UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES -GuLenber<>j No. 389 The 1905 Private Library of Wilbcrforcc Eamcs Part I Jo Faustus ** 1 tic ANDCRSON AUCIIOM To. FNEW YORK. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF (OF THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY) PART I Books, Pamphlets, and Maps relating to the Discovery, Early Exploration, Colonization, and History of America FOR SALE AT AUCTION WEDNESDAY AMD THURSDAY, MAY -fy AND rtir 1905 BY Ctje Sniierson Auction Company 5 West 29th Street, New York SALES BEGIN IN THE AFTERNOON AT ) O CLOCK IN THE EVENING AT 7.30 O'CLOCK TELEPHONE: 31^0 MADISON N. B. Bids are always understood to be at so much per volume or piece }a Conditions of Sale. ft, i-T 1 The highest bidder to be the Buyer; in all cases of disputed bids, the lot shall be immediately re-sold. 2 Books are sold per volume, other articles per piece, unless otherwise stated in Catalogue, and bids must be made accordingly. 3 Books are presumed to be perfect unless otherwise stated. To pur- chasers who have had opportunity for examination, they are sold as they are. On mail orders, an intelligent discretion will be used as to purchase. Imperfect books (not so described) may be returned within three days. 4 To prevent confusion and inaccuracy, goods will not be delivered dur- ing the sale. 5 Terms Cash. Bills to be paid before delivery of goods. Bids will be faithfully executed by the Anderson Auction Co. without charge. of Sale. Wednesday Afternoon, May 17, commencing at 3 o'clock (Lots i to 300 inclusive). Wednesday Evening, May 17, commencing at 7.30 o'clock (Lots 301 to 600 inclusive). Thursday Afternoon, May 18, commencing at 3 o'clock (Lots 601 to 940 inclusive). Thursday Evening, May 18, commencing at 7.30 o'clock (Lots 941 to 1287 inclusive). Sale will be con&ucteD flfor. (Seorge D. A FEW PREFATORY REMARKS THE name of Wilberforce Eames is so well known in con- nection with bibliographical research that the placing of his private library before book-lovers has unquestionably been awaited with special interest. As one would naturally expect, a marked feature is the collection of bibliographical works, many of them privately issued and of great scarcity, the indispensable "tools" of the librarian and student. The collector of the almost unobtainable of those rare books which are only note- worthy on account of errata or some absurdity in the way of misprinting, will no doubt be somewhat disappointed, but the student, bibliographer and book-lover will revel in the many choice and interesting items offered. This first portion is devoted entirely to those books and pamphlets dealing with the discovery, early exploration, coloni- zation and history of this continent. A careful perusal of the catalogue will show how few are absent that are of real and permanent value. Many are reprints, but reprints that are exact reprints, and with annotations, criticisms and comments by the first scholars of the day, embracing the results of the latest researches, correcting or pointing out the errors of the original writer or of early commentators, thus combining a facsimile of the original with the more perfect knowledge that has been acquired by the diligent labors of later students. In a collection like this, where all are of special value, it is almost an impossibility to point out anything that stands out as of more value than another. The first edition of Hakluyt is a valuable and scarce item, the Visscher map of New York is of great rarity, but many others are of nearly equal importance to the historian. Among other noteworthy items is Filson's Kentucky, Hay wood's Tennessee, several editions of the Travels of Lewis and Clark, many of the valuable publications of Henry Harrisse that indefatigable delver into the early history of American exploration a long series of the publications of the Hakluyt Society, a remarkable collection of books and pamphlets relating to American Colleges and Universities the most extensive that has ever been offered for sale, and of the utmost value for biographical purposes, containing information not to be obtained from any other source many books on cartography with facsimiles of the rarest of maps, including the recently discovered map of Waldseemuller, a large gathering of facsimiles of the letters of Columbus and Vespuccius, etc., etc. In concluding these few prefatory remarks, we would beg to call attention to the fine and clean condition of every book, the result of many years' careful selection. Hmericana* 1 /I CHENWALL (PROF. GOTTFRIED). Aschenwell's Obser- 2\ vations on North America, 1767, translated by J. G. Rosengarten. 8vo, paper, pp. 19. Philadelphia, 1903 fttaefta* 2 AMEDEO DI SAVOIA (PRINCE LUIGI). The Ascent of Mount St. Elias. Narrated by Filippo Filippi, translated by Signora Villari, and prof usely illustrated by Vottorio Sella. Royal 8vo, cloth. Westminster (London), 1900 3 BAKER (MARCUS). The Alaskan Boundary. 8vo, paper, pp. 16. [Washington, 1895] 4 BLAKE (W. P.) Geographical Notes upon Russian America and the Stickeen River. With map. 8vo, paper, pp. 19. Washington, 1868 5 DALL (W. H.) Alaska and its Resources. Map and numerous illus- trations. Thick 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1870 6 DALL (W. H). AND BAKER (MARCUS). Partial List of Charts, Maps, and Publications relating to Alaska and the Adjacent Region. 4to, sewed, pp. 212 (163-375). [Washington, 1880] * Contains 3,832 titles of books and articles, besides the list of maps. Presentation copy from the author. 7 HEILPRIN (ANGELO). Alaska and the Klondike. 3 maps and 33 illustrations from photographs. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1899 HITCHCOCK (MARY E.) Two Women in the Klondike. The Story of a Journey to the Gold Fields of Alaska. 103 illustrations and map. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1899 9 PETROFF (IVAN). Report on the Population, Industries and Resources of Alaska (roth Census, 1880). With maps, views and col- ored plates of Indians. 410, half morocco. n. p., n. d. [Washington, 1882 ?] 10 PHILLIPS (P. LEE). Maps relating to Alaska and the North- West Part of North America, 1588-1808. 8vo, paper, pp. 119. Washington, 1898 2 Xibrarp of Wilberforce Barnes ALASKA Continued. 11 RAY (P. H.) Report of the International Polar Expedition to Point Barrow, Alaska (1881-83). Portraits of Indians, views and map. 4to, cloth. Washington, 1885 12 U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Map of Alaska showing known Gold-Bearing Rocks, with Descriptive Text. 8vo, paper, pp. 44, with folding map. Washington, 1898 13 Maps and Descriptions of Routes of Exploration in Alaska in 1898, with general information concerning the Territory. 8vo, paper, pp. 138, with 10 maps separate. (As one piece.) Washington, 1899 14 ALDEN (G. H.) New Governments West of the Alleghanies before , 1780. 8vo, paper, pp. 74. (Bulletin of the University of Wis.) Madison, Wis., 1897 15 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Transactions, Vols. i to 4, 8vo (publisher's bindings, Vol. i, boards; Vol. 2, half cloth; Vols. 3 and 4, cloth). Worcester, 1820; Cambridge, 1836; [Boston], 1857, 1860 * Among the papers included are Atwater's Description of the Antiquities of Ohio; Accounts of the Journeys of La Salle and Hennepin; Johnston's Present State of the Indians in Ohio; Gallatin's Synopsis of the Indian Tribes, with comparative vocabularies; Gookin's Historical Account of the Doings and Sufferings of the Indians in New England, 1675-77; Josselyn's New England Rarities (reprinted in full, with Introduction and Notes by Prof. E. Tuckerman); Wingfield's Discourse of Virginia, 1608, now first printed; Original Documents relating to Raleigh's Colony, and the Colony at Jamestown; etc. 16 Proceedings of the Society, from its Commencement in 1813 to the Semi-Annual Meeting at Boston, April 28, 1880. Complete set. 75 numbers, 8vo, paper. Boston, 1813; Worcester, 1880 * From the 52 semi-annual meeting, or part 13, each part bore the name "Pro- ceedings," previously they bore differing titles. For the use of future collectors the titles are here given, commencing with the first: Account of the A. A. S., Boston, 1813; Address by W. Jenks, Boston, 1813; Address by Abiel Holmes, Boston, 1814; Communication from the President, Oct. 24, 1814, with the Laws of the Society, Worcester, n. d. (1815); Address by W. Paine, Worcester, 1815; Address by W. Bentley, Oct., 1816 (never printed until 1875, at Worcester); Address to the Members (signed Oliver Fiske), with the Laws and Regulations, Worcester, 1819; Address by I. Goodwin, Worcester, 1820; Report presented Oct., 1821, 2 leaves (reprint only in this set); By-Laws, 24 Oct., 1831; Address by W. Lincoln, Worcester, 1835; Semi- Annual Report, with Catalogue of Officers and Members, Worcester, 1839; the next publication is entitled " Proceedings," and from thence continuously with that title. OLibran? of TKHilberforce lEames 3 17 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings. New Series. From the commencement of the New Series, Oct. 1880, to Vol. XVI., Part 3 (the last number issued). In the original parts. (As 16 vols.) Worcester, 1881-1905 * The title and index of Vol. XVI. is not yet issued, but will be supplied to the purchaser immediately on its publication. 18 A Partial Index to the Proceedings of the American Anti- quarian Society from its Foundation in 1812 to 1880. By S. Salis- bury. With a table of all the publications and reprints of the Society, with the prices, by N. Paine. 8vo, cloth. Worcester, 1883 19 Contents of the Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, 1880-1903. By Nath. Paine. 8vo, pp. 37, paper. Worcester, 1905 20 Catalogue of Books in the Library of the American Antiquarian Society in Worcester, Mass. (With Lists of Purchases at the Brin- ley Sales added.) 8vo, half morocco. Worcester, 1837 21 Various separate publications of the Society: Report on Pre- historic Man, by J. R. Bartlett; Mather Publications and MSS., in the Library, the Relations between Hamilton and Washington; First Essays at Banking and the First Paper Money in New Eng- land, and others (including list of officers, etc.). 8vo, paper. (As 20 pieces.) 22 AMERICAN CHURCH HISTORY SERIES. Separate volumes on the History of the Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians, Bap- tists, and other Denominations in the United States, and Carroll on the Religious Forces of the United States, and a History of American Christianity by Leonard W. Bacon. Complete set, in 13 vols. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1893-97 23 AMERICAN CLERGY. SPRAGUE (W. B.) Annals of the Ameri- . can Pulpit; or, Commemorative Notices of Distinguished American Clergymen of Various Denominations from the Early Settlement of the Country to the close of 1855. Historical Introductions by W. B. Sprague. Some portraits. 9 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1859-69 * The volumes include Trinitarian, Congregational, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Baptist, Methodist, Unitarian, Lutheran, Reformed Dutch, Associate, Associate Re- formed, Reformed Presbyterian. 4 OLlbran? of TJdilberforce Eames 24 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. An unusually full Series of the Early Publications of the American Geographical and Statistical Society, as follows : Constitution, adopted Oct. 9, 1851, 8 pp. Charter and By-Laws, May 22, 1852, 12 pp. Bulletin, Vol. i, No. I, Aug., 1852, 80 pp. and map. Bulletin, Vol. i, No. 2, Jan., 1853, pp. 81-195, and map. Kane (E. K.) Access to an Open Polar Sea, 1853, 24 pp. and map. Mosquera (T. C.) Memoir on the Physical and Political Geography of New Gra- nada, 1853, 105 pp. and large map. Report, Dec., 1853, Grinnell Land Controversy, 21 pp. Bulletin, Vol. i, No. 3, for 1854, IO 3 PP- an d 3 maps. Bulletin, Vol. 2, Part i, Waddell's Paper on Northern New York, 1855, 48 pp. By-Laws, 1855, 8 pp. Hewitt (A. S.) On the Statistics and Geography of the Production qf Iron, 1856 37 pp. and folding diagram. Perry (M. C.) Paper on the enlargement of Geographical Science, 1856, 31 pp. Wheeler (D. E.) The New York Harbor, 1856, 20 pp. and map. Statement of the Objects and Organization, 1856, 21 pp. The same, another edition, 1856, 23 pp. Bulletin, Vol. 2, for 1856, Jan. 1857, 288 pp. Report of Committee on recent discoveries and publications, 1857, 19 pp. Statement of the Object and Organization, 1857, 31 pp. Catalogue of the Library, by E. R. Straznicky, 1857, 32 pp. Annual Report of the Council and Officers for 1857, N. Y. 1858, 51 pp. Charter, By-Laws, and List of Members, 1860, 31 pp. The Polar Exploring Expedition, Special Meeting, 1860, 30 pp. and map. Report of Nominating Committee, Apr. 5, 1860, 7 pp. Report on Revision of By-Laws, Oct. 3, 1861, 16 pp. Report, the Financial Credit of the United States, 1862, 29 pp. Field (C. W.) Prospects of the Atlantic Telegraph, 1862, 15 pp. Annual Address of C. P. Daly, 1870, 46 pp. Annual Address by Chief Justice Daly, 1873, 60 pp. By-Laws, and List of Fellows, 1874, 2O PP- Viele (E. L.) The Topography and Physical Resources of the State of New York, 1875, 23 pp. Together 30 pamphlets. 8vo. New York, 1851-75 25 Journal of the American Geographical and Statistical Society, Vol. r, complete in 10 parts, Jan. to Dec., 1859. 410, pp. viii., 310, and 5 maps and diagrams, paper covers. (As i vol.) New York, 1859 26 - Journal of the American Geographical and Statistical Society, Vols. 2 and 4, paper and cloth, 8vo. (As 2 vols.) New York, 1860-74 * Nearly a third of Vol. 4 is taken up with Mr. Brevoort's Notes on the Verrazano Map, with facsimiles. Xfbrarg of TKntlberforce Eames 5 27 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the American Geographical and Statistical Society, from May, 1862, to March, 1865. 2 vols. 8vo, paper. Vol. i in 4 parts, Vol. 2 in 6 parts. (As 2 vols.) New York, 1862-65 * The last two parts, pp. 117-174, are very rare. 28 The Record of Civilization. Charles B. Smyth, editor. Vol. i, No. i. (Proceedings of the American Geographical and Statistical Society, from May, 1865, to April, 1866.) 8vo, pp. 68, and covers. New York, 1866 * Very rare. On the title is this MS. note : " This Curiosity of Literature was unauthorized, unedited by and suppressed at request of the Am. Geog. & Statist. Society." 29 Bulletin of the American Geographical Society, Sessions of 1873-74, in 8 parts (lacking No. 6); 1874-75, in 3 parts; 1875-76, in 3 parts; and 1876-77, in 5 parts. The first two parts in folio, the others in 8vo. (As 4 vols.) New York, 1873-77 30 Bulletin (Journal) of the American Geographical Society, Vols. 10-22, complete in parts as issued. 13 vols. 8vo. New York, 1878-90 31 Bulletin (Journal). 21 various parts between 1891 and 1898. (As a lot.) 32 AMERICAN HERALDRY. A Primer of Heraldry for Americans. By E. S. Holden. 24 full-page plates, i2mo, cloth. New York, 1898 33 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Annual Reports for 1895, 1896, 2 vols.; 1897, 1898, 1899, 2 vols.; 1900, 3 vols. (in- cluding the 4th Report of the Manuscripts Commission); 1901, 2 vols.; 1902, 2 vols., and 1903, Vol. i. 15 vols. 8vo, cloth. Washington, 1896-1904 * Containing many valuable papers on the early history of Maryland, New England, Virginia, the relations between England and the Colonies, etc. 34 AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW. Complete from its com- mencement in October, 1895, to April, 1905 (the current issue). The first 3 vols. half morocco, the remainder in the original parts. Royal 8vo. (As 10 vols.) * Many valuable historical articles by the first writers of the day. 35 AMERICAN HISTORY. Channing's The United States, 1765- 1865. 1896. Johnston, The United States: its History and Constitu- tion. 1889. Channing and Hart's Guide to the Study of American History. 1896. (3 vols.) ot IKHtlberforce Barnes 36 AMERICAN HISTORY LEAFLETS. Edited by A. B. Bush- nell and E. Channing of Harvard University. 30 Nos., Jan., 1892, to Nov., 1896. i2mo, paper. (As 30 pieces.) New York, 1892-96 * Among the subjects comprised are: The Letter of Columbus to Luis de Sant Angel, Extracts from the Sagas describing the Voyages to Vinland, Official Declarations on the Monroe Doctrine, the Bering Sea Controversy 1790-1892, Articles of Confedera- tion of the United Colonies 1643-84, Documents describing the Voyage of John Cabot in 1497, Ordinances of Secession 1860-61, Coronado's Journey to New Mexico 1540-42, Lincoln's Inaugural and First Message to Congress, the Stamp Act 1765, the Earliest New England Code of Laws, Capt. John Smith's True Relation 1608, Extracts from Bradford's History of Plimoth Plantation, etc. Hmertcan ^literature. 37 DUYCKINCK (E. A. AND G. L.) Cyclopaedia of American Litera- ture, embracing Personal and Critical Notices of Authors and Selec- tions from their Writings, from the Earliest Period to the Present Day. With portraits, autographs^ and other illustrations. Edited to date by M. Laird Simons. 2 vols. 4to, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1875 38 The Cyclopedia of American Literature, by E. A. and G. L. Duyckinck. A Review. [By Rufus W. Griswold.] 8vo, pp. 32, paper. 2 copies, one with the Author's MS. notes. New York, 1856 * A very severe criticism, citing numerous errors, and naming nearly 200 prominent writers who are not mentioned in the work. 39 HIGGINSON (THOMAS WENTWORTH). Short Studies of American Authors. FIRST EDITION. i6mo, cloth. Boston, 1880 40 KNAPP (SAMUEL L.) Lectures on American Literature, with some Remarks on American History. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1829 41 RICHARDSON (CHARLES F.) American Literature, 1607- 1885. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1887-89 * Vol. i is devoted to the Development of American Thought; Vol. 2 to American Poetry and Fiction. 42 TYLER (MOSES COIT). A History of American Literature, 1607-1765. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1879 43 A History of American Literature during the Colonial Time, 1607-1765. [Revised edition.] 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1897 44 The Literary History of the American Revolution, 1763-1783. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1897 * Pages 429-483 of the second volume contain a Bibliography. OLibrarg of TEOlUberforce Eames 7 AMERICAN LITERATURE Continued. 45 HAWTHORNE'S AND LEMMON'S American Literature, 1892. UNDERWOOD'S American Authors. Boston, 1873. BANCROFT'S Literary Industries. 1891. FLETCHER'S Public Libraries in America. 1894. 4 vols. Hmerican poetry 46 KETTELL (SAMUEL). Specimens of American Poetry, with critical and biographical notices. 4 portraits inserted. 3 vols. izmo, half calf, gilt. Boston, 1829 * A fine set. Pages 377-406 contain a catalogue of American poetry from 1640 to 1829. Also containing one of the earliest poems of John G. Whittier. 47 HARRIS (C. F.) Index to American Poetry and Plays in the Collec- tion of C. Fiske Harris. Providence: Printed for private distribution, 1874. Catalogue of American Poetry, comprising duplicates from the Collection of the late C. Fiske Harris. Providence, 1883. 2 vols., in one. Square i6mo, half blue morocco, gilt top. * The first catalogue contains 4129 titles; the other 1078 titles. 48 STOCKBRIDGE (JOHN C.) The Anthony Memorial. A Cata- logue of the Harris Collection of American Poetry, with biographi- cal and bibliographical notes. Portrait. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. xxii, 320. Providence, 1886 49 WEGELIN (OSCAR). Early American Poetry. A Compilation of the titles of volumes of verse and broadsides, written by writers born or residing in North America, and issued during the i7th and i8th centuries. Facsimiles. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1903 * No. 37 of one hundred and fifty copies printed. 50 AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. Collections, Vol. i in cloth; also, Quarterly Publications, Vols. VI. and VII., complete in numbers. 8vo. (As 3 vols. ) 1847-1901 51 AMES' ALMANACKS. The Essays, Humor and Poems of Nathaniel Ames . . . from their Almanacks, 1726-1775, with Notes and Comments by Sam. Briggs. Map, facsimiles, etc. Thick 8vo, cloth. Cleveland (Printed for Subscribers], 1891 * Containing reprints of the various almanacks, forming a valuable bibliography of this rare series. %fbrars of Wilberforce Barnes 52 ANDREWS (WILLIAM LORING). James Lyne's Survey; or, as it is more commonly known the Bradford Map, a Plan of New York ... in 1731. Reproductions of the Bradford and Duyckinck maps. Post 8vo, cloth (slight stain on side). New York, 1900 * On Holland Paper; only 170 printed. Presentation copy from the author. arctic 53 BARROW (SIR JOHN). Voyages of Research and Discovery within the Arctic Regions from the year 1818 to the Present Time. Portrait and maps. 8vo, cloth. London, 1846 54 HAYES (DR. I. I.) The Open Polar Sea. A Narrative of a Voyage of Discovery towards the North Pole. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1867 55 KANE (ELISHA KENT). The United States Grinnell Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin. Map and illustrations. 8vo, half calf. New York, 1857 56 - Arctic Explorations: the Second Grinnell Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin. Maps and numerous illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Portrait of Franklin inserted. Philadelphia, 1857 57 ROSS (SIR JOHN). Narrative of a Second Voyage in Search of a North-West Passage, and of a Residence in the Arctic Regions during the years 1829-33, with, supplementary volume. Illustrated with maps, charts, views and portraits of Eskimo, mostly colored. 2 vols. 4to, cloth. (Laid in is the pamphlet by Sir John Ross in answer to John Braithwaite.) London, 1835 * The supplementary volume contains Indian vocabularies and various scientific reports. 58 SELECTION (A) of Papers on Arctic Geography and Ethnology. Reprinted by the President, etc., of the R.G.S. for the Arctic Expe- dition of 1875. [By Baron Wrangell, Dr. Rink, Clements R. Mark- ham, and others.] 2 maps. 8vo, cloth. London, 1875 59 SMITH (D. MURRAY). Arctic Expeditions from British and For- eign Shores, from the Earliest Times to the Expedition of 1875-76. Illustrations and maps. 4to, cloth, gilt. Edinburgh, 1877 of Wilberforce lEames 9 arctic Hmerica. 60 FRANKLIN (SIR JOHN). Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea in the years 1819-22. 34 plates and maps, some col- ored, London, 1823. Narrative\>f a Second Expedition to the Shores of the Polar Sea in the years 1825-27. 37 plates and maps. London, 1828. 2 vols. 4to, original cloth (binding of second vol. loose). London, 1823-28 61 GILDER (W. H.) Schwatka's Search. Sledging in the Arctic in quest of the Franklin Records, Maps and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1881 * In the Appendix is a Glossary of all the words in general use between the natives and traders in Hudson Bay and Cumberland Sound. 2 HOOPER (LIEUT. W. H.) Ten Months among the Tents of the the Tuski, with incidents of an Arctic boat-expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin, as far as the Mackenzie River, and Cape Bathurst. Map and tinted lithographs. 8vo, half calf. London, 1853 63 MACKENZIE (ALEXANDER). Voyages from Montreal on the River St. Lawrence through the Continent of North America to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans in the years 1789 and 1793, with an Account of the Fur Trade. Portrait and j large folding maps. 4to, original boards, uncut. London, 1801 * Mackenzie was the first white man to explore this part of America, and the first to cross the Rocky Mountains and reach the Pacific Ocean. The preliminary chapters include a brief vocabulary of the Knisteneaux, Algonquin, and Chippewau tongues, with a slight sketch of the tribes. 64 PACKARD (A. S.) The Labrador Coast. A Journal of two Summer Cruises to that Region. With notes on its Early Discovery, on the Eskimo, Physical Geography, and Natural History. Maps and illus- trations. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1891 65 PETITOT (EMILE). Exploration du Grand Lac des Ours (Fin des Quinze Ans sous le Cercle Polaire). 2 maps and n full-page woodcuts. Crown 8vo, paper, pp. 488. Paris, 1893 * The author was a missionary to the Indians, and the book contains much infor mation on the various tribes he came in contact with. 66 RICHARDSON (SIR JOHN). Arctic Searching Expedition. A Journal of a Boat- Voyage through Rupert's Land and the Arctic Sea in Search of Sir John Franklin. Woodcuts, full-page colored plates, and map. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Fine copy. London, 1851 * Scarce. io Xibrar^ of Wtlberforce Barnes ARCTIC AMERICA Continued. 67 STEARNS (W. A.) Labrador: a Sketch of its Peoples, its Indus- tries, and its Natural History. Post 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1884 68 TYTLER (PATRICK FRASER). Historical View of the Prog- ress of Discovery on the Northern Coasts of America, with Sketches of Natural History .... by James Wilson .... and Appendix con- taining Remarks on a Late Memoir of Sebastian Cabot, with a Vin- dication of Richard Hakluyt. Map, portrait of Cortes^ and 8 other illustrations. (Edinburgh Cabinet Library.) Foolscap 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1832 69 ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. FITZ GERALD (E. A.) The Highest Andes. A Record of the First Ascent of Aconcagua and Tupungato in Argentina, and the Exploration of the Surrounding Valleys. 2 maps, and 51 illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1899 70 MOUSSY (V. MARTIN DE). Description Geographique et Sta- tistique de la Confederation Argentine. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1860-64 71 ATWATER (CALEB). Remarks made on a Tour to Prarie du Chien, thence to Washington City, in 1829. izmo, sheep. Columbus, O., 1831 * Containing much matter relating to the Indians, including a short Dacota vocabu- lary. 72 fJANCROFT (GEORGE). History of the United States from \j the Discovery of the American Continent. Complete in 10 vols. 8vo, original cloth. Boston, 1842-1874 * Vols. 4 to 10 inclusive are all first editions. 73 Another edition, with the author's last revision. Complete in 6 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1883-85 74 General Index to Bancroft's History of the United States. 8vo, paper, pp. 146 (595-740- n - d - 75 History of the Formation of the Constitution of the United States of America. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1882 76 BANCROFT (HUBERT HOWE). History of the Pacific States of North America. (Central America, Mexico, California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Alaska, etc.) 34 vols. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1882-1890 Xfbrarg of "Cdilberforce Barnes n 77 BAPTISTS. ARMITAGE (THOMAS). A History of the Baptists; traced by their vital principles and practices, from the time of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to the year 1886. With an intro- duction by J. L. M. Curry, D.D. Illustrated by iyj engravings. Royal 8vo, sheep, pp. xviii, 978. New York, 1887 78 BACKUS (ISAAC). A History of New England, with particular reference to the Denomination of Christians called Baptists. Second edition, with Notes, by David Weston. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Newton, Mass., 1871 79 BURRAGE (HENRY S.) Baptist Hymn Writers and their hymns. 5 portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. xi, 682. Portland, Maine [1888] 80 CATHCART (W.) The Baptist Encyclopaedia. A Dictionary of the Doctrines, Usages, Ordinances, Confessions of Faith, etc., of the Baptist Denomination in all Lands, with numerous biographical sketches. Portraits and other illustrations. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1881 81 BARTLETT (JOHN RUSSELL). Dictionary of Americanisms: a Dictionary of Words and Phrases usually regarded as peculiar to the United States. Fourth edition, greatly enlarged and improved. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1877 82 BATES (H. W.) Central America, the West Indies, and South America. Ethnological Appendix by A. H. Keane. Maps and illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. (Stanford's Compendium of Geog- raphy and Travel.) London, 1878 83 BETTS (C. W.) American Colonial History Illustrated by Con- temporary Medals. Edited with notes by W. T. R. Marvin, and L. H. Low. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1894 84 AMERICAN CATALOGUE of Books, (original and reprints,) pub- lished in the United States from Jan., 1861, to Jan., 1871, with date of publication, size, price, and publisher's names. Compiled and arranged by James Kelly. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1866-7 1 12 Xtbrars of TJCUlberforce Barnes BIBLIOGRAPHY Continued. 85 AMERICAN CATALOGUE, and Weekly Lists, 1869-1876. A unique volume, made up of the catalogues and lists described below, the whole bound in half olive green morocco, gilt back and top, thick 8vo. * The contents are as follows : (1) The American Catalogue of Books for 1869. 103 pp. New York, 1870. (2) The American Catalogue for 1870. 81 pp. (3) The Annual American Catalogue (third year), 1871. 91 pp. New York, 1872. (4) Alphabetical Reference List of Books recorded in the Publishers' Weekly, from Jan. 18, 1872, to Jan. 16, 1873. 2 4 PP- (5) Alphabetical Reference List of Books recorded in the Publishers' Weekly, from Jan. 16, 1873, to June 27, 1874. 38 pp. (6) Monthly Lists of the Publishers' Weekly, from July, 1874, to June, 1876, inclusive, arranged and mounted in consecutive order. 98 pp. (7) Weekly Lists of the Publishers' Weekly, from Jan. 18, 1872, to June 24, 1876, Nos. i to 232, inclusive, arranged and mounted in consecutive order. 346 pp. 86 AMERICAN CATALOGUE, under the direction of F. Leypoldt. Author and Title Entries, and Subject Entries, of Books in print and for sale, (including reprints and importations), July 1,1876. Com- piled by Lynds E. Jones. 2 vols. Large 4to, half brown morocco. New York, 1880-81 87 AMERICAN CATALOGUE, founded by F. Leypoldt, 1876-1884. Books recorded (including reprints and importations) July i, 1876- June 30, 1884. Compiled under the editorial direction of R. R. Bowker by Miss A. I. Appleton. I, Author-and-Title Alphabet; II, Subject Alphabet, etc. Complete in one volume. Large 4to, half brown morocco. New York, 1885 88 AMERICAN CATALOGUE, founded by F. Leypoldt, 1884-1890. Books recorded (including reprints and importations) July i, 1884- June 30, 1890. Compiled under the editorial direction of R. R. Bowker by A. I. Appleton and others. Complete in 4 Parts, original paper wrappers, uncut. New York, 1891 89 AMERICAN CATALOGUE, founded by F. Leypoldt, 1890-1895. Books recorded (including reprints and importations) July i, 1890- June 30, 1895. Compiled under the editorial direction of R. R. Bowker. Large 410, half black morocco. New York 1896 90 AMERICAN CATALOGUE. The Weekly Lists of the Publishers' Weekly, from July, 1876, to December, 1878, neatly mounted for binding. The Books of 1879, as recorded in the Publishers' Weekly, with Descriptive Notes, etc. New York, 1880. The Weekly Lists of the Publishers' Weekly, from Jan., 1880, to June, 1881. (As one lot.) OUbran? of Milberforce Eames 13 BIBLIOGRAPHY Continued. 91 AMERICAN CATALOGUE. The Annual Record of Books, being a Complete Reprint of the Publishers' Weekly full title records, from July, 1881, to June, 1886. 5 parts, 8vo, sheets, uncut. * In this form, issued separately from the Publishers' Trade List Annual, the above set is probably unique. 92 AMERICAN CATALOGUE (Annual), 1886, being the full titles, with Descriptive Notes of all the books recorded in the Publishers' Weekly, etc. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1887 93 The same, 1887. 8vo, half morocco. 94 The same, 1888. 8vo, half morocco. 95 The same, 1889. 8vo, half morocco. 96 The same, 1890. 8vo, half morocco. 97 The same, 1891. 8vo, half morocco. 98 The same, 1892. 8vo, half morocco. 99 The same, 1893. 8vo, half morocco. 100 The same, 1894. 8vo, half morocco. 101 The same, 1895. 8vo, half morocco. 102 The same, 1896. 8vo, half morocco. 103 The same, 1897. 8vo, half morocco. 104 The same, 1898. 8vo, half morocco. 105 AMES (J. G.) Comprehensive Index of the Publications of the United States Government, 1889-93. 4to, cloth. Washington, 1894 106 ASHER (A.) Bibliographical Essay on the Collection of Voyages and Travels, edited and published by Levinus Hulsius and his suc- cessors at Nuremberg and Francfort from Anno 1598 to 1660. 410, pp. 118, boards. London and Berlin, 1839 * No. 74 of one hundred and twenty copies printed. This copy has the bookplate of Baron Sobolewski, and there are numerous marginal annotations in manuscript, presumably in Sobolewski's handwriting, his autograph being on the front cover. 107 BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA: being a Choice Collection of Books relating to North and South America and the West Indies, including Voyages... Maps, engravings, and medals. Post 8vo, cloth. Paris [P. Renouard], 1831 * A Catalogue of the collection of D. B. Warden, of the Academy of Sciences, Paris Geographical Society, etc. 14 Xibrars of Wilberforce Barnes BIBLIOGRAPHY Continued. 108 BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA, being a Choice Collection of Books relating to North and South 1 America and the West Indies, including Voyages to the Southern Hemisphere. 8vo, paper, pp. 128. Paris, 1840 * This is the collection of D. B. Warden. 109 BOWERMAN (G. F.) A Selected Bibliography of the Religious Denominations of the United States . . . with a list of the most im- portant Catholic works by the Rev. J. H. McMahon. 8vo, paper, pp. 94. New York, 1896 no BRAZILIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bibliographic Bresilienne. Catalogue des Ouvrages Francais et Latins relatifs au Bresil, 1500- 1898. Par A. L. Garraux. 8vo, paper, pp. 400. Paris, 1898 111 BURR (AARON). Burr Bibliography. A List of Books relating to Aaron Burr. By H. B. Tompkins. 8vo, half roan. Brooklyn, 1892 * Only 250 printed. 112 CLARKE (ROBERT). Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets relating to America, with list of Robert Clarke's publications. 8vo, cloth. Cincinnati, 1893 113 CONGRESSIONAL DOCUMENTS. Catalogue of the Public Documents . . . for the period from March 4, 1893, to June 30, 1895. Royal 8vo, cloth. Washington, 1896 114 Index to the Subjects of the Documents and Reports. 54th Congress, ist and 26. Sessions; also the Index to the ist Session of the 55th Congress. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. Washington, 1897-98 115 DE BRY. Notice Bibliographique sur la collection des Grands et Petits Voyages de De Bry en Latin et en Allemand, extraite du . . . Manuel du Libraire de J. Ch. Brunet. Royal 8vo, paper, pp. 54. * Large Paper copy. Only 25 printed. Paris, 1850 116 A Description and Collation of the series of De Bry's Voyages in the Library of Mr. Henry Huth. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut. [1880] * Only 50 copies privately printed. 117 EXTRAIT du Catalogue de la Bibliotheque d'un Amateur. Ouvrages sur 1'Amerique. i2mo, boards, pp. 141. Saint Cloud: Privately printed \ n. d. \circa 1865] * A catalogue of the Americana in the library of M. Hector Bossange. Xibran? of Milberforce Barnes 15 BIBLIOGRAPHY Continued. 118 FINOTTI (REV. J. M.) Bibliographia Catholica Americana. A List of Works written by Catholic Authors and published in the United States. Part I. (1784 to 1820, inclusive all published). 8vo, cloth. New York, 1872 119 GROWOLL (A.) American Book Clubs: their beginnings and his- tory, and a Bibliography of their publications. Crown 8vo, half calf, uncut. New York, 1897 * No. 80 of only 300 copies on hand-made paper. 120 GRIFFIN (A. P. C.) Bibliography of American Historical Socie- ties (the United States and Canada). 8vo, paper. Washington, 1896 121 Index of the Literature of American Local History, in Collec- tions published in 1890-95. 8vo, paper, pp. 151. Boston: Privately printed, 1896 122 HALL (ISAAC H.) American Greek Testaments. A Critical Bibliography of the Greek New Testament as published in America. Facsimiles. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1883 123 HASSE (A. R.) Reports of Explorations printed in the Documents of the United States Government. A Contribution toward a Bibli- ography. 8vo, pp. 90, paper. Washington, 1899 124 JAMESON (J. FRANKLIN). Bibliography of Early Party Con- ventions. 8vo, with printed paper cover, pp. 12. n. p., 1896 125 JAMESON (J. F.) The Colonial Assemblies and their Legislative Journals. 8vo, paper, pp. 52. Washington, 1898 126 JEFFERSON (THOMAS). Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. A List of Books written by or relating to Thomas Jefferson. By H. B. Tompkins. 8vo, half cloth. New York, 1887 * Only 350 printed. 127 [KENNETT (BP. WHITE).] Bibliothecae Americanae Primordia. An Attempt towards laying the foundation of an American Library in several Books, Papers, and Writings, humbly given to the Society for Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. Small 410, calf, gilt (slightly stained). London, 1713 * Scarce. The first Bibliography of Books relating to America. 1 6 Xtbrars of TKHUberforce Barnes BIBLIOGRAPHY Continued. 128 [LENOX (JAMES).] Livres Curieux. (A Bibliographical Cata- logue of the rarest and earliest Americana wanted by Mr. Lenox.) 8vo, pp. 37, paper. New York, 1854 * Rare. It includes editions of Hulsius and De Bry, Columbus, Vespucius, Cortez, Las Casas, etc. The greater part of these desiderata were obtained after- wards by Mr. Lenox, or after his death by the Lenox Library. The titles and de- scriptions are given with considerable fullness and care. 129 LEON. First Editions of American Authors. Compiled, arranged and for sale by Leon Brothers. 4to, paper, pp. 58. Large Paper copy. New York, 1885 130 LUDEWIG (HERMANN E.) The Literature of American Local History. A Bibliographical Essay. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. New York, 1846 * C. I. Bushnell's copy, interleaved with notepaper, on which he has written many additional items. A. L. S. of the author inserted. At the end is the extremely rare supplement on the Local History of New York, of which only 30 copies were printed,, and also the original cuttings from the Literary World of 1848, in which it first ap- peared. 131 MANCHESTER (N. H.) Bibliography of Manchester, N. H. A Collection of Books, Pamphlets and Magazines, from 1743 to 1885. Preserved by S. C. Gould. 8vo, paper, with Addenda. Manchester, 1885 132 MULLER (F.) Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets relating to North and South America, including the collection of De Bry, Hulsius, etc. Small 4to, half morocco. Amsterdam, 1877 133 MUNSELL (JOEL). A Catalogue of the Books and Pamphlets issued from the Press of Joel Munsell from the year 1828 to 1870. 8vo, boards. Albany: Privately printed, 1872 134 [MURPHY (HENRY C.)] A Catalogue of an American Library, chronologically arranged [1480 to 1800]. 8vo, cloth, uncut, large paper. Presentation copy from Hen: C. Murphy to Dr. Stiles. Very rare. Only 25 copies were printed for presents. [Brooklyn, 1850 ?J 135 O'CALLAGHAN (E. B.) A List of Editions of the Holy Scrip- tures and parts thereof, printed in America previous to 1860: with introduction and bibliographical notes. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. liv., 415. Albany, 1861 * One 150 copies were printed. of TKailberforce lEames 17 BIBLIOGRAPHY Continued. 136 PERKINS (F. B.) Check List of American Local History. Re- printed with Additions from the Bulletins of the Boston Public Library. Small 4to, boards. Boston, 1876 * Only 150 copies printed. 137 POORE (BEN. PERLEY). A Descriptive Catalogue of the Government Publications of the United States, Sept. i774-March 4, 1881. Thick 410, half russia. Washington, 1885 138 PRIME (FREDERICK). Catalogue of Official Reports upon Geological Surveys of the United States and Territories, and of British North America. 8vo, paper. Philadelphia, 1879 * 139 RICH (O.) Bibliotheca Americana Nova. A Catalogue of Books relating to America, 1831-44. 8vo,' original cloth, with extra titles. London, 1846 140 RICH (O.) Books relating to America, 1493-1700. 410, pp. 4, double columns. London (1846 ?) * About 600 short titles, in chronological order. 141 RICH (O.) A Catalogue of Books relating principally to America, arranged under the years in which they were printed. Part i, 1500 to 1600. 8vo, pp. 20, with original paper covers. London, 1832 142 SMITH (LLOYD P.) A Bibliography of that Ancient and Honour- able Order The Society of the Cincinnati. 8vo, cloth, pp. 18. * Only 30 copies printed for private distribution. Philadelphia, 1885 143 STEVENS (HENRY). Catalogue of the American Books in the Library of the British Museum at Christmas, 1856. Catalogue of the Canadian and other British North American Books in the Library of the British Museum at Christmas, 1856. Catalogue of the Mexi- can and other Spanish-American and West Indian Books in the Library of the British Museum at Christmas, 1856. Catalogue of the American Maps in the Library of the British Museum at Christ- mas s 1856. 4 vols. in one. Thick 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: Chisunck Press, 1866 144 STEVENS (HENRY). Historical Nuggets. Bibliotheca Ameri- cana; or, a Descriptive Account of my Collection of Rare Books relating to America. 2 vols. cloth, and Parts i and 2 of Vol. III. (All published.) Crown 8vo. (As 2 vols.) London, 1862-1885 1 8 3Libcar of Wilbertorce Barnes BIBLIOGRAPHY Continued. 145 TERNAUX (H.) Bibliotheque Americaine; ou, Catalogue des Ouvrages relatifs a 1'Amerique qui ont Paru depuis sa decouverte jusqu'a 1'an 1700. 410, half calf. Paris, 1837 * Large Paper copy. 146 TRUBNER (NICOLAS). Bibliographical Guide to American Lit- erature. A Classified list of Books published in the U. S. during the last 40 years, with Bibliographical Introduction, Notes and Alphabetical Index. 8vo, half roan. London, 1859 147 WARMAN (P. C.) Bibliography and Index of the Publications of the United States Geological Survey. 8vo, cloth, Presentation copy from the author. Washington, 1893 148 WRIGHT (REV. JOHN). Early Bibles of America. Facsimiles. lamo, cloth. New York, 1892 149 WRIGHT (REV. JOHN). Early Bibles of America : being a descriptive account of Bibles published in the United States, Mexico and Canada. Third Edition, revised and enlarged. Facsimiles. 8vo, half leather, gilt top. New York, 1894 * With autograph letter of the author laid in. 150 Early Prayer Books of America: being a descriptive account of Prayer Books published in the United States, Mexico and Can- ada. Facsimiles. 8vo, half leather, gilt top. St. Paul, Minn., 1896 Biograpbp, 151 LEONARD (J. W. Editor}. Who's Who in America: a Biograph- ical Dictionary of Living Men and Women of the United States, 1899-1900. Post 8vo, cloth. Chicago [1899] 152 ALLEN (WILLIAM). The American Biographical Dictionary: containing an account of the Lives, Characters and Writings of the most eminent persons deceased in North America, from its first settlement. Third Edition. Royal 8vo, sheep. Boston, 1857 153 APPLETON'S Cyclopaedia of American Biography. Edited by James Grant Wilson and John Fiske. 6 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1888-89 * With numerous dates of deaths added on the margins, and many newspaper obituary notices, biographical sketches, etc., laid in. of Mtlberforce Barnes 19 BIOGRAPHY Continued. 154 DRAKE (FRANCIS S.) Dictionary of American Biography, in- cluding Men of the Time, containing nearly ten thousand notices ... a key to the assumed names of writers, etc. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1872 155 Another copy of the same, but dated 1876. Royal 8vo, sheep (a little rubbed). A few portraits inserted. Boston, 1876 156 DUYCKINCK (EVERT A.) Memorial Sketch of the Life and Literary Labors of E. A. Duyckinck. By W. A. Butler. 8vo, paper, pp. 14. New York, 1879 157 HAMERSLEY (THOMAS H. S.) Complete Army Register of the United States for 100 years (1779 to 1879), compiled from Offi- cial Records. Thick 8vo, sheep. Washington, 1881 158 HAWKS (FRANCIS L.) A Memorial of F. L. Hawks. By E. A. Duyckinck. Portrait. 8vo, half russia, gilt top, uncut. New York Historical Society, 1871 * Contains an Appendix with a catalogue of the rare books relating to America in the Hawks-Niblo Library, now in the N. Y. Historical Society's possession. 159 HEITMAN (F. B.) Historical Register of Officers of the Conti- nental Army during the War of the Revolution, April, 1775, to Dec., 1783. 8vo, full roan. Washington, 1893 160 Historical Register of the United States Army from its Or- ganization, Sept. 29, 1789, to Sept. 29, 1889. Royal 8vo, sheep. Washington, 1890 161 HOUGH (FRANKLIN B.) American Biographical Notes: being short notices of Persons . . . not included in Allen's or in Drake's Biographical Dictionaries. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Albany, 1875 162 HOUGHTON (HENRY O.) A Biographical Outline. By Horace E. Scudder. Portraits. 8vo, half parchment. Cambridge: The Riverside Press, 1897 * The well-known member of the publishing firm of Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 163 LANMAN (CHARLES). Biographical Annals of the Civil Gov- ernment of the United States during its First Century. From Orig- inal and Civil Sources. Royal 8vo, cloth. Washington, 1876 164 McCOSH (JAMES). The Life of James McCosh. A Record chiefly Autobiographical. Edited by W. M. Sloane. Portraits. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1896 20 OLibrars ot Wilberforce Eames BIOGRAPHY Continued. 165 MOORE (GEO. H.) George Henry Moore, LL.D. A Memoir. By Rev. Howard Crosby, D.D. Portrait engraved on steel by A. B. Hall. 4to, thick paper, unbound. Morrisania, 1870 * One of thirty copies printed, "exclusively for private circulation." Letter of Henry T. Drowne laid in. 166 PEABODY (GEORGE). A Brief Sketch, with a History of the Peabody Education Fund. By J. L. M. Curry. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1898 167 POORE (BEN. PERLEY). The Political Register and Congres- sional Directory. A Statistical Record of the Federal Officials, Legislative, Executive, and Judicial of the United States of Amer- ica, 1776-1878. Royal 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1878 168 STEVENS (B. F.) Memoir of Benjamin Franklin Stevens. By G. Manville Fenn. Portraits. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: Printed for private distribution, 1903 169 WARD (NATHANIEL). Memoir of the Rev. Nathaniel Ward, Author of the Simple Cobbler of Agawam in America, with Notices of his Family. By John Ward Dean. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Albany, 1868 170 WISNER (HENRY). A Second Memorial of Henry Wisner. By Franklin Burdge. Post 8vo, paper, pp. 38. [New York, May, 1898] * Henry Wisner, noted New Yorker in Colonial and Revolutionary days. During the latter he started a mill for supplying powder to the American Congress. Boston, 171 BOSTON MASSACRE. The Boston Massacre, by S. A. Green, pp. 16, Worcester, 1900; The Boston Massacre, by A. C. Goodell, pp. ii (reprinted from the Boston Daily Advertiser, June, 1887). 8vo, paper. (2 pieces.) 172 DRAKE (SAMUEL G.) The History and Antiquities of Boston . . . from its Settlement in '1630 to the year 1770; also an Intro- ductory History of the Discovery and Settlement of New England. With Notes, Critical and Illustrative. Over joo portraits, autographs, views, maps, and genealogical charts. Folio, half morocco. Boston, 1857 * The Limited Large Paper Issue. Only 101 copies printed. It contains illustra- tions, etc., not in the octavo editions. of TJdUbetforce Barnes 21 BOSTON Continued. 173 LORING (JAMES SPEAR). The Hundred Boston Orators appointed by the Municipal Authorities, and other Public Bodies, from 1770 to 1852, comprising Historical Gleanings illustrating the Principles. . . of Our Republican Institutions. Fourth Edition, with an improved Index of Names. 8vo, finely bound by F. BEDFORD in full polished calf, gilt. Boston, 1855 174 MAPS. List of Maps of Boston, published between 1614 and 1822, Bost. 1902; List of Maps of Boston published between 1600 and 1903, Bost. 1903. 8vo, paper. (2 pieces.) Boston: Municipal Printing Office, 1902, 1903 175 OLD STATE HOUSE (THE). Notes on its History, by G. H. Moore, 2 Parts, pp. 31, 80, Bost. 1885-86; Whitmore's The Old State House Defended, a Reply to Dr. Moore, pp. 8, Bost. 1886; Moore's Examination of Whitmore's Memorial, pp. 39, Bost. 1887; Extracts from the Records, chiefly of the Court of General Sessions, Suffolk, Mass., 1764-1768 (relating to the old State House), pp. 16, New York, printed for G. H. Moore, 1887; The Old Town House of Boston, pp. 8, printed 'by the Bostonian Society, 1892; Catalogue of the Collections of the Bostonian Society in the Memorial Halls of the Old State House, Boston, by S. A. Bent, pp. 91, Boston, 1893. 8vo, paper. (7 pieces.) 176 OLD STATE HOUSE. Re-dedication of the Old State House, Boston, July u, 1882. Numerous illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1885 * Addresses by J. D. Long, Marshall P. Wilder, etc., and Notes by G. H. Moore, with Reply by W. H. Whitmore. 177 WINSOR (JUSTIN Editor). The Memorial History of Boston, including Suffolk County, Mass., from 1630 to 1880. Illustrated with numerous reproductions of rare maps, portraits^ views, etc., and with a copious Index. 4 vols. imp. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1881 * Among the special contributors are O. W. Holmes, Charles F. Adams, J. S. Trumbull, Asa Gray, S. A. Green, R. C. Winthrop, F. S. Drake, J. D. Long, T. W. Higginson, etc. John G. Whittier contributed an original poem. 22 3Librar of Wflberforce Barnes 178 BRAZIL. FLETCHER (J. C.) AND KIDDER (D. P.) Brazil and the Brazilians portrayed in Historical and Descriptive Sketches. Ninth Edition, revised and brought down to date, ijo illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1879 179 SMITH (HERBERT H.) Brazil, the Amazons, and the Coast. Illustrated from sketches by J. Wells Champney and others. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1879 180 BREVOORT (J. CARSON). Early Spanish and Portuguese Coinage in America. Illustrated. Small 4to, paper, pp. 28. Boston, 1885 * Only 60 copies reprinted from " The American Journal of Numismatics." 181 BRITISH COLUMBIA. Guide to the Province of British Colum- bia for 1877-78. (Contains Directory of Victoria City and of several of the Districts of B. C.) 8vo, half cloth. Victoria, 1877 182 HAZLITT (W. C.) British Columbia and Vancouver Island: a Historical Sketch, Survey of its Natural History, Ethnology, etc. Folding map. iamo, pictorial boards. London, 1858 * Chinook Vocabulary, pp. 241-243. 183 BRYCE (JAMES). The American Commonwealth. Third Edition, completely revised throughout, with additional chapters. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1895 184 BUCCANEERS. BURNEY (JAMES). History of the Buccaneers of America. Reprinted from the edition of 1816. 8vo, cloth. London, 1891 185 ESQUEMELING (J.) The Buccaneers of America. A true ac- count . . . wherein is contained more especially the Unparalleled Exploits of Sir Henry Morgan. Facsimiles of the original illustra- tions. 8vo, cloth. London, 1893 186 BUENOS AYRES. Relacion de Mapas, Pianos, etc., del Virrei- nato de Buenos-Aires existentes en el Archive General de Indias (Sevilla). Por Pedro Torres Lanzas. Facsimile. 8vo, paper, pp. 46. [Seville?] 1900 * The maps include Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay and the Atlantic Islands, from 1562 to 1805. Xtbrarg of THUUberforce Eames 23 Gabots Jobn anfc Sebastian, 187 BANNISTER (S.) The Cartoon of Sebastian Cabot, presenting Indians from Newfoundland to Henry VII., in 1502 A. D., exhibited in the collection of 1843 in Westminster Hall, by Mr. Barff Tucker. 4to, unbound, pp. 8, with folded plate. London [1844] 188 [BIDDLE (RICHARD).] Memoir of Sebastian Cabot, with a Review of the History of Maritime Discovery. Illustrated by Docu- ments from the rolls now first pubis hed. 8vo, cloth (back torn), uncut. London, 1831 189 DAWSON (SAMUEL E.) The Discovery of America by John Cabot in 1497 ... and the Voyages of the Cabots. Reproductions of the map of Juan de la Cosa, A. D. 1500, and illustrations. 8vo, paper, pp. XIV. -f- 30. (From the Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, 1896-97.) Ottawa, 1896 190 Review of Cabot Literature in the year 1898. 8vo, sewed, pp. 52. (From the Review of Historical Publications relating to Canada, 1898.) 1898 191 The Voyages of the Cabots. Latest Phases of the Contro- versy. Maps and illustrations. 8vo, paper, pp. 130. (From the Transactions of the Roy. Soc. Can.) Ottawa, 1897 * At the end are photo-lithographic facsimiles, reduced to a little less than half- size, of the Juan de la Cosa world map of 1500, and the Cabot world map of 1544. Two type-written letters of the author laid in. 192 DIONNE (N. E.) John and Sebastian Cabot. 410, paper, pp. 47. * No. 15 of only 125 copies printed. Quebec, 1898 193 HARRISSE (HENRY). Jean et Sebastien Cabot, leur Origin et leurs Voyages, Etude d'Histoire Critique suivie d'une Carto- graphic, d'une Bibliographic, et d'une Chronologic des Voyages au Nord-Ouest de 1497 a 1550. D'apres des Documents Inedits. Fac- simile by S. Pilinski of the Sebastian Cabot map of 1554. Royal 8vo, half brown levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1882 194 John Cabot, the Discoverer of North America, and Sebastian his son. A Chapter of the Maritime History of England under the Tudors, 1496-1557. Facsimiles of rare early maps. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1896 195 [ ] Sebastien Cabot, Navigateur Venitien [i497~ I 557]- Etude d'histoire critique et documentaire. 8vo, paper, pp. 43. (Extrait de la Revue de Geographic.) Paris, 1895 24 SLibrars of Wilberforce Barnes THE CABOTS Continued. 196 HORSFORD (EBEN NORTON). John Cabot's Landfall in 1497, and the Site of Norumbega. A Letter to Chief-Justice Daly. Photograph of the site of the Agency of Thevet and facsimiles of the maps of Michael Lok, 1582, Maiolld's map of 1527, of Mercators map of i 5 97, and of five others. 4to, paper, pp. 42. Cambridge, 1886 197 KIDDER (FREDERIC). The Discovery of North America. By John Cabot. A First Chapter in the History of North America. With reproduction of Cabot's map of 1544. 8vo, paper, pp. 15. Boston: Printed for Private Circulation, 1878 198 STEVENS (HENRY). Sebastian Cabot - John Cabot = o. Endeavored by Henry Stevens. Square i6mo, cloth, pp. 32. Only a limited number issued. Boston, 1870 * [A literal reading of this title is: Sebastian Cabot MINUS John Cabot EQUALS nothing.] 199 WINSHIP (GEORGE PARKER). Cabot Bibliography, izmo, paper, pp. 71. [Providence, R. I., 1897] * Only a very few copies privately reprinted from the Bulletin of the Providence Public Library. 200 Cabot Bibliography; with an Introductory Essay on the Careers of the Cabots based upon an Independent Examination of the Sources of Information. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1900 201 John Cabot and the Study of Sources. 8vo, paper, pp. 9. (From the Annual Report of the American Historical Association, 1897. Presentation copy.) Washington, 1898 202 Some Facts about John Sebastian Cabot. 8vo, paper, pp. 22. (From Proceedings of the Amer. Antiq. Socy.) Worcester, Mass., 1900 Califoinia, 203 ALCALA-GALIANO (DON DYONISIO). Relation du Voyage fait par les Goelettes la Subtile et la Mexicaine dans 1'annee 1792, pour reconnoitre le Detroit de Fouca. Avec une Introduction con- tenant la Notice des Expeditions executees anterieurement par les Espagnols pour la recherche d'un passage par le Nord-Ouest de 1'Amerique. A very neatly written MANUSCRIPT of 120 quarto pages, 45 lines of small writing to a full page. n. d. \Circa 1809]. Bottom half (blank) of title cut away. * This unpublished French translation of the account of the voyage of the schooners ot Wilberforce Barnes 25 CALIFORNIA Continued. Subtile and Mexicaine along the Californian and Oregon coasts and through the Strait of Juan de Fuca in 1792 was made, from the Spanish edition, printed at Madrid in 1802, by M. Desjardins de Fontvanne, who dedicates it to Joseph Napoleon, King of Spain. Perhaps the most valuable part of the work is the long historical introduc- tion by M. F. de Navarrete, which contains a valuable resumJ of Spanish voyages on the Pacific coast. 204 APPONYI (FLORA H.) The Libraries of California, containing Descriptions of the Principal, Private and Public Libraries through- out the State. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1878 * With notices of the rare books and manuscripts in the libraries of H. H. Bancroft and other well-known Californian collectors. 205 [BAEGERT (JACOB).] Nachrichten von der Amerikanischen Halbinsel Californien. Geschrieben von einem Priester der Gesell- schaft Jesu. Map and 2 plates. i2mo, original half calf. Scarce. Mannheim, 1773 206 CLAVIGERO (D. FRANCESCO). Storia della California. Opera Postuma. Large folding map. 2 vols. in i. Post 8vo, orig- inal old calf, gilt. Venezia, 1789 First edition. Rare. The author was a Jesuit missionary who lived in Mexico for many years, gathering materials from the missionaries and native inhabitants for a history of the country. The History of Mexico was published in 1780, this of Cali- fornia only after his death. Presentation copy from D. Otero to D. Juan B. Morales. 207 CLAVIGERO (P. FRANCISCO J.) Historia de la Antigua 6 Baja California. Traducida del Italiano, por D. Nicolas Garcia de San Vicente. Royal 8vo, half calf. Mexico, 1852 * As a completion of Clavigero's history, the Life of Father Junipero Serra by his companion, P. F. Palou, is given. 208 DAVIDSON (PROF. G.) Identification of Sir Francis Drake's Anchorage on the coast of California in the year 1579. Royal 8vo, paper, pp. 58. (California Hist. Socy. Publication.) San Francisco, 1890 *With 15 folding maps, including reproductions from the rare atlases of Sir Robert Dudley and Hondius, and from manuscript charts in European libraries. 209 DELANO (A.) Life on the Plains and among the Diggings; being Scenes and Adventures of an Overland Journey to California. 4 illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth (a little worn). Auburn and Buffalo, 1854 26 OLibrar^ of Mflberforce Barnes CALIFORNIA Continued. 210 FERNANDEZ DE SAN SALVADOR. (D. AGUSTIN POMPOSO.) Los Jesuitas Quitados y Restituidos al Mundo. Historia de la Antiqua California. i6mo, original sheep. Mexico, 1816 * "At the end of this most curious book, written for the glorification of the Jesuits in California, is a list of the persons to whom it has been distributed, according to which only a very few copies have been sold." SABIN. 211 FERRY (HYPOLITE). Description de la Nouvelle Californie, Geographique, Politique, et Morale. With a large folding map of California, map of the bays of Monterey and San Francisco, view of San Francisco in 1850, and 5 other maps aud views. Crown 8vo, paper, pp. 386. Paris, 1850 212 HEAP (GWINN HARRIS). Central Route to the Pacific. Journal of the Expedition of E. F. Beale from Missouri to Cali- fornia in 1853. jj full-page plates. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1854 213 LIBRARIES OF CALIFORNIA. A Descriptive List containing the names of all persons who are engaged in Library Work in the State. Compiled under the direction of the State Librarian. Illus- trated. 8vo, paper, pp. 134. Sacramento, 1904 214 LOS ANGELES DAILY TIMES. Mining Number, Sept. n, 1897. Folio, 28 pp., of which 16 pp. of 7 columns each relate to the mines of Southern California. Fully illustrated. 215 PALOU (P. FRANCISCO). Relacion Historica de la vida y apos- tolicas tareas del venerable Padre Fray Junipero Serra, y de las Misiones que fundo en la California Septentrional, y nuevos estab- lecimientos de Monterey. Portrait of Father Junipero Serra, and map of California, with the Mission Stations marked, engraved in Mexico- City, 1^87. Small 4to, original vellum. Mexico: Felipe de Zuniga y Ontiveros, 1787 * Scarce. Father Junipero Serra went to Mexico in 1750, and later was sent ta California. Practically this book is a history of California during that period. 216 TAYLOR (ALEXANDER S.) Historical Summary of Lower California from its discovery in 1532 to 1867. (Including accounts of various explorations.) 8vo, sewed, pp. 200. [n. p., 1868 ?] Xibrars of TKailberforce )Eames 27 Canafca. 217 BIBAUD (MAXIMILIEN). Le Pantheon Canadian. Choix de Biographies. Nouvelle Edition, revue, augmentee, et completee . . . par Ad61e et Victor Bibaud. 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 321. Montreal, 1891 218 BOUCHER (PIERRE). Histoire Veritable et Naturelle des Mceurs et Productions du Pays de la Nouvelle-France. R6-editee par G. Coffin, E.E.D. Square i2mo, pp. (2), ii., 164, and printed covers. Montreal, 1882 * The original edition was printed at Paris in 1664. The above is the third edition, which has also become rare. Pages 92-135 relate to the Indians. 219 Pierre Boucher et son livre, par M. Benjamin Suite. 8vo, pp. 70, and printed covers. Ottawa, 1896 * Fifth edition of Boucher's Histoire, with facsimile of the original title of 1664, and with Notes by M. Suite. 220 BOURINOT (J. G.) Historical and Descriptive Account of the Island of Cape Breton, and of its Memorials of the French Regime, with Bibliographical, Historical, and Critical Notes. Reproductions of rare maps^ etc. 4to, half cloth. Montreal, 1892 221 BRYCE (PROF. G.) A Short History of the Canadian People. Crown 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1887 222 CARTIER (JACQUES). Jacques Cartier, his Life and Voyages. By Joseph Pope. Crown 8vo, cloth. [Ottawa: Privately printed, 1890] 223 Voyages de D6couverte au Canada, entre les annees 1534 et 1542, par Jacques Quartier, le Sieur de Roberval, Jean Alphonse de Xanctoigne, &c. Suivis de la description de Quebec et de ses environs en 1608, et de divers extraits relativement au lieu de 1'hivernement de Jacques Quartier en 1535-36. 2 folded plans. 8vo, iv., (2), 130 pp. and original printed covers. Quebec, 1843 224 CHURCH IN CANADA. Journals of the Bishop's Visitation to Toronto in 1842; to Quebec in 1843, 1844, and 1846; to the Western and Southern Coast of Newfoundland in 1845; to the Northern Coast in 1846; to Labrador and Newfoundland in 1849, etc. 9 parts in 2 vols. j maps and I plate. i2mo, paper and cloth. London, 1845-51 225 CROSSBY (P. A.) Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America, giving the latest and most authentic descriptions of over 6,000 Cities, Towns, and Villages. Crown 8vo, cloth. Montreal, 1877 28 OLibrarp ot Milberforce Barnes CANADA Continued. 226 DAWSON (GEORGE M.) Notes to accompany a Geological Map of the Dominion of Canada, east of the Rocky Mountains. 8vo, paper, pp. 62. (Geol. and Natural Hist. Survey of Canada, Part R. Annual Report, 1886.) Montreal, 1887 227 Report on an Exploration in the Yukon District, N. W. T., and adjacent northern portion of British Columbia, 1887. Map and plates. 8vo, paper, pp. 277. Montreal, 1888 228 DAWSON (S. E.) The Prose Writers of Canada. An address. 8vo, paper, pp. 39. Montreal, 1901 229 EDGAR (MATILDA). Ten Years of Upper Canada in Peace and War, 1805-1815; being the Ridout Letters with annotations. With Appendix of the Captivity of Thomas Ridout among the Shawnees, and a vocabulary of the language. 2 portraits of Ridout, maps, etc. 8vo, cloth. Toronto, 1890 230 FARIBAULT (G. B.) Catalogue d'Ouvrages sur 1'Histoire de 1'Amerique et en particulier sur celle du Canada, de la Louisiane, de 1'Acadie, et autres lieux ci-devant connus sous le nom de Nouvelle- France. Avec des Notes. 8vo, half morocco. Quebec, 1837 231 FISKE (JOHN). New France and New England. Reproductions of rare portraits and maps. Post 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. (Standard Library Edition.) Boston, 1902 232 GAGNON (P.) Essai de Bibliographic Canadienne. Inventaire d'une Bibliotheque comprenant Imprimes, Manuscrits, Estampes, etc., relatifs a 1'histoire du Canada et des Pays adjacents, avec des Notes Bibliographiques. 8vo, paper, pp. 711 (binding loose). Quebec, 1895 * Subscription copy, printed on better paper than the ordinary trade edition. 233 GANONG (W. F.) The Cartography of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, from Cartier to Champlain. 410, paper. (From Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada.) n. p., 1889 234 GEOGRAPHIC BOARD OF CANADA. First, Second, and Third Annual Reports [on place-names in Canada]. 8vo, paper. (3 pieces.) Ottawa, 1899, 1901, 1902 235 HAIGHT (W. R.) Canadian Catalogue of Books. (1791-1895.) 8vo, pp. 130, paper. Toronto, 1896 236 The Annual Canadian Catalogue of Books (for 1896). 8vo, pp. 48, paper. Toronto, 1898 of Hfllilberforce Eames 29 CANADA Continued. 237 [HARRISSE (HENRY).] Notes pour servir a THistoire, a la Bibliographic, et a la Cartographic de la Nouvelle France et des Pays adjacents, 1645-1700. 8vo, half morocco (some corrections written in the margin). Paris, 1872 238 HART (GERALD E.) The Fall of New France, 1755-1760. With artotype reproductions of rare portraits, views, etc. Square 8vo, cloth. Montreal, 1888 239 HENNEPIN. Hennepin, ses voyages et ses oeuvres, -par N. E. Dionne. 410, paper, pp. 40. Quebec, 1897 240 The Writings of Louis Hennepin, Recollect Franciscan Mis- sionary. By Edward D. Neill. 8vo, paper, pp. 10. * Presentation copy from the author to Chas. Deane. [Minneapolis, 1 880] 241 List of the Editions of the Works of Louis Hennepin and Alonso de Herrera. By Joseph Sabin. 8vo, paper, pp. 16. New York, 1876 242 Bibliography of Hennepin's Works. By John G. Shea. 8vo, paper, pp. 13. New York, 1880 243 HERIOT (GEORGE). Travels through the Canadas ... to which is subjoined a Comparative View of the Manners and Customs of the Indian Nations of North and South America. With large folding map and 27 plates in aquatint and finely printed in colors. 410, original boards, uncut. (View of Lake St. Charles missing and another in duplicate.) London, 1807 * The author was the first British Post-Master General of North America, and dis- tinguished himself in several of the battles of the War of 1812. This volume of travels gives a very picturesque account of the Canadians and Indians of the period. The aquatints are very finely engraved by F. C. Lewis, the noted English engraver, and beautifully colored ; among them are three views of Quebec, views of Montreal, the Montmorenci, Chaudiere, La Puce, and other waterfalls, as well as two of Niagara, and two curious views of dances of the native Canadians, and two of Indians, their costumes and encampments. A short vocabulary of the Algonquin tongue is given at the end. 244 LE CLERCQ (FATHER CHRISTIAN). First Establishment of the Faith in New France. Now first translated, with Notes by John Gilmary Shea. Portrait of Carrier, map, view of Quebec^ etc. 2 vols. royal 8vo, paper. New York: Privately published by J. G. Shea, 1881 * The original publication is one of the scarcest books relating to Louisiana and the 30 Xibrars of Wilberforce Barnes CANADA Continued. French possessions in New France. It gives the earliest printed account of Cavelier's explorations from the narratives of the missionaries who were his companions, also accounts of La Salle, and the Count de Frontenac, for whom he some time acted as secretary. It has been contended that the Count really wrote part of the work. Many bitter attacks are made by the author on the acts and relations of the Jesuit mission- aries, and whether the book was suppressed by the French government on this account, or by reason of some of the passages seeming to favor the English, it is diffi- cult to now say, but the fact remains that it is one of the most important, and scarcest books relating to New France. 245 McCORD (F. A.) Handbook of Canadian Dates. i2mo, paper, pp. 102. Montreal, 1888 246 MARCEL (GABRIEL). Cartographic de la Nouvelle France, supplement a 1'Ouvrage de M. Harrisse, avec des Documents inedits. 8vo, paper, pp. 41. (Extrait de la Revue de Geographic.) Paris, 1885 247 MEMOIRES sur le Canada depuis 1749 jusqu'a 1760. Publies sous la Direction de la Societe Litteraire et Historique de Quebec. Avec 13 cartes et plans. 8vo, paper, pp. 207. Quebec, 1838 248 MORGAN (HENRY J.) Bibliotheca Canadensis: or a Manual of Canadian Literature. 8vo, pp. xiv., 411, in double columns, cloth. Ottawa, 1867 * Interesting letter of author inserted, stating that upwards of 800 copies of the book were destroyed by fire in 1868. 249 The Canadian Men and Women of the Time: a Handbook of Canadian Biography. Thick small 8vo, pp. xii, 1118, red cloth. Toronto, 1898 250 (Editor). The Dominion Annual Register and Review, from the year 1878 to 1886, inclusive. 8 vols. 8vo, cloth. Montreal, 1879-1887 251 Sketches of Celebrated Canadians, and persons connected with Canada, from the earliest period in the history of the Province down to the Present Time. 8vo, pp. xiii, 779, cloth. Quebec, 1862 252 MORRISON'S History of the Year, 1891. Toronto, 1892. Report of Progress of the Geological Survey for 1878-79. Canadian Almanac for 1898. Greswell's Geography of Canada and New- foundland, maps. 1891. 4 vols. 253 PLAYTER (G. F.) The History of Methodism in Canada, with an account of the Rise and Progress of the work among the Indian Tribes. Crown 8vo, cloth. Toronto, 1862 Xlbrarp of Milberforce Barnes 3 1 CANADA Continued. 254 REPORT ON CANADIAN ARCHIVES. Complete set from 1 88 1 to 1903, in the original paper wrappers as issued (included is the French original edition of 1899). 24 vols. 8vo. Ottawa, 1881-1903 255 ROSE (GEO. M.) A Cyclopaedia of Canadian Biography; being chiefly Men of the Time. A Collection of the Persons distinguished in professional and political life; leaders in the Commerce and Indus- try of Canada, and successful pioneers. 2 thick vols. 8vo, pp. 807 and 816, cloth. Toronto, 1886-88 256 SAGARD. Histoire du Canada et Voyages que les Freres Mineurs Recollects y ont faicts pour la Conversion des Infidelles. Fait et compose par le F. Gabriel Sagard Theodat. 3 vols. (should be 4), post 8vo, half calf. (Reprint of the edition of 1636.) Paris, 1865-66 257 SHEA (J. G.) Why is Canada not a part of the United States? 8vo, paper, pp. 15. (Reprinted from the U. S. Catholic Historical Maga- zine.) [New York, 1890] 258 TACHE (MGR. Eveque de St. Boniface, 1868). Esquisse sur le Nord-Ouest de I'Amerique. 8vo, paper, pp. 146. (Pages 73 to 94 relate to the Indians.) Montreal, 1869 259 TUTTLE (CHARLES R.) Our North Land . . . with Narrative of the Experiences of the Hudson's Bay Expedition of 1884. Maps and numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Toronto, 1885 260 WINSOR (JUSTIN). Cartier to Frontenac. Geographical Dis- covery in the Interior of North America in its Historical Relations, 1534-1700. Numerous reproductions of rare maps, etc. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1894 261 WISE (REV. JOHN). Two Narratives of the Expedition against Quebec A.D. 1690, under Sir William Phips, the one by Rev. J. Wise, of Ipswich, Mass., and the other by an unknown writer. Introduction by Samuel A. Green. 8vo, paper, pp. 42. Cambridge, Mass., 1902 262 WRONG (G. M. Editor}. Review of Historical Publications relating to Canada. 9 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. Toronto, 1897-1905 * Complete set to date. The reviews are by Sir J. M. Le Moine, George Stewart, and other noted Canadians. 3 2 Xibrars ot Milberforce Eamea 263 ^>ARNEGIE (ANDREW). Triumphant Democracy; or, Fifty \^j Years' March of the Republic. Post 8vo, cloth. Presentation copy from the author, with autograph inscription. New York, 1886 264 CATHOLIC CHURCH. [SHEA QOHN G.)] An Essay on the Bibliography of the Councils, Synods, and Statutes of the Catholic Church in the United States. 8vo, paper. New York, 1890 265 SHEA (J. G.) History of the Catholic Church in Colonial Days. History of the Catholic Church in the United States 1808- 1866, 2 vols. Life and Times of Abp. Carroll. Together 4 vols. Royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1896-1892 266 CATHOLIC HISTORICAL MAGAZINE (THE UNITED STATES). Published by the U. S. Catholic Historical Society. Vol. i complete, in cloth; Vol. 2, Nos. 5 and 7; Vol. 3, Nos. 9, 10, and n, in paper. 8vo. (As a lot.) 267 Duplicates of the same, Vol. i, Nos. i, 2, 3, 8vo, paper. (Con- tains " Description of Maryland," 1732 ; " Early Lazarist Missions ; >f " Martyrs of Colorado 1781 ; " etc.) (As one piece.) 268 CENSUS. Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900. Population, Vital Statistics, Manufactures, and Agriculture. 10 vols. 4to, cloth. Washington, 1901-1902 Central Hmerica* 269 BRIGHAM (WILLIAM T.) Guatemala: the Land of the Quetzal. A Sketch. Profusely illustrated from photographs, etc. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1887 270 MAPS. Relacion Descriptiva de los Mapas, Pianos, etc., de la Audiencia y Capitania General de Guatemala (Guatemala, San Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, y Costa Rica) existentes en el Archive General de Indias. Por Pedro Torres Lanzas. Facsimiles. i6mo, paper, pp. 214. Madrid, 1903 271 MOSQUITO SHORE (THE). Bericht iiber die im hochsten Auftrage Seiner Koniglichen Hoheit des Prinzen Carl von Prussia .... bewirkte Untersuchung einiger theile des Mosquitolandes. j lithographic plates, and 2 maps. 8vo, half morocco (a little rubbed). * One of the chapters is on the language of the natives. Berlin, 1845 of Milberforce JEames 33 CENTRAL AMERICA Continutd. 272 SAN SALVADOR. Apuntamientos sobre la Topografia Fisica de la Republica del Salvador, comprendiendo su Historia Natural, sus Producciones, Climas, etc. Por David J. Guzman. Royal 8vo, paper, pp. 528. San Salvador, 1883 2 73 SQUIER (E. G.) Apuntamientos sobre Centre-America, particu- larmente sobre los Estados de Honduras y San Salvador. Tradu- cidos por Un Hondurefio. 6 maps and plans, and II full-page plates. 8vo, half roan. Paris, 1856 274 Collection of Rare and Original Documents and Relations concerning the Discovery and Conquest of America chiefly from the Spanish Archives. Published in the original, with translations, notes, maps, and biographical sketches. Small 410, cloth. New York, 1860 * No. I (all published), containing Carta dirijida al Rey de Espana, por el Licen- ciado Dr. Don Diego Garcia de Palacio, Oydor de la Real Audiencia de Guatemala; Afto 1576. Being a Description .of the Ancient Provinces of Guazacapan, Izalco, Cuscatlan, and Chiquimula, in the Audiencia of Guatemala; with an Account of the languages, customs and religion of their Aboriginal Inhabitants, and a Description of the Ruins of Copan. With a map. 275 Honduras Interoceanic Railway. Preliminary Report. Maps. 8vd, paper. New York, 1854 276 The States of Central America, their Geography, Topog- raphy, Population, Productions, Aborigines, etc., comprising chap- ters on Honduras, San Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Guate- mala, Belize, the Bay Islands, the Mosquito Shore, etc. With numer- ous maps and illustrations. Thick 8vo, cloth. New York, 1858 277 The States of Central America, their Geography, Topog- raphy, Climate, Population, etc. . . . comprising chapters of Hon- duras, San Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Belize, the Bay Islands, the Mosquito Shore, and the Honduras Inter- Oceanic Railway. With 5 maps, 8 full-page plates and 57 woodcuts. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1858 * Copies with the English imprint are rare. 278 [ ] Waikna; or, Adventures on the Mosquito Shore. By Sam- uel A. Bard. 60 illustrations. Post 8vo, original cloth. London, 1855 279 YOUNG (THOMAS). Narrative of a Residence on the Mosquito Shore during the years 1839-41, with an Account of Truxillo and the adjacent islands of Bonacca and Roatan. j lithograph plates. Post 8vo, cloth. (Short Mosquitan and English Vocabulary at end.) London, 1842 34 SLfbrars of Milberforce Barnes 280 CERTAIN INDUCEMENTS to well-minded People ... to transport themselves, or some servants, or agents for them, into the West-Indies, etc. 410, pp. 24, paper. New York, 1865 * Reprint of the very rare original of 1643. 281 CHILI. MOLINA (ABATE D. JUAN IGNACIO). Compendio de la His- toria Geografica, Natural, y Civil del Reyno de Chile. Traducida en Espanol, por D. Domingo Joseph de Arquellada Mendoza. Por- trait of the author, and j maps. 2 vols. 8vo, old Spanish calf (some leaves in Vol. i wormed). Madrid, 1788 282 CIVIL WAR (THE). ABBOT (GEO. M.) Contributions towards a Bibliography of the Civil War in the United States. I. Regi- mental Histories. 8vo, paper, pp. 34. Philadelphia, 1886 283 BAKER (GEN. L. C.) History of the United States Secret Ser- vice. [Mainly during the Civil War, and including the Capture of the Assassins of Lincoln.] Illustrated. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1868 284 BARTLETT (JOHN RUSSELL). The Literature of the Rebellion. A Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets relating to the Civil War in the United States, etc. Royal 8vo, pp. 477, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1866 285 BROWN (G. W.) Baltimore and the ipth April, 1861. A Study of the War. Plan. 8vo, cloth. Baltimore, 1887 286 CENTURY COMPANY'S WAR BOOK. Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Being for the most part contributions by Union and Confederate Officers based upon " The Century War Series." Edited by R. U. Johnson and C. C. Buel. Profusely illustrated. 4 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco (a little worn). NewYork: TheCenturyCo. [1884-87] 287 GLAZIER (CAPT. W. W.) The Capture, Prison Pen, and the Escape; giving a complete History of Prison Life in the South. Illustrated. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1870 288 TREDWELL (DANIEL M.) A Catalogue of Books and Pam- phlets relating to the Great Civil War. 8vo, pp. 220, paper, uncut. Brooklyn [1874] 289 CLARK (C. M.) A Trip to Pike's Peak and Notes by the Way. . . being descriptive of Incidents and Accidents that attended the pil- grimage; of the country through Kansas and Nebraska; Rocky Mountains; Mining Regions; etc. 1 8 illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. Chicago, 1 86 1 * Not mentioned in Sabin's Dictionary or in any other catalogue consulted. H. H. Bancroft, in his list of authorities for Nevada and Colorado (Hist, of Pacific States, Vol. 20, San Francisco, 1890), gives the title as follows: "Clark (C. M.) Trip to Pike's Peak. MS." of WUberforce Barnes 35 29 CLARKE (JAMES STANIER). The Progress of Maritime Dis- covery, from the earliest period to the close of the Eighteenth Cen- tury, forming an extensive system of Hydrography. Vol. I. (All published.) xxxv, ccxxx, 491, 263 pp. 410, half calf neat. Plates and vignettes. (Stamp on title. ) London, 1803 * The narrative of discovery in this volume is brought down to Vasco da Gama's passage of the Cape of Good Hope in November, 1497, and his arrival at Calicut in May, 1498. The appendix contains Galvano's Discoveries of the World to 1555, translated by Richard Hakluyt, and Mr. Locke's History of Navigation from its origi- nal to the year 1704. 291 CLUB OF ODD VOLUMES. LITTLEFIELD (GEORGE E.) Early Boston Booksellers, 1642-1711. Numerous facsimiles. 8vo, half roan, uncut. Boston, 1900 * Very scarce. Only 150 copies were printed. 292 LITTLEFIELD (GEORGE E.) Early Schools and Schoolbooks of New England. Numerous facsimiles. Royal 8vo, half roan, uncut. *Only 167 printed, this being No. 148. Boston, 1964 Colleges anfc "Universities. 293 ALABAMA UNIVERSITY. Register of the Officers and Gradu- ates (1821-1878). 4to, paper. Tuscaloosa, 1878 294 Complete List of the Matriculates, from 1869 to 1897. 8vo, paper. Talladega, 1898 295 AMHERST COLLEGE. Biographical Record of the Alumni of Amherst College, during its first half century, 1821-1871. Bio- graphical Record of the Non-Graduate Members, 1821-1871. 2 vols. in i. Thick 8vo, cloth. Amherst, 1883-81 296 General Catalogue of Amherst College, 1821-1890; Catalogue for the year 1892-93. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Amherst, 1890-93 297 Obituary Record of Graduates of Amherst College, 1868- 1897. 28 annual parts, 8vo, paper, lacking 1869 and 1873. Amherst, 1868-97 298 Student Life at Amherst College. Its organizations, their membership and history. (By George R. Cutting.) 8vo, pp. 204, cloth. Amherst, 1871 3 6 %fbrar ot TKHilberforce JEames COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Continued. 299 ANDOVER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. General Catalogue (of graduates, etc., 1810-1880, containing over 3,000 biographical notices). 8vo, pp. xx, 356, paper. Andover, 1883 300 - Necrology, 1880-81 to 1896-97. 17 annual parts, 8vo, paper. Boston, 1881-97 Seconfc Session, 301 AUBURN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. General Catalogue (of graduates, 1821-1882, with biographical notices). 8vo, pp. 308, paper. : Auburn, 1883 302 Obituary Record, 1880-1883. 2 parts, 8vo, paper. 303 BANGOR THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. General Statistical Catalogue, 1820-90; General Catalogue, 1820-95. (Nearly 1,000 biographical notices.) 2 parts, 8vo, paper. Bangor, 1890-95 304 BATES COLLEGE. General Catalogue of Officers and Gradua- ates, 1863-1891. (Over 500 biographical notices.) 8vo, paper. Lewiston, 1893 305 BOSTON UNIVERSITY. Historical Register, 1869-1891 ; Origin and Progress of Boston University, 1893; Year Book, 1898. 3 parts, 8vo, paper. 306 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. General Catalogue of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine, 1794-1894, including a historical sketch of the Institution during its first century. Prepared by G. T. Little. (With 5,200 biographical notices.) Plates. 8vo, cloth. Brunswick, 1894 307 History of Bowdoin College, with Biographical Sketches of its graduates, 1806-1879. By Nehemiah Cleveland and A. S. Pack- ard. Numerous fine steel portraits. 933 pp. 8vo, cloth, including pamphlet of additions and corrections. (As one vol.) Boston, 1882-87 308 - Necrology, 1870-1877, 2 parts; Library Bulletin, including the Obituary Record, etc., 1891-1895, 4 parts; Obituary Record, 1894, 1896,1897. Together 9 parts, 8vo, paper. Brunswick, 1873-97 of IKHilberforce Barnes 37 COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Continued. 309 BROWN UNIVERSITY. Historical Catalogue of Brown Uni- versity, Providence, R. I., 1764-1894. (With 4,400 biographical notices.) 460 pp. 8vo, cloth. Providence, 1895 310 BUCKNELL UNIVERSITY. Memorials of Bucknell University, 1846-1896; 48th Annual Catalogue, 1897-1898. Portraits. 2 vols. 4to and 8vo, cloth. 311 COLBY UNIVERSITY. Obituary Record of Graduates of Colby University (Waterville College) from 1820 to 1884, 4 parts; Gen- eral Catalogue, 1820-1887 (containing over 1,000 biographical notices). Together 5 parts, 8vo, paper. Waterville, 1870-87 312 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. General Catalogue, 1754-1894 (con- taining over 11,000 notices, and a facsimile of the broadside cata- logue printed by Hugh Gaine in 1774); Catalogue, 1897-1898. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 313 CORNELL UNIVERSITY. The Ten-Year Book, 1868-1888 (containing over 1,300 notices). 8vo, pp. 215, paper. Ithaca, 1888 314 DARTMOUTH COLLEGE. General Catalogue, 1771-1890 (containing over 7,000 notices). 8vo, pp. xxviii., 243, cloth. . Hanover, 1890 315 Dartmouth Necrology, from 1877-8 to 1896-97. 19 parts, 8vo, paper. 316 EMERSON (EDWIN). The College Year-Book and Athletic Record for 1896-97. i2mo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1897 317 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY. College Days at George- town, and other Papers. By J. Fairfax McLaughlin. Illustrated. i2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1899 * Letter from the author laid in. 318 HAMILTON COLLEGE. Catalogus Collegii Hamiltonensis, 1814-1893; Annual Register, 1897-1898. 2 Parts, 8vo, paper. 319 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Harvard College in Early Times, 1672-77; Old Laws of Harvard College, 1655; etc. 3 pamphlets by Samuel A. Green. 320 Harvard College, by An Oxonian. By George Birkbeck Hill. Portrait and views. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1894 38 SLibrars ot Wtlberforce Barnes COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Continued. 321 HARVARD GRADUATE MAGAZINE (THE). Complete set, from the commencement in October, 1892, to date. Portraits and plates. 13 vols. thick 8vo, in parts. Boston, 1892-1905 322 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. The Harvard Register. A Monthly Periodical, devoted to the interests of higher Education. Edited and published by Moses King. Illustrated. 3 vols. in 2 vols. 4to and 8vo, half morocco, with all the covers and advertisement leaves bound in. Cambridge, 1880-81 * A complete set, from the commencement in January, 1880, to the suspension in July, 1881. 323 Notices of the Triennial and Annual Catalogues of Harvard University: with a reprint of the Catalogues of 1674, 1682 and 1700. By John Langdon Sibley. 4to, half russia, gilt top. * No. 2 of Thirty Copies on Large Paper. Boston, 1865 324 Quinquennial Catalogue of the Officers and Graduates, 1636- 1895. 8vo, pp. 515, cloth. Cambridge, 1895 325 HAVERFORD COLLEGE. History of Haverford College for the first sixty years of its existence, 1830-1890. Portraits and other illustrations. 8vo, pp. 732, cloth. Philadelphia, 1892 326 MIAMI UNIVERSITY. Alumni and former Student Catalogue, 1809-1892 (containing numerous biographical notices). 8vo, pp. xxii, 195, paper. Oxford, Ohio, 1892 327 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY. Biographical Catalogue of the Chancellors, Professors and Graduates of the Department of Arts and Sciences, 1833-1894; Catalogue (Biographical) of the Graduates and Officers of the Medical Department, 1842-1890. 2 parts, 8vo, pp. 311 and 235, paper. 328 OHIO WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY. Fifty Years of History, 1844-1894. Prof. E. T. Nelson, editor. (Over 2,000 biographical notices.) Portraits and other illustrations. Small 4to, pp. 547, cloth. Cleveland, 1895 329 PENNSYLVANIA UNIVERSITY. Biographical Catalogue of the Matriculates of the College, 1749-1893 (containing over 5,000 biographical notices). 8vo, pp. xlii, 567, paper. Philadelphia, 1894 * Published at $5. 330 Catalogue of the Alumni of the Medical Department, 1765- 1877, with Supplements to 1897. 3 parts, 8vo, paper. Philadelphia, 1877-97 Xtbrarg of imiilberforce Eames 39 COLLEGES AND UNI VERSITIES Continued. 33' PHILLIPS EXETER ACADEMY. Catalogue of the Officers and Students, 1783-1883 (containing over 5,000 names). 8vo, pp. 200, paper. Boston, 1883 332 PRINCETON COLLEGE. Catalogus Collegii Neo-Casariensis, 1748-1886 (containing over 6,800 notices). 8vo, pp. 240, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1886 333 General Catalogue of the College of New Jersey, 1746-1896 (containing over 7,100 notices); Directory of the Living Graduates and Former Students, 1823-1896. 2 vols. 8vo, paper. Princeton, 1896 334 PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. General Cata- logue, 1812-1893 (containing over 4,000 biographical notices). 8vo, pp. 440, cloth. Philadelphia, 1894 335 Necrological Report presented to the Alumni Association, for 1875, and 1878-1897 (containing 900 biogjaphical sketches). 21 parts, 8vo, paper. Philadelphia, 1875-97 336 ROCHESTER UNIVERSITY. General Catalogue of the Officers and Alumni, 1850-1879 (containing 667 biographical notices); Directory of the Officers and Alumni, 1850-1895. 2 parts, 8vo, paper. Rochester, 1879-95 337 RUTGERS COLLEGE. Biographical Notices of Graduates, deceased from 1887 to 1897. n parts, 8vo, paper. 338 Catalogue of the Officers and Alumni, from 1770 to 1871 (con- taining over i, 600 notices). 8vo, paper. New Brunswick, 1872 339 SOUTH CAROLINA COLLEGE. Catalogue, 1854 (containing officers and graduates, 1801-1853); Catalogue of the Library, 1849. 2 vols. 8vo, paper. Columbia, 1849-54 * With letter inserted stating that the catalogue of 1854 is the last general catalogue printed, and that it is very scarce. 340 TUFTS COLLEGE. Catalogus, 1890 (containing officers and graduates from 1853 to 1890). 8vo, paper. Bostoniae, 1890 341 UNION COLLEGE. Centennial Catalogue, 1795-1895, of the Officers and Alumni (containing over 7,000 entries). Royal 8vo, pp. xiv, 170, 33, paper. Troy, 1895 342 - Necrology for 1885-86, 1888-89 to '892-93, and 1894-95 to 1897-98. 10 parts, 8vo, paper. 40 3Librars of Wilberforce Barnes COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Continued. 343 VERMONT UNIVERSITY. General Catalogue, 1791-1890 (con- taining 1,100 entries) ; Obituary Record, No. i, 1895 (containing 200 biographical sketches). 2 parts, 8vo, paper. 344 WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. Biographi- cal and Historical Catalogue, 1802-1889 (containing 1,950 bio- graphical notices). 8vo, pp. 527, cloth. Cincinnati, 1889 345 WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY. Catalogue of the Officers and Alumni, 1749-1888 (containing 4,000 notices). 8vo, pp. 245, paper. Baltimore, 1888 346 WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY. Alumni Record, 1833-1881 (con- taining over 1,400 biographical notices). 8vo, pp. ex, 720, paper. Hartford, 1883 * Pages 529-668 contain a valuable bibliography of the writings of the Alumni and Faculty, giving titles and collations, and including articles in periodicals. 347 Obituary Record of Alumni, for 1863-1877, and 1879-1893. 29 parts, 8vo, paper. 348 WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY. General Catalogue of the Officers and Students, 1826-1895 (containing over 1,300 bio- graphical notices). 8vo, paper. Cleveland, 1895 349 WILLIAM AND MARY COLLEGE. History of the College from its foundation, 1660, to 1874 (with a catalogue of Alumni for the whole period). 8vo, pp. 185, cloth. Richmond, 1874 * Inserted are two letters from President Lyon G. Tyler concerning the rarity of the book, which is the latest edition of the historical catalogue, and " the first of its kind published in theU. S." 350 Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Charter, 1693-1893. 410, PP- 49, paper. 351 WILLIAMS COLLEGE. General Catalogue, 1795-1890 (contain- ing 3,500 entries). 8vo, pp. 31, paper. Williamstown, 1890 352 WISCONSIN UNIVERSITY. General Catalogue of the Officers and Graduates, 1849-1897 (containing over 1,900 entries). . 8vo, pp. 264, paper. Madison, 1897 OLibran? of Wtlberforce Eames 4 1 COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Continued. 353 YALE UNIVERSITY. A Catalogue, with descriptive notices of the Portraits, Busts, etc., belonging to Yale University. Post 8vo, cloth. New Haven, 1892 354 Catalogue of the Officers and Graduates, 1701-1895 (contain- ing over 16,000 entries). 8vo, paper. New Haven, 1895 355 Obituary Record of Graduates, from 1871 to 1899. 31 parts, 8vo, paper. 356 COLLEGE CATALOGUES of ninety-six different Colleges and Universities. 4 bundles, containing over 100 catalogues, neatly let- tered on the backs, paper and cloth. 1890-98 357 COLORADO. IVES (LIEUT. J. C.) Report upon the Colorado River of the West, explored in 1857 and 1858. Numerous full-page engravings and cuts in the text, colored plates of Indians and large folding map. 410, cloth. Washington, 1861 358 POWELL (J. W ) Exploration of the Colorado River of the West and its Tributaries in 1869-72. Numerous views and plates of Indians. 4to, half morocco. Washington, 1875 Columbus. 359 SPANISH LETTER of Columbus to Luis de Sant' Angel . . . dated 15 February, 1493, reprinted in facsimile, translated and edited from the unique copy of the Original Edition (printed at Barcelona early in April, 1493). Folio, half roan. London: Quaritch, 1891 * Quaritch printed only 100 copies of this, and it is now scarce. The introduction is written by Michael Kearney. The original letter is now in the Lenox Library. 360 The facsimile of the same letter issued by Maisonneuve of Paris, the predecessor of Quaritch in its ownership. Folio, cloth. (Title and two leaves of facsimile.) Paris, 1889 *Only 100 printed, this being No. 43. 361 SPANISH LETTER to Luis Sant Angel, reproduced in reduced facsimile from the Barcelona Edition of 1493, with translation. THE LATIN letter of 1493 reproduced, with preface. Small 410, paper. (2 pieces.)* London: Quaritch, 1893 4 2 Xibrars of Wilberforce Barnes COLUMBUS Continued. 362 ADDA (MARQUIS D'). Lettera in Lingua Spagnuola diretta da Cristoforo Colombo a Luis de Santangel (15 Febbrajo 14 Marzo M93) riprodotta a Fac-Simile, ed illustrata per cura di Gerolamo d'Adda dall' unico esemplare a stampa sinora conosciuto che si con- serva nella Biblioteca Ambrosiana. 410, half roan. (Manuscript collation by Wilberforce Eames on p. 28, and typewritten letter signed by Brayton Ives laid in.) Milano, 1866 * Only 150 copies issued, this being No. 125. Reproduction carefully made with pen and ink, and then transferred to stone. It was from this, it is asserted, that the famous Brayton Ives copy was made, which led to so much litigation. A few errors were made by the copyist, which also occurred in the one in question. 363 ELLIS (F. S.) The Letter in Spanish of Christopher Columbus written to Luis de Sant Angel reproduced in facsimile from a unique copy in the possession of the publishers, with Critical Remarks, Revised Version and Literal Translation. Portrait. 410, cloth. London: Ellis and Elvey, 1889 * This is a facsimile of the Columbus letter which Ellis sold to Mr. Brayton Ives,. and which the latter asserted was a forgery, leading to a lengthy law-suit. 364 DE INSULIS INVENTIS | Epistola Cristoferi Colon . . . de Insulis in mari Indico nup | invetis. Facsimile issued by Adam Pilinski in Paris in 1858. Square i6mo, half roan. (8 leaves.) [1858] * Only 20 copies were made. After its issue it was discovered that the original from which it was copied lacked the pictorial first and last leaves, although the text was complete. The original is supposed to have been printed at Basle about 1493. 365 Facsimile of the same edition, reproduced for John S. Kennedy of the Lenox Library, xamo, cloth. New York, 1890 * The first privately issued edition made from the Lenox Library copy. Presenta- tion copy from G. H. Moore to Wilberforce Eames. 366 Facsimile of the same (first published edition), with biblio- graphical preface, translation and a complete reprint of the Oldest Four Editions in Latin. Printed by Order of the Trustees of the Lenox Library. i2mo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1892 367 Second Edition of the same. With new bibliographical preface by Wilberforce Eames, and a translation. i2mo, paper. New York, 1893 368 Facsimile of the same edition of the Letter published by Lowdermilk of Chicago in 1893. With translation. Square i2mo r paper. Chicago, 1893 369 Translation of the same edition ot the Letter into Polish, with the illustrations. By Dr. Z. Celichowski. i2mo, paper. Poznan, 1892 OLfbran? of Milberforce Barnes 43 COLUMBUS Continued. 370 LETTER of Christopher Columbus, the great benefactor of the present age, concerning the newly-discovered islands of India upon the Ganges . . . translated from the Spanish into Latin by Leandro de Cosco, April 25, 1493. Facsimile of the original (pictorial) edition, with an English translation, izmo, paper. Albany, 1900 * While the facsimile is of the edition without the word " Ganges," the translation is of one of the editions with that word. 371 A Photo-lithographic facsimile of the First Edition in Latin, printed at Rome by Stephen Plannck in 1493. With prefatory note by S. L. M. Barlow. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. New York, 1875 * No. 19 of only 50 copies privately printed for Mr. Barlow from his own copy. 372 Heliotype Facsimile of the Plannck Edition of 1493, with prefatory note, and translation by Henry W. Haynes. Small folio, paper. Boston: The Trustees (of the Public Library), 1891 * Facsimile of the Barlow copy, sold at the sale of that library in 1890, and pur- chased by the Boston Public Library. 373 LETTERA di Cristoforo Colombo riprodotta a Fac-Simile da Vin- cenzo Promis dall' esemplare della Biblioteca di S. M. 410 (4 leaves of the facsimile and 2 explanatory leaves). Torino, n. d. [Circa 1874?] * Only 100 printed. A photo-lithographic facsimile of the earliest edition printed by Guyot Marchad at Paris in 1493. 374 BODLEIAN LETTER (THE). Photo-lithograph of an edition, printed in Paris about 1493, of the Latin translation of Columbus' letter to Sanxis. From Abp. Laud's copy in the Bodleian. With Introductory Note by E. W. B. Nicholson. Post 8vo, paper. London, n. d. [1893] 375 BARTHOLOMEW KUSTLER'S EDITION OF 1497. Eyn schon hubsch lesen von etlichen inszlen | die do in kurtzen zyten funden synd durch de | kiinig von hispania und sagt vo groszen wun | derlichen dingen die in de selbe inszlen synd. (Large wood- cut.) Colophon reads: Getruckt zu straszburg uff gruneck vo meister Bartlomesz | kustler ym iar M.CCCC.xcvii. uff sant Jeronymus tag. 7 leaves, 410, bound in neat vellum by W. PRATT for H. Stevens. [Strassburg, 1497] * One of five copies made in facsimile by John Harris the elder, with such exact- ness " that it requires an expert to detect it from the original." SABIN. Published at ten guineas. 44 3Ltbrar of IKHUberforce Barnes COLUMBUS Continued. 376 COLUMBUS LETTER (THE). (Facsimiles of 4 Autograph Letters of Columbus.) 8vo, paper, 6 leaves. (Souvenir of the Monastery of La Rabida, World's Fair Grounds, Chicago.) New York, 1892 377 BERWICK AND ALBA (THE DUCHESS OF). Autografos de Cristobal Colon, y Papeles de America. Los publica La Duquesa de Berwick y de Alba. Facsimiles. Small folio, paper, pp. 205. Madrid, 1892 378 BRINTON (DANIEL G.) Address delivered on Columbus Day, October 21, 1892, at the. . . University of Pennsylvania, Philadel- phia. Crown 8vo, paper, pp. 8. Philadelphia, 1892 379 COLUMBUS (FERDINAND). Vita di Cristoforo Colombo, descritta da Ferdinando, suo figlio, e tradotta da Alfonso Ulloa. Nuova edizione. Portrait after De Bry. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1867 380 CURTIS (WILLIAM E.) The Authentic Letters of Columbus. 18 facsimiles of autograph documents. 8vo, paper. (Field Columbian Publications, No. 2.) Chicago, 1895 381 The Relics of Culumbus: an Illustrated Description of the Historical Collection in the Monastery of La Rabida. Numerous illustrations. Post 8vo, paper, pp. 224. [Washington, 1893] 382 DALY (CHARLES P.) Have We a Portrait of Columbus? Ad- dress before the American Geographical Society, Jan. 9, 1893. Por- traits. 8vo, paper, pp. 63. 1893 383 DATI (GIULIANO). La lettera dell' Isole che ha trovato nuova- mente il Re di Spagna. Poemetto in ottava rima. Pubblicato per cura di Gustavo Uzielli. 2 facsimiles of the woodcuts. i2mo, paper, uncut. (Scelta di Curiosita Letterarie, Dispensa 136.) Bologna, 1873 * The editor's introduction is followed by notes on the life and family of Dati, with a bibliography of his poetical writings in print and in manuscript. The Italian letter is reprinted from the edition dated Oct. 26, 1493. At the end is printed the Latin letter of Columbus, from the first edition of Stephen Plannck, Rome, 1493. For the first edition of Dati's version see under Imaz (M. G.). 384 DECOSTA (REV. B. F.) Columbus and the Geographers of the North. 410, paper, pp. 23. Hartford, Conn., 1872 385 DELANCEY (EDWARD F.) Columbian Celebration of 1792, the First in the United States. Address before the N. Y. Historical Society. Illustrated. 4to, paper, pp. 18. New York, 1893 of Milberforce Mantes 45 COLUMBUS Con tin utd. 386 FEUILLET DE CONCHES (F.) Portraits de Christophe Colomb. 8vo, paper, pp. 34. Presentation copy from the author. (Small piece of top of front wrapper cut off.) Paris, 1856 * The separate issue. 387 The same Essay extracted from the number of the "Revue Contemporaine, " in which it first appeared. 8vo, sewed, pp. 34. [Paris, 1856] 388 FORD (PAUL LEICESTER). Writings of Christopher Columbus, descriptive of the Discovery and Occupation of the New World. (Translations of the letters of Columbus, etc.) With Introduction by P. L. Ford. Portrait, izmo, cloth. New York, 1892 389 Writings of Christopher Columbus descriptive of the Discovery and Occupation of the New World. Portrait after La Grabo. i2mo, in the original sheets, uncut and unstitched. New York, 1892 * Written on the fly-leaf is " IV. Eames, Esq., with the grateful regards of Paul Leicester Ford. Day of Publication, Sept. 22, 1892. One of Jive copies left uncut, No. 4. Paul L. Ford" 390 [FOX (G. V.)] Methods and Results. An attempt to solve the Problem of the First Landing Place of Columbus in the New World. Large folding map. 410, paper, pp. 68. (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Appendix, No. 18 Report for 1880.) Washington, 1882 * With numerous MS. corrections by the author, and inscription presenting it to C. P. Daly. Stamp on title. 391 GOODRICH (AARON). A History of the Character and Achieve- ments of the so-called Christopher Columbus. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1874 * An attack on Columbus, his discoveries and his personal character, with accounts of the discoveries by the Scandinavians, by the Cabots, Vespuccius, etc. 392 HARRISSE (HENRY). Christophe Colomb, son Origine, sa Vie, ses Voyages, sa Famille, et ses Descendants, d'apres des Docu- ments inedits tires des Archives de Genes, de Savone, de Seville et de Madrid. Colored plate of the Arms of Columbus, and view. 2 vols. royal 8vo, three-quarter blue crushed levant morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Paris, 1884 * Scarce. Only a limited number issued. Beautiful copy. 393 [ ] Christophe Colomb et ses Historiens Espagnols. Royal 8vo, paper, pp. 19. Paris, 1892 * This and the following numbers of these pamphlets by Henry Harrisse were all limited reprints by the author of papers in the " Revue Critique d'Jfistoire et de Literature." 4 6 Xibrarp of Wtlberforce Barnes COLUMBUS Continued. 394 HARRISSE (HENRY). Christophe Colomb et Toscanelli. Royal 8vo, paper, pp. 12. Presentation copy. Paris, 1893 395 A Propos d'un Manuscrit du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres. (Le Cartulaire de Christophe Colomb ) Royal 8vo, paper, pp. 14. Presentation copy. Paris, 1894 396 Pro Academia Hispaniensi. (Review of the Bibliografia Colombina.) Royal 8vo, paper, pp. u. (Presentation copy.) Paris, 1895 397 Qui a Imprime la Premiere Lettre de Christophe Colomb ? 8vo, sewed, pp. 20. (Extrait du "Centralblatt fur Bibliotheks- wesen," 1892.) Leipzig, 1892 * Only a few copies issued, on Van Guelder paper. Besides the Spanish edition in quarto, eight editions in Latin are described, and five editions of the Italian version by Giuliano Dati. 398 Apocrypha Americana. 8vo, paper, pp. 33. [Extrait du " Centralblatt fur Bibliothekswesen."] Leipzig, 1902 * A critical examination of the notorious Brayton Ives-Ellis letter of Columbus. 399 HESSELS (J- H.) Essai sur les Editions da la Premiere Lettre de Colombo imprimees avant 1500. 8vo, cloth, pp. 29. (Extrait du Bibliophile Beige.) [Bruxelles, 1871] 400 HOYT (A. H.) The Name "Columbia." Royal 8vo, sewed, pp. 7. (Presentation copy to G. H. Moore.) Reprinted from the N. E. Hist, and Geneal. Register, for July 1886. Boston [1886] 401 [IMAZ (MANUEL GOMEZ).] Curiosidades Bibliograficas y Documentos Ineditos. Homenaje del Archive Hispalense al cuarto Centenario del Descubrimiento del Nuevo Mundo. Small 4to, paper, uncut, with facsimiles. Sevilla, 1892 * The most important part of the volume is the facsimile reproduction in 8 pages of the heretofore undescribed editio princeps of the Italian Columbus Letter, " La Lettera dell' Isole che ha trovato nuovamente il Re di Spagna, done into verse by Giuliano Dati, and dated at the end, Rome, June 15, 1493, or four months earlier than the other known editions of this year. Five other documents relating to the Columbus family are also included in the volume, one of them mentioning a Jew who accompanied Columbus on his voyage to the New World. Only 600 copies printed. 402 [LENOX (JAMES). J Letter of Columbus to Luis de Santangel. (An Account of the Discovery of the Spanish letter of Columbus in the Ambrosian Library at Milan, with a literary and bibliographic description, and a facsimile of its commencement and end.) 8vo, paper, pp. 12. [New York, 1864] * Only a few copies were privately printed for Mr. Lenox. OLibran? of Milberforce Barnes 47 COLUMBUS Continued. 403 LEON (NESTOR PONCE DE). The Columbus Gallery. The Discoverer of the New World as represented in Portraits, Monu- ments, Statues, Medals, and Paintings. With historical description. Nearly 100 portraits ^ etc. Royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1893 404 M'DOUGALL (WALT.) TheUn-Authorized History of Columbus. Containing no maps, references, or facts; and warranted free from all injurious subjects whatsoever. Comic illustrations, izmo, paper, pp. 163. [Newark, n. d.] 405 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Columbian Quadri-Centen- nial, Oct. 20, 1892. 8vo, paper, pp. 61. [1892] * Contains papers by H. S. Barrage on "Some of the Portraits of Columbus," B. E. Whitman on "A Memorable Voyage," J. P. Baxter on "Three Suggestive Maps," G. P. Talbot on "The Character of Columbus," J. Williamson on "Where was Columbus Buried," etc. 406 MAJOR (R. H.) Bibliography of the First Letter of Christopher Columbus. Crown 8vo, paper, pp. 61. London, 1872 * 75 copies were printed, only 50 of which were for sale. 407 MANRIQUE (ANTONIO MARIA). Guanahani. Investigaciones Historico-Geograficas sobre el Derrotero de Cristobal Colon por las Bahamas y costa de Cuba; que comprenden la Situacion exacta de la Primera Tierra descubierta del Nuevo-Mundo. Large folding map^ and woodcut maps in the text. 8vo, paper, pp. 229. Arrecife (Canaries), 1890 408 MOORE (DR. GEORGE H.) " Columbia." Address before the Mass. Historical Society, Dec. 10, 1885. The Original MANUSCRIPT (in secretary's hand), written on 18 small Svo pages, with corrections by the author. 409 PHOTOGRAPHS. Official and Exclusive Photographs of the First Forts, Towns, Churches, etc., built by Columbus, and his Prison and his Remains. Oblong i2mo, paper. [New York, 1893] * Views in San Domingo, including the coffin there presumed to contain his remains. 410 PORTRAITS. Original Photograph of the Portrait of Columbus, ascribed to Sir Antonio Moro, with 4-page description, and a maga- zine article by W. E. Curtis on the portraits. (As one piece.) 48 SLibran? ot MUberforce Barnes C O L U M B U S Contin tied. 411 RUELENS (C.) La Premiere Relation de Christophe Colomb. 8vo, paper, pp. 14. (Extrait du Bulletin de la Societe beige de Geographic.) Bruxelles, 1885 * An account of the Thierry Martens edition of 1493, with a facsimile of the first two pages. 412 La Premiere Relation de Christophe Colomb, 1493. Lettres sur une edition de 1'Epistola Christofori Colom, appartenant a la Bibliotheque Royale de Bruxelles. Post 8vo, paper. Bruxelles, 1885 * One of only 12 copies printed on Bristol paper. With a very fine facsimile of the edition printed by Thierry Martens at Antwerp, 1493. 413 SHEA (JOHN G.) Where Are the Remains of Columbus ? Illus- trated. Small 4to, paper, pp. 17. (Reprinted from the Magazine of American History.) New York, i 414 Columbus and the Men of Palos. 8vo, paper, pp. 12. (Reprinted from "The U. S. Catholic Historical Magazine.") New York, 1888 415 SYLLACIUS (NICOLAUS). De Insulis Meridian! atque Indict Maris Nuper Inventis. With a translation into English by the Rev. John Mulligan. Portrait of Columbus after the Genoa bust. 410, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1859 * Privately printed by James Lenox only 100 issued. This contains the original Latin text of Syllacius' account of the second voyage of Columbus, with translation, explanatory notes, translation of the letter of Dr. Chanca, physician to Columbus in his second voyage, giving a narrative, and a bibliographical appendix on the voyages, with facsimiles. * 416 TOWNSHEND (C. H.) Am-ar-ca. Columbus Day. Royal 8vo r paper, pp. 6. (Reprinted from the N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, April, 1893.) Presentation copy. Boston, 1893 * Am-ar-ca is the native name of the land which Columbus discovered in 1498, near the mouth of the Orinoco, while making his third voyage. The object of the paper is to prove that America is so called after its native name, and not after Vespuccius, who only adopted that cognomen to distinguish himself from others of the same name. 417 WIESER (F. V.) Die Karte des Bartolomeo Colombo iiber die vierte Reise des Admirals. 3 facsimile maps. 8vo, paper, pp. 13. Innsbruck, 1893 418 WILSON (GEN. JAMES GRANT). Memorials and Footprints of Columbus. Address before the N. Y. Genealogical Soc'y. 8vo, paper, pp. 15. Presentation copy. New York, 1888 *Only 100 copies privately printed. OLibrarg of Milberforce JEames 49 COLUMBUS Continued. 419 WINSOR (JUSTIN). Christopher Columbus, and How he Received and Imparted the Spirit of Discovery. Portraits, numer- ous reproductions of rare maps, etc. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1892 420 [ ] Columbus: a Bibliographical Note from the Catalogue of the Ticknor Collection, now in press. Small folio, sheets, pp. 12. (Printed on one side of the page only.) Boston : Public Library, 1876 *, No. 25 of only 30 signed copies printed. 421 YOUNG (GEORGE). The Columbus Memorial, containing the First Letter (in Spanish) of Columbus, the Latin Letter, and the Narrative of the Four Voyages of Amerigo Vespucci reproduced in Facsimile. With illustrations, introductions, and notes. Small 410, paper, pp. 167. Philadelphia, 1893 422 COLUMBUS (FERDINAND). [HARRISSE (HENRY.)] Fernand Colomb, sa Vie, ses CEuvres. Essai Critique. Imp. 8vo, paper, pp. 6 -f- 230+ Errata leaf. Paris, 1872 * No. 8 1 of only 200 copies on Holland Paper. Uncut. 423 CONGREGATIONALISTS. DEXTER (HENRY MARTYN). The Congregationalism of the last three hundred years, as seen in its literature, with special reference to certain recondite neglected, or disputed passages. With a Bibliographical Appendix. Thick royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top. New York, 1880 * The " Collections toward a Bibliography of Congregationalism " in the appendix, contains over 7,200 titles, indicating where each work may be found. 424 WADDINGTON (JOHN). Congregational History, in relation to Contemporaneous events, and the Conflict for Freedom, Purity, and Independence, 1200-1880. 5 thick vols. 8vo, cloth. * A considerable portion of the work relates to America. London, 18691880 425 CONGRESSIONAL HISTORY. History of Congress, exhibit- ing a Classification of the Proceedings of the Senate and the House of Representatives from March 4, 1789, to March 3, 1793, embrac- ing the First Term of the Administration of General Washington. Thick 8vo, half calf. Washington, 1843 50 OLibrarE of Wilberforce Barnes Connecticut 426 BARBER (J. W.) Connecticut Historical Collections . . . relating to the History and Antiquities of every town in Connecticut. 190 illustrations, zd edition. 8vo, original calf, pp. 560. New Haven [1837] 427 CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections of the Society. Vols. i and 2. (Essays by J. H. Trumbull on Algon- kin Geographical Names, Correspondence of Silas Deane, Papers relating to the Ticonderoga Expedition, etc.) 8vo, cloth. Hartford, 1860, 1870 428 DEXTER (F. B.) The First Public Library in New Haven. 8vo, paper. (Reprint from New Haven Hist. Soc. Papers.) NewHaven,i9oo * The library was founded in 1656 by Gov. Theophilus Eaton and John Davenport. 429 DIXWELL PAPERS, edited by Franklin B. Dexter. 8vo, paper. (Reprint from New Haven Hist. Soc. Papers.) New Haven, 1900 430 FIELD (REV. DAVID D.) History of the Towns of Haddam and East-Haddam. Post 8vo, paper, pp. 49. Middletown, 1814. One of 200 copies reprinted for C. L. Woodward. New York, 1892 431 [HINMAN (R. R.)] The Blue Laws of New Haven Colony, com- monly called Blue Laws of Connecticut; Quaker Laws of Plymouth and Massachusetts; Blue Laws of New York, Maryland, Virginia, and South Carolina. First record of Connecticut, etc. Post 8vo, cloth. Hartford, 1838 432 LOVE (W. DE L.) Hartford the Keeper of Connecticut's Charter. 8vo, pp. 18. [Hartford, 1898] * One of only 25 copies printed. Article on the original charter, from Hartford Daily Courant, laid in. 433 STEINER (BERNARD C.) The History of Education in Con- necticut. 8vo, paper, pp. 300, and plates. Washington, 1893 434 TRUMBULL (J. HAMMOND). The Rev. Samuel Peters, his Defenders and Apologists. (Four articles from the Hartford Courant, Sept. 10 to Oct. ri, 1877.) (One piece.) * Relates to the Connecticut Blue-Laws and their forgery by Peters. 435 The True Blue Laws of Connecticut and New Haven, and the False Blue Laws, invented by the Rev. Samuel Peters. To which are added specimens of the Laws and Judicial Proceedings of other Colonies, and some Blue Laws of England in the reign of James I. Post 8vo, blue cloth, pp. 360. Hartford, 1876 * Presentation copy from Leonard Bacon to the Rev. Dr. John Hall. ot TPQUlberforce Barnes 51 Gbe Constitution. 436 CENTZ (P. C.) The Republic of Republics; or, American Federal Liberty. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1881 437 CHADSEY (C. E.) The Struggle between President Johnson and Congress over Reconstruction. 8vo, paper, pp. 141. (Columbia University Studies.) New York, 1896 438 COHN (MORRIS M.) An Introduction to the Study of the Con- stitution. 8vo, cloth. (Johns Hopkins Studies.) Baltimore, 1892 439 CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY OF THE U. S. as Seen in the Development of American Law. Lectures before the University of Michigan by J. T. Cooley, D. H. Chamberlain, etc. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1889 440 ELLIOT (JONATHAN). The Debates in the several Conven- tions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution as recommended by the General Convention at Philadelphia in 1787, together with the Journal of the Federal Convention, Luther Martin's Letter, etc. Second Edition, with considerable additions. 5 vols. 8vo, full tree calf, gilt. Washington, 1854 * With the supplementary volume, " Diary of the Debates of the Congress of the Confederation, by James Madison." 441 FEDERALIST (THE). The Federalist: a Collection written in favor of the New Constitution. Reprinted from the original text, with an Original Introduction and Notes by Henry B. Dawson. Portrait of Alexander Hamilton. Vol. I. (all published). Royal 8vo, cloth. Morrisania, N. Y., 1864 * Large and Thick Paper copy, of which only 6 were issued, this being No. 2. Presentation copy to G. H. Moore, with autograph inscription by H. B. Dawson. 442 FISKE (JOHN). Civil Government in the United States consid- ered, with some reference to its origins. FIRST EDITION. Post 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1890 443 FORD (PAUL LEICESTER). A List of the Members of the Federal Convention of 1787. Square i8mo, sewed, pp. 15. * Only 100 privately printed, this being No. 88. Brooklyn, 1 888 444 The Origin, Purpose, and Result of the Harrisburg Conven- tion of 1788: a Study in Popular Government. 8vo, paper, pp. 40. Presentation copy. Brooklyn, 1890 *Only 250 printed, this being No. 22. 52 OUbrarg ot ZKIUlberforce Barnes THE CONSTITUTION Continued. 445 FORD (PAUL LEICESTER). Pamphlets on the Constitution of the United States, published during its discussion by the people, 1787-1788. Edited, with Notes and a Bibliography by P. L. Ford. 8vo, cloth. Brooklyn: Privately printed, 1888 * Only 500 issued, this being No. 118. Contains reprints of rare pamphlets by Elbridge Gerry, John Jay, Tench Coxe, John Dickinson, Richard Henry Lee, George Mason, etc. 446 [HAMILTON (ALEXANDER).] The Federalist: a Commen- tary on the Constitution of the United States, a Collection of Essays by Alexander Hamilton, Jay, and Madison; also The Con- tinentalist, and other papers by Hamilton, edited by John C. Ham- ilton. Portrait of Hamilton. Thick 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1864 447 HARDING (SAMUEL B.) The Contest over the ratification of the Federal Constitution in the State of Massachusetts. 8vo, cloth. (Harvard Historical Studies.) New York, 1896 448 MADISON (JAMES). Journal of the Federal Convention, kept by James Madison. Reprinted from the edition of 1840, with a complete Index added. Edited by E. H. Scott. Special edition. Thick 8vo, cloth. Chicago, 1893 * Large Paper copy. 449 PENNSYLVANIA. Pennsylvania and the Federal Constitution, 1787-1788. Edited by J. B. McMaster and F. D. Stone. 13 por- traits of Robert Morris, Jared Ingersoll, Franklin, Gouverneur Morris, Benjamin Rush, etc., by Albert Rosenthal. Thick 8vo, cloth. (His- torical Society of Pennsylvania.) [Lancaster, Pa.], 1888 450 STEARNS (C. W.) A Concordance to the Constitution of the United States of America, with a classified Index. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1873 451 STEVENS (C. E.) Sources of the Constitution of the United States. Crown 8vo, cloth. New York, 1894 452 CONTINENTAL MONEY. BRECK (SAMUEL). Historical Sketch of Continental Paper Money. 8vo, sewed, pp. 20. (Article from National Magazine, 1845.) 453 PHILLIPS (HENRY). Historical Sketches of the Paper Currency of the American Colonies, prior to the Adoption of the Federal Con- stitution. 2 vols. three-quarter morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by BRAD- STREETS. (Woodward's Historical Series, Nos. 5 and 6.) Roxbury, Mass. , 1865-66 Xibran? of TKHUberforce Eames 53 454 CONTINENTAL MONEY. PHILLIPS (HENRY, JR.) A Review of the Article on Continental Money in Harper's Magazine for March, 1863. 8vo, sewed, pp. 8. n. p. : Privately printed, 1863 455 COOPER (T. V) AND FENTON (H. T.) American Politics (Non- Partisan) from the Beginning to Date, embodying a history of all the Political Parties, Great Speeches, etc. Thick 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1882 456 [CRAMER (ZADOK).] The Navigator, containing Directions for Navigating the Monongahela, Allegeheny, Ohio, and Mississippi Rivers, with an ample account of these much admired waters . . . and a Concise Description of their Towns, Villages, Harbors, Set- tlements, etc., with Maps of the Ohio and Mississippi. To which is added an Account of Louisiana, and of the Missouri and Columbia Rivers, as discovered by ... Capts. Lewis and Clarke. Eighth Edition. Crown 8vo, original half calf. (A trifling piece of a corner of one leaf has been torn away, injuring a letter or two, but other- wise a Fine Copy of a Rare Book.) Pittsburgh: Cramer, Spear and Eichbaum, 1814 * Contains 13 maps of the Ohio (printed on the page), and 13 of the Mississippi, as also map of the Falls of the Ohio, and Plan of Pittsburgh. '457 CUBA. BIBLIOGRAPHY. List of Books relating to Cuba, by A. P. C. Griffin; with Bibliography of Maps, by P. Lee Phillips. 8vo, paper, pp. 61. (Congressional Document.) Washington, 1898 458 COLECCION de Novelas, Cuentos, Leyendas, etc., de Autores Cubanos. 8vo, pp. 249, paper. Habana, 1855 * Contents: Antonelli (Novela historica), por Lacarias ; El Espeton de Oro, por Cirilo Villaverde; Dos Padres para una Hija, por J. de J. Q. Garcia; El Colera en la Habana, por Ramon de Palma. 459 CUBA AND PORTO RICO. The Island of Cuba, by A. S- Rowan and M. M. Ramsay. Maps. 1897. Porto Rico and the West Indies, by M. A. Hamm. Illustrated [1899]. Robinson's The Porto Rico of To-day. Illustrated. 1899. Ober's Puerto Rico and its Resources. Maps and illustrations. 1899. (4vols.) 460 pVARIEN COLONY. The Darien Papers: being a Selection of \J Original Letters and Official Documents relating to the Estab- lishment of a Colony at Darien by the Company of Scotland trading to Africa and the Indies, 1695-1700. Map and facsimile. 410, cloth. Edinburgh, 1849 * Edited by John Hill Burton, and printed by the Bannatyne Club. Only a very limited number issued. 54 Xibrars ot IKftilberforce jEames 461 DARWIN (CHARLES). Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries visited during the voyage round the World of H. M. S. Beagle. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1890 462 DAVIS (HON. N. DARNELL). Cotton Planting in the British West Indies. Folio, 4 leaves. (Reprinted from "The Argosy," Dec., 1904.) With British Guinea i cent postage stamp. [Georgetown, 1904?] 463 DAWSON (SAMUEL E.) The Lines of Demarcation of Pope Alexander VI., and the Treaty of Tordesillas, A. D. 1493 and 1494. 8vo, paper. (From Trans. Royal Society of Canada.) Ottawa, 1899 464 DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. BERGEN (FRANK). The Other Side of the Declaration of Independence. A Lecture at Elizabeth, N. J. izmo, sewed, pp. 46. Elizabeth, N. J., 1898 465 CHAMBERLAIN (MELLEN). The Authentication of the Declara- tion of Independence, July 4, 1776. 8vo, paper, pp. 28. Presenta- tion copy from the author to G. H. Moore. Cambridge, 1885 466 DONALDSON (THOMAS). The House in which Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. Illustrated. Post 8vo, buckram. Philadelphia: Privately printed, 1898 467 DOYLE (J. A.) The American Colonies previous to the Decla- ration of Independence. (The Arnold Prize Essay, Oxford, June, 1869.) 8vo, cloth. London, 1869 468 DRAPER (LYMAN C.) An Essay on the Autographic Collections of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence and of the Con- stitution. Portrait of the author. Royal 8vo, cloth. Autograph presentation copy from the author. New York, i< 469 FRIEDENWELD (H). The Declaration of Independence. An Interpretation and an Analysis. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1904 470 - HAYS (I. MINIS). A Note on the History of the Jefferson Manuscript Draught of the Declaration of Independence in the Library of the American Philosophical Society. Facsimile of the document. Folio, paper, pp. 20. Presentation copy from the author to Wilberforce Eames. Reprinted July ', 1898, from Proceedings of the Amer. Philos. Socy. * Only a very few copies were printed separately. Xtbran? of "CGlilberforce Barnes 55 471 DE COSTA (B. F.) Cabo de Baxos, or the Place of Cape Cod in the Old Cartology. 8vo, paper. New York, 1881 472 Lake George, its Scenes and Characteristics, with Glimpses of the Olden Time, a short account of Ticonderoga, etc. Illus- trated. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1868 473 Myvyrian Archaiology: the Pre-Columbian Voyages of the Welsh to America. 8vo, paper, pp. 12. Presentation copy from the author to Dr. G. H. Moore. Albany, 1891 474 DELAWARE. PERRY (WILLIAM STEVENS Editor). Papers relat- ing to the History of the Church in Delaware, A. D. 1706-1782. 4to, cloth. [New York] 1878 * Only 250 copies privately printed for subscribers. 475 POWELL (LYMAN P.) The History of Education in Delaware. 8vo, paper, pp. 186, and plates. Washington, 1893 476 DICKINSON (JOHN). The Life and Times of John Dickinson, 1732-1808. By C. J. Stille. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. (Memoir of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.) Philadelphia, 1891 477 The Writings of John Dickinson. Vol. i, the Political Writ- ings, 1764-1774. Edited by Paul Leicester Ford. 8vo, cloth. (Memoirs of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.) Philadelphia, 1895 * Contains the most important of Dickinson's writings The Letters of a Farmer; Reply to Galloway; Petition to the King from the Inhabitants of Pennsylvania; Address on the Stamp Act; etc. With facsimiles of the original title-pages. 478 DOYLE (J. A.) The English in America. Virginia, Maryland, and the Carolinas. Map. London, 1882; also the continuation, The Puritan Colonies, j maps. London, 1887. Together 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1882-87 479 DUNLAP SOCIETY. WEGELIN (OSCAR). Early American Plays, 1714-1830, being a compilation of the titles of plays by American Authors published and performed in America previous to 1830. Edited, with an Introduction, by John Malone. 8vo, vellum, paper cover, uncut. New York: Printed for the Dunlap Society, 1900 * Presentation copy from the author. 480 RODEN (ROBERT F.) Later American Plays, 1831-1900, being a compilation of the titles of plays by American Authors published and performed in America since 1831. 8vo, vellum, paper cover, uncut. New York: Printed for the Dunlap Society, 1900 * Presentation copy from the author. 56 OLlbrars of TOlberforce Barnes 481 pDEN (RICHARD). The First Three English Books on Amer- _j ica, 1511-1555. Being chiefly Translations, Compilations, etc., by Richard Eden from the Writings, Maps, etc., of Pietro Martire, Sebastian Miinster, Sebastian Cabot, with Extracts from the Works of other Spanish, Italian, and German Writers of the Time. Edited by Edward Arber. 410, cloth. Birmingham, 1885 * The three works reprinted are: (i) ^ Of the newe landes and of ye people founde by the messengers of the Kynge of Portyngale named Emanuel, Antwerp, John of Doesborowe (1511 ?); (2) ^T A treatyse of the newe India, with other new founde landes and Islandes, London, 1553; (3) The Decades of the newe worlde or West India, London, 1555. 482 EGGLESTON (EDWARD). The Beginners of a Nation. A History of the Source and Rise of the Earliest English Settlements in America, with special reference to the Life and Character of the People. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1897 483 ELZEVIR CLUB SERIES. No. i. The Original of Local and other Names. A Letter from Hon. Francis Baylies, of Taunton, Mass., to Hon. P. W. Leland, of Fall River, Mass. 4to, 24 leaves printed on one side only, sheets. Brooklyn, 1879 * One of 30 copies printed by Paul L. Ford on his own printing press. 484 - No. 6. Bibliotheca Chaunciana. A List of the Writings of Charles Chauncy. [By Paul Leicester Ford.] 4to, 5 preliminary and 30 numbered leaves, sheets. Brooklyn: Privately printed, 1884 * One of 10 copies printed by Paul L. Ford on his own printing press. Presenta- tion copy from the author, with his autograph. 485 pISKE (JOHN). The Critical Period of American History, 1783-1789. Map. Post 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1889 486 The Discovery of America, with some Account of Ancient America, and the Spanish Conquest. FIRST EDITION. Portrait^ maps and illustrations. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1892 487 A History of the United States for Schools. With Topical Analysis, by F. A. Hill. Portraits, maps, etc. Post 8vo, half roan. Boston, 1895 488 FLORIDA. BRINTON (DANIEL G.) Notes on the Floridan Penin- sula, its Literary History, Indian Tribes, and Antiquities. i2mo, original cloth. Philadelphia, 1859 Xibran? of limtlberforce Barnes 57 489 FLORIDA. FAIRBANKS (GEORGE R.) The Spaniards in Florida, comprising the notable settlement of the Huguenots in 1564, and the History and Antiquities of St. Augustine. 8vo, paper, pp. 120. Jacksonville, Fla. : C. Drew, 1868 490 SOTO (HERNANDO DE). Letter of Hernando De Soto, and Memoir of Hernando de Escalante Fontaneda. Translated from the Spanish by Buckingham Smith. Map. 410, cloth. Washington, 1854 * Translated from the manuscripts in the possession of James Lenox. Only 100 printed. 491 FORCE (PETER). Tracts and Other Papers relating principally to the Origin, Settlement and Progress of the Colonies in North America, from the Discovery of the Country to the year 1776. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Washington, 1836, 1838, 1844, 1846 * Containing reprints of rare and unprocurable books and pamphlets, including Montgomery's New Colony to the South of Carolina 1717, Nova Brittania 1609, New Life of Virginea 1612, Cotton's Late Troubles in Virginia 1676, New England's Plantation 1630, Smith's Description of New England 1616, and New England's Trials 1622, Morton's New English Canaan 1632, etc. 492 FORD (PAUL LEICESTER Editor}. Winnowings in Amer- ican History. (Tracts founded on old documents, manuscripts, etc., dealing with Narratives, Broadsides, and Proclamations of the Revo- lution, Virginia, Colonial New York, the Indians, and the New- foundland Fisheries Question.) 14 various numbers, izmo, paper. (14 pieces.) 493 FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). BIGELOW (JOHN Editor). The Com- plete Works of Benjamin Franklin, including his Private, Official and Scientific Correspondence, and numerous Letters and Docu- mants now for the First Time printed, with many others not in- cluded in any former collection; also the unmutilated and correct version of his Autobiography. Portrait. Complete in 10 vols. 8vo, half roan (backs of a few of the vols. a little worn). * Letterpress edition. Only 600 printed. New York, 1887-88 494 [Suppressed Letter on Marriage, Privately Printed from the Original in the Department of State at Washington.] Philadelphia, June 25th, 1745. My Dear Friend. Broadside. [n. p., 1888?] * Rare. This edition is not mentioned in Ford's Franklin Bibliography. 58 %ibrar of Milbertorce Eames 495 FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). FORD (PAUL LEICESTER). Franklin Bibliography. A List of Books written by, or relating to, Benjamin Franklin. 8vo, half roan. Brooklyn, 1889 * Privately issued. Only 500 copies printed, this being No. n. Inserted are photographic facsimiles of the rare " Parable against Persecution," and the " Way to Wealth, Lond. , 1774" (title-page). 496 [ ] FORD (PAUL LEICESTER). The Prefaces, Proverbs and Poems of Benjamin Franklin originally printed in Poor Richard's Almanacs for 1733-1758, collected and edited. Facsimiles. 8vo, half roan. (Presentation copy from the author to Wilberforce Eames. ) Brooklyn, 1890 * Large Paper copy. Only 100 privately printed, this being No. 6. 497 [ ] FORD (PAUL LEICESTER). Who Was the Mother of Frank- lin's Son? An Historical Conundrum, hitherto given up now partly answered. 8vo, paper, pp. 15. (Presentation copy from the author to Wilberforce Eames.) Brooklyn, 1889 * Only 100 privately printed, this being No. 8. 498 FRANKLIN IMPRINT. Remarks upon Mr. George Whitefield, proving Him a Man under Delusion. By George Gillespy, Minister of the Gospel, in the County of New-Castle, in America, tamo, pp. 24, sewed. Philadelphia: Printed by B. Franklin for the Author, 1744 * One of a few facsimiles of the only known copy of the first edition in the Pennsyl- vania Historical Society. 499 [ ] PRIMER. The Benjamin Franklin Primer. Illustrated. i6mo, paper, pp. 24. Attleboro, 1880 * An amusing primer in the style of Field's Tribune Primer, but published two years before it. Portrait of Franklin in modern evening dress on the wrapper. 500 ROSENGARTEN (J. G.) The "Franklin Papers" in the Ameri- can Philosophical Society. Some New Franklin Papers. Some Letters of Franklin's Correspondents (from the Franklin Papers in the A. P. S.). 3 pamphlets, 8vo. Philadelphia, 1903 501 [ ] SACHSE (J. F.) Franklin's Account with the "Lodge of Masons," 1731-1737, as found upon the pages of his Daily Journal. Portrait of Franklin after West, and facsimiles. 410, paper, pp. 21. Philadelphia {Privately printed, 1898) 502 [ ] [WILLIAMSON (HUGH).] What is Sauce for a Goose is also Sauce for a Gander. i6mo, paper, pp. 8. Philadelphia, 1764 * A fine pen-and-ink facsimile. Of the original only two copies are known, one being sold in the Brinley sale, where it brought $85. This severe epitaph is the only known publication which mentions the mother of Franklin's son William, the Governor of New Jersey. of "CCUlberforce Eames 59 503 /^ANNETT (HENRY). The Building of a Nation. The \J Growth, Present Condition, and Resources of the United States, with a Forecast of the Future. Illustrated with maps, charts aud diagrams, 8vo, cloth. New York, 1895 504 GENEALOGY. DURRIE (DANIEL S.) Bibliographia Genealogica Americana: an Alphabetical Index to American Genealogies and Pedigrees contained in State, County and Town Histories, Printed Genealogies and Kindred Works. Third Edition. 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1886 505 Fourth Edition of the same, enlarged and containing nearly 40,000 references. 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1895 506 ELIOT (W. H.) Genealogy of the Eliot Family. Revised and enlarged by W. S. Porter. 8vo, in the original sheets, uncut and unopened. New Haven, 1854 507 MILLS (W. S.) Foundations of Genealogy, with suggestions on the Art of preparing Records of Ancestry. Square i2mo, cloth. New York, 1899 508 NELSON (WILLIAM). Contributions towards a Nelson Genealogy. Part I. Some Neilsons of Scotland. 4to, cloth. Paterson, N. J. : The Paterson History Club, 1904 * Only 100 printed. 509 Wade Genealogy. Compiled by Stuart C. Wade. 4 parts, 8vo, pp. 384, paper. New York, 1900-1903 510 WHITMORE (W. H.) The American Genealogist: being a Catalogue of Family Histories and Publications containing Genea- logical Information, issued in the United States, arranged chronolo- gically. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1875 511 GEORGIA. JONES (CHARLES C., JR.). The Dead Towns of Georgia. 5 plans. 8vo, cloth. Savannah: Privately printed, 1878 512 JONES (CHARLES C., JR.). The History of Georgia. Illustrated with maps, views and plans. 2 vols. thick 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1883 513 M'CALL (CAPT. HUGH). The History of Georgia, con- taining Brief Sketches of the most remarkable events, up to the present day. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. viii, 376; vii, 424, in the original printed boards, uncut, somewhat stained and spotted. Savannah, 1811-16 * " One of the RAREST of State Histories." MENZIES Catalogue, No. 1290. "Both volumes are largely devoted to the history of the border warfare with the Creeks and Cherokees." FIELD. 60 Xibrars of Wilberforce Barnes 514 GEORGIA. STEVENS (REV. W. B.) A History of Georgia, from its Discovery by Europeans to the Adoption of the Present Consti- tution in 1798. Maps and 2 portraits. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. New York, 1847, 1859 515 WHITE (REV. G.) Historical Collections of Georgia, contain- ing the most interesting Facts, Traditions, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, etc., relating to its History and Antiquity. Nearly 100 illustrations, and map. Svo, cloth. New York, 1855 516 GONNEVILLE (CAPITAINE DE). Relation Authentique du Voyage du Capitaine De Gonneville es Nouvelles Terres des Indes. Publiee integralement pour la premiere fois, avec une introduction et des eclaircissements. Par M D'Avezac. Svo, paper, pp. 115. (Presentation copy from the author.) (Extrait des Annales des Voy- ages, 1869.) Paris, 1869 * Voyage to the coast of Brazil in 1503-1505. 517 GREEN (S. S.) The Scotch-Irish in America. A Paper read before the American Antiquarian Society. Svo, paper, pp. 59. (Presen- tation copy from the author.) Worcester, Mass., 1895 518 GREENLAND. FABRICIUS '(OTTO). Fauna Groenlandica, syste- matice sistens, Animalia Groenlandiae, . . . etc. Folding plate. Svo, boards, uncut. Hafniae et Lipsise, 1780 519 - RINK (DR. HENRY). Danish Greenland, its People and its Products. Edited by Robert Brown. Illustrations by the Eskimo, and map. Thick post Svo, cloth. London, 1877 520 GROLIER CLUB. Exhibition of Engraved Portraits of Washing- ton, commemorative of the Centenary of his Death. i6mo, paper. New York, 1899 521 - HART (CHARLES HENRY). Catalogue of the Engraved Por- traits of Washington: 21 reproductions of some of the rarest known en- gravings, and including a mezzotint by S. Arlent Edwards. 4to, half parchment, uncut. New York: The Grolier Club, 1904 * Only 425 copies printed. Laid in are two pamphlets of 4 pp. each by the author on Paul Revere's portrait of Washington, and on the work of John Norman, the early American engraver. ot Milberforce lEames 61 522 GUIANA (BRITISH). BENNETT (GEORGE W.) An Illustrated History of British Guiana, compiled from. . . Schomburgk, Sted- man, Humboldt, Dalton, Hillhouse, Bernau, etc. With numerous photographs. Royal 8vo, cloth. Georgetown, Demerara, 1866 523 IM THURN (EVERARD). Among the Indians of Guiana: being sketches chiefly Anthropologic from the Interior of British Guiana. 53 illustrations and a map. 8vo, cloth. London, 1883 * Chapters on the Religion, Folk-Lore, Antiquities, Marriage Customs, Various Tribes, etc., of the natives. 524 PHILLIPS (P. LEE). Guiana Venezuela and Cartography. 8vo, paper. Washington, 1898 525 RODWAY QAMES). History of British Guiana from the year 1668 to the present time. Vol i. 8vo, cloth. Georgetown, 1891 526 VAN HEUVEL (J. A.) El Dorado, a narrative of the circum- stances which gave rise to reports ... of the existence of a Rich and Splendid City in South America . . . including a Defence of Sir Walter Raleigh. Map. 8vo, paper, pp. 166. New York [1844] * Contains a short vocabulary of the languages of the Five Indian Nations in Guiana. 527 GUIANA (FRENCH). NOUVION (VICTOR DE). Extrait des Auteurs et Voyageurs qui ont ecrit sur la Guyane; suivis du Catalogue Bib- liographique de la Guyane. 8vo, paper, pp. 616. Paris, 1844 528 PREFONTAINE (M. DE). Maison Rustique & 1'Usage des Habi- tans de la partie de la France equinoxiale, connue sous le nom de Cayenne, 7 folding plates, pp. 211 ; also in the same volume ; Dictionnaire Galibi, precede^ d'un Essai de Grammaire, par M. D. L. S., pp. 127 (back wanting). Paris, 1763 * The first book was written mainly for the use of the sugar planters, and gives in- structions for the working of a plantation, followed by an interesting dictionary of plants, products, diseases, etc.. of Cayenne; the second book is a valuable dictionary of the Galibi or Carib language. 529 TERNAUX-COMPANS (H.) Notice Historique sur la Guyane Franaise. 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1843 * At the end is Bibliography of books relating to French Guiana, dating from 1557, and including 166 items. 530 GUIDE BOOKS. APPLETON'S General Guide to the United States and Canada. Maps and illustrations. 2 vols. 1893. Appleton's Guide to Mexico, by A. R. Conkling. 1884. Stoddard's the Adi- rondacks Illustrated, 1885; and others, various. (10 vols.) 62 %ibrars of Mftberforce Barnes 531 L I AKLUYT (RICHARD). A Descriptive Catalogue of those Maps, Charts and Surveys relating to America, which are men- tioned in Vol. III. of Hakluyt's Great Work, by J. G. Kohl. 8vo, pp. 86, paper. Washington, 1857 532 A Discourse concerning Western Planting, written in the year 1584. Now first printed from a contemporary manuscript, with a preface and an introduction by Leonard Woods, LL. D. Edited, with notes in the appendix, by Charles Deane. 8vo, pp. Ixi, 253, original black cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1877 * One of twenty-five copies printed separately, and lettered on the back: HAK- LUYT'S DISCOURSE ON WESTERN PLANTING, 1584. From the Deane sale, being the editor's own copy. 533 The Principall Navigations, Voiages and Discoveries of the English nation, made by Sea or over Land, to the most remote and farthest distant Quarters of the earth at any time within the com- passe of these 1500 yeeres: Devided into three severall parts . . . etc. Folio, handsomely bound in full crimson straight grain morocco, richly gilt, inside gilt dentelle borders, gilt edges. (The title has been very skillfully repaired and mounted, as also the margins of two leaves of the Index and of two or three other leaves.) London, 1589 * A fine, clean copy of the First Edition. A map is referred to in the preface, but, as usual, this copy does not contain it, and only three copies are known to exist in that state, but it contains the six unnumbered leaves of Drake's voyage to the South Seas. Hukluyt states that he was " seriously dealt with not to' 1 publish this account, but ap- parently a few copies must have been printed, of which this is one. Also is included the narrative of Bowies' voyage, " printed this second time . . . for the correction of the err ours." 534 The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discov- eries of the English nation. Collected by Richard Hakluyt, Preacher, and Edited by Edmund Goldsmid, F.R. H.S. 16 vols. bound in if vols. 8vo, half dark cloth, uncut edges, parchment covers bound in, contents fully lettered on the back of each volume. Portraits and maps. (As 1 7 vols. ) Edinburgh : E. 6 G. Goldsmid, 1884-90 * Fine paper edition, printed on the finest Whatman hand-made paper. Besides the great edition of 1598-1600, which is reprinted verbatim, this edition includes the voy- age to Cadiz (suppressed by Queen Elizabeth after the disgrace of the Earl of Essex), and some other voyages published in the edition of 1589, which were omitted in the second edition, and also reprints of the following independent works: (i) The Fardle of Facions, r555; (2) The Conquest of the Grand Canaries, 1599; (3) Davis's Worldes Hydrographical Discription, 1595; (4) Hakluyt's Discourse of Western Planting; (5) The Gentleman of Elvas's Virginia Richly Valued, by the Description of the maine land of Florida, 1609; and (6) Jourdan's Discovery of the Barmudas, otherwise called the He of Divels, 1610. All of the voyages are re-arranged in geographical order, and numerous indexes are added. Xfbrars of Wtlberforce Eames 63 Ibafclupt Society 535 AFONSO D'ALBOQUERQUE. The Commentaries of the Great Afonso Dalboquerque, second Viceroy of India. Translated from the Portuguese edition of 1774, with Notes, and an Introduction by Walter De Gray Birch. Illustrated. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1875-84 536 ALVAREZ (FATHER FRANCISCO). Narrative of the Por- tuguese Embassy to Abyssinia during the years 1520-1527. Trans- lated from the Portuguese, with Notes and Introduction by Lord Stanley of Alderley. 8vo, cloth. London, 1881 537 ALVARO (DE MENDANA). The Discovery of the Solomon Islands in 1568. Translated from the original Spanish Manuscripts. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by Lord Amherst of Hackney and Basil Thomson. With maps, and numerous illustrations of natives, etc., from photographs. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1901 538 ANDAGOYA (THE ADELANTADO PASCUAL DE). Narrative of the Travels of Pedrarias Davila in the Provinces of Tierra Firme or Castilla del Oro, and of the Discovery of the South Sea and the Coasts of Peru and Nicaragua. Translated and edited, with Notes and Introduction, by Clements R. Markham. Map. 8vo, cloth. London, 1865 539 AZURARA (GOMES EANNES DE). The Chronicle of the Discovery and Conquest of Guinea. Now first done into English by C. R. Beazley, and E. Prestage. Reproductions of early maps, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1896-99 540 BADGER (GEORGE P. Translator}. History of the Imams and Seyyids of 'Oman, by Salil-ibn-Razik. Translated from the original Arabic, with Notes, Appendices, and Introductions, continuing the history down to 1870. Map. 8vo, cloth. London, 1871 * A history of the province of Oman, in Arabia, from the rise of Mahomedanism, including the attempts of the Portuguese to found colonies in the province and the wars that resulted. 541 BARROW (JOHN). The Geography of Hudson's Bay; being the Remarks of Capt. W. Coats in many voyages to that locality, 1727- 1751. 8vo, cloth. London, 1852 64 Xibraty of MUberforce Barnes HAKLUYT SOCIETY Continued. 542 BATTELL (ANDREW). The Strange Adventures of Andrew Battell of Leigh, in Angola and the adjoining regions. Reprinted from " Purchas His Pilgrimes. " With Notes, and a concise history of Kongo and Angola by E. G. Ravenstein. Map in pocket at end. 8vo, cloth. London. 1901 * Andrew Battell was captured by the Portuguese about the end of the sixteenth century, and kept a prisoner in Angola and Kongo for apparently nearly ten years. 543 BENT (J. THEODORE). Early Voyages and Travels in the Levant. I. The Diary of Master Thomas Dallam, 1599-1600. II. Extracts from the Diaries of Dr. John Covel, 1670-79. With some account of the Levant Company of Turkey Merchants. Portrait of Dr. Covel. 8vo, cloth. London, 1893 544 BENZONI (GIROLAMO). History of the New World. Now first translated and edited by Rear-Admiral W. H. Smyth. Reproduc- tions of the original cuts. 8vo, cloth. London, 1857 545 BETHENCOURT (JEAN DE). The Canarian; or, Book of the Conquest and Conversion of the Canarians in the year 1402. By Messire Jean de Bethencourt. Composed by Pierre Bonder, and Jean le Verrier. Translated, and with Notes, and Introduc- tion, by R. H. Major. (With the original text.) Portrait. 8vo, cloth. London, 187* 546 BOND (E. A. Editor}. Russia at the close of the Sixteenth Cen- tury; comprising the treatise "Of the Russe Common Wealth," by Giles Fletcher, and the Travels of Sir Jerome Horsey, now for the first time printed entire from his own manuscript. 8vo, cloth. London, 1856 547 CASTANHOSO (MIGUEL DE). The Portuguese Expedition to Abyssinia in 1541-1543, as narrated by Castanhoso, with some contemporary letters, the short account of Bermudez, and certain extracts from Correa. Translated and edited by R. S. Whiteway. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. London, 1902 548 CIEZA DE LEON (PEDRO DE). The Travels of Pedro de Cieza de Leon, A. D. 1532-1550, contained in the First Part of his Chronicle of Peru. Translated, with Notes and Introduction, by Clements R. Markham. . Map. 8vo. cloth. London, 1864 Xibrars of MUberforce Barnes 65 HAKLUYT SOCIETY Continued. 549 COLUMBUS. Select Letters of Christopher Columbus, with other original documents relating to his Four Voyages to the New World. Translated and edited by R. H. Major. 8vo, cloth. London, 1847 550 The Journal of Christopher Columbus, during his Firs, Voyage, 1492-1493, and documents relating to the Voyages of John Cabot and Gaspar Corte Real. Translated, with Notes and Intro- duction. 8vo, cloth. London, 1893 551 CON WAY (SIR W. MARTIN Editor). Early Dutch and English Voyages to Spitsbergen in the iyth Century, including Gerritsz's Histoire du Pays nomme Spitsberghe, 1613, and Van der Brugge's Journael of Dagh Register, Amst., 1634, both translated for the first time by B. H. Soulsby and J. A. J. de Villiers. 8vo, cloth. London, 1904 552 CORTES (HERNAN). The Fifth Letter of Hernan Cortes to the Emperor Charles V., containing an account of his expedition to Honduras. Translated from the original Spanish by Don. Pascual de Gayangos. 8vo, cloth. London, 1868 553 COSMAS INDICOPLEUSTES, the Indian Navigator. The Christian Topography of Cosmas, an Egyptian Monk. Translated from the Greek, and with Notes, and Introduction by J. W. McCrindle. 8vo, cloth. London, 1897 * The author lived in the early part of the sixth century. 554 DOMINGUEZ (LUIS L.) The Conquest of the River Plate, 1535- 1555. (Containing) the voyage of Ulrich Schmidt, from the German edition of 1567, and the Commentaries of Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca from the Spanish edition of 1555. Translated, with Notes and Introduction. 8vo, cloth. London, 1891 555 D'ORLEANS (PERE PIERRE JOSEPH). History of the two Tartar Conquerors of China, including the two Journeys into Tartary of Father Ferdinand Verbiest, in the suite of the Emperor Kang-Hi .... to which is added Father Pereira's Journey into Tartary from the Dutch of Nicolaas VVitsen, translated by the Earl of Ellesmere. With Introduction by R. H. Major. 8vo, cloth. London, 1854 556 DRAKE (SIR FRANCIS). Sir Francis Drake, his Voyage, 1595, by Thomas Maynarde; together with the Spanish account of Drake's attack on Puerto Rico. Edited from the original manu- scripts by W. D. Cooley. 8vo, cloth. London, 1849 66 Xibrars of Wilberforce Barnes HAKLUVT SOCIETY Continued. 557 DUDLEY (ROBERT, EARL OF LEICESTER). The Voy- age of Robert Dudley ... to the West Indies, 1594-95, narrated by Capt. Wyatt, by himself, and by Abram Kendall. Edited by G. F. Warner. Portrait, map in pocket, and facsimile, London. 1899 558 FERNANDEZ DE QUIROS (PEDRO). The Voyages of Pedro Fernandez de Quiros, 1595 to 1606. Translated and edited by Sir Clements Markham. 3 maps in pocket at end. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1904 * Voyages to the Southern Pacific, to New Guinea, the New Hebrides, the Mar- quesas, Philippines, etc. 559 FOX AND JAMES' VOYAGES. The Voyages of Captain Luke Fox of Hull, and Captain Thomas James of Bristol, in Search of a North-West Passage. With Narratives of the Earlier Voyages of Frobisher, Davis, Hudson, etc. Portraits and reproductions. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. (A. L. S. of the editor to Wilberforce Eames inserted.) London, 1894 560 GALVANO (ANTONIO). The Discoveries of the World, from their first original to the year of Our Lord 1555. Corrected, quoted and published in England by Richard Hakluyt [1601], now reprinted with the original Portuguese text, and edited by Vice- Admiral Bethune. 8vo, cloth. London, 1862 561 GAMBOA (PEDRO SARMIENTO DE). Narratives of the Voyages of ... Gamboa to the Straits of Magellan. Translated and edited, with Notes and Introduction by Clements R. Markham. 2 maps. 8vo, cloth. London, 1895 562 GOSCH (C. C. A.) Danish Arctic Expeditions, 1605 to 1620. With Notes and Introductions. Maps and reproductions. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 563 HAKLUYT (RICHARD). Divers Voyages touching the Discov- ery of America and the Isles adjacent. Edited, with Notes and Introduction, by J. W. Jones. 2 maps and facsimile. 8vo, cloth. London, 1850 564 HAWKINS (SIR RICHARD). The Observations of Sir Richard Hawkins, Knt., in his Voyage into the South Sea in the year 1593, reprinted from the edition of 1622. Edited by C. R. Drinkwater Bethune. 8vo, cloth. London, 1847 Xtbrarg of TlfllUberforce Barnes 67 HAKLUYT 565 HEDGES (WILLIAM). The Diary of William Hedges during his agency in Bengal, 1681-1687. Edited by Col. Henry Yule. Vol. III. 8vo, cloth. London, 1889 566 HUDSON (HENRY). Henry Hudson, the Navigator. The Origi- nal Documents in which his Career is Recorded, collected, partly translated, and annotated, with an introduction by G. M. Asher. 2 maps. 8vo, cloth. London, 1860 567 HUES (ROBERT). Tractatus de Globis et Eorum usu. A Treatise descriptive of the Globes constructed by Emery Molyneux, and pub- lishedin 1592. With annotated Indices and an Introduction by Clem- ents R. Markham. View of a Molyneux Globe, and map. 8vo, cloth. London, 1889 568 JENKISON (ANTHONY), AND OTHERS. Early Voyages and Travels to Russia and Persia by Anthony Jenkinson and other Eng- lishmen, with some account of the First Intercourse of the English with Russia and Central Asia by way of the Caspian Sea. Edited by E. D. Morgan and C. H. Coote. Reproductions of portraits and early maps. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1886 569 JORDANUS (FRIAR). Mirabilia Descriptia. The Wonders of the East, by Friar Jordanus, of the Order of Preachers [circa 1330]. Translated from the Latin Original. . . with the addition of a Com- mentary. By Col. Henry Yule. 8vo, cloth. London, 1863 570 LAVAL (FRANCOIS PYRARD DE). The Voyage of Francois Pyrard de Laval to the East Indies, the Maldives, the Moluccas, and Brazil. Translated by Albert Gray. Vol. II, Part II. 8vo, cloth. London, 1890 571 LEFROY (SIR J. H.) The Historye of the Bermudas, or Summer Islands. Edited from a MS. in the Sloans Collection, British Museum Portrait of Capt. John Smith, Sir George Sommers, map of Bermuda, 1623, etc. 8vo, cloth. London, 1882 * Ascribed to Capt. John Smith, of New England. 572 LEGUAT (FRANCOIS). The Voyage of Francois Leguat of Bresse, to Rodriguez, Mauritius, Java, and the Cape of Good Hope. Transcribed from the First English Edition. Edited and Annotated by Capt. Pasfield Oliver. Numerous illustrations, many in facsimile of the originals. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1891 68 Xibrarp of Milberforce Barnes HAKLUYT SOCIETY Continued. 573 LEO AFRICANUS. The History and Description of Africa and of the Notable Things therein contained, written by Al-Hassan Ibn-Mohammed Al-Wezaz Al-Fasi . . . better known as Leo Africanus. Done into English by John Pory in 1600. Edited, with Notes and Introduction, by Dr. Robert Brown. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1896 574 LINSCHOTEN. The Voyage of John Huyghen Van Linschoten to the East Indies. From the old English translation of 1598. The First Book containing his Description of the East. Edited by A. C. Burnell and P. A. Tiele. Portrait of Linschoten. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1885 575 MAJOR (R. H.) India in the Fifteenth Century: being a Collection of Voyages to India in the Century preceding the Portuguese Dis- covery of the Cape of Good Hope, from Latin, Persian, Russian, and Italian Sources, now first translated into English. 8vo, cloth. (Presentation copy from the translator.) London, 1857 576 Notes upon Russia: being a translation of the Earliest Ac- count of that Country entitled " Rerum Moscoviticarum Com- mentarii." By the Baron Sigismund von Herberstein. Translated, with Notes and Introduction, by Major. Portrait of the author, and another portrait of a contemporary Russian Prince, and reproduction of a contemporary map of Moscow. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. (Presentation copy.) London, 1851-52 577 MARKHAM (CLEMENTS R.) Expeditions into the Valley of the Amazons, 1539, 1540, 1639. Translated and edited, with Notes. Map. 8vo, cloth. London, 1859 t 578 The Life and Acts of Don Alonzo Enriquez de Guzman, 1518 to 1543. Translated from the original manuscript in the National Library in Madrid, with Notes and Introduction. 8vo, cloth. London, 1862 * The subject of the narrative visited Peru in the time of Pizarro, and took an active part in the conflict between Almagro and that conquerer. 579 Reports on the Discovery of Peru. (Francisco de Xeres to Pizarro, Letter of Hernando Pizarro, etc.) Translated, with Notes and Introduction. Map. 8vo, cloth. London, 1872 Xfbrarg of TBQlilbetforce Barnes 69 HAKLUYT SOCIETY Continued. . 580 MORGA (ANTONIO DE). The Philippine Islands, Moluccas, Siam, Japan, Cambodia, and China at the close of the i6th Century. Translated from the Spanish, with Notes and Preface, and Letter from Luis Vaez de Torres describing his voyage through Torres Straits. By the Hon. Henry E. J. Stanley. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. London, 1868 581 PIETRO DELLA VALLE. The Travels of Pietro dellaValle in India. From the old English translation of 1664, by G. Havers. Edited, with Life of the Author, Introduction, and Notes, by Edward Grey. Facsimiles of the original portrait and of early maps. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1892 582 RALEGH (SIR WALTER). The Discovery of the Large, Rich, and Beautiful Empire of Guiana with a relation of the Great and Golden City of Manoa. Reprinted from the edition of 1596. With some unpublished documents relative to that country. Edited with copious notes, and biographical memoir by Sir R. H. Schomburgk. 8vo, cloth. London, 1848 583 ROE (SIR THOMAS). The Embassy of Sir Thomas Roe to the Court'of the Great Mogul, 1615-1619, as narrated in his Journal and Correspondence. Edited from contemporary records, by William Foster. With facsimile of Baffin's map of Hindostan, 1619, portrait, facsimile and illustrations from early sources. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1899 584 RUNDALL (THOS.) Memorials of the Empire of Japon, in the XVI. and XVII. Centuries. Edited with notes. Map. 8vo, cloth. London, 1850 585 Narratives of Voyages towards the North-West in search of a passage to Cathay and India, 1496 to 1631. 2 maps. 8vo, cloth. London, 1849 586 SARIS (CAPT. JOHN). The Voyage of Captain John Saris to Japan, 1613. Edited from Contemporary Records by Sir E. M. Satow. With reproduction of Linschoten's map of the Eastern Seas, fac- simile, and illustrations from Japanese sources. 8vo, cloth. London, 1900 587 SCHILTBERGER (JOHANN). The Bondage and Travels of Johann Schiltberger in Europe, Asia and America, 1396-1427. Translated from the Heidelberg MS. by Comm. J. B. Telfer. Notes by Prof. P. Bruun. Map. 8vo, cloth. London, 1879 * The author was taken a prisoner at the battle of Nicopolis, was a slave to Baja- zet, afterwards was sent to Egypt, where he served as servant to Abubekr; later was sent to Grand Tartary, finally returning to Constantinople, from whence he escaped after a long captivity. 70 OLibrars of Wilberforce Barnes HAKLUYT SOCIETY Continued. 588 STANLEY OF ALDERLEY (LORD Editor]. Travels to Tana and Persia, by Josafa Barbaro and Ambrogio Contarini. Translated from the Italian by W. Thomas, Clerk of the Council to Edward VI. With introduction. 8vo, cloth. London, 1873 589 STRACHEY (WILLIAM). The Historic of Travaile into Vir- ginia Britannia. Now first edited from the original manuscript by R. H. Major. Facsimile of Smith's map, 8vo, cloth. London, 1849 590 TEIXEIRA (PEDRO). The Travels of Pedro Teixeira; with his " Kings of Harmuz," and extracts from his " Kings of Persia." Translated and annotated by W. F. Sinclair, and with further Notes and Introduction by Donald Ferguson. 8vo, cloth. London, 1902 * The author travelled in India in the latter part of the i6th Century. The narrative of his caravan journey from India to Italy forms most interesting and valuable read- ing. 591 VARTHEMA (LUDOVICO DI). The Travels of Ludovico di Varthema in Egypt, Syria, Arabia Deserta, and Arabia Felix, Per- sia, India and Ethiopia. Translated from the original Italian edi- tion of 1510, with preface by J. W. Jones. Edited, with Notes and Introduction, by G. P. Badger. Map. 8vo, cloth. London, 1863 592 VASCO DA GAMA. Journal of the First Voyage of Vasco da Gama, 1497-1499. Translated, and with Notes, etc., by E. G. Ravenstein. Portrait, illustrations and reproductions of early maps. 8vo, cloth. London, 1898 593 VEGA (GARCILASSO DE LA). First Part of the Royal Com- mentaries of the Yncas. Translated, with Notes and Introduction, by Clements R. Markham. Vol. i. 8vo, cloth. London, 1869 594 VESPUCCIUS. The Letters of Amerigo Vespucci, and other Docu- ments illustrative of his career. Translated, with Notes and Intro- duction, by Clements R. Markham. 8vo, cloth. London, 1894 595 WILLIAM OF RUBRUCK (FRIAR). The Journey of Will- iam of Rubruck to the Eastern Parts of the World, 1253-55, as narrated by himself, with two accounts of the earlier journey of John of Plan de Carpine. Translated from the Latin, and with Notice by W. W. Rockhill. Map in pocket at end. 8vo, cloth. London, 1900 of Milberforce James 7 1 HAKLUYT SOCIETY Continued. 596 YULE (COLONEL HENRY). Cathay and the Way thither: being a Collection of Medieval Notices of China, translated and edited, with a preliminary essay on the intercourse between China and the western nations previous to the discovery of the Cape route. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Maps and illustrations. London, 1866 * One of the rarest works in the series. 597 HALE (JOHN P.) Trans-Allegheny Pioneers. Historical Sketches of the First White Settlements West of the Alleghenies, 1748, and after. Post 8vo, cloth. Cincinnati, 1886 598 [HARRISSE (HENRY). A Brief Disquisition concerning the Early History of Printing in America. 4to, pp. 19, stiff paper boards. New York, Privately printed, 1866 * One of "only twenty-five copies printed." It relates to the introduction of printing into Mexico, and contains a list of works printed in America between the years 1540 and 1600. 599 HAYDEN (PROF. F. V.) AND SELWYN (PROF. A. R. C.) North America. Numerous illustrations and maps. Thick post 8vo, cloth. (Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel.) London, 1883 600 [HELPS (SIR ARTHUR).] The Conquerors of the New World and their Bondsmen: being a Narrative of the Principal Events which led to Negro Slavery in the West Indies and America. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. half brown levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1848 Gbtrb Session. 601 HELPS (SIR ARTHUR). The Spanish Conquest in America, and its Relation to the History, of Slavery and to the Government of Colo- nies. FIRST EDITION. 4 vols. 8vo, original green cloth. London, 1855 * The Charles Deane copy, which on the sale of that library was purchased by the Newark Public Library, who impressed their stamp in several places, later re-selling it as a duplicate. 602 HISTORICAL MAGAZINE, and Notes and Queries concerning the Antiquities, History, and Biography of America. Edited by Henry B. Dawson, and others. First Series, 10 vols. ; Second Series, 10 vols. ; Third Series, 3 vols. Together 23 vols. Com- plete set, in the original parts. 72 OlibrarE of Wilberforce Barnes 603 HOLMES (ABIEL). The Annals of America, from the discovery by Columbus in the year 1492, to the year 1826. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. Cambridge, 1829 * A fine, clean set of the best edition, with the bookplate of Daniel Webster in the first volume,'and the following inscription in each volume: "The Hon. Mr. Webster is requested to accept these volumes in token of the respect and regards of his obliged & obedient servt A. Holmes." 604 HOUGHTON (W. R.) Conspectus of the History of Political Parties and the Federal Government. Colored diagrams. 4to, cloth. Indianapolis, 1880 605 ROWLAND (EDWARD). Annals of North America: a Concise Account of Important Events . . . 1492-1876. Illustrated. Thick 8vo, sheep. Hartford, 1877 606 HUMBOLDT (ALEXANDER VON). Examen Critique de 1'Histoire de la Geographic du Nouveau Continent, et des Progres de 1'Astronomie Nautique aux 151116., et i6me., Siecle. 4 maps. 5 vols. in 2. 8vo, half morocco. (As 2 vols.) Paris, 1836-39 607 INDIANA. DILLON (J. B.) A History of Indiana from its Earliest Exploration by Europeans to 1856. Maps, views and portraits. 8vo, sheep. Indianapolis, 1859 608 AMESON (J. FRANKLIN). Dictionary of United States His- I toVy, 1492-1895. Written concisely and arranged alphabetically. Numerous portraits, etc. Royal 8vo, half roan. Boston [1894] 609 f /"ANSAS. KANSAS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions of the |^ Society. (Kansas Historical Collections.) Vols. i to 4, in 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. Topeka, 1881-1890 610 - WILDER (DANIEL W.) The Annals of Kansas. Thick 8vo, cloth. Topeka, 1875 6n KENTUCKY. BOONE (DANIEL). Contribution toward a Bibliog- raphy of Writings concerning Daniel Boone. By W. H. Miner. i2mo, boards. New York: The Dibdin Club, 1901 * No. ii of only 250 published. 612 - BUTLER (MANN). A History of the Commonwealth of Ken- tucky ... to 1813. With Introduction on the Settlement of West- ern Virginia, 1736-1774. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. Post 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Cincinnati, 1836 of Milbertorce Barnes 73 613 KENTUCKY. DURRETT (REUBEN T.) The Life and Writings of John Filson, the First Historian of Kentucky . . . prepared for the Filson Club. With a newly discovered portrait, a facsimile of one of his letters, and a photo-lithographic reproduction of his original map of Kentucky , published in his ''History of Kentucky," in 1784. 410, paper, pp. 132. (Filson Club Publications, No. i.) Louisville, 1884 * Scarce. Only a limited number printed. 614 FILSON (JOHN). The Discovery, Settlement, and Present State of Kentucky, and Introduction to the Topography and Natu- ral History of that Rich and Important Country; also Colonel Daniel Boone's Narrative of the Wars of Kentucky, with an Account of the Indian Nations within the limits of the United States . . . etc. Illustrated with a large whole-sheet map of Kentucky from actual surveys, and a plan with description of the Rapids of the River Ohio. By Capt. Thomas Hutchins. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 68. London, 1793 * Rare. The original edition was printed at Wilmington in 1784, and the publish- er's notice states that this reprint contains considerable additions. Much of the information was obtained from Daniel Boone, James Harrod, and other early pioneers with whom Filson was personally acquainted, and preceding the description is a notice signed by Boone, Harrod, and Levi Tod stating that they have revised the book, and that it contains as accurate a description as can be given. The author, while survey- ing the present site of Cincinnati, in 1788, disappeared, presumably killed by the Indians. The map is a copy of the extremely rare original map, containing the sites of towns and settlements which have now disappeared. 615 IALOR (JOHN J.) Cyclopaedia of Political Science, Political [_^ Economy, and of the Political History of the United States. By the best American and European Writers. 3 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco. Chicago, 1882-84 <5i6 LAS CASAS (B. DE). A List of the Printed Editions of the Works of Fray Bartolome" de las Casas, Bishop of Chiapa. By Joseph Sabin. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1870 617 LAS CASAS (BARTOLOME). Noticia y Descripcion de un Codice del Ilmo. D. Fr. Bartolome de Las Casas, por el Dr. Nicolas Leon. 2 parts, i6mo, paper. Morelia, 1886-89 618 LEWIS AND CLARK TRAVELS. MESSAGE from the President of the United States, communicating Discoveries made in exploring the Missouri, Red River, and Washita, by Captains Lewis and Clark, Doctor Sibley, and Mr. Dunbar; with a Statistical Account of the Countries adjacent. 8vo, paper, pp. (178), and folded 74 OLibrars of MUberforce Eames tables, a small strip torn from upper blank margin of title. Washington, 1806 * There were two title issues of this edition; one having the words, " February 19, 1806. Printed by order of the Senate," and the other, "February 19, 1806. Read and ordered to lie on the table." The above copy is of the latter issue, which was probably for the House of Representatives. 619 LEWIS AND CLARK TRAVELS. MESSAGE from the Presi- dent of the United States, communicating Discoveries made in exploring the Missouri, Red River, and Washita, by Captains Lewis and Clark, Doctor Sibley, and Mr. Dunbar; with a Statis- tical Account of the Countries adjacent. Read in Congress, Febru- ary 19, 1806. 8vo, paper, pp. 128, and table. New York, 1806 620 Travels of Capts. Lewis and Clark . . . from St. Louis, by way of the Missouri and Columbia Rivers to the Pacifick Ocean: containing an account of the Indian Tribes, etc. By Meriwether Lewis. With map and five engravings of Indian chiefs. Crown 8vo r original sheep. (Inscription on title, and two other places.) Philadelphia: Hubbard Lester, 1809 * A beautiful copy of this rare edition, almost as clean and fresh as when first issued. Contains the Observations on the Journey of W. Dunbar and Dr. Hunter, usually omitted in other editions. 621 COUES (ELLIOTT). History of the Expedition under the Com- mand of Lewis and Clark to the Sources of the Missouri River . . . and to the Pacific Ocean. A New Edition faithfully reprinted from the only authorized edition of 1814, with copious critical Commen- tary prepared from . . . Unpublished Official Sources, and the Original Manuscript Journals and Note Books of the Explorers, together with Biographical and Bibliographical Introduction, new maps and other illustrations, and a Complete Index. 4 vols. royal 8vo, half cloth. New York, 1893 * LARGE PAPER. No. 31 of only 200 copies on hand-made paper. 622 GASS (PATRICK). Lewis and Clark's Journal to the Rocky Mountains, in 1804-6, as related by P. Gass. Numerous woodcuts. Crown 8vo, sheep (poor binding). Dayton, 1847 623 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). NICOLAV (J. G.) and HAY (JOHN). Abraham Lincoln. A History. Numerous portraits, views, etc. 10 vols. 8vo, original cloth. New York: The Century Co., 1890 624 Reminiscences of the last year of President Lincoln's Life, by Chaplain Edward D. Neill, St. Paul, 1885; President Lincoln's Speech at Gettysburg, by Dr. S. A. Green, 1901. 2 pamphlets. of Milberforce JEames 75 625 LODGE (HENRY CABOT). A Short History of the English Colonies in America. 8vo, half roan. New York, 1882 Hong Manb. 626 ATLAS of Long Island, from recent and actual surveys, under the superintendence of F. W. Beers. Colored maps. 410, half roan. (A little soiled by use.) New York, 1873 627 BROOKLYN. Historic and Antiquarian Scenes in Brooklyn and its Vicinity, with Illustrations of some of its Antiquities. By T. W. Field. Colored lithographic illustrations, and map of Brooklyn at the time of the Revolutionary War drawn by Gen. Jeremiah Johnson. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Brooklyn, 1868 *Only no copies printed. 628 BROOKLYN. Notes Geographical and Historical relating to the town of Brooklyn on Long-Island. By Gabriel Furman. With Notes and Memoir of the author. 4to, half roan. Brooklyn: Reprinted for the Faust Club , 1865 629 SCRAP BOOK containing 38 views and maps, mostly from McCloskey's Manuals, illustrating old houses and old sites in Brooklyn, with letter-press descriptions from the same Manuals, and from one or two other sources, written by Henry R. Stiles, T. G. Bergen, etc. 4to, half roan. 630 FIELD (THOMAS W.) The Battle of Long Island, with con- nected Preceding Events, and the subsequent American retreat. Introductory Narrative by T. W. Field. With authentic Docu- ments. Maps and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. (Memoirs of the Long Island Society.) Brooklyn, 1869 631 FURMAN (GABRIEL). Antiquities of Long Island. With a Bibliography by Henry Onderdonk, Jr. Edited by Frank Moore. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1875 632 TOOKER (W. W.) John Eliot's first Indian Trader and Interpreter Cockenoe-De-Long Island, and the story of his Career from the early Records. View of Indian Graves at Montauk. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1896 633 TOWNSHEND (C. H.) Notes on an Early Chart of Long Island Sound and its Approaches. With large folded chart. 410, paper. Washington, 1891 7 6 Sllbrars of Wilberforce Barnes LONG ISLAND Continued. 634 WOOD (SILAS). A Sketch of the First Settlement of the several Towns on Long Island, with their Political Condition to the end of the American Revolution. 8vo, half morocco. Brooklyn, 1824 * The Rare First Edition, of which only 100 copies were printed. Noteworthy also as being the first book on the history of the settlements in Long Island. 635 Revised Edition of the same. 8vo, bound by Stikeman in half red morocco, gilt top (very slightly spotted and stained). Brooklyn, 1826 636 New Edition of the same. 8vo, orig. half cloth. Brooklyn, 1828 637 Another Edition of the same, issued by the Furman Club. With Biographical Memoir and Additions by Alden J. Spooner. Portrait, etc. 410, half morocco. Brooklyn, 1865 * Large Paper Copy. Only 50 printed. Laid in is an autograph signed letter of Silas Wood, 2 pp. 4to, New York, December, 1840. 638 LONG'S EXPEDITION. JAMES (EDWIN). Account of an Expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains, performed in the years 1819-1820 .... under the command of Major Stephen H. Long. With Atlas of Plates and Maps, in 410. 3 vols. boards, uncut (one cover wanting, and the others loose, margins of some of the plates torn). Philadelphia, 1823 * The best and most authentic account, now very scarce. 639 KEATING (W. H.) Narrative of an Expedition to the Source of St. Peter's River, Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the Woods, etc., performed in the year 1823 .... under the command of Stephen H. Long. Compiled from the notes of Major Long, Messrs. Say, Keating and Colhoun. With large folding map, and 15 plates engraved by J. Hill, including a plate of the music of Dacota and Chippewa dances, 2 vols. 8vo, original half cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1824 * Scarce. 640 KEATING (W. H.) Narrative of an Expedition to the Source of St. Peter's River, Lake Winnepeek, etc. Map and plates. 2 vols. 8vo, boards. Fine copy. London, 1825 * The plates in this edition are re-engravings of those in the Philadelphia edition of 1824. 641 LOOMIS (CHESTER A.) A Journey on Horseback through the Great West in 1825. Small 410, pp. 29, double columns. Bath, N. Y. [1890] * The author was a resident of Rushville, Ontario Co., New York. In his journey he passed through Pennsylvania, visited Lanesville and Columbus, and proceeded as far as St. Genevive on the western bank of the Mississippi. Xibrarg of Milberforce Eames 77 642 LOSSING (BENSON J.) Harper's Popular Cyclopaedia of United States History from the Aboriginal Period to 1876. Containing brief sketches of Important Events and Conspicuous Actors. Over 1,000 illustrations. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1881 Xouisiana. 643 FORTIER (ALCEE). Louisiana Folk-Tales, in French Dialect and English translation. Royal 8vo, cloth. (American Folk-Lore Society Memoir.) Boston, 1895 644 Louisiana Studies. Literature, Customs and Dialects, His- tory and Education; Crown 8vo, cloth. New Orleans [1894] 645 FRENCH (B. F.) Historical Collections of Louisiana, embracing many Rare and Valuable Documents relating to the Natural, Civil, and Political History of that State, compiled with Historical and Biographical Notes, and an Introduction. Part I. Historical Docu- ments from 1678 to 1691. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1846 * Contains Memoir of La Salle, his account of the discovery of the Mississippi, Chevalier de Tonty's Journey to the Gulf of Mexico, Hennepin's account of the dis- covery of the Mississippi, etc. 646 Historical Collections of Louisiana. Part II. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1850 * Contains several accounts of the expedition of Hernando de Soto into Florida, Index of all the Public Documents in Paris relating to Louisiana, Coxe's Description of Louisiana, translation of Marquette and Joliet's voyage to the Mississippi in 1673, etc. With map of Louisiana after Le Maire. 647 Historical Collections of Louisiana. Part III. 8vo, in the original sheets, uncut and unopened. New York, 1851 * Contains translation of La Harpe's Historical Journal of the Establishment of the French in Louisiana; account of the Indian Tribes in Louisiana; translation of Charlevoix's Journal; account of Ribaut's last Expedition, and the fate of the French Colony in New France, 1565; etc. 648 Historical Collections of Louisiana. Part IV. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1852 * Shea's " Discovery and Exploration of the Mississipi Valley," confined mainly to the history and early exploration of the Mississippi River, and containing the narra- tives of Marquette, Allouez, Le Clercq's account of La Salle's Journey, Hennepin's narrative, etc. 649 Historical Collections of Louisiana. Part V. 8vo, cloth. * Containing Historical Documents from 1687-1770. New York, 1853 7$ %ibrar of MUberforce Barnes LOUISIANA Continued. 650 FRENCH (B. F.) Historical Collections of Louisiana and Florida. New Series. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1869 * Contains translations of original historical manuscripts in the French archives, never before printed; also Hakluyt's translations of Laudonnier's account of the attempted Huguenot colonisation of Florida 1562-1567. 651 GAYARRE (CHARLES). Histoire de la Louisiana. 2vols.ini. (Contains the History to 1770.) 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Nouvelle Orleans, 1846 652 Louisiana, its Colonial History and Romance, New York, 1851; Louisiana, its History as a French Colony. Plan of New Orleans. New York, 1852; History of Louisiana. The Spanish Domination. New York, 1854. Complete set of the 3 volumes. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1851-54 653 Romance of the History of Louisiana. FIRST EDITION. Crown 8vo, original cloth. New York, 1848 654 GULF STATES HISTORICAL MAGAZINE (THE). Thomas M. Owen, Editor. Vol. i in 4 Nos., and No. i of Vol. 2. 8vo. (As one vol.) Montgomery, Ala., 1902-03 655 NOTICE sur 1'etat actuel de la Mission de la Lousiane. 8vo, pp. 58, paper, uncut. Paris, 1820 * Relates partly to the missions to the Miami and Osage Indians. 656 [SHEA (JOHN G.)] The Beginnings of the Capuchin Mission in Louisiana. 8vo, paper. New York, 1889 57 STATUTES of the Diocese of Louisiana and the Floridas, issued by the Rt. Rev. Luis Ignatius Penalver y Cardenas, 1795, with a translation by John G. Shea. 8vo, paper. New York, 1887 658 THOMPSON (T. P.) Louisiana Writers, Native and Resident, including others, whose books belong to a Bibliography of that State. 8vo, paper. New Orleans, 1904 659 |\/| ACDONALD (W.) Select Documents illustrative of the \V \ History of the United States, 1776-1861. With notes. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1898 660 McKENNEY (THOMAS L.) Sketches of a Tour to the Lakes, of the character and customs of the Chippeway Indians, and of in- cidents connected with the Treaty of Fond du Lac. Also a Vocabu- lary of the Algic, or Chippeway language. 29 plates. 8vo, original boards, paper label, uncut. Baltimore, 1827 * An unusually fine copy of this important work. Xfbran? of Milberforce Barnes 79 661 McMASTER (JOHN BACH). A History of the People of the United States from the Revolution to the Civil War. Maps. 5 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1883-1900 662 McPHERSON (HON. E.) The Political History of the United States of America during the Great Rebellion. Royal 8vo, cloth. (Cover a little touched by damp.) Washington, 1865 663 The Political History of the United States during the Period of Reconstruction (from April 15, 1865, to July 15, 1870). 8vo, cloth. (A little damp-stained.) Washington, 1871 64 A Handbook of Politics, being a Record of Important Politi- cal Action, National and State. The volumes for 1872, 1876, 1886, 1890 and 1892. 5 vols. 8vo, cloth. Washington, 1872-1892 $65 MAGAZINE OF AMERICAN HISTORY, with Notes and Queries. Numerous illustrations , reproductions of rare maps and views^ etc. Vols. i to 20, inclusive. Small 410, cloth. New York, 1877-1888 flDaine. 4566 BELFAST. History of the City of Belfast, from its First Settle- ment in 1770 to 1875. By Joseph Williamson. Views, portraits and maps. Thick 8vo, cloth. Portland, 1877 667 ANOTHER COPY. Thick 8vo, cloth. Portland, 1877 68 DE COSTA (B. F.) Ancient Norombega, or the Voyages of Simon Ferdinando and John Walker to the Penobscot River, 1579-1580. 8vo, paper. Albany, 1890 669 A Relation of a Voyage to Sagadahoe. Now first printed from the Original Manuscript in the Lambeth Palace Library. 8vo, paper. Cambridge, 1880 670 The Voyage of Pierre Angihaut, known as Champdore, Cap- tain in the Marine of New France, made to the Coast of Maine, 1608. 8vo, paper. Albany, 1891 671 HUBBARD (LUCIUS L.) Woods and Lakes of Maine. Atrip from Moosehead Lake to New Brunswick in a Birch-bark canoe; to which are added some Indian Place-Names and their meanings now first published. Numerous illustrations. Small 410, cloth, gilt. Boston, 1884 8o Xtbrars of Wilbertorce Barnes MAINE Continued. 672 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. First Series. Complete in 6 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Portland, 1831-1859 * Most of the edition of the first volume is said to have been destroyed by fire. Contains a history of Portland, Benedict Arnold's Letters written while crossing the State of Maine on his Expedition to Quebec, Levett's Voyage to New England in 1623, Ancient Pemaquid, German Settlements in Waldborough, the Language of the Ahnaquies, Indian troubles in Maine, 1702-1704, etc. 673 Collections. Second Series. (Containing Kohl's History of the Discovery of Maine; D'Avezac on the Voyages of the Cabots; Hakluyt's Discourse on Western Planting, edited, with notes, by Leonard Woods and Charles Deane. ) 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Portland, 1869; Cambridge, 1877 674 POPHAM. Memorial of the Popham (George) Celebration, Aug. 29, 1862, commemorative of the Planting of the Popham Colony on the Peninsula of Sabino, Aug., 1607. Facsimile map and another map, 8vo, cloth. Portland, 1863 675 ROSIER (JAMES). Hosier's Narrative of Waymouth's Voyage to the Coast of Maine, in 1605. Complete, with Remarks by George Prince, showing the river explored to have been the Georges River: together with a Map of the same and the adjacent Islands. 8vo, pp. 45, paper, with folded map. Bath, 1860 676 SMITH (EDGAR CROSBY). Moses Greenleaf, Maine's first Map- maker. A biography; with letters, unpublished manuscripts, and a r,eprint of Mr. Greenleaf's rare paper on Indian Place-names. Also, a Bibliography of the Maps of Maine. Plates and facsimiles. 4to, boards, cloth back. Bangor: Printed for the De Burians, 1902 677 THOREAU (HENRY D.) The Maine Woods. FIRST EDITION. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1864 678 VARNEY (GEORGE J.) A Gazetteer of the State of Maine. With numerous illustrations. Thick royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1882 * Written inside is, " Revised Edition. This is one of the two copies bound up un- cut, of which the author has the other. George J. Varney, Aug. 4, 1882." 679 WILLIAMSON (WILLIAM D.) The History of the State of Maine, from its First Discovery, 1602, to the Separation, 1820, in- clusive. 2 vols. royal 8vo, original cloth, uncut. FINE COPY. SCARCE. Hallowell, 1832 680 Another Edition. " New Impression." With portrait of the author and view of the State House, Augusta, Me. 2 vols. 8vo, sheep (binding broken at the joints). Hallowell, 1839 Xtbran? of IKailberforce Barnes 81 MAINE Continued. 681 WILLIS (WILLIAM). Bibliography of the United States. I, Maine. A Descriptive Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets relat- ing to the History and Statistics of Maine, or portions of it. 410, pp. 22, paper. New York, 1859 * One of a very few copies printed separately from Norton's Literary Letter. 682 WILLIS (W.) Journals of the Rev. Thomas Smith and the Rev. Samuel Deane, pastors of the First Church in Portland ; with Notes and Biographical Notices, and a summary History of Portland. 3 portraits, map, etc. 8vo, cloth. Portland, 1849 683 MAJOR (RICHARD HENRY). The Voyages of the Venetian Brothers Zeno to the Northern Seas in the Fourteenth Century. Folded facsimile of the Zeno Map of 1380. 8vo, paper. Boston, 1875 flfcaps. 684 ELTER (ANTON). De Henrico Glareano geographo et antiquis- sima forma ' Americae ' commentatio. 7 facsimiles. 410, sewed. Bonnae, 1896 * Contains facsimiles of Glareanus's world maps of 1510 and the Stobnicza maps of 1512. 685 ESTREICHER (TAD.) Globus Biblioteki Jagiellonskiej z poczatku wieku XVI. Facsimiles. 8vo, paper, pp. 18. Krakowie, 1900 * Account of a globe resembling the Lenox Globe, and probably of the same period. 686 Ein Erdglobus aus dem Anfange des XVI Jh. in der Jagello- nischen Bibliothek. 8vo, paper. Cracoviae, 1900 687 FADEN (WILLIAM). Catalogue of a Curious and Valuable Col- lection of Original Maps and Plans of Military Positions held in the Old French and Revolutionary Wars, etc. 8vo, pp. 13, sewed. Boston {Privately printed}, 1862 * Rare. The collection comprised a selection of original manuscript maps from the collection of Wm. Faden, the King's Geographer, classified as follows: Genera Maps, pp. 3-4; Braddock's Expedition, etc., p. 4; Canada, etc., p. 5; Bunker Hill, etc., p. 6; Boston and Vicinity, p. 7; Southern Provinces, pp. 7-8; Operations of Sir W. Howe, etc., in 1776, p. 9; Burgoyne's Expedition, pp. 10-11; Operations of Howe and Clinton, 1777 and 1778, pp. 11-12; Portsmouth and Yorktown, p. 12; Other Plans, etc., p. 13. $ 2 Xfbrarg of TKHUberforce Barnes MAPS Continued. 688 GRANDE (STEFANO). Notizie sulla vita e sulle opere di Gia- como Gastaldi, Cosmografo Piemontese del Secolo XVI. Con pre- fazione di Luigi Hugues. 8vo, pp. (6), 101, paper. Torino, 1902 * A bibliographical account of the maps prepared by Gastaldi for various editions of Ptolemy's Geography, and in separate form. 689 HARRISSE (HENRY). The Dieppe World Maps, 1541-1553. Reprinted from the Gottingische gelehrte Anzligen, 1899, no. 6. 4to, unbound, pp. 13. Gcettingen, 1899 * The author's proof copy, on Large Paper, with his MS. corrections. 690 KOHL (J. G.) Lecture on the Plan of a Chartographical Depot for the History and Geography of the American Continent. 8vo, paper. Washington (Smithsonian Report), n. d. 691 MARCEL (GABRIEL). Recueil de Portulans public par Gabriel Marcel, Bibliothecaire a la Bibliotheque Nationale (Section des Cartes). Reproduction Heliographique par J. Gaultier. Large folio, n maps with title-page and 2 leaves of descriptive text, in printed wrapper. Paris, 1886 * Contents: Mappemonde de Nicolas Desliens, dated 1566; Mappemonde de Jehan Cossin, dated 1570; Portulan de la Mediterranee de Guillaume Soleri, dated 1385, in 2 sheets; Maps of England, Spain, Italy, Greece, Black Sea, and the Adriatic, from the Atlas de Diego Homen, dated 1559, in 6 sheets, and Map of Europe from the Carte de Matteo Prunes. 692 MELISH (JOHN). Map of the United States, with the con- tiguous British and Spanish Possessions. Scale, 60 miles to an inch. Size, 58^ by 36 inches. Colored, dissected and mounted to fold in covers. A Geographical Description Jof the United States, with the contiguous British and Spanish Possessions, intended as an accompaniment to Melish's Map of these Countries. Together, 2 vols. 8vo, boards. Philadelphia, 1816 * The map, which is very uncommon, gives an interesting picture of the country as it was ninety years ago. On page 17 of the book is a table giving the estimated increase in population from 1816 to 1916, by decades. 693 NORDENSKIOLD (A. E.) Facsimile atlas to the Early History of Cartography, with reproductions of the most important maps printed in the XV. and XVI. Centuries. Translated from the Swed- ish Original by J. E. Ekeloff and Clements R. Markham. Folio, half morocco. Stockholm, 1889 * The facsimiles include maps from various editions of Ptolemy dating from 1482; from the Geography of Berlinghieri, 1478; Bordone, 1528; Peter Apian, 1520; Hak. luyt, 1599; maps of America from Wytfliet's " Descriptionis Ptolemicae," 1597; and others. %fbrar$ 'of TJCltlberforce Eames 83 M A P S Conti n ued. 694 PHILLIPS (P. LEE). List of the Maps of America in the Library of Congress, preceded by a list of works relating to Cartography. Thick 8vo, paper. Washington, 1901 695 A List of Works relating to Cartography [in the Library of Congress]. 8vo, pp. 90, cloth. Washington, 1901 696 RUGE (DR. S.) Die Entwickelung der Kartographie von Amerika bis 1570. With large folding chart showing the comparative prog- ress of discovery in America. Royal 8vo, paper, pp. 85. Gotha, 1892 697 SCHONER (JOHANN). Johann Schoner, Professor of Mathe- matics at Nuremberg. A Reproduction of his Globe, 1523, long lost, his dedicatory letter to Reymer von Streytperck, and the " De Moluccis " of Maximilianus Transylvanus. With new translations, and notes on the Globe by Henry Stevens of Vermont. Edited, with Introduction and Bibliography, by C. H. Choate. 8vo, cloth. London, 1888 * Limited Large Paper copy on Whatman paper. The reproduction of the Schoner globe is made by photo-lithography the exact size of the original letter; the letters of Schoner and Transylvanus are also reproduced in exact facsimile by photographic process. 698 Der verschollene Globus des Johannes Schoner von 1523, wiederaufgefunden und kritisch gewiirdigt, von Dr. Franz R. v. Wieser. Facsimile of the globe. 8vo, paper, pp. 18. Wien, 1888 * Contains also a reprint of ShOner's very rare book entitled De nuper sub Castilce ac Portugalce repertis Insults et Regionibus, Timiripae, 1523. 699 URICOECHEA (E.) Mapoteca Colombiana. Coleccion de los titulos de todos los Mapas, Pianos, Vistas, etc., relativos a la Ame- rica Espafiola, Brasil, 6 Islas adyacentes. Precedida de una Intro- duccion sobre la Historia Cartografica de America. Post 8vo, half roan (back wanting). London, 1860 700 WINSOR (JUSTIN). Baptista Agnese and American Cartog- raphy in the Sixteenth Century. 8vo, paper. Cambridge, 1897 701 MARCOY (PAUL). Voyage a travers 1'Amerique du Sud, de 1'Ocean Pacifique a 1'Ocean Atlantique. Illustrd de 626 vues, types, et paysagespar Riou, et de 20 cartes. 2 vols. 4*0, half morocco. Paris, 1869 84 OLfbrarg of Wilberforce Barnes 702 MARTINIQUE. HEILPRIN (ANGELO). Mont Pelee, and the Tragedy of Martinique. A study of the great Catastrophes of 1902, with Observations and Experiences in the Field. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1903 703 MARTYR ANGLERIUS (PETRUS). SCHUMACHER (HER- MANN A.) Petrus Martyr der Geshichtsschreiber des Weltmeeres. Mit einer Karte aus dem Jahr 1510. Small 4to, full morocco, gilt edges. Presentation copy from the author to J. C. Brevoort, and with two A. L. S. of the author laid in. New York, 1879 704 ALLEN (REV. ETHAN). Clergy in Maryland of the Protestant Episcopal Church since the Independence of 1783. 8vo, cloth. Baltimore, 1860 705 ALSOP (GEORGE). A Character of the Province of Maryland, described in four distinct parts; also a Small Treatise on the Wild and Naked Indians (or Susquehanokes) of Maryland, . . . together with a collection of Historical Letters. New edition, edited by John G. Shea, with Introduction and copious Historical Notes. Royal 8vo, half morocco. (Gowans' Bibliotheca Americana, No. 5.) * Reprinted from the Rare Edition of 1666. New York, 1869 706 - Another copy. 8vo, boards, uncut. 707 BOZMAN (J. L.) A Sketch of the History of Maryland during the Three First Years After its Settlement. Portrait of the First Lord Baltimore. 8vo, old calf. Baltimore, 1811 708 BRACKETT (J. R.) The Negro in Maryland : a Study of the Insti- tution of Slavery. 8vo, cloth. (Johns Hopkins University Studies.) Baltimore, 1889 709 GAMBRALL (REV. THEODORE C.) Church Life in Colonial Maryland. Crown 8vo, cloth. Baltimore, 1885 710 - Studies in the Civil, Social and Ecclesiastical History of Early Maryland. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1893 711 HARRISON (SAMUEL A.) A Memoir of the Hon. William Hindman [Maryland Statesman, b. 1743, d. 1822]. 8vo, paper. (Fund Publication, No. 14.) Baltimore, 1880 712 JOHNSON (BRADLEY T.) The Foundation of Maryland, and the Origin of the Act concerning Religion of April 21, 1649. 8vo, paper, pp. 211. (Fund Publication, No. 18.) Baltimore, 1883 Xfbrars of THUftbertorce Eames 85 MARYLAND Continued. 713 LATROBE (JOHN H. B.) The History of Mason and Dixon's Line. 8vo, pp. 52, facsimile, paper. Philadelphia, 1855 714 The First Steamboat Voyage on the Western Waters. 8vo, paper. (Maryland Hist. Soc. Fund Publication, No. 6.) Baltimore, 187 1 715 LIBERTY AND PROPERTY, or the Beauty of Maryland Dis- played. Being a Brief and Candid Search and Inquiry into her Char- ter, Fundamental Laws and Constitution. By a Lover of his Country. [Edited by J. G. Shea.] 8vo, pp. 30, paper. [New York, 1891] * The original manuscript from which this is printed dates from the latter part of the seventeenth century, and is preserved in Georgetown College. 716 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings in con- nection with the Celebration of the One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Settlement of Baltimore, Oct. i2th, 1880. 8vo, paper. (Fund Publication, No. 16.) Baltimore, 1880 717 MATHEWS (EDWARD B.) Bibliography and Cartography of Maryland, including Publications relating to the Physiography, Geology and Mineral Resources. Royal 8vo, paper. Baltimore, 1897 718 MORRIS (JOHN G.) The Lords Baltimore. 8vo, paper. (Fund Publication, Maryland Hist. Soc., No. 8.) Baltimore, 1874 719 NEILL (EDWARD D.) The Founders of Maryland as portrayed in Manuscripts, Provincial Records and Early Documents. Post 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1876 720 Light thrown by the Jesuits upon hitherto obscure points of early Maryland History. 8vo, pp. 9, sewed. [n. p., 1880?] * Presentation copy to Chas. Deane. 721 Maryland in the Beginning: a Brief submitted to the His- torical and Political Science Association of Johns Hopkins Univer- sity. 8vo, pp. 54, paper. Baltimore, 1884 722 Maryland not a Roman Catholic Colony, stated in Three Letters. 8vo, pp. 10, sewed. Minneapolis, 1875 * From Chas. Deane's library. 723 Sir George Calvert, created Baron of Baltimore, in the County of Longford, Ireland; and Projector of the Province of Maryland. i2mo, pp. 24, paper. Baltimore (Privately printed] , 1869 * Presentation copy from the author to Chas. Deane. 724 Terra Mariae; or, Threads of Maryland Colonial History. Crown 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1867 86 XibrarE of Wilberforce Barnes MARYLAND Continued. 725 RELATION of the successful beginnings of the Lord Baltimore s Plantation in Mary-Land. Being an extract of certaine Letters written from thence, by some of the Adventurers to their friends in England. Anno Domini 1634. (Printed from a transcript of the British Museum copy.) Small 4to, paper, pp. 24. (Shea's Early Southern Tracts, No. i.) [Albany, 1865] *Only 150 issued. 726 RELATION (A) of Maryland, Reprinted from the London Edition of 1635. With a Prefatory Note and Appendix, by Francis L. Hawkes. 4to, pp. vii, 103, paper. Folded facsimile map. NewYork,i865 * This copy contains the supplementary pages 75-103, issued with a preface by Brantz Mayer, in October, 1866. These pages contain the Charter of Maryland of i635. 727 RIDGELY (DAVID). Annals of Annapolis... from the First Settlements in the year 1649 until the War of 1812, together with various incidents in the History of Maryland derived from Early Records, Public Documents, etc. View of the State House, Annapo- lis, in 1789. Post 8vo, half morocco. Baltimore, 1841 728 SCHARF (COL. J. T.) The Chronicles of Baltimore: being a Complete History of Baltimore Town and Baltimore City, from the earliest period. Thick 8vo, cloth. Baltimore, 1874 729 History of Maryland from the Earliest Period to the Present Day. Portraits, views, maps, and facsimiles. 3 vols. royal 8vo, eloth. Baltimore, 1879 730 STEINER (BERNARD C.) History of Education in Maryland. 8vo, paper, pp. 331, and many plates. Washington, 1894 731 WILSON (JAS. GRANT). A Maryland Manor. (A sketch of the life of Augustine Herman, and a history of Bohemia Manor.) 8vo, paper. Baltimore, 1890 flDassacbueette, 732 ACTS AND RESOLVES, Public and Private, of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay; to which are prefixed the Charters of the Province, with Historical and Explanatory Notes and an Appendix. Vols. i to 5, Acts Passed, 1692-1780; Vol. 6, Private Acts, 1692- 1780; Vols. 7 and 8, Resolves, 1692-1707; etc. Together 8 vols. Royal 8vo, law calf. Boston, 1869-96 of ZKailberforce Barnes 87 MASSACHUSETTS Continued. 733 ADAMS (CHARLES FRANCIS). Massachusetts: its Historians and its History. Post 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1893 734 ARBER (EDWARD). The Story of the Pilgrim Fathers, 1606- 1623, as told by Themselves, their Friends, and their Enemies. Edited from the original texts. Portrait of Winslow, map of Plymouth Bay, etc. