UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES ATTEMPT AT A CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE LATE PRINCE LOUIS-LUCIEN BONAPARTE. jFauente Deo et gemilitate. Attempt at a Catalogue LIBRARY OF THE LATE Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte. BY VICTOR COLLINS. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 37, PICCADILLY, W. 1894. STEPHEN AUSTIN AND SONS, PRINTERS, HERTFORD. PREFACE. T will always be a matter of regret to philologists that the late Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte left his library uncatalogued. Throughout a long life the Prince devoted his best energies and talents to the formation of what he hoped would be the finest linguistic collection of works yet gathered together. Many great authorities, well qualified to give an expert opinion, are agreed in thinking that he succeeded in his ambition. He certainly had ex- ceptional advantages for his task, advantages which it is extremely unlikely to find again united in a single individual. His great philological enthusiasm was well seconded by his high social position and by his extraordinarily rare literary attainments. While yet a young man his fame as a linguist was worldwide, and from all quarters of the globe books poured in upon the cousin of an Emperor who was known to value a rare work above all other treasures. He became the intimate friend of all the great linguists of his day, who delighted in assisting him to the utmost of their power in the accomplishment of his noble desire. His library will be found to contain the best of their works, often enriched with their autographs. Every catalogue of importance came to his hand, so that there was not a book in the market but he knew of it. He valued money only as a means of obtaining books, being lavish in his expenditure on them in the time of his prosperity, and, sometimes actually depriving himself of the bare necessaries of life in order to secure a rare work, when the fall of the Empire had considerably circum- scribed his means. During his travels he visited every bookseller of note ; he entered every shop where he saw books exposed for sale ; he never left any means in his power unemployed to secure a work he fancied. A record of his travels might almost be drawn up from the entries he made in his purchases as to where and when he acquired them. In judging his library it must be remembered that his one object in book-collecting was linguistic ; he valued a specimen of a South Pacific dialect, hitherto unrepresented in his library, more highly than a rare edition of the classics ; and, if a new language or dialect came to his knowledge, he had no peace of mind until he had secured a specimen for himself. VI PREFACE. Incidentally, however, he acquired works of the very greatest bibliographical interest and rarity, many of which will be sought in vain in all the published records of the bibliographers. Even, therefore, from the bibliophile's point of view the Prince's library is one of extraordinary merit and value. His primary object was the acquisition of every language and dialect represented in Europe ; but in the course of years his ambition went further, and he hoped to gather together specimens of every known language which possessed even the most rudimentary literature. It is more than probable that he succeeded with the European. portion of his scheme ; a glance through the accompanying synopsis of the contents of this work will only partly show what great strides he had made towards the accomplishment of his larger task, for it, as well as the Catalogue itself, is but the merest outline of the linguistic treasures contained in his library. It had for years been his intention to compile his own Catalogue on a scientific basis, which would have demonstrated not only the relations of languages but the lessons to be learned from the shading off into one another of their dialectal varieties. A great portion of his life had been spent in the study of dialects, and the conclusions to be drawn from the survival of an odd word or two in some of the most out-of-the- way specimens, as showing their original connection with others to which they no longer bore the slightest resemblance. This work would have been one of the greatest philological importance, and would have proved a fitting crown to an arduous life of linguistic research. It is more than probable that he would therein have conveyed to the world the final results of his investigations into the history of the Basque language that linguistic mystery which has proved so great a puzzle to all the eminent philologists who have attempted its solution. Unfortunately death ended his labours at a time when all the vast material for his work had been gathered together, and just as he was about to proceed to its execution. The present attempt at a Catalogue is a mere makeshift, hurriedly compiled by one who lacked the necessary qualifications for the task. In view of the approaching sale of the library a Catalogue was necessary, and chance threw the work into my hands. I have followed M. Abel Hovelacque's well-known book as the basis for the linguistic arrangement. The books of reference used were those met with in the library, the " Brunet " being the 1842 edition. Of course in the short time at disposal it was impossible to submit more than a PREFACE. vii very few books to anything beyond the most cursory examination. Where, however, reference has been made the results were such as to make it matter of regret that a fuller investigation could not be pursued with respect to others. It is no exaggeration to say that in all probability some of the rarest and most valuable works in this library have escaped special notice altogether. This will scarcely appear strange when it is remembered that this Catalogue, embracing works in most of the known languages of the world, was compiled within the period of eighteen months. It would have proved a task of physical impossibility to give to each book the time and attention devoted to a few, the importance of which was patent at the first glance. In order to save time and expense Roman type has been used throughout the work. Occasionally a note appears to the effect that such a book is not in the British Museum. This must not be taken as conclusive, but only that I have failed to discover the work in the British Museum Catalogue. It may appear in the British Museum Catalogue under a different heading to that here adopted. Experts in the various languages of which the Bonaparte Library is composed will probably find that very many of my entries are under totally wrong headings. I can only claim their indulgence on the plea that I have done my best with a very difficult task. A rough attempt has been made in the case of a few of the better known languages to show the wealth of dialects possessed by this library, but in no instance has this been pursued to an exhaustive point. In the greater number of languages no attempt at this treatment has been made at all. In the compilation of a perfect Catalogue of the Bonaparte Library there is several years' work for many experts ; it is therefore to be hoped that the ultimate destination of the collection will be some learned institution where its linguistic treasures may be studied at ease. That its dispersal would be little short of a disaster is the opinion of the most celebrated philologists and librarians of the day. It remains for me to thank those gentlemen who have most willingly assisted me during the progress of the work. At the British Museum Library I received every possible assistance from the learned staff of gentlemen there employed. Dr. Ginsburg put it in my power to make what I hope will prove a satisfactory description of the early German Bibles ; Count Ferrero assisted me with the Italian works ; Mr. E. Vincent Evans has supervised the passage of the Welsh portion through the Press ; a scholar of eminence has given me valuable information on the works in the different Gaelic idioms, and has divided into dialects the Gaelic of Ireland ; my brother, the Rev. Reginald F. Collins, helped me out of difficulties in viii PREFACE. many languages, and spent a considerable amount of time working daily in the library ; Don Ressurrecion Maria de Azkue, Professor of Basque in Bilbao, has divided the Basque works into broad groups ; Mr. James Fitzmaurice-Kelly, author of the last English Life of Cervantes, has given me invaluable assistance with the Spanish works ; Mr. Lothrop Withington, Mr. Charles O'Connell Hayes and several other gentlemen have also rendered me very important services in compiling the Catalogue. Finally, I must mention the name of one without whose constant guidance and help it would have been impossible for me to have accomplished my task. To the Rev. William Henry Kent, the learned son of the distinguished author Mr. Charles Kent, is due whatever of merit may be found in this Catalogue outside what is attributable to the gentlemen already named. It has been impossible for these gentlemen to undertake anything approaching responsibility for this work, so that in the very many cases where errors have occurred the blame must attach to me alone. VICTOR COLLINS, ii, CLEVELAND ROAD, BARNES, S.W. March 15, 1894. SYNOPSIS OF THIS WORK. FIRST DIVISION. MONOSYLLABIC LANGUAGES Chinese . . . . . . . . Tibetan SECOND DIVISION. AGGLUTINATIVE LANGUAGES I. AFRICAN LANGUAGES African Polyglot South African Languages Hottentot Bushman Languages of the African Negroes Hawsa Ewe Group Bantu or Kafir Family II. AUSTRALIAN LANGUAGES III. MALAYO POLYNESIAN LANGUAGES Melanesian Group . . Polynesian Group . . Malay Group IV. JAPANESE .. .. V. DRAVIDIAN LANGUAGES Tamil Malayalam Canarese Kudagu Tuda VI. ASIATIC POLYGLOT VII. FINNO-TATARIC OR URALO-ALTAIC LANGUAGES Samoyedic Group Finnic Group West Finnic Suomi . . . . . . . . Karelian . . . . . . Chudic . . . . . . Livonian . . . . . . Krewinian . . . . Esthonian Lapponic . . . . . . Finno- Permian Siryenian . . Permian . . . . . . Wotyak Volga- Finnic PAGE Mordvinian . . . . 23 Cheremissian . . . . . I Ugric ' " Magyaric . . . . 24 Wogulic ..31 Ostyak Turkic Group Uiguric . . ,, Turkish . . ,, Chuvak . . 32 Tungusian Group . 2 Mandchu . 11 Tungusian 33 . Mongolian Group . . VIIL BASQUE On Basque in general 11 Biscayen . . . . 43 Guipuzcoan . . 47 Labourdin .. .. 56 . 3 Navarrais .. .. 63 Souletin . . ..64 VII. FINNO-TATARIC, ETC. Continued. IX. IBERIAN 67 X. AMERICAN LANGUAGES American Polyglot and general . . 68 Algonquin Group .. .. .. ,, Dakotah Group . . . . . . ,, Appalache Group . . . . . . 69 Independent Mexican idioms .. ,, Aztec Group ,, Maya Group . . . . . . . . 70 Brazilian idioms . . . . . . ,, Quichua Group . . . . . . ,, XL SUB-ARCTIC LANGUAGES Chukchik (Asiatic) Aino . . . . . . . . . . ,, Eskimo . . . . . . . . . . 7 1 XII. LANGUAGES OF THE CAUCASUS Caucasian Polyglot and general . . ,, Northern Division Lesgian Group Avare .. .. .. . . ,, Khasia-Kumuk . . . . 72 Akusha .. .. . . ,, Ude Kistian Group Tush or Mosok . . . . ,, Circassian Group .. .. ,, Southern Division Lazian Group . . . . . . ,, SYNOPSIS OF THIS WORK. THIRD DIVISION. INFLECTIONAL LANGUAGES I. THE SEMITIC LANGUAGES PAGE Semitic Polyglot and general . . . . 72 Arameo- Assyrian Group Chaldee and Syriac .. .. .. ,, Assyrian . . . . . . . . , , Canaanitic Group Hebrew . . . . . . . . "73 Phoenician . . . . . . 75 Arabic Group Arabic proper . . . . . . , , Maltese .. .. .. ,, Languages of South Arabia and Abyssinia Himyaritic . . . . . . . . 76 Amharic . . . . . . ,, II. THE HAMITIC LANGUAGES Ha mitic Polyglot and general .. .. ,, The Egyptian Group Coptic . . . . . . . . ,, The Libyan Group Berber Kabyle The Ethiopian Group . . . . . . ,, III. THE ARYAN LANGUAGES Aryan Polyglot and general . . . . 77 The Indie Branch Ancient Indian Languages Sanskrit .. .. .. . . 116 Prakrit .. .. .. .. ..117 Modern Indian Languages Hindustani .. ... .. .. ,, Gipsy .. .. .. .. ,, The Iranic Branch Zend .. .. .. .. ..119 Persian . . . . . . . . . . 1 20 Armenian.. .. .. .. . . ,, Huzvaresh .. .. .. ,, Ossetian . . . . . . . . . . , , The Hellenic Branch .. .. .. 121 The Italic Branch Primitive Italic Languages Latin 133 Umbrian and Volscian . . . . 142 Oscan and Sabellian . . . . . . , , The Neo- Latin Languages French ... ., . . . . . . 143 Old French .. .. .. .. 171 On Patois in general . . . . 175 Rouchi, with Cambresien, Lillois and Douaisien . . . . . . 1 76 Picard 178 Wallon .. .. .. .. 179 Champenois . . . . . . 182 Austrasien (Lorrain, Messin and Vosgien) . . . . . . . . 183 Franc-Comtois . . . . . . 185 Bourguignon .. .. .. 186 Normand and Haut-Breton . . 188 Angevin, Manceau and Percheron 191 III. THE ARYAN LANGUAGES Continued. PAGE Angoumoisin and Saintongeois . . . . 192 Poitevin . . . . . . . . . . 193 Berrichon, Marchois and Blaisois . . 194 Langue rustique des environs de Paris, langage de la halle et argot . . . . ,, Langue d'Oc On Langue d'Oc and Romance in general . . 196 Auvergnat . . . . . . . . . . 204 Limousin . . . . . . . . ,, Lyonnais and Forezien . . . . . . 205 Savoyard . . . . . . . . . . 206 Dauphinois and Jurassien . . . . . . 207 Vaudois, Genevois, and the other dialects of French Switzerland . . . . . . 208 Gascon Bordelais and Medocain . . . . 210 Dialects of the Landes and Gers . . 211 Languedocien On Languedocien in general . . ..212 Agenais . . . . . . . , 213 Albigeois and Castrais .. .. 214 Biterois (Beziers dialect) . . . . ,, Cevenol .. .. .. . . ,, Montpellier and 1'Herault dialects . . ,, Nimois ... . . . . . . . . 216 Perigord dialects .. .. ..217 Quercy.. Rouergue . . . . . . . . , , Toulousain . . . . . . . . 218 Provenal of Provence On Provencal in general . . . . 220 Aix dialect . . . . . . . . 222 Arlesien . . . . . . ,, Comtadin (Avignon, Carpentras and Apt dialects) . . . . . . 223 Hautes-Alpes . . . . . . . . 225 Marseille, Var and Basses Alpes . . ,, Bearnais , , . . . . . . . . 230 Ni5ois . . . . . . . . . . 232 Catalan, Roussillonais, etc. . . . . ,, Valencian . . . . . . . . . . 237 Mallorquin and Menorquin . . . . 240 Italian . . . . . . . . . . ,, On Italian dialects in general . . . . 265 1. Italo-Celtico dialects Piemontese, Astigiano, Alessandrino and Monferrino . . . . . . 266 Milanese and Cremasco . . . . 268 Pavese . . . . . . . . . . 272 Bergamasco and Comasco . . . . 273 Cremonese . . . . . . . . 274 Piacentino .. .. .. . . ,, Parmigiano .. .. .. ,, Modenese and Mirandolese . . . . 275 Reggiano .'.' - . .. . . . . 276 Bolognese and Bresciano . . . . , , Ferrarese . . i . . . . . . . 279 Mahtovano' . . . . . . . 280 2. Ligurian dialects Genovese, Mentonese, etc. .. .. ,, 3. Tosco-Romani dialects Florentino, Marchigiano, Romagnolo, Sienese, Lucchese, Livornese, etc. 281 Corsican dialects . . . . . . 285 SYNOPSIS OF THIS WORK. XI III. THE ARYAN LANGUAGES Continued. PAGE 4. Neapolitan dialects Neapolitan, Bari, Teremano, etc. . . 286 Terra d'Otranto dialects . . . . 290 Abruzzi dialects .. .. .. ,, 5. Sicilian dialects Sicilian insular dialects .. .. .. ,, Calabrian dialects . . . . . . 295 6. Venetian dialects Venetian proper . . . . . . , , Bellunese 300 Friulano . . . . . . . . ,, Padovano.. .. .. .. .. 301 Trevigiano and Roveretano .. .. Triestino . . . . . . . . ,, Veronese . . . . . . . . . . 302 Vicentino . . .. .. .. 7. Sardinian dialects On Sardinian in general . . . . ,, Campidano or Southern dialects . . 304 Logudorese or Central dialects . . 306 Gallurese or Northern dialects . . 307 Italian Slang . . . . . . . . 309 Kumansh or Ladin (in its various dialects) . . Spanish Languages Castellano . . . . . . . . 322 Gallego . . . , . . . . 341 Asturiano . . . . . . . . 343 Andaluz . . . . . . . . 344 Aragon .. .. .. ,, Judaeo-Spanish . . . . . . ,, Espanol de Ultramar . . . . . . . . 345 Slang .. .. .. .. .. ,, Portuguese Portuguese proper .. .. .. ,, Portuguese dialects with Brazilian . . . . 353 Indo-Portuguese . . . . . . . . 354 Rumanian or Wallachian (in its various dialects) 355 The Keltic Branch On Keltic in general . . . . . . . . 361 Gaelic Branch Gaelic of Ireland (Irish proper) . . . . 366 Ulster dialect .. .. .. .. 373 Munster dialect .. .. .. ,, Connaught dialect . . . . . . 374 Gaelic of Scotland (in its various dialects) 376 Gaelic of Man . . . . . . . . 385 Kymric Branch Kymric of Wales . . . . . . . . 387 Kymric of Cornwall . . . . . . 422 Kymric of Britanny . . . . . . 423 Teutonic Branch Gothic with Runic . . . . . . . . 434 Icelandic with Norwegian or Norse . . . . 440 Swedish . . . . . . . . . . . . 449 Danish . . . . . . . . . . . . 456 German (including Old-High, Middle-High, etc.) .. .. 463 On German dialects in general . . . . 496 High-German dialects .. .. .. 498 Low-German dialects . . . . . . 507 Dialects of the German colonies in Northern Italy, and works on the Cimbric tongue 519 Pennsylvanian Dutch . . . . . . 520 Slang German-Hebrew and Polish-Hebrew . . 522 Dutch 524 III. THE ARYAN LANGUAGES Continued. PAGE 535 54i 555 599 .. 608 .. 609 .. 610 Flemish . . . . Frisian English Anglo-Saxon On English dialects in general . American English . . . . . Bedfordshire dialect Berkshire dialect Cheshire dialect Cornish dialect . . . . . Cumberland dialect Derbyshire dialect . . . . Devonshire dialect . . . Dorset dialect . . . . . Durham dialect East Anglian dialects Essex dialect Gloucestershire dialect Herefordshire dialect Irish- English dialects Kentish dialect . . . . . Lancashire dialects Leicestershire dialect Lincolnshire dialect . . . London dialect . . . . . Lowland Scotch, including the English dialects of Scotland . Northamptonshire dialect . . Northumberland dialect Shropshire dialect Somersetshire and West Country Staffordshire dialect Sussex dialect Warwickshire dialect Westmoreland dialect Wight dialect (Isle of) Wiltshire dialect Worcestershire dialect Yorkshire dialects . . Slang . . . . . . . Negro-English . . Slavonic Branch On Slavonic Languages in general Church Slavonic Russian . . . . . . Ruthenian . . . . Polish Bohemian .... Slovakian Serbian or Wendic . . Bulgarian Servo-Croatian . . . . . Slovenian Cassubian .. .. .. . Polabish (extinct) Lettic Branch Lithuanian . . . . . . . Lettish Old Prussian (extinct) . . . . Unclassified Aryan Tongues Etruscan . . . . . . . . Albanian . . . . . . . . . Various Creole . . . . . . . . Macaronic Volapiik . . . . . . . . 613 615 617 > 618 > 619 .. 624 various . -. 633 > .. 638 dialects .. 639 .. 640 . . 641 645 649 650 657 660 668 669 673 678 683 684 698 701 702 706 708 709 710 716 717 718 CATALOGUE. FIRST DIVISION. MONOSYLLABIC LANGUAGES. CHINESE. 1 ABEL-REMUSAT (M.). Ele'mens de la Grammaire chinoise, ou, Principes gendraux du Kou-wen ou style antique, et du Kouan-Hoa, c'est-a-dire, de la langue commune g6n6ralement usite6 dans 1'empire chinois. Paris, 1822. 8vo, half calf. 2 BIBLE. The Holy Bible, entirely in the Chinese character; printed on fine satin paper in four parts, enclosed in a calf case. A very handsome specimen of Chinese printing. 3 FREELAND (H. W.). Hoa Tschou Ko, freely paraphrased in English and other languages. (Chinese National Air.) Hertford, n.d. Printed for the translator. 4 Chinese Bridal Songs. Freely rendered from the Chinese. Hertford, n.d. Printed for the translator. 5 GAUGENGIGL (Prof. J.). (Probe-Exemplar) Pasigraphisch Chinesisches Worterbuch (Bachmaier's System). Miinchen, 1864. 10 pages. 6 GRUBE (Wilhelm). Die Sprachgeschichtliche Stellung des Chinesischen. Leipzig, 1881. 8vo. Autograph presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 7 HALDEMAN (S. S.). On the relations between Chinese and the Indo-European languages. Cambridge, 1857. 8vo. 8 MALAN (Rev. S. C.). Who is God in China, Shin or Shang-te ? With remarks. London, 1855. 8vo. 9 TSENG (Marquis). Art. A version in Chinese of a Poem written in English and Italian by H. W. Freeland. (Extract from the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, vol. xix, part i.) TIBETAN. 10 GAUGENGIGL (Prof. J.). (Probe-Exemplar) Pasigraphisch Tibetanisches Worterbuch (Bachmaier's System). Munchen, 1864. 10 pages. 11 SCHIEFNER (A.). Uber das Bonpo-Sutra : "Das Weisse Naga-Hunderltausend." Lu le 1 8 Septembre, 1879. (Me'moires de 1'Acad. Imp. des Sciences, VII me se"rie, T. xxviii, No. i). St. P6tersbourg, 1880. 410. SECOND DIVISION. AGGLUTINATIVE LANGUAGES. I.-AFRICAN LANGUAGES-POLYGLOT. 12 BOUCHE (1'abbe"). Les Noirs peints par eux-memes. Paris, 1883. 8vo. 13 CUST (Robert Needham). Notice of the scholars who have contributed to the exten- sion of our knowledge of the languages of Africa. [London, 1882.] Containing lists of linguistic works concerning the various African dialects. From the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, vol. xiv, part 2. Presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 14 Les Langues Modernes de 1'Afrique d'apres M. Robert Needham Gust. (Extrait de L'Afrique explored et civilisee.) Geneve, 1884. 8 pages. Presentation copy from Mr. Cust to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 15 HALEVY (Joseph). Lettre a M. D'Abbadie stir 1'origine asiatique des Langues du Nord de 1'Afrique. (Actes de la Socie"te Philologique, tome i cr , No. 2. Juin, 1869.) Paris. SOUTH AFRICAN LANGUAGES-HOTTENTOT. 1 6 CHARENCEY (H. de). Elements de la Grammaire Hottentote (dialecte Nama). Extrait No. 47 de la Revue Orientale el Americaine, Paris. 17 BLEEK (W. H. I.). A brief account of Bushman Folk-lore and other Texts. London, Cape Town and Leipsic, 1875. Folio. Presentation copy to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte from the author's widow in fulfilment of his intention. HAWSA. 1 8 BAIKIE (William Balfour). Observations on the Hdusa and Fulfulde languages ; with examples. London, 1861. EWE GROUP. 19 BAUDIN (P.). Katekismu 1'ede Yoruba, traduit du cate"chisme de Cambrai. Paris, 1884. i2mo. (The Nago tongue is spoken in Yoruba, a country near the Niger.) 20 IWE IROHIN EKO ati ti gbogbo ile Yoruba ati ilu Miran. Lagos, 1889. (The issues of this periodical in English and Yoruba for Nov. 2 and 16, and Dec. 7th, 1889.) BANTU FAMILY. 21 BRUSCIOTTO (H.). Regulae quaedam pro difficillimi Congensium idiomatis faciliori captu ad grammaticas normam redactae. Romae, 1659. 8vo. (part missing). 22 CANNECATTIM (Bern-Maria de). Diccionario da Lingua Bunda ou Angolense, explicada na Portugueza, e Latina. Lisboa, 1804. 410, half calf. 23 Collecc,ao de observances grammaticaes sobre a Lingua Bunda, ou Angolense, compostas por Fr. Bernardo Maria de Cannecattim. Lisboa, 1805. 410, half calf. 24 CANNELL (W. M.) and ANAMAN (J. B.) Fanti-English Dictionary. London, 1886. 8vo. 25 DIAS DE CARVALHO (H. A.). Methodo pratico para fallar a Lingua da_ Lunda. Lisboa, 1889. 8vo. 26 KOLER (H.). Einige Notizen iiber Bonny an der ktiste von Guinea, seine Sprache und seine Bewohner. Mit einem Glossarium. Gottingen, 1848. 8vo, half morocco. 27 PERRON (Dr.). Vocabulaire de la Langue du Darfour forme" par M. le Dr. Perron d'apres les renseignements de voyageurs, et surtout du Cheik Mohammed-el-Tounsy. Le Caire, 1874. 28 SCHREUDER (H. P. S.). Grammatik for Zulu-Sproget. Med Fortale og Anmaer- kninger af C. A. Holmboe. Christiania, 1850. 8vo. 29 SCHUCHARDT (Hugo). Ueber die Benguelasprache. Wien, 1883. 14 pages. 30 VIANNA (A. R. Gon9alves). Transcrigao Portuguesa de Nomes Proprios e Comuns pertencentes a Idiomas falados nas Colonias Portuguesas. I. Africa, 1888. Autograph presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. II.-AUSTRALIAN LANGUAGES. 31 KENESIS: Ku Netuji Ra Potni. Sydney, 1868. (Book of Genesis in an Australian dialect.) 32 RIDLEY (Rev. Wm.). Kamilaroi, Dippil, and Turrubul : Languages spoken by Aus- tralian Aborigines. Sydney, 1866. 410. III.-MALAYO-POLYNESIAN LANGUAGES-MELANESIAN GROUP. 