'**«^«%«^ V. . ..-** EX BIBLIOTHECA CAR. I. TAB ORI S. W>oV^ •/' HINDOOSTANEE PHILOLOGY; COMPllISING DICTIONARY, ENGLISH AND HINDOOSTANEE; WITH A GRAMMATICAL INTRODUCTION. TO WHICH IS PKEFIXED A COPPER-PLATE, EXHIBITING A COMPARATIVE VIEW OP THE ROMAN AND ORIENTAL CHARACTERS USED IN THE HINDOOSTANEE LANGUAGE. V». xix Article, " -^ • ^ **• Declension "^ • •" • n^*, *^* Adventitious Particles among the Declensions, xxi Postpositions, xxu Gender, xxiii Adjectives, xxiv Of Comparison, xxv Pronouns, Regulars, Irregulars, and Neuters, xxvi Scheme of Declension applicable to Nouns, Adjectives, and Pronouns, 8ec. . . . xxviii Of the Verb, and its formation, xxxii Conjugation . . . • ^.^ xxxvii Syntax of the Article, Noun, Adjective, Pronoun, and Verb, .... from xl to Iviii General Remarks . . .*" from Iviii to the e '^ . ue composed of a and e, sounded like the organ of sight, eye, or as ui in guide, guise. uo reversed by us in our, liow, &c. ; which, formed agreeably to the order of the component parts of this diphthong, ought to be uor, huo ; thus when ought clearly, on similar principles, to be written hwen, hooen, as Dr. Lowth expresses it. h the perfect aspirate, either before the vowel or after it, as ha, ah, in both situations to be as dis- tinctly expressed with the expiration ha, and the inspiration ah, as b is in ba, ab, both fully sounded and heard. When h follows any consonant so — ^bha.ee, a brother, it should always have the full expi- ration, unless denoted by the subservient h, of which we shall treat among the consonants, page vii. y like h and w, rather a consonant than a vowel, though i e and ee before each other, or a, &c. are very apt to become y in most languages, and vice versa. w as y and i e ee are to each other, so is w to o oo uo ; the series yu yi yoo ya, &c. wu wi Woo wa, &c. may therefore be also represented as in eea ooa, &c. recollecting that the hiatus is generally prevented by the change to yu ya wa, &c. VI; INTRODUCTION. CONSONANTS. ■i bu b mu m tu t tu t su bhu bh nu n thu th thu th shu sh nk du d du d zu z pu phu P P^ ngu g V- dhu dh dhu dh zhu zh fu f lu 1 vu V ru r rhu rh labials. > liquids and nasals. > j^alatials. tshu tshhu dzhu dzhhu ch ku chh j khu khu kh kh jh dentals. sibilants. dento-sibilants. ghu ghu gh gh qi" gutturals. 36 consonants, 13 vowels, &c. being in all 49 letters with distinct sounds in the Hindoostanee alphabet, the name and power of which individually are as much alike as possible ; our letter h, or aitch as it is most absurdly called, being simply termed hu, a breathing, du also standing for delta, gu for gama, &c. though the particle kar may be subjoined to the whole so — ukar, ikar, akar, &c. bukar, hukar, &c. as in the Hinduwee alphabets. From the foregoing paragraph the reader will now perceive, that the series bu bhu pu phu, &c. mu nu ngu lu ru, &c. exhibits the name of each letter unconnectedly as such, while b bh p ph m n ng n 1 r shows their sound or power connectedly, in the formation of words. Among the vowels the name and power may always be alike, but with the consonants it must, for obvious reasons, be other- wise, as here illustrated from the oriental alphabets, which, like our own, require one vowel at least to give utterance to the consonants, as their name implies. The consonants might be named by any of the vowels as auxiUaries, as well as by u, were not this the shortest sound of a, invariably inherent in the whole of the Nagrce or Hindoostanee conso- nants. The vowel might also stand on either side subserviently, as bu, ub ; da, ad ; fi, if ; pee, eep, with sufficient effect in any uniform system. Our alphabet partakes of both principles, as bee, dee, ef, el, perhaps to distinguish the mutes from the liquids, among which ess might be included, were this, at the best, either a very consistent or convenient arrangement in any alphabet. The ten expirated letters, bh ph th dh th dh chh jh kh gh, seem peculiar to the Hindoos, of which we can form no other idea than by frequently repeating the following, and such words as I have exhi- bited them, in this place : viz. a-bhor, a-dhere, u-phill, chur-chhill, nu-thook, mil-khouse, do-ghouse ; or by contracting them thus, bhor, dheer, thook, chhLU, khuos, ghuos. Sec and ringing the changes with this aspirated pronunciation, until it become quite famiUar to the scholar, which it must be in INTRODUCTION. tu the course of two or three days devoted to this essential exercise, in the very threshold of mncntal orthoepy, to prevent the most dangerous mistakes. The expiratcs kh gh above must be most carefully distinguished from the gutturals kh gh ex- ) ■J plained below, because the h in these last and sh zh ch, is a mere subservient to express a sound for f which we have no character in our alphabet, not less defective in ch sh zh, though possessing the ( simple character j to denote the compound sound of dzh. n as a nasal before j ch k g and t or d, requires no particular mark, sounding exactly like our own letters nj nch ng nk nt, &c. in change, rung, sunk, want, &c. but elsewhere it is the French nasal, and then marked n. Preceding the labials b, p, n often becomes, as in most languages, m. - f- r should be everywhere expressed by a perfect vibration of the tip of the tongue on the upper teeth, as in the word Pamour, which few Englishmen can express well, though the Scottish and Irish find no difficulty whatever. t & d are formed by carrying the tongue forcibly against the roof of the mouth, while articulating the connnon dentals t and d of our own alphabet, which are as much softer than t d, as these are harder than the oriental t d, formed with a sliglit protrusion of the tongue between the teeth. Tub, duck, do ; tube, duke, dew, due, will convey a tolerable idea of the difference between palatials and dentals in the eastern tongues ; the t d of ttle four last, even with us, being mvich softer than in the three first ; for in fact some people seem to soften the liquified t and d with us, so far as to say, tshube, jook, jew for due, &c. The lisp of children, and others, will convey a tolerable notion of the very soft dentals d t in question, as essential sounds in the oriental tongues, which require the utmost assiduity and practice before the learner can perfectly comprehend or express them in the Persian and Hindoostanee languages. d frequently becomes a very harsh palatial r ; thus ghora, a horse, properly ghoda, though very seldom so pronounced. th in thin and thine does not occur in the alphabets of India, though the Arabs appear to possess similar sounds among their letters ; th is therefore uniformly as in hothouse, quasi ho-thuos, according to my system in page vi. already explained. s sh z zh are to each other as they stand in sin, shin, seize, seizure or seezhyoor, the h here being a mere subservient letter, as in gh kh ch, with no aspiration whatever. ch j called dento-sibilants, to shew their component parts as dentals and sibilants, which might be denoted by tsh dzh, were these not more complex than our soft ch in church (tshurtsh), j in judge (dzhudzh), to which, if due attention be paid now, the reader will never hereafter frenchify the j of just (dzhust), to zhust, as he will probably do at first, until frequently apprised that our j in jam (dzham) is composed of the dental d and sibilant zh, stated above. kh is the rough guttural k pronounced in the very act of hawking up phlegm from the throat, which becomes tremulous and ruffled, while the root of the tongue is with it forming the soimd required. This letter is familiar enough to the Scottish and other northern nations, but very troublesome to the English, who should first try it in muHi, lukh, nukh, &c. before attempt- ing it in khum, khul, and so on. viii INTRODUCTION. b gh is to g gh, what kh is to k kh ; consequently, the guttural Northumberland r, heard in the act of gargling the throat with water, as ghu, ghu, ghu ; mugh, lugh, rugh, are much easier than ghum, ghiil, &c. which learners will confound with gum, gul, &c. until the burr in the throat, as it is called, be duly acquired from some person who has this peculiarity, and who would call the word roolam, ghrolam, a slave, very properly, instead of goolam, as those do who have not acquired the gh accurately. ^ v q or our k articulated by raising the root of the tongue simply towards the throat, which must not be in the smallest degree ruffled, as in forming kh or gh. The q may consequently be styled a deep but liquid lingual letter, produced by clinking the root of the tongue against the throat, so as to cause a sort of nausea. The same sound will be recognised when pouring water in a I. particular manner from a long necked guglet, as the liquid decanting may represent the lower part of the tongue acting upon the throat or neck of the vessel in question, unruffled by the water gushing from it. A few efforts will soon fix the q in the memory and on the organs of speech, perhaps at the expence of a slight nausea at first. The vowels, particularly such as are homogeneous, either in quantity or quality, are very inter- changeable ; and this holds good among the consonants also, even sometimes where affinity is not so very striking, as in y j and g, 1 n and s, d and z, m b and w. The learner should recollect, that c is never used but as a subservient in the combination tsh ch already explained. ' To prevent letters coalescing, the , is often inserted between them, that ee oo nk ng sh zh may be distinctly articulated, when necessary, as two separate sounds ; so, c,c 0,0 n,k n,g sji z,h. The number of syllables in a word is commonly regulated by the number of vowels. When two consonants intervene, they should be divided, ad-mee, a person ; but if one only, it goes to the last, pa-nee, -water, ba-hur, out, sa-yu, shade. This holds good likewise when the consonant is expirated, whence du-khun, the south, not duk-hun, unless to teach a beginner to sound the h in this word, that he also 'may not miscall it deccan ! as is generally done. Sometimes two consonants meet as in English, gurm, warm, fusl, season, swamee, lord, pran, life, tliough among the illiterate pronounced rather as gurum, fusul, puran, &c. The Prospectus of such letters and combinations, agreeably to their invariable power in the Hin- doostanee language, as can be farther illustrated by English examples, and which the reader might still otherwise mistake, may have its uses in this Introduction. I have therefore exhibited it in so obvious a manner, that no one acquainted with the English language can possibly misconceive the particular sound adopted from that tongue. INTRODUCTION. IX PROSPECTUS. y y" sh the French j or g, zh tsh ch dzh j g hard Ilk ■;'B-WlBAf n th c ' yawn, yoke, your, &c. shin, ship, rush, pleasure, i. e. pleazhure. church, rich, jugular, judge, (juj), uphold, uphill. ' jugular. sink, brink, rung, sung, sans, bon, in French. hot house, nut hook, as the th o£thin and thine are not used in Hindoostanee, see page vii. For the vowels and diphthongs consult page Iv. and always consider u, short S ; a, long a ; i short, * and ee long, in every situation ; while the two diphdiongs, ue and uo, are ever to be treated as the ul or y and uo in guide, gued ; dry, drue ; our, uor. Sans and hon above shew the sound of the nasal n, which is so common in the Hindoostanee, when not followed by k, g, &c. in page vii. U in purdu, a curtain ; a in rat, night ; e in bed, (baid) scripture ; ue in uesa, so ; i in mila, found ; the hard g in gunge, o ganges ! and perhaps a few others, are very liable to be misconceived by a mere English reader, who docs not seriously attend to the fixed invariable power of such letters in pages iv. &c. q. v. before he attempts to derive any real benefit from the present plan : I am there- fore under the necessity of inculcating again and again the present unavoidable retrospection to the letters and their sounds, to prevent all future disappointment on that head, if possible, before the student can commence the reading of sentences or dialogues, with any satisfaction to himself or ad- vantage to those who may hear him. Initial and final a or u are apt to be omitted or transposed in many words without at all affecting their meaning, and a final ee, or e, in the same wav, is some- times added ; the learner must consequently be on his guard should such deviations occasionally attract his notice, the Hindoostanee not being more exempt from these irregularities than any other language. We must now proceed to the orthography of the Hindoostanee, having so far rather treated of or- f thoepy only, that a similarity of sound may never hereafter mislead us, when we wish to transpose' ' our knowledge from the Roman character, adopted here, to the oriental alphabets, contrasted with the letters of our own tongue, which all agree well enough till we come to the uen in uql ; thus, / u which, while pronounced as vi before explained, merely reminds the learner of its represent- i , ing the zuhur or u on the curious vowel consonant that the Arabians call uen, for which, how- ' ever, neither we nor the Hindoos have any corresponding letter : u final, after a long vowel, is !> almost mute, as in shooroou, beginning, while in shumu, a candle, it rather has the sound of a irt I water, and in Hindoostanee the word is rendered shuma, like those examples produced in c^' INTRODUCTION. page xiii. q. v. though on the whole, it is best to preserve the orthoepigraphlcal plan as much as we can, particularly when the sounds either way differ very little from each other, as any person will perceive who compares tu-urecf, rapidly sounded tuureef, with the common mode tareef, praise, in which last the uen is less obvious than in tu,ureef. u u expressing still the s,ame sound of u in up, cup, only denote particular Arabic combinations, to \ be acquired hereafter by those who may wish to study that language. a shows that uen precedes, but is almost lost in the sound of its following a ; this, therefore, dif- fers in the Hlndoostanee very little from the broad sound awe in call, &c. a a in sound as above, but each expressive of a peculiar form or combination in the Arabic, the knowledge of which may be at present dispensed with by the mere student of Hindoostanee, though a will be seen among the anomalies in the Plate, and afterwards recognised accordingly. i in ilni and tali, is to the zer or i exactly what u is to the zuhur or u in the foregoing page. i • no difference in the sound, though it certainly denotes rather ye, e, or ee, than i in the original. eeoo are to ee and oo, respectively, just what a is to a. CO see u and i, this being the uen in oomr and tuwazqo, with pesh or oo, as those are it with zuhur and zer. CO represents a semi-mute oo or w, of the original, as inserted in the Plate. vf ditto. h rather a harsher aspirate than h formerly described, and peculiar to the Arabic alphabet, but in Hindoostan pronounced just as the simple breathing hu. ^' '''"''*'**^ '" J hh discriminate aspirates in the Sunskrit alphabet from h and each other, though little used as such in Hindoostanee, and the sound does not differ from h in the smallest degree. 11 r have been detailed in page vii. which the learner may now consult, under n and d. II n the first is peculiar to tlie Hindoos, the second to the Arabs, still both are pronounced like the common n in run, nurse, and may be seen thus un in the Plate. r 1 letters peculiar to the Sunskrit, but exactly of the same power as r 1. t d noticed in page vii. s 3 varieties of similar sounds by different letters, like our council, counsel, jilt, gin, &c. s in Arabic resembles our th in thin, but in the Hindoostanee it is merely s of sin, sun. z z z like the above, mere formal varieties of the self-same sound ; we write has (haz) haze, ex- pressing the z by s in has, and by z in haze, while the sound is the same in both. t is to t, precisely what s is to s, and like it in Arabic, has the power of th in thine, but in Hin- doostanee is pronounced like t in tin, tune, fully described in page vii. I. As the Hindoostanee student may often meet with my former publications, in which cither the Hindee-Roman system was not so correctly and ultimately fixed as it is now, or the orthography in the oriental tongues was not deemed of so much consequence as the- pronunciation, it is but fair to submit the following Prospectus to Iiis considei-ation, to guide him through the present or any other of my oriental works, in which he will nevertheless find very few deviations from my original plan. INTRODUCTION. that do not entirely depend on the great progress we have made in the learning of the East since I commenced my large Grammar and Dictionary of the Hindoostance language. Among these, the words panw, the foot, ganw, a village, and a few otliers, were long expressed by ga,on, pa,on, in which tlie inflection plural was not half so distinct as it is now in panwon, ganwon, &c. though panw come as near the true pronunciation, if not more so, than pa,on formerly used. u a, &c. i ue 00 uo yoo w h n t t d r s s z z (a On u >^ CD and other Italic vowels, or Roman, when the word was in Italics. :c. ou — eu — w h n n with" ° ditto. t or t with " ditto. t t with the ' over it. d ditto ". r ditto ". w with " over it. h with the figure ' over it. ■or s with figures over them. z ditto, all much more troublesome , and less consistent than the z z z 3 &c. of this Work. ^ In the whole of the foregoing, the letters t d r alone represent sounds that are not quite familiar to ourselves ; for z z z are merely three forms of z for its one sound, as stated in page x. A very particular account of the two oriental alphabets, connected with the Hindoostance, cannot be expected in these sheets, because to those readers who mean to prosecute their studies far beyond a colloquial knowledge of that language, such a detail would prove superfluous, and to others it never could be of any real service in the ordinary intercourse of conversation and business ; but to enable the learner to converse more easily with the natives of India on their respective alpha- bets, we shall subjoin the names of the letters, first in the Pcrsi-Arabic, and then in the Nagrce, agreeably to their common order and appellations in each, thus : uhf, be, pe, te, se, jeem, che, he, khe, dal, zal, re, ze, zhe, seen, sheen, swad, zwad, to,e, zo e, uen, ghuen, fe, qaf, kaf, gaf, lam, meem, noon, wa,o, he, lam-ulif, humzu, ye or ya, zubur, zer, pesh. ukar, akar, ikar, eekar, ookar, ookar, ri, ree, li, li, lee, Iree, ekar, uekar, okar, uokar, n, bisurg : ku, khu, gu, ghu, ngu ; chu, chhu, ju, jhu, nyu ; Ui, thu, du, dhu, ru, rhu, n ; tu, thu, du, dhu, nu ; pu, phu, bu, bhu, mu ; yu, ru, lu, wu ; shu, shu or k,hu, su, hu, ch,hu, kk,h or kshu. / xil - ' INTRODUCTION. The adjunct kar may be preserved or dropt in naming the above letters, whence u for ukar, and bukar, &c. for bu, &c. as already noticed in page vi. It must moreover be granted in this place, that neither the foregoing designations nor order of the letters are rigidly followed in all parts of India ; the scholar will therefore be prepared to make due allowance for those deviations in both systems that are too apt to occur in the alphabets of every language, as well as in the Ilindoostanee, which, like the English, has no appropriate character, un- less we choose to consider the Nagree in it on a footing with the old Saxon or German letters among ourselves, and the Persi-Arabic as the Roman, now so generally introduced, to the exclusion of the other from our mother tongue. Humzu, zubur, zer, pesh, and bisurg, are rather diacritical marks or signs than letters properly so called, and arc not only too often wholly omitted in oriental com- positions, but what is worse, some of them either change their own or other letters' powers so com- pletely, that it is no easy task always to assign them a local habitation and a name in our characters; As a Persian genitive sign, ins not only for the most part invisible, but must occasionally be ex- pressed by ye after a final vowel, and humzu as e when the word ends with u, thus, moO|e sur, {fie hair of^ the head ; chu^Tcm^eineT., the Jbuntahi oi generosity. Though humzu may be denoted u, it is in fact more used as the syllabic initial, where the semi- vowel consonants wa,o or ya become a species of pure vowels ; thus, da,ood, without the humzu ex- pressed or understood in the Persi-Arabic system, would be dawud, and ta,eed, tayud ; and in one particular form of the Arabic verb, the visible a is divided into its component parts ulif and humzu, viz. u u pronounced thus in tu,ummool, tu.ussoof, never tammcnl, tassoof ; but as these forms can easily be discriminated from all others, the scholar will seldom be much puzzled with them in the Hindoostanee tongue. On principles peculiar to the Persi-Arabic alphabet, the short vowels u i oo, cannot be introduced as verbal initials at all, without the aid of ulif, and even the long ee oo o, re- quire it in that situation, to prevent their being sounded as yu wu ; ulif, being then as essential to pre- serve the pure vowel sounds as humzu has been already stated to be, in such syllabic initials. A reference to the Plate will clearly show the truth of the last observation, since to denote initial i and ee respectively there, the reader will soon perceive an ulif besides the other correlative letters or vowel points. The final short vowels u i and oo are equally troublesome, always requiring the Persi-Arabic mute he to support them at the end of words, though nothing of the kind be necessary to medial consonants, these naturally having the inherent power of u, unless when it is lost in or altered by other long or short vowels, chushm, tlie eye, cannot become in Persian chushmu, ajbun- iain, without the he called the ha,e mukhfee, or mute aspirate u, though in chushmuk, spectacles, no such prop is requisite, unless it became necessary to make the quiescent k vocal in a word like chushmuku, did such a one exist in the language. The attentive scholar will here observe, that the inherent u is moreover silent when two consonants coalesce, as in chushm, not chushum, which often happens, as stated in pages viii. xiii, q. v. In the Nagree, or rather Sunskrit system, the short i and oo can be expressed finally without the intervention of a servile mute aspirate, while the u, on the contrary, often needs the aid of bisurg in INTRODUCTION. xiii ramu or ramiih, &c. before it can well be perceptible in words like ram, &c. from a quiescent final m, or any other terminating consonant. Verbal and syllabic initials, long and short vowels are, on similar grounds, much less perplexing in the NaTee than in the Persi-Arabic, whence da,ood, ta,eed, &c. are not liable in the former as in the latter to be read dawud, tayud, more than they are in the Hindee-Roman orthoepigraphical me- thod adopted for this Work, which I trust will be found to comprise the most unexceptionable parts of its three component alphabets, with as little of their inconsistencies as possible. By marking the Roman letters with dots below, we avoid all that confusion, which, with i, &c. must occur, were the dots above, and on the whole it thus becomes quite easy to be perfectly accu- rate in manuscripts, which is often very essential. ,y -iwlA To aid the writer's memory as much as in my power, and at the same time to shorten his labour in every respect, I have discriminated the most common letters which require dots, with one, two, three, in exact proportion to their frequency of occurrence in the language, but as three ... would be troublesome, I have run them at once into a line so - In illustration of this system, I have only to add, that the 18th Persian letter being most common is z, 20th the next, becomes z, and 11th, the least used of the whole, is expi'essed by z, as in the Prospectus, page ix. From the slight alteration of figured, Italic, and other arbitrary types, in page xi. like d, &c. to d, the learner will moreover perceive, from the Plate, that the Nagree and Roman characters are now more on a par with each other than they ever were before, which is also a consideration of some moment to a beginner. {|»>mj luy- yjii'^i 'itis. io'.ttiuv^ 9ju Every vowel, preceded by the mute consonant uen, is marked with a dot below, as u, a, &c. as in pao-e ix, but when the uen follows the vowel, although then generally sakin (quiescent), and almost mute, it is invariably expressed by u, which ^fter u, or finally, often assumes the sound of a, as in buud, lu,ul, shumu, shi,ur, rather pronounced bad, lal, shuma, shi,ar. On the contrary, this letter in shcnroou, rufeeu, &c. is hardly perceptible, and, in fact, inserted here only to show the orthography. The Hinduwee system of sounds corresponds, on the whole, much better with ours, than the Per- sian and Arabic, whence the great trouble which this letter uen gives both us and the Hindoos to ex- press it properly as a consonant, or indeed to conceive how it can be esteemed so, by any person ■whatever. In this point of view, as far as mere Hindoostanee pronunciation goes, the dot in eed, 'simply denotes the mode of thus spelling uced, almost without expressing the u either as a vowel or consonant, though the Arabs, and those scholars who follow or affect to imitate them in this guttural vowel consonant, make it in some degree yueed or yeed. All aspirated consonants, also t d and r, are peculiar to the Hindoos, who have no f, gh, kh, q, z nor uen in their alphabet, and the Arabians want ch, g, p, zh, e and o, whence the learner may soon discriminate words as Hinduwee, Persian or Arabic, more especially if he recollect that the first only admits of vocables with a double consonant initially, thus, pran, life ; krishn, black, &c. though these occur finally in all three languages, gurl, poison; gurm, warm; jshq, love; chushm, th£ eye. »v INTRODUCTION. Wherever Arabic orthography and orthoepy are at variance with each other, by ul being prefixed to words beginning with n 7. t z s sh s z r z d s t, and thereby assimilating in sound with them, or when a a ee 00, immediately preceding ul, are contracted to their own several congenial short sounds, 11 u i 00, while the 1 either remains or is lost by doubling the first consonant of the next word, these anomalies may be easily discriminated by such circumstances, and the intermediate hyphen ; thus, zoo ul qurnuen, fee ul tareekh, taliboo ul ilm, ula ul subah, &c. become zool-qurnuen, fit-tareekh, talib-cDl-ilm, ulus-subah, &c. and may in general be known as anomalous, though no consistent system can well embrace or distinguish these and similar orthoepical deviations farther tlian has now been done. After what has already been stated, there will be little difficulty in explaining the Plate, and even less in comprehending it ; I shall therefore commence with the following general observations. • The forms of the oriental characters on the Plate have been selected as the most common, though these will be found occasionally to vary a little in different parts of India. Every letter has a name and a, power so far distinct, but the learner will recollect that the initial of the name invariably shows the latter; thusjeem, gaf, &c. exactly tally with our j and g In the word jug, and must always be considered accordingly. When the initial ulif becomes long, it ought to have a particular mark, as in the Plate, over it : this being the only way to distinguish, in the Persian character, vocables like ubroo, eyebrow, abroo, reputation, from each other. The dots in the Persi- Arabic are of very great importance, because on their number or position the nature of the letter will often entirely depend, and its too changeable form be more readily recognised in every situation. be has one dot below, while pe requires three, and ya two only ; on the other hand, noon has one, e two, and se three above, frequently as the only discriminating signs of six very different letters, all of which may be represented occasionally by a simple curve called shoshu, so " with its superior or Inferior dots, as these are exhibited in the Plate. This holds good in he, khe, and che, the last having three, the second one, and the first none, either above or in the semicircular tail of the letter, when it assumes that appearance at the close of a word, or individually in the alphabet. To the foregoing may be added fe and gaf, seen and sheen, uen and ghuen, swad, zwad, to,e, zO|e, which generally preserve their heads, although their tails be totally lost when medial or initial, and they can thus be traced more readily than be, pe, &c. in Persi-Arabic writing ; still it must be granted, should the dots be omitted, which is too frequently the case, that the learner gets into a labyrinth indeed, from which nothing can extricate him except great proficiency in, and still greater practice from reading, the language under every form of writing. The binocular Persian he is introduced to pre- vent bhar, khar, and other such words, becoming buhar, kuhar, and so on. Having found the dots so useful in the Persi-Arabic, I have extended them and the dash - even a little farther, to denote certain Nagree symbols, for wliich there would otherwise be no parallel In the Persi-Arabic, and vice versa, when the Nagree seemed defective in some guttural and other sounds peculiar to the Moosulmans, as will be found fully illustrated in the Plate, though neither tiie whole of the aspirates, nor lee, ree, &c. have been exhibited there, because this would have proved INTRODUCTION. , 'X», a mere useless and expensive repetition of bh, 1, r, clih, &c. in the Persian letters^ simply with a dot or dash below them. The gn, though a compound of ju, and the nasal of that series, has rather the power of gnyu, and is one of the most difficult letters in the Hinduwee alphabet, which very few of the natives can pronounce well. The French, and even we, may form some idea of it from the coD3t- bination gn in ignorance, reign, &c. ; but although the words gnyan, jugn, agnya, be seldom if ever pronounced so, in ordinary discourse, there can be no harm whatever in denoting this letter ortho- graphically by the> combination gn, since the nasal will naturally be dropt, and the sound of the g left alone to speak for itself, as gyan, jug, agya. In the three first lines of the Plate, all the vowels and semivowels are properly arranged in Roman, Nagree, and Persian letters ; the consonants naturally follow in the same order, and the anomalies bring up the rear, these being, on the whole, much less used than the rest, and neither so easily ex- pressed nor understood in the present scheme. Though in Sunskrit there are various nasals, the n is by far the most common in the Hindoostance ; but should the others be wanted, they will generally be sufficiently discriminated by the consonant which immediately follows them, each subdivision or series of which having their own appropriate nasal, as formerly inserted and distinguished by semicolons in page xi. q. v. The Nagree, like the Persi-Arabic character, is very liable to change, more especially the vowels ; these have therefore been fully exhibited in the Plate, first in their complete form, as single letters preceding a consonant, and then in the contracted shape they assume when affixed to a consonant ; whence in the word ab, a would appear large and distinct, whereas in ba, half of the a is lost in b, and seems only one perpendicular stroke attached to b, instead of two, with a double curve prefixed, as represented in the Plate. This observation, variously modified of course, is applicable to all the Nagree vowels. Neither the horizontal dash - at the top of the Nagree letters, nor their upright • stroke, is very essential to them, and may consequently be often omitted, which indeed is always the case where two or more consonants unite together and lose their inherent u, the first consonant pre- serving its head line, and the last its upright stroke, when it has one. Such compounds must no doubt puzzle the Nagree student a good deal in the outset ; but in general the body of the letters is so httle altered in shape, that they may easily be traced by practice and perseverance with the most common and useful combinations of this sort. While these are extolled as a very convenient part of the Nagree system, I must confess my dislike to them, being at best an awkward contrivance, which fortunately the Roman letters do not require, to prevent burtun, a plate, from being pronounced burutunu, which by the Nagree plan would be the case, unless the r and t either coalesce in form and sound, or the r be followed by a small oblique mark of elision so ^ This even is adopted ta prevent the final consonant from being vocal, though one might naturally conceive that its final posi- tion would suffice for that purpose, as it does in almost every other language, the consonants of few or none having the inherent u, which is otherwise so convenient in the Nagree characters. Our word street, unless written in a peculiar way in the system of the Hindoos, would become sutureetu, ■which lias been avoided above simply by juxta positiMi. xvi * INTRODUCTION. There being not less than four letters like our z in the Persi-Arabic, I was glad to avail myself of the various forms which j assumes in the Nagree, as the simplest way of discriminating one from the other, for, in fact, the Hindoos have no such sound as z in their language ; we are consequently obliged to make j with a dot below answer that purpose. Those Hindoostanee students who wish to become masters of this orthoepigraphical ultimatum, with the most beneficial effects to theirselves, and with the least possible trouble, should transcribe the following extract from the Char Durwesh into any of the oriental characters they may prefer for that purpose. This exercise alone will give them a habit of writing with facility, besides enabling tliem to spell every word with the utmost accuracy ^nd precision. Every body will allow that this is an object of no small difficulty and im- portance in the languages of the East, where so many similar sounds are constantly expressed by very different letters, with which every scholar, however, is supposed to be so well acquainted, as to avoid all errors of that nature. Several excellent oriental scholars, and, among the rest, my par- ticular friend and former pupil, Mr. John Bardoe Elliott, of the Bengal Civil Service, have become such converts to the Hindee-Roman system, as to approve highly of the Plate, and general principles on which the orthoepigraphical scheme is now founded. This gentleman has lately favoured me with a short account of the Hindoostanee language, from Meer Ummun's elegant translation of the Char Durwesh ; and this, by way of exercise and instruction, is subjoined in the Hindee-Roman character, with Mr Elliott's literal version in English. huqeequt oordoo kee zuban kee boozoorgon ke moonh se yoon soonee hue, ki Dillec shuhr hindoo- won ke nuzdcek chuo jnogee hue. conheen ke raja purja qudeem se ruhte the, uor upnee bhak,ha bolte the. Huzar burus se Moosulmanon ka umul hoo,a. Sooltan Muhmood ghuzniwee aya; pher ghoree, uor lodee, badshah hoo,e, is amudoruft ke ba,is kcochh zubanon ne Hindoo Moosulman kee ame- zish pa,ee, akhir, umeer Tuemoor ne (jin,ke ghurane men ub tuluk nam nihad sultunut ka chula jata hue) Hindoostan ko liya ; oon,ke ane uor ruhne se lushkur ka bazar shuhr men dakhil hoo,a, is waste shuhr ka bazar oordoo kuhlaya ; pher Hnomayoon badshah Puthanon ke hath se liueran hokur wilayut gu,e ; akhir wuhan se an kur pusmandon ko goshmalee dee, ko,ee moofsid baqee na ruha ki fitna o fusad burpa kure. Jub Ukbur badshali tukht pur buethe tub charon turuf kemoolkon se sub quom qudrdanee uor fuez rusanee, is khandan i lasanee kee scon, kur lioozoor men akur jumu hoO|e ; lekin hur ek kee goya,ee uor bolce joodee joodee thee : ikuth,the hone se apus men len den, suoda sooluf, soowal juwab kurte kurte ek zuban rordoo kee mooqurrur hoo,ec. Jub huzrut Shah Juhan sahibi qiran ne qilu,e mrobaruk uor jam; musjid uor shuhr punah tu, umeer kurwaya, uor tukht i ta,oos men tumam juwahir jurwaya, uor dul badul sa khuemu chobon pur istad kur tunabon se kliinchwa- ya, uor Nuwwab ulee Murdan khan nuhr ko lekur aya, tub padshah ne khoosh hokur jushn furmaya, uor shuhr ko upna dar ool khilafut bunaya, tub Shah Juhan abad mushhoor hoo,a (ugurchi Dillee joodee hue, wooh poorana shuhr uor yih nuya shuhr kuhlata hue) uor wuiian ke bazar ko oordoOiC moo,ulla khitab diya. Umeer Tuemoor ke uhd se Moohummud shah kee badshahut, bulki Uhmud shah uor alumgeer sanee ke wuqt tuk peerhee bu peerhee sultunut ek san chulee a,ee ; nidan zuban rordoo kee munjte munjte uesee munjee ki kisoo shuhr kee bolee cos se tukkur nuheen khatee lekin INTRODUCTION. xvil qudrdan i mconsif chahiye jo tujweez kure, so ub khaoda ne bu,ud moxldut ke Jan Gilkrist sahib sa dana nooktu riis pueda kiya ki jinhon ne upne gyan uor ookut se nor tulash o niihnut se qa,;don kce kitaben tusneef keen, is subub se Hindoostan kee zuban ka moilkon men riwaj li(X),ii, uor nuye sir se riionuq ziyadii hoo,ee ; nuheeri to iipnee diistar o goof tar o riiftar ko ko.ee bcora nulieen janta ; ugiir ek gunwar se poochhe to shuhr wale ko nam rukhta hue, uor upne tu,een sub se bilitur suraujhta hue ; khuer aqilan klirod medanund. jub Uhmud Shah Ubdalee Kabool se aya uor sliulir ko lootwaya, Shahi akim px>rub kee turuf the ; ko.ee warls uornialik i nioolk ka nu rulm, sliuhr be sir hoguya ; such hue, padshahut ke itibal se shuhr kce ruonuq thee ; ek bargee tubalioe puree rii.ees wuhan ke muen kuheen trom kuheen hokur iuhan iiskc seeng siima.e wuhau nikul a Vili: 1. The articles a, the, as in Latin, are commonly inherent in the simple noun ; kltab la,o, may si girls. -e mart's. on, men, gOT- ka, a fair gor- se, from fair -ee woman's. -iyo? women. 43. When the adjective follows the noun, it can assume an, whence goree lurkiyan, and lurkee goriyan, both denote /air g-irfo. 44. Ordinals require the addition of wan to the cardinals, whence, wan -a, hoy. -wen -e boy. dus- lurk- the tenth dus- lurk- sq, from the tenth ween -ee, girl. ween -ee girl. 45. The adjunct of similitude sa, se, see, son, denoting like, ly, ish, resembles ka, as an adjective particle of infinite use in the Hindoostanee. INTRODUCTION. - xxv 46. When compounded with adjectives, it does not retjuire any inflection, kala-sa, blackUh; with nouns it commonly does. -sa lurka, boy. -see lurkee, girL lurke- o childish lurkee- a girliah -see lurkee, girl. -sa lurka, bog. 47. The comparative and superlative degrees are Ixjst formed by se, men se, sub se, though buhoot, very, uor, more, &c. often occur as in English — lurke lurkee goree girl bog. 8C hue, the is fairer than the lurkee lurka gora boy gif^ gore gora gora, bogj se or sub se the fairest &c. goree goree goree, girl^ but the above are sufficient to shew the regimen and concord here. 48. The cardinal numbers are declined like other nouns of the second declension, with this pecu- liarity, that bcth the vocative and inflection are often substituted for the mere nominative ; thus, teen, teeno, teenon, seem all to denote three, the three, in this case even before intransitivcs, and transitives present and future, or unlike 42. with nouns, as teenon fuqeeron se, from the three men- dicants. 49. These numerals are not perhaps the only words of the above description, as burson, dinun, muheenon, puhron, and such inflections, frequently supplant the. nominative plural ; burus, year* ; din, days ; muheene, months ; puhur, watches, in expressions like burson goozre, years have elapsed. 50. As the vocative is sometimes used for the nominative among adjectives by 48. so is the no- minative frequently for the vocative among nouns, whence beta, O son; yaran, O friends. OF PKONOUNS. » 51. The whole of the pronouns from the nature of their inflections, may be classed under the common declension, being in general inflected in the singular by substituUon like the first, and in the plural by that and addition also, agreeably to both declensions. 52. There is a jx)stposition e singular, and en plural, peculiar to the pronouns, in other respects exactly corresponding with ko, for, to, &c. of the nouns; but to facilitate the acquisition of such useful parts of speech, the pronouns may at once be divided into regulars, irreguiatv, and neuters, on principles that will necessarily be developed in their detail here. K tNTRODUCTlON. "■ UEGCLAES. 53. This subdivision contains the third personal proximate and remote demonstratives, yih, he, she, it, this;- yr.^h, he, she, it, that ; along with the relatives, correlatives, and interrogatives, juon, tuon, who, which, that same ; kuon, who ? which ? 54. The nominative plural pf the above personals is. formed by substituting e, for their two last letters, whence ye, these ; we, they, those ; all the rest have this case alike in both numbers ; and in the singular, indeed, jo and so commonly occur for juon,, tuon, as kon, ko, ke, occasionally do for kuon. ' 7 r , 55. The inflection of the whole is a substitution of is for the singular, and in for the plural ; thus, .^j.- is, him, her, this. -^ ens, him, that.-t.'-nixft^ ■',:'. 'm,^thet)t, these. rton, :4hem, those. . ' •, jis, jin, whom; tis, tin, *bhom ; kis, kin, ivhoin? • 'r;'; 56. T-he 'particle on, by addition applies so completely to the whole of these -and the other wo nominal plurals, as to maknhon, jinhon, tinhon, kinhon, tliough now iutroduced almost pi-omiscuously. This conjecture meets with some support by mun, / ; ma,- mayan, we, and. others of this nature in the Persian. 57. The aspirate in oonhon, &c. is very apt to be supj*essed, not only here, but in other pro*, nouns, which frequently drop, assume, or preserve it very capriciously, 70. From the various cases of pronouns still preserving the aspirate, there is every reason to believe that in, oon, jin, kiHj toom, &c. were formerly written -and pronounced inh, oonh, toomh, &:c. 68. The whole of the regulars and neuters have their various cases formed by ka, ke, kee, and the other postpositions, affixed to their inflections, almost exactly as the nouns, and in this respect they perfectly coincide with the pronouns of our language. ' s^'^ttk .B# 69. Wooh, he; cos, him; • *■' 70. Are also three in n,umber, ke,a, kya, what ? ko,ee, any ; and koocbJb, «D»te ,- 4!he first is Je- cUned with an intervening, aspiratp, kaiie, and the two last have almost indiseriminatcly kisee, klsoo, for their inflection singular, and kinhoon, kinheen, for the plural, both af wHch also drop the aspirate, and ar« 'A • ' .,-■•..■ I -.. . ■■» Singular. Plural. N. muen, /. hum, we. G. me-ra, -re, or -ree, my, mine, or of me. hum-ara, -are, or -aree, our^ our''s, ofm, '^ *D. moojh ko, tome. humon ko, torn. .'.^ »nw* ./ A. moojh-e, wie. ^\'^^^ -" hum-en, «*. -^ ^w« v»« i««i«» .A V. A. moojh se, from, &c. me. nrtnt^-, . humon se, from, &c. us.'^'^^^ '■ ■*''"*.'> "^ ,?> v ,o^ Mi ^'^ Person. . , >j N. tuen,f thou. ' tojm, ye, or j/om. G. te-ra, -re, or -ree, o/ ^Aee, thy^ &c. toomh-ara, -are, or -axee^q/lyoft^ j/9tMr>&c. / D. tcDJh ko, ^aJlAee. tromhon ko,; to 2^om. .Aij vi ,■« 'jiVorta .A A. toojh-e, /Aee. toomh-en, you. \. UM-re, O thou. «»\ ,flp,r=-..ii toom-re, O yoM. crf^_ft ^ti»hl .K A. tojh se, from,, &c. thee, i ^^ ,^,, -, ,,^i tomhon se,.from, &c. j^om. ^j\^j ^^^^^ .^ SS Person Proadmate. •' Al , . •' * . N. yih, he, she, it, this, the. ye, they, these. — > G. is-ka, -ke, or -kee, of him, her, this, his, its. inhon-ka, -ke, or -kee, their, their\ cfth&m. T). is-ko, to him, to her, it, or this. inhon-ko, to these, to them.^ .< '■ A. Is-e, him, her, if. inh-en, them, these. V. yih-re, O this. ". ' '" ' ye-re, these. A. is-se, from, kc. him, mr, it, or this. ~ '' inhon-se, from these, from them, kc. ,...'«& .a 3d Person Remote. ' N. wooh, /te, &c. iAffl^. we, #Aey, those. G. oos-ka, -kc, -kee, of him, his, ker, &c. conhon-ka, -ke, -kee, their, theirs, of those, them. J), oos-ko, to him, &c. ^Aa#. ij)9«J«'> ri. <■!■ 'J oonhon-ko, fo them, to those. ''"'A. oos-e, him, that. nna i^&aiitM of>-8i, oonh-en, them, those. .»i)«t V! wooh-re, O that. we-re, O ^/w«e. •■-" v^-fc ■: ' A. oos-se, from, &c. Am, &c. that. — '- bonhon-se, from, ke. them, fflhee. ' ■• '.'..■■. , * The scholar should recollect here, that the dative and vocative, like the same cases among tlie ~ nouns, are used indiscriminately. ■|- Too or toon, more common, though less conciliating after muen here than tuen ; as too, how- ~ ever, is retained in the vocative or reciprocating case with the nominative, the reader can readily call on too also, whenever he pleases. , , INTHODUCTION.; The (reciprocal, reflective, or general personal ami possessive) pronoun ap, upna, self, own. Singular and Plural. ... fn N. ap, self, I, thou,. he. he, she, Stc. A. ap-ko, upne-ko, self, me, &c. G. up-na, ap-ka, &c. of self, own, rm/, thy, his, V. j T Aer, &c. A. ap-se, upne-se, ^on», &c. «e(/', &c. D. ap-ko, upne-ko, to self, &c. me, thee, &c. itiintwi .y This last pronoun is the same mtxjtTi numbers, and applicable to /, we, you, he', as wcTl as to .r 'jIcfinjiySL self, selves, my own, his own, their own, &c., XKXSSREOGATIVES. Singular. N. kuon.-a'^" ■*" ' G. kis-ka, -ke, or -Wee. D. kis-ko. A. kis-e. V. kuon-re. iA« kis-se.' Plural. ii .V •\-,9e«oueij Example 1. kuon, who, what, which ? kinhon-ka, -ke, -kee, whose, of whom ? fkc. kinhon-ko, to whom ? &c. kinhen, whom, ? kubn-re, O who, what ? kinhon-se, from whom f •Jt\t M Example 2. — witioh has ne Plural in the Hindoostanee. a. kya, which, what ? ^?G. kaheJt«, -Jcc, .kee, of w/iich f &c D. kahe-ko, to or for tvhich, to what ? N. juon. (G. jfis-ka, ~ke, -kee. £. jis-ko. A. jis-e. ,^. A. ji«-8e.. A. kahe-ko, which, what ? V. kya-rc, O which, ufliat ?: A. kahe-se, from which ? Relative. 3 -J .MC juon,- dbho, -wMch, 'what. jinhon-ka, -Jce, -kee, .ui^«e, oftirhich, &e. ? jinhon-ko, to whom, to which. i juihen, whom, wldch. jinhon-se, from who»i, from what, Ssc i xxxn INTRODUCTION. Singular. N, tuon, G. tis-ka, -ke, -kee, of D. tis-ko, to A. tis-e, V. A. tis-se, from Example 1. N. ko,ee, G. kisee-ka, -ke,-kee, o/" D. kisee-ko, to A. kisee-ko, V. ko,ee-re, A. kbee-se,/«>»> that or this, he, she, it, &c. also him, her, his, &c. correlative- Correlative. .7 ,t%9 Plural. tuon, tinhon-ka, of tinhon-ko, to tinhen. !• r, t , tinhon-se,/«)w» Pronominal Adjectives. these, those, they, them, their, &c. .U- a, an, any one per- son, body, or thing. Example 2. koochh, kisoo-ka, -ke, -kee, of kisoo-ko, to kisoo-ko. kisoo-se, from some, little, few, -persons, bodies, or things, .^i .yr -iA'i .\i THE VERB. '4*i r'^"'^ 74. The imperative, in the second person singular, is the root or radical portion of every verb in the Hindoostanee, and in general, as in our language, is also a significant useful noun. 75. Every infinitive terminates in the inflectlble particle na, ne, nee, already noticed in 61. but here meaning to, which, like the other postpositive particles, is invariably affixed to the imperative, chah-na, to love, the Hindoostanee tongue being in this respect of position, as in some others, diametrically opposite to ours, i^ ^■^•^' *-\jvA'» oi ^twAttf *^«>\,io. «i ,o3l-orfai fl 76. The perfect tense and participle are formed by adding a, (or ya,) e, ee, een, iyan, to the imperative, agreeably to the gender and number of the persons, on principles already illustrated among the nouns, chah-a, love-d, 16. 20. 42. 77. The present tense and participle merely require the letter t, as a temporal sign, to precede the several particles, enumerated above, as past signs, and which all occur here exactly under similar circumstances, chah-ta, love, lovest, &c. .^^,. _^ 78. The aorist, or subjunctive present, assumes for both genders, oon, e, e, singular, and en,'o en, plural, in the order of persons observed here, and on principles recognisable in part by 20. 21. 79. The future springs from the aorist by adding g, as a future sign prefixed to *the perfect a &c. thus, ga, ge, exactly in the order of persons observed in 78. and with respect to gender, &c. as in 76. INTRODUCTION. XXXUl 80. The pluperfect participle is either txpressed by the imperatlve''s self, or the various particles ke, kur, e, kurke, and kurkur, promiscuously affixed to the root, for that most useful portion of, the verb. -vV 81. The result of the foregoing principles, on the verb palna, to trreed, or any other, is as follows : Singular. Plural. In all the Persons. M. & Infl. Fern Inf. ger. noun, &c. -na, ne. -nee. Pres. tense and part. -ta, te. -tee. Perf. tense and part. -a, e, -ee. Imp. & Aor. M. & F.* ^ -oon- e- e- r after all the r* -* Future < above aorist -ga. -gee. C particles. Pluperf. part. -ke, kur, e. kurke, o M. -ne, -te, -e, -en -o- -ge Fcni. neeii, niyan. teen. tiyan. iyan. en- -gcen -giyan. The inf. or gerund masc. belongs to the first, and the fern, to the second declension. The root pal is also used as a jiluperfect participle. 82. As the particles above enumerated are applicable in the very same manner to all verbs whatever, and as the whole drop e in the second person singular of the aorist, to form the root or second person of tlie miperative, it naturally follows, that there is but mie conjugation in the whole language. 83. When the imperative or root ends in a, (or o sometimes,) it requires ya, instead of a only, for the perfect ; if a dissyllabic, having the penult short, this is generally dropt in every tense but the present; whence \ia.y a., found ; nikla, issued; nikloonga, I icill issuej from pa-na, tojind; nikul-na, to issue, 13. 14. 15. * The first person singular differs from the two others, as the second person plural does from the first and third persons. Of this mode or tense I may observe, that it is often a present or future, both indicative and subjunctive, and also by dropping the e of the second person singular, it is the complete regular imperative. Beihg the very basis of the future, and allowing also as a present tense, of tlie auxiliary signs boon and hue, it is a portion of the verb highly worthy of the readcr''s attention. The hyphens after the aorist are placed in such a manner as to demonstrate, that the future of all verbs is regularly so : Pal-oon-ga, pal-e-ga, pal-en-ge, pal-o-ge, &c. In other words, that the aorist particles oon, e, o, en, always intervene between the future ga and the verb's root or imperative ; but from the effect which the future sign g produces in contact with the nasal n, there is no necessity whatever to discriminate it as such in pal-otm-ga, paloonga, &c. here, though absolutely requisite in the aorist above. iAii«i~ ': .,4W- xxxiv ■' INtKO'DUCTtON. 84. Should the root or imperative terminate in any vowel, the aorist assumes w, or drops e very capriciously ; whence ho, ho,e or howe, hon, ho,en or howen, are all used promiscuously for may he, singular and plural. In other respects it is in all such verbs perfectly regular, 83. 85. The future being founded on the aorist entirely, is consequently under the very same rule ; ho-ga, ho.e-ga, or howe-ga, will he, and may always be treated accordingly. 86. All causals and regular actives being formed by the insertion of wa or a before the na of neuters, in the perfect and aorist the whole, of course, are regulated by 83. 84. 85. 87. As among the nouns, a, e, denote masculines, also the inflective singular and nom. plural, the same occurs among the verbs, while the feminine is in like manner formed by the substitution of ee for a, 76. 88. Nasal n only or een and an are, in conjugation, likewise the plural adventitious letters in the feminine persons of that number ; the vocative plural or o of nouns is always the sign of the plural 2d person imperative and aorist, while e is the singular, and en the plural particle, 20. 89. The inflection on or oon is met with in the 1st person singular of the aorist only ; whence it now appears, that there is not a single adventitious pairticle among the nouns that does not recur, under some tense or other, among the verbs also. T, denoting present, and g, future time, are the only verbal letters which do not occur adventitiously among the nouns. 90. The various parts of the verb, except the root or imperative, may belong as nouns to the first declension, and, like ka becoming kee, they sometimes revert to the second. 91. By taking for granted, what may almost be proved, that kee-na, moo-na, dee-na, lee-na, hu-na, are the ancient infinitives of kurna, to do ; murna, to die ; de-na, to give ; le-na, to take ; ho-na, to he ; and also supposing that o and oo, j and g, are respectively nearly the same letters, we shall not find one single irregular verb in the whole Hindoostanee language. 92. The common transition of a,e, o,e, u,e to ue, and the arbitrary contraction or expansion of the aorist by 84. will assist in accounting for the auxiliary verb or present sign being apparently so irregular. ' '^ '^ *^ »»eh»*i ^t^***** ,v-i>W>*s.\^ f«i;ii^ .ly^i-^ii:, , i;:,..,--. -;^ .'^'..■. 93. Ho.oon, ho,e, ho,en, ho,o, the regular aorist of ho-na, to he, may hot only "be" expanded tcr howen, &c. but moreover contracted to ho, hon, with an intermediate modification hU|Oon, hU|e, hu,en, hu,o, which fall naturally enough into boon, hue, huen, ho, the present tense of this useful verb, for which ruhna, to stay, also occurs as an auxiliary, particularly for tha, 97. 94. On the above reasoning we can clearly accoimt for the various modifications of the future howe-ga, ho.ega, ho-ga, hu,ega, hucga, which can hardly be said to differ in meaning, unless the last should come nearer a present tense than the rest. 95. Hoon, &c. affixed to participles, present and past, has exactly the same power and use as our am, do, have, &c. ; muen hota hoon, / am ewisting or do exist ; wooh hoo,a hue, he hath been. 96. When these signs are omitted, the mere present becomes not only indefinite, but also a past tense in the subjunctive mood : jo muen lurka hota uesa nuheen kurta, were I a hoy I would not act so, or had I heen a hoy I would not have done so ; jo muen wuhan sota kisee ko nuheen jugata had I slept there I would not have waked any one. ■'''" "' 'jj>««Of>'>:i X'^'"*>»' .■■;), 114. The reiteratives are in fact conjugated double, oos se muen nu kubhoo bola nu chala, / never had any thing to say to him, resembling in this respect the pronouns, 73. A summary of the whole verbal principles will now be conspicuous enough in the following page, which comprises the form of every intransitive and transitive verb in the language, with the entire passive voice of every active verb, comprehend/cd in one conjugation, from which there is hardly a single exception or irregular in the Hindoostanee. -^ ;.ii«i.Vvi« ,_(j. ■.... ';<» > INTRODUCTION, xxxvu Imp. umr. bol, speak thou. Inf. and Gcr. nuisdur. l)olna, to speak. Pres. and Part, isiiii haleeyu. lx)l-ta, speaking. Perf. and I'art. isnii niufool. bol-a, spoke, spokeu.* Present. — hal. muen bolta hoon,lspeak,dospeak,oramspeaking. too bolta hue, f/ioti art speaking, speakest. vooh bolta line, he speaks, is speaking. hum bolte huen, we speak, are speaking. tram liolte ho, you speak, are speaking. we bolte huen, they speak, are speaking. Perfect. — mazee mootluq uor qureeb. muen bola hoon, / spoke, or have spoken. too bola hue, thoic spokest, hast spoken. wooh bola hue, he spoke, hath spoken. hum bole huen, we spoke, have spoken. tram bole ho, you spoke, have spoken. we bole huen, they spoke, have spoken. Imperfect. — istimraree. muen bolta tlia, / did speak, or was speaking. too bolta tha, thou didst speak, ivast speaking. wcoh bolta tha, he did speak, was speaking. hum bolte the, we did speak, were speakitig. tcom bolte the, you did speak, were speaking. we bolte the, they did speak, were speaking. Pluperfect. — maz.ee bu,eed. muen bola tha, I had spoken, spoke, ordidipeak. too bola tha, thou hadst spoken, &c. wooh bola tha, he had spoken, &c. hum bole the, we had spoke7i, &c. toDm bole the, you had spoken, &c. we bole the, they had spoken, &c. Future. — rarostuqbil. muen boloonga, / shall, or will speak. t(X) bolega, thou shall speak, &c wroh bolega, he shall speak, &c. hum bolenge, we shall speak, &c. tfom bologe, you shall speak, &c. we bolenge, they shall speak, &c. Aorist & Imp. — moozari uor umr. muen boloon, / may, or ran speak, if I speak. too bol-e, thou mayest speak, speak thou. Wooh bole, he may speak, let him speak. /jfl iiJS' hum Iwlen, we may speak, if we speak. toom bolo, you may speak, speak you. we bolen, they may speak, let them speak. 1. Dubious. — hal mtutushukkee. muen bolta hoonga, / may be speaking. too bolta hoga, thou mayest he speaking. wooh bolta hoga, he may he speaking. hum bolte ho,enge, we may he speaking. toom bolte ho,oge, you may he speaking. we bolte ho,cngc, they may he speaking. 2. Dubious. — mazee mootushukkee. muen bola hoonga, / may have spoken. too bola hoga, thou mayest have spoken. wrah bola hoga, //e may have spoken ^' hum bole ho.enge, we may have spoken. toom bole ho,oge, you may have spoken. we bole ho,enge, they may have sjwken. Conditional. — mazee mootumunnee. muen bolta, had I spoken, I would have or might have spoken, or were I speaking. too bolta, had thou, &c. wooh bolta, had he, &c. hum bolte, had we, &c. tram bolte, had you, &c. we bolte, had they, &c. Potential. — imkanee. <; muen bol sukta or suka, / can, or could speak. too bol sukta or suka, thou, he. Wooh bol sukta or suka, he, &c. hum bol sukte or suke, we, &c. toom bol sukte or suke, you, &c. '■ we bol sukte mr suke, they, &c. * Future Completive. — moostuqbil i qureeb. muen bol chookoonga, / shall have spoken. too bol chookega, thou shall luive spoken. Wooh bol chookega, he shall have spoken. hum bol chookenge, tve shall have spoken. toom bol chookoge, you shall have spoken. we bol chookenge, they shall have spoken. * The present and perfect participles, strictly speaking, are discriminated by hoo,a affixed ; this, liowever, is so often omitted as to confound tlio two parts of the verb together ;' but the context amimonly prevents misconception. By omitting or inserting the auxiliaries of the perfect, it may be divided into simple and compound XXXVIU INTRODUCTION. When the verb is transitive, all the perfect tenses will often remain wholly uninflected, while their pronouns, on the contrary, will be thrown by ne into tlic inflection, as far as they can ; thus, — muen H.^ too o cos 2' a .-■^ lium a -IE S ~r « tcnm a o '* P cnn C s ■Si .o g a -5> c^ ^ -C <: ^ -a The pluperfect participle, mazee nm,utoof uluehi, bol-kur, bol-kc, &c. hnvwg spoken, has ap- peared in detail under palna, 81. and merits every attention from the learner, not only as the participle which joins two or more members of a sentence, by suspending the meaning, till it closes, but also as a convenient abverbial form of the greatest use in the language, in such expressions — sahib ke yihan jakur, humara sulam kuhke ooskee topee mangke, oose lekur phir a,o, having gone to the gentlemmi's, given my compliments, and borrowed his hat, return icith it here. Whatever you do, act deliberately, jo kojchh ki toom kuro so soch-ke kuro, from sochna, to think ; duorke jao, go quickly, i. e. having run. The future of the infinitive and participle generally occurs so, bola-chahna, to he about to speak, bolne-pur, bolne-wala, about to speak ; but such combinations can give little or no trouble to any scholar, who has really studied the foregoing principles. The reader cannot well forget, tliat a for the fem. sing, becomes ee, and that ee in the fem. plural must be een or iyan ; he must moreover recollect, that e of the 2d person imperative singular is always drbpt in that mood; whence, bol too, speak thou ; ugur too bole, if thou speak. No transitive verb can now be difficult in the active; we shall therefore here exhibit the passive, from which the learner will also acquire the verb jana, to go, or to be, as the auxiliary with bona, in this voice, provided he leave out mara and mare in his progress through the different tenses, thus ; muen jata boon, I go, do go, or am going ; too jata hue, thou goest, dost go, or art going, &c. as far* as muen ja chookoonga, I shall have gone, to the end. On similar principles, the verb bona, to be, may be treated as a regular verb, meaning to exist, (95. 68.) with the slight deviation of hoo,a for ho,a in the perfect tense. One or two more compound tenses might have been added to the following form of the verb, but as they very seldom occur, the scholar will lose little by their omission. INTRODUCTION. XXXK Inf. and Ger. musclar. — ^mara jana, to be beaten. Pres. & Part, ismi halecyu. — mara jata, being beaten. Perf. & Part, isini mufool. — mara guya, beaten. Present — hal. muen mara jata hoon, / am beaten. too mara jata hue, thou art beaten. wooli mara jata hue, he is beaten. hum mare jate liuen, we are beaten. loom mare jate ho, you are beaten. we mare jate hucn, they arc beaten. Perfect. — mazee mootluq uor qureeb. muen mara guya hoon, lums. or have beenbeaten. too mara guya hue, thojt hnxt been beateii. wooh mara guya hue, he hath heefi beaten. hum marc guye huen, we have Iteen beaten. tram mare guye ho, you have been beaten. we mare guye huen, they have been beaten. Imperfect. — istimraree. muen mara jata tha, I was then beaten. too mara jata tha, thorc tvasf beaten. wrah mara jata tha, he wa.s beaten. hum mare jate the, we were beaten. tram mare jate the, yoti were beaten, wc mare jate the, they were beaten. Pluperfect. — mazee bu,eed. muen mara guya tha, / had been, or was beaten. too mara guya tha, thou hadst been beaten. wrah mara guya tha, he had been beaten. hum mare guye the, we had been beaten. toom mare guye the, yoti had been beaten. we mare guye the, they hud been beaten. Future. — mmstuqbil. muen mara ja.oonga, / shall, or will be beaten. too mai"a jawega, thou shall be beaten. wooh mara jawega, he shall be beaten. hum mare jawenge, 7ve shall he beaten, tram mare ja,oge, you shall be beaten. we mare jawenge, they shall be beaten. Aor. and Imp. — mrozari uor umr. muen mara ja,oon, / may, or can be beaten. too mara jawe, thou mayest be beaten. Wooh mara jawe, he may be beaten, or let him be beaten. hum mare jawen, we may be beateM. toom marc ja,o, yon muy be beaten. we mare jawen, they may be beaten. 1. Dubious. — hal mrostushukkee. muen mara jata iioonga, / may be beaten. too mara jata hoga, thou mayest J>e beaten. Wooh mara jata hoga, he may be beaten. ' hum mare jate ho,enge, tvc may be beatem''^' .'-'^' toom mare jate ho,o'ge, you may be beaten. <^« «i.A we mare jate ho,engc, they may be beaten. • 2. Dubious. — maz.ee mootushukkee. muen mara guya lioonga, Imay have been beaten. too mara guya hoga, fhoumayest havebeenbeaten. wooh mara guya hoga, he may have been beaten. hum mare guye ho,enge, icemayhavebeenbeaten. tram mare guye ho,oge, you may havebeenbeaten. we mare guye ho.enge, they may have been beaten. Conditional. — mazee mootumunnee. muen mara jata, had I been, would have been, or might have been beaten. too mara jata, had thou, &c. wooh mara jata, Itad he, &c. hum marc jate, had we, &c. toom mare jate, had you, &c. we mare jate, had they, &c. Potential. — imkanee. muen mara ja sukta or suka, / can or could he beaten. too mara ja, &c. thou canst, &c. Wooh mara ja, &c. he can, &c. hum mare ja sukte or suke, we can, Sec. toom mare ja, &c. you can, &c. we mare ja, &c. they can, &c. Future Completive. — moostuqbil i qureeb. muenmarajachoDkoonga,/«A(7/^ have been beaten. too mara ja chookcga, thou shall, &c. Wooh mara ja chookega, he shall, &c. hum mare ja cliookenge, we shall, &c. toom mare j a chnokoge, you shall, &c. we mare ja ehookenge, they shall, &c. IR 3d INTRODUCTION. SYNTAX. , . OF THE ARTICLE. * 115. Our definite the, being in all probability a mere ellipsis of this, that, as a, an, are of oiie, any, there can be nothing extraordinary in yih, wash, often supplying our th^& place, whatever we may think of their occasionally representing a likewise. 116. AVhen this is the case, it appears that the pronoun, or adjective rather, might also be trans- lated by such a, and ought to be followed by the relative ki. Hurgiz nu janiyo wooh admee dronya men nuzur awe, ki jis men ueb nu ho, never believe (nny or such) a man tvill he found cm earth who has no failing. Yih, in examples of this kind, is not perhaps so common, however it may other- wise be very proper. ' , ~ 117. Ek and ko,ee seem both equally congenial with our a, an, any. Jub muen eehan ek (or ko,ee) admee be ueb dekhoon buhoot tu.iijjoob kuroonga, ivheji I shall behold in this world a spotless man, I shall marvel much ; yihan tuk beemar hue, ko,ee dum men murega, he is so ill, that he will die in a little time (or breath.) ' 118. In many instances koochh, some, may yet be found no less applicable, as koochh phul, in my opinion, denotes any or a fruit ; hoo at times occurs for hee, as ajhoo, to-day, this very day,hut these rather denote very, really, self ; wcnh ghur men hue, he is in the house, viz. at home ; muen crhur hee men tha bahur nuheen, / was witlmi the house absolutely, not ivithout. 119. When the pronominal articles follow each other, one of them certainly seems very like our the, though at the same time we may still recognise them as pronouns ; yih wooh admee hue, wcoh yih admee hue, this or that is the man. 120. The introduction of the Arabic particle ul is attended with the change or coalition to which 1 is subject in that language, with any letter which follows it, the gutturals k, kh, q, gh, uen, li, h, with b, j, f, m, yu, and u, excepted; us-sukhee hubeeb mllah, a generous man is the friend of God. 121. It seems essential to all the articles but hee, ee, to precede the nouns or adjectives ; thus, tumamee shuhur, the whole town ; yih lurka ck din wuhan ek gliureeb fuqeer ke yuhan ruha fha, the hoy sojourned a day at a poor mendicant's. For the last ek, were ko,ee or kisee substituted, the meaning of the sentence would hardly be changed, owing to the intimate connection between the articles and pronominal adjectives here, 117. 122. Where our the is almost indispensable, there is none apparent in Hindoostanee. We can say, the cook David, or David the cook, the butler John, or John the butler, indiscriminately, with little inconveniency ; but the Hindoostanees cannot thus rteverse, Da,ood bawurchee, Yuhya khansama.n, consistently with the idiom of their language. , OF NOUNS. 123. Nouns may precede, but generally follow their attributes, the verbs excepted ; cos booddli jnurd ko bola,o, call that old man. INTRODUCTION. xli 124(. When two nouns apply to the same person, they agree without any intermediate particles. Kul Suoda sha,ir awe to awe, the poet Sttoda will probably come to-morrow. 125. A noun denoting possession or connection of any kind with another, is for the most part put in the genitive ; murd ka ghur, a mmis hoime, or the hi)7cse of a man. 126. The sign in such expressions varies according to circumstances ; murd ke ghur kee lukree ke kanton ka mol, a man's house's timber'' s Tiails' price, because the ka must always agree as an ad- jective in gender, number, and case, with the noun which follows it, 32. 127. This genitive sign is sometimes superseded by the Persian iz-afiit, viz. i or t!ie Arabic form, in which the article ul is apt, uniler its various modifications, (120.) to be mistaken for a genitive sign also. Surdar i fuoj, the commander of an army ; ghulut ool amm, an error of the vulgar, from ghulutno ul amm, a peculiarity that more properly belongs to Arabic grammar. 128. Collectives, which cannot well be treated partitively, require their attributes in the singu- lar, and vice versa ; bura lushkur aya tha wuhan, is waste humare log bhagc, a large army arrived there, on that accoimt our people Jled. 129. Though the situation of ka may be so far .-eversed, still it agrees best with our \, while the other genitive signs are certainly much better rendered by of. As the grand secret of intro- ducing ka properly rests on a perfect knowledge of the principles connected therewith, 29. 32. 33. &c. cannot be too well understood, especially as a competent idea of ka paves the way to a rapid progress in every department of the Hindoostanee. 130. Since ka is often dropped where we retain of, and vice versa, the following examples may prove useful ; adh s6r mukhun la,o uor ek ser doodh, bring a pound of butter and a quart of milk ; fikr ka luf?. mooshturik hue, yu,iine kudliee moozukkur kudhee moO|Unnus, the wordfikr is common, that is to say, sometimes masculine, sometimes feminine. 131. Ka frequently expresses (with or without of) worth, seldom size, bulk ; ek puese kee ufeem mutur bhur hogee, a penny-worth of opium is the sixe of a pea ; do roopu.e ka kupra dus roopu,e ke than se nu bechoonga, / won't sell two rotipee's worth of cloth from a piece worth ten. 132. Our /or and to ai;e often expressed by ka, so are the compounds tvriting-table, &c. where position alone makes a noun an adjective ; likhne kee mez pur pcene ka pance rukho koochh khane ke pliul sumet, put water for drinking on the writing-table, along with some fruit to eat. 133. When several words are connected together in a sentence, they seldom require above one sign of the case they are in, muen upne bap, ma, bete, bha,ee uor buhin ko khilata boon, I feed my father, mother, son, brother, and sister, where ko may or may not be affixed to them all, as tlie speaker chooses. 134. Ka, in particular (rather puzzling) situations, becomes ke by the ellipsis of pas, yihan, or some such words ; cos ke lurka aj hoga, her child will be born to-day ; huzrut Ibrahcem ke beta suo burns tuk nu hoo.a tha, the patriarch Abraham had no son for a himdred years. Were ka substitut- ed here for ke, the sense would be completely altered. 135. Ka is itself often dropt, so are the other postpositions ; Gunga jul, Ganges water, instead of Gunga ka panec ; upne ghur (ko) ja,o, go home ; upnee ankhon (se) dekha tuen ne ? hast thou a xlii • INTRODUCTION. seen with thine own ei/es ? ghore (kc) f)as mut yoonhee buetho uesa nu ho tcomko lat mare, do not sit near the horse thus, lest he Jack you. , 136. When ka is followed by ka in the same member of a sentence, the first of course becomes ke; but where there are two distinct parts, either disjunctive or conjunctive, both may remain as ka. Murd ke ghcolam ka bap, the marCs slave's father ; murd ka uor ghoolam ka bap, the man's and slave's father ; khane ka basun, ya peenc ka piyalu mere pas la,o, bring me a plate for eating off, or a cup for drinking. 137. A? in English and other languages, some of the postpositions occur prepositively, espe- cially the compounds, or those from tlie Persian and Arabic tongues ; Kulkutte se le Bunarus teen sua kos honge, from Calcutta to Bunarus the distance may he 600 miles ; bughuer (i) moorubbee (ke) in dinon (men) oos kee surfurazee kyoonkur hogee, without a patron now-a-days, how shall he acquire promotion ? ^:s:hv^\it{y .tA'i 138. Although one or other of the i^afuts i or ke ought, grammatically considered, tobe pre- served in such sentences as 137. still, in the hurry of conversation, they are too often omitted, and often indeed contracted, whence bidoon (i) Khooda mera iior ko,ee nuheen, except God I have no other friend ; mueii bujooz surf o nuho (ke) kgoclih uor nuheen janta, / know nothing hut grammar, are examples that drop i, ke, at pleasure. 139. In the Persian as well as Hindoostanee, the compound prepositions govern the genitive ; thus, pesli i hookuma zun bu nisbut i murd kum zurf ust, hukeemon ke age uorut bu nisbut murd ke kum zurf hue, among philosophers, woman, compared with man, is the weaker vessel. This in Hindee might also have bu nisbut i murd, dropping ke, or murd kee nisbut, omitting bu, agreeably to the comprehensive nature of this curious tongue. 140. When postpositions are otherwise nouns, adjectives, or verbs, as by 3.9. 30. 31. this alone may account for the ke, kee, or i, which they re(^uire in both languages ; and that the rule is not altogether ai-bitrary or fanciful, wo see in the Hindoostanee from these examples, uese bcemar ke huqq men tubeeb kya kuhta hue, what does the doctor say respecting such a patiatt ? ki loom isturuh (se) oose surd cheez nu khila,o, that you ought not in this manner to give him tilings of a cold nature to eat. 141. Analysis shows that' huqq above, is a noun here, meaning respecif, regard, and beemar ke huqq taen, signifies in regard to the patient ; but custom has not yet authorised the omission of men, whatever may happen through time to such phrases; on the contrary, isturuh se, thus, in this ma7i- ner, is already used with or without the se, and will probably soon, like — cds ke age (ko or men), hefore him, drop the postposition entirely. 142. The extensive application of the postpositions to various, and even opposite meanings, is well worth the serious notice of the student, who should always be led, by the general sense of the passage, to the particular force of this or that sign there, when translated into English. Bap ne bete ko ghur se bolaya uor cos se kuha hakim ke houkm se ki is ghur ko charon turuf se russee se ghero isee turuh se, the father called the son from the house, and said to him, by the magistrate's or ders, surround this house on all sides with a rope, in this manner. > INTRODUCTION. xliii 148. The former is one instance of a hundred that might ]k given in pr(X)f of the principle laid down, and illustrated purposely by se, from the frequency of its occurrence to annoy the learner in this way, yih lurka din ko kupra gule men nuheen rukhta, is ko muen kya kuroon is halut men muen lachar hoon tis pur bhee monft men bud nam hota hoon, the child in the day-time will not keep clothes on his back, what can I do with him, in this situation I am helpless, nevertheless I get into dis- grace for nothing. To the last, in like manner, a thousand similar sentences could be added, were any more necessary now. 144. Chhote sir ka admee, a man with a small head ; bure hath kee uorut, a woman with large hands, arc further proofs of the foregoing assertions ; it must be confessed, however, that these may also be thus rendered, on the obvious property that ka possesses as an adjective affix, a small headed man, a large handed woman. 145. When numerals accompany nouns, these often drop their inflective signs, and in certain combinations even their plural terminations ; teen sipahee (on) ne char murd (on) ko mara, three soldiers beat four men ; suo ghora nuwwab ke yuhan tha, a hundred horses were at the nuwwaVs. In our language a hundred horse signify ^ much more than a hundred horses, that the first conveys the idea of a like number of men, as troopers, along with them. 146. When nouns arc of the first declension, or rational beings are the object of discourse, the foregoing latitude of deviations seem inadmissible. Mere yuhan suo admee se kum nu honge, / cannot have less than a hundred men with me ; huzar ghore {or ghoron) se koochh kum hoga, then may be rather less than a thousand horses ; do ghoron {not ghore) ne char lurkon ko mara, two horses killed four boys. 147. Plurals, under pecuUar circumstances, take ka or ke indiscriminately, as the noun follow- ing may be viewed either individually or collectively ; dus murdon ka {or ke) sir kat dalega, he will cut off the heads of ten men. 148. Arabic plurals are not only in use as such in the Hindoostanee, but occasionally are treated as singulars, and under l)oth circumstances, moreover, admit of Hindcc plural inflections ; wuhan ke oomura,on ka yih bhee ek oomura hue, he is also a grandee among the grandees of that place ; aj kul kee ukhbaron men umeer ool oomura kuhlata hue, in the papers of tlie present time he is also term- ed a noble of the nobles. 149. When the possessive sign happens to be ambiguous, the precise meaning can be thus ascer- tained, Yu,uqoob kee tusweer, Jacob's picture ; Yu,uqoob ke yuhan kee tuswccr, Jacob's property ; Yu,uqoob kee soorut kee tusweer, Jacob's likeness ; Yu,iiqoob ke hath kee tusweer, Jacob's perfor- mance. 150. Wh 155. A few double postpositions may probably be met with, either as allowable pleonasms or vulgar errors, which cannot well be now corrected ; wuhan ke surdar ne cos kotwal ke tu,een ko mardala, the commanding officer of that place slew the police officer ; fil-huqeequt men uhwal yoon hue, the story in fact is thus ; ap kee bu duolut se, by your worship's auspices. 156. Instead, of the ordinary Hindoostanee plurals, those of the Persian and Arabic forms are frequently introduced, especially in written documents, letters, &c. whence chuokiyat, uorat, mustoor-at, soobu-jat, zllu-jat, qllu,u-jat, purwanu-jat, karkhanu-jat, with thousands more, for chuokiyari, chairs ; uorten, women ; soobe, provi7ices ; zilu.e, districts ; qilu.e, castles ; purwane, orders ; karkhane, mamfaclories, almost exactly as we do data, radii, phenomena, in English. 157. As ure, re, are rather contemptuous vocative signs, it is much better to adopt the prefixes ue, e, ya, o, he, for the singular ; ue lurke, O hoy I not lurke re. In the plural even, these pre- fixes may be met with so, ue lurke kuhan jatc ho .'' O boys, where are you going? * The learner ought to be on his guard against the suggestions of an ignorant Moonshee in exam- ples like the above, because he will often pronounce them wrong, by viewing the subject from a different quarter, or through another medium than I have done. For instance, he will always be apt to say, ub ke sal, without reflecting on the nominative and inflective forms evident in ub ka sal buhoot gurm hue, this year is very warm, and ub ke sal (men) muen wuhan ja|Oonga, / will go there (during) this year. INTRODUCTION. id%- 158. For the use of inflections for nominatives, and of tliese for accusatives, the scholar may look back to 20. and forwards to the regimen of verbs, for ample information, as the activity and perfection of the verbs is in general the cause of all the peculiarities here. 159. When a causal sign is used in Hindoostanee, merely to denote the accusative case, or a mere adverbial expression, of course the sign is totally omitted in English : oon ghureebon ko kaiie ko maroge ? why mil you beat those poor people? jane de oonko, nuhcen to hum tiom ko khoob peetenge, let than alone or I will thrash you. 160. When the dative happens to be the sign in question, we may either insert or omit it in our language, though as an accusative case it must invariably be omitted there, sometimes in com- pliance with the nature of the verb Introduced : tcnmne lurke se kuha ? Aid you tell (or say to) the boy ? cosne ek kitab moojh ko dee, he gave a book to me, or he gave me a book, in which the verb is feminine, from the object being so ; a peculiarity to be explained in the subsequent pages. 161. In the above example, since kitab is the nominative, only used accusatively, agreeably to 26. there can be no objective sign in cither language necessary, as ghora la,o, and ghore ko la,o, must both be translated simply, bring the horse. 162. When inflections are met with, as in 135. without their postpositions, they occasionally acquire a kind of adverbial meaning : tuman fuoj wuhan pucron guya, the whole army went there on foot ; hum yuhan se chuokriyon guya, the deer went bounding hence ; lurka do ek muheenon men ghootnon {or godriyon) chuhie lugega, the child will begin to walk on all fours in the space of a month or two. 163. Some of the postpositions are more apt than others to be used promiscuously, as — oosne hum sc ip''' humare sath) buhoot dostee kee, he shewed me much friendship. It must moreover be recol- lected, that se likewise represents the adverb llian (quam) as the sign of comparison, and as such also governs the simple inflection, 47. 164. It is no easy task to be more particular on the subject of gender in the Hindoostanee lan- guage than in the preceding sheets, with much prospect of great precision on one side, or advantage on the other. Every Arabic word of the babi tufccl, like tuzreeb, tuzkeer, &c. is feminine ; so are a vast number of indeclinables in the singular, wliich terminate in a of the Arabic and Sunskrit, like doo,a, a prayer ; dufu,u, a time ; and bliak|ha, langxiage. Some scholars conceive, that nouns beginning with m, and denoting place or instrument, lean to the feminine, though I suspect this depends much more on the finals enumerated below. 165. The terminations r, h, 1, k, g, d, o, e, s, f, 1, m, monosyllables having ee, ue, e, for their vowels, with the names of most rivers and birds, incline much to the feminine gender. All the letters of the alphabet that as such end in e or 1 are feminine, the rest are masculine ; but wa,o is said to be of doubtful gender. 166. The power and preference which animate masculines possess in other languages over feminines, exist also in this ; but among inanimates here, vicinity and number, however, appear to confer a right on the feminines not always to be found in other languages : mere malee ke lurkee o lurka dono gore huen, the daughter and son of my gardener are both fair ; toomhare bete kee kitab xlvi ,, INTRODUCTION. o kaghuz yuhan pure hue, your son's book and paper are lying here ; Soolueman kee uorten, lur- kiyan, sulieliyaii uor lurke subhee uch-chhe the, SolmnerCs women, daughters, damsels, and sons were all good. 167. Every noun which the student has not some good reason for considering feminine, should be treated as mascuhne ; and wherever the example is rather dubious, it may, in a great many in- stances, be managed in one or other of the three following ways, without exposing the learner to any grammatical inaccuracy. 168. With the noun in question, 1st. an adjective not ending in a or u may be used ; 2d. the aorist may be substituted for the present ; and, 3d. the accusative case must be preferred to the nominative, introduced as such : shurab buhoot toorsh (instead of khuttee) hue, the wine is very sour ; khubur puhoonche to puhoonche (in lieu of sha,id puhoonchegee), the news will arrive ; ki cos ne fuoj ko ja mara (in preference to fuoj ja maree), that he assaulted the army. ADJECTIVES, 169. As with us, ought to precede their nouns ; but from the pliabUity of this tongue, their order is on many occasions reversed. When this occurs to Persian words, tlie i becomes requisite, nek murd, or murdi-nek, a virtuous man ; the first being termed sifut muosoof, an adjective Avith its qualified noun ; and the second, izafuti tuoseefee, that is, the genitive sign of quality. . ..^^ J,i4-t^,m 170. Adjectives here, as in all languages, are often used for and treated in their declension exactly as nouns, to such a degree that they even admit of other adjectives qualifying them as mere nouns: nadan duolutmundon uor uqlmund ghureebon kee poonjee men bura furq Imc, there is a great difference between the treasure of the ignorant rich and the sagacious poor. Were duolutmi^nd nadanon, &c. thus reversed, they would still apply as well as the- first. ^-^^ 171. Though adjectives agree, generally speaking, in gender, number, and case, still there is a wide deviation from the Latin and otlicr tongues, in the Hindoostanee examples like durwazu (or durwaze ko) kuon kala kurega ? who will make the door black ? jis shukhs ne dee war ko kala kiya, or jis shukhs ne deewar kalce kee, the person who made the wall black. 172. Although, from the general tendency of construction in this language, all adjectives ought to ao-ree with their nouns in gender, number, and case, it appears that the feminines only do so, and even then under certain limitations. Those foir girls who came, we lurkiyan goriyan jo aiCen tlieen, we goree lurkiyan, or we goriyan lurkiyan, are all more or less allowable in the order they now stand, and the same observation applies to those which follow, oon kee baten bholiyon sc, bholee baton se, baton bholiyon ,se, or bholiyon baton se, from their innocent words. It must nevertheless be confessed, that in ordinary conversation, and by authors in general, the adjective is prefixed to the noun in its simplest feminine state only. 173. The above mode of inflecting the adjectives is not applicable, except with numerals, to any masculines or indeclinable ad'ectiv«?s : vuhan ke uch-chhe (never uch-cjihon) lurkon ko oosne INTRODUCTION. xlvii bolaya, he hath invited the good hoys of this place; we teen ghore jate huen vruhan ke teenon mur- don ke waste, these three horses are going for the three men of that place. 174. Properly sjieakiiig, the Hindoostance, like the French, has no degrees of comparison, the increase or decrease of any adjective being cither expressed by auxiliary words, by repetition, or by the position and construction of the sentence denoting the comparative and superlative degrees. 175. The most natural mode of expressing the first degree seems to require the positive re- peated ; whence uch-chha, good ; uch-chha^uch-chha, good-good, or better ; and uch-chhe se uch- chha, good than good, or best, which probably in the infancy of all languages was the mode most obvious, and conse(iuently as such adopted ; an observation that may also be extended to the formation of plurals, at the earliest dawn of speech among men. 176. It is useless to enumerate all the subservient words here, like uor, more, which may be used as with us, because the whole will be found in the Dictionary ; nor can it be necessary to state more than the simple fact of Persian words having their degrees regularly marked ; thus, bih, good ; bih-tur, better ; bih-tur-ecn, best ; as the learner never can find such words at all difficult, when they really do occur in the Hindoostance, which, except in the instance of bihtur, and a few familiar adjectives, is, comparatively speaking, very seldom indeed. 177. The construction, which is equivalent to a comparative or superlative degree, will be immediately recognized in these examples : w position and language which deviates from the common conversation of the natives by the inversion and transposition of the various parts of speech, the learner should be prepared to meet with innu- merable deviations from the principles and examples here. 218. On such occasions, by reducing the inverted construction as nearly as possible, cceteris part- bus, to the common standard, the scholar will soon perceive apparent difficulties vanishing entirely. liv INTRODUCTION. especially if he will recollect that all the simple postpositions, as well as ka, ke, kee, the perfect active prefix ne, the emphatics ee, hee, bhee, with the cori-elatives to, so, tuesa, tuhan, are sequents to such a degree that they seldom, if ever, commence a period of any kind ; on the contrary, they almost as immediately follow their own leading words, as '« does our nouns in the genitive. 219. The foregoing principle, if recollected, will in general so far prevent the confusion which sometimes occurs where the same words are postpositions, conjunctions, adverbs, nouns, &c. be- cause every simple postposition must follow in immediate contact the noun it governs, unless when. ' it is emphatic, the ee intervenes. 220. Though ee, hee, come before postpositions, they may either precede or follow ne ; but this always takes the lead of bhee ; wooh Yu,uqoob hee ka luika tha, uor cos ne bhee pas malee ke ja- kur upne hath se coshee kee betee ke galon pur do do tumache mare, pur oos wuqt malee uor muea ne hee khoon sc baz rukha, peechhe Khoada jane lurke hee ne kya ghuzub kiya hue, lit. it was Jacob's boy and he also near gardener to having gone own hand with his daughter of cheeks on two two slaps struck, but then the gardener and I myself murder from prevented, afterwards God knows t/ie boy what mischief did. ki.'/I'' 221. In such instances ee, hee, commonly express rather individuality than identity ; they can- not therefore well precede the particle of association bhee in the same member of a sentence, aU tliough they may do so when a disjunctive intervenes ; oos (tiever oosee) ne bhee mara, he also beat ; muenhee ja,oonga, chaho toom bhee chulo, / will go myself, if you like you also may go ; chahiye ki muen aphee ja,oon, uor tmm bhee aphee ja,o, I must go myself, and yoii yourself also must go. ^H!* 222. A verb commonly agrees with its nominative in gender, number, and person ; hum bhee kuhte huen, ki jis roz eesa dar oos-sulam men puhooncha, beebee Muryum bhee wuhan thee, uor sath ooske ku,ee uorten uor bhee theen, toom jante ho ki Yuhood bhee is bat ke qa,il huen ki nu- heen, we likewise allege, that the day Jesus arrived at Jerusalem, the Virgin Mary also was there, and along with her ivere several other women ; do you know if the Jews allow this or not ? 223. Numbers, considered collectively, and individuals respectfully, often require singular and plural verbs accordingly ; suo ghora aya (or ghore a,e), a hundred horses came ; huzrut eesa beebee' Muryum ke bete the, our Lord Jesus was the son of Mary. 224. When the numbers apply to human beings, the plural verb seems necessary ; but when in- dividuals are honoured, those only of the second declension and in the nominative plural, or among the pronouns, are made plural, to agree as above with the verb in that number ; suo admce a,e the {never aya tha), a hundred persons came ; shuhzadee kul suwar hoo,a chahteen huen, the princess is nhoid to depart to-morrow ; jo oon beebee ne dekha in sir khoole buchon ko, when that lady saw these children bareheaded. 22a. Every inflectible nominative (hut muen, tuen), before a complete perfect active verb, re- efuires ne, and is either with this expressed or understood ; when ne is expressed, the inflection must ■"De used in lieu of the simple nominative ; gore ne ghore ko duoraya, the European ran the horse ; ghoron ne gofon ko kata, the horses bit the Europeans ; wooh do lurke dekhe, oos ne do lurke dekhe, dfeklie do lurke, or oos ne do lurkon ko dekha, he saw two boys. * '•■ --r INTRODUCTION. 1«! 226. From the above it will now be evident, that the complete' perfect tenses of active transitive verbs are seldom in concord with their nominative, although they or ne certainly throw such no- minatives, when practicable, into their inflections, as already illustrated. 227. Except with luuen, hum, frecjuently, and tuen, loom, more rarely, ne is always exjiressed, unless in the corrupt dialect of the Hindoostanee, peculiar to Bungalu, of which, wooh do lurke dekhe, is an instance in point, but not to be imitated by the real Hindoostanee scholar. 228. When numerals accompany these inflected nominatives, unless emphasis or totality be iitt- plied, the inflection is less necessary ; teen ne mare charon, three beat the four ; charon ne mara teen ko, the four beat three. 229. The power which transitives have of prefixing ne by 26. is lost the momait they are conv- pounded with any neuter verb ; muen ne khana kliaya, / have eat my dinner ; rouen kha-chooka, / hane done eMinf^. 230. Boliia, to speak ; lana, to bring; bhoolna, to forget ; duma, to fear ; chookna, to miss, end, &c. ; luma, to fight, and a few others, though apparently transitives, nevertheless do not atlmit ne ; tuen ne kuha, thou said ; tuen bola, thou spoke ; tcnm ne liya, you took ; we la,e the, (hey had hrougM. 231. Actives taken abstractly, or transitives considered intransitively, drop ne, a.nd r^ice versa ; wooh upnc jee men socha tha, he reflected in his mind ; sabir ueyoob upne dil men khoob bichara, the patient Job considered well in his own breast ; oos lurke ne mcxyh se ujub khel khela, tJie boy played me a pretty trick ; oon uorton ne bhula nach nacha, those women danced a capital dance. 223. All transitive perfect preterites, where ne is either expressed or understood, agree in gender and number with their objects, when these have not the accusative signs, ko, ke tu,een, e, en ; wliere these occur, the verb is then so far in a neuter state, that it preserves no concord whatever with either its subject or object, even in the auxiliary, aorist, or future signs ; lurkon ne lurkiyan mareen huen, tlie boys beat the girls ; lurkiyon ne lurkon ko mara hue, the girls beat the boys ; oon murdon ne yihee bat kuhee hue, age kahe ko poochhte ho, tlwse men used this very ea/pression, why do ymi ask farther ? muen ne shurab ko piya hoga, I may have drmik the wine ,• jo tuen ne mara hue, if t/iou have beaten. 233. When ko, &c. appear as dative signs, along with another object to tlie verb, they cannot then make it neuter for the most obvious reasons ; oos ne sub glwre padshah ko diye, he gave all the horses to tfie king. 234. One ne placed after a string of inflections as nominatives, applies to them all generally or alternately ; oos shuhur ke murdon, uorton, lurkon, subhon nc Haroon ko dekha hue, lit. that city''s men, women, children, all Aaron {to) seen have. 235. Neither tlie pluperfect participle, nor imperfect tenses, require ne, though the doubtful per- fect does ; oos wuqt ghur men puhoonchkur lurka khana khata tha, uor oos ka blia,ee pance peeta hoga, tubhee apus men nonhon ne yih bat kuhee hogee, the boy, after arriving at home, was eating his dinner, and his brother may have then been drinking water, whence they may have used such ane*" pression among theirselves. M INTRODUCTION. 236. From the premises it follows, that the compound perfect tenses of active verbs, in which the preterite is the leading portion, admit of ne, while those which have the present there do not ; kuon likhta tha, who roas writing ? tcomhara beta likhta hoga, your son xvas probably writing ; is bunde ne likha hoga, this slave may have zoritten. 237. Whenever ne appears depending on the pluperfect participle, it may in general be traced to some other form of the verb expressed or understood, kuliyon ne dekh shokhiye goolcheen ko, is qudur upna lohoo piya, ki huen poorkhoon-duhun hunoz, when the -buds beheld the impudence of the Jlorist, they became so inflamed leith anger, that to this day they are red with rage, 238. That hum, we, though applicable to or assumed by one person for /, is as much a real plu- ral as toom, yov, which is bestowed on an individual in the Hindoostanee and all the modern lan- guages, must be evident to every scholar from the following and a thousand such examples ; muen padshah ka muskhuru boon, too kis ka, / am the Icing's biiffbon, whose art thou ? muen upne bap ka beta hoon, or hum upne bap ke bete huen toom kis ke, / am myjathers son, whose are you ? 239. When the nominative of a verb is transformed completely from the feminine to the mascu- line state, or vice versa, the verb nevertheless does not agree with the result, whatever that may- pro tempore be : yih keera ek ghuree men mukhee hoja,ega, uor woohee mukhee ek roz ke urse men keera phir hogee, this maggot will become ajly in an hour, and in a day after, that veryjly will again become a worm. 240. The licence of poetry, the completion of an event, or the application of logic, hath so far induced Suoda, and perhaps others, to reverse the above principle so completely, that we meet with such examples, ek ke ghur men beta pueda hoo,a cos ne fuqeer se zahir kiya ki ap ke furmane se lurka to hoo,a lekin beta, durwesh ne kuha bhula baba betee hee hogee, Khooda kee qoodrut se uor fuqeer kee zuban ke subub wooheen wooh lurka lurkee hogu,ee, a son was born in one's house, wlio told a monk, that as he had predicted a child was brought forth, but it was a male ; the sage observed, well, it shall be a girl ; and by the power of God and the blessing of his servant, the son became a daugh- ter. Dee thee Khooda ne ankh pur nasoor hoguya, instead of hogUiCe, agreeably to the practice of the present day. 241. When the nominative is at some distance, and a relative intervenes, the last principle seems predominant ; but the requisite construction in such examples appears at best very dubious, since they can say, — kuneezuk padshah ke pas a,ee, kyoonki wooh oos ka mal ho chookee thee, the girl approached the Icing as she had become his property ; shah ne sipahee ko kuneezuk bukhshee, wojh to sipahee ka mal ho chooka, the Icing then gave tlie girl to a soldier, and she now became the soldier''s property. 242. The negatives nuheen, nu, mut, are promiscuously used, either before or after verbs, but the last is generally restricted to the imperative forms, and nu is preferred to nuheen, where this would prove inconvenient or less melodious, as it is seldom, if ever, used imperatively, and in particular combinations nuheen may offend the ear with too may nasals, which nu so far pre- vents. INTRODUCTION. . Ivii 243. Nulieen may also be preferred as a more emphatic, and to prevent confusion witli ne ; mueii ne nuheen kuha ki nu ja,oonga (or muen nuheen) ja,oonga, / did not say that J won't go, (7 will not go)- 244. The present and mere past tenses of tlie auxiliary verbs are much intermixed with each other, nay, tha, was, is often expressed by lioon, am, &c. ; gurni panee Iiue, is there A*f water ? panee gurm hue, ts the water hot ? panee gurm hoo,a, is the water (yet made) hoi ? tram kud se wu- han niiokur lio, how long have you heen (are you) a servant there ? muen do burns sc lioon, 7 have been (am) so these two years ; cos sal yad rukhiyo wculi bhee Kulkutte men hue, recollect that he also was (is) at Calcutta that year. 245. As boo,a commonly implies the change from one state to another, and hue the mere exist- ence of any thing, little sagacity is requisite to perceive, that these words ought in strict propriety to be frequently translated variously ; toom kuhan kc surdar ho, of what jilace are you the comman- der ? toom kuhan ke surdar hoo,c, o/" what place are you (become, made, appointed, Sec.) the comman- der? wooh upne kam men surgurm hue, he is zealous in his calling, if expressed by hoo,a, would im- ply, that he is now become so, but was not zealous before. <>J'>S"ig-serva7it. sliutrunj-baz, a chess-jilayer. gor-kun, a grave-digger. tuklit-nusheen, seated on a throne. rali-nooma, a conductor. See the British Indian Monitor, Vol. I. from page 93 to 103. ♦Under the conjugation of the verbs, in pages xxxvii and xxxix, having inserted the Oriental names of the various tenses, along with their English designations, in order to facilitate the learner's colloquial intercourse on such a theme with his native teacher, it has been deemed expe- dient to subjoin also in this place those grammatical terms in common use among the Mcosulmans, although the whole (including the technical words used by the Hindoos) will in general be found under their respective heads in the first volume of the work, and must again occur in the second volume, more amplv explained than can well be done at present. Definite article, hurfi tu,ureef; indefinite article, hurfi tunkeer ; noun, ism; pronoun, zumeer ; adjective, sifut ; singular, wahid; dual, tusniyu ; plural, jumu; case, halut; number, seeghu ; masculine, tuzkecr ; feminine, tanees ; verb, fi,ul ; tense, zumanu or seeghu ; active verb, fi,ul moo- tUjUddee ; passive voice, seeghu,e mujhool ; neuter verb, fi,uli lazimee ; 1st person, mootukulhm ; 2 t>4; '' ' ■' '^■■"' •'■• ^' '.' r..,li''. Independent of the literary exertions of my friend Mr. Roebuck, already stated, he has completed the Second Volume of the British Indian Monitor, a second edition of the English and Hindoo- stance Dialogues, and has also collected such materials for the Third Volume of the British Indian Monitor, as will enable me, if duly assisted and encouraged by the intermediate sale of other publi- cations, to print it in the course of the current year, which will thus put it in my power to preform .a21 my engagements as an author, with credit to myself, and real advantage to the community. Ki.l .'ff(Ct,d' DICTIONARY, ENGLISH AND HINDOOSTANEE. Oj has uniformly a broad sound, as in all. a, (or an) the indefinite article of unity, is either expressed by the numeral ek, 07ie, or found (as in Latin) in the simple noun ; thus, in Suoda, JSk dil mila ki jis men huen suekron mulole: I have found a heart in which there are many sorrows. And again in this verse, Khoolta hue ubhee pul men tilismat juhan ka : Nowthecharm of this world in a »«o>»«n< dissolves. a, before participles, is either rendered by ko, to; they went a-swimming, puerne ko gu,e: or by the inflection of the verbal noun only ; thus, they went a-walking, phirne gu,e ; v. on. a, implying proportion, peechhe, sure, fee; thus, how much is his income w-year ? burus peech- he cos kee ketee amud hue? how much n- chair? sure chuokee keta? five rupees «-yard, fee guz pancli rnopu,e. Tliese particles are nevertheless often omitted. How much a-pair ? kete jora ? how much a-piece .' kete than ? y.for, per, kc. ABA a, where it means any, every, each, is expressed by ko,ee, and the particles already enumerated, or by a repetition of the word; whence roz roz, admee admee, burus burus, are often found signifying a day, a man, a year, see each, &c. also British Indian Monitor, Vol. I. p. 139. abaft, pichhwara, v. behind, rear. to abandoti, chhorna, turk-k. v. to desert. abandoned, oojar, v. deserted; chuor chuoput, khooda.ee khwar, v. prminafe, door-bhagna, v. to abhor. abemination, udawut, &c. v. ahhorrewe, nufnit- •- ungezee,v.«6«centYoi'e 07ie anot/ier, tul-oopur, neeche-oopur, ek- pur-ek. from above, oopur-se. to be above any business, &c. khuench rukhna, V. to sCom. above cited, &c. murqoom, muzljoor, mrosharoon- ileh, moomuileh, muosoof, mumdooh, nam- •'^ Ijoordu, woohee. -^ -'•»'*- above all, puehle, uwwul or uwwulun, age or agoo, motKpiddiim, pirthum, sub se puehle. above hoard, hhfula-khonlee, pur-ghut, ulaniyu, ashkara, burniula, mule muedan, prikashit. above mentioned, muzfcoor, mustoor, v. aforesaid. above measure, buhoot, hudd-se-ziyadu, be-hudd. to abmtnd, pa>r- mu,umoor- bhurpoor- poorun- -h. V. ahtnidant, oomundna, bhurna, phoot- • .purna, v. to swarm. about, aspas, gird-pesh, gird-bu-gird or gird- a-gird, eedhur-oodhur, nuzdeek, pas, nikut, kihan, eehan, v. nearly, (indirect) plier, pher- kur, ghooin, v. mi, &c. ; all about, sub idhur ood hur, V. here, Sec. ; to come about, j)hirna, v. to return, pre pare, &c. {near, around, &c.) qureeb, lug bhug, ek; I have given him abo^tt ten ra- pees, COS ko nupUiC dus ek diye muen ne; (.t&ti->itnt academical, mudrusanu, v. student, &c. academy, mudrusu, muktub, chut-sal, v. college, acajow, (cashew nut) hijlee-kejoo or furungee- badam, (the fruit) kejoo? .■wsiwvstawft ./ acanthus, (holly-leaved) hurkut, har-joora. to accede, razee-li. manna, v. to agree, &c. to accelerate, chulana, juld-k. v. to expedite, acceleration, v. the verb, accent, (tone) luhju, soor, dhurun, zurb, dhukka, hurkut, mat, v. jioint, &c. jhiruk, v. emphasis, (pronunciation) mukhruj, qira,ut. to accent, zurb-lugana, (to protwunce) mukhruj uda-k. >f"i!':4 ^'''•«f*!*'!» .'ii'^'^rrii}!! to accept, qubool- pusund-k. lena, le-lena, rukh- na, manna, v. to receive (a bill) sukarna. . acceptable, khn>sh, khoob, bihtur, uchchha, bhula, ' mun-bha,ona, muqbool, moubaruk, uhsun, mut- boo,n, V. agreeable, mcDstujab, (in comp.) pu- sund, puzeer, khwa, v. grateful. x&~\»^ .> to be acceptable, khrosh- &c. -ana or -lugna, bhana, v. to please, acceptance, pusund, qubooliyut, or rather a deed of acceptance, v. choice. - ta^nahuif^ww - acceptation, acception, (of a word) mu,unee, urth, the received acceptation of a zcord, istilahee- mu,unee, opposed to loghwee-muunee, the literal meaning, v. reception, access, rusa,ee, goozara, goozur, rah, dur-amud, bar, puhoonch, pueth, ghoos pueth, dukhl, bar- yabec, ((f a fever) nuobut, baree, churhao. to have access, nisa,ee-h. or -pana, v. admission, to arrive, go, come, kc. ACC ACC Mcessary, sathee, sungee, sunghatee, rufeeq, hum- • rah, V. accomplice. occewiW^, puhoonchunlla^,churlla,oo,mcDmkinood- . dookhool, churhne jog, jane jog, milunhar, V. affable. :A>fi-uv)v. accession, y. access, (/'oa"'»wttf« account, janna, ginna, boojhna; to account Jbr, sumjhana, jutana, butlana, thikana-k. dula- luUk. V. to answer Jbr, count, &c. , jr^j,;^,., accountable, zaraiii, moohasibu-dar or tulub, v. responsible. accountant, accomptant, mootusuddee, moohurrir, nuwee-sindu, lekhuk, deewan, unkuk, kagli- uzee, hisab-nuwees, v. arithmetician, cashier, account-book, duftur, buhee, tubluq. to accoutre, sujawut-k. sujna, v. to dress. accoutrement, posliak, libas, saz-saman, saj-sumaj, surinjam, saz-iraq, saz-baz, v. armed, dress. accretion, juma,o, v. to concrete. '.wKtii* to accrue, oopujna, phulna, fa,idu-hasilJi. v. to result, hoaa, luhaa, v. to get. to accumulate, furalium-k. jorna, butorna, v. to collect., ■nt)fmA . -!*,3*» accumulation, kusrut, bcoUtat, v. coUecticm. accuracy, accuraleness, sihhut, diqqut, udd, soort, V. exactness. accurate, {person) chuokus, soorta, kliura, chut- oora, Looshiyar, u-chook, {book, &c.) suheeh, theek, v. right. >»si»U>m> accurately, sihhut-se, soort-se. accursed, randu, niuloon, lu,cen, v. damned. accusation, du,uwa, buramud, mulamut, t.u.unu, | tu,unu-zunee, ittiham, toofan, ninda, v. cluirge^ calumny, expostulation, complaint, &c. ., accusative case, mufiwl, kurum karuk. to accuse, du,iiwa-k. Sec. niiiottuhim-k. v. to cri- minate, thuhrana, lugana, {to blame) oolahna- -tl. dosna, clhansa-d. v. to complain. accuser, niooddu,ec, badee, {Jig.) gculoogeer, da- mun-geer, gure-ban-geer, v. complainant. to accustom, udut-dalna, inu,umool-bandhna ; to be accustomed, adee-b. Stc. v. to Jiabituate, sikhana, duorana, Uolana, Una, tnoostu,umil-k. V. to train, use, &c. „ooit -v* nuA .A-'Ainl accustomed, adee, kho-gur, kho-pizeer, ubbhya- see, mu.uloof, umulee ; to be accustomed (in, a bad sense) purukna. ace, {of cards) ekka, ekloo, {figurative) rutee, v.Jot, {of dice) puo, v. unit. acetous, accescent, acidulous, khutta-sa, sirka-sa, tc»rshee-ma,il, v, sour. ache, dke, durd, dooh, peer, bedun. ^ to ache, pirana, dookhna, durd-k. ^ ^^n»bi oJ-.V to achieve, mar-ootarna, sur-rast-k, v. to acccmu^ ' plish. , achievement, jokhini, v. the verb, also exploit, achiever, surburah-kar. ^ acid, khutta, toorsh, umul. ,« ^\t^ \^^ - acidity, acidness, khuta,ee, toorshee. Jjv oi t to acidulate, khuUa-k. to acknowledge, iqrar-iutiraf-k. qa,il-h. v. to al- low, {a Javour) ihsan-manna, shookr gooja^ acknowledgment, i,utiraf^ munuotee, munut, v, confession, present, (gratitude) shooki'-gfozaree, shcukranu, gcunabad, (ofliomage in kind) pe^ih^ kush, nuzr. acnw, dhion, v. lieigJU, &c. ^Wiwl acorn, buloot. to acquaint, khubur-iuilu,u-d. suniacbar-kuboaf ngah-k. v. to advise, inform, &c. : ,;;> ACB 8 ACT acquaintance, ashna,ee,chinha, o,cIieena, poorchha, V. knowledge, rubt, tu.aroof, waqifiyut, rooshi- nasee, deed-shineed, {the person) ashna, roo- shinas, soorut-ashna, chinharee, \. friend. acquainted, muhrum, muhrum-kar, v. conversant, {slightly) soorut-ashna or -sliinas, {with the temper of) mizaj-dan. to be acquainted, ashna-agah-waqif-moottulu,u, gyanee-h. janna, puhchanna, ashna,ee- &c. -rukhna, v. acquaintance. to acquiesce, khmsh- ruzamund- pursun-h. are- bule-k. han or boon han-k. ruwadar-h. v. to I agree, to consent. acquiescence, ruz.amundee, khwsh-noodee, istirza, pursunta, murzee, v. approbation. acquirable, milun-jog, mooyussur, kusubee, milne- &c. -jog, pane-jog, v. attainable. to acquire, kumana, hasil-k. pueda-k. istifadu-k. ooparjun-k. khutana, v. to attain. >«f>H« Jii«i ,1ie«p»t>^> ADD ADI actor, bhand, suwangee, buliroopiya, nuqqal, Ay. agent. sJin^^.^-^^ actress, bhandin, suwangin,bhanmutee,niiqqalin. actwil,nrtualli/,mroq\iTrur, theek, sucli, siit, rast, • yuqeenee, tuhqeeq, waqu,ee, dnjroost, nufsaul- umr, filhuqeequt, ulhuqq, uwusli, nishchue, to actuate, mootuhurrik-k. hurkut- tuhreek-d. V. to act. actcte, zukee, zuheen, zeeruk, chutror, sooita, boorran, v. sharp ; nok-dar, r. pointed ; (vio- lent) shudeed, kuthin, juolan, tichhum, (pe- netrating) tez-tiibii,ii or iiql, (severe) bura, v. e.vpessive. acjiteness, zukawut, zihn, juodut, zcoka, zeeru- kee, scort, chutoura,ee, juolanee, tez-fuhmee, (of a disease, &c.) sliiddiit, sukhtee, kiislit, ^sharpness) tezee, toondee, nok-daree. adage, muqoolu, kuhawut, v. proverb. adamant, heera, ulmas, v. magnet, &c. Adani's apple, (iw anatomy) kunth, ghantee. to adapt, humwar- suman- theek- dooroost-k. v. conform. to add, jorna, lugana, milana, puewimd-k. wusl-, izafu- zum-k. (figures) jumu,u-k. guthree-k. theek-d. meezau-d. v. to augment. adder, surp, v. snake. to addict, adee-k. &c. kho-dalna, v. addicted, to devote, &c. addicted, adee, ainil, kho-gur, ubbhyasee, lut- zudu, mooqueyud, goodiya, utnulee, v. devoted. addition, v. the verb, (in arithmetic) theek, .i-meezan, (additament) jor, puewund, ilhaq, , -4i.iv. angmentatioii, increase, &c. (to breed, &c.) salun, alun. additional, ziyadu, eezad, muzeed, udhik, ilhaq- ee, (allowance) bhata. addle, gundu, khakee, (-pated) gimdu mugliz, ; khakee buezu. ^^..' i"- .^ address, iltimas, nibedun, v. petition, suleequ, joogut, hikmut, undaz, v. behavkntr, dexterity, (of a letter) sur-namu, ulqab, (where to find one) piita, thikana, nam o nishan, unooswar, V. direction, (rompUmeJitary) adab ulqab,mun- gulachar, v. skill, bolee bailee, stokhun-sazee, V. delivery, (title) khitab, turz, v. manner. "' to address, kuhna, soikhun saz-h. bat-k. (respect- fully) iirz-k. nibedun-k. bolna, mookha*ib-k. khitab-k. zuban-kholna, v. to speak ; (us a stiitor) durkh\yast-k. addressed, mukhatub. to adduce, butlana, kuhna, izhar-k. adept, kamil, sa,ir, hadiq, ha7.iq,v. perfect, mahir, oostad, banee, banee-kar, poora, pukka, pur- been, pookhtu, muzboot, mcostu,id, jami ool kumalat, nuqqad, naqid, mmbussir, beena, V. clever, (in literature) iillamu, moohuqqiq, pundit. adequate, burabur, suman, kafee, bus, poora, qabil, joga ; to be adequate, kifayut- wufa-k. kafee- &c. -h. v. correspondent, &c. fii'.*5£^1 adequately, undaze-se, v. proportionably, &c. to adhere, chipukna, ehipchipana, v. to stick, lugna, liputna, chimurna, chimutna, piluchna, (to a person, &c.) sabit- gutha- Uiga-nihna. adherence, v. adhesion, wufa-daree, rifaqut, sabit- qudumee, gurwcedugee, luga,o, gutha,o, dhee- ruj, istiqlal, isti{)amut. adherent, adherer, rufeeq, sathee, sungee, wa- bustu, (vulg. awabust) mootu.ulliq, mootuwus- sul, ulaqu-dar, pichh-luga, higa-lipta, rolfutee- bundu, V. dependent. adhesion, adherency, lipta,o, chipka,o, puewustu- gee, V. tenacity. adhesive, hislusa, chipchipa, lus-dar, lubluba, loo,ab-dar, luzij. • ■",» adieu, ul\vida,u, ullah-belee, khooda-hafiz, ees- B ADM ^j|0 •ADO hoor ko sonpa, sulam, sulamoon uluekoom, nu- mus kar, v. salutation, adit, soorung, v. mine, adjacent, \}xg!i, danda menda, v. contiguous, near, &c. mooliiiq, niaolsiq. adjacency, qoorb, ittisal, nuzdeekee, juwar. adjective, (jioitn) sifut, bishesliun ; an adjective with its noun, sifut-muosoof, i. e. qualified ; a simple {unqualified) noun being called, ism, V. the Monitdr, vol. ii. p. 521 and 527. to adjoin, mila-luga-joota-h. mcottusil-h, pue- wustu-h. V. to join. to adjourn, naghu- muoqoof- untur-k. adjournment, tu,uteel, naghu, untur. to adjudge, hookm-k. v. to award, adjunct, adjunction, adjtmctive, ilhaq, racolhuq. to adjure, qusum- suogund- kiriya- suonli-d. or khilana. to adjust, chookana, fiiesulu-k. dooraost-k. &c. suhejna, jumkana, suentna, bunana, v. to settle, phurcha-k. v. to terminate, {scales) dhura- bandjina, v. to regulate; to fie.^c(/ws^edjtCU«ok- na, fuesul-h. &c. ■.^^.,„h,.,, ,.Uvi.»»i'i'>»^'.«««85ni advertence, advertency, ghuor, &c. v. attention. to advertise, zahir-izhar-sha,i,u-k. v. to advise. advertisement, ishtihar, v. advice, ishtiliar-namu. advertiser, mookhbir, khubiir-dar, shuhr-khubra ; the last is a public officer in cities, towns, &c. advice, musluhut, sulah, muntur, mushwurut, tudbeer, suwab-deed, kuha, kingash, v. coun- sel, instruction, (intelligence) khubur, pi. ukh- bar, ittila,ii, sumachar, v. iiiformation. to advise, v. a. nuseehut-d. &c. (to infoi-m) khu- bur-d. khuburdar-k. chitana, butlana, kuhna, niutna, soonana, v. to persuade, v. n. muslu- hut- &c. -lena, (to he informed) khuburdar-h. chetna. advisable, la,iq, mu,uqool, moonasib, unsub, usluh, inoostuhsun, joga, bihtur, sulah-wuqt, V. proper. adviser, wa,iz, kuleed-uql, v. counsellor, monitor. adulation, khrosh-amud, chaploosee, lujajut, su- majut, luUo putto. adidator, khoosh-amudee, v. flatterer, &c. adult, baligh, juwan, turoon, bura. to adulterate, khonta- miluonee- &c. -k. v. to mix. adulterated, kbonta, kurra, qulb, mekkee, ghi- lafee, umulee, tugliulloobee, v. corrupt. adulteration, khonta,ee, kuput, tughuUoob, v. the verb. adulterer, zina-kar, fajir, swuerun, in the Jem. swuerunee, moohsiiiu, v. fornicator. adulteress, chhinal, zaniyu, fasiqu, fajiru, fahi- shu, V. wliore. adultery, chhinala, zina, fisq-foojoor, zina-karee; to commit adultery, chhinala-k. adultness, brolooghut, v. adult, and maturity. advocate, hamee, shufee,u, oree, puchhee, v. pU' tron, izc. 'iiji.i ^'iiiAxH vi^it,\ adz, busoola, teshu. ^idiaq mnisl-ti' t'lhiKj aerial, huwa,ee, V. airy. F.li j'taa isf.-.ij^' eL q/ar, dooT-se, V. Jar. fjftaHl,-»i',i*ii»iS«iA ia^.. :.••.•;, a Jew, ku,ee-ek, do-teen, ek-adh, do-ek, thhore- se, luDZvvee, koochh-ek, bU|Uz.i-ek, bu,uzee- ko,ee, V.Jew. affability, aff'ableness, mooruwwut, moolayimut, hilm, hoosn i khoolq, lootf, v. civility. ' ,S(.pIj« o\ affable, sahib-mojruwwut, mooruwuttee, ba-nioo- ruvvwut, also affably, v. courteous, huleem, mojlayim. affair, mooquddumu, umr, tumashu, qissu, quz--, ee,u, majiru, roodad, v. concern, &c. bat, karuj, babut, ma3,amilut, maddu. ,r^.u' ,.'i-;'j:i affairs, len-den, dena-pana, dadsitud, kamkaj, V. matter; worldly affairs, oomoorat i dooniyu- wee. affect, usur, taseer, umul, kar, khassiyut, hookm, , nuqsh. to affect, usur- &c. -k. or -rukhna, khojbhna, buethna, lugna, gurna, churhna, byapna, beendhna, ruclina, turashna, v. to penetrate, (to assume) ukhz- ikhtiyar-k. (tojeign) heelu-, mis-k. In Arabic there is a particular conju- gation to express this by ; thus, tujahool-kurna, to affect ignorance, {youth when o/J)boorbhus-k. V. to arrogate, to ape, pretend, &c. affectation, {sham, q. v.) mukr, heelu, riya, buha- nu, fureb, suwang, dimbh, bhugul, nukhru, uent-muror, un-gun, thun-gun, naz-nukhru, nukhru-bazee, v. airs, (in speaking) zuban- turashee, v. pretence, (ostentation) fukhr, fukh- riyu, nooma,ish, bunawut, chhulawa. affected, {grieved, q. v.) mughmoom, mulool, ghumgeen, durd-nak, dookhee •,Jidl of affecta- tion, mukkar, nukhre-baz,bhoor-bhooriya,boor- bhusiya, y.Jastidious, conceited, &c. AFP 18 AFT qffectiotiately, durd-se, pyar-se. jjwasb tW'Jiai affection, {love) isliq, jee, v. heaH, moohubbut, t»Ifut, mihr, lag, hit, neh, suneh, prem, chholi, lugun, lar, doolar, preet, v. desire, {maternal) pet kee ag, {of a parent) durd, kii-pa, tupak, V. passion, quality, pity, &c. arizu, v. disorder. affecting, durd-ungez, jan-soz, v. moving. affectionate, shufeeq, moohib, colfutee, chahuk, chhohee, v. benevolent, niooturuhliini,murohee, muya-wunt, duya-sheel, \.fond,tender,warm. affidavit, dibbi, zuban-bundee, v. declaration, oath. affinity, nisbut, moonasubut, ulaqu, luga,o, mel, sum-bundh, {liy marriage) byaha dhuree, v. al- liance. to affirm, iqrar- bacha-k. kuhna, buchun-harna or -dena. affirmation, qurar, iqrar, i,iitiraf, qupj, bacha, bachuk, buchun, dU|Uwa. ,:", affirmative, mccsbit, moojibu, khuburee, v. indi- cative, assertion. .\i.,'it>AuL&^,^ affirmer, mooqir, maD,u,uturif. to affiw, jorna, lugana, pue^vund-k. to afflict, sutana, tukleef- &c. -d, runjeedu- S:c. -k. mama, torna, v. to torment. affiicted, sogwar, ghum-nak, piireshan, durd- mund, ufsoordu, runjoor, mookuddur, diqq, racDzturib, miihzoon, dil-sokhtu, v. grieved, ulum- ghum- situm- zudu- or -ruseedu, afut- -mara or -zudu, dil- or jigur-jula, dookhiya, dookhiyara, dookh-mara, kulesee, shoreedu- -khatir or hal, dil-tupeedu, dil-khustu, moot- tila, V. dejected. to be affiicted, koorhna, kulupna, dookh- azar- &c. -pana. affliction, tukleef, tusdee.n, eeza, uziyut, zuh- mut, runj, runjeedugee, undoli, azaordugee, dil-geeree, dil-sokhtugee, bitha, mulola, mus- osa, ghum, saD.oobut, koodoorut, ghoobar, ku- n '(Balu, apda, bules, hcozn, mulal, husrut, tu,ug- scof, durd, durmandugee, ashob, diqqut, azar, sogwaree, &c. v. supra, sog, juluii, soz, run- jish, musliu(}qut, mulalut, shiddut, v. utiguish, grief, also misery, affiuertce, furaghut, asoodu-halee, asoodugee, dhunwuntee, v. wealth, opulence, he. afflueni, asoodu-hal, ghunee, moorufruh, maitum- uwwil, dhunee, bhagiwan, mal a mal, ughana, V. rich, opulent, affiux, buha,o, ijtimu,u, v. concourse, flotving. to affitrd, dena, bukhshna, oothana, dustrus-h. hatli-puhonchna, v. to bear, &c. ; to he able to give, de-sukna ; to be able to sell, bech-sukna, V. to produce, &c. affront, khiffut, hiqarut, ihanut, hulka-pun, un- adur, zuk, zillut, v. disgrace, insult; to take as an affront, ueb-janna, boora-manna. to affront, khufeef- huqeer- hulka- soobook-k. lutarna, v. to insult, affronted, khufeef, huqeer, soobook, hulka, upu- manee, v. disgraced, to be affronted, khufeef- hulka- &c. -h. afloat, ootrata, tuerta, {from ootrana and tuerna) buhta, bhusan pur, v. to float, afoot, puedul, panw panw, piyadu-pa, pueroa; to set on foot, oothana, burpa-k. jaree-k. chul- ana, v. to commence, aforesaid, aforenamed, muzkoor, v. above cited ; this, and similar expressions, seldom occur in conversation. afraid, kha,if, duhshut-nak, khuof-nak, shush- dur, bhue-man. to be afraid, durna, suhumna, duhshut-nak- &c. -ruhna, duhshut-rukhna, bichukna, v. to fear, frighten, &c. afresh, pher-kur, v. anew, after, peechhe, bu,ud, uqub, gnozusht, pur, mim- bu,ud, guye-se, v. behind, {in comp.) bu, pus, AGE Ui AGN V. on, 8tc. ; year after year, sal bu sal ; afier this month, yih muheena guye se; the day after to-morrow, pus furda ; one after another, luga lug, V. successive, &c. ; after twelve o'clock, do puhur goozusht ; man after mt^n, admee pur admee, (according to) bur-hookm, v. like, &c. (the adj.) pichhla. after ages, after time, plchhle-wuqt, pichhie-log. In these, and such expressions, ugla, before, is often confounded with pichhla, behind. after all, akhirush, nidan, akhir, unt. after-birth, hul, jur, jer, uoiir, lijhree, potree, kheree, pooruen, chhor, gubhelun. afternoon, si-puhur, akhir i roz, bu,ud-do puhur, din dhule, bikal, zoohur. after-thought, after-wit, puch-mut, pus-undeshee, pus-iiqlee, pus-fikree, pus-fitrut. afterward, bu,ud-iskej iske-peechhe, akhir, bU|Ud uzan, ooprant. aga, from agha, aqa, v. master. again, pher, pher-kur, uor-wuqt, doosra-kur, dohrake, do baru, pultake, v. another, hack ; as much again, doogna, do-chund, mooza,uf ; again and again, ber ber, pher pher, mookur- rur, sikurrur, pulut pulut. HKf'nBf.iuid jsnli, against, khilaf ; over against, sun-niookh, (up) oojan, y.for, moonh pur, pur, v. face, contrary, opposite, &c. agape, (to stand) moonh-bana, kuwwa-bunna,v. aghast. agaric, ghareeqoon. agate, yushm, yushb, sung-sooluemanee. age, cpmr, sinn, ayoorbul, ayoo, a,yoorda, hues, V. life, mature, (time) duor, zumanu, tisr, uhd, joog, V. century, &c. ; old age, boorhapa, pee- ree ; the age of discretion, sinn i tumeez. aged, bcoddha, peer, v. old. agency, (i7i business) goomashtugee, wukeelee, wukeelgeeree, niyabut, wikalut, pesh-karee. taseer, deewanee, karpurdazee, fa,iliyut, v. steward, action. agept, goomashtu, juwab-suwalee, \. factor, depu- ty, (actor) fa,il, amil, kurta. to aggrandise, burhana, surfuraz-k. jila-dena, y, to raise, to embellish. s\V^J>»»V. fSw»*iA»q .v aggrandisement, uzmut, burhtee, v. exaUatioh. to aggravate, budtur- quwee-ziyadu- udhik- do bala-k. aggregate, mujmoou, joomlu, guthree, sumooddh, V. collected. •M^.i-.^ni\l^i,^^MM^i^ tiiu-^vyi-^f to aggress, puhul- subqut- See. -k. v. to begin. aggression, pesh-dustee, pesh-qudmee, subqut, tuqdeem, puhul, chher, chhera,o, iqdam,surwa. aggressor; tuqseer-war, mubnee-fusad, chherun- har, V. beginner. A«io.i"y.>u -v«.j.. ^>v,■vl^,_,. »j\ aghast, huerut-zudu, huebut-zudu, hukkfi-bok- ka, bhuochuka. agile (in arabic ajeel) juld-baz, shitab-kar,choost- chabook, kurkeela, turphuriya, v. nimble. Sec. agility, chalakee, chabookee, kuruk, juld-bazee, soor|Ut, V. quickness. to agitate, (to shake) hurakut-d. doolana, ulthana, luhrana, hilkorna, tulmulana, chutputana, c»th- lana, kulbulana, oomdana, oobalna, duhlana, thurthurana, duldulana, dugdugana, v. to dis- tract, to discuss, (to controvert) rud o buddul- -k. ; to be agitated, hUna, dcolna, v. to alarm, move, &c. -iiwiix - I'-i \ agitated, (in mind) moozturib, betab, ghabra, byakool, (as the sea) muoj-zun, ulthana; to be agitated, moozturib-h. &c. uklana, dhurukna, oobhna, turupna. agitation, hila,o, doola,o, kilkor, hurkut, joom- bish, oothla,o, oobal, chutputahut, tuhurrook, tulatoon, haladola, v. the verb, (jperturbation) bhunik, ghubrahut, ukla,ee, josh, iztirab, hur- burahut, (discussion) rudo buddul. agnus castus, sumbhaloo, punj-ungoosht. o AGR 15 AIR tffOy {past) aeihnff ago, mooddut-se, chirkal-sc, kubhee-se, jubhee-se, age, agoo, peslitnr, hoo,e, goozre, V. q/ler ; he died long ago, buhoot roz hoo,e, or buhoot mooddut goozree murguya. to set a-gog, sliuoq-turglieeb- chuonp- pjioolasra-, -d. tursana, kan-goidgoodana, kan k_hure-k. to he agog, choulbcBlana, turusna. to agonise, d(xikhna. durd-k, siyasut men-hona. agony, jan-kundun, nuzu,u, unt-kal, ghurra, si- yasut, tuhlooku, oordji, sukiat, uzab, v. gasp, pang, torture, to agree, razee- moqir-h. qubool- ijabut-k. qu- boolna, hamee-hoon karee-bhurna, v. to pro- mise ; roochna, v. agreeable ; bunna, v. to Jit, cliime ; saf-ruhna, purkhur-ruhna, v. to settle, allow, (to stipulate) shurt- &c. bandhna, iqrar- buchun-k. v. to consent, (to accord) burabur- eksan- moowafiq- mrottufiq- ekdil-h. guwara- sazgar-h. v. to answer, suit, he. agreeable, moowafiq, v. consistent, pizeera, mun- zoor, murghoob, murkooz, dil-pusund, mun- manfa, chaheeta, khoosh a,ind, dil-kush, dil- khwah, sohana, pusundeedu, luteef, nufees, guwara, muleeh, v. pleasing, (to he agreeahle) khmsh-ana, bhana, uchha-lugna, sohna. agrecableness, bhula,ee, \. pleasantness, &c. agreeably, bur-hookm, bu-moqjib, husb, (plea- santly) uesh-se, ushrut-se, v. conformably, &c. agreed, qubool, moosuUum, mu,uliood, \.the verb, also very well. agreement, (compact) shurt, qurar, xihd, buchun, wuidu, (in writing) qubalu, qubooliyut, tuo- hud, muqawilu, nuwisht-khand, likhtung, qur- ai'-namu, razee-oamu, v. contract, (concord) mojshabuhut, rubt, luga,o, tuwafooq, ittifaq, saz-garee, soolh, ashtee, v. Jtarmony. agriculture, seer, kisht-karee,chuen,vxii/iif a^iow. aground, ura, utka, zumeen-pur, khura, chur- pur, phunsa. ague, tup i lurzu, jooree, tup i nuobut, (a quar- tan) hooma,e ribu,ce, tijaree ; this last, as its etymology implies, ought to be restricted to tertians, which are indefinitely called unturiya, V. intermittent. ah! ah, ha,e, wa,e, wawuela, of, ukh. aha! aha, wachhre. : ,iu| .hhJo (ii iv.um.«) .m'wj a-head, age, agoo, v. before. did, yaree, koomuk,' dust-geeree, yawuree, sath , suha,e, suhara, i,anut, mco,awuuut, gohar, ta- yeed, uon, musadu, v. Jielp. 'tv- :' to aid, raudud- sath- koomuk- mududgaree-k. aid-de-camp, moosahib, nuqeeb. aider, sathee, suhaiCe, v. ally, assisfajit. aigulet, lutkun. ail, ailment, dookh, tukleef, ul, byadh, bikar, v. distemper, disease..,, mi^nliLdi ,8^u« ,itWU to ail, (to trouble) tukleef- dookh-d. manna, lug- na, sutana, hona ; what ails you ? toomhen kya hoo,a ? ghora panw men koochh manta hue. ailing, mandu, kusul-mund, bCiadhee, bikaree, V. sick, indisposed. Sec. •,,iv aim, shust, clut, clhookkee, nishanu, (design) ghat, da,on, chot, bhed, mutlub, nuzur-undaz, hud- uf, tak, V. object, purpose. to aim, shust- &c. -bandhna, tukana, dutna, v. aim, also to design. [ ,j,|^ taiij^rniiij ai?; huwa, ba,o, piiwun, butas, byar, (with re- gard to health) ab o huwa, panee, (in music) nuwa, ahung, dhurun, ilhan, v. song, zephyr, &c. (mien) wuzu,u, duol, dhu}, dial, v. vent, fume; sumeer, v. sky, symphony, &c. jubu-shu- bu, V. appearance. to air, (clothes, &c.) huwa-d. huwa-khilana, dhoop-d. V. to warm, Ssc. to take the air, hu- wa-kliana, bahur-phirna, tuhulna, v. recrea- tion ; tojire in tlte air, asmanec golee-chula- na ; to take air, (become puMic) huwa-h. to give one's jf//^ajV5,ukurna,lunturanee-k. orhankna. ALA 16 AJLI air-built, bad-huwa,ee, pooch padur huwa, boo- niyad-huwa,ee. air-hole, rund, v. vent. airiness, huwa-daree, {of manner) choolbcolahut, uclipulee, ulbela pun, v. gaiety, &c. airing, suer ; to take an airing, suer-k. phirna. airs, (assumed) ukur, lunturanee, v. affectation, jlnimukka, ukur-bazee, shekhee,nazan, tuning, muchla,een, ukren, tukren, uda,en, bhoor bhoo- ree, v. ostentation, &c. &c. {of youth in old age) shootr-ghumzu, boorha nukhra, v. coquetry, boorhee g^oree lu,ul lugam, is said of an old woman assuming the airs of a girl. airy, huwa-dar, huwa,ee, (vain) soobook, hulka, eetur, ochha, cbhiclihora, (gay) choolbcola, rungeela, v. giddy, &c. a-kin, suga, rishtu-dar, nate-dar, (similar) moo- ' shabih, moovvafiq, suman, v. same. alack-a-day, &c. liuehat huehat, hue hue, bap re bap, moo,a re moO|a, wa raooseebuta, wa hus- ruta. '''^^^ (Ubflflirt ■^•^Yt-^s alacrity, bushashut, dil-dihee, hoolas, chuonp, zuoq, dil-gurmee, tun-mun, jee-jan, v. plea- sure, ardour. alarm, (tumult, q. v.) hoollur, hungamu, ruola, bulvva, gohar, hushrat, ghuogha, ghooloo, shor- ghuogha, ghool-ghupara, hurburee, khulbulee, V. apprehensian, shorshar, hunkar, rooka-thoo- ka, V. cry, jag, v. preparation. to alarm, khubur dar-k. moosullah-k. chitana, (tojrighten) durana, bhurkana, dhurkana, (to sound the alarm) nuqqaru-kurna, (to make a noise) pokarna, gohar-k. &c. v. to disturb, &c. chuokunna-k. v. to rouse, (an army) kumur- bund-kurana, v. to arw, bhuchhkana,jubdana, dubdubana, v. to agitate ; to give an alarm, rooka-marna, roorkaree-k. kupre ko jhol dena. alarming, duruona, duhshut-nak, bhyanuk. alas! wa wuela! wa,e! huef! uewa,e! ahi hae ha,e ! ufsos ! duregha .''•j-oar,d»'[ .2? sartdnst- albugo, phoolee gool. akhymist, moohuvTwis, keemiya gur, rusa,enee. alchymy. Am i keemiya, rusa,en, v. philosophers stone, &c. alcohol, Ji-om — koohul, w. antimony. ^''^ alcoran, qooran, foorqan, kitab ooUah, hima,il, mooS|huf, V. bible, alcove, probably from qoobbu, khilwut-khanu, mundha, mundwa, v. dome. Vu>t ^stsK^ ale, bozu. ji-TCiwsu -c"j^s« tsi«^% oV alembic, qunimbeeq, bhubka. alert, hoshiyar, chuokus, phoorteela, char-bank, tez-ruo, V. brisk, shub-khoon, rut-waliee, v. attack. n\fW. oJ) .tJofiii . alertness, hoshiyaree, chuoksa,ee, phoort, v.smart- ness, he. alexipharmic, zuhr-mar, v. antidote, algebra, uljubur, . jubr mooqabulu, abikt gu- nut. itsftv.q-ilh tX«oArn« t«(f«f^^iJi(; cioo.v > aliaa, 00 rf. alien, oopree, v. foreign, to alienate, (to give away) huwalu- hibu-k. bukhsh- na, de-dalna, (to estrange) puraya- be gaiiu-k. pher-dalna. OiHUiM fUwt^iitmY^.. alienation, (estrangement) moofaruqut, jooda|ee, V. the verb, {oj" the faculties) bekhoodee. to alight, ootur-purna, v. to dismount, to light, alike, burabur, eksan, mooshabih, mcnmasil, shu- beeh, ekhee, suman, sudrish, sureeka, hum-, -rung, -soorut, -shubeeh, -shukl, -qudum, or fi,ul, ulahazul-qiyas, sumgum, niootushabih, mootushukkil, humta, v. similar, like, aliment, (food) khorak, udhar, qoot, khana, rizq, ghiza, V. nourishment. ,39'iiig ^:; alimental, alimentary, mosquwwee, poosht. -"^^ alimony, muhr. .. , ■■•^^ ALL 17 ALL alive, jeeta, zindu, jan-dar, v. living, cheerful, jeete jee, v. lifetime. alkali, juwa khar, ufyoos, v. salt, khar; whence perhaps, khara, salt, brackish. alkaline salt, lota sujjec. • alkanet, ulcjuna. all, sub, konl, tumam, sugra, sara, bll-koDlliyu. durobust, joozokoil, sukul, bhiir, v. the whole; all the night, rat bhur ; all at once, ck a ek, uch- anuk,unchite, dufu.utun, ek bargee, ek mcnsht, V. suddenly, huma, v. every ; all alone, tuni tiinha, ek ukela, ukelahee ; all one, ekhcc, V. same ; all or every thing, sub koochh, koolo- hojm ; also alliri all, konl kcolaii, \. favourite; by all means, bu hur-soorut or -hal ; from all sides, hur-turuf se, charon or se, chuogird se; all along, puehle se, burabur se, \. first. All, used emphatically, is expressed by hee, bhee, niput, mootluq; thus, /scrirf nothing at aZ/,mueii koochh hee [or bhee] nu kuha, or muen koochh bola hee nuheen ; / did not heat him at all, muen cose mootluq nuheen mora. all-conquering, kool glialib. all-devouring, surb bhuchhee. all-fours, chuopayu, kubkooriya, ghontnon, god- riyon, v. quadruped. all-hail, moobarulc, afreen, jue, khoosha, (among bearers) sukul punch ke ram ram. all-knotvmg, &c. vileem, v. om/niscient. Sic. all-seeing, buseer-mootluq, huma-been, sukul- drishtee. to allay, tukhfcef-d. thundha- dheema-k. ghut- ana, v. to ease. allegation, quol, bat, du,uwa, iqrar, nniqoolu, buchun, bachuk, (plea) hoojjut, huth. to allege, iqrar- &c. -k. subub-d. kuhna, bacha- -d. (to plead) hoojjut- &c. -k. v. to affirm, allegiance, furmau-burdaree, fidwiyut, y. fidelity, obedience. Sec. allegorical, moostu,ar, v. figurative. to allegorise, tumscel-lana. allegory, tumseel, eeliam, v. metaphor, simile. allehijah, ul humdmlillali, v. praise. to allei-iafe, furo-k. tukhibef-d. v. to extenuate. alleviation, tukhfeef, kunitee, ghuttee, lieenta, V. the verb, &c. alley, koochu, v. avenue, khuc,aban, ruwun, V. u-alk, guliyara, khorec, kolkee, (covered) chliutta, V. lane. alliance, qurabut, nata,blraduree, rishtu, kheshec, nata gota, suga.ee, koorumbu,ee, upna,et, rish- tu-daree, v. union, marriage, &c. (of states) rali-ruwish, moowafuqut, rah reet, buna,o, v. league. alligator, mugur, ghuriyal, naka, kcomheer, ni- hung, sher-abee, mugur-muchh, v. crocodile. alliteration, sun-ut suja, tujnees, rudeef, uchhur- suga,ee. allodium, milk, v. pension, &c. to allot, mukhsoos-k. bukhra-k. v, to share, grant. allotment, bhag, butwara, v. share. to allow, manna, pusund-k. etna, ruwadar-h. dcorcost- 5:c. -r. v. allowable, to agree, mun- zoor-k. or -r. moujra-d. v. to permit, (to give) dilana, dena, khubur geeree-k. khubur-lena, (to suffer) burdasht-k. suhna, (to discount) ghutana, tukhfeef-k. ghum-kliana. allowable, allowed, wajibec, nui,af, priman, juw- waz, nia)jra,ee, manneek, v. lawful. allowaiwe, v. allotment, buklira, ratib, moo,utad, bundhej, v. share, nankar, malikanu, aloofu, udhar, V. dose, (additional) bhata, khorakee, V. pe7ision, ri,ayut, puchh, chhoot, (also deduc- tion) higar, julun, khad, sookhun, — all of va- rious kinds, v. tret, (income, pay, &c.) amud, tulub, shurh, mooshahuru, muwajib, v. conces- sion, (maintenance, q. \.)hhan^ee,v, provisioti, C AL3I 18 ALB allowing that, furz kur ki, bu-shurtiki, v. to grant. a/to«/,chashnee, pooth, {diminution, q. v.) nooqsan, zuwal. to alloy, {metals) chashnee-d. to allude, dulalut-k. ki naiyu- &c. -r. v. allusion, jana, ana, dhulna, jhoDkna, duorna, roojoovi-k. V. to apply, to allure, fureb- &c. -d. mohna, bilbhana, kheencbna, loobliana, v. to tempt, rijhana, larh- na, V. to seduce. .ij'jj;'«'ijf>. allurement, fureb, v. attraction', enticement, &c. alluring, allurer, dil-fureb, dll-kush, dil-chusp, mohnee, mun-hurun, dil-rooba, dil-fiza, dil- awez, mun-choi", v. tempter, allusion, isharu, bhed, munsha, kinayu, eema, koonh, lucorad. allusive, mooradee, v. allegorical, alluvion, alluvious, turee, chhor, door, gunga- •yvoord, dyara, v. inning, ally, kcomukee, shureek, rufeeq, gohariya, pru- bhoot, V. auxiliary. to ally, rah ruwish-k. rah rubt-r. qurabut-k. ulmacanter, ulmuquntur. almanack, tuqweem, putra. almighty, qadir i mootluq, purm burhm, purmes- wur, khojda.e tU|ala, v. God, &c. and, as with us, apphed to God only. tlie Almighty, i. e. the Most High, huqq-tu,ala, eeshoor, v. God. almond, badam, luoz, {the kernel) mughz i badam, {oil) ruoghun i badam ; almonds of the throat, giltiyan, pi. of giltee, v. tonsil, {wild) kuth badam, adj. luozeenu. almoner, bihlu-burdar. almonry, bara, bhundara. almost, qureeb, un-qureeb, nuzdeek, lug bhug, V. nearly. alms, khuerat, bheekh, dan, bara, ugwun, aa, ^ lungur, zukat, sudqu, tusuddooq, suda-burt, duchhna, rusoolee, punsala. byvI;(_ ,:,\(i-iV^ alms-house, lungur-khanu, dhurum-sala, (man) purpal, khuerat-khor, v. charity. aloes, elwa, sibr, moosubbur, {wood) ood, ugur, {tree) gheekwar, {plant) putha, wilayutee^ ununnas. aloft, bala, v. aboi^e. alone, ukela, ekla, tunha, aphee, aphee-ap, ke- wul, uhokha, jureedu, eksur, usp o qumchee, chhura, v. single ; let me alone for that, poochho or bolo mut ; when you and I are alone, ' jub hum toom apliee-ap ho wen; to let alone, chhorna, jane-d. bus-k. gu,ee-k. dur goozur- -k. V. to desert. along, {at length) lumba lumba, lumban men, lumba,ee-men, v. straight, {fonvard) age, chule; go along, chule ja^o, {away) goom ; going along, chulte chuke ; go along, sirrah ! ube goom ho ; along with, sath sath, durmane or durmiyani, is ke beech, viz. besides, bumu,i, hum-rah, ba-lium, sung sung, ghula,e, ke mel, V. with ; to lay along, sola-d. leta-d. v. to lie, {together) sumet, sooddhan ; throw it away along with the water, panee sumet oose phenk- do, V. on, &e. .vW-iV^',*.-, aloof, door, ulug, nyara, nirala, moo.ulhiq, biluw phutka, /rom bilugna «wrfphutukna, to stand or keep aloof, v. aside, also to shun, {to keep aloof) ulug-kut-phoot-ruhna. aloud, pookar ke, boolund awaz-se, bu awaz i boolund ; speak aloud, prokar ke bolo, v. loud. alphabet, uhf be, hooroof, burun, kukhara, hoo- roofi-tuhjee, v. letter. alphabetical, buqa.jdu tuhjee, kukhara dhub. already, ubhee ; / have already told you three times, ubhee muen toom se teen bar kuha; ALT 19 AMB tphat ! already? wall ubhcc? chouka, [when affixed to the imper. sing, of any verb] ; I kace told him already, cos sc kuh chaoka, v. before. also, bhee, sathee, v. besides, uor, v. likewise. altar, qoorban-gal), muzblh, bedee, ugunhot.-, sara, koond, chuok, v. shrine, grave, &c. also pile. to alter, v. a. budul- pher-dahia, v. n. budulna, budul-j. tugheer- 8?c. -li. mootubuddul- &c. -h. budul baz-k. v. to vary, altered. alterable, moomkin cot tubdccl, v. changeable. alteration, tugheer, tubuddo^l, v. the verb, also charigc,difference,\i\idv\-haz,nAn\h\iAv\,xadL<}i- budul, kat koot, moolkat, v. variation. altercation, tukrar, tunta, hoojjut, khuta putee, kuha kuhce, puh put, ruendha, rar, purkhash, V. cmitest, huft husht, choona choonce, bola- chalee, kuh-poochh, ooghta pucnchee, moonh- a-moonhee, roka-tokee, jhuora-jhuoree, Jung o judul, rudd o kudd, judd o kudd, ojksa ook- see, ufcsa uksee, buhsa buhsee, chukha cliu- khee, tuhuttook, uesa wucsa, v. to wrangle, quarrel. altered, mootubuddul, mootughueyur. alternate, mootubuddil. to alternate, baree baree-se ana. alternately/, bara baree, para paree, baree baree-se, nuobut-se, v. reciprocal. alternation, pher phar, udul budul, eree pheree, V. change. alternative, bat, ilaj, charu, halut, rah, wuzu, turuh, soorut, wuju, v. clmice. althea, khutmee, khuera, khubbazee, khueree. aWioiigh, ugurchi, hurchund ki, bur uks is ke, is bat ke bote, gurchi, v. though, notwithstand- ing, he. altitude, oonchas, irtifa.u, churha,o, cDnti,ums, rufU|Ut, V. height; to take the altitude, bcolun- dee undazu-k. ooncha.ec-utkulna. altogether, (completely) incxsthiq, muhz, niput, nidan, poora, nira, v. totally, sara, peera, sir sc panw tiik, v. entirely. alum, phitkuree, zak sufed, zaj sufed. always, humeshu, suda, da|im, nit, hur wuqt, moodaiTi, v. constantly, ](x>g]aig, jawed, v. ever. am, \\oon, from bona, to he, v. the Monitor. amain, be-tuhasha, nidhuruk, sir ke bhul, nioon- cliyake,/rom moondiyana, to run headjbremost, V. violently. amalgam, peetee, lachee, bookruotee. amannensis,mn<\v\i-nuv,'QCii, pulekhuk,v. copier. amaranth, jutadharee, kulga, taj i khuros, gool- kes, gool-mukhmul, gool-khueroo, bostan- ufroz. to amass, jorna, butorna, jumu^\-k. sumetna. amassment, guthree, v. collection. amatory, ishq-ungez, buskurun, v. philter, amaurosis, teemur, trimiree, v. dimness. amaze, amazement, surgurdanee, moorchha, ghiu brahut, chuondhiyahut, v. astonishment, won- der, to amaze, ghubrana, bhuchkana, hueran- &c. -k. V. to astonish ,• to stand in amaze, dant tule unglee dabna. amazed, huei-an, sur-gurdan, pureshan, hueruU -zudu, huwas bakhtu, niootuhueyur, mootu,uj- jib, suraseemu, dung, bismue, bhuochuka, mubhoot, V. confused, astonished. amazement, chukrit, v. amaze, surprise, &e. amazing, uchumbha, ujeeb o ghureeb, huerut- ungez, V. astonishing, wonderful. amazingly, (extremely) buhoot, nihayut. amazon, treej, [their country, &c, triya-rajl singhnee, oordu-begunee, v. virago. ambassador, elchee; the person of an ambassador is inviolable, elchee be-zuwal hue, v. messen- ger, dhuwuniya, v. envoy, [in the fern. dha. winee] dhootnee, elchin, v. embassy. C 2 AME 20 AMO amber, kuh-rooba; amber-coloured, kuh-rooba|ee- rung. ambergris, umbur. ambidexter, do-hutha, do-bhooju, do-dustce, v. double. ambigiiify, ambigtioiisness, mmgbalutu, pech,lu- pet, V. doubt, pher, bhurum, dhokha, sliiq, do-urth, rumz, v. equivocation. ambiguous, moohtumul, moobhum, mushkook, inoozubz.ub, pech-dar, gol-gol, bliurmeela, zoomvi,unnen, mooshtubuh, do-urtha, rumza- mez, V. doubtfid. amiiguoiisly, pech-se, ibham-se. ambition, ambitiousness, huosilu, daiyu, iizm, oomung, tuntunu, huwus, dhoon, himmut, hirs, tumu,u, laluch, dum, v. desire, luluk, ubhilak,h, ghucrut, ootung, trishna, nam-J0|ee, boDlund been-ee, bcnlund purwaz-ee, hoobijah, munish, tubee.ut, mughz, dilo dimagh, v. avi- dity. ambitious, huosilu-mvind, sahib huosilu, sahib da- iyu, ooliluzm, boolund-nuzr, oomiingee, dhoo- nee, alee munish, jah-jo, ubhelakhee, v. soar- ing, also the substantive here. amble, yurghu, ebiya, rtngrcogee. to amble, yurghu-chulna, ebiya-chulna. ambler, ruh-war, roogroogee. ambrosia, parjat, (the tree) tooba, v. nectar. ambuscade, ambush, kumeen-gah, kumeen, gara, dubba, ghat, da,on; to lie in ambush, gara- &c. buethna ; to lay an ambush, gara-buethalna. ambush, &c. dara, daba, dubkee, chhipkee, dhoo- ka, V, snare. amen, ameen, uesa-ho, ho,e, juthast. amenable, juwabee, zer-umui, v. under ; to be amenable, juwab-d. nishan-k. v. responsible. to amend, dooroost-k. sumbhalna, rast-k. islah-d. V. n. bunna, sumbhulna, v. to mend, amendment, dooroostee, arustugee, v. reformation. amends, tawan, dand, v. atonement. amethyst, murtees, yaqoot, jubluqoom, manik. amiable, hurdil-vizecz, muhboob-oolqcoloob, sha- istu, nek-nihad, nek-bukht, v. agreeable, love- ly, zat busufat, khoobiyan sath, v. excellent ; an amiable person, gcol-admee. amiableness, muqbooliyut, khoobee, lutafut, sha- istugee, nek-bukhtee. amicable, hila mila, mila joola. amicably, khuer khoobee-se, v. friendly. amid, amidst, beech, bheetur, mudh, v. amongst, manjh, v. half. amiss, boara, tufawut, v. wrong; bud, na-la,iq; to take amiss, boora-manna, ueb-jannaj v. imr- proper. t*;**^' 'v >'» jVi'k amity, ikhlas, v. friendship, &c. ammoniac, (gum) suniugh humama, oshuq, (sal) nuoshadir. ammunition, saman j ungee, usbab j ungee, baroot- golee, V. stores. amnesty, rnu,afee-namu, uman-namu, tussullee- namu, v. pardon, general. amomum, humama, ela. among, amongst, beechmen, durmiyan, men, beech, v. within, ke eenhan, nuzdeek, dheeg, sumeep, v. with, &c. amorist, &c. ashiq-mizaj, hoosn purust, shuoqeen, ruswunt, v. lover. 'lofisi amorous, ashiq-tun, ishq-baz, rusik, rusiya, tu- mash-been, kamee, ueyash, v. lewd. amorously, ashiqanu. amorozisness, ishq-bazee, ruskaiCe, ashiq-tunee, tumash-beenee, v. fondness. amow?i^, jcnmlu, jumu,u, guthree, mujmoo,u, mot, ti.iidad, hasil, v. product, (sum) mublugh, v. total; toomar 'jumu^u, registei'ed amount, usul jumu,ii, the original amount, distinguished from the ubwab jumU|ii, or adventitious amount, v account. ii— -:-; -.,i-i-:u,-u ,j-..;_:. ... . ANA 21 '!;>>/ANC to amount, burlina, puhoonchna, turuqqee-k. ho- jana. amour, jshq-bazee, lugga, sutta butta, yaree, ash- iqee, ashna,ee, yar-bazee, luga,et, mel, niilap, mun-munuwul, urus-purus, v. intrigue, amphibious, lium-khooshkee-hum-abee, do-qonsii- ree, do-tutee. amphisbeena, thoothoor, luwa-sankhur, do raoonha- sanp. ample, (large) bura, buhoot, v. abundance (wide, q. V.) phuela, musee.u, bisal, puhnawur, v. liberal, ampleness,amplitude,huTa^ee,Tpu\m,-wusnt,pliUC- la,o, V. largeness, amplification, moobalughu. to amplify, burhana, chund dur chund-k. v. to exaggerate, amply, buhoot-sa, ziyadutee-se, ifrat-se. to amputate, kat-daliia, qutu,u-qulum-k. v. to cut off- amputation, inqita^u, bliungta, v. to cut. amulet, hirz, juntur, gunda, v. spell; the science of amulets, &c. tukseer, v. charm, to amuse, buhlana, mushgliool-k. tufrech-d.tala-, - tal mutol- heelu huwalu- luetoolu,ul-k. luga- -r. khilana, purchana^ phirana, bhoolana, oo- rana, dum-d. v. to beguile, to delude, &c. amusement, tuniasha, mushghoolu, bazee, buh- la,o, deed, shosghl, furhut, tufreeh, luzzut, v, diversion. am,using,amusive,c\i\t-\\ig\xn, mun-lugun, dil-lu- i gun,dil-chusp, moofurruh, furhut-ungez, mun- bha,ona, v. recreation, &c. an, ek, v. any, &c. anacardium, bhilawa, biladoor, bhela, bhillat, (seeds) bhiluonjee. anachronism, ikhtilaf wuqtee, kalbirodh, anagram, tuhreef", raudjiilapa. analogical, analogous, moosliabih, shubeeh, moo- masfil, nioowafiq, v. similar, analogy, moasliabuhut, moonasubut, nisbut, moo- ' wafiqut, rutabooq, qureenii; by analogy, quree- ne-se. to analyse, tufreeq- &c. -k. v. to separate. a}ialysis, tushreeh, tufreeq, tufseel, tujuzzee, tu- joozzee, tuozeeh, tufseer, turteel, sumas, bi- dirn. analytical, tushreehee, tufrceqee, sumasee, bi- dirnee. anarchy, ghudur, und,her,undhadhoondh,d,heen- ga dhangee, asbob, hulchul, khoon-khurabu, h u rbhong, bullo karaj ,besurdaree,bud-umulee, be bundobustee, dhoonkala, jihalut, codhum. anasarca, istisqa,! zuq(jee, soth, zuhurbad, the adj. sothee. anathema, lu,unut, dhirkar, v. curse, anatomical, tushreehee. anatomist, tuslireeh-dan, v. skeleton, ajiatomy, tushreeh. ancestor, judd, poorkha, boozoorg, pooratum, moo- ris, bap-dada, ugla, pitr, sulf, pi. uslaf ; an- cestors, uba-ujdad, bure, poarkhe,^ boozoorg, bap-dade. ancestry, juddiyut, suliiyut, poorkha,ee, v. lU neage. anchor, lungur. to anchor, lungur-dalna ; to weigh anchor, lun- gur-oothana ; to be at anchor, lungur pur-h. atichorage, lungur-wara. anchorite, tari kood dconiya, bun-basee, tyagee, V. hermit. .^ ancient,qudeem, dereenu, purachcen,ugla, aduo, bursuen, jooga-ada, pesheen, v. old, pi. uslaf, uwuleen. anciently, age, uwwul, puehle, qudeem-men, andentness, qudamut, v. age, oldness. iiT^M» " ANG w ANN ancients, mcotuc[ud\meen, prorane^ooratum, qoo- duma, uwa,il ke log, suluf ke log. and, uo, uor, o; and so forth, wughueru, ghuer- zalik, V. again. andiron, qoolabu. anecdote, nooktu, chootkoola, raz, baz, kuthnee, V. story, secret. anemone, ^uqa,iq, noou,uinan. anew, pher, sur i iiuo, uz nuo, nue sir se, v. " again, newly. -'i^-' t^ 'v ■■-!■ angel, firishtu, muluk, de,ota, soor, doot, v. mes- senger; therecordingaoigels,\iiraitiVLnkaiiheer\, chitrgoopta; the angel of death, muluk col muot, qabiz ool urwah, jue bi jue, izra,eel, jum ; ,(a beautiful ivoman) pviree, hoor, puree-zad, pud- minee ; the two angels who are supposed to exa- mine the dead, moonkir, nukeer. angelica, unjulik. angelical, angelic, firishtu-kho,puree-rooor-pue- kur, firishtu-sa, v. beautiful. angelot, pongee. ' •'' anger, ghoossu, kliufgee, ris, ghuzub, jhul, itab, krodh, gurmee, tuesh, tamus, v. passion. to anger, risana, koorhana, khufu- &c. -k. v. to provoke, enrage, &c. angle, kona, goshu, nok, khoont, zawiyu ; (a right) zawiyu qa,imu, sutn-kon ; (acute) ne- oon kon ; {obtuse) udhik kon ; (ajishing-rod) bunsee, shust ; {of the mouth) bachh, gulphu- ra ; {of the eye) ko,a, kor. to angle, bunsee-lugana, shust-phenkna, v. tojish. angler, bunsee-baz, v. tojish. angrily, ghoosse- jhirkee-se. flwg-rj/, ghojsse, khufu, khushm-nakjbud-dumagh, durhum, gurum, burhum, quhr nak, v. dis- pleased. to be angry, ghcosse-h. ghoossu-k. risana, koorhna. anguish, syasut, uzab, uium, kusht, sukhtee, ■byadh, zeeq, koft, sokbt, julun, ag, jigur- sozee, V. torture, pang, distress. angular, kone-dar, goshe-dar, nokeela, nokdar, koniya. anil, .{first year) nuodho, {secotid year) peree, {third year) tilinga, v. indigo, animadversion, tu,unu, tu,unu-zunee, surzunjsh, bat, hurf, hurfgeeree, tok tak, v. censure. ^~, to animadvert, ilzam- &c. -d. tan-tor na, dokhna. animadverter, khoordu-geer, ueb-jo. animal, janwur, jiya junt, jandar, zir-rooh, hue- wan, pusoj, jee,oo dharee, keera, v. life, &c. a rational animal, huewan i natiq; an irrational animal, huewan i mootluq. iMi>i'»pJ ,-/ ^ i,( • animal, adj. huewanee; animal heat, hurarut ghureezee. animalcule, keera, pi. kere mukore, hushrat ool urz, kirmuk, keeree. to anim ate, }i\ana., zindu-k. jan-d. lulkarna, barh- chuonp- poorchuk-dum- tusullee- dharus- ist- iqlal- -dena, jee-d. or -d. tliarh-bundhana, himmut-bundhana, v. to encourage. .,» animated, murdanu, diler, (a* langtiage,&cc.)tm- raru, numkeen, v. lively, bold, animating, shcxjja.iit-ufza, rooh-ufza, dileranu, potpatec. animatimi, jandaree, zindu-dilee, turraree, num- uk, chohul, V. mettle, spirit, life, animator, jan-buklish, jan-afreen. animosity, khoons, nifaq, udawut, nuqz, buer, v. rancour, anise, uneesoon, suonf, suonph, sonf, sonp, ku- moon hulloo, v. cumin. : ^nO|i;(i.". .. ankle, {joint) tukhna, gutta, ku,ub, ghbothee, shitalung, pong. anklet, pa,e-zeb, khulkhal, pa.el, goojuree, v. bell, annalist, moowurrikh, rawee. >iv"i,^j|^ annals, tuwareekh, v. history. xiruujj j~'.^ , ;j*M|il» to anneal, ta,ona, v. to temper. ANO a» Jivr to annex, jonia, luga-d. wiisl- &c. -k. anneied, jora, mooz^, puewund, sumbund, moK tu,uHiq, moolhuq, v. to joint &c. to annihilate, mu,udoom- &c. -k. metna, nabood- napueda-k. binasna, v, n. binusna, murbilana, V. to destroy, annihilated, mu,udoom, funa, nest-nabood, nast, binas, mufqook, le,ee pur le,ee, mcokt, gut, binascc, from binas the noun. annihilatioti, udura, nestee, funa, nas, v. the verb, anniversary, \. day, bursee, bursecnec, burkhee, V. birth-day. anwo^o^iwi, tufseer,shurh,hashiyu, teeka, tippun, biburn, v. e.vplanation , note, S:c. annotator, raoofussir, sliai'ih, racohushshee, tee- kakar. ' to announce, zakir-k. khubur-d. jutana, v. to j}roclaim. annoy, annoyance, dcokh, tukleef, tu3dee,u, eeza, zuhmut, V. jilague. to annoy, khijhana, bhinna-dena, bhimana, bhin- , kana, sunkrana, hulak-zich-k. v. to harass, incommode, vex. annual, hur sal, hur biu-us, bursa,en, hursalu, sumbutee, v. yearly, annually, sal bu sal. annuitant, saliyanu-dar. annuity, a}i7iteal pay, saliyanu. to annul, rudd- muoqoof- munsookh- batil-k. ootha^d. metna. annular, chhuUe-dar, chhula-sa, hulqu-sa or -nooma. annulet, chhullya, nuthnee, nu^iya, kuknee, mendree, v. ring, anodyne, moosukkin, doukh-hurun, tuskeen- bukhsh, mcDsubbit. to anoint, choopunia, tila-k. oobtun- tudheen-k. V. ointment {the eyes) unjna, v. to smear, ap- ply, rub, 8tc. anomaly, khilaf-qiyasee, khoorchalee, be-turtee- bec, V. deriation, . exception. anon,]n\Aw, ubhee, yiiiec, v. quiekly, soon ,• ever and anon, liumeslui inunesli, v. sometimes, anonymous, gcnm-nanijbe-nani nislian, g(x>ptnam,> la-yu,ulum, v. unknown. anorexy, mund-agun, z.a),af-mi,adu. another, uor, ek-uor, doosra, (i. e. a second, by, which Europeans generally express another, often improperly) an, uor-ek, ko.oe-ghuer, doosra-ek, doosra^ko.ee, ugla-ko,ee, v. mie, l| o^Acr, &c.birana, wstrange; another time,uor- bar, anber, mio i deegur, v. anew; one another, apoos, ek deegur, babum ; another (opposed to self) ghuer, puraya, ugia; another time, uor Aviiqt, pher, bari deegur, sanee-un-hal; another thing, uor cheez. answer, juwab, oottur, ooUira, bukcor, v. rejobu^ der; anansicertothepurpose, juwah ba suwab; a definitive answer, .saf juwab, juwab i shafee. to answer, juwab- cottur-d. kuhna, v. to speak, awaz-d. v. to reply, luhna, chulua, lugna, v. to suit, &c (to correspond to) juwab-mcnqabil- burabur- mootabiq-h. {to succeed) rast-ana, theek-ana, soodhurua, sudhna, nibhna, bunna, bona 4 this will not answer, yib nu hoga, v. to do, &c. answerable, {as surety, &c.) juwabee, zamin, {equal) burabur, moowafiq. answerer, juwabee, juwab-dih. ant, {large) che,oonta, {small) cheentee, choom- tee, {red) benboot, {white, &c.) deemuk or deewuk, pipr-a or -ee, khonta, mata, mukuora, keeree, mor, morchu, nunud, gundhee. antagonist, hureef, mooqabll, v. adversary, &c. ante, in comp. is expressed by pesh, &c. v. pre, to antecede, age-ana, v. to precede. . i„^ ff «tecerf('«i', mooquddum,agc,qubl, uwwul,puehle, {in grammar) murju,ii, nioozmur ; the antece- ANT M APE dent and consequent, scoghra o koobra,mooqud- dum o talee, v. preceding, &c. to antedate, age kurke tareekh-d. antelope, hurun, chikaru, v. deer, &c. anterior, mojquddum, age, v. antecedent. anthelmintic, kirm-nasik, v. vermifuge. anthem, munqubut, ustoot. Anthony's fire, soorkh-bada, bimb. anthill, dhehoor, diya, bumbee. anti, dafi, dooshmun, shikun, mar, hurun, nasik, khilaf, &c. V. counter, and such examples as may occur here. antihilious, sufru-shikun, pit-nasik. antic, bundurchal, muskhuranu, bhukwasa, v. droll, buffoon, &c. antichamber, de,orhee, yutush khanu, pesh-dalan, jiluo-khanu. antichrist, dujjal, museeh-kizzab, khur-dujjal. to anticipate, peshdustee- &c. -k. tusuwwoor-k. anticipation, pesh-dustee, pesh-qudumee, subqut, ugmuna,ee, {preconception') tusuwwoor, pesh- tundee, pesh-bundish, ugwahee, ugoree, (of reveniie) hal-buqayu, hal-bhunjit, v. to fore- taste, &c. antidote, dafu, tiriyaq, zuhr-moohru, fa-zuhr, pa-zuhr, marug, marun, bismar, punah. antifebrile, joor-nasik. antimony, soormu, itnjun, kojhul, sungisoormu, (Jbox) soorniu-danee, kujluotee, {stained with) soormu-aloodu, (or colour of) soormu, ee. antipathy, chirh, nufrut, ghin, gmrez, hut, bhi- nuk, zid, hur-buer, v. dislike, aversion, &c. ; a natural antipathy, nufrut i zatee. antiqtie, qudeem, poDrana, v. old, &c. antiquity, uwa,il, qudeem, ugle-wuqt, proranee- wuqt, sulf, mootuquddoom, (ancientness) quda- mut. antithesis, moo.arizu, v. opposition, antivenereal, hup nasik. ajitler, jhankh, jhunkhar, v. horn. anvil, niha,ee, uhrun, sundan, {to he on the) durpesh-h. v. carpet. anxiety, undeshu, turuddcod, fikr, soch, purwa, {depression) oodasee, ufsoordugee, v. solicitude, apprehension, hutasa, tushuwwoosh, bhuona, sunse, intizaree,bequraree, iztirab, v.suspence. anxious, undeshu-nak, fikr-mund, mcoturiiddid, mcotufukkir, fikree, moozturrib, be-qurar, V. uneasy ; to be anxious, ghum-rukhna. anxiousness, undeshu-nakee, fikr-mundee, tufuk- koor, V. anmety, Szc. anus,gand,marag,v.fimdame7iti Jnti prociden- tia, is expressed by kanch-nikulna. any, ko,ee, ko,oo, koochh, ko,ee-sa, jo-krochh, ko,ee-jo, juonsa, v. whoever, &c. ; any one, ko,ee ek ; any body, ko,ee admee ; any where, kuheen ; a?iy how, kisoo turuh ; a?iy thing strange,]i.cochh uor; have you heard any thing? koochh uor soona ? This phrase generally pre- cedes a discovery, v. so7ne, &c. aorist, udes, moozaru, v. indefinite. apace, juldee, durbur, v. quickly. apart, jooda, ulahidu, {vulg. alueda) ulug, bilug, V. aloof, bhin, nyara, ek turuf, ek kinar, dur kinar, ek ulung, ek ant, ba,eb, ek bughul ; jesting apart, this will not do, thutha dur kinar yih bat nu hogee. apartment, kothree, kumra, [perhaps from ca- mara, Port.] ; women''s apartment, zunanu, muhul sura, untuh poor ; meti's apartment, murdanu. apathy, be-purvva,ee, mujhoolee, be-khubree, jur- ta, moordu-dilee, kahilee, mujhooliyut, mud- hoshee, tujahrol, v. indifference. ape, bundur, {fem. bundree) boznu, v. monkey. to ape, hiska- tuqleed-k. v. to imitate, aperient, aperitive, moolueyin, v. laxative. APP 25 APP aperture, chhed, soorakh, an,ana,rund,teerkush, mokha, v. opening, hole, kc. ape.v, nok, iinee, (of a hill) chontee. aphorism, apophthegm, muqoolu, v. maxim, a-pieee, ek ek, hur ek. apish, muemoon-khuslut, ectur, v. playful, apocope, huzuf, lop, v. contraction, apogee, boo.udi shums, v. opposition, apologist, wzr-baz, cp7.r-khwali, [whence cnzr- khwaliee-k. to apologise^ tU|Uzzc»r-k. to apologize, qozr- &c. -k. v. supra, apologue, kuhanee, musul, v. moral, fable, apology, co7.r, moo,uzurut, bintee, v. e,vcuse. apoplevy, suktu, parussool. apostacy, burgushtugee, irtidad, inhiraf, ilhad, dhurum-nusht, roogurdanee. apostate, burguslitu, moortud, moonhurif, phira, mconkiri deen, moolhid, dhurum-nushtee. to apostatise, moortud- &c. -h. phirna, irtidad- &c. -k. digna, jat-d. roogurdan-h. apostle, rusool, (of Christ) huwaree, v. prophet, apostrophe, (in rhetoric) iltifat, goorez, v. digres- sion, ulaniut hurfee, v. contraction, apothecary, uttar, (properly a perfumer) punsa- ree : the latter sells spices, &c. also ; duwa- furosh, duwa-saz, uokhudhiya, (shop) duwa- khanu. to appal, (Jurana, huebut-dikhlana, v. to terrify, apparatus, saz o saman, luwazim, sumaj, sami- gree, kul-kanta, kuree kanta, kar-khanu, saz- baz, alat, v. furniture. apparel,\ihas, kupre,busun, puehrawa, mulboos, V. garb, dress, to apparel, poshak-puhirna, v. to attire, &c. apparent, zahir, sureeh, u.uyan, fash, prikash, purghut, wazih, budeehee, (indubitable) yu- qeen, be-shuk, be-shrobhu, tuhqecq, v. clear, certain, mu,uroof, prigulbh, v. evident ; very apparent, uzhur. apparently, zahira, dekhiie men, v. apparent. apparition, bhoot, chhaya, soorut, wuhmee, v. spectre, ghost. appeal, rcojix),ii, moorafu, istirja,u, oothan, v. re- ference, pokar, yad, v. call, (place of) murju ; court of appeals, sudur udalut. to appeal, ro)joO|U-k. lejana, ootha-lejana, v. to transfer, (to a witness, &c.) rukhna, v. to re- fer. to appear, soojhna, nuzur-ana, dikhla,ee-dena, zahir- &c. -h. deesna, bahur-ana, oobhurna, ooghurna, nikulna, khoolna, nuniood-h. v. to come, bona, oothna, ookhurna, v. to rise, t9 attend, apparetit, (to seem) jan-purna, mu,u. loom-li. appearance, v. the verb, soorut, shukl, roop, wu- jahut, zahir, nooma,ish, nuniood, luqa, huesi- yut, V. 7nien, (sig7i,q.v.) usur, ulunkar, (pre- sence) zuhoor, prikash, v. probability, counte- nance. Sec huyut,dekhawut,dekha,o,nooina,ee, izhar,zahircc, v. sight, dookan-daree, dekhawa, V. show, rung, v. figure, oobhar, v. eruption, (outward) zahir-usbab, v. outside, hazirec, roDJoo,at, V. attendance. to appease thumlha- surd- nurm- sant^k. tuskeen- aram-tl. v. to pacify, boojhana, dheema-k. v. to reconcile. appellatit, raji, mcnsturjee, v. accuser. appellation, nam, ism, luqub, pi. ulqab, (from a son) kooniyut, v. name, address. appellative, pudbee, zatee, luqbee, jinsee, v. titu- lar, (notui) ism i jins. to append, lutkana, tang-d. v. to add, 8cc. appendage, lahiq, ilhaq, luhcoq, lutkun, jlaqu, ilsaq, awezu,doom-guzu,d(r)mbala, soomumee. appendix; tutimmu,moolhuq,tukmilu,sekh, zuel, troot, V. postscript. to appertain, lugna, tu,ullooq-ulaqu-r. v. to be- long. D APP 26 APP appertainmenf, appertenarwe, luwaziin,mootu,ul- Xv\,pl. luwazimat,mootu,ulluqat,v. appendage. appetite, rukhbut, sliuliwut, {for food) bhookh, ishtiha, v. desire, inclination. to applaud, surahna, afreen- wah wah-k. v. to praise. ajiplause, afreen, wah wah, ustcot, murhuba, V. approbation, praise, &c. apple, seb, se,o, (of the eije) pcotlee, dela, v. hall, murdoom i chusm, v. pupil. applicable, suza-war, dooroost, theek, la,iq, moo- nasib, mcxjntubiq, shamil, kcnrsee-nusheen, lugne-jog, V. to Jit, &c. application, {attention, q. v.) tundihee, kudd- kawish, mihnut, jihd, mcnzawulut, shooghl, diqqut, \. study, (mtA suwal, v. petition, luga,o, phenka,o, jhooka,o, nishust, v. the verb, {de- sire) Istida, {of a word) itlaq, siingiya, {to a sore, &c.) lep, zumad, tila, v. reference, Sjc. to apply, V. a. lugana, rukhna, dhurna, dena, V. to allude, chepna, chipkana, joma, milana, V. to stick, &c. buethana, phenkna, jhookana, lejana, lana, dalna, duorana, chulana, dhalna, nishust-khilana, v. to Ji,r, suit, &c. {to use) umul-k. (to study) mootalu.u- &c. -k. v. ap- plication, dilJugana or -dena, {to address) kuhna, virz-k. v. n. lugna, buethna, theek- &c. -ana, v. applicable. to appoint, thiihrana, buethalna, mooqurrur-, moOjUeyun- mojshukhkhiis- tu,eenat-k. kuma, nam zud-k. tu.een- mcotu,ueyaDn- munsoob-k. V. to place, &c. tujweez-k. ; to appoint a time, wu,udu-k. V. to establish, &c. appointment, {office) qohdu, tu,u!looqu,tu,eenatee, buda,o, budan, tu,iieyoon, v. direction, {pro- mise) huth-mar, bacha, v. assignation, mojtu- ucyunu, v. establishment, &c. {stipulation, q. V.) wu,ndu, uwudh, v. allowance, &c. apposite, moonasib, la,iq, theek, joga, doorodst, sha,istu, bur-muhul. '^i apposition, nooqtu mooqabil. toappraise, mol- qeemut- nirkh-thuhrana,ankna, kootna, tushkhces-k. v. to estimate. appraisement, anka.o, dullalee, v. estimate. appraiser, nirkhee, mooqeem, dullal, unkwueya, kootunhar, kuniha, v. estimator. to apprehend, {to seize, q. v.) pukur-lana, dhur- lana, giriftar-k. khuench-Iana, giriftu geer-k. V. to secure, {to conceive, q. v.) siimujhna, tar- na, churuchna, bat-pana, v. to comprehend, {to dread, q. v.) sukoochna, undeshu- &c. -ana. apprehension, {conception, q. v.) boojh, utkul, bichar, khiyal, danist, tu,uqqool, v. judgment, khudshu, weave, pukrahut, v. seisure, {dread, q. V.) khutru, sundeh, sunsa, tushweesh, huo- ka, bhurum, v. anxiety, doubt, comprehension, &c. apprehensive, {fearful) wuswasee, wuhmee, moo- shuwwish, bhurmee, biswasee, wuhshee, moo- tiihhim, rumeedu mizaj, v. timid, {acute, q. v.) tez-fuhm, v. anxious, sharp, &c. apprentice shagird, sikh, chela, {girl) chelee, sikhnee. apprenticeship, sikhee, shagirdee, chela-pun, sikh- pun. appricot, zurd-aloo, khoobancc, shah-aloo, v. pbanb. April, buesakh, madho, ragho, (or Wi month) ru- bee,u oDji sanec, peer dustugeer, meeranjee ka- chand, v. the Monitor, p. 210. also month, sea- son. to apprize, jutana, chitana, mcDttulu,u-k. khubur- ittilu.u-d. V. to inform, &c. approach, uwaiCe, amud amud, nugcha,ee, nuo-. chiyahut, v. approximation, pl.Taorchsl, \. bat- tery, also the verb. to approach, nuzdeek- qureeb- pas-ana or -pu- ARA 27 ARC honchna,apuhonchna,nugclnyana,v. to arrive, (sUly) dhookna, v. to adoance, &tc. milna, ana, jana, a- or ja-lugna, bhinia, v. to join. approbation, approval, qubool, tuhseen, suwab- deed, pusund, sulah, istiswab, v. the verb, also conse«<,munzooree,khatlr-puzeeree,mun-maii, ungikar, izun, v. desire, &c. to appropriate, thuhrana, mouqurrur- mooshukh- klms- mukhsoos-k. iipnana, tukhsees- khas- nirala-k. v. to apply. appropriation, tush ukhkh cos, tuqurroor, v. the verb. to approve, surahna, pusund-pizccra^ tuhseen- moostujab-k. moostuhsun-janna, inunzoor-k. khatir puzeer-k. v. to like, to prove. approaimate, nuzdeek, qureeb, v. near, &c. approximation, nuzdeekee, ittisal, qiraii, v. ap- proach, &c. tuqurroub, mcxjqarunut, nicnqaru- but, sumeepta, v. vicinity. apropos, bur-wuqt, bur-muhul. apron, pootlee, tuh-bund, {string) kurguda, kur- dhuree, kurdunee, v. cover,' appulsc, tukkur, thokur, sudmu. apt, {inclined) ina,il, sha,iq, shuoqeen, hazir, tueyar, (j^Y, q. v.) theek, (ready) tez-fulim, V. acute, &c. luoleen, mxirghoob, v. prone. aptitude,aptness,Taue], shuoq,llyaqut, isti,udad, suleequ, sha,istugee, jogita, v. amteness, &c. aptly, suleeqe-se, mu,uqool turuh, v. justly. aqziafortis, tez-ab. aqnarhis, dulo, koombh. aquatic, abee, diiriyaiCe, julchur, puniha. aqtM vltcB, gooligoolab, v. spirit. aqueduct, nabdan, nuhr, niaohree, purnala, v. ca- nal, pipe. aqueous) murtoob, abee. aquiline, (nose) tote kee aee-nak, v. parrot. Arabic gum, bubool ka gond, sumgh i urubcc. arable, qabil i zira,ut, jueyud, jota,oo, khetce- jog, khetihur, zu^,utee, zira,ut-puzeer, v. cul^ ticated. arbitrary, moukhtar, qadir, da,ir o sa,ir, v. despO' tic, absolute, {tuilhout rM/«)be-qa,idu,be-thuor, V. uncertain, Sjc i to arbitrate, salisee- puncha,ct-k. ' arbitratioti, arbitrenient, salisee, puiicha,et,v. der cision. arbitrator, arbiter, salis, hukum, moonsif, puncli. arboreous, slmjree. arborist, shujur-shinas. arbour, koonj, bure.o, v. bower, arch, arc, mihrab, taq, goambuz, dhuncokh, ku- man, v. bote, kiira, nubh, (frame of) ludan, bhursalia, (of a circle) quos. arch, adj. zureef, kho3sh-tubu,u, thuthe-baz, thuthol, hunsor, muha, bura, v. arrant, wagr gish, &c. to arch, mihrab-bunana, kura-marna, v. vault, archangel, muluk niooqurrub, mulia-doot. arched, mihrab-dar, mihrabee, gcombuz-dar, lu- da,oo, dhunookhee, goombuzee, taqee, quosee, kumanee, y. convex ; having three arclies, &c. si-taqu, piich-taqu. archer, tcer-undaz, kuman-dar, kumnuet, .dhu- nookh-dhur, kumthuet, dhunoohar, teer-zun, (-8 green ) purtab-gah, v. arrow, archery, teer-undazec, kuman-daree, kumnuetee. archeus, Imm-nam, v. spirit, architect, mi,umar, thuwu,ee, raj, meer-jmarut, tu,umeer-dan, ghurkaree, silpsasturee, v. builder, architecture, mi,umaree, ilni 1 tu,iimeer, thuwue- pun, ghurkar, silpsastur, khund meroo, v. su- pra, architrave, kugur, murghol. architype, iisl, huqeeqee, mu.ukoos, mU|Vilool. archives, duftur-khanu, duftur. arcuatimi, (in gardening) daba. D 2 ARM 28 ARM - ardent, {jiery) gurm, har, teechhun, {fervent) dil-soz, {as a fener) mcohriq, v. violent, ardour, gurmee, sozish, duhuk, dah, ihtiraq, hurarut, dil-sozee, humlyut, v. fervour, &c. arduous, mooslikil, sukht, ushkal, sunglakh, v. lofty, hard, &c. ardnousness, dooshvvaree, sukhtee, ishkal. are, huen, ho, frorfi hona, to he, q. v. , - area, ursu, muedan, kcorsee, mooliat, munjhiya, dawa, duor, khoontee, v. space, {court) suhn, jiluo-khanu. areea nut, soopyaree, v. beetle nut. to argue, buhs- &c. -k. buhsna, bajna, bad-k. V. to dispute, argument, arguer, buhhas, churchik, tukraree, badee, du- leelee, tuqreeree, jhugraloo. argument, {controversy, q. v.) buhs, moonazuru, tuqreeb, churcha, {reason, q. v.) wastu, hooj- jut, karun, {proof, q. v.) sunud, istidlal, {sid)- ject) niubhus. argumentation, tubuhhcos, buhhasee, churcha, ee, V. discussion, arid, yabis, sokhtu, jula, v. dry, &c. aries, humul, mekh. to arise, oothna, tooloo,u-h. oodue-h. goozurna, ana, v. to come, {to originate) shcDroo,u-h. {to be produced) nikulna, hasil-sadir-h. v. to rise, so-oothna, v. to awake, muchna, v. to begin, arithmetic, funn i siyaq, jlm i hisab, gunit, hin- dusu, {book of) leelawutee, v. accountant. . arithmetician, moohasib, siyaq-dan, hisab-dan, gunuk. aright, theek, dooroost, v. right, aristocracy, oomra,ee hookoomut. aristocrate, oomra-dost. ark, {of the covenant) taboot sukeenu, v. boat, {of Noah) kishtee nooK kee. arm, banh, hath, dust, kur, kula,ee, v. branch, {from the shoulder to the elbow) bazoo, bhooj, dund, {from the elbow to the wrist) puhooncha, {of the sea) sota, kondhee, kuchhar, khal, kharee, v. power, {of a tree) duhla, dal ; at arms length, hath tule, dhuppe pur, do qudum, tufawut. to arm, moosulluh-k. kumur bundee-k. kutnur- bandhna, huthiyar-b. -pukurna or bundhana, kumur bustu-h. or -k. v. to coat, to defend. armament, dul butor, fuoj-bundee, {by tvater) buhr-bundee. armed, mcosulluh, kumur-bund, huthiyar-bund, tueyar, dust bu qubzu, opchee, ziruh-posh, silah-posh, buktir-posli, duwal-bund, utur- dharee, kusa-kusaya, {i7i comp.) bund, bustu, whence sipur-bund, armed with a shield ; khar- bustu, armed with spurs as a cock. armsnian bole, mooltanee-muttee. armful, kuola, gopha, unkwar, punju-bhur. armour, silah, ziruh, buktur, juoshun, jhilum, charajnu, v. helmet, {for a horse) pakhur, v. covering. armour-bearer, silah-burdar, utur bohee. armourer, {a cleaner of arms) suequl-gur, vulg. sikleegur, silah-saz, utur-sirjuk, v. furbisher. armoury, silah-khanu, qor-khanu, jubbu-khanu. armlet, bank, v. bracelet, &c. armpit, bughul, kukhree, kakh, mogcha, (disease of) bughul gund, v. smell ; to carry any thing under the arm, bughul-marna. arms, huthiyar, hurbe, alat i jung, dhal tulwar, saz-silah, utur, kul kanta, halhuthiyar, saz- bundooq, v. hostility, weapmi, &c. god, godee, jupphee, V. embrace, {armorial bearing) khan- dan kee ulamut, nishan, tughma, v. escut- cheon. army, lushkur, fuoj, kutuk, sipah, suena, dul, dhara, uskur, pi. ufwaj, fuoj fuoj, {numerous) lushkur-reg ruwan, or -mor mulukh; the right awdZe/ifwJ«^,dahinajbayan; thejlaiik, bughul, ARR «» ARS kumur ; the front and rear, ugarec pichharce ; the main body, ghol ; the centre, qulb. aromatic, khoish-bo-dar, moo.uttur, oosun, soo- gund, V. fragrant, pi. gurm musaluh, v, spice. around, aspas, gird, hur turuf, pueramoon, chuo- gird, chuopher, chuhcodis, v. about. to arouse, jugana, oothana, bedar-k. v. to excite. arrack, this is perhaps corrupted from the Ara- bic word iiruq, spirit, juice, &c. indefinitely. to arraign, du,uwa-k. v. to accJise, arraignment, du,uwa, v. accusation. to arrange, turteeb- &c. -d. suwarna, sowlharna, choonna, jumana, thikana-lugana, sarna, ju- tun-k. V. to adjust, to regulate. arranged, bund o bust, doorcnst, arastu, bilu- bund, mooruttub, sijil, v. to adjust, buna choo- na, soodhura, moontuzum, moohueya, v. to pre- pare. arrangement, turteeb, sijil, intizam, dooroostee, arastugee, bund o bust, bilu bundee, Ihtimam, suenta,o, choona,o, tcozuk, just o bust, tudbeer, nuzm o nusq, v. settlement, also the verb, arranger, bund o bustee, ihtimam-chee. arrant, banka, poora, niput, muhz, qiyamut, bula, badee, ghalec, usl, ekka, kutta, v. rogue ; an arrant thief, banka chor, v. atrocious. array, pura-bundee, \. order, (6a^^/e)qor-bundee, V. dress, {military) suf-ara,ee. to array, sufara,ee-k. pura-b. arrayer, qor-chee, v. to deck. arrear, arrears, baqee, baqiyat, tutimmu ; to be in arrears, tulub-churhna; lamnitiemmithsin arrears, meree nuo muheene kee tulub churhce hue. arrest, bund, qued, hubs, nuziir-bundee, khanu- bundee. to arrest, qued- &c. -k. khanu bund-k. chhenk- na, khuenchna, v. to imprison, seixe, attract. arrested, bundee, quedee, muhboos, nu/.ur-bund. arrival, dur-amud, qoodoom, wurood, puhonch, ootar, amud, amudunee, rusced, noozool, isdar, awun awun, a,ee, v. the verb, to arrive, puhconchna, ajana, dakhil-waqi-h. a- or ja-puhoonchna, ooturna, a-ruhna, (respectfully) ruonuq ufza-li. v. to come, arrogance, arrogancy, arrogantness, ghumund, unaniyut, kibr, gooman, ba,e, gcnstakhee, ru- qonut, ghurra, uhhiman, dimbh, ukra tukree, khood turashee, firuonee, v. pride. arrogant, mootukubbir, mughroor, gurdun-kush, ahunkaree, firuon, v. assuming,vain, haughty. arrogantly, tukubboor- 8:c. -se, uenthke, v. proudly. to arrogate, upnee tu,een door khuenchna, tu- rashna, du,uwa-k. thurana, kheechna, v. to as- sume. arrow, teer, ban, sur, khudung, v. dart, (blunt) suree, nawuk, (or rather the tube from which it is discharged) ; the point of an arrow, pue- kan, gansee ; the notch of an arrow, soofar, phonk ; the shaft of an arrow, qulum, suree; the wings of an arrow, purgeeree ; an arrow without the point, thotha; aharhedarrow,vk- re-dar teer ; a practising arrow, tookku, kha- kec, dil-moorgh ; a broad pointed arrow, khup- ra; an arrow'' sjlight, purtab; an arrow maker, teer-gur ; to shoot an arrow, teer-chulana, &c. V. to shoot. arse, chootur, soorecn, v. buttock, (to hang an) doom-dubana, chootur-sikorna, lendiyana, (clout) lungotee, koopeen, v. wrapper, also a7iits. arsenal, top-khanii, qor-khanu, silah-khanu, jub- bu-khanu, v. magazine. arsenic, sum ml far, sumbool-khar, sunkhiya, hurtal, zurncekh, v. zarnich, gopunt hurtal, sungi dcnrma. arson, shuhur-sozee, ungundah, v. incendiary. ART 30 ASC art, ilm, hoonur, funn, gcon, sunut, muharut, jcDgut, dust-gah, dust-karee, oostadee, huthuo- tee, biddiya, ulungkar, totka, lutka, chutuk, kurtub, V. knack, (trade, q. v.) hlrfu, kam, V. artfulness, &c.; the arts and sciences, ilm o hoonur. artery, shiriyan, pi. shura.een, rug, (also any Hood-vessel, sinew, &c.) naree ; but gener^y applied to the pulse of an artery, nubz. artful, ueyaru, rinda, hurraf, chhulee, mukkar, zoofcnnoon, huft-rungee, hikmutee, jcngtee, fu- rebee, phoolasre-baz, sooghur-syan, v. shrewd, artificial, cunning, &c. ji;,; ^<^- artfully, funn-fureb- &c. -se, v. artfulness. artfulness, ueyarugee, fuelsoofee, syan-pun, nut- khutee, rindee, phoolasre-bazee, dum-bazee, heelu-bazee, robuh-bazee, mukkaree, hirfut, hurafut, fureb, chhul, v. art, cunning, &c. arthritis, jhunuk ba,ee. article, (clause, q.v.) babut, maddu, (particular) ' bat, kliand, v. stipulation, &c. (of trade) ruq- um, jins, cheez, bab, bana, v. commodity, (of religion, &c.) hookm, a,'een, musulu, ruwa,it, (the definite) hurf i tu,urcef, kumphoo, (indefi- nite) hnxi i tunkeer, ibh, (articles of peace, ca- pitulation, &c.) quol-namu, uhd-naiT)u. articulate, saf, shosstu, khcola, v. distinct. to articulate, bolna, uda-k. oocharna. articulation, mukhruj,oochar, (joint) girih,bund, ganth, poree. artifice, funn, fitrut, mukr, heelu, buhanu, bund- ish, bunawut, tliuga,ee, chhul, dugha, kutku- na, V. art. artificer, artisan, kareegur, kusbee, peshuwur, uhl i hirfu, uhl i pcshu, v. artist. , artificial, hoonuree, umulee, turkeebee, musnoo- ee, (fictitious, q. v.) nuqlee, jhootha, bunawu- ree, kusubee, moosunnvi, funnee, sakhtu, v. false, artful. -. • , ^ , , ; ,i artificially, dust karee-se, hoonur-se, x. artfully. artillery, top-khanu, v. piece, ban, tear kuman, V. shot; great guns, topen, v. cannon. artist, dust-kar, hoonur-mund, dust-qabil, oostad, sooghur, V. artificer, adept, biddiyaman, goonee, sani, uhli sunut, -hcnnur o?' -peshu, sunut-kar, hoonur-baz, v, woo-km.an. ah'mtir .•m.^^ta .,\ artless, unaree, moorukh, v. unskilful, (guileless, q. V.) bhola, be-sakhtu, moo.urra, modhoo, (injiocent, q. v.) bhondoo, bodla, guo, be lu- ga,o, nek-bukht, ghureeb, v. ignorant. as, juesa, jis turuh, (opposed to their correla- tives, wuesa, tuesa, tis turuh, cos turuh, so, thus, &c.) kur, kurke, ho ; as, (like) moowa- fiq, manind, chinanchi, goya, jyon, sa, (while) Jul), jud, jis wuqt, jo,ee ; he was famous as a doctoo; hukeem kur mushhoor tha ; (because) lee^e, waste ; as if, jano, mano ; as many, as much, ]\ine, jeta, jyon jyon, jis qudur, (oppos* ed to their correlatives, ootne, titna, ota, teta, tyon tyon, tis qudur, cos qudur, so many, so much) ; as yet, ubtuk, ubhee, ubhoon, ujhoon, V. still; as for, as to, huqq men, pur, yu.une, V. because; as far as, juhan tuk, (correl. tuhan tuk, wuhan tuk) dhoor, toree, le, v. to; as long as, jub tuk, (correl. tub tuk); as it ought, juesa chahiye, ba,id o sha,id, kuma huqquhoo, kuma yumbughee ; as usual, budustoor, ulan- kumakan, wuesahee, wucse kc wuesahee, jue- sa ka tuesa; as 6e/bre, ugla-sa; asoftenas,]vie- ber, (correl. tueber, so often) ; as if, juncuk, juesaki, (-that) tyonkur, v.just; as well as, kya kya, v. both. asaruhacea, usaroon, tugur. ascarides, choonne, si7ig. choonna. to ascend, churhna, oothna, bilungna, su,ood-k. bcolund-h. ascendancy, ascendant, ghulbu, jeet, duba.o, tur- jeeh, fuoqiyut, ziyadutee, v. superiority. ASK St. ASS ascent, ascension, churha,o, oothan, qorooj, sii,ood, ' {height, q. v.) oonchan, irtifa,u; the ascension of a prophet, miuraj. to ascertain, thuhrana, janchna, mcoqurrur- &c. -k. tushkhees- &c. -k. kootna, suhejna, ju- mogna, sawun-k. v. to prove. "i ^o *> ascertained, mcoqurrur, mmshukhkhus, moo,ue- yun, sabit, ninotuliuqqiq, theek, nishchue. ascertainment, tuhqeeq, tuhuqqooq, tunqeeh, tushkhees, isbat, v. the verb, sawunta, usht- pusht, V. establishment, ascetic, tupussik, tupsee, abidanu, fuqecranu, V. hermit, Sec. ascites, julundhur, istisqa. to ascribe, lugana, thuhrana, muhmool-munsoob- -k. nisbut-huml-k. rukhna, muklisoos-k. v. to attribute. rtsAffwerfjShurmindu, zurd-roo, roo-siyah, khujil, mcDnfu.jl, naditn, v. bashful, shurm-aloodu, -nak or -sar, surnigoon, v. abashed, to be ashamed, shurmana, lujana, shurm-khana, ab-hona, ar-rukhna. ashes, rakh, chhar, bhusum, cliha|ee, bhoohee, bhus, khakistur, banee, tunoo, issiyo, khak, {pit for) khak-dan, {of a hooqqu) kulgeo, V. to smoke, {colour of) khakisturee or khakee- rung, fakhta.ee; ashes of the dead, musan; ashes which the fuqeers use, bhubhoot ; hot ashes, bhuok, bhoobjiul ; to reduce to ashes, rakh-k. mam. ashore, kinare-pur, khooshkee-pur, {or simply) kinare, {to come or go) ootur-ana, -jana, or -purna, v. to light, {to rtui) kinare-churhna, V. to strand, aside, uluq, ekant, ek uluTig,ekturuf,ek bughul, kinare, jooda, ek lug, furuq, {to take) ukela- -k. V. apart, to ask, pooclihna, istifsar- ponrsish-k. poochh- mungwana, khuburJena, v. to question, {to heg, q. V.) durkhwast- istida- sookhun-zuban- -d. V. to require, want, &c. asker, sa,il, poochhwueya, talib. aslant, askance, askaunt, tirchha; to look aslant, kunkhiyon-dekhna. asleep, sota, from sona,to sleep, q. v. soon, v. sense- less. aslope, askeir, aslant, dhaloo, v. oblique, &c. • asp, aspic, balislitiya sanp, ufu,ee. asparagus, nagduon, marchobu. aspect, shukl, wujahut, roop, hueyut, munzur, puekur, seema, nuzur, rlrisht, v. countenance, apjiearanre, position, &c. asperity, kuruklitugee, khojshoonut, doorooshtee, suklitoe, V. roughness. to asperse, toohmut- &c. -lugana, ueb-higana, aloodu-k. bat- hurf-lana, v. to traduce, to ca- lumniate. aspersion, trohmut, bcohtan, kulunk, v. censure. aspirate, hukar, bisurg. to aspirate, zahir-k. uda-k. hukama, v. to pro- nounce. aspirated, hukaree, bisurgee. aspiration, v. desire, also to aspirate, aspire, &c. to aspire, lulchana, arzoo- nigah- tak-r. nuzur-, shust-b. sans-bhurna or -marna, takna,chushni- dokhtu-h. V. to desire, soar, &c. aspiring, bcnlund-nu/Air, virmanee, v. ambitious. asphodel, birwaq, giyah sures, v. lily. asquint, kunkhee-so, tirchhee nuzur-se. ass, gudha, {fern, gudhee) khur,himar, gudihra, also a blockhead; a wild ass, gor-khur; an nss''s colt, chhuona, bacha, kliur-buchu, khotra, {driver) gudhela. assafastida, heeng, ungoozu, hultcet or hultees, pich ; gudhe ke kan kee muel, [a ludicrous expression like devifs dung.'\ to assail, hiunlu- chot-k. marna, v. to assatUt. ASS 32 ASS assassin, qatil, suffak, thug, luokiya, v. cut- throat, murderer. to assassinate, qutl- klioori-k. mar-dalna, thikane- lugana, kuta-k. kat-karhna, v. to stab, tomur- der. assassination, qut], v. the verb. assault, hunilu, cliot, war, churhnee, churha,ee, duor, rela, takht, v. alert, (personal), ziyadu- tee, V. violence, (storm) hullu, dhawa ; he took the castle by storm, qulu,u huUe se liya; a night assault, shub-khoon; to assault at night, shub khoon mama. to assault, humlu- &c. -k. marna, durera- &c. -k. hoojoom-lana, hcDmukna, duorna, churh- buethna, v. to attack. assay, (of metals) uyar, kus, ta,o, khura,ee. to assay, uyar-k. kusna, v. to essay, try, &c. assayer, sahib uyar, uyar-shinas, purkiya, chash- neegeer, nuqqad. assemblage, juma,u, kusrut, bheer, mujmoo,u, ijtima,u, hoojoom, umboh, v. assembly. to assemble, v. a. jumii,u- furahum-k. jorna, joomana, v. to collect, v. n. joomna, jumU|U- &c. -h. joorna. assembly, mujlis, subha,mundulee, muhfil, buzm, unjoomun, j uma,ut, dhara, j umueyut, miijmu,u, jumghut, utha.ee, puncha,et, punch, ukhara, guhgut, V. concourse. assent, ruza, istirza, pizeeraiCe, v. consent. to assent, qubool-k. manna, han-k. ban heen- bhurna, ruza- &c. -d. hoon-karna, v. to agree, moond-dolana, also to deny, v, to nod. to assert, iqrar- &c. -k. buda budee-kuhna, kuh- na, rutna, v. to insist. assertion, bat, quo], muqoolu, iqrar, buchun, - bacha, bad, du,uwa, v. the verb. assertor, qa,il, mooqir, badee, v. to vindicate. to assess, khiraj- &c. -lugana, churhana, bueth- alna, tushkees- &c. -k. assessment, khiraj, muhsool, bihree, lugta, baj, damee, damasahee, hissu-rusud, tushkhees, bundobust, duel, v. scheme, ghur duwaree, barja,ee, bachh, v. contribution, also the verb. assessor, the amil or hakim is generally the as- sessor of his own district. assets, ja.edad, muojoodat, jumu,u, roonjee poon- jee, V. effects. to asseverate, assever, du,uwa- &c. -k. v. to affirm, asseveration, du,uwa, bad, v. affirmation. assiduity, assiduousness, koshish, su,ee, jihd, tu- queyud, mushuqqut, kudd o kawish, v. dili- gence, zeal, &c. assiduous, raoostuqll, musroof, mihnutee, build, dhoonee, sa,ee, v. xealous. assiduously, koshish- &c. -se. to assign, thuhrana, mukhsoos-k. dena, lana, V. to appoint, (a reason, &c.) butlana, jutana, dilana, v. to consign. assignation, wu,udu, uwudh, wu,udu wusl, mel- budan, sa,ee sootee, v. conveyance. assig7iee, qa.im mcoqam, v. deputy, &c. assignment, burat, (of land) ja^egeer, moor kut- tee, (on the revenues, &c.) tunkhwah, (of land, for the maintenance of troops) ja,edad, v. order, allotment. to assimilate, v. a. milana, eksan-burabur- moo- wafiq-k. V. to digest. assimilation, mila,o, moowafuqut, v. the verb. to assist, mudud- &c. -d. thamna, mududgaree- &c. -k. sumbhalna, kandha-d. v. hand, assis- tance, help, &c. assistance, mudud, yaree, sath, turuf-daree,dust- geeree, yawuree, suhara, i,anut, tayeed, istim- dad, nusrut, mu,oonut, v. help, protection, sup- port. assistant, mudud-gar, yar, moomid, moo,awin, kcomukee, nasir, pooshtee-ban, v. auxiliary, helper, &c. (iii office) pesh-dust, pesh-kar. ASS M AST r- pirdhan/chhota'sahib, (in singing, &c.) bazoo, V. seco7id. assize, (a court of justice) udalut, muhkumu, kuchuhree, butchhupee, {rate) nirkli, bha,o. to assize, nirkh-nikalna. assizer, nirkhee, buys. associate, rufeeq, moosahib, shamll, sajhee, sun- ghatee, v. partJier, companion. Sec. to associate, soohbut- mel-r. sath- mila-nihna, moottufiq-h. ittifaq-k. milna, hum kunar-h. mushturik-h. manoos-h. v. to accompany, to join, &c. associatioji, ittifaq, mel, sliurakut, sajha, moDsha- rukut, shirkut, milan, muiyut, v. confedera- cy, conspiracy. to assort, soodharna, turteeb-sijil-d. thuon theek-, . . bacliha-tufreeq-k. v. to separate. assorter, juchunhar, janchundar, bachhik, buchh- wuya, V. arranger. assortment, v. the verb, khep, v. cargo, &c. to assuage, tukhfeef-d. thundha-k. pughlana, dilasa-aram-d. thumbhana, v. to lay, mitigate. asstiasive, tuskeen-buklish, ghum-goodaz. . to assume, lena, lelena, ukhz-ikhtiyar-k. furz-k. manna, v. to grant, to presume; to assuTueairs, fukhr-k. itrana, shekhee-k. v. to arrogate, &c. assti/mer, assuming, mughroor, sir-churha, v. haughty. assumption, qurar-i,utibaree or -furzee, v. postu- late. assurance, {certainty) yuqeen, munuotee, i,utibar, bburosa, {confidence, q. v.) dum, zcD.um, ghu- mund, {Jirttmess) dileree, {impudence, q. v.) dhith|aee, mugra,ee, gosstakhee, shokhee, shekhee; assurance in God, tuwukkool, v. trust, security, &c. to assure, tusullee-tushuffee-d. sumjhana, iqrar- -k. qa,im.k. boojhana, peeth thonkna, v. to satisfy, persuade, secure, &c. assured, mooqir, qa|il, moo.utuqid ; to he assured, qa,il- &c. -h. yuqeen-janna. assuredly, ulbuttu, mooqurrur, be-shuk, be-shoo- bhu, ulhuq, nuls-oolumr, v. certainly, asterisk, khariju, nishanee, v. mark, astern, peechhe ; keep astern, peechhe ruho. asthma, sank, duma, zeeq-oonnufus, oopur-diima, kasuswas, v. the adj. asthmatic, asthmatical, sunkuha. to astotiish, ghiibrana, hueran- &c. -k. uklana, chuondhyana, jhubkana, bhukwana, bhondh- lana, v. to confound, astonished, ghabra, mootughueyur, be-hiiwas, sursan, chukit, mud-hosh, surgushtu, ashooflu, shoreedu, huka buka, v. amazed, astonishing, ujeeb, ujoobu, uchruj, toorfu, bichu- khin, chumutkaree, zor, tumasha, nuo-turz, budiyu, v. wonderful; an astmiishing fellow, zor-ncDskhu. astonishment, ujub, tuhueyur, be-huwasee, chu- mutkar, v. wonder, astray, bhutka, goom-rah, bud-rah, be-rah, v. to stray; to go astray, bhutukna, gccm rah- hojana. astride, tang pusarke, (a horse) tang lutkake, churha, suwar, v. inminted. astringency, qubziyut, bundhej,buksahut,kusa,o, cnfoosut. astringent, ufis, qabiz, bundhejee, buktha, sumet, tan, sikra,oo, v. austere, astrolabe, oostrorlab. astrologer, moonujjim, nonjoomee, jotikee, rum- mal, sitaru-shinas, gunutkaree, gunukee. astrology, ilm i noojoom, noojoom, jotik, tunjeem, rumul, gunutkar. astronomer, uhl i huyut, huyut-dan, siddhantee, russad, V. astrologer, astronomical, {tables) zeej, z^ech. astronomy, huyut, ilm i huyut, siddhant E ATH 34 ATT munder, jooda, ekant, ulug, v. separate. asylum, mamun, mulja, dar col umaii, uman, punah, surun, mulas, v. reftige. at, {near) pas, {in, &c.) men, uen, ko, pur, se, kc-tu,een, e, v. in ; rat e or rat ke-tii,een a,o, come at night, often expressed by rat alone; (o7i) oopur, kune, ihan, teer, v. near, side, &c. at once, ek-lukht, ek-qulum, v. stiddenly ; at worst, at most, siwaiC iske nulieen, buhoot, bu- humu jihut, ugur khurabee ho, v. extremity ; at worst, hecan take my life o?ily, huhcot kurega sirf humaree jan lega, v. best, whole; at all, bil- kooll, V. totally, also present, &c.; at war, lura- ee-pur; at work, kam men; he was angry at his going, oaske jane pur khufu hooa; why are you angry at me ? toom moojji se kyoon khufu ho ? she frowns at me, moojh pur ghajruktee hue ; he knocked at the door, keway ko tlionka ; at how mucli ? kete pur ? kete ko ? at all, mootluq, niput, koochh, tunuk, zurru. [These are all used negatively.] / don''t knoio this langttage at all, is zuban ko mucn kooclih nuheen janta ; at length, at last, akhirush, bare, nidan, unt, akhir rol umr ; at yu II length, moofussul, v. fully ; at least, thore se thora ; at most, buhoot se buhoot ; at hand, sur i dust, hazir ; at all times, hur -wuqt ; at jjrese^it, is wuqt, ubhee, fil-hal, ul-hal, bil fi,u] ; at first, uwwul, puehle, ad ; at home, ghur men ; at all events, khwah mu khwah ; at times, kubhee kubhec, gah gab ; at sight, dursunee, {applicable to hills, &c.) The above words will be found, in general, sufficiently expressive of the various meanings of the prep, at, v. near, in, &c. atabal, tub!, tubla, pukhawuj, v. drutn. nie {preterite of eat), khaya, from khana, to eat, q. v. . atheism, duhriya-pun, ilhad, duhr, nastik, in,kar, kuolik, V. disbelief. atheist, duhriya, nastukee, kuolikee, soogut, V. infidel. ^ ^^ ' atheistical, moolhid, moon,kir. athletic, chaq-chuobund, mooshtunda, koongra, dhuokur, bul-wunt, kurkura, zor-awur, zubur- dust, kutta, shuh-zor, puhluwan, dundpel, bulee, surUiCen, fivm surUiCe, exercise, q. v. also wrestler, &c. athwart, ara, benda. atilt, pucnture pur, v. to tilt, (abroach) oojkoon- or orhuk-pur. ""^ jd4j!C't;t;^()ic .ii /.hititl."- atlas, {a rich silk) utlus, v. map. atmosphere, huwa, butas, ba|0 bokha, V. crar. atom, zurru, unoo, jooz la yutujuzzu. to atone, v. a. {to expiate, q. v.) metna, purash- chit-k. kufaru-d. v. n. kufaru- &c. -h. atonement, jwuz, jureemanu, budlu, kufaru, purashchit, v. &rpiation. a-top, pur, oopur, siripur. atrocious, sukht, kurra, ushud, shudeed, ushur, muha^papee, ughee, v. horrid, arrant. atrocimisness, atrocity, shiddut, sukhtee, muha- pap, goonah-vizeem or -kubeeru, ugh. atrophy, sookha, sookh-chhuree, sookhur, wan- soo, sookhun hutee. ,\.cVrv, s' ...,. iis«;, to attach, (to win, &c.) upna- girweedu- hulqu- bu gosh-k. lobliana, birbhana, moh-lena, hilana, luga-lena, ganthna, {to join, q. v.) mil- ana, wusl-k. lugana. attached, chuspeedu, girweedu, manoos,mu,uloof, rula-mila, hila-mila, ghut put, wufadar, ma,il, mcnbtilu, luoleen, dilbustu, puchee ; to be at- tached, guthna, ho-ruhna, hirikna, hilna,wufa- dar-h. muel-k. v, to conciliate. attachment, chuspeedugee, dil-bustugee, hel mel, muel, wufa, lugga, v. Ujve, adherence, {regard, q. V.) pyar, chah, oolfut, rubt. attack, humlu, cburhaiCe, dhawa, yoorish, wuhlu, V. assault. ATT 35 ATT to attach, churhna, mama, humlu- &c. -k. pur- na, girna, chherna, kood-puma, pukuina, hoo- - lukna, V. to assault, {as a feiiU) bhunik-, siyahu-dikhlana, v. alert, diversion ; to attack the rear, pichharee-marna ; to attack in frmif, . moohra-marna, ugaree-mama; to attack the Jlank, kumur-marna, v. to storm. AuHi« to attain, v. a. pana, labh-k. v. n. m3na, bur- ana, ajana, buhum-puhoonchna, hasil-h, v. to get. attainable, milun bar, mooyussir, kusbee, moom- kln col hoosooL attainment, bat, gojn, wusf, juohur, tu.ureef, hoonur, boord, ghuneemut, kani, istifadu, oo- paijun, V. to acquire, &c. ; attainment of one's wishes, kam-ranee, kam-yabee, v. completion. to attemper, attemperate, moowafiq- moo,uludil-, humwar-k. v. to moderate, &c. attempt, koshish, su^ee, jihd, qusd, azma,isli, V. essay, trial, (attack) humlu, chot, v. as- sault to attempt, azmana, koshi^- &c. -k. dekhna, kurna, v. to try, to endeavour, &c. Qo attack) humlu- &c. -ktH to attend, dhyan- ghuor-k. dil-d. kan-dhurna, tun-qudum- hath-d. (to wait on) hazir-muo- jood- luga-pas-sath- -ruhna, v. to wait, &c. takna, nlharna, rcokh- moonh-k. v. to observe, (as a physician, &c.) khubur-lena, poochna, - duwa pauee-k. moo,aliju-k. bueda,ee-k. (to the door, &c.) puUonchana, v. to mind. attendance, ha/.ir-bashee, tu,eenatec, khidmut, nuokuree, (on the sick) beemar-daree, beemar- poorsce, khubur-geeree, poochhar, v. care, mcnlazimut, mrojra, (to dance) nach-nachna, tana bana-k. attendant, attender, khidmutgar,ha7.ir-bash, kha- dim, mmlazim, tu,ecnat, khidmutiya, jilo-dar, humrah-rikab, bundhanee, huwashee, v. scr- vatit ((M tiie sick) beemardar, karnee, ruoh- uk, khuburgeer, v. nurse, suit, &c. attentimi, uttentiveness, hosbiyaree, soochetee, chuoksa,ee, soort, llhaz, su,ec, ihtiyat, khubur- daree, koshish, tuqueyud, khuoi, (to a guest) i,uzaz, sunman, adur, tuwujjuuh, (study, q. v.) purisruni,deedu-rezee,T.coM/eHJ2j/«<»o«,iqdai]a^ tuwaza3,u, mcura,at, v. regard, care, 8tc. attentive, chuokus, scorta, scodh-muna, soochct, sur-gurm, moostu,id, mooqueyud, sa,ce, roo- joo,u, mootuivujjih, mooltufit, v. careful, &c. attentively, soort-se, ghuor- &c. -se, tuhqeeq kur. attenuant, mcoluuif. to attenuate, putla- ruqeeq-k. attenuation, putla,ee, riqqut, v. the verb. to attest, sliahidee- &c. -d. v. to appeal, he. attestation, shahidee, shuheedaree, [which last is improper] tusdeeq, istishhad, sijil, tus,heeh, V. to testify, evidence. attire, poshak, libas, jil. kupre, busun, cheer, V. habit, &c i.„,f ot" to attire, puhinna, puhnana, puhirana, posh, added to nouns, and followed by bona ; thus, in Suoda : De busmu posh ho ke too saghur biloor ka. When allired in golden robes jyresent the crystal bowl. V. to dress, &c. attitude, halut, suma, an, dhuj, asun, v. posture, attorney, na.ib, wukeel, (at law) udalut ka wu- keel ; powers of attorney, &c. sunud, wikalut- namu, v. agent, to attract, khecnchna, birbhana, lulcliana, bur- lena, girweedu-k. uenchna, teerna, sulb-k. v. to draw, luga-lena, v. to allure, attracted, ashiq, mujzoob, v. hver, &c. attraction, kheench, kheencha,o, kushish, juzb, injizab, (of tJie magnet) jshq ; female charms or attractions, dil-kushee, dil-furebee, dil-roo E 2 AUD 36 AUG ba,ee, moh, an, naz, uda, ashiqee, ukurs, tu.ushshcoq, v. charm, attractive, attracting, dttractor, (alluring, q. v.) dil-bur, mun-mohun, dil-Iugun, mohun, mu,u- shooq, (as the magnet) jazib ; an attractive quality, qoowwut i jazibu. attribute, wusf, sifut, khassiyut, mahiyut, goon, khassu, pi. khuwass. to attribute, thanna, dalna, v. to impute, attrition, rugur, ghisa,o, v. cordrition. avail, fa,idu, nufu, hasil, labh, bih-bood, v. me, advantage. to avail, gutha.o- ganthna, shippa-lurana, fa,idu- pueda-k. phul-d. phulna, kam-ana, luhna, v. advantage, avarice, avariciousness, hirs, lul-chahut, khissut, lalsa, bhookh, v. hunger, covetou^ness. avaricious, hurees, tummU|U, daridur, khusees, V. covetous, &c. avariciously, laluch-se, tummu,u-se. avast, bus, bus bus, bus kuro, ruho ruho, han- han. avaunf, doot, goom-ho, doorho, chukhe ; chul- chukhe, avaunt ! begone ! ' auburn, mue-goon, bhoora, y.Jair, &c. auction, neelam, (from Helam, Port.) hurraj, bl- ka,o, bikree, v. sale, auctioneer, neelam-chee. audacious, (bold, q. v.) nidur, uojhur, oojud, uk- khur, be-lihaz, be-udub, tanchra, seenu-zor. audaciousness, audaciti/,Ahitha,ee, niduree, be-ba- kee, seenu-zoree, shokhee, goostakhee, be-ud- ubee, be-lihazee. audaciously, goostakhanu, gcostakhee-se, dhitha- ee-se. ,, ^audible, (loud, q. v.) boolund, ooncha, soona,oo, musmoo.u, zabir, julee, jihr, poor, (to be) soo- na,ee-d. soon-purna or -ana, v. to hear ; an audible voice, boolund-awaz, bang boolund. audibly, bang boolund-se. audience, auditory, uhl i mujlis, soonne wale, moo- khatibeen, sami een, istima,u, surwun, v. hear- ing ; (of an ambassador) moolazumut, moojra, to give audience, kan-d. bar i am-k. the hall of audience, deewan i am, bar i am. to audit, janchna, nuzur i sanee-k. isteefa-k. moohasibu-lena. auditor (hearer) sami, mookhatub, soonne-wala, (of accounts) moostuofee, moohasib, mooshrif. to avenge, intiqam-budlu-lena, (to punish) uzab- qulir-k. suza-d. v. to revenge. :iji»_i is . i: avenger, moontuqim, qahir, quhhar, v. punisher. avenue, naka, mooroor, goozaru, ruwish, vulg. roush, V. alley. to aver, du,uwa- iqrar- buchun- bad-k. budabu- dee-kuhna. average, uosut, purta, bur dur, v. medium; the average price, mootuwussit-qeemut, summood- ha-mol ; at an average, surasuree. averse, mookhalif, dooshmum, birodhee, na-razee, roo-gurdan, mootuwuhhish, v. disgusted; to he averse, moonh- pherna, kusheedu-h. rookna, ankh-chhipana, kheench-ruk^na, jee-chorana, hutukna. averseness, kusheed, kheench, rookawut, soostee, tughafool, dheel. aversion, (dislike, q. v.) i.uraz, ikrah, tunuffoor, uks, ijtinab, (hatred, q. v.) mookhalufut, bir- odh, dcDshmunee, tuwuhhoosh, khuench, v. pre- judice, antipathy, detestation. to avert, door- dufu,u-k. talna, pherna, mor-de- na, mar-dena, baz-rukhna, hutana, v. to turn. auger, burma, v. gimblet. aught, koochh. to augment, burhana, ziyadu- &c. -k. v. to in- crease. augmentation, augment, ziyadutee, burhtee, sur- Aro S7 AUT sa.cc, udhika,ee, ufzajsh, ufzoonee, izdiyad, V. the verb. ! aurora, soobh, bhor, urcon, v. crepuscle, dawn. auspice, fal, shugoon; auspices, hima,it, fuzl, iqbal, bu-duolut, purtap, chhanli banh, v. pa- tronage, &c. auspicious, mcobaruk, su .eed , mootuburr uk,yumn, nek, saz-war, soobh, v. fortunate; auspicious person, zat bu burkat. austere, sukht, kurera, khurjhura, toond, kuttur, kurkus, (taste) buksa, kusela, zumookht, v. rigid, &c. austerity, austereness, su khtee, kurukhtigee, toon- dee, khooshoonut, khurjhurahut, (of taste) buksa,o, (of manners) tupussya, jog, zoohd, riyazut, v. harshness, &c. authentic, suheeh, sabit, tuhqeeq, mootuhuqqiq, , priman, suchcha, moo,utubur. to authenticate, suheeh- &c. -k. moosujjil-k. sa- bit-puhonchana, v. to prove, also attestation. authenticity, sihhut, i|Utibar, suchaiCe, priman, suchuotee. author, (inventor, &c.) banee, mcojid, mookhturi, baneekar, moosubbub, v. contriver, (writer) moosunnif, kurta, grunthkar, ugur-chaluk, compiler ; a classical atithor, moosunnif i moo- utubur. authority, ikhtiyar, qoodrut, muqdoor, zor, tutha, purakurm, iqtidar, hcnkoomut, sur-daree, mookhtaree, hakimee, qooruqubzu, dargeeree, a,et, dunka, v. jurisdiction, &c. (order, q. v.) hookm, furman; absolute authority, istiqlal, (testimony, q. v.) sunud, (weight, q. v.) qudr. to authorize, (to empower) mookhtar- sootuntr-k. ikhtiyar-d. (to make legal) moobah- priman- &c. rukhna. authorixed, mookhtar, sootuntr, ruwa, doorcost, mcobah, ja,iz, v. lawful, automatons, mcotuhurrik bu nufsihee. autumn, khizan, khureef, put-jhur. AWH MGI CM/M»2waZ,khureefee; thedutumnal equimMyi,-^- tidal i khureefee, huripud. d ^Mai^ ,«K' aiHBiliary,raadM.A.-gax, v. assistant; the ausdliary army, koomukee-lushkur. to await, rah-dekhna, ursu-kheenchna, zvihna. awake, jugta, bedar. i u" .-imM'tun , ■'■'"*■•''■ 'X- to awake, awaken, v. a. jugana, v. n. jugna, jug- cothna, v. to wake. award, hookm, futwa, tujweez, bimas, salisee, salis-namu, budan, fuesul-namu, v. sentence. to award, thuhrana, dilana, futwa-hookm-d. choo- kana, budna, v. to decree. ,-^,\*.^^\^ ,t^i;iVrvV»5^Ti aware, khubur-dar, hooshiyar, soocheta, chetun, mootunubbuh, v. conscious ; to lie aware, moot- tvdu,ii-waqif- agali-h. chetna. away, ghuer-hazir, tufawut, gha,ib, dufu, goom, door, jooda, bahur, bichhra, (begone, q. v.) goom-ho, hisht, door-dubuk, chulo, cotho, su- ruk, furq ho, (in comp.) dena, dalna ; to give away, de-dalna, to throw away, dal-dena; let zis go, chulen, ruwanu-hovven; away ivith him, door kuro ; to go away, chular-jana ; to disap~ joear, jata-ruhna; to come away, chula-ana. awe, dur, duba,o, roo,ub, dub dubu, ibrut, huc- but, hank, ghor, dhak, dhumuk, zulzuki, v. dread; to stand in awe, dubna, duba,o-manna. to awe, V. a. dubana, dhak-bandhna, dubkana. awfid, huebut-nak, huol-nak, dura,ona,bhyanuk, r0|Ubdar, ibrutee, v, terrible. awfulness, huebut-uakee, huol-nakee. a/while, thora, ek-dum, zurru, chund-roz, chund- mooddut. ) fiiuntin ;.Y..jj 5vrvviirt\Tm>- .-Tiii'ii'if: -Af.'l.. ,.! , ; , . , ' . , ._/•.;),,>. ., t' I . . ... awkward, (.person, &c.) unarce, phoohur, koorh, unchheela, moorukh, jubudda, na-turasheedu, na-murboot, be-suleequ, bud-zeb, be-suj, bud- noonia, bud-wuzu,u, be-duol, koobhakhur. bhudesul, kawak, v. clumsy, inelegant. awkwardly, be-dhub, be-duol, be-tunih. awkwardness, na-tui"aslieedugee, bud-noonaa,ee, be-duolee, unar-puna, v. clumsiness, awl, sootaree, sooja, durwush, soo,a, nihuroee, aree, durufsh. awn, soo.a, toor, toonda, soongh. awning, sliamiyanu, num-geeru, sa,eban, chund- wa. ./ .i«t? o-'ft- nfffij-UfTTr-. fwf: axe, kcnharee, tubur, tanga, koolliar-a or -ec, V. adx, battle- pick- and pole-axe. aaillary, bughlee. awiom, budeehee, uzhur, pritichh. accis, axle, axle4ree, dhooree, (of the globe) mih- wur, meroo, qootb, v. pole, (ring) awun, muj- heroo, v. nave. ay, han, are-bule, uch-chha, v. yes, &c. aye, humeshu, suda, nit, always. Sic. aximuth, us-sumut, digumsh. .r.nwA.A-Mnu'J: axwre, asmanee, neel-goon, neela, kubood, laju- wurdee, ab-goon, abee, urzuq ; tlie axure sky, neel-goon asman. CBgyptiacum, niurhuin zungai'ee. cBgilops, dhulka.: wisWA v^ Ww) ,• B BAC to hna, bhenbhiyana, mimiyana. babble, yawugo,ee, buk buk, qeel o qal, rez. to hobble, ghoonghan- hoonhan- urbur- Src. -k. bukna, burburana, bur-marna. iabMer, ba.ojhuk, foozool-go, yawu-go, behoodu- go, lootra, bhurbhuriya, phikuoriya, phankra, bacheechee, zirziriya, luppa, buwesiya, r. baf- fler, notisense, &c. lobe, buchchu, lurka, sheer-khoru, baba, (prop. a father) though used as a term of endear- ment by old people to young, does not mean, as the English suppose, a child ; bala, phoha, chenga, pisrufc, junmutiya, baba-jan, which last is an expression of endearment used reci- procally by father and son, becbee-jan is be- . tnreen mother and daughter, v. Imhy, infant ; miyan is also applicable to a habe, as in Mis- keen, thus : Pus muen kis se kuhoongee aja miyan ke baba, Jis dum hooruk hoorukke murjawega yih bala. Then to whom shall I call, "Baby's papa, come here,'" While my babe is sobbing his heart out for you. See the Grammar, p. 290. and Stanza LXI. hdhoon, lungoor, hunooman, t. monkey. baby, V. babe, pootla, pootlee, in the fern, like which, most of the above and similar words in a, may be used also, v. doll. ba4xhanals, {of Hindoostan) holee, phugwa. bachelor, mmjurrud, ko,ara, moDflis, is sometimes, but improperly, used in this sense ; un-byaha, "jug> burhumcharee, v. wimarried. BAC bachelorship, moDJurrudee, tujreed, k0|ar-puna. back, peeth, poosht, peechha, (rear) pichhwara ; behind one's back, peeth-peechhe, pus-gheebut, {of a florae) muddoo, v. 7iape, (of a book, &c) pooshtu, V. behind, (of the head) goodee, v. oc- cijmt, tun, deh, v. body, (-wipe) oolta-hath, {cloth piece) peeth-mula, v. ridge, pulut, v. to return, also again, {to fall) peechlie-hutna or dubna, puhloo-tihee-k. v. to retire ; to turn the back on, peechhe-d. v. to desert, {to leave) peechha- peeth-pherna, v. to tcithdraw. back, adv. pher, ghoom, baz, pcechhe; to give hack a thing, wapus- pher-dena. to hack, .churhna, peeth-lugna, suwar-h. {as a carriage) hutana, {to support) pooshtee- puchh- -k. tuqwiyut-d. v. to second, &c. to backl/ite, chooghlee-khana, choogliool khoree-, gbeebut-ghummazee- diuwa,o-nindiya- gilu- -k. peeth-lugana, v. to traduce, to censure. backbiter, chcughcD], chooghocl-khor, chuwa,ee, ghummaz, peeth-luga,oo, gheebutee, gheebut- -go, lootra, V, slanderer. back-bone, reerh. back-door, chor-khirkee, kolkee, v. postern. backgammon, tukhtu-nurd, nurd. backside, {arse, q. v.) chootur, nitumbh, sooreen, V, back. to backslide, deegna, r. apostate, Szc. backstairs, chor-sirhee, r. by, &c. tiaMiuti bacJc-sicord, tuhvar, shumsher, khanda. backward, adj. roogurdan, kusheedu, na-razee, soost, jrichh-muna, v. dull, puspa, pichliata. BAG m BAK V. late^ {and Jbrwards to go) tana baiia-k. ; to shoot an arrow, he. bacJczoards when retreating, baz gush tee teer- &c. -chulana, v. retrograde, to be backward, rookna, jee-chorana, moonh-chhi- pana, kheench-r. hutukna, hutna, baz-ruhna, dheel-k. peechhe-ruhna, durgouzur- qoosoor-k. backwardly, soostee- &c. -se. backwardness, deree, soostee, dirungee, istadugee, dheel, bilumb, rookawut, tughafool, duregh, {Uiiqoosoor, kotahee, v. aversion, neglect, backwards, v. back {from the wrong end, &c.) colta, qulb. . bacon, soo,ur ka khara gosht, (to save one''s) up- nee pugree thambna, upnee topee lungotee- bucliana. bad, bud, boora, munda, nakaru, zuboon, khurab, bigra, nusht, nlkhid, bhonda, be-duol, be-dhub, usoobh, na-suwab, burgushtu, (in camp.) koo, V y.Jalse, ill; bad enough, lu,unut bu liech, uesa uesa, V. corrupt, vicious, &c, (wicked, q. v.) moofsid, bud-batin, khonta, ushur, (unfortu- nate') munhoos, nuhs, koo-sa,ut, {hurtful) rnoDzir, fasid, (sick, q. v.) beemar. . badge, nishan, ulamut, chinh, puhchan, chupras, chhapa, nishanee. sunud, v. token, (of bruh- muns, &c.) june,oo, zoonnar, v. sign, {of slave- ry) hulqu, V. mark, (bridal) kungna, sihra, V. garland, favour, &c. badly, be-turuh, be-duol, bud-duol, bigarkur, V. improper, bad. badness, budee, boora,ee, khurabee, bud-zatee, kJiota,ee, qoobh, bigar, nikhidta, blionda,ee, . V. depravity, wickedness, to baffle, burbad-ra,egan- zayu,u- be,urth-ukaruth- -k. ajiz-k. mar-dena, ghubrana, muhroom-k. hutkana, hueran-k. v. to confound, to elude, baffled, la-ilaj, v. to puzzle. I baffler, burbadee, santee, v. to frustrate, bag, thuelee, keesu, kheesu, himiyanee, kliuree- tu, gunjiya, v. sack, he. {of money) toru, budru, dhokra, khoothee, purchhee, v. purse ; a bag of musk, nafu, mirg-nabh ; a clothes bag, jamdanee; a waterman's bag, mushk, pukhal; bullock bags, khoorzee ; a bag or case, ghilaf, ghurara, v. wallet, to bag, jhol-koonjluk-purna. baggage, v. furniture, cheez-bust, usbab, sur- unjam, usasu, kulkanta, deru dunda, fur- ashkhanu, sazbaz, oordoo, v. market, (sent on before) pesh-khanu, {of an army) boon,gali, buheer, lutbuhur, (slut, q. v.) ullamu, qootta- mu ; bag and baggage, umulu-fi,ulu, ghurbar, tumam o kumal, sulog, v. strumpet, bagnio, humam, suqaya, ghoosl-khanu. ^ ^^^ , bagpipe, shuh-na,ee, — resembles it in sound, but not in appearance. bail, zaminee, zimmu, kufalut, tukuffool, (the person) zamin, kufeel, mootukuffil, (pecuniary surety) mal-zamin, (security for a persorCs ap- pearance) hazir-zaminee, (for tlie conduct of any one) fi,ul zamin. to give or stand bail, munuotee-k. v. surety, za- minee- &c. -k. zamin- &c. -h. ; to admit to bail, zaminee- &c. -manna or -qubool-k. bailable, zaminee-puzeer. bailiff, suzavvul, dhuons, chuprasee, mcohussil, dustukee, shuhnu, meer-duha, dundlya, v. overseer, officer, messenger, bait, charu, danu, too.umu, vulg. tamba, ahar, (snare) jal, shust, y. feint, temptation, to bait, charu-lugana, charu-dalna, v. supra, oo- turna, v. to halt, {a liorse) khilana, danupanee-, ghasdanu-d. v. to refresh, (beasts) torwana, kutwana, lurana, v. to worry, also bull, (to rest) istirahut- bisram-k. sustana. baize, put too, v.ffannel. to bake, pukana, pona, pera-bunana, v. oven, also to form, to knead. . , BAL 41 BAN baked, tundooree. baker, nan-ba,ce, nan-puz, rotee-wala, tubbakh. bakehouse, tundoor-khanu. baking, nan-puzee. balaiice, meczan, turazoo, toola, bldh, (receivable) baq^c, (^payable) faz.il, {equipoise) udl, v. sur- plus; fazil baqce, is probably a balance sheet; owing a balance, baqce-dar ; outstanding ba- lance, pa,e-baqee, zer-baqce, wllayut-baqce, V. account; (small) nurza, kanta; also the tongue of a balance, jeebhee, (J,he scale) pullu, pulra, {the beam) dundcc, {overplus) barha, faz.il, ziyadutee, (of an account) baqec, buqa- ya, tutimmu. to balance, (real or Jigurative) tolna, wuzn- un- dazu-k. {scales) pasung-burabur- poora-k. {an account) wasilbaqee- saf-k. bidji- &c. -milana, dyorha-k. v. to settle, to counteract, udl-sumbhalna, hum wuzii-k. dhura-b. scedha- -k.y.totritn; balancing books, Stc. bidhmilec, dyorha. balcony, shuh-nusheen, nikasta, pcsh-dalan, v. gallery, buramudu, [corruptedly burandu, whence, perhaps, the common word veraiidah] bala-klianu, from which balcony is probably derived. ' bald, chandil, kul, khulwatce, rootha, be-numuk, V. 7'ude, harsh, balderdash, poochpadur huwa, v. nonsense. baldness, chundla, khulwat, boorka, looch, v. bare, inelegance. It would appear that there is no very common word in the language to express . this, as the Asiatics appear to confound it with the herpes, q. v. bale, guthur, gutha, ganth, mot, tukhtu, {of cot- ton) gooth, V. bundle, to bale, {to lave, q. v.) ooleechna. baliful,hud,hcora, moofsid, moozir, uogoon, v. bad. balk, bunderge, Y, 6eam, also the verb. to balk, muliroom-r, mayus- na oommed- niras-k. V. to frustrate, miss, ball, gola, golce, gol, kooru, phend, v. l)0wly pinda, gorha, ghnolulu, girdu, v. globe, {for play) go,ce, genda, {scy-ball) gola bhela, mengnee, gootjdee, {cocoon) ko,a, v. apple, {dance) gut, bucrag, nach, ruqs, jhoormut, jhoomur, ras, {of thread, &c.) butta, v. view, round, {of a turban) joora, v. club, {hand- ball) gend, a flower used to play with, ballad, geet, rag, v. song, ballast, ncclam, v. weight, neelum, leelum, mun, jung, V. to balance, to ballast, neelam-d. balUster, ballustrade, pukhree, kutuhra, kungoo- ru, V. rail, &c. ballot, qooru,u, v. lot. to ballot, q(X)rU|U-d. balloon, kulsa, v. globe, anar, v.Jirewm-ks, fanoos. babn, {the balsam) bulsan, {the plant) boomadu- ran, badrunjboyu. balmy, mcetha, sheereen, sookh, v. fragrant, soft, balsam, bulsan, ruoghun i bulsan, tila, v. plaster, {double) gool-mihndee. bamboo, bans, {work) thuda, {splitter) buns-phor, [-ee his work'\ {sugar, manna, or camphor of) buns-lochun, {case) chonga, {clump of) buns- baree, {single clump) bans kee kothee. to bamboozle, mooghaltu-d. bhoolawa-d. v. to confound, bamboozler, mooghaltu-baz, v. cheat, to ban, kosna, v. to curse, ba7iana, kcla ; of which there are several kinds, as the chumpa kela, murtuban kela, cheenee kela, &c. V. plantain, band, v. bandage, bond, &c. {troop) guroh, jutha, ghol, zoomru, {of music) ta,ifu, chuokee, ruo- shunbaja, puchbujna, nuobut, dhuonsa, baja, V. knot, {crew, q. v.) guthree, v, gang. F BAN BAR handage, puttee, bund, bundhun, pun-kupra, v. fillet ; a head band, qusabu. banditti, lootere, quzzak, pindare. This last is particularly ajiplicable to those who attend the Murhuta armies, v./z-eeiioo^en ''■'■'■^ '*■'*' handy, khoondee, v. crooked, club. to bandy, danwandol-k. ruddbudul-k. v. to toss, discuss, &c. handy-legged, bangoor, phidda, v. crooked. hane, zuhr, bis, bikh, mahoor, sum, khurabu. baneful, zuhr-dai-; summee, zuboon, v. baleful. hang, mar, v. blow. The herb so called is pro- perly bhung, V. Iienhane. to bang, kootna, peetna, mama, tumbeeh- mar- koot-k. V. to beat. to banish, shuhr budur- jula wutun-k. des nikala-, bunwas-d. be wutun-k. tyagna, hundana, v. to \ expel, transport, &c. banished, kharij, murdood, v. exile. banishment, jula wutun, des nikala, awarugee, istikhraj, bunwas, v. exile, also the verb. hank, (of a river, &c.) kinaru, par, teer, turuf; a high bank, kurara, urara, (dike) pooshtu, bandh, v. bridge, (of eartfi) todu, teela, tekra, deeha, dhoo,a, pal, v. bench, (loose) kuchliar, ~' \ V. precipice ; a sand bank, chur, guthana, v. mound, &c.; a bank for money, surraf-khanu, khuzanu, kothee. to hank, bandhna, pooshtu bundee-k. v. the noun. hank-hill, teep, v. bill. hanker, surraf, muhajun, seth, sahod-kar, sah, kothee- or hoondee-wal, fotu-dar, whence puo- dar, pot-dar, &c. (street) muhajun-tolee, sur- raf u, also the banking business, muhajunee, suhooka'ree, &c. bankrupt, shikustu, na-dar, (to be) tat- or tat- pet-ooliitna, v. to break. hankruptcy, dewalu, iflas, na-daree, v. insolvent. banner, bannerol, nishan, jhunda, ba.ota, v. co- lours, streamer. ..,..., ...... ,,.