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1897 735 BRADFORD (WILLIAM). History of Plymouth Plantation. By William Bradford, the Second Governor of the Colony. Now first printed from the original manuscript. 8vo, cloth. (Mass. Histori- cal Society.) Boston, 1856 736 Bradford's History of Plimoth Plantation. From the origi- nal manuscript. With a report of the proceedings incident to the return of the manuscript to Massachusetts. With portraits, facsimi- les, etc. Royal 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1898 737 The Bradford Manuscript. Account of the part taken by the American Antiquarian Society in the return of the Bradford manu- script to America. Portraits. Royal 8vo, paper. Worcester, 1898 738 BUSH (GEORGE G.) History of Higher Education in Massachu- setts. 8vo, paper, pp. 445, with many plates. Washington, 1891 739 COLBURN (JEREMIAH). Bibliography of the Local History of Massachusetts. Royal 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1871 *Only a small number printed. 740 COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. Transac- tions. Vols. 3, 5 and 6. Royal 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1895-1900 * Containing much valuable historical material, with portraits, facsimiles, etc. 741 Duplicate numbers of the above. Vol. 5, Nos. i, 2; Vol. 6, Nos. i, 2; Vol. 7, No. i; and Tribute to James B. Thayer. 8vo, paper. (6 pieces.) 742 CURRIER (JOHN J.) Historical Sketch of Ship Building on the Merrimac River. 8vo, pp. 80, paper. Newburyport, 1877 743 GUSHING (HARRY A.) History of the transition from Pro- vincial to Commonwealth Government in Massachusetts. 8vo, paper, pp. 281. [Columbia College Studies.] New York, 1896 88 OUbrars of TOlberforce Barnes MASSACHUSETTS Continued. 744 CUSHMAN (ROBERT). A Sermon preached at Plimmoth in New-England, December 9, 1621. Supposed to be the earliest printed Sermon delivered in the English Colonies in America. With an Historical and Bibliographical Preface (by Charles Deane). 410, paper. Boston, 1870 * One of sixty copies privately printed, with a photographic reproduction of the rare first edition. 745 DAVIS (A. M.) Certain Considerations concerning the Coinage of the Colony and the Public Bills of Credit of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay. 8vo, paper. n. p. , 1898 746 Occult Methods of Protecting the Currency. Sewall's Mne- monic Lines and their interpretation. 8vo, paper. Cambridge, 1900 747 DEANE (CHARLES). The Connection of Massachusetts with Slavery and the Slave-Trade. 8vo, paper. Worcester, 1886 748 DE COSTA (B. F.) Cabo de Baxos; or, The Place of Cape Cod in the Old Cartology. With Notes on the Neighboring Coasts. Map. 8vo, paper, pp. 13. New York, 1881 749 DOUGLAS (C. H. J.) The Financial History of Massachusetts from the Organization of the Massachusetts Bay Company to the American Revolution. 8vo, paper, pp. 148. (Columbia College Studies, Vol. I., No. 4.) New York, 1892 750 FELT (J. B.) An Historical Account of Massachusetts Currency. 8vo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1839 751 FRAMINGHAM. History of Framingham, including the Planta- tion from 1646 to the Present Time. With an Appendix containing a Notice of Sudbury and a Register of Framingham before 1800. By William Barry. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1847 752 GOODELL (ABNER C.) Address before the Society of Colonial Wars ... in commemoration of the 6ooth Anniversary of the First Summoning of Citizens and Burgesses to the Parliament of England. 8vo, half cloth. Boston, 1897 753 - - A Complete List of the Attorneys-General and Solicitors- General of Massachusetts, 1686-1780. 8vo, limp cloth. Cambridge, 1895 of TKHUberforce Barnes 89 MASSACHUSETTS Continued. 754 GREEN (SAMUEL A.) The First Census of Massachusetts; Some Remarks on the Waters-Winthrop Map; and other pamphlets. (6) 755 History of Medicine in Massachusetts. Centennial Address before the Massachusetts Medical Society. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1881 756 The Northern Boundary of Massachusetts in its relations to New Hampshire. Cambridge, 1890. Another edition of the same. Worcester, 1891. The Boundary Line between Massachusetts and New Hampshire, from the Merrimack River to the Connecticut. Lowell, 1894. 3 pamphlets, 8vo. 757 An Historical Address, Bi-Centennial and Centennial, at Groton, Mass., 1876; Two Chapters in the Early History of Groton, 1882; Geography of Groton, 1886; Bibliography of Groton, 1888; Account of the Physicians and Dentists of Groton, 1890; Account of the Lawyers of Groton, 1892; Roll of Honor, Groton, 1897; Town Seal of Groton, 1898. 8 pamphlets, 8vo. 758 HUTCHINSON (THOMAS). History of the Colony of Massa- chusetts Bay from its First Settlement to 1750. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, finely bound by PRATT for Henry Stevens, in full pol- ished calf gilt, gilt edges. London, 1760-68 * The first volume is the earliest issue of this edition, the date being misprinted 1760 instead of 1765. 759 The History of the Province of Massachusetts Bay from 1749 to 1774, comprising a detailed Narrative of the Origin and Early Stages of the American Revolution. 8vo, boards, uncut. (Back a little worn.) London, 1828 * The scarce third volume of Hutchinson's History, with the Preface wanting in many copies. 760 Index of Persons and Places mentioned in Hutchinson's Massa- chusetts, made by J. W. Thornton, and corrected by C. L. Wood- ward. 8vo, sewed. New York, 1879 761 Hutchinson Papers. Memorial of David Pulsifer to the Hon. the Senate and House of Representatives of Massachusetts, relative to the history of the Hutchinson Papers and their proposed restitu- tion to the Commonwealth by the Mass. Historical Society. 8vo, paper. Boston, 1869 762 [ ] A Bibliographical Essay on Governor Hutchinson's Historical Publications. By Charles Deane. 8vo, cloth, pp. 39. Boston, 1857 * Only 50 copies privately printed. Presentation copy from the author. 90 nubrarp of Milberforce Barnes MASSACHUSETTS Continued. 763 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY COLLEC- TIONS. The First Series complete in 10 vols. (Vols. i, 2, 3 and 5 are second editions). 8vo, original boards (rebacked). Scarce. Boston, 1806-10 * This and the following series of this important collection contain reprints of many very rare and valuable books, documents, and manuscripts relating to New England generally. Several of the volumes bear the autograph of Samuel Farmer Jarvis. 764 - COLLECTIONS. Second Series. Complete in 10 vols. 8vo, boards. Boston, 1814-23 * All first editions excepting Vol. 9, which is second. 765 - COLLECTIONS. Third Series. Complete in 10 vols. 8vo, boards (one in cloth). Boston, 1825-49- * First editions of all the vols. 766 - COLLECTIONS. Fourth Series. Complete in 10 vols. 8vo t . boards. Boston, 1852-71 767 - COLLECTIONS. Fifth Series. Complete in 10 vols. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1871-88- 768 - COLLECTIONS. Sixth Series. Vols. i and 2. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1886-88 769 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the Books, Pamphlets, Newspapers, etc., in the Library. 8vo, boards (broken). Boston, 1811 770 MONEY the Sinews of Trade. The State of the Province of Massa- chusetts-Bay Considered, with respect to its Trade for want of a Medium of Exchange wherewith to manage it. Boston, 1731. i2mo, paper. (3 copies.) Reprinted, New York, 1880 771 MOORE (GEORGE H.) Correspondence concerning Moore's Notes on the History of Slavery in Massachusetts. Two Letters from the Historical Magazine. 8vo, paper. New York, 1866 772 - Notes on the History of Slavery in Massachusetts. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1866 773 NATICK. History of Natick, from its First Settlement in 1651 to the Present Time, with Notices of the First White Families. By Oliver N. Bacon. 10 portraits and views. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1856 774 - - History of the town of Natick, from the Days of Apostolic Eliot, 1650, to the Present Time. By W. Biglow. 8vo, paper, pp. 87, uncut. Boston, 1830 of IWlilberforce Eames 9 1 MASSACHUSETTS-G>//W. 775 NEWTON. Eliot Memorial, 1646-1896. City of Newton Memo- rial Exercises. 8vo, paper, pp. 106. [With views of Eliot's grave, his chair, etc, ] Newton, 1896 776 PAINE (NATHANIEL). Remarks on the Early Paper Currency of Massachusetts. Royal 8vo, paper. Cambridge, 1866 * On Large Paper. One of 25 copies with extra photographic illustrations. Letter of author inserted. 777 PAINE (N.) Worcester's Old Common. Royal 8vo, paper. Privately printed, \ 90 1 * One of 25 copies printed. Laid in are two portraits of Isaiah Thomas, private impressions on thick paper. 778 PULSIFER (DAVID). The Printing of the Massachusetts and Plymouth Records, and Mr. Pulsifer's connection with it, by J. W. Dean. 8vo, paper, with several leaflets, etc., laid in. Boston, 1885 779 RECORDS. First, Second, and Third Reports on the Custody and Condition of the Public Records of Parishes, Towns, and Counties. 8vo, cloth and paper. (3 pieces.) Boston, 1885, 1890, 1891 780 STEELE (REV. ASHBEL). Chief of the Pilgrims; or, the Life and Times of William Brewster, ruling elder of the Pilgrim Colony that founded New Plymouth. Steel engravings. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1857 781 WHEELWRIGHT (JOHN). A Sermon preached at Boston in New England upon a Fast Day, the i6th of January, 1636. 8vo, paper. Morrisania, 1867 * For preaching this sermon Mr. Wheelwright was summoned before the General Court, charged with sedition. 782 WHITMORE (W. H.) The Massachusetts Civil List for the Colonial and Provincial Periods, 1630-1774. 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1870 783 WOBURN. The History of Woburn, from the Grant of its Terri- tory to Charlestown in 1640, to the year 1860. By Samuel Sewall. Memoir of the author by C. C. Sewall. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1868 784 YOUNG (ALEXANDER). Chronicles of the First Planters of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, from 1623 to 1636. Now first collected from original records, etc. Portrait of John Winthrop,and map. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1846 9 2 Xibrarp of Wilberforce Barnes 785 MATHER (INCREASE). Diary of Increase Mather, March, 1675- December, 1676. Together with extracts from another diary by him, 1674-1687. With introduction and notes by S. A. Green. 8vo, paper. Cambridge, 1900 786 METHODISTS. CREAMER (DAVID). Methodist Hymnology: com- prehending notices of the Poetical Works of John and Charles Wes- ley, showing the origin of their hymns in the Methodist Episcopal, Methodist Episcopal South, and Wesleyan Collections, etc. Por- trait. i2mo, sheep, pp. 470. New York, 1848 787 SIMPSON (MATTHEW). Cyclopaedia of Methodism, embracing sketches of its rise, progress, and present condition, with biograph- ical notices and numerous illustrations. Royal 8vo, half morocco, pp. 1031. Philadelphia, 1880 788 [WESLEY (JOHN).] Collection of Psalms and Hymns. Charles- town: Printed by Lewis Timothy, 1737. Facsimile reprint, with a preface by Rev. G. Osborn, D.D. i6mo, paper. London [1900 ?] * Of the original edition only two copies are known to be extant, one of them being in the Lenox Library. It was Wesley's first publication, printed while he was in South Carolina. flDeiico. 789 ALEGRE (P. FRANCISCO JAVIER). Opuscules Ineditos, Latinos y Castellanos. Post 8vo, paper, pp. 228. Mexico, 1889 * Edited by Joaquin Garcia Icazbalceta. Only 150 printed. Alegre lived in the i8th Century, and translated Boileau's Art of Poetry, the Hymns of Homer, etc., into Spanish and Latin. 790 BOURKE (JOHN G.) Popular Medicine, Customs and Supersti- tions of the Rio Grande. 8vo, paper. (Reprint from Journal of American Folk-Lore.) Boston, 1894 791 BRASSEUR DE BOURBOURG. Bibliotheque Mexico-Guate- malienne, precedee .d'un Coup d'CEil sur les Etudes Americaines, etc. 8vo, paper, pp. 183. Paris, 1871 * A valuable bibliography of books and manuscripts in the private library of this noted authority on Mexican and Central matters, with collations and notes. 792 CAMARGO (DIEGO MUNOZ). Historia de Tlaxcala. Publicada y anotada por Alfredo Chavero. 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 278-f-In- dice y Errata 7 pp. Mexico, 1892 * The First Complete edition, from the original manuscript. Xfbrars of HXttilberforce JEames 93 MEXICO Continued. 793 CLAVIGERO (FRANCISCO J.) Historia Antigua de Mexico y de su Conquista. Traducida del Italiano por J. Joaquin de Mora. Portrait of Clavigero, maps, and numerous illustrations. 2 vols. in one. Royal 8vo, sprinkled calf, gilt. Mexico, 1844 794 CORTES (HERMAN). Cartas y Relaciones de Hernan Cort6s al Emperador Carlos V. Colegidas e Ilustradas por Don Pascual de Gayangos. Royal 8vo, paper, pp. 575. Paris, 1866 795 The Despatches of Hernando Cortes, the Conqueror of Mexico, addressed to the Emperor Charles V. ... containing a Narrative of the Event. Now first translated from the original Spanish, with Introduction and Notes, by George Folsom. 8vo, full calf, gilt. New York, 1843 * Large Paper copy. 796 Carta Sexta de Hernando Cortes, escrita al Emperador Carlos V. Publicada ahora por primera vez. 8vo, sewed, pp. 138. Nueva York: Imprenta de S. W. Benedict, 1848 * Rare. Only a small number printed, and apparently never published. It was edited by George Folsom, whose prefatory note is dated May 23, 1848; and it forms a necessary supplement to Folsom's Despatches of Hernando Cortes, published in 1843. The Carta Sexta, now generally known as the "Fifth Letter," is dated Temixtitan, 3 Setiembre, 1526. The existence of this printed edition was unknown to the editor of the translation published by the Hakluyt Society in 1868. 797 EGUIARA Y EGUREN (D. JO. ANNE JOSEPHO DE). Bibliotheca Mexicana; sive, Eruditorum Historia Virorum, qui in America Boreali nati, vel Alibi Genti, in ipsam Domicilio aut Studiis asciti, quavis lingua scripto aliquid tradiderunt. Tomus Primus, exhibens litteras A. B. C. Folio, half morocco. Mexico, 1755 * No more was published of this exhaustive biographical dictionary. Besides the authors, and their writings, much historical information is included, list of Councils, etc. 798 ESPINOSA (ISIDRO FELIS DE). Chronica Apostolica y Seraphica de todos los Colegios de Propaganda Fide de esta Nueva- Espafia, de Missioneros Franciscanos Observantes: erigidos con Antoridad Pontificia, y Regia la reformacion de los Fieles, y Con- version de los Gentiles. Consagrada a la Milagrosa Cruz de Pie- dra, que como titular se venera en su primer Colegio de Propa- 94 SLibrars of Wilberforce Barnes M E X I C O Continued. ganda Fide de la muy Ilustre Ciudad de Santiago de Queretaro, sita en el Arzobispado de Mexico. Parte Primera. Folio, pp. (100), 590, (24), boards, leather back. Mexico, por la Viuda de D. Joseph Bernardo de Hogal, 1 746 * "A rare and important work, containing much information relative to the early missions and the Indian tribes in New Mexico, Texas, and other parts of North Mexico, and also of those in Guatemala, Honduras, Chiapas, and other portions of the old viceroyalty of New Spain." SABIN. Forty-six years later (in 1792) a sup- plementary volume (Segunda Parte) appeared, written by Juan Domingo Arricivita. 799 GONZALEZ DE ESLAVA (FERNAN). Coloquios Espiritu- ales y Saramentos y Poesias Sagradas. Introduccion por Joaquin Garcia Icazbalceta. Small 4to, half morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. Mexico, 1877 * The author was a celebrated Mexican poet and ecclesiastic of the i6th Century. The first edition was printed in Mexico City in 1610. Only 200 copies of this edition were issued. 800 HALE (SUSAN). Mexico (History, Description, etc.). Illus- trated. Post 8vo, cloth. [Story of the Nations Series.] London, 1891 801 HERNANDEZ (D. FRANCISCO). Cuatro Libros de la Natura- leza y Virtudes Medicinales de las Plantas y Animales de la Nueva Espafia. Extracto de las obras del Dr. Francisco Hernandez, ano- tados, traducidos y publicados en Mexico el Ano de 1615, por Fr. Francisco Ximenez. Ahora por primera vez reimpreso mediante la proteccion del C. Lie. Agustin Canseco . . . bajo la direccion del Dr. Nicolas Leon. 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 301. (Presentation copy from J. C. Pilling.) Morelia, 1888 802 Cuatro Libros de la Naturaleza y Virtudes de las Plantas y Animales, de uso Medicinal en la Nueva Espana. Por Fr. Fran- cisco Ximenez. Se reimprimen por acuerdo del Sr. General Carlos Pacheco, bajo el ciudado y correccion del Dr. Antonio Penafiel. 4to, paper, pp. 342 (loose in wrappers). Mexico, 1888 803 HURST (JOHN F.) A series of nine articles from the Independ- ent, relating to Literature in Mexico during the Spanish domina- tion; the Lyric, Dramatic, Elegiac and General Poets of Mexico; the Periodical Literature of Mexico; and the Search for Americana in Mexico. 1887-1890 of Milberforce JEames 95 M E X I CO Continued. o 4 ICAZBALCETA (JOAQUIN GARCIA). Don Fray Juan de Zumarraga, primer Obispo y Arzobispo de Mexico. Estudio Bio- grdfico y Bibliogrdfico. Con un Apendice de Documentos Ineditos o Raros. 8vo, paper, pp. 270. Mexico, 1881 * Only 300 copies printed. 805 Nueva Coleccion de Documentos para la Historia de Mexico. [Cartas de Religiosos de Nueva Espafia, 1539-1594; Codice Fran- ciscano, siglo XVI.; Pomar, Relacion de Tezcoco; Zurita, Rela- cion de los Senores de la Nueva Espafia; Codice Mendieta, Docu- mentos Franciscanos, siglos XVI y XVII.] 5 vols. post 8vo, paper. Mexico, 1886-92 * Only 200 copies of each printed. Three with the autograph of the editor. / 806 JIMENEZ (C. M.) Apuntes Biograficos del C. Mariano Jimenez, gobernador con^titucional del Estado de Michocan de Ocampo. Portrait. Small 4to, paper. Mexico, 1888 807 LANZAS (PEDRO TORRES). Relaci6n Descriptiva de los Mapas, Pianos, &c., de Mexico y Floridas existentes en al Archive General de Indias. 2 vols. i6mo, paper, pp. 223 -f- 201. Sevilla, 1900 808 LEON (NICOLAS). Apuntes para la Historia de la Cirugia en Michoacan, desde los tiempos pre-Colombianos hasta el ano 1875. 4to, paper. Morelia, 1887 809 Historia, Geografia y Estadistica de la Municipalidad de Quiroga, en 1884. Small 4to, sewed. Morelia, 1887 3io Un Impreso Mexicano del Siglo XVI. Nota Bibliografica No. 3. 4to, paper. Morelia, 1888 * An account of a hitherto unknown book printed in Mexico in 1570, with a fac- simile plate. 811 Lijera noticia acerca del Origen, Progresos y Estado Actual del Museo Michoacano. 8vo, paper. Morelia, 1889 812 LOGAN (WALTER S.) The Siege of Cuautla, the Bunker Hill of Mexico. 8vo, paper. New York, 1893 813 OROZCO Y BERRA (MANUEL). Historia Antigua y de la Conquista de Mexico. 4 vols. post 8vo, paper. Mexico, 1880 * Printed at the cost of the Mexican Government. 814 PRESCOTT (W. H.) History of the Conquest of Mexico. New edition, with the author's latest corrections. Edited by John Foster Kirk. 3 vols. post 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1874 9 6 Xibrars ot WUberforce Barnes MEXICO Continued. 815 SOLIS (ANTONIO). Historia de la Conquista de Mejico. 38 illustrations.- Royal 8vo, half calf. Madrid, 1851 816 STEVENS (SIMON). The Tehuantepec Railway, its location, features and advantages, under the La Sere Grant of 1869. (Fol- lowed by:) Historical and Geographical Notes, 1453-1869, by Henry Stevens, G. M.B., etc. Maps and lithographic plates. 2 parts in one vol. 8vo, paper. New York, 1869 817 VERA (F. H.) Tesoro Guadalupano. Noticia de los Libros, Documentos, Inscripciones, etc., que tratan, mencionan, 6 aluden- a la Aparicion y Devocion de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe. Primer siglo. Square crown 8vo, paper, pp. 8 -)- xxvii -f- 369 -f- 26. Amecameca, 1887 818 ZARAGOZA (D. JUSTO). Noticias Historicas de la Nueva Espana. Imp. 8vo, paper, pp. 393. Madrid, 1878 * A publication for the first time of a :6th Century MS. by Joan Suarez de Peraltd. " Tratado del Descubrimiento de las Yndias y su Conquista, y los Ritos, Sacrificios, y Costumbres de los Yndiosj del suceso del Marques del Valle segundo Don Martin Cortes, y del rompimiento de los Yngleses, y del principio que tuvo Francisco Draque para ser declarado enemigo" fllMcbigan, 819 CAMPBELL (J. V.) Outlines of the Political History of Michigan. 8vo, cloth. Detroit, 1876- 820 MINIATURES (COLONIAL AND REVOLUTIONARY), Heirlooms in Miniatures. With a chapter on miniature painting by E. D. Taylor. By A. H. Wharton. Numerous reproductions of the best examples of colonial and modern miniature painters. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1898 flDinnesota. 821 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections, Vol. i (re-publication of the original parts issued in 1850-51-52-53-56),. 8vo, cloth, St. Paul, 1872; Collections, Vol. 2, in the three original parts, 1860-62-67, 8vo. (As 2 vols.) 822 NEILL (EDWARD D.) Address at the Annual Meeting of the Old Settlers' Association, Feb. 22, 1872 (on the early history of the Falls of Saint Anthony). 8vo, paper. Minneapolis, 1872 of Udilbertorce lEames 97 MINNESOTA Continued. 23 NEILL (EDWARD D.) The History of Minnesota from the Earliest French Explorations to the Present Time. Fourth edi- tion, revised and enlarged. Maps. Thick 8vo, half morocco. Minneapolis, 1882 24 - The Last French Post in the Valley of the Upper Mississippi, near Frontenac, Minn. ; with notices of its commandants. 8vo, sewed. Saint Paul, 1887 > 25 Some Facts in the History of Minnesota; addressed to Alex- ander Ramsey. 8vo, paper. Saint Paul, 1888 * From Chas. Deane's library. 826 WILLIAMS (J. FLETCHER). Bibliography of Minnesota. 8vo, pp. 65, paper. St. Paul, 1870 * One of fifty copies separately printed. 827 WINCHELL (N. H.) Historical Sketch of Explorations and Surveys in Minnesota. With reproductions of old maps. 4to, pp. 1 10, paper. Minneapolis, 1883 828 MISSISSIPPI (CLAIBORNE, J. F. H.) Mississippi, as a Province, Territory and State, with Biographical Notices of Eminent Citizens. Portraits. Vol. i. (All published.) Jackson, Miss., 1880 IRiver. 829 GRIFFIN (A. P. C.) The Discovery of the Mississippi. A Biblio- graphical Account, with a facsimile [in colors] of the Map of Louis Joliet, 1674. To which is appended a note on the Joliet Map by B. F. De Costa, D.D., with a Sketch of Joliet's Maps. 4to, paper. New York, 1883 830 LA SALLE (SIEUR DE). RELATION DU VOYAGE, entrepris par feu M. Robert Cavelier, Sieur de la Salle, pour decouvrir dans le golfe du Mexique 1'embouchure du Fleuve de Missisipy. Parson Frere M. Cavelier, pretre de St. Sulpice, 1'un des compagnons de ce voyage. Small 4to, cloth, uncut. A Manate, 1858 * J. G. Shea's Cramoisy Series. Only a small number printed, this being No. 41, signed. The first publication of this narrative. 98 OLfbratE of Milberforce Barnes MISSISSIPPI RIVER Continued. 831 SCHOOLCRAFT (HENRY R.) Narrative Journal of Travels through the North Western Regions of the United States. ... to the source of the Mississippi River. Performed as a Member of the Expedition under Governor Cass in the year 1820. With map, 8 copper-plates, and title engraved on copper (besides printed title) . 8vo, original boards, entirely uncut. Albany, 1821 832 Narrative of an Expedition through the Upper Mississippi to Itasca Lake, the actual source of this river; embracing an Explora- tory Trip through the St. Croix and Burntwood (or Broule) rivers in 1832. 4maps. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. New York, 1834 * Included is a chapter on the language of the Chippewas. 833 Travels in the Central Portions of the Mississippi Valley, com- prising Observations on its Mineral Geography, Internal Resources and Aboriginal Population. Map of the Western Country and geologi- cal map, both engraved by Scales; two views engraved by Peter Maverick, and plate of fossil footprints. 8vo, original boards. New York, 1825 * Remarkably fine uncut copy. Scarce. 834 Summary Narrative of an Exploratory Expedition to the Source of the Mississippi River in 1820; resumed and completed by the Discovery of its origin in Itasca Lake in 1832. With Appendices. 2 maps. 8vo, cloth. (Name on title.) Philadelphia, 1855 835 SHEA (JOHN G.) Address before the Missouri Historical Society, July 19, 1878, the Anniversary of the Discovery of the Mississippi by Marquette and Joliet. 8vo, paper. New York, 1878 836 The Bursting of Pierre Margry's La Salle Bubble. 8vo, paper. New York, 1879 837 Discovery and Exploration of the Mississippi Valley ; with the original Narratives of Marquette, Allouez, Membre, Hennepin, and Anastase Douay. Facsimile of the map of Marquette. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1852 838 Early Voyages up and down the Mississippi. (Translations of the Narratives by Cavelier of La Salle's Voyage, Voyage St. Cosme and others in 1699, Le Sueur's Voyage in 1699-70, Gravier's Voyage in 1700, and Guignas' Voyage in 1728.) With Introduc- tion, Notes and Index by J. G. Shea. Small 410, paper, pp. 191. (Munsell's Historical Series, No. 8.) Albany, 1861 of TKHilberforce JEames 99 839 MOORE (GEORGE. H.) A collection of newspaper articles on early New York History, the earliest attempts to introduce the Theatre in America, the Poughkeepsie Convention of 1788, early Timber Ships and Rafts, etc., etc., etc. In envelope. 840 MORAVIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions, Vol. i. Portrait of W. C. Reichel. 8vo, cloth. Nazareth, Pa., 1876 * Contains Sketch of the Settlement of Hope, N. J. ; Extracts from Zinzendorf's Diary of his journey among the Indians; Revolutionary Letters; Indian Names of Rivers, Localities, etc. ; and other interesting articles. 841 MORMONS. Book of Commandments, for the Government of the Church of Christ. Organized according to Law on the 6th of April, 1830. i8mo, pp. 93, paper. Zion: Jackson County, Missouri, 1833 [reprinted 1884] * Of the original edition only three copies are known to be extant, the sheets hav- ing been destroyed by a Missouri mob. 842 The Story of the Book of Mormon. By Elder George Reynolds. Illustrated. Post 8vo, cloth. Salt Lake City, 1888 843 IV T EBRASKA. NEBRASKA STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Trans- \^\ actions and Reports. Edited by R. W. Furnas. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Lincoln, Neb , 1885, 1887 * History- of the Omaha Indians, John Brown, a Visit to Nebraska in 1662, Gold Discovery in Colorado, Local Histories, etc. 844 NEVADA. [WRIGHT (WILLIAM).] History of the Big Bonanza. An authentic account of the Discovery, History, and Working of the World Renowned Comstock Silver Lode of Nevada, with the present condition of the various mines . . . sketches of prominent men . . . the Indians and the Country, etc. Profusely illustrated. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Hartford, Conn., 1876 845 NEIL (E. D.) The English Colonization of America during the 1 7th Century. 8vo, cloth. Presentation copy from the author, and A. L. S. inserted. London, 1871 IRew 846 BARTLETT (W. H.) The Pilgrim Fathers; or, Founders of New England in the Reign of James the First. 28 steel engravings. Post 8vo, cloth (back faded). London, 1866 847 BROOKS (H. M.) Olden Time Music, a compilation from News- papers and Books. Introduction by Prof. E. S. Morse. Cr. 8vo, cloth. * Written with especial relation to old-time music in New England. Boston, 1 888 TOO Xtbrars of Wtlberforce Barnes NEW ENGLAND Continued. 848 BYFIELD (N.) An Account of the Late Revolution in New Eng- land (1689). 410, paper. New York: Reprinted for J. Sabin, 1865 849 CHILD (MAJOR JOHN). New-England's Jonas Cast up at Lon. don; or, a Relation of the Proceedings of the Court at Boston in New-England against divers honest and godly persons, for Petition- ing for Government in the Common-wealth . . . etc. London, 1647. Exact reprint, with a copious historical introduction and notes by W. T. R. Marvin. Small 410, cloth. Boston, 1869 * Only 150 copies printed. A note inside states that nearly all of the copies were destroyed in the fire of 1872. 850 DANIEL (RICHARD). The Present State of New England (circa 1675). Now first printed from the original manuscript. i6mo, paper. New York, 1899 * One of fifty copies printed. The MS. is in the New York Public Library. 851 DEAN (JOHN WARD). Memoir of the Rev. Michael Wiggles- worth, author of the Day of Doom. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Albany, 1871 * No. 24 of only 50 copies printed, signed by Joel Munsell. 852 E. (S.) Further Queries upon the Present State of the New-English Affairs [1689]. 410, paper. New York: Reprinted for J. Sabin, 1865 853 EAMES (WILBERFORCE). Early New England Catechisms. A bibliographical account of some catechisms published before the year 1800, for use in New England. 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. in. Worcester, 1898 854 THE SAME, one of a very few copies printed on thick paper. 855 [ELIOT (JOHN).] A Brief Description of the Towns in New Eng- land, A. D. 1650. With an Introduction, by Samuel A. Green. 8vo, paper. Cambridge, 1902 56 FISKE (JOHN). The Beginnings of New England; or, the Puri- tan Theocracy in its relations to Civil and Religious Liberty. FIRST EDITION. Crown 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1889 857 HOOD (GEORGE). A History of Music in New England: with Biographical Sketches of Reformers and Psalmists. Crown 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1846 858 JOHNSON (CLIFTON). The New England Country. Profusely illustrated. 410, cloth. London, 1898 of "Qdilberforce Barnes 101 NEW ENGLAND Continued. 859 JOHNSON (CAPT. EDWARD OF WOBURN, MASSACHUSETTS BAY). Wonder Working Providence of Sion's Saviour in New England. Historical Introduction and Index, by W. F. Poole. Facsimile. Small 410, half morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. * Only 200 copies printed. Andover, 1867 860 JOSSELYN (JOHN). New-England's Rarities discovered in Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Serpents, and Plants of that Country. London, 1672. Facsimile reprint, with Introduction and Notes by Prof. E. Tuckerman. Small 410, cloth. Boston, 1865 * Only 250 copies printed. 861 LECHFORD (THOMAS). Plain Dealing; or, Newes from New- England. A short view of New-England's Present Government . . . etc. Reprinted, with Introduction and Notes by J. Hammond Trumbull. Small 410, cloth. (Library of N. England History, No. 4.) Boston, 1867 * No. 211 of only 285 copies printed. 862 MATHER (COTTON). Magnalia Christi Americana; or, the Ecclesiastical History of New England. Introduction and Notes by Rev. T. Robbins, translations of the Quotations by L. F. Rob- inson, Memoir of Cotton Mather by Samuel G. Drake, and Com- prehensive Index. Portraits. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco. Hartford, 1855 863 Facsimile of the Ecclesiastical Map of New England and New York, from Magnalia Christi Americana, 1702. Reproduced by photo- lithographic process, on bank-note paper. Folded. Bost. (G. E. Little field}, n. d. 864 MAVERICK (SAMUEL). A Briefe Discription of New England and the severall townes therein, together with the present govern- ment thereof. From a Manuscript written in 1660. 410, paper. Boston, 1885 865 MORTON (NATHANIEL). New England's Memorial. Fifth edition, containing besides the original work and the supplement annexed to the second edition, large additions in marginal notes and an Appendix, with a lithographic copy of an ancient map. By John Davis. 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut. Boston, 1826 102 SUbrars of Wilberforce Eames NEW ENGLAND Continued. 866 MOURT (GEORGE). A Relation or Journall of the beginning and proceedings of the English Plantation settled at Pilmoth in New England by certaine English Adventurers both Merchants and others. With their difficult passage, their safe arrival . . . etc. London, 1622. Exact reprint, with Introduction and Notes by H. M. Dexter. Map. Small 410, cloth. Boston, 1865 * One of 250 copies printed. [Library of New England History. No. I.] 867 NEW ENGLAND BIBLIOPOLIST, or Notices of Books on American History, Biography, Genealogy, etc. Edited by John Ward Dean. Vols. I. -XL, Jan. 1880 to Jan. 1901. Also, Notices of Recent Publications, 1876-1879. Together, 12 vols. 8vo, un- bound. Boston, 1879-1901 868 NEW ENGLAND COMPANY. Some Correspondence between the Governors and Treasurers of the New England Company in London, and the Commissioners of the United Colonies in America, to which are added the Journals of the Rev. Experience Mayhew in 1713 and 1714. 8vo, cloth. London, 1897 869 OLDEN TIME SERIES. Gleanings chiefly from Old News- papers of Boston and Salem, Massachusetts; Selected and Arranged with Brief Comments by Henry M. Brooks. 6 vols. i2mo, cloth. Boston, 1886 * The subjects of the volumes are: Curiosities of the Lottery, the Days of the Spinning Wheel, the New England Sunday, Quaint and Curious Advertisements, Strange and Curious Punishments, Literary Curiosities. 870 PALFREY (JOHN G.) History of New England. Complete in 5 vols. Royal 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1876-90 871 PRINCE (THOMAS). A Chronological History of New-England, in the form of Annals: being a Summary and exact Account of the most material Transactions and Occurrences relating to this Coun- try, in the order of Time wherein they happened, from the Discov- ery of Capt. Gosnold, in 1602, to the Arrival of Governor Belcher, in 1730. Third edition: to which is added, a Memoir of the Author, an attempt towards a perfect Catalogue of his Writings, a Genealogy of his Family, and the names of the Subscribers to the original edition, by Samuel G. Drake. Portrait and plates. 8vo, half leather. Boston, 1852 " N. B. This edition consists of but thirty copies. Hence the necessity of fixing the price at Five Dollars." Note on p. 14. This edition contains all that was printed of Vol. 2, continuing the Annals from 1630 to 1633. of Idllberforce JEames 103 NEW ENGLAND Continued. 872 QUAKERS. A Call from Death to Life: being an Account of the Sufferings of Marmaduke Stephenson, William Robinson, and Mary Dyer in 'New England in the year 1659. Post 8vo, half roan. London: Printed by the Friends, 1660. Edinburgh: Reprinted pri- vately by the Aungervyle Society, 1886. * Only 150 issued, this being No. 118. 873 RECORDS of the Council for New England. [Edited by Charles Deane.] 8vo, paper. With folded map. Cambridge, 1867-76 * One of a very few copies with map and extra leaves added. Prefixed is the following MS. note: " This volume, as will be seen by the title-page, was issued in 1867. The Introduction to it, pp. 5-10, was then written. I have now inserted in this copy a paper read before the Antiq'n Soc. last October, pp. io 2 -io>6, fifteen pages; and also three newly discovered pages of the Records, at pp. 482 484 The Alexander Map is also inserted in the book. Charles Deane. Cambridge, Mass., March 7th, 1876." 874 SMITH (CAPT. JOHN). Advertisements for the Unexperienced Planters of New England or Anywhere; or, The Pathway to Experi- ence to Erect a Plantation. With the yearely proceedings of this Country in Fishing and Planting since the yeare 1614 to the yeare 1630 ... etc. London, 1631. Exact reprint, including Smith's map of New England. Small 4to, cloth. Boston, 1865 * Only 250 copies printed. 875 A Description of New-England; or, The Observations and Discoveries of Captain John Smith (Admirall of that Country) in the North of America, in the year of our Lord 1614 . . . etc. London, 1616. Exact reprint, with facsimile of the First State of the map of New England. Small 410, cloth. Boston, 1865 * Only 250 copies printed. 876 WEEDEN (W. B.) Economic and Social History of New Eng- land, 1620 to 1789. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1890 877 WINTHROP (JOHN). The History of New England from 1630 to 1649, from his Original Manuscripts. With Notes to illustrate the Civil and Ecclesiastical Concerns, the Geography, Settlement, and Institutions of the Country, and the Lives of the Principal Planters. By James Savage. New edition, with additions and cor- rections. Portrait of Winthrop. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1853 104 SLibrarp of Wilberforce Barnes NEW ENGLAND Continued. 878 WINTHROP (JOHN). A Review of Winthrop's Journal, as edited and published by the Hon. James Savage. [By S. G. Drake.] 8vo, paper. Boston, 1854 879 THE YOUNGER. AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURE. Catalogus Uni- versalis Librorum in Bibliotheca Bodleiana omnium Librorum, Linguarum, & Scientiarum genere refertissima, sic compositus . . . Auctore Thoma James, S.T.D. 4to, original calf binding, pp. (14), 539, 36. Oxonise, 1620 * An interesting memento of one of the earliest private libraries brought to New England, being the younger John Winthrop's copy of the BODLEIAN LIBRARY CATA- LOGUE of 1620, the title of which bears his autograph signature, dated 1631 the year in which he came to New England. The journal of Gov. Winthrop the elder speaks of his son John at this period as possessing, in Boston, a library of more than 1,000 volumes, several hundred of which are still preserved, and bear testimony to the learn- ing and broad intellectual tastes of their original owner. 880 WINTHROP (ROBERT C.) Life and Letters of John Winthrop, Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Company at their Emigration to New England, 1630; also The Life and Letters of John Winthrop from his Embarkation for New England in 1630. . . to his Death in 1649. Portraits, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth (publisher's binding, but not uniform). Boston, 1864-67 * The first volume is a presentation copy from the author. 881 WOOD (WILLIAM). New England's Prospect: a true, lively, and experimentall description of that part of America called New England. London, 1634. Reprint, with facsimile map, and Intro- duction by Eben Moody-Boynton, of West-Newbury. Small 4to, cloth. [1898] 882 NEW ENGLAND PRIMER. Reprint of the edition published at Boston by E. Draper in 1777, containing a portrait of John Hancock. i8mo, boards. [Boston, 1850?] 883 Reprint of an edition published circa 1800 (with some altera- tions). i8mo, boards. Boston, n. d. [circa 1870] 884 - Facsimile reprint of an edition containing a portrait of George Washington, and published between 1785 and 1790. i8mo, paper. [Boston, 1901] of TKHilberforce lEames 105 NEW ENGLAND Continutd. 885 NEWFOUNDLAND. PROWSE(D. W.) A History of Newfound- land from the English, Colonial, and Foreign Records. With prefatory note by Edmund Gosse. With 34 collotypes, over joo text illustrations, and numerous reproductions of rare maps. Thick royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1895 IRew Ibampsbire. 886 BATCHELLOR (A. S.) Historical and Bibliographical Notes on the Military Annals of New Hampshire, with special Reference to Regimental Histories. 8vo, paper. Concord, 1898 887 Table of the Representation of Apthorp and Littleton in the New Hampshire Provincial Congress and House of Representa- tives, 1775 to 1887. 8vo, paper, autograph letter of author laid in. Littleton, 1887 888 BELKNAP (JEREMY). The History of New Hampshire. From a copy of the original edition, having the author's last corrections, to which are added Notes, by John Farmer. Vol. I. (all published). 8vo, boards, uncut. Dover, 1831 * A large and fine copy of the best edition, from the libraries of F. W. P. Green wood, Alexander Young, Samuel G. Drake, and Silas Ketchum, with their autographs on the first fly-leaf. 889 HOYT (ALBERT H.) Notes, Historical and Bibliographical, on the Laws of New Hampshire. 8vo, paper. Worcester, 1876 890 JENNESS (JOHN S.) Transcripts of Original Documents in the English Archives relating to the Early History of the State of New Hampshire. Facsimile of unique map in the British Museum. Royal 8vo, full russia, gilt. New York: Privately printed, 1876 891 MOORE (GEORGE H.) Memoranda concerning the New Hamp- shire Laws of 1699. 8vo, paper. New York, 1889 IRew 892 BILLING (E.) AND JENINGS (S.) Two West New Jersey Tracts. With Appendix. (i) BILLING (E.) The Case Put & Decided by George Fox. George Whitehead, Stephen Crisp, and other the most Ancient & Eminent Quakers, between Edward Billing on the one part, and io6 Xfbrarg of Wilberforce lEames NEW JERSEY Continued. Some West-Jersians, headed by Samuell Jenings on the other Part. [New York: Printed by William Bradford, 1699 ?] (2) JENINGS (S.) Truth Rescued from Forgery & Falsehood, being an Answer to a late Scurrilous piece entitled The Case Put and Decided &c. Printed at Philadelphia by Reynier Jansen 1699. 410, paper. Philadelphia: Reprinted, 1880-81 893 BRIEF (A) Account of the Province of East-New-Jersey, in America: published by the Scots Proprietors having interest there, 1683. 8vo, sheots, uncut. Morrisania, 1867 * One of a very few copies printed for private circulation. The original edition, printed at Edinburgh in 1683, was in the possession of Mr. Barlow, and was supposed to be unique. 894 CALENDAR of New Jersey Wills, Vol. i, 1670-1730. Edited, with an Introductory note on the Early Testamentary Laws and Customs of New Jersey, by William Nelson. (N. J. Archives, Vol. 23.) 8vo, cloth. Paterson, 1901 * One of 25 copies left with uncut edges. 895 CALENDAR of Records in the Office of the Secretary of State, 1664-1703. Edited by William Nelson. (N. J. Archives, Vol. 21.) 8vo, cloth. Paterson, 1899 * One of 25 copies left with uncut edges. 896 DE COSTA (B. F.) Cabo de Arenas; or, The Place of Sandy Hook in the old Cartology, as indicated in the map of Alonzo Chaves. Map. 8vo, paper, 16. New York, 1885 897 ELMER (L. Q. C.) The Constitution and Government of the Province and State of New Jersey, with Biographical Sketches of the Governors from 1776 to 1845. 8vo, cloth. (N. J. Historical Society Collections, Vol. VII.) Newark, 1872 898 MARRIAGE RECORDS, 1665-1800. Edited, with an Historical Introduction on the Early Marriage Laws of New Jersey, and the Precedents on which they were founded, by William Nelson. (N. J. Archives, Vol. 22.) 8vo, cloth. Paterson, 1900 * One of 25 copies left with uncut edges. 899 MELLICK (ANDREW D.) The Story of an Old Farm; or, Life in New Jersey in the Eighteenth Century With a Genealogical Appendix. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Somerville, N. J., 1889 of Milberforce Barnes 107 NEW JERSEY G>/jW. 900 MINUTES of the Provincial Congress and the Council of Safety. 8vo, cloth. Trenton, 1879 901 [MOORE (GEORGE H.)] The First Commencement of the College of New Jersey, 1748. 8vo, paper. New York, 1872 902 MULFORD (ISAAC S.) Civil and Political History of New Jersey. 8vo, cloth. Camden, 1848 903 NELSON (WILLIAM). Sources of History of Revolutionary Events in New Jersey. 8vo, paper. Paterson, 1900 904 SACKETT (W. E.) Modern Battles of Trenton: being a History of New Jersey's Politics and Legislation from the year 1868 to the year 1894. 8vo, cloth. Trenton : Privately printed, 1895 905 STEARNS (REV. J. F.) Historical Discourses relating to the First Presbyterian Church in Newark. With Notes and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Newark, 1853 906 STEVENS (HENRY). Analytical Index to the Colonial Docu- ments of New Jersey in the State Paper Offices of England. Edited, with Notes, etc., by W. A. Whitehead. 8vo, cloth. [New Jersey Historical Society Collections, Vol. 5.] Newark, 1858 907 WHITEHEAD (W. A.) Contributions to the Early History of Perth Amboy and Adjoining Country, with sketches of Men and Events in New Jersey during the Provincial Era. Maps, portraits, and views. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1856 908 East Jersey under the Proprietary Governments (1609-1702). Maps, etc. 8vo, cloth. [New Jersey Historical Society Collections, Vol. i.] [New York] 1846 909 Second Edition of the same. Revised and enlarged. 8vo, half morocco. Newark, 1875 INevo flfeeyico, arisona, Sonora. 910 BARTLETT (JOHN RUSSELL). Personal Narrative of Explo- rations and Incidents in Texas, New Mexico, California, Sonora, and Chihuahua. Maps and illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1854 io8 SLibrars of Wilberforce Eames NEW MEXICO, ARIZONA, SONORA Continued. 911 BRACKENRIDGE (H. M.) Early Discoveries by Spaniards in New Mexico: containing an account of the Castles of Cibola, and the present appearance of their ruins. 8vo, paper, pp. 48. Pittsburgh, 1857 912 CORONADO EXPEDITION. The Coronado Expedition, 1540- 42. (The Spanish text of Castaneda's Narrative, with translations of that and other narratives and letters referring to it.) By George Parker Winship. With numerous facsimiles of rare maps and illustra- tions, and other reproductions. Royal 8vo, cloth. Washington, 1896 913 Coronado's March in search of the "Seven Cities of Cibola," and discussion of their probable location, by Gen. J. H. Simpson, U. S. A. 8vo, paper, pp. 34, and map. Washington, 1884 914 A List of Works useful to the student of the Coronado Expe- dition, by George Parker Winship. (Reprinted from the t4th An- nual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology.) Royal 8vo, paper. (Pres- entation copy.) Washington, 1896 915 Why Coronado went to New Mexico in 1540, by George Parker Winship. (Reprint from Am. Hist. Assoc. Report.) 8vo, paper. Washington, 1896 916 DAVIS (W. W. H.) El Gringo; or, New Mexico and her People. Illustrated. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1857 917 The Spanish Conquest of New Mexico. Portrait of the author. 8vo, cloth. Doylestown, Pa.: Privately printed, 1869 * Compiled mainly from original ancient Spanish Documents, and containing ac- counts of the Wanderings of Cabeza de Vaca, 1530-1538, from his own journal ; the Exploration of Friar Marcos de Niza in 1539, the Expedition of Francisco Vasquez Coronado, 1541-1543 ; the Adventures of Friar Augustin Ruiz, 1581 ; the Expedition of Antonio de Espejo in search of Friar Ruiz in 1582, the colonizing attempt of Juan de Onate in 1591, a full account of the great Indian rebellion of 1680, etc. 918 DOCUMENTOS para la Historia de Mexico. Tercera Serie, Tomo Primero. Folio, 4 parts in one vol., pp. 88, 114, 28, 932, half leather, with neatly written list of contents (7 pp.) inserted at the end. Mexico, 1856 * This, the only published volume of the third series of Documents relating to the History of Mexico, is now very rare, no copy being in any of the American libraries, as far as we are informed. It appeared first in the form of feuilletons in the Diario Oficial of the City of Mexico, and only a very few sets were gathered together and Xfbrars of TKttilberforce Barnes 109 NEW MEXICO, ARIZONA, SONORA Continued. bound. This copy was owned by Alfredo Chavero, the celebrated Mexican archae- ologist, and his name is^stamped on the back of the volume. The chief interest of the volume is in the important collection of documents it con- tains relating to the early exploration and history of New Mexico. The articles relat- ing to Mexico, Sonora, and Texas are also of great value. The following may be mentioned: (i) Siguenza y Gongora, Teatro de virtudes politicas advertidas en los monarcas antiguos del Mexicano Imperio, 88 pp. ; (2) Memorial por Don Fray Do- mingo Pimentel sobre los escesos que se cometien en Roma contra los naturalis de estos reinos de Espana, 114 pp.; (3) Traduccion de las vidas y martirios que pade- cieron niftos principales de la ciudad de Tlaxcala ; (4) Geronimo de Zarate Salmeron, Relaciones de todas las cosas que en el Nuevo-Mexico se han visto y sabrido, 1538- 1626 ; (5) Juan Amando Niel, Apuntamientos que pueden servir de esplicacion a las memorias del Nuevo-Mexico ; (6) Carta del padre fray Silvestre Velez de Escalante (on the conquest of New Mexico); (7) Various documents relating to New Mexico from 1692 to 1717; (8) Utiles y curiosas noticias del Neuva-Mexico, Cibola y otras naciones confinantes ; (9) Compute cronologico de los Indios Mexicanos desde que salieron de la provincia de Aztlan ; (10) Calendario Indiano Tulteco ; (n) Dos can- tares del emperado Netzahualcoyotl, etc.; (12) Fray Juan Augustin de Morfi, Viage de Indios y diario del Nuevo-Mexico; (13) Descripcion geografica, natural y curiosa de la provincia de Sonora ; (14) Estado de la provincia de Sonora, 1730; (15) Noticias de las espediciones para conquistar y pacificas estas provincias de Sonora ; (16) In- forme del padre Lizasoin sobre las provincias de Sonora y Nueva Vizcaya ; (17) De- scripcion suscinta de la Sonora ; (18) Noticia del estado actual de las misiones de Sonora ; (19) Descripcion y noticia individual de las misiones de la Pimeria bajay alta; (20) Mision de Nebomes ; (21) Relacion de la nueva entrada de los padres de lacom- pafiia de Jesus a las naciones de Chinipa, Varohios, Guailopos, Guasaparis, Temoris y otras ; (22) Horacio Polici, Relacion del estado de la Pimeria, 1697 ; (23) Various other Relations and Reports on Sonora, Sinaloa, Pimeria, rios Gila y Colorado, Cali- fornia, etc. 919 ESCALANTE (FATHER SILVESTRE VELEZ DE). The Destruction of New Mexico Settlements and Missions, and the re- conquest of the country (1680-1692). 8vo, paper, pp. 16. [New York, 1890] * Translated by Dr. J. G. Shea. One of a very few copies reprinted from the U. S. CatholicHistorical Magazine. / 920 GARCES (FRANCISCO). On the Trail of a Spanish Pioneer. The Diary and Itinerary of Francisco Garces (Missionary Priest) in his Travels through Sonora, Arizona, and California, 1775-76. Translated from an Official Contemporaneous copy of the Original Spanish Manuscript, and edited, with copious critical notices, by Elliott Coues. With 18 maps, views ^ and facsimiles. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1900 * Limited edition. no OLtbrarp of Wilberforce Barnes NEW MEXICO, ARIZONA, SONORA Continued. 921 PFEFFERKORN (IGNAZ). Beschreibung der Landschaft Sonora samt andern merkwiirdigen Nachrichten von den inneren Theilen Neu-Spaniens und Reise aus Amerika bis in Deutschland. With large folding map of Sonora. 2 vols. i2mo, half roan. Koln : Auf Kosten des Verfassers, 1794-95 * Scarce. The author spent many years as a missionary amongst the Indians, and the work contains a good deal of matter relating to the Pimas, Cocomaricopas, Moquis, Apaches, and other tribes, and their war and other customs, as well as details of the natural history, productions, climate, etc., of the State. 922 REPORTS of the Secretary of War, with Reconnaissances of Routes from San Antonio to El Paso, by Col. Joseph E. Johnston, and others. 2 maps and 75 plates. 8vo, cloth. Washington, 1850 *The most important part of the volume is the report of Lieut. J. H. Simpson of an expedition into the Navajo country in 1849, filling pp. 55-168, and containing vocabularies of the Pueblo Indians. The plates relate mostly to the Indians, and some of them are colored. 923 SIMPSON (JAMES H.) Journal of a Military Reconnaissance from Santa Fe, New Mexico, to the Navajo Country. Numerous illustrations of Indians, views, etc., many colored. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1852 924 SQUIER (E. G.) New Mexico and California. The Ancient monu- ments, and the aboriginal, semi-civilized nations of New Mexica and California; with an abstract of the early Spanish explorations and conquests in those regions, etc. 8vo, paper, pp. 26. [New York, 1848] * Rare. Reprint from the American Review for November, 1848. 924^ - - The same article, pp. 503-528 of the American Review for November, 1848, with interesting map inserted. IRew H)orfc State. 925 ACCOUNT (AN) of Several Passages and Letters between his Ex- cellency Benjamin Fletcher, Captain General and Governour in Chief of the Province of New York, &c., and the present Adminis- trators of the Laws in the Collony of Connecticut, in the Month of October, 1693. [Colophon] Printed and sold by William Bradford, at the Bible in New York, 1693. MS. copy on 15 sheets, small 4to r unbound. Xibran? of Wtlberforce Eames 1 1 1 NEW YORK STATE Continued. 926 ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE STATE HISTORIAN. First, Second and Third Reports (the first in paper, pp. 24; the other two thick cloth volumes). 8vo. (As 2 vols.) Albany, 1896-97 927 ASHER (G. M.) Bibliographical and Historical Essay on the Dutch Books and Pamphlets relating to the New-Netherlands. With facsimile of the Visscher map, and of the three earliest views of New- Amsterdam. Small 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Amsterdam, 1868 928 BENSON (EGBERT). Memoir read before the Historical Society of the State of New York, Dec. 31, 1816. Second Edition, with notes. Crown 8vo, original boards, uncut (front cover loose). Jamaica, 1825 * On the Ancient Dutch and Indian names of places in New York State. 929 CLINTON (GEORGE). Public Papers of George Clinton, first Governor of New York. Published by the State. Portraits and maps. 6 vols. 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1899-1902 930 DENTON (DANIEL). A Brief Description of New York, formerly called New Netherlands . . . likewise a brief relation of the Customs of the Indians there. With Introduction and copious notes by Gabriel Furman. 8vo, cloth. (Cowans' Bibliotheca Americana.) New York, 1845 931 A Brief Description of New York, formerly called New Nether- lands. Reprinted from the original edition of 1670. With a Biblio- graphical Introduction by Felix Neumann. 8vo, boards, uncut. Cleveland, 1902 932 DE VRIES (DAVID PETERSON). Voyages from Holland to America (to the New Netherlands), 1632 to 1644. Translated by Henry C. Murphy. Portrait. 4to, cloth. New York, 1853 * Only 250 copies, printed at the expense of James Lenox. 933 ECCLESIASTICAL RECORDS of the State of New York. Pub- lished by the State, under the supervision of Hugh Hastings. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1902 * From the earliest period to 1750. ii2 Xibrars of MUberforce Barnes NEW YORK STATE Continued. 934 FISKE (JOHN). The Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America. Reproductions of rare portraits and maps. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. (Standard Library Edition.) Boston, 1902 935 HOMES (H. A.) Report of the Commissioners on the Correct Arms of the State of New York. Second Paper on the Correct Arms of the State of New York. 2 pamphlets, 8vo, paper. Albany, 1881-82 936 HUDSON'S RIVER. Photo-lithographic facsimile of the First Published Map of Hudson's River, with the Island of Manhattan and Fort New Amsterdam, published in 1666, and inscribed De Noord Rivier anders Manhattans off Hudsons Rivier genaamt in f Groodt. Size, 23^ by 6 inches, folded. New York, 1854 937 JONES (THOMAS). History of New York during the Revo- lutionary War, and of the Leading Events in the other Colonies at that Period. Illustrated with Notes, Contemporary Documents, maps and portraits. 2 thick 8vo vols. cloth. New York: For the N. Y. Historical Society, 1879 93 8 JOURNAL of the Votes and Proceedings of the General Assembly of the Colony of New York, April, 1691, to Dec., 1765. 2 vols. folio, original leather. New York: Hugh Gaine, 1764-66 939 JOURNAL of the Votes and Proceedings of the General Assembly of the Colony of New York, from 1766 to 1776, inclusive. Small folio, old calf. Albany: Reprinted, 1820 * Scarce. Containing the six extra leaves printed subsequently. Only 50 copies were originally printed. 940 KIST (N. C.) AND MOLL (W.) Kerkhistorisch Archief. 4 vols. 8vo, limp boards. Amsterdam, 1857-66 * In addition to numerous articles relating to the history of the Reformed Church in Holland, the first volume contains the important article by Mr. J. T. Bodel Nyenhuis, entitled " Jonas Michaelius, Eerste Predicant der Nederduitsche Hervonnde Gemeente op Manhattans of Nieuw Amsterdam, het latere New-York, in Noord- Amerika," This was the first public announcement of the discovery of the Michaelius letter of 1628. Xfbran? ot TKnilberforce Barnes Ifourtb Session. NEW YORK STATE Continued. 941 LEISLER (JACOB). An Answer to the Reasons against Leisler's Bill. Humbly offered to the Consideration of the Honourable House of Commons. 2pp. folio, photographed in 1886 from the original sheet in the British Museum and mounted on cardboard. [ Lo ndon, 1695?] 942 LEISLER (JACOB). Captain Leisler's Case. 2 pp. folio, photo- graphed in 1886 from the original printed sheet in the British Museum and mounted on cardboard. [London, 1695?] 943 Reasons for the Reversal of Leisler's Attainder. Humbly offered to the Consideration of the Honourable House of Commons. 2pp. folio, photographed in 1886 from the original printed sheet in the British Museum and mounted on cardboard. [London, 1695?] 944 Reasons humbly offer'd to the Honourable House of Commons, against the passing the Bill for the reversing the Attainder of Jacob Leisler, Jacob Milburn, Abraham Governour, and others. 2 pp. folio, photographed in 1886 from the original sheet in the British Museum and mounted on cardboard. [London, 1695?] 945 MICHAELIUS (JONAS). The First Minister of the Dutch Re- formed Church in the United States. [With his Letter from the Island of Manhatas in New Netherland, n August 1628, and prefa- tory remarks by Henry C. Murphy.] 8vo, paper. The Hague [1858] * One of a very few copies printed " for private distribution." 946 J. Michaelius, the First Minister of the Dutch Reformed Church in the United States. Facsimile of his Letter, the only ex- tant, written during the first years of the Settlement of New- York, with transcript, preface and English translation by the late Hon. Henry C. Murphy. Folio, vellum, paper cover. Amsterdam, 1883 947 MILITARY Minutes of the Council of Appointment of the State of New York, 1783-1821. Compiled and edited by Hugh Hastings, State Historian, and Henry Harmon Noble, Chief Clerk. With Index volume. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1901-02 ii4 Xibrars of Milberforce Barnes NEW YORK STATE Continued. 948 MILLER (REV. JOHN). A Description of the Province and City of New York, with plans of the City and several Forts as they ex- isted in the year 1695. Now first printed from the original manu- script. (To which is added a Catalogue of Books relating to Amer- ica.) Facsimile map of NewYork and of the Fort. 8vo, boards, uncut. London: T. Rodd, 1843 949 MILLER (JOHN). New York Considered and Improved, 1695. Published from the original MS. in the British Museum. With In- troduction and notes by Victor Hugo Paltsits. Maps and facsimiles, 8vo, boards, uncut. Cleveland, 1903 * Presentation copy from the author. 950 MURLIN (EDGAR L.) The New York Red Book ; containing the Portraits and Biographies of its Governors, State Officers, Members of the Legislature, Statistics, General Facts of Interest, etc. Thick 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1898 951 MURPHY (HENRY C.) Jacob Steendam, noch vaster. A Mem- oir of the First Poet in New Netherland, with his poems descriptive of the Colony. Portrait, 8vo, paper. The Hague, 1861 * Printed for private distribution. Contains reprints, with translation, of Klacht van Nieu-w- Amsterdam in Nieuw Nederlandt tot, \haar moeder, 1659, an d ' T Lofvan Nuw- Nederland, 1661. 952 Vertoogh van Nieu Nederland and Breeden Raedt aende Vereenichde Nederlandsche Provintien. Two rare tracts printed in 1649-1650, relating to the Adminstration of Affairs in New Nether- land. Translated by H. C. Murphy. Reproduction of a map of the Hudson of 1666, 410, cloth. New York, 1854 Only 125 copies, printed at the expense of James Lenox. 953 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections, Vols. i to 4 (1809, 1814, 1821, and 1826). Portrait of Hugh Williamson, en- graved by Durand, in Vol. j. 4vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1811-14-21-26 * The fourth volum: contains Smith's continuation of his History of New York. For the complete edition of Smith's history see under Smith, infra. 954 Collections. Second Series. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth (one vol. half cloth, as published). NewYork, 1841-49-57 Xibran? of TOOlUberforce Eames 115 NEW YORK STATE. Continued. 955 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Pub- lication Fund Series. From the first volume issued in 1868 to 1890, inclusive. 23 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1868-91 956 Catalogue of the Books, Tracts, Newspapers, Maps, etc., in the Library of the Society. 8vo, pp. 139, double columns, sewed. New York, 1813 957 [ ] WILSON (GEN. JAMES GRANT). John Pintard, founder of the New York Historical Society. An Address, Dec. 3, 1901. Por- trait and facsimile. 8vo, paper, uncut. New York, 1902 958 O'CALLAGHAN (E. B.) Documents relative to the Colonial His- tory of the State of New York procured in Holland, England, and France, by J. R. Brodhead. Edited by E. B. O'Callaghan. Fac- similes of rare maps, etc. The two Series, 14 vols. 410, the first series, n vols. in half russia. gilt, the remainder in original cloth. Albany, 1856-83 959 The Documentary History of the State of New York, arranged under the direction of the Hon. Christopher Morgan. Re- productions of rare maps, portraits and views 4 vols. 4to, cloth. Albany, 1850-51 960 History of New Netherland; or, New York under the Dutch. Reproductions of maps of 1616 and 1630. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1846 961 [ ] List of Books and Papers in the Office of the Secretary of State, etc., Albany, N. Y. Royal 8vo, pp. 8, sewed. Albany, 1866 Rare, only a few copies having been printed. 962 PRATT (DANIEL J.) Annals of Public Education in the State of New York from 1626 to 1746. 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1872 963 RECORDS. Catalogue of Historical Papers and Parchments re- ceived from the Office of the Secretary of State, and deposited in the New York State Library. 8vo, pp. 55, paper. Albany, 1849 964 - - Catalogue of Records of the Office of Secretary of State, with Information pertaining to the Office. Compiled by F. G. Jewett. Post 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1898 965 RYE. History of Rye, Westchester County, New York, 1660-1870, including Harrison and the White Plains till 1788. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1871 n6 Xibrars of Wilbertorce Barnes NEW YORK STATE Continued. 966 SCHUYLER (G. W.) Colonial New York. Philip Schuyler and his Family. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1885 967 SMITH (WILLIAM). History of the Province of New York from its discovery to the Appointment of Governor Golden in 1762. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, cloth back. New York: Published under the direction of the N. Y. Historical Society, 1829. * Remarkably fine uncut copy on thick paper. This is the only complete edition of Smith's History. 968 TOMPKINS (DANIEL D.) Public Papers of Daniel D. Tomp- kins, Governor of New York, 1807-1817. Military Papers. Illus- trated with plans, portraits and views. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York and Albany, 1898 969 [VAN DER DONCK (ADRIEN).] Remonstrance of New Neth- erland and the Occurrences there, addressed to the High and Mighty States General of the United Netherlands on the 28th July, 1649; with Secretary Van Tienhoven's Answer. Translated from the original Dutch MS. by E. B. O'Callaghan. 410, half morocco. * Only a very few copies were issued in this form. Albany, 1856 970 VISSCHER MAP. VISSCHER (N. J.) Novi Belgii Novaeque Angliee nee non partis Virginiae Tabula multis in locis emendata a Nicola Joan n is Visschero. ( With view of Nieuw Amsterdam op't Eylant Man- hattans. Engraved on copper, 2iJ/% by 18^ inches, side margins neatly repaired, mounted on linen and folded in cloth cover (STIKEMAN). Amsterdam, 1655 971 VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS of the Assembly of the State of New York; at the First Meeting of the Fourth Session, begun and holden at Poughkeepsie, in Dutchess County, on Thursday, Sep- tember 7th, 1780. Folio, cloth. Albany: Reprinted, 1859 * A fine and clear impression of the rare first edition of Visscher's map of New Neth- erland, with the SECOND ENGRAVED VIEW OF NEW AMSTERDAM. The date of its publication was certainly before 1656, as a copy of the map accompanies a report of the Directors of the West India Company made to the States General on the 28th of January of that year. This is the map that William Loring Andrews was unable to find for reproduction in his book New Amsterdam, New Orange, New York (1897), and concerning which he says: " The map of Nicolas J. Visscher, according to Asher, is of the greatest rarity; only two copies were known to him, one of which was in the Royal Library at the Hague." See Mr. Andrew's book, pp. 34-36, and Addenda B, C, D, E. Xfbrars of Tixailberforce Barnes 117 NEW YORK STATE Continued. 972 WOOLEY (CHARLES). Two Years' Journal in New York, and part of the Territories in America. Introduction and copious Notes by E. B. O'Callaghan. 8vo, cloth. (Gowans* Bibliotheca Americana.) New York, 1860 973 YATES (J. V.^N.) AND MOULTON (J. W.) History of* the State of New York, including its Aboriginal and Colonial Annals. Vol. i, in two parts (all published). With view of New Amsterdam circa 1635. 2 vols. 8vo, original boards, uncut. (Wanting the map of the Hudson, which, however, was issued in but few copies.) New York: A. T. Goodrich, 1824-26 mew 974 ACT (AN) to regulate the Ferry between the City of New-York and the Island of Nassau, and to establish the Ferriage thereof. (New York: William Bradford, 1732. Folio, 4 pp. * Facsimile reprint, from the unique original, of the Act relating to the Ferry between New York and Brooklyn, when Long Island was called the Island of Nassau. 975 DURAND (E. D.) The Finances of New York City. Crown 8vo, cloth. New York, 1898 976 DUTCH REFORMED CHURCH. The | Psalms j of | David, | with | The Ten Commandments, | Creed, Lord's Prayer, &c. | In Metre. | Also, | The Catechism, Confession of Faith, | Liturgy, &c. | Translated from the Dutch. | For the Use of the Reformed Protestant Dutch | Church of the City of New- York. 8vo, old calf. New- York: | Printed by James Parker, at the New Printing- Office in Heaver- Street, 1767. * Prepared by Francis Hopkinson. The type for the music notes was obtained from. Daniel Crommelin of Amsterdam. The prefatory note is signed by Joannes Ritzema, and states that by reason of the decline of the Dutch language in New York it was found necessary to adopt English for the church services. 977 GOODRICH (ANDREW T.) The Picture of New-York, and Stranger's Guide to the Commercial Metropolis of the United States. Plates. i6mo, boards, uncut, pp. viii, 492. New York: A. T. Goodrich [1828] * An unusually fine copy of the best edition, with the original paper label dated 1829. The views and maps are as follows: (i) Exchange, opposite title; (2) City Hall, at p. 182; (3) View in Broadway near Grace Church, at p. 216; (4) Fulton Market, at p. 244; (5) U. S. Branch Bank, at p. 250; (6) South St. near Dover St., at p. 268: (7) Alms House, at p. 303; (8) Park Theatre, at p. 376; (9) State Prison, at p. 442; (10) Coffee House Slip, at p. 452; (i i) Plan of the City of New York and of the Island, folded, at p. 456; (12) Map of New York and Adjacent Country, at p. 462. n8 %ibrat of Milbertorce Barnes NEW YORR CITY Continued. 978 GRATACAP (L. P.) Geology of the City of New York (Greater New York). Numerous illustrations. 8vo, paper. A L. S. of author laid in. New York, 1901 979 KING (MOSES). Handbook of New York City. An Outline His- tory and description. Over 800 illustrations. *Thick post 8vo, cloth. [Boston, 1892] 980 MAP of the Original Grants of village lots from the Dutch West India Company to the Inhabitants of New-Amsterdam (now New York) lying below the present line of Wall Street. Grants commencing A. D. 1642. Located from historical and legal records, by Henry D. Tyler. Size, 20^ by 16^ inches, folded, colored. New York, 1897 981 MOORE (GEORGE H.) Collegium Regale Novi Eboraci. The Origin and Early History of Columbia College. 8vo, paper. New York, 1890 982 NEW YORK CITY DURING THE REVOLUTION. A Col- lection of Original Papers, now first published from the manuscripts in the Mercantile Library, N. Y. City. Plan of New York, 1676. 4to, cloth. Privately Printed for the Association, 1861 * Col. Marinus Willett's narrative of the seizure of arms from the British after the Battle of Lexington, the Stamp Act Riot, New York Loyalists of 1776, Sir Henry Clinton's reasons for not attacking Washington at King's Bridge, 1781, etc. 983 RIIS (JACOB A.) The Children of the Poor. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. (Relating to New York City.) New York, 1892 84 How the Other Half Lives. Studies among the Tenements of New York. Numerous illustrations. Crown 8vo, half cloth. New York, 1890 985 RIKER (JAMES). Harlem (City of New York): its Origin and Early Annals. Prefaced by Home Scenes in the Fatherlands; or, Notices of its founders before emigration. Also, Sketches of numerous Families, and the recovered history of the Land-Titles. With illustrations and maps. 8vo, cloth. New 'York, 1881 * Fine copy, with original prospectus of 1879 laid in. 986 SCRAP BOOKS, containing nearly 400 Views and Maps, illustrat- ing old historic buildings, and other places of interest, mainly from Valentine's Manuals, with descriptive text, but including among the additions from other sources, a map of New York and its environs from Sandy Hook to Kingsbridge, with the defences by Land and Sea, engraved by Lodge, 1781; New York Illustrated, 52 pp., circa 1870; Parton's How New York City is Governed, 48 pp., Boston, 1866; etc. 4 vols. 410, half roan. of TKntlberforce Barnes 119 NEW YORK CITY Continued. 987 SHEA (JOHN G.) Dongan's Charter of the City of New York. 8vo, pp. 10, sewed. New York, 1891 988 VALENTINE (DAVID T.) History of the City of New York. Illustrated with reproductions of old maps, views, etc. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1853 989 WILSON (JAMES GRANT Editor). The Memorial History of the City of New York, from its First Settlement to the year 1892. Hundreds of illustrations, consisting of rare portraits and autographs, reproductions of early views, facsimiles, etc. 4 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1892-93 990 WYNNE (JAMES). Private Libraries of New York. Royal 8vo, half green morocco. New York, 1860 * LARGE PAPER COPY, with portraits and clippings laid in. 991 BOSS (HENRY R.) Early Newspapers in Illinois: read before the Franklin Society of the City of Chicago, Jan. 20, 1870. 410, paper, pp. 48. Chicago, 1870 * Franklin Society Publications, No. 2. Rare. 992 BUCKINGHAM (JOSEPH T.) Personal Memoirs and Recollec- tions of editorial life. Portrait. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. Boston, 1852 993 - Specimens of Newspaper Literature: with Personal Memoirs, Anecdotes, and Reminiscences. 2 portraits. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. * With autograph letter of the author inserted. Boston, 1850 994 GODDARD (D. A.) Newspapers and Newspaper Writers in New England, 1787-1815. 8vo, paper. Boston, 1880 995 GRIFFIN (JOSEPH). History of the Press of Maine. 2 por- traits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 284. Brunswick, 1872 * Pages 215-272 contain a Bibliography of Maine. 996 HUDSON (FREDERIC). Journalism in the United States, from 1690 to 1872. Facsimiles and clippings inserted. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1873 OLibran? of Milberforce* JEames NEWSPAPERS Continued. 997 KING (WILLIAM L.) The Newspaper Press of Charleston, S. C. A Chronological and Biographical History, embracing a period of One Hundred and Forty Years. i2mo, cloth, pp. xi, 192. Charleston, S. C., 1872 * Rare. Presentation copy to Henry Clay Lukens, with newspaper clippings about him inserted. 998 MAVERICK (AUGUSTUS). Henry J. Raymond and the New York Press, for thirty years. Progress of American Journalism from 184010 1870. Portrait and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Hartford, 1870 999 NORTH (S. N. D.) History and Present Condition of the News- paper and Periodical Press of the United States, with a Catalogue of the publications of the Census Year. Maps and facsimiles. 410, paper, pp. 446. (Census Office.) Washington^ 1884 * Pages 359-426 contain a Chronological History of the newspaper press of the United States, giving the name and date of establishments of every newspaper from 1704 to 1880. 1000 PERRIN (WILLIAM H.) The Pioneer Press of Kentucky, from the printing of the first paper west of the Alleghanies, August u, 1787, to the establishment of the daily press in 1830. Fac- similes. 410, paper, uncut, pp. 93. [Louisville, Ky.]: The Filson Club, 1888 * Filson Club Publications, No. 3. jooi WARNER (CHARLES DUDLEY). The American News- paper: an Essay, read before the Social Science Association, Sept. 6, 1881. 24010, cloth, pp. 69. Boston, 1881 1002 NIAGARA. PORTER (PETER A.) Goat Island. (Description of the Island and of the Falls, with historical notices and numerous illustrations.} 8vo, cloth. Presentation copy from the author. * Only 30 copies were printed of this edition, n. p. : Privately Printed^ 1900 PORTER (P. A.) Guide to Niagara, the Falls, River and Frontier. Profusely illustrated. i6mo, cloth. [Buffalo, 1901] of TlflUlberforce JEames 121 IRorse Discovery of Hmerica, 1004 ANDERSON (RASMUS B.) America not Discovered by Co- lumbus. An historical Sketch of the Discovery of America by the Norsemen in the xoth Century; with a Bibliography, by P. B. Watson, of the Pre-Columbian Discoveries of America. Post 8vo, cloth. Chicago, 1883 1005 BEAMISH (N. L.) The Discovery of America by the Northmen in the loth Century, with Notices of the Early Settlements of the Irish in the Western Hemisphere. Map of Vinland, chart of the Dis- coveries of the Northmen and view of the Dighton Rock inscription. 8vo, half cloth. London, 1841 1006 DE COSTA (B. F.) The Northmen in Maine . . . and a chapter on the Discovery of Massachusetts Bay. 8vo, boards, uncut. Albany, 1870 1007 DIGHTON ROCK INSCRIPTION. Account of an Inscribed Rock at Dighton, with copy of the Inscription, by James Winthrop; Attempt to explain the Inscription on the Dighton Rock, by Hon. John Davis; Account of the Writing-rock in Taunton River, by E. A. Kendal. 3 articles from the Memoirs of the American Academy. 4to, paper. Cambridge, 1804-09 1008 FISCHER (JOSEPH). The Discoveries of the Norsemen in America, with special relation to their Early Cartographical Repre- sentation. Reproductions of early maps. Translated by B. H. Soulsby. 8vo, cloth. London, 1903 'Contains reproduction of a portion of the recently discovered World Map of Martin Waldseemuller of 1507. 1009 HORSFORD (EBEN N.) Watertown: the site of the Ancient City of Norumbega. Remarks at the Second Anniversary of the Watertown Historical Society, Nov. 18, 1890. 4to, paper, with 2 large maps. n. p., n. d. 1010 MACLEAN (J. P.) A Critical Examination of the Evidences adduced to establish the Theory of the Norse Discovery of America. 8vo, cloth, pp. 55. Chicago, 1892 * No. 452 of only 500 copies printed. 122 OLibran? of TJdlilberforce JEames NORSE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA Continued. ion [RAFN (C. C.)] Antiquitates Americanae, sive Scriptores Septen- trionales Rerum Ante-Columbianarum in America. Samling af de i Nordens Oldskrifter . . . fra det 10 de til det 14 de aarhundrede. With 1 8 plates and facsimiles of the ancient codices. 410, paper, pp. 40-1-486. Hafniae, 1837 * One of the few copies issued on Large and Thick Paper. This valuable volume contains the original texts from the Icelandic manuscripts, with Latin translations, commencing with the Saga of Eric the Red, written probably in the I2th Century, and other important documents. 1012 TORFASON (THORMOD). The History of Ancient Vinland, translated from the Latin of 1705 by Prof. C. G. Hebermann. In- troduction by J. G. Shea. 8vo, paper, pp. 83. New York, 1891 * Only 100 copies printed. 1013 NORTH CAROLINA. FOOTE (W. H.) Sketches of North Caro- lina, Historical and Biographical, illustrative of the Principles of a portion of her Early Settlers. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1846 1014 HAWKS (FRANCIS L.) History of North Carolina. Maps and illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Fayetteville, N. C., 1857-58 * Vol. I., from the first voyage to the Colony in 1584, to the last in 1591; Vol II. r the period of the proprietary government, 1663 to 1729. 1015 JONES (J. SEAWELL). A Defence of the Revolutionary History of the State of North Carolina from the aspersions of Mr. Jefferson. Post 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1834 1016 LAWSON (JOHN). The History of North Carolina, containing the exact description of that country. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1714: Raleigh, Reprinted, 1860 1017 WHEELER (JOHN H.) Historical Sketches of North Carolina from 1584 to 1851. Compiled from Original Records, Official Documents, etc. 2 frontispieces. 2 vols. in i. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1851 1018 WILLIAMSON (HUGH). The History of North Carolina. Map. 2 vols. 8vo, original calf. (Back cover of Vol. i cracked at the joint, otherwise a fine copy.) Philadelphia, 181* 1019 NOVA SCOTIA. AKINS (T. B. Editor}. Selections from the Public Documents of the Province of Nova Scotia. 8vo, cloth. Halifax, 1869 of 'Cdilbcrforce ]Eames 123 1020 NOVA SCOTIA. CASGRAIN (ABB H. R.) Un Pelerinage au Pays d'Evangeline. Map, 8vo, half calf. Quebec, 1888 * A considerable portion is devoted to the history of the Acadians. 1021 - NOVA SCOTIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Report and Collections, Vols. i to 6, and Vol. 8. 8vo, boards. (7 vols. ) Halifax, 1879-1888, and 1895 * Vol. 8 is entirely devoted to a History of Halifax City ; the other volumes con- tain many valuable historical articles on the Expulsion of the Acadians, the Siege of Louisbourg, etc. bio, 1022 BALDWIN (C. C.) Early Maps of Ohio and the West. 8vo, paper. Cleveland, 1875 1023 - Another copy, with different cover. 1024 THOMSON (PETER G.) A Bibliography of the State of Ohio, being a Catalogue of the Books and Pamphlets relating to the His- tory of the State, and a complete Index of subjects. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Cincinnati, 188 1025 VENABLE (W. H.) Beginnings of Literary Culture in the Ohio Valley. Historical and Biographical Sketches. 8vo, cloth. Cincinnati, 1891 1026 EELIS (MYRON). A Reply to Professor Bourne's "The Whitman Legend." Post 8vo, paper, pp. 123. Walla Walla, Washington, 1902 1027 LEE (D.) AND FROST (J. H.) Ten Years in Oregon. Map of the Columbia River. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1844 * The appendix contains vocabularies of the Killemook, Checalish, and Clatsop dialects. 1028 NIXON (OLIVER W.) How Marcus Whitman saved Oregon .... with sketches of Life on the Plains and Mountains in Pioneer Days. Introduction by Dr. F. W. Gunsaulus. Illustrated. Post 8vo, cloth. Chicago, 1896 1029 PALMER (JOEL). Journal of Travels over the Rocky Mountains to the mouth of the Columbia River, made during the years 1845- 1846. Post 8vo, original paper cover, pp. 189. Cincinnati, 1847 * With short vocabularies of Chinook Jargon, and Nez Perce. 124 Slibrars of Milberforce Barnes Continued. 1030 PARKER (REV. SAMUEL). Journal of an Exploring Tour beyond the Rocky Mountains under the direction of the A. B. C. - F. M., performed in the years 1835-1837, containing a description of the Geography, Geology, Climate, and Productions: and the Number, Manners, and Customs of the Natives. FIRST EDITION. Large map, showing the locations of the various tribes, and one plate. Post 8vo, cloth, pp. 371. Fine copy. Ithaca: Published by the Author, 1838 * Contains short vocabularies of the Nez Perce, Klicatat, Calapooa, and Chinook languages. 1031 - Second edition of the same, enlarged. Cloth, pp. 400. Map. (Name on title.) Ithaca, 1840 1032 - Third edition of the same, enlarged. Cloth, pp. 408, map. (Name on title.) Ithaca, 1842 10 33 - Fourth edition of the same, enlarged. Post 8vo, half calf, pp. 416, map. Ithaca, 1844 1034 - Fifth edition of the same, enlarged. Cloth, pp. 422, map (a few leaves foxed). Auburn, 1846 1035 /""\VIEDO. Historia Generaly Natural de las Indias, Islas y Tierra- \^J Firme del Mar Oceano. Por El Capitan Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo y Valdes. Publicata La Real Academia de la Historia cotejada con el Codice Original, Enriquecida con las Enmiendas y Adiciones del autor, e ilustrada con la Vida y el Juicio de las Obras del mismo, por D. Jose Amador de los Rios. 4 vols. folio, full Spanish calf. Madrid, 1851-55 *The most complete edition of Oviedo published, over one-third of the original manuscript being here printed for the first time. 1036 r^ATTERSON (GEORGE). The Portuguese on the North- East Coast of America, and the first European attempt at Colonization there. A lost chapter in American History. Facsimiles of old maps, and MS. note by the author. 410, paper. (Ottawa? 1890) 1037 PAYNE (EDWARD JOHN). History of the New World called America. Vol. I. Post 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1892 OLibrarp of Milberforce Barnes 125 Pennsylvania. 1038 ACRELIUS (ISRAEL). A History of New Sweden; or, The Settlements on the River Delaware. Translated, with Introduction and Notes, by W. M. Reynolds. Portrait, map and view. 8vo, cloth. (Published by the Penn. Hist. Society.) Philadelphia, 1874 1039 BUDD (THOMAS). Good Order established in Pennsylvania and New Jersey in America. With copious Historical Notes and Introduction by E. Armstrong. 8vo, cloth (Gowans' Bibliotheca Americana). New York, 1865 1040 CAMPANIUS HOLM (THOMAS). A Short Description of the Province of New Sweden, now called, by the English, Pennsyl- vania, in America. Compiled from the Relations and Writings of persons worthy of credit and adorned with maps and plates. Trans- lated from the Swedish, with notes, by Peter S. Du Ponceau, LL. D. Maps and plates. 8vo, boards, uncut. [Philadelphia, 1834] *Thisis " Memoirs of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania," Vol. III., Part I. In the same volume is Wood's " History of the University of Pennsylvania," and " Inedited Letters of William Penn." 1041 DAY (SHERMAN). Historical Collections of the State of Penn- sylvania . . . the most interesting Facts, Traditions, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, etc., relating to its History and Antiquities. illustrations. 8vo, calf. Philadelphia [1843] 1042 DELAWARE COUNTY. History of Delaware County, from the Discovery of the Territory ... to the Present Time. By George Smith. Maps, views and facsimile. 8vo, cloth Philadelphia, 1862 1043 DIFFENDERFFER (FRANK R.) The German Exodus to England in 1709. (Massen-auswanderung der Pfalzer.) Portraits, maps and facsimiles of title-pages. 8vo, cloth. Lancaster, 1897 *One of only one hundred copies printed. Forms Part II. of the " Narrative and Critical History of Pennsylvania." Parts I. and III. are entered, respectively, under SACHSE (J. F.), and JACOBS (H. E.) 1044 FALCKNER (J.) The Missive of Justus Falckner, of German- town, concerning the Religious Condition of Pennsylvania in the year 1701. Translated by J. F. Sachse. 8vo, paper. Philadelphia, 1897 i26 OLibrars ot MUbertorce Barnes PENNSYLVANIA Continued. 1045 FISHER (SYDNEY G.) Pennsylvania, Colony and Common- wealth. Map. i2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1897 1046 FRAME (RICHARD). A Short Description of Pennsylvania. Reprinted from the supposed unique copy in the Philadelphia Library. 4to, unbound, uncut. [Philadelphia] : Oakwood Press, 1867 *No. 7 of one hundred and eighteen copies printed. The original was "Printed and Sold by William Bradford, in Philadelphia, 1692." Presentation copy to Mr. Pennington from the editor, S. J. Hamilton. 1047 GERMANTOWN. Die Erste Deutsche Einwanderung in Ame- rika und die Grundung von Germantown im Janre 1683. Von Os- wald Seidenstucker. 8vo, cloth, pp. 94. Philadelphia, 1883 1048 [GIBBONS (MRS. PHEBE EARLE).] " Pennsylvania Dutch," and other Essays, izmo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1872 * The account of Ephrata fills pp. 139-177. 1049 HAYS (I. MINIS). A Note on William Penn's Commission for the Government of Pennsylvania during his first visit to England in 1684. Folio, paper, with facsimile of the original commission. Philadelphia, 1899 1050 HAZARD (SAMUEL). Annals of Pennsylvania from the Dis- covery of the Delaware, 1609-1682. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1850 1051 HISTORICAL MAP of Pennsylvania, showing the Indian Names, of Streams, Villages, and paths of Travel: the sites of Old Forts and Battlefields; the Successive purchases from the Indians, etc. (With letterpress description.) Edited by P. W. Sheafer, and others. 8vo, cloth wrappers. (Issued by the Penn. Hist. Society.) Philadelphia, 1875 1052 JACOBS (HENRY E.) The German Emigration to America, 1709-1740. Portraits^ facsimiles of title-pages, etc. 8vo, sheets, un- cut. Lancaster, 1898 * One of one hundred copies printed. Forms Part III. of the " Narrative and Critical History of Pennsylvania," of which Parts I. and II. are entered respectively under SACHSE (J. F) and DIFFENDERFFER (F. R.). 1053 JUNIATA VALLEY. History of the Early Settlements of the Juniata Valley, embracing an Account of the Early Pioneers, Incur- sions of the Indians, etc. By U. J. Jones. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1856 Xibrarg of Mitberforce Barnes 127 PENNSYLVANIA-CVw//*.^. 1054 LINN (J. BLAIR). Charter of William Penn, and Laws of the Province of Pennsylvania passed between the years 1682 and 1700; preceded by the Duke of York's Laws, etc. Facsimiles of the Char- ter and other illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Harrisburg, 1879 foss PASTORIUS (FRANZ DANIEL). Beschreibung von Penn- sylvanien. (Reprint of the original edition of 1700.) Mit einer einleitung von F. Kapp. i6mo, boards. Crefeld, 1884 1056 PENNSYLVANIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Bulletin. Vol. i, 1845-1847 (all published). 8vo, half roan, maps and plates. Philadelphia, 1848 * Scarce. Contains thirteen numbers of Proceedings, issued from March, 1845, to December, 1847, and includes reprints, with separate titles and pagination of Den- ton's New York (1670), 1845; The Journal of Isaac Senter, on a secret expedition against Quebec under command of Col. Benedict Arnold in 1775, 1846; Townsend's Some Account of the British Army under Gen. Howe and of the Battle of Brandy- wine, 1846; and Wm. B. Reed's Address, 1848. The volume contains also John Holme's True Relation of the Flourishing State of Pennsylvania, and several Indian vocabularies. 10 57 - Collections, Vol. i (all published). 8vo, half morocco (name on first leaf), pp. 426. Philadelphia 1853 * Scarce. Contains the Journal of Conrad Weiser, Minutes of the Proceedings of the Officers of the Pennsylvania Regiment from 1764 to 1774, Extracts from Dr. Muh- lenberg's Journals of 1776 and 1777, Buck's History of Mooreland, Loxley's Journal of the campaign to Amboy in 1776, Journal of Lieut. William Feltman at the siege of Yorktown and in the Southern Campaign, etc., etc., etc. 1058 PERRY (WILLIAM STEVENS Editor). Papers relating to the History of the Church in Pennsylvania, A. D. 1680-1778. 410, cloth. [New York] 1871 * Only 250 copies privately printed for subscribers. 1059 PHILADELPHIA. History of Philadelphia, 1609-1884. By J. T. Scharf and Thompson Westcott. Profusely illustrated with reproduc- tions of rare views and portraits, maps, etc. 3 vols. 410, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1884 10 60 The Street Railway System of Philadelphia: its History and Present Condition. By F. W. Speirs. 8vo, paper, pp. 123. (Johns Hopkins Studies.) Baltimore, 1897 128 Xibrars of Milberforce Barnes PENNSYLVANIA Continued. 1061 ROSENGARTEN (J. G.) American History from German Archives, with reference to the German Soldiers in the Revolution and Franklin's Visit to Germany. Portraits and facsimiles. 8vo, cloth, uncut, gilt top. Lancaster, 1904 * Forms Part XIII. of the " Narrative and Critical History of Pennsylvania," now in course of publication by the Pennsylvania-German Society. 1062 SACHSE (JULIUS F.) The Fatherland: ^450-1700) showing the part it bore in the discovery, exploration and development of the Western Continent, with special reference to the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1897 * Part I. of a " Narrative and Critical History of Pennsylvania," prepared at the request of the Pennsylvania-German Society. Besides the numerous portraits and facsimiles, there are reproductions of all the title-pages of books printed before 1704 relating in any way to Pennsylvania. Several letters from the author are laid in. 1063 The German Sectarians of Pennsylvania, 1708-1800. A Criti- cal and Legendary History of the Ephrata Cloister and the Dunkers. Illustrated with facsimiles, portraits, etc. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1899-1900 * Contains much bibliographical information concerning the early imprints of Penn- sylvania. 1064 SHEPHERD (WILLIAM R.) History of Proprietary Govern- ment in Pennsylvania. 8vo, paper, pp. 601. (Columbia University Studies.) New York, 1896 1065 SMITH (WILLIAM). A Brief State of the Province of Pennsyl- vania. [London, 1755.] 8vo, paper. * New York: Reprinted for J '. Sabin, 1865 1066 SMYTH (ALBERT H.) The Philadelphia Magazines and their Contributors, 1741-1850. i2mo, cloth, pp. 264. Philadelphia, 1892 1067 THOMAS (GABRIEL). An Historical and Geographical Ac- count of the Province and Country of Pensilvania and of West-New- Jersey in America. With map of both countries. London, 1698. Litho- graph facsimile issued for H. A. Brady. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1848 1068 THORPE (FRANCIS N.) Benjamin Franklin and the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania. 8vo, paper, pp. 450, and plates. Washington, 1893 1069 WYOMING. History of Wyoming, in a Series of Letters from Charles Miner to his son, William Penn Miner. Maps. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1845 Xfbrars of TKHilberforce Eames 129 1070 PERKINS (JAMES H.) Annals of the West, embracing a con- cise Account of the Principal Events which have occurred in the Western States and Territories from the Discovery of the Missis- sippi Valley to 1845. Maps. 8vo, full calf, gilt. Cincinnati, 1846 1071 PERU. MARKHAM (CLEMENTS R.) Cuzco: a Journey to the Ancient Capital of Peru. . . . and Lima: a Visit to the Capital and Provinces of Modern Peru. Map and illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1856 1072 MARKHAM (CLEMENTS R.) A History of Peru. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. (Latin- American Republics Series.) Chicago, 1892 10 73 PRESCOTT (W. H.) History of the Conquest of Peru. New edition, with the author's last corrections. Edited by J. F. Kirk. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth.. Philadelphia, 1874 1074 SQUIER (E. G.) Peru. Incidents of Travel and Exploration in the Land of the Incas. Map and numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1877 1075 POLITICAL. Champernowne's The Boss, 1894. Patton's Politi- cal Parties in the United States, 1896. Taussig's Tariff History of the United States, 1888. Bannatyne's Handbook of Republican Institutions, 1887; and others similar. (9 vols.) 1076 POPE (JOHN). A Tour through the Southern and Western Terri- tories of the United States . . . the Spanish Dominions . . . the Floridas, the Countries of the Creek Nation, and many uninhabited parts Richmond, 1792. Post 8vo, cloth. New York: Reprinted, 1888 1077 PORTLOCK (CAPT. NATHANIEL). A Voyage Round the World, but more particularly to the North-West Coast of America, in 1785-88, in the King George and Queen Charlotte, Captains Portlock and Dixon. 20 copper-plates (including colored plates of birds], 410, old marbled calf, gilt edges. London, 1789 1078 PRESBYTERIANS. BRIGGS (CHARLES A.) American Presby- terianism, its origin and early history, together with an appendix of letters and documents, many of which have recently been discovered. Maps. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1885 1079 DRYSDALE (REV. A. H.) History of the Presbyterians in Eng- land : their rise,decline,and revival. 8vo,cloth,pp.xi,644. London, 1889 * Relates partly to America. i3 Xibrarp ot Wilberforce Barnes 1080 PRESBYTERIANS. MURPHY (THOMAS). The Presbytery of the Log College; or, The Cradle of the Presbyterian Church in America. Map and portraits. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 526. Philadelphia, 1889 1081 NEVIN (ALFRED Editor]. Encyclopaedia of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, including the Northern and Southern Assemblies. Numerous portraits. Thick royal 8vo, half morocco (joints broken). Boston, 1888 * Centennial Edition, containing the colored " Historic Decorations" of the Pan- Presbyterian Council of 1880. prince Society publications. 1082 ADAMS (CHARLES FRANCIS). Antonimianism in the Col- ony of Massachusetts Bay, 1636-1638, including the Short Story and other Documents. Small 410, paper (back loose). Boston, 1894 * Only 250 copies printed. 1083 ALEXANDER (SIR WILLIAM). Sir William Alexander and American Colonization; including three Royal Charters; a Tract on Colonization; a Patent of the County of Canada; and of Long Island; and the Roll of the Knights Baronets of New Scotland, with annotations. Memoir by E. F. Slafter. Portrait and facsimile map. Small 410, paper. Boston, 1873 * Only 1 60 copies printed. 1084 ANDRUS (SIR EDMUND). The Andros Tracts: being a collec- tion of Pamphlets and Official Papers issued during the period be- tween the Overthrow of the Andros Government and the Establish- ment of the Second Charter of Massachusetts. Reprinted from the original editions and manuscripts. With Notes and Memoir of Sir Edmund Andros by W. H. Whitmore. Portrait of Andros, and j of Increase Mather. 3 vols. small 4to, paper. Boston, 1868, 1869, 1874 * No. 119 of only 150 copies printed. 1085 BEAMISH (NORTH LUDLOW). Voyages of the Northmen to America, including extracts from the Icelandic Sagas relating to. . . the voyages, with translations, a Synopsis of the Historical Evidence, and the Opinions of Professor Rafn as to the places vis- ited by the Scandinavians. Edited with Introduction by E. F. Slafter. Map of Vinland. Small 4to, paper. Boston, 1877 * Only 210 copies printed. Xibrarp of Wflberforce Earnes 131 PRINCE SOCIETY 1086 CHAMPLAIN (SAMUEL DE). Voyages de Samuel de Cham- plain. Translated from the French by C. P. Otis. With Historical Illustrations and a Memoir by E. F. Slafter. With facsimiles 0/35 maps, etc. 3 vols. small 4to, paper (Vol. i a little loose in the wrap- pers). Boston, 1880 * Only 250 copies printed. 1087 CHECKLEY (JOHN). The Evolution of Religious Tolerance in Massachusetts Bay, including John Checkley's Controversial Writ- ings, Letters and other Papers, his Presentment for Libel, Speech, and John Read's Plea in arrest of Judgment and a Bibliography of the Controversy on Episcopacy. With historical illustrations and Memoir by E. F. Slafter. View and facsimile. 2 vols. small 410, paper. Boston, 1897 * Only 250 copies printed. 1088 DUNTON (JOHN). Letters written from New England, A. D. 1686. By John Dunton. In which are described his Voyages by Sea, his Travels on Land, and the Characters of his Friends and Acquaintances. Now first published from the original manuscript. With Notes and Appendix by W. H. Whitmore. Small 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, by BRADSTREETS. Boston, 1867 * No. 39 of 150 copies. 1089 GORGES (SIR FERDINANDO). Sir Ferdinando Gorges and his Province of Maine; including the Brief Relation, the Brief Nar- ration, his Defence, the Charter granted to him, his Will, and his Letters. With Memoir and Historical illustrations by J. P. Baxter. View's and map. 3 vols. small 4to, paper. Boston, 1890 * Only 250 copies printed. 1090 HUTCHINSON (THOMAS). A Collection of Original Papers relative to the History of the Colony of Massachusetts-Bay. (Edited, and compared with the original papers, and with Index.) 2 vols. small 4to, half morocco. Albany, 1865 * No. 53 of 150 copies. 1091 MASON (CAPT. JOHN). Capt. John Mason, the Founder of New Hampshire, including his tract on Newfoundland, 1620; the American Charters in which he was a grantee; with Letters and other Historical Documents. Memoir by C. W. Tuttle. Edited with Historical Illustrations by John Ward Dean. Small 410, paper. * Only 250 copies printed. Boston, 1887 i3 2 SLibrars of Mflberforce Barnes PRINCE SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS Continued. 1092 MORTON (THOMAS). New English Canaan or New Canaan. Containing an Abstract of New England . . . etc. Amsterdam, 1637. Reprinted, with Introductory matter and Notes, by Charles Francis Adams, Jr. Small 4to, paper. Boston, 1883 * Only 250 copies printed. 1093 A Few Observations on the Prince Society's edition of the New English Canaan. [By B. F. De Costa.] Small 4to, sewed. New York, 1883 1094 RADISSON (PETER ESPRIT). Voyages of Peter Esprit Radisson, being an account of his Travels and Experiences among the North America Indians from 1652 to 1684. Transcribed from original MSS., in the Bodleian Library and British Museum. With Historical Illustrations and an Introduction by Gideon D. Scull. Small 4to, paper, pp. 385. Boston, 1885 1095 RALEIGH (SIR WALTER). Sir Walter Raleigh and his Col- ony in America; including the Charter of Queen Elizabeth in his Favor, 1584; with Letters, Discourses, and Narratives of the Voy- ages made to America at his charges, and Descriptions of the Coun- try, Commodities, and Inhabitants. With Historical Illustrations and a Memoir by Rev. I. N. Tarbox. 2 portraits of Raleigh. Small 4to, paper. Boston, 1884 * Only 250 copies printed. 1096 WHEELWRIGHT (JOHN), His Writings, including his Fast- Day Sermon, 1637; His Mercurious Americanus, 1645; with a paper upon the Genuineness of the Indian Deed of 1629; and a Memoir by C. H. Bell. Facsimiles. Small 410, paper. Boston, 1876 1097 WOOD (WILLIAM). New Englands Prospect. A true, lively, and experimentall description of that part of America called New England. London, 1634. Facsimile of the original map. Small 410, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. (Facsimile reprint, edited by Charles Deane.) Boston, 1865 * No. 114 of only 150 copies. Xfbrarg of TKIlilberforce Barnes 133 Protestant Episcopal Cburcb. 1098 ANDERSON (J. S. M.) The History of the Church of England in the Colonies and Foreign Dependencies of the British Empire. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1845-56 1099 BEARDSLEY (E. EDWARDS). Life and Correspondence of the Rt. Rev. Samuel Seabury, First Bishop of Connecticut. Por- trait, etc. Post 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1881 1 100 PERRY (REV. WM. STEVENS). Facsimiles of Church Docu- ments: Papers issued by the Historical Club of the American Church. 1784-79. 8vo, plate and facsimiles , half morocco, gilt top. Privately printed, n. p., 1879 noi PERRY (BP. W. STEVENS). The History of the American Episcopal Church, 1587-1883. 2 vols. imp. 8vo, half calf. * See also under DELAWARE and PENNSYLVANIA. Boston, 1885 1 102 PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections for the years 1851-52-53. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1851-53 * Contains Keith's Letters and Journals, List of Persons licensed to the Plantations, Blair's Mission to North Carolina 1703, Life of the Rev. Jacob Bailey, the Frontier Missionary, etc. 1103 [SEABURY (SAMUEL).] A Catechism; or, the Principles of the Christian Religion, explained in a familiar and easy manner, adapted to the lowest capacities. By the late Bp. Innes, Buchin Diocese, Aberdeen. i2mo, half red roan, pp. 59. New Haven: T. 6 S. Green, 1791 * Very rare. Bishop Seabury's prefatory "Advertisement" is dated from New London, Feb. I2th, 1791. 1104 WHITE (WILLIAM). Memoirs of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, from its organization up to the present day. Second Edition. 8vo, half calf, gilt back. New York, 1836 * With bookplate and MS. pencil-notes of Bishop William Stevens Perry, D. D. A frontispiece view is inserted, and at the end are bound a selection of the facsimiles of American Church Documents, edited by Bishop Perry and privately printed in 1879. 134 Xibrars ot Milbertorce Barnes 1105 PURITANS. BYINGTON (EZRA H.) The Puritan in England and New England. With an introduction by Alex. McKenzie. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1896 1106 CAMPBELL (DOUGLAS). The Puritan in Holland, England and America. An Introduction to American History. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1892 1107 HOPKINS (SAMUEL). The Puritans; or, the Church, Court, and Parliament of England, during the Reigns of Edward VI. and Queen Elizabeth. 3 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1859-61 1108 MARSDEN (J. B.) The History of the Early Puritans, from the Reformation to the Opening of the Civil War in 1642. 8vo, cloth. London, 1850 1109 MARSDEN (J. B. ) The History of the Later Puritans, from the Opening of the Civil War, in 1642, to the ejection of the non- conforming clergy in 1662. 8vo, cloth. London, 1852 mo /"VUAKERS. BOWDEN (JAMES). The History of the Society of \^y Friends in America. Illustrated with views of New Amsterdam in 1656, map of New England and New York in 1686, and other illus- trations and maps (9 in all). 2 vols. 8vo, sheep (one Vol. a little rubbed). London, 1850-54 in i CATALOGUE of the Books belonging to the Library of the Four Monthly Meetings of Friends of Philadelphia. i2mo, sheep, PP- 35- Philadelphia, 1853 * The largest collection of Quaker books in America, rich in early American im- prints. 1 1 12 CUNNINGHAM (JOHN). The Quakers, from their origin till the present time: an International History. i2mo, cloth, pp. xv., 335. Edinburgh, 1868 * Nearly one-third of the volume relates to America. 1113 EVANS (THOMAS). An Exposition of the Faith of the Religious Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers . . . principally selected from their early writings. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1828 * Selections are given from over one hundred and eighty writers. 1114 GOUGH (JOHN). A History of the People called Quakers, from their first Rise to the present Time. Compiled from authentic Records and from the Writings of that People. 4 vols. 8vo, calf. Dublin, 1790 Xibrarp of TKHtlberforce Barnes 135 1115 QUAKERS. SMITH (JOSEPH). Bibliotheca Anti-Quakeriana; or, a Catalogue of Books adverse to the Society of Friends, alphabetically arranged; with biographical notices of the authors, together with the answers which have been given to some of them by Friends and others. 8vo, cloth. London, 1873 1116 SMITH (JOSEPH). A Descriptive Catalogue of Friends' Books, or books written by members of the Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers, from their first rise to the present time, interspersed with critical remarks, and occasional biographical notices. 2 thick vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1867 1117 - - WHITING (JOHN). A Catalogue of Friends' Books; written by many of the People, called Quakers, from the beginning or first appearance of the said people. Collected for a General Service by J. W. 8vo, old paneled calf, pp. 238. London, 1708 * With bookplate of Thomas Maitland, Dundrennan. 1118 AMUSIO. Navigation! et Viaggi raccolto gia da M. Gio. Battista Ramusio, & con molti & vaghi discorsi, da lui in molti luoghi dichiarato & illustrate. Nel quale si conten- gono la Descrittione dell' Africa, et del paese del Prete lanni, con varij viaggi, dalla Citta di Lisbona, et dal Mar Rosso insino h Cali- cut, et all' isole Molucche, done nascono le Spetierie, et la Naviga- tione attorno il Mondo. j vols. folio, Vols. i, 2 in pigskin, Vol. j in boards. Maps and woodcuts. (Back of Vol. 3 wanting.) Venice, 1563-1606 * A perfect set, comprising the best and most complete editions of each volume, namely, the third edition of Vol. I, 1563; the third edition of Vol. 2, 1583; and the third edition of Vol. 3, 1606; each volume containing material not to be found in the earlier editions. The first volume contains, among others, the voyages of Cadamosto, Vasco da Gama, Amerigo Vespucci, Ludovico Barthema, Andrea Corsali, Francesco Alvarez, Odvardo Barbessa, Nicolo di Conti and Magellan; the second volume the voyages of Marco Polo, Josafa Barbaro, Ambrosio Contarini, Sigismund Herberstain, Caterino Zeno, Nicolo Zeno, Beato Odorico, and Sebastian Cabot; and the third vol- ume the voyages of Peter Martyr, Ferdinando de Oviedo, Fernando Cortez, Cabeca de Vaca, Francesco Vasquez di Coronado, Marco da Nizza, Francesco di Xerez, Fer- nando Pizarro, Giovanni da Verrazzano, Jacques Cartier, and many others. The three maps in the first volume represent Africa, India west of the Ganges, and India east of the Ganges; the seven maps in the third volume include Cuzco, New France, Brazil, Part of Africa, Ceylon, Plan of Hochelaga, and map of North and South America, besides woodcuts of Cuba and the City of Mexico. i3 6 OLibrars ot Wilberforce Barnes 1119 RAMUSIO. Navigation! et Viaggi. Another set, comprising the second edition of Vol. i, 1554; the first edition of Vol. 2, 1559; and the first edition of Vol. j, 1536. j vols. bound in 2 vols., half black morocco, folio. [As 2 vols.] Venice, 1554-1559 * The second and third volumes (bound together) are fine and perfect copies, with gilt edges, of the rare first editions, including all the voyages and maps relating to America. The first volume lacks the four preliminary leaves and two of the maps, Africa and Farther India, and a small piece torn off the corner of leaf 44. Hmerican Devolution, / 1 120 ANDRE (MAJOR). Vindication of the Captors of Major Andre, by Egbert Benson. [New York, 1817.] 8vo, paper. New York, Reprinted, 1865 1121 BLEEKER (L.) The Order Book of Capt. Leonard Bleeker, Major of Brigade in the early part of the Expedition under Gen. James Clinton, against the Indian Settlements of Western New York, in the Campaign of 1779. 4to, paper. New York, 1865 1 122 CARRINGTON (HENRY B.) Battles of the American Revo- lution, 1775-1781. Historical and Military Criticism, with topo- graphical illustrations. 41 plans. Thick small 410, cloth. New York, 1876 1123 CONNOLLY (JOHN). A Narrative of the Transactions, Im- prisonment, and Sufferings, of John Connolly, an American Loyal- ist, and Lieut. -Colonel in his Majesty's Service. [London, 1783.] 8vo, paper. New York, Reprinted, 1889 1124 DE COSTA (B. F.) Notes on the History of Fort George during the Colonial and Revolutionary Periods, with Contemporaneous Documents and an Appendix. Plan. 8vo, paper, pp. 78. New York, 1871 1125 FANNING (D.) The Narrative of Colonel David Fanning (a Tory in the Revolutionary War with Great Britain): giving an account of his adventures in North Carolina, from 1775 to 1783. 8vo, paper (blank piece of title and of three other leaves torn away). New York, 1865 1126 FISKE (JOHN). The American Revolution. Portrait of Wash- ington and plans. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. (First Edition of Vol. 2.) Boston, 1891 of TldUberforce Barnes 137 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION Continued. 1127 HEINRICHS (JOHANN). Extracts from the Letter-Book of Captain Johann Heinrichs, of the Hessian Jager Corps, 1778-1780. Translated by J. F. Sachse. 8vo, paper. Philadelphia, 1898 1128 LINCOLN (B.) Oriental Papers relating to the Siege of Charles- ton, 1780, Mostly selected from the papers of Gen. Benjamin Lin- coln, in the Emmet Collection, Lenox Library, and now first pub- lished. 8vo, paper. Charleston, 1898 1129 LINCOLN (CHARLES H.) The Revolutionary Movement in Pennsylvania, 1760-1776. 8vo, pp. 300, paper. Philadelphia, 1901 1130 MOORE (GEO. H.) Historical Notes on the Employment of Negroes in the American Army of the Revolution. 8vo, paper. New York, 1862 U3 1 John Dickinson, the Author of the Declaration on taking up Arms in 1775. With facsimile of the original draft. Royal 8vo, paper. New York, 1890 1132 The Treason of Charles Lee, Major General, second in Com- mand in the American Army of the Revolution. 2 portraits. 8vo, cloth. New Yord, 1860 * This is the famous " Plan " of General Lee submitted to the British, and brought to light by G. H. Moore. 1133 POPP (STEPHAN). Popp's Journal, 1777-1783, [edited] byJ.G. Rosengarten. Maps. 8vo, paper. Philadelphia, 1902 1134 PRAYER (A FORM OF) issued by Special Command of his Majesty George III, London, 1776, imploring Divine Assistance against the King's unhappy deluded subjects in America now in open rebellion against the Crown. Photographic facsimile from the unique copy in the collection of the American Philosophical Society. Reproduced by J. F. Sachse. Small 410, cloth. Philadelphia, 1898 *Only 1 50 printed, this being No. 52. 1135 ROSENGARTEN (J. G.) American History from German Archives. 8vo, paper, pp. 26. [Philadelphia, 1900] 1136 American History from German Archives. Folio, paper. Philadelphia, 1900 *With A. L. S. of author laid in. In the appendix are reprints of the very rare Lettre du Landgrave dt Hesse, by Franklin, and the Avis aux Hessois, by Mirabeau, from the original editions of 1777. 1137 A Defence of the Hessians. 8vo, paper. Philadelphia, 1899 138 Xibrars ot Milberforce Barnes THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION Continued. 1138 SABINE (LORENZO). Biographical Sketches of Loyalists of the American Revolution, with an Historical Essay. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1864 1139 SMITH (JUSTIN H.) Arnold's March from Cambridge to Quebec. A Critical Study. Together with a Reprint of Arnold's Journal. Maps and plans. Small 8vo, cloth. New York, 1903 1140 STEVENS (JOHN AUSTIN). The Expedition of Lafayette against Arnold. 8vo, paper. (Maryland Hist. Soc., Fund Publi- cation, No. 13.) Baltimore, 1878 1141 TREVELYAN (SIR GEORGE OTTO). The American Revo- lution. 2 parts in 3 vols. 8vo, cloth (as 3 vols.). London, 1899-1903 1142 WINSOR (JUSTIN). The Manuscript Sources of American His- tory. An Address. 4to, paper. New York, 1887 * One of fifty copies printed. 1143 The Reader's Handbook to the American Revolution, 1761- 1783. i2mo, cloth. Boston, 1880 1144 RHODE ISLAND. TOLMAN (W. H.) History of Higher Educa- tion in Rhode Island. 8vo, paper, pp. 210, plates. Washington, 1894 1145 RHODES (JAMES FORD). History of the United States from the Compromise of 1850. Maps. 4 vols. post 8vo, cloth (last vol. not uniform). New York, 1896-1900 1146 RICHARDSON (ALBERT D.) Beyond the Mississippi, from the Great River to the Great Ocean. Life and Adventure on the Prairies, Mountains, and Pacific Coast. Over 200 illustrations. 8vo, half morocco. Hartford [1867] 1147 ROBINSON (JOHN). The Works of John Robinson, Pastor of the Pilgrim Fathers. With a Memoir and Annotations by Robert Ashton. 3 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1851 1148 ROOSEVELT (THEODORE). The Winning of the West. FIRST EDITION. Maps. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1889 * Vols. i and 2, "From the Alleghanies to the Mississippi," 1769-83; Vol. 3, "The Founding of the Trans-Alleghany Commonwealth," 1784-90. Xtbrars of Milberforce Barnes 139 1149 O T. BRIS (THOMAS DE). Discovery of the origin of the ^^j Name of America. 8vo, paper, pp. 140. With map. New York, 1888 1 150 SEEMANN (BERTHOLD). Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. Herald during the years 1845-51, being a circumnavigation of the Globe, and three cruises to the Arctic Regions in search of Sir John Franklin. Map and two colored frontispieces. 2 vols. 8vo, sprinkled calf, gilt. London, 1853 * By the noted botanist. 1151 SHEA (JOHN G.) Pope-Day in America. 8vo, paper. New York, 1888 1152 SMITH (GOLDWIN.) The United States. An Outline of Politi- cal History, 1492-1871. Post 8vo> cloth. New York, 1893 1153 SOUTH CAROLINA. CARROLL (B. R.) Historical Collections of South Carolina, embracing many Rare and Valuable Documents relating to the History of that State, from its first discovery to the year 1776. Map. 2 vols. 8vo, sheep. New York, 1836 1154 Another copy of the same. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. NewYork,i836 1155 GIBBES (R. W.) Documentary History of the American Revolution, consisting of Letters and Papers relating to the Con- test for Liberty chiefly in South Carolina in 1781 and 1782. 8vo, cloth. Columbia, S. C., 1853 1156 MILLS (R.) Statistics of South Carolina, including a View of its Natural, Civil, and Military History, General and Particular. Map. Thick 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut, fine copy. Charleston, S. C., 1826 1157 WESTON (PLOWDEN C. J.) Documents connected with the History of South Carolina. Edited by P. C. J. VVeston. (Contains the Land Travels of Davyd Ingram, 1568-9, from the Sloane MS. ; Letter from James Glen to the Duke of Argyll, describing S. Caro- lina; Letters from Richard Cumberland to Roger Pinckney with regard to the Provost Marshalship of South Carolina, 1764-1775; De Brahm's Philosophico-Historico-Hydrogeography of S. Carolina, Georgia, and East Florida, circa 1770; Young's Brief Relation of a Voyage of Discovery from Virginia.) Small 410, half roan. London, 185/5 * Only 121 copies printed for Private Distribution. Presentation copy from the author to R. W. Bacot, and with note by the latter stating that the author is now (i 862) fighting the battles of his country in Kentucky. 140 Xibrarp ot Wilberforce Barnes 1158 SOUTHERN WRITERS. Biographical and Critical Studies, by W. M. Baskerville, of Joel Chandler Harris, G. W. Cable, Maurice Thompson, Sidney Lanier, and others. 8 parts in 6. i6mo, paper. (As 6 pieces.) Nashville, 1896-97 1159 Pioneers of Southern Literature. Sketches by S. A. Link of Paul Hamilton Hayne, Henry Timrod,W. G. Simms, Poe, South- ern Novelists, etc. 10 parts, 1 6mo, paper. (10 pieces.) Nashville, 1896 1160 SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. DAVIS (RICHARD HARDING). /The Cuban and Porto Rican Campaigns. FIRST EDITION. Illus- trated. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1898 1161 DEWEY (ADMIRAL), A Sketch, by John Barrett, illustrated, 1899; NEW YORK AND THE WAR; History of the Empire State Regi- ments, illustrated, 1903. 2 vols. 1162 Cannon and Camera, by J. C. Hemment, illustrated, 1898; Personal Narrative of the Maine, by Capt. C. D. Sigsbee, illustrated, 1899. 2 vols. 1163 New York Journal Extra Sheets, from Feb. 16 to June 10, 1898, containing narrative of events from the blowing up of the Maine to the Battle of Manila, and commencement of the bombard- ment of Santiago. (28 pieces, as a lot.) 1164 Our Navy in the War with Spain, by J. R. Spears, illustrated, 1898; The Spanish-American War described by Eye Witnesses, illustrated, 1899. 2 vols. 1165 STANWOOD (E.) A History of Presidential Elections. Second Edition, revised. Crown 8v^), cloth. Boston, 1888 1166 '"T^ENNESSEE. HAYWOOD (JOHN). The Natural and Aborigi- nal History of Tennessee, up to the First Settlement therein by the White People in the Year 1768. 8vo, pp. viii, 390 liv, original calf. Nashville: Printed by George Wilson, 1823 * A fine copy of one of the rarest State histories. 1167 THORPE (F. N.) A Constitutional History of the American People, 1776-1850. Maps. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1898 1168 THWAITES (R. G.) The Story of Mackinac. 8vo, paper. Madison, 1898 ot Wilberforce Eames 14 J 1169 TRADE INTERCOURSE WITH GREAT BRITAIN IN 1791. Report of a Committee of the Lords of the Privy Council on the Trade of Great Britain with the United States, Jan., 1791. Small 4to, half roan, pp. 79. Washington, 1888 * Printed from a manuscript in the handwriting of Mr. Remsen, Jr., found among the Jefferson papers. A note describes it as a report " made to the Privy Council, and handed to the King, a few copies of which were printed and called in again." 1170 TRUMBULL (J. H.) Sons of Liberty in 1755. 8vo, paper. n. p., 1876 * Separate issue, with author's autograph signature at end of article. 1171 I TNIVERSAL HISTORY. Ancient History from the Earliest ^^ Accounts of Time, with volume of "Additions," illustrated with about 70 old copper-plates and maps, 10 vols. , London, 1 736- 50; also the continuation, The Modern History, with volume of maps, in 17 vols., 1759-65. In all 27 vols. folio, full russia, gilt. Fine set. London, 1736-65 * The Stourhead Copy (from the Library of Sir Richard Hoare at Stourhead, Eng- land). The American portion occupies somewhat over one volume of the set, and among the maps is one of The British Dominions in North America, another general map of America, of Japan, the East Indies, with the Philippines, etc. The additions contain an extra number of 20 plates and maps. 1172 USSELINX (W.) Willem Usselinx, Founder of the Dutch and Swedish West India Companies. [His Life, with a Bibliography of his Writings.] By J. F. Jameson. 8vo, paper, pp. 234. New York, 1887 1173 UTAH. A Journey to Great-Salt-Lake City, by Jules Remy and Julius Brenchley, with a Sketch of the History, Religion, and Customs of the Mormons; and An Introduction on the Religious Movement in the United States, by Jules Remy. Map and illustra- tions. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1861 1174 STANSBURY (HOWARD). An Expedition to the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah: including a description of its Geography, Natural History, and Minerals, etc. ; with an Authentic Account of the Mormon Settlement. Maps and numerous plates. 2 vols. 8vo, half brown morocco, full gilt back, gilt top, uncut edges. London: Sampson Low, Son & Co., 1852 * A beautiful copy of the rare English issue, with the autograph of John Duk*e Coleridge, 1852, on the fly-leaf. The two large maps are mounted on muslin, and placed in a slip case. i4 2 Xibrarp of MUberforce Barnes 1175 7ENEZUELA. Documents relating to the Question of Bound- \ ary between Venezuela and British Guayana, submitted to the Boundary Commission by the Counsel of the Government of Venezuela, 3 vols. Official History of the Discussion between Venezuela and Great Britain on their Guiana Boundaries. Intro- duction and Summary Note on the Schomburgk Line. Also, three other pamphlets on the same subject. Together 8 pieces, 8vo, paper, with maps. Washington, Atlanta, New York, 1896 1176 Relaciones de los Vireyes del Nuevo Reino de Granada, ahora Estados Unidos de Venezuela, Estados Unidos de Colombia y Ecuador. Compiladas y publicadas por de Jose Antonio Garcia Y Garcia. 8vo, sheep, pp. 708. (Presentation copy from the author.) New York, 1869 1177 VERMONT. Appendix to the History of Vermont, Natural, Civil and Statistical. By Zadock Thompson. (Almost entirely on the Natural History of the State.) Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 64. Burlington, 1853 1178 HALL (HILAND). The History of Vermont, from its Dis- covery to its Admission into the Union in 1791. Map. 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1868 IDerrasano. 1179 BREVOORT (J. C.) Verrazano the Navigator; or, Notes on Giovanni da Verrazano and on a Planisphere of 1529, illustrating his American Voyage in 1524. With a reduced copy of the map. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1874 * Reprinted from the Report of the N. Y. Geographical Society. Only 250 copies issued. 1180 DE COSTA (B. F.) Verrazano: a Motion for the Stay of Judg- ment. i6mo, paper, pp. 16. (A reply to H. C. Murphy.) *Only 100 copies privately printed. New York, 1876 1181 - Another copy. 1182 Verrazano the Explorer: being a Vindication of his Life and Voyage; with an Examination of the Map of Hieronimo da Verra- zano, and a Dissertation upon the Globe of Ulpius. To which is prefixed a Bibliography of the subject. Reproductions of 2 rare por- traits, and of the Verrazano map and Ulpius and Lenox Globes. 410, paper, pp. 82. New York, 1881 * Privately printed. of Milberforce JEames 143 VERRAZANO Continued. 1183 [DESIMONI (CORNELIO).] Allo studio secondo intorno a Giovanni Verrazzano, Append III. Royal 8vo, paper, pp. 79-104, and folded map. [Geneva, 1882] * Presentation copy from the author to B. F. De Costa, who has added a pencil note stating that "this is the original publication of the Maijollo Map." In Mr. Harrisse's account of the map of Vesconte de Maggiolo of 1527 (Discovery of North America, p. 554), he says, referring to the above work, that the importance of this map was first made known by M. Cornelio Desimoni as a weighty argument in the controversy concerning the authenticity of Verrazzano's voyage in 1523-24. 1184 MURPHY (HENRY C.) The Voyage of Verrazano: a Chapter in the Early History of Maritime Discovery in America. Reproduc- tions of the maps of Verrazano ', Ulpius, etc., and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. New York: Privately printed, 1875 1185 SMITH (BUCKINGHAM). An Inquiry in the Authenticity of Documents concerning a Discovery in North America claimed to have been made by Verrazzano. 8vo, paper, map. New York, 1864 1186 The same. LARGE PAPER COPY. 410, paper. Hmericus Despucciue. 1187 LETTERA delle Isole nuouamente trouate in quattro suoi Viaggi. [Fiorenza, 1505.] Reproduced in exact facsimile, with prefatory note by Bernard Quaritch. Small 4to, half roan. London, 1885 * Quaritch's Reprints of Rare Books, no. I. Only fifty copies were printed, price FIVE GUINEAS each. The original from which this reprint was made was sold at the Court sale in Paris for 13,100 francs, Mr. Quaritch being the purchaser. It was bought for him by the late Mr. C. H. Kalbfleisch. 1188 The First Four Voyages of Amerigo Vespucci. Translated from the rare original edition [Florence, 1505-6]; with some Preli- minary Notices, by M(ichael) K(earney). Small 4to, half roan. London, 1885 * Quaritch's Translations of Rare Books, no. I., published at 2. 12. 6. j jgp Cheaper issue of the same facsimile and translation, but with- out the critical introduction. Small 4to, paper. (In one volume.) London: Quaritch, 1893 H4 3Librar of Mflberforce Barnes AMERICUS VESPUCCIUS Continued. 1190 MUNDUS NOVUS. Ein Bericht Amerigo Vespucci's an Lorenzo de Medici iiber seine Reise nach Brasilien in dem Jahre 1501-02. In faksimile und mit einleitungen herausgegeben von Dr. Emil Sarnow und Dr. Kurt Trubenbach. Folio, pp. 24, and 8 pp. of facsimile, paper. Strassburg, 1903 * Facsimile of the extremely rare edition in folio, entitled Epistola Albericij De nouo mundo, printed at Rostock by Hermann Barckhausen in 1505. The introduc- tion contains a learned comparison of the Latin text of the other early editions of the Mundus Novus. 1191 VESPUCCIUS (AMERICUS). Von der new gefunnde Region die wol ein welt genennt mag werden, Durch den Cristenlichen Kiinig von Portugall, wunnderbarlich erfunden. Gedruckt yn Nuremberg durch Wolffganng Hueber [1505]. 4to r pp. n, unbound. Reproduced in exact facsimile by Pilinski [Paris, 1865 ?]. 1192 BANDINI (A. M.) Vita e Lettere di Amerigo Vespucci, gentil- uomo Fiorentino, raccolte e illustrate. Frontispiece and folded table. 4to, half morocco. Firenze, 1745 1193 CANOVAI (STANISLAO). Viaggi d'Amerigo Vespucci, con la Vita, 1'Elogio, e la Dissertazione Giustificativa di questo celebre Navigatore. Portrait. 8vo, polished calf. Florence, 1817 1194 SANTAREM (VISCOUNT). Researches respecting Americus Vespuccius and his voyages. Translated by E. V. Childe. izmo, cloth. Boston, 1850 1195 VARNHAGEN (F. A. DE). Amerigo Vespucci. Son Carac- tere, ses Ecrits (meme les moins authentiques), sa vie et ses naviga- tions. Avec une carte indiquant les routes. Lima, 1865. (Also in the same volume " Le Premier Voyage de Vespucci explique, " Vienne, 1869; and " Nouvelles Recherches sur les Derniers Voy- ages," Vienna, 1870.) 2 maps. Folio, cloth. * Contains the original Italian and Latin text of the " Mundus Novus" and the " Lettera,"etc. 1196 ARNOLD (B. W.) History of the Tobacco Industry in Virginia from 1860 to 1894. 8vo, paper, pp. 86. (Johns Hopkins Studies.) Baltimore, 1897 Xtbran? of iwailberforce Eames 145 VIRGINIA Continued. 1197 BROWN (ALEXANDER). The Genesis of the United States. A narrative of the Movement in England, 1605-1616, which resulted in the Plantation of North America by Englishmen, etc. ... set forth through a Series of Historical Manuscripts now first printed, together with a re-issue of rare contemporaneous tracts, accompa- nied by Bibliographical Memoranda, Notes, and Brief Biographies. With 100 portraits, maps and plans. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. * Several autograph letters of the author laid in. Boston, 1890 1198 The First Republic in America. An account of the Origin of this Nation, written from the Records then (1624) concealed by the Council, rather than from the Histories then licensed by the Crown. Portrait of Sir Edwin Sandys. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1898 1199 BRUCE (P. A.) Economic History of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century. An inquiry into the material condition of the People, based upon original and contemporaneous records. Map. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth (embossed stamp on titles). New York, 1896 1200 CAMPBELL (CHARLES). History of the Colony and Ancient Dominion of Virginia. (Revised by the Hon. Hugh Blair Grigsby.) Thick 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1860 1 201 Introduction to the History of the Colony and Ancient Dominion of Virginia. Royal 8vo, cloth. Richmond, 1847 1202 COPLAND (PATRICK). A Declaration how the monies (viz. seventy pound eight shillings sixe pence) were disposed, which was gathered (by M. Patrick Copland, Preacher in the Royall lames) at the Cape of good hope, (towards the building of a free Schoole in Virginia) of the Gentlemen and Marriners in the said Ship: A list of whose names are under specified, for God's glory, their comfort, and the incouragement of others to the furthering of the same, or the like pious worke. 410, pp. 7, sewed. Imprinted at London by F. A'., 1622 * A type-written copy, fine for line, of the unique original edition. One hundred and forty-two names are given. 1203 Memoir of Rev. Patrick Copland, Rector elect of the first projected College in the United States. A Chapter of the English Colonization of America. By Edward D. Neill. 8vo, paper, pp. 96. New York, 1871 * Presentation copy from the author to Charles Deane. Copland was prominently identified with the early settlement of Virginia, under the Virginia Company of London, from 1618 to 1622. Xfbrars of Wilberforce Barnes VIRGINIA Continued. 1204 DINWIDDIE (ROBERT). The Official Records of Robert Din- widdie, Lieut. Governor of the Colony of Virginia, 1751-58, now first printed from the Manuscript. With Introduction and Notes by R. A. Brock. 2 portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. (Virginia His- torical Collections.) Richmond, 1883 05 FISKE (JOHN). Old Virginia and her Neighbours. Maps. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1897 1206 GRIGSBY (HUGH BLAIR). The Virginia Convention of 1776. A Discourse. . . delivered July 3, 1855. 8vo, cloth. Richmond, 1855 1207 HAMOR (RALPH). A True Discourse of the Present State of Virginia, and the successe of the affaires there till the 18 of June, 1614. Together with a Relation of the severall English Townes and fortes . . . the peace concluded with the Indians . . . the Christen- ing of the Powhatan's daughter and her marriage with an English- man. Written by Raphe Hamor. London, 1615. Small 4to, cloth. * Only 200 copies privately printed. [Reprinted Albany, 1860] 1208 HARIOT (THOMAS) A briefe and true report of the new found land of Virginia, of the commodities and of the nature and man- ners of the naturall inhabitants. Discovered by the English Colony there seated by Sir Richard Greinvile Knight in the yeere 1585. Which remained under the government of twelve monethes, at the speciall charge and direction of the Honourable Sir Walter Raleigh Knight, etc. Francofurti ad Mcenum, Typis Joannis Wecheli, sum- tibus vero Theodori De Bry, 1590. Numerous fine plates of Indian man- ners and customs, etc. Folio, dark blue morocco, gilt back, sides and top, uncut edges. [New York: Reprinted in facsimile for J. Sabin, 1871.] * A beautiful copy, lettered Harlot 's Virginia. De Bry. 1209 HARIOT'S Narrative of the First Plantation of Virginia in 1585. Reprinted from the edition of 1590 with De Bry's engravings. Small 4to, paper. (Quaritch's reprint.) London, 1893 1210 NEILL (EDWARD D.) Early Settlement of Virginia and Vir- giniola, as noticed by Poets and Players in the time of Shakespeare, with some letters on the English colonization of America, never before printed. 8vo, paper, with rubricated title. Minneapolis, 1878 * With MS. corrections by the author. Includes complete reprint of R. Rich's Neives from Virginia, London, 1610, of which only two copies of the original edi- tion are known. Xfbran? of TKHUberforce lEames H7 VIRGINIA Continued. \2ii NEILL (EDWARD D.) History of the Virginia Company of London, with Letters to and from the First Colony never before Printed. Portrait of Pocahontas. Small 410, cloth. Albany, 1869 * Laid in is a manuscript of 14 8vo pp. on the Seals of Virginia, with a tracing, a 4 pp. folio letter by P. A. Brock to Charles Deane on the same subject, copy of the Royal Warrant of James II. forwarding the seal, and a 2-pp. A. L. S. of the Author. 1212 Memorial of Edward D. Neill, praying the publication of the records of the Virginia Company of London, now in the Library of Congress. 8vo, paper. Washington, 1868 1213 Notes on the Virginia Colonial Clergy. Royal 8vo, paper, PP- 35> double columns. Philadelphia, 1877 1214 [ ] Virginia Carolorum : the Colony during the days of Charles the First and Second. 8vo, sewed, pp. 1-33. [Philadelphia, 1885] 1215 Virginia Carolorum; the Colony under the Rule of Charles the First and Second, 1625-1685; based upon Manuscripts and Documents of the Period. Small 410, cloth. (Neill's Series of Vir- ginia History.) Albany, 1886 * Two interesting historical letters of the author laid in, addressed to Charles Deane. 121 6 Virginia Company of London. Extracts from their Manu- script Transactions: with notes. 8vo, paper. Washington, 1868 1217 Virginia Vetusta, during the reign of James the First. Con- taining Letters and Documents never before printed. A Supple- ment to the History of the Virginia Company. 410, paper, pp. xv, 216. Albany: J. Munsell, 1885 * With MS. corrections by the author or by Chas. Deane, and with original pro- spectus of 1884, etc., inserted. 1218 PHILLIPS (P. LEE). Virginia Cartography: a Bibliographical Description. 8vo, paper, pp. 85. Washington, 1896 * With autograph letter of author laid in. 1219 POINDEXTER (CHARLES). Captain John Smith and his Critics. 8vo, paper, pp. 74. Richmond, 1893 1220 RELATION (THE) of the Right Honourable the Lord De-La- Warre, Lord Governour and Captaine Generall of the Colonie, planted in Virginea. London, 1611. Small 410, half roan. * One of 20 copies reproduced by Heliotype from the original in the possession of A. W. Griswold, for private distribution. 148 Xfbrars of WUberforce Barnes VIRGINIA Continued. 1 22 1 SMITH (CAPT. JOHN). A True Relation of such occurrences and accidents of noate as hath hapned in Virginia since the first planting of that Collony. London, 1608. Reprint, with Introduction and Notes, by Charles Deane. Facsimile of Smith's map of Virginia. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1866 * Large Paper Copy. Only 35 printed, this being No. 5. 1222 Ordinary issue of the above. Small 4to, cloth. Boston, i86'6 * Only 280 copies of this edition issued. 1223 The True Travels, Adventures, and Observations of Captaine John Smith (and the Generall Historic of Virginia, and New Eng- land). Reproductions of the original map, portrait, and illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. Richmond, 1819 1224 Works, 1608-1631. (True Relation, Map of Virginia, Description of New England, New England's Trials, Generall His- toric of Virginia, True Travels, etc.) Thick, small 410, paper, uncut. (Arber's Reprints.) Birmingham (Eng.), 1884 1225 Capt. John Smith of Willoughby by Alford, Lincolnshire: President of Virginia and Admiral of New England. Works, 1608- 1631. Edited by Edward Arber. Facsimiles of the original maps. 2 vols. small 410, cloth, uncut. Westminster (London), 1895 1226 VIRGINIA COMPANY. Abstract of the Proceedings of the Virginia Company of London, 1619-1624, prepared from the records in the Library of Congress, and edited, with Introduction and Notes, by R. A. Brock. Vol. i. 8vo, cloth. (Virginia Historical Col- lections.) Richmond, 1888 1227 VOLNEY (C. F.) Tableau du Climat et du Sol des Etats-Unis d'Am6rique, suivi d'Eclaircissemens sur la Floride, sur la Colonie Frangaise au Scioto, sur quelques Colonies Canadiennes, et sur les Sauvages. Two maps, colored view of the Falls of Niagara, and another plate. 2 vols. in one. 4to, half calf. Large Paper copy. Paris, 1803 * Contains a short Miami vocabulary. Much of the book is devoted to the Indians. Xfbran? of TKHtlberforce Barnes 149 1228 VOLNEY (C. F.) Translation of the same. With the plates and maps, but Niagara not colored. 8so, old calf, gilt. London, 1804 1229 Translation of the same by Charles Brockden Brown. With the plates and maps, but Niagara not colored. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1804 * Autograph of Alexander Henry (the fur trader and explorer?). This edition con- tains additional remarks by the translator. 1230 1 _ fALDSEEMULLER (MARTIN). Martin Hylacomylus \\ Waltzemuller, ses Ouvrages et ses Collaborateurs. Notes, Causeries et Digressions Bibliographiques et Autres. Par Un Geographe Bibliophile (Henri d'Avezac). 8vo, half calf, gilt. (Presentation copy from the author to R. H. Major.) Paris, 1867 * With the addition of the rare " post-scriptum " to the preface which was printed afterwards. To Waldseemuller is due the naming of this continent America. In his Cosmographise Introductio, published in 1507, he published the letters of Vespuccius, and suggested that the New World should be called America, inscribing it so on his map. 1231 Another copy. Also presentation copy. 8vo, half morocco. (The Post-scriptum to the preface is supplied in manuscript.) Paris, 1867 1232 SOULSBY (BASIL H.) The First Map containing the name America. 8vo, paper. London, 1902 12 33 The World Maps of Waldseemuller, 1507 and 1516. The Oldest Map with the name America, and the Carta Marina. Edited with the Assistance of the Imperial Academy of Sciences at Vienna by Prof. J. Fischer and Prof. R. v. Wieser. Facsimiles of the 2 maps, with descriptive text. In large folio portfolio. Innsbruck, 1903 *The best issue, with the maps mounted on linen. 1234 WAR OF l8l2. The Wars of the Gulls. An Historical Romance. (A satire on Gen. Hull, Harrison, and the Invasion of Canada.) Post 8vo, boards, pp. 36. New York, 1812. Reprinted from the original edition. Only no issued. New York, 1890 150 %f brats of Wilberforce Barnes (Seorge Washington* 1235 BAKER (W. S.) Character Portraits of Washington as delineated by Historians, Orators, Divines, selected and arranged in chrono- logical order, with Biographical Notes and References. Portrait. 4to, cloth. Philadelphia, 1887 *Only 350 printed. 1236 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. A Descriptive List of the Biog- raphies and Biographical Sketches of George Washington. Portrait. 4to, cloth. Philadelphia, 1889 * Only 400 printed. I2 3.7 Early Sketches of George Washington. Reprinted with Bio- graphical and Bibliographical Notes. Portrait after C. W. Peale. Small 4to, cloth. Philadelphia, 1894 * Only 250 printed. The sketches date from 1760 to 1795, and were written by Jonathan Boucher, Samuel Stearns, George Mercer, several anonymous, by an Old Soldier, etc. 1238 CONWAY (MONCURE D. Editor}. George Washington and Mount Vernon. A Collection of Washington's Unpublished Agri- cultural and Personal Letters. With Historical and Genealogical Introduction by Moncure D. Conway. Portraits of George and Martha Washington. 8vo, cloth. (Memoirs of the Long Island His- torical Society.) Brooklyn, 1889 1239 George Washington's Rules of Civility traced to their Sources and Restored. i2mo, cloth. New York [1890] 1240 FORD (PAUL LEICESTER). The True George Washington. FIRST EDITION. Portraits and illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1896 1241 FORD (W. C.) Washington as an Employer and Importer of Labor. 4to, paper. Brooklyn: Privately printed, 1889 * With presentation inscription from Paul L. Ford. 1242 FRIEDENWALD (H.) Calendar of Washington Manuscripts in the Library of Congress. Royal 8vo, cloth. Washington, 1901 of TKHilberforce Barnes I5 1 GEORGE WASHINGTON Continued. 1243 GRIFFIN (A. P. C.) A Catalogue of the Washington Collection in the Boston Athenaeum. Compiled and annotated by A. P. C. Griffin. With appendix by W. C. Lane, giving the Inventory of Washington's Books drawn up by the appraisers of his Estate, notes in regard to the full titles, etc. Portrait and facsimile. Thick royal 8vo, cloth. Also the Index volume, compiled in 1900 by F. O. Poole. Paper, pp. 87. (As 2 vols.) Boston Athenaeum, 1897-1900 1244 HOUGH (FRANKLIN B.) Bibliographical List of Books and Pamphlets containing Eulogies, Orations, Poems or other Papers, relating to the Death of General Washington, or to the Honors paid to his Memory. Royal 8vo, paper. Albany: Privately printed, 1865 * One of only twenty-four copies printed separately. Presentation copy to Richard W. Roche. '245 JOHNSTON (E. B.) Original Portraits of Washington, includ- ing Statues, Monuments and Medals. Numerous illustrations. Large 4to, cloth. Boston, 1882 1246 JOURNAL of Major George Washington, sent by the Hon. Robert Dinwiddie to the Commandant of the French Forces in Ohio. With a map. Royal 8vo, paper. New York: Reprinted for J. Sabin, 1865 * Large Paper copy. Reprinted from the London edition of 1754. *247 JOURNAL of George Washington, commanding a detachment of Virginia troops, sent by Robert Dinwiddie . . . across the Alleghany Mountains in 1754, to build Forts at the head of the Ohio ... to complete the history of the Expedition an Appendix is added . . . supplying an account of the Battle of the Great Meadows and the Capitulation of Fort Necessity; the retreat of the Army; with copies of the original muster and pay roll of the Virginia regiment, etc. Edited by J. M. Toner. Small 410, boards, pp. 273. Albany 1893 1248 MOORE (G. H.) Washington as an Angler, with Extracts from his Diaries, 1787-89. Square i2mo, cloth, pp. 15. Presentation copy from the author. New York: Privately printed, 1887 1249 Libels on Washington, with a critical examination thereof. 8vo, paper. New York, 1889 152 OLibrars ot Wilberforce Barnes GEORGE WASHINGTON Continued. 1250 MYER (ISAAC). Anniversaries. The proper time for the Cele- bration of, and especially of, Washington's Birthday. 8vo, paper. New York, 1895 1251 NEILL (EDW. D.) Washington adapted for a Crisis. Address before Minnesota Commandery of Loyal Legion of the U. S. 8vo, paper. St. Paul, 1889 1252 POTTER (ELIPHALET NOTT). Washington, a Model in his Library and his Life. Portrait of the author. Narrow i2mo, cloth. New York [1895] 1253 WASHINGTON'S PRAYER BOOK. Facsimile of Manuscript Prayer Book written by George Washington. Post 8vo, limp boards. Philadelphia, 1891 1254 WRITINGS of George Washington. Collected and Edited by Worthington Chauncey Ford. Complete with Index, in 14 vols. 8vo, half roan (backs a little rubbed). New York, 1889 * Letter Press Edition, only 750 copies printed for sale, this being No. 217. 1255 WASHINGTON, D. C. BAKER (MARCUS). Surveys and Maps of the District of Columbia. 8vo, paper. Washington, 1894 1256 PHILLIPS (P. LEE). List of Maps and Views of Washington and District of Columbia in the Library of Congress. 8vo, paper. Washington, 1900 1257 WASHINGTON TERRITORY. SEATTLE PRESS (The), July 16, 1890, 24 pp. folio. Containing Account of the Explorations made by the "Press" Explorers in the Olympic Mountains, with a topographical map of the region, and many illustrations from photo- graphs taken by the party. * Fourteen folio pages of seven columns each are filled with details of the ex- ploration. 1258 SWAN (JAMES G.) The North- West Coast; or, Three Years' Residence in Washington Territory. Numerous illustrations and map. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1857 1259 WEISE (ARTHUR JAMES). The Discoveries of America to the year 1525. With reproductions of rare maps. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1884 Xibran? of Milberforce Barnes 153 1260 WEST INDIES. [ROCHEFORT (CJESAR DE).] Histoire Naturelle et Morale des lies Antilles de 1'Amerique. Enrichie de plusieurs belles figures des Raretez les plus considerables qui y sont d'ecrites. Avec un Vocabulaire Caraibe. Copper -plates in the text. Small 4to, calf, gilt. Rotterdam: Arnould Leers, 1658 * Very scarce. First edition. The first portion of the book contains the Natural History, illustrated with over 40 copper-plates, nearly all full-page and well executed, the subjects including the culture of the mandioc, indigo, cacao, the sensitive plant (representing a French planter touching a leaf), as well as many animals, fishes, etc. A digression from the subject is made in one chapter, where a description, with several illustrations, is given of the Eskimo of Davis Straits. The second portion is devoted to the history, and manners and customs, of the natives, with chapters on their religion, marriages, war customs, food, language. The vocabulary . is found at the end. WIGGIN (KATE DOUGLAS). Penelope's Progress, cloth. Presentation copy from the author. Boston, 1898 1262 WINSOR (JUSTIN). The Mississippi Basin. The Struggle in America between England and France, 1697-1763. Numerous repro- ductions of rare maps. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1895 1263 A Narrative and Critical History of America. Several thou- sand illustrations . Complete in 8 vols. 410, boards, uncut. Boston, 1884 * LARGE PAPER. No. 127 OF 550 COPIES. Each subject treated by specialists, among whom are J. G. Shea, Edward E. Hale, Franklin B. Dexter, C. C. Jones, B. F. de Costa, Henry W. Haynes, Clement R. Markham, John Austin Stevens, F. D. Stone, George Ticknor Curtis, the editor Justin Winsor writing many arti- cles, and superintending the whole with the advice of Francis Parkman, Hon. Robert C. Winthrop, and others. The illustrations include reproductions of many rare maps and portraits, autographs, views, etc. 1264 The Westward Movement. The Colonies and the Republic west of the Alleghanies, 1763-1 798. Numerous reproductions of rare maps. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1897 1265 WISCONSIN. In Unnamed Wisconsin. Studies in the History of the Region between Lake Michigan and the Mississippi. By J. N. Davidson. Portraits. 8vo, cloth. Milwaukee, 1895 * Chapters on the Oneidas and the Ojibways. 12 66 LEGLER (HENRY E.) A Wisconsin Group of German Poets, with a Bibliography. 8vo, paper. n. p., 1904 154 Xtbrars of TKHilberforce Barnes TOitcbcraft 1267 [DEANE (CHARLES).] Bibliographical Tracts, Number One. Spurious Reprints of Early Books. (A Review of S. R. Fowler's "Salem Witchcraft.") 8vo, paper, rubricated title, etc. Boston, 1865 1268 DRAKE (SAMUEL G.) Annals of Witchcraft in New England and elsewhere in the United States from their First Settlement, drawn up from unpublished and other well-authenticated sources. Small 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, by BRADSTREETS. (Wood- ward's Historical Series, No. 8.) Boston, 1869 * One of 275 copies printed. 1269 The Witchcraft Delusion in New England: its Rise, Progress and Termination, as exhibited by Dr. Cotton Mather in "The Won- ders of the Invisible World," and by Mr. Robert Calef in his " More Wonders of the Invisible World." With a Preface, Intro- duction, and Notes. 3 vols. small 4to, half morocco, gilt tops, un- cut, by BRADSTREETS. (Woodward's Historical Series, Nos. 5,6,7.)- Roxbury, Mass., 1866 1270 GOODELL (ABNER C.) Further Notes on the History of Witch- craft in Massachusetts, containing additional evidence of the pas- sage of the Act of 1711, for reversing the attainders of the Witches,, etc. 8vo, paper. Cambridge, 1884 1271 Reasons for concluding that the Act of 1711, reversing the attainders of the persons convicted of Witchcraft in Massachusetts in the year 1692, became a Law. 8vo, paper. Cambridge, 1884 1272 GREEN (SAMUEL A.) Groton in Witchcraft Times. 8vo, paper. Groton, 1883 1273 MATHER (COTTON). The Wonders of the Invisible World,. with Increase Mather's Farther Account of the Tryals of the New- England Witches. Portrait. i2mo, cloth. London, 1862 1274 MOORE (GEORGE H.) Notes on the History of Witchcraft in Massachusetts; with illustrative documents. 8vo, paper. Worcester, 1883 12 75 ~ - Final Notes on Witchcraft in Massachusetts: a Summary Vin- dication of the Laws and Liberties concerning attainders, etc. Svo, papers, pp. 120. New York, 1885. Xtbrars of TKailberforce Eames 155 1276 MOORE (GEORGE H.) Supplementary Notes on Witchcraft in Massachusetts: a Critical Examination of the alleged Law of 1711 for reversing the attainders of the Witches of 1692. 8vo, paper. Cambridge, 1884 1277 SALEM WITCHCRAFT. Records of Salem Witchcraft, copied from the Original Documents. 2 vols. small 410, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by BRADSTREETS. (Woodward's Historical Series, Nos. i and 2.) Roxbury, Mass., 1864 * Only 215 copies printed. 1278 [STEVENS (HENRY).] The Mathers weighed in the Balances by Delano A. Goddard, M.A., and Found Not Wanting. Square i6mo, cloth, pp. 32. Bost., and Lond., 1870 1279 Cotton Mather and Witchcraft. Two Notices of Mr. Upham his Reply. Square i6mo, paper, pp. 30. Bost., and Lond., 1870 1280 UPHAM (CHARLES W.) Salem Witchcraft and Cotton Mather. A Reply. Royal 8vo, paper, pp. 91, double columns. Morrisania, 1869 1281 [WILLARD (SAMUEL).] Some Miscellany Observations on our present Debates respecting Witchcraft, in a Dialogue between S. & B. By P. E. and J. A. Philadelphia: Printed by William Brad- ford, for Hezekiah Usher, 1692. 4to, paper. Boston, 1869 * Rare. "Congregational Quarterly" Reprint, No. I. 1282 WYOMING TERRITORY. JONES (W. A.) Report of a Recon- naissance of North-Western Wyoming, made in- the Summer of 1873. About 50 maps. 8vo, sewed, pp. 210. Washington, 1874 1283 X/ELLOWSTONE (THE). VIEWS. Views of the Yellowstone \ Region, Utah, Montana, etc., from Photographs taken for the U. S. Geological Survey. 74 different. 410. (As a lot.) * These views are believed to have been prepared for a work which was never com- pleted and published. 1284 YUCATAN. ANCONA (ELIGIO). Historia de Yucatan desde la Epoca mas remota hasta Nuestros Dias. 4 vols. 8vo, half calf. Merida, 1878-80 i5 6 Xfbrars of Wilbetforce Barnes 1285 YUCATAN. BANDELIER (AD. F.) Notes on the Bibliography of Yucatan and Central America. 8vo, paper. Worcester, 1881 1286 LIZANA (BERNARDO DE). Historiade Yucatan. Devocionario de Ntra. Sra. de Izmal y Conquista Espiritual. Impresa en 1633 y ahora nuevamente por El Museo Nacional de Mexico. 8vo, paper, 128 leaves. Mexico, 1893 1287 NEWE ZEITTUNG, von dem lande, des die Sponier funden haben ym 1521 iare genant Jucatan. \Large woodcuts J\ 410, 8pp., unbound. n. p. [1522] * Facsimile by photo-lithography of the very rare original edition. iBSa ' ^p-^ f-Gutenbergj No. 441 1906 The Private Library of Wilbcrforcc Eamcs Part II j^w rumu y jtma .7 ^ ^ , literature, etc. of JfrelantJ mmm iiili : 111*1 !l \tcno\( u. -. WEST J<)TM ST.. NEW YORK. TirTTTTmTTnifTTTTTTTmif CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Mtflbrrfow I8ame0 I (OF THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY) 01 PART II The History, Literature, and Antiquities of England, Ireland, The Isle of Man, Scotland, and Wales. FOR SALE AT AUCTION THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, MARCH 8 th AND 9 th 1906 BY Ctje antierson auction Company 5 West 29th Street, New York SALES BEGIN IN THE AFTERNOON AT 3 O'CLOCK IN THE EVENING AT 7. }O O'CLOCK TELEPHONE: 31 so MAIMSON N. B. All Bids arc understood to be so much per volume or piece Stouglae Uaglor & (to. Hew ConMtione of Sale, I The highest bidder to be the Buyer; in all cases of disputed bids, the lot shall be immediately re-sold. 2 Books are sold per volume, other articles per piece, unless otherwise stated in Catalogue, and bids must be made accordingly. 3 Books are presumed to be perfect unless otherwise stated. To pur- chasers who have had opportunity for examination, they are sold as they are. On mail orders, an intelligent discretion will be used as to purchase. Imperfect books (not so described) may be returned within three days. 4 To prevent confusion and inaccuracy, goods will not be delivered dur- ing the sale. 5 Terms Cash. Bills to be paid before delivery of goods. Bids will be faithfully executed by the Anderson Auction Co. without charge. Jft rfcer of Sale Thursday Afternoon, March 8th, commencing at 3 o'clock (Lots 1288 to 1614 inclusive). Thursday Evening, March 8th, commencing at 7.30 o'clock (Lots 1615 to 1944 inclusive). Friday Afternoon, March pth, commencing at 3 o'clock (Lots 1945 to 2275 inclusive). Friday Evening, March Qth, commencing at 7.30 o'clock (Lots 2276 to 2607 inclusive). tlbis Sale will be con&ucteJ) bg <5eorge 2>. Buctloneer THE second portion of the library of Wilberforce Eames is devoted entirely to the History, Literature and Antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland, and of that little island so rich in Celtic and Norse tradition the Isle of Man. Many a collec- tion that may be designated as the working library of a student, small or large in the number of volumes selected sometimes with judgment, sometimes, one might almost be inclined to think, at haphazard passes from time to time through the hands of the auctioneer, but there have been very few that bear the evi- dence of such knowledge and discrimination as the portion of Mr. Eames' Library described in the following pages. The Collection may easily stand as a model that others may follow to advantage who wish to grasp the subjects of which it treats. Many books will be found that are of small commercial value, but on examination it will be seen that each one has been selected on account of containing some valuable historical or literary information that cannot be obtained from other and more expensive volumes, or that they place the information before the reader in a concise manner. Rare books, however, will be found in every division; some that are exceptionally scarce and curious, and a few that approach the unique. Con- siderable pains have been taken to point out the special features of many of the books or interesting facts connected with their authorship or production, with the aim of making the catalogue of permanent value to the student or the bibliographer. One of the special features that will be noticed in reading through the 1300 items comprised in the catalogue is the num- ber of books that are more or less bibliographical. These are essential in the study of the literary history of any country. First in importance is undoubtedly the British Museum Cata- logue of Printed Books, complete ; a library in itself, and the corner-stone, if not the entire edifice, of English bibliographical history. The value and importance of it are so well known that it would be superfluous to enlarge on it here, and a detailed description is given in the catalogue. The possessor of this can almost ignore all other bibliographies, not only of Eng- lish literature, but of that of most other countries. Other im- portant books, bibliographical in nature, are the catalogues of the Bodleian Library; of the Grenville Library; the Douce, Malone and Daniel catalogues, so important perhaps none more so for their wealth of Shakespeareana and early English literature; the bibliographical works of Halliwell-Phillipps, as also of W. C. Hazlitt; Robert Hoe's catalogue of his early English literature, etc. Under the special heading of " Bibliography" will be found the exceedingly rare and almost unique series of the " Term Catalogues," as well as an exceptionally fine copy of Maunsell's catalogue, the first catalogue printed in England. In addition to these are the scarce catalogue issued by Wm. London; Clavell's General Catalogue; a complete set of Wil- ford's catalogues, 1725-29; Bent's, and his successors in book- trade bibliography, continuing them in chronological sequence to the present time. We can safely say that no other like col- lection has ever been offered for sale in the auction room, in America at least and, we believe, not even in England. Another large division are the books relating to King Alfred the Great, and the history and literature of the Anglo-Saxons. Among these are the first edition of Sir John Spelman's Life of King Alfred, 1678, containing the first printed text of Ohthere and Wulfstan's voyage from King Alfred's Orosius; two editions of Lisle's /Elfric, 1623 and 1638, both of interest, and both rare; the first edition of King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon version of Bede; Rawlinson's Boethius, 1698, a presentation copy from that famous scholar and editor; publications of the ^Ifric Society; various editions, texts and translations of Beowulf, Orosius, Cynewulf, Bede, the Saxon Chronicle; Caedmon, etc. Many interesting books will be found under the headings of "English Dialects"; "Folk Lore"; "Family Names"; "Wil- liam Caxton "; " Geoffrey Chaucer "; " Oxford "; " Cambridge "; " Shakespeare "; and other subjects. The division of " Diction- aries " includes several that are both rare and curious. About fifty items relate to the controversy as to who was the author of " The Letters of Junius " a literary problem that attracted much attention for nearly half a century, that is not of so much im- portance to-day, but still of interest to those who like problems of this nature. It is curious in reading them through to notice how very few persons of literary or political importance the authorship of the letters was not ascribed to. The second main division consists of the books relating to Ireland, and prominent among them is the extremely rare sub- scriber's copy of the First Edition of O'Donovan's translation of the Annals of the Four Masters. Another choice item is the beautifully written manuscript copy in Irish characters, made by the noted scholar Eugene O'Curry, of Keating' s History of Ireland. A more interesting or beautiful object of Irish Asso- ciation interest can hardly be imagined, and it should surely excite keen competition among those collectors of Irish birth or Irish sympathies. The Irish division, though not large in num- bers, is extremely choice in quality. The same can be said of the remaining divisions the Scotch, Welsh and Manx. If not extensive in quantity, yet each book comprised will be found to be of value in the history of the literature or the study of the antiquities of the respective countries under which they are grouped. SOME OF THE PRINCIPAL DIVISIONS. ALFRED THE GREAT ..... 1290 to 1329 ANGLO-SAXON ^ELFRIC .... 1337 " 1344 BEOWULF ..... 1352 " 1382 BOETHIUS ..... 1385 " 1392 CAEDMON ..... 1400 " 1405 CYNEWULF .... 1410 " 1418 GREGORY'S CURA PASTORALIS . . 1426 " 1430 OROSIUS ..... 1455 " 1468 THE SAXON CHRONICLE . . . 1475 " J 4 8 3 BIBLIOGRAPHY. (Including the Term Catalogues.) . 1548 " 1601 THE BRITISH MUSEUM. (Including the British Museum Catalogue.) . . . . . 1615 " 1649 CAMBRIDGE ...... 1664 " 1670 WILLIAM CAXTON ..... 1678 " 1695 GEOFFREY CHAUCER ..... 1698 '* 1712 CORNWALL ...... 1727 " 1735 DICTIONARIES ...... 1759 " J 79 ENGLISH DIALECTS ..... 1811 " 1833 FAMILY NAMES ...... 1840 " 1849 FOLK-LORE ...... 1853 " 1866 HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS (THE WRITINGS OF) . . 1918 " 1926 HAZLITT (W. C.) Bibliographical Works . . 1936 " 1944 JUNIUS CONTROVERSY ..... 1976 " 2021 LONDON ...... 2045 " 2052 NEWSPAPERS AND JOURNALISM .... 2104 " 2112 OXFORD. (Including the Bodleian, and other Catalogues.) 2120 " 2130 SHAKESPEARE ...... 2182 " 2204 IRELAND ....... 2307 " 2439 ISLE OF MAN ...... 2440 " 2447 SCOTLAND ...... 2448 " 2561 WALES ...... 2562 " 2607 ZEbe Ibistor^, ^Literature, anb antiquities of Jnglanb* 1288 /I DDISON (JOSEPH). The Spectator. A new edition, re- /Y producing the Original Text, with Introduction, Notes and Index, by Henry Morley. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. [1887] 1289 AIRY (OSMUND). Text-Book of English History. Maps. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1891 Hlfrefc tbe Great 1290 ABBOTT (JACOB). History of King Alfred the Great of Eng- land. i2mo, cloth. London, n. d. [1889] 1291 ASSER. Annales Rerum Gestarum ^Elfredi Magni, auctore Asserio Menevensi, Recensuit F. Wise. Frontispiece of Alfred, and vignette portraits of Alfred, Abp. Parker, Francis Junius, Camden, and John Duns Scotus, and leaf of facsimile. 8vo, old calf. Oxford, 1722 1292 BESANT (WALTER). The Story of King Alfred. Illustrated. i6mo, cloth. New York, 1901 1293 BICKNELL (A.) The Life of Alfred the Great, King of the Anglo-Saxons. Portrait. 8vo, half calf. London, 1777 1294 Another copy. 8vo, sheep (joints cracked, and lacks por- trait). London, 1777 1295 BOS WORTH (G. F.) Alfred the Great, his Life and Times. Introduction by F. S. Marvin. Portrait, maps and illustrations. i2mo, cloth. London, 1901 1296 BOWKER (ALFRED). Alfred the Great. Chapters on his Life and Times, by Frederic Harrison, the Lord Bishop of Bristol, Prof. C. Oman, Sir C. Markham, Rev. Prof. Earle, etc. With Preface by Alfred Bowker. Illustrated. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1899 1297 BURROWS (MONTAGU). King Alfred the Great. i2tno, paper, pp. 29. London, 1898 158 EttQlisb UMstors ant) ^Literature ALFRED THE GREAT Continued. 1298 CONYBEARE (EDWARD). Alfred in the Chroniclers. Map. 8vo, cloth. London, 1900 1299 COOKE (J. HUNT). Life of King Alfred the Great. i6mo, cloth. London, 1899 1300 DRAPER (W. H.) Alfred the Great: a Sketch and Seven Studies. Illustrations and map. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1901 1301 Another copy. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1901 1302 EARLE (JOHN). The Alfred Jewel. An Historical Essay. With illustrations (including colored plate of the Jewel], and Map. Small 4to, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1901 1303 GILES (J. A.) The Life and Times of Alfred the Great. Colored frontispiece of the Alfred Jewel. 8vo, cloth (binding a little loose). London, 1848 1304 Second Edition of the same. Colored frontispiece. 8vo, half calf. Oxford, 1854 X 35 GUIZOT (W.) Alfred le Grand. Crown 8vo, wrappers (loose in binding). Paris, 1888 I3Q6JHALLER (ALBRECHT VON). Alfred K5nig der Angel- Sachsen. Post 8vo, boards, uncut. Gottingen und Bern, 1773 1307 Another edition. Crown 8vo, original boards. Reuttlingen, 1779 1308 HALLER (ALBERT VON.) The Moderate Monarchy; or Principles of the British Constitution described in a Narrative of the Life and Maxims of Alfred the Great and his Counsellors. From the German of Albert (Albrecht) v. Haller. By F. Steinitz. Frontis- piece and engraved title. Post 8vo, stamped morocco. London, 1849 1309 HARRISON (FREDERIC). The Writings of King Alfred, d. 901. (Address delivered at Harvard, March, 1901.) Post 8vo, wrappers, pp. 31. New York, 1901 1310 HAWKINS (W.) AND SMITH (E. T.) The Story of Alfred the Great. 8 illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1900 1311 HUGHES (THOMAS). Alfred the Great. Map and two illus- trations. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1901 1312 JEFFERY (F. B.) A Perfect Prince. (Alfred the Great.) The Story.of England a Thousand Years Ago. Illustrated. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1901 ibiston? an& ^Literature 159 ALFRED THE GREAT Continued. 1313 LORENTZ (DR. FRIEDRICH). Geschichte Alfreds des Groszen, uebertragen aus Turner's Geschichte der Angelsachsen, nebst der Lodbrokar-Quida. Post 8vo, boards. Hamburg, 1828 * The Song of Lodbrog is in the original text with a metrical translation. 1314 LUBECK (REV. H.) The Investment of Life. The Substance of a Sermon delivered in S. Paul's Chapel, New York, under the auspices of the King Alfred Millenary Committee), on the evening of .... October 27, 1901. Square post 8vo, wrappers, pp. (21). New York: Printed by E. S. Gorham, Church Missions House [1901] 1315 MACFADYEN (DUGALD). Alfred the West Saxon King of the English. Map, portrait, and illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1901 1316 MOLENAAR (DR. H.) Alfred der Grosse. 8vo, sewed, pp. 19. n. p., n. d. [Leipzig, 1901?] 1317 PAGE (JESSE). Alfred the Great, the Father of the English. Illustrated. Post 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. [1900] 1318 PAULI (DR. REINHOLD). The Life of King Alfred. Edited by Thomas Wright. 8vo, cloth. London, 1852 1319 The Life of Alfred the Great. Translated from the German by Dr. R. Pauli. To which is appended Alfred's Anglo-Saxon Version of Orosius, with literal translation, Anglo-Saxon alphabet, and glossary. By B. Thorpe. Post 8vo, cloth. (Bohn's Anti- quarian Library.) London, 1857 1320 SPELMAN (JOHN). ^Ifredi Magni Anglorum Regis invic- tissimi Vita Tribus libris comprehensa a clarissimo Dno. Johanne Spelman. 7 full-page plates (j of Saxon coins, the other two containing six portraits of Alfred from the Bodleian, etc.}. Folio, old calf, gilt (a little worn). Oxford: Theatro Sheldoniano, 1678 * The first edition of Spelman's Life of Alfred the Great. This translation from the English manuscript was made by Christopher Wase and edited by Obadiah Walker, then Master of University College, and under whose orders a Catholic Press was established in the College and tracts issued attacking the established religion. Later he was expelled. In the appendix is the will of King Alfred, the first printed text of Ohthere and Wulfstan's Voyage in Northern Europe from Alfred's Orosius, the preface to Gregory's Paschal Homily, a genealogy showing the descent of Charles II. from Alfred, etc. 1321 Life of Alfred the Great from the Original MS. By Sir John Spelman, in the Bodleian, with considerable additions ... by Thomas Hearne. Portrait. 8vo, sewed, pp. 238 -f- 9. Oxford: At the Theatre, 1709 160 EncjUsb Ibistorg anfc ^Literature ALFRED THE GREAT Continued. 1322 STOLBERG (FRIEDRICH LEOPOLD, GRAFEN ZU). Leben Alfred des Grosse, Koniges in England. Portrait. Crown. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 313. Munster, 1815 1 3 2 3 - Second edition of the same. Portrait, Crown 8vo, limp* boards, pp. 270. Munster, 1324 SWANN (J. H.) Alfred the Great and his Times. Millenary Celebration, 1901. An Annotated Study-list of Books in the Ref- erence Library. Compiled by.J. H. Swann. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 9. (Occasional List No. 7, issued by the Manchester Public Free Library.) Manchester, 1909 1325 WALL (J. C.) Alfred the Great, his Abbeys of Hyde, Athelney r and Shaftesbury. Illustrated. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1900 1326 WEISZ (DR. J. B.) Geschichte Alfreds des Groszen. 8vo, boards. Schaffhausen, 1852 1327 WILL OF KING ALFRED (THE). (Anglo-Saxon Text, with, Literal and Free Translations.) 4to, wrappers, pp. 51. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1788- 1328 - Reprinted from the Oxford Edition of 1 788, with a Preface and. Additional Notes. 8vo, boards, uncut. London: W. Pickering, 182$ * Anglo-Saxon text with translation. 1329 KING ALFRED'S JEWEL. A very perfect and finely executed! facsimile of the Alfred Jewel, in gilt metal and mosaic, made on the occasion of the commemoration ; also with two of the medals issued at the time in Winchester, in pewter and bronze. (As one piece. )^ 1330 ALLIBONE (S. AUSTIN). A Critical Dictionary of English* Literature and British and American Authors, living and deceased,, from the Earliest Accounts to the middle of the Nineteenth Century,, containing 30,000 Biographies and Literary Notices. With Supple- ment. 5 vols. royal 8vo (3 vols. in half red morocco gilt, gilt tops,, uncut, the other two in cloth). Philadelphia, 1859-90 1331 AMERICAN DIALECT SOCIETY. Dialect Notes, Parts n to 8. (Articles on New England Pronunciations in Ohio, Kentucky Words and Phrases, the Ithaca Dialect, Spanish and Mexican Words- used in Texas, Newspaper Jargon, Jerseyisms, British Maritime- Provinces, etc.) 8 parts, 8vo, wrappers. Boston, 1890-94; Norwood, Mass., Englisb testers anfc ^Literature 161 1332 AMES (JOSEPH). A Catalogue of English Heads; or, An Account of about 2,000 Prints, describing what is peculiar on each, the name of Painter or Engraver, etc. Post 8vo, original calf. London, 1748 * The first catalogue of English portraits. *333 [ANDERSON (ADAM).] An Historical and Chronological De- duction of the Origin of Commerce, from the Earliest Accounts . . . with an Appendix containing the Modern Politico-Commercial Geography . . . carefully revised and corrected to the present time. Maps and portraits. 4 vols. 410, old tree calf. London, 1777-89 * Containing much information and statistics relating to the American Colonies. This edition was much enlarged and revised by William Combe, the author of Dr. Syntax, and many similar works. 1334 ANDERSON (J. P.) The Book of British Topography. A Classi- fied Catalogue of the Topographical Works in the Library of the British Museum relating to Great Britain and Ireland. 8vo, cloth. London, 1881 1335 ANDREWS (C. McLEAN). The Old English Manor. A Study in English Economic History. 8vo, cloth. (Johns Hopkins Uni- versity Studies. ) Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1892 Helfrlc 1336 ELSTOB (ELIZABETH). An English-Saxon Homily on the Birthday of St. Gregory, anciently used in the English-Saxon Church. [Translated (with the original text) into Modern English, with Notes. Frontispiece by Gribelin. 8vo, old panelled calf. London, 1709 1337 ELSTOB (ELIZ.) AND JOSCELYN (JOHN). Some Testi- monies of Learned Men in favor of the intended edition of the Saxon Homilies, by E. Elstob, London, 1713, pp. 24; A Testimony of An- tiquity concerning the Sacramental Body and Blood of Christ writ- ten in the Old Saxon Tongue before the Conquest, London, 1736, pp. 152. (A reprint of the edition translated by John Joscelyn.) The two in one volume, 8vo, old calf (two leaves at end slightly damaged). 1338 LANGLEY (L.) Principia Saxonica; or, An Introduction to Anglo-Saxon Reading, comprising ^Elfric's Homily. With pre- liminary Essay, illustrations, and Glossary. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1844 1 62 En^Usb HMstors an& ^literature ANGLO-SAXON AELFR1C Continued. 1339 LISLE (W.) A Saxon Treatise concerning the Old and New Testa- ment, written about the Time of King Edgar (700 years agoe) by ylfricus Abbas . . . now first published in print, with English of our Times, by William Lisle of Wilburgham, Esquier for the King's Bodie . . . and hereunto is added ... of the same ^Elfricus a second edition of a Testimony of Antiquity, etc. Small 410, cloth. London, 1623 * Scarce. An interesting specimen of early English poetry is contained in the lengthy poetical dedication to the Prince (later Charles I.), welcoming him home from his unsuccessful attempt to woo the Infanta of Spain. The Anglo-Saxon text is in character. The Testimony of Antiquity is a reprint of the translation by John Joscelyn, originally printed by John Day in 1566. 1340 Another edition of the same, having as title " Divers Ancient Monuments in the Saxon Tongue," etc. Small 410, old calf (joints cracked). London, 1638 * Apparently a reissue of the same sheets, with new titles printed and the omission of the Prince of Wales' feathers on the reverse of the leaf of the Alphabet. 1341 PHILLIPS (SIR T.) Fragment of ^Elfric's Grammar, ^Elfric's Glossary, and a Poem on the Soul and Body in the Orthography of the 1 2th Century, Discovered among the Archives of Worcester Cathedral. Folio, wrappers, pp. 8. ' London, 1838 * Privately printed. 1342 THOMSON (E.) Select Monuments of the Doctrine and Worship of the Catholic Church in England before the Norman Conquest, consisting of ^Elfric's Paschal Homily, etc., with English translation. i2mo, cloth. (Library of Old Authors.) London, 1875 1343 THORPE (B.) The Homilies of ^Elfric, with an English transla- tion. 2 vols. complete in the original ten parts. 8vo, wrappers. (As 2 vols.) London: The ^Elfric Society, 1843-46 * Scarce. 1344 ZUPITZA (JULIUS). yElfric's Grammatik und Glossar. Erste Abteilung: Text und Varianten. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 322. Berlin, 1880 1345 AKERMAN (JOHN YONGE). Remains of Pagan Saxondom. 4to, full calf. London, 1855 * 40 carefully colored plates of antiquities found in English tumuli, barrows, etc., of the Saxon period, with descriptive letterpress. tnstors an& ^Literature 163 ANGLO-SAXON Continued. 1346 ALLEN (GRANT). Anglo-Saxon Britain. Map. iamo, cloth. London, 1901 1347 BAYE (BARON J. DE.) The Industrial Arts of the Anglo-Saxons. Translated by T. B. Harbottle. // full-page plates, and illustrations in the text. 410, cloth. London, 1893 1348 BEDE. Historic Ecclesiastics Gentis Anglorum, libri V., a Venera- bili Presbytero scripti ... ab ... Anglo-Saxonum Rege Alfredo examinati ejusque paraphrasi Saxonica, etc. Map of the Saxon Heptarchy engraved by Hole. Folio, old calf (rebacked). Fine copy. Cantabrigiae: R. Daniel, 1644 * With two title-pages dated 043 and 1644, respectively. The first edition of the Anglo-Saxon text of King Alfred's version of Bede's Ecclesiastical History; also in the same volume with a separate title the Anglo-Saxon text of the Saxon Chronicle from the Cotton MS. with a Latin translation, and William Lambarde's Archaionomia, containing the Anglo-Saxon texts with Latin translations of the Laws of Ines, Alfred, Athelstan, Edmund, Edgar, Canute, etc. Abraham Whelock issued this edition. 1349 BEDE. Historiae Ecclesiasticae Gentis Anglorum . . . una cum reliquis ejus Operibus Historicis in unum Volumen collectis. Cura Johannis Smith. Map of the British Isles in Saxon Times, and j views of the interior of Durham Cathedral showing the tombs of Bede and St. Cuthbert, and their altar. Folio, old calf, gilt (the copy has once been a handsome specimen of old English binding, and has been neatly repaired). Fine copy. Cantabrigiae, 1722 * In addition to the text of Bede's Ecclesiastical History, it contains the lives of St. Cuthbert, Bede's Martyrology, Alfred's Anglo-Saxon version of the History, etc. 1350 BEDE. St. Augustine in England. (From Bede's History.) 12 mo, sewed, pp. 20. (Old South Leaflets, No. 113.) 1351 BEDE. SCHMIDT (AUGUST). Untersuchungen uber Konig Alfred's Bedaubersetzung. 8vo, sewed, pp. 62. Berlin [1889] Beowulf. 1352 ARNOLD (THOMAS). Beowulf. A Heroic Poem of the Eighth Century, with a Translation, Notes and Appendix. 8vo, cloth. London, 1876 *353 Notes on Beowulf. Map. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1898 1354 BEOWULF. Beowulf, and the Fight at Finnsburg ; a Transla- tion into modern English prose, with Introduction and Notes. 12 illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1901 164 Bnglisb HMstors ant> ^Literature ANGLO-SAXON BEOWULF Continued. i355*^DEDERICH (HERMANN). Historische und Geographische Studien zum Angelsachsischen Beovulfliede. Post 8vo, wrappers, pp. 233. Koeln, 1877 1356 EARLE (J.) The Deeds of Beowulf. An English Epic of the Eighth Century done into Modern Prose. With Introduction and Notes by John Earle. Post 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1892 1357 GARNETT (J. M.) Beowulf : an Anglo-Saxon Poem, and the Fight at Finnsburg. Translated. Facsimile. 4to, cloth. Boston, 1900 1358 GREIN (C. W. M.) Beovulf nebst den Fragmenten Finnsburg und Valdere, in kritisch bearbeiteten Texten neu herausgegeben, mit Worterbuch. 8vo, in the original sheets, unstitched, with wrappers. Cassel, 1867 J 359 Beowulf. Stabreimend iibersetzt von Prof. Grein. Zweite Auflage. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 90. Kassel, 1883 1360 HALL (J. L.) Beowulf: An Anglo-Saxon Epic Poem. Translated from the Heyne-Socin text. Small 4to, cloth. Boston, 1892 1361 HARRISON (J. A.) AND SHARP (R.) Beowulf; and the Fight at Finnsburgh. Text and Glossary on the basis of M. Heyne. Edited, corrected and enlarged, by J. A. Harrison and R. Sharp. Fourth Edition, with Notes. Crown 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1901 1362 HEYNE (MORITZ). Beovulf. Mit ausfuhrlichem Glossar heraus- gegeben, von Moritz Heyne. 8vo, half sheep. Paderborn, 1863 1 3^3 Fourth Edition of the same, with new Preface and enlarged Glossary. 8vo, half cloth. Paderborn, 1879 1364 Fifth Edition of the same. Half cloth. Paderborn, 1888 *3 6 5 Beowulf. Ubersetzt. i8mo, wrappers, pp. 127. Paderborn, 1863 1366 Second Edition of the same. i8mo, wrappers, pp. 134. Paderborn, 1898 * This edition contains an additional Biographical Dictionary of Persons men- tioned in the poem. n0Usb Tbistorp ant> ^Literature 165 ANGLO-SAXON BEOWULF Continued. 1367 HOFFMAN (P.) Beowulf. Aus dem Angelsachsischen iibertra- gen. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 183. Hannover, 1900 * Translated into rhymed verse, with copious commentary at end. 1368 HOLDER (ALFRED). Beowulf, herausgegeben von Alfred Holder. (Text from the Cotton MS., Corrected text, Notes, etc.) Crown 8vo, sewed. Freiburg i. B., n. d. [1884 ?] 1369 KEMBLE (J. M.) The Anglo-Saxon Poems of Beowulf, the Trav- eller's Song, and the Battle of Finnes-Burh. Edited, together with a Glossary of the more difficult words, and an Historical Preface. i2mo, cloth. London: IV. Pickering, 1833 * Printed by the Whittinghams. Only loowere issued, this being No. 49. Very scarce. *37 A Translation of the Anglo-Saxon Poem of Beowulf, with a copious Glossary, Preface, and Philological Notes, izmo, cloth. London: W. Pickering, 1837 * Printed by the Whittinghams, also in a very limited edition. 1371 MORRIS (WM.) AND WYATT (A. J.) The Tale of Beowulf, sometime King of the Folk of the Weder Geats. Translated and edited by William Morris and A. J. Wyatt. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1898 1372 MULLENHOFF (KARL). Beovulf. Untersuchungen uberdas Angelsiichsische Epos und die alteste Geschichte der Germanischen Seevolker. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 165. Berlin, 1889 1373 RAGOZIN (Z. A.) Siegfried, the Hero of the North; and Beo- wulf, the Hero of the Anglo-Saxons. Illustrated. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1898 1374 SCHALDEMOSE (F.) Beo-wulf og Scopes Widsid to Angel- saxiske Digte, med Oversaettelse og oplysende Anmaerkninger. Anden Udgave. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 188. Copenhagen, 1851 1375 SIMONS (DR. L.) Beowulf. Angelsaksisch Volsepos Vertaald in stafrijm en met Inleiding en Aanteekeningen Voorzien. Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 355. Gent, 1896 1376 SIMROCK (DR. KARL). Das alteste deutsche Epos. Ueber- setzt und erlautert von Dr. Karl Simrock. Post 8vo, wrappers, pp. 203. Stuttgart und Augsburg, 1859 1377 STEINECK (H.) Altenglische Dichtungen in wortgetreuer Ceber- setzung von H. Steineck. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 151. Leipzig, 1898 * Beowulf: Caedmon'sElene, Hymnus, &c. 1 66 Enslisb Ibistors ant> ^Literature ANGLO-SAXON BEOWULF Continued. 1378 THOMSON (C.) The Adventures of Beowulf. Translated... and adapted for Schools. i2mo, cloth. London, 1899 1379 THORPE (BENJAMIN). The Anglo-Saxon Poems of Beowulf, the Scop or Gleeman's Tale, and the Fight at Finnesburg. With a Literal Translation, Notes, Glossary, etc. Post 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1855 1380 WOLZOGEN (HANS VON). Beowulf. Aus dem Angelsach- sischen. i8mo, sewed, pp. 104. Leipzig [1872] 1381 WYATT (A, J.) Beowulf. Edited with textual Foot-notes, Index of Proper Names, and Alphabetical Glossary. Crown 8vo, cloth. Cambridge: The University Press, 1898 1382 ZUPITZA (JULIUS). Beowulf. Autotypes of the Unique Cot- ton MS. [Vitellius A.xv] in the British Museum. With a trans- literation and notes. 8vo, wrappers. Early English Text Society. London, 1882- 1383 BIRCH (WALTER DE GRAY). Fasti Monastic! ^Evi Saxon- ici ; or an Alphabetical List of the Heads of Religious Houses in England previous to the Norman Conquest. 8vo, cloth. London, 1872 1384 - Cartularium Saxonicum : a Collection of Charters relating to Anglo-Saxon History. 3 vols. small 4to, cloth. London, 1885-1893 *This Collection of Charters dates from A.D. 430 to A.D. 975, comprising altogether 1323 documents, many of which had never been published, and all collated with the original, making a collection of every available document dealing with this period of history. iking Hlfrefc's tDersion of Boetbius. 1385 CARDALE (J. S.) King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon Version of Boethius de Consolatione Philosophiae, with an English Translation, and Notes. Royal 8vo, bound by RIVIERE in half green morocco' gilt, gilt top, uncut. London : W. Pickering, 1829 1386 FOX (SAMUEL). King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon Version of the Metres of Boethius, with an English Translation, and Notes. Svo,. half green crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. London : W. Pickering, 1835 Ibistorg anfc Xiterature 167 ANGLO-SAXON KING ALFRED'S 1387 LEICHT (ALFRED). 1st Koenig ^Eelfred der Verfasser der Alliterierenden Metra des Boetius ? 8vo, sewed, pp. 50. Halle, 1882 1388 RAWLINSON (CHRISTOPHER). An. Manl. Sever. Boethi Consolationis Philosophise, Libri V. Anglo-Saxonice redditi ab Alfredo inclyto Anglo-Saxonum Rege. 8vo, old calf, gilt, rebacked Oxford : Sheldon Theatre, 1698 * The first printed edition of the Anglo-Saxon text of Boethius. The text was transcribed from the Bodleian MS. and compared with the Cottonian by Francis Junius. From this transcript Edward Thwaites and Rawlinson published this edition, the latter bearing the expense. This copy bears the stamp of Sion College Library, and an inscription on the inside of the cover shows that it was presented to the library by Rawlinson with other books, and his autograph is on the title. A very brilliant impression of the portrait of Junius by Burghers after Vandyke precedes the title. SCARCE. 1389 SEDGEFIELD (W. J.) King Alfred's Old English Version of Boethius' De Consolatione Philosophic. Edited from the MS. with Introduction, Notes and Glossary. Post 8vo, cloth. Oxford : The Clarendon Press, 1899 1390 - King Alfred's Version of the Consolations of Boethius. Done into Modern English, with an Introduction. i2mo, cloth, uncut. Oxford : The Clarendon Press, 1900 1391 TUPPER (MARTIN F.) King Alfred's Poems [from Boethius] now first turned into English Metres. i2mo, cloth. London, 1850 1392 ZIMMERMAN (OTTO). Ueber den Verfasser der altenglischen Metren des Boethius. 8vo, sewed, pp. 52. Griefswald, 1882 1393 BOSWORTH (REV. J.) The Elements of Anglo-Saxon Gram- mar . . . with a Grammatical Praxis and literal English version, etc. facsimile. 8vo, boards. London, 1823 1394 A Dictionary of the Anglo-Saxon Language. Thick 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1838 * The complete Dictionary of Bosworth, not the abridgment. 1395 A Compendious Anglo-Saxon and English Dictionary. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1848 * Large Paper Copy. 1296 A Compendious Anglo-Saxon and English Dictionary. New edition. 8vo, cloth. London, 1860 1 68 Bnglfsb 1bfstor and ^Literature ANGLO-SAXON Continued. 1397 BRIGHT (JAMES W.) The Gospel of St. Luke in Anglo-Saxon. Edited from the Manuscripts, with Introduction, Notes and Glos- sary. Crown 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1893 An Anglo-Saxon Reader, with Notes, Glossary, and outlines of Anglo-Saxon Grammar. Crown 8vo, cloth. New York, 1894 1399 BRUCE (J. DOUGLAS). The Anglo-Saxon Version of the Book of Psalms, commonly known as the Paris Psalter. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 127. Baltimore, 1894 1400 CAEDMON. BOUTERWEK (K. W.) Caedmon's des Angelsachsen Biblische Dichtungen. With two facsimiles from the Bodleian MS. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. Gutersloh, 1854 * Vol. i contains the text, Vol. 2 the glossary. 1401 - [GOTZINGER (ERNST).] Ueber die Dichtungen des Angel- sachsen Caedmon und deren Verfasser. Inaugural Dissertation. Post 8vo, wrapper, pp. 51. Presentation copy from the author. Gottingen, 1860 1402 - GREIN (C. W. M.) Exodus and Daniel. Edited from Grein [with Glossary]. By T. W. Hunt. Crown 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1893 1403 - STEPHENS (PROF. G.) The Ruthwell Cross, Northumbria, from about A. D. 680, with its Runic Verses by Caedmon, and Caedmon's complete cross-lay, "The Holy Rood, a Dream," from a South-English transcript of the loth Century. With translations, comments, and facsimiles. Folio, wrappers, pp. 46. London and Copenhagen, 1866 1404 - THORPE (BENJAMIN). Caedmon's Metrical Paraphrase of Parts of the Holy Scriptures in Anglo-Saxon, with an English Trans- lation, Notes, and a Verbal Index. 8vo, boards, cloth back, un- cut. London: The Society of Antiquaries, 1832 1405 - WATSON (R. S.) Caedmon, the First English Poet. (A Bio- graphical and Historical Essay). Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1875 1406 COLLEN (G. W.) Britannia Saxonica. A Map of Britain during the Saxon Octarchy, accompanied by a table shewing the Contem- porary Sovereigns of each State, the Mutations in the Saxon King- doms, the Genealogies of the Saxon Kings, etc. 4to, bound by RIVIERE, in half green morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. London: W. Pickering > 1833 jn0lisb tbfstors anfc Xiterature 169 ANGLO-SAXON Continued. 1407 CONYBEARE (J. J.) Illustrations of Anglo-Saxon Poetry. Edited, with additional notes, etc., by W. D. Conybeare. 8vo, half mo- rocco, gilt. London, 1826 1408 COOK (ALBERT S.) Judith: an Old English Epic Fragment. Edited, with Introduction, Facsimile, Translation, Complete Glos- sary, and Various Indexes. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. Post 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1889 1409 CROW (C. L.) Maldon and Brunnaburh. Two Old English Songs of Battle (Text, with introduction, notes and glossary). izmo, cloth. Boston, 1897 Hnglo^Saion Cgnewulf. 1410 BASKERVILL (W. M.) Andreas: a Legend of St. Andrew. With critical Notes and Glossary. Crown 8vo, wrappers, pp. 78 Boston, 1900 1411 COOK (ALBERT S.) The Christ of Cynewulf. A Poem in three parts. Edited, with Introduction, Notes and Glossary. Post 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1900 1412 GOLLANCZ (ISRAEL). Cynewulfs Christ. An Eighth Cen- tury English Epic. Edited, with a modern rendering, by I. Gol- lancz. Illuminated frontispiece. 8vo, boards. London, 1892 1413 GRIMM (JACOB). Andreas und Elene. (Text with critical Intro- duction, and Notes.) 8vo, boards. Cassel, 1840 * The Elene was written by Cynewulf (8th Century); the Andreas has also been attributed to the same, and also to Ealdhelm. This is the first printed edition of any of the works of Cynewulf. 14(4 KENT (C. W.) Elene. An Old English Poem. With Introduc- tion, Latin Originals (the Vita Quiriaci of the Acta Sanctorum, May 4th), Notes, and Glossary. Post 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1897 1415 WHITMAN (C. H.) The Christ of Cynewulf. A Poem in three parts. Translated into English Prose. Crown 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1900 1416 WULKER (DR. RICHARD). Codex Vercellensis. Die Angel- saechsische Handschrift zu Vercelli in getreuer nachbildung. Small 4to, boards. Leipzig, 1894 * Fine autotype facsimiles of the original manuscript. This manuscript was found at Vercelli in the early part of the igth Century. Part of the authorship has been attributed to Cynewulf. 1 7 BnQlisb Tbiston? an& ^Literature ANGLO-SAXON CYNEWULF Co//w^. 1417 ZUPITZA (JULIUS). Elene mit einem Glossar. 8vo, wrappers, pp. zoo. Berlin, 1877 1418 Second edition of the same. (Revised.) 8vo, wrappers, pp. 80. Berlin, 1883 1419 DESCRIPTION of the Ancient Vessel recently found under an old branch of the River Rother in Kent, with various conjectures respecting her antiquity, etc. Folding plate. 8vo, sewed, pp. 15. London, 1823 * An old boat which was probably an old English barge, but was claimed to be either a Danish or Anglo-Saxon war vessel. 1420 EARLE (JOHN). Anglo-Saxon Literature. 121110, cloth. London, 1884 1421 A Hand-Book to the Land Charters, and other Saxonic Docu- ments. Post 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1888 1422 ETTMULLER (LUDOVIC). Vorda Vealhst6d Engla and Seaxna. Lexicon Anglosaxonicum ex Poetarum Scriptorumque Prosaicorum Operibus . . . cum Synopsis Grammatica. Post 8vo, boards. Quedlinburgii et Lipsise, 1851 1423 GARNETT (J. M.) Elene; Judith; Athelstan, or the Fight at Brunanburh; Byrhtnoth, or the Fight at Maldon; and the Dream of the Rood. Anglo-Saxon Poems translated. Enlarged edition. Crown 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1901 1424 GILES (J. A., Editor). The Venerable Bede's Ecclesiastical His- tory of England: also The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Translated, with notes, etc. Map. Post 8vo, half calf gilt, gilt top, uncut. (Bohn's Antiquarian Library.) London, 1847 1425 Memorials of King Alfred, being Essays on the History and Antiquities of England during the Ninth Century, the Age of King Alfred. Colored plate of the Alfred Jewel, and 7 plates of coins. 8vo, cloth. London, 1863 Ibtstorg ant> ^literature 171 Hnglo^Sayon (Sregorp's dura paetoralte. Iking Hlfrefc's IDersion, 1426 DEWITZ (ALBERT). Untersuchungen uber Alfreds des Grossen westsachsische Ubersetzung der " Cura Pastoralis " Gre- gors, und ihr Verhaltnis zum Originale. 8vo, sewed, pp. 66. Bunzlau, 1889 1427 FLEISCHAUER (W.) Ueber den Gebrauch des Conjunctive in Alfred's altenglischer Uebersetzung von Gregor's Cura Pastoralis. 8vo, sewed, pp. 31. Goettingen, 1885 1428 GIESCHEN (LUDWIG). Die Charakterischen Unterschiede der einzelnen Schreiber im Hatton MS. der Cura Pastoralis. 8vo, sewed, pp. 96. Greifswald, 1887 1429 WACK (GUSTAV). Uber des Verhaltnis von Konig Alfreds Ubersetzung der Cura Pastoralis zum Original. 8vo, cloth, pp. 60. Greifswald, 1889 1430 WULFING (ERNST). Darstellungder Syntax in Konig Alfred's Ubersetzung von Gregor's des Grossen Cura Pastoralis. Erste Halfte. Inaugural-Dissertation .... in der Universitat zu Bonn, 7 Juli 1888. 8vo, sewed, pp. 72. (Apparently no more was pub- lished.) Bonn, 1888 1431 GREIN (C. W. M.) Dichtungen der Angelsachsen stabreimend ubersetz. 2 vols. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 308 and 258. Cassel and Gottingen, 1863 * Contains translations from Caedmon, the legend of St. Andreas (by Cynewulf ?), Elene by Cynewulf, the legend of St. Guthlac, etc. 1432 GROPP (ERNESTUS). On the Language of the Proverbs of Alfred. 8vo, sewed, pp. 63. Halis Saxonum, 1829 (?) 1433 HAIGH (DANIEL H.) The Conquest of Britain by the Saxons. A Harmony of the " Historia Britonum," the writings of Gildas, the" Brut," and the Saxon Chronicle, with references to the events of the sth and 6th Centuries. 8vo, cloth. London, 1861 1434 The Anglo-Saxon Sagas; an Examination of their value as Aids to History. 8vo, cloth. London, 1861 1435 HALL (J. R. C.) A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary for the use of Students. Small 4to, cloth. London, 1894 i? 2 jn$lfsb HMstors anfc ^literature ANGLO-SAXON Continued. 1436 HARRISON (J. A.) AND BASKERVILL (W. M.) A Handy Dictionary of Anglo-Saxon Poetry, based on Groschupp's Grein. Edited, Revised, and Corrected. 8vo, cloth. London, 1886 1437 HARSTRICK (AUGUST). Untersuchung iiber die Prseposi- tionen bei Alfred dem Grossen. 8vo, sewed, pp. 58. Kiel, 1890 1438 HICKES (GEORGE), Institutiones Grammaticse Anglo-Saxon- icse et Mceso-Gothicae. Small 4to, old russia (back damaged). Oxford: Theatre Sheldoniano, 1689 * This contains, besides the Grammar, Jonas' Icelandic Grammar, Catalogue of Anglo-Saxon MSS. in England, and Bernard's Etymologicon Britannicum. 1439 HICKES' THESAURUS. Antiquse Literature Septentrionalis. Cura Georgii Hickesii, Andreae Fountaine, et Humfredi Wanleii. 3 vols. folio, original old calf, rebacked. Oxonii: Theatro Sheldoniano, 1705 * With portrait of Hickes by R. White. This might very well be called the first encyclopaedia of Northern Antiquities. It contains a Moeso-Gothic and Anglo- Saxon Grammar, with facsimiles ; Franco-Theotisca Grammar; Icelandic Grammar, with facsimiles; History of Hjalmar, Runic text with transliteration and Latin trans- lation; a Treatise on Anglo-Saxon and Danish Coins, with plates; and Wanley's cata- logue, with extracts and comments, of all the Anglo-Saxon and Northern Manuscripts in England. 1440 KEMBLE (J. M.) The Dialogue of Solomon and Saturnus, with an Historical Introduction, 1848; also in the same volume: The Poetry of the Codex Vercellensis, with an English translation by the same, 1843 (containing the legend of St. Andrew, Elene, etc.). 8vo, half calf. London: The sElfric Society, 1843-48 144 1 The Saxons in England. A History of the English Com- monwealth till the Period of the Norman Conquest. 2 vols. 8vo r polished calf, gilt. London, 1849 * One of the authoritative books on this period of history, illustrated by numerous references to manuscripts and references. SCARCE. 1442 New Edition of the same. Revised by Walter De Gray Birch. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1876 1443 The Gospel according to St. Matthew in Anglo-Saxon and Northumbrian Versions synoptically arranged, with collations of the Best Manuscripts. 410, cloth. (Edited by J. M. Kemble.) Cambridge: The University Press, 1858- Ibfston? anfc ^Literature 173 ANGLO-SAXON Continued. 1444 KLIPSTEIN (L. F.) Analecta Anglo-Saxonica. Selections in Prose and Verse from the Anglo-Saxon Literature, with an Intro- ductory Ethnological Essay and Notes, critical and explanatory. 2 vols. post Svo, cloth. New York, 1849 1445 LAPPENBERG (DR. J. M.) A History of England under the Anglo-Saxon Kings. Translated from the German by Benjamin Thorpe, with additions and corrections. 2 vols. 8vo, calf, gilt. London, 1845 1446 LEO (PROF. HEINRICH). Treatise on the local Nomenclature of the Anglo-Saxons, as exhibited in the "Codex Diplomaticus JEvi Saxonici." Translated from the German, with additional examples and notes. Post 8vo, boards. London, 1852 * Contains a list of the Anglo-Saxon Dykes and Roads in England. 1447 LEOFRIC MISSAL. The Leofric Missal as tlsed in the Cathe- dral of Exeter during the Episcopate of its First Bishop, A. D. 1050-1072, together with some account of the Red Book of Derby, the Missal of Robert of Jumieges, and a few other early Manuscript Service Books of the English Church. Introduction and Notes by F. E. Warren. Facsimile. 410, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1883 1448 LINGARD (REV. JOHN). The History and Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church; containing an account of its Origin, Govern- ment, Doctrines, Worship, Revenues, and Clerical and Monastic Institutions. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1858 1449 MARCH (FRANCIS A.) A Comparative Grammar of the Anglo- Saxon Language, in which its Forms are illustrated by those of the Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, Gothic, Old Saxon, etc. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1875 1450 An Anglo-Saxon Reader, with Philological Notes, a Brief Grammar and a Vocabulary. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1879 1451 The Study of Anglo-Saxon. 8vo, sewed, pp. 5 (475-479). (From the Report of the Commissioner of Education.) n. p., n. d. 1452 MERBOT (REINHOLD). ^Esthetische Studien zur Angel- sachischen Poesie. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 51. Breslau, 1883 1453 MICHEL (FRANCISQUE). Bibliotheque Anglo-Saxonne. Royal 8vo, bound by RIVIERE in half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. * A lengthy introduction is prefixed, written by J. M. Kemble. Paris, 1837 1454 NILSSON (L. G.) Judith, Fragment aff ett Fornengelskt Qua'de. Med Svensk Ofversattning och Glossarium. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 72. Presentation copy to Prof. Worsaae. Copenhagen, 1858 i;4 Bnglisb HMstors anfc ^Literature HngloSayon rosiu0 t Iking Hlfrefc's IDersion. 1455 ALFRED'S (KING) Description of Europe. (The first chapter of King Alfred's Orosius, translated.) 12010, sewed, pp. 20. (Old South Leaflets, No. 112.) Boston, n. d. 1456 [BARRINGTON (DAINES).] The Anglo-Saxon Version from the historian Orosius by Alfred the Great; together with an English Translation from the Anglo-Saxon. Map. 8vo, old calf. Presen- tation copy from the translator. London, 1773 * Contains the contemporary book-plate of John Brewster. M57 BOSWORTH (REV. JOSEPH). A Description of Europe, and the Voyages of Ohthere and Wulfstan, written in Anglo-Saxon by King Alfred the Great, containing a Facsimile copy of the whole Anglo-Saxon Text, a Printed Anglo-Saxon Text based upon the Manuscripts, and a Literal English Translation and Notes. Map. 410, cloth, pp. 26. Presentation copy from Dr. Bosworth. London, 1855 * A written note by Dr. Bosworth states that only 50 were printed. 1458 Large and Thick Paper copy of the same. Map. Royal 4to, cloth, pp. 26. London, 1855 * Only 50 copies were printed of this special issue. Each page ruled with red lines. This copy has a specially printed leaf inserted dedicating it to "John Tollemache, Esq." 1459 A Literal English Translation of a Description of Europe and the Voyages of Ohthere and Wulfstan, from the Anglo-Saxon of King Alfred the Great, with facsimiles, specimens, notes, Hampson's Essay on King Alfred's Geography, and map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 63. London, 1855 * Only 40 copies printed. This edition contains the translation and commentatory matter, but not the whole of the Anglo-Saxon text. 1460 A Description of Europe, and the Voyages of Ohthere and Wulfstan, written in Anglo-Saxon by King Alfred the Great; with his Account of the Mediterranean Islands, of Africa, and of the History of the World to the Year B.C. 1413, chiefly taken from Orosius; containing a Facsimile of the whole Anglo-Saxon text, a printed Anglo-Saxon Text, and a Literal English Translation and Notes. Maps of Europe, Asia and Africa on one sheet. Royal 4to, cloth, pp. 4+30+38+8. London, 1855 * One of the Special Large and Thick Paper copies, each page ruled with red lines. Only 50 copies printed. Containing Orosius' account of the Mediterranean countries and Africa, and his History of the World, in addition to the Description of Europe contained in the three previous lots. ngUsb Tbiston? ant) Xiterature 175 ANGLO-SAXON OROSIUS, KING ALFRED'S VERSION Continued. 