33 C. (A.). Essai de Grammaire de la Langue de Viti, d'apres les manuscrits des Mission- naires Maristes Coordonne's. Par le P. A. C. Paris, 1884. II e . Fascicule de L'OEuvre de Saint-Jerome pour la publication des Travaux philologiques des Mis- sionnaires. (Fijian Grammar.) 34 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Ite huliua ne la nojei Aposetolo. Tusi i Paulo koi Angete Roma. Tusi hna pane i Paulo Aposetolo koi Angete Korinito. Tusi hna pane i Paulo Aposetolo koi Angete Korinito. Nengone ; printed at the London Missionary Society's Press, 1867. 8vo. (The Acts of the Apostles, the Epistle to the Romans, and the first and second Epistles to the Corinthians in the Lifu dialect of the Loyalty Islands.) POLYNESIAN GROUP. 35 CHARENCEY (H. de). Recherches sur les Dialectes Tasmaniens. Alen9on, 1880. 8vo. (Actes de la Soci6t6 Philologique, T. xi, i rc Fascicule. 1880.) 36 CUST (Robert). Les Races et les Langues de 1'Oceanie. Traduit de 1'Anglais par A. L. Pinart. Paris, 1888. Presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 37 MOSBLECH (B.). Vocabulaire Oce"anien-Fran9ais et Franc.ais-Oce'anien des dialectes paries aux lies Marquises, Sandwich, Gambier, etc. Paris, 1843. 8vo, half calf. MALAY GROUP. 38 HUMBOLDT (W. von). Uber die Kawi-Sprache auf der Insel Java. Berlin, 1836- 1839. 2 vols, 4to, half vellum. 39 ORTIZ (Rev. Th.). Pagtolong sa tavong mey saquit, nang pacabanalin niya ang cani- yang pagcamatay. (A book written in the Tagalog language of the Philippine Isles, containing reflections on how to die well, on Sorrow, on Good Confession, the Way of the Cross, etc.). Printed in the Convent of Our Lady of Loreto, Sampaloc, 1741. 410. 40 SAN JOSEPH (F. de). Libro de las quatro postrimerias del hombre en Lengua Tagala y letera Espanola. Manila, 1734. 4to. IV.-JAPANESE. 41 GAUGENGIGL (Prof. J.). (Probe-Exemplar) Pasigraphisch Japanesisches Worterbuch (Bachmaier's System). Munchen, 1864. 10 pages. V.-DRAVIDIAN LANGUAGES.-TAMIL. 42 BESCHI (Const.-Joseph). Grammatica latino tamulica ubi de vulgari tamulicae linguae idiomate Kotun-Tamil dicto. Trangambariae, typis missionis danicae, 1738. 8vo, half calf, rare. 43 BURNELL (A. C.)- Specimens of South Indian Dialects. No. 4. Parable of the Sower, St. Matthew xiii, 1-34. In the Dialect of Tamil spoken at Tanjore. Tranquebar, 1876. 44 Specimens of South Indian Dialects. No. 8. Parable of the Sower, St. Matthew xiii, 1-34. In the Dialect of Tamil spoken at Tanjore by Brahmans. Tranquebar, 1877. 8vo. 45 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Gospels. A Translation of the Four Gospels, and of the Acts of the Apostles by some Catholic Missionary Priests. Pondicherry, 1857. 1 2mo, calf. (Tamil character). : HODGSON (B. H.). On the Aborigines of India. Essay I. On the Kocch, B6do, and Dhimal Tribes in three parts. Part i : Vocabulary. Part 2 : Grammar. Part 3 : Location, numbers, creed, customs, condition, etc. Calcutta, 1846. 410. 47 VINSON (Julien). Litte>ature Tamoule ancienne; po6sie 6pique, Le Ramayaria de Kamban' (Kamba Ramayanam) ou Aventures de Rama, septieme incarnation de Vichnu. Pondich6ry, 1861. Autograph presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. MALAYALAM. 48 BURNELL (A. C.). Specimens of South Indian dialects. No. 2. Parable of the Sower, St. Matthew xiii, 1-34. In the Dialects of Malayalam spoken by the Mappilas of S. Canara and of Amindlvi (Laccadive Islands) in the Mappila-Arabic and Lepsius's Standard Alphabet. Mangalore, 1873. Only 45 copies printed. 49 LITURGY. The Book of Common Prayer, etc., in the Malayalam character. Cottayam, 1838. 4to, calf. CANARESE. 50 LITURGY. A Catholic Prayer Book printed in the Karnataca or Canarese language spoken at Bangalore, 1848; 698 pages in the Canarese character. The contents are a Kalendar of Saints' Days, Morning and Evening Prayers, Prayers for Con- fession, Communion, Mass, etc. 410, calf. 51 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). St. Matthew. Vangel Jesu Christacho S. Matheus pustokim. The Parable of the Sower, etc., St. Matthew xiii. Translated from the Vulgate into the Konkani spoken by the Roman Catholics of South Canara. Mangalore, 1872. Only 30 copies printed. KUDAGU. 52 BURNELL (A. C.). Specimens of South Indian Dialects. No. 3. Parable of the Sower, St. Matthew xiii, 1-34. In the Kodagu (Coorg) dialect. Mangalore, 1873. Only 40 copies printed. TUDA. 53 BURNELL (A.C.). Specimens of South Indian Dialects. No. 5. Parable of the Sower, St. Matthew xiii, 1-34. In the language spoken by the Todas of the Nilagiri Hills, Mangalore, 1873. Only 35 copies printed. VI.-ASIATIC POLYGLOT. 5+ BIBLIOTHECAE philologicae Pars I. Bibliotheca Orientalis et Linguistica. Ver- zeichniss der vom Jahre 1850 bis incl. 1868 in Deutschland erschienenen Biicher, Schrifter und Abhandlungen orientalischer und sprachvergleichender Literatur, herausgegeben von Carl Heinrich Herrmann. Halle a/S. 1870. 8vo. 55 BRANDRETH (E. L.). Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. On the Non-Aryan languages of India. London, 1878. (With a coloured language map of India and border lands and a table of the Non-Aryan dialects.) 56 CLARKE (Hyde). The Khita and Khita-Peruvian Epoch: Khita, Hamath, Hittite, Canaanite, Etruscan, Peruvian, Mexican, etc. London, 1877. 8vo. 57 CUST (Robert N.). A Sketch of the Modern Languages of the East Indies. With two language maps. London, 1878. 8vo. 58 GULDENSTADT (Dr. J. A.). Beschreibung der Kaukasischen Lander. Aus seine*. Papieren ganzlich umgearbeitet, verbessert herausgegeben und mit erklarenden Anmerkungen begleitet von Julius Klaproth. Berlin 1 , 1834. 8vo, half vellum. 59 HUNTER (W. W.). A Comparative Dictionary of the Languages of India and High Asia. With a dissertation. London, 1868. 4to. 60 JOURNAL ASIATIQUE, ou, Recueil de Me"moires, d'Extraits et de Notices relatifs a 1'Histoire, a la Philosophic, aux Sciences, a la LitteVature, et aux Langues des Peuples Orientaux. Paris, 1825-1828-1836. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco. 6 1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ORIENTAL SOCIETY. Vol. vii, No. 2, and Vol. viii, No. 2. New Haven, 1862 and 1866. 4to. 62 KLAPROTH (Jul. von). Archiv fur Asiatische Litteratur, Geschichte und Sprachktinde. St. Petersburg, 1810. 4to, half morocco. 63 Asia Polyglotta. Paris, 1823. 4to, half calf. 64 Asia Polyglotta. Sprachatlas. Paris, 1823. Folio, half calf. 65 Asia Polyglotta. (Zweite Auflage.) Paris, 1831. 8vo. Traduite et aug- mented par C. Laget. 2 vols. Half calf. The French translation is in manuscript on the interleaves. (Added to this work in manuscript is, " Vergleichende Tabellen der Ungrischen Sprache mit den Finnischen Mundarten." Nach den Linguarum totius Orbis vocabulariis comparativis. Augustissimae cura collectis. Petropoli typis Jo. Carol. Schnoor, 1786. Extrait de 1'Histoire des Hongrois par J. A. Fessler.) 66 Asia Polyglotta. Sprachatlas. Paris, 1831. Folio. 67 Beleuchtung und Widerlegung der Forschungen iiber die Geschichte der Mittel-Asiatischen Volker des Herrn J.-J. Schmidt, in St. Petersburg. Mit einer Charte und zwei Schrifttafeln. Paris, 1824. 8vo. 68 Me"moires relatifs a 1'Asie, contenant des recherches historiques, ge"ographiques et philologiques sur les peuples de 1'Orient. Paris, 1824-1828. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco. 69 MEDICI (Minas). Grammaire polyglotte contenant les principes des langues arabe, persane, turque et tatare, avec des remarques analytiques d'autres langues. Venise, 1844. 410, half calf. 70 MELANGES asiatiques tire's du Bulletin historico-philologique de 1' Academic Impe'riale des Sciences de St. Ptersbourg. St. Pe"tersbourg, 1852-1890. 410. 10 vols. Of vol. vii there are only parts 4-6. Of vol i there is only part I. Vols. i, ii and iii are bound in half morocco, the other vols. are in parts in paper covers. The title undergoes slight alterations. 71 SCHLEIERMACHER (A. A. E.). De 1'influence de 1'ecriture sur le langage. Suivi de Grammaires Barmane et Malaie, et d'un aper$u de 1'alphabet harmonique pour les langues asiatiques. Darmstadt, 1835. 8vo, half morocco. 72 STRAHLENBERG (P. J. von). Das nord-und ostliche Theil von Europa nnd Asia, in so weit solches das ganze russische Reich mit Siberien und der grossen Tartarey in sich begreift. Stockholm, 1730. 410, half calf. Maps and illustrations and a Polyglot table of 32 dialects. 73 An Histori-Geographical Description of the North and Eastern part of Europe and Asia; but more particularly of Russia, Siberia and Great Tartary ; together with an entire new Polyglot-Table of the Dialects of 32 Tartarian Nations ; and a Vocabulary of the Kalmuck-Mungalian Tongue. With Map and Cuts. (Trans- lated from the German.) London, 1736. 410, half calf. 74 Another edition, London, 1738. 4to, calf. 75 STUDI ORIENTALI E LINGUISTICI. Raccolta periodica di G. T. Ascoli. Fasciculi i and 2. Milano, 1854 and 1855. 8vo. 76 STUDI CRITICI DI G. T. ASCOLI. Dagli studi orientali e linguistici. Fasciculo 3. Gorizia, 1861. 8vo. 77 VOLNEY (C. F.). Simplification des langues orientales, ou, M6thode nouvelle et facile d'apprendre les langues arabe, persane et turque avec des caracteres europe"ens. Paris, An III. 8vo, half morocco. 78 L'Alfabet europe"en applique" aux langues asiatiques. Paris, 1818. 8vo, half morocco. FINNO-TATARIC OR URALO-ALTAIC LANGUAGES. 79 BANG (Willy). Uralaltaische Forschungen : i. Mongolisch-tungusische Stndien (mit Beitragen von H. Winkler). 2. Zur Verwandtschaft der uralaltaischen und aegyptisch-semitisch-indogermanischen Sprachen. Leipzig, 1890. 8vo. 80 BOLLER (Prof.). Die Ubereinstimmung der Tempus-und Modus-charaktere in den Ural-Altaischen Sprachen. Wien, 1857. ^ vo - 8 1 Die Wurzelsuffixe in den Ural-Altaischen Sprachen. Wien, 1857. 8vo. 82 Die Pronominalaffixe des Ural-Altaischen Verbums. Wien, 1858. 8vo. 83 BONAPARTE (Prince L.-L.). Remarques sur la classification des langues ouraliques. Paris, 1876. 8 pages. 84 CASTREN (M. Alex.). De affixis personalibus Linguarum Altaicarum dissertatio. Helsingforsiae, 1850. 4to, half morocco. 85 NORRIS (Edwin). Memoir on the Scythic version of the Behistun inscription. (From the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society.) London, 1853. 8vo. For convenience I have followed Whitney in classifying Scythic with the Uralo-Altai'c group. Hove- lacque considers this version to have been Medic. 86 SCHOTT (Wilhelm). Tiber das Altai'sche oder Finnisch-Tatarische Sprachengesch- lecht. Berlin, 1849. 4to, half morocco. 87 Altajische Studien oder Untersuchungen auf dem gebiete der Altai-Sprachen. In parts. 4th part missing. 1860-1872. 4to. 88 WINKLER (H.). Uralaltaische Volker und Sprachen. Berlin, 1884. 8vo. 1. SAMOYEDIC GROUP. 89 CASTREN (M. Alexander). Versuch einer Ostjakischen Sprachlehre nebst kurzem Worterverzeichniss. (Nordische Reisen und Forschungen.) St. Petersburg, 1849. 4to, half morocco. 90 Zweite Auflage. St. Petersburg, 1858. 8vo. half morocco. 91 Grammatik der Samojedischen Sprachen. (Nordische Reisen und Fors- chungen.) St. Petersburg, 1854. 8vo, half morocco. 92 CASTREN (M. Alexander). Worterverzeichnisse aus den Samojedischen Sprachen. (Nordische Reisen und Forschungen). St. Petersburg, 1855. 410, half morocco. 93 Ethnologische Vorlesungen iiber die Altaischen Volker nebst Sarriojedischen Marchen und Tatarischen Heldensagen. (Nordische Reisen und Forschungen.) St. Petersburg, 1857. 8vo, half morocco. 94 Versuch einer Jenissei-Ostjakischen und Kottischen Sprachlehre nebst Worterverzeichnissen aus den genannten Sprachen. (Nordische Reisen und Forschungen.) St. Petersburg, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. 2. FINNIC GROUP-A. WEST FINNIC-SUOMI OR FINNIC PROPER. 95 A B C BOOK. Oversaettelse af den finiske A B C ogLaesebog. Christiania, 1837. ^vo. 96 AHLMAN (F.); Ruotsalais-suomalainen sanakirja. Helsingissa, 1865. 410. (K. S. toim. 38 osa.) 97 AHLQVIST (Aug.). De fem forsta Sangerna af Kalevala med Svensk Ordbok. Helsingfors, 1853. 8vo, half calf. (The first five Cantos of Kalevala with Swedish Dictionary.) 98 AKIANDER (M.). Forsok till utredningaf Finska Sprakets Ljudbildning. Helsingfors, 1846. 410, half morocco. (A Treatise in Swedish on the laws of the Finnic Tongue.) 99 ALTMANN (J.). Runen finnischer Volkspoesie. Leipzig, 1856. 8vo, half morocco. 100 AMINOFF (T. G.). Wirolais-suomalainen sanakirja satukokoukseen ; Eestirahwa Ennemuistesed jutud. Helsingissa, 1869. 410. (KS. toim. 46 osa.) Esthonian- Finnish Dictionary. 101 ANWISNING. En nyttig och tydelig Anwisning till Swenska och Finska Spraken, etc. Turussa (Abo), 1830. half calf. (Short Swedish and Finnish every-day dialogues.") 1 02 ASPELIN (J. R.). Suomalais-ugrilaisen muinaistutkinnon alkeita. 316 puupiirrosta tekstissa ja liitteena muinais-tieteellinen kartta. Helsingissa, 1875. 8vo. (KS. toim. 51 osa.) 103 BECKER (R. von). Finsk Grammatik. Abo, 1824. 8vo, half calf. 104 BIBLE. Biblia eli Pyha Raamattu, VVanha ja Uusi Testamenti. St. Pietarborisa, 1817. 8vo, morocco. Not in the British Museum Catalogue. 105 Another edition. Stockholmisa, 1838. 8vo, calf. Not in the British Museum Catalogue. 106 BOLLER (Prof.). Die Finnischen Sprachen. (Aus dem Jannerhefte des Jahrg. 1853 der Sitzungsberichte der philos.-histor. Classe der K. Akad. der Wiss. [x. Bd., S. 29] besonders abgedruckt.) No place or date. 8vo. 107 Die Declination in den finnischen Sprachen. (Aus dem xi. u. xii. Bde. der Sitzungsberichte der philos.-histor. Classe der K. Akad. der Wiss. besonders abgedruckt.) Wien, 1854. 8vo. 1 08 Die Conjugation in den finnischen Sprachen. (Aus dem xiii. u. xiv. Bde. d. Sitzungsb. d. philos.-histor. Cl. d. K. Akad. d. Wissens. besonders abgedruckt.) 8vo, half morocco. 109 BREDOW (G. G.). Yhteinen historia kansa-koulujen tarpeeksi. Helsingissa, 1847. 4to (KS. toim. 9 osa), half morocco. (" General History for the use of the National Schools," translated into Finnish by K. Aejmelaeus.) 110 BUDENZ (J.). Ugrische Sprachstudien. Pest, 1869-1870. 8vo. Two parts. 8 in CAJAN (J. F.). Suomen Historia. Helsingissa, 1846. (KS. toim. 7 osa.) 8vo, half morocco. (Finn History.) 112 CANNELIN (Gustaf). Kreikan kieli-oppi, alotteleville. Helsingissa, 1863. 8vo. (KS. toim. 29 osa.) 1 1 3 CASAR (Julius). Das finnische Volksepos Kalewala. Eine Vorlesung. Stuttgart, 1862. 8vo. 114 CASTREN (M. A.). De affinitate declinationum in Lingua Fennica, Esthonica et Lapponica. Helsingforsiae, 1839. 8vo, half calf. 115 Ueber die Ursitze des finnischen Volkes. Paper read by Dr. Castre"n at Helsingfors the gih Nov., 1849. Half morocco. 116 Ueber die neueste Redaction der Kalewalarunen. (Lu le 25 Janvier, 1850.) 12 pages. (Aus dem Bullet, hist.-phil. i. vii. No. 20.) 117 Nordiska Resor och Forskningar. Helsingfors, 1852. 8vo, half morocco. 3 vols. (with Portrait, Maps, and Plates). 118 Vorlesungen iiber die Finnische Mythologie. (Nordische Reisen und Forschungen.) St. Petersburg, 1853. 8vo, half morocco. 119 COLLAN (F.). Finsk Spraklara. Helsingfors, 184.7. 8vo na ^ ca ^- (A Finnic Grammar in Swedish.) 1 20 CORNELIUS NEPOS (Kornelios). Jalojen sankarien elamakertoja. (K.S. toim. 19 osa.) Helsingissa, 1856. 8vo. (Translated by K. M. Forsberg.) 121 DONNER (Otto). Das Personalpronomen in den Altai'schen Sprachen. i. Die Finnischen Sprachen. Berlin, 1865. 8vo. 122 Vergleichendes Worterbuch der Finnisch-Ugrischen Sprachen. Helsingfors, 1874-1888. In 3 parts. 8vo. Presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 123 Die Gegenseitige Verwandtschaft der Finnisch-Ugrischen Sprachen. Helsingfors, 1879. 410. 124 EKLOF (J. H.). Kolmiomittaviivatn merkillisimmat yhtisoudet ynna tasannes- kolmiomitanto. Helsingissa, 1848. (KS. toim. 12 osa.) 8vo, half morocco. (A work on Trigonometry.) 125 Pallo-kolmio-mittanto. (KS. toim. 12 osa.) Helsingissa, 1856. 8vo. (On Mathematics.) 126 ELIOT (C. N. E.). A Finnish Grammar. Oxford, 189-. 8vo, morocco. 127 ERWAST (Karl). Finnisch-Deutsches Worterbuch, Tawastehus, 1888. (KS. toim. 69 osa.) 410. 128 EUCLID. Nelja ensimmaista kirjaa ynna viidennen maaritykset Euklideen alkeista mittaustieteessa. Helsingissa, 1847. (KS. toim. 8 osa.) 8vo, half morocco. (The first four books of Euclid translated into Finnic, by W. Kilpinen.) O 129 EURE'N (G. E.). Finsk Spraklara. Abo, 1849. 8vo, half morocco. (A Swedish Grammar on Finnic.) 130 Suomalainen kjelioppi suomalaisille. Turussa, 1852. 8vo, half morocco. (A Finnic Language Instructor.) 131 Another edition. Turussa, 1859. 8vo. 132 Finsk-Swensk Ordbok. Tavastehus, 1860. 8vo. 133 EUROP^EUS (D. E. D.). Pieni runon-seppa eli kokous paraimmista Inkerinmaan puolelta keratyista runo-lauluista ynnii johdatuksia runon tekoon. Helsingissa, 1847. 8vo. (Poetry.) 9 134 EUROP.-EUS (D. E. D.). Ruotsalais-Suomalainen sanakirja. Helsingissa, 1853. 8vo, half calf. (A Swedish-Finnic Dictionary.) 135 Die finnisch-ungarischen Sprachen und die Urheimath des Menschengesch- lechtes. Helsingfors, n.d. 136 ' Vorlaufiger Entwurf iiber den Urstamm der Indoeuropaischen Sprachfamilie und seine vor-indoeuropaischen Abzweigungen, namentlich die finnischungarische. Helsingfors, 1863. 8vo. 137 FABIA'N (Istvan). Finn nyelvtan. Pesth, 1859. 8vo. (A Magyar work on the Finnish Language.) 138 FINELIUS (C. A.). Finsk Spraklara for Lagre Elementar-Skolor. Wasa, 1845. 4(0. 139 FINNICA. A Collection of short Stories in Finnic, printed at St. Petersburg from 184410 1850, bound together, half morocco, izmo. 140 FLOMAN (W.). Ranskan kielioppi lukemiston ja sanakirjan kanssa alotteleville. Helsingissa, 1863. 8vo. (KS. toim. 31 osa.) (French Selections and Dictionary for Finns.) 141 FOSTERLANDSKT ALBUM. Utgifvet af H. Kellgren, R. Tengstrom, K. Tigerstedt. Helsingfors, 1845. 8vo, half calf. (A Book of Finnic Songs and Music in Swedish.) 142 FRANKLIN (Benjamin). Neuwoja kaikille saadyille rikkaaksi ja onnelliseksi paastaksensa. Suomentanut Jaakko Jaakonpoika. Porwossa, 1843. izmo. 143 FRIIS (J. A.). Ethnographisk Kart over Finmarken. Christiania, 1861. In five sheets, all folding into one case. 144 GADOLIN (Jacob. Frider.). Observationes quaedam in versionem sacrorum bibliorum Fennicam, exemplis ex propheta Jesaia illustratse. Aboae, 1774. 410. 145 GANANDER (Ch.). Mythologia Fennica, eller Forklaring ofver de Nomina propria o de astrorum, idolorum, locorum, virorum, etc. Abo, 1789. 4to, calf. (A Swedish work on Finnic mythology.) 146 GEITLIN (J. G.). Lexicon Fennico-Latinum. Helsingforsiae, 1883. 4to. (KS. toim. 65 osa.) 147 [GODENHJELM (Berndt Fredrik).] Saksalais-suomalainen sanakirja. Helsingissa, 1873. 410. (KS. toim. 49 osa.) (German- Finnic Dictionary.) 148 GOTTLUND (C. A.). Otawa eli suomalaisia huvituksia. Tukhulmissa, 1831. 410, half morocco. (A Literary Magazine, with Plates and Music.) 149 GYLDEN (C. W.). Suomenmaan Korko-Kartta. Helsingissa, 1855. An Ethno- graphical Map of Finland. In case. 150 GYLDEN (Nils Abraham). Latinainen oppikirja vasta-alkajille, Prof. Gylde"nin, Ruotsiksi kirjoitetun, oppikirjan mukan Suomeksi toimittanut H. G. P[eranderJ. Turussa, 1860. 8vo. 151 HAARTMAN (Carl von). Forsok att bestamma den genuina racen af de i Finland boende folk som tala Finska (Foredr. for Vet. Soc. d. 29 April, 1845). (Acta Societas Scientiarum Fennicae, Tomi Secundi pars II. Helsingforsiae, 1847.) 151 HAHNSSON (J. A.). Ruotsalais-Suomalainen sanakirja. I Vihko (A.-B6jd). Helsingissa, 1884. 8vo. II Vihko (Bojelse-Framplocka). Helsingissa, 1888. 8vo. (Swedish-Finnic Dictionary.) 153 [HALLSTfiN (A. G. J.).] Lyhy Suomen historia ja maantiede. Helsingissa, 1849. (KS. toim. 13 osa.) 8vo, half calf. (Short History and Geography of Finland, translated into Finnic by J. F. Granlund.) 154 HELENIUS (C.). Suomalainen ja ruozalainen sanakirja. Abo, 1838. 8vo, half calf. (Finnic-Swedish Dictionary.) to 155 HUNFALVY PA'L. Finn olvasmdnyok a Finn Nyclvet tanu!6k szamara. Pest, 1 86 1. 8vo. (A Magyar work on the Finnic Language.) 156 IDMAN (Nils). Recherches sur 1'ancien Peuple finois d'apres les rapports de la langue finoise avec la langue grecque. Ouvrage traduit du sue'dois par M. Genet. Strasbourg, 1778. 8vo, half morocco. J 57 JOUKKAHAINEN. Lasning i vexlande amnen. Utgifven af Osterbottningar. Helsingfors, 1843-1845. 8vo, 2 vols. (A literary magazine in Swedish, but with several Finnish contributions in prose and verse.) 158 JUDEN (J.) Forsok till utredande af Finska Sprakets Grammatik. Wiborg, 1818. 8vo, half calf. (A Treatise in Swedish on Finnic Grammar.) 159 JUSLENIUS (Daniel). Suomalaisen sana-lugun coetus. Stockholm, 1745. 4to, half calf. (A Finnic-Latin-Swedish Lexicon.) 1 60 KAHDEKSANTOISTA RUNONIEKKAA. Helsingissa, 1889. 8vo. (KS. toim. 71 osa.) (18 Finnic Poems.) 161 KALEWALA taikka wanhoja Karjalan runoja Suomen kansan muinosista ajoista. (KS. toim. 2 osa.) Helsingissa, 1835. 8vo. (A copy of the famous Finnic national poem, Kalewala.) 162 Another edition. (KS. toim. 14 osa.) Helsingissa, 1849. 410, half morocco. 163 Another edition. (KS. toim. 27 osa.) Helsingissa, 1862. 8vo. 164 ,, ,, (KS. toim. 14 osa.) Helsingissa, 1866. 4to. 165 ,, (KS. toim. 48 osa.) Helsingissa, 1877. 8vo. 166 ,, ,, (KS. toim. 48 osa.) Helsingissa, 1888. 8vo. 167 KALLIO (A. H.). Supplementhafte till Elias Lonnrots Finskt-Svenska Lexicon. Helsingfors, 1886. 410. (KS. toim. 50 osa.) 1 68 KANTELETAR taikka Suomen kansan wanhoja lauluja ja wirsia. Helsingissa, 1840. (KS. toim. 3 osa.) 4to, half morocco. 3 vols. (Collection of old national songs.) 169 Another edition. (KS. toim. 3 osa.) Helsingissa, 1864. 8vo. 170 ,, ,, (KS. toim. 3 osa.) Helsingissa, 1887. 8vo. 171 KECKMAN (C. N.). De formis conjugationum in Lingua Fennica meditationes. Helsingforsiae, 1829. 4to, half calf. 172 KELLGREN (H.). Die Grundziige der finnischen Sprache mit Ruchsicht auf den Ural-Altaischen Sprachstamm. Berlin, 1847. 8vo, half morocco. 173 KEMPIS (Thomas a). Tuomas Kempin Kirjan, Kristuksen seuraamisesta. Helsingissa 1853. 8vo, morocco. (Translated by C. J. Kemelli.) 174 KOCKSTROM (V. R.). Kurze Grammatik der Finnischen Sprache, Nach dem Schwedischen bearbeitet von K. Suomalainen. Helsingfors, 1876. 8vo. 175 KORANTER OR CORANDER (H. K.). Suomalajnen kieli-oppi, kowlujen tarpe, eksi, i osa, ruotsalajsen esi-puheen kanssa opettajalle. Wiipurissa, 1845. 4to, calf. (A Grammar in Swedish of the Finnic Language.) 176 KORHONEN (P.;. Wiisikymmentii runoa ja kuusi laulua. Helsingissa, 1848. (KS. toim. 10 osa.) 8vo, half morocco. (Finnic Songs and Poems.). 177 KOSKINEN (Yrjo Sakari). Nuijasota, sen syyt ja tapaukset. Turussa, 1857. 8vo. 178 Finska Sprakets satslara. Abo, 1860. 8vo. (An Essay in Swedish on Finnish.) 179 KROHN (J.). Kalevalan toisinnot. Les variantes du Kalevala. Chants 6piques du peuple finnois. Helsingissa, 1888. 4to, i rc Partie. (The learned collector was drowned in the floods at Vibourg on the 28th August, 1887.) 11 180 KROHN (Kaarle). Histoire du Traditionnisme en Finlande. 1. Le Folk-lore finnois. Tire a 100 exemplaires pour les membres de la Societ6 de Literature finnoise. Paris, 1890. (Extrait de la Tradition, tome iv, 1890.) 181 KULLERVON RUNOT. Inkerin toisinnoista lisatty uusi painos. Helsingissa, 1882. 8vo. (KS. toim. 64 osa.) 182 LASEOFNINGAR i Finska Spraket for Begynnnare. Tawastehus, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. (A Reading-Book of the Finnish Tongue for Swedes.) 183 LE DUG (L.). La Finlande, son histoire primitive, sa mythologie, sa poe"sie e"pique, avec la traduction complete de sa grande epope'e, Le Kalewala. Paris, 1845. 8vo, half calf. 184 LILIUS (Aukusti). Suomenkielinen lukemisto. Turussa, 1859-1860. In parts. (Finnish selections.) 185 LILLJA (J. W.). Bibliographia hodierna Fenniae. Abo, 1846. 410, half calf. 1 86 LINDSTROM (Johan Adolf). Forsok att visa Grammatikaliska Formers uppkomst i Finska spraken, samt forvandtskap i andra sprak. Abo, 1847. 8vo. 187 Om Finska Folkvandringar enligt Grekiska, Romerska och andra kallor. Abo, 1848. 8vo, 1 88 Forsok att bestamma tiden, ifran hvilken Finnarne innehaft sina nuvaranda o boningsplatserr. Abo, 1849. 