect to the dead. English Visitor. Here the common people, and not only the poorer, but householders and fathers of families, are thrown together into a covered cart ; and when enough of them are collected, they are carried off by night, and cast naked into the ditch in the burial-ground. No sheet about them, no shroud externally, no coffin, no bier, no emblem of mortality ; none of sorrow, none of affection, none of hope. Corpses are gathered like rotten gourds and cracked cucumbers, and cast aside where none could find if any looked for them. Among people in easy circumstances, wife, children, relatives, friends, all leave the house when one of the family is dying : the priest alone remains with him : the last sacrament solves every human tie. The eyes, after wandering over the altered scenes of domestic MANNERS, SOCIETY, NATIONAL CHARACTER. 249 love, over the silent wastes of friendship, are reconciled to v.'hatever is most lugubrious in death, and are closed at last by mercenaries and strangers. Landor. My children were playing on the truly English turf before the Campo Santo in Pisa, when he to whom is committed the business of carrying ofi' the dead, and whose house is in one corner, came up to them, and bade them come along with him, telling them he would show them two more such pretty children. He opened the doors of a cart-house, in which were two covered carts : the larger contained (I hear) several dead bodies, stark naked : in the smaller were two infants, with not even a flower shed over them. They had died in the foundling hospital the night before. Such was their posture, they appeared to hide their faces one from the other, in play. As my children had not been playing with them, this appearance struck neither : but the elder said, "Teresa ! who shut up these mimmi ? I will tell papa — Why do they not come out and play till bedtime?" The ' ' mimmi " had been out, poor little souls ! and had played — till bedtime. POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT. CLXXI. Demosthetif.s. There is one truth above all the rest ; above all promulgated by the wisdom of legislators, the zeal of orators, the enthusiasm of poets, or the revelation of gods : a truth whose brightness and magnitude are almost lost to view by its stupendous height. If I never have pointed it out, knowing it as I do, let the forbear- ance be assigned not to timidity but to prudence. EuhuUdes. May I hope at last to hear it ? Demosthenes. I must conduct you circuitously, and in- terrogate you beforehand, as those do who lead us to the mysteries. You have many sheep and goats upon the mountain, which were lately bequeathed to you by your nephew Timocles. Do you think it the most advantageous to let some mastiff, with nobody's chain or collar about his neck, run among them and devour them one after another, or to prepare a halter and lay poison and a trap for him ? Etibulides. Certainly here, O Demosthenes, you are not leading me into any mysteries. The answer is plain : the poison, trap, and halter are ready. Demosthenes. Well spoken. You have several children and grandchildren : you study economy on their behalf: would you rather spend twenty drachmas for fuel, than three for the same quantity of the same material ? Eiibiilides. Nay, nay, Demosthenes, if this is not mys- teiy, it is worse. You are like a teacher to whom a POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT. 25I Studious man goes to learn the meaning of a sentence, and who, instead of opening the volume that contains it, asks him gravely whether he has learnt his alphabet. Prythee do not banter me. Demosthenes. Tell me, then, which you would rather ; make one drunken man sober for ever, or ten thousand men drunk for many years ? Ettbulides. By all the gods ! abstain from such idle questions. Demosthenes. The solution of this, idle as you call it, may save you much more than twenty drachmas. O Eubulides ! we have seen, to our sorrow and ignominy, the plain of Cheronsea bestrewn with the bodies of our bravest citizens ; had one barbarian fallen, they had not. Rapine and licentiousness are the precursors and the followers of even the most righteous war. A single blow against the worst of mortals may prevent them. Many years and much treasure are usually required for an un- certain issue, beside the stagnation of traffic, the prostra- tion of industry, and innumerable maladies arising from towns besieged and regions depopulated. A moment is sufficient to avert all these calamities. No usurper, no invader, should be permitted to exist on earth. CLXXII. Demosthenes. Eveiy man in the world would be a republican, if he did~not hope from fortune and favour more than from industry and desert ; In short, if he did not expect to carry off soorTer or later, from under another system, what never could belong to him rightfully, and what cannot (he thinks) accrue to him from this. To suppose the contrary, would be the same as to suppose that he would rather have a master in his house, than friend, brother, or son ; and that he has both more con- 2 52 REFLECTIVE AND DISCURSIVE. fidence and more pleasure in an alien's management of it, than in his own, or in any persons selected by liis experience and deputed by his choice. CLXXIII. Demosthenes. Royalty is fed incessantly by the fuel of slavish desires, blown by fulsome breath and fanned by cringing follies. It melts mankind into one inert mass, can"ying ofif and confounding all beneath it, like a torrent of vEtnean lava, bright amid the darkness, and dark again amid the light. CLXXIV. — THE FATE OF DESPOTISMS. Demosthenes. Pythagoras adapted his institutions to the people he would enlighten and direct. What portion of the world was ever so happy, so peaceable, so well- governed, as the cities of Southern Italy ? While they retained his manners they were free and powerful : some have since declined, others are declining, and perhaps at a future and not a distant time they may yield themselves up to despotism. In a few ages more, those flourishing towns, those inexpugnable citadels, those temples which you might deem eternal, will be hunted for in their wildernesses like the boars and stags. CLXXV. — DEMOC RACY. Alachiavelli. Republican as I have lived, and shall die, I would rather any other stq^te of social life, than naked and rude democracy ; because I have always found it more jealous of merit, more suspicious of wisdom, more proud of riding on great minds, more pleased at raising POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT. 2 53 ap little ones above them, more fond of loud talking, more impatient of calm reasoning, more unsteady, more ungrateful, and more ferocious ; above all, because it leads to despotism through fraudulence, intemperance, and corruption. Let Democracy live among the moun- tains, and regulate her village, and enjoy her chalet ; let her live peacefully and contentedly amid her flocks and herds ; never lay her rough hand on the balustrade of the council-chamber ; never raise her boisterous voice among the images of liberators and legislators, of philosophers and poets. CLXXVI. — NAPOLEON AND PERICLES. Two pow^erful nations have been vitally affected by natural calamities. The former of these calamities was inevitable by human prudence, and uncontrollable by human skill : the latter was to be foreseen at any distance by the most ignorant, and to be avoided by the most unwary. I mean in the first the Plague of the Athenians ; in the second the starvation of the French. The first happened under the administration of a man transcend- ently brave ; a man cautious, temperate, eloquent, prompt, sagacious, above all that ever guided the coun- cils and animated the energies of a state : the second under a soldier of fortune, expert and enthusiastic ; but often deficient in moral courage, not seldom in personal ; rude, insolent, rash, rapacious; valuing but one human life among the myriads at his disposal, and that one far from the worthiest, in the estimation of an honester and a saner mind. It is with reluctant shame I enter on a comparison of such a person and Pericles. On one hand we behold the richest cultivation of the most varied and extensive genius ; the confidence of courage, tlie sedate- ness of wisdom, the stateliness of integrity ; on the other, 2 54 REFLECTIVE AND DISCURSIVE. coarse manners, rude language, violent passions continu- ally exploding, a bottomless void on the side of tmth, and a rueful waste on that of common honesty » » « So many pernicious faults were not committed by Xerxes or Darius, whom ancient historians call feeble princes, as were com- mitted by Napoleon, whom the modern do not call feeble, because he felt nothing for others, coerced pertinaciously, promised rashly, gave indiscriminately, looked tranquilly, and spoke mysteriously. Even in his flight, signalised by nothing but despondency, Segur, his panegyrist, hath clearly shown that, had he retained any presence of mind, any sympathy, or any shame, he might have checked and crippled his adversary. One glory he shares with Trojan and with Pericles, and neither time nor malice can diminish it. He raised up and rewarded all kinds of merit, even in those arts to which he was a stranger. In this indeed he is more remarkable, perhaps more admirable, than Pericles himself, for Pericles was a stranger to none of them. CLXXVII. — THE DEATH OF HOFER. I passed two entire months in Germany, and like the people. On my way I saw Waterloo, an ugly table for an ugly game. At Innspruck I entered the church in which Andreas Hofer is buried. He lies under a plain slab, on the left, near the door. I admired the magnifi- cent tomb of bronze, in the centre, surrounded by heroes, real and imaginary. They did not fight, tens against thousands ; they did not fight for wives and children, but for lands and plunder : therefore they are heroes ! My admiration for these works of art was soon satisfied, which perhaps it would not have been in any other place. Snow, mixed with rain, was falling, and was blown by the wind upon the tomb of Hofer. I thought how often he had POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT. 255 taken advantage of such weather for his attacks against the enemies of his country, and I seemed to hear his whistle in the wind. At the httle village of Landro (I feel a whimsical satisfaction in the likeness of the name to mine), the innkeeper was the friend of this truly great man — the greatest man that Europe has produced in our days, excepting his true compeer, Kosciusko. Andreas Hofer gave him the chain and crucifix he wore three days before his death. You may imagine this man's enthusiasm, who, because I had said that Hofer v/as greater than king or emperor, and had made him a present of small value, as the companion and friend of that harmless and irreproachable hero, took this precious relic from his neck and offered it to me. By the order of Buonaparte, the companions of Hofer, eighty in number, were chained, thumbscrewed, and taken out of prison in couples, to see him shot. He had about him one thousand florins, in paper currency, which he delivered to his confessor, re- questing him to divide it impartially among his unfortun- ate countrymen. The confessor, an Italian who spoke German, kept it, and never gave relief from it to any of them, most of whom were suffering, not only from priva- tion of wholesome air, to which, among other privations, they never had been accustomed, but also from scantiness of nourishment and clothing. Even in Mantua, where, as in the rest of Italy, sympathy is both weak and silent, the lowest of the people were indignant at the sight of so brave a defender of his country, led into the public square to expiate a crime unheard of for many centuries in their nation. When they saw him walk forth, with unaltered countenance and firm step before them ; when, stopping on the ground which was about to receive his blood, they heard him with unfaltering voice commend his soul ami his country to the Creator ; and, as if still under his own roof (a custom with him after the evening 256 REFLECTIVE AND DISCURSIVE. prayer), implore a blessing for his boys and his little daughter, and for the mother who had reared them up carefully and tenderly thus far through the perils of child- hood ; finally, when in a lower tone, but earnestly and emphatically, he besought pardon from the Fount of Mercy for her brother, his betrayer, many smote their breasts aloud ; many, thinking that sorrow was shameful, lowered their heads and wept ; many, knowing that it was dan- gerous, yet wept too. The people remained upon the spot an unusual time, and the French, fearing some com- motion, pretended to have received an order from Buona- parte for the mitigation of the sentence, and publicly announced it. Among his many falsehoods, any one of which would have excluded him for ever from the society of men of honour, this is perhaps the basest ; as indeed of all his atrocities the death of Hofer, which he had ordered long before, and appointed the time and circum- stances, is that which the brave and virtuous will reprobate the most severely. He was urged by no necessity, he was prompted by no policy ; his impatience of courage in an enemy, his hatred of patriotism and integrity in all, of which he had no idea himself, and saw no image in those about him, outstripped his blind passion for fame, and left him nothing but power and celebrity. The name of Andreas Hofer will be honoured by pos- terity far above any of the present age, and together with the most glorious of the last, Washington and Kosciusko. For it rests on the same foundation, and indeed on a higher basis. In virtue and wisdom their co-equal, he van- quished on several occasions a force greatly superior to his own in numbers and in discipline, by the courage and confidence he inspired, and by his brotherly care and anxiety for those who were fighting at his side. Differ- ently, far differently, ought we to estimate the squanderers of human blood, and the scorners of human tears. H^e POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT. 257 also may boast of our great men in a cause as great : for without it they could not be so. We may look back upon our Blake ; whom the prodigies of a Nelson do not eclipse, nor would he have wished (such was his gener- osity) to obscure it. Blake was among the founders of freedom ; Nelson was the vanquisher of its destroyers. Washington was both ; Kosciusko was neither ; neither was Hofer. But the aim of all three was alike ; and in the armoury of God are suspended the arms the two last of them bore ; suspended for success more signal and for vengeance more complete. I am writing this from Venice, which is among cities what Shakespeare is among men. He will give her im- mortality by his works, which neither her patron saint could do nor her surrounding sea. CLXXVIII. — THE TROUBLES OF IRELAND. Archbishop Boulter, Prhnaie of Ireland and one 0/ the Lords Justices, converses with Philip Savage, Chancel- lor of the Exchequer. Boulter. I trust it will ever be found convenient to appoint men of clemency to the first station, and that I shall never be forced to exercise on them the powers en- trusted to me of coercion and control. It is well when people can believe that their misfortunes are temporary. How can we apply such a term to pest- ilence and famine ? Philip Savage. Surely the violence of the evil eats away the substance of it speedily. Pestilence and famine are, and always have been, temporary and brief. Boulter. Temporary they are, indeed : brief are they, very brief. But why? because life is so under them. To the world they are extremely short : but can we say they are short to him who bears them ? And of such there are thousands, tens of thousands, in this most s 258 REFLECTIVE AND DISCURSIVE. afflicted, most neglected country. The whole of a life, be it what it may be, is not inconsiderable to him who leaves it ; any more than the whole of a property, be it but an acre, is inconsiderable to him who possesses it. Whether want and wretchedness last for a month or for half a century, if they last as long as the sufferer they are to him of very long duration. Let us try then rather to remove the evils of Ireland, than to persuade those who undergo them that there are none. For, if they could be thus persuaded, we should have brutalised them first to such a degree as would render them more dangerous than . they were in the reigns of Elizabeth or Charles. CLXXIX. Boulter. There will never be a want of money, or a want of confidence, in any well-governed state that has been long at peace, and without the danger of its inter- ruption. But a want of the necessaries of life, in pea- sants or artisans, when the seasons have been favourable, is a certain sign of defect in the constitution, or of criminality in the administration. It may not be advis- able or safe to tell every one this truth : yet it is needful to inculcate it on the minds of governors, and to repeat it until they find the remedy : else the people, one day or other, will send those out to look for it who may trample down more in the search than suits good husbandry. CLXXX. Washitigton. Look at the nations of Europe, and point out one, despotic or free, of which so large a portion is so barbarous and wretched as the Irish. The country is more fertile than Britain ; the inhabitants are healthy, strong, courageous, faithful, patriotic, and quick of appre- POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 259 hension. No quality is wanting which constitutes the respectability of a state ; yet from centuries of misrule, they are in a condition more hopeless than any other nation or tribe upon the globe, civilised or savage. Franklin. There is only one direct way to bring them into order, and that appears so rough it never will be trodden. The chief misery arises from the rapacity of the gentry, as they are styled, and the nobility who, to avoid the trouble of collecting their rents from many poor tenants, and the greater of hearing their complaints, have leased their properties to what are called middle-tnen. These harass their inferiors in the exact ratio of their industry, and drive them into desperation. Hence sloven- liness and drunkenness ; for the appearance of ease and comfort is an allurement to avarice. To pacify and re- claim the people, leases to middle-men must be annulled ; every cultivator must have a lease for life, and (at the option of his successor) valid for as many years afterwards as will amount in the whole to twenty-one. The extent of ground should be proportionate to his family and his means. To underlet land should be punished by law as regrating. Washington. Authority would here be strongly exer- cised, not