1461 BOSWORTH (REV. JOSEPH). A Literal English Transla- tion of King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon Version of the Compendious History of the World by Orosius. Containing Facsimile Speci- mens of the Text, Introduction, Notes, Hampson's Essay on King Alfred's Geography, and Map. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 198+63. London, 1855 * Only 50 printed. Orosius' History of the World, translated, with only specimen of the text, commentatory matter, etc. 1462 King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon Version of the Compendious His- tory of the World by Orosius. Containing Fae-simile specimens of the text, a Preface describing the MSS., a printed Anglo-Saxon text, Notes and Various Readings, and Map. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. Ixiv. + I 33 + 3 I - London, 1859 * Containing the whole of the Anglo-Saxon text, with notes, etc., but omitting the translation, and Hampson's essay. 1463 King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon Version of the Compendious His- tory of the World by Orosius. Containing Fac- simile specimens of the text, a Preface describing the MSS., an Introduction on Orosius and his Work, a printed Anglo-Saxon text, Notes and Various Readings, a Literal English Translation with Notes, Hampson's Essay on King Alfred's Geography, and map. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. Ixiv. -f- 133 -f- 198 + 63. London, 1859 * Containing the whole of the Anglo-Saxon text printed, but only fac-simile speci- mens of the MS., but containing the translation and all the commentatory matter. 1464 The History of the Lauderdale Manuscript of King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon Version of Orosius. Two fac- similes. Royal 8vo, half calf. Oxford, 1858 * Only 25 copies printed for private circulation. 1465 RASK (R.) Ottars og Ulfstens korte Rejseberetninger med dansk Oversaettelse, kritiske Anmaerkninger og andre Oplysninger af R. Rask. i2mo, wrappers, pp. 132. Kjobenhavn, 1816 * King Alfred's account of Ohthere's and Wulf Stan's Voyages along the Northern Coasts of Europe and in the Baltic, with the Anglo-Saxon text, and a Danish transla- tion on opposite pages. The first separate pnblication of this work from King Alfred's translation. It was published for the first time in Spelman's Life of King Alfred. 1466 SCHILLING (HUGO). Konig Alfred's Angelsachsische Bearbeit- ung der Weltgeschichte des Orosius. 8vo, sewed, pp. 63. Halle a S., 1886 176 Bnglisb tbistorp anfc ^Literature ANGLO-SAXON OROSIUS, KING ALFRED'S VERSION Continued. 1467 SWEET (HENRY). King Alfred's Orosius. Part I., the Old- English Text and Latin Original. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 299. (Early English Text Society.) London, 1883 1468 Extracts from Alfred's Orosius. (With English Notes, and Glossary.) 1 2mo, boards, cloth back, pp. 80. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1893 1469 PETHERAM (JOHN). An Historical Sketch of the Progress and Present State of Anglo-Saxon Literature in England. 8vo, boards. London, 1840 1470 PRIESE (OSCAR). Die Sprache der Gesetze Alfreds des Grossen und Konig Jnes. 8vo, sewed, pp. 55. Strassburg, 1883 1471 RASK (ERASMUS). A Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Tongue, with a Praxis. New edition, improved and enlarged by the author. Translated by B. Thorpe. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Copenhagen, 1830 1472 Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Tongue. Translated from Rask by B. Thorpe. 12010, cloth. London, 1865 1473 ST. GUTHLAC. The Anglo-Saxon Version of the Life of St. Guthlac, Hermit of Crowland. Originally written ... by Felix (commonly called of Crowland). Now first printed from a MS. in the Cottonian Library. With Translation and Notes, by C. W. Goodwin. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1848 1474 ST. SWITHIN. EARLE (REV. J.) Facsimile of some leaves in Saxon Handwriting on Saint Swithin, copied by Photozincography. With elucidations and an Essay; also in the same volume, Leaves from an Anglo-Saxon translation of the Life of S. Maiia ^Egyptiaca, with a translation and Notes, and facsimile. 4to, half cloth. London, 1861 HnsloSaion Gbe Saion Cbronicle. M75 ANCIENT HISTORY, English and French, exemplified in a regular Dissection of the Saxon Chronicle; preceded by a Review of Wharton's Utrum Elfricus Grammaticus, Malmesbury's Life of St. Wulstan, and Hugo Candidus' Peterborough History, wherein the principal Saxon Annalists are now (for the first time) identified. Post 8vo, half cloth. London, 1830 * By Henry Scale English. Engltsb HMstorp ant> Xlterature 177 ANGLO-SAXON THE SAXON CHRONICLE Continued. 1476 DAVIS (J. F.) Anglo-Saxon Chronicles from 800-1001, A. D. Edited with Introduction, Notes and Glossary. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1889 1477 EARLE (JOHN). Two of the Saxon Chronicles parallel, with supplementary Extracts from the others. Edited with Introduction, Notes, and a Glossarial Index. Facsimile. 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1865 1478 GIBSON (EDMUND). Chronicon Saxonicum exMSS. Codicibus nunc Primum Integrum edidit. Small 410, old panelled calf, gilt. Oxford: Theatro Sheldoniano, 1692 * The first complete edition of the old Saxon Chronicle, with a Latin translation. 1479 GURNEY (ANNA). A Literal Translation of the Saxon Chron- icle. Post 8vo, calf, gilt. Norwich, 1819 * Translated by Miss Anna Gurney, a Quaker, and issued in a small number of copies for private circulation. This translation is an interesting example of literary success under the greatest difficulties. Miss Gurney for almost the whole of her life was paralyzed, but notwithstanding this affliction travelled extensively, and as a tribute to her knowledge and researches was the first female member to be elected to the British Archaeological Association. 1480 INGRAM (REV. J.) The Saxon Chronicle, with an English Translation, and Notes Critical and Explanatory, Indices, etc. With map of England to illustrate the Iglea of the Chronicle (the retreat of Alfred to Athelney), folding map of England under the Heptarchy, three plates of Saxon Coins, and plate of facsimiles. 4to, scored calf. London, 1823 1481 PLUMMER (C.) Two of the Saxon Chronicles parallel (the Laud, and Parker MSS.). With Introductions, Notes, and Glossary. Crown 8vo, boards. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1889 1482 PLUMMER (C.) AND EARLE (J.) Two of the Saxon Chronicles parallel, with supplementary extracts from the others. A revised text, with Introduction, Notes, Appendices, and Glossary. 2 vols. post 8vo, half roan. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1892-99 1483 STEVENSON (REV. J.) The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: and The Chronicle of Florence of Worcester. Edited and in part Translated from the Originals with Continuation and Appendix. 8vo, cloth. (Church Historians of England.) London, 1853 178 En^lisb 1foistor anfc literature ANGLO-SAXON Continued. 1484 SCHMID (DR. REINHOLD). Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen. In der Ursprache mil Uebersetzung, Erlauterungen, und einem antiquarischen Glossar. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 680. Leipzig, 1858 1485 SHELTON (MAURICE). Wotton's Short View of George Hickes' Grammatico-Critical and Archaeological Treasure of the Ancient Northern Languages. With some Notes and an Appendix, faithfully translated into English. To which are added by the same translator other Curious and Proper Notes, etc. 4to, original old decorated paper wrappers, rebacked. London, 1735 * This is a translation, with additions, of Wotton's abridgment of Hickes' Antiquse Literaturse Septentrionalis, published in 1705. The specimens of Anglo-Saxon with English translations are ^Ethelflede's and ^Elflede's Testaments, King Edgar's Charter, and the Creed of Athanasius. 1486 SIEVERS(EDUARD). Angelsachsische Grammatik. 2e. Auflage. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 228. Halle, 1886 1487 SILVER (REV. T.) The Coronation Service or Consecration of the Anglo-Saxon Kings, as it Illustrates the Origin of the Consti- tution. 8vo, half roan, uncut. Oxford, 1831 1488 SOAMES (HENRY). The Latin Church during Anglo-Saxon Times. 8vo, cloth. London, 1848 1489 The Anglo-Saxon Church, its History, Revenues, and General Character. Fourth Edition, revised, augmented and cor- rected. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1856 1490 SWEET (HENRY). An Anglo-Saxon Reader, with Gram- matical Introduction, Notes, and Glossary. Crown 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1881 1491 Another edition. Crown 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1885 1492 An Anglo-Saxon Primer, with Grammar, Notes, and a Glossary. Crown 8vo, limp cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1882 1493 The Oldest English Texts. Edited with Introductions and a Glossary. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 668. (Early English Text Society). London, 1885 * A Collection of all the extant Old-English texts up to about A. D. 900, that are preserved in contemporary MSS. with the exception of the Saxon Chronicle and the works of Alfred the Great. 1494 A Second Anglo-Saxon Reader, Archaic and Dialectal. Crown 8vo, cloth. Oxford : The Clarendon Press, 1887 Bnglisb Tbistorp anfc ^literature 179 ANGLO-SAXON Continued. 1495 THORPE' (BENJAMIN). Analecta Anglo-Saxonica. A Selec- tion in Prose and Verse from Anglo-Saxon Authors of Various Ages, with a Glossary. 8vo, boards, cloth back. London, 1834 1496 Another edition of the same. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1846 1497 New edition of the same, with corrections and improvements. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1868 1498 [ ] Ancient Laws and Institutes of England; comprising Laws enacted under the Anglo-Saxon Kings from ^Ethelbirht to Cnut, with an English translation of the Saxon; the Laws called Edward the Confessor's; the Laws of William the Conqueror, and those ascribed to Henry I. ; also, Monumenta Ecclesiastica Anglicana, yth to loth Century, and the Ancient Latin Version of the Anglo-Saxon Laws, with a Compendious Glossary, etc. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. London: Record Commission, 1840 1499 Codex Exoniensis. A Collection of Anglo-Saxon Poetry, from a MS. in the Library of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter, with an English translation, notes and indexes. Roy. 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut. With the autograph of Sir George VVebbe Dasent, the noted Norse scholar, on fly-leaf. London: The Society of Antiquaries, 1842 1500 Another copy of the same. Royal 8vo, finely bound by RIVIERE in half green morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. London, 1842 1501 The Anglo-Saxon Version of the Holy Gospels. Edited from the Original Manuscripts. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1842 1502 The Anglo-Saxon Version of the Holy Gospels. Reprinted (from Thorpe's edition) by L. F. Klipstein. Post 8vo, cloth New York, 1851 1503 - Diplomatarium Anglicum vEvi Saxonici. A Collection of English Charters from the Reign of King ^Ethelberht to that of William the Conqueror, with a translation of the Anglo-Saxon. 8vo, cloth. London, 1865 1504 THRUPP (JOHN). The Anglo-Saxon Home. A History of the Domestic Institutions and Customs of England from the Fifth to the Eleventh Century. 8vo, cloth. London, 1862 1505 THWAITES (EDWARD). Heptateuchus Liber Job et Evange- lium Nicodemi; Anglo-Saxonice. Historiae Judith Fragmentum Dano-Saxonice. Frontispiece. 8vo, old calf. Oxonii: Theatro Sheldoniano, Typis Junianis, 1698 * The Book of Judith has been compared with the original manuscript by a former owner, T. O. Cockayne, and corrections written in, June, 1864. i8o BnQlisb IbtetorE ant) ^Literature ANGLO-SAXON Continued. 1506 TURK (MILTON HAIGHT). The Legal Code of Alfred the Great. Edited, with an Introduction. 8vo, sewed, pp. 56. (This is the introduction without the text.) Halle, 1890 1507 - The Legal Code of Alfred the Great. Edited, with an Intro- duction. 8vo, boards, cloth back. Boston, 1893 * Contains the introduction as in the previous edition and also, the Anglo-Saxon text, but omits a half-page biographical sketch of the author. 1508 TURNER (SHARON). The History of the Anglo-Saxons, from the Earliest Period to the Norman Conquest. Seventh Edition. 3 vols. 8vo, full calf, gilt (joints cracked). London, 1852 1509 VERNON (E. J.) A Guide to the Anglo-Saxon Tongue, after Rask, with Extracts, Notes, etc. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1846 1510 WHITE (R. M.) The Ormulum, with the Notes and the Glos- sary of Dr. R. M. White. Edited by the Rev. R. Holt. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1878 * A reprint of an Anglo-Saxon Book of Homilies, written apparently in the 13th Century by an Augustinian monk named Orm or Ormun. 1511 WINKELMANN (EDUARD). Geschichte der Angelsachsen bis zum Tode Konig Alfred's. Facsimiles, etc. 8vo, boards, cloth back. Berlin, 1883 1512 WRIGHT (THOMAS). Coup-d'CEil sur les Progres et sur 1'Etat actuel de la Litterature Anglo-Saxon. Traduit de 1'Anglais par M. de Larenaudiere. 8vo, bound by RIVIERE in half green levant mo- rocco, gilt top, uncut, pp. 43. London: W. Pickering, 1836 1513 - An Essay on the State of Literature and Learning under the Anglo-Saxons. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 112. London, 1839 1514 - Anglo-Saxon and Old English Vocabularies. Second Edition. Revised and collated by R. P. Wiilcker. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1884 1515 WULKER (DR. RICHARD). Grundris zur Geschichte der Angelsachsischen Litteratur. Mit einer ubersicht der Angelsach- sischen Sprachwissenschaft. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 532. Leipzig, 1885 1516 ANNALS OF ENGLAND. An Epitome of English History from Contemporary Writers, the Rolls of Parliament, and other Public Records. Illustrated. 8vo, half roan. Library edition. Oxford, 1876 Ibiston? an& Xtterature 181 1517 ANSTED (DAVID T.) The Channel Islands. By D. T. Ansted and R. G. Latham. Revised and edited by E. T. Nicolle. Maps, and numerous illustrations. Thick crown 8vo, cloth. (Third edition.) London, n. d. [1893?] 1518 ARBER (EDWARD). A List based on the Registers of the Stationers' Company of 837 London Publishers, between 1553 and 1640 A. D. 410, boards, pp. 32. Birmingham (England), 1890 1519 ASHTON (JOHN). Romances of Chivalry, told and illustrated in Facsimile. Numerous facsimile illustrations from rare early editions. 8vo, cloth. London, 1887 1520 ATKINS (T. DE COURCY). The Kelt or Gael, his Ethno- graphy, Geography and Philology. 8vo, cloth. London, 1892 1521 AUTOGRAPHS. NETHERCLIFT (F. G.) The Hand-Book of Autographs; being a ready Guide to the Handwriting of dis- tinguished Men and Women of every Nation. With Biographical Index by Richard Sims. Small 4to, half roan. A. L. S. of Nether- clift inserted. London [1862] 1522 PHILLIPS (L. B.) The Autographic Album. A Collection of 470 facsimiles of holograph writings of Royal, Noble and Dis- tinguished Men and Women of various Nations. With Biographical Notes, etc. Small 410, cloth. London, 1866 1523 SCOTT (REV. DR.) and DAVEY (SAMUEL). A Guide to the Collector of Historical Documents, Literary Manuscripts and Auto- graph Letters, etc. With an Index of Books of Reference; also a new edition of Wright's Court-hand Restored, with introductory chapter for the use of students. Numerous facsimiles. Small 410, half morocco, gilt top. London, 1891 1524 [TURNER (DAWSON).] Guide to the Historian, the Biographer, the Antiquary, the Collector of Autographs, etc., towards the Veri- fication of Manuscripts. Royal 8vo, cloth. Yarmouth, 1848 * An Index of Books in which facsimiles may be found. 1525 TURNER (DAWSON). Descriptive Index of the Contents of Five Manuscript Volumes illustrative of the History of Great Britain in the library of Dawson Turner. 8vo, cloth. Great Yarmouth : Privately Printed \ 1851 1526 TURNER (DAWSON). Catalogue of the Manuscript Library of the late Dawson Turner, comprising his matchless collection of upwards of Forty Thousand Autograph Letters . . . richly Illumi- nated Missals, etc. To be sold by Auction by Messrs. Puttick and Simpson, June 6-10, 1859. 8vo, cloth. London, 1859 * Illustrated with facsimiles. 1 82 Bngltsb UMstors ant) ^Literature 1527 FJACON (FRANCIS, LORD). ABBOTT (EDWIN A.) Francis \j Bacon. An Account of his Life and Works. 8vo, cloth. London, 1885 1528 LOVEJOY (B. G.) Francis Bacon (Lord Verulam) : a Critical Review of his Life and Character, with selections from his Writ- ings. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1888 1529 SPEDDING (JAMES). An Account of the Life and Times of Francis Bacon. Extracted from the edition of his occasional writ- ings by James Spedding. Portrait. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1878 1530 BARNES (WILLIAM). Notes on Ancient Britain and the Bri- tons. i2mo, cloth. London, 1858 1531 BATTLE ABBEYi Descriptive Catalogue of the Original Char- ters, Royal Grants, and Donations . . . Monastic Chartulary . . . and other Documents constituting the Muniments of Battle Abbey . . . containing also a great mass of papers relating to the Family of Browne ennobled as the Lords Viscount Montague . . . with others relating to the Sidneys, Earls of Leicester, and the whole of the Webster Family Evidences. The whole bound in 97 folio vol- umes and offered for sale by Thomas Thorpe. 8vo, cloth, pp. 221. London, 1835 J 53 2 LOWER (MARK ANTONY). The Chronicle of Battle Abbey from 1066 to 1176. Now first translated with Notes and Abstract of the subsequent History of the Establishment. Two colored fac- similes of the original MS. 8vo, cloth. London, 1851 * The Chronicle of Battle Abbey is a monkish manuscript written apparently in the I2th Century, and commencing with the battle of Senlac where Harold, the last Saxon king of England, was killed and continuing to nearly the close of the twelfth century, and containing many notes on feudal customs, anecdotes of the early Nor- man kings, etc. 1533 BAXTER (RICHARD). What We Must Do to Be Saved. Edited by the Rev. Alexander Grosart; also in the same volume, Annotated List of the Writings of Richard Baxter made from copies of the Books and Tractates themselves. By Grosart. i2mo, cloth. * Only 150 copies printed for Private Circulation. [Edinburgh] 1868 1534 BEATSON (ROBERT). A Political Index to the Histories of Great Britain and Ireland; or, A Complete Register of the Heredi- tary Honours, Public Offices and Persons in Office from the Earliest Periods to the Present Time. Third Edition, corrected and en- larged. 3 vols. 8vo, full calf, gilt London, 1806 Ibistorp an& literature 183 1535 BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. POTTER (A. C.) A Bibli- ography of Beaumont and Fletcher. Royal 8vo, sewed, pp. 20. (Republished from the Bulletin of Harvard University.) Cambridge, Mass., 1890 1536 BEDE'S ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. GIDLEY (REV. L.) Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation. Translated by the Rev. L. Gidley. Crown 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1870 1537 MAYOR (J. E. B.) and LUMBY (J. R.) Venerabilis Bedoe His- toria, libri III , IV. (Edited with very copious Notes and a Glos- sary.) Crown 8vo, cloth. Cambridge: The University Press, 1881 1538 BELLOWS (JOHN). Survivals of Roman Architecture in Britain. [Reprinted from Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club.] Illustrated. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 18. Gloucester, Eng., 1901 * Only a few copies privately printed for presentation purposes. 1539 [BENTLEY (SAMUEL).] Excerpta Historica; or, Illustrations of English History. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: . Bentley, 1851 * A Curious and Interesting Collection of Old English State Papers, Poems, Letters, and other Documents throwing light on the periods of the I3th to i6th Century. Sir Harris Nicolas assisted in the work. The principal editor, Samuel Bentley, was one of the original founders of the well-known publishing firm, 1540 BIBLE (THE). The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New. Thick izmo, old scored calf, the margins and titles ruled with red lines. London: J. Bill and C. Barker, 1663 * At the end is Sternhold and Hopkins' Metrical Version of the Psalms, 1663. 1541 [BOWDEN (A. J.)] Mr. D. F. Appleton's Collection of Bibles and Prayer Books, chiefly in the English Language. i2mo, wrap- pers, pp. 26. Autograph letters of the compiler, and note by D. F. Appleton laid in. New York, 1899 * Only a very limited number printed at the De Vinne Press for private use. 1542 COTTON (REV. HENRY). A List of Editions of the Bible and Parts thereof in English, from 1505 to 1820; also bound with Cotton's Typographical Gazetteer Attempted. 8vo, half calf. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1821-25 1543 - Second Edition of the same, corrected and enlarged. 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The University Press, 1852 1544 COTTON (REV. HENRY). Rhemes and Doway. An Attempt to shew what has been done by Roman Catholics for the diffusion of the Holy Scriptures in English. (Contains bibliography of Catholic Versions of the Bible.) 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The University Press, 1855 184 Enolisb 1foistor an& ^Literature 1545 BIBLE (THE). DORE (J. R.) Old Bibles; or, an Account of the Various Versions of the English Bible. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1876 1546 - Second Edition of the same, enlarged. Facsimiles. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1888 1547 - EDGAR (ANDREW). The Bibles of England: a Plain Account .... of the Principal Versions of the Bible in English. 8vo, cloth. Paisley (Scotland), 1889 1548 GROWOLL (A.) AND EAMES (WILBERFORCE). Three Centuries of English Booktrade Bibliography: an Essay on the beginnings of Booktrade Bibliography since the Introduction of Printing, and in England since 1595, with list of Catalogues .... from 1595 to 1902. Portraits and facsimiles. 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut. New York: The Dibdin Club, 1903 * No. 141 of only 550 copies printed. This volume contains a great deal of material relating to the Term Catalogues, Maunsell's Catalogue, and other similar book-catalogues, copies of which are in this collection. 1549 MAUNSELL (ANDREW). The First Part of the Catalogue of English Printed Books: Which concerneth such matters of Divinitie, as have bin either written in our owne Tongue, or translated out of anie other language: And have bin published, to the glory of God, and edification of the Church of Christ in England. Gathered into Alphabet, and such Method as it is: also in the same volume, The Seconde parte of the Catalogue of English printed Bookes: Eyther written in our owne tongue', or translated out of any other language: which concerneth the Sciences Mathematicall, as Arithmetick, Geometrie, Astronomic, Astrologie, Musick, the Arte of Warre, and Navigation: as also, of Phisick and Surgerie: which have beene published to the glorie of God, and the benefit of the Common- weale of England. Gathered into Alphabet, and such methode as it is. The two parts in one vol., very finely bound by F. BEDFORD in full mottled calf gilt, gilt edges. (Part I. printed by John Windet, 1595, pp. (viii) -f- 123; Part II. printed by James Roberts, 1595, pp. (vi) + 27). Woodcut of the Arms of the Earl of Essex on verso of title to Part II. Fine copy. * Exceedingly rare. The First Printed Catalogue of English Books. In the preface to the second part Maunsell proposes to issue a third part, but no more was ever pub- lished. Like all the other early English catalogues, they are very valuable for the titles of books which have now disappeared. The titles are quite full, and are arranged by subject and author in one alphabet, being mostly of dates subsequent to 1540. See Growoll, pp. 21-34. Englfsb Tbfston? anfc literature 185 BIBLIOGRAPHY Continued. 1550 LONDON (WILLIAM). A Catalogue of the most vendible books in England, Orderly and Alphabetically Digested under the Heads of Divinity, History, Physick, and Chyrurgery, Law, Arithmetick, Geometry, .... Romances, Poems, Playes, &c , the like work never yet performed by any. Small 410, half morocco, gilt top. London, 1658 * This very rare early catalogue was written by a North of England bookseller, and is the first printed catalogue of books that is of length or importance. As would naturally be expected, many rare books are listed, among them Mrs. Bradstreet's Tenth Muse, the works of the poets Cleveland, Drayton, Fanshaw, Milton, Suckling, Waller, Withers, the plays of Jonson, Shakespeare, Beaumont and Fletcher, Davenant, etc. Purchas's Pilgrims, Tears of the Indians, James' Voyage, Cotton's Churches in New England, Eliot and Mayhew's Conversion of the Indians, Rutherford on the Churches of New England, George's [Gorges] America Painted to the Life, etc., etc. Full titles are given, and a long introduction is prefixed. Bound at the end are the two Supplements of 1658 and 1660. See Growoll, pp. 42-50. 1551 TERM CATALOGUES (THE). A Catalogue of Books Con- tinued, Printed and Published at London in Michaelmas Term, 1674, pp. 8; the same, Hilary, 1674, pp. 6; the same, Easter, 1675, pp. 4; the same, Trinity, 1675, pp. 4; the same, Michaelmas, 1675, pp. 6; the same, Hilary, 1675,. pp. 6; the same, Easter, 1676, pp. 6; the same, Michaelmas, 1676, pp. 10; the same, Hilary, 1676, pp. 4; the same, Easter, 1677, pp. 6. Bound in one volume, small folio, cloth. [London, 1674-77] * A scarce run of the ORIGINAL ISSUKS of the TERM CATALOGUES, lacking only Trinity Term 1676. The first number of these has Clavell's name in the imprint, the second advertises that Clavell has printed the General Catalogue (the succeeding lot), but the imprint reads "Printed by Andrew Clark" (Clavell's printer) "and are to be sold by the Booksellers of London, 1674 ;" the rest bear no imprint whatever, but continue the advertising of Clavell's General Catalogue. This forms a part of the third series. The foundation of our bibliographical knowledge of the literature of the English Restoration period is to be found in the Registers of the Stationers' Company, which from their nature are not easily accessible, and from what are known as " The Term Catalogues." The Stationers' Company apparently projected an annual list, and pub- lished one in 1664, of which only one copy is known, but for some reason seem to have relinquished the idea. The " Term Catalogues," however, supplied the want, and John Starkey issued the first two numbers in 1668 and 1669. Then he was asso- ciated with Robert Clavell, and finally when Starkey took part with the Duke of Monmonth in his abortive rebellion, and had to fly the country, Clavell sent them forth with his name alone in the imprint. Their special value lies in the full titles they give, including many books which have now entirely disappeared. 1 86 Englisb ftfstorg anb ^Literature BIBLIOGRAPHY -Continued. 1552 TERM CATALOGUES (THE). The General Catalogue of Books printed in England since the Dreadful Fire of London, 1666. To the End of Trinity Term, 1674. Together with the Titles of all Publick and Private Acts of Parliament: Proclamations: The Texts of Single Sermons, with th-e Authors' Names: Playes Acted at both Theatres: And an Abstract of the General Bills of Mortality since 1660. With a General Account of all the Books of Law, Naviga- tion, Musick, &c. With a Catalogue of School Books. Collected by Robert Clavel. Small folio, cloth, pp. 4+120 (title cut down and mounted). London: Andrew Clark for Robert Clavel, 1675 Strictly speaking, this and the following lot are not " Term Catalogues," but Clavell's list, based on the numbers of those catalogues issued between the dates mentioned, but including as it does all that were comprised in the originals, is really more valuable. This particular volume includes, sandwiched in between the books and bordered with heavy black mourning bands, a statistical summary of all the " Christen- ings and Burials " in London hetween the years 1661 and 1673. This includes the " Plague," year when the number of persons who were buried jumped from eighteen thousand in the previous year to over ninety thousand in that. The Index of Authors' names has been filled out, where lapses have been made by the compiler, by some former eighteenth century owner, who has also on some of the margins added the names of the authors. The whole series of these catalogues is very rare. X 553 The General Catalogue of Books printed in England since the Dreadful Fire of London, 1666. To the end of Trinity Term, 1680. Together with the Texts of Single Sermons, with the Authors' Names; Playes Acted at both the Theatres; And an Ab- stract of the General Bills of Mortality since 1660. With an Ac- count of the Titles of all the Books of Law, Navigation, Musick, etc. And a Catalogue of School Books. To which is now added a Catalogue of Latin Books Printed in Foreign Parts and in England since the Year 1670. Collected by R. Clavell. Small folio, cloth, pp. 4 -(- 191 -}- four unnumbered leaves between pp. 28-29. A ^ ew contemporary notes written in. Fine copy with good margins. London: S. Roy croft for Robert Clavel, 1680 * The first auction sale of books is supposed to have taken place in London (as also in England) for the first time in 1676, a London bookseller William Cooper being the introducer of the system, having, no doubt, obtained the idea from the auc- tion sales of the Elzeviers in Leyden. Clavell refers to these sales of Cooper's in amusing terms in his preface: " As to the late Method used in Selling Books by Auction in London, I suppose that many men have paid dear for their experience in this way ; and I judge it may be demonstrable, that 'tis more probable for the Buyer to gain advantage by a Lottery, than in this way. . .it being apparent that most Books bought in an Auction, may be had cheaper in Booksellers Shops. . .And it cannot be well judged otherwise, for. . . many commissions for the best Books are given, it may be twenty Orders for one Bngltsb tbistor^ anfc ^Literature 187 BIBLIOGRAPHY Continued. Book, that when the Buyers think to have it Cheap, they out-bid one another, and run 10 or I2s. in 30 beyond the Price in Shops, sometimes more, sometimes less. The Experience of which being known and felt, and the imposing of old Rubbish out of Shops, and bad Editions of Books under pretence of eminent Mens Libraries, with other methods not here mentioned, may in a little time put an end to this Project," etc. One may infer from this that auction sales of books must have made greater pro- gress than is usually believed to have been the case in the three years that they had been in existence in England. Clavell's argument on behalf of the booksellers seems to have been somewhat weak when all that he could say was that a probable seller by auction would get somewhere about 50 per cent, more than the trade would give him. 1554 TERM CATALOGUES (THE). A Catalogue of Books con- tinued, Printed and Published at London in Michaelmas Term, 1680, pp. 10 ; the same, Hilary Term, i68|, pp. 9; the same, Easter Term, 1681, pp. 8; the same, Trinity Term, 1681, pp. 7; the same, Michaelmas Term, 1681, pp. 10; the same, Hilary Term, i68, pp. 10 (blank edges of some of the margins torn off); the same, Easter Term, 1682, pp. 8; the same, Trinity Term, 1682, pp. 8; the same, Michaelmas Term, 1682, pp. 12; the same, Hilary Term, i68|, pp. 6; the same, Eastern Term, 1683, pp. 10 (some of the margins dam- aged); the same, Trinity Term, 1683, pp. 10; the same, Michaelmas Term, 1683, pp. 12; the same, Hilary Term, i68f, pp. 6. Bound in onevolume. Small folio, cloth. [London, 1680-1684] * 14 consecutive numbers of the ORIGINAL ISSUES. The imprint on all of these is "Printed for the Booksellers of London," with the exception of Trinity Term, 1682, which is " Printed for Benjamin Tooke." This forms part of the Fourth Series. *555 Another volume containing the same numbers as the preced- ing, with the exception of Michaelmas, 1681; Hilary and Easter, 1682; Michaelmas, 1682; Hilary and Michaelmas, 1683; and Hilary, 1684, which are the Abridged Issues (2 pp. each, except Michaelmas, 1682, which has 4 pp.); also with the issues for Hilary Term, i68f, pp. 2 (Abridged issue); Easter Term, 1684, pp. 2 (Abridged issue); Trinity Term, 1684, pp. 8; Michaelmas Term, 1684, pp. 4 (Abridged issue); Hilary Term, i68f, pp. 8; Easter Term, 1685, pp. 8; Trinity Term, 1685, pp. 6; Michaelmas Term, 1685, pp. 10: Hilary Term, i68|, pp. 6; Easter and Trinity Terms (one number), 1686, pp. 8; Michaelmas Term, 1686, pp. 8; Hilary Term, i68f, pp. 2 (Abridged issue); Easter Term, 1687, pp. 4; Trinity Term, 1687, pp. 4; Michael- mas Term, 1687, pp. 8; Hilary Term, i68|, pp. 6; Easter Term, 1688, pp. 4; Trinity Term, 1688, pp. 6; Easter Term, 1689, pp. 18. Bound in one volume. Small folio, cloth. [London, 1680-89] * Beginning with 1680 there was also issued an Abridged Issue of some at least of the Term Catalogues, containing the titles, etc., in a condensed form. Prof. Arber, who is now reprinting these catalogues (not yet completed) states that only six of these 8 Englisb UMstorp anfc Xfterature BIBLIOGRAPHY Continued. abridged issues are known to be in existence. THIS VOLUME CONTAINS THESE six NUMBERS, AND FOUR OTHERS HITHERTO UNKNOWN, forming a remarkable collection of the extremest rarity. The imprints on all of these is " Printed for the Booksellers of London," with the exception of Trinity Term, 1682, which has " Printed for Benjamin Tooke." The Abridged Issues have no imprint, and were possibly leaflets published for the use of those booksellers who frequented the public fairs. 5^ - Another volume containing Hilary, idgf, pp. 7; Easter, 1696, pp. 6 ; Trinity, 1696, pp. 1 1 ; Michaelmas, 1696, pp. 9 ; Hilary, pp. 8; Easter, 1697, pp. 6; Trinity, 1697, pp. xi. ; Michaelmas, 1697, pp. xi. ; Hilary, 169^, pp. 10; Easter, 1698, pp. 7; Trinity, 1698, pp. 14; Michaelmas, 1698, pp. 13; Hilary, idgf, pp. xi. ; Easter, 1699, pp. xi. ; Trinity, 1699, pp. 13; Michaelmas, 1699, pp. 12 (lacks a leaf or two at end) ; Easter, i 700, pp, 10 ; Trinity, i 700, pp. xi. ; Michael- mas, 1700, pp. 14; Hilary, 170^, pp. 12 ; Easter, 1701, pp. 10; Trinity, 1701, pp. 12 ; Michaelmas, 1701, pp. 12; Hilary, 170^, pp. xi. ; Easter, 1702, pp. 6; Trinity, 1702, pp. 10; Michaelmas, 1702, pp. 12; Hilary, I 7f? PP- I2 'i Easter, 1703, pp. 8 (small hole in one leaf); Michael- mas, 1703, pp. 16; Hilary, 170!, pp. 12; Easter, 1704, pp. 8; Trinity, 1704, pp. 12 ; Michaelmas, 1704, pp. xi. ; Easter, 1705, pp. xi. ; Trin- ity, 1705, pp. 14; Michaelmas, 1705, pp. 12; Hilary, i7of, pp. 10; Easter, 1706, pp. 6; Trinity, 1706, pp. 12; Michaelmas, 1706, pp, 9; Hilary, 1706 (misprinted 1706 for 1707), pp. 8; Easter, 1707, pp. 10; Michaelmas, 1707, pp. 16; Hilary, 1707, pp. 4; Easter and Trinity, 1708 (in one number), pp. 14; Michaelmas and Hilary, 1708 (in one number), pp. 19; Easter and Trinity, 1709 (in one number), pp. 13. Bound in one volume. Small folio, old calf, blind-tooled centre panels. Bookplate of Arthur Young. [London, 1696-1709] * The whole of the Fifth Series is comprised in this volume, with the exception of Hilary, 1700; Trinity, 1703; Hilary, 1705; and Trinity, 1707. According to Arber this series is the rarest of all. None of the numbers of this series have any imprint whatever. A curious fact in the history of bookselling is the advertisement of a Book Lottery, which occurs in the issue for Michaelmas, 1698, as follows: " An Address to the Learned; or, an advantageous Lottery for Books unbound, wherein each Adventurer of a Guinea, is sure of a Prize of two Pound value, and 'tis but four to one that he has a Prize of 3, 6, 8, 12, or fifty Pounds. Proposals at large may be had of the Undertakers, Daniel Midwinter and Thomas Leigh Booksellers at the Rose and the Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard, and of most Booksellers of London, and in the Country." It would be interesting to know the result of this Lottery, and what were the books thus disposed of, but no further notice seems to have been printed. Only one more number is known after Trinity, 1709, an issue for Easter, 1711. Tbistory anfc ^Literature 189 BIBLIOGRAPHY Continued. 1557 WILFORD'S CATALOGUES. The First Volume of the Monthly Catalogue, containing an Exact Register of all Books, Sermons, Plays, Poetry, and Miscellaneous Pamphlets printed and published in London, or the Universities, from the beginning of March, 1723, to the end of December, 1724, London: John Wilford, 1725; The Second Volume . . . being a General Register of Books . . . printed and published ... in the Years 1725 and 1726, London: John Wilford, 1727; The Third Volume . . . being a General Register ... of Books . . . printed and published . . . in the Years 1727 and 1728, London: John Wilford, 1729; also (but without a general title) the Fourth Volume, containing the numbers for 1729. Bound in two vols. small 410, original boards, sheep backs. London: John Wilford [1725-1729] * The collations are as follows : The First volume, 20 monthly numbers, each 16 pp. with the exception of the first six, which have each 6 pp., and with Alpha- betical Index of 16 pp.; 1725, 12 monthly numbers, each 12 pp. with the exception of the last, which has 16 (8 pp. being the Index); 1726, 12 monthly numbers, each 12 pp. with the exception of the last, which has 18 (10 being the Index), paged con- tinuously ; 1727, 12 monthly numbers, each 12 pp. with the exception of the last, which has 16 (8 being the Index), paged continuously; 1728, 12 monthly numbers, each 12 pp. with the exception of March, which has 16 (owing to Wilford's complaint that a rival has started a similar publication), and the last, which has also 16 (10 being the Index), paged continuously; 1729, 12 monthly numbers, each 12 pp. with the exception of June and November, which have 16 pp. each, and the last, which has also 16 pp. (8 being the Index), paged continuously. When the Term catalogues ended in 1711, no regular book list seems to have been issued, but only a few spasmodic attempts at intervals by various printers. The next in order of date, and of any account, were these catalogues of Wilford's. These volumes contain all the issues that are known of them, and it is doubtful whether any more were ever published. Growoll is evidently in error in stating that this collection was a reprint in "more or less contracted form." There can be very little doubt that they are the regular monthly catalogues as issued, merely bound in volume form, with a general title printed to each. One of the numbers contains the date of the issue in the imprint, and a continued advertisement states that the former numbers are kept in stock. Fine copy. 1558 NEW AND CORRECT CATALOGUE (A) of all the English Books which have been printed since the Year 1700 to the Present Time, with their prices. To which is added a complete List of Law Books for the same Period, likewise of School Books now in use. 8vo, half calf, pp. 100 (blank margin of advt. cut). London: Printed in the Year 1767 * Pages 105 to the end is " A List of Books published since this Catalogue was put to Press. Also a few Articles omitted." No publisher or printer is given. i9 Enalisb Ibistors ant) ^Literature BIBLIOGRAPHY Continued. 1559 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF BOOKS (A) in all Languages, Arts, and Sciences, that have been Printed in Great Britain and Published in London, since the Year 1700 to the Present Time. The whole Alphabetically and Classically disposed under the several Branches of Literature, with their sizes and prices. 8vo, original boards, calf back, pp. 150. London: Printed in the Year 1779 * Although issued anonymously this is probably the first of W. Bent's famous catalogues. 1560 BENT (W.) A General Catalogue of Books in all Languages, Arts and Sciences printed in Great Britain and published in London, from the Year 1700 to the Present Time classed under the several Branches of Literature, and Alphabetically disposed under each Head, with their sizes and prices. 8vo, original half boards (bind- ing broken and name torn from the blank margin of title), pp. 164. London: Printed for W. Bent, 1785 1561 The London Catalogue of Books selected from the General Catalogue published 1786, and including the Additions and Altera- tions to September, 1791, classed under the several Branches of Literature, and Alphabetically disposed under each head, with their sizes and prices: With Supplement at end, dated 1792. 8vo, original half boards (binding broken), pp. 160 -)- 8. London: Printed for W. Bent, 1791 1562 The London Catalogue of Books, with their sizes and prices, Corrected to September, 1799, London: W. Bent, 1799, pp. 182; also in the same volume, The Modern Catalogue of Books . . . published in London since the year 1792, and such as have been altered in size or price since the London Catalogue of 1800, London: W, Bent, 1803, pp. 88; and, The New London Catalogue of Books . . . which have been published . . . and altered in size and price since the London Catalogue ... to the end of the year 1800, London: W. Bent, 1807, pp. 94. In one volume, crown 8vo, old calf. London: Printed for W. Bent, 1799-1807 '563 The Modern Catalogue of Books, with their sizes and prices and the names of the Publishers, containing the Books which have been published in London since the year 1792, and such as have been altered in size or price since the London Catalogue of 1800. 8vo, original half boards, pp. 88. London: Printed for W, Bent, 1803 Tbfston? anfc ^literature 191 BIBLIOGRAPHY Continued. 1564 BENT (W.) The London Catalogue of Books, with their sizes and prices. Corrected to August, 1811. 8vo, original half boards (joints cracked), pp. 239. London: Printed for W. Bent, 1811 1565 The London Catalogue of Books, with their sizes and prices, 1814. 8vo, original half boards (joints cracked), pp. 260. London: Printed for W. Bent [1814] 1566 The Modern London Catalogue of Books, with their sizes, prices, and publishers. Containing the Books published in Lon- don, and those altered in size or price since the year 1800 to Oc- tober, 1818. 8vo, original half boards, pp. 200. London: W. Bent, 1818 1567 A Catalogue of Books, with their sizes, prices, and pub- lishers. Containing the books published in London, and those altered in size or price since the London Catalogue of Books, 1818, or from October 1818, to October 1820. 8vo, sewed, pp. 32. London: W. Bent, 1820 1568 The London Catalogue of Books, with their sizes, prices, and publishers. Containing the books published in London, and those altered in size or price, since the year 1800 to October, 1822. 8vo, original half boards (cover loose), pp. 239. London: W. Bent, 1822 '569 A Catalogue of Books with their sizes, prices, and publishers. Containing the works published in London, and those altered in size and price since the London Catalogue of 1822, or from October, 1822 to October, 1824. 8vo, sewed, pp. 44. London: For the Executors of W. Bent, 1824 1570 The London Catalogue of Books, with their sizes, prices and publishers .... since the year 1800 to March, 1827. 8vo, origi- nal cloth, pp. 309. London : For the Executors of W. Bent, 1827 1571 BENT (R.) The London Catalogue of Books, with their sizes, prices and publishers .... published in London .... since the year 1810 to Feb., 1831, London: R. Bent, 1831, pp. 336; also the Supplement continuing the catalogue to Dec , 1832, inclusive, pp. 43. In one volume. 8vo, original cloth. London: R, Bent, 1831-33 1572 London Catalogue of Books, with their sizes, prices and publishers, containing the books published in London, and those altered in size or price, since the year 1814 to Dec., 1834. 8vo, cloth, pp. 350. London: R. Bent, 1835 i9 2 Bnglisb HMstotE anfc Xiterature BIBLIOGRAPHY Continued. 1573 BENT (R.) The London Catalogue of Books, with their sizes, etc., containing the books published in London .... since the year 1814 to 1839. 8vo, cloth, pp. 415. London: R. Bent, 1839 1574 HODGSON (T.) Supplement to the London Catalogue of Books, edition dated 1839, containing the New Works and New Editions published in London from January, 1839, to January, 1844, etc. 8vo, cloth, pp. 156. London: T. Hodgson, 1844 1575 The London Catalogue of Books published in Great Britain, with their sizes, etc., from 1814 to 1846. 8vo, cloth, pp. 542. London: T.Hodgson, 1846 1576 Bibliotheca Londonensis: a Classified Index to the Literature of Great Britain during thirty years, arranged from and serving as a Key to the London Catalogue of Books, 1814-46, which contains the title, size, etc. 8vo, calf, pp. 293. London: T. Hodgson, 1848 1577 Supplement to the London Catalogue published in Great Britain, with their sizes, etc., from 184610 1849, including a Classi- fied Index. 8vo, cloth, pp. 124-56. London: T.Hodgson, 1849 1578 The London Catalogue of Books published in Great Britain, with their sizes, etc., 1816-1851. 8vo, cloth, pp. 644. London: T. Hodgson, 1851 J 579 The Classified Index to the London Catalogue of Books pub- lished in Great Britain, 1816 to 1851, arranged throughout in regu- lar alphabet. 8vo, cloth, pp. 295. Presentation copy from (R.) Bent. London: T. Hodgson, 1853 1580 The London Catalogue of Books published in Great Britain, with their sizes, etc., 1831 to 1855. 8vo, cloth, pp. 583. London: T. Hodgson, 1855 1581 LOW (SAMPSON). The British Catalogue of Books published from Oct., 1837, to Dec., 1852; also Index to the British Catalogue published during the years 1837 to 1857 (Subject Index). 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco (a little rubbed). London, 1853, 1858 1582 The English Catalogue: Classified List of all Books published in Great Britain and Ireland, with the principal books published in America. (Index to Current Literature, 1859, incorporating Nos. 1-41; Index for Oct. -Dec. , 1861; English Catalogues for 1860-65, 1867-69, 1871-85, 1896-1900. (Wanting wrappers to 1879, and the front wrapper to 1880.) Bound in 8 vols. cloth, one vol. half mo- rocco, and the remainder in the original parts. (As a lot.) London: S. Low, 1859-1900 ibistors anfc Xiterature 193 BIBLIOGRAPHY Continued. 1583 LOW (SAMPSON). Duplicate Parts for 1864, 1867, 1873, l8 7 6 , 1882, 1883 and 1884. 8vo, in the original wrappers. (7 pieces.) 1584 The English Catalogue of Books. Vol. III., January, .1872, to December, 1880. Royal 8vo, half morocco. London, 1882 1585 The English Catalogue of Books. Vol. IV., January, 1881, to December, 1889. Royal 8vo, half morocco. London, 1891 1586 Index to the English Catalogue of Books. Vol. IV., Jan., i88r, to Dec., 1889. Royal 8vo, half morocco. London, 1893 * Index of subjects. 1587 [ENGLISH] REFERENCE CATALOGUE OF CURRENT LITERATURE. Containing the Full Titles of Books now in Print and on Sale, with the prices and Index. Thick 8vo, half roan. London, 1875 1588 The same for 1880. Thick 8vo, half roan. London, 1880 1589 The same for 1885. Thick 8vo, half roan. London, 1885 1590 The same for 1889. Thick 8vo, half roan. London, 1889 1591 The same for 1894. Thick 8vo, half roan. London, 1894 1592 The same for 1898. 2 vols. thick 8vo, half roan. London, 1898 1593 The same for 1902. 2 vols. thick 8vo, half roan. London, 1902 1594 CHIVERS (CEDRIC). New Catalogue of British Literature: a Record of the Publications of the year, with Indexes [1896-97]. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1897-98 1595 CHIVERS (CEDRIC) AND CAY (ARMISTEAD). New Book List. Edited by Cedric Chivers and Armistead Cay. February to August, 1898. With Cumulative [Subject] Indices, July and August, 1898. Illustrated, g Parts. 8vo, sewed. London, 1898 1596 LIVERPOOL FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Catalogue of the Reference Department, containing the books received up to Decem- ber 3t, 1870. Compiled by Samuel Huggins. 410, half morocco. Liverpool, 1872 1597 LONDON INSTITUTION (THE). A Catalogue of the Library of the London Institution, systematically classed; preceded by an Historical and Bibliographical Account of the Establishment. (Vol. I., the General Library; Vol. II., Tracts and Pamphlets; Vol. III., Additions and Revisions, with Indexes of Authors and Subjects; Vol. IV., Additions, 1843-52, with Indexes.) 4 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. Not published. London, 1835-52 i94 JEnglisb tnstors ant> ^literature BIBLIOGRAPHY Continued. 1598 LONDON LIBRARY (THE). Catalogue of the London Library. With Preface, Laws and Regulations, and Appendix containing List of Members, Contents of Collections, Alphabetical List of Tracts, and Index of Subjects. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. (Fifth Edition ) * Edmund Yates' bookplate in each volume. London, 1888 1599 ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Geographical Society, May, 1865; Classified Catalogue of the Royal Geographical Society to December, 1870. 2 vols. 8vo, paper and cloth. London, 1865-71 1600 WELLS (W. H.) A small Pamphlet of 12 pp., containing a list of English Grammars desired by the writer. (A list of nearly 500 English Grammars in all languages, useful for bibliographic pur- poses.) 8vo, sewed. Chicago, 1880 1601 WILLIAMS (DANIEL). Catalogue of the Library at Red Cross St., Cripplegate, founded pursuant to the will of the Rev. D. Wil- liams, who died in theyear 1716. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1841 * The principal Nonconformist library in London. About 30,000 volumes are in the library. 1602 BIBLIOTHECA ANGLO-POETICA. A Descriptive Catalogue of a Rare and Rich Collection of Early English Poetry in the pos- session of Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, illustrated by Occasional Extracts and Remarks ... by A. F. Griffiths. Frontispieces and portraits. 8vo, bound by TOUT in half olive mo- rocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. London, 1815 1603 BIGELOW (MARSHALL T.) Punctuation and other Typo- graphical Matters. i6mo, cloth. Boston, 1881 1604 BLACKMORE (RICHARD DODDRIDGE). Fringilla; or, Tales in Verse. With Sundry Decorative Picturings by Will. H. Bradley. 8vo, half buckram, uncut. Cleveland, 1895 * 600 copies only, printed on hand-made paper. 1605 BLAKE (WILLIAM). Catalogue of Books, Engravings, Water- Colors and Sketches by William Blake, exhibited at the Grolier Club, Jan. and Feb., 1905. i2mo, wrappers, pp. 147. New York: The Grolier Club, 1905 Ibistorg anfc Xiterature 195 1606 BLOUNT (CHARLES). The Miscellaneous Works of Charles Blount, Esq., containing The Oracles of Reason; Anima Mundi, or the Opinions of the Ancients concerning Man's Soul after this Life; Great is Diana of the Ephesians, or the Original of Priestcraft and Idolatry; etc. To which is prefixed the Life of the Author, and an Account and Vindication of his Death. i2mo, old calf, rebacked. [London]: Printed in the year 1695 1607 BOOK COLLECTORS. Contributions towards a Dictionary of English Book-Collectors, as also of some Foreign Collectors whose Libraries were incorporated in English Colleciions, or whose books are chiefly met with in England. Illustrated with portraits of Bilibald Pirkheimer, after Durer, Henry Huth, Earl Spencer, Wm. Beckford, Sir Richard Burton, and others; colored facsimiles of rare bindings, etc. Complete set of the 13 parts, in the original wrappers. 8vo. (As 13 pieces.) London: B. Quaritch, 1892-99 * The contributors were Quaritch himself, W. C. Hazlitt, R. F. Roden, F. S. Ellis, A. H. Huth, and other noted bibliophiles. Included is Hazlitt's Alphabetical Roll of Book Collectors from 1316 to 1898. The only dictionary of this subject. 1608 BOOKSELLERS. CURWEN (HENRY). A History of Booksellers, the Old and the New. Portraits and illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. 1609 KNIGHT (CHARLES). Shadows of the Old Booksellers. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1865 1610 ROBERTS (W.) The Earlier History of English Bookselling. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1889 1611 WELSH (CHARLES). A Bookseller of the Last Century, being some account of the Life of John Newbery and of the Books he published, with a Notice of the later Newberys. Illustrations and facsimile. Post 8vo, half calf, gilt. (Laid in is a Catalogue of Juvenile Books published by Harris & Son, successors to Newbery.) London, 1885 1612 WELSH (CHARLES). On Some Books for Children of the Last Century. With a few Words on the Philanthropic Publisher of St. Paul's Churchyard. Square i6mo, wrappers, pp. 104. (Sette of Odd Volumes, No. u.) London, 1886 Only 250 copies privately printed, this being No. 213. Relating to John New- bery. 196 EngUsb Ibfstors anfc ^Literature 1613 BREWER (R. F.) Orthometry. A Treatise on the Art of Versi- fication and the Technicalities of Poetry. With a new and com- plete Rhyming Dictionary. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1893 1614 BRIGHT (PROF. WILLIAM). Chapters on Early English Church History. (From the earliest times to the death of St. Wil- frith, A.D. 709.) 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1878 Seconfc Session, Britisb flTmseum. Catalogue of tbe library Etc 1615 REPORT from the Select Committee on the Condition, Manage- ment and Affairs of the British Museum; together with the Minutes of Evidence, Appendix and Index. Folio, half calf. Bookplate of Cornelius Walford. [London], 1835 * The Appendix is seldom found with the Report, only 100 copies having been printed, and is consequently rare. 1616 COTTON MANUSCRIPTS. Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Cottonian Library in the British Museum. [By J. Planta, Principal Librarian.] Folio, half calf, rebacked with cloth. London, 1802 1617 LIBRORUM IMPRESSORUM qui in Museo Britannico ad- servantur Catalogus. 7 vols. in 8. 8vo, full blue calf, gilt. Book- plate in each volume of Sir Robert Peel. (As 8 vols.) London, 1813-19 * This catalogue was compiled by Sir Henry Ellis and H. H. Baber. 1618 PANIZZI (A.) Catalogue of Printed Books in the British Museum. Volume I. (completing the letter A). Folio, cloth. London: Printed by order of the Tmstees, 1841 * No more was published. Prefixed to this are the famous 91 rules for cataloguing books, followed by the Museum authorities in this volume, and for the most part yet adhered to. 1619 GRENVILLE LIBRARY. Bibliotheca Grenvilliana; or, Biblio- graphical Notices of Rare and Curious Books forming part of the Library of the Right Hon. Thomas Grenville. Edited by J. T. Payne and H. Foss. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1842 * Five years later this famous library was bequeathed to the British Museum. jEngltsb ibtetors ant) ^Literature 19? BRITISH MUSEUM Continued. 1620 LIST of the Books of Reference in the Reading Room of the British Museum. Printed by Order of the Trustees. Large folding plan of the Reading Room. 8vo, cloth. [London], 1859 * Laid in is, " British Museum. New Reading Room and Libraries. With a Plan. London, J. Murray, 1857," pp. 16, and a view from " The Graphic" of the room. 1621 The Second Edition, Revised, of the same. Frontispiece, etc. 8vo, half calf. [London], 1871 1622 CATALOGUE OF PRINTS AND DRAWINGS in the British Museum. Division I. Political and Personal Satires. (No. i to 1235.) Vol. I. 1320 to April 11, 1689. 8vo, cloth, pp. 752. London: Printed by Order of the Trustees, 1870 1623 CATALOGUE OF THE PRINTED BOOKS in the Library of the British Museum. Printed by Order of the Trustees. Com- plete set of the 393 folio parts. 45 of the parts bound in 9 vols. half morocco, the remainder in the original wrappers as issued, a few being prepared for binding. With the title and list of parts, and the list of parts issued in 1896. (Sold as a lot.) London, 1881-1900 * It is doubtful if there be another complete set of this valuable publication in America, outside of a few public libraries. Included in this set is the Index to the parts relating to Periodical Literature, which was issued after the printing of the title. No copy, we believe, has ever been sold by auction in this country. An extract from the introduction is interesting: " The old MS. catalogue consisted of more than 2,000 large folio volumes; this is now contained in these 393 parts, each part averaging 300 columns, and each part sub- jected to a careful revision before being sent to press. In the course of this revision many improvements in the methods of arrangement were carried out, and errors care- fully corrected. The work of printing has taken 20 years." Many of the parts are separate and complete bibliographies of authors or subjects. Among these may be mentioned Shakespeare, Bibles (4 parts), Luther, Rome. France, (an extra thick part), Liturgies (3 parts), London (2 parts), Ireland, Cicero, Virgil, Ephemerides (Almanacks), Catalogues, England (Laws, etc., 6 parts), Germany, Milton (nearly one whole part), Smith (family name, an extra thick part, as would naturally be expected), Periodical Publications (Revised issue, 7 parts), etc., etc. The General Catalogue of the British Museum, now completed for the whole alphabet, is the greatest of all bibliographical undertakings. Some idea of its vast extent may be had from the statement that it fills about 12 feet of shelf room, that it comprises over 105,000 printed columns, or more than 52,000 pages, and that it con- tains upwards of 2,000,000 entries. Every language and literature of the world is represented. Thousands of names appear which are to be found in no biographical dictionary, and in no other catalogue; and the care with which full and correct names are given, with the elaborate system of cross-references, adds greatly to its usefulness. For information about books, about the various editions of any author's works, about 198 Bnglisb fristorE an& ^Literature BRITISH MUSEUM Continued. rare and early printed editions, and about persons concerning whom books have been written, there is no other reference work in existence to compare with it. The article England fills 791 pages; France, 402 pages; Academies, 509 pages; Periodical Pub- lications, 858 pages; Bible, 622 pages; Liturgies, 388 pages; Smith, 163 pages; Horace, 45 pages; Virgil, 37 pages; and other articles in proportion; each page in double columns. 1624 BRITISH MUSEUM. British Museum Catalogue. (Accessions.) Class I. New English Books; also Works in Foreign Languages printed in England. 5 Parts, 4to, wrappers. London, 1880 * This forms Section A. The series of "Accessions" which follow are the new purchases that were made during the printing of the large complete catalogue, and consequently many of the books are not included in that one. To form a complete set it is necessary to add these " Accessions." Nearly the whole of the Series are out of print and scarce. 1625 British Museum Catalogue. (Accessions.) Section II. New Foreign Publications. 6 Parts, 410, wrappers. London, 1880 * This forms Section B. 1626 British Museum Catalogue. (Accessions.) Sections A and B, continuation of above 2 lots, 84 Parts, 4to, wrappers. London, 1880-86 1627 - British Museum Catalogue. (Accessions.) Section C. Old English Books, also Works in Foreign Languages printed in England. 22 parts, 4to s wrappers. London, 1880-86 1628 British Museum Catalogue. (Accessions.) Section IV. Old Foreign Books. 36 parts, 4to, wrappers. London, 1880-86 * This forms Section D. 1629 British Museum Catalogue of Printed Books. (Accessions.) Section E. Main Titles in various Languages from Old Catalogue. Part XIII. (Schi-United). 4to, wrappers, pp. 1177-1235. London, 1883 *A pencil note by Mr. Eames on it states that it is the only copy he has ever seen of this Section E. It is not sold to the public or distributed to libraries. 1630 Catalogue of Printed Books. Periodical Publications. Complete with Index. Folio, wrappers, 7 parts. London, 1885-86 * The earlier issue. The revised issue is contained in the complete catalogue of 393 parts. 1631 CATALOGUE of Books in the Library of the British Museum printed in England, Scotland, and Ireland, and of Books in English printed abroad, to the year 1640. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. London : Printed by Order of the Trustees, i 884 * Mr. Eames has made some notes on the margins in ink, under the subject of Bibles, pointing out the copies that are in the Lenox Library, and laid in is an addi- tional list written on three pages. 3n0Usb Ibiston? anfc Xfterature 199 BRITISH MUSEUM Continued. 1632 FORTESCUE (G. K.) A Subject Index of the Modern Works added to the Library of the British Museum in the years 1880- 1885. Thick imp. 8vo, cloth, pp. 1044. London: Printed by Order of the Trustees, 1886 1633 Subject Index of the Modern Works added to the Library of the British Museum in the years 1885-1890. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 700. London: Printed by Order of the Trustees, 1891 1634 Subject Index of the Modern Works added to the Library of the British Museum in the years 1891-1895. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 901. London: Printed by Order of the Trustees, 1897 1635 British Museum. Catalogue of the printed Maps, Plans, and Charts in the British Museum. 2 vols, folio, cloth. (Over 1000 pages). London: Printed by Order of the Trustees, 1885 * Prepared under the direction of Prof. R. K. Douglas. 1636 FISHER (RICHARD). Introduction to a Catalogue of the Early Italian Prints in the British Museum. 8vo, cloth, pp. 470. London: Printed by Order of the Trustees, 1886 1637 MANUSCRIPTS. Catalogue of Additions to the Manuscripts in the British Museum in the years MDCCCLXXXII-MDCCCLXXXVII. Thick royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 1140. London: Printed by Order of the Trustees, 1889 1638 STOWE MANUSCRIPTS. Catalogue of a Selection from the Stowe Manuscripts exhibited in the . . . British Museum. 15 auto- type facsimiles. 8vo, boards. London, 1883 1639 KENYON (FREDERIC G.) Facsimiles of Biblical Manu- scripts in the British Museum. 25 full-page autotype facsimiles, rep- resenting manuscripts from the Third Century on papyrus to the i5th Century, with descriptions and transliterations. Folio, half morocco. London: Printed by Order of the Trustees, 1900 1640 GUIDE to the Printed Books in the King's Library, 1891, pp. in, Guide to the Exhibition Galleries, 1892, pp. 288. 2 pieces 8vo, wrappers. 1641 BIRCH (W. DE GRAY) AND JENNER (H.) Early Draw- ings and Illustrations. An Introduction to the Study of Illustrated Manuscripts, with a Dictionary of Subjects in the British Museum. 12 facsimiles. 8vo, cloth. London, 1879 200 Englisb HMstors an& ^Literature BRITISH MUSEUM Continued. 1642 CORNEY (BOLTON). Bibliographic Projects: respectfully submitted to the Right Honourable the Earl of Ellesmere, etc. Post 8vo, wrappers, pp. 12. n. p., n. d. * Criticisms on the British Museum Library Catalogue, with illustrations of errors and absurdities. Privately printed and very rare. Printed possibly about 1860. 1643 COWTAN (ROBERT). Memories of the British Museum. Portrait of Sir A. Panizzi. 8vo, cloth. London, 1872 1644 EDWARDS (EDWARD). Lives of the Founders of the British Museum, with Notices of its Chief Augmentors and other Bene- factors, 1570-1870. Bound in 2 vols. 8vo, half red morocco gilt, gilt edges (a little rubbed). London, 1870 * EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED with about 70 portraits, including a scarce, early portrait of Sir Walter Raleigh (by Vaughan ?) ; Sir Joseph Banks, mezzotint by S. W. Reynolds ; Franklin'; C. J. Fox; Pitt; Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel ; Harley, Earl of Oxford; Defoe ; Sydenham ; Hans Sloane ; Sir Thomas More ; Sir Thomas Bodley ; etc., etc. Most of the portraits neatly inlaid. 1645 PAGAN (LOUIS). Handbook to the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum. With Introduction and Notices of the various Schools, etc. Frontispiece. 8vo, cloth. London, 1876 1646 Another copy. 8vo, limp boards. 1647 The Life of Sir Anthony Panizzi, late Principal Librarian of the British Museum. Etched portrait and other illustrations by the author. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1880 1648 NICHOLS (THOMAS). A Handbook for Readers at the British Museum. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1866 * Information on all matters connected with the Library, how to obtain admission, how to find a book, hints as to the divisions in the catalogue, etc, 1649 A Handy-Book of the British Museum for Every-day Readers. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1870 1650 BRODIE (GEORGE). A Constitutional History of the British Empire, from the Accession of Charles I. to the Restoration. With Introduction tracing the Progress of Society and of the Constitu- tion from the Feudal Times, etc. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1866 1651 BROOKE (STOPFORD A.) The History of Early English Lite- rature: being the History of Early English Poetry from its Begin- nings to the Accession of King yElfred. Map. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1892 Englfsb tbiston? ant) ^Literature 201 1652 BROWN (GOOLD). The Grammar of English Grammars. With an Introduction, Historical and Critical. . . . Key to the Oral Exer- cises, etc. With an Index of Matters by S. U. Berrian. Portrait of the author. Thick royal 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1864 1653 BROWNING (ELIZABETH BARRETT). Elizabeth Barrett Browning and her Scarcer Books: a Bio-bibliographical Note. By H. Buxton Forman. Small 4to, vellum. London: Privately printed, 1896 * Only 30 copies printed. With two facsimile titles. 1654 BUFFALO PUBLIC LIBRARY MANUSCRIPTS. De- scriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts and Autographs (Gluck Collection). Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 149. Buffalo, July, 1899 1655 BUNYAN (JOHN). John Bunyan: his Life, Times, and Work. By John Brown. Illustrations by Whymper. 8vo, cloth. London, 1885 1656 ANOTHER EDITION of the same, with additions. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1888 * Laid in are several letters from the author, and from Dr. W. Tarbutt on Bunyan matters. 1657 BURBIDGE (EDWARD). Liturgies and Offices of the Church, for the use of English Readers. Folding comparative Table of Liturgies preceding title. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1886 *A comparative history, showing the various changes and modifications in the Liturgy from the Service, as described by Justin Martyr, to the present time. Pre- fixed is a catalogue of the Remains of Abp. Cranmer's Library. 1658 BURNET (BP.) The History of the Reformation of the Church of England. New edition, with numerous Illustrative Notes and a copious Index. Portrait. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1850 1659 BURROWS (MONTAGU). The History of the Foreign Policy of Great Britain. 8vo, cloth. (A. L. S. of author laid in.) Edinburgh, 1895 1660 BURTON (JOHN HILL). The Book-Hunter. New edition. With Memoir of the Author. Etched portrait. Small 410, buckram, gilt, uncut. Edinburgh, 1882 * Only 250 copies printed for America, this being No. 231. This edition has added to it an Index, and includes the emendations or additions made by Burton in his own copy. 1661 BUTLER (JOSEPH). The Analogy of Religion. With Analyti- cal Index by Edward Steere. 8vo, cloth. London, 1857 * Fine large-type edition, printed by the \Vhittinghams. 202 Enalisb f)istors anfc ^literature 1662 BUXTON (SYDNEY C.) A Handbook to Political Questions of the Day, with the Arguments on either Side. Third edn. 8vo, cloth. London, 1881 1663 |^>ALAMY (EDMUND). An Abridgement of Mr. Baxter's His- \^j tory of his Life and Times, with an Account of the Ministers, etc., who were Ejected after the Restauration of King Charles II., portrait of Baxter by Vertue (and portrait of Calamy inserted '), 2 vols., 1713; also the Continuation of the Account of the Ministers Ejected, 2 vols., 1827. Together 4 vols. 8vo, old calf. (Bookplate in each volume of Wm. Bateman, of Middleton.) London, 1813-27 1664 CAMBRIDGE. BOWES (ROBERT). A Catalogue of Books printed at or near to the University, Town, and County of Cambridge from 1521 to 1893. With Bibliographical and Biographical Notes. Fac- similes of head and tail pieces, initial letters, etc. Thick 8vo, buckram, gilt top, uncut. Cambridge, 1894 * No. 13 of 100 copies printed on Dutch hand-made paper. 1665 COOPER (CHARLES HENRY) AND COOPER (THOMPSON). Athenae Cantabrigienses, 1500-1609. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1858-61 * The authors perform for Cambridge University what Wood has done for Oxford in his Athense Oxonienses. 1666 HARTSHORNE (REV. C. H.) The Book Rarities in the Uni- versity of Cambridge, illustrated by Original Letters, and Notes Biographical, Literary, and Antiquarian. Illustrated. 8vo, half morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. London, 1829 1667 JAMES (M. R.) A Descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Library of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. Royal 8vo, cloth. Cambridge: The University Press, 1895 1668 SINKER (ROBERT). A Catalogue of the Fifteenth Century Books in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1876 1669 - SINKER (ROBERT). The Library of Trinity College, Cam- bridge. Illustrated. Small 4to, cloth. Cambridge, 1891 1670 - SMITH (REV. J. J.) A Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Library of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1849 1671 CAMDEN (WILLIAM). Remains concerning Britain. Portrait. Post 8vo, cloth. (Library of Old Authors.) London, 1870 Engltsb "bistort an& literature 203 1672 CARDWELL (EDWARD). Synodalia: a Collection of Articles of Religion, Canons, and Proceedings of Convocations in the Province of Canterbury from the year 1547 to 1717. With Notes, Historical and Explanatory. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt. Oxford: The University Press, 1842 1673 Documentary Annals of the Reformed Church of England: being a Collection of Injunctions, Declarations, Orders, Articles of Inquiry, etc., from the year 1546 to 1716. With Notes, Historical and Explanatory. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt. (Bp. W. S. Perry's copy, with his card inside.) Oxford: The University Press, 1844 1674 A History of Conferences and other Proceedings connected with the Revision of the Book of Common Prayer from the year 1558 to 1690. 8vo, half calf, gilt. (Bp. W. S. Perry's copy, with his card inside.) Oxford: The University Press, 1849 1675 CARLYLE (THOMAS). Sartor Resartus. Portrait of Carlyle. 8vo, cloth. (Library Edition.) London, 1869 1676 [SHEPHERD (R. H.)] A Bibliographical List, arranged in Chronological order, of the Published Writings in Prose and Verse of Thomas Carlyle (from 1820 to 1881.) Post 8vo, cloth. Lond., n. d. [1881?] 1677 CATNACH (JAMES). The Life and Times of James Catnach (late of Seven Dials), Ballad Monger. By Charles Hindley. Col- ored frontispiece and numerous illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1878 William Cayton. 1678 BULLEN (GEORGE Editor}. Caxton Celebration, 1877. Cata- logue of the Loan Collection of Antiquities, Curiosities, and Appli- ances connected with the Art of Printing (at) South Kensington. Square crown 8vo, cloth. London * The descriptions were the work of several authorities. W. Blades catalogued all the Caxtons (190) and the early English imprints, Lord Charles Bruce catalogued the Block-books and early European imprints, Henry Stevens catalogued all the Bibles, G. W. Reid (of the British Museum) catalogued the books with woodcuts, etc. A greal'deaKof useful information for bibliographical students in this little volume. 1679 BEEDHAM (B. H.) A List of the Reproductions both Imitation and in Facsimile of the Press of William Caxton. With some Preliminary Observations. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 24. Iowa City: Printed for the Author, 1879 * Only a very small number issued. 204 Englisb Ifoistors ant> ^Literature "WILLIAM CAXTON Continued. 1680 BLADES (WILLIAM). The Life and Typography of William Caxton, England's First Printer, with Evidence of his Typograph- ical Connection with Colard Mansion, the Printer at Bruges. Com- piled from Original sources. Numerous facsimiles and illustrations. 2 vols. 410, half roan. London, 1861-63 * The original edition, now very scarce. 1 68 1 The Biography and Typography of William Caxton, Eng- land's First Printer. Facsimiles and illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1882 1682 How to tell a Caxton, with some Hints where and how the same might be found. Facsimiles. 12010, original wrappers (2 leaves slightly torn in back margin). London, 1870 * Very scarce. 1683 KNIGHT (CHAS.) William Caxton, the First English Printer: a Biography, portrait and illustrations, London, 1877; bound with it in the same volume, Who Was Caxton?: a Monograph [by R. H. Blades], 2 illustrations, London, 1877. Crown 8vo, half calf. London, 1877 1684 PRICE (F. C.) Facsimiles of Examples from the Press of William Caxton at Westminster, with a Memoir and Bibliographical Par- ticulars of the Illustrations. 410, wrappers. London : Privately printed, 1877 1685 ARS MORIENDI. Photo-lithograph of the unique and perfect copy, printed [by Caxton] about 1491, preserved in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Introductory Note by E. W. B. Nicholson. 8vo, wrappers. London, n. d. [1891] 1686 ARTE AND CRAFTE TO KNOW WELL TO DYE (THE). Facsimile reprint of Caxton's edition. 4to, boards, uncut. London, 1875 1687 CAXTON'S ADVERTISEMENT. Photo-lithograph of the copy preserved in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, being one of the only two copies known. Introductory note by E. W. B. Nicholson. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 7. London [1892] 1688 CRISTYNE DE PISAN. Morale Proverbes, translated by the Earl Rivers, and reprinted from the original edition of William Caxton, A. D. 1478. With Introductory Remarks by William Blades. 410, half calf. London, 1859 * Only '95 copies privately printed, this being a presentation copy from William Blades to George Bullen. Original front wrapper bound in. ibiston? ant) ^Literature 205 WILLIAM CAXTON Continued. 1689 DICTES AND SAYINGS OF THE PHILOSOPHERS. A Facsimile Reproduction of the First Book printed in England by William Caxton in 1477. 410, boards, stamped with an antique pattern from a contemporary binding. London, 1877 *The introduction is by William Blades. The text is in exact facsimile, including the painted red letters. 1690 DICTES AND SAYINGS OF THE PHILOSOPHERS. The beautifully printed Cranbrook Press edition, printed with special type on hand-made paper. 410, half vellum. (With Pres- entation Inscription from the Publisher.) Detroit, 1901 * No. 61 of only 244 copies. 1691 ENEYDOS. Caxton's Eneydos, 1490. Englisht from the French Liure des Eneydes, 1483. Edited by the late W. T. Culley and F. J. Furnivall, with a Sketch of the old French Roman d'Eneas, by Dr. Salverda de Grave. 8vo, wrappers, pp. xxxii. -f- 214. (Early English Text Society.) London, 1890 1692 FIFTEEN O'S AND OTHER PRAYERS (THE). Printed by command of the Princess Elizabeth ... by William Caxton, circa 1490. Reproduced in photo-lithography by Stephen Ayling. Small 4to, parchment. London, n. d. 1693 GAME OF CHESSE (THE). Reproduction in Exact Facsimile from a copy in the British Museum. With a few remarks on Cax- ton's Typographical productions, by Vincent Figgins. 410, half roan. London, 1860 1694 PARIS AND VIENNE. The storye of the Noble Ryght Valyant and Worthy Knyght Parys and of the Fayr Vyenne the Daulphyns Doughter of Vyennoys. From the unique copy printed by William Caxton in the year 1485. With a Preface, Glossary, and Notes. Facsimile leaf . Small 410, roxburghe binding. London: The Roxburghe Library, 1868 * Edited by W. C. Hazlitt. Only a limited number issued for subscribers. 1695 STATUTES OF HENRY VII. Exact facsimile from the rare original printed by Caxton in 1489. With Notes and Introduc- tion by John Rue. 410, half roan, uncut. London, 1869 206 Englisb Diston? anfc ^Literature 1696 CHAMBERS (ROBERT). Cyclopaedia of English Literature. A History of British Authors, Biographical and Critical, with Speci- mens of their writings. Fourth Edition, revised by Robert Carru- thers. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1879 1697 CHARLES I. CHANCELLOR (E. BERESFORD). The Life of Charles I., 1600-1625. Taken from Authentic Sources. With 9 photo-litho- graphic reproductions of rare portraits. 8vo, half roan. London, 1886 <5eofre\> Cbaucer, 1698 FURNIVALL (F. J.) The Harleian MS. 733 j, of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. With woodcuts of the Paintings of the 23 Tellers of the Canterbury Tales copied from the Ellesmere MS., and cut by W. H. Hooper. 8vo, half crimson morocco gilt, gilt top, original wrappers bound in. (Chaucer Society.) London, 1885 1699 GROLIER CLUB. [Catalogue of] An Exhibition of Original and Other Editions, Portraits and Prints, commemorative of the 5ooth Anniversary of the Death of Geoffrey Chaucer. 12010, wrap- pers, pp. 45. New York: The Grolier Club, Jan. -Feb., 1900 1700 Another copy. With the Grolier Club portrait of Chaucer inserted. 1701 MORRIS (RICHARD). Chaucer's Translation of Boethius' " De Consolatione Philosophise," edited from MS. in the British Museum and at Cambridge. (With Introduction and Glossarial Index.) Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. xxiii -)- 205. (Early English Text Society.) London, 1868 1702 The Prologue, the Knightes Tale, the Nonne Preestes Tale. Collations and additional notes, by W. W. Skeat. Crown 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1889 1703 POLLARD (A. W.) Chaucer. Portrait. i6mo, cloth. (Litera- ture Primers.) London, 1893 1704 SKEAT (W. W.) The Prioresses Tale, Sire Thopas, the Monkes Tale, the Clerkes Tale, and the Squieres Tale. (With Notes and Glossary.) Crown 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1873 I75 The Tale of Gamelyn, from the Harleian MS., edited with Notes and Glossarial Index. Crown 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1884 Tbfston? an& Xiterature 207 GEOFFREY CHAUCER Continued. 1706 SKEAT (W. W.) The Tale of Gamelyn. Edited by W. W. Skeat. Square 12010, boards, cloth back, uncut. New Rochelle, 1901 * Printed at the Elston Press. Only 2Oojssued. 1707 Chaucer. The Legend of Good Women. (With Notes, In- troduction, Glossary, etc.) Crown 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1889 1708 The Tale of the Man of Lawe, the Pardoner's Tale, Second Nonne's Tale, the Chanouns Yemannes Tale. With Notes and Glossary. Crown 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1889 1709 The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales. (With Notes, etc.) Crown 8vo, boards. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1891 1710 SWEET (HENRY). Second Middle English Primer. Extracts from Chaucer. With Grammar and Glossary. Crown 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1886 1711 Another copy. Crown 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1886 1712 WEYMOUTH (R. F.) On Early English Pronunciation, with especial reference to Chaucer, in opposition to the views maintained by Mr. A. J. Ellis. 8vo, cloth. London, 1874 1713 CHEKE (SIR JOHN). The Gospel according to St. Matthew, and part of the First Chapter of St. Mark, translated into English by Sir John Cheke \circa 1550] from the original manuscript. With seven original letters of Sir John Cheke. By James Goodwin. Fac- similes. 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1843 1714 CLARKE (W.) Repertorium Bibliographicum ; or, An Account of the Most Celebrated British Libraries. Portraits, etc. Royal 8vo, three-quarter crimson levant morocco, gilt, edges gilt on the rough, by STIKEMAN. Fine copy. London, 1819 * Contains notices of famous collectors, libraries, and sales, with lists of the rarer items. This copy includes [in addition to the exceedingly rare leaves containing "Extracts from the Diary of Roger Payne," edited by George Stevens, with the etching of the monument to Payne]; the " Dialogue in the Shades between Caxton, Fodius, and Wynken," with the engraved frontispiece; and "A Ballad entitled Rare Doings at Roxburghe-Hall." Very few copies were printed of these curious items; of the last, the "Rare Doings," only 30, which were sold at ten pounds ten shillings each. Copies with the three are almost unknown. 208 jEnQlisb Tbistorg anfc literature 1715 CLERGY LIST. The Clergy List for 1888, containing Alphabeti- cal List of the Clergy in England, Wales, Ireland, and Scotland; List of Benefices, Cathedral Establishments, etc., etc. 8vo, cloth. London, 1888 1716 Crockford's Clerical Directory for 1890, being a Statistical Book of Reference for Facts relating to the Clergy and the Church. Thick royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1890 1717 COLET (JOHN). A Life of John Colet, Dean of St. Paul's and Founder of St. Paul's School, with an Appendix of some of his Eng- lish Writings. By J. H. Lupton. Portrait from a rare print. 8vo, cloth. London, 1887 1718 COLLIER (J.PAYNE). A Catalogue of Heber's Collection of Early English Poetry, the Drama, Ancient Ballads, Broadsides, Rare and Curious Books, etc. With Notices by J. Payne Collier, and (printed) Prices and Purchasers' Names. 8vo, half roan. London, n. d. [1834] 1719 A Bibliographical and Critical Account of the Rarest Books in the English Language, alphabetically arranged. 4 vols. post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1866 1720 Notes on his Life, with a Complete List of his Works, etc. By Henry B. Wheatley. izmo, wrappers, pp. 67. London, 1884 1721 COMENIUS (J. A.) Janua Linguarum Reserta. The Gate of Languages Unlocked: or, a Seed-Plot of all Arts and Tongues, con- taining a ready way to learn the Latine and English Tongue. Formerly translated by Tho. Horn, afterwards much corrected and amended by Joh. Robotham, now carefully reviewed by W. D., etc. I2mo, old half calf (joints cracked). London, 1652 * A diligent contemporary student has written many marginal notes, and supple- mented the Index at the end. An early edition of one of the famous English school- books. 1722 COOKE (G. W.) The History of Party, from the Rise of Whig and Tory Factions in the Reign of Charles II. to the Passing of the Reform Bill. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1836-38 1723 COPINGER (W. A.) A Treatise on Predestination, Election, and Grace; Historical, Doctrinal, and Practical. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1889 * With a valuable bibliography of 235 pp. of books on the subject. 1724 On the Authorship of the First Hundred Numbers of the Edinburgh Review. i6mo, cloth. Manchester: Privately printed at the Priory Press ^ 1895 Tbistors attfc ^Literature 209 1725 CORNEY (BOLTON). Curiosities of Literature. By I. D'Israeli. Illustrated by Bolton Corney. Post 8vo, cloth. (Presentation copy from the author. ) Greenwich: Printed by Especial Command [1837] * The first edition. Only a very limited number were issued for presents. For D'Israeli's reply to this see Lot No. 1792. 1726 SECOND. EDITION of the same, "Revised and Acuminated" Post 8vo, boards (with A. L. S. of the author laid in, and with auto- graph of W. J. Thorns, the Antiquarian). London, 1838 1727 CORNWALL. BANNISTER (REV. J.) A Glossary of Cornish Names, Ancient and Modern, Local, Family, Personal, etc. 20,000 Celtic and other names, now or formerly in use in Cornwall, with deriva- tions, etc. 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. [1871?] 1728 BORLASE (W. C.) Naenia Cornubiae: A Descriptive Essay illustrative of the Sepulchres and Funereal Customs of the Early Inhabitants of the County of Cornwall. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1872 1729 JAGO (F. W. P.) An English-Cornish Dictionary. Compiled from the Best Sources. Frontispiece. 4to, cloth. London, 1887 I 73 JENNER (HENRY). A Handbook of the Cornish Language, chiefly in its Latest Stages; with some Account of its History and Literature. Demy 8vo, cloth. London, 1904 * Containing a Cornish Grammar, Chapters on Swear-words, the Interpretation of Cornish Names, etc. 1731 MAGAZINE ARTICLES. Legends and Traditions of Cornwall (Dublin Univ. Mag., 1871); Cornish Antiquities (Lond. Quart., 1867); Cornish Legends (Chambers' Journal, 1866). 8vo, paper. (3 pieces.) *73 2 NORRIS (EDWIN). The Ancient Cornish Drama. Edited and translated by Edwin Norris. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth (binding worn). Very scarce. Oxford: The University Press, 1859 * Mystery Plays in Cornish Dialect of the I3th Century, with a transcript of an an- cient Cornish vocabulary written possibly about the same period. Appended is Nor- ris's Cornish Grammar. J 733 STOKES (WHITLEY). Gwreans An Bys. The Creation of the World. A Cornish Mystery. Edited, with a Translation and Notes. 8vo, cloth. London, 1864 210 Enalisb Ibistors anfc ^Literature 1734 CORNWALL. TRENOODLE (UNCLE JAN). Specimens of Cornish Provincial Dialect, collected and arranged by Uncle Jan Trenoodle. With some introductory remarks and glossary. . . . with a selection of songs and other pieces connected with Cornwall. Portrait of Dorothy Pentreath, the last person who could speak Cornish. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1846 * Uncle Jan Trenoodle is a pseudonym for William Sandys, the well-known anti- quarian writer. J 735 - WILLIAMS (ROBERT). Lexicon Cornu-Britannicum : a Dic- tionary of the Ancient Celtic Language of Cornwall, in which the Words are elucidated by copious examples from the Cornish Works now remaining. . . . the Synonyms in Welsh, Armoric, Irish, Gaelic and Manx. 410, cloth. Llandovery, 1865 1736 CORSER (REV. THOMAS). Collectanea Anglo-Poetica, or a Bibliographical and Descriptive Catalogue of a portion of a Collec- tion of Early English Poetry, with occasional Extracts and Remarks, Biographical and Critical. Complete set. n vols. 410, cloth. [Manchester]: The Chetham Society, 1860-83 * A valuable description, with collations, of a remarkable collection of the rarest books of Early English Literature, from the time of Caxton to the commencement of the i8th Century, some of the books being unique copies. The library was sold in London, at intervals, from 1868 to 1873, realizing nearly $100,000. The last volume contains a price-list of the sale, general index, memoir, portrait of the author, etc. This copy is on LARGE PAPER, EXCEEDINGLY RARE in this state, and in the original cloth of the Society, with the exception of the first four parts, which have been re- bound. On Large Paper only four copies of Part i were issued, two of Parts 2 and 3, five of Part 4, six of Part 5, and five each of the remaining parts. J 737 - The Catalogue of the Auction Sale of the Library (the first eight parts, sold by Sotheby, Wilkinson, and Hodge; the ninth by Capes, Dunn, and Pilcher). With the prices and purchasers very neatly written in ink. In one volume. Royal 8vo, half morocco. London: Sotheby, 1868-73; Manchester: Capes, etc., 1876 1738 COURTHOPE (W. J.) A History of English Poetry. Vol. I. (The Middle Ages, Encyclopaedic Education of the Church, etc ) 8vo, cloth. New York, 1895 1739 COVERDALE (MYLES). Memorials of the Right Reverend Father in God Myles Coverdale . . . who First Translated the whole Bible into English, together with divers matters relating to the Promulgation of the Bible in the reign of Henry VIII. Fine portrait. 8vo, cloth. London, 1838 Dfston? anfc Xiterature 211 174 CRAIK (G. L.) A Compendious History of the English Literature and of the English Language, from the Norman Conquest, with numerous specimens. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1861 1741 GUSHING (W.) Anonyms, a Dictionary of Revealed Authorship. 4 parts, 8vo, wrappers. Cambridge, Mass., 1891 1472 CUTTS (E. L.) Scenes and Characters of the Middle Ages. 182 illustrations. Small 410, cloth. London, 1872 1743 rVANIEL (GEORGE). An Elizabethan Garland, being a De- \J scriptive Catalogue of 70 Black-Letter Ballads, printed between the years 1559 and 1597, in the possession of George Daniel of Canonbury. Small 4to, half calf. London, 1856 * VERY SCARCE. Only 25 copies were printed for private circulation. This one was presented by Howard Staunton the editor of Shakespeare to Dr. Charles Mackay, and a note by the latter states that it was printed at the Illustrated London News office. George Daniel has written an Introduction to it. 1744 Catalogue of the most Valuable, Interesting, and Highly Important Library of George Daniel . . . together with his collection of Original Drawings and Water-Colors. A scarce proof portrait of George Daniel inserted, and the prices and purchasers written in ink. Royal 8vo, half russia, uncut. London: July, 1864 *One of the most important catalogues for a Shakesperean collector, containing a remarkable collection of the works of the dramatist and of his contemporaries, as well as of other early English authors, Black-Letter Ballads, etc. SCARCE. 1745 [DA VIES (MYLES)]. Eucwv MtKpo-/?i/3XtK7/, sive Icon Libellorum, or a Critical History of Pamphlets, tracing out the Rise, Growth, and Different Views of all sorts of small Tracts or Writings, etc. By a Gentleman of the Inns of Court. Parti. Crown 8vo, original panelled calf, gilt. London, 1715 * RARE. This is the first part complete in itself of Davies' Athenre Britannic*. It is written in the manner of Wood's Athenae Oxonienses, with biographical sketches of the various authors. We believe only one copy is known that in the British Museum of the complete set. 1746 DAWKINS (W. BOYD). Cave Hunting. Researches on the Evidence of Caves respecting the Early Inhabitants of Europe. Illustrated with colored plates and woodcuts. 8vo, cloth. London, 1874 * Scarce. 1747 - Early Man in Britain, and his Place in the Tertiary Period. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Scarce. London, 1880 212 Englisb UMstorE anfc ^Literature 1748 DE FOE (DANIEL). An Alphabetical Catalogue of an Extensive Collection of the Writings of Daniel De Foe, and of the Different Publications for and against that very extraordinary Writer. Post 8vo, half roan, pp. 48. London: Whitmore and Fenn, 1830 1749 LEE (W.) A Chronological Catalogue of the Works of Daniel Defoe. 4to, half roan (a little rubbed). Interleaved. [London], 1869 *Only 12 copies separately printed, and not for sale. I 75 WRIGHT (THOMAS). The Life of Daniel Defoe. Portrait and facsimiles. 8vo, cloth. London, 1894 1751 DE LOLME (J. L.) The Rise and Progress of the English Con- stitution. With an Historical and Legal Introduction and Notes by A. J. Stephens. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1838 1752 DEVONSHIRE. BRUSHFIELD (T. N.) Description of a Perfo- rated Stone Implement found in the Parish of Withycombe Raleigh. Plate. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 4. [Read at Barnstaple, England, 1890] 1753 BRUSHFIELD (T. N.) Notes on the Parish of East Budleigh. Map and plate. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 57. [Read at Barnstaple, England, 1890] Z 754 BRUSHFIELD (T. N.) Andrew Brice and the early Exeter Newspaper Press, and who wrote the " Exmoor Scolding and Courtship." Portrait and facsimiles. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 64. [Read at Exeter, England, July, 1888] 1755 DICKENS (CHARLES). DICKENS MEMENTO. Catalogue, with Purchasers' Names and Prices Realized, of the Pictures, Drawings, and Objects of Art of the late Charles Dickens, sold by Auction in London, July 9, 1870. Introduction by Francis Phillimore, and " Hints to Dickens Collectors," by J. F. -Dexter. 410, cloth. London, n. d. [1872?] 1756 KITTON (F. G.) Dickensiana. A Bibliography of the Litera- ture relating to Charles Dickens and his writings. Portrait from a drawing by Samuel Lawrence. Thick post 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1886 1757 PIERCE (GILBERT A.) The Dickens Dictionary. A Key to the Characters and Principal Incidents in the Tales of Charles Dickens. With Additions by William A. Wheeler. Portrait and illustrations. Post 8vo, half calf (top margins of the leaves a little stained). Boston, 1872 1758 WILLIAMSON (E. S.) Illustrated Catalogue of Works by, and Literature relating to Charles Dickens. Crown 8vo, sewed, pp. 34. (100 printed.) Toronto: Privately printed, 1896 Ibistors ant) ^Literature 213 Dictionaries, 1759 ALPHITA, A Medico-Botanical Glossary from the Bodleian Manu- script, Selden B. 35. Edited by J. L. G. Mowat. Small 410, wrappers, pp. 243. (Anecdota Oxoniensia.) Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1887 * The manuscript is a 15th Century transcript of an apparently much older original. 1760 BAILEY (N.) An Universal Etymological English Dictionary; also the Supplementary volume. 2 vols. 8vo, original calf. London, 1731-33 * The first volume is the sixth edition, 1733; the supplementary volume is the sec- ond edition, 1731. Many curious and uncommon words occur throughout. 1761 BLOUNT (THOMAS). Glossographia; or, a Dictionary of Hard Words of whatsoever Language, now used in our refined English Tongue . . . etc. Fifth Edition, with many additions. Post 8vo, sheep. London, 1681 1762 A Law-Dictionary and Glossary interpreting such Difficult and Obscure Words and Terms as are found either in our Common or Statute, Ancient or Modern Laws. Third Edition, to which are added near Three Thousand Words from the Laws of the Saxon, i Danish, and Norman Kings, by W. Nelson. Folio, half calf. [London] : In the Sa^oy, 1717 1763 BULLOKAR (JOHN). An English Expositor; teaching the In- terpretation of the hardest words used in our Language. By J. B. Newly revised . . . by W. S. i6mo, half calf. London, 1656 * The first wholly English Dictionary. This copy wants all the alphabet after " Pro." SCARCE. 1764 [COCKERAM (HENRY).] The English Dictionarie; or, an Interpreter of Hard English Words, enabling as well Ladies and Gentlewomen, young Schollers, Clerkes, Merchants, as also Strangers of any Nation to the understanding of the more difficult Authors already printed in our Language . . . etc. The Fourth Edition, revised and enlarged. i6mo, old half calf. London, 1632 * One of the most interesting and curious of the Early English Dictionaries, and the first in which (in the Second Part) an attempt is made towards giving synonymous expressions. The Third Part treats of "Gods and Goddesses, Men and Women, Boyes and Maids, Giants and Divels, Birds and Beasts, "etc. A glance through the book shows much of interest words that have changed their popular meaning, some that have been forgotten or become entirely obsolete, curious words that suggest the invention of the compiler, and so on. In it occurs the word actress. Women did not professionally adopt the stage for some years after the date 214 Bnglisb Ibistors ant> literature DICTIONARIES Continued. of the publication of this dictionary, their parts being usually taken by men or boys. The first English woman actress to perform in public so far as known is the Becky Marshall mentioned by Pepys, though there is reason to believe that some French or Italian women actors performed in England about this date. Other words are " blem- ishes," markes made by hunters to shew where a Deere hath gone in; ft bubttMtate," to cry like a cow-boy; '''catastrophe," the end of a comedy; " lunacie" a disease when at certain times of the Moone one is distracted in his Wits; " mimigraph," a writer of wanton matters; " obambulate" to walk abroad; " opistograph," a book written on the back side; " philologie" love of much babbling; " theatre,'" a place half-round where people fare to behold solemne games and plaies; etc. The Third Part also contains many curious explanations : of the crocodile it is said that having eaten a man, " it will weep over the head, but in fine eate the head also, thence came the Proverbe, she shed Crocodile tears "; " Ignaurus" a small beast without a tayle, having small legges with three long sharpe clawes instead of feete . . . it is supposed to live by the ayre, in the night it singeth sixe kind of notes one after another, as, la-sol-fa-mi-re-ut." Other animals described are the Salamander, Halcyon, Griffin, Phoenix, Philomel, etc. 1765 COLERIDGE (HERBERT). A Glossarial Index of the Printed English Literature of the ijth Century. 8vo, cloth. London, 1859 * A Dictionary of Old English words. 1766 COLES (ELISHA). An English Dictionary: explaining the diffi- cult Terms in Divinity, Husbandry, Physick, etc. Crown 8vo, old leather, newly rebacked. London, 1677 * Included are canting terms, slang words, etc. The author in his preface writes : " ' Tis no disparagement to understand the Canting terms. It mav chance to save your throat from being cut, or (at least} your Pocket from being pickt. '" 1767 CO WELL (JOHN). The Law Dictionary; or, Interpreter; or Booke containing the Signification of Words. Wherein is set forth the true meaning of ... such words and Termes as are mentioned in the Law Writers. Small 4to, original calf. (Small portion of title cut off, and stamped in several places.) London, 1637 * James I., three years after the publication of the first edition of this book, sup- pressed it at the instigation of Sir Edward Coke, and on account of a complaint by the House of Commons. It was alleged that its legal doctrines were prejudicial to the Royal prerogative and to the common law. 1768 A Law Dictionary; or, the Interpreter of Words and Terms used ... in the Common or Statute Laws. First published by the learned Dr. Cowel, and in this edition very much Augmented and Improved. With an Appendix of the antient names of Places in Great Britain, and of antient Surnames. Folio, half calf. [London]: In the Savey, 1727 1769 DAVIES (T. L. O.) A Supplementary English Glossary. (Archaic and Provincial words with illustrative quotations.) 8vo, cloth. London, 1881 tbistorp anfc Xfterature 215 DICTIONARIES Continued. 1770 EPINAL GLOSSARY (THE). The Epinal Glossary, Latin and Old English, of the 8th Century. Photo-lithographed from the original MS. by W. Griggs. With Transliteration, Introduction, and Notes by Henry Sweet. Folio, boards, cloth back. London: For Subscribers of the Philological and Early English Text Societies, 1883. 1771 FENNELL (C. A. M.) The Stanford Dictionary of Anglicised Words and Phrases. 4to, cloth. Cambridge: The University Press, 1892 * Dictionary of Anglicised Words of Foreign Origin, with examples from Thackeray, Gray, Scott, Byron, Milton, and numerous other English authors, including the early writers. 1772 GLOSSOGRAPHIA Anglicana Nova; or, a Dictionary interpreting such Hard Words of whatever Language, as are at present used in the English Tongue, with their Etymologies, Definitions, etc. Post 8vo, old calf (cover loose). London, 1707 * This is the First Illustrated English Dictionary, the woodcuts being illustrations of heraldic terms. This is an entirely different book from Blount's Glossographia. 1773 [GROSE (FRANCIS).] A Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue. Crown 8vo, half roan. London, 1885 * A Slang Dictionary. 1774 HERRTAGE (SIDNEY J. H.) Catholicon Angiicum. An English-Latin Word-book dated 1483. Edited from the MS. in the Library of Lord Monson, collated with the MS. in the British Museum. With Introduction and Notes. Preface by Henry B. Wheatley. Facsimiles. 8vo, half morocco. (Early English Text Society.) London, 1881 * The first printed edition. 1775 JODRELL (R. P.) Philology on the English Language. Portrait of the author, 410, calf, gilt. London, 1820 * Contains words omitted by Johnson with illustrative quotations, and words that were included by Johnson but not with quotations, which the author has supplied. 1776 LAW-FRENCH. The Law-French Dictionary. . . to which is added the Law-Latin Dictionary, being an alphabetical collection of such Law-Latin words as are found in several Authentic Manu- scripts, Printed Books of Precedents . . . etc. Second Edition, corrected and enlarged. Post 8vo, half calf, gilt. [London,] : /// the Savoy, 1718 * Valuable for the reading of monastic Latin documents, as also those in Norman French. *777 ANOTHER COPY. Half calf (cover loose). In the Savoy, 1718 216 jEnolisb ifoiston? ant> ^Literature DICTIONARIES Continued. 1778 LEVINS (PETER). Manipulus Vocabulorum. A Rhyming Dictionary of the English Language [1570], Edited, with an Alphabetical Index, by Henry B. Wheatley. 8vo, half calf, gilt. (Early English Text Society.) London, 1867 1779 ANOTHER COPY. Cloth. London, 1867 1780 MATSELL (G. W.) Vocabulum; or, The Rogue's Lexicon. Compiled from the Most Authentic Sources. Crown 8vo, cloth. New York [1859] 1781 MURRAY (JAMES A. H.) A New English Dictionary on His- torical Principles, founded mainly on the Materials collected by the Philological Society. Edited by J. A. H. Murray, with the assist- ance of many Scholars and Men of Science. From its Commence- ment in 1884 to the Number Issued in July, 1904. 8 vols. in the original 59 Parts, wrappers, as published. Royal 410. (As 59 Parts.) Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1884-1904 * An almost complete set to date of the famous Oxford English Dictionary. r?82 NARES (R.) A Glossary; or, Collection of Words, Phrases, Names, and Allusions to Customs, Proverbs, etc., which have been thought to require illustration in the Works of English Authors particularly Shakespeare and his Contemporaries. 4to, old calf (joints repaired). London, 1822 * A presentation copy from the author to Dr. Jamieson, and with an inscription and autograph by the latter. 1783 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Promptorium Parvu- lorum sive Clericorum, Dictionarius Anglo-Latinus Princeps, auc- tore Fratre Galfrido Grammatico dicto . . . circa A. D. M.CCCC. XL Olim ex Officina Pynsoniana Editum, .... recensuit Albertus Way. 3 facsimiles. Small 410, roxburghe binding. (Camden Society.) London, 1865 * The Complete Edition, originally issued at intervals of several years, in three volumes. The First English-Latin Dictionary, supposed to have been written by Geoffrey, the Grammarian. Copious English notes are at the foot of each page, and a lengthy introduction is prefixed. 1784 [RASTELL (WILLIAM).] Les Termes de la Ley; or, Certain Difficult and Obscure Words and Terms of the Common Laws and Statutes of this Realm now in use, expounded and explained. Newly corrected and enlarged, with an addition of above one hun- dred Words. i2mo, original calf. London, 1671 * The corrections and additions were made by Thomas Blount. Ibiston? anfc ^Literature 217 DICTIONARIES Continued. 1785 SINONOMA BARTHOLOMEI. A Glossary from a Mth Cen- tury Manuscript in the Library of Pembroke College, Oxford. Edited by J. L. G. Mowatt. Small 410, wrappers, pp. 46. (Anec- dota Oxoniensia.) Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1882 1786 SOULE (R.) AND CAMPBELL (L. J.) Pronouncing Handbook of Words often Mispronounced. i8mo, cloth. Boston [1873] 1787 SPELMANN (SIR HENRY). Glossarium Archaiologicum, continens Latino-Barbara, -Peregrina, Obsoleta. etc., Novatae Sig- nificationis Vocabula. Folio, modern half calf. London, 1687 * Third and best edition of this famous dictionary of obsolete and foreign words, with the rare portrait of the author by R. White. SCARCE. 1788 WHEATLEY (HENRY B.) Chronological Notices of the Dic- tionaries of the English Language. 8vo, paper, pp. 76. (Philo- logical Society Publication.) London, n. d. [circa 1866] 1789 WILLIAMS (R. O.) Our Dictionaries and other English Lan- guage Topics. 4 facsimiles. Crown 8vo, cloth. New York, 1890 1790 WRIGHT (THOMAS). Dictionary of Obsolete and Provincial English, containing Words from English Authors previous to the i9th Century .... etc. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. (Bohn's Philo- logical Library.) London, 1857 1791 DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY. Edited by Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee, 63 vols. ; also the volume of errata, and Indexes to Vols. I. -XIV. 8vo, cloth. (As 64 vols., the Indexes in sheets.) New York, 1885-1904 * The most monumental work of English biography ever published. Sets of this t rarely occur for sale. 1792 D'ISRAELI (ISAAC). The Illustrator Illustrated. 8vo, re-covered in an i8th Century flowered wrapper printed in gold and colors (specimens of these flowered wrappers and paper are scarce), pp. 81. London, 1838 * In answer to Bolton Corney's criticism. See No. 1725. *793 - - Curiosities of Literature. With a View of the Life and Writings of the Author by his Son (Benjamin Disraeli, Lord Beaconsfield). Frontispiece in each volume. 3 vols. 8vo, full calf, gilt, by RIVIERE. London: Moxon, 1849 218 jEn^lisb 1foi9tot ant) ^Literature 1794 DODD (CHARLES). [Rev. Hugh Tootel. ] Dodd's Church History of England from the commencement of the i6th Century to the Revolution in i588 (chiefly with regard to Catholics). With Notes, Additions, and a continuation by the Rev. M. A. Tierney. 5 vols. (all published). 8vo, cloth. London, 1839 1795 DOMESDAY BOOK. DEVONSHIRE. Facsimile in photozin- cography of that part relating to Devonshire. Folio, cloth. Southampton, 1862 1796 BIRCH (WALTER DE GRAY). Domesday Book ; a popu- lar Account of the Exchequer Manuscript so called, with Notes of the Principal Points of Interest which it contains. i2mo, cloth. London, 1887 1797 DOYLE (JAMES E.) The Official Baronage of England, show- ing the Succession, Dignities, and Offices of every Peer from 1066 to 1885. With 1,600 illustrations. 3 vols. small 410, half morocco. London, 1886 1798 DRYDEN (JOHN). (Catalogue of an) Exhibition of First and Other Editions of the Works of John Dryden, together with a few engraved portraits, &c. i2mo, wrappers, pp. 88. New York: The Grolier Club, March, 1900 1799 DUFF (E. GORDON). Early English Printing. A Series of Facsimiles of all the types used in England during the XV Cen- tury, with some of those used in the Printing of English Books abroad. Introduction by E. Gordon Duff. 40 facsimiles. Folio, in half cloth portfolio. London, 1896 * No 119 of only 300 copies. 1800 DUFFIELD (S. W.) English Hymns: their Authors and History. Third edition, revised and corrected. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1888 1801 DYKES (OSWALD). English Proverbs with Moral Reflexions . . . familiarly accommodated to the Humour and Manners of the Present Age. 8vo, old calf. London, 1713 1802 pARLE (JOHN). The Philology of the English Tongue. j \, Crown 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1871 1803 ECCLESTON (JAMES). An Introduction to English Antiqui- ties. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, full calf, gilt. London, 1847 Engltsb Ibistors an& ^Literature 219 1804 EDWARDS (W. F.) Recherches sur les Langues Celtiques. 8vo, bound by F. BEDFORD in half calf gilt, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1844 * The Lexicographical part showing the relation of Celtic words to other languages numbers nearly 400 pages. 1805 EIKON BASILIKE. Who wrote EIKON BA2IAIKH ? By Christopher Wordsworth, London, 1824; Documentary Supplement to the same, by Wordsworth, 1825; King Charles, the First, the author of Icon Basilike further proved, by the same, 1828; Letter to His Grace the Abp. of Canterbury concerning the authorship of Eikon Basilike. By H. J. Todd, 1825. Bishop Gauden the author of Icon Basilike further shewn, by the same, 1829. The whole bound in two volumes 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1824-29 1806 The Pourtraicture of His Sacred Majestic in his Solitudes and Sufferings. A Reprint of the edition of 1648, with facsimile of the original frontispiece^ and Introduction on the Authorship. By E. J. L. Scott. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1880 1807 ALMACK (EDWARD). A Bibliography of the King's Book, or Eikon Basilike. Facsimiles. 410, cloth, uncut. London, 1896 * Large Paper Copy. Laid in is the additional list (4 pp.) issued in May, 1899. 1808 ELTON (CHARLES). Origins of English History. Thick royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1882 1809 Second Edition of the same. Revised. 8vo, cloth. London, 1890 1810 ELYOT (SIR THOMAS). The Boke named The Governour, devised by Sir Thomas Elyot, Knight. Edited from the FIRST EDITION of 1531 by H. H. S. Croft. 2 thick small 410 vols. cloth, uncut. London, 1883 * The first complete edition of this famous book, the editions between the first and this having many passages suppressed. SMalecte. 1811 DURHAM. A Glossary of Provincial Words used in Teesdale, in the County of Durham. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1849 * The author was F. T. Dinsdale, LL.D. 1812 GLOUCESTERSHIRE. A Glossary of the Cotswold Dialect. Illustrated by Extracts from Ancient Authors. Post 8vo, cloth, pp. 71. London, 1868 220 Englisb ibfstors anfc ^Literature ENGLISH DIALECTS Continued. 1813 HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS (J. O.) An Historical Sketch of the Provincial Dialects of England, illustrated by numerous examples. By James Orchard Halliwell. Royal 8vo, half calf. * Only 150 copies printed. Albany : J. Munsdl, 1863 1814 KENTISH. MORRIS (RICHARD). Dan Michel's Ayenbite of Inwyt; or, Remorse of Conscience, 1340 A.D. Edited from the autograph MS. in the British Museum, with an Introduction on the Peculiari- ties of the Southern Dialect, and a Glossarial Index. 8vo, cloth. (Early English Text Society.) London, 1866 1815 LANCASHIRE. BAMFORD (SAMUEL). Dialect of South Lanca- shire; or, Tim Bobbin's Tummus and Meary, revised and corrected, with his Rhymes, and an enlarged and amended Glossary of Words and Phrases. Crown 8vo, cloth. Manchester, 1850 1816 STATON (J. T.) Kestor un Betty; or, The Adventures un Mischoances uv a Yewood Felly. Sewed, pp. 16. Manchester: J. Heywood, 1865 1817 MORRIS (RICHARD). Early English Poems in the West-Mid- land Dialect of the i4th Century. Copied and edited from a unique MS. in the British Museum, with Introduction, Notes, and Glossarial Index. 8vo, half morocco. (Early English Text Society.) Lond.i864 1818 NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. BAKER (A. E.) Glossary of North- amptonshire Words and Phrases, with examples of their colloquial use, and illustrations from various authors, to which is added the Customs of the Country. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1854 1819 STERNBERG (THOMAS). The Dialect and Folk Lore of North- amptonshire, izmo, cloth. London, 1851 * The portion devoted to Folk Lore includes a chapter on the belief in Witchcraft in the county. 1820 NORTHUMBERLAND. BROCKETT (J. T.) A Glossary of North Country Words in Use, from an Original Manuscript in the Library of John George Lambton, with considerable additions. Portrait. Post 8vo, half calf, gilt. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1825 1821 ROLLE (RICHARD, OF HAMPOLE). The Pricke of Conscience. A Northumbrian Poem, by Richard Rolle de Hampole. From the MSS. in the British Museum, with Introduction, Notes, and Glossa- rial Index, by R. Morris. 8vo, half morocco. (The Philological Society.) Berlin, 1863 1822 ANOTHER COPY. 8vo, half red morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. Berlin, 1863 Bnglisb trtstorp an& Xiterature 221 ENGLISH DIALECTS Continued. 1823 NORTHUMBERLAND. ROLLE (RICHARD, OF HAMPOLE). The Psalter or Psalms of David and certain Canticles, with a translation and Exposition in English by Richard Rolle of Hampole. Edited from MSS. by the Rev. H. R. R. Bramley. With Introduction and Glossary. 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1884 1824 ROLLE (RICHARD, OF HAMPOLE). Richard Rolle of Hampole, an English Father of the Church and his Followers. Edited by C. Hortsman. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. (Library of Early English Writers.) London, 1895-96 * Nearly the whole of the work consists of the writings of Richard Rolle and his followers from the various MSS., the printed editions of Wynkyn de Worde, etc. 1825 SMALL (JOHN). English Metrical Homilies from Manuscripts of the Fourteenth Century. With an Introduction and Notes. Facsimile. Small 410, cloth. Edinburgh, 1862 * The authorship of these homilies has been attributed to Richard Rolle de Ham- pole. 1826 POOLE (JACOB). A Glossary, with some Pieces of Verse, of the Old Dialect of the English Colony in the Baronies of Forth and Bargy, County of Wexford, Ireland. Formerly collected by Jacob Poole, and now edited, with Introduction, Additions, and Notes, by William Barnes. i2mo, cloth. London, 1867 1827 SKEAT (W. W.) AND NODAL (J. H.) A Bibliographical List of the Works that have been published, or are known to exist in manuscript, illustrative of the various dialects of English. 3 parts, 8vo, wrappers. (English Dialect Society.) London, 1873-77 1828 SOMERSETSHIRE. JENNINGS (J.) The Dialect of the West of England, particularly Somersetshire, with a Glossary of Words now in use there; also, with Poems and other Pieces exemplifying the Dialect. SECOND EDITION, revised and enlarged by J. K. Jen- nings. i2mo, cloth. London, 1869 1829 WESTMORELAND. WHEELER (MRS. ANN). The Westmore- land Dialect in Four Familiar Dialogues. New edition, to which is added a Copious Glossary of Westmoreland and Cumberland Words. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1840 1830 WORCESTERSHIRE. SALISBURY QESSE). A Glossary of Words and Phrases used in S. E. Worcestershire, together with some of the Sayings, Customs, Superstitions, Charms, etc., common in that District. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 92. Lond. 1893 * The author was a London bookseller, native of the county, who published this himself. 222 Bnalisb Tbistors anfc ^Literature ENGLISH DIALECTS Continued. 1831 YORKSHIRE. ATKINSON (REV. J. C.) A Glossary of the Cleve- land Dialect: Explanatory, Derivative and Critical. Thick demy 8vo, cloth. London, 1868 1832 HUNTER (REV. JOSEPH). The Hallamshire Glossary. Small 4to, original cloth, uncut. Lond. : W. Pickering, 1829 * No. 7 of only 12 copies on Large Paper. Very scarce. The district of Hallam- shire includes Sheffield and its vicinity. The appendix includes a list of uncommon words used in Halifax by the Rev. J. Watson. J ^33 The Ordinary Issue of the Same. Post 8vo, cloth. London: W. Pickering, 1829 1834 ESCOTT (T. H. S.) England: its People, Polity, and Pursuits. New and revised edition. Demy 8vo, cloth. London, 1887 1835 EVANS (JOHN). The Ancient Stone Implements, Weapons and Ornaments of Great Britain. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1872 1836 The Ancient Bronze Implements, Weapons, and Ornaments of Great Britain and Ireland. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1881 1837 EVERITT .(GRAHAM). English Caricaturists and Graphic Humorists of the igth Century, how they Illustrated and Interpreted their Times. Numerous reproductions. 410, cloth. London, 1886 1838 pAITHORNE (WILLIAM). A Descriptive Catalogue of the Engraved Works of William Faithorne. By Louis Fagan. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1888 1839 FALLOWS (S.) Hand-book of Abbreviations and Contractions, current, classical and mediaeval. Square i2mo, cloth. Chicago, 1883 IRames. 1840 ARTHUR (WILLIAM). An Etymological Dictionary of Family and Christian Names, with an Essay on their Derivation and Im- port. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1857 1841 BARDSLEY (C. W.) English Surnames, their Sources and Sig- nifications. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. Thick post 8vo, cloth. London, 1875 1842 Curiosities of Puritan Nomenclature. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1880 Englteb t>istor an& ^Literature 223 FAMILY NAMES Continued, 1843 CHARNOCK (R. S.) Ludus Patronymicus; or, The Etymology of Curious Surnames. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1868 1844 - Praenomina; or, The Etymology of the Principal Christian Names of Great Britain and Ireland. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1882 1845 FERGUSON (R.) English Surnames and their Place in the Teu- tonic Family. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1858 1846 - Surnames as a Science. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1883 1847 LOWER (MARK ANTONY). English Surnames: an Essay on Family Nomenclature, Historical, Etymological, and Humorous. Third Edition, enlarged. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1849 * Contains the complete Roll of Battel Abbey. 1848 - A Dictionary of Family Names of the United Kingdom. Por- trait. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1860 1849 SIMS (C. S.) The Origin and Signification of Scottish Surnames, with a Vocabulary of Christian Names. 8vo, boards. * Only 250 printed. Albany: J. Munsell, 1862 1850 FERGUSON (ROBERT). The Northmen in Cumberland and Westmoreland. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1856 1851 FISCHEL (DR. E.) The English Constitution. Translated from the Second German Edition by R. J. Shee. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1863 1852 FISHER (GEORGE). A Companion and Key to the History of England, consisting of copious details of the British Sovereigns. . . . with Genealogical Charts of the Dynasties emanating from them .... holders of the several titles of the British, Saxon, and English Nobility, etc. Thick royal 8vo, half roan. London, 1832 1853 BOURNE (HENRY). Antiquitates Vulgares; or, The Antiquities of the Common People, giving an Account of several of their Opin- ions and Ceremonies. . . . etc. 8vo, old calf (name cut from title). Newcastle: Printed for the Author, 1725 * The scarce original edition. Brand afterwards incorporated this book in his " Popular Antiquities." 224 Enalisb Ibiston? ant> ^Literature F O L K- L O R E Continued^ 1854 BRUSHFIELD (T. N.) The Salmon Clause in the Indentures of Apprentices. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 32. Chester 1897 * Privately printed. On the tradition that in the indentures of apprentices a clause was inserted that they were not to be compelled to eat salmon. 1855 DUFF (E. GORDON). The Dialogue or Communing between the Wise King Salomon and Marcolphus. Edited by E. G. Duff. Small 4to, cloth. London, 1892 * Facsimile of the edition in English, printed by Gerard Leeu in Antwerp, 1492. 1856 CLYDE (J.) The Norfolk Garland: a Collection of the Supersti- tions, Beliefs and Practices, Proverbs, Curious Customs, Ballads and Songs of the People of Norfolk, with Anecdotes. 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. [1872] 1857 GOMME (G. L.) Primitive Folk-Moots; or, Open-Air Assemblies in Britain. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1880 1858 Folk-Lore Relics of Early Village Life. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1883 1859 The History of Thomas Hickathrift. Printed from the earli- est extant copies and edited, with an Introduction. Small 410, vel- lum. London: Printed for the Villon Society, 1885 * Only a limited number printed. 1860 The History of the Seven Wise Masters of Rome. Printed from the edition of Wynkyn de Worde, 1520, and edited, with an Introduction. Small 4to, vellum, uncut. London: The Villon Society, 1885 * Only a limited number printed. 1861 McRITCHIE (DAVID). The Testimony of Tradition. 20 illus- trations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1890 * On the primitive inhabitants of Ireland and Scotland, the Finns or Fians, the Fairies, etc. 1862 Fians, Fairies, and Picts. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. London, 1893 1863 NORTHALL (G. F.) English Folk Rhymes: a Collection of Traditional Verses relating to Places and Persons, Customs, Super- stitions, etc. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1892 1864 NUTT (ALFRED). Studies on the Legend of the Holy Grail, with especial reference to the Hypothesis of its Celtic Origin. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1888 tbteton? an& Xtterature 225 FOLK-LORE Continued. 1865 RHYS (JOHN). Studies in the Arthurian Legend. 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1891 1866 ROBERT THE DEVIL AND VERGILIUS. The Lyfe of Rob- ert the Deuyll, from Wynkyn de Worde's edition; a!s0, The Lyfe of Virgilius, from Jan Doesborch's edition. Pickering's reprints. 2 vols in i. Crown 8vo, half morocco. London, 1827 1867 FORSTER (JOHN). Arrest of the Five Members by Charles the First. A Chapter of English History re-written. Post 8vo, cloth. Scarce. London, 1860 1868 FOSS (EDWARD). Biographia Juridica. A Biographical Dic- tionary of the Judges of England from the Conquest to the Present Time, 1066-1870. 8vo, cloth. London, 1870 1869 FOX-BOURNE~(H. R.) English Seamen under the Tudors. Maps. 2 vols. post 8vo, half morocco gilt, gilt tops. London, 1868 * The Voyages of the Cabots, Frobisher, Sir Humphrey Gilbert and his Colonizing Projects, Sir Walter Ralegh, John Davis, Drake, etc. 1870 FREEMAN (EDWARD A.) The Growth of the English Con- stitution from the Earliest Times. FIRST EDITION. Post 8vo, cloth. Scarce. London, 1872 1871 FROUDE (JAMES A), The Divorce of Catharine of Aragon. The Story as told by the Imperial Ambassadors resident at the Court of Henry VIII. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, cloth. London, 1891 1872 [FRY (JOHN).] Bibliographical Memoranda in illustration of Early English Literature. Small 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Bristol, 1816 * A description of some extremely rare Early English Imprints, with collations and extracts. Only 100 copies were privately printed. The author was a Bristol book- seller who not living in the present time had time to read the many curious works which passed through his hands, and as a result wrote a few interesting and valuable books dealing with Early English Literature. 1873 FURNIVALL (F. J,) Education in Early England. 8vo, wrap- pers, pp. Ixxiv. London, 1867 * Forewords to a Collection of Treatises on Manners and Meals in Olden Time for the Early English Text Society. 226 Engltsb Ibfstors anfc literature 1874 ^AIRDNER (JAMES). England. Crown 8vo, cloth. (Early Chronicle of Europe Series.) London, n. d. 1875 GARDINER (S. R.) AND MULLINGER (J. B.) Introduction to the Study of English History. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1881 1876 GARDINER (SAMUEL R.) A Student's History of England, from the Earliest Times to 1885. Nearly 400 illustrations. Thick post 8vo, cloth. London, 1893 x877 - What Gunpowder Plot was. Illustrated. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1897 1878 - A School Atlas of English History. 88 colored maps. Small 4to, cloth. London, 1898 1879 GARNIER (RUSSELL M.) Annals of the British Peasantry. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1895 * The Origin of the Employer, the Origin of the Laborer, Mediaeval Local Gov- ernment, Mediaeval Peasant Life, the Means of Poor Relief, etc. 1880 GASQUET (FRANCIS AIDAN). Monkof the Order of St. Bene- dict. Henry VIII. and the English Monasteries. An Attempt to Illustrate the History of their Suppression. 2 thick 8vo vols., cloth. London, 1888 * Four maps are in the two volumes, showing the places where the monasteries and nunneries of the various Orders were situated. 1881 GASQUET (FRANCIS AIDAN) AND BISHOP (E.) Edwaid VI. and the Book of Common Prayer. An examination into its Ori- gin and Early History, with an Appendix of Unpublished Documents. Facsimile. 8vo, cloth. London, 1890 1882 GAZETTEER. The National Gazetteer. A Topographical Dic- tionary of the British Isles. Compiled from the Latest and Best Sources, and illustrated with a complete County Atlas (69 colored maps). 12 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. London: Virtue & Co., 1868 1883 GENEALOGY. The Ancestor. A Quarterly Review of County and Family History, Heraldry and Antiquities, April, 1902, to July, 1904. With numerous reproductions of rare portraits, and other illustra- tions. 10 vols. royal 8vo, boards. London, 19024 1884 BRIDGER (CHARLES). An Index to the Printed Pedigrees contained in County and Local Histories, the Herald's Visitations, and in the more important Genealogical Collections. 8vo, cloth. London, 1867 Englisb "bistort anfc ^Literature 227 1885 GENEALOGY. GRIMALDI (STAGEY). Origines Genealogicae; or, The Sources whence English Genealogies may be traced from the Conquest to the Present Time, accompanied by Specimens of Antient Records, Rolls and Manuscripts, etc. 410, half red morocco, gilt top. London, 1828 1886 PHILLIMORE (W. P. W.) How to Write the History of a Family. A Guide for the Genealogist. Post 8vo, cloth. * Out of print and scarce. London, 1888 1887 PHILLIMORE (W. P. W.) Pedigree Work. A Handbook for the Genealogist, with a new Date Book, 1066 to 1900. Narrow 8vo, wrappers, pp. 73. [London, 1900] 1888 RYE (WALTER). Records and Record Searching. A Guide to the Genealogist and Topographer. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1888 * A practical guide, with instructions how to draw a genealogy, where to find the records, lists of records, etc. 1889 SIMS (R.) A Manual for the Genealogist, Topographer, An- tiquary, and Legal Professor, consisting of Descriptions of Public Records; Parochial and other Registers; Wills; County and other Histories; etc. New and Improved Edition, with Glossary of Words and Phrases. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1888 1890 GEOFFREY OF MONMOUTH. EDITIO PRINCEPS. Britanie utriusqz | regu et prlcipu Ori | go et gesta insignia | ab Galfrido Monemutensi ex antiquissi | mis Britannici sermonis monumentis in | latinu sermone traducta; et ab Ascensio cu | ra et impedio magistri Juonis Cavellati in | lucem edita; pstant in ejusdem aed- ibus. Small 410, printed in Roman letters. [Paris]: Ex ALdibus nostris ad idus Julias, Anni MDVIII. * First edition of the History of Geoffrey of Monmouth, printed by the Paris printer and scholar Josse Badius Ascensius, with an interesting woodcut on the title showing the interior of his printing house, with the compositor, the inker, and the pressman at work. A woodcut of arms, probably of Cavellatus, is on the reverse of folio Aa viii. In a few places some former owner has written a remark or two on the margins, and the back margin of the title has been neatly repaired, otherwise a good copy. In Geoffrey of Monmouth is to be found the source of most of the Romances and Romantic Fictions of early England. In it are the legends connected with King Arthur, the deeds and prophecies of the enchanter Merlin, the original story of King Lear (which Shakespeare used), the stories of Locrtne and King Lud, etc., etc. \Vace and Layamon's Brut is practically a translation in Anglo-Norman and early English of Geoffrey of Monmouth. 228 ]n0U9b Ifoistors anfc literature 1891 GEOFFREY OF MONMOUTH. The British History, trans- lated into English from the Latin of Jeffrey of Monmouth. With a large Preface concerning the Authority of the History. By Aaron Thompson. 8vo, old calf gilt. London, 1718 1892 - Large Paper Copy of the same. 8vo, old calf (joints cracked). London, 1718 1893 - GILES (J. A.) The British History of Geoffrey of Monmouth. Translated from the Latin by A. Thompson. New Edition, revised and corrected by J. A. Giles. 8vo, half roan. London, 1842 1894 GIBBON (EDWARD). MURRAY (]OKK Editor). The Autobiog- raphies of Edward Gibbon. Printed verbatim from hitherto unpub- lished MSS., with an Introduction by the Earl of Sheffield. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. London, 1896 : ^95 - PROTHERO (ROWLAND E. Editor). Private Letters of Ed- ward Gibbon, 1753-1794. With an Introduction by the Earl of Sheffield. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1896 1896 GILES (J. A.) Scriptores Rerum Gestarum Willelmi Conques- toris. 8vo, cloth. (Scriptores Monastici.) London, 1845 * A collection of early original minor documents relating to the reign of William the Conqueror. 1897 - History of the Ancient Britons from the Earliest Period to the Invasion of the Saxons, compiled from the Original Authorities; also Historical Documents concerning the Ancient Britons. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1847 * The Original Documents include the texts of Nennius, Gildas, Richard of Ciren- cester, Caradoc's Life of Gildas, selections from Bede, etc. 1898 - {Editor). Six Old English Chronicles, of which two are now first translated: Ethelwerd's Chronicle Asser's Life of Alfred Geoffrey of Monmouth's British History Gildas Nennius and Richard of Cirencester. With illustrative notes. Post 8vo, cloth. (Bohn's Antiquarian Library.) London, 1848 1899 GLASS (H. A.) The Story of the Psalters. A History of the Metrical Versions of Great Britain and America from 1549 to 1885. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1888 1900 GLENNIE (J. S. S.) Arthurian Localities ; their Historical Origin, Chief Country, and Fingalian Relations, with a map of Arthurian Scotland. 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1869 Emjlisb Tbistorp anfc Xiterature 229 1901 GOMME (G. L.) The Literature of Local Institutions. i2mo, cloth. (The Book-Lover's Library.) London, 1886 * A short bibliography, with historical text, of books relating to Municipal Govern- ment, Guilds, the Manor, the Township, and the Parish. 1902 GOSSE (EDMUND). A History of Eighteenth Century Litera- ture (1660-1780). FIRST EDITION. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1889 r 93 A Short History of Modern English Literature. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1900 1904 GRAY (THOMAS). A Catalogue briefly descriptive of various Books and Original Manuscripts of the poet Gray. (With intro- duction of 4 pp. signed C. W. [Charles Wright]. 8vo, half roan, pp. 4+27. [London], 1851 * VERY RARE. Thick paper copy, privately printed in an edition of 14 copies only. The prices and purchasers' names written in ink. This contained the original manu- script of the Elegy in a Country Church-yard. I 95 Catalogue of some Choice and Fine Books, comprising a further selection from a valuable Library . . . including the re- served Books, Autograph Manuscripts, and Letters of the poet Gray. 8vo, half calf, pp. 32. (Auction Sale catalogue.) London: Sotheby and Wilkinson, 1854 1906 GREEN (J. R.) A Short History of the English People. Maps, etc. Thick crown 8vo, finely bound in half red crushed levant morocco gilt, gilt top. London, 1876 * From the library of Lord Chief Justice Coleridge, with his pencil autograph and some notes. 1907 GREENWELL (W.) British Barrows. A Record of the Exami- nation of Sepulchral Mounds in various parts of England. With Descriptions of Skulls, General Remarks on Prehistoric Crania, and an Appendix, by GEORGE ROLLESTON. Illustrated. Thick 8vo, full calf, gilt. Presentation copy from the author. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1877 1908 GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of Original and Early Editions of some of the Poetical and Prose Works of English Writers from Langland to Wither. With Collations, Notes, and Facsimiles. Royal 8vo, half straight-grain morocco, uncut. New York : 7Vif Grolier Club, 1893 *Only 400 copies were printed. Valuable for its collations. 230 Englisb Iblstors anfc ^Literature 1909 GROLIER CLUB. ENGLISH LITERARY PORTRAITS. Catalogue of an Exhibition at the Grolier Club, Nov. 1898. i2mo, wrappers, pp. 28. New York: The Grolier Club, 1898 1910 ENGLISH TITLE-PAGES AND FRONTISPIECES OF THE :6TH AND i7TH CENTURIES. Catalogue of an Exhibition at the Grolier Club, April 1898. i2mo, wrappers, pp. 42. New York: The Grolier Club, 1898 1911 POETS LAUREATE. (Catalogue of) an Exhibition of the Works of the Poets Laureate. Exhibited at the Grolier Club, Jan. 25 to Feb. 16, 1901. i2mo, wrappers, pp. 80. New York [1901] 1912 GROSS (CHARLES). A Classified List of Books relating to British Municipal History. Royal 8vo, sewed, pp. 18. (Repub- lished from the Bulletin of Harvard University.) Cambridge, Mass., 1891 1913 A Bibliography of British Municipal History, including Guilds and Parliamentary Representation. 8vo, cloth. (Harvard Historical Studies.) New York, 1897 1914 1 1 ALDEMAN (S. S.) Affixes in their Origin and Application, exhibiting the Etymologic Structure of English Words. Post 8vo, cloth. Phila. 1865 1915 HALKETT (S.) AND LAING (J.) A Dictionary of Anonymous and Pseudonymous Literature of Great Britain, including the Works of Foreigners written in, or translated into, the Englir.h Language. 4 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1882-88 1916 HALL (FITZEDWARD). Two Trifles: I., A Rejoinder; II., Scientist, with a Preamble. i2mo, sewed, pp. 36. [London] : Privately Printed, 1895 * On the "American Dialect." 1917 HALL (REV. PETER). Reliquiae Liturgicae, and Fragmenta Liturgica. Documents connected with the Liturgy of the Church of England, exhibiting the Substitutes proposed for it, and the Alterations, etc. 12 vols. square i6mo, cloth. Bath: Privately Printed, 1847-48 * Contains reprints of the Proposed Prayer Book, Phila., 1786; the Middleburgh Prayer Book, 1586; the Scottish Prayer Book, 1637; the Parliamentary Directory, 1644; the Savoy Liturgy, 1 661 ; the Nonjurors' and Scottish Offices, 1718; Henley's Liturgy of the Oratory, 1727; Whiston's Primitive Liturgy, 1713; Stephens' Primi- tive Liturgies, 1696; the Puritan Prayer Book (1586-1602); etc. Bngltsb IMstors ant) ^Literature 231 1918 HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS (J. O.) Some Account of the Popular Tracts formerly in the Library of Captain Cox, A.D. 1575. 8vo, half roan, pp. 21. London, 1849 * Only 50 copies printed. Very scarce. Nothing would in all probability have been known of Captain Cox if Laneham in his account of the entertainment of Queen Elizabeth at Kenilworth, 1575, had not thought him a fit object to poke fun at on account of his partiality for old books, and gives a list of his library. From this list Halliwell-Phillipps has described them in more detail, with account of editions. 1919 A Brief Account of an Unique Edition of Sir Philip Sydney's Arcadia. 410, cloth, pp. 7. [London], Brixton-Hill, 1854 * Only 25 copies were printed for private circulation, and now excessively scarce. The solution of the problem that Halliwell-Phillipps here propounds, as to the unique edition of Sidney's Arcadia, is that both Lownes and Waterson jointly shared in the expense of this edition, and titles were printed some with Lownes' name and others with that of Waterson. The copies otherwise exactly correspond. 1920 A Brief Account of Theological Manuscripts in the Library of James O. Halliwell. 410, cloth, pp. 8. [London], Brixton-Hill, 1854 * SCARCE. Only 25 copies printed for private circulation. 1921 Brief Notices of Bibliographical Rarities in the Library of James Orchard Halliwell. 410, cloth. London, 1855 * Only 25 copies issued for private circulation. Signed by the author. 1922 A Catalogue of an Unique Collection of Ancient English Broadside Ballads, with Notes of the Tunes and Imprints. By J. O. Halliwell. 8vo, bound by Riviere in half morocco, gilt top, uncut (one or two leaves slightly foxed). London, 1856 * Printed by the Whittinghams, at the Chiswick Press, this being No. 15 of only 25 copies printed on plate paper. *9 2 3 A Dictionary of Old English Plays, existing either in Print or in Manuscript, from the Earliest Times to the Close of the i7th Century, including also Notices of Latin Plays written by English Authors. By J. O. Halliwell. 8vo, cloth. London, 1860 1924 A Hand-List of Early English Literature preserved in the Douce Collection in the Bodleian Library, selected from the printed Catalogue. 8vo, cloth. London: For Private Circulation only, 1860 * Only 50 copies were printed. 1925 Halliwelliana: a Bibliography of the Publications of J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps. By Justin Winsor. 8vo, sewed, pp. 30. (Re- published from the Bulletin of Harvard University.) Cambridge, 1881 232 BngUsb HMstors ant> ^Literature 1926 HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS (J. O.) A Dictionary of Misprints found in Printed Books of the i6th and lyth Centuries, compiled . . . especially for those who are engaged in Editing the Works of Shake- speare and our other Early Dramatists. Small 410, cloth. * Only a few copies printed for private circulation. Brighton, 1887 1927 HAMPSON (R. T.) Origines Patricias; or, A Deduction of Euro- pean Titles of Nobility and Dignified Offices from their Primitive Sources. 8vo, cloth. London, 1846 1928 HAMST (OLPHAR). Handbook of Fictitious Names: being a Guide to Authors, chiefly in the Lighter Literature of the XlXth Century, who have written under Assumed Names, and to Literary Forgers, Impostors, etc. 8vo, cloth. London, 1868 * By a little ingenuity the real name of the author (Ralph Thomas) can be read in the pseudonym. 1929 HARDY (THOMAS DUFFUS). Monumenta Historica Bri- tannica; or, Materials for the History of Britain from the Earliest Period. Volume I., extending to the Norman Conquest. Prepared and illustrated with Notes by the late Henry Petrie and the Rev. John Sharpe. Completed and edited by T. D. Hardy. Map and 27 full-page plates of coins and facsimiles of MSS. Thick folio, half calf. [London] : Published by Command of Her Majesty, 1848 * No more than this volume, extending to the Norman Conquest, was published. It contains texts and translations of the Saxon Chronicle, the Chronicle of Ethelred, Florence of Worcester, Henry of Huntingdon, and many other important pieces, with selections from the classical authors who mention Britain, a collection of Roman in- scriptions, the Norman-French poem " L'Estorie des Engles," by Geoffery Gaimar (the only publication of this), etc., etc. Henry Petrie commenced the publication, but died, and Hardy finished it. J 93 - Descriptive Catalogue of Materials relating to the History of Great Britain and Ireland to the Reign of Henry VII. 3 vols. in 4. Royal 8vo, half roan. (Rolls Series.) London, 1862-1871 * A valuable reference work for the earliest manuscripts relating to British History, with biographical notices of the authors, and in many cases a short analysis. The collection includes not only those existing in the Museums, Libraries, and Private Collections in Great Britain, but also those to be found in foreign countries. The third volume contains some colored facsimiles. 1931 HART (REV. RICHARD). Ecclesiastical Records of England, Ireland, and Scotland, from the Fifth Century till the Reformation. Being an Epitome of British Councils, the Legatine and Provincial Constitutions, and other Memorials of the Olden Time, with Pro- legomena and Notes. Second Edition, much enlarged, j plates. 8vo, half calf, gilt. Cambridge, 1846 1btston> anb OLfterature 233 1932 HASLEWOOD (JOSEPH). Catalogue of the Curious and Valuable Library of the late Joseph Haslewood. Which will be sold by Auction by Mr. Evans. Interleaved with paper to 410 size, on which is written the prices and purchaser's names. 410, half morocco. London, 1833 * At the end is neatly mounted an excerpt from the Athenaeum, containing the famous bitter attack on Haslewood, and his account of the "Revels" of the Rox- burghe Club, of which he was the founder ; also a written note on the reasons why Evans and not Sotheby sold the library. SCARCE. 1933 HAYDN (JOSEPH). The Book of Dignities, containing Rolls of the Official Personages of the British Empire, Civil, Ecclesiastical, Judicial, etc., etc. 8vo, half roan. London, 1851 1934 The Book of Dignities, containing Lists of the Official Per- sonages of the British Empire, Civil, Diplomatic, Heraldic, Judicial, etc., from the Foundation of their Respective States. Continued to the Present Time with numerous additional lists, and an Index by Horace Ockerby. Third Edition. Very thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1894 1935 HAYNES (J. E.) Pseudonyms of Authors, including Anonyms and Initialisms. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1882 1936 HAZLITT (W. C.) Hand-Book to the Popular, Poetical, and Dramatic Literature of Great Britain, from the Invention of Print- ing to the Restoration. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1867 * An Entirely Uncut Copy. Scarce in this state. 1937 HAZLITT'S BIBLIOGRAPHICAL COLLECTIONS AND NOTES. Collections and Notes, 1867-1876. Svo, cloth. London, 1876 * The First Series. This and the following six lots of these Bibliographical Col- lections form a complete set of the series. 1938 - Second Series of Bibliographical Collections and Notes on Early English Literature, 1474-1700. Thick Svo, cloth. London, 1882 * Only 525 printed. J 939 Third and Final Series of Bibliographical Collections and Notes on Early English Literature, 1474-1700. Svo, cloth. London, 1887 * Hazlitt, however, thought better of his intention to end the series with this volume and continued them. Only 270 copies of this were issued. 1940 Supplements to the Third and Final Series of Bibliographical Collections and Notes, 1474-1700. Svo, cloth. London, 1889 234 jEnsltsb HMston? an& literature 1941 HAZLITT (W. C.) Bibliographical Collections and Notes, 1474- 1700. Third and Final Series. Second Supplement. 8vo, cloth. London, 1892 1942 A General Index to Hazlitt's Handbook and his Bibliographi- cal Collections (1867-1889). By G. J. Gray. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1893 1943 Bibliographical Collections and Notes on Early English Litera- ture made during the years 1893-1903. 8vo, cloth. London, 1903 * Only 150 copies printed. 1944 A Manual t ior the Collector and Amateur of Old English Plays, edited from the material formed by Kirkman, Langbaine, Oldys, Halliwell-Phillipps, etc., with extensive additions and correc- tions. Small 410, boards, cloth back. London, 1892 * No. 84 of only 250 copies printed. Session, 1945 HEARNE (THOMAS). Liber Niger Scaccarii, nee non Wilhelmi Worcestrii Annales Rerum Anglicarum. Editio altera, accedunt Chartae Antiquoe et Opuscula Varia Historiam et Antiquitates Angliae Spectantia et Antehac inedita. 2 vols. in i. 8vo, old calf (rebacked). London, 1774 * William of Worcester lived in the I5th Century, being for some time secretary to the famous Sir John Falstaff. This Liber Niger the Black Book of the Exchequer Hearne describes as being of great note and curiosity, and the most authentic record we have for English Families, next to the Domesday-book. It contains a full list of the Knight's Fees of the time of Henry II., copies of the returns made by the tenants to the King. Many of the returns contain the names and particulars of the families occupying the land. 1946 [HERBERT (HON. ALGERNON).] Britannia after the Romans; being an attempt to illustrate the Religious and Political Revolutions of that Province in the 5th and succeeding Centuries, London, 1836; An Essay on the Neodruidic Heresy in Britannia, London, 1838; Britannia after the Romans, Vol. II., London, 1841. 3 vols. 410, cloth. London, 1836-41 * The three volumes above were published in the order described, and are practically one treatise. The Essay on the Druids containing many references, and some cor- rections to the first volume of the " Britannia." 1947 Cyclops Christianus; or, an Argument to disprove the sup- posed Antiquity of the Stonehenge and other Megalithic Erections in England and Britanny. 8vo, cloth. London, 1849 HMstorE an& ^Literature 235 1948 HERRTAGE (SIDNEY J. H.) English Charlemagne Romances. The Lyf of the Noble and Crysten Prynce Charles the Grete. Trans- lated from the French by William Caxton and printed by him 1485. Edited now for the first time from the unique copy in the British Museum, with Introduction, Notes, and Glossary. 2 Parts, 8vo, wrappers. (Early English Text Society.) London, 1880-81 1949 HERTSLET (SIR EDWARD). The Foreign Office List, 1894, forming a complete British Diplomatic and Consular Handbook. With maps. 8vo, cloth. London [1894] 1950 HEYLYN (PETER). A Help to English History, containing the succession of the Kings of England, English, Saxon and Britons: the Kings and Princes of Wales; the Kings and Lords of Man; and the Isle of Wight. As also of all the Dukes, Marquises, Earls, and Bishops thereof. With descriptions of the places from whence they had their titles, etc., etc. Continued with great Additions by Paul Wright. 54 copper-plates of arms. 8vo, old calf, gilt. London, 1773 1951 HEYWOOD (THOMAS). The Life of Merlin surnamed Am- brosius, his Prophecies and Predictions interpreted and their truth made good by our English Annals. 8vo, old calf (joints cracked). Carmarthen, 1812 * This reprint contains a little additional matter not in the original edition of Hey- wood's compilation. 1952 HIGGINS (GODFREY). The Celtic Druids; or, an Attempt to shew that the Druids were the Priests of Oriental Colonies who emigrated from India, and were the introducers of the First or Cadmean System of Letters, and the Builders of Stonehenge, of Carnac, and of other Cyclopean Works in Asia and Europe. With lithograph title on India Paper, map, and 45 full-page plates, mostly drawn by Louis Haghe. 4to, scored calf, gilt. Fine copy- London, 1829 * SCARCE. Has an inscription on the title, " Rev. Mr. Yates from the author." 1953 HOARE (E. N.) Exotics; or, Englirh Words derived from English Roots. i2mo, cloth. (Stamp on title.) Dublin, 1863 1954 HODGETTS (J. F.) Older England, illustrated by the Anglo- Saxon Antiquities in the British Museum, to which is added a paper on the Myth of the Week. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1884 1955 The English in the Middle Ages, from the Norman Usurpa- tion to the Days of the Stuarts, their Mode of Life, Dress, Arms, Occupations and Amusements. 8vo, cloth. London, 1885 236 lEnglisb HMstors ant> ^Literature 1956 HODGSON (W. B.) Errors in the Use of English. Post 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1882 1957 HOE (ROBERT). A Catalogue of Early English Books forming a portion of the Library of Robert Hoe. (Authors before 1700.) 5 vols. post 8vo, wrappers. New York, 1903-1905 Only 100 copies printed. Very full collations are given of every book. 1958 HOGARTH (WILLIAM). WEITENKAMPF (F.) A Bibliography of William Hogarth. Royal 8vo, sewed, pp. 14. (Republished from the Bulletin of Harvard University.) Cambridge, Mass., 1890 1959 HOLE (REV. C.) A Manual of the Book of Common Prayer, showing its History and Contents, izmo, cloth. London, 1887 1960 HOOKER (RICHARD). Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity. Book I. Edited by R. W. Church. Crown 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1876 1961 HORE (REV. A. H.) The Church in England from William III. to Victoria. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1886 1962 HORSTMANN (C.) Sammlung Altenglischer Legenden, gross- tentheils zum ersten male herausgegeben. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 227. Heilbronn, 1878 * Contains Robert of Sicily from the Vernon MS. and other pieces from the Vernon, Harleian, etc., collections. 1963 HOSMER (JAMES K.) The Life of Young Sir Henry Vane, Governor of Massachusetts Bay and leader of the Long Parliament; with a Consideration of the English Commonwealth as a Forecast of America. Portrait, etc. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1888 1964 HUME (REV. A.) The Learned Societies and Printing Clubs of the United Kingdom their Origin, History, Objects, and Con- stitution. With Supplement to the Present Time, by A. I. Evans. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1853 1965 HUNTER (REV. JOSEPH). English Monastic Libraries. A catalogue of the Library of the Priory of Bretton in Yorkshire; and Notices of the Libraries belonging to other Religious Houses. 4to, half russia, interleaved with writing paper. London, 1831 * Sir Frederick Madden's copy, having his autograph on fly-leaf, and additions written by him on the interleaving. Some leaflets relating to the same subject bound in at end. 1966 - - Three Catalogues describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer, of the Dodsworth Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, and of the Manuscripts in Lincoln's Inn. 8vo, cloth. London, 1838 ngUsb Ibiston? ant> ^Literature 237 1967 HUNTINGTON (REV. W. R.) A Short History of the Book of Common Prayer. Crown 8vo, cloth. New York, [1893] 1968 HUTH (HENRY). Prefaces, Dedications, Epistles, selected from Early English Books, 1540-1701. With Indexes of Names and Subjects. Thick post 8vo, cloth, uncut. [London], Printed for Private Circulation, 1874 * Only 50 copies printed. Very Scarce. The value of these prefaces consists in the important references to contemporary writers, or to events, many of them being taken from unique books in the Huth library. The selection was made by W. C. Hazlitt, who has appended short explanatory notes. INDERWICK (F. A.) The King's Peace. A Historical Study of the English Law Courts. Map and illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1895 1970 INMAN (THOMAS). History of the English Alphabet. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 36. London, 1872 1971 IRVING (JOSEPH). The Annals of Our Time. A Diurnal of Events from the Accession of Queen Victoria, June 20, 1837, to the Jubilee, June 20, 1887. 2 vols. 8vo, half roan. London, 1880-89 JACOBS (HENRY E.) The Lutheran Movement in England during the reigns of Henry VIII. and Edward VI. and its Literary Monuments. Post 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1890 1973 JAMES I. OF ENGLAND. The Essayes of a Premise, in the Divine Art of Poesie. With prefatory Memoir by R. P. Gillies. Small 410, wrappers with paper label. Edinburgh, 1814 * Only 92 copies were printed. 1974 JEWITT (LLEWELLYNN). Grave Mounds and their Con- tents, ... as exemplified in the Burials of the Celtic, the Romano- British, and Anglo-Saxon Periods. Nearly 500 illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1870 1975 JOHNSON (FRANKLIN). The Dies Ine. An English Version in double rhymes, with an Essay and Notes. 12010, wrappers, pp. 38. Presentation copy from the translator. Cambridge, Mass.: Privately Printed, 1883 238 BngUsb Ifoiston? anfc ^Literature be Xetters of 3untu0 anfc tbe Controversy as to tbeir Hutborsbip, 1976 ANECDOTES of Junius, to which is prefixed the King's Reply (the author is assumed to be Burke), pp. 52, Southampton [1788]; also stitched with if, Junius Discovered, by P(hilip) T(hick- nesse), pp. 36, London [1789] (J. Home Tooke is claimed for the author). 8vo. * Written on the wrapper is "P. R. Fendall from P. Force, 7 Feb., 1848," with some remarks in the same writing. 1977 BARKER (E. H.) The Claims of Sir Philip Francis . . . disap- proved: Some Enquiry into the Claims of the late Chas. Lloyd: Observations on ... Edmund Burke: and extracts from several eminent philologists, izmo, half morocco, gilt top. London, 1828 1978 BOYD (HUGH). The Miscellaneous Works of Hugh Boyd, the author of the Letters of Junius. With Account of his Life and Writings by Lawrence Dundas Campbell. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, full calf, gilt. London, 1800 * Hugh Boyd was born in Ireland, and for some short time conducted a periodical called "The Freeholder," in 1776, attacking the conduct of the Government, re- printed in these volumes. 1979 BRITTON (JOHN). The Authorship of the Letters of Junius Elucidated, including a Biographical Memoir of Lt. -Col. Isaac Barre. Group portrait of Barre, the Marquis of Lansdowne, and Lord Ashburton, after Reynolds. 4to, cloth (impressed stamp on title). Presentation copy from the author to the Rev. John Mitford. Large Paper. London, 1848 * This is not the smaller edition with larger margins, as is the usual case with Large Paper copies, as the type was entirely reset for it. 1980 Another copy of the same, being a presentation copy from the author to the Lord Chief Baron Sir Frederick Pollock, with an A. L. S. of John Britton to him inserted, and two bookplates of Sir F. Pollock (one loosely laid in). Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1848 * The smaller edition. 1981 BUSBY (THOMAS). Arguments and Facts demonstrating that the Letters of Junius were written by J. L. De Lolme . . . accom- panied with Memoirs of that " Most Ingenious Foreigner." Folding leaf of facsimiles. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1816 Bnglisb Ibistorp ant) ^Literature 239 THE LETTERS OF JUNIUS, ETC. Continued. 1982 CHABOT (CHARLES). The Handwriting of Junius Profession- ally Investigated by C. Chabot, expert. Preface and Collateral Evidence by the Hon. Edward Twistleton. Thick 410, cloth. London, 1871 1983 CHALMERS (GEORGE). An Appendix to the Supplemental Apology for the Believers in the suppositious Shakspeare-Papers, being the Documents for the opinion that Hugh McAuley Boyd wrote Junius' Letters. With facsimile of the writing of Hugh Boyd. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1800 1984 The Author of Junius Ascertained from Direct Proofs and a concatenation ef circumstances amounting to Moral Demonstration. With postscript evincing that Boyd wrote Junius, and not Francis. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1819 1985 COLLECTION (A) of the Letters of Atticus, Lucius, Junius, and others, with Observations and Notes. 8vo, old calf. London, 1769 * Atticus and Lucius were pseudonyms used by Junius. The letters signed Lucius refer almost entirely to the dismissal of Sir Jeffrey Amherst from the governorship of Virginia. 1986 COVENTRY (GEORGE). A Critical Enquiry regarding the real Author of the Letters of Junius, proving them to have been written by Lord Viscount Sackville. Engraved title, portrait of Lord Sackville, 7 leaves of facsimiles, and caricature. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1825 * A memoir of Lord Sackville is appended, including his administration of the Colonial Office during the American War. 1987 [CRAMP (WILLIAM).] The Author of Junius discovered in the person of the celebrated Earl of Chesterfield. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1821 1988 Junius and his Works compared with the Character and Writings of Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 113. London, 1850 1989 Fac-Simile Autograph Letters of Junius, Lord Chesterfield, and Mrs. C. Dayrolles, shewing that the wife of Mr. Solomon Day- rolles was the amanuensis employed in copying the letters of Junius for the printer, etc. 4 folding plates of facsimiles. 8vo, sewed, pp. 8. London, 1851 240 Bnglisb fnstors anfc ^Literature THE LETTERS OF JUNIUS, ETC. Continued. 1990 DOWK (W.) Junius, Lord Chatham. A Biography setting forth the Condition of English Politics preceding and contemporary with the Revolutionary English Period, etc. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1857 1991 [DUPPA (R.)] Memoirs of a celebrated Literary and Political Character from 1742 to 1757, containing Strictures on some of the Most Distinguished Men of that Time. 8vo, half morocco. * Richard Glover, the author of Junius. London, 1813 1992 [ ] An Inquiry concerning the author of the Letters of Junius, with reference to the Memoirs by a Celebrated Literary and Political Character. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1814 * Further arguments in favor of the claims of Glover. 1993 FALCONAR (J.) The Secret Revealed of the Authorship of Junius' Letters. Medallion portrait on title of Daniel Wray. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1830 * Daniel Wray is asserted to be the author. 1994 [FITZGERALD (REV.)] Another Guess at Junius, and a Dia- logue. 8vo, half morocco (title repaired). London, 1809 * The authorship ascribed to Wm. Pin, Earl of Chatham. 1995 FRANCIS (SIR PHILIP). Memoirs of Sir Philip Francis, with his Correspondence and Journals. Commenced by the late Joseph Parkes. Completed and edited by Herman Merivale. 2 portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1867 1996 GIRDLESTONE (THOMAS). Facts tending to prove that Gen- eral Lee was never absent from this country during the years 1767- 1772, and that he was the author of Junius. Fine impression of the scarce portrait of Gen. Charles Lee, by Neagle. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1813 1997 GRAHAM (JOHN A.) Memoirs of John Home Tooke, together with his valuable Speeches and Writings; also containing Proofs identifying him as the Author of the Letters of Junius. Portraits of Home Tooke and the author, and leaf of facsimile. 8vo, boards (worn). New York, 1828 1998 GRIFFIN (FREDERICK). Junius Discovered. Crown 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1854 * Thomas Pownall (Governor of Massachusetts, 1756) is credited with the author- ship. 24 letters (unpublished?) to the Rev. Samuel Cooper of Boston written 1 769- 74 are printed in this volume including one to Samuel Adams, dealing with the dis- pute between England and America. Ibistors anfc ^Literature 241 THE LETTERS OF JUNIUS, ETC. Continued. 1999 JAQUES (JOHN). The History of Junius and His Works, and a Review of the Controversy respecting the Identity of Junius. With an Appendix containing Portraits and Sketches by Junius. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1843 * In favor of Lord George Sackville. 2000 [JOHNSTON (A. G.)] Letters to a Nobleman proving a Late Prime Minister to have been Junius . . . with an Appendix contain- ing a Celebrated Case published by Almon in 1768. 8vo, half mo- rocco. London, 1816 * The authorship attributed to the Duke of Portland. 2001 JUNIANA. Three octavo volumes containing many articles from Magazines and Reviews, from the time contemporary with Junius to the middle of the igth Century, concerning the controversy as to the authorship of the letters, including some of the original letters of Junius cut out from the papers in which they appeared ; the third volume containing manuscript extracts from various books, etc., on the same subject. Neatly mounted and bound in 3 vols. 8vo, half calf. 2002 JUNIUS with his vizor up; or the Real Author of the Letters . . . now for the First Time revealed to the World in two letters to my Couzin in the Country. By GEdipus Oronoke, Tobacconist and Snuff- seller. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Oxford, 1819 * The authorship is attributed to Richard Suett, the comedian. The book is a satire on the various persons to whom the letters were attributed. Many amusing anecdotes occur throughout. 2003 JUNIUS UNMASKED. A well-known most eminent Literary Character of the last Century. Vignette of Edward Gibbon on the title. Post 8vo, wrappers, pp. 2-(-44-(-4. London, 1819 * Gibbon is claimed to be the author of the letters. 2004 JUNIUS UNMASKED; or, Thomas Paine the author of the Letters of Junius and the Declaration of Independence. Post 8vo, cloth. Washington, D. C., 1872 2005 KELLY (P). Junius proved to be Burke, with an Outline of his Biography. 8vo, half roan. London, 1826 2006 LETTERS (THE) OF JUNIUS. Complete in one volume, with a copious Index. i2mo, sheep (name stamped in a few places, and autograph of G. W. Prescott on Preface). Philadelphia: R. Campbell, 1795 242 Bnglisb HMston? an& literature THE LETTERS OF JUNIUS, ETC.. Continued. 2007 LYE (FRANCIS). The Beauties and Maxims of Junius and his Correspondents. i2mo, boards, uncut. London, 1824 * Contains the early American bookplate (armorial) of Philip Richard Fendall. 2008 [MANNING (JOSEPH BOLLES).] Junius Unmasked; or, Lord George Sackville proved to be Junius. With an Appendix showing that the author . . . was also author of the History of the Reign of George III., and author of the North Briton ascribed to Wilkes. Portrait of Sackville. Post 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1828 2009 MANUSCRIPT. References to Junius, Woodfall's Edition, Lon- don, 1814. Manuscript, unsigned, and apparently contemporary with the edition referred to, written on 54 post 8vo pages, consist- ing of quotations from Junius with alphabetically arranged Index. 2010 NEWHALL (ISAAC). Letters on Junius addressed to John Pickering, Esq., showing that the author of that celebrated Work was Earl Temple. Post 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1831 2011 POLITICAL CONTEST (THE), containing a Series of Letters between Junius and Sir William Draper; also the whole of Junius' Letters to His Grace the D . . . of G brought into one Point of View. 2 Parts in i, sewed, pp. 55 + 38. London, n. d. [1769?] 2012 POSTHUMOUS WORKS OF JUNIUS, to which is prefixed an Inquiry respecting the Author, also a Sketch of the Life of John Home Tookz, facsimile, 8vo, boards, New York, 1829; also a neatly written MS. (84 pp.) copy of the " Appendix Second to the Pos- thumous Works." 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1829 * With the American bookplate of Philip Richard Fendall. Appendix First is con- tained in the bound volume. A note by the copyist of Appendix Second states that it was made from a printed copy in Peter Force's library, the only copy that he had been able to see or hear of. 2013 ROCHE (JOHN). An Inquiry concerning the Author of the Letters of Junius in which it is proved . . . that they were written by the late Right. Hon. Edmund Burke. 8vo, half calf. London, 1813 2014 SERRES (OLIVIA WILMOT). The Life of the Author of the Letters of Junius, the Rev. James Wilmot. With portrait, facsimiles, etc. 8vo, calf, gilt. London, 1813 IMstorE anfc ^Literature 243 THE LETTERS OF JUNIUS, ETC. Continued. 2015 SIMONS (N. W.) Junius. " A Letter to an Honourable Brigadier General, Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Forces in Canada," London, 1760, now first ascribed to Junius, to which is added "A Refutation of the Letter," etc. By An Officier. With Incidental Notices of Lords Townsend and Sackville, Sir Philip Francis, and others. i2mo, cloth. London: Pickering, 1841 2016 SWINDEN (JOHN). Junius Lord Chatham, and the "Mis- cellaneous Letters" proved to be spurious. Portrait of the Earl of Chatham. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1833 2017 SYMONS (J. C.) William Burke, the Author of Junius. An Essay on his Era. Crown 8vo, cloth (name cut from title). London, 1859 2018 [TAYLOR (JOHN).] A Supplement to Junius Identified, con- sisting of facsimiles of handwriting and other illustrations, jr fold- ing plates of facsimiles. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1817 * In favor of Sir Philip Francis. 2019 The Identity of Junius with a Distinguished Living Character Established, including the Supplement consisting of facsimiles of handwriting and other illustrations. Portrait of Sir Philip Francis. 8vo, calf. London, 1818 2020 First American Edition of the Preceding. Facsimiles. 8vo, boards (some newspaper extracts relating to Thomas Paine, Junius, etc., laid in). New York, 1818 2021 WATERHOUSE (BENJAMIN). An Essay on Junius and his Letters, embracing a Sketch of the Life and Character of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, with . . . Reflections . . . relating to the Affairs of Great Britain from 1763 to 1785. 8vo, half morocco. Boston, 1831 2022 I/AINS-JACKSON (C. P.) Our Ancient Monuments and the \ Land around them. Preface by Sir John Lubbock. 410, wrappers, pp. 115. London, 1880 * Descriptions, illustrated, of the principal primitive earthworks, tumuli, dolmens, etc., selected for preservation by the British Government. 244 Bnglisb Tbistors anfc literature 2023 KEELING (W.) Liturgise Britannicae; or, The Several Editions of the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England from its Compilation to its last Revision, together with the Liturgy ... of the Church of Scotland, arranged to shew their respective varia- tions. Second Edition. 8vo, cloth. London: W. Pickering, 1851 2024 KEMBLE (J. M.) State Papers and Correspondence illustrative of the Social and Political State of Europe from the Revolution to the Accession of the House of Hanover. With Historical Introduction, Memoirs, and Notes. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1857 2025 Horae Ferales; or, Studies in the Archaeology of the North- ern Nations. Edited by R. G. Latham and A. W. Franks. Numer- ous full-page plates, many colored. 4to, cloth. London, 1863 2026 KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets relating to Shakespeare and the Drama, in the handwriting of J. P. Kemble. A volume of 190 pp., bound in the original vellum, and Indexed. Small 410. * An interesting relic of the great actor, and valuable as a bibliography of dramatic literature. Many of the pages are blank, but there are nearly 70 pp. in Kemble's autograph, containing titles of many rare books and pamphlets. To some of them Kemble has written short notes, one especially curious, being to an old edition of the Life of the famous Admiral Paul Jones, where he states: " N. B. Paul Jones was an actor in the same company -with Mr. Moody in Jamaica, and made his first appearance on the stage in the character of Young Bevil in the Conscious Lovers." On the inside of the front cover is written, "Catalogue of Stage Tracts in the hand-writing of John Kemble, Esq., and bought at his sale of books by Mr. Evans in Pall Mall on Monday, Feb. 5, 1821. J. Booth." A cutting from an old bookseller's catalogue relating to it, and a receipt dated 1830, are also inserted. 2027 KEMPE (A. J.) The Loseley Manuscripts. Manuscripts and other Rare Documents illustrative of some of the more minute par- ticulars of English History, Biography, and Manners from the Reign of Henry VIII. to James I., preserved in the muniment room of James More Molyneux, at Loseley House, Surrey. Facsimiles, etc. 8vo, cloth. London, 1836 2028 KILLIKELLY (S. H.) Curious Questions in History, Literature, Art, and Social Life. Designed as a Manual of General Informa- tion. Third Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, [1886] 2029 KIPLING (RUDYARD). The Courting of Dinah Shadd: a Con- tribution to a Bibliography of the Writings of Rudyard Kipling. (120 copies printed at the Marion Press for subscribers only, this being No. 99.) i6mo, wrappers, pp. 21. Jamaica, N.Y., 1898 Englisb Ibistorp anfc literature 245 2030 AMB (JOHN). An Historical Account of the 39 Articles from i ^ their first promulgation. . . . with exact copies of the Latin and English Manuscripts, and Facsimiles of the Signatures of the Arch- bishops and Bishops, etc. 4to, half calf. Cambridge: The University Press, 1829 * Only a limited number printed. 2031 LATHAM (R. G.) The English Language. Second Edition, re- vised and greatly enlarged. 8vo, cloth. London, 1848 2032 The Third Edition, revised and greatly enlarged. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1850 20 33 The Fourth Edition, revised and enlarged. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1855 2034 Fifth Edition, revised and enlarged. 8vo, cloth. London, 1862 2035 The Ethnology of the British Colonies and Dependencies. i2mo, cloth. London, 1851 2036 The Ethnology of the British Islands. i2mo, cloth. London, 1852 2037 LATHBURY (THOMAS). A History of the Non-Jurors, their Controversies and Writings, with Remarks on some of the Rubrics in the Book of Common Prayer. 8vo, cloth. London: W. Pickering, 1845 2038 A History of the Convocation of the Church of England, from the Earliest Period to the year 1742. Second Edition, with considerable additions. 8vo, cloth. London, 1853 2039 LAWLER (JOHN). Book Auctions in England in the Seven- teenth Century (1676-1700), with a Chronological List of the Book Auctions of the Period. i2mo, cloth. (Book-Lover's Library.) London, 1898 2040 LEECH (JOHN). A List of Works containing Illustrations by John Leech. Compiled by C. E. S. Chambers. 8vo, wrappers, PP- (S)- Edinburgh, 1892 * Only 285 copies printed. 2041 LEMON (ROBERT). Catalogue of a Collection of Printed Broad- sides in the possession of the Society of Antiquaries, London. Fac- similes. Royal 8vo, cloth. London: Published by the Society, 1866 2042 LEVI (PROF. LEONE). History of British Commerce and of the Economic Progress of the British Nation, 1763-1870. 8vo, cloth. London, 1872 246 lEnQlisb HMstorp anfc ^Literature 2043 LHUYD (EDWARD). Archseologica Britannica, giving some Account, additional to what has hitherto been published, of the Languages, Histories, and Customs of the Original Inhabitants of Great Britain, from Collections and Observations in Travels through Wales, Cornwall, Bas-Bretagne, Ireland, and Scotland. Vol. I. (no more was published). Folio, original calf. Oxford: Printed at the Theatre^ 1707 * The volume is divided into several parts: I. A Comparative Etymology, pre- ceded by a preface in Welsh ; 2. A Comparative Vocabulary of the Original Lan- guages of Britain and Ireland; 3. An Armoric Grammar and Vocabulary from the French of Julian Manoir, by M. Williams; 4. Some Welsh words omitted in Dr. Davies' Dictionary; 5. A Cornish Grammar, with a short Vocabulary (the first Cornish Grammar printed); 6. A Catalogue of Ancient British MSS. ; 7. A British Etymo- logicon, or the Welsh collated with the Greek and Latin and some other European languages, by David Parry; 8. A Brief Introduction to the Irish or Ancient Scottish language; 9. A lengthy Irish-English Dictionary; 10. Catalogue of Irish Manu- scripts. 2044 LOCKER (FREDERICK). The Rowfant Library. A Catalogue of the Printed Books, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters, Drawings, and Pictures collected by Frederick Locker-Lampson. Frontispiece by Cruikshank. Royal 8vo, half roan, uncut. London, 1886 * SCARCE. Inserted is an A. L. S. of Frederick Locker, and several magazine por- traits and clippings relating to him. Collations and descriptions are given of every book. Only 200 copies were privately printed. 2045 LONDON. DICKENS (CHARLES, JUNR.) Dictionary of London. An Unconventional Handbook. Square i2mo, wrappers, pp. 280. London (New York), 1879 2046 - KNIGHT (CHARLES). London. Illustrated with several hundred illustrations. 6 vols. royal 8vo, half red morocco, gilt tops. London, 1841-44 * EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED with nearly 100 full-page plates. 2047 - LIBER ALBUS. The White Book of the City of London, com- piled A. D. 1419 by John Carpenter, Common Clerk, and Richard Whitington, Mayor. Translated from the original Latin and Anglo- Norman by Henry Thomas Riley. Thick small 410, cloth. London, 1862 * The Liber Albus is a compilation, made about 1419, of all the previous laws, charters, acts, and numerous other matters connected with the history of the City from the time of the Norman Conquest. 2048 - NORTON (GEORGE). Commentaries on the History, Constitu- tion, and Chartered Franchises of the City of London. 8vo, cloth. London, 1869 Ibtetors anfc Xtterature 247 2049 LONDON. PHILIPS' Handy- Volume Atlas of London, with Com- plete Index. i2mo, roan. London, 1891 2050 SIMPSON (W. S.) St. Paul's Cathedral Library. A Catalogue of Rituals, Bibles, Rare Books, Works relating to London, etc. Frontispiece. 8vo, cloth. London, 1893 2051 STANHOPE (W.) Monastic London. An Analytical Sketch of the Monks and Monasteries within the Metropolitan Area during the Centuries 1200 to 1600. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1887 2052 THORNE (]AMES). Handbook to the Environs of London. . . . containing an Account of every Town and Village, and of all Places of Interest within a Circle of 20 Miles round London. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1876 2053 LONGFELLOW (HENRY W.) The Longfellow Collector's Handbook. A Bibliography of First Editions. Narrow izrno, half parchment. New York: W. E. Benjamin, 1885 * Only 250 printed, this being No. 39. 2054 LONGMAN (WILLIAM). The History of the Life and Times of Edward the Third. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1869 2055 LOW (SIDNEY J.) AND PULLING (F. S.) The Dictionary of English History. Thick 8vo, half roan. London, 1884 2056 LOWE (ROBERT W.) A Bibliographical Account of English Theatrical Literature, from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. Interleaved with writing-paper, on some of the leaves of which are pencilled additional titles and notes. Bound in 2 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1888 2057 LOWNDES (W. T.) The Bibliographer's Manual of English Lite- rature, containing an Account of Rare, Curious, and Useful Books, published in or relating to Great Britain, with Bibliographical and Critical Notices, Collations, etc. 4 vols. 8vo, original cloth. London: W. Pickering, 1834 * Large and Thick Paper Copy, Uncut. The smaller and later editions of this work omitted some of the matter contained in this first edition. 2058 The Bibliographer's Manual. New edition, corrected and enlarged, with an Appendix relating to the Books of Literary and Scientific Societies. By Henry G. Bohn. 6 vols. 8vo, finely bound in half crimson morocco, richly gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. * Large Paper copy. Only a limited number so issued. London, 1869 2059 LUCAS (C. P.) A Historical Geography of the British Colonies. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1888-90 248 jn0lisb ibiston? anb ^Literature 2060 |%/| C CAUL (REV. J.) Britanno-Roman Inscriptions, with Critical Notes. Frontispiece. Post 8vo, cloth. Toronto, 1863 2061 MACKAY (CHARLES). The Lost Beauties of the English Lan- guage. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1874 2062 MAETZNER (EDWARD). Englische Grammatik. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt. Berlin, 1860-65 2063 MAGAZINE ARTICLES. The Origin of the English Nation, three Lectures by Edward A. Freeman [Littell, 1870]; The English and their Origin [West. Rev., 1866]; English Local Nomenclature [Edin. Rev., 1860]; English Surnames [Littell]; The. Bayeux Tapestry, by E. J. Lowell [Scribner, 1887]; Prehistoric England [Eclectic, 1870]; Stonehenge, by James Fergusson [Lond. Quart., 1860]. Other articles and engravings of Druidical monuments laid in. 8vo, paper. (7 pieces.) 2064 MAINE (SIR HENRY S.) Lectures on the Early History of Institutions. 8vo, cloth. London, 1875 2065 MAITLAND (S. R.) An Index of such English Books printed before the year 1500 as are now in the Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth. 8vo, cloth. London, 1845 2066 MAKOWER (FELIX). The Constitutional History and Consti- tution of the Church of England. Translated from the German. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1895 2067 MANUSCRIPT. LEGAL MANUSCRIPT, 17x11 CENTURY. A small folio volume of 128 pages, containing records of actions in the London Law Courts, apparently copied from the Official Year Books. Written in a neat court hand, about the end of the i7th Century. Among the plaintiffs or defendants cited are, Arabella Churchill (Mistress of James II.), Elizabeth Clifford, Phineas Fletcher, etc. Small folio, original limp vellum. 2068 MAPS AND PLANS. Catalogue of the Maps, Plans, and other Publications of the Ordnance Survey of England and Wales, and the Isle of Man. Thick 8vo, wrappers, pp. 880. London, 1898 2069 MARCH (HENRY COLLEY). An Examination of Lord Sel- borne ... on the Ancient Apportionment of the Tithe, 1887, pp. 24; A Memoir on the Roman Road over Blackstone Edge, 1894, pp. 8, map and cut\ The Pagan-Christian Overlap in the North, 1892, pp. 41, 12 plates', The Place-Names Twistle, Skip, and Argh, 1891, pp. 27, 3 maps \ Rending the Wolf's Jaw, 1894, pp. 9, 8 plates. Bound in one volume. 8vo, cloth. Rochdale and Manchester, 1887-94 Distort anfc ^Literature 249 2070 MARTIN MARPRELATE. MASKELL (REV. W.) A History of the Martin Marprelate Controversy in the Reign of Queen Eliza- beth. Post 8vo, bound by RIVIERE in half green morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. London: Pickering, 1845 2071 REPRINTS OF THE ORIGINAL TRACTS. A volume containing: Oh Read over D. John Bridges; An Epistle to the Terrible Priests; Cooper's Admonition to the People of England; Hay Any Worke for Cooper; Pap with a hatchet; An Almond for a Parrot; and Plaine Percivall. Reprinted from the original editions of 1589, with Introductions and Notes. In one vol. Post 8vo, half roan gilt, gilt top. London, 1843-46 2072 WADDINGTON (JOHN). John Penry, the Pilgrim Martyr, 1559-93. Frontispiece, i2mo, cloth. London, 1854 * Penry was the leading spirit in the movement, and chief author of the tracts, which led to the arrest of the writer by the Star Chamber, and finally his execution. 2073 [MASKELL (W.)] A List of the Service Books according to the Ancient Uses of the Anglican Church. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 30. * RARE. Only a few copies printed. London, 1850 2074 MASSEY (WILLIAM). A History of England during the Reign of George the Third. 4 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1855 2075 MATTHEW PARIS. Matthew Paris' English History from the year 1235 to 1273. Translated from the Latin by J. A. Giles. Por- trait. 3 vols. post 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1852-54 2076 MAYOR (J. B.) Chapters on English Metre. 8vo, cloth. London, 1886 * A considerable portion of the book deals with the Metre of Shakespeare's poems. 2077 MEN OF THE TIME. A Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Living Characters (including Women). New Edition, thoroughly revised, and brought down to the Present Time. By Edward Wai- ford. Post 8vo, half roan, pp. 842. London, 1862 * This forms the sixth edition of the series. A continuous run of these forms a valuable biographical dictionary. This part icular volume is the first (and only one) that contains a sketch of Abraham Lincoln, condemning him with faint praise. Among the statements made respecting him is that " he never gained any but the rudest education," that in 1846 he became " notorious" as an Abolitionist, that he was a foe to popular cries, and that his conduct during the Civil War, while " far from challenging admiration," has been regarded by many as sincere. Of the war itself it states that it is a " conflict unparalleled " for its colossal proportions contrasted with insignificant deeds, for disregard of rules of civilized warfare, and for vain-boasting on one side. 250 EuQlisb Ifoistors an> ^Literature 2078 MEN OF THE TIME. Seventh Edition. Post 8vo, cloth, pp. 859. London, 1868 2079 Eighth Edition. Revised by Thompson Cooper. Post 8vo, cloth, pp. 1008. London, 1872 2080 Ninth Edition. ' Post 8vo, cloth, pp. 1054. London, 1875 2081 Tenth Edition. Post 8vo, cloth, pp. 1070 London, 1879 2082 Eleventh Edition. Post 8vo, cloth, pp. 1168. London, 1884 2083 Twelfth Edition. Revised by the editor of "Men of the Reign " [T. H. Ward]. Post 8vo, cloth, pp. 1121. London, 1887 2084 Thirteenth Edition. Revised by G. Washington Moon. 8vo, cloth, pp. 1016. London, 1891 * With this edition the title was changed to " Men and Women of the Time." The previous volume, however, contained women also. 2085 Fourteenth Edition. Revised by Victor G. Plarr. 8vo, cloth. London, 1895 2086 MILTON (JOHN.) AREOPAGITICA. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, byj. W. Hales. Crown 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1882 2087 Comus, a Maske. Printed from the Original Edition of 1637. With woodcut title-pages designed by H. M, O'Kane. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New Rochelle, 1902 * The beautifully printed Elston Press Edition. Only 160 issued. 2088 MITCHELL (A. F.) Catechisms of the Second Reformation. With Historical Introduction and Biographical Notices. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1886 * Among the "catechisms reprinted is " The Chief Grounds of Christian Religion," by Ezekiel Rogers. This catechism was used by Rogers and his congregation at the new settlement of Rowley in Massachusetts. No American edition is known of it, the one reprinted being the London edition of 1642. 2089 MOLESWORTH (WILLIAM NASSAU). The History of England from the year 1830. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1871-73 * The best Library Edition. 2090 MOON (WASHINGTON). The Bad English of Lindley Murray and other writers on the English Language. A Series of Criticisms. i2mo, cloth. London, 1868 2091 Bad English Exposed. A Series of Criticisms on the Errors and Inconsistencies of Lindley Murray and other Grammarians. Fourth Edition. i2mo, cloth. London, 1871 Tbfstors ant) ^Literature 251 2092 MORGAN (JAMES F.) England under the Norman Occupa- tion. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1858 * Founded on the Domesday Book, the Exon Domesday, the Liber Winton, and the Boldon Book, with extracts. 2093 MORGAN (THOMAS). Romano-British Mosaic Pavements. A History of their Discovery, and a Record and Interpretation of their Designs. With plates, plain and colored, of the most important mosaics. 8vo, cloth. London, 1886 2094 MORLEY (HENRY). English Writers. (Vol. I., Celts and Anglo-Saxons, with an Introductory Sketch of the Four Periods of English Literature; Vols. II. and III., from the Conquest to Dun- bar.) 3 vols (all published) 8vo, cloth. London, 1866-67 2095 Tables of English Literature. 410, cloth. London, 1870 2096 Of English Literature in the Reign of Queen Victoria, with a glance at the Past. 185 facsimile autographs. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1882 2097 English Writers. An Attempt towards a History of English Literature, u vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1887-95 2098 Library of English Literature: Shorter English Poems; Eng- lish Plays; Longer Works in English Verse and Prose; Illustrations of English Religion; Shorter Works in English Prose. Each volume with numerous illustrations. 5 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. 2099 MORRIS (REV. R.) Historical Outlines of English Accidence. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1872 2100 MORRIS AND SKEAT. Specimens of Early English from A.D. 1150 to 1393. With Introductions, Notes, and Glossarial Index. 2 vols. (Vol. i by Rev. R. Morris, Vol. 2 by Morris and W. W. Skeat) crown 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1867-72 2101 Another copy. New and Revised Edition. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth. (Vol i, 1882; Vol. 2, 1873.) 2102 Another copy. New Edition, revised for the Second Time. 2 vols. (Vol. i, 1885; Vol. 2, 1889.) 2103 MORTE D'ARTHUR. Le Morte Arthur. Edited from the Harleian MS. in the British Museum. Prefatory Essay by the late Herbert Coleridge. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London and Cambridge, 1864 252 Englisb HMstors an> Xiterature IRewspapers anb Journalism, 2104 ANDREWS (ALEXANDER). The History of British Journal- ism from the Foundation of the Newspaper Press in England to the Repeal of the Stamp Act in 1855, with Sketches of Press Celebrities. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1859 2105 EARLY NEWSPAPERS. Ten Popular Reprints of the Times, and other early English Newspapers. (The English Mercuric, 1588, with the Invasion by the Spanish Armada; Weekeley Newes, Jan., 1606, with the execution of Guy Fawkes; The Gazette, 1658, with the death of Cromwell, etc.) Folio, half morocco. London, n. d. [1874?] 2106 FOX-BOURNE (H. R.) English Newspapers. Chapters in the History of Journalism. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1887 2107 GRANT (JAMES). The Newspaper Press, its Origin, Progress, and Present Position, and The Metropolitan Weekly and Provincial Press. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1871-72 2108 HOPE (JOHN T.) Catalogue of a Collection of Early News- papers and Essayists formed by the late John T. Hope, and pre- sented to the Bodleian Library by the late F. W. Hope. 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1865, 2109 HUNT (F. K.) The Fourth Estate: contributions towards a His- tory of Newspapers and of the Liberty of the Press. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1850 2 1 10 JACKSON (MASON). The Pictorial Press, its Origin and Prog- ress. 150 illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1885 2111 OLDCASTLE (JOHN). Journals and Journalism, with a Guide for Literary Beginners. Square i2mo, vellum, uncut. London, 1880 * The author of this was the well-known journalist Wilfred Meynell. 2112 WATTS (THOMAS). A Letter to Antonio Panizzi ... on the reputed Earliest Printed Newspaper " The English Mercuric, 1588. ' r 8vo, sewed, pp. 16. London, 1839- Englfsb Ibistors anfc literature 253 2113 NICHOLAS (THOMAS). The Pedigree of the English People. An Argument, Historical and Scientific, on the Formation and Growth of the Nation . . . with especial reference to the Incorpora- tion of the Celtic Aborigines. Map. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1878' 2114 NICOLAS (SIR NICHOLAS HARRIS). Notitia Historica: containing Tables, Calendars, and Miscellaneous Information for the Use of Historians, Antiquarians, etc. Post 8vo, old smooth calf (rebacked). London, 1824 2115 /^LDFIELD (T. H. B.) The Representative History of Great \^j Britain and Ireland, being a History of the House of Com- mons and of the Counties, Cities and Boroughs of the United Kingdom from the earliest period. Complete in 6 vols. Fine copy in full calf, gilt, with bookplate in each volume of Charles Clowes. Best edition. London, 1816 2116 OLDYS (WILLIAM). A Literary Antiquary. Memoir of William Oldys, together with his Diary, choice notes from his Adversaria, and an Account of the London Libraries. [By James Yeowell.] i2mo, half roan. London, 1862 2117 OLIPHANT (T. L. KINGTON). The Old and Middle English. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1878 2118 OLIVER (REV. GEORGE). Collections illustrating the History of the Catholic Religion in the counties of Cornwall, Devon, Dor- set, Somerset, Wilts, and Gloucester, Historical and Biographical, with notices of the Dominican, Benedictine, and Franciscan Orders in England. 8vo, cloth. London, 1857 2119 OVERTON (J. H.) Life in the English Church, 1660-1714. 8vo, cloth. London, 1885 2120 BODLEIAN LIBRARY. Catalogus Librorum Impressorum Bib- liothecae Bodleianae in AcademiaOxoniensi. Cura et Opera Thomae Hyde. . . . protobibliothecarii. Thick folio, old leather (binding cracked at the joints, and lacks the frontispiece). Oxonii: E. Theatre Sheldoniano, 1674 *At the commencement of each new letter are vignette portraits of the founders and donators. This is the third Bodleian catalogue, and, according to Hearne, was 254 Bnglfsb Itfstorg ant) ^Literature OXFORD Continued. mainly written by Emanuel Pritchard of Hart Hall, the janitor, who examined every book and wrote the whole catalogue with his own hand. Hyde, however, in a pathetic dedication, claims the credit for it. In it he writes that even his very hours for re- freshment were spent among the books, and that he had not even spared himself in the winter weather. All cataloguers will sympathize with his statement in his preface as to the slowness of careful bibliography and the care necessary. He writes that to do it he put aside all thoughts of his own health, that he had at first thought that the catalogue would be completed in two or three years, yet he says, in spite of his excessive application, it had actually occupied nine years, the printing alone taking two. People, he says, who spend a week or two in cataloguing some little library of their own know nothing of the work necessary. It is an easy matter, they say, to look at the title of a book and copy it. But they ignore the examining the volumes of pamphlets a labor perfectly exhausting the identifying of anonymous aud pseudonymous books, and other necessary details which, he declares, is the greatest vexation of mind and a waste of valuable time. All this is very amusing when contrasted with Hearne's statement. 2121 BODLEIAN LIBRARY. Catalogus Librorum Impressorum Bibliothecse Bodleianse in Academia Oxoniensi. Vignettes on titles. 4 vols. folio, full calf, gilt. Oxford: 1843-51 * Produced under the superintendence of Dr. Bandinel. The fourth volume is the additions to the library that were made from 1835 to 1847, and not included in the other three volumes. Dr. Bandinel was one of the most energetic of the Bodleian librarians, and during his care the library was greatly increased, he being indefati- gable in buying nearly everything that came within their reach that was of importance. It was during this period that Henry Stevens purchased many rare Americana for the library. 2122 Report from the Librarian, 1882-87. 4 to > limp boards. Oxford, 1888 2123 BRASSINGTON (W. SALT). Historic Bindings in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. With reproductions of 24 of the finest bindings. Fully described by W. Salt Brassington. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1891 2124 COXE (H. O.) Catalogus Codicum MSS. qui in Collegiis Aulisque Oxoniensibus hodie adservantur. 2 vols. thick 410, cloth. Oxford, 1852 2125 DOUCE (FRANCIS). Catalogue of the Printed Books and Manuscripts bequeathed by Francis Douce, Esq., to the Bodleian Library. Frontispiece, and three other colored leaves of facsimiles. Folio, half cloth. Oxford: The University Press, 1840 * Valuable for its list of early English literature and Shakespeareana. Englisb Ibistors ant> Xiterature 255 OXFORD Continued. 2126 FOSTER (JOSEPH). Alumni Oxoniensis. The Members of the University of Oxford, 1500-1886: their Parentage, Birthplace, Year of Birth, and a Record of their Degrees: being the Matricula- tion Register of the University, Alphabetically Arranged, Revised, and Annotated. 8 vols. 8vo, half roan, gilt top, uncut. Oxford and London, 1887-92 2127 LYTE (H. C. MAXWELL). A History of the University of Oxford, from the Earliest Times to the Year 1530. Photographic facsimile of an illumination. 8vo, cloth. London, 1886 2128 MACRAY (W. D.) Annals of the Bodleian Library, Oxford, A. D. i5p8-A. D. 1867. With a Preliminary Notice of the earlier Library founded in the i4th Century. 8vo, cloth. London, 1868 2129 MALONE (EDMOND). Catalogue of Early English Poetry, and other Miscellaneous Works Illustrating the British Drama collected by Edmond Malone and now preserved in the Bodleian Library. Folio, cloth, pp. 52. Oxford: At the University Press, 1836 * This very valuable catalogue is preceded by a Memoir of Malone written by James Boswell. The collection of i6th and ryth Century poets and dramatists was not equalled by any other collection, even Collier and Hazlitt being unable to find in their time copies of some of the books. The Shakespeare collection occupies four columns, and includes Richard III., 1597 ; Romeo and Juliet, 1597 ; Love's Labour Lost, 1598 ; Merchant of Venice, 1600 ; Titus Andronicus, 1611 ; Venus and Adonis, 1593 ; Lucrece, 1594 ; Sonnets, 1609 ; Passionate Pilgrim, 1612 ; etc. 2130 WOOD'S ATHENE OXONIENSES. Athenae Oxonienses. An Exact History of all the Writers and Bishops who have had their Education in the University of Oxford. To which are added the Fasti, or Annals, of the said University. By Anthony a Wood. New Edition, with Additions by Philip Bliss. Complete in 4 vols. 4to, full calf. London, 1813-20 * Certain passages in columns 377 and 380 of Vol. 3 were suppressed by the editor. This set contains an additional copy of that sheet, having those passages printed in full. A manuscript marginal note addressed " Rev. Mr. Walker from the Editor," states that only 20 of this sheet with the suppressed passages were printed, and it therefore becomes of unusual interest from this addition. It is a question whether there is another similar copy in America. As is well known, this book is one of the indispensable tools of the bibliographer, for Early English Literature. 256 Bnglisb HMstors ant) ^Literature 2131 r^EARSON (C. H.) The Early and Middle Ages of England. 8vo, cloth. London, 1861 2132 PIERS PLOWMAN. SKEAT (W. W.) Pierce the Ploughman's Crede (about 1394 A. D.) Transcribed and edited .... to which is appended God spede the Plough (about 1500 A. D.). 8vo, half roan. (Early English Text Society.) Presentation copy from the editor. London, 1867 2133 SKEAT (W. W.) The Vision of William concerning Piers the Plowman in three parallel texts, together with Richard the Redeless, by William Langland (about 1362-1399 A. D.). Edited from numerous Manuscripts, with Preface, Notes, and a Glossary. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press , 1886 2134 SKEAT (W. W.) The Vision of Piers the Plowman. By William Langland. (With Introduction, Notes, and Glossary.) Crown 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1891 2135 The Vision of William concerning Piers the Plowman. (From Skeat's text.) With woodcuts and initial letters by H. M. O'Kane. 410, boards, buckram back, uncut. New Rochelle, 1901 * The Finely Printed Elston Press edition. 2136 POSTE (BEALE). Britannia Antiqua; or, Ancient Britain brought within the Limits of Authentic History. 8vo, cloth. London, 1857 * Scrutiny and dissection of the works of Nennius, Asser, and Gildas; the life and reign of Arthur; Celtic Titular Names ; etc. 2137 Celtic Inscriptions on Gaulish and British Coins. Intended to supply Materials for the Early History of Great Britain. With a Glossary of Archaic Celtic Words, and an Atlas of Coins. 8vo, cloth. London, 1861 2138 PRAYER BOOK. AN INTRODUCTION to the History of the Suc- cessive Revisions of the Book of Common Prayer. Thick crown 8vo, cloth. Oxford and London, 1877 2139 PRICHARD (J. C.) The Eastern Origin of the Celtic Nations proved by a Comparison of their Dialects with the Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, etc., Languages. Edited by R. G. Latham. 8vo, half calf. London, 1857 2140 PROCTER (F.) A History of the Book of Common Prayer, with a Rationale of its Offices. i5th Edition. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1880 Engltsb Ibfston? anfc Xiterature 257 2141 PROTHERO (G. W.) Select Statutes and other Constitutional Documents illustrative of the reigns of Elizabeth and James I. Post 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1894 2142 PUBLIC RECORDS. Reports from the Commissioners ap- pointed by his Majesty to execute the Measures recommended by a Select Committee of the House of Commons respecting the Public Records of the Kingdom. With the volume of facsimiles. 2 vols. folio, cloth. [London], 1819 * The second volume contains 86 facsimiles of the most important documents, in- cluding Magna Charta, Charters of Stephen, Henry III, Edward I, and others; Statutes of Henry VIII, Elizabeth, James I, Charles I, etc.; the Domesday Book; Scottish Acts, including that on the murder of James III, Against the Damnable Opinions of Heresy 1525, and others of equal interest. 2143 - COOPER (CHARLES PURTON). Public Records. A Descrip- tion of the Contents, Objects, and Uses of the Various Works printed by the Record Commission. 