8vo. 189 Samling af med Finskan beslagtade ord fran de Uralska Altaiska och Kaukasiska spraken till en del jemforda med ord ur den Indo-Germaniska och Semitiska sprakstammen. Helsingfors, 1853. 8vo. (A collection of Finnish words derived from various sources, with the cognate words in the other languages.) 190 LONNROT (Elias). Om Ursprunget till Finnarnes Hiisi. (Foredr. d. 8 Febr. 1858.) An Extract, probably from the Acts of the Finnic Scientific Society, but there is no reference. 191 [ ja Scelan (And. Th.).] Flora fennica. Suomen kasvisto. Helsingissa, 1860. 8vo. Ja 3 taulua. (KS. toim. 24 osa.) 192 ja Scelan (And. Th.). Flora fennica. Suomen kasvio. Uusi parannettu laitos jonka toimittivat E. L. ja Th. Soelan. Helsingissa, 1866. 8vo. Ja 3 taulua. (KS. toim. 24 osa.) xgj Suomalais-ruotsalainen sanakirja. Helsingissa, 1874-1880. 4to. Two vols. (KS. toim. 50 osa I and II.) 194 LUBKE (W.). Taiteen historia paapiirteissaan. Helsingissa, 1889. 8vo. In parts. (A Finnish translation by Kaarlo Forsman of Lubke's work on antiquities, illustrated.) 195 MARTINIUS (Matthias). Hodegus Finnicus, cum analysi grammatica. Holmiae J. G. Eberdt, 1689. 8vo. Very rare. With this work is bound " Gabrielis A. F' O * Wallenii Westmanni Project af Swensk Grammatica. Tryckt i Abo af Johan Winter, 1682. 8vo, vellum. 196 MEURMAN (Agathon). Ranskalais-suomalainen sanakirja. Helsingissa, 1877. 8vo. (KS. toim. 56 osa.) (French-Finnish Dictionary.) 197 MURMAN (J. W.) ja Aschan (P.) Elaintiede (Zoologia) suomalaisille alkeiskouluille. 227 maalikuvalla. Turussa, 1866. 8vo. (A work on Zoology, with coloured plates.) 198 NAYTELMISTO, 1-3. Helsingissa, 1861-1864. 8vo. (KS. toim. 25 osa.) Contains the following : E. Scribe's Ensimainen rakkaus, translated by K. Santala. F. Schiller's Linkas-kielinen ,, ,, P. Hannikainen. F. Schiller's Selima ,, P. Hannikainen, 12 G. E. Lcssing's Emilia Galotti ,, ,, E. J. Blom. M. Korner's Syyn Sountus J. Krohn. R. B. Sheridan's Pyhan Patrikin pdivd eli Luutnantin keinot. L. Hoi berg's Jeppe Niilonpoika, translated by K. J. Gummerus. R. Kneisel's Wiuluniekka , T. J. Dahlberg. F. Schiller's Kawaluus ja rakkaus W. Shakespeare's Macbeth- A. Kivi's KuUerwo G. E. Lessing's Minna von Barnhelm Pit far Patelin A. Oksanen. K. Sloor. E. J. Blom. P. Hannikainen. 199 PALLANDER (G.) Dissertatio Academica formarum etymologicarum in linguis Fennica et Estonica parallelismum illustratura, etc. Aboae, 1819. 4to, half calf. 200 PALMfJN (E. G.). Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran viisikymmenvuotinen toimi ynna Suomalaisuuden edistys, 1831-1881. Helsingissa, 1 88 1. 8vo. 201 L'CEuvre demi-seculaire de laSociete de Litte"rature finnoise et le mouvement national en Finlande de 1831 a 1881. Traduit du finnois par H. F. Palnien. Helsingfors, 1882. 8vo. 202 (Johan Philip). La'in-opillinen kasikirja yhteiseksi siwistykseksi. Suomen- tanut Elias Lb'nnrot. Helsingissa, 1863. 8vo. (KS. toim. 30 osa.) 203 PETRAEUS (^Eschillus). Linguae Finnicae brevis institutio. Aboae, 1649. 8vo, vellum, rare. 204 PIPPING (F. W.). Nagra historiska underrattelser om Boktryckeriet i Finland. Helsingissa, 184010 1864. 4to. (Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae.) Incomplete. 205 Luettelo suomeksi prantatyista kirjoista. Helsingfors, 1856-7. 4to. (KS. toim. 20 osa.) Half morocco. (Catalogue of printed Finnish Books.) 206 POPPIUS (Abr.). De reciproca conjugationum forma in Lingua Fennica dissertatio. Upsaliae, 1818. 410, half calf. 207 PORTHAN (H. G.). Skrifter. Opera selecta. Helsingfors, 1859-1862. 2 vols. 8vo. (KS. toim. 21 osa. i. and ii.) 208 REIN (G.). Doctrinae grammaticorum de declinalionibus Fennicis brevis expositio. Helsingforsiae, 1829. 4to, half calf. 209 RENVALL (G.). Lexicon Linguae Finnicae cum interpretatione duplici, copiosiore Latina, breviore Germanica. Aboae, 1826. 4to, half calf, 2 vols. 210 Grammatiska Uppsatser. i. Om Finska Sprakets Dialecter. 2. Om Fin- lands National-eller Boksprak. 3. Om Grunden for Finsk Versbyggnad. Abo, 1837. 8 VO > half calf. (A short Treatise on the Finnic Language in Swedish.) 211 Finsk Spraklara. Abo, 1840. 4to, half calf. (A Grammar of the Finnic Tongue in Swedish.) 212 ROEHRIG (F. L. O.). JKclaircissements sur quelques particularite's des Langues tatares et finnoises. Paris, 1845. 26 pages, half morocco. 213 ROTHSTEN (F. W.). Latinais-suomalainen sanakirja koulujen tarpeeksi. Hel- singissa, 1864. 8vo. (KS. toim. 33 osa.) 214 RUOTSALAIS-SUOMALAINEN Laki-ja Wirkakielen Sanasto. Helsingissa, 1883. 8vo. (KS. toim. 66 osa.) (Swedish-Finnish Law Vocabulary.) 215 SAMMLUNG Russischer Geschichte. Des dritten Bandes, viertes Stuck. St. Peters- burg, 1759. 8vo, half calf. (Contains an account of the three nations near Kasan ; viz. the Cheremissian, Chuwaschen and Wotyak.) 13 216 SARELIUS (J.). Dissertatio Academica. De prsecipuis dialectis Linguae Fennicae. Aboae, 1801. 410, half calf. 217 SCHMID (J. K. von). Pyhan Eustakiuksen merkilliset elaman waiheet. (KS. toim. ii osa.) Helsingissa, 1848. 8vo, half morocco. (The wonderful story of St. Eustace, translated by A. Raty.) 218 Another edition. (KS. toim. n osa.) Helsingissa, 1851. 8vo. 219 SCHROTER (H. K. von). Finnische Runen. Finnisch und Deutsch. (Mil einer Musikbeilage.) Upsala, 1819. 8vo, half morocco. 220 SHAKESPEARE (William). III. Venetian Kauppias. (KS. toim. 60 osa.) Helsingissa, 1882. 8vo. 221 ,, IV. Kuningas Lear ,, ,, 1883. 8vo. 222 V. Julius Caesar ,, 1884. 8vo. 223 VI. Othello 1884. 8vo. 224 VII. Macbeth 1885. 8vo. 225 VIII. Coriolanus 1887. 8vo. The translations are by P. Cajander. 226 SJOGREN (A. J.). Ueber die finnische Sprache und ihre Literatur. St. Petersburg, 1821. 410, half calf. 227 STENBACH (G. L.). Sammandrag af Finska Sprakets Formlara (efter von Becker). Borga, 1844. 8vo. half calf. (A Grammar of the Finnic Tongue in Swedish.) 228 STJERNCREUTZ (Albin). Suomalainen meri sanakirja. Helsingissa, 1863* 8vo. (KS. toim. 28 osa.) 229 STOCKFLETH (N. V.). Yderligere Bidrag til Kimdskab om de finske Sprogforholde i Finmarkens og Nordlandenes Amter. Christiania, 1851. 8vo, half morocco. (A Treatise in Danish on the Languages used in Finmark.) 230 STOCKFLETH (N. J. C. V.). Dagbog over mine Missionsreiser i Finmarken. Christiania, 1 860. 8vo. In two parts. (This work deals with the Finnish language.) 231 STOCKHARDT (J. A.). Kemian-oppi aloittelijoille. Suomentanut J. Krohn, Helsingissa, 1864. 8vo. (KS. toim. 32 osa.) 232 STRAHLMANN (J.). Finnische Sprachlehre fur Finnen und Nicht-Finnen, mit Beziehung auf die Aehnlichkeit der finnischen Sprache mit der ungarischen, etc. St. Petersburg, 1816, 8vo, half calf. 233 SUOMALAIS-UGRILAISEN Seuran Aikakauskirja. (Journal de la Soci6t6 Finno- Ougrienne.) No. i to No. 9. Helsingissa, 1886-1891. 8vo. 234 SUOMALAISIA KANSANSATUJA. i osa. Elainsatuja. Helsingissii, 1886. 8vo. (Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran Toimituksia, 67 osa.) 235 SUOMALAISTEN harjoituskappalten Awain. No date or place, 20 pages. (Szt'nnyei ja Jalava, Unkarin kielen oppikirja.) 236 SUOMEN KANSAN arvvoituksia ynna 135 Wiron arwoituksen kanssa. Helsingissa, 1844. 8vo, half morocco. (KS. toim. 5 osa.) (Finnic riddles, with 135 Esthonian riddles.) 237 Another edition, with 189 Esthonian riddles. (KS. toim. 5 osa.) Helsingissa, 1851. 8vo. 238 laulantoja. Helsingissa, 1849. (KS. toim. 15 osa.) (A book of Finnic songs, with some airs and frontispiece.) 20 pages, oblong, half morocco. 239 muinaisia loitsurunoja. Helsingissa, 1880. 8vo. (KS. toim. 62 osa.) 14 240 SUOMEN KANSAN. Muinaisia taikoja. i. Metsiistys-Taikoja. Helsingissa, 1891. 8vo. (KS. toim. 76 osa.) 241 sanalaskuja. Helsingissa, 1842. 8vo, half morocco. (KS. toim. 4 osa.) (Proverbs in use among the Finns.) 242 satuja ja tarinoita. 4 osa. Helsingissa, 1852-1866. 8vo. The first osa is bound half calf, the remaining 3 are in paper covers. (KS. toim. 17 osa.) Legends and history of the Finns.) 243 Another edition. Helsingissa, 1871-1876, in 4 osa. 8vo. 244 savelmia. Kansanlauluja. Jyvaskylassii, 1888. 8vo. (KS. toim. 68 osa. (Finnish songs and airs.) 245 SUOMI. Tidskrift i fosterlandska a'mnen. Helsingfors, 1841-1860. 8vo. 20 vols) 1 8 bound in calf, the remaining 2 in paper covers. 246 Kirjoituksia isiin-maallisista aineista, Toimittanut Suomalaisen Kirjallisuude, Seura. Helsingissa, 1863-1887. Nos. i to 20. 247 Another series of the last. Osa i to iv. Helsingissa, 1888-1891. 8vo, 4 parts. 248 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Uusi Testamenti. Turusa, 1834. 8vo, half calf. 249 Uusi Testamenti. Porvvossa, 1850. 8vo, calf. 250 Another edition. Helsingissa, 1852. 4to. 251 THILEN (G.). Kuopion Liiiinin Kartta, Ensimiiinen Osa. Helsingissa, 1852-1856- A Map of the country around Kuopio. In case. 252 THOMSEN (W.). Den gotiske sprogklasses indflydelse pa den finske. Kiobenhavn, 1869. 8vo. 253 Uber den Einfluss der germanischen Sprachen auf die finnisch-lappischen. Halle, 1870. 8vo. Translated from the Danish by E. Sievers. 254 TICKLEN. (Johannes Fredericus). Termini medici in lingua Fennica occurrenses. Dissertatio Academica. Helsingforsiae, 1832. 4to. 255 TOPELIUS (Zachris nuor). Luonnon-kirja. Ala-alkeiskouluin tarpeeksi 3. Topeliuk- selta. Suomentanut Joh. Backwall. Helsingissa, 1862. 8vo. (Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran Toimituksia 23 Osa.) 256 UJFALVY (Ch. E. de). tude compared des Langues Ougro-Finnoises. Paris, 1875. 8vo. (i re Partie.) 257 (Ch. E. de) and Hertzberg (Raphael). Grammaire finnoise d'apres les principes d'Eur^n, suivie d'un Recueil de morceaux choisis. Paris, 1876. 8vo. Autograph presentation copy from M. de Ujfalvy to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 258 VALITU1TA suomalaisia kansan-lauluja. Pianon muka-soinnolle sovitet-tuja. 1-4 wihko, Helsingissa. 8vo. i wihko, sovittanut K. Collan, 1854. 2 wihko, ko'onnut Wilhelm Poppius, sovittanut Rudolf Lagi, 1855. 3 wihko, sovittanut K. Collan, 1855. 4 wihko, ko'onnut Joh. Filip von Schantz, sovittanut Rudolf Lagi, 1855. Songs with piano accompaniment. 4 parts. 259 VASENIUS (V.). Suomalainen Kirjallisuus. La Litte>ature finnoise. Catalogue alphabe"tique. Supplement I, 1878-1879. Helsingissa, 1880. 8vo. (KS. toim. 57 osa -) 260 Supplement II, 1880-1885. Avec un Index des Traducteurs embrassant 1'ouvrage entier. Helsingissa, 1887. 8vo. 261 VHAEL (B. G.). Grammatica Fennica. Aboae, 1733. 8vo, half calf. (A Finnic Grammar in Latin published by his widow after the author's death.) 15 262 VHAEL (B. G.). Editio nova. Helsingforsiae, 1821. 8vo, half calf. 263 WALLIN (J. F.). Suomen-Wenajan-ja Ruotsin-kielinen Sana-kirja. Hiimeenlinnassa, 1848. 410, half morocco. (Finnic-Russian-Swedish Dictionary.) 264. WAREN (A.). Pitajankertomuksia V. Keuruun pitajan historia. Helsingissa, 1890. 8vo. (KS. toim. 47 osa.) (Annals of Keuruun.) 265 WIKSTROM (W.). Forsok till en Finsk Grammatika. Wasa, 1832. (A Finnic Grammar in Swedish.) 266 ZSCHOKKE (J. H. D.). Wiina-myrkysta surullinen tarina. Waaroitukseksi ja neuwoksi rikkaalle ja koyhalle, wanhalle ja nuorelle. Helsingissa, 1844. 8vo, half calf. (KS. toim. (> osa.) (The Drink-Curse; Warnings for Rich and Poor: translated into Finnic by Abr. Poppius.) 267 Kultala. Hyodyllinen ja huwittawa historia, yhteiselle kansalle luettawaksi annettu. 2 painos. Helsingissa, 1851. 8vo, half calf. (KS. toim. i osa.) "Das Goldmacher-Dorf," translated into Finnic by C. N. Keckman. KARELIAN. 268 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). The Gospel of St. Matthew. St. Petersburg, 1820. 8vo, morocco. In the modern Russian characters with the addition of some accents to represent peculiar sounds. This is held to be the first book ever printed for the use of the Karelians. 269 Das Evangelium des Matthaus in sud-karelischer Mundart, revidirt von F. J. Wiedemann. London, 1864. Morocco. Imp. L.-L. Bonaparte. Only 250 copies, this being the only one on thick paper. 270 An ordinary copy, morocco. CHUDIC. 271 AHLQVIST (Aug.). Anteckningar i Nordtschudiskan. Foredragna den 7 Feb., 1859. Helsingforsiae, 1861. 4to. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae, tomus vi. 272 CASTREN (M. A.). Anmarkningar om Savolotschesskaja Tschud. No date nor place. 410. 273 LONNROT (Elias). Om det Nord-Tschudiska Spraket, Akademisk Afhandling. Helsingfors, 1853. 410. 274 SCHOTT (Wilhelm). Das Zahlwort in der Tschudischen Sprachen-classe, wie auch im Tiirkischen, Tungusischen und Mongolischen. Berlin, 1853. 410. 275 UJFALVY (Ch. E. de). Essai de grammaire Vepse ou Tchoude du Nord d'apres les donnees de MM. Ahlqvist et Lonnrott. Paris, 1875. 8vo. LIVONIAN. 276 [BRAY (Comte de).] Essai critique sur 1'histoire de la Livonie suivi d'un tableau de 1'etat actuel de cette Province. Par L. C. D. B. Dorpat, 1817. 3 vols, 8vo, half morocco. 277 (Comte G. de). Memoire sur la Livonie. No date nor place. 410. 278 KOSKINEN (Yrjo). Sur 1'antiquite des Lives en Livonie. (Acta Soc. Scient. Fennicoe. Tomus VIII, Pars II. Helsingforsiae, 1867.) 410. 279 SJOGREN (Joh. Andreas). Gesammelte Schriften. Band I. Abhandlungen liber den finnisch-russischen Norden. Band II. Livische Grammatik nebst Sprachproben. Herausgegeben von Ferdinand Joh. Wiedemann. St. Petersburg, 1861. 2 vols, 410. 280 Livische Grammatik nebst Sprachproben. Im auftrage der K. Akademie der Wissenschaften bearbeitet und mit einer historisch-ethnographischen Einleitung versehen von Ferdinand Joh. Wiedemann. St. Petersburg, etc., 1 86 1. 410. (Joh. Andreas Sjogren's Gesammelte Schriften. Band II, Theil I.) 16 28 1 SJOGREN (Job. Andreas). Livisch-Deutsches und Deutsch-Livisches Worterbuch. Im auftrage der K. Academie der Wissenschaften bearbeitet Ferdinand Job. Wiedemann. St. Petersburg, 1861. 4to. 282 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). St. Matthew. Das Evangelium Matthai, in den ostlichen Dialect des Livischen zum ersten Male iibersetzt von dern Liven N. Pollmann, durchgesehen von F. J.' Wiedemann. London, 1863. Morocco. Imp. L.-L. B. Only 250 copies, this being the only one on thick paper. 283 An ordinary copy of the same. Morocco. 284 Das Evangelium Matthai in den westlichen Dialect des Livischen iibersetzt von dem Liven T. Prinz und dessen Sohnen P. Prinz und J. P. Prinz ; durchgesehen von F. T. Wiedemann. London, 1863. Morocco. Imp. L.-L. B. Only 250 copies, this being the only one on thick paper. 285 An ordinary copy of the same. Morocco. 286 St. Matthew. Piiwa Matteus Evangelium. Pehterburgs, 1880. 8vo. The Gospel of St. Matthew in the Livonian of West Courland. British and Foreign Bible Society's publications. KREWINIAN. 287 WIEDEMANN (F. J.). Tiber die Nationality und die Sprache der Jetzt ausgestorbenen Kreewinen in Kurland ; von F. J.. Wiedemann. Lu le 17 Novembre, 1870. St. Petersbourg, 1871. 4to. (Memoires de 1'Acad. Imp. des Sciences de St. Peters- bourg, VIP S6rie, T. XVII, No. 2.) ESTHONIAN. 288 A B D nink weikene luggemise ramat, Tarto ma rahwa tullus. Tarto (Dorpat), 1820. An Esthonian Primer. 8vo. 289 AHLQVIST (Aug.) Wiron Nykyisemmasta Kirjallisuudesta. Helsingissa, 1855. 8vo, half morocco. (A Treatise in Finnish on Modern Esthonian Literature.) 290 AHRENS (Ed.). Grammatik der ehstnischen Sprache revalschen Dialektes. I er Theil. Formenlehre. Reval, 1843. i2mo, half calf. 291 Another edition. Reval, 1853. 8vo, half morocco, 2 parts in one volume. 292 ALMANACK. Marahwa Kalender ehk Taht-ramat 1823, Pernos. 293 ANWEISUNG zur Ehstnischen Sprache .... nebst einem erwecklichen Send- schreiben Herrn D. Job. Jacob Rambachs; mit einer Vorrede herausgegeben von Eberhard Gutsleff. Halle, 1732. 8vo, calf. 294 ARITHMETIC. Arwo ehk rehkendamise eksemplid. (An Esthonian Arithmetic Primer.) Tallinnas, 1832. i2mo. 295 BEITRAGE zur genauern Kenntniss der esthnischen Sprache. Herausgegeben von Job. Heinr. Rosenplanter. Pernau, 1813-1832. 20 parts, bound in five volumes. 8vo, half morocco. 296 BERG (Kaarl). Onsa Lutterusse ello mis Eesti-ma rahwa kassuks on lilies pannud. Perno-linnas, 1818. 8vo. Life of Luther. 297 BIBLE. Piibli Ramat. Peterburri Lifinas (St. Petersburg), 1822. 8vo, morocco. 298 Another edition. Peterburri Linnas, 1825. 8vo, calf. Not in British Museum Catalogue. 299 BIBLE. PSALTER. Psalteri ehk Runninga ja Prohweti Tawida Laulo-Ramat. Mitau, 1836. 8vo, morocco. 300 BOECLER (J. W.). Der Ehsten aberglaubische Gebrauche, Weisen und Gewohn- heiten. St. Petersburg, 1854. 8vo, half morocco. 17 301 [BORNWASSER (H.) ?] Tarto piibli-seltsi kolmas arwo-andmisse kirri Tarto-ma piibli abbi-koggodustele. Tartun (Dorpat), 1822. 302 EESTI LAULIK. Tartus, 1860. i6mo. (A Book of Esthonian Songs.) 303 EESTIMA tallorahwa seiidmissed. Tallinnas, 1816. 410. (Laws for the Esthonian People.) 304 EESTIRAHWA ennemuistesed jutud. Rahwa suust korjanud ja iileskirjutanud Fr. R. Kreutzwald. Helsingi linnas, 1866. 8vo. (KS. toim. 42 osa.) 305 FAEHLMANN (F.). Versuch die estnischen Verba in Conjugationen zu ordnen. Dorpat, 1842. 8vo, half calf. 306 Ueber die Declination der estnischen Nomina. Dorpat, 1844. 8 vo, half calf. 307 FREY (P. H.). Arropiddamisse ehk Arwamisse-Kunst. Tarto linnas (Dorpat), 1806. (An Esthonian Arithmetic Book.) 308 GOSEKEN(H.). Manuductio ad linguam Oesthonicam. Reval, 1660. 8vo, vellum. Rare. 309 HUPEL (Aug. Wil.). Ehstnische Sprachlehre fur beide Hauptdialekte den revalschen und den dorptschen ; nebst einem vollstandigen Worterbuch. Riga und Leipzig, 1780. 8vo, half morocco. 310 Zweite durchgangig verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage. Mitau, 1818. 8vo, half calf. 311 JANNAU (H. von). Ueber die Grund-und Ursprache der Ehsten, und die Mittel zu einer allgemeinen ehstnischen Schriftsprache zu gelangen. Pernau, 1828. 8vo. 312 (O. A. von). Unterredungen zur Uebung fur Ehsten, welche die deutsche Sprache, und fur Deutsche welche die ehstnische Sprache erlernen wollen. 3 auflage. Dorpat, 1859. 8vo. 313 IUHATAJA Wene-keelt wiiljaoppida. Rijas, 1861. 8vo. Russian-Esthonian Vocabu- lary and Dialogue. 314 [JURGENS (H.) ?] Luhhike luggemisse-ramatokenne lastele. Tarto-linnas (Dorpat), 1842. 8vo. (Reading Book.) 315 JURGENS (M.). Ramatute nimme-kirri, ehk Katalog ville koige Eesti kele ramatute, mis aastal 1553 kunni 1863 aastani on wiilja antud. Tallinnas, 1864. 8vo. (Catalogue.) 316 KORBER (K.). Kleine Ehstnische Hand-Grammatik (nach Hupel, Ahrens, Rosen- planter, etc.). Dorpat, 1867. 8vo. 317 KREUTZWALD (F.) und Neus (H.). Mythische und Magische Lieder der Ehsten. St. Petersburg, 1854. 8vo, half morocco. 318 KRUSE (Friedrich). Ur-Geschichte des Esthnischen Volkstammes und der Kaiserlich- Russischen Ostseeprovinzen Liv-Esth-und Curland iiberhaupt, bis zurEinfiihrung der christlichen Religion. Leipzig, 1846. 8vo, half morocco. 319 KULLALEIB (Teine). Esthonian Biblical readings. Tartoliunas (Dorpat), 1851. i8mo, 2 vols. 320 LAMMASTE-KARJUSSE Ramatokenne Schmalzi nink Koppe oppusse perra meiepo- litse lamba wallitsejide nink lamba poisside haas kirjotetu saksa kelest tolkitu nink triikki antu. Tarto-linan, 1830. 8vo. 321 LUTHER (Martin). Lutterusse Katekismus. Dorpat, 1836. i2mo. 322 Tartun (Dorpat), 1838. 8vo. 323 Martin Lutterusse wiiikene Katekismus. (Martin Luther's short catechism.) Tarto-linan (Dorpat), 1846. izmo, 2 18 324 LUTHER (Martin). Lutteri wiiikenne Katekismus, nink Laulo-warsi. (Luther's short catechism and a list of hymns from the Dorpat Esthonian hymn-book.) Tartun (Dorpat), 1843. i2mo. 325 MAILMA aiaramat, kus sees on, mis mailma algmissest Ma peal on siindinud. Tartus (Dorpat), 1860. (A small History of the World.) 326 MASING (Otto W.). Oppetus kuida neid luggemise lehti kassuga prukida. Tartus, 1821. 20 pages. 327 Arwamise-ramat. Tartus, 1823. 8vo. Arithmetic Book. 328 Beitrag zur Ehstnischen Orthographie. Dorpat, 1824. 8vo. 329 Taieline Ristiusso oppetus mis targema rahwa ja koolmeistrite kassuks. Pernos, 1825. 8vo. 330 [MORITZ (F. G.)?]. Heikamisse Sonna, Wenne-rigi piibli-koggodusse wannembist kulutetu ning waljaantu. Tarto-linan, 1822. 8 pages. 331 MULLER (G.). Neununddreissig Estnische Predigten von Georg Miiller aus den Jahren 1600-1606. Mit einem Vorwort von Wilhelm Reiman. Herausgegeben von der gelehrten Estnischen Gesellschaft bei der Universitat Dorpat. Dorpat, 1891. 8vo. 332 NEUS (H.). Revals siimmtliche Namen nebst vielen anderen wissenschaftlich erklart. Reval, 1849. 8vo, half morocco. 333 Ehstnische Volkslieder. Urschrift und Uebersetzung. Reval, 1850. 8vo, half calf. 334 REINTHAL (Carl). Kalewipoeg, eine Estnische Sage. Dorpat, 1857. 8vo, half morocco. (With German translation.) 335 SCHOTT (Wilhelm). Die Estnischen Sagen von Kalewi-poeg. Berlin, 1863. 410. Abhandlungen der Philos.-histor. Kl. 1862. No. 7. 336 SCHRIFTEN der gelehrten estnischen Gesellschaft. Nos. i, 2 and 3. Dorpat, 1863. 337 SITZUNGSBERICHTE der gelehrten estnischen Gesellschaft zu Dorpat, 1863. Dorpat. 338 The same for the years 1864, 1876, 1877, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1889 and 1890. 339 STEINGRUBER (W. F.). Bemerkungen die ehstnische Sprache in beiden Haupt- dialekten betreffend. Dorpat, 1827. 8vo, half calf. 340 TARTO-MA-KELE Kiissiramat. Tarto-linan (Dorpat), 1859. 8vo. (A Manual of Prayers, including Epistles, Gospels and Catechism in Esthonian.) 341 TESTAMENTUM. Uus Testament ehk Ue Seadusse Ramat. (New Testament.) Peterburri Linnas, 1825. 12010, calf. 342 Wastne Testament. Tarto (Dorpat), 1836. 8vo, calf. (The New Tes- tament in Esthonian.) 343 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Meije Issanda Jesusse Kristusse Wastne Testament. Tarto (Dorpat), 1839. 8vo, morocco. 344 Gospels and Epistles. Ewangeliumi nink Epistli. Rigan, n.d. To which are joined, Tarto-Ma-Kele Laulu-Ramat. Riga-linan, 1788, in two parts; and Lutterusse Katekismus. Riga-linan, 1790. 8vo. 345 VERHANDLUNGEN der gelehrten Esthnischen Gesellschaft zu Dorpat. Illustrated. Dorpat and Leipzic, 1840. 8vo. 346 The same for the years 1843, 1844, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1850, 1852, 1854, l8 56, 1860, 1861, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1877, l88o > l88 (second issue), 1880 (third issue), 1883 and 1884. 19 3-f? WIEDEMANN (F. J.) Versuch ueber den Werroehstnischen Dialekt. Gelesenam 4 December, 1863. St. Petersburg, 1864. 4to. Memoirs de 1'Acad. Imp. des sciences, VII e serie, Tome VII, No. 8. 348 Die Ehsteninseln in den lettischen Kirchspielen Marienberg und Schwane- burg in Livland. Ein Nachtrag zu dem Artikel des verstorbenen Akademikers Sjogren vom II, Juli 1849, "Zur Ethnographic Livlands." Extrait des Melanges Russes tire's du Bui. de 1'Akad. Imp. des Sciences, etc. St. P., Tome IV, 1869. 410. 349 Ehstnisch-Deutsches Worterbuch. St. Petersburg, 1 869. 4to. 350 Grammatik der ehstnischen Sprache, ziinachst wie sie in Mittelehstland gesprochen wird, mit Beriichsichtigung der anderen Dialekte. St. Petersbourg, 1875. 8vo. Presentation copy to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte from the author. B-LAPPONIC. 351 ABES ja Lakkam-girje. Kristianiast, 1837. (A Lapponic Primer.) 352 ALTAR-GIRJAS. Ucceb asatuvvum Altar-Girjas. Kristianiast, 1840. Half morocco. (Lapponic Prayers.) 353 ANDELIN (A.). Anteckningar i Lappska Sprakets grammatik. Acta Soc. Scientiarum Fennicae. Tomi quinti fasciculus ii. Helsingforsiae, 1858. 410. 354 Enare-Lappska Sprakprof med Ordregister, 1860. 4to. An Extract, being a treatise in Swedish on one of the four Lapponic dialects. 355 ANDRESEN (K. N.). Buollevine anekoettaivuoda Katekismus. Samas Jorggali N. V. Stockfleth. Kristianiast, 1847. 16 pages. A tract on Brandy-drinking, in the form of a Catechism, rendered into Lapponic by N. V. Stockfleth. 356 BIBLE. Tat Ailes Tialog, etc. Hernosandesne, 1811. 4to, morocco. 357 BIBLE. PSALTER. Nogle Psalmer hvilke Gud til CEre og Lapperne til Opbyggelse ere paa Lappisk oversatte af C. W. Kiobenhavn, 1764. 8vo, calf. 358 Salmai girje. Salmas jorggaluvvum Darrobibbalscerve goccom mield. Kristiania, 1854. 8vo, morocco. 359 CASTREN (M. A.). Vom Einflusse des Accents in der Lapplandischen Sprache. St. Petersburg, 1845. 