tyrannically, which never can be asserted of plans sanctioned by the representatives of a people, for the great and perpetual benefit of the many, to the small and transient inconvenience of the few. CLXXXI. — THE GREEK WAR OF LIBERATION. What those amongst us who are affected by a sense of national honour most lament, is, that England, whose generosity would cost her nothing and whose courage would be unexposed to fatality, stands aloof. Ad alliance, offensive and defensive, with Greece would 26o REFLECTIVE AND DISCURSIVE. render us invulnerable in the only part of the world where we have lately shown our feebleness. We should unite to us a maritime power, which within half a century would of itself be equipollent on the sea with France ; and we should attract to our merchants those advantages of commerce in the Levant which at present lean toward her. The great Chatham, if he had lived in our days, would have cast on every side around him the seeds of small maritime and small constitutional states. We may extend our dominions in many ways ; we can extend our power in this only. None of our late ministers have had clear views or steady aims. We have been hovering on the shores of Greece, until the season is going by for aiding her ; and another Power will soon have acquired the glory and the benefit of becoming her first protectress. If a new world were to burst forth suddenly in the midst of the heavens, and we were in- structed by angelic voices, or whatever kind of revelation the Creator might appoint, that its inhabitants were brave, generous, happy, and warm with all our sym- pathies, would not pious men fall prostrate before Him, for such a manifestation of His power and goodness } What then ! shall these very people, these religious, be the first to stifle the expression of our praise and wonder, at a marvel far more astonishing, at a manifestation of power and goodness far more glorious and magnificent ? The weak vanquish the strong ; the oppressed stand over the oppressor : we see happy, not them who never were otherwise, not them who have made no effort, no movement of their own to earn their happiness, like the creatures of our imaginary new world, but those who were the most wretched, and the most undeservedly, and who now, arising as from the tomb, move the incumbrances of ages and of nations from before them, and, although at present but half-erect, lower the stature of the greatest heroes. POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT. 26 1 We appear to be afraid of the Russians : we tremble lest they should take possession of Constantinople, and march to India. The glory of Russia may be increased by conquest, which cannot be said of other state in Europe ; but her power of doing injury to the nations of the West would rather be deferred and diminished by it than promoted and increased. She would not be able in half a century to send an army into India, even if she possessed the dominions of the Turk : they would be far from affording her any great facility. In less than half a century it is probable we shall lose that empire ; but we shall lose it, like every other we have lost and are about to lose, by alienating the affections of the people. God grant that Russia may invade and conquer Turkey ! not that the Russians, or any other people on the Continent, are a better, a braver, an honester race than the Turks, but because the policy of the government is adverse to the progress of civilisation, and bears with brutal heavi- ness on its cradle. God grant that Russia may possess her ! not because it will increase her strength, but because it will enable, and perhaps induce her, to liberate from bondage more than one brave nation. She cannot hold Turkey at the extremity of such a lever ; and those who now run to help her, will slip from under her. CLXXXII. We are zealous in protecting from slavery the remotest nations of Africa, who have always for thousands of years been subject to that dreadful visitation, and who never have expected, or even heard tidings of, our generous interfer- ence. We take them away by righteous force from under the proudest flag ; we convey them to our own settlements ; we give them food, clothing, ground, instruction, morals, religion. Humanity cries out, tell them they are men ! 2 62 REFLECTIVE AND DISCURSIVE. and we hear her. Is she silent for the Greeks ? have their voices no echo in her breast? do we treat them cruelly because they have not the advantage of being barbarous ? do we spurn them because they cling to us ? is it because they trust only in us, that we reject and re- pulse them only of all mankind ? The ships of Ismael Bey repass the Mediterranean and Archipelago, laden with the sons and daughters of a half-extinguished race : half-extinguished under our eyes. Their terrors are not at death ; their tears are not for captivity ; their loss, though their country is Greece, is not of country. God alone can avenge it : God alone must hear it. Some- thing may surely be done, to alleviate the sufferings of the few survivors, wandering among naked rocks, or lifting up their heads from the rushes in the pestilential marsh. They require of us no land to cultivate, no sustC' nance, no raiment : they implore of us permission to live under the safeguard of our laws, and to partake with the most ignorant and ferocious tribes, with murderers and cannibals, a spare moment of our attention and concern. Surely, surely this is not too much ; if you consider that the finest eloquence ever heard within your walls, was admirable only in proportion as it resembled the eloquence of their ancestors ; and that gods were bowed down to and worshipped, by the wisest and most power- ful nations, for being in form and dignity like them. CLXXXIII. General Lacy, The strength of England lies not in arma- ments and invasions : it lies in the omnipresence of her in- dustry, and in the vivifying energies of her high civilisation. There are provinces she cannot grasp ; there are islands she cannot hold fast : but there is neither island nor province, there is neither kingdom nor continent, which POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT. 263 she could not draw to her side and fix there everlastingly, by saying the magic words Be Free. Every land wherein she favours the sentiments of freedom, every land wherein she but forbids them to be stifled, is her own ; a true ally, a willing tributary, an inseparable friend. CLXXXIV.— ON THE ACCESSION OK A LIBERAL POPE. Dedication of the first edition of the Hellenics (1847) to thi newly-elected Pope Pins IX. Never until now, most Holy Father ! did I hope or desire to offer my homage to any potentate on earth ; and now I offer it only to the highest of them all. There was a time when the cultivators of literature were permitted and expected to bring the fruit of their labour to the Vatican. Not only was incense welcome there, but even the humblest produce of the poorest soil. Verbenam, piieri, ponite Thtiraque. If those better days are returning without what was bad or exceptionable in them, the glory is due entirely to your Holiness. You have restored to Italy hope and happiness ; to the rest of the world hope only. But a single word from your prophetic lips, a single motion of your earth-embracing arm, will overturn the firmest seats of iniquity and oppression. The word must be spoken ; the arm must wave. What do we see before us ? If we take the best of rulers under our survey, we find selfish- ness and frivolity : if we extend the view, ingratitude, disregard of honour, contempt of honesty, breach of promises : one step yet beyond, and there is cold-blooded idiocy, stabbing the nobles at home, spurning the people everywhere, and voiding its corrosive slaver in the fair face of Italy. It is better to look no farther, else our eyes must be riveted on frozen seas of blood superfused with blood fresh flowing. The same ferocious animal 264 REFLECTIVE AND DISCURSIVE. leaves the impression of its broad and heavy foot on the snow of the Arctic Circle and of the Caucasus. And is this indeed all that Europe has brought forth, after such long and painful throes ? Has she endured her Marats, her Robespierres, her Buonapartes, for this? God in- flicted on the latter of these wretches his tw^o greatest curses — uncontrolled power and perverted intellect ; and they were twisted together to make a scourge for a nation which revelled in every crime, but above all in cruelty. It was insufficient. She is now undergoing from a weaker hand a more ignominious punishment, pursued by the derision of Europe. To save her honour, she pretended to admire the courage that decimated her children : to save her honour, she now pretends to admire the wisdom that imprisons them. Cunning is not wisdom ; prevari- cation is not policy ; and (novel as the notion is, it is equally true) armies are not strength : Acre and Waterloo show it, and the flames of the Kremlin and the solitudes of Fontainebleau. One honest man, one wise man, one peaceful man, commands a hundred millions, without a baton and without a charger. He wants no fortress to protect him : he stands higher than any citadel can raise him, brightly conspicuous to the most distant nations, God's servant by election, God's image by beneficence. Walter Savage Landor. LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE. CLXXXV. Parson. Clear writers, like clear fountains, do not seem so deep as they are : the turbid look most profound. CLXXXVI. Aspasia. The business of philosophy is to examine and estimate all those things which come within the cognis- ance of the understanding. Speculations on any that lie beyond are only pleasant dreams, leaving the mind to the lassitude of disappointment. They are easier than geo- metry and dialectics ; they are easier than the efforts of a well-regulated imagination in the structure of a poem. CLXXXVII. Diogenes. I meddle not at present with infinity or eternity : when I can comprehend them I will talk about them. You metaphysicians kill the flower-bearing and fruit - bearing glebe with delving and turning over and sifting, and never bring up any solid and malleable mass from the dark profundity in which you labour. The in- tellectual world, like the physical, is inapplicable to profit and incapable of cultivation a little way below the surface of which there is more to manage, and more to know, than any of you will undertake. Plato. It happens that we do not sec the stars at even- 266 REFLECTIVE AND DISCURSIVE. tide, sometimes because there are clouds intervening, but oftener because there are glimmerings of light ; thus many truths escape us from the obscurity we stand in ; and many more from that crepuscular state of mind, which induces us to sit down satisfied with our imagina- tions and unsuspicious of our knowledge. Diogenes. Keep always to the point, or with an eye upon it, and instead of saying things to make people stare and wonder, say what will withhold them hereafter from wondering and staring. This is philosophy ; to make remote things tangible, common things extensively useful, useful things extensively common, and to leave the least necessary for the last. I have always a suspicion of sonorous sentences. The full shell sounds little, but shows by that little what is within. A bladder swells out more with wind than with oil. CLXXXVIIT. Plato. My sentences, it is acknowledged by all good judges, are well constructed and harmonious. Diogenes. I admit it : I have also heard it said that thou art eloquent. Plato. If style, without elocution, can be. Diogenes. Neither without nor with elocution is there eloquence, where there is no ardour, no impulse, no energy, no concentration. Eloquence raises the whole man : thou raisest our eyebrows only. We wonder, we applaud, we walk away, and we forget. Thy eggs are very prettily speckled ; but those which men use for their sustenance are plain white ones. People do not every day put on their smartest dresses ; they are not always in trim for dancing, nor are they practising their steps in all places. I profess to be no weaver of fine words, no dealer LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE. 267 in the plumes of phraseology, yet every man and every woman I speak to understands me. Plato. Which would not always be the case if the occulter operations of the human mind were the subject. Diogenes. If what is occult must be occult for ever; I why throw away words about it ? Employ on every ' occasion the simplest and easiest, and range them in the most natural order. Thus they will serve thee faithfully, bringing thee many hearers and readers from the intel- lectual and uncorrupted. All popular orators, victorious commanders, crowned historians, and poets above crown- ing, have done it. CLXXXIX. Barroiv {to Ncd'ton). I do not urge you to write in dialogue, although the best writers of every age have done it : the best parts of Homer and Milton are speeches and replies, tKfe"bfest parts of every great historian are the same : the wisest men of Athens and of Rome converse togetlier in this manner, as they are shown to us by Xeno- phon, by Plato, and by Cicero. Whether you adopt such a form of composition, which, if your opinions are new, will protect you in part from the hostility all novelty (unless it is vicious) excites ; or whether you choose to go along the unbroken surface of the didactic ; never look abroad for any kind of ornament. Apollo, either as the god of day or the slayer of Python, had nothing about him to obscure his clearness or to impede his strength, cxc. Barrmv. Never try to say things admirably ; try only to say them plainly ; for your business is with the con- | ^\ siderate philosopher, and not with the polemical assem - bly. If a thing can be demonstrated two ways, demon- 2 68 REFLECTIVE AND DISCURSIVE. Strata it in both : one will please this man, the other that ; and pleasure, if obvious and unsought, is never to be neglected by those appointed from above to lead us into knowledge. Many will readily mount stiles and gates to walk along a fooFpath in a field, whom the very sight of a bare public road would disincline and weary ; and yet the place whereto they travel lies at the end of each. Your studies are of a nature unsusceptible of much decora- tion : otherwise it would be my duty and my care to warn you against it, not merely as idle and unnecessary, but as obstructing your intent. The fond of wine are little fond of the sweet or the new : the fond of learning are no fonder of its must than of its dregs. Something of the severe hath always been appertaining to order and to grace : and the beauty that is not too liberal is sought the most ardently and loved the longest, CXCI. Archdeacon Haj-e. Wherever there is a word beyond what is requisite" to express the meaning, that word must be peculiarly beautiful in itself, or strikingly harmonious ; either of which qualities may be of some service in fixing the attention and enforcing the sentiment. But the pro- per word in the proper place seldom leaves anythmg to be desiderated on the score of harmoriy. The beauty of health and strength is more attractive and imp ressive than any beauty conferred by ornamentT CXCII. Demosthenes. Whatever is rightly said, sounds rightly. CXCIII. Epicurus. Natural sequences and right subordination LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE. 269 of thoughts, and that just proportion of numbers in the sentences which follows a strong conception, are the con- stituents of true harmony. CXCIV. Chesterfield. Cicero was himself a trifler in cadences, and whoever thinks much about them will become so, if indeed the very thought when it enters is not trifling. Chatham. I am not sure that it is ; for an orderly and sweet sentence, by gaining our ear, conciliates our affec- tions ; and the voice of a beggar has often more effect upon us than his distress. cxcv. Pollio. Cicero sometimes is exuberant. Conciseness may be better : but where there is much wealth we may excuse a little waste, especially when it falls not un- worthily. I confess to you I love a nobility and ampli- tude of style, provided it never sweeps beyond the subject. There are people who cut short the tails of their dogs ; and such dogs are proper for such masters : but the generous breeds, coursers of the lordly stag, and such as accompanied the steps of Hippolytus and Adonis, were unmutilated. cxcvi. Horm Tooke. Those only can be called great writers who b?Ift^1?> bear on their subject more than a few high faculties of the mind. I require in him whom I am to acknowledge for such, accuracy of perception, variety of mood, of manner, and of cadence ; imagination, reflection, force, sweetness, copiousness, depth, perspicuity. I re- 270 REFLECTIVE AND DISCURSIVE. quire in him a princely negligence of little things, and a proof that although he seizes much, he leaves much (alike within his reach) unappropriated and untouched. CXCVII. Aljieri. To constitute a great writer the qualities are, adequate expression of just sentiments, plainness without vulgarity, elevation without pomp, sedateness without austerity, alertness without impetuosity ; thoughts offered not abruptly, nor ungraciously, nor forced into us, nor stamped upon us : they must leave room for others to bring forward theirs, and help in suggesting them. Vigorous that appears to ordinary minds which attracts the vulgar by its curtness and violence : but coarse tex- tures are not always the strongest, nor is the loudest voice always the most commanding. CXCVIII.— SEDATENESS IN POETRY. Aspasia. No writer of florid prose ever was more than a secondary poet. Poetry, in her high estate, is delighted with exuberant abundance, but imposes on her worshipper a severity of selection. She has not only her days of festival, but also her days of abstinence, and, unless upon some that are set apart, prefers the graces of sedateness to the revelry of enthusiasm. cxcix. [ Boccaccio. What is there lovely in poetry unless there be moderation and composure ? Are they not better than the hot uncontrollable harlotry of a flaunting, dis- hevelled enthusiasm ? Whoever has the power of creating, has likewise the inferior power of keeping his creations in LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE. 27 1 order. The best poets are the most impressive, because their steps are regular ; for without regularity there is neither strength nor state. Look at Sophocles, look at /Eschylus, look at Homer. CC— PINDAR, Lattdor. We have lost the greater and (some believe) the better part of Pindar's poetry : what remains is more distinguished for an exquisite selection of topics than for enthusiasm. There is a grandeur of soul which never leaves him, even in domestic scenes ; and his genius does not rise on points or peaks of subhmity, but per- vades the subject with a vigorous and easy motion, such as the poets attribute to the herald of the gods. CCI. — LATIN STYLES. Supposing the first of Virgil's Eclogues to have appeared seven years after the death of Catullus, and this poet to have composed his earliest works in the lifetime of Lucretius, we cannot but ponder on the change of the Latin language in so short a space of time. Lucretius was by birth a Roman, and wrote in Rome ; yet who would hot say unhesitatingly, that there is more of what Cicero calls urbane in the two provincials, Virgil and Catullus, than in the authoritative and stately man who leads Memmius from the camp into the gardens of Epi- curus. He complains of poverty in the Latin tongue ; but his complaint is only on its insufficiency in philo- sophical terms, which Cicero also felt twenty years later, and called in Greek auxiharies. But in reality the lan- guage never exhibited such a profusion of richness as in the comedies of Plautus, whose style is the just admira- tion of the Roman orator. 