8vo, half calf. Interleaved with blank paper. London, 1831 2144 EWALD (ALEX. CHARLES). Our Public Records. A Brief Handbook to the National Archives. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1873 * Contains an alphabetical index of Records and subjects, with a glossary. 2145 NICOLAS (SiR NICHOLAS HARRIS). Refutation of Mr. Pal- grave's " Remarks " in reply to "Observations on the State of Historical Literature." Additional Facts relative to the Record Commission and Record Offices. 8vo, cloth. London, 1831 2146 /QUOTATIONS. BARTLETT (J.) Familiar Quotations, being an Attempt to trace to their sources Passages and Phrases in Common Use. Eighth Edition. Post 8vo, cloth, pp. 904. Boston, 1882 2147 Ninth Edition of the same. Post 8vo, finely bound by RIVIERE in full polished calf gilt, pp. 1158. Boston, 1892 2148 BERTRAM (REV. R. A.) A Dictionary of Poetical Illustra- tions especially selected with a view to the needs of the Pulpit and the Platform. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1885 2149 DAY (EDWARD PARSONS). Day's Collacon: an Encyclopaedia of Prose Quotations ... of the most eminent Writers from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time, with Biographical Index of Authors. Portraits. Thick royal 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1884 258 flEnalisb Ifoistors anfc literature 2150 QUOTATIONS. GILBERT QOSIAH H.) Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers. A Cyclopedia of Quotations. Intro- duction by C. S. Robinson. Post 8vo, cloth. New York [1895] 2151 KING (W. F. H.) Classical and Foreign Quotations. Law Terms and Maxims, Proverbs, Mottoes, Phrases and Expressions, in French, German, Greek, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese, with translations, etc. Post 8vo, half roan. London, 1889 R 2152 P>ALEGH (SIR WALTER). BRUSHFIELD (T. N.) The Bibliography of Sir Walter Ralegh, with Notes. 4to, boards, pp. 36. Plymouth, 1886 2153 BRUSHFIELD (T. N.) Sir W. Ralegh: a Plea for a Surname. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 12. With leaf of facsimile autographs. (Pres- entation copy.) [Read at St. Marychurch, England, July, 1886.] 2154 BRUSHFIELD (T. N.) Sir Walter Ralegh and his History of the World. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 30. (Presentation copy from the author.) \_Read at Plympton, England, July, 1887.] 2155 BRUSHFIELD (T. N.) The Birthplace of Sir Walter Ralegh. Illustrated. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 20. [Read at Tavistock, England, 1889.] 2156 EDWARDS (EDWARD.) The Life of Sir Walter Ralegh, based on Contemporary Documents, together with his Letters now First Collected. Portrait, facsimile, etc. 2 thick 8vo vols. , cloth. [London], 1868 2157 STEBBING (W.) Sir Walter Ralegh. A Biography. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1891 2158 RAY (JOHN). A Collection of English Proverbs, digested into a convenient Method whereunto are added Local Proverbs Old Proverbial Rhymes, Less known or Exotic Proverbial Sen- tences, and Scottish Proverbs. Second Edition, enlarged .... with an appendix of Hebrew Proverbs. i2mo, old calf, blind tooled- Fine copy. Cambridge, 1678 2159 REED (TALBOT BAINES). A History of the Old English Letter Foundries, with Notes, Historical and Biographical, on the Rise and Progress of English Typography. Facsimiles, etc. Small 410, half roan. London, 1887 * SCARCE tbtstorg anfc Xtterature 259 2160 REED (WILLIAM B.) Memories of Familiar Books. With Memoir of the author by Manton Marble. iamo, cloth. New York, 1876 2161 RERUM ANGLICARUM SCRIPTORUM VETERUM. 3 vols. small folio, original old calf, gilt. Fine copy. Oxonii: Theatro Sheldoniano, 1684-87-91 * A collection of the Old English Chronicles, containing the Chronicle of the Abbey of Croyland, the Histories of Nennius, Gildas, William of Malmesbury, Higden's Poly- cronicon, Fordun's Scotichronicon, and many others, some printed here for the first time. The editors of the first volume were John Fell and W. Fulman, of the second and third Thomas Fulman. This Dr. Fell was the learned divine and antiquary who incurred the dislike of Tom Brown, who wrote of him the famous line, " I do not like you, Dr. Fell." Each volume contains the bookplate of J. T. M. Pierce; the second contains, in addition, the old scarce one of Alexander Luders, Kt. 2162 RHYS (JOHN). Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion as Illustrated by Celtic Heathendom. Thick 8vo, cloth. (Hibbert Lectures.) London, 1888 2163 RIBTON-TURNER (C. J.) A History of Vagrants and Vagrancy and Beggars and Begging. Illustrated. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1887 2164 ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER, ETC. Robert of Gloucester's Chronicles; The History of King Henry I.; The Acts of Stephen ; Giraldus Cambrensis on the Instruction of Princes; Richard of Devizes; Gervase's Archbishops of Canterbury; and the Chronicle of the Isle of Man. Translated from the original Latin, with Prefaces and Notes by the Rev. J. Stevenson. 8vo, cloth. (Church Historians of England.) London, 1858 2165 ROBERTS (GEORGE). The Social History of the Southern Counties of England in Past Centuries, illustrated in regard to their Habits, Municipal Bye-Laws, Civil Progress, etc. 8vo, cloth. London, 1856 2166 ROBINSON (H. J.) Colonial Chronology. A Chronology of the Principal Events connected with the English Colonies and India from the close of the i5th Century to the Present Time. Maps. Imp. 8vo, cloth. London, 1892 2167 ROEMER (JEAN). Origins of the English People and of the English Language. Compiled from the best and latest authorities. Map and 2 facsimiles. Thick 8vo, cloth. New York, 1888 260 Englteb HMstors anfc literature 2168 ROGERS (W. H. HAMILTON). The Strife of the Roses and Days of the Tudors in the West. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Exeter, 1890 2169 ROUND (J. H.) Geoffrey De Mandeville. A Study of the Anarchy. Facsimile. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1892 2170 ROUTLEDGE (JAMES). Chapters in the History of Popular Progress, chiefly in relation to the Freedom of the Press and Trial by Jury, 1660-1820. With an application to later years. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1876 2171 ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions, Vols. i to 10, and New Series, Vols. i and 2. 12 vols. 8vo (ten in original cloth, the other two in half calf). Vol. i is second edition, 1875, and has stamp on title. London, 1873-85 * Many important historical essays are contained in these volumes, among them being Winter's Notices of the Pilgrims; John Eliot and his friends of Nazing; Abraham Lincoln, by Isaac N. Arnold; Pfoundes on the History of Old Japan; Fleay's History of London Theatres; Rogers on the Scottish Nobility; Morgan's Old Found Lands in North America; Cowdy on Malta and its Knights; Fisher's History of Landholding in England; The Siege of Quebec, by S. Robjohns; Winter's Passages in the Life and Reign of Harold, the Saxon King; Hyde Clarke on the Hittite Epoch; Howorth on the Early Intercourse of Danes and Franks; Buckland Abbey and Sir Francis Drake, by S. Robjohns; The Columban Clergy of North Britain and the Norsemen, by Howorth; Early British Laws and Customs relating to Food, by Cornelius Wai- ford; Historical Allusions in sundry English Poets, by Fleay; The Tchong Yong of Confucius, by Dr. Zerffi; Historical Suggestions in the Mahabharata, by Stone; etc., etc. 2172 RUSKIN (JOHN). AXON (W. E. A.) John Ruskin. A Biblio- graphical Biography. Post 8vo, wrappers, pp. 22. [Manchester], 1879 S T - 2I 73 ^ T JOHN (J. A.) History of the Four Conquests of England. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1862 2174 SAINTSBURY (GEORGE). A History of Elizabethan Litera- ture. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1887 2175 A History of Nineteenth Century Literature [1780-1895]. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1896 2176 SANDER (NICOLAS). Rise and Growth of the Anglican Schism. Published by Nicolas Sander in 1585, with a continuation by Ed- ward Rishton. Translated, with Introduction and Notes, by David Lewis. 8vo, cloth. London, 1877 Tbistorp anfc ^Literature 261 2177 SARUM BREVIARY. Breviarium ad usum Insignis Ecclesiae Sarum (Fasciculus I, Kalendarium et Ordo Temporalis; Fasc. II, Psalterium, Litania, Commune Sanctorum, Ordinarium Missae, etc. ; Fasc. Ill, Proprium Sanctorum cum Accentuario et Indices). Lahore et Studio Francisci Procter et Christophori Wordsworth. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1882-86 * Bp. Perry's copy, with presentation inscription of Francis Procter, one of the editors, and two A. L. S. by him laid in. 2178 SAUNDERS (F.) The Story of some Famous Books, izmo, cloth. (Book-Lover's Library.) London. 1887 2179 SEEBOHM (FREDERIC). The Oxford Reformers John Colet, Erasmus and Thomas More, being a History of their Fellow Work. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. 8vo, cloth. London, 1869 2180 The English Village Community, examined in its relations to the Manorial and Tribal Systems, etc. Maps. 8vo, cloth. London, 1883 2181 SELDEN (JOHN). Joannis Selden Mare Clausum seu Dominio Maris. Small folio, half morocco. London, 1635 * First edition of Selden's famous Treatise on the Dominion of the Sea, in which he asserts the claims of the British to the waters around, including the Channel, to the exclusion of the French and Dutch. Fine copy. Title in red and black. Sfoafeespeare. 2182 ABBOTT (E. A.) A Shakespearian Grammar. An Attempt to Illustrate the Differences between Elizabethan and Modern English. Revised and enlarged edition. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1870 2183 BARTON LIBRARY. Catalogue of the Works of William Shake- speare, original and translated, together with the Shakespeariana embraced in the Barton Collection in the Boston Public Library, by J. M. Hubbard, bound by BRADSTREETS in three-quarter green morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, 1880; also Part II. of the Catalogue, containing the Miscellaneous portion, in the original wrappers, 1888. 2 vols. royal 8vo. [Boston], 1880-88 2184 CAPELL (EDWARD). Catalogue of Mr. Capell's Shakespear- iana, presented by him to Trinity College, Cambridge, and printed from Mr. Hazlewood's copy, by Hartshorne, 1829. Transcribed from Hartshorne's Reprint, 1842. Neatly written manuscript of J 5 + 3 paees. With portrait of Capell^ by Bartolozzi, inserted. 410, sprinkled calf. [1842] 262 Bnslfsb HMstors anb ^Literature SHAKESPEARE Continued. 2185 COHN (ALBERT). Shakespeare-Bibliographic, zusammenge- stellt von Albert Cohn, 1871 to 1896; with duplicate Part for 1892- 93. 14 Parts. 8vo, sewed. Kothen [1872-1897?] 2186 FLEAY (F. G.) Shakespeare Manual. i2mo, cloth. London, 1878 2187 FLEMING (W. H.) The Issue of " Shakespeariana " for March, 1888, containing " Bibliography of the First Folios in New York City, by W. H. Fleming," and other Shakespearian Articles. Small 4to, wrappers. (Laid in is a type-written copy of an article in the New York Tribune on the same subject [First Folios in America].) Phila., 1888 2188 HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS (J. O.) A Calendar of the Shake- spearean Rarities, Drawings, and Engravings preserved at Hollings- bury Copse, near Brighton. 8vo, cloth. London, 1887 * Only a small number printed for Private Circulation. The entire collection was bought by Mr. Marsden J. Perry, of Providence, R. I. 2189 Regnal Years, List of Law Terms, etc., during the Shake- spearean Period. 121110, cloth. Brighton: Privately printed^ 1883 2190 Memoranda intended for the Use of Amateurs, who are suffi- ciently interested in the pursuit, to make Searches in the Public Record Office on the chance of discovering New Facts respecting Shakespeare and the Contemporary Stage. 8vo, cloth, pp. 32. Brighton: For Strictly Private Circulation, 1884 * Only 40 copies were issued. A presentation copy from the author to C. W. Fred- erickson. 2191 HUNDRED MERRY TALES (A). The Earliest English Jest- Book. Now First Reproduced in Photo-Lithography from the Unique copy of 1526 in the Royal Library in Gottingen. With In- troduction, Notes, and Glossarial Index, by W. C. Hazlitt. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1887 *Only 125 copies were printed for sale, this being No. 27. 2192 INGLEBY (C. M.) The Shakspeare Fabrications; or, The MS. Notes of the Perkins Folio shown to be of Recent Origin, with an Appendix on the Ireland Forgeries. i2mo, cloth. London, 1859 2193 LEE (SIDNEY). A Life of William Shakespeare. Numerous fac- similes and illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1899 * Illustrated Library Edition. EngUsb Tbfston? anfc Xiterature 263 SHAKESPEARE Continued. 2194 MACKAY (CHARLES). A Glossary of Obscure Words and Phrases in the Writings of Shakspeare and his Contemporaries. 8vo, cloth. London, 1887 2195 MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM. The Second Quarto, 1600: A Facsimile in Photo-Lithography by William Griggs. Introduc- tion by J. W. Ebsworth. Small 410, half roan. London, 1880 * Scarce. A considerable part of the impression of this facsimile was destroyed by fire. F. J. Furnivall superintended the production. 2196 O'CONNOR (E. M.) An Index to the Works of Shakespere, giv- ing references by Topics to Notable Passages and Significant Ex- pressions, Brief Histories of the Plays, etc., etc. Post 8vo, half roan. New York, 1887 2197 SONNETS (THE). The Sonnets of Shakspere, when, to whom, and by whom, written. (A pamphlet of 12 pp. signed Antiquary, and reprinted from "The Truth Seeker," New York, 1883.) i2mo, sewed. [New York, 1883] 2198 The Sonnets of Shakespeare now newly imprinted from the First Edition of 1609. With initial letters designed by H. M. O'Kane. 8vo, buckram, uncut. New Rochelle, 1901 * The beautifully printed Elston Press edition. Only 210 issued. 2199 STOKES (H. P.) An Attempt to determine the Chronological Order of Shakespeare's Plays. (The Harness Essay, 1877.) Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1878 2200 THACHER (JOHN BOVD). Charlecote; or, the Trial of William Shakespeare. Illustrated by C. L. Hinton. Crown 8vo, half calf. New York, 1895 * One of only 356 copies on Imperial Japan Paper. Presentation copy from the author. 2201 WINSOR (JUSTIN). A Bibliography of the Original Quartos and Folios of Shakespeare, with particular reference to copies in America. With 68 Heliotype Facsimiles. Folio, cloth. Boston, 1876 * No 20 of only 250 copies. 2202 Shakespeare's Poems. A Bibliography of the Earlier Editions. Royal 8vo, sewed, pp. 9. (Republished from the Bul- letin of Harvard University.) Rare. Cambridge, Mass., 1879 264 Bnglisb 1fof slots ant> ^Literature SHAKESPEARE Continued. 2203 WORKS. The Works of William Shakespeare in reduced fac- simile from the famous First Folio edition of 1623. With an Intro- duction by J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps. Post 8vo, half roan. London, 1876 2204 WYMAN (W. H.) Bibliography of the Bacon-Shakespeare Con- troversy, with Notes and Extracts. 8vo, cloth. Cincinnati, 1884 22os SHARMAN (JULIAN). A Cursory History of Swearing. Post 8vo, half morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. London, 1884 2206 SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). FORMAN (H. BUXTON). The Shelley Library. An Essay in Bibliography. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 127. (Shelley Society Publication.) London, 1886 2207 WOODBERRV (C. E.) Notes on the MS. Volume of Shelley's Poems in the Library of Harvard College. Facsimile of the MS. of Shelley's " Ode to a Skylark. " Royal 8vo, sewed, pp. 12. (Re- published from the Bulletin of Harvard University.) Cambridge, Mass., 1889 2208 Facsimile of the Original Manuscript of The Skylark. (This is the facsimile above, printed separately, with a Note.) Royal 8vo, sewed, pp. 15. Cambridge, Mass., 1888 2209 SHEPHERD'S CALENDAR (THE). The Edition of Paris, 1503, in photographic facsimile, and a faithful reprint of Pynson's Edition of 1506. Edited, with a Critical Introduction and Glossary, by H. Oskar Sommer. 2 vols. in i. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1892 * Only 300 printed, this being No. 81. 2210 SHUCKBURGH (E. S.) The ABC both in Latyn and Eng- lishe: being a Facsimile reprint of the earliest extant English Read- ing Book. With an Introduction. 8vo, limp ooze calf. London, 1889 221 1 SIEVERS (S.) AND COOK (A. S.) An Old English Grammar. Crown 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1885 2212 SKEAT (W. W.) Specimens of English Literature, from the Ploughman's Crede to the Shepherd's Calendar, A.D. 1394-1579. With Introduction, Notes, and Glossarial Index. Crown 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1871 Englisb Ibistors anfc Xiterature 265 2213 SKEAT (W. W.) An Etymological Dictionary of the English Language. Small 4to, cloth. Oxford: Printed at the Clarendon Press for Macmillan, New York, 1882. 2214 Principles of English Etymology. First Series The Native Element. Post 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1887 2215 A Primer of English Etymology. Crown 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1892 2216 Twelve Facsimiles of Old English Manuscripts. With Tran- scriptions and an Introduction, ^to, limp boards, pp. 36. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1892 2217 SKOTTOWE (B. C.) A Short History of Parliament. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1886 2218 SMITH (EDWARD). Foreign Visitors in England, and What they have Thought of Us: being some Notes on Books and their Opinions during the last Three -Centuries. i2mo, cloth. (The Book- Lover's Library.) London, 1889 2219 SMITH (G. BARNETT). History of the English Parliament, together with an Account of the Parliaments of Scotland and Ire- land. Facsimiles and illustrations. 2 thick 8vo vols. cloth. London, 1892 2220 SMITH'S MEZZOTINT PORTRAITS. British Mezzotinto Portraits. A Descriptive Catalogue . . . from the Introduction of the Art to the early part of the Present Century, arranged accord- ing to Engravers, the Inscriptions at full length, Variations set forth, etc. Accompanied by Biographical Notes, etc. By John Chaloner Smith. Frontispieces. 4 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1883 * SCARCE, and now commanding a high price. An absolutely indispensable book for the collector of mezzotints. 2221 SMYTH (ADMIRAL W. H.) The Sailor's Word Book: an Alphabetical Digest of Nautical Terms, including some more especially Military and Scientific. Revised by Vice-Admiral Sir E. Belcher. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1867 2222 SPALDING (T. A.) The House of Lords: a Retrospect and a Forecast. 8vo, cloth. London, 1894 2223 SPENSER. KITCHIN (G. W.) Book I. of the Faery Queene. (With Notes and Glossary.) Crown 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1888 266 Bnglisb Tbistors anfc ^Literature 2224 STAUNTON (HOWARD). The Great Schools of England, an Account of ... Eton, Winchester, Westminster, the Charter-house, Harrow, etc. Illustrated. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1865 2225 STEDMAN (EDMUND C.) Victorian Poets. (Literary and Bio- graphical Criticisms.) Post 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1882 2226 STEVENS (HENRY). Catalogue of My English Library. i2mo, cloth. London, 1853 * Printed by the Whittinghams for Private Distribution. 2227 STOUGHTON (JOHN). Ecclesiastical History of England, from the opening of the Long Parliament to the death of Cromwell. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1867 2228 Ecclesiastical History of England. The Church of the Restoration. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1870 2229 STRATMANN (F. H.) A Dictionary of the Old English Language, compiled from Writings of the XII., XIII., XIV., and XV. Centuries. Second Edition. 410, cloth. London, 1873 2230 STUBBS (W.) Registrum Sacrum Anglicanum, an Attempt to Exhibit the Course of Episcopal Succession in England from the Records and Chronicles of the Church. Small 4to, half calf. Oxford: The University Press, 1858 2231 Second Edition of the same, with an Appendix of Indian, Colonial, and Missionary Consecrations. Small 410, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1897 2232 Select Charters and other illustrations of English Constitu- tional History from the earliest times to the reign of Edward I. Post 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1870 22 33 Fifth Edition of the same. Post 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1884 2234 SUSSEX. MURRAY'S " Handbook for Sussex." Maps and plans. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1893 2235 SWEET (HENRY). A History of English Sounds from the Earliest Period. 8vo, wrappers, pp. xi. -j- 163. (English Dialect Society.) London, 1874 2236 First Middle English Primer. Extracts from the Ancren Riwle and Ormulum. With Grammar and Glossary. Crown 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1884 Bnglisb IMstors an& OUterature 267 2237 SWIFT (AUGUSTUS M.) Derwent Coleridge, Scholar, Pastor, Educator. An Address. Portrait. Square izmo, wrappers, pp. 58. New York, 1883 2238 SWINBURNE. [SHEPHERD (R. H.)] The Bibliography of Swin- burne. A Bibliographical List ... in chronological order of the published writings [1857-1887]. Crown 8vo, vellum gilt, uncut. Bookplate of Charles Ellice. London, 1887 * Only 250 printed. 22 39 '"T^AINE (H.) History of English Literature. Translated by H. Van Laun. 2 vols. post 8vo, tree calf. London, 1878 2240 TASWELL-LANGMEAD (T. P.) English Constitutional His- tory from the Teutonic Conquest to the Present Time. Third Edi- tion, revised throughout, with Notes and Appendices by C. H. E. Carmichael. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1886 2241 TAYLOR (HANNIS). The Origin and Growth of the English Constitution. An Historical Treatise in which is drawn out by the light of the most Recent Researches, the gradual development of the English Constitutional System, and the growth out of that system of the Federal Republic of the United States. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1889-98 2242 TAYLOR (ISAAC). Words and Places: or, Etymological Illus- trations of History, Ethnology, and Geography. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1865 2243 TEN BRINK (BERNHARD). English Literature. (Vol. i, Early English Literature; Vols. 2 and 3, Wyclif to Surrey.) 3 vols. post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1883-1896 2244 TENNYSON (ALFRED, LORD). GROLIER CLUB. Chrono- logical List of the Works of Lord Tennyson .... exhibited at the Grolier Club, Nov. 5-20, 1897. i2mo, wrappers, pp. 24. [New York, 1897] 2245 [LIVINGSTON (LUTHER S.)] A Bibliography of the First Editions, in Book Form, of the Works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 95. New York, 1901 268 Englteb UMstors ant> ^Literature 2246 TENNYSON (ALFRED, LORD). [SHEPHERD (RICHARD HERNE).] Tennysoniana. Notes, Bibliographical and Critical, on the Early Poems of A. and C. Tennyson; Opinions of Con- temporary Writers; Various Readings; Bibliographical List; etc. i2tno, cloth. London, 1866 2247 Second Edition, revised and enlarged. i2mo, half calf gilt, gilt top, uncut. London, 1879 2248 Drake's Drum, by Henry Newbolt; and the "Revenge," a Ballad of the Fleet, by Alfred Tennyson. With reproduction of a painting by Seymour Lucas. 410, wrappers, pp. 38. * No. 20 of only 120 copies printed. Jamaica: The Marion Press, 1898- 2249 WORKS. The Poetic and Dramatic Works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Household Edition. 127 illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. Boston and New York, n. d. [1899] 2250 THACKERAY (F, ST. JOHN). Eton College Library, re- printed from " Notes and Queries." Small 4to, cloth. Eton, 1881 2251 THACKERAY (W. M.) JOHNSON (C. P.) Hints to Collectors of Original Editions of the Works of William Makepeace Thackeray. Crown 8vo, parchment, uncut. London, 1885 * Only a limited number issued. 2252 [SHEPHERD (R. H.)] Bibliography of Thackeray. A Bib- liographical List, arranged in Chronological Order, of his published writings. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London [1880] * Edition-de-Luxe. 2253 THOMPSON (SIR EDWARD MAUNDE). English Illumi- nated Manuscripts. Facsimiles, one in colors and gold. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1895 * No. 215 of only 300 copies printed. 2254 THOMPSON (PISHEY). History and Antiquities of Boston and the Villages of Skirbeck, Fishtoft, Freiston, Butterwick, Benington, Leverton, Leake, and Wrangle, comprising the Hundred of Skir- beck in the County of Lincoln, etc. Illustrated with 100 engravings. Royal 8vo, calf. Boston, 1856 * A great deal of valuable genealogical information is contained in this volume, in- cluding Memoir of the Rev. John Cotton and notices of others_who came to America. EngUsb t>istor an& Xiterature 269 2255 THOMSON (RICHARD). An Historical Essay on the Magna Charta of King John, to which are added the Great Charter in Latin and English, the Charters of Liberties and Confirmations granted by Henry III. and Edward I., the Original Charter of the Forests, etc. Explanatory Notes, account of the principal originals and editions . . . and other illustrations. Frontispiece on India paper, illustrations, and borders to each page. 8vo, half red morocco gilt, gilt edges. London, 1829 2256 THORNTON (PERCY M.) Foreign Secretaries of the XlXth Century. Portraits. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1881-83 * Fox, Canning, Grenville, Castlereagh, Palmerston, Wellington, etc. 2257 TODD (ALPHEUS). On Parliamentary Government in Eng- land, its Origin, Development, and Practical Operation. 2 vols. thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1867-69 2258 Parliamentary Government in the British Colonies. Thick 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1880 2259 TOOKE (J. HORNE). The Diversions of Parley. With numer- ous additions from the copy prepared by the author for republication. Revised and corrected, with additional notes, by Richard Taylor. Frontispiece by Sharp. 8vo, cloth. London, 1860 * Etymological diversions illustrated by numerous quotations from the earliest authors. 2260 TORRENS (W. M.) History of Cabinets, from the Union with Scotland to the Acquisition of Canada and Bengal. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1894 * The author was a noted English politician of the name of William McCullough, He later assumed the name Torrens. 2261 TUCKERMAN (BAYARD). A History of English Prose Fic- tion from Sir Thomas Malory to George Eliot. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1882 2262 TYNDALE (WILLIAM). DEMAUS (REV. R.) William Tyndale. A Biography. A Contribution to the Early History of the English Bible. Portrait, facsimile leaves from Tyndale 's New Testament, etc. Post 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. [1871?] 2263 TYNDALE'S NEW TESTAMENT. The First Printed New Testa- ment, translated by William Tyndale. Photo-lithographed from the unique fragment now in the British Museum. Edited by Ed- ward Arber. Small 410, half roan. London, 1871 270 Englteb HMstors anfc literature 2264 TYNDALE (WILLIAM). TYNDALE'S NEW TESTAMENT. Three New Testaments of William Tyndale compared with each other and with the First Edition of Thomas Matthews. By Francis Fry. 4to, half roan. Presentation copy from the author to George Bullen. * One of a very few copies privately printed. [Bristol, 1875] 2265 1 TNDERWOOD (F. H.) A Handbook of English Literature. ^J Vol. I., British Authors. Post 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1871 2266 UTRECHT PSALTER. Reports addressed to the Trustees of the British Museum on the Age of the Manuscript, by E. A. Bond, E. M. Thompson, Sir M. Digby Wyatt, Prof. Westwood, and others. Preface by A. P. Stanley. 3 facsimiles. Folio, limp boards, pp. 14. London, 1874 2267 BIRCH (WALTER DE GRAY). The History, Art, and Palae- ography of the Manuscript styled the Utrecht Psalter. Facsimiles. 8vo, cloth. London, 1876 2268 _ fACE. Le Roman de Brut. Par Wace, poete du XII. Siecle. \\ Public po.ur la Premiere Fois d'apres les Manuscrits des Bibliotheques de Paris. Avec un Commentaire et des Notes par Le Roux de Lincy. 5 facsimiles. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half russia. Rouen, 1836-38 * One of the very few copies issued on Large Paper, with the facsimiles on vellum, ^ 2269 WALKER (JOHN). An Attempt towards recovering an Account of the Numbers and Sufferings of the Clergy of the Church of England, Heads of Colleges, Fellows, Scholars, &c., who were Sequester'd, Harrass'd, &c in the late Times of the Grand Rebellion; Occasion'd by the Ninth Chapter (now the second volume) of Dr. Calamy's Abridgment of the Life of Mr. Baxter. Folio, old leather (joints loose). London, 1714 * SCARCE. The original unabridged edition. The work consists of two parts: (i) a history of ecclesiastical affairs from 1640 to 1660, the object being to show that the ejection of the Puritans at the Restoration was a just reprisal for their actions when in power; (2) a catalogue, well arranged and fairly well indexed, of the deprived clergy, with particulars of their sufferings. See CALAMY, No. 1663. 2270 WALLACE (ROBERT). Antitrinitarian Biography; or, Sketches of the Lives and Writings of Distinguished Antitrinitarians ... in the Principal Nations of Europe to the close of the i7th Century, to which is prefixed a History of Unitarianism in England. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1850 * Contains a list of their writings, valuable for bibliographical purposes. IbistorE anfc literature 271 2271 WALPOLE (SPENCER). History of England from the Con- clusion of the great war in 1815. 5 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1878-86 * Fine copy of the Library Edition. 2272 WARD (T. H.) Men of the Reign. A Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Persons of British and Colonial Birth who have died during the reign of Queen Victoria. Thick crown 8vo, cloth, pp. 1020. London, 1885 2273 WARTON (THOMAS). The History of English Poetry from the close of the Eleventh to the commencement of the Eighteenth Century. 4 vols. 4to (Vols. 1-3 in full calf gilt, the Fourth in half cloth). London, 1775-90 * Vol. i is the second edition, Vols. 2 and 3 the first. This set comprises, in Vol. I, Index to the first vol., and Index to the two Dissertations; Vol. 2, Index to the vol., and Emendations and Additions to Vols. I and 2; Vol. 3, Index to the Gesta Roman- orum, Index to the vol., Ritson's Observations on the first three volumes, 1782 (Rit son in this attacks Warton very violently Lowndes states that later he tried to sup- press it); Ferriar's The Bibliomania, an Epistle to Richard Heber, 1809; Mrs. Inglis* Anna and Edgar, Edinburgh, 1781 (the authoress was a daughter of the celebrated Col. Gardiner, who fell at the Battle of Prestonpans. This copy was from an inscrip- tion on the title once in the possession of the family); and A. L. S. of Robert Trip hook relating to Conybeare's Illustrations of Anglo-Saxon Poetry; Vol. 4 contains the unfinished fragment (1790), and another set of the Indexes (including those to the Dissertations and Gesta Romanorum), with title. Very few copies of these Indexes were printed. The advertisement states, " Some may not find it needful to possess them, therefore it has been thought fit to suffer the impression to fall far short of that of the History. It does not exceed one-fourth of the number." It will be noticed that in this copy there are included two sets of the Indexes. They were compiled by Thomas Fillingham and printed in 1806. Only 88 pages of the fourth volume had been printed when the author died, and the volume was left unfinished. 2274 History of English Poetry. Edited by W. C. Hazlitt. With new Notes and Additions by Sir Frederic Madden, Thomas Wright, W. W. Skeat, etc. 4 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1871 2275 WATERS (ROBERT). How to Get On in the World, as demon- strated by the Life and Language of William Cobbett; to which is added Cobbett's English Grammar, with Notes. Portrait. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1883 272 Enolisb HMston? anfc literature Ifourtb Session, 2276 WATT (ROBERT). Bibliotheca Britannica; or, a General Index to British and Foreign Literature. In two parts, authors and sub- jects. Complete in four vols. 4to, scored calf gilt, rebacked. Edinburgh, 1824 2277 WEBSTER (NOAH). An American Dictionary of the English Language. Revised, Enlarged, and Improved by Noah Porter and Chauncey A. Goodrich. Colored frontispiece and numerous cuts in the text. Thick 4to, sheep (rubbed). Springfield, 1881 2278 WEDGWOOD (H.) Contested Etymologies in the Dictionary of the Rev. W. W. Skeat. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1882 2279 WELSFORD (HENRY). On the Origin and Ramifications of the English Language. 8vo, cloth. London, 1845 2280 WESTCOTT (BROOKE FOSS). A General View of the His- tory of the English Bible. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1868 2281 WESTERN ANTIQUARY (THE), OR, DEVON, CORNWALL, AND SOMERSET NOTE BOOK. Fifth and Sixth Series. June, 1885, to June,. 1886. Illustrated. 12 Parts. Royal 8vo, wrappers. Plymouth, 1885-86 * Containing many valuable historical and bibliographical articles, including Bibli- ography of the Works of Sir Walter Ralegh. 2282 WESTMINSTER CONFESSION OF FAITH. Minutes of the Westminster Assembly of Divines while engaged in preparing their Directory for Church Government, Confession of Faith, and Catechisms, November, 1644, to March, 1649. From transcripts of the originals procured by a Committee of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. Edited by the Rev. A. F. Mitchell, and the Rev. J. Struthers. 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1874 2283 WHEELER (W. A.) An Explanatory and Pronouncing Diction- ary of the Noted Names of Fiction, including, also, Familiar Pseu- donyms, etc. 8vo, cloth, uncut. LARGE PAPER COPY. Boston, t866 2284 WHITE (RICHARD GRANT). Words and their Uses, Past and Present. A Study of the English Language. Third Edition, revised and corrected. Post 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1880 2285 Every-Day English. A Sequel to Words and their Uses. Post 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1880 2286 WHITNEY (WILLIAM DWIGHT). Essentials of English Grammar. Post 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1882 Englisb Ibistors ant> Xiterature 273 2287 WICLIF (JOHN). BUDDENSIEG (RUDOLF). John Wiclif, Patriot and Reformer. Frontispiece. i8mo, wrappers, pp. 164. London, 1884 2288 BURROWS (PROF. MONTAGU). Wiclif's Place in History. Lec- tures delivered in Oxford in 1881. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1882 2289 STORRS (RICHARD S.) John Wycliffe and the First English Bible. An Oration. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 85. New York, 1880 2290 VAUGHAN (ROBERT). John de Wycliffe, D.D. A Monograph, with some Account of the Wycliffe MSS. in Oxford, Cambridge, the British Museum, Lambeth Palace, and Trinity College, Dublin. Portrait and illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1853 2291 WICLIF BIBLE. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, with the Apocryphal Books in the Earliest English Versions, made from the Latin Vulgate by John Wycliffe and his Followers. Edited by the Rev. J. Forshall, and Sir Frederic Mad- den. 4 vols. 410, cloth. Oxford: The University Press, 1850 * Containing collations from various MSS., with the various readings; a description of the MSS., Glossarial Index, etc. 2292 WILLIAM OF NEWBURGH, ETC. The History of William of Newburgh [circa 1198], and the Chronicles of Robert de Monte [circa 1180], translated from the original Latin, with Prefaces and Notes, by the Rev. J. Stevenson. 8vo, cloth. (Church Historians of England.) London, 1856 2293 WINSTANLEY (WILLIAM). The Lives of the most Famous English Poets, or, the Honour of Parnassus in a brief essay. . . . etc. FIRST EDITION. Portrait of the author. i2mo, old calf (cover loose, and some passages in the book outlined with ink). Lond. 1687 SCARCE. This interesting volume is perhaps more remarkable for the character of its criticisms than for the veracity of its facts. In spite of its defects there is much important information remaining, relating to the 145 poets cited, of the period from Elizabeth to Charles II. Nearly every one of any note is mentioned, and criticised. Of Milton he says that his "Fame is gone out like a Candle in a Snuff, and his Memory will always stink," etc.; of Ben Jonson he relates the story of his working as a bricklayer with a book in his pocket "so as his work went forward, so his study went not backward," but states that he was "no Shakespeare"; of Shakespeare he states that there were many "Wit-combats be- twixt him and Ben Jonson, which two we may compare to a Spanish great Gal- leon, and an English Man of war; Mr. Jonson (like the former) was built far higher in Learning, solid, but slow in his performances; Shakes pear, with the English Man of war, lesser in bulk, but lighter in sayling, could turn with all Tides, tack about, and take advantage of all Winds, by the quickness of his Wit and Invention." To this author is due the fable of the destruction of the remain- ing portion of Ralegh's History of the World, by the Knight. He first published it in his Lives of English Worthies, but apparently was so pleased with his fiction that he repeats it again in this volume (in the preface) with all the details. 274 Enalteb Ibistors ant) ^Literature 2294 WORCESTER (JOSEPH E.) A Dictionary of the English Lan- guage. Thick 410, sheep (rubbed). Boston, 1863 2295 WRIGHT (W. ALOIS). The Bible Word-Book. A Glossary of Archaic Words and Phrases in the Authorised Version of the Bible and the Book of Common Prayer. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1884 2296 WRIGHT (THOMAS). Biographia Britannica Literaria; or, Biographies of Literary Characters of Great Britain and Ireland. (Vol. i, The Anglo-Saxon Period; Vol. 2, The Anglo-Norman Period.) 2 vols. 8vo, half crimson morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1842-46 2297 ANOTHER COPY of the vol. containing The Anglo-Norman Period. 8vo, cloth. London, 1846 2298 The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon. A History of the Early Inhabitants of Britain. Illustrated by the Ancient Remains brought to Light by Recent Researches. Map and numerous illustra- tions. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1852 2299 A History of Domestic Manners and Sentiments in England during the Middle Ages. With illustrations by F. W. Fairholt, from Contemporary Manuscripts and other Sources. Square 8vo, cloth. London, 1862 2300 Womankind in Western Europe, from the Earliest Times to the Seventeenth Century. Illuminations in colors and gold after an- cient MSS., and other illustrations. Small 4to, cloth. London, 1869 2301 The Homes of Other Days. A History of Domestic Manners and Sentiments in England, from the Earliest-known Period to Modern Times. Numerous illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1871 2302 Feudal Manuals of English History, a Series. . . . compiled at different periods, from the i3th to the 1510 Century, for the use of the Feudal Gentry and Nobility. Now first edited from the original Manuscripts. Portrait of Thomas Wright. Small 4to, cloth. London, 1872 2 33 Uriconium : a Historical Account of the Ancient Roman City, and of the Excavations made upon its Site at Wroxeter in Shrop- shire. Forming a Sketch of the Condition and History of the Welsh Border during the Roman Period. Numerous illustrations and plans. Royal 8vo, cloth. SCARCE. London, 1872 Englfsb Ibistors ant> Xiterature 275 2304 WRIGHT (W. H. KEARLEY). West Country Poets: their Lives and Works, being an Account of about 400 Verse Writers of Devon and Cornwall, with Poems and Extracts. Portraits. 410, cloth. London, 1896 2305 WYNKYN DE WORDE. A Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle. By Dame Juliana Berners. A Facsimile Reproduction of the First Book on the subject of Fishing printed in England by Wynkyn de Worde at Westminster in 1496. Introduction by the Rev. M. G. Watkins. 410, vellum, stamped with an antique pattern. London, 1880 2306 ^%/ONGE (CHARLES DUKE). The Constitutional History \ of England from 1760 to 1860. 8vo, cloth. London, 1883 * Intended as a continuation of Hallam. Hrelanb, its 1bistor\>, literature, anb Hntiquities, 2307 JESOP IN IRISH. jEsop's Fables in Irish. Edited by the Rev. Peter O'Leary. Post 8vo, wrappers, pp. 16. Dublin, 1902 2308 ANDERSON (CHRISTOPHER). The Native Irish and their Descendants. Third Edition, improved. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1846 2309 ATKINS (T. DE COURCY). The Kelt or Gael: his Eth- nography, Geography, and Philology. (With a comparative vocabu- lary Latin, English, Irish, and Welsh.) 8vo, cloth. London, 1892 2310 BETHAM (SIR WILLIAM). The Gael and the Cymbri; or, An Inquiry into the Origin and History of the Irish, Scoti, Britons, and Gauls, and of the Caledonians, Picts, Welsh, Cornish, and Breton. Frontispiece. 8vo, cloth. Dublin, 1834 * Chapters on Gildas, Nennius, and other early writers, with quotations ; Irish History; Gods of the Celtae; Well Worship; etc. 276 flrteb fnstors ant) literature 2311 BOOK OF THE DUN COW. LEABHAR NA H-UIDHRI. A Collection of Pieces in Prose and Verse in the Irish Language, com- piled and transcribed about A. D. nooby Moelmuiri Mac Ceilea- chair: Now for the First Time published from the original in the Library of the Royal Irish Academy, with an Account of the Manu- script, a Description of its Contents, and an Index. Folio, rox- burghe binding. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy House, 1870 * Now VERY SCARCE. A perfect reproduction of the Oldest-known Manuscript, entirely in the Irish language. Only 200 were printed. This remarkably interesting manuscript, of which only 134 pages remain, was com- piled from older works by Moelmuiri (that is, Servant of Mary), grandson of the famous Conn-na-m-Bocht (or Conn of the Poor). Moelmuiri was killed by robbers in 1106, so that it must have been compiled before that date. About 1342 it was taken into Connaught whether as the spoils of war or, as suggested, as a ransom for some celebrated chieftain, it is difficult to say and not recovered until 1345, when it was found that several leaves, including those containing the name of the original com- piler, had disappeared. In this latter year Sigraid O'Cuirrndin, the chief poet of Donnell O'Conor, wrote an entry on one of the pages recording the name of Moel- muiri as its author, and another, but later entry, narrates the facts of its recovery by its original owners in Sligo. In 1470 Hugh Roe O'Donnell took the Castle of Sligo, and with it this manuscript, which (according to the Annals of the Four Masters) was regarded as one of the chief prizes. In comparatively recent time it came into the possession of the Royal Irish Academy. The contents of the Leabhar Na H-Uidhri (or Book of the Dun Cow, as it is famil- iarly known) 5s^ of a very miscellaneous character religious, historical, romantic, and legendary. It commences with an extract from Nennius, two or three pages further begins, possibly, the most important of all the documents, the elegy written by the blind poet Dalian Forgaill (whose sight was restored by the saint for this purpose) on the death of St. Columba, with an historical introduction relating the circumstances why the poem was written. The occasion was that the bards and literary men of Ireland had become so numerous and objectionable that at a State Convention held in A. D. 575 at Drom (or Druim Ceta now Newtown Limavaddy, near Londonderry) it was actually proposed to banish them altogether from the island. St. Columba, however, spoke eloquently on their behalf, pointing out that they were the only recorders of the events of history, and in deference to him they were allowed to remain under certain restrictions. Forgaill in his thankfulness wished to recite an ex tempore poem to the saint, but this latter (no doubt being well acquainted with the length of these ancient laudatory poems) declined, and it has been handed down to pos- terity through this manuscript. It is curious to note that even in the eleventh century the form of the language was so archaic that Moelmuiri had to write a gloss between the lines, that it might be understood. Other pieces relate an account of the colonization of Ireland written by Tuan, son of Carill, in the sixth century; narrative of the descent of the men of Ulster in the time of Conchobar Mac Nessa, into Munster and as far as Kerry, which minutely describes the topography of the country ; a raid on the cows of Flidas, for Queen Medb ; the journey of Maeldun, who set out into the far Atlantic and did not return until three years and seven months had passed ; the death Urfsb Tbistors anfc ^Literature 277 of Athi (or Dathi), the last pagan monarch of Ireland, with an account of the ancient burial-places of the different kings and nobles; narrative of the raid on the cows of Cuailnge, a most curious and romantic story, full of heroic deeds of champions, also made for Queen Medb; the death of Conaire Mor, caused by the fairies of Longford; the con- version of Loegaire by St. Patrick, with the miracles performed on the occasion; the story of how Midir of Breg Leith won the beautiful Queen Etain at a game of chess; and many other compositions faithfully preserving the various manners, superstitions and early history of Ireland. 2312 BOOK OF LEINSTER (THE). The Book of Leinster, sometime called the Book of Glendalough. A Collection of Pieces (Prose and Verse) in the Irish language, compiled, in part, about the middle of the Twelfth Century. Now for the First Time published from the original Manuscript in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, by the Royal Irish Academy, With Introduction, Analysis of Contents, and, Index by Robert Atkinson. Thick folio, half straight-grained morocco. Dublin, 1880 * A lithographic facsimile of the manuscript. VERY SCARCE. The two oldest Irish manuscripts in existence are the Book of the Dun Cow, and the Book of Leinster. While the first was composed about the end of the eleventh century, the latter was written sometime in the early part of the twelfth. In it occurs a statement that Finn Mac Gorman, Bp. of Kildare, wrote (copied, or compiled, no doubt) it for Hugh Mac Crimthan, who was at the court of Diar- maid Mac Murrogh, King of Leinster. The contents are extremely interesting and varied, old sagas, tales of the Finns, songs in praise of the heroes of Ireland, genealogies, lists of the saints, and religious treatises. One of the most valuable among the historical pieces is the list of the kings of the various provinces of Ireland, as also of the successors of St. Patrick, to the time of the compilation of the manuscript; another, both romantic and historical, is the story of the famous King Conchobar Mac Nessa, and the Lady Nessa, and the adventures and troubles of the former. In this his father is stated to have been King Fergus, who is described as a giant, though other manuscripts describe him as a Druid. The story relates how the Lady Nessa tricked King Fergus out of the kingdom of Ulster in favor of her son. The manuscript includes a description of Conor's famous palace with its 150 rooms, of oak decorated with copper, and of the king's own chamber, which was decorated with copper and silver, and had golden birds with jewelled eyes for ornaments. Another piece is a list of the heroines of Ireland. Also there is a poem by Cuan hua Lothchain, in praise of Tara, and relating the life of Niall of the Nine Hostages; and others similar. The folk-tales are many. One relates how a fairy came for assistance to one of the kings of Ireland and obtained it a re- versal of the usual procedure. Undoubtedly the most famous of all the pieces is the story of Deirdre, the fate of the sons of Usnach, which appears here in its oldest form. 2313 BOOK OF LISMORE (THE). Lives of the Saints from the Book of Lismore. Edited, with a Translation, Notes and Indices, by Whitley Stokes. Facsimile. Small 410, wrappers, pp. 411. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1890 278 ffrtsb Tbteton? an> ^Literature 2314 BOURKE (REV. ULICK J.) The College Irish Grammar. Fifth Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth. Dublin, 1868 2315 Easy Lessons in Irish. Fifth Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth. Dublin, 1869 2316 Easy Lessons in Irish; or, Self-instruction in Irish. With key to each part. Crown 8vo, cloth. New York, 1873 2317 BRASH (RICHARD ROLT). The Ogam Inscribed Monuments of the Gaedhil in the British Islands, with a dissertation on the Ogam character. Illustrated with 50 photo-lithographic plates. Edited by G. M. Atkinson. 410, cloth. London, 1879 2318 CELTIA. A Pan-Celtic Monthly Magazine. From its Commence- ment in January, 1901, to the Summer number for 1904. Illustrated. 38 Parts. 4to, original wrappers. Dublin, 1901-1904 * The organ of the Celtic Association. Complete set. No more published. 2319 CELTIC SOCIETY (THE). O'DONOVAN (JOHN). Leabhar na-g-Ceart, or the Book of Rights. Now for the first time edited with Translation and Notes by J. O'Donovan. Post 8vo, cloth. Dublin, 1847 * The Book of Rights has been attributed to St. Benignus, "psalmist" to St. Patrick. The author, however, states that it was founded on the Book of Glendaloch, mentioned by the Four Masters, but now not extant. It contains, in poetry and prose, a list of the revenues of the Supreme King and of the provincial monarchs of Ireland, of the services, tribute and duties of the latter, the hereditary offices of the great fami- lies, etc., and is of the greatest importance in depicting the organization of the king- dom in the fifth century. 2320 Another issue of the same edition on larger paper. Post 8vo, boards, cloth back. Dublin: The Celtic Society, \ 84 7 * This issue has the certification (which in the previous copy is printed on the re- verse of the list of officers of the Celtic Society) printed on a separate leaf, but the table of contents is omitted. The rest of the book corresponds, including the Index at end. 2321 Largest Paper Issue of the same, specially printed for the Members of the Celtic Society. With engraved frontispiece on India paper. 8vo, cloth. Dublin: The Celtic Society, 1847 * This edition contains contents, etc., as in the first issue (No. 2319), but is printed on superior paper and in a superior manner. 2322 Miscellany of the Celtic Society. Edited by John O'Donovan. (Contains the Genealogy of Corca Laidhe; Poem on the Battle of Dun, by Gilla-Brighde MacConmidhe; Docwra's Tracts; and several Poems, Pedigrees and Extracts.) 8vo, half morocco, thick paper copy. Dublin: Printed for the Celtic Society, 1849 Urisb Tbistors anfc literature 279 2323 CELTIC SOCIETY (THE). CURRY (EUGENE). The Battle of Magh Leana, together with The Courtship of Momera. Now for the first time edited, with Translation and Notes. 8vo, half cloth. * SCARCE. Dublin, 1855 2324 CHAPIN (A. B.) On the Study of the Celtic Languages. Re- printed from the New York Review for April, 1840. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 32. New York, 1840 2325 CONFESSION OF FAITH, ETC. Admhail an Chreidimh: An Cataichiosm Foirleathan: Cataichiosm Aithghear. (The Con- fession of Faith, and Larger and Shorter Catechisms translated into the Irish language by the Synod of Argyle.) i6mo, old calf (blank margins written on in a few places). Dunedin, 1727 2326 CONNELLAN (T.) An English-Irish Dictionary, in the English and Irish characters. i2mo, cloth. Dublin, 1863 2327 CONWELL (E. A.) Discovery of the Tomb of Oll5v Fola, Ireland's Famous Monarch and Law-maker upwards of 3000 years ago. 36 illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Dublin, 1873 2328 CROKER (THOMAS CROFTON). Popular Songs of Ireland. Introduction by Henry Morley. Crown 8vo, cloth. (Morley's Universal Library.) London, 1886 2329 CROWE (J. O'BEIRNE). The Amra Choluim Chilli of Dalian Forgaill, now printed for the First Time from the Original Irish, with a Literal Translation and Notes, etc. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 76. * The famous sixth century blind Irish poet's elegy on St. Columba. Dublin, 1871 2330 CUSACK (M. F.) The Student's Manual of Irish History. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1870 2331 DUBLIN IMPRINTS. The Judgment of God upon Ireland, or Sickness and Famine God's Visitation for the Sins of the Nation. Second edition. 8vo, sewed, pp. 63. Dublin: George Grierson, 1741 2 33 2 A Scheme for Utterly Abolishing the present Heavy and Vexatious Tax of Tithe. In a Letter to a Member of Parliament. (Signed, " Templehill, Nov. 26, 1741. A. E. I. O. U.") 8vo, sewed, pp. 15. Dublin: G. Ewing, 1742 2 333 A Modest Proposal for the Prohibition of Speech, humbly offered to the Consideration of Parliament. 8vo, sewed, pp. 16. Dublin: P. Wilson, 1743 280 Tfrisb tbistorp anfc ^Literature 2334 DUBLIN IMPRINTS. [PERCEVAL (JOHN, 2nd Earl of Egmont).] Faction Detected by the Evidence of Facts. 8vo, sewed, pp. 170. Dublin: G. Faulkner, 1743 * Also ascribed to William Pulteney, Earl of Bath. At the end are two leaves of advertisements of books published by the same publisher, one having a very lengthy list of subscribers. 2 335 An Account of Mrs. Ireland, the Mad-woman, in a letter to a Friend in the Country. To which is added, Attraction, a poem. 8vo, sewed, pp. 16. Dublin: J. Esdall, 1745 * A satire on Irish affairs. 2336 The Bricklayer's Poem. Presented to his Excellency, the Lord Lieutenant, on his Arrival in the Kingdom. 8vo, sewed, pp. 7. Dublin: Printed in the Year 1745 * The Lord Lieutenant mentioned was the famous Earl of Chesterfield, author of the " Letters to his Son." References are made to Swift in the poem, " Tho' Swift be Dumb, for Swift lerne weeps, The pride, the pillar of his Country sleeps." and another mention further on. Swift at that time was suffering from his last illness, and died the same year, 1745. 2 337 [BROOKE (HENRY).] The Farmer's Letters to the Protestants of Ireland. Numbers 1-5. 8vo, sewed, pp. 8 to each number. Dublin: G. Faulkner, 1745 * By Henry Brooke, the noted Irish author of " The Fool of Quality," and several plays. Brooke wrote six of these letters to excite the Protestant farmers of Ireland against the threatened Jacobite rising. 2 338 The Defence made by John Ambrose, Esq., late Captain of his Majesty's ship, the Rupert, on his Trial at Court Martial. By a Gentleman of the Inner Temple. 8vo, sewed, pp. 24. Dublin: P. Wilson, and J. Esdall, 1745 2 339 Hints Concerning the Present State of Ireland. Humbly submitted to the Consideration of the Publick. 8vo, sewed, pp. 8. Dublin: G. Faulkner, 1745 2340 BARTON (RICHARD). A Sermon Preached at the Parish Church of Shankil in the town of Lurgan, upon Wednesday, the 1 8th Day of December, being the Day appointed for Fasting and Humiliation for the Sins of the Nation ... to remove from us the Evils of Rebellion and Foreign Wars. 8vo, sewed, pp. 22. Dublin: G. and E. Ewing, 1746 Urisb IFMston? anfc ^Literature 281 2341 DUBLIN IMPRINTS. The Impartial Examiner; or, the Faithful Representer of the various and manifold Misrepresentations im- posed on the Roman Catholics of Ireland, in the several Charges laid at their doors by the Scribblers of the Farmer's, Merchant's, and Drapier's Letters, etc. 8vo, sewed, pp. 64. Dublin: Printed in the Year 1746 * In reply to Henry Brooke, Dean Swift, etc. 2342 DUCHAL (JAMES). A Sermon on the death of Dr. Arbuckle, preached at Wood-Street, January 4th, 1746-7 8vo, sewed, pp. 22. Dublin: Printed by A . Reilly for J. Smith, 1747 2343 FERGUSON (M. C.) The Story of the Irish Before the Con- quest, from the Mythical Period to the Invasion under Strongbow. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1868 2344 FOLEY (DANIEL). An English-Irish Dictionary, intended for the use of Students of the Irish Language. 8vo, cloth, fine copy. Dublin, 1855 2345 FOUR MASTERS. The Annals of Ireland, translated from the Original Irish of the Four Masters by Owen Connellan, Esq., Irish Historiographer to their Majesties George IV. and William IV. With Annotations by Philip MacDermott, Esq., M.D., and the Translator. With large topographical and historical map of ancient Ireland, showing the Five Kingdoms of the Pentarchy Meath, Ulster, Connaught, Leinster, and Munster. 410. Illuminated title, title, and 7 other preliminary leaves, pp. 736, original cloth. Dublin: Published by Bryan Geraghty, 1846 * This is a translation of the manuscript in the Library of the Royal Irish Acad- emy, extending from the year A.D. 1172 to 1616. The Four Masters were Michael O'Clery, Conary O'Clery, Cucogry O'Clery, and Ferfeasa O'Mulconry. Their work is the most complete and authentic record in existence on early Irish history. 2346 FOUR MASTERS. ANNALA RIOGHACHTA EIREANN. Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland, by the Four Masters, from the earliest period to the year 1616. Edited from MSS. in the Library of the Royal Irish Academy and of Trinity College, Dublin, with a Trans- lation and copious Notes, by John O'Donovan, Esq , M.R.I. A., in Irish and in English. 5 vols. and the Index volume. Together 6 vols. Bound in 5 vols. large thick 4to, handsomely bound in full polished calf, gilt backs, with red and blue labels, marbled edges. Dublin : Hodges and Smith, 1848-1851 * ORIGINAL AND BEST EDITION, ON LARGE PAPER, COMPLETE, MUCH RARER THAN THE REISSUE IN SEVEN VOLUMES. This beautiful set of the VERY RARE FIRST AND BEST EDITION, on LARGE PAPER, with the original title-pages of 1848-1851, contains not 282 flrisb Tfoistorg ant) ^Literature only everything that is in the smaller and cheaper reissues of 1854 and 1856, but it has in addition the dedication and introductory remarks of 1847, which were afterwards cancelled and suppressed. As no bibliographical work gives a correct account of this edition, the following statement will be useful. The Annals from 1172 to 1616 were published in 1848, from the MS. in the Library of the Royal Irish Academy, the whole forming 2498 pages, which were issued with the introductory remarks of xlix. pages as Volumes I., II., III. In 1851 the Annals from the earliest period (Anno Mundi 2242, be- ing the year of the Deluge) to A.D. 1171, the MS. of which was in the posses- sion of the Duke of Buckingham at Stowe, were also edited, translated, and published, in 1193 pages, which were issued as Volumes I. and II. of the whole work, with a new dedication and new introductory remarks of Ixxi. pages. New titles were then printed for the three other volumes, which were renum- bered as Vols. III., IV., and V., and an Index Volume of 405 pages in double columns was published, covering the entire work, the "Index Locorum" compris- ing pp. I-I2I and the "Index Nominum" pp. 123-405. This set is arranged and bound in the following order, each of the five volumes having on the reverse of the title-page a printed statement that "This Copy was Printed for NICHOLAS PURCELL O'GORMAN, Esq., Q.C., M.R.I.A., Original Sub- scriber" : I. Title-page, Vol. I., 1851, from the earliest times to A. D. 1027, pp. lxxi.-(- 1-815. II. Title-page, Vol. II., 1851, from A. D. 1028 to 1171, pp. 816-1193; followed by Title-page, Index, 1851, pp. 1-405. III. Title-page, Vol. I., 1848, from A. D. 1172 to 1408, pp. xlix., 1-797. IV. Title-page, Vol. II., 1848, from A. D. 1409 to 1568, pp. 798-1629. V. Title-page, Vol. III., 1848, from A. D. 1569 to 1616, pp. 1630-2498. In the cheaper reissues, the work is rearranged to form seven volumes of nearly uniform thickness, as follows: I., pp. lxxi.-(-i-565 ; II., pp. 564-1193; III., pp. 1-657; IV., pp. 656-1259; V., pp. 1258-1875; VI., pp. 1874-2498; VII., pp. 1-405. "The Four Masters in their Annals, fortunately for us, transcribed verbatim the passages of the original and contemporaneous records; their work thus be- comes of the utmost value to the philologer, in tracing the language at its various stages. This, however, formed one of the chief difficulties of the Editor, as many of the more ancient entries are written in a dialect so long obsolete, and totally incomprehensible to scholars perfectly conversant with modern Gaelic, that the learned Dr. O'Conor was, in many instances, obliged to leave words, and even whole lines untranslated. It is a proud testimony of Dr. O'Donovan's proficiency in our ancient dialects, that no passage, however obscure, has baffled his profound knowledge. Not alone content with giving us a rigid and exact translation of his original, the Editor has spared no labor to collate the statements of the Masters with those of other Annalists, and we find that his Notes, in general, far exceed the text. All printed works, and many ancient Celtic manuscripts, with which the compilers were themselves unacquainted, have been made ample use of. The topographical portion of the work is, perhaps, the most elaborate. Of the innumerable ancient places referred to by the Annalists but few remain to be identified. Nearly all these localities were personally visited and inspected by the Editor during his engagement on the Ordnance Survey, which afforded him Urisb t>tstorg ant) Xiterature 283 opportunities of acquiring precise and accurate local information which will probably be never again afforded to the historic investigator. He also made a most important use of the historical traditions, extant some time ago, among the peasantry of the more remote districts, but now totally obliterated by the sad events which have driven their exiled depositaries to strange lands, "far away beyond the Atlantic foam." Nor is Dr. O'Donovan's genealogical learning less remarkable. The clearness and precision with which he traces the various rami- fications of the ancient Irish clans and their representatives in both hemispheres, adducing evidence from Celtic records which would be totally incomprehensible to the most learned "Garter" or "Clarencieux" King-at-Arms, the interesting and important pedigrees and illustrative genealogies, not elsewhere extant, which he has embodied in his Notes and Appendices, may well serve as models for a College of Heralds." The Celtic Records of Ireland, Dublin, 1852, p. 108. 2347 FOURNIER D'ALBE (E. E.) An English-Irish Dictionary and Phrase Book, with Synonyms, Idioms, and the Genders and De- clensions of Nouns. i2mo, cloth. (Printed on Irish-made Paper.) Dublin: The Celtic Association, 1902 2348 GAEL (THE): a Monthly Bi-Lingual Magazine, devoted to the Promotion of the Language, Literature, Music, and Art of Ireland. Illustrated. January, 1901, to December, 1904 (lacking July, 1904). 47 Parts, 4to, original wrappers. New York, 1901-1904 2349 GAELIC SOCIETY OF DUBLIN. Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Dublin. Vol. i. 8vo, half calf. Dublin, 1808 *VERY SCARCE. No more than this one volume was published. It contains, in addition to matters relating to the Society, a paper on the Gaelic language (and on manuscripts, and contractions of letters), and translations by Theophilus O'Flanagan of "Advice to a Prince, by Thaddy Mac Brody, or Mac Brodin, son of Dary, being the Inauguration Ode of Donach O'Brien, fourth Earl of Thomond" (poem of the i6th Century, Latin text with translation); and, "Deirdri; or, the Lamentable Fate of the Sons of Usnach, an Ancient Dramatic Irish tale, one of the three Tragic Stories of Eirin, literally translated from an original Gaelic Manuscript, with Notes and Observations, to which is annexed the Old Historic Account of the Facts on which the story is founded." The value of the text given of this latter the most famous, most pathetic, and most dramatic of all the early Irish romances is that the manuscript from which O'Flanagan transcribed it has now disappeared. 2350 GAELIC JOURNAL (THE). Published by the Gaelic League. From No. 123, 1900 (commencement of Vol. XI.), to No. 179, August, 1905. Illustrated. 57 Parts, 410, original wrappers. * Mostly printed in Gaelic. Dublin, 1900-1905 2351 GAZETTEER. The Parliamentary Gazetteer of Ireland ... as existing in 1844-45. Illustrated with a series of maps and other plates. 3 vols. royal 8vo, half calf. Dublin, etc., 1846 284 flrisb HMstors an& Literature 2352 GENEALOGICAL MAP of Noble Erin, Island of Kings. Show- ing the Localities and Titles of the principal Old Irish Families. (The Family names alphabetically arranged round the margin.) Colored. 27 in. x 20^ in. New York: J. Sheehy, 1899 2353 HARDINGE (W. H.) A Memoir on Manuscript, Mapped and other Townland Surveys in Ireland of a Public Character, embrac- ing the Gross, Civil, and Down Surveys from 164010 1688, pp. 118, 1864; also the Second Part, continuing the Account of the Surveys to 1864, pp. viii. -|- 51, 1865. 2 Parts, 4to, wrappers. (Reprinted from the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy.) Dublin, 1864-65 2354 On the Irish Transplantation of 1653-54, and on the Extent, Value, and Distribution of the Lands forfeited in Ireland at that period. 410, wrappers, pp. 42. (Presentation copy from the author. Reprinted from the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy.) Dublin, 1866 2355 HISTORIC (THE) Literature of Ireland: an Essay, reprinted from the " Irish Quarterly Review." 8vo, wrappers, pp. 64. Dublin, 1851 2356 HYDE (DOUGLAS). Beside the Fire: a Collection of Irish Gaelic Folk Stories. Edited, translated, and annotated. With additional Notes by Alfred Nutt. 8vo, cloth. London, 1890 2357 IRISH ALPHABET (THE). Illustrated by Norma Borthwick. Post 8vo, wrappers, pp. 20. Printed on Irish paper. Dublin, 1901 2358 IRISH ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. O'DONOVAN (JOHN). The Tribes and Customs of Hy-many, commonly called O'Kelly's Country. Now first published from the Book of Lecan. With Translation aqd Notes, and a map, by J. O'Donovan. Small 4to, cloth. Dublin, 1843 2 359 Miscellany. Vol. I. (all published). Small 4to, cloth. Dublin, 1845 * Among the papers are: The Annals of Ireland from the year 1443 to 1468, trans- lated by Dudley Firbrisse for Sir James Ware in 1666; An Ancient Poem, attributed to St. Columbkille: Obits of Kilcormick; Ancient Testaments; Letter of Oliver Crom- well; The Irish Charters in the Book of Kells; Journey to Connaught, 1709; etc. 2360 NENNIUS. The Irish Version of the Historia Britonum of Nennius. With Translation and Notes by J. H. Todd. Introduc- tion and additional Notes by the Hon. Algernon Herbert. Small 4to, cloth. Dublin, 1848 Urisb fMston? ant> Xiterature 285 2361 IRISH ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. ANNALS OF IRELAND. By Friar John Clyn and Thady Bowling, together with the Annals of Ross. Edited from MSS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin. With Introductory Remarks by the Very Rev. Richard Butler. 410, cloth. Dublin, 1849 2362 O'KELLY (COL. CHARLES). Secret History of the War of the Revolution in Ireland, 1688-1691. Written under the title of "De- struction of Cyprus." Edited from the MSS., with Notes, illustra- tions, and a Memoir of the Author and his Descendants, by J. C. O'Callaghan. 410, cloth. Dublin, 1850 2 3 6 3 O'DONOVAN (JOHN). Annals of Ireland. Three Fragments copied from Ancient Sources. By Dubhaltach Mac Firbisigh, and edited, with a Translation and Notes, from a MS. in the Burgun- dian Library at Brussels. 410, cloth. Dublin, 1860 2364 IRISH GRAMMAR. An Introduction to the Irish Language, compiled at the request of the Irish Teachers, under the patronage of the General Assembly in Ireland. By S. O. M. Lithograph frontispiece, and three leaves of contractions at end. Crown 8vo, cloth. Dublin, 1841 2365 IRISH TEXT SOCIETY. Fled Bricrend. The Feast of Bricriu. An early Gaelic Saga transcribed from older MSS. into the Book of the Dun Cow by Moelmuiri Mac Mic Cuinn Na M-Bocht. Edited, with Translation, Introduction, and Notes, by George Henderson. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1899 2366 The Lad of the Ferule; and the Adventures of the Children of the King of Norway. Edited, with Translation, Notes and Glos- sary, by Douglas Hyde. 8vo, cloth. London, 1899 2367 The History of Ireland, by Geoffrey Keating. Volume I., containing the Introduction and the First Book of the History, edited, with Translation and Notes, by David Comyn. 8vo, cloth. London, 1902 2368 Martial Career of Conghal Clairinghneach. Edited for the First Time, with Translation, Introduction, Notes, and Glossary, by Patrick MacSweeney. 8vo, cloth. London, 1904 2369 Annual Reports, with List of Members and Publications, for 1901 and 1904, with some leaflets, etc., relating to the same Society. (As one piece.) 286 Urisb Ibiston? ant> ^Literature 2370 JACOBS (JOSEPH). Celtic Fairy Tales. Selected and edited by Joseph Jacobs. Illustrated. Demy 8vo, cloth. London, 1892 * First edition. Scarce. As well as the Irish Celtic Folk Tales, some of Celtic origin current in Scotland are included. 2371 JOYCE (P. W.) The Origin and History of Irish Names of Places. Third Edition. Thick 12010, cloth. Dublin, 1871 2372 KEATING (REV. GEOFFREY). The History of Ireland, from the Earliest Period to the English Invasion. Translated from the original Gaelic, and Annotated by John O'Mahony. Map showing the location of the Ancient Clans, and frontispiece. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1857 2373 FORUS FEASA AR EIRINN. The History of Ireland, from the first colonization of the island by Parthalon, B. C. 2048, to the English Invasion in the Twelfth Century. IRISH MANUSCRIPT of j88 pages, transcribed on Whatman Paper, with red line borders, inter- leaved throughout, and strongly bound in j> vols. large 4to, half russia. Transcribed at Dublin, 1842-45 *This valuable MANUSCRIPT of Keating's Complete History, in the ORIGINAL UNPUBLISHED IRISH, was transcribed by Eugene O'Curry, at the expense and for the use of the Rev. James Henthorne Todd, D.D., of Dublin, as is stated in a note in Irish at the end of the work. At the beginning of the first volume are the following entries in Dr. Todd's handwriting: April 12, 1843, paid Mr. Curry for transcribing this book 10. o. o. April 19, 1845, Do 10. o. o. The MS. passed afterwards into the collection of Sir Thomas Phillipps, and the volumes bear the marks of PHILLIPPS MS. 23047, 23048, and 23049. At the front (or end) of each volume is a neatly written index of contents, in Dr. Todd's autograph, and there are marginal notes throughout the work and memoranda on the interleaves, in the same handwriting. At the end of Vol. I. is a long note in English giving an account of the ruins of a small chapel, with its inscription, which was built at Tubrid in Tipperary by the Rev. Eugene Duhy and Dr. Keating in 1644, the note being transcribed from Dr. J. O'Donovan's autograph, dated Sept. 5, 1840, in a copy of Keat- ing's History, written by Diarmaid O'Mulcaoinre, 24 Jan., 1770. At the end of Vol. III. is a MS. genealogy in Irish of the Gaynor family, and also a note of eleven lines in Irish surrounded by a double-line border, both transcribed from a copy of Keating's History written by Michael Gaynor, the property of N. Herbert Delamare, Esq., of Trinity College, Dublin, 1848. Accompanying the MS. and laid in the first volume are several loose sheets of MS. notes and memoranda, the tracing of an old map of the British Isles in Ptolemy's Geography, Rome, 1490, and the following autograph letters, etc.: (1-3) Algernon Herbert to DC. Todd, three letters, 1848 and 1849, inquiring about the standing stones near Naas in Kildare, about the meaning of the Irish word Vraightes, and about the location of the Tuatha De Danaan cities. flrfsb HMstorg ant) ^Literature 287 (4) Dr. John O'Donovan to Dr. Todd, Dec. 27, 1848, three pages relating to the standing stones near Naas, to the story of "The Dance of the Giants" in Cambrensis, and to the Irish word Vraightes or sub-king. (5) Dr. John O'Donovan to Dr. Todd, Jan. 26, 1849, two pages relating to the Tuatha De Danaan cities and their location. (6) Printed circular of 4 pages, dated 1862, relating to "The Late John O'Donovan, LL.D.," with a two-column list of his principal published works. 2374 KENNEDY (PATRICK). Legendary Fictions of the Irish Celts, collected and narrated. Frontispiece. Post 8vo, original cloth. * First edition. Scarce. London, 1866 2375 LAWLOR (H. J.) Chapters on the Book of Mulling. (Contain- ing the greater portion of the text, with critical notices, and com- parisons with the Biblical text.) 8vo, sewed, pp. 208. Edinburgh, 1897 * The Book of Mulling is an Irish manuscript of the ninth century, containing the Gospels and Prayers for the sick in Latin, and in the Irish characters. It is now in the library of Trinity College, Dublin. This book does not contain the Irish text. 2376 LEABHAR BREAC. (The Speckled Book.) The Passions and the Homilies from Leabhar Breac, Text, Translations, and Glossary. By Robert Atkinson. Thick 8vo, half calf. (Royal Irish Academy. Todd Lecture Series.) Dublin, 1887 * The Manuscript dates from the close of the I5th Century. 2377 MAC-GEOGHEGAN (ABBE J.) The History of Ireland, An- cient and Modern, taken from the most Authentic Records, and dedicated to the Irish Brigade. Translated from the French by Patrick O'Kelly. 3 portraits and engraved title. Royal 8vo, morocco, gilt with Irish devices. New York, 1845 * The original history was published in Paris in 1758-63, and the first edition of this translation in Dublin in 1831. The history ends with the year 1699. 2378 MAGAZINE ARTICLES. Stone Relics of the Irish and Scottish Gael (Dub. Univ. Mag., 1870); Something about Two Celtic Fam- ilies (Dub. Univ. Mag., 1869); Identity of Irish and Highland Fic- tions (Dub. Univ. Mag , 1868) ; Transactions of the Ossianic Society a Review (Littell); Celtic Literature (Ency. Brit.). 5 pieces, 8vo and 410, paper. 2379 MAPS AND PLANS. Catalogue of the Maps, Plans, and other Publications of the Ordnance Survey of Ireland, to ist January. 1898. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 65. London, 1898 288 Urisb Ibistors ant> ^Literature 2380 MEYER (KUNO), Editor. The Cath Finntraga, or Battle of Ventry. Edited from MS. Rawl, B. 487 in the Bodleian Library. (With Notes, Glossarial Index, Treatise on Old Irish Metre, etc.) Small 410, wrappers, pp. 115. (Anecdota Oxoniensia.) Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1885 2381 MEYER (KUNO) AND STERN (L. C.) Zeitschrift fur Celt- ische Philologie. Band I., Heft i und 2. 8vo, wrappers (As 2 vols ) Halle, 1896 * Numerous articles on Celtic matters are comprised in these two parts, among them being Whitley Stokes on the Gaelic abridgment of the Book of Marco Polo ; Macdougall, the Uruisg Choire-nan-Nuallan; Anwyl's the Four Branches of the Mabinogi; Stern, die Galische Ballade vom Mantel in Macgregor's Liederbuche; Whitley Stokes, a Celtic leech-book; Gaidoz, la Cosmologie Celtique; Strachan, a Manx Folk-song; etc. Many of the pieces have the original text, together with translations, several in English. 2382 MICHEL (FRANCISQUE). Anglo-Norman poem on the Con- quest of Ireland by Henry the Second. From a MS. in the Archi- episcopal Library at Lambeth Palace. With an Introductory Essay on the History of the Anglo-Norman Conquest of Ireland, by Thomas Wright. i2tno, finely bound by RIVIERE in half green mo- rocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. London: W. Pickering, 1837 2383 MOLLOY (J. H.) A Grammar of the Irish Language. Crown 8vo, cloth. Dublin, 1867 2384 MOONEY (JAMES). The Medical Mythology of Ireland. (Read before the Amer. Phil. Socy., April 15, 1887.) 8vo, wrappers, pp. 32. Philadelphia, 1887 2385 MOONEY (THOMAS). A History of Ireland from its First Settlement to the Present Time, including a particular account of its Literature, Music, Architecture, and Natural Resources, Biogra- phies of Eminent Men, Specimens of Irish Melodies, Anecdotes, etc. Illustrations. 2 vols. thick 8vo, cloth (binding worn). Boston, 1857 2386 NEILSON (REV. W.) An Introduction to the Irish Language. (Grammar, Dialogues, and extracts from Irish Books and MSS.) 8vo, half calf. (Embossed stamp on title.) Dublin, 1808 2387 NEW TESTAMENT IN IRISH. With short glossary at end, and table of the Alphabet, etc. Post 8vo, sheep. London: Printed by Bagster for the British and Foreign Bible Society, 1827 frisb Ibistory an& ^Literature 289 2388 O'BRIEN (HENRY). The Round Towers of Ireland; or, the Mysteries of Freemasonry, of Sabaism, and of Budhism for the First Time unveiled. Illustrations. (First Edition, with the rare preface of xxxvi pages.) 8vo, cloth. London, 1834 * Very scarce. 2389 Phoenician Ireland. Auctore Dr. Joachimo Laurentio Villa- nueva. Translated, and illustrated with notes, an additional plate, and Ptolemy's map made modern. Second Edition, with biographical introduction by his brother. 8vo, cloth. London, 1837 2390 O'BRIEN (J.) An Irish-English Dictionary . . . compiled from various Irish Vocabularies, particularly that of Mr. Edward Lhuyd, but also from a great variety of the best Irish Manuscripts now extant. Second Edition, revised and corrected. 8vo, cloth, Dublin, 1832 2391 O'BRIEN (REV. PAUL). A Practical Grammar of the Irish Language. 8vo, half roan, uncut. Dublin, 1809 2392 O'CONNOR (ROGER). Chronicles of Eri; being the History of the Gaal Sciot Iber, or, the Irish People; translated from the orig- inal Manuscripts in the Phoenician Dialect of the Scythian Lan- guage. (Vol. I contains portrait of the author and four maps, Vol. 2 colored folding frontispiece, folding facsimile, and map.) 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1822 * Mainly fictitious. The author was one of the United Irishmen, and was impris- oned for some time, later being banished to France. 2 393 O'CURRY (EUGENE). Lectures on the Manuscript Materials of Ancient Irish History. 26 leaves of facsimiles. Thick 8vo, cloth. Dublin, 1861 2394 On the Manners and Customs of the Ancient Irish. A Series of Lectures. Edited with Introduction, Appendixes, etc., by W. K. Sullivan. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1873 2395 O'DONOVAN (JOHN). A Grammar of the Irish Language, for the use of the Senior Classes in the College of St. Columba. 8vo, cloth. Dublin, 1845 * The best Irish Grammar in existence. 2 39 6 Cormac's Glossary. Translated and Annotated by the late John O'Donovan. Edited, with Notes and Indices, by Whitley Stokes. 4to, cloth. Calcutta: Printed by O. T. Cutter for the Irish Arch, and Celt. Soc'y, 1868. * Large Paper copy. 290 flrteb HMstors ant) ^Literature 2397 O'FLAHERTY (RODERIC). O'Gygia; or, a Chronological Account of Irish Events: collected from very Ancient Documents, faithfully compared with each other, and supported by the Genealo- gical and Chronological Aid of the Sacred and Prophane Writings of the First Nations of the Globe. Written originally in Latin by Roderic O'Flaherty, Esq. Translated by the Rev. James Hely. 2 vols. 8vo, old tree calf, gilt. Dublin, 1793 * Founded on the ancient manuscripts, with lists of the Irish kings, etc. The first edition is an extremely rare book. 2398 O'GRADY (STANDISH). History of Ireland, Critical and Philosophical, Vol. I., 8vo, London, 1881; Vol. II., Cuculain and his Contemporaries, crown 8vo, London, 1880. 2 vols. cloth, London, 1880-81 2399 O'GRADY (STANDISH H.) Silva Gadelica (I.-XXXI.). A Collection of Tales in Irish, with Extracts illustrating Persons and Places. Edited from MSS. and Translated. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1892 * The Tales include Historical Narratives, Folk- Tales, Legends of Famous Persons, etc. 2400 O'GROWNEY (EUGENE). Revised Simple Lessons in Irish, giving the pronunciation of each word. Portrait. Part i (all pub- lished ?). i2mo, wrappers, pp. 90. New York, 1902 2401 Another copy of the same. 2402 Another copy of the same. m 2403 O'HALLORAN (SYLVESTER). Introduction to the Study of the History and Antiquities of Ireland. Four plates. 4to, old red morocco, gilt. Dublin, 1772 * The binding is probably a good specimen of Irish binding, though a little later than the date of the book. The binding is red smooth-grain morocco, the back orna- mented with blind and gold tooling, the sides have a three-quarter-inch border of the morocco, ornamented in the same way with blind tooling and two fillet lines in gold, with corner ornaments, the centre of green marbled paper. 2404 O'HART (JOHN). Irish Pedigrees; or, The Origin and Stem of the Irish Nation. 2 thick 8vo vols., cloth. Dublin, 1887-88 * This Fourth Edition was much enlarged, Urisb Distort ant> literature 291 2405 O'REILLY (EDWARD). An Irish-English Dictionary, with copious Quotations from . . . Ancient and Modern Writers. New edition, carefully revised and corrected. With a Supplement con- taining many thousand Irish Words . . . collected throughout Ire- land and among Ancient Unpublished Manuscripts. By John O'Donovan. Royal 8vo, cloth. Dublin, 1864 2406 A Later Issue of the same edition. Royal 8vo, cloth. Dublin, n. d. * This issue contains an additional leaf, "The Irish Alphabet and its Various Sounds," but otherwise agrees, page for page, with the preceding. 2407 OSSIANIC SOCIETY. The Pursuit after Diarmuid O'Duibhne, and Grainne the Daughter of Cormac Mac Airt, King of Ireland in the Third Century. (Text and translation.) Edited by Standish Hayes O'Grady. 8vo, cloth. (Transactions for 1855.) Dublin, 1857 2408 Fenian Poems (The Dialogue of Oisin and Patrick, The Battle of Cnoc an Air, The Lay of Meargach of the Sharp Spears, etc.), edited by John O'Daly ; also in the same volume, The Land of Youth, edited by Bryan O'Looney, and The Boyish Exploits of Finn Mac Cumhaill, edited by John O'Donovan. 8vo, cloth. (Transactions for 1856.) Dublin, 1859 2409 The Proceedings of the Great Bardic Institution. Edited by Professor Connellan. 8vo, cloth. (Transactions for 1857.) Dublin, 1860 * The original of which the text and a translation is given was written probably in the 7th Century. Prefixed is an Introduction on the Bards of Ireland. 2410 PETRIE (GEORGE). The Ecclesiastical Architecture of Ireland anterior to the Anglo-Norman Invasion; comprising an Essay on the Origin and Uses of the Round Towers of Ireland, which obtained the Gold Medal and Prize of the Royal Irish Academy. Vol. i (all published). 410, original cloth. Dublin, 1845 * This volume contains the whole of the Essay on the Round Towers; the proposed second volume which was never issued was to deal with the general ecclesiastical architecture of Ireland. In this treatise the author demolished the old theories of Vallancey and others, that the towers were of Phoenician origin, as well as controvert- ing the hundred or more hypotheses of others attributing their origin to assumed wor- shippers of Priapus, ancient astronjmical observers, etc. The woodcuts, numbering in all 256, were drawn by the author, who, besides being distinguished as an archaeolo- gist, was also noted as a painter, Fine copy, and VERY SCARCE. 292 TTrisb 1bistor anfc ^Literature 2411 REID (J. SEATON). History of the Presbyterian Church in Ire- land; comprising the Civil History of the Province of Ulster. . . . with a Preliminary Sketch of the Progress of the Reformed Religion in Ireland during the i6th Century. New edition, with additional Notes by W. D. Killen. 3 vols. crown 8vo, cloth. Belfast, 1867 2412 [REEVES (WILLIAM).] Five Chromo-Lithographic Drawings, representing an Irish Ecclesiastical Bell, which is supposed to have belonged to Saint Patrick, and the several sides of the Jewelled Shrine in which it is preserved. Accompanied by a Historical and Illustrative Description. Second Edition. 5 full-page plates in gold and colors. Folio, limp boards. Belfast: Marcus Ward & Co., 1850 * The dedication states that it is put forth as a specimen of Irish learning and Irish art. 2413 The Life of St. Columba, Founder of Hy; written by Adam- nan. The text printed from a Manuscript of the gth Century; with the various readings of six other Manuscripts. ... to which are added Copious Notes and Dissertations. Maps and plates. Small 4to, cloth. (Irish Archaeological Society.) Dublin, 1857 2414 The Culdees of the British Islands, as they appear in History; with an Appendix of Evidence. 4to, boards, uncut. Dublin, 1864 * Reprinted from the transactions of the Royal Irish Academy. 2415 ROYAL DUBLIN SOCIETY. The Scientific Transactions of the Royal Dublin Society. Volume VI. (Series II.), Parts XIV., XV., and XVI. Volume VII. (Series II.), Part I. (Duerden on Jamaican Actiniaria, plates; Preston on Radiation Phenomena in Magnetic Fluid; Haddon on the Actiniaria of Torres Straits, plates ; and Hartley on the Wave-lengths of the Spectrum of Gallium.) 4 Parts. 4to, wrappers. Dublin, 1898 2416 ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY. Transactions. Volume XIX., Part II. (Containing Downes on the Norse Geography of Ancient Ire- land; Smith on the Irish Coins of Henry VII.; Hincks on the Rosetta Stone, and on the Egyptian Stele; Mathematical and Scien- tific Papers, by Sir W. R. Hamilton, Sir David Brewster, and others.) Illustrated. 4to, boards, cloth back. Dublin, 1843 2417 Transactions. Volume XXI. In Two Parts. (Wilde on an Ancient Irish Shrine ; Todd on an Ancient Wax Table-book ; Hincks on Egyptian Hieroglyphics, the i8th Dynasty of Manetho, and similar Eastern subjects; Mathematicar" and Scientific Papers, by Boole, Mallet, Hamilton, and others.) 2 vols. 410 (one in half cloth, the other in wrappers). As 2 vols. Dublin, 1846-48 Urfsb Tbtstorp anfc ^Literature 293 2418 ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY. Transactions. Volume XXVI., Parts 2-13, 16-21. (Containing Adams' Report of the Exploration of Shandon Cave; Birmingham's Observations and Catalogue of the Red Stars; Burton on Mars in 1871 and 1873; Lloyd's Attempt to Deduce the General Laws of the Variations of Temperature; Scientific and Mathematical Papers; etc.) In 17 Parts. 410, wrap- pers. Dublin, 1876-79 2419 Transactions. Volume XXVII. Polite Literature and An- tiquities. 7 Parts. (Reeves on the Bell of St. Patrick, called the Clog an Edachta; Graves on an Ogam Inscription, plate ; Graves on the Croix Gammee, illustrated; Sir Samuel Ferguson on Prints from Ogham Inscriptions, 5 plates; Ferguson on Sepulchral Cellae; Fer- guson on the Patrician Documents, with autograph inscription of the author; MacCarthy on the Stow Missal, plate.} 7 Parts. 4to, wrappers. Dublin, 1877-86 2420 Transactions. Volume XXVIII. Science. 24 Parts. (Haughton on Sun-heat and Terrestrial Radiation; Cameron on Undescribed Compounds of Selenium; Windle on the Muscles of the Human hand; Cremona on the Geometrical Transformation of the Fourth Order (Fourth Dimension); Reilly's Catalogue of Earthquakes in Great Britain and Ireland, map; Hart on the Botany of Sinai and South Palestine; Reilly's Catalogue of Earthquakes in Europe; Mathematical Papers, by Sir Robert Ball, etc.) In 23 Parts. 410, wrappers. Dublin, 1880-86 2421 Transactions. Volume XXX., Parts I., XL, and XII. Coffey on Tumuli and Inscribed Stones at New Grange, Dowth, and Knowth, plates and map; Profs. Haddon, Sollas, and Cole on the Geology of Torres Straits, plates; Sollas on the Geology of Carling- ford, plates. ) 3 Parts. 410, wrappers. Dublin, 1892-94 2422 Transactions. Volume XXXI., Parts II. and IV. (Coffey on the Prehistoric Cemetery of Loughcrew, plates; Sir Robert Ball on Impulsive and Instantaneous Screws.) 2 Parts. 410, wrappers. Dublin, 1897 2423 Cunningham Memoirs, Nos. I. and VII. (Casey on Cubic Transformations; Cunningham on the Surface Anatomy of the Cerebral Hemispheres; and Horsley on Cranio-Cerebral Topogra- phy, plates.) 2 Parts. 4to, wrappers. Dublin, 1880, 1892 294 flrisb 1bi0tor an& ^Literature 2424 SIMON (JAMES). An Essay towards an Historical Account of Irish Coins, and of the Currency of Foreign Monies in Ireland, with an Appendix containing several Statutes, Proclamations, Patents, Acts of State, and Letters relating to the same. (New edition), with Mr. Snelling's Supplement; also an additional plate. 12 full- page plates, containing representations of 285 Irish coins. 410, half calf. . Dublin, 1810 2425 SMIDDY (REV. R.) An Essay on the Druids, the Ancient Churches, and the Round Towers of Ireland. Crown 8vo, cloth. Dublin, 1871 2426 [STOKES (WHITLEY).] Three Irish Glossaries. Cormac's Glossary. . . . O'Davoren's Glossary. . . . and a Glossary to the Calendar of Oingus the Culdee. From MSS. in the Libraries of the Royal Irish Academy, Trinity College, Dublin, and the British Museum. With Preface and Index by W. S. 8vo, cloth. London, 1862 2427 The Saltair na Rann. A Collection of Early Middle Irish Poems. Edited by W. Stokes from MS. Rawl, B. 502, in the Bodleian Library. Small 4to, wrappers, pp. 151;. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1883 2428 TODD (JAMES H.) St. Patrick, Apostle of Ireland. A Memoir of his Life and Mission, with an Introductory Essay on some Early Usages of the Church in Ireland, etc. 8vo, cloth (embossed stamp on title). Dublin, 1864 2429 The War of the Gaedhill with the Gaill; or, The Invasions of Ireland by the Danes and other Norsemen. The Original Irish Text, edited, with Translation and Introduction. Two facsimiles. Royal 8vo, boards, cloth back. London, 1867 * Gathered from the Book of Leinster; a Manuscript in the library of Trinity College, Dublin, written about the I4th century; jjand another Manuscript, in the Burgundian Library, Brussels, containing a transcript from the " Book of Cuconnacht O'Daly," written probably about the I2th century. The original manuscript of the " Wars of the Gael," although known to the Four Masters, and later quoted by Keat- ing, having disappeared, it has been collected by the editor from the quotations existing in the manuscripts mentioned. 2430 TRINITY COLLEGE LIBRARY. Catalogus Librorum Im- pressorum qui in Bibliotheca Collegii Sacrosanctae et Individual Trinitatis, Reginae Elizabethae, juxta Dublin, adservantur, 8 vols. r Dublin, 1864-1885; also the Supplementary volume issued in 1887. Together 9 vols. folio, cloth. Dublin, 1864-1887 *The first volume was issued under the editorship of Dr. Todd; on his death, in 1864, the catalogue was conducted under the supervision of H. D. Hutton. The work was commenced in 1848, and the first volume occupied 16 years in its printing, the whole taking nearly fifty years. Many very rare books are in this library. flrisb Ibistorg an& Xfterature 295 2431 VALLANCEY (CHARLES). A Grammar of the Iberno-Celtic or Irish Language. 4to, original calf. Dublin, 1773 2432 A Grammar of the Iberno-Celtic or Irish Language. Second Edition, with many additions and Essay on the Celtic Language, p copper-plates of the Ogham alphabet, etc. 8vo, old sheep. Dublin, 1 781 * Besides the essay on Celtic, there are two essays on the Irish Knowledge of Astronomy and the Irish Divisions of Time. 2433 Prospectus of a Dictionary of the Language of the Aire Coti, or Ancient Irish, compared with the language of the Cuti, or Ancient Persians, with the Hindoostanee, Arabic and Chaldean Languages. With a Preface containing an Epitome of the Ancient History of Ireland, corroborated by .... the Puranas of the Brahmins, and an Account of the Ogham Tree-Alphabet of the Irish lately found in an Ancient Arabic Manuscript. Frontispiece. 410, cloth. Dublin, 1802 * This latter item mentioned the Arabic manuscript, giving the Ogham alphabet was later found to be a forgery. 2434 VALLANCEY AND CAMPBELL. Essay on the Antiquity of the Irish Language [by Charles Vallancey], Dublin, 1772, pp.63; Essay towards illustrating the Ancient History of the British Isles .... intended as preface to .... A Vindication of the Ancient History of Ireland [by the same], London, 1786, pp. 48; Strictures on the Ecclesiastical and Literary History of Ireland .... also an Historical Sketch of the Constitution and Government of Ireland, by Thomas Campbell, London, 1790, pp. 418. In one volume. 8vo, old tree calf, gilt. From George Chalmers' Library, with his book- plate and that of John Whiteford Mackenzie. 2435 WARREN (F. E.) The Manuscript Irish Missal belonging to the President and Fellows of Corpus Christi College, Oxford. Edited, with Introduction and Notes. 5 facsimiles. 8vo, cloth. London, 1879 *The Missal here transcribed is one of the only four Irish Missals known. The writing is Latin in Irish characters, and is believed to be of the twelfth century. 2436 The Liturgy and Ritual of the Celtic Church. 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1881 2437 WINDISCH (ERNST). Compendium of Irish Grammar. Translated from the German by the Rev. J. P. McSwiney. 8vo, cloth. Dublin, 1883 296 flrtsb HMstorg anfc ^Literature 2438 ZEUSS (J. C.) Grammatica Celtica, e Monumentis Vetustis tarn Hibernicae Linguae quam Britannicae Dialect! Cambricse Cornicae Armoricae nee non e Gallicae Priscae Reliquiis. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. * From the library of Derwent Coleridge. Leipzig, 1853 2439 ZIMMER (H.) The Irish Element in Mediaeval Culture. Trans- lated by J. L. Edmands. Frontispiece. Post 8vo, cloth. NewYork, 1891 * On the influence of the Irish Missionary Monks on the culture and civilizing of Central Europe. IJsle of Man. 2440 GUMMING (REV. J. G.) The Runic and other Monumental Remains of the Isle of Man. Lithographed title with Scandinavian devices, and 15 full-page plates of Runic crosses, and inscriptions. 4to, original boards, roan back. London [1857] * VERY SCARCE. Only a very limited number were printed for subscribers. 2441 FELTHAM (JOHN). A Tour through the Island of Mann in 1797 and 1798; comprising Sketches of its Ancient and Modern His- tory, Constitution, Laws, Commerce, Agriculture, Fishery, etc., including whatever is Remarkable in each Parish, its Population, Inscriptions, Registers, etc. Map, genealogical table of the Derby and Athol families, and three plates, 8vo, half calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut. * Fine copy. VERY SCARCE. Bath, 1798 2442 JOHNSTONE (JAMES). Antiquitates Celto-Scandicae; sive Series Rerum Gestarum inter Nationes Britannicarum insularum et Gentes septentrionales ex Snorrone ; Land-nama-boc; Egilli Scalla- grimi-saga; Niala saga; O. Tryggvasonar-saga; Orkneyinga-saga; Hriggiar-stikki; Knytlinga-saga; Speculo regali ; etc. , Havniae, 1786, pp. 296. Also in the same volume, Antiquitates Celto-Normannicae, containing the Chronicles of Man and the Isles, abridged by Cam- den, and now first published, complete, from the Original Manuscript in the British Museum, with an English Translation and Notes; to which are added Extracts from the Annals of Ulster, and Sir J. Ware's Antiquities of Ireland; British Topography, by Ptolemy; Richard of Cirencester; etc., Copenhagen, 1786, pp. 152. 4to, old calf. * SCARCE. This copy may have originally belonged to some member of the Mac- donald family, as at the end is a manuscript page of genealogy relating to the Macdonalds. flDatu luster^ anfc Xiterature 297 2443 KELLY (JOHN). Fockleyr Manninagh en Baarlagh. Liorish Juan Y Kelly. (Manx-English and English-Manx Dictionary; the second part based on Dr. Kelly's Manx- English Dictionary with additions and alterations from the Dictionaries of Cregeen and Mosley, by W. Gill and J. T. Clarke.) 2 parts in one. 8vo, cloth. Manx Society Publications, Vol. XIII. Very scarce. Douglas, 1866 2444 A Practical Grammar of the Ancient Gaelic, or Language of the Isle of Man, usually called Manks, by the Rev. John Kelly; with Introduction, Life of the Author, and Notes by the Rev. W. Gill. 8vo, cloth. Douglas, I. of Man: Printed for the Manx Society, 1870 * On Tynwald Hill, between Douglas and Peel, the laws passed in the Island are promulgated in the ancient tongue, the only place in Europe where this language can be publicly heard. 2445 MANX PRAYER BOOK. The Book of Common Prayer . . . translated into Manks. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1842 2446 MOORE (A. W.) The Surnames and Place-Names of the Isleof Man. Introduction by Professor Rhys. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1890 2447 ROBERTSON (DAVID). A Tour of the Isle of Man, to which is subjoined a Review of the Manks History. 8 aquatint plates. Royal 8vo, original russia, gilt. London, ^94 * Large Paper copy. Very scarce. Scotland its Ibistor^ Slanguage, anb Hntiquities* 2448 ANDERSON (JOSEPH). Scotland in Pagan Times. The Bronze and Stone Ages. The Rhind Lectures in Archaeology for 1882. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1886 2449 ANDERSON (WILLIAM). The Scottish Nation; or, the Sur- names, Families, Literature, and Biographical History of the People of Scotland. Numerous portraits and views. 3 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco. Edinburgh, 1866 298 Scottisb HMstors anfc ^Literature 2450 ARMSTRONG (R. A.) A Gaelic Dictionary Gaelic and English, and English and Gaelic .... illustrated from Quotations from the best Gaelic Writers . . . with a short Appendix of Ancient Names deduced from the authority of Ossian and other poets. 410, bound in full English straight-grained green morocco gilt (a little rubbed), gilt edges. London, 1825 2451 B ARBOUR. Barbour's des Schottischen Nationaldichters Leg- endensammlung,nebst den Fragmenten seines Trojanerkrieges. Zum ersten mal herausgegeben und kritisch bearbeitet von C. Horstmann. 2 vols. 8vo, wrappers. Heilbronn, 1881 * Barbour's Scottish version of the Legends of the Saints from the Legenda Aurea, and the fragment of his Trojan War. 2452 BLACKIE (JOHN STUART). Lays of the Highlands and Islands. Second Edition. i2mo, cloth. London, 1873 2 453 The Language and Literature of the Scottish Highlands. Post 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1876 2454 BROWNE (JAMES). A History of the Highlands and of the Highland Clans. With portraits, family arms, and other illustrations. 8 vols., cloth. Glasgow, 1838-42 2455 BUCHANAN (GEORGE). Geor. Buchanani Scoti, Poemata quae extant. Engraved title, with portrait. i8mo, original gilt calf. Lugd. Bat. (Leyden) : Ex-officina Elzeviriana, 1628 2456 Rerum Scoticarum Historia, auctore Georgio Buchanano Scoto, ad Jacobum VI. Scotorum Regem. Accessit De Jure Regni apud Scotos Dialogus, eodem Georgio Buchanano auctore. Thick i2mo, cloth. Trajecti ad Rhenum (Utrecht), 1697 * With autograph on title of John Redman Coxe. 2457 [CALDER (ROBERT).] Scotch Presbyterian Eloquence Dis- played; or, the Folly of their Teaching discover'd from their Books, Sermons, Prayers, etc. i2mo, sheep. London, 1789 2458 CAMPBELL (DONALD). A Treatise on the Language, Poetry, and Music of the Highland Clans; with Illustrative Tradition and Anecdotes, and numerous Ancient Highland Airs. Royal 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1862 2459 CAMPBELL (J. F.) Popular Tales of the West Highlands, Orally collected. With a Translation. FIRST EDITION. 4 vols. crown 8vo, original cloth, gilt, with device of Celtic cross on sides (slightly soiled copy). Edinburgh, 1860-62 Scottisb Distort anfc ^Literature 299 2460 CAMPBELL (J. F.) Popular Tales of the West Highlands orally collected. With a translation by the late J. F. Campbell. New edi- tion (under the auspices of the Islay Association). 4 vols. post 8vo, cloth, gilt, with device of Celtic cross on sides. Paisley, 1890-93 * The best collection of Scotch Folk Tales. The fourth volume contains disserta- tions on Ossian, with the evidence, authorities, a collection of Gaelic traditions in support of the genuineness of the original materials which MacPherson used; chapters on Celtic Mythology, British Traditions, Highland Dress, Music, etc. 2461 Leabhar Na Feinne. Gaelic Texts. Heroic Gaelic Ballads collected in Scotland, chiefly from 1512 to 1871, copied from old manuscripts .... and rare books, and orally collected since 1859; with lists of collections, and of their contents, and short account of the documents quoted. Folio, cloth. All published. London: Printed for the Author, 1872 2462 CELTIC MAGAZINE (THE): A Monthly Periodical devoted to the Literature, History, Antiquities, Folk-Lore, Traditions, and the Social and Material Interests of the Celt at Home and Abroad. Conducted by Alexander Mackenzie and Alexander Macgregor. 7 vols. 8vo (5 vols. in half calf, 2 in cloth). Inverness, 1876-82 2463 CHALMERS (GEORGE). The Life of Thomas Ruddiman . . . to which are subjoined New Anecdotes of Buchanan. Portrait of Ruddiman by Bartolozzi. 8vo, old calf (rebacked). London, 1794 * The author's own copy, with MS. notes and corrections and his bookplate. Ruddiman was one of the leading printers and publishers of Edinburgh, where he set up his press in 1715. He was also chief librarian of the Advocates' Library from 1730 to 1752. The book contains an account of the books printed by him. 3464 CLANS AND TARTANS. The Scottish Clans and their Tartans. With Notes. 96 finely colored plates of tartans, with historical sketches of the clans. Seventh Edition. i6mo, pictorial cloth. Edinburgh: W. or* A. K. Johnston, n. d. * The original edition, not the American reprint. 2465 CLARK (JOHN). The Works of the Caledonian Bards, translated from the Gaelic. Vol. i (all published). i2mo, old calf (cover loose). Edinburgh, 1778 * VERY SCARCE. 2466 CLEISHBOTHAM THE YOUNGER. Handbook of the Scottish Language. i2mo, limp cloth, pp. 66. Edinburgh, 1858 2467 COMMON PRAYER IN GAELIC. Leabhar na H'Urnuigh Choitchionn .... maille ris an T-Saltair no Sailm Dhaibhidh. Post 8vo, cloth. Lunnuinn (London), 1881 * Gaelic and English in parallel columns. 300 Scottisb trtstors ant) ^Literature 2468 CURRIE (ARCHIBALD). The Principles of Gaelic Grammar. i2mo, cloth. Edinburgh: Printed for the Author, 182$ 2469 DICKSON (ROBERT). Introduction of the Art of Printing into Scotland. Facsimiles, etc. 8vo, cloth. Aberdeen, 1885 * No. 293 of 500 copies printed. 2470 DICKSON (R.) AND EDMOND (J. P.) Annals of Scottish Printing, from the Introduction of the Art in 1507 to the Beginning" of the 1 7th Century. With numerous facsimiles. 2 vols. 4to, boards, uncut. Cambridge, 1890 * Large Paper copy printed on Van Gelder Paper. Only 100 issued, this beingf No. 61. 2471 DOBSON (W. T.) History of the Bassandyne Bible, the first printed in Scotland, with Notices of the Early Printers of Scotland. Facsimiles. 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1887 2472 EDMONDSTON (T.) An Etymological Glossary of the Shetland and Orkney Dialect, with some derivations of names of Places in Shetland. 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1866 2473 FERGUSSON (JAMES). A short essay on the Age and Uses of the Brochs, and the Rude Stone Monuments of the Orkney Islands and the North of Scotland. 8vo, cloth, pp. 34. Presenta- tion copy from the author. London, 1877 2474 FORBES (A. P.) Kalendars of Scottish Saints, with Personal Notices of Alba, Laudonia, and Strathclyde. Facsimile. 4to, half morocco. Edinburgh, 1872 * Contains a reprint of the Kalendar Drummond Missal (the first time printed), the Kalendar of Herdmanston (i3th Cent.), the Kalendar of Culross (i4th Cent.), the Kalendar of Feme (i5th Cent.), and other early calendars. 2475 FORBES (JOHN). A Double Grammar of English and Gaelic, in which the Principles of both Languages are Clearly Explained. i2mo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1843 2476 GAELIC SOCIETY OF GLASGOW. Transactions. Vol. i, 1887-1891. Crown 8vo, cloth. Glasgow [1891 ?] *Among the Papers are, Some Rare Gaelic Books, by Masson ; Some Ancient Celtic Customs, by Whyte; Ancient Gaelic Medicine, by Clerk; The Relation of Celt and Norseman in Saga Times; Ancient Celtic Laws, by Macleod; etc. 2477 GRANT (MRS. ANNE, OF LAGGAN). Essays on the Supersti- tions of the Highlanders of Scotland; to which are added Trans- lations from the Gaelic; and Letters connected with those formerly published. 2 vols. crown 8vo, half roan (rubbed). London, 1811 Scottisb IbfstorE an& Xiterature 301 SCOTLAND, ITS HISTORY, ETC. Continued. 2478 GRANT (JAMES). Thoughts on the Origin and Descent of the Gael; with an Account of the Picts, Caledonians, and Scots, and observations relative to the Authenticity of the Poems of Ossian 8vo, boards (covers loose). Edinburgh, 1814 2479 GRANT (PETER).' Dan Spioradail. Le Paruig Grannd. Sixth Edition. i6mo, roan. Elgin, 1842 * An early edition of Peter Grant's Hymns. Bound at the end is " Laoidhean Spioradail," pp. 36 [by Grant ?]. 2480 Thirteenth Edition of the same. i6mo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1875 2481 HENDERSON (T. F.) Scottish Vernacular Literature. A Succinct History. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1898 2482 HEWISON (JAMES KING). The Isle of Bute in the Olden Time. With illustrations ', maps and plans. 2 vols. square royal 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1893 *Some of the chapters are: the Northmen and Vikings; the Irish Church; the Hermits; the Seven Sleepers; the Origin of the Royal Stewarts; Three Centuries of Civil Life in Bute; etc. 2483 [INNES (COSMO).] Concerning some Scotch Surnames. [Dedi- cation signed C. I.] Small 410, half roan, pp. 69. Edinburgh, 1860 2484 INNES (THOMAS). A Critical Essay on the Ancient Inhabit- ants of the Northern Parts of Britain or Scotland .... with an Ap- pendix of Ancient Manuscript Pieces. Reprinted from the original edition of 1729, with Memoir by George Grub. 8vo, cloth. (His- torians of Scotland Series.) Edinburgh, 1885 2485 IONA CLUB. Collectanea de Rebus Albanicis. Edited by the lona Club. With the Transactions of the Club. 8vo, half calf. Edinburgh: Privately Printed for the Members, 1839 *A complete set of the four numbers, and all that was ever published. They were edited by the well-known Scotch antiquary W. F. Skene, and contain "Docu- ments illustrating the History of Icolmkill, by Donald Gregory; Documents illus- trative of the Custom of Fosterage in the Highlands; Genealogies of the High- land Clans, from a MS. circa 1450, with Translation, etc., by \V. F. Skene; Ex- tracts from the Ynglinga Saga, the Islands Landnamabok, and the Laxdaela Saga, translated by Skene; the Gaelic poem "A Eolcha Albain Uile," translated by Skene; More extracts from the Orkneyinga, Niala, and other sagas, translated by Skene," etc. VERY SCARCE. 302 Scottlsb 1bistor anfc ^Literature 2486 IRVINE (CHRISTOPHER). Historiae Scoticae Nomenclatura Latino-Vernacula. Multis Flosculis, ex antiquis Albinorum Monu- mentis, & Lingua Galeciorum prisca decerptis, Adspersa. In gratiam eorum, qui Scotorum Nomen, & veritatis Numen colunt. Christo- phorus Irvinus Abs Bon-Bosco, Auspice Summo Numine, concin- navit. i2mo, cloth, pp. 96. Edinburgh Sumptibus quorundam Bibliopolarum Edinburgensium : Typisque Jacobi Watson, in Vico Vulgo dicto Craig s Closs., M.DC.XC. VII [1697]. * Although the title is in Latin, the explanations are in English. SCARCE. 2487 IRVING (DAVID). The History of Scottish Poetry. Edited by J. A. Carlyle. With Memoir and Glossary. 8vo, full morocco gilt, gilt edges. Edinburgh, 1861 2488 JAMIESON (JOHN). Jamieson's Dictionary of the Scottish Lan- guage. Abridged by John Johnston. New edition, revised and enlarged by John Longmuir. Thick 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1867 2489 JOHNSTON (T. B.) AND ROBERTSON (J. A.) The Histori- cal Geography of the Clans of Scotland. Second Edition. Large folding map, and other maps and plans. 4to, cloth. Edinburgh, 1873 2490 KELTIE (JOHN S.) History of the Scottish Highlands, High- land Clans, aud Highland Regiments. With an account of the Gaelic Language, Literature, and Music, by the Rev. T. Maclaurin, and an Essay on Highland Scenery, by the late Prof. John Wilson. Illustrated with portraits, views, maps, clan tartans, and upwards of 200 woodcuts in the text. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half calf. Edinburgh, 1875 2491 KNOX'S LITURGY. The Book of Common Order, commonly called John Knox's Liturgy. Translated into Gaelic, Anno Domini 1567, by Mr. John Carswell, Bp. of the Isles. Edited by T. Mc- Lauchlan. Small 410, half roan. Edinburgh, 1873 2492 LAUDER (SIR THOMAS DICK). Highland Legends. The two volumes in one. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1880 2493 Tales of the Highlands. 6 illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1881 2494 LESLIE (FORBES). The Early Races of Scotland and their Monuments. Numerous full-page plates. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1866 * On the primitive stone monuments and inscriptions of Scotland, with comparisons from other countries, and notices of ancient beliefs of Britain and Caledonia. Scottisb Ibfstors anfc Xiterature 303 2495 LISMORE (THE DEAN OF). The Dean of Lismore's Book. A Selection of Ancient Gaelic Poetry, from a MS. Collection made in the beginning of the i6th Century. Edited, with translation and Notes, by the Rev. T. McLauchlan. Introduction and additional Notes by W. F. Skene. Facsimile. 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1862 * A manuscript collection of poetry made by Sir James McGregor, Dean of Lismore, in the i6th Century. This should not be confused with the " Book of Lismore," an Irish Manuscript of the loth Century. 2496 LOGAN (JAMES). The Scottish Gael; or, Celtic Manners, as preserved among the Highlanders: being an Historical and Descrip- tive Account of the Inhabitants, Antiquities, and National Peculi- arities of Scotland, more particularly of the Northern or Gaelic parts . . . where the singular Habits of the Aboriginal Celts are most tenaciously retained. Edited, with Memoir of Logan, and Notes by the Rev. Alex. Stewart. 6 colored plates^ and numerous other illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Scarce. Inverness, n. d. [1876] 2497 M'ALPINE (NEIL). A Pronouncing Gaelic (Gaelic-English and English-Gaelic) Dictionary. Third Edition. 2 vols. crown 8vo (wants binding; both volumes interleaved with blank paper). Edinburgh, 1847 * The English-Gaelic part of this was really written by John Mackenzie. To it he wrote a preface somewhat criticising the first part. By the error of the publishers this was placed at the beginning of the first (the Gaelic-English) part, so that Mac- kenzie's appears without a preface, while McAlpine's has a preface criticising it. The result wa%that the latter became the mortal enemy of the author of the " Beauties of Gaelic Poetry " for the rest of his life. 2498 M'ARTHUR (JOHN). The Antiquities of Arran, with a Histor- ical Sketch of the Island, embracing an Account of the Sudreyjar under the Norsemen. Map and n archaeological plates. 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1873 2499 MacCALLUM (A. K.) Laiodhean Agus Dain Spioradail. (Hymns and Spiritual Songs in Gaelic.) Crown 8vo, cloth. Glasgow, 1894 * Many of the songs and hymns are ancient Gaelic compositions; among the more modern are translations from Longfellow and others. 2500 MACDONALD (ALEXANDER). Eiseirigh na Seann Chanain Albannaich. Le Alastair Donullach. i6mo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1874 * The most noted of the i8th Century Gaelic poets, and containing many Jacobite songs. Perhaps the most celebrated of all the later Gaelic poems, his " Birlinn Chlannraonuill " (the Barque of Clan Ranald), is contained in the volume. Alastair Mac Mhaighstir Alastair was also the author of the first Gaelic vocabulary, and made the first collection of the native songs of his country. 304 Scottisb ftfstorg anfc ^Literature 2501 MACDONALD (DR. JOHN). Marbhrainn, a rinneadh air Diad- hairibh Urramach, nach Maireann; agus Dana Spioradail Eile. i6mo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1885 * Gaelic poems by " The Apostle of the North." 2502 MACFARLANE (P.) A New and Copious Vocabulary . . . Eng- lish and Gaelic, and Gaelic and English, with a few Directions for reading the Gaelic. 8vo, boards (loose). Autograph on title of James Macpherson. Edinburgh, 1815 2503 MACINTYRE (DUNCAN BAN). Songs and Poems in Gaelic. Twelfth Edition. With a translation of two of the pieces. i6mo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1901 * A short and interesting Memoir is prefixed. Duncan Macintyre, or Donnacha Bannan Oran, i. ^literature 2552 SMITH (R. ANGUS). Loch Etive and the Sons of Uisnach. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. London, 1885 2553 SMITH (JOHN). Galic Antiquities: consisting of a History of the Druids, particularly of those of Caledonia; a Dissertation on the Authenticity of the poems of Ossian ; and a Collection of Ancient Poems, translated from the Galic of Ullin, Ossian, Orran,etc,, 1780^ bound with it is, Ancient Poems of Ossian, Orran, Ullin, etc., col- lected in the Western Highlands and Isles, being the originals of the translations in the Gaelic Antiquities, 1787. 410, old calf. Edinburgh, 1780-87 2554 STENHOUSE (W.) Illustrations of the Lyric Poetry and Music of Scotland. 8vo, cloth. (The original issue, with a new title-page.) Edinburgh, 1853 2555 STEVENSON (WILLIAM). The Legends and Commemora- tive Celebrations of St. Kentigern, his Friends and Disciples. Translated from the Aberdeen Breviary and the Arbuthnott Missal, with an Illustrative Appendix. Small 4to, half roan. Edinburgh, 1874 * Only 200 printed. The original Latin text is included. 2556 STEWART (ALEXANDER AND DONALD). Cochruinneacha Taoghta de Shaothair nan Bard Gaeleach. A choice Collection of the Works of the Highland Bards collected in the Highlands and Isles. 2 vols. in one. 8vo, original boards. Dunedin, 1804 * Very rare. A Gaelic-English Glossary is appended. 2557 STEWART (CHARLES). The Gaelic Kingdom in Scotland, its Origin and Church. With sketches of Notable Breadalbane and Glenlyon Saints. Crown 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1880 2558 STEWART (DAVID). Sketches of the Character, Manners, and Present State of the Highlanders of Scotland, with details of the Military Service of the Highland Regiments. Colored map showing the location of the Clans. Third Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, scored calf. Edinburgh, 1825 * The account of the Highland Regiments includes narratives of their services in America. 2 559 WILSON (DANIEL). Pre-Historic Annals of Scotland. Second Edition. Numerous illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt. London, 1863 2560 WISE (THOMAS A.) History of Paganism in Caledonia, with an Examination into the Influence of Asiatic Philosophy, and the Gradual Development of Christianity in Pictavia. 2 full-page plates \ and numerous illustrations in the text. 410, cloth. London, 1884 Scottisb Distort atto ^Literature 311 2561 WINTOUN'S CHRONICLE. The Orygynale Cronykil of Scotland by Andrew of Wyntoun. Edited by David Laing. Fac- similes. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. (Historians of Scotland Series.) Edinburgh, 1872-79 Males, its 1bistor\>, ^Language, anb Hntiquities* 2562 ANEURIN (WELSH BARD OF THE SIXTH CENTURY). Y Gododin. A Poem on the Battle of Cattreath by Aneurin. With an English translation, and numerous Historical and Critical Annotations. By the Rev. J. W[illiams] Ab Ithel. Post 8vo, cloth. Scarce. Llandovery, 1852 * The basis of the translation is a MS. apparently written about the year 1200. The battle described is one between the Britons and the Saxons, which lasted a week, probably in the year 700, and terminated by the victory of the invaders. 2563 ARCH^EOLOGIA CAMBRENSIS. A Record of the Antiqui- ties of Wales and its Marches. Vol. \. Arch&ological illustrations. 8vo, half calf. London, 1846 2564 BIBLE. The Old and New Testaments. 8vo, cloth. London: The British and Foreign Bible Society, n. d. [1880?] 2565 CARADOC OF LLANCARVAN. The History of Wales, written originally in British by Caradoc of Lhancarvan. Englished by Dr. Powell, and augmented by W. Wynne. To which is added a description of Wales by Sir John Price. New edition, greatly im- proved and enlarged, with pedigrees of families. Vignette of a Druid on title, and folding plate of the Kings and Princes of Wales. 8vo, old calf, gilt. Fine copy. London, 1774 * Caradoc's chronicle was written as a continuation of that by Geoffrey of Mon- mouth, commencing where the latter ended. He was a contemporary of Geoffrey. 2566 LHOYD (HUMFREY). The Historic of Cambria, now called Wales, a part of the most famous Yland of Brytaine, written in the Brytish Language above two hundreth yeares past. Translated into English by H. Lhoyd, Gentleman, corrected, augmented and con- tinued out of Records and best Approved Authors by David Powell. 1584. 410, half russia (joints cracked). London, Reprinted, 1811 * A reprint, with reproductions of the original woodcuts, of the rare original edition of 1584. This history is founded on that of Caradoc of Llancarvan. Welsb Ifotstors an& ^literature 2567 CARADOC OF LLANCARVAN. The History of Wales. Writ- ten originally in British by Caradoc of Llancarvan. Translated into English by Dr. Powell, augmented by W. Wynne. Revised and cor- rected and a collection of Topographical Notices attached thereto by Richard Llwyd. Thick 8vo, half cloth, uncut. Scarce. Shrewsbury, 1832 2568 COMMON PRAYER IN WELSH. Llyfr Gweddi Gyffredin, etc. (Common Prayer and Psalms.) Small 4to, cloth. London: 6". P. C. K., 1890 2569 DAVIES (EDWARD). Celtic Researches on the Origin, Tra- ditions and Language of the Ancient Britons, with some Introduc- tory Sketches of Primitive Society. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1804 2570 DE COSTA (B. F.) Myvyrian Archaiology: the Precolumbian Voyages of the Welsh to America. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 12. Albany, 1891 2571 DRUID'S MAGAZINE (THE). A Compendium of Druidical Proceedings during the year 5836, with Original and Select Pieces in Prose and Verse. Illustrations on India paper and portrait of R. Mills. Vol. 3. 8vo, cloth. London: Published by the Proprietor, R. Willoughby, 1832 * Contains a series of articles giving the history of the Ancient Druids. 2572 EVANS (DANIEL SILVAN). An English and Welsh Diction- ary, adapted to the Present State of Science and Literature, in which the English Words are deduced from their originals and explained by their Synonyms in the Welsh Language. 2 thick 8vo vols., cloth (Vol. i, pp. 868; Vol. 2, pp. 1094) Denbigh, 1852 (Reprint, 1899) 2573 EVANS, RICHARDS AND WALTERS. An English and Welsh Vocabulary, by Thomas Evans, to which is subjoined a Grammar of the Welsh Language, by the late Rev. Thomas Richards ; also a Dissertation on the Welsh Language, by the late Rev. John Walters. Post 8vo, half roan, pp. 66-f-64-j-52. Dolgelly, 1816 2574 HENGWRT MSS. Selections from the Hengwrt MSS. preserved in the Peniarth Library. Vol. i, Y Seint Greal, being the Adven- tures of King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table in the Quest of the Holy Greal, originally written about the year 1200, with transla- tion and glossary by the Rev. R. Williams, Vol. 2, Campeu Charly- maen (the Gests of Charlemagne), Purdic Padric (Patrick's Purga- tory), Y Seith Pechawt Marwawl (the Seven Deadly Sins), Evengyl Nicodemus, Seith Doethion Ruvein (Seven Wise Men of Rome), etc. With Translation by the Rev. R. Williams and G. Hartwell Jones. 2 vols. thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1876-92 Ibfstors anfc literature 313 2 575 JAMES (REV. J.) Essay on the Philosophical Construction of Celtic Nomenclature, more particularly in reference to the Welsh Names of Places in Wales . . . with Vocabulary of Celtic Names of Places in Scotland. Crown 8vo, cloth (MS. Index inserted at end). Bristol, 1869 2576 JONES (OWEN) AND WILLIAMS (EDWARD). The Myvyrian Archaiology of Wales, collected out of Ancient Manu- scripts. FIRST EDITION. 3 vols. 8vo, old calf. London, 1801-1807 * The First collection of ancient Welsh prose and verse, containing transcripts of manuscripts from the fifth century to a comparatively recent period. The fol- lowing lot is a later edition, with some additional pieces. 2577 JONES (OWEN), WILLIAMS (EDWARD), AND PUGHE (WILLIAM OWEN). The Myvyrian Archaiology of Wales collected out of Ancient Manuscripts. To which has been added Additional Notes upon the " Gododin," an English Translation of the Laws of Howell the Good, and an Explanatory Chapter on Ancient British Music, by John Thomas. Map. Very thick 8vo, cloth. Denbigh, 1861-70 * SCARCE. 2578 MABINOGION (THE). The Mabinogion from the Welsh of the Llyfr Coch O Hergest (The Red Book of Hergest), in the Library of Jesus College, Oxford. Translated, with Notes, by Lady Charlotte Guest. Royal 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top. London, 1877 2579 MAGAZINE ARTICLES. The Welsh and their literature (Lond. Quart., 1861); The Four Ancient Books of Wales (N. Brit. Rev., 1868); Bards of the Sixth Century Stonehenge (Lond. Quart., 1852); The Poems of Dafydd ab Gwilim (West. Rev., 1873); Druids and Bards, by J. Hill Burton (Edin. Rev., 1863). 5 pieces. 8vo, paper covers. 2580 [OWEN (ANEURIN).] Ancient Laws and Institutes of Wales, comprising Laws supposed to be enacted by Howel the Good, modified by Regulations . . . prior to Edward I., and Anomalous Laws . . . which by the Statute of Ruddlan were admitted to con- tinue in Force; with an English translation; to which are added a few Latin transcripts containing Digests of the Welsh Laws, prin- cipally of the Dimetian Code. With Indexes and Glossary. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. (Vol. 2 loose in its covers.) London, 1841 3H Welsb 1bfstor anfc ^Literature 2581 PARRY (JOHN H.) The Cambrian Plutarch: comprising Memoirs of some. of the Most Eminent Welshmen from the Earliest Times to the Present, including the substance of all Previous Researches. 8vo, cloth. London, 1834 2582 PHILLIPS (T. LLOYD). Llawiadur i'r laith Seisonog. English- Welsh handbook. (Vocabulary and conversations.) i6mo, cloth. Dinbych, 1856 2583 PRICE (THOMAS). The Literary Remains of the Rev. Thomas Price, Carnhuanowe. Portrait and illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, full blue calf, gilt. Llandovery, 1854-55 * On the Remains of Ancient Literature in Welsh, Irish, and Gaelic; The Influence of Welsh Traditions on European Literature; The History and Literature of Wales, 1080-1294; The Statutes of Rhuddlan; etc. 2584 PUGHE (W. OWEN). A Dictionary of the Welsh Language explained in English, with numerous illustrations from the Literary Remains, and from the Living Speech of the Cymmry. To which is prefixed a Welsh Grammar. (Also at the end "An Outline of the Characteristics of the Welsh, "by the same author.) Second Edition. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Denbigh, 1832 2585 REES (W. J.) Lives of the Cambro British Saints of the Fifth and immediate succeeding Centuries, from Ancient Welsh and Latin MSS. in the British Museum and elsewhere, with English Translations and Explanatory Notes, frontispiece. Royal 8vo, cloth. (The Welsh MSS. Society.) Llandovery, 1853 * SCARCE. The lives are mostly from MSS. of the i2th Century, and include lives of Saints Brynach, Beino, Cadoc, Carannog, David, Gwynllyw, Illtyd, Cybi, Padarn, Winefred, Catharine, Margaret, Aidus, Brendanus, and Tathan, with some additional matter. 2586 ROWLAND (REV. T.) Grammar of the Welsh Language . . . with copious examples from some of the most correct Welsh writers. Post 8vo, cloth. Holywell, 1853 2587 ROWLANDS (REV. WILLIAM). Cambrian Bibliography: containing an Account of the Books printed in the Welsh Lan- guage, or relating to Wales from the year 1546 to the end of the i8th Century. Edited and enlarged by the Rev. D. Silvan Evans. Thick 8vo, cloth. Llanidloes, 1869 2588 Another copy. 8vo, half roan, uncut. Llanidloes, 1869 TKHelsb Ibtstors ant> ^Literature 315 2589 SCHULZ (ALBERT). An Essay on the Influence of Welsh Tradition upon the Literature of Germany, France, and Scandinavia. Translated from the German. 8vo, limp boards. Llandovery, 1841 2590 SIKES (WIRT). British Goblins, Welsh Folk-Lore, Fairy Myth- ology, Legends, and Traditions. Illustrated. 8vo, half red calf, gilt. London, 1880 2591 SKENE (W. F.) The Four Ancient Books of Wales, containing the Cymric Poems attributed to the Bards of the Sixth Century. Facsimiles. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1868 * These volumes contain the Black Book of Caermarthen, the Book of Aneurin, the Book of Taliessin, and the Red Book of Hergest, with translations, historical notes, criticisms, chapters on the Literature of Wales, the Picts, and the Races of Britain, etc. 2592 SPURRELL (WILLIAM). A Grammarof the Welsh Language. Second Edition. Post 8vo, cloth. Caermarthen, 1853 2593 A Welsh-English and English-Welsh Dictionary. The two parts in one volume. Thick i2mo, cloth. Caermarthen, 1872-89 3594 STEPHENS (THOMAS). The Literature of the Kymry, being a Critical Essay on the History and Literature of Wales during the izth, and two succeeding Centuries. Containing numerous Speci- mens of Ancient Welsh Poetry in the Original . . . with Transla- tions, etc. 8vo, cloth. Scarce. Llandovery, 1849 2595 Madoc, An Essay on the Discovery of America by Madoc Ap Owen Gwynedd in the i2th Century. Edited by Llywarch Rey- nolds. 8vo, cloth. London, 1893 2596 TOLAND (JOHN). A Critical History of the Celtic Religion and Learning, containing an Account of the Druids, or the Priests and Judges; of the Vaids, or the Diviners and Physicians; and of the Bards, or the Poets and Heralds; of the Ancient Gauls, Britons, Irish, and Scots; with the history of Abaris, the Hyperborian, Priest of the Sun. With life of the author. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, n. d. [circa 1812] 2 597 A New Edition of Toland's History of the Druids, with an abstract of his Life and Writings; and a copious Appendix, containing Notes, Critical, Philological, and Explanatory. By R. Huddleston. 8vo, half calf. Montrose, 1814 316 Melsb Ibfstors anfc literature 2598 VAUGHAN (H. H.) Welsh Proverbs with English Translations. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1889 2599 WARRINGTON (REV. W.) The History of Wales. 2 folding maps, and folding table of the descents of the Princes of Wales. 8vo, old calf (joints cracked). Old bookplate of the Rev. H. Hawes in each volume. London, 1791 2600 WILKINS (C.) The History of the Literature of Wales, from the year 1300 to 1650. 8vo, cloth. Cardiff, 1884 2601 WILLIAMS (EDWARD). lolo Manuscripts. A Selection of Ancient Welsh Manuscripts from the Collection made by the late E. Williams for the purpose of forming a continuation of the Myfyrian Archaeology, and subsequently proposed as Materials for a new History of Wales. With English translations and Notes by his son, the late Taliesin Williams. Plates. Royal 8vo, half mo- rocco, gilt top, uncut. Llandovery, 1848 * Only a limited number printed for the subscribers of the Welsh MSS. Society. The manuscripts include not only those of historical and genealogical value, but folk tales, popular fables, etc. .2602 WILLIAMS (REV. JOHN). Gomer; or, A Brief Analysis of the Language and Knowledge of the Ancient Cymry. 8vo, cloth. London, 1854 2603 WILLIAMS AB ITHEL (REV. JOHN). Dosparth Edeyrn Davod Aur; or, The Ancient Welsh Grammar, which was compiled by Royal command in the i3th Century by Edeyrn the Golden Tongued, to which is added Y Pam Llyfr Kerddwriaeth, or the rules of Welsh poetry, originally compiled by Davydd ddu Athraw in the Mth, and subsequently enlarged by Simwnt Vychan in the i6th Century. With English translation and Notes. 8vo, cloth. (The Welsh MSS. Society.) Llandovery, 1856 2604 Annales Cambriae. Facsimile. 8vo, half roan. London, 1860 * The original Chronicles were written somewhere between the Sixth and Twelfth Centuries, and form the oldest historical documents relating to the History of Wales. Melsb tnstorE anfc ^Literature 317 2605 WILLIAMS AB ITHEL (REV. JOHN). Brut y Ty wysogion ; or, the Chronicle of the Princes. Edited by the Rev. John Williams Ab Ithel. 3 facsimiles. Royal 8vo, half roan. London, 1860 * The original manuscript is attributed to Caradoc of Llancarvan (i 2th Century). This contains the text, together with a translation, Introduction, Glossary, and Index. 2606 The Traditionary Annals of the Cymry. 8vo, cloth, un- cut. Tenby, 1867 SCARCE. 2607 WILLIAMS (REV. ROBERT). A Biographical Sketch of some of the most Eminent Individuals which the Principality of Wales has produced since the Reformation. i6mo, bound by ALFRED MATTHEWS in half calf gilt, gilt top. London, 1836 I BT No. 492 1906 The Private Library of Wilberforce Eames w* Part ffl .-' ^'t ^ - < , literature, Sauguagcs an& Baccs of Curopr , illinimilliniinii vv> iiuniiiiini "' iiMllllllllllimm'i mm lii-iiil f!l ST.. NEW YORK. 1 /^M '/!' /=' / %' CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Mtflberfom J8atne0 (OF THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY) PART III The History, Language, Literature, Religion, Ethnography, Folk-Lore, etc., of the European Countries SALE AT AUCTION th AND TUDAY, NOVEMBER 26 th AND 2y 1906 BY Clje Sntierfion Auction Companp 5 West 29th Street, New York THE SALES TAKE PLACE EACH DAY AT 3 O'CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON, AND AT 7.30 O'CLOCK IN THE EVENING TELEPHONE: 3150 MADISON N. B. AH bids arc understood to be at so much per volume or piece tDouqlaa Hauler & Co. < ConMtione of Sale. I The highest bidder to be the Buyer; in all cases of disputed bids, the lot shall be immediately re-sold. 2 Books are sold per volume, other articles per piece, unless otherwise stated in Catalogue, and bids must be made accordingly. 3 Books are presumed to be perfect unless otherwise stated. To pur- chasers who have had opportunity for examination, they are sold as they are. On mail orders, an intelligent discretion will be used as to purchase. Imperfect books (not so described) may be returned within three days. 4 To prevent confusion and inaccuracy, goods will not be delivered dur- ing the sale. 5 Terms Cash. Bills to be paid before delivery of goods. J* Bids will be faithfully executed by the Anderson Auction Co. without charge. <$rt>er of Sale Monday Afternoon, November 26th, commencing at 3 o'clock (Lots 2608 to 2889 inclusive). Monday Evening. November 26th, commencing at 7.30 o'clock (Lots 2890 to 3172 inclusive). Tuesday Afternoon, November 27th, commencing at 3 o'clock (Lots 3173 to 3454 inclusive). Tuesday Evening, November 27th, commencing at 7.30 o'clock (Lots 3455 to 3735 inclusive). Sale will be conducted bg <5eorge D. dfcorse auctioneer THE books included in this catalogue, forming Part III of Mr. Eames' library, relate exclusively to the European Countries and their History, Languages, Archaeology, Religion and Literature from the earliest times to the present day. They naturally fall into two main groups : first, the Ancient Greeks and Romans, and, secondly, the Nationalities that were founded as the power of Rome decayed. Each division will be found well covered, that of Greece and Rome especially so. Nearly all of the principal authors are represented in the best editions, in the original texts, with commentaries and translations, together with the Bibliographies of the special subjects. Folk-Lore, Religion, Art and Archae- ology are likewise thoroughly well covered. The second main group the European Countries in general is arranged alphabetically, for convenience of refer- ence. Among the books of more than ordinary interest will be noted Leigh Hunt's copy of Thomas Taylor's " Mystical Hymns of Orpheus," with manuscript annotations (No. 2993) ; the first English translation of Appian, 1578 (No. 2800); Sir John Davies' translation of the same, 1679 (No. 2801) ; the Editio Princeps of Diogenes Laertius, 1533 (No. 2841) ; the only two books printed at Hibbert's Private Greek Press, with the characteristically humorous prefaces (Nos. 2879, 2880) ; a collec- tion of books on the Gypsies (No. 3429-3454), including several of rarity ; editions of the Scandinavian Sagas, and a valuable collection of books on the Troubadours and the Provencal language. We may add, in conclusion, that in the second division seventy-four different European languages are repre- sented. As usual in this library, all of the books are in fine and clean condition. THE PRINCIPAL DIVISIONS. Sessions First and Second the History, Language, Literature, etc., of Greece and Rome. BOOKS RELATING GENERALLY TO GREECE AND ROME 2608 to 2646 GREEK AND LATIN INSCRIPTIONS ... . 2647 " 2658 GREEK AND LATIN PALAEOGRAPHY . . 2659 " 2673 GREECE History, Religion, Art, etc. . . . 2674 " 2753 THE GREEK LANGUAGE (Ancient) . . 2754 " 2765 THE GREEK LANGUAGE (Mediaeval) . . 2766 ' 2767 MODERN GREECE Language, Literature, Folk-Lore, etc. ......... 2768 " 2784 GREEK LITERATURE Classical Authors, Bibliography, Commentaries, Translations, etc. . . . 2785 " 3022 THE LATIN LANGUAGE (Ancient) . . . 3 2 3 " 3032 THE LATIN LANGUAGE (Medioeval) . 3033 '' 3034 POMPEII . . . 3035 " 3038 ROMAN HISTORY, ANTIQUITIES, ETC. . . . 3039 " 3062 ROMAN LAW .... . 3063 " 3078 LATIN LITERATURE Classical Authors, Editions, Trans- lations, etc. . . . 3079 " 3172 Third and Fourth Sessions the European Languages and Races. (This division is arranged alphabetically according to the name of the language. Nos. 3173 to 3735 ) ZEbe Ibietor^ ^Language anb literature of (Sreece anb IRome, (Sreefc anfc IRoman ((Seneral). 2608 BAUMEISTER (A.) Denkmaler des Klassischen Altertums zur Erlauterung des Lebens der Griechen und Romer in Religion, Kunst, und Sitte. 1,400 illustrations and maps. 3 vols., in the 68 original parts. 410. (As 3 vols.) Munich, 1884-88 2609 BOTFIELD (BERIAH). Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics and of the Sacred Scriptures. 410, half roan, gilt top, uncut. London, 1861 * Prefixed is a lengthy introduction on the early editors, and the sources of the learning of the Middle Ages. 2610 BUNBURY (E. H.) A History of Ancient Geography among the Greeks and Romans. Second Edition. 20 maps, a vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1883 2611 DIBDIN (T. F.) An Introduction to the Knowledge of Rare and Valuable Editions of the Greek and Latin Classics, together with an Account of Polyglot Bibles and Psalters, Hebrew Bibles, Greek Bibles, etc. Fourth Edition, greatly enlarged and corrected. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1827 2612 ELY (TALFOURD). Manual of Archaeology. Index, and 114 illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1890 2613 ENGELMANN (W.) Bibliotheca Scriptorum Classicorum et Graecorum et Latinorum. Alphabetisches Verzeichniss der Aus- gaben, Uebersetzungen und Erlauterungschriften . . . vom Jahre 1700 bis gegen ende des Jahres 1858. Siebente Auflage. 8vo, half roan. Leipzig, 1858 2614 ERASMUS. Des. Erasmi Dialogus de Recta Latini Graecique Sermonis Pronuntiatione, Ludg. Bat. (Leyden), 1643; also in the same volume, Erasmi de Sarcienda EcclesiK Concordia, Lugd. Bat., 1642. In one vol., i6mo, old calf. 319 320 Ifoistorp, ^Language ant) ^Literature GREEK AND ROMAN (GENERAL) Continued. 2615 GUDEMANN (A.) Outlines of the History of Classical Philology. Third Edition, revised and enlarged. Crown 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1897 2616 GUHL (E.) AND KONER (W.) The Life of the Greeks and Romans described from Antique Monuments. Translated by F. Hueffer. New Edition. With 543 illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1889 2617 HADLEY (JAMES). Essays Philological and Critical. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1873 * Essays on the lonians, Byzantine Pronunciation of Greek in the loth Century, Early English Pronunciation, Hebrew Chronology, the Language of Palestine at the time of Christ, etc. 2618 HARPER'S Dictionary of Classical Literature and Antiquities. Edited by Harry Thurston Peck. Numerous illustrations. Thick royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 1701. New York, 1898 2619 HARVARD STUDIES IN CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY. Vol. 9. Portrait. 8vo, boards. Boston, 1898 *The Duenos Inscription, Etymologies, etc., by Professor Allen; Ramenta Plautina. other Critical Notes, etc., by Prof. Lane, etc. 2620 KEIGHTLEY (T.) The Mythology of Ancient Greece and Italy. Second Edition, considerably enlarged and improved. 12 full-page plates. 8vo, cloth. London, 1838 2621 KING (C. W.) Antique Gems, their Origin, Uses and Value. . . with Hints to Gem Collectors. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1860 2622 Handbook- of Engraved Gems. Second Edition. Illustrated. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1885 2623 MAYOR (J. B.) Guide to the Choice of Classical Books. Second Edition. i2mo, cloth. London, 1879 2624 MOSS (J. W.) A Manual of Classical Bibliography, comprising a copious detail of the Various Editions of the Greek and Latin Clas- sics . . . with an account of the Principal Translations into English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. (Second Edition, with Supplement.) London, 1837 2625 MULLER (C. O.) Ancient Art and its Remains ; or, a Manual of the Archaeology of Art. New Edition, with numerous additions by F. G. Welcker. Translated by J. Leitch. 8vo, cloth. London, 1852 of 0reece anb IRome 321 GREEK AND ROMAN (GENERAL) Continued. 2626 PAPILLON (T. L.) A Manual of Comparative Philology as applied to the Greek and Latin Inflections. Post 8vo, cloth. (Clar- endon Press Series.) Oxford, 1876 2627 PEILE (J.) An Introduction to Greek and Latin Etymology. Second Edition. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1872 2628 PERRY (W. C.) Greek and Roman Sculpture. A Popular In- troduction to the History of Greek and Roman Sculpture. 268 illus- trations. Square 8vo, full tree calf, gilt, by RIVIERE (joints weak). London, 1882 2629 PETISCUS (A. H.) The Gods of Olympus; or, Mythology of the Greeks and Romans. Translated, and edited from the 2oth edi- tion of Petiscus, by K. A. Raleigh. Preface by Jane E. Harrison. Numerous illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1892 2630 QUARITCH (BERNARD). A Catalogue of Greek and Latin Classics, also of Modern Latinists, and of Works upon Classical Philology, Greek and Roman Archaeology and History. (With prices.) Royal 8vo, half roan. London, Sept., 1893 2631 REDFORD (G.) A Manual of Ancient Sculpture: Egyptian-Assy- rian-Greek-Roman. Second Edition, enlarged. Numerous illustra- tions and map. 8vo, cloth. London, 1886 2632 ROBERTS (W.) History of Letter-Writing, from the Earliest Period to the Fifth Century. 8vo, half calf. London: W. Pickering^ 1843 * A scarce and interesting volume. The chapters are as follows: Origin and Primi- tive History of Letter-writing ; Mechanism and Materials of Letter-writing ; Pens, Pencils, and Ink; Forms of Ancient Letters; Conveyance by Post; followed by trans- lations of famous letters. 2633 SCHMIDT (J. H. H.) An Introduction to the Rhythmic and Metric of the Classical Languages, to which are added the Lyric parts of the Medea of Euripides and Antigone of Sophocles, with Rhythmical Schemes and Commentary. Translated by J. W. White. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1880 2634 SCHREIBER (TH.) Atlas of Classical Antiquities. Edited by Prof. W. C. F. Anderson, and Preface by Prof. Percy Gardner. Oblong 410, cloth. London, 1895 anfc literature GREEK AND ROMAN (GENERAL) Continued. 2635 [SMITH (A. H.)] Catalogue of Engraved Gems in the British Museum (Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities). Revised, with Introduction, by A. S. Murray. Frontispiece and 10 plates ', con- taining numerous specimens of Greek and Oriental gems, scaravs, etc. izmo, cloth. London, 1888 2636 Catalogue of Sculpture in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities, British Museum. 12 plates. Vol. i (all pub- lished). 8vo, cloth. London, 1892 2637 SMITH (WILLIAM). Chronological Tables of Greek and Roman History, Civil and Literary . . . with Tables of Greek and Roman Measures. 8vo, cloth. London, 1849 2638 Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. Numerous illus- trations. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1842 2639 Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. Second Edi- tion, improved and enlarged. Numerous illustrations. Thick 8vo, full red morocco. London, 1848 2640 Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. Numerous illustrations. 3 vols. thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1844-49 2641 Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. Numerous illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, full calf, gilt. London, 1854-57 2642 WALKER (J.) A Key to the Classical Pronunciation of Greek, Latin, and Scripture Proper Names. With . . . important emenda- tions by W. Trollope. 8vo, cloth. London, 1831 2643 WESTROPP (H. M.) Handbook of Archaeology. Egyptian- Greek-Etruscan-Roman. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth. (News- paper cuttings and extra-illustrations laid in on Archseological subjects.) London, 1867 2644 WISSOWA (GEORG). Paulys Real-Encyclopadie der Classi- schen Altertumswissenschaft. Neue Bearbeitung, von G. Wissowa. Erster Band (Aal-Apollokrates). Thick royal 8vo, half morocco, pp. 2902. Stuttgart, 1894 2645 PAMPHLETS. Goodspeed, Alexandrian Hexameter Fragments, 1903; Ingraham, De Alcmanis Dialecto, N. Y. 1877; Archseological Society of America and Arch. Instil., 5 different papers, by J. T. Clarke, C. Waldstein, and others; Call, The Sibyl (from Theol. Rev., Oct., 1870); Statutset Reglement de la Societe Philhellenique & Amsterdam, 1888. (9 pieces.) of (Breece anb IRome 323 GREEK AND ROMAN (GENERAL) Continued. 2646 MAGAZINE ARTICLES. Various Magazine Articles from the North British Review, the Quarterly Review, Nineteenth Century, and other Periodicals, including Froude's A Cagliostro of the Second Century; Freeman's Primeval Archaeology of Rome; Whewell on Grote's Plato; Beecher on the Hymn of Cleanthes; Cox on the Homeric Poems; etc. From 1845 to I ^9S- (27 pieces.) (Sreefc anb Xatin Inscriptions. 2647 ALLEN (F. D.) Remnants of Early Latin. Crown 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1880 2648 BAILIE (J. K.) Fasciculus Inscriptionum Graecarum quas apud Sedes Apocalypticas Chartis mandatas. Edidit J. K. Bailie. 4to, cloth. London, 1842 * Greek inscriptions found on the sites of the Seven Churches Ephesus, Philadel- phia, Pergamus, Sardis, etc. 2649 BRITISH MUSEUM. The Collection of Ancient Greek In- scriptions in the British Museum, edited by C. T. Newton. Part I., Attika; Part II. (from Bceotia, Megara, etc.); Part III (Section I. Priene and lasos, II. Ephesos) ; Part IV., Section I., (Knidos, Hali- karnassos and Branchidae.) Together 5 vols. Folio, boards. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1874-93 2650 EGBERT (J. C.) Introduction to the Study of Latin Inscrip- tions. Illustrated. Post 8vo, half morocco. New York [1896] 2651 EGGER (A. E.) Latini Sermonis vetustioris Reliquiae Selectae. 8vo, half roan. Paris, 1843 * Fragments from lost books of classical authors, collected from inscriptions, the writings of other authors, etc. 1652 GERRARD (JOHN). Siglarium Romanum ; sive, Explicatio Notarum ac Literarum qua? hactenus reperiri potuerunt in Marmor- ibus, Lapidibus, Nummis, Auctoribus aliisque Romanorum Veterum Reliquiis, ordine Alphabetico distributa. 4to, old calf. London, 17 92 * A valuable explanatory dictionary of Latin contractions in old manuscripts, on coins, inscriptions, etc. 2653 LINDSAY (W. M.) Handbook of Latin Inscriptions, illustrating the History of the Language. Square i2mo, cloth. Boston, 1897 324 1bistor, 3Lan0uacje anfc ^Literature GREEK AND LATIN INSCRIPTIONS Continued. ^654 ORELLIUS (J. C.) Inscriptionum Latinarum Selectarum am- plissima collectio ad illustrandam Romanae Antiquitatis. Cum in- editis J. C. Hagenbuchii, suisque adnotationibus edidit J. C. Orel- lius. 2 vols. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 570 -|- 568. Turici (Zurich), 1828 2655 REINACH (S.) Traite d'Epigraphie Grecque : precede d'un Essai sur les Inscriptions Grecques par C. T. Newton. Thick 8vo, wrappers, pp. 560. Paris, 1885 2656 [ROBERTSON (REV. JOSEPH).] The Parian Chronicle; or, The Chronicle of the Arundelian Marbles, with a Dissertation con- cerning its authenticity. Facsimile. 8vo, half calf. London, 1788 2657 ROSE (H. J.) Inscriptiones Grsecae Vetustissimse; collegit, et ob- servationes turn aliorum turn suas adjecit H. J. Rose. Plates and facsimiles. 8vo, half calf. Cambridge, 1825 * Inscriptions from ancient tombstones, vases, monuments, etc. 2658 WORDSWORTH (J.) Fragments and Specimens of Early Latin. With Introductions and Notes. Thick 8vo, cloth. (Clarendon Press Series.) Oxford, 1874 (Breefc anb Xatin 2659 BRITISH MUSEUM. Description of the Greek Papyri in the British Museum. Part I. Facsimiles. 4to, boards. London, 1839 *Only this First Part of the Descriptions was published. 2660 Classical Texts from Papyri in the British Museum, including the newly-discovered Poems of Herodas. Edited by F. G. Kenyon. With autotype facsimiles of MS S. 4to, cloth. London : Printed by Order of the Trustees of the B. M. , 189 1 2661 FAYUM TOWNS AND THEIR PAPYRI. By B. P. Gren- fell, A. S. Hunt, and D. G. Hogarth, with a chapter by J. G. Milne. Facsimiles, etc. 410, boards, cloth back. (Egypt Explora- tion Fund.) London, 1900 * Mostly papyri in Greek of the Roman period, from about the second century B. C. to the fourth A. C. , including fragments of Demosthenes, Homer, Ptolemaic Marriage Laws, Business Accounts, Personal Letters, etc. 2662 GOODSPEED (E. J.) Greek Papyri from the Cairo Museum, together with Papyri of Roman Egypt from American Collections. 4to, paper, pp. 78. (University of Chicago Decennial Publications.) Chicago, 1902 of (Greece ano 1Rome 325 GREEK AND LATIN PALAEOGRAPHY Continued. 2663 HERCULANEUM PAPYRI. Herculanensium Voluminum quae supersunt. Tomus I. jp full-page facsimiles of papyri found at Hercu- laneum, with Commentary, Transcripts, Latin version, etc. Folio, russia, gilt. Fine copy. Naples, 1793 2664 Dissertationis Isagogicae ad Herculanensium Voluminum explanationem Pars Prima. Folio, half vellum. Naples, 1797 * The Introductory Dissertation to the Series of Inscriptions and Illustrations of the Remains found in Herculaneuir (the preceding volume). This introduction contains account of the destruction of the city, of its site, the progress of discovery, etc. Illustrated with two large folding maps, and 20 plates of sculptures and lapidarian inscriptions. 2665 Hayter (John). Herculanensia; or, Archeological and Philo- logical Dissertations, containing a Manuscript found among the Ruins of Herculaneum. 2 plates. 4to, half cloth (some leaves of MS. bound in). London, 1810 2666 Hayter (John). A Report upon the Herculaneum Manu- scripts, in a Second Letter .... to His Royal Highness, the Prince Regent. 5 beautiful colored aquatints of the Papyrus plant, and a plate of a MS. 4to, half cloth, uncut. London, 1811 2667 HODGKIN (JOHN). Calligraphia Graeca et Poecilographia Graeca. Engraved plates, showing the forms of Greek letters at different periods, contractions, etc. Folio, half old red morocco. London, 1794 2668 JOHNSTON (H. W.) Latin Manuscripts. An elementary intro- duction to the use of critical editions. Facsimiles. 410, cloth. Chicago, 1897 2669 KENYON (F. G.) The Palaeography of Greek Papyri. With 20 facsimiles. 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1899 Contains an Appendix, with lists of papyri, and the museums in which they are deposited. 2670 MAHAFFY (REV. JOHN P.) On the Flinders Petrie Papyri. With Transcriptions, Commentaries and Index. 410, wrappers, pp. 97. (Royal Irish Academy Cunningham Memoirs No. 8.) Dublin, 1891 * 30 autotype facsimiles (with descriptive letterpress of Greek papyri containing fragments of Euripides, Plato, wills, etc. 2671 OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI (THE). Edited, with Translations and Notes, by B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt. Facsimiles. Vols. i and 2, 4to, boards, cloth backs. (Egypt Exploration Fund.) London, 1898-99 *The papyri were mostly in Greek of the Roman period. 326 ibiston?, ^Language anfc ^literature GREEK AND LATIN PALEOGRAPHY Continued. 2672 TEBTUNIS PAPYRI (THE). (With explanatory notes and summaries of the documents.) Edited by B. P. Grenfell, A. S. Hunt and J. G. Smyly. Vol. I. Facsimiles. 410, boards, cloth back. (Egypt Exploration Fund.) London, 1902 2673 THOMPSON (EDWARD MAUNDE). Handbook of Greek and Latin Palaeography. Post 8vo, cloth. (International Scientific Series.) London, 1893 (Breece Ibtetorp, Brt, IRdigion, etc 2674 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ARCHEOLOGY, and of the History of the Fine Arts. Illustrated. Vol. i (1885) to 5 (1889) com- plete; and four various numbers for 1894-1897. As 5 vols. 8vo. (Vol. I. bound in half morocco, the remainder in the original parts). Baltimore, 1885; Boston, Princeton and New York, 1897 2675 AMSTERDAM PHIL-HELLENIC SOCIETY. Ellas Period- ikon toy en Amstelodamo Phibellenikoy Syllogoy. (The organ of the Phil-Hellenic Society of Amsterdam.) Vols. 2 to 5, in 2 vols., cloth, and Vol. 6, Parts i to 4 8vo. (As 3 vols.) Leiden, 1892-97 2676 ANNUAIRE de 1'Association pour 1'Encouragement des Etudes Grecques en France. 156. Annee 1881 a 2ie. Annee, 1887. 7 vols. 8vo, wrappers. Paris, 1881-87 * With bibliographies, etc. 2677 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Papers of the American School at Athens, 1882-90 (Inscriptions at Assos, Sterrett's Epigraphical Journey in Asia Minor, and Wolfe Expedi- tion to Asia Minor, and general papers, illustrated, 5 vols. ; Clarke's Report on the Investigations at Assos, 1881; Annual Reports, No. i, 4-10, and 13; Index to Publications, 1879-1889. Together 15 vols. Original boards. 2678 ATHENS. Atlas von Athen. Herausgegeben von E. Curtius und J. A. Kaupfert. 12 large folding maps and views, with descriptive text. Folio, cloth. Berlin, 1878 2679 ATTIKA. Karten von Attika. Herausgegeben von E. Curtius und J. A. Kaupfert. (Large-scale map in ij sections.) Folio. Berlin, 1881-84 of Greece ano 1Rome 327 GREECE HISTORY, ART, RELIGION, ETC. Continued. 2680 BACCHUS. GAIL (J. F.) Recherches sur la Nature du Culte de Bacchus en Grece, et sur I'Origine de ses Rites. 8vo, boards. Presentation copy from the author to the Comte Lanjuinais. Paris, 1821 2681 ROLLE (P. N.) Recherches sur le Culte de Bacchus sym- bole de la Force reproductive de la Nature, considere sous ses Rap- ports dans les Mysteres d'Eieusis, etc. 3 vols. 8vo, boards. Paris, 1824 2682 BAEDEKER'S GUIDE TO GREECE. Maps and plans. 12010, red cloth. Leipzig, 1889 2683 BRITISH MUSEUM SCULPTURES. The Townley Gallery (description of the statues and bas-reliefs). Numerous illustrations. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth. (Library of Entertaining Knowledge.) London, 1836 2684 BROWN (ROBERT, JUNR.) Poseidon: a Link between Semite, Hamite, and Aryan, being an attempt to trace the cultus of the God to its Sources, etc. i2mo, cloth. London, 1872 2' 85 Semitic Influence in Hellenic Mythology, with special refer- ence to ... Max Muller and Andrew Lang. 8vo, cloth. London, 1898 2686 BURY (J. B.) A History of the Later Roman [or Constantinopoli- tan] Empire from Arcadius to Irene (395 A D. to 800 A.D.). 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1889 2687 CARTAULT (A.) La Triere Athenienne. Etude d'Archeologie Navale. 99 figures dans le text. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 261. Paris, 1881 2688 CLARKE (JOSEPH THACHER). Gargara, Lamponia, and Pionia. Towns of the Troad. Plans. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 30. (Arch. Instit. of Amer.) Baltimore, 1888 2689 COINS. CLERK (M. G.) Catalogue of the Coins of the Achcean League, ij plates, containing j/i coins. Royal 8vo, paper, pp. 34 (label removed from cover). Presentation copy London, 1895 261,0 Fox (Lr.-GEN. C. R.) Engravings of Unedited or Rare Greek Coins. Part I. Europe (Greek Coins of Europe). 10 en- graved plates, containing 114 coins, with descriptive text. 410, wrappers. London, 1856 2691 COLLIGNON (MAXIME). Manual of Mythology in relation to Greek Art. Translated and enlarged by Jane E. Harrison. 138 illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1890 328 Ibistorp, %an0uacje anfc ^Literature GREECE HISTORY, ART, RELIGION, ETC.- Continued. 2692 CONSTANTINOPLE. A Sketch of its History from its Founda- tion to its Conquest by the Turks in 1453. By W. J. Brdribb and Walter Besant. Map. Crown 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1879. 2693 CORY (I. P.) Metaphysical Inquiry into the Method, Objects, and Result of Ancient and Modern Philosophy; also in the same volume, Mythological Inquiry into the Recondite Theology of the Heathens, and, Chronological Inquiry into the Ancient History of Egypt, by the same Author. i2mo, cloth. London : Pickering, 1833, 1837, 1837 2694 CURTIUS (ERNST). Peloponnesos. Eine Historisch-Geo- graphische Beschreibung der Halbinsel. jo maps. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, Gotha, 1851-52 2695 CURZON (HON. ROBERT). Visits to the Monasteries in the Levant. Fifth Edition. Numerous woodcuts. Post 8vo, half c;ilf,. gilt. London, 1865 *A fascinating book of travels, which to-day is undeservedly neglected by most, pos- sibly through ignorance of its real nature. The author went through the Levant, ex- ploring the old Greek monasteries in search of books and manuscripts, in which he succeeded to a considerable extent, and the graphic descriptions of his troubles and experiences in his quest form most interesting reading. The travels were in 1833. 2696 DIEHL (CHARLES). Excursions in Greece to recently explored sites of Classical Interest, Mycenae, Athens, Olympia, etc. Trans- lated by E. R. Perkins, and Introduction by Reginald S Poole. y plans and 41 illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1893. 2697 DUNCKER (MAX). History of Greece from the Earliest Times to the end of the Persian War. Translated from Professor Duncker by S. F. Alleyne. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1883; 2698 DYER (LOUIS). Studies of the Gods in Greece at certain Sanctu- aries recently excavated. Lectures at the Lowell Institute. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1891 2699 ELEUSINIAN MYSTERIES. OUVAROFF (M.) Essai sur les Mysteres d'Eleusis. 8vo, half calf, gilt, uncut. Paris, 18 6 2700 ELGIN MARBLES. BURROW (R E v. E. I.) The Elgin Marbles. With an Abridged Historical and Topographical Account of Athens. Illustrated with 40 plates. Vol. i (no more published). 8vo, half calf. London, 1817 2701 BRITISH MUSEUM. Synopsis of the Contents of the British Museum. Elgin Room. Part I. Illustrated. i2mo, cloth. London, 1886 of Greece anfc TRome 329 GREECE HISTORY, ART, RELIGION, ETC. Continued. 2702 FASELIUS (A.) Der Attische Kalender in der Zeit von Solon (584 v. Chr.) bis zur Einfuhrung der christlichen Religion in Griechenland (312 nach Chr.). Post 8vo, wrappers, pp. 170. Weimar, 1866 2703 FERGUSSON (JAMES). On the Mode in which Light was introduced into the Greek Temples. Plate. 410, wrappers. (Royal Institute of British Architects.) [London, 1861] 2704 The Parthenon: an Essay on the Mode by which Light was introduced into Greek and Roman Temples. Numerous illustrations. 4to, cloth, gilt. London, 1883 2705 FINLAY (GEORGE). History of the Byzantine Empire. From DCCXVI. to MCCCCLIII. (716 to 1453). 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1853-54 2706 A History of Greece from its Conquest by the Romans to the Present Time, B. C. 146 to A. D. 1864. New edition, revised throughout, and in part re-written, with considerable additions hy the author, and edited by the Rev. H. F. Tozer. Portrait. 7 v<>is. 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1877 2707 GISEKE (B.) Thrakisch-Pelasgische Stamme der Balkanhalbin- sel, und ihre wanderungen in Mythischer Zeit. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 143. Leipzig, 1858 2708 LEAKE (W. M.) Travels in the Morea. Map and plans. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1830 2709 McLENNAN (JOHN F.) Kinship in Ancient Greece. 8vo. sewed, pp. 34. London, n. d. [1866] 2710 MAHAFFY (J. P.) Social Life in Greece from Homer to Menan- der. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1874 * First edition, with the suppressed passages on Greek immorality. 2711 Social Life in Greece. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1875 2712 Social Life in Greece. Fourth Edition, revised throughout. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1879 2713 Rambles and Studies in Greece. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1878 2714 - Old Greek Education. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1882 2715 Greek Life and Thought from the Age of Alexander to the Roman Conquest. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1887 330 HMstorg, Xanguaae anfc ^Literature GREECE HISTORY, ART, RELIGION, ETC. Continued. 2716 Greek Pictures drawn with Pen and Pencil. Profusely illus- trated. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt. London, 1890 2717 The Greek World under Roman Sway from Polybius to Plutarch. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1890 2718 Problems in Greek History. (The earlier historians, the Greek myths, Alexander the Great, etc.) Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1892 2719 A Survey of Greek Civilization. Post 8vo, cloth. Meadville, Penn. : The Chatauqua- Century Press, 1896 2720 MARSHALL (J.) A Short History of Greek Philosophy. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1891 2721 MARTHA (JULES). Les Sacerdoces Athe"niens. (Choix des Pretres, Droits et Privileges des Pretres, les Revenus Sacres, &c.) 8vo, wrappers, pp. 184. Paris, 1882 2722 MAURY (ALFRED), Histoire des Religions de la Grece Antique depuis leur Origine jusqu'a leur Complete Constitution. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1857-59 2723 MERRIAM (AUGUSTUS C.) Telegraphing among the Ancients. Map. 8vo, wrappers, pp 32. (Arch. Instit. of Amer. Classical Series, No. 3.) Cambridge, 1890 2724 MULLER (C. O.) The History and Antiquities of the Doric Race. Translated by Henry Tufnell and George Cornewall Lewis. 3 maps. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1830 * Scarce. 2725 The History and Antiquities of the Doric Race. Translated by Henry Tufnell and George Cornewall Lewis. Second Edition, revised. 2 maps. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, cloth backs. London, 1839 * Scarce. Best edition. 2726 MURRAY (A. S.) A History of Greek Sculpture from the Earliest Times down to the Age of Pheidias (the second volume continuing it to Pheidias and his successors). Numerous illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1880-83 2727 OLYMPIA. Die Funde von Olympia. Ausgabe in einem Bande. 40 mounted photographs and plans of the excavations made at Olympia between 1875 and i88r, including the Hermes of Praxiteles and other sculptures, general view of the site, etc. Large folio, in portfolio. Berlin, 1882 of Greece an& IRome 331 GREECE HISTORY, ART, RELIGION, ETC. Continued. 2728 OMAN (C. W. C.) The Byzantine Empire. Illustrated, Post 8vo, cloth. (Story of the Nations Series.) London, 1892 2729 OVERBECK (J.) Griechische Kunstmythologie. Erster Buch, Zeus; Zweites Buch, Hera; Drittes Buch, Poseidon; Viertes Buch, Demeter und Kora. Plates and illustrations in the text. 4 vols. 8vo, wrappers. Leipzig, 1871-78 2730 PERROT (GEORGES) AND CHIPIEZ (CHARLES). History of Art in Primitive Greece Mycenian Art. Illustrated with 544 engravings in the text, and 20 colored plates. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. * Containing the results of the latest excavations in Myceme. London, 1894 2731 POCOCKE (E.) India in Greece; or, Truth in Mythology. Con- taining the Sources of the Hellenic Race, the Colonisation of Egypt and Palestine, the Wars of the Grand Lama, and the Bud'histic Propaganda in Greece. Map. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1852 * The author supposes that Greece was colonised by Buddhist emigrants from India driven from thence by their Brahman adversaries, supporting his theory by the danger- ous argument of superficial resemblances between words. Buddha was only born in the sixth century B. C., and it must have taken some two or three centuries at least, to produce the enormous number of emigrants required, which would bring the date down to well-known historic times. However, there is a valuable amount of informa- tion gathered in the volume. 2732 PRELLER (L.) Griechische Mythologie. Dritte Auflage von E. Plew. 2 vols. in one. Post 8vo, half roan. Berlin, 1872-75 2733 RILEY (A.) Athos; or, The Mountain of the Monks. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1887 2734 SCHLIEMANN (HENRY.) Mycenae. A Narrative of Researches and Discoveries at Mycenae and Tiryns. Preface by the Right Hon. VV. E. Gladstone. Maps, plans and numerous illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt. London, 1878 2735 Mycenae. A Narrative of Researches and Discoveries at Mycenae and Tiryns. Preface by the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. Maps, plans and illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt. New York, 1878 2736 Mycenae. A Narrative of Researches and Discoveries at Mycenae and Tiryns. Preface by the Right Hon. VV. E. Gladstone. Maps, plans and illustrations. New edition, with important additions and new plates. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt. New York, 1880 33 2 Ibfstors, Xanouage ant> ^Literature GREECE HISTORY, ART, RELIGION, ETC. Continued. 2 737 - Tiryns. The Prehistoric Palace of the Kings of Tiryns, the results of the latest excavations. 24 colored plates, 188 woodcuts, and map and plans. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt. London, 1886 2738 - Troy and its Remains. A Narrative of Researches and Dis- coveries made on the Site of Ilium and in the Trojan Plain. Edited by Philip Smith. Maps, plans, and numerous other illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt. London, 1875 2739 - Ilios. The City and Country of the Trojans. The Results of Researches and Discoveries on the Site of Troy . . . 1871-72-73- 78-79. Including an Autobiography of the Author. Maps, plans, and about 1^800 illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt. London, 1880 2740 - Troja. Results of the Latest Researches and Discoveries on the Site of Homer's Troy. Preface by Prof. A. H. Sayce. 150 woodcuts, and 4 maps and plans. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt. New York, 1884 2741 - Schliemann's Excavations. An Archaeological and Historical Study. By C. Schuchhardt. Translated by E. Sellers. With Ap- pendix on the Recent Discoveries at Hissarlik. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. London, 1891 2742 SCHOMANN(G.) The Antiquities of Greece (the State). Trans- lated by E. C. Hardy and J. S. Mann. 8vo, cloth. London, 1880 2743 TANAGRA FIGURINES. (Notes and Illustrations.) 4 plates. Square 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1879 2744 TORR (CECIL). Rhodes in Ancient Times. (History, the Gods, Art, Learning, Legends, etc.) Illustrations from antiquities. 8vo, cloth. Cambridge (Eng.): University Press, 1885 2745 TSOUNTAS (CHRESTOS) AND MANATT (J. IRVING). The Mycenaean Age. A Study of the Monuments and Culture of Pre-Homeric Greece. Introduction by Prof. Dorpfeld. 22 full- page illustrations and 169 in the text. 8vo, -cloth, gilt. Boston, 1897 2746 UPCOTT (L. E.) An Introduction to Greek Sculpture. Post 8vo, cloth. (Clarendon Press Series.) Oxford, 1887 2747 VIRCHOW (RUDOLF). Beitrage zur Landeskunde der Troas. 2 maps. 410, boards. Berlin, 1879 of (Breece ano 1Rome 333 GREECE HISTORY, ART, RELIGION, ETC. Continued. 2748 VOLKMUTH (P.) Die Pelasger als Semiten. Geschichtsphilo- sophische Untersuchungen. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 324. Schaffhausen, 1860 2749 WALDSTEIN (C.) Essays on the Art of Pheidias. Full-page photographic plates of statues and illustrations in the text. Royal 8vo, cloth. Presentation copy from the Author. Cambridge (Eng.) : University Press, 1885 2750 ZELLER (E.) A History of Greek Philosophy from the Earliest Period to the Time of Socrates. Translated by S. F. Alleyne. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1881 2751 A History of Eclecticism in Greek Philosophy. Translated by S. F. Alleyne. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1883 2752 Socrates and the Socratic School. Translated by O. J. Reichel. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1868 2753 - The Stoics, Epicureans, and Sceptics. Translated by O. J. Reichel. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1870 Xan$ua0e of (Breece (Hncient). 2754 ALPHABETUM GR^ECUM, cum Oratione Dominicali, Salu- tatione Angelica, etc. tamo, sewed, pp. 15. Rome: Typis Sac. Congreg. de Propag. Fide, 1771 * Includes a table of Greek contractions. 2755 BUTTMANN (PHILIP). Lexilogus; or, A Critical Examina- tion of the Meaning and Etymology of numerous Greek Words and Passages. Translated by J. R. Fishlake. Fifth Edition. 8vo, cloth. London, 1861 * Mainly dissertations on difficult passages in Homer and Ilesiod. 2756 CURTIUS (GEORGE). A Grammar of the Greek Language. Edited by Dr. Wm. Smith. Third Edition. Post 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1868 2 757 ~ - Grund/uge der Griechischen Etymologic. Vierte Auflage .... von Ernst Windisch. 8vo, half roan. Leipzig, 1873 2758 The Greek Verb, its Structure and Development. Translated by A. S. Wilkins and E. B. England. 8vo, cloth. London, 1880 334 Ibiston?, ^Language ant> ^Literature THE LANGUAGE OF GREECE (ANCIENT) Continued. 2759 DONALDSON (J. W.) The New Cratylus; or, Contributions towards a more accurate knowledge of the Greek Language. Second Edition, revised and considerably enlarged. 8vo, cloth. London, 1850 * On the Ethnographic Affinities of the Ancient Greeks, the Theory of the Greek Alphabet, etc. 2760 JELF (W. E.) A Grammar of the Greek Language. Third Edi- tion, enlarged and improved. 2 vols. 8vo, half russia (joints cracked). Oxford, 1861 2761 LIDDELL (H. G.) AND SCOTT (R.) A Greek-English Lexi- con. Seventh Edition, revised and augmented throughout. Thick 4to, cloth, pp. 1776. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1883 2762 MATTHI-/E (A.) A Copious Greek Grammar. Translated by E. V. Blomfield. Fifth Edition, by Kenrick. 2 vols. 8vo, half green morocco. London, 1832 2763 PAPE (W.) Worterbuch der Griechischen Eigennamen, Dritte Auflage von G. E. Benseler, 2 vols. in i, Braunschweig, 1863-70; Griechisch-Deutsches Handworterbuch, Zweite Ausgabe, 2 vols., 1871; Deutsch-Griechisches Handworterbuch, Dritte Auflage, 1872. Together 4 vols. 8vo, half russia (cover of i vol. loose). 2764 WRIGHT (M.) Greek and English Lexicon ... in four parts; Greek-English, Difficult Inflexions, English-Greek, and Proper Names. i6mo, roan, pp. 695. London, 1835 2765 YONGE (C. D.) An English-Greek Lexicon. With many new Articles, etc. By Charles Short. Edited by Henry Drisler. Royal 8vo, sheep. New York, 1870 Slanguage of (Sreece (flfeefctevai), 2766 SOPHOCLES (E. A.) Greek Lexicon of the Roman and Byzan- tine Periods (from B. C. 146 to A. D. noo). Thick royal 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1870 * Scarce. 2767 The Memorial Edition of the same. (Edited by Professor J. H. Thayer, and containing nearly 200 corrections and additions.) Thick royal 8vo, half calf. New Vork, 1887 * Scarce. of Greece anb TRome 335 Greece 7Lan0uage, literature anb 2768 BIBLE. Tes Palaias Diathekes. Londra, a o m. (The Old Tes- tament in Modern Greek, London, 1840.) 8vo, sheep. 2769 NEW TESTAMENT. (Ancient and Modern Greek in parallel columns.) Post 8vo, sheep. London [1829] 2770 DRAKOULES (P. E.) Neohellenic Language and Literature. Lectures at Oxford. Post 8vo, wrappers, pp. 70. Oxford, 1897 2771 GELDART (E. M.) The Modern Greek Language in its relation to Ancient Greek. Crown 8vo, cloth. (Clarendon Press Series.) Oxford, 1870 2772 Simplified Grammar of Modern Greek. Post 8vo, cloth. (Trubner's Simplified Grammars.) London, 1883 2 773 Folk-Lore of Modern Greece; the Tales of the People. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1884 2774 HERODOTUS. I2TOPIA TOY HPOAOTOY META ^literature GREEK LITERATURE, CLASSICAL AUTHORS, ETC. Continued. 2797 APOLLONIUS OF TYANA. The Pagan Christ of the Third Century. An Essay by Albert Reville. lamo, cloth. London, 1866 * The life of Apollonius was written by Philostratus, which see. 2798 A Sketch of the Life of Apollonius of Tyana; or, The First Ten Decades of Our Era. By D. M. Tredwell. Map. 8vo, half cloth. New York, 1886 2799 APPIAN. APPIANOY ALEXANDREOS ROMAIKON TA SOZOMENA. Appiani Alexandrini Romanarum Historiarum quse supersunt, Graece et Latine cum Indicibus. Royal 8vo, half calf. (Didot's Classics.) Paris, 1840 2800 An Avncient | Historic and exquisite Chronicle j of the Romanes warres, both | Ciuile and Foren. | Written in Greeke by the noble Orator and Histo- | riographer, Appian of Alexandria, one of the learned | Counsell to the most mightie Emperoures, | Traiane and Adriane. | Translated out of diuers Languages, and now set forth | in Englishe, according to the Greeke text, taken | out of a Royall Librarie: by W. B. | . . . Imprinted at London \ by Raulfe New- berrie and \ Henrie Bynniman. \ Anno 1578. Title within woodcut border, with arms on the verso. The title cut to border and re- margined, a portion of pp. 33-34 in pen-and-ink facsimile. Small 4to, half calf. London, 1578 * VERY SCARCE. THE FIRST ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF APPIAN. On the verso of p. 370 (354) is the device of the Brazen Serpent, indicating that the book was printed by Henrie Bynniman. This printer served his apprenticeship with Raynald Wolfe, and adopted his device an adaptation of that of the Frobens. Both printers are famous for their literary tastes and accomplishments, Wolfe being an antiquarian and collecting much of the material for a history, and employing Raphael Holinshed in the work, the result being the celebrated Holinshed's Chronicles, from which it is supposed Shakespeare gained most of his historical ideas. Bynniman printed in 1568 the very rare Interlude of Jacob and which Esau recently sold in London for $740. 2801 The History of Appian of Alexandria: the First consisting of the Punick, Syrian, Parthian, Mithridatick, Illyrian, Spanish, and Hannibalick Wars; the Second containing Five Books of the Civil Wars of Rome. Made English by J(ohn) D(avies). FIRST EDITION. Small folio, half russia. With bookplate of C. N. Bancker. London, 1679 * The paper on which this volume is printed bears the water-mark of the " foolscap;" an interesting early example of this water-mark, which is seldom found. of Greece anfc TRome 339 GREEK LITERATURE, CLASSICAL AUTHORS, ETC. Continued. 2802 ARATUS. Aratoy Soleos Phainomena kai Diosmeia. Arati Solensis Phenomena et Diosemea, Graece et Latine ad Codd. MSS. et Optimarum edd. fidem recensita. Curavit J. T. Buhle. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Leipzig, 1793, 1801 * Aratus is famous for having made the first (extant) treatise on meteorological science, so far as prognostications can be called science. The first book in these two volumes is his treatise on astronomy, giving a resume of all that was known and be- lieved in those times. It is to this book, it is supposed, that St. Paul referred in Acts 18, 28, where he said to the Athenians, "as certain also of your own poets have said, for we are also his offspring." This latter sentence occurs, word for word, in Aratus. 2803 ARCHIMEDES, APOLLONIUS PERGAEUS AND THEO- DOSIUS. Archimedis Opera: Apollonii Pergaei Conicorum, Iibri4: Theodosii Sphserica. Methodo nova, Illustrata, et succincte De- monstrata per Isaac Barrow. Folding plates of diagrams. Small 410, old calf, rebacked. London, 1675 ARCHYTAS. See TAYLOR (THOMAS). 2804 ARISTOTLE. Aristotelis Opera. (EdiditB. Langkavel, C, Prantl, W. Christ, F. Susemihl, et V. Rose.) 7 vols. i2mo, half morocco. Leipzig, 1868-86 2805 Athenaion Politeia Aristotle on the Constitution of Athens. Facsimiles of Papyrus CXXXI. in the British Museum. Large 4to, cloth. (Printed by the B. M. authorities.) [Oxford] 1891 * 22 plates in autotype facsimile, showing the whole of the unique Aristotle MS. 2806 Aristotle on the Constitution of Athens. Edited by F. G. Kenyon. 8vo, cloth. London: Printed by Order of the Trustees of the British Museum, 1891. 2807 Aristotle's Constitution of Athens. Translated by T. J. Dymes. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1891 2808 Aristotle on the Athenian Constitution. Translated, with Introduction and Notes, by F. G. Kenyon. i6mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1891 2809 Aristotle on the Constitution of Athens. Translated by E. Poste. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1891 2810 The Ethics of Aristotle, illustrated with Essays and Notes. By Sir Alexander Grant. Third Edition, revised and partly re- written. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1874 34 Ibistor^, ^Language anfc Xfterature GREEK LITERATURE, CLASSICAL AUTHORS, ETC. Continued. 2811 ARISTOTLE. The Organon ; or, Logical Treatises, with the Introduction of Porphyry, literally translated, by O. F. Owen. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. (Bohn's Classical Library.) London, 1853 2812 The Rhetoric, translated, with Hobbes' Analysis. Post 8vo, cloth. (Bohn's Classical Library.) London, 1847 2813 The Rhetoric. A Later Edition of the same, containing in addition the Poetic of Aristotle, translated by T. Buckley. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1850 2814 GROTE (GEORGE). Aristotle. Edited by Alexander Bain and G. Croom Robertson. Second Edition, with additions. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1880 2815 LEWES (GEORGE HENRY). Aristotle. A Chapter from the History of Science, including Analyses of Aristotle's Scientific Writ- ings. Portrait of Aristotle inserted. 8vo, cloth. London, 1864 2816 WALLACE (E.) Outlines of the Philosophy of Aristotle. Third Edition, enlarged. i2mo, cloth. (Pitt Press Series.) Cambridge, 1883 See also TAYLOR (THOMAS). 2817 ARRIAN. Arriani Anabasis et Indica ex optimo Codice Parisino emendavit, Edidit Fr. Dubner; Reliqua Arriani et Scriptorum de Rebus Alexandri M. fragmenta collegit, Pseudo-Callisthenes Histo- riam Fabulosam ex tribus Codicibus nunc primum edidit Carolus Muller. Royal 8vo, half morocco. (Didot's Classics.) Paris, 1846 2818 Arrian's History of Alexander's Expedition. Translated, with Notes, Historical, Geographical and Critical, by Mr. Rooke. Map. 2 vols. 8vo, old calf. London, 1729 2819 Arrian's History of Alexander's Expedition. Translated from the Greek, with Notes, by Mr. Rooke. New Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1814 2820 The Anabasis of Alexander; or, The History of the Wars and Conquests of Alexander the Great, literally translated, with a Com- mentary, from the Greek of Arrian the Nicomedian. By E. J. Chinnock. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1884 2821 Arrian's Voyage round the Euxine Sea, translated, and accompanied with a Geographical Dissertation and Maps. [By William Vincent.] 4to (lacks covers). Oxford, 1805 of Greece anfc 1Rome 34 1 GREEK LITERATURE, CLASSICAL AUTHORS, ETC. Continued. 2822 ATHEN^EUS. The Deipnosophists; or, Banquet of the Learned. Literally translated by C. D. Yonge. 3 vols. post 8vo, calf, gilt. (Bohn's Classical Library.) London, 1854 * The Banquet of the Philosophers is an account of a presumed banquet in the time of Marcus Aurelius, where the whole of the conversation is on dining, the foods, cooking, etc., with jokes and anecdotes of noted ancient gourmands. From it is to be obtained the fuHest knowledge of the customs of the ancient Romans in their feasts. 2823 BABRIUS. Babrii Fabulae ^Esopeoe, cum Fabularum Deperdit- arum Fragmentis, Recensuit et Breviter Illustravit Georgius Corne- wall Lewis, Oxon., 1846; Babrii Fabulae ^Esopeae, e Codice Manu- scripto partem secundo, Nuncprimum edidit G. C. Lewis, London, 1859. The two bound in one vol. Post 8vo, half calf. * Sir George Cornewall Lewis' Own Copy, having many annotations and corrections written in, apparently for another edition. The second book is exceedingly scarce, the manuscript having been found to be a forgery, and consequently Sir G. C. Lewis rigidly suppressed the book. 2824 BACCHYLIDES. The Poems of Bacchylides, from a Papyrus in the British Museum. Edited by F. G. Kenyon. 8vo, cloth. London : Printed by Order of the Trustees of the British Museum, 1897 * The first edition of the works of Bacchylides, from the papyrus newly discovered in Egypt. 2825 BEKKER (IMMANUEL). Anecdota Graeca (Apollonius Alex- andrinus, Dionysius of Thrace, Choerobosci, Diomedis, Porphyry, etc.), 2 vols., Berlin, 1814-16; also, in the same volume, Anecdota Graeca e praestantissimis Italicar. Bibliothecarum codicibus, descrip- sit J. P. Siebenkees, Nuremberg, 1798. 8vo, half red straight grain morocco, uncut. 2826 BERGK (T.) POET*: LYRICI GR.*CI. (Pindar, Tyrtaeus, Solon, Phocylides, Theognis, Empedocles, Socrates, Sappho, Alcaeus, Anacreon, Simonides, Bacchylides, etc.) Recensuit T. Bergk. Editio altera, auctior et emendatior. 8vo, half calf. Leipzig, 1853 2827 BERNHARDY (G.) Grundriss der Griechischen Litteratur, mit einem vergleichenden Ueberblick der Romischen. Dritte Bearbei- tung. 2 vols in 3. 8vo, half calf, gilt. (As 3 vols.) Halle, 1861 2828 CALLINUS AND TYRTAEUS. Callini Ephesii Tyrtaei Aphid- naei Asii Samii Carminum quae supersunt. Emendavit Nicolaus Bachius. 8vo, half vellum. Leipzig, 1831 * The only complete edition of the extant fragments of the two earliest-known Greek poets. 34 2 Ibistorp, Xanauage ant) ^Literature GREEK LITERATURE, CLASSICAL AUTHORS, ETC. Continued. 2829 CLASSICAL REVIEW (THE). Vols. i to 4, and Vol. 5 (Nos. i to 4). Vols. i to 4 in cloth, and the remaining three numbers as issued. 8vo. (As4vols.) London, 1887-91 2830 COLUTHUS. Coluthi Raptus Helense. Recensuit ad fidem codi- cum MSS. ac variantes lectiones et notas adjecit J. D. Lennel. Editionem novam auctiorem curavit G. H. Schaefer. 8vo, half vellum. Leipzig, 1825 2831 CORY( I. P.) The Ancient Fragments: containing what remains of the Writings of Sanchoniatho, Berossus, Abydenus, Megasthenes, and Manetho; also, the Hermetic Creed, the Old Chronicle, the Laterculus of Eratosthenes, the Tyrian Annals, the Oracles of Zoro- aster, and the Periplus of Hanno. Royal 8vo, original cloth. London: Pickering, 1828 * Large Paper copy of the scarce first edition. The second edition omitted a few of the fragments. Each is accompanied with a translation. 2832 Ancient Fragments. Second Edition. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: Pickering, 1832 * This second edition was much enlarged. The preliminary dissertation was rewritten, and increasad to nearly twice its length ; and additions were made of Frag- ments of various writers giving the dynasties and history of Chaldea, Assyria, Media, Egypt, etc. ; the Fragment of Marcellus relating to the lost Atlantis; Fragments of Orpheus; etc., omitting some of less interest. 2 ^33 [ ] ANCIENT FRAGMENTS. THE PHENIX. A Collection of Old and Rare Fragments: viz., The Morals of Confucius. . . the Oracles of Zoroaster. . . Sanchoniatho's History of Creation; etc. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1835 * The first book printed by the famous old New York bookseller, William Gowans. 2834 Ancient Fragments. New and Enlarged Edition. By E. Richmond Hodges. 8vo, cloth. London, 1876 * In this edition the Oracles of Zoroaster and some other fragments were omitted, but elucidatory notes from recent discoveries in Babylonia and Egypt were added. 2835 DAMASCIUS. Damaskioy Diadochoy Aporiai kai Lyseis peri ton Proton Archon. Damascii Philosophi Platonic! Quaestiones de Primis Principiis. Ad fidem codd. MS. nunc primum edidit J. Kopp. 8vo, half morocco (joints cracked). Franckfurt a/M, 1826 2836 DEMOSTHENES. Political Eloquence in Greece. Demos- thenes, with extracts from his Orations, and a critical discussion of the "Trial on the Crown." By L. Bredif, translated by M. J. MacMahon. 8vo, cloth. Chicago, 1881 of Greece ano 1Rome 343 GREEK LITERATURE, CLASSICAL AUTHORS, ETC. Continued. 2837 DIODORUS SICULUS. Diodori 'Bibliotheca Historica, ex Re- censione Ludovici Dindorfii, 5 vols. in 4, half sheep, Leipzig, 1828-31; also, Excerpta Vaticana. Accedunt A. Mail annotationes, cloth, Leipzig, 1828. Together 5 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1828-31 * The last volume contains the fragments of the lost books of Diodorus discovered by Cardinal Mai in the Vatican library. 3838 Diodori Siculi Bibliothecae quae supersunt, ex nova recen- sione Ludovici Dindorfii. Grsece et Latine, cum Excerpta et Frag- menta, et Indicem, cura C. Muller. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco. (Didot's Classics.) Paris, 1855 2839 The Historical Library of Diodorus the Sicilian. In fifteen books. To which are added the Fragments of Diodorus that are found in ... Photius, together with those published by Valesius, Rhodomannus, and Ursinus. Made English by G. Booth, j maps. Folio, old calf. London, 1700 * The first edition. Scarce. 2840 The Historical Library of Diodorus the Sicilian, to which are added the fragments of Diodorus. Translated by G. Booth. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1814 * SCARCE. The work of Diodorus is of the utmost value, from the fact of its being mainly founded on the more ancient authors Manetho, Berosus, and others, whose writings to-day are known only by fragments. The account of the Origin of the World, according to the Egyptians and Assyrians, until the recent discoveries in the East, was formerly obtained almost entirely from this book. 2841 DIOGENES LAERTIUS. Diogenoys Laertioy Peri Bion. Diogenes Laerti De uitis, decretis, & respon | sis celebrium philoso- phorum Libri | decem, nunc primum excusi. | (Device of the caduces of Froben.) Basileae, Anno M.D. XXXIII. | Small 410, morocco gilt, gilt edges gauffred, (rebacked). [Basle: Hieronym us Froben, 1533] * EDITIO PRINCEPS OF DIOGENES LAERTIUS. Fine copy, with large margins, and with the separate leaf with the printer's device at end. 2842 DION CASSIUS. The History of Dion Cassius abridg'd by Xiphilin, containing the most considerable Passages under the Ro- man Emperors, from the time of Pompey the Great to the Reign of Alexander Severus. Done from the Greek by Mr. (Francis) Manning. 2 vols. 8vo, old calf (binding of Vol. i broken). London, 1704 344 1bistot, SLanQuage anfc ^Literature GREEK LITERATURE, CLASSICAL AUTHORS, ETC. Continued. 2843 DIONYSIUS OF HALICARNASSUS. Dionysii Halicarnas- sensis Opera Omnia, Graece et Latine. Cum annotationibus Ste- phani, Sylburgii, Porti, Casauboni, Ursini, Valesii, Hudsoni et Reiske. Engraved frontispiece from an ancient codex, 6 vols. 8vo, half vellum. Leipzig, 1774-77 2844 The Roman Antiquities of Dionysius Halicarnassensis, trans- lated into English, with Notes and Dissertations. By Edward' Spelman. 4 vols. 4to, calf. London, 1758 2845 DIONYSIUS PERIEGETES. Graece et Latine, cum vetustis- Commentariis et Interpretationibus, ex recensione et cum Annota- tione G. Bernhardy. Thick 8vo, half calf (joints cracked). Leipzig, 1828- * A description of the world as it was known about the third or fourth century. 2846 DIOPHANTOS. Diophantos of Alexandria: a Study in the His- tory of Greek Algebra. By T. L. Heath. 8vo, cloth. Cambridge: The University Press, 1885 2847 EPICTETUS. The Teaching of Epictetus: being the Encheiri- dion . . . with Selections from the Dissertations and Fragments. Translated, and with Introduction and Notes, by T. W. Rolleston. i2mo, cloth. London, 1888 2848 The Works of Epictetus. Translated from the Greek by Thomas Wentworth Higginson. New and Revised Edition. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1891- 2849 ESCURIAL LIBRARY. Catalogue des Manuscrits Grecs de la Bibliotheque de 1'Escurial. Par E. Miller. 4to, wrappers, pp. 563. Paris, 1848 2850 FABIUS PICTOR (Q.) Some Account of the Roman History of Fabius Pictor from a MS. lately discovered in Herculaneum. 8vo, sewed, pp. 27. London, 1749. * A satire. 2851 GREGORIUS OF CORINTH. Gregorii Corinthii et aliorum Grammaticum libri De Dialectis Linguae Grsecae. Primum editus Manuelis Moschopuli, recensuit et cum Notis G. Koenii, F. J. Bas- tii, J. F. Boissonadi, suisque edidit G. H. Schaefer. 8vo, old calfc (joints cracked). Leipzig, 1811 of Greece ano IRome 345 GREEK LITERATURE, CLASSICAL AUTHORS, ETC. Continued. 2852 HANNO THE CARTHAGINIAN. The Voyage of Hanno, translated and accompanied with the Greek text; explained from the accounts of modern travellers, etc. By Thomas Falconer. j maps. 8vo, half roan. London, 1797 * The famous voyage along the Atlantic coast of Africa about the sixth century B.C. In this narrative occurs the first mention of the Gorilla, though Hanno took them for human beings. Many other marvellous things are related burning mountains and countries, troglodytes, etc. 2853 HERMES TRISMEGISTUS. Hermes Trismegiste. Traduc- tion complete, preceded d'une Etude sur 1'Origine des Livres Her- metiques. Par L. Menard. 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1866 2854 The Theological and Philosophical Works of Hermes Tris- megistus, Christian Neo-Platonist. Translated by J. D. Chambers. With Preface, Notes, and Indices. 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1882 2855 The Virgin of the World, now first rendered into English, with Essay, Introductions, and Notes, by Dr. Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland. Frontispiece. Square 8vo, parchment. London, 1885 2856 HERO OF ALEXANDRIA. The Pneumatics of Hero of Alexandria from the original Greek by B. Woodcroft. Numerous illustrations. Small 4to, cloth. London, 1851 * Hero, it is supposed, lived in the second century B. C. In this book will be found the first description of a steam engine, of machines working on practically the same principle as the modern coin-and-slot machines, a fire engine, hydraulic organs, etc. 2857 HERODIAN. Herodian's History of his own times; or, of the Roman Empire after Marcus. Translated into English, with large Notes, etc., by J. Hart. 8vo, sheep (cover loose). London, 1749 2858 HERODOTUS AND CTESIAS. Herodoti Historiarum Libri IX, recognovit et Commentationem .... Guil. Dindorfius; Ctesiae Cnidii et Chronographorum, Castoris, Eratosthenis, etc. Disser- tatio et Notis illustrata a Carolo Mullero. Graece et Latine cum Indicibus. Royal 8vo, half morocco. (Didot's Classics.) Paris, 1862 2859 HERODOTUS. BELOE (W.) Herodotus translated from the Greek, with Notes. FOURTH EDITION. 4 vols. 8vo, polished calf, gilt. London, 1821 2860 BOBRIK (H.) Geographic des Herodot vorzugsweise aus dem Schriftsteller selbst dargestellt. 10 folding maps. 8vo, half red morocco. Konigsberg, 1838 34 6 HMstors, %an0uage anfc ^Literature GREEK LITERATURE, CLASSICAL AUTHORS, ETC. Continued. 2861 HERODOTUS. GARY (H.) Lexicon to Herodotus, Greek and English, adapted to the Text of Gaisford and Baehr. 8vo, half morocco, gilt. Oxford, 1843 2862 LARCHER (P. H.) Historical and Critical Remarks on the Nine Books of the History of Herodotus, with a Chronological Table. Translated from the French. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1829 2863 LARCHER (P. H.) Historical and Critical Comments on the History of Herodotus, with a Chronological Table. From the French. New Edition, with Corrections and Additions, by W. D. Cooley. 2 vols. half morocco, gilt. London, 1844 2864 LAURENT (P. E.) The Nine Books of the History of Hero- dotus translated from the Text of Gaisford, with Notes, Illustrative and Critical, and Geographical Index. Third Edition, with numerous Corrections, additional Notes, etc., and a map of the world. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. Oxford, 1846 2865 LITTLEBURY (ISAAC). History of Herodotus. Translated from the Greek. New Edition, corrected. 8vo, half calf, gilt. Oxford, 1824 2866 MACAN (R. W.) Herodotus. The Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Books. With Introductions, Notes, Appendices, Indices, and maps. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1895 * These three books of Herodotus "may be said to carry on the story of the advance of the Persian power; its approximation to the great centres of Hellenism; its absorption of Hellenic colonies; its gains at the expense of barbarous Europe; its reconquest of rebel Ionia; its spread over the /Egean; its assault on Attica." 2867 MACAULAY (G. C. ) The History of Herodotus translated into English. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1890 2868 RAWLINSON (GEORGE). History of Herodotus. A new Eng- lish Version, edited, with copious Notes and Appendices, illustrat- ing the History and Geography of Herodotus from the most Recent Sources of Information, etc., by George Rawlinson, assisted by Sir Henry Rawlinson and Sir J. G. Wilkinson. Maps and illustrations. 4 vols. 8vo, half morocco gilt, gilt tops. London, 1858-60 2869 - RAWLINSON (GEORGE). History of Herodotus. Third Edi- tion. 4 vols. 8vo. cloth. London, 1875 * This edition was considerably altered and enlarged, owing to the discoveries in Babylonia and Assyria. George Smith, the Assyriologist, assisted in the revision of that portion of the history. of Greece an> 1Rome 347 GREEK LITERATURE, CLASSICAL AUTHORS, ETC. Continued. 2870 HERODOTUS. RENNELL (J.) The Geographical System of Herodotus Examined and Explained by a Comparison with those of other Ancient Authors and with Modern Geography. Second Edition, revised. Portrait of the author and maps. 2 vols. 8vo, calf, gilt. London, 1830 2871 SAYCE (A. H.) The Ancient Empires of the East. Hero- dotos I. -III. [in Greek]. With Notes, Introductions, and Appen- dices. 8vo, cloth. London, 1883 2872 TAYLOR (ISAAC). Herodotus. Translated, with short Ex- planatory Notes. Map. 8vo, calf, gilt. London, 1829 28 73 TURNER (DAWSON W.) Notes on Herodotus, Original and Selected, from the best Commentators. Second Edition, with % numerous additions and corrections. Post 8vo, calf, gilt. (Bohn's Classical Library.) London, 1853 2874 WHEELER (J. T.) An Analysis and Summary of Herodotus, with Synchronistical Table of Principal Events, etc. Post 8vo, calf, gilt. (Bohn's Classical Library.) London, 1854 2875 WHEELER (J. T.) The Geography of Herodotus . . . Illus- trated from Modern Researches and Discoveries. Maps and plans. 8vo, cloth. London, 1854 2876 HESIOD, MUS^EUS, ETC. Hesiodus, Apollonius Rhodius, Musaeus, Coluthus, Quintus Smyrnaeus, Tryphiodorus, Tzetzoeus. Graece et Latine, cum Indicibus Nominum et Rerum. Cum fragmenta Asii, Pisandri, Panyasidis, Choerili, Antimachi. Edidit F. S. Lehrs, et F. Dubner. Royal 8vo, half morocco. (Didot's Classics.) Paris, 1862 2877 HESIOD, CALLIMACHUS, AND THEOGNIS. Literally translated by J. Banks. Post 8vo, calf, gilt. (Bohn's Classical Library.) London, 1856 2878 HESYCHIUS MILESIUS. OpusculaDuo quae supersunt; I. De Hominibus Doctrina et Eruditione Claris; II. De Originis Urbis Constantinopoleos, et Cardinalis Bessarionis Epistola, etc. Cura Orellius, et Pancirolli. 8vo, boards. Leipzig, 1820 34 8 UMston?, ^Language anfc ^Literature GREEK LITERATURE, CLASSICAL AUTHORS, 'ETC. Continued. 2879 HIBBERT'S PRIVATE GREEK PRESS. The Book of the Orphic Hymns, together with the Principal Fragments of other hymns attributed to Orpheus. Extracted from Hermann's Edition. 8vo, contemporary calf gilt, gilt edges (the binding damaged, but otherwise a fine copy). Printed in Uncial Letters as a Typographi- cal Experiment, and published for the sum of three shillings and sixpence in the year 1827. * The First of only Two Productions from Julian Hibbert's Private Greek Press. The interest of this production of a private press is still further increased by the character of the printer, as shown in the prefaces to this and the following volume. A few extracts will show the man, and the principles of his typography, better, pos- sibly, than a mere description, and, perhaps, add a little to the gaiety of a collection of Greek books. Julian Hibbert was evidently a type of the old book-lover, but with a fund of humor in his character that is sometimes wanting in the average biblio- maniac. Nothing practically is known of him except the fact of his printing these two books. He must have lived in Kentish-town, London, as the books are dated from there. The preface is divided into two parts, the first on the typography, the second generally on Orpheus and the editions of his works. In the first part he writes, the extracts being a little condensed : "If in the following Typographical Experiment you expect to find a handsome type, you will be very much disappointed, for, as far as beauty is concerned, the type which I present to you is no doubt an utter failure. I will confess that I never saw a Greek MS. My alphabet was first composed from Inscriptions in the Museums of London and Paris. When however I had read Montfaucon's Palseographia Grseca, and seen the facsimiles of the Herculanensian MSS. , I altered the forms of many of the letters. My characters may be said generally to resemble those of the Codex Ephremi. Yet they look very different from a MS., and have not even regularity for an excuse. All I can say is I am tired with attempting to produce better letters, I cannot afford the best workmen, and indifferent workmen are not improvements but only expenses. . . Here I terminate the account of my type, which is I hope good in theory, tho' I confess the execution of it is detestable, I am preparing an edition of Plutarch on Superstition, which will serve to occupy my compositor, 'till I can ascer- tain from the sale of the present volume, whether it is worth my while to continue print- ing. For I tell you plainly I am very unwilling to ruin myself for the benefit of merely a dozen purchasers. I have ventured to have 250 copies worked off. I ought at the beginning to have insisted on the importance of reading Greek in a type that repre- sents with tolerable accuracy, the forms of the letters used by the Greeks themselves. It is evident that uncial type is of importance not only as a matter of taste, but as a matter of religion. If orthodoxy, or heterodoxy depend upon the appearance of part of a single Greek character in the faded writing of some half-dozen mutilated old books, surely every true believer ought to devote a considerable portion of his mortal existence to the study of those letters which will, no doubt, equally open to him the gates of Heaven or Hades," etc., etc. (See note to the following item.) of Oreece an& IRome 349 GREEK LITERATURE, CLASSICAL AUTHORS, ETC. Continued. *88o HIBBERT'S PRIVATE GREEK PRESS. Plutarchus and Theophrastus on Superstition, with various Appendices, and a Life of Plutarchus. Printed A.D. 1828. Price, One Guinea. 