4to. 360 DONNER (O.). Lieder der Lappen. Ubersetzung aus der fin. zeit. schr. Suomi 2 Jakso ; xi osa. Helsingfors, 1876. 8vo. 361 FIELLSTROM (P.). Grammatica Lapponica. Holmiae, 1738. 8vo, half calf. 362 Dictionarium Sueco-Lapponicum. Holmiae, 1738. 8vo, half calf. 363 FRIIS (J. A.). Lappiske Sprogprover. En Samling af lappiske Eventyr, Ordsprog og Gaader. Med Ordbog. Christiania, 1856. 8vo, half calf. (Lapponic Reading Book with Danish Vocabulary.) 364 Lappiske Grammatik. Christiania, 1856. 8vo, half morocco. (Lapponic Grammar, dealing with the chief dialects of Finmark, for the use of the Danes.) 365 Lexicon Lapponicum cum interpretatione Latina et Norvegica adiuncta brevi grammaticae Lapponicae adumbratione. Christianiae, 1885-1887. 8vo. In parts. 366 Omrids af det Lappiske Sprogs Formloere. Saertryk af samme forfatters Ordbog over det Lappisk Sprog. Christiania, 1887. 8vo. 367 GANANDER (H.). Grammatica Lapponica. Holmiae, 1743. 8vo, half calf. 368 HYMN BOOK in Lapponic. Title and other pages wanting. Each Hymn is followed by the author's name. Some of the writers are P. N. Holnjbom, E. Lindahl, P. Hogstrom, etc. 20 369 LAPLANDERS. Royal Aquarium, Westminster. Farini's Laplanders. London, 1877. (Mostly devoted to a description of Lapland and the Lapps, but containing a few Lappish words, also a photograph and seven illustrations.) 370 LEEM (Knud). En Lappisk Grammatica. Kiobenhavn, 1748. 8vo, half morocco. (A Lapponic Grammar explained in a mixture of Latin and Danish.) 371 En Lappesk Nomenclator efter den Dialect, som bruges af. Fjeld-Lapperne i Porsanger-Fjorden. Tronhiem, 1756. 8vo, calf. (A Lapponic-Danish Vocabulary.) 372 Nachrichten von den Lappen in Finmarken, ihrer Sprache, Sitten, Gebrauche, und ehemaligen heidnischen Religion, mit Anmerkungen von J. E. Gunner, Bischof zu Drontheim. Aus dem Diinischen iibersetzt. Leipzig, 1771. 8vo, half vellum. 373 Lexicon Lapponicum bipartitum, Lapponico-Danico-Latinum et Danico- Latino-Lapponicum cum Indice Latino. Nidrosiae (Trondhjem), 1768. Pars Prima; et Pars Secunda, cura and studio G. Sandbergii. Hauniae, 1781. 4to, calf. 374 De Lapponibus Finmarchiae, eorumque Lingua, Vita et Religione pristina commentatio. Kiobenhavn, 1767. 4to, half calf. (Numerous plates.) 375 LINDAHL (E.) et OHRLING (J.). Lexicon Lapponicum cum interpretatione vocabu- lorum Sueco-Latina et indice Suecano-Lapponico. Holmiae, 1780. 8vo, half-calf. 376 LONNROT (E.). Ueber den Enare-Lappischen Dialekt. (Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae. Tomus IV.) Helsingforsiae, 1856. 4to, half morocco. 377 LUTHER (Martin). Catechismus. Hvilken er hosfoned, til Finnernes og Lappernes nytte, dens Oversettelse i det Lappiske Sprog ved Morten Lund. Kiobenhavn, 1 728. i2mo. (In Danish and Lapponic.) 378 Loge passion-sarnek. Samas jorggaluvvum N. V. Stockflethast. Kristiania, 1854. 8vo. (Sermon on the Passion.) 379 Kristalas postille. Samas jorggaluvvum N. V. Stockflethast. Kristiania, 1857. 8vo half calf - 380 MANUALS LAPPONICUM. Stockholmis, 1648. 8vo, morocco. This work includes the Psalter, Song of Solomon, Catechism, Gospels and Epistles, etc. 381 , som innehaller. Transfererat och affsatt pa. Lappeska Tungomaalet, aff O Olao Stephani Graan. Tryckt aft" Niclas Wankijff. Ahr, 1669. 8vo, vellum. Contains the Epistles and Gospels. 382 OHRLING (E. J.) De convenientia Linguae Hungaricae cum Lapponica. Upsaliae, 1772. 410. 383 Exercitium Academicum: Nonnullas in Orthographiam Lapponicam obser- vationes sistens. Upsaliae, 1742. 4to. 384 POSSART (P. A. F. K.). Kleine lapplandische Grammatik mit kurzer Vergleichung der finnischen Mundarten. Stuttgart, 1840. 8vo, half calf. 385 RASK (E.). Lappisk Sproglaere. K0benhavn, 1832. 8vo, half calf. (Lapponic Grammar written in Danish.) 386 Raesonneret Lappisk Sproglaere efter den Sprogart, som bruges af Fjoellap- perne i Porsangerfjorden i Finmarken. En Omarbejdelse af Prof. Knud Leems Lappiske Grammatica. Kobenhavn, 1832. 8vo. 387 RUDBEEKIUS filius (Olao). Nora Samolad, sive Laponia illustrata, cum fascicule vocum lapo-hebraicarum. Upsaliae, 1701. 4to, vellum. This valuable work is written in Swedish and Latin, and contains some plates and a map. 388 SJOGREN (A. J.). Anteckningar om forsamlingarne i Kemi-Lappmark. Helsingfors, 1828. 8vo. 389 SPECIMINA affmitatis linguae Lapponicae cum Latiali a Carolo Gustavo Nordin collecta et ad Ericum Michaelum Fant transmissa. (Upsaliae, 17*2.) 410. Extract from the Acts of the Royal Scientific Society of Upsala. 390 STEFFENS (Prof.). Ueber die Lappen und Pastor N. I. C. V. Stockfleth's Wirksamkeit unter diesen. Einladungsschrift zur 28 Stiftungsfeier der Preussischen Haupt-Bibel- Gesellschaft am 12 October, 1842. Berlin. 410. 391 STOCKFLETH (N. V.). Bibel-Historia mailme sivnedume rejast Moses Jabmem ragjai, bibel Jecas saniguim muittaluvvum ja 22 David psalmak. Kristianiast, 1840. 8vo, morocco. (Pentateuchi Compendium et 22 Psalmi Lapponice.) 39 2 Rokkus-ja Oappo-Girje. Krislianiast, 1840. 8vo. (Book of Prayers and Instructions.) 393 Grammatik i det lappiske Sprog. Christiania, 1840. 8vo, half calf. 394 Gjenmaele i Anledning af de i Tidsskriftet Nor, 3. B., 4. H., fremsatte Bemcerkninger til min lappiske Grammatik. Christiania, 1847. 8vo. 395 Oanedubme Dr. Erik Pontoppidan cllgitusast asatuvvum oappogirjen. Kristianast, 1849. 8vo. (A short catechism in Lapponic, translated from the Danish of Dr. Eric Pontoppidan.) 396 Norsk-lappisk Ordbog. Christiania, 1852. 8vo, morocco. 397 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Adde Testament same kiali puoktetum. Trykketum Lars Salwiusen, 1755. (Stockholm, 1755.) 8vo. 398 Another edition. Hernosandesne, 1811. 8vo, half calf. 399 Hoerramek ja bcesstamek Jesus Kristus adda testament. Kristianiast, 1840. 8vo, calf. 400 Another copy, only beginning at page 245, the ist Chapter of St. Luke. Half calf. 401 Hcerramek ja boesstamek Jesus Kristus odda Testament. Kristianiast, 1850. 8vo, morocco. 402 Matthew and Mark. Matthaeus ja Markus Evangeliumak. Kristianiast, 1838. 8vo, half calf. The Gospels of St. Matthew and St. Mark. 403 St. Matthew. S. Matthei Evangelium. Stockholm, 1881. 8vo, morocco. In Swedish and Lapponic. 404 St. Matthew. Prima duo capita Evangelii Matthaei in Linguam Lapponicam translata. Edidit Jacobus Fellman. Aboae, 1825. 20 pages, calf. 405 St. Matthew. The Gospel of St. Matthew in the Russian Lapponic dialect. Helsingissa, 1878. 8vo. British and Foreign Bible Society's Publications. In the Russian character. 406 - Evangeliumeh ja Episteleh, Ailekes-passe ja Apostoli-peiwi. Sijem Collecti ja Rokkolwasi queim. Stockholmesr, trykketum Lars Salviusen Ludne 1744. 8vo. Defective. 407 WEKSELS (W. A.). Ucca Bibbalhistorias manaidi, etc. Kristiania, 1854. 8vo. morocco. (Compendium Biblicum Lapponice.) 408 WIKLUND (K. B.). Lule-Lappisches Worterbuch. Helsingissa, 1890. 410. C.-FINNO-PERMIAN-SIRYENIAN. 409 CASTR&N (M. A.). Elementa grammatices Syrjaenae. Helsingforsiae, 1844. 4* half calf. 410 De nominum declinatione in lingua Syrjaena. Helsingforsiae, 1844. 410. 22 411 GABELENTZ (H. C. v. d.). Grundzlige der syrjanischen Grammatik. Altenburg, 1841. 8vo, half calf. 412 PHLEROB (A.). A Siryenian Grammar in Russian characters. St. Petersburg, 1813. 8vo, half morocco. 413 SAVVASTOV (Paul). Sbirjansko-Rysski slovar. St. Petersburg, 1850. 8vo, half morocco. (Siryenian-Russian and Russian-Siryenian dictionary.) 414 Grammatika Sbirjansko Jezika. St. Petersburg, 1850. 8vo, half calf. (Siryenian Grammar in Russian.) 415 SJOGREN (A. J.). Ueber den grammatischen Bau der Siirjanischen Siiprache mit Riicksicht auf die Finnische. (Extract.) Half calf. (Mem. vi. Ser. Sc. polit., etc. T. I.) 416 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). The Gospel of St. Matthew, in Russian characters. St. Petersburg, 1823. i2mo, morocco. 417 St. Matthew. Das Evangelium des Matthaus syrjanisch, revidirt von F. J. Wiedemann. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. London, 1864.. 8vo, morocco. Only 250 copies printed, this being the only one on thick paper. 418 An ordinary copy of the same edition. 419 WIEDEMANN (F. J.). Versuch einer Grammatik der syrjanischen Sprache, nach dem in der Ubersetzung des Evangelium Matthai gebrauchten Dialekte. Reval, 1847. 8vo, half morocco. 4.20 Syrjanisch-Deutsches Worterbuch nebst einem Wotjakisch-Deutschen im Anhange und einem Deutschen Register. St. Petersburg, 1880. 8vo. PERMIAN. 421 LUNG* (Peter Paul). Kil Vinajuom jilisj, visjtalom Petir Pavel Liino. Piter (St. Petersburg), 1848. 21 pages. Sermon on drunkenness. Printed in the Russian character. 422 ROGOV (Nicolas). Opvit Grammatike Permjazkago Jezika. St. Petersburg, 1860. 8vo. Grammar of the Permian language. In Russian character. 423 Permian-Russian and Russian-Permian Dictionary. St. Petersburg, 1869. 8vo. 424 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). St. Matthew. Das Evangelium Matthai in den nord- lichen Dialect des Permischen zum ersten Male iibersetzt von P. A. Popov, durchgesehen von F.J. Wiedemann. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. London, 1866. 8vo. Only 250 copies printed. 425 St. Matthew. The Gospel of St. Matthew in Permian. In the Russian character. St. Petersburg, 1882. 8vo. 426 VELODOM Kidgi pozjas Vidchisni en piskis, i Kidgi kolo puktini mort vidchis piski. Piter (St. Petersburg), 1845. 8 pp. Instructions on smallpox and inoculation, with a diagram shewing the different stages of the pustule. WOTYAK. 427 AHLQVIST (Aug.). Wotisk Grammatik jemte Sprakprof och Ordforteckning. (Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae, T. 5, F. i.) Helsingforsiae, 1856. 410, half morocco. 428 GRAMMAR. A Wotyak Grammar in Russian characters. St. Petersburg, 1775. 4to, calf. 23 429 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). St Matthew. Das Evangelium des IMatthiius wotjakisch, mit Hiilfe eines eingeborenen Wotjaken redigirt von F. J. Wiedemann. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. London, 1863. 8vo, morocco. Only 250 copies printed, this being the only one on thick paper. 430 Another ordinary copy. 431 WIEDEMANN (F. J.). Grammatik der wotjakischen Sprache nebst einem kleinen wotjakisch-deutschen und deutsch-wotjakischen Worterbuche. Reval, 1851. 8vo, half calf. D.-VOLGA-FINNIC-MORDVINIAN. 432 AHLQVIST (Aug. Engelbrekt.). Laran om Verbet i Mordvinskans Mokschadialekt. Akademisk Afhandlung. Helsingfnrs, 1859. 4to. 433 Versuch einer Mokscha-Mordwinischen Grammatik nebst Texten und Worterverzeichniss. St. Petersburg, 1861. 8vo. 434 BUDENZ (J6zsef). Mordvin K6zle"sek. An Extract from a Hungarian publication on Mordvinian, with a Moksha-Erze-Mordvinian Dictionary with Hungarian equivalents. * The Author presented this copy to Prince L. -L. Bonaparte. Below his initials the Prince has pencilled the author's name. 435 CATECHISM. A Short Catechism of Christian Doctrine in Russian and Mordvinian. In the Cyrillian character. Press of the Moscow Synod, 1808. 8vo. 436 GABELENTZ (H. C. v. d.). Versuch einer Mordwinischen Grammatik. (A bound extract.) 8vo, half calf. 437 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Gospels. The Gospels in Mordvinian, printed in the Russian character. St. Petersburg, 1821. 8vo, morocco. 438 St. Luke. The Gospel of St. Luke in Mordvinian, printed in the Russian character. St. Petersburg, 1821. 8vo, calf. 439 St. Matthew. Das Evangelium des Matthaus ersamordwinisch, revidirt von F. J. Wiedemann. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. London, 1865. 8vo. Only 250 copies printed. 440 WIEDEMANN (F. J.). Grammatik der Ersa-Mordwinischen Sprache nebst einem kleinen Mordwinisch-Deutschen und Deutsch-Mordwinischen Worterbuch. St. Petersburg, 1865. 410. Ex Me"moires de l'Acade"mie Impe'riale des Sciences de St. P6tersbourg. VII S6rie, Tome IX. No. 5. Presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. CHEREMISSIAN. V 441 BUDENZ (J6zsef). Vocabularium Ceremissicum utriusque dialecti. Imprimis e collectione Regulyana et ex versione Novi Testamenti Ceremissica. Pest, 1866. 8vo. The two dialects are Highland and Lowland Cheremissian. 442 CASTREN (M. A.). Elementa grammatices tscheremissae. Kuopio, 1845. 8vo, half morocco. 443 CATECHISM. A Short Catechism of Christian Doctrine in Russian and Cheremissian. In the Cyrillian character. Press of the Moscow Synod, 1808. 8vo. 444 GRAMMAR. A Grammar of the Cheremissian Tongue in Russian character. St. Petersburg, 1775. 4to, calf. 445 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Gospels. The Four Gospels in the Cheremissian language printed in the Russian character. St. Petersburg, 1821. 8vo, morocco. 24 446 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Das Evangelium des Matthiius tscheremissisch (so genannter Bergdialekt des rechten Wolgaufers) nach der Aussprache eines kosmo demianskischen Tscheremissen revidirt von F. J. Wiedemann. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. London, 1866. 8vo. Only 250 copies printed. 447 St. Matthew. Das Evangelium des Matthaus tscheremissisch in den so genannten Walddialekt des linken Wolgaufers mit Hiilfe eines wjatkaschen Tschere- missen iibertragen von F. J. Wiedemann. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. London, 1870. 8vo. Only 250 copies printed. 448 St. Luke. The Gospel of St. Luke in the Cheremissian idiom and Russian character. St. Petersburg, 1821. 8vo, half calf. 449 WIEDEMANN (F. J.). Versuch einer Grammatik der tscheremissischen Sprache, nach dem in der Evangelieniibersetzung von 1821 gebrauchten Dialekte. Reval, 1847. 8vo, half morocco. E.-UGRIC-MAGYARIC. 450 AHN. Praktischer Lehrgang zur schnellen und griindlichen Erlernung der ungarischen Sprache, nach den zweckmiissigsten neueren Methoden, vorziiglich nach der von Ahn, herausgegeben von Carl Ballagi (Bloch). Mit einem einleitenden Vorwort von D. Prof. Moriz Ballagi, Zweite Auflage. Pesth, 1851. 8vo, half calf. 451 BALLAGI MO'R(Dr.). Magyar p61dabesz6dek kozmondasok 6s sz6jarasokgyujtem6nye. Szarvason, 1850. 8vo, half morocco. (A Book of Hungarian Proverbs in daily use.) 452 BALLAGI (Bloch) (Moritz). Neues vollstiindiges Worterbuch der deutschen und ungarischen Sprache. Deutsch-ungarischer Theil. Pesth, 1854. 8vo, half morocco. 453 BARTOLOMEUS (P. A. S.). Jornandis vindiciae de Var Hunnorum. Romae, 1800. 12 pages. 454 BELIUS (Matthias). De vetere litteratura Hunno-Scythica exercitatio. Lipsiae, 1718. 4to. (This copy belonged to Anquetil Duperron and bears his signature.) 455 BEREGSZA'SZI (Paulus). Ueber die Aehnlichkeit der hungarischen Sprache. Leipzig, 1796. 4to. 456 BliRICS (J.). Magyar Nyelv-Tudomany. (A Hungarian Grammar in Servian with Vocabulary.) Budan, 1833. 8vo, half morocco. 457 BIBLE. Szent Biblia, az az : Istennec 6 es uy Testamentomaban foglaltatott eg6sz szent Iras. Magyar nyelvre forditatott Caroli Caspar altal. Ez kisded forman valo kinyomtatasnac az Franciai notakra rendelt. Soltar konyvel eggyutt, . . . valogatott Psalmusoc, innepi Enekec, 6s szokott lelki dicz6retec : az Palatinatusi Catechis- mussal, egyhazi k6nyorgeseknec 6s Ceremoniaknac formaival egyetembe, Szenci Molnar Albert altal. Oppenhemiumban, 1612. 8vo. 458 Szent Biblia. Kol6niai, 1626. 4to, calf. 459 Szent Biblia. Az az : Istennek o es uj Testdmentomaban foglaltatott eg6sz Szent Iras. Magyar Nyelvre forditatott Karoly Caspar. Casselben, 1704. 410. 2 vols. 460 Szent Biblia mellyet az eg6sz Kereszt6nysegben be-vott R6gi Deak botiibol Magyarra forditott a Jesus Alatt Vit6zkedo Tarsasag-Beli Nagy-Szombati Kaldi Gyorgy pap. Budan, 1782. 4to, half calf. 461 Szent Biblia az az : Istennec 6 es uy Testamentomaban foglaltatott eg6sz szent Iras. Magyar Nyelvre forditatott Caroli Gaspar altal. Koszegen, 1840. 8vo. 462 Szent Biblia, azaz : Istennek 6 6s uj Testamentomaban foglaltatott eg6sz Szent Iras. Magyar Nyelvre forditatott Karoli Gaspar altal. Koszegen, 1850. 2 vols. in one, 8vo, morocco. 25 463 BIBLE. Kleine Bibel fur Schule und Haus. Erster Theil : Altes Testament. Zweiter Theil : Neues Testament. Verfasser: Akajy. Pest, 1853. 2 parts, nmo. (In Hungarian and German.) 464 BIB LI A. Szent Biblia, azaz: Istennek 6 6s uj Testamentomaban foglaltatott ege"sz Szent Iras. Magyar nyelvre forditatott Karoli Caspar altal. Koszegen, 1852. 4to, calf. 465 BLOCK (Moritz). Grammatik der ungarischen Sprache fur Deutsche. Pesth, 1842. 8vo, half calf. 466 Another edition. Pesth, 1846. 8vo, half morocco. 467 Another edition. Pesth, 1848. 8vo, half calf. 468 Ungarisches Lesebuch als Ubungs-und Erganzungsbuch zu alien ungarischen Grammatiken. Pesth, 1845. 8vo, half morocco. 4.69 Taschenworterbuch der ungarischen und deutschen Sprache. Zwei Biinde. Zweite Auflage. Pesth, 1847 and l8 48. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco. 470 BOBOKA (K. L.). Praktycka Uherska Gramatyka k dobremu Slowenskeho Narodu w Uherske" Kragine. w Trnawe (Turnau), 1 835. 8vo, half calf. (A Hungarian Grammar in Bohemian.) 471 BOLLER (Prof.). Zur Magyarischen Etymologic. (Aus dem Julihefte des Jahrganges, 1855, der Sitzungsberichte der philos.-histor. Classe der K. Akad. der Wissens. [xvii. Bd., S. 216 fF] besonders abgedruckt). Half morocco. 472 Vergleichende Analyse des magyarischen Verbums. (Aus dem Jiinner-und Februarhefte des Jahrg. 1856 der Sitzungs-berichte der phil.-hist. Classe der K. Akad. d. Wiss. [xix. Bd., S. 109 ff. u. 262 fF.] besonders abgedruckt.) 8vo. 473 BOWRING (J.). Poetry of the Magyars, preceded by a sketch of the language and Literature of Hungary and Transylvania. London, 1830. 8vo. 474 CSASZAR (F.). Gramatica Ungherese. Pestino, n.d. 8vo, half calf. 475 CSINK (J.). A complete Practical Grammar of the Hungarian Language, with Exercises, Selections and Vocabularies. To which is added a historical sketch of Hungarian Literature. London, 1853. 8vo. 476 CZETZ (J. F.). Ungarische Militar-Sprachlehre. Pesth, 1844. 8vo. 477 CZUCZOR (G.). A massalhangz6kr61 altalan. An article on Consonants from the "Magyar Akademiai e'rtesito." xix. Ev. VIII. Sz. 1859, half morocco. 478 6s Fogarasi (Janos). A Magyar Nyelv Sz6tara. (A Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Megbizasabol.) Pest, 1862-1870. 410. A Hungarian Dictionary, in parts. A. to Sziizleany. 479 CZUITTINGER (David). Specimen Hungariae literatae virorum eruditione clarorum natione Hungarorum, Dalmatarum, Croatarum, Slavorum atque Transylvanorum, vitas, scripta, elogia, et censuras ordine alphabetic exhibens. Accedit Bibliotheca scriptorum qui extant de rebus Hungaricis. Francofurti et Lipsiae, 1711. 410. 480 DALLOS (J.). English and Hungarian Dictionary. Part I. (A-Crack.) Pest, 1860. 8vo. 481 DANKOVSZKY (G.). Worterbuch der magyarischen Sprache. Pressburg, 1833. 8vo, half calf. 482 DEAKY (S.). Grammatica Ungherese ad uso degl' Italiani. Roma, 1827. 8vo half calf. 483 DESHKO (Andrew). Bengershaj Grammatika. St. Petersburg, 1856. 8vo. Hun- garian Grammar in Russian and Hungarian. 26 484 DICTIONARY. Deutsch-Ungarisches und Ungarisch-Deutsches Worterbuch. Pcsth, 1827. 8vo, half morocco. 485 N6met-Magyar Sz6tdr. Buddn, 1835. 8vo, half calf. (German-Hungarian Dictionary.) 486 Magyar-N6met Sz6tar. Buddn, 1838. 8vo, half calf. (Hungarian-German Dictionary.) 487 EGGENBERGER (F.). A Magyar Tudomdnyos Akademia altal kiadott Nyomtatvdn- yok Lajstroma. Pest, 1862. A Catalogue brought out under the auspices of the Hungarian Literary Academy. 488 EGGENBERGER (J.). Jogtudomanyi Konyvek. A Catalogue of Works on Hun- garian, etc. Pesth, n.d. 489 (J.). Honi irodalmi-hirdeto. (A Hungarian Catalogue of recent publications for the years 1842 to 1848, bound together in half morocco.) Pesth. 490 Jegyzelc azon Konyvekrol. Pesten, 1845. A Catalogue of Books. 491 EIBEN (1'abbe 1 Jean). Nouvelle grammaire hongroise. Ldopol et Czernowitz, 1843. 8vo, half calf. 492 FARKAS (E.). Ungarisch-deutsches und deutsch-ungarisches Worterbuch. Pest, 1848-51. 8vo, half morocco, 2 vols. 493 FARKAS (Johann) and 17JFALLT. Ungarische Grammatick, oder ausfiihrliche Unter- weisung, wodurch man die ungarische Sprache in ihrer Vollkommenhcit zu lesen, schreiben, und reden, in kiirze begreifen kan. Wien, 1771. 8vo, half calf. 494 Dritte und neuvermehrte Auflage. Wien, 1779. 8vo, calf. 495 Neunte Ausgabe. Wien, 1816. 8vo, half calf. 496 FREREYCH (J.). English and Hungarian Dialogues for the use of Travellers and Students. Pest, 1851. 8vo, half morocco. 497 FERENCZY (Z. J.). Magyar Irodalom 6s Tudomanyossag torte"nete. Pest, 1854. 8vo, half morocco. 498 FINALY (H.) 6s REGENI (I.). Latin-Magyar iskolai sz6tdr. Kolozsvartt (Klausen- burg), 1858. 8vo, half morocco. 499 GARAY. Handbuch ungarisch-deutscher Gesprache. Pesth, 1855. 8vo, half morocco. 500 GEGO (Elek). X Moldvai Magyar Telepekrol. Buddn, 1838. 8vo. (On the Hungarian Settlers on the Moldau.) 501 GEIBEL (Armin). Jegyze"ke az 1849 tol 1851, 6v kozepeig Magyarorszdgban megjelent ugy tobb Magyarorszagra Vonatkoz6 Munkaknak. Pesten, n.d. A Catalogue of Books. 502 GRUBER (C. A.). Historia Linguae Ungaricae. Posonii, 1830. 8vo, half calf. 503 GYARMATHUS (S.). Affinitas Linguae Hungaricae cum Linguis Fennicae originis grammatice demonstrata. Gottingae, 1799. 8vo, half calf. 504 HAGER (J.). Neue Beweise der Verwandtschaft der Hungarn mit den Lapplandern. Wien, 1794. 8vo, half calf. 505 De Var Hunnorum pariter atque Hungarorum disquisitio ; adversus Paulum Beregszaszy. Londini, 1800. 410. 506 HECKENAST (G.). Bibliographiai Ertesito, or, a Bibliographical Intelligencer in Hungarian, from January 3ist, 1840, to September 3oth, 1842, bound together in half morocco. Pest. 27 507 HECKENAST (G.). Pesti konyvkiad6-6s nyomdatulajdonos altal kiadott Magyar Konyvek ne"vsora, roviden eloadva. Pest, 1858. A Catalogue of Books. 508 The same. Pest, 1868. 509 HELYESIRA'S' (A' Magyar) es szoragozas' fdbb szabalyai. Pesten, 1853. A work on Hungarian Grammar. 510 HORA'NYI (A.). Memoria Hungarorum et Provincialium scriptis editis notorum quam excitat Alexius Horanyi. Viennae, 1775-6-7. 8vo, calf. (With portrait of the author.) 3 vols. 511 Memoria (Nova) Hungarorum et Provincialium scriptis editis notorum quam excitat Alexius Horanyi. Pars i. A. C. Pestini, 1792. 8vo. With portrait. 512 HUNFALVY PAL. A' Torok, Magyar 6s Finn sz6k' egybehasonh'tasa. No date and place. Half morocco. (A treatise on the affinity of Hungarian with the Finnic speech.) 513 Magyar Nyelve"szet. Pest, 1856-7-8-9-60. 8vo, half morocco. 514 Egy vogul monda. From the Magyar Akademiai e"rtesitd, xix. Ev. iv. Sz. 1859. Half morocco. 515 Magyar Nyelve"szet. Pest, 1861. 8vo. In parts. (On Hungarian Philology.) 516 A Vogul Fold 6s Nep. I Kotet. Pest, 1864. 4to. (Reguly antal Hagyo- manyai.) 517 K Kondai Vogul Nyelv d Popov G. forditasdnak alapjan. Pesten, 1872. 8vo. Presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 5 1 8 A' Kondai Vogul Nyelv. (Mark evangeliuma.) Nyelvtudomanyi Kozleme'nyek. Kiadja a Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Nyelvtudomanyi bizottsaga. Szerkeszti Hunfalvy Pal. Tizedik Kotet. Masodik Fiizet. Pesten, 1872. 8vo. Presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 519 INSTITUTIONES Linguae Hungaricae. Budae, 1816-17. 8vo, half morocco. (Three parts in two vols.) 520 JANCOVIC (S.). Madarska Mluvnica predlozena Slovensko-Madarskjemu slovniku. Szarvason, 1848. 8vo, half morocco. (Slave-Hungarian Dictionary.) 521 JERNEY (J.). Thesauri Linguae Hungaricae ex epocha Arpadianorum. Pestini, 1854. 8vo, half morocco. 522 KALMAR (G.). Prodromus Idiomatis Scythico-Mogorico-Chuno- (seu, Hunno-) Avarici, sive Adparatus criticus ad linguam Hungaricam. Posonii, 1770. 8vo, half calf. 523 KARADY (J.). Nouveau dictionnaire de poche francais-hongrois et hongrois-fran9ais. Tome second. Partie hongroise. Pesth, 1848. 8vo, half morocco. 524 Manuel de la Conversation fran^aise et hongroise, selon ,E. Coursier. Pest, 1854. 8vo, half morocco. 525 KEMPIS (Thos. a). Kempis Tamds' n^gy konyve. J6sus Krisztus' kovet^sdrol. Lipcs^ben and Pesten, 1845. 