272 REFLECTIVE AND DISCURSIVE. ecu. — Virgil's dido. I Without the sublime, we have said before, there can I be no poet of the first order : but the pathetic may exist in the secondary ; for tears are more easily drawn forth than souls are raised. So easily are they on some occa- sions, that the poetical power needs scarcely be brought into action ; while on the others the pathetic is the very summit of sublimity. We have an example of it in the Ariadne of Catullus : we have another in the Priam of Homer. All the heroes and gods, debating and fighting, vanish before the father of Hector in the tent of Achilles, and before the storm of conflicting passions his sorrows and prayers excite. But neither in the spirited and energetic Catullus, nor in the masculine and scornful and stern Lucretius, no, nor in Homer, is there anything so impassioned, and therefore so sublime, as the last hour of Dido in the JEiteid. Admirably as two Greek poets have represented the tenderness, the anguish, the terrific wrath and vengeance of Medea, all the works they ever wrote contain not the poetry which Virgil has condensed into about a hundred verses : omitting as we must, those which drop like icicles from the rigid lips of .(Eneas ; and also the similes which, here as everywhere, sadly inter- fere with passion. CCIII. If there are fine things in the Argonautics of Apol- lonius, there are finer still in those of Catullus. In rela- tion to Virgil, he stands as Correggio in relation to Raphael : a richer colourist, a less accurate draftsman ; less capable of executing grand designs, more exquisite iB the working out of smaller. Virgil is depreciated by the arrogance of self-sufficient poets, nurtured on coarse fare, and dizzy with home-brewed flattery. Others, who LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE. 273 have studied more attentively the ancient models, are abler to show his relative station, and readier to venerate his powers. Although we find him incapable of contriv- ing, and more incapable of executing, so magnificent a work as the Iliad, yet there are places in his compared with which the grandest in that grand poem lose much of their elevation. Never was there such a whirlwind of passions as Virgil raised on those African shores, amid those rising citadels and departing sails. When the vigorous verses of Lucretius are extolled, no true poet, no sane critic, will assent that the seven or eight examples of the best are equivalent to this one : even in force of expression, here he falls short of Virgil. CCIV. There are four things requisite to constitute might, majesty, and dominion, in a poet : these are creativeness, constructiveness, the sublime, the pathetic. A poet of j the first order must have formed, or taken to himself and ] modified, some great subject. He must be creative and ' constructive. Creativeness may work upon old materials ; a new wo rld may spring Jrom an oldone. Shakespeare found HarnleTandTOphelia ; he found Othello and Desde- mona ; nevertheless he, the only universal poet, carried this, and all the other qualifications, far beyond the reach of competitors. He was creative and constructive, he was sublime and pathetic, and he has also in his humanity condescended to the familiar and the comic. There is nothing less pleasant than the smile of Milton ; but at one time Momus, at another the Graces, hang upon the neck of Shakespeare. Tm ccv. Pdrarca. A poet often does more and better than he T 2 74 REFLECTIVE AND DISCURSIVE. is aware at the time, and seems at last to know as little about it as a silkworm knows about the fineness of hei thread. ccvi. Aspasia. For any high or any wide operation, a poet must be endued, not with passion indeed, but with power and mastery over it ; with imagination, with reflection, with observation, and with discernment. CCVII, It is only the wretchedest of poets that wish all they ever wrote to be remembered : some of the best would be willing to lose the most. CCVIII. Boccaccio. Good poetry, like good music, pleases most people, but the ignorant and inexpert lose half its plea- sures, the invidious lose them all. What a paradise lost is here ! CCIX.— THE ORIGINS OF POETRY. Petrarca. I see no reason why we should not revert, at times, to the first intentions of poetry. Hymns to the Creator were its earliest efforts. Boccaccio. I do not believe a word of it, unless He himself was graciously pleased to inspire the singer ; of which we have received no account. I rather think it originated in pleasurable song, perhaps of drunkenness, and resembled the dithyrambic. Strong excitement alone could force and hurry men among words displaced and •ixaggerated ideas. Believing that man fell, first into disobedience, next into ferocity and fratricide, we may reasonably believe LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE. 275 that war-songs were among the earliest of his intellectual exertions. When he rested from battle he had leisure to think of love ; and the skies and the fountains and the flowers reminded him of her, the coy and beautiful, who fled to a mother from the ardour of his pursuit. In after years he lost a son, his companion in the craft and in the forest : images too grew up there, and rested on the grave. A daughter, who had wondered at his strength and wisdom, looked to him in vain for succour at the approach of death. Inarticulate grief gave way to pas- sionate and wailing words, and Elegy was awakened. We have tears in this world before we have smiles, Fran- cesco ! we have struggles before we have composure ; we have strife and complaints before we have submission and gratitude. I am suspicious that if we could collect the ' ' winged words " of the earliest hymns, we should find that they called upon the Deity for vengeance. Priests and rulers were far from insensible to private wrongs. Chryses in the Iliad is willing that his king and country should be enslaved so that his daughter be sent back to him. David in the Psalms is no unimportunate or lukewarm applicant for the discomfiture and extermi- nation of his adversaries : and among the visions of felicity, none brighter is promised a fortunate warrior, than to dash the infants of his enemy against the stones. CCX. — POETRY AND HISTORY. Aspasia. We make a bad bargain when we change poetry for truth in the afiairs of ancient times, and by no means a good one in any. Remarkable men of remote ages are collected together out of different countries within the same period, and per- form simultaneously the same action. On an accumula- tion of obscure deeds arises a wild spirit of poetry ; and 276 REFLECTIVE AND DISCURSIVE. images and names burst forth and spread themselves, rtfhich carry with them something like enchantment, far beyond the infancy of nations. What was vague imagina- tion settles at last and is received for history. It is diffi- cult to effect and idle to attempt the separation : it is like breaking off a beautiful crystallisation from the vault of some intricate and tv/ilight cavern, out of mere curiosity to see where the accretion terminates and the rock begins. CCXI. — THE PROVINCE OF HISTORY. Pericles. May our first Athenian historian not be the greatest, as the first of our dramatists has been, in the opinion of many, .^schylus was the creator of Tragedy, nor did she ever shine with such splendour, ever move with such stateliness and magnificence, as at her first apparition on the horizon. The verses of vSophocles are more elaborate, the language purer, the sentences fuller and more harmonious ; but in loftiness of soul, and in the awfulness with which he invests his characters, ^schylus remains unrivalled and unapproached. We are growing too loquacious, both on the stage and off. We make disquisitions which render us only more and more dim-sighted, and excursions that only con- sume our stores. If some among us who have acquired celebrity by their compositions, calm, candid, contem- plative men, were to undertake the history of Athens from the invasion of Xerxes, I should expect a fair and full criticism on the orations of Antiphon, and experience no disappointment at their forgetting the battle of Salamis. History, when she has lost her muse, will lose her dignity, her occupation, her character, her name. She will wander about the Agora ; she will start, she will stop, she will look wild, she will look stupid, she will take languidly to her bosom doubts, queries, essays, dissertations, some of LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE. 277 which ought to go before her, some to follow, and all to stand apart. The field of History should not merely be well tilled, but well peopled. None is delightful to me, or interesting, in which I find not as many illustrious names as have a right to enter it. We might as well in a drama place the actors behind the scenes, and listen to the dialogue there, as in a history push valiant men back, and protrude ourselves with husky disputations. Show me rather how great projects were executed, great advan- tages gained, and great calamities averted. Show me the generals and the statesmen who stood foremost, that I may bend to them in reverence ; tell me their names, that I may repeat them to my children. Teach me whence laws were introduced, upon what foundation laid, by what custody guarded, in what inner keep preserved. Let the books of the treasury lie closed as religiously as the Sibyl's ; leave weights and measures in the market- place. Commerce in the harbour, the Arts in the light they love, Philosophy in the shade : place History on her rightful throne, and, at the sides of her, Eloquence and War. CCXII. Bishop Parker. The Italians, who far excel us in the writing of history, are farther behind the ancients. Marvel. True enough. From Guicciardini and Machia- velli, the most celebrated of them, we acquire a vast quan- tity of trivial information.. There is about them a saw- dust which absorbs much blood and impurity, and of which the level surface is dry : but no traces by what agency rose such magnificent cities above the hovels of France and Germany : none — ut fortis Etruria crevit. 278 REFLECTIVE AND DISCURSIVE. or^ on the contrary, how the mistress of the world sank in the ordure of her priesthood — Scilicet et rerum fcuta est nequissima Roma. We are captivated by no charms of description ; we are detained by no pecuHarities of character : we hear a clamorous scuffle in the street, and we close the door. How different the historians of antiquity ! We read Sallust, and always are incited by the desire of reading on, although we are suiTounded by conspirators and bar- barians : we read Livy, until we imagine we are standing in an august pantheon, covered with altars and standards, over which are the four fatal letters that spellbound all mankind.^ We step forth again among the modern Italians : here we find plenty of rogues, plenty of receipts for making more ; and little else. In the best passages we come upon a crowd of dark reflections, which scarcely a glimmer of glory pierces through ; and we stare at the tenuity of the spectres, but never at their altitude. Give me the poetical mind, the mind poetical in all things ; give me the poetical heart, the heart of hope and confidence, that beats the more strongly and resolutely under the good thrown down, and raises up fabric after fabric on the same foundation. Parker. At your time of life, Mr. Marvel ? Marvel. At mine, my lord bishop ! I have lived with Milton. Such creative and redeeming spirits are like kindly and renovating Nature. Volcano comes after volcano, yet covereth she with herbage and foliage, with vine and olive, and with whatever else refreshes and gladdens her, the Earth that has been gasping under the exhaustion of her throes. Parker. He has given us such a description of Eve's beauty as appears to me somewhat too pictorial, too luxuriant, too suggestive, too — I know not what. 1 S. P. Q. R. LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE. 279 Marvel. The sight of beauty, in her purity and beati- tude, turns us from all unrighteousness, and is death to sin. CCXIII. The AbbS Delille. Milton is extremely difficult to trans- late ; for however noble and majestic, he is sometimes heavy, and often rough and unequal. Laiidor. Dear Abbe ! porphyry is heavy, gold is heavier : Ossa and Olympus are rough and unequal : the steppes of Tartary, though high, are of uniform elevation : there is not a rock, nor a birch, nor a cytisus, nor an arbutus, upon them, great enough to shelter a new-dropt lamb. Level the Alps one with another, and where is their sublimity? Raise up the vale of Tempe to the downs above, and where are those sylvan creeks and harbours in which the imagination watches while the soul reposes ; those recesses in which the gods partook the weaknesses of mortals, and mortals the enjojonents of the gods 1 CCXIV. Marvel. He must be a bad writer, or however a very indifferent one, to whom there are no inequalities. The plants of such tableland are diminutive and never worth gathering. What would you think of a man's eyes to which all things appear of the same magnitude and at the same elevation? You must think nearly so of a writer who makes as much of small things as of great. The vigorous mind has mountains to climb and valleys to repose in. Is there any sea without its shoals ? On that which the poet navigates, he rises intrepidly as the waves rise round him, and sits composedly as they subside. 28o REFLECTIVE AND DISCURSIVE. CCXV. Metastasio. It must be confessed that whatever is far removed from fashionable life and changeable manners is best adapted to the higher poetry. We are glad and righteously proud to possess two worlds, the one at present under our feet, producing beef and mutton ; the other, on which have passed before us, gods, demigods, heroes, the Fates, the Furies, and all the numerous progeny of never-dying, never-aging, eternally parturient Imagina- tion. Great is the privilege of crossing at will the rivers of bitterness, of tears, of fire, and to wander and converse among the Shades. CCXV I. Porson. You poets are still rather too fond of the un- substantial. Some will have nothing else than what they call pure imagination. Now, air-plants ought not to fill the whole conservatory ; other plants, I would modestly suggest, are worth cultivating, which send their roots pretty deep into the ground. I hate both poetry and wine without body. Look at Shakespeare, Bacon, and Milton ; were these your pure -imagination men? The least of them, whichever it was, carried a jewel of poetry about him worth all his tribe that came after. Did the two of them who wrote in verse build upon nothing ? Did their predecessors ? And pray whose daughter was the muse they invoked? Why Memoi7's. They stood among substantial men and sang upon recorded actions. The plain of Scamander, the promontory of Sigeum, the palaces of Tros and Dardanus, the citadel in which the Fates sang mournfully under the image of Minerva, seem fitter places for the Muses to alight on than artificial rockwork or than faery-rings. But your great favourite. LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE. 28 1 I hear, is Spenser, who shines in allegory, and who, like an aerolith, is dull and heavy when he descends to the ground. Southey. He continues a great favourite with me still, although he must always lose a little as our youth declines. Spenser's is a spacious but somewhat low cliamber, hung with rich tapestry, on which the figures are mostly dis- proportioned, but some of the faces are lively and beauti- ful ; the furniture is part creaky and worm-eaten, part fragrant with cedar and sandal -wood and aromatic gums and balsams ; every table and mantelpiece and cabinet is covered with gorgeous vases, and birds, and dragons, and houses in the air. CCXVII. Landor. The heart is the creator of the poetical world ; I only the atmosphere is from the brain. Do I then under- value imagination ? No indeed : but I find imagination where others never look for it : in character multifonn yet consistent "" ' CCXVIII. Vittoria Colontia. The human heart is the world of \ poetry ; the imagination is only its atmosphere. Faeries, and genii, and^ngeli~themselves;'are' at best its insects, glancing with unsubstantial wings about its lower regions and less noble edifices. CCXIX. — MILTON. Milton, in this Paradise Regained, seems to be subject to strange hallucinations of the ear ; he who before had greatly excelled all poets of all ages in the science and display of harmony. And if in his last poem we exhibit 7 7 282 REFLECTIVE AND DISCURSIVE. his deficiencies, surely we never shall be accused of dis- respect or irreverence to this immortal man. It may be doubted whether the Creator ever created one altogether so great ; taking into our view at once (as much indeed as can at once be taken into it) his manly virtues, his super- human genius, his zeal for truth, for true piety, true freedom, his eloquence in displaying it, his contempt of personal power, his gloiy and exaltation in his country's. ccxx. Marvel. Good prose, to say nothing of the original thoughts it conveys, may be infinitely varied in modula- tion. It is only an extension of metres, an amplification of harmonies, of which even the best and most varied poetry admits but few. Comprehending at once the prose and poetry of Milton, we could prove, before " fit audience," that he is incomparably the greatest master oi harmony that ever lived. CCXXI. — MILTON AND JOHNSON. Warton and Johnson are of opinion that Milton is defective in the sense of harmony. But Warton had lost his ear by laying it down on low swampy places, on ballads and sonnets ; and