THE ADMINISTRATION OF NITROUS OXIDE & OXYGEN FOR DENTAL OPERATIONS. Frederic W. Hewitt, M.D. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES "'■ HENRY KIMPTON, Medical Bookseller & Publisher/ 261 Hif»h Holborn London W.fT.r r ^u^ ^ < THE ADMINISTRATION OF NITROUS OXIDE AND OXYGEN FOR DENTAL OPERATIONS. THE ADMINISTRATION OF Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen DENTAL OPERATIONS FREDERIC W. HEWITT, M.A., M.D. Cantab. Anasthetist at the London Hospital, Charing Cross Hospital, the Dental Hospital of London, and the A T ational Orthopiedic Hospital Xon&on CLAUDIUS ASH cV SONS, Limited 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, BROAD STREET, C.OLDEN SQUARE I'HILADKI.NIIA THE S. S. WHITE DENTAL MANUFACTURING CO. Chestxut Street, Corner Twelfth / TO THOSE OF THE PAST AND PRESENT SURGEONS AND ASSISTANT SURGEONS OF THE DENTAL HOSPITAL OF LONDON WITH WHOM I HAVE BEEN ASSOCIATED WHILST MAKING THE OBSERVATIONS HEREIN CONTAINED, I VENTURE TO DEDICATE I HIS LITTLE BOOK, IN GRATEFUL RECOGNITION OF THE PATIENCE AND COURTES\ WHICH IHi:\ HAVE INVARIABLY DISPLAYED DURING THE PROGRESS OF THE INVESTIGATION. PRE FACE. Eleven years have elapsed since I commenced working at this subject. The first eight years were mainly devoted to conducting prelimin- ary experimental administrations of various mixtures of nitrous oxide and oxygen, and to devising and perfecting apparatus. The last three years have been occupied in ascer- taining the precise influences exerted by this or that percentage of air or of oxygen upon the usual asphyxia! phenomena of pure nitrous oxide. My original intention was to incorporate in one volume the results of both parts of the research, but I have since decided to adopt a different course, and to first place in the hands of the medical and dental professions this small treatise dealing more particularly with the practical aspects of the subject, and subsequently to bring forward the large mass of evidence which I now possess concerning viii. Preface. the physiological effects of different mixtures of nitrous oxide with air or oxygen. Safe and thoroughly, efficient anaesthesia for dental operations is of such importance that it behoves every dental practitioner to carefully consider whether he should not abandon the prevalent but comparatively crude and unscientific method of producing insensibility from nitrous oxide, and avail himself of the new system. It is true that there are at present some difficulties in the way of this advance, but it is to be hoped that they may soon be sur- mounted. The principal of these undoubtedly is the difficulty of obtaining proficient anaes- thetists. Increased facilities, however, are now being afforded at most hospitals for acquiring experience in administering anaes- thetics, so that there is every reason to believe that, in course of time, there will not be that dearth, which now exists, of medical men capable of administering nitrous oxide in dental practice. Moreover, I hope to see the da)" when the immense amount of clinical material which is now being wasted, so to speak, at our dental hospitals, will be utilised, not only for the systematic instruction of dental students who are intending to qualify in medicine, but tor that of extraneous students and practitioners. Preface. ix. In this way it would be possible to efficiently train medical men in dental anaesthetics, and to keep the dental profession supplied, as it were, with proficient anaesthetists throughout the country. FREDERIC \Y. HEWITT. 10, George Street, Hanover Square, W. May, 1897. CONTENTS. I' AGE Chapter I. — Introduction ... ... ... i Early History of nitrous oxide ; its discovery by Priestley ; recognition of its anaesthetic properties by Davy ... ... ... ... i Colton's lectures ; Horace Wells the first to inhale nitrous oxide for a surgical opera- tion ; " Laughing Gas" ... ... ... 2 Early administrations of nitrous oxide ; Air mixed with the nitrous oxide ; Symptoms due to this admixture ; Smith's and Colton's administrations ... ... ... ... 4 Rymer's administrations; Evans's Demonstra- tion ; Clover's improvements ... ... 5 Nitrous Oxide now administered free from all air ; Asphyxial phenomena ; only suitable for brief operations ... ... ... . . 6 Paul Bert's researches ; his attempts to obtain anaesthetic effects without asphyxial mani- festations, by using nitrous oxide and air, under increased barometric pressure ... 7 Oxygen used instead of air ; Bert's experiments continued ... ... ... ... ... 8 Bert's method applied to practice ; the phenomena observed ... .. ... ... 9 Khkowitsch's, Winckel's, Doderlein's, and Zweifel's administrations ... ... ... 10 Martin (of Lyons land his trial of Perl's method 1 r xii. Contents. I' AGE Bert's attempts to obtain good effects without employing increased pressure ... ... 12 Hillischer's work ; " Schlafgas " ; 15,000 administrations ; his regulating apparatus 13 Witzel's administrations ; Wood's conclusions 14 The Author's work ; Early administrations ; 13 forms of apparatus devised ... ... 15 Sudden transitions in composition of mixture not desirable ; Experiments with different percentages of oxygen ... ... ... 16 Necessity of absolutely excluding air : the effect of administering the gases from a dis- tended bag ... ... ... ... ... 17 10 per cent, of oxygen found to be preferable to 1 2.7 per cent. : but no definite percentage answered in all cases... ... ... ... 18 Difficulties in obtaining a suitable apparatus ; objections to Hillischer's apparatus; a satisfactory apparatus eventually devised ... 18 Chapter II. — Apparatus ... ... ... ... 21 1. Gasometer methods ; the best percentages of oxygen ... ... ... ... ... 21 Keeping the two gases together before use 22 2. The Author's Regulating Apparatus ; Requirements that must be fulfilled by a regulating apparatus ... ... ... ... 23 Cylinders for the two gases ; combined stand and union ... ... ... ... ... 26 Tubes for transmitting gases from cylinders to bags ... ... ... ... ... 28 Regulating Stopcock and Mixing Chamber ; its various parts ; its flange with figures ; its oxygen inlets ... ... .. ... 29 Its valves . . ... ... ... ... 31 Eace-pieces ... ... ... ... ... 32 Necessity for carefully handling and examin- ing the apparatus ; the relative proportions of the two gases passing through the apparatus ^3 Contents. xiii. I' AGE Slight differences in action in different models; Makers of the apparatus ... 34 Chapter III. — Preparations ... ... ... $5 Precauticns as to diet ... ... ... ... 35 Stimulants ... ... ... ... ... 36 Everything should be in readiness before patient enters room ; Appliances which should be at hand in case of emergency 36 Necessity for the presence of a third person 37 Importance of loose clothing ... .. ... 37 Influence of posture ; Use of inflated air- cushion ... ... ... ... ... 38 Mouth-props and their insertion ; Treatment of retching movements excited by inserting mouth-prop ... ... ... ... ... 40 Chapter IV. — The Administration ... . . 42 All disturbing influences to be avoided ... 42 Application of face-piece ... ,. ... 43 How the patient should breathe ; Air first of all inhaled through the apparatus ... ... 44 Then a small percentage of oxygen ... ... 45 Initial sensations ... ... ... ... 46 The fitting of the face-piece ... . 46 The fulness and relative sizes of the bags ... 47 The admission of oxygen ... ... ... 4S Proper adjustment of the proportions; too much oxygen; too little oxygen ... ... 50 Characteristics of nitrous oxide and oxygen anaesthesia ... ... ... ... ... 51 Signs of the anaesthesia... ... ... ... 52 il Inspiratory calm "... ... ... 52 The pulse and circulation ... .. ... 52 The eyes and eyelids ... ... .., ... 53 The delayed effects of admitting more or less oxygen 54 The length of inhalation ... ... ... 54 Quantity of mixture required ... ... ... 55 Contents. Chapter V. — The Patient Different types of patients Influence of Sex and Age General condition of patient Physique ... The presence of a Beard or Moustache Temperament Complexion; Colour Alcoholic indulgence The excessive use of Tobacco and other Nar cotics Affections of the Respiratory System... Affections of the Circulatory System ... Affections of the Nervous System Pregnancy 56 56 57 58 59 60 60 62 63 64 64 65 67 68 Chapter VI.— The Ax.esthesia ... ... ... 69 The Available Anaesthesia for a Dental Operation ... . . ... . . 69 The duties of the Anaesthetist during the Operation . . ... ... ... ... 70 Duration of the Available Anaesthesia ... 70 State of the Patient during the Operation ... 72 Reflex movement ; Phonation... ... ... 72 Termination of the Anaesthesia ... ... 73 Re-administrations; Difficult Operations ... 74 Drilling into Pulp-cavities ; Opening up the antrum ... .. ... ... ... ... 75 Chapter VII. — Exceptioxal Cases ... ... 76 Laughter ; Singing; Shouting; Phonation ... 76 Muscular Phenomena during Inhalation ; Strictly voluntary movements; Uncontrol- lable nervous movements ; Intoxication movements; Tonic Spasm ... ... ... 77 Clonic Spasm; '•Jactitation''; Pine Tremor 78 Tonic movements of Deep Anaesthesia ... 79 Cyanosis ... ... ... ... ... ... 79 Contents. xv. L'AGE Shallow, imperceptible, or arrested Breathing, with good pulse and colour ... ... ... bo Violent Respiration ... ... ... ... 80 Coughing; Crying ... ... ... ... £1 Retching and Vomiting during Inhalation ... 81 Dangerous Symptoms ... ... ... ... 81 Highly Exceptional Cases ... ... ... 82 Chapter VIII. — After-Effects ... ... 84 Important to regulate Diet ... ... ... 84 Recovery usually very satisfactory : often better than after nitrous oxide per sc ... 84 Protracted Inhalations liable to be followed by Giddiness, Torpor. Headache, &c. ... ... 85 Nausea. Retching, and Vomiting ... ... 86 Pallor, Faintness, and Feebleness of Pulse 87 Treatment of After-effects ... ... ... 87 Hysteria ; Temporary Maniacal Seizures : Cataleptic States 88 Dreams ... ... ... ... ... ... 88 Bibliography 89 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. i'.u;i; Fig. i. The Author's Apparatus ... ... 24 ,, 2. Diagrammatic Section of Cylinders and of Combined Stand and Union 26 3. Diagrammatic Section of rhe India- rubber Transmitting Tubes and Bags 27 .. 4. Regulating Stopcock and Mixing Chamber 29 ,, 5. The Administration ... ... ... 44 THE ADMINISTRATION OF NITROUS OXIDE AND OXYGEN FOR DENTAL OPERATIONS. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. In reviewing the past history of nitrous oxide as an anaesthetic one cannot help being struck by the singular vicissitudes which this agent has experienced. That a quarter of a century should have passed between its dis- covery by Priestley and the recognition of its pain-relieving properties by Davy is sufficiently remarkable. But more curious still is the fact that nearly double this length of time elapsed between Davy's observations and the first ad- ministration of the gas for a surgical operation. It was during this latter interval that nitrons oxide received the name of "laughing gas" from the power it possessed, when small quan- i 2 Introduction. titles were breathed backwards and forwards, of producing hilarious excitement. In December, 1844, Dr. Colton, " an itinerant lecturer on chemistry " (to use a description given of him by one of his own countrymen),' demonstrated these effects at Hartford, Conn., U.S.A. At this entertain- ment Horace Wells, a dentist, was present, and noticing that one of the audience who had inhaled the gas had unconsciously bruised him- self whilst under its influence, he shrewdly sus- pected that the so-called ''laughing gas" might prove to be of valuable service in dentistry. This brilliant idea was quickly put to the test : Colton administered the gas to Wells : and a friend of the latter extracted a tooth during the anaesthesia thus produced. This adminis- tration of nitrous oxide, although conducted in the crudest manner, will ever deservedly remain a memorable one ; for it laid the foundation stone, so to speak, of our present system of surgical anaesthesia. The realisation of the hopes which Wells had entertained was so complete that he naturally enough looked forward to an uninterrupted and glorious reign for the new anaesthetic whose services in surgery he had been the first to requisition. His first public demonstration, however, unfortunately proved a fiasco ; and this circumstance, coupled with the fact that Introduction. 3 intense interest soon became universally felt at the discovery, by Morton, of the anaesthetic properties of ether, rapidly placed nitrous oxide again upon the shelf, where it remained, more or less forgotten, for a further term of nearly twenty years. A little reflection will at once show that Wells's anaesthetic was heavily handi- capped in its struggle for existence. Its phy- sical characters were against it. Being gaseous at ordinary temperatures and pressures, it was, as compared to its liquid rivals, ether and chloroform, more or less unmanageable. It was, moreover, a difficult matter to obtain the gas in a state of purity, and in sufficiently large quantities for administration. But the chief cause of the discredit into which the gas fell was the want of knowledge which necessarily prevailed as to the principles which should be followed in its administration. The methods employed by Wells and his fol- lowers were such as to render success or failure merely a matter of chance. The administra- tion was very simply conducted. Some of the gas was placed in a bag or bladder to which was attached a tube, and the patient breathed backwards and forwards. The results which followed were necessarily exceedingly irregular, as the chronicled accounts of Wells's demon- stration and of subsequent attempts to produce anaesthesia amply testify. In addition to the 4 Introduction. fact that much of the nitrous oxide which was employed itself contained air, it must be remembered that the re-breathing of a small quantity of the gas necessarily led to its dilu- tion by the air already present in the respira- tory passages. The early administrations of nitrous oxide were, indeed, administrations of nitrous oxide mixed with considerable propor- tions of nitrogen, oxygen, and carbonic acid gas, to say nothing of the impurities other than air which may or may not have been present in the anaesthetic employed for inhalation. Loud and prolonged lauohter, crvin<>', shout- ing, praying, semi-maniacal excitement, and many grotesque and amusing phenomena manifested themselves — phenomena which we now know to have been produced by the too free dilution of the gas with the oxygen of atmospheric air. In some of the cases in which teeth were removed no pain was ex- perienced ; in others the pain was only partly abrogated ; in many the pain was felt with the usual or even with more than the usual acuteness. It was not until 1863 that nitrous oxide again began to emerge from the seclusion into which it had been forced by reverses of fortune. In this year a dentist named Smith, of New Haven, Conn., took upon himself the responsi- bility of submitting one of his patients to its Introduction. 