8vo, morocco. (Translated by A. Sujdnszky.) 526 KIS (P.). Ungrische Grammatik. Wien, 1834. 8vo, half morocco. 527 KISH (Paul). Tanitas Modja. Buddn, 1832. 8vo. Treatise on elementary education for schoolmasters in Hungarian, with Servian translation by John Beritch. 528 KISS (B.). Magyar Re"gise"gek. Pesten, 1839. 8vo. With frontispiece and map. Half morocco. On Hungarian Antiquities. 28 529 KISS (M.). Nouveau dictionnaire de poche fran9ais-hongTois et hongrois-franyais. Tome premier. Partie franchise. Pesth, 1844. 8vo, half morocco. 530 KLEMM (J. E.). Die magyarische Sprache und die etymologische Sprachvergleichung. Pressburg, 1843. 8vo. 531 KONKORDANCIA vagy Szentirati Sz6konyv, mely magaban foglalja a Karoli Gdspar fordftdsa szerinti 6 6s uj Szdvetse"gben elofordul6 nevezetesebb szokat, targyakat, sz61asm6dokat, etc. Ke'szitette Fordos Lajos. Kecskeme"ten, 1857. 8vo. 532 KOPPEN (P. von). Literarnotizen betreffend die magyarischen und siichsischen Dialekte in Ungern und Siebenbiirgen. St. Petersburg, 1826. 8vo. 533 KOVESDI (P.). Elementa Linguae Hungaricae sive Grammatica Hungarica. Leuts- choviae (Leutschau), 1686. 8vo, calf. 534 KRONPERGER (Anton). Grundlehre der Ungarischen Sprache. Zweite Auflage. Pesth, 1847. 8vo, half morocco. 535 MAGYAR Akade"miaiErtesit6 1 859-rol. Pesth. 8vo. 536 The same: 1859 (in parts). 1860-1861, 1861-1862 (Parts i, 2, 3, and 4). 1863 (Part i). 537 Helyesiras (A) iigyeben a M. Akad. Nyelvtudomanyi Bizottmany eloter- jesztdse a Nyelvtudomanyi Osztdlyhoz. Pest, 1856. 538 Nyelv' rendszere (A'). IKozre bocsdtd a Magyar Tud6s Tarsasag. Budan, 1847. 8vo. (Treatise on the Hungarian tongue.) 539 MA1LATH (Johann Grafen). Ungrische Sprachlehre fur Deutsche in Fragen und Antworten. Zweite Ausgabe. Pesth, 1832. Half morocco. 540 MALLER (P.). Grammatica Hungarico-Valachica. Budae, 1837. 8vo, half morocco. In the Roumanian character. 541 MANDY (Pe"ter). A Magyar Nyelv eredete, es elonyei : s javalat arr61 : mikep' lehetne a magyar irast konnyiteni s egyszeriisiteni. Szatmaron, 1858. 8vo. 542 MATICS (Imre). Hiilfsbuch bei der Conversation in ungrischer, deutscher und franzosischer Sprache. Pressburg, 1843. i2mo, half morocco. 543 MELIBOI ungarischer Sprachmeister in einer ganz veranderten Gestalt. Pressburg, 1779. 8vo, calf. 544 Siebenten Auflage. Pressburg, 1793. 8vo, half calf. 545 MIKUSAY (J.). Institutiones Linguae Hungaricae. Zagrabiae (Agram), 1833. 8vo, half morocco. 546 MOKRY (B.). Dedk-Magyar etymologiai Lekszikon. Pesthen, 1823. 8vo, half morocco. 547 MOLfi. Nouveau dictionnaire francais-hongrois et hongrois-franc.ais d'apres le dictionnaire fran9ais de Mol6. Pesth, 1865. 8vo, 2 vols. The second part Hungarian-French, is by Coloman Babos. 548 MOLNAR (Alb.). Novae grammaticae ungaricae succincta methodo comprehensae, et perspicuis exemplis illustratae libri duo. Hanoviae, 1610. 8vo. (Subjoined are Latin and Hungarian prayers and Elemenia Lingua Latinae with Latin and Hungarian vocabularies, 1623. All bound together in vellum. 549 and PARIZ PA'PAI (F.). Dictionarium Hungarico-Latinum, olim magna cura a Alberto Molnar collectum ; nunc ver6 revisum, etc. studi6 et vigiliis Francisci Pdriz-Papai. Leutschoviae, 1708. 8vo, half calf. 550 MULLER (F. H.). Der ugrische Volhsstamm oder Untersuchungen iiber die Liindergebiete am Ural und am Kaukasus in historischer, geographischer und ethnographischer Beziehung. Berlin, 1837-39. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. 29 55' NAGY (Georg). Einleitung in die ungarisch-philosophische Sprachlehre. Wien, 1793. 8vo, calf. 552 NEUMANN (S.) Geschichte der Ungarn. Ofen, 1844. 8vo. (In Hungarian and German.) 553 NYELVTUDOMA'NYI KOZLEMENYEK. Kiadja a Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Nyelvosztalyanak Bizottsaga. Szerkeszti Hunfalvy Pal. For the first five years. Pesth, 1862-66. In parts. 554 OCSKOVSZKY (J.). Der praktische Ungar, oder Worterbuch welches hauptsiichlich die zum tiiglichen Gebrauch nothigen Worter enthalt. Tirnau, 1847. ^vo, half calf. 555 ORIGO et formatio linguae Ugoricae-Ungaricae, rectius Magiaricae dictae, historice, philo-et etymologice ac grammatice deducta. Viennae, 1834. 556 OTROKOCSUS (F. F.). Origines Hungaricae; seu, Liber quo vera Nationis Hungaricae origo et antiquitas, e veterum monumentis et linguis praecipuis, pandunter. Franequerae : ex off. Leon. Strik, 1693. 8vo. calf. 557 P. Die Magyaren Sprache in ihren Grundzugen beleuchtet von P. Wien, 1833. 8vo, half calf. 558 A magyar nyelvnek f6nyre botsatott dgozati ; nemetiil irt munkajat magyaraz- van P. Be"tsben, 1833. 8 vo, half calf. 559 PARIZ PAPAI (Francisco). Dictionarium Latino-Hungaricum. Leutschovice, 1708. 8vo, calf. 560 Dictionarium Manual e Latino-Ungaricum et Ungarico-Latino-Germanicum. Cibinii, 1782. 8vo, calf. (With portrait.) 561 Dictionarium Latino-Hungaricum. Editio nova, labore Petri Bod. Tomusl. With this as second volume is, Dictionarium Ungaro-Latino-Germanicum, olim studio Alberti Molnar, Francisci Paris-Papai et Petri Bod conscriptum, nunc revisum, emendatum, etc., opera Josephi Caroli Eder. Posonii et Cibinii, 1801. 8vo, 2 vols., half calf. 562 PERESZLENYI (P.). Grammatica Linguae Ungaricae. Tyrnaviae (Tirnova), 1862. 8vo, calf. 563 PODHORSZKY (Ludwig). Etymologisches Worterbuch der magyarischen Sprache genetisch aus chinesischen wurzeln und stiimmen. Paris, 1877. 8vo. 564 REMELE (J. N.). Lehrbuch der ungarischen Sprache. Wien, 1846. 8vo, half morocco. 565 REVAI (J. N.). Antiquitates literaturae Hungaricae. Volumen I. Pestini, 1803. 8vo. 566 Antiquitates literaturae Hungaricae. Pestini, 1803. 8vo, half calf. 567 Grammatica Hungarica. Pestini, 1806. 8vo, 2 vols., half calf. 568 RICHTER (A. F.) and SCHUSTER (T. J.). Ungarisch-deutsches und deutsch- ungarisches Hand-Wb'rterbuch. Wien, 1837-8. 8vo, 2 vols., half calf. 569 RIEDL (A. M.). Leitfaden fur den Unterricht in der magyarischen Sprache. Wien, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. 570 Magyarische Grammatik. Wien, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. 571 Ungarisch Grammatik fur den Schul-und Selbstunterricht. Pest, 1866. 8vo. 572 Magyar Hangton. Prague and Leipzig, 1859. 8vo, half morocco. 573 SAJNOVICS (J.). Demonstratio. Idioma Ungarorum et Lapponum idem esse. Hafniae, 1770. 4to. 574 SAMARJAY (K.). Praktische Anleitung zur ungarischen Sprache. Pest, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. 30 575 SCHUCHARDT (Hugo). A Magyar Nyelv Roman elemeihez. Budapest, 1889. 8vo. (On the Romance words in Hungarian.) 576 SCHUSTER (J. T.). A' Magyar Ifrfi, oder die kunst in 46 Stunden gut ungarisch lesen, verstehen, sprechen und schreiben zu lernen. Wien, 1838. 8vo, half morocco. 577 Neues ungarisch -deutsches Wb'rterbuch. Wien, 1838. 8vo, half morocco. 578 SZABO (Joseph). Monimenta linguae ac literaturae Hungarorum in antiquitate vetusta a Josepho Szabo detecta. Sopronii, 1833. 8vo. 579 SZECHENYI (F.). Bibliotheca Hungarica Francisci comitis Sz6chenyi. Scriptores Hungaros et rerum Hungaricarum typis editos complexus. Sopronii, 1799. 8vo. With the ist and 2nd supplements. Posonii, 1803 et Sopronii, 1809. 4 vols. 580 SZINNYEFLTA (J.) ja Jalavalta (A.) Unkarin kielen oppikirja. Helsingissa, 1880. 8vo. (KS. toim. 61 osa.) (Grammar of the Hungarian tongue in Finnish.) 581 TA'JSZOTAR (Magyar). Kiadta a Magyar Tudos Tarsasag. Budan, 1838. 8vo. (Hungarian Dictionary of the Names of Places.) 582 TAKA'CS (E.). Neueste bewahrte Methode zur moglichst schnellen Erlernung der ungarischen Sprache fur Deutsche. Wien, 1855. 8vo, half morocco. 583 TESTAMENT. I7j Testamentom, azaz : a' mi urunk J6zus Krisztusnak uj szovets^ge. Koszegen, 1846. 8vo, calf. Translated by Karoli Caspar. 584. Another copy of the same edition, but in smaller type. Calf. 585 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Gospels. Codex Graecus quatuor Evangeliorum e bibliotheca Universitatis Pestinensis cum interpretatione Hungarica editus a Samuele Markfi O.S.B. Pestini, 1860. 4to. 586 THOMAS (J.)- Nouvelle Grammaire francjoise et hongroise nomme'e: Le Sincere Maitre de Langue. Sopronyb (Odenburg), 1763. 8vo, calf. 587 TOEPLER (G. E.). Grammatik der ungarischen Sprache. Dritte Auflage. Pesth, 1847. 8vo, half calf. 588 Leitfaden zur griindlichen Erlernung der ungarischen Sprache. Dritte Auflage. Pesth, 1853. 8vo. 589 TOLDI (Fr.). Geschichte der ungrischen Literatur im Mittelalter. Aus dem ungrischen iibersetzt von Moritz Kolbenheyer, Pest, 1865. 8vo. 590 TRACTATUS (Brevis) quo disquiritur: An nomina Ungaricum et Magyaricum, apud veteres, fuerint propria vel appellativa ? No place. 1810. 410. 591 UJFALVY (Ch.-Eug. de). Elements de Grammaire magyare. Paris, 1876. 8vo. Autograph presentation copy to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 592 UNGARISCHE. Revue mit unterstiitzung der ungarischen Akademie der Wissen- schaften. Herausgegeben von Paul Hunfalvy und Gustav Heinrich. 8th year. Parts 6 and 10. Leipzig, Berlin and Wien, 1888. 8vo. 593 VA'MBERY (D. A.). On the origin of the Hungarians. (Reprinted from the Ethno- logical Journal, and containing vocabularies in Hungarian, Turco-Tatar, English, and Persian.) 594 VARI-SZABO (Samuel). A Magyar Nyelv eredetisege s onkifejlese. Kecskemeten, 1857. 8vo. 595 VERSEGHY (F.). Dissertatio de versione Hungarica Scripturae Sacrae cui specimina correctae atque ab Vulgatam exactae versionis una cum momentis exegetico- philologicis emendationum, in traductione Kaldiana instituendarum, subjunguntur. Budae, 1822. 410. 596 VIDERMANN (H. J.). Die ungarischen Ruthenen, ihr Wohngebiet, ihr Erwerb und ihre Geschichte. Zweiter (historischer) Theil. i Heft. Innsbruck, 1867. 8vo. 31 597 VOROSMARTY (Mich.). Ungrische Sprachlehre fur Deutsche. Pesth, 1832. 8vo, half morocco. 598 WATTS (Thomas). Transactions of the Philological Society, 1855, No. 14 (i.e. a paper by T. W. On the recent history of the Hungarian language}. 599 WEKEY (Sigism.). Grammar of the Hungarian language, with exercises, vocabulary and specimens of Hungarian poetry. London, 1852. 8vo. 600 ZAHOUREK (Johann). Uber die Fremdwoerter im Magyarischen. Prag, 1856. 601 ZAKA'NY (J.). Magyar ABE'CZE hangoztato m6d szerint. Debreczenben, 1858. Half calf. (A Hungarian Primer.) WOGULIC. 602 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). St. Matthew and St. Mark. The Gospels of St. Matthew and St. Mark. In the Russian character. St. Petersburg, n.d. 8vo. 603 St. Matthew. Das Evangelium Matthiii in den Dialect der kondischen Wogulen im Gouvernement Tobolsk iibersetzt von G. Popov. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. London, 1868. 8vo. Only 250 copies printed. OSTYAK. 604 AHLQVIST (Dr. Aug.). Ueber die Sprache der Nord-Ostjaken. Sprachtexte, Wortersammlung und Grammatik. I. Abtheilung: Sprachtexte und Wortersamm- lung. Helsingfors, 1880. 8vo. Presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. TURKIC or TATAR GROUP-UIGURIC. 605 BOHTLINGK (Otto). Uber die Sprache der Jakuten. Grammatik, Text und Worter- buch. St. Petersburg, 1851. 410, half morocco. 606 KLAPROTH (Julius), Abhandlung Uber die Sprache und Schrift der Uiguren. Nebst einem Worterverzeichnisse und anderen Uigurischen Sprachproben aus dem Kaiser- lichen Ubersetzungshofe zu Peking. Paris, 1820. folio, half morocco. TURKISH. 607 BARKER (W. B.). A practical Grammar of the Turkish Language, with dialogues and vocabulary. London, 1854. 8vo. 608 BELIN (M.). Bibliographic Ottomane ou notice des livres turcs imprimis d Constan- tinople durant les annexes 1281, 1282 et 1283 de l'H6gire, Paris, 1868. Presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 609 BERNARDO DA PARIGI. Vocabolario italiano-turchesco, tradotto dal francese nelP italiano dal P. F. Pietro d'Abbavilla. Roma, 1665. 3 vols. 410, half calf. 610 BESSE (J. Ch. de). Abr6g6 de la Grammaire turque. Avec un petit vocabulaire en franc.ais, turc et hongrois. Pest, 1829. 8vo. 611 BIBLE. Biblia Turcica. Paris, 1827. 410, calf. (In the Arabic character. Trans- lated by Albertus Bobovius or Ali Bey, and revised by H. F. von Diez and J. D. Kieffer.) 612 The Old and New Testament in Turkish, printed in Greek characters. Athens, 1838. 2 vols. 8vo. The Old Testament is bound in calf, the New Testament is in half calf. 613 Old Testament. The Old Testament in Armeno-Turki (Turkish in Armenian characters). Izmir (Smyrna), 1841-2. i2mo, calf. 2 vols. 614 Psalter. Psalterion giani Dabidin mezumir kitapi, etc. Istampolda (Con- stantinople), 1827. i2mo, calf. (The Psalms in Turco-Greek, printed in Greek characters.) 32 615 BILGUER (Von). Macedonisch-tiirkische Wortersammlung mit kultur-historischen Erlauterungen. Berlin, 1889. 8vo. 616 CASTREN (M. Alex.). Versuch einer Koibalischen und Karagassischen Sprachlehre nebst Worterverzeichnissen aus den Tatarischen Mundarten des Minussinschen Kreises. (Nordische Reisen und Forschungen.) St. Petersburg, 1857. 8vo, half morocco. 617 GAUGENGIGL (Prof. J.). (Probe-Exemplar) Pasigraphisch Turkisches Worterbuch (Bachmaier's System). Miinchen, 1864. 10 pages. 618 GRAMMAIRE turque a 1'usage des Frangais, Anglais et Allemands, avec un Diction- naire frangais-turc. Leipsic, 1853. 8vo, half morocco. 619 JAUBERT (P. Ame'de'e). filaments de la Grammaire turke. Deuxieme Edition. Paris, 1833. 410, half calf. 620 LEXIKON (Neon) Graikikon kai Tourkikon. Venetia, 1814. 8vo. In the Greek character. 621 Tourkikon kai Graikikon. Venetia, 1819. 8vo. In the Greek character. 622 MIKLOSICH (Franz). Die Turkischen Elemente in den Siidost-und Osteuropiiischen Sprachen. Wien, 1888. 410. 623 RADLOFF (W.). Proben der Volkslitteratur der Turkischen Stiimme Sud-Siberiens. St. Petersburg, 1866-1886. 8vo. In six vols., vol. 4 is wanting. Vols. 5 and 6 bear the title, Proben der Volkslitteratur der Nordlichen Turkischen Stamme. Written in Russian and in the Russian character. 624 A German translation of the first four vols. St. Petersburg, 1866-1872. 8vo. 4 vols. 625 REDHOUSE (J. W.). An English and Turkish Dictionary. London, 1856-1857. 2 vols. 626 ROEHRIG (F. L. O.). De Turcarum linguae indole ac natura. Vratislaviae, 1843. 4to. 627 Specimen des Idiotismes de la Langue turque. Breslau, 1843. 410. 628 SPRACHDENKMALER (Bosnisch-tiirkische), gesammelt, gesichtet und herausge- geben von Dr. Otto Blau. Leipzig, 1868. 8vo. From " Abhandlungen fiir die Kunde des Morgenlandes. V. Band. No. 2." 629 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). A Turkish New Testament in the Armenian character. 1831. 4to, calf. CHUVAK. 630 GRAMMAR (A) of the Chuvak Tongue in the Russian character. No title page. 4to, half calf. 631 SCHOTT (Guileimus). De Lingua Tschuwaschorum. Dissertatio. Berolini, n.d. 8vo, half calf. 632 (W.). La Langue des Tschouwaches. Traduit du Latin par B.-B. Paris, 1876. 24 pages. 633 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Gospels. The four Gospels in Chuvak. In Russian character. 1820. 4to, calf. TUNGUSIAN GROUP-MANDCHU. 634 GAUGENGIGL (Prof. ].) (Probe-Exemplar) Pasigraphisch Mandschuisches Worter- buch (Bachmaier's System). Miinchen, 1864. 10 pages. 635 HERMANN (Dr. K. A.). Die Mandschu-Sprache verglichen mit den Finnisch- Estniscben. Dorpat, 1881. 33 TUNGUSIAN PROPER. 636 CASTR&N (M. Alex.). Grundziige einer Tungusischen Sprachlehre nebst kurzem Worterverzeichniss. (Nordische Reisen und Forschungen.) St. Petersburg, 1856. 8vo, half morocco. MONGOLIAN GROUP. 637 CASTREN (M. Alex.). Versuch einer Burjiitischen Sprachlehre nebst kurzem Worter- verzeichniss. (Nordische Reisen und Forschungen.) St. Petersburg, 1857. 8vo, half morocco. 638 GAUGENGIGL (Prof. J.). (Probe-Exemplar) Pasigraphisch Mongolisches Worterbuch (Bachmaier's System). Miinchen, 1864. 10 pages. VIII.-BASQUE.-ON BASQUE IN GENERAL. 639 AIZQUIBEL (Jose Francisco de). De la Lengua Euskera, 6 de los Vascongados. Madrid, 1856. 12 pages. 640 ALMANACK. Ano 1880. Calendario Vasco-Navarro especial para las cuatro Pro- vincias Hermanas. Bilbao, 1879. 641 ANTIGUEDAD DEL VASCUENCE. De la antiguedad y universalidad del Vascuencc en Espana, etc. Bilbao, 1 860. Crushed levant. 642 ARCHU (J.-B.). Grammaire basque-franQaise a 1'usage des ecoles du Pays basque. Bayonne, 1853. 8vo, half morocco. 643 Grammaire bilingue frangaise et basque. 3 Edition. Bayonne, 1868. i2mo. 644 AROSTEGUY (Pierre Diharce Bidassouet). Recherches sur 1'origine veritable et re'elle des Escu-alde-duns, par syncope Escualduns ; anciennement Guigons (hommes) Cantabres ; et aujourd'hui generalement Basques frangais, espagnols ; puisees de rcriture Sainte. Prospectus. Bayonne (Duhart-Fauvet), n.d. 8 pages. 045 ASTARLOA (Pablo Pedro de). Apologia de la Lengua bascongada, 6 Ensayo critico filos6fico de su perfecci6n y antiguedad sobre todas las que se conocen : en respuesta d. los reparos propuestos en el Diccionario gcogrdfico hist6rico de Espaiia, tomo 11 palabra Nabarra. Madrid, 1803. 410, calf. (The author of the work to which this is a reply was Don Joaquim Traggia, a learned Aragonese.) 646 Discursos filos6ficos sobre la Lengua Primitiva, 6 Gramatica y Analisis razonada de la Euskara 6 bascuence. Bilbao, 1883. 4to. Presentation copy to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte from the editor, D. Pedro M de Merladet. This work was seen in manuscript by Humboldt, but the French invasion of 1808 prevented its publication by the author. 647 (Pedro) Urteco domeca gustijetaraco verbaldi icasbidecuac, ceinzubetan azalduten dan erromaco catecismua. Bilbao, 1816-1818. 410, calf. 2 vols. (Devo- tions for every Sunday in the year, explanatory of the Roman Catechism.) 648 BAROJA (Serafin). Gaci-Guezac. Poesfas prosdicas en Vascuence y Castellano. San Sebastian, 1875. 649 BASQUE LEGENDS. Collected, chiefly in the Labourd, by the Rev. W. Webster. With an Essay on the Basque Language by M. Julien Vinson. London, 1879. 8vo. 650 BAUDRIMONT (A.). Histoire des Basques ou Escualdunais primitifs, restaure"e d'apr6s la Langue, les Caracteres ethnologiques et les Mceurs des Basques actuels. Paris, 1854. 8vo, half morocco. 651 Another edition. Paris, 1867. 8vo. 652 BLANC (S.-H.). Grammaire de la Langue basque d'apres El Imposible Vencido de Larramendi. Lyon et Paris, 1854. i2mo, half morocco. 3 34 653 BERIAYN (J. de). Tratado de como se ha de oyr Missa, escrito en Romance y Bascuence. Pamplona, 1621. 8vo. (Mutilated copy.) 654 BIBLE. Canticle of Canticles. Canticum Canticorum Salomonis tribus Vasconicae linguae dialectis in Hispania vigentibus versum ; opera et studio Josephi A. de Uriarte et Ludovici L. Bonaparte. Londini, 1858. 410, morocco. Only 250 copies printed, this being one of the two unnumbered copies, and the only one on thick paper. 655 The second unnumbered copy, on ordinary paper. 656 Canticle of Canticles. Canticum trium puerorum in XI Vasconicae linguae dialectos versum. Collegit et novae orthographiae accommodavit Ludovicus Lucianus Bonaparte. Londini, 1858. 4to, morocco. W. H. Billing certifies that he printed this work in the Prince's house, the edition numbering only 250, this being the only copy on stouter paper. 657 An ordinary copy of the same edition. Morocco. 658 Editio altera. Only 250 copies printed, this being one of the two unnumbered copies, and the only one on thick paper. 659 The second unnumbered copy, on ordinary paper. 660 Canticle of Canticles. Canticum trium puerorum in septem praecipuas Vasconicae linguae dialectos versum. Londini, 1858. 4to, morocco. George Barclay certifies that only 250 copies were printed, this being one of the two unnumbered copies, and the only one on thick paper. 66 1 The second unnumbered copy. Morocco. 662 BLADft (Jean Fran9ois). Dissertation sur les Chants heroi'ques des Basques. Paris, 1866. 8vo. 663 Etudes sur 1'Origine des Basques. (Extrait de la Revue de Toulouse.) 1868. To which is added, Examen critique d'un livre intitule E'tude sur VOrigine des Basques, par Jean Francois Blade. (Revue critique d'histoire et de litterature, Nos. 12 et 13; le 19 et 26 Mars 1870.) 664 Etudes sur 1'Origine des Basques. Paris, 1869. 8vo. This works deals with the Basque tongue. 665 BONAPARTE (Prince L.-L.). Langue basque et langues finnoises. Londres, 1862. 4to, crushed levant. Imp. L.-L. B. Only 250 copies printed, this being the only copy on thicker paper. 666 Langue basque et langues finnoises. Londres, 1862. 410, crushed levant. Imp. L.-L. B. Only 250 copies printed, each one being signed by the author. 667 Remarques sur plusieurs assertions de M. Abel Hovelacque concernant la langue basque, accompagne'es d'observations grammaticales et bibliographiques. (Extrait de la Revue de Philologie et d'Ethnographie, publiee par Ch. E. de Ufjalvy. Tome II e , No. 3, Paris, 1876.) Londres, 1876. Only 250 copies printed. 668 Carta lingiiistica del Principe L.-L. Bonaparte, publicada en el numero 116 (tomo ix) de la Revista bascongada Euskal-Erria> correspondiente al dia 30 de Setiembre de 1883. San Sebastian, 1883. 669 BOUDARD (P.). Note sur 1'Alphabet Ibe"rien. Beziers, 1855. 670 Deuxieme Note sur 1' Alphabet Ibe"rien. Beziers, 1855. 67 1 Note sur la Geographic ancienne de 1'Espagne. Avec Carte. (Extrait de la Revue Arche"ologique.) 672 Recherches sur 1'Histoire et la Ge"ographie du Sud-Est de la Gaule. (Extrait de la Revue Archologique.) 35 673 BROCA(Paul). Sur 1'Origine et la Repartition de la Langue Basque. Basques Frai^ais et Basques Espagnols. Paris, 1875. 8vo. 674 BRUNET (M. G.). Notice sur les proverbes basques recueillis par Arnauld d'Oihenart et sur quelques autres travaux relatifs a la langue euskarienne. Paris, 1859. (Extrait des Actes de 1' Academic impe"riale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Bordeaux.) 675 CAHIER des Vceux et Instructions des Basques-Franc,ais pour leurs De"pute"s aux E'tats- Ge'ne'raux de 1789. Bayonne, 1874. 676 CAMPION (Arturo). Lengua Euskara. Orreaga (Roncesvalles). Balada escrita en el dialecto Guipuzcoano. Acompanada de versiones a los dialectos bizcaino, labortano, etc. Pamplona, 1880. 410. Presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 677 Ensayo acerca de las leyes fone'ticas de la lengua Euskara. San Sebastian, 1883. 8vo. (An extract from Euskal-Erria.} 678 Gramdtica de los cuatro dialectos literarios de la lengua Euskara. Tolosa, 1884. 8vo. 679 CARLOS y Zufiiga (Luis). Plan de antigiiedades Espanolas, reducido a dos articulos y ochenta proposiciones, cuyo principal objeto se dirige a probar, que las monedas, inscripciones, y medallas antigtias Espanolas de caracte"res Celtibe"ricos y Be"ticos estan escritas por lo comun en lengua Bascongada. Madrid, 1 80 1. 4to. 680 CARTA de un Bascongado al Sr. D. Tomas de Sorreguieta, advirtie"ndole varias equivocaciones que ha padecido en su obra titulada Semana-Hispano-Bascongada Madrid, 1804. 8vo. Rare. 68 1 CATALOGO de los alumnos del Colegio de Ntra. Sra. de la Antigua. Orduiia. Curso de 1881 a 1882. Bilbao, 1881. (A specimen of Basque names.) 682 CERQUAND (M.). Legendes et Re"cits populaires du Pays Basque. Pan, 1875-1882. 8vo. In four parts. 683 CHAHO (J. Aug.). Voyage en Navarre pendant 1'insurrection des Basques (1830- 1835). Avec portraits et costumes. Paris, 1836. 8vo, half morocco. 684 Lettre a M. Xavier Raymond sur les Analogies qui existent entre la Langue Basque et le Sanscrit. Paris, 1836. Half morocco. 685 De 1'Origine des Euscariens ou Basques. (An Extract.) Half morocco. 686 (A.). Histoire primitive des Euskariens-Basques. Bayonne, 1847. 8vo, half morocco. 687 Dictionnaire Basque, Frangais, Espagnol et Latin. Bayonne, 1856. 410. (Abade-Mantelina.) Preceded by La Guerre des Alphabets. 688 La Guerre des Alphabets. Regies d'orthographe euskarienne, adoptees pour la publication du dictionnaire basque, franc,ais, espagnol, et latin. Bayonne, 1856. Folio. 689 CHARENCEY (Hyacinthe de). Recherches sur les origines de la langue basque. (Ext. des Ann. de Philos. Chre"tienne.) Paris, 1859. 12 pages. 690 La Langue basque et les idiomes de 1'Oural. Paris et Mortagne, 1862-1866. 8vo. In two parts. 