Johnson was a deaf adder coiled up in the brambles of party prejudices. He was acute and judicious, he was honest and generous, he was for- bearing and humane : but he was cold where he was overshadowed. The poet's peculiar excellence, above all others, was in his exquisite perception of rhythm, and in the boundless variety he has given it, both in verse and prose. Virgil comes nearest to him in his assiduous study of it and in his complete success. LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE. 283 CCXXn. — FRENCH PROSE. Salomon. Several of the French prose writers are more harmonious than the best of ours. Alfieri. In the construction of their sentences they have obtained from study, what sensibility has denied them. Rousseau is an exception : he beside is the only musical composer that ever had a tolerable ear for prose. Music is both sunshine and irrigation to the mind ; but when it occupies and covers it too long, it debilitates and corrupts it. Sometimes I have absorbed music so totally, that nothing was left of it in its own form : my ear detained none of the notes, none of the melody : they went into the heart immediately, mingled with the spirit, and lost themselves among the operations of the fancy, whose finest and most recondite springs they put simultaneously and vigorously in motion. Rousseau kept it subordinate ; which must always be done with music as well as with musicians. He excels all the moderns in the harmony of his periods. Salomon. I have heard it reported that you prefer Pascal. Alfieri. Certainly on the whole I consider him the most perfect of writers. CCXXIII. — ADDISON. Home Tooke. I have always been an admirer of Addi- son, and the oftener I read him, I mean his prose, the more he pleases me. Perhaps it is not so much his style, which, however, is easy and graceful and harmonious, as the sweet temperature of thought in which we always find him, and the attractive countenance, if you will allow me the expression, with which he meets me upon every occa- sion. It is very remarkable, and therefore I stopped to 284 REFLECTIVE AND DISCURSIVE. notice it, that not only what little strength he had, but even all his grace and ease, forsake him when he ventures into poetry. CCXXIV. — GIBBON. Landor. Gibbon's manner, which many have censured, I think, in generol, well suited to the work. In the Declme and Fall of the RotJian Empire, there is too much to sadden and disgrist : a smile in such a narrative on some occasions is far from unacceptable : if it should be succeeded by a sneer, it is not the sneer of bitterness, which falls not on debility ; nor of triumph, which accords not with contempt. The colours, it is true, are gorgeous, like those of the setting sun ; and such were wanted. The style is much swayed by the sentiment. Would that which is proper for the historian of Fabius and Scipio, of Hannibal and Pyrrhus, be proper, too, for Augustulus and the Popes ? CCXXV. — WORDSWORTH. Landor. In Wordsworth's poetry there is as much ot prose as there is of poetry in the prose of Milton. But prose on certain occasions can bear a great deal of poetry : on the other hand, poetry sinks and swoons under a moderate weight of prose. CCXXVI. — PRAISE AND CENSURE. Landor. It is becoming and decorous that due honours be paid to Wordsworth ; undue have injured him. Dis- criminating praise mingled with calm censure is more beneficial than lavish praise without it. Respect him ; reverence him ; abstain from worshipping him. Remem- ber no ashes are lighter than those of incense, and few things bum out sooner. ' LITERATURE AND LANGUAGK 285 CCXXVII. Clean}. Let us enjoy, whenever we have an opportunity, the delight of admiration, and perform the duties of reverence. CCXXVIII. Archdeacon Hare. It is cruel and inhuman to withhold the sustenance which is necessary to the growth, if not the existence, of genius ; sympathy, encouragement, commen- dation. Praise is not fame ; but the praise of the intelligent is its precursor. CCXXIX. Archdeacon Hare. Opinion on most matters, but chiefly on literary, and above all on poetical, seems to me like an empty egg-shell in a duck -pond, turned on its stagnant water by the slightest breath of air ; at one moment the cracked side nearer to sight, at another the sounder, but the emptiness at all times visible. CCXXX. In selecting a poet for examination, it is usual either to extol him to the skies, or to tear him to pieces and trample on him. Editors in general do the former : critics on editors more usually the latter. CCXXXI. Salomon. He who first praises a book becomingly, is next in menl'to the au thor. "^ ""' -— ' ' ccxxxir. Porson. —Periodical critics were never so plentiful as 2 86 REFLECTIVE AND DISCURSIVE. they now are. There is hardly a young author who does not make his first attempt in some review ; showing his teeth, hanging by his tail, pleased and pleasing by the volubility of his chatter, and doing his best to get a penny for his exhibitor and a nut for his own pouch, by the facetiousness of the tricks he performs upon our heads and shoulders. CCXXXIII, Porson. Those who have failed as painters turn picture- cleaners, those who have failed as writers tunv reviewers. Orator Henley taught in the last century that the readiest- made shoes are boots cut down : there are those who abundantly teach us now, that the readiest-made critics are cut-down poets. Their assurance is, however, by no means diminished from their ill-success. ccxxxiv. Petrarca. Why cannot we be delighted with an author, and even feel a predilection for him, without a dislike to others ? Boccaccio. The eyes of critics, whether in commending or carping, are both on one side, like a turbot's. ccxxxv. Petrarca. No criticism is less beneficial to an author oi his reader than one tagged with favour and tricked with courtesy. The gratification of our humours is not the intent and scope of criticism, and those who indulge in it on such occasions are neither vidse nor honest. ccxxxvi. Cicero. In literature great men suffer more from their little friends than from their potent enemies. LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE. 287, CCXXXVII. Vittoria Colonna. Sometimes we ourselves may have exercised our ingenuity, but without any consciousness of spleen or ill-humour, in detecting and discussing the peculiar faults of great poets. Tliis has never been done, or done very clumsily, by our critics, who fancy that a measureless and shapeless phantom of enthusiasm leaves an impression of a powerful mind, and a quick apprehen- sion of the beautiful. "Who," they ask us, "who would look for small defects in such an admirable writer ? Who is not trans- ported by his animation, and Winded by his brightness?" To this interrogation my answer is, "Very few indeed ; only the deliberate, the instructed, and the wise. Only they who partake in some degree of his nature know exactly where to find his infirmities." CCXXXVIII. Southey. It is fortunate we have been sitting quite alone while we detected the blemishes of a poet we both venerate. 1 The malicious are always the most ready to bring forward an accusation of malice : and we should certainly have been served, before long, with a writ pushed under the door. Landor. Are we not somewhat like two little beggar- boys, who, forgetting that they are in tatters, sit noticing a few stains and rents in their father's raiment ? Southey. But they love him. CCXXXIX- Boccaccio. The generous man, such as you, praises and censures with equal freedom, not with equal pleasure : 1 Miltoii. 288 REFLECTIVE AND DISCURSIVE. the freedom and the pleasure of the ungenerous are both contracted, and lie only on the left hand. Petrarca. When we point to our friends an object in the country, do we wish to diminish it ? do we wish to show it overcast ? Why then should we in those nobler works of creation, God's only representatives, who have cleared our intellectual sight for us, and have displayed before us things more magnificent than Nature would without them have revealed ? CCXL. Boccaccio. Beware of violating those canons of criticism you have just laid down. We have no right to gratify one by misleading another, nor, when we undertake to show the road, to bandage the eyes of him who trusts us for his conductor. In regard to censure, those only speak ill who speak untruly, unless a truth be barbed by malice and aimed by passion. To be useful to as many as possible is the especial duty of a critic, and his utility can only be attained by rectitude and precision. He walks in a garden which is not his own ; and he neither must gather the blossoms to embellish his discourse, nor break the branches to display his strength. Rather let him point to what is out of order, and help to raise what is lying on the ground. Petrarca. Auditors, and readers in general, come to hear or read, not your opinion delivered, but their own repeated. Fresh notions are as disagreeable to some as fresh air to others ; and this inability to bear them is equally a symptom of disease. Impatience and intoler- ance are sure to be excited at any check to admiration in the narratives of Ugolino and of Francesca : nothing is to be abated : they are not only to be admirable, but entirely faultless. LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE. 289 Boccaccio. You have proved to me, that in blaming our betters, we ourselves may sometimes be unblamed. When authors are removed by death beyond the reach of irrita- tion at the touch of an infirmity, we best consult their glory by handling their works comprehensively and un- sparingly. Vague and indefinite criticism suits only slight merit, and presupposes it. Lineaments irregular and profound as Dante's are worthy of being traced with patience and fidelity. In the charts of our globe we find distinctly marked the promontories and indentations, and oftentimes the direction of unprofitable marshes and im- passable sands and wildernesses : level surfaces are un- noted. I would not detract one atom from the worth of Dante ; which cannot be done by summing it up exactly, but may be by negligence in the computation. CCXLI. — DANTE's PAOLO AND FRANCESCA. Boccaccio. Ah ! had Dante remained through life the pure solitary lover of Bice, his soul had been gentler, tranquiller, and more generous. He scarcely hath de- scribed half the curses he went through, nor the roads he took on the journey : theology, politics, and that barbican of the Inferjto, marriage, surrounded with its Selva selvaggia ed aspra e forte. Admirable is indeed the description of Ugolino, to who- ever can endure the sight of an old soldier gnawing at the scalp of an old archbishop. Petrarca. The thirty lines from Ed io senii are unequalled by any other continuous thirty in the whole dominions of poetry. Boccaccio. Give me rather the six on Francesca : for if in the former I find the simple, vigorous, clear narra- tion, I find also what I would not wish, the features of u 290 REFLECTIVE AND DISCURSIVE. Ugolino reflected full in Dante. The two characters are similar in themselves ; hard, cruel, inflexible, malignant, but, whenever moved, moved powerfully. In Francesca, with the faculty of divine spirits, he leaves his own nature (not indeed the exact representative of theirs) and con- verts all his strength into tenderness. The great poet, like the original man of the Platonists, is double, possess- ing the further advantage of being able to drop one half at his option, and to resume it. Some of the tenderest on paper have no sympathies beyond : and some of the austerest in their intercourse with their fellow-creatures have deluged the world with tears. It is not from the rose that the bee gathers her honey, but often from the most acrid and the most bitter leaves and petals. Quando leggemmo il disiato riso Esser baciato di cotanto amante, Qiiesti, eke niai da me 7ion fa diviso ! La bocca mi bacib tutto tremante. Gahotlo fu il libro, e chi lo scrisse. Qual giorno piii nan vi leggemmo avante. In the midst of her punishment, Francesca, when she comes to the tenderest part of her story, tells it with cDmplacency and delight ; and instead of naming Paolo, which indeed she never has done from the beginning, she now designates him as Questi che mai da me iionfia diviso ! Are we not impelled to join in her prayer, wishing them happier in their union ? Petrarca. If there be no sin in it. Boccaccio. Ay, and even if there be — God help us ! What a sweet aspiration in each cesura of the verse ! three love-sighs fixed and incorporate ! Then, when she hath said La bocca mi bacih tutto tremante, she stops : she would avert the eyes of Dante from her : LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE. 29 1 he looks for the sequel : she thinks he looks severely : she says, " Galeotto is the name of the book," fancying by this timorous little flight she has drawn him far enough from the nest of her young loves. No, the eagle beak of Dante and his piercing eyes are yet over her. " Galeotto is the name of the book." "What matters that?" "And of the vsnriter." "Or that either?" At last she disarms him : but how ? • ' That day we read no more. " Such a depth of intuitive judgment, such a delicacy of perception, exists not in any other work of human genius ; and from an author who, on almost all occasions, in this part of the work, betrays a deplorable want of it. Petrarca. Perfection of poetry ! The greater is my wonder at discovering nothing else of the same order or cast in this whole section of the poem. He who fainted at the recital of P'rancesca, " And he who fell as a dead body falls," would exterminate all the inhabitants of every town in Italy ! What execrations against Florence, Pistoia, Siena, Pisa, Genoa ! What hatred against the whole human race ! what exultation and merriment at eternal and im- mitigable sufferings ! Seeing this, I cannot but consider the Inferno as the most immoral and impious book that ever was written. Yet, hopeless that our country shall ever see again such poetrj', and certain that without it our future poets would be more feebly urged forward to ex- cellence, I would have dissuaded Dante from cancelling it, if this had been his intention. Much, however, as I admire his vigour and severity of style in the description of Ugolino, I acknowledge with you that I do not dis- 292 REFLECTIVE AND DISCURSIVE. cover so much imagination, so much creative power, as in the Francesca. CCXLII. — VERBAL CRITICISM, WITH AN EXAMPLE. Alfieri. There are those who would persuade us that verbal criticism is unfair, and that few poems can resist it. The truth of the latter assertion by no means establishes the former : all good criticism hath its foundation on verbal. Long dissertations are often denominated criti- cisms, without one analysis ; instead of which it is thought enough to say; "There is nothing finer in our language — we can safely recommend — imbued with the true spirit — destined to immortality, etc." A perfect piece of criticism must exhibit where a work is good or bad ; why it is good or bad ; in what degree it is good or bad ; must also demonstrate in what manner and to what extent the same ideas or reflections have come to others, and, if they be clothed in poetry, why, by an apparently slight variation, what in one author is mediocrity, in another is excellence. I have never seen a critic of Florence or Pisa or Milan or Bologna, who did not commend and admire the sonnet of Cassiani on the rape of Proserpine, without a suspicion of its manifold defects. Few sonnets are indeed so good ; but if we examine it attentively, we shall discover its flaws and patches. ' ' Die un alto strido, gittb i fiori, e volta Air improvisa mano che la cinse, Ttitta in se per la tema onde fii colta La Siciliana vergine si strinse." The hand is inadequate to embrace a body ; strinse, which comes after, would have done better : and the two last verses tell only what the two first had told, and feebly : nothing can be more so than the tema ondefu colta. LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE. 293 " // nero dio la calda bocca involta Z>' ispido pelo a ingordo bacio spinse, E di stigia ftdigin con la folta Barba Peburnea gola e il sen le tinse. " Does not this describe the devils of our carnival, rather than the majestic brother of Jupiter, at whose side upon dsphodel and amaranth the sweet Persephon^ sits pen- sively contented, in that deep motionless quiet which mortals pity and which the gods enjoy ; rather than him who, under the umbrage of Elysium, gazes at once upon all the beauties that on earth were separated ; Helena and Eriphyle, Polyxena and Hermione, Deidameia and Deianeira, Leda and Omphale, Atalanta and Cydippe, Laodameia with her arm round the neck of a fond youth whom she still seems afraid of losing, and, apart, the daughters of Niobe, though now in smiles, still clinging to their parent. CCXLIII. — OF IDIOM. Demosthenes. I have been careful to retain as much idiom as I could, often at the peril of being called ordi- nary and vulgar. Nations in a state of decny lose their idiom, which loss is always precursory to that of freedom. What your father and your grandfather used as an ele- gance in conversation, is now abandoned to the populace, and every day we miss a little of our own, and collect a little from strangers : this prepares us for a more intimate union with them, in which we merge at last altogether. Every good writer has much idiom ; it is the life and spirit of language ; and none such ever entertained a fear or apprehension that strength and sublimity were to be lowered and weakened by it. CCXLIV. — OF QUOTATION. Lucian. Before I let fall a quotation I must be taken 294 REFLECTIVE AND DISCURSIVE. by surprise. I seldom do it in conversation, seldomer in composition ; for it mars the beauty and unity of style ; especially when it invades it from a foreign tongue. A » s quoter is either ostentatious of his acquirements, or doubt- It! ful of his cause. And, moreover, he never walks grace- |» fully who leans upon the shoulder of another, however I gracefully that other may walk. CCXLV. — VULGARISMS. Home Tooke. No expression can become a vulgarism which has not a broad foundation. The language of the vulgar hath its source in physics : in known, compre- hended, and operative things : the language of those who are just above the vulgar is less pure, as flowing from what they do not in general comprehend. Hence the profusion of broken and ill-assorted metaphors, which we find in the conversation of almost all who stand in the intermediate space between the lettered and the lowest. CCXLVI. — GALLICISMS AND LATINISMS. Barrffw, Our language bears gallicisms better than latinisms, but whoever is resolved to write soberly must be contented with the number of each that was found among us in the time of the Reformation. CCXLVn.