„», bannian, this word is not risecf by the natives i' their under garments, like it, are called unga, puerahun, &c. Buniya, is the name of a tribe who are all merchants, and traders of one kind or another ; whence such a one''s hamiian, or broker, \. factor, &c. bannock, pastec, chupatee, gudree, v. cake. banquet, mujlis, buzm, unjoomun, jushn, ziyafut, du.iiwut, mihmanee, rotsuo, nyota, jewunhar, yr. feast, &c. hanqueting-house, uesh-muhul, ushrut-khanu, raue-khanu, cotsuo bhuwun, v. carousal. to banter, muskhuru-bunana, bunana, tueyar-k. thutha- muzakh-tusukhkhoDr-zurafut- reesh- khundee-k. v. to ridicule. hanterer, thuthe-baz, thuthol, zureef, khoosh- tubu,u, \. jester, droll, &c. bantling, ghenta, v. brat. to baptize, nam-r. namkurun-k. v. to christen. bar, shuhteer, lukkur, lutha, urbunga, dunda, bara, mend,dand,v. ew^rawce,seekh, seekh-chu, durbund, v. Jo^#,qued,|bundhej, v. hinderance, pcDshtee-ban, bata, zamin, v. stanchion, (of a, court, &c.) kuthghura, chubootra, v. tribunal^ (of a harbour) chur, v. hank, (obstacle, q. v.) ar, rok, sudd i rah, (of gold, he.) sulakh, cent, puttur, chukkee, kamee. to bar, belna^lugana, v. bolt, (to hinder, q. v.) sudd-k. burujna, tu,urrooz-k. nikalna, v. to exclude. barb, ankree, khar, kanta, pakhur, v. armour, tazee, v. horse, dant, v. tooth, also whisker. barbarian, gunwar, dihqanee, bnn-manoos, du- bung, bhil, moorukh, huewan, v. savage, ignorant, zalim, v. bloody, bhundesur, juthur, urburungee, v. rude. barparism, barbarousness,'^i\vnkvt, jihl, na-turash- BAR 43 BAR ec-duj;»:iti!..'fi i ! batch, ghan ; this bread is all of the same batch, yih rotee sub ekhee ghan kee hue, v. brewing. to bate, ghutana, kum- &c. -k. chhorna, v. to abate. bat-fowling, lookaree shikar ; applicable to Jish- ing also. .ft-. ; ,> bath, {hot) hummam, gurm-abu, v. pediluvium, (cold) ghoosl-khanu, surd abu, suqabu, nitush- nanee {keeper) humamee, v. fomentation. to bathe, hummam-ghcosl-k. nuhana or unhana, ushnan-k. nuhlana, dhona, ungohul-k. >i bating, chhor, v. except. baton, usa, chob, [whence cbob-dar] lathee, bel- chu, mootuhra, bhung-ghotna, dunda, v. club.- BAW 45 BEA battalia, suf-ara,ee, suf-bu-suf, v. arrat/. battalion, from which, or peltoon, platoon, the common words, pultun, petalum, a corrup- tion of the English word, the natives having no other to express it by, unless cnlossh may be translated as such, v. regimetit, body, &c. to batter, dhana, girana, buethalna, tor-dena, chhulnee-k. jhunjhree-k. v. to paste. battered, (as a wliore) hulwa, v. mellow, (as a soldier) chhulnee, khidmut-ruseedu, v. worn out, also to shatter. battery, morchu, dumdumu, (in law) dust-dura- zee ; to raise a battery, morchu-b or lugana. battle, lura,ee, joodh, run, ghumsan, Jung, sun- gran, jungojudul, purkliash, karzar, puekar, urbudu, mooharibu, moobarizu, ruzm, niza,u, mar,bharut, v.war,Jight,Jield; the field of bat- tle, khet, muedan; a pitched battle, suf i jung. to battle, lurna ; to give battle, mooqabulu-lur- a,ee-k. ; to join in battle, bhirna, v. to fight. battle-array, suf-ara,ee, suf bu suf, pura bustu, V. to engage ; to form hi battle-array, pura bandhna. battle-axe, tubur, phursa, tuburzecn, gundasa, V. club. battlemetit, fuseel, vulg. sufeel, moonder, seenu- punah, kungooru, suri deewar, v. bastion, &c. bawble, na-cheez, hech, khiluona, v. toy, bubble. bawd, bhurwa, kootna, or koottun, qooroomsaq, muhul-dar, na,ek, (procuress) kcDtnee,dullalu, muhul-darnec, vulg. muhuldanee, na.eka. bawdy, hatcdry, pooch, phukkur, mooghullu7.u, foohsh, be-shurm, nilujja, la-zuban, bud-soo- khun, koo-buchun, v. obscene. baivdy-house, kusbee ka^ghur, khiirabat-khanu, buet ool lutuf, chukla, lolee- or tawa,if-khanu, chhinal-khanu ; kusbee poora, means the quar- ter or street allowed to prostitutes. to bawl, hank-mama, pookarna, chillana, goonj- na, naru- qcelqaree-marna, bang-d. furiyad-, ulghiyas-k. tema, gohema, phikoorna, v. to roar. bay, (colour) koomuet; chesnut bay, lukhee; light bay, soorung ; dark bay, teliya ; bay of the sea, kol, v. creek ; bay salt, panga Ion, kuchcha numuk ; bay, (tree) tuj. to bay, V. to bark. to be at hay, biphuma, roopna, rookna, dutna ; to keep at bay, baz-rukhna, v. to restrain. bayonet, sungeen, suneen. bdellium, googul, mooql. to be, bona, jana, [the former is the auxiliary of the active, and the latter of the passive voice'\ bunna, chulna, v. to do, (in comp.) a, ho, mama, tvhence a-purna,a-jana,ho-gcDzurna,d-k. v. to conduct. behaviour, wuzu, chal-dhal, chulun, luchhun, rah-ruwish, tureeq, a,een, soulook, bolclial, nishust-burkhast, v. conduct, manners, &c. to behead, sir-katna,moond-katna,gurdun-marna, behind, peechhe, bu,ud, mootu,ukhir, pus, plchh- ware, ma-bu,ud, pus-ghuebut, gha,ibanu, v. after, back, &c. {iiiferior) kumtur, ghat, v. below, {remaining) ruha, pus-mandu, v. left. behindhand, pichhant, pichh-muna, peecbha, v. slow, puspa, V. retrograde. behold, yili-dekh, dekho, uewah, leejiyc, wall, lo, ure, uree, v. lo ! O! to behold, dekhna, bilokna, tukna, takna, nihar- na, ankh bhur-dekhna, nigah- lihaz-k. moo- shahudu-k. v. to perceive. beholden, mumnoon, ihsan-mund, kunuonda. beholder, dekhnc wala, dekhwueya. be/ioof, fa,idu, nufu, hasll, laha, v. behalf, need. to behove, zuroor- furz- la,iq- moonasib- wajib-, lazim- labood- durkar- jog- uwish- chaheeta-h. chahna, luhna, v. to befit, &c. ; it hehoveth you yourself to go, toom hee ko jana chaheeta hue. being, hota, jata, hokur, v. to be, jiin, juna, v. person. being, hustee, wujood, asti, usthit, {state) uhwal, uwustha, {creature, q.v.) mootunuffis, jan-dar; be it so, woohee suheeh, washee ho, v. suppose. to helalxmr, peetna, kootna, thonkna, v. to bang. to belay, bandli-d. mama, v. to waylay. belch, dukar, arogh. to belch, dukarna, dhikarna, dhikar-lena. beldam, da,en, rachhusee, daknee, dag, rojhin, V. hag. belfry i jurus-khanu. G ii^k> BEL S6 BEL to belie, jhoothana, jhoothalna, jhootha-k. (to ca- -• lumniate) toolimut- ittiham- iftira- boohtan-, '* Hm- lugana or -k. ; his face belies his heart, wcoh indra,en ka phul hvie; Ms deeds belie his words, ooske kuhne uor kurne men tufawut hue, V. differetice. belief, bawur, i,utibar, purman, tuhqeeq, {reli- gion, q. V.) tureeq, mut, punth, (estimation, q. V.) iitkul, V. creed, faith, cmifidence, &c. to believe, manna, bawur- &c. -k. or -r. eeman- &c. -b. (to suppose) janna, v. to imagine ; pu- vtiyana, suchkur-janna, i,utiqad- &c. -lana, v. ■' to credit, c- ^•— r-'---^ ,.i-:.--- believer, moo,utuqid, manhe-wala', mutee, v. fol- lower, iihli kitab, (in religion) eeman-dar, ra- sikh, momin, (which the Shiyus claim to themselves ; in some provinces it is also ap- r'plied to weavers); a believer in Moohummud, moosulman, uhli islam. bell, ghunta, ghunt, ghuree, jurus, zung, tulee, ghuntee, v. clock, (small) zungoolu, ghoon- ' ghroo, chuorasee, (of a flower) piyalu, kuto- *"ree, (for the feet) puenjunee; to bear the bell, ' gO|ee- bazee-lejana, sir sihra-h. v. to excel. belle, bankee, ulbelce, nazneen, chliuelee, rung- eelee, ulbelee, &c. v. beau. " " ' AV"' belles-lettres, ilm-o-hoonur, ilm-o-fuzl. hell-founder, jurus-saz. belligerent, jung-awur, jungee. bellman, ghuriyalee, ghunta pande, sa,ut-nuwaz. bell-metal, kansa, bhurt, uzhdhat, ro.een, phool. to bellow, duhukna, bumbana, bhenbhiyana, du- karna, ghurghurana, sunnana, gurujna, bhoo- kurna, jhunkarna, v. to bawl, bellows, dhuonknee, khal, dumu, bhatee, min- bellwether, bago, agwa, v. leader, belly, pet, shikum, dozukh, (prop, hell ; but is often used by the vulgar for the belly) : pet- ..,.K,',. bhurna, lit. to Jill the belly, signifies to satisfy the demands of a servant, &c.; dhidh, butun, jhojh, tond, v. abdomen (swell) oobhar, v. protuberance, to belly, jhol-purna, nikul-ana, phool-ana, oobhur- ana. bellyache, murora, pechish, durd i shikum, v. cholic. belly-fretting, koorkcoree. bellyful, pet-bhur, bhurnet, jee-bhur, shikum- ser. bellygod, shikum-bundu, v. glutton, to belong, lugna, ulaqudar-h. puhoonchna, hona, (with the possessives, mera, my, &c.) moo- tu,ulliq- shamil- dakhil-h. ulaqu- tu,ul]Goq-, luga,o-r. V. to pertain; this business belongs to me,yih kam moojh se mootU|Ulliq hue; does thai ground belong to you ? wooh zumeen toom se tU|Ullooq rukhtee hue ? yes, it belongs to me (is mine), han meree hue ; it does not belong to ymi to treat with him, cos se juvrab suwal kuma toom ko nuheen puhooncbta; the father'' s property, inthe eyeofthelaw, belongs to the son, bap kee milkiyut shureCiVtt ke roo se bete ko puhoonchtee hue. beloved, piyara, fern, piyarec, muhboob, fern. muhboobu, mu,ushooq,yem. mu,ushooqu, cha- heeta, fem. chaheetee, iizeez, dil-dar, -aram or -khwah, V. charmer ; my beloved ! ue meree janee ! below, neeche, tule, zer ; whence the diacritical point , from its situation ; heth, ootar, v. be- hind, matuht, V. beneath, pust, v. inferior, (to be) ooturna, (in hell) putal men, usful men, V. earth, also improper: belswagger, sand, bok, kunhuya, v. ram, bull, belt, bund, (of a sword) purtula, dab, (of leather) budhee, tusmu, duwal, duwalee, (of a saddle) tung, furakhee, (of a shield) vilee-bund, v. BEN 51 -B^^ girdle, patee, hiina,jl, lungur, kuniur-duwal, petce, V. girth, he. to bemire, bedraggle, bednhhle, bedaub, bedash, be- foul, bhur-marna or -dalna, for which, and all sudii words, sec their primitives. to bemoan, ufsos- tu,ussoof- ghum-k. ah-marna, wawueltt-k. sans-bhurna, nalu-k. v. to bewail. bench, chuokee, kcorsee, sundilee, nushemuii, soofFu, tuklitu, \. board, seat, {of justice) muh- kumu, udalut, kuchuliree. to bench, tukhtu bundec-k. bend, bending, khum, tcrha,ce, v. crook, pech, bul, V. turn. to bend, V. a. terha^ khum- kuj-k. luchluchan?, nihoorana, dumana, morna, bhuo,ana, phiraiia, bul-khilana, v. to twist, (a bow) churhana, V. to lay, (a tiet) siyarna, v. to prepare, (one''s way, &c.) rah-leiia, mootuwujjih-h. qusd-k. {to apply) lugana, v. n. nihoorna, luchna, dum- na, terha- &c. -h. moorna, khumna, bhuona, phima, bul-khana, v. to warp, lugna, jana, v. to tend ; to bend the knee, zanoo-marna, beneath, neeche, (unbecoming, &c.) ncech, kum, ghat, bud-zeb, narinoonasib, v. below, kumtur, V. inconsistent, under ; to be beneath instation, value, &c. or the dignity of a person, -coturta-h. benediction, doo,a, usees, asheerbad. benefaction, ni,umut, inam, buklisliish, (public) niyaz, wuqf, sunkulp. benefactor, kureem, mookhueyur, data, duya- wunt, oopkarcc, moohsin, masnim, wulec-ni,u- mut, sunkulpee, v. patroti. 6e«e/^p, krislinar-pun,bishnar-pun,tuhti-musjid, suhnuk, nu7.ur-imam, v. charity lands, beneficence, khoobee, khuer, dad-dihish, bakh- shish, fuez, fuezan, ni,umut, nekokaree, cnp- kar, V. kindness. icnc^cere^,fueyaz,duyal,juwwad,nekokar, mihr- ban, kirpa-wunt, v. gracious, benefactor. beneficial, moofeed, khoob, mooslih, goon,karce, bhula, uch-chha, v. profitable, useful, benejicialness, fa,idu-inundee, v. advantage, benefit, ihsan, minnut, ni,iimut, bakhshish, duya, kirpa, ultaf, y.faxour, {profit, q. v.) niahu- sul, hoosool, kuma|Ce, kifayut, ifadu, wara, v, adca ntagco us. to benefit, fa^idu- &c. -k. pueda- 8:c. -h. y. to serve, benefited, moostufeed, v. to gain, benevolence, khucr-khwahce, khoobee, khuer-un- deshec, nek-kh\yahee, nikOiCe, khuer, mooruw- wut, shufqut, uhliyut, lootf, seel, iltifat, v. humanity, he. benevolent, khuer-khvyah, nek-khwah,khuer-un- desh, khoob, sahib-moDruwwiit, mookhueyur, shufeeq, seel-wunt, bhula, sulecm oot-tubu. to benight, rat-aj)urna, rat-hojana. benighted, shub-ruseedu. benign, moolayim, shufeeq, khuleeq, moosukkin, sulecm, huleem, bhula-manoos, v. beneficent, benignity, bhulaiCe, bhul-muiisa,ee, khoobee, uli- liyut, khojlq, moolayimut, v. kindness, bent, {crooked, q. v.) banka, luclika, jhooka, ku- man, a bow, sometimes is used in tliis sense ; bul-dar,muonee, v. decrepid, {resolute) moastu- id, khura, v. apt. bent, {inclination, q. v.) roojoo,u, kheench, ku- shish, jhookawut, {determination) qusd, icliha, V. bend, to benumb, thlthoorana, soon- ufsoordu- lukree-k. be hiss- khooshk-k. benzoin, loban. to bepiss, moot-mama or bhigona, v. to wet, to bequeath,de-murnii,dc-ja.neL, hibu-k.bukhsh-d. wusiyut-k. v. to leave, {for a public purpose) niyaz- nuzr- sunkulp-k. bequest, hibu, wuqf, sunkulp, v. donation, to bereave, lelena, lena, chheen-lena, buzor-lena. G 2 BES 52 JBET hereft, khalee, v. without. berry, danu, phul, ber, buer, {the tree) beree, v. plumb. beryl, feerozu. '' '**^'^'' to beseech, girgirana, ghighiyana, haha-khana, bintee- mintee- ajizee- ilhah- lujajut- suma- jut-k. (to ask) durkhwast- khwahish- gooza- rish- iltimas- urz- istida-k. chahna, v. to con- jure. to beseem, suhna, zeb-d. v. to become. to beset, gheriia, chhenkna, moohasuru-k. v. to waylay, &c. dhurna-d. or buethna, v. to per- secute. to beshit, hug-marna or -bhurna. , to beshreiv, kosna, bud doo,a-d. beside, besides, (near) pas,nere, nuzdeek, qureeb, T. about, bughuer, ghuer uz, chhor, jooz, (over and above) ulawu, siwa, masiwa, ooprant, oopur-iske, age, mafrura, sath-iske, tispiir, . bewildered, bhoola-bhutka, goom-rah. to bewitch, jadoo-ufsoon- sihr-k. or -d. tona-, lutka- totka-k. muntur-phenkna or -chulana, beer-chulana, sayu-d. bewitched, sihr-zudu, ufsoon-zudu. , .,^iw«i to be bewitched, bhoot- pret-lugna, sayu- asfeb zudu- fureftu- mooblilu- lutoo-h. v. distracted. bewitching, dil-ruoba, dil-fureb, jado- choos, V. blood-thiraty, (Itssard) girgit. H 2 BLO 60 BLU hloodthirsfi/f loohoo ka piyasa, khoon-khwar. bloodvessel., rugUkhoon, v. «ejw, &c. {name of a) BUri roo, v. jugular, &c. hloodwit, khoon-buha, rukut-durb. bloody, khoon-aloodu, poor-khoon, lohoo-bhura, loohoo-Iohan, (sanguinary, q. v.) khoonee, qatil, hutyara, v. cruel. bloody-flux, ishal i khoon, lohoo ka beg, utisar ; lohoo-buethna, means to pass blood, or to have a bloody flux, bloody-minded, khoon-dost, rukutpremee, \. san- guinary. , ' ('">>'fto5 c*. bloom, shigoofu, ghoonchu, gool, kulee, phool, cliumuk, V. lustre, {of youth) nuo-juwanec, buhar, jobun, shubab, {mangoc blossom) mun- jur, kohur, {of the pitlas) tesoo. i'.'; to bloom-, khilna, plioolna, shigooftu-h. muolana, muolna, buorana, tuhtuhana, v. blossom. blooming, nuo-juwan, buharee, v. youthful. bloomy, poor gool, v.Jlower. blossom, phool, kulee, {of mangoes) muol, buor, V. bloom. to blossom, khoolna, bigusna, kuruhna, khikurna, munjurna, chhutnar-k. buhar (men) -ana, kohurna, v. to flourish. blot, dagh, chheet, chinh, boond, qutru, ncoqsan, hurf, top, thop, V, spot, bla7ik, blemish, to blot, bhur-d. daghdar-k. chhintiyana, mama, topna, V. to obliterate, boondkiyaha- daghec- &c. -k. V. to stain ; to blot out, dho-dalna, katna, metna, muhw-k. qulum-marna. - blotch, dagh, chut, dudora, moohasa, v. pimple. blow, moosht, mookkee, ghoosa, killee, war, tho- kur, thcs, dhumooka, zurb, chupet, v. stroke, {home) goongee or bheeturee-mar, v. thump, hurbu, V. battle, &c. {misfortune, q. v.) dhuk- ka, {of flies) sa.ee, v. calamity, &c. an unex- pected blow, bula,e naguhanee ; a blow or over- throw, shikust, huzeemut. to Ihw, V. n, {as wind) chulna, buhna, dolna, {aflre) dhookna, v. to inflate, {to pant) hamp- na, {to sound) bujna, bujana, {to kindle) duh- kana, {with the breath) phoonkna, {topiiffup) phoola-d. {to drive) marna, tukrana, dalna, v. to cast, {to divulge, q. v.) phorna, [from phoot- na,to burst or take wind,v, todisclose'\ {as flies) sa,ee-d. v. to corrupt, &c. to blow out, phoonk- -d. V. to exti7iguish ; to blow over {a storm, &c.) tul-jana, pur-jana, puta-jana, neeche- furo-h. or puma, nikul-jana, v. to subside; to bloiv up, oorjana, v. a. chulana, buhana, oorana, oora-d. V. to bloom ; to blow the nose, sinukna,jharna. Most of the above words are very extensive in their application and acceptation. blubber, bus, v. oil, also blobber. "ItSmUA n\ to blubber, kandna, thoonukna, bilbilana, v. to cry, {as a camel) bulbulana, {to swell, q. v.) phoolana. bludgeon, lathee, kutta, gundasa, loohthee, hur- uothee, kootka, thengna, kootuk, v. club, : N blue, neela,(«i bur4, sfitideecl, z6r, kura, V. violent. boisterously, zor- shiddut-se, bu-shiddut. boisterousnesSi shiddut, suklitee, toondee, tezee, zor, V. stormy. muttFJtn:. bold, juvvan-murd, buhadoor, soorma, muzboo^, murdanu, mun-gura, muncliula, bhubhootee, be purwa, sher-murd, sahusee, v. brave, nil* J30M ^QO mood dar, numkeen, v. Jitrot^, {level) bue^x- wan, putsum, v. cveu, (daring, q. v.) be-bak, nilliir, {rude, q. v.) sir-churha, be-huya, be- sbunn, nlliiija, v. audacious, {as a picture) oobhra, noomayan, numood, {as a shore) kum- war, chuorus, v. steep; to make bold, iltimas-, urz-k. ; may I make so bold ? muen iltinjas kuroon ? holdlij, dileranu, murdanu, goostakhanu, shokhce- , sc, be-purwaiCe-se, be-moohaba, kholke, v. freely, nisung, murda-murdee, v. plainly^ boldness, shwja.ut, dilavvuree, jtor-ut, buhadooree, Hiuzbootee, tuhuwwoor, be-bakee, tUl-chulee, ugmuna,ee, gcostakhee, shokh.ce, djdtha.ee, be- huya.ee, be-shurmee, sukhtee, kuruklitugee, ; doorooshtec, uojhur-pun, ukhur-pun, v. tJie adj. bheerta, numuk, v. spirit, energy, courage, 'bold, bote, (armenian) gil i urtnunee, {earth) gujnee, Diooltanee rauttee, kaboolee mittee, gil i soorkh. bolster, tukiyu, balish, balistu, {pad or compress) gudee, V. pillow, cusJdotu to bolster, tukiyu- Sec, -lugana, -r. or -d. bolt, {bar, q. v.) belna, billee, benda, thekee, bUa,ee, chhitkunee, hoorka, durbund, urdunda, senthee, kootta, v. birdbolt, seekh, v. spit, {of 'a lock)]\»xr, pura, {of thunder) chukkee, sillee, gaj, bujur, pootkee, v. dart; bolt upright, burchee-sa, seekh-sa, v. perpendicular, to boU, belna-lugana, bund-k. {to spri7ig) chhoot- na, nikul-purna, jliur se-nikulna, {out) phror or khoor se-nikulna, v. to blurt, {to swallotc) , dliookusna, phankna, guttukna, v. to sift, {up) oochuk- jhup de-oothna, v. to rear, bolter, {at meah) dhooksa,oo, gutka|00, phan- koo, V. sieve, bolusy qoirs, tikiysfc bomb, ghoobare-ka gola, v. mortar, to bombard, ghoobaru-chulana.1 oeiluiiaioot to bombardier, gurnalpe, v. gunneriny,,^^^^, bombast, laf-zunee, bura,ee, baba,ee, naoobalughu, dhvjulla, gbtjjrfish, ghooloo. bond, {ligature) bund, puttee, bund.hao, pat, v. obligation, &c. pi. t;uoq, t. fetters, {/or debt, &c.) tmnussook, dustawez, teep, sunud, {of nnioti, &c.) rishtu, silsilu, iilaqu, surishtu, djiaga, V. thread. bondage, qued, bund, useeree, giriftaree, hubs, bundhun, ghoolamee, v. slavery, hulqu-bu go- shee, tuoq-zunjeer. . .1 bondmaid, bandee, luondee, cheree, kunefez, ku- neezuk. bondman^ ghcnlam, buudu, pi. bundlgan, burdu, chela, V. slave. nifi Itondsman, zamin, kufeel. bone, huddee, har, hudda, oostookhwan, usti, uzm; to make no bones, khutru- undesbu- nu kuroai to bone, nihudda-k. ,\yrsT.'.(*A*ooi bookbinder, suh.haf, moojullid, jild-gur, juld-bund. BOO 64 BOR bookkeeper, sudur m(»hurrir,kurnuin, v. account. book-keeping, hisab-kitab, lekha-jokha. bookJearned,hookish, kitab-dost, moolanu, (in the qoran) hafiz. booksellar, suh,haf, kitab-furosh. hookworm, dhawa, keera, {st^idious) kitab ka . keera. boom, shuhteer, lukkur, v. bar, (beacon) dhehoo, nusub, (chain) ar-sungul. to boom, bhurbhurake-a. or -j. gull guhake-a or -j. V. to rush. boon, bukhshish, bur, v. gift. boon, adj. khoosli-tubu, zindu-dil, yar-bash, moo- wafiq ; a boon companion, yar-shatir. boor, gunwar, jotuha, hul-jot, wuhoosh, junglee, gunwuela, guonroo, dihatee, koo-giyanee, v. clown, countryman. boorish, unchhecla, naturaslieedu, v. blunt, &c. boorishness, gunwar-puna, dihqaniyut, v. rusti- city. hoot, mozu, pi. moze, chukmu, (one leg of) pu- wa,ec. The English word is frequently used, from a false idea, that there is no other to ex- press it, and that mozu properly signifies a stocking; as this is not the case, chumre ke moze is a needless pleonasm. Sootee-moze, (i. e. thread boots) is sufficiently expressive for stockings, and will be generally understood, ,bWy stocking. to boot, luhna, v. to profit, (something) oopur, ro- kun, ulawu, pha,o, ghuloo,a, rookhun, lawa- goo,a, roonga, v. over; I ivill give you ten ru- pees, and a turban to boot, muen toom ko dus rqopue doonga ulawu ek pugree, (put on boots) moze-churhana. booted, mozu-kush. booth, chhuppur, v. cottage, bootless, ukaruth, nirgoon, v. vain, useless. bootmaker, mozu-gur. booty, loot, ghuiieemut, yughma, gharut, v. plunder, (to play) hureefee-k. har-khelna, v. to trick, &c. bo-peep, jhanka jhoonkee, mcwlka moolkee; to play bo-peep, jhanka jhoonkee-k. borax, sohaga, tunkar, boruq, juwa^khar. border, chhor, kinaru, zih, qor, damun, kuggur, (confine, q. v.) juwar, sunjaf, mughzee, uonth, anchul, v. end, (of ajield) aiee, dharee, v. to join, (margin) hashiyu, (of a garden, bed, &c.) mend. '\ to border, bow-maker, kuman-gur,— he is also a painter, a bone-setter, and a palkee-maker, &c. bowman, bowyer, kum nuet, dhunook-dhur, ku- man-dar, v. archer. bowsprit, or bolsprit, subdhura. iV-'*n«{,", .v bowstring, chillu, zih, churha,o, tant, roda, [the two ends of which are called sesur, and tlie middle part for the arrow, muedan\ box, sundooq, (small) sundooq-chu, petee, butta, V. casket, (for dice, &c.) chonga, (in comp.) dan, whence qulum-dan, v. till, (thump) chu- meta, thupera, thopee, v. knock, (for pills, he.) dlbbiya, dubba, (bloiv) ghoosa, killee, thup- pur, tumachu, (oti the head) dhuol, v. slap; the boxtree, shumshad, buqs. to box, (to shut up) sundooq men bund kuma, (Jight) V. n. ghoosa-marna, ghoDSSum ghoossa- lurna, mookuwwul-lurna, v. a. ghossiyana, mookiyana, mcosht zunee-k. lioora hooree-k. boxer, mcosht-zun, hurmoora, jung-moosht. boy, chhokra, lurka, luonda, baluk, dhituona, duk, saqee,v. cup-bearer, (child) buchu, pisiir, chhohra, dhota, dohra, ghoolam, subee, lungur- wa, goorga, goorjce, v. brat, &c. ; a heavenly boy, ghilman, opposed to the hoors, or nymphs of paradise, >.iuiHKmi 3ii:JUfi f,a«^M^ ■, •r vv,i>/-q ./v-'i)r-.^''( .etmaq .'wli'I jjUi* ^(},ui av brats, kuch bucli, lurke purke, chench pench. bravado, dhuruUa, dhumkee, dhurukka, geedur- bhubkee, v. bluster, brag, brave, buhadoor, dilawur, diler, juvvau-murd, murdanu, bc-jan, soor, beer, jodha, sawunt, shcDJa,u, muzboot, juree, soojan, dil-chul, ra- wat, jtorutec, roostum, sur-baz, v. gallant, bold, {excellent) khassu, toohfu, bihtur. to brave, humchushmee- mooqabulut- hconda- toondee- surkushee-k. hankna, liunkarna, un- gootha-dekhana, v. to dare, bravely, murdanu, dUeranu, buha-dcnranu, shoo- ja,ut- &c. -se. Irravery, buhadooree, juwanmurdee, muzbootee, be-janee, shooja|Ut, joor-ut, sliuhamut, dilchu- lee, jigurdar-ce, &c. v. the adj. also spirit, courage, hravo, khoonee, suffak, qatil, v. assassin, {inter- jection) shabash, wah wah, afreen, wachhre, bhulbi, wahjee, dhunijee, zihi, murhuba, v. ivell. brawl, galee-giluoj, ghoolghupara, phukkur, jhugra rugra, ghuogha, khurkhushu, bukhera, • jihalut, jhugra, dhoomdham, shor shar, urbu- du, thookkum, thojkka, mardhar, tuobu-dhar, gooha lutharee, rurho pootuho, chjieeha chhee, V. altercation. to brawl, galea giluoj- &c. -k. brawler, jhugraloo, luraka, bukbukiya, ghuo- gha,ee, bukheriya, v. squabbler, &c. brawn, motapa, inota,ee, {of the leg) pindlee, str phllee, V. calf, bul, ghat, pind, chukka, v, strength. i .ultnJ ^t.. nrj brawny, hajrmcoshta, ghuteela, soo-pind, chuh- kueth, V. sturdy, athletic. bray, renk. ^ to bray, {to pound) kootna, {as a7i ass) renkna. brazen, peetluha, peetul-ka, birunjee, {age) dwa- pur-joog, V. shameless. . , , , (sfXly^^; 5. ■"-. brazen faced,chviT^x&fio, mookra,oo,v. impudent. to firn^eWjgoostakliee- ghoorfish-k,dj:iiraiia,dhum- kana, chuprana, mookrana. ^ --'• breach, durar, toot, phoot, rukhnu, durz, sliikaf, naka, phar, sendh, nuqub, boghara, v. gap, {of law) tuolieen, v. infraction, {of peace) bi- dut, V. violence, {difference) bigar, khulul, ikh- tilaf, nifaq, bhung, nachaqee, v. to break. bread, rdtee, nan, kuchuoree, {in general) khana, danu-panee, khana peena, unjul, rozee, ab- khoor, tikee, pet, nan o numuk, numuk, bun- ijh, V. livelihood, &c. {plai7i) nan abee, op- posed to nan rogliunee, v. butter, {daily) nan shub, tookra un-aj, v. fare. 'yj|; ,.55.^,? ' breadth, chuora,ee, chukla.ee, urz, puhn, puh- na,ee, puesai", kol, tukhtu, v. width, puhna, {vulg. punlia) bur, {of a river) pat, {of a wall) asar. > ."iiS. vbtiiiA>t4'«*'-.v ,»?'"i i'tl' •:'?!• .i** break, toot, phoot, {of day) bhor, buree fujur, V. early, turka, soobh, puhphute, noorketurke, pratkale, v. dawn, fasilu, untur, v. ifiterrup- tion, {a pause) suktu, wuqfu, thuhra,Oj, v. breach. .^-j-iut ->«ii)j^f-«.htt,.,j. .wf^gf ^x>nt>,■i^ break-neck, gurdun-tor. .?,al^y«43-^«i*.,vn.' break-promise, buchun bhung, uhud shikun. to break, ioi-na, phorna, pharna, bhanjna,turkana, V. to crack, mama, girana, puchharna, v. to destroy, sadhna, nikalna, liumwar-k. v. to train, {to pound) neem kob- juokob- durdura- -k. V. to powder, &c. burturuf-k. v. to dis- card, {open) tortar- tor phar-k. torke-kholna, BRE 69 BRE {a fall) chot- &c. -bucliana, v. blotv, also to save, (o house) sendh-marna, v. house-breaker, &c. (Ihe neck) munka-torna, {through troops) cheer nikulna, v. to open, (as morning) puli- phutna, {to propound) chherna, izhar-k. v. to tell, (a promise, law, &c.) bhung- fuskli-k. (out) bol-oothna, v. to hhtrt, oobhurna, phud- phudana, kuch-kuchana, ookusna, v. ertiption, (astheface) moonh-phulna, v. efflorescence, (as jlre) jul-oathna, v. to burst, (as a merchant) tootna, girna, tat-oolutna, shikustu-h. v. to fall, also bankrupt, &c. (as waves) dhe,oo-marna, (one'' s fast) nihar shikunee- iftar-k. rozu-khol- na, V. fast, (in pieces) tookie- choor-k. (to defeat) shikust-d. (a Jiorse) arastu-k. soodh- ama, bunana, (to bankrupt) moohtaj-mcoflis-k. (to disband) hoorra^k. tor-dena, (to intercept) buchana, sumbhalna, (to reform) chhora-d. ootha-d.; to break a jest, thutha-k. or -mama; to break off", nioonqutu-k. chhorna; to break up, (dissolve) muoqoof- bhung- burkhast-k. (to open) qoofl-torna; to break wind, huwa-chjfior- na, V. n. tootna, phootna, phutna, (as day) ni- kulna ; to break from, nikul-bhagna ; to break in, dukhl-k. toot-purna ; to break loose, tora- bhagna; to break off', chhora-bhagna,ooth-bhag- na; to break out, phoot-nikulna, phootna, (to he dissolute) khool-khelna ; to break up, burk- hast- bhung-h. ; to break a promise, iqalu-k. nukarna. As in English, these verbs have such a variety of acceptations, and are often so perplexingly combined, that it is not easy to fix, with any precision, their various and al- most unlimited meanings ; v. the several words In Vol. II. also to crack, split, he. breaker, torwuya, phorunhar, phorwar, fasikh, (in cwnp.) shikun, bhung, tor, mar, (wave) simuoju, v. boar, &c. breakfast, nashta, hazree nuharee, balbhog, nan- niharee, chasht, v. repast, (time) zooha, v. mwning, to breakfast, nashta-k. nuhar-torna, julpan-k hazree-khana. breast, chhatee, seenii, oor, hirda, heera, v. mind, (dug) choonchee, kooch, ooroj, pistan, jijiya,^ usthun, jobun, doodhee, (arms) kochha, olee, V. embrace, (heart, q. v.) kuleja, mun, du jigur, ghut, untuh kurn, pet, v. bosom, belly, &c. ((f a bird, &c.) pctee, v. chest, (swelled) thunuela, (-high) chhatee-bhur or lug. breast-belt, seenu-bund, also breast-pin. breast-lHMie, surseenu. breast-high, chhatee-lug, chhatee chhatee. breast-plate, chupras, petee, chara,iynu, dholna, chundur. breast-work, fuseel, (vulg. sufeel) kungooru, v. parapet, seenu-punah, puchree, sungur,v. bar- ricade, &c. breath, dum, sans, nufus, swasa, v. ivind, [which, as in English, are of extensive application] (of air) tikora, muoj, rumuq, jhupka, sunuk, V. breeze, (to be out of) sans-tootna, dumbhur- jana or churhna, Qiaving stinking) gundu du- hun, moonh sura, (to draw) dum-marna or pelna. to breathe, (to inspire) dum- &c. -lena, (to expire) dum-chhorna, (to inject) dum-phoonkna, (in- hale) lena, (ajlute, &c.) bujana, phoonkna, (to exhale, &c.) dena, (revenge) intiqam ka dum-marna, (mie's last) akhiree dum-lena, v. to expire. breather, swasee, dum-dar, dum-kush, v. inspirer. breatliiug, v. respiration, also the verb. breathless, be-duni, ni-sansa ; the breathless clay, bejan mittee. breech, v. backside, (of a gun) peechha, penda, chootur, v. back. breeches, kuchhna, kachh, janghiya,lang, churna, BRI 70 BBI kuchhuota, goorgee, (band) nefu ; to wear the breeches, pugree-b. v. turban. breed, nusl, us], zat, pal, byant, pet, v. birth, &c. {family, q. v.) qubeelu, {race) uolad, suntut, suntan, (hatch) '^hol; pure breed, useel; crossbreed, doghla, doo-nusla, (-/iOJ*se)mcDJ an- nus, V. mongrel. to breed, pueda-k. nikalna, junana, byana, lana, V. to rear, lugana, muchana, oothana, dalna, V. to cause, {to bring up, q. v.) palna, {to edu- cate, q. V.) turbiyut-d. or -k. arastu-k. dhung- -d. bunana, sunwarna, v. n. pueda-h. oopujna, junna, hoiia, ruhna, lugna, pulna, purwurish- pana, soodhurna, sunwurna, bunna, turbiyut- pana or -li. v. to produce, rise, &c. {as a fe- male) pet-ruhna, muheena-tulna or churhna ; to increase as a breed, pal-burhna, v. to pro- create. breeder, juntee, (o/ca<^/e),gullu-ban, churwaha, {a prolific female) buchu-kush, gubhel, {as a mare) so,en, v. prolijic, {in comp.) pal, paluk, ban, V. keeper. breeding, turbiyut, tu,uleem, jlmi mujlis, 4^ung, {manner, q. v.) chulun, qureenu, lucWiun ; good breeding, hoosn khoolq, v. nurture, &c. breeze, jhlkora, jhoka, tikora,luhur, jhook, muoj, V. zephyr, &c. breviary, moontukhub, uorad bundugee, v. epi- tome, prayer-book. brevity, kotahee, ikhtisar, ijmal, v. short, concise. to brew, joshandu-k. bunana, v. to prepare, {to contrive) muthna, v. to churn, {ale) bozuguree-, bozukushee-k. {to plot) pukana, bandhna. brewer, bozu-kush, bozu-gur. brewing, ghan, v. batch. :;I: ■id^.uVA' bribe, rishwut, ukor, ghoos, moonh-bhuree or topa, V. present. to bribe, rishwut-d. or -khilana, ukor-d. ; to take a bribe, risliwut- &c. -khana or -lena. briber, rashee, rishwut dene wala, ukoree, ghoo- siya, also the bribed, ghooskha|00 ; the person bribed, rlshwut-khor, rishwutee, mcxjrtushee, rishwut khane wala. bribery, rishwut-khoree, v. corruption, brick, cent, khisht, {large) chuoka, v. tile, {kiln) bhutha; there are two or three kinds, the furma eent, also the kaghzee, kuchee, unburnf, and the pukkee, burnt. to brick, eent-bichhana, khurunja-b. , brickbat, rora, koocha, v. lump, &c. brickdust, soorkhee. brick-kiln, puzaya, {culg. jiujawa) awa. j; In'icltlayer, raz or raj, thuwU|ee, v. mason. ^,^j brickmaker, khisht-puz, eent-wala. ^ . ;. i bridal, shadee,byah,byahta, v. WMpiiaZ, {presents, dress, &c.) sachuq, buree, pahoor, {ceremony) julwa, arsee-moos,huf, moonh-dekha,ee. bride, doolhun, ooroos, banoo, bunee, bunree, bunnoo, kuniya, budhoo, v. virgin, {cake) math, nan, inanda. tt^^ji;j_. ( , •.\*v*l'»>. bridegroom, doolha, nuo-shuh, bunra, buna, bur, nuo-kud-khooda. bridegroom'' s-ma7i, shuh-bala, {friends) guonhar, buratee. .„,'t ij,i^UA ."' bridemen, bridemaids, haraX, {sing, buratee, yem. buratin) buriyat, suriyat. bridge, pool, set, sankho {of the nose) bansa, ku^u- butuen, {of a fiddle) ghorec, ghorunj, khuruk; to make a bridge, pool-b. ; to form a bridge of boats, pool bundee-k. [but little used by the natives, among >vhom the word has an Inde- t cent equivocal meaning] v. to bank. ' bridle, lugam, bag, inan, v. rein, bit, &c. {of ca- mels, &c.) nukel, {of cattle) nath ; as in Eng- \ lish these words have a figurative meaning also. to bridle, {a horse) lugam-d. {to restrain) utka- na, rokna, barna, {hold up) uenthna, ukurna, V. to strut, 8sc. BBI n BRO bridle-strap, gooltuna. brief, adj. kotah, mookhtusur, tung, sunchhcp, chhota, moojmul, v. short, a brief, intikhab, !V. epitome, diploma, Ssc. .v ,ut:;ji(>,tu briefly, ikhtisar- &c. -sc, v. brevity,' ghuru/., qissu-kotah, qissu mookhtusLr, hasili kulam. hriefness, kotaliee, ikhtisar, tungee. brier, suda goolab, syotee, v. rose. brigade, dustu, kushoon, toomun, v. body. Sec. brigadier, dustu-dar, toomun-dar, v. general. Irrigajid, shoohdu, quzzak, v. freebooter. bright, saf, ruoshun, taban, tab-nak, pojla, oojjul, oojagur, prikashit, chumukta, jlla-dar, jul- wxigur, mconuwwur, zahir, ubyuz, v. clear, glorious. to be bright, chumukna, jhulukna, v. shine. to brighten, v. a. jhulkana, jhumkana, chum- kana, oojlana, opna, ruoshun- &c. -k. jila- &c. -d. nikharna, v. to exalt, &c. v. n. phurcha-, saf-li. khool-jana, nlkhurna, v. to clear, sharpen. brightness, brilliancy, ruoshunec, oojala, chum- chumahut, op, prikash, tab-daree, tab, julwu- guree, ab-daree, shuffafee, sufa,eo, furogh, bue- yaz, z.iya, zoohoor, chcahul, phur(;}ia,ee, lumu, chumkaliutjV. splendour, histre, acute7iess,kc. hrillinnt, ruonuq-dar, ba-ruouuq, choohul-dar, v. bright, acute, &c. (a diamond) ulmas, heera, chintamun heera. brim, lub, kinaru, moonh, uonth, kunkha, dan- tec, V. lip. to brim, lubalub-bhurna, moolubbub-k. Itrimful, lub-a-lub, moonh-a-moonh, mcolubbub, iub-rez, bhur-poor, nialamal, v. bumper. brimstone, gundliuk, goglrd, v. sulphur, &c. brinded, hrindle, khal-dar, ubiuq, luhur-dar, ka- kca, V, pyebald. brine, ab-shor, lon-gura, panec, khara-panec, lona- or namkeen-panee, kharee. to bring, lana, (w le-ana) anna, v. to make. lewa-lana, lekur or -letc-ana, puhonchaua, bo- lalana, ootjiwa-lana, v. to siimmon, (to incline) jhookana, v. to cause, phirana, v. to reclaim^ (to produce) pueda-k. {to lead) kheechna ; to bring aliout, buna-lana- w -A. bur-lana,v. to ac- complish ; to bring forth, nikahui, v. to bear ; to bring off", biicha-lana, nikal-lana, nibah- lana; to bring over, phor-lana, khecnch-lana ; to bring under, upne tuhut men-lana; to britig up, palna, purwurisli-k. posna, turbiyut-, dhung-d. (to adoance) burha-lana, todisengage, promote, &c. It is not easy to set hmits to the various meanings and arbitrary combinations of tliis verb. bringcr, lane-wala, (m comp.) awur, bur, v. bearer. brinish, briny, khara, numkeen, shor, lona. brink, kurara, urara, kinaru, teer, v. side. Sec. brisk, choost, chalak, juld-baz, chabook, shokh, tez, toond, juld, phoortcela, chutputiya, chun- chul, uchpul, V. gay, spirited. Sec. briskly, choostee-se, juldee- &c. -se. briskness, choostee, clialakee, juld-bazee, cha- bookee, zindu-dilee, shokhee, tezee, toondee, jan-daree, jan-bazee, uchpulee, juldee, chut- putahut, chunchulee, v. activity. bristle, kuch, soo,ur ka bal. to bristle, bal-thirrana, phmruhree-lena, ro,an- khura-k. kundrana, deh-suhurna, v. to erect, hair, &c. bristly, kutuela, khar-dar, v. quill. to brite, kooriyana, v. to shoot. brittle, nazook, soubook, phooska, thuska, mur- kuna, thoonka, urur, kurkuna, bhoorbhcBra, tccnuk, V. fragile. brittleness, nazcokee, muruk, murkahut^ b^oor- bhoorahut, v. to snap, crumble, S6C►^{l1l^.|-; broach, seekh, v. breast-belt, ornament, spii. to broach, chhedua, salna, khohia, v. to open, (to BRO 72 BRO , V give out) kuh-dena, ishtihar- prikasli-k. shoohrut-d. v. to proclaim, hroacher, moojid, banee, mookhturi, kurta. broad, chuora, ureez, urz-dar, puhn-dar, khoo- lasu, khoola, bur-dar, furakh, v. wide, bharee, mota, goonda, v. gross, {square) chuo-khoonta, V. dapper, (-shouldered) charshanu, (-ways) chuora,ee-se or -men, chuorake; to make broad, chiiorana, chuklana, (open) khoola, zahir; hroad-day, din-diya, roz i ruoshun ; to give a broad hint, awazu-phenkna; as broad as long, mu.al wahid, eksan, juesee teen beesee wuesa sath ; like six of one, and half a dozen of the other. broadcloth, banat, siiqurlat. broadness, chuora,ee, chukla.ce, bur, urz, puhna, V. breadth. broadside, shulukh, v. volley. broadsword, tulwar, tegha. brocade, keemkhwab or kumkhwab, vulg. kin- kab, kingcob ! zurbuft, zurdoz, badlu, tash, tumamee, liippa, wusmu, mooqueshee, usa,o- ree, zuree. brocaded, badlu- &c. -posh, v. siipra, aXso golden. brogue, ghelwahut, v. to drawl, khurpa, chhee- tur, khuonsra, v. shoe. broil, jhugra, jhun jhut, bukhera, ruendha, tuk- rar, quziyu, hoojjut. to broil, bhoonna, kubab-k. blioojna, bhoolusna, jhuonsna, jhoolusna, v. to roast, &c. brokage, brokerage, duUalee, huqq oos-su,ee, roo- soom, dustooree, arhut, mooqeemee, v. fee. broken, toota, phoota, shlkustu, khustu, mara, V. dispersed, (hatid) shikustu-khiitt, nagurec, (with sorrow) seenu-chak, (down with misfor- '■ tunes) shikustu-bal, (/»eariferf)dil-shikustu, slii- kustu-khatir, dil-figar, mun-muleen, (backed) kumree, luchra, (as a tube) dum chora, or broken-winded, as a horse, &c. (sleep) kuchee neend, (meat) tookra nuwalu, v. morsel, f&c. aho to break. . n broker, dustooriya, arhutiya, durmiyanee, moo- qeem, dullal, v. factor, koohnu furosh, v. brok- age.' bronchocele, khoonaq, ghegha, gheghwa. brood, buchche, pote, gede, jhol, v. young, pal, byant, v. birth, to brood, buethna, syona, (over any thing) unde- shu- turuddood- &ec. -k. (ivatch over) agorna, V. to mope, to nourish, broody, kooruk. brook, nala, v. river, stream, &c. to brook, burdasht- boordbaree- ungez- subr- tu- hummcnl-k. suhna, oothana, v. to bear, broom, jharoo, jarob, burhnee, booharee, jha,oo, jhar, (Spanish) urhur, ruhur, [miscalled by us gram.'j jent, v. tamarisk, &c. ,i;r!; >; . broth, shorba or shoorwa, (vulg. soorwa) jhor, ' pureh, jhoos, v. soup, brothel, khurabut-khanu, v. bawdy-house. ''«"' brother, bha|ee, biradur, beer, bhrata, beerun, tat, bhuya, bhUiC, meeta, banh, aqa, ukhee, pi. ukhwan,qoowwut bazoo, v. comrade,Jriend, &c. (in laiv) sarhoo, hum-zcolf, khoosur pooru, (the woman's) jeth, bhuensoor, dewur, nun- ,do,ee, V. sister, &c.; a twin brother, tuomee- bha|Ce, \. foster, fellow ; full brother, upna- su- ga-suhodur- or huqeeqee-bha,ee ; step-brother, bemat-bha,ee, suotela-bha,ee ; brother-in-law, \sister''shusharid'^\i\\no^ee,h\mgnee-T^\it,\wife''s brother] sala; brother'' s son, bhuteeja, [-daugh- ter] bhuteejee, {-wife] bhawuj, bhabee. brotherhood, biraduree, eganugee, bhuyapa, up- na,et, bha,ee puna, v. fraternity, brotherly, biraduranu, bha,ee ka sa, bhuewadee, upna,etee, v. affectionate, brow, ubroo, bhuon, bhirkoDtee, bhroor, bhroom, trikootee, (of a hill) lub, chhatee, v. breast. BRU 73 BUC &c. (forehead, q. v.) kupal, lulat ; brow to hrotc, rooburoo, v. to confront. to browbeat, dubana, dubkana, ankh-dikhlana, biighoo,ana, v. to depress, to bully, brown, giindoomee-rung- gihoon-ning, chum- pu,ec-rung, sundulec-rung, badamee-rung, bhoora, sburbutee- or shooturee-rung, khuera ; brown study, ghalut ghol. .♦ .jtutJA hrmcnish, gundoom-goon, bhoora-sa, kupul. hrmight, laya hoo.a, awoordii ; he was hrovght by sueh a one, or of such a one''s bring-ing, wooli fulane ka awoordu hue, v. to bring: browse, pala, ghas-pat, v. fodder. tm ,Aiu to browse, churna, chcogna, toongar-k. chool- boolana, choonna, ala pala- &c. -khana, v. to feed. - bruise, chot, koochla,ec, v. hurt. 4>'f I'r to bruise, koochulna, koonchna, dulna, peesna, urdawu-k. chikna choor-k. v. to break, to bray. bruit, shoohrut, boo, v. fame, report. to bruit, shojhrut-oorana, v. to publish. brunette, sanola, subzu, syam-burun, findooqee, pookbtu, pukka, v. brown, nut. .«">« ; . brunt, zor, bul, jhonk, bheer, wuhlu, v. shock. brush, koonchcc, kooncb, v. fan, pota, liuthce, kheesa, v. rubber, (forties) chuonree, chun- \rur, moorchhul, v. tooth, {assault) jhurup, tukkur, V. besom, &c.; apainter''s brush, moo- qulum. to brush, V. a. koonchec-marna, jharna, jhar-d. ; to brush up anj///tiw^, jhar jhutuk- jhar jhoor-, jhar poncbh-k. v. to wipe ; to brush or scamper off", huwa- kafoor- cbumput-hojana, khisuk- jana, v. to disappear. brushwood, jharec, jhar, jharboota, bunchhoolee, dhandh, jungul, v. brake. ' (iv ) tU. brushy, jhotree-dar. ' i-ia^u ,ijooVi.'ivko0 t(^! brutal, brutish, huewanee, huewan ka, kuttur, kutta, oojud, uojhur, ukkhur, kuthin, sung- dil, V. barbarous, cruel, fierce, also disposition, brutality, brutishucss, huewaniyut, subiyut, v. Irrutal, Sec. brutally, brufishly, hiiewan ka sa, dooroushtee- &c -sc, V. barbarous. brute, huewan, huewani mootluq, wuhshco, jan- wur, (savage, q. v.) bun-manoos, bunchur, nusnas, v. animal, brutal, beast. ., ,•/ _,,;Jo Irryony, fashiru, bimba, bimbika. bubble, hoobab, boolboola, booUa, boolooka, bhub- kor, (Jig.) soo,e ka sembul, dhokha, jool, mooghalutu, nuqshbur ab, numood be bood, indra,en ka phul, v. cheat, deception, (the per- son) bhugga, khiluona, v, cully, &:c. to bubble, hoobab- &c. -oothna, dhur-dhurana, j^ir-jhirana, khul-bulana, khul-khulana, v. to tvallop; V. a. (to cheat, q. v.) dhokha- &c. -d. bubbler, daghuoliya, dugha-baz, v. deceiver. bubby, chhatee, cboonchce, kosch, ooroj, cor, pis- tan, thun, [but generally aj)plicablc to beasts] (large) choochul, v. dug, teat. Sic. bubo, bud, baghee, khuyaruk, gohiya, kukhuo- lee, khukhurwaree. bzick, (male deer) huma, him, hunna, mirg, v. ratn, &c, (beau, q. v.) chhuela, banka, v. fop, (liquor) reh-panee, v. male, &c, to buck, V. to boil, bleach, lugna, v. to rut. bucket, clol, dulo, dolchee, chhagul, kuth nuhee, chonga, (of leather) moth, cliurs, bara. buckle, chupras, buksoo.a. to buckle, chupras-lugana, bandhna, kusna, luga- na, V. to fasten, kumur-b. v. to prepare, (to arm, ov prepare firr any thing) kumur bundee- tueyaree-k. v. to cjicounter. buckler, dhai, phuree, sipur, teep, v. shield; arm- ed with a 6Mc/c/er,sipur-bund; abucklerbearer, sipur-burdar. sm 74 BUL hud, konpul, kulee, phoonung, toosee, kulgha, shigoofu, ghoonchu, unkhwa, v. sprout. to bud, kuliyana, konpul- &c. -phootna or -nl- kulna, phootna, nikulna, {fig.) buhar-pur- hona, V. tofiourish. to budge, hutna, tulna, surukna, dubna, deegna. budger, tulwuya, v. mover, &c. budget, thuelee, keesu, zumbeel, guthree, boq- chu, V. bag, (store) ganth, poonjee. buff, khal, post, chumra, sabur, v. hide, (suit) saburee- or churmee-libas, v. skin. buffalo, bhuensa, muehika, kuthra, tehan, khola, (female) bhuens, jamoos, muhish, (heifer) osur, purwa, puriya, (wild) hurna, urna, (young) para, osra, soongra, kara. buffet, mookkee, killee, moDk, ghoosa, dhuol, thupera, thuppur, moosht, tumachu, v. blow, slap. to buffet, dhuoliyana, ghoosiyana, mookkee- &c. -mama or -jurna, v. to bow, &c. iz • — ' bullock, buel, khuela, adar, dangur, dhugga, V. bull, (driver) buldiya, baldee, v. cattle, ox. bully, ncoktu-foon, ukur-foon, banka, phuiphu- rlya, shekhee-baz, moowukkil, gola-dung, BUN 7* BUR sher-qaleen, hur-mcnshtuk, kuUu-zun, bhur- wa, V. blusterer, he. to bully, dhirana, dhum-kana, lafzunee- baba,ee-, ghcorfish-fc. V. to browbeat. bullying, lafzunee, shekhee, ghoorfish, baba,ee, kuUu-zunee, bura,ee, dhuons, dhundla. bulrush, bura-motha. bulwark, boorj, kotha, qulu-chu, hisar, x.fort, kumur kota, v. castle, phulsa, v. screen, {secu- rity, q. V.) phatuk, sud, v, to barricade, 8ec. btrni; chootur, nitutnbh, sooreen. bump, goomra, guthiya, ganth, girib, duduora, V. knob, swelling. to bump, dhubake se baethna, v. thump, {as a bittern) bok bok-k. bumper, lubalub-piyalu, jam i lubrcz, v. bowl, and full. bumpkin, koondu, thoo,a, dhondha, buel, gunwar, V. countryman. bunch, gcDchha, khoshu, ghuor, dustu, ghonpa, guera, joorec, mootha, kandhec, guodh, poon- jee, V. cluster {of keys) gunj, v. set, hump, 8ec. {of greens, &c.) guddee, poolee, antce, poola, {of sugar canes) phandee, {of ribbons, &c.) phool, {tuft) jhoondee, chontee; a earners bunch, kohan, v. bundle. to bunch, phuelna, jhar-b. bunchiness, phuela.o, v. bushy, &c. bunchy, chhutnar, goochhe-dar, bundle, dust-booqchu, guthree, mootree, potlec, pot, bustu, V. bunch, poolinda, bidree, v. par- cel, &c. {of goods, &c.) benda, v. load, {of papers) tubluq, v. roll, {of grass, &c.) poosh- taru, bojha, gutha, {of pots, melons, &c.) jala, a net, khancha, a basket, from these commo- dities being brought in nets, &c. for sale. to bundle, guthrec-b. or -k. aatiyana, v. to pack, bung, gutta, dhtrtha. iioMiwrt ,^T»>TAyV ,BJ8tfh to bung, gutta^. or -juma. >rfb.-r6ub ,^\*«>'i - bung-]u>le, chhcd, soorakh, duhunu, moohreei Imngle, choiijrii', .',1 to buss, chooma- &c. -d. or -lena, v. to kiss. bust, neem-qud, pcotla, v. image. bustle, duor-dhoop, chukkur-chal, ghool-ghupara, duwa-duwish, tuga-poo, hurj-murj, khulbulee, V. stir, bheerbhar, jorbutor, wulwulu, dhoom- dham, v. hurry, commotion, he. to bustle, duor-dhoop- &c. -k. or -muchana. BUT ft Br bustler, btistling, mihnutee, hur-babee, chutput- ,r iya, kamkajee, v. active. busy, muslighool, kam men, ghultan o pechan, - imcDtu.uUiq, moostughruq, mnoqucyud,' sur- gurm, utka, dooba, ooljha, musroof, ooddi- mee, v. laborious, engaged, (ojlcious, q. v.) peshamudee, fcnzool khidmut, v. bustler, med- - dier, (middling) hur-degee chumchu. to busy, ooljhana, mushghool-k. ; to be busy, mushgool- &c. -h. luga-ruhna. but, (except, q. v.) siwa, jcnz, chliora, mugur, bulki, lekin, wulekin, umma, pu, pur, mcul, peon, wule, v. otherwise, &c. (that) ki, v. yet, &c. (otily) fuqut, sirf, nira, (without) bughuer, bina, (even) ubhee, (/. e. 7wt longer ago thayi). Experience only can teach a learner the true use and application of this equivocal and puz- zling conjunction, v. than, &c. butcher, qussab, qusa,cc, chikwa, buqur qussab, ga,o koosh, zabih, byadha, v. murderer, to butcher, qutl-k. zubuh- khoon- huttya-k. butchery, qussabee, qutl, butcherly, sufFak, sung-dil, be-ruhm, khoonee, khoon-khwar. butler, khan-saman [properly tlie steward of the household, an oflSce of great dignity, and trust; but the title is now assumed by, and conferred on every link-boy or sweeper who takes upon himself the office of a waiting servant;] khid- mut-gar, rikab-dar, ab-dar, shurbut-dar,bhun- daree, modee, v. steward, butt, (lit. and Jig.) huduf, nishanu, chand, amaj, khaktodu, (blow, q. v.) tukkur, doon, v. tar- get, (of a gun) kcnndu, (person) khiluona, rceshkhund, go,e mujlis, genda, v. aim. to butt, tukrana, tukkur-lurna, doon-mama. butter, mukhun, muska, nuenoo, (boiled) ghee, ruoghun-zurd. ,aJ»ai,B cadi, from — qazee. c€Bsura, subub khufeef, v. the Grammar, p. 262. caftan, from — khuftan, v. d/resa. cage, pinjra, qufus, qufus, (large) kutuhra. to cage, que-k. v. to confine. caitiff, ghata, kafir, ndhurmee,muloon,murdood, lu,een, donshmun, bctce-chod, chundal, haroon, kufun-chor, v. villain. #oca;ofe,phooslana,ph(»slanaphundlana,lullo-put- to-k. dum-d. chhoochkarna, v. tojlatter, coatv. cajoler, dum-baz, phoolasre-baz. cake, nan-khuta.ee, kcoleechu, tikkee, girdu, ba- qir-khanee, kak, rot, sheermal, phcnlka, poo- ree, lcxx;hwee, sohalee, kuchuoree, pukuora, puratha, papur, malpoo,a, dostee, bujka, chela, goolgoola, khaja, manda, koomanchu, v. bread, bannock, &c. (flake) purt, tub, tubuq, pupuree, (-a/nd, caudle) punjuree biitasa. to cake, khooshk-hojana, sookhna, jumna, pupri- yana, v. to harden. calabash, tomba, luokee, v. gourd. calamitous, kum-bukht, bud-bukht, nukbutee, afut-zudu, afut-ruseedu, shamutee, ubhaga, quhr-aloodu, biputee, undheree, v. bad. calamity, afiit, ghuzub, quhr, toofan, sudmu, gu- zund, bula, mooseebut, undher, dhuk,ka, apda, kop, ulap, afut-sumawee, kal, kala-wuqt, due- bee, bhabhee, iilaiC bula,e, v. distress, misery, misfortune, adversity, calamus aromaticus, guor gachjh, qusub ooz zur- eeru. calash, garee, ruth, ekka, tanga, ruhroo, v. Car- riage. . . (ittiKncf ,»!iuJ«i tMMrti- cdlcination, tuhurrooq. wltfo ,uJj»ii^«U ,i'ib to calcine, mama, -kooshtu- khakistur- sidh-k. rusa,en-bunana, bung- bhusum-k- v. ashes. calcined, muhrooqu. to calculate, undazu- &c. -k. utkulna, ankna, janchna, kootna, hisab- &e. -k. ginna, jonia, (o nativity) junum putree-dekhna, v. to ad- just, to reckon. cahulation, tukhmeenu, undazu, burawoird, ur- sutha, kun-koot, moohasubu, hisab, lekha, ti,u- dad, shoomar, gintee, gunutkar, jortee, qiyas, V. guess. calculator, mcohasib, hisab-dan, siyaq-dan, moo- tusuddee, lekliuk, ulkul-baz, unkwuya, unda- zu-geer, v. accountant. calculus, puthrec, sung i musanu. caldron, dcg, hunda, chirwa, kuiah, y» boiler. calendar, tuqwecm, putra. />?"..;. to calender, (cloth) koondee-k. ghotna, nurd pur- churhana. ;..>i^tni: cale7iderer, kcondee-gur, nurdiya. calends, ghcorre, ghooru, purba. calenture, (a species of) chuk-chuondhee. calf, buchhra, bachha, fern, bachhee, or buchhi- ya, guosalu, leroo, v. huffalo, (sttiffed) khur- buchhra, kurtce, (of the huffalo) para, (dolt) ga.odee, koondu, (of the leg) pindlee, v. brawn. caliber, teer, v. bore, &c. calico, chheet, rungee. calif, caliph, khuleefu. Quere, Why are cooks, taylors, scullions, &c. indulged in Hindoostan with this respectable title? perhaps to keep them in good humour with their menial emj ployments; whence a sweeper is hailed nprjnre, mihtur, while his lady is no less dignified with the honourable appellation of a princess, mih- turanec. caligraphy, khoosh- nuwees-ee, S i .■A'~ih\> caluv, punkhree, v. cup. iltuh- "K)' CAL 80 CAL to calk, gabna, gahna, kala putee-k. gohnee-k. durzmar-k. "^'''^'"'5' -j^rnf.-f j'sfmrrMd-ro ua^t" , calker, kala-putee. isw«*>i call, pookar, hank, gohar, subud, kuha, hookm, ' umr, irshad, furmoodu, aggya, v. demand, order, &c. ter, uzan, bang, v. cry, bolahut, v. suin- mons, (to hawks, &c.) biya biya, a,o a,o, (for dogs) tootoo, (cattle) uhee uhee, hiyoo, v. ele- phant, (a bird-call) zufeel, seethee. to call, (name, q. v.) kuhna, bhakhna, bolna, ism-r. V. to require, boola-lana, or -bhejna, yad-k. (by name) nam kurke- &c. -bolana, V. to bring, dakna, v. to cry, oocharna, v. to denominate, (out, or to a person) boolana, poo- karna, hank-marna, awaz-d. terna, gooharna, tulub-k. ; to call up, oothana, jugana ; to call off", boola-lana, pher-lana, ootha-lana; to call away, rokna, baz-r. (to convoke) jorna, butor- na, jumu-k. ; to call to account, pa|e-hisab-lana, . baz pcors-k. moo,akhuzu-k. poocbh poochhar- -k. moohasibu- &c. -lena, (en passant) oolte- or khure panw phirna, v. to visit, (to consider) turashna, junana, v. to excite; to call to mind, yad-r. or -k. ; to call names, bud zuban-kuh- na, nam-r. galee-d. ; to call over names, nam bu nam kuh-jana, v. to invoke ; to call back, talna, pherna ; to call for, mangna, cliahna; to call in, pher- sumet-lena, kheench-Iena, . for which, and all such compounds, v. to re- sume, recal, revoke; to call to witness, rukhna; to call over, purhna ; to call to arms, tueyar- kurana ; to call in, (to visit) phera- gooz.ur-, , moolaqat-k. ajana, tushreef-lena, (to stop or halt) thuhurna, tikna; to call aloud, (for jus- tice, &c.) dad furiyad- dooha,ee tiha,ee- ulghi- yas-k. ; to call in question, shuk- shoobhu-, sundeh-k. ; to call on God, khooda se mangna, or-chahna; to he called, kuhlana, bajna; to call out, muedan-k. v. to challenge, implore ; also the various acceptations of this extensive and perplexing verb. i :, called, muosoom, moosumma, (-to) moonadu, v. vocative. calVmg, peshu, kusb, shewu, karobar, dhundha, ooddim, v. business, callosity, sukhtee, dhutha, ghutha, thela, v. wen. callous, sukht, kurukht, roorha, kurra, nithoor, kuthor, ghutheela, moo,a, mcordar, v. dead, (to become) lohoo-murna, v. hard, insensible, callousness, sukhtee, kurukhtugee, sung-dUee, kuraiCe, nithra.ee, roorha,ee, kuthorta. callow, be balo pur, geda, leda, loonda moonda, v. bare, callus, (of bones) his. calm, adj. (still) bund, rooka, sakin, mouhtubis, scansan, soon, huwa-bustu, nichul, (easy, q. v.) khoosh, ahistu, humwar, nirot, theer, usthir, moo,a, neewan, v. serene, quiet, meetha, v. mild, &c. (to become) khumusna, murna, rook- na, V. to fall ; calm repose, soDkh-neend. calm, rooka,o, ihtibas, khumus, duhum, soonsan, v. repose, rahut, v. rest, (quiet, q. v.) asa,ish, asoodugee, sookoon, anund, sookh. to calm, bund- soon- &c. -k. thambhna, dilasa-, tusuUee- tuskeen- dharus- dheeruj-d. mama, buethalna, v. to lay. \ ^\nV',«<\\p- calmly, ahistu, vulg. aste, moola,imut-se. calmness, ahistugee, moola|imut, humwaree, v. calm, &c. caltrops, gokhroo, hurchikar, khar-khusuk. to calve, junna, byana. .\\liv. ,'A'..\r ... camel, oont, shtntoor, naqu, fern, oontnee, sand- nee, {yoiaiff) bota, v. divmedary, {defect of) bughlce. camel-driver, sar-ban, (vulg. surwan) shootcor- ban, mulik ; a person who rides a camel, shco- toor-suwar, sandnee-suwar ; a camel-liouse, shootoor-khanu ; a cameFs saddle, j uhaz , palan ; a earners hurden-bag, shuleetu ; a cameFs bridle, nukel, mcoliar; the two boxes used for conveying people across the Desart, muhniil, kujawu. ;.•)!» >rf»Jt«>i ,^u/! V'iftt^Wi camomile, baboonu. .nnAim^i.mii^um'. ^y^iWK}^{ camp, pura,o, lushkur-gah, oordoo, [whence our horde^ {equipage) furash-khanu, v. army. campaign, {plain) muedan, {of an army) sufr, : lushkurguhee, chJia,onee, v. caiitonments. camphire, kafoor, kupoor, bhenisuenee kafoor ; a camphire candle, sliuniu kafborce. COM, cliookkur, kooUiyr, donga, dustukee, y, jm^, mug, CMj>, pO#,f|,s ^-irtvVV^rv .V .Ttrijurf:? ,-f{)ob to can, sukna. As in English, this verb is the ..•I -sign of the potential mood ; thus, / can read hut cannot write, muen purh sukta boon pur nuheen likh sukta ; the reader may observe, that sukna is generally joined to the imperative singular, but seldom, if ever, to the infinitive, of which the former is a contraction ; ana, to come, andjana, to go, used inversely, often have this meaning, / can sing, nioojhe ga ata .hue; I cannot swim, moojhe puer nuheen ata, V. able, &c. ttfpv^ ,4teal-f.gft9a*^"««E« canaille, kumeene, puwaj, ur^al, rudd-khulq, v. mob, &c. .;—•!-, ■■•-:: canal, nuhr, nalu, nalee, khala, puen, khunduq, jurhee, kat, v. ditch, cmiduit. to cancel, metna, mitana, mtha-d. nestnabood-k. ootarna, dhona, ponchhna, munsookh- batil-, muhoo- rudd-k. v. to obliterate, {a hill, &c.) putana, v. to discharge, to efface, cancellated, char-khanu, jal-dar. (o iy«rt\». cancer, {the constellation) suTta.n,\nirk, {disease) surtan, v. crab, &c. bhukundur, bundur-gha,o, nasoor, v. fistula, ulcer. Sec candid, saf, nir-mul, khura, pak, rast-baz, pak- baz, rast, sadiq, suchcha, phurcliha, sutbadee, ni-kuput, be-riya, saf-dil, maDUjif, khalis, rast- go, saf-go, seenu-saf, be nmJiJCO fureb, be rueb o riya, be luga,o. ^ vi \'->'^.'. ■,:■■. candidate, talib, khwahan, khwast-gar, jacliik, oommedwar,asruet,v.e*/>ectow<,c'o»?^e^j/or,also to solicit, candidly, sufa,ee- &c. -se, ,v, th& adj. khoola khoolee, \. openly. -■},'■ \\ - candidness, sufa.ee, khura,ee, v. candour, candle, shumu, buttee, batee; a ica.v candle, mom-buttee, v. icick. candle-stick, shumu-dan. candour, sufaiCe, khura.ee, sucha,ee, suchuotec, rast-bazee, rastee, saf-dilee, be-riya,ee, nir- multa, pak-bazee, dobroostee, sidq, insaf. ^ttwi to candy, v. a. pagna, v. n. pugna. cane, {staff') usa, chhurec, bed,(u7<> n.C'U^tvYj CAN 82 CAP canister, clubba, katee. -o«fti9iia»^ .«i\j««»^^rf to canter, (as a horse) poyon-chulna or chula- na. cantharides, zurareeh, soon keera, bindlee. canthus, (inner) ko, a, (oM^er) kor. ..3*tflc.iV; canticle, ustcnt, dhoorpud, v. hymn, ^■,h^■im cantilivers, nikasta. ,ir/o<) ..V^tva caw#/e, khoncha, khonda, konakatur,v._/r«^7ncw#. canton, zilu, purgunu, v. clan. to canton, tuqseem- him- zilubundee-k. (as troops) ch_huonee-d. ''*tf» .ijWHoi ,a*d ,. cantotiments, chha|Onee or chhuonee. i»«lo^ > , canvass, wilayutee tat, ujar, kirmiz. to canvass, chhanna, janchna, jhar phoonk-dekh- na, kupurchhan-k. v. to investigate, duorna, tugapo-k. V. to debate, solicit,- &c. '.'jiiRtv} cap, topee, koolah, taj, (of a pole) bad reshu, kulus, (apron of a gun) svir-posh, v. cover. capable, qabil, la,iq, suzawar, qadir, uhl, sahlb- shu,qor, moostU|id, joga, suktee, duchhee, rusa, tuwana, joor-utee, v. susceptible. Sec. ,^';^is)'> to be capable, sukna ; thus, to be capable of sup- porting, sumbhal-sukna, &c. v. able, wise. capableness, capability, qabiliyut, v. capacity. • capacious, kooshadu, furakh, wusee,u, phuela, ■wasi, V. extensive, &c..fu (*5'«$\njt,ijp'<^»q«ti capaciousness, kcoshadugee, "wnsiit, bura,ee, zur- fiyut, uorus chuorus, chuora,ee, chukla,ee, v. size, capacity, extension. P6fpac»#y,v.capaciowswess,qabiliyut,liyaqut,muq- door, shu.oor, v. ability, sulahiyut, huesiyut, istihqaq, isti,iidad, jogita, samurth, huosilu, zurf, pet, suwad, sha,istugee, puhonch, v. ge- nius, surishtu, seeghu, v. character, (state, q. V.) sumue, dusa, (room, q. v.) undaz, su- ma,ee, v. space, faculty, power, &c. <*3««^J cap-a-pie, surapa, nukh-sikh, sirse panw lug. caparison, jal, oortuk. to caparison, jal-d. tueyar-k. poozee putta-itiga- na, V. employment. .v.nma'jr.inidi '•y-nd cape, (collar) gureban, (headland) tegh i koh, nak, beenee-koh, y. foreland. - ,-yAii .v ' CAP m CAR caper, (a berry) kubur, (leap) bukur-kood, ax^hal, just, shaQtoor-ghumzu. to caper, koodna, oochhulna, shootoor ghumzu-k. caperer, koodukkur, v. dancer, capillary, moowaiee, bal-sa, v. minute, capital, (as a crime, &c.) sukht, ushud, shudecd, kubeeru, bura, uzeem, koosh-tunee, jeemar, arka suoda, (city) pa,e tukht, tuklitgah, raj- usthan, V. metropolis, sur, v. head, (stock) poon- jec, may u, sur-mayu, buza.ut, v. principal, &c. capitally, a person ofTending capitally, is called wajib-ool qutl, i. e. deserving death, v. greatly. capitation, sur-shcomaree, (ta.v) jizlyu, an odious tax, formerly levied on Hindoos, &c. hut abo- lished in the time of Muhummud Shah. to capitulate, ma3,amidut- &c. -k, sooluh shur- tee-k. \. to surrender. ^.^ ^iri, capitulation, moo,amulut, quol-qurar, uhd o pue- man, moosaluhu, quol-namu, v. agreement. capon, khusiya or ukhtu moorgh. caprice, capHciousness, khiyal, wuhm, bool-hu- wusee, tuluwwojn-mizajee, hurdum-khiyal, oochha-pun, tuzulzooi, be-subatee, v. whim. capricious, bool-huwus, hurdum-khiyalee, tulu w- woon-mizaj, ochha, ojt.hla, «hiba|Ola, hur-ja,ec, V. inconstant. /'*'4 -:;■ Capricorn, judee, mukur. capriole, bukur-kood, v. caper. uiu* <»• capsicum, {red pepper) lal-mirch, mircha, filfil- scBrkh. capeian, lungur ka churkh, duor. capaulated, ghilafee, qushiree, v. bag, case. captain, surdar, sur-guroh, surghunu, juma,ut- dar, peshwa, niuhunt, (naval) na^khooda, (of the sipahees) soobu-dar — but not proper, the Vord, agreeably to its etymology, signifying the governor of a province, v. lieutenant. captain-general,sipuh-salar,umeer ool ciomura,se- naput, bukhshee, a word wliich Europeans have strangely misapplied, misled, perhaps, by its apparent etymology. In Hindoostaa the treasurer, khuzanchee, performs the office of paymaster, v. commander, &c. captious, jhugraloo, bukheriya, mt»,uturiz., nook- tu-cheen, ueb-jo, quziyu-duUal, hmjjutee, tuk- raree, v. quarrelsome, touchy, carper, captiousness, kuj-buhsee, toonook-mizajee, nook- tu cheenee, v. peevish, perverse, to captivate, phunsana, qued- bund- giriftar-, pabund-k. lobhana, nioh-lena, ooljjia-r. fur- eftu- pa buzunjeer- hulqu bugosh-k. utksuia, beendhna, khuench-lena, v. to allure, cltami, marna, lena, le-chulna, moohna, (tlie heart) dilsitan-L v. to subdue, ensnare. captivated, muftoon, shueda, musroof, choor, I; tOm. enamoured. captivating, dil-fureb, jug-mohun, v. c/umning. captive, quedee, useer, muhboos, bundhoo,a, gi- riftar, mcubtila, bundee, v. prisoner, slave. captivity, giriftarce, useeree, pa-bundee, bund, qued, hubs, v. slavery, &c. .,,- captor, pukurwuya, pukurunhar, &c. (in comp.) geer. rapture, tuskheer, pukura,o, v. seizure, (of cattle to make) bun muwashee-k. v. prise, to seize, take. to capture, sur-fc. v. to take, win, &c. car, garee, buhul, ruth, v. carriage. carabine, qurabeen, dhumaka. caracole, buelmootun- or luhriya-cliaL to caracole, luliriya-katna. carat, qirat, banee, caravan, karwan, qafilu, jatra. caravaTisary, kar\van-sura,e. caraicay, ujmod, so,a, kuruiya, ujwaiCn, zeeru- wilayutee. carbonado, qeemu-paru, bhus-tikka, v. colhp. CAB 84 CAR carbimch, shub-churagh, {pimple) moohasa. carcanet, h!ma,il, v. chain, &c. carcass, lash, muota, dhor, dhur, v. corpse, thuth- ree, v. skeleton, &c. • carcinomn, tetur, v. ulcer.' v-rr" card, wuruq, fiird, v. cotton; a pack of cards (or the game) gunjeefu, tas, v. 7iote. As with us, there are a variety of games ; the most com- mon are the following: tas, sokht, nuqsh, chukmu, rung; to misdeal {the cards) ubturee-, ghulutee-k. ; to shuffle {cards) ubtur-k. dur- < hum-k. ; to cut the cards, wuruq-turashna. There are eight sorts, taj, sufed, chung, soorkh, ghoolam, shumsher, qimash, and burat, {a win- ning) besh-bur, {losing) kum-bur, {player) gunjeefu baz, (to play) tas- &c. -khelna. to carrf, toombna,dhoonna, dhoonukna, bichoorna, V. to comb. cardamums, ilachee, qaqoolu, ela, {small) chhotee or gooji-atee ilachee, {large) buiee or poorbee ilachee. carder, {of cotton, 8ec.) dhooniya, bihna, hullaj. cardialgy, wuoju-ool-fuwad. cardinal, u,uzim, uzeem, v, principal, zatce, v. ordinal. )-mA) jisAity career, rue, surput, duor, v. course. Mtidu-i careful, khubur-dar, hooshyar, chutoor, soocheta, door-been, v. attentive, provident, alert. carefully, khubur-daree-se, ihtiyat-se. carefulness, khubur-daree, chuoksa,ee, chutoor- a,ee, aqibut-undeshee, door-undeshee, v. cau- tion, &c. careless, ghafil, tughafcol-shi,ar, be-khubur, be- ihtiyat, dheela, usoch, ucheta, la-purwa, be- \mdeshu, be-ghum, chi-ghum, be-ghuor, ul- hur, u-soojh, ra\\di-ho&h,v.indiffe)-ent,cheerful, la%y. carelessly, ghuflut- be purwa,ee- &c. -se. carelessness, ghuflut, tughafool, ke-khuburee,gha- filee, be-ihtiyatee, soostee, ihmal, dheel, be-., purwa.ee, be-fikree, v. neglect, &c. ,')•?. 117/ caress, caresses, pyar, lar, hulbhul, shufqut, ul- ungkun, v. dalliance, &c. to caress, pyar- nuwazish-k. v. to fondle. cargo, bhurtee, khep, bar, v. lading. caries, poseedugee, surawut. . ,ait»4>i*j^ t^frtwh^^^o carious, sura, poseedu. ' lAwi taNAwvi'* carman, garec-wan, buhul-wan. ,•(! .ii<»j.> a,(\j carminative, bad-boor, ba|0-hurta. .i<)h»v. carnage, qutl, qital, mar, joojh, ghumsan, moo- qatulu, khoon-rezee, v. bloodshed. carnal, jismanee, nufsanee, budunee, {lecherous, q. V.) shuhwut-purust, tumash-been, k^mee, ' V. lust, lustfully, &c. [vuAtoqia a#i carnation, suorkhee, goolnaree-rung, {thejlower), gool-nar. .¥ ^JI,u.'<^1t!^ii>-J«U '>t»il carnelion, uqeeq*''j,itilii!irfi[ui}iB,v. ;>- /,<>7!(-o'v»S< flj''.'*>iilMi'l»»'>i) ( tJ-.l^,l .,V" carpet, fursh, bichhawun, cbandee, asun, moosul- lu, sujjadu, tat, busna, getuni, {large) qaleen, shutrunjee, gileem, jajum, (small) qaleechu, vulg. dooleechu, duree, (maker) shutrunjee- baf ; to he on the carpet, roobukar-h. carping, khoordu-geer, ooljheriya, v. captious, carriage, suwaree, bahun, rut, buhul, tanga, v. i cart, &c. purohun, v. vehicle (of loads) boj- ha,ee, dhola.ee, bar-burdaree, (behaviour, q.v.) chal, tuor, v. conduct, jcarrier, bar-kush, bar-burdar, hummal, hoon- '■ duet, bhuruet, v. hearer (messenger, q. v.) qasid, puek. carrion, lash, loth, dhor, moordar. carrion-eater, moirdar-khor. carrot, gajiir, zurduk, (wild-) shuqaqool. io carry, lejana, dhona, oothana, lechulna, nikal- na, V, to transport, (effect, q. v. &c.) kam-ni- kalna, jeetna, pesh-lejana, ghalib-h. (to take) • lena; to carry off, le-bhagna, (to manage) kurna, v. to conduct, (to behave) chal- chulun- chulna, (to have, &c.) rukhna, hona, (to im- ply) dikhlana, butlana, dulalut-k. (to run up,. &c.) duora- churha- kheench-lejana, (as trees) lana, dcna, v. to bear; to carry off, (to destroy) hulak-k. mar-d., to carry on, chulana, sumbh- alna, thainbhna; to carry through, nibalma, par-cotarna, nistara-k.; to carry himself well, (as a horse) kondhar-karhna. cart, garee, chhukra, lurhec, urabu, lurhiya, lur- lia, ruhroo, ruhkulu, [whence perhaps hakree, unless it come from chhukra, by dropping the ch; it is a word much used by the EngUsh, but to what language it belongs I cannot pre- tend to say], (part of) twlawa, phur; cart- rut, leek. cartel, shurt-mushroot, v. agreement, carter, garee-wan, urab-chee. «i V>»iw . cartilage, koorree, ghoozroof, chubnec huddee, moornimree huddee, v. ligament, &c. cart-load, garee kee khep. cartouch, tosdan, [perhaps from toshudan, a pro- vision wallet, much used among the Moghuls], saz, in which the natives carry their ammu- nition, &c. cartridge, tonta, (hall) jungee tonta, (light) ju- loosee tonta, soombu. <<» r.j pti- caruncle, chhichhra, v. wart, to carve, khodna, kundu-k. nuqsh- moonnub- but-k. chiturkaree-k. v. to engrave, (meaty qutu-k. V. to cut. carver, kundu-gur, chitur-kar, chittera, nuq- qash, (of stones) sung-turash. -riegiya ,s,-i carving, chitur-karee, nuqqashee, nuqsh o nigar, sung-turashee, v. carver. ^ cascade, ]h\xfaa, ab-shar, chadur. '■ case, (covering) ghilaf, nuyam, klio], miyan, (in comp.) dan, (of instruments) gunj, (razors, &c.) kisbut, (bow) sundooq, petee, dubba, (comlition, q. v.) hal, huticequt, suiuacbar, bir- /' CAS 86 CAS tant, (in writing) soorut-hal, muh,rur, v.cattse, mooquddumu, soorut muslu, t. statement, {for books) jmz-dan, mooquwwa, jild-geer, (for pa- pers, &c.) chonga, (for needles) chhoonchhee, ghur, ghurara, v. pouch, (of a noun) karuk, halut, {representation, q. v.) tuqreer, zubanee, goozarish, urz ; to be in good case, tazu- pula-, tueyar- soond moond-h ; the truth of the case, nufs ool umr, fil-waqu, nishchue, v. indeed; in case, mubada, uhuyanun, kudachit; suppose the case, fvirz kuro, v. lest, &c. to case, murhna, tuh-jumana, v. to cover, plate. vasement, khirkee, tuttee, jhamp, jhuroka, v. lat- tice, tvindow, &c. cash, puesa, tuka, nuqd, rok, rokur, zur-nuqd, muojoodat, (paid in) nuqdee, opposed to jin- see,paidin kind ; a person who has much cash, or who pays always with ready money, nuqda, lukueta, v. money, &c. cashier, cash-keeper, tuhweel-dar, fotu-dar, khu- zan-chee, rokuriya, surkar, [this word pro- perly has no such meaning ; it signifies a dis- trict, government, &c. and is moreover a femi- nine noun : when a servant addresses his mas- ter he often says, surkar ke hookm sc, when he means to express by your orders. to cashier, nikal-d. door- burturuf-k, nam-katna, juwab-d. V. to dismiss. cashew-nut, v. acajow. cask, peepa, (casque) khod, v. barrel, &c. easkety dubba, sundooq-chu, butta, dooij, mooqa- wa, singar-dan, doorjuk, puotee, v. box. cassia, (woody) tuj, suleekhu, (the leaves) tej-pat, (purging) umultas, mughz i fooloos, khiyar- chumbur, bundur-lathee or -luor, goolphuree. cassock, joobbu, khurqu, v. cloak. cast, tuppa, dhuppa, v. throw, (of the eye) gur- dish, ghumzu, kujee, v. squint, (of the dice) dhal, paree, v. turn, (form) nuqshu, (shade) chhanw, bo, rumuq, (manner, q. v.) dhub, (tribe) zat, (Sunskrit, jat) quom, kootcomb ; having a cast in the eyes, uhwul, dhera. v w^ cast, (metal) dhalwan, qalibee, {in law) be-du,u- wa, la-du,uwri, (clothes) ootarun, to cast, phenkna, dalna, jhonkna, girana, beegna, . sutna, puerna, parna, v. to fall, throw, {atvay') phenk-d. door-k. (to scatter, q. v.) beetna, chhitkana, (to raise) oothana, bandhna, {in a trial) zurdroo- roosiyah- nadim-k. (to shed) jharna, kcoreez- khana, v. to moult, (to prepon- derafe) jhookana, (to plan) bunana, (to glance) nigah-k. (to fix) thuhrana, (to found) dhalna, (to place) rvikhna, (to inflict) lugana, (to drive) mama, lana, v. to bring, (down) puchharna, pu- tukna, putkana, de-mama, v. to overcmne, (a skin) chhorna, v. to let go, (off") ootarna, v. to tmdress, (lots) nam-nikalna, v. to search, (up a favour) ooghutna, oogulna, (in law) moonh- torna, V. to condemn, reject, (a calf) toona, v. to miscarry ; to cast away, (ruin, &c.) khona, gha- rut- chuoput-k. ; to cast down, (depress) ufsoor- du-k.; to cast forth, phuelana, nikalna; to cast up, (accounts, &c.) shoomar- hisab-k. meezan-, theek-d. jorna, v. to calculate, (vomit, &c.) chhant-k. dakna. Many of the above words are, as Johnson observes of the English verb, of multifarious and indefinite use ; it will be necessary, therefore, to consult Vol. II. for a more accurate account of each than can be given here. ' .i»uq, .aiiati Castanet, chukhchukkee, v. cymbal, bell, he. castaway, guya-goozra, ni-kumma, v. useless. caster, (in comp.) undaz, thus burq-undaz, (cor- ruptedly burkundos) a musqueteer, lit. a caster of lightning; gol-undaz, a gunner; teer-undaz, an archer, &c. \cm^l--fi»x{ .cv/ , .utiUai to castigate, tumbeeh- tadeeb-k. tarna-k. chun- ga-bunana. > ' u* CAT «7 CAT castigatiofi, tumbeeh, tadeeb, v. punishment, castle, qulu,u, kot, v. bulwark, (small) j^urhee, (at chess) rcokh ; to huUd cantles in the aJr,ba,o -i bundee- huwa bundee-k. khij'al pola,o puka- na, v.fort. castling, suqtu, murunchh, v. abortion. castor, khoosiyut ool buhr, v. beaver, (tree) ' urund, rund, rendee, bed unjeer, (oU) rendee ka tel, ruoghun i bed unjeer. Castor and Pollux, sunuk, sunundun. castoreum, joondi- or koondi-bedustur. N. B. kustoorec signifies musk, q. v. to castrate, (brutes) khusee-k. (men) khoju-k. (a horse) akhtu-k. (a hull) budhiya-k. (gene- rally) bet(ukhin- bekhayu- kootiya-k. casual, ittifaqee, arizee, naguhaQee, uchanuk, unchite. 'i'iJljKtai'.,dx>- .rj'tii.vin-t'.ijilfU^-' casually, ittifaq-un, unjane, unacliit. Aim^ casualty, ittifaq, arizu, sur-goozusht, duebce. casuist, moorshid, hadee, peer, gooroo, but-ucha- rij, niojjtuhid, alim, tuqreeree, v. reasoner, -doctor. ' f -i''' casuistry, ijtihad, tuqreer, v. logic, &c. cat, (male) billa, poosa, goorbu, billar, bila,o, munjar, fern, billee, poosee, mano, v. puss, (wild, or cat o' moxintain) junglee billee, ku- tas, V. civet, whip, &c.; cat o' nine tails, kora, qumchee, kel, (corrupted from cat) is much used by the military people ; cat in pan, un- nee oop desa ; to let the cat out of the bag, bhanda-phorna; cat-eyed, goorbu-chushm ; cafs eye, uen rol hirru. •0.!i*t » catalogue, beejuk, siyahu, (of men) ism nuwee- see, V. list, &c. .^~-...>, catamite, gandoo, koonee, adutee, jllutee, buwe- siya, choollee, roomalee, hitiya, uondha, bud- adutee, gorasha, mufqol. This is the unfor- tunate sufferer, who is on such occasions hoot- ed and abused; the active person [gund-murji. niooghlim, zarib, lootee, luonde-baz] being considered as one who may almost boast of, but need not blush, like the otlier, for his misdeeds. cataplasm, zumad, lobdec. cataract, jhurna, abshai*, chadur, v. spout, pjio- la, tenth, tetur, putur, v. speck, (of t/ie eye) dhoond, motiyabind, (to extract) putur-karhna. catarrlu, nuzluy zookani, surdee, joora, thund, V. cold. catastrophe,2i<\ihuX, bula,bud-unjam, unjam-kar, V. tragedy, calamity. catch, pukur, girift, guh, qubzu, tuppa, khiyal, V. glee, ( prey) shikar, v. profit, (tuatch) ghat, dubkee, v. wait, (Iwok) ankree, qoollabu; to make a catch, chungool- hath-marna. to catch, V. a. pukur-lena, pukurna, durgirift-k. gochna, lokna, mar-lana, bujhana, lopna, slii- kar-k. v. to fish, &c. dhurna, bochna, v. to seine, (fire) phoonk-jana, oorna, ag-lugna, v. to kindle, (to charm) moh-lena, kheenchna, girweedu-k. v. n, (to be contagious) lugna, surayut-k. ; to catch cold, surdee-khana, v. to take, receive, &CC.; to be caught, pukra-j. phus- na, bujhna, utukna, oolujhua, ujhoorna, v. to snatch. catcher, shikaree, (in comp.) geer, mar. catching, chhoot, v. infectious. M^nUA^^t^ catch-word, turk, khariju. to catechise, suwal-k. poochhna, v. to examine. catechism, suwal-namu. catechist, sa,il, v. question, &c. categorical, seedha, saf, shafee,qutu,ee, be-luga^. categorically, sufa,ce-se. category, nuo,u or nuwu, v. class, predicament- catenation, ulaqu, luga,o, alsilu, v, lifik,^ to cater, kh;uiudaree-k. v. to provide. ,* '■.-.vr", caterer, khurch-burdar, khan salkr, v, butler. caterpillar, keera, jhanjha. t>.ait«V; ,w*i':»i CAU 88 CEA to caterwaul, myoon myoon-k. bulbulana. cates, ni,umut, bhog, v. dainty. catgut^ tant. cathartic, joollab, moosliill, jhar, v. laxative. cathedral, jami-musjid. cattle, muwashee, duwab, goroo, ga,e goroo, dan- gur, dhor, godhun, hurha, nar, v. quadruped, heast. cavalcade, suwaree, jiluo, qor, hushmiit, urohun, V. train, &c. cavalier, {horseman, q. v.) suwar, suwar-kar, bhul-ghoriya, moonh-rukha, uroh, v. brave, gay, haughty, cavalierly, tiikubboor-se, ghooroor-se, ukur-se. cavalry, ^WftaXyVulg. uswar, ghoor-churha, toork- suwar, '''*'"**'''''♦'' •^''^■'^' ■)*»:ai)lJivft\- caudle, ucbhwanee, hureeru, lupsee, hulwa, puth. cave, cavern, from — kuhuf, khoh, khop, ghar, duhuk, goopha, goha, moogharu, v. cell, vault. caveat, peshbundee, agum, v. intimation. cavil, nooktu-cheenee, hurf-geerce, zuban-geeree, khoordu-geeree, ueb-jo,ee, kconuh, v. captious, also objection. to cavil, nmktu cheenee- tukrar-k. v. to carp, caviller, hurf-geer, nooktu-cheen, klioordu-geer, hoojjutee, ucb-jo, zuban-geer, mootu,urriz, dokhee, v. critic. »> swyv^-i-fciiii'* ,'*'i.A-., cavity, gurlia, khoondkul, juof, v. socket, khokhra, kundra, gurbuia. caM/,chudur,churbee kee chudur or -jhillee, {net, q. V.) jal, {omentum) pet ka purdu, {of a child) jhillee. Kny- cauliflower, phool-kurum, kurum-kullu^, phool- kobee. causal, mcosubbib, {verb) fi,ul mootu,uddee mu- fcoluen, pur-adheen. >«•>.■» S. i cause, subub, ba,is, moojlb, jihut, wastu, karun, < ' iye, wuseelu, tuqreeb, illut, wuju, bhed, v. reason, {law-suit, q. v.) mosquddumu, moo,a- 1 ji. if A mulu, mujhulu, bad, muhkumu, v. suit, {side) or, turuf, puhloo. \»,y, to cause, kurana, dena, bukhshna, nikalna, lana, burpa-k. dalna, oothana, muchana, kurna, lu- gana, chherna, v. to begin, excite, puhonchana, V. to bring, to make. causeless, causelessly, be-subub, na-huqq, mooft, be-tuqreeb, lil-Iali fil-Iah, yoonhee, be-heelu, be-moojib. causer, moojid, banee, fa,il, v. cause. causey, causeway, khurunja, v. road, pavement. caustic, tez, had ; a caustic, mooqurrih, kat, kliar. cautery, dagh, gool. to cauterise, dagh- gool-d. julana, chirka-d. v. to burn. caution, ihtiyat, tudbeer, tu,uminool, huzur, un- deshu, hooshlyaree, socli, soochetee, fikr, dhyan, purhez, v. care, takeed, v. circumspection, hoozm, V. suspicion, carefulness, {security) za- minee, kufalut, {warning) tumbeehj nuseehut, V. notice, admonition, &c. f,tuVtt^„/vf ^i;^ to caution, khuburdar- agali- hoshiyar- moot- tulu- soocheta-k, jutana, chitana, kan-kholna, nicotunubbu-k. cautious, khubur-dar, hoshiyar, agah, door-un- desh, aqibut-undesh, be-dar, moodubbir,saorta, chuokus, soocheta, v. prudent. cautiously, khubur daree- &c. -se. cautiousness, be-daree, aqibut-undeshee, door-un- deshee, moodubbiree, v. caution, to caw, qan qan- kan kan-k. n.^-v>ifrr,s<^ -iff.t to cease, v. n. muoqoof-h. mooltuwee-ruhna, tluimna, sustana, thuhurna, hath-oothana, dust- bur dar-h. turk-k. baz-ruhna, chhootna, boojh- na, V. to expire, {to rest, q. v.) istirahut-k. {to end, q. v.) akhir-h. niburna, chookna, v. a. muoqoof- munii- &c. -k. thamna, chhorna, pher-ruhna, bus-k. v. to desist, jata-ruhna, ootli-j. puchna, murna, v. to fail, to stop, &c. CEM 89 CEisr ceaseless, da,im, moodamee, luga-tar, u-chhoot, v. incessant. cedar, surv, suro, v. cypress. to cede, huwalu-k. de-dalna, tusleem-k. to ceil, clijiut-lugana or -bunana. ceiling, chhut, suqf. to celebrate, suralina, tu,ureef- tuoseef- mush- hoor-k. (God) humd-k. (a prophet) ni,ut-k. (a day) manna, mmbaruk- mootuburruk-jan- na, (a feast) shadee- khooshee- kLmrrum- raee-k. (« wedding) byah-ruchana. celebrated, namee, nam-wur, nam-dar, numood, mushhoor, mu.uroof, muosoof, nushr, pritish- thit, V. to keep, sirwal, numood-dar, mumdooh, V. fame, &c. to be celebrated, namwur- &c. -h. nam-bajna. celebration, (praise, q. v.) suna, afreen, ustoot, (feast, q. v.) shadee, khooshee, khoorrumee. celebrity, shcohrut, ishtihar,naniwuree,v. rcnoum, celerity, juldee, choostee, cliabooke, begee, bee- gee, shitab-karee, scnbook-ruwee, sccrut, phojrt, churphurahut, beg, zoodee, v. speed. celery, ujwa.en khoorasanee, v. parsley. celestial, asmanee, bihishtee, junnutee, firdoosee, fulkee, (bodies) (ujram) tpluwee, ukasee, v. terrestrial. celibacy, ko,ar-pun, tujurrood, tiijreed, moojur- rudee. cell, goshu, koonj, golia, kothree, murhee, hmj- ru, khanu, kuolbu, tukiyu, ghur, mundup, v. cellar. cellar, tuh-khanu, bhoonhura, surd abu, bhoon- dhura, chor-khanu. cellular, khanu-khanu, khanu-dar. cement, (glue) suresh (mortar) rekhtu, guch (sol- der) missee-josh, tankee, jora, (_fig-) pue- wund, rishtu, silsilu, jor, v. junction, bond. to cement, jorna, milana, wusl- puewund-k. v. n. joorna, mil-jana, puewund- &c. -h. cemetry, muqburu, ruozu, muzar, (of saints, &c.) durgah. censer, dhoop-dan, bukhoor-dan, ahootee, lukh- lukhii, ood-dan, mijmiir. cetu-or, moohtusib ; an office which is now almost extinct. censorious, ueb-go, ueb-jo, khourdu-geer, hurf- geer, zuban-geer, ninduk, moo,uturiz, nicoftu- ree, v. severe, ccnsoriousness, ueb-go,ee, ueb-jo,ee, ncoktu-gee- ree, hurf-geeree, khooi'du-geeree. censorship, khidmut i ihtisab. censurable, qabil-ilzam, la,iq mulamut, zuboon. censure, ilzam, dokli, tu,un, tu,iin-tushnee,u, hu- joo, V. blame, (unjust) toohmut, iftira, ittiham, lim, tuotiya, dhansa, v. aspersion, (slight) gilu, shikvvu, shikayut, v. animadversioti, &c. to censure, ilzam- &c. -d. moolzim- mutoon-k. dokhna, tokna, pukurna, gophna, v. to back- bite, censurer, dokhiya, tu,unu-zun, shakee, gilu-goo- zar, ueb-go, ahoo-geer, tokuha, bud-undesh, V. censor, slanderer, also the verb, cent, suekra, sue, sud ; one per cent., ek otra, v. Granunar, p. 98.; at ten per cent., dus rropue suekra, or fee sud dus roopue. centaur, quntoorus. center, murquz, mudar, nooqtu, naf, beech, dur- miyan, wusut, (of an army) qulb, v. middle, to center, khuench-ana, girna, purna, jhookna, v. to fall, (depend) moonhusur- muoqoof-h. (to rest on) thuhurna, thumbna, qa,im-h. centipede, kunkhujoora, gojur, kun-sula,ee, kun- bichhoo, central, centric, centrically, beechon beech, moo- tuwussit, V. middle. , centry, puhre-dar, puhroo, chuokee-dar, pas-ban, V. guard, centuple, sud-chund, suo-goona. M CiER 90 CHA centurion, tooraun-dar. century, sudee, sud-salu, sut-sumbut. cephalic, mooquwee-dimagh, {vein) qeefal, suri- roo, {-medicine) su.oot. , cerate, murhutn. cere-cloth, mom-jamu. ceremonial, ceremonious, tukuUoof-mizaj, zahir- dar, srishtacharee, v. custom. ceremoniously, tukuUoof- &c. -se. ceremony, tukulloof, tukuUoofat, moodara, srishta- char, zahir-daree, rusm, chal, v. custom, udub, tukleef, arhtee, negchar, man, v. respect, &c. (rite) reet, rookn, pi. urkan, shurt, pi. shura, it, bidh ; religious ceremonies, adab i deen ; without ceremony, be-tukulloof. certain, mooqurrur, moo,ueyun, mootu,yuqqin, mooshukhkhus, yuqeenee, mcotuhuqqiq, moo- tu,ueyun, suheeh, suchcha, uwush, nishchue, be-shuk, la-rueb, tuhqeeqee, priman, (171 comp.) ee,h.ee,Y. apparent ; certain, (some) bu,uzi,ko- ee ; a certaiti person, fulanu, umka-dhumka. certainly, ulbuttu, zuroor, kh^yah-mu-khwall, uor kya, bu-chushm, v. sui-e, also the adj. certai7ify, tuqurroor, tueyun, tueyuqqoon, thika- na, sucha,ee, sir-puer, yuqeen, tuhuqqooq,isbat, V. truth, &c. certificate, diistawez, razee-namu, sunud, sumj- huotee, chithee, v. bill, (of a soldier''s death) fuotee-namu, (of a horse's, &c. death) suqtee- namu, (of dismission, &c.) roklisutee-chithee, \. leave, (of service) sur-khutt, (clearance, he.) nikasee, rah-daree, safee-namu, muhzur-namu, shuhadut-namu, (of slavery) ghoolamee-khutt, V. bill, order, &c. to certify, sabit-k. tuhqeeq-k. mooqurrur- &c. -k. thuhrana, v. to fix. cerulean, asmanee-rung, abee-rung, kubudee, uk- asee, urzuqee, v. blue. ceruse, sufedu. __ . . i. , cess, khiraj, muhsool, lugta, baj, hissu russud, damasahee, bihree, dund, v. tax, fine. h to cess, khiraj- &c. -lugana. i-cv*"- ,'f':r'. finivs'i cessation, tuwuqqoof, moohlut, furaghut, foorsut, unjha, V. intermission, cession, tusleem, tufweez, v. to cede, chaff, bhoosee, sooboos, chhamus, kun, toos; chaffing of the foot, pcosht-pa, lit. the back of the foot, to chaff, mulna, malish-k. (to fret, q. v.) chhil- na, V. to gall, vex, &c. chajfing-dish, ungethee, burosee, kangree, mun- qul, mujmur, atush-dan, kanoon. 'u^mu • chagrin, khufugee, na-khooshee, runjeecfugee, burhumee, azoDrdugee, jhanjh, jhoonjhalut, kosrhun, V. vexation, to chagrin, jhoonjhlana, julana, sutana, koorhana, burhum- &c. -k. v. to irritate, chagrined, na-khoosh, burhum, bud-dimagh, v. vexed, &c. chain, zunjeer, sankur, silsilu, sungul, v. series, &c. (of an elephant) andoo, (fetter) pue-kura, hut-kura, (ornament) sikuree, bundhunee, v. garland, (for the neck) tuoq, v. prison, to chain, zunjeer- &c. -k. or -A. baodjina, hulqu- bugosh-k. V. to enslave, &c. .i>v<,V.i-«f..s chained, zunjeer-bund, bustu, bundhoo,a ; in chnhis, pa bu zunjeer. chain-shot, zunjeeree gola. chair, koorsee, chuokee, sundulee, sookh-asun, V. litter, tukht, (prop, a stool or bench) much- iya, peerhee, (of justice, &c.) musnud, guddee, V. throne, (sedan) of which there are various kinds, as the bocha, palkee, nalkee, miyanu, sookh-pal, chundol, chuwalu, chuopala; for a description of these see Vol. II. chairman, (presidetit) meer-mujlis, sudur, v. bearer, chaise, ekka, garee, bughee, ghoor-buhul. CHA n CHA chalk, khuree-muttee, chhoo.ee, doodhee-muUee, rani-khulce, j^-sufed. chalice, urgha. challenge, du.uwa, bad- to challenge {one tojight, &c.) lura,ee-inangna, Tnoo<|abulu-chahna, du,uwa-k. bana-bandhna, biida budoe-kulina, tukkur-lcna, punju-k. (to accuse) dokhna, gllii-k. («* « cenfry) tokua, rok tok-k. v. to reject, rokna, nikalna, v. to object, duputoa, hUkarna, v. to brave, challetiger, mcDddu,ee, badee. chamade. In Hindoostan there is no such cus- tom ; in lieu of it the besieged wave a wliite cloth as a token of surrender; tlierefore, chud- dur-doo putta-hilana, is equi\'alent to beating the chamade. chamber, kothree, hoojru, khanu, (court) kuch- uhree, (o/w ^2idling,hhuk- wa, V. dotard, changer (of money) surraf, khoordiya, v. banker, channel, nala, nalee, dhara, kharee, sola, rah, mujra ; mid chamiel, munjh-dhar, v. gtUter. to channel, khueyardar-k. v. to /lute, chant, surod. to chant, gana, surood- iiirt-k. reghana. chanter, uirtee^ reglia,oo, v. singer. M2 CHA 92 CHA chanticleer, soobhu-khan, v. cock. chanting, neem surod. chaos, huyoola,e,oola, julmu,ee, purlue, lubdur, V. conftisioyi, medley, chap, durz, durar, sliigaf, rukhnu, jubha, v. jaw, {of the month) jubra, gulphura, kuUu. to chap, turqana, durkana, pharna. chape, (of a scabbard) kothee, tuh-nal, v. fer- rule, pukur, V. catch, (of a sword) pura, v. buckle, &c. chapel, musjid, dewul, dyohura, mu,ubud, chun- dee mundup, tusbeeh-khanu, moorut-geh, v. temple. chaplain, pooranik, poojeree, v. priest. chaplet, sihra, sur-pech, v. garland, (rosary) tus- beeh, mala, (tuft) kulghee, chontee. chapman, khureedar, v. bidder, peddlar, &c. chapter, bab, fusl, uddhya, (of the Qmran) sooru, V. section. character, ank, nuqsh, uchhur, hurf, ruqum, y, figure, wusf, juohur, shukhsiyut, jus, v. fame, soorkh-roo,ee, v. credit, (in a play) poot- lee, \. puppet, (stamp) chinh, v. characteristic, bhes, V. habit, (office) qphdu, v. capacity, (lite- ral) khuttj .(writing) duskhutt, hust-achhur, (personage) shukhs, (discriminating quality) ma- hiyul, kuefiyut, (account, history) nuql, uhwal, (ra7ik, reputation) murtubii, munsub, slian, shuokut, abroo, hoormut, nam, nam-wurec, numood, (recommendation) sufarish, (disposi- tion) kho, khuslut, V. representation, quality. to characterise, mukhsoos- mooshukhkhus- moom- taz-k. V. to describe, &c. characteristic, puta, ulamut, nishan, puhchan, thikana. charcoal, ko,ela, ko,enjha, zooghal, v. to smoke, (used for hooqqus) gool. charge, umanut, tuhweel, huwalu, soopcord, tuht, tusurroof, uman, zimmu,rukhee, zimmu waree, tuohud, V. care, custody, (command, q.v.)umr, aggya, (office, q. v) khidmut, (accusation, q. V.) bad, gilu, shikwu, oolahna, toohmut, V. imputation, (thing entrusted) umanut, dhur- ohur, thatee, (exhortatio7i, q.v.) tulqeen, mus- luhut, (ewpence, q.v.) khurj, lagut, v. cost, &c, (onset, q. v.) liumlu, churha,ee, churhnee, (of a gun) chot, (signal) joojhar baja, dunka, v. assault, (of powder, &c.) soombu, v. cartridge, bqjb, V. burden, (in comp.) anu, ee, a,ee, v. fee, also the Grammar, page 170, &c. ; contingent charges, surinjamee khurch or ukhrajat,bU|Uzi- khurcli ; to sound the charge, maroo nuqaru- &c. -bujana. When the natives sound a charge, they beat the nuqaru (kettle drum) three times ; the first, to prepare; the second, to display their colours ; and the third, as the signal for attack. to charge, (entrust) umeen- nigahban- tU|eenat-k. (to impute, q. v.) thuhrana, muhmool-k. (to accuse) du,uwa- bad-k. (to command, q. v.) hookm- &c. -k. v. to bid, (to attack) humlu- churha,ee-k. (to load, q. v.) bhurna, thasna, V. to fill, (in account) liklina, lena, v. to insert, (to enjoin) takeed- tuqueyood-k. sumjhana, v. to warn, hid, &c. duorna, churhna, v. to at- tack. chargealle, (expensive) bharcc, sxmgecn,^. heavy, imputable. charger, qab, mcnshqab, tusht, tubuq, purot, V. plate, khing, v. horse. chariot, garee, ghoor-buhul, ruth. charioteer, ruth-ban, garee-ban, saruthee. charitable, niookhueyur, sukhee, fueyaz, sahib- himmut, data, ghureeb-purwur, poonyatma, kooshadu-dil, danee, poonnee, am purwur, v. benevolent, (liberal, kind) sahib-soolook, sahib- dil, soolhi kool, nek, kumshur, ubirodhee, ueb- CHA 93 CHA posh, purduposh, oopkar, khuta bukhsh, nek undesh, v. merciful, charitableness, shiifqut insanee, v. compassion, charitably, kooshadu dike- &c. -se. charity, (benevolence, q. v.) durd, pyar, lootf, mu- roh, fueyazee, v. kindness, {to the poor) birt, khuer, sudqu, poon, zukat, v. alms, pension, liberality; charity lands, ii,emmu,inilk, peeran, inu,afee, fuqeeran, burmhottur, dyottur, bu,ii- zee-zumeen, bisliinpreet, v. glebe, benefice, {the holder) u.emmudar, milkee, khueratee, v. far- mer, &c. {school) khueratee muktub, v. free. charlatan, buzariya-tubeeb, v. quack. Charles'' wain, doobbi ukbiir, bunat oon-nu,ush, supturikh, girdanuk, khutola, kishteo nooh, pulung. charm, {amulet, q. v.) tu.uweez, hima,il, du,ii- wut, nzeemut, tilism, tuntur, tonatamur, uf- soon, sihr, totka, lutka, v. spell, {attraction, q. V.) kushish, fureb, lia|Obha,o, lugawut, khichawut, numuk, buhar, v. delight. to charm, tu,iiweez-b. doo,a- muntur-phoonkna, jharna, beree-liankna, jadoo-k. or chulana, v. enchantment, {to captivate, q. v.) fureftu-k. moh-lena, loobhana, birbhana, ooljhana, phus- ana. charmer, jadoo-gur, du,iiwutee, tonha, muntrec, V. co?ijnrer, nazneen, jan, v. mistress, {beloved, q.v.) janee, dil-bur, mun-mohun, mun-liurun, sunum. '< ' ,-•. charming, mohna, soha,ona, dil-chusp, dil-rojba, pusundeedu,khnnsha,indu,khoosh-uda,muleeli, uhsun, dil-awcz, khatirfureb, v. delightful, be- witching, charmer, agreeable, fine, beautiful. charmingly, dil kushee- &c. -se, v. pleasingly. chart, nuqshu, put, v. map. charter, uhd-namu, iqrar-namu, v. grant. chase, puchhera, rupet, v. game, {of a gun) nal, V. bore, {hunting, &c.) shikar, (a beast of chase) aher, {pursuit, q. v.) tu,aqoob, {park) rumna, shikar-gah. to chase, khedna, rugedna, khuderna, khukherna, peechha- tu,aqa3b-k. bhugna, rupetna, pu- chherna, chula-d. v. to scare, {to drive away) hankna, door-k. {to hunt) shikar-k. uherna. chaser, shikaree, khedoo, v. the verb, pursuer. chasm, durz, shigaf,chhed,nooqs,v. defect, break, breach. chaste, pak, soodh, saf, tahir, pakeezu, shoostu, arastu, purhez-gar, moottuqee, pak-damun, ufeefu, soo-sheel, sooch, pubittur, puteebrita, koolwuntee, suttee, moohsinu, pakbaz, v. true, pursust, V. continent, virtuous, agnus, castus, pure. chastely, pakeezugee-se. to chastise, chasten, suza- tumbeeh-d. or -k. ar- astu- dcoroost- tarun- theek- seedha-k. kan- uenthna, chunga-buuana, v. to beat. chastisement, suza, tu,uzcer, tarun, gosh-malee, nuseehut, tadeeb, kun-uenthee, thonk-thank, quhr, chabook, v. beating, whip, punishment. chastiser, tarunhar, v. punisher. chastity, chasteness, usmut, iffut, pak-damunee, purhez-garec, soosheelta, sufa,ee, pakee, pa- keezugee, arastugee, tuhzeeb, shoostugee, tu- liarut, sut, V. continence. chat, buk, gup, bur, kliotsh-gup, also chatty, su- tur putur, zuq zuq, urbur, ghen pen, khudur- budur, V. clack. to chat, bukna, bat but kuha,o- baton- gooftu- goo-k. gup-hankna. chattels, utala, clieez bust, ushya, Ufasu, muta,u, V. effects ; goods and chattels, mal o muta,u, mal o umwal. chatter, tenten, kilkilahut, kichkichahut. to chatter, tenten- chenchen- kankan-k. chur- churana, rutna, jhurjhurana, poot poot batcn-k. V, to prattle, jaw, &c. {as the teeth) bujna. CHE 94 CHE f kutkutana, digdigana, {as a monkey) kilkilana, kiclikichana, v. to chat, &c chatterer, burbutiya, bacheechee, bukkee, ba,o- -'. jhuk, ghuogha,ee. icheap, susta, urzan, munda, kum-mol, kum-qec- mut, kum-khurch, phurhur, phuruhra, kum- buha, be-qeemut, umol, hulka, v. worthless, ^ 'Common; cheap as dirt, muttee ka mol, v. dog. to cheapen, molyaila, mol- qeemut-k. {to lessen) kum qeemut-k. cheapness, urzanee, susta.ee, kum-qeemutee. cheat, thuga.ee, dugha, chhul, jool, bootta, ghubn, fureb, V. huhhle, mukr, heelu, tulbees, khiya- niit, gha,oghup, dhandhul, kued, v. trick, im- posture. to cheat, thugna, chhulna, dugha bazee-k. dhut- **- oora-d. thugana, fitrut-lurana, v. to defraud. cheater, dugha baz, furebee, mooheel, dhutooriya, khajn, bootte-baz, luelot, gha,oghup, uUum- ghuUum, dhandhulee, nutkhut, butebaz, chjui- • liya, V. impostor, knave. "■■'■'■ > -" check, utka,o, rok, duba,o, ar, moozahumut, zubt, qued, snd, moomanu.iit, thokur, zuk, pech, V. blow, {in chess) shuh, kisht, v. reprimand, {in accounts) janchuk, {hill) teep, v. 7iote, {va- rious sorts of cloth, q. v.) soosee, banosee, elue- cha, gunga-ramee, gungam, ara, radha^nugu- ' Tee, bhagul-pooree, dootaree, chuotaree. to check, utkana, rokana, barna, sumhahia, dub- ana, mama, burujna, hutana, bund- muoqoof-, zubt-k. katna, aga-b. mat-k. v. to repress, to curb, {to chide, q. v.) sur-zunish-k. datna, {a bill or account, &c.) mooqabulu-k. ja,izu-d. mi- lana, {in chess) kisht- shuh-d. to checker, chequer, doorung- ubree- ubluq-bun- • ana, mcnruqqu-k. checkered, rungarung, doo rung, teetur-budlee, * ' ' ' _j' '• i 1' '1 "• ■' - '' i ^-^ booqulumoon, v. varied^ dubba, . (tf^orA) moo- ruqqu-sazee. *,'•><-.•. .vf-r .r'f--f>*ivj checkmate, mat, shuhmat. , v^ cheek, gal, rookhsar, ariz, kupol, mzai; rrokh, kullu, gundus, V. side. cheer, uesh-ushrut, huz, uesh, asa,ish, rahut, aram, khoorrumee, anund, musurrut, bhojun, ni.umut, v. food, lulkar, urpun juekar, hooha, V. acclamation, shout, himmut, v. courage, {jol- lity) chohul, chuhul-puhul, v. merriment. to cheer, boolsana, khrosh-k. tuskeen- tushuffee-, dllasa-d. tazu- tur o tazu- dilburee- dildaree-, khatir jumu-k. lulkama, burhana, gud-d. v. to animate, {to encourage, q. v.) dharus-d. V. n. phoolna, khilna- hoolusna, khoosh-hojana. cheerer, aram-bukhsli, furuh-bukhsh, tuskeen- bukhsh, rahut-bukhsh. cheerful, khoosh, musroor, khundu-roo, khoosh- khrorrum, thuthol, huns-mookh, ulbela, rus- iya, rusik, chunchul, be-piirwa, be-fikr, koo- shadu-peshanee, khcosh-mlzaj, khoosh-dil, khmsh-hal, dil-shad, bilasee, v. merry, jovial, careless, gay. cheerfully, khooshee-se, shuoq-zuoq-se, bu-sur o chushm, bu-dil, sir ankhoii-se, dil dihee-se. cheerfulness, khundii-roo,ee, zindu-dilee, khqcsh- tubu,ec, shokhee, chunchula,ee, thutholee, tu- rub, be-purwa,ee, khroshee, musurrut, v. the adj. hans rus, v. gladness. cheering, giu-m, v. ivarm. cheerless, asdas, oocliat, bedil, nakhmsh, v. deject- ed, be-ruonuq, be-chohul, v. gloomy. cheese, puneer, {whole) qalib, chukkee ; ttvo whole cheeses, do chukkee puneer, v. form. cheesemonger, puneer-furosh. cheesy, puneersa. to cherish, {to protect, nourish, q. v.) palna, khu- bur geeree- nuwazish- sewa-k. sur subz-k. / > • CHI 95 CHI himayut-k. or nibahna, chohul- buqia-k. v. to caressy support, regard. cherisher, mcnrubbee, liamee, puchhee, oree, un- data, {in coitip.) piirwur, miwaz ; thus, ghur- recb-piirwur, a cherisher of the poor. cherry, aloobaloo, sliali-danu, {winter-) kakunj, uroos duipurdu, wilayutee-niuko,ee. ^fsgi cheruh, firishtu, kurroobee, niuluk. cherubim, kuroobiyan. chesnut, shah-bulootj {bay) sconing. chess, shutrunj. to play at chess, shutrunj-klieloa. chess-board, shutrunj-bisat. chess-man, ma:>lirii, \\u\-(\y^o\,{invC7iior o/)luj]aj ; tlie king, padshah, shah, moohru-milieen ; the queen, wuzeer, furzeen; the castle, elephant, or rook, rookh, hathee, feel, peel ; the knight or horse, usp, ghora ; the bishop or camel, oont, shootoor; the pawn, piyadu or beezuq, buezuq or bueduq ; \quere, may not peon come from pawn, as piyadu signifies a footman i^ chess-player, shatir, shutrunj-baz. • chest, sundooq, petee, {small) sundooq-chu, {of the body) kotlia, chhatee, peta, v. breast, trunk, &c. {of drawers) ulmaree, from ulmaria, Port. to be chest foundered, {a Aor«e)chhatee-b,hurja- na, jabund-h. chevalier, shuh-suwar, buhatloor, ghorchurha, v. brave, horseman, &f. to chew, chabna, chubana, koochuhia, koochna, chublana chikulua, {the cud) joogalna, kuo- ree-parna, v. to ruminate. Sec. chicane, r/ticawery, luetolu.ul, talmutol, lieelu-hu- walu, sutur-putur, dhan-dhul, chukur-mukur, V. artifice, cheat, &c. chicaner, tuqreeree, hoojjutee. chick, chicken, cliinga, peel, {fig) nuokhez, nir- lomee, choozu, buchu ; whence chooze-baz, .. un old woman fond of striplings. chickeii-broth, nukhood-ab. v. soup. • > chicken-hearted, bcBZ-dil, (i e. goat-hearted) dur- pokna, moorghee, geedur. chicke7i-pens, unktee, v. retch. chicken-pox, motiya-seetlee, koduwa, punsa, v, small-pox, cow-pox. to chide, V, a. {to reprove) datna, dokhna, sur-zu nish-k, ghcorukna, jhoonjhlana, chii-chirana, jhurukua, ghoorkce- jhurkce-d. sansn^, khce- jhna, dugudhna, nuktora-k. zujur-k. dudlana, V. to scold, blame, rebuke, he. chider, dokhiya, chirchira, anjhiya. chief, adj. bura, puchla, uwwul, sudr, mcoqud- dum, V. principal, &c. chief, chieftain, surdar,meer, peshwa, ru,ees, mu- hut-jun, walee, mundul, chuodhree, muhto, putel, ria,ek, kurumcharee, surwur, surkhuel, surduftur, imam, khan ; chiefs, mukhadeem, V. leader, head, governor. chief-justice, sudur ool-huqq. chiefiy, uksur, khoosoosun, uwwullun, puehle. chiefship, bure-sahibee, chuod,hra,ee, muhta,ee, imamut, v. lordship, Ssc. supra. chilblain, biwaiCe. child, buchchu, lurka, fern, lurkee, dhota, fur- zund tifl, baluk, koduk, v. innocent, bala, poo- twa, pisur, rezu, noordeedu, noorcliushm, sisoo, baba, v. babe, {in comp.) zadu, v. son, {of, or belonging to) buchganu, {having) lur- kora, labour; to be with child, pet se- humulse-, oommedse-h. y. fruit. Sec. child-bed,. zuchngee, suor. ^ child-birth, '^unma., wilabur, v. labour. \ childhood, buchugee, buchpun, luruk-pun, too- foohyut, tiflee, lurka,ee, bal-pim. childish, clihcnlcohla, clioolboola, chiba,ola, tifl- mizaj, lurke ka sa, tifla, tiflanuiaofj ^vV^- . childishly, lurkon ka sa, tifla, tiflanu. »4i»V» CHI 96 CHO childishness, choolboolahut, chiblUa-pun, tifl-ml- zajee, chhichhor-pun. childless, be-uolad, lawulud, ni-poota, ni-suntan, nirbuns, pootmoo,a. children, lurke bale, kuch buch, uyal, utfal, (^descendants, q. v.) bunee ; thus, the children of Israel, bunee Isra|eel. chiliad, huzaru. chill, chilly, surd, thundha, seera, khconook, ba- rid, thundha- &c. -sa, juraha, v. cold. to chill, thundha- &c. -k. sirana, {with cold) thithurana, {depress) ufscordu- &c. -k. to be chill, thithurna. chilliness, phcoruhree, qushureeru. chillness, surdee, thundh, seer, thunduk, ufsojr- dugee, boaroodut, khconookee. chime, kook, tal, tal-mel, {of a belt) thunaka, thoonkar, v. harmony, {horal) gujur, whence gujur-bajna, to chime, v. to sound. to chime, milna, lugna, hum a hung- eksan- bur- abur- moowafiq- mila- theek- shamil-h. v. alike, ektal-h, v. concordant, also to agree, ul- aqu-r. {as verse) hum wuzn-h. muozoon-h. V. a. milana. chimera, conqa, kiyal, wuhm, dhokha, pindar, surab, khiyal la ta,il, khiyal poola,o, mun-lud- doo, V. dream, deception, chimerical, wuhmee, khiyal ee, v. imaginary, chimney, dood-dan, dood-kush, bookharee, gool- khun, dhoo.anra, v. vent, fire-place, &c. chin, thooddee, thorhee, zunukh, zunukh-dan, zuqun, chimbook. China, {the country) Cheen, seen, qinya, {ware) Cheenee burtun, ghoree, {root) chob-cheenee ; the emperor of China, fughfoor. chincough, daba, hubba dubba; to have the chin- cough, punjur-lugna. chine, poot, dhopur, kumur, v. loi7is. chink, durz, turuq, durar, shigaf, chak, ruozun, soorakh, rukhnu, chhed, v. crack. to chink, khun khunana, chhun chhunana, v, to jingle. chints, chheet, rungee. chip, chipping, chhiptee, turashu, chuelee, tookra, rezu, chheelun, choonnee, v. fragment. chiromancer, bhudree, samoodrikee. chiromancy, samoodrik. chirp, rez, jhunkar. to chirp, choorugna, jjiunkarna, rez-k. choon- choon-k. cheen-cheen-k. ,Kr-,,,r> chisel, tankee, chhenee, rookhanee^ hukkee. > to chisel, tankee-marna. chit, is much used in India for a note, letter, &c.; it is corrupted from the Hinduwee word chithee, q. v, under letter. chitchat, gup-shup, bat-cheet, bol-chal, qal-mu- qal, qeelkal, kulmu kulam, v. chat, dialogue, chivalry, suwarkaree, shuhsuwaree, v. prowess. chives, soot, v. thread. chocolate colour, kakrezee, khueree, lakhee. choice, ikbtiyar, murz.ee, khooshee, pusund, reejh, khwahish, chah, mun man, husb dil khwah, mun bha,o, chokha, v. excellent, also election, munbus, qaboo, v. poiver, istisna, buchwa, choonwa, v. selection, &c. {care in choosing) ihtiyat, tulash, kudd o kawish, khoj, v. to choose. choice, adj. khassu, bihtur, nufees, toohfu, mU|U- qool, nadir, pusundeedu, v. careful, nice, &c. choicely, ihtiyat-se. choiceness, lootf, toohfugee, nufasut, chokha,ee, V. delicious, nicety. choir, ta,ifu, v. band. to choke, gula-phansna, gula-ghontna, nuretee- dabna, dum bund-k. ookbookana, phunsna, v. to suffocate, niwalu- tookra-lugna or -utukna, V. to strangle, {to block up) bund- tegha-k. ( CHR 97 CHU choon-lena, {to overpower) dubana, v. to sup- press, choke-full, nak o nak, khuchakhuch, lubalub, v. MmfuL choler, pit, sufra, v, bile, pitta, zuhru, tuesh, v. miger, {ntrabilis) suoda ; his choler will rise, cos ka pitta bhuruk oothega, v. gall, bladder, rage, cholera morbus, sect-rus, huez.u,tuhobala,nioonh- pet, ola-cntha, surus-nirus, v. surfeit. c7io/mc, ghoossu-wur, toond, atushee-mizaj,gunn- mizaj, tulkh-inizaj, krodhee, sufrawee-mizaj ; he is a vei-y choleric man, wooh buru zuhre ka adraee bue. cholic, qoolinj, ba,o-sool, bad-sool, krorkooree. to choose, pusund- &c. -k. chahna, {to select, q. V.) choog- bin- bachh- chhant-lena, moontu- khub-k. burana, karhna, rukh-lena, roochna, V. choice, to like, pick, appoint, chop, V. chap, chip, tokra, tlulce, paru, tikka, kootiya, v. collop, pi. moonhana, v. jaw. to chop, qulum-k. kat-k. kat koot-k. v. to hack, ooiu-d. ootarna, v. to cut, e.vchange, {meat) qeemu-k. kcothurna, {to chap) turqana, {to de- 'vour) bhucbh- hubuk-lena, bugharna, v. to chatter, to batidy, prate, &c. clu)pping-knife, boughda,chhoora, gundasa,v.c/fa- ver, chubby, chord, tar, wutur, dhooii, poornija, v. cord, chordee, kurk, ling-bitha. chorus, {of a song) juwabee, v. bob, jiiwab, ku- ree, tal o soor, v. burden, {to join in) a\vaz-mi- lana, v. concert, cliosen, muqbool, munioor, nicostusna, moortuza, moostufa, V. to choose, select, to chouse, thugna, chhulna, dugha-d. v. to cheat. Christ, eesa, museeha or museeha. to christen, nam-r. namkurun-k. christening, iiqeequ, gunuku.ec, nioomlun. christian, eesuwee, nusranee, nusai'a, tursu, mu- seehee, v. Messiah. Christianity, eesuwec-muzhub, eesuwiyut, nusra- niyut. Christmas, ecd nusaran, biira-din, \. feast, clironic, mu)zniin dince, der-pa, suree,u-a)l-mi,ud, V. old. chronicle, wuqayii, iikhbar^ tuwareekh. chronogram, tareckb. chronologer, chronologisf, moGWiirrikb, tareekh- dan, gunuk. chronology, ilm i tuwareekh, jlin i tareekh. chrysalis, badaniu. chrystal, biluor, qulum, v. glass, whence qulmee, chrystalixed. chubby, clmffy, thothul-mothul, soond-moond, gul- phoola, gool-goothna, bota, v. plump, chuff, bhuensa, iirna, sand, v. fcwW. chuck, kcotkoot, V. chicken; my chuck, mere pu- tlic, V. youth; chuck-chuck, tee-tee. to chuck, chuckle, kootkootana, koorkoorana, {un- der the chin) thooddee-hilana, v. to fondle, khi- liyan-k. biighl-bujana, v. to giggle, chuck-fa rtliitig, ghotee-chiinga, goochee-paru. chum, hiim-khanu, hum-hmjru, luini-subuq -suf- ru or -tu,am, v. comrade, companion, church, girja, kulesa, v. mosque, churl, gunwap, diliqanee, v, clown, {miser, q. v.) bukheel, hiqoondra, v. curmudgeon, churlish, suklit, kuttiir, ukhur, uojhur, goostakh, oojud, sung-tbl, be-ruhm, dubiing, v. harsh, churlishly, goostakhee- &c. -se. churlishness, sukhtee, sung-dilce, kurukhtiigee, be-ruhmee, gaistakbcc, v. harshness, churn, dood-handee, niutkee, chafee, cbuttee, {staff) nuidhanee, miithnee, bilonee, niihanee, sheer-zunii. to churn, muthna, muhna, bilona. N CIB 98 CIR chyle, kueloos, rus, kuemoos, perhaps doodh, v. milJc. chymisf, keemiya-gur, rusa,enee, keemiya-saz, moohuwwis, rus-bhedee. cliymistry, keemiya, rusa,en, keemiya-guree. cicatrix, dagh, chinh. cicatrization, iltiham, bhura,o, v. to heal. to cicatrixe, bhurna. cimefer, tegha, slmmslier, tulwar, v. sivord. cincture, bund, bundhun, {of a pillar') gola, v. girdle, ring. ,■[ ■• .jfiwri dndeTj (cold) ko.ela, (Jiot) ungara. cinnabar, shungurf, eengoor, durdur, v. minium. cinnamon, darcheenee, (vulg. dalclieenee) {wa- ter) uruq i darcheenee, (oil) utr i darcheenee, cinquefoil, punj-ungoosht. i^ra\-\ -t'-WvA- cion, kulghu, {graft) puewund, v. shoot, sprout. cipher, sifr, soonna, boonda, bindee, {person) dhooha, nuqsh deewar, v, nobody, nothing, {writing in-) goopt putree, {figure) ruqum, ank, {engraved) tooghra ; to write in ciphers, rumz nuweesee-k. kumsila-likhna, v. to count, &c. a mere cipher, (person) wujood i raao,uttul. circle, ghera, hulqu, da|iru, chunibur, koondulee, chukkur, duora, duor, girdu, koondul, v. cycle, coil, &c. bhuonree, applied to a ring or curl of horse's hair, and considered as a blemish, y. feather; a geometrical circle, sliukl i moos- tudeer, koondul-akar, (halo) halu, mundul. Many of these words, as in English, are ex- tensive in their application, v. assembly, &c. An inconclusive form of argument is termed duor, V. inconclusive. to circle, circuit, gird- duoru- moohasuru-k. gher- lena, ghoomna, duor-chulna, da,ir-h. v. to re- volve, enclose. circuit, gurdish, pher, ghooma,o, ihatu, phera, chukkur, duor, hisar, gusht, gird, (visiting) gushtsulamee, v, circle. circuiteer, sa,ir, da,ir, girdawur, gushtee. circular, mooduwwur, gol, hulqu-dar ; a circular motion, hurkuti istidaru. circularity, gola,ee. circularly, gird bu gird. to circulate, v. n. phirna, ghoomna, gurdish-k. (as the blood) suoran-k. duorna, churkh-mar- na, nicDstudeer-h. chulna, buhna, v. to move, (to be dispersed) phuelna, moontushur-h. v. a. phuelana, moontushur-k. chulana, jaree- ru- Wan-k. i,r:; i; • '-.v, circulation, gurdish, ghcoma.o, plier, ijra, chulun, buha,o, (of the blood) suoi'an, (succession) tu- watoor, V. revohdion. circumambient, mooheet, byapuk, gird a gird, v. around. r <, to circumambulate, girdawuree- &c. -k. ghoom- gham-k. dur bu dur-phirna, i. e. circumfora- ■neously. to circumcise, khutnu- soonnut- moosulmanee-k. circumcised, mukhtoon. circumcision, khutnu, soonnut. circumference, gird, gird-pesh, ghera, duora, gi- ruo, pher, gher ghooma,o, mooheeti da,iru, birdhprut, (of a tree) kumur, gher, (of a well) jugut, mun, V. margin, girth, circle. circumjluent, circumfluous, mooheet, byapuk. to circumfuse, phvielana, moontushir-k. circumjacent, moottusil, qureeb, nuzdeek, lug- bhug, chuhoodis, (places) nuveah, utraf, pue- ramoon, juwar, suwad, huwalee, v. adjacent. circumlocution, ibarut, bukhan, ghooma,o, pech, pecheedugee, marpech, pher, tool-kulam, gur- dish-lufzee, v. winding. circumlocutory, pecheedu, gol, v. round about. to circumscribe, bemuqdoor- bebus-k. mujboor-, tungdust- duba- zubtmen-r. gherna, chhenk- na, hudd-b. nurghu-k. v. to confine. CIT 99 CLA circumscribed, tung, be-muqdoor, nachar, bebus, ajiz, luibul, V. confined, circumipect, circumspective, chuokus, chuokunna, hojshiyar, munsoobu-baz, chuonkel, urgutee, ilitiyatee, v. caiittoH.s. circumspection, chuoksa,ee, chuonkelta, door-un- deshee, v. vigilance, prudetwe, caution. circtMiisfafwe, ittifaq, arizu, kuefiyut, huqeequt, halut, hal, gut, chigoonugee, bat, uhwal, wuqt, pi. uoqat, hudoosat, v. particular, accidetit ; in easy circumstayices, asoodu-hal, khmsh-hal. to circumstance, circumstantiate, thuhrana, moo- qurrur-k. thanna. circumstantial, ariz.ee, ittifaqee, {full) mojfussul, wazih, bisturit, v. particular, circumstantially, moofussulun, mushroohun, tuf- seelwar, v. fully, to circumvalate, char deewaree- &c. -bunana. circumvalation, char-deewaree, shuhur-punah, ihatu. to circumvent, thugna, dhokha- iieyaree-k. pech- marna or marpech-khilana, rah-marna or -kat- na, V. to overreach, delude, deceive, circumvention, thugu,ee, kuput, ullum-gliullum, chukur-mukur, pech-pach, v. fraud, circumventor, ueyar, dugha-baz, fuelsoof, mootu- funnee, chhidee, kuptee, pecheela, nmr-pechee, char-zurb. circumvolution, gird, gurdish, v. revolution, circus, da,iru, ukhara, v. stage, &c. cistern, huoz, chuh buchu, v. reservoir, citadel, qulu,u, gurh, gurhee, shuhr-punah ; this last is, properly, the fortified wall of a town. citatum, iulam, dustuk, iqtibas, bolahut, tulub, du,uwut, istih,z.ar, v. call, summons, quotation, to cite, i,ulam-bhejna, boola-bhejna, tulub-k. v. to quote. citizen, shuhree, uhl i shuhr, nugraha, putuniya, sliuhr- or nugur-wal, v. inhabitant. cithern, tumboora, sitar, kingiiree, v. harp, &c. citrvn, chukotra, kurna, toorunj, ghagus, gulgul, bujuora, utriij, v. lemon, &c, city, shuiir, nugur, buldu, niiguree, lok, v. people, town, {in comp.) abad, thus, ukbur-abad, the city of Akber, viz. Agra. civet, zubad. civet-cat, mooshk-bilaee, v. cat. civil, {polite, q. v.) milun-sar, niilapee, uhl, sa- hib-soolook, murde-admee, sahib-ukhlaq, moo- la,iui, nurm, soo sobha.o, soo seel, sutkaree, bhula-manoos, v. criminal, {opposed to military) moolkee, nialee, deewanee, {war) khanu-jun- gee, bundh bigreli, v. discord; a civil employ- ment, malee-kam ; the civil power, tooru, t. civilixed, intestine, &c. civilian, {Jinancier, &c.) uhl i nizamut, amil peshu, uhli qulum, v. laivyer. civilities, tuwazco,u o tu.uzeem, rusmiyat zahiree. civility, khoolq, uhliyut, scolook, tumullooq, in- saniyut, moodarat, awabhugut, srishtachar, seel, bhul-munsee, nurmee, v. politeness, nii- lunsaree, nuotu,ee, a,o bha,o, tukreem tuwa- zco,u, hifz mcoratib, sunman. civilization, admiyut, turbiyut, v. reformation. to civilixe, admee- insan-k. or bunana, arastu- dooroost- humwar- turbiyut-k, sunwarna, sud- hana, v. to polish, reclaim. civilized, arastu, dooroost, moohuzzub. civilizer, sukul sunwaroo. civilly, ukhlaq- udub-se, v. politely. clack, qeel qal, qalmuqal, bukbuk, lublubahut, V. rattle. to clack, bukbukana, burburana, lublubana, v. to cackle, {the tong^ie) titkaree-mama, titkarna. clad, {in comp.) posh ; thus, silah-posh, clad in armofur. claim, du.uwa, bad, durkliwast, mootalubu, istih- qaq, du,uwa suwal, purpuch, v. right.\ N 2 CLA 100 CLA to claim, du,uwa- tuqaza- tulub-k. mangna. claimant, mooddu,ee,badee,talib,tulub-gar, da,ee, du,uwa-dar, dad-khvyah, (just) mopstuhuqq. to clamber, churhna, bilungna. clamminess, lus, luslusahut, lublubalmt, chipchip- ahut, luzoojut. clammy, lus-dar, luslusa, lijlija, cliipchipa, luzij. clamorous, ghuogha,ee, shoree. ^clamour, shor, gliool, shor-sliughb, gliuogha, josh- khurosh, dhoomgujur, hanka hank, v. uproar, boolara, v. cry. ^ to clamour, ghool- &c. -k. puokarna, goharna, chingharna. clamp, puttur. to clamp, puttur-jurna or -lugana. clan, quom, zat, kool, buraduree, khandan, ghur- ana, v. race, &c. clandestine, posheedu, chhipa, goaput, nuhooftu, mukhfee, khoofiyii, nihaii, pinhan. clandestinely, chhipake, goopchoop, khoofiyutuij. clang, clangour, (of arms) kliutakhut, jhurajhur, turatur, dhuradhur, (of a trzimpet) too too, bhoii bhon. to clang, clatik, khuta khut-biijna, khurukna, phutphutana. clank, jhunuk, jhunkar. clap, khutka, khutiik, jhuraka, chumeta, v. rap, tal, talee, thupkuree, dustuk, (peal) gliun- guruj, bhurbhuraliut, V. crash, clash, kc. (of thunder) kuriik, (blow) tuinachu, tliuppur. (gonorrlwsa) sozak, prinie,o, ba,o, gurmee, atushuk, abilu-furung, purma, v. po.v. to cla}}, lugana, lukhna, bhirana, bujana, thopi- , yana, .putputana, thupukna, v. to strike, de- marna, putkana, marna, chulana, v. to dash, . drive, &c. (the wings) koonde-jharna or phut- phutana, V. to beat, (to disease) julana, zukh- mee-k. v. clap, (the hands) talee- thupree-bu- jana, [generally as a mark of disapprobation] ; to clap or rattle as a door, bhurbhurana, v. to applaud; to do any thing hastily, jhupse-k.; thus, he clapt his hand on his mouth, con ne jhup se moonh pur hath diya, v. to imprison, place, &c. clapper, jeebhee, loluk, lolnee, lutkun. claret, lu,ul- or lal-shurab. to clarify, muel-chhantna, saf-k. muel-katna, v. to purify, (butter) marna, v. to melt, &ec. clarion, kurna|e, booq, tournee, nur-singha, soor- na,e. clash, clashing, khutka, jhunkar, jhunuk, tuk- kur, V. oppositioti, jhura jhur, shupashup, v. clang, bhuraka, v. explosion, (contradiction, q. V.) 7.id, tuzad. to clash, khutkhutana, jhunjhunana, tukrana, khuencha khuenchee-k. niza,ii-r. (to oppose) z.id- mookhalufut-k. v. to disagree, ojipose, con- tradict, clasp, chupras, pukur, v. catch, hook, &c. jor, V. joint, kuknee, v. gripe. to clasp, bund-k. lupetna, pukurna, lena, guhna, kukniyana, (to embrace) gule lugana. clasper, soot, v. tendril. clasp-knife, chakoo, v. knife. class, nuo,u, qism, zat, tufreeq, jins, prikar, (or- der, q. V.) durju, payu, zilu, v. family, jat, firqu, furd, ras, burun, khund, v. sort. to class, bu turteeb- qism bu qism-r. classic, classical, moo,utubur, mcahuqqiq ; a clasSr. ical author, moosunnifi moo.utubur. class iJicatio7i, tujnees, jinswaree, zilu-bundee. clatter, khurkhurahut. to clatter, khurkhurana, thukthukana, turturana, V. to rattle, (chatter) zuqzuq buqbuq-k. clavicle, bans, hunslee, turqoo,u. clause, fiqru, joomlu, fusl, (article, q. v.) shurt, dufu, mudd, mooquddumu, a,een, khund, y. particular, stipulation. • .-jkn'.-' CLE 101 CLE claw, nakhojn, nooh, chungool, punju, nukh, v. clutch, foot, (of a crab) quenchee. to claw, nochna, khurochna, chonthna, noch-d. khcojlana, nukhiyana, bukotna, punju- &c. -marna, v. to tear. claic-ltack, {instrument) poosht-khar, v. syco- phant. clay, pindol, chiknee mittee, chuhla, kuchla, v. earth, pit, (cold) panee, v. ice, &c. (prepared) gara, gilawu, pukhshu, (mixt with straw) kuheil. o clayed, (as sugar) sewaree. clayey, mutiyar, v. mud, &c. clean, cleanly, saf, pakeezu, pak, soochh, oajla, oojjul, tahir, mootuhir, soothra, chokha, kora, V. spotless, pure, clear, bimul, (lawful) hulal, moobah. to clean, cleanse, saf-k. oojlana, manjna, jila-d. chhantna, chhurna, v. to winnow, (a well, &c.) oodahna, oogarna, kumana, oojalna, opna, mandna, dhona, v. to icash, sweep, scour, wipe. cleaning, rooft rob, jhar jhutuk, oodahee, chhun- ta.ee, v. t/ie verb. cleanness, cleanliness, sufa,ee, pakee, tuharut,pa- keezugee, oojla,ee, soochhta, nirmulta, nufasut, soothra,ee. cleanly, adv. ba-tuharut, ba-wuzoo, soothra,ee- &c. -se, V, purity, &c. cleanser, jhar, kat. clear, v. clean, shuiFaf, burraq, tab-dar, ab-dar, phurcha, cbikna, nooranee, nirjhul, nithra, sufa, nichhul, v. bright, innocent, numood, ba- riz, V. evident, acute, poora, (as voice) oottim, V. complete, without, (apparent, q. v.) xahir, suheeh, sureeh, khoola, ashkara, burmula, ul- aniyu, pritichh, moobueyun, liuwueda, (free) azad, khulas, riha, mookt, v. safe, altogether. to clear, v. a. saf- &c. -k. jhalna, opna, ootarna, ootha-d. jila^dena, phurtiyana, nikharna, kat- na, jharna, v. to clean, kholna, sooljhana, v. to disengage, (woodlands) khet-nikalna, jungul- booree-k. v. to cut, (the way) po,esh po,esh- ihtiman-k. (to remove) surkana, rufu- door-k. talna, (to free) cbhorana, azad- &c. -k. (to gain) pusundaz-k. buclia- nikal-r. saf- 8ec. -h. V. n. nithurna, khoolna, v. to brighten, acquit, clear, absolve. clearance, ruwanu, chulan, nikasee, v. certificate. clearer, v. cleanser, mul-kat, v. rubber. clearly, sufa,ee- &c. -se, la-kulam, \. fairly, (evi- dently) zahira, sureehun, v. clear, wholly. clearness, sufa.ee, pakee, shufFafee, burraqee,ooj- la,ee, sihhut, numoodaree, v. brightness, per- spicuity. clear-sighted, tez-nuzur, pesh-been, door-been, door-undesh, prubeen, moobussir, beena, v. jm- dicious. to cleave, v. n. luga- lipta- chimut- gutha-ruhna, V. to adhere, phutna, chirna, kutna, bilugna, (split) V. a. pharna, cheerna, katna, chuorung- mama, v. to divide, crack. cleaver, koolharee, tubur, phursa, chhoora, boogh- du, kuttan, kutta. cleft, durar, turuq, rukhnu, chhed, phat, chak, V. crevice, (in comp.) shuq ; thus, shuqoolurz, a large cleft or opening in the ground, inconse- quence of an earthquake. clemency, ruhm, rulimut, amcwrzisb, shufqut, muya, nioola.imut, hilm, nurmee, durd-mun- dee, V. mercy. clement, ruheem, niooturuhhim,moola,im,huleem, kuroonawunt, ghufoor, v. merciful. clergy, mooUa mukhdoom, bruhmun-pande, v. priest. clerk, nuweesindu, nirotusuddee,katib,nioohurrir, lekhuk, mooshrif, surishtu-dar, putwaree, v. register, (of the warAe^) nirkhee (in comp.) nu- wces, V. writer, (among the English) kranee. CLO 102 CLO 'r' {in contempt) likhnee-das, a Qazee's clerk, sukkak. » (vM^'y cfetJer ,chalak-dust,sooba5k-dust, chutoDr, chabook- ., dust, hooshiyar, v. evpert, dexterous, chutak, V, soochet, chutkeela, prubeen, soonaree, soojan, kamil, v. cunning, smart, &c. (,/it) charbank, cha,en, theek, dooroost, mcowafiq, v. able, cleverly, dust karee- &c. -se, v. alertly, properly, cleverness, chalak-dustee, hooshiyarce, chuoksa,ee, V. dexterity. elew, pinda, pilinda, gola,>v. ball, moya, kookree, tuggee, dusee, pechuk, v. skein, {guide) sur- rishtu, V. direction. 'Uu^ ^y^/- , to click, kut-kut-k. client, mcDiieeb, mcowukkil, v. depetidant. cliff, puharee, teela, sring, dhang, v. precipice, climate, clime, surzumeen, uqleem, khittu, deep, shuhr, V. region, air, &c. to climb, churhna, bilungna. climber, churhwuya, {in cowjj.)churh^,v. creeper. to clinch, {t/iejist) moothee-b. ghoosa-tanna, {to confirm) sabit-k. {a nail) morna, moonh-mar- na, V. to fix, {a bargain) bandhna, pookhtu-k. pookhtpuz-k. muzboot- &c. -k. v. valid, to clamp, to cling, luttuk- vituk- hllug- luga-ruhna, gurha- ruhna, liputna, chlmutna, v. to cleave. to clink, khurkhurana, jhiiijhinaiia, toontoonana, thuntjiunana, tutkarna. to clip, kutu'rna, katna, turashna, kutur-d. cblmnt- na, miqraz-k. {the wings) koot-k. {ufords) chubana. clipping, kuturun, turashu, v. chip, paring, &c. clitoris, tuna, soonga, teela, rihla,bhugtun,bicha, putaka, kont, toomkuna. ~ cZoaA;,furgbool,lubadu,ghongree,ja3bbu, baranec, (which the servants have a trick of calhng brandy-koortee) chokha, pamree, bursatee ja- mu, V. mantle, veil, &:c. {cover) purdu. to cloak, cbhipana, dhampna, gooput- ikhfa-k. khusposh-k. lupetna, v. to mask, cloak-bag, khoorjee, mufrush. clock, ghuree, ghuriyal, sa,ut, dhurum ghuree, sa- ut nooma, v. hell, also beetle, hour, &c. what o'clock is it? kuon ghuree hue, kuothee ghu- ree hue ? it is going to twelve, do puhur ka umul hue; come at nine o''clock in the morning, puhur din cliurhe a,o; it is about to strike twelve, do puhur buja chahta hue, or bujne pur hue. clock-maker, sa,ut-saz, ghuree-saz. *"») (ts^yn'r^ clock-work, kul-kanta, t. machinery, clod, dheema, dhela, koolookh, pinda, londa, dula, thoo,a, (also a dolt) v. blockhead^ leda, v. lump, load, &c. ') .!>ni!ri .■,»;>■.■ coagulable, juma,oo, qabil i injimad. to coagulate, v. n. jumna, bundhna, bustu- moon- jumid-h. V. a. jumana, bandhna. coagulation, jumawut, injimad. coagulator, jamun. coal, ko,ela, teliya, puthur, v. charcoal, {live) ungara, ukhgur, chingara, ag ka dula, v. spark; black as a coal, ko,ela sa kala. to coalesce, milna, joorna, jcotna, amekhtu- mukh. loot- mumzooj- moonzum-h. coalition,coalesc£nce,v(\e\,xm[aip, ittifaq, amezish, ikhtilat, imtizaj, iltiyam, inzimam. coarse, {as cloth)moyi,g(xmA\i,{unreJined)\i\xc\\a, kham, {rude, q. v.) un-chheela, dooroosht, {clumsy, q. v.) be-hoonur, bud-duol, khudhur, ghaghur, V. broad, gross, mean, {vile, q. v.) ghuleez, na-pak. coarsely, be-duolee- be-hikmutee- be-suleequ- gee- &c. -se, v. rudely, coarseness, mota.ee, khamee, kucha.ee, gooiidu- gee, doorooshtee, sukhtee, kurukhtugee, ghu- lazut, V. coarse, coast, kinaru, lub i duriya, teer, par ; tJie coast is clear, khalee muedan hue. to coast, kinare pukur ke jana. coat, koortee, unga, quba, jamu,ulkhaluq, gudla, V. jacket, {of mail) jhilum, dugla, buktur, chihll-tuh, {habit) bhes, bana, koarta, chup- coc 105 COG '■■ kun, v. gown, le,o, -v. fur, skin, (tunic) purdu, (layer) tuh, purt, (in painting) the first coat, ustur ; the secmid, &c. rung; coat of arms, ula- niUt, nishan. to coat, ustur-lugana, tuh-churliana, ustur karee- -k. (a crucible, &c.) kupruotee- gil i hikmut- -k. coated, ustur-kar. to coax, phcBslana, bulilana, dum-dilasa-d. dum- bazee-k. chaploosee-k. choomkarna, chooch- karna, puhlana, bodhiia, luhkarna, lubbo shub- bo-k. V, to wheedle. coamer, dum-baz, phoosla.oo, phoolasre-baz, chap- loos. to cobble, gantjina, tankna, ghoonghchana, v. to bungle. cobbler, chumar, paru-doz, (mean persons) telee tumbolee, (bungler) koorh, unaree. cobweb, mukree ka jala, nusj i un,kuboot, jhool, V. snare, thin. cochineal, qiniiiz i furungce, kirm danu, v. ker- mes, (the plant) nag-phunee, phunee munsa, seej. cock, moorgh, moorgha, kookra, kookkut, khoo- roos, v.garne, (male) nur, nurooka, (of a gun) tola, kul, ghora, (leader) s\irlioh,v. commander, wuzu, bundisli, v. manner, (spout) tontee, (of . hay) dheree, (of a balance) kanta, jeebhee, (of an arrow) soofar, v. arroiv, notch. to cock, V. a. khura-k. oothana, (a gun) kul- kheechna, ghora-churhana, (the ear) kan-boch- na or -chuprana, (the nose) nak-phoolana, v. to erect, (the turban) terha-k. v. to set, v. n, uk- urna, uenthna, v. to strut. cockade, phool, goochha, phoondna. cockcrow, moorgh-bang. 'i '^ "** ' "' to cocker, phoons phans-d. v. to pamper. coc/cet, dustuk rahdaree, ruwunnu. cockjighter, moorgh-baz. cockpit, palee, ukhara. cockrel, putha. cockroche, til chotta, jhingoor. cockscoml), kesur, tnorru, v. comb, coxcomb. cockspur, moorgh ka khar, v. heel. cocksure, yuqcen, (to Ite) bhoolna, nazaii-h. dum- marna, v. to crow, cocoa, naryul, narjeel, (green) dab, domala, (dry) jhoona, (the kernel) khopra, guree. cocoon, pelu, k0|a. cod, dhendhee, tant, v. testicle, (of pease) phulee, chheemee. ^) .'iitwi code, kitabjjoong, pothee, grunth, poostuk, potha, V. collection, hook, to codle, neemjosh- udhpuka-k. v. to parboil, coequal, hum-sur, hum-chushm. to coerce, &c. v. forcible, to compel, co-eternal, hum-qa,iin, hum-da,im. coeval, hum-jolec, hum-qomr, hum-slnn, hum- zad, -usur, -zuman or -wuqt, sunjookt. to co-exist, moojtumij-h. v. to exist, co-existence, ijtima,vi. "ufw .''(too co-existent, hum-muojood. coffee, quhwu, bcun, (house) bhunger- or ganja- khanu, quhwu-khanu, v. tavern, ((nip) finjan, (drinker) quhwu-khor, (pot) quhwu-dan. coffer, sundooq, petee, doorj. coffin, sundooq, taboot; a coffin or a crown, tukht ya tukhtu, v. throne, &c. ; the winding sheet, kufun, whence, perhaps, the word coffin, to coffin, sundooqmcn-r. kufunana, v. coffin, tuk- feen-k. cog, khoonta, v. tooth, to wheedle, cheat. cogency, zor, qoowut, bul, zuroorut. cogent, quwee, pribu],z.uroor, labood, \. pressing, to cogitate, undeshu- &c. -k. sochna, bichama. cogitation, undeshu, fikr, chinta, turuddood, khiyal, v. reflection, cognissable, musmoo,ti, soonne-jog, v. admissible. O COI 106 COL cognixance, cognition, baz-poorsee, baz-khwast, furiyad- rusee, v. knowledge, istima,u, tuhqee- qat, tujweez, v. trial, to investigate. cognominal, hum-nam, hum-ism, meet. to cohabit, hum khwabu- hum aghosh- hum bis- tur-h. qoorbut-k. uorut- &c. -r. bheetur-sona, hum soohbut-h. v. concerned, to know. cohabiiation, lium-bisturee, hum-khwabee, hum- aghoshee, scnhbut, sungut, v. connexion. coheir, hum-waris or -wursu, ek-unsee, v. heir. to cohere, jumna, moonjumid- &c. -h. v. cohe- rent, (to Jit) theek-h. v. to agree, adhere. coherence, coherency, cohesion, injimad, ittisal, bustugee, juma,o, ulaqu, tu.ullooq, tutabooq, tutbeeq, rubt, qureenu, silsilu, sur-rishtu, mil- ap, suta,o, wusl, v. consistency, adherence. coherent, moonjumid, bustu, {connected, q. v.) mootu.uUiq, chuspeedu, (fiaasistent» q. v.) moow fiq, theek, rast. • -' ! .- ... \ coherently, surrishte- luga,o-se. v. supra, ^•[^i, cohort, ooloosh, risalu, guroh. coif, orhnee, jalee. coil, koondlee, goondlee, hulqu, goonda, gendoor, V. bustle. to coil, goondlee-bunana, koondlee-marna, v. cir- cle, &c. coin, sikku, zurb, mooddra, tuka, puesa, zur mus- kook, hqon or boon, fulum, toonga, v. current, money, (counterfeit) nasoorru, nazooru. to coin, zurb-d, sikku-marna, puesa-bunana, (in- vent) eejad-k. jorna, bandhna. coinage, coining, zurrabee, (invention) ee]ad,ik\i- tira,u, Iftira, bundish; charge of coining, gur- ha,e, buna,ee. ,« .vu? .«•>.»• to coincide, milna, moowafiq- ekdil-h. v. to accord. coincidence, ulaqu, tu.uUooq, moonasubut, ittisal, tutabooq, luga,o, tutbeeq, buna|0, v. concur- rence. coincident, mconasib, moowafiq, moottufiq, eksan, V. consistent. coined, muskook, muzroob. coiner, zurrab,tuksaliya,qulb-baz, (cownier/eifer) tughuUoobee, (inventor) moojid, mookhturi, banee. ,^^,,,,^, ^ . m-%.'«f ,^- coition, jima|ii, mcobashurut, wusi, milap, sun- gum, prisung, rut, mel, kel, moojamU|iit, soort. colander, chhunna, v. sieve. cold, thundh, surdee, khoonookee, booroodut, seer, jara, surdee-gurmee, hem, joor, joora, rezish, V. catarrh, tvinter, (to catch) jhola-marna; the cold season, surma; the cold Jit of an ague, ^oo- ree, lurzu ; a cold, (disease) surdee, zookam, nuzlu, huwa^zudugee. cold, adj. thundha, surd, khoonook, seetul, seera, joora, basee, shubeenu, v. stale, barid, kunkun, panee, v. ice, (frigid) khoonookmizaj, v. luke- warm, soost, z.u,eef, boda, v. feeble, (indifferent, q. V.) dheela, ufsoordu, dheela, v. coy, chiU. coldly, ghuflut-se, v. carelessly. coldness, surda.ee, thundha,ee, seetulta, v. cool- ness, knrci-mgahee,v .disregard,{neglect) ^vL^- lut, surd-mihree, ufscordugee, v. coyness, chas- tity, isC. ;){oorirj(i colic, qoolinj, ba,o-sool. to collapse, miljana, chupukna, bueth-jana, puch- ukna, V. to shut. collar, qoolabu, gooloo-bund, v. neck, throat, (of a garment) gureban, (leather) putta, (metal) tuoq, hunslee, bans ; the collar-bone, turqoo,u. to collar, gureban-pukurna. to collate, mooqabulu- moowajuhu- buraburja,i- zu-k. milana. ,,* ,, a/wu-iM collateral, collaterally, burabur burabur, luge luge, puhloo bu puhloo, hum-furu, hum-puh- loo, ek-judee, v, parallel, concurrent, collation, mooqabulu, moowajuhu, (repast, q. v.) tunaqool, nooql, jul-pan, v. comparison. CfOL lOf COL colleague, rufeeq, shureek, sajhee, sathec, sun- get", suheem, hum-oohdu or -mirasub. to collect, V. a. juinu,ti- ekja- ekhirthan-k. sum- etna, butorna, buhooma, sungorna, le- or bachh-r. sukelna, v. to gather, (animals) bce- ra-b. (revenues) tuhseel- wusool-k. tuhseelna, oogahna, (to gather from jyremises) nikalna, istikhraj-k. ; to collect one's self, sumbhalna, uql- hosh-pukuma, tu,ummool-k. collected, jumu,ii, furahum, v. to collect. collection, ijtinia,u, sungruh, jumueyut, mujmu, izhdihani,hoojooni,v.a««em6/ag'C,mothree,dher, V. heap, (of poems) deewan, poonj, v. stock, (of pict7ires)mcorruqqu,u,m(X)quwwa,v.mscellani/, kuchkol, V. code, (revenue) malgoozaree, ooga- hee, tuhseelat, wasilat, v. receipts, (district) tuhseel- or -umul-daree, v. jurisdiction, (the sum collected) jumu,u, muhsool, mahusul, v. revenue, bachh, v. subscription, (account of) tuozeeh, V. statement,(pn co7»7Ki««M>»)huqq oot- tuh?eel. ''"':>'^ 'i'i'r C0llections,(andhalances)wB.sA-h3iC^ collusion, bundish, sazish, ittif'aq, satbat, sutta- butta, jog sunjog, goorbut, kar-saz-ee, sakht, V. fraud. collusively, bundish- &C. -kurke, v. collusion. collyrium, unjun, shiyaf, soonnu, koohul, v. anti- mony. colon, (gut) qooloon, (point) mootluq. colonel, salar, huzar-ee, risaludar, ooloDsh-dar. The last corresponds to a major, in the king's service ; as there are, or ought to be, two ooloosh-dars with every salaree, (a body of a thousand men) v. regiment. to colonise, busana, abad- burpa- mU|Umoor-k, nuo abad-k. colonnade, chihil-sootoon. colony, abadee, nuo abadee, bustee, guroh, jutha, jummi-ghufeer, bundhan, v. settlement, coloquinteda, colocynthe, indra,en, hunzul, bhus. looml)ha, khurboozu tulkh. coloration, rungsaz-ee. colossus, de,o, v. giant. colour, rung, burun, luon, roop, v. hue, (of a horse) changla, v. flag, (in oil) rung ruoghun, (in comp.) goon, fam, (room) thikana, juguh, ja,e; there was not the lecLst colour for excuse, mcotluq ja,e oozr nu thee, (appearance) bhes, bana, soorut, shuki, (presence) buhana, heelu, mis, hcujjut, V. excuse. 02 COM 108 COM to colour, rungna, rung-churhana, rungeen-k. (to palliate, &c.) bunana, tuojeeh-k. khusposh-k. V. to excuse, v. n. (to blush, q. v.) shurm-khana, lujana, chupna. coloured, rungeen, rungburung, rata,goonagoon, rungeela. colouring, rungawut, runga|ee, rungeenee. colourless, shuffaf, moosufFa, nir-mul, v. colour. colours, {statidard) nishan, ulum, bueruq, jhun- da, v.flag. colt, buchhera, (foal, bucheree) ukhund, kcxirru, nakund, dok, v. horse, {a young foolish fel- low) ullhur; a coWs tooth, (Jigurat.) doodh ka dant. colter, (of a plough) phar, nusee, phala. coltish, shokh, dheeth, ubtur, ulola. columbo, pupeeta. column, (pillar, q. v.) sitoon, peel-payu, thumb, (of men) qutar, pant, (of a book) mudd, kha- nu, ghur. it'i'-Sfff- 1. of >ii.'{s ,'jfejuV4' combat, lura,ee, jnugra, moobaruzut, jung o judl, y.Jight. to combat, v. n. lurna, lura.ee- mooqabulu- &c. -k. V. a. rudd- murdood- i,utiraz-k. kat-d. combatant, hureef, mcoqabil, luraka, y. fighter, antagonist. combination, ittifaq, rifaqut, mel, milap, shu- rakut, sajha, (collusio7i, q. v.) bundisli, &c. (union, &c.) ittisal, irtibat, ikhtilat, (conjunc- tion) puewustugee, amezish. to combine, v. a. milana, jorna, ganthna, puewus- tu- &c. -k. V. n. milna, joorna, puewustu-, ek-h. V. to unite. ' ■•■ 8-0. - i '. combined, moottufiq, moottusil, mukhloot, mila, amekhtu, puewustu. ^misd ^uvyMluy. '.-yy^, • combless, moondla, nirkes. combustible, sozindu, julunhar, baroot-sa, v. pow- der. combustion, sokhtugee, sozish, julun, v. bustle. come, {be quick) a,o, la,o, aja, chulo, lo, bus ; come away, a.o chulo ; come here, chule a.o, hule ; come off, goorez, nikal, v. pretext; come read the lesson, a,o subuq purhiye. to come, ana, puhoonchna, ajana, purna, girna, hona, V. to hefal, warid- sadir-h. v. to arrive, (out) nikulna, v. to issue, ookhurna, v. to drop, oobhurna, phootna, v. to break, (in season) oo- turna, choona, v. to become, (on) churhna, v. to hajjpen, (to) lugna, v. to cost; how comes that? yih kyoon kur hue ? (to proceed) nikul-ana ; to come about, hojana, (to change) phirna; to come to himself, ap men-ana, hosh men-ana; to come, (speaking of a superior) tushreef-lana. This word is too extensive to be fully inserted here ; the reader is therefore referred to the several meanings of its almost unlimited com- binations, in their proper places; and for fur- ther information on the subject, he may con- sult Vol. II. under the word ana, to come, Sjc. ; the time to come, a,indu. comedian, buhroopiya, nuqqal, suwangce. , comedy, nuql, suwang, pekhna. comeliness, khoob soortee, khcosh-undamee, hoosn, sujawut, V. beauty. i comely, khoob-soorut, khrosh-undam, soondur,su- jeela, huseen, shukeel, wujeeh, nek-munzur, turuh-dar, soo-duol, khoosh-chhub, gubhroo, V. seemly. comer, a,indu, ane-wala, awuya, puhonchne-wala, awunhar, (in comp.) warid, ruseedu, amudu ; comers and goers, a^md-rvLwiadi. ,., .,,.,, ... fa, N COM 109 COM comet, sitaru doomdar, jharoo, burhiniya, poon- chhur-tara. comfit, &c. ghilafee mewa, v. sweetmeat, also to candy, preserve. comfort, sumadhan, qoowwut, bul, tuqwiyut, tus- keen, dheenij, aram, khatir-daree, dheer, diU dihee, ni,umut, v. consolation. to comfort, qojwwut- tusuUee- &c. -d. ,i/fi!i comfortable, {in circumstances) asoodu-hal, (giv- ing comfort) tuskeen-bukhsh, furuh-bukhsh, itmeenanee, sookhee, fuezbukhsh, v. conve- nient, sahib ni,iimut, nii.eem, v. pleasant, easy. comfortably, aram-khooshee-se. comforter, moon-jm, walee waris, ghum khwar, khubur-geer, v. protector, &c. comfortless, be-kus, bc-charu, na-moorad, dil-shi- kustu, dil-tung, oodas. ■L{'f ,p. ,T;»«gji>M) comical, comic, thuthhe-baz,hunsor, khoosh-tubn, thuthol, choohla, zurcef, iijeeb, zor, uchum- bha, bhula, zutullee; he is a comical body, wooh Zor huyoola hue, v. droll. comically, muskhurgee- &c, -se. comicalness, muskhura-pun, thuthol-bazee, thu- tholee, muskhurgee, khrosh-tubu,ee, zurafut. coming, ana, awa,ee, amud, {arrival) muqdum, qoodoom, ruseed ; coming and going, amud- shood, amud-ruft, awa-ja,ee, ahur-jahur, ana- jana, tana-bana, gora-pahee, ara-jaree; to pur- pose coming, awun awun-k. command, commatidment, hookm, umr, irshad, fur- man, furmoodu, furma.ish, aggya, hookoomut, tuhukkoom, surdaree, riyasut, kuha, nimue, nirnijjV. station, also the verb, charge, mandate, authority, &c.; divine command, fiirz. to command, furmana, hoDkm- &c. -d. or -k. sur- daree- &c. -k. V. authority, (to overlook) dekh- na, surkob-h. &c. v. to charge, (to have the com- mand) tuhukkoom-k. v. to superintend, order. commander, hakim, surdar, salar, sur-guroh, mu- I hunt, surtaj, v. generalissimo, sahib, jumu^ar, pesliwa, uggya-kar, meer, v. o^er, suendhiya, surkob, V. leader (of 7000) huft-huzarec, whence punj-huzar-ee, &c. v. colonel, &c. also Jive, seven, (in chief, q. v.) sipuh-salar, mookh- tar-fuoj, umeer ool oomura, bukhshee, (or ra- ther mcer-bukhshee) senaput, qilu,u-dar, v. captain-general, &c. commanding, (situation) surkob, raaroo,sur-jeet, dulthumb, V. bold. commaterial, hum-maddu. commemorable, qabil-yad. to commemorate, cprs-k. yad-garee- or -dihee-r. v. to keep, celebrate, &c. ,,^ commemoration, shadee, nors, fatihu, yad-dihee, soort-kar, v. memorial, &c. also celebration. to commence, v. n. shooroo.u- &c. -h. nundhna, lugna, churhna, v. to originate, dust undaz-h, V. to enter, v. a. shooroo,u- &c. -k. nandhna, V. to begin. commencement, shooroo.u, agliaz, v. beginnitig. '' to commend, (to recommend) sifarish- tuqreeb-k. (praise) surahna, tu,ureef- tuoseef- Sec. -k. (to deliver) huwalu- tusleem- sipoord-k. sompna. commendable, suralioo, qabil-tuhseen, la,iq-tu,u- reef, mojstuhsun, pusundeedu. commendation, tu,ureef, muduh, afreen, ustoot, bu- ra,ce, muehma, v. praise, recommendation. commender, suna-khwan, muddah. commensurate, &c. hum-undaz, v. equal, propor- tionate. comment, commentary,s\mruh, hashiyu, tu,uweel, tu,ubeer, teeka, tippun, bhash, ijtihad, (on the qoran) buezawee, v. interprettUion. to conmient, shuruh- Stc. -Iik,hna, v. to expound. commentator, commenter,mcai\xss\r,mai\yashs\\ee, sharih, moo,ubbir, teeka-kar, bhash-kar, mooj- tuhid. ,:.,,•, • ... COM 110 COM cow/reerce,suoda-guree, tijarut,bunj,byoliar,mu- hajunee, khureed furokht, mcnbueyut, ban, v. traffic, soohbut, v. conneonon, barter, &c. {in- tercourse, q. V.) rah-ruwisb, rah-rusm, awa- jahee, reet-preet, tu,ulk)oq, luga,o^chulun-byo- har. ^f'f -tViii'^-i . commercial, suodagiiranu, tijarutee, v. commerce. to cotnmiserate, ruhm- &c. -k. v. to sympathixe. commiseration, ruhm, riqqut, turuhhoom, muroh, shufqut, duya, v. pity. commiserator, mooturuhim, ruheem. commissary, daroghu, ariz, kurora, v. superinten- dent. commissaryship, daroghgee, v. delegate, deputy. commission, (wan-ant, q. v.) sunud, putr, dusta- wez, mookhtar-namu, v. order, power, creden- tial, (trust) umeenee, dut?/, (on collections) moj- hussil-anu, v. charge, fee, &c. (command, q. v.) furma,ish, (delegation, q. v.) wikalut-namu, (perpetration) irtikab, kurtub, kriya, kiya; cowi»Jt««ionongr)od*, &c.huqqcx3s-sU|ee,roosoom, tuhreer, dustoor. to commission, sunud- &c. -d. wukeel- na|ib- goo- mashtu-k. commissioner, \xmeex\, kurora, daroghu, mookhtar- kar, V. arbitrator, delegate. ;!!;>««.%('. to commit, (to intrust,(\.\.) huwalu-k. dena,dalna, V. to consign, also to insert, (to keep place, &c.) rukhna, dhurna, (to imprison) qucd- bund-k. (to perpetrate) kurna, irlikab-k. ; to commit adultery, zina-k. commitment, qued, djiur pukur, v. to apprehend, also the verb. committee, puncha,et, mujlis. committer, moortukib. commodious, mu,uqool, moowafiq, la.iq, qabil, moD- nasib, khoob, khcnsh-nooma, soothra, (useful, q. V.) moofced, fa,idu-bukhsh, goon-karee. commodiously, oosloob- soothraiCe-se. commodiousness, soothra,ee, kh(i)sh-nooma,ee, khoo- bee, aram, goon, fa,idu. .ri!3J--!i/ffrfa cotnmodity, jins, mal, bust, suoda, suoda soolf, v. trade, muta,u, v. article, advantage. common, adj. raooshturik, v. usual, mooshtumil, moostu,uniil, niushhoor, mojshtuhur, v. gene- ral, &c. (inferior, &c.) chhota, kum, aer- dust, ooturta hoo,a,nirs, rasee, bazaroo,riwajee,. V. ordinary, beshtur, dustyab, buhoo brindee, V. abundant, sajha, seeree, v. public, (practice) kuseer col isti,umal, v. idiom, (verb) fi,ul moosh- turik, kurumidweebid,ha, (law) umul, dus- toor, chulun, (right) huqq i mooshturik, seer- or sujh-uns, (consent) kool ka ittifaq, v. whole, fashionable ; a common, sa,ir, v. pasture, plain, (public) wuqf, la-waris, (plenty, q. v.) buhast,. (vulgar, q. v.) kum-qudr, v. cheap, udna, du- nee, zuleel, (general) am, (usual) ra.ij, moo- ruwwuj, (prostitute, q. v.) hurja,ee, fahishu, shuttah, V. whore; common sense, hiss i moosh- turuk ; in common, burabur, ulus-siwiyu, v. equally; in the common way, moowafiq dustoor ke. a common, muedan, sa,tr, v. plain. commonalty, commons, uwam oon-nas-, uwam, pu^ waj, neech-log. commoner, neech, udna, pajee, kumeenu, amee, V. private, also partner. common-law, riwaj, qorfi am, v. common. commonly, uksur, ulul-cpmoom, uksur uoqat^ beshtur, barha, buhoot wuqt, bulioot-kal, ud- buba, V. generally ; commonly called, oorf. commonness, kusrut, tudawool, ishtirak, buhoo- brind, v. frequency, participation, meanness. common-place book, bueyaz., sufeenu, joong, chuo> puta. commons, khana, v. food, allowance. a common-shore, nalu, budur-ruo, nab-dan,.mooh- ree, purnalu, muzbulu. COM 111 COM commonweal,commoiizecaUh,inU7.aru,hund o bust, nuzm o nusq, v. community. comtruiHan, hiirukut, hila,o, tuzulzcnl, bulwa, fit- nu, jhunjhut, gurmee, liulcliulee, khulbulec, hulbulce, lughzish, doond, v. uproar, tumult, &c. (^perturbation, q. v.) quluq, iztirar, bya- kooleo^ V. disturbance, bustle. to commune, butiyana, bolna, liutn sookhun-h. v. to advise, converse, &c. to communicate, v. a. kuhiia, butlana, nuql- bue- yan-k. likhna, v. to write, to tell, {to give) dc- na, de-dalna, buklishna, v. n. {to he connected) milna, ulaqu- &c. -r. mcoshtumil- &c. -h. lugna, V. to join. j€«*,sungeenee,p(r)r-karce,injimad,ku- safut, bu&tugee. companion, rufeeq, (pi. ropfuqa) sathec, hum-ra- hec, yar-gliar, hum-r, turuh saz, soorkarhee, v. musician, (of music) na.ek, furrah. composition, turkeeb,milavvut,v.67. *,.aM.p-. ..: Ji .a •^^c^ii. concord, concordance, moowafuqut, mel, milap, tutabooq, tuwafooq, eka, buna.o, sunjog, saz- garee, ashtee, soolh, wifaq, soohbut burar, ghal mel, mila|0, v. agreement, ni,unt, v. union, (Ingram.) rubt, (harmony, q. v.) hum- ahungee, dum-sazee, suma. concordant, mcowafiq, moDtabiq, moottufiq, moot- tuhid,dum-saz,(co?i«oncfw^)hum-awaz,-sufeer, -soor, -suot, or -rag, v. harmonious, ek-jihut, ek-roo, ek-jee, v. unanimous, (in grammar) murboot. .!,.o'n. concourse, confluence, juma,oo, hoojoom, mujmu, V. crowd, (junction, q. v.) milap, ittifaq. concrete, moonjumid, bustu, (noun) ism sifut, si- fut-mooshubbu, sumbodhun, v. abstract. to concrete, bundhna, jumna, bustu- moonjumid- -h. V. a. jumana. concretion, juma|0, injimad, bustugee, jumun. concubinage, mudkhooliyut, sooruet puna. concubine, hurum, sooruet, chor-muhul,mudkhoo- lu, suhelee, rukhnee, puranee, khuwass, omm col wulud, oorhuree, (to take as a) dola-nikal- na, V. mistress, whore. concupiscence, shuhwut, mustee, chodas, urman, V. lust, kam, (whence, kam-de,o, Cupid, in the Hindoo mythology) v. virility. concupiscent, must, shuhwutee, shuhwut-purust, urmanee, kamee. to concur, (to unite) moottufiq- moowafiq- bahum-, ekdil-h. milna, (to agree, q. v.) manna, qu- bool-k. V. to join. cowcMrrence,cowcwrrewey,ittifaq,ittihad,v.«»j«ow, eka, moowafuqut, tuwafooq, mel, ikhtilat, ir- tibat, V. coincidence, (combination) silsilu, sur- rishtu, (help, q. v.) himayut, suha|e, (consent, q. V.) qubool, istirza, v. assistance, tutbeeq, tutabooq. concurrent, moottufiq, moottuhid, moowafiq, ek- dil, jora, bahum, mootu,ariz, moosulsul, v. joint, together, concomitant. CON 117 CON concussion, joombish, lughzish, tuzulzool, hila,o, doIa,o, hurukut. to condemn, futwa-d. hookm-k. ; the judge con- demned him to die, qazee ne oos ke qutl ka futwa diya; goonahgar- &c. -thulirana, v. criminal, mulamut-k. phitkarna, dandna, v. to doom, damn, (to censure) gilu- shikwu-shikayut- nin- diya-k. oolahna, ilzam-d. dokhna, (to reject, q. V.) rudd-k. nikal-d. condemnation, futwa, hookm, qisas, v. sentence, istirdad, v. to reject, the verb. condensation, tukseef. to condense, condensate, v. a. j umana, garha- mcon- jumid- bustu- ghuleez- kuseef-k. gurhiyana, V. to inspissate, dubana, v. to compress, v. n. jumna, mconjuinid- &c. -h. to condescend, furo tunee-k. mootuwujjih-h. tu- wujjooh-numirta-k. (to stoop) dubna, nihoorna, (to consent) qubool-k. condescension, furo-tunee, inkisar, adheenta,ee, ma3la,imut, hilm, numirta, ukhlaq-moohum mudee, tuwazoo.u o tu,uzeem, niyaz. condign, la,iq, moonasib, lazim, wajib ; condign punishment, suza, uzab. condition, (state, q. v.) hal, halut, uhwal, gut, kuefiyut, alum, dusa, wuzu, murum, v. pos- ture, manner, (rank, q. v.) uoj, shan, munsub, bibhuo, bibhoot, (stipulation, q. v.) uhd, hor, iqrar, beej, (bond) uhd-namu, v. attribute, qua- lity, disposition ; conditions on both sides, uhdo pueman dooturfee, v. agreement. to condition, shurt-b. or -k. conditional, shurtee, mushroot, (bill) juwabee, (m^ram»jar)shurtiyu; a conditionalcanjunc- tion, hurfi-shurt. \'>'i!ii r^- tiVAt>'^c«, conditionally, bu-shurt. condolance, condolement, ghum-kh\yaree, tu,uzi- yut, matum-poorsee, poorsa, sapa. to condole, malum poarsee-k. condoler, ghum khwar, hum durd, dookh buta,oo, V. sympathy, to conduce, mudud- qoowwut- tuqwiyut- poosh- tee- suhara-d. moomid-h. v. to aid. conducive,conducible, moomid, mcD.awin, suha,ee. conduciveness, moo.awunut, i,anut. conduct, soolook, kirdar, v. treatment, (manage- ment, q. V.) ijra, mudar, tudbeer, kurtub, (be- haviour, q. V.) chal, chulun, utwar, ruwish, tureequ, shewu, wuzu, hurukut, (pass) pur- yraau i rahdaree, (convoy, q. v.) budruku, (of army) lushkur-kushee, fuoj-kushee. to conduct, le-chulna, le-jana, le-ana, rah nc»m- a,ee-k. puhonchana, uriyatna, v. to lead, di- rect, (to manage, q. v.) chulana, ruwan-k. kar ruwa,ee- ihtimam-k.; to conduct an army, lush- kur kushee-k. conductor, rah-nooma, agwa, rah-bur, peshwa, pesh-roo, rah nuwal, ijra,e-kar, v, director, leader, (spiritual) hadee, moorshid, gooroo, (manager, q. v.) ihtimam-chee. conduit, nuhr, ab-rez, v. aqueduct. cone, mukhroot, ga,o-doom, wurtuh khat, soo- rung, V. pyramid. to cotifabulate, bat cheet-k. confabulation, bat-cheet, bol-chal, gcoftugoo, zikr-muzkoor, qeel-qal, qal-muqal. to confect, moorubbu-bunana, pagna, gliilafee-k. cotifection, confect, racorubbu, nntha|ee, pag,shee- reenee, hulwa. confectioner, hulwa,ee, rikab-dar, moorubbu-saz, mitha,ee-furosh, hulwa-saz. confederacy, uhd o pueman, rah-ruwish, quol- qurar, ittihad, eka, milap, bundish, sazish, goosht, V. association, compact, confederate, rufeeq, sathee, sajhee, moo.ahid, v. ally, also the verb, confederate, adj. moottufiq, mcottuhid, milapee, moosharik. coy 118 coy to cimfederate, rah ruwish- hum shurt- hum uhd-k. V. to combine. to confer, (to converse) kuhna. juwab suwal-k. butiyana, v. to talk, (in private) khulwut-k. (to give) dena, bukhshna, murhumut- inayut-, uta- inam-k. v. to conduce, conference, juwab-suwal, moozakuru, raookalu- mu, bat but-kuha,o, musluhut, moobahusu, v. consultation, kuh poochh, v. discourse. to confess, manna, qubool- iqrar- &e. -k. qa,il- &C. -h. han-k. quboolna, such-kuhna, v. to own, (lo, and as a priest) surwun-k. or -kura- na, gosh goszar-k. v. confessor, to declare, &c. (to disclose, q. v.) butlana, kuhna, v. to attest, confessedly, qutU|Un, yuqeenun, be-shoubhu, moo- qurrur, be-shuk, qusdun, umdun, hanka han- kee, buda budec, v. avowedly, confession, iqrar, i,utiraf, kuha, qubool, hoonkar, eejab, izhar, shuhadut, v. avoival, surwunkar, gosh goozaree, v. creed, confessor, (declarer) qa,il, nicD,uturif, mooqir, (martyr) shuheed, (father) peer. confest, badee, mushhoor, hunkara, v. known, open, &c. corifidant, confidential, raz-dar, hum-raz, bhe- diya, muhrum, dum-saz, hum-dum, niuhrum- kar, purdu-dar, ma);a.tun\\A,\ .companion, also trusty. to confide, bhurosa-k. or -r. putiyana, bhoolna, V. to trust. wil^twc;-., confidence, bhurosa, as, oommed, i,utiqad, tuwuq- qco, yuqecn, tueyuqqoon, nishchue, kliatir-ju- mu.ee, purteet, itmecnan, putiyara, v. reliance, belief, (boldness, q. v.) istiqlal, dileree, bu- tu,ummcDlee, v . firmness,rashness, (arrogance, q. V.) shokhec, kliood-beenee, v. assurance, confident, moU|Utuqid, rommcd-war, miBtuwuqqii, (bold, q. V.) moostuqil, nidhuruk, be-tu,um- mool, be-tudbeer, v. rash, (impudent) goostakh, shokh, V. dogmaticaT, mojtmu.in, asrik, v. posi- tive. .)• ,'l,a!nij confidently, istiqlal- &c. -se, be-khutfu, ytiqeen- im, V. the adj. configtiration, turkeeb, bunawut, ruchawut, v. formation, ^aahrush .lu itkam. confine, hudd, Intiha, sur-hudd, danda, siwanu, V. border, to confine, (imprison) bund- &c. -k. (to bound) mconhusur-k. (to restrain) rokna, utkana, v. to limit, &c. .. v^ .9 Ai confined, bundee, quedee, mcuqucyud, muhboos, pa-bund, v. prisoner, (narrow, q. v.) kotah, tung. comfinement, qued, bund, useeree, giriftaree, ihti- bas. .ri- .;»-yt -h'fuiijWud ..eiit-ouf to confirm, sabit- &c. -k. isbat- &c. -k. thuhra- na, V. to ratify, muzboot- munsoob- &c. -k. V. to fix, suheeh-k. v. to certify, (a brahmun) sunskar- &:c. -k. v. to prove, (a disease) jura^ na, V. to establish, (to appoint) qa,im- khura- -k. (as a pox) moozmin-k. confirmation, isbat, souboot, tuhuqqooq, tu.ueyun, tuhqeeq, istihkam, istiqlal, muzbootee, thuh- ra,o, muqurruree, v. establishment, settlement, (proof, q. V.) dal, dulalut, primaxi. flftai^ confirmatory, moomid, raoowueyld, moD.awln. confirmed, sabit, mcoqurrur, nioo,ueyun, mootu- huqqiq, mooshukhkhus, (established, q. y.) qa.im, moohkum, v. appointed, bu-hal, bur- qurar, v. certain, sunskaree, burt-bundhee. to confiscate, zubt- qoorq-k. khalse-lugana, tek-, chlienk- rokJcna, v. to seize, buet ool mal men-d. confiscation, zubtee, qoorqee. confiscator, zabit. .nij«i».|«i ,v.vi»>«i«<\.i»non confiagration, ugwahee, atush-2i*dugee, agmwut, V. fire, conflict, lura,ee, khurkhushu, karzar, mu,uiiku, COIV 119 coy jung, coljhera, sutczu, dar o geer, jhiita piitee, V. contest, &c. {ngony) kuliip, dookh, koft, quluq, V. altercatioH, elmlittion. confluence, conflux, sungum, mel, railap, (a crowd, q. V.) iiinboh, kusrut, v. concourse, cmfliuent, (small-pox, q. v.) klrueya, musooriya. to conform, inoowafiq- &c. -k. hurabur- &c. -!i. ekduol-k. or -h. (to comply w«4A),.mibool-k. razee-li. v. to agree. - ,■• conformable, hurabur, eksan, humwar, nioowafiq, mootabiq, suman, shajstu, niu.uqool, la,iq, {submissive) huleem, ina3la,im, b(X)rd-bar, moo- tuhummil, ghureeb. conformably, bur-hookni, bu-moojib, v. the adj. conformatvon, turkeeb, bunawut, v. the verb, also agreement, conformity, moowafuqut, mcotabuqut, mcnshabu- hut, tutaboDq, ulaqu, mila,o, luga,o, humvvarce, V. consistency. to confound, tnilana, mukhloot-k. durhum bur- hum- ubtur-k. gur bur-k. v. to mingle, bhoond- lana, hudiyana, hukka bukka-k. surgurdan-k. {f,o abash) panee panee-k. v. to perple.v, {to astonish, q. v.) be huwas- purcshan- surasee- mu- byakcnl- moozturib- mmshuwwish-k. {to destroy) gharut- pa,cnial- sutiyanas-k. v. to confuse, &c. confounded, v. the verb, ushud, sukht, kutta, ni- put, buetoolmal; this confounded business dis- tresses me much, yih huet ool mal kam masjhe huhoot ajiz kurta hue, v. detestable, &c. conjoundcdlij, bu-shiddut, nihayut,bu durji utum. to confront, rooburoo- doobudoo- cliarchushiii-, mcDqabil- samne- suiimonkh-k. or -li. juiuog- na, moowajihu-k. v. to oppose, confrontation, rnojoo,u, mooqabilu, v. opposition, to confuse, ghubrana, hurburana, ajljhana, ukla- na, mootufurriq- &c. -k. confused, mootufurriq, moontushur, ubtur, tarpu- | tar, durhum burhum, pech dur pech, tuhobala, ookijh poohijh, ulira tuhree, v. topsy-turvy, to confound, di.striicf.ed, amaxed. confusedly, ubtur, v. confused, confusion, confusedness, ubturee, burhumee, inti- shar, ooljjiera, {disturbance, q. v.) ghuogha, bulwa, fitoor, sliorish, oodniad, {distractiwi, q. V.) iztirar, ghubraliut, hueranee, chuondh- yahut, pureslianee, surgurdanee, ashroftugee, V. shame, ooljhun, ghun mundul, bugra, v. dis- order, undher, V. anarchy, hudiyahut, v. per- turbation, destruction, confutation, ibtal, bcotlan, eerad. to confute, moolzim- qa.il- la juwab-k. batil-, rudd- raurdood-k. ootfia-d. jhoothana, hurana, puchharna, katna, pulit-k. v. to disprove. ., to congeal, v. ti. jumna, bundh-jana, moonjumid-, ' bustu-h. V. a. jumana, bandhna, bustu-k. congealment, congelation, j umawut, Inj imad, bus- tugec, anthee, chukka, v. curd, clot, congenial, moowafiq, ek-dil, hum-durd, ek-rung, hum-rung, dum-saz, hum- or ek-jins, hum- muzhub, ek-roop, {agreeable, q. v.) khatir- khwah, V. pleasant, to conglobate, goliyana, goothlana. conglomerate, ghcorchiyana, v. to ravel, conglomeration, ghoorchcc, pechtab, ghojrchiya- hut, gcnljjiuree, v. perplexity, to conglutinate, jootana, bhur-lana, v. to cement, to congratulate, moobaruk bad kuhna, moobaruk badee- &c. -d. juejukar-munana. congratulation, mmbaruk-badec, tuhniyut,''moo- barukcc, budha.ee, budhawa; letter of congra- tulation, tuhniyut-namu, opposed to tu,uziyut- namu, a. letter of condolence. to congregate, butorna, jumu-k. mundlana, v. to collect. co7igrega.tioti,congress, juma,v,jum\ie^\xt^suhhak, V. assemhly, ••{tscaut CON 120 CON congrtnty,mco'wa.fu({\it,kti{aq,me\,v. consistency, congruous, theek, la,iq, sha.istu, humwar, moo- wafiq, mojnasib, v. suitable, conic, conical, ga,o-doom, soorungee,mukhrootee, ga,o doomee, minaree, v. cone, conjectural, khiyalee, qiyasee, wuhmee. conjecture, utkul, undazu, wuhm, qiyas, khiyal, gooman, zunn, iiql, tujweez, tukhmeenu, ihti- • mal, zoo,um, bhurum, unooman ; a mere con- jecture, utkul-puchchoo. to he conjectured, mcxihtumul-h. conjecturer, tar-baz, utkul-baz. to conjoin, milana, lugana, jorna, puewustu-, wusl- &c. -k. V. n. milna, joorna, v. to unite, conjoined, baliumee, v. together, muqroon, moo- qarin, mootuqarln, v. joint, conjoint, moottufiq, mooshturik. conjointly, shurakut-se, bil-ishtirak, bil-ittifaq. conjugal, zuojee, sum bundhee, v. nuptial, conjugate, tusreef-k. gurdanna. conjugation, bab, surf, gurdan, v. declension, cooijunction, mila,o, luga,o, ittisal, ijtima,vi, mi- lap, mel, jor, puewund, wusl, inziman, moo- wasilut, sumbundh, v. junction, {of planets) ' qiran, sunjog, mooqarinut, umawus, {copula- tive) bhoo,iyo, {in grammar) utf; a fortunate conjunction ofjikmets, qiran oos-su,uduen, op- posed to qiran-oon nuhusuen, an unfortunate conjunction. ' conjunctive mood, shurtiyu, muzari, jookh mudh. '■ conjunctively, milke, bahum hoke. conjuncture, ittifaq, halut, gut, {occasion, q. v.) zimn, guon. cow/wra^ioM, jadoo-guree, sihr-karee,sahiree,ban, dU|UWut, totka, v. conspiracy, jhar, pjioonk, tona, ■tamur, chhoochha, tonhaiCe, v. incanta- tion, enchantment, to conjure, jadoo- &c. -k. {to importune) ilhah-, sumajut- bmtee- arzoo-k. wastu- qusum- gu- onh-dilana, chhoochhwana, to exorcise, implore ; I conjure you, by God, not to mention this busi- ness to any one, muen toomhen khooda ka wastu dilata boon ki yih bat kisee se nu kuhna. conjurer, jadoo-gur, ufsoon-gur, sahir, sihr-kar, toonha, hazratee, du,uwutee, namit, ojha, bun- ha, syana, v. enchanter, juntree, jan, goonee, sihr-gur, sihr-saz, shu,vibidu-baz, y. fortune- teller. connate, bizatihi, junumee, khilqee, hum-zad, V. natural, to connect, v. a. jorna, lugana, milana, puewund-, wvisl- &c. -k. bandjina, ganthna, v. n. milna, lugna, guthna. connected, moottusil, mootu,ulliq, puewustu, moor- tubit, mooshturik, mootuwussil, mcnlhuq, v. conjoined, {with) wuseelu-dar. to be connected, ulaqu- &c. -r. {to be carnally) bhirna, v. to copulate, connexion, jor, wusl, puewustugee, imtizaj, tu- wussool, V. conjunction, ulaqu, rubt, moonasu- but, nisbut, tu,ullooq, sur-risbtu, arhut, v. re- lation, qureenu, wastu, jihut, surokar, tuna- stnb, sabiqu, jinsiyut, v. correspondence, {per- son) wuseelu, V. means, {carnal) soohbut, ash- na,ee, v. cohabitation, intercourse, &c. connivance, ighmaz, chushm-poshee, tughafool, tusahool, anakanee, mutiyahut, tusamih, v. to- leration. ,»>p.i!,v'V; to connive, ighmaz- &c. -k. bhanjna, mutiyana, soon-kheenchna, ankh-chhipana, v. to wink, conjioisseur, ullamu, v. doctor, mahir, waqif-kar, beena, purkhiya, purkhee, naqid, sliuoqeen, goodiya,v. judge, adept. httn -'' to conquer, futuh- ghulbu- tuskheer-k. jeetna, futuh- &c. -pana, le-lena, adheen-k. sur-k. shikust-d. mughloob-k. ghalib-h. puclihama, marna, girana, wur-ruhna, dust boord-k. du- CON 121 CON bana, v. to subdue, (to overcome) ootha-d. turk- -k. cOTJf/?«ered!,mughloob,m(nsukhkhur,adheen,muf- tooh, also cmiquerable, mughloob, lene jog, v. the verb. conqueror, fiituh-mund, ghalib, jue-man, futuh- nuseeb, mtDzuffur, zufur-yab, ghazee, moosul- lut, nasir, munsoor, feeroz-mund, zubur-dust, soobhman, v. sfrmig, (in comp.) koosha, sitan, geer, whence moolk geeree, conquest,^, victory. conquest, futuh, zufur, tuskheer, v. the verb. cojisanguineous, qureeb, yeganu, ek-lohoo or ru- kut, V. related. consanguinity, qurabiit, yeganugee, apna,et,khe- shee, sugawut, buraduree, qoorbut, goree-awuj, V. fraternity. conscience, dil, khatir, mun, zumeer, tumeez, jee, munjot, batin, mu,urifut, v. mind, bibek, V. discernment, (justice) insaf, nya,o, {hones- ty) eeman, dueyanut, ibrut, huqeeyut, dhur- um, purlok, v. principle, {scruple, doubt, q. v.) undeshu, dhurka, sunsue, v. consciousness, rea- son. conscientious, eeman-dar,diyanut-dar, mootudue- yun, rast-nioo,amulu, dhurmatma, khooda-turs, saf-batin, seenu-saf, pak-dil, huqq-shinas, agah- dil, dhurmee, jagtee jot, purlokee, uhli ibrut, V. upright, conscionahle. conscientiously, khooda tursee- &c. -se. co»jden-'^4-!i consonance, v. concord, consistency. consonant, ■v. consistent; a consonant, hxirfi suheeli, wurn, {letter) hul or hus. consonous, ek-soor, hum-awaz or -mukhruj. consort, priyu, zuqj, khusum, joroo or jooroo, V. wife, conjunction, companion, huxn-%WT, hum- dum, jora joree, v. associate, {royal) padshah- begum, V. spouse, match. conspicuous, zahir, ulaniyu, pritichh, khoola, pri- CON 123 CON kash, mushhoor, mu,uroof, uzhur, julee, nu- mood, roodar, numoodar, oojagur, noomayaii, mu,uloom, roo-shunas, oobhra, oogharcx), v. prominent, eminent, evident. conspicuously, zaliirun. conspicuousness, zahiree, ruoshunee, roo-daree, numoodaree. conspiracy, bundish, sazish, grosht, ittifaq, eka, V. imifiny, bandhnoo, ek-sulah, goonnut, jog- sun jog, V. sedition, concurrence. c«WJ«p?m^r,con«pir-niii *.; constellation, bcorj,ras, sitaru, ukhtur, tara, nuk- but, suorl kuwakib, v. star, Aries, Capricorn, consternation, huerut, sur-gurdanee, hueranee, pureshanee, iztirab, ghubrahut, dhurka, bhuo- chukkee, be-hnwasee, chuondhiyahut, dung, bulchul, V. apprehension, terror, to constipate, qubz- bund- bundhej-k. constipation, qubz, qubziyut, inqibaz. constituent, adj. uslee, khilqee, jibillec, zatee ; the conatituefit part, i'lsm i juohurce {corutitu- ter) niounecb, moowukkil, sah, v. author^ cause. to constitute, {to produce) pueda- mukhlooq-k. bunana, {to establish, q. v.) raoo,ueyun- mukh- soos-k. thuhrana, v. to depute, ajypoint. coyistitution, {of the body, &c.) mizaj, tubiyiit, tubu,u, teenut, jibillut, surisht, untuhkurn, V. naiure, kotha,v. s#o»M?c7t, constructum,estah- lishment, {temper, q. v.) seerut, khuslut, adut, nihad, {state, &c.) halut, {government, q. v.) bund o bust, zubfc-rubt, nuzm o nusq, intizani, nuqshu, {institution, q. v.) zabitu, rusm, v. law. constitutional, khilqee, zatee, uslee, jibillee, ju- numee, pueda.ishee, dehuj, {legal, q. v.) shu- ru,ce, ja,iz, moobah, priman. to constrain, {restrain, q.v.) utkana, barna, bu- rujna, bund- qued-munu-k. {to press) dubana, dabna, {to tie) bandhna, v. to compel, con- stringe; to be constrained, mujboor-h. constraint, {restraint, q. v.) rok, duba,o, qued, {compulsion, q. v.) zor, zubur-dustee, jubr, zoolm. constriction, sikor, simta,o. to constringe, {cmisfriet) sikorna, sumetna. constringent, bundhej, sumet. to co7istruct, bunana, bina- tu,umeer-k. imanit- bunana, or -oothana, nuqshu-b. duol-d. v. to form, construction, tn,nmeer, nuqshu, imarut, bunawut, buna,o, sakht, just-bust, turkceb, v. make, {meaning, q.v.) niuzmoon, {explanation, q.v.) tuqreer, tu.ijweel, v. interpretation, suma«, {arrangement, q. v.) rubt, mel, v. judgment, to constrtie, rubt-d. murboot-k. rubt-khilana, or -khana, {to interpret) tuiircer- &c. -k. v. to explain. Q 2 CON 124 CON consubstantial, hum-zat, hum-jlns, eksan, ekhee. consuhstantiality, hum-zatee, hum-jinsee. consul, wukeel, na,ib, v. resident. to consult, (to deliberate, q. v.) musluhut- sulah-, mushwurut- puramursh-k. (to ask advice') musluhut- nuseehut- &c. Jena, (to regard) dhyan- nuzur-k. (a hook) dekhna, v. to com- mune, (an oracle) istikharu-dekhna. cotisultatioti, musluhut, budan, mushwurut, goor- muta, moDshawiru, shooru, v, advice, the verb, also assembly. consumable, tuhleel-puzeer, julne-jog, v. perish- able. to consume, v. a. (to spend, q. v.) surf- shurt- burt-k. gharut- tuluf- zayu- pa,emal- suttya- nas- goodaz-k. pughlana, khana, leelna, ni- gulna, ghutana, v. to squander, bhusum- khak- -k. gulana, v. to hum, destroy, waste, v. n. (to decay) zu,eef- nuqeeh- natuwan- doobla-h. sookhna; to consumeone''stime,t\iz.ee^u uoqat-k. • kal-khona. consumer, moDsrif, foozool-khurj, oora|Oo. The English have ccarupted (perhaps with some propriety) the word khan-saman (lit. lord of the furniture) into consumer, or consuman, v. butler. , ^ consummate, poora, pukka, pookhtu, kamil. to consummate, akhir- tumam- poora-k. nibahna, busurJejana, v. to end. consummation, tukmeel, tumamee, surunjam, akh- irut, aqibut, itmam, insiram, unt, sumapt, (nuptial) guona, dooraguon, ruona, khilwut, kamilu, shubi zcofaf, nukh-purchalu. consumption, khurj, khuput, kuttee, v. to con- sume ; the consumption (disease?) sil, chhu,ee, nufs ood-dum, v. atrophy. consumptive, (diseased) muslool, mudqooq, v. hectic. 9 contact, luga|0, mila,o, ittisal, mus, lusooq, v. reach, touch. co7itagion, sura,it, tu,ussoor, phuela,o, (plague) wuba, muree. con^ag'ioM«,moosir,mootu,uddee; to he contagious, lugna, V. infectious, to contain, shamll- moDheet- mooshtumil, bya- puk-h. rukhna, lena, (to restrain, q. v.) barna, thamna, (to refrain) purhez-k. to he contained, sumana, untna, khupna, hojana, bhurna, ana, ajana, muzroof- moohat-h. v. to hold, to rontamhiate, napak- &c. -k. chhoot-k. jhoo- thalna, jhootha-k. bhurna, v. to dirty, pollute. contaminated,na-Yiak, ghuleez,kuseef,nujis, moo- luwwus, usoadh, v. polluted. contamination, chhoot, na-pakee, aloodugee, v. Jilth. to contemn, ihanut- &c. -k. huqeer- &c. -janna, V, contempt, contemptible, also to despise, to contemplate, tu.ummcol- ghuor- &c. -k. dekh- na, V. to behold, muse, contemplation, tLi,ummool, moolahuzu, dhyan, tu- suwwoor, tujweez, turuddood, v. consideration, attention, meditation, (holy meditation) moora- qubu, (study) mootaluu. contemplative, mootu,ummil, dhyanee, mootufuk- kir, bichar-wan, mooraqib, undeshu-mund, fikr-mund; the contemplative faculty , qoowut i mootukhueyilu. contemporary, hum-usr, hum-wuqt, moo,asIr, ek- kalee, hum-uhd, hum-tpmr, su-sumue, su-ka- lee. contempt, ihanut, hiqarut, muzummut, tu,unu- zunee, khiffut, soobcxskee, apooman, zoolut, khwaree, muzullut, ibtizal, tuhqeer, siflugee, V. baseness, disdain, contemptible, huqeer, soobook, khufeef, khwar^ CON 125 CON '■ be-qxulr, zuleel, monbtuzul, na-chcez, ihanutec, scnbook-mayu, upo-manee, v. mean. coiitemptiMeness, zulalut, ibtizal, muzullut, be- qudree, bc-hoormutec, v. meanness. contemptiblt/, hiqarut- &c. -se, v. meanly. contemptuous,, mughroor, mootukubbir, be-udub, V. insolent. contemptuously, be udubee- be imtiyazee-fse. to contend, jhugurna, lurna, mooqabulut- moona- qushu-k. (to vie, q. v.) humchushmee-k. his- ka-k. dhura-b. tukkur-lena or -mama, v. to dispute, burana, v. to emulate, also contention. content, contented, razee, khrosh, khroshnood, sa- bir, mootuwukkil, qani, shakir, suntokhee, mooktufce, ser-chushm, mun-bhura, farigh-hal, khojrsund, ba-aram, v. easy, independent, satis- Jied. content, contentment, khmshee, quna,ut, ghina, subr, seree, suntokh, tuwukkoal, v. satisfac- tion, ser-chushmee, ugha,ee, &c. v. the adj. also sufficiency, {the ihirtg contained) muzroof, muz- moon. to content, razee- khoosh- &c. -k. pet-bhurna, ug- hana, chhukana, v. to please, Jill, satisfy. to he content, qubool-k. razee-h. contention, contest, jhugra, bukhera, lura,ee, qu- ziyii, moobahusu, ma)jadulii,mcDkaburu, rudd- budul, graft o shuneed, jhugra, rugra, unrus, niza,u, moonazu,ut, ikhtilaf, hungamu, puekar, rar, moonacpshu, khusoomut, jhurpa- jhurpeo, kundur, bugra, khulish, v. altercation, ani- mosity, quarrel. contentious, luraka, jhugraloo, bukheriya, raree, jung-jo, hcDJjutce, tukraree, v. quarrelsome. contentiously, zid- lura,ee- &c. -se. contentiousness, jung-jo,ee, sitezu-jo,ee, v. per- verseness. contentment, v. content, gratification. contents, fihrist, v. index, goonjeedu, v. subject, (of a book) chhund, mutlub. contest, kcnshtee, v. quarrel, pay, cotitention, de- bate, moonaqishu, khusoomut, jhurpa, jhur- pee, kundur, bugra, khulish, v. altercation, animosity, also to contend. to contest, bat-drahrana, hoojjut- tukrar- &c. -k. V. to dispute. context, mutn, mool, qureenu, ibarut, likha,ee, muzmoon, siyad, subacj, v, tenour, text, drift. contexture, bunawut, turkeeb. contiguity, contiguousness, jor, mel, wusl, ittisal, (joorb, pucwustugee. contiguous, puewustu, moottusil, mila, joora, mu- mas, V. near. continence, purhez, ihtiraz, ijtinab, tuqawut, tuq- wa, nem, sunjum, parsa,ee, shecl, zood, v. chastity. continent, purhez-gar, mcnhturiz, zahid, asimu, ufeefu, jutee, v. chaste, moojtunib, v. abste- mious ; a continent, burr, v. lajid. continently, purhez- &c. -se. contingence, contingency, arizu, ittifaq, sunjog, •waquu. cmitingent, arizee, sunjogce, v. accidental, (occa- sional, q. v.) muzkooree, v. accident, (expen- ces) muzkoorat, v. charge, proportion. conti7igently, ittifaqee, ittifaqmi. continual, pa,e-dar, moodamee, da,im. continually,humeshu, moodam, rozmurru,v.^er- petually. conti7iuance,continuation,mco(!ismnmut,A\\v,am, humeshugee, nitta, thuhra.o, ruha,o, istiqamut, mooddut, istinu-ar, V. succession,(duration)Y>a,e- daree, der-pa,ee, v. constancy, (perseverance, q. V.) dhoon. to continue, v. n. ruhna, thumna, khutana, pa,e- dar- dcrpa-h. jana, le-ruhna, nibhna, v. to re- main, buhal- burpa-ruima, v. to last, to con- CON 1S6 CON firm, V. a. rukhna, nibahna, {to unite) jorna, V. to persevere. continuity, ilsaq, ilhaq, v. coherence, connection. to contort, uenthna, murorna, oomethna. cfmtortion, girih, ganth, {of the bowels) murora, pechish, {fiexure) pech, pher. contour, tikiya, ghera, nuqshu, da,iru. contra, khilaf, v. against, counter. contraband, munu, burjit, mumnoo,ii, qoorqee, qcorq-puzeer, \. forbidden, unlawful. contract, hor, quol iqrar, uhd o pueman, ijaru, tu,uhood, mo3kata, kutkuna, theeka, chookuo- ta, likha purhee, {in comp.) namu, {whence uqd-namu, a marriage contract, q. v.) a writ- ten contract, uhd-namu; by contract, bil-muq- tu ; to give by contract, ijare-d. ; to take by contract, ijare-lena. to contract, v. a. jukrana, ukrana, uenthana, V. to cramp, pukurna, lugana, v. to catch, {a «fet#)lena, kurna, v. to form, acquire, {to con- stringe, q. v.) bundhej- inqibaz-k. {to lessen, q. V.) kotah- tung- mookhtusur- sunchhep-k. {to bargain) shurt- hor-b. v. contract, {to be- trothe, q. v.) mungnee-k. {to procure, q. v.) nikalna, lana, {in grammar) turkheem- huzf- -k. V. n. simutna, sikoorna, jukurna, uenthna, ukurna, v. to shrivel, {and expand) poolpoolana, bijookna, v. contracted, to vibrate, frown, contracted, mushroot, mu,uhood,mronqubiz, moo- rukhklium, muhzoof, moo,uqqud, v. to stipti- late, also the verb, contraction, {constriction, q. v.) simta,o, inqibaz, jukrahut, jukra,o, v. the verb, {and ewpatision) ritq o fitq, poolpoolahut, v. convulsion, {spasm) tushunnooj, {abridgment, q. v.) ijmal, kotahee, tungee, {in grammar) zihaf, tuikheem, huzf, V. cramp, contractor, moostajir, mootu,uhid, kutkunu-dar, theeke-dar, \. farmer. to contradict, rudd-k. buruks- burkhilaf- burzid- kuhna, zid-k. kat-dena, jhoothalna, doohrana, oolutna, pulutna, pherna, torna, v. to oppose, turn, contradiction, khilaf, tukhaloof, moo,aruzu, tuna- qooz, tuba,in, mcobayunut, birodh, dohra,o, pul- ta,o, V. supra, nuqeez, tu,urrooz, v. opposition, inconsistency, contradictory, mcokhalif, bur-uks, mootuzad, moo- tuba.in, mookhtulif, moonaqiz, moonafee, v. inconsistent, contrary. .,!-'■!? contrariety, mcukhalufut, zid, ikhtilaf, tukha- Imf, na-moowafuqut, birodh. contrary, adj. mcokhalif, zid, bu,eed, birodhee, colta, uondha, pulta, v. the verb, also different ; on the contrary, bur-uks, bur-khilaf ; contrary to, ulur-rughum, v. adverse. '. contrary, zid, uks; contraries do not m^et, ziddan la yujtumi,an, v. contradiction. contrast, mooqabulu. to contrast, mooqabulu-k. r.H\S >t#!J} -t, I to contravene, muhroom- baz-r. v. to baffle. ' ' contravention, mookhalufut, moozahumut, v. op- position. to contribute, mudud- imdad-k. dena, bukhshna, puhoonchana, v. to assist. contribution, chunda, {tax) chhata, wuera, bachh, bihree, dama sahee, hissu rusud, chuoth, v. subscription, dand, v. exaction, assistance, tri- bute. » .•( f)i &c. -se. R COR 130 COB core, duroonu, undur, (of a sore) keel, v. heart, coriander (seed) dhuniya, kishneez, (ihe plant) kothmeer. cork, (of a bottle) dhutha, gutta, thenthee, sholu, V. plug. ''' jr.rMr to cork, dutana, v. to shut. cormorant, mahee-geer, moosh-geer, chooh-mar, chhein kurnee, dhobiya, cheelh, v. glutton. corn, unaj, un, ghullu, danu, (green) khood, zi- *a,ut j V. standing, grain, (on the feet) gokh- roo, gutta, ghutha, thela, v. wart, (land) kisht- zar, jyonar, v. field (pipe) phonphee. to corn, (meat) numuk-mulna. cornelian, uqeeq, yumunee, agin puthur, jigurce. corner, kona, goshu, koonj, khoont, ulung, tiiruf, kondur, kola, kuola, pulla, antur, (of the nail) kor, (of the eye) ko,a, v. angle. cornerwise, kona kanee, tirkus. cornet, from qurna,e, a trumpet, q. v. (ofhwrse) ulum-burdar, jumu-dar, v. ensign. 'Vc ',v. . eornetter, qurnaiC-nuwaz. .v»«»-rji cornfield, khet, muzru. dornice, kungnee, seenka, qurnus, moondochh, kugur, V. edge. cotollary, nuteeju, usur. coronation, jooloos, ubishekh, teeka. , coronet, taj. corporal, adj. budunee, dehee, v. corporeal. a corporal, (among the English) na,ek, iimul- dar. Among the natives these words have a very different meaning; in their armies, a dufu-dar answers to our serjeant, and is the lowest officer they have. Wtporate, mcnttufiq, ek-dil. ■■.*'un / corporation, firqu, juma|Ut, guroh, jutha, dul, thok, V. body, corporeal, jismanee, sureeree. corps, (of troops) riisalu, guroh, ghol, v. army, corpse, nioordu, lash, moO|a, loth, jeefu, mirtuk, ii mueyut, matee, v. carcass, earth, (washer) mojrdu-sho. :t^» i5>fj{.--t«an 5ti»«n»j»TO- v corpulence, corpulency, jusamut, motflpa, furbihee, tun-awuree. corpulent, mota, juseern, furbih, tun-awur, ton- dala, usthool, motukkur, doohra, yul, dhum- dhoosra, dhondha, bhussur, tonduela, v. bulky. corpuscle, zurru, rezu, unoo. correct, suhceh, soodh, dooroost, burjustu, mur- boot, tuhqeeq, saf, v. fair, just, certain, accu rate. fi^ts't •v.\<^- to correct, (punish,q.\.) tumbeeh- tadeeb-k. or -d. chunjra-bunana, sansna, rok tok-k. chhuthee ka doodh yad-dilana, v. to chastise, sadhna, V. to rectify, (to amend) suheeh- theek-k. (to temper) moo,utudil-k. islah-d. \;v ,'i' correction, (ptmishment, q.v.)i]izab, ooqbobut, siya- sut, (amendment, q. v.) tus,heeh, sihhut, sodh, arastugee, islah, v. reprehension, (house of) hurn-baree. . x- 4/j£ -tyys.'f >i'.>^^>r^ correctly, sihhut-se. '.»•/.»« t^»<{«ind .Nft-itwrniiiO'^. correctness, sihhut, sodh. a corrector, sihhut rusan, sadhunhar, uolokee, v. reviser, punisher, (in wi^cZicme)marug,mcDslih, whence musallh, (vulg. mu^ala) spices, mate' rials. »>(»Aiti 1^* fitiutrUt^ ■^i3'ri^,\T^\\mi .4»^i correlative, lazim-mulzoom, lazim ool izafut, hum nisbut, hum murja, puruspur sumbund, V. reciprocal. correlativeness, looZoom, moolazumu. to correspond, milna, burabur- eksan- theek- &c. -h. ulaqu- &c. -r. baz-khana, buethna, lugna, V. to agree, (to answer, q. v.) mooqa- bil- juwab-h. (by letter) khutt kitabut- &c. -r. V. tojit. !ioi-o9fj.:{ ,«triuic correspondence, correspondency, moowafuqut, moo nasubut, iilaqu, tu,ullooq, tuwafcoq, tutabooq, mootabuqut, luga,o, mooshabuhut, tushbeeh, sunsurg, v, connexion, bidhmilee, v. equality, ■.r co^ 131 COT simility, (intercourse, q. v.) rah-rusm, sabiqu, byohar, (by letter, q. v.) khutt-kitabut, nu- wisht-khwand, cliithee-puttur, icosl rusa,il, likhun purliun, khutt khootootj likha purhee, nam o puyani, moorasulu. correspondent, adj. nioowafiq, mootabiq, burabur, eksaii, mooshabil), ekhec, sumaii, mounasib, la,iq, theek, v. suitable, correspondent, arliutlya, ulaqu-dar, byoLuriya, ashua, v. lender. corrigible, nuseehut-puzeer, soodharoo, sudhnejog, V. putii-ahable. corroboraiit, mooquwwee, poosbt.' to corroborate, qoowwut- zor- bul-d. muz.boot-, poosht- porlia-k. (to confirm, q. v.) mudud-k. ta,eed- tuqwiyut- pooshtee-d. suinbhabia, tham- na, thuhrana, mcuhkuin- moostuhkum- oostoo- war-k. corro&ora^tow, ta,eed, tuqvviyut, poosbtee, suha,eta istuhkam, oostoowai'ee, v. the verb, to corrode, katna, khaJena, kha-jana, v. to con- sume, corrosion, corrosiveness, kuta,o, boorish, kat, hid- dut, V. acrimony, corrosive, boorindu, liadd, kat, gula.oo, v. corrup- tive, sharp, to corrugate, '^Gei\gooTmia,'^hooxiy ana, v. to wrin- kle, corrupt, sura, oobsa, fasid, bigra, nakaru, khota, rishwut-tulub, gooh-khor, v. bribe, also rotteii, vitiated, to corrupt, surana, oobsana, gulana, puchana, v. to spoil, (to vitiate) bigania, khurab-k. (to bribe, q. v.) ghoos-d. v. n. surna, oobusna, bigurna. corrupted, (as a word) mookhurrub. corrupter, muufsid, bigaroo, naskaree, mookhur- rib. corruptible, surne wala, surunhar, funa-puxecr, rishwut-pujeer. corruption, corruptness, surun, sura,o, gooh kho- ree, v. excrement, putrescence, (JillJi.) muel, aloo- dugce, koodoorut, (matter) peeb, reem, ula,e bula,e, V. pus, stuff, funa, v. putrefaction, (perversion, q. v.) tubuddtul, tubdcel, (ivicked- ness, q. v.) bud-zatee, khota^ee, (hribery) rish- wut-khoree, v. depravity, corruptive, sura|00, gula|00, pucha,oo. corruptly, (improperly) be-rubtj be-qa,idu, v. vi- tiously. corselet, cliara.enu, chand, v. breastplate, coruscation, chumuk, luoka, v.JUtsh. cosmetic, oobtun, ghazu or ghazhu, sondlia, bonk- wa. cost, qeemut, mol, buha, sumun, mathe, lag, dur,bha o, nirkh,v. rate, price,expence,charge, (loss, q. V.) nooqsan, ghata ; at the kiyig's cost, padshah ke raathe, v. damage, to cost, qeemut-r. or purna, ana, lugna, buethna; what did it cost? kete ko aya hue ? it costs ao much, coskee etee qeemut hue. costive, qubz, bund, bundha, v. hound, costiveness, qubziyut, qubz. costliness, besh-qeemutee, guran-qeeniutee, gu- ran-buha,ee, v. eapensiveness. costly, qeemutee, besh-qeemut, giu'an-buha, gu- ran-qeemut, v. dear, costus, (a shrub) qoust, kooth. cotemporary, hum-uhd, hura-iisr, nioO|asir. cottage, cot, cote, cJiJiuppur, jhompree, niurhee, kootee, koorha, v. hut, bower, cottager, kootee-chura, jhonipriya, murhiya. cotton, roo,ee, pooinbu, qootn, (tree) kupas, sem- bul, also (raw cotton) banga, (seed) binuola, poumbu-danu, (silk) sembul kee roo,ee, (card- ed) gala, gorha, (old) logur, (cloth) sootee, Qn a standish) koorsuf, soof, leeqa, v. tcool, E 2 cor 132 cou (carder) nuddaf,v. tocard, (stuffedwith) rO|ee- dar, pumbu-dar, {merchant) roo,iya. couch, pulung, khat, bank, muhd, {pi. muhood) tukht-posh, V. bench, seat, bed, chair, cradle. to couch, thehooniyan- or ghootniyan-buethna, V. to kneel, {as a beast) dhookkee-marna, {to stoop, q. V.) dubuk-ruhna, {to comprise, q. v.) lana, rukhna, dhurna ; to couch a spear, tolna. couchant, goorbu-nishust. cove, kol, kharee, v. bay. covenatit, shurt, quol, iqrar, uhd o pueman, hor, bacha, iqrar namu, shurt namu, v. agreement, {in writing) ulid-namu. to covenant, shurt- &c. -b. or -k. cover, sur-posh, dhukna, dhupna, dhuknee, {shel- ter, q. V.) punah, ar, himayut, {pretence, q. v.) buhanu, v. blind, purdu, ot, qjhul, v. curtain, chupnee, topnee, v. lid, gutta, v. board {of a hook) duftee, putha, {of a letter) lifafu, moond, khatn, V. wrapper, {place) ghur, juguh, v. concealment. to cover, dhampna, dhankna, moondna, orhana, jhampna, chhopna, v. to shut, line, bury, {to conceal, q. v.) khus posh-k. v. to hide, {to shelter) buchana, muhtboz-r. v. to protect, {to overspread, q. v.) patna, lesna, leepna, murh- na, {to incubate) syona, {to copulate, q. v.) lugna, bhurana, bhurna, v. to gild, to silver ; send for a horse to cover the mare, ghora man- ga.o ghoree bhurane ke waste. covered, chhutree-dar, top-dar, v. hooded, ghila- fee, V. plated, {to be) chhipna, dhupna, putna, bhurna, gurna, v. to sink, secret, to swarm, {in comp.) aloodu, whence burf-aloodu, covered with snow or ice, v. stained, covering, coverlet, poshish, lihaf, bala-posh, ru- za,ee, doola,ee, goodree, nihalee, pulung-posh, V. dress, blanket, veil, orhna, oopurna, ghuta- top, ohar, v. hood, {for a horse) gurdunee. jhool, oortuk, awa,ee, v. sheet, {for walls) jhamp, purchhutree, chhutree, v. top, roof, {for a tray) khancha, v. screen, do putta, ghi- laf, khol, V. quilt, covert, {thicket) jharee, jhoond, v. cover, secret, {feme) sohagun. coverture, sohagun puna, v. shelter, to covet, laluch-k. tak-b. nuzur-lugana, chahna, lulchana, lobhna, tokhna, ankh-churhana, as-, dant-r. jee-julana, bud nuzur- bud nigah-k. v. covetousness, to desire. Vi*- ■.• covetous, lalchee, lobhee, tami, bhookha, hirsee, chushm zukhm, hirsee-tuttoo, usum bhaph-ee, bud nuzra, v. niggardly, avaricious, covetously, laluch-se. i. covetousness, laluch, lobh, hirs, tumu, huoka, bud-nigahee, tumunna, v. avarice, covey, {a hatch) jhol, pal, v. brood, {Jlqck) jhoond, ghol, v.Jlight. cough, khansee, khokhee, scD,al, khoor, khooree, soorhooree, khung, dhansee, soorfu. to cough, khansna, khonkhna, dhansna, khung- na, khunkharna, v. to expectorate ; to cough up, khunkhar-d. could, suka ; could he not go ? wooh nu chul su- ka? V. can. coulter, phar, nusee. council, mujlis, subha, puncha,et, juma,ut, kuch- uhree; a general council, deewan i am; a privy council, deewan i khass. counsel, nuseehut, pund, puramursh, ra,e, v. ad- vice, prudence, muta, oopdes, kuhna-soonna, kingash, v. direction, mut, tujweez, munsoobu, V. opinion, bhed, v. intention ; to ask counsel, musluhut-poochhna, mushwurut-lena ; to keep one''s own counsel, upna bhed chhipana, v. to consult, also secret, art, design, to counsel, mushwurut-d. sikhlana, kuhna, v. to advise, counsel. cou 133 COU counsellor, moosheer, sulah-kar, musluhutee, pu- ramurshee, nasih, moodubbir, muntur-ce, pi. rausaluh, v. lawyer, (confida7it) muhrum-raz. count, beg, khan, v. lord, lady. to count, ginna, shoomar- ti.udad- hisab- gin- tee-k. rukhna, janna, jorna, minna, v. to rec- kon, (6ead#) jupna,purhna,(fty thejinger joints) uqd or giruh unamil-k. v. to esteem. counted, shoomaree, v. to number. countenance, chihru, roo, moonh, mc»kli, mco- khra, soorut, shubahut, qiyafu, rung roop, ariz, rookhsaru, deedar, \. face, mien, appear- ance, (^patronage, q. v.) roodaree, rooyut, mihr-banee, tuwujjooh, shufqut, v. protection, (impudence, q. v.) goostakhee, shokhee, v. con- Jidence; to be outofcou7itenance,shunnindu-h. to countenance, moonh-d. mihr banee-k. qudur danee-k. v. to patronisse. countenancer, hamee, moorubbee, puchhee. counter, shoomaree, v. piece, mookhalif, v. con- trary, (board) tukhtu, (of a m,erchant) tat, whence tat colutna, v. to break, (contra) in comp. is commonly expressed by khilaf, bur- khilaf, ooha, pur, &c. but not so easily nor so neatly combined as in English, which some of the following examples will clearly prove, V. anti, dis, vn. td cmmteract, oolta-byapna, katna, torna, v. to oppose. to counterbalance, burabur- udl-k. hum wuzn-k. V. to balance, evidence. counter-charm, tona pur tona, kat, oolta, tor. counterfeit, «< ^iur " to court, {to ask in marriage) mungnee-k. (to woo, q. V.) ishq bazee-k. {to solicit, q. v.) chahna, durkhwast-k. v. to seek, {a quarrel, &c.) mol-lena, {death) murun punkhee-lugna, V. to solicit, durbar-k. khooshamud- buramud- -k. V. to flatter. courteous, courtly, nek-nihad, uhl, khnosh-ukhlaq, adheen, milunsar, numur, mootuwazi, moohuz- zub, zahir-dar, ghureeb nuwaz, v. courtier, {language) duree, v. polite, affable, attentive. courteously, khoolq- &c. -se. courteousness,courtesy,courtlin£ss^haAc\,vik\AaiX^, murdoomee, nek-nihadee, zahir-daree, mooda- ra, iltifat, mootuwwut, Icotf, awa-bhugut, adur, ugut-bhut, tu,uzeem, tuwazoo,ii, mUunsaree, v. complaisance, {ki?idness) nuwazish, v. favour, civility. courtesan, kusbee, (lit. a trader,) kunchunee, bagumee, tuwa.if, lolee, gunika, samanya, be- siya, patiu', ba,ec, upchhura, v. prostitute, {de- mirep) khan-gee, v. whore, &c. courtier, durbaree, hcozoorce, moojrUiCe, pad- shah-rus, doonya-saz, y. time-server, sycophant. courtship, ashiqee, ishq-bazee, v. amour, love. cousin, umma- or khalu-zad- or -ee, v. relative, {male) chuehera- moomera- phoophera- muo- sera, also khulera- or khalatee-bjia,ee, {fe- male) chucheree- &c. -buhin, v. aunt, uncle. cow, guo, ga,e, dhenoo, goroo, gokhree, guela, kupila, osir, soorhee, kam dhen. to coiv, dubana, dhumkana, v. to depress. CBA 135 CBA coward, durpokna, boozdil, na-murd, heez, hetha, kum-jcor-ut, pad-ghabra, duraloo, kadur, ka,cr, bhagora, geedur, hureela, mrorghec, hiclikara, lendec, shumsher buhadoor, v. fugitive, pol- troon, cowardice, cowardliness, bojz-dilec, na^murdec, joobn, hetba-pun. cowardly, booz-dila, namurda, v. coward, cow-butter, gawa ghee, opposed to bhuensa, cow-dung, gobur, gomue, sungeen, v. dung, (dry) go,intha, opla, kursee, urna, kunda, chipree, awaree, kurunda, pachuk, pathwaii, binwa, to cower, kookriyana, v. to cringe, cow-herd, go,ala, uheer, guddec, ghosee, gopal, V. shepherd, cow-house, sar, gosala, guo,al-baree. cow-itch, kuwandi, ko,ancb, khujwut. cow-killer, zabih ool buqur. cowl, from koolab ? taj, topee, v. cap, (jstujf) singra, v. bucket, cow-pox, go thun seetula, v. Hindoostanee Dia- logues, 2d edit. p. 219, where this noble dis- covery of Dr. Jenner is fully explained, and translated into the Hindoostanee language. coxcomb, (a boaster, q. v.) laf-zun, khood-been, khrod-nooma, v. comb, fop; the co-vccmibjlower, taj i khuroos, gool-kes, juta masec, v. ama^ ranth. coy, shurmeela, shurm-geen, wuhiShee, chuokel, bhurkel, chunchul, be-mooruwwut, be-seel, v. reserved, &c. coyness, hijab, laj, shurm, huya, wuh.shutj be- mooruwwutce. to cozen, chhulna, thugna, dugha-d. cozenage, dugha-bazee, tjiuga,ec, v. fraud, crab, kekra, gegta, surtan, v. cancer, korkurha, khutchung, (louse) chichree, {j»angoe) umra, V. iinld. crabbed, chirchira, toorsh-roo, julturung, toond- kho, dooroosht-kho, ootkuth, v. morose, (torit- ing) kenkraha, bud-khutt, v. harsh, difficult. crabbed?iess, toorsh-roo.ce, ta)nd-kho,ee, jultiirun« gee. crack, (chink, q. v.) durz, durka, shuq,v.breach, (fissure) bal, khutt, (sound, q. v.) kuruk, kurkurahut, kuraka, chutaka, much-mucho' hut, V. the verb, cheer, v. rent, to crack, v. a. turqana, pharna, chitkana, durka- na, toma, phutkarna, mama; don't crack your jokes on me, hum pur thutha nu maro ; (crac- kle) muchmiichana, murmurana, kurkurana, murukna, kurukna, bhurbhurana, mootmoo- rana, phusphusana, (tlie fingers) chootkee-bu- jana, v. to snap, (the joints) mutkana, chut- kana, (a louse) chut-mamaj v. to break, burst, craze; v. n. turuqna, phutna, chitukna, du- rukna, tootna, kootukna, phootna, bal-ana, bhurukna, churukna, v. to split, (with a Imtd sound) kurukna ; to crack a whip, chabook- phutkarna, v. to crackle, boast. > crack-brained, khooshk-mughz, v. crazy, cracked, phoota, jurjura, khokhra, mootlar, ba- lee, dumgeer, v. broken, cracker, putakha, luokee, singhara, v. boaster, niorra, v. squib, to crackle, chitukna, churchurana. crack rope or hemp, to be a, do hath rusee gun- dee-k. cradle, hindola, pingoora, palna, or pelna, guh- wara, muhd, dhoolwa, v, lifter, also stocks, i craft, (trade, q. v.) hirfu, kam, ooddini, (fraud, q. V.) dugha, fitrut, v. ctimii^, huth-khunda, V. /tandicraft. craftily, fitrut- S:c. -se. craftiness, fuelsooseo, mukkaree, roobubazcc, v. deceiffuhiees, > craftsman, karee-gur, uhli-peshn, " ' crafty, ucyar, fitrutce, fuelsoof, (lit. a philoso- CBA 136 CRE pher) mukkar, mcotufunnee, syana, nutkhut, v.frmidzilent. crag, kurara, urara. cragged, craggy, oonch-neech, nusheb-furaz, oon- cha-khalee, behur, v. rough, craggedness, cragginess, na-humwaree. to cram, thasna, dubana, chhukana, nigulna, bhur-marna, dhoosna, thoosna, v. to thrust, to stuff, to gormandise, crambo, qafiyu bazee. cramp, ukurba,ee,tushunnooi, ba,ee, (whence, ba,ee- mun,ka, an amulet against it) ; to have the cramp, tidwana, uenthna, v. to contract, spasm, (con- straint, q. V.) utka,o, sudd, mani, bund, qued, {of iron) keela, v. clamp. to cramp, ukrana, thithrana, (restrain, q. v.) burujna, baz-r. v. to confine, crane, (bird) ghongla, luglug, sarus, koolung, koonj, qurquru, kankh, v. adjutant, cliurkh, theka, v. instrument, cranium, khopree, kasu. cranny, durar, durka, v. crevice. crape, kupur-dhoor. crapulence, khoomar. crapulent, bud-huzm. crapulous, mukhmoor. crash, dhuraka, hurhurahut, khurkhurahut. to crash, dhurdhurana, hurhurana, v. to crush, cravat, gooloobund, properly a bib, or napkin, q. V. to crave, mangna, chahna, durkhwast- tulub- isti- da-k. V. to long, (food) untriyan qool hoo- ■wullah-purhna, v. to importune, craving, (appetite) huoka, dhoon, dhuonj, v. vo- racity. to craunch, chabna, chabhut-parna, v. to crush, craw, onda, jhoj, pota, cheenu dan, peta, huosi- lu, V. stomach, crop. craw-Jish, jheenga, v. prawn. to crawl, ringna, loorhna, sursurana, ghisukna, ghiskuriyon- hath panw se-chulna, (about) ringta-phirna, v. to wander, to creep. to craze, (crack the brain) deewanu- &c. -k. buorana, bhuwana, v. mad, (to weaken, q. v.) natuwan- zUiCef- nuqeeh-k. ^v)M;,^t^,5J■a«te^^)itJ.l ,. craziness, (imbecility, q. v.) zoo,uf, nuqahut, ha- tuwanee, na-qoowutee, (of intellect) khulul- dumagh, khurafut, inkhiraf, v. madness. crazy, zu,eef, door-bul, v. feeble, moonkhurif, huwas-bakhtu, v. mad. • iflujin.ou, to creak, churchurana, kirkirana, ghui'rana, chur- rana, chihikna, choon choon-k. jhunkarna, v. to crack. •■>> }:'\'' f--t\\ii' » cream, mula,ee, sarhee, sheer-mayu, chhalee, su- risheer,v. essence, (colour) shirghu, (best part) tcohfu, tumasha, Icotf; the cream of a jest, lu- teefe ka lootf ; and the cream of it is, o toohfu to yih hue. to cream, mula,ee-ootarna. crease, shikun, cheen, koonjluk, choonut. to crease, shikun- &c. -d. torna, mumorna, mu- chorna, shikunnana, v. to rumple, to create, pueda- &c. -k. bunana, kurna, hust-k. sirijna, birunchna, ootpun-k. v. to form, to make, dalna, bona, v. to produce, cause, invest, created, pueda, mukhlooq, ufreedu, ootput. creation, pueda|ish,afreenish,afreen, khulq, khil- qut, kaijnat, ootput, srisht, khulq-oollah, v. world, universe, creator, khahq, kurtar, afreenindu, afreedgar, bidhna, kurta, burmha, birunchee, bidhata, sirjinhar, khullaq, wajid, ootputee. creature, mukhlooq, keera, khulq, pi. khula,iq, mukhlooqat, v. animal, also being,person, (de- pendant) klya, bundu, purwurdu, v. slave, created, jan-wur, junt, jee,oo, huewan, jee,a- junt, (minion, q. v.) luga lipta, v. wretch ; a rationalci'eature, huewani natiq; an irrational CRE 187 CRI creature, huewan i ghuer-natiq, huewan i moot- luq. credential, sunud, dustawez, purteet-putur, wi- kalut-namu, pi. usnad, v. warrant. credibility, i,utibar, nia3,utuburee, bishwas, v. probability. credible, moo,utubur, inoo,utumud, qabili i,utibar, i.utibaree, soonne jog, bawur puzeer, putiyaiOO, mannee, la,iq i|Utimad, v. probable. credit, {belief, q. v.) i,utiqad, nishchue, i.utimad, bhurosa, (esteem, q. v.) bhurum, sakh, (repu- tation, q.v.) qudr, wuzn, put, (testimony, ci.v.) sakhee, eeman, v. faith, (opposed to debt) ood- har, nusiyu, warn, (i?i/luence) ikhtiyar, kuha- soona, V. promise, interest, (in account) moojra, pueth, V. entry, purteet, v. trust, (mercantile) sahoo-puna, tat, pet, v. character; a letter of credit, chithee-i,utibaree ; to have one''s credit at stake in any affair, pugree-utukna, bat-ruh- na, V. honour ; on credit, qurzee, oothan, v. debt. to credit, (believe, q. v.) manna, putiyana, soon- na, yuqeen-lana, v. to lend, borrow, (in ac- counts) jumu- &c. -k. ; as these terms like our own seem inverse, v. below, (to trust) bhuro- sa- &c. -r. (to do honour) hoormut- ruonuq- &c. -d.; to lender give on credit, oodhar- rin-, warn- qurz-d. qurzim- ariyutun-d.; to take on credit, oodhar- &c. -lena. creditable, moo.utubur, i,utlbaree,roo-dar,bhunn- ala, qomdu, sahib-huesiyut, soorkh-roo, purtee- tee, V. reputable, honourable. creditableness, roo-daree, moo,utuburee, v. credit. creditably, ba-i,utibar, ba-hoormut, qudr- Stc. -se. creditor, qurz-khwah, sadh, byohuriya, dhunee, (side of an account) jumu or khurch, v. debtor, banker. credulity, sadu-dilee, bhola,ee, suree.u ool i.utiqa- dee, V. simplicity. credulous, suree,u ool i.utiqad, zu.cef i,utiqad, sa- du-dil, bhola, v. simple. creed, kulimu, niuzhub, ga,itree, sawitree, sundh- ya, V. belief, religion. creek, kol, (cove) kjharee, kolkec, v. alley, bay. to creep, reengna, v. to insinuate, (to spread) pu- suma, V. to crawl, (as vines) bondna, phuelna, (to move slowly) ahistu-cliulna ; to creep out, nikulua; to creep in, ghoosna, v. to bend, fawn, move. creeper, (plant) bel, lata. creephole, rukhnu-furebee, asra, v. subterfuge. creeping, (animals) hushrat oul urz, v. slow. creepingly, ahistu, dheeme, rcengte hoo,e, kench- wasa. to'crepitate, chircbirana. >iS crepitation, chirclnrahut. crepuscle, shufuq, uroon. crescent, hllal duor, cband, (semilunar) liilalee, namee, birdhnian, v, to grow. cress, cresses, (garden) halim, turu tezuk, chun- soor, V. water-cresses. crest, tcnrru, tughmu, v. arms, plume, tuft, (hel- met) khod, (of a snake) phun, kuf-chu, v. cou- rage, chonda, choora, jecglui, kulgliec, taj, v. crown. crested, phunee, phunuela, kufchu- &c. -dar, v. hooded. crest-fallen, na-oammed, ni-ras, mayoos ; to be crest-fallen, dum-kfiajana, v. dejected. crevice, durz, shigaf, ruozun, soorakh, v. cleft. crew, bheer, sbuetanee lushkur, kaga ruol, ku- ■wakuchet, jhoond, v. pack, (of a ship) uhl i juhaz, juhazcc, dandee wandee, v. people, com- pany, to crow. crib, (for fowls) tapa, v. coop, than, v. stall, churun, khoorlee, gonr, v. trough. crick, kuchuk, moorook, v. sprain. S CBI 138 CEO cricket, jheengoor, ghrorghoora, (game) go-bazee, go,e-chuogan, huburdooi>» . *- »«' crier, dhindhoriya, dholiya,moonadee, (to prayers) moowuzzin or moo,uzzin. crime, goonah, pap, upradh, tuqseer, khuta, usi- yan, jojrm, uogoon, ghat, udhurm, putiwaiC, ugh, zumb, buzu, bizu, v. favlt. criminal, adj. mu,uyoob, nar-mu,uqool, ughee, mooznib, bizugar, shunee.u, (not civil) fuoj- daree, v. court, had. a criminal, goonah-gar, papee, bud-kar, asee, tuq- seer-war, upradhee, moojrim. criminality, goonahgaree, mu,usiyut, v. guilt, to criminate, goonahgar-thuhrana, v. to charge, crimp, moormoora, v. crisp, crimson, urghuwanee, qirmizee, soorkh, ubbasee, sooha, lal, v. red, piyazee, v. pink, cringe, sijdu, furashee sulam, qudum-bosee, tus- leem, v. bow; a cringing fellow, kha,e-burdar, chaploos, to cringe, chaploosee- lujajut- sumajut- khoosha- mud- khaiC burdaree- jigee-k. sukoochna, v. to crouch, to truckle, cringer, tusleemee, jarob-kush, lund dhurwa, v. parasite. '' .'•••>"{', .nhr-iuij ,y'^\ cripple, lungra, lung, loola, pungoo, loonj, ku- ruk-janghee, u-urij, v. lameness, to cripple, lungrana, lung-k. crippleness, lungra,ee, lung. crisis, (of a disease) boohran, (lieight) kumal, moona, v. period, nick, end. crisp, crispy, (friable) koorkoora, choorchcora, v. curly. to crisp, sikoorna, uenthna, v. to curl. criterion,nishan, ulamut, puh,chan, usr, v. mark. cn7«c, waqif-kar, duqeequ-sunj, bareek-been, mo- huqqiq, nooktu-dan, v. judge, nooktu-cheen, khoordu-geer, khoordu-been, hurf-geer, moo- shigaf, sookhun-cheen, v. adept, carper, cen- surer. {»*•', critical, (accurate, q. v.) soorta, moo-shigaf^ nth- zook, bareek, v. important, nice, (from crisis) bojhranee, bahooree ; at the critical time, uen wuqt pur, V. captious. .^^^AlAw>^^rH\ critically, sihhut- diqqut- &c. -se, (a propos) bur-wuqt, rien-wuqt, bur-muhul. to criticise, khmrdubeenee- &c. -k. (to animad- vert) dokhna, ilzara-d, gilu-k. khoordu- Sic. -pukurna, v. to object, to censure. '*^^ criticism, khoordu-beenee, khciordti-geeree, nook- tu-cheenee, duqeequ-sunj ee, nooktu-danee, ueb- jo,ee, hurf-geeree, V. animadversion, remark, nuqqadee, v. censure, tus,heeh, v. correction, croak, ghonghon, burburahut, koorkooraliut. to croak, ghonghon-k. ghurghon-k. turtoon-k. (to mtirmur) niniyana, (as the belly) qurqur-k. V. to rumble, to caWy (to growl, q. v.) ghoon- ghoonana. -lO .'^iViW) «f> v. croaker, dhudhuchhuree, v. grumbler. •W'»i> crocodile, mugur, grab, (tears) bughelee-muya, kuth-rona, goorbu ruhmee, i. e. cafs mercy, V. alligator. croft, sa,ir, kola, v.Jield, yard, v iiw** k-m . croisade, ghuza, jihad. crony, lungotiya yar, yarghar, dooganu, v. inti- mate, comrade. crook, luktee, lukotiya, unksee, lungsee, uen- thun, bul, V. twist, khoondee, v. hook, (mean- der) bank, pher, (bend) khum, kujee. to crook, V. a. terha-k. luchana, luchkana, nu- wana, jhookana, khumana, uenthana, beengna, V. to warp, V. n. luchna, nuona, luchukna, jhookna, V. to bend. crook-backed, koozu-poosht, koobra, moonhunee. crooked, terha-banka, khum, khum-dar, kuj, bul- dar, terha bera, ungush bungush, beenga, bin- (mo 139 4)RU ga, bukur, benka, kiiumecdu, v. ifregular, perverse. A.^.^,.., || crookedly, kujee- 8ec. -se, v. the adj. crookedness, tcrha,ee, khum, kujee, v. ereoib. crook-necked, kuj-gurdun. .nUuwcw '^rni^i crop, onda, v. craw, (com) unaj, ghullu, v. grain, (product, q. v.) fusl, root, v. harvest, kuta,ee, oopja, v, produce, (head) qulmec, bubree, (eared) kun-kuta, v. earless. to crop, khontna, clihantna, katna, turashna, ku- tuma, torna, nochna, v. to pluck, toonga-k. v. to browse, to gather, mow. cropper, gola, v. pigeon. cropsick, mukhmoor, v. crapulence. cross, chuleepa, sulceb, quenchee, chuopara, pet- kata, cheera, trisool, (vewation, q. v.) hadisu, qubahut, khulul, khuraba, khundit, v. plague. cross, (tranverse, q. v.) ara, v. oblique, (adverse, q. V.) uondha, (perverse, i{.\.) mugra, sur- kush, huthee, muchla, v. untractable, (peev- ish) chirchira, v. fretful, (unfortunate) kum- bukht, V. across, (Itreed) doglila, jilierphar, galut, V. intermarriage, to interchange. to cross, (to lay across) ara- &c. -lugana, (to pass over) nanghna, ooturna, goozur- tue- qoboor-, par-k. (a river) parhee-d. or -khana, v. to transport, (a breed) doonusla-k. v. mungrel, clieenia, v. to intersect, (to thwart, q. v.) moo- zahumut-k. niunu-k. ra,egan- burbad-k. v. to obstruct, (to cancel, q. v.) qulum- kheenchna, qulum-marna, kat-d. (to lie across) katna, qati-h. v. to contradict. cross-bow, ghcold, v. bow. crosser, harij, v, adversary. cross-grained, rookha, roohra) v. crabbed, also surly. crossly, zid-se, bur-khilaf, v. cross. cross7iess, (perveraeness, q. v.) huth, zid, uks, v. peevishness. crost-way, chuo-ralia ; a cross wind, bad i moo- knalii. ,i,« l*^'** crotchet, tuning, v. conceit. to crouch, dubuk-buethna, panw-puma, bath-jor^ na, V. to cringe, stoop, faum. croup, doomguzu, sokha, (of a horse) poodle, shoorwal, v. rump. iiuA crow, kuowa, kag, zagb, ghoorrab, khug, ktig- wa, dom kuwa, kaga, (young) kugcla, (lever) oghura, slngra, gudala, sabul, (of a cock) bang. to crow, bang-d. (to bluster, q. v.) phoolphoolana, ghccrfish-k. shekhee-bugharna, v. to vapour. crowd, bheer, juma,qo, izhdiham, cliupqoolish, umboli, kusrut, thutji, (populace) uwam oon- nas, V. collection, concourse, rela, dungul, jum- ghut, tjmkthela, ijmu, alum, lushkur, jungul, dhara, mela thela, hushr, v. multitude, tumult, mob ; in crowds, gut ka gut, \.Jlock. to crowd, V. a. jorna, bhur-d. jumu-k. bhur- marna, joomna, bhirna, relna, v. to flock, muchmuchana, v. to fill, (to put close) ghuna-^ goonjan-k. v. n. (to press on) dubna, joorna, ju- rnu-h. bhuma, v. to thrust. crowded, mucha-much, khucha-khuch, v. full, gurm, ghuddar, v. populous. i.\ crow-foot, kagjungee, rijl col ghoorrab. crown, taj, ufsur, koolali, mutook, rnuor, v. end, (of the head) chandcc, taruk, taluo, tutree, mufriq, V. top, (of a hill) chontec, v. garland, (of a hat) chunda, v. scull, (money) dccnai^ tikkul, V. dollar, (lands) khalisu, khass, kham, kuuha, surkaree, v. government. to crown, taj-r. (to corner) dhampna, (to adorn) ruonuq-d. (to reward) ujr-d. (to finish) turn- am- akhir-k. v. to dignify. crowned, taj-dar, sahib-taj. .j it.;-ii.> crucible, koothalee, ghuriya, bootu, kooDiiya. cruciform, sulcebee, ciiulecpa-sa, v. cross. to crucify, tusleeb-k. v. to kill, cross. ""' S 2 5CBC7 140 cue crude, kuchcha, kham, naqis, na-tumam, (half ripe) guddur, v. indigested. crudeness, kucha,ee, khamee. crudity, bud-huzmee, ujeerun. cruel, be-ruhm, sung-dil, sukht, dooroosht,nathur, • nithcnr, zalim, be-durd, be-mooruwwut, be- mihr, be-muya, kuroorh, kuthor, kurra, si- tumgur, khoonee, jullad, v. savage, hard, bar- barous, brutal. cruelly, be-ruhmee- &c. -se. fRtSi^a^feijurf?; cruelty, cruelness, sung-dilee, sukhtee,door ooshtee, nithcnraiee, zalimee, be-ruhmee, be-mihree, be- mooruwwutee, tu.udee, qussabee, qusawut, v. butcher, oppression. cruet, sirka-danee, v. vial. cruise, piyalee, utr-dan. to cruise, phira-k. v. to rove. cricmh, tookra, parchu, choor, choorun, rezu, choora bhoora, tcokra-tera, v. bit, (of bread) gooda, niughz. •"»=;. tl^'fil-i'-i to crumble, choorna, choor choor- choora- rezu - rezu-k. mulna, bhoorbhoorana, khurana, v. n. khurna,choor-h.v.^ moulder; crumbled bread, choorma, muleedu. to crumple, mulna, torna, shikun-d. kookna, dul- musul-k. jhol-d. V. to crease. to crunk, crunkle, qurqur-k. crupper, doom-chee. crush, duba,o. , ?suhlana, r. to Jlatter. curry-comb, khuruhra, khurkhuru. cwrse, bud-doo,a, kosa, surap, lu,iin,lu,unut, dhik- kar, phitkar, dhirkar, v. imprecation, (among women) boor-juree, moonh khak, v. the Gram. page 248. (affliction, q. v.) afut, gbuzub, bu- la, quhr, wubal, qubahut, v. vexation ; curse it, toof, lU|Unut buhech, phit phit. to curse, kosna, surapna, phitkarna, bud d(n,a-d. nufreen- lu,unut-k. randna, (to afflict) afut-d. a curse upon him, oos pur lu,unut, lu,unut ool- lah ulueli ; cxtrse this business, I am heartily tired of it, is kam pur lu,unut ho muen is se sukht aree boon. cursed, (detestable, q. v.) lu,unutee,muloen,Iu,een, murdood, kureeh, zuboon, kutn-bukht, buet- cnlmal, dozukhee, nurkee, v. hellish; hmtj long shall I stay in this cursed countr?/? is btiet- oolmal moolk men kub tuk muen ruhoonga ? V. infamous, troublesome. cursedly, nakaru, zuboon, bu-shiddut, v. miser- ably. curser, bud doo,a-go, koswuya. cursorily, moojmulun, ghuflut- juldee-se, sur a suree. cursory, chuUe-lioo,e, yoonhee, v. slightly, (view) nuzuri ijmalee. curst, kuttur, huramee, shureer, markhundj v. wicked. to curtail, kum- kotah- qusur-k. ghutana, katna, V. to alrridge, shorten. curtain, musihree, purdu, ojhul, kupunilot, (wall, q. V.) ulung, iirtula, v. rampart, (lec- ture) tu,uleem khilvrutee. curvated, curve, curved, terha, kuj, khum-dar, moo.awwuj, pech-dar, banka, shoshu, dunanu, V. bow, moonhunee, v. crooked. curvature, curve, bank, terha,ee, kfaum, pech, mar-pech, v. bent. •^<'- » i to curve, terha- &c. -k, luchana, r. to bend. to curvet, koodna, phandna, just- bukur kood-k. cushion, guddee, musnud, ga,o-tukiyu, v. Mster, pillow. custard, faloodu, (apple) shureefu, seeta-phul, ata, lona ata, v. syllabub. custody, (care, q. v.) umanut, nigah-banee, tuo- hood, rukhwalee, hifaxut, hifz, huwalut, ruch- ha, dasht, hirasut, guthuond, tufweez, v. care, charge, (imprisonment) qued, bund, hubs. custom, (manner, fashion, q. v.) dustoor, rusm, pi. roosoom, zabitu, ruwueya, chal, ruwish, chulun, reet, churcha, ruwaj, qa.idu, qanoon, bundhej, surishtu, chulawa, kur, tureeq, a,een, mu,iimoor, ra,i j ool wuqt, neg, kirt, rah-rusum or ruwish, burtawa, r. practice, usage, (busi- ness, q. V.) jujmanee, lewa-dewee, luga,o, pe- cha-khochee, oothan, burdasht, oochaput, v. connexion,trafflc, (habit, q.v.) adut,mu,umool, ubbhyas, rubt, moo, u tad, v. disposition, nature, (tribute, q. v.) khiraj, muhsool, lugta, bihree, (run on goods) khuput, chah, kuttee, gahukee, mar, khureedaree, v. dealirig. customarily, uksnr, uksur-uoqat, buhodhan. custom , '.i;jn^ deaf, buehra, kur, soam, pumbu bu gosh, bora,' kun-phoota, burn budhir, (as a door nail) bu- jur-buehra, (pretending to he) kuth- or kuj- buehra. . .7 ^r/uii to deafen, baehra-k. kan-phorna; to be deaf, buehra-h. ooncha-sconna. deafness, buehra,ee, kuree, buehra-pun. 