691 Recherches sur les lois phon^tiques de la langue basque. Caen, 1866. 8vo. 692 Des affinite's de la langue basque avec les idiomes du Nouveau-Monde. Caen, 1867. 8vo. 693 Des degr6s de dimension et de comparaison en basque. Caen, 1867. 12 pages. 36 694 CHARENCEY (Hyacinthe de). Recherches sur les noms d'animaux domestiques, de plantes cultive"es et de metaux chez les Basques. (Actes de la Soc. Philologique, Tome I, No. i, Mars 1869.) 8vo. 695 Etymologies basquaises. (Extrait du Muse"on.) Lou vain, 1882. 1 8 pages. 696 Etymologies euskariennes. (Ext. du Bull. d. 1. Soc. de Linguistique de Paris.) Paris, 1885. 8vo. 697 Ethnographic euskarienne. E'tude sur 1'origine des Basques d'apres les donne"es de la linguistique. (Ext. du Bull. d. 1. Soc. de Geographic.) 1889. 8vo. 698 COLEGIO DE 2* ENSENANZA. Orduna. Congregacion de la Inmaculada Concep- ci6n y de S. Luis Gonzaga. Curso de 1880 a 1881. Specimen of Basque names. 699 C(onde). (D(on) J(ose") A(ntonio).) Censura critica de la pretendida excelencia y antiguedad del Vascuence, por D. J. A. C. Cura de Montuenga. Madrid, en la Imprenta Real, 1804. 8vo. 700 Censura critica del Alfabeto primitivo de Espaiia, y pretendidos monumentos literarios del Vascuence. Por D. J. A. C. Cura de Montuenga. Madrid, 1806. 8vo, (A clever satirical attack on J.-B. de Erro y Azpiroz's work, r Alfabeto de la Lengua Primitiva de Espana."] 701 CORDIER (Eugene). De 1'organisation de la famille chez les Basques. Paris, 1869. 8vo. 702 Croyances des anciens Basques. (Extrait du Bulletin de la Socie'te Ramond.) Bagneres-de-Bigorre, n.d. Autograph presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 703 CORONA funebre de la Prensa. Manterola-ri ! ! ! A collection of pieces in Spanish and Basque on the death of Don Jose Manterola, the editor of Euskal-Erria. San Sebastian, 1884. 704 D'ABBADIE (A. Th.) et CHAHO (J. A.). Etudes grammaticales sur la langue euskarienne. Paris, 1836. 410, half calf. 705 (Antoine). Travaux re"cents sur la langue basque. Imprimerie Imperiale, 1859 ; on brown paper. 8 pages. 706 Another copy, on white paper. 707 [DARRIGOLLE (1'abbe).] Dissertation critique et apologetique sur la Langue Basque, par un ecclesiastique du diocese de Bayonne. Bayonne (1827). 8vo. (This work is held, by good authorities, to be the best introduction to the study of the Basque tongue.) Half morocco. Francisque-Michel gives the author's name. 708 DAWKINS (W. Boyd). The Northern Range of the Basques. (Extract from The Fortnightly Review, Sept. i, 1874.) London. 709 DECHEPARE (Rev. B.). Poesies Basques. Publiees d'apres 1'edition de Bordeaux, '545 et traduites pour la premiere fois en fran5ais. Bordeaux, 1847. 8vo, half morocco. 710 Nouvelle edition absolument conforme & la premiere de 1545. Bayonne, 1874. Tire d 206 exemplaires. 4to, uncut. Exemplaire No. 2 offert a M. le Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 711 DEFENSA de la Apologia del Vascuence. Reflexiones filosoficas en defensa de la apologia de la Lengua bascongada, 6 Respuesta a la censura critica del Cura de Montuenga. Madrid, 1804. 8vo, crushed levant. (This pamphlet was written by D, Pablo de Astarloa in reply to Don Jose Ant. Conde's criticism of his Apologia.} 37 712 DIALOGUES Basques: Guipuscoans, Biscai'ens, Labourdins, Souletins; par A. P\ Iturriaga, le Rev. J. A. de Uriarte, Capt. J. Duvoisin, et M. 1'abbe Inchauspe. Accompagnes de deux traductions, Espagnole et Fran9aise. Londres, 1857. Morocco, with Crown and Eagle. Imp. L.-L. B. W. H. Billing certifies that he printed this work in the Prince's house, and that only 251 copies were impressed, this being a unique copy on large and thick paper. 713 Another ordinary copy. Morocco. 714 DISERTACIO'N sobre la Ortografia Euskara. Bilbao, 1890. 715 DISSERTATION sur la Langue Basque, par un Eccle"siastique du Diocese de Bayonne. Bayonne, n.d. 8vo, half morocco. 716 E. (D. J. M.). Guia-Manual del Lenguaje para uso de los viajeros en el pais Vasco por D. J. M. E. Vitoria, 1868. 8vo. 717 ECHAVE (Balthasar de). Discursos de la antiguedad de la Lengua Cantabra Bascon- gada. Copuestos por Balthasar de Echave, natural de la Villa de Qumaya en la Provincia de Guipuzcoa, y vezino de Mexico. Mexico (Henrico Martinez), 1607. 4-to, crushed levant. Stamped with the Imperial Crown and 'Eagle. (This is probably the second printed work dealing with the antiquity of the Basque Tongue. Very rare.) 718 Another edition. Bilbao, 1860. Crushed levant. 719 ERRO Y AZPIROZ (J. B. de). Alphabet de la Langue primitive de 1'Espagne et Explication de ses plus anciens Monumens, en Inscriptions et Me"dailles : suivi de la critique de cet Ouvrage par D. J. A. C., cure" de Montuenga, traduits ... en fran^ais . . . par M. Eloi Johanneau. No date and place. 8vo, half morocco. 720 Alfabeto de la Lengua Primitiva 'de Espana, yExplicaci6n de sus mas antiguos monumentos de inscripciones y medallas. Madrid, 1806. 4to, half calf. (This work, in which the author claims to prove that Basque was the primitive language of Spain, called forth the famous Censura Critica of J. A. Conde, under the pseu- donym of D. J. A. C. cura de Montuenga.) 721 ERRO (Juan Bautista de). El Mundo Primitivo 6 Examen filos6fico de la antiguedad y cultura de la nacion bascongada. Tomo I. Madrid, 1815. 4to, with map. (An attempt to prove that Basque was the original language of the world.) 722 The Alphabet of the Primitive Language of Spain, and a philosophical examination of the antiquity and civilization of the Basque People. An Extract from the works of Don Juan Bautista de Erro, translated by George W. Erving. Boston, 1829. 410, uncut. 723 ESSAI de grammaire de la langue basque. Amsterdam, 1865. 8vo. 724 de quelques Notes sur la Langue basque, parun Vicaire de Campagne, sauvage d'origine. Bayonne, 1808. i2mo, half morocco. 725 historique sur les provinces basques (Alava, Guipuzcoa, Biscaye et Navarre), et sur la guerre dont elles sont le theatre. Bordeaux, 1836. 8vo, half morocco. 726 sur la langue basque, extrait des Publications philologiques de 1' Academic des sciences Hongroise pour Tan i86f. Tome V. Morocco. Presentation copy to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte from the author. 727 ESTATUTOS de la Asociaci6n Euskara de Navarra. Pamplona, 1878. 728 EUSCAL-ERRIA. Revista Bascongada. Fundador y Director Jos6 Manterola. From the ist to the i3th year. Tomes I to XXVI. In parts. San Sebastian, 1880 to 1892. 729 "EUSKARA." Organ fur die Interessen der "Baskischen Gesellschaft." Nos. i to 8. Berlin, 1886 to 1890. 160521 38 730 EXTRACTOS de las Juntas Generales celebradas por la Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos des Pais en la Ciudad de Vitoria. For the years 1871 to 1876. Madrid, 1873-1877. 4to. 731 FABRE (L. M. H.). Guide de la Conversation francais-basqne. Bayonne, 1862. 8vo. 732 Dictionnaire frangais-basque. Bayonne, 1870. 4to. 733 FABULAS y otras Composiciones en verso Vascongado, dialecto Guipuzcoano, con un Diccionario Vasco-Castellano de las voces que son diferentes en los diversos dialectos. San Sebastian, 1842. 8vo, half morocco. 734 FERNANDEZ DE LA GUEST A (L. de V.). Los Euskaros en Alava, Guipuzcoa y Vizcaya. Sus orfgines, historia, lengua, leyes, costumbres y tradiciones. Barcelona, 1880. 8vo. (Edicion adornada con n grabados y un mapa.) 735 FIESTAS Euskaras en Marquina. Certamen literario. Composiciones poeticas premiadas. Bilbao, 1883. (Esta Edici6n ha sido costeada por D. Eduardo Delmas, para ser distribuida entre los autores de las Composiciones premiadas.) 736 FLEURI (J. C.). Christau Doctrin berri-ecarlea Christauari dagozcan eguia sinis- beharren-benia dacarrena. Tolosa, 1785. 8vo, vellum. (Translated by Fray Juan Ant. Ubillosco.) 737 GARIBAY Y gAMALLOA (E. de). Refranes Vascongados. Madrid, 1854. (Ex Memorial historico Espafiol. Cuaderno 30.) Half morocco. 738 GRIMM (Arno). Ueber die baskische Sprache und Sprachforschung. Breslau, 1884. 8vo. 739 HALL (Arthur). Literary Leaves for General Readers. The Basque Problem solved. (In two papers, dated March i and April i.) London, 1870. 740 HANNEMANN (K.). Prolegomena zur baskischen oder Kantabrischen Sprache. Leipzig, 1884. 8vo. 741 HARISTOY (1'abbe P.). Recherches historiques sur le pays Basque. Bayonne et Paris, 1883-4. 8vo. 2 v ls- 742 HARIZMENDI. A Basque Book of Devotions without title-page and greatly mutilated. 743 HIRIART (A.). Introduction a la Langue frangaise et a la Langue basque. Bayonne, 1840. 1 2mo, half calf. 744 HUMBOLDT (Wilhelm von). Berichtigungen und Zusatze zum ersten Abschnitte des zweyten Bandes des Mithridates iiber die Cantabrische oder Baskische Sprache. Berlin, 1817. 8vo, half calf. 745 Priifung der Untersuchungen iiber die Urbewohner Hispaniens vermittelst der Vaskischen Sprache. Berlin, 1821. 4to, half morocco. 746 Recherches sur les habitants primitifs de 1'Espagne a 1'aide de la Langue basque. Traduit de 1'Allemand par M. A. Marrast. Paris, 1 866. 8vo. 747 IHARCE DE BIDASSOUET (1'abbe" D'). Histoire des Cantabres ou des premiers colons de toute 1'Europe, avec celle des Basques, leurs descendants directs, qui existent encore, et leur Langue Asiatique-Basque, traduite, et re"duite aux principes de la Langue francaise. Paris, 1825. 8vo, half calf. 748 INCHAUSPE (1'abbe"). Sur 1'origine et les affinite's de la langue basque et en particulier sur sa d6clinaison ; a propos d'une brochure de M. de Charencey, intituled, La Langue Basque et les Idiomes de V Oural. Bayonne, 1866. (Extrait du No. de Juillet 1866, T. XIV, 5 e serie, des Annales de Philosophic chre"tienne.) 749 JUDAS (A.). Affinite's des noms de nombres basques avec plusieurs langues de 1'Orient, particulierement avec les langues altaiques. (Extrait du Cahier de novembre 1867, des Annales de Philosophic chre"tienne.) Versailles, n.d. 39 750 JUEGOS Florales Euskaros en San Sebastian. Memoria. Donostian, 1880-81-82, 1883, 1884-88. 751 JUSTACHO-RI. San Sebastian, n.d. (Basque Poems.) 752 L. (M. D.). De la antiguedad y universalidad del bascuence en Espana: de sus perfecciones y ventajas sobre otras muchas lenguas. Demonstration previa al arte que se dara a luz desta Lengua. Su autor, M. D. L. Salamanca, n.d. 8vo. 753 Another copy. Morocco. 754 Another edition. 1728. 8vo. 755 LABASTIDE (M. de). Dissertation sur les Basques. Paris. The approbation is dated 17 Jan. 1786. 8vo, half calf. 756 Commentaires de Cesar; traduction norvelle, accompagne'e de dissertations et de notes. Partie 2 e , contenant les dissertations. Tome Premier. (Dissertation sur les Basques.) Paris, n.d. 8vo. 757 LACOIZQUETA (J.-M. de). Diccionario de los nombres Euskaros de las plantas en correspondencia con los vulgares Castellanos y Franceses y cientificos Latinos. Pamplona, 1888. 410. 758 LA FONTAINE. Choix de Fables de La Fontaine traduites en vers basques, par J.-B. Archu. La Reole, 1848. 8vo, half morocco. 759 LARRAMENDI (M. de). El Impossible Vencido. Arte de la Lengua Bascongada. Salamanca, 1729. 8vo, morocco. 760 Another edition; published by Pio Zuazua. San Sebastian, 1853. 8vo, half morocco. 761 Another edition. Bilbao, 1860. From page 300 to the end wanting. 762 Discurso historico sobre la antigua famosa Cantabria. Question decidida si las Provincias de Bizcaya, Guipuzcoa y Alaba, estuvieron comprehendidas en la Antigua Cantabria ? Madrid, 1736. 8vo, vellum. 763 Diccionario Trilingue del Castellano, Bascuence y Latin. San Sebastian, 1745. 4to, morocco. Rare. 2 vols in one. 764 Nueva edici6n publicada por D. Pio de Zuazua. San Sebastian, 1853. 410, half morocco. 765 Corografia 6 descripci6n general de la muy noble y muy leal Provincia de Guipuzcoa (Obra in6dita). Barcelona, 1882. (La Verdadera Ciencia Espanola Series, vol. XIX.) 766 LARRE'GUI. Recherches sur la de'clinaison basque par M. H. de Charencey. (Extrait de 1'Echo de l'Orme.) Mortagne, 1867. 767 LAUR AC-BAT. Revista de la Sociedad Vascongada de Montevideo. Some odd numbers of this periodical for the years 1879 to 1887. 768 LEJOSNE (Louis A.). M6moire sur 1'origine des Basques, 1859. Tarbes. 769 LESPADE (A.). Buenos Aires et la Peuple Basque ; ou, Precis historique et moral sur ce Peuple. Avec une rapide Analyse de sa merveilleuse Langue. Buenos Aires, 1859. 4to, morocco. 770 LINAZAC (F. Cristobal de). Novena San Antonio Paduacoaren honran ta alabanzan. Tolosan, 1865. 771 Maria Santisima Carmengoaren honran Novena. Tolosan, 1865. 772 San Roque gloriosoaren Novena. Tolosan, 1865. Novenas in honour of St. Antony of Padua, Our Lady of Carmel and St. Rock. 40 773 LUCHAIRE (Ach.). E'tudes sur les Idiomes Pyre'ne'ens de la region fransaise. Paris, 1879. 8vo. This work also deals with Gascon dialects, etc. 774 MAHN (C. A. F.)- Denkmaeler der baskischen Sprache. Berlin, 1857. 8vo, half morocco. 775 MANTEROLA (Jose"). Cancionero Vasco. Poesias en Lengua Euskara. San Sebastian, 1877-1878. 8vo, 4 parts. 776 The same. Second Series. San Sebastian, 1878. 8vo, 4 parts. 777 The same. Third Series. Seguida de un extenso vocabulario Basco-Cas- tellano-Frances. San Sebastian, 1880. 8vo. 778 MAZURE (M. A.). Histoire du Be"arn et du Pays Basque. Pau, 1839. 8vo, half morocco. 779 ME'CANISME de la construction du Verbe basque (Le), en dialectes du Labourd et des Pays limitrophes. Extrait du Guide ou Manuel de la Conversation fran9ais- basque. Nouvelle edition. Bayonne, 1867. 8vo, half morocco. 780 MICHEL (Francisque-). Le Pays Basque, sa population, sa langue, ses mosurs, sa littdrature et sa musique. Paris, Londres et Edimbourg, 1857. 8vo, half morocco. 781 MONTEIRO (M.). Legends and Popular Tales of the Basque People, with illustrations in photogravure by Harold Copping. London, 1887. 8vo. 782 Another copy, but without the illustrations. 783 OBSERVACIONES filos6ficas en favor del alfabeto primitivo, 6 respuesta apologe"tica d la censura critica del cura de Montuenga. Por D. J. B. E. (J. B. de Erro). Pamplona, 1807. 4to, half morocco. 784 ORHERSIGARRIA (L.). Examen critique du Manuel de la Langue basque. Bayonne, 1826. Half morocco. 785 PARERGON sive specimen Cantabricae hoc est veteris Vasconum linguae ex opere excerptum quod de literis et lingua Getarum anno 1597 Lugduni Batavorum edidit Bon. Vulcanius Brugensis. Parisiis, 1860. Octodecim tantummodo edita sun-t exemplaria. (The Lord's Prayer.) 786 PEROCHEGUI (Juan de). Origen de la nacion bascongada, y de su lengua, de que han dimanado las monarquias Espanola, y Francesa, y la Republica de Venecia, que existen al presente. Pamplona, 1760. 8vo, vellum. 787 Segunda impressi6n. Pamplona, 1760. 8vo, half morocco. 788 PHILLIPS (George). Uber das baskische Alphabet. Wien, 1870. 8vo. 789 Uber das lateinische und romanische Element in der baskischen Sprache. Wien, 1871. 8vo. 790 Eine baskische Sprachprobe nebst Einleitung und Commentar. (Sitzb. d. phil.-hist. Cl. Ixv. Bd. iv. Hft.). 791 PIECES historiques de la periode re"volutionnaire en franc.ais et en basque en regard. Bayonne, 1875 et 1877. Fasciculi H e et III C . 792 POCA (Andres de). De la antigua lengua, poblaciones, y comarcas de las Espanas, en que de paso se tocan algunas cosas de la Cantabria. Compuesto por el Liceciado Andres de Poc,a natural de la ciudad de Orduna, y avogado en el muy noble y leal Senorio de Vizcaya. Impresso en Bilbao por Mathias Mares, primer impressor de Vizcaya. Ano de 1587. 410, morocco. This is the oldest known work treating of the antiquity and universality of Basque in Spain. Very rare. 793 ^ POISSON. Passage en Langue basque, extrait du Poete basque, Come"die de Poisson, Edition de Jean Ribou. Paris, 1679. 41 794 POTT (Aug. Friedr.). Ueber Vaskische Familiennamen. Zur Erinnerung an den gliicklichen Schluss des durch Otto Bohtlingk und Rudolph Roth 1852 begonnenen und 1875 beendeten Detmold, 1875. 8vo. 795 REFLEXIONES filos6ficas en defensa de la Apologfa de la Lengua Bascongada ; 6 Respuesta d la Censura Critica del Cura de Montuenga. Madrid, 1804. 8vo, half morocco. 796 REVISTA DE VIZCAYA. A collection of this periodical from 1886 to 1889. Many of the parts are wanting. Bilbao. 797 REVISTA EUSKARA. Ano I al Ano VI. Pamplona, 1878-83. 798 RIBARY (F.). Essai sur la Langue basque, traduit du Hongrois avec des Notes complementaires, et suivi d'une notice bibliographique par Julien Vinson. Paris, 1877. 8vo - 799 SABBATH MEMORIAL (The). Nos. 16, 23 and 24. Fifth and Sixth Years. London, 1879 and 1880. These issues contain articles from The Academy on Basque words by Prince L.-L. Bonaparte ; No. 24 also has an article on the same subject and from the same paper by the Rev. Wentworth Webster. 800 SALLABERRY (J.-D.-J.). Chants populaires du Pays basque, paroles et musique originales, re"cueillies et publi^es avec traduction fran9aise. Bavonne, 1870. 8vo. Autograph copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte ; on thick paper. 80 1 Another copy, on ordinary paper. 802 RODRIGUEZ-FERRER (M.). Los Vascongados, su pais, su lengua, y el principe L.-L. Bonaparte ; con notas, etc. Madrid, 1873. 8vo, morocco. Presentation copy from the author. 803 RUSSELL (Count H.). Biarritz and Basque Countries. With a Map. London, 1873. 8vo. 804 SAINT-HILAIRE (Blanc). Les Euskariens ou Basques. Le Sobrarbe et la Navarre, leur Origine, leur Langue et leur Histoire. Cannes, 1879. (Extrait.) 805 SAINT JULIEN D'ANTIOCHE. Pastorale en Langue Basque publie"e conforme'- ment a un manuscrit appartenant a la Bibliotheque de la Ville de Bordeaux. Bordeaux, 1891. 8vo. Edited by M. Julien Vinson, from whom this is an autograph presentation copy to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 806 SALAZAR (A. A.). Biblioteca del Bascofilo. Ensayo de un Catalogo General sistematico y critico de las obras referentes a las Provincias de Vizcaya, Guipuzcoa, Alava y Navarra. Madrid, 1887. 8vo. 807 SALCEDO (Pedro Novia de). Diccionario etimologico del Idioma Bascongado. Con un prologo biografico del Ilmo. Sr. D. Anstides de Artinano. Primera edicion. Tolosa, 1887. 410, 2 vols. 808 SANTESTEBAN (J. A.). Colecci6n de Aires Vascongados para canto y piano. San Sebastian, n.d. 809 SCHUCHARDT (H.). Romano-baskisches. No date or place. (An extract.) 810 SORALUCE Y ZUBIZARRETA (Nicolas de). Los RR. Padres Jesuitas Manuel de Larramendi y Sebastian de Mendiburu y el Centenario de este celebrado en Oyarzun. Vitoria, 1882. 811 SORREGUIETA (T6mas de). Semana hispano-bascongada, la unica de la Europa, y la mas antigua del orbe. Con dos suplementos de otros ciclos, y etimologfas bascongadas. I a Parte. Pamplona, 1804. 4to, half morocco; and, Segunda Parte. Monumentos del Bascuence, 6 Prosecuci6n de los precedentes del astea, eguna, illd, urtea, y demas. Pamplona, 1 804. 4to, calf. The two parts are bound in one volume. Rare. 42 812 SORREGUIETA (Tomas de). Triunfo de la Semana hispano-bascongada y del bascuence, contra varies censores enmascarados. Madrid, 1805. 8vo, calf. Very rare. (A defence of his work called Semana hispano-vascongada.} 813 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Parable of the Sower. Parabola del Sembrador traducida a los ocho dialectos del vascuence y a cuatro de sus subdialectos. (Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte.) Londres, 1878. 14 pages. Only 250 copies printed. On the paper cover the Prince has written the names of the persons to whom he sent copies. 814 TRE'SOR des trois langues francoise, espagnole et basque. Livre trds-utile, et necessaire pour ceux qui desirent en avoir 1'intelligence. Avec un m6moire en espagnol et frangois, compos6 de toutes sortes de mots treVcurieux and necessaires a scavoir, aux Studieux and Amateurs des susdites Langues. Bayonne, P. Fauvet, n.d. 4to oblong, morocco. Francisque-Michel gives the date as being about 1754. 815 Another edition. Bayonne, P. Fauvet, n.d. 8vo oblong, morocco. 816 ,, ,, Bayonne, P. Fauvet, n.d. 4to oblong, morocco. Except a variation in one word in the title this appears to be identical with the first. 817 URHERSIGARRIA (Lor.). Plauto Poligloto 6 sea hablando libremente Hebreo, Cantabro, C61tico, Irlandes, Hungaro, etc. Seguido de una respuesta a la impugna- ci6n del Manual de la Lengua Basca .... En Tolosa, 1828. 22 pages, half morocco. (A work ridiculing Santa Teresa's views on Plautus's knowledge of Basque.) 818 VAN EYS (W. J.). Essai de Grammaire de la langue basque. Amsterdam, 1867. 8vo. 819 Dictionnaire basque-frangais. Paris et Londres, 1873. 8vo. 820 Le Verbe auxiliaire basque. Paris, 1874. 1 6 pages. 821 E'tude sur 1'origine et la formation des Verbes Auxiliaires basques. Paris, 1875. 8vo. 822 Le tutoiement basque. Chapitre suppldmentaire a la Grammaire compare'e des dialectes basques. Paris, 1883. 8vo. 823 Basque Criticism in The Academy. Answer to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte's criticism in the issue of the 2oth November, 1875. San Remo, 1876. This article was sent for publication to the editor of The Academy, but was rejected. 824 Grammaire comparee des dialectes basques. Paris, 1879. 8vo. 825 Triibner's Collection of Simplified Grammars of the principal Asiatic and European Languages. III. Basque. Outlines of Basque Grammar. London, 1883. 8vo. 826 Les Verbes auxiliaires dans le Nouveau Testament de Ligarrague. La Haye, 1890. 8vo. 827 VELASCO (L. de). Los Euskaros en Alava, Guipuzcoa y Vizcaya. Sus origines, historia, lengua, leyes, costumbres y tradiciones. Barcelona, 1880. 8vo, with u engravings and a Map. 828 VINSON (Julien). Coup d'CEil sur 1'etude de la langue basque. Paris, 1868. 8vo. Autograph presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 829 Basque (dialectes). An article from Encyclopedic G&nlrah. Tome IV. Paris. The article is annotated by the Prince, who adds the date, Juin 1870. 830 Documents pour servir a I'e'tude historique de la langue basque. Bayonne, \ 1874, 8vo. 831 Sur la methode de la science du langage et de ses applications a I'e'tude de la langue basque. (Extrait du Bull. d. 1. Soc. d. Sciences and Arts de Bayonne, 1874.) 43 832 VlNSON (Julien). La question ibe"rienne. Paris, 1874. (Extrait des Mem. d. Congres scientifique de France, session de 1873, t. II, p. 357-368.) Autograph presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 833 A review of anciens proverbes basques et gascons recueillis par Voltoire, et remis au jour par M. Gustave Brunei. (Extract from Revue bibliographique de Philogie et d'Histoire. No. i, 15 Mai 1874.) Paris. 834 Notes sur la derivation du verbe basque. Paris, 1875. 8vo. 835 Specimens de variety's dialectales basques. Paris, 1876. 8vo. 836 Le basque et les langues americaines. Paris, 1876. 8vo. Autograph presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 837 Three articles on Bibliographic basque extracted from the Bulletin du Bouquiniste, public" par Auguste Aubry. Paris, 1875-1877. The articles are: La Notitia Vasconiae d'Oihenart, No. 417, 1st May, 1875. Richelieu et la langtie basque, No. 462, l$th March, 1877. Les Noels d'Etcheverry, No. 472, I5th August, 1877. 838 Les Basques et le Pays Basque. Paris, 1882. 8vo. Illustrated. 839 Essai d'une bibliographic de la langue basque. Paris, 1891. 8vo. Autograph presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 840 VOLTOIRE. Anciens Proverbes Basques et Gascons (60 exemplaires). Paris, 1845. (A reprint.) Half morocco. 841 WEBSTER (Rev. Wentworth). Note au sujet de 1'ouvrage de M. J.-F. Blade" sur 1'Origine des Basques. (Extrait du Bulletin de la Socie"te Ramond.) 842 Quelques notes sur les Pastorales (basques). Extrait du Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences et Arts de Bayonne de 1879. Bayonne. 20 pages. Autograph copy from the author to Captain Duvoisin. 843 Les Basques. (Extrait de La Nouvelle Revue, 15 Mai 1881.) Paris. 844 YRIZAR Y MOYA (J. de). De 1'Eusquerre et de ses erderes, ou de la langue basque et de ses derives. Paris, 1841-6. 8vo, half calf, 5 vols. 845 XAVIER (Rev. F.). Explicaci6n de la Doctrina Cristiana. Madrid, 1773. 8vo, calf. (Spanish arid Basque.) BASQUE DIALECTS-BISCAYAN. 