5 influence, and the results were this time so satisfactory that Colton, who was again the administrator, forthwith proceeded to New York where, with several influential dentists, he established an association bearing his name, for the painless extraction of teeth. Writing in March, 1881, Dr. Colton stated that no less than 121,709 administrations of nitrous oxide had been conducted by the Colton Dental Association since July, 1863, when the Asso- ciation was founded, and that no accident had occurred. The news of Colton's success soon crossed the Atlantic, and in January, 1864, Mr. Rymer, a London dentist, reported 2 some experi- mental administrations of nitrous oxide which he had undertaken at the National Dental Hospital. In these experiments either a bladder or an india-rubber bag was used, and the patient breathed the gas backwards and forwards through a tube of large calibre. According to the interesting paper published by Mr. Rymer, the results were very satisfac- tory. So far as 1 am able to ascertain, the first apparatus which possessed valves to prevent re-breathing, was that used by Dr. Evans of Paris, at a very successful demonstration which he gave at the Dental Hospital ol London in 1868. The introduction oi this improved 6 Introduction. method of administration was quickly followed by the manufacture of liquefied nitrous oxide ; and, for the first time since Horace Wells's ex- periment, nitrous oxide began to occupy an unassailable position amongst its rivals in the great field of therapeutics. Clover, whose in- genuity in devising other anaesthetic apparatus had already become conspicuous, quickly im- proved upon the still rough nitrous oxide inhalers, and laid down rules to be observed in administration. The complications which had attended the earlier administrations of nitrous oxide, if such they can be called, had been due to the pre- sence of atmospheric air in too large quantities ; those which now began to appear, with the more perfected apparatus, were of an exactly opposite nature. The recognition of the effects produced by the admission of air now led to its most stringent exclusion. The pendulum, in fact, began to swing just as far in this direc- tion as it had swung in the other. It was thought that because air produced excitement it should necessarily be wholly excluded — a view which subsequent experience has taught us to modify. With this new system of ad- ministration, it soon became clear that a more or less continuous inhalation was impossible. Given that the gas was mixed with no air or oxygen, that no re-breathing was possible, and Introduction . 7 that the inhaling" apparatus fitted and worked accurately, nitrous oxide could not be given for more than a very brief space of time. After the inhalation had lasted a minute or so, certain phenomena arose which necessitated the with- drawal of the anaesthetic and the admission of air. It therefore became clear that nitrous oxide was par excellence the anaesthetic for very- brief operations. Prolonged operations could only be accomplished under its influence, and these not very satisfactorily, by intermittently allowing air to be respired. The next step in the development of nitrous oxide anaesthesia was taken by the late Prof. Paul Bert, whilst engaged with his researches upon barometric pressure. In a communica- tion which he made to the Societe de Biologic, on Feb. 9, 1878, he stated' 1 that he found the effects of toxic gases upon living organisms to be dependent upon their tension when breathed. Nitrous oxide was a gas which, at the ordinary atmospheric pressure, would only produce anaesthesia when administered pure, i.e., free from air. Unfortunately, however, in administering nitrous oxide free from all air, asphyxial phenomena soon became developed. Hut if a mixture of one half nitrous oxide and one half air were administered in a closed chamber in which the ordinary barometric pressure could be doubled, then the blood 8 Introduction. would receive just as much nitrous oxide as when the gas was administered pure at ordinary pressures, and just as much air as would be breathed under natural circum- stances. In this way prolonged anaesthesia would be possible and asphyxia would be avoided. As we shall subsequently see, Bert's original proposition as to the necessity of em- ploying perfectly pure nitrous oxide for the production of anaesthesia was not true. His idea was nevertheless as brilliant as it was ingenious. Bert soon saw that by employing oxygen instead of air it would be unnecessary to dilute the nitrous oxide to anything like the extent above indicated, so that a com- paratively small increase in barometric pressure would be needed. On the nth May, 1878, Bert stated 4 that he had successfully anaesthetised a dog with a mixture of 80 per cent, of nitrous oxide and 20 per cent, of oxygen, under an additional barometric pressure of 20 cm. There was no excitement, and no material disturbance of the normal functions of respiration and circulation. The anaesthesia was everything that could be desired. On the 13th of July following he announced' that, by his method, he had kept a dog anaesthetised, and free from asphyxial symp- toms, for half an hour ; that a manometer Introduction. 9 placed in an artery had not shown any percep- tible variations in tension ; that the blood pressure had been raised by irritating- exposed nerves ; that irritation of the pheripheral end of the vagus had stopped the heart ; and that irritation of its central end had stopped the respiration. On Nov. 11th of the same year Bert made 6 a preliminary report of his results to the Academic des Sciences. On Feb. 15th, 1879, he announced 7 to the Societe de Biologie that two days previously his method of producing anaesthesia had been for the first time tried upon the human subject. A large air-tight metal chamber in which, by means of pumps, the barometric pressure could be raised, had been employed, and a mixture of 85 per cent, of nitrous oxide and 15 per cent, of oxygen had been administered from a bag by means of a face-piece with two valves, the barometric pressure in the chamber being 92 cm. (= an increase ol 17 cm.). The operation, which was the avulsion of a toe nail, had been a complete success. There had been no pain, very little movement, no excite- ment, a quiet pulse, and no loss of colour. The tension of the nitrous oxide had been 85 x ''- = 104; and that of the oxygen 15 x y - = 1 8*4 ; in other words, that of the nitrous oxide had been a little higher than io Introduction. when the pure gas was given at ordinary pressures, and that of the oxygen a little lower than that of the air (20"q). Inciden- tally Bert remarked that such a mixture as that which he employed would not produce anaesthesia at ordinary pressures — a point to which I shall have to refer later on. Bert's next communication 8 is dated Feb. 2 1 st, 1880. On this occasion he advocated a total barometric pressure of 89*5 cm. and a mixture ol similar proportions to those before described. The almost ideal type of anaesthesia pro- duced by Bert's method attracted such atten- tion, especially on the Continent, that attempts were soon made to obtain similar results with- out the employment of the costly and cum- brous apparatus which Bert had devised. Thus, Klikowitsch, 9 Winckel, 10 Ddderlein, and Zweifel employed a mixture of 80 per cent, of nitrous oxide and 20 per cent, of oxygen in obstetric practice, administering the gases as nitrous oxide itself is customarily adminis- tered. In most of the cases in which records are available an analgesic effect seems only to have been produced, the patient's con- sciousness having remained more or less intact whilst her pains were relieved. The first systematic application of Bert's method to dental practice was made by Dr. Introduction . 1 1 C. Martin of Lyons, whose monographs 11 upon the subject are of great interest. Hav- ing provided himself with an air-tight metal chamber, and with the necessary machinery for raising the barometric pressure, he pro- ceeded to carry out Bert's directions. He found, however, that by carrying them out to the letter he met with considerable excite- ment, and a " disturbed sleep, barely anaes- thetic." The results were, in fact, inferior to those obtainable with nitrous oxide as ordin- arily given. He therefore tried an increase of barometric pressure, raising it to 95 cm., 100 cm., and even to 125 cm., but without success. He next tried 1 2 per cent, of oxygen instead of 15 per cent., as recommended by Bert. Anaesthesia now more rapidly ensued ; there was less excitement ; there was no cyanosis ; and recovery was satisfactory. These results were obtained with a pressure of 105 cm. He next raised the pressure to 1 10 cm., and for the first time he obtained results comparable to those described by Bert. When any excite- ment began to manifest itself an increase in the barometric pressure quickly arrested it. Martin found it best to wait from 2 to 3 minutes before operating, and in the event of a long anaesthesia being necessary he admin- istered the mixture for 4 or even 5 minutes before beginning the extraction. It is interest- 12 Introduction. ing that he found that if the pressure were only ioo cm., or 105 cm., the patient reco- vered more quickly than with a pressure of i 1 5 or 1 20 cm. After-nausea was more fre- quent in the prolonged administrations than in the others. I have elsewhere 12 described an interest- ing experiment which M. Martin made upon a dog. He kept the animal breathing a mixture of 85 per cent, of nitrous oxide and 15 per cent, of oxygen under a pressure of from 1 10 to 120 cm., for three consecutive days, without any untoward effects during or after the insensibility. Nothing could more forcibly demonstrate the harmlessness of the mixture than such an ex- periment. On April 30th, 1883, Bert read his final paper on the subject. 13 Having reviewed his previous work, he stated that he had been endeavouring to produce prolonged nitrous oxide anaesthesia without the employment of increased atmospheric pressure, and that he had been successful in the case of the lower animals. He regarded the alternate adminis- tration of nitrous oxide and air as objectionable. He first tried administering nitrous oxide and oxygen alternately ; but the rapid elimination of the former gas in the presence of the latter led to a too sudden recovery. He next adminis- tered, alternately, pure nitrous oxide and a Introduction. 13 mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen similar to that which he used in his pressure cases. He- was thus able to keep a dog unconscious for half an hour. At the time of his paper he had not tried this method in human beings, nor can I find any record of his having subsequently done so. He urged surgeons, however, to give it a trial, and stated that he intended to make further experiments as to the best percentages for the mixture. Dr. Hillischer of Vienna, a well-known den- tist, was the first to successfully employ nitrous oxide and oxygen, at ordinary atmospheric pressures, in dental surgery. His first paper appeared 14 in 1886 ; his second' 5 and third' 6 in 1887; and his fourth 17 and fifth' 8 in 1890. He suggested that the gaseous mixture should be termed " Schlafgas " from the sleep-like state into which patients pass under its influence. Dr. Hillischer has adminis- tered nitrous oxide and oxygen in upwards of 15,000 cases; and the facts which he has brought forward fully justify him in entertaining such high opinions of the mixture he employs. In his earlier cases he used gasometers, but in latter years he has employed a regulating apparatus by which the proportion of oxygen can be increased or diminished during the administration. He very properly directs atten- tion to the necessity of this plan ; for patients 14 Introduction. vary very considerably in the percentage of oxygen needed to secure a good type of anaesthesia. Dr. Hillischer states that he has administered " Schlafgas " to patients of all ages; to those suffering from advanced affections of the heart ; to those with diseases of the lungs ; and to the subjects of epilepsy and other nervous diseases. He further states that he looks upon the gaseous mixture as absolutely without contra- indication — that he administers it to every patient irrespective of any morbid state which may be present. He admits that far more ex- perience is needed in administering ''Schlafgas" than in giving any other anaesthetic with which we are acquainted ; and there can be no doubt that, here again, he is perfectly correct. As to the percentage of oxygen, he finds it best, in most cases, to commence with 10 per cent, and to gradually increase this to 15 or even 20 per cent. With regard to alcoholic subjects and others who are rebellious to the influence of nitrous oxide with 10 per cent, of oxygen, he reduces the proportion to 5 per cent, or even less. On the other hand, if he finds that the breathing becomes laboured, or that the features assume a cyanotic appearance, he increases the percentage of oxygen. Dr. Witzel, of Essen-on-the-Ruhr, has also administered nitrous oxide and oxygen for a Introduction. 