— ENGLISH ORTHOGRAPHY AND DICTION. Archdeacon Haj-e. In some of your later writings, 1 perceive, you have not strictly followed the line you for- merly laid down for spelling. Laitdor. I found it inexpedient ; since whatever the pains I took, there was, in every sheet almost, some deviation on the side of the compositor. Inconsistency was forced LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE. 295 on me against all my struggles and reclamations. At last nothing is left for me but to enter my protest, and to take the smooth path instead of the broken-up highway. Archdeacon Hare. It is chiefly in the preterites and participles that I have followed you perseveringly. We are rich in having two for many of our verbs, and unwise in corrupting the spelling, and thereby rendering the pronunciation difficult. We pronounce "astonisht," we write astonished or astonish'd ; an unnecessary harshness. Never was spoken drop/i?a', or lop/^a', or ho^iped, or prop/ Burnet and Hjimphrj Hardcastle. Byronis shadowed forth under the char octet of Mr. George NeUy, and Southey under that of Milton. Burnet, Who would have imagined that the youtn who was carried to his long home the other day, I mean my Lord Rochester's reputed child, Mr. George Nelly, was for several seasons a great poet ? \'^-f' fefrvSmber the time when he was so famous an one, that he ran after Mr. Milton up Snow-hill, as the old gentleman was leaning on his daughter's arm from the Poultry, and, treading down the heel of his shoe, called him a rogue and a har ; while another poet sprang out from a grocer's shop, clapping his hands, and crying, " Bravely done ! by Beelzebub ! the young cock spurs the blind buzzard gallantly !" On some neighbour representing to Mr. George the respectable character of Mr. Milton, and the probability that at some future time he might be considered as among our geniuses, and such as would reflect a certain portion of credit on his ward, and asking him withal why he appeared to him a rogue and liar, he replied : "I have proofs known to few ; I possess a sort of drama by him, entitled Comus, which was composed for the entertainment of Lord Pem- broke, who held an appointment under the king, and this ven' John has since changed sides, and written in defence of the Commonwealth." Mr. George began with satirising his father's friends, CHARACTERS AND CONFESSIONS. 33 5 and confounding the better part of them with all tlie hirelings and nuisances of the age, with all the scavengers of lust and all the link-boys of literature ; with Newgate solicitors, the patrons of adulterers and forgers, who, in the long vacation, turn a penny by puffing a ballad, and are promised a shilling in silver, for their own benefit, on crying down a religious tract. He soon became recon- ciled to the latter, and they raised him upon their shoulders above the heads of the wittiest and the wisest. This sei^ved a whole winter. Afterwards, whenever he wrote a bad poem, he supported his sinking fame by some signal act of profligacy, an elegy by a seduction, an heroic by an adultery, a tragedy by a divorce. On the remark of a learned man, that irregularity is no indication of genius, he began to lose ground rapidly, when on a sudden he cried out at the Haymarket, "There is no God !" It was then surmised more generally and more gravely that there was something in him, and he stood upon his legs almost to the last. "Say what you will," once whispered a friend of mine, "there are things in him as strong as poison, and as original as sin." ♦ ♦ ♦ At last he is removed from among the living : let us hope the best ; to wit, that the mercies which have begun with man's forgetfulness will be crowned with God's for- giveness. CCXC. — NOTE TO THE ABOVE, 1824. Little did I imagine that the extraordinary man, the worst parts of whose character are represented here, should indeed have been carried to the tomb so imma- turely. If, before the dialogue was printed, he had per- formed those services to Greece which will render his name illustrious to eternity, those by which he merited such funereal honours as, in the parsimony of praise, f 336 PERSONAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL, knowing its value in republics, she hardly would have decreed to the most desei'ving of her heroes, if, I repeat it, he had performed those sei-vices, the performance of which I envy him from my soul, and as much as any other does the gifts of heaven he threw away so carelessly, never would I, from whatever provocation, have written a syllable against him. I had avoided him ; I had slighted him ; he knew it : he did" not love rne ; he could not. While he spoke or wrote against me, I said nothing in' print or conversation : the taciturnity of pride gave way to other feelings, when my friends, men so much better, and (let the sincerity of the expression be ques- tioned by those who are unacquainted with us) so much dearer, so much oftener in my thoughts, were assailed by him too intemperately. Let any man who has been unfair or injurious to me, show that he has been so to me only, and I offer him my hand at once, with more than mere forgiveness. Alas ! my writings are not upon slate : no finger, not of Time "himself, who dips it in the clouds of years and in the storm and tempest, can efface the written. Let me be called what I may — I confess it, I am more inconsist- ent than he was. I do not talk of weeping or bewailing or lamenting, for I hate false words, and seek with care, difficulty, and moroseness, those that fit the thing — why then should I dissemble that, if I have shed no tears, they are at this moment in my eyes ! O that I could have clasped his hand before he died ! only to make him more enamoured of his own virtues, and to keep him with them always ! A word to those who talk of inconsistency. There is as much of it in him who stands while another moves, as in him who moves while another stands. To condemn what is evil, and to commend what is good, is consistent : to retract an error, to soften an asperity, to speak all the CHARACTERS AND CONFESSIONS. 337 good we can, after worse ill than we would, is that and more. If I must understand the word inconsistency as many do. I wish I may be inconsistent "with all my enemies. I wiirfalce especTal care"That"my uTconsistency ngVef makes me a worse snan or a richer. CCXCl. Landor. I do not assert that my grief remains for days, or even hours together, violent or unremitted, although it has done so once or twice : but seldom have I thought of a friend or companion, be it at the distance of thirty or forty years, that the thought is not as intense and painful, and of as long a visitation, as it was at first. Even those with whom I have not lived, and whom indeed I have never seen, affect me by sympathy, as though I had known them intimately, and I hold with them in my walks many imaginary conversations. If anything could engage me to visit Rome, to enrlure the sighToTTier^icarred and awful ruins, telling their grave stories upon the ground in the midst of eunuchs and fiddlers ; if I could let charnel- houses and opera-houses, consuls and popes, tribunes and cardinals, orators and preachers, clash in my mind, it would be that I might afterwards spend an hour in soli- tude where the pyramid of Cestius points to the bones of Keats and Shelley. Nothing so attracts my heart as ruins in deserts, or so repels it as ruins in the circle of fashion. What is so shockTrigasTHe hard verity of Death swept by the rustling masquerade of Life ! and does not Mortality of herself teach us how little we are, without placing~us amidst the trivialities of patchwork "pomp, where Virgil led the gods to found ah empire, "where Cicero saved and Caesar shook ftie world ! 7. 338 PERSONAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL. CCXCII. — SHELLEY. / / Landor. Let me return to Shelley. Innocent and careless as a boy, he possessed all fTie"delicate feelings of a gentleman, all the discrmiination of a scholar, and united, in just degrees, the ardour of the poet with the patiefiBrstid forbearance of the philosopher. His gener- osity and charity went far beyond those of any man (1 believe) at present in existence. He was never known to speak evil of an enemy, unless that enemy had done tsomT^evous injustice to another : and he divided his income of only one thousand pounds, with the fallen and afflicted. This is the man against whom such clamours have been raised by the religious a la mode, and by those who live and lap under their tables : this is the man whom, from one false story about his former wife, I hdd "rera'sed to visit at Pisa. I blush in anguish at my prejudice and injustice, and ought hardly to feel it as a blessing or a consolation, that I regret him less than I should have done if I had known him personally. As to what remains of him now life is over, he occupies the third place among our poets of the present age— no humble station — for no other age since that of Sophocles has produced on TTie whole earth so many of such merits— and is incomparably the most elegant, graceful, and harmonious of tlie prose- writers. CCXCIII. — S OUTHE Y. Interest is always excited by him, enthusiasm not always. If his elegant prose and harmonious verse are insufficient to excite it, turn to his virtues, to his manliness in defence of truth, to the ardour and constancy of his friendships, to his disinterestedness, to his generosity, to CHARACTERS AND CONFESSIONS. 339 his rejection of title and office, and consequently of wealth and influence. He has laboured to raise up merit in whatever path of literature he found it ; and poetry in particular has never had so intelligent, so impartial, and so merciful a judge. CCXCIV. — A CONFESSION OF JEALOUSY. Jealous, I own it, I was once. That wickedness I here renounce. I tried at wit, it would not do ; At tenderness, that fail'd me too ; Before me on each path there stood The witty and the tender Hood. / CCXCV. — ROBERT BROWNING. 7 There is delight in singing, though none hear f Beside the singer ; and there is delight In praising, though the praiser sit alone And see the prais'd far off him, far above. Shakspeare is not our poet, but the world's, Therefore on him no speech ! and brief for thee, Browning ! Since Chaucer was alive and hale, No man hath walk'd along our roads with step So active, so inquiring eye, or tongue So varied in discourse. But warmer climes Give brighter plumage, stronger wing : the breeze Of Alpine highths thou playest with, borne on Beyond Sorrento and Amalfi, where / The Siren waits thee, singing song for song. y/ CCXCVl. — MACAULAY. The dreamy rhymer's measured snore Falls heavy on our ears no more ; / / 340 PERSONAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL. And by long strides are left behind The dear delights of woman-kind, Who win their battles like their loves, In satin waistcoats and kid gloves, And have achieved the crowning work When they have truss'd and skewer'd a Turk. Another comes with stouter tread, And stalks among the statelier dead. He rushes on, and hails by turns High-crested Scott, broad-breasted Burns, And shows the British youth, who ne'er Will lag behind, what Romans were, When all the Tuscans and their Lars Shouted, and shook the towers of Mars. CCXCVII. — CHARLES DICKENS. Dedication of Itnaginary' Conversation of Greeks ana Romans, l8j8. Friends as we are, have long been, and ever shall be, I doubt whether I should have prefaced these pages with your name were it not to register my judgment that, in breaking up and cultivating the unreclaimed wastes of Humanity, no labours have been so strenuous, so con- tinuous, or half so successful, as yours. While the world admires in you an unlimited knowledge of mankind, deep thought, vivid imagination, and bursts of eloquence from unclouded heights, no less am I delighted when I see you at the schoolroom you have liberated from cruelty, and at the cottage you have purified from disease. CCXCVIII. — LITERARY ENMITIPZS. I regret all enmities in the literary world, and particu- larly when they are exercised against the oriianients and glories of our country, against a Wordsworth ' and a CHARACTERS AND CONFESSIONS. 34 1 Southey. It has been my fortune to love in general those men most who have thought most differently from me, on subjects wherein others pardon no discordance. I think I have no more right to be angry with a man, whose reason has followed up a process different from what mine has, and is satisfied with the result, than with one who has gone to Venice while I am at Siena, and who writes to me that he likes the place, and that, although he said once he should settle elsewhere, he shall reside in that city. My political opinions are my only ones, beyond square demonstration,~tlmt I am certain will never change. If my muscles have hardened in them and are fit for no other, I have not on this account the right or inclination to consider a friend untrue or insincere, who declares that he sees more of practical good in an opposite quarter, to that where we agreed to fix the speculative ; and that he abandons the dim, astounding majesty of mountain scenery, for the refreshing greenness and easy patlis of the plain. I have walked always where I must breathe hard, and where such breathing was my luxury : I now sit somewhat stiller and have fewer aspirations, but I inhale the same atmosphere yet. CCXCIX. Landor. From my earliest days I have avoided society as much as I CbuM decorously, for I received more pleasure in the cultivation and improvement of my own thoughts than in walking up and down among the thoughts of others. Yet, as you know, I never have avoided the intercourse of men distinguished by virtue and genius ; of genius, because it warmed and invigorated me by my trying to keep pace with it ; of virtue, that if I had any of my own it might be called forth by such vicinity. Among all men elevated in station who have 342 PERSONAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL. made a noise in the world (admirable old expression !) I never saw any in whose presence I felt inferiority, exceptmg Kosciusko. But how many in the lower paths of life have exerted both virtues and abilities which I never exerted, and never possessed ! what strength and courage and perseverance in some, in others what endur- ance and forbearance ! At the very moment when most, beside yourself, catching up half my words, would call and employ against me in its ordinary signification what ought to convey the most honorific, the term self-sufficiency, I bow my head before the humble, with greatly "mofethan their humiliation. You are better-tempered than I am and readier to converse. There are half- hours when, although in good humour and in good spirits, I would not be disturbed by the necessity of talking, to be the possessor of all the rich marshes we see yonder. In this interval there is neither storm nor sunshine of the mm^, .. but calm and (as the farmer would call it) growing weather, in which the blades of thought spring up and dilate insensibly. Whatever I do, I must do in the open ■ air, or in the silence of night : either is sufficient : but I prefer the hours of exercise, or, what is next to exercise, of field-repose. / ccc. I know not whether I am proud, But this I know, I hate the crowd : Therefore pray let me disengage My verses from the motley page, Where others far more sure to please Pour out their choral song with ease. And yet perhaps, if some should tire With too much froth or too much fire, There is an ear that may incline Even to words so dull as mine. CHARACTERS AND CONFESSIONS. 343 CCCI. The chrysolites and rubies Bacchus brings To crown the feast where swells the broad-vein'd brow, Where maidens blush at what the minstrel sings, They who have coveted may covet now. Bring me, in cool alcove, the grape uncrush'd, The peach of pulpy cheek and down mature, Where every voice (l)Ut bird's or child's) is hush'd. And every thought, like the brook nigh, runs pure. CCCII. — THE GENIUS OF GREECE. Why do I praise a peach Not on my wall, no, nor within my reach ? Because I see the bloom And scent the fragrance many steps from home. Permit me still to praise The higher genius of departed days. Some are there yet who, nursed In the same clime, are vigorous as the first, And never waste their hours (Ardent for action) among meadow flowers. Greece with calm eyes I see, Her pure white marbles have not blinded me, But breathe on me the love Of earthly things as bright as things above ; There is (where is there not ?) In her fair regions many a desert spot ; Neither is Dirce clear, Nor is Ilissus full throughout the year. 344 PERSONAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHI'CAL. CCCIII. — ON HIS OWN AGAMEMNON AND IPHIGENEIA. From eve to morn, from mom to parting night, Father and daughter stood before my sight. I felt the looks they gave, the words they said, And reconducted each serener shade. Ever shall these to me be well-spent days, Sweet fell the tears upon them, sweet the praise. Far from the footstool of the tragic throne, I am tragedian in this scene alone. HIS READERS. Among the Dry Sticks many are so slender that they seem to have been cut after a few years' growth ; others are knottier and more gnarled than are usually carried to market, but give out greater heat and burn longer. Among the varieties may be found a few fragments seemingly exotic ; pointed leaves hanging grimly to them, very like those of the pine which grew formerly about Rome and above Tivoli ; laurels of a species uncultivated in England ; and prunings which may be taken for ohve, if we judge of them by the smoothness of the bark, the purity of the flame, and the paucity of the ashes. We often find in the clouds, in the mountains, in the fire, and in other objects, resemblances of things quite different : so it may happen that in some of these Dry Sticks ^\\& observer, if his mood is contemplative, or, more probably, if he is half- dreaming, shall see somewhat to remind him of poetry. cccv. Landor. I have expunged many thoughts for then- close resemblance to what others had written whose works I never sav/ until after. But all thinking men must think, CHARACTERS AND CONFESSIONS. 