846 A. y B. (F.). Diccionario manual Bascongado y Castellano y elementos de Gramatica. PorF. A. y B. Tolosa, 1884. 847 ALMANACK. Eusquerasco pronosticua. Bilbon. For the years 1858 and 1859. 848 ANIBARRO (Pedro Antonio). Escu Liburua eta berean eguneango Cristinau-cere- guinac. Tolosan, n.d. i2mo, vellum. 849 Another edition. Tolosan, 1802. i2ino, vellum. 850 1821. i2mo, vellum. 851 1852. i2mo, calf. 852 1854. i2mo, morocco. 853 Misioco canta santuac. Donostian, 1803. 3zmo, vellum. 854 ANTONIO PADUA (San) urquiolacuari urtero eguiten jacon bederatzi tirruna. Bilbon, n.d. (Devotions to St. Antony of Padua.) 855 ARRESE Y BEITIA (Felipe de). Bizkaitar Zarrak eta Erromatarrak. Primer premio del Certamen literario celebrado en Bilbao con motive de la Esposici6n Provincial de Vizcaya. Bilbao, 1882. 44 856 ARZADUN (Martin de\ Doctrina Christianeen explicacinoa Eusquera cein ofrecietan- deusten gustiai. Irunean, 1758. 8vo, vellum. (An explanation of Christian Doctrine.) 857 Another edition. Bilbon, 1855. 8vo, vellum. 858 Another edition. Bilbon, 1856. 8vo. 859 ASTETE (Caspar). Christinau Doctrinea here esplicacino laburragaz itaune ta eran- zueracaz Aita Asteteren Liburuchuti aterea Bizcaitar barrucuenzat. Vitorian, 1802. i2mo. 860 Another edition. Bilbon, 1846. 8vo. 861 Another edition. Bilbon, 1855. izmo. 862 Cristau-Doctrinia : erderaz escribidu, ta guero D. Gabriel Menendez de Luarca; orain gatzagago abade jaunac erri onetaco eusqueran arguitara ataraten dabena. Vitorixan, 1862. i6mo, crushed levant. F. Astete's Catechism of Christian Doctrine, with additions by Don G. M. de Luarca translated into Basque by the Vicar of Gatzaga. 863 Cristinaubaren jaquinvidea Aita Astetec erderas eguina. Ifinieban Bizcaico Eusqueran Dr. Juan Antonio Moguel. Bilbon, n.d. i2mo. 864 Another edition. Vitorijan, 1805. i2mo. 865 Another edition. Bilbon, 1838. i2mo. 866 Another edition. Bilbon, 1855. i2mo. 867 Another edition. Bilbon, 1856. i2mo. 868 Another edition. Bilbon, 1856. izmo (different from the last). 869 Cristiiiau Doctrinia Aita Caspar Astetec erderaz escribidua eta guero D. Gabriel Menendez de Luarcac gauza asco erantzita atera ebana. Bilbon, 1828. 4to. 870 Another edition. Bilbon, 1854. 4to. 871 Dotrina Cristiana edo Cristiiiau doctrinea, bere Declaraciiio laburra gaz. Itande, ta eranzuerac gaz, Aita Astete ren Libruchoric aterea. No date and place. 8vo, vellum. 872 Resumen de las cosas mas necesarias de la Doctrina Cristiana segun el Catecismo del P. Caspar Astete. Tolosa, 1889. 20 pages. (In Spanish and Basque. ) 873 AVISU osasunsuac eta egoguijac batez bere lenengo comulguetara doazanenzat. Bilbon, 1860. 874 AZKUE (Resurrecci6n Maria de). Gramatica Euskara formada y traducida por Resurreccion Maria de Azkue, presbitero, primer profesor de lengua Euskara de Bizkaia. Bilbao, 1891. 4to. Presentation copy to the Bonaparte library, in memory of the late Prince Louis- Lucien Bonaparte, from the author. 875 BASEERRITAAR Nequezaleentzaco Escolia, edo Icasbidiac, guraso justu, ta jaquitun familija ondo azi ebeeneen exemplu, ta eracutsijetan. Bilbao, 1816. 8vo. 876 BIBLE. Canticle of Canticles. Le Cantique des Cantiques de Salomon, traduit en basque biscayen central, tel qu'il est commune'ment parle" aux environs de Bilbao, et accompagne" d'une traduction en basque biscayen litte"raire de Marquina, par le P. J. A. de Uriarte. Suivi d'un petit dictionnaire comparatif des dialectes basques et de notes explicatives, par le Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte. Londres, 1862. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 877 The only copy on thick paper. Crushed levant. 45 878 BORBON (Luis de). Pastoral Letter of Cardinal Luis de Borbon, Archbishop of Toledo, Primate of the Spains, to his diocese, i$th May, 1820. In Spanish and Basque. The Basque translation is by Dona Vicenta de Moguel. Printed at Bilbao, 1820. 879 BURGOA (Ag. de). Eusquerasco doctrinie otsandijoaco. Bilbon, 1849. 8vo, calf. Christian doctrine for those who understand Basque. 880 CALDERON DE LA BARCA (Pedro). El Alcalde de Zalamea, comedia en tres Jornadas. Sus principales escenas traducidas a la lengua Euskara por D. Luis de Iza y Aguirre. Bilbao, 1 88 1. 8vo. Only 200 numbered copies printed, this being No. 96. 88 1 CANTAAG. Misino santuetaraco cantaag, Bizcaico Eusqueran iminiac. Tolosan, n.d. (Hymns.) 882 Another edition. Bilbon, n.d. 883 CANTAC. Gavon-sariac edo aurtengo Gavonetan Azcoytico Eleiza Nagussian Cantatuco diran Gavon-Cantaac edo Otsaldiac. Azcoytin, 1762. (Hymns on the Incarnation.) 884 Gaboneco otsaldiac cantatuco dirianac doandico mesan Jaungoicoen semien Jayotzaco egunetan gaurtu edo adoratzenda albiyaco San Fraiscuco comentu Lenastan Bilboz Aurr. F. Antonino Zabalac maisu eta coruco ordeintzadnn urte 1814 garrenian. Bilbaon. 8 pages. 885 Gaboneco, osaste6 Cantac Jesu Cristoren Jaijotseco-enac Vizcaitarrentzat bere Jaijotseco eran; Gogo gozoagaz Cantaduteco; 1816 garren Urtian oidan leguez Jaijo barrijari. Bilbaon. 4 pages. (Hymns.) 886 Gaboneco cantac Vizcaitarrentzat, jaiotzaco, pazco egunetan poztuteco oidan leguez, 1817 garren urtian. Bilbaon. 8 pages. 887 Gaboneco cantac Jesusen jaiotziaren ganian 1829 garren urteraco. Bilbaon. 8 pages. 888 CAPANAGA (Geronimo de). Exposici6n breve de la doctrina Christiana. N. S. de Uribarri de la Villa de Durango. Con licecia en Vilbao, por lua de Azpiroz, Ano de 1616. 8vo, vellum. This rare work is in Spanish and Basque. The title page is torn. 889 CLARET (Antonio Maria). Anima baten iru egoerac. Don Jos6 Tomas Eleizalde Vergaraco San Pedroco coadjutoreac euscaldunen oneraco eusquerara itzulfac. Barcelona-n. 1879. 28 pages. 890 Another edition. Vergara-n. 1888. 26 pages. 891 CRISTAUAREN Gordairua edo anima salvatzeco sinistu eta eguin bear dan gucia hitz bitan. Madrid-en. 1878. A translation of the Christians Treasure, by Don Tomas Eleizalde. 892 DOCTRINA Cristiana en el Vascuence de Llodio, Provincia de A'lava. L6ndres, 1858. Crushed levant. E. Billing certifies that he printed this work in the Prince's house, and that only 50 copies were struck off, this being the only one on thick paper. 893 Another ordinary copy. 894 EGUIQUERA onerazcoac gorde ta gueituteco misinoe santuen frutua. Durangon, 1882. (Prayers.) 895 EGUNOROCO lan-on ta erregubac Meza santuba ondo entzuteco : Confesino eta Comuninoya, etc. Bilbon, 1820. 410, calf. 896 EXERCICIO santua errecetaco Calvarijoco Estaciuoiac. Bilbaon, 1827. A fragment. (Devotions for the Stations of the Cross.) 46 897 EXERCIC1O santua errecetaco Calvarioco Estacinoiac virgina santisima angueruen erreguinac iracasi eutsena leguez Cristinau fiel gustiai here ejempluagaz. Bilbon, 1849. 4-to. (The Stations of the Cross, and Hymns.) 898 JESUCRISTO gure Jaunac guizon-en eroste edo redencinoiagaiti, calvarijo-co mendira eguin cituban oin-atz, edo pausu dolorezcoac, devocinoz erabiltec6 moduba. Bilbon, 1854. (Prayers.) 899 JESU -Cristoren Pasioco canta Jesus tan afligido erderan afitzen danetic eusqueratua. (Hymns on the Passion of our Lord.) 900 JESUSEN biotz guztiz dontsua bederatsi lagunec onrradua. Jaungoicozco biotz onen onrran coroechoa. Durangon, 1883. (Prayers.) 901 JUNTAS generales del M. N. y M. L. Senon'o du Vizcaya, celebradas s6 el arbol y en la iglesia juradera de Santa Maria la Antigua de Guernica, desde el dia 2 al 13 de Julio dei 866. Bilbao, 1866. Folio. 902 LIGUORI (St. Al.). Jesus Sacramentaduari eta ama doncella Mariari visitaac illaren egun guztietaraco San Alfonso Ligorioc iminiac. Bilbao, 1856. 8vo, morocco. Visits to the Blessed Sacrament and to the Blessed Virgin Mary for every day of the month. Translated into Basque by the Rev. Jose Antonio de Uriarte. 903 LORA-SORTA espirituala, ta propositu santuac vicitza barri bat eguiteco. Aita Palacios Misionariac Misino ondoan emoten cituanac. Fr. Pedro Antonio Afiibarroc, Zarauzco Colegio A.S. Franciscoren Ordeaco Misionariac Bizcaico eusqueran ifini ditu. Tolosan, 1803. 8vo, crushed levant. 904 MANUAL Vascongado que contiene el modo de administrar los Santos Sacramentos. Bilbao, 1845. 8vo. 905 MARIJAREN vijotz garbijaren cofradija pecatarijac Jaungoicuagana biurtuteco parisco cofradija beste guztijen buru ta nagusijari iratsija. Bilbon, 1854. 906 MAYATZECO Coreen i eguneraco Berba-Aldija. A Sermon on the text "Ego sum Mater pulchrae dilectionis," Eccli. xxiv. 12. 8 pages. 907 MOGUEL (Juan Antonio). Confesino ona, etc. Vitorijan, 1803. 8vo, calf. (General instructions for making a good confession.) 908 Another edition. Bilbon, 1853. 8vo, half calf. 9oq El doctor Peru Abarca .... 6 dialogos entre un rustico solitario bascongado y un barbero callejero llamado Maisu Juan. Durango, 1881. 4to. 910 (Juan Jos6). Plauto Bascongado, 6 el Bascuence de Plauto en su Comedia Pcenulo Acto 5 Escena i a . No place, 1828. 8vo, half morocco. 911 Basserritaar Jaquitunaren Echeco Escolia. Vitorijan, 1845. 8vo, half calf. 912 MOGUEL Y URQUIZA (Juan Ant. de). Versiones Bascongadas de varias arengas, y oraciones selectas de los mejores Autores latinos. O' demonstraci6n practica de la pureza, fecundidad, y eloqiiencias del idioma Bascuence contra las preocupaciones de varios Escritores extranos, y contra algunos Bascongados, que solo tienen una noticia superficial del idioma patrio. Tolosa, 1802. 410. These translations were undertaken by the learned cure of Marquina at the suggestion of W. von Humboldt. 913 NOVENA. Ama Santa Teresa de Jesus carmengo erligioaren reformatzalle, eta descalzoen fundatzallearen Novena. Vergaran, 1849. (A Novena to St. Teresa.) 914 OLAECHEA (Bartholome). Dotrina Cristianea. Vitorian (1763). i2mo. 915 ^ Cristinauben dotrinia. No title page, and defective. 4to, calf. 916 Another edition. Bilbaon, 1825. 4to, calf. 917 ,, ,, Bilbon, 1846. i2mo, calf. 918 Bilbon, 1855. 8vo > 47 gig SANTA Mariya Madaleniaren, bedaratzi-urruna, 1815. (Novena to St. Mary Magdalen.) gzo SANTA TERESA (Bartolome). Euscal-Errijetaco olgueeta, ta dantzeen neurrizco- gatz-ozpinduba Aita Prai Bartolome Santa Teresa, Marquinaco Carmen ortozeco predicadoriac prestauba. Irunean, 1816. 8vo, morocco. (A religious work for the Basques.) gzi Jaungoicoaren amar aguindubeetaco lelengo bosteen Icasiquizunac, Aita Prai Bartolome Santa Teresac Marquinaco Carmen ortozeco predicadoriac ateraac. Irunean, 1816-1817-1 8ig. 4to, half morocco. 3 vols. Instructions on the first five Commandments of God, by the Rev. B. Santa Teresa, Preacher at the Carmelite Church at Marquina. The second vol. treats of the last five Commandments, and the third vol. deals with the seven Sacraments. giz TESTAMENTUM (Novum). St. Luke. Evangelioa San Lucasen Guissan. El Evan- gelio segun S. Lucas, traducido al Vascuence. Madrid, 1838. 8vo, morocco. g23 St. Matthew. El Evangelio segun San Mateo, traducido al Vascuence, dialecto Vizcaino, por el P. Fr. Jose" Antonio de Uriarte, para el Principe Luis- Luciano Bonaparte. Londres, 1857. ^vo, morocco. Only eleven copies of this work were printed in the Prince's house by W. H. Billing, this being one of the two copies which do not bear the names of their respective owners on the first page, and the only one on larger and stouter paper. g24 The other copy not bearing an owner's name. g25 Apocalypse. El Apocalfpsis del Ap6stol San Juan, traducido al Vascuence, dialecto Vizcaino, por el P. Fr. Jos6 Antonio de Uriarte, para el Principe Luis- Luciano Bonaparte. L6ndres, 1857. Morocco. Only 5 1 copies printed in the Prince's house by W. H. Billing, this being the only one on thick paper. g26 An ordinary copy of the same edition. Morocco. g27 URIARTE (Rev. J. A. de). Marijaren ilia, edo Maijatzeco ilia, etc. Bilbon, 1850. 8vo, crushed levant. The month of Mary, or May : Devotions to Our Lady. , g28 VERBA-ALDI D. Manuel de Cuestac vizcaico buru-zucenzalle eta Corregidoria leguez esana gustien batzar edo junta generalaren edeguieraan, Guernicaco arboh'aren- aspijan garagarrilleco 6. 1846 garren urtian sillatuten dana batzarrareen beraren aguinduz. No date or place of publication to this speech in. Basque and Spanish of Don Manuel de la Cuesta, at the opening of the Junta, under the famous tree of Guernica. g2g Vizcaico corregidore Jaunac esa batzar edo Junta generalaren edeguieran garagar-illaren bederatzijan 1860, garren urtian. Jaunac. There is no date or place of publication to this speech of the Governor of Vizcaya at the opening of the Junta. g3o VIDI BEDI JESUS. No date and place. (Long live Jesus, a Book of Prayers for Mass.) g3i VILLANCICOS que se han de cantar en la solemne misa del sagrado nacimiento de N. S. y R. Jesu-Christo, en el Real 6 Imperial convento de N. P. San Francisco, de esta Noble Villa de Bilbao. Ano de 1803. Puestos en musica por el P. Fr. Antonio de Zabala. g32 ZAVALA (Juan Mateo de). El Verbo regular vascongado del dialecto vizcaino. San Sebastian, 1848. 4to, half morocco. GUIPtfZGOAN. 933 A. (J. J. de). Descripcion de las diversiones publicas de la Provincia de Guipvizcoa y en particular de sus bafles. San Sebastian, 1858. 8vo. 48 934 AGUIRRE (Juan Bautista). Confesioco, eta Comunioco Sacramentuen ganean eracu saldiac, etc. Tolosan, 1803. 8vo, calf. 935 Another edition. Tolosan, 1823. 8vo, crushed levant. Instructions and prayers for the Sacraments. 936 Jesu-Cristoc here elizari utzi ciozcan, zazpi sacramentuen ganean eracusaldiac. Tolosan, 1850. 3 vols. 410, half morocco. Discourses on the Sacraments, etc. 937 AITA San Francisco Asiscoaren bederatziurrena gaztelaniatic eusquerara bere seme batec itzulia. Tolosan, 1879. Devotions to St. Francis Assisi. 938 AIZPURUC (Vicente). Guizadiaren eta batez ere Ichaz-Guizonen izar eder eta laguntza benetacoa dan ama virjiiia Iziar-coaren condairachoa. D. Francisco Maria Gorosteguic Euscarara itzulia. Tolosan, 1884. An historical account of Our Lady of Iziar, with devotions. 939 AIZQUIBEL (D. J. Francisco de). Diccionario Basco-Espafiol titulado Euskeratik Erderara biurtzeco Itztegia. Tolosa, 1883. 4to. Of this work there is only the prospectus and from page 109 to page 140. (Berriz to Burni-rrazkia. ) 940 Diccionario Basco-Espafiol titulado Euskeratik Erderara biurtzeco Itztegia. Tolosa, n.d. 4to, half morocco. This handsome volume contains an illuminated frontispiece, by A. Morales de los Rios, descriptive of the glories of Euskal-Erria. The approbation of the Royal Academy of Spain is dated 1884. (Two vols. in one.) 941 Another copy, the volumes being separately bound in handsome morocco covers. 942 ALDARECO Sacramentu chit santuari ta Maria santisimari Visitac euscarara itzuliac. Donostian, 1859. 8vo, crushed levant. (Visits to the Blessed Sacrament, etc.) 943 .ALMANACK. Almanaque Bilingue (Erderaz eta Eusqueraz) para el aiio de 1879. Pudente. Opera en tres Actos. San Sebastian, 1878. (In Spanish and Basque.) 944 Egunare Eusquerazcoa erderascotic itzuliya. Vizcai, Guipuzcoa, ta Arabaco Provinciaentzat 1815, garren urteraco. Bilbaon. 945 Euscaldun Necazarien adisquidea eta guiaria personaclase guztientzat ona dana; au da, 1866 garren urteraco egunaria edo pronosticoa. Tolosan, 1865. (Also copies for 1867 and 1868.) 946 1888 garren urterako egunaria. Donostian, 1887. 947 AMA veneragarri Josefa Sacramentu Guciz Santuarena ceritzanaren vicitza eta vertutlaec. Tolosa, 1 88 1. 8vo. 948 Virgina guciz garbi concepciocoaren oficio laburra Latinezco itz neurtuetatic Eusquerazco zorzicoetara itzulia. Erroman (Rome), 1872. Devotions to Our Lady. 949 Virgina Aranzazucoaren imagin eta Eleizaren condaira laburra. Tolosan, 1881. An account of Our Lady of Aranzazu, with hymns in her honour. 950 Virgina eta San Luis Gonzaga gasteriaren patroi eta gidari aundiyari cantaera ta erregualdi batzuec. Tolosa, 1881. Hymns to Our Lady and St. Aloysius, etc. 951 AMOREZCO eta dolorezco Jesu-Cristoren pausoac. Tolosan, n.d. The Passion of our Lord, in verse. 952 Another edition. Tolossa, n.d. 49 953 ARANA (el P. J. T. de). Loyola-co oroitza tsiki bat Jesus-en lagun-arteco. Un pequeno recuerdo de Loyola. Tolosan, 1883. 954 Mendiburu. Tolosa, n.d. The Life of the Rev. A. Sebastian Mendiburu, and three specimen pages of a new edition of his work, Jcsus-eti biotz maitcaran debozioa. 955 (Ignacio). San Ignacio Loyolacoaren bicitza laburtua Euskaraz eta Gaztelaniaz. Bilbao, 1872. 410. Life of St. Ignatius Loyola, in Basque and Spanish. 956 ARINE (D. J. Ochoa de). Doctrina Christianaren Explicacioa. San Sebastian, 1713. 8vo. 957 ARRUE (Gregorio de). Aita San Ignacio Loyolaco. Tolosan, 1866. 8vo. The Life of St. Ignatius Loyola. 958 Santa Genovevaren vicitza. Tolosan, 1868. 8vo, calf. Life of St. Genevieve. 959 Cristauaren Escu-Liburua. Tolosa, 1863. 8vo. 960 ARZAC Y ALBERDI (Antonio). Iltzen Bazaigu ama Euskera Euskaldunak! Illak Gera! Irunen (Pamplona), 1881. (Poem.) 961 ASTETE (Caspar). Christauaren Doctrina, Aita Astetec erdaraz, eta guero Aita Augustin Cardaberacec euscaraz arguitara emana. Donostian, 1798. 4to. 962 Doctrina Christiana, Aita Caspar Astete Jesuitac, erderaz eguifia. Ipiiiizuan eusqueraz D. Juan de Irazuzta. Donostian, 1801. i2mo. 963 Another edition. Villarealen, 1851. lamo, vellum. 964 ,, Tolosan, 1853. i2mo, vellum. 965 Vergaran, 1853. 8v o- 966 ,, Tolosan, 1854. 8vo, vellum. 967 Donostian, 1855. 968 ,, Tolosan, 1856. 8vo. 969 Cristauaren Dotrina. Vitorian, 1867. 8vo, vellum. Father Astete's Catechism translated by a Commission of the Clergy of Guipuzcoa. g-j Cristauaren icasbidea, Aita Caspar Astetec eguina, cein centzatua eta berretua, aguertzen da Euscararara biurtua, dre D. Jose Oliver eta Hurtado. Irunan (Pamplona), 1880. 410. (A short catechism.) 971 Cristau-Doctrina. Irunean, 1826. i2mo, vellum. 972 Another edition. Tolosan, 1830. i2mo, vellum. gj2 }) it Pamplona, 1859. i6mo, vellum. 974 Pamplona, 1881. 410. 975 . Guiristino-Doctrina Aita Caspar Astete jesuitac erdaraz escribitua. Escuararat itzulia Iruneco diocesaco Jaun Vicario Batec. Bayonan, 1837. i2mo. 976 Another edition. Irunen, 1853. i6mo. 977 Icasbidea Christaven Doctrina azalqueta laburraquin, galdeaz, ta eranzuteaz. Burgosen, no date. i2mo, vellum. 978 ASTIGARRAGA Y UGARTE (Luis de). piccionario manual bascongado y castellano, y elementos de Gramatica. San Sebastian, 1825. i2mo, half morocco. 50 979 ASTIGARRAGA Y UGARTE (Luis de). Another edition. Tolosa, 1827. 4to, half morocco. 980 1839. 4to, half morocco. 981 ,, 1840. 410, morocco. 982 ,, ,, ,, 1848. 4to, half morocco. 983 . i> 1855. 4to. 984 1865. 4to. 985 1884. 410. 986 BEDERATCI urrena Maria Santisimaren concepcio garbiaren honran, ta alabantzan Eusqueran jarria. Tolosan, 1857. (Novena to Our Lady.) 987 BIBLE. Genesis, etc. Biblia edo Testamentu zar eta berria. Londresen, 1859. 4to. Old and New Testament in Guipuzcoan Basque, translated by F. Jose Antonio de Uriarte. First part containing Genesis, Exodus and Leviticus. Printed for Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 988 The Canticle of Canticles. Le Cantique des Cantiques de Salomon, traduit en Basque Guipuscoan, par le Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londres, 1862. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 989 The only copy on thick paper. Crushed levant. 990 BONAPARTE (Prince L.-L.). Tableau montrant la conjugaison complete du verbe guipuscoan dans ses temps simples, les variantes et les traitements familiers exceptes. (Extrait du Verbe basque en tableaux, par le prince L.-L. B.) Only 250 copies printed. 991 Another copy, corrected by the Prince in red ink. 992 Another copy, corrected by the Prince in blue ink. 993 BORRACHO burlado (El), opera-comica, en Castellano y Bascuence. Escrita, y puesta en musica por un Caballero Guipuzcoano. (Vergara, 1764.) This copy contains no music. 994 CALBARIOAC bisitatzeco oracio egoquiac. Tolosa, 1849. i2mo. (Stations of the Cross.) 995 CAMPION (Arturo). Contrastes. (Cuadro de Costumbres.) Denbora anchinakoen ondo-esanak. Pamplona, 1882. Autograph presentation copy to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte from the author. 996 CARDAVERAZ (Agustin). Aita San Ignacioren egercicioen ganean, orien lau asteetaco meditacio laburrac, edo egercicioen lau-garren partea. Bear becela. Tolosan, D. Francisco de la Lama-ren Echean, n.d. 8vo, calf. 997 Another edition. Irunean, 1765. 8vo, vellum. 998 Aita San Ignacio Loyolacoaren exercicioac beren consideracio, ta afectoaquin. Tolosan, 1790. 8vo, vellum. 999 Aita San Ignacioren egercicioen ganean afectoac, beren Egemplo, ta Dotrinaquin : edo Egercicioen II. en Partea. Irunean, 1761. 8vo, vellum. (Aspira- tions and teaching, in two parts, on the Exercises of St. Ignatius.) 1000 Another edition. Tolosan, 1824. 8vo, calf. i oo i ,, Tolosan, 1848. 8vo. With this are bound up, Ondo iltzen icasteco, etc. Tolosan, 1851 ; and, Cristavaren Bicitza, etc. Tolosan, 1850. Calf. 1002 Another edition. Tolosan, 1848. 8vo, crushed levant. 51 ioo3 CARDAVERAZ (Agustin). Escu-Librua. Ceiiean arquitzen dira cristau onaren eguneroco egercicionac, etc. Tolosan, 1826. i2mo, calf. (Prayer Book for the Sacraments, Mass, Stations of the Cross, etc.) joo4 Another edition. Tolosan, 1853. 8vo, crushed levant. 1005 1855. 8vo, crushed levant. 1006 1864. 8vo. 1007 Aita San Ignacioren bederatciurrena aita Agustin Cardaberaz ipinia. Tolosan, 1854. 18 pages. (Novena to St. Ignatius.) 1008 Amorezco eta Dolorezco Jesu-Cristo-ren Pausoac. Tolosan, n.d. 4to, vellum. (Stations of the Cross.) 1009 Christavaren bicitza, edo bicitza berria eguiteco bidea, bere amabi Pausoa- quin Jesus-en Compaiiiaco Misionero Aita Geronimo Dutari-ren Libruchotic ateraa : beste Devocio, edo Egercicio batzuequin. Iruneco, 1760. 8vo. vellum. 1010 Another edition. Tolosan, 1850. 8vo, crushed levant. ion Doloretaco ama virginaren novena. Aita Agustin Cardaveraz ipinia. Tolosan, 1855. 16 pages. (Novena to Our Lady of Sorrows.) 1012 Eusqueraren berri onac : eta ondo escribitceco, ondo iracurteco, ta ondo itzeguiteco Erreglac. Irunean (Pamplona), 1761. 8vo. A work on the Basque language ; rare. Francisque-Michel regrets never having come across this little treatise. 1013 Jesus, Maria, ta Joseren devocioa, etc. Irunean, 1763. 8vo, vellum. 1014 Another edition. Irunean, 1764. 8vo, vellum. 1015 1766. i2mo. 1016 Tolosan, 1784. izmo, vellum. 1017 ,, 1816. i2mo, vellum. 1018 ,, 1824. i2tno, calf. 1019 1855. 8vo, calf. 1020 Justuen ispillu arguia Santuen erretrato bicia : Santucho, gazte biren, S. Luis, ta S. Estanislaoren miragarrizco bicitzaren berrion laburrac, etc. Iruneco, 1764. 8vo, vellum. 1021 Meza eta Comunioa eta oen ganeco dotrina beste devocioen ejercicioaquin. Tolosan, 1828. i2mo, calf. 1022 Another edition. Tolosan, 1848. i2mo, half morocco. 1023 ,, 1851. 8vo, calf. 1024 1855. 8vo, crushed levant. 1025 Ondo iltcen icasteco, eta ondo iltcen laguntceco Egercicioac. Bigarren aldian. Irunean, 1765. 8vo, vellum. (Exercises for the sick in order to die well.) This edition appears to have been unknown to Francisque-Michel, who cites the next. 1026 Another edition. Tolosan, 1787. 8vo. 1027 1851. 8vo, crushed levant. 1028 Senar emazte santuac. S. Isidro Achurlari, ta bere emazte santa Mariaren Bicitza, virtuteac, eta milagroac. Irunean, 1766. 8vo, vellum. The Holy Spouses. Life, virtues and miracles of St. Isidor and his wife St. Mary. 1029 CARTILLA civil del ciudadano Espanol constitucional. Tolosa, 1820. A political catechism in Spanish and Basque. 52 1030 CEMBAIT Santuren bicitzac ; bear dan licentciarequin. Donastian (St. Sebastian), 1843. 8vo. 1031 Another edition. Donostian, 1853. i6mo, crushed levant. 1032 CLARET (Antonio Maria). Doncellai ; aviso chit on, ta prochugarriac Trajanopolis- co arzobispo Jaun D. Antonio Maria Claret-ec erdaraz ipiniac, eta Apaiz Jaun baten aguinduz eusquerara itzuliac. Azpeilian, 1864. 4to. 10 33 Mutillchoai beren animen oneraco (D. Ant. M. Claret-ec) zucentzen dizten aviso espiritual, erderaz ipiniac, eta Apaiz Jaun baten aguinduz eusquerara itzuliac. Azpeitian, 1864. 4to. 1034 Errosario chit santuaren devocioa. Azpeitian, 1864. 4to. 10 35 Copies of the Mutillchoai and the Errosario bound together. Azpeitian, 1864. 