8vo, finely bound in half blue mor-occo gilt, gilt top, uncut. * Julian Hibbert's experiment was not a success, and with this book he stopped his work. In the preface to this volume he gives the result of the issue of his first work. "The fate of my experiment was soon decided. Very few booksellers conde- scended to let a copy of the unfortunate production remain in their shops on sale or return. Some said they did not deal in Greek books; some said that they did not deal in new books ; and one even said that the book was too thin and might be lost. When I received this disastrous information I would willingly have renounced printing alto- gether, but part of this Plutarch was worked off. But I still had hope. I had sent copies of the Orphica to the Newspapers and Reviews. But more than a year has elapsed, and no Newspaper or Review has in the slightest degree condescended to take notice of the book. Now, however, I am seriously persuaded that the editors were silent principally out of mercy as being unwilling to blame a poor devil who did his best, and on the other hand unable to praise. However what is printed is printed ; and I must give as an excuse for having besmeared so much excellent paper, that hereby I have, at any rate partially, attained my avowed object. The door of my printing-room must now be closed, and I earnestly solicit the prayers of the faithful, that I may never again be guilty of the horrible crime of scribbling." (Here follows an abstract of the exact cost of the edition of the Orphica, and the number of copies disposed of, from which it seems that Henry G. B.ohn bought J2 copies, another bookseller 6, one private gentleman bought one copy, and that the author "forced" six others upon three private parties, making a total receipt of jCj, 9-f. 6d. , against a cost of ,34, us. 6d.) " On first turning printer I vowed to buy no other than Greek type, but I had to get some brevier roman, which seems compiled from various founts, and bears an invincible antipathy to a straight line. It was the first modern type I ever bought, and sadly was I cheated in the purchase of it. I know not what I shall do with the present volume. When in better health than usual I determine to lock up the whole edition ; when rather ailing, I determine to give away a few copies to particular friends ; when finally, I consider that I have only a few months or days to live, I then determine to offer the whole edition for sale. At all events the price marked on the book shall not be humble. I was decidedly wrong with regard to my reprint of the Orphica ; for what few purchasers there were, would probably as soon have paid seven shillings as three and sixpence ; and then again, in giving a copy away, the larger the sum marked, the greater present it seems. ' Price one Guinea,' therefore, ornaments the title page of this volume ; and any one silly personage, who will give this sum, will put more money into my pocket, than three more sensible men, who would only honour me with the cost price of between six and seven shillings. I terminate this preface by consigning all ' Greek Scholars' to the special care of Beelzebul." 35 1biston>, OLanauaoe ant) ^Literature GREEK LITERATURE, CLASSICAL AUTHORS, ETC. Continued. 2881 HIMERIUS. Himerii Sophistag quse reperiri potuerunt, videlicet Eclogae e Photii Myriobiblo repetitae et Declamationes, e Codicibus Augustanis, Oxoniensibus et Vaticanis. Accurate recensuit, emen- davit, Latina versione et Commentario per G. Wernsdorf. Portrait of the editor. Thick 8vo, calf, gilt (front cover loose). Gottingen, 1790 * First complete editon. 2882 HIPPOCRATES. The Genuine Works of Hippocrates. Trans- lated from the Greek, with a Preliminary Discourse and Annotations by Francis Adams. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. (Sydenham Society.) London, 1849 2883 HOFFMANN (S. F. G.) Lexicon Bibliographicum, sive Index Editionum et Interpretationum Scriptorum Graecorum turn Sacrorum turn Profanorum. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf. Leipzig, 1832-36 2884 Bibliographisches Lexicon der gesammten Litteratur der Griechen. Zweite Ausgabe. 3 vols. 8vo, old calf. Leipzig, 1838-45 * Best edition of this comprehensive bibliography of Greek authors, which gives- very full descriptions of the 15th Century and other early editions. 2885 HOMER. AUTENRIETH (G. ) A Homeric Dictionary. Translated by R. P. Keep. Crown 8vo, cloth. New York, 1897 2886 BONITZ (H.) The Origin of the Homeric Poems. Trans- lated by L. R. Packard. Square i2mo, cloth. New York, 1880 2887 BUTCHER (S. H.) and LANG (ANDREW). The Odyssey of Homer done into English Prose. FIRST EDITION. Frontispiece* Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1879 2888 CURETON (W.) Fragments of the Iliad of Homer from a Syriac Palimpsest. Edited by William Cureton. Folio, cloth. London : Printed by Order of the Trustees of the British Museum, 185 i * The Manuscript was written in Uncial Greek, and over the Homer was written a Syriac theological treatise, apparently about the gth or loth Century. Facsimiles are given of the original. 2889 - DART (J. H.) The Iliad of Homer in English Hexameter Verse. Small 410, cloth, gilt. Presentation copy from the author (with two A. L. S. inserted) to Lord Chief Justice Coleridge. London, 1865 of Greece ano 1Rome 351 Seconfc Seeeion, GREEK LITERATURE, CLASSICAL AUTHORS, E.TC.-Continued. 2890 HOMER. DUNBAR (H.) A Complete Concordance to the Odyssey and Hymns of Homer; to which is added a Concordance to the Par- allel Passages in the Iliad, Odyssey, and Hymns. 410, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1880 2891 ENGELMANN (R.) and ANDERSON (W. C. F.) Pictorial Atlas to Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. 36 plates, containing 225 illustrations from works of Ancient Art, with Descriptive Text, and an epitome of the contents of each book. Oblong 410, cloth. London, 1892 2892 GLADSTONE (R.T. HON. W. E.) Landmarks of Homeric Study, together with an Essay on the points of contact between the Assyrian tablets and the Homeric text. 12010, cloth. London, 1890 2893 KNIGHT (R. PAYNE). Carmina Homerica Ilias et Odyssea .... cum Notis ac Prolegomenis in quibus de Eorum Origine, Auctore, et yEtate, itemque de Priscae Linguae progressu, et Praecoci Maturitate diligenter inquiritur. Opera et Studio R. P. Knight. Map. Royal 8vo, half calf. London, 1820 * The text of Homer is printed with the digamma throughout. 2894 KOLIADES (CONSTANTINE). Ulysses Homer: a Discovery of the true author of the Iliad and Odyssey. Post 8vo, calf, gilt. Autograph letter of the author inserted. London, 1829 * The author endeavors to prove that the Homeric poems were written by Ulysses himself. 2895 LANG (ANDREW). Homer and the Epic. FIRST EDITION. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1893 2896 LANG (ANDREW), LEAF (WALTER), and MYERS (ERNEST). The Iliad of Homer done into English Prose. Post 8vo, cloth. * First Edition. London, 1883 2897 LEAF (WALTER). A Companion to the Iliad for English readers. Frontispiece. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1892 2898 - MONRO (D. B.) A Grammar of the Homeric Dialect. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. 8vo, cloth. (Clarendon Press Series.) Oxford, 1891 35 2 1bistor t OLanouaoe anfc ^Literature GREEK LITERATURE, CLASSICAL AUTHORS, ETC. Continued. 2899 HOMER. NITZSCH (G. G.) De Historia Homeri maximeque de Scriptorum Carminum ^Etate Meletemata., Fasciculus Prior (and, Posterior), Hanover, 1830, 1837 ; Sollemnia Natalitia . . . Friderici VI. 1839 . . . Rite Celebrandi . . . per G. G. Nitzschium, Inest. Mele- tem de Hist. Homeri, Fasc. II., Comm. IV., Particula in qua dis- putatur de Pisistrato Homericum Carminum, instauratore ad scho- lion Plautinum nuper repertum, Fasc. II., P. IV., 1837; De Memoria Homeri Antiquissima Commentatio, Cap. I. et II. (these last two, pp. 32 and 40 respectively), Kilise, n. d. Bound in i vol. Small 4to, boards. 2900 PIERRON (A.) L'Odyssee d'Homere, texte Grec, public d'apres les travaux les plus recents de la Philologie accompagne d'un commentaire critique et explicatif, precede d'une Introduc- tion, et suivi de la Batrachomyomachie, des Hymnes Homeriques, etc. Deuxieme Edition, revue et corrigee. 2 vols. 8vo, half mo- rocco (Vol. 2 is of the first edition, 1875; Vol. i, the second edi- tion, 1887). Paris, 1887-75 2901 WOLF (F. A.) Prolegomena ad Homerum. Vol. i. (All published.) Post 8vo, boards. Hallse, 1795 * The great pioneer work in Homeric criticism. 2902 HYPERIDES. Fragments of an Oration against Demosthenes respecting the Money of Harpalus. Published by A. C. Harris of Alexandria, n plates, facsimiling the 32 fragments. 410, wrappers. London: Privately printed, 1848 2903 The Oration of Hyperides against Demosthenes. The Frag- ments of the Greek text now first edited from the facsimile of the MS. discovered at Thebes in 1847, with fragments of the same oration cited in Ancient Writers. With Preliminary Dissertation and Notes, and a facsimile of a portion of the MS. By Churchill Babing- ton. 410, paper, cloth back, pp. 84. London and Cambridge, 1850 2904 The Orations of Hyperides for Lycophron and for Euxenip- pus, now First Printed in Facsimile, with a short account of the discovery of the Original Manuscript at Thebes in 1847. By Joseph Arden. Edited, with Notes and Illustrations by the Rev. Churchill Babington. Folio, half morocco. Cambridge (Eng.), 1853 2905 The Funeral Oration of Hyperides over Leosthenes and his comrades in the Lamian war, now first edited from a papyrus in the British Museum. By Churchill Babington. Facsimiles. Folio, limp boards. Cambridge (Eng.), 1858 of Greece ano IRome 353 GREEK LITERATURE, CLASSICAL AUTHORS, ETC. Continued. IAMBLICHUS. See TAYLOR (THOMAS). 2906 JEBB (R. C.) The Attic Orators from Antiphon to Isseos. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1876 * Lives and Summaries of the speeches or writings of Antiphon, Lysias, Isokrates, etc. 2907 JEVONS (F. B.) A History of Greek Literature from the Earliest Period to the death of Demosthenes. Post 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. [1886] JULIAN (EMPEROR). See TAYLOR (THOMAS). 2908 JULIUS POLLUX. Julii Pollucis Historia Physica, seu Chroni- con ab Origine Mundi. Nunc primum Graece et Latine editum . . . Ignatio Hardt. 8vo, half calf. Monachii et Lips., 1792 2909 LONGINUS. Longinus on the Sublime in Writing. Translated, with Notes, original and selected, and three dissertations. (By W. T. Spurdens.) 8vo, half calf antique. London, 1836 2910 LUCIAN. Lucian's True History, translated by Francis Hickes. Illustrated by W. Strung, J. B. Clark, and Aubrey Beardsley. With Introduction by C. Whibley. Small 4to, cloth, uncut. London, 1894 * Only 251 copies privately printed, this being No. 139. 2911 A Second-Century Satirist; or, Dialogues and Stories from Lucian of Samosata. Translated, with Introduction and Notes, by W. D. Sheldon. Crown 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1901 2912 Selections from Lucian, translated by E. J. Smith. i2mo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1892 2913 MAHAFFY (J. P.) A History of Classical Greek Literature. Second Edition, revised throughout. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1883 2914 MARCIAN OF HERACLEA. Periple de Marcien d'Heraclee, Epitome d'Artemidore, Isidore de Charax, etc.; ou, Supplement aux dernieres 6ditions des Petits Geographes d'apres un manuscrit Grec de la Bibliotheque Royale. Par E. Miller. Avec une carte. 8vo, cloth. Paris, 1839 2915 MEINEKE (AUGUSTUS). Fragmenta Comicorum Graecorum (Historiam Criticam Comicorum Graecorum, Fragmenta, Indicem, et Supplementa). 7 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Berlin, 1839-57 354 Ifoiston?, ^Language anfc ^Literature GREEK LITERATURE, CLASSICAL AUTHORS, ETC. Continued. 2916 MELEAGER. Meleagri Reliquiaes. Lectionis Varietatem, Ver- sionem, et Commentarium Perpetuum adjecit I. C. F. Manso. 8vo, cloth. Jena, 1789 2917 MENANDER. Menander's Georgos. Revised Text of the Geneva Fragment, with Translation and Notes by B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 26. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1898 2918 MULLACH (F. G. A.) Fragmenta Philosophorum Grsecorum, collegit . . . annotationibus et prolegomenis illustravit F. G. A. Mullachius. Poeseos Philosophies cseterorumque ante Socratem philosophorum quse supersunt. Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 575. (Didot's Classics.) Paris, 1860 * Includes the poetical fragments of Empedocles, Apothegma of the Seven Sages Parmenides, Xenophanes, Pythagoras, Democritus, etc. 2919 MULLER (CARL AND THEODORE). Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum, Hecataei; Charonis; Apollodori; Berosi ; Ctesibus; Q. Fabii Pictoris; Callicratis Tyrii; Zenobiae; Photii; &c. Complete in 5 vols. Royal 8vo, half calf and morocco (not uniform). (Didot's Classics.) Paris, 1841-83 2920 MULLER (K. O.) History of the Literature of Ancient Greece to the period of Isocrates. Translated by George Cornewall Lewis and J. W. Donaldson. New Edition, corrected. 8vo, half mo- rocco. (Library of Useful Knowledge.) London, n. d. [circa 1840] 2921 A History of the Literature of Ancient Greece. By K. O. Muller. Continued after the author's death by John William Donaldson. Portrait of Muller. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1858 2922 MURRAY (GILBERT). A History of Ancient Greek Literature. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1898 2923 MUS./EUS. Musaei Grammatici de Herone et Leandro carmen cum conjecturis ineditis Petri Francii ex recensione J. Schraderi. Editionem novam auctiorem curavit G. H. Schaefer. 8vo, half vellum. Leipzig, 1825 2924 NAUCK (A.) TRAGICORUM GRAECORUM FRAGMENTA. Recensuit Augustus Nauck. 8vo, half calf. Leipzig, 1856 2925 NICOLAUS DAMASCENUS. Historiarum Excerpta et Frag- menta quse supersunt. Cum versionem Latinam H. Valesii et H. Grotii, &c. 8vo, half calf. Leipzig, 1804 of Greece ano tRome 355 GREEK LITERATURE, CLASSICAL AUTHORS, ETC. Continued. OCELLUS LUCANUS. See TAYLOR (THOMAS). 2926 OPUSCULA MYTHOLOGICA, PHYSICA ET ETHICA. Graece et Latine. (Palaephatus, Eratosthenes, Heracliti de Incredi- bilibus, Phurnuti, Sallustii de Diis et Mundo, Ocellus Lucanus, Theophrastus, Democratis, etc.) Engraved frontispiece. 8vo, calf (joints cracked). Amsterdam, 1688 ORPHEUS. See HIBBERT (JULIAN), also TAYLOR (THOMAS). 2927 PALEY (F. A.) Greek Wit. A Collection of Smart Sayings and Anecdotes translated from the Greek Prose Writers. Second Series. 12010, cloth London, 1881 2928 PAULUS ^EGINETA. The Seven Books of Paulus ^Egineta, translated from the Greek with a Commentary, embracing a com- plete view of the knowledge possessed by the Greeks, Romans and Arabians on all subjects connected with Medicine and Surgery. By Francis Adams. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. (The Sydenham Society.) London, 1844-47 2929 PAUSANIAS. Pausanias' Description of Greece, translated into English, with Notes and Index, by A. R. Shilleto. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. (Bohn's Classical Library.) London, 1886 See also TAYLOR (THOMAS). 2930 PHILO JUD^EUS, SIBYLLINE ORACLES AND VIRGIL. Philonis Judsei de Cophini Festo et de Colendis Parentibus, Edi- tore A. Maio, Milan, 1818; Virgilii Maronis Interpretes Veteres, Edidit A. Maii, with two facsimiles from the Ambrosian MS., Milan, 1818; Sibyllae Liber XIV., Editore et Interprete A. Maio, Milan, 1817. The three bound in one volume, 8vo, vellum, gilt. 2931 PHILOSTRATUS. Phlaoyioy Philostratoy bioi sophiston. Flavii Philostrati vitae Sophistarum. Textum ex Codd. Romanis, Florentinis, Venetis, . . . &c., adjecit Commentarium et Indices concinnavit C. L. Kayser. Accedit libellus Galeni Peri Aristes Didaskalias, ex cod. Florentine . . . et qui vulgo inter Lucianeos fertur Neron Philostrato vindicatus et ex cod. Palatine correctus. 8vo, half roan. Heidelberg, 1838 35 6 Ibiston?, Xanguaoe ant) ^Literature GREEK LITERATURE, CLASSICAL AUTHORS, ETC. Continued. 2932 PHILOSTRATUS. Flavii Philostrati qua supersunt Philostrati Junioris Imagines, Callistrati Descriptiones. Edidit C. L. Kayser. Editio altera. 410, half morocco, gilt. Turici (Zurich), n. d. [1844] * Best edition of the Complete Works of Philostratus, including his life of Apollon- ius of Tyana, lives of the Sophists, his treatise on the Trojan War (Heroica), etc., together with Eusebius' answer to Hierocles' comparison between Apollonius and Jesus Christ. 2 933 Philostratorum Imagines et CALLISTRATI Statuse. Textum ad fidem veterum librorum recensuit et commentarium adjecit F. Jacobs. Observationes, &c., addidit F. T. Welcker. 8vo, half vellum. Leipzig, 1825 2934 The two first Books of Philostratus concerning the Life of Apollonius of Tyanseus, written originally in Greek and now published in English, together with Philological Notes upon each chapter. By Charles Blount. Small folio, old calf, gilt back. London, 1680 * Scarce. The First English translation of the Life of Apollonius by Philostratus. 2 935 The Life of Apollonius of Tyana, translated, with Notes, and illustrations. By E. Berwick. 8vo, sprinkled calf, gilt. London, 1809 2936 PHOTIUS. Photioy Myriobiblon e Bibliotheke. Photii Myrio- biblon sive Bibliotheca. Grsece edidit David Hoeschelius . . . Latine, et Scholiis, Andreas Schottus. Folio, old calf (covers loose). The Best Edition. Rothomagi [Rouen], 1653 * Photius was Patriarch of Constantinople in the Ninth Century. The Myriobiblon consists of summaries and extracts of works which Photius had read, and number in all 280. Many of the originals of these are lost, and our knowledge of their contents is obtained from this book. 2 937 Photioy toy Patriarchoy Lexeon Synagoge. E codice Galeano descripsit Ricardus Porsonus. 2 vols. in one, 8vo, calf. London: Sumptibus Coll. Trinitatis Cantab. , 1822 2938 PHRYNICHUS. Phrynichi Eclogae Nominum et Verborum Atti- corum, cum notis P. J. Nunnesii, D. Hoeschelii, J. Scaligeri, et C. de Pauw. Edidit C. A. Lobeck. Thick 8vo, boards. Leipzig, 1820 2939 PINDAR. The Extant Odes of Pindar, translated into English, with Introduction and short Notes. By Ernest Myers. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1874 of Greece ano IRome 357 GREEK LITERATURE. CLASSICAL AUTHORS, ETC. Continued. 2940 PLATO. Platonis Dialog! secundum Thrasylli Tetralogias Dis- positi. Post C. F. Hermannum recognovit. 6 vols. 12010, half morocco. Leipzig, 1881-84 2941 - The Dialogues of Plato, translated into English, with Analysis and Introductions. Second Edition, revised and corrected through- out, with additions and an Index of Subjects and Proper Names. By Prof. Benjamin Jowett. 5 vols. 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1875 2942 Plato against the Atheists; or, The loth Book of the Dialogue of Laws, with critical Notes, and Dissertation on some of the Main Points of the Platonic Philosophy. By Tayler Lewis. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1845 2 943 The Phaedo, literally translated. By the late E. M. Cope. 8vo, cloth. Cambridge (Eng.): University Press, 1875 2944 The Republic of Plato, translated into English, with Analysis and Notes. By J. L. Davies and D. J. Vaughan. i6mo, cloth. (Golden Treasury Series.) London, 1890 2945 The Theaetetus of Plato, with revised Text and English Notes. By Prof. Lewis Campbell. 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The University Press^ 1861 2946 The Theaetetus of Plato, translated, with Introduction and Brief Explanatory Notes. By F. A. Paley. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1875 See also TAYLOR (THOMAS). 2947 PLAUTUS, TERENCE, IS^EUS, AND THEMISTIUS. M. Acci Plauti Fragmenta Inedita (ex Antiquissimo Palimpsesto Bibliothecae Ambrosianae), item Terentium Commentationes et Pic- turas Ineditoe; Isaei Oratio de Hereditate Cleonymi ; Themistii Philo- sophi Oratio in eos a quibus ob Praefecturam Susceptam fuerat Vitu- peratus. Inventore (et edidit) Angelo Maio. 8vo,calf, gilt. Milan, 1815 * The fragments of Plautus are from the most ancient codex known, and has a facsimile; the illustrations to the Terence are also facsimiles from the MS.; the two orations of Themistius and Isxus are the first publications of them from the MS. discovered by Cardinal Mai in the Ambrosian Library. 2948 PLOTINUS, PORPHYRY, PROCLUS, AND PRISCIANUS. Plotini Enneades, cum Marsilii Ficini Interpretatione; Porphyrii et Procli Institutiones; et Prisciani Philosophi Solutiones. Edidit et Annotatione Critica instruxit Fr. Dubner. (With Latin translations of each.) Royal 8vo, half calf (back loose). (Didot's Classics.) Paris, 1855 35 8 "Ibistorp, OLanaua0e an> ^Literature GREEK LITERATURE, CLASSICAL AUTHORS, ETC. Continued. 2949 PLOTINUS. Three Treatises of Plotinus, translated by Thomas M. Johnson. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 18. Osceola, Miss. : Privately Printed, 1880 See also TAYLOR (THOMAS). 2950 PLUTARCH. Vitae, 2 vols. ; Scripta Moralia, 2 vols. ; Fragmenta et Spuria. Ex Codicis Regis Bibliotheca, Parisiis, etc. Edidit F. Dubner and T. Doehner. 5 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco and half calf (two vols. not uniform). (Didot's Classics.) Paris, 1841-62 * With Latin versions. 2951 Plutarch's Lives, translated, with Notes, Critical and Histor- ical, and Life of Plutarch. By J. and W. Langhorne. Portrait. 8vo, full calf gilt, marbled edges. London, 1833 2952 The Morals. Translated by C. W. King. Post 8vo, cloth. (Bohn's Classical Library.) London, 1882 2 953 The Peri Moysikes. Translated. [By J. H. Bromby.] Frontispiece. Crown 8vo, half vellum gilt, gilt top, uncut. Chiswick : W hitting ham Press, 1822 * Plutarch's treatise on Ancient Music. 2954 WORTH (THOMAS). Plutarch Restored. An Anachronatic Metempsychosis, illustrating the Illustrious of Greece and Rome. Oblong 410, cloth. New York, 1862 * A Parody on Plutarch, the characters represented under the Greek names being Gen. McLellan, Edwin Forrest the actor, Horace Greeley, and political characters of the time, illustrated with 24 humorous plates. The first book of humorous illustra- tions that brought Worth into prominence. See also HIBBERT (JULIAN). 2955 POLY/ENUS. Polyainoy Strategematon Polyaeni Strategema- tum. Juste Vultejo interprete. Pancratius Maasvicius recensuit, Isaaci Casauboni . . . notas adjecit. Engraved title. Post 8vo, old red French morocco, gilt. Lugd.-Bat. (Leyden), 1690 2 956 The Stratagems of War. Translated from the Original Greek. By R. Shephard. 410, old calf (front cover loose). London, 1793 * The "Stratagems of War" is not a scientific treatise on strategy, but a collection of anecdotes of celebrated Generals, and of famous campaigns, Greek and Roman. of Greece anfc IRome 359 GREEK LITERATURE, CLASSICAL AUTHORS, ETC. Continued. 2957 POLYBIUS. Polybii Historiarum Reliquiae. Graece et Latine cum Indicibus. 2 vols. in one. Royal 8vo, half morocco. (Didot's Classics.) Paris, 1859 2 958 The History of Polybius the Megalopolitan, containing a General Account of the Transactions of the World, etc. Translated by Sir H. S[hears]. With a character of Polybius by Mr. Dryden. 2 vols. crown 8vo, old calf (binding worn). London, 1693 *959 The General History of Polybius. Translated from the Greek by Mr. Hampton. Third Edition. Two maps. 4 vols. 8vo, old tree calf, gilt. London, 1772-73 2960 The General History of Polybius. Translated by Mr. Hamp- ton. Fifth Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, calf, gilt. Oxford, 1823 2961 The Histories of Polybius. Translated from the text of Hultsch by E. S. Shuckburgh. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. * The first complete translation of Polybius. London, 1889 2962 PORPHYRY. Porphyry the Philosopher to his Wife Marcella. Translated with Introduction by Alice Zimmern. Preface by Rich- ard Garnett. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1896 See also TAYLOR (THOMAS). PROCLUS. See TAYLOR (THOMAS). 2963 PROCOPIUS. The History of the Warres of the Emperour Justinian in eight books, of the Persian, Vandall, Gothicke. Written in Greek by Procopius of Caesarea, and Englished by Henry Holcroft, Knight. Engraved title by T, Cross. Small folio, sprinkled calf, gilt. * Scarce. London, 1653 2964 PYTHAGORAS. DACIER (M.) The Life of Pythagoras, with his Symbols and Golden Verses, together with the Life of Hierocles, and his Commentaries upon the Verses. Now done into English. 8vo, old panelled calf. London, 1707 * Rowland Hill's copy, with his autograph written inside the cover, and with book- plate. 2 9 6 5 The Commentary of Hierocles upon the Golden Verse of Pythagoras. Translated from the Greek [by J. Moore]. Second Edition, corrected and improved. 12010, old calf. Glasgow, 1756 * Scarce. 360 Ifoiston?, Xanauacje anfc ^Literature GREEK LITERATURE, CLASSICAL AUTHORS, ETC. Continued. 2966 QUINTUS SMYRN^EUS. Quinti Calabri Praetermissorum ab- Homero . . . cum versione Latina . . . emend. L. Rhodomanii, et adnot. C. Dausque, curante J. C. de Pauw. 8vo, vellum. Lugd. Bat. (Leyden), 1734 2967 Quinti Smyrnaei Posthomericum libri XIV. Nunc primum ad Librorum Manuscriptorum fidem et virorum doctorum conject- uras recensuit, restituit et supplevit T. C. Tychsen. Accesserunt observationes C. G. Heynii. 8vo, scored calf. Argentorati (Strasburg): Bipont, 1807 * The first correct edition, collated with all the extant manuscripts. One of the best printed Bipont editions. 2968 Select Translations from the Greek of Quintus Smyrnaeus, by Alexander Dyce, Oxford, 1821; also in the same volume, Sketches of Poetry, by J. W. Lake, Paris, 1821. 12010, half calf. SALLUST. See TAYLOR (THOMAS). 2969 SAPPHO. Sappho: Memoir, Text, Selected Readings, and a Literal' Translation, by H. T. Wharton. Portrait of Sappho after Alma- Tadema. Third Edition. i2mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1895 2970 SEXTUS EMPIRICUS. Sexti Empirici Opera Graece et Latine. Pyrrhoniarum Institutionum cum Stephani versione et notis; contra Mathematicos; contra Philosophos cum versione G. Herveti^ Graeca ex MSS. Codicibus castigavit, Versione emendavit supple- vitque et toti operi Notas addidit J. A. Fabricius. Editio emenda- tion 2 vols. 8vo, half vellum. Leipzig, 1842 2971 SIBYLLINE ORACLES. Sibylliakoi Chresmoi, hoc est Sibyllina Oracula ex vet. cod. aucta, renovata, et notis illustrata a D. Johanne Opsopaeo Brettano. Cum interpretatione Latina Sebas- tiani Castalionis et Indice. Engraved title, with arms of the City of Paris; also, in the same volume, edited by Opsopaeus, Oracula Magica Zoroastris cum scholiis Plethonis et Pselli, nunc primum editi; and, Oracula Metrica Jovis, Apollinis, Hecates, Serapidis, et Aliorum. Each with separate titles. Thick i2mo, old calf (newly rebacked). Paris \Langelier\) 1607 2972 Sibylliakoi Chresmoi, hoc est Sibyllina Oracula. Ex veter- ibus codicibus emendata, ac restituta et commentariis diver- sorum illustrata. Opera et studio Servati Gallaei. Accedunt etiam Oracula Magica Zoroastris, Jovis, Apollinis, &c., .... Graece et Latine cum Notis variorum. Engraved and printed titles. Small 4to^ old calf. Amsterdam, 1689, of Greece anfc TRome 361 GREEK LITERATURE, CLASSICAL AUTHORS, ETC. Continued. 2973 SIBYLLINE ORACLES. BALTUS (JEAN FRANCOIS). Answer to Mr. De Fontenelle's History of Oracles, London, 1709; Continuation of the Answer to the History of Oracles, London, 1710. Translated from the French by a Priest of the Church of England. 2 vols. in one. 8vo, old leather. London, 1709-10 2974 - EWALD (HEINRICH). Abhandlung uber Entstehung Inhalt und Werth der Sibyllischen Bucher. 4to, wrappers, pp. 112. With Presentation Inscription from the Author. Gottingen, 1858 2 975 FLOYER (SiR JOHN). The Sibylline Oracles translated from the Best Greek Copies, and compar'd with the Sacred Prophesies .... etc. Crown 8vo, half calf. London, 1713 2976 FRIEDLIEB (J. H.) Oracula Sibyllina. Ad fidem MSS quotquot exstant .... prolegomenis .... annotationes .... versione Germanica, &c. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 229 -\- cxxiii. Leipzig, 1852 2 977 FRIEDLIEB (J. H.) Die Sibyllinischen Weissagungen, voll- staendig gesammelt nach neuer Handschriften-vergleichung, mit kritischem Conjmentare und Metrischer Deutscher Uebersetzung. 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut. Leipzig, 1852 2978 GALLE (SERVATUS). Dissertationes de Sibyllis earumque Oraculis. Small 4to, vellum. Amsterdam, 1688 * With Portrait of the author, Frontispiece and 14 full-page plates engraved by Romeyn de Hooghe. The dissertations are on the various Sibyls the Cumean, Del- phic, Egyptian, Libyan, etc., together with a chapter on the Celtic Hercules. 2 979 TERRY (M. S.) The Sibylline Oracles, translated from the Greek into English Blank Verse. Crown 8vo, cloth. New York, 1890 2980 Vossius (I.) Isaaci Vossii de Sibyllinis .... accedit ejus- dem Responsio ad Objectiones nuperae Criticae Sacrae. 8vo, old calf. Oxford: Sheldon Theatre, 1680 2981 WHISTON (WILLIAM). A Vindication of the Sibylline Oracles, to which are added the Genuine Oracles themselves, with the Ancient Citations from them, in their originals and in English, and a few notes, London, 1715; also, in the same volume, An Answer to M. de Fontenelle's History of Oracles, translated by a Priest of the Church of England, London, 1709. In one vol. 8vo, sprinkled calf, gilt. 3 62 HMstorE, Xanauaoe anfc ^Literature GREKK LITERATURE, CLASSICAL AUTHORS, ETC. Continued. 2982 SIMONIDES OF SAMOS, AND TIMON PHLIASIUS. Simo- nidis Amorgini jambi qui supersunt. Collegit et recensuit F. T. Welcker, Bonn, 1835; also, in the same volume, De Timone Phliasio ceterisque Sillographis Graecis disputavit et Sillographorum reli- quias, collectas dispositas recognotas adjecit C. Wachsmuth [Leip- sic, 1859]. In one vol. 8vo, half calf. * The first correct edition of the fragments of Simonides of Samos. 2983 STRABO. The Geography of Strabo, literally translated, with Notes by H. C. Hamilton and W. Falconer. 3 vols. post 8vo, calf, gilt. (Bonn's Classical Library.) London, 1854 2984 Selections from Strabo. With an Introduction on Strabo's Life and Works. By the Rev. H. F. Tozer. Maps and plans. 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1893 2985 SUIDAS. Suidae Lexicon Greece et Latine. Ad fidem optimorum Librorum exactum post Tho. Gaisfordum recensuit, et Annotatione Critica instruxit Godofredus Bernhardy. 2 vols. thick 4to, half vellum. Halle and Brunswick, 1853 2986 SYNCELLUS AND NICEPHORUS. Georgius Syncellus et Nice- phorus C. P. (Chronographia Brevis). Ex recensione Guil. Din- dorfii. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. Bonn, 1829 2987 TAYLOR (THOMAS). Political Fragments of Archytas, Charon- das, Zaleucus, and other Ancient Pythagoreans preserved by Sto- bseus; and also Ethical Fragments of Hierocles, the celebrated com- mentator on the Golden Pythagoric Verses preserved by the same author. Translated. 8vo, half calf. Chiswick: Printed by C. Whittingham, 1822 2988 - The Great, and Eudemian, Ethics; the Politics, and Eco- nomics of Aristotle. Translated from the Greek. 410, boards, uncut. London: Printed for Ihe Translator, 1811 2989 The Metaphysics of Aristotle, translated from the Greek, with copious Notes, in which the Pythagoric and Platonic Dogmas respecting Numbers and Ideas are unfolded from Antient Sources. To which is added a Dissertation on Nullities and Diverging Series, .... 4to, boards. London: Printed for the Author, 1801 *In this First Edition is a lengthy preliminary treatise, and a concluding disserta- tion on Nullities, which are not in the second edition. of Greece ano IRome 363 GREEK LITERATURE, CLASSICAL AUTHORS, ETC. Continued. 2090 TAYLOR (THOMAS). lamblichus on the Mysteries of the Egyptians, Chaldeans, and Assyrians. Translated from the Greek. 8vo, half calf. London, 1821 2991 The Arguments of the Emperor Julian against the Christians, translated from the Greek fragments preserved by Cyril, Bishop of Alexandria. With extracts from the other works of Julian. Reprinted and edited by W. Nevins. i2mo, cloth. London, 1873 * The original edition was rigidly suppressed and destroyed, there being, it is sup- posed, only a very few copies in existence. 2992. Ocellus Lucanus on the Nature of the Universe ; Taurus, the Platonic Philosopher, on the Eternity of the World ; Julius Firmicus Maternus of the Thema Mundi, in which the positions of the stars at the commencement of the several mundane periods is given ; Select Theorems on the Perpetuity of Time, by Proclus. Translated from the originals. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1831 2 993 THE MYSTICAL HYMNS OF ORPHEUS, LEIGH HUNT'S COPY. The Mystical Initiations, or Hymns of Orpheus. Translated from the Original Greek; with a Preliminary Dissertation on the Life and Theology of Orpheus. Crown 8vo, original calf. London: Printed for the Author, 1787 * FIRST EDITION. SCARCE. LEIGH HUNT'S COPY, WITH HIS AUTOGRAPH ON THE TITLE, AND NUMEROUS MANUSCRIPT NOTES WRITTEN IN, THE LAST SIGNED AND DATED, MAY 14, 1836. This last annotation is Leigh Hunt's summing up of the differences between Pla- tonism and Christianity. He writes, " Platonism and Christianity, if either he thoroughly understood, are formed admirably to go together. The first shapes the human being to beauty and imagination, the latter to love and immortality. The first perfects him individually, the latter to endless companionship. Platonism lifts the philosopher towards heaven, Christianity takes up the whole human tace, and puts them there. I should like to be a worshipper in a Christian temple, in which whatever is good and beautiful should be held for these reasons to be divinely true," etc. 2994 The Mystical Hymns of Orpheus, translated from the Greek, and demonstrated to be the Invocations which were used in the Eleusinian Mysteries. Second Edition, with Emendations, Altera- tions, and Additions. Post 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Chiswick, 1824 * Scarce. Printed by the Whittinghams at the famous press, in their best days. 2 995 Tne Mystical Hymns of Orpheus translated from the Greek. New Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1896 3 6 4 Ibtetors, SLan^uage an& ^Literature GREEK LITERATURE, CLASSICAL AUTHORS, ETC. Continued. 2996 [TAYLOR (THOMAS)]. The Description of Greece by Pau- sanias, translated from the Greek, with Notes, in which much of the Mythology of the Greeks is Unfolded, etc. Illustrated with maps (2) and views (5). 3 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1824 2997 - The Cratylus, Phaedo, Parmenidas, and Timseus of Plato translated from the Greek. With Notes, -etc. 8vo, full calf gilt, yellow edges. London, 1793 2998 [ - ] The Phaedrus of Plato. A Dialogue concerning Beauty and Love. Translated. 410, cloth. London, 1792 * Scarce. In the second edition the author considerably altered the introduction. 2999 - Select Works of Plotinus, the Great Restorer of the Philoso- phy of Plato: and Extracts from the Treatise of Synesius on Provi- dence, translated from the Greek, with an Introduction containing the substance of Porphyry's Life of Plotinus. 8vo, half calf. London, 1817 * Presentation copy to Charles Kelsall, with Taylor's autograph inscription. 3000 - Translations from the Greek of the following Treatises of Plotinus; viz., On Suicide, to which is added an extract from the . . . Scholia of Olympiodorus on the Phaedo of Plato respecting Sui- cide . . . with additional notes from Porphyry and Proclus. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: Printed for the Translator, 1834 3001 - Select Works of Porphyry, containing his four books on Ab- stinence from Animal Food, his treatise on the Homeric Cave of the Nymphs, and his Auxiliaries to the Perception of Intelligible Natures. With an appendix explaining the allegory of the Wander- ings of Ulysses. 8vo, full morocco gilt, gilt edges. London, 1823 * Printed on thicker paper than usually occurs, and is possibly a Large Paper copy bound. 3002 -- The Six Books of Proclus, the Platonic Successor on the Theology of Plato, translated 1 from the Greek, to which a seventh book is added to supply the deficiency of another book on this sub- ject which was written by Proclus but since lost; also, a translation of Proclus' Elements of Theology, the Treatise of Proclus on Provi- dence and Fate, extracts from his Treatise entitled Ten Doubts con- cerning Providence, and extracts from his Treatise on the Sub- sistence of Evil. 2 vols. 4to, cloth, uncut. London, 1816 * Scarce. Only 250 were printed. of Greece ano TRome 365 GREEK LITERATURE, CLASSICAL AUTHORS, ETC. Continued. 3003 TAYLOR (THOMAS). The Fragments that remain of the Lost Writings of Proclus, surnamed the Platonic Successor, translated. Crown 8vo, cloth. London: Printed for the Author, 1825 * This is a supplementary volume to the preceding. Only 250 printed. 3004 Two Treatises of Proclus , . . consisting of Ten Doubts con- cerning Providence and a Solution of those Doubts; and a Develop- ment of the Nature of Evil. Translated from an edition of those works by Victor Cousin. Post 8vo, wrappers, pp. 175. London: Printed for the Translator, 1833 * Complete translations of these treatises, of which only extracts were given in the edition of 1816 (see No. 3002). Only 250 printed. 3005 [ ] Sallust on the Gods of the World; and the Pythagoric Sen- tences of Demophilus, translated; and Five Hymns by Proclus in the original Greek, with a poetical translation, to which are added five hymns by the Translator. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1793 3006 THEMISTOCLES. Themistoclis Epistolae. Ex vetusto Codice Bibliothecae Vaticanse nunc primum erutae, et Latinitate donate. Interprete Jo. Matt. Caryophilo. Royal 8vo, old vellum, gilt, uncut. Rome, 1626 * These letters are considered to-day to be forgeries. Fine copy and scarce. 3007 THEOCRITUS, BION, AND MOSCHUS. Bucolicorum Graco- rum Theocriti Bionis Moschi Reliquiae, accedentibus incertorum Idyllis. EdiditH. L. Ahrens. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. Leipzig, 1855-59 3008 THEOCRITUS, BION, AND MOSCHUS. Literally translated into English Prose by J. Banks, with the War Songs of Tyrtaeus; with the Metrical Versions of Chapman. Post Svo, calf, gilt. (Bohn's Classical Library.) London, 1853 3009 THEODORUS METOCHITA. Theodori Metochitai Miscellanea Philosophica et Historica. Textum e Codice . . . adjecit C. G. Muller. Svo, half calf. Leipzig, 1831 3010 THOMPSON (D'ARCY WENTWORTH). Sales Attici; or, The Maxims Witty and Wise of the Athenian Tragic Drama. i2mo, cloth (binding damp-stained). Edinburgh, 1867 301 1 THUCYDIDES. The History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucy- dides. The text of Arnold, with his argument, and Indexes by R. P. G. Tiddeman. Svo, half calf. Oxford, 1850 366 HMstorp, XanQua$e ant> literature GREEK LITERATURE, CLASSICAL AUTHORS, ETC. Continued. 3012 THUCYDIDES. The History of Thucydides newly translated into English, and illustrated with very copious Annotations Exegetical, Philological, Historical, and Geographical . . . with an entirely new Life of Thucydides, etc. By S. T. Bloomfield. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1829 3013 The History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides. Trans- lated into English by R. Crawley. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1876 3014 Thucydides translated into English, with Introductions, Mar- ginal Analysis, Notes and Indices. By B. Jowett. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Oxford : The Clarendon Press, 1 88 r 3015 TIM^US SOPHISTES. Timaioy Sophistoy peri ton para Pla- toni Lexeon. Ex Codice MS. Sangermanensi nunc primum edidit. . . D. Ruhnkenius, London, 1824; Koch, Observationes in Timaer Sophistse, Lipsise, 1833, pp. xvi; Koch, Appendix Observationum in Timaei Sophistse, Lipsise, 1832, pp. 61. The three bound in one vol. 8vo, half calf, gilt. 3016 TRYPHIODORUS. Tryphiodoroy Alosis Ilioy. Cum Merrickii et Schaeferi Annotationibus integris, aliorum selectis, suisque maxi- mam partem criticis et grammaticis. Edidit F. A. Wernicke. 8vo, half vellum. Leipzig, 1819 3017 WESTERMANN (A.) Paradoxographoi. Scriptores Rerum Mira- bilium Grseci. Insunt (Aristotelis) Mirabiles Auscultationes; Anti- goni ; Apollonii; Phlegontis; . . . accedunt Phlegontis Macrobii et Olympiadum Reliquiae et Anonyrm Tractatus de Mulieribus. Edidit A. Westermann. 8vo, half cloth. Brunswick, 1839 3018 Mythographoi. Scriptores Poeticae Historias Graeci. (Contains Apollodorus, Bibliotheke; Parthenius, Peri Erotikon Pathematon; etc., with various readings. 8vo, half cloth. Brunswick, 1843 3019 Biographoi. Vitarum Scriptores Graeci Minores. 8vo, half cloth. Brunswick, 1845 * Lives of trws Greek Classical Authors as written by ancient Greek writers, with various readings from manuscripts, etc. 3020 De Epistolarum Scriptoribus Grsecis Commentationis. (Prae- positis Prsemiis, 1851-55.) Eight Parts, bound in one vol. Small 4to, boards. Leipzig [185 1-55] 3021 XENOPHON. Xenophontos ta Sozomena. Xenophontis Scripta quse Supersunt. Grsece et Latine, cum Indicibus Nominum et Rerum. Royal 8vo, half morocco. (Didot's Classics.) Paris, 1853 3022 The Anabasis, Memorabilia, Cyropaedia, etc. Translated by J. S. Watson and H. Dale. 3 vols. post 8vo, calf, gilt. (Bohn's Classical Library.) London, 1855 of Greece anfc TRome 367 Gbe latin (Hncient) ^Language. 3023 BRAMBACH (W.) Aids to Latin Orthography. Translated by W. G. McCabe. Square i6mo, cloth. New York, 1877 3024 DONALDSON (J. W.) Varronianus: a Critical and Historical Introduction to the Ethnography of Ancient Italy, and to the Philolo- gical Study of the Latin Language. Second Edition, revised and considerably enlarged. 8vo, cloth. London, 1852 3025 Varronianus: a Critical and Historical Introduction to the Ethnography of Ancient Italy. Third Edition, enlarged. Map. 8vo, calf, gilt. London, 1860 3026 FISHER (M. M.) The Three Pronunciations of Latin. Second Edition. Post 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1879 3027 HALDEMAN (S. S.) Elements of Latin Pronunciation. Crown 8vo, cloth, pp. 76. Philadelphia, 1851 3028 LEWIS (C. T.) AND SHORT (C.) A New Latin Dictionary, founded on Freund's, edited by E. A. Andrews. Revised, enlarged, and in great part re-written. Thick royal 8vo, sheep. New York, 1880 3029 NOLTENIUS (J. F.) Lexicon Latinne Linguae Antibarbarum. Editio tertia, cura et studio G. J. Wichmanni. 2 vols. 8vo, calf (covers of Vol. i loose). Berlin, 1780, 1786 * Best edition; containing much bibliographical information, first of Latin writers, arranged according to the Golden Age, the Silver Age, Age of Iron, etc., and a gene- ral bibliography of writers in Latin of all countries brought down to a recent period. "Get ouvrage est encore un guide excellent pour ceux qui desirent ccrire le latin avec purete." 3030 ROBY (H. J.) A Grammar of the Latin Language from Plautus to Suetonius. Third Edition. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1876 3031 SMITH (WILLIAM) AND HALL (THEOPHILUS D.) A Copi- ous and Critical English-Latin Dictionary. Royal 8vo, sheep. New York, 1871 3032 WHITE (J. T.) AND RIDDLE (J. E.) A Latin-English Dic- tionary. Third Edition. 2 thick royal 8vo vols. (2103 pp.), cloth. London, 1869 an& literature Gbe Statin (flDebiaeval) Slanguage. 3033 CAPPELLI (ADRIANO). Dizionario di Abbreviature Latine ed Italiane usate nelle carte e codici specialmente nel medio-evo. i6mo, limp parchment. Milan, 1899 Containing about 13,000 Latin abbreviations. / 3034 MIGNE L'ABBE. Lexicon Manuale ad Scriptores Mediae et Infimae Latinitatis ex Glossariis Dufresne, Ducange, Carpentar, Adelung, etc. ; ou, Recueil de Mots de la Basse Latinite . . . etc. Royal 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1866 * Dictionary of Mediaeval Latin. pompeii. 3035 DYER (T. H.) The Ruins of Pompeii. A Series of 18 Photo- graphic Views, with an Account of the Destruction of the City, and of the most interesting Remains. 4to, cloth, gilt. London, 1867 3036 Pompeii. Its History, Buildings and Antiquities. An ac- count of the Destruction of the City, a full description of the Re- mains, etc. Map and nearly joo woodcuts. New Edition, revised and enlarged. Post 8vo, cloth. (Bohn's Illustrated Library.) London, 1875 3037 GELL (SIR WILLIAM). Pompeiana: the Topography, Edifices and Ornaments of Pompeii, the results of Excavations since 1819. Por- trait of the author and 88 finely engraved steel plates (two colored}, and illustrations on India paper in the text. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1832 3038 OVERBECK (J.) Pompeji in seinen Gebauden, Alterthumern und Kunstwerken. Zweite . . . Auflage. Over joo illustrations (drawn to scale). 2 vols. in one. Square 8vo, half roan. Leipzig, 1866 IRoman Ibieton?, antiquities, lEtc 3039 AURELIUS (MARCUS). Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. (A his- tory of his Life and Times.) By Paul Barren Watson. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1884 3040 BURN (ROBERT). Rome and the Campagna. An Historical and Topographical Description of the Site, Buildings, and the Neighbourhood of Ancient Rome. 25 maps and plans and 85 illus- trations; and Appendix and plan illustrating recent excavations. 4to, cloth, gilt. Cambridge (Eng.), 1876 of Greece ant) TRome 3 6 9 ROMAN HISTORY, ANTIQUITIES, ETC. Continued. 3041 CATACOMBS. NORTHCOTE (J. SPENCER) and BROWNLOW (W. E.) Roma Sotterranea ; or, An Account of the Roman Catacombs, especially of the Cemetery of St. Callixtus, compiled from the Works of Commendatore de Rossi, with the consent of the author. New edition, revised and enlarged. Part First: History; Part Sec- ond: Christian Art. 23 chromo-lithographic plates and 183 illustrations in the text. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1879 3042 NORTHCOTE (J. S.) Epitaphs of the Catacombs; or, Chris- tian Inscriptions in Rome during the First Four Centuries. Repro- ductions. 8vo, cloth. London, 1878 3043 PALMER (WILLIAM). Introduction to Early Christian Sym- bolism. Compositions from Fresco-Paintings, Glasses and Sculp- tured Sarcophagi. Edited, with Notes, by J. Spencer Northcote and W. R. Brownlow. 34 full-page plates in colors. Royal 410, cloth. London, 1885 * The Compositions are based mainly on those found in the Catacombs of Rome. 3044 WITHROW (W. H.) The Catacombs of Rome, and their Tes- timony relative to Primitive Christianity. Illustrated. Post 8vo, cloth. Presentation copy from the author. New York, 1874 3045 COLISSEUM. Photographic View of the Colisseum. Folio. Mounted, 14^ x 10^ inches. 3046 DYER (T. H.) The History of the Kings of Rome, with a prefa- tory Dissertation on its Sources and Evidence. 8vo, cloth. London, 1868 3047 GELL (SIR WILLIAM). The Topography of Rome and its Vicinity. Plans, illustrations of ruins, inscriptions, etc., and a large- scale map of Rome and its vicinity. 3 vols. 8vo, calf, gilt. London, 1834 3048 GIBBON (EDWARD). The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Edited, with Introduction, Notes, Appendices and Index, by J. B. Bury. 7 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, 1896-1900 * A critical edition, embracing in the notes all the results of modern scholarship and research. 3049 GOODYEAR (W. H.) Roman and Mediaeval Art. Numerous illus- trations. Post 8vo, cloth. Meadville.Pa. : Chautauqua Century Press, 1893 3050 GREGOROVIUS (F.) The Emperor Hadrian. A Picture of the Grseco-Roman World in his Time. Translated by M. E. Robinson. 8vo, cloth. London, 1898 3?o Ibistorp, ^Language ant> ^Literature ROMAN HISTORY, ANTIQUITIES, ETC. Continued. 3051 HEDERICHE (BENJAMIN). Fasti Consulates Roman! ; oder, Chronologic der Romischen Burgermeister und anderer Zwischen- Obrigkeiten, etc. i6mo, half roan. Wittenberg, 1713 * The List of the Roman Consuls dates from 506 B. C. to 541 A. C. The book is arranged in two parts, first chronologically, and second in an alphabetical arrange- ment by names. 3052 HEMANS (C. I.) Historic and Monumental Rome. A Hand- book for the Students of Classical and Christian Antiquity in the Italian Capital. Thick crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1874 3053 LANCIANI (RODOLFO). Ancient Rome in the Light of Ancient Discoveries. 100 illustrations. ' 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1888 * The best authority on the results of the explorations in Ancient Rome, and describing how the results of the discoveries affect our knowledge of the manners and customs of the inhabitants. 3054 Pagan and Christian Rome. Profusely illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1893 3055 LEWIS (SIR G. C.) An Inquiry into the Credibility of the Early Roman History. 2 vols. 8vo, original cloth. London, 1855 * Scarce. 3056 LIDDELL (H. G.) A History of Rome from the Earliest Times to the Establishment of the Empire. 2 vols. 8vo, full calf gilt, gilt edges. London, 1855 3057 MIDDLETON (J. H.) Ancient Rome in 1885. j maps and 57 woodcuts. Thick post 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1885 3058 NEWMAN (FRANCIS W.) Regal Rome. An Introduction to- Roman History. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1852 3059 NICHOLSON (E. W. B.), Editor. Ordine della Solennissima Processione fatta dal sommo Pontifice nell' alma citta di Roma, per la felicissima nova della destruttione della setta Ugonotana. Photo- lithograph of the rare original of 1572. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 8. * Relates to the massacre of the Huguenots. London, 1891 3060 PRELLER (L.) Romische Mythologie. Post 8vo, cloth, pp. 822. Berlin, 1858 of Greece ano 1Rome 371 ROMAN HISTORY, ANTIQUITIES, ETC. Continue*. 3061 [THAYER (THATCHER).] Some Inquiries concerning Human Sacrifices among the Romans, preceded by a Reprint of the Corre- spondence between Mr. Macaulay, Sir Robert Peel, and Lord Mahon, upon the same subject. Small 4to, wrappers, pp. 90. Printed, not Published: Sidney S. Rider, Providence, 1878 3062 WICKHAM (H. L.) AND CRAMER (J. A.) A Dissertation on the Passage of Hannibal over the Alps. Second Edition. Maps. 8vo, cloth. London, 1828 IRoman ILaw, 3063 CLARK (E. C.) Early Roman Law. The Regal Period. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1872 3064 CORPUS JURIS CIVILIS, Recognoverunt brevibusque Adnota- tionibus Criticis Instructum. Ediderunt D. Albertus et D. Mauritius Fratres Kriegelii. Editio stereotypa. Impressio Quarta, novis cura emendatior. 3 vols. royal 8vo, half calf, gilt. Leipzig, 1848-49 3065 Editio Stereotypa Quarta, Volumen Primum: Institutiones recognovit Paulus Krueger, Digesta recog. Theodorus Mommsen, Berlin, 1886; Volumen Secundum, Editio Stereotypa Tertia, Codex Justinianus, recog. P. Krueger, Berlin, 1884. Bound in one volume, thick royal 8vo, half morocco. * The Best Edition of the Corpus Juris Civilis. 3066 GAIUS. The Commentaries of Gaius on the Roman Law, with an English Translation and Annotations. By F. Tomkins and W. G. Lemon. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1869 3067 Gaii Institutionum Juris Civilis Commentarii Quatuor; or, Elements of Roman Law, by Gaius. With a Translation and Com- mentary, by Edward Poste. 8vo, cloth. (Clarendon Press Series.) Oxford, 1871 .3068 - Gaii Institutionum Juris Civilis Commentarii Quatuor; or, Elements of Roman Law, by Gaius. With Translation and Com- mentary, by E. Poste. Second edition, revised and enlarged. 8vo, cloth. (Clarendon Press Series.) Oxford, 1875 3069 GAIUS AND JUSTINIAN. The Institutes of Gaius and Justinian; the 12 Tables and the n8th and i27th Novels, with Introduction and Translation. By T. L. Mears. Thick post 8vo, cloth. London, 1882 37 2 IbistorE, ^Language ant) ^Literature ROMAN 'LPSW Continued. 3070 GOUDSMIT (J. E.) The Pandects; a Treatise on the Roman Law and upon its Connection with Modern Legislation. Translated by R. de Tracy Gould. Royal 8vo, cloth. , London, 1873 3071 HUNTER (W. A.) A Systematic and Historical Exposition of Roman Law in the Order of a Code . . . embodying the Institutes of Gaius, and the Institutes of Justinian, translated by J. A. Cross. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1876 3072 JUSTINIAN. The Institutes of Justinian, with English Introduc- tion. By T. C. Sandars. Translation, and Notes. Fourth Edi- tion. 8vo, half morocco, gilt. London, 1869 373 The Institutes of Justinian. Translated, with Notes by J. T. Abdy and Bryan Walker. Post 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, (Eng.) 1876 3074 MACKENZIE (LORD). Studies in Roman Law, with Compara- tive Views of the Laws of France, England, and Scotland. Third Edition. 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1870 3075 NASMITH (D.) Outline of Roman History from Romulus to Justinian (including translations of the Twelve Tables, the Insti- tutes of Gaius, and the Institutes of Justinian), with special refer- ence to the Growth, Development, and Decay of Roman Juris- prudence. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1890 3076 ORTOLAN (J. L. E.) AND NASMITH (D.) The History of Roman Law from the text of Ortolan's Histoire de la Legislation Romaine et Generalisation du Droit. Supplemented by a Chrono- metrical Chart of Roman History by I. T. Prichard. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1871 3077 PHILLIMORE (J. G.) Private Law among the Romans, from the Pandects. 8vo, cloth. London, 1863 3078 ZELL (C.) Leges Municipales, Salpensana et Malacitana aliaque Supplementa ad Monumenta Legalia quae continet Delectus In- scriptionum Romanarum cum Monumentis Legalibus fere Omnibus. 2 vols. in i. 8vo, half calf. Heidelberg, 1857 of Greece ant) 1Rome 373 Xatin ^Literature. 3079 AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS. Roman History of Ammianus Marcellinus during the Reigns of Constantius, Julian, Jovianus, Valentinian, and Valens. Translated by C. D. Yonge. Post 8vo, cloth. (Bohn's Classical Library.) London, 1862 3080 ANNIUS VITERBENSIS. Antiquitatum Variarum Autores. Thick i8mo, limp roan. Lugd. (Lyons): Sel>. Gryphius, 1552 * One of the most remarkable of the productions of the Fifteenth Century, and considered by most authorities to-day as being a literary forgery. The volume con- sists of fragments of Manetho, Berosus, Philo Judseus, Megasthenes, Fabius Pictor, Xenophon, and other ancient writers with commentaries. The collection has given rise to animated debate for about 400 years; severely attacked by savants on its first appearance, it has found both defenders and apologists since, though the best opinion now, while condemning the fragments of history as spurious, is that Annius of Viterbo was himself imposed upon. Annius's real name was Giovanni Nanni, and for about 40 years he was in the service of the Borgia family, dying in 1502, not with- out suspicion that Caesar Borgia had poisoned him. His own account of this compila- tion is that the fragments of Manetho and the abridgment of Berosus were given him by two Armenian monks whom he had succored, and that the remaining texts were found by him in a private library in Mantua. An exhaustive account of this work will be found in Salverte's History of Names, in the next catalogue. 3081 ANTHOLOGIA LATINA. Anthologia Latina, sive Poesis Latins Supplementum. Recensuit A. Riese. 2 vols. in i. Crown 8vo, half roan. Leipzig, 1868 3082 AUGUSTAN HISTORIES. Historic Augustae Scriptores Sex: ^Elius Spartianus, Julius Capitolinus, ^Elius Lampridius, Vulcatius Gallicanus, Trebellius Pollio, Flavius Vopiscus. Ad optimas edi- tiones collati . . . studii Societatis Bipontinae. Editio accurata. 8vo, half calf. Biponti (Zweibriicken), 1787 3083 AURELIUS VICTOR (SEXTUS). Originis Gentis Roman* Liber. Recensuit . . . F. Schroeter. 8vo, half cloth. Leipzig, 1829 3084 AUSONIUS. D. Magni Ausonii Burdigalensis Opera. Ad Opti- mas Editiones Collata . . . Studiis Societatis Bipontinas. 8vo, half calf. Bipont (Zweibruckrn), 1785 3085 AVIANUS. The Fables of Avianus, edited with Prolegomena, Critical Apparatus, Commentary Excursus, and Index. By Robin- son Ellis. 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1887 * The Fables of Avian, together with those of ^Esop, were the first fabulists trans- lated and printed in England, Caxton printing an edition in 1484. 374 1btetor, %angua0e ant) ^literature LATIN LITERATURE Continued. 3086 AVIENUS. Rufi Festi Avieni Descriptio Orbis Terrae. Cum con- jecturis . . . et annotationes N. Heinsii, C. Barthii, & C. Salmasii. Impensis et curis H. Friesemanni. 8vo, old calf, gilt. Presentation copy from the editor. Amsterdam, 1786 3087 BOETHIUS. Anicius Manlius Severinus Boetius qf the Consola- tion of Philosophy. Made English and illustrated with notes by the Rt. Hon. Richard, Lord Viscount Preston. Frontispiece. Crown 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1695 3088 Anicius Manlius Torquatos Severinus Boetius his Consolation of Philosophy in Five Books. Translated into English [by William Causton]. 8vo, old panelled calf. Lond. : For the Author, 1730 3089 The Metres of A. M. T. S. Boethius in five books on the Con- solidation of Philosophy. (Latin and English, with historical preface of six pages.) 8vo, boards. London, 1811 3090 STEWART (H. F.) Boethius: an Essay. Crown 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1891 3091 BURMANN (P.) Poetse Latini Minores; sive, Gratii Falisci Cynegeticon, Nemesiani Cynegeticon et Eclogse, Calpurnii Siculi Eclogse, Claudii Rutilii Itinerarium, Serenus Saminicus de Medi- cina, Rhemnius Fannius Palasmon de Ponderibus et Mensuris, et Sulpiciae Satyra. Curante Petro Burmanno. Engaved title in Vol. i. 2 vols. 410, old calf. Leidse (Leyden), 1731 3092 CAESAR. The Gallic and Civil War,with the supplementary books attributed to Hirtius, including the Alexandrian, African and Span- ish Wars. Literally translated. Post 8vo, cloth. (Bohn's Classi- cal Library.) London, 1851 3093 CATO (DIONYSIUS). Dionysii Catonis Disticha de Moribus ad Filium, praeter sedulam Variantis Lectionis per omnia Conlationem . . . cum Interpretatione Quincuplice; also in the same volume, His- toria Critica Catoniana, cum Castigationibus Jos. Scaligeri, Erasmi Concinna Expositio, &c. With engraved titles, and 4 copper-plates. Thick post 8vo, vellum. Amsterdam, 1759 * The five translations of the distichs are in Greek, English, German, Dutch, and French. The work was probably an invention of the Middle Ages, but it was the most famous collection of moral proverbs known, universally read, and taught in schools. Caxton translated and published an edition in 1484, and it remained the source of most of the collections of proverbs issued in the next two hundred years. of (Breece arto IRomc 375 LATIN LITERATURE CV/7*rf. 3094 CATULLUS. The Poems of Catullus, translated into English verse, with an Introduction and Notes by Theodore Martin. FIRST EDITION. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1861 3095 CELSUS (A. C.) A translation of the Eight Books of Celsus on Medi- cine. Second Edition, revised and improved by G. F. Collier. Post 8vo, boards. London, 1831 3096 Celsus of Medicine in Eight Books. Translated with Notes ... by James Greive, with Additional Notes by G. Futvoye. Third Edition. 12010, cloth (worn). London, 1838 3097 CICERO. Ciceronis Opera Omnja. Uno volumine comprehensa. Curis secundus emendatiora et adnotationibus indicibusqueauctiora edidit C. F. A. Nobbe. Nova editio stereotypa. Thick royal 8vo, boards, pp. 1460. Leipzig, 1850 3098 The Political Works of Cicero, comprising his Treatise on the Republic and his Treatise on the Laws. Translated from the originals, with Dissertations and Notes, by F. Barham. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1841-42 3099 The Letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero to Titus Pomponius Atticus in sixteen books. Translated into English with Notes by W. Heberden. 2 maps. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1825 3100 Oratione di M. T. Ci | cerone, contra Valerio, | di Latino in volga | re tradotta | per M. Marc' Antonio | Tortora Nobile | Pisa- rino j Woodcut portrait of Cicero on title, i6mo, vellum. Printed in Italic type without pagination, 20 leaves. (Sigs. A-E in fours.) Scarce. Venice: Nicolo Zoppino d'Aristotile, Settembre^ 1537 3101 Three Books of Offices: Cato Major, Laelius (de Amicitia), etc. Literally translated by C. R. Edmonds. Post 8vo, cloth. (Bohn's Classical Library.) London, 1850 3102 The Academic Questions; De Finibus, and Tusculan Dis- putations. Translated by C. D. Yonge. Post 8vo, cloth. (Bohn's Classical Library.) London, 1853 3103 - FAUSSET (W. Y.) The Student's Cicero. Adapted from the German of Munk. Frontispiece portrait of Cicero. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1889 3104 - MIDDLETON (C.) Life of Cicero. 2 vols. 8vo, half green morocco. London, 1823 37 6 Ibtstors, ^Language anfc ^Literature LATIN LITERATURE Continued. 3105 CROKE (SIR. A.) An Essay on the Origin, Progress and Decline of Rhyming Latin Verse, with many specimens. Post 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1828 3106 CRUTTWELL (C. T.) A History of Roman Literature from the Earliest Period to the Death of Marcus Aurelius. With chrono- logical tables. Second edition. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1878 3107 CURTIUS (QUINTUS). The History of Alexander the Great by Quintus Curtius Rufus. Translated from the Latin. With Original Notes . . . Illustrations from recent Travels, etc. By Peter Pratt. Revised Edition. Medallion portrait of Alexander, and map. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1821 3108 DICTYS CRETENSIS. r Dictys Cretensis ; sive Lucii Septimii Ephe- merides Belli Troiani. Accedit Daretis Phrygii de Excidio Troia& Historia. Recensuit . . . A. Dederich. 8vo, half morocco. Bonn, 1837 * Best edition of the works of the suppositions Dictys of Crete. In this is to be found the source of many of the folk-tales of the Middle Ages. 3109 ENNIUS. Q. Enni, Poetae cum Primis Censendi, Annalium Libb. XIIX. Quae apud varies Auctores superant, Fragmenta conlecta; composita, inlustrata ab Paullo G. F. P. N. Merula qui eadem fixit^ dicavit, sacravit S. P. Q. Dordraceno L. M. Small 4to. Lugd. Bat. (Leyden), Ex Officina Joannis P iRome 379 LATIN LITERATURE Continued. 3131 PERSIUS. The Satires of A. Persius Flaccus, with a Translation and Commentary. By John Conington. To which is prefixed a Lecture on the Life and Writings of Persius. Edited by H. Nettle- ship. 8vo, cloth. (Clarendon Press Series ) Oxford, 1872 3132 - - A Bibliography of Persius. By Morris H. Morgan. 8vo, sewed, pp. 31. (Harvard Bibliographical Contributions.) Cambridge, 1893 3133 PHAEDRUS. Phaedri Augusti liberti Fabulae ^Esopi, ex editione J. G. S. Schwabii. Cum Notis et Interpretatione in usum Delphini, Variis Lectionibus, &c. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half russia (binding broken of both volumes). Large Paper copy. London: A. J. Valpy, 1822 3134 The Fables of Phaedrus. Inaugural Lecture by Robinson Ellis. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 36. London and Oxford [1894] PLAUTUS. See No. 2947. 3135 PLINY. The Natural History of Pliny, translated, with Copious Notes and Illustrations. By J. Bostock and H. T. Riley. 6 vols. post 8vo, half calf, gilt. (Bohn's Classical Library.) London, 1855-57 3136 PROBUS (VALERIUS), ETC. M. Val. Probus de Notis Romanorum; Petrus Diaconus de Eadem ; Demetrius Alabaldus de Minutiis, de Ponderibus, et de Mensuris; Venerabilis Bedae de Com- pute, et de Ratione Unciarum; Leges XII. Tabularum, De Rilibus Romanorum; Inscriptiones Antiquae, &c. Haec omnia nunc primum edita. Small 410, 81 folios, boards. Title printed in red and black. Architectural woodcut on sig. 04. Venice: Joannis Tacuino de Trirw, 1525 * Most of the treatises are on Latin contractions. 3137 PUBLIUS SYRUS. Publii Syri Mimi et Aliorum Sententiie, cum D. Laberii prologo et Fragmentis Moralibus. Edidit J. C. Orellius. 8vo, boards. Leipzig, 1822 * A collection of proverbs and moral sayings. 3138 QUINTILIAN. Institutes of Oratory; or, Education of an Orator. Literally translated by J. S. Watson. 2 vols. post 8vo, calf, gilt. (Bohn's Classical Library.) London, 1856 3139 RIBBECK (O.) Comicorum Latinorum praster Plautum et Teren- tium Reliquiae. Recensuit Otto Ribbeck. 8vo, half calf (back loose). Leipzig, 1855 3140 TRAGICORUM LATINORUM RELIQUI.E. Recensuit Otto Ribbeck. 8vo, half calf. Leipzig, 1852 380 Ifoistors, Slanguage anfc ^Literature LATIN LITERATURE Continued. 3141 RUTILIUS LUPUS. P. Rutilii Lupi de Figuris Sententiarum et Elocutionis libri duo. Recensuit et Annotationes adjecit D. Ruhn- kenius. Accedunt Aquilse Romani et Julii Rufiniani de eodem argu- mento libri. 8vo, morocco, with gilt arms and monogram T. W. (Theodore Williams) on sides. Lugd. Bat. (Leyden) 1768 3142 SALLUST. C. Crispi Sallustii quae extant. Recognovit notisque criticis instruxit F. D. Gerlach. 3 vols. small 4to, half calf. Basle, 1823-27-31 3143 SENECA. L. Annaei Senecae Philosophi Opera Omnia. M. Annsei Senecse Rhetoris quae extant. Engraved title. i6mo, half morocco (small wormhole through part of text). Amsterdam: Jansen, 1633 3144 Seneca on Benefits. Translated by A. Stewart. Crown 8vo, half calf, gilt. (Bonn's Classical Library.) London, 1887 3145 Between Heathenism and Christianity: Being a Translation of Seneca's De Providencia, and Plutarch's De Sera Numinis Vin- dicta, etc. By Charles W. Super. Post 8vo, cloth. Chicago, 1899 3146 SEQUESTER (VIBIUS). De Fluminibus, Fontibus, Lacubus. . . quorum apud Poetas mentio fit. Lectionis varietatum et Commen- tationes J. J. Oberlinus. 8vo, old marbled calf, gilt. Argentorati (Strasburg), 1778 3147 SIMCOX (G. A.) A History of Latin Literature, from Ennius to Boethius. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1883 3148 SPAGGIARI (JOHN). Latin-English Bi-Monthly Periodical . . . for the United States of America. First Annual Volume, Nos. i and 2. (Containing the beginning of a History of California, on alternate pages of Latin and English.) 8vo, wrappers. (2 pieces.) New York, 1857 3149 STAVEREN (A. VAN). Auctores Mythographi Latini. Caius Julius Hyginus, Fab. Planciad, Fulgentius, Lactantius Placidus, Albricus Philosophus. Cum Commentariis Micylli, Schefferi, et Munckeri, &c. Curante Augustino van Staveren. Engraved frontis- piece, and illustrations on copper in the text of Hyginus. 410, old vellum, with gilt arms on sides. Lugd. Bat. (Leyden) 1742 3150 TACITUS. CHURCH (A. J.) and BRODRIBB (W. J.) Annals of Tacitus, translated into English, with Notes and Maps. Second Edition. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1877 of Greece ano 1Rome 381 LATIN LITERATURE Continued. 3151 TACITUS. CHURCH (A. J.) and BRODRIBB (W.J.) The History of Tacitus, translated into English. With Notes and a Map. Third Edition. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1876 3152 CHURCH (A. J.) and BRODRIBB (W. J.) The Agricola and Germany of Tacitus, and the Dialogue on Oratory. Translated into English. Revised Edition, with Notes and a Map. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1877 3153 GUDEMAN (A.) P. Cornelii Taciti Dialogus de Oratoribus. Edited, with Prolegomena, Critical Apparatus, Exegetical and Critical Notes, Bibliography and Indexes. Square 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1894 3154 Ross (W.) Tacitus and Bracciolini. The Annals forged in the XVth Century. 8vo, cloth. Presentation copy to Dr. Wm. Smith, and letter from the author laid in. London, 1876 * Bracciolini is perhaps better known to the average reader as Poggio, the author of the famous tales. 3155 TERENCE. Publius Terentius Afer. Portrait. 641110, original cloth, paper label, uncut. London, 1823 * Pickering's Diamond Classics. 3156 TERENTIANUS MAURUS. De Litteris, Syllabis, Pedibus et Metris. E recensione et cum Notis Laurentii Santenii. Opus Santenii morte interruptum absolvit D. J. Van Lennep. 410, half calf. Trajecti ad Rhenum (Utrecht), 1825 3157 TEUFFEL (W. S.) A History of Roman Literature. Translated by Wilhelm Wagner. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1873 3,58 - History of Roman Literature. Revised and enlarged (from Teuffel's History) by Ludwig Schwabe. Authorized translation from the fifth German edition. By G. C. W. Warr. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1891-92 * The best history of Roman literature. 3159 VARRO. M. Terentii Varronis de Lingua Latina, librorum quae supersunt. Emendata et annotata a C. O. Muellero. 8vo, half calf. Leipzig, 1833 382 Tbistors, XanQuage an& ^Literature LATIN LITERATURE Continued. 3160 VEGETIUS, ETC. Veteres de Re Militari Scriptores quotquot extant, nunc prima vice in unum redact! corpus Flavii Vegetii de Rei Militaris; Sextii Julii Strategemata; ^Eliani de Instruendis Aciebus; Modestus Vocabulis Rei Militariis; Polybius Castrame- tatio Romanorum ; yEneas Poliorceticus ; Ciceroni de Rei Militarii. Cum animadversiones, etc., Scriverii, Stewechii, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, old red French morocco, gilt. Vesalise Clivorum (Wesel), 1670 * Horatio Walpole's copy, with his book-plate in Vol. I. 3161 - De Re Militari. Cum Notse et Emendationes Scriverii, Oudendorpii, etc. 8vo, half calf. Argentorati (Strasburg): Bipont, 1806 3162 VELLEIUS PATERCULUS. BURMANN (P.) C.Velleii Pater- culii quae supersunt. Cum integris Notis, Scholiis, Variis Lection- ibus, etc. Engraved and printed title. 8vo, vellum gilt, gilt edges. Fine copy. Rotterdam, 1756 3163 - KRITZIUS (F.) M. Velleii Paterculi quse supersunt ex His- torise Romanae. Ad Editionis Principis, collati a Burerio Codicis Murbacensis .... etc. 8vo, calf, gilt. Leipzig, 1848 3164 VERGIL. P. Vergili Maronis codex antiquissimis .... qui nunc Florentiae in Bibliotheca Mediceo-Laurentiana adservatur. 410, old calf (rebacked). The Duke of Sussex's copy, with his book-plate. Florence, 1741 * Facsimile of the Medicean codex, one of the oldest manuscripts of Vergil known. ' 3165 - COMPARETTI (DOMENICO). Virgil im Mittelalter. Ubersetzt von H. Dutschke. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 318. Leipzig, 1875 3166 -- CONINGTON (J.) The ^Eneid of Virgil, translated into Eng- lish Verse. Third Edition. Post 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1870 3167 - - NETTLESHIP (H.) Ancient Lives of Vergil, with Essay on the Poems of Vergil in connection with his Life and Times. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 70. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1879 3168 - - PAPILLON (T. L.) P. Vergilii Maronis Opera. Virgil, with an Introduction and Notes. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. (Clarendon Press Series.) Oxford, 1882 3169 - - SINGLETON (R. C.) Virgil in English Rhythm, with Illus- trations from the British Poets. Second Edition, rewritten and enlarged. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1871 of Greece ano IRome 3 8 3 LATIN LITERATURE Continued. 3170 VERGIL. TUNISON (J. S.) Master Virgil : the Author of the ^Eneid as he seemed in the Middle Ages. Second Edition. 8vo, cloth. ( Cincinnati, 1890 * A valuable and learned study of the legends that arose in the Middle Ages con- cerning Vergil, and of the various folk-characterizations of him as sorcerer, etc. One of the most curious problems in the study of folk-lore is how these legends arose, and why the author of the /Eneid, instead of some other classic, should have been chosen. 3171 WEBER (G. E.) Corpus Poetarum Latinorum. Uno volumine absolutum, cum selecta Varietate Lectionis et Explicatione Brevis- sima. Thick royal 8vo, calf, gilt. Frankfurt a/M, 1833 3172 WEICHERT (M. A.) POETARUM LATINORUM. Hostii, Laevii, C. Licinii Calvi, C. Helvii Cinnse, C. Valgii Rufi, Domitii Marsi, aliorumque Vitae et Carminum reliquiae. Scripsit, collegit, et edidit M. A. Weichert. 8vo, boards. Leipzig, 1830 Session. European ^Languages anb IRacee. 3173 ALBANIAN. BLANCHI (R. D. FRANCISCUS). Dictionarium Latino Epiroticum. Una cum nonnullis usitatioribus loquendi formulis. i6mo, vellum. Roma: Typis Sac. Congr. de Propag. Fide, 1635 * Scarce. An early Albanian and Latin vocabulary, the Albanian in Roman characters. 3174 BOPP (FRANZ). Uber das Albanesische in seinen verwandt- schaftlichen Beziehungen. 4to, wrappers, pp. 92. Berlin, 1855 3175 BROUGHTON (LORD). Travels in Albania and other Provinces of Turkey in 1809 and 1810. New Edition, revised and corrected. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1858 * The author is perhaps better known as Sir John Hobhouse. The travels were made in company with Lord Byron. 3176 VATER (J. S.) Vergleichungstafeln der Europaischen Stamm- sprachen und Siid-, West-Asiatischer; Rask, Die Thrakische Sprach- classe; Lecce, Albanesische Grammatik; Grusinische Grammatik nach Maggio, Ghai und Firalow, herausgegeben von J. S. Vater; und Galische Sprachlehre von C. W. Ahlwardt. 8vo, boards. Halle, 1822 384 European SLangua^es anfc TRaces ALBANIAN Continued. 3177 - W. (P.) Grammaire Albanaise, a 1'usage de ceux qui desirent apprendre cette Langue sans 1'aide d'un Maitre. Post 8vo, cloth. (Trubner's Simplified Grammars.) London, 1887 XYLANDER (J. RITTER VON). Die Sprache der Albanesen oder Schkipetaren. 8vo, half morocco. Frankfurt a/M, 1835 * Containing also a short dictionary Albanian and German. 3179 BASQUE. ASTARLOA (D. PABLO PEDRO DE). Apologia de la Lengua Bascongada, 6 ensayo Crilico Filosofico de su Perfeccion y Antiguedad. 8vo, sprinkled calf. Madrid, 1803 * Presentation copy from the author, also with the book-plate ot the Duke of Sussex. 3180 - CHARENCEY (COMTE DE). Phonetique Souletine (Dialect of Basque in Soule, Department of the Basses-Pyrenees). 8vo, wrap- pers, pp. 56. [Paris, 1890?] 3181 - CHARENCEY (COMTE DE). Sur Quelque Etymologies de la Langue Basque. 8vo, wrappers, pp. n. Paris, 1891 3182 - ERRO Y AZPIROZ (DON JUAN BAUTISTA DE). Alfabeto de la Lengua Primitiva de Espana, y Explicacion de Sus Mas Antiguos Monumentos, de Inscripciones, y Medallas. 13 plates. 8vo, old leather. Madrid, 1806 3183 - ERRO Y AZPIROZ (DON JUAN BAUTISTA DE). The Alphabet of the Primitive Language of Spain, and a Philosophical Examination of the Antiquity and Civilization of the Basque People. Translated by G. W. Erving. Plate showing the resemblance of Basque signs and the Greek and Roman Alphabets. 8vo, boards, uncut. Bosto n : Privately printed, 1829 3184 - IRIGOYEN (D. JOSEF FRANCISCO DE). Coleccion Alfabetica de Apellidos Bascongados con su Significado. izmo, sheep, pp. 122. Mexico, 1809 * Rare. Probably the only book ever printed in Mexico relating to the Basque language. 3185 - LARRAMENDI (MANUEL DE). Diccionario Trilingue, Castel- lano, Bascuence y Latin. Nueva Edicion publicada por D. Pio de Zuazua. 2 vols. in one. Imp. 8vo, half morocco. San Sebastian, 1853 3186 -- MAHN (C. A. F.) Denkmaeler der Baskischen Sprache. i2tno, cloth. Berlin, 1857 3187 - PHILLIPS (HOFRATH GEORGE). Ober das Baskische Alphabet, Wien, 1870, pp. 44; Phillips, Eine Baskische Sprachprobe nebst Einleitung und Commentar, Wien, 1870, pp. 36; Phillips, Uber das Iberische Alphabet, Wien, 1870, pp. 74. Bound in one volume, 8vo, boards, cloth back (stamps in several places). Wien, 1870 European Xanguaaes anfc IRaces 3 8 5 BASQUE Continued. 3188 SAINT MATTHEW. Jesus Christoren, Evanyelio Saindua, S. Mathiuren Arabera. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 82. [Bayonne, 1825] *The gospel of St. Matthew, being the translation of J. D. Licarrague adapted by H. Pyt to the dialect of Labourd. 3189 SALABERRY (D'!BARROLLE). Vocabulaire de Mots Basques Bas-Navarrais, traduits en langue Frangaise. izmo, paper, pp. 252. Bayonne, 1857 3190 VAN EYS (W. J.) Outlines of Basque Grammar. Crown 8vo, cloth. (Triibner's Simplified Grammars.) London, 1883 3191 WEBSTER (WENT WORTH). Basque Legends collected, chiefly in the Labourd, with an Essay on the Basque Language, by M. Julien Vinson. frontispiece. 8vo, cloth, gilt. London, 1877 3192 BAVARIAN. SCHMELLER (J. ANDREAS). Bayerisches Worter- buch. Sammlung von Wortern und Ausdrucken, die in den leben- den Mundarten sowohl, als in der alten und altesten Provincial- Literatur des Konigreichs Bayern, etc. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco (rubbed). Munich, 1872-77 3193 BERRY (French dialect of Cher in Central France). [JAUBERT (COMTE DE).] Vocabulaire du Berry et de quelques Cantons voisins. Par un Amateur du Vieux Langage. View of the Hotel-de-Villc, Bourges. 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1842 3194 BOHEMIAN. BACHMANN (ADOLF). Bohmen und seine Nachbar- liinder unter Georg von Podiebrad, 1458-1461, und des Konigs Be- werbung um die Deutsche Krone. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 310. Prague, 1878 *A History of Bohemia at the time of the Hussites. Georg Podiebrad took their part and persecuted the Catholics. 3195 HANKA (WENCESLAW). Koniginhofer Handschrift. Samm- lung Altbohmischer, Lyrisch-Epischer Gesange, nebst andern Alt- bomischen Gedichten. Mit ein Historisch-Kritischen einleitung von Wenceslaw Aloys Swoboda. Facsimile. 8vo, boards. Prag, 1829 3196 JONAS (CHARLES). Dictionary of the Bohemian and English Languages. Two parts (in one volume), with Supplement to the First Part. Thick square i2mo, cloth. Racine, Wis. : Nakladam '* Slavic" 1876 3197 JORDAN (J. P.) Vollstandiges Taschenworterbuch der Bohmischen und Deutschen Sprache. (Two parts in one volume.) i6mo, half roan. Leipsic, n. d. [1847] 386 European 3Lan0ua0es anb IRaces BOHEMIAN Continued. 3198 Luxzow (FRANCIS, COUNT). History of Bohemian Litera- ture. Post 8vo, cloth (No. 7 of Short Histories of the Literature of the World, edited by Edmund Gosse). London, 1899 3199 MAURICE (C. EDMUND). The Story of Bohemia from the Earliest Times to the Fall of National Independence in 1620, with a Short Summary of Later Events. Illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. (Story of the Nations.) London, 1896 3200 SCHAFARIK (P. J.) and PALACKY (F.) Die Altesten Denk- maler der Bohmischen Sprache; Libusa's Gericht, Evangelium Johannis, der Leitmeritzer Stiftungsbrief, Glossen der Mater Ver- borum. Kritisch beleuchtet. Mit facsimiles. 4to, cloth. Prague, 1840 3201 SCHAFARIK (P. J.) Elemente der altbohmischen Grammatik. i Theil. Slavischer Grammatik. Herausgegeben von Dr. J. P. Jordan. 8vo, half roan. Leipzig, 1847 3202 WRATISLAW (A. H.) Bohemian Poems, Ancient and Modern, translated from the original Slavonic, with an Introductory Essay. Frontispiece. i2mo, cloth. London, 1849 3203 WRATISLAW (A. H.) The Native Literature of Bohemia in the i4th Century. Lectures at Oxford. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1878 3204 BOSNIAN. ASBOTH (J. DE). Official Tour through Bosnia and Herzegovina . . . History, Antiquities, Agrarian Conditions, Reli- gion, Ethnology, Folk Lore, and Social Life of the People. Au- thorized English Edition. With Bibliography, maps and numerous illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1890 3205 BLAU (OTTO). Bosnisch-turkische Sprachdenkmaler. (Ab- handlungen fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes. V Band, No. 2.) 8vo, wrappers, pp. 316. Leipzig, 1868 3206 BRETON. COURSON (AURELIEN DE). Histoire des Peuples Bretons dans La Gaule et dans Les lies Britanniques; Langue, Coutumes, Mceurs et Institutions. 2 vols. royal 8vo, paper, pp. 456 + 430, uncut. Paris, 1846 3207 LE GONIDEC (J. F. M. M. A.) Dictionnaire Celto-Breton, ou Breton-Frangais. Post 8vo, half calf. Angouleme, 1821 European Xan0ua0es an& TRaces 387 B R E T O N Continued. 3208 LE GONIDEC (J. F. M. M. A.) Dictionnaire Fran TRaces CREOLE (NEGRO-ENGLISH OF SURINAM) Continued. 3239 Da Njoe Testament vo wi Masra en Helpiman Jesus Kristus. 8vo, full morocco, richly gilt, gilt edges. Bautzen, 1846 * Contains also the Psalms at the end. 3240 Da Njoe Testament. Another edition of the same. 8vo, sheep. (Also containing the Psalms.) Bautzen, 1865 3241 CREOLE. (NEGRO-SPANISH OF CURACAO.) St. MARK. Gospel of St. Mark translated into the Creolese language. 12010, cloth. New York, 1865 3242 WOORDENLYST der in de Landstaal van Curagao meest Gebru- ikeluke Woorden. i2mo, wrappers, pp. 144. Curagao, 1869 3243 CRETAN. KIEPERT (H.) Spezialkarte von Creta. 36^ x 14^ in., colored. Folded to 8vo, in case. Berlin, 1897 3244 SIMON (JACOB). Zur Inschrift von Gortyn. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 94. Vienna, 1886 3245 SPRATT (T. A. B.) Travel and Researches in Crete. Colored lithographic plates and 2 maps. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1865 3246 DANISH. BAY (CHRISTIAN FRIEDERICH). Fuldstoendig Engelsk og Dansk Ordbog. 2 vols. thick post 8vo, half calf. Copenhagen, 1806 * An English-Danish Dictionary, with phrases, colloquialisms, etc. 3247 ENGELHARDT (CONRAD). Denmark in the Early Iron Age, illustrated by recent Discoveries in the Peat Mosses of Slesvig. 33 engraved plates representing some hundreds of objects. 4to, cloth. (Newspaper cuttings laid in.) London, 1866 3248 - HAMERICH (MARTIN). Danska Och Norske Lasestycken, med Upplysningar om Sprak och Litteratur. Andet Oplag. Vignette portrait of Ludivig Holberg on title. Post 8vo, boards, cloth back. Copenhagen, 1866 3249 OTTE (E. C.) Simplified Grammar of the Danish Language. Crown 8vo, cloth. (Triibner's Simplified Grammars.) London, 1884 3250 - - RASK (E. C.) Danish Grammar. Edited by Thorl. Gudm. Repp. Second Edition. Post 8vo, boards, pp. 155. Copenhagen, 1846 European ^Languages an& TRaces 39 l DANISH Continued. 3251 SAXO GRAMMATICUS. Historic Danicae. Stephanius Johan- nis Stephanius summo studio recognovit. Notisquae uberioribus illustravit. Engraved title. Folio, old boards, leather back. Sorae, 1644 * The best of the editions of Saxo Grammaticus before the igth century. In this author is found the original history of Hamlet, used both by Shakespeare and his unknown predecessor in the well-known tragedy. It is, however, probable that Shakespeare at least used Belleforest's French version of the history, altering it to suit his own conception of the character of the "gloomy Dane." Besides the value of the history in Saxo Grammaticus, it is also of the greatest importance in the study of Scandinavian mythology and folk-lore, being full of legends and myths. Not the least interesting of these is the tale of Toko, a parallel with the story of William Tell, written about a century before the latter hero is supposed to have been born (Book 10, line 32 et seq. of this edition). 3252 SAXO GRAMMATICUS. The First Nine Books of the Danish History of Saxo Grammaticus. Translated by Oliver Elton, and with some Considerations on Saxo's Sources, Historical Methods, and Folk-Lore, by F. Y. Powell. 8vo, cloth. London, 1894 3253 WOLFF (ERNST). En Dansk og Engelsk Ord-bog. 410, half calf (binding broken). London, 1779 * One of the best of the older Danish-English dictionaries. 3254 WORSAAE (J. A.) The Primeval Antiquities of Denmark. Translated and applied to the Illustration of similar Remains in England, by William J. Thorns. J plates, and woodcuts throughout the text. 8vo, cloth. London, 1849 3255 DUTCH. BIBLE. BIBLIA, dat is, de gantsche heylige Schrift gron- delijck ende trouwelijck verduytschet. Small 4to, original stamped calf. Fine copy. Leyden : By Jan Paedts Jacobszoon, ende Jan Bouvensz, 1590 * Derwent Coleridge's copy, with his bookplate, and long manuscript note written by him commencing : N. B. This is the first Dutch translation of the Bible mad* from Luther's version in Jj6o and was often reprinted," etc. An earlier version of the reformed Bible was, however, issued, without an imprint, about 1571. 3256 - BLOK (PETRUS JOHANNES). History of the People of the Netherlands. Translated by Oscar A. Bierstadt and Ruth Putnam. Part I., From the earliest times to the beginning of the fifteenth century; Part II., From the beginning of the fifteenth century to 1599. Map. - 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1898-99 39 2 European Xanauages ant) IRaces DUTCH Continued. 3257 BOSWORTH (REV. J.) The Origin of the Dutch, with a Sketch of their Language and Literature . . . their tongue and its dialects; also a Map of European Languages, indicating not only the oriental origin of Europeans, but that the Dutch were amongst the earliest Teutonic Tribes settled in Europe. Second Edition. Map. Royal 8vo, boards, cloth back, pp. 33. London, 1846 3258 CALISCH (I. M.) Nederlandsch-Engelsch en Engelsch-Neder- landsch Woordenboek. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, pp. 815 and 919. Tiel, 1875 * Including Proverbs, Historical and Proper Names, etc. 3259 DICTIONARY. New Pocket Dictionary of the English and Dutch Languages. (Two parts in one volume.) i6mo, half mo- rocco. Leipzig, 1878 3260 GEDDES QAMES). History of the Administration of John De Witt. Vol. i, 1623-1654. Etched portrait. 8vo, cloth. (All pub- lished.) The Hague, 1879 3261 HARREBOMEE (P. J.) Spreekwoordenboek der Nederlandsche Taal, of verzameling van Nederlandsche Spreekwoorden en Spreek- woordeelijke Uitdrukkingen van Vroegeren en Lateren Tijd. 3 vols. royal 8vo, original wrappers. Utrecht, 1858 * A dictionary of proverbs, adages, proverbial sayings, etc., used in Holland. 3262 HOLTROP (JOHN). A New English and Dutch (and Dutch and English) Dictionary. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. Dordrecht, 1789-1801 * Dutch spelling having been reformed and altered by edict in the igth cen- tury, the old Dutch dictionaries become valuable in the reading of Dutch books and documents of the i8th and earlier centuries. 3263 JONCKBLOET (W. J. A.) Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche Letterkunde. 2 vols. 8vo, half roan. Groningen, 1868-72 * The best history of Dutch literature. 3264 MARSHALL (T.) The Dutch Grammar, preceded by an His- torical Sketch of the Origin and Progress of the Language of the Netherlands, embracing a list of the most celebrated Netherlands Writers from the Thirteenth to the Present Century; specimens of the language . . . with literal English version etc. Plate of Gothic and Modern Alphabets. Post 8vo, paper, pp. 2 i 3. Rotterdam: For the Author, 1842 3265 MEES(G.) Historische Atlas van Noord-Nederland van de XVIde. Eeuw tot op de Scheiding van Belgie. 12 colored maps, with historical description. Royal 8vo, wrappers (loose). Leiden, 1881 European Xanguaoes an& IRaces 393 DUTCH Continued. 3266 NETHERLAND FOLK LORE. Volkskunde. Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsche Folklore. Onder Redactie van Pol de Mont, & Aug. Gitte. le. aan 8e. jaargang. 8 vols. 8vo (7 vols. in half roan, gilt tops, the eighth in wrappers as issued). Gent, 1888-96 3267 PYL (R. VAN DER). Practical Grammar of the Dutch Lan- guage, containing an Explanation of the different Parts of Speech; the Rules of Syntax, and a number of Practical Exercises. Crown 8vo, boards, cloth back. Rotterdam, 1819 3268 SEWEL (WILLEM). A Large Dictionary. English and Dutch and Dutch and English . . . To which is added a Grammar for both Languages. Engraved title. 2 vols. small 4to, half morocco. Amsterdam, 1708 3269 SEWEL (WILLEM). A Large Dictionary. English and Dutch and Dutch and English ... to which is added a Grammar for both Languages. Fifth Edition, corrected and enlarged. Engraved title (name cut from margin). 4to, boards, uncut. Amsterdam, 1754 3270 SEWEL (WILLEM). Compleat Dictionary, English and Dutch (and Dutch and English), to which is added a Grammar for both Languages. Reviewed and more than half part augmented ... by Egbert Buys. Engraved title. 2 vols. 410, original boards, calf back, entirely uncut. Amsterdam, 1766 * The best Dutch-English Dictionary in existence for reading the older literature. 3271 SEWEL WILLEM). Compleat Dictionary, English and Dutch (and Dutch and English). Another copy. 2 vols. 410, contempo- rary half calf. Amsterdam, 1766 3272 STERFTE-ATLAS van Nederland uitgeven door de Neder- landsche Maatschappij tot Bevordering der Geneeskunst. Maps, with statistical text. Oblong 410, cloth. Amsterdam, 1866 * The period is mostly between 1841 and 1860. Each map also shows the soil of the locality in which the births and deaths are marked. 3273 ESTHONIAN. HUPEL (AUGUST WILHELM). Ehstnische Sprach- lehre fur beide Hauptdialekte den Revalschen und den Dorptschen, nebst einem vollstandigen Worterbuch. 8vo, boards. Riga, 1780 * Esthonian Dictionary and Grammar of both the Reval and Dorpat dialects. 3274 KIRBY (W. F.) The Hero of Esthonia and other Studies in the Romantic Literature of that Country. Compiled from Estho- nian and German Sources. With map of Esthonia. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1895 * The work contains a summary of the Kalewi-poeg, and many Folk Tales. 394 European 3Lan TRaces 407 3409 GERMAN (PENNSYLVANIAN.) FISCHER (H. L.) Kurzweil un Zeitfertreib, odder Pennsylfaanisch Deutsche Folks-Lieder. Frontispiece. Crown 8vo, cloth. York, Penna., 1882 3410 HALDEMAN (S. S. ) Pennsylvania Dutch: A Dialect of South German with an Infusion of English. 8vo, cloth, pp. 69. London, 1872 3411 - - HALDEMAN (S. S.) Pennsylvania Dutch: A Dialect of South German with an Infusion of English. 8vo, cloth. London, 1872 3412 HOFFMAN (W. J.) Gschicht fun da Alta Tsaita in Pensilfani. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 7. (Reprinted from Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., Vol. xxii.) Philadelphia, 1894 * Sketch of the Olden Time in Pennyslvania. 3413 GOTHIC. BERNHARDT (ERNST). Kurzgefasste Gotische Gram- matik. Anhang zur Gotischen Bibel des Vulfila. Crown 8vo, limp cloth, pp. 118. Halle, 1885 3414 - BRAUNE (WILHELM). Gothic Grammar. With Selections for Reading and a Glossary. Translated from the Second German Edition by G. H. Balg. 8vo, half morocco. MS. notes in pencil throughout, original wrappers bound in, pp. 128. New York, 1883 3415 - CASSIODORUS. M. Aurelii Cassiodori Senatoris Opera Omnia quae Extant. Cum Indice Rerum et Sententiarum scitu notatuque digniorum. Thick i2mo, calf, gilt. Aureliae Allobrogum (Geneva), 1609 * Besides the writings of Cassiodorus, the volume contains: Edictum Theoderici Regis Italiae, C. Sollii Apollinaris de Theoderico Rege Epistola (vita Theoderici), Jornandes Historia Gothorum, and Ennodii Panegyricus Theoderico. 3416 - CASSIODORUS. The Letters of Cassiodorus, being a con- densed translation of the Varias Epistolae. With an Introduction by Thomas Hodgkin. 8vo, 'cloth. London, 1886 * Cassiodorus is the principal authority for the History of Italy in the fifth century, the period of Theodoric and the Goths. These letters are the historical part of his writings. 3417 DIEFENBACH (DR. LORENZ). Vergleichendcs Worterbuch der Gotischen Sprache. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf (binding of Vol. I. very slightly damaged). Frankfort am Main, 1851 3418 - JAMIESON (JOHN). Hermes Scythicus; or, The Radical Affinities of the Greek and Latin Languages to the Gothic . . . with a Disserta- tion on the Historical Proofs of the Scythian Origin of the Greeks. 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1814 408 European %anaua0es ant> IRaces GOTHIC Continued. 3419 JORNANDES, Episcopus RAVENNAS. De Getarum, sive Gothorum Origine et Rebus Gestis, Isidori Chronicon Gothorum, Vandalorum, Suevorum, et Wisigothorum, Procopii Fragmentum, de Priscis Sedibus et Migrationibus Gothorum, Greece et Latinae, Accessit JORNANDES de Regnorum et Temporum successione, cum notis Bon. Vulcanii Brugensis, Leyden, 1597; BON. VULCANIO BRUGENSIS de Literis et Lingua Getarum sive Gothorum, item de Notis Lombardicis, Quibus accesserunt Specimina variarum Lingua- rum, Leyden, 1597; PAULI WARNEFREDI Langobardi filii, Diaconi Foroivliensis, De Gestis Langobardorum, Leyden, 1595. Bound in one volume, thick i2mo, original vellum. Fine copy. Lugd. Bat. (Leyden): Officina Plantiniana, 1595-97 * Jornandes, who was a Goth, lived in the sixth century, and his writings are the sole authority for the statement that the Goths came originally from Sweden, accord- ing to their own traditions. His history was mainly founded on the lost history of Cassiodorus. Isidorus was also a Goth, who lived and wrote in Spain in the seventh century; Vulcanius' treatise on the Gothic language is stated by him to have been written by an anonymous author. It contains specimens of Gothic characters, and also King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon preface to Gregory's Pastoral Care, being the first Anglo-Saxon printed on the Continent. Paulus Warnefridius (perhaps more generally known as Paul Diacre) was a Lombard, and secretary to Desiderius, the last King of the Lombards ; after the subjugation of Lombardy by Charlemagne he lived some time at that Emperor's court. 3420 RAMSAY (W. M. and C. D.) The Gothic Handbook, beingan Introduction to the History of the Goths and to the Study of the Gothic Tongue. Post 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. [1889] 3421 SKEAT (W. W.) A Moeso-Gothic Glossary, with Introduction, Outline of Moeso-Gothic Grammar, and List of Anglo-Saxon and Old and Modern English Words etymologically connected with Moeso-Gothic. 4to, cloth. London, 1868 3422 ULFILAS. Ulphilse Versionem Gothicam nonnullorum capi- tum Epistolae Pauli ad Romanos . . . E litura Codiciscuisdam Manu- script! Rescript! qui in Augusta apud Guelpherbytanos Bibliotheca adservatur. Commentatus Franciscus Antonius Knittel. Engraved frontispiece and 12 folding plates of facsimiles. 410, old calf. Guelpherbyti [Wolfenbuttel], n. d. [1762?] 3423 ULFILAS. GAUGENGIGL (!GN.) Alteste Denkmaler der Deut- schen Sprache erhalten in Ulfilas Gothischer Bibeliibersetzung. Zweite Ausgabe. With folding plate, giving a comparative view of the Gothic characters in the various codices. 8vo, half calf. With armorial bookplate of John Moore Heath. Passau, 1849 * The introduction contains an account of editions of Ulfilas. European Xan0ua0es an& IRaces 409 GOTHIC Continued. 3424 ULFILAS. Ulfilas. Die Heiligen Schriften, alten und neuen bundes in Gothischer Sprache mit . . . Griechischen und Lateinischen texte, Anmerkungen, Worterbuch, Sprachlehre, und Geschichtlicher einleitung. Von H. F. Massmann. 8vo, cloth. Stuttgart, 1857 3425 ULFILAS. STAMM (FRIEDRICH LUDWIG). Ulfilas oder die uns erhaltenen Denkmaler der gothischen Sprache. Text, Grammatik und Worterbuch. Vierte Auflage besorgt von Dr. Moritz Heyne. 8vo, half morocco. Paderborn, 1869 3426 ULFILAS. Fr. Ludwig Stamm's Ulfilas. Neu herausgegeben von Dr. Moritz Heyne. Funfte Auflage. 8vo, half morocco. Paderborn, 1872 3427 ULFILAS. Die Gotische Bibel des Vulfila, nebst der Skeireins, dem Kalender und demUrkunden. Mit Glossar, etc. i2mo, wrap- pers, pp. 334. Halle, 1884 3428 WRIGHT (JOSEPH). Primer of the Gothic Language, with Grammar, Notes, and Glossary. i2mo, cloth. (Clarendon Press Series.) Oxford, 1892 3429 GYPSIES. ASCOLI (G. J.) Zigeunerisches . . . Besonders auch als Nachtrag zu dem Pott'schen werke: " Die Zigeuner in Europa und Asien." 8vo, wrappers, pp. 178. Halle, 1865 * Intended as an Appendix to Pott's great work on the Gypsies, which appeared in 1844. 3430 [BORROW (GEORGE).] Embeo e Majaro Lucas ... El Evan- gelic segun S. Lucas, traducido al Romani, o dialecto de losGitanos de Espana. isrno, original sheep. Fine copy. [Madrid], 1837 * VERY SCARCE. First Edition of Borrow's Translation of the Gospel of St. Luke. It is stated that only 250 were issued, and many of these have been destroyed, being appropriated by the gipsies as charms against arrest. 3431 BORROW (GEORGE). Romano Lavo-Lil: Word-Book of the Romany; or, English Gypsy Language. With many pieces in Gypsy . . . Specimens of their Poetry . . . places inhabited by them, and of various things relating to Gypsy Life in England. Post 8vo, original cloth. London, 1874 * VERY SCARCE. Illustrated clipping on the gypsies of New York laid in. 3432 [C . . . (A. DE).] Diccionario del Dialecto Gitano. Origin y Costumbres de los Gitanos, contiene mas de 4,500 voces con su correspondencia castellana y sus definiciones. i2mo, wrappers, pp. 239. Barcelona, 1851 4*0 European OLansua^es ano TRaces GYPSIES Continued. 3433 FOHERCZEG QOZSEF). Czigany Nyelvtan. Romdno Csibakero Szilkaribe. Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 377. Budapest, 1888 3434 GRELLMANN (HEINRICH MORITZ GOTTLIEB). Dissertation on the Gipsies, being an Historical Enquiry concerning the Manner of Life, GEconomy, Customs and Conditions of these People in Europe, and their Origin. Translated by Matthew Raper. 4to, old leather, rebacked. London, 1787 * Valuable for its numerous references to early books that mention the gypsies. A curious chapter is that on cannibal practices by them. 3435 HOYLAND (JOHN). Historical Survey of the Customs, Habits, and Present State of the Gypsies; designed to develop the origin of this singular People, etc. 8vo, half calf. York: For the Author, 1816 3436 JESINI (P. JOSEF). Romani Cib, oder die Zigeuner-Sprache (Grammatik, Worterbuch, Chrestomathie). Dritte vermehrte Auf- lage. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 240. Leipzig, 1886 * With Romany songs and fables (line for line with the German translation). 3437 KALINI (DR. ANTOINE). La Langue des Tziganes Slovaques. 8vo, wrappers, pp. in. Posen, 1882 3438 MACRITCHIE (DAVID). Accounts of the Gypsies of India. Colored map and illustration, and plan. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1886 3439 MACRITCHIE (DAVID). Scottish Gypsies under the Stewarts. 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1894 3440 MIKLOSICH (FRANZ). Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Zigeuner- mundarten. 4 parts in 3. 8vo, wrappers. Vienna, 1874-78 3441 MORAES (DR. MELLO). Cancioneiro dos Ciganos. Poesia popular dos ciganos de Cidade Nova. 3 parts in i (with an addi- tional ethnological contribution by Sylvio Romero). i2tno, wrap- pers, pp. 90. Rio de Janeiro, 1885 3442 MORAES (DR. MELLO). Os Ciganos no Brazil. Contribuigao Ethnographica. 2 parts in r. 121710, wrappers, pp. 203. Rio de Janeiro, 1886 3443 PASPATI (ALEXANDRE G.) Etudes sur les Tchinghianes, ou Bohemians de 1'Empire Ottoman. Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 653. Constantinople, 1870 * As usual, this copy wants pages 521-536. Laid in is an A. L. S. of the author in regard to this omission. European Xan$ua0es anfc IRaces 41 1 GYPSI ES Continued. 3444 PINCHERLE (JAMES). I Ghilengheri Ghflia Salomuneskero an i Romdni tcib. II Cantico del Cantici di Salomone . . . nell' idioma Zingaresca (Indo-Orientale). 8vo, wrappers, pp. 13. Trieste, 1875 3445 PISCHEL (DR. R.) Die Heimath der Zigeuner. 8vo, wrap- pers, [n. p., 1883 ?] * Reprint from Deutsche Rundschau, ix. 12. 3446 REBOLLEDO (J. TINEO). "A. Chipicalli." (La Lengua Gitana). Diccionario Gitano-Espafiol y Espafiol Gitano (9,000) voces . . . Historia de los Gitanos desde su Aparicion en Europa, etc. Portrait. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 247, Granada, 1900 3447 SALES MAYO (FRANCISCO DE). El Gitanismo. Historia, Cos- tumbres y Dialecto de los Gitanos. Con un Epitome de Gramatica Gitana . . . y un Diccionario Calo-Castellano . . . por D. Francisco 'Quindale. Novisima Edicion. i2mo, wrappers, pp. 76. Madrid, 1870 3448 SCHWICKER (DR. J. H.) Die Zigeuner in Ungarn und Sieben- biirgen. 8vo, half calf. Vienna, 1883 3449 SIMSON (WALTER). History of the Gipsies: with Specimens of Gipsy Language. Edited, with Notes, etc., by James Simson. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1871 3450 - - SMART (B. C.) and CROFTON (H. T.) The Dialect of the English Gypsies. Second Edition, revised and greatly enlarged. 8vo, cloth. London, 1875 3451 SOWA (RUDOLF VON). Die Mundart der Slovakischen Zigeuner. 8vo, half cloth. Gottingen, 1887 3452 SUNDT (EILERT). Beretning om Fante-eller Landstryger- folket i Norge. Post 8vo, half cloth. Christiania, 1850 * An account of the Norwegian Gypsies. 3453 WERKEN UND AUFSATZEN . . . iiber die Geschichte und Sprache der Zieguner. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 15. Leipzig, 1886 * Bibliography of the Gypsies. 3454 WLISLOCKI (DR. HEINRICH VON). Die Sprache der Transsil- vanischen Zigeuner. Grammatik, Worterbuch. izmo, wrappers, pp. 128. Leipzig, 1884 412 European Slanguages ant) IRaces jfourtb Session. 3455 HUNGARIAN. BONER (CHARLES). Transylvania: its Products and its People. Maps and numerous illustrations after photographs. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1865 3456 CSINK (J.) Complete Practical Grammar of the Hungarian Language, with Exercises. Selections from the best authors and vocabularies, to which is added a Historical Sketch of Hungarian Literature. Thick post 8vo, cloth. London, 1853 * Scarce. 3457 CZVITTINGER (DAVID). Specimen Hungarise Literatae, Viro- rum Eruditione Clarorum Natione Hungarorum, Dalmatarum, Croa- tarum, Slavorum, atque Transylvanorum; Vitas, Scripta, Elogia et Censuras, Ordine Alphabetico exhibens, accedit Bibliotheca Scrip- torum qui extant de Rebus Hungaricis. Small 4to, boards. Frankfurt, 1711 3458 ETHNOGRAPHIA. A Magyarorszagi Neprajzi Tarsasag Erte- sitoje. Edited by Dr. Rethy Lazlo, Hermann Antal, and Katona Lajos. Vol. i, 1890 (lacks No. i) ; Vol. 2, complete; Vol. 3, 1892 (Nos. 4, 5, 7 and 9). Together 18 pieces. 8vo. Budapest, 1890-92 3459 FELBERMANN (Louis). Hungary and its People. J3 illustra- tions. Second Edition, with Supplement. Post 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. [1892?] 3460 FESSLER (!GNAZ AURELIUS). Geschichte von Ungarn. Zweite Auflage bearbeitet von Ernst Klein. Vorwort von Michael Horvath. The 5 vols. complete in the original 24 Parts as issued. 8vo, wrappers. (As 5 vols.) Leipzig, 1867-83 3461 - HOWELL (JAMES). Florus Hungaricus; or, The History of Hungaria and Transylvania, deduced from the Original of that Nation ... to the present Turkish Invasion, Anno 1664. i2tno, original old calf. Fine copy. London, 1664 3462 PHILLIPS (HENRY, JR.) Volk-Songs, translated from the Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum. i6mo, boards, pp. 37. * Printed for private circulation. Philadelphia, 1885 3463 REICH (EMIL). Hungarian Literature: an Historical and Critical Survey. Map of Hungary. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1898 3464 SINGER (IGNATIUS). Simplified Grammar of the Hungarian Language. Crown 8vo, cloth. (Triibner's Simplified Grammars.) London, 1882 European Xanouages ano IRaces 413 3465 IBERIAN. BOUDARD (P. A.) Etudes sur 1'Alphabet Iberien et sur quelques Monnaies Autonomes d'Espagne. 10 plates. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 126. Paris, 1852 3466 FLORES ODDOUZ (JUAN DE). Monumentos descubiertos en el Antigua Illiberia, Illipula, o Garnata. Folio, half calf (front cover loose.) n. p., n. d. *The Licence is in manuscript, and dated Oct. 19, 1770. As the editor was a prebendary in the Cathedral of Granada, it was possibly printed there. 81 engraved copper-plates, representing ancient Arabic inscriptions and alphabet, Gotho-Iberian alphabet, and many lapidarian inscriptions. 3467 ICELANDIC. ANDERSON (RASMUS B.) Viking Tales of the North. The Sagas of Thorstein, Viking's Son, and Fridthjof the Bold, translated from the Icelandic, by R. B. Anderson and Jon Bjarna- son ; also, Tegner's Fridthjofs Saga, translated by George Stephens. Post 8vo, cloth. Chicago, 1877 3468 ANDERSON (RASMUS B.) Norse Mythology ; or, The Religion of our Forefathers, containing the Myths of the Eddas, Systematized and Interpreted, with introduction, vocabulary and index. Third Edition. Frontispiece. Post 8vo, cloth. Chicago, 1879 3469 ANDERSON (RASMUS B.) The Younger Edda; also called Snorre's Edda, or the Prose Edda. An English Version of the Foreword, the Fooling of Gylfe, etc., . . . with Introduction, Notes, Vocabulary, and Index. Post 8vo, cloth. Chicago, 1880 3470 BIBLE. Bible in Icelandic. 8vo, sheep. London, 1866 3471 CATALOGUE of Books printed in Iceland, from A. D. 1578 to 1880, in the Library of the British Museum. Folio, wrappers, pp. 48. London, 1885 3472 DASENT (GEORGE WEBBE). Theophilus in Icelandic, Low German and other Tongues; from MSS. in the Royal Library, Stock- holm. Facsimile. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 112, gilt top, uncut. London: Pickering, 1845 * Printed in Stockholm, but sold in London by Pickering. 3473 DASENT (GEORGE WEBBE). The Story of Burnt Njal; or, Life in Iceland at the end of the Tenth Century. From the Ice- landic of Njals Saga. With Introduction, maps, and plans. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 8vo, original cloth, gilt. Edinburgh, 1861 4H European ^Languages ant) TRaces ICELANDIC Continued. 3474 DIETRICH (FRANZ ED. CHRIST.) Altnordisches Lesebuch. Aus der Skandinavischen Poesie und Prosa bis zum XIV. Jahr- hundert zusammengestellt, und mit iibersichtlicher Grammatik und einem Glossar. 8vo, half calf. With armorial bookplate of John Brent. Leipzig, 1843 3475 EDDA OF SAEMUND. Le Message de Skirnir et les Bits de Grimir. Poemes tires de 1'Edda de Saemund, avec des Notes, traduction, et Commentaire. Par F. G. Bergmann. 121110, wrap- pers, pp. 326. Strasbourg, 1871 3476 FARCEINGA SAGA. Faereyinga Saga, eller Faeroboernes His- toric i den Islandske Grundtext med Faeroisk og Dansk Oversaet- telse. Af Carl Christian Rafn. Map and facsimile in colors. 8vo, boards (front cover off, and stamp on title). Copenhagen, 1832 3477 FARCEINGA SAGA. Faereyinga Saga; oder, Geschichte de r Bewohner der Faroer im Islandischen Grundtext, mit Faroischer, Danischer und Deutscher Ubersetzung. Herausgegeben von C. C. Rafn und G. C. F. Mohnike. With facsimile of the original manuscript and map. 8vo, half calf. Copenhagen, 1833 * An ancient Icelandic manuscript containing a history of the Faroe Islands. 3478 HENDERSON (EBENEZER). Iceland; or, The Journal of a Residence in that Island, in 1814 and 1815, containing observations on the natural phenomena, history, literature, antiquities . . . man- ners, and customs. With Introduction and Appendix. Map and 15 plates of customs, scenery, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, scored calf. Edinburgh, 1818 3479 KEYSER (RUDOLPH). The Religion of the Northmen. Trans- lated by Barclay Pennock. Crown 8vo, cloth. New York, 1854 3480 LAING (SAMUEL). The Heimskringla; or, Chronicles of the Kings of Norway. Translated from the Icelandic of Snorro Sturle- son, with Preliminary Dissertation. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1844 * First Edition. Scarce. Fine copy. 3481 MORRIS (WILLIAM) and MAGNUSSON (ERIKR). The Saga Library. Done into English out of the Icelandic. 5 vols. post 8vo, half roan, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1892-95 * FIRST EDITIONS. Printed by Whittingham at the Chiswick Press. The Series include the Heimskringla, 3 vols.; the Ere Dwellers ; Howard the Halt, the Banded Men and Hen Thorir. European Xanguaaes ant) TRaces 415 ICELANDIC Continued. 3482 MUNCH (P. A.) and UNGER (C. B.) Oldnorsk Laesebog med Tilhorende Glossarium. 8vo, half calf. With armorial book- plate of John Brent. Christiania, 1847 * Extracts from the Njals Saga, Sturlunga Saga. etc. 3483 ORKNEYINGA SAGA. Translated from the Icelandic by John A. Hjaltalin and Gilbert Goudie. Edited with Notes and Introduction by Joseph Anderson. Maps and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Edinb. 1873 3484 ORKNEYINGA SAGA. The Orkneyinga Saga and Magnus Saga, and the Hakonar Saga. With Appendices (and Indices of Persons and Places) by Gudbrand Vigfusson. Three facsimiles of the Codex Flateyensis. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half cloth. (Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages.) London, 1887 * Among the narratives contained in these Sagas are an account of the Battle of Hastings (or Senlac) and the death of Harold, a life of Edward trie Confessor, history of the Kings of Orkney, life of St. Dunstan, etc. 3485 PAIJKULL (C. W.) A Summer in Iceland. Translated by M. R. Barnard. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1868 3486 PFEIFFER (MADAME IDA). A Visit to Iceland and the Scandi- navian North. Translated from the German. Including a trans- lation of the Icelandic poem, The Voluspa, etc. Illustrated. Post 8vo, finely bound in full green morocco, richly gilt. London, 1852 3487 PIGOTT (GRENVILLE). Manual of Scandinavian Mythology, containing a popular account of the Two Eddas and of the Religion of Odin. Illustrated by translations from Oehlenschlager's Danish poem, "The Gods of the North." Post 8vo, cloth. With auto- graph of Geo. H. Moore. London: Pickering, 1839 2488 SCRIPTA HISTORICA IsLANDORUM. De Rebus Gestis Veterum Borealium, Latine Reddita et Apparatu Critico Instructa, curante Societate Regia Antiquariorum Septentrionalium. (Opera et Studio Sevinbjornis Egilssonii.) Complete set. 12 vols. post 8vo, half calf. Hafniae, 1828-46 * Continens Historia Olavi Tryggvii Filii; Historia Regis Olavi Sancti; Historic Regum Magni Boni, Haraldi Severi, et Filiorum; Historic Regum Norvegize a Magno Nupide usque Magnum Erlingi Filium; Historia Regis Sverreris; Historic Regum Hakonis Sverreris Filii, Guttormi Sigurdii Filii; Hakonis Hakonia;; etc. 3489 STURLUNGA SAGA. Sturlunga Saga, including the Islendinga Saga of Lawman Sturla Thordsson, and other Works. Edited, with Prolegomena, Appendices, Tables, Indices, an'd Maps, by Dr. Gud- brand Vigfusson. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. (Clarendon Press Series.) Oxford, 1878 416 Buropean Xanguaoes ant) IRaces ICELANDIC Continued. 3490 SWEET (HENRY). An Icelandic Primer, with Grammar, Notes, and Glossary. Crown 8vo, cloth, pp. no. (Clarendon Press Series.) Oxford, 1886 2491 THOMSEN (GRIMUR). The Northmen in Iceland. Remarks on a Treatise of G. W. Dasent, by G. Thomsen; Orthographic de quelques anciens noms propres nordiques; etc. Illustrated. Ex- tracted from " Societe Royale des Antiquaires du Nord, 1859." Bound in one volume. 8vo, boards, pp. 30 (stamp on title). 3492 TRISTRAM'S SAGA. Saga af Tristram ok Isond samt Mottuls Saga. Udgivne af det Kongelige Nordiske Oldskrift-selskab. 8vo, half calf. With autograph of Prof. G. Brynjulfson on title. Copenhagen, 1878 3493 VIGFUSSON (GUDBRAND) and POWELL (F. YORK). An Ice- landic Prose Reader, with Notes, Grammar, and Glossary. Crown 8vo, cloth. (Clarendon Press Series.) Oxford, 1879 3494 VIGFUSSON (G.) and POWELL (F. Y.) Corpus Poeticum Boreale. The Poetry of the Old Northern Tongue, from the Earliest Times to the Thirteenth Century. Edited, classified and translated, with Introduction, Excursus and Notes. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. (Clarendon Press Series.) Oxford, 1883 * These valuable volumes contain text and translations of the Lay of Brunhild, the Play of the Wolsungs, Hjalmar's Death Song, the Lay of Weyland the Smith, the Eddas, etc. 3495 ILLYRIAN OR DALMATIAN. BERLIC (IGNAZ AL.) Gram- matik der Illirischen Sprache, wie solche in den Siidslawischen Landern Serbien, Bosnien, Slavonien, Dalmatien, Kroatien und von den Illiriern und Serben in Ungarn und der Vojvodina gesprochen wird. Dritte Auflage. 8vo, half morocco. Agram, 1850 * The Illyrian language is a Slavonic dialect akin to Servian, spoken in Dalmatia and in portions of the neighboring lands. 3496 - - NEALE (J. M.) Notes Ecclesiological and Picturesque on Dalmatia, Croatia, Istria, Styria, with a Visit to Montenegro. Archxological plates. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1861 3497 VOLTIGGI (JOSE). Ricsoslovnik Illiricskoga Italianskoga i Nimacskoga Jezika s' Jednom Pridpostavljenom Grammatikom illi Pismenstvom. 8vo, half morocco. U. Becsu (Vienna), n. d. [1803] * Very rare. A Grammar in Illyrian and German, and extensive Vocabulary (over 600 pp.) in Illyrian, Italian, and German. European ^Languages ant) TRaces 4 1 ? ILLVRIAN OR DALMATIAN Continued. 3498 WILKINSON (SiR J. GARDNER). Dalmatia and Montenegro, with a Journey to Mostar in Herzegovina, and remarks on the Slavonic Nations; the History of Dalmatia and Ragusa, the Uscocs, etc. Map and illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, tree calf (bindings broken). London, 1848 3499 ITALIAN. BALZINI (Uco). Italy. (An account of the Italian Chroniclers of the Middle Ages. ) Post 8vo, cloth. (Early Chron- iclers of Europe Series.) London, 1883 3500 BARETTI'S ITALIAN DICTIONARY. With Additions and Im- provements, by J. Davenport and Guglielmo Comelati. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. [1854] 3501 DANTE. LA DIVINA COMMEDIA. Portrait. 2 vols. 64010 original cloth, paper labels, uncut. London, 1822 * Pickering's Diamond Classics. Written on the fly-leaf is "This volume was carried by me in my haversack at the Battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861," the signa- ture (initials) almost erased. 3502 DANTE. Cornell University Library. Catalogue of the Dante Collection presented by Willard Fiske. Compiled by Theodore Wesley Koch. Complete in four parts, 410, paper. Ithaca, N. Y., 1898-1900 353 DANTE. The Dante Collections in Harvard . . . and Boston Public Libraries, Part i, Cambridge, 1885; The same (with addi- tions), Cambridge, 1890; The Growth and Importance of the Cor- nell Dante Collection, by T. W. Koch, illustrated, Ithaca, 1900; Hand-List of Framed Reproductions of Pictures and Portraits belonging to the Dante Collection (of Cornell), by T. W. Koch, Ithaca, 1900. 4 pieces, 8vo, wrappers. 3504 FONTANINI (GIUSTO). Biblioteca dell' Eloquenza Italiana . . . con le Annotazioni del Signer Apostolo Zeno . . . accresciuta di Nuove Aggiunte. 2 vols. 4to, half calf. Parma, 1803-04 * Gamba de Bassano's Bibliography and this work are the two best books on the Italian authors, Fontanini's being especially valuable for its literary notes. 3505 GAMBA (B.) Delle Novelle in Prosa. Bibliografia di Barto- lommeo Gamba Bassanese. Edizione seconda, con correzioni ed aggiunte. 8vo, vellum, gilt. Fine copy. Florence, 1835 3506 GARNETT (SiR RICHARD). History of Italian Literature. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1898 3S7 GIUSTI (G.) Raccolta di Proverbi Toscani con illustrazioni. Crown 8vo, half morocco. Florence, 1853 4i 8 European Xanguaoes ano IRaces ITALIAN Continued. 3508 HEMANS (C. I.) A History of Mediaeval Christianity and Sacred Art in Italy, A. D. 900-1350. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1869-72 3509 HOARE (SiR RICHARD COLT). Catalogue of Books relating to the History and Topography of Italy, collected during the years 1786, 1787, 1788, 1789, 1790. Royal 8vo, half morocco. London, 1812 * VERY SCARCE. ONLY 12 COPIES PRINTED PRIVATELY FOR PRESENTS, with auto- graph statement to that effect, signed by Edward Hoare, whose name is on title. 3510 MANUZZI (GIUSEPPE). Vocabolario della Lingua Italiana gia compilato dagli Accademici della Crusca, ed ora Novamente Cor- retto ed Accresciuto. Portrait of the editor. 4 vols. royal 8vo, half roan, gilt. Florence, 1833-40 3511 [MELZI (GAETANO).] Bibliografia dei Romanzi e Poemi Cavallereschi Italiani. Seconda edizione, coretta ed accresciuta. Portrait of Ariosto. 8vo, bound by F. BEDFORD in half calf, gilt. Milan, 1838 3512 MURATORI (LODOVICO ANTONIO). Annali d' Italia dal prin- cipio dell' Era Volgare sino all" Anno 1750. Continuati sino all' Anno 1827. 40 vols. bound in 20. 8vo, half roan. Florence, 1827 * Best edition. 3513 OLIPHANT (MRS.) The Makers of Florence Dante, Giotto, Savonarola, and their City. With portrait of Savonarola, engraved by Jeens, 50 illustrations, after Delamotte, and 20 reproductions of pic- . tures by Florentine artists in Florence. 8vo, three-quarter brown levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1891 * Best edition. 3514 OLIPHANT (MRS.) The Makers of Venice, Doges, Con- querors, and Men of Letters. With portrait of Leonardo Loredano, en- graved . by Lacour, 48 illustrations by Holmes, and jo plates of Palaces, Churches, and other buildings in Venice. 8vo, three-quarter brown levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1892 35*5 OZANAM (A. F.) Documents Inedits pour servir a 1'Histoire Litteraire de 1'Italie depuis le Vile Siecle jusqu'a au Xllle, avec Re- cherches sur le Moyen Age Italien. 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1850 3516 PITRE (GIUSEPPE). II Venerdi nelle Tradizioni Popolari Italiane. Terza editione con molte giunte. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 20. Palermo, 1888 European ^languages anfc IRaces 4 ! 9 ITALIAN Continued. 3517 RIVISTA DELLE TRADiziONi Popolari Italiane. Diretta da Angelo de Gubernatis. Complete from its commencement in Dec., 1893, to the last number issued, May, 1895. 18 numbers in the original parts. Rome, 1893-95 3518 ROBERTS (J. P.) Dizionario Italiano-Inglese e Inglese- Italiano, colla pronunzia e coll' accento. Thick post 8vo, half morocco. Florence, 1875 3519 SAVONAROLA. The History of Girolamo Savonarola and of his Times. By P. Villari. Translated by Leonard Homer. Portrait of Savonarola. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1863 3520 SAVONAROLA. Life and Times of Girolamo Savonarola. By Professor Pasquale Villari. Translated by Linda Villari. Portraits and illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1888 * This edition was greatly enlarged by the author, forming almost a new book as compared with Hornet's translation. 3521 SAVONAROLA. Savonarola, his Life and Times. By William Clark. Crown 8vo, cloth. Chicago, 1891 3522 SCAIFE (W. B.) Florentine Life during the Renaissance. 8vo, cloth. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1803 3523 TASSO. La Gerusalemme Liberata. Portrait. 2 vols. 641110, original cloth, paper labels, uncut. London, 1822 * Pickering's Diamond Classics. 3524 TIGRI (GIUSEPPE). Canti Popolari Toscani. Terza edizione riveduta. Crown 8vo, half morocco, gilt. Florence, 1869 3525 JUTLANDISH. VARMING (L.) Del Jydske Folkesprog Gram- matisk Fremstillet. (Grammatical Review of the Dialects of Jut- land.) 8vo, wrappers, pp. 264. Copenhagen, 1862 3526 LADIN OF THE TYROL. ALTON QOHANN). Die Ladinischen Idiome in Ladinien, Groden, Passa, Buchenstein, Ampezzo. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 376. Innsbruck, 1879 3527 ALTON (DR. JOHANN). Beitrage zur Ethnologic von Ost- ladinien. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 68. Innsbruck, 1880 3528 LAPPISH. CASTREN (M. A.) Von Einflusse des Accents in der Lapplandischen Sprache. 4to, wrappers, pp. 44. (Memoires de 1' Academic Imperiale des Sciences.) St. Petersburg, 1845 European %anguaaes ant> TRaces LAPPISH Continued. 3529 LEEMS (KNUD). Beskrivelse over Finmarkens Lapper, deres Tungemaal, Levemaade og ferrige Afgudsdyrkelse, oplyst ved mange Kaabberstykker, med J. E. Gunneri . . . Ammaerkninger, etc. At the end is, Jessens, Afhandling om de Norske Finners og Lappers Hedenske Religion, med en Tegning af en Rune-Bomme. Illustrated with 100 full-page copper-plates in the first part and one in the second. 410, old calf, gilt. Copenhagen, 1767 * Scarce. With Latin translation. On the Customs, Language, and Religious Beliefs of the Lapps. One of the most important authorities on the subject. 3530 LINDAHL (ERICO) et ERLING QOHANNE). Lexicon Lapponicum, cum Interpretatione, Vocabulorum Sveco-Latina et Indice Svecano Lapponico; etc. 4to, original calf. Holm, 1780 * The First Lappish Dictionary. Prefixed is a short Grammar of the language. 3531. SCHEFFER (JOHN). Lapponia, id est Regionis Lapponum et Gentis Nova et Verissima Descriptio . . . de Origine, Superstitione, Sacris Magicis, victu, cultu, negotiis Lapponum, item Animalium Metallorumque, &c. Woodcut illustrations of the Laplanders on their Reindeer sledges, on skj, of their Habitations, Idols, etc. , and with map and copper-plate frontispiece. Small 4to, original old calf. Frankfurt, 1673 * First Edition. The Sunderland copy. 3532 LETTISH (SPOKEN IN LIVONIA). BIBLE. Tas Wezs Testaments, un Tas Jauns Testaments. Thick 8vo, wooden boards covered with leather, and clasps. St. Petersburg, 1825 3533 BIELENSTEIN (A.) Lettische Grammatik. 8vo, cloth. Mitau, 1863 3534 LITHUANIAN. BEZZENBERGER (ADALBERT). Beitrage zur Geschichte der Litauischen Sprache. Auf Grund Litauischer Texte des XVI. und des XVII. Jahrhunderts. Royal 8vo, paper, pp. 356. Gottingen, 1877 3535 BIBLE. Biblia, tai esti: Wissas Szwentas Rasztas seno ir naujo Testamento. Thick post 8vo, calf, gilt. Karalauczue (Konigsberg), 1816 3536 SCHLEICHER (AUGUST). Litauische Grammatik, Prague, 1856; Litauisches Lesebuch und Glossar, von A. Schleicher, Prague, 1857. Bound in one volume. 8vo, half roan. Prague, 1856-57 * Printed in Roman type. 3537 NESSELMANN (G. H. F.) Worterbuch der Littauischen Sprache. 8vo, boards, cloth back. Konigsberg, 1851 353 8 VOELKEL (M. J. A.) Probe aus den Manuskript der neuen Bearbeitung des Nesselmannschen Worterbuchs. 8vo, wrappers. Heidelberg, 1874 European Xanouaoes ant) TRaces 4 21 3539 MALTESE. FALZON (GIOVANNI BATTISTA). Dizionario Maltese- Italiano-Inglese . . . preceduto da una breve Esposizione Gram- maticale della Lingua Maltese. 8vo, half calf. Malta, 1845 3540 GOSPELS. Quatuor Evangelia et Actus Apostolorum juxta Vulgatam Romas A.D. M.D.XCII. editam. Necnon versio Meli- tensis. 8vo, cloth. London, 1829 * Maltese being a dialect of Arabic, with an admixture of many foreign words, it became a great problem how to represent in Roman characters the sounds of the let- ters. An attempt was made in 1822 to translate the Gospel of John, which was not a success. This book was the next attempt, the resources of different fonts of types being called upon to represent the guttural sounds. It was undertaken by a native of Malta, a M. Camilleri, who afterwards joined the Protestant Church. 3541 NEW TESTAMENT. II Aaqda il Jdida Ta' Sidna Jesu Kristu. 8vo, full dark blue morocco, gilt edges, inside gilt borders, by HAY- DAY. Malta, 1847 3542 PANZAVECCHIA (C. FORTUNATO). Grammatica della Lingua- Maltese, spiegata secondo i Principj delle Lingue Orientali e della Lingua Italiana. 12010, half roan. Malta, 1845 3543 PORTER (MAJOR WHITWORTH). History of the Knights of Malta, or the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem. Por- traits, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt. London, 1858 3544 SCHLIENZ (C. F.) Views of the Improvement of the Maltese Language, and its Use for the purposes of Education and Litera- ture. i2mo, wrappers, pp. 136. Malta, 1838 3545 VASSALLI (MICHELANTONIO). Grammatica della Lingua Mal- tese. Seconda edizione, molto accresciuta. 8vo, half calf. Malta: Stampata per VAutore, 1827 * Interleaved copy, with a few additional Maltese words, and their meanings in Italian and English written in. 3546 VASSALLI (MICHELANTONIO). Motti, Aforismi e Proverbii Maltesi, raccolti, interpetrati (sic) e di note esplicative e filologiche corredati. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 93. Malta, 1828 3547 MILANESE. CAPPELLETTI (E.) Vocabolario Milanese-Italiano- Francese. i6mo, half roan. Milan, 1848 * Vocabulary of the Milanese dialect. 3548 MONTENEGRIN. DENTON (W.) Montenegro: its People and their History. Map. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1877 European Xanguaoes ant) IRaces 3549 NEAPOLITAN. JORIO (ANDREA DE). La Mimica degli Antichi Investigata nel Gestire Napoletano. 8vo, boards (back repaired). Ex-libris " Ex Museo del Montino." Naples, 1832 * With 21 curious plates. " The author's chief object was to interpret the ges- tures of the ancients as shown in their works of art and described in their writings, by the modern gesticulations of the Neapolitans, and he has proved that the general system of gesture once prevailing in ancient Italy is substantially the same as now observed." 3550 NORSE OR OLD NORWEGIAN. CARLYLE (THOMAS). The Early Kings of Norway; also an Essay on the Portraits of John Knox. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1875 3551 FISSCHER (Jos.) Die Entdeckungen der Normannen in Amer- ika, unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Kartographischen Dar- stellungen. Facsimiles of early maps. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 126. Freiburg, 1902 3552 OLAF'S SAGA, ETC. Speculum Regale. Konungs-Skuggsja. Konge-Speilet et Philosophisk-Didaktisk Skrift. Forfattet I Norge Mod Slutningen af det Tolfte Aarhundrede. Tilligemed et samti- digt Skrift om den norske Kirkes Stilling til Staten. Two facsimiles. (Bound with it is) Olaf Saga Hins Helga. En Kort Saga om Kong Olaf den Hellige Fra Anden Halvdeel af det Tolfte Aarhhundrede . . . Udgivet af R. Keyser og C. R. Unger. 8vo, half calf. With armorial bookplate of John Brent. Christiania, 1848-49 3553 NORWEGIAN. AASEN (!VAR). Ordbog over det Norske Folke- sprog. 8vo, half morocco (rubbed, stamp on title). Christiania, 1850 3554 - - OLSON (JULIUS E.) Norwegian Grammar and Reader, with Notes and Vocabulary. Post 8vo, cloth. Chicago, 1898 3555 PETERSON (REV. C. J. P.) A Norwegian-Danish Grammar and Reader, with a Vocabulary. i2mo, cloth. Chicago, 1872 3556 PERCHERON. GENTY (PIERRE). Les CEuvre's Poetiques en Patois Percheron de Pierre Genty, Marechal-Ferrant [1770-1821], precedees d'un Essai sur la Filiation des Langues par Ach. Genty. Portrait de Tauteur, et traduction Frangaise. Square lamo, half red morocco. Presentation copy from the editor. Only 355 printed. Paris, 1863 3557 PIEDMONTESE. SAINT LUKE and SAINT JOHN. Le Saint Evangile . . . Saint Luc et Saint Jean. 8vo, full roan, gilt top. * In parallel columns of French and Piedmontese. Paris, 1838 European Xanauages ant) IRaces 4 2 3 3558 POLABISH. SCHLEICHER (AUGUST). Laut-und-Formenlere der Polabischen Sprache. 8vo, half morocco. St. Petersburg, 1871 * The Polabish was a Slavonic dialect, closely akin to Wendish, which became ex- tinct in the first quarter of the i8th Century in the eastern corner of the former King- dom of Hanover, principally in the circuit of Ltlchow. Schleicher's book is the chief authority on its remains. 3559 POLISH. BARANOWSKI (J. J.) Polish-English, and English-Polish Lexicon. (With pronunciation to both parts.) 2 vols. i2tno, cloth. Warsaw, 1883-84 3560 BIELOWSKIEGO (AUGUSTA). Wstep Krytyczny de Dziejow Polski. 8vo, paper, pp. 546 (damaged copy, and lacks a leaf). * Critical Introduction to the History of Poland. We Lwowie, 1850 3561 CELICHOWSKI (ZYGMUNT). Slowniczek Lacirisko-Polski wyra- zow prawa Magdeburskiego z wieku XV. Facsimiles. 8vo, wrap- pers, pp. 16. Poznan, 1875 * Facsimile of a MS. Latin-Polish vocabulary of the isth Century. 3562 [HOTTEN (JOHN CAMDEN).] An Early News Sheet. The Russian Invasion of Poland in 1563. An Exact Facsimile of a con- temporary Account in Latin published at Douay. With Introduc- tion, Historical Notes, and Translation. Crown 8vo, half roan. * Only 250 printed. London, 1874 35 6 3 KRAITSIR (CHARLES V.) The Poles in the United States of America, preceded by the Earliest History of the Slavonians and by the History of Poland. i2mo, cloth. Philadelphia: Published by Kiderlen and Stollmeyer, 1837 * The crude printing and inferior paper would almost suggest that this volume was printed abroad, or at least by some small printer in a little country place. The volume relates almost entirely to the history of Poland. 3564 MORFILL (W. R.) Simplified Grammar of the Polish Lan- guage. Crown 8vo, cloth. (Triibner's Simplified Grammars.) London, 1884 35^5 ROMER (FERD.) The Bone Caves of Ojcow in Poland. Translated by John Edward Lee. Photographic frontispiece, sketch- map and 12 plates. 410, cloth. London, 1884 * Prehistoric Remains of Man, the Cave Bear, etc. 3566 SZADURSKI (LIEUT. G. M. B. LEON). An Epitome of the History of Poland. In three parts. (Part I. No more published.) 8vo, boards. Glasgow, 1842 3567 WOJCICKIEGO (K. W. L.) Historya Literatury Polskiej w Zarysach. 3 vols. 8vo, paper (binding loose and a few margins of two volumes ink-stained). Warsaw, 1859-60 * An elaborate history of Polish literature. 4 2 4 European %anoua0es an& IRaces 3568 PORTUGUESE. GONCALVES VIANA (A. R.) Bases da Ortografia Portuguesa, 1885; Exposicao da Pronuncia Normal Portuguesa, 1892. (Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa.) 2 pamphlets, pp. 16, 106. Lisbon, 1885-92 3569 McMuRDO (EDWARD). The History of Portugal from the Commencement of the Monarchy to the Reign of D. JoaoV. [1750], 3 vols. 8vo, half calf. (All published.) London, 1888-89 3570 MURRAY'S Handbook for Travellers in Portugal. Fourth Edition, carefully revised. Maps. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1887 3571 RIBEIRO (Jos SILVESTRE). Primeiros Tragos d'uma Resenha da Litteratura Portugueza. Tomo I. (All published.) 8vo, half roan. Lisbon, 1853 3572 VASCONCELLOS (J. LEITE DE). Sur les Amulettes Portugaises. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 12. (Societe de Geographic de Lisbonne.) Lisbon, 1892 3573 VIEYRA (ANTHONY). Dictionary of the Portuguese and Eng- lish, and English and Portuguese Languages. 2 vols. 4to, old calf. London, 1773 3574 VIEYRA (ANTHONY). Dictionary of the English and Portu- guese Languages in Two Parts: English and Portuguese and Portu- guese and English. New Edition. 2 vols. square 8vo, sheep. Lisbon, 1860-61 3575 VIEYRA (ANTHONY). Grammar of the Portuguese Language. Twelfth Edition, revised, corrected, and improved. Crown 8vo, roan. London, 1858 3576 PROVENCAL OR OLD FRENCH. BARTSCH (KARL). Chresto- mathie Provengale accompagnee d'une Grammaire et d'un Glos- saire. 4 me Edition, revue et corrigee. 8vo, half morocco. Elberfeld, 1880 3577 BARTSCH (KARL). Chrestomathie de 1'Ancien Francais. (VIII e -XV e Siecles.) Accompagnee d'une Grammaire et d'un Glossaire. Quatrieme Edition, corrigee et augmentee. Royal 8vo, half morocco (rubbed). Leipzig, 1880 3578 BURGUY (G. F.) Grammaire de la Langue d'Oil; ou, Gram- maire des Dialectes Fran?ais aux XII e et XIII 6 Siecles. Suivie d'un Glossaire contenant tous les Mots de 1'Ancienne Langue qui se trouve dans 1'Ouvrage. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Vols. i and 2, Second Edition, Berlin, 1869; Vol. 3, First Edition, Berlin, 1856. European ^Languages ant> IRaces 4 2 5 PROVENCAL Continued. 3579 FAURIEL (C. C.) History of Provengal Poetry. Translated, with Notes and References to the Authorities, Specimens of Verses in the Original, and Introduction on the Literature of the History of Provengal Poetry. 8vo, half calf, gilt. New York, 1860 3580 GILLY (WILLIAM STEPHEN). The Romaunt Version of the Gospel according to St. John, from MSS. in Trinity College, Dub- lin. With History of the Version of the New Testament, anciently in use among the Waldenses. Facsimiles. 8vo, cloth. London, 1848 3581 LOSETH (E.) Le Roman en Prose de Tristan, le Roman de Palamede, et la compilation de Rusticien de Pise. Analyse Cri- tique d'apres les Manuscrits de Paris. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1890 3582 MICHEL (FRANCISQUE). Tristan. Recueil de ce qui Reste des Poemes relatifs a ses Aventures. Composes en Francois en Anglo-Normand et en Grec dans les XII. et XIII. Siecles. Public par F. Michel. Facsimiles. 3 vols. izmo, finely bound by RIVIERE in half green morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. London: Pickering, 1835-39 * With lengthy critical introduction, notes and glossaries. Scarce. 3583 MICHEL (FRANCISQUE). Charlemagne. An Anglo-Norman Poem of the Twelfth Century. Now first published, with an In- troduction and a Glossarial Index. Facsimile. i2mo, bound similar to the preceding. London: Pickering, 1836 * The Introduction and Glossary in English. 3584 MICHEL (FRANCISQUE). Libri Psalmorum. Versio Antiqua Gallica. E Cod. MS. in Bibl. Bodleiana asservato nunc primum descripsit et edidit. Facsimile. 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1860 3585 RAYNOUARD (M.) Grammaire Romane; ou Grammaire de la Langue des Troubadours. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 351, uncut. Paris: Didot, 1816 3586 RAYNOUARD (M.) Choix des Poesies Originales des Trouba- dours. Contenant les Preuves historiques de PAncienne'te de la Langue Romane; des Recherches sur 1'Origine et la Formation de cette Langue; les Elements de sa Grammaire avant PAn 1000; La Grammaire de la Langue des Troubadours, etc. 6 vols. 8vo (Vol I. bound in half roan, the others in the original wrappers, uncut). * The rarest of Raynouard's works. Paris: Didot, 1816-21 4 26 European ^Languages anb TRaces PROVENCAL Continued. 3587 RAYNOUARD (M.) Lexique Roman; ou Dictionnaire de la Langue des Troubadours, comparee avec les autres Langues de 1'Europe Latine. Precede de nouvelles recherches historiques et philologiques, d'un resume de la Grammaire Romane, d'un Nouveau Choix des Poesies Originates des Troubadours, et d'Extraits de Poemes divers. 6 vols. 8vo, half morocco. * The most valuable and complete Romance Dictionary. Paris, 1844 3588 [SAUVAGES (PIERRE AUGUSTIN BOSSIER DE LACROIX DE).] Dictionnaire Languedocien-Frangois . . . ouvrage ou Ton donne avec 1'explication de bien des Termes de la Langue Romance, ou de 1'ancien Languedocien, celle de beaucoup de noms propres, autre- fois communs de 1'ancien langage; etc. Par Mr. L. D. S. 2 vols. 8vo, old calf. Nismes, 1785 3589 PROVENCAL (MODERN). CRAIG (J. DUNCAN). Hand Book to the Modern Provencal Language, spoken in the South of France, Piedmont, etc. 121110, cloth. London, 1863 3590 KITCHIN (DARCY BUTTERWORTH). Introduction to the Study of Provengal. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1887 3591 PRUSSIAN (OLD). QUATREFAGES (JEAN-LOUIS ARMAND DE). The Prussian Race Ethnologically Considered. Translated by Isabella Innes. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1872 3592 VATER QOHANN SEVERIN). Die Sprache der alten Preussen. Einleitung, Ueberreste, Sprachlehre, Worterbuch. 8vo, paper, pp. 181. Braunschweig (Brunswick), 1821 3593 RH^ETO-ROMANIC. CARISCH (OTTO). Grammatische For- menlehre der Deutschen und Rhatoromanischen Sprache. Chur, 1852, pp. 218; bound with it is, Vocalismus des Lateinischen Ele- mentes in den Wichtigsten Romanischen Dialecten von Graubunden und Tyrol, von Edmund Stengel. Bonn, 1868, pp. 64. In one vol. Post 8vo, cloth. * The First Grammar is for both the Engadine and Oberland dialects of Romaunsch. 3594 FISKE (WILLARD). Catalogue of the Rhaeto-Romanic Col- lection presented to the Library (of Cornell University). Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 32. Ithaca, 1894 European Xanguaoes ano "Races 4 2 7 RHJETO-ROMANIC Continued. 3595 HESS (J.) Catalogue d'une riche et precieuse collection de Livres Retoromans. En vente chez . . . . J. Hess a Ellwangen. 1 2mo, wrappers, pp. 30. 2 editions, 236 and 386 titles, respectively. (2 pieces.) Ellwangen [1899?] 3596 RAUSCH (DR. FRIEDLIEB). Geschichte der Literatur des Rhato-Romanischen Volkes, mit einem Blick auf Sprache und Cha- rakter desselben. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 167. Frankfurt a. M. 1870 3597 ROMANCE LANGUAGES. BRUCE-WHYTE (M. A.) Histoire des Langues Romanes, et de leur Litterature, depuis leur origine jusqu'au XIV e Siecle. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1841 * Includes some chapters on the influence of the Orient on the early Romances, with specimens of translations from the Arabic. 3598 DIEZ (FRIEDRICH). Etymologisches Worterbuch der Romani- schen Sprachen. 8vo, half calf (rubbed, title torn, and repaired). Bonn, 1853 3599 DIEZ (FRIEDRICH). Etymologisches Worterbuch der Romani- schen Sprachen. Dritte verbesserte und vermehrte Ausgabe. 2 vols. in one.) 8vo, half morocco. Bonn, 1869-70 3600 DIEZ (FRIEDRICH). An Etymological Dictionary of the Ro- mance Languages, chiefly from the German of Diez by T. C. Donkin. 8vo, cloth. London, 1864 3601 DIEZ (FRIEDRICH). Introduction to the Grammar of the Ro- mance Languages by Diez. Translated by C. B. Bayley. 8vo, cloth (stamp on title). London, 1863 3602 NEUMANN (FR.) Die Romanische Philologie. Royal 8vo, boards, cloth back. Leipzig, 1886 3603 ROMANSCH OF THE LOWER ENGADINE. NEW TESTA- MENT. II Nouf Testament. i2mo, cloth. Paris, 1836 3604 ROUMANIAN OR MOLDAVIAN OR WALLACHIAN. BAR- CIANU (SAH. POP.) Dictionar Roman-German si German-Roman. Worterbuch der Deutschen und Romanischen (und Romanischen und Deutschen) Sprache. 2 vols. i2mo, boards, cloth back. Sibiiu, 1886-88 3605 BIBLE. The Old and New Testaments in Moldavian, printed in Cyrillic Characters. Thick 8vo, calf, gilt. St. Petersburg, 1819 3606 BLAZEWICZ (THEOKTIST). Grammatik der dacoromanischen, das ist, der moldavischen oder wallachischen Sprache. 8vo, boards (leaves foxed). Lemberg, 1844 428 European ^Languages ano IRaces ROUMANIAN OR MOLDAVIAN OR WALLACHIAN Continued. 3607 NOYES (JAMES O.) Roumania: The Border Land of the Christian and the Turk, comprising Adventures of Travel in Eastern Europe and Western Asia. Illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1857 3608 SAMUELSON (J.) Roumania, Past and Present. Map, plans and numerous other illustrations. 8vo, three-quarter levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1882 3609 STANLEY (Hon. HENRY). Rouman Anthology; or, Selections of Rouman Poetry, Ancient and Modern, being a Collection of the National Ballads of Moldavia and Wallachia . . . with translations of some of the Poems. 8vo, cloth, gilt. Hertford (Eng.), 1856 * Very beautifully printed by Stephen Austin, each page surrounded by a border illuminated in gold and colors, from ancient Byzantine manuscripts, etc. 3610 TORCEANU (R.) Simplified Grammar of the Roumanian Language. Crown 8vo, cloth. (Triibner's Simplified Grammars.) London, 1883 3611 RUNIC. RAFN (C. C.) Inscription Runique du Piree interpretee par Rafn et publiee par la Societe Royale des Antiquaires du Nord. (Also containing articles on analogous inscriptions in Norway, Denmark, etc.) 8vo, wrappers, pp. 253. With numerous transcripts of the Runes. Copenhagen, 1856 3612 STEPHENS (GEORGE). The Old Northern Runic Monuments of Scandinavia and England. Now first collected and deciphered. Hundreds of illustrations, some in gold and colors. 3 vols. folio, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Fine copy. London, 1866-84 3613 THORSEN (P. G.) De Danske Runemindesmaerker. Forste Afdeling. Runemindesmaerkerne i Slesvig. Facsimiles and other illustrations. Royal 8vo, boards. Presentation copy to G. W. Dasent. Copenhagen, 1864 3614 WORMS (OLAUS). (Runica) seu Danica Literatura Anti- quissima vulgo Gothica dicta luci reddita . . . cui accessit de Prisca Danorum Poesi Dissertatio. Hafniae, 1651; also bound in the same volume, Specimen Lexici Runici, by the same author, Hafnise, 1650; and, Additamenta ad Monumenta Danica (also by Worms). The first work illustrated. Folio, original vellum. Hafniae, 1651, etc. * Fine copy on Large Paper. European XanQuages ano TCaces 4 2 9 3615 RUSSIAN. ADELUNG (FRIEDRICH VON.) Kritisch-Literarische uber- sicht der Reisenden in Russland bis 1700. Portrait on India Paper. 2 vols. royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 480+430, uncut (damp-stained). St. Petersburg, 1846 * A descriptive bibliography of books of travel in Russia. 3616 ALEXANDROW (A.) Complete Russian-English and English- Russian Dictionary. 2 vols. 8vo, half roan. St. Petersburg, 1879-85 3617 ALEXANDROW (A.) Complete Russian-English Dictionary. 8vo, half morocco. St. Petersburg, 1885 * Chief-Justice Bradley's copy, with MS. Alphabet inserted. 3618 BAIN (R. NISBET). Russian Fairy Tales selected and trans- lated from the Skazki of Polevoi. Illustrated by C. M. Gere. 8vo, cloth. London, 1892 3619 BONNELL (ERNST). Russisch-Liwlandische Chronographie von der Mitte des Neunten Jahrhunderts bis zum Jahre 1410. Fold- ing table. 410, wrappers, pp. 291. St. Petersburg, 1862 3620 DICTIONARY. New Pocket Dictionary of the English and Russian (and Russian and English) Languages. (The two parts in one volume.) i6mo, half roan. Leipzig, 1871 3621 ENGELHARDT (ALEXANDER PLATONOVICH). A Russian Pro- vince of the North. Translated by Henry Cooke. Portrait, maps, and numerous photographic illustrations. Royal 8vo, art cloth. Westminster, 1899 * Archangel, Lapland, Nova Zembla, the Petchora Country, etc. 3622 GOSPELS. The Gospels in Russian. i6mo, cloth. St. Petersburg, 1870 3623 HAPGOOD (ISABEL FLORENCE). Epic Songs of Russia. Intro- ductory Note by Prof. Francis J. Child. 8vo, cloth. New York [1885] 3624 HAPGOOD (MELVIN P.) Melodies of the Epic Songs of Russia. (Copied from the Original.) 8vo, pp. 6. * Beautiful manuscript copy. Presentation to " Miss Isabel F. Hapgood from her cousin Melvin P. Hapgood. 22-1 i-'S?." 3625 LOWE (CHARLES). Alexander III. of Russia. Portrait. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1895 3626 MCPHERSON (DUNCAN). Antiquities of Kertch and Researches in the Cimmerian Bosphorus, with Remarks on the Ethnological and Physical History of the Crimea. Full-page colored plates of antiquities. Folio, cloth. London, 1857 43 European ^Languages anfc IRaces RUSSIAN Continued. 3627 MOURAVIEFF (A. N.) History of the Church of Russia. Translated by the Rev. R. W. Blackmore. 8vo, half russia (rubbed). Oxford, 1842 3628 OTTO (FRIEDRICH). History of Russian Literature. Trans- lated by George Cox. With Lexicon of Russian Authors. 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1839 3629 PANIN (!VAN). Lectures on Russian Literature Pushkin, Gogol, Turgenef, Tolstoy. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1889 3630 RALSTON (W. R. S.) The Songs of the Russian People. As illustrative of Slavonic Mythology and Russian Social Life. Second Edition. 8vo, cloth. London, 1872 3631 RALSTON (W. R. S.) Russian Folk Tales. 8vo, cloth. * Scarce. London, 1873 3632 RALSTON (W. R. S.) Krilof and his Fables. Fourth Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth (embossed stamp on title). London, 1883 3633 RAMBAUD (ALFRED). The History of Russia from the Earliest Times to 1877. Translated by Leonora B. Lang. Maps and illus- trations. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1879 3634 REIFF (CHARLES PHILIP). English-Russian Grammar; or, Principles of the Russian Language for the Use of Englishmen. Second Edition, remodelled. 8vo, paper, pp. 191 (in cloth cover). Carlsruhe: For the Author, 1853 * Inserted is an article in French on the Slav language, with alphabets, showing the slight difference existing between the form of the Slav and Russian letters. (7 pp.) 3635 SAMSON-HIMMELSTIERNA (H. VON). Russia under Alexander III. and in the Preceding Period. Translated by J. Morrison Edited, with Notes and Introduction, by Felix Volkhovsky. Por- trait. 8vo, cloth. London, 1893 3636 STEPNIAK. The Russian Peasantry, their Agrarian Con- dition, Social Life, and Religion. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1888 3637 STEPNIAK. King Stork and King Log. A Study of Modern Russia. By Stepniak. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1895 3638 STEPNIAK. Nihilism as It Is. Being Stepniak's Pamphlets, Translated by E. L. Voynich; and, Felix Volkhovsky's " Claims of the Russian Liberals." With Introduction by Dr. R. Spence Watson. Post 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. European Xanouages ano TRaces 431 RUSSIAN Continued. 3639 TIKHOMIROV (L.) Russia, Political and Social. Translated by Edward Aveling. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1888 3640 USTRYALOV (NIKOLAI GERASIMOV). Russka Istorya. Maps. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco. (Best edition.) St. Petersburg, 1855 * History of Russia by the author of the extensive history of Peter the Great. 3641 WAHL (O. W.) The Land of the Czar. (Geography, History, Description of the Inhabitants, etc.) 8vo, cloth. London, 1875 3642 WALISZEWSKI (K.) History of Russian Literature. Post 8vo, cloth. (No. 8 of the Short Histories of the Literature of the World, edited by Edmund Gosse.) London, 1900 3643 SARDINIAN. TENNANT (ROBERT). Sardinia and its Resources. Map, and plates of costumes^ views, inscriptions, ancient remains, etc. Royal 8vo, cloth. Rome, 1885 3644 SAXON (OLD). HEYNE (MORITZ). Heliand. Mit Ausfuhrlichem Glossar. 8vo, half morocco. Paderborn, 1866 * The Heliand is an Old Saxon poem of the ninth century setting forth the life of Christ, and is almost the only remnant of that dialect. 3645 SCANDINAVIAN. BOSWORTH (REV. J.) Origin of the Germanic and Scandinavian Languages, with a sketch of their Literature, and short chronological specimens of the Anglo-Saxon, Friesic, Flemish, Dutch, the German, from the Moeso-Gothic to the Present Time, the Icelandic, Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish. With map of the European Languages. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1836 3646 BOSWORTH (REV. J.) Scandinavian Literature, with short Chronological Specimens of the Old Danish, Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish, and a notice of the Dalecarlian and Ferroe Dialects. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 17. London, 1836 3647 CRICHTON (A.) and WHEATON (H.) Scandinavia, Ancient and Modern; being a History of Denmark, Sweden and Nor- way ... a Description of those Countries, Account of the Mythol- ogy, Laws, etc. . . . and Illustrations of their Natural History. Map and illustrations. 2 vols. crown 8vo, half calf. (Edinburgh Cabinet Library.) Edinburgh, 1838 3648 Du CHAILLU (PAUL B.) The Viking Age; the Early His- tory, Manners and Customs of the Ancestors of the English-Speaking Nations. 1366 illustrations and map. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1889 43 2 European %anaua$es ant> IRaces SCANDINAVIAN Continued. 3649 ELLESMERE (EARL OF), Editor. Guide to Northern Archaeology, by the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries of Copenhagen. Maps and illustrations. 8vo, paper, pp. 128. London, 1848 * Laid in is L. S. from Chas. C. Rafn, presenting the copy to Edward Robinson. 3650 HOLMBOE (M. C. A.) Traces de Buddhisme en Norvege avant 1'Introduction du Christianisme. Plates. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 74- Paris, 1857 3651 HORN (FREDERIK WINKEL). History of the Literature of the Scandinavian North; from the Most Ancient Times to the Present. Revised by the author, and translated by Rasmus B. Anderson. With a Bibliography of important Books, in the English Language, relating to the Scandinavian Countries, prepared ... by Thorvald Solberg. 8vo, cloth. Chicago, 1884 3652 METCALF (FREDERICK). The Englishman and the Scandina- vian; or, A Comparison of Anglo-Saxon and Old Norse Literature. 8vo, cloth. London, 1880 3653 NILSSON (SVEN). The Primitive Inhabitants of Scandinavia. An Essay on Comparative Ethnography . . . containing a Descrip- tion of the Implements, Dwellings, Tombs and Mode of Living of the Savages of the North of Europe during the Stone Age. Third Edition. Edited, and with Introduction, by Sir John Lubbock. Plates. 8vo, cloth. London, 1868 3654 NYERUP (R.) and KRAFT (J. C.) Almindeligt Litteraturlexicon for Denmark, Norge, og Island. 2 vols. 4to, half calf. Copenhagen, 1820 *A Bibliography of Danish, Norse and Icelandic writers. Henri Ternaux's copy, with his crest and initials in gold on the sides. 3655 OTTE (E. C.) Scandinavian History. With maps. i2mo, cloth. London, 1874 3656 ROYAL SOCIETY OF NORTHERN ANTIQUARIES. Memoires de la Societe Royale des Antiquaires du Nord, 1840-49, plates, bound with "Memoiresur la Decouverte de 1'Ameriqueau Dixieme Siecle," par Charles Christian Rafn, Second Tirage, plates, 1843; Apergu de 1'Ancienne Geographic des Regions Arctiques de 1'Amerique, selon les Rapports contenus dans les Sagas du Nord, par Charles Chris- tian Rafn, 1847. 8vo, cloth (stamp on title). Copenhagen, 1840-49 European Xanouaoes ano IRaces 433 3657 -- ROYAL SOCIETY OF NORTHERN ANTIQUARIES. Various Reports and Leaflets issued by them from 1834 to 1859: Sur la Construc- tion des Salles dites des Geants, illustrated, published by the same Society, 1857 (2 copies); The Northmen in Iceland, by the same, 1859; Hermod det nordiske Oldskrift-Selskabs Tidende, No. i, Jan. 1825; Tillaeg til nr. 8 af Hermod [1827]. 41 pieces. (As a lot.) 3658 - SOLBERG (THORVALD). Bibliography of Scandinavia. Cata- logue of Important Books in the English Language, relating to the Scandinavian Countries, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland and Lapland, with English Translations, important Magazine Articles, and a few titles relating to the Scandinavian Languages and My- thology. 8vo, boards, pp. 418-500. Presentation copy. [Washington, n. d.] 3^59 - STEPHENS (GEORGE). Thunor the Thunderer, carved on a Scandinavian Font of about the year 1000. 29 illustrations. 4to, wrappers, pp. 58. London, 1878 * The earliest-known sculpture of Thor, used as a Christian symbol. 3660 - PAMPHLETS. Otto Sylwan, Holofernes och Judit, Ett Drama fran Reformationstiden, Upsala, 1895; Swedish Philology, by Dr. F. Tamm [1877] ; Avhandlingar ock Program utgivna vid Svenska . . . Akademier, 1855-1890, Pt. i, Upsala [1890?]; Thomas Thorold's Bref, Pts. 2-3; K. Bibliotekets Visbok (1500 och 1600 talens), Pts. V., VI. ; Review Articles on Scandinavian Subjects; etc. (17 pieces.) 3661 SERVIAN. KANITZ (F.) Serbien. Historisch-Ethnographische Reisestudien aus den Jahren 1859-1868. Mit 40 illustrationem im Textc, 20 Tafeln, und einer Karte. Thick royal 8vo, half morocco. Leipzig, 1868 3662 - MIJATOVICS (ELODIE LAWTON). The History of Modern Serbia. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1872 3663 - MORFILL (W. R.) Simplified Grammar of the Serbian Lan- guage. Post 8vo, cloth. (Triibner's Simplified Grammars.) London, 1887 3664 - MUZA (EMIL). Die Kunst die Serbo-Kroatische Sprache. i2mo, cloth. Vienna, n. d. 3665 - VUK STEPHANOVICH. Wuk's Stephanowitsch kleine Ser- bische Grammatik, verdeutscht und mit einer vorrede von Jacob Grimm. (Bound with it is a portion of a German treatise on Ser- vian Folk-songs.) Crown 8vo, half calf. Leipzig, 1824 434 Buropean %an0uaaes ant> TRaces 3666 SICILIAN. BIUNDI (G.) Dizionario Siciliano-Italiano. Crown 8vo, half calf, gilt. Palermo, 1857 2667 LLOYD (W. W.) The History of Sicily to the Athenian War, with Elucidations of the Sicilian Odes of Pindar. Map. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt. London, 1872 3668 SLAVONIC. ABEL (CARL). Slavic and Latin. Ilchester Lectures on Comparative Lexicography, delivered at the Taylor Institution, Oxford. 8vo, cloth. London, 1883 3669 CLARK (EDSON L.) The Races of European Turkey, their History, Condition and Prospects. Map. Post 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1878 * Part I. The Byzantine Empire; Part II. The Modern Greeks and the Albanians; Part III. The Turkish Slavonians, the Wallachians and the Gypsies. 3670 CURTIN (JEREMIAH). Myths and Folk-Tales of the Russians, Western Slavs, and Magyars. Post 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1890 3671 EICHHOFF (F. G.) Histoire de la Langue et de la Litterature des Slaves, Russes, Serbes, Bohemes, Polonais et Lettons, conside- rees dans leur origine Indienne, leurs anciens monuments, et leur etat present. Royal 8vo, calf gilt, gilt edges. Paris, 1839 * The third part of the work consists of national poems in Bohemian, Servian, etc., with translations. 3672 KRASINSKI (COUNT VALERIAN). Sketch of the Religious His- tory of the Slavonic Nations. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1851 3^73 LAVELEYE (EMILE DE). The Balkan Peninsula. Translated by Mrs. Thorpe, with letter from the Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone. Map. 8vo, cloth. London, 1887 3674 MACKENZIE (G. MUIR) and IRBY (A. P.) The Turks, the Greeks, and the Slavons. Travels in the Slavonic Provinces of Turkey-in-Europe. Maps and numerous illustrations. Thick 8vo, cloth, pp. 687, London, 1867 3675 MACKENZIE (G. MUIR) and IRBY (A. P.) Travels in the Slavonic Provinces of Turkey-in-Europe. Preface by W. E. Glad- stone. Second Edition, revised. Maps and illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1877 3676 MIKLOSICH (DR. FRANZ). Die Bildung der Ortsnamen aus Personennamen im Slavischen. 410, wrappers, pp. 74. Vienna, 1864 European Xanouages anfc IRaces 435 SLAVONIC Continued. 3677 MILLER (WILLIAM). Travels and Politics in the Near East. Map and illustrations {frontispiece colored}. 8vo, cloth. London, 1898 3678 MULLER (Sm F. MAX). Suggestions for the Assistance of Officers in Learning the Languages of the Seat of War in the East. With ethnological map by Petermann. 8vo, cloth. London, 1854 * The war referred to was the "Crimean War," and the languages embraced those of Russia, Turkey, Greece, the adjoining countries, and the whole of the countries surrounding the Black Sea. 3679 MULLER (SiR F. MAX). The Languages of the Seat of War in the East. With a Survey of Three Families of Language Semitic, Aryan, and Turanian. Second Edition, with Appendix on the Mis- sionary Alphabet, and an ethnographical map drawn by Augustus Peter- mann. 8vo, cloth. London, 1855 3680 PUPINE ET SPASOVIC. Histoire des Litteratures Slaves. Traduit par Ernest Denis. (Bulgares, Serbo-Croates, et Yougo-Russes. ) Map. Thick royal 8vo, three-quarter red morocco. Paris, 1881 * A work of great learning and of the highest authority. 3681 - RADIUS (J. S. C. DE). Condensed Historical Notice of the Languages of the Slavic Nations. i2mo, cloth. London, 1853 3682 [ROBINSON (MRS. EDWARD "70/z'/.")] Historical View of the Languages and Literature of the Slavic Nations; with a Sketch of their Popular Poetry. Preface by Edward Robinson. Crown 8vo, cloth. New York, 1850 3683 SCHAFARIK (PAUL JOSEPH). Slawische Alterthumer. Deutsch von Mosig von Aehrenfeld. Herausgegeben von Heinrich Muttke. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Leipzig, 1843 * The standard work on Slavonic ethnography and antiquities. 3684 - SCHAFARIK (PAUL JOSEPH). Geschichte der Siidslawischen Literatur. Aus dessen handschriftlichem nachlasse herausgegeben von Josef Jirecek. 4 vols. 8vo, wrappers. Prague, 1864-65 * Band I., Slowenisches und Glagolitisches Schriftthum; II., Illirisches und Kroati- sches; III. and IV. Serbisch. Contains full bibliographical details. 3685 SCHAFARIK (PAUL JOSEPH). Geschichte der Slawischen Sprache und Literatur nach alien Mundarten. Zweite Abdruck. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 527. Prague, 1869 43 6 European Xanauages an& IRaces SLAVONIC Contimied. 3686 - SCHNURRER (CHRISTIAN pRiEDRicn). Slavischer Biicher- druck in Wurtemberg im 16 Jahrhundert. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 128. Tubingen, 1799 Relates chiefly to the work of Primus Truber, the founder of Krainisch or Slovenian (Wendish) Literature. Full bibliographical descriptions are given of the various books printed under his editorship at Tubingen from 1560 to 1564, both in the Croatian and Krainisch language, and in Cyrillic or Glagolitic type. 3687 SLAVONIC (OLD OR CHURCH). DOBROWSKY (JOSEPH). In- stitutiones Linguae Slavicae Dialect! veteris qusequum apud Russos, Serbos aliosque ritus Grasci, turn apud Dalmatas Glagolitas ritus Latinis, Slaves in libris Sacris obtinet. Editio secunda pretio viliori parabilis. 8vo, half calf. Vindobonae (Vienna), 1852 * With four plates of the Cyrillic and Glagolitic (old Church Bulgarian) alphabets. 3688 - DOBROWSKY'S GLAGOLITICA. Ueber die Glagolitische Litera- tur; das Alter der Bukwitza; ihr Muster, nach welchem sie gebildet worden ; etc. Zweite Ausgabe von Wenceslaw Hanka. With 3 plates of facsimiles from ancient Slavonic breviaries. 12 mo, half calf. Prague, 1832 3689 SLOVAKISH. MARSHAL (GUSTAV). Die Kunst die Slovakische Sprache, durch Selbstunterricht schnell zu erlernen. i2mo, cloth. Vienna, n. d. * Slovakish is a dialect akin to Old Bohemian, spoken in the north-western corner of the kingdom of Hungary. 3690 SLOVENISH. PECNIK (CARL Jos.) Praktisches Lehrbuch der Slovenischen Sprache, fur den Selbstunterricht. 12010, cloth. Vienna, n. d. * Slovenish is a Slavonic dialect akin to Servian, spoken in Styria, Carinthia, Car- niola, and in a small part of Hungary. 3691 SPANISH. BARRANTES (D. VICENTE). Catalogo Razonado y Critico de los Libros, Memorias y Papeles, Impresses y Manuscri- tos que Tratan de las Provincias de Extremadura, asi tocante a su Historia, Religion y Geografia, como asus Antiguedades, Nobleza y Hombres Celebres. Royal 8vo, half morocco (rubbed). Madrid, 1863 3692 - BOEHMER (EDWARD). Spanish Reformers of Two Centuries from 1520 . . . their Lives and Writings according to the late B. B. Wiffen's plan. Second volume (containing Constantino Ponce de la Fuente, Calvin's Catechism and Liturgy, Sumario de Indulgencias, Juan Perez de Pineda, Alonso de Penafuerte, Reginaldus Gonsal- vius, Montanus, etc). 8vo, cloth. London, 1883 European ^Languages ano TRaces 437 S P A N I S H Conti n ued. 3693 BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. Catalogue of the Spanish and Portuguese Books bequeathed by George Ticknor . . . with the Collection of Spanish and Portuguese Literature in the General Library. By Jas. L. Whitney. Royal 8vo, wrappers. Boston, 1879 3694 CERVANTES. Life of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. A Bio- graphical, Literary, and Historical Study, with a tentative Bibliog- raphy from 1585 to 1892, and an Annotated Appendix on the Canto de Caliope. By Jas. Fitzmaurice-Kelly. 8vo, half morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. London, 1892 3695 COLLINS (JOHN). Dictionary of Spanish Proverbs, trans- lated into English, with explanatory illustrations, etc. Post 8vo, boards, cloth back. London, 1823 3696 CORTES (HERNANDO). Carta Sexta de Hernando Cortes, escrita al Emperador Carlos V. Publicada ahora por primera vez. 8vo, sewed, pp. 138. New York, 1848 * This important letter relates to the Conquest of Mexico. It was edited by George Folsom, and it forms a necessary supplement to the volume published by him in 1843. 3697 DICTIONARY OF THE ACADEMY. Diccionario de la Lengua Castellana por la Academia Espafiola. Undecima edicion. 410, half calf. Madrid, 1869 3698 DICTIONARY OF THE ACADEMY. Novisimo Diccionario de la Lengua Castellana . . . con un Supplemento de Voces de Ciencias, Artes y Officios, Commercio, Industria, etc., etc., y seguido del Dic- cionario de Sinonimos de Don Pedro M. De Olive, y del Diccionario de la Rima de D. Juan Penalver. Thick 410, half morocco. Paris, 1873 3699 FITZMAURICE-KELLY (JAMES). History of Spanish Literature. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. (No. 5 of "Short Histories of the Litera- tures of the World, edited by Edmund Gosse.") London, 1898 3700 FORD (RICHARD). Handbook for Travellers in Spain. Re- vised and corrected. Eighth Edition. Maps and plans. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth. London: Murray, 1892 3701 GALLARDO (D. BARTOLOME JOSE). Ensayo de una Biblioteca Espafiola de libros raros y curiosos formado con los apuntamientos de D. B. J. Gallardo, coordinados y aumentados por D. M. R. Zarco dell Valle y D. J. Sancho Rayon. 2 vols. royal 8vo, paper. Madrid, 1863-66 * Includes a catalogue of books in the library of Ferdinand Columbus. 43 8 European ^Languages anfc IRaces SPANISH Continued. 3702 HARVEY (W. F.) Simplified Grammar of the Spanish Lan- guage. Post 8vo, cloth. (Triibner's Simplified Grammars.) London, 1890 3703 HIDALGO (DIONISIO). Boletin Bibliografico Espanol y Es- trangero, First Series, Vol. 10 (lacks No. 11), 1849, and Vol. T1 > '^5 (the last volume of this series), complete; and Third Series, Vols. i, 2 and 3 complete [1860-62], Vol. 4 (lacks No. i), 1863, and Vol. 5, Nos. i to 10 [1864]. As 7 vols. 8vo, wrappers. Madrid, 1849-64 3704 HIDALGO (DIONISIO). Diccionario General de Bibliografia Espanola. Vols. i to 4 (should be 7 vols.). "A to Themis." 4 vols. 8vo, wrappers (some wanting). Madrid, 1862-70 3705 OCHOA (EUGENIC DE). Apuntes para Una Bibliotheca de Escritores Espanoles Contemporaneos en Prosa y Verso. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco (rubbed). Paris, 1840 3706 SOCIEDAD ANTROPOLOGICA ESPA^OLA. Discursos . . . por . . . Don Francisco Fernandez Gonzales, y Don Francisco de Asis Del- gado Jugo. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 53. Madrid, 1869 377 STEVENS (CAPT. JOHN). New Dictionary of Spanish and English, and English and Spanish. . . to which are added Proverbs, Phrases, and Difficult Expressions, all literally explained with their Equivalents. Small 4to, old leather (joints cracked). London, 1726 * This work was compiled with particular reference to the older Spanish books relating to America, and for this purpose it is still the best dictionary. Capt. Stevens made an English translation of Herrera. 3^08 TICKNOR (GEORGE). History of Spanish Literature. Third American Edition, corrected and enlarged. 3 vols. 8\o, cloth, paper labels, uncut. Boston, 1866 * No. 12 of only 100 printed. 3709 .VALDES (JUAN DE). Life and Writings of Juan de Valdes, otherwise Valdesso, Spanish Reformer in the i6th Century. By Benjamin B. Wiffen. With a Translation from the Italian of his Hundred and Ten Considerations, by John T. Betts. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1865 3710 VELASQUEZ DE LA CADENA (MARIANO). Pronouncing Dic- tionary of the Spanish and English Languages. . . upon the basis of Seoane's Edition of Neuman and Baretti. . . with additions. In Two Parts. Spanish-English and English-Spanish. Royal 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1852 ^European Xanguaoes ant) IRaces 439 SPANISH Continued. 3711 VELASQUEZ DE LA CADENA (MARIANO). Spanish and English Dictionary. Another edition. Royal 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1865 3712 VINDEL (P.), Bookseller, Madrid. Catalogo Illustrado de Obras Espafiolas de los Siglos XII. a XVII. Vol. 3. No. 14. 108 facsimiles. Small 4to, wrappers, pp. 540. Madrid, 1903 3713 SWEDISH. BYGDEN (LEONARD). Svenskt Anonym- och Pseu- donym- Lexikon. Bibliografisk Forteckning ofver Uppdagade Anonymer och Pseudonymer. I. Den Svenska L'itteraturen. Parts i to 8 (A to " Nattwads "). (8 pieces.) Royal 8vo, wrappers. (All published to date.) Upsala, 1898-1906 3714 DICTIONARY. Pocket Dictionary of the English and Swedish (and Swedish and English) Languages. i6mo, cloth. Leipzig, 1880 3715 GEIJER (GUST) and AFZELIUS (ARV. AUG.) Svenska Folk- Visor. Engraved title. 3 vols. izmo, half calf. Stockholm, 1814-16 * Swedish Folk Songs. 3716 GEIJER (ERIC GUSTAVE). History of the Swedes. Trans- lated, with Introduction and Notes, by J. H. Turner. The first portion (comprising the first three volumes of the original) from the earliest period to the accession of Charles the Tenth. (No more published.) Royal 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. [1845] 3717 MONTELIUS (OSCAR). Antiquites Suedoises, Arrangees et Decrites. Dessinees par C. F. Lindberg. Over 600 illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth. Stockholm, 1873-75 3718 MONTELIUS (OSCAR). The Civilization of Sweden in Heathen Times. Translated by F. H. Woods from the Second Swedish Edi- tion, revised and enlarged by the author. Map, and upwards of 200 illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1888 3719 Murray's Handbook for Travellers in Sweden. Maps. Crown 8vo, red cloth. London, 1877 3720 OTTE (E. C.) Simplified Grammar of the Swedish Language. Crown 8vo, cloth. (Triibner's Simplified Grammars.) London, 1884 3721 SAMLAREN. TIDSKRIFT utgifven af Svenska Literatursalls- kapets Arbetsutskott. Femtonde Argangen, 1894, till 26e. Argangen, 1905. 8vo, in the original parts. (12 pieces.) Upsala, 1894-1905 * The Principal Literary Review of Sweden. 44 European ^Languages anb IRaces SWEDISH Continued. 3722 SERENIUS (JACOB). English and Swedish Dictionary, wherein the Generality of Words and various Significations are rendered into Swedish and Latin . . . above 2,400 English Words traced from their true Original Gothick, and the mistakes of Junius, Menagius and other Etymologians remarked, etc. Second Edition, with large Additions and Amendments. 4to, half calf. Printed at Harg and Stenbro, near Nykoping in Sweden, by Pet. Momma, 1757. 37 2 3 STEPHENS (GEORGE). On the Dialect of the First Book Printed in Swedish. 410, sewed, pp. 34. (Royal Society of Upsala.) Upsala, 1879 3724 SVENSK BOK-KATALOG; Aren 1866-1875, and 1876-1885. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco. Stockholm [1878 and n. d.] 3725 SVENSKA LANDSMALEN. Nyare Bidrag till Kannedom om de Svenska Landsmalen ock Svenskt Folklif. Tidskrift utgifven pa uppdrag af Landsmalsforeningarne i Uppsala, Helsingfors ock Lund. 1879 to 1896, complete in 16 vols. (The first vol. in half roan, the remainder in the original parts.) (As 16 vols.) Stockholm, 1879-96 * A valuable collection of Folk-lore. 3726 WIDEGREN (G.) Svenskt och Engelskt Lexicon, efter Kongl. Secretararen Sahlstedts Svenska Ordbok, forfattadt af Gustaf Wide- gren. Small 4to, original old calf, gilt. Stockholm, 1788 * The fullest and best of the older Swedish-English dictionaries. Inside the cover is pasted the curious contemporary ex-libris of "Bruce Castle Library," reading: "No. 40. Class I. Careful perusal estimated at ... hours Labour. For persons not speaking the Language . . . hours." The story has been told of a Scotchman from the Highlands who was once found " carefully perusing " an old dictionary, and being asked his opinion of the book, replied " that the stories were mighty guid, but unco short.' 1 ' Perhaps a " careful perusal at so many hours Labour " of this would have been more satisfactory. 3727 UMBRIAN. AUFRECHT (S. T.) and KIRCHOFF (A.) Die Um- brischen Sprachdenkmaler. Ein Versuch zur Deutung derselben. Nine plates (of inscriptions). 2 vols. in one. 410, cloth, uncut. Berlin, 1849 3728 BOWER (H. M.) The Elevation and Procession of the Ceri at Gubbio. An Account of the Ceremonies, together with some Suggestions as to their Origin, and an Appendix consisting of the Iguvine Lustration in English. 8vo, cloth. London, 1897 * A study in Folk-lore, showing the traces of ancient tree and symbol worship in Italy. European Xanouaoes anfc IRaces 44 l UMBRIAN Continued. 3729 NEWMAN (FRANCIS W.) The text of the Iguvine Inscrip- tions, with interlinear Latin translation and Notes. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 54. London, 1864 * With MS. translation in English, 23 pages, laid in. 3730 VENETIAN. BOERIO (GIUSEPPE). Dizionario del Dialetto Vene- ziano; Seconda edizione aumentata e corretta, aggiuntovi 1'Indice Italiano Veneto gia promesso dall' autore nella prima edizione. Royal 8vo, calf (front cover loose). Venice, 1856 3731 WALDENSIAN. MELIA (Pius). Origin, Persecution and Doc- trines of the Waldenses. From documents, many now for the first time collected and edited. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1870 3732 NEW TESTAMENT. Li Sent Evangile . . . counfourma Sent Luc et Sent Giann rendu en lengua Valdesa. Par Pierre Bert. 8vo, sheep. London, 1832 3733 WALLON. MONSEUR (EUGENE). Le Folk Lore Wallon. i2mo, wrappers, pp. 144. Brussels, n. d. [1892] 3734 WENDISH (LUSATIAN OR SORBISH). ZWAHR (J. G.) Niederlausitz-Wendisch-Deutsches Handworterbuch. Von J. G. Zwahr. Herausgegeben von J. C. F. Zwahr. Post 8vo, half calf. Spremberg, 1847 * Dictionary of the Wendish dialect, spoken in lower Lusatia, on the borders of Austrian Bohemia. Bautzen is one of the principal cities of this province. 3735 WESTERWALDISH. SCHMIDE (K. C. L.) Westerwaldisches Idiotikon, oder Sammlung der auf dem Westerwalde gebrauchlichen Idiotismen, mit Etymologischen Anmerkungen und der Vergleich- ung anderer alten und neuen germanischen Dialekte. Post 8vo, half calf. Hadamar und Herborn, 1800 * " Wester wald in West-Germany between Westphalia and Nassau." ^^^ ' Lj-Gutenber^, No. 498 1906 The Private Library of Wilbcrforcc Eames Part IV CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF (OF THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY) PART IV The Book-Arts, inclusive of Bibliography, Printing, the Early Presses, Paper-Making, Bookbinding, etc.; and the General Library FOR SALE AT AUCTION BY Cije an&erson auction Company 5 West 29th Street, New York THE SALES TAKE PLACE EACH DAY AT J O'CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON, AND AT 7.30 O'CLOCK IN THE EVENING TELEPHONE: 3150 MADISON N. B. AH bids are understood to be at so much per volume or piece SDouglaa Uaslor & Co. Hew THE portion of Mr. Eames' library represented in this Fourth Part of the catalogue forms two divisions ; first, the books relating to the Book Arts, and secondly, the General Library. In the First Division is included everything dealing with the production of books the origin of printing, the illustrating of books, the manufacture of paper, the binding, and so on. The history of printing is particularly well covered, including a col- lection of the earliest books claiming for Coster the invention of movable types, and the later writers who have argued pro and con on the subject. The Early Presses are represented by an example of the First Book printed by Jenson at Venice ; the Eusebius de Evangelica Preparatione, 1470; a copy of the Editio Princeps of Herodotus printed by Jacobus Rubeus (or Le Rouge) in 1474, undoubtedly with Jenson's first Roman type, and an exceedingly interesting specimen of the so-called " second press at Speier," which was probably a contemporary of the first press. Monographs on the early presses, with facsimiles ; a set of the publications and monographs of the Bibliographical Society of London ; all the volumes of the catalogue of the French Bibliotheque Nationale that are published to date a catalogue which will rival that of the British Museum in its extent and value when completed; a number of books on Bookbinding, Book-plates, Engraving, the Index Expurgatorius, the Dance of Death, Palaeography (including both Kopp's and Wally's treatises on the elements of the art) ; and an exceedingly im- portant collection of auction sale catalogues, a few being of early American sales, but the greater portion the noted collec- tions dispersed in the European capitals, dating from the famous libraries of Wodhull, Heber, and White Knight to the more recent ones of the Sunderland, Syston Park libraries, etc., the collection adding greatly to the value of this Part for the biblio- graphical student. The contents of the General Library may be easily compre- hended from a glance at the chief divisions enumerated in the leaf of table appended, where the interest and diversity of subjects will be noted. Conditions of Sale. I The highest bidder to be the Buyer; in all cases of disputed bids, the lot shall be immediately re-sold. 2 Books are sold per volume, other articles per piece, unless otherwise stated in Catalogue, and bids must be made accordingly. 3 Books are presumed to be perfect unless otherwise stated. To pur- chasers who have had opportunity for examination, they are sold as they are. On mail orders, an intelligent discretion will be used as to purchase. Imperfect books (not so described) may be returned within three days. 4 To prevent confusion and inaccuracy, goods will not be delivered dur- ing the sale. 5 Terms Cash. Bills to be paid before delivery of goods. J* Bids will be faithfully executed by the Anderson Auction Co. without charge. rfcer of Sale Thursday Afternoon, December I3th, commencing at 3 o'clock (Lots 3736 to 4080 inclusive). Thursday Evening, December I3th, commencing at 7.30 o'clock (Lots 4081 to 4350 inclusive). Friday Afternoon, December Hth, commencing at 3 o'clock (Lots 4351 to 4766 inclusive). Friday Evening, December I4th, commencing at 7.30 o'clock (Lots 4767 to 5108 inclusive). Sate will be conducted bg (Seorge B. dfcorse auctioneer THE PRINCIPAL DIVISIONS. PRINTING (History, etc.., of the Art) . . 3736 to 3771 PRINTING (the Early Presses) 3772 " 3850 ENGRAVING AND BLOCK-BOOKS .... 3851 " 3883 BOOK-PLATES . . . 3884 " 3892 BOOKBINDING ....... 3893 " 3906 PAPER AND PAPER-MAKING ...... 3907 " 3913 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY . . . 3914 " 4369 CATALOGUES OF SALES BY AUCTION .... 4370 " 4533 THE GENERAL LIBRARY ALCHEMY ......... 4537 ' ; 454 ASTRONOMY . 4553 " 45 8 3 ATLASES . ... .... 4584 '' 4592 BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARIES . . . . 4611 " 4635 CALENDAR (The) ..... . 4657 " 4661 CARTOGRAPHY . . . . . . . 4662 " 4671 CHRONOLOGY ... . . 4679 " 4691 COINS . ....... 4708 ' 4716 FOLK-LORE SOCIETY ..... . 4767 " 4787 GREEK CHURCH ....... 4809 ' 4819 MONSTERS . ... . . 49*2 " 4914 NAMES (Family, etc.) ... ... 4940 " 4947 NEW TESTAMENT (Critical Studies, etc.) . 4949 " 4980 PHILOSOPHY ........ 5001 " 5008 POLITICAL ECONOMY ....... 5010 " 5017 PYGMIES ......... 5022 " 5024 TEACHING OK THE TWELVE APOSTLES (The Didache) 5075 >k 5081 Booh Huts. (printing, Engraving, Boofcbinbing, paper^nnmfeing, etc.) printing (Ibistorp, etc., of tbe art). 3736 BERNARD (AUG.) De 1'Origine et des Debuts de I'lmprimerie en Europe, 13 facsimiles of early types and documents. 2 vols. 8vo. half roan. Paris, 1853 3737 BLADES (WILLIAM). The Pentateuch of Printing, with a Chapter on Judges. Memoir of the Author, and List of his Works. By Talbot B. Reed. Numerous facsimiles, etc. Square royal 8vo, cloth. Chicago, 1891 3738 [BOWYER (W.) AND NICHOLS (J.)] The Origin of Printing . . . the substance of Dr. Middleton's Dissertation . . . and Mr. Meerman's Account of the First Invention of the Art. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1774 * The translators adopt Meerman's views that Koster was the inventor. Bound with it is : "Anticipation, containing the Substance of his M y's most Gracious Speech to both H s of P 1. Lond. 1778," a satire by Thomas Tickell, dealing with the Revolution in America and other topics. 3739 BREITKOPF (JOHANN GOTTLOB IMMANUEL). Ueber die Geschichte der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst. 4to, boards, pp. 56. Leipzig, 1779 * A Detailed Prospectus of a proposed History of Printing, which was never com- pleted. The author was one of the founders of the now famous German printing firm of Breitkopf and Haertel. 3740 BRITISH MUSEUM. FACSIMILES from Early Printed Books in the British Museum. (Representing Germany, Italy, France, Hol- land and England.) 32 facsimiles. Folio, loose in portfolio. London, 1897 3741 BRUCE (GEORGE) AND DE VINNE (T. L.) BRUCE'S SPECI- MENS of Printing Types made at Bruce's New York Type Foundry. (Followed by a complete reprint of De Vinne's History of Printing, with all the illustrations and facsimiles.) Thick 410, half russia. New York, 1882 443 444 TTbe Boofe Hrts PRINTING (HISTORY, ETC., OF THE ART) Continued. 3742 COTTON (H.) A Typographical Gazetteer Attempted. Second Edition, corrected and much enlarged. 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1831 * Dictionary of the Latin names of towns, with notices of the introduction of print- ing in each, and the first books printed. 3743 A Typographical Gazetteer Attempted. Second series. 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1866 3744 DE FOLLETT (ALBERT). Catalogue of Books on Typog- raphy and the Kindred Arts. For sale by Mrs. De Follett. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 29. Poughkeepsie, 1897 3745 DELALAIN (M. P.) Inventaire des Marques d'Imprimeurs et de Libraires de la Collection du Cercle de la Librairie. Deuxieme edition, revue et augmentee. Royal 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1892 3746 DE VINNE (THEO. L.) The Invention of Printing. . . descrip- tive of Early Prints and Playing Cards, the Block Books of the Fifteenth Century, the Legend of Lourens Janszoon Coster of Haarlem, and the Work of John Gutenberg and his Associates. FIRST EDITION. Upwards of 150 illustrations. Thick 8vo, half morocco, pp. 556. New York, 1876 * Scarce. 3747 Historic Printing Types. Lecture before the Grolier Club, Jan. 25, 1885. 410, boards, cloth back. New York, 1886 * One of 200 copies specially printed on Holland paper, published by the Grolier Club. 3748 DUFF (E. GORDON). Early Printed Books. Facsimiles of type and block-books. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. (Books about Books.) London, 1893 * Historical sketches of the Origin of Printing in various countries. 3749 FALKENSTEIN (C. K.) Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst in ihrer Entstehung und Ausbildung. Zweite Auflage. Numerous facsimiles. 410, half roan. Leipzig, 1856 3750 FAULMANN (KARL). Illustrirte Geschichte der Buchdrucker- kunst, ihrer Erfindung durch Johann Gutenberg und ihrer Tech- nischen Entwicklung bis zur Gegenwart. Numerous reproductions and facsimiles, some in colors and gold. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Vienna, 1882 Ube Boofe arts 445 PRINTING (HISTORY, ETC., OF THE ART)-Continueet. 375 1 FISCHER (GOTTHELF). Beschreibung einiger Typographi- schen Seltenheiten nebst Beytragen zur Erfindungsgeschichte der Buchdruckerkunst. 7 plates giving facsimiles of the types of Gutenberg, Ulrich Zel, etc. 6 parts in 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. (As 2 vols.) Mainz, 1800-03 375 2 HANSARD (T. C.) Typographia: The Origin and Progress of the Art of Printing; with practical directions, etc., and a descrip- tion of Stereotype and Lithography. Portraits and numerous illus- trations. Thick 8vo, half morocco, pp. 920. London, 1825 3753 HOE (RICHARD M.) The Literature of Printing. A Catalogue of a Library illustrative of the History and Art of Typography, Chalcography, and Lithography. i2mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1877 * Privately printed by the Whittinghams at the Chiswick Press. 3754 HOLTROP (M.) Catalogue d'une Collection de Sp6cimens d'lm- pression du XV. et XVI. Siecles, composant PHistoire de 1'Im- primerie par ses Monuments pendant le Premier Siecle. Wrappers, pp. 40. Paris, 1892 * Check list of early examples of engraving, forming the collection of M. Holtrop, the well-known bibliographer. 3755 HUMPHREYS (H. NOEL). History of the Art of Printing from its Invention to its wide-spread Development in the Middle of the Sixteenth Century. Preceded by a short account of the Origin, of the Alphabet and of the successive Methods of Recording Events before the Invention of Printing. Illustrated with 100 facsimiles in photolithography. Second issue. Royal 4to, cloth, gilt. London, 1868 * Valuable for the numerous reproductions of early typography, some of the fac- similes colored in reproduction of the ancient illuminations. 3756 JACOBI (CHARLES THOMAS). Printing. A Practical Treatise on the Art of Typography as applied more particularly to the Print- ing of Books. 150 illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1890 3757 JOHNSON (J.) Typographia or the Printer's Instructor, includ- ing an Account of the Origin of Printing, with Biographical Notices of the Printers of England from Caxton to the Close of the Sixteenth Century; A Series of Ancient and Modern Alphabets; etc. 2 por- traits , engraved titles, and some other illustrations. Each page with orna- mental border. 2 vols. 8vo, half cloth (back of Vol. I. loose). * Large Paper copy, uncut. London, 1824 44 6 Ube Boofe Hrts PRINTING (HISTORY, ETC., OF THE ART) Continued. 3758 JONES (JOHN WINTER). Some Remarks on Early Printed Books. Addressed to a meeting of the Archaeological Institute, May 5, 1871. 410, limp morocco, pp. 22. Presentation copy from the author. No imprint or date * Privately issued. 3759 LEMPERTZ (HEINRICH). Beitrage zur alten Geschichte der Buchdruck- und Holzschneidekunst. Facsimiles. Erstes Heft (all published). Zweite Auflage. 4to, boards. Cologne, 1839 3760 MAC KELLAR (THOMAS). The American Printer. A Manual of Typography, containing Practical Directions for Managing all Departments of a Printing Office. Crown 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1878 3761 [MARCHAND (PROSPER).] Histoire de 1'Origine et des Premiers Progres de 1'Imprimerie. Frontispiece engraved by J. V. Schley giving small medallion portraits of Kostsr, Aldus, Gutenberg, Caxton, Robert Estienne, and Schoeffer. 410, old calf, gilt. Fine copy. La Haye, 1740 * The author contends that Gutenberg invented printing at Strasburg about 1440, but that the first books were printed from engraved slabs of wood; and that later he perfected his invention at Mayence by making the types movable. 3762 MARTHENS (JOHN F.) Typographical Bibliography. A List of Books in the English Language on Printing and its Accessories. i2mo, wrappers, pp. 43. Pittsburg, 1875 3763 MIDDLETON-WAKE (C. H.) The Invention of Printing. Lectures delivered in the Lent Term, 1897. Facsimiles. Small 4to, cloth, uncut. London, 1897 * Privately printed. 3764 MORRIS (WILLIAM). The Art and Craft of Printing. Col- lected Essays . . . Together with a Short Description of the Press by S. S. Cockerell, and an annotated List of the Books printed thereat. Royal 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut. New Rochelle, 1902 * Only 200 copies printed at the Elston Press. 3765 MUNSELL (JOEL). The Typographical Miscellany. Illustrated. 8vo, half morocco. Albany, 1850 * Only 200 copies printed. Containing articles on printing in America, the origin of printing, etc. 3766 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS ON PRINTING and the Kindred Arts . . . also Works on Copyright. . . Bibliography, etc. With prices. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 47. Albany: Munsell, 1868 ZTbe 3Boofe Hrts 447 PRINTING (HISTORY, ETC., OF THE ART) Continued. 3767 OTTLEY (W. Y.) An Inquiry concerning the Invention of Print ing . . . including also Notices of the early use of Wood-engraving in Europe, the Block-books, etc. With Introduction by J. P. Berjeau. Illustrated with 37 plates and numerous wood engravings. 4to, half morocco (one cover broken). London, 1863 3768 RINGWALT (J. L.) American Encyclopaedia of Printing. Nu- merous illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1871 3769 SKEEN (WILLIAM). Early Typography. (On the origin of typography, the claims of Coster and Gutenberg, the works of Fust and Schoeffer, etc.) 8vo, half roan. Colombo: Privately printed^ 1872 3770 SPRINGER (JOHN). An extended Catalogue of a few Books and Pamphlets . . . treating on the History and Mystery of Printing, etc. Portrait. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 48. Iowa City, 1878 * Only 75 copies privately printed, "with some notes, original, stolen, and selected from the works of intelligent writers." 3771 TYPOTHET^E OF NEW YORK CITY. Annual Dinner . . . igdth Anniversary of Benjamin Franklin's Birth, i6mo, cloth [New York, 1902]; accompanied by Bronze Medal (design of Victor D. Brenner), struck in honor of the occasion, containing portraits of Franklin and T. L. De Vinne. (Sold as i piece.) printing (tbe iarl\> presses). 3772 COPINGER (W. A.) Incunabula Biblica; or, The First Half Cen- tury of the Latin Bible: being a Bibliographical Account of the Various Editions of the Latin Bible between 1450 and 1500. 54 fac- similes. Royal 4to, cloth. London, 1892 3773 HAIN (L.) Repertorium Bibliographicum in quo Libri Omnes ab Arte Typographica Inventa usque ad annum MD. typis expressi, ordine alphabetic, etc. 4 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Stuttgart and Paris, 1826-38 * Complete set of the most valuable of the reference books on Incunabula. 3774 LAIRE (FRANC. -XAV.) Index Librorum ab Inventa Typogra- phic ad annum 1500. 2 vols. post 8vo, old calf. Senonis (Sens), 1791 * Sir S. Egerton Brydges' copy, with a long autograph note written by him on the end papers. 3775 OLSCHKI (LEO S.) Catalogue XXXV. Riche et Precieuse Col- lection d'Incunables, . . . avec une Table des Matieres et une Table Alphabetique des Villes et des Imprimeurs du XV e Siecle, dont on fait Mention dans ce Catalogue. 8vo, cloth. Venice, 1896 448 Ube Boofe Hrts PRINTING (THE EARLY PRESSES) Continued. 3776 PELLECHET (M.) Catalogue General des Incunables des Biblio- thoques Publiques de France. Vols. i and 2 (Abano to Comman- dements). (All published.) Royal 8vo, wrappers, uncut. (As 2 vols.) Paris, 1897-1905 3777 PRIME (WENDELL). Fifteenth Century Bibles: a Study in Bibliography. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1888 3778 PROCTOR (ROBERT). Index to the Early Printed Books in the British Museum, from the Invention of Printing to the Year MD., with Notes of those in the Bodleian Library. I., Germany; II., Italy; III., Switzerland to Montenegro; IV., Registers. 4 Parts, royal 8vo, wrappers. London, 1898-99 3779 QUARITCH (BERNARD). Monuments of Typography and Xylography. Books of the First Half Century of the Art of Print- ing. With the prices affixed. Royal 8vo, half red morocco. London, 1897 3780 ROSENTHAL (LUDWIG). Bookseller, Munich. Katalog 90 de la Librairie de L. Rosenthal, Incunabula, Xylographica et Chalco- graphica. Facsimiles. Folio, boards, pp. 64. Munich [1892] 3781 ROSENTHAL (JACQUES). Bookseller, Munich. Catalogues of Incunabula, and Early Illustrated Books (in German). Facsimiles. Nos. 24, 27, and 105. (3 pieces.) Munich, 1900-1905 3782 WEIGEL (T. O.) Libraire a Leipzig. Cimeliotheca Nr. I. : Ver- zeichniss von Handschriften, Schrotblattern, Kupferstichen, etc., des 15. Jahrhunderts; Cimeliotheca Nr. 2: Verzeichniss von Druck- werken des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts zum Theil mit Holzschnitten. 2 Parts, 8vo, paper, pp. 116. [Leipzig, 1876-1880] 3783 ALSACE. HEITZ (PAUL). Elsassische Buchermarken bis anfang des 18 Jahrhunderts. Mit Vorbemerkungen und Nachrichten iiber die Drucker. j 6 plates of printers* marks. 4to, wrappers, pp. 160, including the plates in the numeration. Strassburg, 1892 3784 ALTENBERG. DLABACZ (GOTTFRIED JOH.) Kurzgefaszte Nach- richt von der noch unbekannten Buchdruckerey zu Altenberg in Bohmen. 41*0, roan, pp. 23. Prague, 1797 * Contains a reprint of the First Book printed at Altenberg, " Daphnis, Ecloga Parentalis. Edidit Caspar Stolshagus, 1589." Boofe Hrts 449 PRINTING (THE EARLY PRESSES) Continued. 3785 AUGSBURG. ZAPF (GEORG WILHELM). Annales Typographic Augustanae ab ejus Origine 1466 usque ad annum 1530. Accedit D. Francisci Antonii Veith Diatribe de Origine et Incrementis Artis Typographicae in urbe Augusta Vindelica. Facsimiles. Small 410, half calf. Augustae Vindelicorum [Augsburg], 1778 * Origin and History of Printing in Augsburg, with a bibliographical list of issues of the press from 1466 to 1530. 3786 ZAPF (GEORG WILHELM). Augsburgs Buchdruckergeschichte nebst den Jahrbuchern derselben. Vom Jahre 1468 auf das Jahr 1530. Eight engraved plates of colophons, printers' devices, etc. 2 vols. in i. 410, half morocco. Augsburg, 1788-91 3787 BASLE. HECKETHORN (C. W.) The Printers of Basle in the XV. and XVI. Centuries, their Biographies, Printed Books, and Devices. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1897 * With many reproductions of the devices of the Frobens and other noted printers, and check-lists of the books printed by them. 3788 BOHEMIA. ZAHRADNIK (!SIDOR). Uber Neuere Bibliographic der Inkunabeln, besonders der Bohmischen. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 31. Prag, 1902 3789 CRACOW. BANDTKIE (GEORGE SAMUEL). De Primis Cracoviae in Arte Typographica Incunabulis Dissertatio Brevis. 4to, cloth, pp. 8. Inserted at the end is a manuscript bibliography (6 pp.) of Polish books. Cracoviae: Typis Academicis, 1812 * Very rare. 3790 FINLAND. VASENIUS (VALFRID). Outlines of the History of Printing in Finland. Translated (with Notes) by E. D. Butler. 8vo, limp cloth, pp. 33. London, 1898 3791 FRANCE. INVENTAIRE des Marques d'Imprimeurs et de Libraires. Ville de Paris Ville de Lyon Autres Villes de France. 2 parts. Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 43 and 71. (Bibliotheque Technique du Cercle de la Librairie.) Paris, 1886-87 3792 HAARLEM. HESSELS (J. H.) Haarlem the Birth-place of Print- ing, not Mentz. 8vo, cloth. Presentation copy from the author. London, 1887 2793 KONING (JACOBUS). Verhandeling over den Oorsprong, de Uitvinding, Verbetering en Volmaking der Boekdrukkunst. 8 fac- similes. 8vo, original limp boards. Haarlem, 1816 * J. J. Merle's (the bibliographer) copy, with his autograph. The work is a prize essay, the result of a competition suggested by the Holland Society of Arts. The 45 'Ebe Boofe Hrts PRINTING (THE EARLY PRESSES) Continued. author treats very exhaustively, and plausibly, of the invention of printing, and arrives at the conclusion that Koster was the first to make movable types, and that one of the editions of the "Speculum Humanse Salvationis " was the first book printed. A life is given of Koster, and Junius' theory that a theft of Koster's ideas gave the idea to Gutenberg is reiterated. 3794 LINDE (A. VAN DER). The Haarlem Legend of the Invention of Printing, by Lourens Janszoon Coster critically examined. From the Dutch by J. H. Hessels, with an Introduction and a Classified List of Costerian Incunabula. Royal 8vo, half calf, gilt, original wrappers bound in. London: Blades & Co., 1871 3795 LOOSJES (VINCENT). Gedenkschriften wegens het Vierde Eeuwegetijde van de Uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst door Lourens Janszoon Koster van. .. Haarlem, Julij 10-11, 1823. Fine stipple portrait of Koster, the memorial tomb to Koster, ground-plan of the Cathe- dral at Haarlem, and of the medals struck. 8vo, boards. Haarlem, 1824 * Account of the fourth centennial celebrated at Haarlem in memory of Koster, and of his assumed invention of printing, containing essays, poems, etc., composed for the occasion. Also with critical essays in defence of Koster, and a list of books xylo- graph and printed with movable type attributed to Koster. 3796 MEERMAN (GERARD). Uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst, ge- trokken uit het Latynsch . . . met ene Voorreden en Aantekeningen van Henrik Gockinga, hierachter is gevoet ene Lyst der Boeken in de Nederlanden gedrukt voor't jaar M. D., Opgestelt door Jakob Visser. 410, original wrappers, pp. n8-|-67 (lacks the portrait of Koster). Amsterdam, 1767 * The most important of the i8th Century books written to prove that Koster invented movable types. 3797 SCRIVERIUS (PETER). Laure-Crans voor Laurens Coster van Haerlem eerste Vinder vande Boeck-Druckery. Small 4to, half vellum. Fine copy, lacks the portraits of Koster and Zurenus, but contains the finely engraved plate of the interior of an early printing establishment. Haarlem, 1628 * The earliest book that gives a detailed account of Koster, previous books only incidentally mentioning him. Scriverius naturally claims the invention of printing for Haarlem. The plate, which purports to represent a printing office circa 1440, is the finest of all the early engravings of this subject, and represents the compositor sitting at his table with the composing stick in his hand and the copy lying beside him; in the centre the press, with the printer taking an impression; to the left is another workman rubbing the two balls of ink together, while around are the various tools of the craft. On the title-page is another representation of the same subject, with below a small cut of a schoolmaster and his scholars, the scholars no doubt hav- ing one of the famous " Donatuses " in their hands. VERY SCARCE. ZTbe Booh Brts 45 1 PRINTING (THE EARLY PRESSES) Continued. 3798 ITALY. AUDIFFREDUS (Jo. BAPT.) Specimen Historico-Criticum Editionum Italicarum Saeculi XV. ; in quo prseter editiones ab Orlandio, Mettario, Denisio, Laerio, et a nonnullis bibliographis recentioribus hactenus relatas plurime aliae recensentur omnesque plenius uberiusque describuntur, etc. 410, limp boards, pp. 459. Rome, 1794 3799 MECKLENBURG. LISCH (G. C. F.) Geschichte der Buch- druckerkunst in Mecklenburg, bis zum Jahre 1540. Large folding facsimiles of types and printers' devices. Post 8vo, half calf. With book-plate of Sydney Williams. Schwerin, 1839 3800 MENTZ. BORCKEL (ALFRED). Gutenberg. Sein Leben, sein Werk, sein Ruhm. 34 Abbilddungen. Royal 8vo, cloth. Giessen, 1897 * The illustrations include the oldest portraits of Gutenberg, facsimiles of his types, etc. 3801 DZIATZKO (KARL). Beitrage zur Gutenbergfrage. With fac- simile of the Document in Fust's Action against Gutenberg. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 89. Berlin, 1889 3802 - DZIATZKO (KARL). Sammlung Bibliothekswissenschaftlicher Arbeiten. Heft IV: Gutenberg's Fruheste Druckerpraxis. 8 fac- similes. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 136. Berlin, 1890 3803 FOURNIER (PIERRE SIMON). De 1'Origine et des Productions de rimprimerie Primitive en Taille de Bois, avec une Refutation des Prejuges plus ou moins accredites sur cet Art, Paris, 1759; also in same volume, Observations sur un Ouvrage intitule Vindiciae Typogra- phies, par Fournier, Paris, 1760. In one vol. i2mo, old calf, gilt. Paris, 1759-60 * The author ingeniously tries to prove that the works ascribed to Gutenburg were only block-books, that Gutenberg was acquainted with the process of engraving on wood and produced his first books in that manner. 3804 GUTENBERG. Festschrift zur Gutenbergfeier, herausgegeben von der Koeniglichen Bibliothek zu Berlin am 24 Juni, 1900. Fac- similes. Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 90. [Berlin, 1890] 3805 HESSELS(J. H.) Gutenberg; was he the Inventor of Printing? An Historical Investigation embodying a Criticism of Dr. Van der Linde's "Gutenberg." 8vo, half roan. London, 1882 * Only 200 copies printed for sale. 3806 HUPP (OTTO). Ein Missale Speciale Vorlaufer des Psalterius von 1457. Beitrag zur Geschichte der Altesten Druckwerke. Fac- similes. 410, wrappers, pp. 30. Munich, 1898 3807 HUPP (OTTO). Ein Missale Speciale. Another copy. 45 2 'Gbe 36oofe PRINTING (THE EARLY PRESSES) Continued. 3808 MENTZ. HUPP (OTTO). Gutenbergs erste Drucke. Ein weiterer Beitrag zur Geschichte der Altesten Druckwerke. Facsimiles. 410, wrappers, pp. 98. Munich, 1902 3809 LABORDE (LEON DE). Debuts de I'lmprimerie a Mayence et a Bamberg, ou description des lettres d'indulgence du Pape Nicolas V. pro regno Cypri, imprimeesj en 1454. Facsimiles. Large 4to, wrappers, pp. 27. Paris, 1840 * Only a few printed. Laid in is a pamphlet, by Laborde: "La Plus Ancienne Gravure du Cabinet des Estampes de la Bibliotheque Royale. Est-elle Ancienne?" Illustrated. 3810 MISSET (E.) Missale Speciale. Le Premier Livre Imprime Connu. Un Missel Special de Constance, CEuvre de Gutenberg avant 1450. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 41 (Extrait du Bibliographe Moderne, 1899). Paris, 1899 * With MS. titles and memoranda laid in. 3811 MOON (GEORGE WASHINGTON). The Oldest Type-printed Book in Existence: A Disquisition on the Relative Antiquity of Pfister and Mazarin Bibles and the "65-Line A" Catholicon. Pre- faced by a Brief History of the Invention of Printing. 2 facsimiles. 4to, wrappers, pp. 47. London, 1901 * No. 200 of only 241 copies, privately printed. 3812 PALTSITS (VICTOR H.) Missale Speciale. The Newly-Found Edition of the Missale Speciale. An examination of the pretentions urged in behalf of this new addition to our typographic incunabula. i6mo, wrappers, pp. 7. [New York, 1899] * One of only 25 copies printed. Laid in is the original article appearing in Publishers' Weekly. 3813 PALTSITS (VICTOR H.) Missale Speciale. Being a further examination of the pretensions urged in behalf of this early specimen of typography. 