'i deal, (quantity, q. v.) qudr, (at cards) bant ; a great deal, boohtera, buhoot, buhoot koochh, khuele, uz-bus, v. much, abundance, enough, part, timber, to deal, (distribute, q. v.) bantna, hissu-k. (to scatter, q. v.) chhitkana, (to trajpc) tijarut-k. pher gher-k. v. to trade, chulun-chulna, v. to behave, also condzict; to deal with, moo,amu- lu- soolook- ri,ayut-k. dealer, (trader, q. v.) suoda-gur, karbaree, gol- dar,v. merchant, (in comp.) furosh, baz, go, (in corn) buniya, buqqal, bunjara, v. grocer, (at cards) qasim ; a plain dealer, sadu admee, sa- du sipahee ; a double dealer, riya-kar. dealing, (trade, q.v,) tijarut,buepar, (intercourse, business, q. v.) byohar, len-den, lewa-dewee, dad o situd, karobar, (treatment) soolook, v. action ; plain dealing, sadugee, sadu-mizajee, be-riya,ee ; double dealing, riya-karee, muk- karee. dear, muhnga, guran, tez, burhiya, v. costly DEB 149 DEC precious, 'ja.nee,v. darling; (lo a child) baba-jan, V. babe, (to a mother) becbee-jan, v. daughter, (beloved, (j. v.) uzeez, jiyoora, dtolara, pec, preetum, sujiin, sujunee, miyan, v. sir, scarce; my dear, mereo jan ; dear me ! hucn-huen, v. alas ! dear-bought, muhing mola, guran khureed. dearly, v. dear, (fondly) shuoq-se, ashiqanu. dearness, guranec, muhngee, v. fondness, dearth, kal, quht, iikal, mulia mar, tora, v. fa- mine, kum yab-ce, tungee, v. sterility, scarcity, death, v. carnage, muot, ujul, quza, murg, mirt, kal, hulakec, niurun, nas, funa, v. mortality, (untimely) ]vL\\ ami murg, koo mirt, (sudden) murg mufajat, qutl, v. natural, (to court ofie's) murun punkhiya- muot-lugna, moo,a-chahna, V. decease; at deatli's door, ujul-giriftu, qureeb m\ muot, ubtub, panw gor men, v. angel; a deatli's head, kasu,e-muot, v. angel; a death- bed, muvun scj, bisturi murg. to put to death, mar-d. jan-lena, v. to execxite, kill, murder, deathless, u-mur, la-muot, v. immortal, deathlike, muot kala, murg-nooma, v. deadly, death-watch, keet, sufed-keera. to debar, baz-r. barna, burujna, munii-k. muh- room-k. pher-r. ha,il-h. v. to hinder, to debase, v. to spoil, (to degrade, q. v.) soobook-, be abroo- pust- hulka- huqeer- khufeef- z«l- eel-k. V. to adulterate, surnigoon- sir neeclic-k. V. to humble, also abased, 'base. debasement, tuzleel, v. servility, degradation, debate, bulis, quziyu, moobahusu, jhugra, buk- hera, rugra, huft husht, mookaburu, mub,hiis, V. dispute, controversy, to ^bate, buhs- he. -k. jhugurna, buhusna, v. to deliberate, debauch, bud-purhezce, be-i|Utidalce, khoomar, v. intoxicated. to debauch, (contipt) bigarna, be-rah- budrah-, khv/ar- kiuirab- ubtur-k. goomrali-k. v. to' abuse, ubtur- awaru- &c. -k. v. debauchee, jhansna, cjobharna, v. to seduce, (live intempe- rately) budpurhezcc- hurkut na moonasib-k. (a woman) huram- zina- aloodu- luislit-k. v. to deflower, hoormut-lena, v. to ravish, debauched, rfe6aMc/tee,khurabatee, rind,bud-kar, uobash, ueyash, tumasha-been, huvam-kar, shureer, zanee, v. libertine, rake, debauchery, uobasliee, tumasha-bcenee, bud-ka- . ree, huram-karec, ueyashee, fisq o foajoor, rin- dee^indec-bazee, awarugee, ubturee, v. in- temperance, luxury. to debilitate, tor-d. natuwan- kumzor- naqoow- wut- 7.u,cef- nuqcch-k. debilitating, tun gradaz, gula,oo, v. weakness, debility, na-tuwanee, na-qoowwutec, kum-zoree, zoo,uf, nuqahut, nirbulee, v. feebleness, debt, qurz, duen, rin, rulitec, wam, lulma, cod- har, dhurta, den, byohur, dadunee, v. obliga- tion; a just debt, wajib cal uda, v. payment, (hearing no interest) qurz. husnu. debtor, qurz-dar, duen-dar, riniya, mucjrooz, wam-dar, baqcc-dar, byoluiriya, djharta, dhar- nik, khudook, mudiyoon, (side) jumu, v. obli- ged. . decade, ushru, ushooru, duha,ce, duha. decagon, moo,iishshur, duligoshu. to decamp, kooch- puc,an-k. dmle-jana, dcru- oothana, oothna, v. to march, rufoo chukkur-h. V. to depart, scamper, decampment, kooch, rihlut. to decant, tira-lcna, tirana, pusana, nitarna, ooj- hulna, ootlhelna, v. ctip. decanter, piyalu. decay, timuzzool, zuwa!, ghuttec, fursoodugee, ghisawut, ootar, dhula,o, ghisa,o, ghuta.o, &c. V. decline. DEC 150 DEC to decay, ghisna, ghutna, khusna, chhutna, gul- na, noozool- tunuzzool- zuwal- kum-h. surna, boseedu- moonduris-hojana, ooturna, gcDZurna, girna, dhulna, purna, tootna, khisukna, jhurna, lutiyana, phisphisana, boodhiyana, khyana, khorana, oorna, bigurna, murna, v. to fade, wither, die, jana, v. to fall ; v. a. ghutana, ghisana; khusana, kum-k. surana. decease, muot, rihlut, intiqal, wisal, wufat, irti- hal, waqi, jatee, gunga labh, untkal, mookt, pue,an, kooch, v. death, departure, to decease, rihlut- &c. -k, v. to expire. deceaset/, mootuwuffa, V. to die; the deceasM,ra\xr- hoom, mughfoor, buliisht nuseeb, invktee, buekoonthee, v. defunct, deceit, v. deception, dugha, fureb, buhanu, nukh- ru, chhul, jool, thuga,ee, mukr, heelu, fitrut, tuzweer, kued, funn, v. stratagem, chiritr, chukur mukur, nutkhutee, kuput, thug, bid- dya, V. cheat, fraud, juggle, deceitful, deceiver, v. double, dugha-baz, chhullee, tiiug, mukkar, moozuwwir, fitrutee, mukr- amez, v. fraudulent, funn-furebee, siyah- chushm, zun-aq, saloos, bhuglee, ooranchhoo, moDheel, heelu-saz, v. artful, insidious, deceitfully, dugha bazee- &c. -se. deceitfulness, dugha-bazee, heelu-bazee, tuzweer. to deceive, dugha- &c. -d. thugna, chhulna, duh- kana, undhlana, bala-d. bhutkana, bhoot phe- ree-d. v. to circumvent, delude, trick, {to mis- lead, q. V.) bhoolawa^k. {to disappoint, q. v.) niras-k. December, poos, ponkh, poh, tuekh, suhsa, Q9,th month) zilhij, zeehijju. decency, sha,istugcc, arastugee,mu,uqooliyut,im- tiyaz, udub, v. propriety, {modesty, q. v.) shurm, laj. decennial, duh-salu, dusbursa. dece7it, sha,istu, arastu, mu,uqool, la,iq, oochit, sohata, imtiyazee, \.Jit, {modest, q. v.) muh- joob, V. becoming, decently, Imtiyaz- &c. -se. deception, wuhm, dhokha, bala, ooran, indirjal, nue-rungee, bhoolawa, chhulawa, mirg trish- na, orangha,ee, ala bala, bhugul, dar raudar, dith, bond, chatuk natuk, nuzur-bund, v. de- ceit, delusion, fallacy, boor ka luddoo, v. bub- ble, to decide, hookm- futwa-d. fuesul- mconqutu- in- ^sal-k. rufU|U-k. chookana, furmana, nya,o- chookana, qutu-k, v. to settle ; to be decided^ chcxjkna, fuesul- &c. -h. v. to determine. ^ , decider, maonsif, hukum, mooslih, v. arbitrator, decimal, ushree, ushratee, v, decade, to decimate, duh yek-nikalna, dusmen se ek-lena. decimation, tu,usheer, duh yekee. to decipher, purhna, butlana, tu,ubeer- buyan-fc. nikalna, kholna, zahir-k. v. to explain, ex- pound, unravel, decipherer, rumz-shinas. decision, hookm, futwa, fuesulu, infisal, niptara, chookuota. •■ ,<,i<'.. decisive, poora, shafee, qutUiCe, qati, natiq, ka-. mil, saf, mconqutu, v. conclusive, complete, deck, tukhtu, putuotun, tukhtu bundee, raunzil, y. Jloor, story ; a two decker, do munzilu ju- haz, V. dresser, to deck, sunwarna, bunana, arastu-k. zeb-d. aras- tu puerastu-k. chiknana, tukulloof-k. v. dress, to adorn, to declaim, v. to inveigh, tuqreer- kulam- buyan-, burnun-k. bukhana, oochar-k. pokarna, chih- rana, v. to preach, excite, declaimer, khoosh-tuqreer, mooqurrir, oocharee, bukta, chihra,oo, v. speech, exclamation, also invective, declamatory, turghoebanu, nufsanee, turgheebee, rungeela, nufs-ungez, v. to decry. :,.;j > . DEC 151 BED declaration, {affirmation, q. v.) isbat, izhar, thq- reer, tu,ubeer, tushreeh, muhzur, istiy.har, bo- lee, V. affidavit, avowal, publication, testimo- ny, to declare, iqrar- &c. -k. bolna, kuhna, furma- na, V. to say, (to publish, q. v.) ulaniju> ash- kara- prikash-k. v. to proclaim, declarer, mooqir, moo,uturif. declension,\. declination,(in/le.vion,c[,v.) tusreef, gurdan, roop, surf, seeghu. declinable, mootusurrif, moonsurif, burtanee, mo- rub, surf-pu7.eer, roopee, sundhi, v. change^ able. dec/«MO- qurrur, mookhtus- moo,ueyun-k. thuhrana, bandhna, churliana, nuzr-k. v. to devote, (a book) ke nam-bunana, v. to inscribe, wuqf-k. de-d. V. to bequeath, mooqueyiid-k. dedication, tuqurroor, tushukhkhoos, (of a book) muduh, V. appropriation. to deduce, nikahia, hasil istikhraj-k. v. to trace, arrange. to deduct, -vrarn- minha-k. nikal-dalna, kafna, bad-k. nirujre-lena, ootarna, v. to subtract. dedwtion, (consequence, q. v.) nuteoju, hasil, ma- husul, (subtraction) minha,ee, wuzceyat, (mi money) butta, qoosoor, wuzu, hushoo minha, DEF 152 BEF chhoot, katkootjV. discount, (a military) shum- see qumree. deed, kam, urth, kaj, kariij, kirdar, umul, sakli- tu-purdakhtu, v. work, action, {exploit, q. v.) jokhim, {fact) huqeequt, birtant ; a written deed, qubalu, sunud, dustawez, (in comp.) na- mu, puttur, V. agreement, {pi. kagliuz puttur) V. paper; good and evil deeds, umal i qubeehu o husnu, V. doing. to deem, janna, mu,uloom- duriyaft-k. v. to think. deep, adj. guehra, gumbheera, iimeeq, ghurq-ab, dooba.o, uogah, ugum, doongha, v. profound, ghor, V. dead, {insidious, q. v.) gurar, garha, V. treacherous, {as a regiment) chuora, luniba, V. breadth, {as roads) gundu, ghuleez, dhu- sa|00, V. had, zhurf, {low, q. v.) khala, {ob- scure, q. V.) duqeeq, mooshkil, kuthin, {saga- cious, q-v.) bareek-been, duqeequ-shinas, {art- ful, q. V,) pukka, mootufunnee, {grave in sound) bharee, {dark, applied to colour) guehra, shokh ; a deep sleep, sookh neend, v. solemn, gloomy. deep, {the sea) sumoondur, sagur, durija,e shor, buhr i mcBheet, {abyss, q. v.) qu,ur, puera^o, v. ocean, dead. to deepen, guebrana, umeeq-k. v. to sadden, dxeply. A', deep, {profoundly) diqqut-se, {greatly) > buhootj nihayut, v. much. deepness, guehra,ee, romooq, doongha,ee, v. above, tU|Umooq, V. profundity. deer, hum or hirn, mirg, ahoo, chikaru, kulwat, kali-hur, mirg raj, zubee, neel ga|0, ga,o dush- tee, sambur, ghotra, v. elk, stag, doe; a young deer, hirnuota, ghizal; deer-eyed, ahoo-chushm, inirg-nuen ; perhaps apphcable to those who have large languishing eves. to deface, bigarna, khurab- muhw-k. kat-dalna, , toi-dalna, {to erase, q. v.) tuluf. mismar- gha- rut-k V. to destroy. defacement, tukhreeb, v. the verb. to defalcate, chhant-lena, v, to embezzle, decrease. defamation, bud-namee, boohtan, toofan, iftira, ittiham, lim, dhansa, v. slander. .•■st to defame, budnam-k. toohmut- ueb-lugana, rooswa-k. v. to asperse, defamer, nioofturee, tojhmutee, toofanee, dhan- siya. default, goonah, khuta, tuqseer, kotahee, upra^lh, v. IV ant. defeat, y.Jlight, sliikust, huzeemut, har, pura- jue, mar, chhue, bhungta, zuk, v. overthrow, to defeat, shikust- Stc. -d. liurana, marna, bhu- gana, katna, torna, bhangna, pultana, mar- hutana, chulana, lent, ootarna or girana, v. to conquer, disperse, {frustrate, q. v.) burbad-d. ra,egan- zayu-k. defeated, shikust khoordu. to defecate, nitharna, v. to purify, defect, qcDsoor, kusr, zuwal, ueb, nooqsan, chock, khuta, khulul, qubahut, kan, pooth, ghuttee, ahoo, V. blemish, foible, imperfection, defection, {apostacy, q. v.) irtidad, {revolt, q. v.) bugliawut, uwuggya, defective, naqis, mooqussur, na-tumam, udh-kut- ta, kana, khota, ghat, phoota, khuta, za,il, v. deficient, mu,uzoor,v. lame, &;c. {Juulty) mu u- yoob, iiebee, dokhit ; a defective noun, ism i naqis. defectiveness, na-tumamee, v. defect. -"• >- defence,^ . preservation, {protection, q.v.) puHah, ar, rok, hifazut, siyanut, rukhwalee, arwar, urtula, asra, nusrut, v. shelter, {vindication) moo,uzurut, hoojjut, tuojeeh, {resistance, q. v.) roktok, tu,urrooz, (reply) juwab, oottur, v. prohibition, defenceless, be-qued, waz, ni-dhal, lundoora, v. impotent, open, to defend, dustgeeree- himayut- punchh- &c. -k. DBF 158 DBF pcoshtee-d. bucliana, arna, yaree- &c. -d. V. assistance, (to vindicate) cn/.r- &c. -k. {to rp/)/y) juwab-d. (to uphold) sumbhalna, thamb- na, V. to prohibit, defendant, majdda-ulueh, prit-badee, [opposed to mooddu,ec, badee, the plaintiff ;'\ fureeq, sanee, turufsanee, usamee, -v. party, criminal; the defendant and plai7itiff, fureequen. defended, mulifooz, muhroos, musoon, v. safe. defender, hamee, himayutee, iiioohafiz, rukh-wa- la, ruchhuk, nuseer, nasir, hafiz, v. advocate, protector, defensible, buchunhar, hifazut- &c. -puzeer, v. justifiable, defensive, bucha,oo, mcnhafizanu, muhroosanu ; to stand on the defensive, bucha,o-k. to defer, talna, rukhna; he deferred this business till to-morrow, mn ne is kam ko kul pur rukha, (to delay, q.v.) ihraal- dirungee- soustee- dheel-, tal mutol-k. (to refer) rcojoo,u-k. le-jana. deference, (respect, q. v.) i,utibar, bawur, udub, lihaz, (submission, q. v.) tubueyut, tabi-da- ree. defiance, dhumkee, dheenga-dhangee, hank, lum- kar, V. challenge, (dress of) kesuriya-baga, soorkh poshak, v. to defy, deficiency, kumtee, kumee, ghuttce, ghata, kiisr, qojsoor, butta, shikust, kusrat, v. defect, loss, deficient, kum, qasir, udhoora, v. defective, qu- leel, V. little, shikustu, kotab, ghutiya, v. short, (to be) khugna, ghutna, v. to fail, (as money) butuha, mulut. defier, hunkaree, dhumkee baz, v. threat, defile, naka, gulee, koochu, sukree-gulee, sankur, suket, V. strait, to defile, napak- &:c. -k. jhootalna, chhootuhur-, usoodh- usooch- Sec. -k. v. polluted, bhurna, V. to dirty, (as soldiers) pantee pantee-chulna, V. file, debauch. defilement, napakee, gundugee, ghulazut, nuja- sut, aloodugce. dejinahle, qabil tushkhees, qabil tu,ucyun. to define, bueyan- tu,ureef- hudd- bukhan- shu- ruh-k. V. to decide, mark, definite, (certain, q. v.) mojqurrur, muhdood, tuhqeeq, (article, q. v.) hurfi mu,urifu, v. distitict. definitio^i, tu,ureef, hudd, bukhan, tushkhees, bi- char, V. determination, explanation, definitive, v. definite, (positive, q.v.) qutu,ee, mco- kummul, poora. definitively, qutu,un. to deflagrate, ooTana,i>hooiik-d.(thenoun) oor8,o, V. to kindle, bum. to deflower, bikr-torna, cheera-ootarna, zufaf-k. stree gumun-k. phorna, (to ravish, q. v.) nusht-k. V. to defile, defloiverer, bikr-tor or -phor, v. ravisher. defluvion, v. humour, nuzlu, zookam, rezish, gi- ra,o, olumba, sunpat, v. flux, to deform, bigarna, beduol- khurab- nakam-k. bud cDsIoob-bunana. deformed, bud-sliukl, kureeh-muiu.ur, bud-hue- ut, bud-undam, koobj, na-muozooii, v. ugly, deformity, be-iluolce, bud-shuklee, khurabee, ku- reeh-mun/.uree, qrobh, qubaliut, v. defect, ir- regularity, ugliness, to defraud, thuga,ee-k. chhul- fureb- dugha-d. or -k. V. to cheat, to defray, cDthana, dena, kurna, lugana, uda-k. V. to pay, e.rpend. defunct, murhoom, mughfoor, bue koonth-basee, ghureeq nihmut, gunga-labhee, v. deceased, to defy, dhumkana, dhirana, dhumkee-d. dheen- ga dhan{jee-k. hankna, lura.ee-chahna or mol- lena, khum-thonkna, v. to brave; (to chal- lenge) muedan-k.; to set at defiance,ungooth(i- dikhlana, v. to contemn. U DEI 154 DEL degeneracy, ibtizal, khurabee, duna-ut, kumqu- dree, pust-himmutee, khissut, tunuzzool, ni- jut, V. degenerate, depravity, meanness. degenerate, v. to fall, moDbtuzu], kum-qudr, khwar, khurab, zuleel, kum usl, na-kliuluf, bud-zat, tookhm-bud, v. hase. to degenerate, moobtuzul- naqis- kum qudr-ho- jana, goozur-jana, bigurna. degradation, be-boormutee, roDswa.ee, fuzeehu- tee, istikhfaf, khiffut. to degrade, behoormut- kum qudr- tugheer-k. oo- tarna, girana, ghutana, v. humble, to disgrace. degraded, be-abroo, be-hoormut, rooswa, be-qudr, kum-qudr, khufeef. degree, murtubu, durju, munzilut, rootbu, pa:yu, dusa, nuobut, qudur, tubqu, v. state, {descent, q. V.) poosht, peerhee, (class, q. v.) qism, Ui- ruh, prikar, (in geometry') durju, uns, v. part, shan, muhut, v. rank, usl, zat, v. origin, (step) qudum, (college) fatihu-furakh; to suck a de- gree, is murtube ko, eehan-tuk ; in some degree, koochh ek ; to this degree, is qudur, v. pitch ; hy degrees, qudum bu qudum, murtubu bu- murtubu, qudre qudre, thora thora, v. gra- dually. to deject, (sadden) oodas- &c. -k. torna, thuosana, V. to depress. dejected, oodas, dil-geer, burkhastu, khastu-kha- tir, dil-tung, na-khoosh, ufsoordu-dil, azoDrdu, surnigoon, sog mara, puzhmoordu dil, dur- mandu, v. aJjUicted, sad. dejectedly, oodasee- Sec. -se. dejection, dejectedness, oodasee, mulola, ufsoordu- gee, dil-geeree, na-khooshee, ufsoordu-khati- ree, azoordugee, shikustugee, mulalut,v. supra, also melancholy, weakness. deification, de,okar. ■•'•-'- to deify, khooda-k. -bunana or -janna, v. to con- sider, iiUah kur-manna. to deign, razee-h. qubool-k. mootuwujjih- moo- juwwiz- ruvvadar-h. tuwujyooh-k. v. to grant, jhookna, v. to stoop, condescend, deism, tusuwwoof, bedant, soofee-guree, hustik, V. deist, deist, mootusuwwif, uhli tusuwwoof, soofee-muz- hub, hustikee, bedantee. fl?'i ,9^r(rs^ irrrrw deity, dCiOta, de|0, khosda, ullah, eeshonr, inu,u- bood, bhugwan, gopal, gunes, v. God, Creator, Almighty, &c. delay, deree or der, dirungee, dheel, iiber, bi- lumbh, ihmal, tuwuqqoof, moohlut, istadugee, tu,uweeq, imtidad, ber, bar, v. procrastination, also space, (detentiofi, q. v.) ooljhera, rok, moo- zahumut ; without delay, bila tuwuqqosf. to delay, deree-k. tool-k. (to detain, q. v.) rokna, arna, ursu-khuenchna or -lugana, v. to dally, frustrate, delectable, murghoob, muze-dai', sobhaman, v. pleasing, delegate, (an agent, q. v.) wukeel, na,ib, pesh- dust, pesh-kar. to delegate, bhejna, ruwanu-k. (to intrust, q. v.) huwalu-k. dena, (to appoint) thuhrana, moo- qurrur-k. thuhra-bhejna, v. to depute, delegation, wikalut, niyabut, v. commission, deleterious, moohlik, mcnzir, summee, zuhur-dar, bikhee. deliberate, moodubbir, gumbheera, sahib-tudbeer, door-undesh, v. discreet, (slow, q. v.) dheema. to deliberate, sochna, bicharna, tu,ummool- &c. -k. butiyana,kuthiyana, kuh-soannana, v. toiveigh, canvass, deliberately, tu,ummool-se, mcxidubbiranu, sochke, socligochke, v. cautiously, coolly, deliberation, tudbeer, tu,ummool, fikr, dhyan, socb, tufukkoor, undeshu, ghuor, aqibut-un- deshee, bicliar, tujweez, khuoz, kupur-chhan, V. circumspection, (caution, q. v.) khubur-da- / ' DEL 155 DEL ree, chet, tudarcok, (slowness, q. v.) takheer, V. consultation. delicnnj, delicateness, v. dainty, (elegance, q. v.) nuzakut, sookwaree, {neatness, q. v.) pakee- zugec, smghrafic,{plcasantness,(\.v.) khoobcc, luzzut, {nicety, q. v.) sunsue, rusa,en, v. ten- dernes8,r\is, suwad, v. taste, {softiiess) moola,i- ^ muti(scrupulousness) tuyfuhha>ia,v. weakness. delicate, v. beautiful, {elegant, q. v.) naznecn, nazcok, ru.iina, {neat, q. v.) pakeezu, sooghur, {nice, q. v.) wuswasee, wuhmee, mootuwuli- him, {dainty, q. v.) khrosh-dimagh, {Jine, q. V.) bareck, puteela, soochliim, kaghuzee, na- zook-tubii, thoomka, lupank, bisunec, mulook, nazneen, naz-purwur, dundan-misree, too- nuk, sheesha^basha, v. effeminate, {soft, q. V.) moola,im, {weak) kum-zor, v. delicious, clear. delicately, nuzakut- &c. -se. delicious, lutcef, luzeez, murghoob, muzudar, khoosh-guwar, khoosh-za,iqu, besh, toohfu, na^ dir, khassu, v. agreeable, pyara, suwadik, za,i- qvidar, mooluzzuz, khrosh muzu, soondur, un- und, uhlad, v. delectable, sweet. deliciousness, lootf, lutafut, nlfasut, kuefiyut,mu- zu-daree, buhar, muqj, luzzut, tuluzzooz, nu- fasut, V. supra. delight, khoosliee, khoorrumee, sooroor, shadce, anund, mod, buzz, musurrut, iniblsatj ulilad, dil-kliwah, murghoob oot-tubu, v. darling, joy, pleasure. to delight, khoosh- musroor-k. hoolsana, reejhana, nihal-k. v. to please. to delight in, chahna. delighted, khnosli, khoorrum, muhzooz, musroor, shad, shad-man, khooshnood. • .\m delightful,delight8ome,dil-chusp,dil-kush,faTvh- . buksh, khooshaind, poM"-buhar, ruseela, khoor- rum, furuh-nak, v. charming, delicious. delightfully, buliar- kuefiyut- Sjc. -sc. ^ delighffulness, dll-chuspee, dil-kushec, dil-awc zee, V. delight. to deli9ieate,n\i(]sh\i- duol-bunana,8iyah qulum-k. mmkhuttut-k. v. to draw, {to paint) tusweer-, shubeeh-kheenchna, -bunana or -ootarna, {to describe, q. v.) butlana, tuqreer-k. delineation, nuqshu, khaka, delinquency, goonah, khuta, qpr^dtii chook, tuq- seer, qoosoor. •*,/■■ delinquent, goonah-gar, tuqseer-war, upradhee, moojrim, asee. delirious, v. mad, be-hosh, be-khood, mud-hosh, be-huwas, uchet, hiziyan-ec or -zudu, khalee- dumagh, v. below. delirium, be-hoshee, be-khoodec, be-huwasee, mud-hoshee,hu7.iyan,hiziyan,ghushce,ghush, sursam, ba.e jhuk, v. to rave. to deliver, {to liberate, q. v.) azad-k. nujat-d. {to save, q. v.) punah-d. muhfooz-r. {to give up) huwalu- tufweezr- sipoord-k. sompna, pher-d. dhurana, djiurna, puhonchana, v. to consign, also to betray, {to give, q. v.) dena, pukrana, gutana, v. to transfer, {to relate, q-v.) bolna, tuqreer-k. {to express, q. v.) oocha- run-k. V. to utter ; to deliver a wmnan, juna- na, V. to bear. deliverance, delivery, {release, q. v.) khulasee, ri- ha,ee, foorsut, chhootee, nistara, tubleegh, pu- honcha,o, dhura.o, v. conveyance, nujat, gut, V. salvation, {utterance,q.v.) luqluqu,tuqreer, goya,ee, gooftar, buchun, baki, wuzu,i gosf- tugoo, tuluffooz, V. address, {surrender) tuf- weez, {child-birth) junna, byaua, wuzu.i hu- mul. to delude, buhlana, buelikana, bhutkana, ghoo- mana, tal mutol-k. dhutoora- dhokha- S;c. -d. ankhon men khak-d. khilana, ghojupcdi-^* jhoolana, v. delusion, to amuse. , U 2 DEM 156 DEN deluder, delusive, dugha-baz, dimbhee, ghulut- kar, buhka,00j bhoola|Oo, ghulut, v. cheater, knave. to delve, khodna, gorna. deluge, toofan, (Jlood, q. v.) tooghiyanee, barh, jula, raue, jularno, V. inundation. ;ju;m to deluge, doabona, ghurq-k. ; to he deluged, doob- na, ghurq- moostughruq-h. delusion, dhokha, tilism, khiyal, tuwuhhoom, khwab, fureb, numood be bood, v. deception, imposture, {cheat, q. v.) dugha, mooghalutu, V. fraud, detnagogue, mojtufunnee, v. factious, ringleader, demain, demesne, tu,ullooqu, umlu, sa,ir, ruqbu, V. estate, demand, (claim) dvi,\i'W7i,hsid, (requisition, q.\.) istida, suwal, chah, khwahish, mutlub, moj- talibu, tjilub, istihqaq, (on goods) mar, khu- ench, guhkee, chot, pyar, v. run, (account of demands) tuojeeh. '«' j). ,toj-.?. .v{• ./.v,- j -: demolisher, mcDnhudim, bekh-kun, oojaroo, v. de- stroyer. demolition, pa,emalee, weeranee, tora,ee, v. de- struction. demon, jinn, ifreet, de,o, bhoot, duet, bhootna, rachhus, bliokus, usoor, jann, v. devil ; a syl- van demon, ghool, rakhis, \. fairy. demoniac, v. mad, bhootuha, bhoot luga, aseb- zudu, V. devilish. demonstrable, dulalut puzeer, v. evident. :m to demonstrate, butlana, jutana, dikhlana, duleel- &c. -lana, dulalut-k. moodullul- sabit- raoo- burhun-k. thuhrana, such-k^v. to prove. demonstration, duleel, boorhan, dal, isbat, hcojjut, V. the verb. ' 'iy^lul ,Wis«Vj;!t%k) demonstrative, moosbit, mcodullil, mooburhin. demonstratively, duleel- &c. -se. to rfemMr,agapeechha- pusopesh-k. gojman- shuk-, sundeh- bhurum-rukhna, unmuna-h. utukna, moozubzub-k. v. to doubt, hesitate, deliberate. demure, v. reserved, (modest, q. v.) muhjoob, goorbu-miskeen, bugla bhugut, v. hesitation, (grave, q. v.) bharee. demurely, muhjoobanu, hljab-se. ai Juurti. demureness, hijab, shurm, laj, (gravity, q. v.) sunjeedugee, bojhbhar. demurrage, guhree, roka,ee, yuomi tu,uteel. den, (lion''s) thur, (wolfs) bhar, mand, v. cave. deniable, qabil-inkar, inkar-puzeer, nunh karee. denial, inkar, nanh, nunh kar, tunafee, v. refu<- sal. i -"-riVin j[iwitii- ;jj.i' ■>**«■> denier, moonkir, inkaree, iiootunafee. ' '' ' to denominate, kuhna, nam-r. bolna, moosumma-k^ denominated, mooluqqub, v. named.. DEP 157 DEP to he denominated, kuhlana, bajna. denomination, nam, ism, luquh, tusmiyu. denominator, na,on dharik, {infractions) rau?.- roob feeh. to denote, butlana, jutana, dikhlana, dulalut-k. to denounce, v. to declare, izhar-k. khubur-il. nam-r. kuhna, v. to accuse, (to threaten) dhum- kana. dense, sungeen, bharec, garha, moonjumid, ku- seef, ghuleez, v. compact. density, sungeenee, injimad, kusafut, ghiliaut. dental, duntec, sunccnee, wastce. denticulated, dundane-dar, khundana. dentrificc, munjun, sunoon, missee. dennnciation, tuhdeed, wu,eed, v. threat, also charge. to deny, in,kar-k. nioon|kir-h. mookurna, neend- na, nukarna, nulieen-k. numanna, oohoon-k. moond-dhoonna, kan pur hath-r. sulb-k. v. de- nial, to refuse. deohstruent, moofuttih. io depart, chulna, jana, chule-jana, ooth-jana, sid- harna, ruwanu- rahee-h. v. to decamp, chhorna, nlkulna, sidh-k. futih-k. rookhsuU wida,u-h. tushreef-lejana, v. to retire, digna, v. to de- sert, {altout to) jub tub- ub tub-horuhna, v. to pass, vanish, {to revolt, q. v.) moortud-bu- ghee-h. {to decease) rihlut-k. murna, v. to de- , Mst. department, v. post, cohdu, khidmut, v. business, ilaqu, zimmu, v. province, muhal, v. division, district. departure, ruwangee, kooch, puyan, chala, jatra, chulchula,o, pa,c-torab, pa,e-rikab, hljrut,uu([l- muqam, v. inarch, {decease, q. v.) rihlut, wu- fat. to depend, {to hang from) lutukna, hilugna, lug- na, V. to join, utukna, v. to rest, damun-pu- kurna, v. to rely, {to confide in, q. v.) com- med-r. tuhqceq- yuqeen- rast- such-janna, {to rest on) muoqoof- moonhusir-h. (to be connect- ed, q. v.) ma)tu,ulluq-h. {to be undetermined) purna, ooljha- mooltuwee- moo/.ubzub-ruhna. dependance, dependancy, {connexion, q. v.) ulaqu, luga|0, mel, sunjog, silsilu, {confideyice, q. v.) asra, as, oommed, i,utimad, i,utibar, bhurum, {subjection, q. v,) furman-burdarce, tabj-da^ ree, ita,ut, adheenta, v. subordination. dependant, adj. mootu,ulliq, moozaf, moolhuq, mco- tuwussil, moonhusir, muoqoof, {undetermined) moozubzub, Inojltuwee. dependant, wabustu, damun-geer, pichh-luga, lu- wahiq, tabi, rufeeq, sunglugee, matuht, bun- du, purbus, puranee, purja, uggyakar-ee, v. retainer, (pi. tvho attend weddings, &c.) ne- gee jogee, v. inferior, subjection. to depict, tuqreer-k. v. description, also to paint. depilation, moo-kliora, {deplumation) bumunee. depilatory, noora. jmt^^b <\i}u . • deplorable, kum-bukht, sukht, bud, tung, boora, shudeed, qabll giriyan, rone-jog, v. contempti- ble, miserable. deplorahleness, kum-bukjitce, sukhtee, tungee, islitidad. deplorably, bu-shiddut. to deplore, rona, kcorhna, puchhtana, ba,e- ah-, tu.ussoof- husrut-k. zaree- gu'iyu-k. v. to la- ment. deponent, guwah, shahid, sakh. to depopulate, oojarna, weeran- taklit o taraj- zcr- zubur- gharut-k. depopulated, oojar, weeran, khurab, khurab-klius- tu, be-cliiragli, pa,cmal; to he depopulated, oo- junia, weeran-li. depopulation,v,'ecranee, pa,cmalee, khurabec, bc- cliiraghee, v. tfie verb, destroyer. deportment, chuluo, dhung, ruftar, turecq, v. air. DEP 158 DER td depose, tugheer- muoqoof- kharij-k. ootha- -d. girana, puchliarna, khulu-k. v. to dis- '■ grace, bolna, kuhna, v. to assert, ootarna, clal- na, (to attest) shuhadut-d. v. to degrade, de- posite. deposite, umaniit, dhurohur, thatee, wadee,iit, (pledge) giruo. to deposite, rukhna, dhurna, sompna, sipoord- hu- walu-k. umanut-r. ootar- gar- le-r. zimmu-k. chhorna, rukh-chhorna, dalna, v. to pledge, lay, bury, deposited, umahutee. deposition, (testimony, q. v.) shuhadut, sakhee, ' shahidee, zuban-bundee, v. affidamt, tukhli- r^: V. dismission. depository, v. receptacle, umanut-dar, dhurohvi- ree, v. guardian, (of treasure) dufeenu, v. hoard, till, depot, zukheeru, v. magazine, depravation, depravity, depravedness, depravement, fusad, inqilab, bigar, boora,ee, k,hota,ee, khu- rabee, tubahee, inhiraf, pher pjiar, v. vitious, wickedness. to deprave, khurab- tubah- boora- khota- fasid-, moonhurif-k. phirana, v. to corrupt, vitiate, depraved, mcokhtul. to he depraved, bigurna. to deprecate, istighfar- tuobu-k. (to intercede Jbr) shufa,ut- cpzr moo,uzurut- rozrkhwahee-k. v. to implore, deprecation, v. blessing, istighfar, shufa,ut, oop- kar, V. mediator, also submission, isti|Ufa, isti,u- zar, V. apology. deprecator, qozr-khwah, shufee,u, moostughfir. to depreciate, ootarna, ghutana, hulka- hetha- soo- book-k. hiqanit- ihanut- muzummut-k. du- bana, marna, v. to undervalue. io depredate, lootna, lootpat- takht o taraj- khak siyah- gharut-k. depredation, loot-pat, takht o taraj, v. the verb. depredator, rah-zun, quzzak, butpar, lootera, qoot- tau cot tureeq, v. robber. to depress, dabna, dubana, puchkana, pust-k. (to deject, q. v.) ufsc»rdu- diltung- surd-k. ghuta- na, zer-k. boojhana, v. to humble, sink. =j >>* depression, duba.o, puchuk, v. dejection. ' a deprivation, udum, nast. to deprive, lena, lelena, chheen-lena, khuench-, nikal- karh-lena, kat-d. mu,iizoor- sulb- klia- lee-k. (of life) mar-sutna or -A. marna jan se, V. to debar, eject, take. deprived, (of reason) musloob-asl uql, v. void. depth, V. deepness, guehra,o, cpmooq, gihra,ee, (middle) mudh, uen, shubab, v. height, chuo- raiCe, V. obscurity, abyss. deputation, wikalut, niyabut, umeenee, umanut- daree, v. missimi. to depute, bhejna, ruwanu- irsal-k. wukeel-k. wikalut-d. v. to send, appoint. deputy, V. commissioner, wukeel, na,ib, pesh-dust, peshkar, mooslirif, janisheen, umeen, (shipi) v. agency, niyabut, wukeelee, na,ibee, (in comp.) pesh, V. viceroy. •''■(•<.': ,' to deride, hunsna, bunana, tueyar- tusukhkhoor- S:c. -k. thutha- tu,imu-marna, v. to jeer. derision, thutholee, reesh-khundee, zurafut, mus- khurgee, muzah, (vulg. muzakh) tumuskhoor, istihza, thutha, muskhuree, zutul, v. ridicule, (a laughing stock) muskhuru, huduf, mutqon. derivation, ikhraj, booniyad, jur, mool, v. origin, wujih tusmiyu, furoo,at, bhed, buramud, v. ety- mology, (source, q. v.) maddu, musdur, (in grammar) ishtiqaq. derivative, furu, mooshtuq. jibiu to derive, v. to come, nikalna, lena, ukhz- ma- khooz-k. mooshtuq-k. v. to trace, pukurna, lana, v. to receive. derived, mootufuru, v. derivative. BES 159 BBS to derogate, ghutana, bequdr- bewuqr- huqeer-k. V. to depreciate. .Mtc-wq mei. derogation, hiqarut, be-qudree, 1)e-wuqree, soo- bcokee, istikhfaf. derogatory., mu,uyoob, na-moonasib,na-]a,iq, ghat, ujog, bu,ced ; to be derogatory, ooturta-hona. dervis, durwesh, firqeer. io descant, geet-gana, v. to expatiate. ■fVti^^i-.' to descend, ooturna, hooboot-k. waqi- sadir- na- zil-h. dhulna, doobna, furod-ana, neeche-a or -j. dhulukna, buethna, v. to alight, fall, sub- side, {from ancestors) ana, nikulna, (fty inhe- ritance) puhcionchna, milna, v. to invade. descendant, buns, suntan, shakh, dalpal, v. off- spring. desce7idants, uolad, zoorriyat. descension, descent, ootar, zuwal, noozool, tunuz- zool, (slope) dhal, (invasion) yoorlsb, churh- nee, (extraction, q. v.) usl, khandan, ghurana, (degree, q. v.) durju, payu, v. degradation, h eritage. i 3ft '' /tflj to describe, butlana, buyan- tuqreer-k. v. de- scriptimi. description, buyan, nuql, tu,iireef, bukhan, tiio- seef, V. explanation, (of a person) hiliyu, chih- ru-nuweesee, khal khutt, suroop putree, v. quality, (sort, q. v.) soorut, tuor, turuh, wuzu, qimash, chal. to descry, v. to discover, takna, dekhna, nijhana, cliitana, puhclianna, v. to espy; to be descried, nuzur-ana, soojhna, dikhla,e-d. desert, buyaban,jungul, khundur, wadee, badiyu, V. wilderness, hamoon, beshu, v. a waste. desert, (wild, solitary) weeran, khurab, luqduq, khafee, soona, bun-khund, v. dreary. desert, (last course) hazree, tiifukkohat, phulkar, V. fruit. desert, (merit, q. v.) qudr, huqq, v. behaviour. to desert, chhor-d. dal-jana, chhor-bhagna, turk-k. (to run away) bhagna, purana, lul-jana, firar-h. nathna, v. to forsake, fiee. deserted, v. desert, mutrook. - ,Trii(.-^,vvi deserter, blmgora, firaree, tarik, nathoo, from nathna, to desert, v. fugitive. desertion, firar, turk, chula-chul, ruwa-ruwee, v. /lig/it. to deserve, suzawar- la,iq- moostuhuq- moostuo jib- jog-h. V. to require, cbahna, mooqtuzee-, qabil-h. v. to merit; to deserve deaths y/a^fxH- qutl-h. > . deservedly, insaf- huqq-se. design, v. model, (intention, q. v.) iradu, qusd, munsha, tuhueyu, ahung, murkooz, uzeemut, himmut, ghat, v. aim, jmr pose, (scheme, q. v.) tujweez, fitrut, (plan, q. v.) nuqshu, (plot^ q. V.) bundisb, v. sketch. to design, (purpose) iradu-r. (to plan) nuqshu- bunana, (to make) bunana, pueda-k. (to de- vote, q. V,) mooqurrur-k. designation, iilamut, nishan, isharut, luqub, v. direction. designedly, jan-boojhke, qusdun, bil-qusd, umd- un, deedu o danistu. designer, (contriver, q. v.) niunsoobu-baz^l^u^u- ne-baz, fitrutee, v. painter. . . u .v desigmng,^a.iee, guongeera, ghuniz-ashna,ghii- ruz.-ba,ola, khrod-ghuruz, bud-khiyal, da,o- geera, v. deceitful, insidious. desirable, v. alhcring, chaheeta, pusundeedu, iiz- eez, murghoob, luteef, dil-pusund, ruseela, r. luscious, pleasing. desire, (wish, q. v.) cliah, khwahish, huwus, mrorad, huwa, chonp, rughbut, kanina, lalsa, cheeta, dhoon, wuswas, ichha, zuoq, husrut, munzoor, chahut, cha,©, cliatj chuska, mooni yut, az, bisun, v. inclination, rus, bah, aufs, T. love, lust, passion, (request, q. v.) furBia,ish, urz, istida, istifsar, v. design, (appetite, q. v.) DES 160 DES chhoodha, {carnal) shuhwut, kara, nufsani- yut. to desire, (to wish for) chahna, khwahish- &c. -r. turusna, lulchana, lilukna, v. to covet, (to re- quest) durkhwast-k. mangna, (to bid) kuhna, isharu-k. furmana, v. to order, intreat. desirous, dearer, mooshtaq,sha|iq, ishtiyaq-mund, raghib, hiirees, t.alib, shuoqeen, luoleen, khwa- han, khwahish-mund, tishnii, bisunee, v. ea- ger, mcwtumunee; to he desirous, sha,iq- moosh- taq-Ii. V. covetous. to desist, muoqoof- baz-ruhna, dust burdar-h. purhez- ihtiraz-k. ruh-jana, pher-ruhna, baz- -a. ^hath-c»thana or -khuenchna, murna, v. to cease, stop. _ desk, [Pcyrt. ulmaree,] patee, v. hoard, chest, ta- ' hie. desolate, weeran, takht o taraj, khak-siyah, kha- lee, be-chiragh, suttyanas, tuhusnuhus, zer- zubur, gharut, v. desert; a desolate place, vvee- ranu, khundur. to desolate, oojarna, weeran-k. desolation, weeranee, khurabee, be-chiraghee. despair, na-oommedee, yas, nir-as, mayoosee, be- tuwukkoolee, v. desperate. to despair, na oommed- mayoos- niras-h. hath- dhona. despatch, v. departure, ]vMee, shitabee, (packet, q. V.) nuhva, khureetu, v. express, ruwangee, chulan, mursoolu, v. speed. to despatch, ruwanu-k. bhejna, puthana, duora- na, chulana, v. to hasten, khupana, v. to de- V stroy, (to kill, q. v.) thikana-lugana, (to fi- nish, q. V.) akhir-k. desperate, (fearless, q. v.) be-bak, ni-dur, (hope- less, q. V.) nir-as, be-tuwukkool, nirasee, be- duol, V. furious, (irrecoverable, q. v.) tubah, ' ' ruddee, be-hal, (mad, q. v.) mujnoon, siree, V. great; to grow desperate, jee dene pur-ana, murne pur-ana. desperately, bebakee-se, tuhuwwoor-se, (in a great degree) bu-shiddut, be-nihayut. desperation, desperateness, bebakee, tuhuwwoor, V. despair. despicable, despisahle, v. bad, pajee, kumeenu, zuleel, moobtuzul, kluifeef, soobook, hulka, muzmoom, be-qudr, be-wuqr, khwar, dunee, nikhid, khusees, v. mean, vile, ivorthless. despicableness, hiqarut, zillut, ihanut, be-qudree, be-vvuqree, khwaree, khurabee, duna^ut, is- tikhfaf, V. baseness, meanness. : despicably, hiqarut-se, v. badly. to despise, huqeer-janna, hiqarut-k. lat-marna, pust- &c. -sumujhna, v. low, ghutana, ar-r. V. despicable, to contemn. despite, despitefulness, (malice, q. v.) bud-unde- shee, udawut, mookhalufut, zidd, iiks, inad, buer, V. defiance, spite. to despite, khufu- nakhoosh-k. eeza- tusdee,u-d. sutana, khijana, julana, kcwrhana, v. to disap- point. to despoil, chheen-lena, le-lena, kho-dena, oora- dena, zayi,u-k. lootna, loot-lena, v. to spoil, sAso plunder. :]i.<\.:.-i to despond, na-oommed-Ii. despmidence, na-oommedee, mayoosee, yas. despondent, na-oommed, nii--as, mayoos, v, melan- choly. despot, (tyrant, q. v.) zalim, jabir, mookhtar- kool, qa,im bu zatihi, v. absolute. despotic, (absolute, q. v.) moostuqil, mcnkhtar- kool, V. unlimited. despotism, istiqlal, tusulloot, v. absoluteness. to despumate, muel-katna or nikharna, v. tojrofh. destination, (appointed place) murju, rauqurr, nu- seeb, V. design. to destine, mooquddur- mooqurrur-k. thuhrana, DET 161 DET ruchna, muqsoom-k. v. to appropriate, doom, devote, appoint. destined, raooquddur, maxjurrur, moo,ueyun,moo- shukhkus, V. bound. destiny, tuqdeer, quz.a, qismut, honee, nuseeb, bukht, sur-nuwisht, rutce, sitaru, y. fortune, fate, {future doom) aqibut, akhirut, unjam. destitute, {friendless, q. v.) la-char, durmandu, be-nuwa, be-dust o pa, be-muqdoor, ajiz, v. abject, be-walec waris, v, helpless, {wanting) moo,urra, aree, muhroom, klialce, v. aban- doned ; destitute of money, mooflis, muflook, tihee-dust, v. without. to destroy, v. to demolish, nast-k. torna, marna, ghalna, sungharna, chalna, katna, tulput- mit- ee-k. khak- tumam-k. v. ruined, to desolate, blast, consume, {lay waste) oojarna, {to spoil) bigarna, {to raze) dha-dena, {to kill, q. v.) qutl- saf-k. destroyed, v. annihilated, gharut, tuluf, khurab, mcBnhudim, khak-siyah, takht o taraj, zerzu- bur, khurab-khustu, moostasul, sutyanas, tu- bah, t.ayi,u, mulmet, hulak, shikustu, v. ashes, {as afield) beej-mar, lut-goondhun, v. demo- lished. destroyer, bigaroo, oojaroo, hulakoo, sungharoo, gharutee,hadim,sutyanasee,v.^/Mntferer,»WMr- derer. destruction, pa,emalee, weeranee, tubahee, khwa- ree, khurabee, inhidam, isteesal, hulakee, mis- maree, shikustiigee, chjiue, sunghra,o, tukh- reeb, v. the verb, funa, lop, v. death. destructive, moozir, moofsid, uogoonkaree, mooh- lik. destructiveness, mc»fsidee. desultory, be-rubt, be-zubt, be-surrishtu, v. ir- regular. '(Ill 'A-t!' to detach, chhorana, jooda-k. duora- nikal- chhant- bhejna, V. to send, bilgana, v. to disjoin, {troops) bhejna, ruwanu- &c. -k. tu,eenat-k. v. to des- patch. detached, jooda, ulug, ulahidu, mostufurriq, v. separate. detachment, {a body of troops) guroh, ghol, jutha, tu.eenat, tU|ecnatee, lushkur, dustu, kushoon, V. brigade, {on forage) kuhee, \. party, chhun- ta,o, bi]ga,o, v. separation, risalu, from irsal, {Arab.) to send, detach. detail, tufscel, moofussul; in detail, mushroohun, moofussulim. to detail, moofussul-kuhna or -likhiia, tufseel-k. tufreeq-k, v. particular, and its derivatives. to detain, baz-rukhna, utkana, rokna, ooljha-r. bilbhana, bujhana, buetlialna, chhenkna, dab-T. V. to delay, retain, {to confine) qued- bund-k. {to keep) rukhna. to detect, dekh-pana, pukur-pana, pukur-Iena, dekhna, dhurna, tarna, v. to discover, {to per- ceive, q. V.) duriyaft-k. detection, ifsha, zoohoor, dhur-pukur, dhura,o, pukrahut, girift, pukur, v. discovery, also the verb. detector, pukurunhar, {in comp.) geer. detention, utka,o, rooka|0, {confinement, q. v.) qued, hubs. to deter, durana, chushm nooma,ee-k. v. to fright- en. to deterge, chhantna, saf-k. ala,ish-nikalna, v. to cleanse. determinate, {settled, q. v.) tuhqeeq, nioo,ueyun, tiieek, moosummum, mu,uhood, muhdood, v. certain, determined, definite. determinately, istiqlal-se, qusdun, umduij, bil- qusd. determination, {intention, q. v.) qusd, uzcemut, {resolution, q. v.) istiqlal, dhaon, teha, pesh- or khatir-nihad, murkooz khatir, ma fiz-zumcer, V. design, tujweez, bichar, v. sentence, {deci- DEV iBfi DEV sion, q. v.) umr, futwa; ajixed determination, qusd moosummutn, uzm bil-juzm. to determine, thuhrana, theek-k. tusmeem-k. chookana, kuhna, bolna, bicharna, v. to settle, jLv, azim-h. v. hound, {to resolve) qusd-k. (to decide, q. v.) hookm-k. or -d. (to finish, q. v.) akhir-k. (to bound) ihatu-k. (to define, q. v.) tu,ureef-k. (to influence) hurukut- tuhreek-d. (to conceive) janna, v. to destroy, end. determined, (resolute) moostuqil,muz.boot,v. con- stant, determinate. '' '.oiAiKxuV to detest, v. to hate, udawut-r. mukrooh-janna, bhagna, v. to loathe, detestable, mukrooh, ghuleez, na-guwar, pileed, ghinuona, doosht, muloon,qubeeh,lu,een,nusht, chundal, v. cursed, vile, detestation, udawut, nufrut, buer, , chirh, ghin, lis, kurahiyut, istikrah, nufreen, v. liatred. detester, moostukrih, v. abhorrer, hater.] to dethrone, tukht pur se ootarna, padshahee se kharij kurna. lUilb .tetxiiifo.v .MMtti jMsvh^'jW- to detract, lena, lelena, ghutana, ootarna. detracter, ueb-go, toohmutee, moofturee, ninduk, ghummaz. detraction, ueb-go,ee, nindiya, iftira, toohmut, booh tan, gheebut, budnamee, v. to derogate, withdraw, detriment, nooqsan, shikust, gbata, dokh, qoosoor, khulul, qubahut, nooqs, ueb, anch, khundit, V. loss, mischief, detrimental, moozir, uogoonkaree, mookhil, moof- sid. to detritde, nikalna, khiskana, v. to eject, devastation, weeranee, pa|emalee, qiyamut, v. destruction, deicce, do, (in games) doo,a, dooree. to develope, kholna, wazih-k. nikalna, sooljhana, huU-k. V. to disentangle. to deviate, (to stray, q. v.) bhutukna, nikulna, bahir- kharij- raoonhurif- roogurdan-h. endool-, tujawooz-k. kutrana, luotna, v. to turn, wan- der, err. deviation,\. irregularity, bhutuk, goomrahee, be- rahee, roogurdanee, inhiraf, zulalut, koo-puth, khoor-chal, bukur-chal, bidut, tujawooz, v. innovation, offence. '^Vi s!j*r'»»*,j .ait»\, device, (contrivance, q. v.) hikmut, joogut, kut- kuna, fitrut, munsoobu, tujweez, (on a shield) ulamut, nishan, tughmu, v. design, invention, sikku, V. inscription, khel, bazee, v. conceit, trick. J» \ j»»Mv>i> devil, iblees, shuetan, uzazeel, khubees, khun- nas, duet, usoor, pishach, mureed, rujeem, v. demon, (to play the) zumeen sir pur lena, nuo nezu panee churhana, toofan-oothana, qiya- mut-k. oodhim-jotna, (dish) guzuk, kubootur- buchu, numkeen-chuna, v. relish. devilish, shuetanee, dozukhee, juhunnumee, (wic- ked, q. V.) shureer, moozee, (arrant, q. v.) ushud, suklit, (excessive) be-hudd. iiriuwcft devil help him, fin-nar wu suqr. :iu4 devilkin, bhootna, shuetan-buchu, v. i»wp. ■>«v») devious, kujruw, bud-rah, v. astray. '■■' • > devise, (will, q. v.) wusiyut-namu, v. device. to devise, (to contrive, plan, q. v.) eejad- ikhti- ra,u-k. nikalna, munsoobu-duorana, tudbeer-k. (to bequeath) de-murna, hibu-k. rfewwer,moojid,mookhturi,banee5 kurta, (schemer, q. V.) fitrutee. :>iiuu%iiin ,v'iisni devoid, khalee, moo,urra, aree, tihee, v. without. devoir, moolazimut, v. respect. to devolve, v. a. dalna, chhorna, sompna ; v. n. ana, gima, puhonchna. •.jjitttJ ,«/riin' diabolical, shuetanee, v. hellish, diacodium, duyaqoozu. diadem, koolah, dueheem, mookut, mui^k, r. crown, turban. i •"» .>-n\t dMjgonal, V. cortierwise, triangle, oblique, diagram, shukl hindusu, nuqshu, sanclm, w.plan. dial, da.iru hindee, juntur, chukur, niiqiyas, r. clock, dialect, zuban, lisan, bolee, bhakha, v. style, dialogue, juwab-suwal, zikr-muzkoor, batbut- kuha,o, gooftugoo, moozakuru, v. chitchat, diameter, qootr, khuti istuwa, dul, v. thickness, juya, byas, v. breadth, diatnofid, ulmas, heera, punib-heera; a round diatnond, gutta heera; a cutting diamond used by glaziers, (julumi-ulmas. diaper, do damee, v. damask, diaphanous, shuffaf. diaphragm, purdu. diarrliwa, ishal, jiriyan i shikum, sungribnee. diary, roz-namu, avvarju. v dibble, khuntee, koodalee, khoorpee. dibstone, ulhee, v. pebble, dice, pase, (pi. «)/'pasa, a die) gittukh, ku.ubut- uen, V. hazard ; a player at dice, pusuet, dice-board, bisatj tukhtu-nurd, v. man, box. dictate, hookm, umr, irshad, aggya, v. ruie. to dicta^, (order, q. v.) furmana, kuhna, lirokm- -d. ihtimam-k. (a letter) jbarut-kuhna, likha- oa, V. to endite. 'a .u-'tu dictum, bolchal, roz-mumi, kuha, kuhtoof, kuh- Boot, kuhawut, tuqreer, v, language, (style, q. V.) ma^iawui'u, lifchut. X 3 niF 164 DIF dictionary, Icngliut, furhung, kosh, oobedhan, un- ekarth, umur-kosh, v. vocabulary. did, kiya, tha, v. to do, be. die, (coZowr) rung, khizabjWnusmu, kulup, {stamp) sikku, thuppa, zurbu, chhap, v. dice. to die, {titige) rungna, rung-churhana or -d. to die, {expire, q. v.) murna, fuot akhir- sant-h. dhoolna, ho-j. or -chookna, jhookna, moona, sona, ankh-moondna, khel-j. waqu- huqq- wu- fat-k. V. decease, {abroad) mur-ruhna, (m bat- tle) kam-a. kutna, v. to fall, {suddenly) oophur- purna, V. death, {to be killed) qutl-h. mara-jana, (to cease, q. v.) ooth- mit-jana, nnioqoof-h.; to die a martyr, shuheed-h. shuhadut-pana, {to perish, q. v.) mu,udootn- nast- nest nabood-h. ; to die prematurely, juwanu murg-murna, {to become languid) boqjhna, surd- ufsoordu- soost- -h. {to vanish, q. v.) ulop-h. blla-jana, goom-h. (to wither, q. v.) jhoorana, khooshk-hojana, (as a tree) ookutna, v. dead, {to spoil) bigur- na, {as liquors) ooturna, v. vapid, {as a horse) suqt-h. V. to dry, {the beard) khizab-k. v. to tinge. dier, rung-rez, subbagh. diet, khana, khorak, punth, y. provision, o-egimen, (drink) karha, v. decoction. to diet, {to feed) khilana, {by rule) ghiza tuj- weez-k. ahar-butlana, (to eat) khana. to differ, ulug-h. phootna, bilugna, v. to disagree, (to contend) jhugurna, ikhtilaf-r. (as opinion) mooba,in-h. difference, {distinction, q. v.) furq, tufawut, beech, butta, jcx)da,ee, ikhtilaf, tukhaloof, tufarooq, iftiraq, tuba,in, tughayur, (variance, q. v.) un- rus, na-moowafuqut, na-sazee, nifaq, fusad, bhed, mcogha,irut, v. change, do,ee, phoot phat, V. discord, kusrat, budla,ee, v. exchange, (lunar aberration) khumsu mootufariqu, (dis- •«fe, q. V.) quziyu, buhs, >-. quarrelt different, (distinct, q. v.) ulug, ulahldu, nyara^ mooba,in, mookhtulif, uor, bibhed, an, v. other, (dissimilar, q.v.) mookhalif, na-moowafiq; dif- ^ ferent sorts, uqsam, unvva,u, qism bu qism, turuh bu tunih ka, v. various; a different affair, uor bat. mtm^i differently, uor turuh-se, v. different. diffculi, mooshkil, dcoshwar, kuthin, goorli,sukht, duqeeq, .soo,ub, useer, bharee, doobhur, v. in- tricate, troublesome, •' f;*^;.>: "*t .; ; - difficultly, ishkal-se, girte-purte, jyon-tyonkur, V. ado. difficulty, ish}iia\, diqqut, mushuqqut,'cosrut, sukh- • tee, dcDshwaree, soo,oobut, goorhta, garb, jun- jal, jhunjhut, moo,usurut, v. perplexity, mq- du, duqeequ, koonu, bareekee, bhed, v. obscu- rity, enigma, (trouble, q. v.) mihnut, kudd o kawish, jidd ojihd, thukthuk, (distress, q. v.) dookh, eeza, kusht, kheecha-kheech, cosrut, pureshanee, kush niukush, (objection, q. v.) tu,urrooz, pukur, moo,aruzu, v. ado, adversity. diffidence, dhurka, sunkoch, wuswas, wuhm, shoo- buh, shuk, undeshu, v. bashfulness, modesty. diffident, undeshu-nak, wus-wasee, wuhmee, shukkee, sunkochee, v. timid, uncertain. ;i to be diffident, wuswas-r. {_ diffidently, wuswas-se. diffuse, diffused, diffusive, (copious, q.v.) tuweel, moofussul, iTidishurruh, bistar, lumha-chuora, (scattered) moontushur, puragundu, nushr, v. extensive. to diffuse, phuelana, bichhana, chhitkana, bikh- erna, khindana, beetna, moontushur- nushr-k. V. n. putna, pusurna, v. to spread. to be diffused, phuelna, chhitukna, bitna, bith- urna, bikhurna, moontushur-h. khindna. diffuscdly, diffusely, diffusively, phuela,o- tool- in- tishar-se, jnushroohun, moofussulun. DIG 165 BIM diffiisedness, diffusion, diffitsiveness, tool, toolanee, phuela,o, v. dispersion. to dig, V. to ditch, khodna, gorna, khundna, khoorpiyana, goorubna, v. to grub, (a wall) phorna, torna, sendh-marna, v. to pierce, un- dermine ; to dig out, khod-lena, nikalna, kor- na; to dig up, {as a dead body) ookharna, ookh- ar- nikal-lena. to digest, V. a. {in the stomach) puchana, hu7.m-k. tuhleel-k. bhusum-k. gulana, v. to bear, {to arrange, q. v.) arastu- mooruttub-k. {chymi- cally) pukana, pookhtu-k. v. n. {ns a sore) pukna, V. to granulate. digested, huz.m, moonhuzum, tuhleel, {arranged, q. V.) arastu. to be digested, puchna, huzm-h. digester, {arranger, q. v.) nazim, {causing diges- tion) pachuk, hazim, moohullil. digestible, puchunliar, qabil-huzm,huzm puzeer, guwaru, puchne-jog. digestion, {of food) huzm, pucha,o, noozj, v. ma- turation, {chemical) puka,o, pookhtugee, {ar- rangement, q. V.) intizam. digestive, pak, moonzij, v. digester; the digestive powers, hazimu, qoDWuti mi|Udu, v. stomach. digger, bel-dar, kawindu, khodunhar, v. pioneer, (in comp.) kun; thzis, gor-kun, a grave-dig- ger. digging, khoda|ee, &c. digit, ungcnl, v.Jinger, ank, v. figure. dignified, slian-dar, gurwa, bharee, sahib-tum- kunut or -shuokut, sunjeedu, mcnshueyin, v. elevated. to dignify, burhana, turruqqee-d. bcolund- sur- furaz-k. {to honour) hoormut-d. dignity, murtubu, durju, munzulut, qudr, payu, jah, munsub, shan, shuruf, abroo, jzzut, hcnr- mut, wuqr, wiqar, iftikhar, put, bojh, bhar, ab, ghuerut, roodaree, numood, wuzn, tiim- kunut, ghcnrrazee, sulabut, fur, an, anban, munish, murjad, muhut, man, liyaqutjv.gran- deur, rank. to digress, gosrez-k. jhar-b. v. to deviate. digression, goorez, jhunkhar,pech pach,shuqooq, jhar-puhar, v. branch, deviation. digressive, shakh dur sbakb, v. to wander. dike, {ditch, q. v.) kha,ee, {bank, q. v.) pooshtu, khawan, v. mound. to dilate, v. a. burhana, kholna, phoolana, chuo- rana, v. to widen ; v, n. burhna, phuebia, khoolna, phoolna. dilatoriness, ahistugee, deree, kahilee, dirungee, talmutol, takheer, moohlut, tusahool, tuwuq- qoof, V. slowness. dilatory, ahistu, dheema, der, dirung, v. idle. dildoo, suboora, goolee. j. dilemma, doobdha, huesbues, mcohtumil ooz-zid- duen, bhunwurjal, v. difficulty, doubt. diligence, dhoon, koshish, sur-gurmee, dil-gur- mee, tundihee, mihnut, himmut, istlqlal, pu- risrum, diqqut, kudd, v. assiduity. A diligent, dhoonee, sur-gurrn, dil-gurm, musroof, mooqueyud, moDstuqil, bujid, tundih, mush- ghool, mooshuqquttee, hazir-bash, shitab kar, shaghil, V. assiduous, industrious, ready, pre- sent. diligently, tuqueyood- koshish-se. dill, ujwa,en ? dilute, putla, ruqeeq. hrtf^fiiior' to dilute, putla- ruqeecj-k. diluter, mcoruqqiq. ,U%i^ dilution, turqeeq. ' dim, dhoondha, undluila, be-noor, choondhia, un- dha, koond-nigah, {sighted, to become) c\vyai}i]n- yana, {dull) teeru, koond, v. obscure. to dim, dhrondhlana. dimension, map, puemood, puema.ish, niiqdar, ursu, wusut, tuosee,u, musahut, undazu, urz DIP 166 DIR tool o qanuq, lumba,ee, chuora,ee, guehra,cc, V. hulk, sine, space. -ft'''*.' ,if*tf«• dim,inutiveness, chhotaiCe, kochukee, tungee. dimity, doriya, char-khanu, v. damask, {varieties) rezu khutt, seekhee, seenkhiya. dimness, dhoond, dhoondlaiCe, teerugee, v. stupi- dity. T'if> (.itirf'Vifff) iifi'' dimple, puchuk, khudha, {of the cheek) garh, gurha, (o/" ^Ae c/iiw) chah i zunukh. ,-««*'.",,> to dimjjle, puchukna, gurha-pvirna. din, shor, ghcol, gohar, ghcol ^hupara, dlioom, doond, V. clamour. r.~.Au .^x^baiiv ,«yri iodine, khana-khana, chasht-k. 'nj-m • to ding, V. to dash, drive, impress, ij ,wvjij' ding-dong, tuntun, v. knell. .- - . dining-room, mihman-khanu, v. banquet. -dmwer,khana,din ka khana, v./eas#,/ood,chasht, nan-nuharee, v. breakfast, kulewa, bura kha- na, V. entertainment ; dinner-time, khane ke ■wnqt. — N. B. I believe there is no word in the Hindoostanee synonymous with din- ner. i-tKvjjjytf-tfaffq 4'V«j\\^! '\\ dint, {depression) puchuk, gurha, chupuk, {to) chupkana, puchkana, v. to depress, {force, q. V.) zor, bul ; to carry any thing by dint of money, puese ke zor se kam nikaJna, v. blow. .V' ./■ .Ij'JaijI .i!-4i (Vf^ft-) ,flit]: a dip, {in dyeing) dob, bor. ■to dip, V. a. doobo-lena, bor-lena, doobkee-d. doobana, ghotu-d. ghurq-k. v. n. ghotu-mar- na or -khana, doobna, {to look into) dekhna, ghuor-k. V. to moisten, dalna, dena, v. to en- gage, enter. ,KO^«)rt» .i^^iVk* o\ .v,^^ .^^^;v^ ^^ ;„„ direct, seedha, soodha, mcostu'vyee, saf, innee, be-luga,o, ek-dum, v. express, strait, plain. to direct, {to instruct, q. v.) soodharna, arastu-, turbiyut-k. ubub-d. {to point out) butlana, diklJana, soojhana, v. to show, {to order, q. v.) furraana, ihtlmam-k. {to regulate, q. v.) bun- dobust- doorcost-k. {to adjust) sadhna, v. to arrange, chulana, v. to conduct, vhofrge, {to aim, q. v.) nishanu-k. -,Av.,>r.'.u ~y^ ■<» direction, {path) rah, v.~range, {order, q. v.) umr, kuha, ihtimam, sur-burahee,v.^MJda«ce, regulation, {of a letter) sui-narau, nam uor thikana, puta, v. address, aim. directly, {immediately, q. v.) ub, ubhee, isee- dum, tcort, fil-hal, sliitabee, v. apparently, in- stantly, also the adj. j-ijv*v directness, seedha|ee, rastee, sufa,ee. . - • director, {^manager) kar-purdaz, karkoon, mookh- tar kar,surkob, v. superintendent, {instructor, q. V.) mcDsheer, sulah-kar, muntree, v. tutor, {guide) rah-nooma, rah-bui", {spiritual) goo- roo, hadee, moorshid, peer. direful, huol-nak, mooheeb, v. dire. -,;is dvreness, huol-nakee, duhshut-nakee, v. horrid- ness. , tjy^j,^. dirge, mursiyu, v. elegy. dirt, muel, koodoorut, mul, kudurj, mulamut, V. earth, Jilth, (wwd, q. v.) keech, gil-awu, \. dirtiness. :fi;(rt.v\'. to dirt, muela-k. bhurna, lesna. dirtily, nujasut- gundugee-se, {meanly) namur- dee-se. DIS 167 BIS djV to disable, bemuqdoor- lachar- natuwan- ajiz-, be bus- nibul-k. bigama, v. to weaken. disabled, mu,uzoor, v. invalid, lame. to disabuse, ankh- kan-kholna, v. to warn. disadvantage,disadvantaffeoicaness,n(x>c{sa.a,ziyan, shikust, ghata, qoosoor, qubahut, v. loss. disadvantageous, bo-fa,idu, la-hasil, ghuer-moo- feed, mojzir. dwff^c#ed,bud-z.unn, bud-gcoman, bud-bur, bud- khwah, bud-undesh, bud-dil, l>e-dil, un-muna. disaff'ection,hud-7.unnce, bud-gnomanee, bud-bu- ree, bud-undeshee, v. disloyalty. to disagree, na moowafiq-h. v. to differ, mcokli- alif- phoote-ruhna, v. to quarrel, biphurna, bi- gurna, unbun-ruhna, v, discordant, &c. na- qubool-k. disagreeable, na^moowafiq, na-pusund, na-guwar, bud-muzu, mukrooh, be-suwad, na-khoosh or -muqbool, v, agreeable, also unpleasant, (in coun- tenance) zisht-roo, (in disposition) zisht-kho, V. bad. to be disagreeable, khulna. disagreeableness, na-guwaree, na-pusundeedugee, kuraliiyut, bud-niuzugce. (.rJtuiijii •> disagreement, (misunderstanding) na-khmshee,rUii.' JL'cdugcc, bigar, rixjkawut, birodh, chukha- chukhee, v. difference. to disallow, niunu- rudd- in,kar-k. barna, buruj- na, na-manna, na mun/.oor-k. v. to deny. disallowance, in,kar, v. prohibition. to disappear, ulop-hojana, chhipna, jata^ruhna, bilana, rufoochukkur- chumput- huwa- ka- foor-hojana, goom- gha,ib- mufqood-h. na pi- deed-h. bucthna, ooturna, jana, oorna, bhagna, V. tojly, bheetur-ana, v. to subside. to disappoint, v. vain, na commed- na moorad-, niras- nakam-k. duhkana, katna, torna, moonh men-mootna, dant khutte- be as-k. v. to frus- trate. disappointment, na-oommedee, yas,mayoosce,na- mooradee, be-nuseebee, na-kamee. disapprobation, nufreen, in,kar, tu,unu zunee, v. censure. ^t,\k-i to disapprove, na pusund- na munzoor- muf rook-j rudd- in,kar-k. v. to blame. to disarm, kumur-kholana, huthyar chheen-lena. disaster, v. calamity, afut, mooseebut, hadisu, bi- put, kusht, dcnkh, aseb, nuhoosut, sliamut, bud-bukhtee, kum-bukhtee, duewagut, bud- ukhtur, giriftar, bhabhee, chushm-zukhm, v. unlucky. ^^ rtw'iMjxj . disastrous,hud-hukht, kum-bukht, munhoos,sha- mutee, bud-ukhtur, afut-ruseedu, aseb-zudu, afut-zudu, mojseebut-zudu. to disavow, in,kar-k. mookuma. disavowal, in.kflr, la-dU|Uwee, v. to deny. to disband, y.a. chhora-dena, juwab-d. hoorra-k. disbelief, be-i,utibaree, be-eemanee, be-i,utjqa- dce, kcofr, udhumi. to disbelieve, nu-manna, in^kar-k. be i,utiqad-h. DIS 168 DIS disbeliever, moon,kir, ghuer-nic»,utuqid,kafir,ud- hurmee, be-eeman. to disburden, (to lighten) hulka- soobook bar-k. (to unload) oDtarna, v. to discharge. to disburse, surf- khurj-k. ootha-d. disburser, khurch-burdar. disbursement, surf, khurj, musruf, khurch,ukh- rajat, mukharij, oothan, v. expenditure. to discard, nikal-d. burturuf-k. door- dufu-k. ankh-pherna, v. to reject, bechulun-k. v. to discharge, explode. ,iirts|« to discern, dekhna, tukna, bilokna, (to judge, q. V.) puhchanna, imtiyaz-k. discerner, naz.ir, waqif-kar, tar-baz, moobussir, imtlyazee, tumeezee, jan, nuzra, nuzur-baz, V. judge, (of merit) qudr-dan, v. patron. discernible, dekjine-jog, qabil-idrak, zahir, khoo- la, V. visible. discerning, fuhmeedu, zeeruk, dana, hoshiyar, bareek-been, gyanee, bibekee, aqil, sahib-im- tiyaz. discernment, fuhmeed, zeerukee, duriyaft, tu- meez, idrak, imtiyaz, lihaz, moolahuzu, bibek, tufuhhoom, v. judgment. discharge, (release, q. v.) chhoottee, riha,ee, tukh- lees, chhootkara, chhoot, chhor-chithee, nika- kasee, v. absolution, nikas, v. stool, matter, also evacuation, (dismission, q. v.) burturfee, V. pardon, (explosion, q. v.) shuUuq, turup, (vent) sans, (for money) farigh-khuttee, (from an obligation) safee-namu, fuesul-namu, (per- formance, q. V.) uda. to discharge, v. a. (to free, q. v.) khulas-k. chhorana, (to unload) ootarna, (to fire, q. v.) chhorna, (to pour) dalna, (to pay a debt) uda-k. (to perform, q.v.) buja-lana,v. to execute, nam- katna, v. to liberate, bhur-d. puta,e-d. v. to liquidate, bursana, v. to rain, (to expectorate) phenkna, girana, v. to throw, vomit, (to eva- cuate, q. V.) nikal-d. door-k. (by stool) bueth- na, V. to issue, (to dismiss, q. v.) juwab-d. V. n. khool-jana, jata-ruhna, nikulna, chhoot- na, phootna, v. to absolve, exude, disciple, sikh, shagird, tulmeez, talib, mooreed, yar, chela, balka, dust bue, v. follower, pi. us,hab, V. companion, (the four) char yar ; a disciple of Christ, huwaree. disciplinarian, qa|idu-dan, hookm-ran, v. strict, severe. •«N ••'/ .. discipline, v. awe, subordination, (education, q.v.) turbiyut, udub, tadeeb, uzlo nusb, dab, v. in- struction, (regulation, q.v.) bund o bust, aras- tugee, (subjection, q.v.) hookm, ikhtiyar, bus, (punishment, q. v.) tumbeeh, tarna, marpeet, mardhur, v. correction, (mortification, q.v.) ri- yazut, jog, yog. to discipline, turbiyut- tueyar-k. sikhana, buna- na, (regulate) bund o bust-k. (to chastise) tumbeeh-d. chunga^bunana. [^a^ .■jiMi.ViiA- • to disclaim, in.kar-k. disclaimer, moon,kir. to disclose, khol-d. but-lana, ashkara- sha,ee,u-k. bolna, le milna, phorna, v. to discover, blow, izhar-k. huwa- chung-k. v. to confess, (to tell) kuh-dena, gosh goozar-k. to be disclosed, mukshoof-h. v. to expose. discoloration, cli,heep,sclee,luhsun,chhaheen,ku- luf, koo-rung, v. infra, also stain. to discolour, budrung- daghdar-k. dhubbe- dagh- -d. discoloured, bud or be-rung. to discomfit, mughloob-k. shikust-d. v. defeat. to discompose, (agitate, q.v.) ghubrana, hueran-, maDzturib-k. behuwas-k. iztirab-d. (to trou- ble, q. v.) tusdee,u-d. (to displace, q. v.) oolut poolut- ubtur- durhum burhum- be turteeb-, mootufurruq- moontushur-k. bithrana. 'M-i ^a- DIS 169 DIS discomposure, iztirab, intishar, hueranee,be-k*»' disdainfully, hiqarut- be roo,ee-se. disdainfulness,he-roofie,he-mooravrwutee,vnugh- rooree, tukubboor, goostakhee. disease, azar, be-aramee, rog, muruz, kusalu, runjooree,karun,byadh,bedun,beemaree,durd, arizu, illut, zuhmut, v. ail, complaitit, pain, sickness. The names of some in Hindoostan, the nature and English of which I have not yet learned, are as follows : ha,o, rusoolee, ookuota, sungruhnee, gangun, kunch-hun, v. dropsy, &c. as they occur in this work. ' to disease, azar-d. beemar-k. diseased, beemar, azaree, mureez, rogee, kahla, runjoor, durd mund, uleel, dookhee, karunee. to disembark, v. a. ootarna ; v. n. ooturna. to disembogue, v. n, nikulna, phootna, phoot-ni- kulna. to disenable, be muqdoor-k. v. to disable. > to disenchant, jharna, ootarna. » to disencumber, hulka-k. chhora-d.,'>?«^w.»j«ftie\'> to disengage, v. to disentangle, chhora-d. ulug-, jooda-k. chhora-lana, katna, kholna, v. to free, {to withdraiu) oothana, chhorana, {to release) khulas-k. disengaged, {unemployed, q.v.) moo,uttul, farigh, khalee, ghrer-munsoob, be manga, {to be) bu- ethna, v. idle, {released) azad, riha, khulas, {not betrothed) ghuer-namzud. rfi.sewg«r^e?wew#, furaghut,mukhluseejchhootkara, V. to release. '^^►iV«i»i'sj>sw>R«p ,<>i«iv.iHH?ste>-v'.'.' to disentangle, chhoorana, buchana, sooljhana, v. to unravel, disfavour, na mihr-banee, v. displeasure. ' '^"^ to disfavour, na mihrban-h. '^ ' (i!is^g^«raifiow,be-cluolee,bud-noomajeejbud-sooru«- tee. '-•--'• :j-;j.;. _;.;. ,.,,....,j tji-inj to disfigure^' higarna, betool- btid sooi*iIt-'bud nosma- khurab-k. v. to mangle. to disfranchise, behuqq- nirpud-k. v. to eject. to disgorge, {vomit, q. v.) rudd- chhant-k. okna, dokna, V. to pour, oogulna, v. to gorge. .'•'"> disgrace, disgracefulness, ueb, ar, nung, rooswa',ee, roo-siyahee, fuzeehutee, tuhqeer, v. discredit, dishonour, soobookee, hulka-pun, upuman, tuf- zeeh, hutuk, biput, uput, kulunk, be bhurum, puta.ee, ghuramut, moozillut, v. shame, {to be in) ankh se girna, {being out of favour) tugh- eeree, mu,uzoolee, i,utirazee, paiC-itab. to disgrace, behcormut- mu,uzool-k. phitkarna, thookana, v. to discard, {publicly, by exposing on an «ss's back) hundana. disgraced, rooswa, bud-nam, fuzeehut, be-abroo, be-hoormut, be-izzut, roo-siyah, kalarmoonh^ DIS 171 DIS buddoo, V. affronted, (out offavotir) tugheer, mu,iizool, muofjoof. disgraceful, mu.uyoob, shunee,u, zuboon, na- inu,uqool, na-sha,istu, na-la,iq, uebee, qubech, ]a-jala,oo. disgracefully, be h(xinnutee-se. disguise, (dress) bhes, bhekh, bosrqu, v. mask, (pretence, q-v.) heelu, mukr, suwang,v. sham. to disguise, (to hide, q. v.) chhipana, (by dress) bhes- roop-budulna, soorut-bunana, v. to disji- gv/re, (to make drunk) must-surshar-k. mut- wala-k. V. to conceal ; to be in disguise with liquor, nushe raen-h. disgust, nufrut, kurahiyut, i.iiraz, cliirb, ghin, bezaree, na-khooshee, v. qffenceufui :ii.'*f«>j» to disgust, V. to cloy, mootunuffir-k. bezar-k. koorhana, oochatna, phirana, ukoolana, uokta- na,oomthana, bhugana, hurkana,oobtana,oob- hana, v. to displease, offend, vex. disgusted, v. displeased, mootunufBr, bezar, na- khrash, burkhastu-khatir, khufa, ghoobar-al- oodu, mookuddur, nachaq, v. offended. to be disgusted, koorhna,phima,hiirukna, v. tired, also the verb. digustful, disgusting, kureeh, mukrooh, nagu- war, zuboon, ghina,ona. dish, V. saucer, rikabee, suhnuk, qab, mooshqab, tubuq, thalee, thai, tas, v. bowl, plate,hurt\in, \ purat, lungree, neem-cheenee, v. vessel, (of food) tora, purosa, v. share, (victuals) khana, V. meat, &c. Of these there are a great va- riety among the Moosulmans ; viz. quliyii, pola,o, dopiyazu, booghru, zurdu,hureesa,moo- summun,dumpokht, hoosuenee-kubab, v.roa*^, mulghoba, huleem, yukhnee, v. stew, hash, ' pease, milk, rice,&c. Among the Hindoos are, bara, buree, uduoree, tiluoree, bujka, dhooska, munpoo, moongura, muthuoree, booranee, buj- jawur, kurhee, raburee, sulinuada, rokochha, kushuk, kuchra. a made dish, (of meat) salun, salna. ,!, to dish, nikalna, ootarna, kaihna, purosna. dishabile, charjamu, nunga-khcula, burhmchuij, (the adj.) lut puta. dishclout, safee, pochhna. t«\ ;-v ^j: to dishearten,shikustm\il-]i. dant bhntte-k. mun-, dil-torna, bedii-k. mun-marna, behimmut- be- jigur-k. V. to deject, dismay, to dishevel, khusotna, nochna, bikhrana,durhum- burhum-k. jhan khoor-lugana, bal-d. dishonest, (frriudtdent, q. v.) bud-diyanut, be- eeman, na-rast, huth-bul, be-diyanut, v. cheatj faithless, dishonestly, bud diyanutee-se. dishonesty, bud-diyanutee, be-eemance, khiya* nut, na-rastee, udhurm, huth-bulee, pukhund, u-kurm, u-sut, v. knavery, dishonour, be hoormutee, be-wuqree, be-abroo,ee, be-ghuerutee, bud-namee, be-jzzutee, v. dis- grace, shame, to dishonour, be hcormut-k. abroo-ootarna. dishonourable, niU|Uyoob, uebee, pajiyanu, ku- lunkee, shurm-ungez, kum-hoormut, be-juo- hur, upooman, v. base, ignmninious, mean, shameful, unprincipled, dishonoured, v. disgraced, dish-washer, deg-sho, v. scullion, disinclination, nufrut, kheench, v. dislike. sfe to disincline, baz-r. moonh- dil-phema, ooAsrd] disinclined, be-kh\yahish, be- or kum-shuoq, na- bur, V. averse, disingenuily, disingenuonsness, khota,ee, kuput, ri- ya-karee, huft-rungee, mukr, v. artfulness, disingentwus, khota, kuptee, riya-kar, huft-run- gee, fuelsoof, mukkar, v. illiberal, philoso* pher. Y2 DIS 172 DIS to dmnherit, aqq- kharij-k. tyagna, muhjoob ool irs-k, disinterested, be-ghiiruz, be-tumn, nir-lobh. disinterestedly, be-ghurzee-se. disititerestedtiess, be-ghurzee, be-tuma,ee. to disjoin, jooda- ulug- ulahidu-k. torna, ulgana, bilgana, v. to separate. ' to disjoint, ookhar-d. talna, moonfusul-k. bund- bund jcoda-k. jor-kholna, choola,ookharna, V. to disjoin, dislocate, (to make incoherent) be- - rubt- be surrishtu- na murboot-k. disjunction, jcoda fie, iftiraq, hijr, bichhoha, firaq, V. the verb. a disjunctive conjunction, hurfi turdeed. disjunctively, ek ek, jooda jooda, fooradu fooradu. disk, (of the sun) qoors, girdu, mundul. dislike, i,viraz5 nufrut, kurahiyut, kheench, goo- , rez, kusheed, hutuk, chirh, ghin, bura,o, v. aversion. to dislike, i,uraz-r. nu-chahna, nakhoosh-h. napu- sund-k. jee-phirna, v. displeasure, to dislocate, v. to displace, ookhar-d. talna, sur- kana, ootarna, oochtana ; v. n. surukna, oo- - turna, bichulna, v. luxation. to be dislocated, ookhur-jana, tul-mooruk-jana. dislocation, (luxation) tukhulkhool. ^0 fttsf to dislodge, ootha- huta- fal- nikal-d. door-k. disloyal, numuk-huram, be-wufa, be-eeman, bud- diyanut, kha|in, baghee, sur-kush. disloyalty, numuk-huramee, be-wufa,ee, be-ee- manee, bud-diyanutee, khiyanut, bughawut, sur-kushee, v. disobedient, dismal, (dire, q. v.) huol-nak, bhuyanuk, moo- - heeb, (sorrowful, q. v.) codas, ghum-geen, v. horrid, (dark) tareek, undhera, (gloomy) soo- • na, soonsan, luqduq, bhonda, v. bad, dreary, to be dismal or gloomy, as a deserted dwelling; &c. dhundhana. dismalness, huol-nakee, huebut-nakee, ghumgee nee, dilgeeree, oodasee. m^*-; Mjmnji^ to dismantle, nunga-k. v. to strip, (a town) shvAir punah-torna, v. to destroy, dismay, duhshut, hiias, huol, bhue, khuof, khu- turu. inr' StI 'fV'-ftsfin-.-ii,. ; to dismay, durana, dubana, dhumkana, duhshut-d. V. to frighteji. to dismember, bund bund jcoda-k. v. to hack, to dismiss, (to send aioay) rookhsut- moorukh- khus- wida,u- burkhast-k. rookhsut-d. ootha- na, rah-dikhlana, hoorra-k. v. to dispatch, (a suit) na musmoo,u- bhung-k. v. to reject, uzl-k. V. to cashier, (to discharge, q. v.) burturuf- door-k. juwab- chhora- nikal-d. (to divest of an office) tugheei'- mu,uzool- muoqoof- kharij-, bekar-k. dismission, rookhsutee, burturfee, burkhast,mu,u- zoolee, tugheree, ikhraj, chhoottee. to dismount, v. a. gira- putuk-d. ootarna, v. to- throw down ; v. n. ooturna, noozool-k. v. to descend, disobedience, sur-kushee, na-furmanee, u wuggiya, qodool, tumurrood. disobedient, sur-kush, na-furraan, mootumurrid, gurdun-kush, ghuer-mootee or -hookmee, un- uggueya, huthee, hutheela, be kuha, be lugam,. be hookmee, v. rebellious, saucy, to disobey, sur kushee-k. sur kush-h. (orders) qodool hookmee-k. numanna. to disoblige, runjeedu- bezar- nakhoosh- khufu-, azoordu-k. koorhana. disobliging, kuttur, na-moola,im, be-mooruwwiit, na-mihrban, v. discourteous, to offend, disorder, (irregularity, q. v.) be-turteebee, dur- humee, burhumee, na-murbootee, be-bund o bustee, oolut poolut, v. confusion, (tumult, q. V.) hungamu, hurj murj, hurburee, khulbulee, khulul, (indisposition, q. v.) kusul, kahilee. BIS 173 DIS : V. distemper, sickness, {perturbation, q. v.) i*. tirar, ghubrahut, byakoolec, be-tabee. to disorder, ubtur-k. v. to confound. disordered, v. crazy, (irregular, q. v.) ubtur, durhum burhum, pureshan, na-murboot, gud- bud, be intizam, be bundobust,v. anarchy, dis- orderly, (indisposed, q. v.) kusul-mund, kalila, mandu, muree/., (agitated, q. v.) mooztur, be- qurar, ghabra. disorderly, beturteebee- &c. -se. disorderly, adj. ubtur, be-bundo bust, be-zubt, bud-fab, awaru, mu.uyoob, v. irregular. to disown, in|kar-k. moon|kir-h. mookuma, v. to renounce. to disparage, kum qudr- be qudr- soobook- hul- ka- khufeef- ihanut- hiqarut-k. hurf- nooqs-, sookhun-lana, kusurshan-k. ootarna, v. to re- proach, lower. disparagement, v. disproportioti, kum-qudree, be- qudree, soobookee, hutuk, ihanut, hiqarut, ueb, nooqs, sookhun, v. blame, koo-mel, koo-jor, V. degradation. disparity, tufawut, furq, ikhtilaf, byora, na-moo- wafuqut. dispassionate, suleem oot-tubu, huleem, saf, mcon- sjf, rast-baz, behuwa o huwus, be-rus, be-pitta or -zuhru, be-muel or -luga,o, v. cool, impar- tial. to dispatch, &c. v. to despatch. to dispel, oorana, dufu- rufu- door-k. nikalna, chulana, bhugana, phoonk-d. v. to dissipate, expel, dispensary, duwa-khanu. dispensation, (distribution, q. v.) phuela,o, inti- shar, bant, (exemption, q. v.) mu,afee. dispensatory, ulfaz ool udwiyu. /o dispense, bantna,phuelana,bichhana,tuq8eem-, qismut-k. v. to administer. to dispense with, mu,af- chhima-k. v. to forgive, stijfer. to disperse, chhitkana, bithrana, bukhcrna, khin- dana, phuelana, puragundu- moontusliur-k. v. to dispense. rfi«perserf,mQontushir,niootufurriq, tarputar,teen- teruh, tireebiree, titurbitur, puragundu, pure- shan, phoot-phat, phoota-phoot, juhan-tuhan, eedhur-oodhur, birez blrez. to be dispersed, chhitukna, bithuma, bikhuma, phuelna, puragundu-h. bichulna, bithurna, v. to scatter. rfj«pem(WJ,intishar,tufriqu,puragundugee, pure- sbanee, phootphutuk, bichhep, v. diffusedness. to dispirit, azoordu- bezar- shikustudil- oodas-k. mun-torna, durana, duhshut-d. dispirited, be dum-dil or -himmut, v. dejected. to displace, beja- bemuoqu- koothuor-r. bichlana, V. to remove, (to dismiss, q. v.) tugheer- muo- qoof-k, display, izhar, nooma,ish, numood, phuela,o, pu- sara, phurka,o, tunt ghunt, v, ostentation. to display, (spread wide) khol-d. pusama, (the colours) phuelana, (to exhibit, q. v.) butlana, jutana, numood-k. phurkana, v. to expose. to displease, rookana, koorhana,roothana,nakhoosh- &c. -k. kjiutukna, khulana, v. to vex. displeased,v. disgusted, na-khrosh, azcordu, kush- eedu-khatir, oodas, diqq, i.utiraz, bud-bur, -dil or -dimagh, beroo, guran-khatir, muleen, kusheedu, chiragh-pa, na-raz, poor dil, v. of- fended, angry. displeasing, dooroosht, naguwar, v. disagreeable. displeasure, na-khcoshee, runjeedugee, khufgee, azoordugee, oodasee, bezaree, jtab, i,utirazee, kheej, guranee, kawish, itab-khitab, muleenta, V. disgrace, ituOgnatimi, offence. disposal, (power, q. v.) ikhtiyar, bus, bundhim, qubzu, hatti. DIS 174 DIS to dispose, {arrange, q. v.) mooruttub- arastu-k. sunwarna, bantna, thuhrana, sujana, v. to re- . gulate, khuruchna, khurch-k. puteelna, {of a horse) shadee-k. v. to sell, lugana, buethalna, V. to apply, expend, {to give, q. v.) dilana, de-d. hibu-k. inam-d. or -k. v. to deliver, {to destine) . mooquddur-k. ruchna, {to incline, q. v.) ragh- ib-k. jhookana, chulana, purkana, v. to induce, {to make) bunana, kurna, {to sell, q. v.) bech- na, hudiyu-k. {to place) rukhna, dhurna, v. to , do, go, betrothe. txi ^t-ii,- disposed, {arranged, q. v.) mooruttub, arastu, . {destined, q. v.) r ucha, {inclined) sha,iq, raghib, shuoqeen, ma,il. •^■" disposer, qasim, kureem, bukhshne-wala, bukh- shinduj nazim, nuzzam, moontuzim, suja|Oo, V. arranger, data, v. giver, regulator. disposition, v. position, {order, q. v.) arastugee, sujawut, duol, bunawut, sakht, khumeer, kir- daTjV. distribution, ban, shi|Ur, tuqazu, khoolq, munish, v. habit, nature, method, regulation, {temper, q. v.) mizaj, tubu, adut, kho, seerut, khuslut, teenut, v. inclination, manner. to dispossess, nikal-d. or -d. bedukhul- kharij-k. V. to deprive, ^sHmhinijH ,*■ '««>""'« «•«!*{«( to dispraise, unsurahna, bewusf-k. v. to hlame. disproportion, be-undazugee, tufawut, na-moDwa- fuqut, be-i|Utidalee, nasazee, bud-undamee, ka- wafcee, be-duolee, bud-sujee. to disproportion, be undazu- bud oosloob-k. disproportioned, disproportional, nar-moo wafiq, na- saz, be-undazu, ghuer-moo,utudil, na-moonasib, be-duol, bud-suj, be-hisab, be-thikana, ghuer- mootusawee, na-muozoon, v. inconsistent. to disprove, jhootha- rudd- batil- munsookh-k. kat-d. disputant, disputer, buhhas, sumbadee. disp^t^af ioMs,jhugraloo, luranka, bukheriya, tuk- raree, hoojjutee. . \U;ii ,«V.\iito<> I disjmte, disputation, buhs, moobahusu, sumbad, hoojjut, mooquddumu, tukrar, moonazuru, moo- jadulu, niza,u, graft o shlneed, lura,ee, khoo soomut, purkhash, qprbudu, v. controversy, de^ bate, quarrel. to dispute, jhugurna, buhusna, lurna, buhs-k. v. to disobey. to disqtialify, nala,iq- nasha,istu- namoowafiq-k. disquiet, disquietude, disquietness,he-axa.mee, be- chuenee, be-kulee, drakh, tusdee.u, tukleef, tushweesh, eeza, diqqut, runj, khufugee, khar- khar, zuhmut, v. an.viefy. to disquiet, sutana, kjbijana, dookjhana, clihema, moozturib-k. dookh-d. v. to displease. disquisition, tuqreeb, moonazuru, v. dispute.^ >;.; disregard, be-tumeezee, bud-lihazee, be-khubree, be-purwa,ee, be-iltifatee, chushm-poshee, ana- kanee, tughafrol, v. coldness, contempt, disre- spect. tc^\,',ui;.-^<\.A^V:.v \ to disregard, nu-manna, betumeezee-k. {to look over) chushm poshee- anakanee-k. {to neglect) ghuflut-k. kandhee- turuh-d. bughul-jhankna, ighmaz-k. v. to despise, slight. disregardful, be-tumeez, bud-lihaz, ghafil, be- kliubur, be-purwa. to disrelish, nufrut- goorez-r. be zuoq-h. v. to dis- like, loathe. disreputable, v. disgraceful, nai-va\i^\x disrepute, bud-namee, rooswa.ee, fuzeehutee, be- qudree, v. disgrace, shame. disrespect, be-udubee, be-imtiyazee, goostakhee, shokhee, mugra,ee, dhitha,ee, be-uda,ee, turki udub, V. contempt. . w »)■,;■;.< M!i» disrespected, be-man. ,t%ui'^w ."mM disrespectful, be-udub, be-imtiyaz, be-udheen, niradur, v. impertinent, unpolite. disrespectfully, be udubee-se, be-muhabu. DIS 175 JDIS dissatisfaction, be-subree, be-isriqialec, na-khqo- shce, bezarec, khufgec, v. discontent, dissatisfactory, be-suwab, v. unsatisfactory, dissatisfied, nor-razee, na-khnosb, bezai', runjeedu, bur kh astu-kbatir. to dissatisfy, nakhoosh-k. koorbana. io dissect, katna, cheerna, jooda- qutu bcnreed-k. V. to divide, {investigate, q. v.) janchua, initi- han-k. dissection, kuta,o, tushreeh, (examinafuni) imti- . ban. iftrjw yi) ,Vi\A»^V> to dissemble, v. a. posheedu-k. chhipana, buha- nu-k. V. n. mukr- dimbh- riya-k. dissembler, mukkar, riya^-kar, dimbhee, moonafiq, moozuwwir, kuptee, zumanu-saz, saloos, kar- saz, moodaratee, v. time-server, dissemblingly, mukr-se. to disseminate, phuelana, chhitkana, zahir- mush- hoor- sha,ee,u-k. shoohrut-d. cbheetna, pusar- na, V. to diffuse, scatter, dissension, quziyu, lura,ee, bigar, bukhera, nifaq, mookhalufut, un-buna|0, khurkhushu, be-itti- faqce, na-sazee, ikhtilaf, niza,u, tor phor, fu- 8ad, fitnu, V. altercatimi, discord. dissent. In, kar, v. disagreement, to dissent, namoowafiq-b. ikhtilaf- birodh-r. v, to differ, dissenter, kliarijee, rafz.ee, koo-puthee, mcDn.kir. dissertation, bukhan, gootka, v. discourse, treatise, disservice, nooqsan, zurur, v. injury, dissimilar, na^ma>yfa&q, mcic)glia,ir,bur-uks, ulug, be-mel, be-jor, koosum, bueree, birodliee, na- jins, mookhalif, v. different, opposite, unlike, dissimilarity, dissimilitude, na-moowafuqut,birodji, mookhalufut, ikhtilaf, tufawut. dissimulation, riya, riya-karee, dimbh, tuzweer, ighmaz, rooriya, moodara, v. dissembler, hypo- crisy, to dissipate, clibitkaoa, oorana, phuelana, v. to disperse, {to spend, q. v.) surf- ghurt burt-k. israf-k. disnpaled, uubash, awaru, v. dispersed, to debauch. dissipation, uobashee, v. dispersion. dissoluble, dissolvable, qabili-goodaz, gulunhar, goodaz-puzeer. to dissolve, v. a. {liquify, q. v.) gulana, ghoolana, gcodaz-k. bilana, puchana, v. to melt, {a charrn) ootarna, jharna, phoonkna, {to dismiss, q. v.) burkhast-k. {to annihilate, q. v.) funa- nest-k. nest na bood- nast-k. mitana, {to separate, q, V.) ulug- mootufurruq-k. v. n. ghoolna, gulna, bhila-j. goodaz-h. puchna, buhllna, v. to solve, vanish ; by the commander's order, the assembly is dissolved, surdar ke hookm se, mujlis burkhast hoo,ee. dissolved, v. supra, majtuhullil, goodaz. ' to be dissolvi'd, {in pleasure) tuhleel- mud gulit-h. bhin-j. dissolvent, dissolver, {in comp.) goodaz, v. melter. dissolute, be-qued, awaru, la,obalee, choor,chhoot- khela, v. debauchee. dissolutely, bequedee-se, khoole-bundon, chhoot- ke, V. openly. dissoluteness, be-qucdec, uobashee, awarugec, chhootkhelee, v. profligacy. .i\-im 5A^ dissolution, goodaz, goodakhtugee, {dnnihilationt q. V.) nestce, v. death, {destruction) khurabce, {of an assembly) burkhast. to dissuade, baz-r. burujna, rokna, dil- mun-phcr- na, mumi-k. phirana, bhanjee-marna, v. to mar. r^ dissuader, manj, moozahim. dissuasion, munu, moomanu,iit, imtina,u, buruj, V. the verb, distance, dooree, ursu, musafut, tufawut, mosfa- sulu, ba),ud, tuppa, puUa, door-durazee, door- dustec, unturbed, moofaruqut, furuq, v. sepa- ration, space, {of time) mooddut, uwudh, (re- DIS 176 DIS - spect) udub, sunman ; distance of behaviour, kusheed, rooka,o, kheench, rookawut, ihtiraz. to distance, pichhwana, peechhe-d. pusundakht-k. distant, door, bu,eed, mootufawut, door-dust, door- duraz, untral, v. different, also ago, while, af- ter, (reserved, q. v.) rookha, un-mila, na-ash- na^mizaj. distaste, nufrut,tunufFcior, istikrah, ghin,v. anger, dislike, bud-muzugee, bud-za,iqu, be-suwad,v. disgust, distasteful, ghinuona, na-guwar, raoostukrih, v. ^'offensive. .j -s;i>it distemper, azar, beemaree, muruz, rog, kusalu, illut, V. disorder, to distend, phoolana, nuf kh-k. pusarna, phuelana. distention, phoola|0, nufkh, v. breadth. ^ distich, doha, dohra, buet, furd, v. couplet, to distil, V. n. (drop, q. v.) tupukna, chhunna, risna, mooturushshih-h. khuenchna, (twice) : do atusha- or dobara-k. (thrice, &c.) si,atusha-, eibaru^k. (spirits) ab karee-k. v. a. tupkana, choo,ana, choolana, also to distil spirits, moo- quttur-k. distillation, tupka,o, chukeedugee, tuqatoor, tu- rushshcoh, uruq-kushee, abkaree, choola,o, v. the verb, distiller, ab-kar, kular, kulwar, mooquttir, iiruq- kush, soondee, iirqee, (in comp.) kush. distinct, (different, q.v.) jooda,bhin, mootufawut, mcDtugha,ir, mootuba,in, mootuzad, moofussul, -. uiootufurruq, surkh(»d,birasihl,v. independent, (specified) mooqurrur, mcosliukhkhus, moo,ue- yun, (clear) kjicola, saf, zaliir, wazili. distinction, (difference, q. v.) furq, byora, imti- yaz, tumeez, tu,ueyun, tuqurrcor, tushkhees, -I. v. specification, (division, q. v.) fusl, bhed, v. -■*■ diversity, bana, v. mark, also to discriminate, - (rank, q. v.) numood, shan, i,uzaz, v. discern- -'^ent. distinctly, moofussulun, mushroohun, tufseelun, V. distinct. - ' distinctness, sufa,ee, v. distinction. i to distinguish, furq- jooda-k. (to prefer; q. v.) burhana, bura.ee- hcormut-qudr-k. (to judge, q. V.) janna, puhchanna, tumeez-k. (to make conspicuous) numood- namee- namwur- rau,u- roof- mushhoor-k. v. to exalt, note. distinguished, (eminent, q. v.) moomtaz, numoo- dar, namee, v. distinct, to distort, (to wreath, q. v.) uenthna, pech-d. romethna, sikorna, terlia- kuj- khum-h. pher- na, V. to crook, distortion, pechish, murora, sikor, uenthun, kuj o kawish, chik, pech, v. convulsion, crooked- ness, to distract, (to confound, q-v.) ghubrana, uklana, moozturib-k. chul be chul-k. v. to puzzle, (to . harass, q. v.) ajiz-k. sutana, (to make mad) deewanu-k. distracted, ghabra, byakool, moozturib, surasee- mu, sur-gurdan, pureshan, ashooftu, be-huwas, surgushtu, betab, bequrar, hulqan, zholeedu, mooturuddid, moobtila, bismue, do-dila or -chi- ta, doobidha, v. dispersed, perplexed, (rnad, q. V.) suoda,ee, shoreedu, mujnoon. »)i to be distracted, (harassed, q. v.) ajiz- nachar-h. tung- pureshan-h. distractedly, deewanu-wai-, ba,ola-sa, v. distract- ed. distraction, iztirab, iztiraree, wuswas, kushmu- kush, khuencha-kjiuench, qulq, tushuttoot, ibtila, be tabee, v. perturbation, be-kulee, hue- ranee, pureshanee, be-huwasee, (commotion, q. V.) khulul, hurburee, ghudur, ashob, foo- toor, (discord, q. v.) un-buna,o, fusad, nifaq, dooshmunee, (madness, q. v.) suoda, shoree- dugee. distress, tusdee,u, tukleef, eeza, uziyut, dookh, nis 177 Dir biput, junjal, bula, sitoh, runj, azar, bitha, iip- radh, kules, uchmus, suket, sukra, garb, ku- salu, zughtu, shacj, pech, ijz, cosrut, y. poverty, wretchedness, {pecuniary) kum-khurchec, v. dif- Jiniify, (fo be in f,n-ent) dum nak men ana, wuqt-purna, hueran pureshan- butung-h. v. afflicti(m,anguish, calamity, miserahle,misery. to distress,saia,n&, dookhana,tusdee,vi-d. hueran-k. kulpana, runjanq, sukrana, v. to harans, op- press. distressed, distressfully, the Mown,drokhiya,durd- nak, dil-geer, shikustu-dil, pureshan, hueran, tung, ajiz, mooflis, muflook, tung-dust, v. af- Jticted, bigut, dmrgut, be dusa, bud- or kliu- rab-hal, be hal, be itjb^lj dunuandu, v. cala- mitous. . to diatribute, (to share, q. v.) bantna, bukhshna, hissu-k. {victuals at meals) purosna ; to distri- bute justice, iidl goosturee-k. v. to divide. distributer, qasun,h\mtwuya,gcost\xr,{of victuals) purosiya. distribution, inqisam, tuqseem, butwara, v. divi- sion, (of food) torabundee, v. to share, (in comp.) goDsturee, v, dispension. district, chukla, zUii, surkar, purgunu, muhal, (jurisdiction, q. v.) iimul, umuUi, (region, q. V.) khittu, khund, tu,uUcDqu, turuf, tuppa, V. country, dioision, parish, quarter, thana, deeh, V. station. distrust, gooman, sbuk, I'ueb, bhurum, be-i,uti- baree or -i,utimadee, hoozm, apjus, v. suspicion, bud-zunnee. < .uiiji ' fo distrust, goonian-r. bhurmana, be i,iitiqad-h. distrustful, bud-gooman, bud-bur, bud-;/.unn,shuk- kee, sundehee, bhurmee,be-i,utiqad,(/»woro?«, q. V.) mootuwuhhim. distrustfully, budgoomanee- &c. -se. distrusffdness, bud-gc»manee, bud-zunnee, be- i|Utiqadee. to disturb, chlierna, khijana, hurukut-d. khulul- -d. diqq-k. uktana, khulana, v. to distract, trmtble. ■» disturbance, (interruption , (\.y .) hurukut, hurj, bhung, (tumult, q. v.) hungamu, fusad, huij- murj, bojllur, shor, gurmee, khurkhuslui, tun- ta, oodhim, dunga, undor, v. clamour, cmnmo- tion, confusion, distraction, disturbed, (perplexed, q. v.) moozturib, byakool, ghabra. disturber, fitnu-ungez, moukhil, suntapee, harij, dookhda,ee, tunte-baz, toofanee, v. incendiary, seditious, disunion, jojdaee, be-ittifaqee, doo,ee, phor tor, berphoot, v. discord. to disunite, v. a. ulug- jnoda- ulahidu-k. v. n. jooda-h. biphurna, bilugna, ooclierna, bhin- do- mufrooq- tulVeeq-k. v. to break, disjoin, separate, disuse, disusage, be-isti,iimalee, be-sadfinee, be- riibtee, be-mushqee, be-ruwajee, v. custom, use. r to disuse, cbhor- ootha- oora-d. nast- nest- mut- rook- muhoo-k. clihorana, v. to leave, ditch, V. dilie, kbunduq, kha,ee, v. gutter, paliee, puegliar, niogliak, niungur, v. moat, to ditch, khundu<{-marna, -duorana, -khodna or -dena, v. to dig. ditcher, beend, dhangur, loniya, v. digger, ditto, uezun. ditty, geet, surod, v. elegy, divan, deewan. ••'-•vjb to divaricate, phutna, bilugna, bichhooina, doo dhara- dooruha- doosliuklia-h. v. to divide, to dive, ghotu- doubkee- boorkee-mama, doob- kee-khana, doobna, v. to duck, diver, ghoUi-khor, (a fotcl) pundcobee, ghootu zun or baz, doobiya, jibnecj pun booddee, kurunjwa, (for pearls) ghuwwas, mujjiya. Z Dir 178 Bir to diverge, chhiturna, phuelana, pusuma, v. to diffuse, divaricate. divers, diverse, v. different, ku,ee-ku,ee, buhoot- buhcot, chund, whence chund-ushkhas, divers persons, v. many, sundry. diversification, tubuddc»l, tudbeel, tughueyur. to diversify, budulna, tubdeel- mrobiiddul-k. bhant bhant- rungrung- goonagoon-k. turuh ' bu turuh- udul budul-k. v. to variegate, bil- gana, tufreeq- jmda-r. v. to discriminate. diversion, {amusement, q. v.) tumasha, suer, bu- har, gusht, tufurrooj, tufunnoon, dil-lugee, lee- la, kheluwul, V. play, syahu, jhookee, v. feint, {act of turning) inhiraf, (m war) bhcolawa, buehka,o, mooghalutu. diversity, furq, tufawut, ikhtilaf, tughaiir, fusl, tujawuz, rung bu rungee, v. variety, ch^^i to divert, {amuse, q. v.) buhlana, khilana, phi- rana, (oweV self) khooshee-k. v. to play, turn, {to turn aside) masnhurif-k. mor- pher-d. {to draw away) mootuwujjih-k. mohra-pherna, buehkana, bhoolana. diverter, buhla,oo, v. amusive, also to please. to divest, rotarna, nikalna, chheen-lena, le-lena, {to free) buree- pak- saf- khalee-k. to divide, v. a. {to distribute, q. v.) bantna, tuq- seem-k. {or share, q. v.) bant chant-k. bur- tana, muqsoom-k. liurna," doparu-k. bilgana, {to separate) ulug- ijlahidu-k. {to halve) do- tookra- dotook- bil-moonasufu-k. udhiyana ; V. n. jooda-h. v. to disunite. '"^•'^ '' ' dividend, bant, bukhra, uns, qist, bukhsh, mviq- soom, ihinhoo, moodh,(.5^ffTe) muqsootn jlueh, V. division, {in arithmetic) moonqusum. divider, divisor, qasltn, muqsoombihi, bhag. divination, ilm i ghueb, ruml, prushn, v. predic- tion. divine, ilahee, ruhmanee, rubbanee, duewee, bu- hishtee, {presence) huzrut, v. worship, khoo- da,ee, sahibee, v. holy, ghuebee, asmanee, na- ra,enee, v. angelic; divine inspiration, ilham i rubbanee, {excellent) khassu, toohfu, v. charm- ing. a divine, uhli fiquh, bueshnuo, sastrik, bedee, burhm charee, v. doctor, also priest, guide. to divine, v. a. butlana; v. n. tU|Ubeer-k. ruml- phenkna, {to conjecture, q. v.) sumujhna, boojh- na, duriyaft- mu,uloom-k. tarna, v. to guess. divinely to sing, bu luhn da|Oodee-gana,aZso qiya- mut-gana, likhna, &c. from this word being used for divinely, in such expressions. divineness, v. above, uloohiyut, v. excellence. diviner, alim-ghueb, ghueb-dan, rummal, noojoo- mee, jotkee, bhudree, prushnik, fal-go, kahin, V. soothsayer. diving, ghuwwasee, &c. v. diver. divinity; khooda|ee, sahibee, v. deity, fiquh, J)ed, sastur, {god, q. v.) suda se,o, v. deity, {theo- logy, q. V.) ilahiyat, ilmi-ilahee. divisible, bilgane-jog, bantun-jog, qabil-tuqseeni, tuqseem-puzeer. division, tuqseem, inqisam, furq, tufarooq, tufa- wut, ikhtilaf, {share, q. v.) qismut, hissu, bhag, {partition) o\, purdu,y. dividend, {class, q. V.) firqu, v. company, tolee, («) misul, bu- raduree, v. quarter, {discord, q. v.) unrus, unbuna,o, {section, q. v.) fusl, bab, udhya, shoobu, V. section, bunta,o, v. the verb, {of grain) buta,ee, bhawulee, v. instalment, also column, district, distinction, fort. divorce, divorcement, tulaq, tyag. ' to divorce, tulaq-d. tyagna. divorced, tulaqee, mootulluqu. divorcer, tulaq dihindu, taliq. diuretic, moodir, drawik, indree, mota|00. -^ diurnal, din-ka, yuomee, rozeenu, v. daily. to divulge, butlana, kuhna, ueyan- fash- ulaniyu-. DOC ItO DOG burmula- pritichh- izhar- ifsha-k. phoma, v. to disclose, ■proclaim. .*Wv' dizziness, duoran i sur, ghoomree, tawandh, chuk chuondhee, undha-chuondhee, gusht, v. verti- go ; to be dizzy, sur-gjioomna, v. giddy ; to make dizzy, sur-ghooinana. dizzy, sur-gurdan, mudhosh, chuk- or undha- chuondha. do, (i?i the indicative^ boon, hue, &c. did, tha ; I did didike him hefwe, but now I do like him, age oose muen nu chahta tha pur ub chahta hoon. Do, seems either to be expressed at times by ana or a repetition, thus ; do come, ap a,o ; do hear,_ a,o sosno ; do let us go, a,o chulen ; do run, duoro duoro, &c. While we enjoy the sweets of this garden, do, my love, let us also drink wine together, is chumun ke suer men a yar peewen milke mool. Suoda. / shall come back soon, Imt if I do tiot, go away, muen juldee pher a,oonga nuheen to toom chule jana, V. tlie Monitor, and Vol. II. to do, kurna, bunana, ruchna, buja-Iana, v. to perform, luhna, v. to suit, {to exert) duoma, zor-marna, v. to act, behave, cause, effect, {to manage) chulana, nikalna, {to deal with) ula- qu- moo,amulu- surokar- kam-r. {to influence, q. V.) umul-k. {tojinish, q. v.) akhir- khutm- -k. nibahna, also {to execute) xida^Xi.; to cause to be done, kurana, bunwana; to be do7ie with any thing, chhootna, farigh- kJiulas- azad-h. V. done ; to do, {to fare) bona ; hoiv do you do now ? ub toom kuese ho ? {to answer) bona, bunna, chulna, kafee- kifa,it-k. ; it will not do, yih nu bunega, v. to succeed. dociVe, turbiyut-pizeer, chalak-zihn, tez-uql, sikh- un bar, honhar, sudJia,oo, moola,im-tubu, udub- amoz, islaji-puzeer, v. tame. docility, turbiyut puzeeree, sudhawut, v. tracf- ableness. dock, doond, V. stump, {for vesseU) gooddee, kharee, v. creek. to dock, lundoora-k. v. to crop, doom katna, v. to curtail. docquet, nishan, nam nishan, v. note, mark. doctor, V. casuist, {a learned man) alim, fazil, muoluwee, moodurris, nioo.ullim, mouUa, pun- dit, ucharij, {physician) hukeem, tubecb, bu- ed ; o doctor of law, mooftee, fuqeeh, uhl i fiquh, V. judge, moorshid, imam, hadee, shu- ekh, m(X)sha,ikh, arif, shuekh ool islam, moojtu- hid, V. divine ; a cow or cattle doctor, buetar, V. adept, {to pass as a) fatihu fiiragh-k. or -h. purichha-d. v. critic, master, philosopher ; a very learned doctor, moohuqqiq, iillamu ; this word means also a sly hypocritical whore. doctors, columa, fcozula, hcnkuma, utibba, fcoqu-i ha. doctorship, muoluwwiyut, nioolla,ec, pundita,ee, moo,ullimee, hukeemee, tubeebee, bueda|Ce, shukhookiyut, arifiyut, v. learning. '■> doctrine, ilm, funn, biddya, tu,uleem, muzhub, musluk, bat, mushrub, muslu, mooquddumu, V. proposition, lesson, science, faith. document, v. paper, proof, nuseehut- hookm- or pund-namu, v. precept, deed. dodder, ukas bel, bunda. to dodge, kuniyana,kona kanee-k. peechhe-lugna, lendiyana, v. to flinch, tal mutol- dar mudar-k. V. to shuffle. doe, hurnee, hunnce, v. deer. doer, fa,il, amil, kurta, kurne-wala, kurunhar, kurwya, karindu, v. agent, performer, S:c. (m comp.) kar, karec, whence bud-kar, pap-karee, an evil-doer, v sinner. ;» doeskin, mirg-chhala, kakra, v. leather. .), to doff, ootar-d. v. to strip, phoonk-d. door-k. V. to cast. dog, kootta, kookur, sug, kulb, swan, ooprohit, Z 2 DOI 180 DOM V. male, he. The varieties are the goorjee, tazee, desee, wilayutee, puhariya, bhootunta, V. greyhound, lap-dog; to go to the dogs, gul-j. murbila-j. mara niara-phirna, burbad-h. suk- rat ke beejon ko-j. The dog which the Eng- lish call pariya or pariah, is by the natives called lendee, thinguha, khundu. A mad dog, ba|Ola kootta; a dog-keeper, doriya. Quere, may not pariya come from puraya, strange ; by supposing the last word to have been mis- imderstood by the first European settlers, on receiving an answer from the natives to this question ; Yih kis ka kootta hue ? puraya kootta hue, he is a strange dog. It is probable that this reply would be generally made, and as generally misconceived. to dog, poochhiyana, soongh-nikalna, peechhe- lugna, V. to trace. dogcheap, mittee ka mol, gooh durgooh, gooha, chhee chhee, v. drug. dog-^y, kootte mukhee, humuj, v. kennel. dogged, doggish, sug-teenut or -sifut, bheetur ghhangee, ghoona, rookha, bud-kho, v. surly. doggrel, zutul qafiyu, shikustu-buhr. .. dog-hole, soo,ur khobree, v. sty. * '■"■''■ dog-louse, jeewee, kilnee, chumokun, v. louse. dogma, qa,idu, (janoon, puth, v. axiom. dogmatic, dogmatical, khood-nooma. dogmatist, purh pusoo, puchhee, khood-rae or -uql, V. positive. dog-rose, suda-gojlab, v. rose. dog''s-bane, koochla. dogsleep, sug-kh\yabee. dog-star, soohuel, v. c.anopus. dog-trot, kookur-chal, sug-duwee. doings, kam, kar, kiya, boozoorgee, krit, kur- toot, kirdar, V. work; these are allyour doings, yih sub toomhara kiya hue, or yih toomharee boozoorgee ;^«e rfo/^g-s, pod,him-chal,v. action, conduct, also to junket. doit, kuoree, dumree, v. penny. doleful, dolesome, oodas, dil-geer, gliumnak, ochat, mulool, mughmoom, muhzoon, huzeen, v. dis- mal. dolefnlness, doUs'omeness, oodasce,ochatee, dil-gee- ree, ghum-geenee, ghum-nakee, mulal, hoozn. doll, (baby, q. v.) gooriya, goodda, pootlee, good- dee. dollar, tikkal, v. crown. dolphin, doolfin. dolt, koondu, dubung, sadu-luoh, thoo,a, jur, jub- da, V. blockhead, clod, dunce. domain, sa.ir, v. demain, also dominion. dome, (cupola) goombuz, qoobbu. ■■'>.'\;^' domestic, (tame,({.\.) paloo, dust-amoz, khangee, hila, ghuruela, ghurka, pula,oo, purwurdu, khanu-saz, -purwur or -zad, uhlee, shuhree, ashiyanee,v. home,house, (iro?7)khanu jungee, (son in law) khanu damad, v. dependant, also to tame, (fond of home) khanu-dost ; domestic economy, khanu-daree, girhistee, v. private. domestic, y/abusiu, luwahiq, mootu,ulliq,lug-bun- doo, luwahiqat, mootu,ulluqat, wabustugan. domestics and baggage, umulu fi,ulu. i' domestics, (servants) shagird-peshu, v. servants. domination, dominion, hookoomut, hookm, aggya, bul, samurth, surdaree, riyasut, furman-ru- wa,ee, dawurec, khooda,ee, khoodawundee, kha- wundee, sahibee, sultunut, padshahee, padsha- hut, raj, umul-daree, qulum ruo, ruboobiyut, raj pat, surhungee, surkobee, hakimee, aqa,ee, siyadut, bura,ee, phoola,ee, zubur-dustee, v. district, government, power, predominance. to domineer, hookoomut-k. tuhukkooni- zor-k. sahibee-surhungee-k. sir pur churhna, v. to tyrannize, master. DOS 181 nou domino, boorqu, v. veil. donation, donative, bukhshish, dad-dihish, dan, utiyu, nuziiranu, nisar, wuhub, v. gift. done, kiya, buniya, hoo,a, buna, bus, bhula, uch- chha, V. well, yes, (to be) ho lena, bona, bun- na, V. to end, also to expend ,• well, whafs to be done now? (in despair) ub kuesee bunee, (?w council) ub kuesee bune, v. to perform ; to he done, akhir- tumam- khurj-h. ho-chookna, chookna, thus, to be done speaking, kuh-chook- na, V. the Monitor. donor, bukhshindu, dihlndu, data, v. giver. don't, mut, nu, jun, nukko, u-han, co-licwn, na- nu, rubne-do, jane-do; dotCt go, mut ja,o ; don't you? kyoon nuheen? which means liere, is it not 80? i J : doodle, nikhuttoo, pudna, v. idler, nidget. doom, hcxDkm, umr, futwa, furmoodu, aggya, (end q. V.) aqibut, unt, (fate, q. v.) quza, nusfieb, bhag, (rwin) khurabee. ;.v>'5. o .;. to doom, mooqurrur- mootu,ueyun-k. thuhrana, V. to destine, (to sentence, q. v.) futwa- ijazut-d. ruchna, budna, ropna, furmana, v. to decree, order. doomsday, \.judgvient,c(iyaxavA, purlo, muhshur, rozi aqibut, v. resurrection. door, ( portal) durwazu, dur, duwara, bur, du- reechu, khirkee, v.^ao dotage, (from age) khurafut, inkhiraf, suthiya- hut, sithil, &c. infra, v. distraction, (on a mis- tress) fureftugee, ashooftugee, sheftugee, joo- noon. 0% . ' ,;- 1 dotard, doter, moonkhurif, sutra buhutra, shithil, sithilee, burburiya, mcontushir huwas, za,eel col ucjl, mu,usoom sifit, peerfurtoot, v. craxy, chootiya, turhoorhee, choor, v. cully, (on a mistress) fureftu, sheftu, v. lover. to dote, V. n. moonkhuiif-h. suthiyana, v. to rave, bhinna, choor-h. bidhna, suoda,ee-h. v. to adore, (as a loner) deewanu-h. murna. dotingly, be-nihayut, bu-shiddut, v. excessively. double, dohra, dotuh, do-lur, dookna, doochund, doona, dobala, ulma3z.a|Uf, mooza,uf, moosunna, doonadoon, doobra, dooJa,ee, doopurta, doo- soota, V. twice, &c. (as a letter) mooshuddud, doot, mcDdghum, (as coins) pukka, v. sitigle, (deceitful) doo-moonha, -bhashiya or -jeebha, do-doosiya, soruehiya, buhoo-roopiya, v. false, equivocator, &c. (entendre) tujnees, junika, V. two-fold, pair, &c. (double-dealer, double- tongued, &c.) doo-runga, huft-rungee, riya- kar, doo-gunaee-chittee, mukkar, moozuwwir, inconaf5q,do-rooiyu,v. hypocritical. This word is, in comp. generally expressed by do or doo, as the above and following words will illus- trate, of which sort there are many more in the language. double, (bow, &c.) do-rookha. double-cropped, do-fusla. JDor 182 DOW 'double-dealing, doo-rungee, huft-rungee, mukka- ree, riya-karee, tuzweer. double-edged, doo-dhara. double-handed, do-hutha. double-headed, do-sira. double-loaded, (a gun) dcxvgara. double-locked, do-tala. to double, V. a. dohrana, doochund- mooza,uf-k. hirkiyana, byondee-katiia, v. to shuffle, bhanj- na, V. to plait, (to pass, q. v.) langhna, churh- na, V. to weather, (to fold, q. v.) morna, v. n. doogna- &c. -h. v. to cheat. doublet, ungrukha, dugla,v.jrrocA, &c. doo-gana, V. pair, twins. doubling, double, (of a letter) tushdeed, v. dupli- cation, (ofajbx) hirkee, rooba,u baz-ee, pech- pach, V. winding. doubt, doubtfulness, shuk, shoobhu, ishtibah, goo- man, rueb, khutru, khurka, khiyal, v. suspi- cion, tuzubzoob, ihtimal, ibham, tuwuhlioom, sunka, v. solicitude, ambiguity, scruple. io doubt, shuk- Sec. -k. or -v. (to fear) bhurma- na, durna, (to hesitate, q. v.) pusopesh- shish- opunj-k. doubter, shukkee, wuswasee, wuhmee, bhurmee, V. sceptic. doubtful, (ambiguous, q. v.) mushkook, moosh- tubuh, golgo], ghuer-mooqurrur, v. uncertain, (suspicious,q.v.) wuhmee, bhurmee, v. doubter, (hazardous, q. v.) khutur-nak, mootuzubzub, v. equivocal. doubtfully, shojbhe- &c. -se. doubtless, be-shuk, be-shoobhu, yuqeen, tuhqeeq, uor-kya. dove, kubootur, kupot, humamu, (ring-) qoom- ree, [of which there are many, varieties] ; the tumbling dove, girih-baz, kubootur-bazindu ; the wild doue, junglee kubootur, v. turtle-dove, pigeon, &c. dove-cot, dove-house, kubootur-khanu, dhaburee; the boxes for the nests are called kabook. dove-tail, qoolfee. dough, khumeer, pera, lo,ee, goondhan. doughty, shumsher-buha-door, sher-qalee, gha- zee-murdee, v. brave, &c. =• rA t . to douse, V. a. ghotu-d. v. n. ghotu-khana, v. to plump. dowager, bewu, rand, bidhwa, begum, buhoo- begum, buhoo, v. lady. dowdy, phoohur, geglee. dower, dowry, (portion, q. v.) juhez, dueja, du- hez, ulunkar, kunniya-dan, v. gift, (jointure) muhr, kabeen. dowlas, khudhur, guzee, garha, v. cloth. down, (hair, &c.) rom, ro,eri, rongta, roo,ee, v. gossamer, cotton, (of the chin) subzu, khutt, (pile of velvet, &c.) khwab, (wool) pushum, (plain) muedan, land. down, downwards, (prep. & adv.) neeche, tule, heth, zer, v. up, to, also upside ; to take down, ootarna, v. to dismount, (a house, &c.) ood- herna, v. to undo, fall, lay, &c. (in writing) tank- likh-r. qulum bund-k. v. to insert; to throw down, puchhama, letarna, putuk-d. ; to boil down, julana, gurhiyana, v. to inspissate, (with a stream) bhuthiyal, bhathee, (since) se; to go down, (to set) ghcoroob-h. doobna, buethna, ust-h. ; to fall down, gir-puma; to throw down, gira-d.; up and down, eedhur oo- dhur ; to go down, huzm- burdasht-h. v. to suffer, to bear, &c. ; to lay down, rukh-d. ; to lie down, let-ruhna; my boat was sailing down, and his was going vp, meree na^o bhuthiyal ja- tee thee o cos kee oojan. downcast, shurm-geen, muhjoob, laj-wunt, lujee- la, surnigoon, goopchoop, v. dejected, silent. downfall, khwaree, khurabee, tubahee, suttya- nasee, inhidam, mismaree, v. ruin, disgrace. DBA 183 DBA downright, ( plain) seedha, sadu, rast, usl, muhz, sureeh, theek, v. blunt, {open, q. v.) saf, za- hir, {complete, q. v.) pukka, banka, kutta, ni- hayut, kamil, suklit. downrightly, {openly) sureehun, khoola, v. tJie adj. downy, {soft) nurm, kotnul, mcnla,im, mookhut- tutj pola, ro,endar, khwabdar, pushmee, gala- sa, phaha-sa, roo,ee-sa, v. nap, also balmy. doxy, V. drab, dhemnee, yarnee, ooruhree, v. strumpet, &c. doze, kuchee neend, neemkhwab, oonneenda, oogha,ee, v. nap, &c. to doze, V. n. oonghna, jhupkee men-h. ulsana, sona, ankh-lugna, pure-ruhna, v. to yatcn, loi- ter-, &c. V. a. oonghaua, solana. doxen, baruh. dozy, oonghasa, ghoonoodu, ulsana, v. drowzy. drab, buzaree, huteree-buteree, turkhnl, v. har- ridan, jade, &c. drachm, dirhum, v. dram. dracunculus, drajicontium, narwa, rishtu, aqur- qurha. draff, seethee, kho,ee, khulee, phokh, v. refuse. draff, {for money) burat, tunkhwah, {cattle) halee, uld, v. draught, burden. drag, kanta, jhugur. to drag, ghuseetna, kheenchna, jharna, chhenk- na, V. to sweep, {a boat) tanna, v. to draw, V. n. ghusitna. to draggle, v. a. litharna, v. n. lithurna. draggletail, litharoo. drag-net, muha-jal, chatur. dragon, uzhduha, ujgur, yooha. dragorCs blood, dumm-cnl-ukhwuen, dumm-oos- siban, heera dokhee. dragoon, suwar. drag-rope, goon, {sticks) burwa. drain, nalee, moohree, budur-ruo, moree, puwu- hee, V. ditch. to drain, {to strain) chhanna, nichorna, choosna, nikalna, pusana, nigarna, seech-d. {off") pusa- na, {to dry) sookhana, khoosfak-k. {to empty) khalee-k. kheech-d. drake, buta, but, budukh, but-nur, chukwa, v. duck. dram, miskal, v. drachm, ghoont, v. draught. drama, indir-jal, natuk, nuql. dramatist, indirjalee, natukee. draper, buzzaz, purchu-furosh, kupriya, v. mercer. drapery, hoollu, buna,o, choona,o, singar, v. dress, also ornament. drastick, mcnshil, jhar. draught, {of water, &c.) ghoont, jooru,u, qoort, {beverage) shurbut, shurab, {of carriages) kheecha,o, kushish, khuench, v. prill, soorkee, dum, piyaSjV. drmA;, {delineation, slccfch)nuci- shu, duol, ootara, sancha, khaka, v. plan, {of a net) khuencha,ee, teera,ee, {of a letter) adrus, V. copy, {of an account) khusra, v. order, {of a po7id) jhar, jhura,o, {of men) nikal, niksar, chhant, v. detachment, {of a boat) panee, v. depth; a rough draught of a writing, moosu- wudu, {a beast of draught) ladoo, bojhuel ; of what draught is this boat ? yih na,o ketne pa- ~ nee kee hue ? draughts, mooghul puthan. There are several games of this sort in Hindoostan, viz. tiyoor, nuogotiya, terun sula,ee, pucheesee, chuopur, chuosur, chhukka, bagh bukree. draw, khuench, v. jrull, draught, &c. to draw, v. a. kheenchna, ghuseetna, r. to drain, fchuenchna, uenchna, tanna, teema, ghuseet- lana, -lejana, v. to drag, {a sword) cpriyan-, alum-k. karhna, v. drawn, {to open or shut a curtain, &c.) khuench-lena, v. these verbs, {to bring) lana, v. to cause, {to utter) marna, v. to sigh, {to lead) chulana, v. to drive, {to fake up) mungwa- khuench-lena, v. to withdraw, DBA 184 DBE (to emhowel) pet-cheerna, saf-k. v. to gut, (a picture, &c.) oorehna, cheetna, optarna, chit- urna, v. to copy, (a bill) hoondee-k. -likhna, or -bhejna, (to cast) dalna, phenkna, dekhna, V. lot, (out) chhantna, choon-lena, v. to select, (an army) tueyar-k-. v. to prepare, array, Sec. (water by cattle) pool-chulana, (by people) ghurra-chulana, (to pluck out) kheench-d. ni- kalna, (to suck) choosna, (to attract, q. v.) juzb-k. V. to contract, (to inhale) lena, (to pull out) ookharna, (to open) kholna, (to shut) bund-k. (to produce) pueda-k. (to jirotract) tuweel- tool-k. burhana, (to drive) lena, (to entice) lulchana, mohna, purchana, hurna; to draw for money on a person, tunkhwah-k. ; to draw in, (curb) utkana, baz-r. (to inveigle) wurghulanna ; to drazv on, (hoots, &c.) churh- ana, v. to put on, &c.; to draw off, (to distil) choO|ana, choolana ; to draw over, phor- tor- lana ; to draw up, (an army, &c.) suf- pura-, barh-b. (to compose) insha-k. likhna; to draw, V. n. khichna, (to delineate) nuqshu-b. nuqqa- shee- chiturkaree-k. v. to paint; to draw near, nuzdeek- pas- wure-ana, v. n. bona, hojana, jana, ana, puhonchna, churhna, ooturna, nikul- na, V. to become, approach ; to draw together, jumu-h. simutna, joorna ; to draw 6acA;, hutna, surukna, dubna ; to draiv at cards, hcokm-oot- hana or -nikalna; to drato a sore, buhana, v. to advance. See Vol. II. under kheenchna. drawback, chhoot, tukhfeef, ri,ayut, phirta, v. alloivance. , ' ^^ t :>; :; .> drawer, qulum-kar, v. painter, (of a bureau) ghur, khanu, v. waterman, attracter, (in comp.) kush, V. waiter. drawers, janghiya; long drawers, pa,ejamu, izar, sbilwar, sirwal, tumban. drawing, nuqqashee, nuqsliu, nuqsh, nuqsh o ni- gar, V. painting. drawing-room, durbar, deewan-am, subha bhu- wun, V. hall, &c. , to drawl, ghuseetna, reghana, ghelwana, ghel- wake-bolna. drawn, khicha hoo,a, kusheedu, nunga, v. naked, (as a game, &c.) boord, sur-bu-sur, (collected) jumu hoo,a, (equal, q. v.) burabur, (to he) surna. ,V .,1'- ;tmimk> ( druggist, uttar, {prop, a perfumer) punsaree. He deals also in spices, &c. drum, dhol, clholuk, dohul, tubul, tubla, mir- dung, dufr-a or -ee, kunjuree, bheincha, doog- doogee, duraroo, digree, hoorook, mandur, ru- banu, dumama, tumboor, {from tambor, Por^.) pukhavvuj, tasa, duf, da,iru, mui'l'a, jue-dhak, ilunka, {head) tal, {bottom) bum, (i/ace*) jo- tee, {barrel) pete, khol, v. ring, also kettle ; a kettle-drum, nuqqaru, kos, {of the ear) kan ka purdu, v. Vol. II. for an explanation of these. Tomtom seems to have been formed in imitation of the sound of a drum ; but by whom, and when, is perhaps undetermined. to drum, dhol- tumboor-bujana or thonkna, nuq- qaru-k. or -d. doog doogana, dhol-raama or peetna. drummer, dholiya, tubul-nuwaz, tumboor-chee, dooliul-zun, dohul-kob, dufalee, tasa-nuwaz, supurda,ee, tubulchee, pukhawujee, duf-zun, doog doogiya. drumstick, chob, , dunka, ov thf (irwm itself, v. fame, he. ',,,,.4:-,, ...t-~T,fri .;«■ .>',t,', drunk,drunken,ni\xi-yisXa, must, mata,v. intoxi- cated. -VM .JU,t}<>«i>-«|l,THV»V- to be drunk, nushe men-hona. drunkard, v. drinker, shurab-khor, shurabee, da- im ool-khumr, khummar, nushu-khor or baz, mue-khar or kush, umulee, mudpee, mudoo,a, \. sot. .ta ,isHcdBa ,s-»ii«f!! .i-bao drunkenly, mustanu. drunkenness, niustee, kuef, shurab-khwaree, nu- shu-khoree, mue-khooree, nushu-bazee, v. in- toancation. nfmiUiikffHi ,i-'nlMit ,Jur dry, V. insipid, {arid, q. v.) khooshk, sookha, seeUia, v. sapless, {cow) thar, udheen, {thirsty) piyasa, tishnu, {plain) rookha, sadu, v. bar- ren, reserved, jjwona or jhoora, be-rus, v. tear- less, {as a well) undha, dhulha, be panee, v. thirsty, {as an answer) sursuree, be-huldee o phit kuree, be luga,o, v. unadorned, bud mu- zu, V. tasteless, {severe) sukiit. to dry, V. a. sookhana, sookhlana, khroshk-k. jhoorana, senkna, mama, chutkana, julana, khurk-hurana, juzb-k. v. to absorb, scorch, {to wipe) ponchhna ; v. n. sookhna, khooshk- -h. murna, julna, jhun jhunana, {as milk of cows, nurses, &c.)chutukna, tootna, v. to cease. dryer, jazib, sokh. i^;,-^ dry-kmd, khooshkee, sookha. dryly, v. dry, yoonhee, rookha,ee-se, v. coldly. dryness, v. insipidity, khooshkee, scokhawut, yoobs, yooboosut, {of temper) rookhawut, v. sterility, {between friends) koodoorut, bud-muzugee, shukur-runjee, rookha,ee-se, \. frigidity. dry-nurse, duda, da,ee khila.ee, opposed to da,ee pila^ee, a wet nurse, v. nurse. to dry-nurse, doodh se palna. dry-shod, sookhee jootee. dtcal, moosunna, doo-buchun ; the dual tiumber, tusniyu. to dub, bunana, thuhrana, kurna, v. to call, khi- Iiit-d. V. to install. dubious, \. doubtful. . .;iK.c;;> .n. .y ,jJi..»ii4>'iA duck, {tame) but, butuk, (eci/rf) chukweej chuk- u.ee, V. drake. This is the large duck or goose, well known in India by the name of Bruhmunee goose or duck, and in the poetry of the Hindoos is their turtle dove, for constancy and connubial affection, with the singular cir- cumstance of the pair being doomed for ever to nocturnal separation, for having oifended one of the Hindoo dfvinities. Whence, v Chukwa chukwee do June — in mut maro ko,e; Ye mare kurtar ke — ruen bicbhora hOiC. A A 2 DUE 188 DUL -' -Mark, heaveti's decree! and man forbear •V iTa aim thy shafts, or puny thunder, At these poor fowls; — a hapless pair. Who pass the lonely nights asunder. If we believe popular tradition and assertions, the cause is so far confirmed by the effect ob- servable in the conduct of these birds to the present day, who are said to occupy the op- posite banks of a water, or stream, regularly every evening, and to exclaim the live-long night to each other thus: 'iA;. «f Chuku,ee, muen a,oon ? Nuheen nuheen, chuk- wa. Chukwa, muen a,oon ? Nuheen nuheen, chuk- reed, a dupe to a woman, v. to cheat. duplicate, mcusunna, pueth, mookurrur, ootar, v. copy, fold, second. to duplicate, dohrana, dootuh-k, v. to double, fold. duplication, tushdeed, idgham, dohra,o, dohra,ee, doognahut, v. fold. duplicity, doo-rungee, riya, dimbh, v. deceit. durable, pa,e-dar, der-pa, oostoowar, qa,im, sabit, tika.oo, moostuqeem, moostuhkum, thuhra,oo, rasikh, muzboot, mookhullud, v. strong, last ing. dura mater, comm ood-dimagh. duration, durableness, durability, duraiKt, pa,e-da~ ree, der-pa,ee, oostoowaree, khuta,o, tika,o, qi- yam, istihkam, sooboot, subat, buqa, roosookh, thura,o, miyad, v. continuance, prison. during, men, beech, bote, jubtuluk, a,endooI or indool, ruhte, durmiyan, mabuen, iien, ruhte, bhur, V. while; during thejever don't take this medicine, tup ke bote yih duwa nu khana. dusk, {of the evening) dhcnr-sanj, neema-sham, godhoor, godhlee sumue, diye jule, diye lisan, guodhookan, v. darkness, dusky, twilight. dusky, duskish, dhoomla, kala, siyah, tareek, dhoondhulka, muela, dhoondlila, v. gloomy, dark, obscure. dust, dhoor, dhool, gurd, khak, ghoobar, punkuj, ruj, kunj, v. earth. to dust, V. to sweep, jharna, jharjhutuk-k. bhoor- bhoorana, v. to powder, {iti the Holct^ dhoor- heree-khelna, khak-bazee- or -undazee-k. v. to wipe, {to sprinkle with dust) dhooriyana, gurd-d. dusty, gurd-aloodu, ghoobar-aloodu, dhurkundo, dhooluha, dhoomuela, gurd- or khak-amez, V. dirty. BfTE 190 nrs dutiful, duteous, rusheed, su,eed, khuluf, supoot, nek-bukht, sha,istu, numuk-hulal, wufa-dar, hookmee, karakajee, muiiinhar, v. attentive, submissive, {obedient, q. v.) aggya-karee, ad- heen, moo,uddub ; a dutiful servant, hookmee bundu, V. respectful.. j-mxA dutifully, sha,istugee- &c. -se. dutifulness, rushadut, su,adut, nek-bukhtee, sha- istugee, numuk-hulalee, wufa-daree, v. obe- dience. fluty, (obligation, q. v.) furz, shurt, (office, q. v.) tuhul, kam, v. business, dutifulness, (of a sol- dier) chuokee, tu,eenatee; who is for duty to- day? aj kis kee chuokee hue? (tax, q. v.) muhsool, lugta, v. custom, kaj, fureezu, huqq, V. concern, rukhwaree, v. guard, (various im- posts) vix. zabitanu, tuh bazaree, sa,ir, zukat, kur, lagut, tuka.ee, nukhkhasee, ghutwalee, tulashee, v. due, fee, toil, iiwarf, buona, thoomka, v. pigmy. dwarjish, chhota, thingna, nata, v. small. io dwell, ruhna, tikna, busna, ghm-k. sookoo- nut-k. bood o bash-k. v. to reside, bukhanna, V. to expatiate, (on a subject) jana ; dwell not on her beauty, but mentiou lier accomplishments. ooskee khoobsoortee pur mat jaiO, oos ke hoo- nurbutla.o. ,-^::?,^f;> /sb dweller, mooqeem, basee, bashindu, sakin, ruhne wala, ruhinhar, booniyadee, ru,ees, v. inhabi- tant. dwelling, (abode, q. v.) mukan, mooqam, muskun, jae, juguh, v. habitation. dwelling-house, huwelee, ghur, muhul, grehi, bhuwun, kothee, v. mansion. to dwindle, ghutna, kumkotah-h. chhutna, oo- turna, sookhna, sookoorna, jhoorriyana, v. to decay, tuhleel-h. gulna, v. to pine, (to degene- rate) bigurna, khurab-h. v. to diminish. to dye, V. to die. dying, murta, (giving a colour) rungta, rung- wa,ee, v. to colour, (vat) mat, v. to die. A species of dying is called bandhnoo, from the white stripes that are left uncoloured while the rest is dyed. dynasty, v. family, sulumut, raj, ghuranu, khan- dan, buns, jutai'a, al, tubqu, v. generation, race, &C.' dysentery, unteesar, ishal, juriyan i shikum isha- li dumwee. dysury, qpsr col buol, hubs col buol, kurk moot. E E e, when single, in this work, has the sound of the slender a in rate, (thus ret, sand) or the e in where, there. It is never mute as in En- glish, at the end of words; ee is used to express the sound which e has in be ; thus beebee, a lady. EAC each, hur-ek, ek-ek, ek ; ek ek ko marte huen, or ek ko ek marte huen, tJiey heat each other, V. one another. It is often omitted or express- ed by reduplication, ghur peechhe, or ghur ghur, signifying each house, v. both, every, a, per. 1^- EAR m EAR each other, ek-deegiir, apojs, bahuni, v. together, also other, all, &c. ; cwt each side, hur do turuf. eager, shuoqeen, huwiis-nak, arzoo-mund, v. de- girous, ma,il, tueyar, tun-dili, ubhilakh-ee, luo- leen, mootuwujjih, surgurm, {impetuous, q. v.) juld, tez, V. keen, ardent, ardour, &c. to be eager, chahna, v. earnest. eagerly, shuoq- &c. -se. eagerness, shuoq, huwus, chomp, arzoo-niundee, chah, surgurmee, tun-dihee, {impetuosity, q. V.) toondee, juldce, v. violence. eagle, qoqab, hooma shaheen, sardool. eagle-stone, khayu i iblees, khulas moohra, kur- unjwa. eagre, kuthal, v. bore. eame, um, v. tmcle. ear, kan, gosh, sruwun, kun-hur, kun-rus, v. hearing, also io hear, (handle, q. v.) kan, dus- tu, {diseases of) kun-bichee, kunchutta, kun- pher, {wig) putbichhee, gojiya, kungojur, also (a whisperer) kunlugwa, {wax) knnuohwa, khidee, chirk-gosh, v.^^/A, {pncker) kunsii- la,ee, t. centipede, {boring) kuniyo, {of wheat, green) gada, {of corn) bal, balee, khoshu, sees; to be up to the ears, gula gop-h. {by the) kun kutMwwul-k. tukurna, kut- lur-murna, {to set by the) tukrana, lurana, v. to fight, &c. about the ears, sir pur, v. head ; up to tlie ears, nak tuk, nak o nak ; to give ear, kan-d. {to have the ear of) kan-lugna, v. to ingratiate. eared, kuna, goshu, v. angle, &c. earless, kun-kuta, boocha. eariiness, shitabce, juldee. early, adj.sawcra, (as fruit, &c.)ugmuna, (for- tcard, q. v.) ugeta, ugla, ungoot, v. premature, (in time, q. v.) bur wuqt; early in the morning; turke, buree fujur, {i7i the evening) suri sham, {vulg. suesanj) ; a}i early riser, suhur-khez ; early rising, suhur-khezee. early, adv. juld, shitab, suwere, bhinsar, sukare, bihane, bheensare, bhulke, v. dawn, &c. to earn, hasil- pueda- ooparjun-k. kumana, khu tana, v. to gain. earliest, adj. bujid, mooqueyid, moostu,jd, sa.ec, sur-gurm, dil-soz, gurm, v. eager. ■' earnest, sub. numoonu, v. specimen, {token of a bargain) bue,anu, khichree bue,anu,e urbabi nishat, {advances, q. v.) sa,ee, roka,ee, v. hand- sel, pledge, chashnec, (i'm-) sutbha,o, bil-yuqeen, V. truly, indeed; are you in earnest? toom such kuhte ho ? v. serious. earnestly, shuoq- surgurmee- &c. -se. earnestness, dil-sozee, sur-gurmee, koshish, su,ce, jilid, V. solicitude. earning, kuma,ee, khuta,o, v. gains. ear-rings, [are various, and chiefly as follow], jhoomka, koondul, door, awezu, balee, bala, bichkuna, mcnrkee, qurunpbool, turka, lolka, loluk, khiloo,a, putta, gokhroo, dhendhec, ku- dum, khontla, luchha, chhura, jhoomuk, ku- nuora, khoshu, goshwaru, doorbuchu, chuoda- nu, gcombuzee, beer, v. ring. earth, mittee, matee, khak, gil, znmeen, bhoom, pirthmee, urz, muhee, bhoo,een, v. ground, hnid, {world, q. v.) dooniya, juhan, alum, v. country ; the face of the earth, roo,e zumeen; to eat earth or bole, thikree-khana. to earth, muttee-churhana, zumeen doz-k. v. to bury, hide. Sec. ; animals who earth are called, khuzindu. earthen, gilee, sufalee, mitiyala, (dish) syora, (ware) sifaleenu. carthUng, eartliborn, &c. muttee ka pootla, kha- kee. earthly, urzee, khakee, doonyawee, muttee ka sa, mittee ka, gilee, v. worldly, corporeal. earthquake, zulzulu, bhoon-chal, hala dola, bul- EAS 192 ECC chul, bhoo,een dol, zumeen lurza, shuq ool urz, V. crack. j, _ *, ., _ earthworm, kechoo,a, khurateen. earthy, khakee, miteela, v. earthly. ear-waw, khoond, kan ka muel. ease, aram, asoodugee, asa.ish, chuen, sookh kul, rahut, istirahut, foorsut, furaghut, bisram, rifa- hiyut, anund, tumaniyut, iimniyut, tuskeen, ifaqut, thundhuk, v. rest, respite, freedom, &c. {^facility, q. v.) asanee, sulasut, (opposed to stiffness') moola|imut ; at ease, aram-se, khoosh, chi-glium, la purwa, ba-furaghut or -aram, tazu dum, v. happy, {to sit) uel phuel-bueth- na, V. pleasure, enjoyment. to ease, aram- &c. -d. or -bukhshna, buhlana, hulka-k. V. to assuage, to relieve, (nature) isti- rahut-k. muedan- jungul- ja|ez.uroor-jana or -phirna, wuswas-mittana, quza- hajut-jana, julas raj-j. drig sunka-k. v. stool. easement,Y. ease, aram,v. advantage, conveniency. easily, he ghul o ghush,yoonhee,buethe buetha.e, V. freely, &c. aram- asaniyut- &c. -se, (rea- ' dily) khooshee-se. easiness, Y. ease, (of temper) moola,imut, nurmee, hilm, tuhummool, ghureebee, ahistugee, bho- la-pun, boord-baree. east, poorub, mushriq, shurq, khawur, mutlu, or mutulu, (facing the) mushriq-roo, poorub- moonh, (guardian of the) indur, (wind) mut- lu,ee-huwa or -bara. easterling, poorbiya, v. eastern. eastern, easterly, poorbee, musbriqee, shurqec; an easterly wind, poorwa; eastioard, poorub- turuf, poorub moonh. easy, at ease, asan, suhl, suhuj, sulees, seedha, soogum, sudharun, hulka, nurm, panee, v. light, suhloot ool wusool, suree,!! ool fuhm, (in circumstances) asoodu, khcosh-hal, asoodu- hal, farigh, scokhee, muhzooz, mooruffu, (of temper) moola|im, huleem, mootuhummil, bho- la, boordbar, ghureeb, suleem cot tubu, waristu mizaj, ullah log, guo admee, meetha, seedha, V. good natured, credulous, (in mind) unchinta, V. satisfaction, khoolasu, mokla, v. wide. to eat, khana, bhojun- tunawool-k. jyona, v. to graxe, bhuchhna, pa,ona, churna, chatna,chab- na, choogna, nosh- chut-k. chut buzm-k, ni- gulna, V. to consume, chew, licTc, &c. (two out of one dish) dookusee-khana, v. to corrode, dis- solve, (speaking respectfully) noshjan-k. (to cor- rode) kha-lena or -d. (-up) kha-j.; to eat one's zoord, bat pher-lena. eatable, qabil i tunawool, khane-jog, khoordunee, khane-wala, makool, pi. makoolat, v. edible, victuals, food. eater, khoorindu, kha,oo, akil, bhuchhee, kha- wiya, V. supra, also glutton, (in comp.) khor, khwar, udharee. eating, khorak, v. board, (house) bhuthiyar-kha- nu, V. inn, cook, shop. vv ■•,,.? eaves, oltee, oree. to eaves-drop, oltee- dhooka-lugna, v. to listen. eaves-dropper, ooltee-lugwa, kuole-luga. ebb, bhatha, juzr, opposed to juwar, mudd, the Jlow, (decline, q. v.) zuwal, v. decay. to ebb, bhatha-lugna or -h. khurukna, ooturna, churna, oodurna, khusukna, (to decay) ghutna, V. to fall. ebony, abnoos. ebriety, mustee, sur-sharee, v. intoxication. ebullition, josh, joshish, oobal, v. effervescence. eccentric, kuj-ruo, bukurchal, v. devious, ghalee, wuhshee, bhurkuel, khubtu, v. extravagant. eccentricity, ghooloo, khubt, v. wildness, kujru- wee, V. irregularity. ecclaircissement, tusfiyu, v. explanation. ecclesiastic, fuqeeh, sastrik, v. priest, guide, doc- tor, deenee, v, religious. EDI 193 EFF «cho, goonj, awaz, suda, v. sound, &c. to echo, goonjna, awaz-ana. edat, ruonuq, shoohrut. eclegma, khunieeru. eclipse, guhln, gruhin, (total) surb guhin, v. shade, (of the sun) koosoof, inkisaf, {of the moon) khoosoof, inkhisaf. to eclipse, mama, dubana, tareek- bazarkasid-k. V. to darken, surpass. ecliptic, mintuqut-ool-bcorooj, krantiwiit. economic, economist, klfayut-shi,ar, jcoz-rus, kifa- yutec, girhist, karbaree, surfu-kar, kum- khurch, bala-nusheen, v. parsimonious. econotny, khanu-daree, girhistce,kifayut-shi,aree, uql i mu,ash, jooz-rusee, kifayut, vara, gliur- kurna, tudbeer, v. disposition, system, surfu, \. frugality, (arrangement, c[.\.) turteeb, in- tizam. ecstacy, wujd, ush ush, suma,u, be-khoodee, v. rapture. ecstatic, mugun, bagh-bagb, v. rapturous. eddyi bhuonree, bhunwur, gird-ab, bhuontee, (wind) gird-bad. edge, (of a blade) dhar, barh, v. keenness, dhig, V, border, ab, san, v. sharpness, (margin, q.v,) kinaru, lub, qor, (to set on) dant-sihrana or -koond-k. (to be on) dant-khutte w -goothle- -h. V. lace. to edge, (to sharpest) barh-r. tez-k. (to fringe) jhalur- hashiyu-liigana, (to move forward) burha-lana, kutrana, tirchhiyana, kutrake-a. -j. or -chulna, v. to cvasperate. edged, ab-dar, tez. edgeless, be-ab, nidhar, v. plain, blunt. edge-wise, tirchha, khura, qultnee, v. the verb. edging, jhalur, suiijaf, to,ee, mughzec, v. edge. edible, khane-ka, (roots) kund-mool, v. vege- tables. edict, munha,ee, I'urman, v. order. edification, v. to instruct, tu.uleem, tadeeb, tuli- zeeb, turbiyut, arastiigee, bhula,ee, ludha,o, v. improvement. edifice, iniarut, huwelee, ghur, niuhul. to edify, sikhlana, tu,uleem- &f. -k. edition, v. correction, clihapa, clihupa,cc, v. im- pression, taleef, v. compilation, publicatimi. editor, mooruttib, sihhut-rusan, v. corrector, moo- uUif, V. compiler. to educate, turbiyut- &c. -k. sikhlana, soodharna, palaa. education, v. breeding, turbiyut, purwurish, see- chha, pirtpalun, sikhla,ee, tu,uleem, v. to in- struct. to edicce, nikalna, v. to produce. eel, bam, undhee muchhec, guocliee, mar-mahee, undhwa. to efface, metua,chheelna, kat-dena, qulum-klioor- du-k. dho-dalna, bhojlana, dho- rauhcx>-d. mul- met- silput-k. v. to erase, nikal-d. v. to obli- terate. effect, usur, taseer, umul, byap, rucha,o, kurum, mu,ulool, moosubbub, hookm, kucfiyut, nuqsh, (to /tav(?) lull na, lugna, thuhurna, v. to answer, hookm-r.peshruft-h. v. to succeed, (consequence, q. V.) nuteeju, sumuru, phul, (purpose, q. v.) ghuruz, mutlub, v. etid. to effect, effectuate, kuma, kurana, bunana, rast- lana or -k. pesh-lejana, theek-lugana, unjam-d. chulana, thuhrana, sarna, kurlena, hasil-k. v. to accomplish, carry, cause. effects, mal, usbab, saman, mal o muta.u, ja,e- dad, muojoodat, umwal, ushiya, usasa, a,en ool mal, dhun, sumput, v. goods, (of the dead) turku, mutrooku, w furniture ; cause and ef- fect, illut o mu,ulool, V. reason. effectual, effective, efficacious, kar-gur, moo,ussir, kafec, gojn-karee, houkmee, moosir, teer bu huduf, moojurrub, goonec, kaiuoo, kam-ka, ka Bb EFF 194 EIT ree, nafiz, v. ahility, competent, {men) lume murne-wale, v. able, effectually, effectively, efficaciously, qurar waqu,ec, kuma yumbughee. (ffemitiacy, na-murdee, zunami-pun, booz-dilee, joobn, V. delicacy, effeminate, v. finical, na-murd, zunanu, booz-dil, hetha, boda, nindola, rindee sa, zun sifut, na- poonsuk, aram-tulub, v. delicate, voluptuous. to effeminate, namurd-k. rindee-bunana. to effervesce, oobulna, phenana, phool-cnUinaj oo- bal-khana. 'oobukna. .w^M-e^ effervescence, oobal, oobak, ghooliyan, josh, phe- nahut, V. fermcjitation. effete, v. barren, fursoodu, khooshk, be-jan, v. worn out. efficacy, efficiency, &c. v. effect, efficient, illut fa.ilee, v. causal. effigy, soorut, shuki, tusweer, shubeeb, moorat, chitur, goodda, pootla, v. figure, {tlie hearse, &C. carried by the Mwsulmans) guhwaru, du- ha, taziyu. .-'H ,-mi! ,* j^^i efflorescence, phoolun, pittee, oobhar, phoolawut, V. eruption, (saline) khora, sihia, v. mould, effluvium, bookhar, bhap. efflux, he. phootun, buramud, v. effusion, eman- ation, exudation, effort, su,ee, jihd, koshish, humlu, hullu, duor, V. struggle, pull. to make an effort, zor-marna, su,ee- duor-k. v. to strive. .'«b > .A'.*'wii*u»»t\» v . effrontery, be-shurmee, be-huyaiCe, goostakhee, shokhee, v. impudence, {to have great) sir-, sing-nikulnei. effulgent, moojuUa, jila-dar, nooree, chumkeela, julwa-furma, v. refulgence, to effuse, nlkulna, phootna, buhna, v. to oo%e,fiow. effusioYi., buha,o, rezish; effusion of hhod, khoon- rezee. e.g. {for example) musulun, musul top musulun, juesaki, choonanchi, v. instance, r^nt <,' egg, unda, buezu, tookhm, {mundane) burhm- and, {dish or bed) unde-dan,buez,u-dan, {fried) khageenu, kookoo, v. pan-cake, {having) un- duela, V. layer. to egg, ishti,aluk-k. or -d. ooskana, pooslitee-d. churhana, lugana, dum-d. sunkarna, v. to in- stigate. egg-plant, buengun, Iwdunjan, bhanta, {old or Sd year's) maroo-buengun. eglantine, nusreen, syotee. egotism, unaniyut, humkar, apunha,ee, khoodee, munee. to egotise, humkarna, upnee-gana. egotist, khoodfurosh. egregious, sukht, bum, ushud, kutta ; an egre- gious fool, sukht uhmuq. egregiously, bu-shiddut. egress, egression, nikal, khoorooj, buramud, v. in- gress. to ejaculate, phenkna, nikal-phenkna, v. to shoot. ejaculation, doo,a, doorood, bur, v. prayer, nida, V. exclamation. to eject, {expel) nikal-d. door-k. be duklil-k. oojarna, chula-d. v. to expel, {to void) rudd-, que- istifragh-k. jharna, girana, chhandna, v. to void, koojat-k. v. to excommunicate, reject. ejection, ikhraj, be-dukhlee, oojra.o, chhanta,o, v. the verb. ejectment, v. supra, baz- or ikhraj-namu, v. bj?- pulsion. eigh, uha, oho. eight, ath, utha, husht. eighteen, utharuh. eightfold, ath-goona. eighth, athwan, ushtoomee, {an) uthuns. eighty, ussee. either, {pron.) ko.ee, kO|ee-ek, v. any, ek nu ek. ELD 195 ELE ko.ee nu ko,ee, v. one, ko.ee sa, ek, juonsa, ko,ee- jo, jo koochh, jo ko,ee, ko,ee to bhee, yih ya wooh, yih wcDhee, wooh yihee, kya, V. each, or, whether ; (both) donon, adv. ya, khwali, cliaho, bha|On ; either stay or go, kh-wah ruho khwah ja|0 ; tliey were eo like, a man might swear that either had been either, uese mcnshabih the ki hur kO|ee admee qusum kha sukte ki yih woohee, uor wooh yihee tha; let no one vome here to-day, either Hindoo or Mcosxilman, aj eehan kisee ko ane mut de, kya Hindoo kya M cosulman. to eke, burhana, syara-k. v. to protract. elaborate, inooshkil, duqeeq, mooghluq, kuthin, dooshwar. elaborately, diqqut- mihnut-se. elaboration, islah, sulahiyut, sura,o, v.perfectioji, also to prepare, to elapse, goozuma, bona, jata-ruhna, chula-jana, beetna, mconquzee-h. elastic, chimra, lucheela, dum-dar. elasticity, chiinra,ee, luchuk, dum. elate, phoola, mughroor, ghumundee. to elate, phoolana, mughroor-k. efa^ed,v.Aa/>/>y,baghbagh,baleedu,mhal,khoosh, V. high, to be elated, phoolna, bughlen bujana, khilna, v. to blossom, also to exult, elation, gbcDTooT, mughrooree, ghumund, phoola- wa, oomung, turung, luhur, v. exultation, elbow, koohnee, mirfuq, arunj, ghootnee, v. an- gle, (Jto be at one''s) kandhe or sir pur-bughul men-b. or -rubna, v. shoulder, to elbow, kohniyana, v. to push, elder, bura, jetha, kulan. elderly, udher, boodha, sal-khoord. elders, bure, bcozoorg, pooruniye,boozoorgan, pee- ran, v. aged, ancestors, chief, eldest, sub se bura, v. elder. I elecampane, rasun. elect, muqljool, burgoozcedu, mcojtuba. to elect, pusund-k. choon-lena, chhant-lena, moon- tukliub-k. bachhiia, v. to select, also chosen, election, burgaizcedugci', muqboohyut, (willy q. V.) ruza^mundee, v. choice. i > elective, intikhab-ee, ikhtiyar-ee, v. choice, electively, pusund-pur, v. selection, elector, moontukhib, choonwuya, v. elective, mookhtar, v. free, electric, kushindu, khuencha,oo, v. attractive, electuary, mu,ujooD, nosh-daroo, v. cordial, elegaiice, elegancy, v. beauty, lootf, lutafut, iiuza- kut, nazookee, mulahut, buhar, komulta, kue- fiyut, ruonuq, naz, zeba|ish, zeba,ee, nmtanut, fusahut, V. eloquence, rus, toohfugee, v. infra, also delicacy, neatness, elegant, v. beautiful, luteef, nazook, nazneen, khoosh-oosloob, khoob, khrash, besh, niuleeh, khassu, toorfu, soothra, komul, sookhwar, khoosh nooma, khoosh qutu, mcoquttu, usloob- dar, khoosh uda, khnosh chhub, unoop, ruseela, mcDZiieyub, v. graceful, fuseeh, mutccn, iba- rut ara, v. curious, excellent, fine ; an elegant writer, khoosh-nuwees ; an elegant speaker, khnosh-go. elegantly, nuzakut- &c. -se. elegy, mursiyu, soz-goodaz, (poem, q. v.) qusee- du, wa-sokht, v. ode, (writer, &c.) mursiyu- khan, -go or -nuwees, juwabee, suwalee. element, consoor, unasir, costuqcDS, tut, (statiwi, q. V.) muhul, mukan, (rudiments) muo7.oo,u, bhoot, V. rudiment, kewul, v. principles, (the four) urbu conasir, \. origin, pi. (of speech) mcsfridat, hooroof tuhjee, v. essence, letters ; Euclid's Elements, tuhreer i ooqiuedoos. elemental, &c. qonsooree.^slec, ghuer-moorukkiih, boonyadec, v. constituent, (part) joozi la yu- tujuzza, V. atottt. B B 2 ELO 196 EMA elephant, hathee, feel, peel, guj, hustee, kur, mut- ung, kala-puhar, {young) mukna, {neck) ku- lawa, {forehead) mustuk, ('s mate) churkuta, {conjurer) shekh-bheena, (cAazw) andoo,beree, kuth-bundun, lukra, v. goad, {Jly) bhoond; the gee or geep used to him, dura, hoosh, dhut dhut, V. gee ; a she-elephant, huthnee ; an ele- ' , phant-keeper, feel-ban, muhawut, fuojdar ; a person allowed to ride an £?Zep7taM<,feel-nisheen ; an elephanfs turret, huodu, huozu, umaree, {vulg. umbaree). elephantiasis, feel-pa, da,e,oolfeel, god. to elevate, oothana, burhana, boalund-k. v. to elate. elevated, boolund, u,iila, moomtaz, moortufu, sur- furaz, ma3,ulla, wala. elevation, boolundee, burhtee, turuqqee, surfura- zee, qorooj, su,qpd, irtifa,u, v. dignity, eleven, igaruh. eleventh, igarwan. elf, bhootna, ghool, shuetan, jinn, boo,ee, v. fairy, imp. eligible, v. worthy, bihtur, uola, usluh, unsub, V. proper, munzoor, pusund, v. preferable, eligibility, liyaqut, bihturee, v. propriety, elision, gira,o, lop, huzf. elixir, ukseer, v. essence, &c. elk, baruh-singa, guwuzn, ghora-roj, sambur, v. deer, ell, guz, zira,u, v. ctibit, yard, ellipsis, mooquddur minhoo or unhoo, [kulam-tuq- deeree, kridunt, v. understood, {in geometry) moostuteel moosunna, chumr chukur, v. oval, elm, booqeezar. elocution, fusahut, luqluqu, lussanee, zuban-awu- ree, v. eloquence. to elongate, lumbana, tanna, tool-k. burhana, tu- • weel- mumdoodu- deergh-k. v. to lengthen, elongation, burha,o, luraba,o, mudd, v, long. to elope, bhagna, chumput- firar-h. rum-jana, nathna, nikulna, bhajna, jata-ruhna, rufoo chukkur-h. v. to abscond, {as a female) oo- hurna, oodhulna, v. to seduce, elopement, firar, goorez, roo-poshee, bhag, oodh- la,o, V. flight, eloquence, fusahut, bulaghut, khoosh-gO|ee, go- ya,ee, khoosh-tuqreere, sheereen-gooftaree, hu- lawut, uzoobut, v. elocution, eloquent, v. orator, fuseeh, buleegh, khoosh-go, khoosh-gcoftar, sheereen-kulam, lussan, luffaz, sookhun-dan, door-rez, sheereen-zuban, guohur- rez, ufsuh, mith-bola, khoosh-gup, v. fluent, eloquently, {to speak) moonh se phool jjhurna, v. fluently, else, pron. uor, doosra, ilia, v. otherwise, age, bilkool, uor bhee, v. more, other, also ; any one else, uor ko,ee, adv. {otherwise) nuheen to, wugumu, wu,illanu, ya; com,e, if you mean to come, else I shall shut the door, ana ho to a,o nuheen to durwaza bund kurenge; he is a liar, else I am mistaken, wooh jhootha hue ya hum ghultee men huen; somewhere else, uor ku- heen ; any where else, hur kuheen, i. e. every where; what else need I say? age kuhoon kya? Y. except; what else? pheruorkya? — ghuer- uz khcoda ke bilkool ko,ee nuheen humara, b'esides God we have none else to assist us. elsewhere, kuheen uor, unte, v. besides, some, to elucidate, zahir- wazih-k. kholna, ruoshun-,^ saf-k. V. to defeat, illustrate, elucidation, tufseel, shuruh, tuozeeh, tu,iibeer, buyan, tushreeh. to elude, {to eA'Cffpe)buchna,nikul-bhagna, chhoot- na, khisukna, ankh-chhipana, v. to evade, de- feat, elusive, elusory, dekha,oo, buhka,oo, v. deluder. elysian, bihishtee, junnutee. elysium, bihisht, junnut, udun, buekoonth. to emaciate, sookhlana, gula-d. dcobia- laghur-k EMB 197 EMB puchkana, lutarna, jjhoonjhoonana^ adha-k. lutana, v. to waste. emaciated, doobia, laghur, nuheef, hunkar, ma- riya, luqat, zarnizar, v. lean, {to he) puchuk- na, lut-j. V. to fall off. emaciation, dc»bla-pa, doobla|Ce, dooblugee, lagh- uree, puchkahut, sookhlahut, v. co7isumption. to emanate, nikulna, chliitukna, v. to issue. emanation, chhitkahut, bookhar, nikas, v. exhala- tion, ray, noor, zuhoor, uotar, v. radiance. to emancipate, azad- khulas-k. chhorna, v. to li- berate. emancipation, azadugee. to emasculate, v. to castrate, namurd- &c, -k. v, effeminate. to embalm, khrosh bo-bhurna. embankment, V. mound, pooshtu-bundee, gil-unda- zee, V. to bank. embargo, munha,ee, munadee, ghat- or phatuk- bundee, v, proclamation, (a voluntary) huth- tal. to embark, v. a. cliurliana, {to engage another) sbureek- sbamil-k. milana, v. n. churhna, shu- reek- rufccq-h. moodakhulut-k. bhurna, v. to load, juhaz nusheen-h. suwar-h. hath-d. or -d. qudum-marna, v. to engage. embarkation, churha,o, bhura.o, juhaz- or kish- tee-nusheenee, suwaree, v. to mount. to embarrass, ghubrana, mcozturib-k. tung-k. mooshkil- dooshwar-k. ooljhana, v. to distress. embarrassed, ajiz, hueran, sur-gurdan, giriftar, lachar, ghultanpechan, A\xrma.nd\i,v. perplexed. cmbarrassment,\. distraction, ghubrahut, iztlrab, junjal, ooljhera, tungee, kusha-kushee, tus- dee,u, diqqut, sur-gurdanee, giriftaree, pech, lupta, jala, suket, ajizee, v. difficulty. embassador, v. ambassador, he. embassy, embassage, puegham, puyam, sundes; sundesa, doota,ee, elchec-gurce, wukeelee, v. deputation, message, to embellish, singarna, arastu-k. ara,ish-d. tujum- mool-k. zeb- ab-d. rungcen-k. sajna, chihana, chiknana, v. to decorate, embellished, ai-astu, mooruttub, mrozueyun. embellishment, ara,ish, arastugee, turteeb, sujawut, chiknahut, rungeenee, sobha, {of style) ibaruU ara,ee, v. ornament, embers, bhoobhul, bhook, bhool bhool, {cinder^ ungara, chha,ee, v. ashes, to embezzle, kha-jana, oorana, khiyanut- &c. -k. mar-khana, chat-jana, nigulna, huznl- hul-k. hath-marna, dukarna, chut-k. gup-k.v. to pur- loin, steal, wast^. embezzlement, choree, kliiyanut, dust-brord, tu- surroof, tughuUoob, goree, surt-burt, lupet-su- pet, dust-durazee, hath-pheree, ghubn, tufa- wut, tujawojz, V. peculation, embezzler, gha,oo-ghup, ghagh, boord-mar, mal- murdojm khor, lulilot, v. peculator, to embitter, tulkh- &c. -k. v. bitter, also to ex- asperate, emblem, ulamut, nishan, puhchan, cliinh, bha,o, puta, tumseel, drishtant, tabiyu, v. allusion, emblematical, turtiseclanu, v. supra, to embody, moanjusm- majjussum-k. {men) fuoj- or ghol- bundee-k. v. to collect, to embolden, diler-k. istlqlal- dharus-d. embolism, udhika,ee, v. intercalary, embolus, pichookka. to emlmss, phoolee- gool-jurna, {to engrave) moo- nubbut- gokhroo-k. embossed, moonubbutee. embossment, phoolee, mconubbut. to embowel, pet-cheerna or -chak-k. iintree-ni- kalna. embrace, bughul, aghosh, god, godee, unkwar, kuoree, kuniya, wusl, kuola, wisal, v. arms. E3IE 198 EMP to embrace, v. n. bughul geeree-k. milna, hum- a ghosh- hum kunar-h. gule-lugiia, moo,anu- qu-k, V. a. god men-lena, gule-lugna, gulba^ hen- bughulgeer-k. kuoriyana, liputna, chi- putna, ghutput-k. v. to cling, puchh-k. v. to adopt, pukurna, v. to catch, gherna, v. to sur- round, (an opporticnity) ganthna, (a religmi) ikhtijar- ukhz-k. v. to comprise, (to receive) manna, qubool-k. lena, v. to find, &c. embrasure, v. port, rund, bhimwaree, khirkee, top ka jhuroka, v. aperture. to embrocate, tila-k. mulna. to embroider, karchobee- &c. -k. boota-nikalna or -karhna, gool boota-k. v. to flower, &c. embroidered, lupetwan, mooghurruq, mooshujjur, bootedar, moonuqqush, v. brocade. embroiderer, zur-doz, chikun-doz, goolkar. embroidery, chikun-dozee, kar-chobee, gool-ka- ree, ^ur-dozee, v. lace, boote-karee, quetoon- baffu, soznee,nuqqashee, tartor,v. needle-work, variegation. to embroil, ooljhana, phusana, jhonk-d. fusad-d. lurana, ag-lugana, jhugrana, burhum-k. lu- pet-lena, v. to involve, to distract, &c. embroiler, mootufunnee, toofanee, v. incendiary. embryo, buchu, juneen, sancha, moorut, gabha, soorut, ghoDnchu, v. hud, foetus, &c. emendation, sihhut, islah, arastugiee. emeraW, zumurrood, punna, priba], subzu, zubur- jud. to emerge, oothna, nikulna, churhna, ooplana, tooloo,u- oopur-anaj oochulna, v. to rise, ap- pear. emergence, emergency, (sudden occasion) zuroorut, hadisu, wuqt, sungut, v. difficulty, khuench, tuqazu-wuqtee, bheer, (rising) oochhal, v. exigency, event, also the verb. emergent, tung, mooshkil, (sudden) naguhanee, V. urgent, unexpected, rising. emeroids, buwaseer, v. piles. emery, koorunj, koorund, sumbada. emetic, moostufrigh ; an emetic, que kee duwa, mooqu,ee, v. vomit. emigrant, des-tiyagee, be-wutunee, v. exile. to etnigrate, jula wutun-h. nuql-k. purbas-k. ni- kul-j. -chulna,' or -bhagna, oojurna, purdes- &c. -j. V. to remove, also abroad. emigration, jula wutunee, hijrut, chulachul, des- tiyag, nuql-muqam or -mukam, mtiqal, v. de- parture, also the verb. eminence, eminency, (height, q. v.) oonchan, irti- fa,u, (exaltation, distinction, q.v.) payu, mun- zulut, boozoorgee, durju, jahojulal, rootbu, shi- koh, churhtee, chuiha,o, burha,o, uoj-muoj, uoj, numood. eminent, boolund, concha, u.ula, moortufi, wala, (cons2)icuous,(\.\.) bura, boozoorg, mootubadur, moDmtaz, namwur, sur-boolund, numood, boo- zoorgwar, y. exalted, nam zud, namee,v.^ea#, famous. eminently, zahira, (highly, q. v.) buhoot, ziyadu. emissary, jasoos, hur-karu, pa,ek, bhediya, khu- burdar, v. messenger, nuzur-baz, tar-baz, hoo- zoor- or budur-nuwees, v. spy, intelligence. emission, khoorooj, ikhraj ; emissio seminis, inzal, uskhulit, V. iiocturnal, discharge. to emit, (send forth) dena, lana, nikalna, (in coi- tu) chhootna, jhurna, moonzil- khulas- khulit- -h. munee-tulna, uosan-k. panee-chhorna, (a scent) muhukna, v. to spread, throw, smelt. em/menagogue, huez-koosha. emmet, chyoonta, v. ant. ^ emolient, moolueyin. emolument, puedajsh, mahusul, nufu, fa,idu, ha- sil, sood, V. advantage. emotion, josh, durd, luhur, mulwulu. to empale, (a person) soolee-d. or -churhana, dar- EMP 199 ENA pur-kjieenchna, mekli pur buethalna, mekh- niarna, v. to fence. emperic, tujroobu kar, khurbhoosee, v. quackery. emperor, shahunshah, sooltan, (0/ Rome) quesur, (of China) khaqan,fughfoor, (among the Hin- doos) lulraj, rajadhlraj, muha-raj,v. sovereig-n, king. emphasis, zurb, jhiruk, takeed, v. accent, force, forcible. emphatic, takeeclee. emphysematous, phepsuha, v. to pnff, bloat. empire, (kingdom, q. v.) sultunut, shahunshahee, raj, padsliahee, duolut, mumalik muhroosu, rujuotee, (ntUhority, q. v.) tuhukkoom, hook- oomut, V. state, dominion. to employ, (to btisy) mushghool- ooljha- bund-r. bujhana, phusana, maoshtughu]-r. v. to engage, burtna, v. to use, kam-d. v. office, to hire, to give, (to use, q. v.) moastumul-k. duorana, isti- umal men-lana, cliuiana, (as servatits, &c.) rukhna, kliidmut-d. lugana, mcoqurrur- tu,ee- nat- moo,ueyun-k. (to spend, q. v.) musroof- Burf- khurj-k. goozarna. employer, aqa, v. master, mooneeb, khawind, kar- furma, un-data, wulee ni,umut, v. customer. employment, employ, v. business, shoogbl, mush- ghoolu, khidmut, iilaqu, tu,ullooq, karobar, sur-rishtu, kani, karbar, dhundha, roz-gar, i-o- zee, ishtighal, luga,o, bujha|0, &c. v. the verb, also capacity, service, work, &c. (office) oohdu, munsub. emporium, urung, biindur. to empoverish, mooflis- mufloak- fuqeer- khurab-k. (land, q. v.) kumzor- kumqoowut-k. doobla-k. V. indigent, poor, also to weaken. empoverishment, iflas, fulakut, fuqeeree, khura- bee, na-qoowutee, kuin-qoowutee. to empower, niookhtar- surikhmd-k. v. to enable. empress, muUku, muha>ranee, v. qtteen. emptiness, soon, khooloo, kliula, (of head) tihee. dimaghce, tihee-mughzee, v. vanity. empty, khalec, chlioocliha, soona, rihee, tihce, V. hollow, vnvnnt, vanity, (ignorant, q. v.) ti. hee-diii)agh, tihee-mughz, uhiTiU{|, be-mugliz, moorukhj (vain, q. v.) maJimul, ochha, oot- hk. to empty, klialee-k. nikalna, buhriyana, v. to pour, (a tank) seech-d. oobeechna, v. to lave; to be emptied, as a river, niilna, i. e. to join, empty-handed, tjhee-dust, v. devoid, empyema, dubeelu. empyrean, fu!u'c ool uflak, ursh, koorsee, golok. empyreumatical, daghee, kuchahiudee^om dagh, kuchahind, an empyreuma, v. burnt, to emulate, ghibtu-k. mooqabulut- hunisuree-, hum chushtnee-k. emulation, v. ambition, ghlbtu, hiska, mookabiru, rushk, rees, danj, huons, ghuerut, luluk, hu- onsa huonsee, buraburee, v. competition, envy, emulous, nain-jo, huonsee, &c. v. rival, emulsion, v. milk, sheeru, doodh; the emulsion of almonds, sheeru i badam. emunctorics, mukharij, v. excretory, en, V. tlte privitive part. dis. to enable, v. to authorise, qoDTrwut tuqwiyut- qoodrut- bul- tuwana,ee-d, sukut-d, v. ability. This, like other verbs of the kind, must be often expressed by the causal verb. to enact, furmana, hookm- umr-k. thulirana, kuh- na, chulana, v. to ordain, enamel, v. gloss, nieena, ab, also (of the teeth) jila, V, layer, koondun, koft, rung,.juta|0, jura,ee, panee, v. varnish, to enamel, v. to inlay, meena karee- koft* &c. -k. V. to polish, emboss, enameller, meena-kar, koft-gur, panee-karee. to enamour, a^iiq- fureftu- luttoo-k. utkana or utukna. ENC 290 END enamoured, v. lover, girweedu, sheftu, fureftu, ashooftu, luoleen, {to he) murna, v. captivated, to dote, &c. enarthrosis, choola. to encamp, deru- khuemu- mooqam- pura|0-k. puma, ootuma. encampment, pura,o, lushkur-gah, v. camp. to enchant, v. to bewitch, ufsoon- jadoo- tona-, tuskheer- muftoon- bus-k. mohna, lookh- mookh-chulana, mooth-marna, nuzurbund-k. dant-keelna, v. to captivate, {to delight, q. v.) dil hath men lena, v. to please. enchanted, sihr-zudu. enchanter, }a.doo-g\xr, ufsoori-gur, sahir, dithbund, shU|Vibidu baz, v. sorcerer. enchantment,] adoo-guree, ufsoon-guree, sihr, dith- bundee, lutka, chootkoola, beer-banoo, shu,ubi- du, V. conjuration. enchanting, dil-fureb, dil-kush,dll-bur,dil-rcDbaj V. charmitig. enchantingly, qi|amut, qiran, bula, v. divinely. enchantress, jadoo gurui, sahlru, tonha,ee. to enchase, jurna, thusa-k. v. to inlay, enamel, en- grave, &c. to encircle, moohasuru- gird- ihatu-k, gher-lena, . roondhna, beendhna, nurghu-k. hulqu- &c. -b. V. circle, also to surround. enclitic, hurfi za|id, v. expletive. to enclose, {grou?id, &c.) barh- ihatu-b. {to in- clude, q. V.) mulfoof- bund-k. lupetna. encloser, moohasir, gherunhara, v. the verb. enclosure, v. raily {fence, q. v.) barh, char dee- waree, hisar, kot, v. court, beer, bara, kyaree, • v.Jield, {in a letter) mulfoof, y.fold, {bounds) ihatu, ( place inclosed) suhn, chuok, v. confine- ment. encomiast, muddah, suna-kh\yan, ma3,urrif, bhat, madih, moonaqib, ustootee, v. panegyric, to praise. e7JC' to entreat, iltija- tulub- nibedun- urz-k. chahna, ghigiyana, v. to treat. »;•,« J jMv'j .ytt-Ai entreaty, iltija, istida, lujajut, sumajut, mininit, urz, iltimas, goozarish, nibedun, urdas, v. soli- citation. entry, dakhilu, pueth, v. insertion, dyorhee, duh- leez, V. porch, entrance, door. to envelope, ewwrffp,chhipana,ilhampna, lupetna, topna, ghilafee- mulfoof-k. v enclosure, wrap- per, to cover. to envenom, zuhr aloodu-k. zuhr men-boojhana, V. to enrage. enviable, qabil i rushk, dahjog, hasidanu, husud- puzeer. envied, muhsood. envious, envier, hasid, hoosood, dahee, ekulkhoo- ra, jultuwa.ee, juHya, jhulaha, bud-chushm, shoom, nuzur, natuwan-been, dumbhee, tok- wuya. enviously, husud-se. to environ, mcnhasuru- ihatu- gird-k. ghema, chhenkna, gher-lena, v. to envelope. environs, gird-pesh, pueramoon, gird-nuwah, as- pas, huwalee, nuwahee, juwar, utraf, suwad, chuhoodis, pas puros, damun, ghera, v. neigh- bourhood. to enumerate, ginna, ginana, shoomar-k. tufseel-, buyan-k. moofussul-kuhna. enumeration, gintee, shoomar, hisab, tu,uddood, v. relation, &c. fJr/ivffjJftKj.i to enunciate, v. to pronounce, also declaration. envoy, wukeel, doot, suffeer, v. ambassador, mes- senger. envy, husud, dah, rushk, ag, julun, tok, khooj, dhumbh, husrut, gheens, jhul, v. grudge, ma- lice. to envy, husud- &e. -k. khoojna, khiskhisana, julna, tokna, khoonsiyana, neshzunee-k. v. malevolent. epaulet, jhubba, phoondna. ephemera, bhoorbhooree, drintee-jur,v. almanack^ fever, journal, &c. epicure, ueyasb, uobash, rusiya, rusikh, tumasha- been, petoo, shikum-purwur, shikum-bundu, bhogee, chutora, petpaloo, shikura-purust, v. sensual, luwurious, &c. epidemic, epidemical, alum-geer, da,ir o sa,ir, am, juhan-geer, surb byapik, ghurghur, v. general^ infectious. epigram, luteefu, joogut, ncoktu, jhoolna, mook- ree, rooba,ee. epilepsy, mirgee, surii. epileptic, mirgiya, musroo,u. episode, v. digression, bat men bat, qissu dur qis- su, V. story. epistle, khutt, rooqu,u, chithee, patee, namu, put- ree, muktoob, shooqu, mojrsulu, kitabut, nu- wishtu, likha, v. letter, 8ec. epistolary, khuttee, muktoobee; epist'j-.ary corre- spondence, khutt kitabut, roos! o rocsa.il, namu o puyam, chithee-patee. epitaph, kitabu, tareeklj qubur. EQU 206 EQU epiihalamium, shahanu, raungul, nuhchhoo, so- hag, Jul we ka geet. epithet, sifut, wusf, tu,ureef, luqub, bisek,h, khi- tab, V. ]}hrase, name, title, epitome, ikhtisar,mcDkhtusur, sunchhepun,v. bre- viary, compendium, &c. to epitomise, muntukhub- &c. -k. epoch, epocha, sun, tareekh, duor, sumbut, saka, sal, V. date, equal, adj. burabur, eksan, moosawee, mooqabil, ekhee, v. alike, one, humta, moowafiq, mootu- sawee, mootabiq, surbusur, ek-jor, -sum, or -soo, hum-sung, -wuzn, -turazoo, -shoomar, -qudur, -jum, -puhloo, -qud, or -sufeel, &c. ek-tuol, ek-misi, v. same, also the other words compounded like comrade, companion,kc.nii, theek, v. exact, (adequate, q. v.) qabil, la,iq, {even, q. v.) suleem, {in comp.) hum, v. mode- rate. equal, subs, hum-sur, mooqabil, (in age) hum- yAee, hum-cpmr, v. compeer, (fellow, q. v.) moomasll, doosra, v. match, to equal, v. a. burabur- &c. -k. puhonchna, ek- saij- &C. -b. milna, pukurna, ek tukkur ka-h. V. to cope, answer, to equalise, pasung-d. ek- theek- &c. -k. v. uni- . form, to regulate. equality, equalness, buraburee, sumta, moosawat, hum-suree, hum-chushmee, hura-oomree, tus- awee, humta,ee, mooqabilu, moowafiqut, milap, V. likeness, uniformity, hum-qudree. Sec. v. the adj. and nouns below, equally, burabur, v. equal, equanimity, humwaree, sunjeedugee, sulahiyut. equation, i,utidal huqeeqee, tu,udeel. equator, khutti istuwa, muddhi nareebrit, naree- willa, niriksh desh. equerry, hueput, meer ustubul, meer akhor, jilo- dar. equestrian, v. horseman, ghore suwar, shulwsu- war, suwar, qurawul, v. cavalier, i-ifl^al^ equidistant, hum-fasilu, mootusawee ool ubad, ek- or hum-pulla. equilateral, mootusawee ool uzla,u. »' equilibrium,equilibration,eguipoise,tu^ndiee\,yuti- dal, buraburee, sumta, hum-wuzunee or -tura- zoo,ee, V. balance. . o«otf : equinoctial, moo,uddil oon-nuhar, v. equator. equinox, (the vernal) i,utidal i rubeCiee, wishoo- pud, (the autumnal) i.utidal i khureefee, hori- pud. .>«j<(rt!yj«»^x to equip, moosulluh- iarastu- tueyar-k. saz o sa- man-d. v. to prepare, khura-k. sarbohar-k. v. to furnish. equipage, (furniture, q.v.) usbab, surunjam, saz o Iraq, saz, sumaj, kuree-kanta, samugrihee, deru, pesh khanu, (retinue, q. v.) qor, rikab, V. carriage, baggage, train. equipment, tueyaree, kumurbundee. equitable, adil, mconsif, dad-gur, such-cha, rast, mojtudueyin, v. fair. .Wh equitably, moonsifanu, insaf-se. equity, insaf, udl, nya|0, dad, udalut, huqq, rast- bazee, v. honesty. equivalence, equivalency, v. equalitr/, iwuz, budlu. equivalent, hum-qeemut, hum-qudr, budul bura- bur, iwuz mcoqabil, hum budul, moobadihl- mootusawee, v. compensation, equal. equivocal, moobhum, moozubzub, gol gol, mcotu- zulzul, pecheedu, v. doubtful, (generation) ookhmuj, V. ambiguous, uncerfaiti. equivocally, shoobhe- ]uga,o- &c. -se. equivocation, equivocalness, ibham, tuzubzoob, tu- zulzodl, lughzish, doobdha, pher, ghooma.o, ghol ghooma,o, mukur-chukkur, eeham, tuj- nees, doobdha.ee, v. evasion, ambiguity, luga,o, V. reservation, also doulde, and its derivatives. to equivocate, bat- zuban-pulutna, lughzish- &c. i:re 207 ESC -k. pher-j. gol-bolna or -liJchna, v. to preva- ricate, shVjffle. equivocaior, v. shuttle, joolahe kee dhurkec, v. prevaricator. era, tareekh, sun, sutnbut, v. epocka. to eradicate, ookharna, bekhkunee- isteesal-k. {to end) muoqoof- batil-k. ootha-d. eradicative, bekli-kun, ookharoo, juIa,oo, v. ew- tirpatiou, &c. io erase, metna, chheel-d. hukk-k. khak siyah-, tuluf-k. dha-d. muhoo- munsookh-k. kat-d. V. to destroy, efface. eraaemerU, mitao, nuskh, mismaree, tuluf. eraser, {knife) nihumee, kuzluk, hukkee, v. to expunge. erasure, kat koot, chheel chhal, qulum khoordu- gee, V. blot. ere, age, qubul, puehle, tuk, lug, toree, tUiCen, V. before, to, till, &c ere long, ek mooddut men, ek urse men, kOiCe dum men, t. soon. ■ere now, ubJug or -tuk. Is wuqt tuk. ere while, is ke age, v. formerly, yet, sooner, ra- ther. erect, khura, istadu, qa,im, seedha, rast, sur o tur, sihee, nasib, mcnstuqeem, tadh, v. to stand, ipold, q. V.) mojstuqil, nWur, be-bak, t. vi- gormcs. io erect, v. a. kluira- qa,im- istadu- nusb-k. (to build, q. V.) imarut-k. bunana, {to exalt, q. v.) boolund-k. burhana, {to settle, q. v.) qa,im-, burpa-fc. V. to animate, form, &c. v. n. khura- &c. -h. oothna. erection, istadugee, istihkam, imarut, tu,umeer, oothan, ootha,ee, ootha.o, {of the penis) thith- ka,o, no,cpz, istadugee, v. building, establish- ment, erectiiess, seedha,ee, khura,e€, rastee, tudhaiCe, V. uprightness, elevation. ergot, gimb, v. kTutt. •■■n ermine, qaqum. . i to erode, katna, kluma, v. to corrode. > to err, chookna, ghulut- khuta- &c. -k. bhoolna, \Aaunia,v. to forget, {in singing) awaz-tootna, V. to mistake, be out, {to stray, q. v.) bhutuk- na, V. error, to wander. .^\>ii~Ani'i errand, puegham, sundesa, v. message. errand-boy, ruwunnu, v. messenger. errata, gliulut-namu. > erratic, errant, v. arrant, rumta, sueyaru, suela- nee, dawtindol, surgurdan, oopum basee, v. de- vious, &c. erroneous, ghulut-go, v. incorrect. errotieotisly, ghulujee- &c. -se, bu ghulut, khnta- un, suhwun. i error, ghultee, suhoo, usoodh, zulal, bhool, bis- ra|0, zulalut, koonu, fee, tufawut, v. slip, mis' take, sin. erst, puehle, age, &c. v. formerly. eructation, dukar, arogh, oobak, dhikar, oodh- kar, phoophkar, v. to belch. erudition, jlm, juohur, bidya, fuzl, fuzeelut, qa- biliyut, V. knowledge. eruption, khoorooj, oobhar, bookhar, chhajun, pho6l\in,v.t^fflorescence,eTcursion,emission,{of small poT) buhra.ee, nikal, nikas, buramud, {of a volcano) dhudhuk, phoophkar, fuwiraru, dum, V. explosion, blaze. erysipelas, scorkh-badu, bimb, hoomra. escalade, kumund undazee. escape, goorez, firar, bueha,o, riha,ee, mukhlusee, nujat, V. mistake. to escape, bhagna, gosrez-k. v. to flee, chliootna, nathna, jana, tul-j. v. to elope, ruhna, v. to re- main,{notice) ankh-buchana,chhipana or-cho- rana, v. to elude, to forget, {to miss) chookna, bhoolna, {to shun, q. v.) buch-nikuka, buch- ESS 208 EST na, muhfooz- sulamut- buch-ruhna, nikul-j. buch-purna, riha,ee- &c. -pana. eschar, khorthee, v. cautery. to escheat, buetoolmal-h. v. to fall. escheats, la waris muhal, buetoolmalee, gulutuns, V. heriot. escort, budruqu, qafilu-kush, buhur-kush, v. to conduct, guard. .-.jtn^niji ' to escort, racnhafuzut-k. escritoire, qulum danee, sundooq-chu, v. writing- desk, ni.'tufi ".'in-vv' ,-i esculent, V. edible, &c. (herbs) bhajee, v. greens. especially, khcosoos, khoosoosun, ulul-khoosoos, purunt, oodhbun, udbudake, khass, mukh- soos, V. special. esplanade, qili ka-muedan or -sa,ir, v. plain. espousals, byah, nikah, shadee, guth-bundhun. to espouse, {to wed) byah- &c. -k. v. to betrothe, (a quarrel, q. v.) lena, {to defend, q. v.) poosh- tee-k. sumbhalna, v. to support. to espy, dutna, tukna, dekhna, v. to spy. esquire, v. page, buha-door, singji, ra,e, vulg. roy, V. squire. essay, {attempt) qusd, {trial, q-v.) azma,ish, {en- deavour, q.v.) su,ee, koshish, {of metals) kus, ta,o, uyar, {treatise) risalu. to essay azmana, kusna, qusd-k. purukhna, dahna, V. to assay, dekhna, v. to try, exert, {t)ietals) ta,ona. essence, juohur, zat, mahiyut, uen, nufs, wujood, jat, wujih, mayu, usl, mool, sut, heer, burhm, sar, durb, jan, sudmij, rus, ruskus, urq, v. spi- rit, being, entity, {perfume) phooleel, chO|a, utr, {of a composition, &c.) khoolasu, khoolus, zoobdu, sararth, v. existence. to essence, ma3,ul;tur-k. essential, adj. zatee, juohuree, uenee, bura, bha- ree, v. principal, uslee, jubillee, v. constituent. {necessary, q. v.) zuroor, {pure, q. v.) khalis, khoolasu, heer, v. important. a* fSioyirt essential,sub.v.essence,nature,kc,; the essentials for any thing, zurooriyat. essentially, bizatihi, v. really. essoine, ri,ayutee, mu,vizoor. to establish, qa,im- khura-k. bunana, thuhrana, kurna, budna, bandhna, theek- sijil-k. jutn- kana, buethalna, jumana, rompna, nusb-k. lu- gana, v. to fix, make, confirm, appoint. established, qa,im, muzboot, pa,edar, oostoowar, moostuhkum, mooqurrur, moo,ueyun, bu-hal, burpa, v.firm, {custom) dustoor ool umul, v. confirmed, current, usual. ' establisher, v. founder, moostuhkim, nasib, wazj, ropunhar, v. the verb, also author. establishment, thuhra,o, qiyam, pa,edaree, oostoo- waree, bundhan, v. tofi^v, {regulation, q. v.) bund o bust, intizam, {income, q. v.) saliyanu, yaft, V. allowances {fixed state) tu,ueyun, tu- qurroor, tushukhkhoos, {foundation, q.v.) boon- iyad, v. settlement, {religious) mootu,ueyunu, idrar, moo,ueyunu, birt, oopruont, mooqurru- ree, v. confirmation, muzbootee, bur-quraree, qa.imee, ruha,ee, v. continuance. estate, v. condition, state, {possession, q.v.) mal, {pi. umwal,) milk, {pi. umiak) dhun, sum- put, V. effects, duolut, durb, v. farm, property ; a hereditary estate, meeras ; a landed estate, zu- meendaree, sooknu, chuk, bhoom, guonwu,ee, muhlool ; an estate given as a pension, ja,e-gM: or -dad, u,emmu, v. land, also patrimony, rank, income, &c. esteem, {regard, q. v.) pyar, tupak, chah, {esti- mation, q. V.) i,utimad, qudr, wuzn, v. affec- tion, {consequence) man, i,ujaz, jus, bojlibhar, V. weight, {respect, q. v.) hoormut, izzut, v. veneration, belief, credit. to esteem {to regard) chahna, moohubbut- &c. -r. ETE 209 EVA uzeez-janna, {to imagine, q. v.) jaqiiq, ginna, rukhna, v. to consider. '^.S'ivk Jmim .»•*. estimable, esteemed,uzeez, moo,uzzuz, moohturum, pyara, murghoob, nek, nek-bukht, jus-wunt, V. dear. estimate, v. calculation, koot, kun, danu-bundee, schoodkar, kunkoot, hustobood, kunha,ee, tuk- dutna, nuzur-undazee, v. statement. to estimate, utkulna, ankna, tiikhmeenu-k. koot- na, tarna, nuzur undaz-k. v. conjecture, to cal- culate. ^stimatimi, undazu, shnomar, lekha, ank, tush- khees, uql, janiba, v. judgment, appraisement, {opinion, q. v.) fuhmeed, sumujh, khiyal, nu- zur; in their estimation, oon ke nuzurmen, v. esteem, regard. estimator, utkul-baz, kuniya, tar-baz, buduk, guoro, V. broker, appraiser: i*>0'*^) to estrange, beganu-k. oothana, phirana, hurka- na, kheech-lena, chit-torana, v. stranger. estranged, v. misunderstanding, khoon-sufed, v. averse, cool. f.Iii .•urfcf ,1i»*A>l- to be estranged, oochit-ruhna, v. to withdraw. estrangement, beganugee, v. distance. etc. et cetera, wughueru, gliuer-zalik, fulanu fu- lanu, umka dhunika, uoi- sub, itiyadik, adik, mawura, v. rest, also besides. eternal, iibudee, da,im, qaim, Ia,eezal, nit, suda, jumjum, surmud, unad, un iint, chirinjee, iib- he nasee, mcokhuUud, ubd nol abad, uzulee, V. perpetual, {Miss) su,udut, da,imee, {punish- ment) uzab ubudee, v. immortal; the Eternal, queyoomJ* ii'■i'^ / eternally, humeshu, suda, moodam, da,im-un, nit nit, shub o roz, v. the adj. also ahcays. eternity, duwam, ubud, humeshugee, moodawu- mut, khoolood, qudamut, qidm, buqa, uziil, nit-ta, V. immortality, aqibut. to eternize, ({&,inx- he. •)£.. i^ij ,t-^ii.vii- ether, ukas. ethereal, asmanee, v. celestial. ethics, ilm i ukhlaq, pund- or nuseeliut-namu, geeta, v. moral. etiquette, udub, adab, v. form, ceremony. etymology, {of words) ishtiqaq, vvujih-tusmiyu, {derivation, q. v.) tushuqqooq, muthapi,u, {in grammar) surf, tusreef, gurdan, v. declension, inflection, an evacuant, mcosjiil, joolab, jhar. to evacuate, {to empty) khalee-k. {to discharge, q. V.) nikalna, chhantna, kharij-k. ikhraj-k. jharna, chhorna, cbhorana, girana, tyagna, tukhliyu-k. chhor-jana, v. to void, to quit, {by stool) chirikna, hugna, pokna, chherna, V. to ease, purge. to be evacuated, nikulna, jhurna, girna. evacuation, tukhliyii, tunqiyu, ikhraj, idrar, prl- 1)3, pi. buol glia,it, mul-mootr, v. discharge, {a stool) dust, jhara. to evade, {to elude) talna, onrana, {to escape) ni- kul-j. nikul-bhagna, buhanu-k. kutrana, kha- or luga-j. qulum undaz-k. v. to shun, parry. evanescent, v. fleeting, {a.«;», -.i^«j .-_^- a ever happy or married, as women, suda sohagun, V. as, when, just, while, &c. . .- .fiUii-i;" everlasting, da,ini, qa|ini, usthit, nit, la-zuwal, be-zuwal, unbinas, v. eternal, always. ever-pleasing, suda mohun. every, hur, ek ek, sub ko,ee, hur-kus or -kudam, sub-jo, (thing) sub koochh. •Mj^hc»rf3-> every day, kur-roz. ,'*»Nfill*ii^'»r(.tfn; every one, hur-ek, hur-ko,ee, hur-shukhs, sub, V. all. ^ ' ever-young, saAa.]\iyf3ii\. -<-■■ evert/where,hur kuheen, hur juguh, charon turuf, V. around. It is very often expressed by re- duphcation, whence, danu-danu, every grain; rezu-rezu, every particle ; dum-dum or dum- bu-dum, every instant, v. one, each, ever, &c. evidence, (testiinony, q. v.) shuhadut, sakhee, (proof, q. V.) dulalut, istidlal, sunud, (witness, q. V.) guwah, v. clearness. to evidence, shuhadut- &c. -d. dulalut- 8sc« -k. V. to evince, vi,,.. t.,, evident, zahir, ulanlyu, viyan, wazih, mu,uloom, ruoshun, pueda, budeehee, pudeed, soowuree, moobruhin, huweda, yuqeen, ootput, v. clear, obvious, certain, apparent, conspicuous. evidently, sureehuij, zabira, rah sureehun, v. certainly. evil, adj. boora, bud, zuboon, v. bad. evil, sub. boora,ee, budee, zuboonee, ueb, qub- ahut, nooqsan, khurabu, mulamut, khubasut, khoobs, unwad, v. wickedness, (root of all) oomm ool khuba,is, (prince of) khunnas, v. de- vil; be evil averted, chiihsm bud door, which is used as a propitious expression before praising any thing, v. mischief, (hour) bud-sa,ut, v. un- lucky, ill, (misfortune, q. v.) bula, kusht; king's evil, kunth-mala, khunazeer, v. disease, scrofula. evil-doer, bud-kar, huram-kar, goonah-gar, koo- EXA ail EXA kuruiee, pap-karee, bud-fi,ul or -kirdar, v. teic- ked. evil-minded, bud-bat in, bud- zat, moofsid,ootpatee, bud-kho, -dil or -undesh, v. malevolent. evU-speakei;hudi-go,lioo-\i\ic\\nnee,\.censorionN, to evitice, zahir-k. duleel-Iana, butlana, junana, V. io prove, show, evilable, talunhar, goorez-puzecr, v. to avoid, shun, eulogy, V. praise, encomium, quseedu, v. elegy, eunuch, k)ioju, khwaju-sura,l)e-khayu murdanu, napoonsuk, miyan. There are two kinds, sun- dulee and badamee ; heejra arid zunanu are also a species of eunuchs. to evolve, khojhia, nikulna, v. to disclose, evolution, Imrkut, v. motion, pi. quwa,id, v. ex- ercise, euphony, moola,imut, khoosh-awazee, tuhseeni tulufiooz, V. sweetness, euphorbium, furbiyoon, furfiyoon, seej, zuqqoom, thohur. curopean firungee, from firung, Europe, euthanasia, khoosh uiurg. .•srso-A ewe, bheree, merhee, dcombee, bher. ewer, aftabu, vulg. uftawu, kurwa, budhna, bus- na, jhuree, lota, v. pot. ex, (i« comp.) oo, nikal, v. out. exacerbation, v. aane, shiddut, josh, mud, v. par- oxysni. exact, theek, doorcost, poora, burabur, mookum- mul, V. methodical, {accurate, q. v.) suheeh, soodh, {punctual) wu,idu wufa, (severe) sukht- geer, (honest, q. v.) khura, saf, v. nice, to exact, tulub- durkhwast-k. chahna, mangna, lena, nichorna, (to demand ofrigiit) du,uwa-, tuqaza-k. exaction, mootalubu, ubwab, rojsooni, huboobat, bazee-jumu, muthuot, v, oppression, (extortion, q. V.) nichor, (tribute, q. v.) muhsool, lugta. exactly, sihhut- &c. -se, hoo,a hoo,a, nikhund, nira, hoo bu boo, bi.uenih, anman, khure; e,i^ aclly twelve o'clock, khure do puhriya, v. com- pletely. exactness, buraburee, tukmeel, turteeb, dooroostee, arastugee, sodh, chuoksa.ee, hostiiyaree, rastee, V. correct. exactor, bala-dust, ziyadu tulub, mooqtuzee, ta- lib, mootuqazee, v. extortioner, innovation. to exaggerate, burhana, moolmlughu-k. lumba cliuora-k. phuelana, oor-chulna, bura,ee- &c. -k. V. to amplify. exaggeration, moobalughu, burha,o, bura.ee, tool- tuweel, lumbee chuoree, v. to ea/patiate, evaggerator, moobalughu-go, bur-bola, bhat, foo- zool- or poor-go, v. hyperbole. to exalt, burhana, turuqqee-d. boolund- surfu> raz-k. churhana, oothana, v. to raise, (to praise) tU|Ureef-k. v. to improve. exaltation, v. improvement, irtlfa,u, bcolundee, sur- furazee, sur-boolundee, bura,ee, oorooj, rufut, bol-bala, uoj, uoj rnuoj, v. promotion. exalted, sur-furaz, sur-boolund, iizeem oosh-shan, moo.uzziz, moomtaz, moo,ulla, tpmdu, bala, burtur, moofukhkhur, bala nushecn, v. high, (in camp.) alee ; thus, alee jab, alee shan, &c. exalted in station, he. examination, imtihan, tujroobu, azma.ish, bazr- poors, tufteesfa, tufuhhoos, tujussoos, dhooadh dhandli, khuoz, puruk,h, v. consideration, poor- sish, poochh poochhar, turaeez, tujweez, v. scrutiny. to examine, v. to collate, azmana, piu-uk.hna, kus- na, janchna, khojna, dhoondhna, imtihan- t«h- qceq- ghuor-k. dekhna, niliarna, chhan be chhan- nuzur uudaz-k. bicharna, v. to inspect, study, (clothes) khata-k. v. to essay, (accounts^ moohasibuJena, v. to investigate, interrogate, consider. examiner, moomtuhin, mootufuhhis, tujroobu-kar, Dd 8 EXC 212 EXC purk,hiya, moohasib, budur-nuwees, tulashee, junchwuya, v. inspector, inquirer. ' eicamplary, moostuhsun, sunjeedu, mu,iiqool. example, (copi/, pattern) numoonu, musul, tum- seel, misal, mcomasil, maduree, drishtant, nu- zeer, sunud, kur, v. instance, (a person pi'o- posed as a model) dustoor ool umul, peshwa, mocqtuda, hadee, qidwii, v. proof. example, (applied to punishment) ibrut, siyasut, chushm-nooma,ee, tukhweef, chetun, v. warn- ing ; to take example from, tutubbro-k. v. to imitate ; for example, musuliin, musul to mu- sulun, chinanchi, juesa ki, fil-musul. exanguinous, be-khoon, u-ruktee. exanimate, be-jan, nir-jiya, v. lifeless. to exasperate, khufa- ghoosse- diqq-k. khijana, sutana, rookana, dahna, julana, tulna, ooksana, bhurkana, oobharna, v. to aggravate, provoke. to excavate, korna, khukhorna, khodna, khok- ha- khalee- chhoochha-k. excavation, v. to dig, khoda,ee, khonkh, v. cavi- ty, khokhur, khol, khoolra, v. holloic. to exceed, ziyadu-h. burhna, jeeta-h. nikulna, burhiya- surjeet-h. churhna, ooburna, v. to surpass, ziyadutee-k. v. excess ; this exceeds that by an inch, yih oos se tusoo bhur jeeta hue, V. to excel. " 5S»o.>v>vniK exceeding, exceedingly, ziyadu, buhoot, niput, ni- hayut, bu-shiddut. to excel, ghalib- fa,iq- ugla-h. churhta- nikulta-h. turjeeh-sh'uruf-r. fuoqiyut- subqut- go,ee-leja- na, shuh-kuhna, pookhtu- poora- pukka- ka- mil-h. V. to surpass. excellence, excellency, ziyadutee, udhika,ee, ku- malj fuzl, fuzeelut, fuoqiyut, turjeeli, shuruf, bura,ee, bcozoorgee, khoobee, loatf, tufzeel, is- tiswab, bhula,ee, chokha.ee, sursa,ee, v. stipe- . : riority, purity, fineness. * S i « excellency, (title) junab i alee, huzrut, muha-raj, V. worship. excellent, v. prime, bihtur, khoob, nek, toohfu, luteef, khassu, mu,uqool, pakeezu, uch-chha, bhula, neeka, besh, un-ootha, soothra, chokha, oobedha, oottim, soondur, nadir, fazU, fuoq, chungoor, sums, prubeen, unsub, moostusna, suwab-deed, v. choice, good, (bravo! q. v.^ soobhan oollah, v. welldone, (eminent, q. v.) kamil, ufzul, fa,iq, (in comp.) khaish ; thus, khoosh-nuwees, an excellent writer. excellently, uch-chhee turuh-se, khassee turuh-se, V. exceedingly. >"vsj« < 'n f.-^-Jn .-y *> . except, siwa, bu-jcoz, chhoot, ilia, chhorke, chho- rake, qutu nuzur, v. bitt, ghuer, bin, bina, bidoon, v. besides, (unless, q. v.) ugur, mu- gur, hurgah, jo, [these are used negatively} except you go, I cannot go, jo toom nu ja|Oge hum nu ja sukenge, v. without. to except, chhor- jane-dena, furogoozasht- moos- tusna- istisna-k. chhorna, chhorana, bhin-k. tokna, V. to leave, cavil, exempt, (to object, q. V.) i|Utiraz- choon o chura-k. excepted, moostusna, bahuree, chhoota. exception, istisna, shaz, tukrar, meenmekh, chho- ra,o, chhoot, rok tok, v. exclusion, pukur, gi- rift,- V. censure, (to take) boora-manna, v. ano- maly, offence, (objection, q. v.) nooqs, sundeh, V. dislike. exceptionable, qabil i i,utiraz, giriftunee, i|Utira- zee, eerad-puzeer, pukurne-jog, v. the verb. excess, ziyadutee, udhika,ee, sursa,ee, booh tat, fi- rawanee, kusrut, ifrat, shiddut, tooghiyanee, tujawooz, tufawut, v. violence, (noun of) ismi moobalughu, v. noun, burhtee, beshee, v. over- plus, (intemperance, q. v.) bud-purhezee, fu- zoolee, V. r<^e. jiu .^;^■l;^-a^l^au;• e,^'cess^^)e, ziyadu, nihayut, udhik, buhoot, surtis, sukht, niput, utum, v. extreme, vehement. EXC 218 EXC e-rcefisifc/^jbu-shiddut, bc-hudd, hudd se ziyadu, V. excessive. exchange, budul, tubdeel, tuqleeb, budlee, ucUa budlee, mcD,awuz.u, moobuddul, budla,ce, era- pheree, moobadilu, v. change, barter, {on bills) hoon-dawun, hoondiyawun, v. discount, {com- pensation, return) iwuz, budul, budlu, {ofmo- •ney) furq, pher, kurdu, barha, phirta, qoosoor, butta ; the two last signify the balance or de- ficiency to be made good in payment; {aplace for merchants) chuok, v. bill, &c. toexchange,h\xdi\\\na, budul-d.udlabudJee- iwuz-, moo,awuz.u-k. exchequer, khalisu, khuzeenu buet ool ma\,v. trea- sury. excise, nuzuranu, niuhsool, bihrcc, abkaree, sa,ir, V. duty, tax. to excise, nuzuranu- Sec. -b. exciseman, v. collector, zukatee, tuh bazariya, oogahunhar, ghulwal, v. publican, tax. excision, {to make) kat nikalna, cheer nikalna, v. to amputate. to excite, oothana, khura- pueda-k. dalna, chher- na, hurukut- turgheeb- poorchuk- dum-d. ish- ti|aluk-k. ruchana, ooksana, oobharna, chur- hana, duorana, chulana, sunkarna, jugana, la- na, burhana, v. to cause, rouse. exciter, moohurrik, mooshtuhee, v. provocative, ooksa,oo, luga.oo, v. incendiary, promoter, {in comp.) ungez ; thus, fitnu-ungez, an exciter of discord, &c. v. cause. excitement, y. motive, tuhreek, chher, rucha.o, mucha,o, v. the verb. to exclaim, shor-k. bang-mama, chillana, rona, ro-pokarna, v. to cry, pokar-oothna, hank po- kama, gurgurana, jhurjhurana, v. to vocife- rate, reproach. cxclaimer, shoree, ghuogha,ce. exclamation, shor, ghool, furiyad, shorshur, wa- wuela, furiyad-fighan, nalu, ha,e ha.e, wa,e wEiC, tuobudhar, v. complaint, clamour, to exclude, nikal-d. kharij- murdood- munu-k. baz-r. barna, rokna, chhorna, baliur- budur-k. nikasna, muhroom- raoostusna-k. v. to disiih- herit, dismiss, dheengana. exclusion, {of air) roka,o, {expulsion) khoorooj, ikhraj, irtidad, tyag, phira,o, v. exception, re- jection, exclusive, exclusively, masiwa, ulawu, qutu-nu- zur, mawura, chhorke, v. except, besides, to excommunicate, murdood-k. nikal-d. koojat-, ujat-k. bahur kur-dena, muloon-k. v. to expel, to excoriate, ghisna, riigurna, kat-d. oodherna. excoriation, ghisa,o, rugur. excrement, gcoh, ala|ish, gha,it, v. dung, excrement it ious, ruddec, ty agee, h\ira.zee,v. filthy, excrescence, giru, musa, ganth, kutuor, rusuelee, V. wart, icen. excretion, khoorooj, tyag, jhura,o, dhar, ikhra), V. evacuation, ; excretory, mukhruj, pi. mukliarij, rundhri, ind- ree. to excruciate, dookh- azar- uzab-d. v. to torture, to exculpate, chhorana, bcgoonali-thuhrana, uir- dokhee-k. exculpation, i,utizar, moo,uzirut, chhema-kar, v. apologist, excursion, {ratnble) suer, mutur-gusht, v. trip, {expedition) duor, takht, y oonsh, \. digression, deviation, excusable, qabil i oozr, qabil 1 ufoo, mu,uzoor, cozr-puzeer, chhema-jog, wajib cDl-ri,a.yut ; the person excused from duty, ri|ayutec, v. tofa- vour. excuse,v. sham, oozr, hoojjut, mu,uzurut, bulianu, pozish, mintcc, bintee, nakee, nuktora, nukh- ru, hcelu, tukrar, chochla, v. pretence ; a fri- volous excuse, rozr na-musmoo,u. JEXE mi EXH to excuse, cozr- hoojjut-k. bat-bunana, buhanu-k. V. to pretend, kuniyana, lendiyana, v. to flinch, {to remit, q. v.) bukhshna, chhor-d. chhima-, niii,af-k. durgcDzur-k. exctiser, mo3tu,uzzir, (forgiver) khuta-bukhsh. execrable, mukrooh, kureeh, muloon, lU|een, mur- dood, muqhoor, Iu,unutee, phitkaree. execrably, bu-shiddut, v. very. execration, lu,unut, lu,un, nufreen, surap, v. curse. to execute, {to jierform, q. v.) kurna, bunana, tumam- akhir- uda-k. busur-lejana, chulana, sarna, kurana, v. to accomplish, {a work, &c.) ijorehna, ruchana, chherna, v. to operate, (to punish capitalhf) qutl-k. gurdun-mama, mar-d. {to kill) chula-d. jan-lena, v. to punish; gul-d. is much used for hanging by the Indian ser- vants, but whether as a corruption from gal- lows, from gula, the throat, or gulana, to des- troy, is the question. execution, iklititam, nibera, chula,o, v. the verb, kar-ruwa,ee, purdakht, nibah, parunjat, v. per- formance, {of people) phansee, qisas, &c. v, to hang, also punishment, {on goods) ugyarec, qoorq-namu, v. to distrain, {to do, as a sword, ' gun, &c.) kat- mar- tor-k. huqq buja lana, huqq uda-k. v. havoc, effect, operation; capital punishment, qutl ; to do execution, kam- kar-, umul-k. ; to put i7ito execution, jaree-k. v. practice; a place of execution, qutl gah, muq- - tul. executioner, jullad, budhik, qatil, chundal, Qs of- fice) juUadee, v. hangman. executive, kar-gcozar, hookm-ran, kar-furma, amil, amilanu, dargeer, chukiOo, mookhtar- kar, V. agent, efficient. executor, executrix, v. administrator. exemplary, {as punishment) jbrut-ungez,ibrutee, chetuona, jbrut-nooma, ibrut-anu, bhuyanuk, V. terrible, sunudee, bhula, bharee, wuzunee, sahib tureeq, v. examplary, temperate, virtuous. to exemplify,^, example, misal-lana, nuzeer- tum- seel-k. sunud-pukurna, v. to instance, exempt, exempted, v. to excuse, bahur, muhfooz, kharij, moobura, mconuzzuh, khalee, mu,af, mufee, mu,umoolee, ruhit, v./reft*^'*^^'''**"""V to exempt, chhora- bucha-r. kbulas- azad-k. exemption, mcohafuzut, bucha,o, tunzeeh, ibra, chhootkara, riha,ee, v. immunitj/, leave, freedom. exequies, krya kurum, fatihu durood, sradh,bhoj- bhat, {to perform) sradh-k. pinda-pama. : ex'ercise, v. recreation, (labour, q. v.) riyazut, milinut, kusrut, wurzish, sadhun, ishtighaJ, shooghl, hurukut, (use, practice) isti,umal, moohawiiru, ubbhyas, (task, q. v.) durs, su- buq, tu,uleem, suntha, putiya, {motion, q.v.) kulbul, phirchul, dol dal, ooth bueth, ooddim, purisrum, ^vi^d, v. work, comoor deenee, poo- ja-path, V. devotion, (gymnastic) dund, suron, buyam, buethka, surUiCe, roomalee, v. execu- tion, hurkat suknat, chaldhal, v. posture ; mi- lita/ry exercise, quwa,jd. to exercise, v. to drill, (to employ, q. v.) shooghl- mushq- isti,iamal-k. utka- luga-r. chulana, kurna ; to exercise authority, hookoomut-k. hookm-chulana ; to take exercise, riyazut- phe- ra-k.; to exercise as troops, quwa|id- sadhnee- -k. V. to practise, (dogs, &c.) ba,olee-d. slkh- lana, v. to train, {the dumb-bells) moogdur-hi- lana, -bhanna or -phema, v. to move, walk. to exert, endeavour, koshish-k. duoina, sur- zor- marna, muqdoor- bhur-k. tugopo- dhoondh- bhal-k. V. to strive, perform. exertion, koshish, su,ee, jihd, judd, sur-gurmee, dil-sozee, dil-dihee, tun-dihee, mihnut, puris- rum. ' : ' _ exhalation, exhalement, su,qod, oothan, {vdpot^ bookhar, bhap. EXI 315 EXP to exhale, v, to emit, ootfina, huwa- raootusa.jd-h. su,(>od-k. oorna, muhukna, v. a. oorana, v. to evaporate, to exhaust, v. to evpend, khalee- khurj- surf-k. oorana, kheench- nikaUena, torna, tumam-k. seetha-k. v. to drain, Jinish, dinn7iish. exhaustless, be-zuwal. to exhibit, dikhlana, kholna, zahir- moonkushif-, . izhai^k. butlana, numood- purgut-k. nikalna, V. to shew ; to exhibit a complaint, nalish-k. exhibition, izhar, inklshaf, dikhla,ee, numood- daree, v. display, pension, exposure, show. to exhilarate, khrosh- mugun- bagh bagh- shad-k, phoola-d. hcolsana. exhilaration, tufreeh, fiirhut, khroshee, hoolas. to exhort, nuseehut- Sec. -d. exhortation, wu,uz, nuseehut, pund, oopdes^ v. advice. 'uixAAof^.yjii exhorter, wa,iz, nasih. exigence, exigency, exigent, zuroorut, ihtiyaj, tu- qaza, mooqtuzu, bheer, khuencli, kushish, zughtu, lacharee, v. difficulty, necessity, {dis- tress, q. V.) muohim, tungee, shiddut ; accord- ingto the exigency, bu-qudr i ihtiyaj, jeta cha- hiye. exile, V. refuge, (banishment, q. v.) shuhur-bu- duree, des tyagee, muhroom, moolk randu, be- wutunee, v. to banish, {the person) shuhur-bu- dur. to exile, jula wutun-k. to be exiled, jula wutun-h. io exist, bona, rubna, muojood-h. ustee-r. ast-h. lugna, V. beitig, to be, consist, live, existence, existency, hustee, ast, wujood, bood, zindugee, ustee, bidhan, boodundugee, tu,ue- yoon, V. life, existent, v. present, bust, muojood, ast, bawu- jood, hota, jeeta, v. alive. iJ ;*?»«»■ eceit, V. departure, 8jc. tB <99^ to exonerate, khalee- hulka-k. nikal-jhar-d, ib- ra,e zimmu-k. bojh-ootarna, stobouk bar-k. v. to disburden, exoneration, khnoloo. exorahle, chhemakaree, oozr-puzeer or -shognwa, V. placable. evorbitance,exorbitancy, foozoolee, ziyadutee, bfir nihayutee, v. enormity, exorbitant, v. extortion, ziyadu, udhik, be-hudd, be-nihayut, be-undazu, be-qiyas, ziyadu tu- lub, be-thikana, v. eatravagunf. to exorcise, jhania, ootarna, julaiia, phoonkna. e.rorcMcr, erorciA'f,du,uwutee,hazratee, ojha, sya- na, amil, bhoot beUar, jan, v. conjurer. eJwmm,dii,uwut,j,har-phoonk,hazirat, muntur- juntur, suefee, {to perform) dum-k. v. to charm, exordium, deebaju, kliootbu, v. preface, exotic, pur-desee, des a.oree, ujnubee, bi-desee, pur-moolkee, v. foreign, to expand, v. to enlarge, phuelana, chliitkana, biclihana, kholna, pusarna, chuorana, v. to widen, khilana, phoolana, bigsana, v. to open, also liberal; v. n. pusurna, v. to spread, {an ajlower) kliilna, phoolna, shigooftu-h. bigusna. expanse, expatuion, phuela,o, bichha,o, sut,h, ^uhn, kooshadugee, pusar, pusra,o, phoolawut, v. the verb, also extent, space, expansive, phoola,oo,'^usra|00, moosutlih. >jr: exparte, {evidence) ghuer-hazree, (tujweez), v. investigation. to expatiate upon, tufseel- tushreeh- tufseer- p,hue» la,o-k. burhana, bukhanna, tool tuweel-k. bu- yanwar- tufseelwar-kuhna, v. prolix, to dwell, to expect, rah-dekhna, intizar- &c. -k. nioontu» zir- chushni bu rah-li. bat-nihama, ooUeeluia, johna, nigraj}-k. v. to look, janaa, soclma, v. to apprehend. ^&na^ tfi expectant, expecter, mosntuzir, oommed-war, Bioov EXP 216 EXP turussld, mooturuqqib, mootuwuqqu, asrik, as- ruet, mooshtaq, v. candidate, cvpectation, expectancy, intizar, chushm dasht, also, {hope, q. v.) tuwuqqtp, as, turussood, tu- ruqqoob, rija, intizaree, chushm, nuzur, asra, commed waree, ishtiyaq, v. prospect. to expectorate, chhantna, jharna, khunkharna, girana, nikalna, v. to spit. ' ,a*t«vnrit expectoration, (phlegm) bulghum, kuf, kufshi- kunee, khunkhar, chhunta,o, v. the verb, tu- nukhnukh, v. evacuation, expectorative, bulghum boor, chhunta|0, kuph- nasik, mcostukhrij. expediency, expedience, wujoob, loozoom, zuroorut, Hjaqut, moonasubut, sha.istugee, suzawaree, jogta. expedient, wajib, zuroor, lazim, moDnasib, la.iq, unsub, uola, joga, durkhoor, sha|istu, suza- war, oochit, theeek, furz, v. proper, {to he) chahna, v. to behoove, also necessary, expediejit, tudbeer, jlaj, tudarook, charu, O0pa,o, V. shift. Tfnd. !•.>!; to expedite, {to hasten, q. v.) duorana, juld-k. shitabee-k. chumkana, v. to quicken, {to fa- cilitate) asan-k. v. to dispatch, expedition, {haste, q.v.) juld-bazee, shitab-karee, chalakee,choostee,tu,ujeel, qojlut, phoort,(Joi«r- ney) sufur ; a military expedition, duor, uzee- mut, mcohim, v. adventure, takht, v. invasion, {with) ilgharon, v. express, {against injidels) jihad, ghuza. expeditious, expedite, yAA, shitab, choost, chalak, juld-baz, shitab-kar, phoorteela. expeditiously, duor a duor, juldee-se. to expel, nikal-d. hankna, khuderna, bahu'- door-, dufu- kharij- awaru- randu-k. tyagna, mar- chulana, v. to excommunicate, gurdunee-d. v. to banish, eject. to expend, khurj-k. oothana, lugana, tusurroof-k. musroof- mubzool- be-baq-k. khugana, ni- berna, khupana, lootana, v. to spend; to ex- pend profusely, oorana, israf- fcozool khur- jee-k. ./ (Stkiyivna 0^ to be expended, oothna, lugna, isra£-h. khugna, hochookna, khupna, niburna, kutna. expender, mootusurrif. expenditure, expence, khurj, {pi. ukhrajat) surf^ musruf, oothan, buzl, khupa,o, lugut, khuput, khugit, kutut, dam, v. charge, tvaste, bur- dasht, oochaput, bueyootat, khurchee, v. house- hold, {cost, q. V.) mol, v. price. expensive, {costly) qeemutee, guran-buha, muhn- ga, {extravagant, q. v.) raoosrif, oora,oo, moo- buzzir, Iuta,oo, v. prodigal, sungeen, guran, damee, zerbar, v. dear, heavy. expensively, khurj- &c. -se. expensiveness, guranee, foozool-khurjee, ziyadu- khurjee, israf. .-(s».vnvs\j.'' experience, tujroobu, imtihan, azma,ish, azinbo- du-karee, tujroobu-karee, waqif-karee> .kflr- d&nee, V. practice. -t ""•ft'.Knf fc'/i-mr.: to experience, kusna, imtihan-k. azmoodu-lena, purukhna, v. to try, pana, khuenchna, khana, V. to suffer, {tojind') dekhna. experienced, expert, v. versed, azmoodu-kar, tuj- roobu-kar, kar-dan, waqif- or banee-kar, kar- azmoodu or purdaz, v. conversant, skilful, {in affairs of the world) juhan-deedu. experiment, imtihan, tujroobu, azma,ish, puruk,h. experimentally, imtihan- &c. -se. experimenter, experimental, imtihanee, pmichijiuk, V. trial, practical. .^ .v ,e(r':»l expert, chalak, choost, phoorteela, khubur-dar, chutoora, chuokus, waqif-kar, mahir, pukka, pookhtu, syana, suleequ-shi,Hr, v. eleven, expertly, hoshiyaree- &c. -se. , w^-wr .» ,V»v^Sm'/> expertness, hoshiyaree, khubur-daree, waqif-ka- ree, muharut, chutoQra,ee, chuoksaiCe. .7 . EXP 217 EXP eatpiable, kufaru-puzeer, chhue-jog. to expiate, kufaru- &c. -d. initana, dhona, katnn, chhue-k. v. to atone, qonrbanee-d. v. sacrifice, expiation, kufaru, goonah-garee, v. atonement, expiration, (conchtsion,q.y.) inqi7.a,akhirut,unt, V. respiration, hung, neechc ka dum, v. inspi- ration, dumi wapuseen, nuzii, oordli, v. death. to expire, (to breathe out) dum-chhorna, dura- chhootna, (to die, q. v.) duin-nikulna, jata- ruhna, unt- fuot-ii. murna, dum-tootna, v. to end, (to perish) ruu.udoom- nest-h. mitua, (to terminate, q. v.) akhir-li. gooj.urna, moonqu- zee-h. to explain, explicate, butlana, sumjhana, buyan-, zahir-k. kuh-soonana, soojhana, boojhana, ju- tana, mu,unee- &c.-kuhna,v. rm'aning,\\\o\na, sooljliana, inushrooh- moojulla-k. v. to solve, illustrate. explainer, sharih, moofusslr, bukta, kashif, kush- shaf, phankeekar-ee, suinjha,oo, v. solver. explanation, explication, buyan, tufscel, shurul:, tuqreer, burnun, bistar, tushreeh, bixyhbooj- ha,o, sumjhuotee, inkishaf, tiluk, bitha, phan- kee,v. account, interpretation,svSa^ee,m\irmyf- wul, iTiilap joolap, v. construction, description, reconciliation. explanatory, buyanec, buyan-war, shuruh-war, tufseelee, mooshurrih. expletive, pudpooruk, pmr-koon, tukiyu-kulam, scnkhun-tukiyu. explicable, sooljha.oo, khrolun-jog, hull-puzcer. explicit, khoola, saf, sureeh, wa/.ih, zahir. explicitly, zahira, surcehun. to explode,v. to discard, cora- ootha-d. murdood-k. be ruwaj-k. bund-k. v. to abolish, kurukna, bhuk-de -ooina or -khana, v. to crack. exploit, moohim, joor-ut, kuramut, v. deed, toper- form. to explore, dhoondhna, khojna,chhan-marna, joost o joo- tujussoos- tulash-k. ghotu- khoj- tutol- marna, to,iya- koo,e men bans-d. v. to sound, examine. ' • J .-j*! -n; explosion,\. abolition, dhumuk, tusadoom, dliura- ka, awaz, dhandhan, bluiraka, jhuraka, kuruk, oora,o, phoophkar, bhuk, v. eruption, farce. explosive, oora,i)o, &c. phoophkarec. export, irsal, inursoolu, (pi.) mursoolat, v. to send. to export, ladna, blmrtce- nikasee-k. lojaua, bhej- na, bhurna. to be exjiorted, ludna, bhurtee-h. exports, exportation, nikasee, bhurtee, ruftunee, buramud, v. the verb. to erpose, (publish, q. v.) sliayii- fash- aslikara-, burmula-k. izliar-ifsha, purdu durce-k. pri- kash-k. V. toevhibit, (to cast out) clahia, clihor- na, (to put in danger) khurke men-(l. khutre uien-d. (to lay open) khohia, oogharna, (to make contemptible) bud nam- rooswa- fuzee- hut-k. V. to censure, disgrace, dikhana, v. to display, (to throw) jjionkna, phenkna, hoolna, V. to leave, drive, letarna, puchharna, v. to con- found. crposition, erpositor, mu.unoe-nooiTia or-purdaz, urthik, V. commentator, interpreter, explanation, explainer, exposure. to expostulate, gooft o shineed- hoojjut-k. dookha- kc bolna, v. to remonstrate, kuha kuhee-k. V. to wrangle. expostulation, groft o shineed, rudd-budul, tuk- rar, juwab-suwal, kuha-kuhee, judd o kudd, choon-chura, koon-kaii, (charge) gilu, shik- wu, shikayut, oolahna, hoojjut, nuktora, sur- zunish, ah o zarco, v. altercation, discussion, reproach. expostulator, shikwu-mund, gilu-goozar, shakec. exposure, (disclosure) izhar, ifsha, purdu-duree, tushheer, v. pillory, dikhawut, dikha,o, oogh- E E EXP 218 EXT ra,o, V. fhe verb, jhonka,o, v. danger, situa- tion. to expound, buyan- &c. -k. v. to explain. expounder, v. explainer. express, adj. (apparent, ({.v.) ashkara, saf, khoola, V. indubitable, {particular) natiq ; an express order, h(xikm i natiq. ea!press, (messenger, q. v.) pa,ek, puek, duoraha, sandnee suwar, {to go, come, 8ec.) ilgharon, ilghar, duor a duor, bhagabliag, bagtor, shub a shub, rate rat, raton rat, mara mar, hanka hank, {message, q. v.) puegham, v. dispatch ,• to come express, ilghar- &c. -a. to express, dulalut-k. puta- nishan-d. butlana, za- hir-k. oocharna, vJo remark, pronounce,dal-k. V. to represent, {to utter, q. v.) uda-k. zikr-k. {to squeeze out) nichor-lena, nikalna, pelna, V. to denote, paint. expressed, muzkoor, mulfooz, bariz, zahir, v. clear, {juice) qosaru, nichor, ufshoordu, v. tneaning. e??pressifc/e,oocharunjog,uda-puzeer,qabil buyan, V. utter able, nichorne-jog, v. the verb. expression, tuluffcoz, lufz, bat, sookhun, kulimu, quol, uda, oochar, nootq, bol, bolee, buchun, shubd, Ijurf, v. speech, phrase, {squeezing) ni- chor, pela.o, pela,ee,v. the verb, also utterance. expressive, dal, sudrus, sancha, \. picture, bolta, chetuona, muteen, mu,unee-nooma, poar mut- lub, V. pithy, forcible, {as a countenance) num- keen, muleeh, sulona, sa,oiJa sulona, v. charm- ing. ca;/we«sioewess,mutanut,(o//ea^Mres)numkeenee, mulahut, v. aniinatio7i. expressly, takeed- tuqueyud-se, takeedun, suree- hiin, qusdun,udbudake,v. purposely,he luga,o, V. plainly, ek dum, v. directly, express. expulsion, ikhraj, dufuyu, tyagta, jhura,o, nikaJ, V. to discharge, be dukhlee, v. ejection, also to expel. expulsive, tyagik, dafi, moostukhrij, mcotudafi. to expunge, chheelna, mitana, katna, qulum-mar- na, hukk- muhoo-k. v. to obliterate. exquisite, bihtur, uch-chha, pakeezu, nufees, na- dir, kamil,v.eTceZZew^,ziyad,shudeed, V. severe. exquisitely, nufasut- &c. -se, v. extremely. exquisiteness, nufasut, lutafut, toohfugee, pakee- zugce, ziyadutee, shiddut, v. violence. extant, baqee, muojood. extatic, sur-khonsh, wujdanu, v. ecstacy. extemporary, extemporal, ekaek, fil-fuor, fuorun, fil-budeehu, naguhanee, yoonhee, be-pryas, be- sakhtu, be-tu,ummool, v. prompt, thought, rea- dily. to speak extemporary, fil budeehu-kuhna. to extend, v. a. bichhana, puhoncliana, v. to spread, widen, {to stretch out) pusarna, lum- bana, {to stretch) kheenchna, tanna, {to ex- pand, q. V.) kooshadu-k. burhana, ziyadu-k., V. to amplify, {to lengthen, q.v.) liiinba- moom- tud-k ; to extend, {one''s thoughts, &c.) duor- ana, chulana, v. to continue; v. n. {to reach) pulioonchna, jana. extension,exte7isii'eness, extent, phuela,o, koosha- dugee, puhna.ee, furakhee, durazee, tool, lum- ba,ee, bistar, imtidad, mudd, tutweel, v. elon- gation, chuora.ee, pusar, pusra.o, v. the verb,. also bulk, capaciousness, capacity, space. extetisive,extended,kcosha.du, puhna-wur, chuora; chukla, lumba, bura, ureez, tuweel, v. large, capacious, luqduq, bistaree, phuela,oo, moom- tud, mokla, v. lo?ig, spacious. extendible, phuelane- &c, -jog, pusrunliar, &c. wusut-puzeer. to extenuate, {lessen, q. v.) kura- mookhuffuf-k. tukhfeef-k. {to rarify) putla- ruqeeq-k. EXT 219 EXT extmmatimi, ghuta,o, ghuttee, kuaitee, tuqleel, v. mitigation, waste. exterior, badiiree, beroonee, kharijee ; exterior causes, usbab i kharijee, v. ewternal. ioeivterminate, ookharna, ootha-d. mita-d. or -d. nikal-d. or -d. isteesal- nirmool-k. bebekh o booniyad-k. oopama, jur-katna, nifii dufu-k. V. to eradicate. extermi'nntioii, ookhar-puchhar, mitao, isteesal, bekh-kunee, be-booniyadee, oopar, ookhra,o, &c. V. the verb. exterminator, bekh-kun, ookharoo, jur katoo, sut- tyanasik, nirmoolee, v. destroyer. • v*i:»^-'/ external, sooree, zahiree,pritich,li, prugut,v. om/- ward; an c-vtemal object, rauhsoos, fil-kharij ; external appearance, soorut i zahiree, v. exte- rior. externalhj, zahirnn. "■'. >*ii^ •,■}«' ■«!'! extinct, tumam, akhir, mconqutu, imi,adDDiT), rauoqoof, nest, moontuhee, gha,ib, gcom, tuh- leel, binasee, qutu nusl, gulit, {to he) mur-bi- lana, mur-puchna, gul-j. t. to annihilate, also infra. to be extinct, ooth-jana, nest-h. v. to extinguish. extinction, extinguishment, akhirut, inqita,u, unt, nas, binas, udum, funa, (of fire, &c.) booj- ha,o, itfa. to extinguish, boojhana, thundha- gool- moontu- fee- bura- khamoosh-k. burhana, bootana, puchana, niarna, furo-k. dubana, mitana, v. to obliterate, suppress, bhnolana, v. to forget, (to destroy) ootha-d. muoqoof-k. v. extinct. extinguisher, gool-geer, gool-turash, v. snnffers. to extirpate, ookharna, ootha-d. or -d. khod-bu- hana, jur-khodna, bekh kunee-k. v. to exter- minate. ewtirpatioTi, isteesal, bekh-kunee, v. extermina- tion. extirpator, bekh-kun, v. exterminator. to rvtol, surahna, tu,ureef -suna- tuo^r- humd-, sita.ish- khnosbnam- ustoot- bukhan-k. bur- hana. extolled, sutoodu. extoller, muddah, suna-khwan. to extort, V. to wrinfr, nichor- kheench- chheen-, uenth- buzor- leiia- pel- choo&-lena, le-lena, ziyadutee- &c. -k. v. to force. crtortion, nichor, kheench, dust-durazee, sukht- geeree, ziyadu-tulubee, ziyadutee, ghubn, loot, ghudur, ghusb, undher, tughuUoobee, v. op- pression. e.vtorfioner, extorter, zalim, dust-duraz, sukht- geer, be-eeman, situm-gur, jabir, ghuddar, nichoroo, v. evacter. extract, v. essence, khooUus, khoolasu, heer, chee- du, mughz, gooda, beej, nubh, v. pith, kat, istimbat, v. epitome, {abstract, q. v.) moon- tukhub, sararth, v. compendium. to extract, kheenchna, istikhraj-k. ookhhama, nikalna, v. to pull, nichorna, v. to draw, suck, {to abstract) cbhantna, choonna, intikhab-k. extraction, khicha.o, istikhraj, ishtiqaq, niksar, ookhra.o, V. the verb, kool, nizhad, jutara, bekh booniyad, v. birth, race, {noble) usalut, nujabut, kcoleenta, v. family, {lineage, q. t.) usl, zat, jins, buns, v. descent. extraneous, beganu, ujnubee, oopuree, puray«, bahuree, ziyadu, be-jlaqu, be-luga,o, v. uncon- nected, stcperjluous. extraordinarily, ujeeb turuh-se, unoothee turuh-se. extraordinary, unootha, oobeedha, nirala, uchum- bha, zor, ujeeb, la-sanee, nadir, tumasha, r. uncommon. extravagance, cxtravancy, extravagantness, ziya- dutee, udhika.ee, foozoolee, be-undazugee, foo- zool-khurjee, israf, zurpash-ee, wur khurchee, mud gulit, bit bahuree, ghooloo, moobalighu, Ek 2 EXU 220 EYE V. bombast eccentricity, {violence, q. v.) ishti- dad, ghulbu, wulwulu, bul, v. irregularity, extravagant, v. expensive, {prodigal, q. v.) fcoz- ool-khurj, oora,oo, gunj-bukhsh, shuh-khurch, wur-khurch, bit-bahura, chuor-chuoput, v. profuse, bud-wuzu, bud-tureeq, ghalee, v. pro- JUgate, wild, (immoderate) foozool, ghuer-waji- bee, be-muoqu, be-ja, v. irregular, extravagantly, fojzoole- &c. -se. extravasated, (to be) juni jana, ooturna, v. to exude, extravasation, juma,o, ootar, sulsulahut. extreme, (last) akhiree, (great) bura, ziyadu, bu- hoot, shudeed, ushud, utumra, uti-unt, be-thi- kana, v. pressing, utmost, extremely, nihayut, bu-shiddut, be-hudd, niput, bu-durju i utumm. extremity, (extreme end) akhir, akhirut, unjam, tiimamee, intiha, nihayut, hudd, payan, unt, clihor, nok, kinaru, sur-hudd, akhiree, nuobut, V. height, suket, v. despair, (to he in) qafiyu tung-h. nak men dum-a. (to come to) bat- burhna, (distress) na-charee, be-muqdooree, ajizee, tungee ; reduced to extremity, na-char, be-miiqdoor, ajiz, v. rigour. to extricate, chhorana, azad- khulas- riha-k. sool- jhana, nikalna, buchana, kholna, v. to relieve, save, extrinsic, extrinsical, zahii'ee, sooree, arizee. extrinsically, zahira. exuberance, hushoo, foozoolee, ifrat, kusrut, ud- hika,ee, sursa,ee, burhtee, lubrezee, firawanee, V. abundafice, knob, exuberant, ziyadu, kuseer, udhik, surus, buhoot, firawan mcolubbub, fa,iz, lubrez, be-huya, v. luxuriant, rank, superjluous, exuberantly, ziyadutee- &c. -se. extidation, risa,o, pusyo. to exude, v. n. risna, nikulna, rusiyana, sulsula- na, V. to ooze. to exulcerate, katna, gba,o-k, v. to corrode, jularia, khana, v. anguish, &c. to exult, hoolusna, bilusna, bihusna, ruhusna, phool-jana, mugun- khoosh- muhzooz- moom- busit- kooshadu roo-h. phoolon nu sumana, khoosh hal- khrosh wuqt-h. v. to triumph, exultation, hoolas, bilas, khmshee, bushashut, im- bisat, oomung, v. gladness, rejoicing. exuvice, kenchliyan, sing, kenchlee or kenchool. eye, ankh, chushm, deedu, nuen, chukh, netr, lien, niiyun, kutach, lochun, drig, v. to ogle, (of roots) ankh, v. bud, (of the wind) moonh, (loop) moondhee, (diseases of) nakhoonu, pu- roo,a, V. sty, (sight, q. v.) deetli, nigah, drisht, tubussoor, (regard, q. v.) lihaz, v. attention. eye, (of a needle) naka, (loop or catch) tookmu ; in the twinkling of an eye I shall return, ek pu- luk men phir awenge, or toorfut ool uen men phir awenge. to eye, dekhna, dutna, nigah- nuzur- lihaz-k. . eye-ball, dhela, dherhun, dela, hudqu, pootlee, murdoomuk, murdoom i chushm, v. pupil. eyc-hrow, ubroo, bhuoii, bhirkootee, bhroor; hav- iiig the eye-broxos joined, puewustu-ubroo; hav- ing them distant, koosliadu-ubroo. eye-lash, burnee, mizhi, mizhgan, pupnee, puluk, buronee, (disease of) bamunee. t eye-less, nir-unkha, be-chushni, na-beena. eye-let, rund, chlied, soorakh, luoshun-dan, kha- nu, konda, v. hole. eye-servant, unkh-cliora, kum-chor. eye-sight, beena^ec, jot, v. eye, vision. eye-sore, ankh ka kanta, ankh ka khar, khonch, V. to offend, also mote. to be an eye-sore, ankh men khutukna. eye-witness, sakhee, shahid, guwah ; / was an et/e-witness, or saw with niy own eyes, bu chushm i khmd dekha hue. 221 F FAC f, has nothing particular in its sound ; it is often confounded with p, and p,h ; from which last, however, it ought to be carefully distinguish- ed ; pji being pronounced as in upjiill, not as in phrase. fable, (st(yry) qissu, liikayut, nuql, kuhanee, kutha, dastan, v. lie. to fable, nuql- &c. -k. or -b. qissu- &c. -kuhna. fabler, fabulist, naqil, hakee, qissu-go, v. story- teller. ■.'•>!.: .'-vsirtv (••;\A',-^sy fabric, imarut, v. edifice. fabrication, bunawut, tu,iimeer, sakht, kurnee, krit, V. composition, &c. to fabricate, fabric, bunana, oothana, tu,umeer-k. bandhna, jorna, v. to build. fabulous, wuhmee, jhootha, v. fable. face, {visage) moonh, niookhra, mookh, chihru, rookh, roo, anun, luqa, kiyafu, rookhsar, oozar, ariz, asi,u, budun, v. countenance, {appearance) soorut, puekur, munzur, {front) ugwara, aga, pesh, (assurance) shokhce ; the face of the earth, roo,c zumeen, sut.h i zumeen ; before his face, ooske rooburoo, ojske samne, ooske moonh pur, coske hoozoor ; face to face, roo bu roo, bilmuwajuhu, moonha moonh, char chushm, amne samne, v. opposite, also tojront, confront, to face, {turn about) moonh-pherna, {to front) doobudoo- samne- mooqabil-h. sunmookh-h. V. against, {an instrument) moonh-churhana or -d. V. to coat, {to cover, q. v.) tuh-jumana. FAC V. to insult ; to make wry faces, moonh- »r mookhra terha-k. v. to mock ; to aim or strike at the face only, moonhee moonh-marna. facetious, (persons) thuthe-baz, thuthol, khcosh- tubu, luteefu-go, zureef, zindu-dil, hunsor, sheereen tubu, shokh, khmshgup, v. merry, witty, (sentiment) rindanu, zureefanu, zura- fut-amez. facetiously, zurafut- &c. -se. facetioiisness, khrosh-tubu,ce, zurafut, thutheba- zce, hunsor-pun. facile, asan, suhl, suhuj, v. easy. to facilitate, asan- &c. -k. facility, asanee, asaniyut, suhooliyut, (softness) moola.imut, nurmec, hilm, (affability) khoolq, insaniyut, (readiness) muliku. facing, qor, hashiyu, to,ee, v. edf^ing, front, tuh, chlial, juma,o, liwar, v. to plaster. fact, V. case, huqeequt, usi, (deed) kam, kar, fi,ul, umr, hurkut, kurtub, suchuotee, huqq, mahiyut, mool, sut, v. truth, mutlub, bat, kuefiyut, v. matter, (pi.) kuwa,if, huqa,iq, mahiyat, v. reality; in fact, fil-huqeequt, hu- qeequtim, ghurz, nufs ool umr, fi]-waqu,u, jut- harth, V. indeed ; the fact is this, usl yoon- hee hue. faction, ittifaq, v. confederacy, fusad, fitnu, v. discord, (tumult) hungamu, bulwa, ghudr, hulchul. factious, bukheriya, dungu.ee, fitooriya, fitnu-un-. gez, fusadee, moofturee, moofsid. FAI 222 FAI Jrtctiousness, fitnu-ungezee, moofsidee. factitious, iimulee, tuqleedee, musnoo,ee, sakhtu, v.Jictitioios. factor, gromashtu, kar-purdaz, kar-goozar, kar- koon, pesli-kar, karindu, deewan, kurta, kam- kajee, moodh, v. broker, agent. factory, kothee, kar-khanu. factotum, hur-babee, buhoogoona, hur-karu ; the last is now restricted to runnitig footmen or spies, &c. q. V. faculty, {ability, q. v.) qoowwut, qcodrut, sliukt, iqtidar, isti,udad, boota, (capacity) wuqoof, , 8hu,oor, uql, dana,ee, boojh, boodh, fuhm, sulee- qu, sooghra,ee, v. talent, dexterity, (qualify) khuwas, taseer, gosn, soobha,o, v. efficacy; the faculty of speaking, qoowwut i natiqu, v. hear- ing, &c. to fade, (wither) koomlana, jhoorana, jhoorna, khooshk-h. sookhna, moozmuhil-h. (to lan- guish) natuwan- nuqeeh- doobla- doorbul-h. {as colours, &c.) oodas- pheeka-hojana, ootur- -j. thus; cos ka rung ootur guy a, his complex- ion has faded; (to vanish) oor-jana, jata-ruhna, za,il-h, V, to waste. faded, (as colours, &c.) mand, hulka, seetha, roorha, v. the verb. J'c£ces,faRCula, (settlings) turchhut, doord, seethee, foozlu, V. dregs, jumawut, injimad, v. sediment, (excrement) buraz, ala.ish, y. filth, a fag, tuhloO|a, pesh-dust, v. slave. to fag, V. n. raandu-h. thukna ; v. a. mandu-k. t^ukana, tuhul-k. duor dhoop-k. v. to toil, duorana, thuosana, v. to harass. fagend, ootar, v. refuse. fagot, antee, bhar, bulhee, v. bundle, kaghuzee sipaliee, v. soldier. to fagot, untiyana. fail, failure, fcumtee, kumee, kotahee, tuqleel, qillut, na-daree, v. deficiency, bankrupt, (extinc- tion) inqita|U, nestee, \. failing. to fail, V. n. (be deficient) kum- naqis- kasir-h. V. to break, to fall, thuosna, tootna, bueth-j. deegna, ruh-j. suthiyana, boodhiyana, v. to de- cline, harna, bhoolna, v. to lose, hutna, ootur- na, murna, v. to droop, cease, (to perish) moon- qutn- muoqoof- mu,vidoom-h. ootlina, jata- rulina, (to decay) ghutna, dhulna, (to imss) chookna, khuta- qoosoor- chook-k. v. to fade, flinch ; v. a. (to forsake) clihonia, dal-d. v. to neglect, omit; wiilioutjliil, u-chook, be kum o kast, be-qoosoor, v. certainly. failing, (omission) khuta, qoosoor, chook, tuqseer, nooqsan, ueb, dokh. fain, (to be) inun-chahna, mun- jee- or dil- men ana, v. to wish, also glad. faint, (feeble) zu,eef, natuwan, nirbnl, doorbul, mandu, v. weak, moo,a, moordu, ruboodu, hu- lak, V. faded, undlila, v. dim, mcarchuha, v. to faint, (dejected) oodas, dil-geer, ufsoordu, (relaxed) soost, dheela, (not bright) pheeka, oodas, mand, (not loud) dheema, v. Imc. to faint, zoo,uf- &c. -ana, moorchhana, tyorana, gbushee- ghot- or moh-men-ana, ankhon men- undheree-ana, girpuina, jee-doobim (»• jiikul- na, V. to swoon, sink, fade. *'(,(f, ti f^e -•^■^■»'\ faint-hearted, booz-dil, boda, kucha-dil, kham- dil, mcordu-dil, mun-muroo, moordunee, v. dead, coward. faint-heartedness, booz-dilee, na-murdee, joobn, kham-dilee. fainting, ghush, ghushiyan, zoo,uf, tanwur, foe- hoshee. faintly, ahiste, dheeme, soostee- &c. -se, v. lightly. faintness, zoo,uf, nuqahut, na-tuwanee, na-qooWt- wutee, kum-zoree, mandugee, doorbulta, dil- geeree, soostee, v. fainting, lownese. fair, (handsome) shukeel, subeeh, huseen, aoo- PAI^ 223 FAE^ roop, {white) gora, scnrkh o sufed, guorang, chitta, gml-roG, v. Jhrid, (as tcealher) sookha, {interval of ) ruggee, {as water) pursust, oojla, V. whitSy {as wind) seedha, v. favoiirah/e, {as hair) bhoora, kucl, v. light, wajibee, mu,iiqool, theek, v. rigfit, lawful., justs {and square) saf be-baq, v. even, {clear) saf, kiijla, nirmul, {ex- cellent) soondur, {not cloudy) phurchha,kha3la, khoosh, v.fine, {prosperous) v(\qotb.A, minwafiq; a fair wind, bad i inoorad, {jnst, honest) rast, adil, moonsif, ecman-dar, nya.ee, v. equitable, {apparent) zahir, numood, {mild) moola.ini, nurm ; fair words, meethee baton ; n fair character, nek-nain ; fair plat/, i-ast-bazee, suchuotee. fair, adv. ahiste, buole, mrola,imut- dheeruj-se, V. civilly; to keep fair with people, rah-rukhna, rast-ruhna, buna,o-r. v. to agree. fair, {market) mela, penth, {meeting) scohbut, nihan, teeruth, chhetr, eprs, {for cattle, Stc.) nukhas, v. market. a fair one, khoob-soorut, khoob-roo, mah-roo, V. beloved, mistress, gool-budun, shumu-roo, puree-roo, v. heatUy, also sex, fairing, pursad, tuburrrok, v. present. Jairly, rastee- insai- sufa,ee-se, v. candidly, com- pletely. foAmesa, {handsomeness) khoob-soortee, hoosn, {whiteness) soorkh-sufedee, gora,ee, v. the adj. also, candour, propriety, {clearness) shuffafee, sufa,ee, nirmulta, {e.vcellenve) soothra.ee, pak- eezugee, Y)hnrc\ihn.^ee,{prosperonsness) moowa- fuqut, {justness) rastee, rast-bazee, udl, insaf, nya.o, khura.ee, {apparentness) zoohoor, num- oodaree {mildness) nunnee, mrolaimut. fairspiiken, sliecreen zuban, khmsh-go, mith- bola, but-buna, churb-zuban, v. plausible. fairy, puree, puree-zad, ubchhura, niunjoo, soo- kesee, ghoklia, {queen of) tilotuma, {stone} so- bun nudee ka puthur. faith, eeman, dhurum, i,utiqad, uqeedu, {tnt^) bhurosa, i.iitimad, nischne, putiyara, v. beU«f punth, puth, V. pcrsttasion, .iect, {religion) mil- lut, deen, mu/.liub, {conjidenre in God) ukas- birt, tuwukkool, {honesty) sut, sidq, {fidelity}. wufa, {promise) qurar, quel, bacha; the Mia- sulman faith, islam. faithful, eeman-dar, deen-dar, dhurmee, diyan- ut-dar, mootudueyun, wufa-dar, nuniuk-hulal, V. true, mootee,u, v. constant, mroniwwutee, V. attached, obedient, {as a translation) seedha, saf, kamil, poora, v. literal, {honest) suchoha, khura, sadiq, v. sitwere; the faithful, uhli. is- lam, mooslimeen, {sing, mooslim (wmoosuJmjm) moomineen, {si7ig. moomin). faithfully, diyanut- &c. -se. faithfulness, eeman-daree, diyanut-daree, wuffu daree, numuk-hulalee, khura.ee, suclia.ee, su- daqut, V. honesty. faithless, be-eeman, bud-diyanut, be-^mfa, nu- muk-huram, udhurmee, kha.in, jhootha, ka- zib, V. infidel, eeman sokhtu, wufa beganu, be-mooruwwut, be-quol, siyab-chushm, -bud- iihd, be-qurar, v. treacherous. faithlessness, be-eemanee, be-wufa,ee, bud-diya- nutee, numuk-huramec, udhurm, koofr, khi- yanut, kizb. " falchion, oona, tegha, tulwar. falcon, shaheen, {hen) baz, shuh-baz, {coek) jcorra, v. hawk. falconer, baz-dar. falconry, baz-daree. faldage, buthan, niha,ee, v. fr^d. fall, sojqoot, putkun, puchhar, chot, v. tumhU'y {of rain) jhuree, tuqatoor, v. flood, shonwr, {violence ofafaH) jhok, {death) murg, hula- kee, (««■«■) ghanitee, suttyanasee, {downfaJ) FAL 224 FAL tunuzzcnl, {diminution) zuwal, ghutee, (ca- dence) ootar, dhal, (cascade) jhurna, ab-shar, (autumn) khizan, put-jliur; to break the fall of ' any thing, jhok-buchana ; to get a fall, gir- . purna, v. to bruise, fall; to give one a fall, gira-d. to fall, girna, purna, gir-purna, dhulna, jhookna, . chhootna, puchhurna, loorhukna, dhoolukna, khisukna, dhoolna, puchhar-khana, v. to tum- ble, drop, rain, khurukna, ohurna, v. to ebb, murna, kutna, buhna, doobna, tulput- cliuo- put-h. buesukna, buethana, v. to perish, (in battle) thuor-ruhna, (be rejected) mutrook- be- man-h. v. to decline, (iji love) ankh-utukna or -lugna, V. to admire, (to enter) jana, so-jana, to fall asleep, (to he found) niilna, ana, v. to get, (to set about) duorna, v. to haste, handle, (into the clutches of) chudde men-a. v. power, . (to he shed) jhurna, khusna, (to join, as a river) milna, (to apostatise) moortud-h. phir-j. (to be slain) joojhna, kam-ana, khet-ruhna, (to be de- graded) rooswa- fuzeehut- khufeef-h. (to be overthrown) tuluf- pa,emal-h. (to subside, de- crease) kum-h. ghutna, ooturna, buethna, pur- jana, pust-h. phish phishana, (to begin) lugna, shooroo,u-k. [thus, wcoh rone luga hue, he fell a crying^ (to happen) apurna, ajana, bona, na- zil- waqi- sadir-h. (to come) ana, (to become the property of) puhoonchna, (to proceed or fall from a person) nikulna, (to be born) pueda-h. (to fall on) churh-buethna, v. to attack, com- mence; to fall away, or off, soukhna, oodurna, tootna, lutna, puchukna, putukna, oopurna, V. to decay, waste, (grow lean) gul-jana, doo- bla- laghur-h. v. to fade, depress; to fall back, V. to retire, peechhe-dubna, puspa-h. v. retro- grade ; to fall behind, toot-ruhna. The reader is referred to those simple words, in this vo- lume, which are synonimous with the innu- merable compounds formed from this verb. He may also consult Vol. II. under purna, girna, ooturna, &c. fallacious, jhootha, mukr-amez, v. false. fallaciously, mukr- &c. -se. fallacy, jhooth, dhokha, kizb, mukr, mooghaltu, ghulut, fee, lupet, v. falsehood, error, sophism, deception. fallible, v. erroi; chookne-jog, nisiyan- &c. -pu- zeer, moomkin oos-suhoo, chookwuya, mookh- tee, \. frail. falling-sickness, mirgee, suni. falloWy (ground) bunjur, ooftadu, be-turuddood, pura, mcD,uttul, khalee, purtee, puh purtee, unmath, purteet. to fallow, parna, v. vacant. false, jhootha, kazib, batil, moozuwwir, na-rast, V. liar, khota, dughuoliya, lappa, \. perfidious, usutee, v. the noun, (as coin) kurra, v. Jicti- tious, (in comp.) kuth, kucha, whence kuth- mala, false beads, kuth-rona, to weep crocodile tears, (bad, as language) be-rubt, naqis, naka-. ra, (dishonest) kha,in, udhurmee, (treacherous) numuk-huram, be-wufa, (counterfeit) tuqlee- dee, libasee, (hypocritical) riya-kar, mukkar. false-hearted, bud-batin, bud-nihad, bud-zat. falsehood, falseness, falsity , Tjhooih, Ahdkha, du- rogh, heelu, mukr, zoor, tulbees, fureb, buha- nu, khota,ee, v. the adj. bhugul, kuput, lu- pat, usut, dughl-fusl, jhooth-mooth, v. lie, ly- ing, also deceit. falsely, bewufa.ee- &c. -se, \. falsehood; to ac- cuse falsely, tcchmut- iftira- boohtan- ittiham- -k. v. erroneously, falsification, tughulloob, sakhtugee, miluonee, tuntur, muntur, v. fabrication, forgery, falsifier, jhootha, (forger) ma:;qullid,.tughulloo- bec. ' to falsify, (forge) tughulloobee- &c. -k. v. false. FAM 225 FAN (to confute) katna, jhoothalna, riukl- &c. -k. (to violate) torna, {to tell lies) jhooth-kuhna. fo falter, huklana, Imknut-k. hichkichana, lur- biirana, lurkhurana, diigmugana, v. fo fail, stagger, {to trcmfj/c) karnpna, tliirthiraiia, v. to stammer. fnme, nam, ishtihar, hoo, bhuon-wara, nekna- mee, v. character, khyat, jus, duiika, tuntuna, Iiooha, dliakh, v. celebrity, rumour, re'tiow7i, report. famed, nam-wur, mushlioor, v. famouj^. familiar, {affable) VL\\[,h\x\eem,{un-ceremmiious) be-tukulloof, khula-mula, mila-joola, {intimate) hila,ratn,maloof, manoos,v. acquainted, {tvell- knotvn) mu,uroor, mu,uloom, chulta, (orfee, amee, rusmee, v. common, plain, dheeth, shokh, nidur, V. free, pohra, v. itnpudent, yaibash, v. sociable, companion, {spirit) isht, mrowukkil, {having one) musanee, {to procure one) musan- sadhna. In this operation tlie Bruhmuns go through some ceremonies that would hardly be credible by those who dote on the fancied innocence and purity of the Hindoos, and their immaculate pastors, v. magician ; familiar dia- logues, ghuroo batcheet, rusmee suwal o juvvab, miyanu gooftogoo, (/ajig-aa^e)riwajee, rozmur- ru, V. ordinary, {acctcstomcd) humwar, moosa- wat, mu,vimool, v. easy ; to he familiar with, rubt- &c. -r. ashna,ee khurch-k, mil-chulna, hila mila-ruhna, v. to associate ; a familiar, {companion) moosahib, hum-nisheen,ashna, yar, {demon) bhootna, shuetan. familiarity, be-tukulloofee, irtibat, ikhtilat, rubt, kliooltu, ittihad, soohbut, mcDsahiibut, qoorb, oolfut, cDnsut, eetilaf, qojrbut, nuukhalitut, v. intimacy, joot, mel, sungut, milap, oonsiyut, sunsurg, raz o niyaz, v. affability, dheetha,ee, V. freedom, acquaintance. to familiarise, khogur- humwar- adee-k. hilana, ram-k. v. to facilitate, tame. familiarly, be-tukulloufanu, asanee-se. family, ghurana, ghurbar, tubbur, kootcnmbli, knornia, rn!g. koonba, khish, khandan, uhl o iyal, qubcelu, log bag, suge sodre, uyal-utfal, joroo buche, umlu fi,ulu, quba,)l, kusokob, na- moos, purwar, puranee, admee, log, buraduree, bal buch, lurke bale, musaluh, uhli-buet, v. Jujuschold, relations, beej, ghur, v. race, breed, eoctraction, tribe, liiwaliiq, wabustu, v. depen- dents, zat, quom, koofoo, nusl, v. class. famine, quht, kal, ukal, duobhouk, muhngee, gh- ranee, drorbhich, ukal dookal, un-dookh, hur- sungra, quht salee, v. drought, dearth, scar- city. to famish, v. a. bhook!;on-marna; v. n. faqoii- murna. famishment, faqu, oopas, lunghun, v. hunger. famous, namee, nam-wur, nam-dar, mushhoor, mu.uroof, sir karhe, numood, v._/ame, juswunt, numooddar, roodar, shoohrutee, iilum nushur, goolbang, V. renowned, noted. to he famous, bajna. famously, shoohrut- &c. -se, v. fame. famoustiess, shoohrut, nam, nam-wuree, namda- ree, tu,uroof fan, punkha, punkhee, bad-kush, bena, beejna, furashee-punkha, mor-punkhee, mugus-ran, mor-chhul, chuoiiree, v. brush, {for grain) purtee, soop, {for Jire) phooknee, dumee, v. bellows, ventilator, wing. to fan, punkha-jhulha or -k. v. to shake, move, jhulna, jhupukna, dolana, phuhrana, v. to win- now, sift, dhuonkna, v. to blow, {flies) chuon- ree- &c. -k. mukhee-mama, mugus ranee-k. V. to separate, flap, drive. fanatic, muotu,ussib, v. mad, mujnoon, khubtu, V. tlie noun. F F FAR 226 FAB fanaticism, tu,ussoob, hurarut i deenee, joonoon, suoda, V. enthusiasm. fanciful, niootuwuhliim, wuswasee, shukkee, khi- yalee, tilisniee, v. whimsical, imaginary, capi'i- cious, fancy, khiyal, wuhm, dhyan, tupuwwoor, tuwuh- hoom, qiyas, utkul, {taste) suleequ, dhub, duol, (inclination) shuoq, chah, muel, (chimera) ti- lism, dhoklia, luliur, turung, munmuoj, muoj, mirg-trishna, dhoo.a, vvuswusu, v. caprice, con- ception, conceit, notion, spectre. to fancy, janna, khiyal- &c. -k. boojhna, utkul- na, tarna, siitnujhna, dekhna, mu,u]oom- zunn- -k. V. to conceive, think, (to like) jee-duoriia, chahna, luhriyana, v. to choose. fancy-monger, mun-muojee, &c. v. the noun, also humorous. fancy-sick, v. whim, wuhm-zudii, khulul-duma- ghee. fane, v. shnne, dewala, muth, v. temple. fang, nab, beer, khag, hood, khoochlee, v. tusk, mooiih, hath, dhukka, dam, v. clutch, (prong) , tungool, V. tooth, nail. fanged, khuguela, duntuela, v. toothless. ' fanner, jhulunhar, v. the verb, chuonree-burdar or -wala, v. fan. fan-tailed pigeon, luqa. fantasm,fantasy,fantorii, khiyal, soorab, wuhm, dhokha, numood-be-bood. Jantastic,Jh7itasttcal, v. capricious, muskhurana, suwangee, bhuncluetee, v. grolesque, odd, fan- ciful. far, door, bu,eed, door-duraz, door-dust, v. very, pur, par ! pulepur, pure, purunt, bahur, furq, V. distance, (shooting) pulledar; a far country, pur-des, v. foreign ; as far as, dhoor, le, tuk, V. to, as, so, &c. ; far and near, door nuzdeek, wure pure, v. here ; thus far, eehan tuk ; far away, koson pur, [in some feminine expres- sions] door par, v. avaunt ; far, is frequently omitted in the Hindoostanee, thus, b,hu,ee, kul- kutta eehan se keta hoga.'