34 S all imaginative men must imagine, many tilings in com- mon, although they differ. Some abhor what others embrace; but the thought strikes them equally. With some an idea is productive, with others it lies inert. I have resigned and abandoned many things because I unreasonably doubted my legitimate claim to them, and many more because I believed I had enough substance in the house without them, and that the retention might raise a clamour in my courtyard. • CCCVI. Landor. It has been my fortune and felicity, from my earliest days, to have avoidedraTT'compefitioniy Ivly tutor at Oxford could never persuade me to write a piece of latin poetiy for the Prize, earnest as he was that his pupil should be a winner at the forthcoming Enccenia. Poetry was always my amusement, prose my study and business. I have published five volumes of Imaginary Conversa- tions : cut the worst of them tlirougTi' the middle, and there will remain in this decimal fraction quite enough to satisfy my appetite for fame. I shall dine late ; but the dining-room will be well lighted, the guests few and select. CCCVI I. I claim no place in the world of letters ; I am alone, and will be alone, as Ibiig as I live, and after. CCCVIII. He who is within two paces of the ninetieth year may sit down and make no excuses ; he must be unpopular, he never tried to be much otherwise ; he never contended with a contemporaiy, but walked alone on FHeTar eastern uplands, meditating and remembering. ON THE APPROACH OF OLD AGE AND DEA TH. / CCCIX. — TO AGE, Welcome, old friend ! These many years Have we lived door by door : The Fates have laid aside their shears Perhaps for some few more. I was indocile at an age When better boys were taught, But thou at length hast made me sage, If I am sage in aught. Little I know from other men, Too httle they from me, But thou hast pointed well the pen That writes these hnes to thee. Thanks for expelling Fear and Hope. One vile, the other vain ; One's scourge, the other's telescope, I shall not see again : Rather what lies before my feet My notice shall engage. He who hath braved Youth's dizzy heat Dreads not the frost of Age. ON THE APPROACH OF OLD AGE AND DEATH. 345^ cccx. Is it not better at an early hour In its calm ceU to rest the weary head, While birds'are singing and while blooms the bower, Than sit the fire out and go starved to bed '! CCCXI. — TO A PAINTER. Conceal not Time's misdeeds, but on my brow Retrace his mark : Let the retiring hair be silvery now That once was dark : Eyes that reflected images too bright Let clouds o'ercast, And from the tablet be abolish'd quite The cheerful past. Yet care's deep lines should one from waken'd mirth Steal softly o'er, Perhaps on me the fairest of the earth May glance once more. CCCXII. Give me the eyes that look on mine, And, when they see them dimly shine, Are moister than they were. Give me the eyes that fain would find Some relics of a youthful mind Amid the wrecks of care. Give me the eyes that catch at last A few faint glimpses of the past, And, like the arkite dove. Bring back a long-lost olive-bough. And can discover even now A heart that once could love. 348 PERSONAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL CCCXIII. To his young Rose an old man said, ' You will be sweet when I am dead : Where skies are brightest we shall meet, And there wnll you Ije yet more sweet, Leaving your winged company To waste an idle thought on me. " / CCCXIV. — THE THREE ROSES. When the buds began to burst. Long ago, with Rose the first I was walking ; joyous then Far above all other men, Till before us up there stood Britonferry's oaken wood, Whispering '■'■Happy as thou art. Happiness and thou must part." Many summers have gone by Since a second Rose and I (Rose from that same stem) have told This and other tales of old. She upon her wedding day Carried home my tenderest lay ; From her lap I now have heard Gleeful, chirping. Rose the Third. Not for her this hand of mine Rhyme with nuptial wreath shall twine ; Cold and torpid it must lie, Mute the tongue, and closed the eye. ON THE APPROACH OF OLD AGE AND DEATH. 349 CCCXV. Various the roads of life ; in one All terminate, one lonely way. We go ; and " Is he gone ? " Is all our best Mertds say. / CCCXV I. The day returns, my natal day, Borne on the storm and pale with snow And seems to ask me why I stay, Stricken by Time and bowed by Woe. Many were once the friends who came To wish me joy ; and there are some Who wish it now ; but not the same ; They are whence friend can never come ; Nor are they you my love watch'd o'er Cradled in innocence and sleep ; You smile into my eyes no more, Nor see the bitter tears they weep. CCCXVII. — ON HIS SEVENTY-FIFTH BIRTHDAY I strove with none, for none was worth my strife, Nature I loved, and next to Nature, Art ; I warmed both hands before the fire of life, It sinks, and I am ready to depart. CCCXVIII. — ON HIS EIGHTIETH BIRTHDAY. To my ninth decade I have totter'd on, And no soft arm bends now my steps to steady ; She, who once led me where she would, is gone. So when he calls me, Death shall find me ready. 350 PERSONAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL. CCCXIX. — M EMORY. The Mother of the Muses, we are taught, Is Memoiy : she has left me ; they remain, And shake my shoulder, urging me to sing About the summer days, my loves of old. Alas ! alas ! is all I can reply. Memory has left with me that name alone. Harmonious name, which other bards may sing, But her bright image in my darkest hour Comes back, in vain comes back, call'd or uncall 'A Forgotten are the names of visitors Ready to press my hand but yesterday ; Forgotten are the names of earlier friends Whose genial converse and glad countenance Are fresh as ever to mine ear and eye ; To these, when I have written and besought Remembrance of me, the word Dear alone Hangs on the upper verge, and waits in vain, A blessing wert thou, O oblivion, If thy'stream carried only weeds away. But vernal and autumnal flowers alike It hurries down to wither on the strand. cccxx. Death stands above me, whispering low I know not what into my ear : Of his strange language all I know Is, there is not a word of fear. NOTES. NOTES. / A.D. JB^ 1770 — 1771 — 1772 — 1774 — 1775 — 1777 1778 1780 1784 178s 1788 2 3 5 9 10 '3 1790 15 1791 16 1792 17 1793 18 1794 19 1795 20 1796 21 1797 1798 22 23 1799 1800 24 25 1801 26 1802 27 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 The following Table is intended to show the chronological relations of Lander to some of his contemporaries, with the dates of the chief events in his life, and of the publication of his principal works. The titles of these are printed in italics. [Chatterton died. Wordsworth born.] [Gray died. Scott born.] [Coleridge born.] [Goldsmith died. Southey born.] Born at Warwick, Jan. 30. [Charles Lamb born.] [Thomas Campbell and Henry Hallam born.] [Hazlitt born.] Goes to school at Knowle. [Johnson died. Leigh Hunt born.] Goes to school at Rugby. [De Quincey born.] [Byron born.] Removed from Rugby. Resident at Ashbourne, under Dr. Langley. Ashbourne. [Shelley born.] Enters at Trinity College, Oxford. Rusticated ; leaves Oxford ; goes to London. London ; afterwards Tenby. — 'JVie Poems of Walter Savage Landor: London, Cadell and Davies. — ./^ Moral Epistle; respectfully dedicated to Earl Stanhope: London, Cadell and Davies. [Keats bom Carlyle born.] South Wales, Warwick. [Burns died.] South Wales, Warwick. [B. W. Procter born.] South Wales. — Gebir: a Poem, in seven books : London, Rivingtons. Bath ; London ; Brighton. [Hood bom.] Bath, etc. [Cowper died. Macaulay born.] — Poems from the A 7-abic and Persian : Warwick, Sharpe : and London, Rivingtons. Bath, etc. Bath, etc. ; visit to Paris during peace of Amiens. — Poetry by the Author of Gebir: London, Riving- tons. Bath, etc. — Gebir: a Poem, in seven books. By Walter Savage Latidor. Second Edition : Oxford, Slatter and Munday. — Gebirius: Poona. Scripsit Savagius Landor: Oxford, Slatter and Munday. Bath, etc. Bath, etc. Landor's father dies. Bath, etc — Simotiidea: Bath, Meyler : and London, Robinson. Bath, etc. (projects and abandons purchase of an estate at Loweswater). 29 NOTES. 353 / A.D. t8o8 33 34 35 36 37 i»i3 38 1814 39 1809 1810 1811 i»i5 1822 1823 1824 1827 1828 1829 1830 1S31 I8I6 41 I8I7 I8I8 42 43 I8I9 1820 44 45 1825 50 1826 51 40 55 56 Bath, etc. Purchases Llanthony Abbey, Monmouth- shire ; makes the acquaintance of Southey ; goes as a volunteer to join the insurgent army in Spain (August-October). [Lord Houghton born.] Llanthony, Bath.—TAn-e Letters, ivritteii in Spain, to D. Francisco Rignehne, co»imaudins: the Third Division of the Gallician army. [A. 'I'ennyson, Eliz. Barrett, \V. E. Gladstone, Ch. Darwin, born.] Llanthony, Bath. Llanthony, Bath. Marries Julia Thuillier. [Thackeray born.] Llanthony, V>-a\\-\.— Count Julian : a Tragedy: London, Murray. — Coiitinentary on Aleinoirs 0/ I\fr. Fox: London : Murray. [Dickens, R. Browning, J. For- ster, born.) Llanthony, Bath. Leaves Llanthony (M.ay) ; goes to Jersey ; thence, having left Mrs. Landor in anger, to Tours ; makes the acquaintance of Francis Hare. Tours ; rejoined by Mrs. Landor ; Como. — Idyllia nova quinqtie Heroitin atque Heroiditin, etc. : O.xford. Como. Como. Eldest son, Arnold .Savage, born. Como ; Genoa, Villa Pallavicini. Pisa ; part of summer at Pistoia. Pisa.— fdyi/ia Heroica decent, etc., parti ni jam prima partim iterum atq. tertioedit Savagius Landor: Pisa. Pisa; thence to Florence. — Poche osscrvazioni, etc., di Walter Savage Landor, gentiluomo ingtese ; Naples. [Keats died.] Florence ; Palazzo Medici. [Shelley died.] Florence ; Palazzo Medici. Florence ; Palazzo "MatAm.— Imaginary Conversations 0/ Literary Men atid Statesmen. By Walter Savage Landor, Esq., vols. i. and ii. : London, Taylor and Hessey. [Byron died.] Florence ; Palazzo Medici. Florence ; Palazzo Medici and Villa Castiglione.— //«- aginary Conversations, etc., vols. i. and ii., second edition : London, Colburn. Florence ; Villa Castiglione ; makes the .acqu.aintance of Lord and Lady Blessington, and accompanies them on a trip to Naples. Makes the acquaintance of Mr. Joseph Ablett of Llanbedr. Florence ; Villa Castiglione. — Imaginary Conversa- tions, etc., vol. iii. ; London, Colburn. Fiesole : Villa Gherardesca (purchased by help of Mr. Ablettl. Landor's mother dies. ^Ladame de Molande', formerly Mrs. Swift, the lanthe of Landor's early poetry, comes to Florence with her children. — Imaginary Conversations, etc., vols. iv. and v. London, Duncan. Fiesole ; Villa Gherardesca. [Hazlitt died.] Fiesole; Villa Gherardesca. — Gebir, Co^mt Julian, and 2 A /.'"' A.D. JET. 1832 57 1833 58 1834 59 1835 60 1836 61 1837 62 1838 1839 63 64 1840 184I 6s 66 1842 ■843 1844 184s 1846 67 68 69 70 71 1847 72 1848 73 1849 74 NOTES. other Poems. By ]Valtcr Sax>age Landor, Esq. : London, Moxon. Fiesole ; Villa Gherardesca ; with a summer and autumn trip to England, returning in company with Julius Hare and Ur. Worsley by Innsbruck and Venice. [.Scott died.] Fiesole ; Villa Gherardesca. Fiesole ; Villa Gherardesca. — CiiaiioJt ami Examiiia- tioti of li'illimii Shakespeare, etc. : London, Saim- ders and Otley. [Coleridge died. Charles Lamb died.] Fiesole : Baths of Lucca and England (leaving at Fiesole his wife, with whom he had quarrelled, and his children). Clifton ; Wales ; London ; Germany. — Pericles and Astasia, by Walter Savage Latuior, Esq, : 2 vols. ; London, Saunders and Otley.— The Letters 0/ a Conser-jath-e, by Walter Savage Landor: London. Saunders and Otley. Wales ; London ; Devonshire; Bath. — Tlie Pentaineron and Pentalpgia: London, Saimders and Otley. — A Satire on Satirists, and Admonition to Detractors: London, Saunders and Otley. Bath. Bath. — Andrea of Hungary, and Giovanni of Naples. By Walter Savage Latidor : London, Bentley. Bath. [Francis Hare died.] Bath ; visit to Paris. — Era Rupert : London, Saunders and Otley. Bath. Bath. [Southey died.] Bath. [Campbell died.] Bath. [Hood died.] Bath. — The Works of Walter Savage Landor ; 2 vols. : London, I\Io,\ou. (Vol. i. contains all the previously published Imaginary Conz'crsations, with additions and corrections ; vol. ii., a new series of Imaginary Conversations, together with Tltc Examination of Shakespeare, Pericles and A spasia, The Pentame7on, the poems previously published in the volume of 1831, besides a number of new poems, including the Hellenics. This edition, prepared with the help of Mr. John Forster and Archdeacon Hare, was until 1876 the sole and standard collected edition of Landor's writings in prose and verse together.) Bath. — The Hellenics of li'altcr Savage Landor. En- larged and completed : London, IMoxon. — Pocmata et Inscriptiones novis auxit Savagiiis Landor : London, Moxon. Bath. — The Italics of Walter Savage Landor: London, Reynell and Weight. — Imaginary Conversation oj King Carlo- Albe7-to ami the Duchess Belgoioiso: London, Longmans, 1848. (J. Ablett died.] Bath. NOTES. 355 A.D. 1850 1851 75 76 1852 .833 77 78 1854 79 185s 1856 80 81 1857 1858 82 83 1859 84 i860 1S61 1862 1863 85 86 87 88 1864 89 Bath. [Lady Blessington died. Wordsworth died.] Bath. —Popery, British and Foreign. By JValter Savage Landor: London, Chapman and Hall. [Madame de Molande died.] Bath. Bath. — Imngitiary Conversations of Greeks and Ro- mans, by Walter Savage Landor: London, Mo.\on. — The Last Fruit off an old Tree, by II alter Savage Landor : London, Moxon. Bath. — Letters 0/ an American, mainly on Kussia and Revolution. Edited by Walter Savage Landor : London, Chapman and Hall. Bath, fjulius Hare died.] Bath. — Antony and Octavius; Scenes for the Study. By Walter Savage Landor : London, Bradbury and Evans. — Letter frojn W. S. Landor to R. W. Fmersou : Bath, WilHams. Bath (quarrel-s and scandals). Bath; Genoa; Fiesole. — Dry Sticks, fagoted by Walter Savage Landor: Edinburgh, Nichol. _ Lawsuit con- sequent on this publication : trial at Bristol. Landor, having in the meanwhile left England, is condemned, costs £ 1000. Fiesole ; Siena ; Florence. Having found life with his family at the Villa Gherardesca insupportable, he settles in lodgings in the Via Nunziatina. — The Hel- lenics of ]V alter Savage Landor, etc. Neiv edition, enlarged: Edinburgh, Nichol. [Leigh Hunt died. De Quincey died. Macaulay died.] Florence ; Via Nunziatina. Florence ; Via Nunziatina. Florence ; Via Nunziatina. Florence ; Via Nunziatina. — Heroic Idyls, mith ad- ditional Forms. By Walter Savage Landor. [Thackeray died.] Florence ; Via Nunziatina. Dies September 17. A final collected and corrected (though not, strictly speaking, complete) edition of Landor's writings was prepared by Forster after his death, and published in 1876 with a second edition of the Life by Forster prefixed {The Works and Life of Walter Savage Landor, 8 vols. London : Chapman and Hall, 1876). This edition ha.s, by permission of the publishers, been followed in our text, except where the reverse is expressly stated. I have adopted, how- ever, certain formal deviations from it in orthography and punctua- tion : these consist chiefly in spelling "walked," or in verse " walk'd," for Landor's '' walkt," and so on in all similar cases (see Preface and Selections, no. ccxlix.), and in the substitution of the more familiar sign — for the less familiar sign . . used by Landor as its equi- valent. Other departures from the text of 1876 are specified when they occur. !56 NOTES. I.— DRAMATIC AND NARRATIVE. In the notes below, the references which follow the number of each selection are, first, to the place in the series of Landor's works where it first appeared ; and second, to the place where it is to be found in the final collected edition of 1876. PAGE NO. 3. i. I mag. Co7iv., v., 1829, p. 95. Afterwards incorporated in Conversation of Epicurus, Leontion, and Ternissa : Epicurus reciting the part of Peleus, and Ternissa that of Thetis: see Jl'orks, 1876, ii. p. 228 ff. Again, as an independent dialogue, but versified : Hellenics, 2d ed. , 1859, P- 187 : Works, 1876, vii. p. 504. Such an interchange of condolences between the hero and goddess on the coming fate of their son, as Landor has here imagined, is not recorded as having found a place in any ancient treatment of the theme. 5- II 1- 17- After "words" is inserted in the later eds., " I deposit them in my bosom ; " I have preferred the original reading of 1S29. 6. ,, 1. 9. In the later eds. are omitted the words, "twice nine have not yet rolled away," which I have retained from ed. 1829, as being essential to the sense. In this speech of Thetis, Landor seems to have forgotten, or not chosen to remember, that the wedding was held according to tradition at the cave of Cheiron on INIount Pelion, whence Peleus led his bride, not to the " halls of Tethys," but to his own palace. 7. ii. I mag. Conv. Gr. and Rom., 1853, p. 3: IVoiks, 1876, ii. p. 3. Again, versified, //^//t'WiV-j, 2d ed., 1859, p. 162 : IVorks, 1876, vii. p. 490. This interview of .Achilles and Helen on Mount Ida belonged to the early epic traditions of the Trojan war, and had been related in the lost Kypria of Stasinus (Proclus, CJtresto>nat!i. KaX fiera. ravra 'EXevTjv (TTidv/nei dedaaadai Kal crvvrjyayev avTOvs is TO avTo A(f>po5iT7} /cat Q^tis). 12. ,, 1. 8. Landor spells Kalydon, but as he was not consistent with himself in these matters (see above, p. 6, 1. 32), wavering, like other scholars, between the use of the Greek consonant and its Latin equivalent, I have for the sake of uniformity introduced the latter, both here and in 11. 32, 33, below. 12. „ 1.12. I have omitted from the beginning of this line the words, " Horrible creatures ! boars, I mean." 13. iii. Hellenics, 1847, p. 61 : Works, 1876, viii. p. 518. The re-capture of Helen by Menelaus, and his averted vengeance, belonged also to the early epic traditions of Greece. They were related in the NOTES. 357 PAGE NO. Lesser Iliad and the Ilinpersis : the scene was figured on one of the earliest recorded works of Greek art, the chest of Cypsehis {Paiisan., v. i8i), and is depicted on a number of extant vases. Accord- ing to Stesichorus, the Greeks were about to stone Helen for her crimes, but at the sight of her beauty dropped the stones from their hands. See also Aristoph. Lysistr., 155. 17. iv. Introduced in Pericles and Aspasia, 1836, p. 266: Works, 1876, V. p. 529. Landor represents this dialogue as the work of Aspasia herself, who sends it to Cleone at Miletus, explaining its motive thus, " I imagine Agamemnon to descend from his horrible death, and to meet instantly his daughter. By the nature of things, by the suddenness of the event, Iphigeneia can have heard nothing of her mother's double crime, adultery and murder." For Landor's opinion of the merits of this scene, see Selections, no. ccciii. He wrote afterwards several other poetical fragments on the same heroic theme. Two of these, the Death of Clyteninestra and the madness of Orestes, were tirst published in the Pentalogia, appended to the Pentaineron of Petrarca and Boccaccio (1837). Both were in- corporated, together with a third fragment, the Prayer of Orestes at Delphi, in subsequent editions of Pericles and Aspasia (letters ccxxv.