8vo, wrappers, pp. n. New York, 1900 * One of only 50 copies printed. Laid in is galley proof of another article (1902) on the same subject. 3814 SCHOEPFLIN (Jo. DANIEL). Vindiciae Typographicae. 7 plates of facsimiles (taken from another copy and loosely inserted). 410, boards. Argent [Strasburg], 1760 * Scarce. One of the important books on the claims of Gutenberg. Schoepflin printed in this book (in the Appendix) certain documents, which he states he dis- covered, confirming the claims of Gutenberg as the inventor of printing (or movable types). However, some of these documents are now regarded with doubts as to their authenticity. Ube Boo?? Hrts 453 PRINTING (THE EARLY PRESSES) Continued. 3815 MENTZ. WURDTWEIN (STEPHAN ALEXANDER). Bibliotheca Mogun- tina. Libris Saeculo Primo Typographico Moguntiae . . . addita Invent Typographic Historia. 9 facsimiles of colophons, titles, etc. 4to, boards, uncut. Ulm, 1791 * Prefixed is an account of early Monastic Libraries in Mentz. 3816 WYSS (ARTHUR). Ein Deutscher Cisianus fur das Jahr 1444 gedruckt von Gutenberg. Autotype facsimile. 4to, wrappers, pp. 19. Strassburg, 1900 3817 NETHERLANDS. CAMPBELL (M. F. A. G.) Annales de la Typographic Neerlandaise au XV e Siecle. Royal 8vo, boards (joints cracked). The Hague, 1874 * The best bibliography of the Incunabula of the Netherlands. 3818 ELZEVIERS. BERGHMAN (G.) Etudes sur la Bibliographic Elzevirienne, basees sur 1'ouvrage " Les Elzevier " de M. Alphonse Willems. Avec 470 figures reproduisant les vignettes, culs-de-lampe et lettres grises des Elzevier. Royal 8vo, half calf. Stockholm, 1885 3819 ELZEVIERS. GOLDSMID (EDMUND). A Complete Catalogue of all the Publications of the Elzevier Presses at Leyden, Amster- dam, the Hague, and Utrecht. With Introduction, Notes and Appendix. 4 vols. i2mo, parchment paper wrappers. Edinburgh: Privately Printed, 1885-88 3820 ELZEVIERS. PIETERS (C. ) Annales de 1'Imprimerie Elze- virienne; ou, Histoire de la Famille des Elzevier et de ses Editions. Royal 8vo, half sheep, uncut. Gand, 1851 3821 HOLTROP (Jon. GUIL.) Catalogus Librorum Saeculo XV. Impressorum, quotquot in Bibliotheca Regia Hagana Asservantur. 8vo, half calf, gilt. The Hague, 1856 3822 MARTENS. GAND (J. DE). Recherches Historiques et Cri- tiques sur la Vie et les Editions de Thierry Martens (Martinus, Mer- tens). Facsimiles, etc. Post 8vo, half calf. Alost, 1845 * Thierry Martens was the first printer in what is now Belgium. 3823 MARTENS. HOLTROP (J. W.) Thierry Martens d'Alost. Etude Bibliographique. 8vo, three-quarter morocco, uncut, gilt top. La Haye, 1867 * Thierry Martens printed one of the editions of the Letter of Columbus announcing the Discovery of the New World, only one copy being known. 3824 PLANTIN PRESS. Biblia Sacra. Vulgatae Editionis. En- graved title and device of the Press on blank leaf at end. Post 8vo, old leather. Antwerp, 1628 454 Ube Boofe Hrts PRINTING (THE EARLY PRESSES) Continued. 3825 NUREMBERG. ZENINGER'S PRESS. Eighth Nuremberg Press. St. Vincent Ferraris. Opusculum de fine Mundi. 16 leaves, the first blank, printed in long lines, Gothic letter, 32 lines to a full page. No date in colophon, but states that St. Vincent was canon- ized in 1455. Zeninger used this type (Proctor, No. i) from 1480 to 1486. 4to, boards. Nuremberg: Conrad Zeninger [1480?] * Fine copy. Not in Hain. Proctor No. 2240. 3826 PARIS. BERNARD (AUGUSTE). Histoire de 1'Imprimerie Royale du Louvre. Royal 8vo, paper, pp. 311. Paris, 1867 3827 CODE DE LA LIBRAIRIE ET iMPRiMERiE DE PARIS, ou Conference du Reglement arrete au Conseil d'Etat du Roy le 28 Fevrier 1723 . . . avec les Anciennes Ordonnances, Edicts, Declarations, Arrets, &c. , depuis 1'an 1332 jusqu'a present. i2mo, old calf, gilt. Paris, 1744 3828 GRESWELL (E.) A View of the Early Parisian Greek Press, including the lives of the Stephani ; notices of other contemporary Greek printers of Paris; and various particulars of the Literary and Ecclesiastical History of their Time. 2 vols. in i. 8vo, calf, gilt. Oxford, 1833 3829 GRESWELL (WILLIAM PARR). Annals of Parisian Typography, containing an Account of the Earliest Typographical Establishments of Paris, and Notices and Illustrations of the most Remarkable Pro- ductions of the Parisian Gothic Press. Facsimiles. 8vo, half mo- rocco gilt, gilt top. London, 1818 3830 MAITTAIRE (MICHAEL). Stephanorum Historia, Vitas ipsorum ac libros complectens. Portrait of Robert Estienne by Stuart. 8vo, old calf (binding broken). Presentation copy from Lord Kings- borough. London, 1709 * Lives and bibliography of the productions of the famous French printers, the Es- tiennes. Besides the portrait, there are reproductions of the various printers' devices used by them. 3831 PHILIPPE (JULES). Origine de 1'Imprimerie a Paris. D'apres des Documents inedits. Xylographic and other facsimiles. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Presentation copy. Paris, 1885 * Only 250 copies on " papier velin." The original wrappers bound in. Ube Boofe Hrts 455 PRINTING (THE EARLY PRESSES)-O>//*^. 3832 ROME. [AUDIFFREDI (JOAN BAPTISTE).] Catalogus Historico- Criticus Romanarum Editionum Sasculi XV, in quo praeter editiones a Maettario, Orlando, ac. P. Laerio relatas, et hie plerumque plenius uberiusque descripta, &c. 410, wrappers, pp. 476, and leaf of fac- similes. Rome, 1783 * Full bibliographical descriptions of books printed in Rome, including those printed by Pannartz and Sweynheym at Subiaco. 3833 LAIRE (P. FRANCISCI XAVKR). Specimen Historicum Typo- graphiae Romanae XV. Saeculi. Vignette on title and facsimile. 8vo, old leather. Roma, 1778 3834 SPAIN. MENDEZ (F. FRANCISCO). Typographia Espanola; o, His- toria de la Introduccion, Propagacion y Progresos del Arte de la Imprenta en Espana. Tomo I. Portrait. Small 410, half vellum. Madrid, 1796 * No more than this volume was published, which contains the bibliography of Spanish printing of the 1 5 ih Century complete. Scarce. Henry Thomas Buckle's copy, with his autograph and bookplate. 3835 NEE DE LA ROCHELLE (J. F.) Rccherches Historiques et Critiques sur 1'Etablissement de 1'Art Typographique en Espagneet en Portugal, pendant la quinzieme siecle. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 67. Only 350 printed. Paris, 1830 3836 SPEIER. THE SECOND PRESS IN SPEIER. [JEAN Huss. ] GESTA CHRISTI. Folio, a, ii, commences, " Incipiunt gesta Christi"; on the last leaf is, "Expliciut Gesta Christi '' Eleven leaves, without place, printer's name, date, catch-word, or pagination, but with sheet-signatures. Printed in double columns (except the last page- which runs the full width of the page), 32 lines to a column, in semi- Roman type. Bound in old half calf. [Speier, 1471 or 1472] * AN EXTREMELY RARE AND INTERESTING EXAMPLE OF THE SECOND PRESS IN SPEIER, ACCORDING TO PROCTOR, AND THE FIRST BOOK PRINTED OF THE CELEBRATED BOHEMIAN REFORMER. Two printers commenced about the same time to print in Speier, one known as the Printer of the " Postilla Scolastica," the other the printer of this, commonly known as the Printer of the " Gesta Christi." The name of neither is known, and of the few books that are in existence from their presses only one of each bears a date. The " Postilla Scolastica" is dated 1471, from which it is assumed that this printer pre- ceded the printer of the "Gesta," as the only book of the latter which is dated bears the date of 1472. The question of priority can hardly be settled from such scant data, as it is quite possible that of the eleven books known as coming from the press of the printer of the " Gesta," some may have been issued Ifkewise in 1471. The date of 1472 referred to above is found in the colophon leaf of the Contemplations of John de Turrecremata. This leaf is fortunately bound with the volume here described, making an exceedingly important and valuable addition. Hain, 9057; Proctor, 2323. 45 6 Ube Boofe Hrts PRINTING (THE EARLY PRESSES) Continued. 3837 STRASBURG. LABORDE (LoN DE). Debuts de PImprimerie a Strasbourg; ou, Recherches sur les Travaux Mysterieux de Guten- berg dans cette ville, et sur le Proces qui lui fut intente en 1439 a cette occasion, j plates. Royal 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Paris, 1840 * Scarce. Laborde gives transcripts of the original documents used in the famous action against Gutenberg, the plates being partial facsimiles. The originals of these were destroyed by fire during the Franco-German War, so that this book is the sole authority for these documents. 3838 MENTELIUS (JACOB). De Vera Typographiae Origine. 4to, half calf. Paris, 1650 * The treatise claims Mentelin as the originator of printing with movable types, and asserts that Gutenberg obtained his knowledge from him. An engraving is given in the text of the arms of the Schott family. Martin Schott was the successor of Men- telin in his printing business at Strasburg. 3^39 SCHMIDT (CHARLES). Jean Gruninger, 1483-1531. 4 fac- similes of the .printers' 1 devices. 4to, wrappers, pp. 103. (Repertoire Bibliographique Strasbourgeois.) Strasbourg, 1893 3840 SCHMIDT (CHARLES). Martin et Jean Schott, 1481-1499, 1500-1544. 4 facsimiles of the printers' devices. 4to, wrappers, pp. 68. (Repertoire Bibliographique Strasbourgeois.) Strasbourg, 1893 3841 SCHURER'S PRESS. Fragmeta passionis dni | nostri Jesu Christi. A celeberrimo (divini eloquii | oratore) dfio Joanne Geiler ex Keisersberg Theo- | logo, sub typo placete mellee pdicate. Per Jacobu | Ottheru familiare ejus in hunc modum collecta. 91 leaves unpaged, printed in semi-Gothic type, long lines, 36 to a full page. 4to, wrappers. [Strassburg]: Matthias Schurer, December, 1508 * Dr. Kloss's copy, with his label. The title xylograph, with a large woodcut. Urs Graf illustrated several books for this printer, and the woodcut, although unsigned, may be by that famous engraver. One of the earliest books printed by Schurer, and an interesting example of the early Strasburg press. 3842 SWEDEN. KLEMMING (G. E.) Sveriges Bibliografi, 1481-1600. Parts 1-4 (1481-1530) all published. Facsimiles. 4 parts, 8vo, wrappers, pp. 216. Upsala, 1889 3843 ULM. HASSLER (CONRAD DIETERICH). Ulm's Buchdrucker Kunst, facsimiles and title-page in gold and colors, Ulm, 1840; bound with it is the Supplement, " Explicatio Monumenti Typographic} Antiquissimi Nuper Reperti," pp. 9, by the same author, Ulm, 1840. 410, half morocco. Ulm, 1840 Ube Boofe Hrts 457 PRINTING (THE EARLY PRESSES) Continued. 3844 VENICE. ALDINE PRESS. Aide Manuce et 1'Hellenisme a Venice. Par Ambroise Firmin-Didot. Facsimile and four portraits. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Paris, 1875 * With presentation inscription from the author. 3845 - - ALDINE PRESS. A Bibliographical Sketch of the Aldine Press at Venice .... translated and abridged from Renouard's "Annales de rimprimerie des Aides," revised and corrected by Edmund Goldsmid. 3 vols. 121110, parchment paper wrappers. Edinburgh: Privately printed, 1887 3846 ALDINE PRESS. Libri de Re Rustica. M. Catonis, M. Terentii Varronis, L. Junii Moderati, Mellae, Palladii, Georgii Alexandrini enarrationes. Two titles, both with the Aldine anchor. 8vo, vellum, gilt back, gilt edges. Fine copy. Venice: Aldus Manutius, 1514 3847 BROWN (HORATIO F.) The Venetian Printing Press. An Historical Study based upon Documents for the most part hitherto un- published. With 22 facsimiles of early printing. 410, cloth. Lond.iSpi 3848 JENSON'S PRESS. SARDINI (GIACOMO). Esame sui Principi della Francese ed Italiana Typografia ovvero storia critica di Nicolao Jenson. 4 plates. 3 vols. in one. Folio, wrappers, pp. 139+ 15 7 + 126. Lucca, 1796-98 * A valuable critical treatise on Jenson, with a bibliographical description of the books issued by him. 3849 JENSON'S PRESS. THE FIRST BOOK PRINTED BY JENSON AT VEN- ICE. EUSEBII PAMPHILI DE EVANGELICA PREPARATIONS. 142 leaves, single column, 39 lines to a page, in Roman type. Arabesque bor- der to first page in gold and colors, and large initial letters through- out, the smaller capitals painted by hand (the first and last leaf water-stained, and the extreme margins of some of the earlier leaves also a little stained). Folio, handsomely bound by STIKEMAN, in full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt back and sides, edges gilt on the rough. Venice: Nicholas Jenson, 1470 * VERY RARE. A TALL COPY, WITH BROAD MARGINS. THE EDITIO PRINCEPS OF EUSEBIUS' EVANGELICAL PREPARATION. IN JENSON'S FIRST YEAR OF PRINTING FOUR BOOKS WERE ISSUED BY HIM, OF WHICH THIS IS GENERALLY CONSIDERED TO BE THE FIRST, AS IT IS ALSO THE FIRST BOOK PRINTED IN THE BEAUTIFUL TYPE KNOWN AS JENSON TYPE. THIS IS THE HEBER COPY, WITH HEBER'S STAMP, AND A LENGTHY NOTE WRITTEN IN AS TO ITS RARITY. AN INTERESTING FEATURE ABOUT THIS COPY IS THE FACT OF ITS BORDER ON THE FRONT PAGE DIFFERING IN ITS ORNAMENTATION FROM ONE OR TWO OF THE FEW COPIES THAT ARE KNOWN. IT IS ALSO PLAINLY EVIDENT THAT THIS BORDER, AS LIKEWISE THE LARGER INITIALS, WERE STAMPED IN BY HAND AFTER THE PAGE WAS PRINTED, THE IMPRESSION OF THE WOODEN BLOCK BEING DISTINGUISHABLE IN SEV- ERAL PLACES. 45 8 ftbe Boofe Hrts PRINTING (THE EARLY PRESSES) Continued. 3850 VENICE. LE ROUGE'S PRESS. EDITIO PRINCEPS OF HERODOTUS Herodoti Halicarnasei Historiarum. 259 leaves, single column, 35 lines to a page, in Roman type. 4to, handsomely bound by STIKEMAN in dark green crushed levant morocco, gilt back and sides, edges gilt, on the rough (a small hole in the three first leaves and in the last two, and some contemporary writing on a few of the margins). Venice: Jacobus Rubeus, 1474 * VERY RARE. PRINTED WITH JENSON'S ORIGINAL ROMAN TYPE. JEAN LE ROUGE OR, IN HIS LATINIZED FORM, JACOBUS RUBEUS CAME TO VENICE APPARENTLY SOON AFTER JENSON, AND BECAME ASSOCIATED WITH HIM IN SOME WAY, POSSIBLY ASSIST- ING HIM IN HIS PRINTING OFFICE. ABOUT 1472 HE WAS ADMITTED BY THE COUNCIL OF VENICE AS A PRINTER, AND COMMENCED ISSUING BOOKS SHORTLY AFTERWARDS, HIS FIRST BOOK KNOWN BEING DATED 1473- THE TYPE USED FOR HIS BOOKS ISSUED UP TO 1474 WAS UNDOUBTEDLY JENSON'S ORIGINAL FONT OF ROMAN AS USED BY HIM IN THE EUSEBIUS AND OTHER WORKS. IN 1473 JENSON BEGAN ABANDONING THE ROMAN FOR GOTHIC TYPE, AND POSSIBLY NOT CONTEMPLATING ANY IMMEDIATE USE OF IT, RELINQUISHED IT TO LE ROUGE. NO BOOK OF JENSON'S PRINTED WITH THIS TYPE IS IN EXISTENCE DATING FROM 1474, AND IT WAS ONLY A FEW YEARS LATER THAT HE BEGA^f AGAIN TO SPARINGLY USE ROMAN TYPE, WHICH WAS APPARENTLY A MODIFICATION OF HIS FIRST FONT. IT BECOMES AN INTERESTING QUESTION UNDER WHAT CIRCUMSTANCES LE ROUGE WORKED AS A PRINTER. WAS HE A PARTNER WITH JENSON; DID HE PRINT BOOKS WITH THE ELDER PRINTER'S TYPES, AND WERE THEY ISSUED FROM THE SAME ESTAB- LISHMENT UNDER A PARTNERSHIP SCHEME? THAT THEY WERE VERY CLOSELY ASSO- CIATED IS UNDOUBTED, JENSON BEQUEATHING HIM A LEGACY IN HIS WILL, IN WHICH HE IS CALLED " compare" OR ASSOCIATE. anfc Block Boofcs. 3851 ANDERSON (ALEXANDER). Memorial of Alexander Ander- son, the First Engraver on Wood in America. By Benson J. Lossing. Portrait and 38 impressions from Anderson's original woodblocks. Royal 8vo, paper, pp. 107, uncut. New York: For the subscribers, 1872 * Large Paper copy. Only a few printed. 3852 A Brief Catalogue of Books, illustrated with Engravings by Dr. Alexander Anderson, with Biographical Sketch of the Artist. [By E. A. Duyckinck and Benson J. Lossing.] Dr. Andersoti's book- plate, and some of his woodcuts, from blocks drawn and engraved after his ninetieth year . 8vo, cloth. New York, 1885 * Only 100 copies privately printed by Thompson and Moreau. Presentation copy from Charles C. Moreau. 36oofe Brts 459 ENGRAVING AND BLOCK BOOKS Continued. 3853 ARS MORIENDI (THE). Editio Princeps, circa 1450. A Re- production of the Copy in the British Museum. Edited by W. Harry Rylands. Introduction by George Bullen. 410, cloth, un- cut. London, 1881 * Limited issue, printed for the Holbein Society. 3854 BERJEAU k (J. PH.) Biblia Pauperum, reproduced in facsimile from one of the copies in the British Museum, with an Historical and Bibliographical Introduction. Folio, half morocco. London, 1859 3855 Geschiedenis van het heylighe Cruys; or, History of the Holy Cross. Reproduced in facsimile from the Original Edition printed by J. Veldener in 1483. Text and Engravings by J. Ph. Berjeau. Square 8vo, cloth. London, 1863 3856 Catalogue Illustre des Livres Xylographiques. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1865 3857 BURT (CHARLES). Catalogue of Line Engravings, Etchings, and original Drawings by Charles Burt, dec'd. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 50. Brooklyn, 1893 * No. 3 of only 125 copies privately printed. Laid in is a letter of C. W. Frederick- son concerning the collection. 3858 CONWAY (WILLIAM MARTIN). The Woodcutters of the Netherlands in the Fifteenth Century. 8vo, cloth. Cambridge (England), 1884 * A valuable book on the early wood-engravers and book-illustrators. 3859 CRANE (WALTER). Of the Decorative Illustration of Books Old and New. Profusely illustrated with facsimiles. Square crown 8vo, cloth. (Ex-Libris Series, edited by Gleeson White.) London, 1896 3860 CUST (LIONEL). The Master E. S. and the " Ars Moriendi." A Chapter in the History of Engraving during the XVth Century. Facsimile reproductions of engravings . . . at Oxford and in the British Museum, including a reprint of the Ars Moriendi Block Book in the British Museum. 410, boards, cloth back. Oxford, 1898 3861 DELABORDE (VICOMTE HENRI). Le Departement des Estampes A. la Bibliotheque Nationale. Notice Historique, suivie d'un Catalogue des Estampes. Crown 8vo, cloth. Paris, 1875 3862 La Gravure en Italic avant Marc-Antoine, 1452-1505. Numer- ous reproductions. 410, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1883 * No. 16 of only 25 copies on Holland paper. 460 Ube 3Boofe Hrts ENGRAVING AND BLOCK BOOKS Continued. 3863 DIDOT (AMBROISE FIRMIN). Essai Typographique et Bibliographique sur 1'Histoire de la Gravure sur Bois. 8vo, wrap- pers, pp. 315. Paris, 1863 3864 Les Graveurs de Portraits en France. Catalogue raisonne de la Collection des Portraits de 1'Ecole Franaise appartenant a Ambroise Firmin-Didot. Precede d'une Introduction. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1875-77 * Limited edition of 600 copies. \ 3865 DUCHESNE (JEAN). Essai sur Les Nielles, Gravures des Orfevres Florentins du XV e Siecle. Portrait and reproductions. Post 8vo, half calf (back loose). Paris, 1826 3866 GANDELLINI (GIOVANNI GORI). Notizie Istoriche degli Intagliatori. Seconda Edizione arricchita di Notizie Interessanti, la Vita dell' Autore, etc. Portrait. 15 vols. post 8vo, half morocco. (Astor Library stamp on binding.) Fine set. Siena, 1808-16 3867 GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue ... of Engraved Portraits of Women Writers from Sappho to George Eliot. i2mo, wrappers, pp. 24. New York, 1895 3868 Engraved Portraits of Washington. i2mo, wrappers, pp. 59. (Laid in is invitation, etc., to the private view.) New York, 1899 3869 HADEN (SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR). Catalogue of Etch- ings, Dry Points, and Mezzotints exhibited at the Grolier Club. i2mo, wrappers, pp. 112. New York, 1902 * A valuable catalogue describing the " states." 3870 [HEINECKEN (CARL HEINRICH VON).] Id6e G6nerale d'une Collection complette d'Estampes, avec une Dissertation sur 1'Origine de la Gravure et sur les Premiers Livres d'Images. 32 fac- similes of early engravings. 8vo, old russia, gilt. Leipzig, 1771 3871 [JANSEN (HENRI).] Essai sur 1'Origine de la Gravure en Bois et en Taille-douce, et sur la Connoissance des Estampes des XV e et XVI e Siecles, ou il est parle aussi de 1'origine des Cartes a jouer et des Cartes geographiques; suivi de Recherches sur 1'origine du Papier, &c. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1808 * The author was keeper of the books and prints of Prince Talleyrand. 20 plates of facsimiles of early rare engravings_and of early water-marks are given, with copious descriptions. TTbe Boofe arts 461 ENGRAVING AND BLOCK BOOKS Continued. 3872 KEPPEL (FREDERICK) AND OTHERS. What Etchings Are, New York, 1890; Modern Disciples of Rembrandt, New York, 1890; The Golden Age of Engraving, New York, 1893; American Etchers, by Mrs. Schuyler Van Rensselaer (to which is added " Charles Meryon, a Biographical Sketch," by F. Keppel), New York, 1886; The Best Portraits in Engraving, by Charles Sumner, New York, 1875. All illustrated. Royal 8vo, wrappers. (5 pieces.) 3873 LE BLANC (CH.) Manuel de 1'Amateur d'Estampes, contenant: 1. Un Dictionnaire des Graveurs de Toutes les Nations . . . ; 2. Un Repertoire des Estampes dont les Auteurs ne sont connus que par des Marques Figures; 3. Un Dictionnaire des Monogrammes des Graveurs; 4. Une Table des Peintres, Sculpteurs, Architectes et Dessinateurs . ..55. Une Table Methodique des Estampes Decrites . . . et Pre'ce'de de Consid6rations sur 1'Histoire de la Gravure. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco (loose in covers). Paris, 1854-56 3874 LINTON (W. J.) The History of Wood-Engraving in America. Numerous specimens. 4to, oak boards, cloth back, uncut. * No. 570 of 1,000 copies, signed by the author. London, 1882 3875 LIPPMANN (FRIEDRICH). The Art of Wood-Engraving in Italy in the Fifteenth Century. English Edition, with extensive corrections and additions by the author, which have not appeared in the German Original. 59 illustrations, including reproductions of rare woodcuts. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. London: Quaritch, 1888 3876 REMBRANDT. Catalogue Raisonne de toutes les Estampes qui forment 1'oeuvre de Rembrandt et ceux de ces Principaux Imitateurs. Nouvelle Edition, entierement refondue, corrige'e et consid6rable- ment augmentee. Par Adam Bartsch. Plates. 2 vols. in i. Post 8vo, half morocco. Vienna, 1797 3877 RENOUVIER (JULES). Des Gravures en Bois dans les Livres d'Anthoine Verard, 1485-1512. Frontispiece. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 50. Paris, 1859 3878 Des Portraits d'Auteurs dans les Livres du XV e Siecle. 8vo, cloth, pp. 22. Only 214 printed. Paris, 1863 3879 SOTHEBY (SAMUEL LEIGH). Memoranda relating to the Block-Books in the Bibliotheque Imperiale, Paris, made October, M.DCCC.LVIII. Illustrations. 4to, wrappers, pp. 23. (Lenox Library duplicate.) Lond. : For the Author, 1859 * No. 101 of a limited number of copies privately printed. With presentation in- scription. 462 Ube Boofe Hrts ENGRAVING AND BLOCK BOOKS Continued. 3880 SUYDERHOEF (JONAS). Verzeichniss seiner Kupferstiche, beschreiben von Johann Wussin. 8vo, cloth, pp. 85. Leipzig, 1861 3881 TIFFIN (W. F.) Gossip About Portraits, principally Engraved Portraits. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1866 * Containing much interesting information about rare portraits. 3882 WEIGEL (T. O.) AND ZESTERMANN (AD.) Die Anfange der Druckerkunst in Bild und Schrift. An deren Friihesten in der Weigel'schen Sammlung. 145 facsimiles in color s. 2 vols. royal 410, cloth, morocco backs. Leipzig, 1866 * Scarce. Perfect reproductions of the earliest engravings known, in wood, metal and copper. 3883 WILLSHIRE (WILLIAM HUGHES). An Introduction to the Study and Collection of Ancient Prints. Second Edition, revised and enlarged, j facsimiles, and reproductions of monograms, marks, cyphers, water-marks, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, half roan. London, 1877 3884 ALLEN (CHARLES DEXTER). Classified List of Early American Book-Plates. Facsimiles. 121110, wrappers, pp. 38. New York: Grolier Club, 1894 3885 AMERICAN BOOK-PLATES. A Guide to their Study, with Ex- amples. With Bibliography by Eben Newell Hewins. Numerous reproductions. Square crown 8vo, cloth. New York, 1894 3886 American Book-Plates. A Guide to their Study. With Biblio- graphy, by E. N. Hewins. 40 copperplates and numerous illustrations in the text. 8vo, vellum paper. London, 1895 * Large Paper copy. No. 57 of only 78 copies printed for England on Japanese vellum. 3887 CASTLE (EGERTON). English Book-Plates. An Illustrated handbook for Students of Ex-Libris. Square crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1892 3888 HAMILTON (WALTER). Dated Book-Plates, with a Treatise on their Origin and Development. With about 100 illustrations. 4to r cloth. London, 1895 3889 French Book-Plates. Numerous reproductions. Square crown 8vo, cloth. (The Ex-Libris Series.) London, 1896 Ube 3Boofe Srts 4 6 3 BOOK-PLATES Continued. 3890 HARDY (W. J.) Book-Plates. Facsimiles. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. (Books about Books.) London, 1893 3891 SLATER (J. H.) Book-Plates and their Value. English and Ameri- can plates. Crown 8vo, buckram, gilt top, uncut. London, 1898 3892 VINYCOMB (JOHN). On the Processes for the Production of Ex- Libris. Reprinted from the Journal of the Ex-Libris Society with additional illustrations. Facsimiles (some colored) and other illustra- tions. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1894 Boofcbinbing. 3893 ARNETT (JOHN ANDREWS). Inquiry into the Nature and Form of the Books of the Ancients, with a History of the Art of Bookbinding. Facsimiles, portrait of Roger Payne, etc. i2mo, cloth. London, 1837 3894 BRASSINGTON (W. SALT). A History of the Art of Book- binding, with some Account of the Books of the Ancients. With numerous engravings and photographic reproductions of ancient bindings in color and monotint. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, 1894 * Contains a reprint, with additions, of Arnett's book. 3895 CUNDALL (JOSEPH). On Bookbindings, Ancient and Modern. 28 facsimile reproductions of Maioli, De Thou, Grolier, and other fine bindings. Square 8vo, cloth. London, 1881 3896 FLETCHER (WILLIAM Y.) Bookbinding in France. 8 colored plates and 31 illustrations in the text. Small 4to, wrappers, pp. 80. (Portfolio Monograph, No. 10.) London, 1894 3897 GROLIER CLUB. Mosaic Bookbindings. A Catalogue of an Exhibition. iamo, wrappers, pp. 53. New York, 1902 3898 Exhibition of Silver, Embroidered and Curious Bookbindings. ismo, wrappers, pp. 86. New York, 1903 3899 Exhibition of some of the Latest Artistic Bindings done at the Club Bindery. i2mo, wrappers, pp. 47. New York, 1906 4 6 4 ^be JBoofe Hrts B O O K B I N D I N G Continued. 3900 HOE (ROBERT). Lecture on Bookbinding as a Fine Art. De- livered before the Grolier Club, Feb. 26, 1885. With 6j reproduc- tions of bindings by famous binders, etc. 4to, boards, cloth back, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1886 * One of 200 special copies printed on Holland Paper, and published by the Grolier Club. 3901 HORNE (HERBERT P.) The Binding of Books. An Essay in the History of Gold-tooled Bindings. Facsimiles. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. (Books about Books.) London, 1894 3902 MATTHEWS (BRANDER). Bookbinding Old and New. Notes of a Book-Lover. With an Account of the Grolier Club of New York. 53 facsimiles of bindings and 46 illustrations in the text. Square post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1895 3903 PEIGNOT (GABRIEL). Essai Historique et Archeologique sur la Reliure des Livres, et sur 1'etat de la Librairie chez les Anciens. 2 plates. 8vo, half crimson morocco, pp. 84. Dijon, 1834 * Only 200 printed. 3904 PRIDEAUX (S. T.) An Historical Sketch of Bookbinding. With a Chapter on Early Stamped Bindings by E. Gordon Duff, j plates of'bindings (2 colored). Square post 8vo, buckram, uncut. London, 1893 * No. 92 of 120 copies on hand-made paper. Pages 250-294 contain a Bibliography. The two colored facsimiles were issued only in this limited edition. 3905 QUARITCH (BERNARD). Catalogue of 1,500 Books remark- able for the Beauty or the Age of their Bindings, or as bearing indications of Former Ownership by Great Book Collectors and Famous Historical Personages. (With prices.) Royal 8vo, half morocco. London, 1889 3906 ZAEHNSDORF'S Short History of Bookbinding, illustrated, Lon- don, 1895; JEAN GROLIER (Grolier Club, n. d.); LEON GRUEL, Relieur, facsimiles, Paris, 1893; SOMETHING ABOUT LEATHER, two Booklets, issued by the Gorham Company, New York, 1897. 5 Pamphlets. Boofe arts 465 paper ant> papei>flDafcino. 3907 DENNE (REV. SAMUEL). Observations on Paper or Paper Marks, with an Index arranged according to Dates, j" large plates of printers' marks and one of autographs (describing nearly 70 paper- marks). 4to, wrappers. (Royal Society of Antiquaries.) London, 1795 3908 HERRING (RICHARD). Paper and Paper Making, Ancient and Modern. Introduction by Rev. George Croly. 5 plates and jo examples of various grades and colors of paper. Second Edition. 8vo, cloth. London, 1856 3909 Paper and Paper Making, Ancient and Modern. Third Edition. 8vo, cloth. London, 1863 3910 Practical Guide to the Varieties and Relative Value of Paper . . . To which is added a History of the Art of Paper Making. Upwards of 200 samples of paper of every description. 410, cloth. London, 1860 3911 KOOPS (MATTHIAS). Historical Account of the Substances which have been used to Describe Events, and to convey Ideas from the Earliest Date to the Invention of Paper. Small folio, original boards, pp. 91. London: Printed by T. Burton, 1800 * Rare and curious. "Printed on the First Uftful Paper manufactured soley (sic) from straw." The book is printed on a thick light brown paper, the discoverer not having apparently found a means of bleaching it. From p. 85 to the end the leaves are made from wood alone. The book is dedicated to George III., and is signed by the inventor, with his autograph. 3912 KOOPS (MATTHIAS). Historical Account of the Substances used . . . for Paper. Second Edition. Frontispiece, showing the Papyrus plant. 8vo, half calf. London, 1801 * Also printed on straw paper. Laid in is a specimen of printing on thin cork. 3913 VACHON (MARIUS). Les Arts et les Industries du Papier en France, 1871-1894. Profusely illustrated with specimens of various processes of color printing, etchings, etc. 410, cloth. Paris, s. d. [1894] 466 Ube 3Boofe Hrts Bibliograpbp anb Xiterarp 3914 ADAMS (CHARLES KENDALL). A Manual of Historical Literature, comprising brief descriptions of the most important Histories in English, French, and German. Post 8vo, cloth, pp. 665. New York, 1882 3915 Manual of Historical Literature. Third Edition, revised and enlarged. Post 8vo, cloth, pp. 720. New York [1888] 3916 ADAMS (OSCAR FAY). Dictionary of American Authors. Fifth Edition, revised and enlarged. Post 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1905 3917 ADAMS (W.DAVENPORT). Dictionary of English Literature. Being a Comprehensive Guide to English Authors and their Works. Third Edition. Square 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. 3918 ALCIATI (ANDREA). GREEN (HENRY). Andrea Alciati and his Books of Emblems. A Biographical and Bibliographical Study. Engraved title and frontispiece. 8vo, cloth. London, 1872 3919 Collection of the Emblem Books of Andrea Alciatus, in the library of George Edward Sears. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 39. New York: Privately Printed, 1888 3920 AMAT DI SAN FILIPPO (PIETRO). Bibliografia dei Viag- giatori Italiani. Ordinata Cronologicamente ed Illustrata. Royal 8vo, half roan. MS. Notes throughout by Dr. A. C. Burnell, of Mangalore, India. Rome, 1874 3921 AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Papers and Pro- ceedings of the Eighteenth General Meeting ... to the Twenty- eighth General Meeting, 1896 to 1906. n vols. small 4to, wrappers. New York, 1896-1906 3922 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY LIBRARY PHILADELPHIA. Catalogue . . . Classes i to 5. 2 parts, royal 8vo, wrappers. Philadelphia, 1863-66 3923 ANGLING. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Harvard Contributions. No. 51. Edited by Justin Winsor. The Bartlett Collection. A List of Books on Angling, Fishes and Fish Culture. By Louise R. Albee. Facsimile. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 180. Cambridge, 1896 ffioofe arts 4 6 7 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 3924 ANGLING. Lenox Library Contributions No. VII. The Waltonian Collection. Books upon Angling, Birds, Fishes, Hunting, etc., in the Lenox Library. Small 410, wrappers, pp. 56. New York, 1893 3925 WESTWOOD (T.) and SATCHELL (T.) Bibliotheca Piscatoria. A Catalogue of Books on Angling, the Fisheries, and Fish-Culture, with Bibliographical Notes and Appendix. 8vo, cloth. London, 1883 3926 APPLETON'S LIBRARY MANUAL. Containing a Catalogue Raisonne of Upwards of Twelve Thousand of the Most Important Works in Every Department of Knowledge, in all Modern Lan- guages. Part I., Subjects; Part II., Biography, Classics, Miscel- lany, and Index to Part I. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1847 * Contains a woodcut showing the interior of Appleton's store in 1847, an interest- ing early New York view. 3927 APPRENTICES' LIBRARY. NEW YORK CITY. Catalogue . . . in Three Parts. . . . With Supplement of Additions and Omissions. Compiled by J. Schwartz, Jr., Librarian. Royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1874 3928 ARBER (EDWARD). The Term Catalogues, 1668-1709, with a Number for Easter Term, 1711. A contemporary Bibliography of English Literature in the reigns of Charles II., William and Mary, and Anne. Edited from the very rare Quarterly Lists of New Books . . . issued by the Booksellers of London. Complete in 3 vols. 4to, cloth. London, 1903-1905-1906 * Privately Printed for Subscribers only. 3929 ARMOR (WM. C.) Scotch-Irish Bibliography of Pennsylvania. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 38. Nashville (Tenn.), 1896 393 ASTOR LIBRARY, N. Y. Alphabetical Index, or Catalogue with Short Titles, of the books now collected, and of the Proposed Accessions, as submitted for approval, January, 1851. Royal 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1851 * One of the scarcest of the Astor catalogues, and unique in its including books yet unpurchased, but proposed to be. William Berrian's copy, with his autograph. 3931 Catalogue ; or, Alphabetical Index of the Astor Library. 4 vols. bound in 2. Thick royal 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1857-61 3932 Supplement . . . with an Alphabetical Index of Subjects in All the Volumes. Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 605, uncut. New York, 1866 468 Ube Boofe Brts BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 3933 ATHEN^UM (THE). Journal of Literature, Science, the Fine Arts, Music and The Drama. 8 vols., complete, with Index Sup- plements, from No. 3610 (Jan. 2, 1897) to No. 4027 (Dec. 31, 1904), lacking four numbers (Nos. 3781, 3823, 3882 and 4007). 410, in the original parts. (Sold as 8 vols.) London, 1897-1904 3934 ATKINSON (W. P.) The Right Use of Books. A Lecture. i6mo, cloth, pp. 65. Boston, 1878 3935 AUTHORS AND PUBLISHERS. A Manual of Suggestions for Beginners in Literature, containing a description of Publishers' methods and arrangements, etc. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1883 3936 AUTOGRAPHS. HILL (GEORGE BIRBECK). Talks about Auto- graphs, Portraits, Facsimiles, etc. 8vo, cloth. London, 1896 3937 KEENE (J. HARRINGTON). The Mystery of Handwriting. A Handbook of Graphology. Portrait and facsimiles of the autographs of celebrated men. Oblong crown 8vo, art cloth. Boston, 1896 393^ SAMMLUNG Historisch Beriihmter Autographen oder Fac- similes von Handschriften beriihmter Personen alter und neuer Zeit. Erste Serie. 410, half vellum. Stuttgart, 1846 3939 BALDWIN (JAMES). The Book Lover. A Guide to the Best Reading. i2mo, cloth. Chicago, 1886 3940 Guide to Systematic Readings in the Encyclopaedia Britan- nica. 8vo, half roan. Chicago, 1895 3941 A Guide to Systematic Readings in the Encyclopaedia Bri- tannica. New and Revised Edition. 8vo, cloth. Chicago, 1897 3942 BAR ASSOCIATION OF NEW YORK CITY. Catalogue of the Library. Thick royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1892 3943 BARTLETT (JOHN RUSSELL). Catalogue of Books and other Publications relating to the State of Rhode Island, with notes, Historical, Biographical and Critical. 8vo, half cloth. Providence, 1864 3944 BERINGTON (JOSEPH). The Literary History of the Middle Ages. Portrait of Chaucer. Post 8vo, half calf. London, 1846 3945 BERRIAN (WILLIAM). Catalogue of Books, Early Newspapers, and Pamphlets on Mormonism. (Collected by Wm. Berrian and later presented to the Lenox Library by Miss Helen Gould.) 8vo, wrappers, pp. 48. New York: Privately Issued^ 1898 Ube 3Boofe arts 469 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY -Continued. 3946 BESANT (WALTER). The Society of Authors. A record of its action from its foundation, izmo, wrappers, pp. 40. [London], 1893 3947 BIBLIOFILIA (LA). Raccolta di scritti sull' Arte Antica in Libri, Stampe, Manoscritti, Autografi e Legature. Diretta da Leo S. Olschki. From Vol. i, No. i (April, 1899), complete to the end of Vol. 6 (March, 1905), and No. i, Vol. 7. Reproductions of rare prints, title-pages, documents, etc. Folio, in the original numbers* as issued. (As 6 vols.) Florence, 1899-1905 3948 BIBLIOGRAPHER (THE). Paul Leicester Ford, Editor. Vol. i, Complete, 1902; Vol. 2, Nos. i to 6, 1903. 15 Nos. 8vo, in the original wrappers, all published. (As 2 vols.) New York, 1902-3 3949 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL PAMPHLETS. Year-book of the Bib- liographical Society of Chicago, 1899-1902, 3 vols. ; Heron-Allen, Libri Desiderati (rare books on the violin) ; Nelson, The Public Archives of New Jersey, 1904; and others, various, (n pieces.) 3950 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. ANNUAL REPORT, RULES, AND LIST OF MEMBERS. For the Years 1893 to 1906 (lacking 1902). Together 12 Nos. Small 4to. (As a lot.) London, 1893-1906 395 1 NEWS SHEET. Nos. i to 72 (February, 1894, to March, 1906). Small 4to, 4 pp. each. (As a lot.) * Contains short summaries of bibliographical papers, etc. 3952 TRANSACTIONS for the Sessions of 1892-310 1902-4. Including Constitution, Rules, and Lists of Members. 7 vols. (in 12 parts). Small 410, wrappers. London, 1893-1904 * Containing the shorter bibliographical papers in full. 3953 MONOGRAPH No. I. Erhard Ratdolt, and his work at Venice (Supplement laid in). By Gilbert R. Redgrave. 10 facsimiles. 4to, wrappers, pp. 50, uncut. London, 1894 3954 MONOGRAPH No. II. Jan van Doesborgh, Printer at Ant- werp. By Robert Proctor, ij facsimiles. 410, wrappers, pp. 101, uncut. London, 1894 3955 MONOGRAPH No. III. An Iconography of Don Quixote, 1605-1895. By H. S. Ashbee. Portrait and 22 plates. 410, wrap- pers, pp. 202. London, 1895 395^ MONOGRAPH No. IV. The Early Printers of Spain and Por- tugal. By Konrad Haebler. jj facsimiles. 410, wrappers, pp. 151, uncut. London, 1897 47 ftbe Boofe Htts BIBLIOGRAPHICAL AND LITERARY Continued. 3957 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. MONOGRAPH No. V. Le Chevalier Delibere. By Olivier de la Marche. With Preface by E. Lippmann and reprint of the text. 15 reproductions of the illustrations of the Schiedam Edition (1503). 4to, wrappers, pp. 65, uncut. London, 1898 3958 MONOGRAPH No. VI. The First Paris Press. An Account of the Books printed for G. Fichet and J. Heynlin in the Sorbonne, 1470-1472. By A. Claudin. 8 facsimiles. 4to, wrappers, pp. 87. London, 1898 3959 MONOGRAPH No. VII. Antoine Verard. By John Macfar- lane. Facsimiles. 4to, wrappers, pp. 143. London, 1900 3960 MONOGRAPH No. VIII. The Printing of Greek in the Fif- teenth Century. By Robert Proctor. Facsimiles. 4to, wrappers, pp. 217. Oxford, 1900 3961 MONOGRAPH No. IX. A Book bound for Mary Queen of Scots. By George F. Barwick. 3 facsimiles in gold and colors. 4to, wrappers, pp. 27. London, 1901 3962 MONOGRAPH No. X. Early Oxford Bindings. By Strick- land Gibson. 40 plates, mostly colored. 4to, wrappers, pp. 69. Oxford, 1903 3963 MONOGRAPH No. XI. The Earliest English Music Printing. By Robert Steele. Facsimiles. 4to, wrappers, pp. 102. London, 1903 3964 MONOGRAPH No. XII. A Chart of Oxford Printing. By Falconer Madan. 4to, wrappers, pp. 50. Oxford, 1904 3965 MONOGRAPH No. XIII. The Earlier Cambridge Stationers and the First Cambridge Printer. By George J. Gray. Facsimiles. 4to, wrappers, pp. 81. Oxford, 1904 3966 PUBLICATIONS. AMES (JOSEPH). Index to Dibdin's Edition of the Typographical Antiquities, first compiled by Joseph Ames, with some references to the Intermediate Edition by William Her- bert. Printed from a copy in the Library at Sion College. Small 4to, wrappers, pp. 77. London, 1899 3967 PUBLICATIONS. DUFF (E. GORDON). A Century of English Book Trade. Short Notices of all Printers, Stationers, Book- Binders, and others . . . from the Issue of the First Dated Book in 1457 to the Incorporation of the Company of Stationers in 1557. Small 4to, wrappers, pp. 200. London, 1905 Ube Booh Hrts 47 l BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 3960" BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. PUBLICA- TIONS. DUFF (E. GORDON) and OTHERS. Hand-Lists of English Printers, 1501-1556. Facsimiles. 3 vols. small 410, wrappers. London, 1895-1905 3969 PUBLICATIONS. GREG (WALTER WILSON). List of English Plays written before 1643 and printed before 1700. Small 410, wrappers, pp. 158. London, 1900 3970 PUBLICATIONS. GREG (WALTER WILSON). List of Masques, Pageants etc., Supplementary to a List of English Plays. Small 4to, wrappers, pp. 131. London, 1902 3971 PUBLICATIONS. PLOMER (HENRY R.) Robert Wyer, Printer and Bookseller, Facsimiles, list of books with collations, etc. Small 4to, wrappers, pp. 59. London, 1897 3972 PUBLICATIONS. PLOMER (HENRY R.) Abstracts from the Wills of English Printers and Stationers, from 1492 to 1630. Small 4to, wrappers, pp. 67. London, 1903 3973 - PUBLICATIONS. PROCTOR (R.) Classified Index to the Sera- peum. Small 410, wrappers, pp. 159. London, 1897 * The Serapeum was a periodical devoted to bibliography, library science, manu- scripts and literature, and recorded also new publications issued in Germany from 1840 to 1870. 3974 CATALOGUES OF ENGLISH BOOKS, No. i. WHITE (NEW- PORT J. D.) Short Catalogue of English Books in Archbishop Marsh's Library, Dublin, printed before MDCXLI. Small 4to, wrappers, pp. 90. London, 1905 3975 BIBLIOTHECA LITERARIA. Being a Collection of Inscrip- tions, Medals, Dissertations, etc. (Edited by S. Jebb. ) 10 Nos. Bound in one vol. Small 4to, old polished calf. London, 1722-24 * An Early Literary Journal, the contributors being Samuel Jebb, Dr. Wotton, and other literary men of the time. Dr. Jebb was Librarian to Jeremy Collier. Among the curious matter contained in the volume is a reprint of a manuscript describing a conflict between the scholars of Oxford and the townspeople in 1354 (one of the earliest town-and-gown riots). No more than these ten numbers were published. 3976 BIBLIOTHEQUE NATIONALE. Catalogue General des Livres Imprimes de la Bibliotheque Nationale. Auteurs. 22 vols. 8vo, half red morocco. Fine set. Paris, 1897-1905 * From " A to Campaux." All that is published, up to the present, of this great catalogue, which promises to rival that of the British Museum. 47 2 ftbe Boofe arts BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY- -Continued. 3977 BIRRELL (AUGUSTINE). Essays about Men, Women and Books. FIRST EDITION, i^mo, cloth. London, 1894 3978 BLACKBURN (C. F.) Hints on Catalogue Titles, and on Index Entries, with a rough Vocabulary of Terms and Abbreviations, chiefly from Catalogues, and some Passages from Journeyings among Books. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1884 * One of the best books on the art of cataloguing. 3979 BLADES (WILLIAM). The Enemies of Books. Portraits and 7 plates (facsimiles, etchings, etc.). Post 8vo, paper, pp. no. * The Original and Best edition. Scarce. London 1 880 3980 The Enemies of Books. Illustrated. 12 mo, half morocco. (Book-lover's Library.) London, 1888 3981 Bibliographical Miscellanies. No. i, Signatures; Nos. 2-5, Books in Chains. 8vo, in three parts, wrappers, pp. 27-1-19+62. London, 1890 * Facsimiles and other illustrations, with a photograph of chained books at Zutphen laid in. 3982 Books in Chains, and other Bibliographical Papers. 12010, half morocco. (Book-Lover's Library.) London, 1892 3983 BOARDMAN (GEORGE DANA). Early Printing in the Middle Colonies. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 20. [Philadelphia, 1885] 3984 BOHN (HENRY G.) A Catalogue of Books. Very thick 8vo, half red morocco (a little rubbed). London, 1841 * The First of the "Guinea-pig" style of catalogues. Nearly 25,000 items are described. Prefixed is a view of Bohn's establishment, which is still in existence in almost identically the same condition as in the lifetime of the famous bookseller and publisher. Bernard Quaritch served his apprenticeship to the bookselling business in Mr. Bohn's establishment, and the complete descriptions and valuable bibliographical notes with which Henry G. Bohn enhanced the interest of his catalogues were 'adopted and improved by Quaritch in those issued by him. 3985 BONAPARTE (PRINCE LOUIS LUCIEN). Attempt at a Catalogue of the Library of the late Prince Louis Lucien Bonaparte. By Victor Collins. Small 4to, boards, pp. 718. London, 1894 * The finest collection of linguistics ever formed. 3986 BOOK BUYER (THE). Scribner & Welford's Literary Letter & Monthly Record of Recent Importations . . . New English Publi- cations, etc. New Series, Vol. i complete; Vol. 2, Nos. i to 9. 8vo, original parts, as issued. (As 2 vols.) New York, 1878-80 Ube Boofe Brts 473 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 3987 BOOK ILLUSTRATING. Modern Methods of Illustrating Books. i2mo, cloth. (Book-Lover's Library.) London, 1887 3988 BOOK LOVER (THE). A Magazine of Book Lore. Nos. i to 16, and No. 19 (1899 to 1903 and July-August, 1903). Illustrated. Together 17 Nos. 410, in the original wrappers. San Francisco and New York, 1899-1903 * Long runs of this periodical are scarce. 3989 BOOKMAN (THE). [A Literary Journal published monthly by Dodd, Mead & Co.] Vols. i to 4 complete in consecutive numbers, in the original wrappers. Illustrated. 4 vols. royal 8vo. New York, 1895-97 3990 BOOKMART (THE). Monthly Magazine of Literary and Library Intelligence, and Medium for the Purchase and Sale of Books. Vol. 4 (lacking No. i); Vol. 5 (lacking Nos. 2 and 3); Vol. 6 (lack- ing No. 5); Vol. 7 complete; Vol. 8 (Nos. i to 6, lacking No. 4). As 5 vols. In the original parts. Pittsburg, Pa., 1886 399 BOOK PRICES CURRENT. (ENGLISH.) A Monthly Record of the Prices at which Books have been sold at auction. Vol. i for 1887 complete in the original parts. 8vo, paper. 3992 Vol. 2 for 1888 complete in the original parts. 3993 Vol. 3 for 1889 complete in the original parts. 3994 - Vol. 4 for 1890. In one volume, 8vo, cloth. 3995 Vol. 5 for 1891. 8vo, cloth. 3996 Vol. 6 for 1892. 8vo, cloth. 3997 Vol. 7 for 1893. 8vo, cloth. 3998 BOOKS FOR GENERAL READERS, by Alex. Ireland; The Visible and Invisible in Libraries, 1873; Books and Reading, by Brother Azarius, 1889; and others. 6 pamphlets, i2mo, etc. 3999 BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. Supplement Index to Books in the Bates Hall, 1866; Books in the Upper Hall, 1861; Catalogue of Books in the Lower Hall (including English Prose Fiction, Juvenile, History, Biography, etc.), Works in French and Transla- tions in Bates Hall, 1892; and Bulletins of the Titles of Books added from Apl. 17, 1893, to Apl. 14, 1894. Royal 8vo, various bindings, half morocco, cloth and wrappers. (As a lot.) 4000 - - Bulletins from No. 4 to No. 103 inclusive (1868-1896). Royal 8vo, as issued. (As a lot.) * The earlier numbers contain many valuable bibliographical notes. 474 'Gbe Bocfc Hrts BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4001 BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. Annual Reports of the Trustees. The loth (Nov., 1862); i6th (1868); 2oth-2zd; 24th-29th; and 3ist- 4ist inclusive (1892). 22 pieces, 8vo, wrappers. (As a lot.) 4002 Bibliographies of Works relating to Franklin, by Lindsay Swift, 1883 (2 copies); American Local History, by A. P. C. Griffin; Chronological Index to Historical Fiction, 1875 (2 copies); Spanish Grammars and Dictionaries, 1490-1780, by Wm. I. Knapp (2 copies) ; Bibliographies of Special Subjects, by J. L. Whitney; and others. 10 pieces, royal 8vo, wrappers. 4003 BOUCHOT (H.) The Printed Book, its History, Illustrations, and Adornment, from the days of Gutenberg to the present time. Translated and enlarged by E. C. Bigmore. 118 illustrations and facsimiles. 8vo, cloth. London, 1887 4004 The Book, its Printers, Illustrators, and Binders, from Guten- berg to the Present Time. With a Treatise on the Art of Collect- ing and Describing Early Printed Books, etc. Edited by H. Grevel. 152 facsimiles and plates. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. *The Library and Best Edition. London, 1890 4005 BOWDOIN COLLEGE LIBRARY. Catalogue . . . with Index of Subjects. Royal 8vo, cloth. Brunswick, 1863 4006 BRADFORD (THOMAS LINDSLEY). Homeopathic Bib- liography of the United States from 1825 to 1891 inclusive. Frontis- piece. 8vo, cloth, pp. 596. Philadelphia, 1892 * Containing, besides the Bibliography of Books, a History of Homeopathic Socie- ties, Colleges, Hospitals, Asylums, Life Insurance Societies, etc. 4007 BRADLEY (J. W.) A Dictionary of Miniaturists, Illuminators, Calligraphers, and Copyists, with references to their works and notices of their Patrons, from the Establishment of Christianity to the Eighteenth Century. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. London, 1887 * A Valuable Reference Book on the illuminators of manuscripts and early printed books. 4008 The Life and Works of Giorgio Giulio Clovio } Miniaturist, with notices of his contemporaries, and of the art of book decoration in the Sixteenth Century. Portraits, facsimiles of the MSS., etc. Royal 8vo, half morocco, uncut. London: Quaritch, 1891 * Only 50 copies issued in this size. ZIbe 3Boofe Brts 475 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4009 BRADSHAW (HENRY). Memoir. By G. W. Prothero. Por- trait. 8vo, cloth. London, 1888 * The noted English bibliographer. 4010 Collected Papers, comprising " Memoranda," " Communica- tions," with an Article contributed to the "Bibliographer," and Two Papers not Previously Published, ij plates of facsimiles of early types, etc. 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1889 4011 BREWER (E. COBHAM). Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, giving the Derivation, Source, and Origin of Common Phrases, Allu- sions, and Words that have a Tale to Tell. First Edition. Thick crown 8vo, cloth. London [1870] 4012 Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. Twelfth Edition, revised and corrected. Post 8vo, cloth, pp. 1061. London [1881] 4013 Authors and their Works, with Dates. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1884 4014 Dictionary of Miracles, Imitative, Realistic, and Dogmatic. With illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth, pp. 582. London, 1884 4015 The Reader's Handbook of Allusions, References, Plots, and Stories. Fifth Edition. Thick crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1885 4016 BRITISH MUSEUM. Hand-List of Bibliographies, Classified Catalogues, and Indexes placed in the Reading Room of the British Museum for Reference. 8vo, cloth, pp. 105. [London] Printed by Order of the Trustees, 1881 4017 BROOKINGS (W. DU BOIS) AND RINGWALT (RALPH CURTIS). Briefs for Debate on Current Political, Economic, and Social Topics. Introduction by Albert Bushnell Hart. Crown 8vo, cloth. New York, 1896 4018 BROOKLYN LIBRARY. Analytical and Classed Catalogue . . . Authors, Titles, Subjects and Classes. Thick imp. 8vo, half] roan. (Inserted are Bulletins Nos. 13-16, 1879-1882.) Brooklyn, 1881 4019 BROTHERHEAD (W.) Forty Years among the Old Booksellers of Philadelphia, with Bibliographical Remarks. Square i2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1891 4020 BROWN (JAMES D.) Manual of Library Classification and Shelf Arrangement. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1898 476 ^be Boofe Brts BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4021 BROWN UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. Catalogue . . . with Index of Subjects. 8vo, full morocco gilt, gilt edges. Presenta- tion copy. Providence, 1843 4022 BRULLIOT (FRANCOIS). Dictionnaire des Monogrammes, Marques Figurees, Lettres Initiales, Noms Abreges, &c., avec les- quels les Peintres, Dessinateurs, Graveurs et Sculpteurs ont designe leurs noms. Nouvelle Edition, revue, corrigee et augmentee d'un grand nombre d'articles. 3 vols. royal 8vo, half roan. Munich, 1832-34 4023 [BRUNET (GUSTAVE).] De Tribus Impostoribus M.D.IIC. Texte Latin, collationne sur 1'Exemplaire du Due de la Valliere, augmente de variantes de plusieurs manuscrits, et d'une notice Philologique et Bibliographique. Par Philomneste Junior. i6mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1861 * Only 432 copies printed. Philomneste Junior is a pseudonym for Gustave Brunet, the French bibliographer. The " De Tribus Impostoribus" is one of the bibliogra- phical problems which has puzzled literary men for nearly two centuries. First men- tioned about the commencement of the iyth century, no copy of the original book was discovered until nearly the igth; and then it is a question whether that copy is the original or an edition printed about the date of the discovery, and dated 1598, with the original title, and intended to pass as the one sought for. The Three Impostors being Christ, Moses, and Mahomet, it can be readily seen that if printed at the time when unorthodox religious opinions were punished by the stake, or the hangman's rope, the copies must have been very few, and kept carefully hidden. Brunet, in a lengthy introduction, gives a complete history of this interesting book, and discusses the question of its authorship. 4024 [ ] La Bibliomanie en 1878, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1885, and 1886- 89; Bibliographic Retrospective des Adjudications les plus remar- quables, et de la valeur primitive de ces Ouvrages, par Philomneste Junior. 6 vols. i2mo, wrappers. Bruxelles, 1878-83; Bordeaux, 1885-89 4025 BRUNET (J. C.) Manuel du Libraire et de 1'Amateur de Livres. Quatrieme Edition, entierement revue par 1'auteur. 5 vols. royal 8vo, very finely bound by WRIGHT in full red crushed levant morocco gilt, richly gilt backs, edges gilt on marble. Paris, 1842-44 * An unusually fine set. 4026 Dictionnaire de Geographic, Ancienne et Moderne. Par Un Bibliophile. [Pierre Deschamps.] 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1870 * Supplement to the last edition of Brunei's Manuel du Libraire, containing the Latin names of places, and the earliest history of printing in each place, with the date of the first presses. Ube Boofc Brts 477 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4027 BUCHOLD (ERNEST AMANDUS). Bibliotheca Theologica . . . wahrend der Jahre 1830-1862 in Deutschland erschienenen Schriften. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco (rubbed). Gottingen, 1864 4028 BUCKINGHAM (JOSEPH T.) Specimens of Newspaper Liter- ature, with Personal Memoirs, Anecdotes and Reminiscences. Por- traits, etc. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1852 * Sketches of early American newspapers, their contributors, publishers, poems, etc. 4029 BUCKINGHAM (LEICESTER AMBROSE). The Bible in the Middle Ages, with Remarks on the Libraries, Schools, and Social and Religious Aspects of Mediaeval Europe. Crown 8vo, prize calf. London, 1853 4030 BULLETIN OF BIBLIOGRAPHY. Vols. i and 2 complete; Vol. 3 (lacks No. i); Vol. 4, Nos. i to 7 (lacks No. 5). Vol. i in cloth, the remainder in the original numbers as issued. (As 3 vols.) Boston: Boston Book Company , 1899-1906 4031 BURGERSDIJK AND NIERMANS (Booksellers, Leyden). Cata- logue de Livres Anciens et Modernes aux Prix Marques. (Theo- logie et Philosophic.) 8vo, cloth, pp. 870. Leyden, 1900 * Over 20,000 items. 4032 BURROWS BROTHERS. A Catalogue of the Best Books in Every Department of Literature. With complete author, subject and title index. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Cleveland: Burrows Brothers Company [1899] 4033 BURY (RICHARD DE). Philobiblon. A Treatise on the Love of Books. First American Edition, with the Literal Translation of John B. Inglis. Collated and corrected, with Notes by Samuel Hand. Post 8vo, morocco gilt, gilt top. Albany, 1861 * Only 230 copies printed. 4034 BUTLER (JAMES D.) American Pre-Revolutionary Bibliog- raphy. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 72-104. Andover, 1879 4035 CAMPBELL (FRANK). The Theory of National and International Bibliography. With Special Reference to the Introduction of System in the Record of Modern Literature. Diagrams. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 500. London: Library Bureau, 1896 4036 CAMPBELL (SAMUEL). Catalogue of Books for 1812. Forsale at his Store, No. 124, Pearl Street, pp. 70, sewed. New York, 1812 47 8 'Ebe Boofe Hrts BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4037 CARD GAMES. HORR (NORTON T.) A Bibliography of Card Games and of the History of Playing-Cards. 8vo, paper, pp. 79. Cleveland: Privately Printed, 1892 4038 CARITAT (H.) Catalogue des Livres Francais qui se trouvent . . . dans Broad-Way, No. 157. 8vo, sewed, pp. 29. New York, 1799 4039 CARVILL (G. & C. & H.) Catalogue of Rare and Valuable Works. For Sale at 108 Broadway. 8vo, sewed, pp. 146. New York, 1830 4040 CASAUBON. Isaac Casaubon, 1559-1614. By Mark Pattison. 8vo, half calf (binding cracked). London, 1875 4041 Isaac Casaubon. 1559-1614. By Mark Pattison. Portrait. Second Edition. 8vo, cloth. (Clarendon Press Series.) Oxford, 1892 4042 CASPAR (C. N.) Directory of the American Book, News, and Stationery Trades ... to which has been added a list of upwards of 2,500 Literary, Scientific and Technological, as well as the most important Political Periodicals, Magazines and Reviews of the United States . . . with copious Systematical and Analytical Indices. Portrait of the editor. Royal 8vo, half morocco, pp. 1434. Milwaukee, 1889 4043 CASTELLANI (CARLO). Catalogo Ragionato delle Piu Rare o Piu Important! Opere Geografiche a Stampa . . . nel Collegio Romano. 8vo, paper, pp. 295. Roma, 1876 * Contains a list of the maps in Lafreri's great Atlas of 1572, descriptions of early editions of Ptolemy's Geography, etc. 4044 CAVE (WILLIAM). Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Historia Lite- raria a Christo nato usque ad Saeculum XIV. . . . qua de Vita Illorum ac Rebus Gestis, accedunt Scriptores Gentiles, etc. Folio, old leather. Geneva, 1705 * With notices of the printed editions. 4045 CAVENDER (C. H.) Catalogue of Works in Refutation of Methodism from its Origin in 1729 to the Present Time. By H. C. Decanver [pseud.]. Second Edition, revised. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 55. New York, 1868 4046 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Bulletins (Accessions) Nos. i 1036, 1888-96; Catalogue of English Prose Fiction and Juvenile Books, 1889, with First and Second Supplements (to 1892); Finding Lists, Seventh Edition (with First Supplement), 8 pieces; and Find- ing Lists to Foreign Literature, including Russian, Bohemian, Dutch, French, Spanish, Italian, etc., 8 pieces [1890-95]. Together 57 pieces. 8vo. (As a lot.) Ube JSoofe Hrts 479 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4047 CHOULANT (LUDWIG). Bibliotheca Medico-Historica sive Catalogus Librorum Historicorum de re Medicaet Scientia Natural! Systematicus. 8vo, boards. Leipzig, 1842 4048 Handbuch der Biicherkunde fiir die altere Medicin, Zweite Auflage, Leipzig, 1841; Additamenta ad Choulant, edidit J. Rosen- baum, Halle, 1842, pp. 83; Additamenta Secundum, ed. Rosen- baum, Halle, 1847, PP- l66 - Together 3 vols. 8vo, the first in half morocco, the two supplements in wrappers. 4049 CLARK (J. W.) Libraries in the Medieval and Renaissance Periods. Illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1894 4050 CLEGG (JAMES). International Directory of Second-hand Booksellers, and Bibliophile's Manual, including Lists of the Public Libraries of the World. Crown 8vo, cloth. Rochdale, 1894 4051 COPYRIGHT. CURTIS (GEORGE TICKNOR). A Treatise on the Law of Copyright in Books, Dramatic and Musical Compositions, Letters and other Manuscripts, Engravings, and Sculptures . . . with some Notices of the History of Literary Property. 8vo, sheep. Boston, 1847 4052 DRONE (EATON S.) A Treatise on the Law of Property in Intellectual Productions in Gt. Britain and the United States, embracing Copyright in Works of Literature and Art, and Play- right in Dramatic and Musical Compositions. 8vo, sheep, pp. 774. Boston, 1879 453 HOTTEN (J. CAMDEN). Literary Copyright. Seven Letters. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1871 4054 PUTNAM (GEO. HAVEN). The Question of Copyright, com- prising the Text of the Copyright Law of the United States, a Summary of the Copyright Laws at Present in Force in the Chief Countries of the World, etc. Second Edition, revised, with addi- tional material. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1896 455 READE (CHARLES). The Eighth Commandment. i2mo, cloth. Author's Edition. Boston, 1860 * On Copyright. 4056 SLATER (J. H.) The Law relating to Copyright and Trade Marks, treated more particularly with reference to Infringement. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1884 4-8o Ube Boofe Hrts BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4057 COURRIER DU LIVRE (LE). Revue Mensuelle de Bibliophilie et Bibliographic. Vols. 1-3 (May, 1896, to April, 1899). Published in French and English. Royal 8vo, in the original 36 numbers. (As 3 vols.) Quebec, 1896-99 * Published by a group of Canadian Bibliophiles. Edited by Raoul Renault. (L. S. from him laid in.) 4058 CRYPTOGRAPHY, The History, Principles, and Practice of Cipher-Writing. By F. E. Hulme. i2mo, cloth. London, n. d. [circa 189-] 4059 CUMMINGS & HILLIARD. No. I. Cornhill, Boston. Cata- logue of Books of Literature and Science ... at prices affixed. 8vo, sewed, pp. 44+ l ^4- [Boston, 1822] 4060 CUMULATIVE BOOK INDEX (THE MONTHLY). 3 odd numbers of Vol. 2 [1899-1900], Vols. 3 to 7 [1900-1904], and Vol. 8, Nos. i to 7, and No. n. In the original numbers, as issued (lack- ing one No. in Vol. 6). (As 6 vols.) Minneapolis, Minn., 1899-1905 4061 GUSHING (W.) Initials and Pseudonyms: a Dictionary of Liter- ary Disguises. Royal 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1885 4062 CUTTER (CHARLES A.) Rules for a Dictionary Catalogue. Third Edition, with corrections and additions and an alphabetical index. Plates of Sanskrit, Semitic and Russian transliteration. 8vo, half cloth. (U. S. Bureau of Education.) Washington, 1891 4063 CUTTER'S Rules for a Dictionary Catalogue, Third Edition, Washington, 1897; Statistics of Libraries and Library Legislation in the United States, Washington, 1897 ; Catalogue of the " A. L. A." Library, 5,000 volumes for a popular library, selected by the Amer- ican Library Association, Washington, 1893; and others. 7 vols. 8vo, wrappers. 4064 DANCE OF DEATH. DOUCE (FRANCIS). The Dance of Death, exhibited in Engravings on Wood, with a Dissertation on the several Representations of that Subject, particularly those of Macaber and Hans Holbein. Over jo plates. 8vo, half roan, uncut (lacks one plate). London: Pickering, 1833 4065 HOLBEIN (HANS). The Dance of Death. The full series of engravings reduced in phototype from the proofs and original editions. Edited by Dr. Lippmann. Square i2mo, half roan. London, 1886 UBoofe arts 481 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY-C<7//f/. 4066 DANCE OF DEATH. KASTNER (GEORGES). Les Dances des Morts, Dissertations et Recherches . . . sur les divers Monuments de ce genre qui existent ou qui ont exist6 tant en France qu'd 1'Etranger accompagn6es de La Danse Macabre. With plates of paintings and book-illustrations of the ' ' Dance, " and music to the Danse Macabre, 410, half calf. Paris, 1852 * Besides the bibliography of books containing illustrations of the Dance of Death, the volume also describes the mural and other paintings of the same subject which exist. 4067 MASZMANN (H. F.) Die Baseler Todtentanze in getreuen Abbilddungen. i6mo, with Atlas in 410, containing 49 facsimiles, including a reproduction of a isth Century block-book. 2 vols., boards, cloth backs. Stuttgart, 1847 4068 PEIGNOT (GABRIEL). Recherches Historiques et Litteraires sur les Danses des Morts, et sur 1'origine des Cartes a Jouer. 5 plates. Post 8vo, half calf, original wrappers inserted. Dijon, 1826 4069 SEARS (G. E.) A Collection of Works illustrative of the Dance of Death ... in the Library of George Edward Sears. With reproductions of rare and curious title-pages and plates. Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 42. New York, 1899 * No. 97 of only 100 copies privately printed. 4070 DARLING (JAMES). Cyclopaedia Bibliographica. A Library Manual of Theological and General Literature, and Guide to Books, for Authors, Preachers, Students, and Literary Men. Analytical, Bibliographical, and Biographical. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 3327. London, 1854 4071 Cyclopaedia Bibliographica. A Library Manual of Theological and General Literature . . . Analytical, Bibliographical, and Bio- graphical. [Holy Scriptures.] Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1859 * A companion volume to the preceding. 4072 DE MORGAN (AUGUSTUS). Arithmetical Books, from the Invention of Printing to the Present Time. Post 8vo, half calf. London, 1847 4073 A Budget of Paradoxes. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1872 * Scarce. On the squaring of the circle : plurality of worlds : the number of the beast, etc. ; with notices also, of books. 482 Ube Boofe Hrts BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4074 DENIS (F.) AND OTHERS. Nouveau Manuel de Bibliographic Universelle. Par Ferdinand Denis, P. Pincon, et De Martonne. Royal 8vo, half morocco. (Manuels-Roret.) Paris, 1857 * The peculiarity of this Bibliography is that it is arranged in subjects. 4075 DEWEY (MELVIL). Decimal Classification and Relative Index for Libraries, Clippings, Notes, etc. Fifth Edition. Royal 8vo, half morocco. Boston: Library Bureau, 1894 4076 Abridged Decimal Classification and Relative Index for Libraries, Clippings, Notes, etc. 8vo, cloth. Boston: Library Bureau [1894] 4077 DEWEY'S Library School Rules, Boston, 1894; SARGENT'S Reading for the Young, Supplement, 1891-5; List of Subject Head- ings for use in Dictionary Catalogs, Boston, A. L. A., 1895; Classi- fied Illustrated Catalog of the Library Bureau, 1895. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth. 4078 DEXTER (FRANKLIN BOWDITCH). Biographical Sketches of the Graduates of Yale College, with Annals of the College His- tory, October, i7oi-May, 1745. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 788. New York, 1885 4079 DIBDIN ( T. F.) Bibliomania; or, Book Madness. A Biblio- graphical Romance. Illustrated with cuts. New and improved edition, containing Key to Assumed Characters in the Drama. Royal 8vo, half roan, gilt top. London, 1876 4080 DITCHFIELD (P. H.) Books Fatal to their Authors, izmo, cloth. (Book-Lover's Library.) London, 1895 Second Session, 4081 DIXSON (ZELLA ALLEN). The Comprehensive Subject Index to Universal Prose Fiction. Crown 8vo, cloth. New York, 1897 4082 DOLET (ETIENNE). Etienne Dolet. The Martyr of the Renaissance. A Biography. By Richard Copley Christie. Por- trait and other illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1880 * Presentation copy. Laid in are 2 A. L. S. of the author, concerning a review of the book, etc. An important work for the literary history of the i6th century and for the history of printing. TTbe 3Boofe arts 483 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4083 DOWSE (THOMAS). Catalogue of the Private Library of Thomas Dowse, of Cambridge, Mass. Presented to the Massa- chusetts Historical Society, July 30, 1856. Royal 8vo, sheets, un- cut, pp. 214. Boston, 1870 4084 DREW (B.) Hints and Helps to those who Write, Print, or Read. i6mo, cloth. Boston [1871] 4085 DRUJON(F.) Catalogue des Ouvrages, Ecrits et Dessins detoute nature Poursuivis, Supprimes ou Condamnes depuis le 21 Octobre 1814 jusqu'au 31 Juillet 1877. Edition entierement nouvelle, con- siderablement augmentee. Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 430. Paris, 1879 4086 DUPLESSIS (G.) Bibliographic Paremiologique. Etudes . . . sur les Ouvrages, specialement consacres aux Proverbes dans toutes les Langues. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 520. Paris, 1847 4087 DURER (ALBRECHT). CONWAY (WILLIAM MARTIN). Literary Remains of Albrecht Diirer. With Transcripts from the British Museum Manuscripts, and Notes upon them by Lina Eckstein. 14 plates. Royal 8vo, buckram. Cambridge (Eng.), 1889 4088 EASTBURN (JAMES). Supplement to a Catalogue of Books for 1818, including many Rare and Valuable Articles . . . now on sale by James Eastburn & Co. at the Literary Rooms, Broadway, corner of Pine Street, New York. 8vo, wrappers. Over 2,000 items. New York, 1818 4089 EBERT (ADOLF). Allgemeine Geschichte der Literatur des Mittelalters in Abenlande. 3 vols. 8vo, wrappers. Leipzig, 1874, 1880, 1887 * Band I.: Geschichte der Christlich Lateinischen Literatur. II., Lateinischen Literatur von Zeitalter Karls der Grossen bis zum tode Karls des Kahlen. III., Die Nationalliteraturen von ihren Anfangen, und die Lateinische Literatur vom tode Karls des Kahlen bis zum Beginne des elften Jahrhunderts. 4090 EDWARDS (EDWARD). Memoirs of Libraries: including a Handbook of Library Economy. Plates, containing facsimiles of types, specimens of bookbinding, library buildings, etc. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco (rubbed). London, 1859 * Thick Paper copy. 4091 ELLINGER&CO. (M.) Catalogue of . . . Pamphlets written and printed during the years 1515-1525. Imported and for Sale. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 19. New York, 1860 * Mostly German Reformation pamphlets. 484 TTbe Bool? Brts BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4092 ELTON (C. & M.) The Great Book-Collectors. Portraits. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. (Books about Books.) London, 1893. 4093 EMMET (THOS. ADDIS). Catalogue of the Library of Thos. Addis Emmet. Prepared by Joseph Sabin. Thick 8vo, sewed, pp. 371. New York, 1888 * Only 60 copies printed at the Bradstreet Press. 4094 ENGELMANN (WILHELM). Bibliothek der Neueren Sprachen. 8vo, half roan. Leipzig, 1842 * Bibliography of all philological works in European languages published between- 1800 and 1841; also with supplement continuing it to 1849. 4095 Bibliotheca Geographica. Verzeichniss der seit der Mitte des vorigen Jahrhunderts bis zu Ende des Jahres 1856 im Deutsch- land erschienenen Werke. 8vo, limp roan, pp. 1225. Leipzig, 185$ 4096 ERASMUS. Erasmus, his Life and Character as shown in his Cor- respondence and Works. By Robert Blackley Drummond. Por- trait after Holbein. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1873 4097 Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam. By Ephraim Emerton. Portraits. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1899 4098 FARNHAM (LUTHER). A Glance at Private Libraries. 8vo, cloth, pp. 79 (inserted is a i6mo pamphlet, pp. 46, "The Library of George W. Childs," described by F. W. Robinson). Boston, 1855 4099 FARRER (JAMES A.) Books Condemned to be Burnt. i2mo, half morocco. (Book-Lover's Library.) London, 1892 4100 FAUST LEGEND. Histoire de la Legende de Faust. Par Ernest Faligan. Royal 8vo, cloth. Paris, 1888 * A valuable portion of the book is the Bibliographic Appendix of books on the Faust legend, or those books that give portions or variations of it. 4101 PETER (FRANZ). Die Literaturder Faustsage. Dritte durch Zusatze bedeutend vermehrte Ausgabe. 8vo, boards, cloth back, pp. 36. Leipzig, 1857 4102 FERWERDA (ABRAHAM). Register van alle Rare en Zeldzaam voorkomende Latynsche Boeken in Folio, met en Zonder Pryzen, Gedrukt in het Jaar 1400, of in de Xvde. Eeuw. i2mo, half calf, pp. 174. Leeurwarden [1775 ?] * A priced catalogue of folio books printed between 1400 and 1500, and probably forming one of a series issued by Ferwerda. Ube JBoofe Brts 485 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4103 FITZGERALD (PERCY). The Book Fancier; or, The Romance of Book Collecting, ismo, cloth. London, 1886 4104 FLETCHER (W. I.) The Monthly Index, Vols. 1-3, 1 880-81; Co-operative Index to Periodicals, edited by W. I. Fletcher, 1883 to 1889, 7 vols. ; a few numbers of the Reader's (Juide to Periodical Literature; etc. 8vo, cloth and paper. (As a lot.) 4 10 5 The "A. L. A." Index. An Index to General Literature. Issued by the Publishing Section of the American Library Associa- tion. Imp. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1893 4106 Library Classification. Reprinted, with Alterations, Addi- tions, and an Index from "Public Libraries in America." 8vo, cloth, pp. 32. Boston, 1894 4107 FLETCHER (W. I.) AND BOWKER (R. R.) Annual Literary Index for the Years 1893, 1894, 1896, 1897 and 1898. 5 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1894-99 * Includes periodicals, American and English, Author-Index, Bibliographies, Necrology, and Index to Dates, etc. 4108 FORD (PAUL LEICESTER). Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. List of Books, written by or relating to Alexander Hamilton. 8vo, half roan (rubbed). New York: For the Author, 1886 * No. 60 of only 500 copies. Presentation copy. 4109 List of Treasury Reports and Circulars issued by Alexander Hamilton, 1789-1795. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 47. Brooklyn, 1886 * No. 12 of only 50 copies, compiled and privately printed by Paul L. Ford. Pres- entation copy. 4110 A List of Editions of "The Federalist." 8vo, wrappers, pp. 25. Brooklyn, 1886 * No. 12 of only 50 copies, privately printed and signed by Paul L. Ford. 4111 Bibliography and Reference List of the History and Litera- ture relating to the adoption of the Constitution of the United States, 1787-88. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 59. (Presentation copy.) Brooklyn, 1888 4112 List of some Briefs in Appeal Cases which relate to America, tried before the . . . Privy Council, 1736-1758 (now in the Lenox Library). 8vo, wrappers, pp. 20. Brooklyn, 1889 * Only 250 copies privately printed. Presentation copy. 4113 - Josiah Tucker and his Writings. An i8th Century Pamphle- teer on America. 8vo, pp. 18. (Reprinted from the Journal of Political Economy.) Chicago [1894] 486 Ube Eoofe Btts BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4114 FOSTER (W. E.) Libraries and Readers. i6mo, cloth. New York, 1883 4115 FREE LIBRARY OF PHILADELPHIA. THOMSON (O. R. HOWARD). Bulletin No. 5: Prose Fiction in the Wagner Institute Branch. Royal 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1904 4116 FRENCH (B. F.) Catalogue (for January, 1823) of a select portion of the . . . stock of books ... on sale by B. F. French, Pennsyl- vania Ave., corner 6th St. . . . West and adjoining Brown's Hotel. 8vo, sewed, pp. 41. Washington, 1823 4117 FREY (ALBERT R.) Sobriquets and Nicknames. Post 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1888 4118 GELONE (J. L. FERNAGUS DE). Catalogue of Latin, Eng- lish, French, Spanish and Italian Books, Maps, etc., for sale by J. L. Fernagus de Gelone, Agent, No. 113 Pearl Street, Hanover Square, New York. Catalogue No. 2, with the Autograph of John Pintard. i2mo, sewed, uncut, pp. 26. n. d. [ca. 1816] 4119 GEORGIUS(THEOPHILUS). AllgemeineEuropaischesBucher- Lexicon, in welchem nach ordnung des Dictionarii die allermeisten Autores, oder Gattungen von Buchern zu finden, 4 parts in one vol., Leipzig, 1742; Bucher-Lexicon, funffter Theil, Franszosischen Auc- tores, Leip. 1753, and bound in the same volume, the First and Second Supplement, containing General Authors, Leip. 1750-55; Drittes Supplement, Leip. 1758. Together 3 vols., folio (two vols. in half calf, the other in half cloth). Leipzig, 1742-58 4120 GERSON (JEAN). SCHMIDT (CHARLES). Essai sur Jean Gerson, Chancelier de 1'Universite et de 1'Eglise de Paris. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 126. Strasbourg, 1839 * The writer favors A'Kempis as the author of the " Imitation." 4121 Johannis Carlerii dicti de Gersono, de Laude Scriptorum Tractatus. Edidit Johannes Spencer Smith. Frontispiece, reproduc- tion of a rare early engraving of a pilgrim. 4to, wrappers, pp. 17. * Presentation inscription, and A. L. S. of the author laid in. Rouen, 1841 4122 Jean Gerson, Professor der Theologie und Kanzler der Uni- versitat Paris. Eine Monographic von Dr. Johann Baptist Schwab. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 808. Wiirzburg, 1858 *The author denies that the "Imitation" was written by Gerson. Ube Boofe arts 487 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4123 GRAHAM (JAMES LORIMER). Catalogue of the James Lorimer Graham Library (presented to the Century Association). Compiled by Paul Leicester Ford. 8vo, half cloth. New York, 1896 * Works of Lamb, Early English Ballads, etc. 4124 Another copy. 4125 GREENWOOD (JAS. M.) AND MARTIN (A.) American Text- Books on Arithmetic, 1899; Notes on the History of American Text-Books on Arithmetic, 1900. (2 pieces.) 8vo, wrappers. Washington, 1899-1900 4126 Notes on the History of American Text-Books on Arithmetic. 2 Parts in i, with complete Index. 8vo, wrappers. (Publication of the Bureau of Education.) Washington, 1899-1900 4127 GREENWOOD (THOMAS). Free Public Libraries, their Or- ganization, Uses and Management. Portraits, views, etc. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1886 4128 Public Libraries. A History of the Movement and a Manual for the Organization and Support of Rate-Supported Libraries. Third Edition, entirely re-written. Illustrated. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1890 4129 GRIFFIN (A. P. C.) Bibliography of the Historical Publications issued by the New England States. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 47 (Repr. from the publications of the Colonial Society of Mass., Vol. III.). Cambridge, 1895 4130 GRISWOLD (W. M.) Directory of Writers for the Literary Press, particularly in the United States. Third Edition. Post 8vo limp boards (worn). Bangor (Maine), 1890 4131 GROLIER CLUB. Early Printed Books. i2mo, wrappers, pp. 16. New York, 1887 4132 Early Printed Books relating to America, izmo, wrappers, pp. 20. New York, 1888 4133 BRADFORD EXHIBITION (THE). The books printed by William Bradford and other printers in the Middle Colonies. i2mo, wrap- pers, pp. loo. New York, 1893 4134 NEW YORK CITY. Catalogue of Plans and Views of New York City from 1651 to 1860. izrno, wrappers, pp. 38. (Presen- tation copy from W. L. Andrews.) New York, 1897 4135 - ITALIAN BOOKS. Catalogue of an Exhibition of Original and Early Editions of Italian Books. i2mo, wrappers, pp. 84. New York, 1902 488 Ube ffioofe Htts BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4136 GROWOLL (A.) The Bookseller's Library and How to Use it. i6mo, cloth. New York, 1891 4 J 37 Book-Trade Bibliography in the United States in the XlXth Century. To which is added a Catalogue of all the Books printed in the United States, with the Prices and Places where Published, annexed. Published by the Booksellers in Boston, January, 1804. Portrait. Post 8vo, half calf. New York, 1898 * Only 50 copies printed for the Dibdin Club, 4138 GROWOLL (A.) and EAMES (WILBERFORCE). Three Centuries of English Booktrade Bibliography. By A. Growoll; also a List of the Catalogues, etc., Published for the English Booktrade from 1595-1902. By Wilberforce Eames. Portraits and facsimiles. Royal 8vo, half roan, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1903 * A limited edition, published by the Dibdin Club. 4139 GURLEY (E. W.) Scrap Books and how to Make Them. Square i6mo, cloth. New York [1880] 4140 HAENNY (DR. LOUIS). Schriftsteller und Buchhandler im alten Rom. Zweite Auflage. 8vo, half cloth. Leipzig, 1885 * The author deals with the question of the prices of books, as well as treating of the Ancient Roman bookseller. 4141 HANNAY (DAVID). The Later Renaissance. (The Literature of the Later Renaissance.) Crown 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1898 4142 HARDY (W. J.) AND BACON (E. D.) The Stamp Collector. 12 plates {photographic), containing nearly 250 examples. Post 8vo, art cloth. (Collector Series.) London, 1898 4143 HARRISON (FREDERIC). The Choice of Books and other Literary Pieces. FIRST EDITION. i2mo, half calf, gilt. London, 1886 4144 HARRISON (THOS. G.) The Career and Reminiscences of an Amateur Journalist and a History of Amateur Journalism. i2mo, cloth (name cut from title). Indianapolis, 1883 * Printed by the author, an amateur. Contains an account of Amateur Journals in England and America. 4145 HARRISSE (HENRY). Excerpta Colombiniana: Bibliographic de Quatre Cents Pieces Gothiques; Frangaises, Italiennes, & La- tines du Commencement du XVI e Siecle, non decrites jusqu'ici. Precede d'une Histoire de la Bibliotheque Colombine et de son Fondateur. Etched frontispiece. Royal 8vo, paper, pp. 315. * No. 43 of 250 copies. Paris, 1887 Ube JBoofe Hrts 489 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4146 Christophe Colomb et les Academicians Espagnols. Notes pour servir a 1'Histoire de la Science en Espagne au XIX C Siecle. i2mo, wrappers, pp. 157. (Essais de Bibliographic et d'Histoire Critiques, No. i.) Paris, 1894 * With presentation inscription from the author, and with many MS. notes by Mr. Eames, and insertions, relating to the bibliography of the Columbus Letter. At the end is laid in a variation of the printed cover and two extra sheets containing correc- tions of typographical errors. 4147 La Lettre de Christophe Colomb annoncant aux Rois Catho- liques la Decouverte du Nouveau Monde. Bibliographic de la Ver- sion Latine. ismo, pp. 41. Paris, 1894 * Proof copy, with MS. annotations by the author. On the back of the leaf of dedication to Henry Vignaud is printed the statement that only 10 copies were printed for Henry Vignaud, Henry Omont, the author and friends. 4148 HARTING (JAMES EDMUND). Bibliotheca Accipitraria. A Catalogue of Books, Ancient and Modern, relating to Falconry. With Notes, Glossary, and Vocabulary. Facsimiles of rare portraits and prints (the frontispiece colored). 8vo, half morocco. London: Quaritch^ 1891 4149 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Catalogue of the Library of Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. With Systematic Index; also Catalogue of the Maps and Charts in the Library of Harvard University. Together 4 vols. 8vo, half roan. Cambridge, 1830-31 4150 HARVARD UNIVERSITY BULLETINS. Library Bulletins. Edited by Justin Winsor. The More Important Accessions from No. 5, Vol. i, to the end of Vol. 7, inclusive [June, 1877, to May, 1894]. As 7 vols. 8vo, in the original parts. Cambridge, 1877-94 4151 HARVARD BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CONTRIBUTIONS. Nos. 6, 8 and 22. Edited by Justin Winsor. 3 pieces, 8vo. Cambridge, 1879-89 * Calendar of the Arthur Lee MSS. in the Library; the Sparks MSS.; and the Col- lection of books and autographs bequeathed by Chas. Sumner. 4152 - - DAVIS' Records of Harvard College, 1636-1750; THE CLASS OF 1828, with a Bibliography of the Publications of its Members; POTTER AND BOLTON'S Librarians of Harvard College, 1667-1877; and others. 9 pamphlets, 8vo. Cambridge, 1879-1903 49 Ube Boofe Hrts BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4153 Classified Index to the Maps in the Royal Geographical Society's Publications, 1830-1883; SCUDDER'S Bibliography of Fossil Insects; WHITNEY'S List of American Authors in Geology and Palaeontology; NORTON'S Books relating to the Life and Works of Michael Angelo; Bibliography of Justin Winsor, by Wm. F. Yust; and others. 13 pamphlets, 8vo. Cambridge, 1879-1902 4154 TILLINGHAST (WILLIAM HOPKINS). List of the Publications of Harvard University and its Officers, from 1870 to 1892. 7 pieces. 8vo, wrappers. Cambridge, 1881-93 4155 HAZLITT (W. C.) Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine. i2mo, cloth. (Book-Lover's Library. ) London, 1886 4156 Gleanings in Old Garden Literature. i2mo, cloth. (Book- Lover's Library.) London, 1887 4157 Studies in Jocular Literature. i2mo, cloth. (Book-Lover's Library.) London, 1890 4158 HORNE (THOMAS HARTWELL). An Introduction to the Study of Bibliography. To which is prefixed a Memoir on the Pub- lic Libraries of the Antients. Facsimiles, 2 vols. large 8vo, russia gilt, gilt edges (very neatly rebacked). London, 1814 * Large Paper copy, printed on thick paper. 4159 HORR (NORTON T.) Bibliography of Card-Games and the History of Playing Cards. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 79. * No. 160 of a limited issue, signed by the author. Cleveland O. 1892 4160 HOWE & SPALDING, BOOKSELLERS. Catalogue of Books for sale by Howe & Spalding, Booksellers, in Chapel-Street, near the College. 8vo, sewed, pp. 106. New-Haven, November ist, 1818 4161 HUMPHREYS (ARTHUR L.) The Private Library. What we do know, what we don't know, what we ought to know about our books. Square post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1897 4162 HURST (JOHN F.) Bibliotheca Theologica. A Select and Classi- fied Bibliography of Theology and General Religious Literature. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1883 4163 HUTH (F. H.) Works on Horses and Equitation. A Bibliograph- ical Record of Hippology. Small 410, half vellum, uncut. London, 1887 TIbe Boofe Hrts 49 l BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY-CV/**/. 4164 [HUTTEN (ULRICH) AND OTHERS.] Epistolse Obscurorum Virorum. 12010, cloth. Leipzig, 1858 4165 STRAUSS (DAVID FRIEDRICH). Ulrich von Hutten. His Life and Times. Translated from the Second German Edition by Mrs. G. Sturge. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1874 4166 INDEX EXPURGATORIUS AND PROHIBITORIUS. GIB- BINGS (RICHARD). An Exact Reprint of the Roman Index Expur- gatorius [of 1607]. Edited, with a preface, by Richard Gibbings. Facsimile title-page. i2mo, half roan, pp. 608. Dublin, 1837 4167 KNAPP (Win. L.) Official Editions and Reprints of the Index Librorum Prohibitorum issued in the Sixteenth Century. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 8 (a check list). New York, 1880 4168 KNAPP (WM. L.) Official Editions and Reprints. Another copy. New York, 1880 4169 MENDHAM (JOSEPH). The Literary Policy of the Church of Rome, exhibited in an Account of her Damnatory Catalogues or In- dexes both Prohibitory and Expurgatory. With Extracts, Anecdotes and Remarks. Second Edition, much enlarged. 8vo, cloth (stamp on title). London, 1830 * Containing at the end the two Supplements issued in 1836 and 1843. 4170 MENDHAM (JOSEPH). An Index of Prohibited Books, by com- mand of ... Gregory XVI. in 1835.' Portrait. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1840 4171 REUSCH (FR. HEINRICH). Der Index der Verbotenen Biicher. Ein Beitrag zur Kirchen und Literaturgeschichte. 2 vols. (in 3 parts) 8vo, wrappers. Bonn, 1883-85 * With historical notices of different editions of the " Index," accounts of the For- bidden Books, etc. The best authority on the subject. 4172 JACKSON (BENJAMIN DAYDON). Guide to the Literature of Botany: being a Classified Selection of Botanical Works, includ- ing nearly 6,000 titles not given in Pritzel's Thesaurus. Small 410, cloth. (Index Society publication.) London, 1881 4173 - Vegetable Technology. A Contribution towards a Bibli- ography of Economic Botany, with a comprehensive Subject-Index. Small 4to, cloth. (Index Society publication.) London, 1882 49 2 ^be 3Boofe Hrts BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4174 JACKSON (JAMES). Liste Provisoire de Bibliographies Geo- graphiques Speciales. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 125. (Publication de la Societe de Geographic.) Paris, 1881 * Pp. 65-95 relate to America. 4175 Liste Provisoire. Enlarged edition. 8vo, paper, pp. 340. Paris, 1881 4176 JACOBS (JOSEPH). The Literary Year-Book. Portraits. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1898 4177 JAMAICA. CUNDALL (FRANK). Books on Jamaica in the Library of the Institute, Kingston [1894] ; Bibliotheca Jamaicensis. Some account of the principal works on Jamaica in the Library of the Institute, Kingston, 1895. 2 pieces, wrappers. 4178 JEWETT (C. C.) On the Construction of Catalogues of Libraries, and their Publication by means of separate stereotyped titles. With rules and examples. Second Edition. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 96 (Smithsonian report). Washington, 1853 4179 JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY, CHICAGO. List of Books in the Reading Room, January, 1900; List of Current Periodicals in the Reading Room, June, 1902; List of Bibliographies of Special Subjects, July, 1902 (with index), including Language, Literature, the Sciences, etc. 3 vols. royal 8vo, wrappers. 4180 JONES (LYNDS E.) The Best Reading. A Priced and Classi- fied Bibliography. Second and Third series. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1882, 1888 4181 KEESE (WILLIAM L.) John Keese, Wit and Litterateur. A Biographical Memoir. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1884 4182 KEMPIS (THOMAS A'). CRUISE (FRANCIS RICHARD). Thomas A'Kempis. Notes of a visit to the scenes in which his life was spent, with some account of the examination of his relics. Portrait and other illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1887 * Contains a Bibliography of works relating to Thomas A'Kempis. 4183 - KETTLEWELL (SAMUEL). The Authorship of the De Imita- tione Christi, with many interesting particulars about the Book. Photographic facsimiles of the Manuscripts. 8vo, cloth. London, 1877 4184 KETTLEWELL (SAMUEL). Thomas A'Kempis and the Brothers of the Common Life. 2 portraits. 8vo, cloth. London, 1882 4185 WHEATLEY (L. A.) The Story of the "Imitatio Christi." Portrait of Thomas A'Kempis. izmo, cloth. (Book-Lover's Library.) London, 1891 ITbe Booh arts 493 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4186 [KERNOT (HENRY).] Bibliotheca Diabolica; being . . . books . . . relating to the Devil. ... In Two Parts . . . serious and humorous. 12 curious designs, and index. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 40, for sale by Scribner & Welford. New York, 1874 4187 LANG (ANDREW). The Library. With a chapter on Modern English Illustrated Books by Austin Dobson. FIRST EDITION. Illus- trated^ 2 plates in colors. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1881 4188 Perrault's Popular Tales, edited from the original editions, with Introduction, etc. FIRST EDITION. Crown 8vo, boards, uncut. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1888 4189 How to Fail in Literature. FIRST EDITION. Square izmo, original wrappers, uncut. London, 1890 4190 LANGLOIS (C. Y.) Manuel de Bibliographic Historique. Premier Serie. Les Instruments Bibliographiques. i2mo, wrap- pers, pp. 193. Paris, 1896 4191 [LA ROCHE (MICHAEL DE).] Memoirs of Literature. Con- taining a large Account of many Valuable Books, Letters and Dis- sertations upon Several Subjects, Miscellaneous Observations, etc. Second Edition, revised and corrected. 8 vols. 8vo, panelled calf. London, 1722 * Containing a mass of curious information. 4192 LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. New Series, Nos. i to 7, 1894-1901. Published occasionally, by the Boston Book Company. 7 pieces, small 410, 8 pp. each. Boston, 1894-1901 4193 LEGOUVE (ERNEST). Reading as a Fine Art. Translated by A. L. Alger. i6mo, cloth. Boston, 1879 4194 LENOX LIBRARY, NEW YORK CITY. Annual Report of the Trustees from 1871 to 1890. In 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. Albany, 1871-90 4*95 CONTRIBUTIONS. No. I. HULSIUS* VOYAGES. Collation of the different editions of the Voyages of Hulsius, and of other Hulsiana. Small 410, half morocco. New York, 1877 CONTRIBUTIONS. No. III. THVENOT'S VOYAGES. Description of the Collection of the Voyages of Thevenot, "Relations de Divers Voyages Curieux. Par Melchisedec Thevenot." Small 410, half morocco. New York, 1879 494 'Gbe Boofc Htts BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4197 CONTRIBUTIONS. No. IV. BUNYAN. Collation of the Different Editions of Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, and of other Bunyaniana. Illustrations. Small 4to, half morocco. New York, 1879 4198 CONTRIBUTIONS. No. V. SHAKESPEARE. Collation of the Different Editions of the Works of Shakespeare, etc. Small 4to, half morocco. New York, 1880 4199 CONTRIBUTIONS. No. VI. MILTON. Collation of the Different Editions of the Works of Milton, etc. Small 4to, half morocco. New York, 1881 4200 LIBRARY ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED KING- DOM. NICHOLSON (E. B.) AND TEDDER (H. R.), Editors. Trans- actions and Proceedings of the Conference of Librarians held in London, October, 1877. Royal 8vo, half morocco. London, 1878 * Papers on Cataloguing, on Special Collections of Books, on the Selection of Books, Slip Catalogues, Library Management, etc. 4201 THOMAS (ERNEST C.) and WELCH (CHARLES). Transactions and Proceedings of the Library Association of the United Kingdom, held at Edinburgh, Oct. 5, 6 and 7, 1880. Royal 8vo, cloth. London: Whittingham, 1881 * Notes on Early Printing in Scotland, 1507-1600; Biographical Notices of some Eminent Edinburgh Librarians, etc. 4202 LIBRARY COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. [SMITH (JOHN JAY).] Notes for a History of the Library Company of Philadel- phia. (From Waldie's Portfolio.) 8vo, unbound, pp. 8. [Philadelphia, 1835] 4203 LIBRARY JOURNAL (THE). Edited by Melvil Dewey, Charles A. Cutter, and others. Complete from Vol. i to Vol. 29 (1876-1904), lacking 2 numbers (No. i, Vol. 8, 1883, and No. 8, Vol. 16, 1891). Small 410, original wrappers. (As 29 vols.) New York, 1876-1904 4204 LIBRARY NOTES. Edited by Melvil Dewey. From its com- mencement in June, 1886, to July, 1895. Vols. i to 4. 8vo, the first three volumes bound in two, half morocco, and two numbers in original wrappers. (As a lot.) Library Bureau, Boston, etc., 1886-95 TIbe 3Boofe Hrts 495 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4205 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Alphabetical Catalogue: Authors. Royal 8vo, half morocco, pp. 1236. Washington, 1864 4206 - Catalogue of Books Added for the Years 1867 to 1875, 1901-1903. 8 vols. imp. 8vo, cloth and paper. Washington, 1867-1904 4207 - Catalogue. . . . Index of Subjects. 2 vols. imp. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 1744. Washington, 1869 4208 - Alphabetical Catalogue: Authors. (" A to Cragin.") 2 vols. imp. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 1816. Washington, 1878-80 4209 - Report of the Librarian for 1897, 1898, and 1901 to 1905. 7 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. Washington, 1897-1905 4210 -- Calendar of Paul Jones' Manuscripts, 19.03; List of Lincoln- iana in the Library of Congress, 1903; List of References on the Negro Question, 1903; List of Books on Labor, particularly relating to Strikes, 1903; List of Books on the Constitution of the United States, 1903; and others. 14 vols. royal 8vo, cloth and paper. Washington, 1903 4211 - History of the Library of Congress. Vol. r, 1800-1864. By William Dawson Johnston. Portraits, views, etc. 8vo, cloth. (All published.) Washington, 1904 4212 LIBRARY SCIENCE. PARKER on Library Classification, 1901; JAHR and STROHM'S Bibliography of Co-operative Cataloguing (1850- 1902), Washington, 1903; COLE'S Compiling a Bibliography, New York, 1902; TEGGART'S Contribution towards a Bibliography of Ancient Libraries, New York, 1899; Vade-Mecum du Biblioth6- caire, par Le Marquis Daruty de Grand Pre\ Paris, 1897; Library Association Series, No. 5, Cataloguing Rules of the British Museum, Bodleian Library, and of the Library Association, London, 1893. 6 pamphlets. i 4213 -- LINDERFELT (KLAS AUGUST.). Eclectic Card Catalog Rules. Author and title entries based on Dziatzko's " Instruction," com- pared with the rules of the British Museum, Cutter, Dewey, Per- kins, and others. With Appendix, containing list of Oriental Titles of Honor and Occupations. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1890 49 6 ^be Boofe Hrts BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4214 LITERATURE. (The English Weekly Journal of Literary News and Criticism.) Edited by H. D. Traill, and others. Illustrated with fine portraits of the leading authors of the time. From its com- mencement in Oct., 1897, to Jan. n, 1902 (the last number). 9 vols. 4to, cloth (the last number in the original part). (As 9 vols.) London: The Times Office, 1897-1902 4215 American Edition of the same. Jan. 19, 1898, to July 7, 1899. 4to, in the original numbers. (22 pieces.) 4216 LUBBOCK (SIR JOHN). The Pleasures of Life. 2 vols. in one. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1893 * Contains a list of the 100 best books. 4217 McDIVITT (J. R.) Living Authors at the New York Bar, being a Catalogue of the Books they have written and edited. 8vo, wrap- pers, pp. 47. New York, 1875 4218 MAITLAND (S. R.) The Dark Ages. Essays intended to illus- trate the State of Religion and Literature in the 9th, loth, nth and 1 2th Centuries. Third Edition. 8vo, cloth. London, 1853 4219 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the Library of the Massachusetts Historical Society. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Boston: Printed for the Society^ 1859-60 4220 MASSACHUSETTS STATE LIBRARY. Catalogue. Royal 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1858 4221 Catalogue of the State Library. Svo, cloth, pp. 1048. Boston, 1880 4222 MATSON (HENRY). References for Literary Workers. With Introductions to Topics and Questions for Debate. Post Svo, cloth. Chicago, 1893 4223 MERCANTILE LIBRARY, PHILADELPHIA. Catalogue. Royal Svo, half roan, gilt tops. Philadelphia, 1870 * Valuable catalogue of topics for'reference. Mezzotint portrait of Thos. P. Cope, President, laid in. 4224 MERCER (HENRY C.) The Survival of the Mediaeval Art of Illuminative Writing Among Pennsylvania Germans. Facsimiles. Svo, wrappers. (Bucks Co. Hist. Society Contributions.) [Philadelphia, 1897] 36oofe arts 497 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4225 MERRYWEATHER (F. SOMNER). Bibliomania in the Middle Ages ; or, Sketches of Bookworms, Collectors, Bible Students, Scribes, and Illustrators . . . With Anecdotes illustrating the History of the Monastic Libraries of Great Britain in the Olden Time. i2mo, cloth. Scarce. London, 1849 4226 MEZZOFANTI (GIUSEPPE). Catalogo della Libraria. Com- pilato . . . da Filippo Bonifazj. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 139. Rome, 1851 * The famous linguist, and Cardinal. 4227 MILL (HUGH ROBERT.) Hints to Teachers and Students on the Choice of Geographical Books for Reference and Reading, with Classified Lists. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1897 4228 MINERVA. Jahrbuch der Gelehrten Welt. Achter Jahrgang, 1898-1899. Thick i2mo, cloth. Strassburg, 1899 * Directory of Learned Societies, Museums, Colleges, etc., in the world. 4229 MISCELLANEOUS BOOKSELLER'S CATALOGUES. J. Penington and Son, Philadelphia, 1850 and 1855 ; F. Miiller, Amster- dam, Atlases, Maps, etc., 1875; J. Munsell, Albany, American and Foreign Books, and Bibliography, 1857; Sampson Low & Co., Lon- don, Classified Educational Catalogue, 1871; H. Sotheran, London, Books for the Library, 1877; also some European Auction Sales, Bib- liotheque de M. C. Scheffer, Pt. i, Paris, 1899; Biblio. Van Der Willigen, Amsterdam, 1875; F- Miiller, Amsterdam, Mai, 1869; Carthusian Monastery Buxheim, at Munich, Sept., 1883; Comte E. Cilleni-Nepis di Assisi, at Rome, Dec., 1894; South American Books (some from the Ramirez Library), London, Puttick's, May, 1888; and, Catalogue of the Sprague Manuscripts, 1870 (2 copies). (14 pcs.) 4230 MITCHELL. Library Catalogue of Rare and Valuable Books. (Contains Martha Washington's Bible, and many rare books, with prices.) 8vo, cloth. New York, 1892 4231 MONROE (W. S.) Bibliography of Education. i2tno, cloth. New York, 1897 4232 MONTRESOR (C. A.) Some Hobby Horses: How to Collect Stamps, Coins, Seals, Crests and Scraps. Second Edition. Illus- trations. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1890 4233 MOORE (CHARLES H.) What to Read, and How to Read: being Classified Lists of Choice Reading. Crown 8vo, cloth. New York, 1871 49 8 ftbe Boofe Hrts BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4234 MORGAND (DAMASCENE). Bulletin de la Librairie Morgand et Fatout, 2 vols., 1876-81; Repertoire General, 1882; Bulletin Men- suel, Nos. 14, 17, 19-24, and 26, 1883-89 (some imperfect). (12 pcs.) 4235 MUNSELL (JOEL). Catalogue of a Bibliographical Library. For sale, at prices affixed. Collected by Joel Munsell, Albany. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 38. Albany, 1856 4236 MUSIC. Biographical Dictionary of Musicians. With Bibliography of English Writings on Music. By James D. Brown. Thick 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Paisley, 1886 4237 DREXEL (Jos. W.) Catalogue of Jos. W. Drexel's Musical Library. Part I., Musical Writings. 8vo. wrappers, pp. 48. Philadelphia, 1869 4238 GROVE (SiR GEORGE). Dictionary of Music and Musicians [1450-1889]. With Appendix edited by J. A. Fuller Maitland. Illustrations and woodcuts. 4 vols. 8vo, in the original parts. As 4 vols. London, 1878-89 4 2 39 MATTHEW (JAMES E.) The Literature of Music. i2mo, cloth. (Book-Lover's Library.) London, 1896 4240 ROWBOTHAM (JOHN FREDERICK). History of Music. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1885-87 4241 NATION (THE). A Weekly Journal of Politics, Literature, Science and Art. No. 1571, Vol. 61 [1895]; No. 1583 and Nos. 1587 [Nov. 28, 1895] to No. 1878 [Vol. 72, June 30, 1901] consecutively, in the origi- nal numbers, as issued. Sold as n vols. 4to. New York: Evening Post Co., 1895-1901 4242 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY LIBRARY. Cata- logue of Printed Books, New York, for the Society, 1859; The New York Historical Society, 1804-1904, by Robert H. Kelby, Librarian, portraits, New York, for the Society, 1905. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 4243 NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY BULLETINS. Complete from Vol. i, No. i [1897], to the end of Vol. 9 [1905]. 108 Nos., in the original parts. As 9 vols. New York, 1897-1905 4244 NEW YORK SOCIETY LIBRARY. Alphabetical and Analy- tical Catalogue . . . with Charter, By-Laws, etc. Royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1850 Ube Booh arts 499 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4*45 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY. Catalogues of the Law Library, 1855; General Library, 1855; Maps, MSS., Medals, etc., 1856; General Library, First Supplement, 1861; Subject Index to the General Library, 1872; and Supplement, 1882. 6 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco. Albany, 1855-82 4246 Catalogue of Books on Bibliography, Typography, and En- graving in the New York State Library. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 143. Albany, 1858 4247 NODIER (CHARLES). The Bibliomaniac. Translated by Mabel Osgood Wright. With 45 illustrations after Maurice Leloir, and a Preface by R. Vallery-Radot. 8vo, unbound. New York, 1894 * One of 5 copies on India paper, not printed for sale. 4248 NORTON (CHAS. B.) Catalogue of a Bibliographical Library Offered ... at Prices affixed. Clinton Hall, New York, 1855 4249 Norton's Literary Letter, comprising American Papers of Interest, and a Catalogue of Rare and Valuable Books relating to America. Complete set of the six numbers. Small 410, wrappers. (As six pieces.) New York, 1857-60 * Includes bibliographies of books relating to Maine, Vermont, and New Hamp- shire; papers on American Medals; list of early printed books relating to America; etc. 4250 Another set of the six numbers. Bound in one vol. Half morocco, gilt. (As one vol.) 4251 O'CONNOR (J. F. X.) Facts about Bookworms. Their History in Literature and Work in Libraries. Facsimiles and other illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1898 * Only 750 printed. Presentation copy. Laid in is some interesting correspondence about the finding of bookworms in America. 4252 ORDWAY (GEORGE W.) Catalogue of the Library of George W. Ordway, of Chicago, 111., prepared by Joseph Sabin. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1869 * Only 60 copies privately printed. Presentation copy from Mr. Sabin. 4253 ORTROY (F. VAN). Bibliographic de 1'CEuvre de Pierre Apian. Illustrations. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 120. (Extrait du Bibliographic Moderne, Mars-Octobre, 1901.) Besan5on, 1902 * " Apian made the first dated map on which the name America appears, in 1520. One hundred and sixteen titles are given of his maps and cosmographical books." 500 Ube BooK Brts BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4254 PALEOGRAPHY. CHASSANT (ALPH .) Paleographie des Chartes et des Manuscrits du XI e au XVII 6 Siecle. Cinquieme Edition, augmentee. 10 folding plates. i2mo, paper, pp. 159. Paris, 1862 4255 KOPP (ULRICH FREDERIC). Palaeographia Critica. Portrait. 4 vols. 410, original boards. Mannheim, 1817-29 * Scarce. An exhaustive cyclopaedia of information for the student of ancient Greek or Latin manuscripts, with folding facsimiles and illustrations of contracted characters in the text, and well-arranged indices. Separate chapters are given on the inscriptions and uses of amulets, the ancient mysteries, incantations and exorcisms,, gems, etc. The contracted characters represented necessitated special type being cast for the work, at the cost of the author, who spent several thousands on it. 4256 LEIST (FRIEDRICH). Urkundenlehre. Katechismus der Diplo- matik. Palaographie, Chronologic, und Sphragistik. Mit funf Tafeln Abbildungen. i2mo, cloth. Leipzig, 1882 4257 MADAN (FALCONER). Books in Manuscript. A short Intro- duction to their Study and Use. With a Chapter on Records. Facsimiles. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. (Books about Books.) London, 1893 4258 NEW PAL^EOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Facsimiles of Ancient Manu- scripts. Parts 1-4, large folio. Containing 100 plates of facsimiles of Greek, Latin, Early English, and French Manuscripts and Docu- ments. London, 1903-1906. Also Reports for 1902-1903, 1903-1904, 1904-1905, 1905-1906. (As 4 pieces.) 4259 VAINES (DOM DE). Dictionnaire Raisonne de Diplomatiques r contenant les Regies . . . pour servir a dechiffrer les anciens Titres, Diplomes & Monuments, ainsi qu'a justifier de leur date et de leur authenticite. 2 vols. post 8vo, russia. Paris, 1774 * With 51 plates of Gothic, Cursive, Phoenician alphabets, figures, groups of letters- (with translations), etc. 4260 WAILLY (NATALIS DE). Elements de Palaeographie, pour servir a 1'Etude des Documents Inedits sur 1'Histoire de France. 2 vols. thick royal 4to, half morocco (somewhat rubbed). Paris, 1838 * An exhaustive treatise on ancient French documents and manuscripts. The first volume contains historical guide-lists of popes, kings, historical events, ecclesiastical ceremonies and saints' days, and treatise on the method of computing dates, together with biographical dictionary of persons who have signed or written official or legal documents, and chapters on the methods of decipherment, contractions, etc. The second volume contains 17 folio facsimiles of ancient writing, with transliteration and 20 plates of old seals. ZTbe Booh Hrts 5 01 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4261 PARSONS (F.), CRAWFORD (F. E.), AND RICHARDSON (H. T.) The World's Best Books: a Key to the Treasures of Literature. Crown 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1889 4262 PATTERSON (C. VENTON). Literary Index, a new, complete and perfect system of reference. (Indexed, Alphabetised, and blank-ruled pages for recording notes. About 350 pages, none used.) Folio, half calf. Rochester, N. Y. [1885] 4263 PAULY (ALPHONSE). Bibliographic des Sciences Medicales. Avec Introduction par Ch. Daremberg. 2 vols. royal 8vo, boards. Paris, 1872-74 4264 PEARSON & CO. (JOHN Booksellers, London). Catalogues of Rare Books, FIRST EDITIONS, Association copies, Fine Bindings, and Autograph Letters and Documents. Facsimiles. 10 pamphlets (4 duplicates). Small 4to, wrappers. London, n. d. [circa 1900, etc.] 4265 PENDLETON (JOHN). Newspaper Reporting in Olden Time and To-day. Crown 8vo, cloth. (Book-Lover's Library, edited by Henry B. Wheatley.) London, 1890 4266 PERKINS (F. B.) The Best Reading. Hints on the Selection of Books, on the Formation of Libraries, etc. A Classified Bibliogra- phy for easy reference. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1878 4267 PETZHOLDT (J.) Bibliotheca Bibliographica. Kritisches Ver- zeichniss der das Gesammtgebiet der Bibliographie betreffenden Litteratur des In- und Auslandes. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 939. Leipzig, 1866 4268 PHILES (G. P.) The Philobiblon, a Monthly Catalogue and Literary Journal. 2 vols. (all published). Small 4to, finely bound in full green levant morocco gilt, inside gilt borders, red edges. New York, 1861-63 * The Scarce India Paper edition, with the catalogue. Probably one of the best periodicals ever issued in America for the true bibliophile, containing a remarkable amount of interesting and valuable information, collected by the well-known book- seller. 4269 Catalogue of Curious and Scarce Old Books in Various Lan- guages . . . embracing a portion of a Choice and Valuable Stock recently imported . . . now for sale at prices annexed. Sewed, pp. 58. New York, Mauran & Philes, 55 Cedar Street, 1859; No. 28, 1867, and No. 30, 1868. 3 parts. 502 Ube Boofe Brts BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4270 PHILIPS (MELVILLE), Editor. The Making of a Newspaper. Experience of certain representative American Journalists related by themselves. [By J. R. Young, " Gath," etc.] lamo, cloth. New York, 1893 4271 [PHILPOT (CHARLES).] An Introduction to the Literary His- tory of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries. 8vo, sheep. London, 1798 4272 PICKERING & CHATTO. Illustrated Catalogue of Old and Rare Books. Facsimiles, some illuminated in gold and colors. 4to, wrappers, the nine original parts. (9 pieces.) London, 1902 4 2 73 English Literature. Noted Bibliographically and Biographi- cally. Catalogue with Prices affixed. 3 parts. London, n.d.[i905?] 4274 POLLARD (ALFRED W.) Last Words on the History of the Title-page, with Notes on some Colophons, and Twenty-seven Fac- similes of Title-pages. Frontispiece a facsimile of the first page of the Mazarin Bible, illuminated in gold and colors. 410, cloth, uncut. * Only 260 printed, this being No. 234. London, 1891 4 2 75 Early Illustrated Books. A History of the Decoration and Illustration of Books in the i5th and i6th Centuries. Facsimile reproductions. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. (Books about Books.) London, 1893 4276 PORTER (NOAH). Books and Reading; or, What Books shall I Read and How shall I Read Them? With Appendix containing a Catalogue of Books. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1882 4277 POTTHAST (AUGUST). Bibliotheca Historica Medii JEvi. Wegvveiser durch die Geschichtswerke des Europiiischen Mittelalters bis 1500. Zweiter verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage. 4 vols. royal 8vo, wrappers. Berlin, 1895-96 * The most valuable guide in existence to the historical literature of the Middle Ages. 4278 POWER (JOHN). Handy-Book About Books, for Book-Lovers, Book-Buyers, and Book-Sellers. Facsimiles. 8vo, illuminated boards. London, 1870 4279 PRIESTLEY (DR. JOSEPH). Catalogue of the Library. For sale by Thomas Dobson. 8vo, sewed, pp. 96. With prices. Philadelphia, 1816 IBoofe arts 503 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4280 PRINCE (REV. THOMAS). Catalogue of the American Por- tion of the Library of the Rev. Thomas Prince, with a Memoirand List of his Publications. By W. H. Whitmore. Portrait. Post 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1868 *A valuable list of rare Americana, including the Bay Psalm Book, Eliot's Indian Bible, etc. Most of the library is now in the Boston Public Library. 4281 PRINCE LIBRARY, BOSTON. Catalogue of ... Books and Manuscripts, which formerly belonged to the Rev. Thomas Prince and bequeathed to the Old South Church, now Deposited in the Public Library of the City of Boston. Royal 8vo, paper, pp. 159. Boston, 1870 4282 PROVIDENCE, R, I., PUBLIC LIBRARY. Monthly Refer- ence Lists, Vois. i to 4, complete [1881-84], bound in one volume, small 410, half morocco; Monthly Bulletin, Vols. i to 5, complete with Index [1895-99]; Co-operative Bulletins, Vols. i to 3 (lacking 2 Nos.), 1900-02; the first two Quarterly Bulletins, 1903; and 5 Nos. of the unauthorized publication, "The Providence Library Bulletin." (As a lot.) 4283 PUBLIC LIBRARIES IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Their History, Condition and Management. Special Report. 1 8 views of library buildings. Parts I. and II. (Part II. being "Rules for a Printed Dictionary Catalogue" by Charles A. Cutter, Librarian of the Boston Athenaeum.) 8vo, cloth and paper. As one vol. Washington, 1876 4284 PUBLIC LIBRARIES. A Monthly Review of Library Matters and Methods. Vols. t to 10. 1896-1905. 8vo, in parts as issued. As 10 vols. Chicago: Library Bureau, 1896-1905 4285 PUBLISHERS' TRADE LIST ANNUAL. The Full Trade Lists of the American Publishers, with Alphabetical Indexes. 1875, 1880, 1885, 1890, 1895. 5 vols. thick royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1875-95 4286 PUTNAM (G. P.) AND OTHERS. Hints for Home Reading. By C. D. Warner, H. W. Mabie, and others. Edited by Lyman Abbott. With a New and Revised Edition of Suggestions for Libraries by G. P. Putnam. Post 8vo, boards, cloth back. New York [1883] 504 Ufoe Boofe Htts BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4287 PUTNAM (GEORGE HAVEN). Authors and their Public in Ancient Times: a Sketch of Literary Conditions and of the Rela- tions with the Public of Literary Producers, from the Earliest Times to the Invention of Printing. Post 8vo, cloth. NewYork, 1894 4288 Books and their Makers during the Middle Ages . . . from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the Close of the Seventeenth Century. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1896-97 4289 QUACKENBOS (JOHN D.) Illustrated History of Ancient Literature, Oriental and Classical. Engravings and colored maps. Crown 8vo, cloth. New York, 1878 4290 QUARITCH'S (BERNARD) CATALOGUES, 1859-1864. 4 vols. 8vo, half roan. London, 1859-64 * Early Printed Books, Heraldry, Oriental Literature, European Philology, Biblio- graphy, Private Press Issues, Fine Arts, Curiosa, etc., etc. Valuable for the Colla- tions of rare works. 4291 A General Catalogue of Books arranged in Classes. Thick 8vo, half red morocco, pp. 1130. London, 1868 * The first of Quaritch's General Catalogues. This volume includes reprints of his monthly catalogues from No. 231 to 243. No. 242 was not included. 4292 The General Catalogue. Bound uniform with the above, pp. 1194. London, 1870 * Reprints of Monthly Catalogues Nos. 246 to 260. Nos. 244 and 245 were not included in the series. 4293 The General Catalogue. Bound uniform with the preceding, pp. 1889. London, 1874 * Includes reprints of the Monthly Catalogues Nos. 279 to 291. 4294 The General Catalogue. The Supplement, 1875-77. Bound uniform with the preceding, pp. 1672. London, 1877 * Includes reprints of the Monthly Catalogues Nos. 292 to 308. 4295 The General Catalogue. Bound uniform with the preceding, PP- 2 395- London, 1880 * Includes reprints of the Monthly Catalogues Nos. 309 to 330. 4296 The General Catalogue. Printed in separate volumes, divided into subjects. Each volume containing a separate Index, and with the General Index volume. Complete set in 16 vols. 8vo, red cloth. London, 1880-86, 1892 * Contains reprints of Nos. 332 to 375 of the Monthly Catalogues. The General Index volume, of which only 125 copies were printed to accompany the set in this form, was not issued until 1892. Ube JBoofe arts 55 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued, 4297 Duplicates of Vols. III. and XV. (Periodicals, etc., and Monuments of the Early Printers). 2 vols. 8vo, red cloth. London, 1882-88 4298 Quaritch's General Catalogue. Bibles, Liturgies, Church History, and Theology. Royal 8vo, half morocco. Large Paper copy. London, Dec., 1891 4299 RAMSAY (ALEXANDER). A Bibliography, Guide, and Index to Climate. 8vo, cloth. London, 1884 4300 RAWLINGS (GERTRUDE B.) The Story of Books. Illus- trated. i6mo, cloth. New York, 1901 4301 REES (J. ROGER). The Diversions of a Book-worm. i2mo, cloth. (Book-lover's Library.) London, 1886 * The Loved Books of some other Folks; The Book-worm's Study; Dreams and Books; etc. 4302 The Pleasures of a Book-worm. i2mo, cloth. (Book-Lover's Library.) London, 1886 * Books and the Lovers of Books; Romance and Reality of Dedications; etc. 433 The Brotherhood of Letters. i2mo, cloth. (Book-Lover's Library.) London, 1889 4304 REVIEW ARTICLES. W. C. PRIME, Old Books in New York, and Early Printing and Printers; J. W. FRANCIS, Reminiscences of N. Y. Printers, Authors, and Booksellers; History of Ancient Manuscripts; A Librarian's Work, by John Fiske; Bibliomania in France; and others, similar. (25 pieces.) 4305 RHEES (W. J.) Manual of Public Libraries, Institutions, and Societies in the United States and British Provinces of North America. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1859 4306 RICHARDSON (CHARLES F.) The Choice of Books. Square i2mo, half calf. New York, 1881 4307 RODEN (ROBERT F.) Seventy Years of Book Auctions in New York. i2mo, pp. 6. [New York, 1898] 4308 ROGERS (WALTER THOMAS). A Manual of Bibliography, being an Introduction to the Knowledge of Books, Library Man- agement, and the Art of Cataloguing. With J/ illustrations and colored facsimiles of binding. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1891 506 Ube Bool? Hrts BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4309 ROTHSCHILD. Catalogue des Livres, composant la Bibliotheque de Feu M. Le Baron James de Rothschild. Portrait on vellum paper. 3 vols. royal 8vo (Vol i bound in half red morocco, Vols. 2 and 3 in wrappers), uncut. Paris: Morgand, 188493 * A remarkably valuable collection of early printed books, illustrated with numerous facsimiles, some in colors of the bindings. 4310 RUSSELL (PERCY). The Literary Manual; or, Complete Guide to Authorship. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1886 4311 SABIN (JOSEPH). A Bibliography of Bibliography; or, A Handy Book about Books. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 150. With the author's autograph. New York, 1877 * With many additions, loosely laid in, by Mr. Eames. 4312 SABIN & SONS' AMERICAN BIBLIOPOLIST. A Literary Register and Monthly Catalogue of Old and New Books, etc. Vol. i (lacking Nos. 5, 7, 10, and u); Vol. 2 (lacks Nos. 3, 4, and 5); Vol. 3 (lacks Nos. 28 and 36); Vol. 4, complete; Vol. 5, complete; Vol. 6 (lacks Nos. 61 to 64, 67 and 68, 71 and 72); Vol. 7 (lacks all but No. 77); and Vol. 8 (lacks all but No. 79). From 1869 to 1876. 8vo, in the original parts. (As a lot.) New York, 1869-76 4313 SARGANT (E. B.) AND WHISHAW (BERNARD). A Guide Book to Books. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1891 4314 SCOTT (TEMPLE). Book Sales of 1895. A Record of the Most Important Books Sold at Auction and the Prices Realized. 8vo, cloth. London, 1896 4315 SHAW (HENRY). Handbook of the Art of Illumination as prac- tised during the Middle Ages. With a Description of the Metals, Pigments and Processes employed at different periods. 16 full- page plates and numerous illustrations in the text, mostly from ancient manuscripts. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt. London, 1866 4316 SHORTHAND. ANDERSON (THOMAS). History of Shorthand; with a Review of its Present Condition and Prospects in Europe and America. Portraits. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1882 4317 GIBSON (JOHN WESTBY). The Bibliography of Shorthand. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1887 4318 - LEVY (MATTHIAS). History of Short-Hand Writing; to which is prefixed the System used by the Author. Plate. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1862 ZIbe Boofe Hrts 507 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4319 LEWIS (JAMES HENRY). An Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of Short Hand. . . . Illustrated with numerous exam- ples, the true date and title of each system, accompanied with its respective alphabet. Crown 8vo, calf. London: For the Author, n. d. * The author gives a Bibliography of books on Shorthand, ending with 1815, so that it was probably printed shortly after. 4320 SHURTLEFF (NATHANIEL B.) A Decimal System for the Arrangement and Administration of Libraries. Small 4to. wrappers, pp. So. Boston: Privately Printed, 1856 4321 SIBLEY (JOHN L.) Notices of the Triennial and Annual Cata- logues of Harvard University; with a reprint of the catalogues of 1674, 1682 and 1700. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 67. Boston, 1865 * No. 144 of 150 signed copies. 4322 Biographical Sketches of Graduates of Harvard University, 1642-1689. With Appendix containing abstract of the Steward's Accounts, and Notices of Non-Graduates, from 1649-50 to 1659. 3 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1873-1885 * Presentation copy from Geo. H. Moore. Scarce. 4323 SLATER (J. HERBERT). Round and About the Bookstalls. A Guide for the Book-hunter. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1891 4324 Book Collecting. A Guide for Amateurs. Illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1892 * No. 275 of the Large Paper edition, limited to 500 copies. 4325 The Sale Prices of 1896. An Annual Report of Sales by Auction of Objects of Artistic and Antiquarian Interest. Vol. i. 8vo, cloth. London, 1897 4326 SMITH (ADAM). Catalogue of the Library of Adam Smith. Edited, with Introduction, by James Bonar. Facsimiles. 8vo, cloth. London, 1894 4327 SMITH (ALFRED RUSSELL), Bookseller, London. Cata- logue of 10,000 Tracts and Pamphlets and 50,000 Prints and Draw- ings, illustrating the Topography and Antiquities of England, Scot- land, Wales and Ireland. Collected ... by William Upcott and John Russell Smith. Thick 8vo, half morocco. With the ex-libris of G. W. Reid. London, 1878 508 Ube Boofe Hrts BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4328 SMITH (JOHN RUSSELL). Catalogue of Choice, Useful and Curious Books . . . now on sale at ... prices affixed. [Early Eng- lish Literature mainly.] 8vo, sewed. London, 1848 4329 Catalogue of ... Upwards of 26,000 Ancient and Modern Tracts and Pamphlets. On sale at prices affixed. 8vo, half roan, PP- 733 (PP- 681-733 relate to America). London, 1874 * "Of the entire catalogue, 48 copies only have beencompleted, which is in itself unique in the Annals of English Bibliography." 4330 SMITH (LLOYD P.) On the Classification of Books. 410, half cloth. (American Library Association, May 1882.) Boston, 1882 * No 3 of only 20 copies on LARGE PAPER. With presentation inscription. 4331 SONNENSCHEIN (WILLIAM SWAN), Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literature. Being the First Supplement to the Best Books . . . With Complete Authors and Subjects Index. Thick 4to, cloth. London, 1895 4332 SPARKS JARED). Catalogue of the Bound Historical Manu- scripts. Collected by Jared Sparks, and now ... in ... Harvard University. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 20. Cambridge, 1871 4333 STEIGER'S CATALOGUES. Guide through E. Steiger's Stock of Books. Catalogues No. i to 28 (lacking 6). Bound in one volume. 8vo, half roan. New York, 1875-82 * Mainly German books. 4334 STEVENS (HENRY). Schedule of Two Thousand American Historical Nuggets taken from the Stevens Diggings in September, 1870, and set down in chronological order of Printing from 149010 1800, described and recommended as a Supplement to any Printed Bibliotheca Americana. Folio, cloth, pp. 20. London, Oct. i, 1870 * Only a small number privately printed. 4335 - - The Bibles in the Caxton Exhibition, MDCCCLXXVII; or, A Bibliographical Description of nearly 1,000 representative Bibles in various languages. Special Edition, revised and carefully cor- rected, with additions. 8vo, cloth. London, 1878 * Many manuscript additions by Mr. Eames, including several hundred additional titles. 4336 STEVENSON (THOS. G., Bookseller) AND OTHERS. Bib- liotheca Historica, Scotica Curiosa et Rarissima; FRED. STRONG'S CATALOGUES, 1848; CADELL'S Editions of Sir Walter Scott, 1847; JOSEPH LILLY'S CATALOGUES, 1845-46. Bound in one volume, half morocco. Edinburgh and London, 1845-48 JBoofe Brts 509 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4337 STOCKDALE (JOHN). Catalogue of Books printed for John Stockdale. 8vo, sewed. London, 1793 and 1794 * Includes the advertisement of the rare Shelley's "St. Irvyne,"etc. 4338 STUART (ROBERT L.) Catalogue of the Library of Robert L. Stuart. Catalogued by F. S. Small 410, cloth, uncut. New York, 1884 * Early printed Books, Bibles, Ornithology, etc. (over 10,000 vols.). Only a limited number printed for presents. The books are now in the Lenox Library. 4339 TAYLOR (ISAAC). History of the Transmission of Ancient Books to Modern Times. New Edition, revised and enlarged. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1859 4340 History of the Transmission of Ancient Books to Modern Times, together with the Process of Historical Proof. New Edition, revised and enlarged. i2mo, cloth. Liverpool, 1875 4341 TILDEN (SAMUEL J.) Shelf Inventory of Books, Pamphlets, Periodicals, Prints, etc. 8vo, sewed. New York, 1887 * Now forming the Tilden Collection in the Lenox Library. 4342 TOWNSHEND (JOHN). Catalogue of Books relating to the Disposal of the Bodies and Perpetuating the Memories of the Dead. Royal 8vo, limp roan (back worn). New York, 1887 * Only a few copies printed for private distribution. Presentation copy from Judge Townshend. Laid in is a letter of Louis Windmuller in regard to the subject. 4343 TREDWELL (DANIEL M.) Monograph on Privately Illustrated Books. A Plea for Bibliomania. Post 8vo, cloth. Brooklyn, 1882 * Inserted is a proof portrait (etching on India paper) by W. M. Chase. 4344 A Monograph on Privately-Illustrated Books. A Plea for Bibliomania. Royal 8vo, cloth, paper label, uncut. Flatbush, L. I. : Privately Printed, 1892 * The enlarged edition of the lecture. 4345 UNITED STATES CATALOGUE. Provisional Edition, edited by Marion E. Potter. Second Edition (with Directory of Publishers). Royal 8vo, cloth. Minneapolis, 1902 r ? 4346 VALLEE (LEON). Bibliographic des Bibliographies. Catalogue des Bibliographies Generates et Particulieres, par ordre Alphabet- ique, et Repertoire des memes Bibliographies par ordre alphabetique de Matieres. With Supplementary volume. 2 vols. 8vo (the Supple- ment in paper, the other volume in half morocco). Paris, 1883-87 5 J o Ube Boofe Hrts BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4347 VASCO DA GAMA. Les Colonies Portugaises dans 1'Afrique, 1'Asie et 1'Amerique. Catalogue des livres en vente chez Martinus Nijhoff. 410, cloth. The Hague, 1898 4348 WARREN (F. M.) History of the Novel, Previous to the Seven- teenth Century. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1895 4349 WEALE (W. H. J.) Bibliographia Liturgica. Catalogus Mis- salium Ritus Latini ab anno M.CCCC. LXXV impressorum. 8vo half roan. London, 1886 * One of the best bibliographies of early Missals. 4350 Descriptive Catalogue of rare Manuscripts and Printed Books, Chiefly Liturgical. 8vo, half roan. (Historical Music Loan Exhibition: Albert Hall, London, 1885.) London, 1886 * Only 150 copies issued. 4351 [WEEKS (S. B.)] Confederate Text-Books. A Preliminary Bibliography [1861-1865]. ^vo, wrappers. (Publication of the Bureau of Education.) Washington, 1900 4352 WHEATLEY (H. B.) Of Anagrams. A Monograph treating of their History from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time. With an Introduction containing Numerous Specimens of Macaronic Poetry, Punning Mottoes, Rhopalic, Shaped, Equivocal, Lyon and Echo Verses, Alliteration, Acrostics, Lipograms, Chronograms, Logograms, Palindromes, Bouts Rimes. izmo, half roan (binding a little rubbed). Hertford: Printed for the Author, 1862 * The First Book of the well-known literary writer and bibliographer. Now very scarce. 4353 How to Form a Library. i2mo, cloth. (Book-Lover's Library.) London, 1886 4354 The Dedication of Books. To Patron and Friend. A Chap- ter in Literary History, izmo, cloth. (Book-Lover's Library.) London, 1887 4355 How to Catalogue a Library. i2mo, cloth. (Book-Lover's Library.) London, 1889 4356 Literary Blunders. A Chapter in the History of Human Error. i2mo, cloth. (Book-Lover's Library.) London, 1893 36oofc Brts 5 11 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4357 WHEELER (WILLIAM A.) Who Wrote It? An Index to the Authorship of the more Noted Works in Ancient and Modern Literature. Edited by Charles G. Wheeler. Square crown 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1881 4358 WHEELER (WILLIAM A.) AND WHEELER (CHARLES G.) Familiar Allusions: a Hand-Book of Miscellaneous Informa- tion, including the Names of celebrated Statues, Paintings, Palaces, Country-Seats, Ruins, Churches, etc. Post 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1882 4359 WHEELER (WM. A.) An Explanatory and Pronouncing Dic- tionary of the Noted Names of Fiction (persons and places), zoth Edition. With Appendix by Charles G. Wheeler. Post 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1890 4360 WHITNEY (JAMES LYMAN). A Modern Proteus; or, A List of Books Published under more than One Title. i6mo, cloth. New York, 1884 4361 WILSON (GEORGE M.) Catalogue of Prints, and Books of Prints . . . for sale by G. M. Wilson, 81 Pine Street, New York. January, 1817. i2mo, wrappers, pp. 23. 4362 WILSON (JAMES GRANT). The World's Largest Libraries. Narrow i2mo, cloth. New York [1894] 4363 WINSOR (JUSTIN). Bibliography of Shakespeare Folios and Quartos. The Original Superintendent's Monthly Reports of the Boston Public Library, from April, 1874, to September, 1877. 42 Nos. (As a lot.) 4364 Halliwelliana: a Bibliography of the Publications of James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 30. (Harvard Bibliographical Contributions.) Cambridge, 1881 4365 A Bibliography of Ptolemy's Geography. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 42. (Harvard Bibliographical Contributions, No. 18.) Cambridge, 1884 4366 WISCONSIN STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the Library, 2 vols., 1873; First, Second, Third and Fourth Sup- plements, 1875-1884; Exercises at the Dedication of its New Build- ing, with accounts of the Several Libraries, History of the Society, etc., illustrated, 410, buckram, 1901. Together 7 vols. 8vo. Madison, 1873-1901 512 Ube 3Boofe Hrts BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY Continued. 4367 WORCESTER PUBLIC LIBRARY. Catalogue of the Circu- lating Department, and of a portion of the Books belonging to the Intermediate Department. 8vo, cloth, pp. 1391. Worcester, 1884 4368 Supplement to the Catalogue (issued in i884)'of the Circulat- ing and a Portion of the Intermediate Departments. Royal 8vo, cloth. Worcester, Mass., 1889 4369 WRANGHAM (FRANCIS). The English Portion of the Library of the Ven. Francis Wrangham. 8vo, half morocco. Malton, 1826 * Written by Francis Wrangham himself, and privately issued not published in an edition of only 70 copies. Many early English books will be found described. Catalogues of Sales b\> auction, [The following collection of European and American Sale Catalogues are all in the original wrappers, or in sewed condition, except where other- wise described.] 4370 ADAMSON (JOHN). London, Sotheby, May 22, 1856. Priced in ink. * The author of Bibliotheca Lusitana and Lusitana Illustrata. Containing rare editions of the works of CAMOENS. 4371 ADDINGTON (SAMUEL). Books, MSS., and Engravings. Lon- don, Sotheby, May 24-25, 1886. Priced and named in ink. 2 parts. 4372 ALLAN (JOHN). Catalogue prepared by Joseph Sabin. New York, Bangs, May 2, etc., 1864. Priced in ink, and with printed price-list and names of buyers affixed. [Printed by Wm. Gowans, New York, 1865] 4373 LARGE PAPER COPY. With portrait. Half morocco, gilt top. With Index, and priced and named in ink. 4374 AMORY (FRANCIS AUCTIONEER). Books, rare, curious, etc. . . . for sale at auction, in Boston, 20 December, 1815. Boston, 1815. 4375 ARNOLD (JOHN H. V.) Bibliotheca Dramatica et Curiosa, New York, Leavitt, Apl. 16, etc., 1879, priced; Trials and Legal Literature, New York, Bangs, Apl. 23-26, 1900. (2 pieces.) 4376 ARNOLD (WM. HARRIS). American First Editions. New York, Bangs, Jan. 30-31, 1901. Facsimiles. 4377 Books and Letters. New York, Bangs, May 7-8, 1901. Facsimiles. Ube Bool? Hrts 513 CATALOGUES OF SALES BY AUCTION Continued. 4378 ASHBURNHAM (EARL OF). London, Sotheby, May, 1899, and June, 1901. 2 parts. Facsimiles. * The famous collection of MSS., known as the Barrois Collection and the " Appendix," many in fine historical bindings. 4379 ASKEW (ANTHONY). London, Baker & Leigh, Feb. 13, etc., 1775. Full calf, gilt (rubbed). Pricedinink. With the bookplate of George Woods and some MS. notes. * LARGE PAPER COPY. Extraordinary collection of Greek and Latin Classics. 4380 BARLOW (SAMUEL L. M.) Americana. N. Y. Amer. Art Association, 1889. 4381 BECKFORD LIBRARY. London, Sotheby, 1882-3, 4 parts; and with the four Supplements containing prices and purchasers' names. Together 8 pieces. 4382 BEDFORD (FRANCIS BOOKBINDER). London, Sotheby, Men. 21-25, 1884. * Fine Bindings, Americana, De Bry's Voyages, etc., mostly in his own bindings. 4383 BENTLEY (DR.) Boston, Blake & Cunningham's, No. 5 Kilby St., June 14-15, 1820. * The portion of the library not bequeathed to literary institutions. 4384 BIBLIOTHECA CURIOSA ET SELECTA. New York, Bangs, May 12, etc., 1853. * Much Shakespereana, and Early English. 4385 BONAPARTE (JOSEPH). Bordentown, N. J., Thos. Birch, Sept. 1 8, 1845. * Principally in the French language. 4386 BONAPARTE (PRINCE LOUIS LUCIEN). London, Sotheby, Feb. 18-19, l &95> * Finest collection of Basque literature ever offered for sale, and other duplicates. 4387 BORGHESE (DON PAOLO PRINCE DE SULMONA). Rome, Galerie Borghese, May-June, 1892. 2 parts. Facsimiles. * Missals, a Biblia Pauperum, examples of Early Presses, etc. 4388 BOUCHER (JONATHAN). (With prints.) London, Sotheby, Feb. 24, etc., 1806. Half calf. Pricedinink. * RARE. With the beautiful Towneley bookplate, and the back stamped with the device and initials. Jonathan Boucher was the famous Divine who was obliged to leave America at the time of the Revolution. 5 T 4 Ube IfBoofe Hrts CATALOGUES OF SALES BY AUCTION Continued. 4389 BROWNE (IRVING). Troy, N. Y. New York, Leavitt, Dec. 10, etc., 1878. Cloth. * LARGE PAPER COPY. Choice Extra-illustrated Books. 4390 BURNS (ROBERT). Original MSS. London, Chapman, Apl.i6, 1 88 1 . 9 items, priced and named in pencil. 4391 BURTON (WM. E.) Bibliotheca Dramatica. New York, Sabin, Oct. 8, etc., 1860. Half russia, gilt tops. Priced in ink. * LARGE PAPER COPY, with portrait. 4392 Another LARGE PAPER COPY. Priced in ink. 4393 CHALMERS (ALEX.) London, Sotheby, Mch. 5-15, 1835. * The noted biographer, historian and Shakesperean critic. 4394 CHOATE (RUFUS). Leonard, Boston, Oct. 18-28, 1859. 4395 CIST (LEWIS J.) Autographs. New York, Bangs, 1886-87. Complete in the 4 Parts, with Printed Prices for Parts I. and II. (As 4 pieces.) 4396 CLARKE (DR. ADAM). London, Sotheby, June 20-24, 1836. Half morocco, gilt tops. Priced and named in ink. * LARGE PAPER COPY, issued by Murray in 1835, of this marvellous collection of European and Asiatic Manuscripts. Accompanied by the sale catalogue. (As one piece.) 4397 COLEMAN (ROBT. W.) Angling. London, Sotheby, July 8-9, 1897. * Originally collected by G. W. Bethune, editor of Walton's Angler. 4398 COLLIER (JOHN PAYNE). Elizabethan Poetry, etc. London, Sotheby, Aug. 7-9, 1884. 4399 CORNEY (BOLTON). London, Sotheby, May 31, etc., 1871. * Early Voyages to America, Bibliography, Spanish and Portuguese Literature, etc. 4400 COTTON (REV. H. S.) London, Sotheby, June 17-21, 1839. * A remarkable collection of books and autographs relating to Crime, together with Jest Books, etc. The collector was the celebrated " Ordinary of Newgate." 4401 COURT (J.) Paris, Hotel Drouot, May 8-10, 1884. Premiere Partie. * Jesuit Relations, early voyages to America, and other Americana. 4402 CRAIG (J. T. GIBSON), EDINBURGH. London, Sotheby, 1887 and 1888. 2 vols. half morocco. Priced and named in ink. Ube JBoofe arts 5 J 5 CATALOGUES OF SALES BY AUCTION Continued. 4403 DALY (AUGUSTIN). N. Y., Leavitt, Oct. 14, etc., 1878. Priced in ink. * Principally dramatic. With a quantity of clippings regarding his second sale in 1900. 4404 DIDOT (AMBROISE FIRMIN). Catalogue des Livres Pre- cieux, Manuscrits et Imprimes, faisant partie de la Bibliotheque . . . precede d'une Introduction par M. Paulin, Paris. 6 vols. in one. Thick royal 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1879-84 * Books of Hours, Block Books, Romances of Chivalry, etc. 4405 [DOUGLAS (A. E.)] (With Water-colors, Missals, etc.) New York, Bangs, Dec. 15-20, 1856. Half roan. Priced and named in ink. 4406 DOUGLASS (MAJ. D. B.), WEST POINT. New York, Bangs, March 15, 1839. * Architectural, Scientific and Historical books. 447 EDWARDS (JAS.) London, Evans, 1815. Half morocco. Priced and named in ink. * Robert Balmanno's copy, with his bookplate. Each page inlaid to 410, and extra- illustrated with two illuminations by Mrs. Balmanno, facsimiles, etc. The Library included many rare early imprints, Sweynheim and Pannartz' Livy, on vellum, and the famous Bedford Missal. James Edwards is mentioned in Dibdin's Bibliographical Decameron, where he is called " Rinaldo. " 4408 ELIOT (REV. JOHN) Boston, Whitwell & Bond, May 35, 1813. (Including a separate 4 pp. addenda.) 4409 ELIOT (WM. H.) Boston, J. L. Cunningham, April n, 1832. Priced in ink. 4410 ELTON (REV. ROMEO). New York, Jos. Lord, April 17-18, 1854. 44'i FARNUM (ALEX.*), PROVIDENCE. New York, Leavitt, Nov. 18- 20, 1 884. Priced and named in ink. 4412 FOWLE (WM. F.) Boston, Leonard, Dec. 20-22, 1864. Books and Prints. Priced and named in ink. 2 parts. 4413 Boston, Leonard, 1865. Half russia. Pricedinink. * LARGE PAPER COPY. A fine collection of early English literature, with prints. 44T4 FRANCIS (SIR PHILIP). "Junius." London, Sotheby, Nov. 27, 1897. * Autograph letters to Alexander Macrabie, Philadelphia, Major Baggs, and others, containing most interesting references to Junius. Facsimiles. 516 Ube 3Boofe Hrts CATALOGUES OF SALES BY AUCTION Continued. 4415 FREDERICKSON (CH. W.) English Literature (with MSS.). New York, Bangs, Apl., 1893, and May, 1897. The latter priced in ink. 2 parts. 4416 FREELING (SIR FRANCIS). London, Evans, Nov. 25, etc., 1836. * Caxtons, Wynken de Worde, rare early printed books, etc. 4417 GARDNER (JOHN DUNN). London, Sotheby, July 6-16, 1854, Priced in ink, * Early Printing. Elizabethan Literature, Caxtons, etc. 4418 GENNADIUS (JOHN). London, Sotheby, 1895 and 1899. 2 parts. * A remarkable collection of MSS. and Books relating to the History and Literature of Ancient and Modern Greece. The collector was the Greek Ambassador in London. 4419 [GRISWOLD (ALMON W.)] The Library of a Bibliomaniac, to be sold at Leavitt's, New York, June, 1880; The Library of a Bibliomaniac, to be sold at Leavitt's, New York, Dec., 1880. 2 pieces. * Both catalogues of the same library. The first catalogue written was found un- satisfactory, and to Joseph Sabin was given the task of completing and revising it. In the preface he makes some remarks on the subject. " The catalogue is, in part, the work of an amateur whose diffidence led him to apply to me to finish the more im- portant and difficult items, a work which had been commenced by another person, whose labours suddenly ceased, but I hold myself responsible for the result. I make this special remark for the special benefit of a bilious biblio whose triple alias leaves his real name uncertain; whose chief enjoyment in life consists in a microscopic ana- tomy of typographical errors; indeed, he is never happy unless miserable. When he graduated from leather to literature, he marked the epoch by the conversion of a pos- sibly honest F into a doubtful Greek 4>. The Odell Catalogue occupied three years of the valuable (?) time of this pretentious individual. The present catalogue, from the time I undertook its completion till its final delivery to the public, has occupied three weeks" The lovers of humor will be amused to know that, after all, Joseph Sabin's cataloguing was declared not satisfactory, and the late Alexander Denham wrote the catalogue from which it was sold. 4420 [GRISWOLD (RUFUS W. From the collection of).] MSS. and Autographs. New York, Bangs, Apl. n, 1896. Priced in ink. * Including the Poe material delivered to him at the death of the latter. 4421 GUILFORD (EARL OF). London, Evans, 1829-30. 5 parts, including the MSS., in one volume. Half roan. ZTbe 36ooft Brts 5 ! 7 CATALOGUES OF SALES BY AUCTION Continued. 4422 GURLEY (GEORGE H. AUCTIONEER). New York, Apl. 24-25, (fa. 1830). * American History, Early Voyages, etc. 4423 GURLEY (ROYAL AUCTIONEER). Sales, June 4-5, 1842 (Cata- logue No. 3); Apl. 9-10, 1844; Dec. 17-19, 1846; and Nov. 30, etc., 1847. (4 pieces.) New York, 1842-47 4424 HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS (J. O.) Early English Plays, etc. London, Sotheby, May 21-23, J &57- Priced in ink. 4425 Shakespeareana, including Mortgage Deed signed by Shake- speare. London, Sotheby, June 14, 1858. Priced in ink. Session. 4426 A Few Notes on a Selected Portion of the Halliwell-Phillipps Library which will be sold at Sotheby's in June, 1889. By E. E. Baker. Weston-super-Mare, 1889 4427 HAMILTON LIBRARY. London, Sotheby, May 1-8, 1884. With Part II., being the prices and purchasers' names. 2 parts. * Books belonging to Royalty, De Bry's Voyages, etc. The last of the Hamilton Palace Sales. 4428 HAMILTON BECKFORD MSS. London, Sotheby, May 23, 1889. Facsimiles. Half morocco. Priced and named in ink. 4429 HARDWICKE (EARL OF). Hardwicke Papers and Manu- scripts. London, Sotheby, Feb. 22-25, 1899. * Bought " en bloc " by the British Museum; the sale being withdrawn. 4430 HARTLEY (DAVID). Important Letters to. London, G. Robin- son, Apl. 6, 1859. * Franklin's Original Map of the United States, autograph letters of Franklin, Napoleon, etc. 4431 HARTLEY (L. L.) London, Puttick, June i, 1885, etc. 2 Parts. * A large collection of Topography, Archaeology and Genealogy. 4432 HASTIE (PETER) AND TRACY (ED. H.) New York, Leavitt, Jan. 22, etc., 1877. Half morocco. Priced and named in ink. 4433 HEBER (RICHARD). London, Sotheby, 77 days' sale. 1834-36. 4 vols. half calf. * Complete set of the 13 parts. 4434 HIBBERT (GEO.) London, Evans, 42 days' sale, 1829. Fac- similes. Half roan. Priced and named in ink. 5*8 Ube Boofe Brts CATALOGUES OF SALES BY AUCTION Continued. 4435 HOE (RICHARD M.) Printing, Bibliography, etc. New York, Bangs, May, 1887. With printed prices. 4436 HOLLIDAY (GEO. H.) Carlinville, 111. New York, Leavitt, Oct. 10, etc., 1870. Priced in ink. * The 44 MS. Orderly Books of the Revolution in this sale were bought by the Library of Congress. 4437 HOSMER (ZELOTES). Cambridge. Boston, Leonard, May 7-10, 1861. Half morocco. Priced and named in ink. * LARGE PAPER COPY. Contains early English literature, etc. 4438 HUMBOLDT (ALEXANDER VON). With Bibliographical and Biographical Memoir by Henry Stevens. Portrait. Thick 8vo, half roan. London, Nov. 5, etc., 1863. * This sale never took place. Rare. 4439 HUMPHREY (HENRY B.) Boston, Leonard, May 9, etc., 1871. Half morocco, by R. W. Smith. Priced and named in ink. * LARGE PAPER COPY. 4440 INSKEEP (A. H.) Splendid Collection of Upwards of 50,000 Volumes. Feb. 28, etc., 1815. New York, 1815 4441 JARVIS (SAMUEL FARMAR). New York, John Keese, Nov. 4, etc., 1851. Half morocco. Priced, named and interleaved. 4442 JEFFERSON (THOMAS). Washington, Feb. 27, 1829. Pp. 14 (with correspondence and clippings in regard to it). * Very rare. In this was Jefferson's own copy of his Notes on Virginia, Manuscripts, Documents, etc. Many were bought by Congress. 4443 JERSEY (EARL OF Osterley Park Library). London, Sotheby, May 6-13, 1885. 4444 KLOSS (DR.) Franckfort (with MSS.), London, Sotheby, May 6, etc., 1835. Half cloth. * A surprising number of the books with marginal annotations were somewhat hastily described as being Melancthon's. Facsimiles are given. The catalogue contains many very rare early imprints, the collection being originally gathered by Dr. Kloss in his attempted continuation of Panzer and Hain. 4445 KNIGHT (WHITE). London, Evans, June 7, etc., 1819. Half r u s s i a . Priced and named in ink. * LARGE PAPER COPY. Early English literature. A noted library. 4446 LAING (DAVID). London, Sotheby, Dec. i, etc., 1879. *The famous Scotch antiquarian and book-collector. Ube JBoofe Hrts 519 CATALOGUES OF SALES BY AUCTION Continued. 4447 [LAMB (CHARLES).] PRIVATE LIBRARY. New York, Cooley, Keese & Co , Oct. 20-21, 1848. * Including 18 volumes from the Library of CHARLES LAMB. 4448 LEFFINGWELL (E. H.), NEW HAVEN. Autographs. Boston, Libbie, Jan. 6, etc., 1891. 2 vols. half cloth. Pricedin ink. 4449 LIBRI (GUGLIELMO). Paris, Maison Sylvestre, June 28, etc., 1847. Priced and named in ink, and with printed prices inserted. Cloth. * Large and thick paper copy, uncut. No. 1253 is the UNIQUE ITALIAN COLUMBUS LETTER, versified by Giuliano Dati, the only one ever sold at auction. The catalogue comprises an extraordinary collection of early printed Italian literature. The first sale effected by M. Libri. 4450 London, Sotheby, Feb. 19-23, 1849. Priced in ink. * No. 259 is the unique COLUMBUS LETTER WITH WOODCUTS, the only complete copy known, now in the Lenox Library. 4451 Paris, Maison Sylvestre, 1857 and 1858. 2 parts (Part I. marked " Proof"). 4452 - Catalogue of ... The Splendid Manuscripts, chiefly upon vellum . . . and Autographs. Facsimiles. London, Sotheby, Mch. 28-Apl. 5, 1859. Half morocco. Priced in ink and named. 4453 Catalogue of the Choicer Portion of the . . . Library. London, Sotheby, Aug. 1-13, 1859. Half calf. Priced in ink and named. * Early topography, English presses, historical bindings, etc. 44^4 Catalogue de la Partie Reservee et la Plus Precieuse de la Collection Libri. London, Sotheby, July 25-28, 1862. Priced in ink and named. [Descriptions in French.] 4455 Printed Prices and Purchasers' Names to the Three Impor- tant Sales: "The Splendid MSS."; "The Choicer Portion of the Library" and the "Reserved Books and MSS." Sold by auction, 1859-62. Wrappers, pp. 48. London, 1868 4456 McKEE (THOS. J.) Facsimiles. New York, Anderson, 1900- 1906. 9 parts. 4457 MATTHEWS (CHAS.) London, Sotheby, Aug. 19-22, 1835. Priced in ink. * The famous actor. The sale included Shakesperean relics, a large Garrick Col- lection, etc. 4458 MIRO (DON JOSE). Spanish Library. Paris, June 17, etc., 1878. 520 TTbe Boofe Hrts CATALOGUES OF SALES BY AUCTION Continued. 4459 MITCHELL (JUDGE JAS. T.) Philadelphia, Henkels, Dec. 5-6, 1894. * Including the entire Lincoln Memorial of Chicago, consisting of Letters and Documents of Lincoln, his Law Books, and his office furniture from Springfield, with illustrations. 4460 MOORE (FRANCIS). London, Puttick & Simpson, April 28, etc., 1856. Facsimiles. 8vo, cloth. 4461 [MOORE (GEO. H.)] Americana. New York, Leavitt, Mch. 5- 7, 1883. Priced in ink. 4462 MUNSELL (JOEL). Albany. Private Library of Americana. New York, Leavitt, Apl. n, etc., 1865. Priced in ink. 4463 ODELL (ANDREW J.) Bibliotheca Curiosa. Catalogued by Geo. P. Philes. New York, Bangs, Nov. 18, etc., 1878. 2 vols. in one. Half morocco. Priced in ink. 4464 Bibliotheca Curiosa. Another copy, in the original wrappers. 2 vols. * Special edition, rubricated and decorated in color. 4465 OFFOR (GEORGE). London, Sotheby, June 27, etc., 1865. (ir days' sale.) * First two days' sale priced and named in ink. On the morning of the third day's sale, June 29, a fire broke out at Sotheby's, which destroyed the whole of this extra- ordinary collection, except the few lots already delivered. The marvellous Bunyan collection was destroyed, as well as the Caxtons, Wynken de Worde, Pynson and other early presses. 4466 Another copy. Priced in ink. 4467 ORFORD (EARL OF). London, Sotheby, June 10-11, 1895. * Colored facsimiles of bindings. 4468 [PARIS DE MEYZIEUX.] London, Mch. 26, etc., 1791. Post 8vo, boards. Priced in ink. With bookplate of C. W. Frederickson. * A remarkable collection of rare books (with MSS.), including a Biblia Pauperum, early Manuscripts, a set of De Bry's Voyages, etc. The sale attracted all the famous book collectors Wodhull, Earl Spencer, Cracherode, the King, Duke of Roxburghe, White Knight, being among the principal buyers. M. Paris de Meyzieux was the owner of a splendid library. Dibdin has described this, his third sale, when the bibliomaniacs, it was said, used to cool themselves down with ice before they could face such excitement, etc. 4469 La Collection d'un Amateur. Londres, 28 Mars, etc., 1791. 8vo, half calf (joints cracked). Priced in ink and named. * The Original French Edition of the preceding, issued in Paris in 1790. It is in- teresting to compare the two catalogues, the descriptions varying somewhat, and in several cases the dates. A. J. Odell's copy, with his ex-libris and autograph. 36oofe Hrts 5 21 CATALOGUES OF SALES BY AUCTION Continued. 4470 PARKER (GEO. PHILLIPS). New York, Leavitt, Mch. i, etc., 1859. Interleaved and priced in ink. Laid in is a broadside poster advertising the sale. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1859 * Bibliography, early printed books, etc. I 4471 PENE DU BOIS (HENRI). New York, Leavittjune 13-21, 1887. Cloth. Printed price-list laid in. 4472 PERKINS (FREDERICK). London, Sotheby, July 10-16, 1889. Priced in ink and named. * Books and MSS. relating to Shakespeare and the Elizabethan Poets and Dramatists, Early Presses, Illuminated Horse, etc. 4473 PERKINS (HENRY HANWORTH PARK). London, Gadsden, Ellis & Co., June 3, etc., 1873. Facsimiles. Boards (worn). Priced and named in ink. (Laid in is Quaritch's pamphlet list of the chief books and MSS. in the library.) * Early Missals on vellum, two copies of the Gutenberg Bible. 4474 PERRY (BELMONT). Autographs, etc. Woodbury, N. J. Philadelphia, Henkels, May 4, etc., 1889. 6 parts. * Includes Bancker Papers, Dolly Madison's Estate, Portraits, etc. 4475 PHILLIPPS (SIR THOS.) London, Sotheby, Aug. 3-10, 1886 and 1895. 2 parts. * Heraldic and Genealogical Works, Travel, History, MSS. and Autographs. A famous and valuable library. 4476 PICKERING (WM.) Stock of Wm. Pickering, the Bookseller. London, Sotheby, Mch. 20, etc., 1854-55, 4 parts; also the earlier sale by G. Robinson, March 13, 1854, of his Private Library. Bound in T vol. Half calf. *An extensive and valuable collection of rare books, and including Pickering's Angling Collection, the Bay Psalm Book of 1640, etc. 4477 PINELLI (MAFFEI). Venice. (With MSS.) London, Mch. 2, etc., 1789. Half russia. Priced in ink. * Interesting copy, being Michael Wodhull's, with his autograph and numerous notes throughout. Priced also by him. 4478 REED (ISAAC). London, King & Lochee, Nov. 2, etc., 1807. Full calf. Priced in ink. * Early English Romance, Poetry, Theatre, etc. The Editor of Shakespeare. 4479 RICHELIEU (MARECHAL, DUG DE). Paris, Jan. 7, etc., 1789. Priced in ink. 522 Ube Boofe Hrts CATALOGUES OF SALES BY AUCTION Continued. 4480 RIPPON (REV. JOHN). Americana. (With MSS.) London, Puttick's, May 22, 1861. 8vo, boards. 4481 ROGERS (J. HENRY). Philadelphia, Henkels, May 8-10, 1895. * Printed list of prices and names of buyers. Includes some books from Washing- ton's Library. 4482 ROUARD (M. E.) Catalogue des Livres, Manuscrits, et Imprimes, Anciens et Modernes. Portrait. (To be sold at Auction by Damascene Morgand & Co., Feb. 27-Mar. 15.) Paris, 1879 * 4500 lots, including Occult, Demonology, Oriental Religions, Rare Early Im- prints, etc. 4483 ROXBURGHE (DUKE OF). Catalogue and Supplement. London, Evans, May 18, etc., 1812. Calf, uncut (rebacked). Priced and named in ink. Large Paper Copy. * Only 40 copies printed in this size. Bookplate of J. T. M. Pierce. The famous Valdarfer Decameron was sold in this library. 4484 RUSSELL (JOHN FULLER). London, Sotheby, 1885 and 1886. 2 parts in i. (Part i priced and named in ink.} Half mo- rocco, by ALFRED MATTHEWS. * Inserted is A. L. S. from B. F. Stevens to W. L. Andrews. 4485 SCOTT (W. B.) London, Sotheby, April 20-24, 1885. Priced in ink and named. * Including engravings by Durer and other early masters, and drawings by William Blake. 4486 SEILLIERE (BARON). London, Sotheby, Feb. 28, etc., 1887. Priced in ink, and named. * " La Bibliotheque de Mello." A remarkable collection of early Romances of Chivalry, and ancient Spanish and French Literature. 4487 SMETS (A. A. SAVANNAH, GA.). Catalogue Raisonne of ... Manuscripts, Early Printed and Rare Books . . . Printed for Private Circulation, Savannah, 1860; Auction Sale Catalogue of the same, New York, Leavitt, i86i(?); Auction Sale Catalogue, New York, Leavitt, 1868. Priced in ink. (3 pieces.) 4488 SOMERBY (GUSTAVUS A.) Boston, Leonard, May 25-27, 1869; Engravings, May 28, 1869. 2 parts. Priced in ink and named. 4489 SOTHEBY (S. LEIGH). Catalogue of a ... Collection of Books, formed by Mr. S. Leigh Sotheby, for the Publication of his Work on the Autograph Annotations by ... Melancthon and Luther, as found in ... theological and classical works formerly in their possession. Facsimiles. (Offered at auction at Sotheby's.) 8vo, half calf. London, 1848 Ube JBoofe Hrts 523 CATALOGUES OF SALES BY AUCTION Continued. 449 SPANHEIM (FREDERICK). Catalogus Insignium, raroque occurentium Librorum, etc. Quorum auctio fiet publica in ^dibus Jordani Luchtmans. Die 10 Octobris St. Gregor, 1701. i2mo, half calf. Lug. Bat. (Leyden), 1701 * The library of the famous classical scholar. 4491 SPANISH LIBRARY. Catalogue de Livres Espagnols, Paris, May 27-29, 1899. 2 parts. * Spanish and Portuguese Romances, History, etc., of the 15, 16 and I7th Cen- turies. 4492 SPENCER (EARL OF). London, Evans, Mch. 2-6, 1821. Half calf. * Duplicates from Earl Spencer's library, the library of the Duke di Cassano, Early Bibles, Caxtons, and other Early Presses, etc. 4493 STANLEY (COL.) London, Evans, Apl. 30, etc., 1813. Half calf. Priced and named in ink. * Rare Italian and Spanish Books, Voyages and Travels, De Bry's Voyages, etc. 4494 SULLIVAN (SIR EDWARD IRISH LORD CHANCELLOR). Lon- don, Sotheby, May-June, 1890. Priced in ink and named. 4495 SUNDERLAND LIBRARY. Parts 1-5, with the additional five Lists of Prices and Purchasers' names; also the Catalogue of 179 items (returned as imperfect from the former sales); and the list of 7 items overlooked. Together 12 pieces. London, Puttick, 1881-83. 4496 SYSTON PARK LIBRARY. London, Sotheby, Dec. 12-18,1884. Half morocco. Priced in ink and named. With the pencilled auto- graph of W. L. Andrews. * The collection of Sir John Hayford Thorold, including Block Books, first Latin Bible, Aldine and Elzevirs, etc. 4497 TECHENER (M. LEON). Paris, Rue Drouot, 1886, 1887 and 1889. 3 parts. Facsimile. Part II., bound in half morocco. Priced in ink and named. * Books of the Kings and Queens of France, MSS., and books on vellum, etc. 4498 THACHER (REV. SAMUEL C.) Boston, June 18, 1818. * Classical and general literature, theology, etc. 4499 TINKER (FRANKLIN H.) Short Hills, N. J. New York, Bangs, June 16, 1890. Half morocco. Priced in ink. * Large collection of First Editions of Dickens. 524 TTbe 3Boofe Htts CATALOGUES OF SALES BY AUCTION Continued. 4500 TITE (SIR WILLIAM). London, Sotheby, May, 1874. Priced in ink and named. * Folio Shakespeares, Early Printed Books, Illuminated MSS., Autographs, etc. 4501 TOWNELEY (JOHN). London, Evans, June 8-14, 1814; and June 19-28, 1815. 2 parts in i. Priced in ink and named. * Caxton, Pynson and Wynken de Worde presses, etc. 4502 TOWNELEY MANUSCRIPTS. London, Sotheby, June 27-28, 1883. * Clovio Miniatures of the Vita Christi, Higden's Polychronicon, etc. 4503 TURNER (ROBT. SAMUEL). Member of the Philobiblon Society). London, Sotheby, June 18-30, 1888. Half morocco, gilt tops. Priced in ink and named. * The Cosmographia of Waldsee-Muller, and other rare Americana, the Romances of Chivalry, MSS., etc. 4504 UTTERSON (EDWARD VERNON). London, Sotheby, March 20-26, 1857. Priced in ink. * Books from the Grolierand Maioli libraries, Early French Romances, Illuminated Horse, etc. 4505 WALCKENAER (BARON). Paris, Maison Silvestre, April 12, 1853, et les 42 jours suivants. * An extraordinary collection of geographical and cartographical literature. Lot 2904 is the celebrated Manuscript Map of Juan de la Cosa, 1500, the earliest map showing the discoveries of Columbus in America, which was bought at this sale for the Spanish Government. 4506 WALKER (T. SHADFORD). London, Sotheby, June 23-24, 1886. Priced in ink aud named. * Books from Royal Libraries, Illuminated MSS. and MSS. of the Koran, etc. 4507 WASHINGTONIANA. Philadelphia, Thomas, Nov. 28, 1876. Priced. * Part of the Library of Washington. (Added are the prices at which many were resold in 1890, etc., with the names of buyers, and some with the prices paid by Washington.) 4508 WASHINGTON (GEORGE). AUCTION SALES OF BOOKS, AUTO- GRAPHS, RELICS, ETC., OF WASHINGTON: The BAKER Collection of Books, Philadelphia, Henkel's, Feb., 1891; The J. H. CLAY Collec- tion of Portraits, Philadelphia, Henkel's, Dec., 1897; COL. T. DON- ALDSON, Philadelphia, Henkel's, Oct., 1889; From the F. D. STONE Collection (Portraits, Autographs, etc)., Philadelphia, Henkel's, Ube Boofe Brts 525 CATALOGUES OF SALES BY AUCTION Continued. Feb., 1898; The COL. J. TRUMBULL and BENJ. SILLIMAN Letters, Philadelphia, Henkel's, Feb., 1897; PORTRAITS, Philadelphia, Birch, Oct., 1889; WASHINGTONIANA, Final Settlement of the Estate, Philadelphia, Henkel's, Dec., 1890; WASHINGTONIANA, Final Sale of Relics, Philadelphia, Henkel's, April, 1891; LETTERS AND RELICS, Philadelphia, Henkel's, Dec., 1891 ; WASHINGTONIANA, Philadelphia, Henkel's, April, 1892; The WASHINGTON-MADISON PAPERS, Phila- delphia, Henkel's, Dec., 1892; AUTOGRAPH LETTERS, etc., Phila- delphia, Henkel's, Feb., 1898; WASHINGTONIANA, Philadelphia, Henkel's, April, 1898. (13 pieces, some with facsimiles.) 4509 WEBSTER (DANIEL). Library of Daniel Webster. Boston, Leonard, June8-n [1876?]. * Political and Natural History, etc. t 4510 WILLIAMS (REV. THEODORE). London, Stewart, Wheatley and Adlard, Apl. 5, etc., 1827. Priced in ink, named and corrected. Half calf. * Biblical and Theological MSS.; vellum copies from the Aldine, Junta, and other Presses, etc. With the bookplate of Julian Marshall. 4511 WODHULL (MICHAEL). London, Sotheby, Jan. n, etc., 1886. Priced in ink and named. [The property of J. E. Severne.] * Magnificent collection of 15th-century books, Greek and Latin MSS., books belong- ing to Royalty, First Editions of Aldines on Large Paper, etc., etc. 4512 WOODWARD (CHAS. L.) Bibliotheca Scalliwagiana. Mor- monism and the Mormons. New York, Bangs, Jan. 19, 1880. Priced in ink. 4513 WOODWARD (W. E.) The Literature of Crime, Trials and Criminal Biography. New York, Bangs, Apl. 29-30, 1885. 4514 WRIGHT (WILLIAM). London, Sotheby, June 12-18, 1899. * Fine collection of Cruikshank, Dickens, Garrick letters, portraits, etc. 4515 YEMENIZ (M. N.) Catalogue de la Bibliotheque de M. N. Yemeniz. Pr6ced6 d'une notice par M. Le Roux de Lincy. With Index, printed prices, and priced throughout in ink, with names of buyers. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, by DAVID. Paris, 1867 * Large Paper Copy. Only 50 printed, with frontispiece in Vol. I. This sale con- tained the only known copy of the Cosmographis: Introductio of May, 1507, first issue of the first edition, now in the Lenox Library. 526 Ube Booh Htts CATALOGUES OF SALES BY AUCTION Continued. 4516 NEW YORK BOOK AUCTION SALES. Books from the Libra- ries of the DUKES OF GRAFTON, etc., by Cooky and Bangs, Jan., 1838; Books from the Libraries of DR. KLOSS, BP. OF DURHAM, etc., by Cooley and Bangs, Feb., 1838; FOREIGN AND ENGLISH BOOKS, by Cooley, Keese 6 Hill, Dec., 1848; C. DE LA FOREST, by Cooley and Keese, May, 1849; JAMES CAMPBELL, by Cooley and Keese, April, 1850; ITHIEL TOWN, by Cooley and Keese, May, 1850; W. A. COLMAN, by Cooley and Keese. April, 1850; PRIVATE LIBRARY, by Cooley and Keese, May, 1850; THEOLOGY, CLASSICS, ETC., by Cooley and Keese, May, 1850; MR. WIGGINS OF BOSTON, by J. E. Cooley, G. A. Leavitt, Auc- tioneer, April, 1865. (10 pieces.) 4517 BANGS, RICHARDS & PLATT, Valuable Books, principally in the Foreign Languages, Jan., 1839; Works on Divinity, Voyages, Travel, etc., Mch., 1845; Bangs, Brother 6 Co., Rare American Autographs [Broadside style], 1855; Rare American Books, etc., Nov., 1856; Valuable and Choice Library, Apl 15 1858; American History and Travels, etc., Nov., 1853; Library of Chas. Welford, Dec., 1853; OIL PAINTINGS AND LIBRARY OF JAS. THOMSON, by Dumont & Hosack, Mch., 1848; Retail Stock of CH. B. NORTON, by John Keese, Auctioneer, Apl., 1855; D. APPLETON'S CLEARANCE CATALOGUE, by Wills & Ellsworth, New York, 1860. (10 pieces.) 4518 ITHIEL TOWN'S Library, by Gurley and Hill, June [1845 ?] ; ITHIEL TOWN, by R oyal Gurley 6 Co. , Sept., 1847; PRIVATE LIBRARY OF A COLLECTOR, by Lyman and Rawdon, Oct., 1851; RARE AND CURIOUS WORKS, by Jordan and Norton, Dec., 1854; ENGLISH BOOKS, RARE AND VALUABLE, by G. W. Lord 6 Co. [June, 1854]; F. S. COZZENS' Library, by The Clinton Hall Book Sales Rooms, June, 1868. (6 pieces.) BANGS, MERWIN & Co., NEW YORK., L. & H. LEWIS, of Pen Yan, priced, Nov., 1876; R. W. BLEECKER, priced (4 cats.) r 1872-4; J. N. CAMPBELL, June, 1864; J. B. CLOPTON, Dec., 1861; WM. J. DAVIS, priced, Apl., 1865; DR. JOHN W. FRANCIS, June, 1862; R. W. GRISWOLD, May, 1859; B. HAINES (Coins), Jan., 1863; A. P. HALSEY, Mch., 1864; BISHOP ONDERDONK, June, 1863; G. W. PRATT, Mch., 1868; THEO. SEDGWICK, Apl., 1864 (2* parts); PROF. W. W. TURNER, Washington, May, 1860; RICHARD GRANT WHITE,. priced, Oct., 1870; and others. (23 pieces.) Booh Hrts 5 2 7 CATALOGUES OF SALES BY AUCTION Continued. 4520 BANGS & Co., NEW YORK. MR. BISHOP, Louisville, priced, May, 1880; WM. BERRIAN, 1895-97; E. H. BIERSTADT, Apl., 1897; E. H. CHAPIN, priced, Apl., 1881; H. COLE, Apl., 1890; REV. G. W. Cox, Oct., 1889; H. T. Cox, Apl., 1899; G. W. CRAM, priced, Jan., 1883; A. B. DAVENPORT, Feb., 1896; T. F. DEVOE, Apl., 1896; W. C. DAWSON, Oct., 1887 ; DUPRAT & Co. , priced, Feb., 1895 ; C. B. FOOTE, 1894-95; JOHN FRANCIS, Mch., 1900; HABERSHAW, priced, Oct., 1881 ; A. OAKEY HALL, priced, Jan., 1881 ; F. B. HAYES, Boston, Apl., 1898; C. A. HENRIQUES, Oct., 1886; C. S. HUNT, priced, Jan., 1879; WM. F. JOHNSON, priced, Jan., 1890; R. H. LABBERTON, Mch., 1899; M. C. LEFFERTS, Apl., 1902; LEON & BRO., June, 1886; E. LIVING- STON, Dec., 1885; T. H. LUDLOW, May, 1900. (25 pieces.) 4521 - BANGS & Co., NEW YORK. Mr. MANN, priced, Apl., 1882; WM. MATTHEWS, Feb., 1897; J. MAURICE, Nov., 1884; J. MILLER, Nov., 1893; C. A. MONTGOMERY, 1895-96; J. B. MOREAU, Dec., 1886; S. F. B. MORSE, Dec., 1895; JOHN MURRAY, Feb., 1900; H. PROBASCO, Cincinnati, Jan., 1899; C. D. RICHMOND, Sep. and Oct., 1899; C. V. RILEY, Dec., 1879; C. P. Roos, Mch., 1900; J. SLEVIN, priced, May, 1877; G. T. STRONG,/r/V 561 4837 HUDSON (HENRY). Detectio Freti Hudson!; or, Hessel Ger- ritsz's collection of Tracts by Himself, Massa, and De Quir on the N.E. and W. Passage, Siberia and Australia. Reproduced, with the maps^ in Dutch and Latin after the editions of 1612 and 1613. English translation by F. J. Millard, and Essay by S. Muller. Small 4to, boards. Amsterdam, 1878 4838 RUFFNER (HENRY). The Fathers of the Desert; or, An Account of the Origin and Practice of Monkery among Heathen Nations; its Passage into the Church; and some wonderful Stories of the Fathers concerning the Primitive Monks and Hermits. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1850 4839 HUNTER (THOMAS). Home Culture. A Self-Instructor and Aid to Social Hours at Home, in the Various Departments of Edu- cation, etc. Edited by a Corps of Professors and Teachers. With Introduction by Thomas Hunter. Illustrations. Square 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1884 4840 INMAN (THOMAS). On Ancient Pillar Stones and Cairns. Illustrations. 8vo, wrappers, pp 32 (Liverpool Literary and Philo- sophical Society.) Liverpool, 1867 4841 Ancient Pagan and Modern Christian Symbolism exposed and explained. 16 plates and numerous illustrations in the text. 8vo, half calf, pp 68. London: For the Author, 1869 * Scarce. 4842 Ancient Faiths and Modern. A Dissertation upon Worship, Legends and Divinities in Central and Western Asia, Europe and Elsewhere before the Christian Era, showing their relations to Reli- gious Customs as they now exist. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1876 4843 INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PREHISTORIC ARCH- AEOLOGY. Transactions of the Third Session . . . containing the Papers read at the Congress, with Illustrations chiefly contri- buted by the Authors, and an Abstract of the Discussions. Plates and illustrations in the text. 8vo, cloth (some articles, MS. notes, clippings and illustrations inserted). London, 1869 4844 JACKSON (LOWIS D'A.) Modern Metrology. Manual of the Metrical Units and Systems of the Present Century. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1882 4845 JACOB (JOSEPH). The Story of Geographical Discovery. Maps, etc. i6mo, cloth. London, 1899 562 TIbe General %ibrat 4846 JESUS. AOriA IHCOY. Sayings of Our Lord. From an Early Greek Papyrus. Discovered and edited, with translation and commentary by Bernard P. Grenfell and Arthur S. Hunt. Two facsimiles. 8vo, boards, pp 20. (Egypt Exploration Fund.) London, 1897 4847 LOCK (REV. WALTER) and SANDAY (REV. WILLIAM). Two Lectures on the "Sayings of Jesus" recently discovered at Oxy- rhynchus. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 49. Oxford, 1897 4848 JEVONS (W. STANLEY). The Substitution of Similars. The True Principle of Reasoning. i2mo, cloth. London, 1869 4849 The Principles of Science: a Treatise on Logic and Scientific Method. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1874 4850 Studies in Deductive Logic. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1880 4851 JOURNAL OF PHILOLOGY (THE). Edited by W. G. Clark, J. E. B. Mayor, and W. A. Wright. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1868-69 * The Second Series of the Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology. 4852 KANT (IMMANUEL). The Critique of Pure Reason and Other Works on the Theory of Ethics. Translated by Thomas Kingsmill Abbott. Third Edition, revised and enlarged. Portrait of Kant. 8vo, cloth. London, 1883 4853 MULLER (F. MAX). Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. In Commemoration of the Centenary of its First Publica- tion translated into English by F. Max Muller. Historical Intro- duction by Ludwig Noire. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1881 4854 NOIRE (LUDWIG). Die Lehre Kant's und der Ursprung der Vernunft. Von Ludwig Noire". 8vo, cloth. Mainz, 1882 4855 STIRLING QAMES HUTCHINSON). Text-Book to Kant. The Critique of Pure Reason, ^Esthetic, Categories, Schematism. Trans- lation, Reproduction, Commentary, Index, with Biographical Sketch. 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1881 4856 KEANE (JOHN). The Evolution of Geography . . . from the Earliest Times to the First Circumnavigation of the Globe. Maps, etc. 8vo, cloth. London, 1899 TTbe General Xibrarg 563 4857 KEARY (CHARLES FRANCIS). The Dawn of History: An Introduction to Pre-Historic Study. Edited by C. F. Keary. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1878 4858 Outlines of Primitive Belief among the Indo-European Races. 8vo, cloth. London, 1882 4859 KEIM (THEODOR). The History of Jesus of Nazara, freely in- vestigated in its connection with the national life of Israel, and related in detail. Translated by Arthur Ransom. Second Edition. 6 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1876-83 4860 KELLAND (P.) AND TAIT (P. G.) Introduction to Quaternions. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1873 4861 KELLER (FERDINAND). The Lake Dwellings of Switzerland and Other Parts of Europe. Translated and arranged by John Edward Lee. Frontispiece and 96 plates. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1866 4862 Lake Dwellings of Europe. Second Edition, enlarged. Translated and arranged by John Edward Lee. 206 plates. 2 vols. thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1878 4863 KENNEDY (COL. VANS). Researches into the Origin and Af- finity of the Principal Languages of Asia and Europe. 10 plates of Phoenician "and Oriental alphabets (some folding}. 410, boards, cloth back. , London, 1828 4864 KEY (T. HEWITT). Language: Its Origin and Development. 8vo, cloth. London, 1874 4865 KIDDLE (HENRY) AND SCHEM (ALEXANDER J.) The Cyclo- paedia of Education. A Dictionary of Information (Biographies, Schools and Universities, Methods of Education, etc.) Royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1877 4866 KNIGHT (EDWARD H.) American Mechanical Dictionary, A description of tools, instruments, machines, processes, and engineer- ing; history of inventions; general technological dictionary; and digest of mechanical appliances in Science and the Arts. Upwards of 10,000 illustrations. 4 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1877-84 5 6 4 ^Tbe (Beneral 4867 KNIGHT (RICHARD PAYNE). Account of the Remains of the Worship of Priapus, lately existing at Isernia, in the Kingdom of Naples, in two Letters ... to which is added a Discourse on the Worship of Priapus and its connection with the Mystic Theology of the Ancients. 410. London, 1786 * A Magnificent Copy of the Extremely Rare First Edition, with the Three Extra Plates only included in the Edition Issued to the Author's Private Friends. The usual number of plates found is 18; this contains in all 21, and in addition 8 Extra Plates have been inserted illustrating the same subject. In Perfect, Clean Condition, the binding being contemporary straight-grain morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, very finely bound no doubt by one of the celebrated binders of the period. A Tall Copy with Specially Large Margins. A few typographical errors have been corrected in contemporary handwriting, possibly by Payne Knight himself. The reprints of this rare book contain the plates only in lithographic copies and with several alterations. In the original they are executed on copper. 4868 A Discourse on the Worship of Priapus. . .to which is added an Essay on the Worship. . .during the Middle Ages of Western Europe. 40 plates. Small 4to, half roan. London: Priva tely Printed, 1865 * As was written in the preceding note, the illustrations are lithographic copies of the original copper-plates, a few being somewhat altered, but many additional plates- were gathered from other sources as illustrating the subject and likewise copied. The additional essay is a little longer than Payne Knight's Discourse, and was written by Mr. Thomas Wright. 4869 An Inquiry into the Symbolical Language of Ancient Art and Mythology. Privately printed in 1818, reprinted and published by E. H. Barker. 8vo, cloth. London, 1836 4870 The Symbolical Language of Ancient Art and Mythology. New Edition, with Introduction, Additions, Notes and Index, by A. Wilder. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1876 4871 KOEPPEN (ADOLPHE LOUIS). The World in the Middle Ages, An Historical Geography, with Accounts of the Origin and Develop- ment, the Institutions and Literature. ..of the Nations in Europe, Asia and Africa, from the close of the 4th to the middle of the i5th Century. Colored maps. Folio, half morocco. New York, 1854 4872 KOLB (G. FR.) The Condition of Nations, Social and Political. With Complete Comparative Tables of Universal Statistics. Trans- lated, edited and collated to 1880, by Mrs. Brewer; with original notes and information by Edwin W. Streeter. Thick royal 8vo, cloth. London [1880] ZIbe General Xfbrarp 5 6 5 4873 LACTANTIUS. Firmiani Lactantii Opera ad Optimorum Libro- rum Fidem Emendavit et cum selecta Lectionum Varietate Edidit O. F. Fritzsche. 2 vols. in i. Post 8vo, half morocco (covers loose). Leipzig, 1842 4874 LAMBERT (WILLIAM). Codex Canonum Ecclesiae Universae. The Canons of the First Four General Councils of the Church, and those of the Early Local Greek Synods. In Greek, with Latin and revised English Translations, in parallel columns, with notes selected from Zonaras, Balsamon, Bishop Beveridge, etc. 8vo, cloth. London [1868] 4875 LANDON (EDWARD H.) Manual of Councils of the Holy Catholick Church, comprising the substance of the Most Remark- able and Important Canons alphabetically arranged. Thick post 8vo, cloth. London, 1846 * Scarce. A dictionary of all the Councils and their decrees from the earliest times. 4876 A New General Ecclesiastical Dictionary. Vols. I. and II. (A to " Ces " all published.) 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1849-53 4877 [LANIGAN (GEO. T.)] Fables. By G. Washington ,sop. Illus- trations by F. S. Church, izmo wrappers (torn from binding). New York, 1878 4878 LARNED (J. N.) History for Ready Reference from the Best His- torians, Biographers, and Specialists. Revised and Enlarged Edi- tion. Numerous historical maps by Alan C. Reiley. 6 vols. (Vol. 6 containing Recent History [1894-1901]) royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges. Fine set. Springfield, Mass., 1894-1901 4879 LATHAM (HENRY). On the Action of Examinations considered as a means of Selection. Post 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1877 4880 LATHAM (R. G.) Descriptive Ethnology. (Vol. I. Eastern and Northern Asia-Europe; Vol. II. Europe, Africa, India.) 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1849 4881 The Ethnology of Europe. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1852 4882 LEE (HENRY). The Vegetable Lamb of Tartary. A Curious Fable of the Cotton Plant, to which is added a Sketch of the History of Cotton and the Cotton Trade. 7 plates. 8vo, cloth. London, 1887 566 Ube General 4883 LEIBNITZ (GOD. WILLIAM). Collectanea Etymologica, Illus- tration! Linguarum, Veteris Celticae, Germanicse, Gallicae, etc. Prae- fatione Jo. Georgii Eccardi. 2 vols. i2mo, old leather. Hanover, 1717 4884 LENORMANT (F.) The Beginnings of History according to the Bible, and the Traditions of Oriental Peoples. (From the Creation of Man to the Deluge.) Crown 8vo, cloth. New York, 1882 4885 LEOPARDI (GIACOMO). Essays and Dialogues of Leopardi, translated by Charles Edwards. With Biographical Sketch. 8vo, cloth. (Trubner's Philosophical Library.) London, 1882 * One of the greatest of modern Italian authors. 4886 LESLEY (J. P.) Man's Origin and Destiny, sketched from the Platform of the Sciences. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1868 4887 LINDSAY (W. L.) Mind in the Lower Animals in Health and Disease. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1879 4888 LOTZE (RUDOLPH HERMANN). Critical Account of the Phil- osophy of Lotze. The Doctrine of Thought. By Henry Jones. Crown Svo, cloth. Glasgow, 1895 4889 M' ALPINE (A. N. AND D.) Biological Atlas. A Guide to the Practical Study of Plants and Animals, with accompanying Text. 423 colored figures and diagrams. 410, cloth. Edinburgh, 1881 4890 MACARONIC. MORGAN (JAMES APPLETON). Macaronic Poetry Collected, with an Introduction. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1872 4891 [SANDYS (WILLIAM).] Specimens of Macaronic Poetry. Svo, cloth. London, 1831 * Including specimens of English authors. 4892 M'CLINTOCK (JOHN) AND STRONG (JAMES). Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature. Numerous illus- trations. 10 vols. royal Svo, sheep. New York, 1 880-81 4893 M'CULLOCH (J. R.) A Dictionary, Geographical, Statistical and Historical, of the various Countries, Places, and Principal Natural Objects in the World. New Edition, revised, by Frederick Martin. Maps. 4 vols. Svo, cloth. London, 1866 4894 MACLEAR (GEORGE FREDERICK). History of Christian Missions during the Middle Ages. Post Svo, cloth. Cambridge, 1863 TTbe General OlfbrarE 5 6 7 4895 McLENNAN (DONALD). The Patriarchal Theory. Based on the Papers of the late John Ferguson McLennan. Edited and com- pleted by Donald McLennan. 8vo, cloth. London, 1885 *On the Family amongst the Ancient Hebrews, Slavs, Hindoos, Irish, etc. 4896 [MAIMIEUX (J. DE).] Pasigraphie ... ou ... Premiers Ele- ments du Nouvel Art-Science d'ecrire et d'imprimer en une Langue de Maniere a etre lu et entendu, dans toute autre langue sans traduction. Premiere edition, originale comme l'6dition en langue Allemande. Followed by Pasigraphie et Pasilalie. Folding table. 4to, half morocco. Paris, 1797-99 4897 MAINE (SIR HENRY SUMNER). Ancient Law; its Connec- tion with the Early History of Society and its Relation to Modern Ideas. Eleventh Edition. 8vo, cloth. London, 1887 4898 MANSEL (HENRY LONGUEVILLE Dean of St. Paul's). The Gnostic Heresies of the First and Second Centuries. With a Sketch of the Author's Work, Life and Character by the Earl of Carnarvon. Edited by J. B. Lightfoot. 8vo, cloth (library label removed from cover). London, 1875 4899 MARCEL (J. J.) Les Vceux de la France; ou Traduction du Domine Salvum fac Regem en LXXX Idiomes et Caracteres Dif- ferents. Seconde Edition. Portrait of Louis Philippe. 8vo, boards (back. loose). Printed on blue, pink and cream paper. Paris: Didot, 1846 *A fine example of Didot's typography, with the characters of many languages including examples of cursive Oriental. 4900 MARCH (F. A.) Latin Hymns with English Notes. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1874 * Hymns from Prudentius, Hilarius, Gregory the Great, and many other early Christian writers. 4901 MARTINENGO-CESARESCO (COUNTESS EVELYN). Essays in the Study of Folk-Songs. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1886 * On Armenian, Venetian, Sicilian, Greek, etc., Folk-songs; Folk lullabies; the White Paternoster; etc. 4902 MEDINA (PEDRO DE). Regimento de Navegacion, 1563. Critica por Rafael Pardo de Figueroa, teniente de navio. Seguida de una ojeada sobre el Arte de Navegar (1545) y la Suma de Cosmo- graphia (1561) del mismo autor. Map. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 41. * No. 48 of 70 copies printed for presentation. Cadiz, 1867 568 Ube General 4903 MERAY (ANTONY). Les Libres Precheurs devanciers de Luther et de Rabelais. Etude Historique, Critique et Anecdotique sur les XlVe, XVe, et XVIe Siecles. i2mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1860 * Only 300 printed. 4904 MILL (JOHN STUART). A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive. Fifth Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth (name cut from titles). London, 1862 4905 Nature: The Utility of Religion, and Theism. FIRST EDI- TION. 8vo, cloth. London, 1874 4906 MILLINGTON (JAMES), Editor. English As She Is Spoke; or, A Jest in Sober Earnest. Also, Her Seconds Part. 2 vols. square tamo, parchment paper. London, n. d. * The well-known exceedingly amusing extracts from a Portuguese book of English conversations. 4907 MILLS (WALTER THOMAS). The Science of Politics. Crown 8vo, cloth. New York, 1887 4908 MIVART (ST. GEORGE). On the Genesis of Species. FIRST EDITION. Illustrated. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1871 4909 MODERN LANGUAGE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA Proceedings at Boston, Dec. 29, 30, 1885; Baltimore, 1-886; Trans- actions, Vols. i to 3, 1884-87; Publications (Vol. 4, No. i), Bal- timore, 1889. 5 vols. 8vo, wrappers. Baltimore, 1885-89 * Louisiana Folklore, Charleston's Provincialisms, Guillaume de Dole, an unpub- lished Old French Romance, etc. 4910 MODERN LANGUAGE NOTES. A. Marshall Elliott, manag- ing Editor, ii various Nos. from February, 1886 (Vol. 2, No. 2), to June, 1888 (Vol. 3, No. 6). In the original nnmbers. (As a lot.) Baltimore, 1886-88 4911 MOLLETT (J. W.) An Illustrated Dictionary of Words used in Art and Archaeology. 700 illustrations. Square post 8vo, cloth. London, 1883 4912 MONSTERS. FISHER (G. J.) Diploteratology. An Essay on Compound Human Monsters, comprising their History, Literature, Classification, etc. Plates. 8vo, sewed. (Extracted from the Transactions of the N. Y. State Medical Society.) 1865-68 TTbe General Xibrars 569 MONSTERS Continued. 4913 - LICETUS (FORTUNIUS). De Monstris. Ex recensione Gerardi Blasii, qui Monstra quaedam nova et rariora ex recentiorum scriptis addidit. Editio novissima. Engraved title and numerous illustrations of monsters. (Bound with it is] Blasii, Medicina Conservatoria que Hygieina dicitur. Small 410, old calf. Amsterdam, 1665 4914 - PARSONS (JAMES). A Mechanical and Critical Enquiry into the Nature of Hermaphrodites, j folding plates. 8vo, half calf (a leaf or two explanatory of the last plate lacking). London, 1741 4915 MOREAU DE JONNES (A. C.) Ethnogenie Caucasienne. Recherches sur la Formation et le Lieu d'Origine des Peuples Ethiopiens, Chaldeens, Syriens, Hindous, Perses, Hebreux, Grecs, Celtes, Arabes, etc. Maps. 8vo, paper, pp. 468. Paris, 1861 4916 MOSHEIM (JOHN LAURENCE VON). Institutes of Eccle- siastical History, Ancient and Modern. Literal Translation from the Original Latin, with notes, by James Murdock. Edited, with addi- tions, by Henry Soames. New and Revised Edition. 4 vols. 8vo, bright calf, gilt. With armorial bookplate of John Latham. * Best edition. London, 1845 49'7 MOTHER GOOSE. The Original Mother Goose's Melody, as first issued by John Newberry, of London, about A. D. 1760. Re- produced in facsimile from the edition ... by Isaiah Thomas, of Worcester, Mass., about A. D. 1785, with notes by Wm. H. Whit- more. Royal 8vo, wrappers. Albany: Munsell, 1889 * With the original quaint illustrations. 4918 MULHALL (MICHAEL G.) Mulhall's Dictionary of Statistics. Diagrams, some in colors. New Edition, revised and corrected. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1886 49 ! 9 _ - The Dictionary of Statistics. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1892 4920 MULLER (C. O.) Introduction to a Scientific System of Myth- ology. Translated by John Leitch. 8vo, cloth. London, 1844 4921 MULLER (SIR F. MAX) The Languages of the Seat of War in the East. With a Survey of the Three Families of Language Sem- itic, Arian and Turanian. Second Edition, with Appendix on the Missionary Alphabet, and an Ethnographical Map. 8vo, cloth. London, 1855 57 Ube General MULLER (SIR F. MAX) Continued. 4922 Lectures on the Science of Language. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth (as published, not uniform in color). London, 1861-64 4923 Lectures on the Science of Language. First Series. Fourth Edition. 8vo, cloth. London, 1864 4924 Lectures on the Science of Language. Illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt. Vol. i, Fifth Edition, revised, 1866; Vol. 2, FIRST EDITION. London, 1864 4925 Lectures on the Science of Language. Vol. i, Fifth Edi- tion; Vol. 2, Second Edition. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1866-68 4926 Lectures on the Science of Language. Sixth Edition. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1871 4927 Chips from a German Workshop. Vols. i and 2, FIRST EDI- TION. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1867 4928 Chips from a German Workshop. Vols. i to 4. Royal 8vo, cloth (Vols. i and 2 the Second Edition, with the Index, not con- tained in the First Edition.) London, 1867-1875 4929 Chips from a German Workshop. Vol. 5. (Miscellaneous Later Essays.) Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1881 * Issued by the American Publishers as a Fifth Volume. It was not published in England in this collected form. 4930 , On the Stratification of Language. Sir Robert Rede's Lec- ture delivered before the University of Cambridge. 8vo, cloth, pp. 44. London, 1868 4931 Introduction to the Science of Religion . . . with two Essays on False Analogies, and the Philosophy of Mythology. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1873 4932 The Science of Thought. 8vo, cloth, pp. 664. (Publisher's stamp on title.) London, 1887 4933 Three Introductory Lectures on the Science of Thought, ... with Appendix which contains. . ." Thought Without Words " Cor- respondence between Max Mu'ller, Francis Gallon, the Duke of Argyll, George J. Romanes, and others. 8vo, cloth. London, 1888 4934 Biographies of Words, and the Home of the Aryas. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1888 Ube General Xtbrarg 571 MULLER (SIR F. MAX) Continued. 4935 Contributions to the Science of Mythology, a vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1897 * Practically a treatise on Comparative Folk-lore. 493 6 [ ] NOIR (LUDWIG). Max Miiller and the Philosophy of Lan- guage. 8vo, cloth, pp. 102. London, 1879 4937 [ ] WHITNEY (WILLIAM DWIGHT). Max Miiller and the Science of Language. A Criticism. Post 8vo, cloth, pp. 79. New York, 1892 * The revised edition of Whitney's famous criticism of Max M tiller's Sanskrit knowledge. 4938 MUNTZ- (EUGENE). Short History of Tapestry; from the Earliest Times to the End of the i8th Century. Translated by Louisa J. Davis. Numerous illustrations of rare pieces of tapestry, etc. 8vo, cloth. (Fine-Art Library, edited by John C. L. Sparks.) London, 1885 4939 MUYBRIDGE (EADWEARD). Animal Locomotion. An Elec- tro-Photographic Investigation of consecutive phases of Animal movements, 1872-1885. Published under the Auspices of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, (fj plates and title-page.} Folio, unbound. Philadelphia, 1887 4940 NAMES. CHARNOCK (RICHARD STEPHEN). Local Etymology: A Derivative Dictionary of Geographical Names. 8vo, cloth. (Pres- entation copy.) London, 1859 4941 CHARNOCK (RICHARD STEPHEN). Verba Nominalia; or, Words derived from Proper Names. 8vo, cloth. (Presentation copy.) London, 1866 4942 DIXON (B. HOMER). Surnames. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 80. * Printed for Private Distribution only. Boston,* 1851; 4943 INGRAHAM (EDWARD D.) Singular Surnames. Edited by William Duane. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 30. Philadelphia, 1873 4944 LONG (HARRY ALFRED). Personal and Family Names. A Popular Monograph on the Origin and History of the Nomenclature of Present and Former Times. 8vo, cloth. London, 1883 4945 SALVERTE (EUSEBIUS). History of the Names of Men, Na- tions, and Places, in their connection with the Progress of Civiliza- tion. Translated by L. H. Mordacque. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1862 * On Arab, Turkish. Persian, Hebrew, Celtic, etc., names; translated Names; Tribes; Divinities; Titles; etc.; with an Appendix on the Literary Forgeries of Annius Viterbensis. ft 572 Ube General %tt>rar NAME S Continued. 4946 TAYLOR (ISAAC). Words and Places; or, Etymological Illus- trations of History, Ethnology, and Geography. Sixth Edition, with maps. i2mo, cloth. London, 1878 4947 YONGE (CHARLOTTE M.) History of Christian Names. New Edition, revised. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1884 4948 NERSES (SAINT). Preces Sancti Nersetis Clajensis Armeni- orum Patriarchse viginti quatuor linguis editae. Portrait. i2mo, Spanish calf, gilt. Venice: In insula S. Lazari, 1837 * Printed in the monastery of S. Lazarus. The languages represented include Cop- tic, Arabic, Armenian, Hebrew, Irish, Hungarian, Iberici (Georgian), Syriac, Turkish, etc. Gbe IRew {Testament 4949 ABBOT (T. K.) Evangeliorum Versio Ante-Hieronymiana ex Codice Usseriano (Dublinensi) . . . accedit Versio Vulgata, cum Varietate Cod. Kenanensis (Book of Kells) et Cod. Durmachensis (Book of Durrow). 2 facsimiles, 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. Dublin, 1884 4950 CANON MURATORIANUS. The Earliest Catalogue of the Books of the New Testament. Edited with Notes, and a Facsimile of the MS. in the Ambrosian Library at Milan. By S. P. Tregelles. 4to, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1867 4951 CODEX AUREUS. Codex Aureus, sive Quattuor Evangelia ante Hieronymum Latine Translata. Edidit Joannes Belsheim. 5 fac- similes, two being in gold and colors, after the original manuscript. Royal 8vo, half morocco. Christiania, 1878 4952 CODEX EVANGELIUM 604. Full Account and Collation of the Greek Cursive Codex Evangelium 604 (with two facsimiles) [Eger- ton 2610 in the British Museum]. Together with Ten Appendices containing (A) Collation of a Manuscript in his own possession; (B) Reprint, with Corrections, etc. ; (C) Comparison of the Elzevir Editions of 1624 and 1633, etc., etc. Edited by H. C. Hoskier. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. (Presentation copy.) London, 1890 4953 DAVIDSON (SAMUEL). An Introduction to the Study of the New Testament, critical, exegetical and theological. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1868 * The author advocated advanced opinions in this work, and was severely criticised. Ube General Xfbrarg 573 NEW TESTAMENT-C0//a*/. 4954 HAMMOND (C. E.) Outlines of Textual Criticism applied to the New Testament. Fifth Edition, revised. Two plates. Post 8vo, cloth. (Clarendon Press Series.) Oxford, 1890 4955 HARRIS (J. RENDEL). Biblical Fragments from Mt. Sinai. (16 reproductions, with descriptive letterpress.) 4to, cloth, pp. 68. London, 1890 4956 JOHN (SAINT). The Fourth Gospel. Evidences External and Internal of its Johannean Authorship. Essays by Ezra Abbott, Andrew P. Peabody, and Bishop Lightfoot. 8vo, cloth. NewYork.iSgi 4957 - GWYNN (JOHN). The External Evidences alleged against the genuineness of St. John xxi, 25. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 19, with 2 facsimiles. 4958 KENYON (FREDERIC G.) Our Bible and the Ancient Manu- scripts, being a History of the Text and its Translation. 26 fac- similes. 8vo, cloth. London, 1895 4959 MERRILL (REV. GEORGE E.) The Story of the Manu- scripts. Third Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1881 * The manuscripts of the Bible. 4960 - - The Parchments of the Faith. Illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1894 * On the ancient Biblical manuscripts. 4961 MITCHELL (EDWARD C.) The Critical Handbook of the Greek New Testament. New and Enlarged Edition. Map, tables and diagrams. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1896 4962 NEW TESTAMENT. Novum Testamentum Graecum. Frontis- piece. 64mo, full morocco gilt, gilt edges. London, 1828 * Pickering's Diamond Classics. 4963 NEW TESTAMENT. The New Testament. Translated from Griesbach'sText. By Samuel Sharpe. Fifth Edition. i2tno, cloth. London, 1862 4964 NEW TESTAMENT. Novum Testamentum Graece. Ad Anti- quissimos Testes Denuo Recensuit, etc. Editio Octava Critica Major, Cura Constantius Tischendorf. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Leipzig, 1869-72 4965 NEW TESTAMENT. Greek and English in Parallel Columns, with Various Readings. Square 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. 574 ^be General NEW TESTAMENT Continued. 4966 NEW TESTAMENT. The New Testament . . . translated out of the Greek: being the version setforth A. D. 1611, compared with the most ancient authorities and revised, A. D. 1881. Printed for the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1881 4967 NEW TESTAMENT. The New Testament in the Original Greek. The text revised by Brooke Foss Westcott and F. J. A. Hort. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1882-89 * One volume is the text, the other is entirely critical on the evidences of authen- ticity, the oldest documents, notes, etc. 4968 NEW TESTAMENT. (The Latin Vulgate New Testament, with the English Douay Version of 1582 in parallel columns.) Small 410, cloth. London, n. d. 4969 NICOLL (W. ROBERTSON). The Theological Educator. Prof. Warfield's Criticism of the New Testament. Third Thousand. i2mo, cloth. N. Y. 1869 4970 OLD LATIN BIBLICAL TEXTS: NO. I. WORDSWORTH (JOHN). Gospel according to St. Matthew; from the St. Germain Manuscript numbered Lat. 11,553 in the National Library at Paris. With Introduction and five Appendices. Small 4to, wrappers, pp. 79. Oxford, 1883 4971 OLD LATIN BIBLICAL TEXTS: NO. II. WORDSWORTH (JOHN), SANDAY (W.) and WHITE (H. J.) Portions of the Gospels according to St. Mark and St. Matthew, from the Bobbio MS., numbered G. vii.ig in the National Library at Turin; together with other fragments . . . from Six MSS. in the Libraries of St. Gall, Coire, Milan and Berne. Facsimile. 4to, wrappers, pp. 140. Oxford, 1886 4972 OLD LATIN BIBLICAL TEXTS : NO. III. WHITE (HENRY J.) The Four Gospels from the Munich MS. numbered Lat. 6224 in the Royal Library at Munich; with a Fragment from St. John in the Hof-Bibliothek at Vienna (Cod. Lat. 502). Facsimile. Small 4to, wrappers, pp. 163. Oxford, 1888 4973 SCHAFF (PHILIP). A Companion to the Greek Testament and the English Version. (Account of the Sources, Earliest MSS., Ver- sions, Editions, etc.) With facsimiles. Third Edition, revised. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1888 General Xibrarp 575 NEW TESTAMENT-CWz***/. 4974 SCRIVENER (FREDERICK HENRY AMBROSE). A Full and Exact Collation of about Twenty Greek Manuscripts of the Holy Gospels (hitherto unexamined), deposited in the British Museum, the Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth, etc. With a Critical Introduction. 8vo, boards, cloth back. Cambridge, 1853 4975 A Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament for the Use of Biblical Students. Third Edition, revised, enlarged, and brought down to date. Facsimiles of codices. Thick 8vo, cloth, pp. 712. Cambridge (Eng.), 1883 4976 A Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament, for the Use of Biblical Students. Fourth Edition, edited by Rev. Edward Miller. Portrait and facsimiles. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1894 4977 SIMONIDES (CONSTANTINE). Facsimiles of certain por- tions of the Gospel of St. Matthew and of the Epistles of Ss. James and Jude written on papyrus in the First Century. With Notes and Historical Prolegomena. Facsimiles. Folio, wrappers (binding loose). London, 1862 * By the notorious forger of ancient manuscripts. 