^ friend, how far may Kulkulta be hence ? v. hmv, wJiere, (much) bu- hoot, ziyadu ; far off, from afar, door-se, v. much, distant. farce, bliunda,ee, suwang, peklina, v, play, also nonsense. ,*U( ,-;j,- «\-'.-/ •, • farcy, agin-ba,o, kharish, khoojlee, bursrftee, v. itch. fare, (passage-money) ootra,ee, bhara, kiraya, khewa,ee, mulahee, newul, v. passage, ujooru, kuharee, moaqurruree, kuoree, v. hire, (food) khana, ukl, khorish, jeeka, tookra-tera, chut nee, chuhul puhul, v. cheer. to fare, (to go) chulna, (to be) hona, goozurna, goozuran- mu,ceshut-k. tikna, ruhna, nibhna, jeena, bitna, kutna, kliana peena, v. to live, do, &EC. farewell, ulwida,!!, khooda-hafiz, ullah-belee, v. adiezt, jeete- anund- &c. -ruho, v. happy, su- 1am, khojsh-a, chirinjee, prinam, ramram, nu- miskar, dunduwut, v. good, (prese7it) bida,ee, rcukhsutanu, v. departure, (leave) rcukhsut, vvi- da,vi; to take farewell, rookhsut-lena, wida,u-, moorukhkhus-h. chhorna. «»e isnaym. far-fetclied, (simile, &c.) bu,ccd-ool-fuhm, v.Jbr- eign, door-ka, door-desee, v. remote; to use far- fetched expressions, chootur se kan ganthna. farina, (of flowers) ata, purag, dhool, \. flour, dust. farinaceous, bhoas bhoosa, dane-dar. farm, chuk, muzru, qutu,u, har, jot, nijjot, seer, chas, khet, kasht, gaiiw, puttee, khood-kasht, V. land, tu,ullooqu, ijani, theeka, tu,uJihcDd, turuf, V. contract, cultivation, muhal, v. depart- ment, (fm'med into a) chukbustu, (lease, q. v.) chuknamu, (a manor) zumeendaree. to farm, (to let a farm) puta^e pur- mungut pur- FAS 227 FAS dena, ijaru-d, v. to rent, also Vol. II. under ijaru. fiirnter, kisan, usamee, niilkee, [also the propri- etor of ground] zunieen-dar, v. InndhMer, cliuodjuiree, chuk-dar, piutee-dar, thceke-dar, mal-goo7.ar, mootu,uhlud, turuf-dar, v. renter, muhul-dar, amil, umul-dar, v. intendant, (eulli- vafor, q. v.) chas-ee or -a. jotihur, jctoo, gir- hist, rU|iieyut, v, subject, husbandman, peasant ; a fanner, or contractor, of a counlri/, nifcstajir, ijaru-dar, tu,ullooqu-dar. farness, dooree, boo,ud, v. distance. farrffffo, mujmoo,u, todu, puchmel, kuseer col ujzu, V. medley. farner, nu,nlbund, {horse doctor) salotur-ee, sa- listree, buetar. rt farrow, jhol. to farrow, byana, junna. farsptmt, (Jo he, as day) cbuiliiia, v. to spend. fart, pad, phooskee, goz, hudus, thooskeo, buwa, upsubd ; a farting fellow, pudora. to fart, padna, pad- &c. -marna, huwa-chhorna, thoosukna, phoosiikna, ba,o-surna. farter, farting, pudna, piidukkur, padoo, upsub- dee, goz-kar. -•- «•, ^ > further, doortiir, uor-door, age, {moreover) ula- wu, oopur is ke, {another) ek-uor, v. more, far, pure, burliko, v. on, sathee, v. besides. to farther, pcwshtec- tuqwiyut-d. v. to promote. farthest, sub se-door, v. utmost, sub se-pure or -bahur, puela, v. farther. farthing, udh.ela, dookra, flhibvva,v.pt'j2?;//, {fig.) kanee- or phootee-kuoree, duniree; a farth- ing's worth, ek kuoree ka. to fascinate, jadoo- Sec. -k. or -d. fureftu- muf- toon-k. muntoor-chulana. fascinated, chushm- or nuiur-zudu, sheflu, mara, V. to bewitclL, eneliant. fascinating, {eyes) jadoo-cliuslim, v. charming. fascination, ufsoon, jadoo, tona, muntunr, lutka, (Ihithbund, beer-ban, choree, nu7.urbundee, v. enchantment. fashion, {form) duel, shukl, turkeeb, oosloob, {manner) tuor, tiireeej, rah, {cut of clothes) tu- rash, qutu, tuqtee,ii, chhant, byont, {custom) dustoor, rivviij, a,een, chulun, chal-dhal, v. mode, kusrut, ra,ij ool wuqt, v. usage, {rank) shan, shurafut, nujabut, v. rule. tofishion, bunana, gurhna, dhalna, v. to mould, {to fit) theek- humwar- burabur- mcMwafiq-k. V. to form. fashionable, {customary) ra.ij, mroruwwij, chul- unee, am, riwajce, rusumee, v. common, {gen- teel) ushraf, nujeeb. fast, subs, rozu, .suom, burt, oopas, lunghun, kuraka, ghoorru, bhookh, cheehna, v. fasting, also hunger. fast, {firm) muzboot, qa,iiti, moostuhkum, mooh- kum, costuwar, porha, {fi.ied) utul, puikhtu, uchul, Vw strong, khura, v. erect, {deep) bha- ree, koomkurnee, sungeen, v. sound, jukra, kusa, bund, tung, v. tight, {tied) bundha. fast, adv. {firmly) muzbootee- 5:c. -se, {?iear) pas, puros, nuzdeek, qurecb, {swiff) juldee, juld, shitabee, toorunt, te/, v. quick, deceitful, hard, kuske, jukurkc, gulike, v. the verb, zor- &c. -se, \. force, strongly; fast by, lug-bhug, V. close; as fast as, jyoii jyon, jue-ber, jub- jub, V. whenever; to stick fast, lug- sut-buetji- na, V. to adhere. to fast, {religiously) rozu- &c. -rukhna, {from food) faqu- faqu kushee- lunghun-k. oopasa- ruhna, bliookjia- &c. -ruliua, piyas- biiookh- &c. -mama, purb-r. bhoojunge-oorana, v. to famish, want; to violate a fast, rozu-torna, if- tar-k. ; to terminate mie, rozu-kholna, as on the ced ool fitr, or last day of the KumU7.au, v. to abstain. Ff 2 FAT 228 FAT to fasten, muzboot- &c. -k. (^o #ie) bandhna, ju- kurna, kusna, gania, marna, ganthna, luptana, buethana, v. to fix, link, {to adhere, q. v.) pu- kurna, dhurna, (a door) bund-k. ootunghna, sedhna, v. to lock, (to cement) jorna, niilana, vvusl-k. {to affxi) lugana, {as a leech) lugna, chiinutna. faster, sa,im, rozu-dar, faqu-kush, burtee, pur- bee. fast-handed, tung-dil, mcomsik. fastidious, mughroor, mcotukubbir, wuswasee, khoosh-dimagh, v. dainty, nuksondhoo, chun- doo, cbhiiel chikniya, nuk-churha, mirza mi- zaj, V. proud, nice. fastidiously, tukubbmr- &c. -se. fastidiousness, mirza-niizajee, klimsh-dimaghee. fasting, nuhar, nihar moonh, {and sleepless) be- klioor o kh->yab ; f/ie fast, lumuzan, piirb, v. ■supra ; take this medicine fasting, nuhar yili duwa peena, v. ahstitience, hungry. fastness, muzbootee, mstuwaree, istihkam, qiyam, pa,edaree, {fori) quhi,u, ginli, kot. fat, adj. mota, furbili, juseem, bliaree, tueyar, tazu, {as meat) churbee-dar, chikna, v. greasy, jtlump, goondu, molka, inotula, dhokiir, ust- hool, dhoomra, cbeekun, chuodhur, bustinee,v- corpulent, moocbiirrub, ruoghunee, poor-churb, riwajee, shuliuni, tel-gur, v. rich, oily ; to grow fat, chiknana, ro,an-budu]na, v. sleek. fat, {of meat) churbee, chikna,ep, peeh, ruoghun, rivvaj, chikkun, tueyaree, v. suet, vat. fat, {vat) buoz, cbub-buclui. fatal, {mortal) qatil, hulalul, karee, v. destruc- tive, maroo, sungharoo, {destined) mooquddur, buda, V. unlucky, deadly. fatalist, jubree, v. predestination, ■fatality, Jatalness, tuqdeer, quza, qismut, sur-nu- wisht, V. calamity. fatally, quza-un, tuqdeer-se, v. mo'rtally. fate, quza, tuqdeer, quza o qudur, qismut, likha, mushiyut, riichna, nimint, tali, bhabee, kal, kurmanuk, duewagut, honee, bidh, puralubd, purabul, mooquddur, v. destiny, {death) quza, muot, wufat, ujul, murg, v. decree. father, bab, pita, baba, pidur, walid, babul, tat, bawa, baba-jan, pitamah, lurkora, v. parent, {-in-law) suolira, soosra, susoor, khoosr, {sage, q. V.) gooroo, shuekh, moorshid, peer-moorshid, V. confessor , guide, {in the composifionof Arabic names) ub, {speaking respectfully/ of a father) qiblu-gah, wulee ni.umee or -ni,umut, {speak- ing of an old man) bure-miyan {inventor) moo- jid, banee; O father! bap-re! an exclamation used, especially by the vulgar, when under affliction, whence the word, babre ! noise, dis- turbance, &c. so familiar to the English ; ask any father, kisee lurkore se poochho, v. ances- tor, mother. to father, le-pa!na, bap-k. or -kuhlana, v. to adopt, {to attribute) huml-k. lugana, rukhna, {to own) qubool-k. manna. Jhthcrh'ss, bc-])idur, yiiteera, nKorha, too,ur, bap-, baba- &c. -mooa, be bap ka, v. orpliau. fatherly, bap ka sa, piduranu, pidree, v. paternal, gooruwee, shuekh- Sec. -anu, v. patriarchal. fathom., bum, char hath, poorsa, adum qud. bam. V. cubit. to fathom, {to sound) mapna, thah-lena {to pene- trate) puhconchna, v. to reach. fathomless, u-thah, be-thah, umeeq, agum. fatigue, mandugee, soostee, {labour) mihnut, uiii- shuqqut, v. toil, koft, hulakee, thuka,ee, uk- ta,ee, su,qobut, v. weariness, to fatigue, mandu-k, thukana, chuhulna, letarna, V. to jade, tire, to be fatigued, mandu-h. thukna, uktana. fatigued, mandu, ajlz, aree, soost. FAF 229 FAW fnflitifi, sheer-uiust, pulgur,liulwan, gliur-puloo,a, V. kid. fntner, mota.oo, plioo]a,oo, v. the verb. fatness, cliikna,ee, churbec, chopur, mota,ee, fur- Liliee, y.fnt, lusty, motapa, chiknahut, v. the adj. also corpulency. to fatten, v. a. raota- &c. -k. phoolana, motana, \. fat, (to fertilise) zor-d. chiknana, v. to en- rich ; V. n. phoolna, v. to bloat, pamper, nourish, (to increase) tazu- &c. -h. pulna. fault, tuqseer, kliuta, qrosoor, suhoo, ghulutee, na)q^an, nocqs, iieb, dokh, chook, v. slip, gbat, kliot, V. blemish, kotaliee, v. error, pakhund, uogcon, V. transgression, foible, (to find) khon- sana, tokna, nuktora-k. v. to blame, amiss, of- fence, crime, defect. faultily, gbultee-se, be-turuli, be-dhub, v. impro- perly. faultiness, zuboonee, boora,ee, budee, bud-zatee, shurarut, v. delinquency. faultless, be-tuqsecr, be-ueb. nir-dokhee, kamil, suhech, be-qoosoor, la-jirin or -jcurra, v. per- fect, spotless. faulty, tuqseer-war, dokhce, v. blameable, ueb- dar, kotab, qasir, mooqus?ir, v. criminal, giiillt/, wrovg, (bad) bud, ziiboon, iiakaru, biura, (er- roneous. Sec.) ghulutj naqis, v. defertice. fuuset, dhutha, tbenthec, gutta. favour, niihr-banee, tuwujjcoh, kurum, inayut, fue/., lootf, fuzl, tufu/.zrol, shufqut, rafut, hi- inayut, nuwazisb, pwshtee, kirpa, tuqwiyut, moorubbee-guree, v. assistance, purtap, duya, muya, purwurish, usbfaq, ultaf, murhumut, fuezan, tufuqcod, iltifat, moora^nt, musa,udut, niyaz, soalook, v. kindjiess, &c. oopkar, v. au- spices, ni,umut, prishad, v. blessing, puchh, muya-moh, v. partiality, affection, (token) cbinh, nishan, roomal, toonu, tuburiook, luo- las, V. badge, keepsake, (l>enejit, q. v.) inam, inam-ikram, uta, v. lenity, leave; to be in fa- vour, sojrkh roo- pesh-h. v. favourite, aho fa- voured, surfurazee- &c. meu-h. v. promotion, (out of) itab khitab men-h. khufgee men- purna, v. displeasure. to favour, milirbanee- &c. -k. mooiili- &c. -d. -lugana or -diurhana, v. countenance, also to as- sist, (to help) inayut-k. ; used by the person requiring assistance. favourable, mihr-ban, \. favourer, (conducive to) monmid, mudud-gar, (convenient) la,iq, inm- nasib, moowafiq, v. fair, fueya?., duyal, kir- pakar-ee, v. favour, and the adv. aho propi- tious ; a favourable wind, bad i mcorad. favourableness, moowafuqut, v. benignity. favourably, shufqut- hulbhul-se, v. gracious, nu- wazisb- ushfaq- shufqut- &c. -anu, also the adj. V. courteonsly, kindly. favoured, muqbool, munzoor, burga)zeedu,ri,ayu- tee, niumnoon, kunuora, kuuuonda, v. obliged. well-favotired , khoob-roo, nek-munzur, khojsli- roo. ill-favoured, zisht-roo, kureeh-raunzur. favourer, hamee, janib-dar, puchliee, \. partial, mooltufit, muorubbee, moonhde.oo, pooruniya, V. i)rotector, (in coiiip.) purwur, nuwaz, pal, V. well-wisher, favourable. favourite, maisahib, moonli-luga, mooqurrub, niuqbool, v. darling, uql-kcol, mouqurrub ool liuzrut, niunzoor-nuzur, moonb-luggoo, nak ka bal, v. familiar, confidant, companion, minion, pusund, khatir-khwah, nuirghoob, v. choice, beloved. fawn, hirnuota, ghizal, ahoo-buclui or -burru. zubee. to fawn, chaploosee- kha,e burdarec- liurkhcoree-, lujajut- jigjigee-k. gliighiyana, pyar-jutana. V. to cringe, flatter, fawner, chaploos, kha,e-burdar, khoosh-amudct. FEA 230 FEB fawning, v. servility, jigjigee, suglugee, naz- nukhru, luput-supul, v. to wheedle. fawningly, chaploosec-se. fealty, {Jiddity) wufa-daree, {obedience) furman- burdarec, ita^ut, v. loyal, wufa, nuotu,ee, wu- faiCe, V. attachment. fear, dur, khuof, hiras, huol, joobn, wuh,shut, turs, bak, beem, v. dread, (awe) rcD|Ub, dhak, bhuo, tuldooku, suhin, (jmssio^i of) bhuerus, {danger, q. v.) chinta, v. apprehension, dread, risk, terror, {anxiety) undeshu, khutru, dhur- ka, dughdughu, v. solicitt'.de. to fear, {be afraid) durna, suhunina, diih,shiit-r. sukoochna, bhue-r. or -kliana, dubna, dubuk- na, duhulna, {to frighten) durana, suhmana, duh|?;hut-d. v. to dread. fearful, {timorous) duhshut-nak, tursan, hirasan, kha,if, booz-dil, na-murd, hetha, {dreadful) huebut-nak, mroheeb, dira,ona. fearfully, duh,shut- &c. -sc. fearfulness, booz-dilee, na-murdee, hetha,ee. fearless, be-bak, ni-dur, ni-dhuruk, bc-khiiof, be-jan. fearlessly, be bakee-se, be khuofee-se, niduree-se, V. boldness, &c. fearlessness, be-bakee, v. hold, intrepid. feasible, lionhar, theek, soo-duol, roo-bu rail, rah bu dih, V. j)laicsihle. yeasf, jushn,z.iyafut,mihmanee, shadee, (this is the true meaning of the v.-ord, but it is now chiefly used for a wedding-feast or marriage, v. re- joicing, festival,) khana, jyonar, bhundara,bhoj- murjad, karakaj, shuhur tuam, nors, fatihu, v. banquet, {varieties of ) suth- and nuo-masa,uqee- qu, moondun, v. marriage, also to shave, &c. shubrat, /roj/i sliubiburat, the night of dispensa- I ' tion, V. birth-day. Sec, {treat, q. v.) ni,umut, prishad, v. entertainment, {a holiday) eed, pu- rub, tyohar. ' '^^^ ^h^'^^^'^ to feast, shadee- khooshee- uesli- ushrut- anund-, ueshjuesh-k. {to delight) khooshee- furhut- bukshna, {to entertain) ziyafut-k. hum ziya- fut-k. dundunana, gajna, v. to eoijoy, junket, {the eyes) ankh-senkna, v. to satisfy, pamper. feaster, ueyash, anundee, v. epicure. feasting and rejoicing, v. festivity/, merriment, rag rung, nach tumashu, dhoom dham, chullul pu- hul, V. carousal. feat, kani, kaj, kriya, kurtub, fi,ul, jokhim, umul, V. deed, nut biddya, bazeeguree, v. ex- p)loit, trick. feather, feathers, pur, punk,h, pukhna, puch,h, punkhree, v. down, {of a horse) bhuonree, sam- pun, V. circle, name, {down) bal, rongte, ro,en, {kind) qimash, rung, tuor, {orname7it) '^uohur, khrosh-nooma,ee; the long feathers of the wing, shuh-pur ; the feathers of an arroic, pur-gee- ree; Birds of a feather commonly flock together. is well expressed by this couplet : Kubootur ba kubootur baz bu baz Koonud humjins ba humjins purwaz. lo feather, {as birds) pur-nikulna, punkh-jumna, puchhgur-h. {one''s nest) bal o pur-jumana, juguh gurm-k. v. to exalt, feathered, feathery, punkhee, &c. pur-dar, pur- geer, purind, v. bird, he. gala-sa, v. downy, featherless, be-pur o bal, moondla, moonda, pur- kuta, V. callow, feature, v. form, nuqshu, y.face, khutt o khal, ras, dhancha, chhap, v. lineament, contour, febrifuge, tup-mar, jur-nasik, tup-shikun, {nut) kurunjwa, kut-kuleja. Fehruary, phagoon, phalgoon, {9.d mmith) sufur, tezee, teruh tezee, v. the British Indian ]^o- nitor. Vol. I. p. 210. '■'''^ ■''■■■'■'*'' ''''*** . FEE SSI FEl feculce or settlingn, ^adh. feculent, ju(na,oo, injimadcc, nisliastu ; but re- stricted perhaps to starch, q. v. a\s,oftBces, tya- gee, ruddee, v. excremcntitvous. fecundity, v. prolific, ank feebly, natuwanee- &c. -sc. 'feed, nuharee, danu, v. tneal, mash, to feed, V. a. khilana, khana, v, to entertain, nu- muk-d. jiwana, khilana pikna, {horses, &c.) danu-d. -<1. or -churhana, v. to clieri-sh, {Inrds) tanibu-d. {prop. tn),nmu) v. food, {to graze) churana, chwgana, {to nourish) palna, posna; to feed with hopes, luhre-lugano, oommeclwar-k. V. to amuse, fatten; v. n. {to eat) khana, {as cattle) churna, chrogna, {to live on) got>7.ran-k. {to grow fat) j)ulna, motana. feeder, khilane-wala, khilawunhar, chufwaha, raziq, v. keeper, {eater) khoorindu, khanc-wala, {in comp.) khor; a nice feeder, khoosh-khor, iihoosk-khorak ; a gross feeder, ghuleez-khor, Uirhorce. fee-farm, zumeen-daree. feeJ, lums, musas, mus, v. feeling, touch. to feel, {to touch, q. v.) chhoona, lums- mu*-k. nuisas-k. niulisoos-h. {to bear) khana, ootha- na, khucnchna, bliurna, v. to suffer, get, pu- seejna, v. to compassionate, ana, bona, boojh-a. V. to appear, {pain) durd-k. dookhna, v. to be- come, grow, {to grope) tutolna, tona, teepna, V. to handle, {to seem, &c.) lugna, jan-pui-na, mu,uloom-h. {to try) azmana, imtihan-k. {to perceive) mu,uloom- khiyal- qiyas- duriyaft-k. janna, sumujhna, boojhna, v. to know ; to feel the pulse, n\x\ix-Ack\\na.; to feel for others, dil sozee- ghum khwaree-durd- riqqut-k. feeler, moochh, bal, lamis, v. horn. feeling, adj. dil-soz, durd-imgcz, v. compa.isionate. feeling, sub. lamisu, chhoo,a,ee, to^a,ee, v. feel, {compassion) riqqut, dil-sozee, {perception) khiyal, fuhm, boojli; the sense of feeling, qoow- wut i lamisu, huth rus, v. the verb, also pity, sense, &c. feelingly, riqqut- he. -se, v. powerfully. feet, pucr, panw, v. foot. feetless, be-puer. to feign, {to invent) bandhna, bunana, jorna, {to make shew of) dikhlana, izhar- heelu- buha- nu-k. In Arabic there is a particular conju- FEL 232 FEL gation (bab i tufUiOol) to express the feign- ing of whatever the verb signifies. Thus, juhl, to he ignorant ; tujahool, to feign igno- rance; muruz, to be sick; tumarooz, to feign sickness. These and many others are com- pounded with kurna. Thus, tughafcol-k. to feign neglect, feignedhj, buhanu-se. feigner, heehi-baz, mcozuwwir, v. inventor, &c. feint, buhanu, lieelu, dhokha, bhoolawa, doocli- awa, mcnghalutu, siyaiui, dekhawa, bhugul, tu- jawooz, V. sham. to felicitate, hcxjlsana, khoosh-k. bilsana, and tlie other causals, under the verb to rejoice, v. to bliss, gladden, (to congratulate) moobarukee-, nioobaruk bad-d. or -kuhna, felicity, khrashee, khoorruniee, aram, sookh,chuen, furhut, V. bliss, prosperity. feline, gcorbu-kho, billee-sa. fell, sung-dil, klioon-kh\yar, zalim, be-duregli, kuttur, sukht, v. cruel, khoonee, kafir, jullad, ehundal, v. inhuman. to fell, mama, {to cut down) kat^d. kat-girana, girana, gira-d. v. to cut, mar-girana, buethalna, V. to knock. feller, (of wood) tubur-dar, {vulg. tubuldar) {in comp.) bcnr, kush. fellness, sung-dilee, be-ruhmee, be-moaruwwutee, bc-diircghee, zoohn. felloe, mendra, poothee, v. hoop. fellow, {peer) hum-chushm, hum-jolee, hum- jumb, rufeeq, sathee, {match) jora, doosra, joree, blia|ee, buradur, go,iya, v. comrade, pul- la, jot, burabur, juwab, puwa,ee, v. equal, si- pahee, miyan, admee, ghur busa, klianu-abad or -khurab, ghurguya, v. person, gudha, buel, V. ass, wight, {equal) sanee, nuzeer, {blade) uzeez, yar, ashiq, ugla, {speaking with con- tempt) looclicha, shmhda, Icoqqu, looqundra, hurani-zadu ; a fine fellow, khassu yar, {a horse, man. See.) ghazee murd, v. hero; a jolly felloiv, ueyash, yar-bash; fellow, in composi- tion, is expressed by hum, v. in/rw ,• fellow- creature, hum-khilqut, hum-khulq; fellow- student, hum-durs; fellow-sujferer, huni-durd, hum-azar, hum-sufeer or -awaz; fellow-feeling; riqqut, hum-sozee or -ghumee, su-niel, su-neh, V. sympathy/, {collusion) guntha,o, from gunth- na, to collude, v. to join ; fellow-artist, hum. peshu or-khidmut; fellow-lodger, iunn kha- nu ; fellow-traveller, Imm-rah ; fellow-believer, hum-muzhub, -mushrub, -a,een, or -tureeq, v. brother, fraternity, congenial, &c. {combina- tion) sutta butta. The Hindoos in like man- nor have su nugree, afellow-citixen; su sala, a fellow-student ; sujjun, a fellow-creature, mate, lover, &c. Wlien words occur com- pounded witli hum, tlie best rule is to consult the 2d Vol. for the word in conjunction with it, provided the compound itself is not to be found ; there being no more required than to annex the idea of unilt/, association, or equality, to the primitive vocable, v. con, and its com- pounds. fellowship, {equality) hum-suree, hum-jumbee, bhuewad, sujha.ee, v. partnership, {society, &c.) cons, consut, moowafuqut, mel, ikhtilat, kun- iyuras, shurakut, ishtirak ; good fellowship, yarbashee, uesh-ushrut, y. festivity. felo de se, pet-jee- or chhooree-mar, rauskut, atum- ghat-ee, v. suicide. ) felon, gconali-gar, mrojrim, {a whitlow) chhiluo- ree. felotiious, zuboon, bud, shureer, fasid, v. wicked, malignant. .' .y. /. .':i,-n..it ; n ,\v,ri:.,> feloniously, shurarutun. felony, goonah i kubeeru, goonah i uzeem, muha- pap, V. capital, crime. FEN^ 233 FEB felt, (tlotk) numud, (skin) jild, post, cliumia bukriiote ka, v. hide, rug. to felt, jiimana, buethalna. femalr, madu, madeenu, madeen, (whence, per- haps, luadiyan, a mare,) Siisa; wliicli is much usud in the formation of female names. Thus, Zeb oin-nisa, the ornament of the sex, was the name of Uorung Zeb's eldest daughter, a lady equally famous (in the Eeast) as a poet, a beauty, and a wit ; v. woinan, (adj.) zunanu; istrce, mihraroo, triya, zun ; the female sev, lilum i nisa, mustoorat, istree burg, mihraroo- jat, X. feminine; a female face, madu-roo, zu- nance soorut ; fent'de craft, triya-bed, (rhymes) moorusiai. feme covert, ghurnee, uhiyatee, sohagun, shuo- hur-dar, v. maid. feminine, mihra, begiimec, uorut nooma, v. s(ft, female, (in gram.) moo,unnus, istiree ; a femi- nine noun, ism 1 moo,unnus; the feminine gen- der, tanees, istreeling, v. delicate, effeminate. femoral, janghee, ranee. fen, duidul, jhabur, pank, dhusun, mooroo, v. sivnmpy. fence, (defence) himayut, moohafuzut, ar, pt, bu- cha,o, V. security, (enclosure) ihatu, tuttee, pur- du, char-dee waree, quenchee, v. hedge, khun- duq, sudd, punah, asra, jhang, ghera, v. rail. to fence, ihatu- kc. -banana, sudd- &c. -bandh- na or -gherna, tuttee-duorana, v. to enclose, shelter, (to guard) buchana, himayut-k. (to fortifij) bund-k. (ivith foils, he.) lukree- phenkna, putta-jharna, v. to cudgel, tilt, (to- guard against) bucha,o-k. lihaz-r. fenced, (defended) muhfooz, qued, musdood, bund. fenceless, be-qued, be-piirdu, khoola, waz, furd, V. open. fewer, ferudng-master, lukree-baz, putuet, ba- nuet, phenkuet, nial, oostad. fencing, phuree gudka, lukree-bazee, (a position or motion in) chhcot, v. quarter-staff. feru)ing-school, ukliara. to fetid, talna, katna, rokna, arna, otna, v. to ward, fender, bucha.oo, ar, v. defence, mendra. fennel, suonf, raziyanu, so,a, sliibt. fenugreek, mcthce, sluniilxolecd, hoolhu. feodal, (land) '^ageer, niudud-mu.asb, siyoorghal, ' zumoen-darce, v. fee. ferine, wuh,shec, bhurkel, durindu. ferment, mawa, khumeer, mayu, (tum^ilt) bul- wa, hungamu, fitnu. to ferment, v. n. oobulna, oothna, josh-khana or -(Krthna, pukna, scejhna, v. to efferoesce, boil, (to leaven) khumeer-oothna, phoolna; v. a. oobalna, oothana, josh-d. kliumeer-k. or -oot- hana, pukana, seejhana, uontana, v. to sour, fermentable, khumeer puzeer, uonta,oo, v. the verb, fermentation, 'jOih, oobal, khumeer, uonta,o, uon- ta.ee, v. the verb, also effervescence, fermentative, mcukhununir. fermerited, mmkhummur; fermented bread, khu- meeree rotec. ferocious, wuli,shee, durindu, shikaree, khoon- klnvar, khoon-asham, kurukht, be-ruhm, be- durd, zalim, kuttur, v. icild, savage, fell, du- rindu-kho, subu, nir-mohee, kuthor, kroor, v. bloody, &c. ferocity, wuh,shut, durindugec, khoon-kh\yaree, sung-dilee, kurukhtec, sukhtee, be-ruhme^ bc-durdee, /.culm. ferret, newul, rasoo, v. squirrel, ferriage, ootura,oe, (contracted, tura.ee). ferrule, chhula, kuree, choora, smn,hoora, hulqu, G o FES 234 FET V. ring, (of a scabbard) kothee, tuhnal, tuli- nu,ul. ferry, goozaru, mU|Ubur, ghat, ootara, goozur, v. boat, fare, to ferry, v. a. par-ootarna, pueleewu-puhoon- chana, par-k. or -lejaiia, pailiee-d. v. to trans- port ; V. n. par-ooturna, coboor-k. ferry-boat, goozare kee na,o. ferry-man, mullah, nueya, putnee, ghat-manjhee, V. boat-man. fertile, zur-khez, zur-rez, ser-hasil, jueyud, ha- silu, pmr, mu,umoor, bhura, oopjunhar, tur o tazii, sur subz, mota, burkutee, piieda|isliee, muhsoolee, goonja,ishee, fuyaz, fuez-rusan, mootubuiTuk, susgur, oopia,oo, julla, v. abun- dant, fruitful, full. fertiletuss, fertility , zur-khezee, zur-rezee, mU|ii- mooree, tur o tazugee, burkut, susgurta, v. richness, to fertillxe, jueyud-k. qoowwut- zor-d. raotana, muzboot- poor zor-k. fervency, fervour, shuoq, hurarut, chuonp, dil- sozee, dil-gurmee, joshish, sur-gurmee, dil- dihee, v. meal. fervent, gurm, dil-soz, dil-gurm, v. zealous. fervently, surgurniee- &c. -se. fervid, he. V. fervent. ,K>t •,•, fervour, ag, ugun, julun, jo.ala, shoo,uJa, jigur- sozee, jan-sozee, soz, oomung, v. flame, heat, fervency. ferula, duwal, chhuree, v. strap. fescue, tinka. fesels, khisaree, unktee, v. vetch. to fester, pukna, qurhu-h.; to cause fester, pu- kana, qurhu-k. festival, (feast) eed, tyohar, purub, jug, holee, phugwa, nihan, bura^din, v. holy-day, jubilee. eed-ool-fitr, is the grand festival on the first of the month Shuwal, which follows the fast of Rumuzan. Buqru eed, or eed-ool-uZ|ha, the feast in commemoration of the sacrifice which Abraham intended to make of his son Isaac, or, according to the Mcosulmans, Ish- ma,il. festival, festive, eedee, khoosh, muhzooz, khoor- rum, khoosh-hal, niusrbor, bushash. festivity, shadec, khooshee, jushn, iiesh-ushrut, khoosh-halee,sooroor, bushas]iut,uhlad, anund, dhumar, v. feasting. festoon, goolkaree, bel-boota, har, v. garland, (nuptial) bund-nuwar. 'it.i/, i fetch, pech, buhanu, heelu, fitrut, mukr, funn, fureb, dhokha, lupet, jhookee, hirkee, \. feint, doubling, stratagem. to fetch, le-ana, le kur ana, puhoonchana, (to bring out) nikalna, numood-k. (to restore) bu- lial-k. (to j^erform) kurna, lena ; to fetch a turn, phera-k. chukkur-khana; to fetch a sigh, ah-marna or-klieenclma; to fetch a leap, just- -k. or -bhurna ; to fetch breath, dum Jena, (to reach) puhoonchna, jana, (to produce) khura-h. oothna, v. to call, ootha-lana, nikal- karh- lana, v. to britig, mar-girana, v. to fell, (to hit) mama, lugana, v. to strike, (to draw) khuenchna, bhurna, v. to take ; it will fetch about sioo rupees in the market, is ke roopu,e chjiu ek buzar men oothenge, or khure ho- wenge, v. to drive. fetcher, lawunhar, arindu, lane wala. fetid, gundu, oobsa, mootu.ufiin, v. stinking. to be fetid, oobusna, bud bo-k. majtu,uffin-h. fetidness, nofoonut, tu,ufFoon, sura,end, bud-boO|ee. fetlock, bubree ka bal, tukhne ka bal. fetter, beree, pue-kura, puwa,ee, sankur, beri- yan, pue-kure, paiC-bund, v. manacles, chain, (of birds, &c.) pa,ezu. to fetter, puekure-bhurna, qued- pa bund-k. (a camel) zanoo bund-k. v. to bind. FIC 235 FIE fettered, pa-bu-zunjcer. ' •" «!' ' to fettle, tutolna, otna, v. to fiddle, fetus, buchu, juneen, moozghu, ulqu, pootla, san- cha, V. enthri/o. ,, -'-rfivncoin ^-i^hj^iiu ,-. >.»'.. '^ fettd, jfiugra, jhunjtitit; bukhera,' t|urfy(i, khar- khushn, fusad, khanu-jungee, v. discord, feu-duty, khuzanu, v.\/feg,> > .v-W>«c;y;ir'siuTV fever, tub, {vulg. tup or tap) jur, hiirarut, boo- khar, hromma, jara, liirzii, v. agne, hiirjur, bhcorblicoree, \. feh'ifup;e; ft hectic fever, tup i diqq, clijiue-rog, v. intermittent, feverish, feverous, gUrto;'' /iH.>iir,vv.' few, thore, chund, mu.ndood, quleel, unduk, thora ek, docbar, do ek, mootn,udid, birle, gintec-kc, birkhe, kum, kmchh to, ko,ee to ; in few words, ulqissu, ghur?., uor kya, bat- yoon hue, v. briefly, short; few people, there log, chund^ushkhas, v. a few. .Jt,«ti>«tv^ .- fewel, eendhun, julawuti, beemu. fewness, kumce, kumtee, qilliit, ghata, ghuttee, V. scarcity. Jib,]hoo\b, V. mistake, error, luppa,ee, gup, shup, chootkoola, \.joke. tofih, jjhooth mooth-k. i-. p: s ' • > fibber, hipatee, guppee, lldjai lubra, lubbar, ki- burghuta, bibkha, v. to lie. ,/lbre, reshu, jhothra, sun, soot, khoojhra, tar, nus, V. thread. ' ■:;««i«*>-i fibrous, reshu-dar, jhothrecla, sunuela, rugeela, nusdar, {root) darhee, juta, jhuonda. fibula, nulcc. fickle, ocbha, ma)tuluwwin-mizaj, boolliuwus, hur-dum-khiyal, soobook-mizaj, chuncliuJ, be- kul, be-chuen, na-pa,edar, be-thikana, sonst- pueman, snobook-pa, (incmistanf) be-wufa, be- qurar. fickleness^ chun-chulahut, na-pa.edaree, v. incon- stancy. fico, to give the, ungootha-dikhan*. <' '•' < fiction, eejad, ikhtira,u, bunawut, sakht, bundisli, ba,o bundcc, tuotiya, v. fable, lie. fictitious, jhootha, sakhtu, tugliuUoobee, umulee, j' ,»v*' allegorical, nuqlee, Ruwangee, muyaroopeu, v. imaginary, false, forged. , ai i \,j-^ \i. fiddle, sarungee, sarindu, behla,orbnee, chuoti^ sitaru, kingree, v. rudin, (small) chikaru. ""o" to fiddle, sarungee- or sarindu-bujana, (to trifle) tapato,ee-d. otna, geet-gana, mukhee-marna, panee-pectna, v. to piddle.^ fiddle-faddle, wahiyat, lata.il, huk jhuk, tana- bhurnee, v. non.sense. fiddler, sarungiya, sarungee-nuwaz, sarindu-nu- ■ttaz, sitar-baz. .rhi -aof«;isf t^\<*'9:Pi.\ fiddle-stick, kumanee, kuman-chu, otnee, dhun- wee, zukhnui, mizrab. - fiddle-string, tax. .(/••I'^S fidelity, diyanut, deen-daree, eeman^ree, rast- bazee, rastee, wufa, numuk-hulalee, suchuo- tee, pidq, sudaqut, hitkar, fidwiyut, inqiyad, \. faith, loyalty. ^o fidget} uhra tuhree-lugana, chootur-hilana, chail-bcolana, v. tofiirt, wriggle. fief, zumeen-daree, jagcer, tu,ullooqu, siyoorgna., ultumgha, v. freehold, freeholder. field, khet, muedan, (also the field of battle) qu- tu,u, muzn},u, jung- nuburd- or ruzm-gah, musaf, joodh-bhoom, beer-bhooni, v. land, stage, room, kisht, kisht-zar, kola, bhcetha, tand, jungul, v. wilderiiess, park; field, (used figuratively for space, &c.) duriya, the sea ; the field or ground of a picture, zumeen, bhoom, V. extent, farm; afield-day, quwB,id kajdhi, V. e.vercise; in the field, baiiur, sufur-men, V. abroad; afield bed, sufree pulung; to take the field, as trofy})s, muedan-lena or -pukuma ; to lose the fieJd, khet-harna, opposed to khet- jeetna, to gain the field; to he in the field, mue- dan men-h. opposed to chjhca,onec men buna, to Gu 2 FIG 236 FIL be in winter quarters ; to be slain in thejield, I khet-ruhna, kam-ana; to keep thejield against an enemy, khet- muedan-thamna or -r. opposed to puhlootihee-k. ghoonghut-khana, to retire^ or fall hack before an enemy ; who won the field? khet kis ke hath ruha ? v. battle. field-piece, ruhkuhi, ruhkula, sufree top, opposed to mcoqamee. fiend, shuetan, bhoot, bhootna, puret, dcoshmun, V. satan, demon. fierce, toond, juld, kunikht, sukht, dooroosht, za- lim, khopn-kh^yal■, khooii-rez, durindu, sung- dil, be-ruhm, ghoorkee, v. furious, fiery. fiercely, tcondee- &c. -se. fierceness, tcondee, juldec, kurukhtugee, dooroosh- tee, zcohrs, khoon-rezue, khoon-khwarec, du- rhiduEree, suno-dilee, be-riihmee, v. vehemence. fieriness, gurmee, hurarut, hiddut, jlial, tezee, tcondee, juldee, atush-niizajee. fiery, atusbee, naree, harr, gurni, atufth-mizaj, juld, tez, toond, hadd, v. hot, aginec, ag-sa, shoo,ulu kho, agin sobha,o, \. fierce, violent. fife, bajisree, moorlee, ulghozu, nue, bunsec, {an- gelot) pongee, \. flute. fifteen, pundrub. fifteenth, pundruwan, pundruhan. fifth, panch^van ; the fifth part, panchwaii hissu. fiftieth, puchaswan. fifty, puchas, {as a weight or integral number) puchasa, like chalees-a or -ee, beesee, a score. fig, unjeer, (/ree) unjeer ka durukht ; the wild fig, goolur, doonibur, bur, buigut, peepul, pankur, {fruit) burbutta, peeplee, kuemree. fight, lura.ee, joodh, Jung, karzar, ruzm, mue- dan, moojadulii, nuburd, puckar, mooharubu, mooqatulu, mu.uriku, run, {duel) khauu-jun- gee, V. battle, combat ; in the heat of the fight, uen lura,ee men. to fight, lurna, jhugurna, lura,ee- muedan- &c. -k. mara maree-k joodhna, bigurna, jhurupna, {cocks, &c.) lurana, v. to ccmtend, also conten- tion. fighter, moobariz, mooharib, jung-awur, lunvuya, liirunhar, luraka, lurne-murne wala, v. waj'- rim: fighting, '^nagce, v. martial, also supra and effec- tive. fig-pecker, iinjeer-kh\yar. figurahle, soorut- or shukl-puzeer. figuration, tusbkeel, v. formation. figurative, niooradcc, mujazee, rungeen, shuklee, nuqlce, muya roopee, drisbtantee, tuniseelec, siiroopee, \. flowery, metaphorical. figuratively, nmjazun. figure, {form) soorut, shukl, roop, hue|Ut, liue- kul, suroop, kalbood, qamut, clihub, turash, V. person, shape, {in gram.) moohawuru, siyaq- kulani, dhub, v. phrase, {eminence) numood, nounui,ls)li, dubdubu, sliuokut, shuilirut, v. dis- tinction, (47a;«/e)fus\vccr, cbitr, nuqsliu, {paint- ing) nuqqasiiee, boota, chitrkaree, v. picture, {hwoscope) rand, za,ichu, {number) ank, ru- qvnn, udud, hnndiisu, v. type, {in rhclorir) nioorad, niisal, kinayu, v. trope, &C. ; a circu- lar figure, shukl i moastudeer, v. sij^uarc ; to cast a figure from the horoscope, runil- or noo- joom-dekhna. to figure, bunana, niiqshu- &c. -k. {to sheio, ex- press) dikhlana, butlana, misal- tumscel-lana, {to carve) moonuqqush- &c. -k. {to conceive) kbiyal- qiyas-k. v. to imagine, diversify. figured, moonuqqush, v. to ca)-ve. filament, i-esliu, jhothra. filbert, flndooq. to filch, chorana, choree-k. onrana, oora-lejaua, ootha-d. hurna, moosna, hurJcna, mohna, v. to pilfer. filcher, chor, chotta, doozd, huth lupuk, huthe- FIL 2S7 FIN mar, hurunhar. A rat is called moosa, and a mouse moosree, probably from moosna, tojilch, V. to purloin, also thief. Jile, (of soldiers) qutar, pant, v. row, suf, luen, from litie, q. v. (the instrumetit) soohan, vulg. soliun, retee, (catalof^uc) duftur, tubluq, (of papers) tubuq, v. roll, (of men) tanta, mor- chal, V. strinf^; to draw up injiles, qutar-b. ; to march injiles, sl)a)tiir qiitar-chulna ; to make men march iu files, qutar qutar-chulana, v. to fowl, to Jile, piro-r. v. to string, (to cut) retna, retiya- na, V. to sully, nisp, polish. Jiler, retwuya. filial, furzundee, pisuree, supotee, bcta-sa, pidu- ree, maduree, v. parental, as the application is reversed in Hindoostan. filing, reta,ee. filings, choor, booradu, rezu, clioonee, retun; iron filings, lohchoon. till, pet-bhur, bhurpet ; eat your Jill, pet bhur kha,o, V. full. to fill, V. a. bhur-d. bhurna, pour-k. (to satisfy) ser-k. chhukana, uphana, v. to glut, swell, (with earth) bhuthana, bhathiia, v. to close; to fill up to the hrim, lub rez- lub a lub- bhur poor-k. ; to fill or pour out, dalna, oolendna, oondelna, na,ona, (to eaitend) phoolana : to fill up, (a well, &c.) patna, (to employ) lugana ; to Jill a statioti, mhdu-r. ; v. n. bhur-jana, bhurna, ser- &c. -h. chhukna, bhuthna, put- na, V. to increase, (as fruit) gudrana; to weep one's fill, dil kholkur-rona, v. heartily, also to wafer. filler, bhurne wala, bhurunhar, bhurwuya, v. ea'- pletive. fillet, puttee, bund, usabu, v. bandage, roller, Ao- ree, chuonree, bundhun, selee, nara, chotee- bund, (of meat) poothe ka gosht, (ornament) hurra, v. roll. Jillip, chootkee, choochkaree, choomkaree, tukora. to fillip, chootkee-bujana, choocli-karna, choom- karna, v. to rouse. Jilly, buchheree. Jilm, jhillee, (in diseased eyes) phoolee, manda, jala, purdu. filmy, jliillee-sa, v. fiimsy. to Jilter, filtrate, chhanna, v. to strain. Jilth, muel, chirk, ala,ish, gund, uglior, kudurj, ronghut, ghuleez, chikut, mul, chirkeen, mu- lamut, kusafut, kirkit, keet, leebur, pheesee, liwar, V. dirt. JilthUy, niijasut- &c. -se. Jilthini'ss, nujasut, ghula/.ut, gundugee, na-pakee, chiktu,ee, ronghuta,ee, muleenta, ghinahut, v. abominable. filthy, muela, chikut, gundu, na-pak, ghuleez, muleen, churpooz, unjus, bhusrer, bhishtul, na saf, ghinghina, gooliee, v. dirty, jiasty. fin, pur, bal, bazoo, punk,h, duena, v. wing. finable, jnoriiuanu puzeer. final, akliir, ukheer, akiiiree, pichhla, wapuseen, ghaee, V. last, (complete) kaniil, poora. Jittully, (lastly) akhirush, akhir col umr, pus, aqibut ool umr, purunt, urlhant, hasil i kulam, ulqissu, ulghuruz,, (completely) kamilanu. Jinance, mal-goozaree. Jinajices, amud, yaft, pueda,ish. mahu>ul. Jinajicier, amil-peshu ; a farmer of the revenues^ amil i mcostajir; a person who understands tlta collections, rusa, v. collector. to find, niilna, paiia, pura-pana, hath-lugna or -ana, buhum-puhcunchna, pueda- mcuyussir-li. (to know) mu,uloom-k. janna, v. to cvperience, (lo reach) puhoonchna, (to acquire) hasil- pueda- -k. (to observe) dekhna, duriyaft-k. v. to per- ceive, (to catch) pukurna, (to award) hcokm-k. FIN 238 FIN futwa-d. {to determine) thuhrana, {to provide, supply, &c.) puhoonchana, kliubur geeree-k. khubur-lena, purdakht-k. {to approve) soanna, manna, ja,iz- doormst-r. {one''s self) pana, lio- na, ruhna; \_IJind myself somewhat indisposed to-day, aj hum iipne tu,een kaochh kusul mund pate huen ; aj hum kusul mund huen ; at this time I generally fmd iiu/self indisposed, in rozoii men muen uksur kahila ruhta boon ;] to find out, {discover) tliikana-lugana, nikalna, boojli- na, sumujhna, pukur-pana, dhoondh-k. khoj- nikalna, v. to comprehend, {invent) eejad- ikhli- ra,u-k. {to get) joorna, luhna, dustyab-h. v. to procure. N. B. milna is used inversely in such expressions as, I found this thing on the road, yiii clieez moDJhe rah pur milee, never muen is cheez ko mila rah pur, v. to get, meet ; to find fault with, tokna, v. to censure. finder, pawiinhar, yabindu, pane-wala. fine, adj. bareek, miiieen, v. subtile, {p7M-e) saf, pakeezu, nab, khura, suchcha, useel, kujla, v. refined, clear, {thin) putla, ruqeeq, kaghuzee, komul, jhillee-sa, v. delicate, {elegant, q. v.) luteef, nazook, nazneen, v. etnhellished, {rice) isti,umalee, {as poivder) scnrmu-sa, mueda-sa, (£un) runjukee, v. nice, finally, {excellent) khassu, besh, toorfu, nadir, bhuia, pyara, nu- fees, bihtur, khoob, khnash, shoostu, soothra, uch-chha, {accomplished) kamil, moohuzzub, {showy) numood, jila-dar, bhurkeela, turawe- dar, V. splendid, {soft) mc»la,im, nurm, srok- vvar: khassu, uch-ciiha, &c. are used ironi- cally, as fine, kc. are in English, very fine, uch-chhee bunee, buhmt khoob, &c. pro- nounced in a particular manner, become iro- nical, V. artful, &c. .jt-Kiiioio «nl iimiH^ • fine, subs, tawan, dand, jureemanu, vulg. jcolma- nu, moosaduru, goonah-garee,,(M?'s>-' ' w ^.\^■ fineness, bareekee, {pureness) pakeezugee, sufa,ee, khura, ee, suchaiCe, shuffafee, {thinness) riqqut, lutafut, {elegance) nuzakut, {excellence) nufa- sut, toohfugee, bihturee, khoobee, shoostugee, khooshee, soothra,ee, uch-chha,ee {showiness) numoodaree, ruonuq, jila-daree, zuruq burq, bhuruk, {softness) moola,imut, nurmee. finery, buna|0, ara|ish, zebajsh, sunwar singar, zeb zeenut. .iHiieoaJKuH pj hi-n^fn A finesse, heelu, mukr, fitrut, buhanu. >« ,1^;^*''', finger, unglee, ungoosht, (a measure) ungool, v. hand, fore finger ; the thumb, ungootha, ungoosht i nur, ibham, {little) kan-unglee, {ring) chich- unglee, {middle) niunjhlee- or bichlee-unglee ; the tip of the finger, pupota. ' •'■•'' .^.s to finger, tutolna, clihoona, chherna, [the last also signifies to touch a musical instrument], v. to steal, handle, ungliyana. fingers, unamil. • i-iooq fingerstool, nakhoonu, mizrab. fime-work, miheen doz, v. splendour. fine-writing, khmsh-khutt or -quhim, v. excellent. finical, zunanu, mihra, ochha, hulka, chibuUa, saibook, chilohla, wuswasee, lurba,ola, chiba- ola, shuekh chillee, sahib zadu, v. delicate, silly. fiinicalness, ochha-pun, zunanu-pun, chibulla-pun, soobookee. to finish, tumam- khutm- &c. -k. niberna, qutu- -k. V. to end, unjam ko puhoonchana, bhoog- tana, sarna, niptana, mooruttub- tue-k. v. to polish. FIR SS9 FIR Jinished, tutnam, akhir, khutm, kaniil, mookum- mul, tueyar, poora, raoonqutu, moonquzee, mcntunahee. lo be Jin is lied, ho-cliookna, be baq-h. niputna, nl- burna, bhoogutiia, v. do7ic, to terminate. fmisher, niptaroo, nibahoo, nibcroo, v. complete. finite, muhdood, bundhejee, v. limited, fanee, v. fxmnded. Jir, sunuobur, v. pine. Jire, ag, ugin, atush, nar, unul, uhru, na,iru, du- hun, lookwa,ee, v. volley, {conflagration) iig- wahee, {Jlame) shoo.ulu, anch, bhubhooka (light) ruosliuhee, puituo, noor, v. lustre, (spi- rit, &.C.) jan, juldee, plirart, jaii-bazee, kiir- wahut, tcondee, chabnokee, turraree, juodut, ab-daree, duput, churpurahut ;^^re or spirit in the eyes, numuk, (lit. salt) v. life, fancy. jL to fire, V. a. ag-lugana, julana, oorana, looka-Iu- gana ; v. n. ag-lugna, v. to Imrn, sliulukh-, awaz- sur-k. v. to shoot, (a gun) chhorna, mar- » na, chulana, daghna, julna, phoonkna. to be fired, dughna, chhootna, chulna, v. to dis- charge. , fire-arms, agin-ban, topen-bundooqen. fire-ball, atushee-gola. fire-eater, atush-khor. firer, atush-ufroz, atush-ungez. fiff-fiy-i bliug-joognee, joognee, joognoj, putbeejna, shub-tab. firelock, bunJooq, toofung, toapuk, puthur-kula, V. piece. fire-pan, boorsee, ungethee, atush-dan, (of a hooq- qu) chilum, (of a gun) piyalu, runjukdanee, kan. fire-place, side, choolha, atush-dan, atush-kudu, deg-dan, chuoka, v. pan, vent. fire-shaoel, kurcha. .iiiiii)| fire-stick, soklitu, looktha, loowath, laokwaree, hoolka, T. brand. fire-stone, agin-puthur, sung-atushee, v.fiint. fire-wood, fiiring, eendhun, julawun, heemu, he- zum, V. fud. firc-tcorks, atush-bazce, haia-liur\va,ee ; there are several sorts, viz. muli-tabL-e, phool-jurce, anar-danii, huth-phool, qulum, nior, rothee, chhuchhoondur, churkhee, bhoo,en-nar, ghotu- khoru, deepuk, rung-muhtab, petara, chuddur, liuthnal, moorni, jaha-joohee, blioo,cen-chumpa, jjiaree, sookbundu, tonta, nuree, niukhee, lo- tun, surwa, chingaree, gool-rez, mundeera ba- zee, bansbazee, ara bazee, looka, sitaru, balee- jhanka, v. cracker, rocket, squib. fire-work-maker, atush-baz, hu\^a,ee-gur or -saz. fire-worship, zundeeq. fire-worshipper, atush-purust. fire-worshipping, atush-purustee. firm, siikht, kura, suleeb, muzboot, mcohkum, - oostoowar, qaini, moostuqil, bur-qurar, pa,edar, sabit, rasikh, wasiq, v. fixed, uchul, utul, ust- hir, wuseeq, suboot, quwee, sabit-pa, v. strong, tight, (compact, q. v.) thos, tantha, v. constant, stout, (solid) garha, ghufs, bustu, v. thick. firmament, asman, fuluk, fuluk ool boorooj, gur- doon, swurg, kcorsee, v. heaven, sky. fiirmly, mu/.bootee- &c. -se, yuqeenun, qutu,un, V. steadily. fiirmness, sukhtee, .sulabut, muzbootee, porhaee, pa,edaree, qiyam, subat, biir-quraree, istiqlal, roosookh, woosooq, v. constancy (solidness) sun- geenee. first, adj. puehla, ad, ugla, jetha, sabiq, uwwul, nicoquddum, v. great i for the first time, puehie puhl. first, adv. puehie, uwwuhin, age, ek,oottini, nu- khoost, prithum; in the first place, or for one thing, puehie puehlar, ibtida.iin, ek to ; from first to last, uwwul se akhir tuk, ad se unt FIS 240 FIX tuk ; from the first, nuye sir se, v. again ; at first, ibtida-men, awa,il-men;^Vs< or last, kub- liee nil kubhee, kisee wuqt; first-born, puliiot- ha ; first-fruits, puehla phui; to befir.it, or be- gin, q. V. puhl-k. V. calends, to aggress. fish, muchhlee, muchhee, mahee, julsuenee, hoot, meen, rauts, jhuk, {salted) sookthee, {flesh of) mas, gosht, v. meat. The most common are as follows : ruhoo, kutla, mirga, bhikthee, kooja bhikthee, hilsa, suor, ku\vu,ee, bo,alee, pungas, phulee, kliulsa, arh, niungree, magoor, seenghee, guru,ee, potha, tengra, kukla, kuwa, morela, pyasee, tulgiigra, tupussee, tupsee, chulha, saliya, chilwa or chilha, chuela, gujjal, sankooch, bhangun, revva, bhola, undwaree, buliya, sal, puehna, gonchh, bhakoor, bitkee, sidree or sigree, bunsputta, dhuniya, piipta, bhut muchhee, pursee, mo,e, chanda, puthur- chutta, bhooree, genth, khuera, pupsa, cheng, guenchee, chundurbijwa, goshta, reetha, dhalo, kunwul, V. eel, mangoe, skate, pm-poise, &c. to fish, muchhlee-marna, muchhlee ka shikar-k. bunsee-khelna, v. to angle, jharna, v. to sou7id, search. fisJt-bone, mahee-dundan, sheer-mahee. fisherman, muchhwa, juliya, mookeree, mahee- geer or -shikar, dheemur, muchhee-mar, v. angler. fishery , fiishmg, v. supra, mahee-shikar. fish-hook, kutiya, kanta, qooUab, shust. fisfi-kettle, mahee-tabu. fish-manger, mahee-furosh, muchhlee-wala. fishy, {flavour) bisahind. fissure, chak, turuq, durz, shigaf, v. cleft. fist, moothee, mook, ghoosa, killee, moosht, gcn- ma, mookka, gudda, hoolee. to fist, ghcnsiyana, mcokiyana, dhoosna, v. to gripe. fisticuffs, ghoosum-ghoosa, glioosuvvwul, mookka- mookkee, mookkuwwul, koota-koot, mookor ghoosor, goothum-gootha, v. settle. fisttila, nasoor, suen, bundur-gha,o, gur, chor, v. ulcer, {lachrymalis) dhulka, dhoolkee, dumu,u, {urethra:) qooruh, v. s'lmis, {in ano) bhugundur. fistulous, chora, goorgooriya. fit, subs, {of a fever) nuobut, wuqt, amud, chur- ha,o, a,ee, paree, baree, bela, halut, ghulbu, josh, dhmn, turuiig, luhur, v. paroxysm, khi- yal V. ichim, course ; a fainting fit, zoO|Uf, ghush ; a drunken fit, nushu, v. convulsions. fit, theek, dojroast, moonasib, la^iq, buja, suza- war, mu,iiqool, wajib, lazim, qabil, joga, v. expedient, scndh, sobhaman, wajibee, v. com- petent, suitable, proper, decent, compatible. to fit, V. a. theek- S:c. -k. ; v. n. doorcost- &c. -h. {to become) phubna, sohna, chhajna, sood- hurna, buethna, nishust-khana, sujna, sudhna, V. to agree, ansiver, apply, furnish, befit. to befit, or 7neet, chahna, lugna, milna, purna, V. incumbent. to fit up, tueyar- sar bohar- sur burah- theek- thak-k. bunana, sajna, v. to set, repair, pre- pare, adorn. fitchat,fitcheiv, bham, bhum, bhondur, \.fuli- mart, cat, ferret. fitly, liyaqut- &c. -se. fitness, doorcDstee, liyaqut, mcnwafuqut, suzawa- ree, sha|istugee, rusa.ee, v. capable. five, panch, punj, punju, punjree, gahee, l^n, khums, ivhence mookhummus ; five per cent. q. V. duh neemee ; nue punj aoid mule punj are applicable to the age of horses, q. v. fives, {game of) gend bazee, oolaluu bocha, gen- da bazee, v. ball, and court. to fix, mooqurrur- qa,im- &c. -k. garna, lugana, jurna, thambna, jumkana, chuptana, suptana, utkana, luptana, rukhna, v. to fastest, {a bay- onet) churhana, v. to set, chookana, budna, FL.L fl41 FLA Ifufu-k. V. id ileUrmiM, esfab/lsh, &c. {in the mind) dil nusheen-k. v. to impress, {to settle) thiihrana, mooqurrur- &c. -k. (to stop) rokna, bund-k. (to rest, q. v.) ruhna, thuhurna, iqa- mut-k. ; to be Juved on any thing, qurar-d. thanna, kumur-b. ; to fiv onc''s habitation, ghur-k. Jixed, qa|iin, sakin, nioostuhkuni, mooshukhkhus, muzboot, V. steady, usthir, bil-mooqtu, moo- ([urrurcc, buha],v. certain, (not volatile injire) qa,im oon-nar, y. firm. ^Liedness, {jiyaiii, istihkani, so)boot, v.Jinnncss. tojis, sursuraua. ,/ixgig, (of powder) chukurban, v. fire-works, ti- karee, v. harpoon. Jlabby, Jlacrid, dhcela, pilpila, zholeedu, mirm, pichpicha, jhoor jhoora, v. loose, soft. Jlaccidity,Jlabbiness, pllpilahut, zholee dugee, nur- mee. Jlag, (plant) hoogla, (n species of) zoo-iilfiqar, (stone) chutan, (colours, q. v.) nisban, jhiinda, dhujja, ba,ota, putakha, liwa, v. pennant, sila, puthrce, v. slab, (o/'ulee) toogh, punju, sbud- du ; to come or go with a flag of truce, jholce marke-a. or -j. to flag, dheela- oodas-h. ooturna, cbhutiia, pil- pilana, pichpichaiia, jhoorjhrorana, v. to fail, droop, (with flags) fursh-b. flagelet, ulghozu, nuhawulee, ^..flfe. flagellation, korc-bazee, sbullaq-bazee, chabook- bazee, hudd-shurUiCc, v. to whip. flaggy, V. faint, gira-hoo,a, jhooka-hoo,a, \. Jlab- by, punsa, V. insipid. Jlagitious, ushur, shudeed, kura, boora, muha pa- pee, murdood, v. atrocious, enormotis, icicked. flagitiousness, sukhtce, shiddut, v. villany. flagon, soorahee, koozu, gojlabec, (jurabu, v. gob- let, khoom, bhubka, suqawu, v. bottle, jhun- jhrec, (of leather) kooppa, v. jar, pot. flagrant, (no)\ f fSHItti'ii-iiKj (i.Vi,Wt''^. K n' flatness, ehuptha,ee, buraburee, humwai'ee, nu- shebee, be-muzugee, v. the a(/;,.beRn|uattkee, seethas, \. insipidity, lowness. • ,>t|7.4tfitfr« to flatten, v. a. chupthana, humwar-k. buethalna, V. n. chuptha-h. (as wine) ooturjaua, v. to de- ject, &c. to flatter, khooshaniiid- &c. -k. v. to soothe, pjiqos- lana, v. to wheedle, flatterer, khoosh-amudee, chaploos, phcolasre-baz, V. wheedler. flattery, khmsh-amvid, chaploosec, lullo-putto, dum-bazee, phoolasre-bazee, zumanu sazee, v. to fawn, tumullcoq, ustootkar, khmsh aoiud- go-ee, lubbo shubbo, meethee-baten, v. praise. flattish, chupta-sa, v. sunk, flatulency, ba,ee, ba,o, reeh, nuf kh, v. vanity, flatulent, phoola, nuf kli, nuffakh, badee, buyala, V. turgid. .vViVtvivVi flatwise, kiirwut, putkur, v. side, prone. ,; to flaunt, V. to flounce, phurana, thurrana, thirik- na, ])liurkana, tuiawa-marna, bunbunana, v. airs^ ostentation, also to flutter, flavour, goondhawut,inuzu,luz.z,ut,suwad,(orfc»- toona. ,'KH. • < V '{'j".'". I i jif'Vsj>s', \^) ^-nli FLI 243 FLI tojleckyflerher, teetur budlee-h. Jledged, purdar, ooniroo, \. feathered, to flee, bhagna, goorez-k. firar-h. surukna, peeth- peechha-d. blchulna, purana, chul- rum-j. or -d. nathna, tulna, v. to abscond, Jly. fleece, pushm, (x)n, kutrun, katun, nioondun, v. ivool, tcoolly. to fleece, kuturna, bubrce-k. {to plunder) moond- na, lootna, nichonia. to fleer, boloc-marna, v. to jeer, feet, buhr, nuwara, bera, (m charge of) buhr- dar, mcer-buhr, v. float, fleet, (swift) juld, tez, chalak, juld-baz, biul-ruf- ter, bad-puema, bad-pa, v. nimble, quick, to fleet, (enjot/ life) dunduiiana, v. to skim,jnnJcet. fleeting, arizee, chund-rozu, nnqsh bur ah, chula- jata, buhta, oorta, hcobabce, be-buqa, hadis, v. momenfanj. fleetly, juld, juldee- &c. -se. fleetness, juldee, tezee, chalakee, phoort, juld- bazee. _flcsh, gosht, mans, luhm, hera, mas, (Jtody) bu- dun, (carnality) nufs, shuhwut, v. blond. As the Indians apply flesh to fish ako, tlie reader must be aware of this ; see below. fesh-brrtsh, khecsa. _flegh-mea-t, (animal food) mas-udhar, giiiza-luh- mee, suguotee, v. meat, fleshy, mota, fiubih, juseem, dul-dar, good-gur, poor-gosht, supind, dund-pel, v. plump, muscu- lar. ,fletcher, teer-gur, kuman-gur. flexibility, chimra,ec, dum-daree,mcola,imut,nur- mee. flexihle, chimra, lucheela, nimlaim, dum-dar, nurm, suleem, v. ductile, flexion, flexure, luchka,o, kujee, khum, bank, v. hend, joint. . ^vtao/^ Jiier, bhiigora, gc»rez-pa. flight, bhugcl, bhagehur, bichlahiit, rum, (of birds) ooran, tucran, purwaz, ooriiree, v. wing (from danger) firar, goorez, bhagur, (flock, q. V.) ghol, gut, guthree, dul, dar, (shmver q. V.) chJiuntao, (space) oraree, tuppa, puUa, V, distance, (sally) luhur, v. crcursion, flash, flirty, (volley) sliul]u(], barli ; the flight of an arrow, purtab; the sublime flight of a poet, boo- lund-purwazee, \. fancy. flighty, uch-pulee, hur-dum khiyaloc, v. capri cious. flimsy, puteela, jhirjhira, jhainliar, boda, kum- zor, na-pa,edar, jhillee-sa, v. slight, thin. to flinch, hiitna, tulna, hilna, pliirna, surukna, tujawa)Z-k. kuchiyana, kutrana, liichkicha- na, hichiia, khisukna, kuniyana, piclipanw-h. khisiyana, goedurana, pjuisphusana, thoomuk- na, V. to shrink, boggle flincher, v. sculker, hichka,oo, khiska,oo, hich- kara, Sec. v. the verb. fling, phenk, nokchok, v. gilic, throw. to fling, phenkna, chulana, dalna, v. to throw, beegna, ntama, phenk-marna, chhor-d. put- kana, v. to dash, toss, (to scatter) chhitkana, bithrana, bikherna; to fling open, kho]-i.; tv fling away, phenk- dal-d.; to fling down, gira- na, dhana, mismar-k. ; to fling as a horse, doo- luttee-chhantna, proshtuk-marna, v. to hick. flinger, phenkwuya, beegunhar, v. the verb. flint, puthuree, chukhmukh, chukmuk ka put- hur. flinty, sukht. flinty-hearted, sung-dii. flippant, lubluba, tcortrora, turrar, v. i-ohible. flirt, jhurjhurahut, y. jilt. to flirt, ciihirukna, mama, jhurjhur.nna, jliuljhu- lana, v. to flap, niara mani-phirna, chun ehu- la,ee-k. v. to coquet, jeer. flirty, choolbwia, chunchul, v. nrry,jode. H H 2 FLO 244 FLO to flit, ghur budul-k. v. to remove. float, (raft) bera, g][iurnu,eej (of a flsh'mg-line) tlrenda. to float, V. n. ootirana, bhusna, tuerna, buhna, chulna, oothna, v. to rise ; v. a. bhurna, doo- bona, \. to fly, ooplana, oothlana, tirna, v. to swim, buhana, sirana, v. to flood, ^floating, moo,ulluq, udhur, v. suspended, flock, guUu, ewur, hulqu, tliuth, pal, cDinmut, v. drove, herd, (flight) jhoond, ghol, v. company, lock, flake, dul, ruma, bag, jhankh, dara,jatha, rcia, V. crowd. to flock, jumu-h. .butoorna, joorna, v. to crowd, tootna, girna, duorna, relna, toot-purna, v. to gather, to flog, chabook-marna, korebazee-k. kore-phut- karna, v. to drub, also flagellation, bet- or jootee-marna, jootiyana, ang hulka-k. v. to scourge, flogging, kore-bazee. flood, ahla, barh, suelab, toolanee, tpofan, v. de- luge, (flow) juwar, niudd, kuthul, v. tide, boora, churha,o, julmue, luhra, v. inundation, river, &c. to flood, doobona, ghurq-k. borna, v. to drown, churhana, buhana, v. to flow, fl^od-gate, band ka phatuk, banjee, (flgur.) pet, purdn, nul. flooding, istiha/.u, iiufas, purbali, puera, y.fliior albus. Jlook, pura, phool, kanta, dant, punkhree. flow, zumeen, gucli, v. terrace, &c. (story) kot- lia, bam. to floor, tuklitubinidee-k. guch- &c. -k. flooring, tukhtu-bundee, putuotun, puta,o, oot- ' rung, munjhiya, v. roof, ground, florican, (a bird) kurwanuk. florid, soorkh, lu,ul, lal, sooha, rata, gcol-fam, goolrung, V. fresh, gool anaree, goolgoona. bhubhooka, v. fair, red, ruddy, rungeen, run- geela. floridness,floridity, soorkhee, lalee, rungeenee. florist, gool-kar, gcol-cheen. flomice, sunjaf, jhalur, v. trimming, fringe, toflounce, tuluphna, turupna, tinungna, tilichhna, koodna, oochhulna, nachna, v. to toss, tulmu- lana, lotna, thulukta-chulna, jhoomna, lutpu- tee-chal-chulna, v. to swagger, flounder, mo,a. to flounder, V. to tumble, clihutputana, sutputana, V. toflounce. flour, V. dust, kunik, suttoo, besun, chuos, soo- jee, ubeer, clilkus, &c. under floiver, q. v. (dry) pulethun, khooshkee, v. powder, (mer- chant) purchoonee, niodee, &c. v. grain, flourish, nooma.ish, chumkahut, ghoonghoonahut, V. ornament, (in writing) tooghru, goolzar, (in music) gut, chhoot, luhuk, v. quaver, to flourish, phoolna, kliilna, tuhtuhana, duhdu- hana, tazu- turotazu- serab-h. (to brandish) chumkana, v. to prosper, (in music) luhukna, ghoonglioonana, v. to trill, (iti style) rungee- nee-k. chiknana, v. to bloom, (a cudgel) ghoo- mana, v. to adorn, to flout, mulamut-k. v. to jeer, insult, flow, V. volubility, turrara, idrat, v. stream, flood,^ (abundance) ifrat, kusrut, (of words) amud. to flow, buhna, jaree-h. chulna, duorna, dhulna, buh-chulna, dhulukna, jhurna, v. to overflow, burst, issue, (as a flood) burhiyana, phoolna, churhna, bhurna, burhna, relna, v. to rise, (as milk) pinhana, ooturna, v. to fall, (as metals) panee-h. pich-pichana, v. to run, (as the tide) juwar-ana, (to melt) pigludna, goodaz-h. tu- ghilna, (to proceed) nikulna, pueda-h. v. to abound, flower, phool, gool, pcohp, soomun, nagesur, v. blossom, (prime) buhar, jobun, oomung, qorooj, FLU US FLU (meal) ata, pisan, choon, arcl,miiedii, (essence) khooUus, klitulasu; the flower of youth, ronfu- wan, V. bloom, (the best part) nubh, sir o miin, j^ouI-diistM, jan, v. prime, choice, to Jluwer, plioolna, khilna, shiginftu-h. goolka- ree-k. kusliccdu- &c. -karhna. flowered, Iwotedar, (stuffs) doo-damec, jam-da- nee, v. chints, embroidery. flower-garden, phool-waree, gool-zar, gool-shun, gojl-istai). flower-pot, phooljjiaree, gool-dan, koozu, (stick or rod of) luolasee, v. garland. flowers, phool, v. menses. flowers on cloth, he. bel boota, gunga jumnec, boota. The flowers generally known, and which perhaps do not occur elsewhere in this volume, are as follow: gool-uja.ib, motiya, gool- shubbo, niogra, bela, kuthbela, gool-mukh- mul, gool-trorru, goal-rana, gool-da,oodec, gcul- mihndee, gool-achecn, gool-chandnee, niisreen, nusturun, suda-sohagun, kesoo or tcesoo, hiir- singar, kurna, gcol-ju.ufree, orhul, soodursun, do-puhriya, sookh-diirsun, chumpa, kunik- chiimpa, bhoo,een-chiinipa, joohee, jahee-joo- hee, kiichnar, gool-sooree, son-joohee, na-fiir- man, ketukee, kyora, oolut-kunwul, thul pud- do, gool-furung, gool-nar, kuchnar, thulpud, (of grasses. Sec.) ghoo,a, bhoo,a, boor, \. jalap, balsam, marigold, lily, violet, rose, narcissus, jusamine, sun-flower, lotos, &:c. &c. liere. flowery, rungeen, phoolphoola, chikkun, soon- dur, rusgur, v. florid, .flowing, churha.o, &c. v. the verbs, also flood. to fluctuate, lidirana, hilkorna, ghat barlj- susta- muhinga- kuni besli -be qurar- dawandol-h. V, to vibrate, dhuchook-k. v. to hesitate, lea- ver, (to he uncertain) be thuor tliikana-h. be subat-h. V. to change. flicctuation, luhra,o, hilkor, be-subatee, tuzui- ztwl, ootar churha,o, tana-bhurnee, juwarbhata, (iawandolce, be-quraree, v. instability, uncer- tainty, also the verb. flueticy,nunnce,ms; . to/o«/, byana, junna. foam, kuf, phen, v. froth. to foam, phenana, kuf-ootlina, (to l>e enraged) burhum- ag-h. v. to rage. foamy, kuf-dar. fob, pbent, phanda, dub, v. pocket, also to trick. focus, mudar, nooqtu, teepa, v. middle, (of a glass) deed-ban, nuzur, v. sight. fodder, gnas, charu, putlia, guont, pala, lihna, ghaspat, V. grass, straw, forage, browse. foe, ghuneem, hureef, mcokhalif, bueree, udoo, niooddu,ee, bud-khwah, shutoor, v. enemy. foetus, buchu, juneen. fog, kohur, kohera, koliasa, shub-dood, kohes, dhoondh, bookhar, ghoobar, v. mist. foggy, dhoondla, v. misty. foh, chhee chhee, tuobu, v. fy ! foible, ueb, nooqsan, qoosoor, kan, piie, pooth, ja,c-ungoosht, rukhnu, hurf, v. failing, blind- side, flaw, fault. ^um;tmti.\ foil, (fm fencing) gudka, putta, phool-hutha, bana, v. cudgel, &c. (for jeirels) dak, jug- juga, kitkura, v. leaf, nok, thokui', y., check, (flg.) dhal, arsecy v. mirror, &c. .! .^iA to foil, hurana, shikust-d. v. to defeat, to foist, ilhaq-k. mila-d. ghooserna, santna, r. to add. fold, (for sheep) gonda. buthan, buesuk, bara, bcrh, uvar, v. enclosure, (of a door, q. v.) pulla, pat, put, kewara, v. board, leaf, coil, &c. (dont- ble) la,ee, lura, purta, kura, bura, tuba, lupet, which are generally used in comp. as in ' Gram, page 96, &c. q. v. tor, v. lerinkle, &c. (flock) gullu, V. boundary, (ply) tub, purt, (plait) cheen, choonut, kasnjluk, v. rumple, (of a rope) pech, pher, (in comp.) chund, goona, burabur; thus, doo-chund, &c. two- fold, &c. FOL 247 FOO to fold, tuHaua, tuh-k. lupetna, torna, mortia, santna, v. to wrap, {sheep) berhana, Iwnia, ruhana, v. faldtrge, {a letter, &c.) multbof-, kham- bund-k. v. to close, (to shut, q. v.) ln- gana, lugiia, bandhna, bundhna, v. to claup, chhatee-lugana, gliutput-k. v. to emhrace, V. n. liputna, &c. supra, v. to lap, to inclose. folded hands, dust bustu, huth bundha. folding, (door) do pulliya, doo-putta, v. double. foliage, putiyaluit, burg buhar, burg sazee, \. flower. foliation, wuru(j-saz-ee, v. plate. folio, do wurqii, v. quarto, &c. folk, log or lok, [pi. oblique, logon] admee, niur- doom, ushkhas, v. person, family, nation, peo- ple, &c. to follow, peeclihe-ana or -jana, (to pursue) ru- gedna, ' tii,a(}oib-k. peechha-k. (to imitate) pueiHiwee- nkhii7.-k. chal-chulna, i(jtida- &c. -k. V. imitation, ponchhiyana, peechha-, damun-pukiirna, pecclihe-chulna, pueiule- purna, v. to adhere, quduin bu qudum-chiilna, V. to copy, mind, duim bala- dcDm guzu- moo- tu.aqqib- &c. -h. v. follower, to attend, &c. ni- kulna, bona, V. after, to come, go, flow, iss^ue, obey, practise, &c. (to accompajnf) sath-d. luga-ruhna, puedurpue- puehum-ana, (to obey) manna, qubool-k. (to be busied wit/i) mushghool-h. kurna ; to follotv a profession, peshu-k. ; fofolloto a»a consequence, nnteeju- -b. follower, pus-ro,puero, peeclili-luga,daniun-geer, V. companion, moo,utuqid, punthce, dustbuc, mooqtudce, sewuk, puchhee, tabi, t. servant, &c. pi. (lonunut, V. believer, &c. (dependant) tabi-dar, (disciple, q. v.) sbagird, chela, v. sc/to- lar, (imitator) akhiz, mootutid)bi. fbllowing, (day, &c.) doosra, ugla, aindu, ma- bu,ud, V. ne.ri, stibsequent, aito foregoing. folly, be-wuqoofee, himaqut, uWnhec, na^anee, hoomotxj, V. madness, ulunuqce, uhmuqa pun, bodla,ec, gegla,ee, gudha pun, sufahut, bula- hut, V. absurdity, foible, to foment, (a sore, &c.) senkna, tutama, lukonia, V. to wash, (to encourage) oothana, (lalna,bona, niuchana ; to foment mischief, fusad-oothana. fomentation, senk, tutar, tukora, nutool, kumad, V. the verb. fomenter, (of mischief) moofsid, fitoorya, moof- turce, fitnu-ungez, fusadee. fond, v. foolish, shaiq, ashiq, nia,il, v. dotard, talib, khojcc, mungta, luoleen, luttoo, mcD,uz- ziz, neh-ec, ,v. addicted, desirous, silly. Sac. (in comp.) dost, jo, tulub, purust, khwah, goDzeen, lobh, v. indulgence, (of low company) pajee-purust, i-izalu-dost; to be fond of, cbah- na, khwahish- muei-r. to fondle, pyar- dcolar-k. v. to wheedle, doolarna, suhjana, chhochho- chhonchla-k. peet pur bath-phirna, v. to caress, (to dally) iiaz burda- ree-k. v. to indulge, &c. fondling, larla, dmlara, pyara. fondly, pyar-se, x. foolishly. fondness, chah, chuoq, pyar, nighbut, v. love. font, y. fountain, cbuniboo, kheekhee, giinga] julee, V. cistern. fontanel, (of the head) taloo, chand, v, issue. •food, khana, khorak, ghizu, ahar, qoot, khqorish, tu,am, bhojun, ruso,ee, rizq, nkl, v. refreshment, ji3'oohar, udhar, prikar, jeeka, bhog. prushad, julpan, nuwalu, tookra-tera, khassu, scedlia, khaja, v. provision, also salt, rice, grain, meal, ftour,victuals, (of'granivorous a«/«i«/«)charu, (of carnivorous birds) tamba, (prop. ttD,umu). fiMjl, uhmtiq, be-wu(|()of, ga,otlee, n;i-dan, ch(X)- tiya, sadii-luoh, moorukh, sutli, jur, phikuo- riya, gol, pagul, bilullee, v. mad, dt'ewauu, gegia, oolwrara, nuxxlh, oorbuk, kool, jahil, FOO 248 FOR buckul, oorumba, sliekh chillee, v. /bolin/i, also blockhead, &c. {to make o) uhmui[- &c. -bunana, puchharna, are hathon-lena, kan-katna, v. to over-reach, &c. (buffoon) inuskhuru, \. jester; to ptay the fool, hima- qut-k. to fool, {trijie) khela-k. luholu,ub-k. mukhee- marna, {to frustrate) muhroom- na ojmmed-k. V. to cheat, jeer, S:c. foolery, muskhurgec, pooch hurkat, khur miis- tee, V. no7ise7ise, &c. foolhardiness, tuhuwwoor, ukhur-puna, iiojud- puna, inurun punk,hee, which means the flut- tering and exultation of ephemera, previous to their perishing, v. infra. foolhardy, uojud, ukhur, uojhur, mootuhuwwir, be-huya, deewanu buhadoor, ujul- or khoon- giriftu, {to be) murim punk,hec- muot-lugna, V. rash. foolish, be-wuf[()of, be-khubiir, \. fool, {impru- dent) be-tudbeer, v. easy, sufeeli, bodla, uli- muqanu, also tlio udv. v. jin'ical, indiscreet, {absurd) pooch, nioohmul, be-hoodu, be- mu,unee; a foolish prating fellow, yawu-go, hin"zu-go, V. vain, stupid. Jbolishly, hiniaqut- &c. -se. foolishness, be-wuqoofee, hoomq, \. folly. foot, panw, puer, gor, qudum, chirun, pug, pa, tang, tungree, v. leg, puera, [« lucky foot, uch-chha puera] {of a stool, &c.) pawa, gora, V. paw, {bottom) /uel, pa,een, neecha, payaii, V. extremity, {(f a bed) pa,entee, pa,etana, pothna, V. head, {of a table, &c.) payu, {basis, q. v.) jur, tura,ee, tulee, damun, (end) akhir, intiha, v. bottom, sole, he. ; 07i foot, puedul, pueron, piyadu-pa, pa-puedul, pa- piyadu, v. afoot, durpesh, v. to agitate; a foot soldier, piyadu; to be on foot, burpa-h. roobukar-h. ; {in poetry) jooz, rookn, gun. pud, V. infantry, step, &c. ; to kiss the foot, pabosee- qudum bos-ee- pa,e higce-k. Foot, as a measure, is generally expressed by hath, a cubit, q. v. and the phrase on foot, above, is often hath men, viz, in hand. foot-boy, ruwunna. footed, paya-dar, goraha, {im comp.) gora, pa, ruo, v.foot ; two footed, doo-payu. foothold, puoheda, kherhee. footing, {basis) booniyad, v. establishme^it, halut, soorut,v. state, {e}itrance)dukh],\. admission, rompa,ce, {to secure) paiiw-rompna, qudum- garna, v. to settle. footlicker, pa-les, churn-bundik, v. cringer. footman, piyadu, hur-karu, pa,ek, y.foot, puek, jilodar, chuprasce, v. tnessenger, page, &c. ; pe,on or pyoon, perhaps from the pawn in chess, wliich is called by the Persians piyadu. foot-pad, rah-zun, butpar, thug, v. robber. fuot-pafh, pug-flundee, v. road. footstep, qudun), y.foot, nuqsh i pa, {trace) nisiian, ulanuit, usur, chinh, v. murk. footsiool, morlia, mondha. f>p, chluiela, banka, khmd-bccn, bisunec, chhucl- chikuniya, chhucl chhubecla, lutputa, kuj- kojlah, v. heaii, &c. purwanu, v. butterfly, simpleton, buck. foppery, foppishness, bank-pun, bankuetee, chhi- chhoy-pun. foppish, ochha, be-mughz, chhichhora, \. foolish. for, {on accotmt of) ko, pur, waste, khatir, liye, moojib, bura,e, buhuri, sunte, se, {si}ice) ki, yu,unee, fee, v. during, kur, v. as, to, on, &c. {i7i comparison of) bu nisbut, le, {-my part) moojhc jo poochho, v. relatively, {with respect to) huqq-men, rah-se, roo-sc, {towards) ko, koo, turuf, {in excha7igc) budle, iwuz. Most of the above words have the particle ke prefixed to them, when used as post-positions; FOR 249 FOR thus, ghore ke waste, ybr the horse, &c. v. he- cause. Sec. for as mtieh, jubki. J()r instance, fil-musul. for what, kyoon, v. why, &c. for the most part, uksur, v. generally, always. forage, kuhec, luhna, seedjia, rusud-panee,v./o. ,-:.•.,/&( to forewarn, khubur dar-k. chetana, jutana, y. to caution, forfeit, tawan, tland, jureemanu, goonah-garee, kufaru ^0he forfeit for murder, khoon-buha, diyut. § fffl-jirfa-viiFi; v,i > to forfeit, tawan- 8ic. -d. zubt-h. v. to confiscate. FOR 251 FOR forfeited, zubt, qcorq. forfeiture, zubtee, v. forfeit. forge, lohar-khanu, bhuthec, lohsar, koru, v. smith, iron, &c. to forge, {metals) gurhna, bunana, jorna, ^anth- na, V. to fabricate, contrive, hnmmei', {to coun- terfeit) libas- &c. -k. {to invent) bandhna, ikhtira,u-k. nikalna, v. to falsify. forged, libasee, tuqieedce, tiighulloobee, ju,ulee, jhootha, bunaya, \. fictitious. forger, montughullib, {inventor) moojid, banec, mookhluri, {coijier) qulub saz. forgery, libas, tughuUoob, tuqleed, ju,ul, ju,ul- sazee, y. falsehood. to forget, bhoolna, furamosh-k. bisarna, siihoo-, nisiyan-k. v. to miss, bisurna, bugudna, bu- hukna, {-one^s self) chhukkee-clihootna, v. to omit, &c. to cause forget, bhoolana. forgetful, bhooUoo, bhoolukkur, furamosb-gar, bisaroo, bisrunhar, bhoolwuya, (-0/ one's pro- mise) wa.idu-furamosh, v. negligent, forgetfulness, bhool, furamoshee,furamosh-garee, nisiyan, bisrahut, lihoolahut, bhoola.ec. to forgive, chhorna, mu,af-k. or -r. bukhsbna, ufoo-k. azad- khulas- durgcozur-k. v. to par- don. forgiveness, ufoo, mughfirut, bukhshish, mookt, -nujat, mookhlusec, chhojttee, v. remission ten- derness. Jbrgiver, bukhshindu, kureem, amoorzigar, ghufFar, khiita-bukbsh, chhemakaree. forgiving, {as God) ghufoor, v. merciful, .forgotten, furainosh, v. to forget. to he forgotten, furamosh- &c. -h. ,fork, kanta, punjii, tunglee, gorgoj, {of a man) asun, do-shakhu, {point) nok. to fork, soo,et"- tem-nikulna. forked, forky, do-shakhu, do-kance, v. pointed. forlorn, tunha, ekla, be-kus, soonsan, soona, khalec, oodas, doond band, thooiitha, niras, lachar, unath, v. hopeless, destitute {-hope) rominedwar sijMihiyon ka jutha, janbazon ka ghol, V. Monitor, Vol. I. p. 350. form, soorut, shukl, hiie,ut, puekur, nuqshu, duel, wu7.u,turz,usloob,tuor,turuh,dhub, dab, undanijVoop, ungeth, y. figure, formula, frame, wiijih, goonu, qutu, numoonu, chhub, dhuj, kutkuna, kulbul, nooskhii, qureenu, bundish, turash, khurash, duol dal, v. cut, make, {mo- dification) turkeeb, buna,o, {order) turteeb, arastugee, intizam, {appearance) nooma.isJi, izhar, {ceremony) rusm, dustoor, a.een, qa,idu, qanoon, zabitii, v. rite, {bench) tukhtu, {class) qism, pant, v. rule, {of a verb, &c.) wuzn, V. conjugation, &c. {of ice) qoolfec, {of sugar) koozu, {mere-) ek bat, v. course, address, di- vision, copy, &c. {elegance offigure) dhuj, siij, sujawut, nuzakut, {mould) qalib, sancha ;for fonns sake, bura,e-buet, kuhne soonc ke waste, V. manner, method, &c. to form, pueda^k. bunana, kurna, kheechna, dhalna, duolyana, pura bandhna, sakbt-k. parna, {cow-dung, &c.) pathna, thapna, oop- lana, v. to model, {in battle array) \. a, tool- ana, V. n. toolna, v. to marshal, to forge, &f. {to plan) bandhna, jorna, v. to coin, &c. {to arrange^ tueyar-k. sunwarna, sajna, arastu-, mooruttub-k.; to form, a circle, da,iru-khcech- na, V. to make. Sec. formal, zahir-dar, moitumulliq, mmquttu, nicns- ujjii, sunjeedu, sahib-niunish, v. methodical, qanoonee, aiCenet', chulunee, v. customary, dimbhee, uioo,uddub, v. precise, {beard) girdu darhec, v. regular ; formal compliments, tukul- loofat i riismee. formality, tumullooq, sunjeedugec, lubuq tubuq, V. ceremony. I I 2 FOR 252 FOR formally, qa,ide- dab- &c. -se. fwmation, bunawut, turkeeb, sakht, buna,o, V, composition. former, ugla, pesheen, puehla, uwwul, v. that, sabiq, v. hi/past ; in former times, ugle wuqt men, (in comp.) sass, kar, gar, gur, \. maker. formerly, age, peshtur, uwa,il-men, sabiq-men, pichhle dinon men, v. yore; as formerly, ulan kuma kan, 1. e. in the old way. formidable, niooheeb, huebut-nak, huol-nak, duraona, roo,vib-dar. /or»raic?a6fewess,huebut-nakee,huol-nakee,roo,ub- daree. formidably, huebut-nakee- &c. -se. formless, be-duol, be-sluikl, golmol, sumdoom, V. deformed. formula, ncoskhu, pvitree, v. belotv. formulary, v. supra, uqa|id- or qanoon-namu, insha, v. rule, he. kisbut-namu, v. barber. to fornicate, zina- &c. -k. joorna, puristree-k. bhirna, v. to copulate, &c. bughul gurni-k. ' V. to lyhore. - v ,•»■,-,««*.■; fornication, chhinala, zlna, huram, fisq, zlna- karee, huram-karee, bibh cbar, joorunt, baz- ee, rindee bazee, &c. choda,ee, v. whore, and its compounds. fornicator,, chhinula, zance, huram-kar, fasiq, bud-kar, bibh cbaree, khelai', tiimashu-been, shikar baz, chumiir, chor- or koot-juriya, chodukkur, (in comp.) chod, zun, v. whore- master. " « • fornicatress, chhinal, zaniyu, fasiqu, fahishu, fajurvi, murd-baz, dhugre- &c. -baz, v. gal- lant. to forsake, chhorna, tyagna, tujna, dal-d. roo-. gurdan-h. plienk-j. bisar-d bhoolna, (land) parna, v. to leave, (to desert, q. v.) ooth-jana, jata-ruhna, oor-jana, v. to abstain, &c. forsaker, tarik, bhugora, tyagik, v. deserter. forsooth, mooqurrur, such, be-slioobhu, be-shuk, a,e wah, wah wah jee, kyoon nu ho, kya bat, uor kya, haii, v. sure, yes, certainly. ' ,-^yKi\ to forswear, qusum-khana; I have forsworn the acquaintance of this woman, is rindee kee ash- na,ee se qusm kha,ee muen ne, v. to renounce, bu hulf-chhorna, v. to swear ; to forswear one's self, jhoothee qusum-khana, v. oath, to perjure. ^'»*.y<' , forswearer, usutee, v. to perjure, abjure, also liar, &c. forsworn, suogund shikun, v. perjury. fort, fortress, quhi,u, kot, hisar, gurliee, gurh, (whence Futih-gurh, lit. Fort-victoria,) thana, V. bulwark, castle. forth, age, (abroad) bahir ; from this day forth, ajhee-se ; to step forth, age-burhna ; and so fm-th, ghuer-zalik, wughuera ; to set forth, izhar-k. v. beyond, &c. forth-coming, tueyar, hazir, muojood, v. hand, hath men, oopur, mrohueya, v. ready, (to be) raooyussur-h. bahum-puhoonchna, v. to find, get, bail. ■-','■ forthtvith,uhhec, ju]d,v. immediately, juh ka tub. fortieth, chaleeswan, chihiloom. fortification, v. castle, fort, battery, qilU|U-bun- dee or -sazee, v. infra. ..<«'<^ ^ fortified, muhroosu, v. strong-hold. ■r»T't'.,-:t>^ to fortify, muzboot- mciostuhkum- mcohkum-, quwee-k. v. to confirm, &c. (to Jin) mcxjstu- qil-k. istiqlal- dileree-d. fortitude, ]r^MM7»-^««»,a<^«ii3 trtV**'-; fortune-teller, rummal, bhudree, moonujyim, joti- kee, bhunderlya, thukthukiya, dukuotee, nu- seebu-go, moolla-du,uwutee, du,uwutiya, jan, rumul-undaz, v. astrologer, conjurer. forty, chalees, chihil, (integral) chaleesa, 'v- fifty. forum, cliuotura, chubootra, v. court. forward, adv. age ; go forward, chule-ja.o. forward, adj. (eager) ugmuna, dil-chula, mun- gura, V. earnest, bold, (presumptuom) shokh, dheeth, dhuontal, be-udub, v, immodest, ( pre- mature) ugmuna, pesh-rus, (ready) moostuid, tueyar, (quick) juld, churpliura, v. early, ha- 7.ir, pesh-i'uo, honhar, pesh-nift, v. promising, churbank, v. impudent, to forward, burhana, juld-kurana, chulana, (to j:>ff^roni^<:')dustgec'ree-k. hatli-pukurna, puhoon- chaiia, poojana nikalna, v. to advance, pro- mote. ,V.s>i>.> - forwardly, juldee-se, shokhee-se. forwardness, dil-chidaee, chuiphurahut, juldee, tezee, shokhee, gmstakhee, (lheetha,ee, be- sliurmee, be-udubee, v. eagerness, pesh-rusee, pesh-dustee, &c. ugoiuna.ee, iqdani, v. readi- ness, adDaneement. forufards, age, burhke, ugaree, pure, oodhur, v. on, before, yon; backwards and forwards,\A\\\iv oodhur. fosse, kliunduq, kha,ee, pueghan, v. ditch, fossil, kanee, mu,udinee. ' fossils, jumadat. foster-brother, doodh-bha,ec, koka, buradur i ru- 7.a,ee. /os^e/•-c/li/(/,/o«^^r-«o»^,le-paluk,mootubunna, pos- poot, chela, pootrela, pala hoo,a, purwurdu, Ion khane wala, v. adopted, fosterer, foster-dam, doodh-pila,ee-da,ee, doodh- ma, V. nurse, foster-father, kutli-bap, palunhar, v. nominal, foster-sister, doodh-buliin. foul, muela, nujis, moduwwus, aloodu, gudla, gundu, chhrotuhra, na-pak, v. nasty, mcordar, muleen, mooghullizu, bhura, cliirkeen, mula- mutee, v. impure, bmra, bhonda, bud, v. tigly, (unfair, q. v.) na-rast, oolta-terha, v. false, contrary, (as weather) guiidu-buhar, niideen sumue, kucha, andhoe pance ka din, v. had, (obscure) undha, undhla, be-jilo, tareek, v. dark, gross, shameful, copy, (abominable) ku- FOU 254 FOW i'-i^*-^ reeh,zuboon, v. detestable, (unlawful) huram, {disgraceful) fash. to foul, muela- &c. -k. bhur-dalna, aloodu-k. v. to dirty ; to he foul, {entangled) oolujhna ; to fall foul of, lugna,thokur-khana,v. to encoun- ter, hit. Sec. lutarna, lehdeh-k. churh-buethna, V. to attack, scold, ravel, entangle. . foul-faced, zisht-roo, gooh-moonh, v. hateful. foul-feeder, sub-k,ha,oo, v. glutton. foully, nujasut- Sec. -se. foul-mouthed, gulinhda, dureedu-duhun, siyah- kam, kul-jeebha, kul-moonha, v. abusive, scur- rilous. 'V!^i{}t foulness, muela.ee, aloodugee, na-safee, nujasut, ghulazut, v.Jilth, pollution, na-rastee, &c. su- pra, V. dishonesty, depravity. foul-play, V. chicane, narast baz-ee, v. villany. to found, nyo-d. booniyad-d. {to build) bunana, oothana, imarut-k. {to establish) mcnstuhkum-, muzboot-k. jurgarna,thuhrana, {toinvent) ikli- tira,u-k. nikalna,(^o^/afe) muhmool-k. bandh- na, {to cast) dhalna, bhurna, v. to form, bhurt- -k. V. to melt, &c. ihdas- &c. -k. v. root, &c. also to erect. foundation, ne,o or nyo, bconiyad, jur, bekh, bi- na, usas, dawa, payu, v. bottom, base, {wheel of a well) poothee, v. shaft, {o^'iginal) usl, mool, shooroo,u, mubna, arumbh, ad, v. rise, {establishment) istihkam, {a revenue for chari- table uses) jageer, suda burt, v. settlement ; without foundation, be-booniyad, be-thuor thi- ^ kana. founder, moosls, banee, nioojid, kurta, mookh- turi, wazi, v. benefactor, {of a charity) suda- burtee, moojuggir, v. author, &c. {caster) bhurueya, bhurt-saz, kusera, bhurtiya, v. brasier, &c. to founder, {a horse) lungra-k. duwana, khukher- na, V. n. duona, v. to fail, {as a ship) mara-j. doob-jana, bueth-jana, ghurq-h. v. to sink. foundery, lohar-khanu. /oMWci/m^,koriya,rooldoo-khooldoo,but-buhaoo, wara-dhendha, ghuebee, burbad, amadu. fountain, chushmu, sota, koond, niumbu, {vulg. bum) huoz, pokhur, choona, chooha, bhoor, {heavenly) sulsubeel, v. source, spritig, {well) koo,a, indara, chah, v. cistern, {a jet) fuwwaru, {original) usl, mubda, mubna, boaniyad, v. foundation; the fountain of life, ab i huyat, ab i huewan, u-mrit. .wllJ<{«J four, char, chuhar, urbu, chuok, chuoa, chuoh, chutoor, chutooh, gunda, are all more or less applicable to various forms of four. See the Gram, page 91, &c. {in comp.) chuo ; the four elements, urbu unasir. •■<» Jhur-fold, chuo-goona, chuhar-chund. ",.^jijii four-footed, char-payu, duvvab, v. quadruped. four-fronted, chuo- mOokha, also expert, as afen- . cer, &c. thus, chuomookha hath. four-score, char-beesee, usee, v. eighty. four-square, chuo-khoonta, moorubii, chuo-kor, chuo-goshu, chuo-puhul, cliuo-turka. fourteen, chuoduh. "■ * fourteenth, chuodhan, chuodus, chuodhween-rat- ka chand, chuturdusee, v. full moon. fourth, chuotha, chuoth, whence sa,ir-chuoth. fourth-part, chuothaiCe, v. quarter. fourthly, chuothe. four-times, chuo-bara. four-wheeled, chuo-puhiya. fowl, chiriya, ta,ir, puk,heroo, moorgh. This last is generally restricted to a cock, q. v. also bird; purindu, janwur, v. water-fowl, he. {domestic) kookur,p/. moorghamoorghee,kook- ra kookree, v. hen, &c. {small) khurchu, {or- dinary) neem kubabee, {roasting) kubabee, in the Bazar ca7it ; {in general) chiree chi- FRA 255 FBA roongree, v. jndlet, &c. The varieties are, tenee, giiagus, koolung, huedrabadec, desee, chutgueyan, koknee, kuruknatli, purpa, mo- zugeer, hubsliec,v.^ame,((/i«eff*es of) petokba, mata, oonghiice, v./fu.v ; a water-fowl, (diuk) moorgh-abec. to fowl, chiiiyon ka shikar-k. fowler, chiree-mar, sueyad, nidlya, uieer-shikar, shikaree, v. bird-catcher, hunter, hunting. fowling-piece, bundooq, sutka, shikaree bundooq, V. musket. few, lomree, loui, robah, su,alub, lokhree, ghag; an old fox, pooraua ghag, goorg baran deedu, kohun-goorg, v. hunks, (o sly fellow) robah- baz. fox-evil, bad-khora. fraction, (opposed to integral) kusr, toot, took, uns, tukseer, v. portion, pi. puona, suwa,ee, de.oiha, urhaya, dhuoncha, v. the Gram. p. 96. fractional, muksoor, bhunjit, mookussur, v. su- pra ; a fractional nutnbery udud i muksoor. fractions, kusoor. fractious, qiiz.z.iyu-jo or -dullal, v. peevish. fracture, durar, durz, tufuq, diikust, t(X)t, too- tun, V. breach. to fracture, torna, phorna, v. to break. fragile, nazook, phcoska, boda, toonook, sheeshu- basha, kurkus, kurara,oosuth, thuska, v. brit- tleness. fragility, nuzakut, v. weakness. fragment, tookra, parchu, paru, pcorzu, chhant, rezu, qitu.u, choorun, v. bit, crumb, morsel. fragrance, fragrancif, khoosh-bo, soo-giindh,soo- bas, muhuk, urghan, nukhut, teeb, utr, shiim- leera, iupuk, v. scent, &c. fragrant, khrosh-bo-dar, moo.uttur, v. odorife- rous, sondha, muhkeela, v. sweet. frail, kum-pa, na-pa,edar, siree,u ooz-zuwal, bo- da, nazook, fanee, toonook, z.u,eef, v. weak, bo- qurar, kum-zuri°, chhoochha, khuta-puzeer, V. irresolute, Y)olkha,\. crazy,{unsteady) gliuer- moostuqil, be-istuqlal. frailness, frailty, kum-pa,ce, na^pa,«laree, na zookee, nuzakut, toonookee, na-tuwanec, kum- zoree, funa, v. infirmity, {fault) chook, ghu- lutee, \. foible. frame, jmarut, bunawut, (o/a p/c^wre) dhancha, qalib, kJianu, dan, {of a house) thath, thuthur, {of a bed) dundokha, also a perch for hawks, &C. V. case, mould, {shape) nuqsliu, duol, wu- zu, V. contrivance, {state) hal, gut, dusa, v. order, &c. hashiyu, girdu, ghera, hulqu, kya- ree, v. press, {of a door) chuo-kuth, {post) puttee, bazoo, v. lintel, bedstead, bar, {of a house, umbrella) thuthrec, v. skeleton, {make) just-bust, tungtos, qoowa, v. construction, to frame, bunana, v. to form, {to Jit) theek-k. jorna, sadhna, soodharna, ganthna, v. to adjust, join, {to regulate) arastu- dooroost-k. {to form in the mind) bandhna, tujweez-k. {to contrive) eejad-k. v. to invent. Sec. /rajwer,, banee, moojid, kurta, v. contriver, franchise, nui,afee, {privilege) huqq, v. district, to franchise, azad-k. frank, kooshadu-peshanee, saf, saf-dil, sadu, be- tukuUoof, seenu-saf, churka-bhurka, v. Candid, free, open, {generous) sukhee, data, kooshadu- dU. frankincense, loban, looban or liban, bamur, sa- hul, ladun, bukhoor, kundur. frankly, kooshadu dilee- &c. -se, betukulloofee- se, dil-kholkur, khoolke, murda niurdee, v. ingenitotisness,Jlatly. frankness, saf-diJee, sadugee, be-tukulloofee, ju- wan niurdee, kcoshadu-dilee. frantic, dcewanu, siree, mujnoon, suoda,ee, sho- reedu, v. mad, outrageous. FRE 256 FRE franticly, deewanu-war. franticness, deewanugee, jconooii, suoda, slioree- dugee. fraternal, buradurec, eganugce, buraduranu, v. brotherly, &c. fraternity, buradurec, buraduranu, bha,ee-chara, bhuewad, bhuyaput,(co»'poraeaten, crowded, {as a market) gurm, v. to resort. frequently, uksiir, beshtur, buodhan,uksur uoqat, barha, duffatun, uti unt, busa wuqt, mukurrur, sikurrur, ku,e-bar, v. commonly, often, much. fresh, {new) tutka, tazu, tiir o tazu, geela, tur, subz,v.^reen, {7iotsalt)fihcfika., u-\ov\a,{sweet) meetha, shireen, {not old) nya, {cool) surd, thundha, {verdant) sursubz, v. blooming, dub- ka, huriyala, nuo, nuo-rus, v. recent, shadab, suerab, {nat tired) tazu duin, pur phoolit, chaq, V. vigortme, {^florid) soorkh o sufed, buslishash, v. chearful, ruddy, {nnimpaired) tantha, muzboot, {l)ruik) toond, zor, {water) meetha panee ; freah andj'resh, tazu bu tazu, nuo,u bu nuo,u. to freshen, v. a. tazu- &c. -k. {water) meetjia- &c. -k. V. sweet, {meat) bo-marna ; v. n. luh- luhana, tazu-h. luonkna. freshly, {anew) pher, doosrakur, v. the adj. freshness, tazugee, tur o tazee, turee, turawut, subzee, surdee, sur-subzee, nuzhut, soorkhee, soorkii o sufedee, toondee, v. the adj. meethas, roowut, V. sweetness, bloom. fret, {agitation) ghubrahut, iztirar, {passion) kliufgee, ghoossu, ris, v. rage, fermentation, khusur, V. roughness, {of ijistruments) khoon- tee, V. pin, {work) rookhrahut, \. frost-work, rough, khurasli, diqqut, v. vcration. to fret, ghis-jana, v. to rub, {to abrade) rugur- na, ghisna, {to vea) sutana, khijhana, risa- na, chirhana, kbufa-k. rootliana, khoonsana, jhoonjhlana, v. to pester, oodherna, chheelna, khurashna, v. to gall, rugrana, khyana, ghi- sana, v. to wear, ankh men khutukna or choobhna, jirjirana, kulkulana, kutkutana, v. to fume, {to be ve.ved) khufa- nakhmsh- bezar-, diqq-h. koorhna, roothna, chirhna. fretful, chirchira, khufa, na-kho)sh, bezar, diqq, khusralia, khoonsaha, risuha, bud-kho, v. pee- vish. fretfully, kliufgee- &c. -se. fretfulness, khufgee, nakbnoshee, bezaree. Jretted, (awA:) nioonubbut. friable, nurm, plurska, blirorbhcurulia, ])olkha, T. brittle, bookne jog, qabil soufoof, v. pulver- abte. friar, fuqeer, durwesli, qulundur,zabid, v. monk. fribhle, v. fop, chibilla, zunanu, v. finical. fricasee, quliyu, salun, v. stew, &c. friction, ghisa,o, rugur, ghisawut, malish, niulun, K K FRI 258 pno dulun, dustmalish, mula.ee, dula,ee, v. to rub, also attrition. Friday, joomu.u, shookr-war, adeenu, bhrigcobar. friend, dost, khuer-khwa, monhibb, hitoo, mitr, dost-dar, mcokhlis, ikldas-mund, ashna, yar, hubeeb, uzeez, mooshfiq, yawur, khuer-undesh, V, associate, (companion) moosahib, sathee, bundhoo, sujjun, preetum, sukha, shufeeq, wulee, pi. us,hab, v. comrade, attendant, &c. {female) ulee or alee, sukhee, go,ee, dooganu, V. damsel, (patron) dust-geer, mihr-ban; an intimate friend, yar ghar ; dear friend, yar ■aze&z,\, acquaintance; /to friend! o miyan, e bha,ee, e yar or sliukhs. friendless, be yar ashna, be-kus, be-charu, v. de- stitute, &c. friendliness, ashna-purustee, dost-purvvuree. friendly, ashna-purust, dostanu, dost-purwur, mrohibbanu, yaranu, yai'-sa, milunsar, mooruw- wutee, V. benevolent, {amicable) moowafiq, (sa- lutary) mcnfeed. friendship, dostee, khuer-khwahee, moDhubbut, hit, rubt, hoobb, ittihad, eetilaf, cnlfut, moo- wuddut, irtibat, ikhlas, ashna,ee, yaree, dost- daree, dust-geeree, mcorubeegeeree, mihr-ba- nee, shufqut, widad, prem, suneh, hitkar, mro- sadiqut, lugun, v. intimacy, regard, kindness. frieze, kugur, v. border: frigate, ^iihaz, iirkatee, ghoorab, lit. a crow, and from this our Bombay grab, \. fly-boat, ship. fright, dur, duhslmt, chumuk, bichuk, v. panic, fear. to fright, frighten, Awr ana, suhumana, duh|Shut- &c. -d. duhjshutnak- liirasan-k. \. to startle, bichkana, bhurmana, bhiirkana, dnbkana, duh- lana, v. to terrify, scare; to take fright, hi- chukna, bhurukna, v. to start. frightful, huol-nak, diraona, mooheeb, huebut- nak, bhuyanuk. frightfully, huolnakee- &c. -se. frightfulness, huol-nakee, huebut-nakee, moohee- bee. '-s^wtwiw^, frigid, thundha, surd, seetul, v. cold, &c. frigidity, surdee, khoonukee, rook,ha|ee, v. stiff- iiess, coldness. fringe, jhalur, anchul, v.Jlounce, (Jlyfor horses) mukhurna, v. lace. to fringe, jhalur-lugana. fringed, jhalurdar, v. border. fripperer, koohnu- or moodris-furosh. frippery, moodris, chharun, ootarun. frisk, chupul, turul, v. caper. to frisk, koodukna, koodrana, oochhulna, phuruk- na, phoodukna, v. to dance, chunchulana, chup- lana, thirukna, v. to skip, phulung-marna, v. to leap. frisker, frisky, shokh, uchpul, ulola, chupla, tu- I'ul, koodukkur. friskiness, shokhee, uchpulee. to be frisky, alol-k. v. giddy. frith, naka, kharee. fritter, tikka, parchu, &c. v. to mince. As- to fritter, kooturna, noch-d. v. to nibble, crumhle. frivolous, hulka, chhota, sojbook, thora, sugheer, badhu\va,ee, v. silly, udna, rukeek, v. trifling, na-musmoo,u, v. inadmissible, '-t XriSsmss^ix frivolousness, soobookeee. - , > to frizzle, pech-d. oomethna, ghoorchiyana, ool- jhana, v. to curl. fro, to and, eedhur oodhur, dawan dol, mara ma- ra, tana-bhurnee, awa guwun, ihan se wulian, wuhan se ihan, &c. v. here, there, also back- wards, &c. frock, koortee, unga, ungruk,ha, puerahun, nee- mu, jhool, koorta, v. coat, gown. frog, menduk, dadoor, beng, dhaboos, bhekee, duddoo, ghuok, zifdu. Peela duddoo, is one FRO FRU of the many terms with which Blackey chuc- kles over us, thus giving a Rowland for our Oliver, frolic, khel, shokhec, tunnazee, v. frisk, ulol, kulo), y.fun. to frolic, khelna, shokhee-k. unthlana, v. to wan- fmi. frolicsome, uchpul, shokli, chunchul, ochla, tun- naz. from, se, sen, soon, sitee, le, te, niin, zu, kuz, ke pas se, v. by, (because) waste, khatir, v. far, since, &c. ; take it from him, cos sc lo ; he came from the king, wooh padshah kepas se aya hue ; from above, oopur se ; from below, neeche se ; frotn that day to this, cos roz se aj tuk ; from day to day, dinon din. front, chiln-u, moonh, moohra, roo, ugwanee, samna, peshgah, v. fore, &c. (of un elephant) mustuk, \\ facing, (of an army) pesh, agaree, (of a house) aga, ugwara ; front to front, roo bu roo, doo bu doo, amne samne, char chushm, mooqabulu, x.fice. to front, samne- niooqabil- muhazee-h. frontier, surhudd, sewanu, hudd. frontispiece, suri-luoh, matha, nak,\.Ji-ont,liead. frontless, be-nak, nukta, v. shameless. front-room, pesli-dalan, Stc. v. ante, opjwsite. frost, jara, surma, pala, thar, (bitten) pala-mara, surmu-zudu, (bad effect) qudr afiyut. frost-work, koft karee, purpushu. frosty, surd, thundha, v. cold, froth, kuf, phen, jhag, Im^ab. to froth, phenana, kuf-cuthna. Jrothy, kuf-dar, phenaha, phool phnola, phupphul, V. turgid, vain, (empty) soobook, hulka, ochha, chhichhora. Jirouzy, boohra.endh-a, bisa,endh-a, ba3kra,endh-a. V. musty, frouxiness, boora.endh, &c. v. supra, also dim. froioard, goostakh, sJiokh, Ubtui'jtJphttdda, khmd- ra,e, shureer, luitheela, ziddee, v. perverse, frowardness, goostakiiee, shokhee, ubturee, sha- rarut, huth, zidd. > frown, cheen ubroo, cheen bu jubeen, ghoorkec. to frown, cheen ubroo-k. cheen bu jubeen-h. toorsh roo,ee-k. moonh-bigarna, bhuwen ter- hee-k. ghcorukna, ankh-dikhlana, bhuon- nak- churhana, kuj ubroo-h.v. to scowl, (as fortune) phootna, burgushtu-h. julna, v. perverse. frowning, abroo-kuslieedu. frozen, mcwnjumid, bustu, ufsoordu, yukli bustu, V. cold, (to death) burf-zudu, thar-mara, v. to perish. to fructify, bardar- &c. -k. w fruitful, phulana, oopjana, v. to fertilize. frugal, jcoz-rus, kifayiitce, sulamut-ruo, mcn,u- tudil, ojee, tudbeeree, boojhunhar, botyhwunt, kcolwunt, v. economist. frugality, jooz-rusee, kifayut-shi|aree, khaiiu-da- roc, sulamut-ruwec, oj, girhistcc, v. husband, thrift, and its derivatives, frugally, sulamut ruwee- &c. -se. fruit, phul, mewu, sumur, bar, bur, fuwaku, pi. fuwakihat, v. produce, also apple, plum, and such as are likely to be foimd here, viz. jnke- fruit, crab, &c. The varieties not inscrtetl, and which I have yet collected, are the following : burhul, bel, kuete, kumrukh, kuruonda, chil- ta, khlrnee, peeloo, lusuora, falsa, kum-run- ga, liurfa-re,oorL'e, chiruonjeo, punivala, hin- suola, leechhee, pupota, koondroo, kundooree, tela koocha, biniba-phul, — a most beautiful red fruit, of the melon or cucumber kind, which the Hindoos very judiciously compare to beautiful lips, (the Itead) oodraj, v. trer, cucumber, melon, (effect) sumuru, nuteeju, v. consequence; to reap the fruit of any thing, phul-khana or -pana. K K 2 FUE 260 -:iy'\ full-dressed, arastu, puerastu, buna thuna; choke- full, uterun, nul se gul tuk, v. brimfull ; not quite full, ochha. fuller, rufoo-gur. He is also a darner and cleaner of shawls. fuller's earth, sujjee muttee, rehee, v. soap-wort. full-eyed, ga,o deedu, buel-unkha. full-faced, kullu-poor. fullfraught, bhur-poor, lub-rez. fully, tufseelun, buyan war, kholke, washigaf, bat bat, poorun, bitumaniihi, bil-kc»lliyu, v. FUN 261 FVU the adj. also completely, wholly; to mention fully, or at full length, moofussul-kuhna. to fuhnitutte, gurujna, v. to thunder, fulness, pooree, inu,umooree, seree, asoodugee, bhurtee, bhurawut, bhura,ee, poora,ee, poo- runta, v. the adj. also load, vigour. fulsoine, na-guwar, na-pusund, mukrooh, ghi- nuona, v. nauseous, (obscene) foahsb, v. rank, to fumble, heezhumlu- &c. -k. tuloopur-k. kha- lee-thuthana. fumbler, anaree, nioorukh, koorli, bhooch, phoo- hur, moodh, heez, v. impotent, fumbling, khuench-khanch, thoos-thas. tapa to- ee, heez-liumlu, v. ftoA. fume, dhoo.an, dood, dookhan, v. smoke, (vapour) bhaph, (passion) josh, ghulbu, v. rage. to fume, dhoo,an- &c. -oothna ; to fly or pass away, oorjana, jata-ruhna, huwa-hojana; to fume, or l>e in a rage, josh khurosh men-'h. juzbu meii-h. v. to fret, kitkitana, bhubliuk- na, V. to storm, perfume, disperse. fumette, surahund. to fumigate, basna, buphara-lena, dhoonee-lena. fumigation, busawut, bcokharkush-ee, v. the verb, fumitory, shuhturu, pitpapra. fun, tumasha, khel, bazee, suwang, shokhee, khooshee; hy way of fun, shokhee kee rah, V. jest, diversion, function, (employment) kam, kaj, (office) khid- mut, cohdu, (act) umul, v. occupation, &c. (power) qoowwut, qabliyut, v. faculty, fund, poonjee, mayu, surmayu, ja,edad, gootka, ka.inat, v. effects, &c. muhal, v. stock, fundament, gand, koon, miqud, saofru, dcoboor, reekh, kanch, boond, pond, good, hugnuetee, tihee-gah, heth, v. amis, seat, prolr zuhur, poison ; this medicine is as hitter as gall, yih duwa kurwee hue juese neem. galls, gall-nuts, mazoo, majoo-phul. to gall, ghisna, rugunia, chheel-d. v. to fret, to pain, katna, marna, puchharna, v. to evcoriate, V. n. kutna, peeth-kandha- &:c. -lugna, v. to pepper; (to harrass) siitana, tung-k. v. to tcaze, distress. gallant, adj. bhurkeela, rungeela, mookuUuf, V. gaudy, &c. (brave, q. v.) juwan-murd, soorbeer, v. bold, runjeet, run-khund, sufdur, jan-baz, ghazec murd, v. daring, doztghty, magnanimous. gallant, s. jshq-baz, ashiq-tun, tuniasb-been, ueyash, shuoqeen, rusiya, dhemna, dheengra, juriya, v. lover, fornicator, &c. (paramour) yar, ashna, ankh-luga. gallantly, tukulloof-se, v. gaudily, dileranu, mur- danu-war, murda murdee-se, v. bravely. gallantry, ishq-bazee, tumash-beenee, ueyashee, V. lyravery, courage, ashiqee, yaree, &c. v. amour, *no3.-,it«^*x GAN 264 GAB gallows, dar, soolee, gul, pliansee ka-khum^)ha, m -durukht, &c. v. tree, post, &c. (wretch) phansee-churha, v. orack, rope. to gamble, game, har jeet-khelna, joo,a bazee- &c. -k. gambler, joo,a-baz, phur-baz. gambling-house, phur, joo,a- &c. -khanu, v. siage^ gamboge, osaru rewund. .-•wtViiii j-^^B' gambol, kulol, ulol, khel-kood, kheluwul, v. skip, prank, &c. to gambol, koodphand- &c. -k. v. to frisk. game, khel, bazee, boord-bakht, lu,ub, v. play, (jest) thutha, khilee, (in sportsmen's language) shikar, aher, sued, nukhcheer, (-cock) useel moorgh, jungee, huedrabadee, juteela, v. true, generous, janwur, sawuj, ukhetuk, v. prey, (match) da,o, bazee, (at cards) hath, v. turn, (sport, q. V.) leela- v. diversion. There are various games as with us, the names of a few are as follow : — viz. sath sumoondur, yad furamosh, beeja putree, kubudee, kirmkira, geriyon, puttee mungawun or deelo, huthmar, eek muteek, chak nootee, dunda-choomun, ram jliool, chundolbazee, bedon, phul boojhu- wul, ateepatee, phuree-gudka, v. the games inserted here, viz. draughts, chess, cards, chuck-farthing, base, &c. ') ,if': ^^ col bilad, bhanv/utee, uqleem dan-ce. ,^ geomancer, rummal, bhudrec, v. astrologer, gi'omancy, ruml, rummalee. g-fio»w;^er,g-pow('/;7"ria7(,moohundis,hiuidusu-dan, uhli hundusu. geometry, hundusu, ilm i hundusu, jlm i musa- Init. german, chuchera, v. cousin, germander, kumaduryoos. germe, unkhwa, gabh, kunsee, v. Imd. to germinate, unkhwana, kunsiyana, v. to shoot, gesture, gestunilation, hurkut, jojmbish, wuza, dhub, halut, bha,o, uda, v. motion, posture, get, in its various senses, is not easily expressed by any one or two words in the Hindoostanee; the reader must therefore consult page 155, &c. of the Gram. l)esides referring to the sim- L L 2 -, Vs. GHO 268 GIF pie verbs, to rise, escape, light, have, induce, for such compounds as, to get up, to get off, &c. io get, pana, hasil- pueda-k. khapa, milna, lena, buethna, jootna, jootana, v. to gain, joorna, hath-a. or -lugna, masyussur-li. bilusna, v. to acquire, {to generate) junmana, junana, v. to breed, {with child) pet-k. boond-d. {out) ni- kulna, {in) puethna, girna, purna, khusna, v. to enter, {loose) chhootna, khoolna, {to catch) lugana, pukurna, seekhna, v. to adopt, learn, &c. nikalna, v. to draw, {to begin) lugna, ana, V. to set, fall, &c. {to become) hojana, purna, V. to come,mount, go, &c. {to win) jeetna, {to earn) kumana, {to arrive) puhoonchna; to get up, ooth-buethna, ooth khura-liona ; to get on, chul nikulna, v. to improve, {boots, &c.) chur- hana, v. to put on ; to get ready to march, &c. lad phand-k. v. to prepare ; to get by heart, hifz-k. uzbur-nok zuban-k. mun men-k. v. to remember ; if you go there, you will certainly get a beating, ugur toom wuhan ja|OgemooquiTur tcom ko mar buethega or toom mar kha,oge, v. to induce, go, &c. To, get any thing done for another, is generally expressed by the causal verbs ; for instance, if you cannot do this busi- ness yourself, get it done by another, ugur toom ap yih kam nuheen buna sukte to uor se bun- ■wa,o ; get you gone, chul door ho, goom ho, v. begone. getter, v. generative, pawunhar, pawuya, v. tJie verb, {in comp.) yab, kush, y. finder. getting, yaft, v. earning, gain. gewgaw, v. toy, khiluona, kuth-pootlee, v. baw- ble. ghastliness, hurjalee, v. grim, &c. ghastly, bhoot-sa, bhootuha, duent-sa, hurjal, moordunee, v. pale, gaunt. ghost, bhoot, hum-zad, bhootna, puret, v. appa- t. rition, chha,on, suroop, sayu, rooli, hum-nam, purcbhaieen, soorut wuhmee, ghol, v. shade, soul ,■ the Holy Ghost, rooh ool qoods ; to give up the ghost, 'jBinhu huqq tusleem kurna, jee-d. jan-sompna, rooh-chhorna, v. spirit, spiritual, also to die. giant, duyunt, de,o, ifreet, dano, usoor, bhokus, ooj bin (»nuq, duyun tur, {like) dano-sa.,\j, giantess, de.onee. ) ^^.aadui (wlh gibberish, ghilpil, kichur-michur, ^huchpuch, zurbvu'ee, shishkaree, chitkaree, v. cant, also to jabber, gibbet, V. galloivs. to gibbet, phansee-d. v. to hang, goodda-bunana, chung-k. v. to eapose. ,„„ ,a,jr;..«o gibbosity, koob, koobur, v. hump. > gibbous, khumeedu poosht, koobra, v. co?ivea\ gibe, tu,iintushneeu, tu,unu-zunee, lu,un-tu,un, tusukhkhoor, sookhriyu, rumz, bolee, thutho- lee, kinayu, gabhee, v. jest, taunt, to gibe, tu,untushnee,u- tueyar-k. bunana, chir- hana, are hathon-lena. giber, thuthe-baz, zureef, huzzal, thutholiya, rumzbaz, v. stieerer. gib-staff, luggee. giddiness, ghoomree, duoran i sui-, chuondhee, te- wur, ghanwur, chuondjiiyaliut, gusht, v. rota~ tion, gayety, vertigo, {wantonness) shokhee, chunchulee, v. mutability. y^ -.^^ri* '■ ... giddy, {heedless) ghafil, shokh, chunchnl, uchpul, ulbela, ulhur, v. mutable, &c. {intoadcated) mudhosh, be-khood. to be giddy, {as the head) sur-ghoomna, sur-phir- na, {to be elated) phoolna, v. fickle, chuon- dhiyana, tulmulana, te,oorana, churkh men-a. v. wheel, calenture, giddy-headed, v. wanton, la,obalce, bud-dimagh, klialee-dimagh, soobook-sur, oodmada, v. silly, vain, gift, bukhshish, inam,uta, dan, murhumiit, nuzr, GIF 269 GIF nii7.ranu, dad-diliish, dad, buzl, hudiyu, liibu, cedee, v. offering, present, power, {faculty) kuramat, patoot, khooda-dad. gifted, kuramatee, &c. v. supra, gigantic, quwee-luiekul, bcnkka, ducnt suroopee. ifreet soorut, mooheeb, bhuyarnuk, v. giant, to giggle, khil khilana, quhquhu-marna, heehi- yana, kheekhiyana, dant-kliisoma or -nikalua, V. to laugh, titter. giggl'T, khilkhiliya, quhquJni-zun. giggling, haha-heeheu, khoo-kjioo,a, kheekhiya- hut. to gild, scnnuhla- koft- hull-k. {to illuminate)maQ- nuww'iir- ruoshun-k. gilded, soonuhla, tila,ee, moot ulla, ziir-nigar, zur- undood, nioDluminu. gilder, tila-kar, koft-gur, v. varnisher, mooniib- bute^, hulkar, meena kar, goonakar, tila-saz, nioolummu-saz, thuse-kar, pance-dhurwa. gilding, tila-karee, zur-nigaree, v. g)ld, tila, hull, sone ka panee, v. leaf, also supra, thusa, V. enamel, gill, (offoicls) biidhee, lola, (of Jink) gul-phura, kunuetee, kun-khula, (of a person) ghiib- ghub. gilt, zur-undoodu or -ufshan, mootuEa, v. supra, gimcrack, kul-kanta, juntur, v. machine, gimlet, burina, girdboor, burmee, minqub, v. tcimhle. gin, dam, thekee, v. trap, liquor, &c. ginger, (green) udruk, ad, ada, buetra, sutoo,a buetra, (J)read) moorunda, sonthora, (shoot) ungoor, V. germe, (dry) sonth, zunjubeel. gingle, khurkhurabut, jhunuk, khiitiik, khiin- khun, tuntun, jhunjhun. to ^'ng-/e, jhimjhunana, jhunukna, khutkhutana, jhunkarna, tuntunana, v. to clink, jingle, &f. ginglymus, qubzu, qojlfee, zoolfee, v. hinge, gipsey,^ nut, kunjur, gulguHya, v. tumbler, nuf- nee, tluignee, v, slut, (to play t/ie) nutkhu- tee-k. to gird, lupetna, bandhna, jukutna, kusua, luga- na, V. to dress, enclose, girder, shuhtccr, dhiirun, v. juLst. girdle, kumui-bund, putka, arbund, kur-djiunee, petee, shumlu, v. belt, girth, girkin, butiya, bad-rung. girl, lurkee, clihokree, sibiyu, kunya, bucliee, cbholirce, dokrec, &c. \.^boy, luondiya, dokh- tur, V. dancing-girl, dhemnee, rukhnee, v. con- cubine, mistress; a slave girl, bandee, luondee, cheree, rezu, kuneez, kuneezuk; a dancing girl, tiivva|if, lolee, kunchunee. girlish, lurkee- &c. -sa, chhokree- &c. -ka sa, kuneezanu, &c. v. girl, to girn, ginginana, pinpinaiia. girth, girt, tung, poosh-tung, v. girdle, bandage, belt, petara, v. garth, zertung, balatung, ko- tul kusli, (single girthed) ektunga, do tunga, (surcingle) furakhee. to girth, tung-lena, v. to bind, to give, dena, bukhshna, dedalna, inayut- S:c -k. V. gift, lana, buethna, v. to consign, sompna, pukrana, v. to deliver, khilana, jurna, marna, dalna, lugona, kurna, harna, v. to lut, lend. Sec. (to quit) < chhorna, v, to yield, leave, re- sign; to give over, chhor-d. hath-oothaoa, moonh-pherna, guyee-k. v. to refrain; to give up, (as incorrigible) mar-harna, v. to despair; to give over selling, dookaa-burhaua, morha- niarna,Vi^o shut; to give way, chusna, oodhur- na, toot-chulna, v. to tear, (groutid) puspa-, pichli, panw-li. v. tojall back, promise, permit; to give a beating, raar-buethna. For the va- rious compounds formed from this verb, see the simple English verbs in their proper places; viz. instead of to give out, see to publish, giver, data, bukshlndu, dewal, dewuya, dene GLA 270 GLE wala, dihindu, moonjm, moo,utee, dewa, wa- hib, danee, {in compos.) bukhsh ; thus, jan- biikhsh, the giver of life, gixxard, puthree, sung-dan, v. crop, glacis, pooshtu, dugram. glad,gladsome, khoosh,khoorrum, musroor, shad, dil-shad, nihal, bagh-bagh, muhzooz, khoor- sund, V. happy, mufrooh, shadman, khcosh-hal, V. merry, to gladden, glad, khoosh- &c, -k. hoolsana, pbool- na, pKoolana, v. to exult, cheer, glade, mokh, v. lawn, valley, gladiator, shumsher-zun, shumsher-baz, tulwu- riya, mal, v. fencer, gladly, khnoshee- &c. -se, bu-khooshee, shuoq-se. gladness, khooshee, shadee, shad-manee, khoor- sundee, sooroor, imbisat, fur'nut, v. the adj. buhjut, turub,anund,musurut,v. cheerfulness, exultation, joy. glad tidings, busjiarut, khoosh-khubree, nuv/ed, mtxizhdu. • i - 'i^ glaire, bueze kee sufedee, v. mucus. j^^awce, jhuluk, jhulkee, rumuq, j_ha,orilee, luizur, V. glimpse, gurdlsh, pher, ghoonia,o, drisht, v. turn, look. to glunce, jhulukna, luhukna, v. to shine, nigah- &c. -k. tlchana, doozdeedu chushm-dekhna, V. to ogle, {Jiy off) oochut-j. ugchliohur-lugna, chliitukna, phutukiia, chat-j. v. to graze, (to hint) bhirkake-kuhna, v. to censure, awazu- phenkna, v. to insinuate, (to strike obliquely) tirchha-lugna. glancingly, phisulwan, chatwan, chulta, tuqree- birn, V. transiently, gland, giltee, goolthee, ghc»dood, gootlilee, un- duoree, v. knot, glanders, kunar. {.» v:.. glans penis, soiparee, hushfu, soopara, uhleel. glare, jhul jhulahut, jhuluk, sha),a,u, tabisli, tu- pish, ruf, anch, jot, tab, tuesh, v. lustre, light, «Mws/MMe, bhuruk, jugmugahut, shokhee, v. to gleam, to glare, jhid jhulana, chumukna, jhulukna. glaring, zahir, ashkara, fash, v. notorious, bhur- keela, chumkeela, v. gaudy, (as cofottrs) shokh. glass, sheeshu, kanch,zujaj, abgeenu, (cup) piya- lu, ]a.ra,v.vessel,transparent,gm\ahee, meena, puemanu,v. bottle, tumbler, (beads) shibu, pot, (burning, q. v.) aftabee-sheeshu, (mirror, q. V.) a,enu, durpunee, butta, v. looking-glass, spy-glass, spectacles; aglassfull,Tpiya\u-hhux. glass, adj. sheeshe-ka, zujajee. glass-maker, sheeshu-gur. glass-ware,or brittle commodities, sheeshu-basha, V. delicate, glass-wort, ooshnan, chook. Glauber''s or Epsome salts, sanchur non, tawan non, V. salt, glaze, kaboos, v. varnish, to glaze, sheeshu-jurna, (vessels) look-kurna or -phirna, ruoghun-k. (paper) moohru-k. ghot- na, uharna, (linen) kuhip-k. v. to varnish, gleam, chumuk, jhuluk, shcD,a,ii, purto, ruoshu- ' nee, anch, tab, v. lustre, &c. to gleam, chumukna, jugmugana, v. to glitter, (as evejiing) sanjh phoolna. to glean, sila-binna, khoshu cheenee-k. choonna, lorhna, binna, luonna, chhaii-lena, v. to pick, gleaner, silara, khoshu-cheen, lorhunhar, biniya. gleaning, khoshu-cheehee, sila, moordarbal, luo- nee. it-siVji!^ glebe, V. clod, dliela, v. soil, surf-musjid or -ee- mambara, bishin-preet, v. benefice, charity, glede, chhemkurnee, v. cormorant, glee, shuoq, zuoq, v. pleasure, (catch) tuppa, kiiiyal, v. gladness. ^ ;-,j ,t,., gleet, jiriyan i munee, dhat bigar, purmeh, pun- cha. GLO 271 GLU togteet^v. ^o^ow, j,hurna,risua, tupukna, chhunt- na, V. to ooze ; to have a gleet, dhat-buhna or -jana. glih, V. easy, chikna, v. volubility, ease, glilily, suhuj-se, siirput, v. smoothly, &c. to glide, buhna, jarce-h. goozurna, hulloo-j. jana, oorna, v. to pass, fy, &:c. to glimmer, jhilmilana, jugmugana, dumiikna. glimpse, glimmering, jhilmilahut, jugmugahut, chhanw,chhulawa,dhoo,asa,jhoonuk, v.g'/ance. glitter, churauk, jhuluk, luhuk, chumchumahut, durukhshanee, tujullee, tab, panee, jilo, v. tinsel. to glitter, glisten, chuniukna, jhumiikna, jhu- lukna, luhukha, chunichumana, chilukna, jug- jugana, jjiuljhul-ana, dulukna, v. to gleam, glittering, burraq, durukhshindu, durukhshan, moonuwwur. globe, kooru, gola, gurdoon, juhan, v. apple, orb, world; the celestial ghhe, koirii e falkee; the terrestrial globe, kooru e urzee. globular, gol, kmruwee, gola sa, golwan, v. routid. globule, golee, ruwa, danu, kunee, v. grain, globus hystericus, ba|b gola. to glomerate, ghol-bundhna, guthree-hojana, v. clew, &c. gloom, gloominess, dhoomla,ce, undheera, tareekee, teerugee, z.oolmut, v. dismalness, mulalut, kool- ooft, V. dull, sad, &c. (of aspect) rookawut, oodasee, v. sullenness. gloomily, oodasee- &c. -se. gloomy, dhoomla, undhera, tareek, teeru, v. dark, lowering, niiilool, v. dreariness, (jnelancholy) axlas, rooka, dilgeer, rookha, v. sullen, cloudy, glorijication, tumjeed, tukbeer. to glorify, humd- &c. -k. v. glory, also to praise, glorious, ]u\cel, }umee\, mooquddus, uzeem, zooU julal, mujeed, v. ecrceWeM<,julwafurma, juleel rol qudiir, nioo.uzzuz, jugut-prikasee, v. t//u«. trimcs. glory, humd, tuhmeed, tuhlcel, tusbeeh, tunziyu, V. praise, {honour) nam, uzmut, fukhr, put, wiijar, V. renown, {splendour) julal, noor, v. lustre, {rays of) kirn, kula, v. radiance; glory be to the Most High, jidlu jullaloohoo, juUu- shanoohco. to glory, fukhr- naz-k. ghumund- ghooroor- zoo- um-r. nazan-h. v. to Imast. gloss, chumuk, jjiuluk, chutuk, chiknahut, jila, op, kulup, V. polish, varnish, shuruli, v. com- me)it. to gloss, chiknana, ghotna, jila- Sec. -d. v. to glaze, {to palliate) bunana, taweel-k. v. to comment. ' glossary, furhung, looghat mutrooku, v. diction- ary. , glossiness, chikna.ce, v. gloss, glossy, chikna, saf, mohre-dar. glove, dustanu, bihlu. glow, duhuk, tunitumahut,cliooh,choo,ahut, {zeal, &c.) hurarut, ag, luiiur. v. ardour, &c. to glow, duhukna, dugdugana, tumtumana, luii- luhana, tuhuchna, v. to burn, tcarm, dheekhna, bhukhna, dumukna, dhukdhukana, tuchna, bhubhurnajjuljulcinajbhubhukhna, tuhtuhana, tupna, V. to glitter, {asjiowers) chouhchoaha- na, V. to possess, glowing, gurm, lu,ul, tabnak, v. resplendent, glow-worm, jcognee, shub-tab, shub-cliiraghuk. ghu", suresh, v. cement. to glue, suresli-Uigana, jorna, wusl-k. v. to join, glut, ziyadutee, bcohtat, scree, poora,ee, v. plenty, abundance, to glut, nigulna, bhuchhna, asoodu- ser-k. guj tukna, uplnirna, tliasna, nak tuk-khilana, bhur poor-L v. to satiate^ stu^f. iia^ 27a GOD glutinous, gluey, chipchipa, lus-dar, luslusa, v. viscous. glutted, lubrez, mala mal, lubabub, v. brimful, chokeful. glutton,gluttonous,kha,oo, petoo, ukkal, joo,u rol buqur, bisiyar-khoi', khorakee, bhuchhuk, ukool, ughoree, peta ruUioo, poor khor, muha- uharee, but, huwasil, v. epicure. , gluttony, joo,u aA buqur, bisiyar-khoree, zija- (lukhor-ee, &c. v. bulimy, &c. to gnash, peesna, kichkichana, kutkutana, v. to gnaw. gnat, muchhur, pushu, kootkee, v. midge, mus, whence niusuhrec, a curtain, from mus-hurce, gnat, and hurna, to be overcome. to gnaw, chubana, kha-lena, katna, kooturna, v. to bite, grind, nibble. gnomon, raiqiyas, nul bhastur. to go, jana, chulna, ruwanu-h. sidharna, goozur- na, kooch-k. rah-lena, sufur-k. v. to depart, ooth-chulna, guwuna, riimna, roogna, ruputna, dugurna, phirna, ruburna {to be) bona, lugua, (to shift) nibhna, v. to pass, (to escape) nikul- na, V. to vanish, (to flow) buhna, v. to turn, (to concur) milna, purna, v. to contribute, (to reach) untna, puhoonchna, v. to arrive, extend, churhna, v. to advance ; to go on, chula-jana, V. to walk, move; to go down, off, &c. ooturna, chhootna, boojhna, bootna, nigulna, v. to cease, ewtingtiish, stvallow ; to go, or be about to do, chuhna, ana, v. to begin, (back) liutna, v. to return ; to let go, chhoma, v. to quit ; to go in, puetbna, &c. v. to enter, attempt, umana, sumana, v. to contain ; to go through with, par-lugana, v. to finish ; to go, or set out, (re- spectfully) tushreef-lejana, (or come) zeenut bukhsh-h. ; to go, or be pregnant, muheena- lena, v. to require ; to go about, chukkur-kha- na, V. round, (against) pur-jana; lushkur qihi,e pur guya, the army hath gone against the fort. It would prove an endless task to insert the whole of such Hindoostanee verbs as would answer in every instance to our very indefinite word to go ; but as motion, progression, re- cession, &c. are generally implied, the words which express such circumstances, will of course be found best adapted to form the various compounds required, v. to undergo,eA'ecute, re- volt, deviate, set, step, sell, perform, he. go to ! chul nikul, chul, chul miyan. goad, urue, puena, budhee, punethee, (for ele- phants) ankoos, gujuk. to goad, urue- S:c. -marna, gaiisna, khodnee-k, V. to incite, stimulate. goal, nishan, munzil, muqsud, v. jail, lugan, ti- kan, furhud, v. aim, boundary, goat, bukra, (fem. bukree) bokh, booz, chheela, chhugree, chheree, clihagool, (varieties) booz- kohee, ramoon, burburee, mirg chheree, (cas- trated) khusee. goat-herd, gureriya, chikwa, v. herd, goatish, boka sa, v. bell-swagger, rammish, to gobble, bhukh-jana, ghup ghup-khana, dhoo- kusna, bhukosna, luplup-kliana, v. to gulp, go-between, miyanjee, moashshatu, duUalu, koot- nee, v. broker, &c. goblet, piyalu, kasu, saghur, jam, quduh, kutora, V. cup, kuchkol, khoom, -v. flask, goblin, bhoot, jinn, puret, shuetan, bhootna, v. spirit, dodo, bhakoor, bo,ee, koko, v. elf. God, khcoda, uUah, rubb, ezid, v. Almighty, bar, baree, huqq, yuzdan, purwurdegar, baree-tu- ala, hur, huree, hurnam, nara,en, ram, eeswur, bishun, eeshoor, v. Creator, Providence; a god, de,ota, de,o, v. idol ; by God ! biilah, wullah ; God forbid ! khooda nu kurc, khooda nu khas- tu, nu,c>ozoobillah, mubadu, shuetan ke kan buehre, doorpar, v. toji/rbid; God preserve us ! GOL 273 GOO klioada ka ftam lo ; good G(hI! soob.han uUah ; God'siMrxonyou! lu.unut khooda kee; God! ya tnhh, ya Ikk), v. Jehovah ; O my God! ul- '' i^h te iillah, halia ; God knows, khooda jane, wuUa alim, khooda wahid sliahid ; for God's sake ! khooda ke waste, khooda ke nam pur, fee subeel illah ; would to God! ulluh- &c. -kure, kash ; God willing, khooda- &c. -chahe, insha ullah tu,ala; God helpns, preserve thee! khcoda hafi?:, ulhth belec ; God Mess it ! aqibut bukhuer, v. to bless ; God is bountiful ! ullah ghunee; by the great God! billahul uzeem, ram doha,ee, huqqa; my God, good heavens! ullahee ullah, uUalioo ukbur, v. good ; God grant ! khooda fuz.1 kure ; God preserve you ! ullah jeeta, rukhiyo ; by the Lord God ! wul- lah billah, v. Lord; any thing given or sent by God, khooda-dad. goddess, de,otin, dewee, debee. godfather, dhurum-bap, dhurum-beta, v. son. godhead, khooda,ee, ulloohiyut, v. God, Deity. godlike, V. divine. godliness, tuqwa, sulah, sulahlyut. godly, moottuqee, salih, khooda-purust or -dost, bueshnuo, numazee, moosuUee, v. religious, pious. goer, ruwindu, chulne-wala, chulwuya, jane- wala, juwuya, janehar, chulunhar, v. comer, {in comp.) ruo, v. foot. goggle-eyed, ga,o deedu, buel-unkha. going, ruftar, chal, v. departure ; just a going, pa bu rukab. gold, sona, zur, tila, suoburn, kunchun, hem, kuiiuk, zur soorkh, xuhub, (coin) zurdu, ush- rufee, moohur, v. piece, {ore or dust) khanee or kucha sona, zur kanee, {cloth) zuree baf, V. brocade, {leaf, q. v.) sone ka putur, {wa- ter) sone ka panee, hulli-tlla,ee, v. gilding, in- got, &c. {thread) sone ka tar, v. money ; pure gold, sona khalis, koondun sona, {of 12 carats) baruh banee ka sona, v. standard, sohasa or sowasa, is applied to European gold by the Bungalees ; gold wire, sonuhla tar ; gold or silver thread, kulabutoor) ; gold leaf, wuruq i tila,ec. gold-beater, wuruq saz, {skin) hum kee jbillee. golden, sonuhla, zurreen, tila,ce, mootulia, sonuh- ra, suobiu'nee, {excellent) khassu, v. good, {rich) poor zur, zur-khez, -yab or -rez, {co- lour) sona sa, chunipa,ee, v. yellow, {age) sut jojg. gold-Jinder , mihtur, v. sweeper. gold-lace worker, weaver, &c. v. gilder, putoo,a, zur doz, zuree baf, ilaqu bund, {their business) tat bafee. goldsmith, sonar, zur-gur, sadu-kar; the business of a goldsmith, sonaree, zurguree, sadu-karee. gold-washer, son-dho,a, nyariya. gome, oong, v. grease. to gome, oongna. gondola, nior punk,hee, v. boat. gone, guya, {or gc,a, prop. Java, gaya) goozura, gcDzushtu, V. to go dead, {advanced) ghool- guya, churh-guya, jata rii\ia,v. pmst ; dead and gone, mur bila guya, gul puch guya, v. lost, &c.; if gone, let him go, guya guya, also lost and gone. gonorrhcpa, sozak, purmc.o, prumeli, v. clap, pov. good, adj. uch-chha, khoob, bhula, bihtur, nek, jumeel, khassu, neeka, besh, salih, moostuhsun, toohfu, nufees, pakeezu, dooroost, tjieek, mu,u- q(x>l, wajibee, khoosh, su.eed, scobh or soo, moobaruk,-v. happy, proper, e.vrellent, dainty, neko, moohib, neck, hoosn, v. kind, &c. sucha, rast, khalis, kurkura, v. genuine, just, stan- dard, kam ka, v. useful, {considerable) bura, sukht, kura ; good morning, subah ool khuer ; good evening, shub bu khuer, (the reply to M M GOO 274 Gor which is, roz bu-uesh, i. e. tnay the day he plea- sant ;) good news, busharut, khmsh-khubree, nuwed ; in good time, bur-wuqt, bur-muViul, uch-chhe wuqt pur, bu-muoqu ; good for no- thing, nakara, nikumma, koochh kam ka nu- heen, na-bukar, soo,ur ka gooh, uesa wuesa, mulatnutee, v. so so; a good fellow, yar-bash ; to stay a good tvhile, khoob-ruhna ; good con- duct, (of troops) turuddood, kargoo7.aree, v. bravery ; a good action, suwab, husnu, poon, V. virtue ; a good opinion, hoosn zunn ; good works, husunat, umal hustiu ; in good sooth, muen such kuhoon, v. seriously ; a good deal, khoob koochh, uz bus, v. great ; a good while, kcDchh ek din, ketee ek mojddut, &c. v. tvhile; a good way, kcochh ek puUa ; a good many, buhcot se, thore buhoot, v. several, uch-chhee, ek tookree, buhoot ko,ee, v. many ; to make good, sabit-k. v. to prmie, bhur-d. v. to com- pensate, perform; what is this good for ? yih kis kam ka hue, v. use ; good and had, nurm gurm, V. indiscriminately. good, sub. bihturee, bhula.ee, khuer, khueriyut, sularautee, afiyut, roz-bih, fa,idu, v. welfare, advantage, {virtue) khoobee, nekee. good, adv. khoob, v. the adj. ; good ! (interjec- tion) khuer, v. the adj. good, good now, good lack, wah wah, wah jee, ullah jee, ure. good heavens ! ullahee ullah, v. well, good. goodman, kuma,oo, ghur wala, v. husband, bhule admee, miyan, bhu,ee, v. friend. good-nature, nek-teenutee. good-natured, nek-teenut, firishtu, bihishtee, v. easy, fool, khoosh or nek, -kho or -mizaj, sha- istu mizaj, gool admee, v. amiable, mathoo, gool qund, mutha, bodla, modhoo, gegla, ghu- reeb, v. indolent, soft, silly. i goodness, khoobee, nekee, niko,ce, lootf, sula- hiyut, V. kindness, favour, bhu]a,ee, khuer o khoobee, v. good, probity, goods, mal, umwal, muta,u, usbab, ushiyu, cheez- bust, atala, jins, v. property, suoda-soolf, suo- da-usasu, ruqum, ujnas, v. effects, good-icill, khuer-khvyahee, v. benevolence, goody, beebee, mama, buree-bee, da,eejee, majee, boodhiya, (if young) nek-bukht. goose, huns or bans, (this is not a proper word, ' though much used by the English and their servants,) but, qaz, v. duck, iron, raj bans, v. swan, (fool) hoodhood,v. blockhead, owl, (brah- munee) chukwa, v. duck, (berry) kuruonda, or rather a substitute for it in India. gore, lohoo, khoon, khoon i bustu, uluq, v. clot, blood, to gore, bhonkna, marna, v. to butt, chonkna, hooliyana, doon-marna, v. to pierce, stab ; a goring or curst cow, murkaha. gorge, gula, huluk, v. swallow, to gorge, nigulna, rak o nak-bhurna or -khanaj hulq tuk-khana, v. to glut, gorged, sumgum, v. glutted, gorgeous, uzeem oosh-shan, alee-shan, moozueyub, moozueyun, bhurkeela, v. splendid, gorget, chand, chhapa, v. breastplate, gorgon, rawun, ra,ona, dusmoond. to gormandize, bhukhna, nigulna, v. to devour, gory, lohoo lohan, v. bloody, gosling, but ka buchu, buchu e but. gospel, injeel, wuhee, v. revelation, gossamer, boodhee ka soot. gossip, hurzu-gurd, ba,o-dundee, koochu-gurd, chhichhora. to gossip, bat cheet- gup shup-k. v. to chat, to govern, hookoomut- hrokm-k. v. government, to manage, regulate, thambhna, sumbhalna, soodharna, sudhana, chulana, v. to direct, (in gram.) umul-k. GBA 275 GRA governable, sudlia.oo, sad,h,ha)kni-pu5eer,!iookm- ee, hookin-burdar, v. docile, obedient. governed, (in gram.) munsoob, mu,umool. governess, atoon, v. mistress, atoo, oostanee, goor- wa,en. government, hcDkoomut,tuhukkrom, bund o bust, V. cotistltution, uniul, raj, hookm-rauec,uinulu, rujuotee, amilee, hakimee, surdaree, soobu-da- ree, qilu.u daiee, &c. v. governor, mumlukut, surkar, uizamut, hcnzoor, darcoluman, v. state, empire, dominion, order, qubz. o bust, ritq fitq, V. police, {i^ollections) hoDzooree- sur- karee- iimanee- khaui- or khass-tuhseel, v. crown. governor, hakim, amil, nazim, surdar, walce, (ainong theHnglish) bura sahib; t/iegovernor, (of a province) soobu-dar, v. lord, nuukhtar- kar, sahib soobu, v. director, raja, v. ruler, prince, (of a county) cluikle-dai-, (of a district) fuoj-dar, (of a castle) qulu,ii-dar; a governor or tutor, utaleeq, v. diief, (in comp.) dar, roeeT,'^\xi,\. preceptor, war den, super intendant. gourd, kudoo, tombree, luokee, kojmdlia, petha, (sort of) kutara. gout, nuqris, rusa. gouty, nuqrisee. gown, chupkun, neemu asteen, bundee, (/oose) jhoola, various parts of one, kulee, purdu, ba- labund, bala bur, bughlbund, (a woman''s) pesh-waz, tiluk, (amaw'*) jamu, neemu, buk- turec, doo-tuhee, khiliit or khulut; ajtidge's gown, lubadu, furghool, hooUu, pueraliun, joobbu. grab, from ghoorah, v. frigate, Jly-hoat. grace, fuzi, tuofeeq, kirpa, ta,eetl, fuo/., inayiit, v.assistance,bounty, thanks, privilege, favour, (pardon) bukhshish, mookt, nujat, mu,al"ee, V. mercy, fitc. (manner) turuh, duol, v. taste, (elegance) dhuj, suj, uda, kurushmu, naz, an. buna,o, khoobec, juinaJ, v. excellence, beauty, (before m€nt)\iKnv\\:ih,(after mea^)sha)kranu, (title) huzrut, junabialce, khst\iT,Auya- wunt, fueyaz, v. kind, affable, &c. graciously, ruheemee- nuwazish- &c. -se. graciousness, ruheemee, ruhmanee, kureemee, moola,iraut, shirecnee, (mercy, &c. q. v.) am- oorzigaree, &c. supra, v. condescension. gradation, tudreej, durju, v. step, payu, v. de- gree, chhanw, ▼. shade. gradual, gradually, bu-tudreej, durju bu durju, ruftu ruftu, hole bote, sboodu shcodu, qudre qudre, bumuroor, zitru ziiTU, qudum bu qu- dum, thora thora, qutra qutru, v. drop, liiile, &c. also gently. M u 2 GRA 276 GilA graft, graff, qulum, shakli, lugna, puewundu, V. scion. to graft, puewUnd-k. lugana, v. to ingraft. grafter, puewund-kar. grain, (corn) ghullu, unaj, un, rusud, zira.ut, danu, — also a single grain, v. crop, &c. jins, (seed) beej, tookhm, hubbu, (particle, q. v.) zurru, unoo, ruwa, kunee, kanta, ru,ee,kun, (of wood) rug, juohur, jigur, v. substance, heart, Jibre, &c. (bruised) duliya, (mixed) birra, bijhra, birna, v. meal, &c. (charity) ugwiin, V. alms, (resold) dumma. Oi grain or corn there are many sorts, of which the fol- lowing are the principal, barley, wheat, maize, millet, &c. &c. q. v. excepted, kodo, sawan, shamakh, mundwa, chena, tangoon, muku.ee, kungunee, goondlee, mukra, tinee, pushee ; a dish of seven sorts of grain, sutnuja ; parched grain, moormcnra, v. rice, Sec. ; a grain of al- lowance, koochh ri^ayut, v. humour, also some, &c. ; a grain or cor7i merchant, modee, gol- dar, ghullu furosh, buniya, mokeree, bunjara, buldiya, v. victualler, grocer, &c. ; a rogue in grain,'f\guTce dughabaz; he is a roguein grain, ooska rug reshu dughabaz; a grain, in weight, is expressed by chawul, a grain of rice ; teen chawul bhur ufyoon, three grains of opium, V. heart, &c. grains, phokur, phok, v. refuse. ■grainy, ruwedar, danedar, v. granulous. g'ra»?iw«?JoroMS,churindu,churunhar,ghuskha,oo, ghusiya, aluf-khar. grammar, qa,idu, surf o nuhw, byakurun, (book) surf o nuho kee kitab, v. etymology, syntax. grammarian, surfee, nuhwee, uhl i surf o nuhw, byakurnee, byakurnkar-ee, nuhw- surf- &c. -dan, V. accidence. grammatical, murboot, ba qa,idu, mcowafiq surf o nuho, V. rule, also regular, just. grammatically j ba-qa,idu, rubt-se, ba-quwa,id. granary, umbar-khanu, mukhzun, khata, bukh- aree, khuon, gunj, gola, kotha, kothee, thek, ghuUu-khanu, v. store, &c. grand, bura, uzeem, kubeer, shureef, v. great, grandchild, (by the son) pota, fern, potee, pisur- zadu, doohta, {by the daughter) nuwasa, /ew?. nuwasee, natee, nutnee, nubeeru, sibt, v. great, grand-daughter, potee, doohtee, v. grand-child, grandee, nomdu, ameer, roakn. grandees, coraxura^ urkan, shoorufa,ukabir,u,uyan, qozzam, V. noble, us-hab duolut, siqat, rco.usa, V. chief, principal, &c. grandeur, bura,ee, uzmut, bcozoorgee, hushmut, shikoh, oQzm, shan, shuokut, dubdubu, hooha, jah o julal, v. dignity, grandfather, (by the father) dada, judd, aja, (-S house) dudihal, nunihal, (by the mother) nana. grandmotlier, dadee, nanee, v. grandfather, ~ grandson, pota, nuwasa, nubeeru, pisur-zadu, drohta, V. grandchild. ' grange, chuk, v. farm, granivorous, danu-khor. grant, bakhshish, inam, uta, inayut, murhumut, dan, hibu, v. boon, muhoobu, v. power, leave, donation, consent, (of latid) ja,egeer, &c. v, pension, charity lands, gift, &c. also concession, (in writing) hibu-namu, furman, sunud, pur- wanu, V. patent, charter, to grant, dena, bukhshna, uta-k. murhumut- &c. -k. furmana, v. to permit, approve, to give, &c. (to allow) qubool-k. manna, moosuUum-r. furz-k. V. to admit, &c. ; / grant that it may be so, furz kiya ki yih ho sukta. grantee, v. giver, muohoob iluehi, v, receiver, granting, furzun, jano, ho, v. tvell. GRA 277 GRA to fp-anulate, danudar-hojana, danu danii-liojana, khooruntl- &c. -b. bhur-a. v. n. (as wounds) ungoor-ana; v. a. danudar- &c. -k. ungoor- lana, v. grape. granulated, ungoor-bustu, v. the noun. granulation, v. the verb. granttlons, granulated, danu-dar,bha)sbhoosa, ru- wedar, bhoor-bhccra. grape, ungoor, tak, inub, ruz, dakh, (unripe) ghoru, V. raisin. There are several kinds; the varieties are, fukhree, ungoor sahibee, un- goor gholamee, reesh baba, khaya-gha>lamu, &c. Bint ool jnub, the daughter of the grape, i. e. wine ; to fire grapeshot, thuelee-marna. grapple, grapnel, kumund, kanta, v. hook, an- chor, &c. to grapple, pukurna, guhna, hcnrmooshtee-k. kooshtee-k. v. to seize, dhur pukur-k. banh- lena, juphiyana, v. to struggle, to wrestle, &c. grasp, qubzu, hath, girift, ehungool, punju, pu- kur, gopb, chupet, v. clutch, possession. to grasp, pukurna, guhna, muchorna, gophna, V. to gripe. grasper, pukurwuya, &c. v. the verb. grass, ghas, ghans, gyah, kah, uluf, khur, tiin khus, V. green, (you7ig) liuriyaree, soojee; a grass-plot, subze kee kiyaree, subzu-zar, (rot- ten) phoos, V. verdure. Sec. (cutter) ghus kho- da, ghasee, (green) kahee, (charcoal of) jho- lee. There are many grasses in India ; tlie most common are as follows : doob, sufed- or junewa-doob, dab, punhee, bena, ooloo,a, kutra, kas, kusiya, koos, mothra, pulwa, pu- lum, kana teree, ghumoor, ghuma,ee, chani- ghasee, khurra, ghoor ghusee, bumbul, nagur- motha, motha, wastee, khuree, chhupra, bun- sa.een, bela, cbitra, agin or ugiya, mukra, bundra, mukhunee, (aqtiatic) gandur, dul, ganjur, sewar, v. reed-grass, &c. grass-mtter, ^Knslyara, v. gra^s. grasshopper, tidda, bot, phun.ga, ankh-phora, gudhuela. grassy, poorgyah, ghuseela, shuhr subz, v. ver- dant. ^Tff/e, jhunjhuree, mcoshuhhixk, v. fire-place, &c. jal-dar or -ee, v. lattice, &c. to grate, rugurna, kirkirana, gliisna, bezar-k. nakhmsh-k. booradu-k. v. to file, (as a gate, &c.) churchoon-k. churchurana, v. to creak, to grit, to fret, offend. grateful, (thankful) shookr-goozar, mushkoor, huqq-shinas, numuk-hulal, shakir, goinaba- dee, v. obliged, faithful, &c. (pleasant) khoash, guwara, muqbool, bha,ona, soha,ona, pyara, v. agreeable, delightful, &c. gratefully, shookr- kli(«shee- &c. -se. gratefulness, v. gratitude, khroshee, khmsh-gu- waree, v. pleasantness. ' gratification, tufreeh, muqsud-wiiree, kbrnshee, furhut, hcolas, uesh, v. delight, reward, enjoy- ment, khat ir-daree, v. consolation, pleasure, &c. to gratify^ khmsh-k. muqsudwur-k. nazbur- daree-k. ; to gratify the passions, nufs kee pue- ruwee kurua, v. to oblige, kliatir-r. v. to sa- tisfy, recompence, please, &c. gratis, moofl, sent, udan, yoonhec, bila iwuz, sent raent, bezur khureed, goree. gratitude, shcDkr, shoikranu, shrokr-goozaree, ihsan-mundee, huqq-shinasee, wiifa-daree, goonabad, nihora, jus, shookran ni,iiraut, v. thanks, fidelity, &c. gratuitous, ikhtiyaree, v. gratis, mcoftee, inamee, v. voluntary. gratuity, ujr, inam, bukhshish, sila, v. reward, shookranu, sulamee, inayut, bel, v. to congra- tulate, gift, present, &c. gratulation, nia)baruk-bad,v. congratulation, joy grave, sub. gor, qubr, muzar, mudfun, hurwar, GRA 2178 GRE sumadh, dher, gurant, undheree-kotluee, v. earth, harrow, {-digging) gor-kunee, &c. v. totnb. There are several sorts of graves, cal- led sundooqee, bughlee, gil dur gil. grave, adj. gumbheera, gurvva, bharee bhurkum, sunjeedu, mc»quttu, sahib-tumkunut, moodum- mugh, sahib-munish, soon, moutufukkir, moo- turuddid, v. serious, dheera, unbola, muonee, fikree, fikr-mund, v. silent, sadu, soofiyanu, V. plain, sober, Sec._ {deep in sound) bharee. to grave, v. to engrave, carve, &c. grav&rclotjies, kufun, v. shroud, sulfee, v. wrap- per. a grave-digger, gor-kun, qubr-kun, {animal) byjoo. « grave-plunderer, kufun-chor, kufun-doozd, gravesto7ie, moosuUa. gravel, reg, ret, baloo, sung-rezee, kunkur, gut, kunkuree, unkur, {-stone) suiig-rezu, v. sand, &c. ; t/ie gravel, reg i musanu, puthree, v. grit, stone, also to perplex, annoy. to gravel, v. to 7ionplus, lajuwab-k. koot-k. v. to puzzle. gravelly, puthreela, kunkreela, guteela. gravely, sunjeedugee- &c. -se. graver, chhenee, v. engraver, also chisel. to gravitate, roojoou-k. jhuokna, muel-k. gravitation, istujau, muelan, munjur, v. to fall, ' also descension, gravity, sunjeedugee, gumbheerta, gurwa-pun, tumkunut, munish, dimagh, turuddood, tufuk- koor, dheeruj, dheerta, v. sedate, suqalut, dab, V. ponderous, seriousness, &c. {weight) wuzn, siql, bojh. gravy, ab gosht, puse,o, yukhnce, abjosh, v. soup, sauce. gray, {as hair) puka, do-moo, til cha,olee, kub- ra, khakistiree, khichree, do moo,a, siyah- sufed, udh pukka, kucLa-pukk% v. white^ kurbura, {as a horse) scorkha, mugsee, subzu, dial, nooqru, boz, v. silver, {as morning) dhoondhla, muela, teetur-budlee, v. dapple. gray-heard, durhiyul. ^ gray or green-eyed, goorbu-chushm. to graze, v. n. churna, choogna, {to touch light- ly) rugurta hoo,a-jana, {as a hall) chat-j. v. toglajice, {cattle at night) pusur-churana, v. to tend, V. a. churana, chcogana. grazier, gullu-ban, churwaha, rukh-wala, grazing animals, churind. grease, churbce, chiknaiCe, shuhm, v. fat, &c. to grease, choopurna, chikna-k. chikna.ee- &c. -lugana, v. gome, chiknana, oongna, v, to smear. greasiness, chikna,ee, chiknahut, doohniyut. greasy, chikna, churbee-dar, mcochurrub, r. hluhher, fat, chikkut, roghun-aloodu, busaha, V. huttery, oily, &c. great, bura, boozoorg, boozoorg-war, uzeem, ku- beer, juleel, oomdu, burka, motka, bharee, ukbur, v. large, {to become) burhna, v. to en- large ; the great, v. grandees, ukabir, boozoor- gan, v. nobility, eminent, &c. {in eomp.) muha, [rvhence muha-raj, tlie great prince^ kulan, tun-awur, v. big, &c. pur, [whence pur-natee, a great grandsmij ; how great, ketna, keta, v. how, so, &c ; how great soever, keta,ee bura ho, (inuch) buhoot, udhik, v. many, &c. {vio- lent) shudeed, sukht ; a great rascal, sukht dugha baz ; a great grandfather, pur-dada, fern, pur-dadee, pur-nana, fern, pur-nanee, v. grandfather, &c. ; a great grandson, pur-ota, fem. pur-otee, v. grandson, &c. greater, boozoorg-tur, kulan-tur, bura, &c. with the comparative particle se, than; he is greater than I, wooh hum se bura hue, lit. he is great than I. greatest, ukbur, uzum, In Hiodoost^nee ik^ is Gii^> 21^ dm expressed by adding sub se, ihnn all, or sub ka, of all, to the positive; sub se bura, or sub ka bura, the greatest, lit. great than all. This, however, does not always hold good, the sim- ple adjective being frequently used for the su- perlative ; Suoda is the greatest of the Hindoo- stanee poets, Hindoostanee sha,iron men Suoda bura sha,ir hue. The comparative and super- lative may also be formed by adding uor, more, buhcnt, very, &c. to the positive. gTeai/y,nihayut,bu-shiddiit,niput, nidan,buhoot, V. the adj. also nobly, &c. gyeatness, bura,ee, \izmut, boozoorgee, boozoorg- ■vvaree, jahojulal, kulance, mota,ee, zukha- mut, JLisamut, tun-awuree, v. dignity, cpm- dugec, nozm, fiiz-eelut, muhatum, v. magnani- mity, bulk, &c. boohtat, ziyadutee, ifrat, v. abundance, &c. {violence) shiddut, ishtidad, v. the adj. also grandeur, &c. greedily, shuoq- &c. -se, murbhookha-sa. greediness, laluch, lobh, hirs, tumu, tung-chush- mee, v. desire, avidity, nadeedugee, trishna, Imoka, goorsinu-chuslimee. greedy, lalchee, lobhee, hurees, tumma,u, tami, tung-chushm, mur-bhookha, nadeedu, v. cave- tmis, bur-peta, bhookh-moo,a, bans, but, v. glutton, eager, hungry, green, (in colour) hura, huriya, subz, sur-subz, v. verdant. Sec. (fresh) tazu, tur o taz, shad-ab, geela, tur, v. new, moist, pale, huriyur, hure- ra, V. grassy, (-barley) khoweed, khood, {-vetches) hola, boot, (-ear of wheat) oomee, V. ear, &c. (pigeon-) huryul, (-old age) boodha juwanee, v. hale, (unripe) guddur, kham, kucha, (inerperienved) anaree, nuo- amoz, V. raw, young, &c. ; a light green, pis- tu,ee ; a dark or emerald green, .subz-zumoor- rudee ; a grass green, subz-kahee ; clothed in greeit, subz-posh ; to become green, huriyana. gfeen, snh. sxihf., sMbzu, hurerce, v. plot, ver-' dure, &c. also vitriol, (grassy plain) fiza, murglizar, subzu-zar. green-eyed, urzuq-chushm, kurunja, kunja. greenish, subzee-ma,il, hura-sa, v. freshness. greediness, subzee, sur-subzee, tazugec, tur o ta- zugee, turce, turawut, khamee, kucha,ee, kuch-pun, anaree-puna, na-azmoodu-karee, nuo-amozce, v. the adj. also vigour, &c. greens, (herbs) sag, turu, bhajce, subzee, turka- ree, v. vegetable. Besides those inserted in their proer places here, the following are common, chuola,ee, metiiee, so,a, palung, pe- rung, pat, sornalce, qulniec, mishta, mursa, lal sag, dantha, ,ee, dan ga, tlungoo,a, buthoo.ee, puthur-chool, v. sorrel, purslain, spinnage, (-market) subzee mundec, (-seller) turu- or subzee-furosh, koonjra, koonjree, sag-wala. to greet, sulam-k. or -kuhna, sahib sulamut-k. sulam akiek-k. dust busur-h. joohai-k. ram ram-k. v. to address, salutation, &c. gregarious, gholee, oonsee, v. social, grenade, ban, hooqqu, v. rocket. grenadier. [The natives have changed this word to guraiideel, which signifies heavy bodied, and insist on its being a word of their own, and no corruption]; moonuh ka juwan, moonli rukha, ban-dar, v. supra. grey, v. gray. greij-liouyid, tazee koottj^, shikaree kootta. gridiron, is generally expressed by the corrup- tion grildan. gridle, tuwu, khuprec, tjiikrce. grief, ghinn, uluhi, dookh, malum, koft, sok, ufsos, puchhtawa, v. regret, runjish, koolfiit, kuchot, sogwaree, v. affliction, tribulation, ohar, V. sorrow, concern. GRI 280 GRO grievance, sukhtee, jubr, shiddut, bojh, undher, V. evil, oppression, &c. to griex^e, v. a. {vex) ghutn- &c. -d. sutana, bezar-k. v. to ajftict, to distress, tulmulana, mulmulana, rona, jhukhna, v. to fret, lament, &c. (^0 mouvn) g\lW^- ^c. -khana, ufsos- &c, rk, puchhtana. kulupna, grieved, ghum-geen, dilgeer, runjeedu, undoh- nak, dookhee, mootu ussif, huzeen, v. sorrow- ful^ eoncerned, affected, grievous, durd-ungez, sukht, shudeed, v. atro- cious. grievously, nihayut, bu-sluddut, sukhtee-se, v. ' painfully. griffin, griffon, seemcorgh, v. phcenix, [used by and applied to Europeans on their arrival in India ;] tazu wilayutee, v. new-comer. grig, V. eel, lurhlola, v. merry, grill, bhusum tikka, kubab-chuoparu. to grill, bhoonna, biriyan-k. grim, mooheeb, huebut-nak, roorha, siikht, doo- roosht, kurukht, {-faced) zisht-roo, toorsh- ' roo. grimace, khees, v. monkey, kup bjia|0, bundm- bha,o, V. affectation. « to make grimaces, khees-nikalna, v. to grin, grimalkin, manoo, v. puss, grime, kaluk, w.Jilth. grimly, huebut-se, hiddut-se. grimness, huebut, julal, sukhtee, doorooshtee, ku- rukhtugee, toorsh-roo,ee, roorha,ee, v. ugliness. grin, khees. to grin, khees-nikalna, khisiyana, dant-nikosna, dant-peesna, dant-kitkitana, kuch-kuchana, khiskhisana, dant-niporna. to grind, peesna, bookna, dulna, meesna, bantna, V. to pound, {with a grindstone) ootarna,san-d. {to sharpen) barli-r. ab-r. {the teeth) kurku- rana, kutkutajia, v. n. rugurna, ghisna, v. to rub. grinder, peesun-hara, yj;w. peesun-haree, {hack tooth) darh, chukkee, moosra, {/or spices) butta, lorha, siluot, sundul sil. grinding mill, janta. grindstone, san, sung i fisan, khtirsan, {for corn) chukkee, asiya, {for spices) sil. grinner^ dant nikaloo, &c. v. the verb, gripe, punju, chungosl, qubzu, hath, girift, p«- kur, mothee, muchor, pech, dub, guh, chupet, V. clutch, to gripe, pukurna, guhna, katna, v. to pain, to pinch, &c. {the belly) murorna, pechish-k. murora-k. {as money) dab-rukhna. griper, nichoroo, peesoo, jonk, guhgeer, sukht- geer, v. harpy, the gripes, pechish, murora, koorkooree, v. belly- ach, cholic. grisly, V. grim, bhaloo-sa, khirsee, v. gaunt, hor- rible, grist, peesa,ee, peesanee, peesan, v. gain, profit, gristle, koorree, chubnee-hutklee, ghoozroof. grit, ru,ee, kunee, duliya, v. meal, &c. ankur, kirkul, kirkir, puthree, sung rezu, v. gravel, sand, gritty, V. sandy, kirkira, unkuriya. to be gritty, kirkira-h. kirkirana, kuch-kuchana. to feel gritty, in eating, khiskhisana. grittiness, kirkirahut, khiskhisahut. groan, kurah, ah, wawuela- to groan, kurahna, kusukna, ah-marna, kuhurna, ah o zaree-k. v. moan, &c. grocer, punsaree, buniya, buqqal, dookan-dar. grocery, kiranu, groin, chudha, junghasa, chudda. groom, nufur, sa,ees, sues, churwa-dar, jilo-dar, V, page, servant, &c. " GRO 281 GRO groom, seenka, juof, ghur, khundhana, budha, khanu, giiwa, nab, v. hollow, Stc. , to groove, seenke-biinana, khodna. ti) grope, tutolna, tona, to,a to,ec-k. gross, bura, mota, juseem, tuna-wur, ^laree, ghaghur, v. heavy, (as powderJ^'Mrdura, v. foul, (inaccurate, &c.) kuclia, [whence kucheo aindunee, gross rereipts'\, v. large, &c. (enor- mous) kubeeni, kura, doorc»sht, Ijuriikht, (coarse) goondu, pcnrkar, v. dense, &c. (inde- licate) fahish, mcDghulIuzu, v. obscene, &c. (inelegant) jubudda, v. dull, &c. gross, sub. mujraoo,u, kcol, tumam, sub, uksur, V. bullc, gutha, V. body, wholesule, &c. gross ignorance, jihl mrorukkub, v. stupidity. grossly, nlhayut, niput, bu-shiddut, be-imtiya- zee-se, goostakhee-se, be shurmee-se, v. the adj. also palpably, &c. grossncss, biira,ee, mota,ee, jiisamiit, zukhamiit, tun-awuree, shiddut, sukhtee, doorcoshtcc, kurukhtee, foohsli, v. indelicacy, &c. grot, grotto, koonj, goshu, hoojru, surd-khanu, V. Imtver, cave. grotesque, huft rungee, adha tectur adha biiter, v. fantastic, grove, bagh, koonj, durukhton ka jhoond, du- rukht istan, koonjbun, lutta, jhular. Top is much used by t)ie Englisli, but never by the natives in this sense, v. cannon, &c. to grovel, rengna, v. to creep, zulalut ikhtiyar- -k. khwar- zuleel- khufeef-ruhna, v. to crouch, dubna, furo mayu-ruhna, lotna, v. to cratol. groveling, rukeek, siflu, pajee, mulamutee, v. mean, &c. ground, zumeen, blKwra, dhurtee, pirthiinee,ur7., bhoo,een, prithee, urazee, \. field, (not water) khooshkee, sookha, v. land, sa.ir, v. common, (body) beech, huoz, v. coat, &c. (fml, q. v.) dak, V. progress, (bottom) thali, v. to sounds fixed in the ground, zumeen-doz, v. earth, re- . gion, &c. (in painting) zunieeu, (cause) ba,is, subub, wastu, v. reason. Sec. (origin) jur, usl, V. foundation, &c. (field of battle) muedan, khet; the surface of the ground, roo,c zmneen, siftjfejtKuiugen ; to gain ground, (get fiearer) qureeb-puhoonchna, (to get the better) ghalib-, churub-li, jeetna, (become prevalent) ruwaj- pukurna, i,util)ar-pukuina ; to lose ground, harna, niiighloob-h. to ground, zumeen pur-r. (-arms) solana, v. to lay down, hunil-k. thuhrana, v. tofio), (in a science, &c.) jxwra-k. kamil- jueyud-k. zihn nusheen-k. v. to impress, found, to instruct. ground-Jloor, v. house, pa,een-Uibqu, ektula, v, storey, lower, k.c. groundless, groundlessly, be-ba,is, be-subub, be- nioojib, na-huqq, be-bconiyad, be-thikana, v. unjust. ground-plot, koorsec, v. area. ground-rent, khuzanu, purjuot. grounds, (dregs) turchhut, kcodoorut, doird, nmel, kath. groimid-work, bconiyad, uA,]m,\-. foundation. group, mujmti, umboh, hfojoom, bheer, v. crowd, jutha, tolee, v. company. f^rout, duliya, urdawa, v. gurgion. to grotc, (vegetate) oogna, bgrhna, osurna, pun- upna, v. to spring, churhna, v. to rise, ghutna, v. to fall, bona, ruhna, lugna, ho-ana, purna, v. to turn, (-old) booriyana, (-green) huriya- na, V. the Monitor, page 399. also to increasey (to be produced) oopiigiia, pueda-h. (as fruit) phulna, lugna, (to improve) turuqqee-k. v. to advance, (to become) hojana, (to proceed) ni- kulna, hasil-h. ; to grow together, (adhere) lug-jana, chipuk-jana, mil-jana. growing corn, zira,ut, v. standing. N N GRU 282 GUA to growl, ghoorana, jheenkna, ghorerna, v, to snarl, koorkcoranajburburana, turturana,chur- choon-k. bhoonbhoonana, nakee-d. ghoor- glioorana, v. to mumble, to croak, to grudge, murmur. grown, ooga hoo,a, juma hoo,a, burha hoo,a, ho- guya, baleedu, burh-chooka, v. mature, to grow ; to be grown over with weeds, &c. bhura- V -h. V. adult. growth, ro,eediigee, burhtee, barh, noomoo, ba- leedugee, v. vegetation, burha,o, oogwun, ju- ma,o, &c. V. the verb, turuqqee, v. progress, also increase, &c. (product) pueda,ish, basil, V. advancement, &c. grub, ghoon, v. loorm, keeree, kirniuk, v. asca- rides. to grub, ookiiarna, khod-dalna, bckh kunee-k. gooroobna, v. to dig. grudge, keenu, rushk, guranee, nifaq, inad, uda- wut, kudoorut, buer, lag, dooshmunee, koonu, kuput, ghoobar, kuturnee, tukuddoor, kcolfut, V. spite, envy, &c. (reluctance) ufsos, husrut. to grudge, khoansana, dah- &c. -r. kungalee-k. V. to pinch, regret, grudge, (to be reluctant) duregh- &c. -r. v. to grumble. to entertain a grudge, keenu- &c. -r. grudgingly, rushk- &c. -se, v. grudge. gruel, peechh, mand, purhez,og]ira,shola, pusa,o, V. soup, ash, ichenre ash-juo, bnrley-gruel ; kanjce is improperly used in this sense, v. sowinst gruff, sukht, toond, kura, tulkh, toorsh, v. mo- rose. gruffly, sukhtee- &c. -se. gruffness, sukhtee, toondee, doorooshtee, kurukh- tee, toivshee, tulkhee. to grumble, koarkcorana, hinsutee-k. turrana, bur- burana, v. to growl, &c. gurujna, ghurghura- na, V. to thunder. grumbler, burbuiiya, koorkooriya, ghoonghooni- ya, V. to grumble, murmur, mumble, &c, grumbling, kcorkoorahut, burburahut, ghurghur- ahut. to grunt, gruntle, ghoorrana, kankhna, koonthna, V. to growl, ghoorghoor-k. ghoorghoorahut-k. guaiacum, gyakoo? guaiva, guava, umrood, siifree-am, tamrus, sufree-unjeer, pyara, [in Bungalu, perhaps er- roneously, unjeer, properly ajig\. guana, goh, goh samp, v. lizard. guarantee, sa;lis, zamin, kufeel. , to guarantee, zimu-k. zamin- &c. -h. moohafiz-, 7.immukar-h. v. to engage. guard, (se7itinel) chuokee-dar, nigah-ban, puhra- dar, puhroo,a, pasee, nazir, v. watchman, ban- dar, jamdar, nibahoo, goret, v. keeper, (in tac- tics) tilawa, qurawul, peshruo, v. advance, rounds, &c, (of a gun) palkee, (of a sword, &c.) dust-punah, diistugee, belchuk, taree, dal, (in fencing, &c.) eera, ar, eeia dub, (col- lectively) chuokee, puhra, (state of caution) hoshiyai'ee, khubur-daree, chuoksa,ee, v. cau- tion, &c. ; to be on one's guard, upnee hoshi- yaree men ruhna ; the advanced guard of an army, mooquddum, hurawul or hurol, ugaree, opposed to the rear guard, chundol, chunda- wul, pichharee, v. picquet. to guard, hima|jt- hifazut- mochafuzut- hirasut-, bucha,o- nigahbanee- pasbanee-k. khubur lena, ugorna, v. to preserve, jutun-k. v. to pro- tect, defend, to watch; to guard against, ihti- yat- &c. -k. hoshiyar- &c. -h. v. care, care- ful, &c. ; to mount guard, chuokee-d. guarded, muhroos, rauhfooz, v. defended. guard-room, chuokee khanu. guardian, umeen, hafiz, hamee, nigah-ban, uma- nut-dar, moorubbee, rukhwal, purduposh, na- cm 283 GUN moo3,satir, v. protector, {angel) ]wnam sungha- tee, (of hoards) ]\jk, buchiya, v. genius,guurd. guardianship, guardship, umanut, moohafuzut, nigalibanee, v. care, custody. guardless, be-liimayut, be-nigaii-baa. gudgeon, pothee,^^'. bheree, v. bait, also cully. guess, quiyasjkhiyal, pintlar,dhyan, boojh, v. con- jecture, bolee, V. riddle, {-work) utkul bazee, V. chance, random. to guess, qiyas- &c. -k. utkulna, tarna, boojhna, janna, mu,uloom-k. by guess, utkul- &c. -se. guesser, boojhukkur, utkul-baz, tar-baz, qiya- see, utkuloo. guessing, { play) bhoojh-blioojhuwwul. guest, warid, sadir, v. stranger. to guggle, jhurjhurana, bhubhukna, bulbulana. guglet, soorahee, koozu, jhugjiur, jharee, bhubh- kee. guidance, hidayut, rah-nooma,ee, rah-buree, rali- nuraoonee, ugwa,ee, irshad, mcorshidee, pesh- wa,ee, rah-burdaree, &c. v. direction. guide, rah-nooma, rah-bur, agwa, peshwa, im- am, mooqtuda, {spiritual) hadee, moorshid, peer, gooroo, v. director, master, casuist, pesh- ruo, boolahur, hurkaru, duoraha, bat dekha.oo, aghuiiya, v. convoy, guard, {in comp.) nooma, V. conductor ; a sage guide, peer moorshid. to guide, rah-ncoma,ee- &c. -k. butlana, dekh- lana, ehulana, dugrana, v. to conduct, to regu- late. guideless, be-peer, nigoora. guile, heelu, fiireb, brotta, jool, v. deceit. guileful, heelu-baz, furebee, buhanu-baz, muk- kar, bcotta-baz, jool-baz. guilefulness, heelu-bazee, &c. guileless, bhola-bhala, seedha, sadu, saf, be-riya, mu,iisoom, V. honest. guilt, goonah, dokh, qcnsoor, khuta, chook, t. crime, &c. guiltiness, goonah-garee, tuqseer-waree. guiltless, be-goonah, &e. v. guilt, mooburra, bu- ree, mu.usoom, nir-dokhee. guilty, gainah-gar, mtujrim, asee, tuqseer-war, papee, qa,il, moolzim, huqq oon-nas, v. to con- vict, wicked, guinea, zurdu, (lit. a yellow boy), v. gold, guinea-pepper, q. v. gaciih miricli. guise, soorut, shukl, v. appearatu-e, &c. {dress) poshak, libas, bana, bhes, purdu, v. disguise, guitar, qeetar, si-tar. gulf, kol, V. bay, {abyss) knund, {eddy) gird-ab, bhunwur. gull, dhokha, jool, bootta, chhul, fureb, duglia, bugla, buk, v. gudgeon, fool, trick, to gull, thugna, chhulna, fureb- &c. -d. thugana, gudha- &c. -bunana, v. to cheat, trick, gullet, nulee, nurkliuree, nurkusee, hoolqooni, hulq, gula, v. throat, gulp, ghoont, qoort, jooru,u, gliurp, phanka. to gulp, nigulna, ghoont-jana, ghurp se kliana, leelna, phankna, dhokna, liuplnipana, bhusuk- na, gut-k. gum, gond, sumugli, v. Arabic gum, lasa, chenp, . cliipra, chepur, keecliir, keech, gad, v. Jilth, resin, &c. {pot) gond danee, {pencil) gond- kiisli, (Jloicers) gool momee, {tree) gondnee, {of the teeth) musoora, lisu. gummy, gondee, luslusa, cliipchipa, kicliraha, {eyes) chipra, kichra. to be gummy, kichrana, v. gtnn. gun, {musket) bundooq, tmfung, toopuk, duma- nuk, {Jire) top ke wuqt, {shot) ek golee bhur, V. bowshot, {tcound) golee ka zukhum, v.ball, {borer) toorfan, v. matchlock, {cannon) top, top. N N 2 GUS 284 GYM gunner, gol-undaz, top-chee, gol-chula, bundha- nee, juzaliya, v. cannoneer, musketeer. gunnery, gol-undazee, top-undazee. gun-powder, baroot, daroo. gun-smith, &c. top-saz. gun-stock, koondu, v. swivel, (carriage) urabu. gun-wale, gunnel, seenu punali, v. parapet. gurgion, ra,ee, kunee, v. grit. to gurgle, V. to guggle. to gush, dhur dhura-nikulna, phoot - nikulna, hur hura,e ke-nikulna, v. tojlow, spout, tool- toolana, oomundna, phoot-buhna, oomundke-, turturake-nikulna, oobukna, v. to guggle. gust, (of wind) jhikora, jhook, tikora. gust, gusto, V. relish, tumachu, chupet, gurmee, josh, ghulbu, v.^t, phoophkar, v. pitff", taste, gut, ant, anteree, I'odu, v. stomach, to gut, ant- Sic. -nikahia, saf-k. ant qjh-nikalna or -khuenchna, v. to plunder, gutter, moohree, pumalu, nab-dan, pahee, nur- duwan, punsula, v. channel, guttural, hulqee, kunth ustee ; a guttural letter, hurfi hulqee, of which there are six; u, (hum- zu) he, he, khe, uen, ghuen. to guzzle, guttle, &c. dhandhna, pet-palna, pet ko antna or -thasna, v, to gormandize, stuff, gymnastic, (exercises) wurzish ; a gymnasium, ukhara, kooshtee-gah. H H h, though it immediately follows a consonant, unless they coalesce, is always aspirated ; therefore, bhat, boiled rice, must not be pro- nounced as, and confounded with, bat, a ivord, but with the h fidly aspirated ; because on its aspiration depends the difference between the above words. Final /;, especially when pre- ceded by a vowel, is often almost mute ; as in dah, envy ; chah, desire, &c. With the as- sistance of this letter (h) I have been able to express the following : ch (che), gh (ghuen), kh (khe), sh (sheen), zh (zhe). The reader will, however, be pleased to recollect, that when gji (ghu), /.,/( (khu), sjt or z^h occur in this manner, both letters retain their separate powers; as in ghoona, spiteful, not ghoona. HAB nasal ; rukhna, to keep, not rukhna, a hole ; mooshil, purgative, not mooshil ; and uzhur, very evident, not uzhur. See the letters c, g, &c. ha ! wah wah, wa chhre, a,ewah, soob,han uUali, ul uzmut odI illah, ban, ha,e, ukhah, ha ha, oo,ee, V. forsooth ; ha ! ha ! aha, oho. haberdasher, bisatee, putwa, parche-wala, dust- furosh, rezu-furosh, v. pedlar, &c. habit, (dress, q. v.) libas, bana, baga, bhes, v, garb, (custom, q. v.) chuska, chat, kho, tyon, soobha,o, dustoor, wuzu, shewn, wuteeru, qa,i- du, rusm, mu,umoo], umul, khassu, mushq, muzawulut, v. knack, frame, (practice, q. v.) ubhyas, puruk, kur, bundhej, ban, wuzeefu, wird, moo,utad, luchhun, khuslut, khuwariq. HAG S95 HAL tuor, ruwish, v. hankering, trick, inclination, disposition, use ; a bad habit, illut, lut ; habit of body, mizaj, tiibee,ut, surisht, v. constitu- tion, &c.; to acquire a habit, kho-dalna, wuzu- nikalna, v. to dress, he. habitable, qabil-istiqamut, ruhne-jog, ruhne-la,iq. habitation, v. the verb, iqamut, sukoonut, also (abode, q. v.) mooqam, busgit, ghur, huwelee, V. inhabited, mavva, usthan, pi. musakin, v. dwelling, mansion, residence ; tojix a habita- tion, tuwuttcon- ghur-k. habitual, nioosawat, mu,umool, kho-pi/.eer, v. usual, ubhyasee, v. customart/, habit. to habituate, klio-d. ubhyas-k. khogur- &c. -k. V. to accustom, purkana, sudhana, v. to use. habituated, adee, khogur, ubhyasee. habnab, yoonhee, v. random, hajtpen. to /tack, khootliurna, khoothur-dalna, tookre pa)r- ze-k. V. to chop, choor-k. clihenchna, chhi- chuhia, bhoojree- pash pash- chupa chupa-k. V. to mince, mangle, also piece^neal. hackney,hhur\xeta,v.hirelitig,common,prostitute, also to practise, (horse) bhare ka ghora. had, rukha hoo,a, hoo,a tha, tha ; it had been better, bihtur tha, or bihtur hota, v. to have. haft, mooth, dustu, v. handle, S;c. hag, da,en, chojrel, thugnee, qcnttamu, khal, cburkha, boodhee, turkhul, kulwul kee mama, ilagnee, chumrukji, umur-boriya, v. witch, fury, &c. to hag, V. to harass, durana, v. to torment. haggard, haggish, (lean) doobla, laghur, qaq, reghul, dangur, jhoojhoura, mukra, mooruel, murbhookha, v. gaunt, also supra, zisht-roo, V. hideous, ugly, &c. ; haggard eyes, klioonee ankhen, v. wild, &c. to haggle, V. to hack, (in selling) tunglya-k. ru- gura-muchana, jhunjhut-k. (to beat down, q. V.) roongna, (s^ib. roongaee,) kooturna kat koot-k. v. to hash. Sec. haggler, jhunjhutiya, roonga.oo, bukjhukiya. hah ! oh, huh, chet, khubur-dar. hail, ola, zhalu, tugurg, puthur, binuoliyan, bi- nuor, kakra. to hail, ole- Sjc. -purna. hail, (salutation) moobaruk, sulam, v. all hail, juejue, V. joy, bravo, Sec. to hail, sulam-k. sahib sulamut-k. tokna, v. to greet, hank-mama w -parna, v. to call, salute, accost. hair, bal, kes, sees, uluk, moo, pushm, ro,an, lorn, chool, chikcur, koontul, glias, bubree, b»- buree, roong-ta, 6hU|Ur, v. down, (rope) se- lee, (fillet or string) nara, moo-baf, chootia, V. ribbon, (stroke) shigaf, chiruk, (of the face) ro,en, (partium generationis) jhaut, moo.e ni- hanee, kala bal, chichindha, pushm ; lo7ig mat- ted hair, worn by fuqeers, juta, v. lock, curl. hair-brained, neem-deewanu, baecheechee, v. eccentric. hair-l/readth, bal burabur, sur i moo, bal bhur. hairless, saf, kora, moorla, chundla, nir-loiijee, v. beardless, bald. hairy, moo,e-dar, puslimee, jhubra, lomee, mo- eenu, pushmeenu, v. downy, hair. halbert, gundasa. hale, V. stout, bhula chunga, uch-chha, bich/ia, huriyala, tazu-tuwanu, v. healthy. half, adha, nisf, neem, nisfee, adha-sajha, udKi- yaee, udhyaree, (of a pea) dal, (of a mUl) pat, (of the body longitudinally) ulung, v. side, (of a web, &c.) adhwar; half a maund, (prop, man) udhuon; half a rupee, udheIee;Aa^a pice, udhela; halfadumree, ud.dhee, v. moiety, &c. ; one and a half, derli ; two and a half, urha,ee; three (also all altove it) and a half, sarhe teen. In composition, udh and ueuu HAL 286 HAL are much used; as in the following examples: half-dead, udh-moo,a; half-alive, udh-jiya, neem-jan ; half-done, udji-buna, neem-tueyar, neem-karu, udhoora, udhbeech, neem-kulan, V. imperfect ; half-ripe, udhpukka, neem- pcokht, guddur, kucha-pukka, neem-ruseedu ; half -boiled, neem-josh ; half-ivay, adhee rah, adhee-door ; the half-momi, adha-chand ; half- roasted, udh-bhoona, neem-biriyan ; one-half more, dyorha ; half-out, hulf-in, barduwaree, udh ghoosa, bheetura bahira, neem-buraniud; half seas over, neem-must, sur-khoosh ; half- heard, udh-soona; half-willing, neem-razee, udh-muna; half-full, udh-peta, neem-ser, udh- bhura; half-binding, jcoz-bundee, neem-sliira- zu; half-sharer, udhyar, udhiya; half-sleeves, neem-asteen ; half -taught, neem-tur ; half- washed, neem-shob, {to) pheenchna; half- cast, do-iiusla, V. mungrel; to half-cork, ghoya adha churhana. Such compounds may be formed almost at pleasure, by prefixing udh and neem to the primitives, which the reader may look for in their proper places ; also the words under semi and hemi. The above ex- amples, wliich could be greatly extended, will suffice to explain how half is generally ex- pressed in composition, though in some cases, perhaps, the words suotela, kucha, kum, may occur also ; whence, suotela bhaiCe, a half- brother, V. step ; kucha pucsa, a half-penny, the pukka puesa coming nearest in value to our penny, q. v. also immature. half-witted, kum-iiql, v. mis, in, &c. hall, dalan, bargah, a,ewan, durdulan, srofa, v. tmvn-hall, {of audience) deewan am, shvdi-nu- sheen, thakoorsthan, deewan-khanu, v. cham- ber. hallelujah, ulhumdoolillah, tusbeeh o tuhleel. halloo, hoolkar. to halloo, {dogs) lulkarna, hoolkarna, hcoshkapja, V. to incite. to hallow, mooquddus-k. v. to consecrate, &c. hallowed, mootuhhur, muhmood, v. holy. halo, halu, mimdul, koondul, v. circle. halt, halting, lung, iungrahut, v. lameness, limp, ruha,o, ootara, utuk, lugan, v. stay, suktu, toot, kuchuk, V. break, {of an army) mooqam, tika,©, thuhra,o ; halt ! khura-ho, thuhur- ja,o. to halt, v. to hitch, lung-mama or -khana, {to limp) Iung-rana,lung-k. {to stop) khura-ruhna, {in a march) mooqam-k. tikna, thuhurna, deru- -k. {to faidter) huklana, looknut-k. {to hesitate) pusopesh- aga peechha-k. (as verse) tootna, bhung-h. V. to break, {to stop, q. v.) thumuk- na, utukna, thuthukna, rookna, ruhna, v. to stammer, ooturna, purna, lugna, v. to bait. halter, phunsree, phansee, {for a horse) bag-dor, V. rope, lame, gulkhor, dhuthee, agaree, do- ree, jjugha, honthee, mihar, ultunee, uogcc, kuparee, v. leather, bridle, rein, bit. to halter, phunsana, v. to noose, dhuthiyana, gul- khor-d. to halve, adhyana, adhon adh-k. do adh-k. doo neem- tunseef- nisfa nisf- do hissu-k. v. share, piece, also to divide. halves ! interj. nisfoonlee nisfoonluk, adha adha, adhon adh, nisfa nisfee, bil-mmnasifu ; by halves, udhoora, v. half, &c. ham, ran, jangh, koola, pootha, thunna, pat, v. hip, thigh. hamlet, khera, majree, poorce, purv^a, quriyu, V, village, &c. hammer, huthuoree, martol, huthuora, {of a gun) furzool, chootkee, {sledge) do huthur. to hammer, thonkna, mama, lugana, gurhna, huthuoriyana, v. to contrive, forge. hammock, birth, &c. shibree ? HAN 287 HAN hamper, dala, dolee, v. basket. to /lamper, ooljlmiia, phunsana, giriftar-k. utka- iia, junjal-lena, wubal-lena, sutana, khuliia, V. to perplex, embarrass. hamstring, v. tendon, pue, khooncli, v. sinew. to hamstruig, piitlie-katna, pue-niarna or -k. hand, hath, cUi.st, chungaol, punju, v. arm, he- fore-hand, banli, kur, pani, hust, qubzu, v. cubit, {of a watch, &c.) soo,ee, kanla, v. gno- mon, {measure) cha,o, gh'ih, moothee, v. nail, fist, looloo,a, V. paw, {side) turuf, {skill) dust karee, ir.uhanit, {person) admee, shukhs, log, {man) juwan, jun, v. workman, huthuotee, v. dexterity, clutch, power,{writing) khut t , likha, {in camp.) huth, dustee ; « hand fan, punk.ha dustee; with heart atid hand, tun o mun se, dilo jan se, bu siir o chushm, v. heart ; with your own hand, ap ke dust khass {or mooba- ruk) se ; a good hand, {writing, q. v.) khoosh- khutt, V. hand-writing ; in hand, hath men, roobu-kar, dur-pesh ; at hayid, sur idust, pas, V. near, ready, liath tule, kandhe-peet or -sir- pur, V. present, head; a hand at cards, bazee; hand to hand, mooth bhera, ghutput, zudo- boord, V. quarters, ek ek, v. single ; from hand to hand, hathon hath, dust bu dust, {tradi- tionally) seenu bu seenu; from hand to mouth, jetee amud ota khurj, nitodakhil mcokharij- burabur, {to be) pet-chulna, sud rumuq mil- na; having a contracted liand, choolagh; Iiand in hand, hatha huthee. to hand, pukrana, dena, huwalu-k. inayutr-k. {secretly) chojp choopate-den a, (a />er«o«) hath pukur ke lejana, hat,h-pukurna, dustgeeree-k. uriyatna, v. to help, seize, 8tc. {about) hatha hathee-d. or -lena ; to fall into the hands of, pale-purna, qaboo-meii girna, v. to fall, also gripe, &c.; to lend a hand, kandha- hath-d. or -lugana, hulbhul-k.; to he hand and glove with a person, lazim o mulzoom-h. khula mula-Ii. nii!ajnula-h.; to be handed down, {by tradition) seenu bu scenu-ana, v. to handle. hand-barrow, huth-garec. hand-bell, ghuntee, zungoola. handJireadth, cha,o, charung:ar- &e. -d. nmgbz kbalw- -k. V. to oppress, trouhlr, ve.r, plague, &c. with their nouns. harassed, bulak, bulknn, dookhec, m«)tu,uzzee, V. dititressed, &c. harbinger, nicuquddunm, agwa, v. marshal, hur- karu, ihtiniamchec, aghuriya, rali-biir, mookb- bir,dekha,oo, V. messenger, guide, prognostica- tor, (of death, satirically) muluk col uiuot ka shagird, v. forerunner. harbour, bundur, v. bay, port, &c. {rmjal) shub- bundur, {master) meer- or shub-bunc.iir, (asy- lum) muwas, ghur, khan, \ . shelter. to harbour, v. n. ruhna, biisna, tikna, punah- pana, v. a. tikana, mihniandaree-k. punah-d. rukhna, v. to shelter. harbourer, tikawunhar, buetbane- or cbhipanc- wala, V. to conceal, protect, &c. (of thieves) thangee, thanguet. hard, adj. sukbt, kura, kurera, \. firm, strong, dense, sungccn, guthtela, kuthor, inuzboot, kurara, kurkus, kaia-piithur, sung-khara, sung- lakh, y. flinty, rough, dry, shaq, bikutb, ukut, V. vigorous, (fare) kuseef goozran, (of hearing, to be) ooncba-sconna, v. deaf, S:c. (bound) khcoshlc, bustu, v. costive, (difficult, q. v.) moosbkil, dooshwar, kuthin, v. ardiums, (cruel) kuttur, zalin), kurukbt, v. callous, (severe) shudeed, bura, bliarue ; hard lalmur, buree mihnut, (unjust) ghuur-wajibec, na-uiu.uqool, (powerful) ghalib, churiib, (as t/te times) ba- O o HAR 290 HAR reek, nazook, tung, (stingy) jooz-rus, kinga- shee, V. harsh. hard, adv. (near) qureeb, pas, luge hoo,e, (dili- gentiy) mushuqqut- niihnut-se, durd i sur-se, buhmt, (fast) juldee, sliitabee, v. quickly, (violently) sliiddut-se, zor-se. to harden, v. n. sukht- he. -hojana, kurra-jana, V. a. sukht-k. kurrana, puthurana, lohri- &c. -k. V. iro7i, (to make impudent) dheeth- gtos- takh- shokh- be adub-k. (in wickedness) puk- ka- pmkhtu- (ostad-k. ; to ftarden one''s heart against another, puthur- poorha- sungeen-k. hard-favoured, zisht-roo, toorsh-roo, rooi'ha. hnrd-hearted, sung-dil, doorojsht-kho, kuttur, V. hard. hard-heartedness, sung-dilee, i)e-ruhinee, v. Aart/- ness. fiardiness, muzbootee, porha,ee, v. .stoutness, (bravery) dileree, tidiuvvwajr, be-bakee, v. cote- rage, &c. (effrontery) giostakhee, shokhee, be- udubee, dhitha.ee, mugra,ee, v. confidence. hardly, {with difficulty) mooshkiUsc, miluiut-, diqqut- durd i sur-se, (oppressively) sukhtee- &c. -se, V. hardness, (barely) thora sa, zirru sa, thora, bisw'agit, kumtur, v. scarcely; hard- ly one has escaped, ek bucha ho to bucha ; he will hardly arrive to-night, aj rat kumtur awe- ga, — also aj rat thoraliee awega, though the last is rather more negative by the emphatic hee ; he will hardly live, ji) a to jiya, thora ji- , yega; there is hardly a man who does not drink wine, ek admee kumtur hue jo shurab niiheeii peeta, which is also expressed by kiun, qulee!, uqul, shaz, iri this manner : they ujill hardly come back again, kum or uqul hue ke we pher a wen. , fiMrd-mouthed, moonh-zor, biid-lugam. hardness, sukhtee, ishkal, dujshwaree, be-durdec, sungdilee, doorcushtee, kurukhtee, bai'eekee. tungee, tung-chushmee, jooz-rusee, kurra,ee, V. the adj. puthrahut, qu=awut, v. cruelty. hardship, sukhtee, zoolm, jubr, kuslit, bidut. juor, V. oppression, (distress) runj, tukleef, tusdeeu, shiddut, junjal, kiisalu, niooseebut, soooobut, miiinut, be-aramee, biput, r. fa- tigue. hardwareman, bisatee, v. toyman. hardy, muzboot, porha, sukht, kura, quwee- mizaj, shuh-zor, oostoowar, loha, uzhdhat, ro- een tun, khuela, v. stmie, iron, also hard, pcnkhtu, athon gantji koomuet, v. sturdy, stout, he. {brave) murdanu, mootuhuwwir, be-bak, v. daring, &c. (impudent) gcostakh, mugra, v. presumptuous. hare, khur-gosh, susa, chuogura, khurha, irnub, lumuha, lumkuna. hare-lipped, thont-kuta. J'.i'> , hark, soono-scnno, deklio-dekho, ruho-ruho, kan- de,o or rukho, v. to listen. to hark, harken, surgoshee-k, kunso,ee-k. kan- lugana. harlequin, muskhuru. harlot, chhinal, khelar, zaniyu, fahishu, fasiqu, fajiru, shuttah, v. ivhore. harm, tukleef, tusdeeu, eeza, runj, doskh, muo- Hcebut, guzund, dhukka, v. injury, (detri- ment) nooqsan, zurur, ziyan, aseb, tota, zu- boonee, anch, v. loss, ill, bigcnn, shur, fusad, V. mischief, (crime) gu>nah, tuqseer, dokh, v. hurt. .v^»» to harm, sutana, chherna, tukleef- &c. -d. nroq- sau- &c. -puhoonchana, bigania ; to receive harm, ncwqyan-oothana, tukleef-pana. harmful, moozir, ziyan-kar, \. mischievous, nooq- sanee- Sec -zuboon, v. bad, pernicious. ' • harmfulness, ziyan-karee, mcnzuiTut. aA harmless, bhola, seedha, mu,usoom, be-nooqsafl. be-aseb, be-ziyan, glmer-mcDzir, v. good-na- HAR 291 HAS tured, be-bud, kuiu-shur, ghureeb, lx)dla, jregla, bhoogga, v.^e«la]>u, kurwar, V. chain, hinge, clasp. hassock, mousullu, ja,e numaz, sujjadu, asun, v. mat, asnee, bughumbur, niirg-c-bliala, v. skin. haste, juldce, sbitabce, oota,olee, cujhit, tii,ujed, shitab-kareo, isti.ujal, phcort, v. to hurry, bee- gee or begee, cliutuk, jhuput, v. speed, {pas. sion) jlioonjhiahut, jhuljhulahut ; the more haste the less .speed, ootaola so ba,ola, or dheera kani ruhmaneo, sliitab kam sbuetanee. to haste, luuten, make haste, v. n. juldee- &c. -k Oo 2 HAT 292 HAU juld-lj. V. a. sliitabee- &c. -kurana, juld- &c. -k. duorana, cliiilana, v. to evpedite. hnstlly, juldee- &c. -se, (rashlij) betudbeeree- &c. -se, be-gluior, chiitputake, v. the adj. also inconsiderate. hastiness, v. haste, (of temper) tcondce, tcniid- kho,ee, atush-mizajce, jultiiningee, hurburee, chutputahut, chiitputeo, v. impatience, {rash- ness,) bL'-tudljceree, be-undazii'^ee, v. precipi- tatiim. hasty, juld, sliitab, oota,ola, phcortcela, cliutpu- tiya, shitab-baz, v. precipitate, (passionate) toond, tonnd-kho, juld-mizaj, jultiirung, (rash) be-liha/,, bc-undazii, (early ripe) iiginiina, V. speedy. hasty-pudding, faloodu, liipsee, v. pudding, pot- tage. hat, topee, kculali, taj. hat-hand, puttee, dora. hatch, (brood) jhol, (of a ship, &c.) phulka, v. door. ''» * ^•' to hatch, nikalna, se,oria, (to contrive) bandhna, ootliana, if'tira- ikhtirau-k. to be hatched, nikidna. hntehed'^gg, ta.o ka unda. hatchel, mongrec. to hatjchel, kootna, mon^riyan-uiarna. hatchet, tu!>ur, kdolliaree, v. arc. hatchet-face, pucna nioonh, (harked, a horse) tii- bur goon, v. sharj), high. hate, dooshmiinee, udawut, buer, keenu, booglr/,, nifaq, chirh, v. hatred, detestation, to hate, d(X)shiiiunee- &c. -r. v. hate, dooshniun- &c. -janna, v. hater, inukrooh- &c. -janna, V. hateful. ^Uj.ai ■., hateful, iiuikrooli, kureeh, niu,uyo«b, bud, zu- boon, broi'a, iia-guwar, v. odious. hatefully, dcHshmunoo- &c. -se. hatefuhiess,dcoshmvineeyznhooncc,\:odioU8nes8. hater, dcnsbmun, bueree, mookhalif, bud-khwah, udoo, mootunuffir, v. enemy. Ac^j-erf, bud-kh\yahee, keenu-wuree, ihtiraz, goo- rez, i,uraz, klioosoonut, v. grudge, hate. hatter, koalah-saz or -baf. to have, rukhiia, bona, [which signifies to be, and is used with the dative, like sum in Latin ; inoojhe buree khtnshee hue, est mihi summuui gaudium, I have great pleasure ; Diere pas ki- taben hvien, sunt inihi lihri, I have books ; ana also sometimes occurs in this sense] : dharna, v. to keep, ana, ruhna, lugn:;, iiiilna. V. to get, to come, (to accept, q. v.) qubool-k. (as a husband) khusum-k. v. to rci'eive, to en- joy, (to take) lena, nikalna, rothana, oora- lena, ukhz- istimbat-k. (to maintain) du,ii- wa- hrojjut-k. qa,il- mooqir-h. (to require) chahna, mangna, tulub-k. v. to ivish ; to have a care, klmburdar-h. v. careful, khubr.rdaree- -k. V. care, also to hold. haven, bundur, v. harbour. haughtily, ghccvoor-se. haughtiness, gliajroor, ghumund, kibr, istikbar, mughrooree, MJb, uukhwut, unaniyut, zoa,nni, dimagh, ahumbha,o, khood-beenec, khood-pu- siindee, dheetha.ce, vicnth niuror, v. insolence, lofty. haughty, mughroor, ghumundee, klifod-pusund, khmd-been, uphudda, mugra, liheeth, v. arro- gant, poor ghooroor, ukur-baz, dimbh-ee, gurbh-ee, v. proud, stipercilious, insolent. to he haughty, ankh pur chulna, v. to spurn. to haul, kheechna, ghuseetna, eechna, v. io drag. haunch, koola, dhoonka, poora, v. ham, hip. haunt, udda, ukhara, thangee, rumna, nishust- gah, busera, thur. to haunt, v. n. (as ghosts, &c.) busna, ruhna, phirna, durrozu-a. arajaree-k. peechhe- puen- de-purna, dhurna-d. v. to dwell, frequent ; to IIEA 29S HEA get a haunt about a person or place, udda-pu- kuriia. haunted, bhootaha, bhootera. haunter, basliiiidu, mooqeem, («/ taverns, &c.) khurabatee. kavock, khurabee, tubahec, ghudr, tufruqu, asli- ob, fitoor, gliuzub, zoolin, toofan, bcollur, v. (kiifruction, mar, qiyamut, biila, leela, v. car- nage, slaughtn; havock ! mar mar, de-maro. to havock, M-ecraii- &c. -k. v. to ravage. hautboy, luie, SQjr-na,e, sbuh-na,e. hawk, jcnrra, (the hen) baz. There arc several species, such as the shikra, shaheen, buhrce, basha, (/<'?«. basheen) chippukli, toonwa, toor- mootee, &c v. spai-rotv-hawk, lugur, jhugur, zimich, besi-a, (young) chooz, v. falcon, &c. to hawk, baz ka shikar-khehia, (to expectorate) khunkharna, (to sell) bechta-phirna, (goods) bhuonree- duhee duhee-k. v. pedlar, &c. hawker, pheree-wala, khanche-wala. luiy, sookhee ghas, v. grass. hazard, (danger) undcshu, chinta, wuswas, v. chutwe, also to try, risk, hulakiit, shiik, v., fear, (game) joo,a, qitnar-bazee, qimar, v. dice, venture, harjeet, kurma-dliurmce, v. jeo- pardy. to hazard, v. a. khiitre- &c. -men daliia ; v. ii. tali azraa,ec- bukht bazee-k. v. to risk. linxardous, khutur-nak, mukhtoor,v. dangerous, jokhiniee, jcc-mar, soolee pur ka, junazu ru- wan, a walking bier, figuratively, a horse. haze, kohasa. he, pron. yioih, obliq. nos, v. that, yih, obliq. is, V. this, him, &c. (male) nur, iiurooka, v. mat), &c. (correlat.) so, tuon, kc; he himself, W(o- bce, wooh ap; he calls himself names, upne ap ko ap galec deta hue, v. the Monitor, p. 181. head, sur, (improp. sir, scr, seer,) moond, moon- dec, sc-cs, V. scull, kupar, matli, raatha, kliop- ree, \. front, gurdun, v. to behead, (when cut off) sirec, kullu, (detiominatinn of cattle) ras, (chief) sur-ilar, salar, nicer, y. leader, &c. (individual) nut'ur, v. man, &c. (of a bed) sir- ana, (intellect) uql, bcudii, v. brain, (section) fusul, bab, (source) sur-ciiuslmju, sira, niubda. V. foiC7itain, &c, (of a hatchet, &c.) })hui, (of a poppy, &c.) bondee, dhendcc, (pitch) hudd, durju, v. crisis, knot, (of corn) kookree, doda, bonda, v. ear, (of carrots) peudee, (of a hill) moondaha, v. crou:n, (of a class, duv) meerec, (in camp.) nicer, as ifcer mconshec meer bukawul, &c. v. principal, (of a cane) mooth, (of a boyie) diooia, gola, (place) su- dur, (of a web) mookli-pat, \. fore-end, (in ac- counts) mudd, V. column, (of an arrow) bha), V. point, (of a spear) booree, v. top, (loose dress) moondasa, mooretba, v. turbnnd, sur- pech, goshpcch, v. garland, (bearer) mitehra, V. chief, &c.; head and ears, surasur, surapa, sur ta qudum, bal bal, nulc sc sikh tuk, v. wholly;, head and heel ropes, agaree picliharee; to be seated at the head of a cotnpaiiy, sir pur- bueihna, oopur-buethna, sudur-buethna. to head, surdar- &c. -h. (a spear, &c.) puekan- lugaiia, V. to Jit ; to make head against, tuk- kur mama, v. to oppose. hcadarhe, durd i sur, .saidati, sees- or moond- bulha. headband, qusabu, puttee, sur-bund. head-uress, muor. hendiand, nas, tek, niuror, v. promontory. headless, lie-stn', (beheaded) sui"-booreedu, sur- kuta, (without a chief) be-surdar, v. heedless. headlong, adj. be-tudbeer, sir tulwaya, surni- goon, mooiili ke bhiilc, uondha sir,moondiyake, V. to rush, also rash, &c. adv. eka ck, nagu- HEA 294 HEA han, V. suddenly, moonh bhuran, also (head foremost) sir ke bhul, sirke tan, wazh-goon. head-piece, khod, v. helmet, also understanding, head-quarters, {of an army, &c.) muqiivr, inurju, sudur, (of a district) huwelee. head-stall, sur-dinval, sur-bund, nooktu, poozee- putta, mohree, v. halter, headstrong, nioonh-zor, sur-kush, be-lugam, sur- churha, gmstakh, shokli, dlieeth, khmd-pu- sund, khood-been, secnii- ur sur-zor, uphunt- ee, urel, v. obstinate, violent, heady, {as Uqtwr) nusheela, nushu-dar, mooskir, V. intOiiicating, also rash. to heal, V. a. chunga- khooshk-k. sookhlana, shu- t'a-d. illiyam-d. nioondumil- niooltneyim-k. V. to cure, {disputes) rufu- dufu-k, v. ii. chun- ga- &c. -h. sookjina, bhuriia, indimal-pukur- na. a healer, shufa-bukhsh, shafee. healing, muola|im, molueyin, nurin, v. mild. health, tun-dooroostee, sihhut, afiyut, sulamutee, khueriyut, v. welfare, cure, aram, nirog, (in good) sliuocj zuok-se, v. hale, healthful, &c. v. healthy, healthily, healfJifully, tundcoroostee-sc. Aea./^/imes«,tun-dcoroostee,majwafuqut, v. health, healthy, healthi/, {hah) tun-dcoroost,cliunga, bhula-cluiiiga, sulieeh ool buduii, suheeli o salim, {ivholesome) khoosh-guwar, moowafiq, moofeed,fa,idu-mund, V. good, khoosh, v. well. heap, dher, dheree, umbar, todu, tooddhur, gunj, ras, tal, buthiya, butuora, tooniar, v. throng, {of grass, &c.) khurhee, v. pik, &c. (crowd) mujmu, bheer, izhdiham, hoojoom, kusrut, ghol, V. cluster. to heap, jumu-k. jorna, ekiithaii-k. thopna, ganj- na, V. to accumulate; to heapup or pile, (books. &c.) gurna, (a measure) ooncha-bhurna, cho- teeha-bhurna, oopurtulee-k. in heaps, dul ke dul, thukeke thuke, v. mob. to hear, soonna, istimu-k. kan-dhurna, kan-d. sruwun-k. gosh zun-h. v. audience, (to oI>ey) manna, (to attend to) dhyan- lihaz-k. mootu- wujjih-h. heao'd, soona hoo,a, shooneedu. hearer, sami, shinuwa, soonwuya, soonunhar, srota. hearing, suma,ut, kan, istumau, soonawut, v. au- dience, presence, to hearken, kunso,ee- siirgoshee-k. v. to listen, hearsay, sumaee-bat, sronee soona,ee-bat, v. re- port. heart, dil, qulb, mun, khatir, chit, zuineer, v. liver, hiya, untur, batin, duroonu, ghur, hirda, unt, ghut, pet, v. belly, breast, &c. (hinerpart) mughz, gooda, bheetur, (middle) beech, diir- niiyan, (spirit) jan, ziihru, jigur, goorda, v. courage, &c. (memory) hifz, yad, (generosity) tuofeeq, (-s desire) dil-khwah; by Aear/, uz-bur, nok-zuban; to repeat by heart, nok zuban- piirhna; hard-hearted, sung-dil; tender-heart- ed, mom-dil, i. e. wax-hearted ; to find in the heart, khatir men-ana, v. life; with heart and hand, bu sur o chushm, sir anktion or jee pu- ran-se, deedu o dil-se, v. hand; to get by heart, v. to con, hifz- nok zuban-k. kunthc- purlina, V. to remember, learn ; to take heart, himmut-pukurna, v. courage, heart-breaking, jan-kah, khatir-shikun. heart-burn, wuju-ool fuwad, umul-pit, v. grudge, (to have the) kuleja-julna, v. acidity, heart-burning, (discontent) fusad, bigar, un-rus, V. discord, heart-easing, dil-aram. hearted, (in comp.) dil, dila, mun, muna. to heart&n, dil-burhana, dilasa- jan-d. diler- dil- HEJ 295 HEB darec-k. chuhrana, puhlana, v. to animate, en- courage, fteart-felt, dUee, y. inu-ard. kearth, cliuoka, thanw. heartily, diUkholke, bu-dil, dil-se, dildihec-se, shuoq-se, pct-bhur, \, f reefy, diJ,i^e>if/y. heortiness, sucha,ee,siichuotec, sidq, v.smceriti/, (ea^'-emfi#«)shiioq,dil-diliee,tuu-dihee,chuomp, riighhiit. heartless, be-dil, bud-dil, un-muna, be-mun, be- liio, V. timid, life, soul, spirit, kcarthasly, be dilee-se. heartlessness, be-dilce, bud-dilee, booz-dilee. heart-rending, mun-tor, dil-azar. heartsick, mun-inuroo. hearty, saf, be-riya, suchcha, sadiq, rast, sur- gurrn, dil-gurm, tmi-dih, dil-soz, mfio.stu,id, (in health) tun-dooroost, chunga bfaula, khrash, muhzooz, V. vigorous, suheeh col budun, chaq, V. stout, &c. also cordial, sincere, (cock) glia- zee-niurd, v. hero, heat, giinnee, hurarut, tupun, tiiput, julun, so- zish, tupisb, ugin, tabish, tab, jbanjh, v. rage, tap, dhoon, tupak, gurma.ec, anch, dhoop, gham , V . sttnsh in e, flame, (flush) gu rmce-d an u , V. eruption, &c. (/««/) alung, inustee, (to be in) oothna, aluug pur-a. jhurna, riijna, v. to lust, rut, &c. (weather) gurma, (at a race) phira, •. Hebrew, ibranee, ibree. HEI 296 HEL hectic, adj. mudqooq; a hectic fever, \.\.\\}\ (lifiq, chhu.ik, V. consumption. hector, v. hdhj, phbon banka, uta, \. bragga- docio. hedge, barli, ihatii, birwahee, tuttee, kliHr-buiid, V. enclosure, ghoran, ghcra, v. to fence, &c. ' (of bamboos) bunswaree, (of eujjfiorbmm) si- hoor-warfee, to hedge, barb- &c. -liigana, v. to obstruct. hedgehog, khar-pcosht, sahee, seenh. hedges; khar-bund. heed, dhyaii, lihaf;, khiyal, v. care. to heed, dhyan- &c. -k. manna, v. to regard. heedful, &c. soocliet, v. regardful, attentive, vi- gilance, cnrefnlly. heedless, ghafil, be-khubur, be-purwa, bc-fikr, be-tudbeer, be-iltifat, usoch, ucbet, miicbla, ulola, V. negligence, giddy, regardless. heedlessness, gbuflut, anakanee, be-kbiibi!rc'(>, v. inaitention. heel, cree, pashnu, v. hoof, foot, {of a cock) khar, kanta (ball of) findooq, (ornament) gio], (fea- thers) moozumniu, whead; to he at on '^sheets, peethiya thonk-h.; to have the heels of, pccch- lie- bugbul-marna, v. to surpass. to heel, jbrokna, v. to lean, (a cock) khar-kigana. hegira, hijrut, hijree, suni hijrut. heifer kulor, bukkun, biiehrec, osur. heigh ho! ullab uUah, aha, obo, bbubre bliu],.he na ra.en. height, oonchn,ee, booUmdeo, tibba, v. exaltation, oonchan, bheeta, tand, deeh,furaz, dumdumu, teekiir, teekra, dheepa, dheeba, dh(X)ha, tek, 'v.altitude,precipice,dend,(e.ifrem!fy)H\m\dut, josli, ta,o, mcona,. niiobut, v. Jit, fury, (eleva- tion) uoj, ooloo, (degree) raurtubii, hudd, in- tiha, V. summit, (coTnpletioji)kumii],v. perfec- tion (of a degree in latitude) ziyadutee ; a height, concha, teela ; in the height of, iien. men; in the height of the rnin.'s, iien bursal men, v. middle, to heighten, ooncha- &c. -k. v. to improve, oon- chana, churhana, v. high, to raino, burhana, V. to elevate, (colours, &'j.) iiikahia, (to melio- rate) bihtur-k. bunana, (to aggravate) bha- ree- quwee- ziyadu-k. heinous, kubeeru, shudeed, uzeem, sukht, bura, kura, zuboon, v. wicked. heinous/y, bii shiddut, sliiddut-se. heinousness, shiddut, sukhtee, zuboonee. heir, Viivng, walee, huqq-dar, mcDStuhiqq,(^'om#) shufccii,! khuleet, meera, muowar ; the heir apparent, wulee-nhd. to heir, waris-h. lena, v. to inherit. hei7'e.ss, warisu, v. inheritance. heirless, la-waris, be-waris, be-walec waris. heirship, wirasut, meeras. held, rukba, pukiira, v. to hold. heliotrophc, v. siin-Jlower. hell, julunnnm, dozukh, siiqr, niinik, putal lok, tuht fi)S suv.'i, buet oos suqur, sumak koond, koombhee, pakli, v. abyss ; go to hell, juhiin- num meji ja.o, bhar men ja/j, v. furnace ; to play hell, qiyamut- &;c. -k. v. havock, devil, &c. ; the lowest pit of hell, iistiil nos-safileeii. hellebore, kootkee, khurbuq. hell-hound, wajib cos-suqur, jiiliinimimee siig. hellish, juhunnumee, dozukhee, shuetance, nur- kee. heUishness, sbuetunut, %-. i)?fernal. helm, (rudder) putwar, satkkan. helmet, helm, khod, mnghfiir, top, kuriya, moon- dalia, V. crest. helmsman, maniheo, scnkkan-ee or -geer, kunda- iee, putnee, v. to steer. help, mudud, mududgaree, pmshtee, imdad, isti- anut, nusrut, suha,eta, tuqwiyut, ooprala, hul- bhul, himayut, oopra, oopkar, v. assistance HEM HER aid, (remedy) ilaj, charu, oopa,o ; by God'n help, bu fuzl ilahee, v. ,s^ace, also God. to help, mudud- &c. -k. thamblina, sumbhalna, {to remedy) charu sazee-k. {to prevent) m\- haiia, door- rufu- zubt-k. {f.o supply) dena, inayut-k. ; pray help me to that dinh, wooli khana moojhe jnayut keejiye. helper, mudud-gar, yar,moomid, moj.awin, poosh- tee-ban, suha,ee, hulbhuliya, iiasir, v. protec- tor, kumera, v. asaistaiU, mate. helpful, luooinid, mcofeed, v. useful. helpless, be-cbaru, la-char, be-tnuqdoor, u-tutha, furo-mandu, v. destitute, be-bus, nimana, usa- mirt, ni-punk,ha, nachar, be bal o pur, nidhal, hueran, la-ilaj, dust-bustu, be-qaboo, taqut se taq,ghureeb, v. ruined,iiiabUity,irret)iediable, {to be) puthur tule puma, nak men jan-ana, y. forlorn. .\>>(^}ji-iM»^*m«i'i 'Oamk^ivs helplessness, be-charugee, la-charugee, be-muq- dooree, furo-inandugee. helter-skelter, duora duor, bhaga bhag, thela the- lee. A:iywivd ^mtmvc helve, bent, dustu. j^i^VNifi^!, ,V;i hem, umul puttee, mughzee, 'sunjaf, lorhee, qor, putya, kungooru, v. border, &c. (in speaking) khunkhar. to hem, (cloth, &c.) umul puttee-seena, raugh- zee-iugaiia, lorhiyana, v. to stitch, putiyana, kinaru-niarna, v. to border, (to surround) gher- lena, chhenkna, mcohaauru-k. (m speaki?ig) khunkhurna. ' ">"!»• •'.■■- fi ay ,'i.vg;.: hemicrania, udh-sees or -kuparee..v^,J\^9»; hemiplegy, udh-ung. ij uga ,' Ai>imA « hemisphere, nisf ool unr., nisf nol knoru,nisfi dfl|iru, kutora, udhgola, piyalu, khuemu, qoobbiijdal. hemistvck, misrau, took, pup, churn. >Wh^!< hemlock, shcukran. ivt\ ,^t«^tfr-)A ,,ttt«iofc*T \ henwptoe, bookuree run, sill, jukha. hemorrhage, {by the nose) roa,af, nukseer, \.Jhuv, bleeding, suel-oud-dura, jiriyani khoon,roodjiir- purbah. ;«ft\n j»r- fiemorrkoids, buwa seer. hemp, sun, putwa, pat, v. henbane. hempen, sun- or pat- &c. -ka; whence puttee, or what is tailed gimny, though the natives gene- rally use the word tat. hemp-seed, pitwa, sun ka beej. hen, moorghee, makiyan, koDkree, kooktee, v. fowl, (hearted) moorghee, geedur, v. coward, (roost) moorgh-khanu, (female) madu. henhatie, bhung, bunj, subzee, ganja, bootee, bee- jiya, nurja. hence, (from this place) eehan-se, yulian-se, id- hur-se, (time) bu ud, peechlie, (for this rea- son) is waste, is liye, lihaz-a, is-se, isee-su- bub, V. therefore, (away, q. v.) dufu-ho, door- ho, goom-ho, surko, sumk, nikul ja, v. to move ; two years hence, do burus bu,iid. hencefyrth, henciforwa rd, ub-se, is wuqt-se, bu.ud is ke, a,indu, age, saneeun hal, v. agaiti. henpecked, zun-mooreed, istree sikh, kooshtu-zun, V. uxorious. , ,. ,v hepatic, jiguree, kubdee, v. liver. heptagon, huft-puhloo, moosubbj, sut-kona, hufl- rookha or -gosliu. Iter, (obi. of she) is, cos, ( possessive pron.) oos-ka, npna ; she tears her hair, upne bal khusottee hue; she told her father, upne bab se kuha, not ooske bap se kuha, agreeably to the English idiom, T. the Monitor, Vol. I. ^ her''s, oos-ka, -ke, -kee; the house is he/s, though the garden be mine, ghur ooska hue ugurchi bagh mera, v. his. herald, dhindhoriya, moonadee, ihtimam-chee, -v'-viV. harbinger, &c. herb, boota, durukht, juree, bootee, nabat. The nantes of a few ate as follows : kookruonda, doodhee,godna,gandur, goonia, gobhee, ghum- P p HER 298 HES ra, ghuma,ee, mucliheeclihee, burlyara, bir- tiya, svimit, ruodhree, \. greens , plants, grass, weed, medicine, vegetable, Jlower, &c. also henbane, and others inserted here. herbage, subzu, nubatat, ghas pat, bunas puttee, buriya,ee, chura,ee, huree, v. grass, pasture, herbal, juree kulp, -ce, a herbalist. herh-woman, kaonjrin, koerin, sag-walee. herd, nar, gullu, dar, pal, lenhda, chiiona, goiin- | da, jhoond, rumu, v. droce, {nf camels) qutar, {of elephants) luilqu, v. Jlock. to herd, ghol ghol-phirna, jhoond ka jhoond- &c. -phirna, -rulina, &c. v. to associate, Jlock. herdsman, gulla-ban,palee, pus-pal, churwal, bul- dhiya, dhoongur, v. drover, gra.vier, shepherd, here, eehan, yuhan, is juguh, idhur, isturuf; here and there, eehan vvuhan, idhur oodhur, tha,een tha,een, khal.khal, khalkhutt, ja-bu-ja, ku- lieen kuheen ; hereabouts, kuheen yiheen, ku- ' been idhur ; hereafter, bn,vid is ke, min bu,ud, a,indu, age, aqibut-men, v. futurity, &c. ; hereat, is-pur, is-nien, is-se ; also hereby, herein, herewith, hereto, he. hereditary, heritable, muoroosee, aba,ee, bupuo- tee, nuslee, bunsee, koolee, bonniyadee, kha- noomanee, v. family. heresy, bidut, kooputh, iihad, phoot, v. innova- tion, ■*-' ^i'-^^'' . • • -it^. *i*>^ oiiv-ii i4i«. ; tuiui heretic, moobtudi, bidiitee, raf?.ee;goom-rah, mrol- hid, kulimu go, kafir, kharijee, v. seceder. heretofore, peshtur, age, qubl is wuqt ke, sabiq men, gu,e dinon men, pichhle dinon men, v. formerly. i-A'i» ;»>■ heriot, raj-dund, zubtee. ' ■,, ,. heritage, irs, meeras, wirasut, bosniyad, wursu, muoroos, uns, bupuns, bupuotee, birt, v. pa- trimony. c ,3aJMi4 ,&i.. heroism, buha-dtDree, shooja,ut, jair-ut, beer-rus, \. bravery, gallantry. heron, booteemar, bugla. herpes, {achor) gunj; a person ajfflicted withAt, giinja, V. itch. ifvi JfiiKi.! her-te, v. bier, {used in the procession called HivUm) guhvvaru, v. cradle, «■ ,» uvj^ijiv.'.'. herself, ap, {obi. of the recip. pron.) upne or up- nee ; she tvill hill herself, wooh upne ko mar- dalagee, or wouh upnee tu,eeii mardalegee ; she herself, wooh ap, v. her, him, she, &c. to hesitate, aga peechha- &c. -k. hues hues men-h. shuk- 8:c. -r. dolna, hidiyana, kuniyana, shush- dur-h. looploopana, dodila-h. v. to delay, (m speaking) hichkichana, kuchiyana, utukna. hesitation, hesitancy, pus o pesh, shish o punj, shoubhu, shuk, wuswas, doobdha, hues hues, agoopuchh, chhu panch, chul bi chul, a,oon HIG HIG ja.oon, khol moond, turuddrnd, tuwuqqoof, v. apprehmskm, doulit, (in sprecli) hichkiclice, hichkichahut, girift, looknut, v. to stanvmer. heterodox, bidutee, koo puthee, kharijee. heterogeneous Jieterogcneal,\avoVhii\\i',x\ai-n\w\\&- fiq, na-mootabiq, na-humwar. gliuer-jins, v. dissimilar, &c. to hew, katna, turaslina, clioor cliooi-k. gurhna, mutharna, abarna, v. to fell, hack. ,^Av ,\ii; hewer, (of stones) sung-turash, {of wood) lukur- hara, hezum-kush. he.vagon, sliish-puhloo, monsuddus. hexagonal, chhu-kona, sbisii-gosliu. hexameter, hearastiv, moosuddus, k)iut-pud, also hexapod. hey, hey day '. ahba, ohho, uUah ullah, juejue, shabash, kya bat hue ! v. bravo, hiatus, suktu, y. gap. ibttmui&.mir.^jinaiAi hiccough, hiccup, hichkee, fuo.aq, hlkwa. to' hiccough, hichkce-lena, bichkiyana. hidden, hid, posbeedu, pinban, iiiban, . gmput, mukbfee, moostutir, roo-posb. hide, chursa, udhuoree, chain, chumra, khal, ■' post, jild, cliumree, v. skin, also tojlay. to hide, V. a. cbhipana, lookana, posbeedu- &c. -k. dhampna, surposh- ulop-k. dhookana, du- . bana, mudfoon-k. v. Iiidden, also to conceal, bury; V. n. ciihipna, lookna, posbeedu- 8ec. -h. dhookna, dubna, sutukna, dubukna. hide and seek, chor-moonduora, cborniubeecliu- nee, putee-mungawun, dug-.v high, ooncha, boolund, bala, moortufii, u,ula, v. long, mtuiig, surla, oopurwar, sursur, lumba, V. tall, &c. mcutu.al, v. exalted, tez, burhiya, V. dear, (/>rec/) juteela, usee), iiusuiee, v. gene- rou^, {behind, as a hwse) tuburgoon, v. hatchet, also e.vtravagaHt,{words) kuha-soouee.bat bur- bee, awaz boolund, suklit sajst, uiesa wuesa, v. altercation, {as heaven) asman-ja, {in comp.) alee, rufeeu, vvala, (thus, wala-jali, of higli dignity) {oppressive) sukht, {violent) toond, buia, {much) buhoot, ziyadu, {as colour) shokh, garha, {in latitude) ziyadu, {applied to time) theek, iien, {ancient) qudeem, p.Tirana, {dear) bura, guran, muhnga, v. great, noble, arrogant, &c. ; from on high, oopur-se, v. above ; most high, burtur ; the Most High, huqq-tu,ala; high-lmrn, umeer-zadu, sahib- zadu, ushraf; high-heeled, boolund-pashinu ; high-mettled, juld, jan-baz, jan-dar, kunva; high-minded, mughroor, v. arrogant ; high- spirited, diler, juwan-murd, sahib-ghuerut ; f'>g!^-fed, uaz purwurdu, v. pampered; high- seasoned, musalulidar, v. spicy, hot; to talk big or high, chabchabke baten-k. ; the high and low, ukabir o usaghir, uwam o khuwas, oonch- neech, wuzeeu o shureef ; the highest, {degree) uksur durju, hudd durju, (note) teep. higher, bnolundtur, u,ula, v. the positive. high-flying, brolund purwaz, v. turgid. highland, kohistan, puhar, koh, purbut. highlander, pubaree, khusiyu, bhil, puhanya, cho.ar, kohee, kobistanee, v. hilly. highly, niiiayut, niput, buhrot, ziyadu, v. greatly. highness, ooiicha,ee, b(»lundee, irtifiui, rifu.iU, burturee, v. height, tezee, &c. v. deamess, &c. {title) qiblu,i-aluin, huzrut, khoodawund, ju- Pp 2 < HIN 300 HIS nab i alee, muha-raj, djiurum moorut, v. lord- ship &c. .iwidsf .iHosiMtd-sfjjf!? highwater, bliura juwar, bhurpoor juwar, v. full, spring, &c. ^''^*' <• highway, shah-rah, shari-am, dura, dfiUrra, bura rasta, suruk, perhaps a corruption of sulk, (suluk) a road, Arab. .'i*^^ • ' highwayman, rah-zun, quzzak, but par, v. robber. hilarity, v. merriment, khoosh-halee, chohul, v. gaiety. hill, puhar, koli, jubul, gir, purbut, meroo, v. mountain. .j'i^Un ,wi . hillock, puharee, teela, puhuriya, tongree, i.,o^, ,.*!< ,'i=i'fHiu\i>^i!\ hippopotamus, durij'a.ee ghora. ' ' hire, hiring, kirayu, bhara, ajooru, ujr, muzdoo- ree, oojrut, huqq-hulal, kuma,ee, mihnutanu, khurchanu, ajoorudaree, &c. iw/>«, chookuota, theeka, rozeenu, shubeenu, tuk khurchee, v. salary, 'Jof a prostitute) khurchee, v. wages. to hire, v. to enlist, nam-likhna, v. to etitertain, {take on hire) kira,e- &c. -lena, {to let on hire) kira,e- &c. -dena, {a servant) rukhna, {to bribe) rishwut- akor-ghoos-d. {to take service) nuokree-k. hireling, hired, ajooru-dar, muzdoor, rozeenu-dar, theeke-dar, bunrhar, bhurwa, rozgaree, njeer, bhurueta, v. hackney, mercenary. ^M^ hirer, kirayu-dar, bhuruet, v. renter. his, iska, {fern, iskee) oaska, {fern, ooskee) upna, {fem. upnee) ; he told his mother, upnee ma se oon ne kuha, not ooskee ma se oon ne kuha, as in the following example : ooskee ma se muen ne kuha, / told his mother. hiss, pho3phkar, phunj)hunahut, sunsunahut, chhunaka. '■"' to hiss, {condemn) talee-marna, pliish-k. v. to damn, chhun-chhunana, v. tojiz, {as a snaJce, HOA 801 HOL &c.) ])h«>ph-karna, phun phunana, sunnana, sunsunata-jana. hist, clioop choop, ruho, ruho, hisht, khamosh, v. silence. historian, historiographer, mnowurrikh, sahib-ta- reekli, rawee, naqil, mtio.ullif, biitantee, tu- warikh-dan, uhli siyiir. . history, tuwareekh, {pi. of) tareekh, hikayut, ruwayut, kuefiyut, britant, bitlia, siyur, das- tan, V. fable, (in comp.) namu ; thus, sikun- dur-narau, the history of AU'.minder. hit, mar, zurb, v. Mow, huth kutee, v. stroke, sliikar, v. catch, {chance) ittifaq ; a lucky hit, khoob ittifaq, v. opportunity. to hit, V. a. mama, v. to attain, jiirna, dena, lii- gana, v. to lend, give, buethna, ana, thekna, chhooiia, V. to hurt, touch; to hit the mark, {lit. kc. Jigurat.) huduf-mariia ; if you have bribed the judge, you have hit the mark, ugur tnom ne qazee ko rishwut dee to liuduf-mara ; to hit ; V. n. lugiia, theek-purna ; to hit upon, tujweez-k. v. to succeed. hitch, hichuk. .»UB«j|f4^«! to hitch, lung-mama, kuchukna, hichukna, v. limp. hither, hitherward, idhur, is-turuf, {nearer) wul- la, wuela, wure, uelevvur, v. here; thither, oodhur, oos-turuf. hitherto, ubhee, ub-tuk, ub-toree, aj-tiik, hunoz, ilulan, ublug, ajhoon, v. yet, {ever) kubhee. hir>€, chhutta, chhata, ghuriya, mukhiyal, uola- nu, zumboor-klianu, mukhiyajoot, v. swarm. ho ! hoa ! ho ! O ! ure ! hot ! ooh ! yuunee I V. holla. hoard, poonjee, mayu, jumii, gunj, khuzanu, gurwa dhun, gurota, gugra, juk, nopyon ka ghura, V. treasure, {buried luxirds) duleenu. to hoard, jumn-k. jonui, butonia, sumetna, sunchna. A^wt^.vV .JW Itoarder, sunchunliar, butoioo, v. hunks. hoarfrost, pala, kohur or kora, v. snott, also hoary. .ii»iiKi«4 /loariness, sufedee. Iioarse, bharee-awaz, gojloo-giriftu. to be hoarse, gula-purna, gula-ghunghana, khur- khurana, gula- or awaz-buethna, -bajna or ' -gburghurana. sni^' y»aaM«|; ^eV^yr^nKti** Itoarsely, bharee awaz-s^H-tblia ..aJiifKKjtoib. hoarscjiess, girif'tugee awaz. hoary, sufed, pukka, oojla, burf, roopa, v. mouU dy. to he hoary, {as hair) pukka- &£c. -h. hobble, mutuk, v. halt. to hobble, mutukta-ciiulna, v. to hitch, gcnrukna, koudukna, gcnrkee-marna, v. to tialt, to limp. hobby-horse, kuUi-ghora, uddee. hobgoblin, b)iootna, bhoot, jinn, v. elf. Iiocus-pocus, nut biddiya, chutuk phutuk, natuk chatuk, chhoo-niuntur, v. juggle. hod, kuthra, tugharee. hodge-jjodge, huleem, geenj, mulghoba, sutnuja, V. medley. ,>,' hoe, kciodaree, muthu,ee, phuora, kusee. to hoe, gorna. hog, soo,ur, khinzeer, khook, gcoraz, barah, soo- kur, {herd) kliook-ban. a wild Img, bunuela. ftoggish, ghuleez, nujis, pileed, gundu, mulichh. kog-slye, soo,ur kee bhar, bukhor. hoiden, phoohur, anarin, v. slut, mangna, v. wanton, to hoiden, khurmustee-k. to lioist, oothana, churhana, khuitu-k. oorana, V. to display, {-the sail) pal-cuthana. Jiold ! niho, bus, bus-kuro. io hoM, V. a. pukurna, guhna, v. to grasp, thiih- rana, thanna, lugana, sumbhalna, (up) ootha- na, V. to raise, (down) jhookana, dubana, v. to HOL 302 BOL bend, press, (the tongue) zuban-b. or -r. jeebh- dabna, (to keep) rukhiia, dhurna, (io connect) milana, utkana, bund-k. v. to retain, (to main- tain) kuhna, du,uwa-k. (to consider) janiia, mu,uloom-k. v. to regard, (as a vessel) su- ma,ee-r. goonja|ish-r. (to refrain) baz-r. barna, \. to stop, (as a council or feast) kiirna, v. to inanage, to possess, continue, (-oner's peace) chrop-ruhna, sakit-ruhna ; to hold, as a vessel, is generally reversed in this language : thus, instead of saying, the vessel will hold so much water, they say, so much water will be held in the vessel, eta panee is burtun men suinawega ; V. n. bona, ihuhurna, nibhna, jana, buethna, chulna, lugna, thunna, suuibhulna, sudhna, bunna, v. to suit, do, stand, bind, (to hold good) theek-h. (to remain) ruhna, tikna, (to refrain) thumbhna, baz-ruhna, (to be dependant on) tu.ullooq- iilaqu-r ; to be held or mntnined, surnana, untna, uaiana, v. to admit, also tlie simple verbs, whieh are expressed by the va- rious compounds of this, in their proper places : thus, for to liohl out, v. to last. This is rather a troublesome verb, but will pro^•e easy enough to those who can or will consult the simple words themselves, in our language, instead of the compounds under hold, viz. to sappress, propose, to continue, edtend,{or to ho/din, hold forth, &c. hold, j)ukur, girifl, [pukur-lena, to takf JiokQ (support) asra, (power) muqdoor, (joidrut, bus, ikhtiyar, v. influence, (a fort) qulu,u, gurh, hisar, (of a vessel) duhra, pet, v. htill, (den) mundan, v. haunt, guli, huthkuia, v. gripe, handle. holder, qabiz, ruchhuk, v. possessor, (of a hill or order) tunkhwah-dar, v. assignment, house, land, &c. (in comp.) dar, geer ; a landholder, zumeen-dar. , . .,,,,..,, ., hole, chhed, beh, soorakh, ruozun, ruklinu, dur, koomhul, send, sal, ghur, khanu, v. place, ori- fice, moonh, ghuonchee, bedh, guo, gooch, bhumbhara, bhatlia, moghar, ghuond, chugur, bumbo, bfugharu, ghar, v. gap,]iit, (of an ani- mal) bil, gurha, v. subterfuge. holily, tuqawut- &c. -se. '/t* iirfe ,o«f>-(!3li-'i holiness, tuqwa, tuqawut, sufa, sulahiyut, tun- zlyu, pai'sa,ee, poun, jog, bhugta,ee, v. piety, sanctify, (title) huzrut, junab i mcoquddus. holla ! ! are, a,e, hule, ho, ujee, v. o / (at the endofivords) hot, re; bha,ee-re, holla! brother. holloiv, adj. chhoochha, khalee, moojuwwuf, khoklu'a, kluondla, thotha, phophra, phokur, phonkh, pola, khol, poolkha, (as sound) rookha, dil-khurash, wuhshut ungez, (to sound so) bliumbhana, («*■ eyes, &c.) bueth- wan, nusheb, khular, y. flat, (unfaithful) be- wufa, riya-kar, doo-rung, v. false, ■tioisy, &c. hollow, ««/>. juof, khokh, phonk, gurha, khoonJ- kul, khonkhur, kondur, v. the adj. also pit, holtom, nushebgah, khala, neewan, khoond, doogua, v. cavity. .>j»ii»in to hollow, (eivcucate) chhoochha- S:c.'-k. kukor- na, khodna, korna, kondrana, v. to scoop, (to shout) pookarna, terna, v. to hoot. ^A.^rt^iiA,- hollowhearted, kazib, jhootha, bud-batin. ,Kf hollowness, khooloo, v. Itollow, (deceit) I'iya, doo- rungnc, V. itisincerity. ,!mvi>. . Jiolster, qooboor. •.,,.'' j'.'.; •, ' . holy, moosullee, uhl i sufa, salili, mtntuhhir, par- sa, uhl i batin, sahib dil, j)ak, mootubur- ruk, V. sacred, bluigut, v. holiness, wulee, dhurmatma, p.anyatnia, v. religions, qoodsee, moonuzzu, (war) jihad, ghuza ; the holy city, buet col moo quddus, v. pious, .fi'.fv' '8-««n! Holy-Ghost, rooh col qouds. »iiiWiV i-s jih /j > holy-day, eed, te,ohar, purub, bura dirt, khoosh- roz, V. feast, fast, carnival, &c. The most HON 303 HON notetl are, dcwrga pooja, kalec poq)a,pimcho<)- niee, surswutce pooja. Holy God, sa)b,hau uUah, whence scnb.haa terec qoodrut, said to be the cry or matin song of the partridge in India. homage, tabi-d;iree, turman-biirdarec, ita,ut, tu- bue,ut, tusleem, bue,ut, v. reverence, worship, obeisance. home, ghur, niukan, deru, muskun, Uh>than, v. place, {couiitrii) des, nicxjlk, wutim, wilayut, 'jiinmnhhoom,(oi>posedtofather-in-law''s)ime- hur; at home, ghur men, mukan pur ; he is going home, wooh ghur jata hue; he went home to his own country lust year, par sal wooh upne des gnya ; a home thrust, (with a sword) khoob ho()l ; to bring a thinghotne to one^s self, upneoopur \a.na.,y.fully; home is home, though ever so homely, ghur ghuree hue kuesa hee ghureeba muo ho. home, poora, v. unansu;erahlc. homebred, posoo,a, khanu-ptirwiir or -zad, khan- gee, ghur-pula, sayu purwurdu, v. domestic. homeliness, sadu-gee, na-turasheedu-gce. homely, sadu, na-muozoon, naturasheedu, un- gurh, un-chlieela, v. ordinary, kumroo, ghu- reeba muo, V. humble, coarse. home-made, dcsce. homespun, khanugee,ghur ka,khanu-baf or -saz, ghur-binwa or -bunwa, v. rude, homely. .homeward, homewards, ghur ko, ghur kec turuf. homicide, miirdtjom-ka)shee,v./M?A »^ v\ hottest, sucli-cha, khura, rat-l, rast-baz, rast- in(n,-,tmulu, diyaniit-dar, mtutudueyun, poora, dhunimatuina, sadiq, v. cliaste, sa,oo, sadh, pak-baz, mco,utubur, ba-wufa, umanut-dar, dhurniee, v. reputable. honestly, diyanut- darec-se. Iionesty, such-cha,ce, rastee, suchuotec, rost-ba- zee, sidq, tuuueyuu, diyanut-daree, eeman- daree, eenian, siit, nem, unianuL, v. probity, jits t ice. honied, sheereen, meetha. honey, shuhd, vulg. Ku)iut, mud, usul,ungubeen, V. ilear, machhik, mukhiya,o, {dew) rus, {comb) ghuriya, clihata, {in guns) khodra, V. sweet, {combed) daghdar,daghcc,soorakhee, kirm-khrordu. honorary, izzuUbukhsh, lakliiru, hnormutce, iz- zutee, moot'ukhkhiir, v. nominal; an honorary dress, (conferred by princes on their visitors) khuhit. honour, {reputatioti)\zzut, i,uzaz, put,\vuqr, wi- qar, iftikhar, uzinut, btoziurgec, bura.ce, nu- mood, v.fame, character, shurf, iqtidar, su- adut, shurfiyat, ab, murjadu, teha, manind, muliut, dliuruni, [whence dhurum agor, a di- vision of grain upon honour \ v. respect, &c. (family) nung o namoos, purdu-poshee, lung, sunkoch, v. chastity, (dignity) shan, shikoh, uoj, payu, durju, sur-furazee, v. rank,{proper s-pirit) gliuerut, huniiyut,anban,iiung,v. mag- nunimity, bcc. (rtvereme) udub, tu.uzeein, man, adur, (boast) fukhr, iftikhar, v. glory, (orMa«t ,iw>n >.\ HOO 0^ HOP to honour, udub- &c. -k. bura- &c. -janna, v. to /■> reverence, &c. hojrmiit- &c. -d. moo,uzzuz- ,i'i &c. -k. Y- to dignify. honourable, sahib-abroo, nam-wur, sahib-hoor- niut, moo,uzzuz, moolitunim, m(x>,utubur, moo- wuqqur, bura, numoodar, sahib-ghuerut, v. -<; creditahle,honour, also honorary, honesty, xtmh- utee, mannik, shureef, mooshurruf, v. great, illustrious, {company) duokit mudar. honour ableness, uzmut, manta, mosmtazee, nam- wuree, v. the adj. also credit, honour. honourably, hcormut- &c. -se, v. honour. honoured, {brother) guramee, {father) qiblu kuonuen. honours, {privileges) hooqooq. hood, {to blindfold) orhnee, puchhuoree, ghoogh, - muknu, jhompa, {for hawks) topnee, v. blind, .y^^ canopy, &c. {in comp.) is often expressed by (* pun, puna : thus, lurka-pun or luik-puna, childhood, v. the Monitor, {covering) top, to- ;■< pee, koolah, v. veil. At the end of words, it »t' is often expressed by ee, &c. lurka-ee, murd- -uee, childhood, manhood, v. the Monitor, p. 71. hooded, top-dar, chhutree-dar, phunee,v. crested. to hoodwitik, ankh-moondna, ankhen bund-k. > ankhoii men khak dalna, v. to deceive. hoof, soom, V. heel, soombat, khoor, {cloven) (■i khooree. hoofed, soom-dar, khooriyaha. hook, ankree, ankra, qoollab, kuntiya, kanta, v. !;«' sickle, tipka, tippa, lugsee, phulee-kush, kura, r*^ huth-kura, kondee, v. aquiline, {for catching any thing) unksee, {sickle) hunsiya, durantee, {of a hinge) chool, {used for driving elephants) ankoos, gujuk ; to be qff'the hooks, choolen-ook- hurjana; by hook or by crook, charnachar, tuo- -•^wu.un o kurhun, bu-hur-hal, kisee turuh, kul '''-!■' bul se, kul kante se. to hook, kutiye se pukurna, {together) zunjeeree bundee- &c. -k. v. to chain, {to grapple) qoo- labu-marna, kumund-phenkna, v. to noose, {to join) jorna, v. to fasten,{to ensnare) Icobhana, phunsana, giriftar-k. v. to allure. ».j hooked, terha, kuj, v. be7it. jili hook-nosed, tootee kee see nak. •.•• ^•' hoop, hulqu, chumbur, kojndlee, ghera, niendra, V. circle, ring. . ,s*i^-,!)dv> to hoop, hulqu-lugana, liooha-k. qeeq-marna, v. to shout, to encircle, also to hoot. hooping-cough, daba, v. chin-cough. hoot, gohar, shor, ghool. ><«& 'to/ji^Of ti to hoot, V. n. shor-muchana, ghool-k. v. a. doot- karna, lulkarna, talee- or thupree-bujana, or -marna, mulamut- lu,un- tu,un-k. ungoosht nooma-k. v. to hiss, {as an owl) hoo hoo-k. hop, kooduk, chuokree, just, phulang, zuqund, gooruk, tapoosee, v. leap, jump. iwiy^ to hop, koodukna, koodrana, phcodukna, koddna, V. to skip, goorna, goorukna, tapoosee- &c. -mama. hope, oommed, as, asra, asa, chushm, v. expecta- tion, corifidence, {that on which the hopes are placed) moo,vitumud, oommed-gah, {of a fami- ly, &c.) chushm o churagh, undlie kee lukree, usa.e peeree. ,i *,,,■, ,,i ,/, to hope, oommed- &c. -r. oommed war-h. v. to confide. '. 3a*r3^,'j3:^«tiiita,s»w««-5y!nvj\ hoper, asrik, poor oommed. hopeful, {promising) honhar, rusheed, sU|eed, {full of) oommed-war, mootuwuqqi. hopefully, oommedwaree-se. ,«^i|i^«» .iV;^tbW>«i hopefulness, oommed-waree, su,adut-mundee,nek- bukhtee, honharee. hopeless, na-oommed, be-tuwuqqoo, nir-as, nia- yoos, lachar, v. desperate, {unpromising) be- buhru, na-khuluf, doobunhar, kupoot, v. aban- doned. to be hopeless, hath-dhona. .i.iMiij , ■* HOR 305 HOR hopper, knodukkur, {of a mill) gala, jheenk, nianee, (basket, q. v,) sewutee, dluiina, v. luim- per. hoppers, {game) sat sumoondur, beeja putree, beechwa, (a division of) dhobee putra. horal, horary, sa,utee. horde, from rordoo, which last is in India applied to the court, camp, army, &c. of the Mooghul or Tartar conquerors of Hindoostan, v. tribe. horizon, rofooq, khutt i tuhtanee, sumusthan, iikas gurbha, asnian ka-kor or -ghera, &c. v. circle, {true) khutihja gurbha, {apparent) pristha gurbha, horizontal, pura, gira — also horizontally. horn, seeng, shakh, qurn, [Latin cornti] kurg, kuchkura, v. under, {of the rhinoceros) khag, {for powder) seengra, seenga, — also a trum- pet, q. V. {wind instrument) kurna,e, nursinga, toorhee, nufeer, {of the moon) nok, kanee, {dish) puela, {made of) shakhee, v. feeler, {of a bow) goshu ; to pull in the horns, {from dread) doom duba-jana ; to put out horns, sir sing-h. V. to cuckold. hombeak, seengee muchee. horn-book, rama gutce, tukhtec. horned, shakh-dar, z.rol-qurnuen, sringee, sceng- dar, {an aquatic plant) singhara. horner, shakh.