-ccxxix.. Works, 1846, ii. p. 447 ff. ; 1876, v. p. 535 ff) These three are dramatic in form. An independent narra- tive poem on the sacrifice of Iphigeneia appeared first, Works, 1846, ii. p. 482, and in subsetiuent edi- tions of the Hellenics; it is included among Lord Houghton's Selections from Landor in Ward's English Poets, iv. p. 479. All of these pieces are fine, but the first, here reprinted, is much the finest : the second and third being in my judgment marred by an excess of the Landorian abruptness. The obvious and just criticism on the present fragment is that the disclosure, which is prepared for by such admirably conceived and beautiful approaches, is after all never made. The lyrical conclusion, sung by the chorus of Argive warriors, I have ventured to omit as not related to the emotions of the father and daughter at their re-union. 22. v. Works, 1846, ii. p. 193 : Works, 1876, ii. p. 19. A First Conversation between the same persons appears Works, 1846, ii. p. 93: Works, \Zy6,\\-\>. 8. This, although full of beauties, I have passed by as not needful to the understanding of the Second Conversation, of which the excellence is higher and more sustained. All details in this Conversation are of Landor's invention, beyond the mere tradition that Rhodope and /Esop were fellow-slaves before 358 NOTES. PAGE NO. Rhodope was taken by Xanthus to Egypt ; see Herodotus, ii. 134, 135, where also (and in Strabo, xvii. 808, and Athenaeus, xiii. 596) will be found dis- cussed the questions concerning her supposed real name Doricha, her relations with the brother of Sappho, and her identification with Nitocris, Queen of Egj'pt. 33. vi. Imag. Conv., iii., 1828, p. 133 : IVorks, 1876, ii. p. 309. For the facts relating to the death of Marcellus, see Polybius (x. 32, and the doubtful fragment in Suidas sub voce 'IfJLfpos), but more particularly Appian, Hannib., 50. and Plutarch, Marcell., 30. Landnr has taken several details from the last two writers. They both tell of the reverence paid by Hannibal to the fallen consul ; of the ring Hannibal took from his body ; of the escape of the young Marcellus, his son ; and how his ashes were sent home with honour to his family. But both Appian and Plutarch represent Marcellus as already dead when Hannib.al came up ; and the essential idea of the dialogue, that of making him survive his death-wound long enough to speak with and learn the generosity of his conqueror, is Lander's own. 38. vii. Works, 1846, ii. p. 243 : Works, 1876, ii. p. 314. (Had been originally printed in the Cambridge Philological MiiseiDii, vol. ii., 1833, p. i.) The main authority for the heroism of Hasdrubal's wife and the forebodings of Scipio is Appian (Libyc. 130-133) : he expressly describes himself as following in his account that of Polybius, who was present. The Conversation is a very long one ; this extract and the following are its opening and concluding pass- ages. Hardly any other two in Landor's works better illustrate his feeling for the genius of Rome and the genius of Greece respectively. The central part of the Conversation is taken up with a discussion on the causes of Hannibal's failure to achieve ulti- mate victory over Rome, and with a long monologue by Pansetius, relating a social experience of his youth : from this are taken Selections x.xxi. and .xxxii. below. 47. ix. Iinag. Conv., v., 1829, p. 475 : Works, 1846, ii. p. 346. The authorities which Landor has in his mind are again Appian (Iber. 95-97), and Plutarch, Mariits. 3. But this time he has treated them very freely. The tremendous invention of the "civic fire" and the famished sentinel are his own. The real his- toiy of the siege, according to Appian, was that after enduring every extremity of horror and priva- tion, the surviving inhabitants .agreed to surren- der the town to Scipio, stipulating only for a day's delay, during which those who preferred death to such an issue, might put an end to themselves, which they accordingly did, some one way and NOTES, 359 PAGE NO. some another, the remainder afterwards surrendering {ot 5i TTpuTa fxef avrovs, oi [iovXo/jLevoi, dux- pQfVTO : 01 XoiTToi S' e^ijecrac K.r.\.) $2. X. Iviag. Cotiv.., iii., 1828, p. 107 : Jl'orl-s, 1876, ii. p. 420. The historical authority whom Landor has had in his mind is Suetonius, 7'zfi. 7: — " Agrippinam |sc. Vipsaniam], M. Agrippa genitam . . . diixit uxorem : sublatoque ex eo filio Druso, quamquani bene convenientem, rursusque gravidam, diniittere, ac JuHam, August! filiam, confestim coactus est ducere : non sine magno angore animi, cum et Agrippinae consuetudine teneretur, et JuHae mores improbaret ; ut quam sensisset sui quoque sub priore marito appetentem, quod sane etiam vulgo existama- batur. Sed Agrippinam et abegisse post divortium doluit ; ei soiiel oinnino ex occitrsii %'isaiii adco con- tcntis et tiiiiientibus ociilis />rosecHtits est, ut aisto- (iituiit sit lie 7inqiia}n in conspcctiini ejus posthac veil i ret." 53. ,, 11. 6-14. That in K.c. 6, six years after his divorce from Vipsania, Tiberius retired for a time into voluntary exile at Rhodes, is well known. In mentioning this fact Suetonius writes: — " Rhodum enavigavit, amocnitate et salubritate insulae Jam iiidc caf^ Charles VI I. seems not to have come under the influence of Agnes Sorel until the victorious part of Jeanne's career was over in 1431. That influence was, however, really- employed to brave him to resolute action against his enemies ; witness the well-known quatrain of Francis I. : — " Gentille Agnes, plus d'honneur tu me'rite La cause etant de France recouvrer Que ce que pent dedans un cloistre ouvrer Close nonnain ou bien devot hermite." 90. xvii. Iviag. CoHV., ii., 1824, p. 275 : Works, 1876, v. p. 180. Etiually of Landor's own invention is this scene between Henry and Anne Boleyn after her condemna- tion. His chivalrous view of the queen's character is founded on that of I!urnet and the Protestant historians generally. g^. ,, 11. 13, 29. At these points I have reverted to the te.xt as it stood in 1826 (jinag. Conv., ii. , 2d ed. , p. 53), omit- ting the additional matter inserted Jl'oris, 1846, and afterwards. 96. xviii. ///lag-. Conv., ii., 1824, p. 49 : Wor/cs, 1876, v. p. 177. 100. xi.x. Appended to R.xam. of Shakspcare, 1834, p. 234 : Works, 1876, V. p. 90. In this noble scene, Landor has worked upon the bald hints of kindness shown by Esse.x to Spenser after his return, which are afforded by Ben Jonson, in his conversations as reported by Drummond of Haw- thornden, and by Phineas Fletcher. The words of Jonson as given by Drummond are: — "That the Irish having rob'd .Spenser's goods, and burnt his house and a little child new born, he and his wife escaped ; and after, he died for lake of bread in King Street, and refused 20 pieces sent to him by my Lord of Esse.x, and said, he was sorrie he had no time to spend them." Phineas Fletcher writes in the Fiir/>ie Island, book i., stanza 20 : — " And had not that great Hart (whose Imnour'd head, Ah, lies full low) pitied thy woful plight. 362 NOTES. PAGE NO. There hadst thou lien unwept, unburied, Unblest, nor graced with any common rite." loi. xix. I. 5. I have ventured to omit a somewhat lengthy and coarse anecdote with which Essex at this point is made to keep the grave business of the dialogue waiting. 106. XX. Iinag. CoHv., iv., 1829, p. 137 : IVorks, 1876, v. p. 204. In no other of Landor's dialogues does he rise to such heights of feeling as in this. His clue to the cha- racters and bearing of the martyred ladies he found in Burnet {Hist 0/ the reign 0/ James //. ), who writes of Alice, Lady Lisle : " She died with a great constancy of mind ; and expressed a joy that she thus suffered for an act of charity and piety ; " and of Elizabeth Gaunt : " She died with a constancy, even to a cheerfulness, that struck all that saw it. She .said, charity was a part of her religion, as well as faith ; this at most was the feeding an enemy ; so she hoped she liad her reward with him, for whose sake she did this service ; how unworthy soever the person was, that m.ade so ill a return for it ; she re- joiced that God had honoured her to be the first that suffered by fire in this reign ; and that her suffering was a martyrdom for that religion which was all love." The two executions are spoken of on the same page by Burnet ; hence, no doubt, Landor's idea of bring- ing the two victims together in prison. The historical fact is that Lady Lisle was condemned and executed at Winchester during the Bloody Assize in the summer ; Elizabeth Gaunt, whose trial took place in the Old Bailey, not till several months afterwards (Macaulay, Hist. 0/ England, i., 639 ff., 663 ff.). no. xxi. I mag. Conv._, iii., 1826, p. 503 : lVor?cs, 1876, iii. p. 168. The main circumstances of the flight, return, trial, and death of Alexis are historical ; the particular circumstances are vei-y variously told. This fierce historical satire has its counterpart in another Russian conversation of Landor's, that of the Empress Catharine and Princess Dashkof {IVcJrks, 1876, v. p. 208). iig. xxii. From Landor's early poem of GfT^/n Gc^/r, 1798, p. 3 : IVorks, 1876, vii. p. 4. This passage was reprinted as a separate extract by the author himself in Hel- lenics, 2d ed., 1859, p. 97. During Landor's retirement in South Wales (1795- 1798) his friend Rose Aylmer (see Selections cclxxii. cclxxiii. cccxiv.) lent him T/te Progress 0/ Romance, through Times, Countries, ami Manners, with Remarks on the Good and Bad Effects of it, on them res/'cctively, in a Course 0/ Evening Cmi- versations. By C. R. [Clara Reeve], Author 0/ The English Baron, The Two Mentors, etc. 2 vols. NOTES. 363 PAGE NO. Colchester : Keynor ; and London : Robinson. 1785. There are few more inane books ; but at the end of vol. ii. Landor found a tale which justly struck him as marked by inagnifunin quid sttb crepusculo antiqicitatis — viz. "The History of Charoba, Queen of ./Egypt : Taken from a His- tory of Ancient jEgjfpt, according to the Tradi- tions of the Arabians." In her preface the author states that she has borrowed this tale from The History of Ancient Aigypt, according to the Tradi- tions of tlie Arabians. — IVrittcn in Arabic, by the Reverend Doctor Miirtadi, the son ofGaf'iphns, the son of Chateiii, the son of Moiscin the Mcudcsian. Translated into French by M. Vat tier, Arabic Professor to Louis the i^th King of France. Poetical use had already been incidentally made of the tale in the History of Joscpli by Mrs. Rowe, the friend of Matthew Prior. I.andor has treated his materials with great freedom. The contrast be- tween the characters and fates of the warlike and the peaceful brethren is entirely of his own con- triving. There is a shepherd in the original who wrestles with a nymph, but he is no brother of Gebir's. Here is the rather pretty passage of Clara Reeve's te.xt upon which Landor has founded his own treatment of this episode ; — " Now the chief shepherd was a beautiful person, .and of a goodly st.ature and aspect. One day when he had committed his flocks to the other shepherds, and wandered far away from them, he saw a fair young lady rising out of the sea, who walked towards him and saluted him graciously. — He returned her saluta- tion, and she began to converse with him. — 'Young man,' .said she, ' will you wrestle with me for a wager that I shall lay against you?' 'What will you lay, fair lady,' said the .shepherd, 'and what can I stake against you?' ' If you give me a fall,' said the lady, ' I will be yours, and at your disposal, ^ — and if I give you a fall you shall give me a beast out of your flock.' — ' I am content,' .said the shepherd, — so he went towards her, and she met him, and wrestled with him, and presently gave him a fall. She then took a beast out of the flock, and carried it away with her into the sea. "She came every evening afterwards, and did the same, until the shepherd was desperately in love with her: — So the Hock was diminished, .and the shepherd was pining away with love and grief. " One day King Ccbinis, passing by the .shepherd, found him sitting very pensive by his flocks : so he came near and spoke to him. — 'What misfortune hath befallen thee, shepherd ? why art thou so altered and dejected? thy flock also diminishes, and gives less milk every day?' — Upon this the shepherd took 364 NOTES. PAGE NO. 119. 124. 130. 131- 132. 132. courage, and told the king all that had befallen him by the lady of the sea." xxii. 1. I. Thus in the extract as given in Hellenics, 1859. In other eds. the line runs — " But Gebir, when he heard of her approach." ,, 11. 2-5. The white internal shell of the sepia or cuttle- fish, often found on the sea-beach. ,, 11. 24-31. This is the famous passage of "the shell," echoed by Wordsworth in the Excursion, and by Byron in the Island. See English Men 0/ Letters ; Landor. p. 169-70 ; and for Landor's own Latin version of the lines, which was probably earlier than the English, see Poeinata et Inscriptiones, 1847, P- S^- xxiii. From the same, book v., ad init. This scene is of Landor's invention : the nurse figures in the prose original, but without a name ; Landor has transferred her to the name Dalica, which in the original is that of a kinswoman of Charoba's, who becomes queen after her death. xxiv. From the same, book vii. XXV. From Landor's early poem of Chrysaor, in Poetry by the Author of Gebir, 1802, p. i : Works, 1876, vii. p. 456 (where the poem ought to end at p. 461, 1. 20 : what follows, by an editorial oversight, belonging to a totally independent piece, Regeneration). This poem, in its main drift obscure, contains some of the finest passages of blank verse in Landor's early high-pitched manner. This of Neptune and the nymphs, and of the overthrow of Chrysaor, is the best. The only clue to any conceivable source for such a myth as Landor seems to have had in his mind, I find in Diodorus : — 5ia/3e/367)TO 701/3 Ka.ff 6\r]v ttjh olKov/nffTjv on Xpi'ffdwp 6 Xa/3uiJ' dwo tov ttXovtov t7)v rrpoatjyopiav ^aai.\ev€L fikv awdari's 'Iprjpias, Tpds 5' f'x^' ''''^'' o'oifJt-druiJ' woKe/jLiKois, avvaywv- iaras v'iovs, diacpepovras rah re pdifiaLS Kai rals ev ToTs d-yu)cr»' dvdpa-yadiais. — Diod , iv. 156. ,, 1. 13 ff. Under the name and figure of the nymph lone, Landor here alludes, as he had previously alluded in Gebir, to one Nancy Jones, the object of one of the atnourettes of his Welsh days. She died a few years afterwards, and Landor printed some lines to her memory in Siiiwnidea, 1806, p. 14. ,, 1. 2. Thirteen lines are here omitted as unintelligible without a fuller knowledge than we possess of the circumstances implied. xxvi. Works, 1846, li. p. 473: Works, 1876, vii. p. 408. This and the four next examples are from the group NOTES. 565 of classical poems called by Lander Hellenics. They owed their origin to the expression by Lady Bles- sington of a wish that Landor would translate into English some of his Latin Idyllia Heroica. This he did, and added to them other classical pieces (and they are the best) written originally in English. This tale of Thrasymedes (or Thrasybnlus) and the daughter of Peisistratos has been expanded by Landor from the brief account in Polya;nus, Stratagem, v. 14 ; see also Plutarch, Apoplitltegm., Pels. 3. 135. xxvii. H'orks, 1876, ii. p. 481 : ]Fo>-ks, 1876, vii. p. 444. In writing this delightful idyl, Landor has evidently had somewhat vaguely in his mind a story to which allusion is made once by Athenaius, and twice by Plutarch. It was in reality a story of the colonizing, not of Lemnos, but of Lesbos, and is quoted by Plu- tarch from the Lesbian writer Myrsilos. The tale ran, that an oracle had enjoined the founders of the colony to cast a virgin alive into the sea during their voyage, as an offering either to Poseidon or to Am- phitrite ; that the virgin chosen (called variously the daughter of Phineus and the sister of Smintheus) was beloved by Enalos, or Enallos ; who plunged after her into the sea, where she was cared for by the Nereids, while he was employed to watch the horses of Poseidon ; and that by-and-by both were restored to earth, being safely brought to land at Methymne in Lesbos, some said by a great wave, others by help of a dolphin (Plutarch, De solert. anhii. 36, SeJ>t. sap. conviv. 20 : Athenaeus, xi. 466). 140. xxviii. Works, 1846, ii. p. 478 ; Works, 1S76, vii. p. 422. It is hardly conceivable that a poem of this perfect ease and grace, this pure classical charm of imagery and narrative and sentiment, should not long ago have established itself, as it must surely one day do, as a standard favourite with all readers of English poetry. The Greek story on which it is founded was originally told by a lost writer of the fifth century B.C., Charon of Lampsacus. Reference is made to it Schol. Theocr. iii. 14 : Schol. ApoU. Rhod. ii. 477 ; and Etym. Mag. sub voce' A/jLa8pvas. In the two places last cited, the outlines of the story are given in almost identical terms. Rhoscus (PotATOS, Landor's l\haicos is an error) finds a tree in danger of falling, and has it stayed with props : the nymph of the tree appears, thanks him, and asks him what she can do to repay him : he entreats her love : there are obstacles, but in the meantime Rhoecus agrees to avoid the society of mortal women, and a bee acts as messenger between him and the nymph. One day the bee interrupts him when he is playing draughts ; he utters an angry ex- clamation, whereat the nymph taking offence leaves him desolate. In modern English poetry, Mr. Lowell 366 NOTES. PAGE NO. has among his early works given another version of the tale. 149. xxix. Hellenics, 1847, p. 45. This sequel, to my mind well worthy of its predecessor, does not appear in the Works of 1846. Neither did Landor (for what rea- son I cannot guess) reprint it in the Hellenics of 1859. Hence it has unfortunately dropped out alto- gether from Mr. Forster's collected edition. 153. XXX-. Works, 1S46, ii. bis: viz. p. 389, as an episodic poem in Pericles and Aspasia (letterlxxxv.,CIeone to Aspasia), and again p. 483, independently among the Hellenics ; thence reprinted in the Hellenics of 1847 and 1859 : Il'orks, 1876, once only in Pericles and Astasia, v. p. 384. There are several differences of reading between the poems as printed in Pericles and Aspasia and in the Hellenics ; in the text I have ventured to com- bine what seem to me the best points of both. 153. ,, 1. 3. Hell., for veined, read slender. 153. ., 11. 7, 8. Hell., read instead. Away, and voices like thine own come near And nearer, and solicit an embrace. 153. ,, I. II. Pericl. and Aspas., for Iris stood, read Fate's shears were. 153- ,, 1.14. //^//,y()r those now dim, r^-^rf but now dim. 153. ,, 1. 15. A'^//.,y()r watchfulness, rt-a;/ wakefulness. 153- J. 1- 19- Pericl. andAsp.,afterhers,readtheJurtkerlines: With her that old boat incorruptible. Unwearied, undiverted in its course. Had plash'd the water up the farther strand. 