4978 STOWE (PROF. C. E.) Origin and History of the Books of the New Testament, both the Canonical and the Apocryphal. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1867 4979 TISCHENDORF (CONSTANTINE). Notitia editionis Codicis Bibliorum Sinaitici . . . accedit Catalogus Codicum Nuper ex Oriente Petropolin Perlatorum item Origenis Scholia in Proverbia Salomonis, &c. With facsimile. 410, wrappers, pp. 124. Leipzig, 1860 4980 When Were Our Gospels Written? An Argument, with Nar- rative of the Discovery of the Sinaitic Manuscript. i2mo, cloth. London, 1896 4981 NEWNHAM (W.) Essay on Superstition; being an Inquiry into the Effects of Physical Influence on the Mind in the Production of Dreams, Visions, Ghosts, and other Supernatural Appearances. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1830 4982 NOIRE (LUDWIG). Der Ursprung der Sprache. 8vo, cloth. Mainz, 1877 4983 NOSTRADAMUS. Oracles of Nostradamus. By Chas. A. Ward. Post 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. [1891] * Life of Nostradamus, the principal of his prophecies, with translation and com- ments. 57 6 Ube General 4984 NOTOVITCH (NICOLAS). The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ, from Buddhistic Records. Translated by J. H. Connelly and L. Landsberg. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1894 * The book made a considerable sensation when published, but the authenticity of the presumed Thibetan manuscript is doubtful. 4985 OPEN COURT (THE). A Monthly Magazine, devoted to the Science of Religion, etc. 17 various numbers for the years 1898 to 1901. In the original numbers, as issued. (Nos. 503-44^) (As a lot.) Chicago, 1898-1901 4986 OWLGLASS (TYLL). The Marvellous Adventures and Rare Conceits of Master Tyll Owlglass. Newly collected, chronicled and set forth in our English Tongue by Kenneth R. H. Mackenzie. Illus- trations by Alfred Crow quill. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1860 4987 OXENFORD (INA). The New Chirology. (Hands and Char- acter.) Illustrated from original drawings by I. M. Forbes- Marvin. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. * Printed in green ink. 4988 PAINE (THOMAS). The Age of Reason. Parts i and 2. FIRST EDITIONS. 2 vols. 8vo, sheep. London, 1794-95 * Bound in the first volume also is: Sir John Hawles' The Englishman's Right, London, 1793; and Considerations on the French War, by a British Merchant, London, 1794. 4989 "Never Before Published." Two Letters, being a Corre- spondence between Andrew A. Dean, of New-Rochelle, and Thomas Paine . . . Written Aug. 6, 1806, during the, time that Mr. Paine was on a sick bed at the house of William Carver, in New-York. Also Mr. Paine's Description of the Liberty of the Press. 8vo, unbound, pp. 8. New York, 1823 * On Thomas Paine's religious belief. 4990 PAPIAS. The Oracles Ascribed to Matthew by Papias of Hiera- polis. A Contribution to the Criticism of the New Testament. With Appendices. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1894 4991 PAUL (HERMANN). Principles of the History of Language. Translated from the Second Edition by H. A. Strong. 8vo, cloth. London, 1888 4992 PAXTON (JOSEPH). Botanical Dictionary, comprising the Names, History and Culture of all Plants known in Britain; with a Full Explanation of Technical Terms. New Edition, including all the new plants up to the present year, revised and corrected by Samuel Hereman. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 623. London, 1868 Zlbe General Xtbrarg 577 4993 PESCHEL (OSCAR). Geschichte des Zeitalters der Entdeck- ungen. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 681 (lacks end wrapper). Stuttgart, 1858 4994 Geschichte der Erdkunde bis auf A. v. Humboldt und Car] Ritter. Reproductions of early maps. 8vo, half morocco (rubbed). Munich, 1865 4995 Neue Probleme der vergleichenden Erdkunde, Leipzig, 1870; Die Theilung der Erde, Leipzig, 1871 ; and, Die Wichtigste Geogra- phische Litteratur, von Alfred Berg, Halle, 1902. 3 pamphlets. 8vo, wrappers. 4996 PETER (SAINT). SIMON (THOMAS COLLINS). The Mission and the Martyrdom of St. Peter: Containing the Original Text of all the Passages in Ancient Writers supposed to imply a Journey from the East, with Translations and Roman Catholic Comments. Prefatory Notices by Alexander McCaul and Rev. John Gumming. 8vo, cloth. London, 1852 4997 PETER (SAINT). HARRIS (J. RENDEL). A Popular Account of the Newly-Recovered Gospel of Peter. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1893 4998 SWETE (H. B.) The Akhmlm Fragment of the Apocryphal Gospel of St. Peter. Edited, with Introduction and Notes. Fac- simile. 8vo, cloth, pp. 34. London, 1893 4999 APOCRYPHAL GOSPEL OF PETER. The Greek Text of the Newly-Discovered Fragment. Revised Edition, with corrections from the MS. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 8. London, 1893 5000 PEZZI (DOMENICO). Aryan Philology; According to the Most Recent Researches (Glottologia Aria Recentissima). Remarks, Historical and Critical. Translated by E. S. Roberts. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1879 pbilosopbp. 5001 ENFIELD (WILLIAM). The History of Philosophy from the Earliest Periods. 8vo, calf, gilt. London, 1840 5002 ERDMANN (JOHANN EDUARD). A History of Philosophy. English translation, edited by Williston S. Hough. 3 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. (Muirhead's Library of Philosophy.) London, 1890 5003 FALCKENBERG (RICHARD). Geschichte der Neueren Philo- sophic von Nikolaus von Kues bis zur gegenwart. Zweite Auflage. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 530. Leipzig, 1892 57 8 ^be General PHILOSOPHY Continued. 5004 FLEMING (WILLIAM). Vocabulary of Philosophy, Psycho- logical, Ethical, Metaphysical. Fourth Edition, revised and largely reconstructed by Henry Calderwood. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1887 5005 JONSIUS (JOHN). DeScriptoribusHistoriae Philosophise. Edidit Jo. Ch. Dorn. Small 4to, half morocco. Jena, 1716 * Inserted is the autograph of Daniel Wyttenbach, a noted savant of the i8th Century. 5006 LEFEVRE (ANDRE). Philosophy, Historical and Critical. Translated, with Introduction, by A. H. Keane. Post 8vo, cloth. (Library of Contemporary Science.) London, 1879 5007 THOMSON (J. RADFORD). A Dictionary of Philosophy, in the Words of Philosophers. With Introduction. 8vo, cloth, pp. 479. London, 1887 5008 UEBERWEG (FRIEDRICH). History of Philosophy from Thales to the Present Time. Translated from the Fourth German Edition by Geo. S. Morris. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1872-74 5009 PICTET (ADOLPHE), Les Origines Indo-Europeennes, ou les Aryas Primitifs. Essai de Paleontologie Linguistique. Deuxieme Edition, revue et augmentee. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt. Paris, 1877 political Economic. 5010 BLANQUI (JEROME-ADOLPHE). History of Political Economy in Europe. Translated by E. J. Leonard. Preface by D. A. Wells. 8vo, cloth. London, 1880 5011 COSSA (LUIGI). Guide to the Study of Political Economy. Translated from the Italian. Preface by W. Stanley Jevons. Crown 8vo, limp cloth. London, 1880 5012 Introduction to the Study of Political Economy. Revised by the Author and translated by Louis Dyer. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1893 5013 COWPERTHWAIT (J. HOWARD). Money, Silver and Finance. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1892 5014 PERRY (ARTHUR LATHAM). Political Economy. Eight- eenth Edition. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, n. d. [1883] Ube (Beneral Xibrars 579 POLITICAL ECONOMY Continued. 5015 ROSCHER (WILLIAM). Principles of Political Economy . . . with additional chapters on Paper Money, International Trade, and the Protective System, and an Essay on the Historical Method in Political Economy, by L. Wolowski. Translated by J. J. Lalor. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1878 5016 SMITH (ADAM). Inquiry into the Nature and Cause of the Wealth of Nations. With Life, Introductory Discourse, Notes, and Supplemental Dissertation, by J. R. McCulloch. Fourth Edi- tion, corrected and improved. 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1850 5017 WOOLSEY (THEODORE D). Political Science; or, The State Theoretically and Practically Considered. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1878 5018 POLYDORE VERGIL. Polydori Virgilii de Rerum Inventori- bus. Translated by John Langley. With account of the Author and his Works, by William A. Hammond. Royal 8vo, cloth. (Agathynian Club Publications, No. 2.) New York, 1868 * No. 73 of 1 20 copies. 5019 POOLE (STANLEY LANE). Illustrations of the History of Mediaeval Thought in the Departments of Theology and Ecclesiasti- cal Politics. 8vo, cloth. (Hibbert Lecture.) London, 1884 5020 PRICHARD (JAMES COWLES). The Eastern Origin of the Celtic Nations, proved by a Comparison of their Dialects with the Sanskrit, Greek, Latin and Teutonic Languages. Forming a Sup- plement to Researches into the Physical History of Mankind. 8vo, boards (back damaged), uncut. Oxford, 1831 5021 PUCK. Vols. 19, 20 and 21, complete; Vol. 22 (lacks No. 555). 4to, Vols. 19 and 20 bound in half crimson morocco, and the remainder in the original numbers, as issued. (As 4 vols.) New York, 1886-88 5022 PYGMIES. QUATREFAGES (A. DE). The Pygmies. Translated by F.Starr. Numerous illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. New York, 1895 5023 TYSON (EDWARD). Orang-Outang, sive Homo Sylvestris; or, The Anatomy of a Pygmie compared with that of a Monkey, an Ape, and a Man, to which is added a Philological Essay concerning the Pygmies, the Cynocephali, the Satyrs, and Sphinges of the Ancients. Plates. 410, half calf. London, 1699 * Curious and scarce. The first scientific treatise on the monkey, printed in Eng- land. The author contends that the Satyrs of the ancients were probably Orang Outangs, or large Apes. 5 8o Ube General PYGMIES -Continued. 5024 TYSON (EDWARD). Philological Essay concerning the Pyg- mies of the Ancients. Now edited with an Introduction treating of Pygmy Races and Fairy Tales, by B. C. A. Windle. Crown 8vo, wrappers, pp. civ -f- 103. (Bibliotheque de Carabas.) London, 1894 *Only 550 copies printed. 5025 RAMAGE (C. T.) Beautiful Thoughts from French and Italian Authors, with English Translations and Lives of the Authors. Crown 8vo, half calf, gilt. Liverpool, 1866 5026 Beautiful Thoughts from German and Spanish Authors. (Sentences from Celebrated Authors, with translations.) Crown 8vo, half calf. Liverpool, 1868 5027 Beautiful Thoughts from Latin Authors. Second Edition. Crown 8vo, half calf, gilt. Liverpool, 1869 5028 Beautiful Thoughts from Greek Authors. Second Edition, enlarged. Crown 8vo, half calf, gilt. Liverpool, 1873 5029 RAU (CHARLES). Early Man in Europe. Illustrated. Crown 8vo, cloth. New York, 1876 5030 RAWLINSON (GEORGE). The Origin of Nations: On Early Civilisation; on Ethnic Affinities. 2 maps. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. [1877] 5031 The Religions of the Ancient World, including Egypt, Assyria and Babylonia, Persia, India, etc. Frontispiece. Crown 8vo, cloth. London n. d. [circa 1883] 5032 RELIGIOUS SYSTEMS OF THE WORLD. National, Christian and Philosophic. A Collection of Addresses . . . revised, and in some cases, re-written by the authors. 8vo, cloth. London, 1890 * Contains Boscawen on the Religion of Babylonia, Legge on Confucius, Beal on Buddhism, Sir Alfred Lyall on Hinduism, Harrison on Humanity (Positivism), etc. 5033 RENAN (ERNEST). De 1'Origine du Langage. 3 me Edition. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 258. Paris, 1859 5034 The Life of Jesus. 8vo, cloth (pencilled note states this was translated by Sir John Bowring). London, 1864 535 Life of Jesus. Translated, with an Introduction, by William G. Hutchinson. i2mo, cloth. London [1897] TTbe General Xibrarp 581 RENAN (ERNEST) Continued. 5036 The Apostles. Translated from the Original French. 8vo, cloth. London, 1869 537 Lectures on the Influences of the Institutions, Thought and Culture of Rome, on Christianity and the Development of the Catho- olic Church. Translated by Charles Beard. 8vo, cloth. (Hibbert Lectures.) London, 1880 5038 KENDALL (GERALD H.) The Cradle of the Aryans. 8vo, buckram, pp. 63. London, 1889 5039 REVIEW OF REVIEWS (THE AMERICAN MONTHLY). From Vol. 4, No. 24, to Vol. 24, No. 139 (Jan., 1892, to Aug., 1901). Numerous illustrations, portraits, etc. i4vols. in cloth, the remainder in the original parts. (As 20 vols.) N. Y. 1892-1901 5040 REVILLE (ALBERT). Prolegomena of the History of Reli- gions. Translated by A. S. Squire. With Introduction by F. Max Miiller. 8vo, cloth. London, 1884 5041 REYNARD THE FOX. Reinaert De Vos; Episch Fabeldicht van de Twaelfde en Dertiende Eeuw met Aenmerkingen en Ophel- deringen. Facsimiles on India paper. 8vo, half calf. Ghent, 1836 5042 [RICHARDSON (JOSEPH)?] Extracts from the Album at Streatham ; or, Ministerial Amusements. 8vo, sewed, pp. 59. London, 1788 * Satirical pieces, prose and poetry, against the Government. As one of the pieces is stated to be by the "Authors of the Rolliad," and Richardson was one of the prin- cipal writers of that satire, and also published many political satires, both in prose and poetry, it is possibly by him. 5043 RIPLEY (WILLIAM Z.) The Races of Europe. A Sociological Study. Accompanied by a Supplementary Bibliography of the Anthropology and Ethnology of Europe, published by the Public Library of the City of Boston. Hundreds of maps \ diagrams, portrait types, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1899 5044 ROUGEMONT (FREDERIC DE). L'Age du Bronze; ou, Les Semites en Occident. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1866 5045 ROY (J. EDMOND). Jean Bourdon et la Baie d'Hudson. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 19. (Bulletin des Recherches Historiques.) Montreal, 1896 582 Ube General 5046 ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Journal of the Society, Vols. 48 and 49, 1878-79; Supplementary Papers, Vols. i and 2, 1882-1889. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1878-89 * The Supplementary Papers contain, besides the narratives of exploration, Bibliog- raphies of Hispaniola, of Algeria and of Tripoli and Cyrenaica. 5047 RUDLER(F.W.) AND CHISHOLM (GEO. G.) Europe. Edited by Sir Andrew C. Ramsay. With Ethnological Appendix, by A. H. Keane. Maps and illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth, pp. 617. (Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel.) London, 1885 RUFFNER (H.) Fathers of the Desert. See No. 4838. 5048 SALERNO (SCHOOL OF). CROKE (SiR ALEXANDER). Regimen Sanitatis Salernitanum. A Poem on the Preservation of Health in Rhyming Latin Verse. Addressed by the School of Salerno to Robert of Normandy . . . With an Ancient Translation, Introduc- tion and Notes. Etchings from the old wooden cuts in the German Editions 0/1559, 1568 and 1573. Crown 8vo, half calf. Oxford, 1830 * The introduction contains a history of the School of Salerno, and notices of editions and manuscripts relating to this poem. 5049 SCHAFF (PHILIP). The Creeds of Christendom, with History and Critical Notes. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1877 *Vol. i. History of Creeds; Vol. 2. Greek and Latin Creeds; Vol. 3. Evangelical Creeds. 5050 SCHISCHKOFF (ADMIRAL ALEXANDER). Vergleihendes (j/V) Worterbuch in Zweihundert Sprachen. 2 vols. in i. 8vo, half roan. St. Petersburg, 1838 5051 SCHLEICHER (AUGUST). A Compendium of the Compara- tive Grammar of the Indo-European, Sanskrit, Greek and Latin Languages. Translated from the Third German Edition by Herbert Bendail. 2 parts in one volume. 8vo, cloth. London, 1874 5052 SCIENCE. A Weekly Journal devoted to the Advancement of Science. New Series, Vol. I. to Vol. XVI. complete in the original weekly numbers. 410. (As 16 vols.) New York, 1895-1902 5053 SERGEANT (LEWIS). The Government Handbook . . . Forms and Methods of Government of Gt. Britain, her Colonies and Foreign Countries. Third Edition. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1890 5054 SEVERUS (SULPICIUS). Sulpitii Severii Opera Omnia quse extant. Engraved title. i6mo, old calf. Amsterdam, 1656 * Elzevier Edition. Ube General Xibrarp 5 8 3 5055 SHALER (NATHANIEL SOUTHGATE) AND DAVIS (WILLIAM MORRIS). Illustrations of the Earth's Surface. Glaciers. Illustrated with 25 photographic views of glaciers, etc. 410, cloth. Boston, 1881 5056 SILLIG (JULIUS). Dictionary of the Artists of Antiquity, Architects, Carvers, Engravers, Modellers, Painters, etc. . . . Trans- lated from the Latin by the Rev. H.W. Williams. Indexes, etc., by E. H. Barker. 8vo, cloth. London, 1836 5057 SIMCOX (E. J.) Primitive Civilizations; or, Outlines of the His- tory of Ownership in Archaic Communities. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1894 5058 SINKER (ROBERT). Testamenta XII. Patriarcharum ; . . . The Testaments of the XII. Patriarchs. An attempt to estimate their Historic and Dogmatic Worth. Post 8vo, cloth. * Containing the text, with various readings. Cambridge (Eng. ), 1869 5059 SMALL (ALBION W.) AND VINCENT (GEORGE E.) Intro- duction to the Study of Society. Crown 8vo, cloth. New York [1894] * Social Physiology and Pathology, Social Anatomy, the Family, etc. 5060 SMITH (JAMES E.) A Dissertation on the Sexes of Plants. Translated from the Latin of Linnaeus, izmo, sewed, pp. 62. London, 1786 5061 SMITH (WILLIAM) AND CHEETHAM (SAMUEL). Dic- tionary of Christian Antiquities. Numerous illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, pp. 2060. Vol. I., Boston, 1875; Vol. II., London, 1880 5062 SOCIETE NEUCHATELOISE DE GEOGRAPHIE (BUL- LETIN DE). Tome VII., 1892-93. (Racontars Mythologiques des Sauvages australiens; Restauration des premieres cartes de 1'Australie; Etude economique sur la Republique de Nicaragua, avec 3 cartes; La Transformation du Desert americain aux Etats- Unis; Exploration d'une serie de grands lacs sis au nord du fort Good-Hope in 1878, par E. Petitot, etc.) 8vo, wrappers, pp. 679. Neuchatel, 1893 5063 SPINOZA (BENEDICT DE). The Chief Works of Spinoza. Translated from the Latin, with an Introduction by R. H. M. Elwes. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. (Bohn's Philosophical Library.) London, 1883-84 584 Ube General SPINOZA (BENEDICT DE) Continued. The Ethic of Spinoza. Translated from the Latin by William Hale White. 8vo, cloth. (Triibner's Philosophical Library.) London, 1883 5065 - Tractatus de Intellectus Emendatione. Translated by W. Hale White. Revised by A. H. Stirling. i2mo, cloth. London, 1895 5066 STEVENSON (WILLIAM). Historical Sketch of the Progress of Discovery, Navigation and Commerce, from the Earliest Records to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century. 8vo, boards, cloth back (writing on title). Edinburgh, 1824 5067 STEWART (B.) AND TAIT (P. G.) The Unseen Universe; or, Physical Speculations on a Future State. Ninth Edition, revised and enlarged. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1880 5068 STRONG (HERBERT A.), LOGEMAN (WILLEM S.) AND WHEELER (BENJAMIN IDE). Introduction to the Study of the History of Language. 8vo, cloth. London, 1891 5069 STRONG (JAMES). The Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, showing every word of the Text in the common English version . . . together with a Comparative Concordance of the Authorized and Revised Versions, including the American Variations, and Diction- aries of Greek and Hebrew words, etc. Thick 410, half morocco, pp. 1 3404-262-)- 1 28+ 79. New York, 1894 5070 STUDIA BIBLICA ET ECCLESIASTICA. Essays chiefly in Biblical and Patristic Criticism by Members of the University of Oxford. Vol. II. Facsimile. 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1890 *The Codex Amiatinus, by H. J. White; The Authorship and Titles of the Psalms, by Ad. Neubauer; The Day and Year of St. Polycarp's Martyrdom, by C. H. Turner; etc. 5071 SUNDARA ROW(T.) Geometrical Exercises in Paper Folding. Colored diagrams. i2mo, wrappers, pp. 114. Madras, 1893 * Intended both as " Kinder-garten " exercises, and as a method of introduction to the theorems of Euclid. 5072 SWAINSON (C. A.) The Nicene and Apostles' Creeds. Their Literary History, with an account ... of the Creed of St. Athanasius. 8vo, cloth. London, 1875 5073 TATIAN. The Earliest Life of Christ ever compiled from the Four Gospels; being the Diatessaron of Tatian \circa A. D. 160] literally translated from the Arabic Version and containing the Four Gospels woven into one Story. With Historical and Critical Introduction, Notes and Appendix. By the Rev. J. Hamlyn Hill. 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1894 General Xibraq? 585 5074 TAYLOR (ISAAC). The Origin of the Aryans. An Account of the Prehistoric Ethnology and Civilization of Europe. Illustrated. i2mo, cloth. (Contemporary Science Series.) London, 1889 * One of the best of the modern books on the latest theories as to the Aryans. 5075 TEACHING OF THE TWELVE APOSTLES. AIAAXH TON AOAEKA ALTO2TOAN, VTTO iAo0eov Bpvewiov, Constantinople, 1883 (The Original publication of Bryennius, containing the first edition of the text) ; Hilgenfeld, Evangeliorum secundum Hebraeos, Petrum, ^Egyptos, Matthise, Traditionum, &c. , quae supersunt; addita Doctrina XII. Apostolorum, et libello qui appellatus " Duae Vise," vel "Judicium Petri," Leipzig, 1884; P. Sabatier, La Didache, ou 1'Enseignement des Douze Apotres, Texte Grec, avec un Com- mentaire et des Notes, Paris, 1885, with Autograph Letter of Paul Sabatier to Canon Venables inserted; Magazine article, by Prof. B. B. Warfield, on the same subject, 1886. Bound in one volume. 8vo, half calf. 5076 Text and Translation (of the " Didache "), with Critical and Illustrative Papers by Eminent Scholars (Bp. Bryennius in Greek, with translation by Prof. Orris; J. Rendel Harris; I. H. Hall; and E. R. Craven). 8vo, wrappers, pp. 84. New York [1884] 5077 The Recently Discovered Manuscript (of the " Didache)," edited, with a Translation and Notes, by R. D. Hitchcock and F. Brown. 8vo, boards, pp. 37. New York, 1884 5078 The Recently Discovered Apostolic Manuscript. Translated into English, izmo, wrappers, pp. 26. New York [1884] 5079 SCHAFF (PHILIP). The Oldest Church Manual, called the Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, etc. Illustrations and facsimiles of the Jerusalem manuscript. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1886 * Greek text, with translations, etc. 5080 - - SCHAFF (PHILIP). The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles; or, The Oldest Church Manual. The Didache and Kindred Docu- ments in the Original, with Translations, etc. Facsimiles of the Jerusalem manuscript and other illustrations. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1890 5081 A volume consisting of extracts from newspapers, containing criticisms on the manuscripts and on its doctrines. Bound in half morocco, 8vo. 586 zrbe General 5082 THEOPHILUS RUGERUS. Essay upon various Arts, in three books, by Theophilus, called also Rugerus, Priest and Monk, form- ing an Encyclopaedia of Christian Art of the Xlth Century. Trans- lated, with Notes, by Robert Hendrie. With Additional Title printed in gold and colors, and facsimile of three of the MSS. 8vo r cloth. London, 1847 * With the Latin text. The most important part of the work is the description of the ancient manner of painting in oil, affecting the question whether the Flemish School invented the modern process of oil painting. 5083 THOMS (WILLIAM J.) Human Longevity, its Facts and Fic- tions . . . Illustrated by Examples. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1873 5084 TIELE (C. P.) Outlines of the History of Religion, to the Spread of the Universal Religions. Translated by J. Estlin Carpenter. 8vo, cloth. (Triibner's Philosophical Library, Vol. 7.) London, 1877 5085 TORR (CECIL). On Portraits of Christ in the British Museum. Illustrations. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 14. London, 1898 5086 TOZER (H. F.) A History of Ancient Geography. With maps. Post 8vo, cloth. Cambridge: The University Press, 1897 5087 TRENHOLM (W. L.) The People's Money. Crown 8vo, cloth. New York, 1893 5088 UEBERWEG (FRIEDRICH). System of Logic and History of Logical Doctrines. Translated by Thomas M. Lindsay. 8vo, cloth. London, 1871 5089 UNIVERSAL HISTORY (AN), from the Earliest Account of Time, compiled from Original Authors, illustrated with maps, cuts, notes, etc., 21 vols., 1747-54; The Modern Part of an Universal History, by the Authors of the Antient Part, 44 vols., 1759-66. To- gether 65 vols. 8vo, old calf. Lond. 1747-66 * Containing 44 bookplates (armorial) of Sir Thomas Bankes Janson, Baronet of Corfe Castle, Dorset, 1783. Vols. 38-41 relate to America. 5090 VATER (JOHANN SEVERIN). Versuch einer allgemeinen Sprachlehre. Mit einer Einleitung liber den Begriff und Ursprung der Sprache, &c. i2mo, boards. Halle, 1801 5091 VELAZQUEZ AND MURILLO. A Descriptive and Historical Catalogue of their Works, comprising a Classified List of their Paintings, their History, Dates, Owners, etc. By C. B. Curtis. With original etchings. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1883 General Xfbiars 587 5092 VOLAPUK. GUARDIOLA (Joss). Kosmal Idioma. Gramatika uti nove prata kiamso Orba. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 96. Paris, 1893 5093 - - HUEBSCH (SAMUEL). Volapuk. A Guide for Learning the Universal Language. i2mo, wrappers, pp. 47. New York, 1887 5094 - - Hand-book of Volapiik. By Charles E. Sprague. Crown 8vo, cloth. New York, 1888 5095 WAKEHAM (WILLIAM). Report of the Expedition to Hudson Bay and Cumberland Gulf ... in 1897. Printed by order of Par- liament. Map and 29 plates. Royal 8vo, full calf, pp 83. (original . covers bound in). Ottawa, 1898 5096 WALLACE (ALFRED RUSSEL). Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1870 5097 WALLACE (ROBERT). Dissertation on the Numbers of Man- kind in Ancient and Modern Times. Second Edition, revised and corrected. 8vo, half calf. Edinburgh, 1809 5098 WARREN (WILLIAM F.) Paradise Found. The Cradle of the Human Race at the North Pole. A Study of the Prehistoric World. Illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1885 5099 WEISMANN (A.) Essays upon Heredity and kindred Biological Problems. Authorized translation, edited by E. B. Poulton, S. Schonland, and A. E. Shipley. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1891-92 5100 WESTROPP (HODDER M.) AND WAKE (C. STANILAND). Ancient Symbol Worship." Influence of the Phallic Idea in the Religions of Antiquity. With Introduction, Notes and Appendix, by Alexander Wilder. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1874 * From the Library of Henry Ward Beecher, and with his pencil notes. 5101 - Ancient Symbol Worship. Second Edition. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1875 5102 WHITAKER'S ALMANACS. The Years 1896 to 1901. 6 vols. post 8vo, half roan. London, 1896-1901 WHITNEY (WILLIAM DWIGHT). See under Muller (Sir F. Max). 5103 WILTSCH (J. E. T.) Handbook of the Geography and Statistics of the Church. Translated -by John Leitch. With Preface by Frederick Denison Maurice. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1868 588 ftbe General Xibrarp 5104 WINNING (W. B.) Manual of Comparative Philology, in which the Affinity of the Indo-European Languages is illustrated and applied to the Primeval History of Europe, Italy, and Rome. 8vo, half calf. London, 1838 5 105 WISEMAN (H. E. Cardinal}. Lectures on the Principal Doctrines and Practices of the Catholic Church. Sixth American from the last London Edition, revised and corrected. 2 volumes in i. Post 8vo, cloth. Baltimore, 1870 5106 WITKOSKI (DR. S. J.) The Evil that has been said of Doctors: Extracts from Early Writers. Translated, with Annotations, by T. C. Minor. Square crown 8vo, cloth. Cincinnati, 1889 5107 WORDSWORTH (CHR. Bishop of Lincoln). St. Hippolytus and the Church of Rome in the Earlier Part of the Third Century. From the Newly Discovered "Refutation of all Heresies." Second and Enlarged Edition. Portrait and plate. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1880 5108 YOUNG (ROBERT). Analytical Concordance to the Bible . . . with the latest Information on Biblical Geography and Antiquities, etc. Revised Edition. 410, cloth, pp. 1090 (binding damaged). Edinburgh, 1881 'Tilill' f^LJ - ^^* 3C .TN -^ 1| PGulenbergj iVSftl No. 534 The 1907 Private Library of Wilberforce Eames PartV Cije ^tstorp, ^literature, languages, etc., of Western anli Central &sia, ant> IE ANDERSO.V >\t<:inr (M 5 WEST 29 TH ST.. NEW YORK. " TninninriT 3>^(J ^ "SZ B-ATW^bV^ CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF HJQUflberforce (OF THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY) BY EDWARD TURNBULL PART V The History, Languages, Literature, Religion, Ethnography, Folk-Lore, etc., of Western, Central and Northern Asia, and Egypt FOR SALE AT AUCTION THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, APRIL i i th AND 1 2 th ' 1907 BY Cije 3nber0on auction Company 5 West 29th Street, New York THE SALES TAKE PLACE EACH DAY AT 3 O'CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON, AND AT 7.30 O'CLOCK IN THE EVENING TELEPHONE: 91 so MADISON N. B. All bids arc understood to be at so much per volume or piece 5>ciu]las 'Castor & (to. "Hew it)orh Condition* of Sale. I The highest bidder to be the Buyer; in all cases of disputed bids, the lot shall be immediately re-sold. 2 Books are sold per volume, other articles per piece, unless otherwise stated in Catalogue, and bids must be made accordingly. 3 Books are presumed to be perfect unless otherwise stated. To pur- chasers who have had opportunity for examination, they are sold as they are. On mail orders, an intelligent discretion will be used as to purchase. Imperfect books (not so described) may be returned within three days. 4 To prevent confusion and inaccuracy, goods will not be delivered dur- ing the sale. 5 Terms Cash. Bills to be paid before delivery of goods. Jt Bids will be faithfully executed by the Anderson Auction Co. without charge. rfcer of Sale Thursday Afternoon, April nth, commencing at 3 o'clock (Lots 5109 to 5459 inclusive). Thursday Evening, April nth, commencing at 7.30 o'clock (Lots 5460 to 5800 inclusive). Friday Afternoon, April I2th, commencing at 3 o'clock (Lots 5801 to 6160 inclusive). Friday Evening, April I2th, commencing at 7.30 o'clock (Lots 6161 to 6522 inclusive). Cbis Sale will be conOucteD b eorge 2). dfcorse Buctioneer NO subject is of more absorbing interest to the intelligent man or the student than the history of the earliest periods of the human race, and the progressive development of civiliza- tion and morality from the state of primitive savagery. Incom- plete as these records may be, sufficient evidence has been found to enable us fairly to know the history of the gradual rise of Empires, the institution and recognition of national and indi- vidual rights, and the recurring changes of independence, conquest and re-conquest, until their gradual decay and literal disappearance from the face of the earth. Linked intimately with the political and social history is that of religious beliefs. The sole, permanent remains that we have to-day of these nations being the monotheistic doctrine of the ancient Hebrews, and the belief in the immortality of the soul that was taught, in a form, by the Egyptians several thousand years ago. To the Social and Political Reformer, the Dreamer after Primitive Conditions of Society, the Religious Enthusiast, the Agnostic, Deist, Materialist, or Infidel, these subjects are of surpassing interest, and the works that deal directly with them are comprised in the part of the Library of Mr. Wilberforce Eames here offered. One great difficulty in history has been to decide the lines of demarcation, nations overlapping one another as centuries elapsed. Localities remain, but the people change, or charac- teristics are modified by conquest or migration. The earliest nations of which we have record, those in the valleys of the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers, grew mighty in power, spreading to the shores of the Mediterranean in the time of Sargon and successfully attacking Egypt. Later, the neighboring nation of Persia became all-conquering, and territories were overrun, devastated in places, and in others simply annexed and peopled. Still later, hordes of Tatars and Mongols swept like a flood over the continent from the furthest parts of Asia, and into Europe, and were checked only when they approached the higher reaches of the Danube. Each nationality left its influence- sometimes for the better, often for the worse and thus the history of the earliest civilizations is practically the history of the races of Western and Central Asia. E. T. THE PRINCIPAL DIVISIONS. BOOKS RELATING GENERALLY TO ASIA, THE SEMITIC RACES, BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY, ETC. . . 5109 to 5169 EGYPT; HISTORY, LANGUAGE, RELIGION, ETC. . . 5170 " 5357 COPTIC LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE . . . 5358 " 5379 ETHIOPIC LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE . . . 5380 " 5406 HIMYARITIC-SABJEAN INSCRIPTIONS OF SOUTHERN ARABIA AND THE SINAITIC PENINSULA . . . 5407 " 5418 ARABIA; LANGUAGE, LITERATURE, ETC., INCLUDING GENERAL WORKS ON ARABIA AND MOHAMMEDANISM 5419 " 5622 ASSYRIA, BABYLONIA, AND THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIP- TIONS . . 5623 " 5737 SYRIA, PALESTINE, AND THE SINAITIC PENINSULA . 5738 " 5815 THE JEWS AND THEIR HISTORY, INCLUDING THE HEBREW LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE, THE ARAMAIC OR CHALDEE, THE TALMUDIC, THE RABBINIC, AND YIDDISH .... ... 5816 " 6054 THE SAMARITAN LANGUAGE, LITERATURE AND HISTORY 6055 " 6067 THE MOABITE STONE ...... 6068 " 6074 THE PHOENICIAN LANGUAGE, INSCRIPTIONS, HISTORY, AND COLONIES ....... 6075 " 6103 THE SYRIAC LANGUAGE, LITERATURE AND CHURCH . 6104 " 6176 THE DRUSES . ... . 6177 " 6180 THE HITTITES 6181 " 6186 CYPRUS .... . . 6187 " 6195 ASIA MINOR .... 6196 " 6209 GEORGIA AND THE CAUCASUS . . 6210 6216 THE ARMENIAN LANGUAGE, LITERATURE AND HISTORY 6217 " 6242 THE PERSIAN LANGUAGE, LITERATURE AND HISTORY, INCLUDING THE ZEND, PAHLAVI, HUZVARESH, ETC. 6243 " 6413 THE TURKISH LANGUAGE, LITERATURE AND HISTORY 6414 " 6443 CENTRAL AND NORTHERN ASIA (The Caspian, Turkes- tan, Bokhara, Khiva, Merv, the Pamirs, Kashgar, Yarkand, Khotan, Kuldja, Sungaria, Siberia, part of Russia, etc . <>444 " 6522 General Works on Western Hsia, tbe Semitic IRaces, Biblical Hrcbasoloop, Ibistorp, etc. 5109 ANDERSON (RUFUS). History of Missions of the American Board of ... Foreign Missions to the Oriental Churches. (Greeks, Armenians, Jacobites, Bulgarians, Turks, Palestine, Syrians, Moham- medans, etc.) Portrait and map. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1872 5110 BABELON (ERNEST). Manual of Oriental Antiquities, includ- ing the Architecture, Sculpture, and Industrial Arts of Chaldaea, Assyria, Persia, Syria, Judaea, Phoenicia and Carthage. Translated and enlarged by B. T. A. Evetts. 241 illustrations. Square 8vo, cloth. London, 1889 5111 BALL (C. J.) Light from the East; or, the Witness of the Monu- ments. An Introduction to the Study of Biblical Archaeology. Numerous illustrations of ancient monuments and inscriptions, mostly from photographs. Small 4to, cloth. London, 1899 *A resumefof the latest archaeological discoveries which relate in any way to Biblical history, with complete translations of many inscriptions. 5112 BANDINI (ANGELO MARIA). La Stamperia Mediceo-Ori- entale. Frammento di una memoria in parte inedita. i6mo, wrap- pers, pp. 44. Florence, 1878 5113 BERTIN (G.) Suggestions on the Formation of the Semitic Tenses. Folding plate. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 14. [London, 1882] 5114 BIBLIA. A Monthly Journal of Oriental Research. The American Organ of the Egypt Exploration Fund, etc. Vols. 10 to 15, 1897, to 1903. Complete in the original numbers. (As 6 vols.) N. Y. and Meriden, Conn., 1897-1903 589 590 TKHestern anfc Central Bsia GENERAL WORKS ON WESTERN ASIA, ETC. Continued. 5115 BRINTON (DANIEL G.) The Protohistoric Ethnography of Western Asia. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 32. (Proceedings Amer. Philos. Society.) Philadelphia, 1895 5116 CAMBRIDGE ESSAYS. Contributed by Members of the Uni- versity. 1855, 1856, 1857, and 1858. 4 vols. 8vo, limp boards. London, 1855-58 * Among essays on Oriental subjects are, The Ancient Bashan and the Cities of Og, by C. C. Graham, and the important series of articles on and translations from the Egyptian Hieratic Papyri, by C. W. Goodwin. 5117 CATALOGUES. Maisonneuve's Catalogue of Arabic, Turkish, and Persian Works (French), 1901; Price List of Publications of the American Mission Press, Beirut, Syria, illustrated, 1891 ; Catalogue de la Bibliotheque de Feu M. J. Mohl (Auction sale), Paris, 1876; etc. 6 pieces, 8vo, wrappers. (As a lot.) 5118 CLARKE (JOHN C. C.) The Origin and Varieties of the Semitic Alphabet, with specimens. Second Edition. 20 illustrative tables. Imp. 8vo, cloth. Chicago, 1884 5119 COOPER (W. R.) An Archaic Dictionary: biographical, historical and mythological ; from the Egyptian, Assyrian, and Etruscan Monu- ments and Papyri. 8vo, cloth. London, 1876 5120 CUMBERLAND (R. BISHOP OF PETERBOROUGH). Origines Gen- tium Antiquissimse ; or, Attempts for Discovering the Times of the First Planting of Nations. Publish'd from his Lordship's Manuscript by S. Payne. 8vo, full crimson straight-grained morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1724 / 5121 DRIVAL (ABBE E. VAN). Grammaire Comparee des Langues Bibliques. Premiere partie: Histoire et Analyse des Alphabets Semitiques et Europeens. 25 plates of primitive alphabets. Royal 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1853 5122 EVETTS (BASIL T. A.) New Light on the Bible and the Holy Land, being an Account of some Recent Discoveries in the East. Plates of cuneiform inscriptions, etc. 8vo, cloth. New York [1895] 5123 FISHER (JONATHAN). Scripture Animals, or Natural History of the living creatures named in the Bible. Numerous woodcuts. Post 8vo, cloth. Portland, 1834 * The author was minister at Blue Hill, Maine, and he designed and engraved for himself the numerous quaint woodcuts in this book. Western ant) Central Bsia 59 T GENERAL WORKS ON WESTERN ASIA, ETC. Continued. 5124 FLOIGL (DR. VICTOR). Geschichte des Semitischen Altertums. 6 folding tables. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 47. Leipzig, 1882 5125 GROSER (WILLIAM H.) Scripture Natural History. The Trees and Plants Mentioned in the Bible. Illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. [London] 1888 5126 HILPRECHT (HERMAN V. Editor). Recent Research in Bible Lands; its Progress and Results. Maps and illustrations. Square 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1896 5127 HOMMEL (FRITZ). Die Semitschen Volker und Sprachen. Erster Band. 3 parts, 8vo, wrappers. Leipzig, 1881-83 5128 Geschichte des alten Morgenlandes. Map and plates. I2mo, cloth. Stuttgart, 1895 5129 HORNE (THOMAS HARTWELL). Manual of Biblical Bibli- ography. Facsimile and table. Royal 8vo, half morocco. London, 1839 5130 HOTTINGER (J. H.) Promtuarium ; sive, Bibliotheca Orientalis exhibens catalogum .... authorum Hebraicorum, Syriacorum, Arabi- corum, ^Egyptiacorum, ^Ethiopicorum, etc. Small 4to. Fine copy handsomely bound by Du SIMIER in full crimson levant morocco gilt, gilt edges. Heidelberg, 1658 * The First General Bibliography of Oriental Books and Manuscripts. At the end is list of Oriental Manuscripts in the Escurial, and the libraries of Scaliger, Erpenius, and J. B. Raymond. 5131 HUIZINGA (ABEL H.) Analogy in the Semitic Languages. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 64. Presentation copy. Baltimore, 1891 5132 KEANE (AUGUSTUS H.) Asia, with Ethnological Appendix. Edited by Sir Richard Temple. Map and illustrations. Thick" post 8vo, cloth. (Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel.) London, 1882 5133 KITTO (JOHN). Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature. Third Edi- tion, edited by Wm. Lindsay Alexander. With Biographical Notices and Index. Engraved plates, and illustrations in the text. 3 vols. thick royal 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1870 59 2 Western anfc Central Hsia GENERAL WORKS ON WESTERN ASIA, ETC. Continued. 5134 LENORMANT (FRANCOIS) AND CHEVALLIER (E.) The Student's Manual of Oriental History. . . . The Ancient History of the East to the Commencement of the Median Wars. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1869-70 * Scarce. 5135 LENORMANT (FRANCOIS). Histoire Ancienne de 1'Orient jusqu'aux Guerres Mediques. Neuvieme edition, revue, corrige, augmentee et illustree de nombreuses figures d'apres les monuments antiques. 22 maps and 639 illustrations in the text. 3 vols. imp. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 473, 462 and 426. Paris, 1881-83 5136 MAHAFFY (JOHN P.) Prolegomena to Ancient History, con- taining Part I., Interpretations of Legends and Inscriptions ; Part II., Survey of Old Egyptian Literature. A few plates. 8vo, cloth. London, 1871 5137 MARTIN (SIR W.) Inquiries concerning the Structure of the Semitic Languages. Two Parts in one volume. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1876 5138 MASPERO (GASTON). The Dawn of Civilization. Edited by A. H. Sayce. Translated by M. L. McClure. Map and over 470 illus- trations and plans. Thick imp. 8vo, cloth. London, 1894 5139 - - The Struggle of the Nations. Egypt, Syria, and Assyria. Edited by A. H. Sayce. Translated by M. L. McClure. Map, 3 colored plates and over 400 illustrations. Imp. 8vo, cloth. London, 1896 5140 - - The Passing of the Empires. 850 to 330 B. C. Edited by A. H. Sayce. Translated by M. L. McClure. Maps, 3 colored plates and hundreds of illustrations. Imp. 8vo, cloth. London, 1900 5141 MURRAY (HUGH). Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in Asia, from the earliest ages to the present time. 3 fold- ing maps. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt. Edinburgh, 1820 5142 NOLDEKE (THEODOR). Sketches from Eastern History. Translated by John Sutherland Black, and revised by the author. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1892 * On Mohammedanism, Syrian Saints, the Koran, etc. an& Central Hsia 593 GENERAL WORKS ON WESTERN ASIA, ET 'C. Continued. 5143 OPPERT (DR. GUSTAV). Der Presbyter Johannes in Sage und Geschichte. Ein beitrag zur Voelker- und Kirchenhistorie und zur Heldendichtung des Mittelalters. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 208. Berlin, 1864 * A critical treatise on all the early accounts of Prester John, by Benjamin of Tudela, Otto von Freisingen, Marco Polo, etc. 5144 OUSELEY (SIR WILLIAM). Catalogue of Several Hundred Manuscript Works in various Oriental Languages (describing 725 items). Facsimile of Oriental writing. 4to, limp boards. London: Privately Printed, 1831 5145 PALMER (E. H.) Descriptive Catalogue of the Arabian, Persian, and Turkish Manuscripts in Trinity College, Cambridge. With Appendix, containing a catalogue of the Hebrew and Samaritan MSS. 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1870 5146 Outlines of Scripture Geography. 2 maps. I2mo, limp cloth. London [1874?] 5147 PERROT (GEORGES) AND CHIPIEZ (CHARLES). History of Art in Sardinia, Judaea, Syria, and Asia Minor. Translated and edited by I. Gonino. 8 steel and colored plates and 406 engravings. 2 vols. imp. 8vo, cloth. London, 1890 5148 PLEYTE (W.) La Religion des Pre-Israelites. Recherches sur le Dieu Seth. With 10 plates. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 256. Utrecht, 1862 5149 RECORDS OF THE PAST. English Translations of the Assyrian and Egyptian Monuments. Published under the sanction of The Society of Biblical Archaeology. Complete set. 12 vols. crown 8vo, original cloth (Vols. I and 2 are Second Editions, the remaining volumes are of the First and Scarce Edition). London, 1875-81 * A valuable and scarce series of translations by the best authorities of Egyptian, Assyrian, and Babylonian texts, including the Behistun Inscription ; Egyptian tales, Inscriptions ; Hymns, and sacred texts relating to Isis and Osiris ; The Izdubar Legends, and Legends of the Tower of Babel; the Chaldean account of the Creation, etc., etc. 5150 RECORDS OF THE PAST. Being English Translations of the Ancient Monuments of Egypt and Western Asia. New Series edited by A. H. Sayce. Complete in 6 vols. crown 8vo, cloth. London [1888-92] * Containing many new documents, and translations revised by the light of later discoveries of the more important documents included in the First Series. 594 Western anfc Central Bsfa GENERAL WORKS ON WESTERN ASIA, ETC. Continued. 5151 REHATSEK (EDWARD). Catalogue Raisonne of the Arabic, Hindostani, Persian, and Turkish MSS. in the Mulla Firuz Library. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 279. [Bombay] 1873 5152 REN AN (ERNEST). Histoire Generale des Langues Semitiques. Seconde edition, revue et augmentee. Thick 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1858 5153 Histoire Generale des Langues Semitiques. Cinquieme edition, revue et augmentee. Thick 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1878 5154 RULE (WM. HARRIS) AND ANDERSON (J. CORBET). Biblical Monuments. 61 plates of facsimiles of ancient monuments, manuscripts, inscriptions, views, etc. Imp. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. Croydon: Privately Printed, 1871-3 5155 RULE (WILLIAM HARRIS). Oriental Records (Monumental and Historical) confirmatory of the Old and New Testaments. Fac- similes. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth, gilt. London, n. d. [1877] * Con tains translations of the Assyrian Creation and Deluge Tablets, etc. 5156 SACY (SILVESTRE DE). Catalogue des Livres composant la Bibliotheque de M. Le Bn. Silvestre de Sacy. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1842-47 * With prices in ink. A fine Oriental collection, containing both printed books and manuscripts. 5157 SAYCE (A. H.) The Ancient Empires of the East. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1884 5158 Fresh Light from the Ancient Monuments. Crown 8vo, cloth. [London, 1888?] 5159 - - Fresh Light from the Ancient Monuments. Fifth Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth. [London] 1890 5160 - - The Races of the Old Testament. Illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. [London] 1891 5161 - - The "Higher Criticism" and the Verdict of the Monuments. Fifth Edition. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1895 5162 SMITH (DR. WILLIAM). Dictionary of the Bible; its Antiquities, Biography, Geography, and Natural History. Revised and edited by H. B. Hackett and Ezra Abbott. 4 vols. thick 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1880-81 Western an& Central Bsta 595 GENERAL WORKS ON WESTERN ASIA, ETC. Continued. 5163 SOCIETY OF BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY. Transactions, from Vol. i, 1872, to Vol. 9, 1893 (lacking Part 2 of Vol. 7) ; with the General Index to the Transactions, 1903. Together 10 vols. 8vo (8 vols. bound in half cloth, the remainder in parts). As 10 vols. London, 1872-1903 * Very Scarce, the early volumes being out of print and rare. Containing the most complete collection of translations of Assyrian, Egyptian, Babylonian, and other primitive texts relating to Biblical history issued. With numerous facsimiles. 5164 - Proceedings. From No. 6, Vol. IX, 1887, to Vol. XXVII, No. i, Jan., 1905. In the original wrappers. (As 18 vols.) London, 1887-1905 * Containing the minor papers on Biblical Archaeology, translations, etc., with numerous facsimiles. Texts in Egyptian, Assyrian, Coptic, Syriac, etc. Scarce. 5165 SPURGEON (C. H.) Commenting and Commentaries: Two Lec- tures. . . . with a Catalogue of Biblical Commentaries and Expositions. 8vo, cloth. London, 1876 5166 TERNAUX-COMPANS (HENRI). Bibliotheque Asiatique et Africaine; ou, catalogue des ouvrages relatifs a 1'Asie et a 1'Afrique qui ont paru depuis la Decouverte de ITmprimerie jusqu'en 1700. Post 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1841 5167 WILLIAMSON (GEORGE C.) The Money of the Bible. Nume- rous facsimiles. Crown 8vo, cloth. New York [1894] 5168 WILSON (SIR CHARLES). Handbook for Asia Minor. Trans- caucasia, Persia, etc. Maps and plans. I2mo, cloth. London, 1895 5169 WRIGHT (WILLIAM). Lectures on the Comparative Grammar of the Semitic Languages. Royal 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1890 5170 BARNARD (F. A. P.) The Imaginary Metrological System of the Great Pyramid of Gizeh. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1884 5171 BENSON (MARGARET) AND GOURLAY (JANET). The Temple of Mut in Asher. Account of the Excavation . . . the Re- ligious Representations and Objects found therein, as illustrating the History of Egypt, etc. The Inscriptions and Translations by Percy E. Newberry. Plans and 28 plates. 8vo, cloth. London, 1899 596 Western ant) Central Bsia EGY PT Continued. 5172 BIBLIOTHEQUE KHEDIVIALE. Catalogue de la Section Europeenne. I. L'gypte. (Compiled by Dr. Vollers.) 8vo, wrap- pers, pp. 205. Cairo, 1892 * Catalogue of Books on Egypt. 5173 BIRCH (SAMUEL). Egyptian Texts, selected and edited for the use of students. (Text and transliteration.) Royal 8vo, cloth. London [1877] 5174 - - Egypt from the Earliest Times to B. C. 300. I2mo, cloth. London, 1890 5175 BON WICK (JAMES). Egyptian Belief and Modern Thought. Colored frontispiece. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1878 * The funeral rites of the ancient Egytians, sex and serpent worship, etc. 5176 BOOK OF THE DEAD. PAPYRUS OF THE BOOK OF THE DEAD. Fragments of a Papyrus of the Book of the Dead (or, The Coming forth from the Day), mounted on eleven sheets of cardboard within sunk mounts, and bound in book form, oblong 4to. The total length of the fragments is 129 in. * The fragments are of a papyrus probably not earlier than the XXII or XXIII (about gth or roth century B.C.) dynasty, in Hieratic character, and of various chapters, the greater part of the ritual lacking, but the drawings well painted and representing some of the most important portions. Among these is, on mount 3, the scene of Anubis weighing the conscience of the deceased and the spirit of dark- ness Amenut, the destroyer waiting for the result, on the left is Osiris on his throne. Mount 6 is a portion of the chapter "Of not turning to Corruption," where Anubis is seen questioning the mummy. On mount 2, in the centre, is seen Horus the sun god in his barque, while on the right is represented the ladder by which the soul visits the mummy. Other figures seen on the fragments are the serpent Se-ta, the cow Meh-urit (the eye of Ra), etc. 5177 BOOK OF THE DEAD. Das Todtenbuch der Agypter nach dem Hieroglyphischen Papyrus in Turin mit einem vorworte zum ersten male herausgegeben. Von Dr. R. Lepsius. 24 pp. of text, and 7p plates of hieroglyphics in red-and-black characters. Large 4to, wrap- pers. With autograph of W. St. Chad Boscawen. Leipzig, 1842 * Very Scarce. 5178 - - Egyptian Texts of the Earliest Period from the Coffin of Amamu in the British Museum. With a translation by the late Samuel Birch. 32 full-size plates of the inscriptions in the colors of the originals. Atlas folio, boards, cloth back. London, 1886 Western ant> Central Hsfa 597 EGYPT Continued. 5179 BOOK OF THE DEAD. The Book of the Dead. Facsimile of the Papyrus of Ani in the British Museum. Folio, half morocco. Printed by order of the trustees. London, 1890 * With 37 full-page plates printed in colors in exact facsimile, and with introduction and descriptive text, by P. Le Page Renouf. 5180 Egyptian Book of the Dead. Translation and Commentary, by P. le Page Renouf. Continued and completed by E. Naville. Complete in the original 8 parts as issued. 4to, wrappers. London, 1893-1904 * Privately printed for the Society of Biblical Archaeology, with 72 plates and numerous vignettes. 5181 The Egyptian Book of the Dead. The most ancient and the most important of the extant religious texts of Ancient Egypt. Edited with complete translation, and various chapters on its history, sym- bolism, etc. By Charles H. S. Davis. With 99 plates in facsimile from the Turin papyrus and the Louvre papyrus. 4to, cloth. New York, 1894 5182 The Book of the Dead. The Papyrus of Ani in the British Museum. The Egyptian text, with interlinear transliteration and translation, a running translation, introduction, etc. By E. A. Wallis Budge. Thick 4to, half morocco. London, 1895 5183 - The Book of the Dead. The Chapters of Coming Forth by Day. The Egyptian Text according to the Theban Recension in Hieroglyphic, edited from numerous Papyri, with a translation, voca- bulary, etc. By E. A. Wallis Budge. 3 vols. thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1898 5184 BREASTED (JAMES HENRY). Ancient Records of Egypt from the Earliest Times to the Persian Conquest. Collected, edited, and translated, with Commentary. 4 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. Chicago,i9o6 * A valuable collection of translations from inscriptions, scarabs and papyri, ending about B.C. 550. Among the more important are the accounts of Thothmes' expedi- tion against Palestine, and the Battle of Megiddo: Ramses II. against Palestine and the Hittites, with account of the Battle of Kadesh, the storming of Askalon ; accounts of the robberies of the Royal Tombs, etc. With a few illustrative woodcuts. 5185 BRODRICK (M.) AND MORTON (A. ANDERSON). Concise Dictionary of Egyptian Archaeology. 80 illustrations and many car- touches. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1902 598 Western anfc Central Bsia EGYPT Continued. 5186 BRUGSCH-BEY (HENRY.) History of Egypt under the Pharaohs derived entirely from the Monuments. Translated by H. D. Seymour, completed and edited by Philip Smith. . . to which is added a Memoir on the Exodus of the Israelites. Colored frontispieces and maps. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1879 * Very Scarce. 5187 History of Egypt under the Pharaohs. Second Edition, with a New Preface, Additions, ' and Original Notes by the Author. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1881 * The colored frontispieces were omitted in this edition, but it contains additional woodcuts. 5188 - Egypt under the Pharaohs. A New Edition, condensed and revised by M. Brodrick. Maps, plans and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1891 5189 BUDGE (E. A. WALLIS). The Sarcophagus of Anchnesraneferab, Queen of Ahmes II., King of Egypt. About B. C. 564-526. Draw- ings from the sarcophagus. 4to, cloth. London, 1885 * Contains Egyptian text with interlinear transliteration and translation. 5190 - The Dwellers on the Nile; or chapters on the Life, Literature, History, and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians. Second Edition. Illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. [London] 1888 5191 - The Nile. Notes for Travellers in Egypt. Third Edition. Maps, plans, etc. I2mo, cloth, gilt. London, 1893 * Description of temples, with chapters on the reading of Egyptian inscriptions, Cartouches of the ancient Kings, etc. 5192 - - The Mummy. Chapters on Egyptian Funereal Archaeology. 88 illustrations of inscriptions, etc. 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1893 5193 - An Egyptian Reading Book for Beginners. Historical, Funereal, Moral, Religious and Mythological Texts printed in Hiero- glyphic Characters, with Transliteration, Translation, and Vocabu- lary. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1896 5194 - - Easy Lessons in Egyptian Hieroglyphics, with Sign List. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1899 5195 - - History of Egypt from the Neolithic and Archaic Periods to the death of Cleopatra VII (B. C. 30). Numerous illustrations. Complete in 8 vols. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1902 Western ant) Central Hsia 599 E G Y PT Continued. 5196 BUNSEN (CHRISTIAN C. J.) Egypt's Place in Universal His- tory. An historical investigation. Translated by Charles H. Cottrell, with additions by Samuel Birch. Plates. 5 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt tops. London, 1848-67 * A fine copy of this exhaustive work, containing complete hieroglyphic Dictionary and Grammar, the Book of the Dead, Chrestomathy, etc. Very rare, the fifth volume especially so. 5197 CAULFIELD (A. ST. G.) The Temple of the Kings at Abydos (Sety I). With drawings (26 full-page plates) by H. L. Christie, and a chapter by W. M. Flinders Petrie. 4to, boards. London, 1902 5198 CHABAS (F.) Les Pasteurs en figypte. 4to, limp boards, pp. 56. * On the Shepherd Kings. Amsterdam, 1 868 5199 fitudes sur 1'Antiquite Historique d'apres les Sources figypti- ennes et Les Monuments reputes Prehistoriques. Deuxieme edition, revue et augmentee. 6 plates and 260 'illustrations in the text. Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 606. Paris, 1873 5200 Le Calendrier des Jours Pastes et Nefastes de 1'Annee figypti- enne. Traduction complete du Papyrus Sallier IV. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 136. Presentation copy. Chalons, n. d. [1890?] 5201 CHAMPOLLION (J. F. LE JEUNE). Dictionnaire figyptien en ficriture Hieroglyphique. Public d'apres les manuscrits autographes, et sous les Auspices de M. Villemain par M. Champollion Figeac. [Printed in lithographic script.] Folio, wrappers, pp. 487. * Scarce. Paris, 184! 5202 COOPER (W. R.) Serpent Myths of Ancient Egypt. A Com- parative History of these Myths, compiled from the "Ritual of the Dead," Egyptian Inscriptions, Papyri, and Monuments in the British and Continental Museums. With notes and remarks by S. Birch, M. Renouf, M. Lenormant, S. M. Drach, and other Egyptologers. 129 illustrations. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 86. London, 1873 5203 Short History of Egyptian Obelisks. With translations of many of the Hieroglyphic Inscriptions by M. Frangois Chabas. Second Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth. London [1877] 5204 CORY (ISAAC PRESTON). Chronological Inquiry into the Ancient History of Egypt. I2mo, half cloth. London: Pickering, 1837 6oo Western ant) Central Hsta E GY PT - Continued. 5205 DAWSON (SIR J. WILLIAM). Egypt and Syria. Their Physi- cal Features in relation to Bible History. Illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. [London] 1885 5206 EGYPT EXPLORATION FUND. The Store City of Pithom and the route of the Exodus. By Edouard Naville. Third Edition. 4to, boards. London, 1888 * Illustrated with 13 plates mostly from photographs, and two maps. A most interesting account of the results of the excavations on the site of what is supposed to be the "treasure city," built by the Israelites for the Pharaoh of the " oppression," Rameses II. The brick buildings were mainly constructed of sun-dried bricks made without straw. These publications of the Egypt Exploration Fund were mostly published at $5 each, and many are now out of print and scarce. 5207 - - TANIS. Part I, by W. M. Flinders Petrie; and, Part II, Nebesheh (Am) and Defenneh (Tahpanhes), by Petrie, with chap- ters by A. S. Murray and F. L. Griffith. 2 vols. 4to, boards. London, 1885-88 * The Zoan of the Bible, and a very early city of the delta. Famous for its sculptures and sphinxes, supposedly of the Hyksos period. Illustrated with about 80 plates and plans. 5208 - - NAUKRATIS. Part I, by W. M. Flinders Petrie, with chapters by C. Smith, E. Gardner, and B. V. Head; Part II, by E. A. Gardner, and Appendix by F. L. Griffith. 2 vols. 4to, boards. London, 1886-88 * A centre of commerce with Greece, and containing a large number of Greek settlers, the remains showing the influence of Greek art on that of the Egyptians. Illustrated with nearly 100 plates. 5209 - - GOSHEN, and the Shrine of Saft el Henneh. By Edouard Naville. 4to, boards. London, 1887 * With 1 1 plates and plans. 5210 - Two HIEROGLYPHIC PAPYRI FROM TANIS. I. The Sign Papy- rus, by F. L. Griffith; II. The Geographical Papyri, by W. M. F. Petrie, and Prof. H. Brugsch. 4to, boards. London, 1889 * An Extra Publication of the Fund. With 15 facsimile plates. 521 1 - - THE MOUND OF THE JEW, and the City of Onias. By Edouard Naville ; The Antiquities of Tell el Yahudiyeh, by F. L. Griffith. In one volume. 4to, boards. London, 1890 * Possibly the Onias mentioned by Josephus, and undoubtedly a Jewish settlement. The volume also contains accounts of researches at Heliopolis and elsewhere. Illus- trated with 26 plates. Western ant) Central Hsia 60 1 EGYPT Continued. 5212 EGYPT EXPLORATION FUND. BUBASTIS. By Edouard Naville. 4to, boards. London, 1891 * Bubas>tis, the Pi-Beseth mentioned by Ezekiel. One of the most important cities of the delta, described by Herodotus. The remains found date back to before the period of the Hyksos, and are most valuable to the historian. In this city was the principal worship of the cat-headed goddess Bast, or the goddess of pleasure, and a whole cemetery covering several acres was found where the sacred animals had been buried. With 54 plates, 5213 - THE FESTIVAL HALL OF OSORKON II, and the Great Temple of Bubastis. By Edouard Naville. 4to, boards. London, 1892 * The greater portion of the 40 plates are representations of the inscriptions de- picting a great festival given by Osorkon the Second of the XXII. Dynasty. 5214 - - AHNAS EL MEDINEH, with chapters on Mendes, the Nome of Thoth, and Leontopolis. By E. Naville, and Prof. T. Hayter Lewis ; The Tomb of Paheri at El Kab, by J. J. Tylor and E. L. Griffith. In one volume. 4to, boards. London, 1894 * Ahnas el Medineh, or Heracleopolis or, as it is called in papyri, Chmunu (Che- nensu) is also supposed to be by some authorities the Hanes of Isaiah. The excava- tions have not thrown much definite light on this latter point, but have proved that the town must have existed at a very early period, before the XII Dynasty. An early papyrus, which narrates the story of the struggle between the sun-god Ra and the powers of darkness, mentions this city. Illustrated with 28 plates. 5215 - ATLAS OF ANCIENT EGYPT. With Complete Index, Geographi- cal and Historical Notes, Biblical References, etc. 4to, cloth. * Special Publication of the Fund. London, 1894 5216 - - THE TEMPLE OF DEIR EL BAHARI, its Plan, its Founders, and its First Explorers. By E. Naville. 4to, boards. London,. 1894 * The Tomb of Queen Chnemtamum or Hatshepsu, of the XVIII Dynasty. The 14 plates reproduce the inscriptions showing the famous expedition sent by the Queen to the " Land of Punt," in which are shown the ships of the Egyptians, the inhabi- tants of the land of Punt, who apparently were negroes, the vegetation, frankincense trees, etc. 5217 - The Temple of Deir El Bahari. By Edouard Naville. The four volumes of plates, and scale plans, containing in all 118 large- size plates, some colored in facsimile of the original. 4 vols. folio, boards. London, 1894-1901 5218 - - DESHASHEH. By W. M. Flinders Petrie. 4to, boards. London, 1898 * Explorations of tombs of the Vth and Vlth Dynasties. The inscriptions repre- senting the life of the people in much detail. With 38 plates. 602 Western anfc Central Hsia EGYPT Continued. 5219 EGYPT EXPLORATION FUND. DENDEREH. By W. M. Flind- ers Petrie. With 38 plates ; and the Special Extra Number containing 32 extra plates. 2 vols. 4to, boards. London, 1900 * One of the most famous and best-known temples of Egypt, sacred to Hathor the goddess of love. The explorations were mainly in the cemeteries, where some of the earliest " mastabas " in Egypt are found, dating back to the IVth Dynasty. ^220 THE ROYAL TOMBS OF THE FIRST DYNASTY. By W. M. Flinders Petrie. 2 parts containing 130 plates, and the Special Extra Number containing 35 extra plates. Together 3 vols. 4to, boards. London, 1900-1901 5221 - DIOSPOLIS PARVA. The Cemeteries of Abadiyeh and Hu. By W. M. Flinders Petrie. With a chapter by A. C. Mace. 4to, boards. London, 1901 * Excavations on pre-historic sites in Egypt. With 48 plates. Special Extra Pub- lication of the Fund. 5222 - - REPORTS of the Ordinary General Meetings, 8th to loth, I2th, I4th to I7th, 1893-1903; in the original wrappers, and 2 other pamphlets. 10 pieces. 5223 - ARCHAEOLOGICAL REPORTS. 1892-1893 to 1902-1903, with the Special Extra Report on the work at Ahnas and Beni Hasan, by M. Naville and others. With illustrations, maps, and plans, n pieces. 4to, wrappers. 5224 - - ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF EGYPT. Beni Hasan. By Percy E. Newbery. With plans and measurements by G. Willoughby Fraser. Parts I, 2, and 4. 3 vols. 4to, boards. London, 1893, 1894, 1900 * Famous Tombs of the Xllth Dynasty (B. C. 2800-2500), noted for the richness and elaborateness of their inscriptions, reproduced in these volumes in full detail. Over 100 plates are given, many of them colored in facsimile of the original coloring. In the last part are enlarged details of the human figures, and animals represented wholly in colors. 5225 - - ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF EGYPT. The Mastaba of Ptah- hetep and Akhethetep at Saqqareh. By N. de G. Davies. 2 vols. 4to, boards. London, 1900-1901 * The " Mastaba " are the tombs of the Old Empire of Egypt, built of stone, as dis- tinguished from the rock-cut tombs of the later dynasties. These particular tombs at Saqqarah date back to the Vth Dynasty, and are specially important for the graphic pictures represented of the daily life of the Egyptians of the period. The subjects represent banqueting scenes, hunters, a market place, cattle feeding, games and sports, wine making, farmyard scenes. 65 large-size plates are given three in colors, from photographs and tracings. TKIlestern ant) Central Bsia 603 EGYPT Continued. 5226 EGYPT EXPLORATION FUND. ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF EGYPT. The Rock Tombs of Sheikh Said. By N. de G. Davies. 4to, boards. London, 1901 * Some of the earliest rock-cut tombs, probably dating back to the Vlth Dynasty, and made for important personages of the court, or the governor of the province. The ancient town close to these tombs was the celebrated Hermopolis of the Greeks, and famous for its temples to the god Thoth. 34 plates are given of the inscriptions representing a fowling scene in the Nile marshes, with hippopotami and reed boats, pastoral and banqueting scenes, etc. 5227 ERMAN (ADOLF). Life in Ancient Egypt. Translated by H. M. Tirard. 1 1 plates, and 400 'illustrations in the text. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1894 5228 FRITH'S PHOTOGRAPHS. Egypt and Palestine Photographed and Described. By Francis Frith. 76 large photographs, with de- scriptive text. 2 vols. folio, half morocco. London [1858-59] * The photographs are mostly of Egypt. 5229 GLIDDON (GEORGE R.) Otia ^gyptiaca. Discourse on Egyptian Archaeology, and Hieroglyphical Discoveries. 8vo, cloth. London, 1849 5230 GRIFFITH (F. L.) The Inscriptions of Siut and Der Rifeh. 21 full-page plates of facsimiles. 4to, boards. London, 1889 * Inscriptions of a miscellaneous nature dating from the Xllth to the IXth dynasty. Some of them refer to the martial deeds of a certain Tefaba, who was apparently a Prince or Ruler of Siut, in crushing out a rebellion. 5231 GUIDE BOOKS. Murray's Hand-Book, London, 1880; Baede- ker's Guide to Lower Egypt, Leipzig, 1895. Maps, etc. 3 vols. I2mo, cloth. 5232 HARRIS (A. C.) Hieroglyphical Standards, representing places in Egypt supposed to be Nomes and Toparchies. 8 plates of hiero- glyphics. 4to, cloth, pp. 17. Presentation copy. London [1852] 5233 HAYNES (HENRY W.) Discovery of Palaeolithic Flint Imple- ments in Upper Egypt. 7 plates of examples. Large 4to, wrappers. n. p., 1881 5234 HEATH (D. I.) The Exodus Papyri. With Historical and Chrono- logical Introduction by Miss F. Corbaux. 8vo, cloth. London, 1855 604 Western anfc Central Bsia EGYPT Continued. 5235 HORAPOLLOS NILOUS. Horapollinis Hieroglyphica, Graece et Latine, cum Observationibus & Notis Johann Merceri, Dayid Hoe- schelii et Nicolai Caussini. Curante Joanne Cornelio de Pauw, qui suas etiam Observationes addidit. 4to, half morocco. Trajecti ad Rhenum (Utrecht), 1727 5236 Horapollinis Niloi Hieroglyphica, edidit diversorum codicum recenter collatorum . . . editionum varias lectiones et versionem Latinam subjunxit Conrad Leemans. 5 folding plates, zuith some of the hieroglyphs colored. 8vo, limp boards. Amsterdam, 1835 5237 The Hieroglyphics of Horapollo Nilous. By Alexander Turner Cory. Frontispiece and illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. London: Pickering, 1840 * Scarce. The original manuscript (written probably about the fifth century A. C.) is a treatise on Egyptian Hieroglyphics, with explanations of the signs. The signs are here depicted to which each particular explanation refers, the whole illustrating the ancient Egyptian mythology, and sacred beliefs. The original Greek text is given with parallel English translation. 5238 HOSKINS (G. A.) Travels in Ethiopia, above the Second Cataract of the Nile; exhibiting the state of that country and its various in- habitants under the Dominion of Mohammed Ali ; and illustrating the Antiquities, Arts and History of the Ancient Kingdom of Meroe. Map and po illustrations (including some colored plates). 4to, cloth. London, 1835 * The colored plates are very fine facsimiles of sculptures on a tomb at Thebes, the other illustrations are very carefully drawn from nature. Scarce. 5239 IBRAHIM-HILMY (PRINCE). The Literature of Egypt and the Soudan, from the Earliest Times to 1885 inclusive. A Bibliography : comprising Printed Books, Periodical Writings and Papers of Learned Societies ; Maps and Charts ; Ancient Papyri, Manuscripts, Drawings, etc. 2 vols. 4to, cloth. London, 1886-87 5240 KENRICK (JOHN). The Egypt of Herodotus; being the Second and Part of the Third Books of his History, with Notes and pre- liminary dissertations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1841 5241 - - Ancient Egypt under the Pharaohs. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1850 5242 KING (REV. JAMES). Cleopatra's Needle. A History of the London Obelisk with an Exposition of the Hieroglyphics. Illus- trations. Crown 8vo, cloth. [London, 1883] TKHestern anfc Central Hsia 605 E GY PT Continued. 5243 KLAPROTH (J.) Examen critique des travaux de feu M. Champol- lion sur les Hieroglyphes. j folding plates and cuts in the text. Paris, 1832 ; Lettre sur la Decouverte des Hieroglyphes Acrologiques, par le meme auteur, Paris, 1827. The two bound in one volume. 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1827-32 5244 KLUNZINGER (C. B.) Upper Egypt; its People and its Pro- ducts . . . the Manners, Customs, Superstitions, and Occupations of the People of the Nile Valley, the Desert and the Red Sea Coast, etc. With prefatory note by Dr. George Schweinfurth. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1878 5245 LANE (EDWARD WILLIAM). Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians, in 1833-35, partly from notes made in 1825-28. Fifth Edition, with additions by E. Stanley Lane-Poole. Illustrated. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. (With Autograph Letter Signed by E. W~. Lane, dated London, loth Dec., 1836.) London, 1871 5246 Cairo Fifty Years Ago. Edited by Stanley Lane-Poole. Plan of Medieval Cairo. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1896 5247 LANE-POOLE (STANLEY). Cairo. Sketches of its History, Monuments, and Social Life. Third Edition. Numerous illustra- tions. 8vo, cloth. London, 1898 5248 LAUTH (FRANZ JOSEPH). Manetho und der Turiner Konigs- Papyrus, unter sich, mit den Denkmalern und andern Urkunden verglichen und kritisch gepriift. Lithograph frontispiece. 4to, half morocco Munich, 1865 * The first part, 40 pp., in type; the remainder, pp. 41-256, in lithograph script, with facsimiles of the fragments of the manuscripts. 5249 Moses der Ebraeer. Nach zwei ^Egyptischen Papyrus- Urkunden in hieratischer Schriftart, zum ersten Male dargestellt. 5 plates of facsimiles of the papyrus. Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 105. Munich, 1868 5250 LEPSIUS (DR. RICHARD). Denkmaler aus Agypten und Athi- opien. Large 4to, wrappers, pp. 36. Berlin, 1849 5251 - Discoveries in Egypt, Ethiopia, and the Peninsula of Sinai in 1842-45. Edited, with notes, by Kenneth R. H. Mackenzie. Map and colored frontispiece. 8vo, half calf (rubbed). London, 1852 6o6 Western anfc Central asia EGY PT Continued. 5252 LIEBLEIN (J.) Recherches sur la Chronologic figyptienne, d'apres les listes Genealogiques. Vignette on title and p folding plates of characters. Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 147. Christiania, 1873 5253 LOCKYER (J. NORMAN). The Dawn of Astronomy. A Study of the Temple-Worship and Mythology of the Ancient Egyptians. Numerous plans, illustrations of monuments, inscriptions, etc. Thick 8vo, cloth. New York, 1894 5254 MAHAFFY (J. P.) The Empire of the Ptolemies. Illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1895 5255 MAKRIZI (TAKI-EDDIN-AHMED). Histoire des Sultans Mam- louks de 1'figypte, ecrite en Arabe. Traduite en Francais et accom- pagnee de notes philologiques, historiques, geographiques, par M. Quatremere. 4 parts in 2 vols. 4to (lacks titles to Part I. Vol. I, and Part I. Vol. 2, and inserted instead are the titles of Parts 2 of vols. I and 2.) Paris [1837-1845] * The original was written in the i4th Century. 5256 MARIETTE (AUGUSTE). Choix de Monuments et de Dessins decouverts ou executes pendant le deblaiement de Serapeum de Memphis. 2 plans of the Necropolis, and 10 engraved plates of monuments, excavations, etc. 4to, wrappers, pp. 12. Paris, 1856 * Scarce. By Mariette-Bey. 5257 - The Monuments of Upper Egypt. Translated by Alphonse Mariette. Map. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1877 5258 - - Outlines of Ancient Egyptian History. Translated and edited, with notes, by Mary Brodrick. Second Edition. Tables of the Car- touches of the Kings of Egypt, and Calendar. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1892 5259 MASPERO (GASTON). Guide du Visiteur au Musee de Boulaq (Cairo). Plan of the Museum and photographic plates of Egyptian remains. Post 8vo, cloth. Boulaq, 1883 5260 - - Egyptian Archaeology. Translated from the French by Amelia B. Edwards. 299 illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1887 5261 - - Egyptian Archaeology. Translated from the French by Amelia B. Edwards. 299 illustrations. Royal 8vo, vellum boards, uncut. London, 1887 * One of only 50 copies on Large Paper. 5262 - - Les Contes Populaires de 1'figypte Ancienne, traduits et com- mentes. Deuxieme edition. I2mo, cloth. Paris, 1889 Mestern an> Central Hsia 607 EGYPT Continued. 5263 MAY (W. PAGE). Helwan, and the Egyptian Desert. With arti- cles by A. H. Sayce and G. Schweinfurth. 5 maps, and illustrations. 12010, cloth. London, 1901 5264 MOLDENKE (CHARLES E.) The Language of the Ancient Egyptians and its Monumental Records. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 19. New York, 1887 5265 - - The Tale of the Two Brothers. A Fairy Tale of Ancient Egypt. Beng the D'Orbiney Papyrus in Hieratic Characters in the British Museum. (With) Hieroglyphic Transcription, Glossary, Notes, Translation, and List of Hieratic Characters, with their Hiero- glyphic Equivalents, Pronunciation, Determinative Values, etc. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 63. [Part I. The Hieratic text.] New York, 1888 5266 MOLLER (GEORG). Ueber die in einem spathieratischen Papyrus des Berliner Museums erhaltenen Pyramidentexte. Royal 8vo, wrap- pers, pp. 64. [Printed in lithographic script.] Berlin, 1900 5267 MORGAN (J. DE). Recherches sur les Origines de 1'figypte. L'Age de la Pierre et les Metaux; and, Ethnographic Prehistorique et Tombeau Royal de Negadah. Full-page plates in colors, and numerous illustrations in the text. 2 vols. royal 8vo, wrappers. Paris, 1896-97 5268 MULLER (W. MAX). Asien und Europa nach Altagyptischen Denkmalern. Mit einem vorwort von Georg Ebers. Map and illus- trations. Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 403. Leipzig, 1893 * A work of the highest importance and interest, in- which is collected the scattered information about Asiatic and European countries to be found in the Egyptian inscriptions. 5269 NASH (D. W.) The Pharaoh of the Exodus. An Examination of the Modern Systems of Egyptian Chronology. Plan of an Egyptian calendar. 8vo, cloth. London, 1863 5270 NEWBERRY (PERCY E.) The Life of Rekhmara, Vezir of Upper Egypt under Thotmes III and Amenhetep II (circa B. C. 1471-1448). 22 full-page plates. 4to, boards. London, 1900 5271 OSBURN (WILLIAM, JR.) Ancient Egypt, her Testimony to the Truth of the Bible. An Interpretation of the Inscriptions and Pic- tures which remain upon her tombs and temples. Beautiful colored plates, and numerous illustrations in the text. 8vo, cloth. London, 1846 608 "Gdestern anfc Central Hsia EGYPT Continued. 5272 OSBURN (WILLIAM, JR.) Monumental History of Egypt, as re- corded on the ruins of her Temples, Palaces and Tombs. Maps, colored plates, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1854 5273 PALMER (WILLIAM). Egyptian Chronicles. With a harmony of Sacred and Egyptian chronology, and an Appendix on Babylonian and Assyrian Antiquities. Colored frontispieces. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1861 * Contains full translations of the oldest records from Manetho and others. 5274 PAMPHLETS. EGYPTIAN IRRIGATION, by Clarence T. Johnson, 34 maps and plates (U. S. Dept. Agriculture), 1903; THE LAND OF EGYPT, by Gen. George W. Cullum, map and plate (Amer. Geog. Society), 1881. 2 pamphlets, 8vo, wrappers, pp. 100 and 30. 5275 Excerpts from Magazines and Journals; Prospectuses and Notices of the Egypt Exploration Society, and other similar material relating to Egypt, including Bolton on the Papyrus Ebers, 1875; Guide to the Temple of Deir el Bahari [1895] ; Brinton on the Jour- ney of the Soul; Shaw on the Temple of Heliopolis; Davis on the Canopus Stone ; etc. 35 pieces. 5276 PERRING (J. E.) The Pyramids of Gizeh (and of Saqarah, etc.). From actual survey and admeasurement by J. E. Perring. Illus- trated with Notes and References to the several plans, and with Sketches taken on the spot, by E. J. Andrews. 58 large plates and scale plans. Large folio, three-quarter red morocco, gilt top. (3 parts in one.). London, 1839-42 * The most elaborate work ever published about the Pyramids. The original price was fifteen guineas, in wrappers. 5277 PERROT (GEORGES) AND CHIPIEZ (CHARLES). History of Art in Ancient Egypt. Translated and Edited by Walter Arm- strong. 14 steel and colored plates and 598 illustrations in the text. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1883 5278 PETRIE (W. M. FLINDERS). The Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh. 17 plates. 4to, cloth. London [1883] * Very Scarce. Containing full details of the survey of the Great Pyramid, the results of which contradicted most of the older theories of Piazzi Smyth and others. 5279 - The Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh. New and Revised Edition. 7 plates. Royal 8vo, cloth. London [1885] Western an& Central Hsia 609 E G Y PT Continued. 5280 PETRIE (W. M. FLINDERS). Racial Photographs from the Egyptian Monuments. Consisting of 190 I2mo photographs mounted in panoramic form on stout paper. Folded to crown 8vo, and in cloth covers. [London, 1887] * A valuable and interesting series, representing, among other races, the Amorites, Philistines, the Hyksos, Hittites, ancient Bedawin Arabs, etc. 5281 REPORT, 1887, on Racial Photographs from the Ancient Egyptian Pictures and Sculptures. Drawn up by Mr. Petrie. In- cluding "Remarks on Mr. W. M. Flinders Petrie's Collection of Ethnographic Types in Egypt, 1887." By H. G. Tomkins. 8vo, sewed, pp. 20. (2 copies.) [London, 1887] 5282 A Season in Egypt, 1887. 4to, boards. London, 1888 * On the rock inscriptions of Assouan, the Pyramids of Dashur, the weights of Memphis, etc. Illustrated. 5283 Historical Scarabs. A Series of Drawings from the Principal Collections. Arranged Chronologically. Lithograph facsimiles of hundreds of examples on 26 folding plates, with descriptive text. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1889 5284 Kahun, Gurob, and Hawara. With chapters by F. L. Griffith, and P. E. Newberry. 28 full-page plates. 4to, boards. London, 1890 5285 Illahun, Kahun, and Gurob, 1889-90. With chapters by Profs. Sayce, Mahaffy, and others. 55 full-page plates. 4to, boards. London, 1891 5286 Medum. 36 full-page plates, several colored. 4to, boards. London, 1892 * The pyramids at Medum, and the "mastabas" were probably built before the great pyramids at Gizeh. 5287 Ten Years' Digging in Egypt, 1881-1891. Second Edition, revised. With map and 116 illustrations. I2mo, cloth. London, 1893 5288 Tell el Amarna. With chapters by Prof. Sayce, F. L. Griffith, and F. C. J. Spurrell. 4to, boards. London, 1894 * With 42 full-page plates, some colored. 6 io Western ant) Central Hsfa EGYPT Continued. 5289 PETRIE (W. M. FLINDERS). A History of Egypt from the Earliest Times .... to the Middle Ages. Numerous illustrations. 6 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1894-1901 *Petrie wrote the history from the commencement to the XXXth Dynasty; Prof. Mahaffy the Ptolemaic Period; J. G. Milne the Roman Period; and Stanley Lane- Poole the Middle Ages. The best history for popular reading. 5290 - Egyptian Decorative Art. Examples of decorations. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1895 5291 Egyptian. Tales translated from the Papyri. First and Second Series (the 4th to the I2th, and the i8th to the I9th Dynasties). Illustrations. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1895 5292 - Naqada and Ballas. By W. M. F. Petrie and J. E. Quibell. With chapter by F. C. J. Spurrell. 4to, boards. London, 1896 * With 86 full-page plates. 5293 Koptos. With a chapter by D. G. Hogarth. 4to, boards. *With 28 full-page plates. London, 1896 5294 - - Six Temples at Thebes. With a chapter by W. Spiegelberg. 4to, boards. London, 1897 * With 26 full-page plates. 5295 Religion and Conscience in Ancient Egypt. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1898 5296 PETTIGREW (THOMAS JOSEPH). History of Egyptian Mum- mies, and an Account of the Worship and Embalming of the Sacred Animals by the Egyptians .... with observations on mummies of the Ancient Peruvians, the Canary Islands, etc. Finely colored plates draivn by George Cruikshank. 4to, half morocco, gilt. London, 1834 * Bound with it is No. i of Pettigrew's Encyclopaedia JEgyptiaca, 1842, of which no more was published. 5297 - - Autobiographical sketch, 40 pp., with portrait; an Obituary Notice for 1864, written by Mr. Pettigrew ; sketch of him at the time of his death (Nov., 1865) from the Gentleman's Magazine. Auto- graph inserted. Bound in one volume, 8vo, morocco. [1840-65] 5298 PICKERING (CHARLES.) The Gliddon Mummy-Case in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution. Large folding colored fac- simile. Large 4to, wrappers. Washington, 1869 Ttdestern an& Central Bsta 6n EGYPT Continued. 5299 PLUTARCH. WORSHIP OF Isis AND OSIRIS. Plutarchi de Iside et Osiride, liber, Graece et Anglice, recensuit, et Versionem Anglicanam adjecit Samuel Squire. 8vo, old calf. Cantab. (Cambridge), n. d. [1744] * Scarce. Our knowledge of the worship of Isis and Osiris is mainly obtained from this account of Plutarch, who received it direct from the Egyptian priests, confirmed by later discoveries and readings of manuscripts and inscriptions. The English translation occupies 112 pages. 5300 POOLE (REGINALD STUART). Horse ^Egyptiacse; or the Chronology of Ancient Egypt, discovered from Astronomical and Hieroglyphic Records . . . and illustrations of the History of the First Nineteen Dynasties. Plates and numerous illustrations of inscriptions. 8vo, cloth. London, 1851 5301 PRICHARD (J. C.) An Analysis of the Historical Records of Ancient Egypt. With extracts from the Treatise on Egyptian Chronology of the late Prof. Rask, of Copenhagen, displaying proofs that the Egyptians had no continuous records from the earliest periods of their Monarchy. Frontispiece, colored and other illus- trations. Royal 8vo, half morocco. London, 1838 * With lengthy chapters on the worship of Isis and Osiris. 5302 RAWLINSON (GEORGE). History of Ancient Egypt. Maps and over 500 illustrations. 2 vols. thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1881 * Scarce. 5303 RAWLINSON (GEORGE) AND GILMAN (A.) The Story of Ancient Egypt. Map and illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. (Story of the Nations.) New York, 1887 5304 RAWNSLEY (HARDWICKE D.) Notes for the Nile, with a Metrical Rendering of the Hymns of Ancient Egypt, and of the Precepts of Ptah-Hotep (the oldest book in the world). Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1892 5305 RENOUF (P. LE PAGE). Elementary Grammar of the Ancient Egyptian Language in the Hieroglyphic Type. Royal 8vo, cloth. (Archaic classics.) London [1875] 5306 Ancient Egyptian Grammar. Another copy. Cloth. London, 1875 537 Egyptian Exercise Sheets, containing texts, transliteration, and translation. Nos. I, 2, and 3. Six copies of each. (As one piece.) 612 Western an& Central Bsia EGYPT Continued. 5308 RENOUF (P. LE PAGE). The Origin and Growth of Religion as illustrated by the Religion of Ancient Egypt. Second Edition. 8vo, cloth. (Hibbert Lectures.) London, 1884 5309 RHIND (A. HENRY). Thebes. Its Tombs and their Tenants, ancient and present, including a record of excavations in the Necro- polis. // plates and illustrations, including some finely colored. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1862 5310 ROSETTA STONE. Inscription Grecque de Rosette. Texte et traduction litterale, accompagnee d'un Commentaire Critique, His- torique et Archeologique. Par M. Letronne. With facsimile of the Greek text, and illustrations throughout. Royal 8vo, half roan. Paris, 1840 5311 Analyse Grammaticale du Texte Demotique du Decret de Rosette. Par F. de Saulcy. Tome premier. (All published.) Folding plate. 4to, half calf. Paris, 1845 5312 ROUGE (VICOMTE EMMANUEL DE). Recherches sur les Monuments qu'on peut Attribuer aux six Premieres Dynasties de Manethon. 7 large folding plates of facsimiles, etc. Large 4to, wrappers, pp. 165. Paris, 1866 53 T 3 ~ ~ Chrestomathie figyptienne. Abrege Grammatical. Deuxieme Fascicule. Royal 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1868 5314 RUSSELL (REV. M.) View of Ancient and Modern Egypt. Map and illustrations. I2mo, half calf, gilt top. Edinburgh, 1844 5315 SALT (HENRY). Essay on Dr. Young's and M. Champollion's Phonetic System of Hieroglyphics. / folding plates. Royal 8vo, boards (broken). London, 1825 5316 SAYCE (A. H.) The Races of the Old Testament (illustrated mainly from Egyptian monuments). Illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. [London] 1891 53 1 7 ~ - The Egypt of the Hebrews and Herodotos. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1895 5318 SEYFFARTH (DR. GUST.) Grammatica jEgyptiaca. Erste Anleitung zum Uebersetzen Altagyptischer Literaturwerke nebst der Geschichte des Hieroglyphenschiissels. 92 lithographic tables of hieroglyphics. 8vo, full scored calf, gilt edges. Gotha, 1855 Western anfc Central Hsfa 613 EGY PT Continued. 5319 SEYFFARTH (DR. GUST.) The Hieroglyphic Tablet of Pom- peium. Grammatically translated and commented on. 32 tables of hieroglyphics. 8vo, wrappers. [St. Louis] 1881 5320 SHARPE (SAMUEL). Rudiments of a Vocabulary of Egyptian Hieroglyphics. 16 plates of characters. 4to, boards, cloth back. London, 1837 5321 The History of Egypt from the earliest times till the Conquest by the Arabs, A. D. 640. A New Edition. Thick 8vo, cloth. Presentation copy. London, 1846 5322 The History of Egypt from the Earliest Times. Maps and over 550 illustrations. Fourth Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, full calf, gilt edges. London, 1859 * The earlier editions did not contain illustrations. 53 2 3 Chronology and Geography of Ancient Egypt. Plates of car- touches of Kings' names, and map, etc. 8vo, half cloth. London, 1849 5324 Egyptian Antiquities in the British Museum. Facsimiles of the tablets. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1862 * With presentation inscription to Owen Jones from Joseph Bonomi, the Egyptian traveller and student, to whom the book is dedicated. 5325 Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian Christianity, with their In- fluence on the Opinions of Modern Christendom. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1863 5326 The Alabaster Sarcophagus of Oimenepthah I., King of Egypt, now in Sir John Soane's Museum, Lincoln's Inn Fields, /p plates of facsimiles drawn by Joseph Bonomi. Large 4to, boards, cloth back, pp. 45. London, 1864 5327 SMYTH (C. PIAZZI). Life and Work at the Great Pyramid dur- ing . . . 1865 ; with a discussion of the facts ascertained. Lithographic and other illustrations. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops. Edinburgh, 1867 * Best edition, with the fullest details exterior and interior of the Great Pyra- mid. 5328 On the Antiquity of Intellectual Man, from a Practical and Astronomical Point of View. Chronological chart. Post 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1868 * A sequel to his book on the Pyramids of Egypt. 614 Western ant) Central Hsia EGYPT Continued. 5329 SMYTH (C.PIAZZI). The Great Pyramid in Egypt. Part I. Origi- nal Observations ; Part II. Recovery of the Ancient, from the Modern, Dimensions. Folding plates. Oblong royal 8vo, half morocco. Presentation copy to Wm. Simpson with his autograph and bookplate. (Clippings laid in.) [Edinburgh, 1872] *Vol. 13 of the Edinburgh Astronomical Observations. 533 O ur Inheritance in the Great Pyramid. New and Enlarged Edition, containing all Important Discoveries to the Present Time. 77 explanatory plates. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1874 5331 - Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid. 25 explanatory plates showing the crucial parts of this . . . primeval structure, in plan, eleva- tion and section. 8vo, cloth. London, 1890 5332 SPINETO (MARQUIS). The Elements of Hieroglyphics and Egyptian Antiquities. n plates of inscriptions. 8vo, cloth. London, 1845 5333 STUART (VILLIERS). Nile Gleanings; Ethnology, History and Art of Ancient Egypt as revealed by Egyptian Paintings and Bas- Reliefs, with descriptions of Nubia and its Great Rock Temples to the Second Cataract. 58 colored and outline plates, plan, and illustrations in the text. Thick royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1879 5334 The Funeral Tent of an Egyptian Queen, printed in colors, in facsimile, from the author's drawings taken at Boulak. With the latest information regarding other Monuments and Discoveries, trans- lations of the Hieroglyphic Texts, and Explanatory Notes. 32 plates, and some other illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1882 5335 Egypt After the War. A Tour of Inspection . . . among the Natives, with descriptions of their Homes and Habits . . . Notices of the latest Archaeological Discoveries, and a revised account of the Funeral Canopy of an Egyptian Queen. 70 plates (some colored) and woodcuts in the text. Thick royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1883 5336 TIELE (C. P.) Histoire Comparee des Anciennes Religions de 1'figypte et des Peuples Semitiques. Traduite par G. Collins . . . preface par A. Reville. Royal 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1882 5337 - - History of the Egyptian Religion. Translated, with the co- operation of the author by James Ballingal. 8vo, cloth. (Triib- ner's Oriental Series.) London, 1882 Western anfc Central Hsia 615 E GY PT Continued. 5338 TORR (CECIL). Memphis and Mycenae. An Examination of Egyptian Chronology, and its Application to the early History of Greece. 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1896 5339 [TUDOR (MR.)]. Egyptian History deduced from Monuments still in Existence. Part I. From Menes to Osirtesen. (No more published.) // plates of inscriptions, monuments, etc. 4to, wrap- pers, cloth back. London, 1840 5340 USHABTI. An original Ushabti from a tomb of the XlXth Dynasty (about 1400 B. C.), in limestone, 4^4 in. in height. * The word Ushabti which may be translated "The Answerer" is the name given to a small figure found in tombs and supposed to fulfil the duties incum- bent on the deceased in the future world which he was either unable or unwilling to do himself. When called to life in the Fields of the Blessed by Osiris, the deceased found that he had to perform the labors of cultivating the land, tilling, etc. ; and as the rich had in life never performed manual labor and disliked the idea of doing so in the next world, the priests thought out the scheme of making these little figures, who at the manufacture, having magical formula said over them, were thenceforth endowed with life, to answer the duties of those who could afford to purchase them. The same idea was carried out in other occupations; little models of boats were buried with the corpse to enable him to embark on water, figures of domestics to do the domestic duties, and whenever the name of the departed was called by Osiris, if the duties were not pleasant, the "Ushabti" answered for him. In the earlier dynasties only the rich could afford them, but later they became a regular article of merchandise, selling at varying prices, according to their make. 5341 VATICAN PAPYRI. Catalogo de' Papiri Egiziani della Biblioteca Vaticana e notizia piu estesa di uno d'essi. 5 large folding plates of facsimiles. Folio, wrappers, pp. 78, uncut. Rome, 1825 * Large Paper copy. The papyri described by Champollion, the volume edited by Cardinal Mai. 5342 VYSE (COL. HOWARD). Operations carried on at the Pyramids of Gizeh in 1837; with an Account of a Voyage into Upper Egypt, and Appendix. Maps, plates, facsimiles of inscriptions, tablets, etc. 3 vols. imp. 8vo, half calf (some passages marked in ink). London, 1840-42 *Vol. 3 consists of the Appendix, containing a Survey by J. S. Perring of the Pyramids at Abou Roash, and to the Southward, including those in the Fayoum. 5343 WATHEN (GEORGE H.) Arts, Antiquities and Chronology of Ancient Egypt, from Observations in 1839. 12 lithographic plates, and illustrations in the text. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1843 6i6 Western ant) Central Hsla EGYPT Continued. 5344 WHITEHOUSE (F. COPE). The Pyramids, Bahr Yusuf, Moeris, the Labyrinth, and the Sphinx. Folding plates, tables, and other illustrations. 4to, wrappers, pp. 17. Presentation copy. [York, 1881] * On the connection between the Pyramids, and Lake Moeris, the Sphinx, etc. 5345 WIEDMANN (A.) Popular Literature in Ancient Egypt. Trans- lated by J. Hutchinson. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1902 5346 WILKINSON (SIR J. GARDNER). Topography of Thebes, and General View of Egypt. A Short Account of ... the Valley of the Nile to the Second Cataract and Wadee Samnah, with the Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians. 8vo, cloth. London, 1835 5347 Modern Egypt and Thebes. Map and woodcuts. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1843 ^348 - The Egyptians in the Time of the Pharaohs. . . . With an In- troduction to the Study of Egyptian Hieroglyphics by Samuel Birch. Colored plates and other illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1857 5349 Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians. New edition, revised by Samuel Birch. Numerous plates (some colored) and hundreds of illustrations throughout. 3 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1878 5350 WILSON (ERASMUS). Cleopatra's Needle, with- brief notices on Egypt and Egyptian Obelisks. Illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. London [1877] 5351 - - The Egypt of the Past. Colored plates and numerous other illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1881 5352 - - The Recent Archaic Discovery of Ancient Egyptian Mummies at Thebes. A Lecture. I2mo, cloth, pp. 43. London, 1883 5353 YOUNG (THOMAS). Account of Recent Discoveries in Hiero- glyphical Literature and Egyptian Antiquities, including the author's original MS., as extended by M. Champollion, with a translation of five unpublished Greek and Egyptian Manuscripts. Specimens of hieroglyphics. 8vo, boards. London, 1823 "Cmestern anfc Central Bsia 617 EGYPT Contimied. 5354 YOUNG (THOMAS). Rudiments of an Egyptian Dictionary in the ancient Enchorial Character; containing all the words of which the sense has been ascertained. Prefixed by a Memoir of the Author and a Catalogue of his Works. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. London, 1831 * See also No. 5376. 5355 Memoir of the Life of Thomas Young, M.D., F.R.S., etc., etc., with a Catalogue of his Works and Essays. (Including Rudiments of an Egyptian Dictionary in the ancient Enchorial Characters.) 8vo, cloth. London, 1831 * The Memoir was written by Hudson Gurney, the well-known antiquarian. 5356 Miscellaneous Works, including his Scientific Memoirs. Edited by George Peacock. Portrait, diagrams, etc. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1855 *The miscellaneous scientific papers of Dr. Young. The third volume exclu- sively relates to his discoveries in the reading of Egyptian hieroglyphics, corre- spondence with Champollion, etc. 5357 ZINCKE (F. BARHAM). Egypt of the Pharaohs, and of the Khedive. Second Edition, enlarged. Map. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1873 Coptic ^language, Oliterature, Ibistorp ant> Cburcbes. 5358 ABU SALJH, THE ARMENIAN. The Churches and Monasteries of Egypt, and some Neighboring Countries. Translated from the origi- nal Arabic by B. T. A. Evetts, with added notes by Alfred J. Butler. Map. Small 4to, cloth. Oxford, 1895 5359 BARDELLI (JOSEPH). Daniel. Copto-Memphitice. 8vo, boards. Presentation copy. Pisa, 1849 * A coptic codex of Daniel. 5360 BUTLER (ALFRED J.) The Ancient Coptic Churches of Egypt. Plans and illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1884 5361 CRUM (W. E.) Coptic Manuscripts brought from the Fayyum by W. M. Flinders Petrie, together with a Papyrus in the Bodleian, edited with Commentaries and Indices. Four collotype plates. 4to, wrappers, pp. 92. London, 1893 618 Western ant> Central Hsia THE COPTIC LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 5362 EVETTS (B. T. A.) The Rites of the Coptic Church. The Order of Baptism and . . Matrimony. Translated from Coptic MSS. i2mo, wrappers, pp. 61. London, 1888 5363 MAKRIZI. Taki-eddini Makrizii Historia Coptorum Christianorum in .^Egypto Arabice. Edita et in linguam Latinam translata ab Henrico Josepho Wetzer. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 215. Solisbaci, 1828 * Written by a Moslem, translated by a Roman Catholic, treating of the History of the Coptic Christian Churches of Egypt. With the original Arabic text. 5364 - - Macrizi's Geschichte der Copten. Aus den Handschriften zu Gotha und Wien mit Ubersetzung und Anmerkungen, von F. Wiisten- feld. 4to, limp boards. Gottingen, 1845 * With the Arabic text. 5365 MALAN (S. C.) Original Documents of the Coptic Church. (The Divine Liturgy of S. Mark; The Calendar; History of the Copts, by Makrizi; the Holy Gospel and Versicles, etc.) 5 parts. Crown 8vo, wrappers. London, 1872-5 5366 MALLON (ALEXIS). Grammaire Copte avec Bibliographic, Chrestomathie et Vocabulaire. 4 plates of photo-lithographic fac- similes. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 233 and 148. Bey rout, 1904 5367 MANUSCRIPT. Portions of the Liturgy and Lessons. Written on 14 leaves, with Arabic translations of the headings of the chapters. Probably written in the XVI Century. In three parts, imp. 8vo, bound in limp paper boards covered with German gilt paper of the 1 7th Century. (As 3 pieces.) i6th Century 5368 - - Manuscript of 28 leaves, containing portions of the liturgy, with an Arabic translation written on the edge of each page. Prob- ably of the i6th Century. In four parts, I2mo, limp old paper boards. (As 4 pieces.) i6th Century 53^9 - - Prayers in Coptic and Arabic, written on 22 pp., small 4to. In the original limp boards. i8th Century 5370 - - Prayers and Liturgy in Coptic, with Arabic translation in the margin. Written on 91 leaves. Probably i8th Century. In the original binding, back missing, and some leaves loose, I2mo. i8th Century TKHestern ant) Central Bsia 619 THE COPTIC LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 5371 NEW TESTAMENT. Novum Testamentum ^Egyptium vulgo Copticum ex MSS. Bodlejanis descripsit, cum Vaticanis et Parisieni- bus contulit et in Latinum sermonem convertit David Wilkins. Engraved title and vignette. 4to, old panelled calf. Presentation copy from the editor to the famous scholar Richard Bentley. Oxford, 1716 5372 The New Testament in Coptic, with Arabic version in parallel columns. 2 vols. folio, scored calf. London, 1847-52 * The Coptic beautifully printed in Large Type, edited by Henry Tattam and William Cureton. 5373 PSALTERIUM COPTICE. Ad codicum fidem recensuit, lectionis varietatem et psalmos apocryphos Sahidica dialecto conscriptos ac primum a Wodio editos adjecit Jul. Ludov. Ideler. 8vo, half calf. Berlin, 1837 5374 ST. JOHN. Fragmentum Evangelii S. Johannis, Grseco-Copto- Thebaicum. Saeculi IV et Liturgica Alia Fragmenta . . . opera et Studio F. Augustini Antonii Georgii. 5 plates of facsimiles. 4to, half cloth, pp. 488. Rome, 1789 5375 SCHWARTZE (DR. M. G.) Koptische Grammatik. Herausgege- ben von Dr. H. Steinthal. 8vo, cloth (loose in covers). Berlin, 1850 5376 TATTAM (HENRY) AND YOUNG (THOMAS). A Compendi- ous Grammar of the Egyptian Language as contained in the Coptic and Sahidic dialects .... with Rudiments of a Dictionary of the Ancient Egyptian Language in the Enchorial Character, by Thomas Young. 8vo, boards, cloth back. London, 1830 * Young was practically the discoverer of the method of reading ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, and this is the first dictionary of the language ever published. The whole of Dr. Young's part is executed in lithography. 5377 TATTAM (HENRY). Compendious Grammar of the Egyptian Language, as contained in the Coptic, Sahidic, and Bashmuric dia- lects. Second Edition, revised and improved. 8vo, cloth. London, 1863 5378 Duodecim Prophetarum Minorum Libros, in Lingua ^Egypti- aca vulgo Coptica, seu Memphitica, ex manuscripto Parisiensi De- scriptos et cum Manuscripto Johannis Lee collates. 8vo, full calf. Oxford, 1836 5379 UHLEMANN (MAX. AD.) Linguae Copticse Grammatica . . . cum Chrestomathia et Glossario. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 167. Leipzig, 1853 620 TKHestern anfc Central Hsia iBtbiopic Slanguage ant) ^literature, 5380 BIBLE. Veteris Testament! ^Ethiopici. Tomus Primus, sive Octa- teuchus yEthiopicus (Fasciculus i, 2, 3, Genesis ad Ruth, cum ap- paratu critico). Small 4to, wrappers, pp. 4854-219. Edited by Dr. August Dillmann. No more published. Leipzig, 1853-55 5381 DILLMANN (AUGUST). Grammatik der Athiopischen Sprache. Tables of alphabets, etc. 8vo, half cloth. Leipzig, 1857 5382 Lexicon Linguae ^Ethiopicse, cum Indice Latino. Adjectum est vocabularium Tigre dialecti septentrionalis compilatum a Werner Munzinger. Thick large 4to, half morocco, pp. 1522. Leipzig, 1865 5383 Chrestomathia ^thiopica, edita et Glossario explanata ab A. Dillmann. 8vo, half cloth. Leipzig, 1866 5384 Obituary notice (in Latin) of Dr. Dillman, with portrait, and title-page to his [propoesd] /Ethiopic version of the Apocrypha. 4to, wrappers, pp. 12. [1894] 5385 ENOCH. The Book of Enoch the Prophet : An Apocryphal Produc- tion, supposed for ages to have been lost ; but discovered at the close of the last Century in Abyssinia. Now first translated from an Ethiopic MS. in the Bodleian Library. By Richard Laurence. Third Edition, revised and enlarged. 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1838 5386 Liber Henoch, /Ethiopice, ad Quinque Codicum Fidem Editus, cum variis lectionibus. Cura A. Dillmann. Small 4to, wrappers. Leipzig, 1851 * The Ethiopic text occupies the first 91 pp., the remainder of the volume is composed of annotations from the five codices. 53^7 - Das Buch Henoch. Uebersetzt und erklart. Von A. Dill- mann. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 321. Leipzig, 1853 5388 - - Abhandlung iiber des Athiopischen Buches Henokh, Entste- hung Sinn und Zusammensetzung. Von Heinrich Ewald. 4to, limp boards, pp. 78. Gottingen, 1854 * Presentation copy from the author to Wright Hawks. 5389 - - The Book of Enoch : Translated from the Ethiopic, with intro- duction and notes, by George H. Schodde. Post 8vo, cloth. Andover, 1882 Western an& Central Bsia 621 THE ETHIOPIC LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 5390 ESDRAS. Primi Ezrae libri qui apud vulgatam appellatur quartus Versio ^Ethiopica. (The Ethiopic text, Latin and English trans- lations, with Remarks, by Richard Laurence.) 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1820 5391 GOLDSCHMIDT (LAZARUS). Bibliotheca ^thiopica; voll- staendiges verzeichnis und ausfuehrliche beschreibung saemmtlicher Aethiopischer druckwerke. 8vo, half cloth, pp. 63. Leipzig, 1893 5392 GOODSPEED (EDGAR J.) The Epistle of Pelagia, with fac- similes of the Ethiopic text; The Martyrdom of Cyprian and Justa, with facsimiles of the Ethiopic text. 2 pamphlets, 8vo, wrappers. Chicago, 1903-4 5393 - Ethiopic Manuscripts from the Collection of Wilberforce Eames. Royal 8vo, wrappers (pp. 235 to 244, reprinted from the American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literature). Chicago : University Press, 1904 * A full description is given in this of the Ethiopic manuscripts that follow [Nos. 5394 HARTMANN (J. P.) Grammatica /Ethiopica, Franc, ad Maine, 1707, pp. 24; (Johannes Christophorus Amadutius) Alphabetum y-Ethiopicum sive Gheez et Amharicum, Rome, 1789, pp. 32. 2 pieces, sewed. 5395 ISAIAH. Ascensio Isaiae Vatis, opusculum pseudepigraphum cum versione Latina Anglicanaque a Ricardo Laurence. 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1819 * The apocryphal book of the Ascension of Isaiah, an Ethiopic version with Latin and English translations. In this is the account of the death of Isaiah by being sawn asunder by Manasseh with a wooden saw. 5396 LUDOLF (JOB). Grammatica ^thiopica, edidit J. M. Wanslebii, Lond. 1661 ; Lexicon ^thiopico-Latinum, edidit J. M. Wanslebii, Lond. 1661. The two in one volume. Small 4to, old calf. London, 1661 * Rare. Ludolf was one of the noted travellers and linguists of the xyth cen- tury, he, it is said, having an accurate knowledge of 25 languages. A history of Abyssinia was written by him which is extremely rare. 622 Western anfc Central Hsta THE ETHIOPIC LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 5397 MANUSCRIPTS. Manuscript of 140 leaves of vellum, containing as follows : folios 'i and 2, crude Abyssinian colored drawings of St. Michael, the Virgin and child, and the Archangel Raphael; foil. 3-5, Hymn to St. Michael ; foil. 6-90, the Dersana Mikael, or prayers to St. Michael, together with discourses on the saint and accounts of forty of his miracles; foil. 92, to end Homilies of St. John Chry- sostom on the Archangel Raphael, with miracles of Raphael and hymns to him. Small 4to, in the original wooden boards covered with smooth brown morocco tooled with a cross in the centre of the sides and surrounded with conventional scroll borders, n. d. * Apparently of three different dates, of which the third part appears to be of probably the i7th century, the other two parts of later date. In the third part Fesha Krestos, Patromya and their son Walda Rufael are mentioned as owners, with the names of Tsadala Maryam and his son Kidana Maryam added later. This latter appears to have been the later owner, who added the first and second parts. A manuscript note written in French inside states that the volume was formerly the property of Col. Gally-Passebosc, killed in New Caledonia in 1878. That this officer formed part of the English expedition against King Theodore of Abyssinia, and that after the defeat of the king he obtained from the royal tent his praying Carpet, his shield, and this manuscript. See Goodspeed's description (No. 5393 above), pp. 235-239. 5398 - - Manuscript of 142 leaves of vellum containing as follows: folios i to 103, the Psalms 151 in number; folios 103 verso to 114, fifteen biblical songs and prayers; folios 114 verso to 121, the Song of Songs; folios 121 to 131, the Weddasa Maryam; folios 131 to end, Encomium upon the Mother of the Lord. Written in black and red ink. Small 8vo, in the Abyssinian binding of smooth brown morocco, the sides tooled with crosses and ornamental borders. No date, but written inside is a note that it is of the I7th Century, but is probably a little later. * See Goodspeed's description, pp. 239-240. 5399 - - Manuscript of 81 leaves of paper containing as follows : folios i to 40, the Weddasa Maryam; foil. 40 to 56, encomium upon our Lady Maryam; foil. 56-60, Hymn to the Queen of Heaven; foil. 61-64, Hymn to Maryam; foil. 64-70, Hymn to Maryam (the manu- script is here unfinished, and is followed by blank leaves, on the two last of which are crude Abyssinian colored drawings of the Virgin enthroned, and a man in the act of adoration. The manuscript written for Walda Mikael, undated, but probably of the i8th Century. I2mo, bound in the original brown morocco, with blind-tooled deco- rations, and with flap. * See Goodspeed's description, pp. 240-242. Western anfc Central Hsia 623 THE ETHIOPIC LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 5400 MANUSCRIPTS. Manuscript of 205 leaves of thick glazed paper, containing as follows: folios I to 168, the Psalms, 151 in number; foil. 169-188, Biblical songs and prayers, followed by blank leaves. Written in red and black ink. Undated, but probably i8th Century. In the original wooden boards covered with dark drab-colored leather, the back cover loose. * See Goodspeed's description, p. 242. 5401 - Manuscript of 236 leaves of paper containing as follows : folios i to 175, the Psalms 151 in number; foil. 175-192, the Biblical songs and prayers; foil. 192-201, the Song of Songs; foil. 203-222, the Weddasa Maryam ; foil. 222-232, Encomium upon our Lady Maryam ; foil. 232 to end, the Anaphora of Dioscorus. Written in blue and red ink. In the original binding of red boards, with a darker red roan back. I9th Century. * Formerly in the possession of Dr. Joseph Barclay, Bishop of Jerusalem, with signed inscription by him stating that it was presented by a Monk of the Abys- sinian Convent, Jerusalem, 1868. See Goodspeed's description, pp. 243-244. 5402 PLATT (THOMAS PELL). Catalogue of the Ethiopic Biblical Manuscripts, in the Royal Library of Paris, . . the British and Foreign Bible Society ; also ... in the Vatican. With Remarks and Extracts. Facsimiles. 4to, boards. London, 1823 5403 - The Ethiopic Didascalia; or the Ethiopic Version of the Apostolical Constitutions, received in the Church of Abyssinia. With an English Translation. 4to, cloth. (Oriental Translation Fund.) London, 1834 5404 PSALMS (THE). The Psalms of David in Ethiopic. Edited by Job Ludolf. Title printed in red and black. 4to, boards. Frankfurt, 1701 5405 -- PSALTERIUM DAVIDIS ^THiopiCE. 8vo, full sprinkled calf. With numerous MS. Translations in Greek and Latin pencilled into the text. London, 1815 5406 WRIGHT (WILLIAM). Catalogue of the Ethiopic Manuscripts in the British Museum acquired since 1847. T 3 autotype plates of facsimiles, some with illuminations. Large 4to, half morocco. London, 1877 * This splendid catalogue is a model of bibliographical thoroughness. It is, in fact, with its elaborate index, a veritable cyclopaedia of Ethiopic literature. 624 Western anfc Central Bsia Gbe Ibim^antioSabazan Inscriptions of Sontbern Hrabia anb tbe Sinaitic peninsula. 5407 [BIRCH (SAMUEL).] Inscriptions in the Himyaritic Character discovered chiefly in Southern Arabia, and now in the British Museum (and in the size of the originals). 42 examples on' 18 plates, with descriptive text. Large oblong folio, full morocco. London: British Museum, 1863 5408 FORSTER (CHARLES). The Historical Geography of Arabia: ... a Memoir with Illustrative Maps, and an Appendix containing translations, with an alphabet and glossary of the Hamyaritic In- scriptions recently discovered in Hadramaut. Two maps (in pockets at end of volumes) and folding table. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1844 * The copy belonging to Rev. Dr. Edward Hincks, the Irish astronomer and writer on the cuneiform inscriptions, with his book-plates. 5409 - The One Primeval Language traced through Ancient In- scriptions .... including the Voice of Israel from the Rocks of Sinai, with illustrative plates, and A Harmony of Primeval Alphabets (in separate volume form), Lond. 1851; Appendix to the Historical Geography of Arabia (on the Himyaritic Inscriptions) [1844], plate. Together 3 vols. 8vo. 5410 - - The Israelitish Authorship of the Sinaitic Inscriptions vindi- cated against the incorrect "observations" in the "Sinai and Palestine" of the Rev. Arthur Penrhyn Stanley. 8vo, cloth. London, 1856 5411 - - Sinai Photographed; or Contemporary Records of Israel in the Wilderness. With an Appendix. Numerous photographic plates, and illustrations in the text. Thick small folio, half morocco. London, 1862 5412 - "Israel in the Wilderness;" or, Gleanings from the Scenes of the Wanderings. Folding table, and illustrations in the text. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1865 5413 HARTMANN (M.) Jamanijat. (I. Zu Halevy 535 ; 2, Die Sudara- bischen Inschriftsteine der K. Museen zu Berlin.) 3 articles from Zeitschrift f. Assyriologie, sewed together, last page in MS. 8vo, sewed. (As I piece.) TJdestern ant) Central Hsfa 625 THE HIMYARITIC-SAB-iEAN INSCRIPTIONS Continued. 5414 HOMMEL (DR. FRITZ). Sud-Arabische Chrestomathie. Minao- sabaische Grammatik. Bibliographic. Minaische Inschriften nebst Glossar. 4to, half cloth. Munich, 1893 * The old dialect of Hadramaut. Printed in lithographic script. 5415 HUTTON (T. G.) AND SMITH (J.) Report on some Inscriptions found at Hammam, on the Southern Coast of Arabia (2 articles from the Asiatic Society Journal, 1835 and 1837) ; The Himyaritic Language, Forster's pretended discovery of a key, by E. E. Salis- bury, 1845. 8vo, sewed. (3 pieces.) 5416 MORDTMANN (J. H.) AND MULLER (D. H.) Sabaische Denk- maler. Mit 8 photozinkographischen Tafeln. 4to, wrappers, pp. 114. Vienna, 1883 * On ancient Sabaean inscriptions. 5417 PRAETORIUS (FRANZ). Beitrage zur Erklarung der Him- jarischen Inschriften. 3 parts in one volume. 8vo, half roan. Halle, 1872-74 5418 SHARPE (SAMUEL). Hebrew Inscriptions, from the Valleys be- tween Egypt and Mount Sinai, in their original characters, with translations and an alphabet. 20 plates of Sinaitic Alphabets. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1875 Hrabic language anb literature, incluMna (Beneral Works on Hrabia anb flfeobammefcamsm. 5419 ABD ALLAH ELSHERKAWI (SHEIK). TUHFAT ENNATHEREEN. Outline of the History of Egypt. In Arabic. 8vo, original Oriental half boards. Cairo, A. H. 1281 [1864] * From Prof. Palmer's library. With numerous pencilled notes on the margin. 5420 ABU'L-ALA. The Quatrains of Abu'1-Ala. Selected from his "Lozum-ma-la-Yalzam" and "Sact-Uz-Zind," and now first rendered into English. By Ameen F. Rihani. Facsimile. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1903 * From the MS. in the Khedivial Library, Cairo. Abu'1-Ala has been Called the "Lucretius" of Islam, from the polish and philosophy of his poems. He lived at the end of the tenth and commencement of the eleventh century. 626 Mestern anfc Central Bsia THE ARABIC LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 5421 ABU AL FARAJ (GREGORY), BAR HEBR^EUS, Historia Compendiosa Dynastiarum, Historia complectens universalem. Latine versa ab Ed. Pocockio. Small 4to, old calf. Oxford, 1.663 5422 ABU JAAFAR IBN TOPHAIL. The History of Hai Eb'n Yock- dan, an Indian Prince, or the Self-taught Philosopher. Written originally in the Arabic tongue .... and set forth with a Latin version by Edward Pocock, and now translated into English [by George Ashwell]. I2mo, old calf. London, 1686 5423 The Improvement of Human Reason exhibited in the Life of Hai Ebn Yokdan, written in Arabic above 500 years ago. Newly translated from the original by Simon Ockley. Copper plates. Post 8vo, half calf. London, 1708 5424 ABU TEMMAM. HAMASA: oder die altesten Arabischen Volks- lieder, gesammelt von Abu Temmam, iibersetzt und erlautert von Friedrich Riickert. 2 vols. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 428 and 398. Stuttgart, 1846 * One of the most famous of Arabic literary compositions, written about the ninth century. 5425 ABLER (G. J.) The Poetry of the Arabs of Spain. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 47. New York, 1867 5426 AHMED (SYED), KHAN BAHADOOR. A Series of Essays on the Life of Mohammed and subjects subsidiary thereto. The origi- nal (Arabic) text revised and corrected by a Friend. Vol. I (all published). Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1870 * Complete in itself, containing essays on the Historical Geography of Arabia, on the Manners and Customs of the Pre-Islamic Arabians, on the Religions of the Pre-Islamic Arabs, on Mohammedan Traditions, Theological Literature, the Koran, the Pedigree of Mohammed, Prophecies respecting Mohammed in the Old and New Testament, the Birth and Childhood of Mohammed, etc. 5427 ALBIRUNI. The Chronology of Ancient Nations : an English trans- lation of the Arabic text of the Athar-ul-Bakiya of Albiruni ; or, "Vestiges of the Past," collected and reduced to writing by the author in A. H. 390-1, A. D. 1000. By C. Edward Sachau. Thick royal 8vo, cloth. (Oriental Translation Fund.) London, 1879 * Some of the Chapters are: On the Feasts of the Ancient Magians and Sabians, On the Festivals of the Arabs in the time of Heathendom, The Different Opinions of various Nations regarding the king called Bicornutus, On the Eras of the Pseudo-prophets, etc. Western anfc Central Bsia 627 THE ARABIC LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. ' 5428 ALNASAFI (ABU AL BARAKAT). Pillar of the Creed of the Stmnites: being a brief exposition of their principal tenets by Abu'lbarakat Alnasafi, (and) ... a shorter treatise ... by Abu Hafs Alnasafi. Edited by Rev. Wm. Cureton. Royal 8vo, cloth. (So- ciety for the Publication of Oriental Texts.) London, 1843 5429 AMEER ALI (SYED), MOULVI. A Critical Examination of the Life and Teachings of Mohammed. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1873 5430 ANTAR. Antar, a Bedoueen Romance, translated from the Arabic, by Terrick Hamilton. 4 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1819-20 5431 ARABIC CALLIGRAPHY. A Pattern Book of Arabic Calligraphy. Royal 8vo. Printed on linen. [ J 9th Century] * From Prof. E. H. Palmer's Library, with his autograph. An interesting and curious book, giving copies of ornate and ingenious specimens of Arabic mono- grams, and ornamental designs made of words interlaced in various ways. 5432 ARABIAN NIGHTS. The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night. From the Arabic of the ^Egyptian MS. as edited by Wm. Hay Macnaghten. Done into English by Henry Torrens. Vol. I (all published). 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1838 * Printed at Calcutta, and the type set up by natives. 5433 Enis El-Djelis; ou Histoire de la Belle Persane. Conte des mille et une Nuits. Traduit de 1'Arabe, et accompagne de Notes, par A. De Biberstein Kazimirski. 8vo, boards. [In alternate pages of French and Arabic.] Paris, 1846 5434 ARBUTHNOT (F. F.) Arabic Authors: A Manual of Arabian History and Literature. 8vo, cloth. London, 1890 5435 BADGER (GEORGE PERCY). An English-Arabic Lexicon, in which the equivalents for English words and idiomatic sentences are rendered into literary and colloquial Arabic. Thick 4to, cloth, pp. 1244. London, 1881 5436 BAILLIE (NEIL B. E.) The Moohummudan Law of Inheritance, according to Aboo Huneefa and his Followers. With Appendix containing authorities from the original Arabic. Royal 8vo, half calf. (The Arabic text occupies 1 16 pages.) Calcutta, 1832 628 Western ant) Central Hsta THE ARABIC LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 5437 BAILLIE (NEIL B. E.) The Moohummudan Law of Sale, accord- ing to the Huneefeea Code ; from the Futawa Alumgeeree, prepared by Command of the Emperor Aurungzebe Alumgeer. Selected and translated from the Original Arabic, with Introduction and Notes. 8vo, full polished calf. London, 1850 r 5438 BASSET (RENE). La Poesie Arabe Ante-Islamique. I2mo, wrap- pers, pp. 82. (Bibliotheque Orientale Elzevirienne.) Paris, 1880 5439 ~ Contes Arabes. Histoire des dix Vizirs (Bakhtiar-Nameh). Traduite et annotee. I2mo, wrappers, pp. 203. Paris, 1883 5440 BATE (J. D.) An Examination of the Claims of Ishmael as viewed by Muhammadans (being the first chapter of Section I of Studies in Islam). 8vo, cloth. London, 1884 5441 BELLEMARE (ALEXANDER). Grammaire Arabe (Idiome d'Algerie). Suivie des Formules de la Civilite Arabe d'apres les Documents Fournis par E. Daumas. Cinquieme edition. 8vo, wrap- pers, pp. 206. Algiers, 1865 5442 - - Grammaire Arabe; (Idiome d'Algerie). Septieme Edition. Royal 8vo, half roan. Algiers, n. d. [1870?] 5443 BENT (MR. AND MRS. THEODORE). Southern Arabia. Por- trait, maps, and illustrations. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1900 * The Appendices contain list of plants, shells, fragments of pottery, and a glossary of English and four dialects. 5444 BEUZELIN (M.) Nouvelle Methode pour faciliter la premiere etude de 1'Arabe. Tables of Alphabets. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 192. Paris, 1855 5445 BIBLE. Old Testament in Arabic, edited by Prof. Lee and Paris El-Shidiac. Thick 8vo, sheep. London, 1856 5446 - - The Pentateuch in Arabic, translated by E. Smith and V. A. Van Dyck (without points). Crown 8vo, stamped roan. Beyrout, 1862 5447 - - The Old and New Testaments in Arabic (without points). Crown 8vo, stamped roan. Beyrout, 1866 Prof. E. H. Palmer's copy, having written inside "E. H. Palmer, Sinai, Deer. 5th, 1868." Western anfc Central Bsia 629 THE ARABIC LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 5448 BIBLE. The Old and New Testaments in Arabic (without points). Thick 8vo, stamped roan. New York, 1867 5449 The New Testament in Arabic (with points). Crown 8vo, stamped roan. Beyrout, 1862 5450 Matthew, John, Acts, Hebrews, in Judaeo-Arabic. Hebrew characters. Post 8vo, cloth, pp. 261. London, n. d. [1847] 5451 BID PAL Kalila and Dimna, or the Fables of Bidpai. Translated from the Arabic. By Rev. Wyndham Knatchbull. 8vo, half calf. Scarce. Oxford, 1819 5452 - The Earliest English Version of the Fables of Bidpai, "The Morall Philosophic of Doni" by Sir Thomas North. Now again edited and induced by Joseph Jacobs. A few plates. Post 8vo, wrappers, uncut. London, 1888 * Only 550 copies printed at the Ballantyne Press. 5453 BLED DE BRAINE (J. F.) Cours . . . de Langue Arabe, ou les Dialectes Vulgaires Africains d'Alger, de Maroc, de Tunis et d'figypte, enseignes sans maitre. Royal 8vo, half roan. Paris, 1846 5454 BLUNT (LADY ANNE). The Celebrated Romance of the Stealing of the Mare. Translated from the Original Arabic by Lady Anne Blunt. Done into Verse by Wilfrid Scawen Blunt. Small 4to, cloth, uncut. London, 1892 * No. 10 of only 50 Copies printed. The poem is by Abu Obeyd, of whom noth- ing is known, and is a fine example of the Mediaeval Epic. 5455 BLUNT (WILFRID SCAWEN). The Future of Islam. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1882 5456 BROWN (JOHN P.) The Dervishes ; or Oriental Spiritualism. 24 Vignettes. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1868 * Scarce. The best book on the Dervishes, containing descriptions of the various orders, their Sacred Books with copious extracts, history of the spread of the Orders, etc. A valuable portion is that which proves from authorities the Oriental belief in a Spiritual Principle above nature, before the time of Mohammed. 5457 BURCKHARDT (JOHN LEWIS). Travels in Arabia, compre- hending an account of those territories in Hedjaz which the Moham- medans regard as sacred. Folding map, plan of Mecca, the Plain of Ararat, etc. 4to, full tree calf gilt, by CLARKE & BEDFORD. * Fine copy. London, 1829 630 Western ant> Central Hsfa THE ARABIC LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 5458 BURCKHARDT (JOHN LEWIS). Notes on the Bedouins and Wahabys, collected during his Travels in the East, map; Arabic Proverbs, or the Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians, illustrated from their Proverbial Sayings current at Cairo. The two works bound in one volume, 4to, full tree calf, uniform with above. London, 1830 5459 Arabic Proverbs ; or the Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians, illustrated from their Proverbial Sayings current at Cairo. Translated and explained. Second Edition. 8vo, cloth. London, 1875 Seconfc Session. 5460 BURTON (SIR RICHARD F.) Personal Narrative of a Pilgrim- age to El-Medinah and Meccah. Map, plans, and lithograph plates, many colored. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1855-56 * Fine Copy of the Scarce First Edition. 5461 - - The Kasidah (Couplets) of Haji Abdu El-Yezdi: A Lay of the Higher Law. Translated and annotated by his Friend and pupil F. B. 4to, wrappers, pp. 33, uncut. London: Qitaritch, 1880 * Very Scarce. Only a very limited number was printed for the author. Haji Abdu el-Yazdi was one of Burton's nom-de-plumes, and the poem was written in 1853 on his return from MecCa, twenty-seven years before he dared to publish it, and eight years before he had seen Fitzgerald's translation of the "Rubaiyat," which Fitzgerald showed him, Rossetti and Swinburne in 1861. Burton's poem is one of extraordinary power on the nature and destiny of Man, anti-Christian and Pantheistic. It is known but "to a fortunate few," to quote Justin H. McCarthy, under the name of "The Tinkling of the Camel Bell." 5462 BUSSY (TH. ROLAND DE). LTdiome d'Alger, Cours Complet du Dialects . . . (et Dictionnaires Frangais-Arabe et Arabe-Franqais). 8vo, half cloth. Algiers, 1847 5463 CAMERON (D. A.) Arabic-English Vocabulary for the Use of English Students of modern Egyptian Arabic. 8vo, cloth. London, 1892 TKHestern anfc Central Hsia 631 THE ARABIC LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 5464 CARLYLE (J. D.) Specimens of Arabian Poetry, from the Earliest Time to the Extinction of the Khaliphat, with some account of the Authors. (In Arabic and English, with the music for one of the songs.) Small 4to, boards (needs back), uncut. With the bookplate and autograph of Charles Bayly. Cambridge, 1796 5465 CATAFAGO (JOSEPH). English and Arabic Dictionary, in two parts, Arabic and English and English and Arabic, in which the Arabic words are represented in the Oriental Characters, as well as their correct pronunciation and accentuation shown in English letters. Second Edition, improved and enlarged; containing . . . extracts from the best Arabic Writers, especially the "Arabian Nights," and the "Hariri." Thick 8vo, cloth, pp. 1096. London, 1873 5466 CHAUVIN (VICTOR). Bibliographic des Ouvrages Arabes; ou, relatif aux Arabes, publics dans 1'Europe Chretienne de 1810 a 1885. 9 parts royal 8vo, wrappers. Liege, 1892-1905 *The last four parts are entirely devoted to the bibliography of the Thousand and One Nights; the other parts deal with Locqman and the Fabulists, the biblio- graphy of Arabic Proverbs, the Makamat, Hariri, Tales, Sindibad, Kalilah (the fables of Pilpay), etc. 5467 CHEIKO (P. L.) Madjani el adab. Flowers of Arabic Literature. 6 vols. crown 8vo, cloth. Beyrout, 1883 5468 Specimens d'ficritures Arabes, pour la lecture des manuscrits Anciens et Modernes. Par un Pere de la Cie. de Jesus. Deuxieme edition. 8vo, half cloth. Beyrout, 1888 5469 Riad al-Adab fi Narah Sawair. Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 157. Beirut, 1897 * History of the Female Poets of the Arabs. Part I. Ante-Islamic Poets. This first part contains notices of 61 female poets. 5470 CHERBONNEAU (A.) Legons de Lecture Arabe, comprenant 1'Alphabet, la Lecture Courant, les Noms de Nombre et Chiffres des Arabes. Deuxieme edition. Crown 8vo, boards. Paris, 1864 * Algerian Arabic. 5471 CLOUSTON (W. A.) Arabian Poetry for English Readers. Edited, with introduction and notes. Facsimile. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 472, uncut. Glasgow, 1881 * One of 300 copies privately printed. Wm. Berrian's copy, with autograph in pencil. Contains translations of the famous Romance of 'Antar, the Mu'allaqat, the Burda Poems of K'ab and El-Busiri (first appearance in English), and others. 632 Western ant) Central Bsia THE ARABIC LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 5472 COLEBROOKE (SIR T. E.) On the Proper Names of the Moham- medans. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 67. (Royal Asiatic Society.) [London], 1879 5473 DAVIS (N.) AND DAVIDSON (B.) Arabic Reading Lessons: . . . Extracts from the Koran, and other sources. i2mo, cloth. London, n. d. 5474 DICTIONARY. Vocabulaire Arabe-Frangais a 1'usage des tudi- ants. Par un Pere Missionnaire de la Cie. de Jesus. Thick crown 8vo, half morocco. Beyrout, 1883 5475 DIETERICI (DR. FRIEDRICH). Die Anthropologie der Araber im zehnten Jahrhundert n. Chr. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 221 * E. H. Palmer's copy, with his autograph. Leipzig, 1871 5476 DOZY (DR. R.) Het Islamisme. (De Voornaamste Godsdiensten.) /j Hue lithographic plates. Imp. 8vo, cloth. Haarlem, 1863 5477 - De Israelieten te Mekka. Van Davids tijd tot in de vijfde eeuw onzer Tijdrekening. Folding table. Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 214. Haarlem, 1864 5478 FAIZULLAHBHAI (SHAIKH). Essay on the Pre-Islamic Arabic Poetry. 8vo, sewed, pp. 21 (without title). [Bombay, 1893] * Analysis of the Moallakat, or the Seven Suspended Poems. 5479 PARIS EL-SHIDIAC. Practical Grammar of the Arabic Language, with interlineal reading lessons, dialogues and vocabulary. I2mo, cloth. London, 1856 5480 - - Grammar of the Arabic Language. Revised by Henry G. Williams. Fourth Edition, corrected and augmented. I2mo, cloth. London, 1891 5481 FREEMAN (EDWARD A.) The History and Conquests of the Saracens. Six Lectures before the Edinburgh Philosophical Institu- tion. Second Edition, with new preface. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1876 5482 FREYTAG (G. W.) Lexicon Arabico-Latinum, ex opere suo majore in usum Tironum Excerptum. 4to, half roan. Halle, 1837 * Scarce, and still one of the most valuable Arabic dictionaries published. TPdestern anfc Central Bsia 633 THE ARABIC LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 5483 GIBSON (MARGARET DUNLOP). Catalogue of the Arabic MSS. in the Convent of S. Catherine on Mount Sinai. Facsimiles. Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 138. (Studia Sinaitica No. III.) London, 1894 5484 GILMAN (ARTHUR). The Story of the Saracens; from the Earliest Times to the Fall of Bagdad. Illustrated. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1887 5485 GLASER (EDUARD). Skizze der Geschichte und Geographic Arabiens von den altesten Zeiten bis zum Propheten Muhammad, nebst einem Anhange zur Beleuchtung der Geschichte Abessyniens im 3. und 4. Jahrhundert n. Chr. Band II. Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 575. Berlin, 1890 * The first volume was never published. Laid in is correspondence concerning it. 5486 GORGUOS (A.) Cours d'Arabe Vulgaire. 2 vols. crown 8vo, half cloth. Paris, 1850-57 * Contains short Arabic Grammar, French-Arabic and Arabic-French vocabu- laries, Reading Lessons, Exercises with key, etc. Algerian Arabic. 5487 GUMPACH (JOHANNES VON). Practical Tables for the Re- duction of Mahometan Dates to the Christian Kalendar, computed for the use of Astronomers, Chronologers, Historians, etc., with an introduction including some special remarks on the Turkish Kalendar. 4to, cloth, pp. 23. London, 1856 5488 HAINES (CHARLES REGINALD). Islam, as a Missionary Re- ligion. Map. I2mo, cloth. (Non-Christian Religious Systems.) London, 1889 5489 HAJI KHALFA'S ARABIC BIBLIOGRAPHICAL DICTION- ARY. Lexicon Bibliographicum et Encyclopaedicum a Mustafa Ben Abdallah Katib Jelebi dicto et nomine Haji Khalfa celebrato com- positum. Ad Codicum Vindobonensium Parisiensium et Berolinensis fidem primum edidit, Latine vertit et Commentario indicibusque in- struxit Gustavus Fluegel. (Cum catalogos Bibliothecarum Cahiren- sium, Damascense, Halebensis, Rhodise et Constantinopolitanarum continens.) 7 vols. 4to, cloth (lacks title to Vol. i). London: The Oriental Translation Fund, 1835-58 * Written as a supplement to Ibn Khallikan's similar biographical and biblio- graphical dictionary. The Arabic text with Latin translation. 634 Western anfc Central Hsia THE ARABIC LANGUAGE, ET 'C. Continued. 5490 HAMMER (CHEV. JOSEPH VON). The History of the As- sassins. Derived from Oriental Sources. Translated by O. C. Wood. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1835 * Scarce. 5491 HARIRI (KASIM IBN ALI AL). Al-Maquamat al-Hariri. The Assemblies of Al-Hariri in Arabic. Royal 8vo, half calf. Bulaq, A. H. 1266 [1849] * With a marginal commentary also in Arabic, and numerous MS. insertions, definitions, corrections, and notes in red and black ink, by Dr. E. H. Palmer. With the stamp of the Protestant College, Malta. 5492 - Makamat; or Rhetorical Anecdotes of Al Hariri of Basra. Translated from the original Arabic, with Annotations, by Theodore Preston. Royal 8vo, cloth. (Oriental Translation Fund.) * Scarce. London, 1850 5493 - The same, another copy. 5494 - - The Assemblies of Al Hariri, translated from the Arabic, with Introduction and Notes, historical and grammatical, by Thomas Chenery. Vol. I, containing the first twenty-six assemblies. 8vo, cloth. Presentation copy. [All published of this first issue.] London, 1867 5495 ~ " The Assemblies of Al Hariri, translated from the Arabic. With an introduction and notes, historical and grammatical, by Thomas Chenery. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth (stamp on titles). (Oriental Trans- lation Fund Series.) London, 1867-98 * Owing to the death of Chenery, Dr. F. Steingass completed the second volume, and the first volume was reissued in uniform binding. 5496 HARRIS (WALTER B.) A Journey through the Yemen, and some General Remarks upon that Country. Illustrated from sketches and photographs taken by the author, and map. 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1893 5497 HARTMANN (MARTIN). The Arabic Press of Egypt. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1899 * Contains list of newspapers and periodicals that have appeared in Egypt. 5498 HATIM AT-TAI. Diwan Hatim At-Tai. Poems in Arabic, edited by Rizkallah Hasun. 8vo, sewed, pp. 43. London, 1872 * Prof. E. H. Palmer's copy, with MS. notes. Timestern anfc Central Hsia 635 THE ARABIC LANGUAGE, ETC. Conti nued. 5499 HERBELOT (B. d'). Bibliotheque Orientale; ou, Dictionnaire Uni- versel, contenant generalement tout ce qui regarde la connoissance des Peuples d'Orient, leurs Histoires et Traditions . veritables ou fabuleuses, leurs Religions, Sectes et Politiques . . . etc., etc. Folio, old leather. Paris, 1697 5499 * HID AYA. The Hedaya, or Guide : A Commentary on the Mussul- man Laws. Translated by Charles Hamilton. Second Edition, with preface and index, by Standish Grove Grady. Thick 8vo, cloth, pp. 783. London, 1870 * This work is the great Law-Book of the Sunnites or most orthodox sect of Islam, and is considered of the highest authority by the Mohammedans of India. It was compiled by Ali Ibn Abi Bakr Al Marghinani Al Farghani. 5500 HIGGINS (GODFREY). An Apology for the Life and Character of the Celebrated Prophet of Arabia, called Mohammed the Illus- trious. 8vo, half cloth. London, 1829 * By the author of the well-known "Anacalypsis," books on the British Druids, etc. 5501 [HORNE (RICHARD HENRY).] Sithron the Star-Stricken. Translated from an ancient Arabic manuscript by Salem ben Uzair, of Bassora [pseud]. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 131. London, 1883 5502 HOUTSMA (TH.) Catalogue d'une collection de Manuscrits Arabes et Turcs appartenant a la ma'ison E. J. Brill a Leide. 8vo, wrappers, 1194 numbers. (Dr. Rost's copy with his autograph.) Ley den : E. J. Brill, 1889 5503 HUART (CLEMENT). A History of Arabic Literature. Post 8vo, cloth. (Short Histories of the Literature of the World, edited by Edmund Gosse.) London, 1903 5504 HUGHES (THOMAS PATRICK). Notes on Muhammadanism, being Outlines of the Religious System of Islam. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. . Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1877 5505 Notes on Muhammadanism. Third Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1894 5506 A Dictionary of Islam, being a Cyclopaedia of the Doctrines, Rites, Ceremonies and Customs ... of the Muhammadan Religion. Numerous illustrations. Thick royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1885 636 Mestern ant> Central Esia THE ARABIC LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued 5507 HURGRONJE (DR. C. SNOUCK). Mekka. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco, with Atlas in 410, boards. Together 3 vols. With the miniature ex-libris of M. M. Couvee. The Hague, 1888-89 * The first volume gives a history of Mecca from the times of the Caliphs to 1887; the second deals with the varied population of Mecc"a, the life of the people and pilgrims, customs, etc. The atlas of plates are mainly photographs of pil- grims, types from all parts of the East, including the Moluccas, Borneo, etc. A valuable collection. 5508 IBN HAUKAL (MUHAMMAD). The Oriental Geography of Ebn Haukal, an Arabian Traveller of the Tenth Century. Translated by Sir William Ouseley, from a MS. in his own possession, collated with one preserved in the Library of Eton College. Map. 4to, old marbled calf. London, 1800 5509 IBN HISHAM. Das Leben Mohammed's nach Mohammed Ibn Ishak bearbeitet von Abd el-Malik Ibn Hischam. Aus dem Arabi- schen iibersetzt von Gustav Weil. 2 vols. in i, 8vo, half calf. Stuttgart, 1864 5510 IBN KHALLIKAN'S BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. Ibn Khallikan's Biographical Dictionary. Translated from the Arabic by Baron MacGuckin De Slane. 4 vols. 4to, half morocco. (Oriental Translation Fund.) Paris, 1843-71 * Scarce. The great Arabic Biographical Dictionary, and the repository of numerous anecdotes, and choice selections from the most noted authors. This was the first biographical dictionary of any extent written by an Arab, and later writers in the East who have compiled similar works have done so principally on the basis of supplements to Ibn Khallikan. It was written probably in Damas- cus sometime in the i3th Century. 5511 IBN KUTAIBAH. An Extract from Ibn Kutaiba's 'Adab Al-Katib, or the Writer's Guide, with Translation and Notes, by William O. Sproull. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 42. Leipzig, 1877 5512 IBN WAHSHIH. Ancient Alphabets and Hieroglyphic Characters Explained: with an Account of the Egyptian Priests, their Classes, Initiation, and Sacrifices, in the Arabic Language by Ahmad Bin Abubekr Bin Wahshih; and in English by Joseph Hammer. Small 4to, old half calf (covers loose). London, 1806 5513 JACKSON (JAMES). Socotora. Notes Bibliographiques. Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 39. (Extrait de la Revue de Geographic.) Paris, 1892 Western anfc Central Bsia 637 THE ARABIC LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 5514 JESSUP (HENRY HARRIS). The Women of the Arabs. With a Chapter for Children. Edited by C. S. Robinson and Isaac Riley. Illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. New York [1873] 5515 K'AB IBN ZUHAIR. The Burda (Mantle) Poems of Ka'b, son of Zuhayr, and of El-Busiri. Translated with prefaces and notes, by J. W. Redhouse. Facsimile. 8vo, limp cloth, pp. 48. (Reprinted from Arabian Poetry for English Readers.) [London] 1881 * Only 35 copies printed for private circulation. 5516 KASSAB (S.) AND HANNAM (G.) Arabic-English Dictionary. Thick crown 8vo, cloth, pp. 803. Beyrout, 1888 5517 KEANE (PROF. A. H.) The Gold of Ophir. Whence brought and by Whom ? Facsimile of a Himyaritic rock inscription. 8vo, cloth. London, 1901 * The author concludes that the "Gold of Ophir" came from Rhodesia, and that Ophir was a centre of commerce on the South Coast of Arabia. 5518 KEANE (JOHN F.) Six Months in Meccah: An Account of the Mohammedan Pilgrimage to Meccah. Recently accomplished by an Englishman professing Mohammedanism. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1881 5519 My Journey to Medinah :... Performed by the author dis- guised as a Mohammedan. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1881 5520 Six Months in the Hejaz: An account of the Mohammedan Pilgrimages to Meccah and Medinah, accomplished by an English- man professing Mohammedanism. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1887 5521 KITAB AL AGANI. Tables Alphabetiques du Kitab Al-Agani ; com- prenant I, Index des Poetes dont le Kitab cite des vers ; II, Index des Rimes ; III, Index Historique ; etc. Par I. Guidi. ler Fascicule. Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 360. Leiden, 1895 *This part contains the first two mentioned indices complete, and 165 pp. of the third. 5522 KORAN. MANUSCRIPT OF THE KORAN. Arabic manuscript, con- taining chapters from the Koran, written for Abu Elmuzaffar Shehab Eldeen Muhammad, King of Persia, A. H. 1058 (A. D. 1648). Ap- pended is a poem in Persian in praise of the King. Royal 8vo, ori- ental smooth morocco (back damaged). Teheran, A. H. 1058 [A. D. 1648] * With the full vowel pointing. Very neatly written. 638 Western anfc Central Beta THE ARABIC LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 5523 KORAN. MANUSCRIPT OF THE KORAN. Arabic manuscript, written in red and black, and the first few leaves interlined in gold. Post 8vo, oriental leather binding. (The volume much soiled by water, and some leaves damaged and restored in a later hand.) i8th Century 5524 - - MANUSCRIPT OF THE KORAN. Manuscript, very neatly written in small characters and pointed, gold borders to each page, and the titles to each surat in gold. The two first leaves very beautifully illuminated in gold and colors. i8mo, in the original oriental binding of wooden boards, morocco back, the sides ornamented with a pattern of rose flowers within a gold border. i8th Century * A very charming miniature manuscript of the Koran. 5525 - - MANUSCRIPT OF THE KORAN. Arabic manuscript, written on oriental glazed parchment paper in red and black, with ruled red borders to each page. Thick small 4to, original leather binding (one cover missing). ipth Century 5526 - - The Koran in Arabic. Lithographed. Borders to two first leaves. Post 8vo, in the oriental stamped roan binding with flaps. 1 9th Century 5527 - - L'Alkoran: (Le Livre par Excellence). Traduction textuelle de 1'Arabe faite par Fatma-Zaida, Djarie-Odalyk-Doul den Benjamin- Aly, Effendi-Agha. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 483 (front wrapper missing). Lisbonne, 1861 5528 - - FLUEGEL (GUSTAVUS). Corani Textus Arabicus ad fidem librorum manu scriptorum et impressorum et ad praecipuorum inter- pretum lectiones et auctoritatem recensuit indicesque triginta sec- tionum et suratarum addidit. Editio stereotypa, secundis curis emendata. 4to, half roan. Leipzig, 1841 5529- - LANE (EDWARD WILLIAM). Selections from the Kur- An, com- monly called, . . The Koran ; with Commentary ; translated from the Arabic . . . with notes, chiefly from Sale's edition ; with an Introduc- tion, . . . Corrections and Additions. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1843 553 ~ ~ LANE (EDWARD WILLIAM). Selections from the Kur-'an. New Edition, revised and enlarged, with introduction by Stanley Lane- Poole. Plate. 8vo, cloth. (Trubner's Oriental Series.) London, 1879 Western ant) Central Hsia 639 THE ARABIC LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 5531 KORAN. MUEHLEISEN-ARNOLD (JOHN). The Koran and the Bible ; or Islam and Christianity. Second Edition. 8vo, cloth (embossed stamp on title). London, 1866 5532 - - MUIR (SiR WILLIAM). The Goran. Its Composition and Teaching; and the Testimony it bears to the Holy Scriptures. I2mo, cloth. London [1878] 5533 ~ MUIR (SiR WILLIAM). Extracts from the Coran in the Origi- nal. With English Rendering. Post 8vo, cloth, pp. 63 With the pencilled autograph of Prof. E. H. Palmer. London, 1880 5534 PALMER (E. H.) A Manuscript Note-Book of Prof. Palmer, on the first page of which is written: "Lecture commenced Jan. 27th '79 to Syed Kazim Ali of Christ's Coll., Syed Waris Ali, do., Syed Nur ul Huda, John's Coll." The top of the following page begins: "Notes for lecture on the Koran." With Prof. Palmer's autograph and 55 pages of notes (rest of the book blank). I2mo, cloth. 5535 - - PALMER (E. H.) The Qur'an. Translated by E. H. Palmer. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1880 * One of the series of "The Sacred Books of the East," edited by F. Max Miiller. 5536 - REDSLOB (G. M.) Coranus Arabice. Recensionis Flugelianse. Textum Recognitum iterum exprimi, curavit G. M. Redslob. 8vo, boards, cloth back. Leipzig, 1855 5537 - RODWELL (J. M.) El-Kor'an; or the Koran: translated from the Arabic, the Suras arranged in Chronological Order, with Notes and Index. Second revised and amended edition. 8vo, cloth. London, 1876 5538 - SALE (GEORGE). The Koran, commonly called the Alcoran of Mohammed, Translated into English from the Original Arabic, with notes . . . (and) a Preliminary Discourse. Map and four plates. 4to, old panelled calf (joints cracked). London, 1734 *The First Edition. With the bookplate of Lord Hill. 5539 - SALE (GEORGE). The Koran, commonly called the Alcoran of Mohammed, translated . . . from the Original Arabic ; with explana- tory notes . . . and a Preliminary Discourse. New Edition, with memoir of the translator [by R. A. Davenport] and notes from Savary's version of the Koran. Folding map and plates. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half cloth. London, 1825 640 Western ant) Central Hsia THE ARABIC LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued 5540 KORAN. WHERRY (E. M.) A Comprehensive Commentary on the Quran ; comprising Sale's translation and Preliminary Discourse, with additional Notes and Emendations. With a Complete Index to the Text, Preliminary Discourse, and Notes. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth. (Trubner's Oriental Series.) London, 1896 5541 KOSENGARTEN (JOHANN GODOFR. LUD.) Chrestomathia Arabica ex codicibus manuscriptis Parisiensibus, Gothanis et Bero- linensibus collecta. 8vo, half roan. Leipzig, 1828 5542 KREMER (ALFRED von). Culturgeschichtliche Streifziige auf dem Gebiete des Islams. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 77. Leipzig, 1873 5543 Culturgeschichte des Orients unter den Chalifen. 2 vols. royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 547 and 516. Vienna, 1875-77 5544 LANDBERG (CARLO). Proverbes et Dictons du Peuple Arabe. Materiaux pour servir a la connaissance des dialectes vulgaires. Volume i : Province de Syrie, Section de Sayda. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 458. Ley den and Paris, 1883 * The peculiarities of the sayings are illustrated by notes on the customs of the Arabs. 5545 LANE (EDWARD WILLIAM). Arabian Society in the Middle Ages. Studies from the Thousand and One Nights. Edited by Stanley Lane-Poole. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1883 5546 LANE-POOLE (STANLEY). Studies in a Mosque. 8vo, cloth. London, 1883 * With "From S. Lane-Poole" pencilled on the title. Chapters on The Persian Miracle Play, the Koran, Islam before Mohammed, etc. 5547 - - Studies in a Mosque. Second Edition, enlarged. 8vo, cloth. London, 1893 5548 - - Catalogue of Arabic Glass Weights in the British Museum. Edited by Reginald Stuart Poole. p plates. 8vo, cloth. London, 1891 * Forming a supplementary volume to the Catalogue of Oriental Coins. 5549 LANSING (J. G.) An Arabic Manual. Second Edition. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1891 5550 LE STRANGE (GUY). Palestine Under the Moslems. A De- scription of Syria and the Holy Land from A. D. 650 to 1500. Trans- lated from the Works of the Mediaeval Arab Geographers. Maps and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. (Palestine Exploration Fund.) [London] 1890 Western an& Central Hsia 641 THE ARABIC LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 5551 LE STRANGE (GUY). Baghdad during the Abbasid Caliphate, from contemporary Arabic and Persian Sources. 8 plans. 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1900 5552 LOCKETT (A.) The Miut Amil, and Shurhoo Miut Amil; two elementary treatises on Arabic Syntax ; Translated from the Original Arabic, with annotations, Philological and explanatory, in the form of a perpetual commentary. The Rules exemplified by a Series of Stories and Citations from various Arabian Authors, with an Ap- pendix containing the Original Text. 4to, half calf (worn). Calcutta, 1814 5553 LOKMAN AL HAKIM. Fables de Loqman le Sage. Le texte revu de nouveau sur les MSS., accompagne d'une version Franchise et des notes, et precede d'une introduction sur la personne de Loqman et sur 1'origine de ce recueil de fables. Par J. Derenbourg. I2mo, wrappers, pp. 41. Berlin, 1850 5554 LYALL (CHARLES JAMES). Translations of Ancient Arabian Poetry, chiefly Prae-Islamic, with an Introduction and Notes. Small 4to, cloth. London, 1885 * Extracts from the Hamasah, the Mu'allakat, etc. Laid in is a parody on Tennyson's Locksley Hall. (Queried if by Lyall?) 5555 MACARIUS. The Travels of Macarius, Patriarch of Antioch. Written by his attendant Archdeacon Paul of Aleppo in Arabic. Translated by F. C. Belfour. Nine parts with separate titles, bound in 2 vols. 4to, cloth. (Oriental Translation Fund.) London, 1829-36 * The travels were in the countries subject to the doctrines of the Greek Church, i.e.: Anatolia, Romelia, Moldavia, Wallacliia, the Country of the Cossacks, Moscovy (as far as Novgorod, and back to Aleppo through Syria. In one place he refers to the year of the world 7165. As the Caesarean Era of Antioch placed the creation of the world as 5492 years B. C., this would place the travels in the latter part of the i7th Century. 5556 MANUSCRIPT. A Lectionary; or, New Testament Selections for Sundays and Festivals. Manuscript in Arabic on 168 leaves, neatly written in black and red on glazed paper. Small folio, in the original oriental calf binding. 1744 5557 MARGOLIOUTH (D. S.) A Commentary on the Book of Daniel by Jephet Ibn Ali the Karaite. Edited and Translated by D. S. Margoliouth. Small 4to, wrappers, pp. 153+96. (Anecdota Oxoniensia.) Oxford, li 642 Western ant) Central Bsia THE ARABIC LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 5558 MARGOLIOUTH (D. S.) Arabic Papyri of the Bodleian Library. Reproduced by the Collotype Process. With transcription and trans- lation. 2 large folding plates. 4to, wrappers, pp. 7. London, 1893 5559 MARIGNY (ABBE DE). History of the Arabians under ... the Caliphs, from Mahomet to the death of Mostazem, the fifty-sixth and last Abassian Caliph. With Notes . . . Genealogical and Chronologi- cal Tables, and Indexes. Translated, with additional notes. 4 vols. 8vo, full calf, rebacked. London, 1758 5560 MISHCAT-UL-MASABIH. Collection of the Most Authentic Tra- ditions regarding the Actions and Sayings of Muhammed, exhibiting the Origin of the Manners and Customs, the Civil, Religious, and Military Policy of the Muslemans. Translated from the original Arabic [of Muhammad Ibn Abd Allah Al Khatib] by Capt. A. N. Matthews. 2 vols. 4to, old half calf (lacks title to Vol. 2, and a leaf of Index at end). Calcutta, 1809 * Rare. In the i2th Century the original traditions of the Mohammedan faith and its founders were collected, and the work was called the "Masabih" (or lamp). Several later commentaries were made on it, of which this, the "Mishcat- ul-Masabih," written in the i4th Century, is the most important. The literal trans- lation of the title is "The niche for holding the lamp." The work is considered of the utmost authority by the Mohammedans, ranking second only to the Koran. Many curious particulars of the life and observances of the Prophet are given. 5561 MOALLAKAT. The Moallakat, or Seven Arabian Poems, which were suspended on the Temple at Mecca ; with a translation and arguments by William Jones. Engraved portrait and folding table of the genealogy of the Poets, and facsimile. 4to, half russia. London, 1783 * Scarce. Contains a transliteration of the Arabic texts, as well as the trans- lations. 5562 - - The Divans of the six ancient Arabic Poets, Ennabiga, 'Antara, Tharafa, Zuhair, 'Alqama, and Imruulqais; chiefly according to the MSS. of Paris, Gotha and Leyden; and the Collection of their Frag- ments, with a List of the various Readings of the Text. Edited by W. Ahlwardt. Royal 8vo, wrappers. London, 1870 55^3 - - An Ancient Arabic Prize Poem. (Translation with prefatory note.) By E. H. Palmer. Post 8vo, wrappers, pp. 8. (Extracted from The Eagle, 1870.) [London, 1870] * A translation of one of the poems of the Moallakat (or Seven Suspended Poems). Western anfc Central H0ia 643 THE ARABIC LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 5564 MOALLAKAT. The Seven Poems suspended in the Temple at Mecca. Translated from the Arabic by F. E. Johnson. With an introduction by Shaikh Faizullabhai. 8vo, cloth (with the Arabic text). London, 1894 5565 MOHAMMED. The History of Mohammedanism and its Sects, de- rived chiefly from Oriental Sources, containing the Life of Moham- med .... the Creed, etc. Portrait of Mohammed. Post 8vo, half roan. Calcutta, 1857 5566 MUIR (SIR WILLIAM). The Life of Mahomet, with introductory chapters on the original sources of the biography of Mahomet, and on the Pre-Islamite History of Arabia. Folding plates. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1861 * The First and Complete Edition. 5567 The Life of Mahomet, from Original Sources. New edition (abridged from the first edition in four volumes). Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1877 5568 Ancient Arabic Poetry: its Genuineness and Authenticity. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 21. (Royal Asiatic Society.) [London] 1879 5569 - Annals of the Early Caliphate, from original sources. With a Map. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1883 5570 - - The Caliphate, its Rise, Decline and Fall. From original sources. 8vo, cloth. [London] 1891 5571 NEWMAN (FRANCIS W.) Handbook of Modern Arabic: con- sisting of a Practical Grammar, with numerous Examples, Dialogues, and Newspaper Extracts ; in a European Type. Table of Script and printed alphabets. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1866 5572 - - Dictionary of Modern Arabic (Anglo-Arabic, and Arabo- English). 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1871 5573 NIEBUHR (CARSTEN). Beschreibung von Arabien, map and 23 (should be 24) plates, FIRST EDITION, Copenhagen, 1772; Reise- beschreibung nach Arabien und andern umliegenden Landern, 120 plates (should be 124), 2 vols. 4to, Copenhagen, 1774-78. Together 3 vols. 4to, orginal calf. Copenhagen, 1772-78 644 Western ant) Central Bsta THE ARABIC LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 5574 OCKLEY (SIMON). The Conquest of Syria, Persia, and Egypt by the Saracens, containing the Lives of ... the immediate successors of Mahomet, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, old calf. London, 1708 5575 History of the Saracens, containing the Lives ... of the Suc- cessors of Mahomet, etc. Collected from most authentic Arabic Authors. Third Edition (with Life of Mahomet). 2 vols. 8vo. Fine copy, in full sprinkled calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Cambridge, 1757 5576 OMARAH AL HAKAMI. Yaman. Its early Mediaeval History, by Najm Ad-Din 'Omarah Al-Hakami; the History of its Dynasties by Ibn Khaldun ; and an account of the Karmathians of Yaman by Abu' Abd Allah Baha Ad-Din Al-Janadi. The original texts, with trans- lations and notes by Henry Cassels Kay. 8vo, cloth. London, 1892 5577 OSBORN (ROBERT DURIE). Islam under the Khalifs of Baghdad. 8vo, cloth. London, 1878 5578 PALGRAVE (WILLIAM GIFFORD). Narrative of a Year's Journey through Central and Eastern Arabia. [1862-63.] Maps and plans. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth (Vol. I loose in covers). London, 1865 5579 PALMER (E. H.) A Grammar of the Arabic Language. 8vo, cloth. *With glossary of Arabic Technical Terms. London, 1874 5580 - - The Arabic Manual, a condensed Grammar of both the Classi- cal and Modern Arabic, Reading Lessons and Exercises, with Analy- ses and a Vocabulary. Third Edition. Folding table. I2mo, full morocco. London [1881] 5581 - A Scrapbook, containing Clippings relating to books and articles written by Prof. E. H. Palmer. [This was found among Prof. Palmer's books, which Messrs. Luzac bought after Mrs. Palmer's death.] 4to, cloth, pp. 56. With the autograph of E. H. Palmer. The book also contains articles by Prof. Palmer, and letters written to his friends which appeared in print. See also No. 5534, for a manuscript note-book of Prof. Palmer. 5582 - The Life and Achievements of Edward Henry Palmer. By Walter Besant. - Portrait. Second Edition, Post 8vo, half calf, gilt top. London, 1883 TKHestern ant) Central Hsia 645 THE ARABIC LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 5583 PAMPHLETS. ALPHABET ARABE, par F. Gadoz, i2mo, pp. 39, Paris, 1852; Methode de Lecture et de Prononciation Arabe, par A. Depeille, I2mo, pp. 54, Algiers, 1850; Alphabetum Arabicum, etc., etc., pp. 15, Rome, 1797; Simplification possible de la Composition en Caracteres Arabes, par A. R. G. Vianna, 8vo, pp. 8 (Presentation copy), Lisbon, 1892. (4 pieces.) 5584 APOLOGY of Al Kindy, An Essay on its Age and Authorship, by Sir Wm. Muir, pp. 18 (Royal Asiatic Society, 188-?) ; Descriptive Alphabetical List of Twenty Occult Sciences of the Mus- lims, by E. Rehatsek, pp. 10. 2 pieces, 8vo, sewed. 5585 Excerpts from Magazines. Palgrave on the Pre-Islamitic Brigands; An Ancient Arabic Prize Poem, by Prof. Palmer; Cler- mont-Ganneau on the Arabs in Palestine; and others, similar. (10 pieces.) 5586 PAULMIER (AD.) L'Arabe sans Maitre en 17 Lecons, traduction dans 1'idiome parle en Algerie, des 17 Chapitres . . . de 1'histoire de Gil Bias de Santillane. 8vo, wrappers (damaged), pp. 241. Paris, 1851 5587 PITTS (JOSEPH). A Faithful Account of the Religion and Man- ners of the Mohometans. In which is a Relation of their Pilgrimage to Mecca ... a description of Medina, . . Algier, and the Country Adjacent; and Alexandria, Grand Cairo, &c. With an account of the Author's being taken Captive ; the Turks' Cruelty to him, and his escape. Fourth Edition, corrected, with additions. Map and plate. With the autograph of J. Miller, 1756. I2mo, calf. London, 1738 * Pitts was the first European to visit Mecta, and this book contains an account of his adventures there. 5588 PLATE (WILLIAM). Ptolemy's Knowledge of Arabia, especially of Hadramaut and the Wilderness El-Ahkaf. Map. Post 8vo, sewed, pp. n. (Reprinted from the Classical Museum.) London, 1845 5589 PLAYFAIR (CAPT. R. L.) Memorandum of the Trade of Aden for 1857-58; and for 1858-59. 2 pieces, 8vo, sewed, pp. 12 and 14. Presentation copies. (2 pieces.) Aden : printed at the Jail Press, 1859 646 Western anfc Central Hsia THE ARABIC LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 5590 POCOCK (EDWARD). Specimen Historiae Arabum; auctore Ed- vardo Pocockio. Accessit Historia Veterum Arabum ex Abu'l Feda : cura Antonii I. Sylvestre de Sacy. Portrait of Pocock. Small 4to, half cloth. Oxford, 1806 5591 POOL (JOHN J.) Studies in Mohammedanism, Historical and Doctrinal, with a chapter on Islam in England. Frontispiece. Post 8vo, cloth. Westminster [London], 1892 5592 POPER (DR. SALOMON). Behmenjar, Ben El-Marzuban, der Persische Aristoteliker aus Avicenna's Schule. Zwei metaphysische Abhandlungen von ihm, Arabisch und Deutsch, mit Anmerkungen herausgegeben. I2mo, boards, pp. 47 and 27. Leipzig, 1851 5593 ROUX (DANIEL). Album de TArabisant. Choix de 50 Sortes d'ecritures Arabes, recueillis a 1'etat d'autographies et suivies d'une transcription textuelle pour initier a la lecture des manuscrits. (Lithographic facsimiles.) Oblong I2mo, wrappers, pp. 82. Algiers, n. d. 5594 RUMSEY (ALMARIC). A Chart of Family Inheritance, according to Orthodox Moohummudan Law, with an Explanatory Treatise. Third Edition, enlarged. With Genealogical table. 8vo, cloth. London, 1880 5595 SALIL IBN RAZIK. History of the Imams and Seyyids of 'Oman from A. D. 661-1856. Translated from the Original Arabic with Notes, Appendices and Introduction, continuing the history to 1870, by G. P. Badger. Map. 8vo, cloth. (The Hakluyt Society.) London, 1871 5596 SALISBURY (EDWARD E.) Muhammadan Doctrine of Pre- destination and Free Will. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 80. (Reprinted from Journal of the American Oriental Society No. I, 1864.) Presenta- tion copy. n. p., 1864 5597 SEIDEL (A.) Praktisches Handbuch der Arabischen Umgangs- sprache. Agyptischen Dialekts. Mit zahlreichen iibungsstiicken und einen ausfuhrlichen Agyptoarabisch-Deutschen worterbuch. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 310. Berlin [1894] 5598 SELL (EDWARD). The Faith of Islam. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. 8vo, cloth. (Trubner's Oriental Series.) London, 1896 Western ant> Central Hsia 647 THE ARABIC LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 5599 SIUTI (JALAL ADDIN AL). The History of the Temple of Jerusalem : translated from the Arabic MS. of the Imam-Jalal-Addin al Siuti. With notes and dissertations, by James Reynolds. Royal 8vo, cloth. (Oriental Translation Fund.) London, 1836 * The author of the manuscript lived in the early part of the isth Century. 5600 SMITH (R. BOSWORTH). Mohammed and Mohammedanism. Third Edition, revised and enlarged. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1889 5601 SOCIN (DR. ALBERT). Arabische Sprichworter und Redensarten, Gesammelt und Erklart. 4to, wrappers, pp. 41. (Presentation copy.) Tubingen, 1878 * On Arabic Proverbs. 5602 - Arabic Grammar; Paradigms, Literature, Chrestomathy, and Glossary. Crown 8vo, half morocco. Carlsruhe, 1885 * With a short Bibliography of Arabic Literature. 5603 SPITTA-BEY (GUILLAUME). Contes Arabes Modernes, recueil- lis et traduits. (Alternate pages of French and Arabic in Roman letters.) 8vo, wrappers, pp. 224. Leyden, 1883 5604 SPRENGER (ALOYSIUS). Die Alte Geographic Arabiens als Grundlage der Entwicklungsgeschichte des Semitismus. Map (Ptolemy's). 8vo, wrappers, pp. 343. Bern, 1875 5605 Dissertatio . . . de Originibus Medicinse Arabicae sub Khalifaty, Leyden, 1840; On the Early Commerce of the Arabs; On Kremer's edition of Wakidy's Campaigns ; On the Writing of Historical Facts among the Musalmans ; Notes on the oldest work on Sufism ; Chrono- logy of Makkah and the Hijaz before Mohammed; Foreign words occurring in the Koran ; and other pamphlets by Dr. Sprenger, bound in one volume, 8vo, cloth. 5606 STAGE (E. V.) An English- Arabic Vocabulary for the use of Students of the Colloquial. 8vo, cloth. London, 1893 5607 STEWART (DUNCAN). A Practical Arabic Grammar. 8vo, cloth. London, 1841 5608 STOBART (J. W. H.) Islam and its Founder. Map. i2tno, cloth. (Non-Christian Religious Systems.) London, 1876 648 Western ant> Central Hsfa THE ARABIC LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 5609 TAKHMISES. A Collection of Arabic Takhmises or Quintuplets, beginning with those of Ibnu'n-Nahwi, and ending with those of 'Abdu'l Baqi al Taruki. In Arabic. Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 128. Constantinople, A. H. 1306 [1888] * "A Takhmis or quintuplet is a short poem of five lines greatly in vogue among the Arabs." From PROF. E. H. PALMER'S LIBRARY. 5610 TUCHSEN (TH. CHR.) Grammatik der Arabischen Schrift- sprache fur den ersten Unterricht. Mit einigen Auszugen aus dem Koran. Post 8vo, wrappers, pp. 262. Gottingen, 1823 5611 UPTON (MAJOR R. D.) Gleanings from the Desert of Arabia. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1881 * Chapters on the Bedaween, the Arabian Horses, their breeding, etc. 5612 VAN DYCK (ED.) Iktifa al ganu bima huva matbu min aschhar al taalif al Arabia fil matabi al Scharqia Walgharbia. Royal 8vo, half cloth, pp. 677. Cairo, 1897 * Bibliography of Arabic books printed in the Orient and the Occident. 5613 VOLLERS (DR. K.) The Modern Egyptian Dialect of Arabic. A Grammar, with exercises, reading lessons and glossaries. Translated by F. C. Burkitt. Post 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1895 5614 WATSON (W. SCOTT). Bab El-Iarab: an outline of Arabic Syn- tax, pp. 14; Arabic Version of the Epistle of Dionysius the Areopa- gite to Timothy, pp. 17, 1900; A Syriac-Arabic Narrative of Miracles of Jesus, pp. 10, 1899. (All reprinted from the American Journal of Semitic Language and Literature.) 8vo. (3 pieces.) 5615 WOLLASTON (ARTHUR N.) Half Hours with Muhammad, being a popular account of the Prophet of Arabia, .... with a short Synopsis of the Religion he founded. Map and plates. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1886 5616 WORTABET (WILLIAM THOMSON). Arabic-English Dic- tionary. With the Collaboration of John Wortabet and Harvey Porter. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. 8vo, cloth. Bey rout, 1893 5617 WRIGHT (WILLIAM). Opuscula Arabica, collected and edited from MSS. in the University of Leyden. 8vo, wrappers. Leyden, 1859 IKHestern anfc Central Bsia 649 THE ARABIC LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 5618 WRIGHT (WILLIAM). An Arabic Reading Book. Part First. The Texts. 8vo, cloth. (All published.) London, 1870 * Selections from Lokman's Fables, the Koran, biographical extracts, etc. 5619 Grammar of the Arabic Language, translated from the German of Caspari, and edited, with additions and corrections. Second Edition, revised and greatly enlarged. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. *Best edition of the Best Arabic Grammar. London, l874~5 5620 WUSTENFELD (F.) Die tlbersetzungen Arabischer Werke in das Lateinische seit dem XL Jahrhundert. 4to, wrappers, pp. 133. Gottingen, 1877 5621 ZUHAIR. Duwan El-Wazir Abi-1-Fadhl Zoheir. The Poetical Works of Zuhair in Arabic. Crown 8vo, full morocco (rubbed), pp. 208 and 19. (Lithographed.) Cairo, A. H. 1278 [1866] * Prof. E. H. Palmer's copy, with his autograph and some MS. notes, probably made by him. 5622 The Poetical Works of Beha-ed-din Zoheir of Egypt, with a metrical translation, notes, and an introduction. By E. H. Palmer. Vol. i, the Arabic text. (No more was published.) Royal 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1876 * Prof. Palmer's own copy, having written on the title "E. H. Palmer, March 20, 1876. Copy of first edition corrected." * Babylonia ant> Cbalfcaza. Cuneiform flnscnptious. 5623 BABYLONIAN AND ORIENTAL RECORD (THE). A Monthly Magazine of the Antiquities of the East. Edited by W. St. Chad Boscawen, and H. M. Mackenzie, and afterwards by Prof. Terrien de Lacouperie. Illustrations, facsimiles of inscriptions, translations, etc. Vols. I to 8, and Nos. I to 3 of Vol. 9. (All pub- lished.) 8vo, cloth, and half calf, the last three numbers in wrappers. (As 8 vols.) London, 1886-1901 * A complete set like the above is rarely to be found, the later numbers having been issued at irregular intervals and being difficult to procure. The magazine contains a series of important articles by the editor, Professor T. de Lacouperie concerning the relationship in very early times between the old Babylonian and Chinese. It contains also a translation by C. de Harlez, running through seven- teen numbers, of the Chinese Kong-tze Kia-yu, or "Familiar Sayings of Confucius." 650 Western ant> Central Hsia ASSYRIA, BABYLONIA, ETC. Continued. 5624 BABYLONIAN TABLET. Photograph of a tablet supposed to contain the names of Chedorlaomer, Arioch and Tidal, published by the British Museum in 1895 (but this reading was disproved by L. W. King in his "Letters and Inscriptions" of Hammurabi [London, 1898]. Narrow 8vo, mounted on cardboard. 5625 BEROSUS. Berosi Chaldseorum Historic quae supersunt, cum Com- mentatione prolixiori de Berosi Vita et Librorum ejus indole. Auctore J. D. G. Richter. 8vo, sewed, pp. 93. Leipzig, 1825 5626 - - Essai de Commentaire des Fragments Cosmogoniques .de Berose, d'apres les Textes cuneiformes et les Monuments de 1'Art Asiatique. Par Francois Lenormant. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 578. Paris, 1872 * Very Scarce. Only 200 copies were printed, this being No. 132. 5627 BERTIN (GEORGE). Abridged Grammars of the Languages of the Cuneiform Inscriptions. Containing a Sumero-Akkadian, an Assyro-Babylonian, a Vannic, a Medic, and an Old Persian Gram- mar. Crown 8vo, cloth. (Trubner's Simplified Grammars.) London, 1888 5628 - - The Populations of the Fatherland of Abraham, A Short account of the populations which came into contact with the Jews, and used the Cuneiform system of writing. I2mo, wrappers, pp. 103. London, 1893 5629 BEZOLD (CARL). Die Achamenideninschriften. Transscription des Babylonischen Textes nebst Ubersetzung, Textkritischen Anmer- kungen und einem Worter- und Eigennamenverzeichnisse. Imp. 8vo, half morocco (stamp on title). Leipzig, 1882 * With lithograph facsimile on 16 pp. of the cuneiform text. 5630 [BIRCH (SAMUEL).] Assyrian Antiquities. Guide to the Kouyunjik Gallery (British Museum). 4 autotype plates. Crown 8vo, cloth. [London] 1883 5631 BOOTH (ARTHUR JOHN). The Discovery and Decipherment of the Trilingual Cuneiform Inscriptions. Plan of Persepolis, ap- pendices and copious index. 8vo, cloth. London, 1902 * Including Babylonian and Assyrian inscriptions, the Behistun and Persian inscriptions, etc. Mestern anfc Central Hsia 651 ASSYRIA, BABYLONIA, ETC. Continued. 5632 BOSCAWEN (W. ST. CHAD). "From Under the Dust of Ages." Six Lectures on the History and Antiquities of Assyria and Baby- lonia. 6 illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1886 5^33 - - British Museum Lectures. Assyria and Babylonia. (Sheol and other Essays.) Crown 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. 5634 - - The Cuneiform Inscriptions and the Era of the Jewish Cap- tivity. Genealogical chart. 8vo, cloth, pp. 37. Author's copy. n. p., n. d. 5635 BOTTA (M.) Memoire sur 1'ficriture Cuneiforme Assyrienne. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 197. Paris, 1848 5636 - - Letters on the Discoveries at Nineveh. Translated from the French by C. T. First Series. 49 plates of inscriptions, stones, monuments, etc. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1850 5637 BRITISH MUSEUM. Guide to the Babylonian and Assyrian Anti- quities. [By E. A. Wallis Budge.] 34 full-page plates. 8vo, boards, pp. 203. London: Printed by Order of the Trustees, 1900 5638 BRITISH MUSEUM TABLETS. Cuneiform Texts from Baby- lonian Tablets, etc., in the British Museum. 23 parts. Small folio, wrappers. London: The Trustees of the British Museum, 1896-1906 * A valuable series of texts, over 1,000 in number, many here published for the First Time. Included are the early and important Babylonian legends of the Creation, the descent of the goddess Ishtar into the Underworld, spells, formulas and invocations for the conjuration of supernatural spirits, etc. 5639 BROWN (FRANCIS). Assyriology. Its Use and Abuse in Old Testament Study. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1885 5640 BUDGE (E. A. WALLIS). The History of Esarhaddon (son of Sennacherib), King of Assyria, B. C. 681-668. Translated from the Cuneiform Inscriptions upon Cylinders and Tablets in the British Museum, with Original Texts, Grammatical Analysis, etc. 8vo, cloth. (Triibner's Oriental Series.) London, 1880 5641 - Assyrian Texts, extracts from the Annals of Shalmaneser II., Sennacherib, and Asstir-Bani-Pal. With philological notes. Small 4to, cloth. (Archaic Classics.) London, 1880 652 Western ant> Central Esia ASSYRIA, BABYLONIA, ETC. Continued. 5642 BUDGE (E. A. WALLIS). Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon. On recently discovered Inscriptions of this King. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 43. Author's copy. [London, 1881] * Cuneiform text of the inscription, translation, grammatical analysis, and commentary. 5643 Babylonian Life and History. Second Edition. Illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. [London] 1886 5644 BUDGE (E. A. WALLIS) AND KING (L. W.) Annals of the Kings of Assyria. The cuneiform texts with translations, trans- literations, etc., from the Original Documents in the British Museum. Volume i (all published). Plates in facsimile. Royal 8vo, cloth. London : Printed by Order of the Trustees, 1902 5645 CHWOLSON (D. A.) tiber die Uberreste der Altbabylonischen Literatur in Arabischen Ubersetzungen. 4to, wrappers, pp. 195. St. Petersburg, 1859 * Contains an analysis of the Book of Nabathean Agriculture, and of other remnants of old Chaldean Literature. # 5646 liber Tammuz und die Menschenverehrung bei den alten Baby- loniern. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 112 (badly stained and title damaged). St. Petersburg, 1860 5647 DELITZSCH (FRIEDRICH). Assyrische Lesestiicke, nach den originalen Theils revidirt Theils zum ersten Male herausgegeben und durch eine schrifttafel eingeleitet. Zweite neu Bearbeitete und vermehrte auflage. (Lithographic facsimile.) Folio, boards. Leipzig, 1878 5648 - - Assyrian Grammar; with Paradigms, Exercises, Glossary and Bibliography. Translated by R. S. Kennedy. Crown 8vo, cloth. Berlin, 1889 5649 - - Babel and Bible. A Lecture on the Significance of Assyrio- logical Research for Religion. Translated from the German by Thomas J. McCormack. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, boards, pp. 66. Chicago, 1902 5650 FERGUSSON (JAMES). The Palaces of Nineveh and Persepolis restored: An essay on Ancient Assyrian and Persian Architecture. Plans and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1851 TKHestern an& Central Hsia 653 ASSYRIA, BABYLONIA, ETC. Continued. 5651 FORSTER (CHARLES). The Monuments of*Assyria, Babylonia, and Persia ; with a new key to the recovery of the Lost Ten Tribes. Illustrations from obelisks, medallions, etc. Royal 8vo, cloth. (2 copies.) London, 1859 5652 HAMMURABI. The Letters and Inscriptions of Hammurabi, King of Babylon, about B. C. 2200, with a series of Letters of other Kings of the First Dynasty of Babylon. The original Babylonian texts, edited from tablets in the British Museum, with English translations, summaries of contents, etc. By L. W. King. Facsimiles. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1898-1900 5653 The Code of Hammurabi, King of Babylon, about 2250 B. C. Autographed text, transliteration, translation, glossary, index of sub- jects, lists of proper names, signs, numerals, corrections and erasures. By R. F. Harper. Map, frontispiece and photograph of text. Royal 8vo, cloth. Chicago, 1904 5654 HARKNESS (M. E.) Assyrian Life and History. Introduction by R. Stuart Poole. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. 5655 HILPRECHT (H. V.) The Babylonian Expedition of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania. Series A: Cuneiform Texts. 2 vols. 4to, wrappers. Philadelphia, 1893-6 * zoo plates, with descriptive text of Babylonian inscriptions, chiefly from Nippur. Laid in is a letter from the author in relation to the work. 5656 Proper Names of the Time of Artaxerxes I. From cuneiform tablets found in Nippur. 4to, wrappers, pp. 43. Philadelphia, I 5657 HINCKS (EDWARD). On the Khorsabad Inscriptions. 4to, sewed, pp. 72. (Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy.) Dublin, 1850 5658 On the Assyrio-Babylonian Phonetic Characters. 4to, wrap- pers. (Vol. 22, Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy.) Dublin, 1853 * Bound with it is "Medallion Anaglypha of the University of Dublin," etc., by Dr. Kennedy Bailie. With plate. 5659 HOMMEL (FRITZ). Abriss der Babylonisch-Assyrischen und Israelitischen geschichte, von der altesten zeiten bis zur zerstorung Babel's, in Tabellenform. Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 20. Leipzig, 1880 654 Western ant> Central Hsia ASSYRIA, BABYLONIA, 'ETC.. Continued. 5660 JASTROW (MORRIS). A Fragment of the Babylonian "Dibbarra" Epic. With facsimile of the original brick tablet. 8vo, boards, pp. 42. (Pennsylvania University Publication.) Philadelphia, 1891 * Supposed to have come from the famous "brick library" of Assurbanipal. 5661 - - The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria. 8vo, cloth (Hand- books on the History of Religions). Boston, 5662 JOHNS (C. H. W.) Babylonian and Assyrian Laws, Contracts and Letters (translated). Thick 8vo, cloth. (Library of Ancient In- scriptions.) New York, 1904 5663 KIEME (HENRY GUSTAVUS). Sennacherib's Campaign in Syria, Phoenicia and Palestine, according to his own Annals. Assy- rian text and English translation, with philological and historical notes. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 62. San Francisco : Privately Printed, 1875 5664 LA YARD (AUSTEN HENRY). Nineveh and its Remains; with an account of a visit to the Chaldsean Christians of Kurdistan, and the Yezidis, or Devil- Worshippers ; and an enquiry into the Manners and Arts of the Ancient Assyrians, 2 vols. ; Discoveries in the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon ; with travels in Armenia, Kurdistan and the Desert ; . . . Second Expedition undertaken for the Trustees of the British Museum, 1853. All the volumes copiously illustrated with maps, plans and engravings. Together 3 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt tops. (With the Armorial bookplate of J. T. M. Pierce.) London, 1849-53 * Fine copy of the best edition, with autograph letter signed of the author inserted. 5665 - - Nineveh and its Remains, with account of a visit to the Chaldaean Christians, and the Yezidis or Devil worshippers. Map and plates. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1849 5666 - - Discoveries in Nineveh and Babylon, . . . the Second Expe- dition. Maps, plans and illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth. (With the bookplate of Chas. Roach Smith.) London, 1853 5667 - - Discoveries in Nineveh and Babylon . . . the Second Expe- dition. Another edition. New York, 1853 Western anfc Central Bsfa 655 ASSYRIA, BABYLONIA, ETC. Continued. 5668 LENORMANT (FRANCOIS). Essai sur un Document Mathe- matique Chaldeen, . . . sur le Systeme des Poids et Mesures de Baby- lone. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 147. (Printed in lithographic script.) Paris, 1868 5669 Lettres Assyriologiques sur 1'Histoire et les Antiquites de TAsie interieure. 2 vols. 4to, wrappers, pp. 250 and 349. * Printed entirely in lithographic script. Paris, 1 87 1 -2 5670 - Lettres Assyriologiques : Seconde Serie. fitudes Accadiennes. 6 parts, 4to, wrappers. Paris, 1873-80 *The parts contain as follows: Vol. i, part i, Grammatical Introduction; part 2, paradigms; part 3, characters with their Accadian values. Vol. 2, part i, Accadian texts with interlinear translations (no part 2 of this volume was pub- lished, the subject intended being included in the first part of Vol. 3). Vol 3, part i, texts with transliteration and translations, free versions, etc.; part 2, continuation of the preceding, and Assyrian Glossary. The first four parts are in lithographic script, the others in type. 5671 Choix de Textes Cuneiformes, inedits ou incompletement pub- lies jusqu'a ce Jour. 3 parts in one volume, with MS. Index (in English). 4to, half cloth. Paris, 1873 * Printed in lithographic script. 5672 La Langue Primitive de la Chaldee et les Idiomes Touraniens, . . . suivie d'un Glossaire Accadien. 2 plates of monuments. Royal 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1875 5673 Chaldean Magic: its Origin and Development. Translated from the French, with additions by the author, and notes by the editor. 8vo, cloth. London, 1877 5674 Etudes Cuneiformes. Fascicule I-V. 8vo, wrappers. (Re- prints from Journal Asiatique, and Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archaeology.) 5 pieces. 8vo, wrappers Paris, 1878-80 * One of the monographs is on a Chaldean Magical incantation with primitive Accadian text; another is on a Hymn to the Sun in primitive Accadian. 5675 LOFTUS (WILLIAM KENNETT). Travels and Researches in Chaldsea and Susiana ; with an account of Excavations at Warka, the "Erech" of Nimrod, and Shush, "Shushan the Palace" of Esther, in 1849-52. Illustrations. 8vo, half calf (rubbed). London, 1857 * With John Murray's pretty bookplate. 656 Western ant) Central Hsia ASSYRIA, BABYLONIA, ETC. Continued. 5676 LYON (D. G.) An Assyrian Manual. For the Use of Beginners in the Study of the Assyrian Language. Royal 8vo, cloth. Chicago, 1886 5677 MENANT (JOACHIM). Les ficritures Cuneiformes. Expose des Travaux, qui ont prepare le Lecture et ITnterpretation des Inscrip- tions de la Perse et de 1'Assyrie. Tables of alphabets. Royal 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1860 5678 Expose des Elements de la Grammaire Assyrienne. Royal 8vo, half roan. Paris, 1868 5679 Le Syllabaire Assyrien. Expose des Elements du Systeme Phonetique de l'criture Anarienne. (Memoires de 1' Academic des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres.) 2 vols. thick 4to, half roan. Paris, 1869-73 5680 - Legons d'fipigraphie Assyrienne, professees aux cours libres de la Sorbonne, en 1869. Illustrations. Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 115. Paris, 1873 5681 - Annales des Rois d'Assyrie. Traduites et Mises en Ordre sur le Texte Assyrien. 7 maps and plans. Royal 8vo, paper, pp. 312. Paris, 1874 5682 - La Bible et les Cylindres Chaldeens. Illustrations. Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 44. Paris, 1880 5683 - - Manuel de la Langue Assyrienne. Tables of characters. Imp. 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1880 * Contains a Syllabary; Grammar and Reading Lessons with transcriptions and translations. 5684 NIEBUHR (MARCUS v.) Geschichte Assur's und Babel's seit Phul aus der Concordanz des Alten Testaments, des Berossos, des Kanons, der Konige und der Griechischen Schriftsteller. Maps and plans. Royal 8vo, cloth. Berlin, 1857 * On the Chronology of the Ancient Empires. 5685 NORRIS (EDWIN). Assyrian Dictionary; intended to further the Study of the Cuneiform Inscriptions of Assyria and Babylonia. Parts i, 2 and 3 (A to NST) in one vol. Thick imp. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1868-72 All published. TKHestern anfc Central Hsia 657 ASSYRIA, BABYLONIA, ETC. Continued. 5686 O'CONOR (J. F. X.) Cuneiform Text of a Recently Discovered Cylinder of Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon. From the original in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Copied, translated and published. Photographic plates. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 53. Pre- sentation copy. Woodstock College (Md.), 1885 5687 OPPERT (JULES). Elements de la Grammaire Assyrienne. Seconde edition considerablement augmentee. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 126. Paris, 1868 5688 L'fitalon des Mesures Assyriennes, fixe par les Textes Cunei- formes. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 90. (Extrait du Journal Asiatique.) Paris, 1875 5689 PAMPHLETS. Prolegomena to a Comparative Assyrian Grammar. By Prof. Paul Haupt, Bait., 1887. Why that "Assyrisches Worter- buch" [by Delitzsch] ought never to have been published. By S. Alden Smith, pp. 16. Leipzig, 1888. 2 pieces, 8vo, wrappers. 5690 Cuneiform Text of a Cylinder of Nebuchadnezzar. Trans- lated, etc., by J. F. X. O'Conor, 1885; Etudes Cuneiformes. Par F. Lenormant, Paris, 1878; Die Assyriologie und ihre Ergebnisse fur die Vergleichende Religionsgeschichte. Von C. P. Tiele, Leip- zig, n. d. ; Commentary on the Cuneiform Inscriptions of Babylonia and Assyria. By Major H. C. Rawlinson, London, 1850. 4 pam- phlets. 8vo, wrappers. 5691 Excerpts from Magazines, and Journals and catalogues of books on the same subjects, including George Smith on Assyrian and Babylonian Literature, on the Assyrian Annals B. C. 681-625, 1870; Prof. Hommel on the Sumerian Languages, 1886; Craig on the Monolith Inscription of Shalmaneser II, etc. (15 pieces.) 5692 PARAVEY (CHEVALIER DE). MANUSCRIPT COPIES OF CUNEI- FORM INSCRIPTIONS, collected from the works of Niebuhr, Pierre Michaux, etc. About 60 leaves. (As one piece.) * The Chevalier Charles Hippolyte de Paravey was a distinguished French Orientalist who wrote several treatises on Babylonian and Assyrian inscriptions. 5693 PERROT (GEORGES) AND CHIPIEZ (CHARLES). History of Art in Chaldaea and Assyria. Translated and edited by Walter Armstrong. 75 steel and colored plates and 452 illustrations in the text. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1884 658 Western ant) Central Hsia ASSYRIA, BABYLONIA, ETC. Continued. 5694 PETERS (JOHN PUNNETT). Nippur; or Explorations and Ad- ventures on the Euphrates. The narrative of the University of Pennsylvania Expedition to Babylonia in 1888-1890. Portraits, maps and numerous illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth (stamp on title). New York, 1897 5695 RAWLINSON (GEORGE). The Five Great Monarchies of the Ancient Eastern World; or the History, Geography and Antiquities of Chaldsea, Assyria, Babylon, Media and Persia. Maps and numer- ous illustrations, with a mezzotint portrait of Rawlinson laid in. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1862-67 5696 - The Five Great Monarchies of the Ancient Eastern World. Third Edition. Maps and illustrations. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1873 * This third edition Contains the results of later discoveries made by Sir Henry Rawlinson and George Smith. For the supplementary volumes see under "PERSIAN." 5697 RAWLINSON (SIR HENRY C.) Commentary on the Cunei- form Inscriptions of Babylonia and Assyria; including Readings of the Inscription on the Nimrud Obelisk, and a brief notice of the Ancient Kings of Nineveh and Babylon. Plate of the Nimrud Obelisk. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 83. London, 1850 * Scarce. 5698 - - The Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia. A Selection from the Miscellaneous Inscriptions of Assyria. Vols. 2, 3 and 4 (Second Edition). Over 200 plates of inscriptions, with descriptive text. 3 vols. large folio, boards. London, 1866, 1870, 1891 * Very Scarce. 5699 REN AN (ERNEST). An Essay on the Age and Antiquity of the Book of Nabathsean Agriculture. To which is added an Inaugural Lecture on the Position of the Shemitic Nations in the History of Civilization. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1862 5700 RICH (CLAUDIUS JAMES). A Journey to the Site of Babylon in 1811, now first published, ... with a Journey to Persepolis, now first printed with hitherto unpublished cuneiform inscriptions : . . Re- marks on Ancient Babylon by Major Rennell, etc. 26 views and plates containing inscriptions. 8vo, cloth. London, 1839 5701 SAYCE (A. H.) An Assyrian Grammar, for Comparative Purposes. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1872 Western an& Central Esfa 659 ASSYRIA, BABYLONIA, ET C. Continued. 5702 SAYCE (A. H.) Elementary Grammar; with full Syllabary and progressive Reading Book of the Assyrian Language in the Cunei- form Type. Small 4to, cloth. (Archaic Classics.) London, n. d. [1875] 573 Elementary (Assyrian) Grammar. Second Edition, revised and corrected. Small 4to, cloth. (Archaic Classics.) London, n. d. 5704 Lectures on the Assyrian Language, and Syllabary; delivered to the Students of Archaic Classes. Small 4to, cloth. London, 1877 5705 Babylonian Literature: Lectures delivered at the Royal In- stitution. 8vo, cloth. London [1879] 5706 Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion as illustrated by the Religion of the Ancient Babylonians. 8vo, cloth. (The Hib- bert Lectures.) London, 1887 5707 Social Life among the Assyrians and Babylonians. Crown 8vo, cloth. [London] 1893 5708 Assyria : its Princes, Priests and People. Illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. 5709 SCHRADER (EBERHARD). The Cuneiform Inscriptions and the Old Testament. Translated from the second enlarged German edition, with an introductory preface, by Rev. Owen C. Whitehouse. Map, addenda and appendices. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1885-88 * Scarce. 5710 Keilinschriftliche Bibliothek. Sammlung von Assyrischen und Babylonischen Texten in Umschrift und Ubersetzung. Maps. 4 parts, 8vo, wrappers. Berlin, 1889-90 5711 SEALS. Sulphur Cast of seal of green chalcedony, bearing a repre- sentation of Nimrod and the lion, and 3 lines of cuneiform writing. The original which in the British Museum is also figured in Layard's "Culte de Mithra," pi. xxv, 3.; also, Impression in sulphur of seal in the British Museum, representing two royal figures in adoration before the sacred tree, above which is the winged disc representing the god Assur. Behind each figure stands another, eagle-headed, offering fir-cones. The inscription, "Seal of Musus-Ninip the scribe, son of Ninip-eres the scribe, son of Salmanu-ilani the scribe." Broken in three pieces. (2 pieces.) 660 Western ant> Central Hsia ASSYRIA, BABYLONIA, ETC. Continued. 5712 SELBY (WILLIAM BEAUMONT). Memoir of the Ruins of Babylon. With plans. 8vo, paper, pp. 7, enclosed with the plans (2 sheets) in doth portfolio. (From the Records of the Bombay Government.) Bombay, 1859 5713 SMITH (GEORGE). History of Assurbanipal, translated from the Cuneiform Inscriptions. (Text, transliteration, and English trans- lation.) Photographic frontispiece. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1871 * The Cuneiform characters line for line with the English translation. 5714 - On the Chronology of the Reign of Sennacherib, with remarks on some other dates in connection with Assyrian and Babylonian History. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 16. London, 1871 5715 - - The Eleventh Tablet of the Izdubar Legends. The Chaldean Account of the Deluge. Text and notes to accompany paper. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 68. [London, 1872] 5716 - Assyrian Discoveries: an Account of Explorations and Dis- coveries on the site of Nineveh during 1873 and 1874. Map and photographs. 8vo, cloth. London, 1875 5717 - - Assyrian Discoveries. Third Edition. 8vo, cloth. London, 1875 * Both the second and third editions contain revisions and additions, principally in the Deluge Legends. 5718 - - The Chaldean Account of Genesis: containing the description of the Creation, the Fall of Man . . . Babylonian Fables and Legends of the Gods, from the Cuneiform Inscriptions. Plates. 8yo, half morocco gilt, gilt top. London, 1876 5719 - - The Chaldean Account of Genesis, etc. Second Edition. 8vo, cloth. London, 1876 5720 - - History of Sennacherib, translated from the Cuneiform In- scriptions. Edited by A. H. Sayce. Facsimile. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1878 The Cuneiform characters line for line with the English Translation. Scarce. 5721 - - History of Babylonia. Edited by A. H. Sayce. Frontispiece. I2mo, cloth. London, 1888 Western ant> Central Bsia 66 1 ASSYRIA, BABYLONIA, ETC. Continued. 5722 SMITH (GEORGE). Assyria from the Earliest Times to the Fall of Nineveh. New and revised edition by A. H. Sayce. I2mo, cloth. London, 1890 5723 The Assyrian Eponym Canon; containing translations of the documents, and an account of the evidence, on the Comparative Chronology of the Assyrian and Jewish Kingdoms, from the Death of Solomon to Nebuchadnezzar. 8vo, cloth. (2 copies.) London, n. d. 5724 STEVENSON (JAMES HENRY). Assyrian and Babylonian Con- tracts, with Aramaic Reference Notes (and Cuneiform and Aramaic texts). Crown 8vo, cloth. (Vanderbilt Oriental Series.) New York [1902] 5725 STRASSMAIER (J. N.) Die altbabylonischen Vertrage aus Warka. (Separate publication of the Fifth Oriental Congress, the dissertation and vocabulary occupying 50 pp., and the lithograph facsimile of the text occupying 142 pp.) 8vo, wrappers. Berlin, 1882 5726 TALBOT (H. F.) Assyrian Texts Translated (2 pieces) ; Assyrian Glossary, Parts I and 3 (2 pieces). Together 4 pieces. 8vo, wrap- pers. London, 1856 and n. d. 5727 TELL EL AMARNA TABLETS. A volume containing "Bericht iiber die Thontafeln von Tell-el-Amarna in Koniglichen Museum zu Berlin und im Museum von Bulaq." Von Dr. Hugo Winckler. Plates. (Berlin, 1888) ; with extracts from magazines, including "Letters from Palestine before Moses" by Prof. Sayce; Mrs. Ed- wards on Bubastis ; etc. 6 pieces, bound in one volume, 8vo, cloth. 5728 The Tell el Amarna Tablets in the British Museum (Summary of their contents, transcriptions, and autotype facsimiles on 24 plates). Thick 4to, cloth. London, 1892 * The summary of contents also includes translations of principal passages. 5729 CONDER (CLAUDE REIGNIER). The Tell Amarna Tablets. Map. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1893 573 - WINCKLER (Huco). The Tell-El-Amarna-Letters. Alter- nate pages of the text and translations. Royal 8vo, cloth (with Phoenician vocabulary and list of proper names). Berlin, 1896 * The greatest "find" in modern times was in the excavations at Tel-El-Amarna. The letters (the translations of which are given in this volume) are between the Courts and Officials of Assyria and Egypt, Cyprus and Phoenicia. They are mainly historical in character. 662 TKHestern anfc Central Hsia ASSYRIA, BABYLONIA, ETC. Contin ued. 5731 TELL EL AMARNA TABLETS. PETRIE (W. M. FLINDERS). Syria and Egypt; from the Tell El Amarna Letters. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1898 5732 - NIEBUHR (CARL). The Tell El Amarna Period. The re- lation of Egypt and Western Asia in the I5th Century according to the Tell el Amarna tablets. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1901 5733 THOMAS (R. HUGHES Compiler}. Selections from the Records of the Bombay Government. No. 43, New Series. Memoirs by Commander James Felix Jones . . . Steam Trip to the North of Baghdad . . . Tract of the Ancient Nahwan Canal . . . Journey to the Frontier of Turkey and Persia . . . Discovery of the Site of the ancient Opis . . . Memoir of the Province of Baghdad . . . Notes on the Topography of Nineveh, etc. 29 maps and plates (many colored), lacking the ground-plan of Baghdad. Imp. 8vo, half calf. Bombay, 1857 * Scarce. 