15 large number of dental operations, and in some interesting lectures which he published' 9 in 1889, he strongly urges the advantages of the mixture and the correctness of Hillischer's views. Dr. H. C. Wood, 20 of Philadelphia, has been unable to satisfy himself as to the anaes- thetic effects of nitrous oxide and oxygen in the lower animals. He states, for example, that in the dog, nitrous oxide mixed with 8 per cent, of oxygen indefinitely postpones anaesthesia. The tests upon which he relies, in estimating anaesthesia, are however, open to considerable criticism. But, apart from this, we now pos- sess such a mass of incontrovertible clinical evidence that in the human being safe and thoroughly satisfactory anaesthesia can be pro- duced with nitrous oxide and oxygen, that it is difficult to understand the views put forward by this eminent authority. In 1886 I commenced, at the Dental Hos- pital of London, a series of experimental ad- ministrations of nitrous oxide and oxygen, at ordinary atmospheric pressures, with the object of ascertaining the best method for general use. It would serve no useful purpose to describe, on the present occasion, the numerous procedures which were adopted. No less than [3 distinct plans were tried, each of which necessitated a different form of apparatus. 1 6 Introduction. Those who are specially interested in the matter, however, will find, in another publi- cation,'" a full description of the stages by which I arrived at the apparatus which I brought out in 1 894 — the apparatus which is fully described in the following chapter. That it should have taken so long to devise a work- able method may appear remarkable. But the fact is, that, as the experiments proceeded, so it became more and more clear that attention had to be paid to the minutest possible details. One of the first points that became obvious was that sudden transitions in the composition of the gases breathed were to be avoided. For example, no good results could be obtained by suddenly changing from ordinary nitrous oxide to a mixture containing a considerable percentage of oxygen ; or from one containing a small to one containing a large percentage ; or vice versa. I then endeavoured to ascertain whether any definite percentage of oxygen with nitrous oxide would answer in every case. I found that in most cases a mixture containing 1 2^ per cent, of oxygen answered admirably. By its use all asphyxial phenomena were avoided ; there was no stertor, jactitation, or lividity ; breathing continued without the slightest embarrassment ; the natural colour was pre- served ; and in most cases the anaesthesia Introduction. 17 was perfect and tranquil. In a certain number of cases, however, excitement and screaming arose, and it was necessary to let some pure nitrous oxide into the mixture in order to terminate the case satisfactorily. My results with this mixture were published in the Lancet.™ The next point that proved to be of import- ance was the necessity of absolutely excluding ai r during the inhalation. There can be no doubt that in administering nitrous oxide in the usual manner a small quantity of air is very likely to gain access to the lungs, either under the face-piece, or at the expiratory valve. If nitrous oxide, with or without oxygen, be administered in such a way that the inhaling bag is kept distended, it is obvious that no such admixture of air can occur. I was at a loss for some time to account for the better results obtained in administering nitrous oxide and oxygen (the oxygen being present to the extent of 12- or 10 per cent.) when the gases issued from the gasometer under slight pressure ; but there is little doubt that the explanation given is the true one, and that when the gases were given with a half-distended bag small quantities of air gained access and disturbed the anaesthesia. The admixture of a small quantity of air during an ordinary administration of nitrous 1 8 Introduction. oxide is, if anything, an advantage, at all events in most cases ; but it is not so with nitrous oxide and oxygen. I next came to the conclusion that 10 per cent, of oxygen was preferable to 12^ per cent., and when this mixture was adminis- tered from a distended bai>" very trood results occurred in most cases. It soon became clear, however, that there w r as no definite percentage of oxygen which in every case would prevent all traces of asphyxia, and yet would in no way interfere with anaes- thesia. Patients varied too widely for the employment of any method of this nature. It was obviously necessary to have control over the percentage of oxygen, so that it could be increased or diminished during the administra- tion, in accordance with the needs of the case. I therefore tried various kinds of regulating apparatus which I devised. I also tried Hillis- cher's apparatus ; but the results which I obtained with it were not satisfactory. Its chief fault seemed to be that it did not allow of fine enough adjustment in its oxygen inlet. The channels through it, moreover, were of very small calibre, the bags were too far from the mouthpiece, and the valves did not work with that perfect freedom which is essential. The first apparatus with which I obtained reliable results was described bv me before Introduction. 19 the Odontological Society in 1892 ; 21 and I demonstrated 23 the results which could be obtained with it, at the meeting of the British Dental Association at Manchester in the same year. I need not refer to its mechanism here, as the apparatus was similar in its main prin- ciples to that which is fully described in the following- chapter. There were two separate bags ; one for nitrous oxide, the other for oxygen. The oxygen was admitted to the nitrous oxide through thirteen small circular holes, any number of which could be opened. I found four flap valves necessary : two pre- vented re-breathing, and two prevented any diffusion of the gases before they were mixed. The expiratory valve was found to be much more efficient in preventing air gaining access during its closure when a chimney was fitted to its orifice. If the valve was not thus guarded. a small quantity of atmospheric air was very liable to be drawn in during its closure. The apparatus which I now use was brought before the notice of the British Dental Asso- ciation at Newcastle-on-Tyne in 1894. 24 I propose, however, to fully describe it again here, and when this has been done, to consider in detail the effects which it produces. By this plan we shall, I think, be in a favourable position to realise the immense advantages oi obtaining an anasth( sia which, when proper!) 2o Introduction. established, may be regarded as absolutely safe, and certainly far more satisfactory, from the operator's point of view, than that which we have been accustomed to meet with when employing nitrous oxide gas in the usual manner. CHAPTER II. APPARATUS. i. Gasometer Methods. Whilst it is true, as already stated, that there is no definite percentage of oxygen which will answer satisfactorily in every case, and that, to obtain the best results, a regulating apparatus is essential, it is equally true that a continuous administration, by means of a gasometer, of certain known mixtures of the two gases, will produce better results than can be obtained by nitrous oxide alone. The question hence arises : What percent- age of oxygen should be used in gasometer administrations ? In reply to this question I may say that, during the course of the investigation referred to in the Preface;, I have found that of all the mixtures which I have tried for continuous administration, the best results have been secured with those containing 5, 6, 7 or 8 per cent, of oxygen, according to the type of 22 Apparatus. patient. I hope soon to be in a position to speak more definitely upon this interesting point, for much misconception at present exists as to the effects produced by different per- centages of oxygen. Without going further into detail here, I may say, however, that if the apparatus works accurately, and air is absolutely excluded, percentages of oxygen above those indicated, are, as a general rule unnecessary. That cases arise in which higher or lower percentages should be given is beyond doubt ; but such cases can only be successfully met when a regulating apparatus is used. Given that no such apparatus is at hand, the percentages to which I have referred are certainly preferable to others, and with these percentages good results may be attained in most, if not in all cases. I have found that the chief objection to higher per- centages is the liability to excitement. It must be remembered, too, that with 5 per cent, of oxygen one is very near the asphyxial borderland. Indeed, when administering a mixture containing this percentage of oxygen, cases will occasionally be met with in which minor degrees of stertor, jactitation, and lividity, are present. Such cases would neces- sarily follow a different and more satisfactory course w"ere a regulating apparatus employed. A word of caution is perhaps necessary with Apparatus. 23 regard to keeping nitrous oxide and oxygen together, in gasometers, for any length of time. Hillischer states that traces of the higher oxides of nitrogen were detected, at the end of a week, in a mixture which had been kept in Ludwig's laboratory. The two gases should therefore be mixed as required. 2. The Author's Regulating Apparatus. Before describing this in detail it may be well to briefly enumerate the various require- ments which must be fulfilled by any regula- ting apparatus for the administration of nitrous oxide and oxygen. They are as follows : — (1) There must be a plentiful supply of the two gases from easily and quietly working cylinders : (2) The bags into which the gases pass must be capable of being kept partly and equally distended during the administration : (3) The bags must be as close as possible to the face-piece : (4) The channels throughout the apparatus must be sufficiently large to avoid any stress whatever being thrown upon respiration : (5) The regulating portion of the apparatus must allow of very small increments and decre- ments in the proportion of oxygen breathed with the nitrous oxide : 24 Apparatus. (6) There must be accurately working valves : (a) for preventing- all re-breathing, A/r H& +• Gj'i /.< /0 HI. Fig. i. — The Author's apparatus. and (b) for preventing diffusion between the contents of one bag and the contents of the other : Apparatus. 25 (7) The expiratory valve must not allow of any air being sucked back during its closure in the inspiratory phase : (8) The apparatus must be so constructed that, when first applied to the face, air will be breathed freely through it, and through the same valves that will be subsequently used when the mixture is turned on : (9) The apparatus must admit of being readily taken to pieces without the use of tools, so that its various parts may be inspected from time to time : (10) The inhaling portion of the apparatus must admit of being thoroughly cleansed, and of being treated with antiseptic solutions should occasion require. (11) The whole apparatus must be suffi- ciently portable to be carried in a hand bag. (See Fig. 5.) Fig. 1 represents the complete apparatus. It consists of two nitrous oxide cylinders, one oxygen cylinder, a combined stand and union, double india-rubber tubes (one run ning inside the other) for conducting the two gases from the cylinders to the bags, two india-rubber bags joined together by a sep- tum common to both, a combined regulating stopcock and mixing chamber, and a face- piece. The two nitrous oxide cylinders, the single 26 Apparatus. oxygen cylinder resting upon them, and the combined stand and union, are shown in diagrammatic section in Fig. 2. Each nitrous oxide cylinder will furnish 50 gallons of nitrous oxide gas ; and each oxygen cylinder about 15 gallons of oxvgen. Fig. 2. — Diagrammatic section of cylinders, and of combined stand and union. The combined stand and union is so made that the cylinders can be connected together or disconnected without the aid of spanners or other appliances. In order to prevent undue strain to the union when the foot-key is being used upon the oxygen cylinder, an adjustable screw pillar, fixed to the stand below, is made to engage that part of the under surface of the oxygen cylinder upon which foot-pressure directly tells. In this way all foot-pressure is transmitted to the stand. Apparatus. 27 When the foot-key is placed upon one of the nitrous oxide cylinders, and is turned, the liberated nitrous oxide passes to its bag- through brass and india-rubber tubes of com- Fig. 3. — Diagrammatic section of the india-rubber transmitting tubes and bags through which the two gases pass on their way to the regulating stopcock and mixing chamber. paratively large calibre. When oxygen is similarly released from its cylinder it passes to its ba' inhalations. 