154 xxxi. An episode from the narrative of Pansetius in the dia- logue of Scipio, Panjetius, and Polybius ; see above, nos. vii. and viii. 156. xxxii. From the same ; the allegory being, however, complete in itself. In the description of the figure of Hope, Landor has inadvertently repeated some phrases from the description of truth contained in an earlier allegory in the conversation of the two Ciceros (see // 'orks, 1876, ii. p. 401). Landor excelled in this kind of composition ; for an example in which the utmost depth and tenderness of human feeling is combined with the most lucid grace of imagery, compare no. xxxvi. below. 158. xxxiii. An episode from the Penta)neron of Boccaccio and Petrarca. — Pentanicron and Pentalogia, 1837, Third Day's Interview, p. 136 : Works, 1876, iii. p. 478. 165. xxxiv. From the same, Fifth Day's Interview. 167. XXXV. From the same, Fifth Day's Interview. To my mind a masterpiece hardly matched in the whole range of imaginative prose literature. Some of the scenery and incidents of the poet's life at Naples are suggested NOTES. ' 367 PAGE NO. by the confessions put by Boccaccio himself into the mouth of Fiammetta in his I 'isioiie dcW aiuorosa J''iaiiiiintta. 172. xxxvi. From the same, Fifth Day's Interview. Separately reprinted by Landor, in Works, 1846, ii. p. 468. 172. ,, 1. 24. A page or more of the original conversation is here omitted ; nearly as much was dropped by Lan- dor himself in the version last referred to. 176. x.xxvii. Exam. 0/ Sliakspeare, 1834, p. 209: Works, 1876, ii. p. 544. This is one of the various heads of discourse which Landor makes Shakspeare quote to Sir Thomas Lucy, from the mouth of Dr. Glaston, the Oxford preacher ; see also no. xxxviii. at the beginning of next .section. IL-REFLECTIVE AND DISCURSIVE. The contents of this section consist for the most part of extracts selected from Lander's longer prose writings, and especially from the Imaginary Conversations, viz. — From the Imaginary Conversatiois. Aesop and Rhodope. (ist Conv.), Works, 1846, ii. p. 93 : Works, 1876, ii. p. 8. Ixxiv. Alfieri and Metastasio. Wo7-ks, 1876, v. p. 127 (first published in Eraser's Magazine, 1856). clx. clxvii. cxcvii. ccxv. Alfieri and Salomon the Florentine Jew. Imag. Conv., ii., 1824, p. 257 : Works, 1876, iv. p. 265. clxv. ccxxii. ccxxxi. ccxxxi. ccxlii. Barrow and Newton. I mag. Conv., v., 1829, p- 1 : Works, 1876, iv. p. 348. Ixviii. Ixix. Ixxxi. Ix.xxiv. cxxiii. cxxv. cxxvii. clxxxi.x. cxc. ccxlvi. Bossuet and the Duchesse de Fontanges. ^mag. Conv., iii., 1828, p. 337 : Works, 1876, v. p. 192. Ixxxvi. cii. Boulter, Archbishop and Philip Savage. Imag. Conv., iv., 1829, p. 89: Works, 1876, iii. p. 202. clxxviii. clxxix. Brooke, Lord and Sir Philip Sidney. Imag. Conv., i., 1824, p. 13 : Works, 1876, iv. p. 3. xlvii. liii. Ivi. lix. Ixxxii. cxi. cxx. cx.xxvi. cxxxvii. Catherine, Empress and Princess Dashkof. Imag. Conv., v., 1829, p. 231 : Works, 1876, v. p. 208. cxUi. Cicero, Marcus Tullius and Quinctus. Imag. Cony., ii., 1824, p. 349 : Works, 1876, ii. p. 368. Ix. Ixxiii. Ixxvi. cxlvi. cxlvii. ccxxxvi. Chesterfield, Lord and Lord Chatham. Imag. Conv., ii., 1824, p. 291 : Works, 1876, iii. p. 141. cxciv. Colonna, Vittoria and Michel Angelo. Works, 1846, ii. p. 213 : Works, 1876, V. p. 278. liv. Ixxx. Lxxxiii. xcviil. ciii. cxii. cxxxviii. ccxviii. ccxxxvii. Dante and Beatrice. WorliS, 1846, ii. p. 152: Works, 1876, v. p. 249. xlix. Delille, Abbe and Walter Landor. Imag. Conv., i., 1824, p. 249: Works, 1S76, iv. p. 91. cc. ccxiii. ccxxiv. 368 • NOTES. Demosthenes and Eubulides. Imag. Conv., i., 1824, p. 229 : Works, 1876, ii. p. 130. Ixv. l.wi. cviii. cxxiv. cljtxi. clxxii. clxxiii. clxxiv. cxcii. ccxliii. Diogenes and Plato. Imag. Conv., iv., 1829, p. 453: IVorks, 1876, ii. p. 64. 1. li. Ixxii. .\ci. c.xl. clx.xxvii. cl.xxxviii. Epicurus, Leontion, and Ternissa. Imag. Conv., v. 1829, p. 153: IVorks, 1876, ii. p. 190. Iv. Ixxi. lx.xv. Ixxxv. ci. cxiv. cxv. cxvi. cvii. c.\'.xix. cli. clii. cxciii. Galileo, Milton, and a Dominican. IVorks, 1846, ii. p. 234 : IVorks, 1876, V. p. 80. xc. cix. • Johnson, Dr. and Home Tooke. (ist Conv.), Imag. Conv. ii., 1824, cliii. ; (2d Conv.), Works, 1846, i. p. 193: Works, 1876, iv. p. 209. cviii. clviii. ccx.xiii. ccxlv. Lacy, General and Cura Merino. Imag. Conv., ii., 1824, p. 67 : Works, 1876, vi. p. 41. clx.xxiii. Hare, Archdeacon and Walter Landor. Last Fruit, 1853, p. 97 : Works, 1876, V. p. 97. cxci. ccxxv. ccxxvi. ccx.xviii. ccxxi.x. ccxlvii. cc.xlviii. ccxli.x. La Fontaine and La Rochefoucauld. Works, 1846, ii. p. 206 : Works, 1876, V. p. 53. Ixxxvii. xcvi. cxiii. cxxii. clxi. Landor, English Visitor, and Florentine Visitor. Imag. Conv., iii., 1828, p. 375 : Works, 1876, vi. p. 205. clxx. ccxc. Lucian and Timotheus. Works, 1846, ii. p. 17 : Works, 1876, ii. p. 258. xcv. ccxliv. LucuUus and Caesar. Imag. Conv., iv. 1829, p. 23: Works, 1876, ii. p. 350. Ixxvii. Ixxviii. cliii. Machiavelli and Guicciardini. Works, 1876, v. p. 145. clxxv. Marvel, Andrew and Bishop Parker. Works, 1846, ii. p. 98 : Works, 1876, V. p. 3. xlv. xlvi. Iviii. Ixii. Ixiii. Ixvii. xcii. cxi. clxii. ccxii. ccxiv. ccxx. Melanchthon and Calvin. Works, 1846, ii. p. 221 : Works, 1876, V. p. 70. xxxix. xl. .xli. Middleton and Magliabecchi. Imag. Conv., i., 1826, p. 483 : Works, 1876, iv. p. 132. xlviii. Miguel and his Mother. Imag. Conv., v., 1829, p. 445: Works, 1876, vi. p. 384. clxiii. clviv. Milton and Marvel, li'orks, 1876, v., ist Conv., p. 150, 2d Conv., p. 156. xliv. l.xxix. cxliii. Pallavicini, Marchese and Walter Landor. Imag. Conv., i., 1824, p. 113: IVorks, 1876, vi. p. 3. clxviii. clxix. Penn, William, and Lord Peterborough. Imag. Conv., v., 1829, p. 247 : Works, 1876, iii. p. 250. Ixi. Peter Leopold, Granduke and President du Paty. Imag. Conv., i., 1824, p. 167 : Works, 1876, iii. p. 45. xcvii. PoUio, Asinius and Licinius Calvus. Works, 1876, ii. p. 433. cxix. cxcv. Romilly and Wilberforce. Works, 1S46, ii. p. 197 : IVor-ks, 1876, iii. p. 397. xlii. Scipio, Polybius, and Pansetius. Works, 1846, ii. p. 243 : Works, 1876, ii. p. 314. cxxxii. Southey and Landor. Works, 1846, ii. p. 57 : Works, 1876, iv. p. 427. ccxvii. ccxxxviii. Southey and Porson. Imag. Coim., i., 1824, p. 49: Works, 1876, iv. p. 18. Ixiv. clxxxv. ccxvi. ccxxxii. ccxxxiii. NOTES. 369 Tibullus and Messala. IVorks, 1876, ii. p. 407. cxxxi. Washington and Franklin. Imag. Co/n'., ii., 1824, p. 19: IVoiks, 1876, iii. p. 107. xliii. clxxx. From Citation and Examination of Shakspcarc, 1S34: Works, 1876, ii. p. 455. xxxviii. See also no. xxxvii. From Pericles and Aspasia, 1836 : IVorks, 1876, v. p. 5. Hi. Ixxxviii. Ixxxix. xciv. xcix. cv. ex. cxxvi. cxxviii. cxxx. cx.xxiii. cx.vxiv. cxxxv. c.xliv. cxlv. cxli.x. cl. cliv. clv. clvii. clix. clx.\xvi. cxcviii. ccvi. ccx. ccxi. ccxxvii. See also nos. clxxvi. ccl. ccli. From The Pentaiiieron and Pcntalogia, 1837, p. 316: IVorks, 1876, iii. p. 546. Ixx. cxlviii. clvi. clxvi. cxcix. ccv. ccviii. cci.x. ccxxxiv. ccxxxv. ccxxxix. ccxl. ccxli. From an article on the Poems 0/ Catieiliis : Last Fruit, 1853, p. 237, originally printed in the Foreign Quarterly Review (then edited by Forster^, July 1842 : Works, 1876, viii. p. 379. c. cci. ccii. cciii. cciv. ccxix. ccxxi. ccxxx. ccxcii. The remaining nos. in this section are as follows : — PAGE NO. 209 xciii. Works, 1876, viii. p. 174. 212. civ. Works, 1876, viii. p. 278. cvi. Works, 1876, viii. p. 2. 218. cxxi. IVorks, 1876, viii. p. 164. The above are all examples of the brief gnomic or proverbial form of verse into which Landor was accustomed to throw his thoughts, and often almost exactly the same thoughts as he puts into the mouth of the interlocutors in his prose dialogues. 224. cxxxix. From High and Lonu Life in Italy, a series of papers in the form partly of correspondence and partly of dialogue, contributed in 1837 to Leigh Yinnl'f, Hlontkly Repository (not reprinted). 253. clxxvi. From Reflections on A ihens at the decease of Pericles, appended to ist ed. oi Pericles and Aspasia, 1836, ii. p. 297 (not reprinted). 254. clxxvii. Works, 1846, ii. p. 465 : IVorks, 1876, v. p. 584. Written by Landor at Venice in the autumn of 1832, on his way b.-ick from England to Fiesole. 259. clxxxi. ) Extracted from the dedication to General Mina (the 261. clx.xxii. ) leader of the rebellion in Spain against P'erdinand) of Imag. Conv., iv. 1829. In later eds. this dedication was afterwards suppressed, and portions of it, includ- ing the present extracts, were distributed with modi- fications among the speakers in the Conversation of Odysseus, Trelawny, and Tersitza. 263. clxxxiv. Hellenics, 1847, ad i nit. The recreancy of Pio None from the Liberal cause naturally led to the complete suppression of this dedication in later eds. I have inserted it here as the most highly wrought specimen of Landor's manner in the majestic-declamatory vein of political writing. "The ferocious animal" is, of 2 R 37° NOTES. PAGE NO. course, Russia ; the " nation which revelled in every crime," France ; and the " weaker hand," that of Louis Philippe. 300. ccl. ccli. From Letter- to an Author, appended to ist ed. of Pericles and Astasia, ii. p. 322 (not reprinted). III.— PERSONAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL. To Ian'the (see English Men of Letters; Landor, p. 22). — lanthe is LandorVcTassic substitute for Jane, the second name of Sophia Jane Smft. To this lady Lander's somewhat roving affec- tions dnring- his life at Bath (about 1800-1806) were principally de- voted, and he held her in great honour and affection ever after. Her first husband, a collateral descendant of the Dean of St. Patrick's, died in 1812, and she soon afterwards married M. de Molande, a French hiiigre of high family. After the Restoration, Madame de Molande, who had children by both marriages, went to live with her second husband in Paris. Being left once more a widow, she spent two years (1829-31) with her children in Florence, and passed the remainder of her life between England and France, dying in Paris in 1851. A few further particulars concerning this lady will be found in a book of curious gossiping reminiscences, published anonymously by a still surviving son of her first marriage, and kindly sent me by the author, viz. Willielin's IVandering^s : an Autobiograpliy : London, Rivingtons, 1878. I have tried to make the poems referring to her tell their own storj', by arranging them in a natural sequence. The chronological order of their publication (which 1 have indicated in the notes that follow) is of little help towards such an attempt, inasmuch as some of the earliest written were not published till long afterwards ; moreover, it is possible that of the pieces included, one or two may not really refer to lanthe at all. PAGE NO. 303. cclii. Gebir, Count Julian, etc., 1831, p. 289: Works, 1876, viii. p. 6. — ccliii. IVorks, 1846, ii. p. 624 : IVorics, 1876, viii. p. 18. — ccliv. Djy Sticks, 1858, p. 157 : Works, 1876, p. 278. — cclv. Works, 1846, ii. p. 621 : Works, 1876, viii. p. 9. 304. cclvi. Gehir, Count Julian, etc., 1831, p. 312: Works, 1876, viii. p. 8. — cclvii Gebir, Count Julian, etc., 1831, p. 292: Works, T876, viii. p. 6. — cclviii. Works, 1846, ii. p. 620 : Works, 1876, viii. p. 6. 305. ccli.v. Works, 1846, ii. p. 626 : Works, 1876, viii. p. 22. — ccl.x. Gebir, Count Julian, etc., 1831, p. 310 : Works, 1876, viii. p. 24. — cclxi. Gebir, Count Julian, etc., 1821, p. 309: li'o}-ks, 1876, viii. p. 22. — cclxii. Gebir, Co7-ks, 1876, viii. p. 78. 328. cclxxxiv. Works, 1846, ii. p. 638 : H'orks, 1876, viii. p. 56. 329. cclxxxv. Last Fruit, 1853, p. 329 : IVorks, 1876, viii. p. 196. NOTES. 373 ^AGE NO. 330. cclxxxvi. Last Fruit, 1853, P- S'Q • 'ii''oyks, 1S76, viii. p. 246. 332.cclxxxvii. i?rj/ ^7/f/tj.-, 1858, p. 54: Works, 1876, viii. p. ig6. 332. cclxxxviii. Last L'ruit, 1853, p. 450 : Works, 1876, pp. 235, 237. 1- 3- The _" wide garden," with its white and purple Hlacs, is the garden of Gore House, Kensington, where Lady Blessington and Count D'Orsay lived from 1836 until the final crash of their fortunes in 1849, and where Landor was accustomed to stay for some weeks almost every year during that interval. 11. 16, 18: Landor means Greenwich, where Elizabeth was born, and Hampton Court, where Cromwell was seized with his last illness, though he did not in fact die there, but in London. Characters and Confessions. — Under this heading I have arranged what seem to me the most characteristic passages, whether of prose or verse, in which Landor has passed judgment on his con- temporaries or on himself. 334. cclxxxix. The Conversation of Bishop Burnet and Humphrey Hardcastle appeai'ed first in Iinag. Com/., i. 1824, p. 154. This attack on Byron, clumsy in the main, but containing one or two strong and eflfective strokes, was written during the height of the Sa/ain'c Schoot con- troversy. Southey, in his blundering Vision of J udg- iiicnt, had quoted a remark on Byron from Landor's Latin essay appended to the Idyllia Hcroica, pub- lished at Pisa in 1820. Byron had retorted in his Vision of Judgment, published also at Pisa in Leigh Hunt's Journal, the Liberal: this was Landor's rejoinder. 335. ccxc. Appended to the same Conversation in the next edition. hiiag. Conv., i. 2d ed., 1826, p. 220. In later editions the passage is broken up, and parts of it distributed between other conversations. This dignified palinode speaks for itself : a private letter (unpublished) written by Landor to Francis Hare on receipt of the news of Byron's death, expresses exactly similar feelings. 337. ccxci. From the Conversation of Landor, English Visitor, and Florentine Visitor, as it first appeared, I mag. Coni\, iii. 1828, p. 376. Considerable changes were after- wards made in the text. 338. ccxcii. From the same Conv., same ed. In Jf 'or,{-j, 1S46, the last words were altered to these : — " He occupies, if not the highest, almost the highest, place among our poets of the present age — no humble station — and is among the most elegant, graceful, and harmonious of the prose writers." In Works, 1876, the passage has dropped out from the Conversation altogether. 374 PAGE NO 338. ccxciii. 339. ccxciv. 340. ccxcvu. 341. CCXCIX. 342. ccc. 343. ccci. 344. CCCIV. 345. cccvi, NOTES. From The Poems 0/ Catullus : Last Fruit, 1853, p. 237 : JVorks, 1876, viii. p. 379. Heroic Idyls, 1863, p. 218 : IVorks, 1876, p. 336.— ccxcv. IVorks, 1846, i. p. 673: Works, 1876, viii. p. 152. — ccxcvi. IVorks, 1846, i. p. 673 : IVorks, 1876, viii. p. 151. Itiiag. Conzi. Greeks and Romans, 1858, ad init. — ccxcviii. From footnote to Conversation of Southey and Person, I mag. Con7'., i. 2d ed., 1826, p. 59. The passage was broken up, and incorporated in the Con- versation of Landor, Florentine Visitor, and English Visitor. From Conversation of Southey and Landor, IVorks, 1846 : ]Vo)-ks, 1846, ii. p. 57 : IVorks, 1876, iv. p. 427. IVorks, 1846, ii. p. 652 : IVorks, 1876, viii. p. 95. Last Fruit, 1853, p. 373: IVorks, 1876, viii. p. 167: Last Fruit, p. 401 : IVorks, 1876, viii. p. 195/.7 cccii. Last Fruit, 1853, p. 401 : IVorks, 1876, viii. p. 195. — ccciii. From Satire on Satirists, 1837, p. 23 (not reprinted). From Preface to Dry Sticks, 1858 (not reprinted).— cccv. From Conversation of Southey and Landor. From Conversation of Archdeacon Hare and Landor. — cccvii. From Letter to Lord Brougham on the Neglect of Southey, in Last Fruit, 1853, p. 317 (not reprinted). On the Approach of Old Age and Death. PAGE NO. 346. cccix. Last Fruit, 1853, p. 433: Works, 1876, viii. p. 221. 347. cccx. Works, 1846, ii. p. 665 : Works, 1876, viii. p. 132.— cccxi. Works, 1S46, ii. p. 674 : Works, 1S76, viii. p. 156. The painter here addressed is W. Fisher, whose portrait of Landor, looking up in profile, may be seen at the National Portrait Gallery, and has been iised, along with the photograph given at the beginning of Works, 1876, vol. ii., in preparing the spirited en- graving which Mr. Sherbofift' tas erxecuted for our title-page. The vvell-knowm portrait by Boxall gives an uncharacteristic and somewhat feebly benignant view of the "old lion ;" it is with intention that the more combative and aggressiVe" characters^ of the head have been insisted in on our own vignette. — cccxii. Works, 1846, ii. p. 653 : Works, 1876, viii. p. 96. 348. cccxiii. Last Fruit, 1853, p. 372 : Works, 1876, viii. p. 166. -;- cccxiv. Dry Sticks, 1858, p. 115: Works, 1876, viii. p. 288. " Rose the First" is, of course, Rose Aylmer, see nos. cclxxii. cclxxvii. Thetffotfief'oniiis young lady. Lady Aylmer, after the death of her firjt hus- band, married a Welsh gentleman. Mr. Howel Price, NOTES. 375 PAGE NO. 349. CCCXV. 350. CCCXIX. and had by him a daughter, who married Mr. D. M. Paynter. The daughter of this marriage, christened Rose in her turn, was Lander's "young Rose" and "second Rose." By his " tenderest lay" he means the lines. To a Bride, addressed to her on her marriage to Mr., now Sir Charles, Sawle, in 1846 ; see H'orks, 1876, viii. p. 87. "Rose the Third" is the daughter of this last marri.ige, and greatgrand- niece of the original Rose Aylmer. Works, 1846, ii. p. 649: Works, 1876, viii. p. 87. — cccxvi. Works, 1846, ii. p. 638 : Works, 1876, viii. p. 56. — cccxvii. Prefixed to Zrti^ /'V«zV, 1853. For the circumstances under which the lines were first read by Landor at breakfast to his friend Miss Eliza Lynn (now Mrs. Lynn Linton\ see that lad^s article in Eraser's Magazifie, July 1870. — cccxviii. Heroic Idyls, 1863, p. 212 : Works, 1876, viii. p. 334. Heroic Idyls, p. 96 : Works, 1876, viii. p. 30S, II. 6 flF. "That name" is of course lanthe : the "other bards" are Byron and Shelley. Landor's poems to Mrs Swift under the name of lanthe had first appeared in Sijnonidca, 1806: it was in 1813 that the same beautiful name was used by Shelley in Queen Mab (also as a real name for his infant d.augh- ter), and by Byron in his dedication of Childe Harold to Lady Charlotte Harley. — cccxx. Last Fruit, p. 383 : Works, 1876, viii. p. 178. THE END. Printed hv R. & R. Ci.ark, Limited, Edinbure^h. MACMILLAN'S LIBRARY OF ENGLISH CLASSICS Edited by A. W. POLLARD. A Series of reprints of Standard Works in Library Form. Demy %vo. Cloth elegant. Price y. (yd. net per volume. The following is a list of the first twenty -seven volumes of the Series : — BACON'S ESSAYS ; Colours of Good and Evil ; and Advancement of Learning i vol. SHERIDAN'S PLAYS i vol. MALORY'S MORTE D'ARTHUR 2 vols. STERNE'S TRISTRAM SHANDY AND SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY 2 vols. BOSWELL'S LIFE OF JOHNSON 3 vols. CARLYLE'S FRENCH REVOLUTION .... 2 vols. FIELDING'S TOM JONES 2 vols. 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