5734 TIELE (C. P.) Babylonisch-Assyrische Geschichte. 2 vols. royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 647. Gotha, 1886 * From the Earliest Times to the capture of Babylon by Cyrus. 5735 TIGLATH PILESER I. Inscription of Tiglath Pileser I, King of Assyria, B. C. 1150, as translated by Sir H. Rawlinson, Fox Talbot, Dr. Hincks, and Dr. Oppert. 8vo, half calf, pp. 73. Pub- lished by the Royal Asiatic Society. London, 1857 5736 [TOOKE (WILLIAM).] The Loves of Othniel and Achsah. Translated from the Chaldee. 2 vols. crown 8vo, half calf (rubbed). London, 1769 * "William Tooke was better known as the historian of Russia. The object of the above volumes appears to have been to give an account of Chaldee philosophy and religion, and the 'translation' was merely a blind." 5737 WARD (WILLIAM HAYES). Report of the Wolfe Expedition to Babylonia, 1884-5. Notes on Oriental Antiquities (Two Baby- lonian Seal-Cylinders; and An Eye of Nabu). 3 pieces, 8vo, wrap- pers. (Archaeological Institute of America.) Boston and Baltimore, 1886-88 Western anfc Central Bsia 663 , Palestine anfc tbe Sinaitic peninsula. 5738 BARCLAY (J. T.) The City of the Great King; or Jerusalem as it Was, ... Is ... and Is To Be. Portrait, maps, 3 colored plates, steel engravings, etc. Thick royal 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1858 * Extra-illustrated with 25 steel engravings. 5739 BEKE (CHARLES T.) The Idol in Horeb: Evidence that the Golden Image at Mount Sinai was a Cone, and not a Calf. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1871 5740 The late Dr. Charles Beke's Discoveries of Sinai in Arabia, and of Midian. Edited by his widow. Portrait, Geological, Botani- cal and Conchological reports, plans, map and woodcuts. Thick royal 8vo, cloth, gilt edges. London, 1878 5741 Another copy, half red morocco, gilt edges. 5742 BLISS (FREDERICK JONES). A Mound of Many Cities, or Tell El Hesy Excavated. Illustrations of inscriptions, pottery, etc. 8vo, cloth. London, 1894 5743 BURCKHARDT (JOHN LEWIS). Travels in Syria and the Holy Land. Maps, plans, and portrait. 4to. Fine copy in full tree calf, gilt, by CLARKE AND BEDFORD. London, 1822 5744 BURTON (SIR RICHARD F.) AND DRAKE (CHAS. F. TYRWHITT). Unexplored Syria. Visits to The Libanus, the Tulul el Safa, the Anti-Libanus, the Northern Libanus and the 'Alah. Map and plates. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1872 5745 BURTON (RICHARD F.) The Gold-Mines of Midian, and the ruined Midianite Cities. A Fortnight's Tour in North- Western Arabia. Map and illustrations. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, cloth. London, 1878 5746 - The Land of Midian (revisited). Map, colored plates, hiero- glyphs, and illustrations in the text. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1879 5747 CONDER (CLAUDE REIGNIER). Heth and Moab. Explor- ations in Syria in 1881 and 1882. 4 plates and illustrations in the text. 8vo, cloth. London, 1883 * Scarce. 664 Western anfc Central Hsia SYRIA, PALESTINE, ETC. Continued. 5748 CONDER (CLAUDE REIGNIER). Heth and Moab. Explor- ations in Syria in 1881-82. New edition. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1885 5749 Syrian Stone-Lore; or the Monumental History of Palestine. Map and illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1886 * Scarce. 5750 DUFF (E. GORDON). Information for Pilgrims unto the Holy Land. Frontispiece. Small 4to, cloth. London, 1893 * A facsimile reprint of the 1498 edition printed by Wynken de Worde, with historical introduction and collations of the three copies known. No. 21 of 350 copies printed. 5751 DUSSAUD (RENE) AND MACLER (FREDERIC). Voyage Archeologique au Safa et dans le Djebel ed-Druz. Itinerary, 17 plates and illustrations in the text. Royal 8vo, wrappers. Paris, 1901 * Exploration of the country to the south and east of Damascus. Many of the plates are of inscriptions. 5752 FERGUSSON (JAMES). The Ancient Topography of Jerusalem, with restored plans of the Temple, etc., and plans and details of the Church built by Constantine the Great over the Holy Sepulchre, known as the Mosque of Omar. Plates and illustrations in the text. Imp. 8vo, cloth. London, 1847 5753 ~ ' The Temples of the Jews, and the other buildings in the Haram Area at Jerusalem. 8 plates and ?p illustrations in the text. 4to, cloth gilt, gilt top. London, 1878 5754 FRITH 'S PHOTOGRAPHS. Sinai and Palestine photographed by F. Frith. 37 large-size mounted photographs, with descriptive text. Bound in one volume. Folio, half morocco. London, n. d. 5755 GERMER-DURAND (EUGENE). La Carte Mosaique de Madaba. Decouverte importante 1897. // photographic plates, with descriptive text. Folio, wrappers, pp. 16. Paris, 1897 * An ancient Greek mosaic discovered in some ruins in the land of Moab, repre- senting a map of Palestine and lower Egypt. 5756 GUERIN (M. V.) Description Geographique, Historique et Archeo- logique de la Palestine. Accompagnee de Cartes detaillees. (Judee, 3 vols., 1868-69; Samarie, 2 vols., 1874-75; Gaililee, 2 vols., 1880.) Together 7 vols. Royal 8vo, half sheep. Paris, 1868-1880 Western anfc Central Hsfa 665 SYRIA, PALESTINE, ET C. Continued. 5757 HOLY LAND PHOTOGRAPHED (THE). A Complete Tour of Palestine. A Photographical Panorama of Sacred History. The Holy Land as it is To-day, etc. 112 illustrations, with descriptive text. Complete in 7 parts. Oblong 8vo, wrappers. Philadelphia [1894] 5758 HULL (EDWARD). Mount Seir, Sinai, and Western Palestine. A Narrative of a Scientific Expedition. Maps and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1885 5759 KING (J.) Recent Discoveries on the Temple Hill at Jerusalem. Map, plans and illustrations. Second Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth. [London], 1885 5760 Recent Discoveries on the Temple Hill. Third Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth. [London], 1888 5761 KITCHENER (LIEUT. H. H.) Photographs of Bible Sites. (A selection of 12 photographs taken during the prosecution of the Sur- vey of Palestine.) Folio, cloth. London, n. d. * By the now famous British General, Lord Kitchener of Khartum. 5762 LABORDE (LEON DE). Journey through Arabia Petraea, to Mount Sinai, and the Excavated City of Petra, the Edom of the Prophecies. Maps, numerous plates and illustrations in the text. 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges. London, 1836 5763 LEWIN (THOMAS). The Siege of Jerusalem by Titus. With the Journal of a recent visit to the Holy City, and . . . the Topo- graphy of Jerusalem from the earliest times down to the siege. Maps and plans. 8vo, cloth. London, 1863 5764 LUNCZ (A. M.) AND OTHERS. Jerusalem Year-Book, or the Diffu- sion of an Accurate Knowledge of Ancient and Modern Palestine. Folding table. Post 8vo, half calf. Vienna, 1882 * The First volume issued. 5765 MACGREGOR (J.) The Rob Roy on the Jordan, Nile, Red Sea, and Gennesareth. A Canoe Cruise in Palestine and Egypt, and the Waters of Damascus. Maps and numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1869 * The author, in his canoe, was the first to discover the source of the Jordan. 666 Western anfc Central Hsia SYRIA, PALESTINE, ETC. Continued. 5766 [M'GRIGOR (ALEX B.)] Contributions towards an Index of Passages bearing upon the Topography of Jerusalem, from Writings prior to the Eleventh Century. 4to, half roan, pp. 90. Glasgow, 1876 * Printed for private circulation. A presentation copy to Prof. E. H. Palmer. 5767 MANDEVILLE (SIR JOHN). The Voiage and Travaile of Sir John Maundeville, Kt. Reprinted from the edition of 1725, with Introduction, Notes, and Glossary by J. O. Halliwell. With the illustrations of the original. 8vo, cloth. London, 1866 * The 1725 edition of Maundeville was printed from the Cotton MS., being the best and most complete of all the manuscripts. 5768 - - The Voiage and Travayle of Sir John Maundeville, Knight. Edited, annotated, and illustrated in facsimile by John Ashton. 8vo, cloth. London, 1887 5769 - - The Marvellous Adventures of Sir John Maundeville, Kt. Edited and profusely illustrated by Arthur Layard. Preface by J. C. Grant. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Westminster [London], 1895 5770 MAUNDRELL (HENRY). A Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, at Easter A. D. 1697. Sixth Edition, to which is added a Journey to the banks of the Euphrates at Beer, and to the country of Meso- potamia. Copper-plates. 8vo, old calf gilt. Oxford, 1740 5771 MERRILL (SELAH). East of the Jordan ;... Travel and Ob- servation in ... Moab, Gilead and Bashan, in 1875-77. Introduction by Roswell D. Hitchcock. Map and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1881 5772 - - Galilee in the Time of Christ. Map. Second Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1886 5773 OLIPHANT (LAURENCE). The Land of Gilead; with Ex- cursions in the Lebanon. Maps and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1880 5774 PALESTINE. An Album of Photographs of Palestine, Athens, etc. 58 photographs (mounted). Oblong folio, half morocco. 5775 PALESTINE EXPLORATION FUND. Our Work in Palestine: an account of the Different Expeditions sent out to the Holy Land since the Establishment of the Fund in 1865. Illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1873 TKHestern ant) Central Hsia 667 SYRIA, PALESTINE, ETC. Continued. 5776 PALESTINE EXPLORATION FUND. SURVEY OF WESTERN PALESTINE. Special Papers on Topography, Archaeology, Manners and Customs, etc., contributed by Sir C. Wilson, Col. Warren, Lieut. Conder, Lieut, (now Lord) Kitchener, Prof. E. H. Palmer, and others. Map. Lond., 1881 ; Arabic and English Name Lists col- lected during the survey by Lieuts. Conder and Kitchener. Trans- literated and Explained by Prof. E. H. Palmer, Lond., 1881 ; Memoirs of the Topography, Geography, Hydrography and Archaeo- logy. By Lieuts. Conder and Kitchener. Several hundred illus- trations. 3 vols., Lond., 1881, 1882, 1883; The Fauna and Flora of Palestine. By Canon H. B. Tristram. Full-page plates, several finely colored. Lond., 1884; Jerusalem (History, Excavations, etc.) By Warren and Conder. Numerous illustrations. Lond., 1884; Geology and Geography of Arabia Petraea, Palestine and adjoining districts. Colored maps and cuts. By Edward Hull, Lond., 1886; General Index volume to the preceding, Lond., 1888. Together 9 vols. 4to, cloth. London, 1 881-88 * Scarce. Fine set with the Index Volume. 5777 TWENTY-ONE YEARS' WORK IN THE HOLY LAND (A record and a Summary), June 22, i865~June 22, 1886. Third Thousand. Illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1886 5778 - - TELL EL HESY. (Lachish.) By W. M. Flinders Petrie. Numerous illustrations. 4to, cloth. London, 1891 5779 The City and the Land. A Course of Seven Lectures on the Work of the Society. (Lectures by Walter Besant, Sir Ch. W. Wilson, W. M. Flinders Petrie, and others.) 8vo, cloth. London, 1892 5780 Quarterly Statements of the Palestine Exploration Fund com- plete from January, 1897, to October, 1906, inclusive. Containing many valuable articles on the results of exploration in Palestine and Arabia Petraea. With numerous maps and illustrations. 40 parts, original wrappers. London, 1897-1906 5781 EXCAVATIONS IN PALESTINE during the Years 1898-1900. By Frederick Jones Bliss, and R. A. Stewart Macalister. With a chapter by Prof. Dr. Wunsch. Numerous illustrations from photo- graphs and drawings by R. A. S. Macalister. 4to, cloth. London, 1902 668 TKHestern anfc Central Hsia SYRIA, PALESTINE, ETC. Continued. 5782 PALESTINE EXPLORATION SOCIETY (THE AMERI- CAN). The first four Statements, with maps and illustrations, 1871- 77; and, Bulletin No. 2, for March 1874. 8vo, wrappers. (As 5 pieces.) 5783 PALMER (E. H.) The Desert of the Exodus, Journeys on Foot . . . .undertaken in connection with the Ordnance Survey of Sinai and the Palestine Exploration Fund. Colored frontispiece, maps, plates and illustrations in the text. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1871 * Scarce. 5784 PALMER (HENRY SPENCER). Sinai from the Fourth Egyptian Dynasty to the Present Day. New edition, revised by Prof. Sayce. Map. I2mo, cloth. London, 1892 5785 PETRA. Twenty-nine Photographs of Petra, taken by Edward L. Wilson. Folio. [As a lot.] * Presentation copies from E. L. Wilson, with his written explanations on the back of nearly all the photographs. Finely taken photographs, showing in clear detail the rock-cut temples, the Arabs, etc. 5786 PETRIE (W. M. FLINDERS). Tell El Hesy (Lachish). Plates of pottery, masonry, inscriptions, etc. 4to, limp boards, cloth back. London, 1891 5787 PIEROTTI (ERMETE). Jerusalem Explored, being a Description of the Ancient and Modern City. Translated by George Bonney. With numerous illustrations, of views, ground plans, and sections. 2 vols. large 4to, half morocco. London, 1864 * Vol. 2 Contains the lithographic plates, 63 in number, with explanations. 5788 PORTER (J. L.) Five Years in Damascus: including an account of the History, Topography, and Antiquities of that City, with travels and researches in Palmyra, Lebanon, and the Hauran. Maps and 'illustrations. 2 vols. post 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1855 5789 - - The Giant Cities of Bashan ; and Syria's Holy Places. Tinted plates. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1867 * A most interesting narrative of explorations in the traditional land of "Og," describing its stone-built dwellings, tombs, etc. 5790 RELAND (HADRIAN). Palaestina ex Monumentis veteribus Illus- trata. Maps, facsimiles of inscriptions, etc. 2 vols. small 4to, old leather. Traject Batav. (Utrecht), 1714 Western anfc Central Hsia 669 SYRIA, PALESTINE, ETC. Continued. 5791 RITTER (CARL). The Comparative Geography of Palestine and the Sinaitic Peninsula. Translated and adapted to the Use of Biblical Students by William L. Gage. 4 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1866 5792 ROBINSON (EDWARD) AND SMITH (ELI). Biblical Re- searches in Palestine, Mount Sinai and Arabia Petraea. A Journal of Travels in the Year 1838. Drawn up from the Original Diaries, with historical illustrations by Edward Robinson. New maps and plans on five sheets. 3 vols. 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt tops, by LARKINS. London, 1841 * With appendices of the Arabic Language and lists of Arabic names, which were omitted in the later editions. 5793 ROBINSON (EDWARD), SMITH (ELI), ETC. Later Biblical Researches in Palestine ... in 1852. Edited, etc., by Edward Robinson. Maps and plans. 8vo, full sprinkled calf, gilt. London, 1856 5794 - - Another copy. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1856 5795 ROBINSON (EDWARD). Physical Geography of the Holy Land. A Supplement to Biblical Researches in Palestine. Royal 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1865 5796 SAYCE (A. H.) Patriarchal Palestine. Map. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1895 5797 SCHUMACHER (GOTTLIEB). Across the Jordan: An Explor- ation and Survey of part of Hauran and Jaulan. With additions by Laurence Oliphant and Guy Le Strange. Maps and numerous illus- trations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1886 5798 SCHWARTZ (RABBI JOSEPH). Descriptive Geography and Brief Historical Sketch of Palestine. Translated by Isaac Leeser. Maps and lithographs. Thick 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1850 5799 SMITH (GEORGE ADAM). The Historical Geography of the Holy Land . . in relation to the History of Israel and the Early Church. 6 maps. Third Edition. 8vo, cloth. London, 1895 5806 THOMSON (WILLIAM M.) The Land and the Book, or Biblical Illustrations drawn from the Manners and Customs, the Scene.- and Scenery of The Holy Land. Maps and hundreds of illustrations. 3 vols. thick 8vo, cloth, gilt. New York, 1880-86 * Best Edition of the Best Book on Oriental Customs. 6 70 Western anfc Central Hsia Session, SYRIA, PALESTINE, ETC. Continued. 5801 THRUPP (JOSEPH FRANCIS). Antient Jerusalem. A New Investigation into the History, Topography, and Plan of the City, Environs, and Temple. Map, plan, and other illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1855 5802 TRISTRAM (H. B.) The Land of Israel: a Journal of Travels in Palestine, undertaken with special reference to its physical character. Second Edition. Map and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1866 5803 - The Land of Moab. Travels and Discoveries on the East Side of the Dead Sea and the Jordan. With a Chapter on the Persian Palace of Mashita, by James Fergusson. Map and illus- trations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1873 5804 Pathways of Palestine. A descriptive tour through the Holy Land. 45 photographs of famous places. 2 vols. 4to, cloth gilt, gilt edges. London, n. d. [1881-82] 5805 TRUMBULL (H. CLAY). Kadesh-Barnea ; its importance and probable site, including . . . the route of the Exodus and the Southern Boundary of the Holy Land. Map and a few plates. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1884 * With a supplemental note on pp. 321-322, not in the first (American) edition. 5806 VAN DE VELDE (C. W. M.) Map of the Holy Land constructed from his own surveys in 1851 and 1852 (and from other surveys and explorations). The map in eight sections folio, with descrip- tive volume (356 pp.) in 8vo. 2 vols. cloth. Gotha: Justus Perthes, 1858 5807 VAN-LENNEP (REV. HENRY J.) Bible Lands: their Modern Customs and Manners, illustrative of Scripture. Maps and wood- cuts. Thick 8vo, half calf. New York, 1875 5808 WARREN (SIR CHARLES). Underground Jerusalem; . . . The Difficulties encountered in its Exploration, and the Results ob- tained. With an ... Expedition through the Jordan Valley and a visit to the Samaritans. Maps and illustrations (mainly photo- graphic). 8vo, cloth. London, 1876 Western anfc Central Hsfa 671 SYRIA, PALESTINE, ETC. Continued. 5809 WHITTY (JOHN IRWINE). Proposed Water Supply and Sewerage for Jerusalem, with ... its Present State and Former Resources. Introduction by Canon Stanley. View of Jerusalem, maps and Drawings. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1863 5810 WILLIAMS (GEORGE). Historical and Descriptive Memoir on the Town and Environs of Jerusalem (to accompany the Ordnance Survey). With large folding plan. 8vo, cloth. London, 1849 5811 The Holy City. Historical, Topographical, and Antiquarian Notices of Jerusalem. Second Edition, with additions, including an Architectural History of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre by Robert Willis. Map and 'illustrations. 2 vols. thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1849 5812 WILSON (CAPT. C. W.), WARREN (CAPT. C.), ETC. The Recovery of Jerusalem . . . Exploration and Discovery in the City and the Holy Land. Introduction by Dean Stanley. Edited by Walter Morrison. Maps, plans, and numerous illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth (Library label removed from covers). London, 1871 5813 The Recovery of Jerusalem, etc. Another issue, complete in one volume, royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1871 5814 WILSON (JOHN). The Lands of the Bible Visited and Described in an Extensive Journey ... of Biblical Research. Maps, plates, and illustrations in the text. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1847 * With presentation inscription from the author. 5815 YANOSKY (JEAN) AND DAVID (JULES). Syrie, Ancienne et Moderne. Map and 42 plates. The two parts in one volume. 8vo, half calf (joints cracked). With stamp of Wm. H. Morley on title. Paris, 1848 672 Western an& Central Hsia ZIbe Jews ant) tbcir 1biston> tbe Ibcbrew anD Xitcrature, inclining tbe Hramaic or Gbalfcee, tbe GalmuMc, tbe 1Rabbinic t anfc Jj)tt>t>isb. 5816 ABARBANEL (ISAAC). Isaac ben Judah Abravanel. Rosh Amana (The Pinnacle of the Faith) ; Seder Pesah (The Passover) ; Nahlat Abot (The Paternal Inheritance, or Commentary on Pirke Aboth). [In Hebrew.] The three treatises bound in one volume. 4to, old leather rebacked. [Constantinople: David and Samuel the sons of Nachmias, 1505] * Very Rare, and an interesting Example of the Early Constantinople Press. The first leaf, which contains the introductory laudatory verse (the other side blank), is lacking, but the volume is in other respects complete and contains the colophon leaf at end with the imprint. A few leaves at the end are wormed in the margin, and the corners worn somewhat, but the remainder of the volume in fairly good condition. Each part (excepting the first) has a woodcut border round the titles, composed of floral scroll work and animals. 5817 ABLER (CYRUS). The American Jewish Year-Book 5660, Sept. 5, i899-September 23, 1900. Post 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1899 5818 ALEXANDER POLYHISTOR. Alexander Polyhistor und die von ihm erhaltenen Reste judischer und samaritanischer Geschichtswerke. Von Dr. J. Freudenthal. 8vo, boards, pp. 103. Breslau, 1874 5819 APOCRYPHA. The Ecclesiastical, or Deutero-Canonical Books of the Old Testament commonly called The Apocrypha. Edited [in Greek] with various Renderings and Readings from the best Authorities by the Rev. C. J. Ball. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. 5820 The Apocrypha: Greek and English, in parallel Columns. Small 4to, cloth. London: Bagster, 1882 5821 - - The Apocrypha. Translated out of the Greek and Latin Tongues, being the Version set forth A. D. 1611, compared with the most ancient authorities and revised A. D. 1894. 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1895 5822 ARISTEAS. The Auncient History of the Septuagint, written in Greek by Aristeus 1900 years since, of his Voyage to Hierusalem as Ambassador from Ptolomeus Philadelphia unto Eleazer then Pontiffe of the lewes .... with many other remarkable Circumstances. Newly done into English by I. Done. 161110, old calf. London, 1633 * The First English translation. Rare. Charles Deane's copy with his autograph. Western anfc Central Esia 673 THE JEWS AND THEIR HISTORY, ETC. Continued. 5823 ARISTEAS. History of the Seventy-two Interpreters, of their Journey from Jerusalem to Alexandria, their Entertainment at the Egyptian Court, their Version of the Septuagint, etc. To which is added the History of the Angels and their Gallantry with the Daughters of Men, written by Enoch the Patriarch. Made English by Mr. Lewis. i6mo, old calf. London, 1715 * Thomas Moore is thought to have founded his poem "The Loves of the Angels" on the latter book. 5824 BACHER (DR. WILHELM). Abraham Ibn Esra als Gram- matiker. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Hebraischen Sprach- wissenschaft. Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 192. Strassburg, 1882 5825 BACON (BENJAMIN WISNER). The Genesis of Genesis: a Study of the Documentary Sources of the First Book of Moses, . . . illustrating the presence of Bibles within the Bible. With Intro- duction by George F. Moore. 8vo, cloth. Hartford [1893] 5826 BEELEN (JOANNES THEODORUS). Chrestomathia Rabbinica et Chaldaica, cum notis Grammaticis, Historicis, Theologicis, Glos- sario et Lexico Abbreviaturarum. 3 vols. 8vo, half sheep. Louvain, 1841-3 5827 BEESTON (WILLIAM). Hieronymian Hebrew; or, a Grammar of the Sacred Language on the System disclosed by the Writings of Saint Jerome. 8vo, half cloth. London, 1843 5828 BENJAMIN OF TUDELA. Travels of Rabbi Benjamin, son of Jonah, of Tudela through Europe, Asia, and Africa .... faithfully translated from the Original Hebrew, with Dissertation, Notes, etc. By the Rev. B. Gerrans. I2mo, old calf. London, 1784 * Scarce. 5829 BIBLE. HEBREW MANUSCRIPT. Pentateuch. Synagogue Scroll of the 1 5th ( ?) Century, written on 83 brown African goat-skins, ' measuring 140 ft. 6 in. in length, and 20^ in. in height, with one of the rollers. Written in orthodox manner, without points, 42 lines to a column. A few of the skins have become separated through the decay of the stitches, but, on the whole, in good condition for a Hebrew scroll of this age. * Early Hebrew Synagogue Scrolls are exceedingly rare, the troubles and per- secutions of the Jews until a comparatively late period, their being driven from one Country to another, necessarily led to the destruction of many of their manu- scripts, and the bulkier they were, the more trouble they gave to remove, and the easier to be seized by persecutors and destroyed. This specimen is of unusually large size. 674 Western ant> Central Hsia THE JEWS AND THEIR HISTORY, ETC. Continued. 5830 BIBLE. HEBREW MANUSCRIPT. Scroll on seven sheets of vellum, containing part of the Book of Deuteronomy (chap. 6, verse 3, to chap. XI, verse 25). 46 in. in length, and 17^4 m height. 1 9th Century 5831 - HEBREW MANUSCRIPT. BOOK OF ESTHER. Synagogue Roll of the Book of Esther, written on 5 sheets of parchment, and measur- ing in length 117 in. by 7^ in. in height. iQth Century 5832 HEBREW MANUSCRIPT. BOOK OF ESTHER. Pocket Scroll of the Book of Esther written on four sheets of thin parchment measur- ing 61 in. in length by 2^/4 in. in width. With box-wood roller and silk outer cover. iQth Century 5833 -- KENNICOTT (BENJAMIN). Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum cum variis lectionibus. 2 vols. folio, old calf, gilt. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1776-80 * A famous edition, containing the various readings from over 600 MSS. 5834 - Rossi (JOHANNES BERN. DE). Varias Lectiones Veteris Testamenti ex immensa MSS. editorumq. codicum congerie haustae, ut ad Samar. textum, ad Vetustiss. Versiones, . . . etc. 4 vols. in 2. Parma, 1784-88; Specimen ineditse et hexaplaris Bibliorum Versionis Syro-Estranghelse. Parma, 1778. Together 3 vols. 4to, half roan. Parma, 1778-88 * A collection of various readings on the books of the Old Testament. The author gives notes as to the authorities, and much bibliographical information, and a summary of the number of MSS. quoted, amounting to 1346. 5835 - - THE OLD TESTAMENT in Hebrew, with the points. i2mo, roan. Berlin, 1865 5836 - - VAN DER HOOGHT (E.) Biblia Hebraica. Curavit Argu- mentique Notationem et Indices nee non Clavem Masorethicam addidit C. G. G. Theile. 8vo, half morocco. Leipsic, 1873 * Best edition of Van der Hooght's Hebrew Bible. Printed with the points. 5 8 37 - - JOB (BOOK OF). The Book of Job. Critical Edition of the Hebrew Text. With Notes, by C. Siegfried. English translation of the Notes by R. E. Briinnow. 4to, wrappers. With the list of contributors. Leipzig, 1893 * The Polychrome edition, with the text printed in differing colors, to show the various ages of the received text. Western anfc Central Bsta 675 THE JEWS AND THEIR HISTORY, ETC. Continued. 5838 BIBLE. THE FIRST BOOK OF THE PSALMS, according to the text of the Cambridge MS. Bible, A. D. 465, with the longer commentary of R. David Qimchi. Critically edited from 19 manuscripts and the early editions by S. M. Schiller-Szinessy. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 130. Cambridge, 1883 5^39 SEPTUAGINT. The Septuagint Version of the Old Testament, according to the Vatican Text. Translated into English, with the principal various readings of the Alexandrine Copy, and a Table of Comparative Chronology, by Sir Lancelot Charles Lee Brenton. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1844 5840 SEPTUAGINT. Vetus Testamentum Graece. Editum ad ex- emplar Vaticanum accuratissime expressum, cura et studio, Leander Van Ess. 8vo, half morocco. Leipzig, 1868 5841 SEPTUAGINT. The Septuagint Version of the Old Testament, with an English Translation, and with Various Readings and Criti- cal Notes (in alternate columns of Greek and English). Thick small 4to, cloth. London: Bagster, 1879 5842 The Holy Bible, . . . translated according to the Letter and Idioms of the Original Languages, by Robert Young. Post 8vo, cloth, gilt edges. Edinburgh, 1863 5843 The Hebrew Scriptures translated ... a revision of the authorized English Old Testament. By Samuel Sharpe. Third Edition. 3 vols. I2mo, cloth. London, 1876 5844 Short Notes to accompany a Revised Translation of the Hebrew Scriptures. By Samuel Sharpe. I2mo, cloth. London, 1874 5845 HOLY BIBLE . . . translated out of the Original Tongues ; the Version . . . A. D. 1611, compared with the most ancient authorities and revised. The Old Testament. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth. (Printed for the University of Oxford and Cambridge.) Oxford, 1885 5846 The Holy Bible ... the Revised Version . . . 1881-1885. with the readings and renderings preferred by the American Revi- sion Companies incorporated in the text, and with copyright margi- nal references. Printed for the Universities of Oxford and Cam- bridge. Maps. Thick 8vo, cloth. New York, i 676 Western anfc Central Hsia THE JEWS AND THEIR HISTORY, ETC. Continued. 5847 BICKELL (GUSTAVUS). Outlines of Hebrew Grammar. Re- vised by the author, and annotated by the translator, Samuel Ives Curtis. Folding lithographic table of Semitic Characters, by Dr. J. Euting. Post 8vo, cloth. Leipzig, 1877 5848 BOHLEN (P. VON). Historical and Critical Illustrations of the First Part of Genesis. From the German of Prof. Von Bohlen, edited by James Hey wood. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1868 5849 [BONAR (ANDREW A.) AND M'CHEYNE (ROBT. MUR- RAY).] Narrative of a Mission of Inquiry to the Jews, from the Church of Scotland in 1839. Maps and illustrations. Thick post 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1842 5850 BOOK OF WISDOM (THE). The Greek Text, the Latin Vulgate, and the Authorised English Version (in parallel columns). With Introduction, critical apparatus and Commentary by Wm. J. Deane. Oblong 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1881 5851 BOTTCHER (FRIEDRICH). Ausfiihrliches Lehrbuch der Hebriiischen Sprache. Nach dem Tode des Verfassers herausgege- ben und mit ausfuhrlichen registern versehen von Ferdinand Muhlau. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half roan. Leipzig, 1866-68 5852 BRESSLAU (M. H.) English and Hebrew Dictionary, Biblical and Rabbinical. Vol. 3 (English-Hebrew). Crown 8vo, wrappers, pp. 282. London, 1856 5853 BRIGGS (CHARLES AUGUSTUS). Biblical Study: its principal Methods and History, with a Catalogue of Books of Reference. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1883 5854 - - The Higher Criticism of the Hexateuch. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1893 5855 - - General Introduction to the Study of Holy Scripture, the Principles, Methods, History, etc. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1899 5856 BRITISH MUSEUM. Catalogue of the Hebrew Books in the British Museum. [By Joseph Zedner.] Printed by order of the Trustees. Thick royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1867 5857 BROOKS (JOSHUA W.) Dictionary of Writers on the Prophecies, with the Titles and Occasional Description of their Works. 8vo, half roan, gilt top, uncut. London, 1835 Mestern anfc Central Bsla 677 THE JEWS AND THEIR HISTORY, ETC. Continued. 5858 BROWN (CHARLES RUFUS). An Aramaic Method. A Class Book for the Study of the Elements of Aramaic from Bible and Targums. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth. Chicago, 1884-6 5859 BUXTORF (JOHANN). Lexicon Chaldaicum, Talmudicum et Rabbinicum. Fine portrait, and engraved title. Folio, old calf gilt, with gilt monogram "A. K." on sides. Basle, 1640 * First edition of this famous dictionary. 5860 - - Tiberias, sive Commentarius Masorethicus .... Primum, His- toria Masoretharum Tiberiensium ; Secundo, Clavis Masorae ; Tertio, Castigationes. Small 4to, vellum. Basle, 1665 5861 - - Synagoga Judaica, de Judseorum Fide, Ritibus, Ceremoniis, tarn Publicis et Sacris, quam Privatis, in domestica vivendi ratione. Tertia editione .... revisa et a mendis expurgata a Joh. Jacobo Buxtorfio. Engraved title. Thick 121110, old calf, gilt. Basle, 1680 5862 CAPEFIGUE (M.) Histoire Philosophique des Juifs, depuis la Decadence des Machabees jusqu'a nos jours. 2 vols. I2tno, wrappers. Brussels, 1834 5863 CASSEL (D. PAULUS). Mischle Sindbad, Secundus Syntipas. Edirt, emendirt und erklart. Einleitung und Deutung des Buches der Sieben weisen Meister. Post 8vo, wrappers, pp. 424. Berlin, 1888 * The Book of Sindbad, or Tales of the Seven Wise Masters, is a Hebrew version of what was probably a collection of Indian tales on the artfulness and wicked- ness of women. Some of the tales are found in the Thousand and One Nights and other Oriental collections. 5864 CATALOGUS. Catalog von Hebraischen und Jiidischen Buchern, Handschriften, etc., nachgelassen von Giuseppe Almanzi, Rabbiner Jacob Emden und Oberrabbiner M. J. Lewenstein, redigirt von M. Roest. Auction, 3 November 1868 durch Frederick Miiller in Amsterdam. Facsimile. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 380. Amsterdam, 1868 5865 - - Catalog Hebraischer und Judischer Bucher. Handschriften nachgelassen von Rabbi Meijer Lehren, Rabbi Akiba Lehren und Rabbi Moses de Lima. Auction. 13 Februar 1899, durch J. L. Joachimsthal, in Amsterdam. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 248. [Amsterdam, 1899] 678 Western anfc Central Bsia THE JEWS AND THEIR HISTORY, ETC. Continued. 5866 CATALOGUES. Auction sale and booksellers' catalogues, including Hebraische Inkunabeln und seltene hebraische Drucke mit Anhang Schriften der Karaer. /. Kauffmann, Frankfurt, 1905 ; Library of a Jewish Rabbi (Auction), N. Y. ; Leavitt, 1881, priced in ink; Neue Judaica und Hebraica, Kauffmann, Frankfurt, 1905 ; Antiquarischen Bucherlagers von M. Spirgatis, Buchhandlung, Leipzig, 1900; etc. 8vo, pamphlets. (8 pieces.) 5867 CHALDEE READING LESSONS. Consisting of the Whole of the Biblical Chaldee, with a Grammatical Praxis, and an Interlineary Translation. Folding tables. I2mo, cloth. London [1851] 5868 CHAMBERS (TALBOT W.) Companion to the Revised Old Testament. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1885 5869 CHWOLSON (D.) Achtzehn Hebraische Grabschriften aus der Krim. Ein Beitrag zur Biblischen Chronologic, Semitischen Palao- graphie und alten Ethnographic, p folding plates of inscriptions. 4to, wrappers, pp. 134. St. Petersburg, 1865 5870 . - Corpus Inscriptionum Hebraicarum enthaltend Grabschriften aus der Krim und andere Grab- und Inschriften in alter Hebraischer Quadratschrift, sowie auch Schriftproben aus Handschriften vom IX-XV. Jahrhundert. With 6 large folding plates of inscriptions. Folio, wrappers, pp. 527. St. Petersburg, 1882 5871 COLENSO (JOHN WILLIAM). Lectures on the Pentateuch and the Moabite Stone. With Appendices containing: I. The Elohistic Narrative ; II. Story of the Exodus ; III. The Pre-Christian Cross, its Universality and Meaning. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1873 5872 CONDER (CLAUDE REIGNIER). Judas Maccabseus, and the Jewish War of Independence. New edition. Map. Post 8vo, cloth. [London], 1894 5873 - - The Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. 1099 to 1291 A. D. Ttvo maps. 8vo, cloth. London, 1897 5874 COTTON (HENRY). The Five Books of Maccabees in English. With notes and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1832 5875 CURTISS( SAMUEL IVES). The Name Machabee. Facsimiles. 8vo, limp calf, gilt edges. Leipzig, 1876 * Presentation c'opy, with autograph letter, 8 pp. 8vo, from the author, inserted, to Dr. Hall, stating he has dedicated the book to him. Western ant) Central Bsia 679 THE JEWS AND THEIR HISTORY, ETC. Continued. 5876 DAVIDSON (SAMUEL). Introduction to the Old Testament, critical, historical and theological, containing a Discussion of the most Important Questions belonging to the several books. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1862-63 5877 DELITZSCH (FRANZ). Documente der national- jiidischen Christglaubigen Bewegung in Siidrussland. In Original und Deut- scher Uebersetzung mitgetheilt. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 44. Erlangen, 1884 5878 DELITZSCH (FREDERIC). The Hebrew Language viewed in the Light of Assyrian Research. 8vo, cloth, pp. 73. London, 1883 5879 DEUTSCH (EMANUEL). Literary Remains of Emanuel Deutsch. With a brief memoir. 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt top. London, 1874 * Containing Deutsch's famous article on the Talmud, and other important papers. 5880 DILLON (E. J.) The Sceptics of the Old Testament. Job Koheleth Agur. With English text, translated for the first time from the primitive Hebrew. 8vo, cloth. London, 1895 5881 DRIVER (S. R.) Introduction to the Literature of the Old Testa- ment. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1891 5882 Treatise on the Use of the Tenses in Hebrew, and some other Syntactical Questions. Third Edition, revised. Crown 8vo. cloth. Oxford, 1892 5883 DRUMMOND (JAMES). The Jewish Messiah. A Critical His- tory of the Messianic Idea among the Jews from the Rise of the Maccabees to the Closing of the Talmud. 8vo, cloth. London, 1877 5884 DUKES (LEOPOLD). Rabbinische Blumenlese, enthaltend: Eine Sammlung, Ubersetzung und Erlauterung der Hebraischen und Chaldaischen Spriiche des Sirach, Talmudischer Sprichworter .... und einem Glossar. 8vo, cloth. Leipzig, 1844 5885 EDELMAN (H.) AND DUKES (LEOPOLD). Treasures of Oxford ; Poetical Compositions by the Ancient Jewish Authors in Spain; . . . from the Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library. Edited and rendered into English by M. H. Bresslau. Part I. (all pub- lished). 8vo, cloth. (With the original Hebrew text.) London, 1851 68o Western ar^ Central Hsia THE JEWS AND THEIR HISTORY, ETC. Continued. 5886 EDERSHEIM (ALFRED). History of the Jewish Nation, after the Destruction of Jerusalem under Titus. Post 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1857 5887 EDKINS (JOSEPH). The Evolution of the Hebrew Language. 8vo, cloth. London, 1889 5888 EISENMENGER (JOH. ANDR). Entdecktes Judentum, das ist: Wortgetreue Verdeutschung der Wichtigsten Stellen des Talmuds und der sonstigen, den Christen zu einem groszen Teile noch ganz unbekannten, Hebraisch-Rabbinischen Litteratur, welche einen sicheren Einblick in die Jlidische Religions und Sittenlehre gewahren. Zeitgemasz uberarbeitet und herausgegeben von Dr. Franz Xaver Schieferl. 8vo, cloth. Dresden, 1893 5889 EMDEN (RABBI JACOB). AUSFUHRLICHER BIBLIOGRAPHISCHER CATALOG, der reichhaltigen Sammlungen Hebraischer und Jiidischer Biicher und Handschriften, Nachgelassen von Rabbiner Jakob Emden, vom Oberrabbine M. J. Lewenstein. 2 parts (all published). 8vo, wrappers, pp. 224. Amsterdam: F. Mitller, 1867 5890 ESDRAS. Manassffi Oratio. Esdne lib. Ill et IV. Cum Indice Bibliorum triplici. 24mo, parchment. Cologne, 1647 5891 ETHERIDGE (J. W.) Jerusalem und Tiberias; Sora and Cordova: A Survey of the Religious and Scholastic Learning of the Jews ; designed as an introduction to the study of Hebrew Literature. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1856 58*^2 - - The Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan Ben Uzziel on the Pentateuch ; with fragments of the Jerusalem Targum from the Chaldee. 2 vols. thick post 8vo, cloth. London, 1862-65 * Scarce. 5893 EWALD (GEORG HEINRICH AUGUST VON). Commentary on the Prophets of the Old Testament. Translated by J. Frederick Smith. 5 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1875-81 5894 - - The Antiquities of Israel. Translated by H. S. Solly. Fold- ing plate. 8vo, cloth. London, 1876 5895 - - Syntax of the Hebrew Language of the Old Testament. Translated from the Eighth German edition, by James Kennedy. 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1879 Western ant> Central Bsia 68 1 THE JEWS AND THEIR HISTORY, ETC. Continued. 5896 EWALD (GEORG HENRICH AUGUST VON). History of Israel. Translated from the German. Edited by Russell Martineau. Fourth Edition, revised and corrected. 8 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1883-86 * With a complete General Index, which forms an Encyclopaedia of Biblical Literature. 5897 FRIEDMAN (D. A.) Rabbis of Ancient Times. Biographical Sketches of the Talmudical Period (300 B. C. E. to 500 C. E.) Supplemented with Maxims and Proverbs of the Talmud. 8vo, cloth. Rochester, N. Y., 1896 5898 - - Maxims and Proverbs of Bible and Talmud. I2mo, boards. Philadelphia, 1901 5899 FURST (DR. JULIUS). Bibliotheca Judaica. Bibliographisches Handbuch der Gesammten Judischen Literatur, mit einschluss der schriften iiber Juden und Judenthum und einer geschichte der Judischen Bibliographic, sowie mit Indices versehen. 3 vols. in 2. 8vo, half morocco. Leipzig, 1849-63 5900 GASTER (M.) HEBREW ILLUMINATED BIBLES of the IXth, and Xth Centuries (Codices Or. Caster, Nos. 150 and 151) ; And a Samaritan Scroll of the Law of the Xlth Century (Codex Or. Caster, No. 350). 8 plates of facsimiles of these MSS., and of the fragments of the Geniza in Egypt. Published for the First Time. Folio, cloth, pp. 51. London, 1901 * Some of the plates of facsimiles are beautifully illuminated in bronze and colors.' 5901 GESENIUS (WILHELM). Geschichte der Hebraischen Sprache und Schrift. Post 8vo, boards. Leipzig, 1815 5902 - Thesaurus Philologicus Criticus linguae Hebraese et Chaldaeae Veteris Testamenti. Editio altera. Complete in the 7 parts, wrappers. Thick 4to. Leipzig, 1829-58 *The last two parts were completed by Prof. Roediger. 5903 An English-Hebrew Lexicon : being a Complete Verbal Index to Gesenius' Hebrew Lexicon, as translated by Prof. Edward Robin- son. Prepared by Joseph Lewis Potter. Royal 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1872 682 Western ant> Central Hsia THE JEWS AND THEIR HISTORY, ETC. Continued. 5904 GESENIUS (WILHELM). Hebrew Grammar. Translated by Benjamin Davies; revised and enlarged by E. Kautzsch and E. C. Mitchell, with full subject, Scripture and Hebrew Indexes. 8vo, cloth. Andover, 1880 595 Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, including the Biblical Chaldee. From the Latin of Gesenius by Edward Robinson, with corrections and additions. 2ist edition. Thick royal 8vo, half morocco. Boston, 1880 5906 - - A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, based on the Lexicon of Gesenius, as translated by Edward Robinson. Edited by Francis Brown, S. R. Driver and Chas. A. Briggs. Com- plete in 12 parts, small 4to, wrappers. [As 12 parts.] Boston, 1891-1906 5907 GILES (J. A.) Heathen Records to the Jewish Scripture History; containing all the Extracts from the Greek and Latin Writers, in which the Jews and Christians are named . . . translated into English with the Original Text in juxta-position. 8vo, cloth. London, 1856 5908 GINSBURG (CHRISTIAN D.) Jacob Ben Chajim Ibn Adonijah's Introduction to the Rabbinic Bible, Hebrew and English; with ex- planatory notes. Second Edition. 8vo, cloth. London, 1867 5909 GLOVER (A. KINGSLEY). Jewish Laws and Customs. Some of the Laws and Usages of the Children of the Ghetto. A few illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. Wells, Minn., 1900 5910 GOLDZIHER (IGNAZ). Mythology Among the Hebrews, and its Historical Development. Translated from the German, with ad- ditions by the author, by Russell Martineau. 8vo, cloth, (embossed stamp on title). London, 1877 The Appendix contains two essays by H. Steinthal on the Legends of Prome- theus and Samson. 5911 GREEN (WILLIAM HENRY). An Elementary Hebrew Gram- mar, with Reading and Writing Lessons and Vocabularies. Second thoroughly revised edition. Crown 8vo, cloth. New York, 1871 5912 HAHN (AARON). The Rabbinical Dialectics. A History of the Dialecticians and Dialectics of the Mishnah and Talmud. 8vo, cloth. Cincinnati [1879] Western anfc Central Hsia 683 THE JEWS AND THEIR HISTORY, ETC. Continued. 5913 HAMBURGER (DR. J.) Real-Encyclopadie des Judenthums. Worterbuch fur Gemeinde, Schule und Haus. 8vo, half calf (rubbed). 1874; Real-Encyclopadie fur Bibel und Talmud (A to Krankengebet). In the parts as issued (lacks first wrapper). 1875- 78. As 2 vols. 5914 HARKAVY (ALEXANDER). Dictionary of the Yiddish Lan- guage, with a treatise on Yiddish reading, orthography and dialectal variations. 8vo, cloth. New York, 5915 Complete English-Jewish [Yiddish] Dictionary, with the pro- nunciation of every word in Hebrew Characters. 3rd revised and enlarged edition. 8vo, cloth. New York, I 5916 HARRIS (WILLIAM). Elements of the Chaldee Language, . . Supplement to the Hebrew Grammars, and a General introduction to the Aramean Dialects. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 23. New York, 1823 5917 HEBRAICA. A Quarterly Journal in the Interests of Hebrew Study. Wm. R. Harper, Managing Editor; Associate Editors, Paul Haupt and Herman L. Strack, etc. Vols. I to 8 complete, and Nos. 3 and 4 of Vol. 9, and No. 3-4 of Vol. 10. As 8 vols. royal 8vo, wrappers. Chicago, 1884-1894 5918 HEILPRIN (MICHAEL). The Historical Poetry of the Ancient Hebrews, translated and critically examined. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1879-80 5919 HERSHON (PAUL ISAAC). A Rabbinical Commentary on Genesis. Translated from the Judaeo-Polish, with Notes and Indices. With Introduction by Canon Farrar. 8vo, cloth. London, 1885 5920 HOERNING (REINHART). British Museum Karaite MSS. Descriptions and Collation of Six Karaite Manuscripts of portions of the Hebrew Bible in Arabic Characters. With a complete repro- duction by the Autotype Process of one, Exodus L i-VIIL 5, in 42 facsimiles. 4to, cloth. London, 1889 5921 HOMMEL (FRITZ). The Ancient Hebrew Tradition, as Illus- trated by the Monuments. Translated from the German by Edmund McClure and Leonard Crossle. Map. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1897 684 Western anfc Central Hsia THE JEWS AND THEIR HISTORY, ETC. Continued. 5922 [HOOPER (REV. FRANCIS JOHN BODFIELD).] Palmoni ; an Essay on the Chronographical and Numerical Systems in use amongst the Ancient Jews, with Appendix on Assyrian, Egyptian and other Ancient Chronographers, etc. 8vo, cloth. London, 1851 * A treatise on ancient Hebrew chronology, with chapters on the mystical values attached to numbers by the Hebrews. 5923 HUDSON (E. H.) A History of the Jews in Rome, B. C. i6o-A.D. 604. 8vo, cloth. London, 1882 5924 JACOBS (JOSEPH) AND WOLF (LUCIEN). Bibliotheca Anglo- Judaica. A Bibliographical Guide to Anglo-Jewish History. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1888 5925 JASHAR (BOOK OF). Jashar. Fragmenta Archetypa Carminum Hebraicorum in Masorethico Veteris Testamenti Textu .... collegit, commentario, &c., cura J. G. Donaldson. Editio secunda. 8vo, cloth. London, 1860 5926 - Bibliographical Notes on the Book of Jasher. By Thomas Hartwell Home. Pp. 10. 1843 > Brief Exposure of the Rev. John J. S. Perowne, by the Editor of Jashar, [J. W. Donaldson]. Pp. 16. 1855; Remarks on Dr. Donaldson's Book entitled "Jashar." By John J. S. Perowne. Second Edition, with Appendix containing some observations on Dr. Donaldson's reply to the First Edition. Pp. 64. 1855. 3 pieces, 8vo, sewed. London, 1843-55 5927 JERVIS (JOHN JER VIS-WHITE). Genesis Elucidated. Anew translation from the Hebrew compared with the Samaritan Text and the Septuagint and Syriac Versions. With Notes. 8vo, cloth. London, 1852 5928 JEWISH CYCLOPAEDIA. The Jewish Cyclopaedia. A Descrip- tive Record of the History, Religion, Literature, and Customs of the Jewish People from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. Prepared by more than 400 Scholars and Specialists under the editorship of Cyrus Adler, Gotthard Deutsch, Joseph Jacobs, Isidore Singer, and others. 12 vols. royal 8vo. New York, 1901-1906 Complete Set. A valuable and exhaustive cyclopaedia, embracing the result of the latest criticisms and researches, both archaeological and philological. Illus- trated with over 2,000 maps, colored plates, photographic facsimiles, etc. 5929 JONES (ALFRED). The Proper Names of the Old Testament Scriptures, expounded and illustrated. Small 4to, cloth. London [1856] Western anfc Central Hsia 685 THE JEWS AND THEIR HISTORY, ETC. Continued. 5930 JOSEPHS (MICHAEL). English and Hebrew Lexicon, with a Selection of Proper Names occurring in Scripture and Rabbinical Writings. Royal 8vo, half roan (rubbed). London, 1834 5931 JOSEPHUS (FLAVIUS). The Works of Flavius Josephus. Translated into English. . . . Carefully revised and compared with the Original Greek, by Sir Roger L'Estrange. Third Edition. Por- traits, folding plates and maps. 3 vols. 8vo, old calf (rebacked). London, 1716 5932 The Genuine Works of Flavius Josephus, the Jewish His- torian, translated from the original Greek, according to Havercamp's accurate Edition, with the notes of Reland and others. By William Whiston. New edition, corrected. Folding plates and tables. 4 vols. 8vo, finely bound by RIVIERE in full sprinkled calf, gilt edges. London, 1755 5933 The Jewish War of Flavius Josephus. A New Translation, by Robert Traill. Edited, with notes, by Isaac Taylor. 75 medal- lions and steel engravings. 2 vols. royal 8vo, full calf, gilt. London, 1851 5934 The Works of Flavius Josephus. Whiston's translation, re- vised by A. R. Shilleto. With topographical notes by Sir C. W. Wilson. 5 vols. post 8vo, cloth. (Bohn's Standard Library.) London, 1889-90 5935 JOSEPHUS BEN GORION. The Wonderful and most Deplorable History of the Later Times of the Jews, with the Destruction of the City of Jerusalem, which History begins where the Holy Scrip- tures do end. Whereunto is added a Brief of the Ten Captivities, etc. I2fno, old calf. London, 1673 * Scarce. A new edition of the translation by James Howell. 5936 JOST (J. M.) Geschichte des Judenthums und seiner Secten. 3 vols. 8vo, wrappers. Leipzig, 1857-59 5937 KALISCH (ISIDOR). Sepher Yezirah. A Book on Creation; or Jewish Metaphysics of Remote Antiquity, with English Translation, Notes and Glossary ; with A Sketch of the Talmud. 2 parts in one. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1877 5938 KAUTZSCH (E.) UND SOCIN (A.) Die Genesis, mit ausserer unterscheidung der Quellenschriften iibersetzt. 8vo, half morocco. Freiburg, I. B., 1888 686 Western an& Central Bsia THE JEWS AND THEIR HISTORY, ETC. Continued. 5939 KENNICOTT (BENJAMIN). The State of the Printed Hebrew Text of the Old Testament considered. Part the First compares I. Chron. XL with 2. Sam. V and XXIII; and Part the Second con- tains Observations on Seventy Hebrew MSS., with an extract of Mistakes and Various Readings. 2 vols. 8vo, old calf. Oxford, 1753-9 5940 - - The Ten Annual Accounts of the Collation of Hebrew MSS. of the Old Testament ; . . 1760-1769. Post 8vo, half russia. Oxford, 1770 5941 KNAPPERT (J.) The Religion of Israel, a Manual. Translated from the Dutch by Richard A. Armstrong. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1877 5942 KNOBEL (AUGUST). Die Volkertafel der Genesis. Ethnograph- ische Untersuchungen. 8vo. wrappers, pp. 359. Giessen, 1850 5943 KOENEN (H. J.) Geschiedenis der Joden in Nederland. Royal 8vo, pp. 517 (lacks wrappers). Utrecht, 1843 5944 KOHUT (ALEXANDER). Aruch Completum sive Lexicon voca- bula et res, quae in libris Targumicis, Talmudicis et Midraschicis continentur, explicans auctore Nathane filio Jechielis. Corrigit, explet, critice illustrat et edit Dr. Alex. Kohut. Also the Supple- ment containing the Sources of Rabbi Nathan's Aruch, additional Foreign Words (especially from the Midrash Haggadol), and Cor- rections and Explanations to the 8 volumes. Together 9 vols. Royal 8vo, in the original parts. Vienna, 1878-1892 5945 KOHUT (GEORGE ALEXANDER). Erza Stiles and the Jews. Selected passages from his Literary Diary concerning Jews and Judaism. With critical and explanatory Notes. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 152. New York, 1902 5946 KUENEN (DR. A.) The Religion of Israel to the Fall of the Jewish State. Translated from the Dutch by Alfred Heath May. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1874-5 5947 - - The Prophets and Prophecy in Israel. An Historical and Critical Inquiry. Translated from the Dutch by Adam Milroy, with introduction by J. Muir. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1877 TKHestern ant> Central Bsia 687 THE JEWS AND THEIR HISTORY, ETC. Continued. 5948 LAMB (JOHN). Hebrew Characters derived from Hieroglyphics. Plates of the Hebrew Alphabet. 8vo, cloth. Laid in is F. D. Wackerbarth's review, pp. 8, and an A. L. S. of the reviewer. Cambridge, 1835 5949 LENORMANT (FRANCOIS). The Book of Genesis. A Trans- lation from the Hebrew in which the constituent elements of the text are separated, with an attempted restoration of the original documents used by the latest reviser. Translated from the French, with introduction and notes. 8vo, cloth. London, 1886 5950 LEVY (JACOB). Neuhebraisches und Chaldaisches Worterbuch iiber die Talmudim und Midraschim. Nebst beitragen von Prof. Dr. H. L. Fleischer. Complete, 22 parts in 14. Royal 8vo, wrap- pers. (As 14 parts.) Leipzig, 1876-1889 5951 LOWY (A.) Catalogue of Hebraica and Judaica in the Library of the Corporation of the City of London. With a Subject Index. 8vo, cloth. London, 1891 5952 LUZZATTO (SAMUEL DAVID). Grammatik der Biblisch- Chaldaischen Sprache und des Idioms des Thalmud Babli. Aus dem Italienischen . . . von Dr. Marcus Salomon Kruger. 8vo, half roan. Breslau, 1873 5953 Grammar of the Biblical Chaldaic Language, and the Talmud Babli Idioms. Translated from the Italian, and largely reviewed by J. S. Goldammer. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1876 5954 McCAUL (ALEXANDER). The Old Paths; or a Comparison of ... Modern Judaism, with the Religion of Moses and the Pro- phets. [With numerous extracts from the Talmud.] 8vo, cloth (the original weekly numbers bound up). London, 1837 5955 - The Old Paths. Second Edition. 8vo, cloth. London, 1846 * This edition was revised. 5956 McCURDY (JAMES FREDERICK). History, Prophecy, and the Monuments. (A New History of Israel.) Maps. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1894-97 5957 MADDEN (FREDERICK W.) History of Jewish Coinage, and of Money in the Old and New Testament. With 254 woodcuts and a plate of alphabets, by F. W. Fairholt. Royal 8vo, half roan. London, 1864 688 Western anO Central Hsia THE JEWS AND THEIR HISTORY, ETC. Continued. 5958 MAIMONIDES (RABBI MOSES). The Reasons of the Laws of Moses. From the "More Nevochim" of Maimonides. With notes, dissertations and a life of the author. By James Townley. Frontis- piece. 8vo, cloth. London, 1827 * Scarce. 5959 More Nebochim (Doctor Perplexorum). Ubersetzt von R. J. Furstenthal. Krotoschin, 1839; Zweiter Theil iibersetzt von M. E. Stern, Vienna, 1864; Dritter Theil iibersetzt von Simon Scheyer, Frankfurt, 1838. The three parts in one. Thick 8vo, half calf, gilt. * Very rarely found complete. 5960 The Laws of the Hebrews relating to the Poor and the Stranger, from the "Mischna-Hathora." Now first translated by James W. Peppercorne. With Introductions, notes, etc. Illustra- tions. 8vo, cloth. (Presentation copy.) London, 1840 * Very Scarce. 5961 Yad-Hachazakah, or Mishne Torah, containing Ethical, Theo- logical and Philosophical Instructions. Edited and revised by Elias Soloweyczik. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1863 5962 - - Maimonides' Commentar zum Tractat 'Aboda zara, zum ersten male im Arabischen Urtexte mit der Hebraischen Uebersetzung des Ibn Ja'qub herausgegeben und mit Anmerkungen versehen. In- augural Dissertation von Joseph Wiener. Berlin, 1895, pp. 64; Maimonides' Commentar zum Tractat Kilajim. Inaugural Disserta- tion von Salomon Bamberger. Berlin, 1891, pp. 28; The same, with the Hebrew, and with plan. Frankfurt, 1891. (3 pieces.) 5963 MARGOLIOUTH (G.) Descriptive List of the Hebrew and Sa- maritan MSS. in the British Museum. Printed by order of the Trustees. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1893 5964 MARTINET (DR. ADAM). Hebraische Chrestomathie der Bibli- schen und neuern Literatur. (With vocabulary.) 8vo, boards (title repaired). Bamberg, 1837 * Part II is Composed of poems, hymns, etc. 5965 MEIER (FR. CAROLUS). Judaica, sen Veterum Scriptorum Pro- fanorum de rebus Judaicis, Fragmenta. 8vo, boards, pp. 82. Jena, 1832 * Extracts from the most ancient authors Manetho, Herodotus, etc". relating to the Jews, etc. Western ant) Central Bsia 689 THE JEWS AND THEIR HISTORY, ETC. Continued. 5966 MIDRASH RABBOTH. (The Old Rabbinical Commentary on the Pentateuch.) With commentaries. 5 vols. post 8vo, half roan. Warsaw, 1877 5967 MIELZINER (MOSES). The Jewish Law of Marriage and Divorce, in Ancient and Modern Times, and its Relation to the Law of the State. 8vo, sheep. Cincinnati, 1884 5968 MONTEFIORE (C. G.) Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion as illustrated by the Religion of the Ancient Hebrews. 8vo, cloth. (The Hibbert Lectures.) London, 1892 5969 MORAIS (HENRY SAMUEL). Eminent Israelites of the Nine- teenth Century. A Series of Biographical Sketches. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1880 5970 MOSES. MAGIC OF THE CABALA. Das Sechste und Siebente Buch Mosis, das ist; Mosis magische Geisterkunst, das Geheimniss aller Geheimnisse. Sammt den verdeutschten Offenbarungen und Vor- schriften wunderbarster Art der alten weisen Hebraer, aus den Mosaischen Biichern, der Kabbala und dem Talmud zum leiblichen Wohl der Menschen. Wort und bildgetreu mit 42 Tafeln. Vierte, sehr vermehrte Auflage. Diagrams. I2mo, half roan. New York, 1857 5971 MUNSTER (SEBASTIAN). Dictionarium Hebraicum, jam ultimo ab autore Seb. Munstero recognitum, et ex Rabinis praesertim ex Radicibus David Kimhi. Thick I2mo, polished calf gilt, with arms on sides, gilt edges. Basle: Hieron. Froben, 1539 5972 NEUBAUER (AD.) The Book of Tobit. A Chaldee Text from a unique MS. in the Bodleian Library, with other Rabbinical Texts, English Translations and the Itala. Crown 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1878 50,73 - Mediaeval Jewish Chronicles and Chronological Notes. Edited by A. Neubauer. Small 4to, wrappers, pp. 200 -f- 24. (Anecdota Oxoniensia.) Oxford, 1887 5974 NEW TESTAMENT. The New Testament in Hebrew. 8vo, stamped calf. [London, n. d., ca. 1850] 5975 The New Testament in Hebrew. Edited by Prof, Delitzsch. 8vo, cloth. Berlin, 1885 690 TKUcBtern an& Central Bsta THE JEWS AND THEIR HISTORY, ETC. Continued. 5976 NEW TESTAMENT. JUD/EO-SPANISH. The New Spanish Testa- ment in Hebrew-Rabbinical characters. 8vo, original calf. Corfu, 1829 * Rare. Printed in Rabbinical characters in the dialect of the Sephardim Jews in Turkey. These Jews were driven from Spain in the early part of the i5th Century, many of them migrating to Turkey and the East. 5977 ' JUD/EO-SYRIAC. The Syriac New Testament in Hebrew- Rabbinical characters. Crown 8vo, original sheep. [London, 1856] * Printed for the use of the Chasidim and Cabalistic Jews of Poland, Constanti- nople and the East. 5978 NORDHEIMER (ISAAC). Critical Grammar of the Hebrew Language. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth (binding worn). New York, 1838-41 5979 Critical Grammar of the Hebrew Language. Second Edition (carefully revised and with additions and improvements). 2 vols. in one. 8vo, cloth (some leaves stained). New York, 1842 5980 - Grammatical Analysis of Selections from the Hebrew Scrip- tures, with an exercise in Hebrew Composition. 8vo, half cloth, New York, 1838 5981 OORT (DR. H.) The Worship of Baalim in Israel. Based upon the Work of Dr. R. Dozy "The Israelites at Mecca." Translated from the Dutch, and enlarged with notes and appendices by John Wm. Colenso, Bishop of Natal. 8vo, cloth. London, 1865 5982 PAMPHLETS. Kautsch (E.) Mitteilung iiber eine alte Hand- schrift des Targum Onkelos, pp. xxi. Halle, 1893 ; and odd num- bers of Jewish newspapers, and prospectuses. (As a lot.) 5983 - - Alphabetum Hebraicum, addito Samaritano et Rabbinico. Rome, 1771 ; Meyrowitz. Key to the Masoretic Notes, Titles, and Index in the margin of the Hebrew Bible. N. Y. 1872; Dr. Gins- burg on the Exploration of Moab. 1872; De Charency. Idees Symboliques rattachant au nom des douze fils de Jacob. Paris, 1874; and leaflets issued by the Palestine Exploration Society, Ex- cerpts from Magazines, etc. About 35 pieces, as a lot. 5984 PETACHIA (RABBI). Travels of Rabbi Petachia of Ratisbon, who in the latter end of the I2th Century visited Poland, Russia . . Armenia, Assyria, the Holy Land, etc. Hebrew text, with transla- tion on opposite page by Dr. A. Benisch. Notes by W. F. Ains- worth. Second Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1861 TKftestern anfc Central Hsia 691 THE JEWS AND THEIR HISTORY, ETC. Continued. 5985 PHILO-JUD^EUS. The Works of Philo Judseus, the Contem- porary of Josephus. Translated from the Greek, by C. D. Yonge. 4 vols. crown 8vo, half calf. London ; Bohn, 1854-55 5986 Philo-Judaeus ; or the Jewish- Alexandrian Philosophy in its Development and Completion. By James Drummond. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1888 5987 PIEROTTI (ERMETE). Customs and Traditions of Palestine, illustrating the Manners of the Ancient Hebrews. Translated by T. G. Bonney. 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1864 5988 PRAYERS FOR PASSOVER. Form of Prayers for the Feast of Passover according to the custom of the German and Polish Jews. (Hebrew and English.) Post 8vo, half morocco. New York, 5616 [1855] 5989 Service for the Two First Nights of Passover, with an English Translation. Crown 8vo, half cloth. New York, 1878 5990 PRENDERGAST (THOMAS). The Mastery Series. Hebrew. Fourth Edition. Crown 8vo, limp cloth. London [1874] 5991 PRIAULX (OSMOND DE BEAUVOIR). Quaestiones Mosaics, or the First Part of the Book of Genesis compared with the Re- mains of Ancient Religions. Second Edition, corrected and enlarged. 8vo, cloth. London, 1854 5992 RASK (R.) A Short Tractate on the Longevity (of) the Patriarchs in ... Genesis, and its relation to the Hebrew Chronology, the Flood, etc. From the Danish. Map of Paradise. 8vo, half cloth. London, 1863 5993 RAWLINSON (GEORGE). Moses: His Life and Times. Second Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth. London [1887] 5994 RENAN (ERNEST). Le Livre de Job; traduit de 1'Hebreu. Etude sur Tage et le Caractere du Poeme. Troisieme edition. Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 200. Paris, 1865 5995 History of the People of Israel .... till the Return from Babylon. Translated. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1888-91 *A11 published of this edition. 692 Western anfc Central Hsia THE JEWS AND THEIR HISTORY, ETC. Continued. 5996 RIGGS (ELJAS). Manual of the Chaldee Language; containing a Grammar . . . from the German of G. B. Winer ; a Chrestomathy, containing selections from the Targums, etc. ; and a Vocabulary . . . with Appendix of the Rabbinic and Samaritan Dialects. Second Edition, revised. Royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1858 5997 Manual of the Chaldee Language; containing a Chaldee Grammar, a Chrestomathy, and a Vocabulary; with an Appendix of the Rabbinic and Samaritan Dialects. Fourth Edition, revised. 8vo, cloth. New York [1870?] 5998 ROSENTHAL (L.) Catalog der Hebraica und Judaica aus der L. Rosenthal'schen Bibliothek. Bearbeitet von M. Roest. 2 vols. thick royal 8vo, half cloth. Amsterdam, 1875 5999 ROSSI (JOHANNES BERNARDUS DE). Annales Hebrseo- Typographici Sec. XV. Descripsit Fusoque Commentario illus- travit. 1795; Annales Hebraeo-Typographici ab An. MDI ad MDXL. 1799. Bound in one vol. 4to, half roan (rubbed). Parma, 1795-99 6000 RULE (WILLIAM HARRIS). History of the Karaite Jews. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1870 6001 SAADIAH (RABBI). Commentary on Ezra and Nehemiah by Rabbi Saadiah. Edited H. J. Mathews. Small 4to, wrappers, pp. 32 -|- 28. (Anecdota Oxoniensia.) Oxford, 1882 6002 SALVADOR (J.) Histoire de la Domination Romaine en Judee, et de la Ruine de Jerusalem. Maps. 3 vols. I2mo, wrappers. Brussels, 1847 6003 SAYCE (A. H.) The Life and Times of Isaiah, as illustrated by contemporary monuments. Crown 8vo, cloth. [London], 1889 6004 SCHEININ (ALBERT). Die Hochschule zu Jamnia und ihre bedeutendsten Lehrer mit besonderer Rucksicht auf Rabbi Gamaliel II. Post 8vo, wrappers, pp. 77. Halle, 1878 6005 SCHURER (EMIL). History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ. A Second and Revised Edition of a "Manual of the History of New Testament Times." Translated by John Mac- pherson. 5 vols. with Index. Together 6 vols. 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1886-90 TKHestern an& Central Bsia 693 THE JEWS AND THEIR HISTORY, ETC. Continued. 6006 SEDER OLAM. Seder Olam Rabba. Die Grosse Weltchronik. Nach Handschriften und Druckwerken herausgegeben mit kritischen Noten und Erklarungen versehen von B. Ratner. (In Hebrew.) 8vo, wrappers, pp.i5i. Wilna, 1897 6007 SIMMONS (L. M.) The Letter of Consolation of Maimun Ben Joseph. Edited from the unique Bodleian Arabic MS., and trans- lated into English; also an Appendix, consisting of those passages in which Maimun is quoted by Maimonides. 8vo, limp cloth. Presentation copy. (Reprinted from the Jewish Quarterly.) *The appendix gives the Hebrew text. London, 1890 6008 SMITH (W. ROBERTSON). The Prophets of Israel, and their place in History to the Close of the Eighth Century, B. C. Thick post 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1882 * Scarce. 6009 STEINSCHNEIDER (M.) Catalogus Librorum Hebraeorum in Bibliotheca Bodleiana. Jussu curatorum digessit et notis instruxit. Thick 4to, cloth, pp. 3103. Berlin, 1852-1860 * The most important catalogue of Hebrew books ever published. 6010 STUART (MOSES). A Hebrew Chrestomathy. Reprinted with the concurrence of the author. Third Edition. 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1834 6011 TALMUD (BABYLONIAN). The Babylonian Talmud, with all the Commentaries. 44 parts bound in 16 vols. folio, half roan (a few of the bindings a little worn). *A finely printed edition. Berlin: Julius Sittenfeld, 1861-68 6012 New Edition of the Babylonian Talmud. English Transla- tion, the Original Text Edited, Formulated, and Punctuated by Michael L. Rodkinson. Revised and corrected by the Rev. Dr. Isaac M. Wise. 18 vols. in 16. N. Y. 1896-1903 ; also the supplementary volume, The History of the Talmud from the Time of its Forma- tion, about 200 B. C., to the Present Time. By M. L. Rodkinson. 2 vols. in one. N. Y. 1903. Together 20 vols. in 17. 8vo, cloth. New York [1896-1903] 6013 ABODA SARAH. The Treatise "Aboda Zarah" from the Babylonian Talmud, with the commentaries. Royal 8vo, half roan. (In Hebrew.) Warsaw, 1875 694 TKHestern anfc Central Hsfa THE JEWS AND THEIR HISTORY, ETC. Continued. 6014 TALMUD (BABYLONIAN). ABODA SARAH. Abodah Sarah, oder der Gotzendienst. Ein Traktat aus dem Talmud. Die Mischna tind die Gemara, letztere zum erstenmale vollstandig iibersetzt, mit einer Einleitung und mit Anmerkungen begleitet und herausgegeben. Von Dr. Ferdinand Christian Ewald. Zweite Ausgabe. Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 545. Nuremberg, 1868 6015 BARCLAY (JOSEPH). The Talmud. Illustrations and plan of the Temple. 8vo, cloth. London, 1878 * Treatises from the Mishna, translated with explanations from the Gemara. 6016 CAHEN (M. D.) Repertorium Talmudicum sive Memorabilia Omnia de Personis et Rebus quas in utroque Talmude et Midra- schin occurrunt .... mine vero B. Auctoris Manuscriptum emendavit . . . L. Wogue. 8yo, wrappers. Mayence, 1877 6017 CHIARINI (L'ABBE). Le 'Talmud de Babylone. Traduit en Langue Franchise et complete par celui de Jerusalem et d'autres Monumens de 1'Antiquite Judaique. 2 vols. in one, 8vo, half calf. Leipzig, 1831 6018 FISCHER (BERNARD). Talmudische Chrestomathie mit Anmerkungen, Scholien und Glossar, unter besonderer beriicksichti- gung der Talmudischen Discussion als Lesebuch zu der von ihm edirten Winer'schen Grammatik. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 268. Leipzig, 1884 6019 - HERSHON (PAUL ISAAC). A Talmudic Miscellany; 'or a Thousand and One Extracts from the Talmud, the Midrashim and the Kabbalah. With introductory preface by Canon Farrar. Notes and copious indexes. 8vo, half morocco. (Triibner's Oriental Series.) London, 1880 6020 - - HERSHON (PAUL ISAAC). Treasures of the Talmud ... in alphabetical order from "A" to "L," compiled from the Babylonian Talmud, and translated. With notes and indexes and introduction by H. D. M. Spence. 8vo, cloth. London, 1882 6021 - - HERSHON (PAUL ISAAC). Genesis with a Talmudical Com- mentary. Translated by M. Wolkenberg, with an introductory essay by H. D. M. Spence. 8vo, cloth. London, 1883 6022 - - LATTES (M.) Saggio di giunte e correzioni al Lessico Tal- mudico, del Dr. Rabb. M. Lattes. Square 8vo, wrappers, pp. 142. Turin, 1878 Western anfc Central Hsia 695 THE JEWS AND THEIR HISTORY, ETC. Continued. 6023 TALMUD (BABYLONIAN). LEVY (RABBI J. L.) Tract Rosh Hashana ("New Year") of the New Edition of the Babylonian Talmud. Edited, formulated, and punctuated for the first time by Michael L. Rodkinson, and translated for the first time from the above text, by Rabbi J. Leonard Levy. Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 159. Philadelphia, 1895 6024 LIGHTFOOT (JOHN). Horse Hebraicae et Talmudicae: Hebrew and Talmudical Exercitations upon the Gospels, Acts, etc. New edition by the Rev. Robert Gandell. 4 vols, 8vo. cloth. Oxford, 1859 * An endeavor to discover the sites of biblical places, manners and customs of the ancient Hebrews, etc., by means of the Talmud and* other ancient Hebrew writings. 6025 LOWE (W. H.) The Fragment of the Talmud Babli PeSachim of the Ninth and Tenth Century, in the University Library, Cam- bridge. Edited with notes. Autotype facsimile. 4to, half calf. Cambridge, 1879 6026 MIELZINER ( MOSES). Introduction to the Talmud. Historical and Literary .... Legal Hermeneutics .... Terminology and Methodology, Outlines of Talmudical Ethics. With Appendix and Key to the Abbreviations used in the Talmud. 8vo, cloth. Cincinnati, 1894 6027 - MYERS (ISIDORE). Gems from the Talmud, translated into English Verse. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1894 6028 PAMPHLETS. Prospectus with specimen pages of Rodkinson's New Edition of the Babylonian Talmud, revised by Dr. Isaac M. Wise : ; English Translation. Excerpts from periodicals including The Talmud. By B. H. C. (Journal of Sacred Literature, 1868) ; Gleanings after the Talmud (Littell's Living Age) ; The Talmud. By R. S. Poole (Littell's Living Age) ; The Talmud (Lippincott's, 1868) ; The Talmud (Edinburgh Review, 1873) ; etc. 8 pamphlets, sewed. 6029 PICK (BERNHARD). The Talmud; What It Is, and What it Knows about Jesus and His Followers. Narrow crown 8vo, cloth. New York, 1887 696 TKHestern anfc Central Hsia THE JEWS AND THEIR HISTORY, ETC. Continued. 6030 TALMUD (BABYLONIAN). POLAND (H.) Selections from the Talmud. Specimens of ... that Ancient Book, its Commentaries, Teachings, Poetry and Legends, also brief Sketches of the Men who made and commented upon it. Translated from the original. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1876 6031 - SCHOETTGEN (CHRISTIAN). Horse Hebraicse et Talmudicse in Universum Novum Testamentum accedunt Rabbinicarum Lectionum libri duo et Indices necessarii. Portrait. 2 thick small 4to volumes, vellum. Dresden and Leipzig, 1733-42 6032 - SOLA (D. A. DE) and RAPHALL (M. J.) Eighteen Treatises from The Mishna. Translated by D. A. De Sola and M. J. Raphall. 8vo, cloth. London, 1843 % 6033 - STREANE (A. W.) A Translation of the Treatise Chagigah from the Babylonian Talmud. With Introduction, Notes, Glossary, and Indices. Royal 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1891 6034 - - WOTTON (W.) Miscellaneous Discourses relating to the Traditions and Usages of the Scribes and Pharisees in ... the Time of Christ (including Shabbath, and Eruvin, from the Mishna, with the Hebrew text, Translation, and Notes). Two folding plates. 2 vols. 8vo, old calf. London, 1718 6035 TALMUD (JERUSALEM). FRANKEL (Z.) Introductio in Talmud Hierosolymitanum. (In Hebrew.) 8vo, half roan. Wratislaw, 1870 6036 - - SCHWAB (MoiSE). Le Talmud de Jerusalem, traduit pour la Premiere fois. Complete in 12 vols. royal 8vo, wrappers. Paris, 1871-1890 * Vol. I, the translation of the "Berakhoth," was published in 1871. The work was not continued until 1878, and from that date proceeded regularly until 1890, when the Introduction and Table completed the translation. The early volumes are very scarce. 6037 - - SCHWAB (Mosss). The Talmud of Jerusalem. Translated for the First Time. 4to, wrappers, pp. 188. London, 1886 Vol. I, The Berakhoth. All published. 6038 - TAYLOR (CHARLES). Sayings of the Jewish Fathers, com- prising Pirqe Aboth and Pereq R. Meir, in Hebrew and English. With critical and illustrative notes ; and specimen pages of the . . . manuscript of the Mishnah "J erus h a lrm tn -" 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1877 Mestern ant) Central Hsia 697 THE JEWS AND THEIR HISTORY, ETC. Continued. 6039 TOMKINS (HENRY GEORGE). Studies of the Times of Abra- ham. Colored frontispiece and 13 plates, of inscriptions, monuments, etc. Square 8vo, cloth. London [1878] 6040 - The Life and Times of Joseph in the Light of Egyptian Lore. Crown 8vo, cloth. [London] 1891 6041 TOVEY (D'BLOSSIERS). Anglia Judaica; or, the History and Antiquities of the Jews in England, collected from all our Historians, as also from the Records in the Tower, and other Publick Reposi- tories. Plate. Small 4to, calf, gilt. Fine Copy. Oxford, 1738 * Scarce. 6042 TREGELLES (S. PRIDEAUX). Heads of Hebrew Grammar; containing all the principles needed by a Learner. (With Reading Lessons, Interlineary Hebrew and English Psalter, and Hebrew- English Lexicon.) Folding tables and charts. I2mo, half morocco. London [1852] 6043 Heads of Hebrew Grammar. (Consisting of Grammar, Reading Lessons ; the Psalms with interlineary translation ; and a Hebrew-English Lexicon.) Thick I2mo, cloth. London, 1882 * Printed on stouter paper than the earlier edition, and containing eight pages additional on pronunciation. 6044 WAHL (DR. M. C.) Das Sprichwort der Hebraisch-Aramaischen Literatur, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Sprichwortes der neuren Umgangssprachen. Erstes Buch. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 181. Leipzig, 1871 6045 WALTON (BRIAN). Briani Waltoni S. T. P. in Biblia Poly- glotta Prolegomena Speciala Recognovit, etc., Francis Wrangham. Folding tables. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1828 6046 WELLHAUSEN (JULIUS). Prolegomena to the History of Israel. Translated from the German under the author's supervision, by J. Sutherland Black and Allan Menzies. With Preface by W. Robertson Smith. Thick 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1885 * Very Scarce. 698 Western anfc Central Hsia THE JEWS AND THEIR HISTORY, ETC. Continued. 6047 WIENER (LEO). The History of Yiddish Literature in the Nine- teenth Century. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1899 6048 [WIGRAM (GEORGE V.)] The Englishman's Hebrew and Chaldee Concordance of the Old Testament, . . .with Indexes, a List of Proper Names, their occurrences, etc. 2 vols. royal 8vo, full calf gilt, gilt edges (rubbed). London, 1843 6049 - - The Hebraist's Vade Mecum: a first attempt at a Complete Verbal Index to the Contents of the Hebrew and Chaldee Scriptures. Arranged according to Grammar; their occurrences in full. 8vo, cloth. London: Bagster, 1867 * Although the imprints differ in this and the following lot, the books are identi- cally the same, with the exception that the dictionary of Proper Names in this copy precedes, and in the following lot is placed at the end of, the dictionary proper. 6050 - - The Hebraist's Vade Mecum. Another issue. 8vo, cloth. London: Groombridge, 1867 6051 WINER (GEORG B.) Grammar of the Chaldee Language, as contained in the Bible and the Targums. Translated by H. B. Hackett. Royal 8vo, boards, cloth back. Andover, 1845 6052 - - Chaldasches Lesebuch aus dem Targumim des Alten Testa- ments . . . bearbeitet von Dr. Julius Furst. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 88. Leipzig, 1864 6053 WUNSCHE (DR. AUG.) Bibliotheca Rabbinica. Eine Sammlung alter Midraschim, zum ersten male ins Deutsche iibertragen. 3 vols. thick 8vo, half calf. Leipzig, 1880-85 * Vol. i contains Der Midrasch Bereschit Rabba, and Der Midrasch Schemot Rabba; Vol. 2 contains Der Midrasch Wajikra Rabba, Der Midrasch Bemidbar Rabba, and Der Midrasch Debarim Rabba ; Vol. 3 contains Der Midrasch Schir Ha-schirim, Der Midrascfh Ruth Rabba, Der Midrasch Kohelet, Der Midrasch zum buche Esther, Der Midrasch Mischle, and Pesikta des Rab Kahana. 6054 ZUNZ (LEOPOLD). Zur Geschichte und Literatur. Erster Band (all published). Berlin, 1845 * On Jewish Literature of the Middle Ages, on Jewish Singers (Synagogue Singers) from Provence, History of the Jews in Sicily, etc. Western ant) Central Hsia 699 Gbe Samaritan Slanguage, literature anb HMetorp. 6055 BRULL (DR. ADOLF). Das Samaritanische Targum zum Penta- teuch. The text in five parts, and the critical introduction in 2 parts. Together 7 parts. 8vo, wrappers. Frankfurt am Main, 1874-9 6056 CELLARIUS (CHRISTOPHER). Hone Samaritan*, hoc est Excerpta Pentateuchi Samaritanae Versionis cum Latina Interpre- tatione .... etiam Grammatica Samaritana . . . et Glossarium seu In- dex. Editio secunda. Small 4to, boards. Frankfort et Jena, 1705 * Bound with it is: Deliciae Graecae ex Antiquissimis et Optimis Autoribus Demosthene, Isocrate, Herodoto . . . etc. (Cura S. Walther.) Magdeburg, 1732. 6057 CRANE (OLIVER TURNBULL). The Samaritan Chronicle; or, the Book of Joshua, the Son of Nun. Translated from the Arabic, with notes. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1890 6058 GESENIUS (WILLIAM). Carmina Samaritana e codicibus Londinensibus et Gothanis, edidit et Interpretatione Latina cum Com- mentario. Folding plate. 4to, wrappers, pp. 104. Leipzig, 1824 6059 JUYNBOLL (THOS. WM. JOHN). Chronicum Samaritanum, Arabice conscriptum, cui titulus est Liber Joshuse. Ex unico Codice Scaligeri nunc primum edidit, . . . et Dissertationem de Codice, de Chronico, et de Quaestionibus, quae hoc libro illustrantur. Folding table. 4to, wrappers, pp. 354. Lugd. Bat. 1848 6060 MILLS (JOHN). Three Months' Residence at Nablus, and an Ac- count of the Modern Samaritans. A few illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth (library label removed from cover). London, 1864 6061 NEUBAUER (AD.) Chronique Samaritaine, suivie d'un appendice de courtes notices sur quelques autres ouvrages Samaritains. 8vo, wrappers. (Journal Asiatique, December 1869.) Paris, 1869 6062 NICHOLLS (G. F.) A Grammar of the Samaritan Language, with Extracts and Vocabulary. Crown 8vo, cloth. London [1858] 6063 NUTT (JOHN W.) A Sketch of Samaritan History, Dogma, and Literature, published as an introduction to "Fragments of a Samari- tan Targum, edited from a Bodleian MS." With copious footnotes. 8vo, cloth. London, 1874 700 Western anb Central Esia THE SAMARITAN LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 6064 NUTT (JOHN W.) Fragments of a Samaritan Targum, edited from a Bodleian MS. With an Introduction, containing a sketch of Samaritan History, Dogma, and Literature. Facsimile of a page of the MS., and the text of the Targum. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1874 6065 PETERMANN (H.) Pentateuchus Samaritanus. Ad fidem libro- rum manuscriptorum apud Nablusianos repertorum. Complete in 5 parts 8vo, wrappers. Berlin, 1872-91 * Printed in the Samaritan characters. 6066 SHELABY (JACOB ESH). Notices of the Modern Samaritans, illustrated by incidents in the Life of Jacob Esh Shelaby. Gathered from him, and translated by E. T. Rogers. Small 4to, cloth, pp. 55 (back missing). London, 1855 6067 UHLEMANN (FRIEDRICH). Institutiones Linguae Samaritanse ex Antiquissimis Monumentis . . . digestse, etc. Chrestomathia Samaritana Maximam Geneseos Partem et Selecta reliquorum Pentateuchi et Glossario locupletata. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Leipzig, 1837 fIDoabite Stone, etc 6068 CLERMONT-GANNEAU (CH.) La Stele de Mesa, roi de Moab, 896 avant J. C. Lettres a M. le Comte de Vogue. Map and folded plate of the Moabite Stone. 4to, sewed, pp. 10. Paris, 1870 * The first publication on the subject, giving an account of the discovery of the stone. Printed in February, 1870. 6069 - La Stele de Dhiban ou stele de Mesa, roi de Moab, 896 avant J. C. Lettres a M. le Cte de Vogue. Map, and folded plate of the Moabite stone. 4to, sewed, pp. 60. Paris, 1870 Published in June, 1870, with full details of the inscription, revised text, trans- lation and notes. 6070 DE COSTA (B. F.) The Moabite Stone. 8vo, cloth, pp. 32. (Laid in is an article extracted from the Quarterly Review, reprinted in Littell's Living Age.) New York, 1871 Western ant* Central Bsia 70 * THE MOABITE STONE, ETC. Continued. 6071 GINSBURG (CHRISTIAN D.) The Moabite Stone: A Facsimile of the Original Inscription, with an English Translation, and a His- torical and Critical Commentary. Second Edition, revised and en- larged. Map of the Land of Moab. 4to, cloth. With presentation inscription from the author. London, 1871 6072 SCHLOTTMANN (KONSTANTIN). Die Siegessaule Mesa's Konigs der Moabiter. Ein Beitrag zur Hebraischen Alterthums- kunde. Transcription of the Inscription. Square 8vo, boards, pp. 51. Halle, 1870 6073 Neue Moabitische Funde und Rathsel, 3 articles; Ueber die Aechtheit der Moabitischen Alterthumer. Folding tables. (From Zeitschrift d. D. M. Ges.) 8vo, sewed. (3 pieces.) [Leipzig, 1872-74] 6074 WALSH (W. PAKENHAM). The Moabite Stone. The Sub- stance of Two Lectures. Second Edition. Facsimile of inscription on the Moabite Stone, and other plates. I2mo, cloth. Dublin, 1872 pboenician language, Inscriptions, Ibistorp anb Colonies, 6075 AKERBLAD (J. D.) Inscriptionis Phoenicia? Oxoniensis nova inter- pretatio. Folding plate. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 31. Paris, 1802 * See also No. 6094. 6076 BARGES (L'ABBE J. J. L.) Recherches Archeologiques sur les Colonies Pheniciennes, etablies sur le littoral de la Celtoligurie. 8 plates. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 160. Paris, 1878 6077 EWALD (H.) Erklarung der grossen Phonikischen Inschrift von Sidon und einer Agyptisch-Aramaischen. Folding plate. 4to, wrappers, pp. 68. (Presentation copy). Gottingen, 1856 6078 GESENIUS (WILLIAM). Palaographische Studien iiber Phonizi- sche und Punische Schrift. Numerous examples on 6 engraved plates. Small 4to, boards. Leipzig, 1835 702 Western ant) Central Hsia THE PHOENICIAN LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 6079 GESENIUS (WILLIAM). Scripture Linguseque Phoenicia: Monumenta quotquot supersunt, edita et inedita ad autographorum optimorumque exemplorum fidem edidit additisque de Scriptura et Lingua Phcenicum Commentariis. 46 plates of inscriptions. 4to, half calf. Leipzig, 1837 * The three parts complete in one volume with the plates. 6080 HAMAKER (HENRY A.) Miscellanea Phoenicia, sive Comentarii de Rebus Phoenicum, quibus Inscriptiones Multse Lapidum ac Num- morum, nominaque propria hominum et locorum, explicantur, item Punicse gentis lingua et religiones passim illustrantur. 5 folding tables of facsimiles. 4to, half calf. With a bookplate (armorial) signed by Mutlow, and the autograph of John Lee. Lugd. Bat. 1828 6081 HITZIG (FERDINAND). Die Grabschrift des Eschmunazar. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 57. Leipzig, 1855. 6082 KENRICK (JOHN). Phoenicia. Maps, and illustrative plates. 8vo, cloth. London, 1855 6083 LENORMANT (FRANCOIS). Essai sur le Propagation de 1'Alphabet Phenicien dans 1'ancien Monde. 40 plates, and 4 folding plans. 2 vols. royal 8vo, wrappers. (Vol. I, 2nd edition, 1875 ; Vol. II, ist edition, 1873.) Paris, 1873-5 6084 LEVY (DR. M. A.) Phonizische Studien. 3 parts (Der Alphabet, und Sidonischen Inschriften ; Neuephonizischer Inschriften, etc. ; Inschriften von Athen, Cypris, Sardinia, etc.) ; also Phonizisches Worterbuch. Folding plates, showing some of the most ancient forms of inscriptions. Bound in one vol., royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Breslau, 1856-64 6085 - - Phonizisches Worterbuch. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 51. Breslau, 1864 6086 MELTZER (OTTO). Geschichte der Karthager. 2 maps. 2 vols. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 530 and 611. Berlin, 1879, ^96 * The most complete work on the subject. 6087 MOVERS (F. C.) Die Phonizier. (Bd. i, Untersuchungen iiber die Religion und die Gottheiten der Phonizier, 1841 ; Bd. 2 in 3 Theilen, Das Phonizische Alterthum, 1849-56.) Together 4 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Berlin, 1841-56 TKHestern ant> Central Hsia 703 THE PHOENICIAN LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 6088 NETTO (LADISLAO). Autograph Letter, signed (in French),, from the Director of the National Museum at Rio de Janeiro, Jan. 31, 1874, relating to the Phoenician Inscription said to have been found in Brazil, with transcript of the inscription, translation, and newspaper clippings. (As I piece.) 6089 OFFORD (JOSEPH). Note on the Geography of Phoenician In- scriptions, 1900; More Phoenician Inscriptions in New York, by J. H. HALL (from Hebraica) ; Tin Mining in Cornwall, and its Tra- ditions, by R. HUNT (from Good Words), 1867. 8vo, sewed. (3 pieces.) 6090 PERROT (GEORGES) AND CHIPIEZ (CHARLES). History of Art in Phoenicia and its Dependencies. Translated (from the French) and edited by Walter Armstrong. 10 steel and colored plates, of jewelry, enamels, glass and pottery, and 644 engravings in the text. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1885 6091 RAWLINSON (GEORGE). History of Phoenicia. Maps, plates, and woodcuts in the text. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1889 * The standard work in English. 6092 - Phoenicia. Map and illustrations. Post 8vo, half calf. (Story of the Nations Series.) London, 6093 [RENAN (ERNEST).] Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum, at) Academia Inscriptionum et Litterarum Humaniorum Conditum atque Digestum. Pars Prima. Inscriptiones Phoenicias Continens. Folio, wrappers, pp. 116. With the Folio Atlas of facsimiles. 2 vols. Paris, 1881 * Tabula; I-XIV, facsimiled in heliogravure, with descriptive text. 6094 SACY (A. I. SILVESTRE de). Notice d'une Dissertation de M. J. D. Akerblad, intitulee Inscriptions Phoeniciae Oxoniensis nova interpretatio. 8vo, sewed, pp. 18. Paris, 1803 * See also No. 6075. 6095 SALISBURY (E. E.) AND TURNER (W. W.) Phoenician In- scription of Sidon; the Sidon Inscription with a translation and Notes. (Reprint.) Folding plate. 8vo, wrappers. [New Haven, 1855] 704 TKHestern anfc Central Hsia THE PHOENICIAN LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 6096 SANCHONIATHON. CUMBERLAND (R., Bishop of Peterborough). Sanchoniatho's Phoenician History, translated from the First Book of Eusebius, De Praeparatione Evangelica. With a Continuation of Sanchoniatho's History by Eratosthenes, Cyrenaeus's Canon, which Dicaearchus connects with the First Olympiad With a Preface giving a Brief Account of the Life, Character, and Writings of the Author, by S. Payne. Folding table. 8vo. Fine copy, handsomely bound in full crimson straight-grained morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1720 6097 WAGENFELD (FRIEDRICH). Analyse des Neuf Livres de la Chronique de Sanchuniathon, avec des notes. Precedee d'un avant- propos par G. F. Grotefend. Traduit de 1'Allemand par Ph. Lebas. 8vo, half roan. Paris, 1836 6098 WAGENFELD (FRIEDRICH). Sanchuniathonis Historiarum Phoeniciae Libros Novem, Graece versos a Philone Byblio. 8vo, half calf. Bremen, 1837 6099 SCHRODER (DR. PAUL). Die Phonizische Sprache. Entwurf einer Grammatik nebst Sprach und Schriftproben. Mit einem Anhang, enthaltend eine Erklarung der Punischen Stellen im Ponulus des Plautus. Mit 22 Tafeln. 8vo, half bound, original wrappers bound in. Halle, 1869 * The 22 plates are copies of ancient inscriptions. 6100 SELDEN (JOHN). De Dis Syris . . . Editio juxta alteram ipsius Autoris opera emendatiorem . . . et Indicibus opera M. Andrae Beyeri. Finely engraved copper portrait, engraved title, and folding table. Thick I2mo, vellum. Leipzig, 1672 * Chapters on Baal, Bel, Moloch, Astarte, Dagon, the Syrian Venus, Priapus, Tammuz, etc 6101 SMITH (GEORGE). The Cassiterides : an inquiry into the Com- mercial Operations of the Phoenicians in Western Europe, with particular reference to the British Tin Trade. 8vo, cloth. London, 1863 6102 SMITH (R. BOSWORTH). Carthage and the Carthaginians. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. Maps and plates. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1879 6103 WIHL (L.) De Gravissimis aliquot Phrenicum Inscriptionibus. 2 folding plates of inscriptions. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 81. (With stamp of Prof. Movers.) Monachii, 1831 TOlestern ant) Central Hsia 705 Spriac Xanguage, literature aufc Cburcb. 6104 ABU AL FARAJ (GREGORY), BAR-HEBR^EUS. Syriac Reading Lessons : . . . Extracts from the Peschito Version of the Old and New Testaments; and the Crusade of Richard I., from the Chronicles of Bar Hebraeus. Grammatically analysed and trans- lated; with the elements of Syriac Grammar. Folding table of the Syriac Alphabet, with points. I2mo, cloth. London, [1851] 6105 The Laughable Stories collected by Mar Gregory John Bar- Hebrseus, . . . 1264-1286. The Syriac Text edited with an English Translation by E. A. Wallis Budge. Royal 8vo, cloth. (Luzac's Semitic Text and Translation Series.) London, 1897 * The first appearance in print of over 500 of these stories. 6106 ALPHABETUM Syro-Chaldseum, una cum Oratione Dominicali, Salutatione Angelica et Symbolo Fidei. Folding table. 8vo, sewed, pp. 30. Rome, 1797 6107 BADGER (GEORGE PERCY). The Nestorians and their Rit- uals : with a Narrative of a Mission to Mesopotamia and Coordistan in 1842-44, and . . . 1850; also Researches into the present con- dition of the Syrian Jacobites, Papal Syrians, and Chaldeans, and an inquiry into the Religious Tenets of the Yezeedees. Plates and illustrations in the text. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1852 6108 BIDPAI. Kalilah and Dimnah or the Fables of Bidpai: being an ac- count of their literary history, with an English translation of the later Syriac version of the same, and notes. By I. G. N. Keith- Falconer. 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1885 6109 BUDGE (E. A. WALLIS). The Book of the Bee. The Syriac Text with an English translation. Small 4to, wrappers, pp. 155+180. (Anecdota Oxoniensia.) Oxford, 1886 * A Curious collection of stories from the Bible and Middle Age legends, in- cluding the History of Moses' Rod, the Story of Gog and Magog, etc. 6110 CARSHUN NEW TESTAMENT. The New Testament, Carshun Version. 410, original calf, gilt. [Paris, 1827] * The Arabic New Testament transcribed in Syriac characters for the use of the Syrian Christians. Scarce. ;o6 Western anfc Central Hsia THE SYRIAC LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 6m CASTELL (EDMUND). Lexicon Syriacum. Curavit atque sua Adnotata adjecit Joannes David Michaelis. 2 vols. in one. Thick small 4to, boards, cloth back. Goettingen, 1788 * Thick Paper Copy. 6112 - Castelli Lexicon Syriacum. Another copy, on ordinary paper. 2 vols. in one. Small 4to, half russia. Goettingen, 1788 6113 CHASE (FREDERIC HENRY). The Old Syriac Element in the Text of the Codex Bezae. 8vo, cloth. London, 1893 6114 COWPER (B. HARRIS). Analecta Nicsena: Fragments relating to the Council of Nice. The Syriac Text from an Ancient Manu- script in the British Museum, with a translation, notes, etc. 4to, wrappers, pp. 38. (Presentation copy.) London, 1857 * Very Scarce. Only 250 were printed. 6115 The Principles of Syriac Grammar. Translated and abridged from the Work of Dr. Hoffmann. Royal 8vo, boards. Autograph of John M. Charlton, on title. London, 1858 6116 Syriac Miscellanies; or extracts relating to the First and Second General Councils, and various other Quotations, Theological, Historical, and Classical. Translated into English from MSS. in the British Museum and Imperial Library of Paris. 8vo, limp cloth. Presentation copy from the author to Dr. Burgess. London, 1861 6117 CURETON (WILLIAM). The Antient Syriac Version of the Epistles of Saint Ignatius to St. Polycarp, the Ephesians, and the Romans ; together with extracts from his Epistles collected from . . . Severus of Antioch, Timotheus of Alexandria, and others. Edited with an English translation and notes. . Also the Greek text of these three Epistles, corrected according ... to the Syriac Version. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1845 6118 - Vindiciae Ignatianae; or the Genuine Writings of St. Ignatius, as exhibited in the Ancient Syriac Version, vindicated from the charge of heresy. 8vo, wrappers. (Presentation copy.) London, 1846 - Corpus Ignatianum: . . . the Ignatian Epistles, genuine, interpolated and spurious ... In Syriac, Greek and Latin. With an English translation of the Syriac text, copious notes and introduction. Royal 8vo, cloth (excerpts from magazines laid in). London, 1849 Western ant) Central Hsia 7 7 THE SYRIAC LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 6120 CURETON (WILLIAM). Spicilegium Syriacum; containing re- mains of Bardesan, Meliton, Ambrose, and Mara Bar Serapion. Now first edited with an English translation and notes. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1855 6121 Remains of a very Antient Recension of the Four Gospels in Syriac, hitherto unknown in Europe. (With the original Syriac Text.) Facsimile. 4to, cloth. London, 1858 6122 History of the Martyrs in Palestine, by Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea, discovered in a very antient Syriac Manuscript. Edited and translated into English. With the Original Syriac Text. 4to, cloth. With presentation inscription from the Translator to G. W. Dasent. London, 1861 6123 DIETRICH (FRANCISCUS). Codicum Syriacorum Specimina quse ad Illustrandum Dogmatis de Coena Sacra nee non Scripturse Syriacse Historiam facerent e Museo Britannico. 6 facsimiles of various codices. 4to, wrappers, pp. 29. Marburg, 1855 6124 DUVAL (RUBENS). La Litterature Syriaque. Deuxieme edition. Maps. Crown 8vo, wrappers, pp. 440. (Anciennes Litteratures Chretiennes. II.) Paris, 1900 6125 EPHRAEM SYRUS. Select Works of S. Ephrem the Syrian, trans- lated out of the Original Syriac. With Notes and Indices. By J. B. Morris. Royal 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1847 6126 The Repentance of Nineveh, a metrical homily ... by Ephraem Syrus . . . translated from the Syriac, with Introduction and Notes. By the Rev. Henry Burgess. Post 8vo, cloth. Auto- graph letters of the translator inserted. London, 1853 6127 Select Metrical Hymns and Homilies of Ephraem Syrus. Translated from the original Syriac, with an Introduction and His- torical and Philological Notes. By the Rev. Henry Burgess. Post 8vo, cloth, gilt. London, 1853 6128 ETHERIDGE (J. W.) Horae Aramaicse: Concise notices of the Aramean Dialects in general, and of the Versions of the Holy Scrip- ture extant in them : With Translations of St. Matthew, and of the Epistle to the Hebrews, from the Ancient Peschito Syriac. Crown 8vo, cloth, gilt top. Presentation copy. London: for the author, 1843 ;o8 Western anfc Central Hsfa THE SYRIAC LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 6129 ETHERIDGE (J. W.) The Syrian Churches: their early history, liturgies and literature. With a Literal Translation of the Four Gospels, from the Peschito. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1846 6130 The Apostolical Acts and Epistles, from the Peschito, or Ancient Syriac : to which are added the Remaining Epistles, and the Book of Revelation, after a later Syrian Text. Translated, with Prolegomena and Indices. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1849 6131 EUSEBIUS. Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea on the Theophania, or Divine Manifestations of ... Jesus Christ. A Syriac Version, edited from an Ancient Manuscript recently discovered. By Samuel Lee. Facsimile. Royal 8vo, cloth. London : Society for the publication of Oriental Texts, 1842 6132 Eusebius on the Theophania . . . translated into English, with introduction. By Samuel Lee. 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1843 6133 GIBSON (MARGARET DUNLOP). How the Codex was Found. A Narrative of Two Visits to Sinai, from Mrs. Lewis's Journals, 1892-1893. 2 plates, including a facsimile of the Codex. Post 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1893 * An early and important Syriac codex of the Gospels. 6134 GRAFFIN (R.) Patrologia Syriaca, complectens opera omnia SS. Patrum, Doctorum Scriptorumque Catholicorum . . . secundum codices prsesertim Londinenses, Parisienses, Vaticanos. Pars Prima, ab initiis usque ad annum 350. Tomus Primus (Aphraatis Sapientis Persae Demonstrationes) cujus Syriacum vocalium signis instruxit, Latine vertit, notis illustravit D. Joannes Parisot. (In parallel columns of Syriac and Latin.) Imp. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 1053. Paris, 1894 6135 GRANT (ASAHEL). The Nestorians; or the Lost Tribes. Con- taining evidence of their Identity, an Account of their Manners, Customs, and Ceremonies, etc. Map. 8vo, half calf (back loose). London, 1841 6136 - - The Nestorians. Map. Another edition. Crown 8vo, cloth. New York, 1841 6137 GUTBIER (GILLES). Novum Testamentum Syriacum, Punctis Vocabulis . . . cum Lexico et Institutionibus L. Syriacae. Engraved title. Thick I2mo, half calf. Hamburg, 1663-67 Western an6 Central Bsia 79 THE SYRIAC LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 6138 GUTBIER (GILLES). ^gidii Gutbirii Lexicon Syriacum: omnes Novi Testamenti Syriaci Dictiones et Particulas complectens. Cura E. Henderson. I2mo, cloth. London [1836] 6139 GWILLIAM (G. H.) The Palestinian [Syriac] Version of the Holy Scriptures. Fragments recently acquired by the Bodleian. With introduction and annotations. Small 4to, wrappers, pp. 23-1-41. Facsimiles. (Anecdota Oxoniensia.) Oxford, 1893 6140 - - Biblical and Patristic Relics of Palestinian Syriac Literature from MSS. in the Bodleian and ... in Mount Sinai. Edited by G. H. Gwilliam, etc. Small 4to, wrappers, pp. 113. Facsimiles. (Anecdota Oxoniensia.) Oxford, 1896 6141 GWYNN (JOHN). On a Syriac MS. belonging to the Collection of Archbishop Ussher. 4to, wrappers. (Royal Irish Academy Trans., Vol. 27, pp. 269-316.) Dublin, 1886 6142 The Same. Reprint, repaged, 4to, wrappers, pp. 46. Dublin, 1886 6143 The Older Syriac Version of the Four Minor Catholic Epistles. 8vo, wrappers. (Reprinted from Hermathena.) n. p., 1890 6144 On a Syriac MS. of the New Testament belonging to the Earl of Crawford and Balcarres, and on an inedited version of the Apo- calypse therein contained. Plate. 4to, wrappers. (Royal Irish Academy Trans., Vol. 30, pp. 347-418.) Dublin, 1893 6145 HAHN (AUGUSTUS) AND SIEFFERT (F. L.) Chrestomathia Syriaca, sive S. Ephrsemi Carmina Selecta. 8vo, full scored calf. Leipzig, 1825 * Contains a short Syriac Lexicon, 21 Hymns of St. Ephrem, Hahn's observations on Syriac Prosody, etc. 6146 HALL (ISAAC H.) Syriac Manuscript Gospels of a Pre-Harklen- sian Version, Acts and Epistles of the Peshitto Version, written (probably) between 700 and 900 A. D. by the Monk John. 5 photo- type plates, with descriptive text. 4to, wrappers. [Philadelphia, 1884] 6147 - - On a Manuscript Syriac Lectionary. 8vo, sewed. (Reprint from the American Oriental Society Journal.) [New Haven, 1885] 710 Western atU> Central Hsfa THE SYRIAC LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 6148 HARRIS (HELEN B.) The Newly Recovered Apology of Aris- tides, its doctrine and ethics. With extracts from the translation by Prof. J. Rendel Harris. Frontispiece. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1891 6149 LEWIS (AGNES SMITH). Palestinian Syriac Lectionary, con- * taining Lessons from the Pentateuch, Job, Proverbs, Prophets, Acts, and Epistles. Edited by Agnes Smith Lewis, with critical notes by Eberhard Nestle, and a glossary by Margaret D. Gibson. 4to, wrappers, pp. 154 and 139. London, 1897 6150 In the Shadow of Sinai. A Story of Travel and Research from 1895 to 1897. Illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1898 * See also Gibson (M. D.), "How the Codex Was Found." This volume relates to the same discovery. 6151 MACLEAN (ARTHUR JOHN). East Syrian Daily Offices. Translated from the Syriac, with introduction, notes and indices, and an appendix containing the Lectionary and Glossary. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1894 6152 MURDOCK (JAMES). The New Testament; ... a Literal Trans- lation from the Syriac Peshito Version. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1852 6153 NESTLE (DR. EBERHARD). Brevis Linguae Syriacse Gram- matica, Litteratura, Chrestomathia, cum Glossario. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 78 and 128. Carlsruhe, 1881 6154 Syriac Grammar, with Bibliography, Chrestomathy and Glos- sary. Second enlarged and improved edition of the Brevis Linguae Syriacse Grammatica. Translated from the German by Archd. R. S. Kennedy. Crown 8vo, cloth. Berlin, 1889 * The bibliography is very complete, dating from 1539. 6155 NEW TESTAMENT. New Testament in Syriac (with the points). Peshito Version. Crown 8vo, full stamped roan. London, 1828 6156 OLIVER (ANDREW). A Translation of the Syriac Peshito Version of the Psalms of David ; with notes critical and explanatory. Post 8vo, cloth. Presentation copy from the author. New York, 1867 IKHestern ant) Central Bsia 7 11 THE SYRIAC LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 6157 PAMPHLETS. Statement of the Syrian Protestant College, Beirut, 1874; A Leaf Stolen from the Sinai Palimpsest, by A. S. Lewis, 1902; Kottek's "Das Sechste Buch des Bellum Judaicum;" Manu- scripts from the Egyptian Monasteries, etc. 8vo, sewed and wrap- pers. (8 pieces, as a lot.) v. p., 1846-1902 6158 PARRY (OSWALD H.) Six Months in a Syrian Monastery, . .". the record of a visit to ... the Syrian Church in Mesopotamia, with some account of the Yazidis or Devil Worshippers of Mosul, and El Jilwah, their Sacred Book. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1895 6159 PERKINS (REV. JUSTIN). A Residence of Eight Years in Persia, among the Nestorian Christians ; with Notices of the Muham- medans. Map and Plates, including many colored lithographs illus- trating the costume of the country. Royal 8vo, cloth. Andover, 1843 * The costume plates form an interesting series, evidently colored from life. 6160 PHILLIPS (GEORGE). The Elements of Syriac Grammar. Sec- ond Edition, with amendments and additions. 8vo, boards. London, 1845 6161 A Syriac Grammar. Third Edition, revised and enlarged. 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1866 Ifourtb Session. 6162 PLATT (T. P. Editor}. The Four Gospels in Syro-Chaldaic or Nestorian Syriac, edited by T. P. Platt, and printed in the Estran- gelo Characters. Square royal 8vo, full sprinkled calf (joints cracked). With the bookplate (armorial) of Wm. Wrixon Ley- c ester. London, 1829 6163 RENAN (ERNEST). Fragments du Livre Gnostique, intitule: Apocalypse d'Adam, ou Penitence d'Adam, ou Testament d'Adam, publics d'apres deux versions Syriaques. 8vo, half calf, pp. 47, origi- nal wrappers, bound in. Paris, 1854 * Presentation copy from M. Renan, with signed inscription on the wrapper. 6164 ROEDIGER (EMIL). Chrestomathia Syriaca (cum) Glossario et Tabulis Grammaticis. Editio altera aucta et emendata. Square 8vo, cloth back. Halle, 1868 TKHestern anfc Central Hsfa THE SYRIAC LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 6165 SACHAU (E.) Kurzes Verzeichniss der Sachau'schen Sammlung Syrischer Handschriften. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 35. Berlin, 1885 6166 STODDARD (REV. D. T.) A Grammar of the Modern Syriac Language, as spoken in Oroomiah, Persia, and in Koordistan. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 180. New Haven, 1855 6167 - - Grammar of the Modern Syriac Language. Another copy. 8vo, boards. New Haven, 1855 6168 SYRIAC READING LESSONS. Extracts from the Peschito Version of the Old and New Testaments ; the Crusade of Richard I. from the Chronicles of Bar-Hebrseus ; Grammatically analysed and translated, with the Elements of Syriac Grammar. I2mo, cloth, pp. 87. London [1851] 6169 UHLEMANN (FRIEDRICH). Grammatik der Syrischen Sprache, mit vollstandigen Paradigmen, Chrestomathie und Worterbuche. Zweite iiberarbeitete und vermehrte Ausgabe. Royal 8vo, half cloth. Berlin, 1857 6170 WHISH (HENRY F.) Clavis Syriaca: A Key to the Ancient Syriac Version, called "Peshito," of the Four Holy Gospels. 8vo, cloth. London, 1883 * An analysis of the text and a very copious glossary of the Syriac words. 6171 WISEMAN (NICOLAS, CARDINAL). Horse Syriacae, seu Com- mentationes et Anecdota Res vel Litteras Syriacas Spectantia. Tomus primus (all published). Facsimile. 8vo, half morocco. Rome, 1828 * With presentation inscription from the author to the Due d'Aumale, 1858. Very Scarce. 6172 WORTABET (REV. JOHN). Researches into the Religions of Syria: or Sketches, Historical and Doctrinal, of its Religious Sects. Drawn from original sources. 8vo, cloth. London, 1860 6173 WRIGHT (W.) Contributions to the Apocryphal Literature of the New Testament, . . . from Syriac Manuscripts in the British Museum, with an English Translation and Notes. Reproductions of the five Manuscripts. 8vo, cloth. London, 1865 6174 - - Catalogue of Syriac Manuscripts in the British Museum, ac- quired since the Year 1838. By W. Wright. 20 plates of facsimiles. 3 vols. 4to, half crimson morocco. With the bookplates of Viscount Eversley. London: by order of the Trustees, 1870-72 * A very elaborate catalogue, with full analyses of the different works, biblio- graphical notes and a copious index. A very fine set. Western anfc Central Hsia 713 THE SYRIAC LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 6175 WRIGHT (W.) A Short History of Syriac Literature. By W. Wright. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1894 6176 ZINGERLE (P. PIO). Chrestomathia Syriaca. 8vo, stiff boards, original wrappers bound in. Rome, i8"i Druses. 6177 CARNARVON (THE EARL OF). Recollections of the Druses of the Lebanon, and Notes on their Religion. Post 8vo, cloth. London. 1860 6178 CHASSEAUD (GEORGE WASHINGTON). The Druses of the Lebanon : their Manners, Customs, and History. With a trans- lation of their Religious Code. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1855 6179 CHURCHILL (COL. CHARLES HENRY). Mount Lebanon; . . . from 1842 to 1852, describing the Manners, Customs . . . the Druse Religion, and Historical Records of the Mountain Tribes. Map and 6 portraits and plates. 3 vols. 8vo, full sprinkled calf. (With the bookplates of John Sheepshanks.) London, iS-53 6180 WOLFF (DR. PHILIPP). Die Drusen und ihre Vorlaufer. 8vo, cloth. The original wrappers bound in. With the bookplate of Robt. L. Bensly. Leipzig, 1845 Gbe Ibittites. 6181 CAMPBELL (JOHN). The Hittites: Their Inscriptions and their History. Facsimiles of the monuments and their inscriptions. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Toronto, 1890 6182 CONDER (CLAUDE REIGNIER). Altaic Hieroglyphs and Hit- tite Inscriptions. Plates of cuneiform characters. Post 8vo, cloth. [London] 1887 6183 The Hittites and their Language. Tables of Alphabets. 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1898 * Contains translations of Hittite texts, and chapters on the language and history of the people, their worship, the Tree of Life, etc. Scarce. 7H TKHestern anfc Central Bsia THE HITTITES Continued. 6184 SAYCE (A. H.) The Hittites. The Story of a Forgotten Empire. Second Edition. Illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. [London] 1890 6185 WRIGHT (WILLIAM). The Empire of the Hittites. With De- cipherment of Hittite Inscriptions, by Prof. A. H. Sayce ; Hittite Map, by Col. Sir Charles Wilson; and a complete set of Hittite Inscrip- tions, revised by W. H. Rylands. Map and 13 tinted lithographic plates. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1884 6186 The Empire of the Hittites. Second Edition. 8vo, cloth. * This second edition Contains new plates. London, 1 886 Cyprus. 6187 CESNOLA (A. P. DI). Salaminia: the History, Treasures, and Antiquities of Salamis in the Island of Cyprus. Introduction by Samuel Birch. Map and upwards of 700 illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1882 6188 - - Salaminia: the History, Treasures, and Antiquities of Salamis. Second Edition. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1884 * This edition was revised and some additions made to it. 6189 CESNOLA (L. P. DI). Cyprus, its Ancient Cities, Tombs, and Temples. A narrative of Researches and Excavations during ten years' residence as American Consul in that island. Map and illus- trations. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1877 6190 - Cyprus, its Ancient Cities, Tombs, and Temples. Maps and illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt. New York, 1878 6191 COBHAM (C. DELAY AL). An Attempt at a Bibliography of Cyprus. I2mo, wrappers, pp. 12. Nicosia, [Cyprus], 1886 * Containing 152 titles. 6192 - - An Attempt at a Bibliography of Cyprus. Third Edition. Crown 8vo, wrappers, pp. 30. (Presentation copy.) Nicosia, 1894 * Containing 497 titles. 6193 COOK (CLARENCE). Transformations and Migrations of cer- tain statues in the Cesnola Collection. Illustrations. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 38. New York [1881] Western anfc Central Bsia 715 CYPRUS Continutd. 6194 HALL (ISAAC H.) The Cypriote Inscriptions (in the Cesnola col- lection), Albany, 1875, pp. 20, and 5 plates] The Cypriote Inscrip- tions from the Cesnola collection, 1885, PP- 3- ( 2 pieces.) 6195 SCHMIDT (MORIZ). Die Inschrift von Iclalion und das Kypri- sche Syllabar. Eine epigraphische Studie. Plate. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 102. Jena , 1874 B0ia fUMnor. 6196 BARKER (W. B.) AND AINSWORTH (W. F.) Lares and Pen- ates; or, Cilicia and its Governors, being an Historical Account of that Province .... and of the Gods of the ancient Cilicians, etc. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. London, 1853 6197 BEAUFORT (FRANCIS). Karamania; or, a brief description of the South Coast of Asia Minor, and of the remains of Antiquity .... during a survey in the year 1811-12. Plans, views, etc. 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1818 6198 EPHESUS. Ephesus and the Temple of Diana. Map (in pocket at end) and numerous illustrations. By E. Falkener. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt. London, 1862 * A description of the famous temple of "Diana of the Ephesians," ranked by the ancients as one of the Wonders of the World, with account of the inhabitants of the city, and history. 6199 The Temple of Diana at Ephesus, with special reference to Mr. Wood's discoveries of its remains. 4to, cloth, pp. 22, and plan. London, 1883 6200 WOOD (J. T.) Discoveries at Ephesus, including the Site and Remains of the Great Temple of Diana. Numerous illustrations from original drawings and photographs. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt. Review articles on the subject laid in. London, 1877 * The author spent eleven years in these excavations, and gives a graphic ac- count of his discoveries, his adventures, and of the customs of the people of the country. 6201 WOOD (J. T.) Modern Discoveries on the site of Ancient Ephesus. Illustrated. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1890 Western anfc Central Hsia ASIA MINOR Continued. 6202 FELLOWS (SIR CHARLES). A Journal written during an Ex- cursion in Asia Minor. Map and full-page plates of Antiquities, Inscriptions, etc. Royal 8vo, full calf, gilt. London, 1839 6203 An account of Discoveries in Lycia ; being a Journal kept dur- ing a second excursion in Asia Minor. Full- page plates of Anti- quities, Inscriptions, etc. Royal 8vo, full calf, gilt. London, 1841 6204 FERGUSSON (J.) The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus restored in conformity with the recently discovered Remains. Plates and wood- cuts. 4to, cloth. London, 1862 6205 LLOYD (W. W.) Xanthian Marbles: the Nereid Monument. An Historical and Mythological Essay. 2 plates. 8vo, cloth. London, 1845 6206 PERROT (GEORGES) AND CHIPIEZ (CHARLES). History of Art in Phrygia, Lydia, Caria and Lycia. Translated from the French. 280 illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1892 6207 RAMSAY (W. M.) On Some Pamphylian Inscriptions. Folding plate, pp. 18. 1880; Notes and Rectifications, Pamphylian Inscrip- tions, pp. 3, 1881. 2 pieces, 8vo, wrappers. London, 1880-81 6208 SAYCE(A. H.) The Karian Inscriptions. Plate of Karian alpha- bets and 2 plates of inscriptions. Post 8vo, wrappers, pp. 19. [London, 1873] 6209 STERRETT (J. R. S.) Preliminary Report of an Archaeological Journey made in Asia Minor in 1884. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 45. Boston, 1885 (Beorgia ant) the Caucasus. 6210 BROSSET (M.) Chronique Georgienne. Traduite par M. Brosset Jeune. Chronological table and lithographic facsimile (150 pp.) of the original Georgian Text. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 165 and 150. Paris, 1830 * The Chronicle extends from the i4th Century to the commencement of the i8th. TRUestcrn ant> Central Hsia 717 GEORGIA AND THE CAUCASUS Continued. 6211 GRAHAM (CYRIL). The Avar [Lesghian] Language. Folding Table. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 291 to 352. (Extracted from the Jour- nal of the Royal Asiatic Society.) [London, 1881] 6212 HAXTHAUSEN (BARON AUGUST VON). The Tribes of the Caucasus. With an Account of Schamyl and the Murids. (Trans- lated by J. E. Taylor from the MS.) Post 8vo, half calf. *Very Scarce. London, 1855 6213 IOSELIAN (P.) Short History of the Georgian Church. Trans- lated from the Russian, and edited with notes by Rev. S. C. Malan. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1866 6214 SCHIEFNER (PROF.) The Languages of the Caucasus. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 10. (Philological Society.) [London, 1880] 6215 THIELMANN (LT. BARON MAX von). Journey in the Cauca- sus, Persia, and Turkey in Asia. Translated by Charles Heneage. Map and illustrations. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1875 6216 WARDROP (OLIVER). The Kingdom of Georgia. Notes of Travel in a Land of Women, Wine and Song, with . . . Historical, Literary and Political Sketches . . . National Music, and a Com- pendious Bibliography. Maps and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1888 Hrmenian language, literature ant> 6217 ALISHAN (LEO M.) Armenian Popular Songs translated into English. (Alternate pages of Armenian text and English.) 8vo, half roan (joints cracked), pp. 85. Venice: Monastery of Lazarus, 1852 6218 ALPHABETUM ARMENUM, cum oratione Dominicali salutatione angelica, initio Evangelii S. Johannis et Cantico Poenitentiae. I2mo, wrappers, pp. 32. Rome, 1784; "Haik," a number of the Armenian Political and Hygienic Fortnightly. Edited by M. S. Gabriel (in the original tongue). 1891. (2 pieces.) 6219 AUCHER (FATHER PASCHAL) AND BYRON (LORD). A Grammar Armenian and English. Post 8vo, half calf. Venice: Armenian Academy Press, 1819 * In addition to the grammar there are extracts from Armenian Authors, exer- cises in the Armenian language, etc. ;i 8 Western ant) Central Hsia THE ARMENIAN LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 6220 AUCHER (FATHER PASCHAL) AND BYRON (LORD). Grammar of Armenian and English. I2mo, wrappers, pp. 144. Venice: Armenian Monastery of St. Lazarus, 1873 6221 AUCHER (FATHER PASCHAL). A Dictionary Armenian and English, and English and Armenian. By Father Paschal Aucher, with the assistance of John Brand. 2 vols. royal 8vo, vellum. Venice: Academy of St. Lazarus, 1821-25 6222 Brief Account of the Mechitaristican Society founded on the Island of St. Lazarus. (Translated by Alexander Goode.) I2mo, wrappers, pp. 62. Venice: Armenian Academy Press, 1835 6223 BIBLE. The Bible in Ancient Armenian. Two steel frontispieces. Royal 8vo, half calf. Venice, 1860 6224 CHAMICH (FATHER MICHAEL). History of Armenia from B. C. 2247 to the year of Christ 1780. Translated from the original Armenian by Johannes Avdall, with a continuation of the History from 1780 to the present date. Map and plates. 2 vols. 8vo, limp boards. Calcutta, 1827 6225 EUSEBIUS. Eusebii Pamphili Caesariensis Episcopi Chronicon Bipartitum. Nunc primum ex Armeniaco Textu in Latinum con- versum adnotationis auctum Grsecis fragmentis exornatum. Opera P. Jo. Baptistse Aucher Ancyrani. 2 vols. imp. 8vo, old calf. Venice, 1818 * The Armenian text, and Latin translation in parallel columns. The original Greek text of this work is lost, only fragments being preserved, and the complete work has survived only in this old Armenian version. It contains the lists of the Kings of Egypt, taken from Manetho, etc. 6226 FORTESCUE (E. F. K.) The Armenian Church founded by St. Gregory the Illuminator, being a Sketch of the History, Liturgy, Doctrine and Ceremonies of the Ancient National Church. With Appendix by Rev. S. C. Malan. // etchings. Crown 8vo, cloth. London [1872] 6227 LANGLOIS (VICTOR). Numismatique de 1'Armenie dans 1'Anti- quite. 6 plates with numerous examples of coins, 1859 ; Numismat- ique de 1' Armenia au Moyen Age. 7 plates with numerous examples. Bound in one volume, 4to, morocco gilt, gilt edges. (Bibliotheque Historique Armenienne, par Edouard Dulaurier.) Paris, 1855-59 Western ant> Central Hsfa 7 1 9 THE ARMENIAN LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 6228 LAUER (DR. M.) Grammatik der Classischen Armenischen Sprache. Table of Alphabets. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 98. Vienna, 1869 6229 MARTYR, (BP. OF ARZENDJAN) . Relation d'un Voyage fait en Europe et dans 1'Ocean Atlantique a la fin du XVe. siecle. Traduit de I'Armenien, et accompagnee du Texte Original. Par M. T. Saint Martin. Post 8vo, cloth. Paris, 1827 * Curious and Rare. The translation is from a MS. said to have been copied in Constantinople in 1684, from the original manuscript of the bishop. The value in it lies in the statement that the author made a journey in 1494 from a Basque port to the end of the World (presumably America). He, however, unfortunately gives no details of this journey, but merely the incidental mention. The manu- script gives an account of the various places in Europe that the bishop visited. 6230 MOSES CHORENENSIS. The Armenian History of Moses of Chorene (in Armenian). Steel engravings. i6mo, half calf. Venice, 1827 * The author lived in the 5th Century, and compiled this work mainly from native sources now lost. It is based on the popular ballads and legends of Ar- menia, a fact which gives it permanent value for the history of religion and mythology. 6231 Moise de Khorene, auteur du Ve. Siecle Histoire d'Armenie. Texte Armenien et Traduction Franchise, avec notes et precis histor- iques sur 1'Armenie. Par P. E. Le Vaillant de Florival. Map and por- trait. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf (joints cracked). Presentation copy. (At the end is a Dictionary of Armenia, Historical and Biographical.) Paris, 1841 * Printed at the private press of the Armenian Monastery of Saint Lazare, Venice. 6232 NEW TESTAMENT. New Testament in Modern Armenian. I2mo, half roan. Smyrna, 1842 6233 PARROT (DR. FRIEDRICH). Journey to Ararat. Map and illustrations. Translated by W. D. Cooley. 8vo, full stamped calf. Fine copy. London, 1845 6234 PETERMANN (JULIUS HEINRICH). Grammatica Linguae Armeniacse. With explanatory folding tables. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 264. Berlin, 1837 6235 Brevis Linguae Armeniacae, Grammatica, Litteratura, Chresto- mathia cum Glossario. I2mo, wrappers, pp. 88. (With the auto- graph of W. Wright Hawkes.) Berlin, 1841 720 TKIlestern anfc Central Bsia THE ARMENIAN LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 6236 PSALMS. The Book of Psalms in Armenian. With full-page wood- cuts engraved by Cornelius Van Sichem, and with grotesque initials and some of the borders with ornaments. I2mo, handsomely bound in contemporary russia, the sides elaborately ornamented with gilt panel decorations pointille, and broad gilt borders, containing a device of birds and pine-apples. . Amsterdam, 1664 * An inscription written inside states that it was a present from an Armenian bishop in 1665. A Fine specimen of old binding and a very rare edition of the Armenian Psalms. 6237 [RIGGS (ELIAS).] Vocabulary of Words Used in Modern Ar- menian, but not found in the Ancient Armenian Lexicons. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 162. Smyrna: Privately Printed, 1847 * Very Scarce. 6238 - - Grammar of the Modern Armenian Language, as spoken in Constantinople and Asia Minor. Second Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth, pp. 82. Constantinople: Privately printed, 1856 6239 SOMAL (PLACIDO SUKIAS). Quadro della Storia Letteraria di Armenia. 8vo, boards. Venice, 1829 * Printed at the private press of the Armenian Monastery of San Lazzaro. A history of Armenian literature from the earliest period, and still the best authority on the subject. 6240 STRZYGOWSKI (DR. JOSEF). Das Etschmiadzin-Evangeliar. Beitrage zur geschichte der Armenischen, Ravennatischen, und Syro- Agyptischen Kunst. 8 plates of facsimiles of Syrian (or Byzantine) miniatures, etc, and 18 illustrations in the text. 4to, wrappers, pp. 124. Vienna, 1891 6241 THOMAS (EDWARD). Armenian Coins. Illustrations. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 47-55. (Reprint from Numismatic Society of London.) London, 1868 6242 VARTABED (ELISEE). Soulevement National de L'Armenie Chretienne au Ve. siecle, centre la Loi de Zoroastre sous le Com- mandement du Prince Vartan le Mamigonien. Traduit en frangais par L'Abbe Gregoire Karagy Garabed. Map. 8vo, half calf. Presentation copy. Paris, 1844 Western anfc Central Hsia 721 Gbe Persian language, ^literature anfc Ibistorp, indufc* ing] tbe Zenfc, pablavi, Ibusvaresb, etc 6243 AMEER ALI (MOONSHEE KHAN BAHADOOR). The Ameer Namah. A Persian Work, with an abstract English trans- lation. Royal 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1870 * Consists of a History of India, and account by the author of his services during the Mutiny, and travels, and moral precepts. A presentation copy from the author, with photographs inserted, consisting of portraits of Queen Victoria, Lord Grey, Lord Lawrence, the Earl and Countess Mayo, etc., and a few views of Darjeeling. 6244 ARBUTHNOT (F. F.) Persian Portraits. Sketch of Persian His- tory, Literature, and Politics. 8vo, cloth. London, 1887 6245 ARDA VIRAF NAMEH. The Ardai Viraf Nameh; or the Reve- lations of Ardai Viraf. Translated from the Persian and Guzeratee versions. By J. A. Pope. 8vo, boards, uncut. (Name on title.) London, 1816 * The Visions of Arda Viraf are a kind of Apocalypse or Inferno, showing the punishments of the wicked in Hell and account of their crimes, and is practically an exposition of the old Zoroastrian law. 6246 The Book of Arda Viraf. The Pahlavi text prepared by Destur Hoshangji Jamaspji Asa, revised and collated with further MSS., with English Translation and Introduction, and an Appendix containing the Texts and Translations of the Gosht-I Fryano, and Hadokht-Nask. By Martin Haug, (and) E. W. West. Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 316. Bombay, 1872 6247 ATKINSON (JAMES). Customs and Manners of the Women of Persia, and their Domestic Superstitions. Frontispiece on India Paper. 8vo, boards, pp. 93. (Oriental Translation Fund.) * Scarce. London, 1832 6248 BAKHTYAR NAMEH. The Bakhtyar Nama : A Persian Romance. Translated from a MS. Text by Sir William Ousel ey. Edited with Introduction and Notes by W. A. Clouston. Post 8vo, wrappers, pp. 232. [Lanarkshire, Scotland], 1883 * Only 330 copies Privately Printed. 722 Western anfc Central Hsia THE PERSIAN LANGUAGE, ET 'C. Continued. 6249 BALLANTYNE (JAMES R.) Principles of Persian Caligraphy. Illustrated by Lithographic Plates of the Ta'Lik Character. Second Edition. 4to, cloth. London, 1844 6250 BARBARO (JOSAFA) AND CONTARINI (AMBROGIO). Travels in Tana and Persia. Translated by Wm. Thomas and S. A. Roy. Edited with Introduction by Lord Stanley of Alderley ; NARRA- TIVE OF ITALIAN TRAVELS IN PERSIA IN THE I5TH AND i6TH CEN- TURIES. Translated and edited by Charles Grey. Bound in one volume, 8vo, cloth. (Hakluyt Society.) London, 1873 6251 BENJAMIN (S. G. W.) Persia and the Persians. Portrait and 19 illustrations. Square royal 8vo, cloth. London. 1887 6252 BIDPAI OR PILPAY. ANVARI SUHELL, or the Persian version of the Fables of Pilpay. Neatly written Persian manuscript of 376 leaves of glazed paper, dated A. H. 1219 [A. D. 1804], 8vo, in the original stamped binding but rebacked. * This Persian version of the Fables of Bidpai was made about the 6th Century. 6253 The First Book of the Anvari Suheli, a Literal Translation in English by H. G. Keene (with the Original Text). 8vo, half cloth. Scarce with the English Translation. Hertford (Eng.), 1835 6254 The Anvar-I Suhaili; or the Lights of Canopus; the Persian Version of the Fables of Pilpay ; or the Book "Kalilah and Damna," rendered into Persian by Husain Va-iz U'l Kashifi; literally trans- lated into prose and verse by Edward B. Eastwick. Thick royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 650. Hertford (Eng.), 1854 6 2 55 - The Instructive and Entertaining Fables of Pilpay, an Ancient Indian Philosopher. Fourth Edition. Quaint copper-plates. I2mo, old calf, gilt. London, 1766 6256 - The Instructive and Entertaining Fables of Pilpay, an Ancient Indian Philosopher. Sixth Edition, corrected, improved and en- larged. Old copper-plates. I2mo, sheep. London, 1789 6257 - - The Fables of Pilpay. Woodcut vignettes. I2mo, half calf, gilt. London, 1818 * Another edition of the preceding translation, revised by Rev. J. Mitford, with modern spelling. Mestern anfc Central H0ta 7 2 3 THE PERSIAN LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 6258 BIDPAI OR PILPAY. The Fables of Pilpay. Revised Edition. Woodcuts. Post 8vo, cloth. (Chandos Classics.) London, n. d. [1887] 6259 BRIGGS (HENRY GEORGE). The Parsis; or, Modern Zerdus- thians. A Sketch. 8vo, cloth. (Many cuttings on the Parsees laid in.) Edinburgh, 1852 6260 BROWN (R.) The Religion of Zoroaster considered in connection with Archaic Monotheism. 8vo, half calf, pp. 68. Presentation copy. London [ca. 1879] 6261 BROWNE (EDWARD G.) Account of a Rare Manuscript History of Isfahan. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 90. Hertford (Eng.), 1901 6262 BRYDGES (SIR HARFORD JONES). The Dynasty of the Kajars, translated from the Original Persian Manuscript . . . with a Succinct Account of the History of Persia. Map and plates. 8vo, full russia, uniform with the following (joints cracked). Presenta- tion copy. London, 1833 6263 Acount of the Transactions of His Majesty's Mission to ... Persia, in 1807-11 . . . with brief history of the Wahauby. Illus- trated with lithographic portraits on India paper. . . 2 vols. Lond. 1834; Letter on the Present State of British Interests and Affairs in Persia. Lond., n. d. The three volumes bound in one. 8vo, russia, inside borders gilt with a crown and scroll ornament, gilt edges, silk end papers (joints cracked). Presentation copy. London, 1834 6264 BUNSHAH (SORAB JEE RUSTAMJEE). Bunshah's Calendar and Directory for the Year of Yezdijird 1239 (22nd September, 1869, to 2ist September, 1870). 8vo, limp boards. Bombay [1870] * Second annual publication. Issued for the use of the Parsees. 6265 BURNOUF (EUGENE). Memoire sur Deux Inscriptions Cunei- forms [dans la langue ancienne de Perse] trouvees pres d'Hamadan, et qui font maintenant partie des papiers du Dr. Schulz. 5 folding plates. 4to, wrappers, pp. 189. Presentation copy. Paris, 1836 6266 CASARTELLI (L. C.) The Philosophy of the Mazdayasnian Re- ligion under the Sassanids. Translated from the French, with Remarks, Notes and a Biographical Sketch by Firoz Jamaspji Dastur Jamasp Asa. 8vo, cloth. Bombay, 724 "QBlestern anfc Central Bsia THE PERSIAN LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 6267 CHODZKO (ALEXANDER). Popular Poetry of Persia, as found in the Adventures of Kurroglou, the Bandit-Minstrel of Northern Persia and the Songs of the people inhabiting the Shores of the Cas- pian Sea. 8vo, half calf. (Oriental Translation Fund. Presenta- tion copy from the author.) London, 1842 * The poems and songs are translated from the Turkman, Tatar, Ghilek, Taulish and Mazanderani dialects. Specimens of the music notes are also given. 6268 CLOUSTON (W. A.) The Book of Sindibad; or the Story of the King, his Son, the Damsel, and the Seven Vazirs. From the Persian and Arabic, with introduction, notes and appendix. Post 8vo, wrappers, pp. 385. [Glasgow] 1884 * Only 300 copies privately printed. One of the most valuable books of Eastern Folk-Lore. 6269 - - Flowers from a Persian Garden, and other Papers. Post 8vo, half cloth. London, 1890 * Stories from the Gulistan, and the Tuti Nahma, or Tales of a Parrot; with an additional chapter on Rabbinical Legends, Tales, Fables, etc. 6270 COSTELLO (LOUISA STUART). The Rose Garden of Persia. Post 8vo, original boards (joints cracked). London, 1845 * The Original Edition, with the Oriental Illuminations heightened in gold and colors, and each page printed within crimson woodcut borders. Contains transla- tions from Omar Khayyam, Hafiz, Firdusi, Sadi, etc. 6271 CURZON (GEORGE N. LORD CURZON OF KEDLESTON). Persia and the Persian Question. Maps (mounted on linen}, and numerous full-page and other illustrations. 2 vols. thick 8vo, cloth, uncut. * Very Scarce. The best modern authority on Persia. London, 1892 6272 DABISTAN. The Dabistan, or School of Manners, translated from the original Persian, with notes and illustrations by David Shea and Anthony Troyer. Edited, with a preliminary discourse by the latter. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. [Oriental Translation Fund.] Paris, 1843 6273 DESATIR. The Desatir or Sacred Writings of the Ancient Persian Prophets ; in the original tongue ; with the Ancient Persian Version and Commentary of the Fifth Sasan ; carefully published by Mulla Firuz Bin Kaus, with Copious Glossary of obsolete and technical Persian Terms, to which is added an English Translation of the Desatir and Commentary. 2 vols. in I. 8vo, half calf. Bombay, 1818 * Although a Glossary is mentioned on the title, it seems never to have been published. Western anfc Central Hsfa 7 2 5 THE PERSIAN LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 6274 DINKARD. The Dinkard. The Original Pehlwi text; the same transliterated in Zend characters ; translations of the text in Gujarati and English ; a Commentary, and a Glossary of Select Terms. By Peshotun Dustoor Behramjee Sun j ana. Published under thq patronage of the Sir Jamsedji Jijibhai Translation Fund. 8 vols. 8vo, cloth. Bombay, 1874-1897 * "The Dinkard contains some of the most exalted precepts of the Mazdiasni Religion, a life of Zoroaster, a history of the Zoroastrian Religion, and much valu- able instruction regarding this and the next world." Vols. i, 2, 3, 6 and 7 are from Sir Henry C. Rawlinson's library. 6275 DOCTOR (SORABSHAW BYRAMJI). Compendium of Persian Grammar and General Literature. 121110, cloth. Surat, 1897 6276 DORN (B.) AND MIRSA MUHAMMED SCHAFY. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Iranischen Sprachen. I. Theil. Masanderanische Sprache. 8vo, wrappers. St. Petersburg, 1860 * Native Poems in Mazanderan written in Persian characters, with an Arabic commentary. The Mazanderan dialect of Persian is spoken in the district of that name, bordering on the Caspian Sea. 6277 FALCONER (FORBES). Extracts from some of the Persian Poets, edited from manuscripts in the Library of the East-India Company. (In the original text.) 8vo, wrappers, pp. 36. London, 1843 6278 FARID-UDDIN ATTAR. Mantic Uttair; ou, le Langage des Oiseaux, poe'me de Philosophic Religieuse par Farid-Uddin Attar; public en Persan par M. Garcin de Tassy. Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 184. Paris, 1857 * The editor published a French translation in 1863. 6279 - - La Poesie Philosophique et Religieuse chez les Persans, d'apres le Mantic Uttair. . . . de Farid-Uddin Attar. Par M. Garcin de Tassy. Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 71. Paris, 1857 6280 FATTAHI OF NISHAPUR. Husn Oo Dil; or, Beauty and the Heart. A pleasing Allegory in eleven chapters. Composed by Alfettah of Neeshaboor. Persian and English, translated by Wil- liam Price. 4to, wrappers, pp. 42+42. London, 1827 *The Original Issue; most copies have the substituted title dated 1828. For another translation of this work see No. 6293 (Hafiz). 726 Mestern anfc Central Hsfa THE PERSIAN LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 6281 FERRIER (J. P.) Caravan Journeys and Wanderings in Persia, Afghanistan, Turkistan, and Beloochistan ; with historical notices of the Countries lying between Russia and India. Translated by Capt. William Jesse. Map and 5 plates. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. London, 1856 6282 FIRDAUSI. Soohrab, a poem, freely translated from the original Persian of Firdousee, being a portion of the Shahnamu of that cele- brated poet. By James Atkinson. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut. Calcutta, 1814 * With the Persian text. The Shah Nameh is the great historical epic of Persia written about the nth Century. It contains stories historical facts and legends of the heroes and kings of Persia before the Mohammedan era. 6283 The Shah Nameh of the Persian Poet Firdausi, translated and abridged in prose and verse, with notes and illustrations by James Atkinson. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Fine copy. London. 1832 6284 The Shah Nameh of the Persian Poet Firdausi, translated and abridged ... by James Atkinson. Royal 8vo, cloth. Special sub- scriber's copy, with extra printed leaf stating this was the copy of the Rev. Dr. Nott. (Extracts from periodicals laid in, giving account of Firdausi.) London, 1832 * Scarce on large paper. 6285 The Shah Nameh of the Persian Poet Firdausi. Translated and abridged in Prose and Verse by James Atkinson. Edited by J. A. Atkinson. Post 8vo, cloth. (Chandos Classics.) London, 1886 6286 FRAMJI (DHANAJIBHAI). On the Origin and Authenticity of the Arian Family of Languages, the Zand Avesta and the Huz- varash. Tables of Pehlvi Inscriptions, with translation. 8vo, cloth. Bombay, 1861 6287 FRAMJI (DOSABHAI). The Parsees: their History, Manners, Customs, and Religion. By Dosabhoy Framjee. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1858 6288 FRAMJI KARAKA (DOSABHAI). History of the Parsis, in- cluding their Manners, Customs, Religion, and Present Position. Illustrations (some colored}. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt. London, 1884 Presentation copy to Rowland Hamilton from F. R. Vicaja. Western ant> Central Bsia 7 2 7 THE PERSIAN LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 6289 FRANCK (ADOLPHE) AND OPPERT (JULES). French Views on Zoroastrianism. Translated from the Texts of M. Adolphe Franck, and M. Jules Oppert. I2mo, wrappers, pp. 124. Bombay, 1868 6290 GEIGER (WILHELM). Civilization of the Eastern Iranians in Ancient Times, with Introduction on the Avesta Religion. Trans- lated by Darab Dastur Peshotan Sanjana, with Notes and Biography of the Author. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1885-86 6291 GOBINEAU (COMTE de). Histoire des Perses d'apres les Auteurs Orientaux, Grecs et Latins . . . Manuscrits Orientaux inedits, les monuments figures, les medailles, les pierres gravees, etc. 2 vols. royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 586 and 637. Paris, 1869 6292 HAFIZ. A Specimen of Persian Poetry; or Odes of Hafez, with English Translation and Paraphrase. By John Richardson. 4to full sprinkled calf, pp. 68. London, 1774 6293 Persian Lyrics; or, scattered poems from the Diwan-I-Hafiz, with paraphrases in verse and prose, a Catalogue of the Gazels as in a MS. of Hafiz in the Chetham Library. By J. H. Hindley. Lond., 1800. (Presentation copy from the author to Col. Drink- water) ; Hussen O Dil. Beauty and the Heart, an Allegory trans- lated from the Persian by Arthur Browne. Dublin, 1801. (Also presentation copy from the author.) The two bound in one volume. 4to, half roan. * The Col. Drinkwater to whom the volume was presented was the author of the famous history of the Siege of Gibraltar; it also Contains his book-plate. In 1857 the volume was also in the possession of R. H. Stoddard, who has written his autograph on the fly-leaf. The preface to the second book claims that in it is the First Persian type printed in Ireland. 6294 Specimen of Persian Poetry; or Odes of Hafez; with an English Translation and paraphrase. By John Richardson. New edition, revised, and enlarged, by S. Rousseau. 4to, sewed, pp. 86. London, 1802 6295 Twelve Odes of Hafiz done literally into English. With the Corresponding Portion of the Turkish Commentary of Sudi, for the first time translated. By W. H. Lowe. I2mo, sewed, pp. 80. Presentation copy. Cambridge, 1877 728 Western anfc Central Hsia THE PERSIAN LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 6296 HAFIZ. Ghazels from the Divan of Hafiz. Done into English by Justin Huntly McCarthy. Crown 8vo, boards. London, 1893 * Only 200 copies for America. 6297 HAGGARD (W. H. D.) AND LE STRANGE (G.) The Vazir of Lankuran. A Persian play. A Text-book of Modern Colloquial Persian . . . with Grammatical Introduction, Persian text, translation, Vocabulary, and Notes. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1882 * A very humorous and entertaining play. 6298 HAMMER (JOSEPH DE). Mithriaca ou Les Mithriaques. Memoire Academique sur le Culte Solaire de Mithra. Public par J. Spencer Smith. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Presentation copy from J. Spencer Smith. Caen et Paris, 1833 * With short Bibliography of works relating to the worship of Mithra. 6299 HANWAY (JONAS). Historical Account of the British Trade over the Caspian Sea : with the Author's Journal of Travels . . . into Persia, etc. (With) the Revolutions of Persia during the Present Century, and the particular history of the Usurper Nadir Kouli. Third Edition, revised. 41 maps and plates. 2 vols. 4to, full calf. London, 1762 6300 HATIM TAI. The Adventures of Hatim Tai : a Romance. Trans- lated from the Persian by Duncan Forbes. Large 4to, wrappers, pp. 214. (Printed by the Oriental Translation Fund, and with the specially printed leaf showing this to have been the copy of the Duke of Clarence.) London, 1830 * From the library of R. H. Stoddard, with his autograph. 6301 HAUG (MARTIN). Essays on the Sacred Language, Writings, and Rtligion of the Parsees. Tables of Zend Alphabets. 8vo, cloth. Scarce. Bombay, 1862 6302 - - Essays on the Sacred Language, Writings, and Religion of the Parsis. Second Edition, edited by E. W. West. 8vo, cloth. (Trubner's Oriental Series.) London, 1878 6303 - - Essays on the Sacred Language, &c., of the Parsis. Third Edition, edited and enlarged by E. W. West. With Memoir of Dr. Haug. by Prof. E. P. Evans. 8vo, cloth. (Trubner's Oriental Series.) London, 1884 6304 - - Essay on the Pahlavi Language. (From the Pahlavi-Pazand Glossary edited by Destur Hoshangji and M. Haug.) Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 152. Stuttgart, 1870 Western ant) Central Hsla 729 THE PERSIAN LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 6305 HAUG (MARTIN). Lecture on the Origin of the Parsee Religion. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 18. Poona, 1861 ; Account of a Tour in Gujarat in search of Zend, Pehlevi and Sanscrit MSS. in 1863-4. Pp. 12 (2 copies) ; Zendphilologie, pp. 70. Stuttgart, 1868; and Charakter der Pehlewisprache, pp. 34. Munich, 1869. 4 pieces, 8vo, sewed. 6306 HINCKS (EDWARD). On the Khorsabad Inscriptions. 410, wrappers, pp. 72. (Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy.) Dublin, 1850 6307 HOPKINS (DAVID). Vocabulary of Persian, Arabic and English; abridged from the Quarto Edition of Richardson's Dictionary as edited by Charles Wilkins. Royal 8vo, half calf. London, 1810 6308 HOWARD (NATHANIEL). On Persian Poetry. (With an Ap- pendix of Original Passages.) 8vo, half calf (joints cracked), pp. 42. Plymouth, 1830 6309 HYAT-UL-KULOOB. The Life and Religion of Mohammed as contained in the Sheeah Traditions of the Hyat-Ul-Kuloob. Trans- lated from the Persian (of Muhammed Bakir) by James L. Mer- rick. 8vo, cloth (with 5 manuscript pages of errata). Boston, 1850 * The chief authority of the Shiite sect of Mohammedans in Persia. 6310 HYDE (THOMAS). Veterum Persarum et Parthorum et Medorum Religionis Historia. Editio Secunda. Tables of alphabets, engraved plates with many curious illustrations, including the extinct Dodo Bird, Coins, facsimiles, etc. 4to, full calf. Oxford, 1760 * Fine copy of the Best Edition. Scarce. 6311 IBRAHEEM (MEERZA MOHAMMAD). A Grammar of the Persian Language; with an Alphabetical List of the English and Persian Terms of Grammar ; and an Appendix on the use of Arabic words. Royal 8vo, half calf. London, 1841 6312 JACKSON (A. V. WILLIAMS). An Avesta Grammar, in com- parison with Sanskrit. Part I : Phonology, Inflection, Word For- mation, with an Introduction on the Avesta. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 273. Stuttgart, 1892 6313 - Avesta Reader. First Series, Easier Texts, notes and voca- bulary. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 112. Stuttgart, 1893 73 Western ant) Central Hsia THE PERSIAN LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 6314 JACKSON (A. V. WILLIAMS). Zoroaster. The Prophet of Ancient Iran. Map and plates of sculpture supposed to represent Zoroaster. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1899 6315 JALAL-UDDIN DAVANI. Practical Philosophy of the Muham- madam People, ... a translation of the Akhlak-I-Jalaly, from the Persian of Fakir Jany Muhammad Asaad: (With references and notes) by W. F. Thompson. 8vo, cloth. (Oriental Translation Fund.) London, 1839 6316 JALAL-UDDIN RUMI (MAULANA). The Mesnevi (usually known as the Mesneviyi Sheriff or Holy Mesnevi) of Mevlana (Our Lord) Jelalu-'d-Din, Muhammed, Er-Rumi. Book the First. To- gether with some account of the life and acts of the author, his ancestors and descendants; (with) Characteristic Anecdotes. Translated and the Poetry Versified by James W. Redhouse. 4to, boards, uncut. (Trubner's Oriental Series.) London, 1881 * LARGE PAPER. The Mesnevi is one of the most famous of Persian compositions, composed of stories and fables in the manner of the Gulistan, from which morals are drawn relating to Religion, History, Politics, etc. Composed about the i4th Century. 6317 - Masnavi I Ma'navi. The Spiritual Couplets of Maulana Jalalu-'d-Din Muhammad I Rumi. Translated and Abridged by E. H. Whinfield. 8vo, cloth. (Trubner's Oriental Series.) London, 1887 6318 JAMASPJI (DESTUR HOSHENGJI). An Old Zand-Pahlav Glossary. Edited in the original characters, with transliteration in Roman Letters, and English Translation, and an Alphabetical Index. Revised, with notes and introduction, by Martin Haug. 8vo, half calf. Bombay, 1867 6319 JAMI. Yusuf and Zulaikha. A Poem by Jami. Translated from the Persian into English Verse by Ralph T. H. Griffith. 8vo, cloth. (Trubner's Oriental Series.) London, 1882 6320 - - The Book of Joseph and Zuleikha, by Mullana Abdulrahman Jami. Historical Romantic Persian Poem, translated into English Verse by Alexander Rogers. 8vo, cloth. London, 1892 6321 JOHNSON (SAMUEL). Oriental Religions and their Relation to Universal Religion. With introduction by O. B. Frothingham, Persia. Thick 8vo, cloth (Oriental Religions Series.) Boston, 1885 Western ant> Central Hsia 731 THE PERSIAN LANGUAGE, E,TC.-Continued. 6322 JONES (SIR WILLIAM). Grammar of the Persian Language. Ninth Edition, with additions and improvements, and specimens of Persian and Arabick Handwriting, by Samuel Lee. Facsimiles and tables of alphabets. 4to, half morocco. London, 1828 6323 LENORMANT (FRANCOIS). fitudes Paleographiques sur 1' Alphabet Pehlevi, ses diverses varietes et son origine. Tables of alphabets. 8vo, cloth, pp. 46. Paris, 1865 6324 LUMSDEN (M.) Grammar of the Persian Language; comprising a portion of the Elements of Arabic Inflexion. Tables of alphabets, etc. 2 vols. small folio, full sprinkled calf. Calcutta, 1810 6325 MAINYO-I-KHARD. The Book of the Mainyo-I-Khard. The Pazand and Sanskrit Texts (in Roman Characters) as arranged by Neriosengh Dhaval in the Fifteenth Century. With English Trans- lation, a Glossary of the Pazand Text, containing the Sanskrit, Persian and Pahlavi Equivalents, a Sketch of Pazand Grammar, and an Introduction by E. W. West. Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 188 and 264. Stuttgart, 1871 * The Book of the Spirit of Wisdom. On the early religion of the Parsees. 6326 MALCOLM (SIR JOHN). History of Persia from the Most Early Period to the Present Time, containing an Account of the Religion, Usages, Government and Character of the inhabitants of that king- dom. Plates, including portraits of famous rulers from Persian paintings. 2 vols. thick folio, old half russia (joints weak). London, 1815 * Large Paper copy, on thick paper, with fine impressions of the plates. 6327 MARKHAM (CLEMENTS R.) A General Sketch of the History of Persia. Map. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1874 * Scarce. One of the best general histories of Persia. 6328 MEHRJIZANA (ERAMJI DASTUR SOHRABJI). Hazvaras ane Pehlavi farhang (Hazvaras und Pehlavi Wortverzeichnisz). Veroffentlicher Eramji Dastur Sohrabji Mehrjizana. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 96. (Lithographed. Presentation copy to Dr. Lepsius from the compiler.) Bombay, Jahr 1238 Yazdagard [1868-69] 6329 Gujarati ane hujvaras pehlevi farhang (Gujarati und Hujvaras-pehlavi Wortverzeichnisz). Veroffentlicher Eramji Dastur Sohrabji Mehrjizana. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 50. (Lithographed. Presentation copy to Dr. Lepsius from the compiler.) Bombay, Jahr 1238 Yazdagard [1868-69] 73 2 Western ant> Central Hsia THE PERSIAN LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 6330 MIRKHOND. History of the Early Kings of Persia, from Kaio- mars, the first of the Peshdadian Dynasty to the Conquest of Iran by Alexander the Great. Translated from the original Persian of Mirk- hond, entitled the Ratizat-Us-Safa, with notes and illustrations, by David Shea. 8vo, cloth. (Oriental Translation Fund.) London, 1832 6331 The Rauzat-Us-Safa ; or Garden of Purity, containing the Histories of Prophets, Kings, and Khalifs. By Muhammad Bin Khavendshah Bin Mahmud, commonly called Mirkhond. Part I, Vol. i. Translated by E. Rehatsek. 8vo, cloth (Oriental Trans- lation Fund.) London, 1891 6332 MIRZA ASHRAF ALI (MAUL A VI). Catalogue of Persian Books and Manuscripts in the Library of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. 3 parts, large 4to, original wrappers. Calcutta, 1890-95 6333 NEW TESTAMENT. The New Testament . . . translated from the Original Greek, into Persian, by the Rev. Henry Martyn. Third Edition. 8vo, full calf. London, 1827 6334 NIZAMI. Secundur Nama Burri. History of Alexander the Great by Nizami. Persian manuscript written on 234 leaves, the first page illuminated in gold and colors, and each page ivith a ruled border of two colors. Very beautifully and neatly written and dated A. H. 903 [A. D. 1497 probably from a MS. of that date], 8vo, old Persian calf stained in two colors. Early i8th Century ^335 - Laili and Ma j nun : A Poem from the original Persian of Nazami by James Atkinson. Frontispiece and vignette title. Royal 8vo, cloth. (Oriental Translation Fund.) London, 1836 6336 OMAR KHAYYAM. Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam and the Salaman and Absal of Jami ; rendered into English Verse [by Edward Fitz- gerald]. Fourth Edition. Frontispiece. Square crown 8vo, origi- nal half roan, gilt top. (Cuttings laid in.) London: Quatitch, 1879 * The Fourth Edition of the Rubaiyat, and the Third of Salaman and Absal. The First in which the two were published together. Many changes were made by Fitzgerald in the various editions. 6337 - The Quatrains of Omar Khayyam. Translated into English Verse, by E. H. Whinfield. 8vo, cloth. (Trubner's Oriental Series.) London, 1882 * First edition, Containing 253 Quatrains. Western ant) Central Bsia 733 THE PERSIAN LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 6338 OMAR KHAYYAM. The Quatrains of Omar Khayyam. The Persian text with translation by E. H. Whinfield. 8vo, cloth. (Triibner's Oriental Series.) London, 1883 * The translation revised, and containing 500 quatrains, the Persian text on opposite page. With lengthy introduction. The Text based on the collation of eight different manuscripts. 6339 The Quatrains of Omar Khayyam. Translated by E. H. Whinfield. Second Edition, revised. 8vo, cloth. (Trubner's Ori- ental Series.) London, 1893 * Containing a revision of 267 of the best quatrains from the edition of 1883. 6340 Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. English, French and German translations comparatively arranged in accordance with the text of Edward Fitzgerald's Version, with further selections, Notes, Bio- graphies, Bibliography, etc., collected and edited by Nathan Haskell Dole. 2 vols. 8vo, white cloth gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Boston, 1896 * No. 77 of a limited issue. 6341 The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, a Facsimile of the Manu- script in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, with a Transcript into modern Persian Characters. Translated, with Introduction, Notes and Bibliography by Edward Heron-Allen. Frontispiece, etc. Royal 8vo, white boards, gilt. London, 1898 * One of only 20 copies on Large Paper, uncut. 6342 OUSELEY (SIR GORE). Biographical Notices of Persian Poets; with critical and explanatory remarks. With a Memoir of Sir Gore Ouseley by Rev. James Reynolds. Portrait inserted. Thick royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1846 6343 OUSELEY (WILLIAM). Persian Miscellanies: An Essay to facilitate the Reading of Persian Manuscripts ; with engraved speci- mens, philological observations, and notes critical and historical. Facsimiles. 4to, old tree calf. London, 1795 * Examples of Hafiz, Sadi, Firdusi, Nizami, and many others, with critical notices. 6344 Epitome of the Ancient History of Persia. Extracted from the Jehan Ara, a Persian Manuscript. Frontispiece (view of Perse- polis} and map of Persia. I2mo, half calf. London, 1799 734 TKHestern ant) Central Hsia THE PERSIAN LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 6345 PAHLAVI TEXTS. Pahlavi Texts. Translated by E. W. West. 5 vols. 8vo, cloth. (Sacred Books of the East.) Oxford, 1880-97 * A collection of Texts relating to the ceremonials, traditions, customs, etc., of the religion of Zoroaster, comprising the Bundahis, the Bahman Yast, the Shayast La-Shayast, the Dadistan-i Dinik, the Epistles of Manuskihar, the Mainyo-I- Khard, the Saddar, and selections from the Dinkard, the Nasks, and Zad-Sparam. The fifth volume deals with texts giving the legendary facts about the life of Zoroaster, and various other legends. 6346 PALMER (E. H.) Oriental Mysticism. A Treatise on the Sufiistic and Unitarian Theosophy of the Persians. Compiled from native sources. I2mo, cloth. With Glossary and Index, pp. 84. * With MS. notes by Wm. R. Williams. Cambridge, 1867 6347 Concise Dictionary English-Persian, together with a simplified Grammar of Persian, completed by G. Le Strange. Square I2mo, cloth. London, 1883 6348 Concise Dictionary of the Persian Language. (Persian and English.) Third Edition. Square I2mo, cloth. London, 1891 6349 Oriental Penmanship. Specimens of Persian Handwriting. Illustrated with facsimiles in the South Kensington Museum. To which are added Illustrations of the Nagari Character. By Frederic Pincott. Facsimiles. 4to, cloth, pp. 52. London, 1886 6350 PAMPHLETS. The Last Days of Krishna and the sons of Pandu from the Mahabharata. Translated from a Persian version by David Price. 1831 ; Alphabeticum Persicum. Rome, 1783; Beal on Mithraic Worship. 1879; and others similar. (Excerpts from magazines, etc.) (12 pieces.) 6351 PEGAMBARA ASAN ZARATAUSTANA. Zoroastrian Precepts in Zend, with Gujerati Commentary. 8vo, cloth. (Published for the "Rahanumai Mazdiashna" of Bombay.) Bombay, 1870 Text in Zend, and Commentary in Gujerati. Presentation copy from the Committee of the Rahanoomai Mazdiashna. 6352 PELLY (SIR LEWIS). The Miracle Play of Hasan and Husain, collected from oral tradition. Revised with explanatory notes by A. N. Wollaston. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1879 * The great Passion Play of the Shiah division of the Mohammedans, translated with notes. Mestern anfc Central Hsfa 735 THE PERSIAN LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 6353 PERROT (GEORGES) AND CHIPIEZ (CHARLES). History of Art in Persia. 12 steel and copper plates and over 250 illustra- tions in the text. Imp. 8vo, art cloth. London, 1892 6354 PERSIAN TALES. The Thousand and One Days. Persian Tales. Edited by Justin Huntly McCarthy. Frontispieces. 2 vols. post 8vo, half vellum, uncut. London, 1892 6355 POSTON (CHARLES D.) The Parsees: A Lecture. Frontis- piece. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 100. n. p., n. d. [ca. 1870] * Printed for Private Circulation. 6355* PRICE (MAJOR DAVID). Memoirs of the Principal Events of Mahommedan History, from the death of the Arabian Legislator to the Accession of the Emperor Akbar, and the Establishment of the Moghul Empire in Hindustaun. From original Persian Authori- ties. Map. 3 vols. in 4. 4to, half calf. Fine copy. London, 1821 * Laid in is a contemporary review of the book extracted from the "Quarterly." 6356 RAWLINSON (GEORGE). The Sixth Great Oriental Monarchy, or the Geography, History and Antiquities of Parthia, collected and illustrated from ancient and modern sources. Maps, plates (includ- ing colored frontispiece) and other illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London and New York, 1873 * First edition, and the rare volume of the series. 6357 The Seventh Great Oriental Monarchy, or the Geography, History, and Antiquities of the Sassanian or New Persian Empire. Collected and illustrated from ancient and modern sources. Maps, plates (including colored frontispiece), and other illustrations. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1876 6358 REED (A. ELIZABETH). Persian Literature, Ancient and Modern. Frontispiece illuminated in gold and colors. Post 8vo, cloth. Chicago, 1893 6359 REES ( J. D.) Notes of a Journey from Kasveen to Hamadan across The Karaghan Country. Map. Royal 8vo, boards, pp. 37. Presenta- tion copy from the author. Madras, 1885 * An exploration of part of the wild northwest country of Persia. Hamadan is the ancient Ecbatana. 6360 [ROBINSON (SAMUEL).] Flowers culled from Persian Gardens. (Selections from Firdusi, Sadi, Hafiz, and Jelal-ud-din Rumi trans- lated.) Square i8mo, wrappers, pp. 204. Manchester, 1872 73 6 IKHestern ant> Central Hsia THE PERSIAN LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 6361 [ROBINSON (SAMUEL).] Memoir of the Life and Writings of the Persian Poet Nizami, and an Analysis of the second part of his Alexander-book. Translated from the German of Dr. W. Bacher. Square i8mo, wrappers, pp. 177. London, 1873 6362 [ ] Analysis and Specimens of the Joseph and Zulaikha of Jami. Square i8mo, wrappers, pp. 168. London, 1873 6363 [ ] Sketch of the Life and Writings of Ferdusi. Square i8mo, wrappers, pp. 128. London, 1876 6364 ROEBUCK (THOMAS). A Collection of Proverbs and Prover- bial Phrases in the Persian and Hindoostanee Languages. Com- piled, and translated by Thomas Roebuck. Thick royal 8vo, wrap- pers, 2 parts in one volume, pp. 406 and 397. Calcutta: Printed at the Hindoostanee Press, 1824 * Very Scarce in the original edition. 6365 ROSS (E. DENISON) AND BROWNE (EDWARD G.) Cata- logue of Two Collections of Persian and Arabic Manuscripts in the India Office Library. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 189. London, 1902 6366 ROUSSEAU (S.) The Flowers of Persian Literature; containing extracts from Celebrated Authors in Prose and Verse; with a Translation into English; being a companion to Sir William Jones's Persian Grammar. (With) an Essay on the Language and Litera- ture of Persia. (In alternate columns of Persian and English.) Small 4to, half calf (worn). [London] 1801 6367 [ ] VOCABULARY of the Persian Language. In Two Parts. Persian and English, and English and Persian. Second Edition. 8vo, half morocco (worn). London, 1805 6368 SADI. The Gulistan of Sadi. A very beautifully written Persian manuscript on 83 leaves of fine glazed paper. Written probably during the I7th Century. Royal 8vo, half russia. * A Fine Example. 6369 - - The Gulistan of Sadi. Persian manuscript on 169 leaves, with ruled red borders, written probably about the latter part of the i8th Century. Marginal notes written by a later owner. 8vo, in the original binding (the binding worn, and consequently some of the leaves loose, but collated and complete). Western ant> Central Hsta 737 THE PERSIAN LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 6370 SADI. The Gulistan, or Flower-Garden, of Shaikh Sadi of Shiraz. Translated into English by James Ross from the Persian Text of Gentius, . . . with an Essay on Sadi's Life and Genius. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London : for the author, 1823 6371 The Gulistan ( Rose-Garden ). By Sadi of Shiraz. Trans- lated from the original by Francis Gladwin. New Edition. 8vo, boards (back damaged). London, 1834 6372 The Gulistan ( Rose-Garden ) of Shaikh Sa'di of Shiraz. A New Edition, with a Vocabulary. By Francis Johnson. (The Original Text). Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1863 6373 The Gulistan, or Rose Garden. Translated from the Original by Francis Gladwin. With Essay on Sadi's Life and Genius, by James Ross, and a Preface by R. W. Emerson. Crown 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1865 6374 The Gulistan ; or Rose Garden of Shaikh Muslihu'd-Din Sa'di of Shiraz. Translated from revised text with copious notes, and a a Life of the Poet, by John T. Platts. 8vo, cloth. London, 1873 6375 The Gulistan of Shaikh Muslihu 'd Din Sa'di of Shiraz. A New Edition carefully collated with the Original MSS. With a full vocabulary. By John Platts. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1874 6 376 The Gulistan; or Rose-Garden, of Sheyk Muslihu'd-Din Sadi of Shiraz. Translated for the first time into Prose and Verse, with an Introductory Preface, and a Life of the Author, from the Atish Kadah. By Edward B. Eastwick. Second Edition. 8vo, cloth. (Trubner's Oriental Series.) London, 1880 6377 Selections from the Bostan, or the Pleasure-Garden, being the Poetical work of Sheykh Muslah-ood-deen Sa'di Shiraz, literally translated, with . . . notes and allusions, and sketch of the life of the Poet. By Adalut Khan. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 182. Calcutta, 1868 6378 The 'Iqd-I-Manzum, or the Poetic Necklace, being the Selec- tions from the Bustan of ... Sa'di of Shiraz, translated into very literal English with copious notes. By Adalut Khan. Third Edi- tion, revised, improved and corrected. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 194. Calcutta, 1881 73 8 Western ant) Central Esia THE PERSIAN LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 6379 SANJANA (DARAB DASTUR PESHOTAN Editor}. Niran- gistan. A Photozincographed Facsimile of a MS. belonging to Shams-Ul-Ulama Dastur Dr. Hoshangjee Jamaspjee of Poona. Edited with an introduction and collation with an older Iranian MS. in the possession of Ervad Tahmuras D. Anklesaria. Thick royal 8vo, wrappers. (Pahlavi Text Series.) Bombay, 1894 6380 SANJANA (PESHOTAN DASTUR BEHRAMJI). Ganjeshay- agan, Andarze Atrepat Maraspandan Madigane Chatrang, and, Andarze Khusroe Kavatan. The original Pehlvi text; the same transliterated in Zend Characters and translated into the Gujarati and English Languages ; a Commentary and a Glossary of Select Words. Royal 8vo, cloth. Bombay, 1885 6381 SMYTH (WILLIAM CARMICHAEL). The Persian Moonshee, containing a ... Grammar, and . . . entertaining Stories ; also the Pund-Namu of Shykh Sadee . . . with forms of addresses, petitions, citations and Bonds. The Whole in Arabic and Roman Characters, with an English Translation. Second Edition. Vol. I (all published). 8vo, half roan (rubbed). London, 1840 6382 SPIEGEL (FRIEDRICH). Die Alexandersage bei den Orientalen. Nach den besten quellen dargestellt. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 72. Leipzig, 1851 *The legendary history of Alexander the Great as treated by Nizami and other oriental writers. - Grammatik der Huzvaresch-Sprache. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 194. Vienna, 1856 - Die Traditionelle Literatur der Parsen in ihrem Zusammen- hange mit den Angranzenden Literaturen. Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 472. Vienna, 1860 6385 - firan. Das Land zwischen dem Indus und Tigris. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Landes und seiner Geschichte. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 384. Berlin, 1863 6386 - - Grammatik der Altbaktrischen Sprache nebst einem Anhange uber den Gathadialekt. 8vo, half morocco. Leipzig, 1867 6387 - - Arische Studien. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 162. Leipzig, 1874 Beitrage zur Altbaktrischen Grammatik; Der Einfluss des Semitismus auf des Avesta; Avesta und Shahname; etc. Western anfc Central Bsia 739 THE PERSIAN LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 6388 SPIEGEL (FRIEDRICH). Die Altpersischen Keilinschriften. Im grundtexte mit Uebersetzung, Grammatik und Glossar. Zweite vermehrte Auflage. Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 246. Leipzig, 1881 6389 SPRENGER (A.) Catalogue of Arabic, Persian and Hindu'sta'ny Manuscripts of the Libraries of the King of Oudh. Vol. I, contain- ing Persian and Hindu'sta'ny poetry. (All published.) Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 645. Calcutta, 1854 * Contains Biographies of Persian and Urdu' Poets, Female poets of Turkey, etc. 6390 THOMAS (EDWARD). Early Sassanian Inscriptions, Seals and Coins. Photographic facsimile of the Hajiabad Inscription, Alpha- bets, etc. 8vo, cloth. London, 1868 6391 Comments on Recent Pehlvi Decipherments, with sketch of the Derivation of Aryan Alphabets, and contributions to the Early History and Geography of Tabaristan illustrated by Coins. 2 plates, containing numerous examples of coins. 8vo, cloth, pp. 41. London, 1872 6392 Bilingual Coins of Bukhara. Plate of specimens. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 13. London, 1881 6393 Parthian and Indo-Sassanian Coins. Illustrations. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 27. Hertford, 1883 6394 TOLMAN (HERBERT GUSHING). Grammar of the Old Persian Language. With the Inscriptions of the Achaemenian Kings and Vocabulary. Oblong I2mo, limp cloth. Boston, 1892 6395 A Guide to the Old Persian Inscriptions. 10 plates of Cunei- form inscriptions, and other illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. New York [1893] 6396 TUCKER (WILLIAM THORNHILL). Pocket Dictionary of English and Persian. Crown 8vo, half calf, interleaved with blank pages for additions. London, 1850 6397 TUTI NAMEH. Tuti Nameh. The Tales of a Parrot. By Zia-u d'Din Naksshabi. Persian manuscript on 64 leaves, written prob- ably early in the I9th Century. 4to, sheep (a little wormed in the margin). 740 KHestern anfc Central Bsia THE PERSIAN LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 6398 TYRWHITT (RICHARD EDMUND). Esther and Ahasuerus: An Identification of the Persons so named, followed by a History of the Thirty-five Years that ended at their Marriage. With notes, index and Appendix. Folding Tables. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1868 6399 WATSON (ROBERT GRANT). A History of Persia (1801- 1858) . . . with a Review of the Principal events that led to the establishment of the Kajar Dynasty. 8vo, cloth. London, 1866 6400 WESTON (STEPHEN). Moral Aphorisms in Arabic, with Persian Commentary in verse, and specimens of Persian Poetry. London, 1805; Fragments of Oriental Literature (mostly Arabic), with out- line of a painting on a curious China vase. Plate. London, 1807. The two in one volume, 8vo, half calf, uncut. London, 1805-7 6401 Persian Distiches from Various Authors (alternate pages of Persian and English). 1814; Episodes from the Shah Nameh . . . by Ferdoosee. Translated into English Verse, with notes and authorities, a verbal index, Persian and English, and some Account of the Whole Poem. 1815. Bound in one volume, 8vo, half calf. London: for the author, 1814-15 6402 WILSON (JOHN). The Parsi Religion: as contained in the Zand- Avasta, and propounded and defended by the Zoroastrians of India and Persia, unfolded, refuted and contrasted with Christianity. Folding plate. 8vo, cloth. Bombay, 1843 6403 WINDISCHMANN (FR.) Zoroastrische Studien. Abhandlungen zur Mythologie und Sagengeschichte des Alten Iran. Herausgege- ben von Fr. Spiegel. 8vo, half calf. Berlin, 1863 6404 ZENDAVESTA. Vendidad Sade. Die heiligen Schriften Zoro- aster's Yacna, Vispered und Vendidad. Nach den lithographirten Ausgaben von Paris und Bombay mit Index und Glossar, herausge- geben von Dr. Hermann Brockhaus. Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 416. A transliteration in Roman type of the Vendidad. Leipzig, 1850 6405 - - Vendidadi, Capita quinque Priora, emendavit Christianus Lassen. (Original Zend text.) 8vo, wrappers, pp. 67. Bonn, 1852 6406 - - Der Neunzehnte Fargard des Vendidad. Von Friedrich Spiegel. 3 parts, 4to, wrappers. (Aus den Abhandlungen der k. bayer Akademie.) Munich, 1854 TlHlestern anfc Central Hsia 74 l THE PERSIAN LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued, 6407 ZENDAVESTA. Avesta: The Religious Books of the Parsees; from Prof. Spiegel's German Translation of the Original Manu- scripts. By A. H. Bleeck. 3 vols. in i. 8vo, cloth. * Very Scarce. Hertford : Privately printed, 1864 6408 Decem Sendavestse excerpta. Latine vertit, sententiarum ex- plicationem et criticos commentarios, adjecit textum archetypi, recensuit Dr. Cajetanus Kossowicz. 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1865 * The selections in Zend and Latin. 6409 Gata Ustavaiti (Yasna 42-45). Latine vertit et explicavit. Textum archetypi adhibitis Brockhausii, Westergaardii et Spiegelii editionibus, recensuit Dr. C. Kossowicz. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 94 + 41. (With the original Zend text.) Petropolis, 1869 6410 The Zend-Avesta, 3 vols. (Vols. I and 2 translated by James Darmesteter; Vol. 3 by L. H. Mills.) 8vo, cloth. (Sacred Books of the East.) Oxford, 1880, 1883, 1887 6411 The Zend-Avesta. Vol. I, containing the Vendidad. Second Edition. 8vo, cloth. (Sacred Books of the East.) Oxford, 1895 * This second edition contains about 140 pp. additional of "Fragments of the Nasks," and the translation was revised. It is a necessary complement to the pre- ceding lot. 6412 A Study of the Five Zarathushtrian (Zoroastrian) Gathas, with Pahlavi translation, etc. By L. H. Mills. Part II, the Commen- tary. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Oxford, 1890 6413 A Study of the Five Zarathushtrian (Zoroastrian) Gathas with Texts and Translations, also with the Pahlavi translation for the first time edited with collation of Manuscripts with Neryosangh's Sanskrit text edited with collation of five MSS. and with a first translation, also the Persian text contained in Codex I2b of the Munich Collection, and a Commentary. By Lawrence H. Mills. Thick royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Erlangen, 1894 * The Complete edition. Contains the Zend text in character, with translations and transliterations of the Sanskrit and Pahlavi texts. 74 2 Western ant) Central Hsia Gurfcisb language, literature anb fristorp. 6414 BARKER (WILLIAM BURCKHARDT). Practical Grammar of the Turkish Language, with Dialogues and Vocabulary. I2mo, cloth. London: Quaritch, 1854 6415 Reading Book of the Turkish Language, with Grammar and Vocabulary ... a Selection of Original Tales, literally translated, and Grammatical References. 8vo, cloth. London, 1854 * Contains the humorous tales of Nasr Eddin Effendi, etc. 6416 BUSBEQUIUS. The Life and Letters of Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq. By C. T. Forster and F. H. Blackburne Daniell. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1881 * Busbequius was a noted collector of books and manuscripts while in Turkey. His letters (written in the middle of the i6th Century) give a graphic account of Turkey, its people, the Mamelukes, etc., at the height of its power. It is curious how the man who introduced the lilac, tulip, and syringa into Europe is to-day almost unknown. 6417 CREASY (SIR EDWARD S.) History of the Ottoman Turks from the beginning of their Empire to the Present Time. New and revised edition. 8vo, cloth. With index. London, 1877 6418 DEANS (WILLIAM). History of the Ottoman Empire from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Portrait of Ali Pacha. I2mo, cloth. London, 1854 6419 FREEMAN (EDWARD A.) The Ottoman Power in Europe: its Nature, Growth, and Decline, j colored maps. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1877 6420 GIBB (E. J. W.) Ottoman Poems. Translated into English Verse, in the original forms, with Introduction, Biographical Notices, and Notes. Frontispiece and plate. Small 4to, cloth, uncut. * Only 345 copies issued. London, 1882 6421 HIDDEN (ALEXANDER W.) The Ottoman Dynasty. Por- traits and other illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1896 Western ant) Central Bsia 743 THE TURKISH LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 6422 [HOLDERMANN (PERE JEAN BAPTISTE, SJ.)] Gram- maire Turque ; ou, Methode courte et facile pour apprender la langue Turque. Avec un Recueil des Noms, des Verbes, etc. Small 4to, half calf, pp. 194 -f- 8. Constantinople, 1730 * Very Rare. The first Turkish grammar printed in the Ottoman Empire. 6423 KASEM-BEG (MIRZA A.) Allgemeine Grammatik der Turkisch- Tatarischen Sprache. Aus dem Russischen iibersetzt .... von Dr. Julius T. Zenker. Square 8vo, half cloth. Leipzig, 1848 6424 MANUSCRIPT. A manuscript of 109 pages, consisting of a Trea- tise on Ethics confirmed by passages from the Koran. By Sheikh Sivasi [Kara Shams]. Small 4to, original half roan. (In Turkish.) n. p., n. d. Early I9th Century 6425 MOHAMMED AL-GHAZZALI. The Alchemy of Happiness, by Mohammed Al-Ghazzali, the Mohammedan Philosopher. Trans- lated from the Turkish by Henry A. Homes. Royal 8vo, cloth. Albany: Munsell, 1873 6426 NAIMA (MUSTAFA). Annals of the Turkish Empire from 1591 to 1659 of the Christian Era. Translated from the Turkish by Charles Eraser. Vol. I. Large 4to, cloth. London, 1832 * No more than this first volume was published, which ends with the year of the Hegira 1026 (A.D. 1617). 6427 NASR EDDIN EFFENDI. Turkish Manuscript. (The Laughable sayings of the master Nasr Eddin Effendi), written on 62 pp. small 4to. Bound in the original half roan boards, sides of oriental paper. I9th Century 6248 Lathanaf Khoohat Nasar Eddin Afdyn (Laughable the master Nasr Eddin Effendi). Printed Turkish text, 39 pp. I2mo, original limp boards. A. H. 1256 [A. D. 1840] 6429 The Turkish Jester ; or, the Pleasantries of Cogia Nasr Eddin Effendi. Translated from the Turkish by George Borrow. Crown 8vo, wrappers, pp. 52. Ipswich (England), 1884 * Scarce. Only 100 printed. 6430 NEW TESTAMENT. Kitab al'ahd al djedyd al maasoob ala rab- bina 'isa al masiyah. (Translated in 1675 at Constantinople by a Pole named Alb. Bobowsky under the name of Ali Bey, and now published by Prof. M. Kieffer.) 8vo, half russia. [Paris, 1819] * In the Osmanli dialect. The issue of this at the expense of the British and Foreign Bible Society caused severe Comments, it being asserted that the transla- tion was not a faithful rendering, and it was shortly after its publication suppressed. 744 Western anfc Central Hsia THE TURKISH LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 6431 REDHOUSE (J. W.) English and Turkish Dictionary in Two Parts; English and Turkish and Turkish and English. Thick post 8vo, half calf. London: Quaritch, 1856 6432 A Lexicon, English and Turkish; shewing, in Turkish, the Literal, Incidental, Figurative, Colloquial, and Technical Significa- tions of the English Terms. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1861 6433 - ~ A Vindication of the Ottoman Sultan's Title of "Caliph;" shewing its antiquity, validity, and universal acceptance. Crown 8vo, wrappers, pp. 19. London, 1877 6434 - History, System, and Varieties of Turkish Poetry. Selections in the Original, and in English Paraphrase, with a notice of the Islamic Doctrine of the Immortality of Woman's Soul in the Future State. 8vo, cloth, pp. 61. London [1879] 6435 - - Redhouse's Turkish Dictionary, in Two Parts, English and Turkish, and Turkish and English. In which the Turkish Words are represented in the Oriental Character, as well as their correct Pronunciation and Accentuation shown in English Letters. Second Edition, revised and enlarged by Charles Wells. Thick 8vo, cloth, pp. 884. London, 1880 * Laid in is a portion of an autograph letter signed from Mr. Wells to Mr. Redhouse in regard to this edition (the last two pages of the letter). 6436 - Simplified Grammar of the Ottoman-Turkish Language. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1884 6437 RIGGS (ELIAS). Outline of a Grammar of the Turkish Language, as written in the Armenian Character. Crown 8vo, cloth, pp. 56. Constantinople: Privately printed, 1856 6438 ROEHRIG (F. L. O.) De Turcarum Linguae, indole ac natura. 8vo, limp cloth, pp. 30. Philadelphia, 1860 6439 [RUSSELL (LORD JOHN).] The Establishment of the Turks in Europe. An historical Discourse. I2mo, full marbled calf. London, 1828 6440 SHAIKH-ZADAH. The History of the Forty Vezirs; or the Story of the Forty Morns and Eves. Written in Turkish by Sheykh- Zada. Done into English by E. J. W. Gibb. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1886 Mestern ant> Central Bsfa 745 THE TURKISH LANGUAGE, ETC. Continued. 6441 VAMBERY (ARMINIUS). Travels and Adventures of the Turkish Admiral Sidi Ali Reis in India, Afghanistan, Central Asia, and Persia in 1553-1556. Translated from the Turkish, with notes. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1899 6442 WELLS (DR. CHARLES). Practical Grammar of the Turkish Language (as spoken and written). With Exercises . . . quota- tations . . . and Rules of the Arabic and Persian Grammars as have been adopted by the Osmanlis, the pronunciation ... in English letters throughout. 8vo, cloth. London: Quaritch, 1880 6443 The Literature of the Turks. A Turkish Chrestomathy, con- sisting of extracts in Turkish from the best Turkish Authors, Bio- graphical and Grammatical Notes, and Facsimiles of MS. Letters and Documents. 8vo, cloth. London, 1891 Central anb IRortbern Heia. Gbe Caspian, ZTurfcestan, Bofcbara, Ikbiva, flDerv, tbe Pamirs, IRasb^ar, jflarfcanfc, Ikbotan, IRulbja, Sunaaria, Siberia, part of IRussia, etc 6444 ABU AL GHAZI BAHADUR KHAN. General History of the Turks, Moguls, and Tatars, vulgarly called Tartars. Together with a Description of the Countries they inhabit. I. The Genealogical History of the Tatars, from a Tatar Manuscript, etc. II. An Ac- count of the Present State of Northern Asia, etc. 2 maps. 2 vols. post 8vo, old panelled calf. London, 1729-30 6445 ATKINSON (THOMAS WILLIAM). Travels in the Regions of the Upper and Lower Amoor, and the Russian Acquisitions on the Confines of India and China. With Adventures among the Mountain Kirghis, Man jours, Manyargs, etc. Map and numerous illustrations (frontispiece colored} . Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1860 746 Western anfc Central Bsia CENTRAL AND NORTHERN ASIA Continued. 6446 BARKER (W. BURCKHARDT). Short Historical Account of the Crimea, from the earliest ages and during the Russian Occupa- tion. Map and a few plates. I2mo, cloth. Hertford, 1855 6447 BOHTLINGK (OTTO), tiber die Sprache der Jakuten. Gram- matik, Text und Worterbuch. 4to, wrappers, pp. 300, 97 and 184. Dr. S. S. Haldeman's copy with his autograph. St. Petersburg, 1851 * Scarce. The Yakut language is spoken in the region between Lake Baikal and the Arctic Sea, in the Siberian Province of Yakutsk. 6448 BONVALOT (GABRIEL). Through the Heart of Asia. Over the Pamir to India. 250 illustrations by Albert Pepin. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1889 6449 BOULGER (DEMETRIUS CHARLES). The Life of Yakoob Beg; Athalik Ghazi, and Badaulet; Ameer of Kashgar. Map and Appendix. 8vo, cloth. London, 1878 6450 England and Russia in Central Asia. 2 maps (one the Russian Official map) and appendices. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1879 6451 - Central Asian Portraits; the Celebrities of the Khanates and the Neighboring States. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1880 6452 Central Asian Questions. Essays on Afghanistan, China and Central Asia. Portrait and maps. 8vo, cloth. London, 1885 6453 BURNABY (COL. FRED.) A Ride to Khiva: Travels and Ad- ventures in Central Asia. Maps and Appendix. 8vo, cloth. London, 1877 6454 CASTREN (ALEXANDER). Elementa Grammatices Tschere- missae. (With vocabulary.) Post 8vo, half cloth. Kuopio, 1845 * A grammar of the language of the Tsheremiss tribes, inhabiting the country watered by the lower Volga. Rare. ^455 ~ ~ Grammatik der Samojedischen Sprachen. Herausgegeben von Anton Schiefner. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 608. St. Petersburg, 1854 * Very Scarce. 6456 - Worterverzeichnisse aus den Samojedischen Sprachen. Bear- beitet von Anton Schiefner. 8vo, half morocco. St. Petersburg, 1855 6457 - - Ethnologische Vorlesungen tiber die Altaischen Volker nebst Samojedischen Marchen und Tatarischen Heldensagen. Herausge- geben von Anton Schiefner. 8vo, half cloth. St. Petersburg, 1857 6458 COBBOLD (RALPH P.) Innermost Asia : Travel and Sport in the Pamirs. Portrait, maps and numerous illustrations. 8vo, buckram. London, 1900 TKHestern anfc Central Bsta 747 CENTRAL AND NORTHERN ASIA Continued. 6459 COCHRANE (JOHN DUNDAS). Narrative of a Pedestrian Journey through Russia and Siberian Tartary, from the Frontiers of China to the Frozen Sea and Kamtchatka. Third Edition. 2 colored aquatint plates of costume, 5 maps, etc. 2 vols. post 8vo, boards (joints cracked), uncut. London, 1825 6460 COLLINS (PERRY McDONOUGH). A Voyage Down the Amoor : with a Land Journey through Siberia, and Notices of Man- chooria, Kamschatka and Japan. Frontispiece. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1860 6461 COXON (HERBERT). Oriental Carpets. How they are Made and Conveyed to Europe. With a Narrative of a Journey to the East in Search of Them. Map and n lithographic plates. 8vo, cloth. London, 1884 6462 CURZON (GEORGE N. LORD CURZON OF KEDLESTON). The Pamirs, and the Source of the Oxus. Map and illustrations. Royal 8vo, art cloth. London [1896] 6463 CUST (ROBERT NEEDHAM). On the Geographical Distribu- tion of the Turki Branch of the Ural-Altaic Family of Languages. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 9. Ley den, 1892 6464 DOBSON (GEORGE). Russia's Railway Advance into Central Asia. Notes of a Journey from St. Petersburg to Samarkand. Illustrations and maps. Thick post 8vo, cloth. London, 1890 6465 DORN (B.) Ausziige aus Muharnmedanischen Schriftstellern, betreffend die Geschichte und Geographic der Siidlichen Kiistenlander des Kaspischen Meeres nebst einer kurzen Geschichte der Chane von Scheki. Arabische, Persische und Tiirkische Texte. Thick 8vo, wrappers. St. Petersburg, 1858 6466 Caspia. Uber die Einfalle der Alten Russen in Tabaristan nebst Zugaben iiber andere von ihnen auf dem Kaspischen Meere und in den anliegenden Landern ausgefuhrte Unternehmungen. Two maps. Thick 4to, wrappers. (Mem. de Acad. Roy. de St. Petersbourg.) St. Petersbourg, 1875 6467 DUKA (THEODORE.) Essay on Ugor Languages. Map. 8vo, wrappers. (Reprint.) [London, 1889] 748 Western anfc Central Bsfa CENTRAL AND NORTHERN ASIA Continued. 6468 GUIGNES (JOSEPH DE). Histoire Generate des Huns, des Turcs, des Mogols, et des autres Tartares Occidentaux, avant et depuis Jesus Christ jusqu'a present. Ouvrage tire des livres Chinois et des Manuscrits Orientaux de la Bibliotheque du Roi. 5 vols. 4to, old calf. Paris, 1756-1758 * Includes also the histories of the Avars, the Eastern and Western Turks, the Ghaznevides, the Seljukides, the Atabeks of Syria, the Khans of the Crimea and Kasan, the Cossacks, the Mameluks of Egypt, etc. The first volume is entirely taken up with the chronological tables of all the Asiatic nations (including China, Corea and Japan), and the last volume contains a double-column index filling PP- 377-5I7- 6469 HEDIN (SVEN). Through Asia (1893-97). Plates and hundreds of illustrations in the text. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top (library labels removed from covers). London, 1898 6470 HELLWALD (FREDERICK VON). The Russians in Central Asia. A Critical Examination down to the present time of the Geography and History of Central Asia. Translated by Lt.-Col. Theodore Wirgman. Map. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1874 6471 HENDERSON (E.) Biblical Researches and Travels in Russia; including a Tour in the Crimea and the Passage of the Caucasus; with observations on the state of the Rabbinical and Karaite Jews, and the Mahomedan and Pagan Tribes. Maps and plates. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1826 * The author visited the shores of the Caspian. 6472 HOLMES (WILLIAM RICHARD). Sketches on the Shores of the Caspian, Descriptive and Pictorial. 8 plates and woodcuts. 8vo, cloth. London, 1845 6473 JACKSON (FREDERICK GEORGE). The Great Frozen Land (Bolshaia Zemelskija Tundra). Narrative of a winter journey across the Tundras and a Sojourn among the Samoyads. Edited from Journals, by Arthur Montefiore. Illustrations and maps. 8vo, cloth. London, 1895 6474 KENNAN (GEORGE). Siberia and the Exile System. Maps and numerous illustrations. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1891 6475 KHANIKOFF (M.) Bokhara: its Amir and its People. Translated from the Russian by Baron Clement A. De Bode. Portrait of the Amir, and map. 8vo, cloth. London, 1845 TKaestern anfc Central a$ia 749 CENTRAL AND NORTHERN A.SIA. Continued. 6476 KRAHMER (GUSTAV). Russland in Asien. (Band I, Trans- kaspien und seine Eisenbahn, von O. Heyfelder; Band II, Russland in Mittel-Asien ; III, Sibirien und die grosse Sibirische Eisenbahn ; IV, Russland in Ost-Asien, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Mandschurei; V, Das Nordostliche Kiistengebiet ; VI, Die Bezie- hungen Russlands zu Persien; VII, Die Beziehungen Russlands zu Japan (all by Krahmer), also, Das Transkaspische Gebiet, von Krahmer (Russland in Asien, Band I, 1905). Together 8 vols. in 3. 8vo (two in cloth). Numerous maps and illustrations. (As 3 vols.) Hanover, Leipzig, and Berlin, 1889-1905 6477 KUROPATKIN (A. N.) Kashgaria: [Eastern or Chinese Turkes- tan]. Historical and Geographical Sketch of the Country; its Mili- tary Strength, Industries and Trade. Trans, by W. E. Gowan. Royal 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1882 6478 LANSDELL (HENRY). Russian Central Asia, including Kuldja, Bokhara, Khiva and Merv. Maps and illustrations, with two extra photographs of the author laid in. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Presentation copy from the Author. London, 1885 6479 Through Central Asia. Map and Appendix on the Diplomacy and Delimitation of the Russo-Afghan Frontier. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. London, 1887 6480 Chinese Central Asia. A ride to little Tibet. Maps and illus- trations. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1893 6481 LATHAM (R G.) The Native Races of the Russian Empire. Large colored map, and colored frontispiece. Post 8vo, cloth. * Treats very fully of the Tartar races of Northern Asia. London, 1854 6482 LESUR (M.) Histoire des Kosaques, precedee d'une Introduction . . . sur les Peuples qui ont habite le Pays des Kosaques avant 1'invasion des Tartares. 2 vols. post 8vo, half roan. Paris, 1814 6483 MAGGREGOR (LT.-COL. C. M.) Central Asia. Part V. ... History, Ethnography, topography, and Resources of part of Asiatic Turkey and Caucasia. (Arranged alphabetically). Royal 8vo, cloth (name cut from title). Calcutta, 1872 6484 MARVIN (CHARLES). Merv, The Queen of the World; and the Scourge of the Man-Stealing Turcomans. Portrait and maps. 8vo, cloth. London, 1881 750 Western anfc Central Hsia CENTRAL AND NORTHERN ASIA Continued. 6485 MARVIN (CHARLES). The Russian Advance towards India. Conversations with Distinguished Russian Generals and Statesmen on the Central Asian Question. Map. 8vo, cloth. London, 1882 6486 Reconnoitring Central Asia, Pioneering Adventures in the region between Russia and India. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. London, 1886 6487 The Region of Eternal Fire. An Account of a Journey to the Petroleum Region of the Caspian in 1883. New Edition. Portrait, etc. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1891 6488 MEIGNAN (VICTOR). From Paris to Pekin over Siberian Snows by Sledge, Caravan and Mule Palanquin. Edited from the French, by William Conn, with supplementary notes not in the original edition. Map and numerous illustrations. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1885 6489 MEYENDORF (BARON von). Journey from Orenburg to Bokhara in 1820. (After the French original compiled by Dr. Carl Hermann Scheidler.) Translated by Capt. E. F. Chapman. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 66. Calcutta, 1870 6490 MILES (COL. WILLIAM). The Shajrat Ul Atrak, or Genealogi- cal Tree of the Turks and Tatars; Translated and abridged by Col. Miles. Map. 8vo, cloth. London, 1838 * A native history of the Tartars, or, as they are here called, "The Moghuls." A greater part of the work is occupied with the life and conquests of Genghis Khan. 6491 MOSHEIM (JOHN LAWRENCE). Historia Tartarorum Ecclesi- astica. Small 4to, boards (lacks map). Helmstadt, 1741 6492 MULLER (G. F.) AND PALLAS (PETER SIMON). Conquest of Siberia, and History of the Transactions, Wars, Commerce, etc., between Russia and China from the earliest period. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 153. London, 1842 * Rare. 6493 NASYROFF (A. K.) AND POLIAKOFF (P. A.) Skazke Kazan- ske Tataer. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 112. Kazan, 1900 * The Turkish Tartar text of popular tales with Russian translations, and criti- cal remarks on their affinity with other folk-tales. Western anD Central Hsia 75 l CENTRAL AND NORTHERN ASIA Continued. 6494 NORDENSKIOLD (A. E.) The Voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe. With a Historical Review of Previous Journeys along the North Coast of the Old World. Translated by Alexander Leslie. 5 portraits, numerous maps and illustrations. Thick royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1882 6495 O 'DONOVAN (EDMOND). The Merv Oasis. Travels and Adventures East of the Caspian during the Years 1879-81, including five months' residence among the Tekkes of Merv. Portrait, maps (on linen} and facsimiles of State Documents. 2 vols. 8vo, three- quarter blue crushed levant, gilt tops. Fine copy. London, 1882 6496 PAMPHLETS. Shaw on the Shigni (Ghalchah) Dialect, 1877; Peacock's Original Vocabularies of Five West Caucasian Languages ; Cunningham on the Ephthalites or White Huns; Wister's Ballads and Bards of the Ukraine. 1875; (Excerpts from Journals) with others similar, catalogues of books on the Ural dialects, etc. (15 pieces.) 6497 PETIS DE LA CROIX (FRANCOIS). The History of Genghiz- can the Great, first Emperor of the Ancient Moguls and Tartars; his life, Advancement and Conquests; the Manners, Customs and Laws of the Ancient Moguls and Tartars, etc. 8vo, boards (back cover damaged). Calcutta, 1816 6498 POPOWSKI (JOSEF). The Rival Powers in Central Asia, or the Struggle between England and Russia in the East. Trans, by A. B. Brant. Edited by C. E. D. Black. Map. 8vo, cloth. Westminister (London), 1893 6499 RAVENSTEIN (E. G.) The Russians on the Amur; its Discovery, Conquests, and Colonisation, with a description of the Country, its Inhabitants, Productions, and Commercial Capabilities ; and Personal Accounts of Russian Travellers. Maps, plates, and illustrations in the text. 8vo, cloth. London, 1861 6500 RAWLINSON (SIR HENRY C.) England and Russia in the East. A Series of Papers on Political and Geographical Conditions of Central Asia. Map. 8vo, cloth (embossed stamp on title). London, 1875 75 2 Western ant> Central asfa CENTRAL AND NORTHERN ASIA Continued. 6501 SCHOTT (WILHELM). Das Zahlwort in der Tschudischen Sprachenclasse, wie auch im Tiirkischen, Tungusischen und Mongo- lischen. Folding table. 4to, wrappers, pp. 29. Berlin, 1853 6502 SCHUYLER (EUGENE). Turkistan. Notes of a Journey in Russian Turkistan, Khokand, Bukhara, and Kuldja. Fourth Edition. 3 maps and numerous illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth (worn). London, 1876 6503 SHAW (ROBERT BARKLEY). Visits to High Tartary, Yarkand, and Kashghar, and return journey over the Karakoram Pass. Map, colored plates, etc. 8vo, half calf. London, 1871 6504 - - A Sketch of the Turki Language as spoken in Eastern Turkis- tan (Kashghar and Yarkand). Part I, Grammar; Part II, Voca- bulary. 2 Parts, 8vo, wrappers, pp. 109 and 226. Calcutta, 1878-80 * Part II is the extra Number of the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Contains also Lists of names of birds and plants, by J. Scully. 6505 SKRINE (FRANCIS HENRY) AND ROSS (EDWARD DENI- SON). The Heart of Asia. A History of Russian Turkestan and the Central Asian Khanates from the Earliest Times. Map and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1899 * The best general history of Central Asia. 6506 STADLING (J.) Through Siberia. Edited by F. H. H. Guille- mard. 2 maps and 47 illustrations. Royal 8vo, art buckram. Westminster (London), 1901 * A vivid account of a journey through little-known districts and over the far northern tundras of the Taimyr. 6507 STEIN (M. AUREL). Preliminary Report on a Journey of Archaeo- logical and Topographical Exploration in Chinese Turkestan, ij illustrations, and 16 plates containing numerous examples of terra cottas, frescoes (colored}. Tablets and Documents. 4to, cloth. London, 1901 6508 - - Sand-Buried Ruins of Khotan. Personal Narrative of a Journey of Archaeological and Geographical Exploration in Chinese Turkestan. Map from original surveys, and numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1903 TKttestern an& Central Hsfa 753 CENTRAL AND NORTHERN ASIA Continued. 6509 STRAHLENBERG (PHILIP JOHN VON). Historico-Geo- graphical Description of the North and Eastern parts of Europe and Asia, but more particularly of Russia, Siberia and Grand Tartary .... with Polyglot Table of the Dialects of 32 Tartarian Nations, and Vocabulary of Kalmuck-Mungalian. Written originally in High- German by P. J. Von Strahlenberg, a Swedish Officer, 13 years captive in those parts. Large folding map, a folding woodcut, table of harmony of languages, and 10 copper-plates of antiquities. Small 4to, old calf (cover loose). London, 1738 * Sir Wm. Ouseley's copy, with his autograph. Rare. 6510 TIMUR OR TAMERLANE. Institutes Political and Military written originally in the Mogul [i. e., Jagatai-Turki] Language, by the Great Timour, improperly called Tamerlane ; first translated into Persian by Abu Taulib Alhusseini; and thence into English, with marginal notes, by Major Davy . . . and the Work published wifh Geographical Notes, etc., by Joseph White. Portrait of Tamerlane. 4to, half calf. Oxford; Clarendon Press, 1783 6511 The Mulfuzat Timury, or Autobiographical Memoirs of the Moghul Emperor Timur, written in the Jagtay Turky Language, turned into Persian by Abu Talib Hussyny, and translated into Eng- lish by Major Charles Stewart. Map. 4to, wrappers (rebacked cloth), pp. 154. (Oriental Trans. Fund.) London, 1830 6512 VAMBERY (ARMINIUS). Travels in Central Asia . . . A Jour- ney from Teheran across the Turkoman Desert ... to Khiva, Bokhara, and Samarcand, in 1863. Illustrations. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1864 * First Edition. Scarce. The account of his famous journey in Central Asia disguised as a dervish. 6513 - Sketches of Central Asia. Additional chapters on My Travels, and on the Ethnology of Central Asia. 8vo, cloth. Phila. 1868 6514 History of Bokhara, from the Earliest Period down to the Present. Composed for the first time after Oriental known and unknown Historical Manuscripts. 8vo, cloth. London, 1873 6515 History of Bokhara. Second Edition. 8vo, cloth. London, 1873 6516 Central Asia, and the Anglo-Russian Frontier Question. Translated by F. E. Bunnett. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1874 754 Western ant> Central Hsia CENTRAL AND NORTHERN ASIA Continued. 6517 VAMBERY (ARMINIUS). Life and Adventures written by Him- self. Portrait and 14 illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1884 6518 The Coming Struggle for India, an account of the Encroach- ments of Russia in Central Asia, and of the Difficulties sure to arise therefrom to England. Map. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1885 6519 VENUKOF (M.), VALIKHANOF (CAPT.), AND OTHERS. The Russians in Central Asia; their occupations of the Kirghiz Steppe and the Line of the Syr-Daria; their political relations with Khiva, Bokhara, and Kokan ; also descriptions of Chinese Turkestan and Dzungaria. Translated from the Russian by John and Robert Michell. Map (in pocket) and 4 plates. 8vo, cloth. London, 1865 6520 WOOD (HERBERT). The Shores of Lake Aral. 2 maps. 8vo, cloth. London, 1876 6521 WOOD (CAPT. JOHN). A Journey to the Source of the River Oxus. New Edition, edited by his son. With an Essay on the Geo- graphy of the Valley of the Oxus by Col. Henry Yule. Maps, and frontispiece. 8vo, cloth. London, 1872 6522 YOUNGHUSBAND (CAPT. F. E.) The Heart of a Continent. Travels in Manchuria, across the Gobi Desert, through the Hima- layas, the Pamirs, and Chitral, 1884-1894. Maps and illustrations. Third Edition. 8vo, cloth. London, 1896 This book is DUE on the last date stamped below OMJfH DC" 1 5 Form L-9-15m-7,'32 RLE ASP DO NOT REMOVE THIS BOOK CARDS University Research Library 4IA