46 The Administration. The initial sensations of the patient are very similar to those experienced under nitrous oxide itself, and are by no means unpleasant. I am still unable to decide whether the almost invariable absence of suffocative sensations is referable to the presence of the small propor- tion of oxygen, or whether it is due to the very free channels of the apparatus. It is, however, certain that patients hardly ever experience the slightest discomfort in breath- ing the mixed gases, provided, of course, that the clothing is perfectly loose. Consciousness is not lost quite so quickly as with nitrous oxide alone ; but in other- respects the early sensations are identical, and need not therefore be described. The anaesthetist has now to pay attention to three points at the same time. He has (i).to keep the face-piece very accurately applied ; (2) to keep the two bags equally and only partly distended ; and (3) to increase or diminish the proportion of oxygen according to the symp- toms of the patient. It will therefore be advis- able to consider the remaining part of the administration under these three heads. (1) The fitting of the face-piece. Whilst there is much to be said in favour of the face- piece, as opposed to the mouth-tube, lor nitrous oxide inhalation, there can be no doubt that it is more difficult, when employing the former, to The Administration. 47 completely exclude atmospheric air than when using the latter. There are, however, several objections to mouth-tubes. The idea of holding between one's lips a tube that has just been used by another patient is not a pleasant one, even though the most scrupulous cleanliness may have been enforced. Moreover, it is essential, in using a mouth-tube, that the nose should be clipped or held, in order to prevent any air entering the nasal passages. And, lastly, breathing is liable to be impeded by the tube necessarily being of small calibre. Taking everything into consideration, therefore, the face-piece has distinct advantages. But con- siderable practice is required before perfect coaptation can be secured in all cases. Un- fortunately, when employing the mixed gases, any want of coaptation cannot be met by increasing the pressure at which the gases enter the face-piece, for distension of the bags would at once throw the regulating mechanism out of gear. (2) The fulness and relative sizes of the bags. In order that the regulating mechanism may work properly it is necessary that the two bags should be kept as nearly as possible of equal size throughout, and only partly dis- tended. The anaesthetist has, in fact, to use his loot as much as his hand, and to let in nitrous oxide; to its bag in such quantities that 48 The Administration. the bag remains the same size as the oxygen bag. The latter necessarily grows gradually smaller, and the anaesthetist, therefore, has to keep the nitrous oxide bag less and less full. (3) The Admission of Oxygen. Given that the apparatus works satisfactorily and in the usual manner, the anaesthetist must regulate the admission of oxygen in accordance with the type of his patient, and with the symptoms that the patient displays. There is, unfortunately, no rule which will apply to every case. After some experience the administrator will recog- nise that he has at his disposal an apparatus by which he can, if he wishes, obtain two totally different groups of symptoms. If very little or no oxygen be given, the ordinary phenomena of nitrous oxide narcosis will present themselves, viz., blueness, lividity, or duskiness of the features, epileptiform muscular twitchings of the trunk, extremities and face, and obstructive stertor. If too much oxygen be admitted, there will be no alteration in coiour, no epilepti- form convulsive movements, and no stertor, but violent mental and muscular excitement (laughter, shouting, kicking, stamping and struggling) will attend the administration, and will be ail most as objectionable as the asphyxial phenomena produced by pure nitrous oxide. There are thus two extremes — two ends of The Administration. 49 the scale — and each extreme must be avoided. The anaesthetist has, in fact, to steer a middle course, and to keep a sharp look-out. A little practice will enable him to avoid the Scylla of asphyxia on the one hand, and the Charybdis of excitement on the other. He will find, after a time, that he is able to detect even slight deviations from the proper course, almost before such deviations have taken place. Generally speaking, a gradual and progres- sive increase in the percentage of oxygen is advisable. In such a case, for example, as that which we have pictured to ourselves, the best results will be obtained by starting the inhalation, as already mentioned, with from 2 to 4 per cent, of oxygen, and then progressively increasing this proportion to 8 or 9 per cent. It seems to mc that it is a mistake to adopt the plan which is customary in Germany, and to begin with as much as 10 per cent, of oxygen. It is surely more rational to make an allowance; for the oxygen present in the lungs when the administration begins, and we should therefore commence with a very small per- centage of this gas. As the lungs lose the air they contained, so the percentage of oxygen in the mixture may be increased, provided that no symptoms of excitement arise. II a 10 per cent, mixture be used from the commencement, excitement is liable to ensue from the undue 4 50 The Administration. proportion of oxygen. Witzel, 19 for example, who follows this course in his administrations, finds it necessary to employ arm-rings, foot- straps, and other appliances to restrain the patient's movements, and to have at hand, on all occasions, strong- and trained assistants. Such precautions are unnecessary when the method here advocated is followed. I find it best, as a general rule, to allow two or three inspirations of the mixture to take place with the indicator at "2"; two or three more with it at " 3 " ; two or three more with it at "4"; and so on till "6" or "7" is reached. Usually, by the time the indicator has reached this point the anaesthetist will be able to recognise the existence of one of three condi- tions. There will either be evidence to show (a) that the proportions of the two gases are properly adjusted ; (/3) that the proportion of oxygen is rather in excess of that which is needed, and should therefore be diminished ; or (y) that this proportion is rather less than that required, and should therefore be in- creased. (a) The absence of any indications of ex- citement on the one hand, or of asphyxia on the other, will prove that the proportions of the two gases are properly adjusted. Under such circumstances the indicator may either The Administration. 51 be kept at "6" or "7 for several breaths, and then gradually turned to "8," "9," or ,l 10," or it may be allowed to remain at "6" or " 7 " till anaesthesia is fully and satisfactorily established. (/3) Should there be an unaltered colour, associated either with slight phonation, hardly perceptible breathing, a tendency to laughter, or slight restless movements of the head, trunk, or extremities, the oxygen indicator should be turned back slightly ; for these symptoms in- dicate that too much oxygen is being inhaled. (y) Should the breathing be loudly snoring in character, or the colour rather dusky, or should slight general clonic movement of the body, head, or extremities be evident, the oxygen indicator must be moved on ; for such symptoms indicate a deficiency oi oxygen. In one or other of these three ways the patient will pass into deep and satisfactory anaesthesia characterised by certain definite phenomena. I he experience; of recent years has convinced me that in administering nitrous oxide and oxygen we should endeavour to obtain an anaesthesia similar in most of its features to the best types of ether or chloroform anaesthesia. If we aim at inducing a perfectly sleep-like state in which the colour of the features is absolutely unaltered or is even heightened, and the breathing is so tnyiquil 5 z The Administration. that it is inaudible, we shall not only be liable to meet with excitement, but the anaesthesia will, at all events in many cases, be less pro- found than is desirable. Moreover, it is not an easy matter, when the breathing" is inaudible, to estimate the depth of anaesthesia. We should therefore, I think, endeavour to bring- about an anaesthesia characterised by softly snoring breathing, a good pulse, a colour as near the normal as possible, an insensitive ocular conjunctiva, relaxed eyelids, a fixed condition of the globes, and the absence of muscular rigidity in the extremities. Sometimes, and especially after a phase of rapid breathing, or when a good deal of oxygen has been given, the respiration may come almost or completely to a standstill without there being the slightest need for alarm. The apnteic state is associated with a good pulse and colour, ami will quicklv pass off when the proportion of oxygen is reduced. Ihe pulse is always as quick as, or quicker it was immediatelv before the administra- tion. In most cases the initial acceleration from nervousness graduallv increases to a maximum, and then declines somewhat, though it never falls below its initial acceleration rate, I am unable to agree with Hillischer's observa- tion that the pulse-rate sinks to normal during aniesthesia. l)r. Oliver"' observed, in us ins/ The Administration. 53 his arteriometer, that the pulse calibre was not reduced as in the case of pure nitrous oxide. The small, feeble, and exceedingly rapid pulse which not unfrequently may be felt at the acme of an ordinary nitrous oxide inhalation, is not met with when oxygen is present with the nitrous oxide in sufficient quantities. I have never, in fact, come across any indications of circulatory failure during the administration of the mixed gases. The tongue and adjacent structures are less engorged than when nitrous oxide is administered free from oxygen. The eyes are generally closed throughout. Some patients, however, prefer to keep them open when the inhalation begins, but as it proceeds the globes gradually cease to fix themselves on surrounding objects, and the lids become approximated, During the first minute or so of the inhalation any attempt on the part of the administrator to raise the upper lid will be resisted by the patient. But after the first minute the lid will gradually relax ; and when it can be raised without any resistance, and the conjunctiva can be touched without reflex response, it may generally be assumed that sufficient ana-sthesia is present. Sometimes fine oscillatory movements of the globes may be seen on raising the upper lids. The pupils are generally of medium size or moderately dilated. There is a striking contrast between the closed lids of this form of anaesthesia and 54 The Administration. the open and turned-up eyes so often seen in ordinary nitrous oxide narcosis. Amongst the numerous points to which attention must be paid in conducting the ad- ministration, there is one which is of consider- able importance. It is that the anaesthetist must allow for what may be termed the delayed effects of admitting more or less oxygen. For example, let us suppose that slight phonation occurs when the indicator points to " /." By turning it to "3" or "4" the phonation will in the course of a few moments subside. But if the indicator be kept at "3" or "4" till the patient is perfectly quiet, the anaesthetist will probably have gone too far in the asphyxial direction. He should turn to "3" or "4" for a few breaths only and return to "5," "6" or '' 7 " before the phonation has ceased. In other words, he must bear in mind that a little interval must necessarily elapse before the effects of an increase or decrease in oxygen admission will become manifest. As regards the length of inhalation which is necessary to produce the typical phenomena of the anaesthesia, I have found that it is, on the average, jio seconds, i.e., nearly twice the length of the average nitrous oxide inhalation. The juncture at which the administration should be terminated must, however, depend The Administration. 55 upon the circumstances of each case, such, for example, as the susceptibility or insus- ceptibility which the patient has displayed, the nature of the proposed operation, and the length of time that has elapsed since food was taken. The quantity of the mixture required to produce anaesthesia will likewise vary con- siderably, being dependent upon the propor- tion of oxygen employed, the depth and rate of respiration, the length of inhalation, the type of patient, and other factors. 56 CHAPTER V. THE PATIENT. In studying the effects produced in the human subject by nitrous oxide and oxygen, one of the first facts which becomes apparent is that, although the constitution of the mixture, the method of administration, and other sur- rounding circumstances may remain the same, different individuals display very different phe- nomena. To say, however, that every case has its own special peculiarities is hardly correct. By careful observation it becomes possible to group cases together into classes, and to say that patients of this or that class will display this or that set of symptoms. We are in this way led to speak of different types of patients. It is true that our knowledge of this interesting aspect of the subject is still very meagre ; but it is rapidly increasing. Success in administering anaesthetics is largely depen- dent upon the power the administrator possesses of correctly foretelling what effects this or that method will produce in the patient before him ; The Patient. 