-gur. kuman-gur. hornet, lukheree, bur, zumboor, birnee, v. ivasp. hornless, moondla, moond-a or -ee. hornpipe, nuchkcl, dhumal, rohilce nach. horny, {made of horn) shakhw, {callous) sukht, kura. horography, fwrometry, sa.ut-shooniaree. horologe, sa.ut-nooma, ghuree. horoscope, nuchhutur, rutee, tali, lugun-kmndu- lee, junum pulur, teepini, jununi mala, /a,ee- cbu, tali-namu. horrid, horrible, nicoheeb, huebut-nalv, bhuya- nuk, wuh,shut-ungez, ibrut-ungez, suhum- nak, nuikrooh, mcostukruh, kureeh, zisht, zuboon, bhuyarnik, v. dire, hideous, terrible, atrocious. horridness, horrihleness, huebut-nakee, huo)-na- kee, suhutn-nakcc, il)rut-\ingizee, wuh,shut- ungezee, zuboonce, shiddut, v. enormity. horror, huebut, huol, ikrah, dhurka, ibrut, V. dread, wuh,shut, oochat, v. gloom, {rigour) qushu,urccTU, bhour bhoorec. horse, ghora, usp, ushhub, shub-dcz, gool-goon,' tuosun, koomuet, v. cavalry, charger, cbarwa, bajec, usa, hue, ta,ir, furs, murkub, bargee, toorung, {of 7 or 8 years) charsal {of 10, &c.) punj, (o/'14, &c.) uuilc piuij, v. steed ; a led horse, kotul. There are several sorts of horses, such as the tazee (Arabian), toorkee (Turkish), and the tanghun, vulg. tannian, which are brought from the Bliootan hills, v. poney; a horse-laugh, c[uhqu]\si; on horse-back, ghore-pur suwar, suwar-kar, ghoic-suwar, v. mounted, {cavalry) suwar, uswar, urohun, ghoor suwar. The defects of horses, not perhaps elsewhere enumerated, are, hurdawul, munee, thuiice, taqee, janoo.a, chukawur, sampun, na- gin, sitaru peshanee, besides the punj-ueb shu- ru,ee, viz. shubkor, kumkhur, kumree, dundan gecr, V. feather, spavin, &c. {supporter) gho- ree, v. stand, {',n romp.) ghoor. whence ghoor bal, horse-hair, ghoor diior, n course, &c. q. v. horses of size, raa kulan {niiddle-si.red)hueih\veen or khoontee ka ghora, {small) rasfuqut, v. sort. Of these the varieties are, moojunnus, do-nusla, iirubee, iraqee, kuchhee, gli. to huff, V. to pnff, (to be in a) chiichirana, ug- rana, phoohia, gurm-h. v. bluster, (to go off in a huff) tumukiia. tohug, god men-lena, bughul nien-dabna, chha- tee-lugana, gule-lugana, pyar-k. v. to fondle, to squecxe. iingJugana, v. to embrace, huge, bura, kulan, uzeein, bokus, muha, bhuen- sur, chuodhur, v. vast ; having a huge body, uzeem-ool-j ussa. hugely, bu-shldd ut, buhoot, v. greatly, hugeness, bura,ee, kulanee. hug'geP-inugger, v. huddle, ghoos-phoos, gooj)- choop. hull, hulk, V. body, kothee, pet, kho!, v. sJiell, ship, hum, bhinuk, bhinbhinahut, glioonghoonahut, V. buzx, abut, v. sound. to hum, jhooJana, v. to gull, ghoonghoonana, goongoonana, moonh men gana, (as bees) bhin- ukna, bhinbhinana, miinmunana, v. to buxix, (as a person muttering) giiiglnana. to hum and haw, hlchkichake-bobia, v. to hem. human, insanee, bushree, manookhee, (creature) adum-zad, insan, admee, jun, juna, manoohi, nur, bushur, jatuk, kulsura, v. man. humane, insan, bhula-manus, moo]a,ini, nurm- dil, huleem, suleem, mcoturuhhlm, durd-mund, mom-dil, sahib-mooruwwut, uhl, nek-kho, ruhm-dil, goolab-chushm, koniul, v. merciful. humanely, bhulmunsee- &c. -se. humanity, insaniyut, admiyut, adum-guree, moo- la,imut, hilm, turuhhooni, mom-dilec, nurm- dilee, murdcomee, v. compassion, bushriyut, &c. bushree, v. mortality, (kindness) bhul- munsa,ee, v. pity, benevolence. to humanize, insan- &c. -k. adniee-k. humble, ghureeb, huleem, miskeen, adheen, kum- shur, humwar, na-clieez, khak-sar, nimana, becharu, kum-shan, furotun, khak nusheen, ajiz, uhqur, fuqeer, niootuhumniil, niwunhar, V . submissive, (dependant) ruhwa, v. /* anger on, (fare) ghureeba muo, tookra tera, v. meek, ghureebanu, v. low, also the adv. to humble, huleem- Sec. -k. theek-k. chiinga- bunana, tor-dena, duba,e-r. dha-d. v. to crush, &c. (-o«e'« self) f'urotunee-k. (to make low) pust-k. neecha-k. lutarna. humbleness, ghoorbut, hilm, niiskeenee, niyaz, ghureebee, humwarec, khak-saree. humbly, ghureebee- &c. -sc. humid, murtoob, num, num-nak, oda, v. moist. humidity, rootoobut, turawut, num-nakee, seel, od, turee, tura.ee, v. damp, moisture. humiliation, furo tunee, ijz o in,kisar, khoozoou o khooshoou, kusr i nufs. humility, v. supra, huleemce, tuhununool, ad- heenta, nuotU|ee, in,kisaree, v. humbleness, mo7'- tification. HUN 309 HUR humming-bird, shukur-kliora, j)hoocho. humorist, khood-raiC, kha>d-pusund, upliudda, v. infrn. humornuti, {capricioHs) mootuluwin-mizaj, be-su- bat, be-qiyam, v. irregular, {jocular) thuthol, iiireef, hunsor, dil-lugun, klioosh-tubu, huns- lona. humorously, luteefe-se. humnrousness^\\ir-(\\im \i\\i^s\i;e,\Ju.kteness,(Jn- cularity) thuthe-bazee, thutholce, khrosh-tu- bu,ce, zurafut. fmmorsome, toonook-inizaj, hulheela, /.iddee, v. peevish, facetious, ruseela,khajsh-gup, \. plea- sant. humour, V. moisture, rus, rusku?, panec, punsa, \. juice, byadh, sun-pat, v. matter, defluxion, {fun) thutha, muzakli, lootf, nuzakut, goon, V. wit, {habit) lut, adut, v. trick, freak, &c. {of the eye) panec, {of the body) khilt, {pi. ukhlat) inaddu, {pi. muwad) {temper) kho, mizaj, tjon, v. dispositiou, {state) hal, halut, {jocularity) thuthe-bazee, v. hnmorousness, {caprice)]uhur, khiya\,y. peevishness; mwbid humours, kusafut, ukhlat i fasidu, muwadd i fasidu, ukhlat i ruddiya, opposed to bland hu- mours, ukhlat i salih, w.jilth ; good humour, khoosh-halee or -wuqtee, mugun, v. ill. to humour, inurzee-r. khatir-r. naz burdaree-k. chochopocho-k. moonh-r. v. to indulge, gra- tify, ri,ayut-k. v. to yield, {to comply with) tubue,ut- pueruwee-k. v. to fit. hump, koobur, kooz, dec], udla, kcob, {<^ a bul- lock, &c.) kohan, kuohu. hump-iack, hump-backed,hu7wh-backed, kcobra, koozu-poosht, koobja, kcxabba, pcosht-khum. hundred, suo, sue, sud or sud, siiekra, sut ; one in a hundred, suo men ek, v. century; a hundred thousand, lakh, lukh, luk. hundreds, sucyuni. hundredth, suowan. hunger, bhookh, gojrsingec, joo,u, chhoodha, khura,ee, peeta-khur. to hunger,or be /mn^r^,bh()okh-lugna, bhookha- &c. -h. kuleja-mulna, ant-sutna, pet men ag lugna, untriyan ciaii haiwullah-purhna, do- zukh-julna, pet-lug ruhna, v. to lo)tg, also hell, burn, &c. '- .,■ •-•- hungry, bhookha, gcursinu, v. sfurrcd, nuir- bhookha, bhookha- or clihoodha-ruthoo, v. barren, sterile, hungrily, uiur-bhookjia sa. hunks, V. fox, hirsee bcodlki, boodlia khubees, wulee khungur, juk, v. guardian, hunt, hunting, shikar, .sued, akhetuk, ulier, v. game, pack, pursuit, to hunt, shikar- sued- aher-k. aherna, rugedna, khuderna, also to pursue, q. v. akhetuk-k. or -khelna, {to practise) ba,olee-d. v. to search, hunter, huntsman, shikar-baz, suyad,akhetukee, buheliya, meer shikar, shikaree, qurawul, v. sportsman, a hunter or hunting dog, shikaree kootto. hunting-horn, nursinga, v. horn, Stc. hurdle, thuthur, tuttee, dhudha, v. grate, to hurl, dalna, gira-tlcna, chulana, mania, v. to drive. A?«>w.*A to huxza,]\ie]ne\ia.r-\i. i '.i;*jiii i^}s"v»»tef*/' hyacinth, {flower) sumbool. KrlutB-fWi ^,i;<| hyades, uldebiiran. '^J^JaitCdl, .,*»w*ffl«mA hydra, rawun, v. gorgon. t*«»V.»iV-. to hymn, ustoot-gana. ' hyperbole, moobalughu, ighraq, ghooloo, oot pre- chha, zlyadutee, turjeeh bila moorujjuh,v. bom- bast. .ti-vWsTttift .-iUflfmiA \1^ hyperbolical, moobalughu-amez. 'XjfwiwMfe hyperbolically, hn-mcohahx^wi. :'■'■ hyper-critic, duqqaq, bidlriiee, v. carper, critic, hyphen, khutti fasilu. Afwjjt .Mfrftoi* '.a^wirA hypochondriacal, &e. uhli khufuqan, suodaiCe, khulul-dumagh, v. melancholy, liypochondriicm, \. flank, bukhee, kokh, v. abdo- men, hypocrisy, r\y&, saloos, mukr, doo-rungee, kuput, lupet, V. duplicity, bhugul, chhul, khidu, ni- faq, dura|00, roo riya, v. infra. ,t.,.i,,ii.wiu HYP 811 HVS hypocrite, rlya-kar, do-rooyu, tnukkar, doo-rung, kuptee, juo fuiosh gundoom naonia, moonafiq, zaliir-ncoma. to he a hypocrite, mun men shekh fureed buglil men eent-h. hypocritical, mukr-amez, mcora,ee, zahir-purust, mooheel, buhooroopiya, indra,en ka phiil, guo raookhee, bagh, mukkar, dura,ee, dooroo,ee, v. supra, also double, and its compounds. hypocritically, mukr- &:c. -se. hypothesis, pindar, ra,e, qiyas, utkul, utkiU tup- poo, bandhnoo, v. conjecture, theory, &c. hyssop, zoofa. hysterics, aseb, shuekh suddo, shuetan, bhoot ; that woman has the hysterics, ros rinJee koo shuetan luga hue, lit. that ivoiuan has got the devil in her. JAC i, in this work, has always a short sound, as in kill, bill, &c.; thus, bil, a foaPs hole, &c. It generally represents the short vowel mark, (zer or kusru) and may be considered as a contraction of e in be. I, {ay, yes) hue, jee, hoon, V. sir, &c. N. B. Words expected under this letter, but not inserted, will pro- bably occur under e or n. j, uniformly expresses the soft sound of ^', in giant, &c. the last letter {g) being always hard, v. Introduction. J, pro7i. muen, hum, is now much used, v. we ; I myself, muen ap, v. me, self; I shall go, ghcolamja.ega, i. e. your slave tvillgo; bundu, &c. are also used in this manner. to jabber, bukna, bur-mama, v. to chatter. jabberei-, bukkee, ba,o-jhuk. jack, (prig) goorga, murduk, huram-zadu, ha- roon, V. puppy, knave, (cup) kooppa, v. Imtfle, nur, V. he, {support) gjioree, v. horse, nishan, ^•fl^St ("/ '^^ trades) hur-babee, hur-funna. .TAD jan pande, v. adept, {at bowls, q. v.) beda, V. game ; jack^pudding, muskhuru, zutuUee, V. buffoon, jester ; jack with lantern, shro.ulu shuetanee, looka, v. ignis-fatuus. jackal, geedur, shighal, siyal, philia,oo, srikal, juniboo, phe,oo, phenkar, ro.ar, kola, v. fuli- mart. jackanapes, jackey, v. monkey, pug, chundoo,bi- harce, lal gunda, munnoo, v.sff?«<'y, dandiprat, jack, jackdaw, v. raven, kugela, v. crow, jacket, unga, koortu, ungrukha, {quilted) gudia, koortunee, cholna, v. waistcoat, koortee, {prop. restricted to a woman's jacket). jacobetaff, gooptee, v. sword, jade, {horse) churkha, {woman) thugnee, qootta- mu, mourdai", v. fuissy, viven, mangna, huram- zadee, gand-muranee, jumalo, chnolbrtjliya, chhinal, kafir, v. hitch, gipsey, &c. {rosinante) khullur, tutwanee, dugga, v. nag. to jade, V. a. thukana, mandu- ajiz- shull-k. lu- JAR 312 IDE tarna, khukherna, thuosana, v. to harass; V. n. thukna, raandu- &c. -h. jaded, khurab khustu. to he jaded, gand-phutna. to jagg, dundanu dar-k. a jagg, dundanu, phans, clionch. jagged, jaggy, dundanu-dar. jaggedness, dundanu-daree, jail, qued-khanu, bundee-khanu, pundit-khanii, zindan, phatuk, v. prison, jail-bird, quedee chiriya, v. convict, jailer, bundee-khanu ka nigali ban. Jakes, pa,e-khanu, mukan i zuroor, buet ool khu- lu, sundas, putal niohree, v. privy, &c. ; the jake fruit, kuthul, phunus or phunnus, the roasted seeds of which very mucli resemble chesnuts. jalap, gaA ubbas kee jur, {the plant) gool-ubbas. jam, moorubbu, v. rob, jelly, &c. jamb, (of a door) bazoo. tojans'le, v. to wrangle, chukha chukhee- &c. -k. V. altercation, to .spar, &c. jangler, hoojjutee, v. litigious, janisary, from yunchuree, or jan-nisar, devoted, q. V. also life-guard. January, magh, mah tupa, (Xst month) mmhur- rum, m(»hurrum ool huram, duhe ka chand. japan, {earth) kuth, khuer, kutha, pupriya, {ivork) ruoghunee kam, juphanee, v. to var- nish, mr, jarring, jhurpa-jhurpee, v. to .spar, {sound) khurkhurahut, khuruk, jhunkar, jhunuk, v. discord, debate, &c. jar, {vessel) ghura, giigree, tliiliya, budhna, suboo, kurwa, mitiya, murtuban, jala, bhan- ilee, golee, duhree; a large jar, math, mutka, khoom, muthor, nand, konda, v. jjot. to jar, khurkhurana, khurkana, jhunakna, jhun- karna, v. to clash, {to be inconsistent) na mro- wafiq- nahumwar- mookhalif-h. {to disputey jhugurna, bukhera-k. v. to quarrel ; to leave the door ajar, durwazu-phamphur- (-ochha, -ulga,e, or -udhkhoola) rukhna. jardes, hudda, motra, rasa, v. spavin. jargon, ghich pich, ghiirbur, kuth bhak|ha, ku- chee bolee, v. gibberish, cant, &c. jasmine, yasmeen, sumcDn,chumbelee, bel, ja- tee, johee jaliee, ishq pecha. >i«. w,-. . jasper, zuburjud, sung yushm. javelin, burchhee, gurhiya, sang, nezu, v. spear. jaundice, kunwul, yurqan, pandoo, pundrog, um- bat, perhaps anasarcous, v. dropsy. jaunt, suer, nuitur gusht, v. ramble. to jaunt, phira-k. awaru-phirna, v. to wander. jaw, jubra, chuohur, chuoka, kullu, gul sutta, gul phutang, kulla thulla, v. prate, bully. to jaw, kuUu-marna, v. to chatter. jay, neel kunth, subzuk, v. crow, &c. ice, yukh, pala, burf, {prop, snow, but generally applied to the artificial ice used in deserts), {maker) burf-saz, x. frost, snow, &c. {-house, &c.) yukh chal, burf khanu ; to break the ice, chherna, surwa-k. v. to propose. ichor, zurd-ab, panee, punchha, zuhrab, v. se- rum, &c. ichorous, puniha. icicle, qulum. icy, poor-yukli, burfee. idea, khiyal, wuhm, tusuwwoor, soch, dhyan, boojh, V. t/ioughf, fikr, mut, sumujh, fuh- meed, v. conception, mind, bhurum, turung, luhur, bhugul, jhuk, unbho, v. imagination. ideal, khiyalee, wuhmee, furzee, arizee, bhur- mee, &c. munee, v. imaginary, identical, identic, mootabiq, ekhee, eksan, wahid, woohee ; he is the identical man, yih woohee shukhs hue, v. same. •.w^:y>*>i.; identity, xacot&hvi(\\3i, tutbeeq, huziyut, v. same- IDO 313 JES neas, entity, (lelf) shukhsiyut, ^at, tushukli- khoos, huwiyut, khoodee, apunha,ee, eka,ee, upna.et, humhustee, ekiyut, v. selfsame. idiom, turz i kuUm, turkeeb, mouhawuru, roz- murru, istilah, siyaq subaq, siyaq kulam, dhub, chulawa, dhancha, justbiist, v. construc- tion, stile, phrase. idiomatical, (peculiar to) khass, mukhsoos, (j)hraseological) istUahee, inujazee. idiot, geedee, uhmuq, ubluli, be-wu(joof, ga,o- dee, bhukwa, pagul, junum dhoondha, junu- niee moorukh, madur-zad moo,urra, v. fool, 7iatural. idiotism, himaqut, ubluhee, be-wiiqoofee, uhmu» qee, \. folly, idiot. idle, {lazy) niujhool, kahil, aram-tulub, arame«, dheela, v, dilatory, indolent, {unemployed) bue- tha, pura, uthala, nikumma, be-kar, surtara, moo.uttul, V. disengaged, (useless) be-fa,idu, ukaruth, v. vain, (trifling) be-mu,iinee, poocJi, be-lioodu, mcnhmul, v. absurd. (to idle, soostee- 8ec. -k. soost- &c. -h. mukhee- niama ; to be idle, buethna, purna, kuwe-oo- rana, kuhlana, inungul-geet-gana, panee-peet- na, V. to loiter, idleness, sr.>stee, mujhoolee, kahilee, be-karee, be-hoodugee, v. supra, laasy, &c. tu,utta3l, I buetha,o, ukaj, v. folly, u^elessness. idler, awaru, hurzu-gurd, v. idle, lubber, rake, kum-chor, khelwareee, tumash-been, deed-baz, khelundra, v. indolence, idly, soostee- &c. -se. kahilanu, ra,egan, v. vainly, carelessly, idol, boot, moorut, sunum, v. darling, lu,ubut, nuqsh nigar, de,o, v. image, hur dil uzeez, mooneswur, v. popular, also to worship. idolator, boot-purust, gubr, kafir, atush-pmiist, raooiut-poojik, mooshrik, also idolatrous. idolatry, boot-purustee, purustish, iiioorut-pooja, shirk, V. paganism. to idolize, uzeez-janna, poojna, kh(joda-janna, y. to worship, muhboob-janna, v. to love. i. e. yu,unee. jealous, bud-zunn, bud-gmman, sliukkee, wus- wasee, mcotuwulihim, jhulhaya, v. envious, «j<«/«cioM«,e/»M/o?<«,ziinnee,gn)nianee,rushkee, kliiyal-ee, dhokhee, v. vigilant, ghueyoor, gliuerutee, anbaii-ee, v. toucl'y, huntmr, spirit. ' to he jealous, bud /.unn- &:c. -h. julna, jul-murna. jealousy, shuk- &c. -se. jealous^l, jealousness, shuk, zunn, bud-zunnee, wusvvas, khutru, jhul, bhurum, rushk, dah, suotiya dah, gioman, dhokha, raoozunnu, ihti- nial, V. suspicion, rivalry. jeer, jeering, tu,un-tii.shneeii, lu,un-tu,un, tu,unu- zunnee, awazu-kushee, bolee-tholee, butola, chot. to jeer, tu un tushneeu- &c. -k. chirana, are hathon-lena, v. to scoff', bolee- bat- &c. -mar- na, sliimatut-k. v. to jest, taunt, &c. jeerer, tu,unu-zunn, hureef-zureef, bolee-mar, kinayu-baz, thutholiya, v. jester, mocker. jeeringly, tuun tushneeu- &c. -se. Jehovah, yahoo, v. God. jejune, v. dry, insipid, rookha, seetha, khalee, kucha, ochha, v. empty, vacant. jelly, lou.ab, lobab, v. gelly. 7Vo/>«r a jet d^eriu, fuwwaru, phohara. jetti/, bhuonra sa, qeeru-goon, mooshkee, mooshk- fam, V. black. Jetv, yahood, yahoodee. jewel, (ornament) guhna, zevvur, chand kulee, chumpa kulee, ulunkar, ubhokhun, mun, ma- nik, nug, sooburn, guehua, ganthee, Qmx) j«wahir-dan, v. casket, (o^ce) juwahir khanu, V. pearl, (gem) juwahir, {pi. of juohur) ru- tun; my jewel! iiieree lu,iil; set jewels, ze- wur-moorussu, juraoo-guhna. Some of the many ornaments used in India, are, teeka, bindlee, bindiya, besur, boolaq, v. bracelet, anklet, ornament, ring, pendant, &c. .7e»e^/er,juohuree,juriya,juvvahir-furo9h,{«/o?«Wi§') juohuree-buchu. Jcw\-car, kunchufira. Jew''s-harp, mcnr-chung. Jew-stone, hujr;<»l yahood. if, ugur, jo, kash, je, juo, v. should, (tiot) nu- heen to,^ wU|illa, v. whether, or, &c. {whether or no) ki, with the negative, &c. ; he doubts if two and two be four, wooh shuk rukhta liue ki do o do char hue ya nuheen ; as if, goya-ki, juesa-ki, v. as, like. ignis-fatuus,^o\ buyabanee, agshuetanee,looka, chhulawa, v. demon, &c. ignoble, kumeenu, pajee, rizalu, bud-usl, neech, shrodr, siflu, furo-mayu, koo-jat, bud-zaC or -nusl, tookhm-bud, v. degeneraHel'H'^ eW;aotj)0 ignobhj, ignominiously, naniurdee-se, behoDrmu- tee- &c. -se. ignommious, iia-sha,istu, ghat, qubeeh, zuboon, V. dishonourable, fuzeehut, bud-nam, kulun- kee, daghee, bud, raDswa,ee, niulamut-ee, y. infamous, shameful. ignominy, rooswa,ee, fuzeehutee, tufzeeh, bud- namee, be-hoormutee, be-ghuerutee, kulonk, V. reproach, shame, dagh, v. .stain, ow oantt ignoramus, v. blockhead, ujhul, v. /oo/.'ft'tvrtvvt* ignorance, jihl, jahilee, na-danee, u-gyanee, be- khuburee, be-wuqoofee, jihalut, ubodli, un- mut, be-shu,ooree, v. infra, nuwaqifiyut, na- shinasa^ee ; pretending ignorance, tujahcol. ignorant, i&Xnl, na-khwandii, be-khubur, na-wa- qif, u-gyan, un-jan, be-vvuqoof, na-dan, hech- mudaii, be-hosh, yana, v. illiterate, kum-uq], -fuhni, or -khird, naqis-iiql, knj-fuhm, na- fuhm or -shinas, be-shu,oor, Ia-yu,ulum, na-da- nistu, unaree, bhooch, moorukh, oorumba, v. supra, also inexperience, he. •■■■[ ignorant/y, na-danistu, nadanee- &c. -se. e^^' jig, thiruk-nach, {tune) chultee. i-utaibi. jilt, ueyaree, nukhre-baz, mukkaru, v. deceive; coquette, be-wufa, thugnee, chunchul, butte- baz, V. flirt. to jilt, thugna, chhulna, butte bazee- &c. -k. V. to disappoint, deceive. jingle, khurkhurahut, khuruk, jhunuk, jhunkar, jjiunjhun, thunthun, &c. v. the verb; the jingles used as an ornament for the feet, gheon- ghroo, chuorasee, pa^el, v. bell. to jingle, khurkhurana, kliunkhunana,jhunkarna, jhunjhunana,jhunukna,thunthunana, v. to ring. iliac, {passion) qoolinj, ba,o-sool. ' ill, adj. boora, qubeeh, zisht, koo, v. bad, evil, ILL 815 ILL azar or kusul-mund, kahil, karnee, dookhee, V. indisposed, also dis, in^ mis, un, &c. be-mco- qu, ill or mis-placed, {sick, q. v.) be-aram, uleel, na-saz. ill, sub. boura,ee, budee, zuboonee, qubahut, iieb, {misfortune) afut, bula,.sl)amut, v. misery, ill, ado. V. the adj. also difficultly, ill-behaved, &c. be- or koo-clial, be-wuzu, kuj- khoolq, bud-soolook, kooluchhna, v. infra, ill-hred, bud-ukhlaq, bud-khoolq, goostakh, be- imtiyaz, be-tumeez, v. infra, kooeeel, bud- kesh, -utwar, -a,een, -tureeq, or -dial, koo- dhung, ooluchhun, koogut. ill-disposed, bud-tubee,ut, kooluchhna, v. evil- minded, and the words below. illegal, khilaf-shuni, mcxskhalif-shuru, liuram, ;, na-dooroost, koo-puthee, na-mushroou, ghuer- ja,iz, V. unjust, illegality, na-doDroostee, &e. v. illicit, illegible, na-khandiinee, bud-khuU, murkha. illegitimacy, huram-zadugee. illegitimate, hurani-zadu, wulood ooz zina, dhen- dha, V. bastard, sooruetee, v. rtnhwful. ill-fated, wazhgoon bukht, v. unfortunate, ill-famured, zisht-roo, kureeh-munzur, bhonda, V. ugly, ill-fawmrednese, zisht-roo.ee, bud-soorutee, ill-humoured, be-rus, na-khoosh, be-muzu, v. crabbed, displeased, illiberal, bukheel, moorasik, tung-chuslim, tung- dil, be-fue?., ochha, v. bigotry, imcharitable. Uliberality, bcokhl, imsak, bukheelee, tung-dilec, tung-chushmee, pust-liimmutee, doon-him- mutee, na-niurdee, v. the adj. illiberal/y, pust hinimutee- &c. -se. illicit, na-dcxjrcost, na-ruwa, munu, v. illegal, illiterate, jahii, rommee, na-khwandu, be-suwad, un-purha, un-uchhuree, na-sifch, moo.urra, hue- yoola. illiterateness, jihl, jihalut, iia-kh\yandugee. iH-nature, bud-batiuee, bud-nihadee, zoodrunjee, troncnk-mizajee, shurarut. ill-natured, bud-batiri, bud-nihad, shureer, zood- runj, tiijnnok-mizaj, v. luvruse, bud-kho, -mi- zaj, -khuslut, -seerut, -teeniit, or -surisht, koo-rus, V. malevolent, mischievous, and all the ills here. illness, azar, beemaree, be-aramee, rog, muruz^ V. badness, sickness, karun, kusul, v. disease, illogical, gliuer-muntuqee, v. irrational. ill-timed, be-muoqu, be-wuqt, koo-sumue, v. im- sertsonableiie.^s. to illude, chhulna, bhrolana, v. to deceive, amuse. to illume, kc. v. to enlighten, prikash- &c. -k. V. light. toill7tminate,illumi7ie, oojala- mjagur- ruoshun-, tabnak- nooranee- moonuwwur-k. v. to deco- rate; illum>natedpaper,onu-hic]ithegrentmcn of the East frequently write their letters, wkYia- nee kaghuz. itluminating,]u\v>a-g\ir, mooneer,prikashee, shu- mu, (m comp.) jot, ruoshun, ufroz, v. light, lamp, &c ; illuminating the world, aliMn-ufroJJ, juhan-ufroz. illumination, tunweer, ruoshunee, durukhshanee, noor, furogh, tujullee, jugajot, dewalee, shub- rat, khvyaju khizr ka bera, v. bmijire. illuminator, raoonnwwir, furogh-buksh. ilhtsion, &c. v. dehisioji. to illustrate, wazih- moonkushuf-k. kholna, moo- bueyun-k. v. to explain. illustration, tuozeeh, tushreeh,in,kishaf, tu,ubeer, tuojeeh, v. demonstration, erplnnutimi. illustrious, namee,nam-wur,nam-dar, mushhoor, moomtaz, numood, boolund, shureef, muha,- brazuoijgwar, muemoon, mookurrum, wala-qu- dur-jah or -shan, sahib-jah, zee-shan, boolund- payu or -murtubu, burtur, v. high, noble, &c. Rr 2 1MB 316 I3IM ■.;.-> (in comp.) juleel ; thus, juleel ool qudr, illus- trious in rank, image, pootla, moorut, (idol) boot, sunum, (like- ness) shukl, shubeeh, v. copy, &c. (idea) khi- yal, tusuwwoor, v. appearance, imagery, images, pootle, mooruten, bootan, us- nam, v. picture, &c. bandhnoo, tuotiyu, tu- nasoob, V. machinery, (sJiow) izjiar. imaginable, moDtusuvsiir. imaginary, khiyalee, wuhmee, muohoom, tu- suwwuree, v. chimerical, imagination, tusuwwoor, khiyal, wuhm, qiyas, soch, (Ihyan, boojh, gvninan, muklieelu, v. ideal, untur-dhyan, tukhueycol, munsoobu, bi- cliar, fikr, utkul, \. fancy, conception ; the power of imagination, qrowwut i maotukheelu. to imagine, tusuwwoor- &:c. -k. sochna, boojhiia, janna, sumujhna, v. to contrive, bicharna,mu,u- loom-k. V. to conceive, fancy, imaginer, mootusuwwir, mootukhueyil. imbecile, &c. v. feeble, Stc. imbecillity, v. irresolute, dheel, mujhoolee, soostee, V. weak}iess. to imbibe, pee-lena, peena, juzb- moonjuzub-k. sok-kheech-choos-lena, chorana, v. to lear7i, (to admit) manna, qubool-k. imbiber, jazib. to imbitter, tulkh- burhum- mmnughghis-k. nu- sana, bigarna, v. to cmtsperate. to imbody, v. a. moojussum-k. (to incorporate) milana, jorna, v. to collect ; v. n. moojussum-h. milna. to ' imbolden, diler- dilawur- juree- goostakh-, shokh-k. V. bold, &c. dileree- tuqwiyut- &c. -d. V. boldness, &c. to imbrown, tareekrghunghor-k. v. to darken, to imbrtie, doobona, bhurna, aloodu-k. (wit?i blood) khoon aloodu-k. to imbue, surdob-k. ruchana ; v. n. ruchna, r. to stain, imitable, moomkin ool ukhz, tutubboo-puzeer, V. the sub. to imitate, oorana, v. to mimic, ape, &c. (to copy) ukhz- ikhtiyar- tutubbco- pueruwee- iqti- da-k. ootarna, oothana, nu(jl-k. (to counter- feit) bunana. imitation, tutubboi, iqtida, tuqleed, pueruwee, uskhur, tuzmeen, nmnqool, v. copy, imitative, mootutubbi, nuqlee, tuqleedee. imitator, akhiz, mootutubbi, pus-ro, pue ro, moo- quUid, V. mimic, naqil, mootabi, soorut nu- wees, dholukiya, hum-libas, v. follower, immaculate, be-ueb, be-jirm, nh'-dokhee, buree, pak, saf, V. pure, &c. immaterial,i mmateriate,mixiyM'r\\A, ^vitr-m&Aee, iiirungkar, be-wujood, be-jusud, bc-juohur, be-jism, v. incorporeal, 7inimportaiit immateriality, immaterialness, tujurrood, racojur- rudee. immature, kuchcha, kham, guddur, na-ruseedu, V. crude, do-rusa, kucha-pukka, neem-pookhtu, V. half-ripe, &;c. (imperfect) na-tumam, naqia, V. premature, immaturely, v. prematurely, immaturity, immatureness, kuchpuna, khamee, na-tumamee. immeasurable, be-hudd, be-intiha, be-undazu, v. immense, immediate, qureeb, lugbhug, wasil, v. joined, (particular) mukbsoos, khass, (present) muo- jood, hazir, roo-bukar, bil-fi,ul. immediately, bila-wastu, bizzat, bu-moojurrud, tuoiiee, tudhee, tubhee, jubka tub, bila ta- wuqqoof, huma wuqt, dumi nuqd, tazudum, dur-hal, ek-bargee, v. jwesently, also, mice, &c. (instantly) ubhee, ko,ee dum or ghuree men, tnoruntj isee dum, fil-fuor, fuorun, oosee wuqt. IMM 817 IMP wooheeji ; (lU the kind of that country holds of the king, either inmuidiutely or mediately, cos nioolk ke tumam zumeen padshah se tu,ullooq rukhtee hue klnyah bila wjistu khwah bu wastu, V. inxfayttly. *»MW?emorrana,nusee,immunsee,un, udumee, be-yad, v. ancient. immense, be-hudd, be-nihayut, be-intiha, be-ku- ran, be-payan, gluier-majtiinahce, be-tjiyas, be-undazu, dhundhar, luqduq, uu-unt, v. inji- nite, vast, &c. immensely, bu-siiiddut, hudd se ziyadu, v. the adj. immensity, be-niliayutee, be-payanee. to immerse, immerge, doobona, borna, ghurq-k. mojstiigbruq- musroof-k. v. to sink. immersed, choor, ghun, muhw, v. sunk. immersion, ghurq, ghotu, dob, {of a star) ghco- roob. immethodical, be-dhub, iia-murboot, be-turteeb, ?- be-rubt, be-suleequ, be-oosloob, bc-bundobust, be bundhej-ee, also immethodically, v. irregu- lar. imminent, qureeb, nuzdcek, v. impending, moo- ulluq, udhur, v. great. immission, dcokhool, idkhal. to immit, dookhool-k. dalna. immobility, udum i hiirukut, sookoon, ma),uttu- lee, be-hurkutee, v. immoveable, motionless. immoderate, be-undazu, berhudd, ghuei'-mm,utu- dil, ziya,du, buhcnt, be-thikana, be-hisab, also immoderately, v. excessive. immoderation, be-undazugee, be-i,utidalee, ziya- dutee, bojlitat, ifVat, v. excess. imniodest, be-hijab, be-purdu, be-shurni, be-huya, nilujja, be-ghuerut, gundu, v. obscene, na- muhrum, ghuer-muhjoob, v. impudent. itnmodesty, be-hijabee, be-shurmee, be-hiiya,ee. bc-ghuerutce, nilujta, nir-sunkocb, v. immo- derate. to immolate, bul-k. v. to sacrifice, &c. itnmornl, na-mu,uqool, bud- or kuj-wuzu, na- hurawar, zuboon, bud, boora, muiiyoob, bud- mu.ash, bud-qimash, nabukar, bud-kirdar, v. had. immorality, zuboonee, budee, boora,ee, ueb, bud- mu,ashce, bud-qiiiiashee, bud-kirdaree, na- liumwaree, v. dishonesty. immortal, be-murg, u-mur,hueyu-tiueyooiii, hue- yu-la-yumoot, baqee, ubhinasee, nirunkal, v. everlasting, eternal. immortality, buqa, hueyati-ubudee, ii-nuirta, be- niurgee,huyat-jawedanee,la-yumoot; the foun- tain of immortality, ab i huewan, ab i huyat, u-mirt. to immortalize, baqee-r. v. to perpetuate. immortally, hiimeslui, v. eternally. immoveable, u-tul, u-chir!, ghuer-niootuhurrjk, qa,ira, moostuqil, v. motionless, n»oo,uttul, be- hurkut, upel, usthawur, ninlol, sulamut, ja- inid, \. Jived, unshaken. immoveables and moveables, sookunu usasii. immunity, mu,afee, niukhlusee, riha,ee, azadee, chhccrttee, nujat, v. privilege. to immure, choon-lena, bund- quetl-k. chronwa- -d. chconana, momiya,ee-bunana, v. to impri- son, to confine, also mummij. immutability, be-tubdeelee, subat. immutable, be-tubdeel , be-tubuddool, bila-tughue- ycor, ghuer-mootugliueyir, u-niit, u-chul. iinp, bhootna, jinn, huezee buchu, huramee pil- la, dhendha, v. brat, demon. to impair, ghutana, kum-k. nooqsan-k. bigama, khurab-k. ootarna, lutana, hulhuiana, {co- lours) oodas- pheeka-k. v. to iiyure. to be impaired, ghutna, bigurna, ootuma, kum &c. -h. IMP 318 MMP impairment, ghultee, kumee, qoosoor, v. diminu- tion, impalpable, soormu-sa, punkuj-sa, ghuer-musas, nir-chhoO|a,oo, niruspursee, x.Jine. to impart, dena, bukhshna, inayut-k. v. to grant, &c. (to inform) kuhna, butlana, bolna, v. to reveal. ^ J»\^ impartial, nioonsif, adeel, nya,ee, be-ghuriizi, rast, sadiq, nir-puchhee, huqq- or saf-go, ghuer- hamee, v. Just, impartiality, insaf,iidl, nya|0, be-ghurz.ee,rastee, sidq, siichuotee, sucha,ee, y. justice, &c. impartially, insaf- &c. -se. impassable, be-goozara, mu.sdood,bund,koo ghat, be-nikas, v. impenetrable. Impatience, be-subree,be-istiqlalee,na-shikeba,ee, juldee, juld-bazee, be-tudbeeree, oota|Olee, udheeruj, uhratuhree, iztirabee, v. hurry, eagerness, he. impatient, be-subr, be-istiqlal, na-shikeb, juld- baz, be-tudbeer, v. hasty, hinusta, be-tuhum- mool, be-tab, na^subr, oothulloo, v. precipitate, eager, impatiently, be-subree- &c. -se. to impeach, buramud- &c. -k. le-raurna, Jupetna, jhonkna, pukra-d. v. to involve, ^^rjiurijfih - impeacher, nalishee, furiyadee, mcioddu,ee, bura- mudee, buramud-kar, lutha luga,oo, v. accusa- tion, accuser, impeachment, buramud, nalish, du,uwa. to impede, utkana, rokna, arna, bund-k. baz-r. tu,urrooz.- &c. -k. v. to hinder, impediment, utka,o, rok, ar, ha,il, mani, arizu, muzahumut, urbunga, thekun, v. obstriictio9i, ^,(in speech) lookout, giriftugee, lughzish. to impel, chulana, duorana, v. to drive, urge, &c. to impend, luga-ruhna, ruhna, lugna. impendent, impefiding, qureeb,nuzdeek, sir-pur, V. imminent. impenetrable, ghuer-moomkin-ood-dookhool, be- gojzara, v. impervi&us, u-kut, v. hard, chikna- ghura, bujjur, puthur, loha, ro,een-tun. im2jenitence,he-undeshu gee, be-tu .ussoof eo, v.'pe« /- fence. i7npewi#pM^,ghuer-mootu,ussif,be-undeshu,sukht, kuttur, be-tuobu, nisung. -i ,">9nHi'> / imperative, (of a verb) umur, burg-iiggyaii, v. mood, hookmee, v. imperious. imperceptible,^\iiei:-VMxaooA, ghuer- muhsoos, v. subtile, un-dekh, u-drisht, la mu,uloom, bin pryas, — also the adv. imjierceptibleiicss, ghu cr-m iihsoosiy ii t. imperceptibly, bila ijbar, biia ikrah, v. gradually, imperfect, na^tumam, naqis, qasir, udhoora, udh- buna, V. defective, kucha, ochha, udh-beech, kham, neem-tueyar (tense) mazee istimraree, or moodamee bhoot bubbi,u, v. p^-eterite ; an imperfect verb, fi,ul-mooqtuzib or -naqisu, v. unfinished, half, &c. ^iuAU-^l ,isv>Hvr*^^'*t«<'?» imperfection, ncoqs, nooqsan, tieb, qoosoor, Ichuii; dit, jirm, kulunk, na-tumaraee, udhoorta, ochha,ee, v. blemish, deficiency, defect, imperfectly, v. the adj. m^jer/oj'a^e, un-bedha, un-cbheda, bund, '.a imperial, shahunshahee, khoosruwee, padshahee, shahee, shuhriyaree, scoltanee, v. regal, imperious, mootukubbir, sir-churha, zaliin, jabir, zabit, rU|Oonutee, hookoomutee, hakimanu, sa-- hibanu, v. arrogant, haughty, tyrannical, imperiously, tukubbcnr- &c. -se, ru,oonut-se. imperiousness, tiilcubboor, ghooroor, kibr, zoolui, jubr. impersonal, umr-gha,ib. impertinence, be-udubee, goostakbec, shokhee, be-imtiyazee, bc-lihazce, dheetha,ee, mugra,ee, nithra,ee, hurzu-go,ee, be-hoodugee, na-mu,ii- qoolee, be-uda,ee, &c. be-aduree,^'. impudence, folly, trifle. IMP S19 IMP hmpertinent, adj. be-uduby goostakii, shokh, l)e- Imtiyaz, be-ljhaz, dh^l^, mugra, nithcnr, ni- dur, moonh-luggoo, aheethuona, be-huya, na- mu.nqool, v. improper, imperiinenl/ij,aisofo<)l- impertitient, suh. hurzii-go, l)e-liootlu, hurzu, V. meddler. impertinently, be-udiibee- &c. -se, gfostaklianii, be-iulubanu, — also impertinent, wlieii appli- cable to words, &c, ; thus, gojstakhanu ju- ■\vab, an iiupertinent arufwei'. impervious, unbcdlia, bund, ghuer-dookhool, ghuer-akhiz, ghuer-jazib, v. impenetrable, im- pasmMe, also shut. i mpettwsitij, impetuousnfi>,s,ghu\hu,s\ni\dut,'/.or, sukhtee, liiddut, ishtidad, gurmee, tezee, jul- dee, tflondce, hurarut, \. force.. impetuous, ghalib,shudced,s«kht,tez, jufd,toond, bura, Ijuth-chhoot, seenu-zor, v. passionate, violent, headstrong. impetuously, bii-shiddut, shiddut- &c. -se. impetus, zor, qoowwut. imjtiety, fisq, foojoor, koofr, ilhad, ueb, pap, na- khooda tiirsec, 8cc. v. irreligious, tcickedness. impious, be-deen, fasiq, fajir, kafir, iiioolhid, iuu,uyoob, zuboon, na^khooda turs, udliiirniee, u-bhugut, bud-kesh, dubree, zindeeq, v. sin- ner. impiously, fisq o fcjojoor- &c. -se. implacability, sukhtee, shiddut, sung-dilee, be- ruhmee, be-durdee, shoatur keenu, v. in^eror- ahle. implacaJ}le, sukht, shudeetl, sung-dil, bo-ruhm, he-durd; anim placable e7ieiuy,dmsh\nan )anee. implaraldy, shiddut- >kc. -se, bu-shiddut. to implant, tlalna,dena,vukhna, buethalna, rorap- na, bona, v. toji.v, to impress, to insert. implement, huthiyar, uozar, alut, pi. alat,(t'*'««c/) burtun, basun, /.mf, pi. zooroof. to implicate, milana, lupetna, ooljhana, dalna, phunsana, lugana, v. to involve. implication, {inference) isharu, kinayu, eema, V. the perl), lupeta, luga,o, &c. pecb, v. allu- sion, entanglement implicit, kainil, poora, tamii), lx>-qa)soor, {infer- red) mufhoom, nioontuj, moohussul, mrotu- zunimin, mooradee, y.fulL implicitly, bil-yuqeen, yukeenim, bila-tufawut, {by implication) zimnim, kinayutun,isharutiin, V. blindly, ankh iiioondke, bechoon chura, bila tufawut o tujawooz, be-kum o kast, v. strictly. to implore, d(o,a- inunajut- tuzurroo-k. muna- na, niangna, cliahna, istida-k. gheeghiyana, leliyana, arzoo- iitija- ajizee- ijz- minnut- binuc-k. khukhundna, v. to request, beseech. implorer, da,ee, moostudH,ee, v. solifitor. to be implied, muf hoom-li. nikulna, v. to denote, implicit, implication. to imply, butlana, isharu- dulalut-k. mu,unee-r. raooslieer-h. moorad- nuteeju-r. v. io mean. impolite, be-mooruwwut, be-seel, be-adur, v. ill- bred. impoliteness, be-mooruwwutee, be^seelta, &c. v. nnmamicrly. impolitical, impolitic, be-tudbeer, kotah-undesb, be-muoqu, na-mu,uqool, na-moouasib, v. inju- dicious,he-ja, be-moonasib, v. ill-timed, impru- dent. import, muzmoon, mu,al, niuqsud, v. tendewy, {goods imported) amudunee,bhurtee, v.impor- iance, consequence, qureenu, luchhun,v. to im- ply, also meanitig. ,■■*''' to import, lana, bhurna, with men after the noun, V. to imply,c.vport,to carry, ootarna, puhoinch- ana, Icjana, t. tn Iting, &c. {to concern) lug- na, V. to belong, {to be of tnoment) ahum-h. V. importance. importance, import, qiidr, murtubu, zuroonit. IMP 320 IMP mooza,iqu, man, v. weight, also concern ; an affair of importance, moahim. important, ahum, bharee, bura,zuroor, v. great, zee-bal, nuteej u-awur, v. momentous. importation, idkhal, v. entrance, also the verb. imports, dakhilu, amud, itlaq. importunate, mcotuqazee, mooqueyud, bujid, moohussil, mooqtuzee, u-rel, dhurnuet, poor- bujid, moojuwwiz, ghurz,-ba,ola, lichir. importunately, tucjaze- &c. -se. to importune, tuqaza- &c. -k. urana, ajizk. du- bana, y. to teaze, peechhe-purna, dhurna-d. or -buethna, huthna, lusranu, puer-phuelana, khoontna, khodnee-k. v. to press, urge. importunely, be-nmoqu, be-wu(jt, be-niuhul, v. improperly, to crave. importunitj/, iniportunateness^'iuqa7.a, tuqueyood, jidd, jihd, ur, naz o niyaz, ilhali, lusrahut, dhurna, v. solicitation. to impose, lugana, rukhna, dhurna, bandhna, thuhrana, dalna, buethalna, v. to lay, to en- join ; to impose on, thugna, chhulna, dugha- &c. -d. ghubun- &c. -k. ankhon men khak- dalna, v. imposition ; to he itnposed on, diiglia- &c. -khana, thuga-jana. imposition, v. the verb, (cheat) fureb, jool, clihul, ulum ghulum, dhokha, heelu, mukr, buhanu, kur, V. exaction, alabala, v. deception, injunc- tion, fallacy. impossible, un-hona, moohal, gliuer-mmmkin, moomtunu, un-honee, be-imkan, na-boodunec, na-shoodunee, na-moomkin. impossibilities, moohalat. impossibility, ghuer-imkan, istihalu, be-imkanee. impost, lagut, muhsool, khjraj,baj, v. taa;, &c. to imposthwmate, pukna, pokhtu-h. v. to suppu- rate. imposthume, dubeelu, doommul, phora, sun pat, noozlu, peeth-ka phora, v. humour, abscess. impostor, Uiug, moolubbis, mukkar, nioozuwwir, heelu-baz, buhanu-saz, ueyar, chhulee, buh- rooplya, mooqullid, v. juggler, cheater. imposture, heelu-bazee, dugha-bazee, tuzweer, V. trick, tughulloob, natuk chatiik, jhooth, tuq- leed, V. falsehood, juggle, imposition, cheat. impotence, be-muqdooree, na-tuwanee, na-qoow- wutee, kum-zoree, zoo.iif, {iJicapacity of pro- pagatioti) na-murdee, scnstee, na-poonsukee. impotent, be-muqdoor, be-ikhtiyar, be-bus, u- tutha, na-tuwan, zU|eef, doorbul, zuheer, v. weak, usuktee, uneen, be-taqut, kum-qoowut, napoonsuk, ochha, y.fumbler, (without power of propagation) na-murd, heez, lullee, innee, soost-rug, heez-humlu, khtoft-khez, dheela. impotently, na-tuwanee- &c. -se. to impoverish, fuqeer-k. v. t(/ e^npoverish, (land) doobla^k. to impotver, ikhtlyar- &c. -d. v. to empower'. . imprarticable, &c. v. impossible. to imprecate, bud doo,a- &c. -k. kosna, uzeemut-, suefee-purhna, v. to curse. , ifHSJteiai* imprecation, bud-dcD,a, lu,unut, nufreeii, dheeruk, lu,uii, (a sort of) kala moonh neelapanw. /;H/;re^''Ma/^/e,ghuer-m(X)mkm-cot-tuskheer, qulub, ujeet, beejue, lunka-koth, maroo. to impregnate, gabhin-k. hamilu- bardar-k. pet se-k. bhurna, dhidhari-k. gurbhinee-k. phoo- lana, v. to saturate. impregnation, bardaree, v. the verb. to impress, garna, buethalna, nuqsh- moontuqusli- -k. clihapna, bheena, v. to stamp, (on the mind) khatir nishan-k. zihn nusheen-k. impression, impress, impressure, nucjsh, chhapa, usur, taseer, (edition) cbhupa,ee, chhapa, v. effect, phota, nislian, v. mark, (first or early impression) lurk-bcodh. to imprint, v. to engrave, ookharna, ookhurna, V. to print, to impress. IMP tm IN to imprison, qucd- muhboo»' bund'k. moondna, tuoq zunjeer-k. v. to confine, imprisonment, qued, hubs,'bund,qued-bundee, v. Iwndage, captivity, improbable, ghuer-moohtumul, bu,eed-ool-uql, khilaf-qiyas, bu.eed-ool-fuhm, uql se door, — also improbably, ghiier bawur, un-hona, be- duol, y. unlikely, improbability, iidum ihtimal. improbity, bud-diyanutee, koo-dhurum, v. dis- honesty, improper, na-mu,uqool, na-moonasib, na-moola- iiii, na-humwar, be-ja, be-muoqu, na-suza, v. unfit, kucha, na-mcnwafiq, be oochit, ghuer- wajibee, be-muhul, be-Uiikana, na-suwab, koo-duol, -thuor or thuon, — also improperly. t* improperly, na-mu,uqoolee- &c. -se, v. the adj. impropriety, na^mu,uqoolee, na-sha,istugee, na- humwaree, na-moola,imiit improveable, moomkin-cDl-mufad, turbiyut- &c. -puzeer, sudhunhar,bunun-jog, sudha,oo, qabil nmrummut, v. the sub. to improve, v. a. bunana, soodharna, sunwama, bihtur- khoobtur-k. sarna, sadhna, nikharna, chiknana, turashna, v. to meliorate, polish, &c. V. 11. bunna, soodhurna, sunwurna, bihtur- &c. -h. turruqqee-k. v. to advance, cultivate, fat- ten, sudhna, nikhurna, chul-nikulna, v. to bet- ter, improvement, bihturee, roz-bih, turuqqee, turbi- yut, tu.uleem, arastugee, v. edification, correc- tion, sudha,o, buna,o, nik,hra,o, islah, soadhra- ee, siree, v. reformation, improver, sidhuk, sunwaroo, mcoslih, sar, sura,oo, V. corrector, improvidence, kotuh-undeshee, be-tudbeeree. improvident, kotuli-undesh, be-tudbeer. imprudence, be-tudbeeree, ghuflut, tughafool, be- . khuburee, be-imtiyazee, be-tumeezee. ..^v . imprudent, be-tudbeer, ghafil, be-khubur, be- imtiyaz, be-tumeez, be-agumee, u-soojh, na- aqibut undesh, pus-fitrut, v. thoughtless, impudence, be-shurniee, be-huya,ee, be-ghueru- tee, shokh-chushniee, be-udubee, turki-udub, wiqahut, v. bare-facedness. impudent, be-shunn, be-huya, shokh-chuslim, be-udub, goostakh, dheeth, v. immodest, (to become) sir-churlina or -karhna. impudently, be-sliurinee- &c. -se. to impugn, dohiana, katna, maina, v. to contra. diet, attack, &c. impulse, impulsion, qoowwut, zpr, dhukka, muel, luhur, V. shock, chot, chujxit, joombish, jhuk, sudmu, V. influence, motive, impulsive, moohurrik, dola,oo, chula.oo, v. effi- cient; an impulsive power, qoowwut i moohur- riku. zw^Mwi/^,be-siyasutee, &c. v. punishment, (with) be-suza, be-uzab, be-niar, be-uziyut, v, free, pardon, release, &c. impure, na-pak, chhootara, na-saf, nujis, pileed, * huram, moordar, v. filthy, impurely, na-pakee- &c. -se. impwretiess, impurity, na-pakce, chhoot, guild, gundugee, nujasut, ghulazut, muel, mul, ku- doorut, aloodugee, .ala,ish, v. dirt, pollution, filth, imputable, moohtumul, lugne-jog, ihtimal-puzeer. imputation, ]uga,o, ihtimal, v. the verb, (censure) toohniut, brohtan, tuwuiihooiu, v. suspicion, re- proach, hint, to impute, lugana, bandhna, thuhrana, hiiml-k. rukhna, dhurna, nuinsoob-k. v. to attribute, toohniut- &c. -k. V. to censure, in, men, bheetur, undur, ko, mune, man, fee, dur, V. at, during, on, per, &c. (»Vt cmnp.) fee; iti as much as, jyonki, juesaki, bii-tuoriki ; in the name of God, khooda ke-waste, v. name- S s INA 322 INC sake, &c. ; in aU, bil-kcxill, sub milake, kooil kayunat, v. aU, whole ; come in the day time, din ko a,o ; in the morning, ulus-subah, fujlr ko; in the middle, beech inen, dunniyanmeri; in the meantime, tub-tuluk, tub-tuk ; in time, bur wuqt; in fact, fil-huqeequt, V. for, with, within, &c. In, the negative particle, is expressed by be, &c. v. dis, un, &c. Such negatives or privatives as cannot be found un- der in, will probably be met with in un ; if not, they can easily be formed by consulting the primitives themselves, and prefixing to them the requisite particles of privation, v. the Monitor, Vol. I. inability, be-muqdooree, tung-dustee, na-tuwa- nee, na-taqutee, na^qonwwutee, usukt, nir- bulee, ajizee, mujbooree, na-rusa,ee, na-qabli- yut, lacharee, v. impotence. inaccessible, moomtunii-ool-woosool, ghuer-moom- kin-ool-woosool, be-goozara, be-churha|0, be- luga,o, uogliut, ghuer wusl-puzeer. * inaccuracy, ghulutee, chook. c^JWfniiu.^TVi^iw inaccurate, ghuer-suheeh, ghulut, usoodh, na- dooroost, V. incorrect, inaccurately, ghulutee- &c. -se. inaction, inactivity, sookoon, tu,uteel, aram, be- • shooghlee, soostee, v. indolence, aram tulubee, V. idleness. inactive, soost, Jheela, be-shooghl, aramee, aram- tulub, mujhool, kahil, v. idle, be-hurukut, usthawur ; to be inactive, pura-ruhna, bueth- na, V. motionless, still. InaHively, soostee- &c. -se, v. inaction, inadequate, ghuer-kafee, qasir, kum, thora, ghat, V. defective, incompetent, na-la,iq, v. improper, inadequately, qoosoor-se, v. the adj. , inadmissible, na-rausmoou,(^a'? inalienable, ghuer moomkin ool infikak, bila tur- teel, ghuer moonfik. inanimated, inanimate, be-j an, v. insipid, m oord ii , be-numuk, ghuer-numkeen, ulona, y.jlat. inanity, inanition,khaAoo, soon, khura|ee,ochha- ee, v.jfyiine. ' •''■(.- -''^' s"- inappetency, seree, asoodugee', mundagin, kum- hazimu, zfD,vif-mi|Udu. inappetent, kum khorak, be-rughbut, v. abste- mious. <*8^ .350 -9aio0f»W,ma-»f: ,^t^■^M^>i'!^. inapplicable, be-muoqn, na-mrowafiq, ghuer-moo- tabiq, ghuer-mcontubiq, be-prusta,o, bila- mnoruju, be-luga,o, v. improper. inarticulate, na-saf, v. indistinct, (speech) pus- bhak,ha, jhoon jhoona, v. to hum. .ainU«! inarticulately, ghil h\], V. indistinctly. inattention, ghuflut, tughafool, be-purwa,ee, ^a- filee, chushm-poshee, anakanee, (to show) ankh-phirana, v. inadvertency. -fiOOud •« •' inattentive, ghafil, be-khubur, be-iltifat, be-pur^ wa, kahil, mujhool, v. careless. -^ ,-'■ to inaugicrate, buethalna, v. to instal. inauguration, teeka, shoogoon, soc^oon, jooloos. inauspicioit^, nuhs, munhoos, koo-sa,ut, na-moo- baruk, na-musU|Ood, shoom, bhudra, Inigdha, usoobh, usidli, bud, v. bad, unfortunate. inbred, jiguree, junumee, zatee, juohuree, v. in- nate. incantation, muntoor, ufsoon, jadoo, uzeemut, tona, lutka, jog, ukurkhun, jhar phoonk, doo.a tu,uweez, v. enchantment. incapable, qasir, ghuer-qabil, mu,u7.oor, be-inuq- '/Arc 328 INC door, na-rus, na-la,iq, na-uhl, ua-qabil, na- msa, aree, anarce, v. ignorant, unable. Incapacious, tung, v. nanrrow. to incapacitate, be-inucjdoor- &c. -k (to disquali- fy) muhroom- baz-r. incapacity, iucapahility,he-muqdoore, na-rusa,ee, na^abiliyut. .i' ,^twp sl;f{iflA'";V^»«VMW>«( incarnate, mcojussira, ukaree. nr?!^^ to incarnate, v. to heal, (woundu) ungoor-lana, -b. or -bjiurna, (in theology) uotar-lana, roop- dhurna. ^•\\'.iwii incarnation, (of woirnds) indimal, {of a god) uotar, V. appearance. to incase, lupetna, ghilafee-k. incautious, be-tadbper, be-ihtiyaji, b£-tu,vuauiooi, V. careless, i^tfn t+t-Vf .•'i^fi ."^«i•^<^Vv•M^.-Jim •^UKOfl r^^P' incertitude, v. stispence, doobdha, dhokha, lupet, V. doubt, uncertainty. incessant, mcotuwatir, ok-luklit, luga tar, ulutu- watnor, puehuni, humeshu, also incessantly, v. emitinual, ceaselessJ >»Msdjni-sd .^j-Mtn^swo^ti incessantly, jhura jhur, lup hip, ath ath ansoo, zar zar, v. constant. • .v .■♦',•;■•; -i incest, gotr choduwul, gotr gumun, (zm qowp.) chodee, as below, v. fornication, 'm^aiu iru:estuou^,goiTg}xm\mQe,(incmnp.)(^oA,u:hence betee- &:c. -cliod. inch, tussoo, ungoul, ungoosht, \. finger; every inch, ug reehu, rug rug, bund bund, bal bal, \. joint, hair, &c, .ijjSr'.T jl.liromrfsf. imidefit, hadisu, waqu,u, ittifaq, arizu, majura, roodad, siwanu, pi. waridat, v. circumstance, casualty. incidental, ittifaqee, naguhanee, (-charges. See.) bu,uz.ejumu. .t^ij incidentally, jtlifaqun, naguhan. incision, kat, cheera, boorrish, zuklitn. to incite, aithana, burpa-k. lugana, oopjhaua, turgheeb- &c. -d. ighwa-k. chherna, soolgana, ooksana, v. to instigate. incitement, turgheeb, ba,is, laluch, v. incentive, tuhrees, v. instigation. incivility, be-mooruwwutee, bud-ukhla.cjee^ Jbe- iltifatee. f*<-f'-»:^ inclemency, be-ruhmee, be-durdee, sukhtee. inclement, be-ruhiu, be-durd, be-muya, suklit. inclinable, iiia,il, raghib, nioastu,id, hazir, tueyar, roojooii, khura, sur-gurm, \. eager, ready, a^ desirous. "'<> »2c/ina^MW.,muel,muelan, rughbut,gliurz, arzoo, shuoq, huwus, urman, chuonip, cliat, husrut, luo, rus, rooch, zuoq, jhooka,ec, dhula,ee, v. bent, tendency, (to stool, &c.) wuswas, hajut, V. wish, (to fart) pudas, v. desire, khatir- nihad, (in comp.) as, [whence pee-as, an in- clination to drinlt ; moot-as, an inclination to piss\ to incline, v. n. jhookna, ina,il- he. -h. muci- &c. -r. diahna, duopa, chulna, v. to tetid, lean, dhulna, ana, kuniyana ; v. a. dhulana, lana, v. to bring, persuade, jhcokana, n)a,il-k. mc 324 INC V. to bend, bias ; inclining to black, ma,il bu slyahee. *6jStii!VM«n<:^ , . * >«» inclined, ma,il, raghib, sha,iq, shuoqeen. to inclose, v. to enclose. to include, rukhna, dui'j- dakhil- shamil-k. dur- lana, milana, 'lana, shamil- jami- masheet- mooshtumil-h. v. to comprise, to insert, dalna, jorna, lugana, lupetna, v. to join, add. inclusive, included, dakhil, shamil, mooshtumul, moonduruj, lagha,it, dakhilee, soodhan, v. to- gether, with, (of all charges and demands) bu huma jihut bil mooqtu. .>j »sc»,* inclusively, v. the verb, adj. dalke. incog, incognito, chhipa, posheedu, mukhfee, na- mU|Uloom, be-priyas. incoherence, ghuei--mootabuqut, be-melee, be-si- yaqee, v. inconsistency. ' ^afic^s^t incoherent, ghuer-maonjumid, ghuer-mootabiq, nar-moonasib, be-thuor thikana, also incoherent- ly, V. loose, be-muunee, be-luga|0, be-wuju, be-mel, be-siyaq, be-jor, v. junction, union. income, amud, amudunee, mudakhil, mahusul, yaft, pui'aput, sal-hasil, pa,edasht, hoosool, v. revenue, produce. incommensurable, be-mel, v. immeasurable, also dissimilar. jMsn.n^ii»ti to incommode, incommodate, tusdeeu- tukleef- eeza-d. v. to trouble, annoy. incommodious, mootusuddi, na-mu,uqool,na-karnu, V. iTiconvenietit. incommunicable, nu kuhna, na-gooftunee. incomparable, be-nuzeer, la-sanee, be-budul, be- misal, be-humta, taq, un-ootha,J be-manind, unoop, yuganu, bila tushbeeh, unoopma, ekta, choon be chigoon, be-shibu, be-numoon. incompatible, v. opposite, mootu,ariz, oolta, birod- hee, V. inconsistent. aA' ti^Hk"'^'- incompetent, v. inability, na-saz. na-]a,iq, ochha, na-qabil, im-rusa, usukt, v. icnfit, inadequate. incomplete, na-tumam, naqis, v. imperfect. ' incompleteness, na-tumamee, v. imperfection, incomprehensibility, udum idrak, udum duriyaft. incomprehensible, ghuer-moodruk, ghuer-mootu- suwwir, also inconceivable, be-qiyas, be-wuhm, un-boojha. inconclusive, naqis, qasir, na-tumam, duoree, ghuer-qati, v. imperfect, gol, ghuer shafee, V. ambiguous, inconclusively, ula subeel ood-diior, v. the adj. inconclusiveness, qoosoor. incongruity, incongruous, v. inconsistent, inconsiderable, na-cheez, la^shue, be-qudr, chho- ta, thora, v. unimportant. ^.i ti'. inconsiderubleness, be-qudree, kumee, inconsiderate, be-fikr, be-tU|Ummool, be-ihtiyat, be-tudbeer, be-undeshu, be-lihaz, bc-purwa, ghafll, V. inadvertent, be-lugam, be-tuhasha, be-ghuor, bila turuddoid, be-tumeez, usoch, V. rashly, also the adv. inconsiderately, be-tU|Ummoolee- &c. -se, be- muhaba. MMgfiiteUiai>rttvriS«p^ffa&.'tos<« inconsiderateness, inconsideration, be-fikree, be- tu,ummrolee, be-lihazee, be-ihtiyat ee, be- tudbceree, be-pui-wa,ee, ghuflut. inconsistency, na-moowafuqut, na-mootabuqut, mcnkhalufut, tuzadd, ikhtilaf", v. absurdity, contradiction. ^■%M--' inconstancy, be-subatee, be-quraree, tuluwwoon, na^pa,edaree, be-istiqlalee, be-wufa,ee, siyah- chushmee, v. caprice. INC 325 INC incnrmtant, be-subat, be-qurar, na-pa,edar, be- istiqlalj be-wufa, v. variable, siyah-chushm, be-kul, be-chuen, be-sukoon, huftu-dost, do- ruga, be-thikana, v. capricious, Jickle. inconstantly, be subatee- he. -se. incontestible, incontroverlahle, shafee, qati, qutuee, tamm, be-tukrar, be-meen mekli, la-juwab, la-kulam, v. unansteerable, unexceptionable; an incontestible proof, duleel shafee. incontinence, be-purhezee, be-i,utidalee, be-usmu- tee, bud-purbezee, koo-sunjum, usut. incontinent, be-purhez, bud-purhez, be-i,utidal, be-usmut, V. intemperate, be-bundhej, be-ihte- raz, koo-sunjuniee, byahut, \. fornicator, &c. incontinently, be purhezee- &c. -se. inconvenience, be-aramee, tukleef, dookh, qubahut, hurj, ueb, v, unseasonable, suntap, khundit, bighun, ukaj, bibhed, bikar, kootar, koobihta, fusad, V. harm, interruption, disadvantage. inconvenient, na-mu,uqool, na-karu, dooshwar, mootusuddj, moozir, be-dhub, be-qaboo, koo- ghat, uoghut, V. disadvantageous. inconveniently, be muoqu, v. the adj. inconversable, na-mu,uqoolrgo, ochjia, v. shallow, humdrum, unsocial. »»«i *! incumbent, v. possessor, (as a duty) wajib, lazim, ruroor, furz, nicwnasib, v. proper; it is incum- bent on me, moojh pur furz. hue. to be incumbent, chahna, v. necessary. to incur, lugana, lana, bandhna, dalna, pueda-k. lena, v. to gain, merit, &c. *»»*s ,:. y->:'fiiti f*jam- indecently, be udiibee- &c. -se, goostakhanu, be- udubanu, also indecent, when applicable to words. VAUf.Mn '\(i ^■^lW. n) .". i ■■, icui indeclinable, ghuer-mootusurrufor-moonsurif, be- tusreef, jamid, mubnee, nipat, be-surf, v. de- clension. indecorum, &c. v. indecency. indeed, such, ulbultu, waqUiCe, tuhqeeq, fil-hu- qeequt, ul-huqq, fil-waqj, huqeequtun, yuqee- nun, qutu,un, ho, ban, hue, suchmooch, sut, be-shuk, nufs-ool umur, suheeh hue, v. true, verily. indefatigable, u-thuk, mihnutee, sa,ee, dhoonee, V. unwearied. :\»mm--,r/r^U'»,^.-iid^i indefeasible, be-zuwal. indefensible, moomtunu-ajl-tuzr, v. inexcusable. indefinite, ghuer-mc»qurrur, ghuer-mooshukh- khus, bila^tu.iieyuu, na-muhdood, iia-miih- soor, maQbhum, be-thikana, ghuer-mootu,ue- yun ; the indefinite article, nuldru, ibh, hurf- tunkeer, v. the Gram. p. 38, (-aorist) shur- tiyu, fi,ulee. indefinitely, be-tU|Ueyun, v. the adj. i jaoi indelible, u-mit, un-dho,a, ghuer-muhoo, jiguree, an indelible stain, nuo^ inextinguishable, moomtunu ool itfa, u-mit, un- boojhna. .lud ,-\aiwf'.>iii ,0'j;iii;{= ,wviu;i.u T T . inextricable, mala yin hull, usoolujh, pech dur pech, shakh dur shakh, shuetan kee untree, v. intricate, uchhoot. ijjs .^Vt-jo'bK'v ,>Wn(v^» infallible, u-chook, na-khuta, qadir, hoskm-un- daz, V. certain, unerring. i. infallibleness, &c. u-chookee, be-khutaee. '■' ' infallibly, uchookee-se, {certainly) yuf^eemm, qutu,un, mooqurrur, v. assuredly^'Oi ,Xsv!AoV>*i>».. infamously, fuzeehutee-se, bu-shiddut ; it was infamously bad, bu shiddut bcnra tha. infamy, ueb, bud-namee, rooswa, ee, roo-siyahee, ungoosht-nooma.ee, be-abroo, ee, v. ignominy, kulunk, upjus, koojus, upooman, ar, v. dis- graced, .-.hvul-yi' infancy, toofooliyut, lurka,ee, bnch-pun, chhot- pun, bal-pun, lurka-pun, siba, tiflee, buch- ugee, tiflugee, v. beginning, childhood. i «^^ infant, kucha lurka, lurka, bucliu, tifl, baluk, dhota, kochuk, v. bahe, geda, gudela, gudwa, tifluk, sheer-khora, bal, v. young. infayitile, &c. tiflauu, buchganu. "" infantry, puedul, piyade, v. militia, pa-piyade, piyad, nur, v. foot, &c. (stmng in) nurput. to infatuate, deewanu- be hosh- be uql- be wu- qoof- be shu,oor-k. undhlana, sheftu- fureftu- -k. gand ghoo,a khilaua, from a most exti-a- ordinary process said to be practised by females who are determined to make their men cullies. infatuated, khubtu, moobtilu, moonkhurif, hima- qut zudu, {to be all) koo,e men bliung puma. infatuation, deewanugee,be-hoshee, deewan-pun, shertugee, fureftugee. ,rmiin (liiblu^-sad to infect, surayut- taseer-k. lugna, surana, v. to corrupt, lugana, dilana, v. to give. INF 351 INF infection, surayut, tu,HSs«jr, ufoomit, tu,iifFcBn, kis-gundli, puesar, chhoot, v. poison, tnint. infectkmg, sarce, lus gur, puesaree, chhootiha, srundh-rojT, phuc!a,(x>, v. contagions. infelicifi/, kuni-bukhtee, bud-biikhtee, shamut, idbar, shiiqawitt, v. calamity. to infer, nikalna, tujweez-k. boojhna, utkulna, tarna, v. to conclude, induce. inference, mitecjn, hasil, v. covclusion, utkul, ni- kas, istidlal, khoolasu, v. hiduction ; by infe- rence, nuteeje-se. .lawiouel inferible, iiiajntij. rtufa ;jl-! inferior, ndna or udna, cbhota, ghat, kuni, kum- tur, kihtur, furotur, zuboon, doon, pust, nee- cha, ooturta hoo,a, v. worse, nirs, ootar, hulka, ochha, nunn, oonees bees, pa.een, v. sulwrdi- -• note, {in strength, &c.) zer-dust, mugliloob. inferiority, kumtee, furoturee, chhota,ee, kum- turee, kilituree, ziiboonec, niirmee, zer diistce, V. tlie adj. infernal, jidiiinnumee, doznkbee, naree, shueta- - nee, patal, putalee, usf ulec, v. hellish, detest- able. infertile, lgana, bhoonna, ag- kubbal)- sokhtu-k. lolioo-bhMr- na, V. to burn, kindle, heat, &c. ; to infiaine,{as a sore, &c.) dul-pukurna, josli-khana, («« the eyes) ankh-a)thna, ankli-ana, lohoo ke dule-h. V. to provoke. infiamed, moohriq, sookhtu, jula, v. blood-shot, Imrnt, 8ic. infiamer, sozindu, atushzun, moohriq, (m comp.) soz, ashob; shuhur, ashob, inflaming the city; also iriflaming, v. im'cndiary. iiiflamitig the world, aluni-soz. infiammability, &c. imkan odI ihtiraq. infinmmahle,]\x\\iTA\ar, mnomkin ool ihtiraq, julun jo, sozindu. inflammation, ')osYi i khoon, ihtiraq, julun, sozisli, iltihab, mooltuhib, v. heat, (of the eyes) ashob, lalee, v, opthnlmin. .iCbod infinmmatory, moohriq, giirm. 'j" to inflnte, phcolana, nufkh-k. phoonkna, v. f*' l^ff, dum-bhuma or -d. ukrana, v. to biotr. T T 2 INF JNG i'w/?aHi»»«i<' ingenuous, rast, saf, khura, seedha, mconsif, be- riya, sadu, v. candid. ingenuously, rastee- &c. -se, v. the adj. ingenuousness,rastee, sufa,ee, suchcha,ee, suchuo- tee, khura,ee, sidq, rast-bazee, be-riya,ee, in- saf, V. fairness. inglorious, hulka, khufeef, be-nam, goom-nam, be-ghuerut, be-humiyut, v. meati. ingloriously, be-ghuerutee- &c. -se, na-murdee- se. ' ~ ^adtti^Mini^^iMi ,M&i{)i4Ki ("sm ingot, eent, sil, chukkee, thukka, sulakku, seekhchu, goolee, dula, v. bar. ..li,/,.,.- INH 333 IN J to ingraft, (trees) puewuiul-lugana, (foji.v) lu- gana, garna, buuthalna, v. to settle. In^rqftmeiit, piiewmid. ingrate, asteen ka samp, na-sipas, numuk huram, nirgoonabadee, v. ungrateful, &c. to ingratiate, 'uzeez- &c. -k. v. dear, pet men ghoosna, v. injluence, putton men puethna ; he has ingratiated himself with the governor, wooh hakim ke putton men puetha hue. ingratitude, na-shookree, koofran i ni,umut, be- wufa,ee, numuk-huramee, na-sipasee, nir goon- abad, v. perjidy. ingredient, jooz, pi. ujzu, matra, (in soup, &c.) aluii, pureh, miluonee, v. article, thing, &c. ingress, ingression, dookhool, moodakhulut, dur- araud, pueth, bar-yabee, gcozara, v. entrance ; vigress and egress, amud-ruft, aniud-shood, dookhool o khoorooj, ana jana, awun jawun, ahur jahur. to ingulf, khuench-lelena, lupetna, v. to swallow, immerse, &c. 'ii9frjwii-»^^iij!ii ,'^|«t^ to inhabit, busna, tikna, ruhna, istiqamut- &c. -r. V. habitation, inhabitable, qabil i istiqamut, ruhne-la^iq, busun- jog, abad puzeer. , ,Bf'j[i,( inhabitant, inhabiter, sakin, moiqeem, bashindu, mootuwuttin, ruhwuya, ruhunhara, mukeen, biisun har, bus basee, ru,ees, khrash bash, mu- huUe-dar, thuniya, (in comp.) basee, basliee, (as animals) buseroo. inhabited, mu,umoor, abad, bhura, busa, busa- busaya, busta, wlicnce biistec, a village, &c. to inhale, lena, kheechna, khana, (the steam of any thing) buphara-lena. inharmonious, be-tal, na-sazgar, na-muozooii. in/terent, khilqee, zatee, jibillee, uslee, mcud- ghum, V. intrinsical. to inherit, waris- &c. -h. ukhuz-k. v. to possess, adopt, Jieir, irs-lena, lena, pana, umul-k. inkeritance, irs, meeras, turuku, booyiyad, jur- booniyad, bupuolec, v. patrimony, heritage, inheritor, waris, v. heir. to inhibit, nuinu-k. utkana, rokna, v. to restrain, inhibition, munu, mc»manu,ut, utka,o, maoza> humut, rooka,o. inhospitahle,\)e-mcadia.ra, bc-tuofeeq, be-tuwazoo, be-fuez, unscel, durbiistu, (as a shore) koo- ghat, koo-ralia. inhospitableness, be-tuofeeqee, be-ma)dara|ee. inhuman, be-ruhm, be-durd, kuttur, be-turs, bc- shufqut, be-mooruwwut, na^insan, koo- manookh, v. savage, cruel, inhumanity, be-ruhmee, be-durdee, sung-dillee, sukhtee, nithcora,ee, zoohii, na-admiyutee, na- insaniyutee, koo-mancokhta, &c. v. ferocity, cruelty. ^nn^nt ,-j;vuw.}^«rja ,iiw»»jJi»j_ inhumanly, be-ruhmec- &c. -se. to inject, dalna, marna, (loith a syringe) pich- karce-marna. injection, idkhal, v. the verb, hooqnu, v. clyster, inimical, mookhalif, bueree, birodhee, v. adverse, inimitable, moomtunu-oun-nuzeer, bc-misl,ghuer mcDtutubu, ghuer munqool, be-nuzeer, also inimitably, iniquitous, boura, bud, mu,uyoob, zuboon, be- insaf, na-huqq, na-adilee, v. wicked, villanous, unjust, iniquity, be-insafee, budec, zuboonee, bojra.ee, ueb, qubahut, nni,uyoobee, pap, koo-puth, fisq, tuoheen, v. sin, injustice, crime. Initial, puehla, mooquddum, uwwul. to initiate, lana, dur-lana, dakhil-k. shamil-k. shooroou-kurana, sikiilana, moundana, aghaz- kurana, lugana, v. to begin, miLana, ba,olcc-d. V. to teach, to instruct. i .T«»tt>j-s;\Aj^i in itia/ion , idkhal , du r-am ud , sunskar, mel, miIa,o, niilap, soonnut, v. admission, also the verb, injudicious, be-buseerut, be-sukeqii, be-shu.cwr, INK 3S4 'JNN na-la,iq^ na-sha,istu, nirgoonce, koorautee, v. indiscreet, improper. injudiciously, be-siileequgee- ^c. -se, v. impro- perly. injunction, hookm, umr, kuha, bat, v. order, ta- keed, tuqueyood, cliita|0, v. precept ; he gives no ear to my injunctions, mere kuhe ko nuheen soonta, V. to enjoin. > ,ias^m ^jm\-'j to injure, zoolni-k. bigarna, za,ee,u- &c. -k. nooqsan-puhtxDiichana, ziyan- &c. -k. niisana, khurab-k. azar^ &c. -d. v. to damage, infect, be-huqq-k. v. to hurt. oajt^d ^wplwii injured, mcntu.uzzee. , ij,,5-^a»v:a . . to be injured, v. to pox, (a hdir of the head) bal- beenkna or -tootna. injurer, zalim, ziyan-kar, khurab-kar, moozce, jufa-kar, noiqsanee, bigaroo, hanee, v. mischie- vous. injurious, be-insaf, zalim, mcnzir, zar, v. hurtfiil. injuriously, be-in safee- &c. -se. injury, be-insafee, zoolm, sltum, juor, tii,uddee, jufa, bidut, dust-durazee, v. violence, (mis- chief) nooqsan, ziyan, aseb, v. injustice, bigar, eeza, uziyut, qubahut, khisarut, azar, khuliil, fiisad, hurj, ban, v. loss, detriment. injustice, be-insafee, un-nya,o, ghuer-wajibee, na-insafee, be-dadee, undher, na-liuqq, v. i7ii- quity, injury. ink, siyahee, rosbna,ee, kalee, sheeru, mus, moo- rukkub, kalik, mislyanee, midad, {maker) mcnrukkub-saz, (powder) kujul ; (red-) soor- khee, shungurf, {a kind of cotton balls impreg- nated with red ink) muha.oree, ulta. ink-horn, inkstand, qulum-dan, duwat ; cotton, &c. put into ink-horns, soof. inkle-weaver, nuwarbaf, v. tape. inkling,smnooghiva,ho, sha,ibu,ahut,v. rumour, bhinuk, v. tchisper, intimation, hint, inky, syahee sa, v. black. ■.- • • ,~ « -.« , inlaid, moonubbutee, jura,oo, moorussu, tult-Jii- shan, kundu, koft, koondun, v. to seL^^n^g^, to inlay, jurna, quliim karee-k. moonubbut-k. inlayer, juriya, moonubbiit-kar, kof'tgur, v. ewa- metier. „ inlaying, moonubbut-kaxee. . •. ^v inland, bheetur war^r ,««»»1^^ .y. .cMaooifa inlet, gcozur, rab, (aiTw) kharee, nak, tungree, banjee, v. creek, entry, to inlist, V. to enlist, also recruit. j-^^,', inly, bheetur, pet men, v. inward. -r inmate, hum-kbanu, sugehee, v. chwm, guest, inmost, bheeturee, v. inner. ^ ^a)j_\WMa3"f>ii'.', imi, sura,e, bhuthiyaree-khanu, ' mue-kbami, ra oosafir-khanu, raihmaa sura,e, kar wan. sura^ V. tavern. ,««.?ii-r-T.;ii'- tfi',./i.v ;i.,;r - . innate, tubvi.ee, khilqee, zatee, jibillee, uslee, bizzatee, madur-zad, junumee, juohuree, jigu- ree, v. natural. ,, inner, bheeturee, unduroonee, v. inferior. .^'^ inning, uhiya,e-zumeen, gungburar. ;».TOl^^• inn-keeper, bhuthiyara, sahib-sura, kulwar, mih- tur, V. host, innocence, pakee, sufaiCe, mu,usoomiyut, be- goonahee, be-jc»rmee, scorkh-roOiee, soochta, suchuotee, usmut, sut, v. pureness, (harmless- ness) ghureebee, gboorbut, be-budee, sadiigee, bhola-pun, seedha.ee. innocejit, pak, saf, be-gtionah, be-joorm, mu,u- soom, mu,usoom-sift, (harmless) ghureeb, be- bud, sadu, sadu-dil, seedha, v. artless, scoch, be-dos, bhondla, unjan, nek-pak, soorkh-roo, mooburru, nirmul, sutee, v. faultless, immacu- late, unhurtful. . • innocently, be-goonahee- &c. -se. '' 'i to innovate, ibdas- unreet-k. v. to alter, inmnt. innovation, ihdas, eejad, ikhtirau, bidut, un-reet, bechulun, be-riwaj, iimul dustoor, nuo-pueda, dand, kur, nuo-baiCe, nuo-turz, tazu-riwaj. INQ 885 INS mnoiHiior, mcubtudi, moojid, incohdis, bidutee, mmkhturi, iiirmunce, v. mventor. to innoculaie, {for the sr^Upox,&i.i:.) teeka-d. puch- ne-d. gotec-kliodna, chcclnik- &c. -lugana or -nikulna, v. io infcrt, (trees) piiewuml-k. iniu><;ul(ith>n, teeka, piiewuud, gotee khodwa.ee. Innoctdator, gotee khodwa. innuendo, isharu, kinayu, vuiiiz, mihna, bing, bo- ]eo, liipct, V. hint. innumerable, be-shcDUiar, be-liudd, unguiiut, nior- n»uluk]i,regruwan, ghuer-nuBtu,uddid, ghuer- moonkin ooUti.udad, v. nunienms, &c. inodormis, be-bas, be-bo, gliuer-tuom. inoffensive, v. innocent, inordinate, be-hudd, be-thikana, bu-ifrat, v. m- temperate, immoderate, unreasonable, irregular. to inosculate, sunthna, v. to join. uiorgamcal, be rug reshu. inquest, v. itiquiry, investigation, dhooiuj bhal, bazkhwast, v. search. inquietude, v. disquietude. to inquire, poochhna, poorsish- &c. -k. tuliqceq- -k. poochhar-L jolina, suwaclma, juiuogna, suhejna, v. to itivestigate, to ask, (to search) tulash- &c. -k. khiibur-lena, v. to examine, &c. (about a person) uhwal poorsee-k. inquirer, khojhee, muostufsir, uiootulashee, poor- san, niootujussis, poocbharee, talib, moojuw- ■wiz, joya, v. seeker, eaamlner. inquiry, poochh pachli, pan'si.sli, tufteesh, islifsar, tulash, joost o joo, baz-pu)isee, aznia,jsh, v. in- :,,qv€st, tunqeeh, tiihqeeqat, mootalibu, uliwal- poorsee, juniog, pooclihar, v. to discuss, (after the sick) yadut, beeniar-poornec, v. e.vamimt- tian. inquisitive, khojhec, jasoos-tiibee,ut, tulashee, inrahu(jqiq,bicharee, khubur-geer, V. inquirer, also curious. .J . Ui.i; inguisiticeneas, tujusseos, jasotwec, v. inquirifi un, fil-musul, yu,uDee, chooiian^hi, juesarki. to insiiMice, misal- &c. -lana, nuiieer-lana, drisht- ant- &c. -dl or -Ikna, t. to ciHutvplifyi instant, (urgent) moostudcc, mtotuqazee, mcn- queyid, v. importunate, (present) hazir, mua»- jood, hal, ub, V. current, present, this, nou; quick, instantly ; the insiwnt, v. just,]\s dum, jyoonhee, jub ka tub, v. immediately ; that instant, tyoojihee, tis dum, v. numirnt. i)i>itant, (of time) lumlai, Kiir/.u, dum, an, pul. instantly, instantaneously, ubhee, isee dum, fil- fuor, fuorun, wsee-wuqt, losee-dum, burmcD- juiTud, fil-lial, V. supra, halu, bila-tuwuqqoof, bila-ilimal, v. immediately, quickly. M*«i^<;at/, iwuzjbudul, bu-ja,e, nitukafat, dur-budul, munzulih, juguh, tha,oii, simte, jwuzun, v. place ; instead of being angry, he was pleased, bu munzulih nakhmsh hone ke wooh khcosh hoo,a, V. room. instep, poosht-pa, pubba, ghohthee. to instigate, wurghulanna, oobharna, bur-ungekb- tu-k. tulueek- &c. -k. chihrana, lugana, shuh- dum- ankh-d. tnnsna, ouksana, suree-k. phoonkna, silgaiia, v. to excite. i/Uftigation^ tulireek, turgheeb, tushweeq, tuh- rees, ighwa^ hus, bur-ungekhtugee, oobhar, phooslahut, sureh, sutkee, mutkce, rusnrad, dum-dilasu, v. encouragement, also to urge. instigator, moohurrik, mooghwee, mroshuwwiq, (offends, &c.) moofsid, fusadee, niubne-fusad, V. incendiary, (in comp.) ungez. to instil, (ialna, ilqa^k. buelhalna, zihn nusfaeen- -k. deiia, boojhana, v. to instruct, teuoh. instillation, ilqa, v. distillation. ijiistmct, uql i huewaoee, zatee uqL, hosht seadh, V. natural, &c, 'Iff v*"^*^ instinctively, uql i: huewanee^e. Uu INS 338 INT institute, mstitution, a,een, qaidu, dustoor, qa- noon, rusum, zabitu, tureeq, muslik, sastur, reet, soonnut, v. mawim, (establishment) tuqur- roor, tu,ueyoon, tushukhkhcos, tu,ueyoonu, v. regulation. to institute, bandhna, nikalna, thuhrana, wuzu-k. mooqurrur- &c. -k. v. to appoint. instituted, qa|im, mcoqurrur, nusub, m(x),ueyun, mooshukhkhus. institutor, wazi,moojid,banee, nuween-bicharee, V. founder. to instruct, sikhlana, sikhana, tu,uleem- &c. -k. butlana, jutana, kuhna, sumjhana, boojhana, V. to direct, sadhna, uql-d. soonana, purkana, durs-d. V. to inform, teach. in^striwtioti, tu,uleem, turbiyut, tadeeb, tulqeen, tufheem, ittilau, sikha,ee, boojha.ee, purka,ee, tuhzeeb, sudha.ee, sikha,o, &c. ruh-numoonee, V. the verb, goorgyan, wuseequ, v. knowledge, pi. nuseehut-namu, v. information, &c. (ad- vice) sulah, musluhut, v. admoiiition. instructive, nafi, mcnfeed, moohuzzib,bcDdh-de,ee, ibrut-puzeer or -bukhsh, chetunhar, chetuona. instructor, mro,ullim, moo,uddib, v. teacher. instrument, huthiyar, uozar, alu, kul, juntur, v. apparatus, tool, (writteti contract) qubalu, su- nud, muchulku, v. deed, (cause) ba.is, illut, V. reason, (agent for another) wuseelu, wastu ; a musical instrument,huja,saz,muzameer, ba- juntur, (varieties) puch-bujna, gun, tut, bitut; a noun of instrument, ism i alu. instrumental, (aiding) moo,een, moomid, mudud- gar, V. conducive; vocal and instrumental mur- sic, gana-bujana, suotee o sazee, ga,en bajun. insufferable, insupportable, gbuer-moonikin-oot- tuhummool, sukht, shudeed, be-hudd, un-suha, ukut, bikuth, ghuer-burdasht, v. detestable. insttfferably, bu-shiddut, nihayut. insufficience, &c. v. little, short, ochha-ee, kumee ghuttee, kum-uqlee, v. dvficiennj. insufficiency, udum i liyaqut, na-la,iqee, na-ni- sa,ee, udum i qabiliyut, qoosoor. insufficient, na-la,iq, na-qabil, ghuer-kafee, naqis, qasir, na-rusa. insult, chher, tunz, hutuk, mulamut, tuun, soob- kee, shimatut, bolee, v. affront, abuse, taunt. to insult, chherna, tunz- &c. -k. v. to ahuse,jUmt, offend, tokna, hurkut- tokara-d. khorna, (to triumph over) g,ha,o men numuk dalna, jule ko julana, numuk pashee-k. moo.e ko mama. insulter, &c. v. insolent, tunnaz, dunguet. insuperable, insupportable, u-kut, la rudd, v. in- vincible, insufferable. insurgent,h\i^ee, fusadee, fitnu-ungez,futooriya, ghuddar, v. rebel. insurrection,h\x\vfa,\i\inga.m\\, yoorish, \. commo- tion, rebellion, jitnu, fusad, khuirooj, hurjmurj, jhuowar, hindoowanee, sir-ootha,ee, gurdee, dunga, dhinga, dhoom-dham, oodhun, v. sedi- tion. integer, furd, ubhin-roop, ghuer-mooliussur, v. piece, individual, unit, &c. integral,adj. swheeh; an integral or integer,\\A\xA i suheeh, v. complete, whole. integrity, diyanut, umanut, rastee, rast-bazee, rast-mcD,amilee, sucha,ee, sidq, v. perfection, honesty, purity, tukmeel, siipoorunta, nekoka- ree, v. virtue, also completeness. integument, purdu, chlial, v. cover, slmt. intellect, uql, hosh, brodh, gyan, firasut, dana,ee, idrak, sliu,oor, v. comprehension, genius, under- standing. intellectual, gyanee, uqlee, v. wise, &c. (powers) qojwwut i moodriku, qoowwut i uqlee, v. ideal, mental. intelligence, khubur, ittilau, agahee, mu,urifut, V. knowledge, correspondence, sumachar, chiri- INT 339 INT tur, bodh, hosh, v. notice, thuor-thikana, kjioor-khoj, thulbera, v. truce, (npirit) Hrislitu, uqli uwul, V. soul, &c. also wisdom, intelligencer, mcoklibir, ukhbar-nuwees, khubur- dar, suwanih-nigar, sumacharee, waqi,u nu- wees, khcxjftiyu nuwees, sa,ir, v. emissary. intelligent, aqil, dana, fuheem, sahib-wuqoof, sahib-shu,oor, hoshiyai-, khubur-dar, waqif- kar, danish-mund, niu,unee-riis, v. wi^e, pru- been, gyanee, ubli-fulim, boodh-man, gyan- wunt, goonwunt, gounee, tez-nigah, agah-dil, agah-batin, muhrum-kar, jau-kar, tez-fuhm, arif, furzanu, ruoshun-ra,e, zee-hosh, ba- shu,oor, kar-dan, sookhun-fulmi, hunia-dan, fuhmeedu, jan, {as a physician) tubee,ut shi- nas, V. skilful. intelligibility, mu,uqoolee, v. plainness. intelligible, moomkin-ool-fuhm, moomkin-ool-id- rak, qabil i fiilim, v. sensible, mu,uqool, fulim- puzeer, boojhne-jog. intelligibleness, imkan-ool-fubm, v. perspicuity. intemperance, bud-purhezee, be-ihtiyatee, be- i,utidalee, koo-sunjum, v. e.vcess, &c. intemperate, bud-purhez, be-purhez, be-ihtiyat, be-i,utidal, ghuer-moohtat, gliuer-nioo,utudil, koo-sunjumee, be-lugam, be-lihaz, v. excessive, ungovernable. intemperately, bud purhezee- &c. -se. inlemperalure, intemperateness, be-i,utidalee, ghucr- moo,utudilec, na-moowaf'uqut, fiisad, bigar. to ititend, iradu- 8ec. -r. qusd- &c. -k. udbudana, supurna, thuhrana, azim-h. v. intention, also to purpose. intendant, umecn, darogliu, kurora, nazir, amil, fuoj-dar, v. inspector, collector. intense, v. evcessioe, shudeed, ziyadu, sukht, bu- ra, be-hudd, kuthiii, niput, nihayut, useeb, shaq, V. ardent, violent. intensely, bu-sliiddut, sukhtee-se, nihayut, mcn- queyud, moostu.id, bujid, sa.ec, mootuwujjih, imiojood, V. diligent. intensetiess, shiddut, sukhtee, ziyadutee, v. vehe- mence. intent, intention, iradu, qusd, uzm, neeyut, mun- sha, munsa, ghurz, muddi nuzur, munsoobu, bichar, luluk, munzoor, v. design, purpose, (aim) muqsud, mutlub, nicodda, muqsood, inoorad, v. drift, {(idj.) dhoonee, imishghool. intentional, intentionally, qusdun, inndnn, bil- qusd,jan-boojh-kur,deedodanistu,udbudake, iradee, qusdee, v. wilful. intently, ghuor- &c. -se, jidd o jihd-se, v. atten- tively. intentness, su,ee, koshish, jihd, kudd, jidd o jihd, kudd o kawisli, dil-dihee, tun-dihee, v. assi- duity, diligence ; to all intents and purposes, bu hur soorut o hal. inter, (v. con) in compound words like the fol- lowing, can harilly be expressed in the Hin- doostanee, otherwise than by circumlocution; the reader will therefore do well to consult the primitives, and to these, by adding beech- men, apoosmen, durmiyan, mabuen, &c. the expressions recjuired can be easily formetl, v. reciprocal, among, between, &c. to inter, garna, dufun- mudfoon-k. rukjma, mit- tee-d. V. to bury. intercalary, kubeesa; the Hindoo intercalary month, luond, udhik- or mule-mas, v. leap. intercalation, udhika.ee. to intercede, shufa,ut- &c. -k. bukhshana, v. to interpose, &c. vm to intercept, rokna, utkuna, mnozahumut-k/pu- kurna, niarna, mar-lena, dubana, baz-r. v. to obstruct. interception, roka,o, utka,o, moozahumut. intercession, shufa,ut, wisatut, tuwussool, oopkar, moorubbee-guree, v. mediation, &c. Un 2 INT S40 - . "4ZA^r intercessor, vtiterceder, sluifee,u, sliafi, shafec, sachhee, ccpkaree, moorubbee, v. patron. interchange, mojbadulu, tubdeel janibuen, v. ex- change. - to interchange, udla biidla-k. jwuz nioQ,awuzu-k. mrobadulu-k. apoos men-budulna, v. CMneclion, also to exchnnge. ',;interchangeable,ih.coABX>.\\\A, mcotubnddil, talee- lee, V. alternate, mutual, rec'iproral. intercourse, ulaqu, raco,a.mulu, bol-chal, surokar, amud-ruft, amud-shcad, raz o niyaz, rubt, rah-rubt, dadsitiid, awaguch, lewa-dewce, ana- - jana, awajahee, pueghamu pueghamiee, v. in- gress, exchange, dealing, company, commerce, , conversation, correspondence. to mterdzcl, munu- &c. -k. nuhee-k. mani-h. baz- -r. V. to forbid, interdiction, interdict, munu, munha,ec, nuhee, ' V. prohibition, •■". ,i - . interdictory, moomanU|Vitee, v. proMltitive. interest, (advantage) fa,idu, nufu, sood, labh, v. good, swarth, v. business, ribu, phul, burho- - tur, mitee, oopur, (mootey beaming) byajoo, soodee, opposed to qurz husna, {concerrC) ghu- ruz,, pur wa, v. solicitude, (influence) usur, qcod- rut, kuha-SCTjna, bat, v. authority, &c. (share) - thksu, bukbra, islitirak, sajha, v. participation, (usury) byaj, sood, v. increase, surplus; to make interest for am/ office, wuscelu pueda-k. to mtcrest, ghuruz- &c. -r. turgheeb- &c. -d. (to affect) lugiia, usur- &c. -k. v. tc move, dil-lugana, lobliana, v. to gain. '• ij interested, ghuruz-mund, ghurzee, shureek, v. concerned, apswarthee, gburuz-go, ghuruz-ash- na, khood-mullub, v. designing, selfish ; self-in- terested, khmd-gburuz. interesting, dil-lv'gun, dil-chusp, v. affecting. to interfere, V. to intermeddle, nlaciu-r.khulul-k. mookhill- mookhalif-h. v. to clash. inierjaceyit, mootuwussit. ■■i-^»'i,, ,4^N4, k^HiMiv interjacency, tuwussoot. .t .if>fH--itK>.{5l interjection, hurf, (pi. hcoroof,) ucbhur ; an in- terjection of calling, hurf i nida, v. vocative. interim, dur-miyan, usna, beccli, zimn; in this inte- rim, is dur miyan men, dur een usna,v. interval. itUerior, bhectarec, duroonee, v. internal. to intei'lace, interlard, interline, chithavna, v. to intermingle. •jM',';*">* fWM«'M'-»«^iH«** »,i«t«». to interlope, duk'hl- dust iiJldasfee-k. liath-ai' interlude, tumasha, v. play. the interlunar space, tuht-aosh-sb(X),aii, umawus, shubi-duejoor, kookoo, •nuslit-chundur, iniha(i. intennarriage, gokit-byah, mootunakih. to intermarry, gobit byah-k. to intermeddle, dukhl- mrodakhulut-k. dustun- daz-h. hath-rl. qudum-r. v. interloper, moo- dakbil-b. dust undazee-k. bolna chalnn, T. to ■interpose, interlope. ^^•.i,..^^•.-«*;■JJ »"•■",•> - intermeddler,intcrlopcr,hxit-idegee'6h^mdhn,du- khee], mookliil, harij, dust-undaz,ukajee, bikh- ondra, puetho©, dulloo ka duhsera, kbudum- bur, oopur-^chupo. ,i.''jU»^>iifi.i: intermediate, mootuwussit, durmiyan, inabiien, beech-beecb, v. between, bichla, v. middle. interment, tudfeen, v. the verb. to intermingle, v. a. milana, khu'lt- mukhloot-, ghalmel-k. beecli men-r. -d. -tankna, -joma, or -lugana, &c. mabuen-likhna, &c. v. to place, also between; v. n. milna, mukhloot-b. intermission, chhoottee, tu.utecl, nagbu, wuqfu, J'- ibeecb, untur, phank, v. interval, pulkhut, un- tra, unjha, mcnhlut, ghojrru, ootar, v. pause, cessation. ;. ititermissive, &c. untralee. to intermit, tu,iiteel- &c. -k. ooturna, v. to cease, (as fevers) untur- &c. dekur-ana. intermittent, &c. gbib, v. ague, &c. ; an inter- ■nnttent fever, hoomma,e gbib, v. tertian, 8tc. iwy; 341 INT 4« inlenniw, &c. v. miaiture, also to iutKfiiklgle. I interna!, bheeturce, duroonee, unduraone, bati- nee, jignree, dilee, munee, v.. innate, inlriTisic. internally, bheetiir, undiir. internunno, miyan-jee, dur-miyaiiee, bichwanee, diir-i»iyan-go, dullal, ugur-clialuk, doo-doo- in interpolate, oopur tuppoo-likhna, or -tankna, &c. santhna, v. gn htitircen. interpolatimi, ilhaq, fiqra dukheel, oopur jora,o, oopur tuppa, ibarut-tughullcobee. fo interpose, {to mediate) beech beecliao- Ssc. -k. beeck-k. are-d. burzukh-h. beech-purna, diir- mijran, beech men-j. -a. or -h. dhurliur-k. elchee puna- rut; shurr-k. beech men- mabuen-r. mr -dhui'na, &c. v. io intermingle, reconcile, {to make intervenienl) wuqfu- Sec. -k. v. intennis- Mon, also to interrupt. Sec unjs^ ,»«»t-»t'>i\'i' < interposer, soolh kool, v. mediator. ' interpoKit'nm, interposal, \vusaiiut,wuseelu, mUiU- J xiftrt, beech beecha,o, tudakhool, eradub, pala, \.!iin!tei^eiitioin-^medirition^x»oi^)0' to interpret, {to translate) turjoomu-k. {to ct- . ; , jdain) butlana, tnsbreeh- Sec. -k. ootama, -'' '{dreams) tii.ubeer- &c. -k. v. to expound. (m,hasliiya ; whence dcuhasee, doohas/i-, so <*rell kaown at Madras, v, expoumler, linguist, he. {of dreams) mm,ubbir, tu,ubeer-go, siip- aabichar-tee, supna-dhya,ee. interregnum, i-nj-uiitura,padsliah-gurdee, ghudr, jihalut, V. ^nwrobi^ ' i*e mterrnj^ate, poochhna, |joorsish- pooclih- fnclib- i&ti&nF- &c. -k. v. to ask. interrogation, istifsar, istit'ham, pcoi-sish, poochh- pachh, siiwal, poocbh-poochha, jnn'ab-guwal, uchhur-chutka, simdeha, v. question. iilaAr. interrogative, interrogatory, istiffaiunee, {pronoun) hiirf i istifham. interrogatively, istifhamiiu. interrogator, moostufsk, sa.il, pnorsindu, poursan, poochhunhar. 9nu|ii(iftd>f io interrupt, bat-katna, dukhl- hiiriikut- &c. -k. bhudra-d. rokna, iitkana, harij- ba il- mani-h. bhundit-k. chlierna, chhenkna, ukaj-k. tup- purna, v. to hindei; stop ; notio interrupt yov , tcomhare moonh goolali, wgoastakhee mu,af; to stop or interrupt prayers, numa/.-torna. interr'upter, ukajee, mnokhil, hurkutce, v. inter- loper. interruption, v. intemention, he. huiukut, khu- lid, buruj, tukhuUcol, hurj murj, utk8|0, Tok, tu,urroDz, khundit, bliundsurad, arizu, Jiurj, phank, v. hindrance, intermission. to intersect, tuqatro-k. mootuqati'Ji. ^katHA, oheer- na, V. to out. uif .awittv intersection, tuqatoo, nooqtu i tiiqatcn, JkUta,o, eera, t. to divide. . >.i'. •>■ - to intersperse, idhiir oodluir-lngana, -rnUnm, or -dalna, &c. v. io scatter. interstice, v. infra, fasilu, phank, {of the teeth) rekh, {of the fingers) gha,ee, guhooa. to interswearp suogiinda suogundee-k. interval, dur-miyan, beech, /.inin, ursii, mabuen, iintur, musafut, wusut, u.^na, phank, mcofasOu, tviujfu, V. respite, {preceding OTty hour in que- stion) umul ; do puhur ka uinul hue, it is going to ticelce, v. intermission, space. to intervene, dumiiyan- 5cc. -puma, beech, &ic. -ana, fasil- mootuwussif- beech beeclwh. v. to happen. intervention^ v. interposition, tuwusscot. intenriew, mcolaqat, muwasulut, bhent, dursun, deedar, m(»wajuhu,dckha-dckliee,deedbudeed, INT 342 INT deedwadeed, char-chushmee, moo,ayunu, moo- shahidu, v. meeting, also to meet. to interweave, binna, durmiyan-d. milana. v. to intermix. i intestate, be-wusiyut. intestine, bheeturee, duroonee, v. internal; an intestine war, khanujungee, apoos kee lura,ee. intestine, (a gut) ant, pi. anten, unturee, pi. un- turiyan, rodu, uma, pi. mi,a. tointhral, &c. v. to enslave. intimacy, preet, khooltu, ikhtilat, irtibat, mel, hel-mel, hum-razee, ittifaq, sabiqu, hum- dumee, hum-dilee, yai'ee, dostee, oolfut, moo- khalitut, raz o niyaz, moowanisut, v. famili- arity, friendship. intimate, moortubit, mila-joola; an intimate,hum- dum, yar-ghar, hum-raz, muhrum-raz, raz- dan, muhrum, moonis, nudeem, v. inseparable, manoos, humdil, hum-soohbut, sheer o shukur, dooganu, rula mila, khula mula, moosahib, yarjanu, humjum, ek-dil, ek-jiyoo, ek-bhed, shatu', V. friend, also unanimous. to intimate, isharu- &c. -k. kuhna, kuhla-bhej- na, V. to inform. intimately, ikhtilat- &c. -se, v. closely. intimation, isharu, kinayu, eema, agwa,en, v. 710- tice, inkling, information, khubur, agahee. to intimidate, durana, dub, shut- &e. -d. dantna, bhue-8Ec. -d. v. fear, to frighten. into, men, ke-bheetur, ke-undiir, beech-men, durmiyan-men, v. in. intolerable, un-suha, ghuer-moomkin-oot-tuhum- mool, ghuer-mcotuhummul. to intoxicate, must- &c. -k. mutana, bhootana, oomtana. intoxicated, must, sur-shar, mut-wala, mud-hosh, sur-must, be-hosh, be-khrod, mukhmoor, choor, kuefee, oodmada, mubhoot, surguran, bud-must, mookhummur, mudgulut, mata, mudun. to be intoxicated, matna, must- &c. -h. bhootna, V. drunk. -muu ^.ruiaiiW ^'^VNwp-tsI***. intoxicating, nushe-dar, nusheela, mooskir, mu- ta,ona, umulee, khoomaree, (juice, &c.) sub- zee, bhung, sookha, sumit, churus, ganja, majoon, shibeebee, jhajha, tumbol, bootee, V. henbane, &c. intoxication, nushu, mustee, sur-sharee, mud- hoshee, sur-mustee, be-hoshee, be-khaodee, mukhmooree, bud-mustee, kuef, sookr, v. in- ebriation. intractable, u-sadh, sur-kush, v. obstinate, indocile, disobedient. intransitive, (verb) fi,ul i lazimee, ukurmuk, V. transitive. to intrench, gird khunduq-khodna, kha,ee aspas- khodna, raorchu bundee-k. sulabut koochu- -k. intrenchment, khunduq, kba,ee, morchal,sulamut- or sulabut-koochu, morchal bundee, sunghur, ghera, v. to encroach, also ditch. intrepid, be-bak, be-jan, nidur, uojhur, oojud, be-jirm, v. fearless, jan-haz, himmutee, buh- buha, ukhur, jhunkhariya, nisung, toork-mi- zaj, V. daring, bold. intrepidity, be-bakee, dileree, ukhurpun, tuhuw- woor, V. bravery, boldness. »k\«:,w, intrepidly, be bakee- &c. -se, be-tuhashu. intricacy, intricateness, ooljhera, ooljlia,o, pech, tU|Uqeed, ghoorchee, utputang, junjal, lupet, V. difficulty, perplexity. •■■» \«») vswi,-., intricate, pecheela, pechaha, pech dur pech, pech-dar, nul dur nul, ubtur, poor-pech, ut- putangee, ghoorcheela, junjalee, shuetan kee untree, gutheela, v. knotty, obscure, complex ; to become intricate, oolujh-jana, ghultan pe- chan-h. ~a«fnlutiiu ;n«'««<' to invert, ooltana, uondl^ana, qulb- &c. -k. to he inverted, cDlut-jana, uoudh-jana, v. to turn. inmrtedly, bil inqilab, bur-uks, y. the adj. inserted thorn; cliirchira. njit .setfux^nu i/ to invest, dena, bukhsbna, v. to confer, (with an honorary dress) kbiihit-puhrana or-dena,pug- ree-bundhana, \. to instal, (« toww) gherna, chhcnkna, mmhasiiru-k. i»ue«»^u,j^v..,« ♦<'. invidious, hasid, y. envious, \xdayf\it-uugex, kee- nii-ungez, bcnghz-ungez, husud-uugez, ekul- khora, buerutwee, jjuiliya, tuoo-chusbra^. v. odious. ^,j^. *■ invidiously, liusud- &c. -se, v. empyA. " .pftf^l* invidiousness, udawut-ungezee, keenu-ungezee, bcDgbz-ungezee, husud-ungezee., ) ,\ai»; Vjvtlw'* toinvigoruteffiuvfee- muzboot- tuwana- zofdwur- -k. qoowwut- &c. -d. pooshtJi, y, toMrsm^ibea.^ vigour. fdWRiyt ,li^ifon»f iwrfitj^^.h invigm'ttting, mooquwwee, qcowwut-bukhsh, poosht. invigoration, tuqwiyut, tuwuna^ee, v. the verb. invincible, u-jeet, ghiier-mughloobj u-4ul^ Vspel, u-chid, ziibm*-dust, v. conqueror^^ -. .iKtfJeff invincibleness, gbuer-mughloobeev. nb ,''(ai»«-(\«i ijiviolable, lie-zuwal, ghuer-moomliin-ool-fuskh, be-fcotoor, ubudh, v. sacred. inviolate, be-qoosoor, b&JKnqsau, pak, pubitur, V. unhm'Lianpls -incsyiim .Mttfmot .i»!ar.\n\ rs*. invisible, u-disht, un-dekha, u-lukb, ghuer- nmhsoos, iia-deedu, gba,ib, iia-pideed, na-yab> gbuebee, ulop, undha, («j3J>'ifo)murdanigbueb, cuqool-ool moojurrudat ; the invisible world, alum i ghucb ; the four invisible spirits, who are strpposedtoinflK^ncethegoodwbad fortune of travellers, rijal-ool-gbueb, joginee; to ren- INV US JOI tier invisible, gha,ib-k. ulop-k. ; the medicifie sometimes used for this purpose,\x\o\i-unjun-, to become invisihlr, gha,ib-li. ulop- bila-jana. invisibility, iidiim i ihsas, ghueboobut, ulopta, ghuebut, udiishtta. invisibly, gha.ibanu. invitation, du.uwut, nyota, tuwazqo, istida, tu- lub, boolahut, {roiiiplinumtary) sulah suinur- qundee, moonh poora.ee. to invite, iiyotna, du,uwut- &c. -k. bwlana, bola,e-bIieina, tusdeeu-d. mangna, (to allure) kjheechna, lejana, v. to persuade, invited, mtidu,oo, gliuebee, v. to cause, inviter, da.ec, nyotik, iiyotunhar, du,uwutee, nuotiya. inviting, jazib, dil-kusli, dil-chusp, dil-iooba, lobha,oo, lulcha,oo, v. alluring, invitingly, dil ra>ba,ee- &c. -se, dil pizeeree-se. to inundate, v. tooverJtutv,Aooho-hvi[\a,na.,\.Jlood. inundation, toofan, ahila, ahla or ilila, suelab, boora, ghurqee, v. deluge, conjluence. to invocate, bur-mangna. invocation, doo.a, niconajat, la-hubl, du,uwut, istida, ga,etree, asees, useerbad, v. to invoke. invoice, beejuk, siyahu, chulauee, sutta, fibrist- ujuas, cbulan chithee. to invoke, dnO|a- Sec. -k. mangna, chahna, tnun- ana, soomurna, nam lena. to involve, {to cover) cbhipana, poslieedu-k. moondna, v. to hide, {to join) jorna, puewund- jr,-k. milana, v. to conjoin, {to catch) pukurna, (/o entangle) asljhana, phusana, utkana, lupef- na, dalna, v. to blend, involved, {in debt, &:c.) giritlar, v. intricate, involuntarily, be-ikhtiyar, be-qusd. involuntary, iztiraree, ke-ikhtiyaree, be-bus, be- iradu or -kbvyahish, utliumbh. involution, pech, ooljha,o, lupet, ghoorchee, kusli- mu kush, {of speech or poetry) lufFo nushr, v. complication, also the verb, to inure, kbogur- adee-k. adut-d. liilana. inurement, v. to accustom, habituate, inutility, la-hasilee, nikumma-pun. invulnerable, moomtunu-ool-jurh, na-ssukhuni- puzeer, ro,eeii-tun, bujrangee, ukut, utoot. inward, inwards, blieetiir, iindur. inward, bheeturee, durooiiee, v. internal, inwardly, bheetui-, dil-men, pet-men, mune-muu, V. mind, internally, job, tuhul, kam, v. stab, jobber, tuhlooa. ajooru-dar. jocular, jocose, {person) thuthol, ]iunsor, tliuthe- baz, huns-moukh, khillee-baz, khmsh-tubu, khundu-roo, ziireef, khmshmuskhura, hurraf. zurraf, liurat'ut, {speech) zureeianu, zurafut- amez. jockey, ghoraha, chabwk suwar, v. horse-dealer, cheat, jocosely, jocularly, thuthe-se, bunste hoo,e, thuthe kee rah se, khojsh tubu,ec- S:c. -se. jocoseness, jocularity, jocosity, tliutholee, thuthe- bazee, hunsor-puna, khillee-bazee, khoosh- tubu,ee, khundu-ro,ee, zurafut. jocund, khmsh, v. gay. jocundity, chohul, chuhul puhul, v. joy, pleasant- ness, &c. jog, dhukka, khoncba, huluk, jhoka, huchkola, V. shake, lo jog, khod- dab- dhukka- &c. -d. ooksana, ta3gna, {on horse-buck. See.) doolukta-jana, girte purte kam-k. v. to jolt, swing, to push, to jog on, jhoomta-jana, v. to trot. John Knokes, and Tom Stiles, zued o cumr, dyo dut. to join, milana, jorna, puewund-puewustu- wusl-, mukhloot-shauiiUdakhil-k. v. to stick, sutaua, hirkana, lugana, santhna, chipkana, rulanu, X X JOK 346 JOY jumkaua, ganthna, sath-d. v. to comh'me, (to make troops join in bailie) bheriia, v. n. jootna, puewund- Sec. -h. hllmi!-j. jooroa, sutna, lug- na, cliipukna, ghutpLil-h. v. to adhere, rulna, jiirna, guthna, v. to atUude, q. v. {to club) bacbh-k. v. to associate, (in Jiglit) bhirna, v. to unite, (to he confederate) sliureek- rufeeq-b. sburakut-k. v. to accorapany^M-\a-inn ,'u-<« Joined, puewustii, nioottusil, mootawussul, mila- boo,a, lahiq, moozaf, inu,utoof. joiner, buihu,ee, v. carpeotter. joint, sub. jor, gantli, bund, girlb, puewund, mufsul, pooree, moobra, v. ju)ictioti, (of cane, &c.) por, tota, pobra, v. knof, uzoo, goorsiya, V. limb, (of meat) trokra, than, v. piece, arti- ' 'ttdation, hinge; to be out of joint, ookhur-jana, cboole-ookhurna, (in confusion) oobitpcolut-b. joint, adj. miia jrola, nioosbturik, v. con, mila, sajba, V. partnership, common, (combined) muj- mo<),ec, (m romp.) hum; llius. Joint heir, buni-irs, v. fellow. every joinf, bund bund. il»>.uiii .aii rffaTsa to joint, bund bund jooda-k. v. to disjoint. Jointed, girih-dar, gutlieela, jor-flar. Jointfi/, niilkur, ba-liuni, sath, bil-mcDsharukut, sajjie, bil-isbtirak, shurakiitnn, bacbhkc. Jointure, muliur, uduq turitfib to Journey, sufur-k. chidna, nuql mukan-kiUii Journeyman, kumera, karindu, kama. ' Joy, khroshee, khcorrumee, furhut, bilas, uesh, jue, V. pleasure ; Joy be loith you, tajmbaree jue bo, V. victory, hoalas, bushashut, ihtizaz, shad-manee, anund, hurkh, uhlad,oobh; dyin^ uithjoy, sbadee murg, w. felicity, zuoq, turub. \\\i^\aX,\. delight; to give Joy, or cimgrattda1» a person, moobaruk bad-d. or -kuhna; I give you Joy, mcxsbaruk bad. utwitjir Joyful, khoosh, khoorrum, bagh "bagb, mugan, shad-man, shad-kam, muhzoo;/., furhut-amez. IRR Uf mn ushrut-amez, anundee, niiial, kh(5Ksh wuqt, khoosh-hal, shadiyanu, buhjut-ungez, v. happy, {-news) busharut, • khni)sh khubree, mwzhdu, nuwed. jii\ffuttu, kliiDshee- Sec. -se, v. the adj. japfuiitess, sliad-manee, khoosh-wuqtee, v. jay. joyless, codas, na-khrosh, be-hulawut. joyous, V. joyful, jovial, &c. irascible, zood-iunj, toond, tcz, juld, atusli-mizaj, chirchira, tooiiook-mizaj, jronoonee, v. fretful. Ire, V. aiiger, 8:c. io irk, dookh-d. sutana, kidj)ana, khutukna, ulkus-uskus-a. or -lugna, v. to pain ; it irks ine, mmjhe dookh deta hue. irksome, su'.cht, na-guvvaru, zuboon, dooshwar, V. troublesome, irksomenees, sukhtee, zuboonee, dooshvvaree. iron, sub. lolia, ahun, hudeed, luoh, (dross) moot, iohe kee nauel, (ore, or stoyie) kuch-loha, bhincla ; a smoothing iro7i, istiree, v. chain. iron, adj. ahtmee, Iohe ka, v. harsh ; the iron age, kul-joog; the iron work of a saddle, ahun- .;■ jamu. ,-iH.'i .\-,:,i^tiii.i (^.t^j-i-^)) to irow, istiree.k.V.fe'' cAirbr.- " ' '" Ironer, (wtoo-kutt; to iron clothes, ootoo-k. iron-gray, sunjab, k>hiys rung. 'mniicat, sookhriyn, tusukhkhoor-amez, zoowu- jhuen, d war-dee jiuk, kak-puchhee, tunzanu, - bipreetee. ironically, hujoo muleeh-so, tusukhkhojrun. iToth-instmrneittf, loljkhur. ironv-rrmngfr, ahun-furosh. irons, beree, v. chain.s: irony, liujoo muleeh, tusukhkhoor, khrotnok, kakpuchh, bi])reet, bolee, bingee, gabliee, iiind- ustoet, kuth burn. ,iif»)W ,v irradiance, irradi'anc/y, irrad'mlion. purto-undazcc, sha>,aM, r. radiance. to irradiate, oojala- oojagur- ruosiiuu. moonuTv- wur-k. ruonnq-d. v. to illuminate, decorate. irradiation, tuiiweer, v. the verb. irratioudl, gliULT-iiatiq, la-aqil, nir-brodhce, be- uql, kuMi-aql, na-mu,uqool, be-bcadh, v. fool- ish ; an irrational animal, liuewaa i auDtluq, V, absurd. irrationality, ghuer-natiqce, nir-boodh, na-inu,ii- qooke, &c. v. absi^rdiiy. irreclaimable, ghuer-moomkiii-o;t-tuhzeeb, mooni- tunu-coJ-klah, guya goozura, v. abandoned. irreconcileable, moomtunu-oDl-islah, v. implacable, gliuer-tusfiyu, im-mel, ▼. inconsistent (not to be made consisfenf) ghuer-moimkin-cut-tiUbeeq. irrecoverable, mtomtunu-ool-hrosool, gliuer-moom- kin-col-hoosool, guya guya, gwya-goozra, v. lost, irremediable. irrefragable, irrefufahle, mronituniuool-bootten, gbuer-moomkin-ool-rudd, utcot, na-sliiknst. irrrgulf/r, khilaf-qiyas, bG-qa,idu, khilaf-qanoou, kiiHaf-dustoor, unpeet, ubtur, bud-ojsloob, be- duol,be-bundobust, be-qiyas, khilaf, mu.iimool, be-a,een, be-tuor, btrkur-chalee, kuj-ruo, be- thikana, ghuer-dustoor, be-ruwaj, t. itnmetho- dical, (Improper) na-la,iq, na-sliaistn, na- . Jiumwar ; irregvilar condiwty hurukut i na- humwar ; when any soldier is gmhifof imgvlar conduct,]te ouglvtlhen to lie pttnished, jah ko,ee sipahee hurukut na humwar kure to rose suza diya chaliiye. irregularity, fchilof-qiyasee, kliilaf-dustooree. be-turteebee, bud-cosloobee, be-duolee, na- huniM-aree, na-sha,istugee, bukur-chal, kuj-ru- wee, ubturee, utputnng, v. the adj. ; the irre- gularity of this conduct is as ecidettt as the sun. is hurukut kee na-liumwaree uzhur min nsli- shums hue, v. intemperance, rice. irregularly, v. the adj. be-turteebec- Sjc. -se. irrelative, be-nisbut, be-ulaqu, be-higa,o. ^ X X 2 IRR 348 ITS irreligion, be-deenee, v. impiety. irreligious, be-deen, moolliid, mookhalif i deen, la-muzhub, burgushtu, koomut, v. profane, impious. irretnediahle, be-ilaj, la-ilaj, ghuer-moomkin-col- ilaj, be-oopa|e, la-duvva. irremoveable, be-dufueyu, ghuer-moomkin-ood- dufu. Irreparable, ghuer murumut puzeer, la-ilaj, v. irrecoverable. irreprehensible, irreproachable, be-ilzam, nir- dokhee, v. blameless. irresistible, u-thek, u-thumbh, u-tul, u-rok, be- bund. irresoluble, v. indis.soluhle, &c. irresolute, be-istiqlal, na-murd, be-qurar, udheer, be-himmut, v. fickle. irresolutely, be istiqlalee-se. irresolution, be-istiqlalee, na-murdee,be-quraree, udheerta, v. unsteady, &c. irretrievable, ghuer moomkin ool budul, v. irre- coverable, irreparable. irreparable, ghuer murummut puzeer la-ilaj. irreverence, turk i udub, be-udubee, be-imtiya- zee. irreverent, be-udub, be-imtiyaz, nir-adur, v. disr respect, &c. irreverently, be udubee- &c. -se, be-udubanu. irreversable, irrevocable, u-mit, be-tughueyoor, . be-tubuddool, be-zuwal, la-rudd, ghuer mun- sookh, utul, ghuer mootubuddul, ghuer baz- gusht. irriguous, turo tazu, shadab, huriyala, v. watery. irritable, ugnee, muhroor, v. hot. to irritate, kliijbaua, chherna, dookhana, sutana, kulpana, khufa- diqq-k. khisiyana, chirchira- na, chirana, ungliyana, unglee-k. v. to exas- perate, {to heigltten) burhana, ziyadu-k, v. to fret, vex, kc. * t> ','■.;: M^ '- -^ irritated, diqq, khufa, ghoosse, khushlB-nak, ghuzub-aloodu.i'iiCifi; . .r-.r/ffiSff.- ,i.jrr.^j,fr ' to be irritated, jhoonjhlana. irritation, chher, khijawut, dooklia,o, fusad, ifsad. irruption, dookhool, duramud, pueth, churha,ee, khoorooj, cheelh jhuputa, v. entrance, (incur- sion) takht, duor, v. inroad. is, hue, hoo,a, hota, huega, bhuya, jata. Speak- ing respectfully, the pi. huen is used ; where is the Nabob ? Nuvvwab sahib kuhan huen ; the water is hot, panee gurum lioo,a. ischury, hubs-ool-buol, mojtr-dokh, v. stran- gury. ish, is generally formed by sa; hura-sa, ^reew-i«^, kalasa, blackish, lurkasa, childish, v. theMonv- tor. isinglass, (fossil) ubruq, bhorul, v. talk. isicle, quium shakh. .jj;;^-. island, isle, tapoo, jazeeru, deep, chiira, v. coun- try. islander, uhl i jazeeru tapoo basee, jazeeriv bash. issue, (egress) khoorooj, rah, nikas, mukliai'ij, » munjur, v. passage, (fontanel) gml, phota, V. evacuation,fluw, exit, (consequence) nuteeju, mu,al, V. event, (termination) akhirut, aqibut, nihayut, v. end, (jtrogcny) uolad, buns, v. off- spring. to issue, V. n. nikulna, jaree-h, v. to gush, buh- na, risna, girna, jana, buhchulna, jhurna, phootna, bahir-ana, tooltoolana, v. to flow, to spring ; v. a. nikalna, jaree-k. (as a7i order) hookmjaree-k. sadir-h, issueless, be-uolad, la-wulud, nu-poota. isthmus, jazeeru, khondur. it, yih, wooh, v. he; it is I, muen hee hoon ; does it rain? burusta hue? itself of, ap roop, apse, uz-khood, aphee, aphee-ap, ap se ap. its, oos ka, V, the Monitor. JUD 319 JUI itch, (disease) khaj, kh(x)jlee, kiindoo, kharisht, jiirb, huth nis, kulkulee, kharish, {the sensa- tion) chool, (longing) chat, lut, chuska, rugh- but, V. desire, to itch, khoojlana, chmlchrolana, kulkiilana, cliool-k. kootkootana, choolboolana ; my ha7id itches to thresh him, cos ke peetne pur mera hath khoojlata hue, (to long) shuoq- &c. -r. V. to desire, itchy, kharishtee, khaj bhiira, chnollee, chcol- chooliya, v. prurient, item, ue/.un, v. article, hint, to iterate, dtohrana, tihrana, v. to repeat, &c. Iteration, dcnhra.o, tukurrcor. itinerant, itinerary, khanu-bu-dosh, rumta, sue- lanee, v. wandering, sufur-namii, v. journal, itself, yih ap, wooh ap, ap, aphee, khnod ; the world itself will be annihilated, donniya khood mu,udoom hogee or sunsar ap nast hoga. jubilee, jiishn, khooshee, uesh, ecd, niio-roz, v. carnival, phugwa, doorga ixxjja, beeja dusmee, V. feast, also rejoicing, festivity ; the Hindoo grand jubilee, holee. judge, mronsif, qa7.ee, (speaking respectfully) rii,ees col muslimeen, [i. e. leader of the fait h- J'ul'\ hakim, mooftee, nyayuk, chuodhrce, v. ruler, mojUa, arif, uUamu, sa.ir, bhut ucharij, pundit, V. master, qudrdan, huqq- or juohur- shinas,niu,nqool-been,dheer,bicharee, pi. qojz- lat, V. qualify ; a judge, or person capable of deciding on the merit of a thing, waqif-kar, banee-kar, oostad, mahir, mootumueyiz. to judge, (d^ justice) insaf-k. nya,o-k. (to emn- prehend) duriyaft- &c. -k. boojhiui, bicharna, tarna, janna, mu,uloom-k. sochna, tmncez-k. V. to discern, &c. (to pass sentence) futwa-, hookni-d. chcwkana. judgment, (understanding) uql, danish, hosh, gyan, shu,oor, firasut, boojh, chiitoor, z.ihn- fuhm, cbeshta, tar, mut, tii.uqqoo), v. sense, discernment, (determination) tujweesc, utkul, (opinion) duriyaft, danist, ra,e, qiyaa, khiyal, 7.unn,jan, V. notion, estimation, (sentence) fut- wa, hookm, (pTer, buer, v. plum, julep, probably from goolab, jcnlab, rose-ivuter, V. mixture. July, sawur., srawun, srawunnik, suonuk, nubh, (7#A month) rujiib, muha rujub. <"qfldvf jumble, me], khult, gurgunja,v. mixture, medley. to jumble, milana, mukhloot-k. guJbud- ghal mel- durhuTO biirhiim-k. ghungholna, Iiipet supet-k. V. to confound, miw, &c. jump, koolanch, just, oochuk, chuokree, lumbee, phulung, turup, zughvind, oochhal, v. hound, leap. to jump, koodna, just- &c. -k. koodukna, ooch- hukna, pjhandna, v. to bound. .f>P^ ,MV(vt:«5avvv junction, ]or, puewund, puewustugee,ittisal, sun- gum, wusl, mila,o, v. conjunction, joog, sat, mel, mookh-jor, milun, lugun, v. seem, coali- tion. juncture, v. joint, junction, (time) wuqt, dum, halut, zimn, an, mabuen, beech, v. period. June, asarh,stx>ch, ukhar, (6th month) }umad-ms- janee, jumadool akhir, khwaja mondeen ka chand, prop, moo.een ood-deen. junior, chhota, koochuk, sugheer, kilitur, v. younger, (in rank) judeed, opposed toqudeem, senior, q. v. junket, ni,vimut, v. tidbit. fojunket,v. to revel, dundunana, oodhim-mucha- na, churub nuwala khana, gajna, v. to feast. junto, V. party, guthree, guttee, v. cabal, pack, knot, &c. ivory, sub. hathee dant, feel dundan, (adj.) ajee, hathee dant ka. Jupiter, (planet) maoshturee, birhuspit. jurisdiction, hookm, hookoomut, tuhukkoom, qu- ' lum-ruo, umulu, fubj-daVee, iih™ldaree,'tUTiit, dargeer, llaqu, ri|a^t, v. district, doviinion, au- thority. J +£tf!'> <■•..v?U,W|.K^ jurisprudence, fiquh, ilm i fiquh, muslu musa,il, V. law. (,'. jui-y, punch, punehayut. just, adil, mcjonsif, nya.ee, y.judicimts, dhur mat- ma, sutibadee, adilanu, insafee, v. erjuitabh; honest, (as God) daddar, (as iveights) poora, suchcha, udl, v. equal, buja, burja, oochit, such, sut, huqq, hisabee, v. right, (only, q. v.) took, V. j)oint, (upright) rast, sadiq, droroost, also (accurate) suheeh, theek, chuokus, v. exact, (proper) moonaslb, mu,uqoo], la,iq, su- zawar, (virtuous) salih, ninottuqee, nek o kar, V. pure, also complete, true. jtist, V. the adj. (merely) sirf, fuqut, nira, v. barely ; just now, ubhee, isee dam, bil-fi^ul, V. instant, wmh eehasi se yihee guya hue, he hath just now gone hence ; just hear me, took meree bat scono ; just as, jo, jyon hee, jvoii- kur, (correl.) tyonkm-, v. thus, &c.; just a dying, ub tub, whence, to be at death''s door, ub tub-ho ruhna; to be just a going, pa bu ri- kab-h. just, sub. neziibaz-ee, uspbaz-ee, v. tiff. justice, insaf, udl, nya,o, dad, ridalut, mu,udu]ut, huqq, rastee, moonsifee, huqq oon-nas, v. justness, right, punishment, (of the peace) shiqdar, v. sheriff, &c. (judge) qazee; the lord chief jus- tice, qa/.ee ool qrozzat ; to administer justice, udl goosturee-k. justifiable, wajibee, rozr puzeer, hoojjut puzeer, insaf ncoma, v. proper. justijicatioti, istibra, himayut, puch,h, tusfiyu, V. defence. justificator, justifcr, oree, puch,hee, himayutee, janib-dar, hamee, shufeeu. tojustifyy cozr-lana, isti,uzar-k. begoonah-thuh- JITS' 951 JUX raiia, hiiuayut- 5;c. -k. slinh-d. nlrdokhee- thuhrana, licojjut-dulcel- &c. -lana, uhikuaiin, bunana, huqq nauua-k. v. to defend, pardvn, eximlpate, palliate, glms. tojustle, dhukka-il. koliniyaiia, kohnee-marna, \helpel- (JhuspuCth-k. v. to push. Sue. ; tojuatle through, thel pelke nikulna, v. to buittle, drive. jitatl'uig, (l)iukkum dhojkk*, tjieluiu tjiala. .■,-,> , }ust>y, rastee- &c. -se, niuonsifanii, v. the axfj. I jusftiegs, rastee, dofl'oastee^chouksa.ee, suzawweee, hyaqnt, V. pntpri/'tt/. ^tHiiHliw to jut out, dub-ana, nikul-ana, bulpurna, oobh- j urna, jhook-aua, v. to protxhe.rate. ;: ^'wfCTii/e, jnwance,uu()-khastuor-khez,v. yotmg. \ juvenilily, jobun, slmhbab, v. y-dar, Ixorran, juld, tez, liadd, (severe) toond, zor, kura, v. vehement, chokha, churphura, duidura, v. bitter, Jiery, (eager) gurin,sha,iq,m(ustujld,tueyaf, v. a^srimonious. keenly, tezee- S:c. •se. Iceetmess, ab-daree, booiTanee, bcori-isli, juUW, tezee, hiddut, touudee, sukbtee, sbiddut, gur- niee, shuoq, kat, jhanjji, chokha,ct!, churpbu- t;^ut, V. the adj. also piercing. to keep, V. a. ru,kl.na, djiurna, i-uk,h-clilionia, (I .booidr -w •r»(1ii>- (bi)b-be/ . KEE dab-ruk,hua, (to detain) utkana, arna, mooza- humut-k. V. to hinder, (to tend) pasbanee-, ni'johafuzut- ruk,hwalce-k. v. to guard, watch, buethana, pukur-r. v. to hold, joogana, ju- tiin-k. suentna, v. to lay by, defend, &c. (a mistress) ghur men- undur-d. rukhnee-k. v. to have, employ, possess, (ucell uith) rab-r. gut- ha,o-ganthna, shippu-luraoa, nibhna, v, to re- main, (to preseixc) buchana, niuhfooz-r. (to restrain) baz-r. (to observe) bura- mootubur- ruk-janua, manna, v. to solemnixe, obey, (one's irord) nibahna, poora- wufa- uda-k. (to main- tain) khubur-lena, khitlmut- purwurisb-k. palna, (to retain) thamna, suuiblialna; to keep the field against an enemy, khet-thanma; v. n. (to stay) biisna, ruhua, tikr»a, (to to«^) thu- burna, derpa^- pa,edar-li. qa,ini- sabit- burqu- rar- buna- muhfooz-rulma, v. to ad/tere, (to continue) ^aan; to keep chutteri>tg,hukta^^aiM ; to keep out .V 6<;€nign, &c. (m comp.) niiwaz, piir- wur, &c. tolwnce yuteeni-nuwaz, gliureeb-nu- waz, V. hospital, &c. kind, sub. jins, nuon, qism, zat, nusl, wuzu, qi- mash, rung, turuh, duol, ruqutn, tuor, ras, firqxi, siyaq, unwau, qureenu, qubeel, bhant, dhub, ghur, zilu, bana, v. class, mankind, sort ; various kinds, qism bu qism, unwau-unwau, uqsam uqsam, unwau, ujnas, uqsam, v. way ; bring fniit of different /i-m. see-k. (the eye) deedu bosee-k. (the threshold of a person's door) astanu, bosee-k. {Aa7ids) dust bosee-k. ; to give reciprocal kisses, bosu bazce-k. chooma clioomee-k. v. to toy. kisser, choomunhar, cboomwuya, choomukkur, bosu-ge«r or -baz, v. dalliance, kitchen, bawurcliee-khanu, mutbukl»,(a/7<^) tup. kun, kubabee churbee, v. cook-room, aluu- ^.v^ 354 KNO salun, which means any thing to make dry bread, &c. palatable. kitchen-garden, baree, falez, v. garden, kite, cheel, ziighun, ghulewaz, furhut-ool luqa, {of paper) gooddee, putung, tookkul, chung, bhurna, kun-kiiwa, tilingiya. kitten, billee ka buchu, biloongra, poosiya, v. to kitten, byana, junna. to Mick, titkarna, tikaree-marna. knack, {readiness) muluku, dhub, bliul)rukh5 su- leequ, unoh, liyaqut, hikmut, huth-khunda, v. trick, art, utkul, karee-guree, sunut, joogut, zurafut, V. dexterity, contrivance, khol khal, applicable to locks, &c. knapsack, thuela, jhola, jholee, jamudanee, bcoq- chu, V. bundle, bag, &c. knave, dugha-baz, mukkar, ueyar, heelu-baz, jool-baz, chhulee, moora,ee, bud-diyanut, ee- man, udhurmee, v. rascal, dughuoliya, pak- hundee, surhung, {at cards) ghoolam, v. rogue, cheater, villain, knavery, dugha-bazee, heelu-bazee, jool-bazee, be-eemanee, v. dishonesty, knavish, v. knave, hurraf, shureer. knavishly, diigha bazee- &c. -se, bud diyanutee- &c. -se. to knead, goondna, sanna, mandna, geenjna, mu- sulna, niulna, chuhulna, siiondna, ruoudna, v. to bake, mix, work, kneading-trough, kuthra, tiighar, kutluiotee, pu- rant. knee, ghootna, zanoo, the,oona, goorga goorgee, goda, {timber) kanee, koniya ; in-kneed, koo- lunj pa, koorcli pa. knee-deep, ghootne-tuk, ghootne-bhur. to kneel, doc zanoo-buethna, guroor asun-buethna, shojtur zanee-buethna. knee-pan, khooriya, chupnee, a,enu, chukkee, kasu,e-zanoo, suri-zanoo. knell, thun thun gopal, seems something of this sort, though used for indigent, and some cu- rious ejaculations upon certain disappoint- ments, for which I cannot now recollect words in our language. knew, jana, v. to know. knife, chhroree, karud, chukkoo, da,o, chulhoo,a, bukiya, banka, {for fish) puhsool, chilohee, buethee, v. dagger, fee. {a btd(her\s) satoor ; a large knife, chhoara, booghda ; a pen-knife, qulum-turash, chaqoo. knight, buhadosr, mirza, v. cavalier, champion, 8ec. ra,e, this is the roy so well known in our mode of writing it, v. prince, {in chess, q. v.) ghora. knight-errant, mal, rumta jogee .'' knighthood, buhadooree, ra,ee. to knit, binna, boonna, jalee-karhna or -nikalna, V. to weave, {as bones) jootna, sutna, v. to ce- ment, {the brows) bhuowen-kheechna or -chur- hana, cheen bu jubeen, v. to join, tie. knitter, {in comp.) baf ; a knitter of socles, joo- rab-baf. k?iit ting-needle, sula,ee. knittle, suruk wasee, {for long drawers) izar- bund, lungur, v. string. knob, ganth, v. knot, top, luttoo, v. head, tip, butuor, rusuolee, gunda, v, wen, bondee, v. boss. knobbed, v. knotty. knock, zurb, mar, putkee, thokur, thes, chupet, V. blow, fist, rap. to knock,v. to knuckle, dhub-dhubana, dhoonna, V. to thump, {on the head) thikana-lugana, v. to kill, {to clash) lugna, tukkur-khana, thonk- na, mama, pulukna ; to knock under, tabi da- ree- tubueyut-k. v. to submit ; to knock out. KNO 855 KNU nikal- jhar- (K)khar-d. {an eye) phor- tor-d. oorana, v. to founder ; to knock up, n)thana, V. to raise, (to fire) thukana, mandu-k. v. to kill, feel, &c. ; to knock at a door, kewar- thonkna or khutktnitana; to knock down, pu- tuk-marna, mar-girana, gira-d.' knocker, thonkunliar, {of a door) hulqu, hiilqu- dur. knot, uqd, gantli, girih, also {knob) khoombhee, giltee,v. gland, protuberance,knoh, joint, bun- dhun, gouljhut, groljhuree, jhubba, pjioondna, V. tassel, guthjora, {running) de,orbee-ginh, suruk-phansee, {a mark) guthiiod, v. parcel, crew, phootkee, phoosrec, v. flake, {of rib- bons) pech, phool, toogbra, v. cypher, {diffiriil- ty) ooqdii, pecb, ighlaq; the matrimonial knot, uqd i nikah, giith-bundhum, v. bond, associa- tion, cluster. to knot, ganlh-d. ganthna, v. to unite, entangle. knotty, knotted, gutheela, girih-dar, v. knob, {difficult) mooghluq, pecli-dar, gunde-dar, v. arduous, intricate, hard. to know, janna, piib,cbanna, mu,uloom-k. duri- yaft- &c. -k. kliuburdar- mootiki- waqif- &c. -h. ashna.ee- &c. -r. cbeenhna, ashna- &c. -h. sumujhna, tarna, boojhna, v. acquainted, to re- cognise, distinguish, understand, {carnally) pas- jana, dekhna, v. to cohabit, {ones humour) moonb-pana. knowable, inoomkin-ajl-idrafc, v. cognizable. knowing, waqif, niabir, inoottihi, khubur-dar, hoshiyar, pookhtu, pukka, purbeen, v. shrewd, uql-mund, dana, jan, ghank, gyanee, /.ee hosh jankar, janibkar, tar baz, goodlya, gutheelu, furfundec, v. ivise, {in camp.) sliina.s, dan, v. skilful, conscious. knowingly, uql- &:c. -se. knowledge, jan, danist, ilm, khubur, v, craft, hosh, durk, janib, v. adcice, waqifiyut, muh-' runiiyut, biddya, bcodh, gyan, bicliar, danish, purk,h, ducl),Ii, isli,udad, fuini, gwn, syanup, suwad, soodh, durus, dursun, v. ability, learn- ing, notice, cognizance, {skill) dhub, hikmut, muharut,bujeerut,puh,chan,shinakht,shu,oor, V. insight, judgment, {acquaintance) shinasa,ec, jan-puh,chan, nni,urif"ut, cheenh, v. informa- tion. known, mu.iilooni, mu.uroof, nuish.hoor, oorf, fash, purgut, sudharun, nushr, alum-nushr. knuckle, bund, girih, ganth, mufsU, \. joint. to knuckle, {to knock under) hath-joina, tin-lena, ajizee-k. panw-purna, v. yoke, also to sub- mit. Y T 2 ;l.:i;!.«j ,-'-'!)-' ,'J->it'TI«Vi iy.>nw* t_"-'v..>'v; 356 (•^MOWMi*- ft&v LAB I, is so often confounded with n and r, that it ■will be difficult in many cases to say which of these letters ought to be adopted ; the reader will, therefore, recollect this circumstance, and be guided accordingly, both in his use of and judgment upon them. In English we say cornel for colonel; lineal or linear, la, dekho, v. lo. lahdanum, ladun. label, sur-namu, chithee, putta, v. mark, labial, shuftee, udhuree. > laboratory, baroot or kar-khanu, v. shop, 8ec. laborious, mihnutee, dhconee, khuttoo, v. assidvr- ous, mihnut-tulub, sukht, dcnshwar, v. tire- sowJe,ardM07nshee, [pro- perly a tvrilei', from iaslia, to write or vom- pose'\ V. secretary. languid, scast, mandu, mujhool, kahil, zu,eef, nuqeeh, dheela, dheema, niunda, mcozmuhil, mulool, runjoor, be-bul, seetha, pheeka, v. weary, weak, faint, d/iil. languidly, soostee- &c. -se. languidness, soostee, v. c'uiigttor. languish, beemaree : Dekh ! beemaree oon ankhon kee muen beemar hoo,a. Suoda. Lo ! by the languish of those eyes I pine. to languish, moorjhana, koomlana, ulsana, nuza- kut- &c. -se dekhna, v. to wither, &c. toot- na, zu,eef- &c. -h. gul-jana, jhoorna, ghutna. LAN 359 LAR sookhna, muina, {to look with softness) chushm beemar se dekhiia, v. to pine. /rtWj§'Mi«/ LRA m. LEA Itaden, scese ka, v. heavy. Ion ,Ba^ ieat/er, surdar, salar, sur-guroli, muhunt, j)esh- nio, peshwa, surghuiiu, surwur, liadee, ru,ees, v.eonductor, sooiner, sir o muii,nJi-na3nia, sur- kurdii, agoc),a, na,ek, v. guide, (of the blind) usa-kush, qa.id, (of mi army) lushkur-kusb, V. vommander. leading, (inun) vu,ees, v. leader, bui-a, v. chief, jnimnpal, {string, fig Jir.) huth-kiira, chontee, nuke]. leaf, V. beetle, (of a tree) putta, pat, burg, furd, wuniq, puttee, palo, dul, v. blade, pi. pat- wat, biinas-putec, uoraq, (of a booh) puttur, punna, bund, (of a door) put, keewar, pulla, pat, (of tin, he.) punnee, v. plate, &c. ; a gold leaf, wiu'uq i tila ; a silver leaf, wuruq i nooqru, v. sheet. to leaf, [)utte lana, putij'ana. leafless, bo-burg, un-pat, nir-putur, v. hare. leafy, bm-g-dar, poor-burg, put-gur. leagtie, mel, inoosaluha, v. agreemeni, guntha.o, ganth-santh, v. collusion, confederacy, (combi- nation) bundisli, sazish,sultabutta, (♦nea««re) Fursung, meel, v. mile. to league, ittifaq- &c. -k. mibia, v. to combine, gunthna, sunthna, v. to join, unite. leak, ebbed, soorakb, punchor, chor, durz, risun, V. crack, breach. lo leak, risna, tiipukna, choona, chliunna, v. to dnp, (as a ship or boat) {lauee-lena, -cborana, er -sudna, puniyana, (as a house, &c.) rezish-k. rona; to spring a leak, bumba- bhoor-phootna, tooltcolana, v. to gush. leakage, tupkun, choo.uu, lugar, sokbt, v. allow- mace, wastage. leaky, toota, jhunjhree, rota, puiichora, choona, fbhidaha, soorakhee, v. loquacious,old, rotten. lean, adj. doobla, laghur, regbul, huqeer, putJa, nuheef, dmrbul, dangur, kirst, chinituha, been. ckubra, luqat, qaq, v. meagre, thin, (atmeail) lal, V. poo): to lean, (to rest against) ruk,hrin, tukiyu-k. lu- gana, (to bend) iiiho)rna, jlnokna, (to incline) nia,il.h. V. to favour, othungna, tckna, v, to depend, support, laid ; to lean on a staff, use ke bul chulna. leanness, d ""^v! t^v'" lest, moobada, khroda nu kliastu, sha,id tor Iha- yud, kinchit, kudachit, quz.a|iin, uesa nuho, miit, shuetan ke kan buehre, v. perhaps, Wiat, &c. . -^ let, sub. utka,o, rok, ar, sudd, urwar, urtimida, V. to stop, ohstniction, hindrance. to let, raarna, bharc-pur, -d. v. to hire, hinder, &c. {alone) hath-oothana, v. to fire, allow, omit, suffer', par don, '&c. {to a #e«««#) kira,E-d. {to per7nit) dena, which, as in English, is of very extensive application, forming not only many compound verb?, but also the sign of the imperative, v. tJte Grammar, and the fol- lowing examples : to let go, chhor-dena, jaae- dena, also to let alone ; to let fall, girne-purne- dena ; to let dmm, ootar-dena; to let in, ane- dena. For such compounds as to let hlood, to let off', &c. V. to bleed, discharge. lethargy, subat, mcobarukee, bujurneend, v. drowsiness. lethe, buetumee. letter, {of the alphabet) hurf, pi. hccroof, uchhur, V. elements, burun, kewul, v. vowel, type, likha, rauktoob, urzee, nuwishtu, putree, chuktee, khutt kitabut, {composed of two letters) do-hur- fee, musrooree, soona,ee, {of three) luuktoo- bee, mulfoozee ; a roll, or collection of letters, moolatifu, muktoobat, {of alumgeer) rooqat- alumgeeree, {epistle) khutt, chithee, ruqeemu, suheefu, rooqu,u, shooqu, purwanu, {-carrier) tuppalee, hurkaru, v. messenger ; letters and LEV S67 LIB ' tneasugoi, roasl rusa,il, v; learning, Meral, S:c.; aktfc.r a/ revotnmendatioti, sifaiish-namu. lettered, sahib ilni, v. learned. lettuce, kahoo; lerec, durbar, siibha, {court, q. v.) da,iru duolut; 'now-(i-dai/s such a omc's levee is much crowdtd, aj kul fulane ka durJaar buhtut gurum hue, apposed to surd hue, very thin. level, aclj. burabur, mcusuttuh, chuorus, Lum- war, eksan, nuDWafiq, buttadbar, soodhar, chuoput, surput, saf, kuf i dust, v. smooth, even. level, siti). sut,h, nauedau, ja,e humvrar, v. pkiin, (rate) duiju, paya, hudd, v. .ifandard, (equa- lly) buraburee, Immvvaree, v. proportion, (di- rrction of n n-capon) chot, \.rani^e; a maaon^s level, sbabooi, v. rule ,• a level or Jioat, puiisel, tuk tukee, v. p/iota. to level, V. a. burabur- &c. -k. v. to lny, (to aim) dmrfaana, kheechna, (a gun) lugana, V. to adjiist, (to destroy) saf- mismar- &c. -k. V. ruined, also to r axe,, (all distinctions) eka mue- &c. -k. v. equal, to point, &c. {to direct) cUulana, phenkna ; v. n. dutna, shust- -b. sadhna, v. to aim, burabur- &c. -h. v. to attempt. levehiess, buraburee, bumwaiee, cLuorsa,ee, su- fa,ce, cbuorusee, v. equality. leveret, lum-kuniya, khurgosb-bucbu, v. hare. lever, oothungun, chand, dhenklee, theka. leviathan, v. whale. to levigate, smriimsa-k. peesna, suhuq-k. v. to grind. levity, hulkaee, soobookee, ocbha-pun, bilul- ^una, V. vanity, kc. (t«rw<«^nnfj/) l)e-.subatee, be-wufa,ee, v. xnisteadiness. to levpy oatliamt, juma-k. jorna, butorna, v. to raise, (forces) fuoj bundce-k. v. to recruit, (oM)t^) dahflna, v. co»tribution,Jlne, 5:c. lewd, must, sluibwutee, v. desire, mnosbtnhee, shuhwut-nak, nuis-punist, ebailbcola,, bitd- must, V. wanton, lascivious, bad. Imvdly, mustanu, mustee-se. lewdness, niustee, shuhwut, huwus, kam, ^s, b*iwa»hir.;. '•! leiicograplter, moO|Ullif i Icogbat, koslj karee, loj- ghut nil wees, v. slave, ass, drudge, aod every thing that is bad. le.ricon, Kngluit, furhuiig, kosh, v. dictio/utry. ; liahk, niujboor, na-ginzeer, giriilar, v. subject, puzeer, wala, v. able, obnowious, susceptiUe, hath-moonh-men ; we are all liable to die, h»m sub miiot ke hath men hue ; liable to error, ja^iz ool khuta. liar, jhootha, kazib, durogb-go, kizzab, v. jSfr-^ ber, lubar, usutee, lubra, subra, lubur gutt^, V. lyiiig, false, &c. (anxtnt) lukh puchoturee. lihation,{to pour a) urupaa, bnrhana, tupana,.ai< to offer, &c. libel, gilu, mulamut, v. defamation, satire, he. liberal, azad, huosilu-mund, sukhee, data, ithl i hinimut, fueyaz, utabukhsh, mconim, kureem, juwwad, V. munijicent, alee-himmut, boolund- himmut, shuh-khurch, hatim-gunj or -kurum, bukhsh, danee, pror-liuo, ilu, duyawunt, mur- de-admee, dil-koosha, azad-tubu, sahib-tuofeeq, V. charitable, generous, alee, comdu, bura, boo- lund, nujeeb, v. exalted, unprejudiced. <-•. liberality, kojshadu-dilee, huosilu, sukhawut, fuez, fuezan, jood, kurum, v. botenty, hatimec, V. supra, dan, v. freedom, generosity. liberally, kooshadu-dilee- &c. -se, dil-kholke, ba-ifrat, bubrot-sa. to lAerute, chhorana, khulas- azad-k. v. to deli- ver, free. liberated, gcoloo kbulas, mmstukhiis, v. looa*. liberaiiuu, istlkJiIas, dihootkara, v. liberty. Lie 368 LIE libertine, be-qued, khurabatee, rind, budkar, fasiq, fajir, awaru, be-deen, v. licentious, koo- kurmee, loocha, luwind, kunhuya, rand ka sand, bewa ka beta, nufs purwur, v. rake, pro- Jligate, &c.; ashna mut ho too Suoda se khu- rabatee, be not thou acquainted with such a liber- tine an Suoda. libertinism, be-quedee, rindee, fisq, foojoor, bud- karee, be-deeiiee, avvarugee. liberty, azadee, be-quedee, rJha,ee, mukhlusee, khalasee, chhaittee, v. power, qcodrut, bus, v. option, freedom, {privilege) huqq, v. exemption, (choice) ikhtiyar, v. will, (leave) ruza, ijazut, rookh.sut, V. permission ; if I may take the li- berty, ugur moojhe hookm ho. Ubidinotis, must, chool ha,ee, v. lewd. libra, nieezan, tro,a. librarian, kcutcob khane ka daroghu. library, kcutoob-khauu. libration,']]\oo\a\\u\, thurthurahut, jhooma,o, \.to vibrate. lice, joo.en, v. louse. license, hoikm-namu, purwatiii, furman, hookni, izin, rookhsut, v. leave, sunud, chithee, v. or- der, warrant, liberty, (latitude) wusiit, v. power. to license, licentiate, mcobah- ja,iz- ruwa-r. v. to permit. licentious, be-qued, sur-kush, be-7.ubt, goostakh, mugra, shokli, be-lugam, bud-purhez, be bund o bust, be-dad, mootluq rol inan, wuh- shee, kjicole-bundhon, huramkar, v. loose, wild- 7iess. licentiously, be-qucdee- &:c. -se. licentiousness, be-quedee, be-7.ubtee, sur-kushee, goostakhee, mugraiCe, shokhee. lich-owl, mirgoo.an, moo,a. lick, (with the tongue) chat, (blow) mar, v. beating. to lick, chatna, lesna, v. to lap, (to thresh) thonkna, koondee-k. v. to flog, &c. ; to lick up, chat-lena, chut-k. v. to beat, devour. licker, (in comp.) les, [whence rikabee-les, a plate-licker.J lickerish, chutora, chuthe-baz, khmsh-khorak, khmsh-khor, v. eager. lickerishness, chutor-puna, khmsh-khorakee, khoosJi-khoree. lid, dhukna, dhupna, sur-posh, chupnee, v. cover, (of the eye) purdu, puluk, (having a) dhukne- S;c. -dar, v. eye-lid, &c. lie, (liquor) panee, (falsehood) jhooth, durogh, kizb, tuzweer, v. Jib, ghulut, bad-huwa,ee, v. lying, Joke, fiction; to give the lie, jhoothalna, jhootha-k. to lie, V. n. (to tell a lie) jhooth- &c. -kuhna or -bohia, khilaf- &c. -kuhna, usut-bolna, v. to err, (to reclitie) letna, purna, lugna, buethna, dubna, gurna, v. to rest, to fall, (to lodge) murna, thuhurna, bichhna, v. to settle, (down) istirahut- &c. -k. v. to rest, duraz-h. sutna, lotna, zumeen-pukurna, v. to sleep, copulate, &c. (to sleep) aram-k. sona, (to be reposited) rukha-dhura-h. pura-ndina, (to be) bona, ruhna, v. to consist, (to belong) puhoonchha, (to depend on) muoqoof- moinhusur-h. (to cost) chookna ; to lie in, peeron nien-h. durd i zih men-h. kliulasee-pana, khulas-h. junna, v. to bear, also tvaste, &c. ; to lie with, niilna, sona, mu)basliurut-k. ; to He under, mughloob-, mujboor-h. It may be here observed of the verb purna, that, in acceptation, as well as application, it is remarkably extensire, and in both circumstances very much resembles the English verb to lie, v. Vol. II. liege, khoodawund-ni,umut, v. lord, subject. lientery, punchuon, \.Jiux. tier, V. iiar, letwuya, letunhar, v. sleeper, fee. LIF 560 LIG lieu, y. sl^end. in lieu, jwuz, v. instead. .*,.,a. •< lieittenant, qaim-mmqam, ja-nusheeh, khuJ^efu, na,ib, V. depntij, {in tfin urmi/) junnudar, prop. jnma,iit-dar. It must, however, be allowed, that tliis word has a more general meaning, and (as its etymology implies) is as applicable to a captain or commander, as to any subaltern whatever, v. cnpfnhi. tieutennfif.'ifi ip, lieiA tenancy, ja-n\i«heenee, qa, i in- mooqamee, khilafut, niyabut. life, jan, jee, pran or puran, rooli, huyat, zindu- gee, zeest, zindnganee, ruwan, jiyoora, atma, bolta, huns, liiya, jeetub, ilum, v. breath, (lon- Jinedfor) da im oil hubs; may your life be long, chirunjee ruho,tnmr duraz; while life remains, zindugcc-bliur, ta bu zecst, jeetetuk, tadum i zeest, V. while; to fie over fond of life, jeenc pur muriia, {conduct) mil, ash, mu,eeshut, guuzrau, V. lioing, {cotitinuance of life) nomr, V. age, {civacify) uchpulee, chunchula,ee, jau- bazee, phcurt, choostee, chabookee, v. spirit, hriskihess, {narrative) tU7.kiru, [whence tuzki- rut oosh-slico.ura, the lives of the poets] ; to the life^ hoo bu hoo, bi,uenih ; #o lead a life, zin- dugamee- goozran- &c. -k. clial-cliulna ; lifc~ giving, jan-bukhsii. life-guards, khass- or julcbee-risalu or -chuokee. lifeless, be-jan, be-dum, be-rooh, moordw, be- jee, nioordunee, wujood moo utjul, nuqsh dee- tvar, V. life, dead, {spiritless) moordn-dil, be- dil, ulsoordu-khatir, v. hjavy. life-rent, huyatee-putta, nmir-putta. life-time, tumam-romr, (fimr-bhur, heen huyat, junum-bhur, uoqat-busree, t. life. * lift, ()Dtha,o, oolhaiBe, teka, r. e^vertion, effort. to lift, rothana, cliurhana, klieenchna, burhana, , Boaland- suvtbraz-ti;. oonchonm, oosahna, rol- na, hummalee-k. v. to raise, oot_h(»>lejana^ bu- ghul-marna, v. to elevate, {to elate) plioohi-d. to lift up, outha-tl. or -lena ; to give a lift, ootlia,e-d. v. help, &c. lifter, v. porter, liummal, firtliwuya. ligament, pue, parh, nus, pufha, v. ligature. ligature, builds dora, puttee, v. bandage. ligM, sub. oojak, ruoshunee, ruoshnaee, jila, tu- juUee, noor, nooranee, ziya, juhvu, tab, taba- nee, durukhslianee, jot, I'urogh, shno,i}lu, shoo- aii, purtuwu, injor, yot, lumuu, chandna, shar- iishu.u. v.«/)/eMrfOT soorut, ihtimal, gootnan, tuwuhhoom, bhurosa, honaree, shukul, v. pro- bability. likely, adj. moohtumul, iiqulee, honhar, roobudih, V. feasible. likely, qureeb ool uql, chuhiye, v. the adj. ; most likely, ghalib, ughlub, bu tureeq uola. to he likely, uql-chahna, v. seemly. to liken, buraburee-k. mooqabilu- moomasul-k. oopma-d. V, to compare, (to one's self) upnee uesee kuhna, upnee ha,ee-janna. likeness, mcDwafuqut, moomasulut, mootabuqut, tushabooh, tumasool, tushbeeh, v. resemblance, sureeklia, humta,ee, tunasool, misal, tumseel, shubahut, v. sameness, similitude, (form) soo- rut, shukl, roop, v. copy. likewise, bhee, neez, sathee, v. also, with, oopur is ke, masiwa, ulawu, v. moreover, too, &c. liking, chah, khxyahish, shuoq, reejh, luluk, chuska, chat, sardha, v. desire, inclination, lilac, buka,en, ban. lily, suosun, sosun, sumun, lalu? v. water-Sty, lotos, &c. LIN 371 LIN limb, 117.00, gutur, bund, tookra, v. leg, arm, joint, member, border; a toeariness in the limbt, uuza- sliikunee, v. lassitude. limber, chimra, pilpila, lijlija, moola.ira, nurm, dheela, v. pliant, ruhroo, v. carriage. lime, {for building) choona, ahuk, (lemon) kaghuzee neemboo, \:lemon,{usedwithheetle) sufedee; quick lime, kucha choona, buree, {slarki'ned)hh\\\:k?i\ a kind offinelime, kulee; bird-lime, lasa, shilum. to lime, choona- &c. -d. or -lugana. lime-burner, choona puz. lime-kiln, choone kee bhuthee. lijne-stone, guttee, kunkur. limit, hudd, ihatu, nihayut, danda, siwana, thi- kana, v. bound, extent. to limit, hudd- muhdood-k. bund-k. mooqueyud- -k. bandhna, rokna, muoqoof- moonhusur- &c. -k. V. to restrict, qued- &c. -r. moonquttu- &c. -k. V. to appoint, conjine, restrain. limitation, hudd, ihatu, nihayut, tuliuddood, husr, tukhsees, v. fyoundary, bundhan, qued, inhisar,^ hudd-bundee, v. restraint, limit, restriction. limited, muhdood, niuhsoor, intuhat, mox, &c.) murhna, (to coat) ustur karee-k. leo-lugana, V. to cover, (with soldiers) bhurna, v. to guard, (as a dog) Uigna, v. to strengthen. to line, or mark out, chhe,o-marna, rusee-duora- na, V. to rule, copulate, &c. lineage, usl, nusl, nusub, silsilu, husub nusub, V. race. lineal, seedha, rast, (linear) mookhuttut. lineament, khal khutt, v. co?itour. linen, suli. kupra, kutan, (white stuff's) sufed bab, opposed to rungecri bad, coloured cloths, chintx, &c. V. cloth. linen, adj. sootee. linen-draper, buzzaz. ^ lines, mistur, v. ruler, also copy-lines. to linger, niurta-ruhna, reengiia, heeng-hugna, dookh men ruhna, bliinukna, rut rut-murna, panw-peetna, khnoree ghus ghus-murna, khat- lugna, V. to pine, tool-kheechna, mooddut-lug- ana, v. to delay, hesitate. litigering, duraz, tuweel, inoozmin, v. tedious. lingcringly, derke, reengke, ahiste, v. slowly. linguist, zuban-dan, dtobuhusee, v. interpreter. liniment, murhum, tila, lep, v. oitittnent. lining, ustur, bheetiila, miyanee, murhun, v. l/or- der, (of a trunk) niurh, v. coat. link, kuree, qmlabu, silsilu, dewutee, punju, v. light, rishtu, hulqu, luga,o, x.connection,chain, (torch) niushu,ul. to link, jorna, niilana, ma3t'ul8ul-k. bandhna, lu- gana, V. to join link-hoy, niushu,ul-chee, baree. 3 A 2 LIQ 372 LIT linseed, vAsee, tookhm i kutan, (oil) ulsee ka tcl, raoghun i kutan. linstock, fuleetii, sokhtu, biittee, tora, v. match. lint, ulsee ka sun, teesee, ulsee, v. flaoe, phaha, soof. lintel, suhotee, puta,o, surdur, chuokut, putuo- tun, gurdanuk, dab. . ;.; ,;tv-. tn lion, bubur, shei-, usud, bagh, sheri-shurZu, hiie- dur, huzubur, singh, whence the names of most llaj-poots, &c. such as Jue-singh, the lion of victory ; Bulwunt-singh,^Ac strong lion; Cliet-singh, which is similar to King Ricli- ard's sirname, dmr de lion; Ram-singh, usud oollah, the lion of god, v. tyger, leo ; a lion''s whelp, bughela ; hold as a lion, sher-murd ; a lion's den, thur. In the lists or catalogues of our sipahees, those names that are com- pounded with singh, like slngh-ras, as well as many others, are often strangely accommo- dated to the English language, whence Har- rison, Davidson, &c. for Huree-singh, Debee- singh ; nor is it the first time that our friend and ally Futih-singb, has gone by the name of Paterson. This accommodating mode of cor- ruption will be found, in almost every in- stance, perfectly reciprocal, v. grenadier. lioness, singhnee, shernee, baghin, baghinee. lip, lub, honth, shufut or shufut, udhoor, soofar, (vuluce) pulla, v. edge ; to tnake a lip, honth- hichkana. lipothymy, v. faint, ghush, gheree, v. swoon. liquid, ruqeeq, putla, mcozab, v. fltdd, nurm, mooIa,ira, saf, v. liquor, soft, &c. to liquidate, uda- saqit-k. ootarna, torna, be baq-k. putana, niwarna, v. to adjust, pay. liquidness, liquidity, riqqaut, putlahut. liquifaction, gcodakht, gmdaz, pighla|0, turqeeq, gulun, V. solution. liquifiahle, qabil-goodaz, goodazindu. to liquify, v. a. pighlana, gulana, gnodaz-k. uo- tana; v. n. pighulna, gulna, goodaz-h. uotna, bhlla-j. sihirna, v. to melt. liquor, shoorb, panee, v. tvaier, {strong liquor) daroo, shurab, v. drink, drunk, rus^ uruq, .doodh, sheeru, v. toddy, juice. liquorice, jethee-mudh, mool-hutee, usl oos-soos, {the extract) roob oos-soos, {seeds) ghoongchee, rutee, lal, v. red. lisp, lisping, looknut, tcotla.ee, giriftugee. to lisp, tciotlana, looknut-k. lisper, tootla, ulkun, looknutee, hukla. list, furd, fihrisf, siyahu, ism-waree, v. ini^oice, catalogue, roll, tufseel, ism-nuweesee, v. mar- gin, (for wrestlers) ukhara, ka)shtee-gah, muetlan v. border, {desire, &c.) chah, khwa- hish, V. strijj. to list, {to chuse) chahna, {soldiers) rukhna, nam-likhna, v. to enlist, also infra. to listen, list, kunso,ee-k. kan-lugana or -dena, soonna, kunhur-lena, mc»tuwujjih-h. v. to hear, 7iearJce?i. listener, kun-so,iya, kun-luga, kun-hurij'a, v. ear. listless, ghafil, moordu-dil, ufscxsrdu-dil, khoon- ook, V. languid, thundha, surd, ulghin-z, kuni- shuoq, be-shuoq, v. careless, indifferent, indo- lent, desire. listlessly, ghuflut- &c. -se. listlessness, ghuflut, be-khuburee, mujhoolee, ka- kilee, soostee, moordu-dilee, ufsoordu-dilee. literal, hurfee, Icoghwee, u.slee, lufzee, lufznn bu lufzihee, uchhurec, khuttee, tuhti-lufzee, hamil-mutun, hurf bu hurf, also literally, luC- zvin lufzun, hurfun hurfon. literati, columa, foozula, muoluwee, shuoqeen, jhn-dost, V. learned. literature, ilm, ilmiyut, fuzeelut, ihn o fuzul, v. learning. LIT 373 LIf\ litharge, mtordar-sung, mrorda-sung. iUhe, V. sitft, chiiTira, toota, fro7n tootna, to be- • rome supple, q. v. tn litigate, du,uwa- &c. -k. litigation, dii,inv:i, bad, quiiyii, jhugra, tuiita, inoonazu,iit, qissu quziyu, riigrn, v. cause, dis- pute. litigious, jjiugia-loo, jhugra,oo, bukheriya, lu- ranka, jung-jo, quziyu-jo, tunle-baz, piirkha- shee, muhkumu-duUal, mrofsid, quziyu-khor, -dullal, -dost, V. rjuatrel, feud, contentious, (disputable) jhiigre ka. litigiousticss, jiing-jo,cc, quziyu-jo,ee. litter, palkee, nalkce, TiiiyanH, hoojlu, chuo-pala, sookh-pal, chundol, doleo, lumhafu, innhmil, huodu, umaree, dhuchka, dola, chuo,ala, v. chair, bed, &c. (rotten) iiKwtaree, v. dung, (for horses) akhor, ghas, (brood) jliol, (of things} krorkut,, bula,e-bogl)mii, khus o kha- shak, koora, ulj^e bula,e. fo litter, junna, byana, buchc-lana, soona, v. to hear, yean, bhur-niarna, v. to dirty, (for a beast) ghas- &c. -bichhana, (a room, &c.) bula,e boghmu- &c. -se bhiiriia, v. to lumber. little, tbora, tunuk, unduk, kiini, zumi, quleel, burkhe, joozwee, kooclih, \.Jew, chhota, su- ghecr, khrord, nunha, koduik, tung, udna, pust, runchik, ulup, ochha, choonamcona, te- nee, pustqud, \:di:minutive,shorf; srnall,mean, &c. ; a little, took ek, kooclih ek, ta.o bha,o, qudri quleel, thora bulioot, tliorasa, chundc sudr-umuci ; no little, etna sa, v. moment; a little fellow, gcorjee ; by little and little^ thora thora, unduk unduk, ruftu ruftu, bote bote; he is a little letter, koochh blnila hue, v. gra^ dually, some; as if it tcere /<7//r>, jano kc tjio- ree bat hue ; little., (not much) kivchh nuboen. For diminutives, see the Grammar, p. 171. /iWfewess,kumee,undukee,qiilut, chhota, ee,tung- ee, kiiitiree, soobakee, udna-pun, hulka-pui^, pustec, bf-gliucrutee. liturgy, adab i numaz. live, jeeta, zindu, v. alive; a live coal, jeetii ko,ela. to life, jcfiia, zliidu- &c. -ruhna, v. living, 8cc. (toj)ass life) ziiidugce- goozran- &c. -k. v. life, oomr- wuqt^katna, nibah-k. chal-chulna, v. to subsist, behave, (to stay) ruhna, busna, tikna, thuhurna, chulna, qa,im-li. v. to dwell, conti- nue, (fo escape) buchna, (^o/eet/) khana, chur- na ; /o live well, birajna, uesli- jushn- aram-k. muzu-oorana or -lootna, v. to enjoy ; to live poorly, dookh-bhurna, din-katua. livelihood, rozec, rizq, azooqu, goozran, niu.ee- shiit, U()(jut busrce, nibah, rozgar, v. bread, niu,ash, abkliourd, zindu-gauee,wujuh-g(«zran, jee ka, adhser-ata, tookra, tehra, guhbur, v. food, fortune, maintenance. liveliness, zindu-dilee, khoosh-dilee, khrosli-tu- bu,ee, cbunchulahut, uchpulee, chcol boolahut, shokhee, v. vivacity- livelong, duraz, tuwcel, kuthin, bharec, biira, tooltuwcel, V. long, tedious, whole. lively, adj. ziadu-dil, kbrosh-dil, khonsh-tubii, cbunchul, uchpul, clicol-boola, shokli, (as co- lours) khcola, pjiurchha, v. light, gay, (tune) bhur-taJ, v. cheerful, (strong) muzbootj poora, kaniil, (as language) turrara, fuwwaru, (strok- ing) zihn-nu^heen. lively, adv. zindu- dilee- Sec. -sc, v. dvactty, briskly. liver, (jecur) jigui', kideja or kuleeja, kubid, (of animals) kulejee, (living) zee rooh, jagta, (coloured) jigurcc, (in comp.) goozran, khor, V. enter; an obstruction in the liver, sooddu.i- jigur; « virtuous liver, nek-gco/.ran ; a had liver, bud-mu.ash v. living. livery, bana, v. dress, badge. LOA 374 LOD livid, neela, twda, peek, zurd, neela peela, v. discoloured. livtdity, Iwidness, zurdee, peelahut. living, adj. jeeta, zindu, jan-dar, v. live, vigo- rous. living, sub. mu,eeshut, goozran, uiu,ash, v. fare, livelihood,{creature.s') jun-janvfur; good living, chuhulpuhul, ucsh ushrut, ucsh juesh, khoosli ghiza, V. cheer. lizard, chhip kulee, sipkulee, tiktikee, chilpasu, bamhunee, girgit, goh, bis-khopra, bichhuont, pulee, surta, klrkila, hirba, puhwa, lotun, bistoo,a, {the small hou.se-) seepluk. lo, dekh, dekho, lo, a.e wall, v. forsooth. load, bojh, bojha, moth, bhar, lad, ladec, bhur- tee, V. bundle, chot, v. charge, luda,o, v. cargo, bhurota, pot, pooshtaru, j)liandce, beend, bul- hee, V. hale,ha.r-khatn-,v.encumbi-ancc,burden, weight, lading. to load, ladna, bojhna, bojh- &c. -d. bhurna, poor- mu,umoor-k. v. to Jill, charge, (to make heavy) poorbar- bharee-k. loaded, bhura, bojhel, ladoo, liida, phunda, bojh- dar, barkush, muhmoolu, aloodu, v. full ; a. loaded gu7i, bhuree bundooq. to be loaded, ludna, v. full. loader, ladiya. loadstone, sung i muqiiafees, chumuk-puthur, ahun-rooba. loaf, koDmach, panw-rotee, rot, rotee, v. bread, form, loaf-sugar, qund, faiieez. loam, pindol, v. clay, earth. ' loan, arlyut, oodhar, qurz, warn, duen, v. debt. loath, kiishecdii, moonhurif, roo-gurdan, na-raz, unmuna, v. unwiUing. to be loath, jee-nu chahna, dureegh-r. kheech- ruhna. to loathe, mutlana, nufriiU &c. -r. oomuthna. ooktana, kuchiyana, hichna, hichukna, jubud- na, hirukna, v. to detest, ghinana, v. to hate, jee-bhurna or -phirna, v. to dislike. loa,thful,loathsome, mukrooh, kureeh, ghina,ona, nufruUungez. loathing, mifrut, kviralnyut, chirh, ghin, goorez, kuchiyahut, kuchapun, v. the verb, also aver- sion, abhorrence. loathsomeness, k urahiy ut. lobby, de,orhee, peshdalan, jilo khanu. lobe, tookra, (of the ear) bina-gosh, koochiya, nurmu,i gosh, luhur, lo, miol, lolkee, v. tip, phank, v. section. lobs-pou7id, lal khan lukra, v. prison. lobster, jheenga. local, mukaiiee, muhullee, khass, usthance, (knowledge) waqif hal-ee. locally, bil-miikan. loch, talab, (that tvhtch has a constant supply of water) muroo, v. lake, pond. lochia, lohoo panee, mifas. • lock, (of a door) qmfl, (rulg. qwM) tala, (of a gun) kill, champ, (of hair) zcolf, kakool, gesoo, ju.iid, bubree, uluk, lut, jhonta, sut- kala, jutha, v. tuft, tresses, (of wool) puhul, p)ialia, gala, ponee, (of grass) gilee, dustu, v. handful, (grapple) da,o, pech, bund, pukur, V. catch, &c. to lock, qoofl-lugana, mooqufful-k. tala-d. bund -k. V. to confine, unite. ^ locked-jaVD, dunt-keer, jubree-bund. locker, khann. locket, V. amulet, koonj, tookmu, v. catch. locomotion, nuql-miiqam or -mukan. locust, tiddee, tcerec, mulukh, jurad, teed, v grasshopper, (fly) bhum bheeree. lodge, ghur, khanu, v. hut, tukiyu, bungla, ba- ruh-duree, v. summer-house, Sec. to lodge, V. a. tikana, ootarna, rukhna, (to place) LOH 875 LON dhurna, (to Ji.v) garna, buethalna, lugana, v. to settle, Sec. ; v. n. ruhna, tikna, busna, thii- hurna, buetlina, iqamut-r. v. to stay, dwell, kirayu- &c. -pur ruhna, v. rent, guest, also to tojoum, (at night) shub-bashee, busera-k. (to halt) muqam-k. purna, ooturna. lodgement, (collection) junia,m, v. accumulation, iqamut, tika,o, v. possession, lodger, asainee, (resident) ninjcjet'm, bashindu, kira.edar, bharuet, v. hirer ; a fellow-lodger, hum-khanu. lodging, tika,o, bood-bash, goonja,ish, thikana, mukan, juguh, ruhwa,ee, v. habitalion, (board) maxiamee-khorakee, kjiila.ee-tika.ce. loft, kotha, atalee, bam, tand, dhuwul, tukii- tu-bundee, \. floor, Jhoring. loflily, V. the adj. (•proudly) ghoorooree- &c. -se. loftiness, boolundee, ooncba,ee, irtlfau, (pride) ghooroor, tukubbcor, mugia.ee, ukur-bazee, (stiblimity) boolund-purwazee. lofty, (high) boolund, ooncha, ala, luoortufu, bala, alee, (s^uhlime) bcnlund-purwaz, (proud) mugh- roor, sir-thurha, ukur-baz, v. Iiaughty. log, koondu, tuna. logarithm, be bhug samee. loggerhead, loggerheaded, uhrauq, ga,odee, be- wuqoof, sadu-luoh. to fall to loggerheads, ghoosura ghoosa- mookuw- wul-k. logic, muntiq, nya.e-shastur, ilmi moonav.iru, sub- dendoo sekhur. logical, muntiqee. logically, uz roo,e muntiq. logician, muntiqee, sahilvmuntiq,nueyayuk, sub- dendoo sekhuree, bidiya-bilasec. logwood, putung, sundul soorkh, bukum, v. San- ders, buqum, or more probably, Braxil-tcood. lofioc, linctua, loohooq, chutnee, v. eclegma. loin, loins, kumur, miyan, dand, kut, kurchund, kurha,on, lung, v. waste. to loiter, tal tool, tal mutol-k. uthlana, utukna, mukhiyan-marna, v. to delay, pichhwana, rum-ruhna, v. to idle, straggle. loiterer, ghafil, na^bukar, v. lubber, muthoosa, V. idler. to loll, V. n. leta-ruhna, pura-rulma, arani-k. v. to lounge, lotna lot pot-k. v. to lean, (to hung out) nikula- lutka-ruhna ; v. a. nikaUl. lone, lonely, lonesome, tuiiha, ekla, ukela, v, alone a>das, moohish, soonsan, v. solitary. loneliness, loneness, tunha,ee, oodasee, wuh,sbut. long, Isiiuba, duraz, tuweel, bura, tura, buboot, tooltuweel, (story) toomar, (far) door, (as a letter) ImwrnAoodu, poolit, gcnr, deergh, v. distant, (dilatory) dheela, ahistu, dirung, v. slow, tedious ; long life, nomr duraz; along time, mooddut, mcoddut-mudeed, burcc der ; tfie long mark'on letters, mudd, see a in the Piute ; to be long, derec- dheel-k. v. to de- lay ; ere long, thore dinon men, ko,ee duni men ; long ago, mooddut-se, jubhee-se, buhojt roz-sc, kub ka; long and broad, lumba chuora ; the whole day long, tumam din bhur; all his life long, cos kee tumam oomr bhur; as longas, juedin, jete roz, jubtuk, v. while. to long, (with jee) chulna, duorna, chahna, mucl- &c. -r. dil-duorana, ma)shtaq-h. turusna, lob- hana, luhriyana, jee-lugruhna, chuslimwa-h. lulchana, dil-tupukna, mangna, v. to desire, expect, want. longevity, cpmr kee durazee, oomr durazee. longing, chah,rughbut,khv,ahish,huwus,shuoq, ishtiyaq, mucl, urmam, v. hankering, chat, la- luch, chuska, \. fancy, (of pregnant women) ~ sad, sidhuor, v. desire, longish, lumba-$a. LOO 376 LOO longitude, tool, lumban ; a degree of longitude, durju,i tool. longitudinal, lumba lumba,- khura. long-lived, ziyad comr, za,id ool oomr. longsome, bum, duraz, v. long. long-suffering, adj. luootuhummil, huleem, v. patient. • . ' long-tail, cut and- iimka-dhumka, iinieer-fuqeer, , . V. tag rag atid bohtaU. longways, longwise, luniban-mcn, luniba-luniba. long-winded, duraz-diim, v. tedious. looby, V. lubber, drone, &c. muthoosa, mache-tor, koondii na-turasheedu, v. clown. look, nuzur, nigah, drisht, dislit, deeth, v. glance, 7.ahir-hal, zuban-hal, v. air, aspect, countenance. look! dekh! v. lo! look look! lukh' lukho',v. behold. to look, dekhna, nu7,ur- &c. -k. lierna, ni- harna, lukhna, v. to seek, takna, chita.ona, nirekhna, nuzur-milana, (tvell into) thonk buja,eke lena, (to show) jan purna, y. to re- semble, (towards) nigah- ankh-milana, -ootha- na, &c. V. to observe, (to etvpect) intizar-k. (to observe) ghuor- lihaz- dhyan-k. to attend, (to seem) soojhna, iiiizur-ana, iiiu,uloom-h. lugna, dekh-puina, dikhla,ee-d. v. to appear ; to look about one, khubur daree- &c. -k. v. et- gilamie; to look well, khoosh-ana; to look for, rah-dekhna, v. fo e.vpect ; to look after, &c. khubur-lena, khuburdar-h. v. to attend, he. ; to look out, ankji-phuelana or -pusarna, v. to stare. tN-b^it^ Zoo/cer, dekhwuya, dekhunhar, dekhne-wala, (in eomp.) been, whence tiunash-been, a spectator at any diversion. Itatdng-glass, a,ecnu, arsee, mira,ut. '^ 'ffwi looks, soorut, shukl, munzur, roop, v. appear- ance. .. ;.i^f&'J^,99^ i>' love-letter, tu,ushshooq-namu. .I'lag (t^^nkft^oV-^o. love-secret, raz o niyaz, «i5;tt4, ,flBmfWibv.ni love-sick, mujnoon, fureftu, niufloon, mun-rogee, birihrogee, dil-ufgar, biyogee, love-song, rusgeet. love-tale, shuoqiyu. love-toy, V. present, yadgaree, v. keep-sake. loving, ashiq, shufeeq, mooshfiq, moohib, v. lover, kind, (or fond of) sheero-shukur, v. intimate, luoleen, (in comp.) purust, dost, v. fond. loving-kindness, shufqut, ruhm, v. tenderness. lovingly, ashiqanu, ashiqwar, v. kindly. to lounge, hurzu-phirna, hurzugurdee-k. pura- phirna or -rulina, dhuhee-d. duta-ruhna, tang- phuelana, v. to loiter. lounger, hurzu-gurd, n:achc-tor, juhaz ka kuwa, dhuhiya, v. idler. louse, joon, chillur, qoommul, dheel, rooj, supush, V. nit. to louse, joon-marna, joOiCn-dekhna, sir-dekhiia, (reciprocally) J00|an joo,en-k. lousy, (mean) gundu, doon, v. dirty, joo,en-bhu- ra, chilraha, joonuha, dheelaha, roojuha, mu- lamutee, v. shabby. lout, dubung, bhuensa, v. bumkin, clown, &c. low, adj. neecha, pust, nusheb, udna, neech, chhota, kih, zer, buethn-an, sifil, (mean) ku- meenu, pajee, doon, siflu, furomayu, v. base, ahject, (shallow) oothla, (deep, q. v.) guehra, eetur, pa,een zereen, neewan, khular, bhugia, (in price?) susta, urzan, munda, ghuliya, (in stature) pust- or kotah-qud, v. short, zumeen- doz, V. sunk, (not loud) dheema, liulka, mud- him, moola,im, v. soft, (as latitude, water, &c.) thora, kum, v. small, little, (depressed) oodas, ufsoordu, soost, iUiCef, v. weak, &c. ; low wa- ter, sar bhatha, opposed to high water, poora- juwar, V. tide, &c. LOir S79 LUC low, adv. neeche, tule, aer, v. the adj. (softly) ahiste, dheeme, huole, (in comp.) pust, doon ; how low f^ kuhan tuk P so /ow;, eehan tuk ; to speak too low, moonh men bolna ; the low, neech- &c. -log, v. meani eeturj&t, v. dregu, vulgar, &c. to low, bumbana, dukarna, hoonkarna, v. to bel- low. low-bell, lookwaree. lower, pustur, furotur, kumtur, usful, udnatur, uquU, pa,eentur, turia ; the lower extremities, u,uza usful, V. leg. lower, lowering, jhooka,o, rooka,o, ghumniund, glior, tareeke, ghunghor, teerugee, also (sul- lenness) toorsh-roo,ee, kusiieed, kheecli, v. sul- lenly. to lower, V. a. neecha- &c. -k. v. low, dubana, torna, girana, ootarna, jhookana, v. to depress, &c. (to lessen) ghutana, kum- &c. -k. ; v. n. ghutna, ooturna, ghuta oothna, v. to fall. to lower, V. n. (as the'sky) jhookna, rookna, ghir- na, oomundna, mundul-ana, (to frown) ghoor- na, ghoorukna, ghoorerna, kusheedu-ruhna, v. to pout, scowl. lowermost, lowest, neecha, v. low. lowland, zumeen-nusheb, neechan, muedan, v. marsh. lowliness, v. lowness, hilm, ijz, boord-baree, fu- rotunee, moola.imut, tuhummcol, inkisar, v. humility, tunuzzcol, zcnllut, v. meanness, ab- jectness. lowly, furotun, bhola, huleera, boardbar, ghu- reeb, sadli, v. suhmissive, low, meek, humble. lowly, adv. furotunee- &c. -se, v. low. lowness, neecha,ee, pustee, chhota,ee, kumeenu- pun, V. meanness, urzanee, hulka,ee, mojla,)- mut, kumee, oodasee, ufsoordugee, soostee, v. the adj low-spirited, ufsuordu-dil, sbikustu-dil, moordu- dil, furd-dii, v. directed, low-thoughted, pust-khiyal, v. grovelling, loyal, numuk-hulal, moostuqeenn, mooteeu, (as a wife) puteebrita, sutee, \. faithful, obedient, loyalist, padshah dost, padshahee bundu. loyally, wufadaree- &c. -se. loyalty, numuk-hulalee, wufa^dar-ee, furman- burdaree, ita^ut, v. fidelity, lozenge, luoz qoors, butafa, v. bolus, lubber, lubbard, &c. kuni-chor, v. sturdy, luqoon* dra, muthoosa, niwalu haz,ir, v. idler, lazy, skulker, to lubricate, chikna- &e. -k. v. to amootJi. lubricity, chikna,ee, cliiknahut, phislahut, dusoo^ mut, doohniyut. lubricous, cliikna, phisliiha. lucid, /Mee«<,durukhshindu,burraq, taban, latni, V. glittering, saf, moosuffa, nir-mul, nitra, nikhra, v. clear, light ; a lucid interval, ifa- qut, hoshiyaree ke wuqt. luck, nuseeb, qismut, tali, bukht, buliru, bhag, nichhutur, bukht-awuree, nubit, kurm, leelat, luch,hmee, puera, lugun, soogoon, muqsoom, v. fortune ,• ill-luck, kuin-bukhtee, bud-bukhtee; to be in hick, nuseeb- &c. -jugna or -khoulna, V. chance, luckily, qismut- &c. se, khcoda-saz, bhagon, v. fortunately, luckiness, khaush-nuseebee, bukht yaree, iqbal, nek-ukhturee, bhagmanee, duolut, v. prospe- rity, luckless, kum-bukht, bud-bukht, bud-nuseeb^ wazhoon-bukht, nigoon-bukht, ubhagee, ▼. unfortunate, lucky, khoish-nuseeb, bukht-awur, nuseeb-wur, bukht-yar, iqbal-mund, nek-bukht, nek-ukh- tur, talimund, saliib-bukbt, lugiiee, soogooniya, V. fortunate, (as time, &c.) muobaruk, su,eed, SB 2 LUM 380 LUS hoomayoon, furrookh, soobh, nek, uch-chha, salih, opposed to talih, (in comp.) soo, &c. v. good, nek-fal or -zuban, khoosh quol, lucky words, &c. ; a lucky hour, soo-ghuree, muhoo- rut. lucrative, fa.idu-bukhsh, moofeed, moonafj, sood- mund, goonja,ishee, jueyud, \. gainful, &c. ; very lucrative, kuseer ool moonfu.ut, \. profit- able, &c. lucre, sood, nufu, v. gain- to lucubrate, shubkhezee- &c. -k. v. to watch. lucubrator, shubkhez, shubbedar, v. meditation. ludicrous, muskhuree, zor, goDdgcoda, v. merry. ludicrously, muskhurugee-se, muskhurupun-se. ludicrousness, muskhuru-pun, muskhurugee,tuz,- heek. luff, lup, V. palm. to lug, ghuseetna, kheechna, nikalna, also to lug out, sootna, kardna, v. to drag. luggage, bula,e booghmu, ugur bugur, al-junjal, V. baggage, gear, purtul, boriya-budhna, ka- cliur koochur, kummulee guthree, lipree bu- tana, chukkee choola, lungar, v. rags, lum- ber, &c. luke-warm, goon-gcnna, sheer-gurm, koomkooma, soosoom, neem,gurm, kum-nigah, (indifferent) surd-mihr, be-khubur, ghafil, v. cold, (to make) koomkoomana, sumoua,, by pouring cold into hot water. luke-warmly, surd-tnihree- &c. -se, v. coldly. Iuke-warmness,sheer-gurmee,(indiff'ere9ice)s{ird- mihree, ghuflut, tughafool, mujhoolee, be-khu- buree, v. coldness. to lull, solana, neend- khwab-lana, loree-d. thu- pukna, V. to quiet, compose. lullaby, loree. lumbago, chik, durd i kumur, ambat. lumber, bula,e-butur, lunjar, uUur bullur, ugur bugur, ula,fi bula,e, v. luggage. to lumber, atna, bhurna, bula,e bughmu-d. luminary, ruoshunee, shumu, mushu,ul, suraj, sitara, chiragh, also an instructor of mankind, luminous, ruoshun, raooneer, nooranee, oojala, v. bright, lump, tookra, took, paru, parchu, dhela, rora, v. mass, clod, bump, bit. Sic. dula, dulee, bhinda, dhondha, dhema, pera, lo,ee, paree, bhel-a or -ee, chhopa, luonda, dhuonsa, moocha, v. piece, (of meat) chukka, v. dolt, heavy, gross, &c. (the gross) mujmoou, kool, v. whole ; in the lump, sub mila kur, kojl o hoom. to lump, milana, mukhloot-k. ghal mel-k. lumpy, pindolee, v. stiff, lunacy, deewangee, suoda, v. madness. ' lunar, qumuree, mahee, chandra, (month) chun- dur-mas, opposed to soor-mas, a solar month, lunatic, deewanu, suoda,ee, sirree, ba,ola, v. mad. lunation, duor i qumur, suer i qumur, chundur pher, V. resolution, luncheoti, tokra, kulewa, v. tiffing, lump. lungs, shoosh, phephre, [pi. o/phephra] riyu. lupine, toDrmis, baqilla,e misree. lurch, (to leave in the) bula men-chhorna, khu- rabee men dalna. to lurch, thugna, v. to devour, Jilck. lure, ta3,umu, vulg. tamba, charu, tureb, laluch, V. allurement, to lure, kheechna, jhookana, lana, v. to attract, to lurk, duba- chhipa- posheedu-ruhna, dubuk- na, kumeen- gara- duba-buethna, ghat men- buethna, v. to hide, 8cc. lurking-place, kumeen-gah, ghat, v. haunt, luscious, meetha, sheereen, muzu-dar, luzeez, V. voluptuous, ruseela, must, shuliwut ungez, Y. charming. (!!;.,-,;>. lusciousness, meetha,ee, meethas, sheereenee, mu- zu-daree, luzzut. lust, mustee, shuhwut, kam, hirs, nufsaniyut, LUT jei LYB huwa o huwus, ag, v. desire, to covet, nufs, rus, bah, mudun, ishtiha, laluch, v. passion, appetite, &c. to lust, mustee- &c. -k. chahna, rughbut-r. v. to long. lustful, must, shuhwutee, shuliwut-purust, nuf- sanee^ katnee, ruswunt, shuhwut-nak, uhli- huwus, huwusee, v. lascivious. lustfully, mustee- &c. -se. lust/illness, shuhwut-purustee, v. lust. lustily, zor- &c. -se. lustiness, zor, muzbootee, zor-awuree, shuh- zoree, tuwana,ee, v. vigour, khur-mustee. lustral, soochkaree, mootuhir. lustration, v. purijication, ashnan, urspurs,sooch- kar, V. ablution. lustre, noor, chumuk, ruushunee, ruoshna.ee, jila, julwu, chumkahut, jUuluk, ab, ab-tab, ruonuq, ab-dareCj shoo,a,u, panee, bhuruk, pri- kas, uks, lalee, v. bloom, brightness, splendour, &c. (renown) shoohrut, ishtihar, nam-wuree, V. eminence {sconce) jhar, {lustrum) punj-salu. Ixisty, muz-boot, zor-awur, shuh-zor, bul-wunt, khur-must, v. corpulent, chuodhur, gud buda, gubda, soo-pind, hutta kutta, v. athletic, brawny, stout, tuwana, -tunawur, chaq-chuo- bund, V. able-bodied, healthy. lutanist, been nuwaz, burbut-nuwaz. lute, {paste) satun, burbut, {instrument) tum- boor, V. harp. to lute, satna, dum bund-k. to luxate, ookharna, v. dislocation. lu^vation, ookhra,o, v. the verb. luxuriancy, ifrat, kusrut, ziyadutee, burha.o, boohtat. luxuriant, ziyadu, kuseer, wafir, buhoot, shokh, must, be-huya, v. rank. to be luxuriant, dhundhana, v. tn shoot. luxuriantly, buhoot, ba-ifrat, v. the adj. luivurious, iieyash, shuoqee, khmsh-mu,ash, pe- too, anundee, aram-tulub, jushun-baz, moo- chhe bor, nufs-purust, v. epicure, voluptuous. luxuriously, uesh o ushrut- &c-. -se, v. voluptu- ously. luxury, uesh, ushrut, uesh-juesh, khmshee, un- und, ueyashee, shikum-purwuree, jushun, bhog, nufs-purvvuree, huwa,e-nufsanee, ruiig- rus, bhog-bilas, v. feasting, lust, &c. lying, durogh-go,ee, lubursubur, jhooth-mooth, khilaf-gOiCe, &c. {-in woman) ulwantee, juchu, V. the verb, also false. lymph, punchha, panee, v. humour. lynx, cheeta, pulung, bun-bila. lyre, burbutj serood, v. harp. lyric, {poem) rekhtu, -go-ee, v. poet, ode. lyrist, been- &c. -nuwaz, \. lute, &c. 382 .•^r^>*'-(fr ,1*1*??^*- M MAD m, has one unvaried sound ; in many instances, however, it may be confounded with nasal n, when foilowed by p or 6, &c. Therefore, , such words as sonpana, to entrust ; sunbhalna, to prop ; with many others, are pronounced sompna, sumbhalna. macaw, kaka too,a ? v. loory. mace, sonta, chob, usa, goorz, v. sceptre, &e. (a spice) jawitree, busbasu, buzbaz. mace-hearer, sonta-burdar, usa-burdar, yusawul, chob-dar. to macerate, bheego-r. v. to steep, maceration, bheega,o, v. the verb, to machhiate, bandhna, jorna, ganthna, munsoo- bu- &c. -k. V. to plan, &c. machination, bundish, sazish, sakhtugee, sakht, fitrut, bandhnoo, munsoobu, ghuruz, v. plan, machine, alu, zurf, v. engine, organ, kul, sunut, v. instrtiment, tool, &c. machinery, kulkanta, kulbul, juntur, sunut sazee, (imagery, q. v.) tuotiyu, sunut, v. mechanical. machinist, kul- &c. -saz, kul-karee. macrocosm, alumi koobra, v. microcosm, macuta, maculation, &c. v. stain, dagh, daree, v. blot, spot, mad, deewanu, ba.ola, siree, suoda,ee, mubhoot, muftoon, fureftu, sheftu, v. distracted, raging, delirious, buoraha, be-chhipt, mutwala, bue- kul, ba,o-jhukee, kumla, shueda, khulul-di- magh, khubtu, pagul, pugla, v. frantic ; a mad dog, buolana kootta. MAG madam, bee-jee, bee-sahib, bee-bee, begum sa- hib, khanum sahib, v. lady, mad-brained, mad-cap, shoreedu-sur. to madden, v. n. ba,ola-jana, deewanu- &c. -h. v. a. deewanu- &c. -k. buolana, bhonkana, buoriyana, v. to enrage. madder, munjeeth, roonas, chhur chhureela. made, buna, bunaya, musnoou, sakhtu ; ready made, buna bunaya, v. to make. mad-house, suoda,ee khanu. madly, deewanu-war, deewanu-sa. madman, deewanu admee, v. mad. madness, deewanugee, deewan-pun, suoda, joo- noon, mujnoonee, mubhootee, muftoonee, be- hoshee, be-khoodee, fureftugee, shuftugee, buorahut, mujnooniyut, supra, v. distraction, fury. madrigal, v. ode, ghuzul, v. sonnet. ««■••> magazine, mukhzun, silah-khanu, qor-khanu, gola, v. store, &c. gunjeenu, khuzanu, muj- moou, v. collection, (in comp.) khanu, whence baroot-khanu, &c. v. powder, granary. maggot, keera, kirm, peeloo,a, v. caprice. maggoty, keeruha, v. capricious. magi, mujoos, moogh. magic, ufsoon, jadoo, jadoo-guree, sihr, totka, sihr-bazee, sihr-karee, uzeemut-kh\yanee, nue- rungee, tilism, tilismat, istidraj, tuskheerat, hazirat, v. sorcery, enchantment, magical, ufsoonee, jadoo,ee, tilismatee, tilismee, (pill) gootka, V. witchcraft. MAG MAJ magician, jadoo-gur, uf'aoon-gur, sahir, tonha, sihr-kar, sihr-baz, silir-saz, uzeemuukhwan, nuerung-saz, nicosukhkhir, nioosuhhur, du,u- wutee, V. necromancer, etichunter. magisterial, mcutukubbir, sahibee, hakimee, v. arrogant. magisterially, mootukubbiranu, kibr- &c. -se, hakimanu, v. arrogance. magisterialness, shuekhee, tukubbcor,kibr,ghoo- roor, V. pride, 8:c. magistracy, hookoomut, amilee, riyasut. magistrate, hakim, amil, rupees, fuojdar, umul- dar, aniiUwuqt, v. judge. magnanimity, Iiimmut, ool-il-uzmee, alee-him- mutee, boolund-bimtnutec, huosilu, an, anban, dhoon, istiqlal, dil odimagh, v. spirit, bravery. magnanimouii, ool-il-uzm, alec-himmut, juwan- murd, sahib-huosilu, boolund-himmut, shoo- ja,u, anbanee, v. gallant, courageous. magnanimously, ]uwan murdee- &c.-se,v. brave- ly. magnet, miqnatees, or mughnatees, ahun-rooba, choomuk-puthiir, chcnmbuk. magnetic, magnetical, miqnateesee, v. attractive. magnetism; jazibiyut, v. attraction. magnijicence, tiijummoul, jah o julal, thath, hcx)- ha, fur, ruonuq, huosilu-mundee, . tu,uz7.oora, nukhwut, V. splendour, graiideur, &c. magnijicent, sahib-shikoh, uhl i hushmut, uzeem oosh-shan, hoomayoon, maotushim, alee-shan, moo,iizzuz, V. grand, muha, bura, uzeem, bco- zoorgwar, hashan, v. pomp, (fond of splendour) sahib-huosilu, huosilu-mund. magnificently, jah o julal- &c. -se. magnifier, moobaligh, muddah, suna-khwan, v. encomiast. to magnify, burhana, mcnbalighu-k. muddahec- suna khwanee-k. v. to amplify, boolund- sur- furaz-k. v. to ewalt, &c. magnitude, bura,ee, kulanee, U7.mut, bmlundee, qudr, V. hulk, dee), qud o qamut, undazu, bis- tar, urzotool, kibarut, kibr, v. size, dimension, grandeur. magpie, neel-kunth. maid, cheeru-bund, bakiru, koo,aree, kooree, do-sheezu, dcnkhtur, na-kud, khouda, v. virgin, girl, (servant) usee), suhclee, chukrancc, nuf- ranee, da,ee, corda begnee, nuokranee, v. hand- maid, sukhee, ulee, tuhluwee, (of Iwnour) bhuttoo,khuwasin,v. damsel,(cruel, inpoetry) kafir, (virgin) unbedha-motee, ujugee, unbya- hce, V. nurse, slave. maiden, adj. dookhturee, (fresh) tazu, nuya, kora, saf, v. pure, new, &cl maiden-hair, sumbool, shu,urool urz, pursiya.oo- shan. maidenhead, cheeru, cheeru-bundee, bikr, buka- rut, dosheezugec, zufaf; to take a maidenhead, cheeru-ootarna, bikr-torna, bukarut-lena. maid-servant, useel, v. maid. majestic, shahee, khoosruwcc, padsliahee, soolta- nee, hoomayoon, aleo, bcolund, bura, uzeem- oosh-shan, v. e.nalted, high, sublime. majestically, shah-war, shahanu, umcer anu, jah o julal-se. majesty, brozoorgee, juUal, uzmut, kibriya.ee, shikoh, julalut, tumkunut, muhabut, shiiokul, sulabut, dubdubu, jahojulal, man, v. dignity, bundugan i alee, bundigan i huzrut, v. high' ness, worship,greatness, sultunut, hcnkoomut, khawindee, v. dominion, (title) huzrut, juhan punah, qiblu i alum, zilli soob,hanee, junab i alee; if it please your Majesty, I shall explain the matter, huzrut zilli soob,hai]ee kee murzee ugur ho, to fidvee urz kure, v. excellency. mail, juoshun, ziruh, chara,cnu, buktur, jal i silahee, v. armour, he. (bag) kam, khureetu, thuelee, V. post. MAI 384 MAK maim, sudmu, aseb, dhukka, zukhm, gha.o, nooqsan, v. defect. to maim, lungra- zukhmee- nooqsan- &c. -k. maimed, zukhmee, glia,il, mujrooh, aseb-zudu, lungra-loola. maim, adj. uwwul, mooquddum, puehla, bura, ahum, V. chief, whole. main, (ocean) sumoondur, duriya,e-shor, buhr i mooheet, qarduriya, v. deep, also continent, (in comp.) shuh, muha, v. royal, (gross) muj- moou, kooll, V. bulk, (at dice) bazee, (force) zor, bul, (-land) burr, bur, v. hand, throw ; with might and main, jidd o jihud- josh o khu- rosh, dihtorke, (coup de-) murda murdee. mainly, ghalibun, uksur, buhoat, ziyadu, v. chiefly. main-mast, bura mustool, doL main-prise, hazir zaminee, v. bail. mainsail, bura pal, seer. to maintain, v. n. (affirm) du,uwa- shurt-k. ba- na-b. buda budee-k. budua, kuhna, v. to assert, rukhna, v. to keep, sumbhalna, tham- na, himayut-k. poashtee-d. ta,eed- tuqwi- yut-k. V. to defend, (to support) palna, pos- na, purwurish-k. khuburgeeree-k. khubur- lena, rohdu bura,ee-k. nlbahna, v. to insist, vindicate, nibah-k. khane khupre kee khubur- lena, v. to preserve, protect, to afford, to cmi- tinue. maintainable, mcoukin ool himayut, y.justijiable. maintainancc, purwurishj khubur-geeree, pur- dakht, purt pal, v. sustenance, (living) rozee, qoot, nibah, nibera, kar-ru\va,ee, nufqu, v. bread, [allowed to zumeendars] nan-kar, moo- quddumee, malikanu, v. allowance, livelihood, (defence) himayut, moohafuzut, pooshtee, puch,h or puk,h, v. support, &c. maintainer, hamee, pooshtee-ban, v. supporter. main-yard, buree bulendee, purwan, v. Moni- tor, Vol. I. page 388. ,siui -tAi?. /tsH-irini; major, bura, v. greater, &c. (of a syllogism) kcobra, mooquddum, (officer) ooloosh-dar. major-domo, surburah kar, karbaree, koolkoolan, mooshar oon ulueh, moohra, v. principal. majority, xioluwlyut, uksur, uksuriyut, kusrut, boohtat, beshee, sursa,ee, v. bulk, &c. (full age) uql o boolooghut, v. age, discretion. maixe, (Indian corn) joo.ar, bajura, muku,ee, jeenor, buhudra, v. grain, (large) jmvara, bhootta. iii;.j5i4^s^^A'i:.ilip!S>;,:«*^j^j,».,riWv?i*~-' make, bunawut, sakht, undam, ungeth, budun, V. texture, kant tant, bunuoree, kurnee, kur- tub, V. structure, chhub, ungleth, tungtos, qoowa, \. form, frame, constitution ; make haste, a^a, V. quick. n^.,- " : ■; . to make, (to create) pueda- khulq- mukhlooq-k. bunana, (to form) dhalna, gurhna, turkeeb-d. moorukkub-k. v. to compose, cast, sirujna, oot- put-k. nadhna, bandhna, v. to invent, parna, kurlena, buna-d. or -lena, budna, lugana, dal- na, mania, v. to prepare, execute, &c. (to cause, q. V.) kurna, kurana, rukhna, dena, (a wed- ding, &c.) ruchana, v. to commit, produce, &c (money) kumana, huthiyana, jorna, butorna, V. to gather, (to gain) turna, (to sham, q. v.) dikhlana, v. to show, (to call) bukhanna, kur- manna, kur-janna, ginna, v. to term, (to com- pel, q. V.) this is generally expressed by the causal of the verb ; thus, to make one drink, pilana, from peena, to drink ; to make one run, duorana, from duorna, to run ; to make, (to gain) nufu-oothana, hasil-k. v. to acquire, (to effect) usur- taseer-k. byapna, (to constitute) thuhrana, moo,ueyin-k. v. to appoint; to make away with, oora-lejana, v. to embezzle, &c. up- ne tu,een khupana, upnee jan nikal-d. upne tu,een za,ee,u-k. v. to kill; to make free, goos- MAL ' 385 MAN tnkhee- be udubee-k. v. to effect, &c.; to make, (to reach) ana, jana, cluilna, duorna, puhcon- chna, V. to arrive, appear; fo make up a loss, bhurna, dena, v. to indemnify ; to make the most of a bad bargain, ag lugunte jhompree jo nikle so labh ; fo make sport, thutha-marna, V, to drive. Tlie verbs kurna, bunana, &c. have the same, if not a greater latitude in ihis language, than fo make has in English, as may be seen by consulting Vol. II. as also by at- tending to the innumerable compounds in this work, formed by the help of these verbs. Besides the causal form of verbs expressing to make, compel, &c. almost the whole that are used as active auxiliaries, in the formation of compounds, have occasionally the force of to make; though kurna, in cases of commission or siniple action, and bunana, in fabrication or creation, are certainly most common, v. the Gram- p. 158, &c. maker, khaliq, afreenindu, kurta, v. creator, surjuk, sudha,oo, soodharoo, v. contriver, &c. bunane-wala, \in comp.) gur, saz, kar, doz, karee, bund, v. author, agent, &c. making, v. batch, ghanee, buna,o, sazee, kurtoot, \ . fabrication , make, &c. {cost of) buna,ee, rauzdooreo, v. price. mat, male, {in comp.) bud, na, koo, &c. v. infra, also dis, mis, tin, &c. mal-administration, bud-umulee, bud-intizamee, bud-riyasutee, bud-hookoomutee, v. the primi- tives. malady, muru?., rog, beemaree, azar. mal-aparf, dheeth, shokh, bud-lihaz, v. saucy, pert, &c. mal-content, na-ra/,ee, bezar, na-khmsh, bud- zunn, bud-bur, koo-muna, v. insurgent. male, nur, uurooka, nurcena, pooling, v. mascu- line. malediction, bud-doo,a, kosa, v. nirse. malefactor, bud-kar, goonah-gar, moojrim. malevolence, malice, maliciousness, malignilj/, bud- khwahee, bud-undeshee, fusad,bud-goomanee, bud-zunnee, iieb-jo,ee, v. malice, khoobs, ku- put, buer, lag, v. spite, envy, malevolent, malicious, malignant, v. evil, bud- kh\yah, bud-undesh, bud-zunn, bud-gcoman, i)U(l-niizaj, keenu-kush, bud-soogal, kecnu- WU1-, shnotoor-keenu, neshzun, ghoonna, shu- reer, kheeru, ueb-jo, jhootha, v. envious, koo- mitr, khubees, bud-batin or -dil, khoonsiyaha, U(|rub, kuj-nuzur, siyah-taloo, v. adverse, malevolently, maliciously, malignantly, malignly, bud kh\yahee- &c. -se. malice, &c. v. svpra, kcenu, booghz, budce. malignant, &c. v. supra, niunhoos, v. evil, mooh- lik, hulakoo, v. bad, fatal, mischievous, mal-kin, poncliha, v. mop, bichka, v. scare-crow, mall, mekh-choo, mongra, moongur, v. hammer, malleability, nurmee, moola,imut. malleable, nurm, moola.im, koftunee, koft-pu- zeer, koo-ta,oo, mom, v. ductile, mallet, raongrec or mogree, ^ekh-chob, koba, v. beater, pounder, mall, mallows, khutmee, khubazee, khuerooj, gtnl- khuoroo, ramturo.ee, bhindee, gliiyaturo,ee. mal-pracfire, bud-tureeqeo, bud-wuzH,ee, bud- chalec, khwarec, v. abuse, to mal-treat, be chalee- &c. -k. oolta k. v. fo abuse, bungle, mat-treatment, be-uda,ce, bud-scnlookee, be-tud- beerce, be-chalee, oolta,ee. malversation, chukur mukur, funn fureb, heelu huwalu, v. knavery, mam, mamma,m&ma., ma, muya, mamuk, umma, v. mother, mammon, mal, duolut, v. riches, man, {person) admee, tnanoos, mancokh, mun- 3C MAN 386 MAN u,ee, munscdhoo, minsa, insan, bushr, kus, shukhs, juna, nufur, also {servant) nuokur, v. individual, lad, nur, poons, moons, adum-zad, . murd-buchu, jmvan, sipahce, birdji, kulsura, nas, keera, junajat, niurdoom, (varieties) susa, blrkhub, toorung, mirga, v. personage, {in ad- dress) bha,ee, v. friend, {at some games) got, gotee, nurd, v. mankind, {good) ghur-wala, kuma,oo, v. husband, landlord, host, &c. (op- posed to woman, hoy, coward, &c.) nilird, pcDrook,h, {not hoy) bura, {in the moon) miyan noordee, {one, any one) ko,ee or ko,ee-admec, {at chess, &c.) moobru, {in familiar address) miyan, {in comp.) wala, sahib, uhl, zoo, zee; a game for men, not for boys, yih buron ka khel hue chhoton ka nuheen ; a milk man, doodh wala; a man of abilities, sahib shu,oor; to make a ma?i of one, admee- shukhs-bunana; ho ! man, come here, urc-miyan idhui* a, v. ser- vant ; a man of wa)\ jungee, v. soldier, jun- gee juhaz, v. ship, also dealer ; the noblest of creatures, iishruf ool mukhlooqat. Unaj ka keera, panee ka keera, &c. are occasionally applied to man, as granivorous, seafaritig, &c. to man, adniee- sipahee-r. or -bhurna, v. to for- tify- manacle, huth-kuree, pi. huth-kuriyan. to manacle, huth kurce-d. or -lugana. to manage, cliulana, kurna, kurana, surburahee- &b. -k. surunjam-k, nibahna, v. to conduct, goozran- &c. -nibahna, v. to live, {a house) ghur-k. or -chulana, v. to direct, joogana, sar- na, sudhana, v. to accomplish, treat, {to go- vern) tharana, zubt-k. rokna, bund- theck-k. {to train) bunana, arastu-k. v. to wield, hus- band, he. :»rt«itv»^-^ manageable, hulka, sutka, soobook, v. tractable, handy, khmsh-lugam, v. docile, suhmissive. management, manage, surburahee, kai-goozaree, ihtimam, surburah-karee, kar-sazee, pesh-ka- ree, intizaram, zinimu, tudbeer, sa3dhra,o, bu- nawut, buna,o, kurtub, ijra.e-karee, munsoo- ba, karuwa,ee, w: siipra, also dealing, frugal, thrift, ihtiyat, suleequ, hikmut, v. prudence, {economy) kifayut, surfu, v. administration. manager, surburah-kar, kar-goozar, moohtumim, ihtimam-chec, pesh-kar, daroghu, v. conduc- tor, director, minister, major-domo, kar-purdaz, ijra,e-kar, kar-saz, surinjam-kar, zimmu-dar, kar-furman, kar-indu, kamkajee, v. agent, superintendant, tudbeeree, munsoobe-baz, v. schemer. maih-cook, pachuk, v. cook. mandate, hookm, umr, furman, munshoor, husb- ool hcnkm, bazoo, nishan, tuoqee|U, v. order, commission, warrant. mandatory, hrakmee, furmanee. mandrake, murdooni i giyah, sutrung, lukhmuna, lukhmunee. mane, uyal or yal, chontee; long-maned, yal moorad. wa»iy men ; too many, ziyadu ; how many ? kete, ketne, ku,e ; so many, ete, etne, tete, tetne ; as many, jete, jetne ; as many as, jetne ootne ; twice as many, doochund, do-burabur, doona, doogna, ul-moozauf ; thrice as many, si-chund, teen bn- rabur, tigoona, and so on ; many a man, booh- tere admee, biihcot ek admee. Mffwy-co/oMjWjbooquhimoon, rung burung,goon a goon, buhcoroopee, buhcorungee, kuseer ool luon, V. variegated, many-i'ornered, buhoo-kona. many-headed, buhoD-moonda, kuseer cor-ras. many-languagvd, buhoo-banee. many times, uksur uoqat, barha, bar-bar, ber- ber, buhoot-ber, dufu,vitun, v. often. map, nuqshu, put, v. chart. to mar, marna, khulul nooqsan-k. katna, bigarna, bhanjec-marna, v. to obstruct, spoil. marasmus, v. atrophy, consumptloti. A.-jTrfj marble, sub. murmur, sungi murmur, rookham, pi. golee, unta, v. ball; adj. murmuree, murmur ka ; to play at marbles, golee- &c. -khehia. marbled-paper, ubree-kaghuz. marble-hearted, sung-dil, v. cruel, marcasite, murquseesha, sonmakhee. March, chueX., chuetrik, mudhmas, (3d mow^A) rubee.u ool uwwul, baruh-bufat. march, kooch, sufur, jatra, musafut, khiram, v. rfe;3ar#Mre,^'oMrney,chala,pyan,guwun,oothan, rihlut, (beat) gut, v. general. to march, v. n. (as an army) kooch-k, chul-il. chulna, jana, noohzut- qudum-k. burhna, v. to advance, toolte-chulna, jana, tumkunut-se chulna, v. to stalk, dera-nikalna, pa,etoorab-k . or -\\. (to prepare far) lad phand-k. (to wa//r gravely) khiram-k. ; v. a. lana, lejana, chu- lana. MAR 389 MAR marches, siwane, dande, v. boundary. mare, ghoree, macliyan, madwan, toorungnee, tutwanec, (for breeding) so,en ; the mare, (in- cubus) kaboos, sahee. margarite, niurwareed, motee, door, looloo, v. pearl. margin, hashiyu, kinaru, lub, honth, zili, dun- tee, V. border, edge, (having) hashiyu-dar ; 7nar^'H(7/wo/e«,hashiyu,(AatJtw^)moo-hushshu. marigold, jihirkee, duhburg, genda, sud-burg, duona, gml-murlyum. marine, v. infra, buliree, duriya,ee, (acid) iiruq i numiik. mariner, marine, maritime, uhl i jiihaz, buhree, sipahee buhree, lubi diiriya, v. sea, sailor, &c. marjoram, murzunjosh, murwa, nazbo. maritpl, zuojee, shuohuree. wiarA;, nishan,ulamut,usur,puta,cheenh,puhchan, sooragh, v. fiarfg-ejiiishaneejchhapa, phota,tabi, teeka, tiluk, qushqu, tughniu, pukhes, bulugh, V. criterion, sign, stamp, (impression) nuqsh, dagh, V. scar, &c. (proof) dulalut, duleel, sunud, V. evidence, (butt) nishanu, huduf,(^Ae price or mark on cloth) ank, ruquin, v. token, (in arithmetic) bikaree, v. hyphen, (to avert evil) dithuona, v. amulet, (dint) puchuk, v. monument, &c. (points, q. v.) arepesh, zer, zubur, bisurg. to mark, nislian- &c. -k. -d. or -lugana, (to note) dekhna, nuzur- ghuor- khiyal- dhyan-k. sochna, v. to regard, &c. (to notify) isharut-, dulalut-k. butlana, v. to shew, (linen, cattle, &c.) ankna, daghiia, godna, (to stain) bhurna, aloodu-k. ; to mark with the diacriticalpoitits, in Arabic, &c. i,urab-d. marked, nisliandar, daghee, (as pages) wuruq dagh, V. to point. marker, ankwuya, ruqiim- &c. -nuwees. market, chuok, bazar, penth, hath, goozree, mun- dee, charsoo, kutra, chuohutta, goodree, cordoo, (for horses, &c.) nukhkhas, suttee, v. fair, a market-man, liazaree, huthwaha, huthoo,a; a market-maker, khurcli burdar; a military or head market, nordoo^bazar, oordoo-moo,ullu ; a market-clerk, uirkhce, nirkh daroghu ; mar- ket-day, ponth ka din, bazar ka roz ; market- folks, bazarpo log ; market-place, tirpuoliya ; market-price, or rate, nirkh, bha.o, urz-bazar ; a grain market toivn or village, gunj, gola, v. mart. to market, bazar-k. suoda-Icna. marketable, Iw/arcc, kiit!i,oo, bazaroo, chulnce, furokhtunec, v. passable, saleable, &c. m«rAi«^, daghanu,dugha,ce,dagb-tuseehu,(iro«) dagnee, marksman, nishanu-undaz,purto-undaz,uchook, hookm- 07*sluist-ui)daz, qurawul, qadir-undaz. marl, teen i quennooliya, teen i misi;, piudol, v. clay •" ■•' I' -' • marmalade, biliec- or toorunj-ka mcorubba, v. preserve. marmoset, murkot, v. monkey. mjirrer, niookhil, begaroo, ziyan kar, nesh- or burhum-zuii, bhanjee-khor or -mar, hanee, unmge-baz, urbunga. marriage, nikah, byah, izd i waj, bhuonr, guth-bundun, uqd, bibah, jug, soomunglee, u((di-nikali, kud-khnx]a,ee, lur-bundee, girih- bundee,gutli-joora, duocha, shadee, properly o rejoicing, but now generally restricted to the marriage-feast ; a kind of inferior marriage, peculiar to the shee,us, or followers of iilee, ma)tu,u ; a marriage contract, uqd-namu, ni- kah-namu. marriageable, qabil con-nikah, byaline-jog, bur- • j°g» ^- ntftture. »/wirri(/^'-t'-cerc»w«//(e«,lugun,ruonapuona,purotJi, MAR 390 MAS khouda.ee rat, rutjuga, mun-bhuonree, ma,iyon, chuothee, julwa, arsee-moos.huf. marriage-c/iamber, tukht coroosee, kobhur. marriage-clothes, shuhanu jora, v. nuptial, bride. marriage-feast, kundooree, chobha. marriage-fees, uqdanu, nikahanu, muruocha. marriage-present, sachuq. married, byaha, fern, byaliee, v. bride, sohagun, juggee, nikahee, nikahta, byahta, nakih, (wo- man) kudbanoo, ghurnee, khusinwalee, moo- tu,uhhiJ, munkoohu, {man) kud-khcnda. marrow, gooda, good, mughz, v. pith (spinal) huram mughz. marrow-bone, goode kee huddee, v. to kmuikle. marrowless, be-mughz, nirgooda. marrowy, gooduela. .;,'uii-i-C to marry, (to take 171 marriage) byah-lana, nikah- &c. -k. byahna burna, ghur-k. v. to wed (a husband) khusum-k. (a wife) joroo-k. (to match) byahna, byah-d. nikah kui" dena, (to join a couple, as the priest docs) nikah-purhna, uqd-b. mars, (planet) mirreekh, mungul, bhuom,ju]lad i fuluk, kooj, lohit, ungaruk, uonsool, bueh- ram, puhlwani sipihr. marsh, duldul, dabur, v. bog. marshal, s?A&y,\ . general, meer-toozuk, ihtimam- chee, qoixhee, nusqchee, v. commander, har- binger. to marshal, sufara,ee-k. arastu-k. v. to array, sarna, soodharna, toolana, v. to prepare, to ar- range. marshaller, sufara, v. arranger. marsh-mallows, khutmee, v. mallows. marshy, murtoob, seela. mart, urung, b:indur. martial, lushkuree, jungee, sipahanu, v. war- like. martini martinet, martlet, ubabeel, v. swallow. martingale, zer-bund, pesh-bund. martyr, shuheed. to martyr, qutl-k. v. to murder. martyrdom, shuhadiit, (the place of) mushhud. tnartyrology, ruozut cosh-slioohuda, lit. the tomb of the martyrs, marvel, ujub, tu,ujjoob, uchumbha, uchruj, v. wori,der. to marcel, tu,ujjcob- &c. -k. bliuchukna, thi- thukna, hupukna, v. to tconder. marvellous, ujub, ujeeb, ujoobu, uchumbha, zor. m^irvellously, ujub turuh- zor turuh-se, v. won- derful, masculine, (in gram.) moozukkur, pooling, (vi- rile) murdanu, v. male; the masculine gender of nouns, tuzkeer. mash, mulghoba, subgubla, sanee, v. hash, (for ahorse) urdavva, muhela, \.mesh,aXsomixture. to mash, sanna, suondna, v. to mix, work. Sec. inask, boorqu, purdu, bhes, chihru, v. visor, veil, heelu, buhanu, fitrut, v. subterfuge, to mask, bcorqu-lugana, v. to veil, chhipana, po- sheedu- pinhan- mukhfee-k. purdu-d. v. to cover, hide, cloak. to throw off the mask, khool-khelna, nikul-khelna, bhes- &c.- -ootarna. masker, chihru-posh. mason, raz, thuwu.ee, mi,umar, v. stone-cutter, masonry, mi,umaree. masquerade, pekhna, boorqu poshee, niqab posh- ee, V. veiled, also play, &c. 1.;, . , . mass, pinda, thoo,a, tookia, khungur, duUa, luon- da, loobdha, pera, v. bulk, kusrut, v. majority, lump, jism, joossu, v. body, dher, iimbar, v. heap, juma,co, ijma,u, mujmoou, mujmii, v. assemblage, jumboor, uksureen, v. general, gross, &c. massacre, mooqatulu, khooa-rezee, qutl, joojh, kuta, sunaput, surbasodhi, guo-koushee, pusoo- MjtS m MAT " mar, V. carnage ; a general massacre, qutl i am. to massacre^ joojhna, quU- &c. -k. v. to kill, kuta- &c. -k. {in rold Mood) guokoishee- &c. -k. V. to butcher, murder. inassiness, gurance, sungeenee, kulanee, buraee. laassy, massive, bharee, guran, wuzunee, mota, bura, kulan, uzeetn, v. heavy, solid, &c. irmst, dol, mustool, sutoon, teer, gconrukha, dol, thambh. it^aated, dola, [whence do-dola, si- or tri-dola, three masted. Sec] master, malik, khawind, sa,een, walee, waris, \ nnikhdoom, samee, swamee, ruoran, nath, prubhoo, iswur, wulee-ni,umut, mooneeb, go- sa,een, hakim, meer, mirza, ra,e, beg, khan, . V. emplttyer, rul::r, owner, sahib, surkar, uhl, aqa, miyan, thakoor, baboo, lala, jee, (in romp.) khicda, wala, v. lord, sir, surdar, v. chief, khwaju, (of a vessel) na-khcuda, (of a house) hiid-khooda, moodh, kurta, v. superin- tendant, head, (al>sol7ite)vaca\ihtaT-\im\\,\.des- ftot, (of a achool) moolla, pathuk, gooroo, v. in- \ xtructor, tutor, (of language) zubandan, v. scholar, adept, doctor, &c. (teacher) oostad, akhoon, pande, miyanjee, moo,iiIlim, (a young gentleman) sahib-zadu, (uncontrolled) mrokh- tar, ghalib, sur i khmd, (of any art or trade) oostad, niiqqad, banee-kar, waqif-kar, mahir, kainil, purk^hee, sur-amud, v. artist. Many of the foregoing words, sahib, Ssc. are used in composition, compellation, &c. and to these may be added zee and 7.00 ; thus, a master of arts and sciences, 7.ee ilm o linoinir. — [Quere, does jee, sir, master, h.c. which so frequently occurs in this language, come from zee above- mentioned, or the verb jeena, to lioe ?] — the ■^ofittg masters and misses, sahib zade o sahib (sadiyan ; a master of arts, muohiwee, pundut. bhutacharij, mocJla, (litt/t) khoozadu, bub- wa, babajan, v. sir, gentleman, &c. (of a boat) manjhee, (vmin) shuh, whence shuh-rug, shuh- pue, shuhpur, Sec; master attendant, shuh- bundur, bukhshee-bundur, v. ordimince, &c. also the Monitor, Vol. I. p. 408 ; Mr Factor, decwan-jee ; Mr Secretary, moonshee-jee. It is worthy of remark, that the words sahib and thakoor both signify lord ; and that the first has been conferred on the British conquerors of India by the Miosulmans, in the same man- ner that the last must have been applied by the Hindoos to the Portuguese. to master, mughloob-k. hurana, dubana, torna, sumbhalna, zubi-k. v. to conquer, emcute, &c. tuhseel-k. seekhna, v. to learn, mama, siir-k. puchharna, v. to suhdue, m^ercome. master-hand, huthuotee, dust-karee, v. art. masterly, adj. oostadanu, oostadsa, grunee, adv. oostadee- chitoora^ee- &c. -se, v. skilful. masterless, bekhawind. master-piece, kumal, suniit, shuli-biiet, shuh- sunut, V. master-ttand. mastership, aqaee, sahibee, bubwu,ee, v. domi- nion. masterstroke, oostadee. mastery, oostadee, v. acquisition, deivterity. to masticate, chikulna. mastication, chabna, mu7gh, chuba.ee, knochlaee, V. to chew. mastich, (gum) mu;.tukee. mastiff, puharee kootta, v. dog. mast-tree, [so CftHed, I presume, from its mast or acorns] deo-dar, usog. mat, boriya, chutaee, gonduree, Inuecr, mnn- gulkotee, nif, (for sleeping on) seetulpatee, (for Imeelinir on) sujjadu, klioomra, (-maker) boriya-baf, huseer-baf, bansphor, dom, ba,e- tee, (to twist together) binna, bconna, v. to MAT 392 MAT weave, hassock, fursh, durma, mulhoo,a, tuttee, tat, tutiya. to mat, {as hair, &c.) jutiyana, v. mat, (to lay mats) boriya- &c. -bichhana. matted, {as hair) juta. to grow matted, jum-jana, v. to join, &c. match, {of a gun) tora, fuleetu, sokhtu, jam- gee, {tipped with sulphur) diya sila,ee, {emi- test) mooqabilut, bazee, shurt, hor, v. game, {fellow) jora, jooft, jot, nuzeer, sanee, doosra, hum- cliushm, lium-sur, huniuta, burabur, v. pair, buttee, futeelu, muhtabee, v. light, (Jlint) chukmuk, v. tinder-boa,; puUa, tuk- kur, joree, hum-turazoo, juwab, v. peer, (m comp.) hum, v. con, fellow, equal, also mar- riage. to match, v. a. burabur- &c. -k. mooqabbilu-k. V. e^wa/, moomasil- mooqabil-lana, v. to oppose, tukrana, lurana, duoyana, bhirana, v. tojight, {to suit) burabur- moosawee-k. theek-k. mi- lana, lugatia, v. to proportion, tally, {to marry) byahna, nikah-kurlana, v. n. pulioonchna, lugna, mihia, burabur- &c. -h. v. equal, also totally. matchless, la-sanee, be-nuzeer, unootha, unokha, taq, be-manind, be-budul, surboopur, be-jora, V. peerless, {pearl) doorri yuteem, mookta. matchlessness, be-nuzeeree, be-misalee. matchlock, toredar-bundooq, khuzanedar-bun- dooq, V. 7nusket, &c. match-maker, durmiyanee, nluishatu, moosliatu- kar, ugurchaluk, biclialoo, duUalu. match-making, mooshatugee, dullalee. mate, jora, jot, jcoft, v. husband, {ussistatit) ka- rindu, kama, kumera, rufeeq, v. companion, fellow, 8cc. also such words as mate is com- pounded with, mess-mate, &c. {check-) mat, shuh-mat, v. assistant, tunduel, surhung, vulg. serang, v. com. and the words synonymous with mate, also spouse, {of a boat) guluya. to mate, v. to pair, jora-b. -thuhrana, v. to match, material, materiate, moojussum, jismee, huyoo- lanee, tun-dar, maddee, ungkaree, akaree, juo- huree, jusudee, jismanee, v. real, durkar, v. necessary, corporeal, {important) moohim, bura, zuroor, uwus, v. momentous, materials, saman, surunjam, abwab, saz o saman, musaluh, usbab, lawazimu, samigree, bust, cheezbust, luwazimat, ushiya, mur musaluh, V. stuff, substance, materiality, jismaniyut, jismiyut. materially, jusaniutun, {essentially) buhoot, ni- put, ziyadu. materialness, zuroorut. maternal, maduree, muta,oo, v. parental, moo- mera, khulera. mathematically, riyazee ke roo se. mathematician, riyazee-dan, mcuhiiidis, v. geo- metry, mathematics, riyazee, ilm i riyazee. matins, numaz i fujur, sulat ool fujur, pratkal- pooja {song) choohchoohiya, gcol bang, \. to warble, matress, toshuk, nihalchu, gudalu, suthra, clasun. matrice,malria!, sancha, qalib,mu,udun,v.»wowW, womb. n? matricide, {tlie crime) madur-kcoshee, matrighat, {the criminal) madur-koosh, matrighatee. matrimonial, nikahee. matrimony, nikah, byah, v. marriage, matron, mama, beebee, v. elderly, nek-bukht, bu- ree boodhee, v. dowager, matross, bundhanee. matter, huyoola, raaddu, jisni, jusud, ukar, su- roop, V. body, juohur, ungkar, prukrit, v. theme, {of fact) usl, mahiyut, v. truth {case) uhwal, V. story, {concern) ghuruz, {subject) MAU 393 MAY muoioou, inu,al, v. cause, {affair) kani, urth, karobar, ma),aiiiulu, bat, babut, scokhun, puro- jun, V. business, thing, (puss) peeb, reeiii, manjh, radh, (quarrel) quziyu, biihs, jhugia, (consequence) mooza,iqu, chinta, purwa, [though much used by the EngUsh in this sense, is, I believe, often improper, v. care], V. moment; what is tJie matter with you? toom ko kya hoo,a? v. to ail; (thing or object) huqq; in matters of arms, luraee ke huqq men, v. space, point, some; what matter or thing? kya koochh ? no matter, hum ko kya, bula se, ja- ne do; morbid matter, khilt rudiyu, v, hu- mour,Jilth ; a matter of eight or ten kos Jience, koDchh ath dus kos eehan se, or kos ath dug ek, V. deal, to matter, mooza,iqu-h. bona, v. to import, peebi- yana, v. to suppurate, ghuruz-h. v. to regard, manna, v. to ail, limp, &c. mattock, kcndalee, koodara, guentee, v. pick-axe. maturation, pookhtugee, naszj, puka.o, pukahut, pak, V. the adj. also suppuration, maturative, f>ak, majniij. mature, pukka, pookhtu, ruseedu, purpuk, v. ripe, (perfect) kamil, poora ; mature in years, sal-khoird, v. old, udher, oomr ruseedu, v. el- derly, maturely, poora, v. the adj. bu tu,ummcol tu- mam, v. early, &c.; to consider maturely, bu tu,umma)l tumam ghuor kurna. u. i^Hf) maturity, pa3khtugee,ruseedugee, noozj, niojrad, pukhur, V. ripeness, (puberty) b(x>loogh, sum- ruthta, ( perfection) kumal, v. completion, maudlin, neem-must, v. fuddled, khoomaree, khoomar aloodu, ulsana, khcomar chushm, v. languid, also tipsey ; maudliri-eyes, chushm- 1 neem must. maukish, be-numuk, punsor, oobha.oo, v. taste- less, insipid. to maul, dhoonna, peetna, thuthuna, kootpeet-k. zurb i shuliaq- kobakaree- koftokol>-k. v. to thresh. mattntl, (a weight) corruptetl from mun, v. bas- ket. to maunder, v. to growl, goongcenana, moonh> men bolna, v. to murmur. mausoleum, ruo/.u, muqburu, v. tomb, &c. The magnificent mausoleum at Agra, is called Taj- muliul, in which are interred the Emperor Shah-juhan, king of the world, and his queen, Noor-juhan, light of the world. maw, mi.udu, mi,a, jhojh, pota, onda, v. craui, stomach. maxim, muqoohi, uuislu, qa,}du, qanoon, neet, V. custom, kuhawut, kuhtoot, kuhnoot, v. rule, axiom, precept. may, (the auviliary) is expressed either by sukna, to be able, can, &;c. or by the conditional form of a verl). Thus, may we also go there? hum bhee wuliaii tuk jasukenge? may Itellhim so? muen-yoonhee kuhoon cos se? May, when it means to be permitted, can also be expressed by chahna, pana, &c. ; thus, you may go, chaho ja,o; prop it, that it may not tumble down, Ikain- biio ki gir purne nu pawe, v. to let, also might, &c. ; it may be, hoga, uchhega, basliud, ho,e, ho, huega, v. the Gram. p. 132, 142, sha.id, Jilso perhaps, q. v.; he the workman what he may be, do you consider his work, kareegur jo kfochh hoga so hoga pur ros kce sunut dekhi. ye; i»ay you be happy, khoosh ruho; may you live for ever, jeete ruho, zindu bash ; may I? fie? &c. mcujhe-oose-purwangee hue? v. or- der, permissimt, leave. May, jeth, sookra, jeshth, v. spring, (oth month) juniad 0)1 uwwul, shahmudar ka chand. May-day, game, &c. holee, phugwa. 3D MEA S94 MEA mame, ooljha,o, pech, gholghooina,o, lupta, go- rukh-dhundha, pechpach, bhunwurjal, wurtii, jhar-jhunkhar, jhar-puhar, shuetan kee untu- ree, v. intricacy, meander, labyrinth, ghubra- hut, hueranee, suraseemugee, v. perplexity. maxy, pech-dar, chund dur cbund, pecheela, v. confused. me, {abl. of I) moojh, moojhe, mere, upne; his business does not matter me, upne tu,een ooskc kam se koochh gliuruz, nuheen, {-thinks) moojhe bichar ata bue, upne tu,een mu.uloom bue, V. us, my, &c. ruivKi/ meacock, heez mulloo, zun mooreed, chootiya. m^ad, (honey and icater) sliuhd-abu, mudh-neer, V. hydromel. meadow, mead, cbumun, murgh-zar, suhet, chu- mun-zar, subzu-zar, cbura-gab, tura^ee, v. park, pasture. meagre, dcobla, laghur, huqeer, putla, nuhecf, , chhin, qaq, sookta, makur, mukra, ruqecq, murghil, (diet) purhezee, v. Ia7ik, poor. meagreness, dc»bla,ee, laghurec, v. scant/tness. meal, ata, bcsan, ard, peesan, chuons, besun, kii- iiik, suttoo, ukhra, v. particle, Jlour or Jtmver, (repast) khana, khorak, bhojun, azooqu, V. food, (time, &c.) bundhan, mc»,utad, v. por- tion. mealjman, ate wala, ard-furosh. mealy, bbcns bhoosa, dane-dar, atasa, dhooree. mealy-mouthed, poombu duhun, moonb-chora. to be mealy-mouthed, nroorih men peetha-bhunsa- V. sheepish. mealy-mouthedness, pooaibu-duhiiee, v. bashful- ness. mean, adj. pajee, kumeenu, neech, furo-mayu, jiif, huqeer, hulka, soodur, na-kus, siflu, v. c&n- temptible, base, despicable, dirty, cetur, kum- or bud-zat, urzal, rukeek, iimlamutee, v. de- generate, wusutee, mjudhioi, mujhla, v. mode- rate, kumroo, (fellow) pujora, pajee-mieaj, V. shabby, (middling) miyanu, mujhola, moo,u- tudil, bichla, v. intermediate, (in comj).) pust, bud, kum, doon, koo, v. low. mean, sub. uosiit, tuwussoot, i,utidal, mudli, \. medium. .(ii/iA haeu jhum dnuoiii] to mean, mU|Unee- &c. -r. iradu-h. -r. and -k. chahna, v. meaning, to intend. meander, hank, pher, pech, ghoonia,o, bhanwuk, chukkur, marpech, ghoom ghooma,o, v. ser- pentine, maxe, also to wind. meaning, (signrfitxitioti) mu,vinec, urth, v. con- stmction, sense, (intent) Iradu, qusd, uzni, moodda, mu,al, unt, bet, v. purpose. meanly, pajiyanu, kumeenu-war, fuqeeranu, na- murdee- &c. -se, v. poorly ; to think meanly of a person, hulka- sc»book- huqeer-janna. meanness, pajee-puna, rizal-pun, piijec-guree, iia- kusec, z.oollut, hiqarut, khifFut, soobookee, hul- ka-pun, pustee, kumee, kumeenugee, ruzee- lut, eeturta, v. niggardliness, baseness, poverty. means, (instrument) -vvuseelu, wusatut, inu,url- fut, asra, v. way, soorut, duol, nolumb, wasi- tu, \. favour, Ac/p, ja,edad, bisat, knvazimat, V. power, materials, cause, also interval ; iy his , means, ooske wuseele se, (fortune, &c.) ma- yu, sur-mayu, poonjee, wusiit, hilla, v. income, subsistence; by all means, bur turuh- bur liai- se, bu bur soorut; by no means, hurgiz, zinbar, (with a negatii^e after them) kubhee nuheen, kubhoo mut ; by what means, kyoonkur, ,v. how, what, why; by fair or foul means, rastee na rastee, khooshee na khooshee; by some means or other, krochh nii kcochh duol se. mean-spirited, pust-himmut, na^murd, be-ghue- rut, V. Sorrfi(i.stM>«»» ; \j;Hiti;^»\ qnui ,lMurM|toi meant, mufhoom, v. understood. meantime, meanwhile,in thcmeantimc, is durmi- yan men, is mabuen men, is beech men, isee ME A 39H MED ursc men, fee mabuen, is untur inen, v. »»r- terim, &c. measles, pun-^otee, punsa, v. ifrh, ineasling, {n/Kt/tuii^ rain) baran, zunieendoz, phooliec, V. to misle. tneasurahle, qabil i pucraood, la,iq-puema,ish, napne-jog, pucma,islt-pu7.eer, v. moderate. measure, map, nap, piemoocl, ])ucma, ish, undazu, V, quantity, {for measuring cloth, Sjc.) guz, miqiyas, {liquids, he.) puemanu, {for grain) kuttha, palee, kiiel, v. yard, {in verse) two), wuzn, meezam, nuzm, priman, v. metre, (mit- siitU time} tal, fan, v. tune, {moderation^ i,iiti- dal, V. rule, {limit) hudcl, nihayiit, intiha, mend', thikana, v. bmendnry, {trnnsactinn) hu- rukut, ktntHh, tnrkeeb, duel, v. method, {me- dium) bundhao, biindhej, {beyond) hudd se zijadu, siirus, v. violentl'y, {for land, &c.) juveeb, riisee, kutha, dhoor, nid, bans, pue- ma,ish, dang, v. pole, &c. {for lime, &f.) khonchee, phera, puela, v. weight, also the Grammar, p. 328. &e. for a full account of the whole, {in poetryyhuhr, clihund, {for the wrist) butana. tn measure, mapna or napna, puema,ish- Sec. -k. mimia, nap-liena, {Imid) kutha-marna, {to pass thrmvgh) tue- q.ufu-k. chulna, {to jiedge of) qiyas-k. v. to rompreheud, {to proportion) buralnir- humwar- luousawee- suman- unda> zu-k. V. to adjust. .woH-tib measureless, be-paefr»,i6lv, b^'?M - - meeting, uioolaqat, wusl, bhent, wisal, moowasu- hit, V. interview, (assembly) subha, chuopar, luitha,ee, jumacp, v. club, soohbut, sungut, durs, V. fair, &c. also the verb, (conflux) simghura, v. convention, company, (of rivers) doo gung, buhruen, \. junction, (of roads) doo raha, v. cross, mcctncss, v. propriety, bhula,ee, zeba,ee, vi expe- diency, C4» ■-,?* i1if»*>; megrim, udha-seesee, udho-khee, udh-kuparee, kirnwahi, v. vertigo, melanagogue, suoda-shikun or -boor, mooshilati suoda. melancholy, mefowcAoiic, zeemaleekhuoliyu, uhl i khufuqan, suodawee-mizaj, mulool, huzeen, V. gloomy, &c. melancholy, sub. maleekhuoliya, khufaqan, v. madness, gloominess. MEM S97 MEJV melilot, ukleel ool mulik. to meliorate, bihtur- Stc. -k. bunana, sudhna, sar- na, V. to better, improve. melUJltience, shukur-rezee, sheeredn-zubanee, v. sweet. mellifluent, mellifluous, shukur-rez, sheereen-zu- ban, V. sugary, shukur-lub, mudhooree-bu- chun, umrit-banee. mellow, nurm, moDla,im, ghccla, pilpila, pukka, pcokhtu, ruseedu, v. soft, poora, komul, ru- seela, v. luscious, luta, ootra, hulwa, \. flabby. to mellow, V. n. ghoolna, pukna, nurm-ana, moo- la,im- Sec. -h. riis pur-ana, lutna, ooturna, v. to soften ; V. a. ghoolana, pukana, paikhtu-k. mellowness, nurmee, moola,iinut, kutnal, v. ma- turity, melodious, ruseela, pcorsoz, gcoloo-soz, moolajm, imrm, V. harmonious. »»etorfy,»z€/orfJOMSMe6'«,rus,ilhan,turanu,nughtnu, ahung, nuwa, moola.imut, nurmee, sheereenee, gooloo-sozee, khuniya, surod, v. harmony. melon, {musk) khurboozu, phoot, {water) tur- booz, surda, hindoowanu, kuchra, jumalee, lalmee, shuheedee, buteekh, v. pumpkin ; a melon garden, falez. to melt, V. n. gulna, ghoolna, pighulna, bhilana, gcodaz-h. tighulna, puseejna, silana, nurni- &c. -h. uotna, ta,ona, gurm-k. v. to weep, &c. pich pichana, khurana, panee- &c. -h. or -k. khurna, v. to run, soften, ahofluid ; v. a. gu- lana, jghoolana, pighlana, uotana, goodaz-k. inrola,itn- &c. -k. v. to dissolve, waste, &c. melter, goodazindu, {in comp.) goodaz. melting, gulun, pighlahut, v. fusion, {affecting) dil -goodaz, rola,oo, soz-goodaz, v. moving. member, uzoo, v. limb, privities, bund, v. joint, organ, jooz, v. part, fusl, khuml, v. section, {of a community) rookn, v. individual, tnujli- see, uhl, sahib ; sahiban mujlis, haziran tnuj- lis, the members of council. membrane, purdu, jhillee, khus, chuddur, v. tUr- nic. membranous, chhichjiraha, jhilijaha, poor-khus, khus-dar. 'iififl .fr memento, isharu, eema, kinayu, tabu, tughmu, V. hint. memoir, sur-goozuslit, tuzkiru, v. history. memorable, (jabil ool hifx, la,iq-yad, qabil-yad, yadawur, tu,ureefee. memorandum, yad-dasht, v. infra, yad-awur, yad-garee, sur-khutt, v. note {Itook) bueyaz, sufeeuu, gootlia, v. keepsake. memorial, yad-gar, v. memorandum {petition) ur7.-dasht, wajib ool iirz, furd huqeequt. memorialist, wajib ool urz nuwees, v. petitioner. memory, hafixu, hif?., yad, soodh, chet, v. remem- brance, recollection, &c. men, admee, {obi.) adniiyon, murd, {obi.) mur- don, log, (oW.) logon, junajat, murdoom, ushkhas, v. man, person, people, &c. {and spi- rits) ins o jinn. menace, dhumkee, ghoorkee, chushrn-nooma,ee, surzunish, v. threat. to menace, dhirana, dhumkana, dubkana, chushm nooma.ee- &c. -k. ghoorukna, dantna. menacer, dhumkee-baz. menage, khmsh-khanu. menagoguc, duwa,e-moofutih, huez-koosha. to mend, v. a. murumut-rufoo-k. bunana, sood- harna, ganthna, v. to correct, reform, sarna, jorna, daghrezee- daghdozee-k. v. to clout, darn, repair, {to recover) rozbih- bhula-h. v. well, arastu-k. sujana, sunwarna, v. to amend, better ; v. n. arastu- &c. -h. bunna, soodhurna, sujna, V. to improve, quicke^i, &c. mender, v. patcher, murummut-saz, sarunhar, surwuya. MEP 308 MER mendicant, fuqeer, durwesh, guda, jogee, jun- gum, bueragee, uteeth, luiigot-bund, nioond- chura, charubroo, julalee, oordbanh, juta-dha- ree, se,ora, v. beggar. mendiciit/, guda,ee, &c. v. beggary. mending, buna,ee, murummut sazee, v, the verb, also making, &c. menial, julebee, v. train, chukruha, nokree-pe- shu, V. servant, low, &c. ; menial servants, sliagird-peshu. meninges, bheje ka piirdu. ("hma^i: inenology, mahwaree. frf'ufe.ijirr ,iK«<4m\".04 mensal, dustur-khwanee. menses, l.iue/., kupre, nihanee, v. blood, phool, muheenu-waree, mah-waiee, hue/.ee-khoon ; to have the menses, kupronsc- sii'muela-h. be- numazee- &c. -h. phoolse-h. kotwal ka sir- tootna or -phooUia. menstrual {blood, &c.) huezee, (probation) idut, V. menses. menstruous, v. supra, napak, be-numazee. menstruum, ghoola,oo, moohullil, v. solvent. 7nensuration,mvLsa.hut,jureeh-k{isliee,v.measure- ment. mental, dilee, qulbee, munee, v. inwardly, iuter- nal, kc. i'madh-i-r >.)«*«« w\ mentally, bu-dil, dil-se. 5 :i- .-ai -ns omton mention, '/.ikr, tu/.kiru, muzkooi", cliurcha, but- kuha|0, kuha-kuliee, moozakiru, zikr-muzkoor, yad, gosli-goozaree, hurf-hikayut ; favourable mention, zikr-khuer. .'f»l<>i»»,»'. to mention, zikr- &c. -k. nani-lena, kuhna, v. to represent, tuqreer-k. zuban- niooiih- pur-lana, yad- goshgoazar-k. bukhanna, bat-chulaiia, zakii-h. fuimana, v. to tell, (in a letter) likh- na, durj-k.,faud jir .yi&-ai^t& .v mephitical, y. putrid, ufoonutee, brokhar-aloodu, : Y. noxious, stinking. ....••■ < ^v' .OYtfVVK mercantile, tijarutee, suodagmee-ka, muhaju- tnercature, khureed furokht. ;,t»"ste»V «(t. .T i«n- mercenariness, khoud-ghuruaee, t. venaffty^ mercenary, khrad-gliuruz, ghurz-ashna, zur-ash- na, ghuruz-ashna, rozgaree, v. auxiliary, hire^ ling, venal. ^vtuAt s^b^vu .^ , siid mercer, ub reshmeenu-furosh, hureer-fiirosh. mercery, ub reshmeenu-fiiroshee. merchandise, suoda, tnal, jins, ruqum, bisuhnee, V. wares, suoda-guree, tijaiut, buepar, bunij. to merchandise, tijarut- &c. -k. v. to trade. merchant, suoda-gur, bueparee, bunjara, mnha- jun, toojjar, bazoorgan, buniya, modee, v. ban- ker, bidder, khureedar, v. dealer, monger, sa- Jioo-kar, V. trader, grain, corn, &c. aho ship. merciful, ruheem, ruhman, ghuffar, amoorzigar, kureem, [the foregoing are applicable to God only] mooturuhhim, mom-dil, muya-wunt, duyal, V. humane, ruhm-dil, boord-bar, v. emn^ passionate, tender. (tutitlii (V9»(MM)oiG0g mercifully, ruhm- &c. -se, kureemanu. t' *«wiM. mercifulness, ruheemee, ruhmaiiee, ruhrnaniyut, ghufFaree, amoorzigaree, mom-dilee, v. the adj. also mercy. merciless, be-ruhm, sung-dil, be-shufqirt, kuthor, V. inhuman, cruel, nir-du,ee, be-peer, be-durd, V. sympathy. mercilessness, be-ruhmee, sung-dilee. '>' '■ mercurial, seem-abee, chunchul, churpura, v. vo- latile. rtlMiIli'Jgitj V) >>H?B* mercury, (quicksilver) para, seem-ab, (the pla- net) utarid, boodh, rohini, dubeer i f'uluk, somi. mercy, ruhm, ruhrnut, durd, peera, duya, nnir- humut, mooruwwut, mookt, amoorzisb, kunim, V. mildness, pardon, pity, ( power) bus, qaboo, hath, chungoul, qubzu, v. discretion ,• to cry out for mercy, tuobu dhar-muchana, dooha,ee-d. MER 899 MET doAa,ee tiha,ec- tuobah- or tuobii-k. ; mercy ! mercy ! d(ulia,ee dooha.ee ! bap-re bap-re ! /it. O father ! fntJier ! whence the well known corruption, babre, turmdt, &c. v. quarter, merst nira, nirala, sirf, muh/., ruqut. riiput, v. pure, khalee, nij, hee, ee, kora, thcnUi, v. bare, complete, simp/e, &c. inerely, fiKj'.'t, v. the adj. also only, nwretricious, khilarce, kusbee- &c. -anu, chikna, V. w/iorisfi, &c. meretHcio7t4ne8s,v.blandhhment,chiknah\.it,c}u.k- napun, v. allurement, meridian, nisf" oon-nihar, mudhyan, do-puhriya, v.jyrime, mid-day, (line) khutt i nisf con-nihar, (perfection in ranJf, &c.) kumal, «irooj, v. place, merit, qudr, juohur, khoobee, wusf, liyaqut, su- zawMreev gaia, v. worth, suwab, huqq, silu, V. right, to merit, su/awar- la,i(j mooqtuz.ee- mcostuhuq- -h. suza- &c. -tulib-h. chahna, impersonally, V. to denerve. meritiM'iaxs, ^vajib ool iijr, nioostuqiib col inayut, wajib nor n,ayut, jiiswunl, gcunee, <^cnnwunt, mnaqtudir, nioostuojib, uhli suwab, v. good, worthy, merits, {nf a case, &c) nek-bnd, bhula boora, jasnpjiis, nunum, nusheb furaz, hoosn qcobuh. inermaid, jul-inunsce, hint ool buhr. merrily, shadaii, khmshee- &c. -se. merriment, merrineas, turub, klidoshce, v. mitth, merry, shad-man, khoorrum, khmsh, khrnsh- wuqt, mugim, hushshash, kroshadu-peshanec, prisini, V. glad, cheerful, huns-nirokh, hunsor, V. blithe, jovial, rungeela, sur-kha)sh, v. fojtM- heti to make merry, khmshee- anund^ ucsh ushnit-k. merry-andretv, muskhiirn, khoish-mtiskhuru, \-. buffoon, bazeegur, kuotikee, khiluoniva. mesentery, glierunda. ,\mi .-irx^- mesh, khanu, jluinjhree, shiibku, jalee tor, shu- buk, V. net-work. mess, khana, tu :jni, v. dish, suofru. to mess, V. to eat. rr*';* tnesaage, puyani, puegham, sundes, khubur, 8u- machar, bat, v. errand, notice ; to send a mes- sage, kuhla- puyam-bhejna. messenger, puegham-bur or pueghuni-hiir,nainii- bur, pueghamee, sundesee, doot, qasid, hurw karu, usa-burdar, v. bailiff', foot man, post-boij, puyam-awur, puyam-bur, djiawun, puyamee, duoraha, puyam-gro/.ar, ruwunnu, boolahur, dhuluet, me,ora, \. envoy, e.vpress, watchman, {of good newn) busheer, v. bearer, kc; a spe- cial messenger from the king, vested with ample powers and great authority, vihdec. Messiah, museeha, eesa, huzrut eesa. messieurs, sahiban, bubwan. messTnate, hum-soofru, -kasa, -nuwalu, -piyalu, -ukl, or -nunuik. . nj ;\««>A)»^^'^' messuage, sa,ir, umlu, ilaqu, tu,ull(o\ luel, dil-sluib, qulb-shub, pret-sumue,. v. dead, (praf/ers) tuliujjcod. midriff, piirdu, putrcc. midst, beech, mudhlyanee, mudhiva,o, v. centre, middle ; in tlie midnt, beech-men. inidstrenm, niuiijh-dhar. midsummer, wusiit cos-suef, greek,hum, dhoop- kal. midway, adhee-rah, necm-rah, asna,e-rah, udh- beech, adhee-door. midwife, da,ee-juna,ee. midwifery, da,ee-guree, ilmi-tuoleed. mid-winte.r, wusut oosh-shjta, chilla, teesce, hee- inunt. mien, wuzu, munxur, qiyafu, a,een, chal, dhuj, chihru, busliru, v. gait, roop, suj, chhub, phub, clmlun, zuban-hal, zahir-hal, v. air, , appearance, manner, look, might, qoowwut, muqdoor, zor, bul^ tiitha, v. power, main, suka, v. may, putoot, sukut, from sukna, to he able, v. can, &c. ; / might go to-day if I chose, miien jo aj jaya chahoon to ja siikoon, v. could, &c. mightily, zor- &c. -se, bu-shiddut, nihayut, bii- hoot, V. much, mightiness, zor-awuree, zubur-dustee, churub- dustee, buriya.ee, v. might, ■mighty, quwee, muzboot, cliurub-dust, ghaUb, bul-wunt, alee, suktee, v. great, powerful, very, violent, vast, migration, intujal, nuql i imikan, tubdeel i nm- kan, V. emigration, chala, chul chula,o,a, v. blight. mildly, nioola.imut- S:c. -se. mildnexs, hilni, komiilta, nunn-dilee, mom-dilee, nuniice, nicula.imut, (softness, &c.) sheeree- nee, nieethas, {of speech) ahistu-go,ee,v. sweet- tiess, &c. mile, lucel, kos, kiiroh. Tliey all exceed an English mile considerably ; adha kos {half a kos) comes nearer the mark than any thing. However, the kos differs in several parts of India; as in the Muesoor country, the soolta- nee kos is e([ual to four English miles ; eight miles, jojun, v. league ; a mile stone, nusb, ininar. military, lushkuree, jungee, scnanee, {men) si- pah-peshu, lushkur-peshu, v. martini, {life) luslikur-gidiee, v. tactics, {memoirs) jungna- nui ; a military man, sipahee, whence sepoy, . V. soldier. militia, sibundee,/r»w sipah hindee, {armed pea- santry) gunwardul. milk, doodh, sheer, piie, chheer, liibun, gorus, V. emulsion, {butter) niuehee, {toith siigar) sikhrun, {pot of) duhandee, {boiled) kho.a, {of plants) gabha, v. juice, {adj.) doodhuel. dhen, doodharee, doodhee, {diet) doodh udhar, (fever) go,alin kee tup, (country) gorusa, (-less) udhen, ngorsec, v. dry; milk and wa- ter, lussee; curdled milk, (sour) dudh, duliee, dogh, tiikkur, (fresh) khirsii, khijra, v. but- ter-milk. to milk, dohna, garna, nuilna, v. to suck, squeeze. milker, dohunliara. SE MIL 402 MIN milk-maid, go,alin, ahcernee. milk-man, go,ala, aheer, doodjiwala, v. shepherd. tnilk-pail, dohnee. milk-'pan, doodh-handee, teehra. milk-pottage, sheer-faloodu, hureera. milk-sop, na-murd, zuiianu, iiiihra, goru-sulia, sheei-khoru, mirza, sahib-zadu, sayu-piirwur, lurba,ola, x.Jtnical, fop, &c. I milk-tooth, doodh ka da.nt. milk-weed, doodhee. milk-white, ubyuz., nooqrti, kafooree, kaghuzcc, V. fqir, &c. miUc-woman, doodhwalee, gowalin. milky, doodhee, poor-sheer, doodh-ka, {soft) bho- la, kucha, v. mild. ■milky-ivay, kuhkiishan, soor-bithee, hathce kee- rah, chhuor, ukas-gunga, v. galaxy. mill, chukkee, cliak, asiya, janta, v. grinder, khuras, kolhoo, or press for oil, sugar. Sec. q. v.; rt loater-mill, pun-chukkce; a, wind- mill, puwun-chukkee; a hand-7nill for grind- ing vetches, &c. duletec, v. wheel. to mill, peesna, dulua, v. to grind, (cmns) chhap- na, V. to stamp. mill-cog, dundan i asiya, dantee, dant, v. tooth. milled, (money) kuldar, luhriya. millenarian, he. muhdee-dost. millennium, &c. huzarii, ulfii, suhusra, duori- muhdec. millepedes, chihi]-pa,e, soora, gurligowar, mahoo. milkr, peesiinhara, v. to grind, &c. millet, bajura, kungncc, urzun, jawurs, juondee, joonree, kodu.ee, kodrum, munclwa, v. grain, maize. mill-horse, koijioo ka buel, purtulee-tuttoo, used Jig. for drudge, &c. q. v. million, dus lakh, nijjut; ten million, kuror, pi. kurorha. n ./ fKiv.utu ,<< i.>i'< mindful, Sec. yad-awur, khubur-dar, hoshi^ar, MIN 40t MIR cheluii, agaii, yadgar, soochet, v. attentive, vMTefiU. mindless, be-khubur, ghafil, uchct, v. stupid, mine, (posses, pron.) mera, upna, mor, mora, v. tiey, wir. mine,sub. khaii,kan, m\i,\\A\xn,{d^ig under ivalls, &c.) scurung, sendh, nuqub, nughuni, v. to sap, soombli. to mine, y. n. kan-khodna, bil- &c. -khodna, v. hole, &c. soorung- &c. -marna ; v. a. sendhna, khodna, dhana, v. to undermine. miner, kari-kun, nuqqab, iiuqub-zun, soorungee, sendhee. mineral, mu,udunce, kance, khanee, dhatee,/rw» dhat, a mineral or metal, q. v. as metals and minerals seem all expressed by one woi-d. mineralist, rusa,euee, keemiyagur, v. metallurgy, mineralogy, ilm i mu,udun. to mingle, v. a. milana, mukhloot- khult-k. glial niel- amez-k. ; v. n. milna, mukhloot- 8cc. -h. V. to confuse, mix. miniature, v. sixe, sighai'ut, chhota.ee, sighr, v. microcosm, tusweer-chu, pootlee. f .n;»»M'f« minim, minikin, minimus,nunka., nunha uioonka, balishtiya, nunh,bohtna, pona, goot buengun, ^ V. minnow. f ' »»t»io7i,(f'rea^j«*e)sakhtii-purdakhtu, liiga-liptji, luga-bundha, v. favourite, tullieroo, khiluona, dbugra, V. darling, gallant, minister, (of state) wuzeer, diistoor, deewan i u,ula, mcndubbir, mudar aol mooham, adh-ka- ree, v. guide, munturee, purdhan, rajdjiur, kar-furman, (agent) wukeel, na,ib, goamash- tu, V. delegate, also priest, he to minister, v. to administer. Sic ministerial, wuzecree, wiizeer-anu, wukeel-anii. ministry, ministration,V\\\dm\\xt,\.ageM/nf, office, woozra, woozra,e-wuqt, niunturee-sunturee, padshahee mnlu, wuzeeree, muntur, v. admi- nistration, (ministers) iirkan i-duolut, urkan i sultim\it, (the office of a minister) wuzarut,y. business, Stc. \««>>vw«-, minium, sendoor, isrinj, siriiij. wmnoM', munwa, choona, rauclihlee, dhunsidhree, ' gurchoonce. minor, v. less, S:c. ; n minor, khonrd-sal, kum- sin, sugheer cos-sin, nurus, na-ruaeedu, nabo- ligh, lurk-a or -ee, v. child, lad, (prince) tee- kuet, V. young, (in logic) scoghra. minority, klicord-salee, bal-pun, nursa,ee, iiqull, teekuetee, v. childhood, paucity, (opposed to majnrity) qiilut, thore, kum. minotaur, nursingh. minstrel, kulawunt, bajuntrce, v. musician. mint, (the plant) poodeonu, nu,uniio ,8in mintage, giirha,ee, buna,ee, v. coinage, to ooki. minter, (coiner) qulbsaz, v. to forge. , . mint-man, tuksaliya. mini-master, tuksal ka daroglui. mint-water, urqi nu,unau, virqi poodecim. minute, adj. iurrn-war, zurru-sa, bareck, ru- qeeq, mihecn, diKjeeq, nazujk, socx'lihum, wa- shigaf, moo-shigaf, rukeek, v. diminutive, par- ticular, trivial. niJ ,<«'>■ minute, sub. pul, lumhu, liih?:U, zumi, puluk, chusbmuk,an,dum,duqeequ,v. »ne»M)rtfnd«ff?, moment. to minute, likh-lena, tank-lena, qulum bund-k. minutely, diqqut- &c. -se. v. evartly, nuqeer o qitmeer, bai bal, v. particularly, nicely. minuteness, bareekee, diqqut, rukakut, nazcokee, so(x:hhumta, v. smnllness. minutice, rukeekat, khtordiyat. mm»,w .>v»\ '»<»«<««> misapprehension, chook, bhool, khuta, kuj ftih- mee, nasumujli, v. blunder, mistalce. to misbecome, bud zeb-h. unsohit-h. nasuzan.i, la,iq na sha,istu-h. v. improper. misbegotten, huram-zadu, burun-sunkurl'®^^'''' to misbehave, bud soolookee- &c. -k. vVtK-imi misbehaved, bud-wuzii, koodhungee, v. tll-lred. mi,ibehaviour, bud-soolookee, bud-turceqee, bud- mro,amulee, na-moonasibee, na-rastee, bud-za- tee, tufawut, bud-duol, koo-dhung, bud-chal, bud- w kum-turuddood, v. impropriety, mi.s- conduct. ^^»•."^. misbelief, be-i,utiqadee, ilhad, kmfr. ' -~'- « ' misbeliever, be-i,utiqad, ghuer-n)fjo,utuqid, nio^l- hid, kafir. -jw fw<»'^,nj jT/imnai^unl to miscal, begar kurke kuhna, khurab kurkc kidma, ghulut- usoodh-kuhna, nam-dhurna or -d. koonam-k. to miscalculate, chookna, bhoolna, v. to mistake. miscarriage, narastee, na-suzuwaree, na-surbura- hee, bud-unjamee, be-rubtee, v. disappointment. MIS 405 MIS drror, failure, («tor misinformation, na rast khubur. to misjoin, koojor-k. v. mismatch. to mislay, dal-rukh-d. bejasir-r. rukhkur-bhool- n^ V. to misplace. .ffcs.jra.^viftrf- to misle, v. measling, phoohiyana, thisiyana, tup- tup-girna, v. to drixsle. to mislead, bhutkana, buhkana, rah-bhoolana, buehlana, goomrali- berah-k. bisurana, bhoola- na, bhoola-d. duorana, v. to betray, deceive, &c. inisleader, bhvrtka,oo, buhka,oo. . .j^a I'lj,; v^ to mismanage, bigarna, nusana, burlunn-k. bud ihtimam-k. mismanagement, l>e-tudbceree, bud-umlee, bud- Intizamee, v. the verb. >J^f?a«!.!!rr{« to mispell, ghulut hije-k. gbulut imla-likhna, bud imla-likhna, bud imla nuweesee-k. to mispcnd, oorana, bur bad-k. israf-k. guwana, bud surfee-k. v. to w;«!s^e>>i'>'««-i«=':«,v to misplace, be-tiwteeb- be-muoqu-r. or dhurna, be-thikana- beja-r. .?. ,' thi^yitAtu muplaced, koo-thuor, be-ja, be-muoqii, t. place. to mispoint, bud i|Urabce-k. to misprint, koo chhap-k. ghultee-chhapna. misprision, chushm poshee, v. connivance. misquotation, khilaf istimbat. to misreckon, v. to miscount, koo jortee-k. bhool- na. to misrepresent, moonqulib-k. pherna, tulbees-k. morna, ooltana, mor tor-k. jor tor-k. '\T»iw •'■ misrepresentation,misre]Mrt,misrelation,mqilah, tulbees, v. the verb, khilaf buyanee, phira,o, ooltee-banee, jhooth such, buhka,o, inhiraf, V. to mislead. misrule, bud-hookmee, bud-umlee, koo-uggya, dhoondkal, oodhum, v. anarchy, tumult. miss, {a girl) sahib-zadee, khwaju-zadee, bub- wee, beebee, khoozadee, begumu, buboonee, beebee-jan, v. mistress. miss, qoosoor, nooqs, v. loss, chock, bhool, v. mis- take. to miss, chookna, khuta-k. bhoolna, goom-k. nu- milna, nu-pana, nu-lugna, khalee-purna, v. to omit, to recollect, chhorna, bisarna, v. to leave, fail, hookna, ookna, buhukna, ochha-lugna, V. to flash, {to leant) chahna, v. missing, jan- MIS Mr MIT na, rau,u!oom-k. v. to percewe, also to mijivar- ry, lose. misserviee, bud kiiidmutee. to misshape, bud qutu-k. bud wuzu- be-tluol- bunana, v. to defonn. misshapen, bud turasb, bhortda, be-duol, v. de- formed. \)lii {X^fiSfi U«J ^MV* minsile, door-undazee, liutTi-cfilioot. missing, v. lost, na-pued, glia.ib, ulop, v. k'dkd. to be miiising, iaXar-Twhna., ghutaa, v. to vanish, -miission, rusalut, irsal. to misspeak, koo charna, bud-raukbruj-h. mist, kojbra, koobasa, dlioondh, dhoomla, shub- dood, T. fi)g, jheesar, phoohar, v. to drir.ile, dew, purdu, luiqab, v. blind. iHMtake, chook, khuta, suko, qoosoor, tufkwut, oolta, V. fallacy, usoodh, v. error. vHi.,tfi:> to mistake, or be mistaken, choolcna, bhoolna, khuta- &c. -k. v. to err, ni* mocker, moonh-chira,oo, tU|Unu-zun, oopadliee, zahik, V. scorner. mockery, v. farce, Jlam, chira|0, v. the verb, also, imposture. mocking, (bird) lutora (stock) muskhurru, hu- duf, nishanu, nooql-mujlis, muz,huku, v. laugh- ing. . mockingly, hunsee-se, tusukhkhoorun. - .. ;ji modal, iirzee, v. external. * • na • mode, (appearance) soorut, kuefiyut, roop, v. gradation, (tnanner) tuor, dhub, nuho, min- wal, ruwish, v. method, (custom) a,een, zabitu, reet, chulun, ruwaj, v. fashion, form, way, ti- buq, V. make, (accident, q. v.) urz, v. state, posture, &c. (in music) muqam, gram, rag, ragnee, oosool, greh, purdu, v. tune, nuoturz, nuyce-chal, v. innovation. model, nuqshu, numoonu, duol, qanoon, kutku- na, \. form, rule, mould, (ei-Awjafe) qidwih, nooskhu. to model, bunana, duol-d. nuqshu-k. v. to form. modeller, v. planner, kutkune-baz, v. schemer. moderate, moo,utudil, miyanu, mujhola, quieel, mcowafiq, v. reasonable, temperate. to moderate, zubt-k. thamna, sumbhalna, sakin- -k. ghutana, kum-k. buethalna, dubaua, mco- la.im- &c. -k. V. to decrease, to mitigate, res- train, &c. m(»,utudil-k. v. to qualify. MOH 409 MOM moderately,'i^u\iAe\- &c. -se, v. mildly, moderateness^ i,uti{al, luudhimta, v. mildness, moderatitm, tuhuimool, subr, boord-baree, sun- tokh, sunjeeduge, aliistugee, v. forbearance, i.utidal, (\iQa^\}i.y. frugality, subooree, thika- na, bundhej, bwdhan, wuru, purhez, v. pro- priety. moderator, v. moUfier, ghuta,oo- &c. v. the verb, (in comp.) goos^, shikun, &c. v. president, modern, nuya, maiu,ukhkliir, judeed, hadis, ha- lee, nuween, v. few. *to modernise, nuourash-k. v. novelty. moderns, mootu.ukakhireen, wapuseen, pit^hle. modest, liijeela', slurmeela, shurm-geen, muh- joob, sahib-huy», hijab-aloodu, v. bashful, diffident, coy, sh^irm- or huya-dar, (woman) ufeefu, kcolwuntee, pekbukht, pak damun, V. virtuous, huleem,giureeb, djiecma, dheera, V. mild, also chaste, noo,uddub, v. respectful. modestly, huya- &c. -se,' modesty, laj, shurum, luya, hijab, ghuerut, v. decency, hilm, moola,inut, v. the adj. also chas- tity, hashfulness, shane-faced, purdii,nungn». moos, (piece) kutoree, niuhruni. modicum,\. pittance, wujih kuf'af, furaghut^djlier, has, \. competency. im ■^H^*«lu< modification, turkeeb, tushkecl, bunawut, turash khurash, \. fashionable. to modify, soorut-d. bunana, v. to form, duolana, V. to fashion, cbheel chhal-k. v. to shape, to polish, soften. modish, riwajee, nuoturaee, inoDhummud-shabee. to modulate, awaz-bunana, uiapna, sadhna, v. to adjust. modulation, nughmu, uuwa, ulap^raurghul, sud- biifi, V. melody. .rtSi .V,t>iV. «^iB moiety, adlia, adhiyaree, nisfee, nisf, v, half, share, &c. . .Oijj .^^ A .Wi mohair, toos, v. wool. to moii, iiiuela-k. bhurna, v. to daub, toil. moist, tur, num, seela, riitub, geela, oda, silana, serab, num-geen, simsiina, v. damp, geela- sookha, picbpicha, sursura, ala, nuni-aloodu or -nak, niim-ruseedu or -klicordu, v. wet, juicy. to moisten, silana, tur- &c. -k. neemtur- &c. -k. V. to wet ; V. n. seelna. moistness, moisture, turawut, niirn, rutoobut, seel, sinisiinabut turee, numee, od, geela,ee, tura.ee, sect, silsilahut, punchha, v. supra. molasses, joosee, sheeru, chho,a, chqta, v. sugar. mole, (spot) til, khal, inusa, (dyke) band, v. mound, &c. (concretion) loothra, uioozghu, moozghugosht, ulqii, niaspind, (Me rinimal) kormoosh, soonsoonee, v. rat, cbhucbhoondur, wbich is usually called the musk-rat, v, con- ception, uhar, V. bank, (track) chala. molehill, moos ko,el, dheree, v. hillock ; to make mountains of molehills, race ko puhar bunana, choohen ke marne ko top nikaina. to molest, sutana^ khijana, cbherna, tukleef- &c. -d. khisiyana-k. kulpana, v. to vex. molestation, tukleef, eeza, tusdecn, ninj, dookh, junjal, kules, dukhl, zuhmut, ascb, azar, sun- tap, V. trouble. molester, moozee, moozahim, junjalee, kulesee, dookh duyee, v. the verb. m^llifier, moolueyin. to mollify, nurm- moola,im-k. pighlana, tighlana, V. to mitigate, &c. to moU, kooreez-khana, kooreez men-h. v. to moult. molten, dhalwan, qalibee, v. cast. moment, (importance) chinta, gliuru7.,mrn7.a,iqu, V. consequence, (of time) lunihu, Iuh7.u,ninukh, dum, puluk, chushmuk, toorfut eol uen, sa.ut, zimn, an, til, unoopui, bipul, zumi, (-"s stay) julsu-khuteebee,v. minute, second,^firrce, time. 8F MO?^ 410 MON momentary, ek dum ka, na-pa,edar, arizee, v. Jleeting. momentous, hharee, bura, guran, uhum, zuroor, moohim, snngeen. monade, jooz la yutujuzza. monarch, padshah, shall, sooltan, mulik, khoosro, shuhr-yar, raja, muha-raj, shahunshah, (abso- lute) mookhtar-mootluq, v. emperor, king. monarchal, padshahee, khrosruwee, shahee, v. regal. manarchy, padshahee, sultanut, mumkikut, raj, padshahut. monastery, khanqah, da,iru, dhurum-sala, ukha- ra. Monday, som-war, peer, doo-shumbii, indoobar, chun-durbar, v. moon. money, zur, puese, tuke, rciopu,e, kuoree, dam, mubkigh, mayu, mrodra, nuqda, seem o|zur, v. wealth, (in advance) peshgee, uguorhee, tuqa- wee, dadnee, v. till, (paid in) nuqdee, v. ready, cash, sum; to examine money, puruk,h- na. money-hag, tora, humiyanee, budru, khoothee, v. purse, &c. money-changer, surraf, khoordiya; a money ex- miner, purk,hiya, nuqqad ; the money charged on this account is called purk,ha,ee, damee. moneyless, tihee-dust, khale( -hath, mooflis, muf- look, be-kuoree, bc-zur, nikuoriya, v. indi- gent. monied, tukueta, zur-dar, mal-dar, moodruet, mayudar, v. rich, also banker. monger, furosh, baz ; a cheese-monger, pimeer- furosh ; a whore-monger, rindee-baz. mongoose, newul, v. squirrel, (plant) kusuonda. monitor, nasili, wajz., ibrut, v. preceptor, (at school) khuleefu, goorchhutur, v. censor, coun- sellor, &c. monk, durwesh, fuqeer, qulundur, jogee, sidb. abdhoot, nanga, bueragee, sunyasee, uteeth, burumcharee, moortas, ralib, v. mendicant, xealot, &c. '.aviovioi monkey, bundur, muemoon, bznu, rookh-chur- ha, kupee, murkut, v. baboti, ptig, lungoor, lul-gunda, v. ape, goorga, joorgee, v. jockey, (tricks) bundur-chalee, v. gimace, (-s house) chumbur. monkish, durweshee", fuqeeree qulunduree. ( monochord, orhnec, ek-tara. * monocular, monoculous, kanj, ek-chushm, ek- achhee, sookr. f*)«r«i.,3Witit5t!h«lw,t'* monody, nursiyu. ialipjlo.ijJinHi 'm\-. monogram, tooghru, v. cypher. ' monopetalous, ek-pukhriya. s monopolist, (of grain) ghulJu-furosh. < to monopolize, (grain) g'luJJu furoshee-k. mar-r. qoorq- &c. -k. upnana juphiyana, chhenkna, j V. to engross, forestal. monopoly, siioda khas, kias khureed, qoorq, ija- ru, roka,o, v. contract, .ttJiJfiv.i. monosyllable, ek-kulmii. ,£rt:t!jil«i^iei»') monotony, eksooree, tuwslee-hurkat. monsoon, — Quere, may ;iot this word be a cor- ruption of muosim, a season ? monster, miiskh, mumsookh, iijeeb, rach,hus, bun-manoos, uja,ib khilqut, uzliduha, v. tvon- derful, also demon. monstrous, rachhusee, muskhee, undekha, v. hor- rible, unnatural. monstrously, v. terribly, &c. monstrousness, v. enormity, iit^-'ssi.fc mons veneris, thikree. month, muheena, mas, mah, shiihr, chand, v. moon, (full) muheena-din or -roz, v. day, also April, &c. For the names of the Moo- sulman and Hindoo months see the Monitor, Vol. I. p. 210. MOP 411 MOR monthly, maliec, shuliree, {pay) durmahu, moo- sha^iuru, muheena. monthly, adv. hur muheene, hiir-mah, mah bu nvah, mah-waru, mahi^'anee, muheenuwar, mail dur niah. monument, yad-gar, yad-garee, nishanee, v. me- morial, {tomb) ruozu, durgali, chuoree, dher, V. grave, tabu, tu.uweez. monumental, yad-gar, v. memorial, muqburee, durgahcc. mood, (utate) halut, rus, rung, seeghu, burg, v. tense, dusa, hal, v. humour, temper, mode, stile, (verbal, &c.) jojmlu. moody, v. angry, burhum, diqq, v. peevish, moon, chand, chundur, chundur-ma, mah, mah- tab, qumur, susuyur, chanda, jconiha, muh, sus, indoo, som, whence som-war, Monday ; {new) nuya chand, mah i nuo, hllal, {full) poora chand, poorun masee, budr, chuodh- ween rat ka chand, v. month, {like the) chun- dur mokhee, chand ka tookra, muh paru, muh- ' wush. moo7i-bird, chukor. moon-blink, {ox false peep of day) mukur-chand- nec. moon-beam, chand kee jot, v. light, moon-calf, V. mole, guhuniya, guliun mara. moonlight, moonshine, chandnee, mah-tab, (-night) chandnee rat, shub i mah. moonstone, hujur ool qumur, chundur ganth. Moor, zungee, kafree, v. negro, fo moor, lugana, bandhna. moot-case, or point, mootunazu-feeh, v. dilemma mop, pochaia, v. broom, to mope, oongha-k. (xxlas- mulool- ghumgeen- buetjina, unJa-syona or -pama, v. retired, itwper, unde ka moolook, da,ee ka larla, v. drone, &c. moral, adj. ukhlaq ka, v. popular, meaning, up- right, ukhlaqee, khoolqee. mu,ashcc, ukhlaq- nooma, khuleeq, khmsh-ukhlaq, nek-murd, v. virtuous, also ivorldly. moral, sub. nuseehut, pund, hdiil, nuteeju, ghur- uz, phul, V. inference, doctrine, &c. to moralise, ukhlaq-butlana. moralist, adeeb, utaleeq, nasih, wa,jz. morality, ukhlaq, stnlook, ilm i ukhlaq, uqli mu.ash, khooK}, wuteeru, v. ethics. morally, ukhlaq-se, v. commonly, &c. morals, mu,ash, wuzii, v. manners, disposition, morass, duldul, kuchar. morind, mureez, v. bad, fasid, ruddcc, bigra, V. humojir, diseased, also disease, &c. morbific, murzawur, roguha. more, nor, ziyadu, udhik, surus, buhoot, poon, busa, ufzood, bcsh, v. majiy, age, sathee, v. farther, greater, &c. pher, v. agaiii, also ano- ther; the more, uzbus, jyon jyon, (its correl.) tyontyon; more or less, kumbesh, ghatbarh, thora buhoot, kum-ziyad, quleel kuseer; what more shall I say, age kuhoon kya. moreover, tispu, oopur is ke, siwa is ke, ulawu, nnnbu,ud, ispur, ispur-unt, tispur-bliec, v. be- sides, morning, sub. fujr, bjior, turkc, bihan, soobh, bamdad, suhur, pugah ; early in the morning, buree fujr, moonh-undhera, prat, pratkal, su- kal, ulussubah, suhurgah, akhir-sluib, pichhle jiuhur rat, v. dawn, day-break, &c. ; good morning, subah ool khuer. morning, adj. suhuree; the morning star, zoohru, V. Venus, morose, dooroosht, kurukht, sukht, kurera, kura, tcorsh-roo, nir-du,ee, v. surly, toorsh niizaj, budkho, toond, bakus, v. austere. morosely, doorcoslitee- &c. -so. 3F 2 MOB 412 MOT moroseness, doorooshtee, kurukhtugee, sukhtee, toorshroO|ee. morrow, kul, bihan, furda ; to-morrouj, kul ko, V. yesterday, relief, refuse, lock, trap; to-mor- row morning, kul fujr ; to-morrow night, kul kee I'at ; to-day, aj ; to-night, aj kee rat. morse, duriya|ee ghora. Tuorsel, (mouthful) looqmu, nuwalu, kuwul, gras, V. piece, tookra, paru, parcliu, xurru, v. bit. mortal, (subject to death) fanee, muotee, fuotee, nasee, murunhar, funa-puzeer, v. perishable, kargur, \. fatal, kutta, janee, v. enemy, (dead- ly) qatil, maroo, (human) bushuree, insanee, V. violent, (sin) goonuh kubeeru, (wound) zukhm karee. ,,^ , « mortal, insan, adura, nianoos, khaksar, khakee, V. being, earth, man. mortality, funa, v. death, biishriyut, funa puzee- ree, mirta,ee, v. destruction, niuree, niurgee, y. plague, humanity. mortally, bu-shiddut, v. extremely ; to be wound- ed mortally, zukhm kai"ee-kjiana or -lugna. mortar, hawun, vulg. humam, koond-ee or -a, khuril, okhlee, v. pestle, (for bombs) ghcoba- ra, ban, gui-nal, (for building) rekhtu, guch, khO|a, V. lime. mortgage, v. pledge. to mortgage, boorark. bundhuk-k. -r. or -mania, V. to pawn. mortgaged, bundhukee^ rlhunee, giruwee, bii^bU- wufu. .,,, -aiiL.a mortgagee, mcDrtulim. ^^i,i^ ,'§j»«««i mortgager, rahin. mortijieatioti, surun, pulun, v. corruption, khoo- glioou, khoozoou, nufs-koosbce or -shikuuee, mun-mar, v. the verb, (self-denial) kusr i nufs, zoohd, riyazut, tupusiya, jog, v. subjec- tion, &c. tukleef, eeza, koft, v. trouble, &c. to mortify, v. a. suraiva, v. to rot, nesbzunee-k. V. to harass, letarna, puchhania, marna, v. to depress, (one's self out of spite) utwat khutwat-, khutwat putwat-lena, v. to putrify, corrupt, marna, torna, dhana, v. to subdue, &c. (to vex) julana, koorhana, (to humble) dubkana, duba- na, kusr i nufs- &c. -k. ; v. n. surna, pulna, V. the noun. ,\> ,i*x(»tr; mortise, chhed, soorakh, chool, sal, ghur, khanu, V. to join, bore, hole. mosaic, khodwan, jura|00. mosque, musjid, milg. museet, ibadutgah, jami musjid, ku,ubu, mu.ubub, v. temple. moss, ka,ee, sewar, chittee, v. mould. ) mossy, kaiBe-bhura. - most, uksur, buhoot, ziyadu, udhik, beshtur, kusrut, V. more, majority, &c. ; at most, bu- hoat se buha)t ; to make the most of a bad bar- gain, q. V. bhagte chor kee lungotee, y. to make. Most is often expressed by the posi- tive, with se or sub se; — nihayut, uksur dur- ju, V. utmost, jiistjfitffiriul bn«ib ,-*9rii<»m tub mostly, (for the most part) beshtur, uksur, uk- sur uoqat, buodhan, v. chiefly. mote, zurru, koonuk, tinka, v. eyesore, ankh ka baloo. moth, purwanu, putinga, punk,hee, oochring, v, butterfly. ivi.n..*i mather, ma, man, madur, mata, jununee, muh- taree, ma,ee, mama, walidu, umma, matur, boo.a, V. step, (of a child) luykee wala, lur- koree, (-in-law) s»s, ' khoosh-damun ; step- mother, suotelee ma, muebha, be-mat, v. no- live, (of pearl) suduf, sepee; ask any mother in this assembly, if the circumstance you charge me with be possible, is mujlis kee kisoo lurko- ree se poochho, ki yih bat jo toom moojh pur lugate ho, so ho suktee hue ya nuheen. If wc substitute ma, agreeably to our own idiom for lurkoree, the meaning either becomes in- MOF 41$ MOV explicable, or will be micconatrued into a di- rect appeal to tlie mother of any cue of the judges, in the sense only of his parent, should the person addressed not stumble at once on the monstrous idea, that the whole assembly had but one mother. motherless, be-madur, ma^noo,a, v. orphan. motherly, adj. maduree, naadur-war, masa, ma- kasa, maduranu, v. maternal. mother-tongue, zuban jatee, wutunee zubau, de- see bhak,ha, v. scum, country. mothery, phenuha, v. scum. motion, hurukut, joombish, hili,o, dola.O, v. eaer- cise, dugdugahut, hildol, cLuoher, hilundolun, kulbul, halur, pureeaun, (gtit) ruftar, chu- lun, chal-dlial, hulchul, v. mlk, also stool, {circular) gurdisb, chukkur, proposal) tuq- reer, bat, v. agitation. tnotionless, be-hurukut, be-jcombih, sakin, nich- la, ustjiawur, moL),xittul, iiikuinna, v. immove- able. motive, subub, ba,is, jilait, moojik, liye, wastu, tuqreeb, mutlub, morad, moohuTik, karun, wujih, gliuruz, v. incucetnent, riasott. motley, rung a rung, fOon a goon, puchrunga, pucbmel, punchpeere, v. medley. motto, suju, tab; or taiu. move, (at chess) ch^ p,'>er, (various at chess, &c.) koorung, run, fuizee bund, peel-bund, shuh-ra)kha. to move, V. a. hilana dolana, hurnkut- tuhreek- &c. -d. chulana, L'kana, chal-d. hamlna, oon- arna, roogrooganaJulmuIana, tulmulana, sug- bugaua, tuksanr phurkana, v. to disturb, $hakey he. (to pxuade) siimjhana, munana, lanft, V. to cnui) &c. (to excite) ooksona, oolhaua, chhern; v. to touch, (to remove) talna, hutana, (Ifraposc^ taqreer- buyan-k. (to (iffect) us«»-^eer-k.; v. n. hilna^ dolna, hurukut- &c. -k. cbulna, stirukna, tulna, hu- tukna, hutna, phurukna, ooluraa, gutukna, koolmcnlana, noohzut qudum-k. susurna, ta- kusna, oonuina, hulukna, buhna, v. to atir, fiofw, (to advance) burbna; to move about, phera-k. phirta-ruhna. moveable, mootuhurrik, moomkin ool hurttkut, v. moving, oothane-jog, dolunhar, hilne-jog, hu- rukut-puzeei-, jungum. moveables, mal, usasu, chees-bust, jins, usas cdI buet, dhun-jungumee, v. goods, personal, also siipra. movement, chal, hurukut, ruwa-ruwee, chula- chulee, v. motion. mover, majtuhurik, moohurik, (in comp.) ungez, V. proposer. moving, dil-soz, dil-kush, jigur-soz, riqqut-un- gez, dil-goodaz, mundo}a,oo, r0|a,oo, muyar, V. pathetic, ruwan, rumta, buhta, v. running, movingly, dilsozee, dilkiishee- jigursozee-se. mould, (on old bread, &c.) phuphoondee, duhiya, bhoo,a, V. moss, (earth) mittee, gil, toorab, kewal, kuruel, v. soil, (form) qalib, kalbood, sancha, chhoochhee, poluchh, khala, purgutee, V. frame, (make) kat, ungeth, nuqshu, turash. to mould, (as bread) v. n. phuphoondee-lugna, bhoo,ana, phuphoondiyaua, oosna, boosna, (to form) bunana, duolaiia, duoUd. v. to form. to moulder, v. n. choor choor- rezu rezu- pmrzu poorzu-h. V. to waste, bhoor-bhcorana, khak-, mittee-h. gulna, khuma, v. to crumble, choor choor- S:c. -k. (as an army) khisukna. tnotcldinessy phuphoondee, bhoo,ahut, phiiphoon- diyahut moulding, khodwaii, v. ornament. mouldy, bhoo,aha, phuphoondiyahs, (to be) pbup- hooiidee-higna. ^o tnow//, dusokha-jharna, ka>fe«z-k. punk h-jhar- na, V. to shed, molt. MOU 414 MVC mound, mend, bunna, todu,bheree-bundee, gilun- dazee, v. bank. to mound, pooshtu bundee-k. pooshtu-b. mount, dheepa, teela, puharee, v. hill, &c. to mount, V. n. churhna, osthna, su,ood-k. mootu sa,id- suwar-h. peeth-lugna, churh-buethna, durera-k. v. to ascend ; v. a. churhana, oDtha- na, boDlund-k. v. to raise, &c. {to embellish) singar-k. ara,ish-d. tujummool-k. ; to mount guard, chuokee puhra-d. mountain, puhar, gir, koh, jubul, purbut, v. mount, merco, chul, qaf, doongur, {hid by a mole-hilt) tin ke ot puhar ; Mpunf Sinai, koh i toor. mountain, adj. puharee, kohee, purbutee or pur- butiya. mountaineer, puharee admee, khusiyu, cho,ar, bhil, puhariya, v. savage. mountainous, koh-sar, kohistan. mountebank, bued, v. charlatan, ankh kan ka bued, V. juggler, quack. mounter, churhwuya, churunhar, churha, suvvar, also mounted on an elephant, feel-suwar, v. rider. mounting, kam, v. furniture, trappings, wo)-k. to mourn, koorhna, ghum- &c. -khana, matum-k. ghumgeen- &c. -h. utwat khutwat-lena, bi- lapna, {for ulee, &c.) tu,uziyu-lena or -bu- nana, v. to lament. mourne, kherhee, v. point. mourner, nuohugur, seenuzun, tU|Uziyu-dar or -khan, v. infra. mournful, ghum-geen, ghum-nak, mughmoom, matum-zudu, mootu, ussif, muhzoon, v. sad, sorroivful, sogee, kutchotee, bilapee, v. deject- ed, dil-soz, jan-soz, v. moving, matumee. mournfully, ghum- &c. -se. mournfulness, ghum-geenee, ghum-nakee, undoh- nakee. inoUrning, ghum, matum, ufsos, tu,ussoof, sapa, undoh, muiola, koft, sog, koorhun, kuchot, bilap, ro,at, tu,uziyu, yjgrief,lamentation,sor- roiv ; a mourning drets, matumee-libas; to be in mourning, siyah poih-h. ; a mourning carpet, matumee suf, also tie people assembled, v. wake. I mouse, choohee, moosjee, moosh, choonree, choo- turee, moosee, words seemingly derived from thief, and to steal moosna, indoor, v. rat. to mouse, choohee-narna. mouse-hole, choohe ka bil. ?nouser, choohee-nar, moosh-geer. mouse-trap, chooln-dan, dhurup, jantee, dubkur. mouth, moonh, nfookh, anun, duhan, fum, duhun, mookhra, v. aperture, moonhana, duhanu, v. entrance; to fiake mouths, moonh-bunana or -chirana, moikhra terha-k. moonh-bigarna ; down in the muth, codas ; to be down in the mouth, moorfl-lutkana. to mouth, pookana, chilana, duhun dureedugee- -k. V. to bctvl, roar, moonh-chulana, v. to chew, moom-d. v. to Ute, snap, &c. mouthed, duliun, moonW, mookha, moonh, {small) ghoonchu duhun mouth-friend, zubanee dos, moonh bola dost. mouthful, looqmu,nuwalu, Ijvvul ; thejirstmouth- ful thrown away, as an\ffering to avert evil, ugrasun, huqq oon nazire?, v. morsel. mouth-piece, moonhnal, {sta\^ poozee,v. muzssle. mow, purchhuttee, kotha, \.\>ft. to mow, katna, diruo-k. ki-karhna, quium-k. V. to cut. much, adj. buhoot, boohtera,bisiyar, chundaii, wafir, kuseer, ziyadu, burajurus, udhik, dher, firawan, sumboo, v. extret, many, nearly, often, khuele, busa, buha-koochh, uti,unt, nihayut, sukht, v. deal, aw much? keta? kis qudur ? thus much, '\^j(\a6.pla, minmina,oo. MUE 416 MUS mummery, v. to mask, buhroopee, pekhna, v. farce. mummy, momiya,ee, (to beat to) dulmusul-, koonch kanch- koochul kuchul- hulwa-k. Momiya-bunana, means to keep a man in pri- son till he rots, or becomes a mummy there, v. wax. to munch, hupurake-chupur chupur-khana, ha- poos hapoos-khana. mundane, dooniyavvee, sunsaree,(eg-g) burhm-and. mundungus, v. trash, ghas, phoos, v. refuse. mungrel, doghla, doo-nusla, moojunus, v. motley, doruga, burun-sunkur, khuchra, v. breed, base, degenerate. munificence, sukliawut, himmut, jood,bukhshish, dad-dihish, koashadu-dilee, juwan-murdee, oo- darta, kuramut, tuofeeq, zur-bukhshee, inam, ikram, v. liberality. munificent, sukhee, data, dhurmatma, sahib him- mut, sukha, kooshadu-dil, juwan-murd^ umeem col ihsaii, zurbukhsh, zurrez, danee, lukhloot, waliib be-minnut, v. bountiful, generous. munificently, sukhawut- &c. -se. murder, khoon, huttiya, qutl, ghat, ugh, kuta, (in comp.) kroshee, (place of) muqtul, v. ho- micide, &c. to murder, khoon- &c. -k. mar-dalna, saf-k. lo- hoo-beetna, v. to assassinate, destroy, kill, mas- sacre. mwdered, muqtool, mara, v. slaughter. murderer, khoonee, huttyara, qatil, kooshindu, murdoom-koosh, v. murderous, ghatee, ughee, chundal, hulakoo, (in comp.) koosh, mar, v. assassi7i. murderess, qatilu, huttyaree, ghatnee, chandal- nee. murderous, khoon-rez, khoon-khwar, jullad. murky, ghunghor, kala, v. dark, also to lower. murmur, wulwulu, chhulchhulahut, dhurdhura- hut, sunuk, (of a crowd) bhinuk, ghwl ghoolu, (complaint) koorkoorahut, burbuiahut, gilu, shikwu, burburee. to murmur, dhurdhurana, chhulchhulana, sunsu- nana, bhunbhunana, jhurjhurana, (to grumble) kcnrkoorana, burburana, ghoonghconana, tur- rana, v. to mumble, niniyana, v. to growl, in- veigh. murmurer, shakee, niniya,oo,koorkooriya,glioon- gha3ngha3na,oo, v. the verbs, also complainant. murrain, muree, wooba. murrey, jiguree, khueree, v. red, purple. muscle, putha, pue, v. tendon, &c. seepee ka keera, v. shell. Mu^covy-duck, hubshee-but. muscular, koongur, soopind, pooipue, gutta, ^. brawny. muse, fikr, undeshu, soch, dhyan, turruddoxl, V. inspiration, thought, amud, ghundhurbee, moorgh i fikr, v. pegasus. The power of poe- try is perhaps often expressed by Hatif, an invisible spirit, the Hindoogoddess Saruswutee, or by Moolhiin, the inspirer. ' to muse, fikr- &c. -k. doodila- doochitta- sfhafil-, be khubur-h. khuoz-k. v. to study, wonder. muser, muscful, mootufukkir, undeshu-nak, v. thoughtful. ~ >^^'' >■ m,ushroom, dhurtee ka phool, samp kee topee, gugun dhool, kookruondha, chhata, sumaroogh, koolahi maran, kookur-moota, khookhree, tekniis, \. fungus (upstart) nuo-duwal, nuo- burhiya. music, moosuqee/rag, awaz, surod, sunggeet,nad, ga.en, khunya, v. sound, harmony, (master) oostad, na^ek ; vocal and i7istrumental music, gana bujana ; music, dancing, &c. rag rung, rag rus. musical, shureen, meetha, poor-soz, gooloo-soz, Mtrs 417 MUT V. harmonious, &c.; musicalinstrument, haja, saz. •"•'*'«. .••"'■^^'■'■" ' musician, moosuqee-dan, mootrib, mobghunnec, v. supra, nadee, ragee, ga,enee, khuniyagur, ku- lawunt, sazindu, bajuntree, sumajee, supur- da,ee, v. singer, performer, instrument, musk, raooshk, niisk, kustooree; abagofmusk, nafu,e inooshk. musk-cat, mooshk-bila,ee. musket, bundooq, toopuk, (with a match) bun- dooq tore-dar, v, lock, 8i.c. ; a musket-shot, (distance) ek golee ka tuppa. musketeer, bundooq-bund, bundooq-chee, burq- undaz, viz. lightning-throwers, whom we liave metamorphosed to barkeiidasses. muskiness, mooshksa,ee, mooshkbaree, mooshk- bo.ee, mooslik-amez,ee. musk-melon, khurboozu, jumalee, buteekh. musk-rat, cl.huchhoondur, chukchhoondee. musky, mooshk-sa, n ooshk-bar, mooshk-amez, mcQshk-bo, mooshk-een. muslin, mulmul, tim-zeb, siree-saf, shub-num, abruwan, sela, duriya|ec, soollum, chundelee, V. laee. musrol, poozee putta. must, zuroor, lazini, chahiye, hoga, bunega, purega ; it must be drunk, peena hoga, or peete bunega, v. tiecessarj/. Must is frequently ex- pressed by the infinitive only. You must go there to-morrow, kul wuhan jana ; you must not tell him so, cose uesee mut kuhna ; it must be, ho nu ho, kyoon nu bo. must, sub. sheei'u,e ungoor. to must, oobusna, v. musty, mustaches, moochhtn, sing, raoochh, booroot. mustard, ra,ee, khur-dil, sursnn, toree, toriya, iursbuf, (tops) kandur. muster, gintee, muojnoclat, tus.heehu, ja.izu, haz- ree, tu,uleequ, niooqabilu, v. to levy. This word is much used for a sample in India, but why I know not, unless from raistur, a rule, q. V. aho pattern. to muster, (an army) muojoodat- tusheehu-Iena, gintee-k. v. to collect; pass muster, pu- sund-h. muster-book, duftur. muster-master, ariz.. His duty is often performed by the mootusuddees, or clerks of the pre- sence. muster-roll, furd, ism-uuweesee, muojoodat- na- niu, sur-khutt. mustiness, poseedugee. musty, oobsa, sura, poseedu, gumsa, v. mouldy, dull, &c.; to be musty, goumusna, v. fusty; to grow musty, oobusna, uosna, (as wine) oo- tuijana, v. vapid. Musulman, moosulman, mooslim, uhl i islam, momin, moohunimudee, toork, [whence toork- suwar, the cavalry'] pi. mooslumeen, momi- neen, (woman) nioosulmanee, momimu, incos- limu, toorkunee. There are two or three sects, who bandy some of the following terms among each other: soonnee, charyaree, ia>- amiyu, sheeu, rafz.ee, kharjee, tufzeelee, 8cc.' all composed of the tribes called Sueyud, Shuekh or Shekh, Mooghul, Puthan, v. sece- der, orthodox, &c. It may not be amiss, in this place, to request of those who may object to Moosulmans as the plural of Mcosulman, to recollect that we say Romans, not Roraen ; Germans, not Germen ; and that there is no more impropriety in saying a Moosulman wo- man, than a Roman lady, Scc. Musulmanism, moohummudiyut, islam, moohum- niudee, &c. mutability, mutableness, be-qurare, be-subatec, na-pa,edaree, tuluwwoon, udumsubat, v. Ti- cissitude. 3 G MUZ ^18 mjT mutable, be-qur^r, be-subat, na-pa,edar, mcotul- ,,uwwiu, unit, jungumee, mcotughueyoor, v. changeable, mutation, tubdeel, tubuddool, v. change, &c. mute, chmp, khamosli, sakit, muon, muonee, lal, be-zuban, v. dumb, (as a letter) mukhfee, mookhtufee, gooput, mu,udoolu, v. consonant, to mute, beeth- peekhal-k. hugna, v. to dung, mutely, khamosliee- &c. -se, choop chap, v. the adj. to'mutilate, nooqsan-k. bigarna, khurab- iiaqis-, cbhin- kat koot-k. v. to lame, spoil, &c. viutilated, mooslu, kana, v. defective, mutilation, v. the verb, .■^j^^-j>-^[ ,».<" mutineer, duugu,ee, bughee, na-farman, bukhe- riya, fusadee, doondee, v. turbulent, mutinous, sur-kush, be-zubt, un-uggya, bud-di- magli, V. supra, also malcontent. •"' U"' mutinously, bughawut- &c. -se. ,\«w\^vt.:isV' mutinousness, sur-kushee, na-furmanee, be-ttib- tee. mutiny, bughawut, ashob, fitoor, fusad, bulwa, huiigamu, dunga, iitnu, inhiraf, v. revolt, sedi- '■ tion. 'to mutiny, bughee- nafurmanee- &c. -k. bui- gushtu- roogurdan- phira- moonhurif-h. mutter, muttering, koorkoorahut, burburahut. to mutter, koorkoorana, burburana, tuirana, ghoor- ghoorana, ghoonglioanana, boorboorana, v. to grumble, murmur, gbjlbil- luburlubur-k. v. to mumble. -' , .^ ,„ j. mutterer, koorkooriya. ,u-|j,J>.juK vs.ir.Hn^S wiM«eriHg/y, kc»rkc»rahut-se. i.:ii (ikwi; m«i. muzzle, moonh, moohra, thoothoon, duhan, jubra, _<\n V «rfTq- Jn^''i >(il jab, V. mouth, {of a gun) mcohxee, {for the mouth) moosika, jab, dhathee, chheeka, mo- heer, {strap) poozee-putta. ..m.,, to muzzle, moonh- bund-k. jab-d. (to fondle) ^oothoonana, tfioothiyana.,wbuisuE ,Jii*i»'hi my, mera, upna, humara, mor, v. mine ; my Jwuse, mera ghur ; / haxie told my father, upne bap se kuha. myrobalan, hur, hura, hulelu, huleluj, buhera, bulelu, anoola ; an electuary ofmyrobalans, tir- phula, itreeful. .,>i . . myriad, dus huzar. ""■'■ i'^ ' • ' '" >">'*' • myriads, kuroron, lak,hon, kurorha, luk,ha, liu- zarha. >Av ,i-«BO-»\\-.v.Hi«iirV^V» .s;/ .sbi'ii.i myrmidon, surhung, udalut ka kootta, \. ruffian, myrrh, moor, bol. myrtle, moord, as. myself muen ap, muen khood, muen hee, upne- hee, {oblique) upnee, upne ; I shall Mil myself, muen upnee tu.een (or upne ko) mar daloonga; / am angry with myself, muen upne hee se nakhoosh hoon ; my own self, muen upne ap. mysterious, mystic, mystical, bu.eed ool fuhm, uuikhfee, moostutir, posheedu, pinhan, gcoput, raz-ilahee, v. enigma, &c. also abstruse, ob- scure, secret. mysteriously,mystically,pech-se,v.obscurely,ii.c. mystery, mysteriousness, mysticalness, sirri alum i ghueb, laz, blied, sirr, rumz, moo,umma, tu- suwwoof, hikmut, oopa.e, v. enigma, trade. Why a tradesman is called a mystery, is rather mysterious, unless it be a corruption of mihtur, or master, being generally applied by us and our servants to the head artificer, who is often honoured with the former title by the nati*e» themselves. n«i ,lil>-\adil .-ja^T. ,l&'fiAlMJ« mythology, de,o mala, tuwareekh jinn, v. history. ■'i.' i ■. y ui Y .illuisfOJ?'!/ , 419 'j\zr ,v thm-^Unb yt.< vVv&t -t.w'tlii, . •t^ .r ,BfelB, .!•>: .r«,t>3 .utile i)-r' .a-Jii^'wi N .•^•' \!aBVj-«vjl ,iiit&(jy>n NAM «, is pronounced as in English, unless when marked so, n ; it then represents the French nasal « (ghoonnu noon), and must be very lightly expressed. See the remarks on this letter, pages vii. x. Inlroduction..,^\^ ^- to nab, pukur-iena, dubochna, churh-buethna, a-gherna, v. to catch. nadir, simt oolrijl, niiieer oDs-shnt, oordh. nag, yaboo, tuttoo, churkha, v. steed, ta,ir, v. poneyjade. .a ,'mim't>,<\H nail, {of thejinger, &c.) nakhoon, riuh, nukh, v. talon, (of iron, &c.) keel, mekh, khoontee, mismar, preg, kanta, v. boss, peg, {measure) girih, {cutter) nakhcnn-turash or -geer, nu- hurnee ; on the nail, hath pur, v. ready. to nail, keehia, kee!-d. or -marna, mekh-lugana, V. to stud; to pay on the nail, nuqd- rok-d. naked, nuuga, nuugta, buruhna, coriyan, khoola. coghar, nigut, digumbur, (bare) oolana, v. to strip ; stark naked, nung dhurung, v. bare, stark, uihutha, be-huthiyar, v. unarmed, (evi- dent) zahir, {mere) sirf, nira, looch, v, plain, simple ; naked as he was bom, nunga madur nakedly, be-kupre, khoole, be-SatUr, v. the adj. nakedness, buruhnugee,cnriyanee,nunga|ee,nung- ta,ee, ooghurpun, v. nudity, also evidence. name, nam, nanw, ism, Inqnb, tukhulloos, v. re- nown, honour, kooniyut, asamee, [from usma the pi. of ism'] v. client, Si.c. {reputation) sakji, NAP v.fame, bhes, v. mask; your name, sir? (re- spectfully) ism shureef ap ka ? in the name of God, bu nam i khooda, bismilljh; to call names, galee-d. la zubau-kuhna; well named, ism ba moosnmma, v. famous; in his name, ooske nam se. , to name, nam-r. muosoom- tusmiyu-k. bukhan- na, kuhna, v. to term, call, uamzud- &c. k. V. to ajjpoint, (a child, &c.) nam-dhuma, v. to nickname ; to mention by name, nara-lena, nam-butlana, {to specify) butiana, v. to men- tion, utter, &c. ; to call by name, nam lekur pokamaj nam puknr ke-bolana. named, muosoom, moosumma, nam-zud. nameless, be-nam, grom-nam, na-mu,iiloom, v. obscure, be nam uishan, v. unknoWfi. namely, yu.uuee, v. instance, mushiQ, jaaOr t., liarticularly, viz. A,;„i,n-.v namesake, hum-nam, hum-ism, sumee, su-namee, V. godfather, &c. ; meet, meeta, which is much used by the bearers, in some provinces, like the word brother, or friend, in English. nap, (down) khwab, and also, which is rather singular, {sleep) neend, jhup, jhupkee, lot pot ; tlie afternoons nap, quelooiu. to nap, sona, oonghua, ankh-lngna, jhnpkee- lena, queloolu-k. jhupana. g^i ,\o>i nape, gooddee, gurdun, qufa, giyoon, nar, {of the neck) munka. naphtha, nuftu. 3 G2 NAS 420 NAT napkin, roo-mal, moonh-ponchna, dust-mal, v. bib. napless, be-klwab. Happiness, {of cloth) kh^yab-daree, ro,anra. nappy, {as cloth) khwab-dar, ro,anra, good-gcnda, V. soft, (frothy) poor-kuf, phencnsuha. narcissus, nurgis, ubhur, nurgis-shuhlu. narcotic, mooskir, muta,ona, mookhuddur, v. ano- dyne, intoxicating. nard, nurd, nardeen, sumbool-roomee, juta-ma- see, V. spikenard. narration, narrative, nuql, uhwal, qissu, hikayut, kuhanee, kutha, britant, riwayut, v. relation, story. narrator, rawee, hakee, naqil, byas, v. historian. narrow, tang, choost, suket, sukra, [whence the famous Sukree gulee, a narrow pass, better known among us by the name of Sikly gulW,] V. light, tight, {as cloth, &c.) kum-urz, kum- bur, kushmukush, chupqulish, sankur, v. strait, kum jcor-ut, kum-zurf, ochha, v. sle7i- der, {path to heaven) pool surat, {small) chho- ta, thora, ghat, kum, quleel, {avaricious) tymg- dil, kirpin, v. covetous, stingy, &c. ; to be in narrow circumstances, tung dust- tihee dust-h. lo narrow, tung- &c. -k. kum-k. ghutana, v. to diminish, &c. mooqneyud- muhdood-k. v. to confine, contract, &c. narrowly, tungee-se, {closely) ghuor- diqqut-, tuqueyood- ugor-se, v. attentively, nearly, &c. {sparingly/) jooz rusee- tung dilee-se, v, ava- riciously. narrowness, sukru,ee, tungchaiCe, kum-joor,utee, tungee, v. illiberal, {poverty) tung-dustee, ti- hee-dustee, cosrut, nasal, (as n) ghoonnu, san-nasik, mughnoonu, khueshoom, nakee, {letter) uijooswar, urdh- chundra, doorbasee. nastily, nasafee- &c. -se. nastiness, uujasut, ghala/-ut, aloodugee, muel, muleenta, w. filth, nasty, muela, na-saf, pileed, mulich,h, nurk, ku- seef, aloodu, v. pollution, ughoree, v. dirty, filthy, &c. natal, junumee, wiladutee, madur zadee, v. birth. nation, quom, millut, guroh, bururi,jat, v. tnhe, people. national, am, quomee, jutee, burnee, zat- &c, -purwur, V. public, tribe, (bigotted) wutun- dost, quom-purwur. nationalness, quomiyut, jat puch|h. native, uslee,zatee, jubillee, khilqee, kool-paluk. madur-zad, junumee, biz-zatee, ghureezee, v. genial, horoscope ; native country, wutun, des, zad-boom, v. nativity, country, native, sub. ad, junum, mootuwuttin, bashindu, booniyadee, deswal, desee, wutunee, muoleed, bus-basee, v. inhabitant. nativity, junum, tuwullcad, wuladut, pueda,ish, (birthplace) inuolud, musqut, junum-bhoom. natron, barud. natural, tubee,ee, v. native, {according lo nature) bu-adutj mcnqurrur, mooqtuzee, sadharun, v. easy, free, jatee, burnee, qoodrutee, uqlee, {just) burjustu, mcionasib, v. proper, {unaffec- ted) be-saklitu, suhuj, {illegitirnate) huram, huramee, qojdrutee, duebee, {genius) uql- zatee, taiCedkhizree ; a natural consequence, nuteeju uslee ; a natural death, upnee muot ; a person of natural capacity to any art, or self taught, uta,ee ; natural religion, muzhubi uq- lee; natural colour, i\coATViiee Twng; iiatural philosophy, ilmi-tubee,ut or -tubu,ee ; natural history, khuwass col ushiya; to die a natural death, khat pur-murna, khat purke-murna, also to linger, q. v. NAV 421 NBA naturaly sub. iihmuq, booz i ukhfush, koorh, oot, nioorh, jtinum ba,ola, \.fool, ideot. to naturalize, upnana, shamil-k. v. entrance, to initiate, &c. naturally, bil-usalut, biV.atihi, nsalufnn, bii adut, (delicate) z.U|eef oo! broniyad, (properly) bur justug^ee- &c. -se, bu-muoqu, (spontaneously) khrad bu khnod, ap-se, aphee ap. naturalness, burjiistugce, humwaree, be-sakhtu- gee, V. consistency. nature, tubee.ut, tubu, juohur, jubillut, surislit, teenut, wujood, mizaj, v. constitution, prikrit, kho, adut, kbuslut, seerut, khoolq, tyon, soob- ha,o, ban, munish, mushrub, (quality) khu- wass, khassu, goon, khasiyut, mooqtuza, v. temper, disposition, tuqaza, nihad, dhurum ; human nature, busbriyut, jam-insan ; this is the nature of man, yih insan ka tuqaza hue; nature, (sort) wuzu, qism, jins, nnou, jutun, V. kind, (when used for Creator) qoodrut, (world) dooniya, alum, v. universe. naiW, juhazee, buhree, v. rnarine. nave, nabh, manjha, munjhela, (ring) awiyoon, V. navel. navel, naf, tondee, nabee, bondee, v, centre, (stri7ig) nul or nula, dhurun, whence nul-ook- hurna or -digna, [naf-tnlna,] is applied to some imaginary involution of the intestines, to cure which much friction and groping are practised by female practitioners, expressed by naf- &c. -buethalua. naughtiness, shurarut, utputang. Haughty, naught, boora,bud, shureer, utputangee. navigable, khoola, v. open, jnhaz- &c. -jane-la,iq, hulfa, V. boat, barge, &c. to navigate, i\i\\diZ ranee-k. chulana, v. to guide, direct, &c. navigation, mnllahee, mooullimee, juhazee-jlm, juhaz-ranee, nakhroda.ee, manjhee-giiree, nu- wa,ee, v. passage, navigator, mullah, monullini, nikhad, juhaz-raii, nakhccda, uueya, maiijhee, v. master, pilot, sailor, &c. naulage, niwul, nuol, \. freight, nausea, routla,ee, oobka,ee, oobkee. to nauseate, hooliyana, jee-mutlana, jee-ghinano, nufrut- &c. -r. v. to keck, kurhaiyut- &c. -k. kuchiyana, v. abhorrence, also to loathe. nauseous, ghiua,ona, mukrooh, kureeh. nauseously, kurahiyut- &c. -se. nauseousness , ghina.o, nufrut, kurahiyut, istikrah. nauy, juhaz, buhr, nuwara, v. fleet. nay, nu, nuheen, oon boon, v. no, buiki, buroo, Y. besides. to neal, ta,ona, v. to temper. neap, hulka, v. low. near, prep, kune, pas, sumeep, dheeg, v. infra. near, pas, nere, lug, nuzdeek, qureeb, unqureeb, lug bhug, moottusil, nikut, also the (adv.) teer, kol,dhik,eehan, v. approximate, nigh, about, by, on, side, relative, kin, &c. (f/v), ^^yaNi.svi'; necklace, mala, kunthee, bar, mohun-mala, chu- pa-kulee, roodrachh, kunth-mala, surasuree, toolsee-danu, rutuu-mala, lurchha, motee- jue- &c. -mala, {with two strings) doo-luree, {three) ti-luree, {four) chuo-luree, {five) puch- luree ; a round ornament, or collar, wqrn ratrnd, the neck, hunsXee. . , r,./ -■-■y- ■-. necromancer, jadioo-gar, sahir,muntree,musanee, isht bulee, suhbar, v. magician, conjurer. necromancy, jadoo,sahiree,sihr-karee, toua,mun- tur, tuntur, juntur, v. enchantment, musan, isht bul, moosukhkhirat, tuskheer, y. familiar. nectar, abi kuosur, shnrabiin tuhoora, umirt, piyookh, soodha, {the afnbrosia tree) kulup birch, tooba, v. honey. nectared, nectarious, nectarine, umritee, piyook- hee, mudhooree, shukur-aloodu, v. mellifluous. need, dur-kar, ihtiyaj, zuroorut, ghuruz, chah, tatpurj, V. necessity, want. am ,»v\.>>>ji\ii*i»" NEG 423 NEP to need^ moohtaj- &c. -h. ihtiyaj- &c. -r. or -h. jachna, chalina, v. to want. u,, ,aiij, needful, zuroor, lazim, wajib, la boodd, v. neces- sart/. needfully, &c. v. necessarilt/. 'iHulir?;! needle, 8oo,ee, sozun, durzun, doomoohee, {large) sooja, soo a, {of the compass) soo.ee, kanta, {full) taga bhur soot, soo,ee bhur, v. thread ; the eye of a needle, uaka. needle-case, chuenchee, tile-danee, buglee. needle-maker, sozun-gur. needle-zcork, seena pirona, seela,ee, 8oo,ee ka kam, hoonur, v. sempstress, {embroidery) ku- sbeedu. needless, be-zuroor, be-ihtiyaj, be-fa,idu, la-hasil, ukariiih, v. unnecessary. needlessly, v. the adj. needlessness, be-ihtiynjee. needs, zuroorutun, v. necessarily. needy, kungal, dalidree, mcnhtaj, mooflis, muflook, ihtiyajee.mur-bhookha, v. destitute, necessitous. nefarious, v. scandalous, budtur, lu.unutee, nusht, boora, v. abominable, villanous. negation, nubee, iiufee, in,kar, siilb, nast, rudd, nuhkar. .twsuw negative, adj. munfee, salibii, nastee, nuh.karee, moikree, v.privitive, inumnoou, burjitwa, v. to forbid, niiijbooree, v. passive ; a negative par- ticle, hurfi nufee, hurti sulb. .UmsA'^ c«Ib negative, sub. nafiyu, {in logic) qijziyii salibu. negatively, nufiyim, bis~siilb, sulubun. neglect, tiegligeuce, ghuflut, tusabool, be-khu- buree, tuknsool, anu kauee, kahilee, k^utu, tubawoon, mujhoolee, suho, dheelungee, v. carelessness, backwardness, be-iltifatee, v. in- attention, hiqanit, tuhqeer, un-adur, upopman, "• *<^<"""- f >,?..ff>f to neglect, bhoolna, ghuflut- 8cc. -k. quza-k. bi- surna, chookna, kuni nigahee- &c. -k. v. to slight, despise, neglect, gbafil- &c. -h. v. ne- glectful, {to postpone) mooltuwee-r. daltal-r. neglected, v. inattentive, be-dasht, be-murrumut, V. care. to be neglected, rool-jana, v. to decline. neglectful, negligent, ghafil, muj}wo\, kahil, swst, dheela, dheelung, v. careless, be- iltifat. negligently, ghuflut- &c. -se, ghuflutun, v. scorn- ful. to negociate, moo,amuIut-&c. -k. v. to treat. negociation, moo,amuIu, juwab-suwal, puegham- sulam, kar-bar, v. agency, treatj/, kuh pooch, bat cheet, kuha koohee, kidia soDuee, kam- kaj, ugurchal, but kuha.o, zikr-muzkoor, zikr- uzkar, v. business, tnooamulu rusee, v. to ad- just, settle. negociator, juwab-suwalee, durmijanee, niiyan- jee, V. mediator, moo,atnulu-dan, -shinas or -rus, ugurchalee, butkuhee, v. agent, &c. , negro, hubshee, zungee, siyah, seedee, kafree, V. black. , .. . , neigh, hinhinahut, suheel. to neigh, hiuliinana, tjumthunaua. neighbour, bunj-sayu, Iium-juwar, purosee, puon- riya, sumeepee, hum deewar, iiihutee, urosee purosee, chuodisee, shafee. neighbourhood, puros, ju«ar, aros puros, qooib, iiuzdeekee, ittisal, nuwahee, diuoh dis, ehuo- hor, rand puros, l»um sayuge^, shufa-khHieet. neighbouring, nuzdeek, pas, nioottusil, v. near. neighbourly, khuleeq, niilunsar, puchmiJjt, v. civil. neither, uu, nu ek iiu do, nu con. nu yoon, v. either; neither this nor that, nu yih uq wmh, {pron.) ko.ee nuheen ; take both or neither, kbwah dono lo khwali ko,ee nuheen lo. nenuphar,— from neelo fur, v. water-lily. nepenthe, dookh hurun. nephew {brother's son) bhnteeja, biradur-zadu, NEV 424 ISIEW {sister's son) bhanja, bhugna, hum-sheeru-za- du, khwahir-zadu. nerve, usub, pue, putha, nus, rug, reshu, v. si- new, Sac; to strain every nerve, jan fisLanee-k. Siumeen o asman ek-k. zor-niarna. nerveless, na-tuwan, dcor-bul, nitana, v. weak. nervous, koongra, moishtunda, chaq-chuobund, hurmooshtuk, v. pithy, gutheela, v. robust, (style) muteen, poosht, v. delicate, also strot\.g, (belonging to the nerves) usubee, (weak) dhee- la, soDSt. nest, ghonsia, asbiyann, gbur, jugub, kbanu, thangee, udda, basa, khondha, s.2>lace, haunt, drawer, alauu, (of a crow, &c.) thath, ghon- pa, V. den, hole, &c. (of thieves) ukhara, nah, V. hive ; to harry a nest, ghonsla-oojarna. to nestle, v.n. ghonsia- &c. -k. asbiyanu-k. ghoos- na, ruhna, busna, v. to harbour, puina, v. a. palna, v. to cherish. nestling, leda, ashiyanee, geda, loda, v. callow. we*, jala, dhabajal, dam, ghurbal, beesaree. nether, nethermost, v. low, &c. turuela, turla, ze- reen, putalee, usful, v. infernal. neft, (amount paid to government ., &c.)sudur ju- rau, toomar. netted, jal-dar, mooshubbuk. netting, v. lace, jal ka kam, v. seine, sikhur, chheeka, posheedu, (^roMKt?)bhoo,eenjal, lus- toora, V. snare, (or bag) kondlee, lutkun, khara, ahaba, (of bedding, &c.) binawut, (of beds, &c. chuokuree, chhukaree, nuo kurec. nettle, giznu, unjeeru, bichhoo,a, khujwut. to nettle, sutana, khijana, diqq-k. birana, v. to irritate, sting. net-work, jal, v. netted. never, kubhoo nnbeen, kudhee nuheen, hurgiz, zinhar, usla, mootluq, nu-kO|ee, nu-koochh, V. neither, (soever) hee, bum, bumn, v. ever, no, not, none, &c.; be he never so wise, kuesa- hee alim ho. nevertheless, tis-pur-bhee, tuobhee, tabnm, um- ma, V. but, purunt, purto, buruks is bat ke, burkhilaf iske, v. still, contrary. neuter, neutral, nyara, ulug, bahur, buree, musa- wee, mcoburru, nn idhur nu oodhur, mabuen, buen buen, ma3,iilluq, udhur, ma),urru, pak, \.free, indifferent, {ingram.)'aupconsuk,(ge7i- der) kle,o ling, mookbunnis, (as a verb) lazi- mee, sumani. neutrality, buen buen kee halut, moo,ulluqee, udhurta, mabueuee halut. new, nuya, nuween, nuo, tazu, judeed, nuo-ru- seedu, uuo-pueda, nuwela, hadis, v. fresh, (modern) mootU|Ukhir, (different) uor, doosra, (strange) ujeeb, ujnubee, v. newly, (in comp.) nuo, &c. tazu, are both used, v. young, kota, unwasa, tub durz, tutka, nuo-turz, v. afresh. new-born, kucha, nuo-pueda. new-comer, nuo-ruseedu, tazu-warid, nno-amu- du, nuo-abad, tazu-wilayut, v. stranger. newel, pech, v. screw. newfangled, nuween grahee, nuo-dost, bool hu- wusee, V. capricious. newfangledness, nuo-dostee, v. novelty. v newly, bil-fi,ul, thore, dinonse, dureen wila, v. lately, uz-nuo,suri-nuo,mciojudduduii, v.anew, also the adj. new-moon, nuya chand. to be new-moon, chand dekhna, v. change. newness, tazugee, nuweenta, tu.ukhkhoor, ujnu- biyut, V. novelty. news, khubur, sumachar, uhan, sundesa, waqi,at, (of victory) futih-namu, (bringer of) nioobush- shir, (-paper) ukhbar ; good news, khmsb- khuburee, nuwed, moozhdu, busharut; bad news, bud khubur; a writer of news, ukhbar- nuwees. — NIC 425 NIG news-monger, khubur d6st, sliuliur khubra, af- MQ-go, dholukiya, v. intelligence, newt, buninija, lohtun, reg-iiiahee, v. lizard, new-year, sali nuo, v. gift. next, {in place) pas se pas, bulioot-pas, quieeb- tur, uqrub, nuzdeektur, bhira lioo,a, iiiila lioo,a, qureen, v. close, {in turn) doosra, v. near, after, ugla, {thither) pueia, purla, {hither) wuela, wurla, v. another, also contiguous, ti.c.; the next time, doosre wuqt, iior wuqt, pher, sanee unhal, v. again, second; next year, ugla- or par-sal, v. last, &c. nib, iiok, thor, unee, v. point, tip, bill, to nibble, v. n. khoothurna, khootukna, libliba- iia, kcDiurna, loopur loopur-khana, v. to chew, {as a Jish) khcotkarna, khoothur-d. {to carp at) ueb geeree- hurf geeree-k. nooktii cheen- -h. V. to blame. nice, {accurate) bareek-beeii, duqeequ-sunj, ncok- tu-dai), khoord-been, v. exact, nazook, v. dain- ty, nuk-churha, v. delicate, khassu, luzeez, V. delicious, {squeamish) nieermunish, mirza inizaj, V. fastidious, dainty, dokhee, niatra bicharee, v. critic, {minute) gliamiz, rukeek, milieen, v. fine, also scrupulous, {in eating) klioosh-khor. khqnsh-dumagli. nicely, bareek beenee- &c. -se. niceness, bareek-beeiiee, diiqeequ-suiijee, nooktu- daiiee, khoord-beenee, wuswas, wuhm, nuza- kut, nazookee, bareekee, diqqut, khoosh-kho- ree, nuk cliurhee, v. daintiness. niceties, tuha,if, nufajs, (oohfujat, nicety, v. tidbit, sufa,ee, suniit, joogut, v. art. nich, taq, taq-clni, ara, dhirkha, v. arch. niched, gokhroodar. niching, taq-bundee. nick, {notch) khun danu, dharee, khudha, v. score, {of time) took, tak bak, uen, nioona, ta,o, kat ; he came in the nick of time to save his ar- my, took {or uen wuqt) pur aya upne lushkur buchane ko. to nick, khundane-k. v. to notch, {to hit) nisha- uu- huduf- mania, v. to cozen, &c, nick-name, luqub, oorf, nam, lurkaiCe- or lugnee- ka nam, oorfee-nam, bud-luqub. to nick-name, iiam-r. mooluqqub-k. nam-dhurna, V. to miscal. nidgit, hech karu, na-cheez, pudna, chootiya, V. poltroon, &c. nidorous, chira,endh, sondha. niece, bhugnee, hum sheeru zadee, v. nephew, {brother's daughter) bhuteejee, biradur-zadee, {sister's daughter) bhanjee. niggard, kunjoos, mukhee-choos, soom, moom- sik, bukbeel, v. penurious, kripin, bud-bukh- eel, shoom, soonira, belus, khunnas, shuqee, V. curmudgeon, also miser. niggardliness, soomta, kunjoos-puna, tung-dilee, timg-chushmee, duna,ut, v. avarice. niggardly, tung-dii, tung-chushm, kripin, duoee, kh usees, v. supra. niggardly, adv. tung dilee- &c. -se, v. parsimo- niously, &c. nigh, pas, nuzdeek, qureeb, unqureeb, kune, V. near ; nigh dead, qureeb ooi muot, v. almost. nighness, nuzdeekee, qoorb, v. nearness. night, rat, shub, ruen, nis, luel, jamin, nislhnee, rujinee, tumis, shubgali, sham, v. evening; to- night, aj kee rat, aj-rat ; at night, rat-ko ; last night, dosh, dee-shub, kul kee rat, which last signifies also to-morrow night, v. the Monitor, Vol. I. p. 207, 8tc ; a dark night, shub i due- joor, unaheree rat; a long night, shub i duraz, buree rat ; a moonlight night, chandnee rat, lueloot ool budr; the whole night, shub a shub ; to spend the whole night in mourning, nalu,e sliub geer-k.; a night attack, shub-khoon, rutwahee, rutdhawa, v. midnight. 3H NIN 426 NOB night and day, shub o roz, luel o nihar, v. day, {without intermission) rata rat, shub a shub. night-cap, topee, phenta. night-crow, {raven) pecha. 7iight-dew, shub-niim, seet. ,««»rr .;• night-dress, parchu,e-shub khwahee. night-faring, shub-vuwan, shub-ruo, nisa rumu- nee. night-fire, rach,husee agiin, v. ignis-faiuus. night-gown, lubadu, v. cloak. ... rj.y,»s^.sci night-hag, keechin, chooruel, v. witch, nighted, shub ruseedu. nightingale, boolbool, shah-boolbool, huzar-dastan, unduleeb, kanhra, sharik, ggol-dcnm, tootee, totee, not a parrot in Hindoostanee, though in Persian it be so. nightly, hur rat, hur shub, rat ko, wuqt i shub. nightly, adj. shubeenu. night-mare, kaboos, jukra, gooma, v. incubus, night-piece, shubeeh-shubeenu, v. picture, night -robber, shub-khoon, v. robber, night-shade, {common) inuko,ee, inub oos-sU|Ulib, dhatoora, v. egg-plant, {deadly) inub oos-sU|U- ]ib buree. nighC s-lodging, sluib bashee. night-walk, rutwahee, v. rounds, night-walker, shub-gurd, ruteeha, shub-shikaree, rut khelna^ v. rake, nimble, juld, tez, choost o clialak, chaiak, tez- ruo, zood-ruo, soobook-khez, toond-ruo, uchpul, chunchul, (in cornp.) suree, v. quick, nimble-footed, tez-pa, goorez-pa, soobook-pa. nimbleness, juhlce, tezee, chc»stee, chabookee, chalakee, phoort, churphuiahut, tez-ruwee, zood-ruvvte, scnbook-khtzee, tcond-ruwee, uth- pulee, chuiichulee. nini&Zy, juldee- Sec. -se. nincompoop, ninny, ninnyhammer, nioohmul, uh- niuq, reesh-ga,o, koon i khur, ga,odee, choo- ti^a, ubluh, pudna, shekh-chillee, hech-pooch, V. nidgit, trifler, &c. nine, nuo, nooh, tisu,u, nuo,a, {of cards) nuhia, {pins) gurlia goopchee, guhgolee, v. game. nine-fold, nooh-chund, nuo-gooua. nineteenth, ooneeswan. ninety, nuvvwe, nuvvud. ninth, Duvvwan. nip, chootkee, noch, v. taunt^ che.ontee, v. bite, cut. '* ^'"^ *'' <^'**^ ^*''^' ' to nip, noclma, choDtkee-lena, che,ontee-kati)a, chonthna, v. to snap, ooktana, [from ookutna, to be nipped with frost, £cc.] pale-rnarna, \. fro- zen, to pinch, {to crop) khontna, {as frost) lugna, {to blast) marua, oora-d. v. to destroy, &c. {to vex) sutana, khijana, v. to bite, &c- nippers, mo-cheen, vulg. inochna, v. pincers, nipple, bhitnee, sur i pistan, dhepnee, bhent00|a, tconikuna, v. orifice. ''■'f nit, leekh, dhukh. nitre, shoru, nutroon, ubqnr, bajee ; water cooled with nitre, ab-shom. nitrous, shorn aniez, {acid) uruqi shoru, v. salt. nitty, leekhaha, dhukhaha, v. egg, &c. tio, nuheen, nu, na, oohoon, uhan, na na ; no one, kO|ee-nuheen, v. none, not. to nobilitate, nnjeeb- &c. -k. nobility, shurafiii, nujabiit, usaltit, umeer-zadu- gee, oinra,ee, shuifijut, kooieenta, uniarut, .g, unieeree, muhatumee, v. genteel, {nobles) oomura, v. dignity. noble, shureef, nujeeb, usee!, ushraf, kcoleen, alee-nusub, boozooig, kubeer, alee-shan, umeer- zadu, ooindu, bura, usiilee, mujeed, v. great, illustrious, btwlund, v. sublime, iizeeni cosli- shan, V. splendid, high, nitihatum, kcniwunt, juteela, nusulee, zufee, {on both sides) nujeeb oot-turufuen, v. exalted, {minded) khatir-atir, V. gallant, {as metals, Stc,^ ushruf, [whence NOI 427 NON the gold moohnr, is called ushrufee, lit. a noble, V. gold.] nobleman, umeer, munsub-dar, baboo, oomra,o, rookn, pi. urakeeii, v. lord, also the adj. nobleness, boozcorgee, bura,ee, kuramut, bcolun- dee, V. nobility, digniti/, &c. nobles, oomura, noojuba, shojrufa, ushiaf, koobura, iis,hab i duoliit, urkani-duolut, inuha-poork,h, V. grand, and its derivatives. nobly, shureefaiiu, inijeebanu, umeer^uu, — also noble, when applied to things. nobly-born, umeer-zadu, nujeeb-zadu, \. magna- nimously, &.c. nobodjj, ko,ce nuheeu,y/gf. na-cheez, la-shue, na- kus. nocturnal, shubeenu, shiibee, luelee, nitee, rutu- ha ; pollutio nocturna, ihtilani, shuetanee ghu- flut. ■Hft^fh' nod, jhookawut, jhooka,o, rumz, v. bow, sign. to nod, V. n. jhookna, luchua, nihoorna, v. to bow, {to be drowsy) jhupkee men-h. oonghna, ankh-lugna, ulsana, puluk-Iugna, pinkee men- -a, V. to dose, moond- sir-hilana or -dolana, v, to wink. nodder, moond-hila,oo, girgit, v. lizard. noddle, sur, khopree, kasu, bujir inoond, v. idiot, head. node, ganth, goolthee, amas, v. knob, (intersec- tion) eera, khutt-suleebee, (of the moon) ras o zuinm, rahoj ket, v. not. noise, (sound) awaz, shubd, bang, suot, nu uru, (clamour) shor, ghool, ghcol ghoolu, goohar, fighan, ghooloo, shor o shur, d(xiha,ee tiha,ee, dad be dad, v. disturbance, exclamation, cry, bulla kulla, ghure.o, tuobu dhar, liooha, hush- rat, ghool ghudr, kullu, v. din, ahut chahut, turakha, v. clamour, also scream, &c. (to make) shor-d. v. report, also outcry. to noise, shcohru afaq-k. huwa- chung-k. shooh- rut-pukurna, gcol bang-h. v, to resound, noisome, moofsid, moozirr, moostukru, ghina.ona, v, disgusting. ..„, ,. noisomeness, fusad, ifsad, na-guwaree, istikrah, V. offensiveness. noisy, poor-shor, shoree, kullu-duraz, dhoom dhamee, chilchiliya, ootkut, v. clamorous, nolens volens, charnachar, khwahmu khwah, jub- run-quhrun, huqq na huqq, v. right. 7ioli me tangere, boolbool ka buchu, is applied to any sore so painful that the patient shrieks out if any one but attempts to touch it. nolition, ghuer-khwahee, nirchah, v. dislike, nomancy, usthool dusa. nomenclature, nam dhurkee, v. nomination, nam- mala, v. vocabulary, nominal, furz.ee, khiyalee, wuzu,ee, naniee, is- inee, muzkooree, moonh-bola, zubanee, khan- . du, kaghuzee, v. titular, also verbal, to nominate, nani-butlana, v. to call, (to appoint) thuhrana, nuotna, mooqurrur-k. namzud-k. nomination, tusmiyu, nam-zudee, v. appointment, (power of appointing) uzl o nusb, cokhar- puchhar. nominative, (or agent to a verb) fa,il, kurta, ha- lut-rufu,ee or -fa,iliyut, prithunna karuk. non, (in comp.) na, la, ghuer, udum, kuin, v. dis, un, &c. nonage, klword-salee, kum-sinnee, kum-qomree, V. minority, nonappearance, ghuer haziree. noncompliance, na-ruza muudee, v. refusal, nonconformist, na-qabool, moonliurif, birodhee. nonconformity, inhiraf. none, V.o^ee nuheen, koochh nuheen, nu ek, nir- jun, v. not, and one. - ,«»«j ,wiii> nonentity, non-existence, nestee, udnni, funa- niuhz, miyanmoordee, v. ineodsterKC, na- NOO 428 NOS pued, mufqood ool wujood, mu,udoom ool wu- jood, V. suppositious, nobody. non-naturals, sittu-zurooriyu, kjiut kurni. nonpareil, la-sanee, be-iiuzeer, ekta, eganu or yugaiiee, kag, taq, v. paragon. non-payment, ghuer uda,ee. non-performance, ghuer ijra,ee, nuzur undazee, nirsadhnee, v. breach. nonplus, hueranee, tushweesh, la-cliaree, ghol, mat. to nonplus, lajuwab- bund- hueran- lacliar- mat-, -k. chuokree-bhoolana, koot- shuhmat-zlch-, -k. V. to puzzle, mekh-mania, mekhiyana, V. to stop. non-resident, ghuer sakin, {cultivator) pahee kasht. non-resistance, uroktok,ghuer-moozahimut, udum iiioonianyBt, v. obedience, also resistance. nonsense, jhuk, yawu, yawu-go,ee, be-hoodu- go ee, poochiyat, sutur-putur^ hurzu-go,ee, be- ja,ee, luput suput, pooch padur-huwa, lata.il, wahee tubahee, lugho husho, lughwiyat, bad huwa,ee, shootur goz, bukjhuk, zutiil, kucha- pun, V. absurdity; to talk nonsense, yawu- bukna, jhuk-marna, be hoodu-kuhna, gooli- khana. nonsensical, be-hoodu, poocli, maDhmul,be-muu- nee, ia-yu,unee, v. foolish, zutulee, v. supra, ghuer-mu,unee, v. silly, &c. to non-suit, v. to cast, iia musmoou- la du,u\va-, nas-k. V, to dismiss, reject. nook, kona, goshu, v. corner. noon, noonday, noontide, do-piihr, nisf con-nuhar, mudhiyan, do puhr din, din do puhur, v. me- ridian. noose, phoondee, phansee, phusree, phunda,kum- und, pas, suiuk -phansee, phuruk-wansee. to noose, phansna, phandna, phunsana, v. to catch. nor, nu ; neither very long nor very short, nu bu- hcDt lumba nu buhrot chhota. north, oottur, shimal ; facing the north, shimal- roo, oottur moonha, oodechee. north-east, eesan. northern, northerly, shimaiee, ootraha, ootra,enee, from ootra,en, the northern declination, north-star, qootoob i shimaiee, qootoob-tara, dhoorb, V. pole. northward, oottur-ko, bu simt i shiniai. north-west, ba,eb, bhundar. north-wind, oottura, bad i shimal. nose, nak, nasika, beenee, ghraii, tondee, {disease of) nakra, nukoo,a, v. sagacity, {of quadru- peds) ihoothun, thoolhuree, v. scent ; having the nose cut, nukta, beenee booreedu ; the nose- ring, {worn as an ornament) nuth, nuthnee, bro- laq, besur, jhoolnee, kihrikee, v. nostril; the string which is fastened in the nose of camels, imkel, moohar, nath ; to bore the nose of bul- locks, natha, nak-chhedna ; to blow the nose, nak-sinukua or -jhariia ; to bleed at the nose, nukseer- binas, -chulna, or -phootna ; to speak through the nose, uiinminaiia, goongconana, na- kee-d. ; to lead by the nose, huth kura-r. nu- kel hath men-r. or -h. ; she leads her husband by the nose, ms ke khawind kee bag cos ke hath men hue ; to thrust one's nose into other people's business, iioron ke kam men hath dal- na ; follow your nose, nak kee seedh chule ja,o ; to put one's nose out of joint, bhanjce-mania, jur-katna, kan-katna, choole-ookharna, kiiii- nee katna ; having a big nose, nosy, nukkoo, miyan nukkoo. to nose, soonghna, bas-pana, {to cock the) nuki- yana, nak churhana, v. to despise, smell. nose-band, poozee putta. nosegay, gool-dnstu, phooion ka gcochha, toorru, tueya, luolasee.. NOT 429 NOT noseless, nukta. nostril, nuthna, poora, niinkhur; the cartilage which divides the nostrils, \}aAa(\, as also the or- nament appended to it. nostrum, choot koola, lutka, v. secret. not, tiuheen, nu, na, ghuer, {before the impera- tive) mut, liukko; forsake me not, mcnjhe chjioio-mut, V. the negative particles dis, in, uu, &c. ; not in the least, niootluq, usia, with the negative nuheen. notable, mushhoor, qabil yad, tu,ureefee, v. noted, (careful) hooshiyar, chutoor, kam kajee, v. ac- tive, (bustling, &c.) sahib snleequ, girtliun, V. intermeddler, also officious, famous. notably, kuro fur-se, v. ostentatiously, notary, sukkak. notation, chinb-kar, nishan-nuweesee, i,urab-di- hee, V. meaning. notch, khundanu, barha, kherchee, v. nich, (of an arrow) soofar. to notch, khundanu-k. notched, khundanu-dar, dundanu-dar. note, nishan, uiamut, cliinh, puta, v. mark, (re- putation) nam, shoohrut, bhurum, v. conse- quence, (voice) nuwa, ahung, turanu, nida, shubd, V. harmony, (in music) tan, soor, nndaz, khurj, gundhar, mudhim, nikhad, dhewut, puncbum, rikhub, v. gamut, tune, (symbol) nuqsh, ank, v. abbreviation, (letter) chithee, rooqu,u, V. point, patee, shooqqu, chuktee, v. letter, (bill) sutta, suoda-puttur, v. invoice, yadasbt.v. memorandum. Sac. (annotation) tee- Ka, V. order, epistle, (bond) tumassook, dust- awez, teep ; a marginal note, hashiyu. to note, gbuor- moolahuzu- dhyan- &c. -k. soch- na, V. to observe; to note down, likh- tank- lena, dakbil- durj- moonduruj-k. v. to mark, qulum bund-k. v. to minute, remark, charge. note book, bueyaz, sufeenu. note^, namtee, nam-wur, nam-dar, mushhoor, mu.uroof o mushhoor, khyatee, roodar, shooh- rutee, roo-shunas, moomtaz, moortaz, naniziul. zuban-zud, v. eminent, remarkable. noter, bicharee, sochee, ghuoree, v. observer. nothing, hech, koochh nuheen, v. non-existence, (trifle) na-cheez, la-shue, (mo other thing) ko.ee uor cheez nuheen, koochh uor nuheen, v. va- hie, &c. the words under which, with the ne- gative particle, will often express nothing,ds it is sometimes applied in EngUsh ; to make no- thing, (of an undertaking) panee-janna ; for nothing, mooft, sent, v. gratis, mooft-men, yoon- hee, nahuqq, v. unjustlt/ ; good for nothing, ni- kumma, nabukar, nukaru, kam ka nuheen. nothing7iess,udam,nestee, na-cheezee,la-shu,ee. notice, ghuor, soch, nigah, nuzur, v. caution, re- gard, khubur, ittilau, agahee, sumachar, ahut, V. attention, lihaz, boodh, v. advice, &c. (cita- tion) i,ulam. to notice, dekhna, v. to perceive, heed, mind, at- tend, &c. noti/icalion, izhar, i.ulan. to notify, khuhm- &c. -d. kuhna, butlaua, ju- tana, izhar-k. v. to in/b/iw, junana, v. to ap- prise, declare. notion, khiyal, dhyan, fikr, pindar, ra,e, gooman. hhurum, wulim, tiiwuhhoom, v. opinion, ut- kul, qiyas, duriyaft, v. conception, idea. notional, khiyalee, wuhmee, zunnee, furzee, v. ideal. notoriety, notoriousness, s\\cohrat,yi.has, mushhoo- ree, ungoosbt-nooma,ee. notorious, mushhoor, zahir, prikash, mu.uroof. mu uloom, iilaniyu, ungoosht-nooma, v. public, i/i/a//Jo«A, hanka-pokara, sur-boolund, khoola prituth,h, nukkoo, numoodar, qprfee, sudharun. fash, ulum-nushur, v. evident, noted. notoriously, ulaniyutun, zahira, v. publicly. NOU 430 IsUI notwithstanding, bawujoodi ki, ba wusf is bat ke, hurchund, jeta bi, halan ki, uz bus ki, goki, sath bona is bat ke, tis pu, pur unt, tahum, v, yet, nevertheless, although, novel, chiritr, kuhnee, v. uncommon, new. rt wove/, qissu, shnoqiyu, ufsanu, kuhanee, kutha. novellist, qissu-nuwees, v. innovator, novelty, nuo-ruseedugee, nuo-vusee, tujuddood, nuweenta, nuo-turzee, v. freshness, unusual. November, ughun, marug, sikh, suh-marug, ug- ruhani, {Y\.th month) zilqadu, zeeqadu. naught, koocbh nuheen, hech, v. nothing ; to set at nought, nacheez- goz i shootur- khus- huwa- janna. , , : novice, nuo-sikh, nuo-amoz, unaree, na-azmoo- du-kar, kucha, kham, v, raw, tyro, sikh~nuo- too, moobtudee, nuo-aghaz, moondiya, chela, V. probationer, novitiate, nuo-amozee, unarec-puna, moondiya- pun, chelapun, v. apprenticeship, noun, ism, nam, shubd, v. abstract, diminutive, &c. ; an adjective and its (qualified) noun, sifut, o muosoof ; the governing noun, moozaf, op- posed to moozaf ilueh, the noun governed, a noun of time, zuman. place, ismi-mukan or -zurf. instrument, ism i alu. action, (agent) fa,il. excess, ism i moobalughu. adjective or abstract noun, ism-sifut. verbal, musdur. generical, collective, jins. a substantive, ism-zat or -jamid. j)roper, ulum. diminutive, tusgheer. arbitrary, ism i sumu,ee. V. derivative, indeclinable, to notirish, palna, posna, purwurish-k. or -d. burdhman- purwurdu-k. v. to support, main- tain. nourisher, (in comp.) purwur, (applied to God) purwurdigar. nourishing, poosht, mooquwwee, kuseer col kue- loosjjee-paluk, pulunhar,yrowi the verb, razik, V. cherisher, {in comp.) purwur. nourishment, purwurish, ghiza|iyut, tughziyu, ahar, pcDshtu,ee, v. food, &c. now, ub, bil-fi,ul, ul-hal, fil-hal, uknoon, halee, from hal, halu ; just now, ubhee, isee dum, ubheeka, s. instantly, present, t his, 8ic. (we II, &c.) pus, V. then; now glad now sad, gab khoosh gab na khoosh ; now a saint now a devil, gahe wulee gahe sbnetan, {a jyar tide of connec- tion) ub ke, jo, kbuer, (after this) pher, bu,ud is ke; now and then, k ubhee k ubhee, gah gah, gah be gah, bu,uze dufi,u, jub tub, wuqt be wuqt, ila masha. noio-a-days, aj-kul, in rozon men, dureen wila, V. 710W. nowhere, kubeen nuheen. nowise, kisee turuh se nuheen. noxious, mcofsid, moozir, moozee, fasid, ziyan- kar, z\i\\Yee,y .pernicious,bad, dookhud,dookh- da,ee, bik,h, v. poison, as the words there are generally used for noxious, destructive, &c. q. V. also adverse, inimical, &c. noxiousness, fusad, ziyan-karee, moofsidee. nozle, nulee, phonphee, v. snout. nucleus, usl, mughz. nudity, sutr, nung, gand, budun, v. nakedness, privities. nugatory, v. useless, la-hasil, hech pooch, nikum- ma, V. absurd, vain, &c. nuisance, wubal, bojh, chhattee ka puthur, moo- zee, moozirr, dookhda|ee, v. eyesore, pest, (in law) mookhil, harij. I y NUM 481 NUT null, rudiiee, batil, jhootha, na-munzoor, v, void, mul-met, soost, soobook, hulka, v. to annul. to null, nullify, batil- &,c. -k. nttlliti/, bootlau, nacheez-ee, v. inexistence, 8cc. numb, Ihithira, soon, be-hiss, v, torpid. to numb, thithurana, sajn- &c. -k. ; to be numb, iienthna, ukur-jana, thithur-jana, ruli-jana, scon- &c. -h. nmnbedness, thithrahiit. number, gintee, sboomar, tho, [This word very frequently occurs in such expressions as ek the, do tho, panch tho, especially among the vul- gar, who seem to use it more as an expletive (like ta, in Persian,) than any thing else; but which is not, as far as I know, esteemed ele- gant or proper.] udud, ti,udad,sunkhya, hi- sab, miqdar, ginut, minut, v. dual, &,c, (Ji- gure) hinilusu, ruqum, ank, v. odd, Sac. thuor, {many) kusrut, ziyadutee, (poetry) shi,ur, nu- 2iin», V. harmom/, also multitude, {in grammar) seeghu, buchun ; the singular number, wahid, nioofrid, ek-buchun ; the dual number, twsniyu ; the plural number, jumu, buhoo-buchun ; an odd tiumber, udud i taq ; an even number, udud i jooft; a small number, qillut, thore-se, v. few ; tchat number ? kue thuor? to number, ginna, shoomar- &c. -k. v. to reckon, minna, v. to measure, {to mark with numbers) udud-lugana or -d. ank-d. ruquni-bunana, udud nuvveesee-k. ankna, v. to mark. numbered, niu,udood, shoomaree, gina hoo,a, ti,u- dadee. numberer, shoomarindu, nioohasib, ginwuya,udud nuwecs, ankwuya. numberless, bc-shconiar, be-hisab, un-ginut. numbness, thilhoor, be-hissee, v. torpor, numeral, numerical, shcomaree, gunukee, aukee, {verse) ubjud; a numerical character, ruqum, hindusu, ank. numerallj/, shoomar-se. • fl^^ifm; numeration, ti,udad, tu,iiddood, im i hasib, gu- nut, gunku,ee, udud-ti,udee, shoomaree, \vu- ruq-daghee, udud-nuweese, v. arithmetic, numerous, buhoot, ziyadu, kuseer, wafir, wafee, ba-ifrat, muofoor, dul-badul, v. innumerable, many, vast, 8cc. , numcrousness, boohtat, boohta,ee, kusrut, v. num- ber. numskull, uhmuq, ubluh, ga,odee, oot, kuoduii, bujjur-moond. nun, ub-dhootunee. 7tunnation, tunween. nuptial, nikahee, byahoo, shuhanu, oproosee, v. bridal, {song) sohag, jog, juiwa, shadiyanu, sohla, {present) ludha,ee, wida,ee, {hour) mu- hoorut, {knot) iiqd i nikah, hibalu, guth-bun- dhun, {bed) sej sohag, v. marriage, nuptials, nikah, byah, shadee, bhuonree. nurse, da,ee, duda, unnee, dha,ee, jeejee, khela,ee- da,ee, useel, v. maid, {Port.) aya, {male) daya, unna, {of a sick person) beeniar-dar ; a wet nurse, da.ee pilaiCe, doodh pila,ee. to nurse, palna, posna, purwurish-k. v. to nou- rish, {as a nurse) doodh-pilana or -d. da.ee gure-k. doodh-choosana, v. to suckle, {the sick) beemar diiree-k. v. to feed; to give out to nurse, da.ee ko suiivpna. nursery, da,ee-klianu, ( plantation) khuzanu, zuk- heeiu, bihnuor, {for vegetables) biyur, {figu- ratively) kan, muijvi, v. nest, nursling, sheerkhoru, doodhpiya, v, darling, nurture, pala, v. lot. to nurture, palna, posna, v. to train, &c. nut, juoz, {beetle) sooparee, {cocoa, unripe) dab, dooinalu, {water) tal nuikhana, {purgative) jumalgota, \. filbert, a.\so fruit, &.c. nut-brown, sa.onia, findooqee, v. brunette, nut-cracker, suruota. NUT 432 NYM nut-hook, unksee, luggce. nutmeg, ja,e-phul, juoz, juoz bo,a, juoz oot-teeb, V. cocoa, &c. nuttitnent, nutrition, purwurish, ahar, ghiza.yut, ghiza, v.food. nutrimental, nutritive, nutritious, moocjuwwee, poosht, V. nourishing. nut-shell, findcxsq ka chhilka. nux vomica, koochla, fuloos-mahee. to nuzzle, soonghunee-lena, nak-lugana. nyctanthes, harsingar. nymph, (of paradise) hoor, upchhuia, puree, im,eka, v. shepherdess, lass. ,M' v .;■ obliterated, goom-nam, furatnosh, v. lost. to be obliterated, ghisna, rugurna, mitna, murna, niulna, dulna, v. to rub, &c. obliteration, inita,o, pae-malee, v. the verb. oblivion, furamoshec, nisiyan, bhcn'awut, v. supra, bisrawut, gooiii namee, v. forgetfulness ; con- signed to oblivion, nusee,un munsiya ; to bury in oblivion, nusee|Un munsiya-k. khak-d. top ulop-k. V. to forget. ■^^■\...,i . oblivious, bhoola,oo, bisra|Oo, furamosb-kar. oblong, nioorubbu mrostiiteel, lutnbchuora, kita- bee. obloquy, ilzam, dokh, tU|UD, tu,un tushneeu, mu- lanmt, boohtan, kulunk, lini, upwad, v. slan- der. obnoxious, mughloob, zer-dust, adheen, mootu- humiuil, suha,oo, suhunliar, v. subject, (re- prehensible) nicolzim, dokhee, v. liable; we are all liable or obnoxious to disease, hum sub beemaree ke moatuhummil huen. to be obnoxious, moonh men-h. obscene, fahisli, pooch, zuboon, na-pak, phoohur, btiora, moonh ka phoorha, muleen, ghuleez, yawa duhun, bud-zubaD, bhoiida, v. immodest, bawdy ; pi. mcoghn\lu2.a.t, v. orgies. obscenely, foohsh- &c. -se, fahishanu, v. immodest. obscenity, obsceneness, foohsh, mooghulluzu, phohu- ra,ee, v. lewdness. obscure, undhera, undha, tareek, moozhm, v. cloudy, dark, mooghluq, mukhfee, mcostu- ■" tir, goorli, V. abstruse, &c. (not known) goom-nam, be-nam o nishan, v. low, humble kum-roo, na-poorsan, v. mean, umeeq, khu- fee, undhla, v. profound, ghuer-mootu,urif, kum-nosma, lupteela, gut-put, ulopee, v. un- known. to obscure, undhera- &c. -k. v. to darken, moogh- hiq- &c. -k. chhipana, posheedu-k. chhana, top-lena, kipetna, v. the adj. also to conceal, sully. obscurely, ighlaq- &,c. se, v. the noun and adj. also privately. obscureness, obscurity, tareekee, zoolmut, v. dark- ness, \apet, kushturth, v. ambiguity, {abslruse- ness) tu,uqeed, tusamooh, moosamuhu, goorhta, ( privacy) khulwut, v. retirement. obsequies, tujheez o tukfeen, kriya kurum, sradh, . tu,uziyut, fatihu-durood, qool, teeja, burkhee, bursee, roosoomat mueyut, v. exequies, obsequious, adheen, tabidar, furman-buidar, kha,6- burdar, v. obedient, submissive, muhkooni, hookmee bundu, jigjigiya. obsequiously , tabidaree-se, o65e5MioMSKes^,tabi-daree,furman-burdaree, itaut, kha,e-burdaree, jig jigee, hanjee, mootubueyut, V. servility. observable, zahir, prugut, v. remarkable. observance, udub, moolahuzu, v. respect, nmul, isti,umal, sidhkar, gruhun, v. obedience, per- formance, 8cc. also observation, qubool, v. the verb, observant, mooltufit, mootuwujjib, sur-gurm, v. obedient, amil, moostumil, moohatiz, v. atten- tive, observer. observation, lihaz, moolahuzu, ghuor, buseerut, dhyan, bechar, mooraqubu, v. attention, mu- qoolu, quel, kuhawut, gooftar, v. saying, re- mark, {of the stars) sitaru-beenee, v. observ- ance. observatory, rusud, mursud, ukas lochun. to observe, lihaz- &c. -k. dekhna, nuzur- nigah-k. niliarna, nijhana, takna, nirekhna, uoluchna, OBS 435 OCC lukhna, v. to note, watch, {to mind) sarna, gruliun-k. V. to keep, {lo remark) kiihna, i'urmana, v. to say, {lo keep) ruk.hna, iiiaDiia, sooniia, niootiiburik-janna, v. to attend, Jind, follow, obey, &.C.; to observe one's word, poora- vvufa-k. observer, ulili-nuzur, ulili-btiseerut, na/.ir, beeii- indu, V. observant, nigah-baz, v. to ogle, bhe- dee, nuzra, nuzur-baz, v.Kofer, uolokee, whence tara uolokee, a star-gazer, {of the stars) sita- ra-been, v. the verb, {of laws, &c.) sidhkaree, gruhunee, v. obedient, {in comp.) purwur, pa- luk, thus sookhiin-purwur, an observer of his word, V. performer. obsolete, mutrook, niunsookli, be-ru\vaj, ghuer- tnoostumul, batil, nioo,uttil, v. old, imreet, mutrook ool isti,umal, ghuer-isti,umal, ghuer- chuliin, V. dormant, unfashionable. obsoleteness, bootlau, be-isti umalee. obstacle, lia|il, sudd, niani, sung-rah, mcozahim, ar, ot, harij, moozahumut, urbunga, v. obstruc- tion. obstetric, juna,ee, v. midiciferi/. ohstinacij,obslinateness,m\ig\a,ee,m\\c\\\di,ce,\nx'ih, ur, sur-kushee, guidun-kushee, tuinurrood, jihl-moorukkub, sookhun-purwuree, israr, pluikliund, moorkhut, pukur, moojadilu, v. contumacy. obstinate, nmgra, niuchla, huthee, gurdun-kusli, mootumurrid, srokhun-purwur, uphudda, v. headstrong, stubboTnly, pakhundee, duta,oo, moosir, harooii, hoojjuttee, moorkhutee, tanch- la, gurijar, k"j-buhs, {disease) moozmiii, puk- ra,oo, V. inveterate. to be obstinate, zunieen-pukurna, v. contumacious, conceited. Sic. obstinaleli/, inugra.ee- &c. -se, hut-hutke, pher- pherke, ururke, moondivake, v. inflexible. obstreperous, ghuogha,ee, shoree. to obstruct, baiidhna, bund- sudd- musdood-k. rokiia, arna, thek-d. niarna, mar-r. katna, v. to get, hinder, moor, stop, Scc. obstructer, obstructive, ha,il, man;, harij, mcoza- him, mQD|Umz, raa5tu,i}rriz, thekunhar, rok- wuya. obstruction, sudd, rok, ar, ra)ka|0, khundit, tu- urrooz,, v. interruption, utuk, «tka,o, rok rak, rok tok, urdunda, thekun, khoiicb, suddi rah, V. obstacle, impediment, {in physic) soodda, {of the menses) luusdood huez, hiriclihool, also anj/ obstruction. , to obtain, hasil-k. pana, bhoogutna, nikalna, bur- ana, joorna, v. to acquire, phuehia, roopna, jur-pukurna, v. to spread, procure, find, (to prevail) jaree- mooruwwuj- ra,ij-h. ruwaj-pu- kurna, v. to continue. obtainable, mihie wala, oioomkin ool hoosool, moo- ussir, jcora,oo, jcornejog, yaftunee, yabindu. to obtrude, dalna, dukliUk. apuriia, v. intrusion, also to shove, thrust, &c. obtruder, lubur-ghutta, lubur-chutta, v. intruder. to oblund, furo-k. hurna, mama, nurm-k. v. to blunt. obtuse, koond, bhoothra, bhootta, be-nok, nukta, inoondla, v. flat, mota, bharee, suqeel, v. low, dull, blunt, &c. ; an obtuse angle, zadiyu mun- zuiju. obtuseness, koondee. to obviate, buchana, rokna, talna, rufu-k. rali- marna or -katna, v. toprevent. obvious, zahir, ashkara, khoola, fash, burmula, sureeh, purgut, ruoshun, rah-^ureehim, khoola, uyan, v. evident. obviously, zahirun,'svireehun. obviousness, zoohoor, surahut, tuozeeh. occasion, {opportunity) ghat, foorsut, nuobut, V. purpose, conjunction, {cause) ba.is, wastu, karun, da,o, v. motive, also necessity, kam, 3 I 2 \ i OCT 436 ODO (/jeed) durkar, laluch, v. business; what occa- sion? kya chahiye ! kya zuroor? v. business, time, place, &c. to occasion, pueda-k. dalna, lana, burpa-k. cotha- na, nikalna, kurna, kurana, v. to cause, dena, bukhshna, lugana, v. to make, produce, occasional, ittifaqee, ariz.ee, wuqtee, (servants') muzkooree, misalee, v. contingent, siibubee, da,oghatee, v. accidental, incidental, occasionalli/, ittifaqun, v. the adj. gah be gah, gah gall, kubhee kubhee, kudhee nii kudhee, wuqt be {or -na) -wuqt, jub tub, jub iiu tub. occidental, mughribee, ghurbee, puchhumee, v. west, occiput, qufa, newaree, gcoddee. occult, chhipa, goopt, posheedu, mukhfee. occuUation, v. obscure, 8cc. untrichhta, tuht oosh- shoo,au, occultness, ikhfa, posheediigee. occupation, katn, dhundha, kaj, mushghulu, umi, V. emploT/ment, {trade) peshu, hirfu, seegliu, V. calling, &c. occupied, muqbooz. occupier, qabiz, mootusurrif, v. possessor. to occupy, umul- tusurroof-k. huthiyana, rukhna, V. to possess, bhurna, tandna, luaiidna, v. to hold, {to take up) duba-lena, rokiia, {to bust/) mushghool- luga- ooljha-r. v. to use. to occur, bona, ana, purna, ajana, nikulna, milna, nuzur-ana, waqi-h. surzud- roodad-h. beetiia, V, to meet, befal, waqoou- hadis-h. ron-d. lugna, V. to happen, also accident, &c. occurrence, vvuqoon, ittifaq, waqu^u, suwanuh, sumachar, buna,o, v. event, incident, ocean, buhri nicoheet, duriyaiCe nicDhcet, sumoon- dur, qamoos, sagur, umboodh, uidh, v. main. ochre, peelee-mittee, mirtika, v. earth. octagon, octagonal, moosummun, husht puliloo, ashtdul, athkoniya, husht goshu. octavo, uth wurqa, husht wurqee. octennial, husht salu, October, katik, kartik, bahool, oorj, {Idth month) shuwwal, eed ka chand. octopetalous, uth pukhriya, husht burg. octuple, ath-goona, -lura, -purta, or -tuba, v. the Gram, page 96. ocular, busree, drishtwa, uolokee, muru.ee ; ocu- lar demonstration, mooshahudu^ duleel busree. oculist, suthiya, puttur-kurhwa, koohhal. odd, phoot, taq, furd, kag, {shoe, boot) puwa,ee, puenchu, (somezohat over) kooclih oopur, mu,u- shuen za.id, phootkur, v. singidar, {unheeded, &c.) ek adh, koochh ek, ko ee, v. some, few, &c. (strange) nirala, uuootha, unokha, zor, tuuiasha, ujeeb, nadir, bhula, v. nhimsical. oddly, ujeeb tuiuh, zor turuh, ujub wuzu-se, v. the adj. oddness, noodrut, bool-ujubee, unokha,ee, v. sin- gularity. odds, furq, tufawut, beech, v. inequality, misun- derstanding, {or evens) taq o jooft, kag dos, {advantage) ghulubu, jeet, fuoqiyut, dust- boDnl, {strife) phoot, bigar, fusad, v. discord; odds and ends, ugur bngur, choor bhoor, v. lumber; it is odds, ughlub hue, ghalib hue; it is odds he will come to-night, bees bisvve hue ki nj rat ko awe, v. probable, &c. ode, ghuzul, rekhtu, duiiduk, quseedu, v. poem. odious, kureeli, niukroob, ghina,ona, mcnstukruh, ghuieez, uujs, muloon, ua-pusund, zisht, v. disgustful, iiufrut ungez, v. offensive, vile, {hated) mutiOon, {invidious) keenu-ungez. odiousness, istikrah, kurahiyut, keenu-ungezee, udawut-ungezee. odium, udawut, keeuu, budee, bud-undeshee, bud-khwahee, bud-doo,a, mulaaiut, v. blame, hate. odoriferous, odorous, khrosh-bo, moo,iittur, mugh- OFF 437 OFF un, soo-bas, mcD,unibiir, atir, musliinoom, soo- gund, iiniodh, tueyib, v. fragrant, odortferousness, kli(r>shbo,ee, iiicO|Utturee. odour, (fragrance) khmsh-bo, shumeen, iirghun, gbumu, teeb, bukhoor, imiryum, v. perfume, (scent) bo, bas, muhuk. aconomy, v. ecoiiomi/, Sec. girthapun, v. thrift. asophagus, gula, nulee, hulq, hoolqoom, nutUiCe, V. sullct. of, ka, ke, [fern, kee] se, sen, soon, bii, pur, waste, men, huqq men, ko, koo, koon, soo, te, col, cod, &c. V. about, among, from, on, &c. ; of himself, &c. ap-se, khood bu kliood ; of late, there diiion se ; he spoke of me, mera zikr kiya tiia ; theji/ speak of you, we loomharee bat bolte - huen. off, se, pur-se, v. hence, &c. door, v. distant ; off hand, iil-budeehu; to be off, nikul-jana; to come off, get off, nikul-bhagna, buch-nikul- iia ; to go off, (disappear) jata-ruhna, (as a gun, &c.) cbhootiia, duglma, chuliia ; well off, khoish, uch-chhee turuh ; off and on, hanhoon, ooncha-neecba, tul oopur, dar mu dar, ala bala ; far off, pulle pur, v. remote, down, &c. This particle after verbs is variously expressed by jana, nikulna, ooturna, buchna, ciihootna, rnhua, dalna, lena, dena, clihorna, &c. com- pounded with other verbs, in a way peculiar to the Ilindoostanee, and explained in pages 155, &.C. of the Grammar, q. v. off ! door, dcat, chukhe, door-dubuk, goom-ho, tufawut-ho, hisht, furq, v. avaunt,from, &c. offal, offals, jhootha, puryul-suryul, foozlu, pus- khcordu, ojhree, aklior, rezu, jhanin-jhootun, jhar-jhoorun, jhoothun-jliathun, v. garbage, refuse. offence, goonah, joarm, tuqseer, dos, ueb, ghat, bhool-chook, v. fault, crime, khonch, v. ej^e- sore, guranee, roothun, rootiiee, v. displeasure, (injury) zurur, butta, azar, ee/a, diqqut, v. attack, (displeasure) bezaree, runjish, rootha.cc, V, anger, disgust; to take offence, boora-maniia or -jaiina, bezar-h. butung-a. v. offended. offenceless, bhola, ghureeb, be-g.wnah, mu,usoom, be-sluirr. to offend, (to displease) bezar- 8cc. -k. khijhana, khutkana, khonchiyana, v. to affront, nu- qeez- &c. -k. v. offended, (the eye) ankhmen-, khutukna, v. to disgust, (to attack) hath-chu- lana, dust durazee-k. (to injure) ncnqsan- &c. -k. V. to violate, (to be criminal) goonah- &c. -k. tujawooz-k. (to transgress) moskhalif- bur- khilaf-h. offended, na-khcosli, bezar, runjecdu, azoordu- khatir, burhum, jizbiz, khisiyana, v. angry, displeased. offender, goonab-gar, asee, ghutiha, khatee, v. criminal, transgressor, &c. offensive, zubooii, bcora, bud, zisht, kureeh, na- pusund,v. disagreeable, distasteful, disgusting, khoncliiyaha, suta,oo, ghatee, v. stinking, (in- jurious) mojfsid, uicDzirr, m«ozee, v. mischiev- ous ; an offensive weapon, huthiyar, hurbu, maroo, zurbee, hurbee, subqutee, v. weapon. offensiveness, zuboonee, boora,ee, budee, noaqsan, V. mischief, ghinawut, istikrah, v. disgust, &c. offer, inam, ni,umut, v. offering, iqdam, tuq- deem, (proposal) bat, umr, kuha, buchun, (advance) ooksa,o, batcheet, kuhpooch, (at- tempt) qusd, azina,ish, v. endeavour, (price) qeemut, mol. to offer, V. a. samne-r. dena, dene-Iugna, tuwazm-, nu7.ur-k. v. to present, bid, pesh nihad-k. chur- hana, sunsarna, age-k. -r. or -dhurna, &c. (to comOTewce)chaima,mcDstu,id-h. v. to begin, (for an office) khura-h. kumur-b. tueyar-h. v. to stand, (to immolate) qcnrban- bul- &c. -k. warna, (to propose) kuhna butlana, lana, urz-, OFF 438 OIL irfiar-k. V. to give, (to appear) n\izur-ana, goojhna, dekhl:i,ee-d. (to attempt) qusd- iradu- -k. azmaiia, bicliar-k. v. to try ; to offer vio- lence, hath-chulana, zoolm- &c. -k. dust unda- zee-k.; to offer battle, lura.ee-mangna or ' -chalina, liira,ee ka tiirawa dekhaiia ; to make an offer, pooclihna, v. to inquire. offerer, gahuk, v. didder. offering; nuzur, niyaz, qoorbanoe, bul, urpiiti, V. sacrifice, burnt, churhawa, ugrasim, bera, chiraghee, haziree, huqqoollah, bul- guo- un- or durb-dan, bulduhija, hudiyu, v. present. office, qohdu, khidmut, katn, sewa, nuinsub, iiniiil, ulaqu, v. business, me, capacil?/, surislitu, seegbii, reet, kuruin, niushghulu, kar, v. dttt?/, employment, &c. (<«?•») sungoota, piirkar, oop- kar, \. favour, {room) nishust-gah, kiichuhree, V. register, &c. {for btisiness) duftur-khaiiu ; [The person who cleans the pens, rules tlie paper, 8cc. in the office is called the dufturee.] a good office, scolook ; an ill office, bud sooloo- kee. officer, tphdu-dar, ulil i khidniut, uhl i kar, munsub-dar, uhl i munsub, surishtudar, seeg- liudar, nuidarkar, uhdee, v. messenger, &c. (of a village) huldar, v. clerk, {in an office, who has the charge of papers) dufturbund, v. keeper, &c. {commander) surdar, junia,ut-dar, dhure-dar, v. captain, &c. also collector, &c. offices, niukanat-zurooriya, kola-chhenree, v. necessary, &c. official, hcozooree, hakinianu, mooamulutee, v. pithlic, bu-muratib. to officiate, khidmut- iwuzee- niyabut k. v. to execute, perform, &c. officinal, dookanee, iittaree, officious, bhul-sooghra, v. zealous, hulbhuliy;), foozool, phupphur dullal, soogursiyan, foozooi nooma, foozoolgo, foozool-khidmut, bool-fooz,- ool, V. obsequious. officiously, foozooi khidmutee-se. officiousness, bhulsroghra ee, foozoolee, v. supra, hulbhul, poora.ee, girthapun, jigjigee, oopur dhuppa. offset, kulgha, podha, v. sprout, offscouring, niuel, tirchhut, foozhi, v. refuse, offspring, uolad, nusl, buns, furzund, furu, bel, sunlut, wulud, nuteeju, phul, sukha soot, dal- pat, aluolad, kuch buch, natee pote, suntut suntan, v. race, [numerous) nioorghee ke pal, bukree ke uolad, v.»ro<^effy. often, oft, oftimes, buohoo-dhan, uksur, barha, ku,ee-bar, buhoot kal, uksur uoqat, bu-dufat, V. frequently, dufat, dufatim, barbar, pherpher, hut hut ke, pher pher ke, v. again ; how often ? kue-ber? kue-dufu,u? keta? so often, ite bar, ile nnirtube, tue-ber ; as often as, jue-bar. to ogle, jhanolee- deed-marna, akhen-hirana, sut- kee mutkee-k. kunkhyoon-dekhna, ushwuk. kutachhini-k. V. eye-brow, &c. ankh- nuen-, bhuon'ghoomana, -marria or -mutkana, nu- zurbazee- &;c. -k. tirchhee nigah-k. v. to wink. ^S'^^'". jhanoiee-baz, deedu-baz, nigah-baz, deed- baz, glmmzu-baz, nuzuribaz, niutkeeinar, chupuliiuei!-a. oglio, dopiyazu, v. medley, &c. o/z/ ah! oh! a,evva,e! wa,e! ha,e! ya! wueh ! oof! V. ah ! oil, tel, ruoghun, ruoghun-tulkh, or -siyah, ush- nehi, v. fat, {siveet) meetha-tel, {seed) til, koonjud, {blubber) bus, (essential) utr, itr, [whence our otter, q. v.] ; olive oil, ruoghun i zuet ; scented oil, phoolel, khulel. to oil, tel-inulna or -lugna, choopurna, cbiknana. oil colour, ruoghun- or ruogunee-rumr. 03IE 439 ON oiliness, cliikualiut, chikiia,ee, dooliniyut, teliya- hut. oil-man, telce, ruogliun-fiirosli, iissar. oil-market, telee-tola, telee-para. oil-press, kollioo. oil-slone, teliya puthur. oily, ruogliuiiec, tilulin, cliikiia, telija, telhuii, v.fat. oinlmenl, murhuni, zumad, lep, niom-ruoghiin, V. plaster. old, poorana, koolinu, boorha, sal-khoordu, mcoiiin, inoo,ummiir, diuee, bura, v. elder, worn, poora- tum, pooraclieen, birdha, qudeemee, salgusht, pcorsal, bulirot dinka, boda, mooddiittee, niooz- iniu, pukra,oo, {in camp.) salu, cliuo-salu, four years old, also cliuo-bursa or char-burus- ka, {os coin) suiiwat, {acquaintance) sabiqu, V. aged, ancient, {decayed) be-jan, moonduris, mmzmiihil, v. rotten ; hoto old are you? tnoni ku,e burns ke ho? the tree is twenty years old, duruklit bees burus ka luie; of old, qudeein men, age. old age, boodha-pun, boorlra-pa, koliun-salee, pceree, a3iTir-nilia}iutee, shuekhookliut, romr- durazec, boorbuotee. an old man, peer, boodha, shekli or shuekli, poo- runiya, {stricken inyears) peer-furtoot,boodha- khung, boodha-phoos, (oWomaw) boodhee, peer- zun, boodhiya, peer-7,al, kum-peerii, ujoozu. old clothes, chharee, ootarun, (seller) koohnu- furosli. old fashioned, qudeemanu, alunigeeree, aduo, v. old. oldness, koohnugee, qidamut, pooran-pun, v. old age. olfactory, niushmoomee, {nerves) hubl ool mush- inoomiyu. o//ce, julpa,e, zuet, zuetoon. omelet, khagcenu, v. egg. omen, yumn, fal, slioogoon, agron, soogoon, so,ee • a bad omen, bud fal, bud yumn, dhudhnchhur, badha, bhukhtha. omentum, churbee kee chudur, pet ka purdu. ominous, munhoos, nulius, bud-shoagoon, nikhd, V. had, dhudhuchuree, bud-falee, nikhidh, v. xinlucky, inauspicious, ominousnrss, nuhoosut. omission, suhoo, chook, bhoo, qoosoor, gbafilee, y.slip, unjha, qulum-undazee, v. inadvertency, neglect, turk, quza ; the oinission of prayers, turk i nuniaz, quz.a,e sulat. to omit, chhorna, bhoulua, chookna, bisarna, furo goozasht-k. suhoo- &c. -k. huzf-k. muti- yann, qulum uudaz-k. chushni pos!i-k. koodj- peechhe-d. v. to pass, neglect, omnipotence, qtodrut, qadiree, niaya,adsukt,surb- byap. ojnnipotent, qadir i mootluq, qadir ulul-itlaq, qu- deer, kirdigar, adsuktee, surb byapik, puluk- duriya, v. God, also all. omnipresence, surbust. omnipresent, hazir o nazir, surbustee, dana o beena, v. omniscient, and the words compouDd- ed with all. omniscience, ilm i ghueb, humu-dan, snrbjan. omniscient, alim cdI ghueb, ullain ool ghooyoob, dana o beena, uleem, surbjanee, khubeer- mootiuq. omnivorous, surb bhuchhee, humu-khor, kooli- jazib, (mendicants) ughoree. on, prep, pur, oopur, bu, bur, se, ko, koo, koon, men, v. above, pu, le, liye, ^ur, v. for, con- cerning, with, &c. ; ke tu,een, ke turuf, v. side, sake, &c. ; on business, kam sur ; on their side, oon kee turuf; on this, ete men ; on this account, bu waste is bat ke ; on the head, {to fall, &c.) sir ke bul, sir ke tan, sir ke bhur; on or be- fore, tuk ; on or before Sunday, utwar tuk. ONE 440 OPA V. upon, at, by, to, about, &c. on tliut day, cas roz; on the contrary, bur-uks, bil-uks, bur- khilaf; on what business, kis kam ko ; to be anjire, jiilna, ag-lugna, v. to burn ; on a sud- den, ek a ek. 071, adv. age, burh, pure, v. to advance, agoo, chul, burhke, seedha, nisung, v. along, straight ; eat on, nisang-kha^o, v. freely, for- ward, (opposed to q^) pur; go on, chule ja,o ; sing on, gate ja o ; 2}l(^y on, khele ja,o ; come on, a ja,o, v. to continue ; and so on, uor isee turuh se. on, interject. a,o, burho, v. come. to get on, chul-nikulua, v. to improve. onager, gorkliur, himar wuhshee. once, ek dufu,u, ek bar, ek murtubu, ek wuqt, ek ber ; only once, ekee ber ; at once, gubmil- ke, ek lukht, v. altogether, wholly, job ka tub, jis wuqt ka tis wuqt, v. immediately, {the same time) ek sath, sung, hura-rab, v. together, (formerly) age, peshtur, sabiq ; at once, fek a ek, naguhan, dufutiin, ek-bargee, unachit, un- chite, uchanuk, uchuk ; once more, pber, doos- rakur, ek dufu,u uor, doohrake, v. again ; once or twice, do ek murtubu, ek ya do murtubu. one, ek, yuk, wahid, v. ace, ekka, mek, nukkee, V. first, ko,ee, kO|00, v. personage, the, ta, v. number ; give me one, ek the do ; many a one, buboot ek ; S07iie one, ko,ee ek, ek ko,ee ; one and the same, ekjiee, also one only, ekee, v. only; such a one, fulanu, umook, umka, v. mo- nocular, &.c.;from one thing to another, fi-om this to t ha ttJkcochh. se koocbh ; one of a num- ber, q. V. ek tho ifor one thing, ek to ; neither one nor the other ,nu, oonnuyoon; without one's friend, bin yar upna, v. own, {any) ko,ee, also a«y one, jo-ko,ee, kuse, v. person, whoever; one another, ek deegur, apoos, bahum deegur ; one day or other, ek nu ek roz, v. some ; one by one, ek ek, furadu furadu, furdun furdun, V. singular ; one after another, ek pur ek ; with - one accord, ek dil hokur ; it is all one, eksan- burabur- moosawee-hue ; with one voice, ek moonh. one, {person) shukhs, admee, v. individual; every one, bur ek ; to fight with one another, bahum deegur- apoos men-lurna ; one, applied to dis- criminate things, is sometimes expressed by wala ; bi-ing the one with black hair, siyah bal wala la,o,v. single, same, people, concord; one's self, upna, ap, khrod, v. own. one-eyed, ek-chushm, kana, wahid ool uen. oneness, v. unity, eka.ee. onion, piyaz, busul, gutha, v. root. only, ekia, ekluota, ek, moojurrud, woohee, v. but, &c. ukela, unokha, v. alone, very, single, {merely) sirf, fuqut, nira, khalee ; an only son, ekluota beta, ekuonjha, {no more) uor nuheen, {in comp.) bee, ee ; on the hair only, balhee ; ai/ft at the face only, moonhee, maro; not only, eke, ekto, tispur, v. simply, barely, &c. ; he not only 7-efused me the office,but abusedme into the bargain, oon ne fuqut in,kar cohde kee nu kee bulki oopur is ke moojhe galiyan diyan. onset, wuhlu, mar, dhukka, humlu, huUu, duor, tukkur, V. assault, charge. onward, age, burh ke, pure, oodhur, v. on. onyx, scnlemanee-puthur, sung-sooluemanee, v. agate. ooze, chuhla, cheek, cheekur, keecb, keechur, wuhul, heela, gadh, v. mud, sli7ne. to ooze, nikulna, chhunna, risna, puseejna, ni- choorna, pichpichana, rusiyana, jhurna, v. to Jlovo. oozy, poor-wuhul, v. slimy. opacity, ghuer shuffafe, kusafut, ghilazut, v. density, &c. opal, doodhiya-puthur. OPE 441 OPI opaque, kuseef, ghuer-shufTaf, dhoondla, mulin, gfhuleez, inuleen, garha, v. dark, open, khtula, waz, kooshada, v. loose, wa, khool- ta, (as trade) khcosh-khureed, {as a town, &c.) be-asra, be-ar, moondla, v. shelter, also defenceless, {as sound) mu,uroof, mu,ulooni, {vnde) ulga, poolkha, {obnoxious) mootuhum- mil, (Jlut) muedanee, v. extensive, {stitching) juwa, zunjeeru, {naiviyable, &c.) chulta, v. beaten; in open day, din diya, dinhee ko, din do puhur, roz ruoshun ; the open air, bahur kee huwa, v. external, {plain) zabir, fasb, huweda, v. evident, {clear) saf, v. sincere, &c. (exposed) be-qned, v. attentive. to open, V. n. khoolna, bihurna, turiujna, v. to bark; v. a. kholna, also {to discover, q. v.) zahir-k. kuhna, butlana, ooghurna, izhar-k. bana, bilgaua, phuelana, pusarna, v. to gape, oodherna, \.to ravel, {curtains, hangings, pa- rasols, &c.) bandhna, oothana, churhana, khaenchna, v. to tie, raise, draw, spread, &c. recollecting tbat in tbe use of these verbs con- siderable discrimination will be requisite, and which can be acquired by practice and a know- ledge of the language only, v. to show, &c. {to divide) turqana, chak-k. v. to expand, {to begin) shooroou-k. v. to commence. to open, (a subject) tumheed- &c. -k. v. preface, {a tumour, &c.) cheerna, katna, nikalna, oos- kana, v. to cut, bleed. Sec. {as cloth) oodhur- na, {the mouth, q, v.) moonh- Sic. -kholna, zuban- &c. -hilana, v. to s])eak, also tongue, &c. opener, koosha,indu, koosha, kholwuya, kholun- har. open-handed, open-hearted, fiirakh-dust, koosha- du-dil, V. generous. o/jen-Aearyur, sahib-luqiuqu, sheereen-go, but- kulia, V. eloquent, churchuet, butbunwa, buk- ta, juwabsuwalee, sookhun-pnrdaz or -saz, tuqreerbaz, mootukullim, tuqreeree,v.spea;ter. oratory, zuban-awuree, sookhun-wuree, khqosh- tuqreeree, lassaniyut, but-kuhee, batbnnee, sookhun-purdazee, v. rhetoric, eloquence. orb, churkh, duwwar, gurdoon, v. wheel, sipihr, jirm, duoru, kooruh, gbera, marug, kukuhsha, V. ball, globe, circle, disk. orbicular, mooduwwur, gol, moostudeer, golakar, chukra-kar, v. circular. orbit, duoru, da,iru, v. orb. ' > orchard, bagh, baree (havinglOO, 000 trees) Inkh- pera, (of 1000 trees) huzaree-bagh, — whence tlie place we call Ilazreebaug. to ordain, thuhrana, bandhna, budna, niooqurmr- moo,ueyun-mooshukhkhns- qa,iin-k. v. to de- cree, kuhna, likhna, thathna, v. to order, to establish. ordeal, purk,hiya, puricb,ha, v. trial. order, [method) lurteeb, dhub, tudbeer, v. man- ner, (command) hookm, umr, furmoodu, fur- ma,ish, uggya, kuba, irshad, v. precept, autho- rity, dominion, &ic. (of people, Si.c.) qnom, 7.a(, jat, firqti, ghur, zilu, musul, v. family, (for money) burat, tunkh\yab, chithee, v. warrant, purwangee, purwanu.dustok, y. direction, bill, duol, ihtimam, bundish, v. disposition, &c. (regulation) zubt, sijil, iizl o nusb, nuzmo nusq, neet, (rule) tureeci, dustoor, rusm, reet, V. low, (class, q. v.) qimasb, wuzu, bhant, V. kind, (fraternity) guroh, tubqu, hulqu, ta.ifu, punth, v. society, (rank) murtuba, mun- zulut, muhatum, (means) bais, wastu, liye, khatir, v. care, state ; much out of order, be- hal, V. indisposed, he-du<)\, v. disordered ; the order of (nobility called) the fish, niahee nmra- tib, V. nobility, also vulgar, &c. ; in order to, taki, is liye, v. accottnt. to order, (command) kuhna, fumiana, [this last 3K 2 ORD 444 ORI verb, and perhaps the following, is seldom used in the first person, even by majesty it- self : speaking politely of or to others, it fre- quently means to say, observe, q. v. &c. &c. also Mr. Richardson's Dictionary, on the verb to command,'] hookm- &c. -k. likh-bhejna, v. to direct, takeed-k. v. to urge, (ajirelock) bazoo se-ootarna, v. to frame, &c. {to arrange) arastu-dooroost- mooruttub- moontuzum-k. si- jil-d. sujana, sadhna, v. to regulate, {to con- duct) chulana, kurna, bunana, kar ruwa,ee-k. v. to manage ; to arrange in alphabetical order, tuhjee-k. ordered, mu,umoor, musnoon, mufrooz, v. to de- cree, orderer, {arranger) nazim, moosujjil, mooruttib, {commander) hakim, amir, furma. orderly, adj. arastu, bu-turteeb, ba-qa,idu, tur- teebee, v. regular, methodical, turteeb-nooma, turbiyut'yaftu, bundhejee, bund o bustee, santi, humwar, intizamee, v. sober, decent, {serjeant) nuqeeb, v. messenger, &c. This yford orderly has of late acquired in Hindoos- tanee, an opprobrious meaning,such as minion, &c. q. V. orderly, adv. arastugee- &c. -se, v. regularly, orders, uhkam. ordinals, udud-wusfee, opposed to cardinals, udud-raoDtluq or -zatee. ordinance, shuru, qanoon, qa.idu, a,een, rusm, dustoor, muslu, shurt, hookm, furz, v. law, rule, &c. ordinances, v. law, furameen, fura,iz.. ordinarily, nksvLT, comoomun, beshtur, \. usually. ordinary, am, rusmee, umulee, mu,umoolee, ra- see, moo,utadee, bundhejee, v. customary, {fa- miliar) cprfee, bazaree, chulnee, kumroo, be- numuk, v. plain, chuloo, tusurrcnfee, uesa vfuesa, mudhim, miyanu, v. indifferent, mid- dling, common, usual, regular, {mean) kumee- nu, neech, pust, v. low, {ugly) na-zeba, be- ruonuq. v-rtirai/, to ordinate, &c. v. to ordain, establishment, &c. ordination,y.confirmation,smnn\it,mcas\i\m&r\ee, {of a brahmun, &c.) sunskar, {string) yaaep, v. to invest. ordnance, topen, top-khanu, chuo chukkee, v. gun, cannon ; master of ordnance, meer-atusb. ordure, gooh, chirkeen, bishta, v. dung. ore, dhat, fuliz, v. metal; the ore of iron, &c. is expressed by kucha loha, &c. i. e. unrefined iron. organ, alut, uzoo, indree, juntur, kurum, kul, {instrument) urghccnoon ; an organist, urghoo , noon-nuwaz. organic, organical, zee-u,uza, indree,uek, juntu- ree, uzwee, moarukkub, kul ka pootla, v. re- gular, &c. organism, organization, turkeeb, bunawut, tu,ii" meer, kulbul, indreekar, sa,ut-sazee, v. con- struction, clock-work, &c. organium, su,utur. to organize, bunana, turkeeb-k. milana, indree- kar-k. to arrange. orgasm, josh, ghulbu, v. ebullition. orgies, bhand-bhundno,a, bhundapun, mooghul- lizat, v. revel. orJeK^,ab-dar,taban,panipee,shooulo-roo,shuhab, V. bright, khawuree, v. east, &c. oriental, poorubee, shurqee, mushruqee. orifice, moonh, duhun, cbhed, soorakh, sal, mun- fuz, V. hole. origin, original, usl, booniyad, boon, bekh, jur, v. root, mubda, munsha, nuzhud, or, v. be- ginning, source, (opposed to copi/) nuinqool unhoo, mojsuwudu, khurra, v. descent, ootput, adrus, v. oopy, {paper) khusra. Auaiua ,,!' ORP 445 08T original, adj. uslee, zatee, piiehla, agla, uwwul, booniyadee, v. primitive, ootputtee, junumee, jiguree, adrusee, ad, v. first, (genius, &c.) unootha, v. new, (papers, accounts, &c.) ku- cha, kham. originally/, ibtida,un, usalutun, bil-usalut, puehle, age, ad, uwwulun, uwwul, aghaz-men, usl- nien, v. primarily, originalness, usalut, ootputta, uslee. to originate, nikulna, oothna, bona, wujood-pu- kurna, sadir-h. v. to come, shooroou- &c. -h. V. to begin. origination, eejad. orisons, iiumaz, siilat, pooja. ornament, ara,ish, zeba,ish, zeenut, tuzeen, sob- ha, zeb, gulina, singar, bhookhun, ubhrun, ruonuq, unlunkar, buna,o, buhar, khoob soor tee, khoosli ncoma,ee, v. embellishment, brace' let, &c. (for the forehead) tikoolee, bindoo- lee, tceka, v. bell, (head) goshpech, v. gar- land, necklace, {for the breast) dhook-dhcokee, V, amulet, (varieties of ) goojuree, clihupka, v. anklet, {of a palkee, &c.) thop, (tiger's head) sher-duhan, bugh-moonha, v. honour, jewel. to orMament, jumkana, sobha man-k. buiiana, so- hawun-k. sobhana, sariia, v, to adorn. ornamental, zeb-awur, zeeinit-bukhsh, ara,ishee, khoosh-noonia, zeenutee, tuzeenee, v. the sub. also the participle. ornamented, arastu, puerastu, mojzueyun, moo- kullul, aia,i.sh-dar, rungeen, v. ornamental, (mth jewels) moorussu, jura,oo. ornithology/, tuzkeerati tueyoor. orphan, yuteem, too,ur, nioorha, be-madiir be- pidur, ma bap moo,a, too,ur-tapur, niooruela, yuteem o yuseer, adj. yuteemanu, v. father- less. orphanism, yuteemee, too,ura,ee, v. motherless. orpiment, zurneekh, hurtal, muenphul. The va- rieties are, tubqee, bundanee, godhunee, v- arsenic. orrery, jami jumshued ? orthodox, sucha, rast, sadiq, deen-dar, moomiii, mooslim, moosulman, soo-puthee, soonnee, cha- riyaree, rashid, v. Musulman, true. orthodoxi/, islam, suwab, rastee, huqq, sidq, su- cha,ee, soo-puth, sooniyut, tusunnoon, v. sound- ness. orthodoxly, ba-islam, bur-suwab. orthographer, imla-nuwees, imia-dan, sachhuree, imiagur, v. to spell. orthographical, imla,ee, sachhuree, ba-imla, also the adv. ; the orthographical points in Arabic and Persian, i,urab, v. spelling. orlhogrnphi/, imla, uchhuruotee, rusm col khutt, sachhur, imla-danee, v. correct, &c. orthoepy, meezan, qira^ut, tutwobo dhunee, v. prosodj/. ortolan, bugeree, burgel. .,„j^:^, ^^^ _,^^. oscillation, jhoolahut, thurdiuree, v. vibration. osier, bunwur, v. willow. osselet, hudda. ossicle, huddiya, oostookhanuk. ossific, oostookhan-saz. ossification, huddiyahut. to ossify, huddiyana, v. to harden, ossivorous, oostookhwan-khor. ossuary, hunvar, v. grave, &c. ostensible, ostensive, zahir, khoola, bahuree, nu- mood, prigut. ostentation, nush o naoma, nooma,ish, khcod-nco. maiCe, khood-furoshee, khood-sita,ee, fukhriyu, tufakhoor, hooha, fukhr, v. boast, pomp, tunt- ghunt, teem-tam, oorung, tushueyoon, v. splen- dour. ostentatious, khood-noama, khood-furosh, khcod- sita, moofukhkhir, laghur-must, faqu-must, OVE 446 OVE kungal-baiika, koork-banka, teem-tamee, doo- kandar, v. vain. ostentatiously, khocd nooma,ee- &c. -se. osteocope, liuijur. osteology, hur-mala, tushreeh ool izam. ostler, sa_ees, su,ees, chirwa-dar, {his assistant) ghusiyara, better known by the absurd name of gjass cut. ostrich, shooloor-nioorgh. r r..^,iL other, uor, (pi. obi. uoroii,) ghuer, (pi. ughiyar,) doosra, ugla, deegur, v. another, some, an, pur, tilia,et, V. far, rest, strange, different ; some body or other, ko,ee nu ko,ee ; some thing or other, koochh nu koochh ; some where or other, , kuheen nu kuheen; the other day, purson, kul purson; the other side, par, opposed to war, this side y the others, baqee, v. rest / the one played tricks with the other, ek ne ek se shu- rarut kee, v. each ; other people, uor log, pu- ra,ee log, ughiyar ushkhas. otherwise, uor turuh, uor, kcxDchh uor, nuo dee gur ; you may think so, but I think otherwise, loom sha,id yoonbeen jante ho, pur mucn uor janta boon ; otherwise, (else) nuheen to, \^a|jlla, M ugur nu, vva Ula nu, uor yoon to, ilia, wurnu ; otherwise not, nuheen to nuheen, v. the Gram. pages 77, &c. o/r,TC.t> . to overturn, ooltana, uondhana, puchhania, ni- goon- wazhoon-k. v. to overthrow, to overvalue, ziyadu-janna, buhoot-Iugana. to overween, v. to overrate, turashna, khood tu- rashee-shekhee-k, v. arrogance, aXso to pride, overweeninglj/, v. ostentatious, khrod turashee-se, V. conceitedly. to overwhelm, duba- tor-d. duba,e-marna, ghurq- -k. lupetna, v. to ruin, crush, also overjlow, &c. ; to be overwhelmed with shame, shurmin- dugee se kutjana. ought, sub. koochh, tunuk, ko.ee bat, ko,ee cheez. 4 ,<.ii-5!ftt-'s»l- ous 449 OUT ought, imp. verb, chuhiye, {to be necessary/) chu- heeta- zuroor- lazim- wajib- moonasib- la,iq-h, as it ought, ba,id sha,icl, v. as, also to behove ; do it as it ought to he done, jtiesa chuhiye Muesa kuro; you ought to have told him, cose kuhna tcnm ko chiiheeta tha, v. to ozec, belong ; grain ought to be given to the horse every morn- ing and evening, hur-soob,h o sham ghore ko danu diva chuhiye. oviparous, undel, uiiduj, buezuwee, buezu-nihad or -goozar, unduela. ounce, adhee chhu tank, urhue sikku, do tola, v. penny-weight, tendoo.a, lurewa-bagh, v. pan- ther ; two ounces, chuhu tank. A^ tank is about one-third of an English ounce. w/r, humara, upna, hum logon ka, apoos ka, ke, kee, humon ka, hum subhon ka, nijka, v. my, own, &c. ; what ! shall we kill our father ? kya iium upnc bap ko niaren ? which, from the privilege assumed by the natives of ho- nouring themselves on all occasions with the plural number, may likewise be translated, what! shall I kill my father? Whence also the inelegant paraphrase in the next sentence : our souk never die, hum logon kee roohen kudhee nuheen murtcc hueri. ourself, (we) hum ap. ourselves, hum tcnm ap, (we) humheen hum, hum dono, (i. e. we two) v. we, &c. (us) upne, apnon, apoos; why should we engage our- selves in his quarrel? oos kee lura,ee men hum toom kyoon upne tu,ceri dalen ; if we cannot trust ourselves, when shallwe trust others ? ugur upnon pur i,utibar nuheen rukhte ghucron pur kub rukhenge; we never use such expres- siojis among ourselves, hum apoos men uesce baten nuheen kuhte. to oust, V. to out, oojarna, nikalu:i, oochatna, oothana, v. to expel. out, bahur, beroon, kharij, bahur-wansoo, opposed to bheetur-wansoo, v. error, door, tufuwiit, jcoda, iilahidu, ulug, v. apart, 8cc. unte, pur, purghur, v. abroad, distant, without, (expended) be-baq, numood, v. naked, (as fire) thundha, V. extinguished, [idle) mno,uttul, v. vacant, (finished) tumam, tunimut tuniam shood, v. over, (audibly) pokarke, 8cc. v. loud, freely, (opc)i) khfiola, nikula, /.ahir, niu^xiloom, v. known, (exhausted) khalee, khuij hoo,a, ho chooka, V. empty, done, &c. (openly) khoolke, V. loudly, (in comp.) nikulna, dalna. Thus, to go out, nikul-jana; to sweep out, jhar-d. V. away ; to be out, (as the eyes) phootna, (as afire) boojhna, gool- surd- thundha-h. v. to mis- take (at a loss) lachar- hucran- ajiz-h. ; to put out, (the eyes) phonia, (as a fire) kha- mosh- gool- 8cc. -k. boojhana ; which, for par- ticular reasons, being esteemed an inauspicious expression, generally gives place to other.', such as bura- ghur-k. &c. v. to extinguish. Whence the true reason for using the words ziyadn- mu,iimoor-k. &c. for to take away, put out, shut, &c. To give out, oorana, v. to publish ; you are out, (in guessing) guyee bo- lee, V. then, to err. Out, in a few examples, though formed by oo, [as cobhurna, to jut out, oojarna, to outroot, &c.] is generally expressed by the verbs, cimmerated und^r over, q. v. especially by dubana, and those which signify advancement, superiority, &c. To these may be added bahur, pur, burh, and such as ex- press extinction, expenditure, Sec. viz. niburnn, bona, chookna, khurch, &c. Out is at times expressed thus ; to outwit, dugha pur dugha- -k. ; burh-rona, pcnkarna, to cry out f burli- duorna, to outrun, &c. is a very common form of composition in such words, and may prove 3 L OUT 450 OUT useful to the learner on similar occasions, where the words have been omitted here. out ! doot, door, suruk, chukhe, goom-ho, door- - dubuk, hisht, chiil-nikul. out of, men se, be, na, se, biidur, v. away, se ba- Imr, se door, &.c. v. beside, beyond, far, from, hence, &c.; out of the way, oothuk natuk, terha, berha ; out of {sometimes in) favour, nuzur-uiidaz; out of season, be-niuosun), koo- sumue; out of humour, v. disgusted, oodas, v. moody, temjier, &c. also dis, ill, un, &c. ; out of hand, ek a ek, jub ka tub, v. immediately ; out of doubt, be shoobhu, v. certainly ; out of the house, ghur-men se; out of time, be-wuqt; this is the fruit out of which wine is made, yih wool) phul hue jis se shurab buntee hue. See the several verbs which are compounded with out, such as to take out, &c. For such words as to turn out, to be out, &c. v. to dismiss, &c. N. B. Words in which out precedes the verb, &c. if not inserted here, may be formed by consulting the primitives themselves, with which such paraphrase can easily be made as the nature of the expression shall require. See what has been said under the word over, on a similar subject. to out, v. to oust, kharij- &,c. -k. v. to eject. to outbrave, dhumkana, dubkana, hech-janna, dubana, neeche- zer- furo-k. churh- buethna, puchharna, v. to outface. outcast, murdood, awaru, kharij, v. exile, refuse, abandoned, Sac. koojat, chhootihur, niuhroom, bazaree, puraya, properly a stranger, but some how or other twisted by us to every thing worthless. Whence pariah, dogs, men, vessels, liquor, &c. quite of a piece with the sick man, bullocks, carts, &c. of our llamjonie jargonists, v. dog. outcry, (clamour) shot o shur, gohar, ghool ghu- para, ghool ghudur, furiyad o fighan, doha,ee ti- ha,ee, shorish, ab o naki, v. exclamation, hur- raj, v. auction, sale; to make an outcry, ghool- &c. -muchana. \<, ■aV-lt (M to outdo, turjeeh- fuoqiyut- fuzeelut- ghulbu-r. kan-katna, peshdustee-k. dubana, burh-purna, burh-k. v. to excel, surpass, &,c. outer, outward, outmost, outside, bahuree, beroo- nee, subse-bahur, bahurwar, puela, purla, v. utmost, bahurla, oopruela, v. exterior; the outer side of a garment, ubra. outermost, sub se bahur. to outface, moonha moonhee>k. moonh-marna, hurana, oolta chor kotwal ko dandiia, v. to browbeat, to ouljly, do, run, strip, &c. dubana, peechhe-d. busur-subqut-lejana, burhna, churhna, burh- duorna, v. to surpass, to outgrow, dab-lena, dabmar-d. duba-marna, burh-nikulna. outguard, tilayu, qurawul, v. centry. outlandish, ujnubee, beroonee, bahuree, bi-desee, v. queer, kulieen ka, bhula, v. stranger, fo- reign, to outlast, ziyadu-chulna or -thuhurna. outlaw, moortiddj vvajib ool qutl, baghee, v. exile, outcast, robber, to outlaw, murdood- kharij-k. nikal-d. shuhur budur-k. outlet, moonhana, nikulne kee rah, bur-amud, V. passage, nikas, kunwuk, banjee, buduruo, V. vent, outline, nuqshu, khaka, v. frame, khutti moo- heet, bahuree cheer, sanclia, chuo-kutha, v. contour. ^ to outlive, mar ke murna, jeete ruhna, v. to sur- vive, to outnumber, ziyadu-h. ginteenien-dubana, barh- -h. V. to exceed. OUT 431 OXE oulparts, nuwah, utraf. oulports, aspas kee tu.ecnalee. outrage, zoolm.situm.jufa, gliudr, bulwa, dunga, ziyadutee, bidut, qiyamut, undher, v. distur- bance, rage. to outrage, quhr- &c. -k. v. to insult, &c. outrageous, ghuz.ub-nak, ag, ba,ola, be-lngam, shudeed, quhr-alooda, ghuzub-aloodu, quhr- nak, V. excessive, furious, stormy, &c.; to he- come outrageous, ag- &c. -hojana, juljulana, jhooDJhlana, turupna. outragiousli/, sliiddut- &c. -se, v. violently. outragiousness, ghuzub-nakee, juljulahut, turup, jhoonjhlabut, shiddut, w.fury, &c. outright, poora, jub ka tub, bila tuwuqqoof, v. iiiftantly.sixf, ee,bee, \. fairly, completely ; he killed the boy outright, oos ne lurke ko mar hee dala. to outroot, ookharna, oojarna, v. to extirpate. to outrun, ziyadu-duorna, nikul-j. v. to exceed. to outsell, bnrb-bechna. to outshine, ghulbu-r. go,ee-Iejana, dabna, v. to excel. outside, bahur, oopur, bahuree turuf, zahir, v. appearance, &c. {opposed to the lining) abra, oopulla, V. surface. to outstand, bahur-puma. to outstare, burb-ghoorna. to outstretch, phuelana, pusarna. to outstrip, peechhe-chhorna or -dalna, v. to out- do. to outvie, burh-dekhna, v. to exceed. to outwalk, burh-chulna. , outward, bahuree, zahiree, beroon v. outer, bi- des, des-awur, v.airoaf?; outward appearance, zakir-hal, v. external. outward, outwards, bahur. outwardly, zahirun, dekhne men, zahir usbab. to outwit, kan-katna, shub-kuhna, thiikana, hu- rana, peecbhe-d. v. to cheat, overreach. outworks, bahur kota, urtula, kutnurkota, niolira, niurbula. to owe, chahna, dharna, dhurana, qurz-r. qur- uzdar-duendar- nuupooz-riniya-h. baqeedar-, waindar- mudyoon-li. rukhna, rukhana, ba- qee-h. v. to remain, (to be obliged) mumnoon-, ihsanmund- kunuora-h. v. indebted, &c. bona, lugna; t he fever is owifig to your having caught cold, yih tup toombaree surdee khane se/ hue, V. to depend, &c. owing, muhniool, munsoob, hue, hoo,a, rauoqoof, mcohtumil, v. itnputable^ due, also to depend; it was owing to the rain, yih menh se hoc a. owl, owlet, ojIoo, boom, chooghd, ghooghoo, pencha, shuetan churiya, ooroO|a, oolook, kcnch-koochoo,a, mirgoona, putohiya, v. lich- owl ; a young owl, ghoosut. owler, ghutmar, v. smuggler. own, upna, nij-ka, zat-ka, khood-ka, khass, ap, aphee, alum, v. domestic; I went my own self, muen upne ap guya ; it is your own, yih aphee ka hue or apka hue, v. mine, &c. ; it was 7ny own, mera nij ka tha. to own, ginna, janna, siimujhna, boojhna, upna- na, V. to claim, quboolna, bolna, upne, oopur lana, hank pokar-kuhna, v. toprofess, reckon, consider, kuhna, manna, qa,il- mcnqir-h. qu- bool-k. V. to confess, {to claim) du,uwa- bad- -k. waris-thurana, {to possess) malik- &c. -h. rukhna, v. owner, to have, &c. owner, malik, khawind, dhunee, sahib, walee, waris, mal-khawind, birtiya, nijik, huqq-dar, khurkhawind, mrohiqq, sahib-huqq, mai-wa- waris, {in comp.) wala. i, ox, budhiya, buel, nnr-ga,o. oxeyed, ga,o-chushm, buel-unkha, ga,o-deedn, bur-unkha. OXY 452 02^ oxjiy, dans, mus, goomachee. oxycrate, sirk-abu. oxi/mel, sikunjubeen, sirku o sluthd. oyster, kustoora. ozeena, peenus, nak ka phuuus. •ftievip .* liti' ,a.'»iBiH**iN' P. PAC p, ID this, as ill several other languages, is often confounded with b, and sometimes, especially when aspirated, withy, q. V. pacCy (step) qudum, gam, dug, purug, chulawa, Y. march; having bad paces, bud-ruo or -gam ; to keep pace with, hum qudum-chulna, {s;ait) thai, luwisli, ruftar, v. zcalk, {amble) yurgha, ' goorg-duor ; a pace, {in mensuration) qudum, dhoor, V. to equal. ., „ , to pace, (amble) yurglia-&c. -chulna, (to march) khoosh-khiram-chulna, v. to move, to step, rup rup-a. -j. or -chulna, v. to trot, (measure) panw-napna, qudmee nap-k. v. to direct. paced, shahgam, (in comp.) ruo, ruftar, v. pace. pacer, (pad) qudum-baz, rah war, (if an ele- phant) pa,el. pacific, sool|h-kcDll, suleem, moola,im, milapee, V. mild. , pacification, moosaluhu, sool,h-karee, tuskeen, milap, mila,o, islah, v. alleviation, peace. pacifier, soo!,h-kar, islah-kar, sumjha,oo, v. quiet. to pacify, thundha-k. ma)Ia,im-k. munana, furo- -k. sakin-k. puhlana, buhiana, sumjhana, v. to appease, to quiet, still. pack, package, gutha, bustu, guthur, moth, pot, boqchu, V. packet, bale, (load) bojh, bar, v. PAC burden (of cards) gunjeefu, (multitude) dhera, ras, mundulee, (of dogs, &c.) dor, jhoond, jutiia, V. crew, (crowd) ahim, duriya, v. sea. to pack, V. a. bandhna, lupetm, (to bind up) guthiyana, kusna, jukurna, chuobundee- &c. -k. ladna phandna, ladphand-k. v. to drive, (money, &c.) tora- &c. -bundee-k. v. bag, (a jury, &c,) ganthna, v. to sort, karsazee-k. v. collusion, (to withdraw) kala moonh-li. or -k. boriya, budnu-sumbhalna, (to drive away) hankna, door-k. (to join) jorna, butorna, jii- mvi-k. ; y. n. bustu bundee-k. (to disappear) bhagna, jata-ruhna, chumput- huwa- kafoor- hojana, rumna. packcloih, bethun, lifafu, lupetun. packer, bustu-bund, ganth-bund. packet, guthree, v. parcel, potia, potlee, dub, \. bundle, {mail) thuelee, kam, kliureetu, tup- pal, V. post, pack ; a packet-boat, on the Mala- bar coast, is called pateemar, which is perhaps applicable also to a packet-carrier ; patee, io the Ilinduwee, signifies a letter. pack-horse, purtul ka-ghora, purtulee-tuttoo, bhutiyare ka tuttoo, v. mill-horse. packing, chuobundee, guthree buiidee, budii« buudee, v. wrapper. PAG AbS PAI pack saddle, palan, guddee, juhaz, khogeer, v. pad. paci>threiid, scotlee, AoTte, ,j3.i>^|i;:: ^ti pact, paction, v. league, sliuitt shurtoot, bniidhej, r. compact. pad, giuldee, khogeer, v. pack-saddle, kuiidhe- lee, sooiidka, luhroo, char-janiu, v. nag, poney, cushion, pacer; a foot-pad, but-par, rah-zuii, V. robber, padar, kimef, urdawa, v. grit, &c. padder, butmar, v. highnaayman, &c. paddle, buthiya.dand, kurwara, chuppoo, dubee- la, biiethee, v. to dabble, to paddle, khyona, butliiya- &.C. -mama, v. to row, {in the water) dhub dhubaiia, ab-bazee. -k. paddock, menduk, bhek, beng, gliuok, v. fiog, (for deer) ulioo-kli.iiiu, iiiiig sala. padlock, qoofl, \yitlg. kooluf] tala. pcRan, kurka, tutiih-nainu, iilha, mungul, shadi- ;anu. pagan, boot-parust, atush-puiust, gubr, moosh- rik, kafir, inujoosee, v. heathen, paganism, brot-purustee, atush-purustee, sUiik, koofr. page, (of a hook) suf,hu, peethuota, (in wailing) khuwass, chunwurdhar, jilodar, kbiss-burdar, sukha, saqee, khuwas^ec, giindhuib, iiimqm-- lub (1)1 khidmut, v. cup-bearer; he is a page, not a waiting-servant, of the king's, padsliah ka khuwass hue, khidnuiigar nuheen. topagff, wuruqdaghee-k. pageant, pootlee, v. puppet, parade, guhwara, beinan, pekhna, bunawut, v. spectacle, (show) tumasha.^'g'. nuqsh bur ab, boobab. pageantry, hushniut, dhootii dhani, hoo ha, nush o nooiiia, ncDuiai'ish, v. show, pagod, [a corruption of boot-kudu, not puot ghad, as Fryer writes it] tnoorut, boot, v. idol. pagoda, dcwul, boot-kudu, de,ohura, bcut-khaiin, duer, kunishi, v. temple, (coin) hoou. paid, V. the verb, bhurpaya, uda. to be paid, bhur-puua, putua, (taxes) nialg«/.a- ree-k. pail, (for milk) dohnee, jhukree, v. vessel, kuth. nu,ee, kuthuotee, tuoia, gunila, dol, v. bucket, also trough, (full) kutluiotee-bhur, (to rain by) moosul dhar-girua, v. to pour. pain, dookh, durd, peer, butha, wujii, sozish, V. smart, punishment, koft, ruuj, sog, hoozii, ghum, tnulal, mulola, suntap, sool, kusiik, kusala, kuruktees, dookhra, v. ache, torment, anguish, solicitude. to pain, dookhna, peerana, durd^k. dookhana, dookh-d. V. to hurt, afflict, (to ail) manna, V. to complain, limp, kusukua, bu hua, kuliip- na, kucl'ukua, kntiia, juhia, v. to grieve, pinch- painful, poor-durd, durd-uiigez, sukht, — also (difficult) dcDshvvar, tliuk Ihuk, mihuiit-tulub, V. arduous, (industrious) njilinutec, donkhtc, du)kh da,ee, suntapee, kulpa.oo, v. laborious. painfully, mihnut- 5cc. -se, thuk thuk-se^ v. pai?is. painfulness, v. diligence, durd-ungczce, sukhtcr, dooshwarce, islikal, v. sorrow. painless, nirdcokhee, be ghul o ghush, v. eaiy. pains, (toil) mihnut, su ,ce, durd i sur, khoon i jigur, duor-dhoop, tugapo, purisrum, v. labour, (of child-birth) durd i zih, peer, v. throt. to take pains, khoon i jigur-khana, mihnut-, durdiiur- &c. -k. lohoo-niootna, lohoo panee- -k. surniukhzuu-duwa duo-k, v. to drudge, to labour. pains-taker, v. laborious, mibnut-kush, v. diligent. paint, rung, roghun, burun, v. colour, varnish. to paint, kheechna, ootarna, bunana, mconuq- qush-k. cheetna, oorehna, v. to dratc, (with figures, Sic.) runga mezee- &c. -k. v. paint'' PAL 454 FAL ing, {to colour), rung-d. rungna, rungeen-k. ^ (to represent) nuql-k. v. to describe, (a picture) tusweer-kheechna, (a likeness) shubeeh- kheechna. painted, munqoosh. painter, moosuwwir, nuqqash, tusweer-kush, chi- tera, rung-saz, chiturkar, nigarindu. The kiiman-gur, bow-maker, q. v. is also a painter of doors, windows, &c. painting, tnsweer-kushee, moosuwwuree, cliitur- karee, rung amezee, rung-sazee, v. drawing, • (picture) tusweer, nuqsh, chitur, nuqqashee, / V. representation, nuqsh nigar, v. portrait. /joeVjjora, jooft, jot, joree, joog, v. couple. to pair, V. n. jcoft-khana, jooftee-k. joorna, niil- na, V. to suit, fit; v. a. jorna, milana, sunjo- gee-k. V. to couple, »na«:JiV,v',- palisade, kuthuhra, moDtukka, kuth ghera, roondhgura, v. rail, moohujjur, lukur kot. , , . , palish, zurdee-ma,il, peela-sa. ^- , \ pall, (for the dead) chuddur, v. mantle, doo- shalu, V. cloak. . A,W»V*,o^ .v .o-nilwiv to pall, V. n. be Icntf- be mnzu-liojana; v. a. be IcDtf- &c. -k. oomthana, jee-phirana, moonh ko bund-k. v. to disgust, dilbhur-jana, v. to loathe, (to cloy) ser-k. moonh pher-d. v, to impair. pallet, khindree, goodree, bistur, dulq, khutiya, suthra, v. bed-stead, bed. to palliate, hulka- nurni-k. leepna, choopurna, chikiiana, soodharna, (a disease) thopthap-k. V. to patch, to extenuate, sakin- khufeef-k. v. to ease. ^ ' palliation, tukhfeef, leeppot, leepa,ee, pota,ee, V. mitigation. palliative, mcosukkin, tuskeefj-bukhsh. pallid, V. pale, zoan, neela-peela, v. livid. palm, (tree) khujoor, tar, bultar, phultar, chhoo- haie ka dunikht, durukht i khoorma, v. date, (victor?/) go, ghulbu, fuoqiyut, v. superioriti/, (of the hand) hiithelee, kuf i dust, turhuthee, (in measure) cha,o, char ungool, chuo,a; the palm fruit, tuikool. ' <• • ' ^ to palm, rukhna, lugana, bandhna, dalna, jorna, V. to lat/, handle, (to impose) gule-lugana, niurhna, or -chempna, thapna, dal phei)k-j. V. to pass, (as jugglers) untee-marna, v. to touch. ..... .,^i,w,. . ,.- J PAN 455 PAN Palma christi, (ricinus) urund, rund, bed uiijeer, reiidee. palmer zoorm, kuaila, bhondilo, bhoo,a, v. pil- grim. palmisler, bhudree, dtikuot, dust-shinas, siimcod- rikee. palmistri/, sunioodrik, dust-shinasee, dukuotee, V. fortune-teller, {legerdemain) chutukbazee, dust boordee, liulh pheiee, v. trick. palpable, qabil otI-Iuius, qabil col-nuis, uspursee, (^manifest) 7:nhir, surech, (gross) bura, sukht, shudeod, v. great, plain, Sic. palpableness, surahut, »uklitee, shiddut, v. the adj. also plainness. palpablj/, zaiiirun, sureehun, bu-s)iiddut, v. gross- to palpitate, dhurukna, tiipna, dhurdhurana, oo- chhuliia, phiirukna, dhukdhiikana, dhamukna, V. tojlulter. palpitation, dhur dhurahut, dhuruk, khufqan, tupisli, tupuii, dhook dhookee. palsied, situngee, udhungee, shull, soon, puchha- ghatee, looiij. palsy, situug, (hemiplegia) falij, udhung, (para- lysis) jhola, rashu, luqwu, shull, kurop-ba,ee, puchha ghat. 'i \ paf^n'ness, nabukaree, duna,ut, kh^yaree, kumeen- pun, soobookee, hiqarut, v. worthlessness . paltry, na-kara, ni-kuninia, na-bukar, kumeenii, dunee, soobook, khwar, be-qudur, v. dirty, mean, small, sor r y ,m\x\amvi\.^ii, pajee, v. shabby. pam, ghcolam, v. knave. to pamper, clihukaiia, naz o ni umut se palna, iiaz pui\vurdu-k. pjioplana, pJiQQg , pjians- 8cc. • k. V. to cherish. • - pampered, lur-ba,ola,gorusuha,naz purwur, sheer must, saj'u purwur, sheer-purwurdu. pamphlet, risalu, chuo-puttee. pan, kuraliee, kurah, tas, tabu, tawu, mahee- tabu, burtun, basuri, puteela, tumbiya, tusia, buhgoona, v. pot, (of a gun lock) piyaki, kaii, fuleetu, V. skull ; the knee pan, chukkee, a,ee- iiu, gcnrgee ka hudda, khooriya. panacea, ukseer-azim, dookh-hurun. panada, sliola, jhoos, v. pap. pancake, mal-poo.a, poo,a, looclnvee, kookoo, v. pancreas, lublubu, but. pander, bhurwa, v. pimp. pandiculation, tnus-musahut, kus-inusahut, un- guethee, budun-shikunee, ui)gra,ee, v. lassi- tude, &c. pane, a,eenu, moorubbu, purkaia, v. frame, divi- sion, (pannel) putur, tookra, v. piece. panegyric, nuidh, tu,ureef, suna, inud|h-namu, bunsawuree, purnalee, bird, v. praise, bhuti- ya,ee, bhutuotee, bhutuetee, v. encomium, &c. panegyrist, muddah, suna-khwan, mud,h-khwan, bhat, dusuondhee, birduet. pang, siyasut, koft, hulakee, tuhlcoku, shiddut, simkuth, apda, v. pain, agony ; the pangs of death, sukrut ml muot, jankundun, nuzu, ni- rod, dumi niurg, untwistha, v, to gasp, &c. panic, huebut, huol, bhue, v. dread, (struck) khuof-zudu, hueran o sursam, huol dila, chit- bhurum, \. fright, terror. Sac. pannel, khogeer, palan, kundhelee, pakhur, roo- qu u, V. list, also pane, &c. pannier, tokra, jhuwa, khancha, ora, dala, gun- wara, v. basket. to pant, hainphna, huphuphana, honkna, v. to aspire, palpitate, (to long) murna, jan-d. pantaloon, v. leg, pa,e jamu, izar, v. trowsers. pantheon, v. temple, de,o brind, v. mythology. panther, cheeta, ooz, pulung, tendoo,a. pantomime, v. drama, bhugwunt leela, ram leela, ras leela, v. play, &c. pantry, modee-khanu, bhundara, ni.umut-khaAH. PAR 456 PAR pap, bhitnee, surpistan, doodhee, y. nipple, lup- see, V. sowins, {dug) choonchee, kojcli, pis- tan, V. breast, {food) Port, papa, faloodu, muleeda, cliooree, loopree, v. pulp. papa, baba, bap, niiyan, bawa, qiblu-gali, v. father. papaw, pupeeha. paper, kaghuz, qirtas, putur, {clean) kora- or sadu-kagliu7., jp/. kagluiz putur, v. deed, parch- ment, &c. ill the Grammar, p. 333 ; glazed paper, kagliii/. moohredar. Papur is tbe name of a very ihiii transparent cake in the Hindu- wee language, and pupra signifies a flake, la- mina, &c. paper-maher, kaghuzee. llv^,v■'!■ pappy, pbool phoola, phcxslka, pilpila, v. st)ft. papyrus, putera, burdee. par, moosavvat, v . equality ; to be at par, bura- bur- &c. -h. V. equal. parable, tumseel, niisal, nu/.eer, musul, drish- tant. i parabolically, tuniseelun. parade, dhoom dhani, hooha, hushmut, shikoh, ihtisham, nooma|ish, nush o nooma, dub dubu, atunk, kur o fur, utuni tutum, v. ostentation, show, &c. {array) suf ara^ee, {place for exer- cise) quwa,id-gah, suf-gah, mnedan, v. proces- sion. paradigm, amud-naniu, krija-roop, v, conjuga- tion. paradise, {perhaps from) firdoos, udun, junnut, bihisht, buekoonth, surglok, khoold, {terres- trial) iruni, baghi irum, junnut wl-bilad, ap- plied to Bungulu, ]\\nnut nuzeer, to Kishmeer ; a virgin of paradise, boor, nbchhura ; a bloo7n- ing youth of paradise, ghWman, pi. o/ghoolam; bird of paradise, hooma. paradise grains, qaqrolu-kibar, v. cardamums. pararf/i2ca/, firdosee, bihislitse, ■■•_... ^ paradox, paradoxical, bu,eed col uql, lughoo, lu- pet, duleel tulub, door-fuhm, v. enigma, rid- dle, &c. paragon, numoonu, dustoor, rol umul, fukhr, be-nuzeer, la-sanee, be-misal, wuheed, taq, {of beauty) shah khooban, v. matchless. paragraph, fiqru, mutlub, prikurn. parallel, adj. bnrabnr, moosawee, sum, khura, moohazee, mcnstuwee, niootuwazee, v. equal, like,- a parallel line, khntt i nicctiisawee, khutt i moohazee; parallel moulded, {letters) niuqioob moostuwee, v. palindrome. parallel, sub. buraburee, mojsawat, moowafuqut, nironasubut, tushabooh, sumta, istuvva, v. re- semblance, equal comparison. to parallel, burabur- &c. -k. v. to level, {to cor- respond ) milna, burabur- &c. -h. v. to conform, &c. {to compare) mooqabulu- buraburee-k. v. to equal. parallelogram, mnorubbu mcostuteel, v. oblong. paralk'lopiped, nioorubbu mcostuteel, mcosuddus. paralogy, duleel jalee, nuintiq jalee,v. sophistry. paralysis, ru,ushu, luqwu, 7. palsy. paralytic, inoortuesh, shull, udhungee, situngec, iniiflooj, soonbuhrec. — <' ^- < paramount, bura, muha, sudr, dheeraj, v. empe- ror, chief, supreme, {of a village) juewar, v. lord, head; the h?d paramount of the Murhuttu states, peshwa, v. leader, &c. paramour, yar, ashna, ankh luga, dhugra, lugwa, lugwar, ashiq, dheeng, dhemna, v. gallant, lover, mistress. parapet, fuseel, {vulg. sufeel) kungoora, kumur- kosa, seenu-punah, urtula. paraphernalia, duhezee mal, duejor, juhez, dan, V. pin-money. paraphrase, turjoomu bu tufseel, taweel, shuruh, tufseer. ►^jjhv-.j-oous ,«iw!n ,ilM^cjiBB.q PAR 457 PAR to parapkrase,']hnrntse turjoomu-k. pherse tur- jcomu-k. parapluye, chhutree, cbhata, muthuoree. paraqueto, tota, soo,a, tootee. parasang, from ftjrsung, fursukh, a measure near three and n half Englisli miles. pnrasite, mooft-khor, tu.am-tulash, rikabee-muz- Iiiib, toofuelee, roteeha, looqinuyu, kasu-les, hind dhurwa, khuduinbur, tubaqee kootta, roteetor, tookr khor, burbhatee, loqoondra, Icoqqii, [plants) iikas- or ulug-lut, v. vine. />«ra«jYnliiia, V. to mde with; to read by parts or divisions, fumiyu hishuoqin-pnrh iia, v. estima- tion; a small part, jmzwee, v. few, little. to part, V. a. bantna, hissu- &c. -k. v. to share, (to separate) tufawut- ulahidu- ulug-r. or -k. furq-k. V. to sunder, chhorana, bhin-k. v. to disjoint, disunite, beech beecha,o-k. ; v. n, (to intervene) fasil-h. durmiyan- beech-h. or -pur- na, (to be separated) jmda- &c. -Ii. bicbhcorna, (to takefaremell) sidharna, rookbsut- moorukh- khus- widau-Ii. v. to depart, (to share) pana; to part with, cbhorna, turk-k. tujna, tyagna, dena, bech-d. jooda-k. v. to dispose, assist, re- sign, quit. to partake, hissu-lena, shureek- &c. -h. sath-d. V. to accompany, share, (to participate) sha- mil-b. milnn, v. to have. partaker, shureek, sajhee, melee, moosharik, his- su-dar, sathee, v. associate, sharer. parter, cbhorawunhar, dunniyanee, chhorwiiya. parterre, chumun, subzu-zar. /?rtrf/rt/,(^er«o»)turuf-dar,janib-dar,pullu-kusb, oree, r. local, pucbhee, himayutee, hamee, do- iiuzra, do unkha, burgee, v. protector, (in- clined) mail, luoleen, (not universal) khass, pricbhun; to be partial to one'' s self , upna- gana or -kuhna, v. concert, &c. />ar//flr/*Xi/,turuf-daree,janib-daree.turuf-kushee, pulhi-kusbee, puch,h, prein, pas, burg, doo- nu7.ra-pun, pulle-daree, pas-daree, nuzur un- daz-ee, junba, &c. muya-inob, v. favour, in- clination, prepossession. partially, turufdaree- &c. -se. to participate, v. n. shureek-h. v. to «Aflre,sha- inil- majshtumil-b. milna; v. a. bantna, v. to divide, uarticipation , tukseem,butwara, putee,uetee,his- su-bundee, V. rf/rMi««,ishtirak,sburakut,shir- kut, hissudaree, v. to partake, also partner. participle, (active) ism i fa.il, (present) haliyu nam birtmanee, (perfect) mazee mu,utoof ul- uehi, nam bhootee, v. noun, (passive) ism i mufool, particle, took, zurru, jooz, rezu, v. piece, kunee, choonnee, kincha, rezugee, tinka, toom, v. atom, (in grammar) hurf, adat, bacbik, ubbi, kulimu, birt, v. adverb, conjunctive, negative, preposition. particular, (not general) khass, mukhsoos, nij, (individmil)ma3i\iss\\, (attentive) mcotuwujjih, moostughriq, mootu.ummil, v. assiduous, (odd) ujeeb, nirala, zor, tcohfu, v. singular, (per- son) ko.ee, ek, v. certain, some, one, &c. kham, kucha, niookhtuss, r. full, (account) teruj, tuo- jeeh, V. definite, &e. particular, sub,bat,umr, soorut, nooktu,joozwee, V. circumstance, clause, individual, article, j oo- zee, (p^. jcDziyat,) furdiyat, ufrad, ujzu, nu- qeer o qitmeer, jcDzokoil; a particular detail, tufseel; all the particulars, (i.e. the tvhole) jeBZ o kooll ; in particular, khassutun, ulul- khoosoos, V. particularly. particularity, khcnsoosiyut, tukhsees, v.^cwfta- rity. to particularize, moofusulun- tufseelnn-kuhna or •likhna, jooda jooda-kuhna, ek ek-kufana, tu- sbukbkhoos- quium bund-k. moosharoon iluehi- butlana, v. to ascertain, define, specify. particularly, moofusulun, tufseelun, bit-tofseel, bhin bhin, alug alug, buyanwar, shuruhwar, birasihee, bina,e ke, tudwek, v. individually, n\j\i.uT,kh(issknr,v.especial,distinctly,(inpar- tkuUir) khoosoosun, ulul-khoosoos, purunt, v. extremely. partisan, rufeeq, damun-geer, luga-lipta, koo- mukee, v. associate, ally, (officer) risalu-dar, jumu-dar, v. brigadier, commander. partition, tuqseero, tufieeq, inqisam, butwara, 3M2 PAS 460 PAS buta,ee, v. participation, (as a wall, Sec.) (arin, hijab,purtlu, ar, ot, mend, deewar, iilot, quiiat, inanjha, burzukh, hajib, v. screen, khanu, v. room, frame, division. partly, koochh, thora, joozwee, kcochh ek. partner, sajhee, raoosbarik, buntuet, bukhruet, udhiyara, unsik, uinbaz, shurakutee, unsee, putteedar, bhagee,hissudar, seeree,humhissu, • V. lialf, associate, sharer, (in dancing) sukhn, sukhee, ra,oola, ra,ooIee, v. companion, jotee, y. fellow, (at play) joiee, g-o,een, go,iyan, bik- kee. partnership, shurakut, ishtirak, sajha, umbazee, shirkut, moosharukut, seer, moozaribut, sha- inilat. partridge, teetur, doorraj, kubuk. parts, (talents) dauish, zeerukee, firasut, boodh, mut,undaz, zurf, v. capacity, (districts) iilraf, ukiiaf, juwanib, uqaleem, v. country, quarter, (private) muozu-mukhsoos, teen than, v. pri- vities; a man of parts, sahib shu,qor. party, jutha, toomuu, puch,h, guttee, moth, guthree, tookree, y. faction, (in a law suit) fureeq, (pi. fureequen) asamee, (of men) ghol, y. company, Jiandful, &c. mela, jhoond, v. as- sociation, flock, (side) turuf,or, janib, v. cause, . {a«sem/6/«/)mujlis, puncha,et, v. company, (in- '.'■' dividual) shukhs, admee, v. person, (detach- ment) risalu, tu,eenatee; the parties, Xxxraiuen, fmeeq sanee, moodu,ee uluehi chordhor, balee mcDwalee. par^y-cotowrerf, booqulumoon,goona-goon,ruug _-■ bu rung, puchrunga, v. piebald. party-jury, puchmel pundih. par^i/-r«a«,turuf-dar,janib-dar,v,a«socMife,bun- dishee, puchhee, v . factious. parturition, v. birth, inukhlusee, khulasee, jun- apa, V. delivery (charm) khulas mcobra. to pash, pasb pash-k. v. to crush. pasquinade, muzummut, fuzeehut-namu, niiida- putree, v. satire, pass, gulee, ghat, ghatee, duru or durru, v. ave- nue, may, {road) rail, mooroor, punth, v, pas- sage, (passport) purwanu, dustuk, rahdaree, nikasee kee cbithee, chithee, (push) hool, khod, chonk, (state) haiiif, gut, dusa, niiobut, V. condition, &c. to make a pass, (in fencing) booUchuIana. to pass, V. n. goozurna, lunghna, chulna, jana, beetna, v. to go, oorna, buhna, chula-jana, ni- burna, hadis-h. lutna, v. to glide, fall off, va- nish, &c. tue- tuer-k. v. to cross, (to vanish) jata-ruhna, oojiihna, nikulna, (to be spent) ho- chookna, surf- khurj-b. kutna, lugna, (to be ^finished) tuniam- akhir-h. niburna, unjam ko pulioouchua, (to become) hojana, (current) nioonjur- jaree-h. (tooccur) aua,ajana, purna, V. to happen, (to be considered) gina-jana, v. to seem, &c.; v. a. (to spend) goozarna, katna, kburj- surf-k. beetana, guwana, (to cross) nanghana, par- cuboor-k. paree-d], (to move) chulana, ruwan-k. bhejna, puboonchana, v. to transmit, (to vent) dena, kurna, v. to cen- sure, setitence,k.c.(to omit) chhorna, chookna, turk-k. quluni undaz-k. v. to forget, neglect, (as) hona,bunna,v. to stand,represent,(alaw, &c.) jaree-k. v. current, &c. (;!'-*.' patch, puewund, theglee, jor, v. clout, tiklee, bind lee, chippee, binduola, v. spot, {work) dagb-dozee, huzar-mekhee, v. to mend, &c. also {bit) qitu, tookra, v. parcel, piece, chuk- tee, V, plaster, also beauty-spot, to patch, JQrna,\>uewund- &c.-lugana, puewund karee-k. ganthna, tankna, v. to cobble, mend, thop fhap-k. chhop chhap-k. v. to palliate, ueb poshee-k. v. to plaster, cover, &c. {tfie face) kbal- til-b. or -bunana, {up a story, &c.) jorna, bandhna, v. to contrive, patcher, puewund-kar, paru-doz. patching, puewund-karee, paru-dozee. patchwork, mooruqqu, mekhee. pUte, khopree, sur, v. head, patent, furman, sunud, purwanu, husb-oolhookm, padsliahee-sunud. patentee, purwanu- or sunud-dar. pa# ''-.v > pencil, {brush) moo-qululJi, 'qofuiii','"koottchee, V. brush, meel, v. to paint/ a lead pencil, su- la,ee, (of black lead) snorme ka qulum. peiiflant, awezu, jhoomka, kurun-phool, balee, lutkun, door buclui, kunuosee, v. ear-ring, pendent, lutukta, aweklitu. pending, moO|Ulluqee. pendulum, jhoo\a, lutkun, v.switiy. penetrable, chhedne jog, qabil nufooz, iiufooz pu- zeer, sulunhar, v. the verb. to penetrate, (tojjierce) chonkna, chhedna, v. lo bore, khoobna, dlinsna, bhinna, sulna, lor-k. warpar-b. {to affect) usur- taseer- nuqsh-k. (to comprehend) sumujhna, durij'aft-k. boojh- na, V. to understand, (to enter, q. v.)glioosna, dur-ana, duklil-k, chunia, bhujna, puchna, ruchna, v. to soak, penetrating, &,c. tez, tdond, kura, rusa, uafi/.,. j/itli'« -{Vjn^M^^ 01 hadiq, v. shrewd, subtle, (acute) sureeu odl fuhm, tez-fuhm, tubbau, chumut-kar, dio- klia, teekha, v. discerning, sagacious., X^i^ii- ijj penetration, dukhl, dm-amnd, \.entrance,{acute' ness)Aezce, sureeu ool fulimee, rusa,ee, chu- mut-karee, teekha,ee, buseerut, firasut, xuka- wut, V. discernment, nufooz, hidaqut, s. judg- ment, sagacity. peninsula, koudha, v. island. penis, V. yard, luora, indree, zukur, fulan, nufs, wujood, quzeeb, thenga, khootka, kuddoOj lo- loo, nipor, phoouiyan, v. pudendum. penitence, tiiohu, istighfar, ufsos, soch, nudanuit, infi,ul, V. shame, contrition. pem7ert^,peni7ere/i«/, moostughfir, mootu,assif,na' dim, ta,ib, pushemaii, puchhta,oo, moonf'H.il, V. contrite, also repentance. .lijiwy-iu to be penitent, puchhtana. . . yi ,t;). penitently, lu,ussoof-se. ':"/?«"»«>«*>f'^»Veaft)5 . (; penknife, qulunj-turash, cbaqoo, clihoorfe^."""''^^ penman, khoosli-qulum, khrrish-nuwees, iilili-qu. lum, khuttat, likbraj, (supporter) q(ii-i!nfl| Vi- clerk, {author) moosunnif, v. ivriter. '"'^\ pen7iance,jog, tupus'siya, duhdaot, railibaniynt, zoohd, lirt, luifs-kooshee. .'^''^•>«<'i .wittafca^ pennant, phuruhra, bad-nc»ma, dhiija, v. jfay. ■«, penny, {fig.) diimree, kuoree, puesa, tuka, dhu- boo,a, V. jnoney, pukka puesa, fooloosj (w-e?^/t/) do-rulee. V'f -'"V^' tin^.V^S^'Aw^ pennyless, niknoriya, be-puesa, be-khurj, be-znr, be-durub, be zur o pur, v. indigent. j)ennyicise a7id pound foolish, mare kuoree. auke butuora. ^Jii^'fi .r»«Mf'" • pennyworth, puese ka, (good purchase) kuoriyoii ka mal, kuoriyon pur, v. cheap. >.>i,iuMnii pension, wuzeefu, jageer, mu afee, sueyoorghal, wujih-gcozran, uuidud-mu,ash, jeeka, v. pay, wages, hire, putihgreh, birtesree, suukulpit, kur, chuttee, idrar or -ec, v. benefice, &c. PEO 467 PER to peiuion, jageer- &c. -d. pen*i(mcr, jageer-dar, uhl i tnu,asli, \. dependant, wuzeefu-dar, rozeenu-dar, putigrehee, birtija, kur-dar, saleenu- &c. -dar, v. allowance, &c. pensive, tikr-mund, undeshu-nak, rudotufukkir, moota.uminil, soch-wunt, fikree, surnigoon, oodas, dil-geer, v. sad. pensively, fikr-men, fikr mundee- &c. -se. pen«»e«eM,fikr-mundee,undeshu-nakee,oodasee, dil-geeree, tufukkoor, soch-wuntee, v. thought, pent, bundba-lioo,a, bund, bhura-hoo,a, thusa- hoo,a, V". shut, also to cram, &c. pentachord, punch-tiira. pentagon, mookhuiniuus, puuj-goshn, pucli-kona, also pentangular, pentagonal, punj-pnhloo. pentateuch, tiioret. peniastic, mooLbumniiis. pent-house, sa,e-ban, dlmba, osara, v. shed, peniile, nnriya, v. tile, penultimate, ma qnW akhir. penumbra, neem-sayu. penurious, tung-chushni, tung-dil, jooz-ruz.ojee, kuDJoos, sooin, kliusees, v miser, scanty, indi- gent, narrow, sontheesah, v. niggard, &c. panuriously, jcoi-xasee- &c. -se. penuriousness, tung-chusUmee, tung-dilee, jooz- rusee, oj, kunjoosee. penury, tung-dustec, lihee-dustee, fulakut, qil - lut, kungulta, v. poverty. peony, sbuqaiq ron nuuina. people, {nation) quom, log, also (men) admee, ushkhas, khulq, khula,ui, log i)og, jimiiioor, murdoom, ubi, alnm, kholq-rollah, jiignt, v. vjorld, person, tribe, {commonalty) u\vaui,teiee tumbolee, v. mob, dregs, vulgar, also commu- nity. to people, busana, abad- mu,umoor-k. v. popula- tion, janana, janwana, mrotnwuUud-k. v. co- lony, &c. peopled, bhura, abadan, v. inhabited. pepper, mirch, filfil, pilpil, (long) peepul, filfil- duraz, (black) kalee-mirch, gol-mirch, (red) mircha, la-mirch, gacL-nirch, v. capsicum, to pepper, mirch-d. or -d. (with shot, &c.) chal- nee- jhunjhree- mooshubbuk-k. .y. to l^fot. pepper-box, aiirch-datDee. ,. // \. v. ,j . pepper-cofM, ra,eeka danu, kliush-khash ka danu, v.jot. peppermint, poodeenu, nu,uuu, (water) urq i uu,unu. per, fee, peecbjie, v. by, &c. In composition, this particle is seldom otherwise expressed than by the simple verb, or occasionally by the form peculiar to the Hindoostanee verbs, so fully explained in pages 155, &c. of the Grammar, q, v. peradventure, sha,id, mubada, v. lest, ittifaqun, quza.un, kudachit, v. case, perhaps, doubt. to perambulate, phira-k. suer-k. v. to survey, &c. perambulation, v. ica/^,gusht,phirwuekee,girda- wuree, duenawurt, v. circuit, also to pass through, &c. perambulator, gushtee, da,ir o sa.ir, v. visitor. to perceive, (to see) dekhna, dekh-pana, v. to ob- serve, (to know) boojhna, chetna, duriyaft-k. siimujhna, tarna, pana, v. to discover, pnh- cbanna, cheenhna, luk,hna, puruk,hna. perceptible, perceivable, niuhsoos,zahir,nnmood, • dek,ha,oo,dek,hue-jog, disunhar, nuzur puzeer, luga,oo, \. palpable, to appear, &c. perception, v. consciousness, chet, piih,chan, ilm, wuqoof, duriyaff, boojh, sumujii, idrak, v. knowledge, sense, bekti, cbitwun, inu,uloom, V. feeling; to Inive perception cf, j&u-purqai, V. idea, observation, &c. perceptibly, zahirun. 3N2 PER 468 PER perceptive, percipient, hassa, mcodrik, v. con- scious, chetun, bektik, v. possibility, perch, (Jish) kuterna, guntha, v. rood, pole, {for a bird) chukkus, udda, to perch, v. n. buethna ; v. a. buethalna. perchance, sha,id or shayud, ittifaqun, sunjogun. to percolate, clihaana, v. to strain, ooze, &c. percolation, v. to exude, clihuna,ee, \. filter, &c. percussion, tukkur, thokfar, mar, zurb, sudmu, dhumuk, jhuput, chuput, v. concussion, blow, perdition, tubahee, hulakee, sutyanasee, khura- bee, gharutee, zulalut, v. destruction, death, perdue, {close, q. v.) dubuk, dhooke, v. ambush. to peregrinate, sufr- &c. -k. phirna. peregrination, sufr, moosafurut, suyahut, glioor- " V but, purjutun, phera-gheeree. peremptoriness, qutee,ut, istihkam. peremptory, natiq, qati, u-chui, shafee, moorum, \.Jiatbj, nafiz, jabir, be-budul, nioobriii, iitui, bujid, V. positive, perennial, ek-salu, ek-bursa, bara-masiya, suda, do.azdu-mahee, v. perpetual, &c. perfect, katnil, poora, sum-poorun, tumam, v. entire, {skilful) inahir, inookummul, sur-amud, prubeen, v. adept, good goodiya, sa,ir, fazil, rusheed, v. accomplished, sumapt, moontuha, mrosullum, v. whole, theek, v. correct, {as a . verb) tammu, v. imperfect, also preterite, coni- plete, {pure) be-iieb, nir-dokhee, u-pap, v. immacfdate. to perfect, kamil- &c. -k. nibabna, niberna, bu- sur-lana, v. to accomplish, sarna, v. to perform, perfection, kumal, {pi. kuraalat) tumainee, sum- poorunta, tukmeel, prubeenta, kumaliyut, ik- mal, V. excellence, purity, skill, &c. itmam, poorunta, v. completion, tahi-Geh. perfectly, v. the adj. also {exactly) bi,uenu, hoo bu hoo, V. totally, bilkool, tumam o kumal, sub, V. completely. -.,;>(.;' : perfector, mcokummil, sarnnhar, sarnee»m\>:ie, v. niaj/. peiicurdium, goiukh tliiiiida. periergy, tufzeel, fuzeelut, v. officious. perigee, qoorbi dooniya. peiihelium, qoorbi shums. peril, Am, cliintn, khutru, diihsliut, undeshu, dhurka, beeni, v. danger, perilous, khutur-nak, mukhtoor, mookboof, poor- beein, kiiutur-iingez. periloitsness, kluitur iiakte, khutur-ungezee. perineum, see^un, doklit. period, duor, diiora, gurdisli, phera, zuinanu, usur, iiiiobut, hungaiii, uhd, z.iniii, v. interval, inee,ad, tu,udeel, mcoddat, wiiqt, v. season, a,et, V. circle, cycle, time, {end) akliiiut, insiram, lint, iiiliayut, v. conclusion, limit, (length of duration) qiyam, iirsu, v. space, &c. {sentence) josnilu, fiqru, v. series. periodical, fiislee, ueyainee, innosumec, sumuek, wuqtee, diioree, nuobutee, gurdisliee, v. regu- lar. periphery, gjier, gher pher, v. circumference. peripkrase, pech, pech pacli, cluikkur, mortor, V. circumlocution. peripneunwiiy, 7.at ror-riya/durd i shuo!>li, zat oos- Midur, V. pleurisy. to perish, inurna, gharut- liulak- fuiia- nest-, ne.st nabond- nast- niU|Ud(ioiii-li. jata-rnlina, iDulmtt- tulput-li. V. to die, decay, rot, sink, dhoolna, cliuoput-b. puchiia, clihuekar-h. tniir- -khupiia, -pucbiia, -bilaiia or -gulna, (i/*_^/-e) jul-niuriia or -boojhna, (j« water) doub'niui ria, (with cold) jare-iiiuma, v. lost, frozen, &,c. perishable, faiiee, be-buqa, na-pa,edar, qabil ooz ziiwal, sureeu ool intiqal, chuiichiil, hadis, tuna- &c. -puT.ter, suttyanasee, ghuer-moos- tuqil, bigrmiliar, surne-JDg, kliani, kucha, v. frail) tender, also destructive. perishableness, udilni-buqa, na-pa.edaree, be>bu- qa,e(,', clunichulta. peristaltic, koolbnolana, v. vermicular, peritoneum, pet ka purdu. to perjure, jhoothee quauni-khana. perjured, suogund shikun. perjurer, hanis, v. liar, &c. peTywry, jlioothee qusuui, suogund i kaz.ib, kiriya bhung. periwinkle, ghongee. to perk, uenthna, ukurna, v. airs, permanence, thuhra,o, tika,o, ruha,o, qiyam, su- bat, pa.edaree, buqa, duvvam. permanent, qa,im, pa,edar, derpa, sabit, baqee, tika.oo, nioostuhkuni, mookhulud, v. Jirm, {as colour, &.C.) pookhtu, pukka, v. fixed, ustliir, aluuladee, inooqurrure, istimraree, qiyamee, umur, suda, v. certain, permanently, pa,edaree- &c. -se. permission, rmkhsut, ruza, istirza, kiicushee, i/.n, ijazut, purv,angee, hcnkm, v. consent, leave, clihcottee, chhoot.kara, v. liberty, order, &r. permissivelt/. Sac. neem ruzamundee-se, v. tacit. permit, nikasee kee chithee, ruwiinnu, chhor- chithee, dustuk-ralidaree. to permit, qubool-k. ruvva-r. v. to allow, rookli- sHt- &c. -d. V. to suffer ; to permit one to go, jane-dena, v. to let. permitted, v. allowable, ja^iz, moojuwwuz, v. law- Jul. permutation, tubdeel, tubuddtol, v. to txcluinge. pernicious, miuzir, moofsid, zubooii, niookliil, nikhid, buora, v. destruction, had, nicokhalif, buegooM, ("usadee, v. destructive, perniciously, fiisad-se. perniciousness, uiuzurrut, fusad, zuboonee, boo- ra.ee, nikhidta. peroration, kliatiniu, v, conclusion, perpendicular, khura, luoo ummud. PER 470 PER a perpendicular, khutti comood. to perpetrate, kurna, ntoortukib-h. v. to commit, bud hiirukiit-k. v. crime, perpetration, irtikab. perpetual, dajniee, damee, moostummir, qudeem, baqee, istimraiee, nitee, v. continual. perpetually^, humeslui, suda, nit, ulud-duwain, v. permaJtent, huT-wuqt, iut-co\h, v. constantly, incessant l\j. to perpetuate, da,im- Sec. -r. ciiulana, jeeta-r. qa,ifii- &c. -r. zindu-r, v. permanent, immor- tal, Sec. perpetuation, thulirawut. perpeiuittj, humesliugee, qiduin, duwam, subat, istimrar, sudaee, nitta, v. duration, posterity, qiyam, usthirta, niojdawuniut, v. eternity. to perplex, ghubrana, hurburanu, hueran- &c. -k. V. to confound, ajiz-k. undhlana, bhondlana, V. to vex, {to complicate) cnljhana, ooljhera-d. luptatia. V ' ' ' ' •' perplexed, {distracted*} hiieran," nioosliuw wisli,' iid- heeruj, ashcnftu, niooztur, {complex) ooljha, ubtur, diirhum burlium, v. intricate, doobhur, V. knotty. perplexedly, be quraree- &c. -se. perplexing, mooshkil, poor-pech, thuk thuk, kut- bin, docshwar, jhunjhutee, v. difficult. perplexit?/,perplexedness, {distraction) ghubrahut, chuondhyahut, iz-tirar, jhunjhut, tushweesh, ashcostugec, pech o tab^ v. anxielt/, distress, {intricacy) pech, mar-pech, lupta, junjal, lu- ^ pet, V. doubt, maze, labyrinth, inukhmusu, khuencli, bheer, v. extremity. perquisite, luwazimu, abvvab, yaft, bala^ee, bala- yaft, shikar, jhuree, oopree puraput, jbar- jhoor, chhar chhor, dustooree, v. peculation; the established perquisites of office, dustoor. to persecute, siitana, khijhana, chherna, tukleef- 8cc. -d. tUDg- ajiz-k. gule ka har-h. peechha- leiia, gcoloo geer- dcnm guzu-h. azar-d. v. to harass, importune, pester, persecution, tusdeeu, tukleef, eeza, dnok, undlier, kushinukush, tungee, suket, mooseebut, kusht, mulamut, tuqaza, su,oobut, v. oppression, tor- ment, &,c. .««««>*ll»3C^ persecutor, jufa-kar, situm-gur, moozee, dil-azar, dookh-da,ee, leechur, v. oppressor. perseverance, persistence, dhoon, teha, istiqlal, sabit-qudumee, qa,iin-mi2ajee, giioh, israr. perseverant, persevering, persistent, &c. dliooiiee, iiioostuqil, mcosir, sabit-qudum, qa,im-mizaj, dhooiinlia, dheera, mootumadee, v. constant, also obstinacy. to persevere, persist, isiqlal- &.c. rb. rncostuqil- &c. -h. thuhiinia, ruhna, puende-purna, nioo- M-azibut-k. gunthiia, q-.i,ini-ruhiia, v. to conti- nue. perseveringly, istiqlal- &c. -se. WiWfjS'M to persist, 8cc. puch,h- hoijjut-k. v. to insist. person, adniee, manoos, shukhs, uufur, insan, jun, iiur, nicotunufis, tun, juna, v. individual, man, munik, ulil, v. any one, &c. {self) ap, khood, zat, nufs, {appearance) uiidam, unget, kathee, kaya, puekur, v. figure, 8tc. {charac- ter) nuql, sojwang, bhes, {in grammar) see- ghu, whence seeghu-tnootukullini ; the first person, usuiud, mootukullim, i. e. the speaker ; the second person, jookhmud, mcokhatub, i. e. the person spoken to; the third person, suibiid, gha,ib, i. e. the person absent or spoken of. The reader will however recollect, that this order is inverted by the Arabian grammarians, who put the third lirst. A certain person, fidanu, ko,ee, ek, v. somebody, also wlio, ike. ; in person, v. personally, binufsihee, bizatihee, upne ap, upnee zat se, v. self, &,c. personable, deedaroo, dekha,oo, khmsh-iindam, tiiruh-dar, khoob-soorut, soo-roop, sujeela. PER m\ FEU (Ihujeein, jxunii-zeb, soopiixl, inooshukhkhu.s, V. handsome, graceful, &c. personage, Intra sliuklis, rouidii uniecr, sbukhs, shukii.sijui, V. nobleman, gratidee. personal, sluiklisce, zirtee, nufsee, kliass, tnukli- soos, iiij, iijiii;!, ;i[)s\vaithec, v. particular, pre- sent, (exterior) z-ahiree, klKiiijee, v. Qorporal, (bodily) j\in\ee, siueeree, deliec, sliuklisee, (re- Jiections) cliira,oo bat, malaniut, uyoob, shukh- siyu, V. sarcasm ; personal property, dumtins, inal o iiiutau, mujJ o jlns, jiiiijuiiicc clliun, pucse tuke, lual niunqool, v. money. personality, sluikhsijut, v. idcntitt/, tushukh- khoos. pcrsonal/j/, khcod, ap, bil-usalut, hh.-v.-dt, usa- iulun, bi luifsihce, v, self, (particularly) nlul- kliojsoos, klioosobsuTi, v. individually. to personate, soorut-bunana, ^luql-jana, bhes-k. V. person, siiroop-l/iuiana, -k. or -lana, v. to ripresenl, buuiiai bona, v. to be ; do ijou per- sonate the king, and 1 shall represeid lils prime minister, tojni paiJshaii ka bhes kuro o iniien ■wuzeer kee nuql la conga; fuqeer- Ssc. -bu- nana, means to personate afukcer. '"'''" ^ personification, niiijaz uqlee, prigulb boodhee, ootpurecliha. to personifij, sliuklis- &c. -Ihuhrana, fuizet adr luec-biiD'.iiia. I f 'h ' ' .- -It.. jierspedive, (glas.s) door-been, nuzaru. x-tffos- pcct,iiex, optics, ^c. ! 2>erspit:atious, ttz niizni, v. acute. perspicuiti/,i)erspicuoifsne6S,sn\a>n\\^n\\Haimt,m- fa,ee, luo7.f<;h, asauee, sur^hut, sbi^ffiifee,,pii- kas, nil niidta, V. c/earKMs, ., perspicuous, saf, znhir, wazih, kjicola, purghut, iizhur, sliufi'af, sureeh, oojjiil, paqee, a^enu, v- cr/A'H/, (ra.?j/) su'ees, asan. , , , i ' ^ -f' ' ill ,;,9blMX ,3'»d j perispicuouslj/, su\asuu Sic, -sc. • •■ perspiration, bakliar, uruq, puseena, v. steam. to perspire, puseejna, bajkhar-nikuliia,uruq-Iana, V. to SKCl.t. to persuade, niunana, lana, ma.il- nimstu.id-k. turgheeb- ishti,aluk- pcor cbojk-d. jhcokana, .oos.k;u»a, v. to incline, impress, inu,uqo9l-k. kliatii- nisliati-k. boii'.na, kliatir-k. niobna, bhorana, mcoiagliib-k. v. to allure, assure, be- lieve, {to advise) huruwar-k. rnusluliut- sujahr -d. dilnish<;en- kiiatirjuiiiu- di'ijunr.i-k. niii!- rana, v. to counsel/ to be persuaded, (to believe) yuqeen-jana, v. convinced, 8cc. persuader, mcnhurrik, tr.ooiaghib, sulah-kar, tmin- turee, v. adviser. persuasion, persuasiveness, dil-nisbeenee, dil-jii- niu,ce, kliat,ir-jiiuui,ce, sulah-karee, tiisuiiee, djlasa, nuina,o, tuigiiceb, bhcjra,o, muoliiia,ee, manuoiee,v.advice,counsel,inJluence, {opinion) i|Utiqad, fikr, ra,ec, nnit, v. nation, religion. persuasive, incDwussir, nioosir, sahib-taseer, inoaii- .... ,. > . . ... ^^i,. . iia, dil-nuslieen, turgheebee. pcrsuuhivchj, nsur- i'cc. -sr, v. effect. pert, .shokli, goostali,Ii, dheetn, niucliia, qhiindml^ uclipnl, V. smarl, &c. to pertain, uiaqu- iiisbut-r. niilr.a, niuiis^i^^li. V. to helong, relate. pertinacious^ Sz.c. klicod-pu.sund, niugia, kb^od- ia,e, bujid, pu(;b,hee, hrajjutlee^ sookbuiipur- vvur, bnibuna, v. obstinate. ' pertinence, sha,isiugcc, buj jusiugee, nioowafuqsit, phubta ec, tliecka,ee, v. proprietij. pertinent, phubta, thctfl^, ^ooicostj ,inu,Vft'V.'fl.l»n» niwnasib, sba|ist,u, burju.stu, nioowafiquV.ai.'b. ptrlinaitlj/, liyaqut-Scc. -sc, ba suwab, bu-taiio- qii, \. proper. pertly, slioklice- Sic. -se. prrtness, sliokliee, goostakhee, ilhecthijjeej iMich- ia,ee, cliuncluilahiit. to perturb, perhtrbate, gliubiaoa, chuoiiilh^ftua^ bequrar- &c. -k. v. distracted. PES 472 PET perturbation, ghubrahut, cliuondhiyahut, be-qu- raree, dhurka, iztirar, tushweesli, byakoolta, be-huwasee, ashooftugee, kupkupee, pech-tab, be-kulee, V. commotion, distraction, perplexity. to pervade, puethiia, dur-ana, phuelna, duor-j. chhana, v. to enter. pervasion, dur-amud, phuela|0. perverse, ziddee, hutheela, terlia, na-rast, knj- niftar, kuj-ruo, sur-khmd, sur-kush, moosirr, inonkhalif, mmnhurrif, uondha, muchlaj tanch- la, oolta, kuj-fuhin, terha benda, ungush bun- gush, V. stubborn, (fortune) gaiidoo qisinut. perversely, hMT-uks, zidd-se. perverseness, perversity, niookhalufut, zidd, huth, jsrai, na-iaslee, kuj-ruwee, kuj-ruftaree, sur- khoodee, sur-kusliee, inhiraf, jiiil moorukkub, niucUla,ee. perversion, burgushtugee, inqilab, /.ulalut, ool- ta,ee, uondfiaiCe, &c. to pervert, pherna, mootiqulub- budrali- bera-, goorurah-k. buehkana, bhutkana, v. to corrupt, distort, oolut poolut-k. pultana, ooltaua, doli- raiia, morna, v, to twist, bur uks- bur-khi- •• laf-k. perverter, moozill, mooiiqulib, dohra,oo, oolta,oo, pulta,oo. pervicacious,&ic.\.obstinate,pcrtiiiacious,tanchra, V. spiteful, pervious, v. open, qabili nufooz, v. penetrable, perusal, v. the verb, mootalu.u, duora, {in comp.) khanee, v. reading, course, to peruse, purlma, banchna, mootalu.u- tilawut-, moolahuzu-k. v. to examine, moodawiru- duor-, udhuen-k. peruser, khwanindu, purhunhar, udhueiiee, (in comp.) khwan, v. examiner, pessary, shafu, koorsuf, boojna, lolna. pest, muree, wuba, tnulamut, khar, urbunga, khoncha, gundmekha, v. plague, (Jigurat.) wubal.junjal, fitnu, bula. to pester, sutana, khijhana, cliherna, tukleef-, tusdeeu- eeza- dookh-d. diqq- tung- ajiz-, hueran-k. v. to harass, anten gule-d. khodna, khodhiyana, v. to tease, pesterer, moozee, mookullif. ^ pestilence, t.a,oon, wuba, muree, surayut. pestilent, pestilential, pestiferous,mco{s\d, moozirr, fasid, zuboon, bud, v. malignant ; a pestiferous wind, bad j soomoom. pestle, dustu, moosul, kootuk, sonta, ghun, dheu- kee, butta, lorha, sunialh bhung-ghoutna, kootee, kootka. pet, jhanjh, huth, chir-chirahut, khufgee, (Ja- vourile) larla, pyara, v. darling, doolurwa, lurba,ola, chalieeta ; to take the pet, huthna, ur-k. utwat khatwat-lena. petal, pukhree, puttee, v. leaf, petition, {verbal) urz, goozarish, urdas, v. wiJi, urz niu,urooz, wajibool urz, bine, {request) doo,a, bintee, suvval, v, entreaty, &c. (written) urz dasht, urzee, ureezu, bine putree, v. me- 7norial, &c. to petition, urz- &c. -k. cbahna, mangna, v. to supplicate, petitioner, mooltumis, urzee-wala, talib, sa,il, dad-khwah, urdasee, nibeduuee, binuek, ja- chuk, niyaz-mund, v. suppliant, petrifaction, puthrahut, silajeet. to petrify, v. a. puthur- siikht-k. ; v. n. put- hurana, puthur-liojana, v. stony, petticoat, luhnga, ghughra, phuriya, sayii, sarec, cheer, dhubla, tuhbund, luiigot, cliindiya, (^in- terest) izar bundee vvuseelu, liriya raj. pettish, hutbeela, chirchira, tcunrok-niizaj, but- hee, ziddee, uruel, tekee, v. sullen, pettishness, toonook-mizajeee, v. pet. petto, (in) pet men, muu men, v. hid. PHL 473 PIC petty, chhota, kboord, kum-niayu, furo-mayu, thora, V. little, petulance, sbokhee, goostakhee, dheetiiaiCe, be- imtiyazee, be-udubee. petulant, sbokb, goostakb, dheeth, inuchia, mug- ra, be-udub, be-iintiyaz, be-lugani, v.wanlon. petulantly, goostakhee- &c. -se, pewter, just, roop-just, ranga, bidur, urzeez, v. tin, &c.; a pewter vessel, burtun justee. pewterer, kusera, bhurtiya, thuthera. phalanx, guthree, ghol, joDt, v. body, phantom, phantasm, v.«pec fSffcrAi pick-lockorfalsekey,chov-V.ooi\iGe,-A,theperson. ■pick-pocket, pick-purse, jeb-kutra, keesu-bajr, ganth-kutta, girih-boor, oocbukka, v. cut- purse. pick-thank,\i\is\^e-hvirAar,v.officious,ag-\{xgayOo, _ kunphooska, v. incendiary, hack-biter, &c. pick-tooth, kbilal, khurka, tinka. ,^ f,^., ^^ j^j picquet, tila,iyu, girdawuree, itaqee, qnrawul, ughuriya, moobra, — also chosen men or grena- diers, q. V. ■,!.)kula,nal, whence moonb- wsA, a mouth-piece; guj-nal, huth-nal, nur-nal, sbootui-nal, ghoor-nal, &c. various fire-arms used in Hindoostan ; puthur-kula, duni-kula, vub-kula, &c.; apiece of ordnance, zurb i top, V. coin, musket, &c.; apiece or hit, (of a law- yer, &c.) bucbu, bucboongra, v. poetaster, smatterer;piece-goods, parchu qimasb; apiece, ; ek ek, hur-ek, bur-wahid, furd furd, fee- • asaraee, ism-waree, v. each, individually ; all* of apiece, sub ekhee khan ke, v. alike; of a piece with, ula liuzul qiyas, ekhee, v. like. piece, {chimney. Sac.) cbhujja, tu,uweez, nikasta, y. frontispiece, masterpiece. •.■ ' to piece, (to unite) joiaa, puewund-k. v. to eke, patch, santhna, to add, also mend, Sac. burh- ana, tuweel-k. v. to lenqthen.' ' , . .TUnail,': pieceless, ujor, be-sandi, v. whole. . , piece-meal, clioor cboor, tookre tookre, rezu rezu, pasb pasb, thora thora, cbupa cbupa, cbikna- cboor, paru paru, v. separate, gradually, pied, booquluinoon. pier, sutooD, khumbha, payu. * ""* to pierce, v. a. cbonkna, salna, par-k. phorna. pharna, cbhedua, torna, katna, (or bleed a tar tree for the taree, toddy) cbhe,ona, v. to bore, ^e^ PIL 475 PIM biirmana, gansna, gooiithna, ganthna, nathna, choobhona, gobhna, gophna, dhookana, khon- cba-marna, gurana, v. to stab ; v. n. puethna, dhusna, chhi(?-j, dur-ana, lugna, v. to enter, d.hookiia, bindhna, choobhua, sulna, bidhna, gurna, goobhna, v. to penetrate. pierced,(toith an arroic) teer khoordu,v. wounded, piercer, chhe,onee, v. perforator, piercing, tez, burraq, kurkus, kurra, v. violent, piercingly, tezee- &c. -se. piercingness, tczee, burraqee, toondee, sukhtee, sbiddut, kurkusee. piety, tushurrroh, tuqwa, tuqawut, bhugta,ee, dhurnm, inu,urifut,v.<7orf/twess,khooda-tursee, uqli-mii,ad, nem, sewa, ihsan, irfan, tiireeqiit, zaDhd,suntu,ee, jog,v. devotion, duty, religion, worship, pig, gheiita, chhuona, soo,ur ka biicbu, soo,ur ka juna, {of metal) suree, phiiruondee. to pig, byana, juniia, biichu-lana. pigeon, kubootur, purewa,kupot,humamii, para- wut, pundook, V. dove, turtle, &c. (at play) sone kee chiriya. There are several kinds, viz. the lotun, luqa, girih-baz, gola, sbirazee, goolee, gc»l-khal, yahoo, pamoz, purpa, doo- baz, roomalee, pulka, subz-ruoshun, muko- chushm, kilkee, pa,emoz, mozepa. pigeon-hole, khanu. pigeon-house, kubootur-khanu, kootee, khop, ka- book, V. dove-cot. pigmy, buona, bilishtiya, tooniya, goorbuengiin, V. dwarf, pike, (spear) nezu, jhugra, y. javelin, piheman, nezu-baz, bhale-burdar. pikestaff, chhur, nue, bans, v. bamboo, pile, thumb, khurabha, chohla, v. pin, stake, {of grass) tinka, (heap) dher, uinbar, todu, (nap) khwab, ro,een, {of an arrow) puekan ; a fu- neralpile, cheer, chita, chitakha,sara, v. altar, building; the piles, bawa-eeer; the blind and bleeding pilts, buwaseer badee o kboonee, (blind) ghentee, musa. to pile, tuloopur-r. gurna, tub bu tuh-k. thopna, V. to heap, Jill, &c. to pilfer, choorana, moosna, cbcnra-lejana, oora-j. hiUhiyana, oochukna, bughl- dhuppa-marna, hutha- or hath-marna or -rungna, v. to steal, pilferer, huth-lupuk, chootta, cbor, oochukka, buth-maroo, dust-duraz, v. thief, pilgrim, jogee, siieyah, bueragee, jatree, ziyaru- tee, uteeth, (to Mukku) hajee, hajee col hur- muen, (among the Hindoos) kiiinaruthee, tee- ruthee, jugut nathee. , pilgrimage, ziyarut, jatra, teeruth, sueyahee, v. jotirney, (to Mukku, &e.) hujj, tuof, tuo,af, cpmrii, (happening on a Friday) hujj i ukbiir. pill, golee, -hubb, buriya, matra, butee, (a ma- gic) gootka, (cochia;) hc»bb qoqiya, [rufus's] hoobb roofus, v. aloes, pillage, loot, gbuneemut, yughma,loot pat, takht taraj. to pillage, lootna, lootpat- &c. -k. v. to plunder, pillager, lootera, pindara, gharut-gor. pillar, sntoon, thoonee, khumb, khumbha, rookn, peel-payu, thumb, lat, ota, minar, oomood, v. column; the pillar s of the state, viT\i.&n i duolut, V. prop, pillory, tusbheer, churkb, kul, v. to disgrace, pillow, tukiyu, balisb, baleen, ooseesa, v. bolster, cushion, pillow-case, tukiyu ka ghilai". pilot, manjhee, urkatee, kunduree, abshinas, qa,id juhaz, v. helmsman, moo,uUini, v. guide, pilotage, ab-sbinasee, v. to conduct ; urkatee, means pilotage also, and comes I fancy from the place Urkat, disguised by us under Arcot. pimp, bhurwa, kootna, qcorrcomsaq, meer-shikar, qultuban, dullal, doota, salis bit khuer, shu- 3 O 2 PIN 476 PIP hurdar, maldar, v. procuress, umpire; nico,utu- bur, an abuse of the word, which can neither be defended nor accounted for, unless from the idea that pimps are understood to be trust- worthy. to pimp, bhurwaee-k. kcotnana. pimping, v. paltry, nunha, phoochiya, mulamu- tee, v.petty,(in comp.)coUee, whence rujoollee> V. poetaster. pimple, moohasa, phoonsee, phoriya, burra, danu, phoongunee, v. pustule. pimpled, phoonsiyaha. pin, soo.ee, (prop, a needle) kanta, (peg) mekb, khoontee, (roller) belna, {figurat.) til, tiuka, kuoree, 'v.fig. to pin, V. to fasten, ganthna, khoontna, mekh- bundee-k. mekhiyana, mekh-raarna, which last are generally used to express the punish- ing one's self or another severely, v. to harass, also linch-pin, &c. pincers, sungsee, guhwa, che,oontee, sundasee, V. tongs, (ttoeezers) mochiia. pinch, chootkee, noch, (distress) tungee, sukhtee, kushraukusb, dcokh, v. pain, mukhmusu, su- ket, V. emergency ; a pinch of snuff , nas kee chootkee, v. necessity. to pinch, nochna, chootkana, chootkee-lena, bu- kotua, dabna, katna, lugna, marna, che,oontee- katna, v. to gripe, nip, &c. (to oppress) ui- chorna, peesna, zor, zoolm-k. v. to squeeze, &c. (to distress) tung- nachar- ajiz-k. v. to pain, (to be frugal) tungee-k. pinchbeck, punchrusee, pine, sunobur, (cones or kernels) chilghoza. to pine, jhoorna, ufsoordu-h. gulna, sookhna, goodaz-h. murna, reeng ke murna, heeng- hugna, hoorukna, hookna, bilukna, dhoona, lutna, mur-ruhna, v. to bemoan, paut, xcither. pine-apple, ununnas, un-unnas. pining, hoorka, hoorkaiCe, &c. pinion, gooddee, bazoo, bal, jinah, punk,h, pur, duena, puk,ha, puk,h-oora, shuhpur, v. wing, also manacle. to pinion, gcoddee-b. pukhooriyana, purkoot-k. puchhuondee-b. (the arms) mooshken-b. or -churhanaj v. to shackle, {to bind) bandhna, bund-k. jukurna. pink, (Jigiirative)sm-duftur, mukhzun, (colour) goolabee, soorkh neem ser, piyaze, (eyed) sun- punk,ha, muko-chushm, nurgis-chushm ; the pink of politeness, sur duftur i ukhlaq. to pink, V. to pierce, chhed ke moonh marna. pin-money, pan-khurch. pinnace, purewa, v. boat, &c. pinnacle, kulus, kulsa, kungoora, dhuoruhra, boorj, tesee, sring, beenee, dang, v.peak, {of a hill) chontee, sikhur, uoj, v. elevation. pint, adhser, -a, the vessel. pioneer, bel-dar, loniya. pious, moottuqee, salih, mootushurrih, dhurmee, soofee,sunt,arif, kasib, fuqeer, jogee, v. godly, devout, religious. piously, tuqawut- &c. -se. /3ip,ganth, doom-guza, dooma, (o«car«f«) boond- kee chittee, v. spot, point. to pip, cboon choon-k. pipe, nul, nulee, chlioochee, dumee, phonphee, V, key, tube, ponga, pupeeha, surna,e, shah- na,e, nue, bunsee, bansree, nioDrlee, y. flute, {for water) karez, puenala, purnalee, moree, V. aqueduct, also to smoke, {maker) nuechu- -bund or -saz, v. snake, {barrel) peepa, per- haps from pipe or peep, Dutch. to pipe, bunsee- &c. -bujana. piper, shuhna,e-nuwaz or -chee, bunsee-dhur, surna,echee. piping-hot, gurma-gurm, tutta, v. warm, pipkin, hundiya, v. pot. PIT 477 PIT piquant, tez, churchura, v. sharp, kc. pique, bojghz, keenu, khulish, ganth, v.yrudge, s\\soto arrogate, khoonus, lag, kroh, khufgee, azoordugee, v. spite, to pique, keenu- &c. -bona, or -d. v. to irritate ; to pique one's self', bhoolna, fukhr- su,adut-, iftikhar-janna, v. to value, piracy, dukuetec. pirate, dukuet, dakoo, chor, sariq, v. robber, pisces, hoot, ineen. piscivorous, mahee-khor, inuclih-khuoka. pish ! mff ! oh ! phish ! pismire, cbe,ontee, mor, v, ant. piss, moot, pesh-ab, buol,shashu; an inclination to piss, moot-as; inclined to piss, ma3t-asa;a person who pisses much, mootna. to piss, mootna, peshab- istinja- soocb- pish-k. piss-a-bed, khut-mootwa. pisser, mootara ; a pissing match, mootuwwul, moota mootee. />iss-^o<, peshab-dan,purguhee,mootuhra, (p/ace) mcntar, mootur-gulee. pistachio, pistti, fistuq. pistol, tubunchu. to pistol, tubuncbu-marna. piston, loorontha. pit, gurha, ghar, ghuonchee, cbab, mugbak, v. excavation, hufru, obhee, guwi, guo, jhera, v. grave,hole,pitJ'all,snare,{mark)dngh,khodra, y. dint, dimple,(oJ'the neck) gooddee, v. nape, ukhara, pallee, v. stage; the pit ofthestomach, kuoree. to pit, gurha-d. daghdar- daghee-k. {as cocks) toolna, {to dint, q. v.) puchukna, v, to indent; pitted toith the small-pox, cfaechuk-roo, seetu. ia-moonh, khodrana, y, to scar, pit-a-pat, dhurdhurahut, dhuk-dhukee, phiiruk, tupish, V. palpitation, to flutter, (step) thiip- thup, khntka, chutachut, {of the heart)dhaTH- dhur, V. to palpitate, &c. pitch, ral, qeer, (degree) nuobut, hudd, nihayut, V. height, (s/a/a»ness,tueyaree,goodazee,chikna,ee,jusainut, tazu-gee, phoolawut, v. sleekness. ^/unrfer, loot, ghuneemut, lootpat, yughraa,loota loot, markhusot, gbuza sufa. iMnder,lootna,taraj-takhU gharut-k. dhawa- niarna, duor-mariia, umr-lena or -laiia, khanu khurab-k. moondna, v. to rob, to spoil. plunderer, lootera, gbarutgur, gbuneem, pindara, khanu burundaz, khanu khurab, buddoo, shoohdu, loocha, quzzaq or quzzak, v. pillager, destroyer, plunge, ghotu, doobkee, bosrkee, v. distress, to plunge, v. a, de-marna, jhoiik-d. dal-d.dalna, mama, bhonkna, ghotu-d. or -khilana, v. to duck, kood-purua, v. to rush, to throw; v. n. {to dive) doobkee- ghotu-marua, {to rush into) duor-purna, gir-pil-punia. plunger, ghotu baz, v. driver, plural, &c. juiuu, buhoo-buchun, ma fuoq ool wahid, bu seeghu,e jurau. plurality, jumueyut, kusrut, tu,udd(»d, doo,ee, adhika,ee, sursa,ee, boohtat, v. more, majority, ply, tub, shikuii, cheen, purt, lur,- {of cotton) puhul, V. double, fold, to ply, {to keep busy) mushghooU ooljha-r. (to toil) mihnut-k. \. to practise, {to pester) tung- ajiz- hueran-k. peechhe-purna,v.^ot»ipor^K«e, busy, bend, mama, chulaua, khuenchna, phir- ana, rumana, v. to work, turn, pneumatics, ilm i-huwa or -reeh. to poach, neemjosh-k. (^o/^/«nder) lootna, choo- rana, v. to steal, pock, abilu, gotee, chhala, v. blister, pocket, jeb, keesu, khureetu, ghoghee, jholee, dub, phanda, dheiika, v. purse, to pocket, jeh men-T.; to pocket v/>, burdasbt-k. suhna, huthiyana, v. to embezzle, to bear, pocket-book, dustugee, chuoputee. pock-hole, pock-mark, seetula ka dagh, dagh i cbecliuk. />ocA-/> j<oiniedness, nok-daree, v. asperity. pointer, (in comp.) nooma, v. index. pointing-stock, ungoosht-ncoma. pointless, be-nok, koond. poison, zuhr, bis, bik,h, sum, hulahul, gurl, ma- hoor, V. arsenic, venom, meetha, dukra, hul- hula, hulhuliya, {varieties) singiya, teliya, doodhiya, (slow) jmee, {a root) huldiya. fo^oisoH, muohrana,dukrana, bikhana,?;nhrab-k. (arrows, &c.) zuhr aloodu-k. zuhr men-booj- hana, (to take poison) zuhr-khana, {to give poison) zubr-d. or -khiiana, (to kill) mus- POL 485 pot: moom-k. zuhurde mama, (one's ear) bhurna, bharee-k. phoonkna, v. to infect, (to corrupt) bigarna, khiirab-k. v. to taint, poisoned, zuhr-aloodu, zuhr-nak, v. poisonous, poisoner, [corrupter) mcofsid, moozill. poisonous, zuhr-dar, suinee, zuhr-nak, zuhree, bik,h-dhur, bik,h-bhura, bik,hee, muohreela, gurlee, v. poisoned. poisonoHsness, zuhr-daree, zuhr-nakee, zuhr-aloo dugee. poize, i,utidal, tuol, sumbhal, v. balance, vseight. to poise, burabur- raoo,utidil-k. tuolna, sumb- halna, v. to weigh, (firelock) bundooq-sanine- lana. poke, V. thrust, thuela, dhokra, v. wallet; to buy a pig in a poke, kooliye men goor phoriia. to poke, tutolna, koorelna, khorna, khodna, khod- nee-k.; a poker, khornee, looktee, khodnee, kcDrelnee, from the verb ; a mode of forma- tion very common, and generally for nouns of instrument, from their correlative verbs, v. the Monitor, polar, qootbee. pole, (stick) cbob, luth, istadu, soorkb, dunda, jat, luggee, v. staff, jureeb, nul, lutha, bans, V. perch,rood,Si.c. (oj'the ear , polyglot, zuban-dan, huft-zuban. polygon, buhco kona. polypody, bisfa,ij, khunkulee. polypous, buhoo gora. polysyllable, kuseer ool ujza,e tuhjjiyuh. polytheism, shirk, kuseer ool urbab. polytheist, mooshrik. pomatum, pomander, v, perfume, mom-ruoghun, phoolsut, sondha, sohag-pooriya, v. ointment, pomegranate, anar,darim, roommam, {the flower) gool-anar, anar kee kulee, {tree) anar ka du- rukht ; the skin of a pomegranate, naspal. pommel, agoo,a, hurna {of a sword) doombalu. to pommel, peetna, mania, thonkna, kootna, v. to thresh. pomp, that, shan, shuokut, shikoh, hooha, kuro- fur, dubdubu, jah o julal, hushmut, ihtishan, toom turaq, dhoom dhani, bheer bhar, iiukh- vvut, V. splendour, zurq burq, dhooin dhuraka, tuntuna, buna,o cboona,o, suolut, jah o muk- uut, V. magnificence , show, &c. pompous, alee-shau, nooma,ishee, inoohtusbini, thatee, v. splendid. pompously, jah o julal- &c. -se. pompousness, {ostentation) nooma|ish, numood, uenth-muror. pond, talab, tal, sagur, surwur, huoz, birkii, pokhur, dighee, lal dighee. to ponder, tuolna, jokhna, janchna, v. to muse. ^OHrferoM«,bharee, gurwa,^vuz^ee,guran,g■uran- bar, suqeel. ponderousness, bojh, wuzii,guran-baree, suqalut, ffurwa.ee. poney, yaboo, tanghun, tuttoo, ta,ir, teree ka tanghun, goonth, v. horse, nag. poniard, pesh-qubz, kliunjir, kutar, chhooree, dushuu, quruolee, jumdhur. to poniard, chhooree- &c. -mama. pontiff", khuleefu, umeer ool momineen, eemam, ru.ees ool mooslimeen, v. patriarch. pontificate, khilafut, v. priest. pool, koond, dabur, duh, v. pond, puddle. poop, V. stern, peechha, v. rear. poor, kuiigal, mooflis, tuiig-dust,tihee-dust, ghu- reeb, miskeeu, fulakutee, durniandu, be-burg, tung-hal, rukeek, hulka, ochha, v. indigent, meagre, thin, {applied to the dead) ghureeq- ruhraut, murhoora, yadush bukhuer, v. de- ceased, {mean) pajee, doon, soobook, z.u,eef, khufeef, v. trifling, {narrow) kotah, kum, pust, V. low, &c. {unhappy) be-charu, kuni- bHkht,bupoora, uthkoora, v. teretched, {barren) POP 487 POR slior, lona, kullnr, kumzor, {lean) doobla, kiink, {had) nikumina, na-murd, v. spiritless; a poor man, ftiqeer, tubahee zudii, v. hef/(jar; the poor, gliooruba, gbureeb, ohl. ghureebon. poorly, tungec- 8<.c. -se, zo3|Uf-se, namurdee-se, V. meanly. poorness, kungal-puna, iflas, tihee-dustee, fuqr, kumeen-ptin, pajee-pun, soobrokee, khifFiit, duna,ut,kotabee,kumee,pustee, ke-charugee, gbureebee, ghoorbut, be-kusee, ktiin-biikhtee, doobla.ee, laghiiree, v. poverty, be-nuwa,ee, bulka,ee, &c. v. the adj. also distress, &c. poor-spirited na-murd, pust-himmut, tung-dil, pust-huosilu, koo-niiin. poor-spiritedness, na-murdee, tung-diiee, pust- liinnniitee, koo-niunta. pop, dhuraka, putakh, tup, jhup, turtur, phut- phut, to pop, turturana, phutphutana, v. to bolt ; to pop in, a-purna, gir- pil- kood- toot-purna; to pop out, nikulana; v. a. dal- rukh-d. ni- kalna. /jqpe, nusaraka peer,('s eye) glioodood, v. gland. pop-ffvn, putakha, toofung. poplar, huwwur, china. poppy, post, koknar, khusb kliasb, ahichho; a person addicted to eating poppies, postee ; a poppy head, kubootur-buchu, dhenree. populace, log, am, uwam oon-nas, jnmhoor, ruin- dro phutro, kudmu be ruhmu. popular, am qomoom, mooruwwuj, bazaree, jum- liooree, amee, uwamee, uwam fuhm, v. gene- ral^ national, vulgar, &c. {beloved) muhboob col qooloob, hur-dil-uzeez, uwam-dost, surb- pyara, shakb-zn.ufran, v. common, idol, &c. popularity, hur-dil-uzeezee. popularly, cpmoomun, ulul-comoom. topopulate, busana, v. to breed. population, abadee, bustee,shubriyut,mu,ujnoo- ree, abadanee, burhawa, goolzaree, murdoom sbromaree. populous, abad, mu.umoor, gapl-7.ar, bhur-poor, pur-poorun, ghuddar, murdoom-khez. populousness, mii^iimooree, murdcom-khezee, v. population, porcelain, cheenee ke burtun, zoaroof i cheenee. porch, osara, de,orhee, v. portal, porcupine, sahee, khar-pooslit. pore, musam, musamat, jhurjhuree, jhuree, \. opening, to pore, dekha-k. ghurq-ruhna, deedu rezee-k. chushm osf-o/^ flee, (messenger) dakiya, tuppalee, qasid, puek> duoraha, v. express, (station) juguh, mukan, muqam, niuhul, misul, pudhut, (military, kc.) chuokee, thana, thikana, naka, mootueyunu. POS 489 POT bundhan, tuppa, udda, (at some games) da,ee- boorhiya, v. station, (of a bed, &c.) dunda, thumbha, v. stake, &c. ; to come post, dak pur ana; to com£ or go post, shuba sbub- rata ratce -a. or -j. v. express, {of wood) chob, khumbh, sitoon, lutlia, (of a door) bazoo, {of an army) lushkur-gah, v. camp, &c. to post, khuree suwaree-khure panw-ana or -jana, duorte hoO|e-ana or -jaiia, duorna, v. to speed, {in a ledger) khutiyana, v. to insert, {to dis- grace) chung-k. upcoman-k. v. post, {to sta- tion) rukhna, buetjialna, khura-k. v. to fix. }X)stage, muhsool, ajooru, roosootn. post-boy, dakiya, dak-wda, tuppalee. U) post-date, burliake tareekh-likhna or -d. ; but in this, and such expressions, there <}xists a confusion, which I shall not attempt to ex- plain, further than by referring to after-ages, former, next, &c. which, as well as this word, often puzzle the natives themselves. posterior, moowukhkhur, mootu.ukhkhir, peech- he, bu,ud, v. after, posterioj-ity, tu,akhkhcor. posteriors, nishustun gah, tcekuth, v. backside, jwsterity, al, uolad, nusl, buna, suntut, poosht, suntan, v. progeny, zcorriyat, v. race, puseenee, pccchhle, incotu,akhureen, ukhlaf, v. after, &c. ; the latest posterity, uolad booniyad ; to the latest posterity, butunun bu,ud butunun, nusiun bu,ud nuslun, pootr puotroo. /)o«■ ;a«:M A=«. powilcr-lMrn, seengra, singa, shakh, baroot-dan ; a powder-room, baroot-khanu. powder-maker, baroot-gur or -saz, daroo-koota. power, qoodrut, tuwana,ee, sukt, mujal, nuem, tab, tutha, purakurm, qoowwut, boota, putoot, iqtidar, ikhtiyar, dust-gah, yara, mookhtaree, bus, hookm, qaboo, suwata, tuhukkcxjm, hm- koomut, dubdubu, surdaree, roo,ab, duba,o, udh-kar, v. force, &c. ghulbu, purtap, pu- toot, tumkeen, tumkunut, tej, bisat, uosan, bil-qoowa, roowut, v. ability, hath, punju, tuoq, qubzu, phundha, v. reach, [authority) mookhtar-namu, sunud, pi. usnad, v. warrant, state, &c. (multitude) lushkur, alum, v. crowd; to have the power, busbusana. - powerful, zor-awiir, shuh-zor, quwee, qadir, zubur-dust, bulee, bulera, muha-bulee, zee- iqtidar, mookhtar, udh-karee, ghalib, purtapee, tejwuntj purakurmee, dhunuttur, mooqtuddir, roodar, sahib-zor, &c. buriyara, mootumukkin, V. effectual, lord, mighty, strong, &c. powerfully, zor- &c. -se. >^iVAr pmcerfulness, zor-awuree, zubur-dustee, mttz- bootee, moiklitaree, bura,ce, tascer, v. power. powerless, na-qoowwut, na-zor, na-tuwan, be- bus, be-mujal, zu,eef, nir-bul, door-bul, v. weak. A ■■i-rifAu'^'iii ,\«''ivv-.j*,' pox, (venereal] ba,o, atushuk, bad i furung, gurmee, munsub, munsub-daree, gool-juwanee, V. gonorrhoea ; the small-pox, chechuk, scetula, mata, v. cow-pox. to pox, atushuk-d. or -lugana, julana. poxed, buo,aha, atushukee, munsub-dar, from munsub, a cant word for the pox, v. officer, post, &c. pcy, bans, whence buns-churha, bans-baz, &c. V. rope-dancer. practicable, honhar, kurna, kurdunee, kume- jog, kurun-suktee, bunne-jog, &c. v. possible, (breach) chulta, helnc- churhne- or puethne- jog, V. open, &c. ; is the breach practicable yet or not ? chulta bcngharu hoo,a ya nuheen ? practical, umulee, isti.umalee, mushqee, kusru- tee, mu,umoolee, (knowledge) huthuotee, v. knack. practically, uz roo,e umul, umulun, tujreebim. practice, [use) niushq, inoozawulut, rubt, chin- tun, umul, also [habit) adut, kho, mu,umool, ubhyals, -V. performance, {custom) dustoor, ru- waj, chal, v. method, kur, kulbul, kusnit, puruk, purta,o, (common) rozraurru, (knack) sunut, bha,o, joogut, v. dexterity, also expe- rience; the practice of physic, tubabut, tubee- bee, bueda,ee, hukeemee, v. language (artil- lery) chand-maree. to practise, v. to perform, sadhna, mushq- &c. -k. kurna, purtana, v. to use, kiya-kurna, i. e. when the noun helps to form the verb ; other- wise kurna is joined to the preterite of the simple verb, thus, nach kiya kurta, and nacha kurta, both signify he practises dancino, &c. ; to practise physic, hikmut- &c. -k. ; to try or practise artifices, fitrut-lurana, qaboo- ghat- -chulana, v. to attempt; to practise, or try by experiment, tujroobu-k. practised, mcostumul, v. experiment, &c. practiser, practitioner, mushshaq, tujrcobu-kar, azmoodu-kar, ubhiyasce, amil, kar-kurdu, gaj- nee, v. operator, {in comp.) kar, baz, v. performer, pragmatical, goostakh, booznu-kho, bundur-khus- lut, unbola,ee da,ee, v. officious. FRA^ 492 PRE praise, tU|Ureef, suna, sita.ish, tuoseef, tuhseen, muduh, humd, nu.ut, surah, sipas, v. renown uosaf, sifut, wusf, istisna, burnun, bukhan, jusbhuthiya,ee, beeiiue, muema, ustootkar, juejuekar, shah bashee, v. applause, boast, fame, {empty) reejh pucha.o, v. celebration, &c. ; all praise be to God, ulhumdoo lillahi, ulminnut ooUlIah, v. thaiiks. to praise, surahna, tu,vireef- &c. -k. shah ba- shee- &c. -d. or -k. seetna, bukhanna, jus- gana, v. applause, also to commend, glorify. praised, moohummud, whence Mcnhummud, the Prophet's name, v. laudable. praisir, suna-khwan, rnuddah, hamid, moohussin, ustoot>-kar, bhat. praise-worthy, mcostuhsun, qabili tu,ureef, tu,ii- reef-la,iq, ustoot-jog. j)7-ame, putela, kutree, v. lighter, boat, &c. to prance, phandna, koodna, lumbiyan- kulol-k nachna, purpurana, shulung-marna, v. to cur- vet ; to prance about, koodphand-k. piancing, (sound) pui-purahut, kiirkurahut. prank, khel, bazee, kulol-ulol, kood-phand, shokhee, huram-zadugee, 'ena baz-ee, v. Jro- lic ; to play pranks with, chherna, shurarut-k. V. trick. prate, prattle, buk, bur, jhuk, gup, gup-shup, Chechia, butija, bholee baten, v. chat, chatter. to prate, prattle, ghoon ghoori-k. choorughna, bukna, burburana, jhuk-niama, v. to chatter, bukhanna, choch-lana, rutna, chcnl-bralana, phur-phurana, phudukna, moothre-guma, v. to babble. prattler, prater, bukkee, burburiya, bapjhuk, guppee, shuppee, zutuUee, phur-phuriya, chochle-baz, v. tattler; affectionately of {a boy) tota, {girl rauena. prawn, jheenga, eenchiia, chingra, v. shrimp. to pray, numaz- &c. -puihna or -k. ullah peer munana, v. to supplicate, poojna, pooja put- ree- &e. -k. v. worship, &c. (to entreat) mangna, chahna, munana, durkhwast- &c. -k. V. to implore; I pray, pray, bhu,ee, ujee, miyan, kyoon miyan, ue sahib, v. to, also sir, sirrah, &c. ; pray God, khooda kure, na- ra,en- &c. -chahe, V. deity. prayer, numaz, sulat, pooja, dcio,a, khoDtbu, ga,e- tree, path, doorood, moonajat, doogana, tura- wee, fatihu, sundhya, v. devotion, &c. also hassock, genuflexion, &c. (petition) iltimas, istidoo,a, tumanna, bintee, (postponed) quza numaz, chhemapun, v. grace, bur, v. boon. prayer-boo^:, wuzeefu, ruhus, sundhya-mala, wu- za,if, uorad, v. request, ritual. pre, this prefix, like ante, anti, and jftjre, may often be rendered by age, pesh, puehle, qubl, burh, sur, oopur, &c. but seldom so com- pactly combined as the English particles are. These are frequently redundant, and the rea- der will perceive that to preordain, predesti- nate, &c. can be very well expressed by the simple verbs alone, v. over, out. to preach, v. n. wu,uz-kuhna; v. a. zahir- jarce- -k. phuelana, sumjhana, boojhana, v. .sermon, sichha-k. v. teacher, also to teach, spread. preacher, wa,iz, khuteeb, sichhuk. preamble, deebaju, khootbu, tumheed, v. begin- ning, mukhbund, v preface. precarious, zuwal puzeer, zuwalee, arzee, kucha, nirusthir, v. uncertain, be-subat, be-qurar, l)e- qiyam, be-buqa, u-nit. precariously, besubatee- &c. -se. precariousness, •be-subatee, be-quraree, bc-bu- qa,ee, udumi-buqa. precaution, aqibut-undeshee, door-undeshee, pesh- beenee, ugur-sochee, tudarrok, poorb-chinta, pesh-bundee, v. caution. PRE 493 PRE ► to precaution, puchle, or age so jutana, mootu- nubbih-i. v. to advise. to precede, age-niooqiiddum-h. -j. -ruhna or -ana, moosuddur- balanisheen-h. tuqdeera-k. udjiik- -h. burhna, peshruwee- iqdam- &c. -k. precedence, {in rank) tucideem, sudarut, bala- nislieenee, tiisuddoor, bura.ee, pristhuo, pesh- wa,ee, tufawnoq, peshruwee, v. to pre.mk, (su- perioritij) ziyadutee, subqiit, ghulubu, adhi- ka,ee, (priority/) agta.ee, tuquddoom. precedent, adj. mooquddum, niootuqudduni, qubl, sabiq, age, \. former, before. precedent, sub. uluehil futwa, kur, nuzeer, misal, dustoor, sunud, v. rule, mu.umool, surishtu, V. custom, example. preceding, \' foregoing, subaq, goozushtu, \. past. precentor, moo]ga,en, peshwa, surghunu, v. leader. precept, hookm, umr, ugyan, bat, kuha, furmoo- du, fiirman, quo), musulii, nusechut, pund, wusiyut, buchun, tarun, v. direction, instruc- tion, tulqeen, butkuha,o, wuseequ, muqoolu, path, V. ndc, also command. preceptive, v. mandatory, nuseehut- &c. -amez, V. instructive. preceptor, oistad, gooroo, moo,ullim, akhoon, mi- yan-jee, adeeb, turbiyut-amoz, v. teacher, mo- nitor, tutor. precinct, hudd, ihatu, siwana, mend, v. district. precious, uzecz, pyara, chuheeta, v. dear, [costly) qeenuitee, muhung-molec, bcsh-qudur, guran- niayu, toohfii, nadir, fakhir, s;;o-lucl),hun, nu- fees, V. rare, valuable ; a precious stone, nitun, juwahir, pi. juwahirat, v. worthless. preciousness, guran-buha,ee, guran-qeemutee, besh- qeemutee. precipice, dhang, sring, ooncha, tek, kundula, lu- ga,o, dhuhrara, dhaha, v. pinnctclc, bank. precipitant, nirmulee, nirmulkaree, phuriya.oo, tliiriya,oo, as distinguished from the preciptia- tion, phuriyahut, thiriyahut, phuriya,ec, nir- mulkar, and the precipitate, jumawut, tul- chhut, V. feeds, sediment, &c. precipitate, juld, shitab-kar, be-subr, oota,ola, chhutput, juld-baz, v. supra, hurburiya, v. vio- lent, also headstrong. to be precipitate, hurburana, v. rash. to precipitate, v. a. sir ke bhul- surtulwuya- gira- -d. de-marna, dhukel-d. gira- dal- jhonk-d. V. to liasten, to hurry, surnigoon- &c. -phenk- na, V. headlong, chhantna, katna, buethalna, Ic-buethna, dubana, v. to subside, (in cliemis- try) thiriyana, buetha-d. jumana, phuriyana, V. to settle, urge; v. n. sir ke bhul-girna, v. to fall, biicthna, jurana, thuriyajana. precipitately, juldee- &c. -se. precipitation, juldee, shitabee, ajta.olec, be-sub- ree, shitab-karee, iztirab, hurburee, v. preci- pitant, jhuraka, chutputee, v. haste, rashness, also to subside. precise, cliuokus, hoshiyar, poora, theek, duqeeq, V. exact, .strict, sukht, na-moola,iin, kura, v, stiff", (formal) mootu,ussib, mcoquUj, v. puncti- lious. precisely, bi,uenihi, boo bu hoo, nira, x.just, un- muii, nikhund, v, nicely, &c. ; precisely the same, jyon ka tyon, juese ka tuesa, v. accu- rately, &c. preciseness, precision, diqqut, tuhqeeq, chuQksa,ee, goodh, V. accuracy. to preclude, niras-k. rauhroom- baz-r. bund-k. katna, mama, rokna, v. to exclude. precocious, pukka panch, gand-jula, waqi qubl uz wuqoou, V. premature. to preconceive, age se-boojhna, -sochqa, -janna or -sumujhna. preconception, agum, pesh-l)eenee, pesh-bundee, tusuwwoor. PRE 494 PRE predatory, v. ravenous, lootana, lootera, quzzakee, duor duparee, loota,oo, v. robber, &c. predecessor, mooquddum, ugutuha, mootuquddum, pesheen, salif, suromun, v. ancestor. predestinarian, qa,il i tuqdeer, nischuek, juburee. to predestinate, mosquddur-k. budna, ruchna. predestination, tuqdeer, sur-iiuwisht, likhunt, ho- tub, buda, nischuekta, thutha, v. destiny, fate, also to ordain. predeterminatio7i, ugursoch, pesh-nihad, pesh- bundee, v. resolution. to predetermine, age se thanna or thuhrana, age se niyut-k. predial, chuk waree, chuk bustu, v. farm. predicament, halut, hal, nuobut, dusa, v. class, state, (category) muqoolu, {the ten) muqoolat ushru. predicate, muhmool, khubur, moohuddus, (the object, and predicate) muozoou o muhmool, moobtudu o khubur. to predicate, khubur-d. isbat-k. bukhanna, kuh- na, V. to affirm. , .. ■> to predict, age se kuhna, Sabiq se butlana, khu- bur-d. agum-butlana, v. tojbretel. prediction, khubur, tufawool, agum, fal-go,ee, is- tikharu, khizr khubree, ugur-banee, v. prog- nostication. predictor, mookhbir, agum-janee, agum-bukta, fal-go, ghueb cdI lisan. to predispose, jhookana, lana, ma,il-k. humwar- nurm-k. islah-men lana, v. to prepare, per- suade, incline. , predisposition, isti,udad, v. propensity, predominance, ghulubu, zor, subqut, isteela, ru- waj, uksuriyut, phuela,o, pusar, v. prevalence. predominant, v. prevalent, ghalib, da.ir o sa,ir, '•''*' ziyadu, udhik, pribul, moostuolee, v superior.^ to predominate, ghalib- &c. -h. v. to rule, talj-h. ■V. to prevail. pre-eminence, subqut, fuoqiyut, ufzuliyut, shur- fiyut, sursa,ee, tufzeel, turjeeh, imtiya?:, v. pre- cedence, &c. ; to have the pre-eminence, shurf-r. pre-eminent, churub, fa,iq, ghalib, moorujjih, fa- zil, ufzul, moomueyuz, mcomtaz, sur-furaz, pristhuwee, surbootung, surboopur. pre-emption, huqq oosh-shoofu,u, purosee ka uns, which exists in India, but restricted to real or immoveable estates, and with such restriction it will perhaps be frequently found a conve- nient and salutary law. to preen, koorel-k. pur phuhrana. to pre-engage, age se mootu,ulluq-k. age se gantii- na, peshqurar-k. pre-engagement, pesh-quraree. to pre-exist, age se-h. joogad-h. pre-existence, pesh-hustee. pre-existent, sabiq ml wujood, pesh-hust. preface, deebaju, khootbu, sur-aghaz, v. preamble. to p7-e/'ace, tumheed-k. mnint? ,ni^il prefacer, mcokh bundee, — also prefatory, tumheedee. prefect, hakim, v. governor. to prefer, bihtur- uchchha- uhsun-janna, turjeeli- &c. -d. pusund-k. reejhna, age-r. -lena, &c. ikhtiyar-k v. to clioose, (to exalt) burhana, surboolund-k v. to raise, (to exhibit) kuma, izhar- zahir-k. v. to offer ; to prefer a com- plaint, nalish-k. preferable, bihtur, uchchha, uhsun, nioostuhsun. preferableness, istihsan. preference, turjeeh, tufzeel, fuoqiyut, sursa'ee, V. election ; in preference of this, is ke age, v. above, also railier. preferment, burhtee, turuqqee, sur-furazce, sur- boolundee, v. step, burhaiCe, v. advancement, promotion, munsub, V. post. prefix, ^yAxvjw, w particle. iQWiimv.'^ ^ to prefix, age se thanna, thuhrana, v. to settle, PRE 495 PRE {to write or place before) oopur-likhna, -r. or -higana. pregnancy, bardarec, humul, abistunec, gurbh, gurbhta, gabh, dhendha, (Jertility) juolance juodut, burraqee, v. acuteness. pregnant, bhura, mu,umoor, peer, doojiya, dhee- dhar, petlce, pucrbharee, gurbhwunt, uodhan, V. big-bellied, to teem, (as a woman) hamilu, bardar, pet-se, oommed-se, gurbhnee, doopusta, (as an ani7nal) gabhin. to prejudge, age se-thuhrana or -boojhna. prejudice, (for or against) tu.ussoob, i,utiqad, sco-puchh, {against) bud-zunnee, bud-gooma- nee, bud-buree, {for) muel, hoosn-zunn, rugh- but, turuf-daree, (infury) ncoqsan, zurur, moo- zurrut, ghata, v. injury, dislike, ganth, ghoor- chee, giruh, coqdu, uqeedu, bipuchji, koo puch,h, khulish, dughdughu, uenth, v. spite, also prepossession. to prejudice, moo,utuqid- &c. -k. v. the participle, (against) pher-d. (to injure) nooqsan- &c. -puhconchana, v. to prepossess. prejudiced, {in favour of or against) incBtu,ussib, moo.utuqid, soo-pucbhee, {against) bud-zunn, bud-gooinan, bud-but, mootunuffir, oochat, (in favour of) ma.il, raghib, gulheela, giruhdar, koo-puchhee, bi-puchhee, v. prepossessed. prejudicial, moofsid, moozirr, kothee, v. contrary, hurtful. prelate, imam, moojtuhid. preliminary, tumheed, mooquddumu, v. preamble. prelude, v. supra, beene, tumlieed, niungulchar, (in music) ulap, soor-milap, v. prefatory. prelusive, pesh amudee, tumheedee. premature, v. unripe, {untimely) be-wuqt, bc- muhul, be-muoqu, v, hasty, immature, koo- sumue, udhoora, na-ruseedu, v. unseasonable; a premature death, juwanee murg. prematurely, v. premature, age-se, juldee-se, v. hastily. prematureness, juldee, oota.olee, hurburee, v. haste, &c. to premeditate, pesh bundee-k. age se-thanna. premeditation, pesh bundee, v. design. to premise, age se-jutana, -kuhna or -sumjhana, tumheed-k. v. to usher. premises, mooquddume, mcoquddumat, (erections, &c.) umulu. premium, bukhshish, silu, dan, beshee, pan- khurch, nioora,at, v. reward. preparation, tueyaree, oopa,e, tuhueyut, tudarook, bunawuree, amadugee, kumur-bundee, v. com- position, mixture, &c. burun, lugun, jutun, tud- beer, fikr, oopa,e, putur, noozj, islah, v. medi- cine, (to match, &c.) zeen-bundee, churha churhee, v. infra, also compound. a preparative, moonzij, musaluh, tumheed. preparatively, tumheedun, uz roo,e tumheed. preparatory, qubl, age, v. previous. to prepare, bunana, ruchana, tueyar-k. kumana, moohueya- muojood- amadu- tueyaree- theek-, dooroost- arastu- mooruttub-k. scodharna, sajna, surunjam-k. v. to do, kurna, sama, saibohar- -k. kur-lena, sunwama, v. to dress, make, &c. {to march) lad phand- &c. -k, (for battle, &c.) kumr-b. toolna, v. to adjust, &c. also to form, (to sail, &c.) khum thonkna; to pre- pare a person for the reception of another, tuqreeb-k. v. ready. prepared, v. ready, khura, kusa-kusaya, kuraur- bustu, V. the verb. • to be prepared, churh khura-h. preparer, mcnruttib, bunawimhar, v. maker, pre- parative, (in comp.) saz, ara. prepense, ugla, pesheen, v. old. to preponderate, bharee- wuzunee- quwee- gha- lib-k. or -h. PRE 496 PRE preposition, hurf, ubih sumas, v. adverb. In the Hlndoostanee language, post-position is a better name for these particles, as they generally fol- low their respective nouns. to prepossess, ma,il-raDJoou-k. v. to prejudice. Sec. prepossessed, soo-puchhee. prepossession, soo-puchh, soo-mut, hccsn-zunn, V. prejudice. preposterous, ubtur, behoodu, lugho, pooch, mooh- mul, be-mU|Unee, uondha, urburungee, oolta, wnzhgoon, oolutbed, ugum-birodhee, v. silly, absurd. preposterously, bil-uks, behoodugee- &c. -se, v. inconsistently, &c. preposierousness, ubturee, be-hoodugee, v. absur- dity, &c. prepuce, khoolree, ghulf, chhichhra, chhewur, chhoochree, qoolfu, moordar chumra. prerogative, huqq, pi. hooqooq, pud, khass huqq, V. privilege, right. presage, presagenient,ia\, shugoon, dulalut.aguni, prushun, agahee, v. abodement. to presage, gu\vahee-d. dulalut-k. agum-junana, V, to prognosticate. prescience, jlm i ghueb, pesh-beenee, ghueb-da- nee, agum. prescient, pesh-been, alim-ghueb, agum-janee. to prescribe, kuhna, furmana, butlana, hookm- &c. -k, V. to direct, dena, tujweez-k. v. to administer, (medically) tushkhees-k. moo,alij- ju-k. nooskhu- or duwa- &c. -butlana, -k. &c. V. medicine, (to jlx) thuhrana, bandhna, mooqurrur- &c. -k. v. to determine. prescription (medical) nooskhu, chikutsa, (rule') rusm, dustoor (ia,idu, dustoor col umul, v. law, &c. presence, hoozoor, junab, moowajuhu, mooqa- bulu, hoszooree, v. honour, haziree, hazir- bashee, bide, v. attendance, khidmut, buzm, khilwut, V. before, zahir, deedar, prigut, zu- ban hal, v. mien; in my presence, mere ruhte; at present, bil-fi,vil, ub to; in the presence of, ke age, ke pas, bote, v. present ; in the presence of twenty people, bees admee ke age ; in the presence of the prince, shah zade ke bote, v. be- fore ; presence of mind, soort, uosan, chet, hoo- shiyaree, dileree, dilawuree, v. courage ; pre- sence chamber, deewan-khanu, deewan-am. present, hazir, muojood, roo bu roo, roojoou, samne sunmookh, age, suridust, v. gratuitous tueyar, v. to attend, &c. khura, moohueya, tuchnat, bide-man, v. near, &c. (as time) haJ, halee, ub ke, usoon, is, v. this (^attentive') mm- tuwujjih, V. ready ; the present tense, zumanu hal, burtman ; the present, hal, ub, also at present, bil-fi,ul, in dinon, ajkul, dur een vvila, uknoon, hala, v. now ; to remain always pre- sent, buna-ruhna, i. e. to give close attendance. present, sub. nuzr, inayut, uta, bhent, dad-di- hish, suoghat, niyaz, shookranu, sulamee, sUu, surbaree, dan, hudiyu, moosa,idu, bun- dan, dalee, bel, kbo.encha, (to a preg-riant -woman) sudhor, {to a schoolmaster) jcomu- gee, {at parting) bidagee, bida,ee widu,e, v. farewell; that part of the revenue which is stipulated as a present or bribe for the ami), is called nuzuranu, and which is generally squeezed from the poor renters to make up for the uhmuqanu, or money that the amil him- self is often obliged to pay. to present, rukhna, lana, goozuranna, dhurna, de- na, nuzur- &c. -k. biikhshna, age-r. nuwaz- na, nuzuranna, (arms) chhatee churhana, chhutiyana, (a firelock) bundooq-jhookana, shust-lena, jorna, sadhna, v. to point, kurna, also (to exhibit) dikhlana, zahir-k. (to intro- duce to a superior) moolazumut- mrolaqat- rana, roo bu roo-lejana, v. to prefer. PRE 497 PRE presenter, rukhwuya, v. the verbs. presentiment, agum, ugron, v. abodement. presently, ubhec, ub, fil-fuor, fuorun, toort, v. im- mediately. presentment, izhar, v. representation, &c. presentness, haz.ir jiiwabee, v. readiness, &c. preservation, buclia,o, moohaf'u7.ut, hifazut, jutun, hirasut, himayut, siyanut, asra, v. defence, care, duration, preserve, mcorubba, sundliana, (jnangoes) goor- umba, V. conserve. to preserve, buchana, muhfooz- sulamut-r. umun meri-r. chirinjee-r. himayut- &c. -d. v. to save, rukhna, rukh-clihorna, sucnt-r. v. to re- serve, suheeh saliin-r. v. safe, hafiz- &c. -h. V. preserver, also to keep, {fruits, &c.) pur- wurdu-k. pagna, v. to pickle, conserve, &c. ; preserve this hand, dust bukhuer ; God preserve me, ullahoom muhfizna. pre,s pressingly, zor- &c. -se, v. closely. pressure, dab, champ, duba.o, kusa.o, bojh, v. weight {force) zor, tor, {distress) tungee, aji- zec, hueranee, kushmukush, sukhtee, su,qobutj V. oppression, &c. presto, ciihco, aja, v. quick, &c. to presume, janna, utkulna, lugana, thuhrana, du- riyaft-k. v. to suppose, to assume, nazan-h. &c. V. presumptuous, giima, v. to reckon, gossta- khce- &c. -k. dum- &c. -r. or -marna, bhool- na, jana, tukiyu-k. v. to build. presumption, presumptuousness, dheetha,ee, jusa- rut, dilerec, ghcoroor, mugra,ee, shokliee, lun- turanqe, be-udubee, be-imtlyazee, v. arro- gance, {confidence) iutiqad, bluirum, asra, dum, ghumund, z(»,um, v. trust, {probability) ihtimal, {supposition) utkul-puchoo, wuhm, tuwuhhoom ; excuse my presumption, meree goDStakhee mu af. presumptive, mcutusuwwur, qurecb cdI fulmi, ut- kulee, khiyalee, zunnee, limmce, v. probable. presumptuous, presumer, goostakh, shokh, diler^^ 3 R PRE 498 PRE dheeth, be-udub, be-jjnliyaz, mugra, gubbur, V. arrogant. presumptuously, goostakhee-se. to presuppose, age se janna. prenupposition, tusdeeq- bila-tusuwwoor, v. to suppose. pretence, pretension, bulianu, heelu, mukr, riya, pukhund, chUittur, bunawut, sakht, bhes, ]i- bas, chukur mukur, kundur, heelu liuwalu, ^ Y. deception, deceit, and its derivatives, {plea) hoojjut, jihut, tuqrecb, illut, bukhcra, v. reason, {claim) du,uwa, istihqaq, bad, pud. to pretend, buhanu- &c. -k. bat-bunana, v. to sham, (to claim) dU|iiwa- duro-r. or -k. ghu- mund-r. kuhna, muchlana, kundrana, ooth- lana, v. to assume. pretender, v. claimant, da^ee, mooddu,ee, du,uwa- dar, bukheriya, badee, thudhoo, namee, v. no- minal, impostor, {boaster) ]af-zun, bur-bola. preterite, {tense) zumani mazee, bhoot kal, bTioot bhubi ; the preter-per/ect, mazee-qureeb, bhoot mudhitecn ; the pretcr-imperfect, mazee moD- tuwussit, mazee, istimraree, bhoot purtcet, bheot beejun ; the preter-pluperfect, mazee- bu,ecd; the preter -imperfect suhjunclive, mazee shurtiyu, mazee mootu&hukkee. preternatural, kbilafi adut, khilafi dustoor, khurq- adut, kuramatee, istidrajee, uotarik, v. unna- tural, miraculous, irregular. pretext, oozr, v. pretence. prettily, soothra,ee-se. prettiness, soothraiCe, khaosh-nooma,ee, khoob- soortee, pakeezugee, nazcokee. pretty, soothra, suchha, khassu, khaosh-nooma, khoob-soorut, scondur, neek, pakeezu, nazcok, nazneen, v. neat, little ; you are a pretty fellow, loom khasse yar bo; very pretty, buhoot khas- sa, buhoot uch-chha, uch-chhee bunee. pretty, (in some degree) koochh, thora buhoot, bhula chunga, etna wetna, kumbesh ; the wea- ther now becomes pretty cold, in dinon bhula chunga jara purta hue, v. somewhat, to prevail, jaree- mcoruwwij- &c. -h. purna, chal- ruwaj-pukurna, phuelna, v. to extend, to per- suade, hurana, marna, puchharna, v. to subdue, (to have effect) chuhia, bun-puma, peshruft- -h. usur- &c. -k. bona, {to overcome) jeetna, wur-ruhna, ghalib- &c. -ruhna, v. to influence, prevalence, ghulubu, zor, taseer, hookm, usur, ruwaj, churcha, dial, v. predominance, ziya- dutee, \. frequency, prevalent, prevailing, ghalib, mooruwwuj, moos- tu.iimul, ra,ij, alum-geer, v. predominant, prevalently, zor- &c. -se. to prevaricate, bat^ zuban-budulna or -pherna, heelu huwalu-k. tufawut-bolna, v. to quibble, pher-khana, oodherbin- &c. -k. v. the sub. bc-thuor, thikana-bolna, -kuhna or -likhna, khilaf-kuhna, v. different, prevarication, heelu huwalu, taweel, tal mutol, chukur mukur, luet o lu,ul, tufavvut, v. shuffle, uchul puchul, chulbichul, lubur-subur, heelu- bazee, lughzish, tanabana, tana bhurnee, han- hoon, ure bulc, v. inconsistency, cavil, prevaricator, mooheel, heelu-baz, talmutolee, v. shuffler, to prevent, v. to stop, rokna, utkana, talna, ama, thamna, burujna, chhenkna, munu-k. mani- &c. -h. baz- muhroom- pher-r. v. to antici- pate, preventer, mani, moozahlm, moo,ariz, rokwuya, utka,oo, ukajee, v. infra, prevention, utka,o, rok, roktok, ukaj, chhenka,o, moomanu,ut, moozahumut, tu,urroo7., ha,il. preventive, mani. previous, qubl, age, peshtur, mooquddum, v. prior, &c. previously, age-se, puehle-se. PRI 499 PRI prey, shikar, sued, nukhcheer, uher, ukhetuk, bhuchun, boord, v. catch, &c. (booty) loot, ghunccmut {pi. ghuna.im,) loot pat, chobha, yughnia, v. plunder ; a beast of prey, shikaree janwur, durindu, dud, suba.u, khoon-kh\}»ar, heree, ukhetukec, bhuchnik. to prey, shikar- &c. -k. {npoii) chonga- ubluh furebee- chut-k. v. to suck, {to plunder) loot- na, takht o taraj-k. {to waste) gulana, ghoola- na, ghutana, kha-j. or -d. v. to corrode, gnaw. priapism, kam-agin, qa,im-ooz-zukree, kumba,ee. priapus, muha de,o ka ling. price, mol, qeemut, buha, sumun, dam, v. charge, {market) urz. bazar, v. e.vpence, {rate) nirkli, shura, hha,o, {value) qudr, maliyut, muhut, man, {reward) ujr, ajoora, hhara. The price or cost of any work is generally formed as nouns and participles of this sort are in Eng- hsh; whence muzdooree, barburdaree, run- ga,ee, sila,ee, dhola,ce, and innumerable others, not only signify the labour, carriage, painting, sewing, washing, &c. but the price also, v. the Grammar, p. K'9. to price, mol-k. |TOochhna, v. to bid. price current, nirkh namu ; the adjustment of the price, nirkh bundee. prick, prickle, {lit. and Jig.) kanta, khar, sal, chobha, kluilish, v. dot, point, thorn, soojee, goo,a, khodiiee, sozun, soo,ee, v. gimlet, needle, puncture. to prick, V. a. choobhona, chonkna, gurona, khodna, kochna, mania, v. to ating, gobhna, bcendhna, godna, gcx;hna, v. to perforate, {the ears) boochiyana, bochna, v. to slick, boon- diyana, v. to dot, mark, suspend, {to pain) khurash-k. lugna, koorhana, salna, chhtelna, V. to pierce, {lo impel) chulana, oothana, tuh- reek- turgheeb-d. v. to spur ; to prick the ears, kan-«)t.hana, -chuprana or -khurakurna, kuit- uotee-khurakurna. prickly, kuteela, khar-dar, poor-khar, kuntuha^ kuntucla, v. thorny, {heat) ghumuoree, um- bhuoree, {pear) phuna munsce, nag-phunee. prickliness, khar-daree, kimtarce. pride, ghaoroor, tukubboor, ahunkar, gurubh,. ukur, ahumbha,o, mustco, khrod-beenee, mughrooree, oojb, nukhwut, dimagli, istik- bar, mrotukubbiree, fukhr, tufukhkhoor, shue- khee, v. shame, conceit, hume,o, mud, uenth- a,ee, ucnth-muror, gojman, v. arrogance, (stinking) faqu-mustee, v. proud, also airs, &c. {of a female) alung, sumue-ruj, v. heat, arro- gance, (proper pride) ghuerut, nung, an, an- ban, shan, ar, munish, v. spirit, dignity, boast. to pride, jana, bhoolna, phoolna, ghumund-k. or -r. fukhr- &c. -janna, v. lo boast. priest, imam, wa.jz, khutecb, groroo, byas, moor- shid, peer, peer-zadu, peshwa, pooranik, \. guide, purohit, shuekh, mcnsha.ikh, v. parish. priestcraft, peera,ec, shuekha,ee, v. hypocrisy. priestess, peeranee, v. the masc. priesthood, iinamut, khutecbee, groroota, moor- shidee, pecrce, purodhtJi, mrosheekhut, moo- sha,ikhee. priestliness, shukhookhiyut. priestly, moorshidanu, shuckhanu, peeranu, goo- roo,u,ee. priest-ridden, peer purust. prig, lubkha, phoon-bha.ce, bundur, v. dandipraty grorjee, ghatu, v. pragmatical; the old prig, wulec khungur, v. hunks prim, nioodummigh, ukur baz, phoon bha.ee, t. affected, mooqumi, zahir-dar, uenthe-khan, V. precise. to prim, ucnth-muror-k. ukurna. primarily, puchle, uwwulun. primary, puehla, uwwul, \. first, principal. SR2 PRI 500 PRI primate, imam, sujadu nusheen, v. patriarch. primatesMp, primacy, imamut. prime, adj. khassu, toohfu, besh, neek, soondur, uch-chba, soothra, chokjia, (cost) khureed ka mol, uslee mol, usl khureed, usl khurch, v. Jirst, excellent, &c. prime, sub. buhar, shubab, chutuk, kumal, moo- -rad, mustee, rung, abtab, sumo, v. season, mud, oomung, jobun, nuo juwanee, turoon, nubh, dum, {of youth) ugyat-jobna, v. begin- ning, sprint/, (or choice men) moolira, v. lest, (minister or premier) mudar, wuzecr ool mcoma- lik, mudar ool moohamm, deewan-u,ulla, mud- arkar, dustoor, azim, muha munturee. to prime, runjuk-pilaiia, (a picture) zumeen- bunana, v. to coat. primeness, toohfugee, soothra.ee, chokha.ee. primeval, primevous, aduo, uslee, puehla, poorba, V. first, original, he. (Mwsulmans) tabu,een, tuhtabu,een. pHmitive, mootuquddum, qudeem, poorana, v. an- cient ; a primitive ■word, ism biz-zadhee. priming, runjuk. primness, uenth-muror, ukur tukur, y. formality. primogenial, puluotha, biz-zatihee, juohuree, v. constitution, original. primogeniture, bura,ee, jethuns, v. elder, senio- rity, &c. primum mobile, fi,ul liuqeeqee. prince, (son of a king) shah-zadu, mulik-zadu, kooiiwur, koonwur, joob-raj, chhuturput, raj- koomar, nurput, rajput, rajbundee, nirp ja- tuk, walee, mulik, bhooput, mirza, mihtur, put, V. lard, (land of) rajwara, (sovereign) padshah, scoltan, raja, rana, umeer, (pi. oomu- ra) ra,e, v. ruler, &c. ; the princes of the blood, sulateen ; a prince of princes, umeer ool omura, , ra,e rayan, — and given as titles to particular great officers of state. princely, shahanu, ameeranu, khoosruwanu, raj- see, mirzanu, koonwuru,ee, nirp jatukee, v. magnificent. princess, shah-zadee, mulik-zadee, raj-kooma- ree, ranee, muliku, begum, khanum, nirp. jatukee, jrobrajee, v. queen. principal, adj. bura, uwwul, puehla, jetha. principal, sub. surdar, ru,ees, muhunt, moodh, moowukkil, moodh, v. chief, &c. moosharin oolueh, siqu, koollkoolan, da,ir o sa,ir, dukheel, mudarkar, surghunu, roodar, surguroh, sur- kob, V. leader, prime, (of a college) moodurris, V. professor, ruler, &c. (capital sum) jumu, usl, mool, ras col mal. /.