57 and it is this kind of knowledge which is essential in deciding - upon the particular lines of treatment which should be adopted in anaes- thetising patients by the method now under consideration. In the preceding Chapter we discussed the plan which should be followed in dealing with those types of subjects most commonly met with. We have now to consider what modi- fications in that plan are advisable when anaesthetising patients of other types. Sex and age. — In anaesthetising small children, more oxygen than usual must be admitted. Should crying take place, the administration should be commenced with the indicator at " 8 " "9 " or " 10 " ; for the crying tends to introduce an asphyxial element. I have anaesthetised two or three children of three years of age, by means of the mixture, but with moderate success only, the anaesthesia being very transient in such small subjects. In older children the indicator may usually be placed at " 3 " or " 4 " to commence with, and moved on rather more quickly than usual to " 5," " 6," etc. By the time " 10" is reached, the breathing will probably have become so tran- quil that some doubt as to the presence of anaesthesia may be felt ; the indicator should therefore now be turned back to " 5," "4 " or even "3," when snoring will be certain to com- 5$ The Patient. mence. In this way a more satisfactory anaes- thesia may be induced than if the face-piece be removed during the inaudible breathing. Taken as a class, women are better subjects than men. They are more tolerant of con- siderable proportions of oxygen, they are more susceptible to the mixture, and, by reason of their being less muscular, they are less prone to inconvenient rigidity and movement. Middle- aged women, with the rarest exceptions, are always good subjects. I have, for example, notes of several cases in which 60-90 seconds' anaesthesia resulted after an ordinary inhalation cf the mixed gases. Old persons of both sexes are always very favourably affected by the mixture. I have anaesthetised, by its means, several patients over 80 years of age. The absence of that temporary respiratory embarrassment which is so often induced by nitrous oxide free from oxygen, and which, in the case of elderly persons with rigid chests, cannot be regarded as free from risk, is a very distinct gain. General condition. — The better the patient's state of health the more anaesthetic will he require ; and vice versa. The proportions of oxwen in the mixture, moreover, should be rather smaller in the case of a perfectly healthy subject than in that of a debilitated individual. An exuberance of health and spirits is not The Patient. 59 always conducive to the most tranquil form of anaesthesia. It may be said, in fact, that patients of a weakly constitution, and those who have recently been suffering from some depressing malady, more often approach our ideal standard of anaesthesia than patients of opposite types. Physique. — Other things being equal, the more powerfully built the patient the greater will be the quantity of the mixture required. Men of an athletic physique, who have led out-door lives, and who are in a state of perfect health, often give slight trouble by becoming rigid during the administration and operation. Speaking in general terms, one may say that rather smaller proportions of oxygen should be used in the case of men than of women. Thus it is best, as a rule, to start the administration with the indicator at " i " and to very gradually move it onwards. If oxygen be admitted at the same rate as in anaesthetising; women, a long inhalation will be necessary before good anaesthesia is established ; and in attaining this anaesthesia excitement will be liable to arise. Men of slim build and rather weakly constitu- tion may be treated in precisely the same wax- as women. Very stout subjects, and especially those with thick, short necks, or double chins, tend to become; unusually stertorous. In such cases the respiratory functions are always 6o The Patient. somewhat impaired, so that, even though the patient may be tall and powerfully built, it is best to proceed in the customary manner and not to diminish the usual proportions of oxygen. Very stout elderly women, with feeble heart action, and possibly bronchial symptoms, are remarkably good subjects for nitrous oxide and oxygen administered in this way. The presence of a beard or moustache. — When the hair is so distributed about the lips and chin that even a small quantity necessarily intervenes between the cushion of the face- piece and the skin, allowance must be made for the unavoidable ingress of a small propor- tion of air with the mixture. All one can do is to obtain as accurate a coaptation as possible, by moistening the beard : to administer a few breaths of pure nitrous oxide at first ; and then very gradually to turn to " r," "2," and so on. In this way I have been able to obtain very good results. In many cases the long inhalation which has resulted from the unavoidable admission of small proportions of air, has led to remarkably long anaesthesia. It is impossible, however, in these cases, to be as sure of one's results as in others. Temperament.— Other factors remaining the same, the best subjects for this as for other anaesthetics are patients with placid, equable The Patient. 61 temperaments. Highly excitable and emo- tional persons are liable to give slight trouble. They sometimes voluntarily hold the breath, or scream, before the anaesthetic is actually breathed. They often, moreover, require considerable quantities of the mixed gases before the conjunctival reflex vanishes. In many cases, indeed, this reflex will not dis- appear, and the anaesthetist has to judge by other signs that his patient is ready for the operation. Highly neurotic persons usually display a shorter available anaesthesia than others. Thin, pale, dark-complexioned young women, of nervous temperament aire particularly liable to prove difficult of management. With nitrous oxide alone the full effects of the gas are produced in a few respirations; the asphyxial element is conspicuously present ; and the resulting anaesthesia is disturbed and brief. Much better results may be obtained, however, with the mixture if the administra- tion be conducted properly. Oxygen should be rather sparingly admitted at first ; it should then be somewhat more freely given ; and a long inhalation secured. With regard to hysterical women, we may say that, although one cannot always depend upon obtaining perfect results, such patients are, as a rule, remarkably good subjects for the mixture, 62 The Patient. provided that oxygen be not too freely ad- mitted. When such subjects are anaesthe- tised by nitrous oxide alone, the anaesthesia is so short that during recovery nio-htmare- dreams and other distressing sensations are likely to arise, and to induce screaming and emotional attacks. The anaesthesia being deeper, when the mixture is used, the result- ing unconsciousness is quieter and longer, and the recovery is usually unattended by any emotional disturbances. The difference be- tween the two methods of anaesthetising dental patients has been very marked during the course of the work I have done at the Dental Hospital. I find that with nitrous oxide and oxygen, patients rarely make any sound at all, either during or after the ad- ministration; whereas with nitrous oxide alone, phonation is exceedingly common. Complexion - Colour. — Plethoric, florid patients are more liable than anaemic looking persons to evince some duskiness during the inhalation. Of all subjects, however, those of a congested, bloated aspect are the most prone to become dusky in appearance. It is not advisable to be guided entirely by the patient's colour in deciding whether more or less oxygen should be given ; for if this course be adopted in the case of patients who quickly and readily show slight duskiness, but who are naturally The Patient. 63 excitable, imperfect anaesthesia from too much oxygen may arise. In most cases it is possible to retain the patient's normal colour throughout the administration. Curiously enough, I have notes of one or two cases, in which no obvious alteration in colour occurred even though, as was obvious from the presence of "mild oscillation," the oxygen of the mixture was considerably reduced. These cases are very exceptional. Should the patient be pale from nervous apprehension, the pallor will become replaced by the natural colour as the inhala- tion proceeds. Generally speaking, anaemic subjects are very tolerant of oxygen, and in their case this gas should be admitted more freely than usual, the indicator being placed at "3" or "4" at the beginning of the administration . Alcoholic indulgence. — Alcoholic subjects generally do well with rather less oxygen than usual, and the administration should be as prolonged as is considered advisable, in order to produce as deep an anaesthesia as possible. As with other anaesthetics, delay in producing anaesthesia is liable to arise, and the anaesthetic state is often short and imperfect in character. Movements of the head, arms, or legs are not uncommon during the inhalation, so that care should be taken not to give more! oxygen than is needed to avoid asphyxial phenomena. In 64 The Patient. some cases the hands of the patients will clutch the operator's arm during the operation, even in the complete absence of consciousness. Reflex phonation during the operation is also not uncommon. The excessive use of tobacco and other narcotics. — I have found that patients who smoke inordinately are not the best subjects for nitrous oxide, even when given with oxygen. They are inclined to movement, hesitating or suspended breathing, and rigid- ity, during the inhalation, and to a short anaesthesia afterwards. All one can say is that one can obtain, by means of the mixture, a better result than with nitrous oxide alone ; but this is all. Patients who habitually take chloral or morphine also become comparatively insusceptible to this as to other anaesthetics. I have only once met with a temporary maniacal seizure after nitrous oxide and oxygen, and this was in the case of a young man who, for six consecutive nights, had taken sleeping draughts of chloral and of opium. Affections of the respiratory system. — Should any affection of the respiratory system exist, care must be taken to allow for this, so to speak, in conducting the administration, otherwise asphyxial phenomena similar to those met with when nitrous oxide is ad- ministered in the customary manner, will be liable to arise. The Patient. 65 If the air- way be partly obstructed by large tonsils, adenoid growths, or other conditions ; if the patient be the subject of chronic bron- chitis, emphysema, phthisis, or other allied diseases ; or if breathlessness from some cardiac affection be present ; more oxygen than usual must be given in order to neu- tralise, as it were, the unusual asphyxial ele- ment in the case. If this be done, nitrous oxide anaesthesia may be safely induced in nearly every case. There are, however, a few highly exceptional conditions in which some other form of anaes- thesia is perhaps preferable. I refer particularly to patients suffering from such dyspnoea that no tightly-fitting mask can be applied — patients, for example, who are the subjects of aneurysmal or other pressure upon the trachea, very ad- vanced phthisis, hydrothorax, and other grave respiratory conditions. Putting such excep- tional cases on one side, we may safely administer nitrous oxide and oxygen to all other patients. Affections of the circulatory system. — It is well known that patients with diseases of the heart are good subjects for anaesthetics, provid- ed that care be taken in selecting appropriate methods. I have administered nitrous oxide and oxygen to patients with all the commoner 5 66 The Patient. forms of morbus cordis. Amongst these have been three cases of aortic regurgitation, one of advanced mitral and aortic disease, and one of congenital valvular disease (? pulmo- nary). In all of these cases excellent results were obtained, and no anxiety was experienced. Although nitrous oxide, as ordinarily adminis- tered, is generally regarded as safe even in advanced heart disease, I must confess that I prefer not to adopt the customary plan of administration in such subjects. The case is quite different when nitrous oxide is given with oxygen, for the temporary impairment of respiration, with its consequent temporary general venous engorgement, is prevented, so that no undue strain is thrown upon the right side of the heart. I have notes of an interesting case which occurred at the Dental Hospital, which is perhaps worth quoting. The patient was a pale, thin, breathless man, who had been an in-patient at Charing Cross Hospital with oedema of the legs and cardiac symptoms following rheumatic fever. He was stated to have double aortic and mitral disease. The heart's action was very tumultuous and irregular. Nitrous oxide, free from oxygen, was administered to him by a skilled anaes- thetist on two occasions. On one of these his pupils became enormously dilated, his breathing very difficult, and his conjunctiva The Patient. 67 insensitive. His appearance was so alarming- that no operation was performed. The tongue was drawn forwards, and gradually the threatening symptoms vanished. I sub- sequently administered nitrous oxide and oxygen to this patient. The pupils never became widely dilated, and no trouble what- ever occurred. In the case of a lad with aortic regurgitation, who was pale, probably from fright, before the administration, the pulse markedly improved as the inhalation proceeded, and the pallor lessened ; during - the operation the normal florid colour was completely restored. I have observed exactly the same train of symptoms in a patient who, at the time of the administration, had an ex- ceedingly feeble pulse, and was pale from shock produced by fruitless attempts to ex- tract a tooth without an anaesthetic. One patient to whom I administered the mixture was the subject of a large intra - thoracic aneurysm ; no bad effects followed. In elderly persons with atheromatous vessels, it is probably better to administer nitrous oxide and oxygen than nitrous oxide alone ; but the present state of our knowledge concern- ing the differences in arterial tension in the two cases prevents any positive statement being made. Affections of the nervous system. —I have 68 The Patient. anaesthetised numerous epileptics, and have not vet met with a case in which an epileptic attack has arisen during or immediately after the inhalation. I have, however, had experi- ence of one case in which a well - marked seizure took place during" the administration of pure nitrous oxide; but as the attack came on very early in the administration it would be wrong, I think, to assume that the absence of oxygen had anv influence in its causation. Pregnancy. - Nitrous oxide and oxygen may be safely given to patients during the latter months of pregnancy. Although nitrous oxide, free from oxygen, is generally regarded as admissible, it certainly seems to me that it is wiser to adopt a non - asphyxiating method in these cases. I have administered nitrous oxide and oxygen, for a dental opera- tion, within a week of the expected confine- ment, and without any difficulty or subsequent trouble arising. This plan of obtaining anaes- thesia, indeed, is of great value in such cases, for on the one hand we are able to avoid the asphyxial accompaniments of an ordinary nitrous oxide inhalation, and, on the other, the possible after-vomiting of ether or chloro- form narcosis. 69 CHAPTER VI. THE ANAESTHESIA. The anaesthesia which is available for a dental operation commences at the moment the face-piece is removed, and should be re- garded as terminating at the first indications of returning semi-consciousness. Nothing has contributed more to the unfavourable opinions held by the public concerning " laughing gas," than the practice of continuing the operation whilst the patient is emerging, or after he has emerged from deep anaesthesia. With pure nitrous oxide the available unconsciousness is comparatively short, and the transitional zones between deep anaesthesia, semi-anaesthesia, and normal consciousness are so narrow that errors of judgment as to whether or not the patient is capable of feeling pain at a given moment are co a certain extent excusable. But with nitrous oxide and oxygen the avail- able ana-sthesia is distinctly longer, and the transitional zones are distinctly broader, so that operations which do not admit of being per- 7° The Anasthesia. fectly painlessly performed under nitrous oxide as customarily administered, may be conducted with an absolute freedom from pain and dis- comfort under nitrous oxide and oxygen. Immediately the anaesthetist has removed the face-piece he should direct his attention to supporting the patient's lower jaw, or steady- ing the head, according to the nature of the operation. He should at the same time keep a sharp look-out for teeth or fragments of teeth falling or shooting backwards towards the fauces. It is generally customary for lower teeth to be removed before upper. If both sides of the mouth are to be operated upon, and if the order of events is a matter of indifference to the surgeon and to his patient, it is better for the left side to be first dealt with, for it is easier to introduce the Mason's gag, should one be required, from this, i.e., the side upon which the anaesthetist stands, than from the other. The duration of the available anaesthesia varies somewhat in different cases. The average duration is about 44 seconds. Other things being equal, the longer the inhalation, the longer will be the resulting anaesthesia. On many occasions, for example, I have con- tinuously administered the mixed gases for three minutes, and have thus been able to The Anesthesia. 71 secure an available anaesthesia of 50, 60, or even yo seconds. But although the duration of the inhalation has a very marked influence in determining the length of the subsequent unconsciousness, there are numerous other factors. The type of subject occupies a pro- minent position amongst these. Children, excitable, neurotic patients, alcoholics, and inveterate smokers, usually remain a shorter time than usual under the influence of the anaesthetic. On the other hand, anaemic, non- excitable young men and young women, middle - aged women of spare build, and persons of both sexes who are in indifferent health may remain tranquilly anaesthetised for a comparatively long time. The amplitude and rate of the breathing immediately after the face-piece is removed is another factor. Should the operation be such that the lower jaw becomes depressed towards the sternum, temporarily obstructed respiration may ensue, and this, by preventing the exit of the imprisoned anaesthetic, and the entrance of atmospheric air, may lead to a prolongation of the anaesthesia. The same result may be brought about by sudden alterations in the posture of the head, by which respira- tion becomes mechanically obstructed. A somewhat similar lengthening of the usual anaesthesia is occasionally observed in stout, 72 The Anesthesia. wheezy subjects, and in those with chronic bronchitis and emphysema ; imperfect expan- sion of the bases of the lungs in these subjects being" favourable to the retention of nitrous oxide and oxygen for a longer time than usual. Generally speaking, the patient remains perfectly quiet and passive during the opera- tion, provided that a proper limit be placed upon the latter. At the first application of the forceps or elevator, there is, however, in many cases, a very slight and not incon- venient reflex movement of the body. In exceptional cases the movement is greater. Should the colour have been slightly dusky or paler than the normal when the face-piece was removed, it will quickly become natural when air is admitted. But if the operator should depress the lower jaw, or in any other way drive the tongue backwards, and thus temporarily arrest the breathing, some duski- ness will necessarily be produced. Phonation at the begining of the operation is hardly ever evoked. Should the patient have been making phonated sounds during the inhalation they may increase somewhat during the operation ; but it is not uncommon for the exact reverse of this to take place, and for such sounds to be suddenly arrested when the tooth is grasped by the forceps. The available anaesthesia is far quieter and The Anesthesia. 73 of a better type than when nitrous oxide has been given free from oxygen. In excep- tional cases, and more particularly in children and very nervous subjects, reflex phonation may occur, but as is well known, such phonation does not necessarily indicate the perception of pain or, indeed, any knowledge of the operation being performed. It is, moreover, usually not remembered. There are unfortunately no systematic rules by which we can invariably tell when the available anaesthesia has come to an end. An endeavour should be made to so adjust the administration and the operation that after the latter has been completed there shall still remain a slight reserve of anaesthesia. In the event, however, of unexpected difficulties arising in the operation, the anaesthetist is rightly expected to give the signal for discon- tinuing the extraction. It is by no means always an easy matter to say whether, at a particular juncture, the operation should be terminated or continued. Nothing but practical experience is of any avail in deciding points of this kind. The general aspect of the patient, the state of the eyes and pupils, the character of any sounds that may be uttered, and the nature of any movements that may take place — these and other indications have to be taken into careful consideration. 74 The Anesthesia. The most successful cases are those in which the operation is performed at the acme of anaesthesia, so that not only is there an absence of all pain, but the patient experiences none of those unpleasant sensations which are likely to arise when an operation takes place during semi-consciousness. A re-application of the face-piece before consciousness has been regained is not to be recommended, except under certain circum- stances, for such a plan of procedure is almost certain to be followed by inconvenient if not by objectionable asphyxial effects. If, how- ever, the patient's head be nearly vertical, if the attempt to remove a tooth or teeth should have led to no haemorrhage, and if the face- piece be applied before inconvenient movement has taken place, there is but little objection to the re-application. Generally speaking it is better, in the event of an extraction proving exceptionally difficult, to desist from the operation, to allow the patient to recover consciousness, to request him to thoroughly wash out his mouth with water, possibly containing a small quantity of sulphate of zinc or some other astringent, and to administer the mixture a second time. The circumstances will in this way be far more favourable than if a hurried attempt to extract a difficult tooth be made during imperfect The Anesthesia. 75 anaesthesia. Re-administrations of the mixture during" partial or complete anaesthesia, as well as those conducted after an interval of several minutes' consciousness, are liable to induce nausea and vomiting, so that, whenever possible, they should be avoided. In concluding this chapter it may be men- tioned that there is no better anaesthetic than that under consideration for such operations as drilling nto pulp cavities and opening up the antrum. The absence of all jactitation and irregular breathing renders such operations far easier of performance than when nitrous oxide is used free from oxygen. 7 6 CHAPTER VII. EXCEPTIONAL CASES. Although the method of producing anaes- thesia which has been described is the safest of all those at present known to us, it is un- doubtedly the most complex. From this it follows that partial or complete failure to bring- about typical nitrous oxide and oxygen anaes- thesia will be liable to occur to everyone who has not had much experience of the method. As more and more experience is gained, it will be found that difficulties and exceptional cases are less and less frequently met with, and that eventually such a state of proficiency will be gained that cases displaying any unusual departure from the normal type will be ex- ceedingly rare. Laughter, Singing and Articulate Shouting. Inarticulate Phonation. — The occurrence of such symptoms during the administration in- dicates either that air is gaining admission with the mixture, or that the oxygen proportion is too high. Exceptional Cases. 77 Muscular phenomena during inhalation.— These may comprise (1) Strictly voluntary movements at the outset of the administration, as, for example, putting up the hands with the object of removing" the face - piece, etc. Some patients imagine that by moving their fingers, hands, or feet, at the beginning of the administration, they may afford valuable assist- ance to the anaesthetist by providing him with a reliable sign that consciousness is present. Un- fortunately, movements originally voluntary not only tend to become automatic as consciousness becomes lost, but they may even increase to such a degree that the patient's whole body shares in the movement. (2) Uncontrollable nervous movements, also at the outset of the administration, e.g., tremor of the legs, or fidgety movements of arms, hands and fingers. (3) Intoxication-movements, such as move- ment of the head from side to side, stamping, alternate thrusting out of the arms, etc. Such movements as these are often associated with laughter or shouting, and like the latter are due to air or to too lari>"e a percentage of oxvsren in the mixture. (4) Tonic spasm. Some degree of tonic spasm is not uncommon, especially in men, but extreme conditions, such as those to which the terms opisthotonos and emprostho- tonos have been applied are very rare;. Some- times the tonic spasm affects the neck muscles, 7& Exceptional Cases. and the head gradually becomes turned to one or other side. It is difficult to say what these movements depend upon. In many cases they occur when the percentage of oxygen is rather less than usual, but this is not always so. Indeed, if the patient be a vigorous, athletic man, and too much oxygen be admitted with the nitrous oxide, excitement will arise, and marked rimditv mav be occasioned. It is on such occasions as these that some degree of respiratory spasm, from contraction of thoracic and abdominal muscles, is prone to occur. In this way a primary excess of oxygen may lead to secondary cyanosis, or even to jactitation. (5) Clonic spasm. Epileptiform twitchings always indicate a diminution in the normal oxygen supply. When the diminution is but slight the clonus may be so mild that it may escape detection. The most marked clonic spasm (jactitation) is met with in children when nitrous oxide free from oxygen is rapidly inhaled. The epileptiform movements may affect all parts of the body. Whenever the anaesthetist detects any such movements commencing during" the use of nitrous oxide and oxygen, he should at once increase the oxygen supply, and the movements will quickly vanish, (6) Fine tremor of arms and legs occurring during unconsciousness. This is rare ; I have only seen it in three or four cases, Exceptional Cases. 