^ principality, soobu, raj, v. sovereignty. principally, puehle, ziyadu, buhoot, khoosoosun, ghalibur, bu-tureeq uola, v. especially, chiefly, greatly. principle, v. essence, subub uwul, 'maddu, sut, juohur, V. constituent, diyanut, i,iitiqad, nis- chue, V. tenet, liich,hun, v. conduct, (element) oonsoor, (pi. unasir) tut, bhoot, c»stcnqoos, juo- hur, (origin) usl, jur, mool, {motive) da,is, jihut, V. reason; sound principles, uch-chhe juohur. to prink, bun buna,o- buna,o choona.o-k. sun- warna, v. to dress. print, nuqsh, nishan, chhap, v. mark, (for marie ing) chhepee, v. picture, &c. to print, chliapna, chliapa- nuqsh- &c. -k. ook- hurna, v. stamp. printer, chhape wala, chhepee, nuqqash, (of cloth) qulum kar, also printed, v. chints. printing, chhupa,ce, chhupa,o, qulum karee, (board) putHya. printless, be-nuqsh, (as a seal, &e.) undha. prior, age, qubl, uwvsful, puehle, qudeem, v. first, (of a convent) muhunt, sur-hulqu, v. abbot, chief, &c. ... PRI 501 PRO priority, uwwuliyut, tuqileem, tuqiiddcom, qida- mut, puliul, pcshec. prism, bcKHiuIunioon. prison, bundce-klianu, (whence the corrup. pun- dit-khanu) qued-khanu, zindan, y. Jail, bhuk- see, dar ool hubs, v. dungeon, gaol. prisoner, quedce, bundlioo.a, useer, miihboos, bundcc, bundeewan, v. captive, (a< large) nu'/.ur-bund, netrulot, v. to confine. pristine, \. first, anciettt, original, &c. prithee, kyoon-miyan, v. pray. privacy, privai^ness, chhipa,o, posheedugee, ikhfa, ikhtifa, pinhance, nuhooftugee, hijab, ojhul, purdugec, piirdu, ot, (retirement) khulwut, tunha,cc, v. privity, solitude. private, (secret) chhipa, gooput, nuhooftu, v. hidden, sirf, khalce, aniee, v. common, (culti- vation) khrod-kasbt, nijjot, v. simple, (alone) tvinha, ekla, nirala, (particidar) khass, mukh- soos, nij, (in comp.) chor, v. bye; a pj-ivate aj)artment, khulwut-khanu, clior-niuhul, khass- mubul, V. seraglio ; a private man, murd azad ; a private (soldier) sipahcc, piyadii; in private, khulwut-men, tunliaee-men, goshe-men, bhee- tur, undur, purdu nusheen, v. within, ekunt, V. aside ; to live in private, or retirement from hiisiness, ghur-buethna, v. idle. privately, khoofiyutun, chhipe chlape, chhip-kur, khrofiyun, v. secretly, also the adj. privation, privative, sub. sulub, uduni, nirust, ijudam, v. removal. privative, salib, mu udoom, nirustee. a privative particle, hurfi-sulub, hurfi-nufee, ubbi- nirustee. privatively, bil-udum. privet, mcnhdce, hina. privilege, buqq (pi. hooqooq), pud, uns, v. exemp- tion, istihqaq, v. immunity, right, to privilege, huqq dar- mu,af-k. privities, sutr, indree, kuchh, tecn-than, undani- nihancc, nlut, budun, gancj, v body, pudendum ; the icrappcr or cloth used to cover them, luiigo- tcc, tuhbund, dhotee, kuchhotee, loongee, (to cover) ]a)iig-b. or -marna. privity, bhod, sazish, danist, unt, v. knowledge, sure,o, pet, v. concui rence ; tlie thief escaped with the privity of the watchman, chuokeedar ke bhed men cholta nikul bhaga, v. consent. privy, adj. khubur-dar, agali, mcDtUilli, waqif, junooka, jan-kar, muhrum, mahir, v. aware, private. privy, sub. ja,e-z.uroor, paiC-khanu, 'ultee, sundas, khfoddec, qudum-gah, mistiraliut, muzbilu, mukan-zuroor, buettol-khulu, khoddce, pa,c- gah, jhoondiya, sihut-khanu, perhaps froiji shit- hoiisc, V. confidant. privy-purse, bihlu, (burdar,) v. bag, &c. prize, bazee, go,ee, chitjiee, sliurfj da,o, hasil, boord, V. rezvard, (plunder) loot, ghuneetnut, V. booty. to prize, uzeez- pyara- ghuneemut-janna, v. to esteem, (to rate) shoomar-k. budna, ginna, v. to value, hold. prize-fighter, kcoshtee-gecr, puhlu-wan, mal. pro, a prefix so useful and homogeneous will hardly ever occur in the Hindoostanee, though it may occasionally be well enough represented by burh, nikul, age, oobhur, &c. as stated imder cnit, over, &c. q. v. pro, bura,c, wastu ; pro bono publico, wasfu.e istifadu khula.iq ke, v. Jbr, of, &c. ; pro and con, tab;, mcnkhalif, pL tabi.een mookhalif- een. j)robabiUty, ihtimal, honharee, v. likelihood, duol, shukl, soorut, turuh, v. appearance, expecta- tion. probable, lionhar, moohtumil, qureeb ool fuhm, uqulee, ghalib, ughlub, slioodunee, qiyasee, PRO 502 PRO V. likely ; it is ■probable, chuliiye, v. the adv. This is not uncommonly rendered by expres- sions like our ten to one, thus : bees biswa hue ki jiyega, soluh biswa kl nuheen jiyega, i. c. he will probably live, &c. ; oonnees biswa hue ., ki aj wooh murega, bees biswa ki do teen roz ' uor jiyega, it is more probable his lioing two or - three days plan his dying to-day , v. reasonable, odds. probably, shayud, ho,e, chuhiye, ghalibun, zahi- ru, ihtimaliin, hoga, i. e. it may be so. probatmi, duleel, brorham, v. proof, imtihan, tuj- roobu, puruk.h, kus, v. trial. probationer, nuo-amoz, moobtudee, nuo-sikh, moondiya, oommedwar, v. candidate, tyro. probatum est, mccjurrub. probe, sila,ee, meel. to probe, tohna, khodnee-k. v. to search. probity, diyanut, rastee, dhuruni, sulahiyut, su- cha,ee, khura,ee, insaf, udul, nek-diyanutee, V. lionesty, upright. problem, suwal, musulu (pi. musa,Jl), prishun, bad, V. enigma. problematical, mooshtubu, mushkook, racotunazu- feeh, V. uncertain. proboscis, soond, toond, khoDrtoom, v. snout, stitfff. procedure, proceeding, hurukut, kam, mQo,amulu, fi,ul, soolook, chal, wuzu, nusheb-suraz, kur- tub, umul, kurnee, chaldhal, v. management, progress. to proceed^ jana» chulna, goozurna, copvijna, rum- na, nikulna, oothna, pueda-h. chul-nikulna, ootpyt-h. V. to advance, arise, pass, (to make progress) burhna, rorooj- turuqqce-k. (to act) kurna, v. to transact, &c. proceedings, waqi,at, roodad, moo,amilat, hurkat- suknat, kurnee-kurtoot, soorut-mujlis, v. con- duct, occurrence, &c. .'jUnA'/'.. proceeds, (produce) pueda,ish, hasil, yaft. process, (composition, &c.) turkeeb, jutun, \, progi-css, space, phera, gurdish, duora, v. revolu- tion, chulun, V. course, (at law) quziyu, moft- amulu, jhugra, v. suit. procession, suwaree, te,ohar, purub, ghoorraut, tumashu, tuwaf, tjhath, v. train. to proclaim, phuelana, pusarna, musJihoor-k. ishtihar- shcnhrut-d. jaree-k. (to publish) zahir-k. butlana, kuhna, jutana, (by authority) dhin dhora-pherna, bujana-peetna or -d. mu- nadee-k. '-i'll-N proclaimer, dhindhoriya, {of prayer time)- mfto uzzin, moowuzzin, v. to cry, &c. proclamation, dhindhora, munadee, v. declaration, ishtihar, nida, v. exclamation, ishtihar-namu, V. publication. to procrastinate, ajkul- &c. -k. talna, luhree- or lasa^lugana, hoonhan-k. v. to waver. proo'astination, aj kul, imroz furdu, takheer, tal- mutol, luct o lu,ul, he ho, ub tub, urebule, ghol ghooma,o, tala bala, wuqfu, wa,idu wu- ccd, V. delay. procrastinator, taloo, tal-baz. tu procreate, oopjana, lana, pueda-k. nikalna, junmana, soona, pal- nusl- &c. -burhana, su- wana, v. breed, also to generate, produce, &c. • • \ procreation, &c. tuwullood, tunasool, junma,o, v. production. procrealor, procreative, junma,oo. procurable, mooyussir, pueda, buhum, moomkiu ail hoosool, milunhar, joora,oon, dust yab. procurator, mootuwuUee, v. manager, &c. to procure, oothana,- kurna, pueda- hasil- moo- hussul-k. pana, fa,idu-oothana, sudhana, joo- ra-d. jootana, v. to purchase, mungwana, ba- hum- puhoonchana, munga-d. or -lena, le-d. buna-lana, v. to acquire, obtain, (to pimp) kc»t- nana, bhurwa,ee- &c. -k. v. pimp, &c. ; to be PRO 503 PRO procured, milna, jrorna, bahura-puliconchna, mooyussir- &c. -h. v. to get. procurement, procuration, hoo.sool, tuhseel, joora.o, V. the verb. proairer, mnohussil, shuburdar, mooshatu, v. pimp. procuress, kootnee, dulalu, dootee, v. bawd. prodhjal, oora.oo, moosrif, fcozool-khurj, wur- . khurj, bool-foozool, lukh-loot, v. extravagant, shuh-khurch, tuluf-niizaj, mcntaluf, chutora, koolbor, koolnas, khanu-burundaz, v. profli- gate, spendthrift. prodiyaUty, oora,o, israf, foozool, kliurjcc, wur- khurjee, tuluf, v. waste. prodigally, israf- &c. -se. prodigious, ujub, ujeeb, ujoobxi, iichhumba, uch- ruj, iiiput, V. vast. prodigiously, shiddut-se, bu-shiddut, nihayut, ni- put, V. enormously. prodigy, ujub, tu,ujj(iob, ucbruj, uchhumba, bool- ujub, istidraj, ujub ool uja.ib, unibhuo, v. monster ; he is a prodigy, yih to soobhan-ullab, V. crop. produce, product, production, hasil, muhsool, pue- da,ish, mal, hal-hasil, zira.ut, ootpun, oopraj, nikas, durb, suniput, tura.ee, piiedawar, bura- mud, muolood niuwaleed, v. consequence, oopaj, . (gain) iiufii, lab, v. profit, jurau, khuzanu, V. amount, also fruit, &c. (in compos.) kur, whence phulkur, bun kur, julkur, \. fruitage. to produce, (to bear) lana, oopjana, dena, phulna, pucda-k. also (to cau.se) oothana, burpa-k. bona, dalna, lugana, v. to cause, turna, kurna, kurana, bur-lana, v. to generate, yield, (to shew) age kur-d. dekhlana, hazir- inuojood-k. nikalna, v. to create ; to be produced, cnpujna. produced, pueda, (from seed) oodhbeej, tookhmee. producer, kurta, (natural) qoodrut, v. creator, maker. producible, hust-pu7.cer, ootputee, mootnkin oni khulq, V. possible, procurable, &c. product, hasil i zurb, goonun phul. production, pucda,ish, kam, kirt, v. formation, [object] kurtub, v. produce, {composition) tus- neef, insha, ecjad, v. tmrk, (the thing pro- duced) mootuwullud, tuwullcud, v. thimj, &c. productive, producer, mrowullid, buhruwur, v. advantageous, Jruitful, (fertile, &c.) zur-khez, g(X)nja,isiiee, oopujna, sunsgur. profanation, profaneness, be-udubee, be-imtiyazec, koonct, bhrusht, v. sacrilege, also the verb. profane, be-udub, be-iintiyaz, goostakh, huram, na-pak, v. impure. ' to profane, napak-k. v. to dejile, mooluwwus- &c. -k. V. to pollute, violate.- profanely, gcnstakhee- &c. -se. to profess, kubna, bolna, junana, iqrar- &c. -k. izhar- zahir-k. dekhlana, butlana, v. to avow, budna, pokarna, v. to assert ; to profess, [any science or art) kurna, v. to proclaim. professedly, zahirun, iqrariin, udbudake, v. avow- edly, openly. profession, iqrar, izhar, i.utiraf, du,uwa, bat, bu- chun, bundhej, quel, tushahojd, v. attestation, declaration, birt, huth-khunda, bhckh, ukhara V. art, (to set up in) iqdam-k. seeghu- &c. -cDthana, peshu- &c. -ikhtiyar-k. v. to engage, enter, &c. {calling) peshu, seeghu, ooddim, funn, be,ohar, v. trade, &c. professional, hikmutee, umulee, kusubcc, v practitioner, also technical. professor, badee, mooqir, in(»,uturif, (public tea- cher) moodurris, pundit, moo,ullim, bhutta- charuj, raj-pundit, subha-pundit, v. doctor, physician. to proffer, age-r. or -dhurna, dena, tuwazoiK, nuzur- samne-k. v. offer, &c. proffer er, mootuwazi. PRO 504 PRO proflcience, turuqqee, burhtee, niuharut, clilmut- karee, proficieficy, oostadee, goon, v. capacity, proficient, waqif-kar, maliir, chimutkar, bitpiin, V. adept, oostad, goodgoodiya, pruor, chutoor, gcnnee, v. perfect, (in covip.) dan. profile, (a lilctncis in) tusweer i ek chuslunee, cliitur udhudreeg, neem roakha, ek rookha. profit, fa,idu, nufu, sood, laWi, puraput, hasil, muhusul, burl), v. advantage, gain, thrift, &c. tifayut, fuez, suns, ooparjun, ootpun, ant, kiha, laha o lala, nioonafu, tiiofeer, gunj ufzood, . beshee, barh biiilitee, {and loss) jubr-nojqsan, kumee beshee, puewust shikust, v. produce, income, &c. {yearly) sal hasil. to profit, fa,idu- &c. -d. hasil-k. hath-lugna, v. to accrue, luhna, kam-a. v. to advance, benefit, improve, get. profitable, fa,idu-mund, fa,idu-bukhsh, sood- \ mund, mulisoolee, pueda.jsliee, nafi, hurapu- . tee, ooparjunee, fueyaz, v. lucrative, useful, jiroftableness, fa,idu-mundee, sood-mundce, ifa- du, V. profit, profitably, ba-fa,idu, v. usefully, profligacy, kliool-khelee, shoohda^pun, v. liber- tinism, profligate, adj. khurab, khustu, kh-^yar, sutiyanas, '■ guya-goozura, budkar, na-bukar, fasiq, fajir, , V. abandoned, khooda,ee-khwar, ubtur, na- kliuluf, na-shcodunee, bud-mu,ash, goom-rah, be-thuor, be-lhikana, v. shameless, prqflhjate, sub. looclia, khurabatee, rind, bisnee, V. debauchee, scoundrel. , profligateness, klwaree, bud-karee, na-bukaree, be-ghuerutee, fisq, foojoor, looch-puna. profound, guehra, \imeeq, gumbheera, sunglakb, V. deep, low, [aistnise) bareek, ugoorh, dcor- gum, V. refined, {learned) ullamu, alim, v. cumiing, main, &c. ; a profound scholar^ aKm mootubuhhir. profoundly, diqquU iglilaq- &c. -se ; to sigh pro- foundlu, all surd- oobhee sans-kheechna. profoundness, profundity guehra.ee, cpmooq, gutn- bheeila, v. deepness, doorgumta, also (great knowledge) barcek-beence, fuzeelut, tubuhhoor. profuse, moosrif, foozool-khurj, v. prodigal, exw- berant) bhur-poof, n[iu,umoor, fuyaz, v. plen- tiful. JUSvilJJi-JyJu* profusion, profuseness, israf, foozool-khurjee, foo- zoolee, zur-pashee, v. extravagance, (abundance) ifrat, boohtat, v. exuberance. to prog, khudumbui'ee- tU|am tulashee-k. v. food, &c. progenitor, judd, poork,ha, v. ancestor. > progenitoj'S, v. forefather, ^udd o aba. progeny, nusl, uolad, buns, al, al-bel, pal pootr, V. race, vfi'spring. p7-ognustic, duleel, ulamut, nislian, agron, agum, khizr khubree, budruqu, pesii-nooma,ee, pesh- khubree, tali nooma,ee, v. prediction. to prognosticate, age- puehle-se, -kuhna, or -but- lana, dulalut-k. pesh khubree- &c. -k. v. to foretel ; ■when many people prognosticate^ the event is not distant, kliulq ka huluq khaliq kee zuban. prognostication, duleel, istidlal. prognosticator, noojoomee, mcanujjim, jotikhee, agum bhak,hee, agum gyauec, tali nooma, fuez- zuban, fal zuban, v. astrologer. progress, chal, ruwish, ruftar, suer, sufur, hu- rukut, duor, burhtee, barh, chulun, v. passage, gusht, V. circuit, course, motion, (improvement) turuqqee, v. removal, journey, (to make) chul- nikidna, v. to improve. progression, pesh-ruwee, v. advancement. progressive, progressively, bu-tudrfiej, ruftu ruftu. .^" PRO 505 PRO bote bote, burha,oo, cliulunt, pesb-ruo, turuq- q^-puMcr, V. gradually, to prohibit, inunu- munhee- nufee-k. bnrnjna, munha,ee-k. utkana, baz- hiiram-r. niooza- humut- &c. -k. but-(i. v. to hinder, prohibition, ma)manu,ut, munha,ee, imtinuu. prohibitive, prohibitor, nvdn'], niooxahim, burjun- bar, V. preventer, interdictory, project, eejad, ikhtira, tujweez, bichar, hikmut, .: joogut, V. scAemc. :ob)trImift .sirtijirW ,n to project, {to contrive) bicharna, eejad- &c. -k. (uthana, numood-k. cbulana, v. (oybrwj.jhook-. na, burh-a. or -j. v. to lean, (to throw out) /dalna,) v. to cast, (to jut out) oobhur- nikuU, dub-ana. projectile, mootuhurrik, pi. ushya,e moDtuhiir- riku. projection, nikal, oobhar, jhooka,o, clijiiijja, ni- kasta, V. delineation, projector, moojid, mcukbturep, inunsoobu-baz, kutkune-baz, hikimitee. prolapsus ani, fiituq, kanch, v. anus, ta prolate, oocharna, v. to pronounce, &c. prolific, {as a female) lurkoree, byatee, phtilun- tee, biicbu-kusb, kuseer wl uolad, so,rn, ju- nunbaree, phulkar, v. breeder, fruitful, pro - ductive. prolix, tuwt'el, moontusliur, nioatuwwul, duraz, bistaree, .^^^^^ ,. ^-„{^„,^,j^ , y^^ prolixity, tool, intishar, darazee, bistar, tntwcel, tool tuweelce, toomaiee, v. diffusedness, &c. prolixly, tool- &c. -se. prologue, tuinbeed, kLmtbu, surbsungra, burat- istiblal, sookbooD goosturee, \. preface, to prolong, tuwcel- &o. -k. barhaiia, phiieliina. prolongation, tutweel, buyha,o, inUidad.v. delay, prominence, oobhar, v. protuberance, prominent, oobhura boo,a, phoola boo, a. promiscuous, raukhloot, amckhtu, amez, durbum burbum, ubtnr, glial-mel, gorhgmyu, gurbur, V. mixed. .-y,-^ ^^ pro;«MC«0M5/y,ubturee-se,be-turteeb, v. general, joonhee, puchmel, surasur.v. indiscriminately, promise, iqrar, quol, bat, bucliun, prun, uhd, pueman, qurar-dad, wu.udu, bundhej, uwudh, jnee,ad, shurt, bor, bol, baclia, v. agreement, expectation, to promise, kubna, quol- &€. -k. budua, bucbun- &c. -barna, zuban- bath-d. v. word, hand, promise-breaker, ubd-sbikun, wu,udu-sbikun, bucbun-bhungee, sbikustu- or khilaf-wa,idn, wa,idu-dugha. promiser, bucbunee, niooqir, kubuubara, quol- promising, (hopeful) bonhar, nek-bukbt, sa,udut- mund, slia/istu. promissory, v.cojiro»JMZ5fe,phiielana,pusarna,oogh- ama, kholna, ishtihar- shoohrut-d. izhar-k. .«i Y. to publish. .x,.-«, , promulgation, ishtihaf , iKhar. promulgator, promulger, maokhbir, mooshtuhir.v. publisher, prone, (inclined) khura, tueyar, moostu,id, (not supine) put, pet-kooniya, hub-kooriya, putkiir; tu be prone, jhookna. proneness, putta, muel, rughbut, kh\yahish, v. propensity. ' ^* '"■'^^ prong, kanta, shakb, sool..iKJ«yi'.*,i'^;iV"«>«n)ii.. pronoun, zumeer, nam-buchun, nam-bachuk ; a demonstrative pronoun, ism i isharut; «« inter- rogative pronoun, hurfi istif ham. to pronounce, kuhna, bolna, tuluffooz-k. oocharna, y.to speak, Mffer, mukhruj iida-k.; to pro- '' nounce sentence of death, qutl ka hookm (or futwa) -dena. pronouncer, gOiiudu, mootuluffiz, oocharik, (in camp.) go. pronunciation, tuhiftoor, mukhruj, swur, oochar, lub o luhju, V. utterance, proof, sub. duleel, hcojjut, bcorhan, dulalut, shu- hadut, guwahee, sakh, isbat, v. argument, tuo- jeeh, chinh, nishan, lim, pi. dula,il, v. reason, (in arithmetic) bidjimilee, (trial) imtihan, pa- rik,h, uyar, numoonu, v. test, (in jirinting) tft) moosuwudu, khurra. proof, (as a shield, &c.) sadhun, v. impenetrable, (as iron, &c.) uyar- &c. -Tuseedii, imtilianee, kusa hoo,a, v. test, (against) ghuer-mcotuhnm- mil. .yu! Kimni . / /"iaa.x»iij-?>9p proof-iron, loha sukela, kheree, v. steel, hard: prop, thoonee, tek, ar, teknee, nikasta, poDsbtee, bulee, chanda, zamin, oothungun, bhit bhera, pa,etabu, poosht, oojkoon, tora, purwayu, 8an- gee, thambh, pooshtee-ban, v. bar, bracket, pillar, (Jigur.) undhe kee lukree, usa,e peeree, V, staff. to prop, thamna, sumbhalna, arna, rokna, tekna, pooshtee- &c. -d. v. to support. to propagate, junna, oopjana, pueda- moituwul- ud-k. jumana, v. to multiply, junmanA, hur- Lana, v. to procreate, rompna, v. to plant, (to disuse) pusarna, jaree- mooruwwuj-k. bich- hana, v. to publish, breed, &c. .'^ v/ , I' propagation, wiladut, tuwullood,junmuot6e!,0op- jit, V. the verb, also generation, phuela^o, pu- sar, intishar, v. increase. -^ propagator, mcDVfullid, mooniwwij, v. promoter. to propel, duorana, chulana, dugrana, tuhlana. propensity, propension, muel,buwa, slmoq, rugh- but, bani, v. tendency, chuska, chat, v. prompt- ness, also predisposition. '^ * *'-*> <"»\i'»'"! proper, drorrost, theek, phubit, la,iq, moonasib, oocbit, jog, sba.istu, burjustu, moowafiq, mco- stuogib, ruwa, primanik, mu,ttqool, durithcor, shayan,v.^<, good, just, also the adverb, (hand- some) soogurh, risbtpoosht, v./ws/y, (peculiar) khass, /.atee, nij. \. particular, own, &c. (rea/) nslee, huqeeqee, v. seemly ; a proper name, nam, ism, iilum. properly, uch-chhee tuiuh, bu-ja, iiyaqut- fee. -S(!, juesa chuhiye, ba|id, o sba,id, kuma- huqahoo, kumayum-bughee, v. strictly, also as, &c. (ire a strict sense) huqeequtun, usulun, V. the adj. ,^_, ,,^ .^-.^^^^ properness, Iiyaqut, sba,istugee, v. propriety. property, kliassu, khassiyut, khuwass, prikrit. PRO 607 PRO taseer, sifut, goon, v. quality, nature, {posses- 1 «o«) milk, tins, iimla, tuullooqu; mal, khan o man, dnmuns, bupnotee, dhun, kuefiyut, kbu- wariq, birt, malkiyut, muqboozu, kayunat, umwal, mal o umwal, mal o mutaii, dhun «umput, uen ool mal, {above 40 nq)ees) nisab, , V. tstate, assets, &c. {of a princess) runwans. prophecy, agum, agum-bukta,ee, ilmi-gbueb, ghueb-daiiee, khubur, nuboobiyut ; the gift of prophecy, pueghuniburee, nuboowut.risalut, kuhanut, kuramut, ni,umul, istudraj. to prophesy, age se-kuhna or -butlana,khubur-d. gLueb kee bat butiana. prophet, pueghumbur, nubee, rusool, moorsul, pueyumbur, kabin, uhli batin, rik.h, agumee, untur janee, doot, bisisht, niooni, uotarik, jan, V. predictor, prophetic, uubwee, nisoolee, pueghumburanu, bisishtee, &c. nioonimut. propinquity, qurabut, qoorb, nisbut, rishtu, nata, sugnadh. - -^ ?nV o5 to propitiate, munnna, niootnwnjjih-kurana, v. to conciliate, propitious, mihr-ban, dyal, kirpal, mootuwujjih, moowafiq, moosa.id, muemoon, moobaruk, moo- rad, su.eed.mootuburrik, sazgar, \. favourable, kind, propitiously, mihrbanee- &c. -se. propitiousness, mihr-banee, tuwujjojh, moowafu- qut, moosa.iidut, sa,udut, duya, kirpa. |»ro/Jor/eoM,ootar-chuxlia,o,undazu,primani,miq- dar, humwaree, monwafuqut, nioinasiibut, tu- nasoob, v. share, bundhej, buudhan, bit, sum gumta, V. comparison, symmetry, size, to proportion, utkulna, ba undazu-bunana or -k. undazu- &c. -r. milana, v. to adjust, proportionable, proportional, hn]R\ur,pr\manee, moowafiq, sumgum, bumqudr, ba nndaz, v fit, equal proportionably,proportionally,ha-xin6a7jUfmaaaa- subut- &.C. -86. proposal, proposition, bat, 8a>khnn,qaol,Diooq'nd- duinu, izliar, tujweez, nucjshu, ra,e, durkh- wast, suwal, prishuo, cburcha, duleel, {deji' nite) duleel husr, v. scheme, petition. to propose, izhar-k. kubna, ohabna, urz- &c. -k. durpesh-k. age-lana. proposer, propounder, sookhun-gooslur, moojJiir, churchuek, iiiooltupiis, v. mover. proposition, maslu, (the major) koobra, mcoqud- dum, {the minor) scnghra, talee, {the middle) hudd i uosut, v. problem, proposal, &c. {affir- mative sentence) quziyu moqjibn. proprietary, {right, &c.) malikanu, unsikee, zu- meen-daree, huqq-daree, v. oic»ier.,,,y^j(mj _ proprietor, malik, sahib, kJhawind,- unsik, dhu- nee, v. master. proprietress, zumeen-darin, nnsikin, v. mistress. propriety, liyaqut, sba,istugee, humwaree, doo- rcDslee, moonasubut, buijustugee, undazu, thi- kana, mu,uqooliyut, wujoob, oocbitta, lihaz, huesiyut, arastugee, buudhej, s. justness, ^jrorojfatV prosecution, pueruwee, tu,iiqqa)b, tulash, tngapo, 3S 2 PRO 508 PRO gooloogeeree, &c. v. the verb, {suit) dn,uwa, bad, pu:hher, v. search, accusation. prosecutor, mooddii|ee, dad-khwah, badee, dainiin- geer, gooloo-geer, gureban-geer. proselyte, mcoutuqid, v. convert. ttin-^p. prosodian, ooroozee, oorooz-daii, pingulee, scort- bodhee, chung-sastrik. prosody, corooz, pingul, ineezan, soort-bodh, {book of) chung-sastur. prospect, mud i iiuzur, deed, fizu, nuzur, v. view, {delineated) iiuqshu, {regard) dhyaii, fikr, ghum, {hope) oonimed, bhurosa, cliuslim-daslit, V. expectation, soorut, v. likelihood. * to prosper, v. the adj. v. a. bolbala-r. or -k. khqosh- kamyab- buhrumund-r. bukhtawur-, bukhuer-k. punpana; v. ii. khqosh- &c. -riih- na, burhna, corooj-pukurna, din-khoolna or ' -phirna, sitara-jugna, sursubz-Stc. -h. phooJna, phulna, V. prosperous, {to thrive) puhia, pun- upn-d, balaeda-h. V. to Jlourish, Sic. m^av.;i.. prosperity/, prosperousness, iqbal, iqba! mundce, soobhag, kam-yabee, tali-mundee, buhrii- niundee, 'bukhtawuree, nek-biikhtee, feeroz- inuiidee, suadut, burukut, duolut, bih-boodee, burhtee, turuqqee, ooiooj, nmemunut, sur- subzee, kooshajsh, fuiagluit, &c. bhagiuanee, oodinad, luhur buhiir, fulah, \. fortune, Sic. prosperous, mcoqbil, iqbal-mund, kani-yab, tali- iiiund, buhru-muiid, bhag-inaii, bukht-awur, feeroz-mund, su,eed, bukhiier, iiiiuil-inaii, su,a- dut-muiul, suisubz, abad, khaiiii-abad, bur- •-Ithoordar, savigar, sookhun, bouiuiid, bhag- wunt, V. happy; viay the issue be prosperous, aqibul bukhucr. ' prosperously, iqbal- &c. -se. prostitute, put-ooriya, beswa, kusbee, lioorkunee, mal-zadee, rani-jimee, quhbu, qcolutuen, v. to prostitute, chhinal, kusbiu, rospee, buzaree, huzaree bazaree, purdu-fuiosh, sutr-furosh. ba,ee, gunika, barau-guna, lushkur-khulas, hu- teiee buteree, ghooskee, lukur-baz, khelar, v. courtezan, harridan, whore, {hireling) soiVliw- furosh, V. mercenary/. > .>;,j.i. to prostitute, fuzeehut- rooswa- zuleel- kliwar-k. ootarna, bigarna, dhoorkana, lihirana, kuma,ee- bhar-khana, with wife, &c. before it, v. to ex- pose, disgrace, nusht-k. V. to throw away, bur bad-k. becl)-d. khona, ooraua, v. to lose, {in comp.) fiiroshee-k. whence eeiiiau or shi,ur, &c. furoshee-k. to prostitute one's faith, muse, 8ic. prostitution, chhinala, kusub, qiihbu-puna, bes- wa-puna, lukiir-bazee, khel, purdu-fnroshee, &c. khangee-puiiee, scokhun-furoshee, v. ve- nality, also the verb. »t^'ii prostrate, purahoo,a, lata hoo,ajgirahoo,a, dftadu, sur bu sujood. to prostrate, v. a. gira- bichha-d. fiirsh-k. puch- harna, torna, marna, pnst-k. v. to throw down, lay down; v. n. panw-pimia, nak-rugurna, v. to knuckle; to be prostrate, gir-purna, pueron pur purna, sijdu- dimdiiot-k. sur bu sujood-h. prostration , sujood, nuk- ghisnee,nuk-tekee, panw- puree, v. adoration, {of strength) na-qoowutee, V. dejection, depression, lassitude. to protect, buchatia, riikhna, punah- See. -d. hi- m;iyut- &c. -k. turufdaree- &,c, -k. v. care, also to shield, &c. ; God protect me, ivaziin- billah. protection, Itticha^o, mcDhafuzut, ritthha, hiina- yut, iiigah baiit'e, aiiiaii, puiiah, poashtee, ar, ot, puch,h, jutun, asra, hirzi-aman, purwurish sayii, puidakht, burg, rukhuii, v. defence pass, {to take) peedihe-dainun-pukurna, {pa- per) chhor-chitliee, \. passport. protector, haniee, hiinayutee, hafiz, uigahbari, oree, furiyad-rus, dust-geer, poosht o punali, V. defender, turufdar, walee waiis, buethane- vvala, ma-b:ip, sahib-purdakht, hirz, v. patron. PRO sen PRO {of a kingdom) wukeel, v. regent, {of rc/i- gion) zulieer ooil-dct-n, {incomp.)n\iviaz, pur- , wur, whence ghureeb purwui, 8cc. proleding the poor, protectress, nicDrubbin, v. supra, to protest, iqrai- Sec. -k. biidim, rutna, hnnk- pokiir- iilghiyas-k. v. to complain, protestation, quol, icjrar, i.utiraf, bundhcj, pur- nmt. protester, niooqir, nioouturif, qa^il. prothonotary , sukknk, v. register, prototype, iisl, ad, niool, v. origin, to protract, tuweel-k. burhuiia, tool-kheechna, duraz- diruiig-k. katna, v. to spin,- to be pro- tracted, duraz- &c. -Ii. protraction, burlia.o, imlidai!, tutweel, takheer, kutuonee, v. delai/. to protrude, v. a. nikalna ; v. ii. nikul-aua, -pur- na. protuberance, gconira, dhibka, gaiith, giliit, bul, oobhar, v. hump, belly, tumour, wen, &c. protuberant, oobhura l:oo,a, iiikula hoo^a, phoola boo,a, oonclia, v. prominent. to proiiiberate, oolhura- uikul- burh-ana, pjiool- nn, y. to swells .. » - j^ •» X proud, iiiiigliroor, niootukubbir, mugra, ghumuii- dt'c, V. conceited, dtunbliee, guibhee, nazan, must, giirduii-kusli, fiiqu-niust, niuror-baz, r. arrogant, hunkaiee, also (salacious) niudik, [flesh) oobhura goslit, nirordar, moo, a, v. fun- gous. to he proud, (as a bitch] cutjiiia, nijna, aluiig pur- ana, V. heat, &c. proudly, glioorooi- Sec. -se, v. pride. to prove, Ihulirana, sucli-k. dirhann, diilaliit-k. sabit-k. guwaliee- &.C. -d. v. io demonstrate, sucliana, wuzooh- tuojeth-k. sadiina. thikaiia- -iugaiia, pana, v. to endure, &.c. ruliiia, lugiia, buiina, V. to be, to show, -dho proof , {to try) azinana, kiisna, iiiitihan-k. v. trial, Sec. (to happen) iiojana, liona, thuliuina, nikiilna, nu- 7.ur-aiia, v. io become, also tojind, &.c. proved, snoboot, inrodnllrol, isbaf, theek, smmdeff, niootiidiillnl, v. true, {as arms) imtihan-nisee- du, V. proof, sadha hoo,a, (as a deed. Sic.) nifo- siijjul, niushhood. «»i.i.j,ii.' provedore, provider, clmodhuree, rlis'udee, oocba- putee, V. caterer- provender, charu, leliiia, guont, ghas-pala, v. food, fodder, grass, &c. proverb, nuisul, /.urb to! inusiil, kubnoot, oop- khan, but kuha,o, kuhtoot, kulinee, uopkut, V. adaoe. .:\ '« 'v^ proverbial, kuhtootee, miii^ulanii, zur)) oal niuslfc. proverbially, tumseelun, niusulun. to provide, subejna, tuejar- moihueya-k. or r. buna- thulira-r. tudarajk- tueyaree- &c. -k. V. provision, {to supply) niuiigana, Ic rukhiia, munga-r. dena, v. prepared, also to procure. sucbna, suentna,surui'jam-k. v. io collect, tufa-, zurooriyat-k. v. to furnish ,■ to provide for, fikr-k. kbubur geeree-k. khubur-lena ; to pro- vide against, aqibut iiiideshee-k. {to stipulate) shurt-k. budna ; provided that, is shurt se, bu- shuil i ki. providence, v. fate, (a\ak, kho)da,ee, iiara.ence, liziq, ruzzaq, ruzaqut, rubb col alimeen, nibb ojI ibad, v. God, {foresight) aqibut-nndesbee, door-undetliee, tudaiook,uguisocli, y. prudence, {of God) ruzzaqee, ruboobiyut, puiwui-di- gaiee, pritpal, quza o qudur. provident, aqibut-undesb, door-uiidesli, ninodub- bir, ugur-sochee, oopa.i.e, joogtce, pesh-betii, beeiia, aguiiiee, karsaz, v. careful. providential, v. the adv. kboodasaz, nara.eii^e, v. supra, providently, aqibut undesliee- &c. -se. jjrovince, soobu, [whence soobu-dar, the goVeynur \ PRO 510 PUB of a 2>rovince'\ surkar, (office) kara, sewa, khid- mut, oohdu, misul, z,ilu, \. department, shuhr, raj, des, v. kingdom, region, business, &c. proviticial, soobe ka, babur ka, dehatee, desee, bahuree, jungulee, v. country, &c. provision, {food) khana, ghiza, zad, ratib, toshu, kulewa, (store) azooqu, seedha, v. grain, &c. (preparation) tubueya, tudbeer, fikr, oopaiC, \. provender, proviso, necessaries, rusud, amud, jins, pukwan, samur, suoda soolf, oocbaput, bazar, zad-rahilu, zadi-rab, v. precaution. provisional, shurtee, mushrootee, bundhejee. provisionally, shurt se, bu-shurt. j^"^ - proviso, shurt, bundhej, iqrar, v, condition ; with this proviso, is sburt-se, v. caution, &c. provocation, ch\rh, chiruonee,v. aggression,c\\\r\\, chher, isbti,al, v. cause, reason, incitement. provocative, mooshtuhee duwa, (to venery) moo- buhhee duwa, shuhwut-ungez, kamee, unung- ee, (to eat) clihoodha-karee. provocatives, mooshtuhiyat, moobuhiyat. to provoke, paeda-k. oothana, lana, kbura-k. V. to exasperate, chhermx., khoochiyana.julana, ' churbana, lugana, v. to promote, to rouse, {to eiirage) khusliumnak-k. cbirhana, jhoonjhlana, risiyana, khijlana, v. to vex, (to excite) tuh- reek- hurukut-d. chulana, v. to cause, &c. provoker, cbira.oo, cbhera,oo, luga,oo, v. maker, (in comp.) ungez, v. provocation. provoking, ghuzub-ungez, sukbt. provost, V. chief, kotwal, nusukbchee, v. execu- tioner. prow, matha, guluhee, mang, v. head, moohra. prowess, juwan-murdee, buha-dooree,beerta, shoj- ja,ut, jcor-ut, himmut, v. valour. to prowl, nischura,ee- geedur gusht-k. soongjita- phirna. prowler, nischur, geedur-gushtee, v. to roam. proximate, qureeb, nuzdeek, sumeep, v. near. 'Hwm proximity, qoorb, qurabut, nuzdeekee, ittija!, sumeepee. proxy, na,ib, iwuz.ee, budulee, wasitu, v. deputy, substitute, agency, &c. prude, prudish, mukkaru, goorbu miskeen, chhu- reesee, chilitree, koolta, buglee-bhugtin, chhi- nal ghoonghutee, uliaiuu. prudence, imtiyaz, tumeez, undazu, tudbeer, jh- tiyat, lihaz, bosh, soch, joogut, busarut, uqli mu,ash, pesh beenee, chitoora,ee, v. discretion, care, wisdom, caution, counsel, prudent, sahib imtiyaz, sunjeedu, zeeruk, hoslii- yar, dana, chitoor, chuokus, v. provident, con- siderate, prudently, prudentially , imtiyaz- &c. -se. 00, V. plum, to prune, cbhantna, turashna, katna, qulnm-k. khontna, (as birds) pur-phuhrana, v. to moult, to trim, pruner, chhantunhar. ' pruning-hook, hunsoo,a. prurience, chool, khcnjlee, clioolchoolahnt. prurient, chooluha, choollee, chooIbc»la, v. itch, to pry, jhankna, jasoosee- tujussojs- khoj-k. bhed-Iena, soonghanee-lena, dithiyana. psalm, ustoot, v. hymn ; the psalms of David, zu- boor. psalmist, ustookaree. psalmody, ustoot-ga,en. psalmography, ustoot kar. psalter, ustotur. '^■' psaltery, khunjuree, v. harp, pshaw, phish, oof, wah. ^ , , . ptisan, joshab, v. decoction, puberty, booloogh, boolooghut, syau-pun, jobuu, shubab, v, ripe, &c. pubes, peroo, otee, v. adolescent, &c. public, adj. (notorious) zahir, mushhoor o mu,u- roof, mooshtuhur, ashkaru, ueyan, prigut, pri- iPUD 511 PUL tich.h, V. open, &c. {common) am, shamil, wuqf, puiicli-ka, v. general, nflshur, slia,i,u, bikhi^at, v. known. public, sub. {comvmnity) punch, khulq ooliali, khula,iq, ri,aya buraya, uwam o khimass, v. nation, j"g"t, khilqut, khulq, v. people, {au- dience) bari am, (service) hoozooree mcnamu- lut. publican, {tax-gatherer) ghut wal, rahdar, zuka- tee, gcD7.urban, v. "ointner. publication, i/.har, ishtihar, shcohrut, tushheer, ufsha, phiielao, prigutta, v. advertisement, 8cc. publichj, {in public) zahirun, ulaniyutim, mule- muegan, v, the aaj. pnblicness, zuhoor, shcohrut. public-spirited, khuer kliwahi khulq, khulq- purwur, khulq dost,jugut swai thee^ (7Ae wom«, jugut swarth.] to publish, 7,ahir-k. ishtiliar- 8cc. -d. jaree-k. phuelaua, kuhna, biitlana, khubur-d. alum nushur mushhoor-k. riwaj-d. v. to divulge. publisher, mcnkhbir, v. author. Jo pucker, bhonk-jjiol- cheen-d. butorna. puckering, {string) lungur. puck-ball, phootko. pudding, goolgcola, ra,eta, luddou, v. sausage, {proverbialli/) Icoqmu, v. nick. puddle, dubra, chhnpree, talce, dub, julla, liwar. to puddle, giidla- &,c. -k. ghingholna, hindorna, khubahna, v. to dirty. puddly, gu(\\a, muela, uioDkuddur. pudendum, {membrum virile) luora, alut, ling, lund, ker, ziikur, huthiyar, fulan, dundee, see- thiit, teerumbuk, noonee, shurm-gah, muozu- mukhsoos, v. penis, {mulieris) clioot, boor, bhug, jon, fuij, koos, undami nihanee, niu- kan i mukhsoos, oopust, suda-odee, budun, chonr, pungnt, v. vulva, {magna vulva) bho- «ura, boohosuree, (/?flrwj) cheecha, v. privilies. puerile, chjinoluhla, cliiba,ola, hulka, ochba, chhi- chhoia, lurkasa, buchganu, v. childish. puerility, lurka.ee, liirkapuu, toofociiyut, ochha- pun, chipul-pun, liirk-boo(l]i. puff, puf, jhok, jhikora, tikora, muoj, pliODuk. phooskee, plioophkar, jhutaka, jhiipasa, bhuL- k-ee, -a, jhupka. ',.„,.«.._,,. ci., ,,,., ;,.. to puff, V. n. pboolnsj phoostiknoj phboj^nM, phuphulna, bhubhukna, lionkna, {to raise) burhana, churiiana, dum-d. duitibazee-k. phepsana, phcolphcDlaaa, phcolkarna, iikrana, {the cheeks) bhuoka-lugna, gal phoolana ; to come or go puffing and blowing, hahe phanpjie- -a. or -j. V. breathless, to swell, phooukna, jhi- korna, hampna, v.to blow; v. a. phoola-d. phoolana, muojzun-k, luhurana, phoonk-oora- -d. V. to agitate, injlate, drive, &c. {to be puff- ed or bloated) tumtumana. puffer, {at sales) chutiya, dum-baz. p?(^w, phootko. puffy, pcor huwa, phoofka, phoorphoola, goolgcola, phoola hoo,a, phepsa, pjiuphul, phoolphoula, v. turgid, pug, guturmul, mulloo, chundoo, biliarce, nnni- wa, pugh, oh, uh, ukh, ju. pugil, bukot, chuitgool, book. pugilist, ghoose baz, v. boxer, &c. puissance, m\An\xx., \. potent. ,ofliKio ,ntD'iv puissant, v. might, &c. muha bulee, \.powei>J'ul. puke, chhurdik, bumuiikaree, v. vomit. .<; to pule, chenpcn-k. thiiiukna, cbillaii«>\«n«)lo rehine. amtd^.xMa^^iBmtxKt pull, kheech, jhutka, zor, kushish, Ian, khuunch, uench, ookhar, v. strwj^gle, exertion, &c. to pull, kheechna, uenchna, taiina, kusiia, v. to draw, teerna, karhna, khusotna, jhutukua, v. to tug, Ifiowers) lorhna, v. to subvert, {to pluck) torna, choonua, t. to gather, {to tear) PUM 513 n Wn phar- cheer- d. v. to rend; to pull on, churliana, puhirna ; to pull off, c»tarna, nikalna, also to pull otit; to pull down, dhana, girad. mismar- -k. ood_herna,v. to undo, to demolish, {the trig- ger) kul-dabna, (to degrade) Eer-k. duba,e-r. lutarna, v. to humble; to pull up, ooparna, ook- harua, also to pull out a tooth, &c. puller, khuenchunhar, ookharoo, v. the verbs, (in C0WJ9.) kusli, cheen. x>'!: pulse, (liguminous plants) museen,<\u\han,\utree. They are in India very numerous, as may be seen under pea, and by what follows, moth, oord ; to which may be added what we call gram, chuna, hola, boot, kosrlhee, kcollhee, upon which horses at Madras are generally led. pulverable, bookne-jog, mcomkin oos-suhq. to pulverize, bookna, suhq- soormusu-kivw^ oV; l>«mJce-«\ punctually, raslee- &c. -se. '-'^^ ,BnB(jijilfj- punctuation, matra-kar, noaktu-rezee. puncture, chobh,chhed, soorakh, beh, v. to prick. to puncture, chinhana, chinh-d. pungency, hiddnt,jhal, tezee, pnrpurahut, jujun, V. heat. .)-ji,:nu\ pungent, hadd, tez, tooud, purpura, jhulaha; to punish, suza- &c. -d. marna, dandna, mar- khilana, peetana, v. to chastise,. '^^^ly ^\mv pMKwA«&/e,wajiba)t-tu,iizeer, marne-jog,siyaswt- &c. -pu7.eer, suza tulub. ./ ,;..!;, punished, racD,uzzub. •• '\fir^^.... punisher, moo,aqib, moo,uzzir, taruk. ■••••'-■•• punishment, suza, tarna, uzab, jqab, tumbeeh, tu.uzeer, uqoobut, siyasut, mar, mar-peetj hudd-shuru,ee, nuseehut, qisas, petuk, joori- nianu, tunz, surzunish, v. castigalion, chastise- ment. ' >J'iiqo> \p.oo?fl;tefn i rturf ' /j(jn«;e»", joogut-baz, eeham-go, do-urlhee. punk, V. prostitute, makho, ba^ee, v. whore, &c. It ptm its PUR' puny, chhota, nunha, upupeen. to pup, janna, byana, bnche-d. or -lana, byanna, soona, kootoorna, v. puppy. pupil, {of the eye) pootlee, murdoom i cliuslim, inurdmmuk, (scholar) chutiya, patnkh, tul- meez, mcotu,uIlim, chela, pala posa, pntha, V. ward,nac\mee, dela, kacha, til, v. apple. pupilage, sliagirdee. puppet, pootlee, kuth pootlee. puppet-man, pootlee wala, quiundur. puppet-show, pootlee ka tumasba. puppy, pilla, kootroo, \.pragmatical,&yx^-h\xc\ya, geedee, pudna, palookra, kootte ka juna, v. jack, (Jig.) inurduk, v. prig. purblind, te.ondha, choondha, dhoondha, choon- djila, V. short-sighted. purblindness, dhoond . .3^obSvi«^<^ otto purcAasaft/e.mooinkinoosh-shira.bisihnejog.keen- nejog, zur-kbureed, z\&o purchased. purchase, khureed, shir-a or -a, bisab, bisabnee, suoda soolf, suoda, {free) khoosh khureed, {original) uen ool mal, usl khureed, {and sale) khureed furokht, bueu-sbira, v. barter. to purchase, mol-lena, lena, kbureed-k. bisahna, suoda-k. V. to buy. purchaser, khureed-dar, gahuk, mooehturee, bis- huroo.a, kinwuya, v. buyer. pure, saf, moisuflFu, phurchha, niriiiul, zoolal, v. good, just, snfa, sumeeiu, tueyib, moonuzzu, ' poora, un-mila, nirpooth, soofee, be-dagb, ne- mee, v. clear, free, {tried) ueyar-ruseedu, {genuine) usl, khalis, nab, chokha, v. real, {mere) sirf, loocb, tjienth, sadu, khalee, v. siviple, {innocent) buree, niooburra, \. guiltless, {unpolluted) pak, mootubir, tahir, pubeetar, v. clean, &c. {as language) shrostu, pakeezu, phurchlia, murbool:, (as a virgin, &c.) kora, iincbhoo,a, ucbhoot, v. chaste, {holy) bhngut. • ^it'Mi- nek, bhula, v. virtuous ; a pure villain, poore dughabaz, pukka huram-zadn, v. downright. purely, sufa.ee- &o. -se, muhz, nira, v. the adj. jmreness, purity, snfa.ee, phurcha.ee, nirmulta, shullafee, chokha.ee, usalut, burat, ranusoo- mee, pakee, tusfiyu, tuharut, tutbeer, sboostn- gee, pakeezugee, murbootee, parsa.ee, nekee. sulaliiyut, V. 'Se, joollab, jhar. to purge, v. a. jharna, saf- &c. -k. v. pure, to clear, pet-chulana, hugana, v. to clarify; t. n, jhurna, saf-b. {to have frequent stools) pet- *''^»'na. vW«>^TMq purging, jiriyan i shikura, ishal, petnokjh, v. Jlux, &c. {to have a) pet jaree-h. purification, tusfiyu, tutheer, toobr, tuharut, phur- cbu,ee, tuuqiyu, tuzkiyu, ushnan, v. ablution, to cleanse, &CHv,flitoob ,*,. to purify, v. a. saf- &c. -k. nirtana, v. pure, to bathe; v. n. pak- &c. -h. puritan, bugla bhugut, numazee, tafzeelee, y. devotee, &c. ; : . purity, v.pureness, nuqawut, tnqawut, be-rya,ee, V. virtue, nem, usmut, v. holiness, continence, innocence, &c. to jiurl, cbhulcbhulana, jhurjhurana, hoDrhoorana, bhulbhulana, v. to murmur, purlieus, utraf, pueramoon, gird, usganw pus- ganw, ruqbu, v. district, purling, cbhulchhulabut. to purloin, moosna, chorana, choree- kbiyanut»k. niar-r. buthiyana, v. to steal. q ,9a»-iWtj oJ 3 T PUR 514 PUS purloiner, chor, kha,ia..,iibvfN'u^r.;«!^j»ltB4; purple, adj. urghuwanee, lal, soDrkh, shuhabee, rata, uroon, lulit, goolfam, v. violet, alee, pin- gn\, ubasee, buengunee, lakha, lukhuoree ja- munee, v. crimson, red. to purple, urghuwanee- &a -k. purplish, goolabee, v. crimson, purport, muqsud, moorad, mn,unee, urth, niunsa, mntlub, niooddu.a, unt, hasil, khoolasu, v. de- sign, tendency, to purport, muqsud- &c. -k. v. to intend, purpose, iradu, qusd, neeyut, gliuruz, mnqsood, bichar, uzm, munsoobu, v. effect, purport, use, kam, V. account, advantage, consequence ; to what purpose, kahe ko, kig liye, v. lohy ; an answer to the purpose, juwah ba su.wab,\.pi(r- - ', posely. to purpose, qusd- &c. -k. iradu- &c. -r, munsoo- bu- &c. -b. V. to resolve. pMr/;o*e/y, janboojhke,janbiciiarke, qnsdiin, urn- dun, V. avowedly, purprise, v. purlieus, ruqbu bundee. to purr, khoorkh(x>r-k. purse, thuelee, keesu, humiyanee, soorru, tora, fotu, biblu, butoo,a, doolmiyan, dhokureo, v. '•"'poMcA, podket, donra, ganth, giriii, khas, bus- nee, bodla, khoothee, v. hag, money, &c. lo purse, thuelee men-r. [to contract) sikorna, s umetna. purse-hearer, fotu-dar, bihlu-burdar, dliokuriya, keesu-burdar. purse-proud, mayu-ghooroor, zur-must, dhun- mudee, motmurd, gubbur. purser, bhundaroe, v. purveyor, tuhweel-dar, v. cashier, paijmaster, &c. purslain, loniya, khoorfu, buqiut ool hoomuqa. pursuant, bu-moojib, husb, mcowafiq, moDtabiq, V. according to. to pursue, peecUha-k. khuderna, rugedna, tu- aqoob-k. peechhe-dnorna, duorna, puchherna, khedna, lierna, puende-purna, rnputna, ru- burna,chuhutna, khukherna, durpue-b. chhan- marna, v. to hunt, imitate, prosecute, search. pursuer, mootu,aqib, gooloo-geer, gureban-geer, puchheree, khuderoo, rugedoo, v. the verbs, pichh lugwa, doambalee, v. prosecutor. pursuit, tu,aqoob, pueruwec, ruged, khuder, puchhera, &c. doombalee, y. chase, (^endeavour) kosbish, dhoon, v. prosecution, tulash, khoj, tufteesh. pursuivant, chob-dar, usa-burdar, isawul, sonta- burdar, bhundar. pursy, duni phoolwa, dum cburha, phepsa, pho- phus, V. puffy. to purvey, mojhueya-muojood- hazir-k. puhoon- cbana, rusud- &c. -puboonchana, v. provisions, also provedore. purveyor, bhundaree, ihtimanee, v. procurer. purulent, v. pus, peebiyaha, v. matter. pus, (purulent matter) peeb, reem, rad, manj. jmsh, dhukka, jhonk, rel, tnkkur, hool, dooii, thela, pela, v. shove, thrust, bheer, v. pinch, emergency, {effort) zor,bul, jihd, v. endeavour, (assault) humlu, war, rela, (exigence) suket, kusLmukusb, v. tried. to push, dhukelna, thelna, relna, pelna, jhonkua, chulpna, marna, dalna, dhukka- pel-d. v. lo slip, dhookana, hoolna, khiskana, tukrana, \. to gore, (to urge) tuqueyud-k. dubana, v. to impel, (to press) urana, tung- zich-k. v, to tease, (to make an effort) duorna, su,ee-k. zor- marna, v. to attack, &c. ; to push out, bahur-k.. nikal-d. bankna, v. to drive, pushed, ghurz ba,ola, v. the verh. to he pushed, puthur tule purna. pusher, dhukeloo, theloo, &c. v. the verbs. pushing, dil-chula, sabusee, sahib-himmut, v. active. PUT 515 PUT pusillanimous, na-murcl,bcnz-dil, be-himinut,dur- pokna, hcez, Lctha, be-gliuerut, v. dastard, geediir, kadiir, pudnd, v. cowardly, poltroon. pusillaiiimousli/, iia murdee-se. pusillanitnousness,pusillanimtt I/, nn-mmdee.hmz- dilee, be-liinimutee, hetha-pun, bc-ghuerutee, puss, poosee, poosa, nuuuvee, dhuniya, niano, miiinvn, v. cat. Moos-a or -ee, poos-a or-ce, probably come from the verbs moosna, to steal, and poosiia, to tame. Puss puss, poos poos, bil l>il. pustule, abilii, phuphola, clihala, puiisa, jhulka, V. pimple. to put, rukhna, dhurna, sueliarna, dalna, v. to lay, suentna, rukhwa-lena, rukh- dhur-d. lena, ghahia, iia|Ona, iia,e-d. nielna, v. to pour, mix, niarna, v. to push, {to set) buethalna, garna, khura-k. rompua, v. to Jix, {to expose) dekh- laiia, nuinood-k. karhna, v. to show, {to state) kuhna, durpesh-k. v. to represent, (together) jorna, tankiia, v. to join, {back) liutunu, v. to move, {in writing) quliiin bund-k. taiik-r. ootar-leiia, v. to note, {to trust) husvalti- tuf- weez-k. v. to repose, {to apply) liigana, bandh- na, {to produce) kurna, lana, pueda-k, v. to cause, {to excite) cliulana, tuhreek-d. v. to state, {to offer) deiia, dilana, v. to propose ; to put by, mar- ti!-d. v. to divert / to put forth, nikabia, phiielana, v. to extend ; to put off, oo- tarna, oorana, nUo, {to delude) ghcnma- buehla-, bneli,ka-d. jhoolaiia, inoo,uttiil-k. talna, jhoo- lana, v. to amuse, shuffle, {delay, 8ic.) muo- qoof-k. {to sea, &c.) khooliia; to put on, pu- birna, pulirana, orhiia, cliurhaiia, v. to dress, cover, &c. {to impute) bandhna, v. to impose ; to put out, (money) dena, (to extinguish) boo- jhana, gool- surd- thuiidha- bura-k. (the eyes) phoriin ; to put to death, mar-d. qull- saf-k. thikana-lugana ; to put up, churluina, biir- hana, v. to raise, sheath, &c. (or by) nikh- cliliorna, bund-k. (with or bear) kha-j. turuh-d. huz.m-k. suhna, v. to suffer, {to sale) bech-d. ; to put down, girana, pucliharna, v. to degrade ; to put away, door-k. v. to dismiss. For such compounds, as to put up, to put together, &c. V. to bear, collect, ike. To follow this verb through all its significant and often discordant combinations would prove a Herculean labour; I shall therefore leave it now to the scholar's own penetration and industry, after stating what follows : to put to Jlight, &c. bhugana ; which, as the causal form of the verb, and applicable to 8» many others, will be found very fully explained in the Grammar, p. 100 and 145, v. to force, &c. When the reader has occasion to look for a word to express any of the meanings of this verb, when compounded with on, off, &c. he will do right to consult Johnson's Folio Dictionary for the synouyma required, under which the proper word will probably be found in this work. to put, V. n. nikulna, chulna, jana, burhna, clihootna, hutna, &c. v. to leave, move, stop. put off, talmutol, ub-tub, heelu huwalu, v. shift, procrastination. putrefaction, surun, surawut, boseedugee. putrefactive, sura^oo. to putrefy, v. a. suraua, gulana, gundu- &r, -k. ; V. n. surna, gulna, pulna, goomusna, oobusna, V. to rot. putrescent, goonisa, oobsa. putrid, sura, boseedu, gundu, suryul, nioofsld, v. rotten, mmhlili, v. malignant, stinking. Why we have named a putrid fever, pukka, let the jargonists tell ; neither the natives nor I can. putridness,putrescencc,suTaviut,[iostedugfc.,'■, puzzling, V. difficult, koo-bul, oolj,ha,o, suitglakh, V. intricate, knotty, &c. pigmy, balishtiya, pyramid, pyramidal, meeiiar, chaturh khat, ga,o doom, V. pillar, (of Jire) zubaiiu atush, ('.t of Egypt) ul-uhram, v. Richardson^ s Dictionary, 2d edit, page 136. Q ,S». ,"%«0.- q, is used in this work to express the Arabic qaf, that it may not be confounded with kaf, , ,in such words as oicnqurrur, certain; moo- kiicriir, repealed/ uql, knowledge; ukl, food; qumur, the moon; kumur, the loins. "This letter the Romans and also wee Northerne people have gotten from this priniitife tongue. It hath the pronunciation of A", I confesse, yet a great deal deeper out of the throat. The Greecs, being unable to pronounce it so hard, left it out, and put in ail places a k instead thereof. The Romans, more northerly, being of a harsher sound than the Grecians, retained it, and, for difference sake, put constantly an u consonant by it, which yet they did not pro- nounce, as out of Cicero's jest is observable, ego coque te adjuvaho, for quoque ; and hence it is that the French never pronounce qu other- ' wise than as a simple k, therefore should wee leave out constantly that u, and never pro- QUA nounce it neither. For this our mother tonnue shews it to be a superfluous v, and not to be expressed with a sound, and that q is expres- sible without the writing or pronouncing of an V." — Christian Ravis^s Discourse of Orien- tal Tongues, 1649. page 108. See the Gram. page 29. quack, laf-zun, khqod-furosh, v. empiric, hula- koo, kucba-tubeeb,kuth-bned, neem hukeeni, kuth-mcnlla, v. mountebank, lumput, lupatee, V. boaster, impostor, pretender, to quack, qunqan-k. v. to brag. quackery, kuth-bueda,ee, duwa-bazee, v. false. quadrangle, chuokhoonta, v. square. quadrant, roobu-da,iru, udhdhunook, v. quarter. to quadrate, milna, burabur- theek-h. &c. jMafZrcn«2fl/,chuo-sunee,chi]o-salu, chuo-buikha. quadrilateral, chuo-puhloo. quadrivial, chuo-raha, v. cross. quadruped, cliar-payu, sutoor, chuo-gora, chuo,a. QUA 517 i^tTA charwa, mirg-char, buheemu, probably the Behamoth of scripture, v. beast. quadruple, chuo-goona, char-chuntl, chuo-lura, -bra, -tuba, -purtu, -cbund, or -bra, &c. v. the Gram, page 96. to quaff, dhokna, cburha-j. qiiaffc/ytpaaka, duldula; a quagmire, dhusun. quail, buter, buta,ee. quaint, &c. nazcok, bareek, v. nice, 8cc. quake, inrzu, thurthuree. to quake, kampiia, kupna, luruzna, tharthurana, duldulana, v. to shake. qualification, boonur, juohur, kboobee,wusf,gcDn, sifut, biddya, bisek,huufa, liyaqut, isti,udad, huesiyut, v. ability, accomplishment. qualified, (noun) muosoof, bisek.hunee, v. com- petent. to qualif ij,6cora3»i- arastu- suzawar- qabil- la,iq-k. {to abate) ghutana, majkhuffuf-k. islah-d. v. to soften, temper, {tomodify) bunana, v. to re- gulate. quality, bisek.h, keerut, kuef, kuefiyut.ja/. iiosaf, (properly) khassu, ban, soobha,o, mahiyut, tubu, seerut, wusf, nihad, v. efficacy, {rank) murtubu, payn, niunzulut, muhatuni, v. qua- lification, also dignity ; the quality, {grandees) lumura, usbraf, sboorufa, v. nobleman, &c. qualm, oobka.ee, mutla,ee, murora, khiitka, lurzu, dhurka, v. remorse; to have a qualm, jee- inutlana, robka.ee-ana. qualmish, mutlaha. quandary, v. distress, perplexity, &c. huerauee, bulakee, v. puzzle, quantity, nilinl, miqdar, kiiiniyut,chundee, mno- tad, undaz, priman, mayu, kum, {weight) wuzn, tuol, V. measure, qudr, v. bulk ; a large quantity/, dher, ziyadutee, kusrut, ifrat, v. much. quantum, (amount) joomlu, jnmu, r. quantity, (sha7-e) hissa. quantum sufficit, jeta-choliiye. quarantine, cbilla, bundhan. quarrel, jhugra, quziyu, bukhera, jhunjhut, rug- ra, kburkbusbu, bigar, but ru^, purkbasb, jhuora, rarb, ruendha, khoosoomut, mn,urjku, bugra, rundho pootubo, ooljhera, khut put, V. contest ; to pick a quarrel, thesra-k,v. alter- cation, strife, wrangle, dispute. to quarrel, jhugurna, lurna, qntiyu- bukhera- &c. -k. lugana, jhuoma, bigurna, oolnjhna, phoot-ruhna, v. to dispute, object. quarrelsome, quarreller, Inranka, jhugra-loo, jhunjhutee, jung-jo, sitezu-jo, v. litigious, ghoolidung, jhansa, lura,oo, narud, tnnte-baz, khutputiya, bantha, shor poosht, surhung, 6t- nu-jo, V. captious, contentious, irascible, chole- ric. J'!B^ '^''^['A -*'" quarrelsomeness, jung-jo,ee, sitezu-jo, ee, lurank- pana, tunte-bazee. ;' , quarry, (stone mine) kan i sung, puthtnonya, inadun i sung, sungistan, puthriya khan, v. mine, game. quart, ser, ser-bhur. quartan, broma,e ribn,ce,tij:iree, tupi roobu, ch06- thueya, tirtee jur, koojur, or tertian, (|. v. also intermittent. quarter, chuotha,ee, pa,o, rnolni, pnw'a, chnha- rooni, V. the Gram. p. 95 and 06, (part) diia, soo, cofuq, (^/. ufaq) niisul, poora, v.statiwi, street, (of meat) dust, ran, v. leg, piece, &c. (of a rupee, &c.) cbuonee, pa,ola, sooka, pa;e«, [in battle) quol, niijat, v. pardon, (treatment) soolook, (of the world) tnruf, janib, or, nokh, simt, V. side, (of a town, &c.) muhullii, loin, zilu, khund, v. district, (lodging) mukan, nm- qam, juga, thikana, dera, cbha,onee, v. duel- ling, &c. (protection) ar, uman, punab, nmii. QUA 618 QUE raoohafuzut, v. mercy ; quarter ! quarter ! ula- man, punah, dhurum doo,ar; quarters, (close) zudo boord ; one and a quarter, suwa ; two,Scc. and a quarter, suwa-do,suwa-teen,siiwa-char, which 1 imagine is an ellipsis for pa,o siwa char, i. e. a quartermore thanfour, &c. ; three quarters, ^0.^X1X1; one andthreequarters,paone- do ; two,Si.c, and three quarters, puone-teen, puone-cl'.ar, puone-panch, &c. which confirm the above opinion ; as, if I be not mistaken, they stand for pa,o uuheen-do, pa,o nuheen- teen, i. e. a quarter less than two, &c. v. the Grammar. to quarter, char hissu-k. char chunpara, tookra- -k. charsook- charparu-k. v. to divide, dis- joint, {to station) ruk,hna, buethalna, tikana, V. to lodge ; to give quarter, uman- &c. -d. ulaman-soonna. Among the Hindoos to call for quarter is expressed by tin-lena o»'-pukur- na, ghas dant se pukurna, whence hum guo hue, hum guo hue, quarter! quarter! to ask quarter, quol-chahna, an expression however that is little used in some parts of Hindoostan. quarterly, quarterage, si-mahu, tri-masa. quarter-master, pesh khueme ka darogha, meer- raunzil, ineer-toozuk, meer-fursh. quarter-staff, dund, bank-putta, gudka, phool hatha, lukree, v. cudgel; to play at, dand chuktee- &c. -khelna. quarto, chuo-wurqu, chuo-bundee. quartern, adh pa,o, udh puwa, do chhetank. to quash, V, a. torna, v. to crush, {to annul) ba- til- rudd-k. mar-d. ; v. n. khul khulaua. quaternion, chuok, chuoka, chuo,a. quatrain, sortha, rooba.ee, chuo-misru, bund, qi- tU|U, V. stanza. quaver, murghol, muroy. to quaver, luhukna, guhguhana, luhkana, awaz- nmronia, v. to trill, vibrate. quay, pooshtu, ghat, chubootra, chuotura, v, plat- form. quean, qoottamu, thugnee, luondee, v. strumpet. queasy, mutlaha, mutla.oo, v. squeamish. queen, muliku, ranee, shuh- or padshah-begum, muha ranee, {in cards) wuzeer, {at chess) furzeen, wuzeer. queer, lyub, ujeeb, zor, tumasha, bhula, udbhoot, v. comical, kuhan ka, v. where, strange. to quell, torna, phorna, rufu-k. shikust-d. duba- na, V. to subdue. to quench, {thirst) boojhana, also {Jire) surd-, thunda-k. v. to extinguish, furo-k. {to still) mama, dufu- door-k. khana,v. to destroT/, also to cool. quencher, maruk, daf i. quenchless, umur, umit, ghuer-moomkin ool-itfu, iiirboojh. .„.„;«,. querimonious, v. discontented, kootil, koochur.v. peevish. ■.,,',',.,,.. querist, sa,il, prusbnik, v. asker. quern, huth chukkee, v. mill. querpo, busma, wusmu, v. naked. querulous, shakee, gilu-goozar, ninduk. querulousness, gilu-goozaree, nindka,ee, kootilta, koochurta, v. discontent, &c. query, suwal, v. question. quest, khoj, tulash, tufteesh, joostojoo, v. search. question, suwal, poorsish, prishun, istif ham, {dis- pute) buhs, quziyu, jhugra, mujhulu, {affair) mooquddumu, bat, v. matter, {doubt) shuk, khudshu, bhurum ; to call in question, baz poorsee-k. v. to inquire ; to be out of the ques- tion, bahur-h. to question, pooclilina, suwal- &c. -k. poochha prekh-k. pooclih [)oocliha,o-k. istimzaj-lena, v. to ask, &c. {to cvamine) imtihan- &c. -k. baz poorsee-k. tikharna, {to doubt) shuk- &c. QUI 519 QUI -r. ; to beg the question, istidlal-k. v. postula- tum. questionable, mooshtiibu, niushkook, suwal-tulub, pooclihiie-jog, V, suspicious, questioned, niusool. questionless, be-slioobhu, be-snuk. quibble, eeham, joogiit, zutul, heelii huwalii, tal- niutoi, V. quirk, maighaltu, unci phund, fur- t'liiid, cipher, v. shuffle, to quibble, und pjiimd- &c. -k. qutbblcr, joogut-baz, heelii-baz, furfundee, iiiid- phuiidee, v. punster, &,c. 5«jcA-, jeeta,zindu, \. alive, {nimble) clioDst, tcmid, zood, phoortcela, cliurphura, shitab-kar, uch- piiluj V. to expedite, suieeu, begee, cliutputiya, V, swift, (time) cluilta, v. speedy, quick, y«6. jaiidar gosht, jeeta g"s!it, v. quickly, to quicken, v a. jtelana, ziiidu-k. v, to animate, {to hasten) duorana, juld-k. {to sharpen) tez- &c. -k. V. to excite ; v. n. jee-joothna. quicklime, buiec, choona, ahuk i tuftu, kiilee, (a composition of) noora, v. depilatorj/. quitkly, toorimt, juldee, shitabee, fil-fuor, fuorun, durl)ur, cbiitput, begabegee, toort ta,o, jjiiir- jhurak. lupjhuk, j>utpiit, jhupde, jhupajhup, Iiipliip, V. the adj. and sub. quicknesf, juldee, sliitabee, tezee, choostee, toon- dec, zoodee, phcort, churph'.irahut, Ui.ujee!, shi'ab-karee, beg, begta.ee, s. pungency, quick sand, clior-baloo, duldulee zumeen, thalee, ghunghree, regruwan. quick-set, quhirn, lugna, shakh, chara, v. plant, to quick-set, quluni-iiigana. quick-sighted, t< z-iuizur, tez-chushm, tez-nigali. quick sightedness, tcz-nu7.uiee,tcz-chushmee,tez • nigahee. quick-silver, para, seem-ab, zeebiiq, rus, root, sumbhoobec'j. quiet, quii'sceid, sakin, be-hurukut, usthir, asoodu, mcnniffu, mootumueyin, rahutee, nichul, ruh- war, khoasb lugam, v. still, {silent) choop, sa- kit, sakin, {mild) ghurecb, bhola, bhondoo. quiet, quiescence, sookoon, qurar, itineenan, arani . asa.ish, asoodugee, sookh, anund, chueii, kill, rahut, rufahiyu, v. rest, peace. to quiet, sakin- &c. -k. thambhna, rokna, mun- da-k. V. to stilt.' , i.'. quietly, ahistu, dheeme, huole, v. softly, &c. quietness, v. quiet, (silence) khamoshee, sookoot, choop, {mildness) moola,imut, ahistugee, bhola- pun, ghureebee, v. stillness. quill, shah-pur, {of a porcupine) kauta, khar, V. pen, reed. quill, ruz.a,ee, bala-posh, lihaf, goodree, nihal- cliu, nihalcL-. to quilt, tagna, goolna, nigundna. quilted, {stuff) sozunee, gudia, iiigunda hoo,a. quilting, nigundaiCe, nigunda. quince, bihee, bih, sufurjul, abee. quince-seeds, bihee danu. quinquennial, punj-salu, punch burkha. quinsy, khoonaq. quintessence, khoolasa, sut, sar, hear, ukas, v. ele- ment, essence. quintuple, puch-tuha, -purla, -Uira or -goona, v. the Grammar, p. 96. quire, {of paper) dustu, beetha. quirk, nooktu, bureekee, joogut, v. shift, thug bitldya, ba,(jke, lupet, v. quibble, subtilty, pun. to quit, chhoriia, tyagiia, tujiia, v. to abandon, turk-k. V, to resign, ooturna, v. to vanish, bhutna, v. to pay, {good bread, SccI behisht men ial-marna, v. to leave, khulas- azad- riha- -k. chhorana, v. to liberate, {to pay) bhur-d. uda-k. wasil-k. {to make even) burabur-k. quite, khoob, poora, v. wholly, sur bu sur, bus, V. entirely, outright, completely, {perfectly) bi^uenii, lioobuhoo, niput. QUO 520 QUO quit-rent, khiraj, khuzanu. quits, coteeruii, burabur, infisa)^ farigh, sur bu sur, V. drawn. quittance, ooteerun putur, farigh-kiuttee, (^pro- nounced farkhutee) v. release, chhootkara, safee namii, baz namu, khutt i ladu,uwee, v. discharge. quiver, turkush, tookush, nikhung, toon, {part cf) qoorban; armed with a quiver, turkush- bund. ■3n-'.'ji\Hiiia V w^^ nVAy ,M'v.y to ^rajrer, luhukna, {to shake) kXypTa, Inriizna, thurthurana, hulhulana, v. to tremble. quisz, chukree, chuku,ee, v. whirligig. quoit, kutee, kutul, tueya, chuktee, champ, v. discus, (the game) khoontee-tueya. quondam, age ka, \. former. quota, hissu, buhru, damasahee, junghasee, bih- ree^ v. proportion, share. quotation, iqtibas, v. extract, oopdes, gcor-oopdes cheedu, sunud, istimbat, istikhraj, v. pas- sage, &c. to quote, iqtibas-k. lana, durj-k. sunud-lana, v. to instance. quoted, mooqtubus. quoter, moqtubis. quoth, kuha, kutha, /rom kuhna, kntlina, to fay. This last is the Sunskrit kwuthuming, whence the Saxon cwothan is probably derived, and consequently this very word quoth may prove the only remnant among us of these ancient verbs, which all mean to say, tell, &c. quotidian, roz-murru, hurrozu, yuomee, dinha, dewusee ; a quotidian fever, hoomaiB yuomee, tupi moowazibu, v. daily, goorgooree. quotient, basil, qismut, bhag, hasil- or kharij- qismut, bhujun phul, ludhyapt. -** ''"' (■3-i't'if,' ,.■■■■ . ■^■- ..." -^ '•>V?».,V tMfCjl, ,iw4 eW «t«« ,fl.iCfc«f!jt ViWWJliwV; ac2 REB 528 REC fee, V. motive, (right) huqq, theeka,ee, woo- joob, \. justice. to reason, buhs- moobahusu- mconazuru- chur- clia-k. kuhua, kuh-soonana, tuqreer-k. y. to debate, uql-duorana, chetna, tU|Uqqo3l k. v. to argue, consider, discourse. reasonahle, v. rational, mu,uqool,wajibee, tlieek, oochit, dooroost, sha,istu, uqlee, x. judicious, khirud-mund, mu,uqool-been, huqq-shinas, hisabee, aqilanu, v. just, &c. (moderate) naoo- utidil, moowafiq, mujjiola, {as price, &c.)nioo- tuwussit, miyanu, v. middling ; it is reasonable to sujjpose, uql yihee chalitee bue, usi bat yihee, v. probable. reasonableness, mu,uqooliyut, liyaqut, doorojstee, sha.istugee, v. fair, mu,uqooI-beenee, &c. v. propriety/, {moderation) i,ulidal y. reason. reasonably , uql mundee- &c. -se, ba-insaf, insaf- &c. -se. ^ reasonerj buhhas, churchuet, moonazir, moobahis, nueyayik, v. logician. reasoning, moobahusu, moonazuru, taqreer, tuo- jeeh, biddya-bilas, v. argument, logic. reasonless, na-mu,uqool, be-liisab, be-insaf, v. unreasonable, rebeck, sitar, rubab rebel, rebeller, taghee, baghee, dunguet, dungee- baz, asee, na-furman, burgushtu, sur-kush, moonhurif. to rebel, bughawut- &c. -k. untna, sur-oothana, - phir-j. rebellion, bughawut, na-furmanee, burgushtugee, sur-kushee, iiiharif, dunga, bulwa, dunguetee, &c. V. insurrection, rebellious, gurdun-kush, yaghee, mookhtee, mcos- tu,usec, dhiiig, v. mutinous, disobedient, rebel, rebelliously , bughawut- &c. -se. rebelliousness, gurdun-kushee, dunge-bazee. rebound, pulta,o, &c. v. reaction. to rebound, pulta-khana, pulutna, phirna, age- ana, oolutna, luotna, bazgusht- &c. -h. or -k. V. to return. rebounding, bazgushtee, pulta oo, &c. rebuff, jhurkee, ghoorkee, zujr. to rebuff, jhurukna, ghoorukna, dootkarna, sansna, zujr-k. to rebuild, pher-bunana or -oothana, v. to repair, rebuke, mulamut, surzinush, dant, duput, ghoor- kee, chushm-nooma,ee, v. blame. to rebuke, dantna, duputua, chushm no3ma,ee-, surzunish- &c. -k. v. to rebuff, also to blame. rebus, mooiimma, hjpet, v. riddle. rebutter, pur-oottur, kudd i jnwab, hudd i juwab. recall, burkhast-namu, baz tulubee. to recall, burkhast-k. osltana, pher-boolana, pherna, pultana, {to recant, &c.) iqalu-k. v. revocation, to recollect. to recant, v. n. pher-jana, pulutna, v. to return; V. a. pherna, budulna, rudd-k. recantation, burgushtugee, inhiraf, irtidad. to recapitulate, &c. pher- mookurrur-kuhna or -likhna, v. to repeat, &c. to recede, hntna, tulna, phirna, chhoraa, dub- jana, v. to retreat, desist. receipt, {note, &c.) ruseed, pahconch, qubz., qubz ool wusool, tumussouk, dakhilu, itlaq, wasil, {pi. wasilat,) wusool, amudunee, huth chitha, husb ool wusool, V. admission, discharge, {re- gister of) itlaq-nuwees, {recipe) nooskhu, cbi- kitsa, V. the verb, also reception. receivable, lene-jog, lena, qabil-wusool, dura- mudee. to receive, {to accept) lena, qubool- ungeekar-k. {to get) wusool-k. oothana, sadhna, khana, also {to admit, as a vessel, &c.) ane-puethne-d. V. to take, hold, entertain, suffer, hath ana, puhoonchna, v. to reach, {a guest) istuqbal-k. burhke-lena, urijatna, {a bridegroom) pu- RFC 529 REC richhna, v. to meet, {to collect) tuhseel-k. pukurna, lugana, v. to adopt ; to be received, miliia, ana, sudhna ; what do you receive a month now ? iib niuheene peechhe toonihen kya milta hue? i. e. what is received by j/ou, &c. V. the Grammar. received, ilhaqee, dakhilee, v. to introduce. receiver, lewuya, (of stolen goods) clior-dhunik, (of taxes) tuhseel-dar, (of a still) bhubka, V. vat, vessel, (in comp.) geer, v. gatherer. recency, recentness, tazugee, tujuddood, tiitka,ee. recent, nuva, iiuo, judeed, v. new, (fresh) tazu, nuo-ru9, tutka, gurum, v. late, &c. receptacle, ghui, khanu, juguh, mukan, muskun, mulja, khan. reception, ilhaq, Iuga,o, v. the verb, (treatment) agut-swagut, niel, milap, istuqbal, v. admis- sion, &c. recess, recession, gopha, kho, bhuonra, (suspen- $ion) naghu, wuqfu, tuwuqqoof, beech, foorsut, V. retreat, departure. recipe, ncosVhu, V. receipt. reciprocal, doo-turfee, turfucn, janibuen, do-ora, V, alternate, mutual, mcnshturik, ishtirakee, laziin nuilzoom, dilbudil, puruspursumbund- hee ; mara-maree, means a reciprocal beating, contest, &c. for which and others see the Mo- nitor, Vol. I. p. 404. reciprocally, apoos men, ishtirakun, v. together. to reciprocate, budla,ee-k. duor mooduwvvur-k. The Arabians have a conjugation for this verb, called babi moofa,ilut, v. con, fellow, reciprocity, reciprocation, v.exchangCj&ic.hurkut mcoshturik, moosharikut, ma)|awiz.u, moo,adilu, luzoom, V. participation, &c. recital, tukrar, tukurroor, v. repetition, (narra- tion) buejan, tu,ubeer, zikr, burnun, v. enu- meration. to recite, bueyan- &c. -k. v. to rehearse. reciter, naqil. to reckon, ginna, sha)n)ar-&c. -k. jorna, jortee-, tujweez-k. v. to count, (to build oti) bhurosa-r. bhoolna, utiikna, v. to compute, trust. Sic. reckoner, moohasib, hisab-dan, lekha-dharee, v. calculator, reckoning, giutee, hisab, lekha, tiu,udad, shoomar, bachh, kuoree, v. account, share, 8cc. (faid an host) mol, dam, bench, v. compulation, &c. to reclaim, soodharna, dooroost- arastu-k. bunana, sumbhaina, sunvvarna, v. to tame, reform, to recline, oothungna, tukiyu- asra-d. -lugana, or -k. pur-j. pusurna, v. to lie down, rest, repose, reclined, surnigoon. recluse, khulwut-nusheen, khulwut-goozeen, ek- antee, v. hermit, recognisance, recognition, puhchan, shinakht, jan- puhchan, tu,aroof, khubur, chinh, v. security, moochulka, qurar namu, v. obligation, recol- lection, to recognise, puh,channa, cheenhna, tu,aroof- &c. -r. mu,uloom-k. v. to recollect, remember, recogniser, shinas, shinasa. to recoil, pulut- tukur-khana, pulut-ana, hutna, tulna, V. to recede, shrink. to recollect, yad- &.c. -k. or -lana, S(»dh.k. v. to recognise; to recollect one's self, hosh- uql-, wuqoof-pukurna, istuqlal-b. huwas burja>, huwas jumu- jee ko thikane-k. v. to collect. recollection, yad-awuree, yad, yad-garee, soodh, chet, soort, bodh, uos?iii,v.recognisanceyremem- brance. to recommence, nuye sir se- suri nuo-k. -likh- na, &c. to recommend, tuqreeb- &c. -k. surahna, sompna, sipoord-k. wuseelu kur-d. v. to deliver, pu- hoonchana, rusa-k. v. to ingratiate, praise, (to make acceptable) reejhana, khoosh a,indu-k. uzeez- muqbool-k. v. to commit. 3 X REC 530 REC recommendation, sifarisb, tuqreeb, sifarish-namu, V. commendation, uda, v. grace. recommender, mooqurrib, v. patron, wuseelu. recompence, sumru, phul, juza, mihnutanu, luhna, jubr-nooqsan, iwuz, v. to reward, {equivalent) iwuz, padaiiht, mukafat or mookafat, budlu. to recompence,\x jr- &c. -d. jwuz.-d. khoosh- ra- zee-k. V. to repay, &c. to reconcile, niunana, sooI|h- &c. -k. moowafiq-, humwar-k. niilana, also {to make consistent) burabur- mootbiq-k. v. to restore. reconcileable, mootabiq, burabur, humwar, soo- niel, V. consistent, &c. reconciler, sool,h-kar, sool,h-kooll. reconciliation, reconcilement, mel, buna|0, scDl|h, tusfiju, moosaluhy, milap, milap-jcolap, mu- nuotee, v. agreement, &c. tutbeeq, tutabooq, V. expiation. recondite, mcoghluq, v. profound. to reconnoitre, utkulna, dekhna, bhed-lena, deed baree- qurawulee- gha,eepaiijee-k. sutihan- lena, khubur duriyaft-k. halchal-dekhna, v, to spy. „ , .., . record, duftur, tuwareekh, v register. to record, likhna, dakhil- moondurj- durj-k. duftur men dakhil-k. v. to enter, Stc. recorder, qanoon-go, surishtu-dar, uhli-duftur, duftur-nuwees, waqi,u-nu\vees, waqi,u-nigar, sudur- &c. -nuwees, hoozoor-nuwees, v. regis- ter. to recover, {to cure) c\\aa^2i- uch chjia- suheehool budun-k. shufa- &c. -d. jeena, v. to revive, buhal-k. or -b. v. io restore, sumtaiia, {arms) , kan sunibhalna, {to find out) khoj-r. pa-ruhna, ., V. to discover, {to regain) sudhana, pher-lena, -„. pherpueda-k, pher-lana. v. to reach, repair,- V. n. chunga- &c. -h. aram- &.c. -pana. recoverable, moamk'in oosh-shufa, wusoolee, qabil- wnsool, V. curable, rncninkin col vvusool, mcDm> kin ool hoosoo), milunhar. recovery, sihhut, shufa, chhoottee, chhootkara, buhalee, ifaqu, v. cure, baz-yaft, hcnsool, istih- sal, sadh-sudha,o. to recount, kuhna, nuql- &c. -k. ginana, y. to repeat, relate, particularize. i recourse, roojoou ; to have recourse to, ana, jana, roojoou- ikhtiyar-k. v. to betake, do. recreant, na-murd, bcoz-dil, heez. v. cowardly, apostate, &c. "V to recreate, huhhna, jee-lugana, tazu- khoosh-k. reejhana, tuhuliia, choohlen- &c. -k. v. to re- fresh, delight, Sec. recreation, suer, gool-gusht, tufurrooj, tufreeh- tubu, buhla,o, reejha.o, dil-lugee, kuotook, v. relaxation, phirchul, bhoolchul, phera, choohni, gusht, tulila,o, V. ramble, suer-bazee, v. di- version, {place of) suergah. recreative, furuh-bukhsh, refreshing. ''.' recrement, v. filth, muel, kusafut, v. dross, &c. recruit, nueya sipahee, nuo-nigahdasht, nuo- moolazim, V. supply; to raise recruits, nigah- daslit-k. to recruit, v. to repair, bhur-d. bhurtee- poora-, qulum jaree-k. Vikhnn, v. to levy, tuqwiyut-d. or -bukhslina, v. to strengthen. recruiting, fuoj-bundee. ratification, islah, tus,heeh, sudhawut, v. the verb. to rectify, srodharna, bunana, sadhna, sujaiia, doorcnst- arastu-k. islah-d. v. to correct, sool- jhaiia, V. right, {spirits) do atushu- &c. -k. V. to distil. ,A1CihlM.f;. yUt/M,j^g.1 ,nfc'/dM ('H'A^' "■ recumbency, ittiku, oothunga,ee. -nyViK I'i-r. recumbent, inoottukee, tukiyu-zudu, oolhuhga.' ^ ^ RED 531 REE to recur, y ad- ana, soodh-ana, v. to occur, {to have recourse to) ana, pukurna, roojoou-k. recurrent, ruju «, v. return. red, lal, soorkh, rata, uhmur, lulit, uroon, rut, abeeree, shiingurfee, hiiia.ee qirmizee, mue- goon, goi!abee, lulka, scoka, inulageeree, bimbh, also kundooree, red berries, v. purple, {clothed in) srorkh-posli. A red sort of stuff is called saloo, v. rosy, crimson, &c. to redden, v. a, soorkh- &c. -k- v. to flush, luli- yana, tumtumana; v. n. lal- &c. -h. lultana, ratna. reddish, scorkh-rung, ma,il bu soorkhee, lal-sa. reddishness, soorkh-rungee. to redeem, chhorana, azad- riiia- khulas-k. bu- chana, nikaliia, baz-r. v. to save. redeemer, mcostukhlis, hamee, shufee, ruchhuk, bucha|00, gutkaree. redemption, clihootkara, istiklilas, azadugee, v. release, himayut, shufa.ut, bucha,o, rucbha, V. ransom. red-hot, dhcjepa, lal, lal o lal, bhubhooka, {to make) dheepana, dheekana ; the iron has become red-hot, loha lal hoguya, hot being implied. red-ink, shungurf, muha,oree, ulta, soorkhee. red-lead, sendoor, isrunj, v. minium. redness, soorkhee, lalee, hoomrut, lulita,ee, ur- conta. redolent, v. fragrant, khoosh-bodar, v. to perfume- to redouble, v. a. doochund- doona- doogna-, moozii,uf-k. ; v. n. doochund- &c. -h, v. to increase, redoubt, bukhur-kota, thana, rungurli, v. fort- ress, outtcorks. to redound, v. to rebound, mcomid- tuqwiyut-d. V. to conduce, burhaiia, ziyadu-k. v. to in- crease, proceed, redress, punah, himayut, tudarcok, ilaj, oopa.ce, tudbeer, dad-khwahee, charu-sazee, istighasu, sulah, V. relief, reformation, &c. to redress, tudarook- 8ic. -k. v. to rectify, furi- yad rusee- dad rusee-k. v. to ease, &c. redresser, furiyad-rus, dad-rus, \. justice. Red-sea, buhri-qoolzmni. to reduce, pher-lana, luotana, v. to discuss, re- form, {in arithmetic) torna, v. to change, jorna, buethalna, churhana, v. to set, {to cashier) bur- turuf-k. {to subject or divide) bantna, kurna, V. to class, {to ashes) khak kur-d. v. to con- sume, (pa^)kum shuruh-k. {to diminish) ghut- ana, ootarna, kum- quleel- tukhfeef-k. v. to lessen, {to degrade) gira-d. zer pa- moobtu- zul-k. V. to impair, {to bring into) dalna, lana, jhonkna, {to subdue) mughloob-k. letarna, sur- moosukhkhur- tuskheer-k. leiia, tuhut men lana, v. to take^ make, regulate, 8cc. reduction, ghuta.o, tuqleel, istikhfaf, v. diminu- tion, {of price, &c.) ootar, {of a fracture, &c.) jor, churlia,o, v. division, 8cc. {in arithmetic) tora,o, {subjugation) tuskheer, mughloobiyut, V. degradation, &c. ; reduced pat/, kum-shurh. redundance, boolitat, ziyadutee, izdiyad, foozoo- liyut, kusrut, barli, udhika,ee, ufza,ish, ufzoo- nee, ifrat. redundant, ziyadu, buhoot, udhik, ufzoon, ufzood, za,id, nuizeed, wafir, foozool, wufoor, kuseer, fazil. redundantlj/, ziyadutee- &c. -se, za,id-un. to reduplicate, dolirana, v. to reiterate, reduplication, v. repetition, lupet, dohra,o, v. fold, double, red-wood, buqum, putung. reed, nue, nezu, kilk, nurkut, bans, sur, surkura, nul, surka, dhond, seenkh, gondee, v. cane, {tops) buroo, V. snake, {plantation) nuestan, {pipe) bansree, bunsee, nionrlee, v. tube,- a field of reeds, nue-stau. REF 532 REF reed-grass, putlo, surput, sirkee, sentha, kunda, V. rush, &c. to reek, phamph-clihootna, bhaph-nikulna, v. to smoke, &.c, reel, uterun, churkhee, pureta, k'ulabu, purta, tukla, wuena, lutaiCe. to reel, {yarn, &c.) puretna, uterna, phentee-, lurchha-buiiana, {to stagger) lurburana, tul- mulana, v. to totter. to re-enforce, tuqwiyut-d. ta,eed- zor-d. v. to assist, strengthen. re'enforcement , mudud, v. aid. to re-establish, buhal-k. re-establishment, buhalee. refection, ]\A^^n, v. repast. re/ecfory, jamu-khanu, iii,umut- or toshu-khanu. to refer, v. a. roojooii- roobukai-k. Itjaiia, talna, rukhna, muoqoof-r. sipoord- huwalu-k. sompna, poochh-niuiigwana, poochha-d. v. to ask, reduce/ v. n. luga,o- 8cc. -r. lugiia, v. reference, {to appeal) jann, jhtxkna, raji-h. referee, mur'f], miioqoof-uiueh, v. umpire. reference, Iuga,o, ulaqu, nisbut, moonasubiit, mel, tu,ullooq, poocliharee, v. regard, {appeal) rco- joou, roojoOiat. referrible, qabil-iijau, roojoou-piizeer. to refine, v. a. saf- raoosuffu- iiiimiil-k. muel- katiia, {gold, &c.) khalis-k. khod-nikalna, dahna, v. to melt, turashiia, chiknana, cliheel- chhal-k. sarna, v, pure, {to polish) soodliarna, arastu- moo,udub-k. sajiia; v. n. saf- &c. -h. muel-kutna, \. to purify, scodhurna, v. to im- prove, diqqut- &c. -k. v. refinement. refined, v. the verb, {nice) bareek, duqeeq, goorh, , V. abstruse, refinedly, diqqut- 8cc. -se. refinement, sufa^ee, nirnmlta, chiknahut, turash, V. the verb, arastugee, tuhzeeb, dooroostee, soodhra,ee, v. improvement, &c. {nicety) diq. qut, ncoktu, bareekee, v. artifice, refiner, sufa-bukhsh, (/w comp.) ara, {introducer of subtilties) nooktusunj, bareek-beeii, duqee- qu-sunj, mojduqqiq. to refit, niurumut-k. sajna, sarna, puewund paru- -k. V. to furnish, mend. to reflect, v. n. bichaiiia, sochna, uiideshu- &c. -k. V. to consider, advert, {to censure) tu,un- &c. -k. dokhna, v, to reproach, {to bring blame on a person) ilzani- &c. -lana, v. blame, {as a mirror, &.c.) uks-d. phei- pult;i-d. uks- dikhana, v. to bend, {to bring) deiia, buklish- na, V. to produce. reflection, dhjian, socli, undeshu, fikr, tt.i,umnicDl, tujweez, ghuor, tufukkoor, tusuwvvoor, tudbeer, tuoheen, \, aspersion, cogitation, consideration, thought, {censure) tU|Un, tuslineeu, dokh, v. reproach, {shadow) uks, purchhanheen, prit- bumb. reflective, moonu,ukis, pulta|0o, pritbumbee. reflector, mootu,umiI, {in comp.) uiidesh, v. con- templative. reflex, iiJu,ukoqs, v. backward. refiexible, uks-piizeer, qabili-iiks, mcnmkiii col uks, pulutne-jog refluent, baz-gushtee, pulta,oo. reflux, ootar, bhatha, juzr, baz-gusht, pulta,o ; the flux and reflux, mudd o juzr. to reform, v. a. buuaiia, soodharna, sunwarna, dojroost- theek- arastu-k. islah-d. surinuo-k. sadhna, sarna, sant- ta,ib-k. sajna; v. n. bun- na, soodliurna, sunwuriia, sudhna, sujna, theek- &c. -h. rast- &c. -a. v. to improve. reformation, reform, islah, tuhzeeb, sood,hra,ee, tadeeb, sudha.o, suwunra,o, tuqwa, hida)!ut, V. improvement. .. .^ i, i reformer, mooslih, adeeb, mooluizzib, sadhunhar, r. guide. REF b88 REG to refract, arna, rokna, mootufurruq- inoontu- gliur-k. refraction, intishar, inikas, v. reflexion, refractoriness, sur-kusliee, gurdun-kusliee, mug- ra.ee, dheetha,ee, tutnurrood, inhiraf, v. unru- liness. refractory, sur-kush, gurdiin-kusli, nnigra, dheeth, dhoort, mootuinurrid, mt»nhurif, ue- ghur, V. disobedient, rebellious. to refrain, v. a. thambna, sumbhalna, utkana, bund-k. baz-r. durgcozur- baz-ana, pher-, liutuk ruhna, nioonli-r. v. to abstain, restrain ; V. n. purhez- ihtiraz- inkar- ijtinab- sun- juni-k. baz-ruhna, v. to forbear ; refrain from acids, toorsliee se moonh rukho, v. to keep. refrangible, iiitisliar-pii7.eer, v. reflexible. to refresh, biililaua, tazu dum- tazu- sursubz-, mooturra- klioosh-k. {to rest) asoodu-k. soost- ana, buhuliia, v. to retouch, shadab- turotazii- -k. {to cool) surd- thundha-k. refresher, buhlaoo, nuzhiit-biikhsh, tiirawut- bukhshjtazugee-bukhsli. refreshing, nioofurrih, sooliawun, kliqosh-a|iiidu, V. refresher. , refreshment, aram, asa.ish, istlrahut^ rahut, soskh, chuen, sliadabee, turotazugee, asoodugee, v. ease, &c. iltar, panee, adhar, khiirna, dal- bhog, ptiiith, {as food) jul-paii, v. rest, &c. to refrigerate, purwurdu-k. v. to cool, &c. refuge, puiinh, unin, aman, mulaz, surun, niu- was, pala, asra, v. protection, shelter, asylum, {expedient) ilaj, tudarook, oopa e, charu, v. re- medy ; to take refuge, punah-lena or -pukurna, V. to shelter, &c. refugee, zinharee, zinhar-kWah, inuwasee, pu- i«ih-gcer, surunuek, destyagee, be-vvutunee. refulgence, tujullee, julwa, noor, ruoshanee, tab, tabaiiee, jol, dooti, chiluk, v. splendour. refulgent, juUvu-guT, jot-man, ruosiiun, tab-nak, tabai), mronuwwur, nooiaiiee. refund, wapusee, phirta. to refund, pher-d. wapus- moosturid-k. v. to re- turn. refusal, in,k'ar, iiufee, nukar, na-puzeeree, v. re- jection, iba, nah, uhan, oolioon, nuhkar, v. denial. refuse, adj. na-piisuiid, v. bad, ootar, jootha, rud- dee, phonk, phokiir, oogal, scethee, jhootjiee, leejhee, jharun, kusafut, gUrgoodur, v. dregs, rubbish; the refuse, fcnzlu, akhor, chhaiit, seet- hee, khiilee, khood, muel, kho,iya, peena, {of silk, &c.) phunsoo,a. to refuse, nukama, pher-d. na pusund- in,kar-k, nil qubool-k. nu lena, iiulieen- &c. -k. puli- loo tihee-d. sulb- rudd- ukliz-k. iieendiia, na- kee-d. juwab-d. v. to deny, reject. ' refuser, niooiiikir, nuhkaree, v. denier. refutation, bootlan, ibtal, rudd, khundita,ee. to refute, khundiia, katna, jhoothalna, jhootha-, bati!- rudd- niurdood- muiisookh-k. ghulut- thuhrana. to regain, pher pana or -pukurna, v. to gain, &c. regal, padshahee, khoosruwee, padshahanu, khoos- ruwanu, inulookanu, v. royal, rajusee, rajwuu- tcc, shuhanu, alee-shan, v. imperial. to regale, gud gud- nibal k. v. refreshment, sur- n.ustee-k. v. to junket, carouse, refresh, &c. regalia, padshuhanu- usbab, luwaziuiat sultunut. regality, padshahee, padshahut, v. royalty, realm. regard, {attention) dhyan, chet, soch, bichar, ghuor, undeshu, purwa, cbinta, fikr, tu,uni- mool, mcnlahuzii, iltifat, tuwujjosh, v. care, {esteem) moohubbut, ikhlas, v. affection, s«- koch, adur, sun man, m^n, manta, rcosookhi- yut, {allowance) ri.ayut, v. concession, respect, {look) nigah, nuzur, drisht, tuk, v. note, &c.j REG 534 REG with regard to, huqq men, pur, waste, v. about, also relation. to regard, (to consider) janna, ginna, shoomar-k. V. to esteem, (to observe) ghuor- &c. -k. bi- charna, soclina, chetna, taknn, (to attend to) manna, mootuwiijjih-k. iltifat- &c. -k. soonna, khatir men-lana, jee-d. poochhna, v. to mind, to care, moolahizu- khatir- rookh- dil- moonb-, mun- Sec. -r. v. sake, (to respect) chahna, pyara- uzeez- moo.uzzuz- moohturim-janna, ▼. to venerate, {to refer to) lugna, ulaqu- &c. -r. V. reference. regardful, sochee, chetoo, khubur-dar, luoleen, V. attentive, regardless, u-chet, gliafil, kahil, be-fikr, be- purwa, u-cliint, be-muhabu, la-purvva, v.fear' less, careless, &c. regardlessness, v. inattention, be-fikree, tughafoo- lee, V. neglect, regency, tuhukhoom, hookoomut, bund o bust, soobu-daree, wikalut, wukeelee, riyasut, sur- kar, V. dominion, government (district) soobu, also the soobu-dar, v. regent. to regenerate, pher pueda-k. surinuo-k. regenerated, nuo-pueda. regeneration, nuo-pueda,ish, nya-junum. regent, v. regency, qa|im-muqam, na,ib, v. vice- roy, wukeel-mootluq, raj-munturee, v. ruler, minister, administration. regicide, padshah-koosh, raja-ghatee, iiirp-ghatee, {the crime) padshah-kooshee, nirp-ghat. rfcgimen, tudbeer i ghiza, purhez, puth, pur- hezee-gliizu, teemar, v. diet, food, {of words), ri,ayut, umul, v. government. regiment, salaree, toomun, dustu, jooth, rusalu, also a troop, v. battalion, juma,ut, {of 2,200) baiCesee, which was raised by Shoojau-ood- Duolu, on the European model, and composed solely of Moo?ulmans, whom he chose to term nujeeb, a word now much used, and synoni- mous with our idea of a volunteer, cavalier, or genteman soldier, v. noble. t regimental, pultunee, v. military. , region, moolk, des, uqleem, murzuboom, surzu- meen, deep, v. climate, country, qutu, zilu, tu ruf, tubuq, lok, v. division, {of the body, &,c.) khund, V. district, duyar, khiUu, shuhur, v. country, {of the air) kooruh, {conquered, &c.) dar ool hurb; the upper regions, alum i bala surug-lok. register, duftur, tuwareekh, put, v. roll, record, paper, pat, nuqui-putta, qubalii, toomar, tuo- jeeh, bukara, v. deed, mootuwuilee, qanoon- go, mujmooudar, v. clerk, {in comp.) nuwees, whence hoozoor-nuwees, itlaq-nuwees, awarju- nuwees, qubalu-nuwees, with a whole string of nuweeses, too numerous for insertion here, {recorde}-) surishtu-dar, duftur-bund, umeen i duftur, duftur-nuwees, put-waree. to register, duftur men dakhil-k. v. to record. registry, duftur-khanu, patgeh, v. office, to regorge, cogul-d. v. to vomit. regret, ufsos, tu.ussoof, mulola, soch, goonawun, husrut, kuchat, duregh, soz, durd, musosa, puchta,ee, muror, tuhussoor, v. sorrow, {feign- ed) shimatut, v. grief, concern. to regret, puchhtana, ufsos- &c. -khana, ghum- -k. kuchotna, kunmunana, rona, musosna, musmusana, duhukna, muroriia, v. to lament. regress, regression, puIta,o, phira,o, mukharij, khoorooj, niksar, nikas, v. egress. regular, burabur, theek, ba-qa,idu, qiyasee, ba- qureenu, moontuzum, dcarcost, arastu, soo- duol, V. orderly, mooqueyud, qanoonee, bund o bustee, humvvar, sunudee, intizamee, bidh- wutee, soodhra, prutishthit, v. consistent, {even) eksan, be-kum ziyad^, saf, eksa, v. REI 535 RI^L smooth, {troops) nujeeb, v. regiment, methodi- cal. regulariti/, qa,idu, qiyas, qureenu, turteeb, inti- T-am, bund o bust, sijil, ousloob, kutkuna, sijil- bundee, qureeiiu-bundee, v. consistenci/, thuor- thikana, sudha,o, smihan, bundhan, bundhej, ' bidhwut, V. order, rule, method. regularly, turteeb- &c. -se, ba-qa,idu, v. exactly. to regulate, duol pur-lana, turteeb- &c. -d. moo- ruttub- &c. -k. sajna, sadhna, bunana, bura- bur-k. sarna, theek thak-k. v. to adjust, to direct, &c. regulation, saj, sujao, v. the verb, intizam, zubto rubt, arastugee, bund o bust, nizamut, tureeq, a^een, reet, zabitu, tudbeer, sconnut, v. plan, kutkuna, dustoor ool umul, v. ordinance, rule. regulator, mooruttib, nazini, zabit, rabit, bidh- wutkaree, sudhanee. to regurgitate, v. n. pher-nikulana, oogul-purna, pulut- pher-ana ; v. a. cogul-d. pulut-d. rehearsal, tukrar. to rehearse, {to repeat) tukrar-k. dohrana, doo- bara-kuhna, v. to practise, mushq-k. v. to re- count, relate. to reject, pherna, na pusund- na munzooi*- rudd-, murdood- niutrook-k. nikal-d. randna, door- -k. huzf-k. juwab-d. na musnioou-k. phenk- iia, ulqut-k. v. to dismiss, cogulua, oochhalua, V. to regurgitate, refuse. rejected, {cloth, &.c.) phiita, y'rom phernn, to re- ject or return, whence however our Indian _/"er- reted, as if bad cfoths required ferret's eyes to detect and reject theui in India- mure than an^' where else. rejection, rudd, phera,o, turdeed, v. return, cng- la,o, oocbhai, na-qiibooli>ut, v. refusal, also the verb. reigle, ghur, v. grove. reign, sultunut, padshahee, raj, umul, jcoloos, singhasun, rajkar, v. dominion, time. to reign, sultunut- &c. -k. rajna, birajna, v. to prevail. reigning, v. fashionable, common, &c. musnud- nusheen, tukht-nusheen, sahib-tukht, jooloo- see ; the year of the reign, sun jaoloosee. to reimburse, dena, puta,e- bhur- iwuz- tawan-d. dand-bhurna. reimbursement, iwuz, lawan, dand. rein, bag, inan, ras, bagdor, zimam, \. bridle; to give the reins, bag dheelna. to rein, bag pur-lana, thamna, sunibhalna, rokna, utkana, v. to restrain. reins, goarde, {pi. of goordu, a kidney) kumur, lunk, kuti, v. loins. to reinstate, buhal-k. pher-r. reinstatement, buhalee. to rejoice, v. n. khrosliee-k. reejhna, hoolusna, khcosh- khcorruni- shadman- bagh bagh-, inusroor, prisun- gud gud-h. ruhusna, rus- lena or -lootna, v. to felicitate, oobhna.liurukh- na, gajna, khiinn, bilusnu, shigooftu-h. sroroor- -k. dhudhana, dhoomen-muchana, bughlen- bujana, {at an enemy's downfall) dil kc phu- phoie-phootna, v. to exult, &c. ; v. a. reejhana, hoolsana, ruhsana, khoash- &.c. -k. rejoicer, shad-man, anundee, v. glad. rejoicing, khooshee, shadee, klimsh-halee, ju^, mungulchar, phoolawut, v. feasting, gladness. to rejoin, pher-jorna, {to reply) rudd i juwab-k. rejoinder, rudd i juwab, put oottur, v. rebutter. to reiterate, tihrana, tikhrana, dohrana, pher- lena, v. to repeat, reiteration, tihra,o, tikhrawut, v. repetition. relapse, uod i inurz, dolha.o, tilha.o, dohrao, iya- du, V. return, to relapse, pher-pnchhurna, pher beeoiar punia, REL 536 REL pher-biguinia, doluhna, tiluhna, dobara-girna, V. to return. , to relate, v. a. kuhiia, iiiiql- &c. -k. or -lana, sooiiaiia, bukhaiiiia, v. to tell, recount ; v. ii. ulaqn- Sec. -v. lugiia, milna. related, irunqool, niuzkoor, niurwee, (fty Wooc?, &c.) rishtii-dar, qureeb, nmnsoob, nutuet, sumbundhee. relater, naqii, go,indu, hakee, ruwee, bukta, (in comp.) go. relation, (connexion, q. v.) lupta, tu,ulIooq, nis- biit, also (of kindred) rishtii, naUi, biraduree, kheshee, qurabut, bha,ee cliara, sumbundh, gota, siiga,ee, soodra,ee, upnuetee, rabitu, quo- uiiyut; V. affinity, (matrimonial) izar-bundee, lishtu-buudee, V. consanguiniti/, relative, (nar- ration) bu}an, ttiqreer, zikr, cburcba, dastaii, kueliyut, zuban-buiidee, v. declaration, muz- koor, V. mention, narrative, tale. relations, puranee, kliesh-qurabut, v./rt»wf/y. relative, (kinsman) risbtu-dar, risbtu-muiid, sug- ga, qureeb, bha,ee, ))uradur, kcotcnmb, qooru- bii, pi. uqrooba, khuleet, qiirabat, iiqaiib, khesh, nisbutee, ilaqu-dar, gotuet, gotiya- bha.ee, upna,et, suga, soodra, v. related, (as four parents are to each other whose children intermarry) sunidhee, sumdhun, (not absolute) puruspuiee, bimisbut, arizee, furzee, v. acci- dental, (pronoun) laju, moozinir, kuhburee; a relative, ism i muosool, v. pronoun. relative, adj. iiiootu,iilluq, nunisoob. relatively, niunsoobun, nisbutun, bu-i>isbut, ke- nuzdeek, ke-hisab. relaliveness, muusoobijiit, ttiullooq. to relax, v. a. dheela- soost- &c. -k. (to ease) buhlana ; v. n. dheela- &c. -h. v. to remit. relaxation, dheel, dheela, ee, soostee, zholeedugee, kahilee, mujhoolee, kooshadugee, tufunnoon, iuiuTn\h,\. amusement, &LC. (of the urethra) bin-kooshad, perhaps impotence, v. remission, recreation, Sic. < / relaxed, dheela, soost, zholeedu, kahil, niujhool, koosbadu. relay, ghore kee chuokee, ghore ke dak. release, chhoottee, riha,ee, azadee, khuiasee, niukhlisee, roddhar, nujat, wagoozasht, chhoot- kara, cbhora,o, chhorawa, v. relief, intermis- sion, &.C. (from an obligation) safee-namii, ooddhar-putur, v. discharge. to release, cbhorna, chhorana, azad- riha- khulas-, mukhlisee- &c. -k. or -d. v. to loose. to relent, v. n. puseejna, pighulna, ma)la,im-, nurni- momdil-b. ; v. a. moolaiitn- &c. -k. pighlaiia, puseejana, v. to melt. relentless, siing-dil,siikht, be-ruhm, be-durd, be- mihr, kuttur, kuthor, nithoor. reliance, bhurosa, as, asra, biswas, bavvur, i|Uli- bar, tuwukkcol, tuqwiyut, tukiyu, v. trust. relic, relics, (sacred) turbunook, purshad, v. corpse, remainder, (remains) sunth. relict, bewu, rand, v. widow. relief, aram, tuklifeef, tuskeen, tusullee, sookh, chuen, kul, v. I'espile (assistance) inudud, goohar, poosbtee, tuqwiyut, v. comfort, (of a sentinel) [)hera, budlee, lubdeel, (remedy) ilaj, \. justice. to relieve, aram- &c. -d. -k. or -lana, (to suc- cour) thamna, sumbhabia, mudud- &c. -d. dustgeeree-k. oopkar-k. v. to assist, (a senti- nel) budlee-kuraiia, (hi/ law) f'uriyad rusee-, charu sazee-k. v. to right. reliever, furiyad-rus, dust-geer, proshtee-bau, (in comp.) purwur, nuwaz, paluk, v. protec- tor, &c. relievo, v. supra, oobhar, v. boldness. religion, deen, muzhub, kesh, millut, mushrub, eeman, dhurum, path, shuru, tureequ, v. law, REM 537 REM virtue, {of the Mcosulmans) islam, iiioosulma- nee. religionist, mnotu,iissib, moo,utuqid, kuth-bhugut. religious, deen-dar, eeman-dar, mmtudueyin, sa lih, parsa, nek, dhurmee, puthee, bhugut, mootu,ubid, sunt, sadhoo, bueshnuo, v. vir- tuous, croisade, numazee, poojeree, dhurmat- ma, moDiushurri, islamee, v. devout/ a reli- gious discourse, kliootbu, v. exact. religiously, deendaree- &c. -se, v. reverently. religiousness, deen-daree, eeman daree, tudueyun, diyanut, bhugta,ee, v. piety. to relinquish, clihorna, tyagna, tiijna, tiirk-k. tuobu-k. hath-dhona or -oothana, guyee-k. jaiie-d. goozurna, v. to forbear. relinquishment, tuik, cbhootkaia, v. the verb. relish, niuzu, luzzut, suwad, za.iqu, rus, abnu- muk, (devil) guzuk, kubootiir buchii, chat, V, poppy, taste, {just perceptible) bo, bas, (liking) chuska, chat, shuoq, rughbut, khwa- hish, cliah, lut, v. desire, manner. to relish, V. a. mu^udar- khoosh z.a,iqu- luzeez-, suwadik-k. chikhna, lugna, mu,uloom-d. v. to seem, appear, (to like) chahna, shuoq- &c. -r. V. n. muzudar- &c. -h. bo-r. v. to taste, please. reluctance, duregh, ufsos, be-dilee, burkbastu- dilee, oodasee, be-munee, kusheedugee, chit- hut, kheech, na-khooshee, v. dislike, repug- nance. reluctant, kusheedu, kusheedu-khatir, burkhas- tu-khatir, be-dil, be-mun. to be reluctant, duregh-r. or-k. rookna, kheech- rulina. reluctantly, inuninarke,bemun, chhiyapapa, char- nuchar. to rely, bhurosa- &c. r. tukiyu-k. ruhna, bhool- na, jana, bhurumna, v. reliance. to remain, (to be left) baqce-h.ooburna, chhoot- na, utukna, buchna, nikulna, pura- rum- ruhna, (to continue, q, v.) tikna, thuhurna, khupiia. V. to stay, (to exist) bona. remains, moordu, niittee, v. vestige, bier, junazu, musan, v. carcase. remainder, buclitee, baqee, (pi, baqiyat) titim- mu, buqiyu, mabuqee, v. refuse. to remand, baz khwast-k. v. to demand. remark, bat, kuha, buchun, quel, gooftar, nigali, nuzur, V. observation. to remark, kuhna, furmana, irshad-k. (to ob- serve) ghuor- &c. -k. dhyan-k. dekhna, khu- bur-r. V. to see, &c. remarkable, ujub, ujeeb, ujoobu, uchumbha, ujeeb o ghureeb, nadir, u-poorub, v. uncom- mon, remarkahleness, ncodrut, upoorubta. remarkably, buhoot, nihayut. remediable, oopa,e-jog, ootjogee, qabil-ilaj, ilaj- pizeer, islah-pizeer. remediless, v. helpless, la-ilaj, lachar, v. irreme- diable. remedy, ilaj, charu, tudarook, tudbeer, oopa.e, jutun, ootjog, duwa, islah, durmun, mcD,aluju, charu-sazee, bus, v. nostrum, medicine. to remedy, ilaj- &c. -k. bunana, sumbhalna, mit- ana, v. to cure, rem in re', qulum-duwat, sila,ee-soorniudan, to remember, chetna, yad- &c. -k. or -r. khatir inen-r. sooinurna, khatir nishan-h. v. to recol- lect, (to recognise) puhchanna, cheenhna, (to mention) zikr- muzkoor-k. churclia-k. {to re- mind) yad- &c. -dilana, chuta- khubur-d. v. to inform, rememberer, soortkaree, liafiz, mcnhuddis. remembrance, yad, chet, soodh, soort, yad-awuree, also (token) yad-garee, sumjhuota yad-dasht, V. memory, mention. 3 Y REM 538 REM rememhrancer, yad-dih, mootunubbih, mookhbir, to remind, yad- &c. -dilana, mootunubbih-k. chetana. remiss, soost, dheela, mujhool, ghafil, kahil, us- kutee, thundha, nurm. remission, tukhfeef, nurmee, ri.aj'ut, v. abate- ment, allowance, chhoot, ronga,ee, mungnee, lawagholee, v. discount, pulkhut, soobihta, v. t»- due, check, repression, rooka,o, shikust, sbikustugee, kusr, V. the verb, reprieve, wuqfu, mcohlut, imlial, cbhootkara, jan-bukbsbee, v. pardon, release, to reprieve, wuqfu- mrohlut-d. rn'»naHf/, chusbm-noonia.ee, jhurkee, ghoorkee, zujir, mulamut, surzunisb, iizam, dokh, tarna, tarup.nuseehnt, tu,uzeer, jtab, \. reprehension, bat, liurf, kunuenthee. to reprimand, dantna.duputna, dokhnajhurukna, ghosmkna, jharna, surzunish- &c. -k. dub- kana, dutana, gosbmatee-k. v. reproof. reprisal, budbi, iwuz., intiqam, buer, wuel, ogub, kob, (to make) guha-niarna, gal-iiiania. reproach, tu,un, tii,unu, nuilamnt, dojsbnam, ga- lea, bolee, tuiiz, tn,unnoot, istihza, niibna, tuo- beekh, v. blame, censure, {shame) laj, nung, ar, ueb, kulunk, v. scandal. to reproach, t" iiii- &c. - k. lutaiiia, Ui^unu-marna, duiiiiu, ghin-d. rtproacher, tunnaz, t:a,in. rejiroachful, poor-Ui,un, inularnut-amez, (vile) iiiu,uyoob, zuboon, iia-sha,istu, rooswa-saz, lujawun, V. shameful. reproachfully, tii,un- &c. -se, v. infamously. reprobate, guya gooz'ura, sutyanas, kburab, kbus- tu, khwar, kburubatee, s . profligate. to reprobate, inutoon- murdood- rudd-k. muloon- jana, thoi) thoo- mulamut- k. v. to curse, reject. reprobated, mutoon, v. the verb, also abaiuloned. reprobateness, znlaJut, khurabee, sutyanasee, v. profligacy. i -v ■"» *..',• • . reproof, gosh-malce, tanin, dantsans, tuhdeed, V. reprimand. to reprove, tarna- k. sansna, v. to censure. reprover, ta,in, tu,una-zun, taruk. reptile, keera, mukora, kirm, moonmoona, bhoon- ga, kbuzeedu; reptiles of the earth, hushrat oul urz. republic, ijmau, jumhoor, guroh, jatiia, v. us- sembliy, public. to repudiate, tulaq-d. tyag-k. chhorua, nikalna, babur kur-d. repudiation, tulaq, tyag, (temporary) zihar, v. to divorce. repM<7na«ce,(con-y.i^»j!'^' requisitely, zuroorutun, biz-zuroornt. requisiteness, zuroorut, loozoom, moonasibut, v. need, &c. requisites, sub. lazimu, luwazim, zurooriyat, sa- man, surunjam, usbab, musalih, samigree, tila- zima, V. materials, requisition, request, iltija, v. solicitation, ijazut- khwahee, tuqazu, iqtizu, isti,anut, muUiuot, , V. e.raction. requital, iwuz, budlu, intiqam, padasht, juza, suza, mukflfat, dand, v. return, to requite, iwuz- &c. -d. bhoogtaua, phirana. to be requited, a,id- pher-ana, pulutna.bhoogootna. resale, baz-furoshee. to rescind, v. to abolish, ootha-d. muoqoof-k. v. to repeal. rescript, furman, hookm-namu, munshoor. rescue, mukhlusee, jiyadan, v. release. to rescue, chhorana, nikalna, khulas- azad- riha-, -k. V. to save. resctier, rihanindu. ■;»«»»«* .f-wvii*-. iV research, khoj, tulash, tufteesh, sooragh, tu,um- mooq, V. investigation. to research, khojna, tulash- &c. -k. v. to search, resemblance, mooshabuhut, buraburee, luga,o, milap, mel, chhoo,a,o, tumseel, shubeeh, nu- zeer, ishtubah, sumanta, jhoonuk, v. likeness, similitude, toresemble, milna, lugna, puma, jana, hona,ma3- shabuhut- &c. -r. mooshabih- moomasil- 8cc. -h. V. like, {to compare) milana, lugana, tush- beeh-d. nuzeer-lana, v. to liken. resembling, manind, misal, {in comp.) war, anu, wush, goon, sa, v. like. to resent, khoojna, boora- 8cc. -manna, v. bad, ill, buer-lana, v. to revetige, guranee-lana. resentfal, resenter, zood-runj, keenu-wur,keenu- kush, toochh. resentingly , kefenu wuree- &c. -se. resentment, keenu, booghz, udawut, buer, kg, kanee, kudoorut, v. anger, reservation, luga,o, lus, riya, riya-karee, doo- rungee, kuput, v. reserve, hypocrisy, custody, reserve, oobar, v. reservation, {custody) ihtiyat, lihaz, chinta, v. prudence, giriftugee, kushee- dugee, kheech, uench, istadugee, tukulknf, sunkoch, v. modesty, exception, ceremony, {condition) shurt, v. salvo, store; tell him without reserve, cos se be higa,o kuho. to reserve, ruk,hna, oobarna, buclia-r. ruk,h- chhorna, le-ruk,hna, dab- luga-r. jogana, pu- sundaz k. v. to keep. reserved, shurmeela, lujeela, muhjoob, sunko- chee, poor-hijab, v. coy, {sullen) rookha, un- mila, na ashna mizaj, pcombu-duhun, giriftu, RES 643 RES kum-sookhun, moo,e moonli ka, be-rus, v, hum- drum, cautious, reservedly, ihtiyat- &c. -se, v. cautiously, wus- was- &c. -se, v. scrupulously. reservedness, rookjia.ee, poombu-duhunee, v. re- serve. reservoir, {of water) huoz, talab, pokhra, saq- abu, pitdha, v. store, to reside, nilina, bnsna, tikna, ghur-k. buetji- rabna, sukoonut-r. v. to live. residence, ghur, mukan, muskun, muqam, mawa, iqamut, qiyam, busgit, bood o bash, riibas, usthan, thakun, muskunut, v. abode, dwelliny. resident, bueth wa|ek,usthanik,nibasee, mukeen, mootumukin, (rii,ueyut) khoodkasht, chhu- purbund, opposed to non-resident, q. v. pahee- kasht, V. inhabitant, (agent) wukeel, (among the English, perhaps iraproperly,) suzawul, bnra sahib, v. envoy, &c. residue, baqee, tutixnniu, buchtee, v. remainder. to resign, chhorna, tujna, tyagna, tnrk-k. isti a- fu-d. dust burdar-h. hath-dhona, guyee-k. durgoozurna, ibra,e zimrau-h. v. to yield, {to consign) sompna, tusleem-k. umanut-r. v. to trust, (to give) dena, de-dahia, bukhshna, {to providence) tuwukkool-r. or -k. mcntuwukkil- -b. V. to submit, resignation, turk, isti,afu, tyagta, istibru,isteefu, (to providence) tuwukkcol, t-ahummojl, ukas- brit, nispreeh, v. patience, {submission{ tubue- yut, mratabu,ut, tabi-daree, adehenee. resigned, v, patient, (to/ate) razee buruza, ukas- birtee, v. the verb. resin, dhoona, dhoop, kura,el, ral, chemp. to resin, dhoopna, v. gum. to resist, thambhna, rokna, nimqabulu- &c. -k. lurna, arna, ntkana, talna, buraburee-k. v. to disobey, {as a wall) muzbootee-k. thuhuma, V. to rest. ' -v^m«ir<«>tit resistance, mooqabulut, moozahumat, rok tok, zor, mooqawimut, v.op/)asj7io» ; non-resistance, ghuer-mooqawimut. resistless, u-thumbh, be-rok. resolvable, sadharun, qabil i hull, hull-pizeer. resoluble, qabil i goodaz, glioola,oo, gula oo. to resolve, (to determine) hicharna, qusd- &c.-k. thanna, thuhrana, kumur-b. puer-ropaa or -garna, (to solve) hull- moonhull-k. butlana, gum-k. (»M>ia•- J. V. resplendently, tujullee- &c. -se. J*-»>-'-too;(, response, v. answer, juwab, v. to reply. responsibility, v. risk, munuotee, juwab dihee, bhurum, v. credit, responsible, juwab-dih, zuman, kufeel, (credit- qhle) moo,utubur, i,utibaree, bhurmee, v. to answer. ' ific'tj .vo.nf ' s to be responsible, juwab-d. zimmu-k. zaminee-, nishan-d. beech-purna. responsibleness, kufalut, zumanut, zaminee, i,uti- bar, moo,utuburee. responsive, ja-wahee siiwa\ee, v. correspondent. rest, aram, sc»kh, sookoon, qurar, asa,ish, itmee- nan, chuen, kul, v. calm, usthirta, istirahut, asoodugee, v. composure, furaghut, foorsut, v. cessation, ease, suen, nichul, lotpot, v. nap, (pause) muqfu, utuk, v. stop, (sleep) neend, kliwab, V. death, (support) tek, ar, thambh, tukiyu, asra, v. hope, (remainder) baqee, ooba- roo, mabuqee, also (others) uor, obi. uoron, gliuer, obi. ghueron, ugle, obi. uglon ; among the rest, uzanjoomlu, ulahuzulqiyas ; the rest, uor sub, baqee saqee. to rest, (to repose) v. n. aram-k. letna, sona, also (to die) raurna, v. to sleep, (fromlabour, &c.) soostana, dum-lena, v. to breathe, (to stop)\ikna, thuhurna, buethna, urna, thumbh- na, utukna, ooturna, v. to light, (a firelock) ghootne pur-d. (to continue) ruhna, v. to re- main, (to he at rest) sakin- usthir-li. be hur- kut-li. soon-h. V. still, (to be satisfied) razee-h. qubool-k. manna, (to lean on) tukiyu- &c. -k, oothunghna, also (fo- depend on) muoqoof-, moonhusur- bundhej-h.; v. a. aram- &c. -d. ruk.hna, v. to place, &,c. restiff, muchla, mugra, chulbidhra, gurdun-kush, sur-kush, bud-rikab, uruel, uruyul, v. unma- nageable, obstinate. j^ j^^v «,v^,jiij^. to be restiff, muchla,ee- &c. k. .?i^&t oV^t RES 545 RET restifness, miichla.ee, mugra.ee, chulbidhra.ee, gurdun-kusliee, sur-kushee. restitution, istirdad, wapusee, phira,o. restless, bc-aram, be-qurar, be kul, nir-usfhir, be-chuen, byakool, moozturib, v. turbulent, oojug, be-dar, bhukkur-cbal, para, v. volatile restlessly, be aramee- &c. -se.- restlessness, be-aramee, be-quraree, be-kulee, iztirab, v. giddy, oojugta, be-daree, v. unstea- diness.,. \ restoration, istirdad, buhalee, baz-dihee, v. re- turn, recovery. restorative, poosht, mooquwwee, shufa bnkhsh. to restore, v. to return, pher-d. wapus- moostu- rud-k.pher-lana,sumbhalna,bunana,dooroosl-, biilial- khura-k. v. to recover, retrieve, cure, correct. restorer, ba-halkar, tazugee-bukhsh, mota,oo, {in comp.) bukhsh. to restrain, rokna, iitkana, arna, chheiikiia, thambhua, snrabhalna, zubt- &c. -k. dubana, bandhna, biind-k. baz-r. torna, kha-j. v. to repress, suppress, pher-r. morna, khuenchna, V. to pull, [the breath) cborana, sadhna, v. to stop, qoirq-k. v. to sequestrate, {to abridge) ghutana, kum-k. {to limit) muhsoor- hiisur-k. bundhej-&c. -k. v. to confine, forbid. restrainable, qabil coz-zubt, rokne-jog. restrainer, zabit, nianj, rokwuja, tuoozahiin, v. obstructor, restraint, rok, utka.o, qued, bund, zubt, tii,ui- rooz, bundhej, be-muqdooree, v. constraint, hindrance, mend, hudd, inhisar, v. limitation, to restrict, &c. v. to restrain, limit, &c. rM^r/W/on.hudd-bundee, inhisar, v./oc/rcMWsm6e restringent, bundhejee, v. astringent, result, V. effect, phul, hasil, muhasil, nikas, ui- chor, sumru, nuteeja, baz-gusht, \. fruit, i/t- /crenre, suwurnuni,khamijazu,v.con«eyMence, end, resolution. to result, ciot,hna,nikalna, milna, pueda- nuteeju-, -h. oopiijna, phulna, v. to rise, rebound. resumable, phirta, phirun-jog, bazyaft-pazeer, baz-yaftunee. to resume, pher-lena, pher-pukurna, pher ikhti- yar- baziyaft-k. (a discourse, &c.) pher shoo- rooii-k. resumption, baz-yaftee, v. the verb. resurrection, bu,us o nusbr, roost-khez, hushr, qiyamut, \)nr\i\e,v. judgment, doomsday, furda, purluekal, hushr o nushr, v. day. to resuscitate, moordu-jilana, uhiya-k. v. to re- vive. to retail, khoordu-bechna, phoot kur-bechna, kluurdn furoshee-k. phootgut-bechna, be- chakhonchee-k. retailer, phootgutee, khoordu-furosb, toot-poon- jiya, kboordiyu, dookanee, opposed to thok- dar, kothee-wal, a wholesale dealer. lo retain, ruk,hna, luga,e-r. pukurna, tikana, pher- dab- utka,e-r. mar-lena or ^buethna, huzm-k. pucliana, v. to seize, {to contain) pee- kha-j. marna, v. to restrain, {counsel,&c.) upnana, ganthna, rok-r. v. to engage ; v. n. rubua, luga-rubna, v. to keep, &c. retainer, liiga-lipta, damun-geer, rufeeq, moosa- hib, V. dependant, to retaliate, budiu- &c. -lena, iwuz- &c. -d. v. to re^«r?ej jhugra-pukurna, jhugur-dhurna, v. ' reprisal, also to revenge. retaliation, v. requital, jwuz, budlu, buer, maka fat, juza, qisas, v. revenge. to retard, utkana, rokna, mani-h. hnrj-lakheer-, -k. peechhe-d. v. to delay. retardation, utka,o, moomanu,ut, v. hindrance, retarder, utka,oo, ukajee, nianj, inoozahim, harij. to retch, phenk-d. cbhandna, okna, v. to vomit _ 3 Z RET 546 RET retention, imsak, juma,o, thumbha.o, pukur (me- mory) hafizu, hifz, suina.ee, v. capacitt/, bun- dhej, girift, v. hold, restraint, {science of) ind- ree bujiee ; causing retention, (medicines, &c.) thutnbha,oo, nioonisik, imsakee, iinsak-awur, bundhej-karee. retentive, hafiz garha, buiidhejee, incoinsik, qa- biz, moowakhiz, v. capacious, {as a memory) wiiseeu, bura, v. good. reticular, reliform, reticulated, jalee, jal-dai, mooshubbuk, jhunjhree-dar. retinue, jilo, suwaree, qor, hushum o kbidum, toozook, zuel, sathee suiighafee, v. attendant, train. to retire, v. n. jata-ruhna, ootb-j. sidhaina, bur khast'h. cluile-jana, chhip-j. ot- alug- kiiiaie- -hojana, turuh de jaua, hut- dub-j. rooposh-li. purde- ojliul-liojaua, coth-chulna, v. to depart, withdraw, {to retreat) puhloo tiliee-k. [to go into retirement) goshu nien-j. v. to resign, tkc. {from the public) ghui-buethna, ukela-li. v. alone, bicliulua, tulua, »urukua, chulna, (from the world) tuik rod droniya-k. v. renunciation, {before an enemy) ghooiighut-khana, v. to re- move; V. a. chhipana, rooposli-k, purde- buethalna, v. to hide, 8vc. retired, cbhipa, pooslieedu, ulug, ek-antee, nirala, goshu-geer, khanu-dost or -nusheen, suhra- nuslieen, purdu-nuslieen, mrokhuddiru, v. re- cluse, tnoper, unemployed. retiredness, luiihaiCe, v. solitude. retirement, khuKvut, tunha.ee, ojhul, ojliulta, oozlut, goshu, goslui-geeree, goshii-nisheenee, khulwut-nisheeiiee, purdu nislieenee, ekaiit, V. retreat. retort, judd i j u w a b . to retort, pulta-d. pulut- pher-maina, v. to re- bound, dohiana, luotaua, v. repartee, {to be re- torted) pulut-purna, age-ana, yad-h. v. to re- turn. to retouch, nuzur sanee-k. hath-pherna, v. to mend. to retract, pherna, moriia, v. to recal, deny. retreat, {of an army) puhlootihee, v. flight, (re- tirement) kliulwut-gali, goshu, (asylum) ma- mun, mulja.muwas, v. refuge, recess, puspa,ee, bazgushtee-halut, iTiroraju,ut, v. recession, koivd, tukiyu, asruin, bisram, gulee, v. lodge. to retreat, peeth-d. grorez- &c. -k. puraiia, puh- lootihee-k, v. retrograde, panw-rothiia, peechh- panw- puspa-h. dubua, ghusukiia, liuttia, hu-'' tukna, bazgusht-k. roogurdan-h. v. to Jlee, return, (to retire) goshu- &.c. -pukurna, mron- zuwee-h. to retrench, katna, ghutana, chhantna, kum-k. V, to lessen, lop, hath-sikorna, v. to contract, retrenchment, ikhtisar, kutuotee, ghuta,o, chhant, chhuta,o, ku!n-khurchee. retribution, tilafee, v. recompence, return, to retrieve, suuibhahia, bhurua, mitaiia, thain- bhna, moostuiud-k. buhorna, v. to restore, pherpana, v. to regain, retroactive, baz-gushtee, phirta, pulta oo, &.c. v. to return. re*"iii»>, ;• rottenness, surahind, boseedugee, gundugee. to rove, phira- gusht- hurzugurdee- suer-k. v. to roam, wander, &c. rover, awaru, sueyaru, hurzn-gurd, ramta, phir- unta, rumna, suerbaz, jogee, {at sea) chor- juhaz, V. pirate, &c. rough, khurkhura, urbir, rookhra, khurbir, na- moola.im, khoorra, khusruba, khodra, khur- dhura, phcosruha, utputangee, tirkha, khur- jhura, rooclih, roorha, v. blunt, hairy, rugged, unpoUshed,{austere) buksa, kusuela, {harsh to the ear)na-nmozoon, khankhur,(set;cre) kurra, tulkb, toorsh, v. rude, {as the sea) luhran,oon, muwwaj, muoj-khez, joshan, poorjosh, v. rage- fid, stormy, coarse, cragged. rough-draught, khurra, khusra, sancba, moosuw- widu, V. sketch. to roughen, khurkhura- &c. -k. or -h. rookhrana, khurkhurana, chhenna, rahna, dant-bunana. to rough-hew, cliheelna, cliheel chhal-k. rough-hewn, un-gurha, na-tnrasheedu, rookha. roughly, sukhtee- &c. -se, roughness, khurkhurahnt, rookha,ee, rook,hra,ee, khurbura,ee, na-humwaree, na-turasbeedugee, kusa,o, khankhurabut, tulkhee, toorshee, toon- dee, niuojkhezee, v. violence, {asperity) khu- sur, khoncb, \.fret. round, gol, mcoduwwur, nwostudeer, cbukreela, gird, V. ball, chukka, girdu, tikla, v. circular, golat, butwan, v. globular, even, (smooth) 4A 2 nou 556 RUB mnozooD, v. harmonious, {slice) chuktee, kut- la, V. cut, {large) ziyadu, buhoot, koallee, sun- sungeen, bharee, poora, v. fair, (brisk) i\.\\A, \. plain, (full) kliuteer; a round sum, iiiub- lugh khuteer, v. considerable, even. round, sub. da,iru, ghera, miindul, hulqu, gird, aftabee, v. roll, circle, &c. baree, phera, duor, gurdish, nuobut, v. succession, rotation, 8cc. duoru, gushtee, gurdish, puiosun, v. course, puentra, s.turn ; logo the rounds, giidawuiee-, s. phera-k. pliera- &c. -phirna, {of a country) ' dueheenawurt-k. v. circuit. , m,,.„J round, adv. ghoom, pher, v. around,- to turn round, pherna, v. to roll, &c. round, prep, aspas, huwalee, cbuo-gird, gird bu gird, hur-turuf, cliaron-turuf, v. about, over. to round, gol- &c. -k. goondlee-b. chiknana, v. to polish, surround, turn, round about, pher-ka, pech-ka, v. loose, indirect, to go round about, pher-khana. roundelay, koonduliya. roundish, gol-sa. roundly, v. round, saf, seedjia, \. freely, plainly, vvashigaf,v.^a/(y,juldee-se, v. quickly, su,ee-, koshish-se, v. earnestly, &c. roMntfneM,gola,ee, chukra,ee,chiknahut,v.i»^oo..' .vi . to rule, (to govern) rajua, hookoomut- &c. -k. or -r. sikku-chulana, (to manage) dubana, sadhna, v. to controul, (lines) sula-kna, niistur- ' -k. sutur-kheechna. , , ruler, hakim, amil, ru.ees, umeer, sur-dar, na- zim, [whence, or from its superlative, nuzzam, the Nizam} rnedha, ratiq fatiq, (rule) sulaka, '' judwul-kush or -puttee, mistur, which is made '. ', of parallel threads disposed on parchment, so " , as to leave an impression when the paper is ' pressed on them. rules, quwaneen, quwa,id. riding, sutur-bundee. to rumble, hurhui-ana, dhurdhurana, khurkhur- ana, gurgui-ana, ururana, bolna, v. to grumble, khulkhulana, bhurbhurana, dhumdhumana, ghurghurana, gurburana, kulkulana, qur qcnr-, ghur ghoor-k. v. to rattle, to ruminate, piigoorana, joogalee-k. v. cud, (to muse) bicharna, fikr- undeshu- dhyan-k. to rummage, dhoondhna, khojna, chhaii-niarna, dhoondh dhaudh-k. tuktorna, v. to search, rumour, nfwah, awazu, shoohrut, khubur, ishti- r har, churcha, hoohee, v. report, to rumour, kuhna, khubur- &,c. -k. or -d. oarana, phuelana, chulana, v. to report, rumourer, mookhbir, hoohee-kar, niooshtahir. rump, chootur, sooreen, doom-guzu, chukkecj dhoodhee, gundet, dhonpur, v. buttock, tail, rumple, rumpling, shikun, cheen, chconun, simut, koonjiuk, jooftu, joostu, v. crease. _^^^^ to rumple, torna, shikun- &c. -d. dulmusul-k. nuilna, meesna, simutna, v. to crumple. run, duor, duora, duo, tugnpo, v. course, (rapid sale) chulan, oothan, mar, khuput, chutka, v. demand, fashion, (Jlow) buha,o, dhula,o; at the long run, akhir, akhirush, akhir ko, peechhe, akhir ool umr to run, V. n. duorna, dhana, tug o po-k. ruputna, duputna, nathna, rumana, puhoonchna, v. to reach, roogna, v. to glide, burhna, v. to grow, (let ahorse off) phenkna, oothana, v. to gallop, phootna, v. to burst, also to risk, (to flee) bhagna, goorez-k. v. to fly, (to floic) buhna, jarec- ruwan-h. (to rush on) churhna, churh- buethna, (to melt) pighulna, gulna, ghoolna, tighulna, (to pass) goozurna, chulna, jana, chulejana, v. to move, v.uiish, {to be) bona, lugna, ho-jana, bun-jana, v. to become, exist, (to fall) puriia, girna, (to ?e«(f) jhookna, ma,il- -h. (to mix) niilna, (to prevail) ghalib-h.; to run down, dubana, w to crush, depreciate ; to run on with a story, otna, rutna; to run about, duorta-phirna, mara-phirna, v. to re- volve, also drop; to run out, (risna, to leak) choona, tupukna, v. to emit, (to be finished) tumam-h. ho-cliookna, khurj-h. v. to dwell, (to spread) phuelna; to run away with, le- bhagna ; to run over, dhuluk- comur-j. v. to overflow, ruondna, ruondana, v. to trample, (as a carnage) ruoiida-marna, v. sw/jro, purh-j. V. to read; to run up with a wall, deewar- khuencha or -duorana, v. to build; to run in, khosna, v. to thrust ; to run away, pulana, rum-jaua ; to run after, peechhe-purna, v. to pursue, tootna, toot-purna, v. to flock ; to run RUP 559 RYE into, {to penetrate) puethna, chojbhna, dhtisna, V. to prick, sting ; to run round, phiraua, v. to turn; run run, for God's sake run, duoro re duoro khooila ke waste duoro. For such com- pounds as to runafter, &c. v, to search, recount, consider, &c. to run, V. a. duorana, chulana, jhonkna, dalna, mama, bhoiikna, lana, v. to drive, (« boat, &c ) churhana, lejaiia, {to melt) gholiia, pigh- lana, gulaiia, goodaz k. v. to venture, (goods) cliiiokee-mania, {to prosecute) pueruwee-k. {to push) ghooseriia, puethalna, v. to thrust; to run through, clihediia, v. to stab ; to run down, ruged-niariia, {a hare, 8cc.) duor ake- pukurna, v. to overtake, overbear, censure, &c. The compound forms of this verb will in most cases be expressed by those that signify pro- gression, revolution, &c. but in a way that cannot be easily explained, without a string of examples ; for which, however, the reader will consult the simple verbs, under to continue, end, waste, &c. runaway , runagate, bhugora, bhuggoo, goDrez-pa, firaree, bhugeloo, purhoo,a, nathoo, bhugel, V. fugitive. ruridle, dunda, payu, tona, dund. runner, duoraha, duwindu, qasid, duorak, v, mes- senger, racer, sprig. runnet, jamun, choosta, jorun, jawun, puneer- I raayu, niutha. running, bhagabhag, bhagnath, v. flight, express, ruwan, biihta, buhuntoo, cbulta, (knot) suruk- phausee. runt, gooth buengun, v. dwarf. rupee, roopiyu or roopiyu, tuka, v. coin. rupture, {hernia) futuq, bad-khayu, undkos, und- sot, khoot, bad-fituq, v. difference, {breach) tor, shikustugee, toot {disagreement) phoot, joodagee, bigar, v. misunderstanding. to rupture, tonia, phonia, v. to burst. ruptured, ucndul. rural, dehee, dehatee, ganwee, v. pastoral, jun- gulce, sihra,ee, v. country, rustic, rush, nagur tnotha, v. straw. rush,jhiiput,dxiOT, pila.o, rela. , to rush, duorna, churhna, pilna, relna, jhuputna, piluchna, hoorra-k. dhusna, dhurdhurana, rup- rupana, phudphudana, {headlong, q. v.) moon- diyana. russet, gundrom-rung, findooqee, v. nut, home. Sec. ghureeba muo, v. humble, coarse. rust, zung, morcliu, zungar, mael, jar, (fur) keet, ka,ee, v.j?///t, &c. ■i/nm:., ,J hm to rust, v. n. zung- &c. -purna, -pukurna, or -lugna, zungaloodu-h. {in an?/ art. Sic.) ruh-j. thus- bund- mutli-h. ; v. a. zung- &c. -duor- ana, V. to degenerate. rustic, rustical, dehee, dihqanee, v, plain, gun- wela, guonroo, rosta,ee, dubung, jut, goostan- gur, V. country. a rustic, gunwar, v. clownish, rude, &c;^ ) '^^'>'' rusticity, dihqaniyut, gunwar-pun, na-turashee- dugee, v. rudeness. ftJftVnjMS'. rustiness, zung-aloodugee. 'uaud- A'S^du* to rustic, muchinuchana, khurkhurana, jhurjhtu:- ana, hurhurana, sursurana, phurphurana. rustling, muchmuchahut, khurkhuruhut, jhur- jhurahut, sursurahut, phurphurahut. ^^^ .j^^^ rusty, zung-aloodu, moarchaha, zung-khoordu or oofladu, also {impaired) koond, thus, y.^^lunt. rut, leek, regharee, v. track. \ „, to rut, oothna, rut-ana, patiia-mangna. ruthful, v. rueful, &c. ,„ ruthless, &c. v. merciless, &c. ruttish, rutaha, oothee, v. lustful. rye, de.ogundojm. , T. tirjat. 560 Tl'a- .A s. SAC SAD s, can never be ambiguous, unless the English reader insist on confounding it with z, in such words as,— as, hope, &c, which must be pro- nounced auss, not az ; luid piyas, thirst, must not be converted to piyaz, an onion. This letter appears occasionally convertible with h, whence mah, mas, kroh, kos, choosna, choohna, pas, pah, lis, tih, Sac. sh, expresses the sheen, as in sheer, milk; shue, a thing, v. z, h, &c. also the Introduction, p. vii. Sabbath, yuom ros-subt, shumbu, v. Sunday, {of the Moosuiman's) joonui,u, adeenu, ». Friday, sable, {fur) sumoor, posteen, v. black, ermine. sabre, shumsher, sumsam, tegha, v. sword, &c. sacerdotal, shuekhanu, goorwuee, v. patriarchal, sachel, thuelee, jooz-dan. sack, gon, guthiya, lotha, bora, dhokra, akha, khoorjee, tungee, pulla, tuppur, lohiya, chutee, "' thek, pulas, khara. sack, mar-loot, loot-pat, takht taraj, gharutee. to sack, mar-lena, lootna, takht taraj-k. v. to pillage, sackbut, ulghozu, moonh-ku!, v. pipe, sackcloth, tat, dulq, ujar, mekhlee, puttee, tup- pur, chuttee. sacrament, tuburrook, muha-purshad, bue ut-nioo- kurrur, v. oath, sacred, mooquddus, mujeed, pak, pawun, pubitur, mookhuUu, moobaruk, hureem, mootuhurrik, moonuzzu, v. divine, holi/, khass, mukhsoos. V. private, {inviolable) be-zuwal, u-budh; ma» moon, moostuhkum, utui, u-chhoot. sacredly, rastee-se, diyanut-se. sacredness, qoods, tuquddoos, pakee, be-zuwalee, V. purity, &c. sacrifice, qcorban, bul, hom, med, jug, fida, nisar, tusuddooq, sudqu, nuzur, warun, nuchhawur, bulihar, churliawa, bul-bukra, ootara, ootarun, sutee, waree, {the day of) eed ajz-zooha, {to become a) buliiiCn-lena, waree-j. bulbul-j. to sacrifice, v. to immolate, qoorban- &c. -k wai- na, cluirhana, budhna, urupna, {to murder) marsutna, toorwana, {to give up) dena, chhor- iia, khona, guvvana, beclm.i, v. to devote, {to kill) zubuh- hulal- bismil- juohur-k, v. to destroy., &c. sacrificed, qoorbanee, jan-nisar, muzbooh. sacrificer, churhawunhar, zabih. sacrilege, kufun chor-ee, v. crime. sad, {sorrowful) codas, rookha, ghum-geen, dil- gecr, mulool, mughmoom, muhzooii, undoh- geen, huzetn, ghuin-nak, dil-tuug, v. mourn- ing, dusky, kundun-moonh, nialumee, v. woe- ful, dejected, serious, {bad) boora, zuboon, v. calamitous. to sadden, oodas- &c. -k. roothana. saddle, zeen, sutj, paian, kathee, kutiiia, {of a camel, q, v.) kujaw a, juhaz. to saddle, zeen-b. or -d. {horses) zeen bundee-k. v. to burthen. - '^ ' SAG 561 SAL saddle- backed, zeen-poosht. saddle-bag, boghbund, v. to load, khogeer, zeen- bund. saddle-cloth, muel-khora, zeenposh, uruq-geer, gbashiyu, (furniture) awa,ee. saddle-horse, suwaree ka ghora. saddler, zeen-gur, surraj, zeen-doz, v. shoe- maker, sadly, gbumgecnee- &c. -se. sadness, oodasee, rookha.ee, gbum-geenee, dil- geeree, muloolee, mughmoomee, miihzoonee, gbum-nakee, dil-tungee, miilalut, v. dejection, sedateness. safe, mamocc, niuhfoo/., sulamut, be-khutur, chiranjee, koisul, v. sound, well, umun-uman, nioosulum, kbiier-sulah, {for meat) dolee, chheeka, pinjra, v. cage ;sn/'e and sound, bhula chunga, sulieeh saiiin, v. free, &c. safe-guard, himajut, pmsht-punali, nigah-banee, rah-bur, moohafiz, v. passport, security, {con- voy) biidrucju, v.pass. safely, sularautee- &c. -se, bu khuer o khoobee. safety, safeness, sulainutee, uinun, aman, hifazut, uroniyut, itmeenan, bucha,o, ruchha, koosulta, punab, V. custody, asylum, asra, ar, nirala, v. shelter. saffron, zu.ufran, kesur, {seed) qoortoom, bur, burra, kurur; bastard saffron, koosoom, mu,us- fur, sagacious, chutccr, S}'ana, tez-fuhm, zood-fulim, zuheen, soonghoo, tez-shanunu, v. acute, smell. saguciouihj, tez fuhraee- &c. -se. j;rtxrt! j/n\»vr«. saltless, be-numuk, pheeka, u-lona, nir-khar, v. insipid. salt-jnaker, loniya, numukpuz, mulungee, nu- mukee, numuksaz, tufalee. saltness, numkeenee. saltpetre, shoru, v. nitre (maker) shoru-saz or -£cur. salt-pit, salt-pan, numuk-sar, lonar, khularee, jal, tufal. salvation, nujat, mcokt, sudgut, bucha,o, roos- tugaree, riha,ee, gut. \. preservation. salubrious, sihhut-bukhsh, khonsh-guwar, muwa- fiq, sookhud, uch-chha, mojslih, guwaru, sha- fee, V. good, wholesome. salubrity, kboosh-guwaree, moowafiqut. salve, murhum, lep. salver, tubaq, seenee, khwan-chu, v. plate. '"'• salvo, ar-ber, ar, shurt, quad, oozr, buhanu, heelu, heelu-shuru,ee, v. reservation. , ' salutariness, fa.idu-mundee, nioonfu ut, v. infra. salutary, v. salubrious, goon-kar, moofeed, fa,idu- mund, nafi. salutation, salute, sulam, sahib sulamut, prinam, dundwut, ram ram, jue-gopal, bundugee, koornish, tusleem, v. respect, johar, useerbad, sulam oon iiluek, sulain-alkee, pa,e-lagon, jue- gunes, adab, sirthuthor, v. embrace, (from a fort) sulamee, v. to greet. to salute, sulam- &c. -k. v. to kiss, bundnu, dust bu sur-h. v. to bow. s^aluter, sulamee, mcojru,ee, bnndunhar. same, yihee, (obi. isee,) wcnhee, (obi. oosee,) ekhee, yukee, ek, v. one equal, &c. eksan, humta, burabur, mootusawee, sura, (hand) ek- qulmu, (in comp.) hum, ek, v. said; of the same colour, bum-rung, ek-rung ; of the same age, sum-uoriya. S^N 58» SAT sameness, eksanee, buraburee, ekijut, sumta, yekta, mcctabuqut, suwueyut, turadoof, ekaiCe, V. identity/, sample, baiigee, numooiiu, chashnee, maduree, v. muster, sanative, shafee, v. salubrious, sanclification, tuquddcns, tuqdees, tutheer, (con- secration) iqamut, jug. sanctified, tahir, niootuhhur, mooquddus, pak, v. purification, &c. sanctifier, shafee, shufa-bukhsh. to sanctify, pak- &c. -k. v. to secure, sanctimonious, uoliyanu, rik,h bhek,h. sanction, hookiii, fuiz, unjr, v. ratification, shelter, sanctity, sanctitude, qoods, pakee, tuharut, sufa,e, V. purity, goodness, sanctuary, mamun, punah-gah, muqdus, durgali, V. asylum, refuge, shrine. Queie, is Jerusalem, a corruption of daroos-sulam, lit. a sanctuary? sand, ret, baloo, reg, rumul, v. quicksand, thul, (bank) chur, khurabu ; a sand or barren track, regjstan, retee. sandal, ulga, churun-dasce, khura,oon, nu.uluen, chumpun, v. slipper, snndarak, sunduroos. sand-blind, dhoondhla, v. dim-sighted. Sanders, sundul, chundun, (red) rukul cliundun. The other sorts are, niul^a gir, ugur, v. log- Tvood. sandever, kunchlona. sandy, bhoor, bhoora, releela, buloo,a, kirkira, regee, retla, gurd-amez, v. sand, sanguification, rukutkar. sanguinary, khoon-kh^yar, k!iooi)-rez, khoonce, jidiadiya, v. cruel, qutl-dost, khooii-fialian or -bar, V. ichor, bloody, sanguine, sooikh, lal, v. red, buhbuha, \. fluJicd, poor-khooi), kuseer ood-dumni, v. plethoric, {as hope) bura, quwee, wasiq, (conjident) nazan, oommedwar, ma5tuwuqu,u, v. warm. sanguineness, oommed-waree, v. ardour, &c. sanies, panee, znrb ab, punchha. sap, uruq. rus, panee, doodh, v, papy, plump, loo,ab, lus, ruskus, v. juice. to sap, nuqub- send-marna, dha- gira-d. khus- ana, v. to undermine. sapient, v. knowing, dana,wuqoof-dar, &c. v. wise, sense. Sec. sapless, khooshk, sookha, be-rus, be- lus, v. dry. sapling, kera, puodha, uuol, nihal, chara, nuo- nihal, amola. sapphire, neelum, sufeer, yaqoot kubood, indur- neel. soppiness, ser-abee, uruq-daree. sappy, ruseela, scr-ab, uruq-dar. sarcasm, niibna, tu,un, tu,un-tushneeu, lu,un- tu,un, tuiiz, V. gibe, reproach, runiz, kinayu, gabhee, bolee-tholee, kurvvee-bat, kat^ v. sting. sarcastical, sarcastic, tu,un-amez, sukht, v, se- vere. sarcastically, tu,iin- &c. -se. sarcenet, kupur-dhoor, ghas-phoos. sarcocolla, unzuroot, kunjudu. sarcoma, masbird. sarsaparella, cpshbu, muko,e, inugrabu. sash, jal, putka, buddhee, selee, v. belt, girdle, net. solan, shuetan, v. devil, satchel, thueiee, jcnz-dan. satiate, sated, bhura, ser, asooda. to satiate, sate, bhurna, ser-k. chliukana, agh- wana, v. to cloy, satiety, seree, asoodugce, bhurtee, clijiuka.ee. satin, utius, taftu, duriya^ee. satire, hujo, zuni, inuzuinmut, oopadh, bhun* (luo,a, iiinda. satirical, Inijo-aniez, tunzgo, v. censorious. 4 B 2 SAV 564 SAU satirically, bujo-se. satirist, hajee, oopadhee.hujuwee, qu,udee, hujo- go, hujora, ninduk. to satarize, hnjo- &c. -k. nindna, koot-k. satisfaction, khatir-khwahee, khatir-jumu, kha- tir-daree, dil-daree, khatir-nishad, tuskeen, aram, asoodugee, asa,ish, sook,h, khoosh-nioo- dee, dil-shadee, bushashut, v. advantage, pas- khatir, itmeenan, oobh,bodh, mun-manta, mun- poorun, dil-jo,ee, v. consolation, content, plea- sure, (amends) budlu, iwuz, padash, v. recom- pence. satisfactoriness, khatir-pusundee, khatir-khwa- hee. satisfactory, khatir-pusund, khatir-khwah, ba- suwab, bur-justu, mun-man, \. proper, &c. satisfied, razee, ruzamund, khoosh, mungur, dil- shad, musroor, asoodu, ser, v. contented, {con- vinced) qa,il, mii,uqool. to satisfy, razee- &c. -k. or -r. tall mu,uqool-k. khatir jumu- &c. -k. pet-bhurna, miinana, hurana, sumjhana, dilkhwahee-k. v. to con- vince, (assure) peetli-thoiikna, peeth-pur hath- pherna. to saturate, bhurna, ser-k. Saturday, suneechur, shumbu, huftu, suneebar, bar, yuom-cDs-subt, uwwul-huftu. Saturn, zc6hu\, kuewan, suneechur. saturnalia, v. hacchanals, dhool-heree, v. carni- val, saturnine, bharee, sunjeedu, v. grave, leaden, surdmizaj, bulghumee, v. phlegmatic, satyr, ghol, purdromu. savage, adj. jungulee, wuhshee, buyabanee, bu- nuela, v. wild, (cruel) sung-dil, kuttar, dush- tee, (brutal) zalim, v. barbarous, rude, &c, savage, sub. bun-manoos, jungulee-admee. savagely, beruhmee- &c. -se. savageness, wuhshut, sung-dilee, sukhtee, be- ruhmee, V. cruelty, sauce, chashnee, chutnee. to sauce, chashneedar-k. saucebox, v. pert, murcha.ee, mirch, cLingee, v. saucy, saucer, tushturee, pirich, thalee, sukoree, neem- cheenee, sifalee, sukoriya, diwuliya, v. lamp, saucepan, tumbiya, dubboo, degohee. saucily, gojstakhee- &c. -se. sauciness, goostakhee, shokhee, mustee, be-udu- bee, shokh-chushmee, dheetha,ee, mugra,ee, gubbura,ee. saucy, goostakh, shokh, be-udub, be-tumeez, muchla, mugra, shokh-chushm, ^must, v. im- pertinent, to be saucy, itrana, chochla-k. udhrana, phoolna, , sirkarhna, v. airs, &c. save, saving, adv. chhoot, chhor, masiwa, ma- wura, chhorke, v. except, but. .,(J>,v^-\j^ji4),, to save, V. a. buchana, oobarna, punah-d, hima- yut-k. sulamut-r. bucha,e-r. also (to lay by) pus undaz-k. rukh-chhorna, kifayut-k. sum- halna, v. topreserve, tarna, v. to produce, (one's credit) moonh-r. v. sake, jutun- &c. -k. v. care, (to excuse) niu,af-k. nujat-d. or -bukh- shna, chhorna, v. to spare, reconcile ; God save you, khooda hafiz, huqq tu,ala toDmen sulamut ruklie ; bhugwan toomko chirunjee rukhe. saver, bucha,oo, umeen, hafiz, v. saving, saving, saver, kifayutee, kifayut-shi,ar, jwz-rus, ojee, V. frugal, saving, kifayut, wara, bucha,o, oobar, oj. savingness, kifayut-shi,aree, jooz-rusee, pus-un- dazee. saviour, shufee, v. preserver. to saunter, phira-k. phirna, rumna, hurzugur- dee-k. v. to lounge, badliuwa,ee-phirna, v. to stroll, (to loiter) pura-ruhna, v. to wander. SCA 565 SCA savour, bo, gund, v. odour, lazzut, tnuza, v. taste. to savour, basua, bo- &c. -r. ana-nikaliia or -d. aJso (to betoken) dulalut-k. v. to taste, savouriness, chashnee-daree, muzu-daree. savoury, \. fragrant, chashnee-dar, muzu-dar, luzeez, khoosh-guwar, sondha, v. agreeable, taste. sausage, koolmu, lungoocha. saw, krant, ara, urrn, punaree, minshar, v. pro- verb, &o. to saio, V. a. are se clieerna or katna, ara-k. v. to cut, split ; V. n. ara- &c. kheeclina or -chu- lana, urru kushee-k. saw-dust, boora, lukree kee booknee, booradu. sawyer, urru-kusb, kurantee. saxifrage, kojlthee, pumvar, kasir ool hujr. to say, bolna, kubna, bukna, bat- &c. -k. bati- yana, kuthna, farniana, v. to tell, speak, bid, (to repeat) piirhna, v. to read; to say or do, bolna chalna; I neither said nor did any thing to him, nu oos se bola nu cLala ; they say, log kuhte ; it is said, kbubur hue, v. report, saying, bat, kuba, sookhun, quo!, kulam, mu- qoolu, kuhawut, hudees, hoodoos, bolee, v. adage, proverb, sjjeech. scab, de,olee, khoothee, khoorund, khusra, pup- ree, chut, v. eschar, itch, scald, scar, {of a fellow, &c.) jbant ka bal, chudde kee niuel, V. riffraff, scabbard, miyan, niyam, kathee, ghilaf. scabbed, scabby , kharishtee, also sorry, &c. cbu- tuha, khaj bhura. scabbedness, scabhiness, kharishtee-puna. scaffold, tnuchan, bhara, duonja, pa,eth, gurguj, muera, v. stage. to scald, julana, clihuonkna, oolma-k. jhoolsana, (as urine) chinung-marna, julna, chinukna, V. to smart. scald-head, g\\nj,c\ia,Gen choo.een, bud-khora, v. herpes. See Johnson on this word, and bald- ness in this work, scald-headed, gunja, kul. scale, puUu, pulra, nirtee, puchasa, puriyanee, narjee, nurja, tukhree, bantee, pulchuk, {ba- lance) turazoo, toola, kanta, tuk, tukree, (of afsh) chhilka, de,olee, cho,iyan, sinia, sirhna, fils, V. libra, (gamut) surgum-pudnee, gun, V. yard, (plate) tub, purt, pupree, v. layer, (ladder) seerhee, sopan, also (gradation) tud- reej, durju silsilu, zunjeeru, v. measure, scarf. to scale, y. ladder, churhna, v. to pare, (a wall) kood-phandna, mue-marna, (guns) sur-k. ; to scale off, jhurna, ooturna, v. to fall. scaling-ladder, seekhedar kumund, v. escalade. to scalp, chundlee-ootar lena, v^ knife. scaly, chhilke-dar. scammony, suqmooniya, muhmooda. to scamper, cbuniput-h, jata-ruhna, khisuk-jana, V. to run, bichulna, lupukna, sutukua, hiruk- na, boot-j, v. to flee, brush off. to scan, tuqteeu- wuzn- buntit-k. tuolna, also (to examine) janchna, tuhqeeq- imtihan-k. v. to scrutinise. scandal, ueb, shurm, bud-namee, chooghlee.dagh, iftira, kulunk, leek, mulamut, gilu, v. ca- lumny, disgrace, shame. to scandalize, scandal, tcnhmut- &c.-lngana, bud- nani- &c. -k. v. infamous, alto to offend. scandalous, inn,uyoob, zuboon, bud, boora, nik- hid, mulamutee, majftnree, v. slander, vile, (as language. Sac.) sukht, tulkh, kuthor, t. opprobrious, scandalousness, zuboonee,budee, boora.ee, inu.u- yoobee, v. infamy. to scant, ghntana, katna, mama, knin k. v. to pinch. scantily, scantly, thorasa, tungee-se, v.spofin^. SCA 566 SCH scantiness, scaniness, knmee, kumtee.qillut, tun- gee, kotahee, v. narrowness. scantling, undazu, v. proportion, pattern. scanty, kum, thora, quleel, tung, kotah, ocbha, V. narrow, small. scar, dagh, chjnh, chittee, cliitkara, chukta, v. mark, wound. ' to scar, dagh- &c. -d. or -lana, daghee-k. scaramouch, buhroopiya, v. huffoon. scarce, kum, thora, nir-beej, kutn-yab, nadir, shaz, na-yab, na-pued, birla, tez, ujoor, udh- blioot, atemen numuk, ila-masha, qonqa, v. rare ; make yourself scarce, upna moonh kala kuro. scarcely, kum,mcoshkil-sukhtee- dooshwaree-se, biswagut, kumtur, birla, v. hardly. *carci7y,«ca>-ceMe«s,kumee,kumtee,ghuttee,tora, tota, chuttee, chutka, qillut, kum-yabee, na- yabee, tungee, quht, v. dearth, famine, rare- ness, tora, quhtee, toot, dhan ka bora, v. draught, khuencb v. supra. to scare, hooshkama, bhurkana, bhutkana.durana, bichkana, bichlana, bhugana, bhurbhurana, chuhrana, v. to frighten. scarecrow, bijh-gah, dhokha, dhooha, kuth-bagh, katheeka dant, v. bugbear. scarf, orhnee, ek-putta, do-putta, ek-la,ee, do- la.ee, oopurna. scarf skin, jhiWee, khus. scarification, puclihna, hujamut; but little used in this sense. scarificator, sfarj/«er,hujjam,puchhnee,v. razor. to scarify, puchhna-d. khoon-Iena, khonchee- marna, khonchiyana, {or bleed the poppy , &c.) pachhna, clihe,ona. scarlet, v. lady, sooltanee-soorkb, (colour) lal or lu,ul, soorkh, qirmizee, v. purple, red, cloth, scatches, janghee. scale, lupchee, sekchee. \ - to scatter, v. a. khindana, chhitkana, bithrana, chhitrana, chheetna, bugarna, phuelana, pura- gundu- moontushnr- teen teruh-k. bukherna, nisar-k. warna, v. to disperse, cast, sprinkle ; V. n. khindna, chhitukna, bithurna, clihitna, puragundu- &c. -h. iutishar-h. bikhirna, kich- rana. scattered, tikrumbikrum, birra, cheedu, toota- phoota. scattering, {in comp.) ufshan. scatteringly , eedhur oodhur,jabu ja, illamasha. scavenger, khak-rob, v. sweeper. scene, deed, munzur, mud i nuzur, tumashu, noo- ma,ish, numood, fiza, v. stage, &c. {curtain) purdu, {in poetry) zumeen, v. field, {of war) ukhara, khet, udda, v. place, series ; the scene of war ought always to be carried into the ene- my's country, dooshmun ke moolk men lura,ee ka ukhara humeshu dala chuhive. ,„>, , scenery, usbab, samigree, v. materials, tuotiyii, V. imagery. scent, bo, boo, bas, muhuk, gundh, qoowwut i shammu, nak, v. smell, soonghnee, v. inkling, {chase) shikar, to scent, {to smell) soonghna, gumukna, goonjna, ^ bo- &c. -lena, {to perfume) basna, khoosh bo dar-k. muhuk- &c. -d. muhkana. scented, bodar, v. perfume. scentless, be-bo, nir-bas, nir-gundh. sceptre, usa, v. club, mace, &c. The ensigns of royalty in Hindoostan are the chhutur, um- brella, and chuonwur, Jly-brush, besides the tukht, throne. A crown, taj, even is no part of the regalia, an ornamented turban, pugree, being used instead of it. schedule, duftur, furd. scheme, nuqshu, oopa,e, munsoobu,-hikmut, kut- kuna, bund o bust, tudbeer, bundish, sazisb, fitrut, tujweez, v. plan, keemiya, tuniheed. SCf 567 SCO bilabnndee, bandhnoo, v. contrivance, neeyut, iradu, v. project, system, (^purpose) mutlub, moodda, piirojiin, v. design, &c. schemer, munsoobu-baz, tudbeere, kutkune-baz, hikmutee, v. contriver, scliirrus, unduoree. schism, bidiit, rifz, phoot, rnkhnu, kbulul,fusad, V. discord, schismatic, bidutee, raf7.ee, kharjee. to schismatize, bidut- &c. -k. phootna. scholar, sikh, slmgird, tulmeez, mooreed, chela, V. tyro, clihatri, putha, puthurtee, zuban-dan, V. polyglot, (student) talib ilm, chutiya, bid- dya-urtjiee, {a man of letters) alitn, fazil, qa- bil, moolla, khandu, pande, pxirha, v. doctor, scholarship, ilm, ilmiynt, fuzeelut, qabiliyut, v. science, scholastic, ilmee, alimanu, dursee, muktubee, v. pedantic, scholiast, moohushshee, moofussir, hashiyu-nu- wees, shuruhmiwees, v.annotator. scholium, sbtiruh, v. 7iote. school, muktub, muktub-khanu, dnbistan, tn,u- leem-kbanu, mndrusu, chnt-sar, sikh-sala. to school, sikhlana, purhana, turbiyiit-k. r. to train, school-book, dursee. school-boi/, muktubee-lnrka, chutsaree-luyka,tifl i muktub. school-fellow, hum-muktub, hum-durs, hiim- sabnq, ek-path, susala. schooling, akhoongureo, v. reading, &c. school-master, akboon, cnstad, moolla, moodurris, moo.ullim, miyan-jee, pande, padhn. school-mistress, oostanee, moollanee, atoo, pnndit- a,en. sciatica, urq oon-nisa, niqris sooreen, v. rheuma- tism, science, ilm, biddya, hoonur, ilm o firel, goon, hikmnt, isti iidad, kula, (carious sciences) ree- miya, keemiya, seemiya, jusr, oosool, v. me- tallurgy, art, skill, &c. scientific, ilmee. scimitar, snrohee, neemchu, v. cimitar. sciolist, grunth-choombuk, v. superficial. scion, puewund, v. twig. scirrhus, giltee, ganth. scissors, miqraz., quenchee, kuturnee, kuturee. scoff, scoffing, tu,un, tu.un-tushneeu, istihza, thu- tha, tuz,hcek, zuhik, tu,unu-zunee, tluitha- bazee, tuolieen. to scoff, tu,un- &c. -k. guliyana, ungootha- dekhlaua, v. to ridicule, scoffer, tu,unu-zun, ta,in, mrostuhzee, huzzal, zahik, huzl-go. scoffingly, tu,unu zunee- &c. -se. scold, lurakee, jhugraloo, kuluhee, v. virago, kurkusa, moonh-phoorQe, v, abusive, to scold, jhuguraa, galee-d. jharna, jhirikna, kil- kilana, kitkitana, dugudhua, rurna, lutarna, zujr- tushaeeu-k. v. to quarrel, abuse, scolding, jhirka jhirkee, pootrawuj, tuobeekb, V. brawl, sconce, deewargeer, (head) biyjur, moond, v. sktdl. scoop, koomee, dokiya, hatba. to scoop, khukhorna, korna, khol-k. kooudurana, V. to excavate, scope, muqsud, munsba, unooman, v. Itnor, (space) ursu, wusut, bLstar, phuela,o, muedan, V. room, to scorch, V. a. bhoolsana, jhoolsaua, jhoukarna, burkana, nosana; v. n. bhoolusna, jhnolusna, jhonkurn.;, hurukna, v. to burn, &c. scorching, sukht, sozindn, ktirukta, v. burning, score, khutt, lukeev, nishan, leek, dundeer, chn- cheer, regharee, v. line, (account) iekha, hi- sab, V. reason (ticenty) koree, l)eesee. SCR 568 SCR to score, khutt- &c. -kheechna or -d. v. to charge, scorn, (contempt) ninda, istihza, v. scoff, to scorn, soobook- na cheez- hulka-janna, hiqa- rut- &c. -k. thookna, mootna, ar-r. -k. &c. chootkec pur corana, v. to disdain, despise, scorner, ninduk, mrostuhzee, v. ridiculer. scornful, nioodummigl), gurbee, v. insoZeni, &c. scorpion, bichhoo, bichhee, guzh-doDm, uqrub, terlioo,a, brischik, {bastard) pud-bichhoo. scot-free, saf, be-dagh, mooft, yoonhee. scot and lot, khiraj, muhsool, v. to.T,hissu-rasud, V. contribution, (to pay) kuoree-bhurna. scoundrel, qmroomsaq, qultuban, v. pimp, wiltol, budzat, shoohdu, loocliu, luqoondru, betee chod, betee ka luora, v. rascal, to scour, manjna, mulna, saf- &c. 7k. phurchana, V. to clean, bleach, &c. {to purge) jharna, chu- lana, v. to wash, scourer, munjwa, v. scullion, sneqleegur, v. ar- mourer, (purge) jhar, v. drastic, scourge, (lit. and fig.) chabook, kora, taziyanu, qumchee, kusa. to scourge, kusana, cbabcnk- &,c. -marna, -luga- na. -jurna or -d. v. to punish, scourger, kore-haz, kusak, v. punisher. scout, j&soos, hur-karu, bhediya, \. spy. scowl, bugboO|abut. to scowl, bughoo,ana, goorerna, moonhterha-k. or -sukorna, v. to frown, scowling, bhondmoonha, uondhee-pesbanee. Acro^(/y,"hurkhungkharee, v. lean, rugged, &c. scra?«6Ze, loota-patee, chheena-chhanee,v. scuffle, to scramble, chheena cbhora-k. lootna, cbheen chhinuo.a- &c. -k. jhupta jliuptee-k. v. to scuffle, cbbuokna, v. to climb, scrambler, cbhuokun. to scrunch, koor koor- nwor raoor-chabna. scrap, cbheelun, turasbu, kuturun, khoorchun. V. scrip, chit, took, toikra, rooqu,u, v. particle, piece, koona.ee, v. crumb, (of paper) poorzu, V. bit, &c. scrape, tungee, kusb mu kusb, suket, zngbtu, koober, v. difficulty, perplexity, to scrape, chheelna, khoorucbna, siburna, cbhol- na, ghoontana, ghuseetna, ghisukna, rugurna, {together) joijar-k. v. to collect, turasbna, turash kburasb-k. v. to pare, &c. {ona fiddle) otna, V. to rub, cut, &c. (togather) jorna, bu- torna, v. to wipe, &c. ; to scrape acquaintanee, ashna,ee jorna or -lugana. scraper, chholnee, kboorpee, rampee, khoorcli- nee, otunhar, v. the verb, (for the tongue) jeeh- hee. scrapings, khoorchun, khunkharun, tuh-degee. scratch, cheer, bukot, khusot, khurot, dharee,. cbira, chirka, chunget, khoncha, v. score, to scratch, khoojlana, nochna, liukotna, khusot- na, khurotna, khuronchna, suhlana, khontna^ V. to claw, chheel- turash-d. {out) noch-ni- kalna, v. tonip, scrape, erase, fear, khooruchna, rugurna, v. to rub. scratcher, v. the verb, khar-poosht. to scrawl, cbichirhee-kheedina, chitharna, v. to score, scrawler, bud-khutt, also (a scrawl) bud-mur- kuz, chitharoo,a. scream, screech, cbeekh, kilkar, chilahut, ching- har, kook. to scream, screech, chichiyana, kilkaree-marna, chingharna, cheekhna, ulilana, kookna, kiU karna, chinchinana, howana, phikoonia, chil- chilanai, v. to squall, screech-owl, q. v. ghooghoo. screen, tuttee, tatur, jhamp, qunat, chik, purdu, V. blind, ot, ar, asra, v. shelter, (riddle) jjhur- na, V. sieve. to screen, ot- &c. -k. otna, arna, buchaua, clihi- SCR 669 scu pana, v. to shelter, {to sift) jharna, chalna, also the sieve, q. v. screw, pech, muroree, v. nail, to screw, pech-d. or -lugana, v. to fasten, (to contort) moma, bidorna, churhana, sikorna, kheechna, v. to squeeze, to scribble, qulum kushee-k. qulum-ghuseetna, V. to scrawl, write, scribbler, quium-kush. scribe, katib, likhnee-das, likhwuya, v. writer, to scrid, {as a pen) kirkirana. scrip, rooqu,u, poDrzu, shoaqqu, chithee, \. satchel, scripture, kitab, tuoret, injeel, pooran, shastur, bed, faorqaii, \. revelation, bible, testament, &ic. scrivener, v. usurer, urzee nuwees, qubalu nu- wees, V. writer, &c. scrofula, kunth mala, sunpat, ghoorghoora. scroll, duftur, furd, lupeta, v. roll, scrotum, fotu, thuelee. scrub, pajee, siflu, dunee. to scrub, mulna, ghotna, oobutna, ^whence oob- tun, cosmetic] murdun-k. v. to rub. scrubby, gundu, v. sorry, mulamutee, v. shabby, scruple, shoobhu, shuk, ishtibah, turuddcod, wuhm, wuswas, wuswusu, sundeh.chinta, v. doubt, scruple, {weight) suwa masha. to scruple, wuswas- &c. -k. hudiyana, kuchiyana, bharumna, v. to hesitate, scrupulous, wuswasee, shukkee, wuhmee.wuhm- nak, chintit, bhurmee, sundehee, v. nice, scrupulously, wuswas- &c. -se, chinta kurke. scrupulousness, wuhm-nakee, hudiyahut. scrutineer, mcnhasib, budur nuwees, \. examiner, to scrutinize, iiqtihan- &c. -k. janchna, chhanna, V. to search, scrutiny, imtihan, azma.ish, janch-jucha,o, tu- lash, pcorsish, poochhpachh, joost o jo, v. in- quiry, moohasibu, v. investigation, examination, search. to sctid, duorna, bhagna, huwa- kafoor- chum- put- hoor-hojana, oorna, v. to sail, scamper. sci/^e.kheechakheechee, dhuol dhuppa, jootee- puezar, lat mookee, dhukkum dhukkee, ma- ruk maree. puchhara puchharee, v. brawl, mara maree, dhuma dhum, hutha huthee, dhuol- chhukkur, jhupta jhuptee, nikala nika- lee, kuUa thulla, dheenga dhangee, puezara puezaree, hutha pechee, hoosht moosbt, jhujhor, dihbuzun, chheena chheenee, \.fray, fisti- cuffs, &c. to scuffle, dhukkum dhukkee- &c. -k. to sculk, chhip- dubuk- iook-ghoos-ruhna, roo- posh-h. lendiyana, kuniyana, jee-chhipana or -chorana, khisukna, v. to lurk. sculker, dubkel, kum-chor, ghoosroo, dheela- sala, doobroo, v. lubber. scull, khopree, kasu, kasu,e sur, kJiupro,ee, v. cap. sculler, julwa-dengee, v. canoe. scullery, bhandsar, bhundsala. scullion, deg-sho, kumera, tuhloo,a, tulheroo, fern, tuhluwee, v. boy, slave, &c. scu/p'' ^ to sear, gool-d. daghna, jhoolus-d. v. to bum. search, khoj, tulash, dhoondh, joost o jo, dhoond dhand, tufuhhoos, tufteesh, jhara-jhooree, puni- haiCe, tugopo. to search, dhoondhna, khojna, tulash- &c. -k. jhara- tulashee-lena, herna, johana, tiinqeeh- -k. deth-lena, lunga jharee-lena, khodnee-k. khod khad-k. peechhe-puende-purna, khoj- murna, dhoonta-phirna, dekh bhal-k. chhan- mama, (to grope) teepna, v. to squeeze, (to probe) tutolna, tona, v. to feel; to search out, khoj- dhoondh- nikalna. ' searcher, khojee, tulashee, mootulashee, dhoon- dha.oo, khoj-wuya, v. the verb, (in comp.) jo, ,v. examiner, season, muosum, fusul, rit, root, ueyam, wuqt, sumo, din, v. nick, ta,o, sah, v. time ; for a season, chund-roz, kue ek din, v. opportunity, while, to season, musaluh-d. or-d. muzudar- chashnee- dar-k. muzu-d. v. to qualify, prepare, num- keen- &c. -k. dum-d. sondha-k. unwasna, oo- , rahna, doongharna, biighama, v. to ripen, dry, (to imbue) bhurna, poor-k. v. to tinge, (to ma- ture) poDkhtu- muzboot- snkht-k. v. to har- den, &c. seasonable, seasonably, bur-wuqt, bu-muoqii,u, bur-muhul, soober, bur-ueyam, ja,e sir, v. providential, proper. *'' seasoned, sulona, musaluhdar, numkeen. seasoning, musaluh, v. relish, seat, buethuk, nishust, julsu, chuokee, v. funda- ment, musnud, buethuka, tukhtposh, nishust- gah, V. tribunal, (of a family) boaniyad, v. house, scene, place, &c. (country) chuonree, chutsur, khanu baree, v. terrace, also garden, (on a horse) asun ; to have a firm seat on horse- back, jum-buethna; to sit ahorse, asun-lugna or -jumna, v. chair, site, &c. SEC 571 SED to seat, buethaliui, v. to fix. seated, v. mounted, nusheen, v. to sit. sebeslens, sipistan, luhsoru, sug-pistaii. to secede, iiikulna, bahur-ana, chhootna, kharij- -h. V. to withdraw, a seceder, kharijee. to secern, rezish-k. chhorua. secession, phoot, iutizal, inhiraf, v. the verb, to seclude, baliur- kharij- ulug- jooda-k. v. to se- parate, confine, &.c. second, doosra, doyrnn, sanee, munjhla, ugla, dooja, {of time) bipnl, saniyu, v. moment, also inferior, second, sub. sathee, hamee, mudud-gar, pooshtee- ban, dootiya, v. assistant, to second, mudud-k. pooshtee- asra-d. thambhna, sumbhalna, v. to assist, follow, secondary, sanee, doosra. second-hand, ootara, isti,umalee, moostu.umul. secondly, sanee,un, doosre, sanee,un hal. second-sight, jlm i ghueb. second-sighted, ghueb-dan. secrecy, ikhfa, purdu, posheedugee, raz-daree, purdu-poshee, cbliipa,o, v. secret, {solitude) tunha,ee, khilwut, goshiigeeree, inziwa, (si- lence) khamoshee, sookoot. secret, posheedu, chhipa, mukhfee, pinhan, mus- toor, goopt, gha,ib, (anecdotes) raz nihooftu, V. hid, private, (retired) tunha, ekela, ninda, (close) purdu-posh, raz, raz-dar, v. trusty, secret, sub. bhed, raz, sirr, (pi. usrar) unt, pet, murum, nuqdi dil, pet kee bat, v. secrecy, secretary, meer- moonshee, muhrum-raz, munt- ree, moosahib, hcozoor-nuwees, v. confidant, steward, 8cc. secretaryship, moonshee guree. to secrete, chhipana, chhipa,e-r. ikhfa-k. poshee- du- &c. -k. sutkana, v. to hide, (to screen) chhorana, bilgana, tufreeq^ &c. -k. v. to sepa- rate. -T .!''•'• secretion, rezish, tufreeq, bilgao. secretly, chhipke, chhipake, khoofiyu, bheetur, gha,ibanu, balabala, chora choree, chhipe, oo- pur oopur, v. the adj. secretness, v. secrecy, purdn-poshee. sect, zat, jat, firqu, guroh, juma.ut, punth, muz- hub, tufreeq, fureeq, v. division, religion, sectary, rafzee, kharjee, uhl i bidut, moobtudi, punthee, \. follower, section, fusul, qutU|U, tufseel, tuqtee, khund, kand, shu,uba, siparu, muqalu, nuo, qism, mi- sul, V. cliapter,part. secular, dooniya-dar, dooniyawee. secundine, jer, jhillee, nar-biwar, kherhee.'anwar, jhur, jholee, mutnor, v. after-birth, secure, v. safe, mamoon, muhfooz, musoon, suia- mut, moosuUum, v. certain, be-khutfu, v. dan- ger, 8cc. (assured) qa,im, muzboot, v. confi- dent, to secure, (to protect) buchana, muhfooz- 8cc. -r.' aman- &c. -d. thambhna, sumhalna, khoont-* -b. V. to ensure, mooqurrur-k. thuhrana, v. to ascertain, (to keep in custody) pukur- bandh-r. quedkur-r. v. to seize. securely, umun- &c. -se, be-khutru, v. danger, also safety, security, bucha.o, umun, umniyut, sulamutee, khuer, munuota, munuotee, zaminee, v. surety, zimmu-dar or -war, tukafojl, v. responsible, jutun, \. preservation, safety, (protection) pu- nah, sayu, asra, ar, ihtiyat, (bail) the person, zamin, kufeel, (the bond given) khutt i za- minee, (carelessness) be-khuburee, dheel, v. confidence, certainty, (to be) otna. sedan, bocha, [perhaps from boochna, to sit in a confined posture]; v. chair, khunjur, jhora. tukht-ruwan. 4C2 SED 572 SEE sedate, ahistu, gumbheera, dheema, dheera, sa- husee, nichul, pitmar, v. quiet, grave, {serene) qurar, u-dol, v. still. sedately, choop-chap, v. calmly. sedateness, quraree, sahus, v. sober, nicliulta, pit- maree, v. tranquillity. sedentariness, sookoonut. sedentary, sakin, be-hurkut, bucBandoo, kum- hurkut, qa,id, ghurghooswa, machetor, y. slug- gish, ,(pr(^essio») sukoonut-peshu, v. still, tor- pid, &c. sedge, ramsur, y.flag. sediment, turchhut, doord, gadli, kat, gad, v. pre- cipitate, feculent, &c. sedition, hungamu, bulwa, fusad, iitnu, dunga, ' ushob, bughawut, ruola, v. mutiny, doond, fu- toor, tunta, v. insurrection, tumult. seditious, bughee, sur-kush, na-furmaii, litnu- ungez, mojfsid, dunguet, v. incendiary, futoo- riya,tuntuet, moofsidanu, \. factious, rebellious, also the adv. seditiously, surkushee- &c. -se. seditiousness, sur-kushee, na-furmanee, fitnu-un- gezee, moofsidee, dunguetee. toseduce, phooslana, wurghulana, bhoolana, bhut- kana, ighwa-k. be rah-k. be garna, v. to cor- rupt, goomrah-k. phoriia, jhans-lena, oobhar- na, oodhalna, oodharna, kootnana, phor-lena, loobhana, v. to tempt, debauch, mislead, deceive. seducer, phcoslaha, ghawee, moozil, bigaroo, jhan- soo, phorunhar, oobharoo, oodhaloo, oodharoo, oodhra, bhoola.oo. seduction, seducement, ighwa, izlal, goom rahee, be-rahee, bhutka.o, funn-fureb, phooslahut, phor, jhunsa.o, oodhar, kootnapa, v. deceit, &c. sedulous, sa,ee, koshishee, sur-gurm, chuokus, musbghool, v. industrious, &c. .sedulously, mihnut- &c. -se. sedulousness, mihnut, mushuqqut, sU|ee, koshisfa, sur-gunnee, v. industry. see, dekho, tak, chito; see now, dekho to, v, look, behold, &c. to see, V. a. dekhna, nuzur- &c. -k. v. sight, dekh-pana, niharna, takna, chituona, v. to look, perceive, observe, visit, &c. hema, milna, y. to deem^under stand; y. n. soojhna, v. to seem. This verb, like milna, is generally, perhaps always, used inversely: how can I see in the dark, kyoonkur moojhe undhere men soojhe, i. e. how can sight come in the dark to me, which is easily accounted for, by supposing that the verb is formed from soojh, sight, and ana, to come, v. to have, find, Sec. seed, beej, beenj, biya, tookhm, buzr, danu, bi- hun, {of cotton) binuola, v. stone, nizhad, v. progeny, &c. {having the) danudar, binuo- leedar, {sperm) munee, panee, peshab, moot, V. 1-ace. to seed, beejiyana, {cotton) otna. seedling, v. plant, bihun, chara, v. shoot, &c. seedlip, udhiya, v. basket. seed-pearl, rezu motee. seed-plot, bee,ur, bihinuor, /ro»M bihin, a plant. seedsman, tookhm furosh, v. sower. seed-time, bowara, bo,a,ee, bawug. seedy, beejar, beejala, tookhmee, poor-tcokhm, beejuela, v. granulous. seeing, {vision) so3Jh, heena,ee,y. sight, {iiicomp.) been; seeing that, jub, yih dekhke, kyoon- kur, V. since, therefore. to seek, dhoondhna, khojna, sooragh- ahut-lena, tulash-k. V. to search, pursue, fikr men-h. fikr-k. V. to contrive, {to solicit) mangna, chahna, durkhwast- tulub- suwal- doo,a- &c. -k. V. to request. seeker, khojee, talib, moostudUiCe, tulashee, \.in- SEi 573 SEL '^ttirer, jo,indu, khwahan, lagoo, \. searcher, (in comp.) jo, khwah. 4o seel, seena, top-d. chushmdokhtu-k. to seem, soojhna, soojh- dekh-ana or -purna, mu,uIoom-h. dekhla,ee-d. nuzur-ana, jan-pur- na, lugua, ana, deesna, zahir-h. v. to appear; it seems, mu,uIoom bota, nuzurata, uesa inu,u- loom purta hue, v. forsooth., seetner, seeming, dekha,oo,zahir-dar,zahir-naoma, V. plausible, appearance, &c. seemingly, dekhne men, zahira, bahur. seemliness, kh(iosh-ncDma,ee,turuh-daree, zeba,ee, sujawut, dekhnuo^ee, v. comeliness, decency, seemly, dekha,oo, deedaroo, khooshnasma, zeba, dursunee, dekhnuog, v. becoming, comely, seemly, adj. khoosh nooraa,ee- &c. -se. seen, deedu, azmoodu, v. versed, seer, v. beholder, uhli-buseenit, {in comp.) been, {prophet) ghueb-dan, v. spectator, seesaw, jhoola jhoolee, jhooma jhoomee, doobuk- chal, oottar churha.o, ghultan pechan. to seesaw, tule oopur-ana, bhumee-k. ghotu- marna, v. to swing, &c. to seeth, seejhana, oosinna, seejhna, v. to boil, segment, qutu,u, tookra, qash, phenee, phank, ko,a, khoshu, v. slice, seignior, \.7>uister,^ahih,\.dominion,emperor,lord. seine, chatur, muha-jal. to seize, pukurna, qubz- girift-k. huthiyana, guhna, chheenna, chhorna, pukur-r. lena, duba-lena, le-lena, chheeli-lena, qoorq- zubt-k. iimul kur-lena, v. to snatch, pukur dhiikur-, dhur pukur- ukhuzjur-k. pukurna, dhukurna, chiindurna, chhandna, bandhna, dubochna, v. to take, seized, mughsoob. seizure, v. the verb, tuskheer, qoorqee, zubtee, chhina,o, chhora.o, gyaree, ghusb, v. capture, jiossession. seldom, kum, thora, kubhee kubhee, gah gah, kumtur, bu-noodrut, v. rarely, gcc. select, selected, moontukhub, choona hoo,a, chok- ha, intikhabee, buchhoo,a, mrohra, v. prime, to select, choonna, burana, chhantna, choon- chhan- lena, cheedu- intikhab-k. bachhna, nikalna, le-lena, qubool- man- man-k. v. to choose. selection, intikhab, choDna,o, chhant, bachh, bu- ra,o, V. choice. selectness, v. choice, choiceness. selector, choonindu, choonwuya, buchhwuya, intikhabee, {in comp.) cheen. self, ap, upne, khood, zat, nufs, atum, v. soul, {your) kheod bu duolut, aproop, sree-mookh, {in comp.) ee, hee, v. himself, &c. also self- same, very, &c. ; / gave it to himself, oos ee ko diya muen ne ; I gave to yourself, muen ne toom hee ko diya ; myself, &c. apee ap, V. themselves ; to be one's self, apmen-ruhna, {beside, &c.) ap se bahur-h. v. beside, also senseless ; selves, ap ; we ourselves shall go, hum ap sub ja.enge, v. ourselves, also the Monitor. self-conceit, khcod-nooma.ee, khood-beenee, khood- purustee, kiiood-furoshee, khood-ra,ee, khood- pusundee, mun-muoj, apman. self -conceited, self-sufficient, khood-oooma, khood- purust, khcod-pusund, khood-been, khrod-fu- rosh, ap manee, kh(i)d-ra,e, mun-monjee. self-deceit, khrod-ghultee, khood-furebee. self-defence, self-preservation, ap-ruchha, hifazut nufsee, atum-ruchha. self-denial, khood-shikunee, nufs-kooshee, mun- maree, wuni, v. humility. self-evident, budeehee, atum-namee, mcDshtuhir- bizzat, khcrd-zahir. self-existing, wajib ool wujood, qaimbiz-zatihee, khood-hust, {being) khooda, v. God. % self-interest, self-love, selfishness, self-sufficiency, SEM. 574 SBN khood-ghuruz, khood-mutjubee, atum-pokhu- hee, ap-swarth, khood-purustee, nufs-purwu- ree, ap-adhapee, nufsaniyut, ap-kar, ap-un- ha,ee, nufsa-nufsee. selfish, ghuruz-mund, khood-ghurzee, khood-mut- lub, ap-swarthee, atum-paluk, nufs-purwur, khood-purust, tunha-khor, ekul-khora, ibn col ghurz., ghurz-ba.ola. to be selfish, apap-k. -pokarna, &c. upnee-gana, pet-palna. selfishly, khood ghurzee-se, &c. self-murder, nufs-kooshee, atum-ghat, khood-koo- shee, V. suicide, self-pollution, guturchod-ee, v. manstrupation. self-praise, khood-furoshee, khood-suna,ee. self-same, ekhee, ekee, ■woohee, yihee, woohee- wooli, aphee wooh, bijinsihee, v. same, exactly, {state, &c.) jyon ka tyon, juesa ka tuesa. self-will, khopd-ra.ee, atum-boodh, khmd-uqlee. to sell, V. a. bechna, khiiruchna, furokht- bueu- -k. V. sale, chula-d. jroJa-k, v. to dispose, part, mol-d. bikana, {scripture) hudiyu-k. {out- right) khnttkush-hechna ; V. n. bikna, lugna, khupna, kulna, chulna, ruwa ruo pur-h. v. sold, seller, ba,eeu, ba,iu, bechwuya, bechun bar, {in 'comp.) furosh, bechwa, wala, furoshindu, v. the Grammar, page 175, &c. selvage, kinaru, unwunth, v. border, selves, apoos, v. self, your, semblance, v. likeness, resemblance, &c. libas, bhes, V. appearance, semi, {in comp.) udh, neem, nisf, v. half, hemi. semicircle, neem-da,iru, udh-ghera, nisf i da,iru. semicolon, qif, v. colon, semidiameter, nisfi qcotr. semilunar, urdh-chundra, nisf cx)l qumree, hilal- duor, ialalee. ' seminal, tookhmee, {tveakness) dhat, putlee mu- nee, riqaqut i nootfu, v. gleet, seminality, qoowut, tookhmee, sut, \, fecundity, seminary, mudrusu, muktub, tU|Uleem-khanu, dubistan, v. school, semiproof, neem-shuhadut. xtU.uii semitone, udhsoor, neem-ahung. sempiternal, surmud, da,im, un-unt, v. eternal, sempstress, see,un-baree, goolun-haree, v». .nwrs it ^ senate, mujlis, goormuta, umeeree mujlis, \. par- liament, senate-house, deewan-am, deewan-khanu. senator, uhli mujlis, mujlisee, v. counsellor. ' to send, bhejna, puthana, chulana, chulan- ruwa-' nu- irsal-k. duorana, puhoonchana, bhejwa-d. also {to grant) dena, bukhshna, {to inflict) dalna, nazil-k. v. to emit; to send and tell, kuhla-bhejna, khubur-bhejna, v. to apprize; to send out of tlie way, nikalna, khiskana, sut- kana ; to send for, bola-bhejna, mungana, v. to call, bring, sender, bhejwuya. senescence, suthiyahut, boorhiyahut, from suthi- yana, boodhiyana, senescere. se'nnight, huftu roz, aj ke bar, ugla, v. week, &c. ; come on Wednesday se'nnight, ugle boodh ko a,o. seneschal, v. }narsAaZ,meer-bukawul, meer-saman. senior, bura, qudeem, kubeer, kulan, v. elder, a senior, boozoorg, peer, shuekh or shekh, v. old, sage, 8ic. seniority, bura,ee, kulanee, qidamut. senna, suna, suna-mukkee. sensBi sensation, V .power, hiss,{pl. huwass,)ihsas, jan, sut, chetunta, rus, v. perception, sight, hearing, luga.o, qoowut, kurum, indree, sukt, jee, lamisu, hoshgosh, soodh, uosan, bibekh, V. feeling, luzzut, {pleasant) soorus, opposed to koorus, the contr. {intellect) uql, fuhm, idrak, SEN S16 SEP mut, chet, soort, imtiyaz, tumeez, Hhaz, v. judgment, (meaning) imt,unee, muzmoon, mul- hoom, urth, mutliib, cjureenu, luchhnay V- im- port, {knowledge) wuqoof, khubur, gyan, y. conteioustieif, (place) muoqu; in thi» sitisf, is muoqi meii; common sense, hiss i mooshtu- rik; lo be in one's senses, npne jame men-h.; the five senses, huwas-khumsu, puch-rus. senseless, be-hiss, be-huwass, be-hurkut, soon, nirus, be-jan, nirjee, be-soodh, nir-boodhee, noorchhit, v. dead, insensible, (stupid) be-wuq- oof, huwass-bakhtu, na-dan, u-chet, na-sumujh, be-fiihmeed, v. ignorant, (absurd) be-hoodu, be-mu,unee, v. foolish, &c. senselessly, be-ghuerut, be-humiyut, bewuqoofee- &c. -se, V. sensibility, senselessness, bc-huwassee, be-hoodugee,be-ghue- jfutee, V. stupidity, sensibmtys (tonook-huwassee, chhun bidhunsee, na-aookee, wuswas, -WTihTn, humiyut, ghuerut, an, kiin, v. sympathy, acuteness. sensible, hussas, rusar, z^e-hiss, (perceptible) qa- bili-hiss, inuhsoos> (aMJar«) waqif, alim, muh- rura, jankar, v. to feel, (convinced) qa,'il, mco- qir, purajit, mootuyuqqun, mu,uqool, (wise) dana, danish-mund, mut-man, bu-ja, v. proper, judicious, wise, toonook-huwas, v. acute, nice, sensibleness, v. tenderness, muhsoosiynt, husasee, hxissasiyut, miihsoosiyut, hiss-hazree, v. feel- ing, perception, sensibly, zahira, bahur, v. externally, ba-wuqoof, aqil, tezfuhmee- &c. -se, also wisely, &c. v. judiciously, also the adj. and noun: sensitive, jandar, jeeta, zindu, v. live, suktee, byapik, (conscious) mootunubbih, chetun, v. sensible, sensitive plant, lujaloo, roothnee. sensorium, burhmand, ia,e-his8, muhsus, v. organ. sensual, nufsanee, shtfhwutee, shuoqeon, rusik, rusiya. a stnsualist, shuhwut-purust, nufs i purwur, mooshtiihee, v. epicure, voluptuous, ruseela, nufs- huwa- &c. -purust, v. lustfid. sensuality, nufsaniyut, shuhwut, miistee, shiih- wut-punistee, huwa o huwus, mifs i ummaru, rusika,ee, V. passion, huwa, nufs-pnnistBe, &c. ningms, v. lechery, &c. sensually, mustee- &c. -se. sentence, (decision) futwa, hookm, quza, tajweez, budan, pudbirt, sookhun, v. speech, fiiesnl- namu, tu.uzeer-naiiiti, v. decree, determination, order, (of death)qis&s, v. condemnation, punish- ment, (maxim) musul, zutb col musul, muqoolu, quol, bat, kuhawut, (jyeriod) kulam, jojinla, a,it, fiqru, bhag. to sentence; hookm- &c. -d. or -k. ; to pronounce sentence of death, quU ka hdokm-k. sententious, nooktu-purdaz, muqoolii-go, nooktu- sunj, quleel col lufz kuseer ool mu,unee, mu- teen, poor-mughz, v. sentence, musul- &c. -go, V. laconic, also pithy, energetic. sententiously, ikhtisar-sfc. sententioitsness, mutanut, ikhtisar. sentiment, sumujh, boojh, fikr, ra,e, znnn, qiyas, undeshu, tudbeer, ghuor, khiyalj v. opinion, thought, jee kee bat, mut, v. notion. sentinel, sentry, pas-ban, puhriya, chuokee-dar, pasee, v. watch. sentry-box, koottee. separable, qabil ool iftiraq, moomkin col furq, moomkin ool tufrfeeq, bilga,oo, phootnejog, bil- ganejog, y. the verbs, bichhra.oo, jooda,ee- puzeer, infikak-puzeer. separate, separated, jooda, alug, ulga, Aifawnt, filahidu, moonfusul, bhin, mufrooq, mootn- fawut, mootufurruqi moohajur, v. apart, moon- tukhub, nyara, v. distinct. SEQ 5T6 SER to separate, v. a. jooda- &c. -k. bichhoma, khin- dana, nocherna, burana, torna, v. to disjoin, katna, kat-r. chhorana, bilgana, phorna, phor- lena, doo,ee-d. bitharna, ootarna, v. separation, &c. ; V. n. jooda- &c. -h. khindna, bichjioorna, V. to part, kutna, tootna, phootna, bilugna, phoot-ruhna, muhjoor- moonfuq-h. v. to divide. separately, jooda jooda, ulug ulug, v. the adj. furdun furdun, ek ek, moofusulun, tufseelun, V. individual, dufu,u dufu,u, jinswaree, phoot phoot, V. one. separation, v. absence, jooda.ee, bichhoora,o, moo- hajurut, iftiraq, tufreeq, tufseel, bilga,o, doo,ee, infikak, tufariqu, tufurrooqu, tufurqu, phoot, bichhoha, bitharee, moofariqut, v. difference, divorce, also the verb. septangular, huftgoshu, sut kona, moosubbu. September, koonar, asin, asoj, usjook, eekh, {9th month) rumuzan, mahisyam, roze ka chand. septenary, sub. sutta, huftu. septenary, adj. huft-ganu. septennial, huft-salee, huft-salu, sut-bursa. septical, gula,oo, sura,oo. septilateral, huft-puhloo, sut-kona. septuagesimal, &c. suttur-wan, huft-adu. septuple, sut-purta, -goonu, -lura, or -tuha, v. the Grammar, page 96. sepulchral, toorbutee. sepulchre, sepultre, gor, qubur, muzar, toorbut, dur-gah, murqud, ruozu, ustanu, suteewara, dher, sumbadh, v. grave, tomb, burial, inter- ment. sequel, akhir, aqibut, intiha, nihayut, khutm, purriam, khumiyazu, v. end, upshot, {conse- quence) nuteeju, phul, v. event. to sequester, sequestrate, {separate) ulug- &c. -r. or-k. keturuf-r. v. to withdraw {the property of a debtor) qoorq-k, chhenkna, v. to confis- sequestration, v. separation, qozlut, goshu-nishee- nee, tunhaiCe, v. retirement, {of goods) qoorqee, chhenk, rok, chhenka,o, gyaree, zubtee, qoorq, V. to distrain. seraglio, probably from sura,e-uhliyu, the wo- man's apartment, q. v. zunanu, hurum-sura,e, chor-muhul, muhul-sura,e, khoord- or khass- muhul, untuh-poor, runiwas, v. within. seraph, israfeel. serenade, nihbilapr to serenade, nihbilap-k. or -gana. serene, sakin, be-hurkut, ahistu, usthir, dheettia, dheera, ba-qurar, mootuhummil, sakin oot tu- bau, suleem oot-tubu, saf, phurchha, nirmul, V. clear, calm, nichul, thundha, \. placid. serenely, ahistugee- &c. -se. serenity, sereneness,serenitude,asa,iah,asoodugee, aram, sookh, furaghut, be-hurkutee, sukoonut, qurar, ahistugee, tuhummool, usthirta, dheeruj, boordbaree, v. mildness, {clearness) phurcha,ee, oojjulta, sufa.ee, v. brightness. Serjeant, dufu-dar, v. corporal, dufabash, mirduha, V. constable, {among our sipahees) huwal-dar, from huwalu-dashtun, to have in charge. series, surishtu, silsilu, duor, luga.o, lugataree, V. succession, concatenation, lurbundee, v. line. serious, gumbheera, gurooha, mootuhummil, so- chee, sungeen, wuzunee, ahistu, bismadee, mulool, V. grave, bharee, also {weighty) bura, V. important; are you really serious? waquee such kuhte ho toom? v. solemn, thoughtful. seriously, tuhummool- &c. -se, v. gravely, {in earnest) such, thutha bur turuf, fil-huqeequt, nufs ool umur, huqeequtun. seriousness, tuhummool, sunjeedugee, mootuhum- milee, dheerta, soch, ahistugee, wuzn, bisma.o, V. earnestness, solemnity. sermon, wu,uz, nuseehut, khootbu, sichha, doo^^ gan u, khuteeb. ^ER srr SET serous, putla, abee, punsa, v. watery. '' ' ': terpent, samp, nag, surp, mar, v. snake, uzhduha, t'l ufee, \. viper. wrpeB/i seventeenth, snt-urwAn, sut-ruhwan, y.se'nnigkl. seventh, sat- wan. seventhly, sat-wen. seventieth, suttur-waii.. seventy, suttur. to sever, katna, kat-d. jcoda-k. v. to separate. several, (some) bu.uze, there, ku,e«, kue-ek, chund, do-teen, ek-adh, do-char, v. few, (many) buhoot, v. particular, (different) alug, jcoda, mnotufurruq, v. distinct, (single) ek, t. ovm. severally, ek ek, jooda jooda, furdiin furdon, v. particularly. severe, v. cruel, sukht, toond, kurukht, daoroosht, zor, tez, niput, shaq, beroo, sukhtgeer, then- tha, V. hard, &c. (strict) mcoqueyud, moo- quttu, mootushurruh, v. sedate, rigid. severely, shiddut- &,c. -se. severity, sukhtee, &c. shiddut, ghulbu, quhr, be- hilmee, v. harshness, rigour. to sew, seena, silana, goolna, dokht-k. v. to stitch; to sew up, see-d. (a pond, &c.) jhama. sewer, (officer) bukawul, v. shore, soojee, (in comp.) doz. sewing, sila,ee, tuga,oe. sex, ling, furj, jins, burg, v. male, female, &c. (gender) zat, jat, alum, v. people; the sex, v. kind, goaptlingee, alum nisa, mustoorat, mco- khuddurat, v. woman. sexagenary, sutiyaha. sexagesimal, sutta. sexangular, moosuddus, shush-goshu, chhu-kona. sexennial, chhe-burkha, shush- salu. sextain, moosuddus, khut-pudee, chhuppa,ee. sextant, soodus, chhutwan. sexton, mootuwuUee, mooUa, khadim durgah, ma>- jawir, V. v)arden, moowuzzin, or rather the crier, who calls the people to prayers, has charge of the musjid, and superintends the 4D 2 SHA 580 SHA obseqiiies of the dead, &c. v. undertaker, dig- ger, &c. sextuple, chhelura, chhegoona, v. the Grammar, page 96. shabby, kharishtee, pujora, mulamutee, v. paltry. to shackle, zunjeer- &c. -k. -d. or -marna, v. to chain, 8tc. shackles, zunjeer, bund, qued, kura, y. chain, manacle, stocks. ':■:•'■. shade, v. shadow, chhanw, sayu, nirgham, nee- wan, V. lee, (grove) koonj, v. obscurity, {de- gree) durju, ta,o, ta,o bhao, purt, kurmushu; a glass shade, fanoos ; a shade over doors, sayu- ban, oosara, pesh-dalan, v. practice, shelter. to shade, shadow, chhana, sayu- &c. -d. -d. -r. or -marna, sayu- dar-k. v. to cover, (colours) chhanw dhoop-bhurna, teeturbudlee-k. v. to rejjresent. shadiness, sa,e-daree, chhunha.ee, chhangura,ee, purchhawan. shadow, purchhaheen, purchha,on, uks, chhanw, zill, fue, V. shade, manes, spectre, spirit, (not substance) sooTut, dhokha, v. reflection, (shelter) punah ; shadow of God, zilloollah. shadowing, sayu undaz-ee. shady, shadowy, sa,e-dar, chhangur, v. gloomy, umbrageous. shaft, teer, chhur, phnr, bent, dunda, rusud, v. pole, (of a well) kushmeereebuud, kothee, (an arrow) suree, v. tube, (pit) nal, khukhura, khankhur, v. spire. shag, pushum, v. hair. shaggy, jhubra, ronara, pushmeen, jhuboo,a, v. hairy. shagreen, keem<»kht, saghuree. shake, shaking, hiIa,o, &c« dol, jhutuk, jhijhor, dugmuga,o, 8ic. v. the verbs, jcombish, lur- ^1 zish, V. motion, (of the voice) luhak, v. ague, quaver, (salutation) moosafa, kurguhun, v. concussion, &c. to shake, v. a. hilana, doomana, v. to move, jhor- na, jhijhorna, jharna, jhutkana, jhukorna, v. to throw, shed, lurzaoa, joombish- &c. -d. v. to tremble, (a whip, ice. at one) chumkana, dikh- lana, v. to brandish, (hands) dust bosee- moo- safihu-k. V. to embrace, (to agitate) ghubrana, bhurmana, v. to disturb, (to invalidate) ghut- ana, v. to weaken; to shake off, dalna, chhorna, V. to cast, &c. to slmke, v. n. hilna, dolna, doomna, jhunia, jhutukna, v. to quaver, shiver, jhijhhoma, thulthulana, dhulana, duldulana, v. to pull, totter, mukna, thulukna, jhurjhurana, huluk- na, V. to reel, be qurar- &c. -h. v. distracted. shaker, hilawunhar, 8cc. v. the verb. to shackle, tuoq o zunjeer-k. v. tocJiain. shall, is in this language, as in our own, rather perplexing, the future in oonga, or subjunctive in oon, appearing often to be used i)romiscu- ously to express both shall and will, with n« other discrimination than what may proceed from the circumstances under which the speaker is at the time, and the emphasis or position of the words he uses. Dooboonga, resembles our, I will drown, and dooba re dooba, I shall drown ; although the last be the perfect tense of the verb doobna, to drown, v. the Gram7nar, page 132, also let, ought, will. Sec. I shall try, however, lekin dekhoonga; lekin dekha chuhiye; lekin mcojhe dekhte bunega, v. must, may, &c. ; shall I try ? muen-dekhoou i shalloon, soof. •'Jurf ,Ua .-WKtw shallop, punso.ee, thukthuo,a. shallow, oothla, pa,e-ab, chhichhla, petla, kuch- hoo,a-dabur, ooncha-neecha, kum-mmooq, v. shoaly, simple, flat, (silly) ochha, hulka, kum- zurf, V. empty, .deri-tae ,im?lifs<'5.: 8HA 581 SHA shaJlovmess, o6thla,ee, thhichhla,^, pa,e,tfl)ee, pet- la,ee, ochha,ee,.hulk£<,ee, knm-znrfee, v. silli- sham, sub. bunawut, mis.jhooth, pekhna, dekh- Jawut, thesra, pukhund, v. pretence, imposture, affectation, trick. sham, adj. jhootha, miqlee, scowangee, umulee, V. fake, '■'^ ,n»Vio«.w ./ ,V,d-Joil« to sham, jhooth mocrth- &c. -k. dekhlana, bu- nana, soowang- &c. -muchana, or -Ingana, (distress or poverty) niniyana. shambles, muslukh, qussab khanu. thaitti, shu^mh, laj,^ sntikocb, shurmindugee, khijalut, huya, hijab, ghuerut, nungnamoos, infi,al, ar, ghin,kimuond, v. disgrace, pride, re- proach, nudamut, pusheraanee, purdu, {to feel) zurd roo-h. kut-j. v. to blush, to shaine, shurmindii- &c. -k. lujwana, sukdoch- wana, shumiana, katna. - »^;*'- v-v«"'^^/ to be ashamed, sukoochna, kutna/pnskemafi-^c. -b. V. bashful, shame-faced, shurum-rbo, moonh-chor, shurnm- sar, lujawun, hijab-roo, sukochee, kumionda, V. modest, sheepish: shame-facedness, ihoinli-cliofe^-" shameful, shurum-awur, luja.oo, sukoocha,oo, shnnna,oo, niU|ttyoab, ihuzmooin, v. ignomi- mous. shamefully, shnnim awnree- etc. -se, v. meanly, shameless, be-shurm, be-huya, nirluj, be-ghAerut, uput, be-mmg o namoos, be-humiyut, be-roo, moondla, nukta, v. frontless, immodest, bare- faced, shamelessly, be ghuemtee- &c. -se. shamelessness, be-ghuerutee, be-shurmee, v. iin- pudence, &c. shairtiner, buhanu-Saz, heelu-baz, nukhree-baz, ^'■■' chiliftee, v. pretender, bhu^lee, pukhundee, Itanputee, lupatee, v. impostor. ''"' w^' ' shank, pindlee, philee, nurhnr, saq, v. leg, also shaft, {of a key, 8cc.) dundee, v. stalk. shanked, v. spindle, taki, or mukur-gora, v. spi- der. shanker, tankee, chut, v. sore. shape, V. form, qutu, turash, byont, gurhun, ka- thee, shukl, soorut, v. cut, duol, v. figure, make, &c. to shape, dnoliyana, gurhna, bunana, v. to form, byontna, v, to cut, {one's course) lugana, ni- kalna, v. to regulate, qutu booreed-k. turash- na, kuma, v. to fashion. shapeless, be-duol, bud-qutu, nn-gurh, v. deform- ed. '*■«" ."• shapely, tiiruh-dar, soo-duol, khoosh-qutu, v. symmetry, &c. shard, thikra, sikla, sifal, v. bit. share, v. part, bast, bantee, hissu, bnhru, UHS, chhanda, bukhsh, huqq, buena, bihree, puttee, buhru, thok, khoont, rusud, suhm, V. lot, partnership, {of a plough) phal, tora, V. coulter; land paid by certain shares cf the produce in kind, buta,ee. to share, bantna, burtana, toqseem- 8i«. -k. bant- &c. -lena, -d. or -lagana, v. to divide, shurakut- &c. -r. shureek- &c. -h. v. sharer, {to seize) lootna, v, to take. share-bone, peroo kee huddee. sharer, y. partner, bhagee, hissu-dar, bnbrunuiDd, suheem, bukhruet, putteedar, {in comp.) bukhsh, V. associate, {divider) qasim, bunt- ■wnya. sharing, {in comp.) bnkhjhee, whence zur- gbul- lu- 8cc. -bukhshee. ihtttk, nihung, sher-duriya.ee, selee oibung, na- ka, hangur. to shark, shikar-k. v. parasite, &c> sharp, tea, chokha, ab-dar, boorran, qati, pnena, V. keen, burraq, durdura, {pointed) nokeeja. SHA 682 SHE uniyara, v. acute, {acid) tmrsh, umlana, v. sour, {shrill) putla, bareek, zeer, v. treble, {severe) kurra, toond, {piercing) kuteela, sa- luk, duseela, {quick) chuokuna, chutkeela, juld, chalak, v. vigilant. ■sharp, zeer, tun, v. rapier. to sharp, v. n. sooghur chutakee-&c. -k- v. to cheat. ."'^ .,.'..„- to sharpen, v. to set, tez- &c. -k. chokhana, pue- nana, lugana, barh-d. or -r. nok-nikalna, peet- ana, v. edge, also to scour. sharper, sooghur-chutak, chonge-baz, dhandhu- liya, nut-khut, chhukke punje-baz, oochukka, dhcnrt, barhiya, v. cutler, rinmar, mal mur- desmkhor, roobubaz, v. cheat, swindler. sharping, sooghur chutakee, chongebazee, nut- khutee, chhukka-punja, , oochukrpun, dhcor- taee. . •»?!?««[ ,f)iB«J ,V'^"f>T sharply, tezee- &c. -se. sharpness, tezee, chokha,ee, ab-daree, kat, boor- rish, barh, toorsliee, putlaiCe, ruqaqut, baree- kee, V. the adj. shiddut, sukhtee, chuoksaiSe, chutuk, chalakee, juldee, v. acuteness. sharpset, mooshtuhee, bhookh-moo.a, v. eager. sharp-sighted, tez-nuzur, chuo-unkha, tez-nigah, V. smart, sharper, quick. sharp-visaged, puena moonh. shatter, choor, tookra, rezu, poorzu, v. piece. to shatter, v. a. choor- Sec. -k.; v. n. tookra tookra-h. chiknachoor-k. pash pash-k. v. to shiver, break. to shave, v. a. moondna, ghotna, bunana, huja- mut- islah-k. khutt-bunana, bal-bunana or -moondna, khizabi ahunee-k. chhuorna, ku- mana, {and mourn) bhudur-k. {tJie privities) pakee-lena, v. hair, beard, {to pare) chheelna, turashna, katna, v. to slice. shaven, moondla, durhmoonda, reesh mooturrush. shaver, moondwuya, v. barber, ashiq, v. spark; he is a cunning shaver, wooh pukka sonar hue. shaving, chheelun, chhilka, turash, moondaee, chhuor, V. slice. iWv 'Ml't\' Mt- shawl, from shal, toosee, {the adj.) shalee; a shawl handkerchief, shalee roomal ; doo shalu, is a double piece of shal; a shawl weaver, shal-baf, v. woollen, &c. she, V. he, it. As she, in this language, can only be distinguished from he by the gender of the verb, the Hindoostanee is exposed to the am- biguity noted by the celebrated Harris, in his excellent work. See Hermes, lib. i. ch. 5. p. 71. She, {female) madu, istree-ling, v. woman, sex, &.c. sheaf, poola, antee, guera, dustu, bhurota, suwa, lu-pa, {of arrows) mootha. to shear, v. to shave, kutuma, miqraz, &c. -k. {to reap) katna, luona, v. to clip, cut. shears, v. scissars, kuturna, miqraz, quenchee, also {a prop.) ghonsa, bhit bhera; shear, {age) moondan, [from mondna, to shear, or shave, q- v.] shear-water, tuteehree, purewa. » » sheath, V. scabbard, ghilaf, khol, dohur, khol- ra,ee, gulta, khap, ghur, v. case, skin, &c. to sheathe, miyan- &c. -k. v. scabbard, ghilaf- &c. -k. {toft with a scabbard) kathee-b. {to cover) murhna, lewa-d, v. to overlay, &c. {in physic) liputna, v. to defend, 8cc. lupetna, iz- laq-k. chiknana, phislana, v. to lubricate. shed, chuo bara, palanee, buela, tongee, dopakha, oosara, chhanwee, v. roof, shade, {in comp.) re- zee, jhuiee, v. shedding. V T'A' to shed, V. a. dalna, girana, dhalna, buhana, ni- kalna, dena, jhama, lena, peena, v. to pour, take, choo,ana, beetna, tupkana, phenkna, v. to cast, {tears) ushkfishan- ushkbar-h. v. to weep;v.n. girna, jhurna, buhna, \. fall, flaw; SHE 688 SHI to shed blood, khoon rezee- khoonkhwaree-k. lohoo-peena. thedder, {in comp.) ret. shedding, sub. (of blood) khoon-rezee,(of leaves) burg-rezee, put-jhuree. ^ s ,Vit>v sheep, bher, {pi. bheren) mesh, gospnnd, {ram) bhera, doomba;^ (etoe) doombee ; afiock of sheep, q. V. lenhda. i .i;it.flit> ,.;i .rlWji sheep-cot, &c. bher-sala, baia, bhersar, buethan, y.fold. sheepish, moonh-chor, bhola, nimana, hudiyana, V. shamefaced, timid. sheepislmess, moon-choree, hudiyahut, rumeedu- kho,ee, y. bashful, shamefacedness. sheep-shearing, bher-moondan. sheepskin, meshee. sheep's-eye, hijab-chushmee, kunishmu-nuzree, bher-unkha, v. to ogle, &c. sheep-walk, bherwas. .yrlij imiMtu sheer, v. clean, saf, nira, lojch, be-luga,o, v. pure. to sheer off, khisukna, sutukna, bura- kutra-jana, V. to scamper. sheet, chuddur, chadur, doo-putta, v. plate, furd, V. piece, rida, oopuma, ek- &.c. -putta, dohur, ekla,ee, pichhoree, toora,ee, v. covering, {of paper) ta,o, tukhtu, jooz. shelf, tukhtee, tand, putra, putnee, urgura, mu- chan, taq, ruwaq, tubqu, {hanging) chheeka, V. shoal; to put on tlie shelf, taq pur-r. shell, chhilka, khcolra.ee, kuoree, khurmoohra, khuprohee, kuchkura, thikra, v. snail, {lac) lakchupra, {adj. seepee, sudafee, v. husk) {of an animal) seep, suduf, kuora, ghongha, sunkh, moohru, {of a turtle) khopree, also {of a cocoa) kho!, kulee, v. scale, &c. {of a house) chuokundha, char-deewaree, thutlniree. shelter, bucha,o, ar, punah, sayu, chhanw, urtula, urar, ur, moohra, v. refuge, protection. to shelter, v. a. v. to protect, arna, sayu- &c. -d. or-k. chhipana, v. to cover, &c.; v. n. chhip- na, buch-nihna or buethna; to take shelter, punah- &c. -pukurna or -lena, damun-pukur- na, V. to rely. a\mS tA shelterless, be-ar, be-punah. shelve, shoal, q. v. ghutana. shelving, dhaloo, dugruon, ootar churha.o. shepherd, bheree-hara, gureriya, guUu-ban, chuo- pan, chik, gaddee, ghosee, gop, dhoongur, pas- ban, shuban, ra,ee, v. pastor, swain; a cow- herd, palee, baldee, bhuens-war, bhuensiya, V. drover, buffalo. shepherdess, bhereeharin, gopee, brijbal, brijnar, aheerin, v. herd, and form the feminines ; {lass) na.eka, priya. sherbet, [from shurbut] pana, puna, booghra, ul- shoru, V. drink. sheriff, fuoj-dar, chuklu-dar, hakim, shiq-dar. In Arabia the chief magistrate is called shu- reef, (i. e. noble, 8cc.) whence the shureef of Mukku, or, as our travellers will have, it, the sheriff of Mecca. sheriffdom, fuoj-daree, chuklu-daree. shield, dhal, sipur, girdu, phuree, chuktee, afta- bee, teep, {armed with a shield) dhuluet, {bearer) sipur-burdar, {maker) dubgur, v. shel- ter, iui. to shield, dhal- 8tc. -d. v. to shelter, {to ward > off) rokna, chhenkna, tal-d. v. to parry. shift, v. expedient, soorut, duor, duol, v. resource, nibah, goozran, v. to live, Sic. {stratagem) jutun, hikmut, fitrut, chiritr, fikr, tudbeer, bazee, da,o, gha,ee, hirkee, ba,oIee, v. remedy, also contrivance, doubling, trick, {evasion) oozr, tal bal, y.sham, {of linen) joia, puehra,o, v. suit. to shift, V. n. phirta- dolta-ruhna, phira-k. v. to move, bunna, nibhna, din-katna or -bhurna, V. to live, save, &c. {to cliange) phima, budul- SHI 584 SHO ha, (to fare) nibah- &c. -k. v. to do, &c. ; V. a. phema, budul-d. -d. or -lena, ootarna, V. to alter, puton, 8tc. («o re»»ove) talna, ootha- -r. surkana, v. to transport, &c. shifter, chiritree, v. subterfuge. d ,w'»i-<'*JVii\ shiftless, la-char, be-pur, v. helpless, shilli-shalli, agapeechba, pus o pesh, shuh o punj, oolmel, dar murdar, ban nab, a^oon a.oQn, ja,oon ja,oon, v, procrastinatiom^ , ^it' ' ,nti>-[ skily, wuhshut- &c. -se, v. sAi««s«. dnrfa ,aft4 shin, nuree, philee kee buddee, v. leg, &c. to shine, chumukna, jhulukna, luokna, ruosbun- &c. -h. khoolna, v. bright, jugmugana, (as evening) sbam-phoolna, v. to gleam, {to be eminent) bajna, numood- surtaj- mcomtaz-b. \. famous, also to enlighten, shining, shiny, v. luminxms, durukbshau, lami, shoo,ule-wur, jugjuga, phurcha, v. sparkling, shiness, v. shy, wuh.shut, bhuruk, chuhoonk, un- mel, budiyabut, kuniyabut, rookha,ee, kheech, V. reserve. ' " shingle, lukree kee putree, v. tile, &*. i^» aiU shingles, kucbh dad. vVub-f..«i .n»«V;\V.i .^ ship, (vessel) juhaz, nuwara, bohit, turnee, su- feenu, kisbtee, ghoorab, v. boat, &c. (in comp.) pun, puna, guree, ee, a,ee, v. the Grammar, to ship, cburbana, bhurna, ladna, v. to freight, nikal-d. or-d. v. to transport. <[[> Aj^^'I'V. <" shipboard, juhaz-pur, v. a-board^ .aaiox ('\\o sAjpTwa* A> shivery, choor chcnra, bhcor bboora. shoal, ghol, jumghut, jhoond, (of fish) suena, v. throng, &c. (s/ielve) chur, thul, retee, guUiana, ootrawun, khurabu, d,he,oo, baloo ka thek, v. shallow4 i;jjui-«ii .liamli (Unin ,ii j .ivu-jia .y j-^yjA-, to shoal, cothlank, odncha-hojana, bh'ii-rj. V. to throng. shoaly, churba thulha. < .mbpif-i iiji^fwtf-i ,>»»4-' shock, v. blow, dhukka dhumuk, sudmu, aseb, zurb, chot, chupet, awa,ee, dhumus, tukkur, ruput, V. onset, (conflict) zud o khoord, mooth- bher, mara maree, (pile) suo,ei, ganj, puhee, v. heap, (disgust) chirh, v. offence. to shock, v. a. dhumkana, sudmu- &c. puhoDnch- ana, v. to shake, chuhoonkana, phirana, bhur- kana, bhurmana, v. to startle, (to offend) bur- hum- &c. -k. chirhana, v. offended, &c. shocking, bhurka,oo, bhurma.oo, chirha,oo, wuh- shut-ungez, v. offensive, j ^irtAmm ,ii4uuf shoe, jootee, paposh, kufsh, joota, kuosh or kuos, pazer, zerpa,ee, ruedas ka sikh, punukee, chu- ma,oon, oopanee, punhun, v. sandal. The various sorts are distinguished, as puttedar, kunoedar, ghentia, goorgabee, peshuoree* zur- >.. ^HO 685 SHO ■dozee, tatbafee, char-hashiyu ; the upper lea- ther, putta ; the iron work of a slipper, tuhiial ; a man who changes his shoes by mistake is called panwkaundha, blind-footed; horse-shoe, nuul, V. slipper; ^o s/toe a Aors«, chuobundee- -k. ; to clutnge his shoes, kholbundee-k. v. to arm. to shoe, nu,ul-b. -lagana or -thonkna, nu,ul bun- dee-k. {icith iron) lohana, shamee-lugana. shoemaker, mochee, kufsh-doz, chumar, chum- bar, kufshgur, V. cobbler. shoot, V. shot, kuril, puodh, kuel, gabh, gabha, buroh, gachhee, po,a, v. sprout, branch. to shoot, V. a. V. to fire, dalna, phenkna, lugana, pusarna, phuelana, nikalna, v. to throw, kill, chulana, marna, chhorna, shulukh-k, v. to discharge, (dead with arrows) teerabez-k. (out) kuchkuchana, oogna, phudphudana, buj- bujana, josh-oothna, v. to grow, also to pierce, (the lip) bijkana, {to push) dhukelna, v. to shove, (to hit, or kill) golee-marna, v. to wound; v. n. chhootna, dughna, nikulna, ooth- na, phootna, lugna, jumna, oopujna, phuelna, pusurna, burhna, v. to sprout, bunna, hojana, ho-buethna, v. to become, &c. {to project) oobhuma, v. to jut out, {to throb) bisbisana, tees-marna, kulbulana, {to viqve) chuina, duor- iia, pil-jana. shooter, {in comp.) undaz, chula, v. archer, &c. shooting, burq-undazee, bundooq-bazee. shop, dookan, hat, bhundsar, kar-khanu, {in comp.) khanu. shop-keeper, dookan-dar, dookanee, buniya, v. grocer, dealer, &c. shore, kinaru, teer, bar, lub, tut, kool, sahil, {further) par, {hither) war, v. side, {sewer) buduruo, moree, nabdan, {buttress) chhulla. to shore, pooshtu- &c. -d. or -jorna. shoreless, u-par, be-kinaru. shorn, moonda, kuta, v. to shear, short, V. brief, chhota, kotah, ulup, quseer, muq- sooru, lughoo, V. low, thora, kum, quieel, ghat, V. little, {defective, q. v.) qasir, uiisum, V. inadequate, {scanty) tung, v. narrow, &C. {friable) uriir, murkuna, kurkuna, v. brittle, {direct) seedha, v. strait, near, {as a souml) hurus, mcokhuffuf, mu,udoolu, v. light, theng- na, nata, banta, mundhra, thoomka, \. low, ochha, tutalia, khonta, multa, v. to lessen, {a» hair) bubree, v. crop; to stop sltort, hutuk-, thuthuk-ruhna; to break short, chutde- putde- tootna; to breathe short , dum-churbna, -phool- na, -bhuma, or -rokna; a is sometimes long or short, ulif bu.vize wuqt mumdooda [goor] ya muqsooru [lughoo] hota hue; in short, ul- qissu, xd-ghurz, pus, bus, nidan, unt, fil-joom- lu, \. finally; tjie short of it is this, khoolasu yihee hue, v. summary; the long and short of it is this, ens ka urz o tool yihee hue ; oos kee lumba,ee chuora,ee yihee hue. short, adv, ek a ek, fil-fuor, trcniit, v. suddenly, also the foregoing and following examples. to shorten, v. to contract, kotah- &c. -k. ghutana, katna, v. to lop. short-hand, {to write) surihurf-likhna. short-lived, kum-zeest, kum-comr, quieel ml huyat, ulpa,e, lughoo-ayo, na-pa,edar, \. fleet- ing. shortly, juld, lughoo bele men, v. quickly, thore dinon men, unqureeb, ko,ee dum men, v. soon, {briefly) ikhtisar- &c. -se, v. conciseness. short-necked, kotah-gurdun. shortness, chhota,ee, kumee, thora,ee, qillut, tun- gee, V. conciseness, brevity, qoosoor, v. deficien- cy, {straitness) seedha,ee, rastee, v. meanness, na-pa,edaree,v.<»"an«j, jheenga, cbingree, eenchna, y. prawn. shrine, durgah, muzar, astanu, chuoree, tu,uzi- yu, eemambara, sijdugah, guhvaru, dhora, {of a mistress) gulee, koocbu, doowara, pun- wur. shrink, jhujhuk, hutiik, lurzish, joombish, v. tho- tion. to shrink, v. to shrvcel, v. 0. butna, tulna, kut- rana, digua, thuthukna, hacbukna, cbuboonk- na, {as the belly) peetli pet ek-b. pet-lug rub- 687 SHU na, V. lank, susuma, duona, kuchraua, siljila- na, cbupna, y. to boggle, flinch. shrinker, hiohkara, butkee. to shrivel, y. n. sikoorna> sumitna, butcomn, sookhna, jingoorna, v. to contracti v. a. si- korna, sumetna, scokhaiia. shroud, kufun, lifafu, v. shelter. A to shroud, kufunana, tukfeen tujheez-k. v. to cover. shrub, comes perhaps from the Arabic shorab or shmrb, jhar, jharee, gool-boou, boota, v. tree, liquor, {dwarf) koknee. to shrug, buchuk-ruhna, kunna-jhania, kandha- -d. or -bilana, hath kan pur rukhna, y. shrink, {the s/iouWers, &c.)mondhe-churbana, unglee- dubana, v. to shudder. to shudder, v. to shiver, phurpliurana, dhoordhoor- ana, sursurana, hurhurana, ro.an khura-h. ang- kundrana, deb-sihurna, phisphisana, jhuihuk- na, bulhulana, hichlana, thurthurana, v. tre- mour, &c. shuffle, shuffling, v. the verb, tal mutol, aj-kul, hera pheree, tal-bazee, chukur mukur, robah- bazee, y. fetch, la.ouam, v. shift, {hitch) ku- chuk, V. halt, trick, subterfuge, evasion. to shuffle, V. to mix, v. a. milana, ubtur- &o. -k. V. to jumble, cast, torna, v. to confuse, ku- chukta-chulna, panw-ghuseetna, v. to hitch, {to remove) talna, v. to shift, {to introduce) lugana, ghooserna, dalna, v. to insert; to shuffle up, jor jar-k. chhop chhap-k. ; to shuffle off, chhorna, ootarna, girana, v. to rid; v. n. tal mutol- &c. -k. fitrut- &c. -lurana, v. to trick, {in gait) mutukta- lut put ata-cbuLaa. shuffled, ubtur, durhum burbum, zer zubur, v. topsy-turvy. shuffler, tal mutoliya, hera phereeha, robu-baz, mooheel, tal-baz, tal oobaloo, juwar bhaihe ka admee. 4E 2 SIC : 588 shufflingly, lutputahut-se. '-■- ■»-''^>' to shun, V. to escape, bhagna, tulna, kunare-lena, ulug- baz-ruhna, kuniyana, kutirajana, v. to shrink, purhez-k. v. to avoid, bilugna, phutuk- na, roogurdan-ruhna, ijtinab- huzr-k. v. to abstain, hurukna, burana, kinaru-k. -ruhna, &c. V. apart. shunless, sayudoombal, utul. shut, luga, bund, surbustu, v. sealed, musdood, V. close, free ; to get shut of, chhootna, buchna, V. to escape. to shut, V. to close, bund-k. lugana, dena, dhook- ana, musdood- mu,umoor-k. choonna, chhopna, patna, moochna or moonchna, v. to cover, moondna, meechna, sumpoot-k. cothunghana, bhirana, mama, kulna, keelna, v. to bar, dhookana, bherna, v. to house, (the eyes) chushumposhee-k. v. to connive, (« shop, &c.) dookan-oolhana or -burhana, (from fear or spite) \mthta\-k. v. embargo; to shut up, v. to confine, rokna, chhenkna, v. to obstruct; to shut out, bahur-k. -d. or -r. v. to exclude; v. n. moondna, bund- &c. -h. michna, lugna, bhirna, v. to stop. ..iiao,«ii .v.j:,^'^ shutter, purdu, tukhtu; i: 'ro\)et, jhilmil, chik, chilwun, jhamp, tuttee, kewaree, ulot, pat, kupat, V. screen, door. shuttle, nal, dhurkee, makho, (or shuttle-cock) fig. joolahe kee dhurkee, chuogan ka genda, do joroo ka khusum, v. weathercock. shy, V. wild, wuhshee, bhurkel, junglee, chu- hoonkeJ, rumeedu-kho, v. coy, chuo-kunna; also (wary) chetun, khuburdar, v. cautious, (reserved) unhila, kusheedu, shukkee, v. sus- picious. sibilant, siskaree, sunsunahutee. sibilation, siskar, sunsunahut. urn lai ','<«S^ijtAt sice, chhukree, v. six. sick, V. ill, beemar, azaree, rogee, mureez, ka- SID hila, iriaiidu; dookhee, dookhuntee, durd-miiiid, V. indisposed, weary, (disgusted) aree, bezar, diqq, oochat, oodas, v. full, kamee, dookha- ree, na-tun dooroost. i ,35.iu(«iu ,:,«j(uin to be sick, (at stomach) jee-mutlana, (of any thing) jee-bhurna, -hutna or -phirna, v. to loathe. to sicken, v. a. beemar- &c. -k. v. to weaken: V. n. mureez- &c. -hojana, v. sick, (to lan- guish) jhoorna, gulna, mama, koorhna, v. to repine. sickle, hunsoO|a, durantee, dantee, duntaree. sickliness, na-sazee, durd-mundee, v. unhealthi- ness. sickly, V. sick, zUiCef, soost, na-saz, v. weakly, fasidu, rogee, (place or person) dar ool murz, V. bad, zurd, peela, khcoshk, seetha, v. wan, durd-ungez, moozee, rogiha, v. unhealthy. sickness, beemaree, azar, rog, murz, kahilee, dtokh, karun, zuhmut, (at stomach) khura.ee, V. disease. side, V. shore, puhloo, panjur, bughul, turuf, or, rookh, janib, kueth, bazoo, kinaru, par, v. flank, simt, pukha, ulung, gang, pulla, soo, disa, V. quarter, right, outside, (this) war, v. bank, hither, (of a leaf) suf hu, poosht, peeth, V. pdge, kugur, v. edge, brim, (sect) zat, v. party, people, (in consanguinity) puch,h, v. part; on whose side is he, wooh kis kee turuf se ; on all sides, chuohdis, charon-or. side, adj. bughlee, punjuriyahee, tirchha, beenga, terha, v. cross. to side, turuf- &c. -k. turufkushee- &c. -k. v. partiality, also to join. to sidle, kunkhiyon-chulna, kurwut ho-a. -j. &c. sidelock, putta, dheela pech, kun-puttee, puttiya. sJrfe/oM^, kimkhiyon, v. aslant, oblique, side, side- wags. iiaiJii juiiiuiijiiiii <<>",i»'. sideration, v. plahet-striicki' ^o\a, v. blast. SJG (im SIL sideways, pnhloo- &c. -pur, kurwut, panjur ke bill. siege, mrohasuru, girdawuree, ghera, qulu,u-bun- dee, husur, chhenka, nurghu, gosht matee kee lura.ee, berh, from berhna, to besiege, q. v. (pursuit) peeclihera, v. to prosecute. sieiie, chulnee, ghirbal, pezini, akhii, hanghee, jhunna, iindhlee, jhurna, v. riddle. to sift, chalna, jharna, akhna, kupurchhan-k. > puchhorna, phulukna, phutkarna, rolna, sooch- hurna, chhinukna, parchupez-k. (to examine) chhanna, v. to try. sifter, chalunhar, {in comp.) pez, sifting, chalun, jharuii, v. sweepitujs. sigh, ah, ha,e, hahka, sans, duregh, ufsos; a deep sigh, ah i surd. to sigh, ah- &c. -mama or -kheechna, sans- &c. -bhurna or -phenkna, hookaa, ahoh- ahzu- ,Ji;nee-k. from ahzun, a siglienXms* ,y\v*V)\V«i/ sight, nuzur, busarut, beena.ee, deedar, soojh, ,.i drisht, dursun, nigah, basiru, rfeeth, jot, v. eye, y. vision, light, nm-Ani, luhzu, royut, (charming) H buhar, muoj, luhur, v. sweets, (spectacle) deed, munzur, v. show, (of a gun, &c.) deed-ban, mukhee, musa, v. view; within sight of each other, as two towns, &c. dekha-dekhee; at sight, (a hill) dursuaee. sighted, (in comp.) been, chushm, nuxur, &c. v. -V- quicksighted. sightless, u-soojh, na-beena, v. blind, bud-ncoma, V. unsightly. sightly, \. seemly, numoodar, pusundeedu, khqosh- I munzur, dursunee, dekhna.oo, v. comely. sign, V. emhlem, nishan, isharu, eema, ghumz., 8uen, bha,o, moodra, v. omen, uhunkar, luch- hun, sungkar, burun, ulamut, duleel, shu,ar, putta, chinh, nishanee, tughmu, v. badge, token, (constellation) boorj, ras, nuchhutur, ghur, v. ^y symbol, (manual) buez, soo,ad, tooghra, khutt tehence dust-khtiU, (miracle) chetuk, kiirush- mu, (in gram.) kulimu, liurf-miiiinuwee. hurf, shiibd, (military) bolec, (counter-) bolee ka jiiwab, shurt burt, (both) suen boojhawa. (to make) siiena siienec- thara tharec-k. v. fo signify, to sign, dustkhuft- buez- 8cc. -k. v. fo .signify. suheeh-k. sukarna, (and seal, &c.) dnstkhutt guwahoe- pokhtpuz-k, v. to accept, signal, v. sign, ishariit, jana,o, lukha.o, duleel, V. jrroof, (in drawing water) dhol-dhnmuka, (to march) nuqaru, v. drum, (for battle) ma- roodunka, v. standard, signal, adj, mushlioor, namee, nam-wur, wajib ooz-zikr, (defeat) shikust fahish, (victory) fu- tih iizenm, v. eminent, remarkable, to signalize, nam-wur- khcosh nam-k. nani- nikalna. signature, dust-khutt, likhawut, chinh, siji, v. testimonial, sign, (stamp) chhap, nishanee, v. mark, signet, moohur-khass, moohur dustee, khatim, tooghra, v. seal, ring, (fee) buezanu, v. sign, significance, v. signification, (force) zor, dhu- maka, muzbootee, dulalut, juna,o, v. energy, (moment) qudur, bisat, bojh, v. consequence, significant, \. forcible, dal, ruh-nooma, ba-mu,u- nee, mu,unee-tulub, juna.oo, lukha,oo, urthee, mu.unuwee, zuban-hal, v. expressive, inteUi- gent. signification, mu.unee, urth, mufhoom, mudlool, muzmoon, boojha.o, v. meaning, to signify, v. a. boojhana, sumjhana, junana, but- lana, dikhlana, v. to stand, (by signs) isharu- &c. -k. ankh-marna, v. to represent, show; V. n. mu,unee- &c. -r. v. to mean, (to import) bona, bigurna, v. to weigh, silence, khamoshee, sookoot, muon, goopchooppee, kum-go,ee, v. secrecy, jeebhdab, hisht, chcop, SIL 590 ^/i/ also t)ie interjection, v. taciturnity, {oblivion) nisiyan, v.forgetfulness. Choop, above, is the ill-fated word we have twisted to chub. Si- lence is half consent, \i\ khamosh neem razee. to silence, choop- &c. -k. moonh-keelna or bund- -k. chcopchoopana, nicnnh-marna, v. to still. silent, khamosh, choop, choop chap, sakit, la- zuban, poombu-duhun, chooppee, bum-busta, choopka, muonee, kumgo, samit, be-juwab, unbola, ubol, nuqsh-deewar, moonh-chooppa, gooma, V. humdrum, still. silently, choop hoke, chooppe choop, khamoshee- &c. -se, choop choopate. silk, ubreshum, reshum, pat, tusur, {stuff) resh- .(.jmeenu, reshumee kupra, che,olee, duriya,ee, mushroou, hureer, pat-umbur, {thread) nukh, {ball) ko,a, {cloth) uqmushu, peelam, — of which the varieties are partly as follows: elacha, nuwabee, qulundra, muhurumut, hoo- puhoop, kusaree, gool-budun, khunjuree, ku- tariya, chootkee, baloochuree, pamree, urung- zebee, phoolan, kum-khwab or kim-khwttb, .,^goodur, mooshujjur.v ;^5,'„, \,,»^ .•/ ,4nilji»f silken, reshumee, hureeree, patee. ,»34«oo\im\jfe silk-mercer, reshum-furosh, reshmeenu-furosh, v. mercer, •■ ■, silk-weaver, reshmeenu-baf. ift , ■^ silk-winder, nukhad. silk-worm, krim-peela, pat krim, reshum ka keera, v. soft. ..«vv sill, dihlee, lut-khora. -> ' sillily, sadugee- &c. -se. silliness, bhola-pun, sadugee, bhondoo-pun, ku- , .B»cha,ee,na-dane&, anarpun, hulka,ee, ochha.ee, _■, ^; soobka,ee, kuchapun, kum-zurfee, v. simple. '.fifly, V. simple, bliola, sadu, bhondoo, v. artless, kucha, na-dan, anaree, v. ignorant, hulka, ' ,»f ochha, soobook, v. weak, be-shu,qor or-suleequ. kum- or be-zurf, be- or kum-huosila, eetur, chhiiila, pudora, pudna, v. finical. silver, roopa, chandee, seem, nooqru, doormuu, rujut, fizzu, zur-sufed, soobur, {water) roo- puhla-panee, {coin) roopiyu or roopiyu, mood- ra, bujna, dirum, sufeedu, {quick or liquid) seem-ab; gold and silver, seem o zur, v. mo- ney; a silverling, roopiyu, whence a rupee. silver, adj. roopuhla, chandee- &c. -ka, nooq- ru,ee, seemee, chundeeha, doormunee, rujutee, seemeeii, seemabee, v. soft, smooth, tvhite, {cloth) badula, tar, tash, luppa, {thread^ ku- labutoon, v. gold. ndp ,'i8i'\se' to silver, roopuhla- &c. -k. .ofilaio ,^«VV\>», silver-beater, wuruq-saz, tar-kush. silver-smith, v. goldsmith. similar, v. like, burabur, eksan, mootusa,wee, v. uniform. s*n»i'<' similarity, similitude, mel, buraburee, moosawat, tusawee, ttitbeeq, tujnees, v. same, sameness. simile, musl, misal, tushbeeh, drishtant, purtokh, nuzeer, putoottur, mooshubbu, v. comparison. to simmer, sunsunana, chhunchhunana, sulsulana, V. to parboil. \tni- simmering, suusunahut, &c. atfi to simper, mooskcorana, v. to smile. simple, \. silly, seedha, rast, saf, nir-chhul, ek- rung, V. plain, {easy) suhuj, suhul, ushul, pa- nee, v. artless, {quiet) firishtu,ghureeb, v. jfooc?- natured, {homogeneous) ekla, buseet, looch, v. pure, {single) moofrud, nirala, nira, khalee, rookha, v. the adv. simple, sub. jooz, cheez, matra, kewul, moofrid, juree, bootee, v. herb, ingredient, khurbiruee, V. drug, &c. simples, juree-bootee. simpleton, anaree, sadu-luoh, \.feol, silly, shekh- chillee, v. nidgit, also ideot. '(OiUiWsiWJ simplicity, seedha|ee, rastee, sufa,ee, ek-rungee, SIN 691 SIN ^ ghureeliee, v. silliness, softness, (.easiness) salu- sut, snhiija.ee, v . plainness , {nrdiyat. siniplist, (herh-woman) bueda,en. simjfly, be sakhtugee- &c. -se, {merely) sirf, fu- " qut, V. solely, {singly, &c.) buzatihee, tnoof- rudun. to sit/iulate, sumaiia, moowafiq- suma,ee-k. wuqt- ganthna, gunth-ruhna, v. to pretend. simulation, zumanu-sazee, samuekee, sakhtugee, zahir-daree, bunawut, suma,ee, v. hypocrisy. sin, gojnah, pap, ghat, joorm, ueb, isiyan, pur- tewa,e, udhurm, mu,usiyut, v. fault, iniquity. to sin, goonah- &c. -k. v. to offend. since, jubki, hur gah ki, ka, v. from, jub, jo, dur soorut, pus, zeraki, is waste ki, v. because, {then) jiibka, (when) kubka, kubkub, (from) se, jubsc, V. ago, age, v. before, (after) bu,ud, peechhe ; since tlien, tubhee se ; since morning, turke ka. sincere, v. pure, saf, rast, seedha, sncha, sadiq, khalis, rasikh, khura, poora, nirala, saf-dil, •^' be-riya, rast-baz, sabit-qudum, wufa-purust, " muzboot, mtnkhlisanu, wasiq, siddeeq, v, cor- dial, real; a sincere friend, mookhlis, v. true. sincerely, sufa,ee- &c. -se. sincerity, sincereness, sufa.ee, rastee, seedha.ee, ikhlas, roosookhiyut, poora.ee, sidaqut, be- riya,ee; t. candour, honesty, wufa, suchuotee, •'' \. faithful. sinew, putha, piie, nus, parhee, v. tendon. sinewy, quwee-pue, nusgur, putha, dund-pel, v. strong. sinful, gconah-gar, joorm-aloodu, mu,uyoob, pa- ' ^ puha, V. bad, also sinner. sinfully, goonah garee- 8cc. -se. sinfulness, goonah-garee, papuha,ee, joorm-aloo- dugee. to sing, gana, ulapna, v. to lull, rez-k. luhukna, kobikna, v. to relate, (at birdt) bobia, chuh- chiiharia,' V. /o toXw/Ze, (to cetehrate) hujana. goongan-k. v. to praise. to singe, jhoolsana, jhonkarna, julana, dughee-, daghdar-k. lugana, bhoolsana. Itpu-J to be singed, (as food, &c.) lugna, jhrolusna, v. supra. singer, guwuya, gawin-hiu-, gaen, surood-go, khanindu, mootrib, uta,ee, kulawunt, qiiwwal, dharhee, kuthuk, ulapee, surodkhan, kinnur, mooghunnee, ragee, surodee, sura,iiidu, meera- see, tuppebaz, (female) domnee. singing, ragrung, v. concert, (of birds) ohuha- chuhee, v. dancing. singing-master, na,ek, oostad, v. master. single, ek, wahid, nira, nirala, khass, tunha, uksur, V. alone, moofrud, v. simple, (unmar- ried) unbyaha, moDJuiTud, koonara, be-muya, azad, ujug, be-shadee, digumbur, thunt-pal, chhura-chhitank, bezun o furzund, v. bachelor, (not double) ek-uhra, ek-tuha, ek-lura, ek- purtee, y.fold, kucha, ek-la,ee, phoot, v. the Grammar, page 96, ek-ka, ek-ta, ek-rookhee, V. singular; a single boot, puwa.ee; a single drop, boond-bhur; single, as flowers, phirkee. to single, ek ko pukurna or nikalna, v. to sepa- rate. singly, ek ek, furdun furdun, hurek, wahid wa- hid, jureedu, phoot, moonfurd, v. alone, sepa- rately, muhz, V. only, &c. singular, wahid, moofrud, v. single, (in gram.) ek-buchun, (uncommon) unokha, nirala, ujub, V. strange. '■' ^'^'*'' 5in5fM/ario*.'«-«''«iV iiV(«^> sirup, from shcorb, sheeru, rus, sLurbut, the beverage or drink used by the natives, which is seldom more than a solution of sugar in water, {or mucilage) qiwam or quwam. sister, buhin, bhugnee, booboo, hum-sheeru, bhuena, bhan, sukhee, go,ee, \. friend. , sisterhood, buehnapa, buehinpa. sister-in-law, {by the brother) hha-hee, bha-wuj, bhuehoo, bliuojee, bhawo, {by the husband) nund, nunud, de.oranee, {by the wife) salee, jethsur, jethanee. sisterly, buhin ka sa. to sit, V. n. buethna, buethukee- &c. -k. v. to perch, syona, v. to hatch, nishust-k. v. posture, {to stay) ruhna, thuhurna, tikna, busera-k. v. to divell, {to be) bona, purna, lugna, goozurna, V. to seem, {to fit) phubna, theek-h. v. to suit, {as a council) ijlas-h. mujlis-k. v. to brood; to sit down, bueth-jana, v. to settle; to sit up, ooth-buethna, v. to watch ; to sit a horse, asun- ]uman.i, y. to ride. ,„., site, thikana, munjhiya, v. situation, sitter, {in comp.) nusheen, y. palanquin, buetli- wuya, buesaroo, {as a hen) syonharee. ^jl^r- sitting, v. sitter, buethuk, julsu, ijlas, jooloos, V. session, nishust, asun, {up) shub bedar-ee, shubkhez-ee, v. posture, {incubation) syawa, sewa. to be'situate, bona, a-purna, purna, lugna.; . situation, kcorsee, juguh, muoqu,u,muhul,muoz,u, tha,on, V. place, uenu, v. quantity, {position) buetha.o, y. posture, ($^,^ smell, soongh, soongha,ee, ^hamu, (thg Sitise) swasa, (in comp.) gund, hund, bun, a,en, whence kupur-gund, muchla-bund, hera-hun, sura-hund, kuch-hund, &c. (odour) bo, bas, V. scent, nose. to smell, V. a. soonghna, bo- &c. -lena, -pana or -nikalna; v. a. bas- &c. -k. -ana, -d. or -r. muhukna, basna, bo-k. soonghuniya-lena, nak-lugana, v. to stink, emit, &c. ^wsv^^^^ smeller, soongboo. smell-feast, tu,am-tulash, rikabee-les, handeechut, Icoqmu-jo, V. j)arasite. smelling salt, nuoshadur kee nas. to smelt, uontana, pukana, v. to melt, smile, tubusscom, mooskoorabut, neem-khundu, mcoskoora.ee, v. gladness, to smile, mooskoorana, mcoskana, tubussoom- &c. -k. bihusna, bigusna, v. to rejoice, jugna, flg. khoolna, phoolna, buharpur-h. ^»./ ,Vynr . smiling, mooskoorata, tubussoom-roo, khoolta, mootubusoom, tubuscxjm-ncoma. smilingly, bu-tubussoom. smirky, v. to smile, smug, chhuel chikuniya, bun- athuna. to smite, mar- kat- ootar-d. v. to kill, strike, &c. (in most, if not all its senses, q. v.) marna. a smiter, maroo. smith, lobar, v. blacksmith, &c. (in comp.) gur, whence zur-gur, a goldsmith, smithy, lohar-khanu, v. shop, smitten, zudu, mara, ftireftu, asbooftu. smock, kcortee. SMO 599 SMU smoke, dhoonan, dood, v. milk, dhoom, dhooma, deck, (vent, &c.) d,hoo,alu. to smoke, v. n. dhoonana, dhoona-nikulua or -oothna, soolugna, (to perceive) bo- &c, -pana, bhuniik-lena, v. scent ; v. a. (Jood, &c.) dhoo- na-d. doodrung-k. dhoonhasna, dhoonretoo- -k. V. to dry, reek, (tobacco) peena, kheech- na. The various instruments used for smok- ing in India are the hcoqqu, goorgooree, kuli- yan, naruyul, dumee, guoriya, kulee, v. pipe. The several parts of a hooqqu are, the chilum, or ash-pit for the fire and tobacco ; its sur-posh, or cover; the ab-nue, or water-tube, which supports the chilum, and connects it with the water in the hooqqu; the moonhal, or mouth- piece; the nue, or flexible tube, which pene- trating with the ab-nue, opens short above the water, whence the smoke is extracted and con- veyed to the mouth; the nue and ab-nue, to- gether, form the nuechu, or snake. Nothing remains now but the zer-undaz, or cloth, placed tmder the hcoqqu bottom, more for ornament than use; unless we may add the tuwa, or plate, used for separating the gool, (a ball of charcoal, prepared with rice and sugar, &c.) from the tobacco below. The man who has charge of the hooqqu is called hooqqu-burdar. smoker, hooqqu-kush, peewak. smokeless, be-dhoonan, be-dood. smoking, hcpqqu kushee, (machine) kootkooliya, (tube) chuogan, peechwanee, dokhuma, qool- feedar, (ball) tikiya. smoky, dhoonasa, dhoonara, dhonadhar, dood- aloodu. smooth, chikna, saf, mcnsuffu, mcohru-dar, chik- kun, moosuttuh, (mild) nurm, raeetha, shee- reen, v. soft, (level) burabur, humwar, chuo- put, V, even, equal, &c. (cur verse) muozoon, fuseeh, chutkeela, v. sweet, (calm) usthir, mudhim, munda, v. still. to smooth, V. a. chiknana, saf- &c. -k. v. to po- lish, chuorsana, burabur- &c. -k. v. the adj. (to clear) phurcha- &c. -k. v. to soften, &c. (to facilitate) suhuj- &c. -k. v. to ease, &c. smooth-faced, zunanu-roo, joomihra, moola,im- roo, komul-mookha, v. effeminate. smoothly, v. softly, moola,imut- &c. -se. smoothness, chikna,ee, chiknahut, sufa.ee, ghota- ee, mcnhru-daree, v. gloss, nurmee, moola,imut, komulta, sheereenee, meelha,ee, v. sweetness, softness, buraburee, humwaree, buttadharee, chuoputa.ee, soo-dhura,ee, muohoonee, tusul- SGol, fusahut, chutuk, theerta, mundta, v. the adj. smooth-tongued, churb-zuban, bat-chikna, but- bima. smother, undha dhoond, v. swioie, &c. to smother, v. a. diun bund-k. khubsee men-d. sans-rokna, v. to strangle, dum ghontke-mar- na, dhoo,een se mama, dhoo.an de mama, soondkhana, ookbookake-mama, duba-marna, phooskaim, v. to suffocate, also smoke, (as wet burning straw) soondhukna, (to suppress) dub- ana, chantna, boojhana, marna; v. n. soolug- na, dubna, boojhna, rookna. smug, chikna, chhuel chikuniya, chhuel chhu- beela, V. *pr«c«. .»r»:i» to smug, chiknana, besbinas-k. to smuggle, ghat- muhsool- chuokee-mama. smuggler, ghut-mar, chuokee-mar. smut, (mildew) lendha, geroo,ee, v. spot, (obsce- nity) khoorafat, kutoosee, chikaree, zutul. to smut, lendhiyana, v. to blight, stain, &c. smuttily, kutoosee- &c. -se. smutty, lenduha, lendhgur, (obscene, q. v.) pooch, . khoorufatee, kutooseeha, chikuriha, v. the noun. SNA . 600 SNl snack, hissu, huth chuppoO|a, v. share. to go snacks, sutta butta-k, bant chhant-k. snaffle, duhanu, dhathee, quzu,ee, [from qa,izu] dookree, v. bridle. snail, ghongha, dohna, kokia, (_fiff.) che.oontee, V. drone. snag, khonch, v. stump. snake, samp, nag, nagin, keera, v. serpent, worm. There are the following varieties: gohoo,un, kuruet, iiwurhiya, donr, chitur, dhamin, soon- katur, soonbuhree, burmit, ujgur, hurhora, hulhuliya, chita, burwur, mnuetur, munyara, thoothoor, bilushtiya, gokhra, gohmuna, ke- r00|a, kala, kuoriyala, tukhub; a young snake, po,a, siunpola ; the flexible snake-like tube of a hooqqu, {vulg. hooker) nuechu, v. pipe, also to smoke, &c. snake-catcher, margeer, bushur, goonee. snake-keeper, sumpera; also a snake-charmer, guoroo, muntree, jhurwuya, v. conjurer. snake-weed, newuree gudh, which, from its ob- vious derivation, may yet merit attention, v. squirrel. snap, chut, put, kurak, purak, chutak, v. crack, hubuk, jhuput, v. snatch, tungool, chukutta, boorka, v. bite. to snap, V. a. chut de torna, v. to break, also short, chutkana, putkana, murkana, v. to strike, {to bite) kat- bukot- chonth-lena, v. to snatch, kootkama; v. n. put de-tootna, {to crack) putukna, murukna, kootookna, jhu- putna, hubukna, v. to seize, {the fingers) choot- kee-bujana or -mama, {as a dog) lupukna, {up) zuhr mar-k. v. to snub, {short) kirna, v. to crack. snappish, v.swa chur- ha,ee, oorankee. 