79 and it came on when anaesthesia was fairly well established. (7) Certain peculiar tonic move- ments of deep anaesthesia. These are very remarkable. After a long inhalation of the gases, and when anaesthesia is well established, as may be seen from the state of the eyes, patients sometimes display peculiar movements of the arms, legs, neck, and body. The arms and legs will slowly move in a certain direction ; the head will slowly turn to one side ; or the whole body may begin to turn gradually in one direction or another. The movements often suo'eest a return of consciousness ; but this is not so. When the face-piece is removed, a long and perfectly tranquil anaesthesia follows. The tonic movements differ from those referred to in (4), for they come on after relaxation of the muscular system has been produced. For want of a better term I have called the con- dition "secondary rigidity." Cyanosis. — This always depends upon want of oxygen. It may either be brought about by the nitrous oxide bag becoming distended, so that little or no oxygen passes from the oxygen bag ; or it may arise from respiratory spasm incidental to laughter, crying, or coughing ; or the so-called "holding the breath" may take place during or immediately after the inhalation of the gases, and thus induce; cyanosis. This " holding the breath " is a misnomer, for the 8o Exceptional Cases. patient is not conscious at the time. Certain patients, especially men who are alcoholics, or inveterate smokers, are prone to muscular spasm, and when this spasm affects the chest and abdomen, temporarily arrested breathing necessarily occurs. There is no occasion for alarm in these cases, as the breathing quickly regains its normal rhythm. Cyanosis may also occur in connection with morbid states, such as enlarged tonsils, nasal polypi, post-nasal adenoid growths, bronchitis, etc. And, lastly, a faulty posture of the patient may induce it (see remarks, p. 38). Shallow, imperceptible, or arrested breath- ing, associated with a good pulse and colour. This condition, which should not alarm the anaesthetist, is discussed on p. 52. Very violent respiration at the outset of the administration may generally be corrected by requesting the patient to breathe more quietly. Should consciousness have been lost when this kind of respiration occurs, an attempt may be made to check it by adminis- tering rather less oxygen. Generally, how- ever, the condition subsides spontaneously, to be followed by " respiratory calm " (see p. 52). In some instances, and especially when patients are very nervous, the whole body may move backwards and forwards synchronously with the exaggerated breathing. Exceptional Cases. 81 Coughing, Crying. — Each of these is liable: to be followed by asphyxial manifestations, even if the mixture contain a considerable percentage of oxygen. The former may be dependent upon faulty posture, and is to be treated by tilting the head forwards. Retching or vomiting during the adminis- tration. — Retching at the very outset of the administration is to be treated as described on p. 40. Should retching occur towards the end of an administration, the inhalation should be discontinued. Retching movements are most likely to come on in protracted administrations, and when a considerable percentage of oxygen has been used. They are not necessarily followed by vomiting, even though tood be present in the stomach. When the patient has abstained from food for several hours, both retching and vomiting are very exceptional. Micturition. — I have only known this to occur twice in the 1 1 years during which I have administered nitrous oxide and oxygen, and in these cases no such accident would have taken place had the usual precautions been adopted. Dangerous symptoms. — When sufficient oxygen is administered with nitrous oxide to prevent asphyxial complications there: is every reason to believe that the ana-sthesia produced is free from risk to life. A careful 6 82 Exceptional Cases. study of every fatality which has been recorded in connection with the use of nitrous oxide gas shows that in most, and probably in all cases in which this agent has caused death, absence of oxygen has been primarily responsible for the occurrence. The same may also be said of those reported cases in which alarming symptoms have taken place during the administration of nitrous oxide by the cus- tomary method. The addition of oxygen to nitrous oxide renders this agent respirable, and robs it of its chief, if not its only risk. There has not yet been recorded a single fatality from nitrous oxide and oxygen, and it is difficult to understand how one could occur. Although I have now used nitrous oxide with oxygen in several thousand cases, I have only met with one case which has given me the slightest anxiety, and the symptoms in this case were only secondarily dependent upon the anaesthesia. The patient was a strongly built, nervous man, and good anaesthesia had been induced ; but on altering the position of the head in order to facilitate the removal of an upper tooth, respiration temporarily ceased and I had to pass my finger to the back of the throat to separate the tongue from the pharynx. With this exception I have not had a single case which has given me any anxiety. Highly exceptional cases. — It is only right Exceptional Cases. 83 to state, before concluding this chapter, that although exceptional cases are, in most instances, traceable either to some error in the preparation of the patient, or to some fault in the actual administration, they are not always referable to such causes. Thus, there are some patients who, whatever plans may be adopted in administering the mixed gas, cannot be made to pass into that tranquil state of anaesthesia which it is desired to establish. Under such unusual circumstances, the admin- istrator must be satisfied with an anaesthesia which approaches to, or is identical with that ordinarily obtainable with nitrous oxide alone in other words, he has to cut off the oxygen supply and terminate the case with the usual phenomena of nitrous oxide narcosis. Then there are other patients who, although they can be made to exhibit the usual signs of nitrous oxide and oxygen anaesthesia, remain such a short time under the influence of the anaesthetic that one cannot help feeling dis- satisfied with the result. With regard to such cases as these, all one can say is that with nitrous oxide alone they would certainly have been even less satisfactory. Fortunately, they are extremely exceptional, so that we need not further consider them here. 8+ CHAPTER VIII. A F TER-E F F E C T S . A careful consideration of the circum- stances under which after-effects are likely to arise is of special importance ; for the one weak point, if such it may be termed, in nitrous oxide and oxygen anaesthesia, is that this anaesthesia is associated with a somewhat greater liability to unpleasant after-effects than that resulting" from the administration of nitrous oxide free from oxygen. Provided, however, that the diet of the patient has been properly regulated, and that the inhalation has not been protracted, re- covery from the effects of nitrous oxide and oxygen usually takes place without the slightest discomfort. I have notes of several cases, indeed, in which the patient's condition immediately alter the operation was more satisfactory than after , a similar operation previously performed under nitrous oxide free from oxygen. Thus, I have known a patient experience severe headache after an ordinary administra- After-Effects. 85 tion of pure nitrous oxide, and to suffer trom no such discomfort after the inhalation of this gas with oxygen. In another of the cases ot which I have notes the administration of nitrous oxide per se had been followed by numbness of the arms and legs, and blueness of the hands, the symptoms persisting lor some- time ; recovery was, however, perfect alter nitrous oxide and oxygen. In another case, that of a healthy-looking lad, the boy looked much better after the administration of the gas with oxygen than after an administra- tion which had previously been conducted in the ordinary way. In a fourth case, that of a man ^^ years of age, who had on a previous occasion experienced temporary loss of vision after inhaling pure nitrous oxide, no such symptoms were noted alter the use ol nitrous oxide and oxygen. The infrequency ol dis- tressing dreams when oxygen is used with nitrous oxide is referred to below. Should the inhalation have been some- what protracted, recover)' will probably not be quite so satisfactory as alter nitrous oxide alone. On such occasions as these, the patient may remain dazed and torpid for a lew minutes, or he ma)' complain ol sleepi- ness and wish to be left undisturbed. \\\ some cases, giddiness, headache, or feelings of numbness and tingling in the limbs may be 86 After -Effects. experienced. Nausea, with or without actual retching movements, may also be induced by prolonged administrations, and if there be food present in the stomach, or if blood has been swallowed, vomiting" may occur. As already mentioned (p. 36), it is very important, when a rather difficult dental operation has to be performed, and as long" an anaesthesia as possible is desired, to care- fully regulate the patient's diet. If this be done, inhalations lasting from two to three minutes may generally be conducted without any subsequent nausea occurring. I find, on looking through my note books, that, of the cases in which retching or vomiting occurred after inhalation, there are eleven in which the interval between the taking of food and the administration is re- corded. Of the retching cases, one was a female of 43 — interval 2* hours ; another was a female of 45 — interval 3 hours ; the third was a male of 23- interval 3 hours. Of the vomiting" cases, one was a female of 35 — interval 4^ hours; one was a female of 13 interval 2] hours ; one was a female of to— interval 2 1 hours. The rest of the vomiting cases were males. Four were aged 15 — in- tervals 2 f hours, 2f hours, 2 hours, and \ an hour respectively ; one was aged .1 2— interval 3}- hours. Although these facts are very After -Effects. 87 meagre they bring into relief two interesting; clinical points. One of these is that, of the cases in which vomiting occurred the average interval after food was 2], hours. The other is that, of all subjects, boys from 10 16 are most likely to suffer from vomiting after nitrous oxide and oxygen. The lesson to be learnt from these observations is that, if we wish to avoid unpleasant after-effects, a long- interval alter tood must be enforced, parti- cularly in the case of young male subjects. Transient feelings of faintness, pallor, and feebleness of pulse are very rare, and are in most, if not in all cases, associated with nausea or impending vomiting. A word may be said as to the treatment of nausea, retching, and vomiting. Slight nausea generally subsides spontaneously after a few minutes. The patient should not be permitted to lie back in the chair, otherwise the swallowing of blood and saliva may favour vomiting. He should bend forwards, keep his eyes closed, and frequently wash out his mouth. Should the feeling of nausea be considerable, half a tumbler ol water so hot that the finger can hardly be immersed in it, should be given to the patient to drink. The relief afforded by this simple measure is often remarkable. If retching movements should be present, they will usually quickly subside ss Aftev-Effects. alter this treatment. Even if vomiting has taken place, a draught of very hot water may be given with advantage. Should pallor and taintness attend these gastric disturbances, the patient should be placed horizontally, pre- ferably in the lateral posture. Hysterical outbursts, crying, laughing, and similar emotional disturbances are less common than after nitrous oxide free from oxygen. The one case in which I met with a temporary maniacal seizure is referred to on p. 64. I have also once met with curious rigidity of a cataleptic character, after the administration. The patient was a female aged 26. She displayed the typical phenomena of nitrous oxide and oxygen anaesthesia ; but after the operation was over she sat for a few minutes, with outstretched hands, open mouth, and closed eyes. Her colour was unaltered. Distressing dreams are less common after nitrous oxide and oxygen than after nitrous oxide alone. The cause of this difference is difficult to define, but it is probably connected with the deeper form of anaesthesia which undoubtedly follows the inhalation of the mixture. Generally speaking, either no dream whatever is experienced, or the dream is of a pleasant description. 8 9 BIBLIOGRAPHY. i. Lyman, Henry M. : "Artificial Anaesthesia and Anaesthetics," 1883. 2. Rymer, Samuel Lee : " Remarks upon the Use of Nitrous Oxide in Dental Operations": "The Dental Review : A Quarterly Journal of Dental Science," Jan., 1864. 3. Bert, Raul : " Comptes Rendus de la Societe de Biologic," 1880, Tom. v., 6eme Ser., p. 40. 4. Bert, Paul : " Anesthesie par le protoxyde d'azote employe sous tension" : " Comptes Rendus de la Societe de Biologie," Tom. v., 6eme Ser., 1880, p. 152. 5. Bert, Paul : " Du protoxyde d'azote sous tension ; son action a doses anesthesiques ne s'etend pas sur le systeme nerveux sympathique " : " Comptes Rendus de la Societe de Biologie," 1880, Tom. v., 6eme Ser., p. 233. 6. Bert, Paul : " Sur la possibility d'obtenir, a l'aide du protoxyde d'azote, une insensibilite de longue duree, et sur l'innocuite de cet anesthesique " : " Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences,"' 1878, Tom. 87, p. 728. 7. Bert, Paul : " Anesthesie par le protoxyde d'azote " : " Comptes Rendus de la Societe de Biologie," Ser. 7, Tom. 1, Pt. 2, p. 19. 6. Bert, Paul: " De l'emploi du protoxyde d'azote" dans les operations chirurgicalcs de longue duree"' : " Lc Progres Medical," No. 9, Peb. 28, i«8o, p. 161. cj. Klikowitsch, Stanislaus : " Leber das Stickstoil" oxydul als Ana.'stheticum bei Geburten " : go Bibliography. " Archiv fur Gynackologie," 1881, Band xviii., p. 81. 10. Winckel, F. : "A text-hook of Obstetrics" (Trans- lated by Edgar), 1890, p. 187. n. Martin, Claude: " De I'Anesthesie par le protoxyde d'azote avec 011 sans tension," Lyons, 1883. 12. Hewitt, Frederic: "Anaesthetics and their Adminis- tration," 1883, p. 120. 13. Bert, Paul : " Anesthesie prolongee obtenue par le protoxyde d'azote a la pression normale " : " Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences," Tom. 96, 1883, p. 1271. 14. Hillischer, H. T. : " Ueber die allgemeine Yer- vvendbarkeit der Lustgas-Sauerstoffnarkosen in der Chirurgie " : (Paper read at the 59th meeting of German Natural Philosophers and Physicians, at Berlin, Sept. 21, 1886). 15. Hillischer, H. T. : " Ueber Lustgas und Lustgas- Sauerstoff (Schlafgas) " : (Paper read before the Royal Society of Physicians in Vienna, May 27, 1887). 16. Hillischer, H. T. : " Ueber die Yerwendung des Stickoxydul - Sauerstoffgemenges zu Narkosen " : (Paper read at the Annual Meeting of the Central Union of German Dentists in Berlin, 1887). 17. Hillischer, H. T. : " Neue Apparate fur Schlafgas" : " Correspondenzblatt f. Zahnarzte," Oct., 1890. 18. Hillischer, H. T. : "Wie soil man mit Schlafgas narkotisiren ? " : " Oesterr - ungar. Yierteljahres- schrift fi'ir Zahnheilkunde," Oct., 1890. 19. Witzel, Adolph : " Deutsche Zahnheilkunde, in Vortragen," Wien, 1889. 20. Wood, H. C. : " On the Action of Nitrous Oxide and of the Mixture of Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen " : " Dental Cosmos," May, 1893. 21. Hewitt, Frederic: " The anaesthetic effects of Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen, when administered at ordi- nary atmospheric pressures, with remarks on 800 cases": "Trans. Odont. Soc. Gt. Britain," June, 1892. Bibliography. 91 22. Hewitt, Frederic : "On the Anaesthesia produced by the Administration of Mixtures of Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen " : " Lancet/' April 27, 1889. 23. Hewitt, Frederic : "A new and portable apparatus for the Administration of Oxygen with Nitrous Oxide " : " Journ. Brit. Dental Association," Oct. 15, 1892. 24. Hewitt, Frederic : " Further Observations on the use of Oxygen with Nitrous Oxide": "Journ. Brit. Dental Association," June, 1894. 25. Hewitt, Frederic : " On some essential points in Administering Anaesthetics for Dental Operations ; with special reference to the subject of Posture " : "Journ. Brit. Dental Association," Oct., 1896. 26. Oliver, George : "Pulse-gauging," p. 83. CJ2 INDEX. Adenoid growths of naso-pharynx, patients with, 65, 80. Adjustment oe proportions in administering nitrous oxide and oxygen, 50. Administration, in ordinary or average cases, 42 ct scq. ; duration of, 54. Admission oe oxygen during administration, 45, 48, 49, 50, 54, 5^> 59, 6i, 65. After-effects, 84 ct scq. Age, influence of, 14, 57, 71. Air, necessity for excluding, in administering nitrous oxide and oxygen, 17, 47 ; mixed with nitrous oxide in early cases, 4, 6 ; total exclusion of, considered necessary, 6. Air-cushion, use of, in obtaining proper posture, 39. Air-way, obstructive affections of the, 65. Alarming symptoms (see Dangerous symptoms). Alcoholic subjects, 14, 63, 71, 80. An.emic subjects, 63, 71. Anaesthesia, available for dental operations, 69 ct scq. ; characteristics of nitrous oxide and oxygen, 51 : duration of, 58, 70, 83 ; termination of, 73. Aneurysm, patients suffering from, 65, 67. Antiseptics, application of, to regulating apparatus, 25- Antrum, opening up the, 75. Aortic disease, patients suffering from, 66, 67. Apncea, physiological, 51, 52, 80. Apparatus for administering nitrous oxide and oxygen : Bert's, 9 ; Hillischer's, 13, 18; the author's earlier forms, 15, 18 ; the author's present, 19, 23 ct scq. : necessity for examining occasionally, 33. Index. 93 Appliances which should be in readiness, 37. Arterial tension under nitrous oxide and oxygen, 9, 67. Asphyxial phenomena, absence of when oxygen is used, 8, 9, 11, 16, 50 ; in patients with respiratory affections, 64 ; induced by nitrous oxide, 7, 48, 82; from too little oxygen, 48, 51; in alcoholic subjects, 63 ; induced by coughing or crying, 81. Atheromatous vessels, patients with, 67. Athletic subjects, 59, 78. Available anesthesia for dental operations, 69. Average or ordinary cases, the administration in, 42 ct seq. Bags for administering the gases, 23, 27, 28 ; fulness and relative sizes of, during administration, 47. Beards, patients with, 60. Bert, early work of, in connection with use of oxygen, 7, 8, 9 ; his apparatus, 9 ; his experiments at ordin- ary atmospheric pressures, 12 ; his method used by Martin, 11. Bladder, advisability of emptying, 36. 81. Blood, Bert's views as to solubility of nitrous oxide in, 8. Blood-pressure (see Arterial tension). Blueness of the features (see Cyanosis). Breathing, amplitude and rate of, 44, 71 ; at outset of administration, 44, 47, 80 ; cessation of, associated with good pulse, 52. So ; diaphragmatic, 37 : em- barrassment of, 58 ; hardly perceptible, 51. 52,57, 80 ; of deep anaesthesia. 52 ; patients suffering from difficulty of, 65 : provisions for free, 37 : restricted, 37,45 ; snoring, 51, 52, 57; temporarily obstructed, 71, 72, 82 ; violent, So. Breathlessness, cardiac, 65. Bronchial affections, patients with. 60, 65, 72. Cardiac affections (sec Heart). Cataleptic state after. inhalation, 88. Characj eristics of nitrous oxide and oxygen anaesthesia, 5i- 94 Index. Children, suggestions for anaesthetising, 57, 71. Chloral, patients addicted to, 64. Circulatory system under nitrous oxide and oxygen, g, 52, 67, 87 ; affections of, 65 (see also Heart). Clonic muscular movements, 51, 78 (see also Epilep- tiform movements). Clothing, importance of loose, 37. Clover's improvements in early apparatus for nitrous oxide, 6. Coaptation of face-piece, 45, 46. Colour of features, 9, 11, 51, 52, 61, 62, 72. Colton Dental Association, 5. Coltox's administrations of nitrous oxide, 2, 5. Combined stand and union for nitrous oxide and oxygen cylinders, 26. Complexion, 61, 62. coxjuxctiyal reflex, 52, 53. Coxtra-ixdicatioxs to nitrous oxide and oxygen, 14, 65. Coughing, 79, 81. Crying, 4. 57, 79, 81 ; as an after-effect, 88. Cushion, use of inflated air, 39. Cyanosis, ii, 14, 48, 78, 79 (see also Duskiness and Livid ity). Cylinders for nitrous oxide and oxygen, 24, 25, 26. Dangerous symptoms, appliances for treatment of, 37 ; occurrence of, 81. Davy, discoverer of anaesthetic properties of nitrous oxide, 1. Da/ed feelixgs after inhalation, 85. Delayed effects of admitting more or less oxygen, 54. Diet, regulation of, 35, 36, 84, 86, 87. Disturbixg influences during administration, 42. Doderlein, 10. Dreams, 88. Drilling into pulp-cavities, 75. Duration of inhalation, 54; of anaesthesia, ^S, 70, S^,. Duskixess of the features, 48, 51, 62 (see also Lividity and Cyanosis). Dyspnoea, patients suffering from, 65. Index. 95 Early administration's of nitrous oxide, 2 et scq.\ of nitrous oxide and oxygen, 8. Elderly persons, 5$, 67. Emergencies under nitrous oxide and oxygen, appliances for treatment of, 37. Emphysema, patients with, 65, 72. Emprosthotonos, 77. Epilepsy, patients suffering from, 14, 68. Epileptiform movements, absence of, when oxygen used with nitrous oxide, 16, 48; presence of when oxygen supply diminished or cut off, 48 ; consequent upon want of oxygen due to respiratory spasm, 78 (see also Muscular phenomena — clonic). Evans's demonstration, 5 ; his apparatus for nitrous oxide, 5. Exceptional cases, 76 et seq. ; highly exceptional cases, 82. Excitable subjects, 61. Excitement, absence of, 50 ; in early nitrous oxide administrations, 4 ; under nitrous oxide and oxygen, 11, 22, 48, 51. Expiratory valve of regulating apparatus, 25, 32. Extension of head upon the spine, objections to, 38. Eyes and eyelids, state of, during anaesthesia, 52, 53. Face-pieces, 24, 32 ; fitting of, 45, 46 ; re-application of, 74. Faintness, as an after-effect, 87. Fitting of face-piece, 45, 46. First administration of nitrous oxide, 2 ; of nitrous oxide and oxygen, 9. Food, regulations as to, 35, 36, 84, 86, 87. Fulness and relative sizes of bags during administra- tion, 47 Gasometer methods, 17, 21. General condition of the patient, 58. Giddiness as an after effect, 85. Hair about face, patients with, ho. Headache, as an after-effect, S4, 85. 9 6 Index. Head, adjustment of, 38. Health, general state of, 58, 71. Heart affections, patients with, 14, 60, 65. Hillisciier, Dr., first to employ nitrous oxide and oxygen in dentistry, 13; his apparatus, 13; his method, 14 ; his views as to the pulse, 52 ; objec- tions to bis apparatus, 18. History of nitrous oxide, 1 ct scq. ; of nitrous oxide and oxygen, 7 et scq. " Holding the breath," 45, 79. Hot water, in the treatment of after-nausea and vomiting, 87. Hydrothorax, patients suffering from, 65. Hysteria as an after-effect, 88. Hysterical subjects, 61. Inhalation, length of, 54. Insusceptibility to nitrous oxide and oxygen, 83. Intermittent administrations of nitrous oxide and air, 7. Intoxication-movements, 77. "Jactitation" (see Muscular phenomena [clonic) and Epileptiform movements). Keeping nitrous oxide and oxygen together, 23. Kicking, 48. Klikowitsch, 10. Laboured breathing, 14. Laughter, 4, 48, 51, 76, 79; as an after-effect, 88. Length, of available anaesthesia, 58, 70, 83 ; of inhala- tion, 54. Liyidity of the features, 11, 48 (see also Duskiness and Cyanosis). Loose clothing, importance of, 37. Lungs, diseases of, 14. Mania, temporary, as an after-effect, 64, 88. Martin, Dr., adminstrations of, 11. Men, as subjects for nitrous oxide and oxygen, 58, 71. Index. 97 Micturition, 36, 81. Morphine, patients addicted to, 64. Mouth-props, 40. Mouth-tubes for administration, disadvantages, of 47. Movements (see Muscular phenomena). Muscular phenomena, 52,77; clonic or epileptiform, 16, 48, 51, 78 ; in alcoholic subjects, 63 ; in habitual smokers, 64 ; intoxication, 77 ; reflex, 72, 79 ; rest- less, 51 ; tremulous, 77, 78 ; tonic, 52, 64, 77, 79 ; uncontrollable nervous, 77 ; voluntary, 77. Narcotics, habitual use of, 64. Nausea, as an after-effect, 86 ; treatment of, 87. Nervous and neurotic subjects, 61, 63, 71. Nervous movements, 77. Nervous system, diseases of the. 67. Nitrogen, higher oxides of, produced when nitrous oxide and oxygen kept together, 23. Numbness of the extremities, as an after-effect. 85. Obesity, 59, 71 . Obstructed breathing during operation, 71. Obstructive respiratory affections, 65, 80. Old age, nitrous oxide and oxygen in, 58, 67. Oliver, Dr., pulse observations by, 52. Operation, the anaesthetist and the, 70, 73. Operations, difficult, 74, 86. Opisthotonos, 77. Ordinary or average cases, the administration in, 42 et scq. Oxygen, admission of, during administration, 45, 48, 49, 50, 54, 58, 59, 61, 65; delayed effects of admitting more or less, 54 ; percentage of (see Percentage) ; symptoms due to too large a proportion of, 48 ; symptoms due to too little, 48. P.a.r.oR from nervousness, 63, 67; as an after-effect, 87. Patient, the, 50 et seq. Patients, different types of, 56. Percentage of oxygen, in Bert's administrations, 8, 9, 10, 12; in Klikow ilsch's, WinckcTs, Dodetiein's, 7 g8 Index. and Zweifel's administrations, 10 ; in Martin's administrations, 1 1 ; in Hillischer's administrations, 14 ; in Wood's experiments, 15 ; in the author's administrations, 16, 17, 18 ; in gasometer cases, 21 ; in the author's regulating apparatus, 32, 33, 45. Phonation, 51, 62, 64, 72, 76. Phthisis, pulmonary, 65. Physiological apncea, 51, 52, 80. Physique of patient, influence of, 59. Posture, influence of, 38, 71, 80, 82. Precautions (see Pveparations). Pregnancy, nitrous oxide and oxygen in, 68. Preparations necessary, 35 et seq. Priestley, nitrous oxide discovered by, 1, Prolonged administrations of nitrous oxide and oxygen, 12, 54, 84, 85, 86. Proportions of oxygen (see Percentage of oxygen). Props (see Mouth-pvops). Pulmonary affections, patients with, 64. Pulp-cavities, drilling into, 73. Pulse, feeble, after inhalation, 87 ; under nitrous oxide and oxygen, 52. Pupils, state of, 53. Quantity of mixture required to produce anaesthesia, 35. Re- administrations, 74. Re-application of face-piece, 74. Recovery from nitrous oxide and oxygen anaesthesia, 62 (see also After-effects). Reflex, conjunctival (see Conjunctival) ; movement during operation, 72, 79. Regulating apparatus, necessity for, in administering nitrous oxide and oxygen, 13, 18, 22. Regulating stopcock and mixing chamber, the author's), 28 et seq. Requirements for a regulating apparatus, 23. Respiration, administration to patients with impaired, 59. 60, 64 (see also Breathing). " Respiratory calm," 32, >o. Index. 99 Respiratory spasm, 78, 79, 80. Retching and vomiting, as after-effects, 86, et seq. ; treatment of, 87 Retching movements, caused by inserting mouth-prop, 40; occurring during inhalation, 81. Rigidity, muscular, 52, 64, 77 ; of deep anaesthesia (" secondary rigidity "), 79. Rymer's administrations of nitrous oxide, 5. Safety of nitrous oxide and oxygen, 12, 82. " Schlafgas," 13. " Secondary rigidity," 79. Sensations of the patient, 46. Sex, influence of, 57. Shouting, 4, 48, 76. Signs of nitrous oxide and oxygen anaesthesia, 51. Singing, 76. Sleep-like state, 51 (see also " Schlafgas "). Sleepy feelings after inhalation, 85. Smith's early administration of nitrous oxide, 4. Snoring breathing, 51, 52, 57. Spasm, clonic (see Clonic muscular movements, Epileptiform movements, 'Arid Muscular phenomena) ; respiratory, 78, 79, 80 ; tonic (see Rigidity, and Muscular phenomena). Stamping, 48. Stand for nitrous oxide and oxygen cylinders, 26. Stertor, absence of, when oxygen used, 16 ; obstructive from too little oxygen, 48 ; moderate, 51 (see also Snoring). Stimulants before administration, 36. Stopcock and mixing chamber (the author's) 28, et seq. Stout subjects, 59, 71. Struggling, 48. Suffocative sensations, 46. Supply of nitrous oxide and oxygen, 23, 26, 27. Temperament, influence of, 60. Tension, arterial, 9, 67. Termination of administration, 54; of anaesthesia, 7 3. Tight lacing, disadvantages of, 38. ioo Index. Tobacco, excessive use of, 64, 71, 80. Tonic spasm (see Rigidity). Tonsils, enlarged, 65, 80. Trachea, patients suffering from pressure upon, 65. Treatment of emergencies under nitrous oxide and oxygen, appliances for, 37 ; of nausea, retching, and vomiting after inhalation, 87. Tremor, 77, 78. Types of patients, 56, 71. Typical anaesthesia from nitrous oxide and oxygen, 51. Valve, expiratory, of regulating apparatus, 25, 29; inspiratory, of regulating apparatus. 29. Valves of regulating apparatus, 24, 29, 31. Violent breathing, 80 Vision, temporary loss of, as an after-effect, 85. Voluntary muscular movements, 77. Vomiting, occurring during the administration, 81 ; as an after-effect, 86 et seq. ; treatment of, 87. Wells, Horace, the first to use nitrous oxide in surgery, 2. WlNCKEL, IO. Witzel, 14. Women, as subjects for nitrous oxide and oxygen, 42, 58. 7i- Wood, Dr. H. C, 15. Zweifel, 10. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This hook is DUE on the last date stamped below. s vwz Form L9-116m-8,'62(D1237s8)44