4G soc 602 SOJ to soar, churhna, oor-chulna, oorna, booluud pur- waz-h, bala ruwee-k. v. to ascend. soaring, part, boolund-purwaz, bala-ruo, chur- hank, ooiank, v. lofty, boolund khiyal, nam-jo, V. ambitious. sob, sisuk, thoonook, soobkee. to sob, sisukna, thoonookna, doobukna, doochuk- na, bisooma, v. to sigh. sober, purhez-gar, sunjumee, moottuqee, purhe- zee, V. temperate, (opposed to drunk, &c.) hoshiyar, sachet, ba-hosh, v. sensible, {serious) sunjeedu, ahistu, moodubbir, dheera, (right) mu,iiqool, suleem, thundha, meetha, v. mode- rate, {as dress, &c.) sadu, sadharun, moo- sha.ikhanu, v. plain. to sober, bahosh- &c. -k. soberly, purhez- &c. -se, v. the adj. and noun. soberness, sobriety, purhez, sunjum, tuqawut, purhez-garee, v. temperance, hoshiyaree, su- chetee, v. senses, dheeruj, humwaree, dooroos- tee, suleemee, tiixmdha,ee, meetha,ee, v. mo- deration. ' , . • sociable, social, milunsar, milapee, melee, punch- milit, moowafiq, ashna-mizaj, soohbutee, mur- doom-amez, mujlis-dost, premee, sunsaree, oonsee, manoos, maloof, khulamula, v. inti- mate, friendly, (familiar) hila-mila, ikhtilat- dost, but-rus. sociableness, socialness, milun-Sareie, milap, khool- tu, punch-miltee, moowafiqut, ashna-purustee, murdoom-amezee, but-rusee. society, v. company, cons, oonsiyut, soohbut, moo- sahihut, mel, jor, v. community, sungta, sun- gut, sath, sungsurg, rifaqut, shirkut, moosha- rikut, tu.unnoos, moo,£inusut, oolfut, v. asso- ciation, union. sock, joorab, pa,etabu, sookhtuUa. socket, piyalu, kutora, ghur, chhed, khanu, v. cup, hole, (of a mill cylinder) ghun, whence ghan, ghanee, a batch, or one making. sod, chupra, chippee. sodomite, lootee, luondebaz, liwatee, ighlamee, buchebaz, v. catamite. sodomy, luwatut, ighlam, luonde-bazee, koon- zunee, chob-cheenee, dhoosa-dhasee, good- bhung, kujhoo. , ' soever, ee ko,ee, ee koochh, kuesa,ee, keta,ee, jeta,ee, &c. v. so, also ever, how, who; who- soever, jo,ee ko,ee. sofa, from sooffu, a chamber or hall, tukht posh, V. bench. soft, V. smooth, nnrm, komul, mooia.im, pilpila, pola, goolgoola, phcoloola, v. mellow, dheema, hulwa, goodgooda, pichpicha, luslusa, v. meek, (short) mu,udoolu, (delicate) nazook, mulook, kaghuzee, v. tender, (simple) kucha, v. weak, (light) hulka, kum, rusa,en, mudhim, v. gen- tle, sweet. soft! ruho, thumo, bus, v. softly. to soften, V. a. niunm- &c. -k. nurmana, goolgool- ana, pilpilana, mom-k. pughlana, puseejna, lijlijana, (a letter) tu,uleel-k. v. to mollify; V. n. moola,im- &c. -h. pilpila-j. v. to melt. , softly, ahistu, sooste, gutte, huole, bulge, ruse, sunde, dlieeme, dube panw, v. gently, also the adj. moola,imut- &c. -se. softness, nurmee, komulta, moola.imut, pola,ee, goolgoolahut, pilpilahut, nuzakut, nazookee, naz, kucha,ee, hulka,ee, soobookee, rusa,enee, V. lenity, nurma,ee, nurmiyut, leenut, v. easi- ness, also the adj. soho! aho, hot, are, re, ho, ajee, v. O! soil, zumeen, mittee, khet, bhoom, dhurtee, v. dirt, sar, y. manure, land. to soil, V. to sully. to sojourn, sufur- &c. -k. phirte-ruhna, khoosh- bashee- &c. -k. v. to stay, tarry. I . •♦' SOL 603 SOL sojourner, khoosh-bash, khanu-bu dosh, bidesee, moosafir, purjutunee. sojourning, suer, sufur, khoosh-bashee, pnijutun. solace, {comfort) khooshee, tusullee, v. pleasure, recreation, &c. to solace, buhtiyana, buhlana, reejhana, khoosh- &c. -k. V. to cheer, refresh, &c. solar, shumsee, sukrantee, aftabee, (month) soor- mas. sold, furokhtu, bika faoo,a, bichooka. to be sold, bikna, v. to sell. solder, luhum, jorun, santhun, sohaga. to solder, jorna, milana, v. to mend. soldier, sipahee, [whence seapoy, spahi, &c.] lushkuree, piyadu, juwan, sipahee peshu, ti- lunga, (from the country called Tilung) jhi- linga, duwal-bund, burq-undaz, dhuluet, nu- jeeb. This word was introduced by Shoojau cod Duolu, on his raising a regiment of 2,200 raurde admee Moosulmans, \. gentleman, dra- goon, musqueteer, also servant, &c. soldierly, sipahiyanu, v. warlike. soldiership, sipahee-giu-ee, v. army. soldiery, sipah-peshu, lushkur-peshu. sole, tuloo,a, tnlwa, kufi-pa, tulla, penda, (me- tatarsal) pubba, (of a shoe) sookhtula, \. bot- tom. sole, adj. ekia, ukela, v. singU. to sole, tuUa-lugana. 'ifieJi , solecism^ na-murbootee, v. blunder, oolta, ubhoo- rut, umur moohal, v. misapplication. solely, sirf, fuqut, khass, nirala, ukela, v. only. solemn, roo,ab-dar, ibrutee, bhurmeela, v. awful, (grave) sunjeedu, sakhtu, v. sober. ,aiip.i'jl:j .ium; sparklingly, chumuk- &c. -se. sparklingness, v. lustre, chumkahut, jhulkahut, V. glitter, &c. sparring, jhurup, khoncha-khonchee, nokjhok, roktok, V. 6oxin^. •, , , .Afn «y sparrow, guoriya, gurguya, koonjushk, chiriya, usfoor, khangee, {hedge) burgel, buya, v. bird. sparrow-hawk, bashu, shikru, koohee, chippukh, ,:; moosh-geer, choohee-mar, toormootee. sparrow'' s tongue, indurjuo, lisan ool usafeer. spasm, jukur, uenth, muror, pukur, girift, simut, (■\\. contraction, convulsion. (<:--^V to spatter, bhurna, liwarna, bhur-marna, v. to asperse, bespatter, sputter. spavin, hudda, motra. ■- ;>. . i ,,■•»•>•. o spawn, unde, v. seed. , injcit ^nf^h \-i ht to spawn, unde-d. or -phenkna. to speak, bolna, bhak,hna, kuhna, bat- &c. -k. butlana, v. to address, talk, furmana, iltimas- &c. -k. V. to solicit, {out) kuh-bol-oothna or -buethna, {well) zuban-gurna, v. to discourse. speaker, bolwuya, mootukullim, v. person, {in comp.) go, V. orator. u .S/tnio?. spear, bhala, burchhee, gurhiya, kont, sel, sang, nezu, trisool, v. dart, buUum, chhuree, suen- tee, liwa, burchha, ra,ebans, v. javelin, tika- nee, tenta, chuoka, nul, v. harpoon. , to spear, bhala- &c. -mama, -lugana, or -d. speargrass, sur, jungra. l\^wy.• spearman, bhaluet, burchhuet, nezu-baz, nezu- burdar. special, khass, mukhsoos, mooshukhkhus, nijgoot, \. particular, {messenger) uhdee, from uhud, agreement, or one, v. peculiar {great) bura, V. uncommon. specially, v. especially , particularly , &c. ..,■_ specie, nuqd, v. ready money. i,iU<.>t, species, qism, jat, v. money, bibhed, furd, v. class, kind, sort. specific, V. special, jinsee, nuo,ee, qismee, zatee, lutka; a specific, moojurrub, {as remedies) ram- ban, hookmee, tear bu hudf, {for the eyes) un- junsar, chaksoo, v. nostrum. j specification, tushkhees, thuhra,o, tushukhkhoos. to specify, thuhrana, mooshukhkhus- &c. -k. v. to determine, butlana, v. to mention. specimen, numoonu, bangee, purichha, maduree, V. sample, mark, &c. specious, V. plausible, zahir-nooma, moolummu, moolummu-saz, . musnoou, dookan-dar, bhu- rungea, but-buna, soorut huram, indra,eD ka phul, kunchun phul, chikna, v. smooth. „i.j(M speciously, moolummu sazae- &c. -se. speciousness, zahir-noomaiCe, tusunnu, moolummu, V * SPE 609 SPE sazee, dookan-daree, bhurung, chiknahut, musnoo,ee, v. glillei, &.c. speck, dagh, chitkara, chheeta, danu, v. spot, top, boond, V. blot, dot, &c. gha,een, kuluf, {on the eye) phoolee, phola, manda, roha, g SQU spruceness, chhuel-pun, chikn,^hijt, ulb^la,ee, bu- nawut. ,. , ,. spume, spunge, &c. ubrmoordu, \. froth, sponge, spuT, kanta, khar, muhmez, {of a cock) khag, ^•■j ifigurat-) kora, santa, er, v. incitement, whip; a sop is a good spur to justice, looqmu bhulee er hue udalut ke huqq men. to spur, er-k. or -mamaj chherna, chulana, v. to urge, press, &c. spurious, jhootha, jal, libasee, mooqullud, sakhtu, {illegitimate) huram, v. bastard, counterfeit, kuth, bhuglee, v. false. spuiiousness, jhootha,ee, tuqullood. spurn, lat, jootee, v. contempt, &c. to spurn, V. to scorn, lat- jootee- dhar-marna, panw-r. thookna, chootkee pur oorana, {to reject) talna, v. to refuse ; v. n. hunsna, thutha- mania, v. to mock, struggle, &c. spurns, lat puezar, v. kick, scoff. to spurt, cBchhulna, v. to spirt. Heir's- sputter, sputtering, thootlikar, thookthcnkee. to V sputter, thoothkarna, thookthookana, chirchir- ana, turturana, jhurjhurana, v. to stammer. sputterer, thoothkaroo, thookthooka, spj/, jasoos, bhediya, bhata, hur-karu, nuzur- baz, jotha, raz-jo, v. intelligencer, khojee, khoofiyu-nuwees, chutiya, khubiirdar, punha, shuhur khubra, tarbaz, nuzra, mootujussee, go,indu, V. emissary, informer, &c. to spy, V. to espy, takna, nijhana, jhankna, nir- ekhna, v. to see, muddi nuzur- deed banee-k. V. to observe, {to search) khojna, janchna, v. to discover, {as a spy) jasoosee- bhed-lena. spy-glass, door-been. spy-hole, mooka, jhurokha, v. peep hole, xeindow. squab, v. callow, geda, nirlomee, v. young, goot- buengun, v. punch, squat. squabble, jhubr, jhugra, bukhera, kulkulahut, tunta, danta-kilkil, v. quarrel, &c. to squabble, jhugurna, kulkulna, jhuorna, dant- bajna, tunta- &c. -k. v. to wrangle, squabbler, tunte-baz, kulkuliya, v. ztrangler. squadron, ghol, dustu, jhoond, toomun, v. troop, &c. also^ee^. squalid, koochhit, niuleen, gundu, ronghut, v. filthy, squall, V. to pule, jhukora, v. gust, also raindy. to squall, chilana, v. to scream, &c. to squatukr, oorana, lootana, phenkna, gunwana, khona, nusana, israf-k. buhana, burbad- &c. -k. juhrana, gulana, ululla tululla- tuluf-k. zurpashee-k. v. to lavish, ruin, waste, squanderer, oora,oo, gunwa,oo, v. spendthrift, square, adj. mojrubbu, chuo-khoonta, chuo-kona, chuo-goshu, charsoo, chuorus, chuokor, v. four, &c. pak saf, saf bebaq, v. fair, equal, {number) burgunk, burgmool, v. cube, &c. {angular) goshe-dar, konaha, v. exact, &c. ; to come off square, burabur-nikulna, surbur-, srawun-h. ; to form a hollow square, chuok-b. qilii,u-b. (a bridal) chuok-poorna. square, sub, v. angle, shukl i moorubbu, chuok, chuoka, V. court, {instrument) koniya, sadhnee, V. level, &c. to square, moorubbu- &c. -k. v. to rule, {to ad- just) sadhna, soodharna, tjieek- &c. -k. tuolna, V. to fit, regulate, &c. ; v. n. milna, theek-ana, buethna, moowafiq- &c. -h. v. to suit, squareness, chuo-khoonta,ee, chuo-kona,ee, v. evenness, &c. squash, phusaka, chhupaka, chhup, phus, dhup, dhuraka, {pumpkin) phoot, {cocoa-nut) dab. to squash, phus'kana, chhupkana. squat, V. the verb, chuo-khoonta, gurdanuk, mun- dura, V. punch, pultuk, char-zanoo, ghuok- nishust, ookroo, v. dapper, &c. to squat, simut- dubuk- chuokreemar- char za- noo- sookur- ookroo-buethna. STA 615 STA to squeak, squeal, &c. nakee-d. choon chen-, choon choon- chen chen-k. chikurna, kikiyana, chunchunana, v. to scream, &c. squeami'ifi, michluha, ghinuona, nuk sondhoo, v. fastidious, nice, to squeeze, v. to press, dubana, juntana, nichorna, also {to extort) choosna, v. to suck, teepna, nisarna, pelna, champpa, puchkana, garna, muchorna, muhia, phesna, moondna, v. to plunder, ghooserna, thasna, kusna, v. to thrust, {the limbs) panw cliuppee-k. panw-dabna ; nichoorna, dubke-nikulna. squib, putakha, tota, nioorra, chhoochhoondur, soomba, v. Jire-tcorks. squill, isqeel, kunda, kundra, pundgur, junglee piyaz, unsul, bunkanda. squint, terha, tiichha. to squint, tirchha- &c. -dekhna, terha- &c. -k. jhookana. squint-eyed, dera, uhwul, bhenga, surg putalee, do-nuzra, kujbeen, tera, bhuwunkha, uhwul- chushm. squire, mirza, sahib-zadu, ra,e, lala, v, knight, page, squirrel, gilehree, cheekhoor, kato, rookhee. A kind of ground-squirrel, called the mongoose, newul, rasoo. squirt, pichkaree, pichaikka, dumkula, mihqunu, seethee, oogal, tuteeree, v. stream, {fif tobacco, &c.) peek, V. spittle, to squirt, pichkaree-marna, -chhorna, &c. pich- karna, v. to throtc. stab, hool, bhonk, chonk, khoncha, v. injury, blow, &c. to stab, bhonkna, hoolna, chonkna, chhedua, konchna, mama, salna, pet-mama, v. to pierce, wound, stabber, mar, hoolwuya, &c. v. assassin, suicide, stability, stableness, qurar, thuhra,o, qiyam, thik- ana, pa.edaree, oostoo,aree, subat, muzbootee, istiqial, V, durable, steadiness, stable, bur-qurar, qa.im, pa,e-dar, ojstoo.ar, muz- boot, thuhra,oo, nicostuqil, mcDStuhkum, v. strong, nicliul, usthir, \.Jirm, be-zuwal, v. con- stant, permanent, &c. stable, istubul, tuwelu, ghair-sal, pa.egab, {in comp.) khanu, sala, sal, v. house, to stable, bandhna, lugana, {cattle) dhookana. stack, tal, utal, umbar, todu, dher, ras, koondra, gola, V. heap, {of coze-dung) butuora, v. rick, to stack, tal- &c. -b. or -k. tuh-jumana or -buethana, v. to pile, stadle, zamin, tekun. staff, V. stick, iisa, lathee, jureeb, chhuree, chob- dustee, sonta, v. club, mace, &.c. {stanza) bund, V. stave, {pole) chhur, bans, lugee, chob, v. shaft, rod, {of a ladder) dunda, payu, v. prop, also baton, &c. slag, jhank, bara singa, kundsar, parha, kulsar, V. antelope, buck, deer, &c. stage, scene, tubqu, tumashu-gah, ukhara, nuql- istan, V. theatre, {of a journey) munzil, ootara, tikan, muqam, murhulu, munzil-gah, furod- gah, noozool-gah, buser, dak, chuokee, tuppa, V. station, muchan, macha, tukhtposh, v. plat- form, place, {step) durju, seerhee, halut, v. state, stage-play, &c. v. play, &c. stager, juhan-deedu, gurm surd uzmoodu, kar- uzmoodu, sufur-uzmoodu. stagger, jhola; to have the staggers, ba,o- jhola- marna. to stagger, dugmugana, lurkhurana, lutpufana, tenwurana, dugdugana, lurburana, tugna, tug- urna, lughzish- palughzee-k. v. to reel, totter, tulna, hutna, sukoochna, dubna, bidiyana, kuchiyana, hichkichana, v. to uaver ,■ v. a. ST A 616 ST A ghubrana, surgurdan- lajuwab- hueran- ajiz-k, V. to alarm, shake. stagnant, bund, khura, rooka, sakin, istadu, na- ruwan, bund ha, theer, v. motionless, to stagnate, khura- &c. -li. utukna, rookna, thu- tukna, V. to stop, stagnation, rooka,o, utka,o, thutka,o, istadugee, sukoonut. staid, V. orderly, sunjeedu, udher, pukka, v. steady, regularity, ^tain, dagh, leek, v. ignomini/, dhubba, khonch, kuluf, gunda, whence gunde dar, clouded or stained, v. speck, also to blot. to stain, daghee- &c. -k. bhurna, lupetna, v. to colour, otna, v. to involve, {the beard, &o.) bus- mu-k, rungna, v. to die, (Jigur.) huif- dagh-, kulunk-lana or -lugana, v. to tarnish, stained, daghee, aloodu, bhura, v. spotted, (zvith antimony) soarmu aloodu, unjunsar, v. blemish. s to state, V. to settle, khura-k. kuhna, zahir-k. quluin bund-k. v. to represent, stateliness, tumkunut, dubdubu, kurofur, gurub, dumagh, v. majesty, stately, bura, cpmdu, alee-shan, iizeem, sahib- tumkunut, boozcorganu, kusheedu, v. majestic, qudawur, tunawur, quwee, hueku!, koonjur, V. strapping, statement, v. state, soorut-Iial, zuban-bundee, tuozeeh, vvazkham, v. representation, collection, duol, V. account, settlement, hal-huqeequt, husb- hal, kuefiyut-majura, bilu-bundee, roodad, ur- sutha, lekha, tuojeeh, zubt danu bundee, urz- hal, hal-buyan, v. memorial, {of proceedings) soorut mujlis. state-room, deewan-khanu. statesman, v. politician, uhl i qulum, sahib buzm, counsellor, station, v. post, juguh, thikana, muoqu,- muskun, muqur, muilzil, (rank) nuiitubu, murjad, durju, V. place, naka, bundhan, tuppa, mudar, khoont, misul, muhul, v. oj/ice, situation, to station, . khura-k. ruk,hna, buethalua, thuh- rana, tikana, qa,im-k. mootu^ueyoon- tu,cen-k. V. to appoint, place, stationary, sakin, usthir, mukandar, tukiyudar, V. standing, stationer, kaghuz-furosh, kaghuzee, v. bookseller; STE 619 STE ilaluari/, (art) boot-truashee, nuqqashee, inoorut, gurha,ee, {artist) boot-tuiash, nuqqush, nioorut- gurhoo,a, soorut-gur, boat-gur. statue, raoorut, boot, lu,ubut, v. image. stature, qudd, qamut, deel, uudam, huekul, tun, V. bod If. statute, qanoon, qa,idu, a,een, reet, v. law. stave, putree, {staff) kuree, v. board, verse, &c. to stave, torna, choor-k. v. to spell. stay, V. continuance, tika,o, ruha,esb, sukoonut, bood-bash, v. stop, kusun, bundhun, v. brace, &c. {prop.) asa, v. support. to slay, V. to nait, ruhna, tikna, thuhurna, busna, buethna, tika,o- &c. -k. utukna, intizar- &c. -k. rah-dekhna, khura-ruhna, ram-ruhna, mootuwuqqif-h. v. to delay, stop, &c. ; v. a. rukhna, v. to repress. stays, ungiya, choice, muhriim. stead, juguh, muoqu, iwu/., budul, sante, bote, V. place, &c. {use) kam ; to stand in stead, kam-aiia, v. to help ; I have come in my bro- ther s stead, muen upne bha,ee ke bote aya boon, V. part. steadfast, steady, qa,im, moostuhkum, moostuqil, porba, gurba, sabit-qudum, v. Jirm, guroo,a, niclila, qa,iin mizaj, sunjeedu, utul. steadfastness, &c. nuizbootee, costoowaree, taha, V. firmness. steadily, &c. muzbootee- 8cc. -se. steak, wuruq, tikka, v. collop, slice. to steal, V. to take, v. a. chorana, cbora-lejana, moosna, burna, mobna, lobhana, v. to gain ; V. n. nikul-j. j^ta-rubna, v. to withdraw, hide, &c. choree- &c. -k. v. to thieve. stealer, chor, chotta, hurta, tuskur, doozd, {in comp.) kush, bui-, bur. stealth, choree, doozdee, v. secretly. steam, bookhar, bhaph, dhoo,an, v. vapour. to steam, bhubhukna. steed, V. horx, bad-pa, suniund, r.ool-junah, khing, bajee, hue, puwun pooth, gbazee murd. steel, fuolad, kliere, sukela, ispat, from espada, Port, {steely) fuoladee, v. hard. to steel, puthur-k. fuolad-cburbana, -lugana, or -bhurna, v. to harden, &c. steep, adj. khura, tharh, concha,' booIUnd, uogh- ut. , steep, sub. kurara, v. precipice. to steep, bhigona, dal- doobo-r. v. to soak. steeple, minar, dhuoruhra, lat, v. spire. steepness, k,hura,ee, thurha,ee, v. ascetU. steer, khuela, dohan, (or short bullock) guena. to steer, chulana, le-jana, sumbhalna ; v. n. chulna, jana, rah4ena, v. to conduct. steerage, chulan, v. helmsman, sojkan-geeree, manjhee guree. steersman, manjhee, kunburiya, sookkan^e, v. rudder. stem, shakh, v. stalk, twig. to stem, arna, sumbhalna, katna, rokna, bund-k. V. to stop, (a stream) dhare pur cburhna, pa- nee-cheenia. stench, bas, v. stink, Stc. stentorophonic, dureedu-duhun, giilunda. step, qudum, gam, dug, deg, phal, phulas, pud, {of a stair) seerhee, dunda, duiju, payu, dan- tee, khund, dhap, pubuoda, dundka, {degree) murtubu, v. progression, {gait) chal, ruwish, V. action, &c. step, {in comp.) suotela, bemat, kuth. to step, V. to walk, phal-k. kuthiyanaj, goriyana, dugurna, qudum-r. -oothana, -chulana, or -dhurna, langhna, nanghna, bhur qudum-chul- na, V. to stalk, {to come) ana, puhoonchna, v. to go ; to step in, puethna, dhusua, {up) cburh- na, burhna, {back) hutna, v. to move. step-brother, suotela-bha.ee, ullatee-b,ha,ee. step-father, kuth-bap. 412 STI 620 STI step-mother, muebha, suotelee-ma, rautre,ee. . stepping-board, puerhee. step-son, rubeeb. steril, V. barren, kullur. sterility, oosuraiCe, kulura,ee, v. barrenness. sterling, v. standard, khalis, nirala, poora, kur- kura, V. genuine, &c. stem, kurwa, tulkh, sukht, rookha, loochh, v. harsh, morose, &c. stern, sub. peechha, pichharee, doombalu, duboo- su, V. rear. sternly, kurwahut- &c. -se. sternness, kurwahut, tulkhee, rook|ha,ee. stew, qormu, yukhnee, shub deg pola,o, dum- pokht, doopiyaza, moozu,ufir, moosummun, moo- tunjun, hureesa, quliyu, whence the well known dish curry. to stew, dumpokht-k. lutputa-pukana, shub deg- ree, -pukana, v. to boil. steward, bukawul, bhundaree, modee, khansa- man, khansalar, kavbaree, ihtiman-chee, kar- khanu-dar, v. consumer, &c. (factor) deewan, karindu, udh-karee, v. agent. stewardship, deewanee, ihtimam, cheeguree. stick, V. cane, lukree, lathee, chhuree, usa, chob- dustee, chob, puena, chobuk, lukoot, dund, bueragee, teloo,a, rubeebee, sunghur, phur, luorgojee, v. staff, &c. {of zeax, &c.) buttee ; a drum-stick, dunka ; a fiddle-stick, kuman- chu, zukhmu, otnee, from otna, to fiddle. to stick, V. n. sutna, suputna, jumna, lugna, chu- putna, pukur-lena, lesna, chimutna, jubudna, chupusna, satna, v. to fasten, utukna, jootna, guthna, chikutna, suhusna, v. to adhere {in mud, &c.) phusna, bujna, ujhcarna, oolijhna, - utukna, giriftar-h. v. stop, {to remain) thu- hurna, v. to stay, {to be constant) lipta- &c. -ruhna, sath- sung-d. rifaqut-k. {to scruple) hichkichana, wuswas- &c. -k. v. to hesitate, \ {to be puzzled) hueran- ajiz- tung-h. {out) nikul-ana; v. a. lugana, sutana, jumana, chup- tana, chepna, khosna, v. to set, fix, &c. {to slab) chhedna, bhonkna, mama, v. to bore,, pierce ; to stick on a fork, spit, &c. gobhna, churhana, y.fix. stickiness, lus, luslusahut. to stickle, ooprala-k. le-ruhna or -puma, utuk- ruhna, v. to stick, side, {to wrangle) rugurna, kusna, hoojut- &c. -k. -lana, or -nikalna, urna, V. to dispute. stickle-back, chunda. stickler, hoojutee, tukraree, v. wrangler, {bottle- holder) putha, V. pupil. *'^j jabund, rugbund, lukree, v. hard, (formal) rookha, buna, sakhtu, ukra, jubda, luthur, (cold) panee, v. stubborn, (affected) khuencha, {to become) ruh- bhur-j. v. motionless. to stiffen, kurra- &c. -k. v. to harden ; v. n. uenthna, ukurna, jukurna, lukriyana. stiff-hearted, gurdun-kush, surkush, guriyar, hut- heela, v. obstinate. stiffly, hut-kurke or -se, v. stubbornly. stiff-necked, gurdun-kush, uentha, thurra, moonh- zor, V. obstinate. stiffness, v. the adj. rooha.ee, sakhtugee, ukrahut. to stifle, V. to suffocate, sans. &c. -rokna, v. to stop, (to extinguish) boojhana, mama, khana, V. to suppress. stigma, dagh, chinh, hurf, butta, puta.ee, kulunk, V. ignominy, stain. to stigmatize, dagh- &c. -lugana, -churhana, or -lana, ungooshtnooma-k. v. to disgrace, kala moonh-k. v. to brand. stiletto, goor-phornee, v. dagger. still, choop, soonsan, jhunjhunha, v. silent, {easy) choop chap, dumbund, nichul, (born) muranch, {motionless) be-humkut, nir-chit, v. quiet, &c. (calm) munda, mudliim, nioo,a, khura. STI 621 STO still, (leg, bhubka, uinbeeq, bhuthee, or rather tlie distillery, v. alembic, utill, adv. ubhee, ub-lug;, -tuk, -toree, -tuluk, or -tii,een, hunoz, wule, pur, tahum, ujhon, v. 1/et, &c. {nevertheless) tuo-bhee, tud-bhee, jub- bhee, tispur, v. tiutzcithstaiiding, {always) hu- meshu, v. continually, to still, choop- &c. -k. mama. v. to lay, 8cc. stilling, ghuruonch, v. stand, stillness, v. silence, sojnahut, jhanjh, neewa, mun- da,ee, v. rest, stilts, janghiya. stimulant, moohurrik, moodirr. to stimulate, katna, choobhna, retna, v. 'to prick, chulana, duorana, jugana, v. to excite, rouse, stimulation, tuhreek, tuhrees, turgheeb. v sting, dunk, nesh, ar, kanta, khar, sal, sool, chubhuk, V. point, remorse, &c. to sting, mama, dunkiyana, katna, chubhukna, bindhna, dusna or dunsna, v. to cut, pain, stinger, nesh-zun, dunkeela. stingily, tung dustee- &c. -se. stinginess, tung-dustee, tung-chushmee, tung- dilee, shoomiyut, v. parsimony, stingy, tung-dust, tung-chushm, tung-dil, un- dewa, udata, dunee, nuhs, shoom-Uibu or -mizaj, rukeek-tubu, leechur, v. miser, nig- gardly, stink, bud-bo, dojr-gund, ufoonut, bisahind, tu.uffojn, koobas, bigundh, {in comp.) a.endh ; thus, bisa,endh, &c. v. smell, scent, to stink, bud bo- &c. -k. busana, v. to smell, oobusna, boosna, nisana, goomusna, pulna. stinkard, gundheela, goohee, hugunda, sura.endh, sureela, suruyul, gundu-bughul, gundu-duhun, stinking, sura, gundu, mootu,uffoon, bisahinda, {pride) laghur-mustee. stint, V. restraint, &c. to ttint, mnoqueyud-k. puclikana, pet-katna, chhenkna, v. to confine. stinted, thuntoot. to he stinted, puchukna. stipend, v. pay, uloofu, wuzeefu, v. wages. stipendiary, durmahudar, jageerdar, v. pension. to stipulate, budna, thubrana, shurt- &c. -k. stipulated, mushroot, mu,uhood, bilmooqtu. stipulation, shurt, quol, qurar, bundhej, priman, buchun,. khiyar, cohdu buudee, v. agreement, contract, clause, compact. stir, V. bustle, hurburee, hulchul, hurjmurj, hool- lur, huol juol, dolmal, dhoom dham, v. com- motion. to stir, V. to move, v. a. khiskana, chherna, joom- bish-d. sugmugana, tulna, digna, ookusna, {to excite) oothana, muchana, tuhrees-k. lugana, V. to rouse ; v. n. khisunkna, v. to budge, ooth- na. stirrer-up, iriOThurik, juga,oo, {in comp.) ungez, V. instigator. stirrup, rikab, {leather) rikab duwal. stitch, tanka, lupkee, tepchee, bukhiya, dokht, {pain) tusuk, chusuk, kusuk, tees, hook. to stitch, seena, toorupna, bukhiyana, tankna, lupkee- &.C. -k. v. to hem, tanke-maraa, bhon- kiyana, tagna, goothna, topiyana, tugana, loor- hiyana, pusoojna, toorpana, goolna, (a boot, shoes, &c.) sheerazu-k. (a wound) tukorna. stitched, puwedar, sheerazu-bund. stitching, bukhiyu, top, khomp, oorma, toorpun, pusoojun, lungur, {of a book) sheerazu mugh- zee. stock, {trunk) tunu, moosla, dundee, gola, kath, V. block, {of a gun) koondu, v. shaji, &c. {neckcloth) groloo-bund, v. post, {capital) mool, ras ool mal, mayu, v. store, {nealth) kayunat, a,en ool mal, bisat, {whole) kool ka- STO 622 STO yunat, v. properly, assets, (family) jurper, durukht, v. descent, (origin) ad, v. root, 8cc. to stock, {a gun) koondu-lugana or -churhana, bhurna, v. to store, furnish, stock-dove, qaamree, v, ring-dove, stocking, pa^etabu, mozu, properly boot, q. v. stockings, joorab. stocks, kath, koondii, hul, huree, hur, v. irons, (for a ship) chuogooddee, v. dock, also fetters ; to put in the stocks, kath-marna, hur-thonkna. stockstill, lukree, nuqsh deevvar, (to stand) jukee- bunna. stoechas, oostookhosddoos. sfoic, mulamutee muzhub. stolen goods, musrooqu^ (receiver of) thangee. stomach, mi,udu, jhojh, ojh, potlia, ojliree, put ojhree, puchuonee, v. appetite, (crop) huosilu, V. ambition, &c. stomachic, mooshtuhee, hazim, pachuk. stomachics, mooquwiyati ini,udu. stone, V. pebble, puthur, pahun, pukhan, bujur, sung, hujr, sil, janta, v. grindstone, quarry, putiya, puthruoree, puthree, kunkruoree, un- kur, rujm, (the black) hujr ml uswud, (grave, 8cc.) luoh, sung kitabu, v. slab, (precious, &c.) mun, V. serpentine, tu,uweez, tuklitu, (seed) goothlee, ko,elee, khustu, oostukhan, chiyan, ghittuk, pupuha, jalee, kojha, (vessel, &c.) koondalee, koondee, puthriya, (drip) koond, V. trough, {for beds) puthluotee, (of a ring) nug, nugeenu, .thewa, pulka, v. quite, (gem) rutun, v. testicle ; to leave no stone un- turned, ko,ee durwazu nu chhorna, muqdoor bhur zor-marna, v. to strain, stone, adj. sungee, puthree. to stone, sungsar-k. moorujjura-k. puthuron se marna, rujm-k. (to bicker) sungbazee- dhe- luwwul-k. jvj v,^. •;. _,.i; stone-blind, soordas, v. blind. stone-cutter, sung-turash, v. lapidary, puthriya. stone-fruit, goothleedar-phul. stone-horse, nur, andoo, — but restricted to bulls, V. stallion. stoniness, puthrahut, sunglakhee. stoning to death, turujjcom, v. the verb. stony, puthreela, sungistan, sunglakh, kunkreela, puthriya, puthruha, v. stone, (hard) sung-dil, V. unrelenting. stool, V. chair, mucliiya, peerha, putra, chuokee, tukhtu, morha, v. footstool, (evacuation, q. v.) dust, jhara, nikal, nikas. to go to stool, rufu hajut kojana, v. to ease. stoop, jhooka|0, nihoora|0, v. bend. to stoop, jhoakna, nihoorna, nyona, surnigoon-h. jhoomna, v. to bend, (to submit) chupna, mughloob- zer-h. manna, v. to yield, (to de- scend) ooturna, gima, v. to condescend. stooping, khumeedugee. stop, stoppage, v. obstruction, utka,o, utuk, rok, bustugee, bundee, bundhej, v. the verb (sup- pression) duba,o, V. cessation, &c. (interrup- tion) tora, ukaj, v. impediment, (point) nishan, wuqfu, bisram, v. stay, (of a dagger) puseeja, (of instruments) khoontee, v. peg. to stop, v. to cease, v. n. utukna, hutukna, sum- hulna, rookna, hurukna, thurtiukna, urna, ruh- jana, bund-h. murna, tikna, thuk thukana, muchulna, hirna, tushreef-r. v. to remain, (to close) mu,umoor-k. v. to fill, stay: v. a. ut- kana, hutkana, thamna, thuhrana, rokna, chhenkna, hurkana, thumkana, sumhalna, bandhna, arna, bund-k. katna, baz- pher-r. zubt-k. V. to hinder, (to suppress) marna, dab- na, V. to shut, Stc. stopcock, dumkula. stople, stopper, dutta, thentee, gutta, thepee, the- kee, V. plug, storax, usturuk, sularus, silajit. STO 623 STR ^ store, V. much, dher, mublugh, v. plenty, khuza- nu, zukheeru, ras, bukhar, gola, khan, rus- khan, v. granary, hoard, heap. to store, bhurna, zukheeru- &c. -k. mu.umoor-, mumloo- mal mal- poot-k. ekutha-k. v. to col- lect, amadu-k. v. to prepare, replenish, le-mkh- na, ganjna, v. to hoard. store-house, v. magazine, khata, bukhar, bhun- dara, kotha, gunjeenu, zukheeru, umbar-kha- nu, kothee, dubish, duboosu, (Jor tents, &c.) furrash-khanu, v. store. store-keeper, gol-dar, zuklieeru-dar, daroghu, bhun-daree. stores, surinjam, usbab, saman, samigree, ututn, V. provision, (^military) jungee surinjam, v. am- munition. stork, dhunes, lukluk, v. crane. storm, andhee, toofan, jhukhur, undha-dhoond, jhupsa, badisursur, toond-huwa, v. tempest, violence, (wintry blast) sohag-luhur, {assault) Tela, V. calamity, {commotion) undher, ghudur, ghuzub, V. tumult. to storm, V. a. duor-marna, kuta-k. tor-d. mar- lena, cliurhee suwaree-lena, (a camp) pura,o- marna, {at night) shub khoon-marna, v. to attack, assault, gurujna, v. to rage. stormy, v. ragej'ul, undhiyaha, bharee, muwwaj, rauoj-zun, toofanee, {sea) muojkhez, v. rough, {season) sawun bhadon, andhee panee ka din, V. violent. story, V. narration, kuefiyut, soonnwwul, huqee- qut, punwara, toomar, ufsanu, dastan, bat, ■gool shigooftu, V. tale, {floor) kotha, bam, munzil, tubqu, muhul, hashiniu, tula, v. loft, kuhanee, chootkoola, v. episode, tutimmu, urz, V. representation. story-teller, qissu-khwan, ufsanu-go, punwuriya, nuqliya, (0/ one, two, &c.) ek-rauhia, do- munzilu, teen-tula. stove, gool khun, tunoor, bhiithee, ungethee, bhar, borsee, kangree, khupur, y. fire-place. stout, V. robust, muzboot, quwwee, bulee, chuo- dunt, porha, chobur, ninum, v. hratcvy, bur- bustu, dohra, koongra, kuth musta, niungiira, dagur, gholedung, v. sturdy, also intrepid, strong, hold. stoutly, muzbootee- &c. -se, v. obstinately. stoutness, V. strength, muzbootee, porha, ee, ni- muna,ee, v. courage, koongra,ee, v. athletic, resoluteness. to stow, ruk,hna, dhurna, bhurna, tuhana, tuh bu tuh-r. jumana, v. to pack, pile, lay. stowage, uma,o, tuha,ee, v. room. strabism, uhwul chushmee. to straddle, tang chhitra.e ke-chulna, kooshadu ruo-h. or -chulna. straddling, kcDshadu-ruwee. to straggle, v. to wander, cbhitphoot- idhur oodhur- tirbir- juhan tuhaa-h. or -phirna, chhitra jana, chhiturna, bikhurna, v, to ram- ble, also dispersed. straggler, avvaru, bhutka.oo, luochher, puch,^- lugwa, phoota, phutka, eengha oongha, v. wan- derer. straight, v. straif, seedha, sojha, rast, seedh, rah rast, {necked horse) tukhtu gurdun, v. right, choDSt, kusa, tuna, v. tight. straight, slraightztays, adv. troont, fuorun, tud- hee, V. instantly. to straighten, v. to straiten, seedha- &c. -k. straightness, seedha, ee, sojh, rastee, v. the adj. strain, v. style, moch, chumuk, luchuk, kuchuk, V. sprain, hurt, 8cc. {manner) rung, dhub, v. tendency, (sound) awaz, gula, v. song. to strain, v. a. chhanna, jharna, rusana, nichor- na, nikharna, garna, v. to squeeze, {to sprain) chumkana, luchkana, moarkana, kuchkana, kurkana, kjichukna, \. to taist, {to exert) STR 624 STR duorana, chulana, mama, pursana, koonkiyana, y. to stretch {to push) pukurna, jhookana, nikalna, {the throat, 8cc.) pharna, v. to force, &c. ; V. n. chhunna, jhurna, rusna, nichhoorna, nikhurua, gurna, {at stool, &c.) koon- thna, kinuchhna, kankhna, {to endeavour) bhur muqdoor-k. hudd-k. v. effort ; to strain every nerve, janfishanee-k. hath puer-marna. strainer, chhunna, safee. strait, sukra, tiing, choost, mukhmusu, kush mu kush, koobul, koopech, v. pinch, narrozt). strait, sub. gulee, ghatee, duru, naka, — also a frith, V. pass, {distress) tungee, suket, zugh- tu, hueranee, v. difficulty, zuktu. to straiten, tung- &c. -k. also {to harass) zich- / -k. {to contract) suketna, sookrana, sumetna, V. to confine, {to tighten) kusna, kheechna, tanna, v. to push. strait-handed, tung-dust, turg-dil, dust-kushee- du, thor-hutha. straitlj/, tungee- &c. -se. straitness, v. tightness, tungee, suket, choostee, V. strickness. strand, kinaru, v. brink. to strand, mama, putukna, phenk-d. kinare- churhana, kinare pur de mama, v. to drive. to be stranded, mara-j, strange, v. foreign, oopuree, upoorbee, puraya, birana, [perhaps from biroonee] bahuree, ba,e- bee, pur, biganu, ghuer, an, uera ghuera, ba- hur ka, kuhan ka, kuheen ka, v. stranger, dog, also other, {wonderful) ujeeb, uchumbha, undekha, nirala, v. odd, droll, &c. {new) nuya, V. rare, shy, &c. ; have you heard any thing strange'? koochh uor soona hue? v. distant. strange, han, wah, tumashu, v. astonishing. strangely, ujub turuh-se, v. greatly, &c. strangeness, v. zoonderfulness, ujnubiyut, noodrut, beganugut, niralta, upoobta, , v. distance, {shitless) vvuhshut, bhurum, {misunderstanding) beganugee, un-mel, v. aversion. stranger, v. alien, ghuer-janib, ujan, unjan, na- ashna, ghuer-aslma, ghuer-admee, ghuer-quom, ghuer-zat, usathee, buhraroo, shuhur ghureeb, pur poork,h, {a female) pur nar; a stranger, or intruder, bahur ka sahib, but now a familiar word in the noted exclamation, bahur ka sa- hib aya hue khubur deejiyo, v. unknozen, {un- acquainted) na-waqif, na-shinas, v. guest. to strangle, tusmu-kheechna, phansee-d. gula- dubana, dum-rokna or -bund-k. gul-d. gula- ghonthna, phansee-lugana, v. to hang, sup- press. strungler, tusmu-kush. strangles, gul roondhun, perhaps strangulation or quinsy. strangulation, hubs ool nufus, kunth aroondhun. strangury, hubs ool buol, kurk mootun, zeeq col buol, cosr ool buol. strap, V. slip, puttee, dhujjee, chit, leer, petaree, petee, chumotee, duwal, chutee, bud-dhee, pa,e- zu, kuuna, putta, v. thong, belt. to strap, koriyana, qumchiyana, v. to thresh. strappado, kora-bazee, duwal-bazee. strapping, koongra, mooshtunda, bharee, tura, V. stately, jath-sa, lumbchhura, dhoo,a, de,o qudd, tar sa, v. tall. stratagem, v. artifice, mooghaltii, bazee, dhokha, dhandhul, fitrut, oorangha,ee, doocha,ee, fiinn- fureb, marpech, dugha, phanda, ba,oIee, kliida, V. snare, trick, deceit. stratum, purt, tuh, tubuq, tibaq. ..straw, V. stalk, nalee, danthee, nuloo,a, po,al, pooral, bichalee, bhoosa, tinka, also {fig.) til. straw-bed, santhra. , stray, bhoola, bhutka, hurha, bisra, gcomrah, chooka, ni-khusma, be-walee waris; v. lost. STR 625 STR to stray, v. to wander, bhiitukna, blioolna, bu- hukna, be rail- gconi rah-Ii. »r -chulna, phoot- na, chookna, bichhoorna, bilugna, v. to err, tvbid. atreak, lukeer, dhar, luhur, khutt^ tuhreer, dha- ree, mothra, selee, v. stripe. to streak, lubriya- &c. -k. lukecriyana. streaked, streaky, luhriya, dliaree, luhur-dar, khutt-dar, khuttee, seliya, niothre-dar, v. dapple. stream, v. course, dhara, dhar, luhur, turera, turara, tuteeree, v. squirt, gung, v. river, ri- vulet, water. to stream, dhar-bandlike nikulna, v. tojlow, tur- turana, jaree-h. v. to Jloat, pour. streamer, phuruhra, phurra, piitaka, v. pennant. street, v. road, koochu, gulee, [properly a lane, streets not being yet in fashion among the na- tives of India] shari, v. way, khor, tola, niu- hullu, poora, beedh, v. alley, market. street-walker, (lit.) koochu-gurd, not a prostitute, q. V. gushtee, hur-ja,ec, hurzu-gurd, huteree- buteree, v. strumpet. strength, v. power, zor, bul, qoowwut, muzbootee, zorawiiree, puorookh, buosa,o, onstonwaree, porha,ee, nimna,ee, chimrare, v. pith, sukut, taqut, tuwana,ee, lus, uosan, jangiir, go, a, sut, bit, rus kus, nubh, gooda, puran or pran, v. life, vigour, &c. (force) tor, duba,o, ghulbu, sursu.ee, v. violence, (of diction, &c.) mutanut, V. spirit, &c. (of liquors, &c.) tezee, hiddut, tojndee, chokha.ce, v. support, (of tea, &c.) kurwa.ee, v. bitterness, fatness, &c. (cmiji- dence) bhurosa, v. trust, ability, &c. to strengthen, v. supra, also strong, &c. muzboot- &c. -k. nimnana, zor- &c. -d. sumbhalna, thambhna, v. to fi^' ' sustainer, hamee, pooshtee-ban, v. supporter, sustenance, v. maintenance, ahar, khorak, adhar, V. food, jeeka, ziudugee, azooqu, ghiza, v. nou- rishment. \.-^A\\'k\ sutler, bhuthiyara, nanba.ee, lushkuree buniya, V. dealer. suture, dokht, seewun, mang, ma^een, v. seam, tanka, silaiCe, {of' bores) dharce, jor, k^W^t. swab, pochara, koochla, v. broom, &c. ujiwiiui to swaddle, lupet supet-k. moorunda-k, ■jja'V^') swagger, lutuk mutuk, lutuk-chal, tubukhtror, chum o khuiD, iiazolutuk, go]g,hooma,o. to swagger, v. to bully, dhoom- dhurak- dhoom d.ham-se chulna, bankuetee- &c. -k. mutuk- na, lutputana, uthur puthur-chulna, jhoomta- chulna, v. to bluster, strut, &(i.'\vv ol ^Vi JsnoHii szcaggerer, ukruet, ukurbaz, uenthe-khanj v. bully, &c. swaggy, soo,ur peta. szvain, juwan, khanu-zad, bheeturya, v. servant, {in poetry) na,ek or nayuk, v. youth. swallozc, {bird) ubabeel, soopa bena, {voracity) pet, artturee, gula, huluq. to swallozc, V. to devour, iiiguhia, leehia, ghontna, phankna, khana, keechna, soorookna, dhookus- na, bhusukna, gelna, {to believe) mansoon- lena, v. to engross. szcamp, duldul, chor-zumeen, gurun, dhusun, nusheb, dhusan, v. hollow. swampy, duldulee. swan, raj-huns, bugla, kubuk, bughuns. swarm, v. crowd, jhoond, mundul, hasjoom, fuoj, dher, ukhara, izhdiham, v. muUitHde, {of bees) mukhiyal, v. heap. ,6, '■.•>• SJVE 639 Slf^E to iwarm, bhin bhinana, bhur-jana, -mania, or -rulina, jumu, put-jana, bhinukiia, putiia, v. to crowd, also full, &c. swarth, putka, bund, nitaq, v. fillet, 8cc. awarthy, v. dark, snnoola, guitdcnm-ning, ge- hoo,an, pukka-rung, pokhtu-rung, v. sallow. to sTrathe, bandhna, lupetna, moorunda-k. v. to hind. szcaif, V. domhiiort, mcokhtaree, manind, ghulbu, iluijka, dab, pusara, fiinnnn ruiva.ee, v. porter, hijiuence, zceiglit, &c. to sKV/y, {fo bias) lana, dhoolana, chnlana, moo- tuwujjih-k. V. to incline, turn, {to rule) hook- oomiit- &c. -k. V. to control, 8cc. ' «***" to swear, v. n. qusum- &c. -khana, -lena, or -k. lillah fillah-k. v. to curse, {each other) suo- gunda, suogundee-k. qusmee-k. bue,ut moo- kunur-k. v. oath, qooran- gunga- toolsee-, -oothana or -lena ; v. a. sviogund- &c. -d. -dilana, -khtlana, or -kurana, gungajul- &c. -oothvvana or -d. The ordeal is sometimes used, and commonly in one or other of the following ways : kurahe- gola- pundoobee-, khurjhuonsa-lena, &c. also -d.; an explana- tion of which more properly belongs to the second volume. szoearer, suogund-khor, suput-khiioka. sweat, puseena, puse,o, uniq, panee, sitree, khoe, swed, sitlee, or violent sneating, {toil) lohoo- panee. to sweat, V. n. puseejna, puseena- &c. -chhoot- na, -girna, -nikulna, -dhulna, -phulna, -ana, or -choona, v. to issue, &c. lohoopanee-k. v. to toil, &c. ; V. a. uruq- &c. -lana, nikalna, &c. sweater, puseejunhar, urqa"wnr, moo,umiq. sweating-sickness, sitlee, v. supra. sweaty, umq-aloodu, pusyoha. sweep, puhoonchj lupet, v. reach. to sweep, jharna, booharna, khurhama, phurcha r .infi &c. -k. (rt well) jlialna, niwarna, {away) jhar puchhor-lena, lupet-lena, v. to clean, &c. {to carry off') kheech- ootha- jhar-lejana, v. to pass, glide, &C. ' sweeper, jarob-kush, khak-fob, hulal-khor, mih- tur, bhungee, kunnas, choohra. STCeepings, jharun, biuhurun, koora, koorkoot, khashak, kuchra, tulee, puryul, v. rubbish, sweep-net, muha-jal. sweepstake, khuenchoo, lupetoo, surb-jeet. sweet, V. grateful, soft, &.c. meetha, sheereen, mudhcor, soo, khmsh, khoob, v. charming, sohjt.ona, numkeen, muleeh, sa,onla sulona, shukur aloodu, rnseela, rus bhura, v. pleasant, fresh ; the sweets, ruskus, lur.zut, buhar, v. taste, the above words being as extensively used as in English. sweet-bread, puthree, lublubu, but, v. gizzard, pancreas, to sweeten, v. a. meethana, sheereen- &c. -k. V. to soften ; v. n. meetha-hojana. sxceetener, mcoslih. sweetheart, v. mistress, lover, pyara, unkh-hio-a, V. beloved, dii-bund, dil-fureb, munbha,o, yar- nee, unkh Ingee, dheninft, shukur-fiirosh, ranj- hun, shukur-lub, rusiya, niseelee, dhola, dho- lun, shaliid, v. paramour, &c. sweetish, ma.il bu sheereenee, meethasa. sweeting, v. supra, piyara, mudhoo, mithoo, ap- plied to parrots, children, &c. v. dear, sweetly^ sheereenee- &c. -se, v. the adj. sweetmeat, v. preserve, meetha, ee, sheereenee, hulvviyat, luoziyat. The following are the most common : luddoo, pera, julebee, burfee, butasa, shukur paru, khaja, re,oree, gutta. ela- chee dami, umritee, bura, khoormu, boondiya, dur-bihisht, chnktee, undursa hulwa, khoonti- ya, se,o, goojiya, poo a, tihva, pukwan, papur, hulwa, sohun, ola, gojlia, guolaba, mohun SPFI 640 swo bhog, bursola, khujla, jhujla, butas phenee, khujooree, dundan misree, undursa, motee choor, nubat, ruskhora. saeetness, sheereene, raeethas, meetha,ee, hula- wut, mudhoorta, mudhoora.ee, rus, mulahut, fusahut, V. mildness, deUcacy, melody, also the adj. suell, phoolun, soojun, nufkh, phoolavvut, oothan, oothun, oonchan, v. rise, bhur bhurahut. to swell, V. to rise, v. n. soojna, phoolna, oothna, burhna, churhna, nikulna, bumukna, oobhur- iia, wurm- &c. -k. oomundna, oophunna, phu- phusna, phosl phoolana, gujgujana, oosiyana, bhubhrana, bhurbhurana, moonhana, v. to pro- tuberate, &c. ; v. a. soojana, phoolana, umas- &c. -lana. sTcelling, wurm, amas, sooj, phoola,o, v. protu- berance, &c. lo suelter, khumsana, oomusna, kuosna, uosna, pukna, puseejna. to swerve, v. to deviate, bhoolna, bhagna, v. to uander. j.i. . -^ suift, V. quick, juld, tez, shitab, toond, beg, v. Jleet, juolan, {horse) puwuu-chal, puwun-poot, bad-pa, bad-puema, juld-qudum, qudum-baz, shuhgani, tez- or gurm-ruo or -gam, toond ruftar, ruhwar, doogamu, {elephant) pa,el, (a bird) tezpur, {rider, &c.) shuh-suwar, v. Jleet. swiftly, juldee- &c. -se, v. the adj. and noun. swiftness, juldee, tezee, shitabee, toindee, begta, ootuelee, v. speed, &c. to swill, kheechna, sokhna, v. to szvallow, dhok- •na, tanchna, gulgulana, gutgutana. swiller, kheechwuya, duriya-nosh. to swim, V. n. pueina, tirna, helna, shinawuree- -k. punwurna, {to float) bhansna, {as the head) ghoomna, phirna, temirana, chuondhi- yana, v, to turn, {to be floated) bhurna, poor- lubrez- lub a lub-h. v. sunk, &c. ; v. a. pue- rana, helana, tirana, v. to pass. sidmmer, puerwuya, puerak, taroo, shinawur. swimming, v. vertigo, puera.o, hela,o, tira,o, v. the verb. to szeindle, huzm-k. dab-lena or -r. swindler, dhoorbaz, boottebaz, mal murdcom khor, murdoom fureb. swine, soo,ur, sookur, {herd) khook-ban, v. sow. swing, jhoola,o, jcombisb, v. motion, {machine) jhoola, peeng, hindola, guhwaru, palna, niu- hud, jhonk, jhool, jhoolawa, dhooloo,a, pe,on- goora, jhoolna, v. cradle, duor, dheel, beque- dee, V. course {to give) dheel-d. v. dissolute, also leave, to swijig, V. n. jhoolna, dolna, hilna ; v. a. jhool- ana, dolana, hilana, peenghna, jhoomna, jhoo- mana, pengha-marna, ghoomna, v. to nave, bhanjna, v. to brandish. to swinge, luthiyana, jootiyana, v. to thresh, flog. swinger, jhoole-baz. szcinging, {religious) churkh-pooja. . ' i,,, .. swinish, khookee, soo,ur-chal, v. .filthy. switch, chhuree, bed, bet, gojee. ,:.^ swivel, ruhkula, zumboorka, juza,il, junjal, cor- rupted from juza,il, guthiya, {inst.) bhumvur kulee, V. jrivot. swoon, moorchha, v. fainting. to swoon, V. to faint, moorchha- &c. -ana, jee- doobna, murna, te,oorana. swoop, jhupeta. to swoop, jhuput-lena or -mama. to swop, budla,ee-k. v. to exchange. , ;< , sword, tulwar, shumsher, suef, khanda, kliurg, usi, tegh, sumsam, hoasam, kirwan, dcorga, kirich, unless from this word signifying a splin- ter, V. cutlass, suefchu, neemchu, derh huthee, dhop, goDptee, suroha, oona, {toledo) burd- SFM 641 srs Tvanee, kurchhul, jum tumacha, mughrubee, joonoobee, goojratee, doolohee, {to put to the) tiihi tcgh-k. kat-karbna, v. uhiiiyard, brand. HU'ord-kiiot, zcolfee. sword-late, labed, v. club. sword'pluji/er, sbuinsher-zun, tulwuriya, khun- (luet. irtordsmiDi, tulwaibund, huthiyarbund , shum- sher- &c. -baz, v. fencer, also soldier. sTioru, qusmee, suogundee, v. the verb. aycupJiaut, v. informer, chooghl-khor, scokhun- cheen, lootra, khooshamudee tuttoo, buengun ka nuokur, kbaya- or pa,e-les, v. cringer, pa- rasite, flatterer. si/llubical, sunjogee, tuhjiyu. sjfllable, bijee, kuUmu, subub, wutud, v. letter. to syllable, hijee-k. hurfim hurfim-bolna or -purh- na, V. to spell. si^llabub, mvoMsh. .y^,^ .-j^^ Dif-.iaan. .yjllogism, qiyas, v. proposition, qutiyu, duleel. sijhav, V. rural, jungulee, dushtee, v, wild, &c. symbol, moorad, v. sign. st/mmetrical, soopind, v. regular. si/mmetry, v. harviony, proportion, undazu, quree- nu, khoosb-duolee, soo-duolee, soomel, soorus, duol, V. to coincide. sympathetiral, v. reciprocal, bum-gbum, huni- durd, durd-shureek, ghum-kbwar, durd-mund, V. compassionate, sububee, {affection) olumba. to sympathise, riqqut- &c. -k. hum durd-h. ghum-khana, dil soz-h. puseejna, sihlana, v. to feel, sympathy, riqqut, dil-sozee, hum-durdee, rubt^ mel, rus, kuroona rus, v. affection, compassion, symphony, v. concord, hum-ahuiigee, hum-awazee, kha)sh-lu,e, turanu, v. harmonious, symposiac, mujlisee, mujlisanu. symptom, iilamut, v. mark, ulung kar, v. token, sign, syncope, v. fainting, huzf, v. contraction, synecdoche, zikr joaz iradu kcoll, ^ikr ka>ll iradu jooz, synod, v. assembly, mujlis moosba,Lkbanu, goor- mut. -uv-iu synonymous, mooturadif, hum-mu,unee, wahid-ool mu,unee, sum urthee, v. alike, &c. synonymy, turadoof. synopsis, teiuj, nuqshu, v. scheme, syntax, uuho, subd, kridunt, .v. grammar, synthesis, idraki-jooz ilul kooll. syringe, pichkaree, hcoqunu, dumkula, pucboo- ka, muhqunu. to syringe, pichkaree- 8ic. -mama. syrxip, &c. V. sirup, &c. system, qanoon, qa,idu, v. method, nuqshu, duol, kutkuna, a,een, shastur, bund o bust, v. plan, scheme. systematical, qa,idu moowafiq, moontuzuni, v. me- thodical. AHL 642 TAC t and tj in this language, are softer tlian in Eng- lish; and t, on the contrary, is considerably harder; thu and thu are the same letters as- pirated, V. the Introduction, page vii. and x. tabby, seliya, v. cat, puss. . .••"* tabernacle, dewul, mu,ubud, v. temple, eemam baree, v. shrine. tabid, V. consumptive, to waste. table, mez or raez ka tukhtu, dustur-khwan, chuoka, bisat, v. board, {plan) nuqshu, v. draught, index, &c. ; to turn the tables, tukhtu- ooltana. table-cloth, dustur-khwan, soofru, shuelan, kun- dooree, chuddur, dustuiee, bustunee, v. men- sal, slieet. tablet, luoh, patee, tukhtee, chuktee, chuokee, V. pane. tabour, tumkee, mirdung, dholuk, tubluq, tublu, tumboor, v. drum. tabourer, mirdungee, dholukiya, v. drummer. tacit, sakit, moogoodh, muon, v. silent, (consent) ul khamosh neem ruza, (implied) mootuzum- min, V. loiderstbod. tacitly, bu-sukoot, zimnun. taciturnity, khamoshee, sukoot, poombu-duhunee, muon-ta, v. silence. tack, keel, bund, v. nail. to tack, tankna, joriia, milana, ganthna, lugana, V. to stitch, turn, &c. tackle, tackling, surunjam, usbab, saman, hurbu, V. furniture, keel kanta, russee wussee, (fish- ing) bunsee wunsee, tactics, sipahee-guree, joodhkar, suf-ara,ee, funni- jung- tadpole, gul-phoolee, meng muchhlee, bengoo- chee. taffeta, taftu, durya,ee, che.olee. tag, V. rag, doombalu, mookh-bund, kunna, (rag and bobtail) rudd khuluq, chhote bure, rarh bhor, rudoo,a-kudoO|a, lendee boochee, umeer-fuqeer, kusnakus, lalloojugdhur, awam- oon-nas, v. world, to tag, moonh-marna. tail, doom, ponch, doombal, doDinbala, v. skirt, e«(f ,• ,o\ ,^v to tally, V. n. milna, buethna, theek-h. burabur-, moowafiq-purna ; v. a. milana, theek- &c. -kurna, \.Jit. talness, durazee, boolundee, lumba,ee, ooncha.ee. talo7i, nakhoon, nuh, nukh, v. claw. -ff .ha/f-' tamarind,— from tumur-hindee, imlee, tentur, {large) kungna, koochiya, v. pod, stone, &c. tamarisk, jha,oo, guz, turfa, ma,en, v. broom. tambourine, khunjuree. ; tame, hila, ram, mooteeu, poswan, manoos, dust- amoz, khanu-kooreez, pala, [from palna, &c. to breed, q. v.] v. obedient, (domestic) khan- gee, ulilee, ghuruela, v. gentle, &c. to tame, hilana, tabi- f&c. -k. torna, dubana, khogur-k. lana, v. to crush, conquer, ckunga-, seedha.-k. V. to reclaim. .Hid is&i\mi-bnl tameable, hilne-jog, hila.oo, oons puzeer. tameltf, na-murdee-se, v. meanly, &c. tameness, ramee, milap, ita,ut, v. gentleness, timi- dity, &c. tamper, chherna, dust undaz-h. hath-d, v. to meddle, sound. to tamper, {to quack) duwa bazee-k. v. medicine, tutolna, dekhbhal-k. v. to bias. to tan, sijhana, pukana, churhana, dubaghut-k. jhoonkarna, v. to burn, {leather) kusna, pokh- tu-k. (6j/ ^/«e SM«) julana, jhunwana<^/N»)if4 ,':)j tang, bud-za,iqu, biid-muzu, v. taste, smell. tangent, mumas, eera. tangibility, mumsoosiyut. tangible, mumsoos, moomkin ool mus, musee^ us- pursee. .vii'n-i'! .viit),tt, v^-V' to tangle, ooljhana, durhum biirhum-k. tank, talab, tula,oo, huoz, pokhura, sur, surwur, bhurun, tal, tuliya, v. pond. ......; _,a<,. tankard, koozu, v. cup, &c. j'j! ,tef«r-{- tanned, kusa, pookhtu, pukka- ~> ,^*'»«y.\*0. tanner, dubbagb, chumar. ;,d99q ,-yj tattler, bukkee, guppee, zutullee, bufbtiriya, ziyadu-go, butoonee, ochha, kum-zurf, v. talk- ative, lootra, lubra, v. babble, babbler, tale- bearer. tavern, bhunger-khami, kuhvar-khanu, shurab- khanu, mue-khanu, khurabat, mue-kudu, ku- lar-khanu, v. inn. tavern-keeper, bhungera, moogb, kular, kulwar. The word punch-wala is much used at Cal- cutta, whence punch wale ke ihan ja,o, go to the tavern. taunt, tu,un, tu.unu, mehna, bolee, tu.im-tush- neeu, ihanut, muzummut, tunz, surzunish, V. sneerer, thutholee, juor o jufa, v. gibe, in- sult. to taunt, tu,uTi- Sic -k. mehna-marna, chirhana. tnunter, tu,unu-zuii, mehunha. tauntingly, tu,iin- &c. -se. tautological, mookurrur. tautologist, tukraree. tautology, tukrar, tukurroor. tazi>, (marble) unta, golee. tawdriness, be-lootfee, na-zebee, be-sujee. tarcdry, be-lootf, na-zeb, be-suj, bhurungee. ttticrry, jhuonra, peela, zurd, v. sxcarthy, sa.onia, V. brown. tax, muhsool, hasil, khiraj, khuzann, fbttr, baj, dustoor, znkat, kur, rue, dund, pnrjuwut, V. censure, (various) mool, chutee, khanu- TEA 646 TEM shcomaree, mootuhurifu, {the name of a) surf sikka, V. exaction, to tax, muhsool- &c. -lugana or -b. lugana, hurf- -r. V. to accuse, charge. taxable, muhsoolee, sahib nisab. taxation, rue-bundee, kur-bundee, dundkar, v. assessment, tax. taier, zukatee, dunkaree. tax-gatherer, v. publican, tuhseel-dar, v. collector, tea, cha. to teach, sikhana, sikhlana, dikhlana, purhana, amokhtu- tu,uleem- tulqeen-k. {birds) bolana, {to train) nikalna, v. to instruct, teachable, ilm-pizeer, turbiyut-pizeer, sikhunhar. teacher, iiioo,ullim, oostad, moodurris, sichhuk, gooroo, peer, moorshid, pathuk, ucharij, nayuk, akhoon, mal, v. master, preacher, preceptor, teaching, sikha.ee. .w si^v teak, {wood) sagwan or saguon. ,^,,/, ,.i.' tea-kettle, tutuhra. leal, moorgh-abee, pun-kookree. ' TEM 647 TEN to temper, mcuwafiq- raoo.utudil- mudhum- nurm- -k. ta.ona, dum-d. v. to moderate, {hot with cold water) suniona, {mix) milana, {iron) sukht-k. pukana. temperament, temperature, halut, v. supra et iiifra. temperuiict, i,utidal, wusut, mudli, tuwuss(ut, pur- hez, sunjum, wuiu, v. abstinence, moderation. temperate, v, mild, mco,utudil, mootuwussit, mud- hiin), V. mediocrity, khoonook, v. coolness, mo- derate. temperately, i,utidal-se. tempest, andhee, toofan, jhukhur, undha, dhoondh, chuowa,ee, v. commotion. tempestuous, undhiyaha, toofanee, tez, tmnd, v. stormy. temple, {place of worship) mu,ubud, dewul, rauth, mundup, dewusthan, boot-kudu, murhee, se- wala, thakoor-baree, ibadut-gah or -khanu, duer, de ohura, de.oghur, dewusthul, boot- khanu, ku,ubut- or buet-oolkh, buet-ool hurm, kunisht, v. church, {of Mecca) ku,ubu, qiblu, V. pagoda, mosque, house, &c. {of the head) kun-putee, shuqeequ, pent pcoree. temporal, doonyawee, sunsaree, v. secular, &c. temporary, ariz.ee, fusulee, muosumee, chund-rozu. to temporize, zumanu sazee- samuekee-k. v. to procrastinate. temporizer, zumanu-saz, samuek, doonya-saz, sumu,ee. to tempt, wurghulanna, lulchana, loobhana, ighwa- &c. -k. turgheeb- &c. -d. phooslana, lulkarna, tursana, oobhana, oochatna, v. to seduce, entice, attempt, &c. {to provoke) jugana, oothana, v. to excite. temptation, v. trial, ighwa, turgheeb, tumu, la- luch, tishna, lobh, tuhreek, wuswusu, oochat, v. allurement. tempter, moohurrik, turgheeb-dih, IuIcha,oo, lob- ha,oo, tursa,oo. tempting, shuhwut ungez, v. tempter, devil. ten, dus, dih, ushur, {of cards) duhla ; a ten, duha, ushra, v. decade; tens, {not units) du- ha,ee, duhun, dahuk, {per cent.) duhotra, du- heekee, do bistee, do biswee. v. the Grammar, pages 97, 98, 8cc. ; it is ten to one that he tcill lose, bees biswa harega soluh biswa jeetega ; it is ten to one he will come, dus ana hue ki wooh awega; ten times, duh-chund, duh-goona. tenable, mcostuhkum, oostoowar, thumbhunhar, tika.oo, thuhra,oo, v. strong. tenacious, sukht, sukht-geer, giriftu-miraj, kurra, dirh, shudeed ool qulb, kuthor, v. niggardly, retentive, {glutinous) luslusa, chip chipa, mcxj- luzzij, V. viscous. tenaciously, sukhtee- &c. -se. tenaciousness, sukhtee, sukht-geeree, girifu-miza- jee, kuthorta, dirhta. tenacity, lus lusahut, chip chipahut, luzoojut,- ittifaq, chuspeedugee, v. adhesive, &c. tenarit, kirayu-dar, bhuruet, asamee, putte-dar, ru,eyut, racostajir, ijarudar, ujeer, v. renter, subject. to tend, rukhna, khubur-lena, nigah banee- Sec. -k. ugorna, v. to attend; v. n. jhookna, dhul- na, muel- niuelan-k. ma,il-h. duorna, v. to assist. tendency, muel, muelan, jhooka,o, tuwujjooh, {drift) moorad, muqsud, mutlub, moodda, ghat, V. meaning, ghurz, mu,al, munjur, v. tenour. tender, nurm, moola,im, gool gool, komul, scnkwar, kaghuzee, sheeshu-basha, butasee, v. soft, pu- neeree, good gooda, nuolasee, phooska, v, deli- cate, {light) soobcok, Imlka, v. gentle, durd- mund, shufeeq, v. kind, {as age) kucha, thora, kum, sugheer, v. small, yoi^ng, &c. {indulgent) naz-burdar. tender, {offer) tuwazqo, nuzur, bhent. TEN 648 TER to tender, tuwazqo- &c. -k. dena, v. to offer, pro- V ' pose. tender-iiearted, nurtn-dil, mom-di), ruhm-dil, ru- qeeq ool qulb, v. compassionate, &c. tenderling, v. darling, lurba,ola, naz-purvvurdu, V. pet. , tenderly, durdmundee- &c. -se. *ef «''J'' tenderness, &c. nurmee, moola,imuf, niooruwwut, komulta, nazookee, sookwarta, durd, chho, prem, nurm-dilee, mom-dilee, ushfaq, v. com- passion, lootf, lutafut, V. delicacy, moolahizii, V. consideration, also the adj. {scrupulousness) wuswas, wuhm, sundeh. " .1 tendinous, nuseela, v. stringy. tendon, nus, pue, usub, putha, parhee, uzlu, khoonch, particularly the tendo achilles, v. si- new. tendril, soot, reshu, ner, darhee. tenement, muqboozu, ghur, v. abode, manor, &c. tenesmus, soor, beg, hugas. tenet, muslu, a,een, quel, reet, kuhnoot, i,utiqad, nisclme, v. belief, opinion. tenfold, dus-goona, duh-cliund, duh-chundugee, {reward) duhdur-doonya suttur dur akhir. tenon, chool, v. mortise. tenour, v. drift, muzmoon, mufhoom, mu,unee, ibarut, qureenu, luchhna, v. tendency, turz, dhub, rung, fuhwa, huwa, v. meaning, (course) tureeq, chal, ruwish, dhal, v. manner, {in mu- sic) sorit, zeer. tense, zuman, seeghu, kal, sumue ; the perfect, mazee mootluq, bhoot ; the future, moostuqbil, bhawik ; the present, hal, burtman, seeghu hal, burtman kal; the three tenses, uzminu sulasu, tri-kal, v. perfect, &c. tense, adj. tiina hoo,a, kusheedu, churha. tension, tenseness, tunahut, kjiicha.o, kusheedugee, kushish, kusa,o, churha,o, tuna.o, tan, v. tight- ness, contraction, &c. tent, khuemu, deru, tumboo, ruotee, pal, be- chobu, uspuk, dulel khanu, qulundru, sura- chu, numgeeru, khirgah, &c. kiipur kota, v. pavilion, &c. {in surgery) buttee, fuleetii, {varieties) do-uspu, do-choba, clnio-turka, peshgah, bunjaree ; the zcalls of a tent, qunat ; a tent pole, chob, dunda; the round piece of timber at the top of which is called bad reshu, V. Jiy ; a tent maker, khuemu-doz ; a tent pitcher, furrash, khulasee, v. pin. tenter, unkree, unksee, v. hook; to be on the tenters, kheecha tanee men-h. tenth, duswan, duhoom, (part) dusans, ooshur, duh-yukee, v. right. tenuity, putlahut, riqaqut, lutafut. tenure, v. terms, ulaqu, luga;o, qubzu, sunud, . putta ; putta istimraree, umur piitta, a tenure in perpetuity. tepid, sheer-gurum, goon goona. !■■ ' m. tergiversation, hera pheree, tal rautol, alabala, v. evasion, doodoosee, v. fickleness. term, bat, lufz, tuqreer, v. expression, language, purnam, dhun, luqut, loighut, v. proposition, &c. mee,add, {phrase) istilah, roz murru, ibarut, V. style, {stipulation) shuit, quol, hor, khiyar, v. consideration, {time) wuqt, beia, sumo, V. season, {sessio7i) julsu, v. period. to term, kuhna, bolna, nam-r. bukhanna. termagant, lurankee, kurkusa, zuban-duraz, Fa,e- baghnee, jeebhal, v. scold, virago. to be termed, kuhlana. to terininate, v. a. hudd-k. or -h. v. to bound, {to finish) tumam-k. niptana, v. to end, busui- lana, moonqutu-k. chookana, v. to settle, close; V. n. tumam- &c. -h. chhootna, ho-chookna, niputna, akhir ko puhoonchna, hona, bura- bur-h. poojna, v. to close. termination, akhir, tumamee, unjaiii, uut, itmam, insiratn, sumaput, khutum, v. limit. TES 649 THA terms, {metises) nioo,utad, (good) suhiniut ruwee, {to be on) saf-ruhna, v. to agree. ternioti, tiya, trik, tiikka, v. three. terrace, cliuotura, vu/g. chubootra, (o/" a house) kotha, bam, chhut, v. halconi/-, .r, ""^A to terrace, v. roof, patna, guchgeeree-k. v. to Jioor. terrestrial, khakee, zumeenee, urzee, mitiha, gilee, siflee, {bodies) ujram siflee, {abode) chu- mun i duhur. terrible, niooheeb, huol-iiak, bhuenkur, bhe,uona, duhshut-ungez, ibrut-nooma, v. dreudfid, {vio- lent) shudeed, sukht, kura, v. great. terriblenejis, huebut-nakee, buol-nakee, {violence) shiddut, sukhtee. terribly, huebut nakee- 8cc. -se. In terrify, v. to fright, durana, bhurmana, duh- shut- &c. -d. huerut zudu- &c. -k. shuh dur- -k. bichkana, duhlana, v. aghast, to alarm. territory, nioolk, des, duyar, kishwur, mumalik, umul, V. district, dominion, empire, jurisdic- tion, &c. terrour, duh,shut, huol, dur, sunka, beera, khuof, bhuo, hiras, dhak, v. awe. terse, shooftu rooftu, sadii poorkar, shrostu, v. neat. tertian, unturiya, tup i ghib, ek untur, tijree, v. ague, intermittent. to tertiate, tihrana. test, kusuotee, mihuk, miueyar, ueyar, azma,ish, imtihan, tujroobu, uchawut, v. trial, mark. testament, {last tiill) wuseeyut-namu, dhun-putur ; the Old Testament, tuoret ; the Neu^, injeel ; the Hindoo Testament, shastur, bed, v. Bible. testator, moosee, dhunputuree. testatrix, moosiyii. tester, pulung-posh, chhut, {bed) chhupur, khut, V. covering, roof. testicle, khayu, peira, khooaiyu, and, buezu, kuo- ree, und, pelhur, tookhm. testijication, tushuhhnod. testificator, testifier, shahid, guwah, buyunu, sakhee. j to tesiify, gumahee- &c. -d. sakhee bhwna, du- lalut- &c. -k. V. to prove. testimonial, shuhadut-namu, guwahee-namu, safee- namu, dustawez, shahidee, istishhad, kitab oa\ qazee, v. credential. testimony, shuhadut, guwahee, sakh, bueyunut, dulalut, duleel, v. proof. testy, &c. V. irritable, kutuha, v. morose, peevish- ness, &c. tete-a-tete, dosh bu dosh, gosh bu gosh, luga lugee, hum gup, moonha moonh, roo bu roo, doo bu doo. tether, gura,on, pugha, paluhung, pa-bund, bag- dor, chhand, nuwee, unta goree, nuena. to te.'her, bandhna, sandna, chhandna, niwana, v. to fasten. tetrapelalons, chuopunkhriya. tetrastic, rooba,ee, qitu,u, chutcnrpudec, chuo- pa,ee, v. foursquare, &c. tetter, dad, dina,ee, senhoo,a, selee, bufdur, v, scab, &c. text, mutun, usl, mool, {hand) julee, v. large, {man, &c.) hafi?,, {nf the qcoran) a,it, v. sen- tence. texture, binawut, baftunee, baft, qimash, buna- wut, turkeeb, sakht, oodherbin, v. combination, web. than, se, uz, ki, sen, soon, v. rather, better, &c. ; it is belter to die in the f eld of buttle like a man, than like a coward to fly, Ipra.ee ke khet men murd sa murna bibtur hue na murd sa bhagne se ; / would rather starve than beg, faqe murna moojhe qubool hue bheek mangne-se. 4N THE 650 THE to tJiank, shookr- &c. -kuhna o?- -kurna, dhun- manna. . , , , _ thankful, shakir, shookr-goozar, ' dhun-raanee, ih- sati-nuind, goonabadee, v. grateful. thankfully, shoakr goozaiee- &c. -se. thankfulness, shookr-goozaree, ihsais-mundee, v. gratitude. thankless, na-shookr, na shookr-goozar. thavklessness, na-shookree, v. ungratefulness, &c. thanks, shookr, dhun, shookr-goozaree, shcokran i ni,uinut, minnut ; thank God, ul humdoolilah. thanksgiving, uda,e shookr, shookianu, shookr- • ni,umut, sipas, v. praise, &c. (to God) ya ilahee tera shookr hue. thank-zeorthy , wajib oosh-sl)ookr. tharm, tant. that, pron. wooh, ubl. cos, jo, ohl. jis, ki, v. who, which, woohee, v. same, {conjunct.) to, ki, v. lest, ta, taki, kyoonki, is waste ki, v. reason, became, &,c. {same) tuonsa, {former) woohee, V. said ; that is to say, yu.une, ulghuruz. ; I shall go, that I may see him before he departs, muen ja.oonga to oos ko dekhoonga qubl ru- wanu hone ke ; that way, woonhee, opposed to yoonhee, this way, v. this, so, &c. thatch, ghas, khurh ; a thatched roof, chhuppur. to thatch, chhana, chhajna, pulana. [hatcher, chhupur-bund, ghuramee, chhuwuya. thatching, chhajun, purchhutee, pulanee, pula,o, '■ V. roof. I thaw, V. liquifaction, heat, &c. p thaw, V. n. pighuhia, tighulna, gulna, ghoohia; V. a. pighlana, v. to melt. he, ul, wooh, yih ; the very, woohee, v. same ; the more he receives, the more he demands, jyon iyon railta oosko, tyon tyon chahta hue; the more I admonish, the less he minds, jyon ziyadu hum kuhte huen, tyon kum wooh soonta hue, V. as, so, just, &c. This definite article is not expressed, otherwise than by the noun, unless when used for thttt or this, q. v. as in the fol- lowing examples from Suoda : go,iya hue yih chiragch ghureeban kee gor ka, like the tamp . on the graves of the poor ; we din guye ki jis se phube tha toojhe ghooroor, the days are gone, xrhen pride might have become you, v. a, also the Monitor, Vol, I. theatre, tumashu-gah, nuql-khanu, v. scene, uk- hara, nachghur, is now commonly used among the English, though properly an assembly- room, V. dance. ''-Iirivu ,t -f' thee, toojh, toojhe, tere, {of) tera, {to) tere tu- een, v. thou, thine, also the Monitor. theft, choree, doozde, surqu, mochun, tuskuree. their, theirs, oon,ka, oonon,ka, v. that, in,ka, in- onka, upna, upne ; they are telling their story to the king, we upna qissu padshah se khute huen ; they slew their father on the road, win- hon ne upne bap ko raste pur mardala ; their own, {people, &c.) upnon ; will they slay their ortm ? upnon ko mardalenge ? them, oon, oonon, in, inon, v. they. theme, musdur, mool, usl, mub,hus, zumeem, kue- fiyut, V. ground, original, {subject) huqeequt, het, ase, {dissertation) moosuwwidu, kulpurna, ubhyas. themselves, we-ap, ye-ap, v. they, ap, khood, v. self, &C. {oblique) upne, apoos ; they have not yet come to themselves, we ubtuk ap men nu- heen a,e; they love themselves dearly, we upne ko khoob chahte. then, tud, tub, tis wuqt, oos wuqt, pher, nu, to, baz, akhirsh, pus, bare, tuo, tubhee, wooheen, V. again, &c. {after that) tispur, bu.ud is ke, {immediately afterwards) tudhee, oosee wuqt, ba moojurrud, fil-fuor, v. immediately ; now and then, jubkub, kudhee kudhee, gah bu gah, v. THE 651 THt sometimes; then indeed, tub to, tubhee to, v. u/teru'ards. Ih^nce, wuhan-se, oodhur-se, oos juguh se, v. p/ace, tucl-se, tubhee-se, oos wuqt se, v. time, oos waste, v. reason, thenceforth, thence forzmrd, tis peechhee, bu,ud uz an, V. thence. theologist, ucharij, arif, uhli, tusuwwoof, uhli imi,uiifut, fuqeeh, v. divine. theology, ihiii ilahee, bhagwut, achar, ilm i khoo- da,ee, fiquh, tusuwwoof, ilm i mu,urifut. theorem, qiyas. ^ theoretical, qiyasee, ilmee, khiyalee. theorist, alim, musha,een, v. speculator ; a mere theorist, alim be umul. theory, ilm, biddiya, qiyas, khiyal, nuqshu, v. scheme. there, wuhan, oodhur, oos juguh, oothe, (in comp.) oos, V. that, is, tis, v. supra, {lo !) lo, dekho, soono ; here and there, eehan wuhan, v, here ; panee wuheen ka wuheen ruha, the rain or water stopt zckere it fell. thereabout, lugbhug, unqureeb, kumbesh, ghat barh, v. iiearlif, &c. ; two thousand or there- about, huzar do ek, v. about. This can easily be formed by joining the simple words them- selves together, as follows, therefore, oos waste, is waste, is pur, oos pur, lihazu, pus, tubhee-to, tis liye, v. then, there, that, this, about, for, also account, reason, Sac. thereon, tis pur, v. moreover. these, ye, obi. in, inon, inhon, v. those. thesis, mooquddumu, niutlub. theij, we, ye, v. them, these; they sat/, we kuhte huen ; thei/ said, oonhon ne kuha. In the last example, the ohl. with the expletive ne, is used for the uom. and this happens to all nouns when followed by the preterite of an active verb, which, for reasons I know not, is always in the singular, although the nom. be plural. Mat,y men say so, buhoot admee yoon kuhte huen ; many men said so, buhoot admiyan ne yoon kuha ; they say, log kuhte, v. people. thick, {not thin) garha, ghuleez, kuseef, kuseef, sift, ghufs, sungeen, poor, bharee, mota, dubz, duldar, lubdar, chukkan, goondu, poorkar, dur- awoordu, goonjagoonj, thumra, v. big, dense, Jull, (muddy) gudla, dhubuela, v. dirty, teem, undlia, V. dim, (closely) ghuna, gujhin, ghich pich, goonjan, mootusil, v. frequent, near, &c. ; to speak thick, ghich pich-bolna, v. the adj. thick, sub. mota,ee, v. thickness, midst; to go through thick and thin, ag panee men purna, tiurmee sukhtee-katna. thick, thickly, puehum, tuwatoor, pue dur pue, y. fast, closely. Sac; to fall thick and threefold, rele-puma, v. to shower, pour, &c. to thicken, v. a. garha- Sic. -k. gurhana, v. to string, pugna, pagna, v. to inspissate, condense ; V. n. garha- &c. -h. gurhiya jana, jumna, v, to consolidate. thicket, jhoond, koonj, j^oor, jharjoor, v. copse, wood. thickness, gurha,ee, ghilazut, sungeenee, kusafut, mota^ee, pooree, dubziyut, duldarec, gudla.ee, ghuna,ee, goonjanee, dul, zukbamut, hoojoom, V. the adj. also dulness. thick-sculled, bujurmoond, mochoo, chondoo, t. blockhead. thief, chor, chotta, doozd, tuskur, sariq, thug, chor chukar, ooranchhoo, v. robber; one thief knows best how to catch another, khug jane khug hee kee bhak.ha, v. to steal. thief-catcher, nuzur-baz, doozd- geer, tar-baz, punha, v. theft. thievish, oochukka, huth-lupuk, dust-lcord. thievishness, oochukpun, dust-boordee, v. rogue. ■»N 2 THI 652 THO thigh, jangh, ran, jungha, zanoo, thunna, mota pat. thimble, iingooshtEknu, top. thin, putla, toonook, kaghuzee, ruqeeq, puteela, jheena, jhir jhira, V; scarce, fexr, rare, fine, qaq, zuheer, luteef, v. spare, slhght, lean, &c. birra, tirra, birjha, chhooka, jhona, jhonkar, puneeree, v. porous, &c. {to grow) chhuntna, (as liquids) phutna, {not close) birira, koon- phin, puragundu, chheeda, v. scattered, small, empty. to thin, putlana, putla- &c. -k. thine, tera, tor, v. thou. thing, cheez, shue, bust, bikhe, v. something, nothing, &c. also baggage, &c. thing, V. body, becharu, uesa tuesa, fulan, budun, r. tcretch, also privities ; poor thing, ghureeb. to think, bicharna, sochna, dhyan- &c. -k. v. thought, boojhna, sumujhna, janna, ginna, ut- kulna, V. to suppose, bundish- khyal-k. dekh- na, V. to consider, deem, judge, purpose, &c. {to recollect) yad- &c. -k. chet-k. v. to observe ; to think on, {invent) nikalna, ootput- eejad-k. y. to contrive ; methinkelh, moojhe bichar ata ; methought, moojhe bichar aya. thinker, dhyanee, khiyalee. thinking, (in comp.) undesh, zunn, v. thought. thinly, v. tlie adj. thora, kum, v. light, &c. thinness, putla,ee, riqaqut, toonookee, jhina,ee, jhir jhirahut, bura.ee v. the adj. also scarcity. third, adj. teesra, siyoom, salis, sools, tehara, de.orha ; a third person, tiha,et, gha|ib, tis- ra,et, v. person, {brother'^ sujhla ; / will give you a third more than ten, viz. fifteen, hum dus ka dCiOrha denge yu.une, pundruh. third, tiha,ee. thirdly, teesre. thirst, piyas, tras, tishnugee, utush, tirs, tris, tih, tis, trik,ha, chutka, v. desire. to thirst, turusna, piyasa- &c. -h. piyas- &c. -lugna or -ana, piya-chahna, chutka-lugna, durpue-h. v. to wish ; to thirst after blood, lohoo ka piyasa-h. tliirstijiess, tishnu-lubee, tisa,ee, v. thirst, tish- nu,e khoon. thirsty, piyasa, tishnu, utslian, trusit, tishnu-lub, trik,ha-wuiit, v. to dry, thirst; blood-thirsty, khoon-khwar, khoon-rez, v. bloody, thirteen, teruh, sezduh. thirteenth, terhan. thirtieth, teeswan. thirty, tees. this, yih, ee, obi. is, yo, ubka, yihee, ajka, hal, V. present, now, same, to-day, &"c. ; this day eight days, aj ke athwen din, ajke bar; this year, uson, isee-sal. thistle, bhur bhand, oont-kutara, shuokut ool bu- eer, bhoot kuta.ee, goat buengun. thither, oodhur, wuhan, v. thei'e. thong, suloo, tusmu, v. strap, &c. thorax, heek, petee, panjur, chhata, v. chest. thorn, kanta, khar, sal, kuntuk, sool, {inverted) chicbra, {used in hot weather screens) juwansa. thofnless, nir-kuntuk u-kunt, bekhar. thorny, kuteela, khar-dar, kuntar, gutheela, v. arduous, prickly, thukthuk, ktithin, v. per- plexing, &c. thorough, kamil, poora, tumam, v. through, per- fect. thoroughfare, ootara, goozurgah, suer-gah, amud- ruft, arajaree, v. passage, road, &c. thoroughly, v. wholly, bu tu,ummodl tumam, sur a sur, v. completely. those, we, obi. con, oon-hon, v. that, &c. thou, too, tuen, toon ; which, as in English, are generally used to indicate solemnity, fami- liarity, or contempt, v. you, and the Monitor, Vol. I. p. 169. THR 653 THR to thou, tookama, (or sirrah a person) .toon tan-, too tookar- ube tube-k. though, ugiirchi, jetaki, joki, judup, uz-buski, halan ki, junook, go, goki, kujasuk, v. yet, however, &c. ; as though, juesa ki. thought, V. nwid, bichar, soch, dhyaii, ghuor, fikr, undeshu, v. imagination, dhuonj, turudd- ood, ufkar, gharutghol, v. appreheusiort, care, meditation, studi/, khiyal, undazu, boojh, su- niujh, V. Judgment, {rejiection) yad, chet, soort, V. consideration, purpose, a thought, koochh, ek-zurru, ek-rumuq, tunuk, ta,o bha,o, jhoonuk, v. something, thoughtful , fikr-mund, undeshu-nak, cliintit, moo- tu,ummil, mcoshuwwish, sochee, fikree, hueran pureshan, dhuonjee, mooturuddid, mootu,ulluq, V. anxious, attentive, thoughtftdlij, fikrmundee- &c. -se. thovghtfulness, fikr-mundee, undeshu-nakee, tu- fukkoor, tu,ummool, v. solicitude, &c. thoughtless, be-fikr, be-purwa, u-chinta, ghafil, be-kbubur, uchet, be-turruddcDd, v. careless, thoughtlessli/, befikree- &c. -se. thoughtlessness, be-fikree, bu-purwa,ee, be-khu- buree, be-undeshugee, v. negligently, thousand, huzar, ulf, {pi. ooloof,) suhusr. thousands, huzarha, huzaron, snhusrun. thousandth, huzarwan. thoTcl, dandkee-khoontee. thrall, thraldom, giiriftaree, qTied, bund, purbus. to thrash, {com, &c.) da,ona, peetna, gahna, mulna, v. to drub, pueree- malish-k. dhoonna, jhorna, pitpitana, mandna, buklana, dulmusul- -k. nuwazna, roogur dan- muldul- chrtput-, lumba- fursh-k. are hathon lena, v. to beat, flog, hrasher, dhan wnya. thrashing-floor, khuleehan, khirmun-gah, puera, khumar, v. barn. thread, soot, rishtu, dhaga, taga, tar, lur, Burish- tu, doree, tag, silk, v. thong, {market) suttee, V. string, {having one, &c.) ek tugga, do tara, V. fibre, series, {loose) phoochur, viz. ragged' end, {having) pjioochniha. to thread, pirona, luriyana, goothna, (a needle) tagna, threadbare, be-ro,an, nigra, ghisa, be-khwab, be-ruonuq, fiirsoodu, niriis, seetha, v. trite, old, bare. threaden, sootee. to threap, reriyana, v. to insist. threat, dhumkee, tuhdeed, zujir, tukhweef, bhubkee, dhumuk, dhutnkahut. to threat, threaten, dhumkana, dhumkee-d. tuh- deed-k. bhubkana, ankh-dikhlana, jhirukna, dhirana, goorerna, rurna, hoomukna, v. to me- nace, frighten, chide. threatener, dhumka,oo, dhumkee-baz. threatful, threatening, tuhdeed-amez, khuof- nojma. threatningly, dhumkee- &c. -se. three, teen, tree, si, tiya, trik, sulasu, {doored) si-dura, v. the Grammar, p. 96, 97, {in comp.) ti, tri. threefold, ti-goona, si-chand, ti-luree. threescore, teen beesee, teen koree, sath. three years ago, te,oroos sal, v. year to thresh, v. to thrash, jharna, v. to beat threshold, dihlee, lutkhora, astanu, de.othee, duhleez, durgah, junab, v. presence, door thrice, teen-ber, ti-bara. thrift, wara, kifayut or kifa,it, bucba.o, oj, inti- fa,u, burkut, suns, joogut, lurkoree chal, gir- thapun, bhudruk, v. gain, also thriftii/ess, economy, thriftily, kifayut- &c. -se. thrift iness, kifayut shi.aree, khanu-daree, gir- histee, jooz-rusee, kum-khurchee. IHR 654 THU thriftless, oora.oo, moosrif, foozool-kljurch, nik- huttoo, V. profuse, thrifty, kifayutee, kifayut-shi,ar, ojee, khanu- dar, jcDZ-rus, kum-khurck, bucha,oo, girhist, ghuraroo, girthun, sunsaree. to Jthrill, V. n. thurthurana, sunsunana, khur- bhurana, sursurana, suhrana, luh luhana. to thrive, punupna, pulna, phuelna, tazu- turo- tazu- sursubz- abad-h. burhna, turuqqee-k. V. to fattev, ilichhna-biluchhna, phulna, phool- na, chiknana, v. to flourish, prosper ; may you long prosper and thrive, churhtee duolut burh- tee huyat. thriver, punpaha, v. prosperous, thrivingly, kamyabee- &c. -se, v. prosperously, throat, gula, hulq, hulqoom, teen too,a, nutu,ee, V. neck, ghench, nuretee, nulee, nurgisee, huns, kunth, V. zcindpipe, gullet; to cut the throat, gula-katna, zubuh-k. hulal-k. bismil-k. v. to slay, throb, tees, tupuk, dhutuk, v. palpitation, to throb, teesna, tees-mama, tupukna, phurphur- ana, kusukna, tumukna, chusukna, dhumuk- na, halur-khana, v. to palpitate, throe, diird i zih, peer, butha, durd i wuzu, koonth, V. anguish, &c. to throe, koonthna, v. to strain, throne, tukht, singhasun, pat, uorung, musnud, sureer, v. cushion, (celestial) koorsee, biman, V. reigning, throng, bheer, utnboh, izhdiham, hungamu, Uiut, V. heap, bheer bhar, ghurra, hushrat. (0 throng, bhur-ana, bheer-k. v. to crowd, thronged, (as markets) gurm, v. swarm, throttle, nurkhuree, tentoO|a, v. to choak. through, pur, men, se, sen, soon, ko, v. over, by, for, par, war par. "«:•' ■> through, V. to pierce, kur, bhur, hoke, ho, also throughout, q. v. ke mu,urifut, ke wuseelu, pet men, v. means ; go through the fort to town, qilu-hoke shuhur ko ja.o. throughout , dur o bust, kooU o hcom, sur ta pa, tumam, bhur, subotur, ]>arwar, v. zt holly. throw, phenk, phenkna, pansa, da,o, v. shot, {effort) zor, su,ee, {at dice) mooth, v. blow, also throe. to throic, phenkna, chulana, mama, dalna, jnonk- na, chhorna, v. to cast, phenk-marna, putkee- -d. beetna, sutna, buha-d. dena, v. to lay, {in zaeslling) putukna, puchharna, girana, de- marna, v. to overturn, {to repose) sompna, sipoord-k. v. to trust, {to change) pherna, v. to alter, (away) kho-d. or -d. guwana, bur- bad-d, V. to lose, (down) gira- dal- jhar-d. putkun-d, " gerna, peeth-lugana, v. to fall, shake, (up land) paxna, par-d. v. to leave, (off) ootarna, nikalna, karhna, v. to relinquish, (open, 8cc.) khol-d.; to throw up, &c. will be found under to vomit, resign, &c. throzeer, phenkwuya, dulwuya, (in comp.) un- daz, chula. thrum, dusee, suree, tuggee. to thrum, otna, retna. thrush, (disease) chharoo, ninanwa, tup-kbalu, jeebhee. thrust, hool, bhonk, khoncha, zor, zurb, v. stroke. to thrust, ghooserna, khosna, dakhil-k. chulana, puethana, puethalna, kurna, dena, dalna, pri- bes-k. V. to insinuate, cram, thelna, urana, pel- na, jhonkna, dhookana, gansna, khodiyana, hooriyana, v. to shove, (to push) dhukiyana, dubana, nikalna, hankna, v. to drive, (to stab) bhonkna, hoolna, khonchna, v. to intrude, squeeze, press, Sac. thumb, ungootha, ungoosht-nur, ibham. thumbstall, shust, v. thimble. THV 655 TIG thump, dhurauk, thonk, f;udda, gudaka, dliuma- ka, hoora, khod, dhuppa, v. knock, bloxe, &c. to thump, V. a. thonkna, peetna, dhunikaiia ; dhumukna, bhudbhudana, mookhiyana, thuth- ana, v. to thrash, beat. thunder, gtiruj, ru,ud, toondoor, ghuhur, kuruk, gurfifurahut, churra. to thunder, gurujna, ghuhurna, kurukna, turup- iia, ghurghurana, gurgurana, ru,ud-bolna. thunderbolt, gaj, chukkee, bijlee, sa.iqu, bujur, beejlee ke tulwar, v, lightning. thunderclap, kuruk, turup, v. explosion. thunderer, indur, meghraj, v. Dr. fVilkins's Bhiig- wut Geeta, p. 143. thundering, maroo, v. loud. to thunderslrike, burqzudu-k. bijlee-d. thunderstruck, bijlee-mara. gaj-mara, huerut- zadu. Thursday, joomii,u-iat, bihupfiue, brihusput-bar, punj-shumba, biphue, goorbar, lukheebar. thus, V. so, is-turiih, uesa, yoonhee, isee-tumh, yoon, yihee dhub, {much) eta, etna, is-qudur, yihee bhur, v. size, manner, {to this degree) eehan-tuk, is luiobut ko, ta ba een durju, v, degree. thzcack, chupeta, v. to thump. to thrtart, uks- zidd-k. ooltana, katna, toma, metna, mcokhalifut- khot chalee-k. v. to op- pose. thy, tera, tor, upiia ; from thy speech it would ap- pear that thou hast informed thy father, teree bat se mu,ulooiu hota hue ki too ne upue bap *e kuha hue, v. tltee, thou. thyme, ipar. thyself, too-ap, too-hee, too-khrod, o!/l. ap, upne, upne-ap, v. jou ; these goods thyself can on thy- self bestow, ye cheezen too ap upne ko de suk- ta hue ; it behoves thee to go thyself, toojhe uj)- ne ap jana hoga. tiara, taj, v. diadem, sur-pech, jigha, kulgheb, toorru. tick, V. trust, {louse) chichireei kiinee, unthu.ee, burhee, keek, chumokun, bughee, {of a watch) tun tun, kit kit, {case) toshuk, khol, V. slip, ticket, chithee, teop, tuniusstok, dust-awez, chup- ras, chuktee, nishan, {policy) hoonda, bhara puttur, V. mark, to tickle, goodgoodana, suhlana, khcnjlana, {to please) rijhana, bagh bagh-k. hunsana, lotana, V. titilalion. ^ ticklish, goodgoodiya, {uncertain) be-qurar, chun- chul, dugmugana, v. tottering, {nice) kuthin, bareek, soo-chhum, v. difficult, ticklishness, goodgoodahut, be-quraree, chunchul- ta,ee, dugraugahut, nazcokee, bareekee, ush- kal, kuthinta, v. the adj. tidbit, V. delicate, loqmu-tur, ni,umut, tur-niwalu, nuqd, V. dainty, butee- or philee-ka gosht. tide, V. flood, bhatha, nnidd, ghat, ohar, churha,o ootar, mudd o jur, v. spring, ebb. to tide, bhutiyana. tide-ziaiter, ghut-wal, zukatee. tidiness, v. neat, tidings, khubur, pL uiclibar, sundesa, suuiacbar ; glad tidings, khqosh khuburee, racozhdu, nu- wed, soo-sundes, v. netes, &c. tie, bundhun, i!;iuith, bandh, girih, uqd, bund, V. bonil, ohIigiUiou. to tie, V. to bind, bandhna, jukuriia, ganthna, joorna, kuchhaa, buiid-k. rokna, rooorunda-k. V. to fasten, obstruct, &c. tier, tuh, purt, tiibqii, v. ;o.\ tiff, jhurpa, jhiirpee v. to spar, tiffiig or tillin, tufunnnoH, jul-pan, nasJifu, kule- \va, udhar, chashtu, perhaps more properly dinner, q. v. also repast, tiger, bagh, slier, kehur, pulung, nahur, tendoo,a. TIL 656 TIM {royal) sher zhiyan, (i/omig) bughela, bughue- _ ta, duonroo, {loss by) bugha,ee shikust, ('« head) bugh-moonh, sher dnhun, v. lion, tight, tung, choost, suket, muzboot, moostuhkum, V. strong, strait, [tense) kusheedu, tuna-hoo,a, kheecha-hoo,a, {not leaky) nimna, nisundh, nichoo,an, v. neat, to tighten, kusna, tanna, kheecbna, guhna, ju-* kurna, choost- &c. -k. v. to straiten, tightly, choostee- &c. -se, v. neatly, &c. tightness, tungee, choostee, suketta, tuna,o, suk- ra,ee, kusa,ee, v. closeness, tigress, baghin, baghnee, shernee, kehurnee. Tigris, {river) tear, dijlu. tile, khupra, nuriya, putree, sifal, khuzuf, chuo- ka, V. brick, to tile, khupra-chhana. tiled, khupruel, also the tiling, not, as is general- ly supposed, tile. tiler, khupre-bund. tiling, khupruel. till, sub. {for money) gull, goluk, v. drawer, till, tuk, tuluk, toree, hoon, lug, ta, tu,een, le, ujhoon, tahal, tahunoz, v. yet, to ; till now, ub-tuk, &c. ; till then, tub-lug, &c. v. until, so ; stay till t come back, ruho jud tuk ke hum pher awen ; don't go till I come back, nuja,o jud tuk ke hum nu pher awen, or mut (or nuk- ko) ja^o humare pher ane tuk. to till, V. to plough, jotna, chas-pherna or -k. beduhna, kon-d. or -katna, cheerna, qoolbu ranee- &c. -k. dhela-phorna, nangulna, v. to dig. tillage, V. ploughing, jota,ee, kisnu,ee, hulwahee, girhistee, v. cultivation, &c. tiller, hulwaha, huljotta, qoolbu-ran, dhel-phor- wa, V. ploughman, also rudder, tilt, bhaluetee, nezu-bazee, mul-joodh, pal, sa,e- ban, numgeeru, v. lent, canopy, also duel, thrust ; a tilt, oojkoon pur. to tilt, dhuj-buduhia, puentura-k. (a barrel) oorhuk-oojkoon-d. titter, mal, puenture-baz, nezu-baz, v. stcord- player. tilting, oorangha,ee, qurawulee, nezubazee. timber, lukree, kath, chob, hemu, hezum, v. wood, lutha, gola, bulla, v. beam, &c. The most ordinary kinds are as follows, sakhoo or scil, seesoo, sagwan, sheeshum, v. tree, timber-merchant, lukufhara, kuth-bechwa, he- zum-furosh. -/ .ii:-.ii .,•.^ .>i.i \, timber-yard, lukree ka urar. timbrel, tublu, mirdung, pukhawuj, v. tahor, time, wuqt, sumue, joon, zuman, roz-gar, duhr, usur, duor, gah, hungam, bera, kal, ursu, uosur, meCiad, uvvudh, pher, v. period, inter- val, {age) cornr, zindugee, v. life, &c. {leisure) foorsut, chhootan, mcohlut, v. vacation, [oppor- tunity) qaboo, da,o, sootar, {season) ueyam, rif, ritoo, din, v. place, {continuance) mooddut, der, bilumbh, her, v. duration, [turn) bar, murtubu, dufu,u, budlee, v. vicissitude, &c. {in music) mel, tal, v. tune ; at the time, jub ka tub, v. when, then, while, &c. ; for the time being, {ruler, &c.) amil wuqt, hakim wuqt ; at all times, wuqt be Wuqt. to time, wuqt- &c. pur-k. or any other verb, V. timely, tal-d. ulapna, tilana, v. to adapt, ac- commodate, &c. timeless, be-wuqt, be-muhul, be-muoqu, uber, koo-sumue, v. unseasonable, na-wuqt, v. un- timely. timely, v. soon, bur-wuqt, ba-muoqu, su-bera, bihane, v. early, &c. lime-pleaser, time-server, zumanu-stiz, rikebee- muzhub, doonya-saz, sumuet, ibn ool wuqt, zahir-dost or -purust. TIP 657 TFT time-serving, zumanu-sazee, sumuetta, dojnya- sazee, rikebee-muzhubee. timid, timorous, dur-pokna, dirahoot, kadur, huol- dila, booz-dil, wuhshee, wuhmee, wuswasee, wuhham, kucha, kumjoor-ut, hichkara, chit- bhurum, tursnak, v. fearful, shy, &c. timorously, duhshut nakee- &c. -se. timorousness, dirahootee, kadura.ee, huol-dil, duh- shut-nakee, booi-dilee, wuhm, wuswas, v. ,fear. tin, qula.ee, ranga, uraeez, rusas. to tin, qula,ee-k. tinrdl, tinkar, v. borax, tincture, v. colour, rung, goon, fatn, bo, nimuq, chhanw, v. shade, (medicine) khisandu. to tincture, v. tinge, rungna, chhana, bhurna, aloodu-k. tinder, sokhtu, gool, Bhoo,iilu. tinder-box, sookhtu-dan, chukhmakh-chukh- mukh. to tinge, rung-dena. tingle, thunthun, tuntun, v. to jingle, to tingle, sunsunana, bolna, jhunjhunana, tuntuna, chirmurana, jhoonjhoonana, chumchumana, v. to sleep, clink, tinker, thuthera, kusera. tinman, qula,ee-gur, russas. tinned, qula,ee-dar. tinsel, V. silver, tash, luppa, dak, jhilniil, v. lace, jugjuga, punee, v. leaf, (fig.) zewur mus- noou, nuniood be bood, ruonuq be noor, v. shozc. tint, rung, v. tincture, tint/, nuiiha, v. diminutive, tip, nok, sur, toonga, (of the fingers) tondee, pota, findooq, (of the ear) luhur, ungoodda, nurmu- gosh, goshwaru, binagosh, koochiya, (of the tongue) phoongul, suri-zuban, v. point, to tip, sur pur-lugana or -lupetna, churhana, junia, V. to apply, cover, gild, tap, 4c. (to strike) kuma, mama; to lip the nink, ankli- marna, suen-k. t. aign, &c. ; lie tipped the por- ter half a croxin, ek Toopiyu durban ke sir mara. tippet, gooloo bund. to tipple, piya-k. choosna, ghontee-lena, piyaki bazee-k. v. to drink, &c. tippler, chcDsukkur, peewukkur, ghontee-das, shurabee, mue-khor, piyalu-baz, v. drunkard. tipsy, must, mutwala, sur-guran, mudpa, suwar, sur-khrosh, v. intoxicated. tiptoe, punje pur, ungliyon pur, v. toe, thumb, and tip ; to stand on tiptoes, ungoothon ke l)har khura bona; to walk on tiptoes, ungoothon ke tan chulna. tipstaff, useburdar, v. mace-bearer. to tire, V. to fatigue, v. a. thukana, mandu- &c. -k. hurana, sihrana, oochatna, phirna, oobhna, ooktana, letarna, v. to jade, harass ; v. n. thukna, uktana, uklana, ruh-jana, oochutna, aree- &c. -h. gand-phutna, phirna, oobhiia, V. I J loatlie, Tieary. tired, thuka, mandu, soost, aree, ser, v. aeary. tiredness, mandugee, thukahut, soostee, uskut, V. weariness, oochat. tiresome, thuka, oo, oodas, sihra,oo, pitte mar, v. tedious, &c. tirewoman, mushshatu, sukhee, ulee or alee. tissue, perhaps from tash, v. tinsel, zurbuft, wiis- mee kupra, badlu, v. brocade, tumamee, ru-^t- rugee. to tissue, zurbuftee- zurdozee-k. thurna, v. to • intericeave. tit, tuttoo, tutwa, V. poney. tit for tat, udle ka budla, v. equivalent. tithe, dusans, duh-yuk, oosbur. to titillate, gwdgiwdana, sihrana, cha>lchcalaii;t. V. to ticklt, 40 roj 658 TOK titUlation, goodgoodee, soorsooree, goodgoodahut, srorsojrahut, suhlahut, siihrawun, v. prurience, tille, khitab, luqub, ulcjab, nam, pudbee, kliyat, V. appel/atioii, {right) huqq, pud, v. claim, {head, Sec.) fihiist, sungya, v. infra. .-. >*,... tif/e-page, sur-namu, sur i luoh. .oifwjj .jbi^u^i titter, khilkhilee, khookhoo,ahut. i-isviq ,'j'Sm^iV <• to titter, khilkhilaiia, khookhoo,ana. 1 .i'^osttd tittle, zurni, tiiika, sur i moo, rutee, rezu, ruwa, V. groin, dot, &c. tittle-tattle, gup-shup, biik-jhuk, laf goozaf, jhooth-such, lubiir-subur. to tittle-tattle, buk jhuk- &c. -k. v. to prattle, titular, khitabee, namee. ,i luiui* o> \i\i\ torre to, V. for, ko, koo,' koon, kee, ke tu,een, kune, ke pas, [i. e. near to, or towards] tuk, tuluk, lug, a, le, ta, dhoor, eenha, ke, v. till, near, of, {with) se, sen, soon, pur, bur, bu, men, v. above, before, &c. with the verbs of selling, 1 giving, &c. ke hath ; / sold the horse to him, ghora cos ke hath becha nmen ne, (the sign of the injinitive) na ; thus, chir, fear, durna, to fear, (of the Latin gerund in di) ko, koo, koon ; to and fro, idhur oodliur, isturuf oosturuf, mara niara, tana bana, v. adrift; where aie you bound to, tooni kuhan ke azim ho, v. fro, &c. ; face to face, roo bn roo, moonh a moonh ; also to the brim, lub a kib ; he said to him, oos se i kuha ; it is twenfi/ to one that he arrives to- night, bees bisvva hue ki ;ij kee rat puhconche, ek bisvva nu pnhcwnche; as Jifty to one, juesa, puchas men ek ; in comparison to this, is kee nisbut ; zcith regard to him, oos ke huqq men ; to his face, c»s ke moonh pur ; to-day, aj, im- loz, V. night, morroic; this, also together.*\]ui ,\' toad, kuth-birookee, ghuok. ju fe4:?ibH '^isi|'•^ toadstool, kookur-moota, chutur-mar, v. mush- room, to toast, senkna, bhoonna, biriyan- lal- buri.shtu- -k. V. to parch, sondhana, {a person) yad-k, V. to mention. .o^dtfrixum^f^iMi .^aseel a toast, sondha tookra, {beauty) shcnhru ufaq, V. famous. tobacco, tumbakoo, bhelsa, gal, sendhee, soortee, from soorut, (Surat) whence it was first intro- duced into Hindoostan, and Bhelsa is the name of a village where the best tobacco is pro- duced, {bad) phusakoo, {cut) soolfa, {house) bhinde khanu. tobacconist, tumbakoo-gur. toddy, from taree. " toe, puer kee unglee, \. finger, thumb, ice. together, ke-sath, ke-sung, hum rah, suraet, soodhan, suhit, bahum, ek-sath, ek-uthaii, sathee, ek-sath, ek hulqe men, fck-ja,e, ek-soo, ek-juguh, ek tun ek mun, shamil hal ; all to- gether, ek quhim, v. each, &c. ; to fight to- gether, mara maree-k.; to dispute together, kuha kuhee-k. \.the Monitor, Vol.1, p. 404. {tciihont intermission) puehura, ulut-tuwatnor, tk-lukht, {in concert) milke, ek-hoke, shamil, V. the inseparable particles con, com, and their derivatives, {conliguouslij) milage ke, bhira,e ke, V. along ; together zcith, bumU|i, salhee-satli. toil, niihnut, runj, koft, purisrum, dookh, v. la- borious, duor-dhoop, kusht, tupas, tab, sur- zunish, tugapo, koshisli, v. labour, fatigue, (.s'/c/?(') jal, khabhnr, kumund, v. net, 8i.c. to to'l, niihuut- &c. -k. dcokh-bhurna, duorna, puer-ghnseetna or -nigurna, zor-niarna, lohoa paaee-k. ruburna, duorna, dhoopna, v. to' strive. toilet, niooqabu. toilso-ne, niilinut-tulub, thuka^oo, v. tiresome. toilsomencss, raihn\it-tuiubec. token, nishan, iilamut, as;ir, chinh, puta, dnleel, yadgaree, chita,onee, v. omen, tughmu, v. sign, memorial, hint, &c. TON 6'59 TOP J.-b*M iolerable, suha,oo, tuhummcni-pizeer, nimmkin a)l tuhummool, qabil-burdasht, v. stifferable, sursuree, v. indifferent, (passable) chula,oo, uesa, V. moderate. tolerably, v. moderately , Sec. tolerant, sooluh kooll. to tolerate, \. to suffer, ja,iz- ruwa-r. hone- &c. -dena, mutiyana, v. to admit, &c. {to endure) (lekhna, v. to bear, rthik, &c. .j^x^.j ,ii) , toleration, juwaz, ighma?., chushm posliee, mut- ya,o, sulahiyut krollee, v. permission, tujahool, V. connivance. toll, zukat or zukat, sa,ir, chiiokee, rali-daree, kur, kuth bhara, choongee, nioothee, y. tavc, diitif. to toll, {a bell) bujana, mama, v, to ring, &'c. toll-gullierer, zukatee, chuokee-dar, dnndiya, gcDzur-ban, v. publican, tax-gatherer. tomb, qubiir, gor, niuqburu, niuzar, miirqud, tforbiit, ruozu, sulewur, cTiuoree, qubuv-gab, shuhur khamoshan, durgah, sumadgrih, v. grave. tombless, be-qubur. tomb-sfone, tukhtu,i qubur, chiragh dan, frotn the custom in India of burning lamps in honour of the dead. tome, jilil, V. xohimc. tomtit, peedree, plimdkee. tone, luhju, lue, v. accent, (sound) awaz, siida, nuwa, subd, dbcuii, v. note, (elasticity, &c.) simit, pusar sikor, v. coutraclinn. longs, dnst-punali, chimta, syoontha, suad-.isee. tiingue, jeebh, rusna, lisnn, zaban, also (lan- guage) bolee, bhak,ha, banee, liiqluqu, v. speech, (molhei) zatee-zuban, jununiee hhak^a, (()/' a balance, &C.) kanta ; to hold the tongue, jeebh bund-k. jeebh-r. moonh dab-r. zubau- "dabna; a tongne-scraprr, jeehhce. toni'ucless, be-zuhan, be-jeebli, u-bol, v. dumb. .■s\\;\\ 1 tongue-tied, giriftu-zuban, tmtcoraha, zuban- bund. tonsil, kuoree, giltee, v. glund. too, (over-much) ziyadu, buhmt, bura, tiihaynt, niput, fmzool, sums, v. officious, hudd se zi- yadu, buhujtee, v. measure, (likeziise) bbee, boon, V. over, above, &c. tool, huth-iyar, iokhur, uozar, alut, pi. alal, tulheroo. tooth, dant, dusun, dundan, diindanu, rudim, \ . inderttation, (taste) chat, chihka, chashiiee, v. prong, (cog.) dantee, khoontee, v. grinder, also d"S- fore- &C. teeth ; tooth and mnt, nuhen danten, tun o- mun, dil o jan ; to meet full in the teeth, moonh- mookh bhera-milna ; tell him in his teeth, ais ke moonh pur kuho; to cast in the teeth, moonh pur lana ; to shois the teeth, dant-peesna, ankh-dikhlana, v. to thretit- en ; I Kill do it in spite of thj/ teeth, tefee dhumkee pur hum kurenge. toothach, durd i dundan, dunt-peer. tooth-brush, dutwun, miswak. toothless, moorla, popla, u-dunt, buohi, be-dant, khoondla, (impotent) dust kotah. tooth-pick, khilal, dant-khilalee, khurka, dunt- khod, tinka. tooth-pozcder, muiijun, missee, sioiioon. ' top, sur, sir, sikhur, sikha, phujuung, chontre, qtollu, V. summit, ridge, (siring) liittee; /ro7ii top to toe, sir se panw lug, v. ear, foot, &o. (cover) top, topee, sur-posh, dhukna, chupiiee, (surface) oopiir, bala, v. above, (rroun) cliai]-* dee, V. height, {of a plant, &c.) bal, dheiulhec, thonthee, kiioshu, v. head, roof, (brim) moonh, lub, V. edge, (plai/lhiiig) luttoo, bhuonra, bun- gee, (used ndjectivelif) oopruota, v. end, also to excel, tip, Sec. tit top, dhokna, diiboosna. j tojiui, topaz, pokh-Rij or pcokh-raj, zuburjud. 4 2 TOS 66Q TOU toper, diiboosoo, pee,oo, badu-purust, duiiya- uosh, sumoondur-sokh, saghur-kush, nushe- baz, math, v. sot ; a jolly toper, khoosh- ueyash. lopfui, lubrez, nak a nak, moonh a moonh, t. full. top-heavy, sir-bharee, sur-guran. ^i, ., ,i topic, (subject) muzmoon, muozoo,u, ' moodda, ase, bhoomka, ztrmeen, zikr, huqeequt, t. theme, discourse, plaster, &c. tops!/-turv(/, oolut-poolut, oolta-poolta, tuho-bala, zer o zubur, oopur neeche, tul oopur, gut put, durhum burhum, loka lok, luot puot, ghumur, dul. torch, raushu,ul, fuleetu, damur. torch-bearer, mushu,ul-clwe, fuleetu-burdar. torment, siyasut, kuiup, sasna, uxeeyut, uzab, dtlrd, su,qobut, kules, shikiatiju, iqab, sutap, jigursoz-ee, jansozee, v. rack, anguish, &c. to torment, kulpana, dughdhana, dookhana, koor- hana, khijhana, siyasut- &c. -d. julana, tur- sana, muchorna, v.toteaze. tormentor, shikunju-kusli, jxdlad, qussab, zalim, moozee, {in comp.) azar, fitiui, sitau, soz, v. supra, also pest, &c. tornado, andhee, toofan, undh-kal, dharha. torpid, thithra, surmuzadu, soon, be-hurukut, be-hiss, lukree, v. indelenl. toipidness, &c. thrthrahut, ukrahut, surmu-zu- dugee, be-hissee. torrent, suel, suelab, stielaii, jiiiyan, nudee, tor, V. stream, torrid, muhrooq. torrid-zone, rauntuqu.e tnuhrooqn. tortoise, kuclihoO|a, suiig-poislu, bakhu, v. turtle, torture, v. rack, jan-kunee, soolee, jan kundun. to torture, shikunju kushee- &c. -k. soolee pur churhana, v. to torment, toss, phenk, jhonk, oochhal, oolal, jhutuk. to toss, V. a. phenkna, jhonkna, ooclihalna, oolal- na, lokna, dalna, jhutukna, jharna, mama, kheechna, turuphna, ^uluphna, dhoonna, tul- mulana, {on the horns) ooljharna, v. to throw, {to ogiYflie) "hilana, dolana, v. to shake, hul- chul-k. V. to disturb ; v. n. lotna, chhutput- ana, lot pot-h. v. to tumble, davvan dol- hul chul-h. V. to roll. total, poora, sub, kooll, tumam, mootluq, kooUi- yu, sur joomlu, mujmoou, meezan, moyi, tjiok, V. sum, perfect ; the total, jumu, joomlu, goshwaru, guthree, v. whole, amount. totalitj/, koolliyut. totally, V. completely, durobust, kooll o boom, subotur, tumamtur, bil-kooll, mostluqun, ek- qulum, V. altogether, wholly. to totter, dugmugana, luruzna, dolna, mootuzul- zul-h. hulchul-h. joombish-khana, dulmulana, hulhulana, v. to shake. tottering, dagmugana, mootuzulzul. touch, chooliawut, lums, mus, mumasut, sut, v. contact, feeling, chhoot, {of gold) banee, {trial) kusa,o, ta,o, puruk,h, ueyar, v. test, {of a pencil) kushish, kheech, v. feature, {in mu- sic) chber, also (stroke) chor, chok, v. sar- casm. to touch, chhoona, mus-k. chherna, tona, tutol- na, V. to handle, {to reach) untna, pana, pu- kurna, bhentna, v. to attain, {to try) kusna, tana, kusuotee-churhana, v. to j^ove, (to move) hilana, huvnkut-d. v. to affect, {co melt) iiuruni- moo]a,im-k. nurmana, v. to soften, {to icear) ghisna, katiia, v. to bile, (to mention) chulana, zikr-k. nikalna, v, to relate, strike, (to draze) kheechna, pjienia, dena, lugana, v. to apply, mark, {n'ilh a lance or i/erdle) ooska- na, {to meet) milna, bhirna, lugna, v. to in- fect ; to touch up, jhar jjiutuk- jhar jhoor-k. TOW 661 TRA V. to repair; to touch at, lugtn-k. lungur-k. V. to halt, touch-hole, ninjuk ka soorakh, sozun, runjuk. touchiness, chirchirahut, toonook miaajee, atush- mizajee. touching, men, v. concerning, (pathetic) riqqut- amez, ghum-awur, v. affecting, touchstone, kusuotee, mu,ueyar, mihuk, sung i ueyar. touchwood, khoaksee-lukree, sha),ulu. touchy, juliya, chirchira, loonook-mizaj, atush- mizaj, V. fiery, tough, chimra, muzboot, cliar-shanu, sukht, v. hardy, to timghcn, chimrana. toughness, chirarahut, sukhtee, v. flexible, tour, duor, suer, siyahut, gusht, phera, v. ramble, {turit) baree, nuobut, budlee, duoni, v. revo- lution, tournament, nezu-bazee, v. tilt, &c. to iouse, jhoutiyana, jhijhkorna, jhutukna, v. to shake. toK', pat, putwa, V. flax, (rope) goon. to tow, V. to drag, khuenchna, tanna, v. to pull, toaarcl, prep, ke turaf, ke or, ke pas, ke kune, ke ihan, ke janib, v. to, on, near, about, side. /oaarJliness, honharee, ugmunu.ee, &c. toKardfy, toward, tiirbiyut-puzeer, iskh-puzeer, ilm-puzeer, hoahar, ugmuna, burkliroidar, v. promising. toTcel, (lust-mal, roo-mal, safee, ungochha. toxer, hcoTj, miuar, lat, gurguj, v. fortress, steeple, &c. to touer, brolund purwaz-h. v. to soar. lorcn, V. market, shuhur, qusbu, buldu, ganw, iiugree, deb, nugur, v. city, also (in comp.) poor. Thus, Gliazee-poor, the totcn of (Sue- yud nmsood) Ghazce, or, if die Hindoos are J to be credited, Gadh-poor, from Gadh, a Raja of that name; Chundur-nugur, the ovu of Chundur (the moon), better known among u« a« Chandernagoie. Put tun, also signifie* a town or city ; whence Putna (Patna), Cheena puttun, (Madras), Muchhlee puttnn, (Masulipatam), Sjid other places on the coast, town-hall, kotwalee, chubootra, chuopar, hhith- a,ee, v. court, townsman, shuhuree, qusbatee, nagur, (of the same town) hum-shuhuree. toy, khiluona, bazee-chu, moorut, kuth-pootlee, V. play-thing, (trifle) nacheez, hecb, liih o lu,ub, V. play, &c. to toy, khelna, khrashee-k. ra,o cha.o- &c. -k. thutha muzakh- khel- kutaree-k. v. dalliance, toying, chooma chatee, naz o kurushmu, naz o niyaz, khela khelee, lu.ubut-bazee. toyish, shokh, khelar-pun, v. trifling, toyishness, shokhee, khelar-pun, v. wantonness, toyman, bazee chu-furosh, bisatee, rung bhura, V. potter, turner, varnisher, &c. trace, v. track, asar, ulamut, nishan, puts, chinh, puh,chan, sooragh, khojh, abut, khoor-khojh, nuraood, v. vestige, alungkar, burga, v. sicrn, (harness) sunj, saz, jot, kum kusii. to trace, puer- khojh- &c. -leua, peechjia-lena, pueruwee-k. panjna, puende-purna, v. to fol- low, (to fliul) pukurna, pana, nikalna, v. to i/t- tesiigate, (to mark oat) baudlina, thulirana. tracer, khojhee, sceraglj-geer, iilamut-shinas, ahutee, pue-shunas, (of Uolen goods) punlui. track, V. vestige, leek, jivqsh-pa, pug-dumlee, Ijohur, rah, pnth, v. p^th, to track, leek- &c. -pukiinia, pug dundee- &c. -lena. tracking, kjiuencha.o. tratkless, be-leek. track-rope, goon, (to go by) goon pur-j. v. to tow. TRA 662 TRA tract, punju, qudum, puer, v. fool, Sec. (space) tukhtu, muedan, virsu, pulla, zumeen, moalk, des, V. region, treatise. tractable, hookm-burdar, miihkoom, nurm, moo- la,im, ghureeb, sa,oo, seedha, supoot, komul, guo-buigee, v. docility, obedient, &c. {as a horse) do baga. tractahleness, limkni-burdaree, furman-burdaree, ita,ut, ghureebee, ghcorbut, v. vdldness, &c. trade, traffic, sijoda-guree, tijarut, byopar, bunij, . suoda, dad o situd, len den, moo,amulut, be,o- Irar, karbar, buqalee, v. dealing, commerce, business, (forced) vvuera, (occupation) pesbu, sliewu, hirfut, ooddim, bainui', kusub, kusb, funn, V. art, employment, habit, &c. /() trade, traffic, suoda guree- Sec. -k. bunijna, V. to deal. trader, suoda-gur, tajir, bueparee, bunjara, muba- j«n, bunjuota, sahoo, sabookar, karbaree, bues, hne%viM9.,\. dealer, men-hant. tradesman, v. shopkeeper, (mechanic) knreegur, ,^-.vubb birfu, &c. pesbu-wur, kusbee, [but now jrenerally restricted to courtezans, q. v.] sbewu- dar, dust-kar, gconee, kasib, v. artist, aitijicer. tiadesinen, trade fol/cs, &c. ubl i kusub, &c. tradition, tudawool, nuql, riwauit, kubawnt, bat, Uudees, v. stori/. traditional, truditionalli/, seenn bu seenu, soor.ee soonaee, sunia,ee, niontudawnl, dust bu dust, ziibanee, moonhukhree, nusba nusb, pcusht bu pcusbt, miuiqool, nuqlee. to traduce, toohmut- &c. -b, or -lugaiia, budnani- -k. V. to decry, asperse. Sec. i^im.h ,j traducenient, tmbmut, iftira, baibtan, dhansa, phiupbund, bm, v. calumny, &c. Iraducer, nicoftiree, toohmutee, boohtanee, iftira- saz, dbunsuet, phurphiindee. - i'" '" t»''4'«»''^''* tratiic, v. trade, nial, jin^, suoda, che(!7., bana, becha khonchee, v. commodity, trader, also to trade, &c. -■ - iragacanth, kuteera. 'hr-^o- ^ o(n?''rr. <(VM-*-ir-> tragedy, v. drama, masseebut, afut, qiyamut, ghuzub, V. calamity, destruction , havoc. »'- tragical, huebut-nak, huol-nak, moobeeb, r. dreadful. t - " ' tragicalness, buebut-nakee, v. horridnes»'.' ''' '' to trail, V. a. ghuseetna, gbisiyana, thirrans, kheechna, kheecb-lejana, soobarna, gburrana. gbislana, kikarna, v. to drag ; v. n. sooburna, gbusitna. - v ', v train, (tail) doom, (of a garment) ztiel, daiunn. (series) silsilu, tusulsool, tanta, mala, zunjeeru- bundee, lurbundee, morehal, v. chain, string, jilo, V. equipage, (method) soorut, dbub, v. state, (retinue) qor, juleb, pura, hushraut, pa,e-rikab, v. procession, (of guns, &c.) qutar, pantee, v. f!e, (of porcdtr, &c.) lukeer, rusee, V. line, (match) buttee, fuleetu, v. artillery. to train, v. to breed, (educate) sikhana, oothana, bunaiia, nikalna, hilana, turbiyut- &.c. -d. sudhana, ba,olee-d. udub-d. v. to teach, form, I (dogs) %\\-«-l ■■S-^'^i-^'} I train-oil, bus. »«« .»o ,o\ .v,^di«ijr;s-! - I traitor, dusrba-bax, klia.in, uunuik-huiam, f^bud- dar, udhuvmee, chhulee, be-wufa, thug, (lo kings) padshah-drosbmun, (to country) wutun- dooshmun, des-birodbee, v. treacherous. trammel, cbhand, pa-bund, pue-kura, v." vet. to trample, kobchulna, musulna, ruondna, kaiichi;*, muina, pa^e iiial- lut nuird- lut goondhun !ut kuonda-k. v. lo tread, (as horses) tapua, panvv- marna or -purpurana. trampling, tap. lUTillrt ,rf^i) trance, snkiu, luobar, be-kbmdee.-"*^'" -^^^ tra/Kjnil, asoodu, baarani, stokhil, niMruflu. , tbetlV-V'"^ ^•■':\. ''^^-i'"^*^'-' (''-^•'■-C^-';' ' TRA 663 TRJ Iranquillity, aram, asoodugee, asa,ish, kul, rahut, rifah or rufah, rufahiyut, itmeenan, v. ease, repoxe, rest. trans, as many of the compounds formed by this inseparable particle are not easily expressed in this language, the reader may occasionally consult their primitives, which will save tlie trouble of unnecessary and disagreeable cir- cumlocution. to transact, chulana, jaree-k. kurna, unjam-d. kargoozaree-k. nioo,amulii-k. or -iugana, v. to manage, negociait; &c. tiuHsrtclioH, kar o bar, moj.amulu, byohar, ulaqu, wasitu, kurtoot, majra, sur-goozusiit, v. busi- ness, dealing, bat, uniur, uhwal, roodad, v. I'ff'tir. :u'».Y.,o' to transcend, subquN &.c. r. or -lejana, ghalib- &c. -h. jeet-j. V. to excel, bahur- kharij- bu- ced-h. Iranscendenci/, subqut, push-dustee, bala-dustee, muquddooui, peshee, ghulbu, v. eiceUence. transcendent, bala-dust, faici, fuoq, taq, be-nu- zeer, ek ta, pesh-dust, udhik, sums, v. supe- rior. iranscendentty, nihayut, hudd, uiput, bu-shiddut. to transcribe, v. to copij, &c. transcriber, katib, v. copier. transfer, tuhweel, v. conveyance. to transfer, sonipna, zimmu-k. tusleem- 8cc. -k. gutana, pukrana, gulc-ganthna, (/« accounts) (lakhil mukharij-k. v. to convey, consign. ill tiamfix, parwar-k. to tran.form, transfigure, v. a. muskh-k. tiansformutinn, tranfiguration, v. metamorphosis, also tlie veib. ii) transgress, v. a. rodool- rudd- tuja\vcoz-k. tahia, torna, v. to violate ; v. n. chookna, bhoolna, khuta- &c. -k. v. to offend. traNsgrcssiun, tuj;i\vooz, tu,uddee, v. violation, (offence) chock, bhool, khuta, furamoshec, nisiyanee, kotahee, tuqseer, ghut, v. fault, transgressor, mootujawiz, mootu,uddee, v. viola- tor, tuqseer-war, mookbtee, qasir, ghutiha, v. offender. • . .si-avi . transient, transitory, clnila jata, mtutubudil, fanee. arizee, hurdum-tubdeel, na-pa,edar, chuuchul, be-bojniyad, unit, ulopee. transiently, jate hoo,e, ziuiniin, v. en passant, na- pa,e daree- &c. -se. transientness, trunsitoriness, napa,e-darce, be-bfu- niyadee, chunchula,ee. transition, tubdeel, tugheer, tughiyoor, tumasool, tubadcol, ooboor, tujawooz, v. change, removal, transitive, {verb) fi,ul m<»tu,uddee, sukurnmk, opposed to ukurmuk, intransitive, transitori/, v. transient, &c. to translate, turjojmu- &c. -k. lana, v. to inter- pret, transport, translation, v. removal, turjiumu, chhap, cultha, sungruh, dekhtee, v. version, {of humours) olumba, v. metastasis ; a literal translation , tuht o lufzee. translator, mcoturujjim, turjooman, turjiumu- nuwees, sungruhkaree, v. interpreter, to transmigrate, nuqii mukan- pa.etoorab-k. transmigration, nuqli-mukan, liculool, tunasookh, awa guon. to transmit, bliejna, irsal-k. puthana, puhtuu- chana, chulana, v. to send, {to give) deuu, d'dlna, phuelana. transmutation, tubdeel, tubaJool, istilmlu, v. to change, &c. transom, putuotim, putun, kunuir-bund, putku, v. lintel.^ transparency, shufi'afee, burraqee, sufa.ee, nir- multa, oojulta. tranaparent, ^huffaf, burrnq, ;af, uir-mui, nijji;!, TRA 664 TRE phurcha, panee, moteesa, biluora, v. clear, thin. lianspiratioTi, v. to evaporate, &c. to transpire, v. to perspire, oor-j. jata-ruhna, Imvva-h. phoot-j. khool-j. v. to divulge, to transplant, rompna, garna, v. to remove, transplantation, rompa,ee, puneeree, romp, romp- a,o, V. removal, also the verb, transplanter, rompunhar. transport, wujd, comung, halut, hal, sumau, be- hoshee, be-khoodee, mustee, mugunta, v. exile, rapture, to transport, v. to carry, lad- ootha- bhur-lejana, V. to convey, {to banish) kharij- julawutun-, ties nikala'k. v. to expel, {as anger, &c.) be- liosh, uchet- bescort-k. {to ravish) be khrod-, be huwas- be ikhtiyar- must-k. v. to overjoy, transportation, bar burdaree, intiqal, roboor, v. banishment, carriage, transported, moontuqul, v. banishment, to transpose, qulb- &c. -k. rolutpcolut- &c. -k. V. to change, transposition, tuqleeb, inqilab, t.ubdeel, pher phar, udul budul, era pherec, oolta, kubeer ka oolta, qulb, V. change, to transude, risna, puseejna, v. perspiration, transverse, v. across, ara, bentja, tirchha, eera, cheera, moo^aturiz, kona kanee, terha. transversely, kuj, osreb, v. obUqm. trap, kul, jantee, dubkur, dam, v. gin, chor- khudha or -gurha, pa,e-dara, v. pitfall, ambush, snare, {-ball) gendee or pheiida-tora, (game) golee dunda ; a rat-trap, choohe-dan. to trap, to lake, phundhana, bujhar.a, phunsana, ooljhana, v. to catch, trap-door, chor-durvvazu. trappings, jhubbe, v. tassel, ara,ishen, zeenuten, avva,ee, fitrak, shikarbund,,v. ornament, saddle, irap-siick, dunda, tora. trash, ugur bugur, ula,e bula,e, bula,e booghmu, ghas phoos, koora, koorkoot, ghaspat, ala pala, khoya, khogeer kee bhurtee, kuchra, v. dregs, rubbish, puryul, suryul. to trash, turashna, v. to cut, lop, &c. travail, durd-zifa, peer, wuzu,e humul. to travail, junna, peer men-h. durd-khana. travel, sufur, mrosafirut, suyahut, piirjutun, suer, pheree, v. journey, to travel, sufur- &c. -k. phirna, chulna, bides-k. -jana, or -phirna, v. to pass, traveller, moosafir, sueyah, sufuree, purjutinee, rah-gee, rahee, puch,hee, butohee, rumta. buta,oo, salik, ibn roa-subeel, rahruo, punthee, punthuk, khanu bu dosh, juhan gurd, bhm munee, v. rover, travelling, sufree, moosafiree, rahgoozur. travels, {history of) sufur-namu. to traverse, v. to cross, wander, See. tray, kuthra, kh\yan, khwan-chu, v. trough, kishtee, seenee, chuo-goshu, tubaq, chunger, {cover) khwan posh. treacherous, be-eeman, udhurmee, ghuddar, kup- tee, dugha-baz, cbhulee, v. insidious, biidzat, purpunchhee, kootil, mootufunnee, furfimdee, fusadee, v. false, traitor, treacherously, dughabazee- &c. -se. treachery, treacherousness, dugha, cbhul, kuput, dughabazee, be-eemanee, be-wufa,ee, kootilta, bud-zatee, v. perfidy, treason, treacle, tiriyaq, (molasses) rab, chota, jagree. tread, v. foot, qudum, chal, tap, v. step, khutkit, dhub dhub, purpurahut, v. sound, mulun, ghu- sun, rugur, v, track, to tread, qudum- panw- &c. -r. chulna, v. to Tcalk, churhna, khoondulna, ruondria, chu- hulna, {corn, &c.) da,ona, gahna, kantna, koochul-d. mulna, dubana, mandna, v. to tram- TRE 665 TRT pie, (as birds) joorna, churna, jooftee-khana, V. to copulate. treadle, gorpa.ee, kurga, koombhul, {of an egg) jamun, moorgh ka beej, \.seed. treason, dugha-bazee, khiyanut, ghudr, numuk- huramee, chhul, fusad, v. sedition, treachery. treasure, v. money, khuzanu, rokur, v. riches, tora, V. cash, bag, (hoard) dumra, dufeenu, khoothee, zukheeni, dhurohur, v. store. to treasure, jumu-k. butorna, duba-r. rukhna, dhurna, le-r. pus undaz-k. treasurer, khuzan-chee, tuhweel-dar, rokuriya. treasury, khuzanu, khuzeenu, kothee, v. maga- zine, kunz, gunj, gunjeenu, (hidden) gugra, (royal) khuzanu amiru, v. cashier, &c. treat, v. entertainment, ziyafut, sishtachar, mih- manee, khana, je,onar. to treat, v. to settte, juwab suwal- butkuhee- &c. -k. V. treaty, (to use) soolook- &c. -k. rukhna, v. treatment, (well) ukhlaq-k. v. to cure, (a guest) khilana, ziyafut-k. v. treat, cothana, bunana, v. to manage, (to mention) zikr- buyan-k. v. to explain. treatise, risalu, nooskhu, namu, mala, v. book. treatment, v. usage, soolook, ri,ayut, moora,ut, chal, dhung, bha,o, tujweez, moo,aliju, kur- toot, V. conduct, manner; ill treatment, bud- 8a)lookee,koo-dhungee, koo-chalee, koo-bha,o ; good treatment, hoosn-soolook, soobha,o. treaty, moo.amulu, be,ohar, quol-qurar, uhd o- pueman, qurar-mudar, buna.o, v. contract, ba- cha-bundhee, sooluh-namu, quol-namu, uhud- namu, v. peace. treble, ti-goona, si-chund, v. triple, (in music) zeer, zeel. tree, v. shrub, durukht, per, gachh, jhar, rookh, brichh, shujur, turoo, v. plant, (varieties) sag- wan, seeson, sheeshum, muhoo.a, bhundra, aroosu, jal, uraa burna, soorkhbed, kuchnar. to,an, gab, kudum, neem, buka.en, sirs, mal. tee, pakur, peeloo, muolsuree, jand, de.odur, asog, pulas, peepul, (for matches) knombhee ; to the above add the word durukht, v. mango, fig, &c. tree-feller, qatj oosh-shujur. trefoil, tureeful, v. clove, to tremble, kampna, duldulana, thurthurana, lu- ruzna, hulhulana, phcorphoorana, dolna, thu- lukna, lurkhurana, v. to shake, tremblingly, thurthurahut- &c. -se. tremendous, huol-nak, huebut-nak, diruona, moo- heeb, v. awful, tremour, kupkupee, kumpahut, lurzish, thur- thurahut, duldulahut, hulhulahut, hulhulee, phoorphooree, ru.ushu, hulbulahut, thurthuree, V. trepidation, rigour, tremulous, triennial, si-salu, tisalu, tinbursa. trier, jachunhar, imtihanee. to trifallow, tikhra- soomra- doochusa-k. means to plough twice, v. to plough, till, trifle, na-cheez, la-shue, hech, thoree bat, choot-. koola, V. nothing, toy. to trifle, khelna, mukhee-marna, tapa to,ee-k. guwana, bitana, geet-gana, chootur-bujana, fi,ul ubus- khel kutaree-k. v. to spend; to trifle atvay one's time, din-guwana, v. to lose, trijier, mukhee-mar, khilaree, tapato,iya, sahib- zadu, hurzu go, ubuskar, pudna, pudoja, v. small. ^ trifling, hulka, soobook, ochha, chhichora, siflu, bilila, lurba,ola, ziru-sa, kum, chootkoolasa, v. trivial, foolish, {unimportant) chhota, th^ra, suhuj, suhul, V. silly. ;. j triflingly, soobookee- &c. -se, v. levity, trigger, kul, v. lock, trilateral, si-puhul, si-hurfee, scolasee. trill, luhuk, thurthuree, turanu, v. .gwatJ^rji. to trill, luhukna, thurthurana. trillion, pudum, dhool ; billion, sunkli.^. f\i\vt\ trim, buna-thuna, chheela-chhala, turashu-khu- rashu, mooquttu, v. snug, to trim, tueyar- arastu-k. bunana, sunwarna, sujana, soodharna, v. to cut, quium-k. chhant- na, qusur- mgoqussur-k. v. to dress, {to clip) TRI 667 TftO kutuma, turashna, v. to shave, {to adjust) theek- dooroost-k. v. to rectify {a lamp) ook- sana, seekna, ishti,al-k. v. to crop. trimly, tjiath- &c. -se, v. neatly. ph^nat < ghoomana, rumana, pher- &c. -d. pher phar-k. osltana, uoudhaoa, roogurdan-k. v. to reverse, revolve, {to make observe) mooltufit- &c. -k. v. attentive, lana, kheechna, v. to convert, perstuide, {ivory, &c.) khiiradna, khurad-ootama, {to form) bunana, tueyar-k. {to sharpen) puhutna, {to change) budul-d. tubdeel-k. v. to alter, {to make) kiur- na, V. to transpose, {the stomach) mutluna, v. to translate, {to infatuate) sir-ghoomana, sur gurdan-k. v. giddy, {to direct) chulana, luga- na, V. to apply, lead, {to double in) morna, v. to tuck, bend, {to expel) nikalna, bahur-k. v. to discharge, {to retort) pultana, luotana, tal- na, V. to return, throtv, shift, {tlie back) peet- -d. or -dekhlana. For such words as to turn away,&jc. &c. see to avert, dismiss, refer, be- take, &c. ; to turn over, {a Zioo^-)gurdanna, v. to examine; to be turned of, dliulna, purna, v. to pass; lam not yet turned of thirty, ubtuk hum- tees se nnheeadhule ; to turn tlw penny, puesa-, pher phar-k. ootnk natuk- untosbuntus-k. turncoat, zumanu-saz, v. trimmer. turned, mukhrood, v. turner. turner, khuradee^ a turner's business, khurad. turning, v. turn, gurdish, duoran, phira.o, v. ro- tation. turnip, shulghum. turnscrew, pech-kholnee, martol. turpentine, gundu-birozu, v. gum, resin, also fir. turpitude, bud-zatee, zillut, zulalut, khota,ee^ v. baseness, turret, kungoora, v. tower, spire, umbaree, boor- jee, kulus, {elephant's) hxiodii, v. canopy, turtle, {tortoise) kuchhoo,a, kucbhup, kamut, kojnn, sung poosbbUBiu ,\ turtle-dove, fakhtu, qoomree, pundosk, tottBo, ghooghecf djiuola, tilleh,,tbturko. . Usatti neema-sham, gudha bar, go.aree bera, chiragh- jule, dhooree sanjh, dhoondkala, do-wuqt milte, guodhooree, v. obscure, also down; come in the twilight, do wuqt milte a,o. twin, tuo,um, (6rot/ter) uonla jhuonla bha,ee. TWI 672 TYR twine, sootlee, reesman, v. string, twist. to twine, v. to twist, buondiyana, liputna, pech- &c. -khana, phirna, buwundna, v. to wind. to twinge, v. to twitch, chinukna, v. to smart, pinch, tweak. twinkle, twinkling, timtimahut, jhuljhulahut, doogdoogahut, mutkee, jhupuk, puluk, pul, luo, jhilmilahut, jhilmilee, v. wink, instant ; in a twinkling, pid marte, \. moment; in the twinkling of an eye, toorfut ool uen, ek puluk men. to twinkle, timtimana, jhuljhulana, doogdoogana, jugmugana, dubhukna, jhilmilana, michmich- ana, michukna, dubukna, v. to shine, phuruk- na, V. to quiver, sparkle, mutkana, timkana, jhumkana, jhupukna, mulkana, puluk- &c. -mama, v. to wink. twins, tuwaman, jora, jawan, {tlie cqjfistellation) do-puekur, v. gemini. to twirl, lupetna, v. to twist, turn, &c. twist, twisting, uenth, muror, bul, but, pech, pechish, murora, uenthun, gooljhut, gooljhu- ree, uentha, -v. flexion, turn. to twist, uenthna, murorna, murora- &c. -khana, bul-purna, muchoma, oonarna, moorhiyana, moorukna, buruma, oomethna, a,endna, bhanj- na, tabdar-k. v. to twine, bend, butna, bantna, bul- &c. -d. lupet-lena, v. to weave, insinuate, twister, hnn-hnia, ghuree, uenthna, v. ropemaier, (instrument) butnee. to twit, V. to sneer, tu,unu-marna, v. to reproach, twitch, nijhot, khusot, jhutuk, chilik, chumuk, khoncha, muror, v. spasm, stitch, to twitch, nijhotna, khusotna, chheenna, jhutuk- na, uenthna, katna, choobhna, kuchukna, v. to gripe, pluck, to twitter, cheencheen-k. kichmichana, v. to chirp, (to desire) chutputana. two, do, doo, {in comp.) ba, bu, be, or bir; two by two, do do hoke ; thirty-two, bu-tees. two, adj. doo.a, {ser weight) dosera, {per cent) sud doo,ee. two-edged, do-dhara. twofold, doo tub, do purta, doogcona, v. double, tympanum, kan ha purdu. tympany, istisqa,e tublee. type, ulamut, nishan, puta, dusee, cheenh, pun- ha, V. mark, emblem, chhap, nuqsh, illut, sub- ub, (stamp) chhapa, sikku, kanta, v. print, symbol, typical, dal. typically, illutun, sububun. typified, mu,ulool. to typify, dulalut-k. chhap- &c. -h. v. to repre- sent, tyrannical, zoolmee, situmee, kuthin, quhuree, ghuzubee, v. cruel, tyrannically, zalimanu. to tyrannise, zoolm- &c. -k. tyranny, zoDlm, jubr, undher, uneet, quhur, zor, V. oppression, tyrant, zalim, jabir, sitimi-gur, jufa-kar, undhe- riya, jugut, dookhee, kushtee, (despot) mookh- tar-kooll, jubbar, uzlum, alum- or moolk-soz, murdoom- or khulq-azar, finion, yuzeed, ha- ris, sumraj, bidutee. tyro, nuo-sikh, nuo-amoz, moobtudee, sikh-nuo- too, boolbool ka buchu, v. scholar. 51KM 678 /.k'>l « •fiIrtom-ijito'i ,)npw-»iri, .rflleih; .•♦^A»i«yj',o'» >\ .;'nnul,9 VAC V, seldom or ncTer occurs in this language, un- less it may be used to express the wa,o or wa, mooshuddud, in such words as uuwwab, a vice- roy, mcosnwmr, a painter, &c. where the w in utterance may be pronounced v. Thus, nuvab, moosuvir, &c. will be equally well understood. In some sunskrit and other words it must be confessed that wap greatly resembles v, and is perhaps, in fact, more a v than aw: such as nuveesindu, a clerk, huvelee, a dwelling, de- bee, devee, dewee, the goddess, v. w. H, is invariably to be pronounced as in funn, art; never as in full, bull, &c. v. oo, y, &c. It re- presents the shortest possible sound of a, and at the end of words may be treated as the a of idea, &c. The letter u or inherent vowel point is called zubur, futuh, humzu, ukar, according to circumstances. See the Introduction and ni f wiami ,b£vu iniri ,». wo-f. vacancy, suktu, wuqfu, khula, goonja,ish, juguh, y . place , pause , vacuity, &lc. furaghut, tu,uteel, chhoottee, v. leisure, (listlessness) mujhoolee, kahilee, be-khuburee, be-chetee, v. apathy, vacant, khalee, scnn, tihee, heena, ochha, moo- juwwuf, mookhuUu, pola, r. empty, moo,uttul, V. disengaged {thoughtless) be-khubur, ghafil, V. unmeutiing. vacation, naghu, untur, v. interval, StiV'^'^'i^' ' ' vacuist, khula ka qa.il. • '•'•>^&-»"' vacuity, vacuum, khula, khooToo, scouta, juof, v. eavity. ''■ ' " ' ■;fi» ,-r P 'Vt-vli .if ,tlib ,Y^^i vagabond, uobash, badhuwa,ee, be-thilcana, dur- budur, buheetoo, Icnqqu, buruhnu, kurachor, V. profligate. vagary, luhur, turung, \. frolic. ■' '' vagrant, awaru, shoohda, loocba, siflu, rind, v. wandering. '»' vague, ghuer mm.ueyun, ghuer-mcoqurrur, rfWj doubtful. ^1" -'"^ " vain, bad huwa.ee, dimaghee, kham, {fellow) bura,ee-khor, shekh-ohillee, v. silly, {fruit- less) ubus, la-hasil, be-fa,idu,be-urth, burbad, ra.igan, be-hoodu, be-mu,iinee, batil, v. ab- surd, {arrogant) khrad-been. khmd-nooma, khood-ra,e, ghumundee, v. conceited, dumbhik, ubhemanee, uhunkaree, chhoodr, toochha, looq- qu, V. ostentatious, proud, boaster: vain idea, khiyal-kham ; vain or disappointed love, ishq- kham, V. «se/m. ="!"'" ■^^■'''''' "* to be vain, oor-chulna, asman pur-khuenchna, V. ostentatious. ' • ' .il ii^niuu „.i^{ vain-glorious, laf-zun, gireaP-ztui; Tctlflu-itlB; J shekhee-baz, kungalter. vain-glory, laf-zunee, guzaf-zuoee, knllu-zunee, shekhee, kungaltiree, v. boasting. vainly, v. the adj. be hoodugee- &c. -se. '"liV; valerian, jal lukree, fuo, billee-lotuii; Wla.Jw- gund. . '.■..• veal, buchhre ka gosht, v. calf, to veer, phirna, dena, pilana, v. to give, change, turn, vegetable, sub. nnbat, pi. nubatat, roostunee, hurera, subzee. vegetable, adj. nubatatee. vegetables, turkaree, bhajee, buqoolat, tee,un,bu- nasputee, v. herb, greens, &c. nashee. to vegetate, burhna, jumna, oogna, nikulna, ba- leedu-h. , vegetation, baleedugee, numoo, barb, birdh, nusho, namiyu, v. growth, also the verb, vegetative, v. vegetable. vehemence, shiddut, sukhtee, zor, ghulbu, hiddut, kusht, toondee, tezee, luhur, dhoon, ishtidad, juzbu, jhanjh, v. force, ardour, violence, 8cc. vehement, shudeed, sukht, kurera, kurra, ziyadu, tez, toond, gurm, hadd, kuthin, ku^or, v. ex- cessive, fervent. >n^ vehemently, zor- Sec. -se, v. zealously, &c. vehicle, suwaree, barburdaree, murkub, wUseelu, 4 Q2 VEN 676 VE^ wastu, hamil, v. means, carriage, {in medicine) unoopan, budruqu. veil, bojrqu, niqab, purdu, ghoonghut, roobund, muknu, orhn-a, -ee, v. cover, {disguise) bhes, bana, jamu, libas, v. shelter, dress; under the veil of friendship we of ten find an enetny, dostee ke boorque men uksur hum dooshmun ko pate huen. to veil, boorqu-puhima or -orhna, ghoonghut- &c. -k. y. to conceal, &c. ;uirg ~ii . veiled, boorqu posh, v. mask, &c. vein, rug, nus, seer, cprooq, {mediana) huft un- dam, V. cephalic, &c. {of metal) pawudh, pan- ja, asar, v. trace, {streak) juohur, jal, ubur, {turn) duol, dhungi rung, turuh,halut, v. tem- per, humour. veiny, jal-dar, v. variegated, rugeela, nusuha. to vellicate, katna, cheema, pharna, kheechna, V. to pull. ,nafc .uaiiilq .-"rt^-i vellum, ruq, khus, wuslee. .»%«' velvet, mukhmul, {adj.) mukhmulee, gobdgooda, V. soft. venal, zur-dost, sookhun-furosh, zur-purust, seem-purust, kuoree-book, kcor-puzee, v. selfish. venality, sookhun-furoshee, zur-dostee, zur-pu- rustee, seem-purustee. to vend, bechna, bue,u- bikree-k. mol-d. puteel- na, V. to sell. .Aiwo-s^ .» ^fita^ M^-uu vender, bechwuya, {in comp.) furosh. ^wiivyi.., vendible, bikunhar, chulunta. venerable, mookurrum, moo,uzzuz, bcozoorg, ^oo,uzzum, medha, manindee, bcozoorgwai', boozoorganu, moosha,ikhanu, v. reverend, res- pectable. ,miu^ .haioi^Sit venerably, boozcorgee- &c. -se.' to venerate, manna, poojna, tu,uzeem- &c. -k. moo,uzzuz- &c. -janna, hoormut-r. v. to re- vere, i; P *■ veneration, ikram, tukreem, i.uzaz, tu.uzeem, tuoqeer, ihtiram, purustish, manind, pooja, sumbodhun, v. adoration, honour, respect. venereal, rutee, kamee, nufsanee, shuhwutee, v. pox. i^am ,f>ubbu,uJ(ora .prniiliiJa)m ■.*»r«tTNr( venereal pleasures, huzzi-nufsanee. venery, rut, muethoon, mcobashurut, jima.u, soohbut, rut-kel, v. fornication, kamde,o mu- duu, V. coition, {art of) indree bujree, {trea- tise on) kok,h, luzzut oon-nisa, rutee shastur, V. copulation; to abstain from venery, bahur- ®°"^- '-Hi,: XOU lUU .tbi venesection, rug-zunee, fusd. r ^ ; -, ' , . Venetians, jhilmil, chilmun, khurkhuriya, v. lat- ttce.,aTiA^-^,BaRdrtuda- .oA -iool .A»fB-sjnu (u vengeance, intlqam, budlu, buer, bula,e, quhur, ghuzub, qiyamut, bujur, afut, mukafat, khu- rabee, \. revenger, revenge, spite, disaster, &c. ; with a vengeance, bula.e- puezar- jootee-se; to take vengeance, intiqam- &c. -lena; what a vengeance has seized thee, tere tu,een kya ghu- zub ne liya. vengeful, moontuqim, shootur-keenu, kuniha, v. spiteful, Sic. ,. K..,„f,„^ .;^^^ „ ,. ,„../,., venial, wajib oal ufoo, chhima-jog, hudr, v. par- donable, slight. venison, burn ka gosht, mirg-man^ shikaree gosht, V. game. ,' T -, , [ - ' venom, zuhr, summ, bis, bik|h, v. poison. venomous, zuhree, zuhr-dar, zuhr-aloodu, bik,h- dhur, moozee, bik,hiya, bik|huha, v. baneful, maligna7it. venomously, &c. v. mischievousness. vent, sans, dum, chhed, soorakh, munfuz, rah, mukharij, khoorooj, nikasee, nikal, kunwa, dhoo,an-kush, dhoonhara, v. hole, passage, &c. (air) huwa, y. discharge, {of a chimney) dood- kush, dhoo,an rukh, (sa/e) khuput, kutit, ri- .y.i;-;.^ VER 677 VER waj, nirkh, khureedaree, v. demand, market, expence, &c. to vent, sans- &c. -kholna, chhorna, nikalna, dalna, {to divulge) zaliir-k. chung- hawa-k. kuhua, V. to publish. to ventilate, huwa dar- butsuonha-k, v. to fan. ventilator, badkush, v. fan, &c. ventricle, khanu, kotha, v. stomach. ventriloquist, pet bola,oo. venture, khiitru, jokhim, aseb, wuswas, v. at- tevipt, liazard (phance) nuseeb, bjiag, pura- lubh, V. hap, stake, {of goods) khep, tanda, v. cargo ; at a venture, andjiee, moondhee, ootu- kur les, utkul bundee, qismut pur, be-tuhashu, V. random, also rashly. to venture, {to dare) himmut- bicbar-k. jokhim oothana, mun-chulana, jee-duorana, v. to at- tempt, nuseebu bazee- &c. -k. bhag adhee- nee-k. v. to engage, {to hazard) wuswas- &c. -men-d. v. danger. venturer, ventureso7ne,venturoiis,\axava.\x\ee,m.\iTi- chula, dil-chula, ug-muna, bukht-baz, nusee- bu-baz, jun-baz, tehgur, v. daring. venturously, dilchulee- &c. -se, be-niuhaba, v. boldly. t'Crt,,^ .-,„j ..„,„>,, verdant, subz, hura, hurit, burera, zumcorrudee, ukhzur, sursubz, turo tazu, hiu-iyala, ganjur, V. grassy, verdict, budan, buda, tujweez, v. sentence, verdigrease, zungar, pitra,ee. verdure, subzee, sur subzee, subzu, hureree, turawut, hura.ee, dumeedugee. verge, lub, kiuaru, teer, bar, or, siwanu, hudd, V. edge, &c. to verge, jhookna, dhulna, liurukna, puhoonchna, ma,)l-h. duorna, v. to tend, verification, tuhqeeq, tusdeeq, sutkar. verifier, moohuqqiq, sutkaree. to verify, sabit- isbat- rast- such- mcotuhuqq^uq-k. thuhrana, v. to prove., ^y ^Ar.\^^ „ ,\^m;^^^ verily, waqu,ce, fil-waqu, such, yuqeenun, v. certainly, verity, Slc. v. truth, true, ficc. vermicelli, kirmani gundoom, sewuen, senwiya. vermicular, koolboola, {motion) hurkut kirmee, T. serpentine, kool boolahut, from koolboolana, V. to move peristalticly. vermicule, kirmuk, keeree, choona, v. grub, vermiform, kenchoo,a-sa. vermifuge, kenchoo,a-mar, kirm-hum. Vermillion, shingurf, eengoor, shunjurf, {figur.) soorkhee, lalee, v. red. vermin, keere mukore, keere putunge, mooziyat, the pi. of moozee, v. noxious, &c. vernacular, desee, moolkee, v. native, vernal, ribu.ee, buharee, busuntee. ;.,ou*Mti' VES 678 VEX versatile, huft-ruugee, buhoo-roopiya, hurfuna, isti.udad kcoll, v. variable, &c. verse, (line) misru, task, bola, furd, churn, ku- ree, pa,ee, v. line, (poetry) nuzm, shi|Ur, pri- bund, chhund.biihur, V. metre, poem,hemastich, (crambo) sunum, &c. (of the qcoran) a,it, v. •-'■'sentence; blank verse, natuk; to be versed in, waqif- muhrum kar- waqif kar-h. v. conver- sant. versed, v. experienced, goodiya, duchh, kar-dan, azmoodu-kar, kar-kurdu, rusa, v. adept, (in comp.) rus, dan, amoz; rumz-dan, versed in signs. versification, tunzeem, kubta.ee, qafiyu-bundee, mooquffa, pribundh-kar, sha,iree, v. metre. versifier, nazim, sha,ir, kubita, kub, kubeeshoor, nuzmee, pribundhkaree, pribundhee, shi,ur-go, V. poet. to versify, nuzm-k. buet- &c. -bnnatia, kubit- &c. -kuhna, -b. or -bunana. version, turjoomu, turujjoom, chbap, v. copy. vertebra, dand, kungror, munka, also a bead. vertical, v. height, sir pur ka, simt ror-rasee, v. zenith. vertigo, duoran i sur, scodau, ghoomta, ghoamree, tirmiree, ghanwur, bhuonree, ghirnee, v. giddy. very, adj. buhoot, Itira, ziyadu, hudd, nihayut, ghait, niput, sukht, khoob, bhula, busa, uz bus, zor, hudd, ut, unt, keta. very, adv. woohee, hee, ee, v. sarne, real, mere, also self; very pretty, very well, uch-chhee bunee, v. too; very little, kum-kum, buhcot thora, thorahee, v. small; very good, kuheen khoob; extremely good, &c. kuheen se kuheen uch-chha ; loith his very heart, osske dil hee se; that very time, cos ee 'wnqt; he slew his very friend, dost hee ko raardala, v. own. visicatoHes, mooqurruhat, v. blister. vesicle, phupholiya, v. blister. vesper, sham, v. Venus. " ■' ^ vespers, numaz i sham, numaz i mughrib, sunjba, sunhiya, isha. vessel, burtun, basun, patr, zurf, awind, v. tray, kasund, koondalee, y.pot, &c. (in comp.) dan, (vein, &c.) rug, v. artery, &c. (vehicle) na,o, kishtee, bera, v. boat, &c. (of leaves) dona, khona, pntkura, puhchutta, (stone) puthriya, (for religious uses) urgha, utka, (a large dish) lugun ; woman comparatively with man, is the weaker vessel, uorut bu nisbut murd kiun zurf hue, V. capacity. vest, unga, ung-ruk,ha, jamu, v. vestment. to vest, sur o pa- beera-d. v. to invest, tusurroof- -d. mootusurrif-k. v. to deliver. vestal, ubdhootunee, v. virgin. vestibule, dyorhee, duhleez, burotha, dur-khol, junab, y. porch. vestige, nuqsh-pa, pudchinh, v. trace. vestment, vesture, poshak, libas, baga, jora, pueh- ra,o, V. dress. vetch, museen, dulihun, uksee, kyotee, kulu,ee, rehla, moth, oord, musoor, kaboolee, nukhood, chuna, koolthee, v. pea, pulse, &c. There are many kinds, such as, koorthee, khisaree, lutree, scokwa, unkree, bhikhuree, bhut- wans. veteran, sub. jung-azmoodu, onburd-azma, kar- azmoodu, puekar-deedu, khidmut-ri&eedu, poorana-sipahee. ' veteran, adj. pukka, v. supra, also old, &c. to vex, chherna, sutana, diqq- &c. -k. tusdeeu- &c. -d. khijhana, dookhana, kulpana, risiyana, koorhana, khisiyana, bira,ona, roothana, run- jana, azoordu- &c. -k. kichkichana, rijhana, bezar-k. dugudhna, khisiyana, letarna, jheekh- na, julana, v. to pester; v. n. diqq- &c. -h. koorhna, roothna, chirna, kulupna, v. to fret. VIB 679 VIC vexation, tusdeeu, eeza, dookh, sunkut, kulup, diqqut, uziyut, sur-durdee, khoojh khnj, khi- siyahut, koorhun, azoordugee, runjeedugee, nakhcoshee, kudoorut, hulakee, ghoobar, soz, muzloomee. koft, ghoossu, v. trouble, plague. vexatious, azar-dih, dookh-da.ee, durd-sur, eezan- riisan, dil-khurash, mihnut-awur, v. trouble- some. vexatiousness, runj-awuree, dookhad, v. trouble- tome, 8cc. vexed, diqq, khufa, dcokhit, na-khaosh, runjeedu, azoordu, bud-bur, niuleen, jula bula, mookud- dur, V. chagrined, displeased, vexer, moozee, kulpa,oo, suta.oo, &c. v. the verb, ugliness, bud-soorutee, zisht-roO|ee, bud-shuku- lee, koo-roopta, bhunda.ee, bud-duolee, bcn- ra,ee, zishtee, be-numukee, &c. v. depravity. Words for this and the following may be had almost at pleasure by compounding bud, koo, be, &c. with soorut and many others. ugly, bud-soorut, bhonda, koo-roop, zisht-roo, bud-shukul, kureeh, bud-duol, boora, bud, be- turuh, V. deformed, koo^iuol, usuj, bud-nooma, zisht-puekur, bud-zeb or -rang, kureeh-mun- zur, be-numuk, qubeeh, bud-usloob, chundra, V. bad, clumsy, offensive. vial, sheeshee, qoomqmmu, v. bottle. ttiand, khana, t,U|am, bhojun, bhog, binjun, pri- sad, je,onar, v. food. viands, churb ghiza, v. dainty. viaticum, toshu, rahawurd, kulewa, sambur, to- shu-rah, sunkulp, juwab namu, zadrahilu. to vibrate, v. a. jhoolana, hilana, lupkana, lup- lupana, luhkana, thurthurana, phurkana, v. to move, quiver; v. n. jhoolna, hilna, lupukna, luhukna, jhunukna, phurphurana, phurukna, tirmirana, luhurua, j^oomna, v. to shake, thrill, quake. vibration, thurthuree, phuruk, tirmirabut, phur- phurahut, luk,ha,o, jcnmbish, jhooma,o, &c. t. to vibrate. vibratory, jhooma.oo, thurthura,oo, fitc. v. tht verb. vice, budee, ba)ra,ee, zuboonee, ueb, dokh, shu- rarut, nooqs, butta, khot, nooqsan, illut, lut, v, sin, shurr, upradh, purtuwa.ee, v. crime, evil, faidt, fornication, {hand) mulsoot (instru- ment) zumboor. vicegerent, qaim muqam, na,ib munab, khuleefu, ja-nusheen, \. deputy: the vicegerent of God, khuleefut ooliah. viceroy, soobu-dar, soobu, nazim, wukeel ; nuw- wab, a kind of superlative formed from (not as is generally supposed the plural of) na,ib, a deputy, the plural of which would be nu- wa,ib, V. ruler, also regent. viceroyalty, soobu-daree, soobu, nuwwabee,ni};a- mut, wikalut. vice versa, biluks, bur-khilaf, pher-budul, v. con- trary, vicinity, qoorb, qurabut, puros, shoofa, hum-dee- waree, shufa-khuleet, v. closeness, neighbour- hood. vicious, upradhee, purtuwa,ee, uebee, uebdar, v. bad, vitious, wicked. vicissitude, nuobut, baree, da,o, phir, ber, wuqt, tubdeel, v. revolution, change. victim, qoorban, bul, nuchhawur, fidiyu, tusudd- ooq, warun, mara, wara, phera, bulbukra, bul- haree, chhuya, begoonah, v. innocent, sacrifice. victor, ghalib, ghazee, futih-mund, feeroz, fee- roz-mund, jue-wunt, feeroz-anu, shadiyanu, V. conqueror, triumphant. victorious, jeetoo, jiteela, tang^r, futih-bukhsh, -nuseeb, or -yab, feeroz-bukhsh. victoriously, futih mundee- &c. -se. victor iousness, futih-mundee, feeroz-mundee. victory, futih, ghulbu, feerozee, jeet, jue, nwsrat, VIG 680 ' VIN zufur, boord- or jeet-bazee, v. triumph, {to gain) go,e-lejana, v. hell, to victual, V. to load, seedha- &c. -bhuraa, -r. or -dhurna. victualler, rusud ka daroghu, bunjara, mookeree, rusudee, v. purveyor, nanba.ee, v. cook, victuals, khana, seedha, rusO|ee, bhojun, tu,am, ghiza, ukl, khorak, khoorish, je,onar, prisad, azooqu, V. stores, khana peena, ukl o shoorb, bhajee, v. food, provision, {sent to a house of mourning) bhatee, {humble) rookha sookha, v. fare. ■' ■' - videlicet, yu,une, jano, boojha. '' " ' ■' >'' to vie. Tees- zidd- moofakhurut-k. v to contend, emulate, buraburee- surbur- hiska- danj-k. dekha dekhee-k. v. to strive, ape. v^i t» view, nigah, nuzur, drisht, dursun, deedar, uolo- kun, lihaz, moolahuzu, moowazinu, waz-kham, V. eye, perception, sight, statement, {design) ghuruz, munsoobu, mutlub, bichar, pri,ojun, laluch, V. object, intention, {prospect) mudd i nuzur. to view, dekhna, takna, nigah- &c. -k. nuzur- &c. -phuelana, uolokna, v. to perceive. vieiver, nazir, beena, uolokee, v. spectator, vigil, chuokee, be-khwabee, jughur, jag, shubbe- daree, v. vespers, watch, {prayer) tuhujjood, numaz i shub, jagurn, rutjugga. vigilance, be-daree, khubur-daree, hoshiyaree, agahee, soort, sunchetee, cbuonk, ihtiyat, koo- kur neend, soochet, tukwahee, v. circumspec- tion, vigilant, be-dar, khubur-dar, sunchet, hcoshiyar, agah, soorteela, chuokus, chuokunna, bedar-dil, soodhmuna, ghoorraz. ui \^a>i)of^ ,%uoJto)0> < vigilantly, khubur daree- &c. -se. vigorous, zor-awur, shuh-zor, quwee, zubur-dust, bulyar, bulwunt, mstoowar, v. strong, vigorously, zor- &c. -se, v. infra. Uiul ,\j"toViir r vigor 02isness, zor-awuree, muzbocftee, zubur-dus- tee, cxjstoowaree, bulwunta,ee, shuh-zoree. vigour, zor, qoowwut, bul, taqut, tuwan, tnq- wiyut, tab, qoowwuti dil, v. energy, force, vile, nakaru, na bu kar, ni kumma, lihara, bud, boora, huqeer, be-qudr, rizalu, neech, pust, kureeh, zuleel, khwar, nujis, doon, v. mean, despicable, detestable, vilely, hiqarut- Sec. -se, na murdee- 8lc. -se, v. meanly. '>i8 ,'V«rta vileness, na-bukaree, hiqarut, be-qudree, siflu- gee, ibtizal, pustee, kurahiyut, zulalut, zillut, nujasut, khwaree, v. baseness, vilifier, mootuhhim, toohrautee, moofturee, pur- punchee. ooi^tifeis ,'v>tHwof4iijd ,»»»«*'>^V'.*' to vilify, h\xA nam- &c. -k. kulunk-&c. -liigana, dagh- &c. -churhana, v. to defame, villa, bagh, batika, khunu bagh, buethuk-khanu, V. summer-house, village, ganw, bustee, gram, poora, dih, muozu, rosta, quriyu, tehra, deeh, khera, muo, nugra. villager, gunwar, gunwela, bustee-wal, grameen, dihqanee, dihatee, rosta|ee, poor-basee. viWain, huram-zadu, numuk-huram, thug, chun- dal, but-par, hutiyara, juUad, bud-zat, v. cai- tif ueyaru, buetoolmal, ghudda, fusadee, haris, shimur, v. base, rascal, wretch, villanous, &c. v. infamous, vile, wicked. ^^^'P"" villany, huram-zadugee, dugha-bazee, numuk- huramee, thugee, thugharee, but-paree, chun- dal-pun, julladee, bud-zatee, fusad, v. vice, wickedness, to vindicate, ta,eed- pooshtee-d. thamna, sum- bhalna, oozr-k. or -lana, qa,im-r, poora-k. V. to tfe/ent/.wtamiaJn, mcoburru-pak-sucha-k. V. to justify, clear, also revenge, vindication, oozr, ibra, tuburree, pud, puch,h, ta,eed, v, defence, &c. H -Txidq .Jffdwianit ,iB-itjrfq-,99wdiii»rf* .wwlniiw VIO 681 VIR vindicator, ruwa-dar, mcDJuwwiis, puch,hee, sat- hee, V. asserlor. vindictive, keenu-wur, kuuiha, wuel-kush, inti- qam-kush, keenu-kush. vine, tak, ungoor ka durukht, v. grape, {creeper) bel, luta, buonwur, ukas buonwur, imiurbel, lurung, V. creeper. vinegar, sirkii, khul, sundhana, kanjee, v. sowins. vineyard, ungoor-istan, {of beetle leaf) bheeta, buruetha^ biire,o, pan baree, bireej ; llw. keeper of which, bure,ee, v. beetle-nut, garden, &c. vintner, mue-furosh, shurab-furosh, sooadee, kul-. war, V. tavern, abkar, mcogh, v. host. viol, rubab, surod, been, sarindu, v. violin. violable, moomkin ooz-ziiwal, bigrunhar, zuwal- puzeer, v. the verbs. to violate, bigarna, nusana, nooqsan-k. v. to hurt, {to infringe) torna, fuskh-k. pharna, phorna, shikust- bhung-k. v. to break, trespass, {to ravish) hoormut- namoos-lcaa, purdu-lootna, purdu duree- poolbundee- koundu-k. v. to force, abuse, &c. violation, shikiistugee, fuskh, shikunee, bhungta, tor, V. breach, infringement, {rape) purdudu- ree, v. trespass, also violence. violator, fasikh, koor, rooch,h, be-meud, {in comp.) shikun, {ravisher) purdu-dur, putit, V. oppressor. violence, zor, tor, jubiir, situm, buriya,ee, pri- bulta, sinhiingee, zubur-dustee, undher, ziya- dutee, w. force, hutha pa.ee, quhr, josh, khu- rosh, toondee, ghulbu, hoojoom, ghusb or ghu- sub, dhoon, ishtidad, seenu-zoree, v. assault, oppression, outrage, vehemence. violent, shudeed, sukht, toond, zor, tez, pribul, kurera, kur kiis, ziyadu, v. headstrong, knsht, be-hisab, dust-duraz, qahir, v. ardent, strong, zubur-dust, zor-awur, seenu-zor, surhung, buriyar, zalitn, v. oppressive, unnatural ; to lay violent hands on one's self, upne tu,een za,i,u-k. upne tu,een mar murna, upne oopur haUi chidana, v. suicide. violently, zor- &c. -se, bu-shiddiit, buhootera. violet, bu-nufshu, nafurman, {coloured) bu-nuf- shu,ee, aqil-khanee, v. purple. violin, violoncello, \. fiddle. violist^, been-saz. viper, nag, ufu,ce, pindujee-samp, v. snake, {fgurat.) asteun ka samp, v. viviparous. virago, miird-mar, lurankee, shemee, baghin, V. amazon, tigress, ghoondee, gliora-ghasnee, v. shrew. virgin, bakiru, do-sheezu, cheeru-bund, moog- d'la, koonaree, uggyat-joblna, unbedha-motee, V. girl, maid, kunnuya, doori nasooftu, v. ge- nuine, {pure) kora, unchhoo,a, saf, v. clean; the Virgin Mary, beebee miiryum. virginity, bikarut, bikr, dosheezugee, cheera, koonar-pun, moojdha-pun. Virgo, {the sign) sumboolu, kunniya. virility, murdee, rujooliyut, putoot, qoowwut i bah, V. manhood, manly. virtual, qiyasee, iiqlee, uslee, v. the adv. also effectual, innate, true. virtually, mu,unun, bu-wuseelu, niyabutun, su- bubun, qiyasun, fil-huqeequt, usl-men, v. really. virtue, nekee, neko,ee, bhula.ee, keerit, sulah, khoobee, sulahiyut, nem, soobha,o, murdoomee, V. goodness, prubha,o, khuslut, nihad, seerut, V. effect, piety, probity, {quality) wusf, sifut, juohur, g(»n, heer, hounur, v. excellence, worth, {efficacy) (aseer, usru, byap, khasiyut, khassxi, soobha,o, v. power, also bravp-y, means, rea- son, &c. virtuous, nek, bhula, uch-chha, khoob, khassu, mustuhsim, ootum, scondur, neko-kar, nek- bukht, salih, v. pure, musalih, tueyib, kool- wunt, sooseel, nek- or khwsh-kho, soofee, 4R VIS 6% VIV rah rast, soogoonee, husun, v. excellent, good, honest, (actions) uosaf-humeedu, v. just, {as a woman) salihu, parsa, asmu, siitee, wufu-dar, puti burta, v. chaste. virtuously, nekee- &c. -se. mrtuousness, sulahiyut, nekokaree, nek-bukhtee, V. probity. . virulence, shiddut, sukhtee, gurmee, hiddut, jar, toondee, kurwahut, tezee, kat, y. poison, venom. virulent, shudeed, sukht, gurm, hadd, toond, tez, kurwa, tulkh, tich,hun, v. malignant, qatil, zuhuree, kuta,oo, v. bitter, fatal, severe. virulently, shiddut- &c. -se, visage, deedar, dursun, y.face. viscid, viscous, lijlija, chuspan, loo,ab-dar, chikut, V. glutinous, slimy. viscidity, chuspeedugee. visible, zahir, sureeh, muru,ee, dursee, dekhna,oo, gochuree, numoodar, prigut, ashkara, v. ap- parent, perceptible. visibleness, visibility, zuhoor, gochurta, prigutta, numoodaree. , , visibly, zahinin, sureehun, vision, V. sight, beena.ee, nuzur, drisht, deeth, busarut, jot, tiyoor, qoowwuti hasiTn,{phantom) busharu, khwab khiyal, mirg-trishna, mula- mut, V. delusion, (apparition) ba|0-butas, sayu, dhokha, v. spectre, (fancy) wuhm, luhur, v. dream, imagination. visionary, wuhmee, khiyalee, bhurmee, luhuree, tusuwwooree. a visionary, mun-muojee, oonmut, dhyanee, khiyal-fasid. visit, moolaqat, gusht, bazdeed, bhent, milap, dursun, deetha, dursun, moojra, moalazumut, (to the sick) iyadut, beemar-poorsee. to visit, dekhna, bhentna, milna, moolaqat-k. kurum- suer-k. v. to come, go, meet, see, send. visitation, phira, gusht, deed, v. circuit, peram- bulation, (of Divine love) tujuUee, tuwarood, ilqa, abha, y.judgtnent. visitor, moolaqee, milapee, bhentwuya, dekh- wuya, dursuneek, da,ir o sa,ir, v. inspector, su- pervisor. visor, chihru, mookh-chhap. vital, zindu, jeeta, janka. vitals, pran usthan, jigur. to vitiate, bigarna, nusana, khurab- &c. -k. vitiation, tukhreeb, fusad, bigar, nikhidta, v. dep7-avity. vitious, vitiated, bud, boora, nikhid, zuboon, khu- rab, shuqee, mu,uyoob, bud-kho, bud-zat, shureer, tubah, tubs nuhs, mookhurrub, (as language) be-rubt, be-dhub, v. corrupt. vitiously, zuboonee- &c. -se. vitiousness, mu.uyoobiyut, zuboonee, bud-zatee, bud-kho, ee, be-rubtee, be-dhubee, v. vice, wickedness. vitreous, sheshe sa, kanch sa. vitrifaction, kunchlona, kimchiyahut. to vitrify, kunchiyana. vitriol, tootiya, zaj ; blue vitriot, neela tootiya, neela thotha; tohite vitriol, heera kusees, v. white, green, &c. vitriolic, (acid) uruqi gogird. vivacious, zindu-dil, dil-shad, shigooftu-khatir, rungeela, mugunee, v. gay. vivacity, rindu-dilee, dil-shadee, shigooftu-dilee, mugunta, bushashut, v. vividness. vivid, (as colours) shokh, chutuk, roshun, chut- keela, bhubhooka, khoolta, bhurkeela, lalolal, maroo, v. active, glowing. vividness, shokhee, chutuk, bhubhooka,ee, ro- shunee, v. vigour. vividly, shokhee- &c. -se. vivif cation, huyat-bukhshee, jan-bukhshee, su- jiyoota, uhiya. UN 683 UNA to vivify, jeelana, zindu- &c. -k. jan- &c. -d. sujee,o- &c. -k. viviparous, pinduj. vixen, lurankee, da,en, kurkusa, kaluheej kula- bin, v.jade, singhinee, rojhin, v. virago, shrew. viz. yu,une, mano, jano, yoonkur. vizier, — -yroOT wuzeer, v. minister. ulcer, ulceration, nasoor, qooruh, qurhu, paka, pukla, pirkee, suen, bundur-gha,o, v. abscess, fistula, wound, {in horses feet) niwul. to ulcerate, pirkiyaua, pukna, nasoor- &c. -h. paka-d. nasoor-k. ulcerous, ulcered, pirkiyaha, pukaha, ghuwela, V. sore. ultimate, &c. akhiree, y. final, last. umbo, qoobbu. umbrage, v. shade, &c. to take umbrage, boora-manna, mookuddur-h. v. offence. umbrageous, sayu-dar, chhanhara, jhundoola, shakh-dar, shakh-sar. umhrageousness, sayu-daree. umbrella, chhata, chhutur, chutur, chhutree, chhopee, sooruj-mookhee, aftab-geer, aftabee, punk, ha, sa,eban, v. parasol. umpire, salis, durmiyanee, beechuwu,ee, moonsif, tisra,et, salis bil khuer, hukum, w . arbitration, judge, un, tlie privative ornegative particle, is expressed in Hindoostanee by the following : un, nir, ni, u, koo, koo, be, na, bud, kum, la, gbuer, udum, upoc, door, doo, khilaf, which may be seen by consulting those words that are compounded with the privatives, dis, il, in, im, ir, less, mis, ex, out, ante, and the many examples which will occur below. As in English, these com- pounds may be formed from both adjectives and substantives almost at pleasure; and al- though it be not an easy matter to lay down exact rules for their formation, it will never- theless be very soon attained by a little atten- tion to, and practice in, the language: a consideration that has induced me to shorten this part considerably, by once for all referring the reader, for words omitted in un, to those in dis, in, &c. and (what will answer equally well) to their other synonyma, or the primi- tives themselves, to which be, un, &c. can be easily prefixed. There are a number of our verbs in un, which may be considered as a sort of negative affirmatives, that do not in fact exist in the Hindoostanee, which in al- most every instance of this kind employs the verbs kholna, ootama, nikalna, codhema, 8ic. to express to untie, unlock, unhinge, &c. I have therefore in general omitted such words, to prevent a needless repetition. I may also add, that door, bu,eed, bahur, pher, &c. must frequently be admitted in a circumlocutory mode of expressing our privatives, that prac- tice only can sufficiently illustrate to the rea- der's satisfaction, v. impossible, ill, again, 8cc. unable, be-muqdoor, u-sukt, v. unfit, na-qabil, na-la,iq, be-qaboo, u-jog, na-mu,uqool, na- tuwan, V. impotent, inability. unacceptable, na-pusund, u-bhawik, na-khrash, na-munzoor, v. disagreeable, unpleasant. unaccustomed, be-rubt^ ghuer-maDstu,umil, un- ubhyas, un-purka, na-muhrum, na-deedu, t. inexperienced unusual. unacquainted, na-ashna, na-waqif, be-khubur, u-jan, n-gyan, na-muhrum, yanu, v. ignorant. unadorned, be-ara,ish, suhuj, v. naked, be-zeb, be-zeenut, Iroch, v. plain, simple. unadvised, unadvisedly, be-tuhashu, be-sulah, v. advice, also imprudently, rash. unaffected, be-sakhtu, seedha, suhuj, v. artless, 4R 2 UNA 684 UNB real, {unmoved) ghuer-mootu,ussir, un-chit, v. regardless. unalterable, u-mit, u-tul, be-budul, v. immutable. unambitious, kum- or be-huosilu or -hiajmut, &c. V. spirit. \ ■.': unanimity, ittifaq, ek-dilee, ek-munee, ek-chitta, ek-rungee, ittihad, ek-jihutee, v. unity, con- cord. unanimous,, moottufiq, ek-dil, ek-mun, ek-cliit, ek-rung, hum-dil, hum-zuban, v. concordant, hum-_or ek-sulah, -mushwurut, -kulam, -goo- khun, &c. ek-moonh, ek-soo, v. opinion. unanimously, ek dilee- &c. -se. unanswerable, &c. la-juwab, la-rudd, un-cottur, la-kulam, be-juwab, dundan-shikun, mocnh- tor, moomtunu ool-juwab, v. irrefragible, un- doubtedly. unappeasable, u-santee, v. implacable. unapplicable, unapt, &c. v. unfit, dull, also im- proper. unapprehensive, be-wuswas, v. fearless, na-fuhm, u-bodh, V. ignorant. unappropriated, ghuer-malik, ghuer-moo,ueyun, ghuer-mooshukbkhus, (land) umwat. , unarmed, ni-hutha, be-huthiyar, be-siiah, ni- dhal, klioolee-kumur, v. defenceless. unasked, be-tuliib, be-istidau, be-poochhe, be- bolaiC, un-bolaya, toofuel-ee. unassisted, be-mudud, be-puch|h, be-sathee, v. alone. unattainable, u-joor, ghuer-mooyussir, u-lubh, ghuer moomkiii ool hcnsool. unattempted, bila azinoodu, v. untried. unattended, ek-chhura, jureedu, be-yar yawur, V. alone, be-dasht. j i » unavailing, ubus, be-taseer, be-fa,idu, v. fruit- less, useless, unavoidable, S:c. u-tul, u-met-, la-rudd, v. ine- vitable, also certain. '. ,. " unauthorised, be-ruza, be-rookhsut, be-hcbkm, > be-sund, v. authority, order, unawares, ek-a,ek, un-chit, u-chanuk- na-guhan, be-khubur, v. suddenly, unbecoming, unbefitting , na-zeb, un-oochit, be- sobha, be-phubta, un-sohit, una- or bud-suj, bud-nooma, v. improper, indecent. .,_, ^i^s , unbegotten, un-beeja, ghuer- tookhmee. ' > unbeliever, un-ischuek, ghuer-mootuyuqqin, v. disbeliever, infidel. <.iivjb .it\H\?.% to unbend, ootarna, kholna, dheela-k. oogharna, shigoofta-k. v. to relax, recreate, unbent, ootira, dheela, khoola, v. relaxed, {not intent) be-fikr. unbiassed, usthir, be-muel, u-puch|h, v. impar- tial. <\H /j'.v.^u unbid, oopraree, be-kuhe, v. unasked. unblameable, nir-dokliee, v. blameless. unblemished, ni-rogee, kora, v. spotless. unboiled, un-seejha, ghuer-mutbookh, v. raw. , unborn, na-pueda, un-juna. ^ vMUMtm to embosom, kholna, kuhna, v. to reveal. unbound, (too^) ghuer-moojullud, y.free. unbounded, M-Tp3X, be-hudd, ghuer-mooheet, ghuer- muhdood, be-nihayut, be-thikana, ghuer-moo- heet, be-shoomar, uprumpar, ghuer-mootuna- hee, V. boundless, unboundedly, be-nihayutee- &c. -se, v. infinity. to unbrace, ootara, v. to unbend. ft-iy^-Af ^,,i+ . unbribed, ukoree, ghuer-mcortushee, v. incor- rupt. unbridled, he-lufTixm, v. licentious. ,, unbroken, un-toota, na-shikustu, v. whole. unbroiherly, ubhrata, nir-bhuewadee, be-bura- duranu, v. unkind. [, >>,,.. .,)j^n ^^^^ ^,, unburied, un-gara, be-dufun o-kufu?i, na-mud- foon. unburnt, un-jula, na-sokhtu, {as a Hindoo) uguti. ,i ilTtno)!? UNC 685 UNC lo unburtlien, v. to emptt/, soobook bar-k. y.toun- bosom. uncandid, na-saf, na-rast, usut, lupetwan, v. de- ceitful. uncaught, uii-pukra, na-giriftu. unceremonious, \.free, ni-sung, be-tukullojf, v. plain. uncertain, ghuer-mooqurrur, ghuer-moo.iieyun, be-thikana, un-nishchue, un-usthir, be-subat, na-inu.uloom, uii-jau, be-mu,umool, moozub- zub, zuwal-piucer, v.amhit/uoiis, doubtful, un- stable, unsettled, irregular. uncertainty, ghuer-mooqurree, be-subatee, na- mii,uloomee, v. doubt, inaccuracy, &c. uncertainty , tuz.ubzcob, lupet, v. suspence. unchangeable, v. immutable, &c. uncharitable, pust-himmut, kum-huosilu, doon- himmut, tung-dil, sukht, kripin-chit, hasid, be-fuez, be-hinimut, u-poonec, u-data, v. illi- beral, narrow, also bigot, censorious. uMcAarti--.--i',' n'nemployed, be-kar, nir-ooddim, be-shcoghl, moo- iittul, be kam ka, be-rozgar, be-kar, khanu- niisheen or -goozeen. to be unemployed, buethna, v. disengaged. unequal, v. inferior, na-humwar, v. uneven, be- mel, un-mila, be-undazu, v. disproportioned, {irregular) ghuer-mooqurrur, be-thikana, v. incapable. unequalled, be-manind, be-humta, be-nuzeer, la- sanee, udo.et. unequally, kum-ziyad, kum-besh, be-undazugee, V. irregularly. ' unerring, ucliook, be-khuta, nishaii-undaz. uneven, na-humwar, ghuer-moosuttuh, oonch- neech, nushcb-furaz, ookbur kbabhur, behur, mota-putla, v. rough, phoosruha, rookha, iighur, khonchuha, rugeela, riigdar, v. rugged. unevenness, na-humwaree, nusheb-furazee, be- huree, ooncha.ee neecha.ee. unexamined, un-juncha, ghuer-tufteesh, iipurkha, unexampled, la-sanee, be-misul, \ . peerless. unexceptionable, bila-tu,urrooz, ghuer-moO|arizu, nir-dokhee, v. blameless. nnixecuted, nSi-turciSiva, udhoora, \. imperfect. K'nexpected, na-guhan, eka-ek, uchanuk, unchit, uochuk, ghuer-mooturruqib. unexpectedly, na guhanee-se, v. the adj. unexpectedness, naguhanee, eka,ekee, uochukee. unexpert, na-kareegur, na-kusbee, unaree, V. clumsy. •■■•■,'.■ unfair, na rast, na saf, v. foul, .'';iiHJX-io;i;'{ unfaithful, be-wufa, bud-quol, v. perfidious, treachery, &c. unfashionable, be-riwaj, be-chulun, v. rare, unfashioned, be-duol, v. clumsy, unfathomable, utha, agum, ununt, v. deep, unfavourable, na mihr ban, na-mcDsa,ud, be- kirpa, ghuer-mooltufit, na-moorad, na-moowa- fiq, bhudra, v. unsuspicious, \ 8cc. unfavourableness, na-mooradee. unfavourably , na-mihrbanee- &c. -se. unfeathered, or fledged, be-purobal, leda, pots, nir-Iomee, y.^callow. unfeeling, v. remorseless, be-ruhm, nirmohee, sung-dil, sukhtgeer, v. cruel, unfeigned, ubhuglee, be-heelu, v. real, sincere, unfelt, unjan, ghuer-muhsoos. - r unfenced, be-purdu, be-ar, v. open, unfilled, unbhura, na-mu,umoor, ochha, v. empty, unfinished, na-tumam, be-insiram, be-unjam, udhoora, unbuna, na-sakhtu, unbina, na-tue- ■^ ax, y. half imperfect, unfit, na-la.iq, na-hinjar, na-dooroost, na-rusa, na- sha.istu, na-qabil, na-muozoon, v. unbecoming, improper, to unfix, ootarna, nikalna, karhna, ookharna, kliohia, oothana, v. to loosen, unfledged, geda, leda, v. unfeathered. to unfold, kholna, pusarna, oodherna, v. to dis- close, unforced, ghuer-mujboor, subus, v. spontaneous, unforeseen, na-deedu, u-soojh. unformed, un-buna, be-duol, v. uncreated, unfortified, be-purd, be-punah, be-ar, be-luga,o, be-poosht punab, v. open, unfounded, be-thikana, be-booniyad. unfortunate, v. ivretched, bud-bukht, bud- or be- nuseeb, be-jus, uondha-bukht, nibukhta, bur- guslitu-bukht, mcobtila, u-bhagee, lachar, muflook, kum-nuseeb, be-buhru, v. unlucky. UNH 689 UNI unfrequent, v. rare, kuin, thora, ate men numuk, V. uncommon. unfrequented, thuadha, surd, khoonuk, oodas,be- chohul. unfriendly, ghuer-ashna, ashna-koosh, na ashna mizaj, umitr nadost, ghuer-dostanu, v. unkind. unfruitful, u-phul, un-phul, v. bare. to unfurl, kholna, oodjierna. unfurled, un-lupeta. to unfurnish, torphor-k. noch nach-k. v. tostrip, also empty. unfurnislied, na-saz. ungenerous, b e-f uez , be-himmut, na j u wan-murd , tung-chushm, v. narrow, uncharitable, disin- genuous. ungodly, nakhooda turs, ghuer-salih.khoodadoosh- mun, namu-siyah, v. wicked. ungovernable, sur-kush, moonh-zor, be-lugam, -T'. uthumb, zalim-purust, v. wild. ungraceful, usuj, be-dhub, be-zeb, v. awkward. ungracious, be-mooruwwut, be-seel, v. offensive, hateful, &c. ungrammatical, be-qa,idu, be-nibt, na-murboot, nir-ubhyas, be-sootr, v. irregular. 'j.oo-j ungrateful, na-shookr, na-scnpas, be-wufa, na- shookr-gcDzar, na-huqq-shunas, be-ihsan, kafir- niumut, be-nikh, be-nihora, be-kunuora, numuk-huram, nirgoonabadee, v. thankless. ungratefully, na-shookree- &c. -se, v. ingrati- tude, also disagreeableness, &c. unguarded, be-lihaz, u-chet, v. careless, be-ar, ni- dhal, V. unfortified. unhallowed, na-pak, ghuer-mooquddus, v. pol- luted. unhandsome, na-mu,uqool, v. ugly, &c. unhandy, be-dhub, na-mu,uqool, v. clumsy. unhappy, v. unfortunate, na-khoosh, na-khoosh- ,.',-; nood, nir-unundee, dil-tung, u-prisun, husrut zudu, na-shad, v. afflicted, miserable, also wretchedness. to unharness, kholna. unhealthful, na-moowafiq, na-saz, dookh-da,ee, V. unwholesome. unhealthy, na tun dooroost, be-aram, na-sihut, un- sookhee, v. sickly. unheard, un-soona, unjan, v. obscure. to unhinge, cboole-ookharna, kunnee-katna, v. to annoy. unholy, na-masquddus, v. impious, impure. unhopeful, na-burkhoordar, doobunhar, v. hope- less. to unhorse, ghore se girana. to unhouse, beghur-k. oojarna, bedukhul-k. v. to expel. unhurt, bechot, besudmu, bezuwal ; also unim- paired. , unicorn, guenda, gurgudun. uniform, eksan, ekhee, eksoo, burabur, ekduol, ekturash, hum-war, moowafiq, ekrung, hum- sookhun, ekroo, v. same. a uniform, bana, tughmu, v. dress. uniformity, eksanee, buraburee, mtnwafuqut, mel, yeganugee, ek-rungee, ek-duolee, v. con- formity, &c. uniformly, mel- &c. -se. uninformed, ghuer-moottilu, be-khubur, v. igno- rant. uninhabited, unbusa, nirjun, na-abad, nirbusgit, ghuer-sukoonut, v. depopulated. unimportant, udna, chhota, v. trifling. uninstructed, un-sikha, un-sadha, be-tu,uleem, v. illiterate. unintelligible, un-jan, be-sumujh, na-danistu, moomtunnu ool fuhm, mujhool bil mujhool, V. unmeaning. uninterested, la-gburz, be-swarth, v. heedless, dis- interested. , ,/ n 4 S UN J 690 UNL uninterrupted, un-untur, bila fasilu, un-toota, v. successively, uninvited, be-du,uwut, be-nuota, toofuelee, v. unhid, unasked, union, yeganugee, ekiyut, ek-diiee, ba-humee, ittifaq, ittihad, sunghut, jor, puewustugee, ek- joog, joree, sunjookt, v. concord, junction, &c. unison, ek-soor, hum-awaz, unit, ekun, ekka, v. one. unitarian, moowuhhid. to unite, v. a. ek- &c. -k. milana, jorna, sutana, wusl-k. jootana, bahum-k. joog- ekung-k. ganthna, lugana; t. n. mc»ttuhid- &c. -h. milna, joorna, jootna, sutna, ittifaq-k. lugna, puchna, guthna, humdiim-h. v. to apply, join. united, moottuhid, ek, moottufiq, yeganu, yek- /sdil, mila-joola, puewustu, tuo.um, doogana, V. unanitnous. unitedly, milke, ek dilee-se. unity, V. union, uhdiyut, wuhdutj tuoheed, wuh- . ; daniyut, ekta, eka,ee, yiganugee, ekta.ee, fur- diyut, V. uniformity, &c. 0W(» ,iCKf>K. universal, mootluq, koollee, jami, sumpoGrun, alum-geer, joomlu, surb mue, alum-nushur, ' "V. whole. universality, koolliyut, umoomiyut, joomlugee. universally, bil-kroll, kooll o hoom, umoomun, dur o bust. universe, alum, tri-lok, khulq-oollah, ka,inat, alum-tumam, joomlu-juhan, dajnya-bhur, v. creation, world. i-jt-\^av:% university, mudrusu. unjust, na-huqq, be-insaf, ghuer-moonsif, ghuer- wajibee,be-pud,un-nya,ee, be-dad,be-dadgur, na-mu,uqool, oopud, v. unreasonable, unjustifiable, upuch,h, ghuer moomkin ool ibra, V. inexcusable. -NV Unjustly, be-insafee- &c. -ae, be-udi, be-taqseer, huqqna huqq, yoonhee. unique, taq, v. singular.;-'^ "i-i^t."' ^K^'tM-s^sj^i to unkennel, bahur-k. or -nikalna. unkind, be-shufqut, be-mihr, na mihr ban, be- muya, be-duya, bud-kh^yah, v. severe, un- bhula, un-seela, na-moola,im, be-durd, be- mooruwwut, v. harsh, unkindly, na mibrbanee- &c. -se. "tt^S'sMT^nM unkindness, na mihr banee, be-mihree, be-shuf- qutee, bud-khwahee. unknowingly, unjan, yoonhee, na-danistu, na danee- &c. -se, undha gha,een, be-kbubur, v. ignorant. -irnvniiX: unknown, na-mu,uloom, ghuer-mu,tiroof, u-jan, un-puhchan. to unlade, v. to empty, ootarna, nikalna, oobhar- na, V. to exonerate, unlawful, khilaf-shuru, ghuer-shuru,ee, na- mushroou, ghuer-ja,iz, u-put, u-bed, un-reet, huram, na-ja,iz, na-ruwa, be-shasturee, ghner- moojuwwuz. unlawfully, bila-shuru, v.theadj.iAso illegiti- mate. "A unlawfulness, un-reetta, na-dooroostee, na-moosh- roo,ee, v. injsutice. unlearned, &c. unsikha, moorukh, j^hil, , na- khwandu, t. illiterate. mi ,'i6xV unshaken, ghuer-moozturib, un-dola, utul, v.firm. to unsheath, ulum-k. . :lvv>;u" unshorn, un-kutra, un-moonda. »>".»« unsightly, bud-nooma, bud-zeb, be-dhub, bud- soorut, \. ugliness, .iiii»>%M .y:d[Jte*si»«5ttj> unskilful, be-hoonur, nir-goonee, na-rusa, pus fitrut, V. ignorant. unskilled, na-waqif, ghuer-mootuli, na-shu,qor,t na-rusa, na-qabil, be-suleequ. / UNT 693 UNW unsociable, un-mil, na-amez, unmila, ekulhora, tuna-khor, v. reserved, ignorant, &c. unsought, un-khoja, unmaiiga, na-khastu, be- durkhwast, v. solicitation. unsound, iiebdar, mU|Uyoob, na-tundcoroost, v. sickly, also wrong, false. unsown, un-bo,a, ghuer-muzroou, na-kashtu. unspeakable, be-burnun, v. inexpressible. unspotted, be-dagh, be-butta, v. spotless. unstable, unsteady, he-qwrar, be-subat, na-pa,edar, be-qiyam, be-sukoon, udheeruj, be-buqa, ha- dis. j»isne/y, be-wuqt, u-kal, koo-ber; an untimely death, juwanu murg, koo-muot, v. premature. untired, na-mandu, uthuk, v. indefatigable. unto, ko, ke tu,een, v. to, &c. untold, un-kuha, un-bola. untouched, un-chhoo,a. untractable, &c. ek-bugga, be-zubt, v. ungovern- able, unmanageable, stubborn, &c. untried, na-azmoodu, un-kusa, ghuer-moojurrub. untroubled, nir-mul, be-ghoobar, v. calm, clear. untrue, na-rast, u-sut, ghuer-musdooq. untruth, na-rastee. untutored, be-tu,uleem, v. untaught. to untwine, unwind, &c. oobhama, oodherna. unvanquished, ujeet, bijue, v. unconquerable. unviolated, un-usht, un-bigra, ua-toota, na- shikustu, y.pure, safe. unuseftl, be-fa,idu, v. useless. unusual, be-chulun, be-riwaj, kum, be-isti,unial, V. uncommon. unutterable, nu-bolunjog, be-burnun, be-buyan, ghuer-mootuluffuz. unwalled, be-puuah, v. open. unwanted, unwisht, be-tulub, un-manga, v. un- sought. unwarrantable, be-duleel, be-sunud, be-hisab, v. unjustifiable. unwary, be-ihtiyat, be-undeshu, ghafil, uchet, be-khubur, v. careless, rash. unwashed, iui-dho,a, na-shoostu, u-suoch. unwearied, u-thuk, u-tul. unwelcome, na-pusund, na-khoosh, na-dil-pizeer, V. disagreeable. unwell, ua-dooroost, aa-saz, na-khoosh, un-mnna. m^ VOL unwholesome, na-guwani, na-moowafiq, nir-bul, V. haneful, na-khoosh, na-saz, v. bad. unwholesomeness , na-moowafuqut, nir-bulta. unwieldy, u-chul, bharee, wuzunee, v. heavy, unwilling, be-mun, na-razee, be-dil, na-khoosh- nood, na-bir, kum-shuoq, nir-muna, v. averse, nnwillinyhj, bedilee-se. unwillingness, be-dilee, na-khooshnoodee. unwise, na-dan, be-shu,qor, ugyan, nir-boodh, v. foolish, door-mutee, la-aqil, na-uqlmund, v. silly, unwisely, nadanee-se. unwittingly, ujan, bekhuburee-se, be-khwastu, suhwim. unworthiness, be-qudree, be-hconuree, be-juohu- » ree, ghuer-moDstuhuqee, na-la,iqee, na-suza- waree. unworthy, be-qudr, be-hconur, be-juohur, ghuer- moostuojib, ghuer-mcnstuhuq, na-la,iq, na- suzawar, ni-kumma, nir-man, v. unprincipled, worthless. unwritten, un-likha, na-nuwishtu, na-nigashtu. to unyoke, kholna. vocable, kulimu, shubd, v. word. vocabulary, furhung, Icnghat, kos, kosh, nam mala, khaliq-baree, nisab, v. dictionary. vocal, suotee, nuwa,ee, shubdee ; vocal and in- strumental music, gana bujana, nugbmu siiotee o sazfee, bajun-gajun, soz o saz, v. verbal. vocation, v. trade, summons, &c. vocative, nida, sumbodhun, {ablative) knrum karuk, upadan or adhar, mufool-feehi, -luhoo, -mu,uhoo, V. the Grammar, p. 55. to vociferate, ghool ghupara- &c. -k. vociferation, shor-pooshtee, ghuogha, ghool-gbu- para, shor-shur. • ' "H-'f .bn vociferous, shor-poosht, ghuogha.ee, shoree. vogue, riwaj, chal, churcha, chulun, \. fashion. voice, awaz, suda, snot, bol, soor, kook, nida, v. sound, (of a verb) fusl, ujbhee kurn, whence prigut ubhee kurn, and fusli mu,viroof, the active, and tudooh ubhee kurn, and fusli muj- hool, the passive; to break as the voice, kunth- phootna; to raise the voice, gula-oothana. void, khalee, tihee, soon, v. null, moo,uttul, mun- sookh.batil, v. vacant, vain, &c. also without, to void, kurna, dalna, girana, buethna, jhama, nikalna, v. to emit, volatile, seemab-tubu, chunchul, chupul, mun- muojee, v. airy, fickle, &o. volcano, jo,ala mookhee, burhm jon. volition, mookhtaree, chahut, v. will, volitive, mookhtar. volley, shulukh, barh, dewurh, v. shower, volubility, zuban-awuree, zuban-chalakee, zuban- durazee, liblibahut, phurphuiahut, toomturaq, kurk, V. fluency, voluble, zuban-awur, zuban-chalak, zooban-duraz, but-chul, bukta, turrani, libliba, fuwwara, turra, v. glibe.i'^ •vV>3tb'?9B6 srf .\t\WWftn'j»i».i« volume, jild, duftur, kitab, namu, shastur, pothee,^ rookn, kand, toomar, v. book, fold, part, voluminous, toomaree, tooltuweel.'lumba-chuora, V. diffuse, voluntarily, ap-se, khood bu khood, aphee ap, khooshee-se. . .9T«^vy .ittoi-tta ,iH >4Mi5?.r,v' voluntary, ikhtiyaree, iradee, qusdee, uz-khood, V. spontaneous, volunteer, v. cadet, ekka, oopkaree, nujeeb, v. regiment, voluptuous, voluptuary, ueyash, jushnee, shikum- purust, animdee, luhuree, muojee, yar-bash,- mugunee, uobash, rusiya, ruseela, rung-rusee, shuhwut-purust, v. sensual, voluptuously, ueyashee- &c. -se. voluptuousness, ueyashee, uobashee, yar bashee, shikum-purustee. IWP^ 696 UPS vomick-nut, muen-phul, juoz ml que, koockla. vrnnit, moostufrigh, bumun-karee. tovomit, que-rudd- istiiVagh-oocbhal-bumun-k. bhoo,een-dekhna, chhandna, cbhant-k. dak- Iiigna, okna, bokna, dokna, oobkana, rudd- ana, y.to cast, vomiting, oobka,ee, v. the verb, voracimis, joou ool-buqur, joou ool-kulub, ukool, thojun-das, kha,oo, y. greedy, bhookhmoo.a, jhokhala, hurees, huokaha, v. ravenous, voracity, &c. joou tul-buquree, joou ool-kulubee, huoka, V. bulimy, vortex, chukur, bhiinwur, gird-ab, wurtu. votaress, sewukee, &c. w)iary,fidwee,fidvee,bunda,ghoolam,sewuk,das, kinkur, copasuk, jan-uisar, hajutee neeyutee, prunee, manunee, v. /. hxitkat ; the vowel points, i,«irab, v. mark, point, voyaye, niwa,ee, duriyaiee-fiufur, juhazee.-sufur, suer-diiriya.ee, y, journey, voyager, >duriya,ee-niot)8afir, v. traveller, up, oopur, pur, bala, fuoq, {not down in bed or osfeeja) buetha, a>tha, jaga, khura, v. to erect, cDJan, V. to high, &c.; up and down, idhur oodhur, eehan wuhan; tip to, tuk, tuluk, ko, toree, lug, tu,een, bhur, burabur; up up, get up, ooth ooth, oothbueth, ooth khura ho. For logo up, get up, uphold, &c. v. to mount, rise, &o. It is more difficult for a boat to go up (a river) than to go down, kijjhtee ko ziyadu mooshkil hue churba,o {or. oojan) jana ootar {or bhuthiyal) -se ; it is easier to come down than to go up a hill, puhar se ooturna asan hue puhar pur churhne-se. to upbraid, moonh pur-Iana, tu.unu- mehna-, " -mama, surzunish-k. dugudhna, mulamut-k. V. to reproach, revile, &,c. upbraider, tu,vinu-zun. upbraidingly, tu,unu zunee- &c. -se. to uphold, oothana, thambna, pukurna, v. to sup- port. upon, pur, oopur, v. en. upper, balatur, zubureen, oopur-uota, oopulla;. to have the upper hand, zuburdust-h. v. outer. upper-chamber, bala-khanu. upper-hand, bala-dust, v. to surpass. upper-leather, putta. uppermost, v. upper, &c. v upright, khura, seedha, surla, sojrolira, khura, rast, V. honest, virtuous, sadiq ool-quol, saf-dil, oostuwar-uhud, nek-baz, rah-rast, pak-saf, rast-baz, rast-moo,amilu, poora, y.fair. uprightly, rastee- &c. -se. uprightness, seedha,ee, surla,ee, soorohra.ee, ras- tee, khura.ee, v. honesty. uproar, ghool ghupara, shor shur, ghuogha, ghoDl ghoolu, hank pokar, hoollur, hungamu; huol juol, \. tumult, dhoom dham, shuhur-ashob, V. clamour. to upset, ooltana, oolatna, tul oopur-k. ^^ upshot, V. issue, bookhar, unt.J^Jiumiyazu, v. (con- sequence. upside-down, zer zubur, tub o bala, joolut poolut, neeche oopur, tul oopur, ,uon,dha, sir-tulwya, tulput ookroobala, sur gurdan, ^ur nigpon, wazh goon, v. topsy-turvy. ;^^, USA 696 usv upstart, kul ka admee, nuo-duolut, nuo-burha, nuo-dhun, nuo-ba,ee, gooh kee chuola,ee. upwards, v. up, &c. oopur, also {more than) barh, adhik, ziyadu, siwa, v. above. urbanity, v. hospitality, mooruwwut, lootf, mur- doomee, uhliyut, bhul-munsa,ee, v. civility, also facetiousness. urchin, \. punch, ba,ona, gittukh, bundur, memna, V. dwarf. urethra, na|izu, mootr doowar, mootnee. to urge, urana, dubana, tuqazu-k. bujid- &c. -h. huth- rugur-k. v. to push, takeed-k. hooriya- na, gansna, gule-purna, lulchana, v. to impor- tune, press, solicit. ■urgency, zuroout, na-charee, tungee, tuqaza, duba,o, rugur, tushuddood, sukhtee, v. impor- tunity, pressure. urgent, zuroor, lazim, na-goozeer, ahum, takee- dee, sukht, luhlot, \. pressing, cogent, mootuq- azee, bujid, moossir, moostubid, urel, v. impor- tunate. urgently, rugur- &c. -se. urinal, qarooru, buol-dan, peshab-dan, purguhee, mootuhree, y.piss, &c. urinary, buolee, peshabee. urine, pesb-ab, moot, buol, shashu, luksunka, sooch, qarooru, v. urinal. to urine, mootna, peshab- &c. -k. istinja-k. urinous, khura.end. urn, soorahee, koozu, jhujhur, gool-dan, v. pot, suteewur, v. tomb. uroscopy, qarooru-shinasee, qarooru-beenee. us, hum, humon, hume, v. we, I, me. usage, soolook, hurkut, reet, chal, also (custom) dustoor, ruwaj, chulun, dhung, v. manner, way, kur, shoodamud, ruwish, mu,umool, bur- tesur, bundhej, pribha,o,burbust, a,een, qa,idu, muhawuru ; according to usage, dustoor moo- wafiq, husbool mU|Umool, v. practice. use, V. utility, hurt, isti,umal, umul, khurch, wird, mushq, rubt, kam, khidmut, tuhul, sadhunee, v. habit, practice, usage, {need) dur- kar, ihtiyaj, ghuruz, projun, v. occasion, con- venience, &c. to use, burtna, kam- &c. -men lana, isti,umal-k. chulana, kurna, bujhana, oorahna, unwasna, lugana, v. to apply, employ, khurch-k. v. to expend, (accustom) mu,umool-k. sadhna, hil- ana, v. tohabituate, {to freaf) scolook- &c. -k. V. usage, &c. also to practise, behave, &c. ; do as you used to do, kuro juesa age kiya kurte the, V. to keep, also wanf, 8cc. -mMiao .itsv (Urn ,x^m UlT 697 uxo to usurp, cliheen-berli-lena, na hiiqq-Iena, zubur- duitee- &c. -se lena, v. violence, &c. usurpation, gliusub, tu,uddee, diist-durazee, dust- boordee, zubur-dustee, v. oppression, possession, robber I/, &c. usurped, mughsoob. usurper, dust-duraz, zubur-dust, gbasib, v. ty- rant, &c. usury, muel, v. interest, riba, bjaj-khoree, sood- khoree. utensil, bin tun, zurf, v. loot, vessel. uterine, rihmee, v. womb, (furor) kumba,ce. utility, V. use, kam, fa.idu, nufu, intifau, soodj labh, iirih, arain, sookh, v. advantage, 8cc. utmoit, utter, uttermost, nibayut, gba,it, khuele, iiiput, kooll o hoom, v. utterli/, extreme, Sic; to do one's utmost, huttul muqdoor- huttul iii)kan- nioomkin col wusu- hudd bhur- bhur suk-k. V. best. to utter, kuhna, boliia, oocharna, nikalna, kharij-, zahir^k. kholna, furmana, v. to speak, dum- marna, v. to articulate, pronounce, divulge, also to sell. utterable, tiiliiffoo/.-puzeer, oochar-unjog. utterance, mukhruj, oochar, tuluffooz, lubo luhju, V. deliverance, speech. utterly, luuhu?., niootluq, sirf, niput, hudd, iiihajut, tuinmut tumain, v. out, quite, utmost, also znholly, &c. vulgar, anim, piisid, prigtit, niushjioor, v. verna- cular, &c. mrfee, v. common, eetur, cbhota, v. plebeian, {mean) kuinecnu, pajcc, pajiyanu, moobtuzul, neech, v. low ; the vulgar, uwam, rubaqee tubaqee, jojhla, uhalee muwalee, am- log, umka dhumka, lullo jugdhur, koonjre bhuthi^'are, uwain oon-nas, telee tumbolee, {fond of ) pajee-nuwaz or -purust, v. dregs, tag, &c.; a vulgar error, ghulut cdI ainm. vulgarity, vulgarism, kunieen-pun, pajee-gnree, iieecha,ee, eeturta, pooch, pi, poochiyat, v. lowness, meanness. vulgarly, umoomun, oorfun, uwamon-men. vulnerable, moomkin ool mujrooh, gba,o-jog. vulture, gidh, kurgiis, nusiir, khiigraj. vulva, V. privities, choot, iiesee-tuesee, teeta, poptee, fulan, cheecha, v. pudendum. uvula, lar, kag, ghantee, luhat, Ida, kuwwa, {to adjust) guIa-cDthana. uxorious, zun-mooreed, zun-purust, istree-mue, joroo ka tuttoo, kur-lugoo,a, zun-dost, v. ass, blockhead, &c. uxoriousness, zun-mooreedee, zun-punistee. 4 T 698 w WAG w. This letter is so convertible with b, v, o, and 00, that it is not an easy matter, in many cases, to say which of these should be pre- ferred, although we must confess that few of the Hindoostanees can pronounce the v pro- perly, it has therefore, even in Sunskrit words, seldom been used in this work, vide v. wad, wadding, nuwalu, kusun, zamin. to waddle, dugmugee chal-chulna, butuk chal- chulna, mutukta-chulna. to wade, helna, khure panw-ooturna, pa,e ab- ooturna, v. to cross, ford, swim. wafer, chupra, chipta, teekiya. to waft, lejana, chulana, oora- buha-lejana, puhconchana, lunghana, v. to carry, wave. wag, waggish, muskhuru, thuthebaz, thutholiya, hurraf, shokh, v. arch. to wag., V. a. hilana, dolana, chulbulana; v. n. hilna, dolna. to wage, kurna, lena, v. to war. wager, shurt, hor, da.o, uskjiur, hora haree, shurta shurtee, boord bakht. to wager, budna, lugana, shurt- &c. -b. hora haree- &c. -k. wages, tulub, muwajib, mooshahiru, mihnutanu, bhar, khurchee, v. pay, &c. waggish, hureef, zureef, shureer, dhoorut, v. frolicksome, &c. WAK waggishness, &c, hureefee, zureefee, shurarut, thuthe-bazee. waggon, &c. chhukra, urabn, urabu, v. cart. wagtail, dhobee chiriya, khunjun, khindrich, mumola, sooreech, sawa, mooseecha. to wail, &c. bilbilana, kookna, v. to lament. wainscot, tukhtu bundee, khatim-bundee. to wainscot, tukhtu bundee-k. waist, kumur, miyan, kuti, lunk, kurha.on, dand, v. middle. waistband, kumur-bund, putooka, putka, v. gi7-dle. waistcoat, cholee, futoohee. wait, ghat, da,o, joogut, kumeen, v. ambush. to ivait, rah-dekhna, bat-johna, intizaree- subur- -k. ruh-j. tuwuqqoof-k. ursu-kheechna, lug-- ruhna, khoont-buethna, v. to expect, tarry, {on a superior) moolazlmut- mcojra- dursun-, bhent-k. v. respects, (to stay) thuhurna, ruh- ' na, dirung- biiurab-k. utukna, {to attend) khidmui-k. tu.uenat- hazir-h. buna-ruhna, v. to visit, &c. waiter, waiting, (servant) khidmut-gar, peela- wunhara, saqee, hazir-bash,v. attendant, page. wake, (mourning) chaleeswan, chihloom. to wake, waken, v. n. jagna, be dar-h. oothna, tare-ginna, ankh-kholna ; v. a. jugana, oDtba- na, be dar-k. wakeful, be-dar, oojug, v. vigilant. WAN 699 WAR wakefulness, be-daree, sbubbe-daree, oojugta, v. viffilance. walk, suer, cbihil-qudmee, gusbt, phira, mushee, phir-cbul, bhool-chnl, v. exercise, recreation, (place) suergah, (gait) chal, ruftar, ruwisb, also (alley) mend, v. way, space, &c. to walk, V. n. chnlna, v. to come, go, phirna, tubulna, dobia, khiram-k. qudum-jana or -ana, roogna, dugurna, mushee-k. v. to move, chibil qudnmee- &c. -k. ; v. a. tuhlana, phenia, chulana, dolana. walker, chulwuya, chulunbar, qudum-baz, (in comp.) gurd, ruo; whence koochu-gurd, a street-walker, &c. wall, deewar, deewal, bheet, khanwa, pakha, kot, soor, (of a tent) qunat, (of a city) shuhr- panah, (Alexander's) sudd i sikundur, (shade) deewar-geer. to wall, deewar- &c. -kheencbna, -duorana, or oothana, char deewaree-k. wallet, jhola, zumbeel, jholee, kantha, v. bag. tQ wallop, khud-budana, bhud-bhudana, dubh- dubhana, phnd-phudana, dubhukna, v. to roll, to wallow, lotna, lot pot-k. ghul tuk-marna, ghultan-h. (jiyurat.) doobna, ghurq-b. walnut, ukhrot, cbar-mughz, gird i gan. wan, zurd, peela, zu.ufranee, wand, chhiree, putkun, scBtkconee, qumchee, cbhikoonee, v. stick, to wander, rumna, phirna, dolna, rubarna, burzu gardee-k. awaru-h. bhutukta-phirna, zumeen- napna, moolk-khandna, handua, v. to ramble, rove, (to stray) bhiitukna, bhoohia, gcom rah-, be rah-h. v. to deviate, wanderer, wandering, awaru, dm bu dur, dawan- dol, huizu-gurd, rumta, v. stroller, oopum- basee, sueyar, ba,o dundee, v. rover, irresolute, wane, chhinta, ghat, mihaq, ztiwal, tunuzzool, V. decrease. to wane, ghotna, chhin-h. kum- &c. -h. znwaU &c. men-h. dhulna, v. to decline, wanness, zurdee, peelahut, want, (need) ihtiyaj, hajut, mutlub, khwabish, laluch, durkhwast, projun, chah, v. wish, pokar, khuench, v. demand, (deficiency) ghat, tota, tora, nooqs, ncnqsan, chutee, ujoortee, v. scar- city, {■penury) tungee, knsh a kush, suket, kushtj itlas, v. poverty, &c. to want, (to wish) chahna, dnrkhwast- &c. -r. mangna, khwahan- poorsan-h. poocbhna, v. to require, bhookha-h. v. to hunger, beg, (to need) zuroor- durkar-chuheeta-h. v. nece«*rtry, (to lack) khalee-h. v. without, (to be deficient) qasir- naqis- kum- ghat-b. \. less. v}anting, ochha, naqis, na-tumam, v. defective. wanton, shokh, ubtur, be-huya, be-ghuerut, gub- bur, dheeth, chupui, chunchul, khilar, must, kamee, da,o ghatee, mustanu, mukhmoor, ul- bela, uchpul, chikna, luhur-baz, mangna, bud- must, choDl-chooliya, uthkhel, oodtaada, kafir, V. lascivioiisness, rank, &c. (eye) nurgis mukh- moor, (licentious) be-zubt, be-lugam, v. gay. wanton, (lecher) khilar, rindee-baz, (strumpet) khilaree, yar-baz, utkhel, pute-baz. to wanton, khelna, shokhee- &c. -k. muoj- lu- hur-marna, v. to revel. wantonly, shokhee- &c. -se. wantonness, shokhee, ubturee, be-huya,ee, dlii- tha,ee, chun'rf;hula,ee, khila-pun, dao-ghat, pute-bazee, mustee, bc-iugamee, be-zubtee, V. the adj. and noun. war, lura,ee, jung, judul, purkhash, khurkhushu, puekar, nuburd, ruzm, jcndh, bharut, karzar, run, g'huza, mu,uriku, mooharibu, mooharubut, jihad, mar, moo,arizu, hurb. to war, lurna, lura,ee- &c. -k. or -lena. to warble, Inhukna, koohukna, thurtharana, chuh chuhana, ulapna, peehukua, v. to sing. 4T 2 WAR 700 WAS warbler, ulapee, niooturunnim, v. singer. warblers, moorghan i cliuniun. warbling, niurgliol, gool bang, chuchuha, {titne) choochchoohiya. ward. This resembles, in composition, the Hin- doostanee words wara, hara; tiiruf, or dhur, 8cc. which commonly require some other par- ticle to make adverbs or postpositions out of them, as may be seen in the Grammar, and many parts of the Dictionary, {a pupil) pa- lookra, nnihfooz, v. guardian, {of a lock) jhur, {of a keij) phool, dant, {district) muhullu, poora, V. guard, Sec. to ward, v. to zsalch, buchana, punah-d. himayut- &c. -k. V. to defend; to ward off, tal- kat-, mar-d. burana. warden, umeen, umanut-dar, daroghu, moajawur, muthmuniya, v. keeper, sexton. wardrobe, toslui-khanu, mulboos-khanu, (keeper) toshukcliee. ware, wares, suoda, nia!, jins, bus, cheez, v. goods, warehouse, kotbee, jius-khanu, v. shop, storehouse, warfare, jung-bazee, jcodhkar, jung-awuree, lu- ra,ee-bhira,ee, v. war. warily, 8cc. v. cautiousli/, &c. warlike, luranka, jungee, jodha, jung-azmoodu, jung-deedu, riizm-peshii, ghaziyanu, jurrar, kutuela, v. brave, sipaliiyanu, [sound) beer- baja. , warm, gurm, tutta, tat, harr, v. hot, zealous, ooshun, sumeem, v. winler-drcss ; a warm bath, gurm-abu, huininam, whence the Humunis ! lo warm, gurm- 8cc. -k. tutana, gurmana, tapna, senkna, koonikcomana, v. lukewarm, also to glow, burn; a vessel for war^ning water, tii- tuhra. ti-armli/, gurmee- &c. -se, v. keenlj/. warmth, warmness, gurmee, hurarut, tupun, tap, lupish, sozish, tupak, v . fervency , heat . to warn, chetana, jutana, junana, mcotunubbih-k. khubur- &c. -d. qudghun- takeed-k. v. to ad- vise, apprize, caution. warning, ittiiau, khubur, sundesa, v. admonition, notice, {example) ibrut, v. terror. warp, bhurnee, bana, pood, tar, tanee, v. woof. to warp, V. n. uentfina, pech-tab, muror-khana, phir-j. kuj khuni-h. v. to crook, turn; v. a. pher-d. terha- l;encla-k. uenthana, v. to per- vert. warrant, v. testimony/, suiuid, Curmaii, dustiik, purwanu, hcnkm-uaniu, i,uian), iimul-dustuk, dhuonsa, v. commission, order. to warrant, thambhna, sumhaliia, pooshtee- mu- dud-d. ar-k. v. to support, mookhtar-k. ikhti- yar- 8cc. -d. v. to authorise, {to justifj/) ja^iz-, ruwa- 8cc. -r. bhula-nianna, v. lo exempt, vin- dicate, {to assert) kuhi\a ; I zearrant you it, nuien jo kuhta hoon, v. to attest. warrantable, shuru,ee, ja,iz, lazim, oochit, su- puch,h, V. proper. zcarrantableness, juw'AZ, dooroostee, v. proprietu. warranted, shurtce, quraree, {cow) soo,ee doo- hee. warrior, jungee, shuh-suwar, buha-door, ghazee, beer, v. champion, mooharib, nioubariz, suf-dur, toDrk, nioojahid, jodha, runinar, runjeet, ». hero, soldier. war-song, kurka, ulha, wart, musa, zukh, nmsbird, ilia, tetur, v. pro- tuberance. wart/, doDr-iindesh, ugnr-sochee, cluio kunisa, v. cautious, scrupulous, was, Iha, hoc, a, rulia, bhuya, luga, gtiya; he was beat or slain, wash mara guya; to be, q. v. rulina, lugria. wash, (cosmetic) cobtun, goolgooiiu, ghazu, bosk- V WAS 701 WAT wa, {of dishes) dhovvun, {of clothes) dhob, sliob, dhola,ee. to wash, dhona, dho-d. dhona-djiana, slirost o «lioo-k. saf-k. suiigslioo-k. pukhania, nuliana, ashnaii- &c. -k. v. ablution, suochua, pheech- na, siiondna, khaiichna, jhukoriia, kuclihania, V. to gargle, rime, {to bathe the feet) pa slio >u-k. {the mouth) koo!ee-k. acliuoiu;, {before praj/er) wuzoo-k. v. to colour, {the hands of) ibra,e zinimu-k. washer, {man) dhobec, ga7.a)r, buruotlia, betha, siifed gur, nijuk, {:coman) dhobin, {in comp.) slio ; a washer of dead bodies, raoordu-sho, "hussal ; a washer of ashes, &,c. kbak-sho, binarija, v. watery, washing, dhola,ee, dho,a,ee, slinost o slio, dhob- shob, {board) pat, {place) dhob-ghutta. washy, punsor. to he washy, pichpichana. wasp, bur, biinee, zuniboor, hudda, burra, tun- cuy Kospish, ghooiia, chircbira, chhiiluha, bikhaha, V. peevish, &c. wastage, jharun, lugar, giudu, toot, v. allow- ance, waste, adj. khurab, weeian, takhlaraj, pa,emal, mjar, tubs luihs, hen bena, v. desolate, use- less ; waste land, khecl, bunjur, inuwat ; a tcaste book, khusra; waste paper, ruddee. waste, sub. israf, frozool-kliuijee, moobuz/.uiee, oorao. phooiika.o, burbadee, v. expencc, loss ^ {desert) vveeranu, khundhur. to waste, V. a. ghutana, kum-k. gula-d. v. to pine, moulder, mittee- kbak-k. v. to destroy, di- minish, {to spend) oorana, khana, guwana, katna, bitana, khona, kburj- israf-k. burbad-, phenk-d. lootana, phoonkiia, v. to squander, mjania, khurab- &c. -k. v. to desolate, &c.; V. H. ghutna, ooturna, gulna, pucUiia, sookhna, tuhlecUb. goodaz-h. lut-j. jhoorna, khisna, khugna, dhoona, v. to consume, fail. wasteful, waster, oora,oo, moosrif, foo7.ool-khurj, moobuMir, v. prodigal, &c. wasting, gulnee, soikhclihiree, v. consumption. watch, V. watchman, chuokee, j)ulira, iiuobut, pasbanee, iiigah-banee, ugor, nik,hwalee, bif.i- y.ut, guslilee, golpuhroo, v. vigilance, &.c. {pe- riod) puhur, pas, v. wait, {clock) sa,ut, duiid, ghurce, to watch, V. to wake, chuokee-d. nigaii baiiee- &c. -k. ugorna, v. to guard, zctiU, dhookna, khoont-Iugna, v. to waylay, {to e.ipect) rab- dekhna, {to observe) takeed-k. dekhua, takna, tarna, nuzur-r. v. to attend, {to lie in wait) ghatmen-buethna, v. ambush, &c. watchful, de-dar, hoshiyar, khuburdar, chuokus, jugiia, chuo kunna, v. attentive. watchfully, be daree- &c. -se. watchfulness, be daree, bosbiyarec, cbuoksa.ee, khubur-daree, chuo-kunna,ee, v, wakefulness. watch-house, chuokee-khanu, nuobut-kbanu, or rather the band-room. watchman, chuokee-dar, pas-bun, iiigah-ban, puhroo, ugoriya, nikhwar, haris, saliee, go- ruet, shubgurd, pa,ck, mrohulludar, {among thieves) urhiya, moonU-rukha. watchtower, deed-ban, si^liee durukbt water, panee, Jul, ab, ma, neer, bar, sulil, bun, papa, V. lustre, sea, urine, {cooled) ab-slioru or -purwurdu, {boiling) udhuu, {distilled) iiruq, V. juice, spirit, {coloured) abee, biluoree, ul- masee ; by water, turee-se, panee panee ; to take the water off one's stomach, bcokhar-jharna. Water, in composition, is expressed by abee, puniha, pun, Jul. Thus, jul-chur, a water animal; moorgh-abee, water-fowl; puniha- samp, a mater snake ; pun-chukkee, a water mill. WAl 702 WAY to water, panee- 8tc, -d. seechna, bhurna, patna, ab pasbee-k. puniyana, pichpichana, khiskhis- ana, (as the eyes) buhna, bhurana, dubdubana, {as the mouth) punchha-chhootna, panee- cbhootna, v. to long, run, (ajield) phutukna, serab-k. water-bag, v. leather, bottle, mushk, mushkeezu, pukhal. water-colours, abee rung. water-cresses, loot pootiya, de,o kandur, keekuj. waterer, ab-pash, ab-rez, seechwuya, putwuya. waterfall, ab-shar, jhirna, chadur. water -Jli/,'T)Oo\3\idL. water-fowl, moorgh-abee, jul-puchhee, jul-sa,ee, (hen) pun-kookree, (various) gugunbher, koonj, koolung. water-gruel, shola, ashjiio, gunjee, v. gruel. water-house, abdar-khanu. wateriness, punilia,ee, iiumee, ma,ee,ut, rutoobut, num-nakee. watering, seecha|Ce (season) seechnee, (of the eyes) dubdubee. watering-basket, duoree, ektee. watering-pan, lot, {for rose water) goolab-pash. watering-place, punghut. water-keeper, jharee-burdar. water-level, punsel. water-lilt/, neel o fur, kunwul, pudoom, ko,een, kokila, kunwul gutta, nusreen, v. lotos. waterman, kewut, mullah, kishtee-ban, v. boat- man, (water-carrier) buhishtee, suqqa, pan- bhuia, ab-kusb, pukhalee, puiihara, (who takes care of, and cools the water) ab-dar, sooia- hee-dar, jharee-dar. water-melon, turbooz, bindoo,ann, muteeiu, sur- da. wattrmUl, pun-chukkee, asiya, lihut, dol-ab, v. • wheel. watermint, podecnu-abee. watery, puniha, abee, ma,ee, murtoob, rutoobut- dar, V, moist, punela, punhiyaiCe, pichpicha, guhbur, dubduba, (ground) sujiyoo, v. wet, washy. wattle, (hurdle) tutur, berh, tatee, thanth, (of a cock) lolkiya, buddhee. to wattle, binna, bandhna, beendna, bedbafee-k. wave, muoj, luhur, turung, huloia, lutumu, bhera, hulkora, (in linen) mothra. to wave, V. n. luhurana, phuhraua, phurphuraua, dolna, hilkorna, muoj- &c. -mama, jhoomna, V. to waver / v. a. (to brandish) pherna, chum- kana, bhanjna, hilana, v. to move, {to put aside) kiuaru-k. ootha-r. v. to delay. to waver, aga peecbha- &c, -k. hichukna, moo- turuddid- &c. -h. bequrar-h. v. to fluctuate. waverer, pus o peshee, shush puiijee, mooturud- did, mcDztir, na-oastoowar, v. irresolute, wavering, aga peechha, phera pharee, pus o pesh, shush o punj, turuddood, iztirab, v. hesitation, irresolution, wavy, muoj-zun, luhui-wunt, mootumuwwij. wax, mom, mudhooimul, (of the ear) gooda, (for letters) lakh. to wax, V. a. lahna, lukhiyana, momee-k. ; v. n. burhna, turuqqee- ufza,ish-k. v. to grow, (or rub) nianjna. wax-candle, mom butee. wax-cloth, mom jamu. waxen, momee. way, V. highway, rah, rasta, bat, puth, mug, marug, tureeq, subeel, suruk, duhur, dugur, puenra, guel, jadu, chhuwur, puodur, nihij, wuteeru, v. path, road, (distance) door, musa- fut, puUa, tuppa, fasilu, v. space, (course) turuf, or, kinaru, rookli, soo, rooh, v, hither, dde, &c. {passage) goozur, cpboor, ootar, ghat, ghantee, munfuz, v. progress, &.c. (method) turuh, dhub, tuor, rung, ruwish, chal, soorut. WEA 703 WEA oonwan, v. manner, &c. also means, qaboo, iiuzar, ghat, da,o, v, power, &c.; bjf the way, tuqreebun, zimnun, bote hoo,e, kuhte hoo,e, jate hoo.e ; come your wai/s, chule chulo; by ^"If of friendship, uz rah i dostee, v. wise; to give way, rah-chhorna, v. to yield. way-charges, zad rahilu, rah khurcb, v. prar, v. breath, jlatulency, {'power) A\i.m, zoo,uni, qoowwut, {to take) phootna, liuwa-h. {to rest) duin-leiia, V. to breathe ; a wind instrument, saz dumee, sikhur; the hot winds, loo, looch, loo,ar, su- niooiii, huroor. • to wind, V. a. phoonkna, dum-k. bujana, v. (o sound, {to twist) monia, muiorna, pecb-d. pheriia, buondiyana, v. to turn, insinuate ; to wind up, (fl watch) kookna, v. to raise, {twine, &c.) lupetna, v. to tighten; v. n. phiriia, nioonia, pecli- &c. -khana, buondna, lupiitna, V. to turn, ghootnnrf, v. to meander, chukur iniikur-k. v. to quibble, &c. wind-egg, kliakee unda. zoinder, windlas, nak, butha, khoontee, churkli, V. handle, winder, {plant) bunwur, bel, luta. windfall, {fruit) jhura, tupka, choo.a, (figur.) kh-s^rMcA;, bhuo-mara,huerut-zudu,tu,iijjoob- zudu, hueranee-zudu, huqqa buqqa. to be wont, kurna, ruhna ; he was wont to say, wcoh kuha kurta tha, v. to use ; he was wont to cry, wcoh rota ruhta tha. wonted, inu,unioolee, motadee, v. usual, to woo, isliq- lugun- &c. -k. -b. or -lugana, naz o niyaz-k. peeclihe-purna, v. to court, sue. wood, (wilderness) jungul, bun, v. forest, (tim- ber) lukree, kath, chob, hezum, kathee, entha, v. fuel, kc. (scented) ugur, qod, v. wilderness, wood-cutter, hezum-kush, khar-kush, tubur-zun. tvooden, chobeen, chobee, kuthuotee, lukree ka, kuth, whence a wooden horse, kuth ghora, v. timber, woodland, durukht-istan, per-waree. Wood-louse, soO|Ura. wood-monger, chob-furosh, kuth-bechwa, lukree- hara, kuthee-hara, hezum-furosh. wood-nymph, bun-debee, bun-suptee. wood-pecker, hoodliojd, thokburhueiya, kuth- phorwa, burhuen, moorgh-smlueman. wood-pigeon, jungulee kubootur, gola kubootur. woody, bunant, jungulee. wooer, lugnee, ashiq, sujun, khwahan, t. lover, suitor. woof, bana, bhurnee, pood, v. texture, &c. wool, oon, pushm, ro,an, soof, v. hair. woollen, woolly, oonee, pushmee, pushmeenu, ba- natee, ro,anra, soofee, mo,eenu, numud. woollen-cloth, banat, deba, khuz, v. broad-cloth. wool-sack, gooth, v. bale. word, bat, buchun, sookhoon, lufz, quol, looghut, buen, barta, hurf, bol, shubd, kulmu, v. speech, pud, muqal, qal, qeel, (of course) kuhne kee bat, bat kee bat, (for word) bat bat, V. verbal, (dispute) kuha kuhee, tukrar, gojft o shuneed, v. argument, &c. (language) zuban, v. mouth, he. (signal) isharu, suen,. jeebha, v. promise, (secret, like the masons. Sec.) ni,umut, muntur, (of similitude) hurfi tush- beeh, (order) kuha, hookm, sikhnuod, v. de- claration (account) khubur, ittilau, sundesa, V. message ; in a word, hasil i kulam, ghurz. to word, tuluffooz-k. oocharna, muzmoon-b. v. to compose, dispute, express, &c. wordy, luffazee, looghwee, hurfee, v. verbose. work, V. work-house, kain, kar, shooghl, dhun- dha, kaj, tuhul, kothee, v. business, factory, buildijig, mudud, qosdrut, kirt, v. doings, tusneef, mulfooz, pi. kuolHyat, v. composition, (labour) mihnut, mooshuqqut, v. employment, (embroidery) kusheedu, chikun-dozee, boota- karee, (fubrick) nuqshu, nooskhu, bunawuree, sunuut, V. workmaiiship, (action) fi,ul, kriya, kirdar, v. deed, (effect) taseer, iimul, byap, V. operation, treatment. to work, V. n. kam- &c. -k. kumana, shooghl- &c. -men, -1). or -ruhna, mushghool- &c. -h. V. to labour, also busy, (to act) kurna, chulna, duorna, (to operate) byapna, taseer- usur-k. IVOR 713 JFOR ruchna, lugna, v. to affect, &c. (fo ferment) josh-khana, cophnana, gaj-pheiikna, oothna, gujana. to Work, V. a. kani- &c. -mthana, -cliulana, or -iiibahna, bunana, giirhna, sajna, duolana, sun- warna, suondna, rumana, duorana, v. to form, (or stitch) nioonh-marna, v. to sew, shikunju dheela-k. v. to loosen, (to persuade) lana, thu- rana, sadhna, mcBtuwujjih- doorcost- theek-k. V. to incline, influence, {to produce) nikalna, pueda-k. kurana, v. to effect, &c. {to manage) chulana, v. to conduct, {to keep at work) kuni- wana, v. to employ, {to embroider) kusheedu-k. boota-nikalna or -karhna, v. to strain ; to work up, &c. Sec. v. to irritate, raise. worker, {in comp.) gur, kar, gar, kurta, v. work' man, maker. work-fellow, hum-kar, hum-kbidmut icork-house, works, kar-khanu, karuj-sala. workman, {artijicer) karee-gur, dust-kar, ka- moo, kumera, {labourer) ghuramee, deewaree, V. labourer, tradesman. ivorkmanship, karee-guree, dust-karec, sunut, bunawut, huthuotee, hikmut, hoonur, v. skill, work. icorld, V. coimtry, {universe) alum, khilqut, doo- nya, afreen, juhan, sunsar, jugut, bhuo, Jok, afaq, duhur, pirthimee, jug, muhee, guehan, getee, hustce, zumanu, hull uqleem, nasoot, mulkoot, jubroot, lahoot, kuon mukan, v. earth, &c. {heap) alum, duriya, sagur, the sea, q. v. also life, time. worldliness, doonya-purustee, doonya-daree, gir- liistee. worldly, dojnya-dar, doonya-purust, girhist, doo- hyawee, sunsarik, ina,ek, talib-doonya. worldly-wisdom, uqlL inu,ash. worm, V. grub, kenchwa, khurateen, kirm, keera, keet, ponka, kirmuk, v. weevil, he. {screw) pech, {guinea) nuharwa, rishtu, v. dracuncu- lus, also ascarides {of a still) chonga; glow- worm, joognoo, shub-tab. worm-eaten, kiruha, kirm-khoordu, ghoona, v. rotten. worm-seed, {plant) qusbool ureeru, baburung. wormwood, ufsunteen-roomee, mustaroo, nug- duona. wormy, kirtnee, peeloo,aha, kiruha, kana. worn-out, be-jan, guya-gtnzura, phoosrulia, be- hal, sal khrord, khidmut-ruseedu, moozmuhil, ruboodu, v. rotten. Sec. {as money) silput, multa. to worry, bhum-bhorna, phar-khana, jhun-jhorna, zich- tuiig- hulak-k. v. to harass. worse, budtur {or buttur), kumtur, zuboontur, boora {or uor bcora) ; who is worse than he f cos se kuon boora hue ; why, his brother is worse, kyoon oos ka bha,ee uor boora hue, v. less, light, Sec worship, pooja, archa, purustish, bundugee, slj- du, ibabut, ta.iit, bhujun, ghoolamee, pooja- pat, pooja-putree, v. adoration, c.vercise, {title) huzrut, khooda-wund, ap, nioran, gosa.een, qiblu, khcod-buduolut, duolut-mudar, bunde- purwur, bunde-nuwaz, khodawund ni,umut, peer-moorshid, ma-bap, v. dignity, honour; his worship is asleep, ap aram men huen. to worship, poojna, urchna, bhujna, bundugee- Sec. -k. gal-bujana, v. to adore, respect, also reverend. worshipper, poojaree, poojuk, urchuk, sewuk, das, bhugut, bhujunee, abid, poojeroo, {in comp.) purust, bundu, v. slave. worst, V. extremity, budtureen, boore se boora, booron ka boora, nusht, ootar, nihayut, v. re- fuse, worse; the worst, la-charee, la-ilajee, hudd-bhur boora,ee, v. utmost ; to be at the 4X2 wou 716 WRE worst, nihayut lachar- hudd la ilaj- unt be- bus-h. ''••" «'• to worst, bhugana, tor- shikust- tiazeemut-d. hurana, hutana, v. fo overcome. worsted, oonee soot. worsted-stocldngs, oonee pa,etabe or moze. UDorth, (value) qeemut, mol, bisat, undazu, mu- liut, mal, qudur, maliyut, rag, ka, also (vir- tue) khoobee, hoonur, juohur, goon, wusf, v. worthiness, {importance) bq)}i, wuzn, i,utibar, V. consequence, (real) qudr afiyut, generally in a bad sense ; one pues worth of salt, ek puese ka numuk; not worth while, tuziyu-uoqat, jane do, ubus, la hasil. wmth, V. worthy, burabur, moowafiq, la,iq, bhur, V. equal. to he worth, qudur- &c. -r. v. to equal, Jiave. worthily, liyaqut- &c. -se, v. properly. worthiness,X\yaiC^X., suzawaree, fuzeelut, neko,ee, sha,istugee, v. excellence. wwthless, kum-qudur, be-qudur, na-karu, na- bukar, na-kus, na-la|iq, na-slia,istu, khurab, nir-goonee, hechkaru, chikaru, na-poorsan, ni- khuttoo, khustu, be-miqdar, na-cheez, na- qabil, v. vile. worthlessness, kum-quduree,be-quduree, na-bu- karee, na-kusee, v. vileness. worthy, (excellent) khoob, nek, bhula, uch-chha, soondur, sahib-qudur, kha3ii,guran-mayu,gur- amee-qudur, v. virtuous, &c. (deserving) moos- tuhiqq, la,iq, wajib, moostuojib, moowafiq, qa- bil, sha,istu, odchit, v. valuable, suitable, a worthy, nekokar, buhar-door, v. hero. would, cliuha, chuhta, ~v, to will, wish, &c. ; / would if I could, niuen kurta jo kur sukta ; • > I'cowld if I would, kur sukta jo muen chuhta; / desired him to go, but he tvould not, ens se hum ne jane ko kuha lekun cos ne nu chuha, V. the Grammar. would, kash ; would to God, khooda knre. wound, zukhm, gba|0, jurahut, resh, cheei'a. • to tooimd, zukhmee- &c. -k. chotiyana, cho- talna- wounded, gha,e], zukhmee, mujrooh, ufgar, ghu- wela, chotala, khoordu, figar, v. hurt. to be wounded, gha^ci- &c. -h. zukhm- &c. -khana or -cothana, tulwar- &c. -lugna. wrangle, icrangling, jhugra, rugra, bugra, jhun- jhut, luia,ee, tukrar, kuha kuhee, kheecha tanee, chukha ckukhee, purkhash, purkhund, luruwwul, khuencha khuenchee, khut rag, jhuta putee, moonaqushu, v. altercation, quar- rel. to wrangle, jhugurna,lurna, rugra- &c. -k. zidna, khutput-k. sapa-peelna, rugurna, buhusna, dant-bajna, bujhna, utukna, kulkulana, nok j)iok-k. V. to spar. wrangler, tukraree, jhugraloo, bukheriya, lur- anka, jung-jo, purkhash-jo, hoojjutee, purkh- undiya. to icrap, lupetna, ohama, tuh- lifafu-k. v. to in- volve, &c. to he wrapped, mulfoof-h. liputna, v. to rap. wrapper, lifafu, bethun, bustu, ohar, tuhbund, bhugwa, dhotee,bhugnee,kuchliuota, dundiya, lupetun, V. clout, boghbund, dust boqchu, v. cover, puchhuoree, v. sheet. wrath, ghuzubj quhur, juzbu, krodji, kop^ v. rage. -^oiJcfrt wrathful, ghuz.ub-nak, quhur-nak, khushm-nak, krodhee, kopee, v. furious. wrathfully, ghuzub nakee- &c. -se. to wreak, nikalna, karlina, chulana, dalna, gir- ana, kurna, torna, sama, jhama, v. to execute, vent. .-.jec1ieela. wreck, tubahee, kburabu, }iinl)ina,ee, sutyanasce, holakee, pjharutee, inhidani, fulakutee, v. ruin, 8tc. {of a vesfti) khuklira. to wreck, mama, torna, tubah- &c. -k. ttrecked, v^arui, tubah, hulak,khurab, sutyanas, hinbina, chuopnt, aloinal. to he wrecked, khurab- &c. -h. mara- toot-j. tubahee- &c. -khana. wrench, wrest, moch, irioork, muror, pech, v. twist, violence. to wrench, wrest, iienth- nench- muror- chheen-, khcech-lena, (ifo sprain) nioorkana, byonchana, muchoma, murorna, v. to distort, {words, &c.) kheechna, lana, jhookana, t. to bend. wrest, (to misconstrue) inorna, khuenchna. wrester, m\irorwa, pheroo. to wrestle, kooshtee- bujunee- da,o- pech- puch- hara puchharee-k. ghun-pelna, liptana, v. to scramble, {to struggle) zor-mama, jhugurna, V. to contend. wrestler, kcnshtee-giir, kcoshtee-geer, kcnshtee- baz, p»ihlwan, patha, putha. wrestling, tor-azma,ee. wrestling-yard, ukhara, v. circus. wretch, kum-bukht, ukurmee, Icechlr, dalidrce, thug, (fern, thugnec,) nigora, ni-khuima, bud-bukht, v. infra, chumlal, papee, chundra, hutiyara, buet ool mal, lu.een, khanoman- khurab, moo,a, v. caitiff, worthless, be-chara, ghureeb, jee, v. wight, thing. wretched, be-nuseeb, be-kus, be-bus, muflook, be-hal, kungal, azoordu-hal, ashooftu, shoree- du, pureshan, v. mean, dookhiyara, dookharec, zu,eef, afut-zudu or -ruseedii, moobtila, be- dusa, ghum-zudu, natuwan, talizud, surasee- mu, lukhee chhora, goordyanta, niideedu, v. poor, miaerabU, desperate, also helpless, (paltry) i»ojbtu7.il, na-kani, na-pcorsan, rudd-khuluq, pust, newh, luiqeer, khustii, v. despicable, wretrhedly, kumbuklitee- &c. -se. wretcfiedness, kum-buklitee, bud-bukhtee, fula- kut, dalidir, kungal-pun, ukurm, be-nuseebee, bc-kusee, be-busec, bc-halee, shoreedugee, rudd-kliulqce, kumeenugec, pustee, zillut, khustugee, hinbina,ee, mukhmusa,v. afftictimi, misery, paltriness, &c. to wriggle, v. a. dolana, hilana, phlrana, chhut- kana, chulbulana, sunsurana, murwana, zuda- na; v. n. dolna, hilna, turupna, tulmulana, chhutukna, siinsurna. wriggle-tail, choot-muranee, doom-muranee. Wright, V. maker, burhti,ee, v, carj)enter. to wring, murorna, muchorna, uenthna, pech- S:c. -d. V. to twist, (to squeeze) nichorna, dab- na, miilna, v. to risk, &c. (to torture) julana, V. to en-tort, harass, &c. wrinkle, cheen, shikun, jhroree, choonut, sikor, V. to corrugate, jhoojree, v. frown, &c. to wrinkle, sikoyna, jhooree- &e. -lana, jhoojri- yana, v. to shrivel, crumple, wrinkled, jhoojriyaha, poor-shikun, shikundar, khullur. wrist, puhooncha, kula,ee, la3lhoo,a, gutta; an ornament for the wrist, bala, khuroo,a, putta, biroo,a, kuknee, v. bracelet, writ, (summons) tulub-namu, dustuk, purwanu, (scripture) kitab, pooran; holy writ, kitab ilahee, bhagwutee pooran. to write, v. a. likhna, tuhreer- &c. -k. likh-d. -d. -r. or -lena, likh-bhejna, (down a thing) taiik-r. or -lena, nok rcz qulum-furmana, qu- lumbund-k. v. to insert, likh-bhcjna, nuql- kurlena, v. to tell, &c. (to impress) ganthna, bandhna ; also (to compose) tusnecf- &c. -k. bunana, jorna, v. to make, send; v. n. likhnee- rrBi 718 WBV &c. -k. V. writing, &c. ; to write or call one's self, lugana, turashna, ginna, v, to count, as- sume. writer, lekhuk, katib, raqim, moohurrir, nuwee- sindu, mojtusuddee, putwaree, likhunhara, ka,et, kayuth, dubeer, (good) khoosh nuwees, soo-uchhuree, (in camp.) nuwees, v. cleric, secretary, &ec. (composer) moosunnjf, burnunee, moonshee, insha-purdaz, grunth-kar, patukh, V. author, compiler, &c. io writhe, muer-lena or -khana, uenthna, muer- na, V. to twine, wreath, twist, &c. writing, (composition) tusneef, insha, buniun, tuqreer, ibarut, insha-purdazee, v. hand, nu- wishtu, likhawut, tiihreer, ncoskhu, v. copy, &c. (paper) rooqiwar, (withjlourishes) khutt goolzar, V. the Grammar, p. 333, for the other varieties, v. letter, hook, &c. (instrument) qu- balu, kaghuz, khutt, likhtung, nuwisht- khand, v. paper, (in comp.) namu, putur, v. deed, &c. ; the art or Irusijiess of writing, kati- bee, kitabut, lekhukee, hkha,ee, (in comp.) nuweesee, v. epistle, &c. writing-box, &c. qulumdanee sundooq, v. esa-i- toire. tvriting-master, khoosh-nuwees, v. master. written, nuwishtu, qulmee, muktoob, also a let' ter, murqoom, qulum bund, kitabee. wrong, sub. nooqsan, ghutee, zurir, qubahut, tu,uddee, zcolm, na^huqqee, bidut, v. evil, na- ruwa, beja, jhootha, usut, bud, boora, \. false, injustice, (error) chook, khuta, na-rastee, v. mistake. wrong, adj. na-huqq, be-insaf, na-dooroost, ghuer- wajibee, na-rast, na-moonasib, mU|Uyoob, zu- boon, nikhid, v. improper, bad, ghulut, ghuer- suheeh, be-sih,hut, u-soodh ; right or wrong, char-na-char, gah-be-gah, huqq-na-huqq, a word which to many will be more familiar, if written hok nok ! to wrong, be insafee- &c. -k. boora-k. v. to in- jure. wronger, &c. mootu,uddee, ghuer-moonsif, v. op- pressor, &c. wrongfully, &c. be insafee- &c. -se, v. amiss, erroneously. wrong-headed, khood-sur, kuj-riio, khood-pusund, kuj-khiyal, v. perverse. wrought, buna, v. done, also made, kusheedu, V. the verbs to work, form, &c. wry, terha, kuj, tirchha, banka, binga, na^rast, V. crooked. wry-neck, kuj-gurdun 719 VEA y, was formerly pronounced as in try, or like i in trial ; but in all my later works, when in conjunction with vowels, it forms such diph- thongs as occur in many of the following Englbh words, and may therefore now be treated more as a consonant or liquid semi- vowel. Y, is sometimes in this, as in other languages, confounded withji", v. the Ititroduc- tion, pages v. ix. and xi. also w, &c. yam, rut-aloo, zumeen-kund. yard, {court, q. v.) suhun, angun, chuok, ungna, pesh- or pa,een-gah, v. place, {measure) guz, diru, thenga, v. ell, {of a mill) kuturec, dhen- ka, V. inclosure, {commwi) guz ilahee, {of a sail) dundee, also penis. yare, tueyar, v. ready. yam, soot, v. thread. yawl, dengee, thukthuo,a, bhunwullya, v. boat. yawn, jumha,ee, fazhu. to yawn, jumhana, Jumha,ee- &c. -lena, v. to gape. yawner, fazhu-kush, jumliuena. yaw7iing, jumhahut, fazhu-kushee. ye, V. you. yea, v. yes. io yean, junna, byana, soona, buche-d. year, burus, sal, sun, sumbut, burukh, buchur, V. age, {last past) te.oorus ; for years, sal ha sal, salha, bursoa-burus ; in years, sal-dar, sal- khoord, sal-deedu, dinee, v, old ; this year, YEO imsal, ubke-sal, uson, sali hal, hal sal, v. pre- sent; in the year of the Hijru 1225, suni hijree baruh suo puchees ; of tender years, khoord- sal, kum-sin, v. young ; the two last years, gonxushtu-puewustu, purpuriyar; the new year, nuya burus, nuo-roz, sali-nuo ; of this year, {rupees, &c.) halee, opposed to sunwat, ofsomeyearsstanding,yvhence sonat rupees, so well known to the Company ''s miiitar}' servants in India ; years of discretion, sini shu,oor. yearly, ek-salu, ek-bursee, {salary) saliyanu, burkhasun, v. annual. yearly, adv. sal bu sal, hur sal, hur burus. to yearn, kuchotna, murorna, uenthna, muror- khana, pech-khana, v. to pity, ve.v, &c. ; the real mother''s bowels yearned toward her own child, usl ma ke pet ne murora khuya upnc lurke pur. yeast, mayu, khumeer, taree, what we call tod- dy, is used for this puipose, v.ferme7it,froth. yell, chikkar, cheekh, v. roar. to yell, kutkutana, cheekhna, chillana, chichiya- na, V. to scream. yellow, zurd, peela, v. golden, busuntee, zu,iif^ ranee, hurdiya, pe,oree,usfur,v. orange, Jlame, &c. {to grow) piriyana, v. fair, brown, &c. {l>oy) zurdu, v. gold. yellowish, zurdee ma.H, zurdee Hyc. yellowness, zurdee, peela,ee, pilaliut. yeoman, milkee, mal-goozar, kisan, v. farmers roK 720 YOU yes, han, tu,o, jee, sahib, bule, are, lube, waqi, hue, V. /, boon, kyoon nuheen, v. right, even, well, &c. yester, peechhla, pesheen, puree, dee, v. past. yesterday, kul, peechhla-din, dee-roz ; the day before yesterday, &c. purson, turson, nurson, applicable also to the day after to-morrow, &c. q. V. also day, {in.comp.') war, whence sunee- chur-war, Saturday, shumbu, which last alone in Persian signifies day, v. Saturn, Sunday. yesternight, peechhlee-rat, kulkee-rat, deeshub. This is according to our idea of times, but among the Mcosulmans the same word is ex- pressed by, aj kee rat, v. to-night, also the Mo- nitor, Vol. I. p. 207. yet, lekin, pur, pue, umma, mool, purunt, mu- gur, ilia, ajtuk, tahunoz, uble, v. till, hut, ne- vertheless, (beside) tis pur, ulawu, siwa iske, oopur iske, v. over and above, (still) jud tu- luk, jub tu,een, v. when, (hitherto) hunoz, ub- lug, ubtuk, ubtUiCen, ubhee, ta-hal, uj-hoon, etee ber, v. now, already, &c. (again) pher, uor, V. more, even, &c. to yield, v. a. (produce) nikalna, dena, dilana, pueda-k. lana, durb-purna, v. to give, permit, humour, luchluchana, v. to grant, (as a fe- male) kurana, (as troops) mooteeu-h. tinJena, (to resign) sompna, huwalu- sipoord-k. v. to surrender ; v. n. hutna, dubna, ghum-khana, V. to submit, qa,il- mu.uqool-h. qubool-k. manna, v. to allow, comply. yielder, dubel, qa,il, v. loser. yoke, joo,a, joo.ath, Icxsbad, joola, tuoq, (pin) gata, (to pass under fhci) tungree or bughul neeche ko nikulna, (slavery) hulqu-bugoshee, (pair) jora, jooft, (bond) guth-jora, guth- bundhun, v. knot. to yoke, jotna, nadhna, joo,ath-men lugana, v. to Join, (to restrain) rokna, utkana, v. fo subdue. yoke-mate, hum-jot, hum jnan, v. fellow. yolk, zurdee, peela,ee. yonder, yon, adj. wooh, oodhur ka, pure ka, puela. yonder, adv. oodhur, wuhan, oosturuf, pure, oone, purla, puela, opposed to wurla, wuela, V. hither, &c. of yore, mooddut-ka or -se, buhoot din ka. you, toorn, toomhon, tcomko, toomhen, tcomhara, ap, sahib, also your, my, q. r. &c.; you are he^ toom woohee ho; you three shall go, toom teen- on ja.oge ; you said so, toomhon ne yoonhee kuha ; he brought you to my house, wooh toom- hen (or toomhare tu,een, S;:c.) humare ghuc men laya tha; what you say is very true, jo ap (or sahib) kuhte so suheeh. •' i young, youthful, jooba, juwan, khoord-sal, kom- sin, kum-oomr, chhota, chenra, v. pregnant, putha, turoon, kucha, sugheer oos-sin, kham^ nuo-khez, nuo-khastu, v. youth, (whore) kfaam> paru, nuochee ; young tiger, peacock, &c. will be found in general under these words, q, v. or chicken, puppy, pig, &c. v. little, (iw comp.) nuo, V. fresh, new, raw. young, sub. buche, gede, pe,oohe, June, (with\ hamilu. younger, v. junior, suhodur, luohra, v. little. youngster, younker, luonda, lurka, buchoongraj V. stripling, youth, hoy. your, toomhara, upna, ap-ka, sahib-ka, surkar- ka; what I wont he obey your orders, kya sur- kar ka hookm nu manega, which also means the orders of government, a master, &c. ; if your father desired you, would you kill yourself? jo toomhara bap kuhta toom upne ap ko mar« dalte? yourself, toom, ap, aphee, toomhee, [obi. upne] upne ap, v. self; be hut yourself that day, oos roz sirf toom ap men ruho. YOU 721 YOU youraelvea, apoos, hum-deegur; why Jight among yourselves f kyoon apoos men lurte ho, kyoon bahum deegur lurte ho. youth, juwanee, shubab, boolooghut, jobun, joo- ba,ee, turoona.ee, sighr-sin, (Icui) nuo-juwan, buma, V. puberty. a youth, juwan, shabb, umrud, gubhroo, puUia, ulhur, V. young, boy; a gallant youth, juwan murd. youthfully, juwanee- &c. -se, v. vigorously ZEA X, has the sound of the hard s in rise, &c. ; zh has therefore the same relation to x, that sh has to the soft s, and is pronounced like this letter in measure, treasure, &c. which, written so far agreeably to the plan of this work, would be treazhure, meazhure, &c. zany, thutholiya, muz,,huk, bhundela, v. ye«s;V X v;ox RETURN MAIN CIRCULATION ALL BOOKS ARE SUBJECT TO RECALL RENEW BOOKS BY CALLING 642-3405 DUE AS STAMPED BELOW FEB 2 31996 FEB 2 ^1996, |- ^ J L 'J ... J c:~.c:i:L..";r;o:^. ozr FORM NO. 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