4to. 1036 Ceruraco bide zucena eta segurua. (The right and safe road to Heaven, translated into Basque by Don. M. A. de Antia.) Barcelonan, 1867. 8vo, calf. 1037 Doctrina Cristavaren Catecismoa. Pamplona, 1881. 8vo. Claret's Catechism translated by Jose Erasun, parish priest of Saldias. 1038 COMPENDIO de la vida de San Ignacio de Loyola en Bascuence y Castellano. Bilbao, 1872. 410. The Basque translation is by J. Ignacio Arana. 1039 CRISTAUAREN Dotrinaren jaquinbide azaldua. Edo Asteteren esplicacioac Santiago Mazo Jaunaren liburutic D. Gregorio Arrue, Zarauzco, escola maisuac aterea. Donostian, 1858. 8vo, calf. 1040 CURUTZIETAGO icustamenac Eusquerazco verba neurtubetan R.E. Durangocuac ipinita. Vitorijan, 1864. The Stations of the Cross, in verse. 1041 DIALOGUE. Manubel eta Pachicu. Herejiac Escaldunen artean. No date or place. 8vo. 1042 ECHEVERRIA (Jose" Cruz de). Bici bedi Jesus Sacramentatua. Bici bedi, ta izan bedi guzien gandic amatua. Cristau Doctrina Euscaraz. Tolosan, 1822. 8vo, calf. (Christian Doctrine.) 1043 Ongui vicitceco, ta ongui iltceco laguntza. Tolosan, 1824. 8vo, calf. 1044 Another edition. Tolosan, 1828. 8vo, calf. Incomplete. 1045 ,, ,, 1850. 8vo, crushed levant. 1046 Misioco ta misio ondoreco Cantac. Tolosan, 1845. 20 pages. (Hymns.) 1047 ELEIZALDE (Rev. T6mas). Cristauaren Gordairua. Vergara, 1888. (Translation of The Christian's Treasure.} 1048 ESCUALDUN ancina ancinaco ; ta are lendabicico etorquien Dantza on iritci pozcarri gaitzic gabecoen Sonu gogoangarriac beren itzneurtu edo Versoaquin. Donostian, 1826. 4to, half morocco, A collection of songs set to music gathered by Juan Ignacio de Iztueta. 1049 Cocinera ceinarekin nornahic cocina ona errechki eguin baitecake. Bayonan, 1864. (A cookery book.) 1050 EUSCAL-IZKRIBATZALLEEN Indar-Neurtzea 1879 ko Agorrillaren 7 garren egunean Donostian eguina, etc. Donostian, 1879. 8vo. 1051 EUSCAL-NAPARREN Joaera edo Emigracioa. Jose Cola eta Goiti Jaunac erderaz iskribatua eta Euskerara itzulia Marcelino Soroa Lasa-c. Donostiyan, 1885. 4to, Presentation copy from the translator to Prince L.-L- Bonaparte.. 53 1052 EUSQUERAZCO Manuala Sacramentuen gafieco eracusaldiac, eta ongui ilten lagunt- ceco oracio egoquiac dacazquiana. Vergaran, 1850. 4to, crushed levant. 1053 FABULAS y otras composiciones en verso Vascongado dialecto Guipuzcoano con un diccionario Vasco-Castellano de las voces que son diferentes en los diversos dialectos. San Sebastian, 1842. 8vo, crushed levant. 1054 GUERRICO (Jose Ygnacio de). Cristau Doctrina guztiaren esplicacioaren sayaquera, etc. Tolosan, 1858. 4to, half morocco, 2 vols. Explanation of the whole doctrine of Jesus Christ. 1055 GURUTCEAREN bidearen gaineco instruccione liburua. Bayonan, no date. The Stations of the Cross, in Basque. 1056 IPUI ONAC, ceintzuetan arquituco dituzten euscaldun necazari, ta gazte guciac eracaste ederrac beren vicitza zucentzeco. Ematen ditu Euscardz arquitard ume eta necazarientzat D a Vicenta Antonia Moguel ta Elguezabalec. Donostian, 1804. 8vo, vellum. 1057 IRIYARENA; Cuadro de Costumbres Iruchulas original de Omar-Celin-Oasor. San Sebastian, 1878. With the Music. Autograph presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 1058 IZTUETA (J. I. de). Guipuzcoaco dantza gogoangarrien condaira edo historia beren sonu zar, eta itz neurtu edo versoaquin. Donostian (San Sebastian), 1824. 8vo, half morocco. Notice or History of the most celebrated Guiptizcoan dances, etc. 1059 Carta de D. Juan Ignacio Iztueta al presbitero D. Juan Jose Moguel, sobre un folleto titulado Plauto Bascongado escrito por el R. P. F r Bartolome de Santa Teresa, y publicado por el mismo S r Moguel. San Sebastian, 1829. Calf. In Spanish and Basque. 1060 Guipuzcoaco provinciaren condaira edo historia cenetan jarritzen diraden arguiro beraren asieratic orainarte dagozquion barri gogoangarriac. Donostian, 1847. 4 to > half morocco. Traditions and stories of Guipiizcoa from the most ancient times, and an account of the dances and dance- music of that province. 1061 JESUS-EN biotz maitearen Congregazioco erregla laburtuac. Tolosan, 1884. Rules of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart. 1062 biotz Sagraduaren honran, ta alabantzan eguin bear dan, nobena Corpus egunean asi, ta bere egunean acabatcen dala, etc. Tolosan, 1857. Prayers for a Novena to the Blessed Sacrament. 1063 biotz sagraduco billera-santu edo Congregacioaren ganeco gauza cerbaitzuec dacazquien liburuchoa. Vitoria, 1870. (Prayers.) 1064 Another edition. Tolosan, 1878. 10 65 eta Maria- ren biyotzacganaco debozioa, eta erreguzco apostoladutza. Azpeitian, 1884. Short devotions to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. 1066 JUBILEOAREN liburuchoa nun azalduac dauden beraren ganean jaquitea on diran gauzaric premiazcorenac eta jartzen ere diran aurtengo urteraco Erromaco A. Santuac conceditzen duena irabazteco condicioac oec ondo cumplitzeco moduare- quin. Donostian, 1865. (Prayers.) 1067 KEMPIS (Thomas a). Jesusen imitacioco edo berari jarraitcen eracusten duen libruba. Aita Kempis veneragarriac aterea. Eta Aita Frai Jose Cruz de Echeverria Zarauzco Misioneroac euscaldunen amorez, ta ayentzat modu cgoquiyan euscaraz para duena. Tolosan, 1829. i2mo, morocco. 54 1068 LARDIZABAL (F. I. de). Gramatica Vascongada. San Sebastian, 1856. Folio, half morocco. 1069 Testamentu zarreco eta berrico condaira, etc. Tolosa, 1855. 4to, half morocco. (Stories from the Old and New Testaments.) 1070 L^RIZ (Francisco Xavier). Cristau Dotrinaren explicacioa aur-enzat ta andienzat. Madrillen, 1773. 4to. 1071 LARRAMENDI (M. de) (1738-1760). Panegirico del gran doctor de la iglesia S. Augustin, predicado por el P. Manuel de Larramendi, SJ. Azpeiti-an, 1885. 8vo. 1072 LASA (Marcelino Soroa). Anton Caicu. Cuadro c6mico-agreste en un acto acomo- dado al bascuence. San Sebastian, 1882. 8vo. Presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 10 73 Au Ostatuba! ! San Sebastian, 1884. (The Hotel. A Basque Play.) Presentation copy as above. 1074 Alcate-Berriya. San Sebastian, 1885. (A Basque Play.) Presentation copy as above. 10 75 Gabon. Dostirudia Euscara nastuban eta eguintza bacarran. Donostian, n.d. (A Basque Play.) Presentation copy to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte from the author. 1076 LIBURU Virgina Santissimien Errosario santuena, nun dagozan, bere esplicazinoa, da amabost Misterioen ofrezimentuac Errosarioa errezetandaneco, etc. Pamplona, 1737. (The Mysteries of the Rosary.) 1077 LIGUORI (Alphonsus). Aldareco Sacramentu chit santuari, eta Maria Santisimari Visitac. Donostian, 1856. 8vo, crushed levant. (Visits to the Blessed Sacra- ment, etc.) 1078 Mariaren Gloriac. San Alfonso Ligorioc eguin, eta Jesusen Companiaco Aita Ramon Garciac Gaztelaniara itzuli zuanetic D. Gregorio Arruec eusqueraz ipifiia. Azpeitian, 1881. 8vo. 1079 LIZARRAGA (J.). Urteco igande guztietaraco platicac edo itzaldiac nafarroan, elcano deritzan errian. Donostian (San Sebastian), 1846. 8vo, half morocco. (Sermons for Sundays.) 1080 LOYOLA. Loyolacoaren (San Ignacio) vicitza ogueita ama zazpi versotan jarria bere marcharen donuan cantatu bear diranac. Tolosan. (The March of St. Ignatius Loyola set to music.) 1081 MANTEROLA (Jose"). Euskal-Oroitza, 25 de Mayo, Calderon, 1681-1881. Recuerdo basco. San Sebastian, 1881. 410. Autograph presentation copy of this ode in honour of Calderon to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte from the author. 1082 MARIA Santisimaren amodio ederraren nobena May'atzaren Azqueneco bederatci egunetan eguiten dana, etc. Tolosan, 1857. 1083 Santisimaren ilia edo Mayatceco ilia. Vergaran, 1850. 4to, crushed levant. The month of Mary, or May. 1084 MENDIBURU (A. Sebastian). Jesusen bihotzaren devocioa. Donostian, 1747. 8vo, vellum. 1085 Another edition. Irunean, 1751- 8vo. 1086 Jesusen bihotzaren Congregacioco reglac. Donostian, 1747. 8vo. 1087 Jesusen amore-nequeei dagozten, cembait otoitz gai, Jesusen Companiaco A. Sebastian Mendiburuc eguinac. Iruneco, 1759 and 1760. 11 vols. i2mo, vellum. Meditations on the Love, Sufferings, and Works of Jesus. 55 io88 MENDIBURU (A. Sebastian). Another edition as above, in 410, vellum. 3 vols. jo8g Third edition. Tolosan, 1882. 8vo, calf. 1090 MISIO Santuaren Oroipena Jesusen Companiaco Misionistac Tolosan eman zuena. Tolosan, 1853. (Prayers.) 1091 MOGUEL (Juan Antonio). Confesio ta Comunioco sacramentuen ganean eracasteac edo cembat gauzac lagundu bear dien Confesio ta Comunioari ondo eguinac izaiteco. Iruneco (Pamplona), 1800. 4to, vellum. 1092 (J. J.). Baserritar Jaquintsuaren echecho escola ; eta D. Gregorio Arruec Guipuzcoacora itzulia. Tolosa, 1878. 8vo. 1093 NOBENA au eguiten dan bederatci egun setaco obra on guztiac escaintcen zaizca Maria Santisima Doloretacoari. Tolosan, 1857. Novena to Our Lady of Sorrows. 1094 OTAEGUI (Claudio de). ! Elkar Gaitezen denok Napar-Euskaldunok ! Irunen, 1881. 1 6 pages. 10 95 Pedro Calderon barcarengori Kantachoa. San Sebastian, 1881. 16 pages. 1096 Cosme Damian Churruca Jaunaren oroitzari; eta Machin Arzukoren azana bat. San Sebastian, 1882. 26 pages. 1097 P- (D. A. P. I.). Dialogos basco-castellanos para las escuelas de primeras letras de Guipuzcoa. Hernani, 1842. Calf. 1098 PERSECUCIONEZCO dembora huntan Cristau leyalec itchiqui behar duten bici- moldea. No date and place. On the life a Christian should lead in these times of persecution. 1099 RIBADENEIRA (A. P.). Aita San Inazio Loyolacoaren Bizitza. Tolosa, 1886. :6mo. (Life of St. Ignatius Loyola.) 1 1 oo SALES (St. Francis of). Devociozco vicitzaraco sarrera San Francisco Salesec aterea. Euscaldunen amorez, eta ayenzat modu egoquian Eusqueraz ipini duena. Orrezaz ganera azquenean, eriotzaraco prestatceco Exercicioa, San Francisco Salesen beraren liburutic atera du : Aita Frai Jose Cruz Echeverria. Tolosan, 1821. 8vo. 1101 Another edition. Tolosan, 1 86 1. i6mo. 1 102 ,, ,, 1863. 8vo. 1103 SAN INAZIO ta bere eche santuba, edo Loyola-co berri onac eta cantaldi ederrac. Tolosan, 1891. A short account of St. Ignatius Loyola and the Society of Jesus, with Hymns. 1 104 TEST AMENTUM (Novum). St. Matthew. El Evangelio segun San Mateo, traducido al vascuence, dialecto guipuzcoano. L6ndres, 1857. Morocco. W. H. Billing certifies that he printed this work, interrupted at the 34th page, in the Prince's house, only 9 copies being impressed, each numbered and bearing its owner's name on the first page, except two copies, this being the only one on larger and stouter paper. 1105 The other unnumbered copy. 1106 St. Matthew. El Evangelio segun San Mateo, traducido al vascuence, dial. guipuzcoano, por el P. Fr. Jose Antonio de Uriarte, para el Principe Luis-Luciano Bonaparte. L6ndres, 1858. Morocco. W. H. Billing certifies that only 25 copies were printed by him in the Prince's house, all being numbered except two, this being the only copy on larger and stouter paper. 1107 The other unnumbered copy. 1108 Jesu Cristoren evangelioa Juanen araura. Londres, 1880. I2mo. (Gospel of St. John.) 56 ii og TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Apocalypse. El Apocalipsis del Ap6stol San Juan, traducido al Vascuence, dialecto Guipuzcoano, por el P. Fr Jose Antonio de Uriarte, para el Principe Luis-Luciano Bonaparte. Londres, 1858. Morocco. Only 50 copies printed by E. Billing in the Prince's house, this being the only copy on thick paper. 1 1 10 An ordinary copy of the same edition. 1 1 ii X. Bai, pecatu da liberalqueriya. Bayonan, 1885. izmo. ("Yes, 'tis a sin to be a Liberal." A Political Catechism.) 1 1 1 2 YESUCRISTO gueure Yaunaren pasino santua, aita Basterrechea Ispazter-tarrac ta Yesuiteac Guiputz-euskerazco bersoetan imini evana. Tolosan, 1832. The Passion of our Lord, in verse. 1113 ZABALETA (Miguel Ignacio de). San Antonio Abadearen Sermoia. Tolosan, 1786. A Sermon on St. Antony. The date is written in Basque. LABOURDIN. 1114 ADEMA (Gr.). Escualdun Pelegrinaren Bidaltzailea. Bayonan, 1877. 8vo. 1115 Eskaldunec aita Sainduari. Bayonne, n.d. (A poem, with music of the air " L'arbre de Guernica.") A presentation copy, with a dedication by the author, to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 1116 ALMANACK. Almanaca Berria edo Egunaria. Bayonan. Several copies from 1880. 1117 Escualdun Almanac edo Egunari berria 1884 urtheco. Bayonan. (Also for 1885, 1886, and 1887.) 1118 Escualdun laborarien adiskidea. 1848: Egunaria edo Almanaca. Bajonan. Next year the title was enlarged to Escualdun laborarien adiskidea eta conseilaria, presuna suertc gucientzat on Jena. With this title there are copies from 1849 to 1890, excepting the years 1850, 1853, 1854, 1856, 1875, 1878, 1879, 1880, and 1889. .1119 Eskualdun Gazetaren Almanaka 1889 garren urtheko. Baionan. 1 1 20 ALTABigAREN CANTUA. Le Chant d'Altabicar. With a French translation of this famous Song on the Battle of Roncesvalles by Eug. de Monglave, and an introductory notice. Extracted from the Journal de 1'Institut historique. Premiere Annee. 3 Livraison. Paris, 1834. 4 pages. 1 12 1 ANDREDENA Mariaren imitacionea Jesus-Christoren imitacionearen ganean moldatua. Bayonan, 1778. i2mo, calf. (The Imitation of Mary.) 1 1 22 Another edition. Bayonan, 1834. i2mo, crushed levant. 1123 AXULAR. Gueroco guero, edo gueroco lucamendutan ibiltceac, eta arimaren eguitecoac guerocotz utzteac cembat calte eguiten duen, etc. Bigarren edicionea. Bordelen, 1642. i2mo, morocco. This rare work on The great evil of delaying repentance is considered the best written work in Basque literature. 1124 Another edition, with the title Guero bi partetan partitua eta bcrecia, lehenbici- coan emaitenda, aditcem, etc. Bordelen, 1643. 8vo, crushed levant. This edition was unknown to Brunei and Francisque-Michel. 1125 Another edition. Bayonan, 1864. 8vo. 1126 Another copy of the last, but on finer paper. 1127 BAKHEA heriotceco orenean. Bayonan, 1878. Peace at the hour of death, a devotional work. 1128 BEOVIDE (Antonio). San Francizco Asisacoaren hirurgarren ordenaco haurriden escu-liburua. Baionan, 1874. 8vo. 57 H2g BIBLE. Bible Saindua, edo Testament Zahar eta Berria, Duvoisin kapitainak latinezko Bulgatatik lehembiziko aldiko Laphurdiko eskarara itzulia. Luis-Luziano Bonaparte printzeak argitara emana. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londresen, 1859- 1865. 4to, in 2 vols. This translation of the Bible into Labourdin Basque, made by Captain Duvoisin for the Prince L.-L. Bonaparte, is the first and only one ever published in that idiom. The edition consisted of only 251 copies. This is one of the two copies printed on large and thick paper, and bound in two volumes with separate titles. 1130 An ordinary copy of the same edition. Morocco. 1131 Canticle of Canticles. Le Cantique des Cantiques de Salomon, traduit en basque labourdin ; par le Cap. Duvoisin. Londres, 1859. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 1132 The only copy on thick paper. Crushed levant. 1133 Ruth. Le Livre de Ruth, traduit en basque labourdin par le Cap. Duvoisin. Londres, 1860. Crushed levant. Imp. L.-L. B. Only 250 copies printed, this being the only one on thick paper. 1134 Another ordinary copy. Morocco. 11 35 Jonah. La Prophetic de Jonas, traduite en basque labourdin par le Cap. Duvoisin. Londres (Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte), 1863. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 1136 The only copy with red borders. Crushed levant. 1137 CAHIER des voeux et des instructions des Basques-Francois du Labourt, pour leurs Deputes aux Etats-generaux de la Nation. Bayonne, 1789. Folio. This interesting document is in French and Basque. 1138 CANTICA izpiritualac, dembora gucietaco hanitz abantailosac, guehienac erreberrituac, eta hurren e$agutuac etcirenez emendatuac. Santespiritan, Bayonan, 1829. 8vo, half morocco. Another edition. Bayonan, 1834. i2mo, half morocco. ,, ,, 1844. 8vo, crushed levant. ,, 1846. 8vo, crushed levant. 1855. 8vo. ,, 1868. 8vo, half morocco. CANTICAC. Escualdunen Lourdeco canticac. Bayonne, n.d. 8vo. Hymns in honour of Our Lady of Lourdes. 1145 Another collection of Hymns. Bayonan, 1875. 12 pages. Prince L.-L. Bonaparte has written on the first page, "par 1'abbe Adema (de St. Dee) cure doyen a Tardets." 1146 CANTICO IZPIRITUALAC. Bayonan, 1786. 8vo, calf. 1147 Another edition. Bayonan, 1813. 8vo, half morocco. 1148 Another edition. Bayonan, 1815. 1149 CANTIKEKIN. Mayatza edo Andredena Mariaren ilhabetea egun gucietaco canti- kekin. Edicione berria. Bayonan, 1856. 8vo. (Hymns.) 1150 Another collection with the title Andredena Mariaren ilhabetea edo Mayatza egun gucietaco cantikekin. Bayonan, 1856. 8vo. 1151 CARDAVERAZ (Agustin). Liburu Ederra, aita Cardaveraz Jesuistac egina, Lapur dico escarara itzulia. Bayonan, 1856. i8mo, morocco. (A Book of Devotions, etc.) 58 1152 CASTEL (1'abbe). Erlijione sainduko egien bilduma urthean lauetan Baionako diocesa guziko elizetan Jaun Aphezpikuaren manuz irakurtzen dena. Bayonan, n.d. (A short work on the Sacraments.) 1153 CATICHIMA. Bayonaco diocesaco bi-garren Catichima, lehenbicico comunionea eguitera preparatien diren Haurrencat. P. Guillaume de Lavieuxville Bayonaco Jaun Aphezpicuaren manuz imprimatua. Bayonan, 1733. 8vo, half morocco. Second Catechism of the Diocese of Bayonne for preparing children to receive the first communion. Printed by order of Pierre de la Vieuxville, Bishop of Bayonne. 1154 edo fedea laburzki Paul-Therese-David d' Astros, Bayonaco Juan Aphez- picuaren manuz imprimatua. Bayonan, Duhart-Fauvet, 1823. 8vo, half morocco. 1155 Another edition. Bayounan, 1850. 8vo, crushed levant. 1156 Bayonan, 1855. 8vo, crushed levant. 1157 ,, Bayounan, 1860. 8vo. 1158 ,, ,, Baionan, 1885. izmo. 1159 CERURACO bideric errechena argiratua A. Bazilio Joanneteguy benedictanoaz. Bayonne, 1887. i2mo. 1 1 60 D'ABBADIE (Antoine). Zubernoatikako ; gutun bat. Parisien, 1864. 8 pages. An Appeal to the Junta for certain railway improvements. 1161 Another copy on pink paper. 1162 DASCONAGUERRE (J. B.). Arlan-Errekako aiphuac. Bayonan, 1867. (Incomplete.) 1163 Atheka-Gaitzeko oihartzunak. Bayonne, 1870. 8vo. (St. Jean de Luz dialect.) 1164 Another copy, with an additional chapter and a collection of Basque Proverbs. Bayonne, 1870. 8vo. 1165 Recit Basque. Mendigor-l9areder. Bayonne, 1883. 8vo. Autograph copy to Prince L. -L. Bonaparte. 1166 DE LA VALLE (Jose Antonio). Oracioneac eta Meditacioneac. Irunian, 1852. 8vo, crushed levant. (Book of Prayers and Meditations.) 1167 DETCHEVERRY (H.). Nor den Michel Renaud, Don-Ibane-Garaztarra. Typ. Lespes sceurs. (A proclamation or appeal.) 1 1 68 DUVOISIN (Capt.). Laborantzako liburua edo bi Aita Semeren solasak laborantzaren gainean. Bayonne, 1858. i2mo, crushed levant. A conversation on Agriculture ; dedicated to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 1169 Etude sur la declinaison basque. Bayonne, 1866. 4to. On the title page is written, " Exemplaire corrige a la main et annote par 1'auteur pour S. A. M? r 1 prince Louis-Lucien. Duvoisin." 1170 Another copy, but without corrections. 1171 Quelques mots a propos de 1'essai de grammaire de la langue basque par M. W. J. van Eys. (Extrait du Courrier de Bayonne du 9 Fevrier 1868.) Bayonne, 1868. 1172 De la formation des noms dans la langue basque. Pau, 1874. 15 pages. 1173 EGUN ONA, edo egunaren santificatzeco Moldea, languille, nekha9ale eta bazterret- charrentzat. Bayonan, 1829. i2mo, crushed levant. A good day, or way of sanctifying the day. This translation is by the Rev. M. Haramboure. 1174 ELIQACO oficioetaco escu-liburua erromaco usaiaren arabera Baionaco diocesaco Jaun Aphezpicuaren baimenarekin. Bigarren edicionea. Baionan, 1864. 8vo, calf. Prayer Book for the Diocese of Bayonne. 59 11 75 ELISSAMBURU (J. B.). Piarres Adame Saratarraren Zembait hitztorio Laphurdiko eskuaran. Pau, 1888. (Extracts from Pierre Adame's history of the Labourd.) Autograph copy to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 1176 ETCHEBERRI (Joannes). Manual devocionezcoa, edo ezperen, oren oro escuetan erabillt^eco liburutchoa. Escarazco versu tan eguina, eta guztia bi partetan berecia. Bordelen, 1627. 8vo, morocco. Manual of devotion, or the little vade-mecum of all the world, in Basque verse, and divided into two parts. 1177 Another edition. Bordelen, 1669. 4to, morocco. 1178 Noelac eta berce canta spiritual berriac. Bayonan, P. Fauvet. The appro- bation is dated 1630. 8vo, calf. (Hymns on the Life of Christ, in honour of the Trinity and of the Saints.) Etcheberri is regarded as one of the best Basque writers. Francisque-Michel quotes from one of his admirers, " Escaldunac hel bequizquit, " Come, aid me, Basques, Haren ohoratzera, to sing his praise, for he Ceren escara eman duen, has placed euskera (Basque) Erdararen ganera." above erdera (French)." 11 79 Another edition. Bayonan, P. Fauvet. Date of approbation 1630; but different type to the last. 8vo, vellum. 1 1 80 Another edition. Bayonan, Maffre, 1697. 8vo, vellum. 1181 Liburu hunen parteac. Liburutcho haubi partetan berezten da laquiteco Guiristinoaren eguinbidean, eta orenetoco othoitcetan. I an Egun orozco othoitz laburrac. Doctrina Christiana. Eta cofessatceco antcea. II an Orenetaco othoitcac. Hillen Officioa. Cazpi Salmuac. Asteco egun guztietaco orenac. Eta Andre dena Mariaren alderaco devotionea. No title page. The first date of the calendar is 1665. Calf. I do not find this work of Etcheberri referred to in any of the books of reference at hand. It is purely a devotional work. 1182 Another edition, much mutilated. 1183 ETCHEPARE (1'abbe). Tierceren Escu-liburua. Bayonan, 1862. 8vo. (Rules of the Third Order of St. Francis, with devotions.) 1184 EUCOLOGIA-TTIPIA edo eligaco liburua, Bayonaco diocesacotz. Bayonan, 1806. i2mo, calf. (Small Eucology, or Church-Book, of the Diocese of Bayonne.) 1185 Another edition. Bayonan, 1817. 8vo, half morocco. 1 1 86 EXERCICIO spirituala ; bere salbamendua eguiteco desira duten Guiristinoencat lagunc.a handitacoa. Bigarrena editionea. Bayonan, P. Fauvet (1741 is the first date on the Table). i2mo, calf. (Spiritual exercise for Christians anxious to save their souls.) 1187 Another edition. Bayonan, Cluzeau (1801 is the first date on the Table; the permit is 1810). i2mo, calf. 1 1 88 Another edition. Bayonan, Cluzeau, 1834. i2mo, half morocco. 1189 ,, Bonzom (the permit is dated 1831, and 1835 is the first date on the Table). 1 2mo, calf. 1190 Another edition. Bayonan, Bonzom, 1853. i2mo, calf. 1191 ,, Desplan, 1854. 8vo, morocco. 1192 ,, Cluzeau, 1855. 8vo, calf. i*93 l8 56. 8vo, calf. 1194 ,, ,, ,, 1860. 8vo, crushed levant. iio5 EXERCICIO. Another edition. Bayonan, Desplan, 1862. 8vo, crushed levant. 1196 ,, ,, Lasserre, 1865. 8vo, calf. 1197 Desplan, 1865. 8vo, calf. 1198 ,, ,, Anavitarte, 1869. 8vo. 1199 FABRE (M.-H.-L.). Lettres labourdines, ou Lettres sur la Partie du Pays Basque appelee Le Labourd. Bayonne, 1869. izmo. 1200 GUDU IZPIRITUALA, etc N. J. D. Donibane Lohitxuco Yaun- Aphe9ac berrir6 Escararat itzulia. Tolosan, 1750. i2mo, calf. (The Spiritual Combat, . . . translated afresh into Basque, by N. J. D. Vicar of Saint-Jean- de-Luz.) 1201 Another edition. Bayonan, 1827. i2mo, crushed levant. 1202 GUIDE OU MANUEL de la Conversation et du Style epistolaire frangais-basque utile aux etrangers et aux Basques eux-memes. Bayonne et Biarritz, 1861. 8vo, crushed levant. 1203 Another copy on thick paper. Bayonne and Biarritz, 1861. 8vo, crushed levant. (The author was the abbe Dartagu.) Special copy for Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 1204 GUIDE elementaire de la Conversation franc.ais-basque (labourdin) precede d'un Abrege de Grammaire. Bayonne, 1873. i8mo. 1205 GUIRISTINOEN Doctrina Laburra, haur-gaztei irakhasteco ; Piarres de laVieuxville, Bayonaco Yaun Aphezpicuaren manuz imprimatua, hau choilqui irakhatsia icaiteco Bayonaco Diocesan. Bayonne, chez Bonzom. 8vo, vellum. (1731- The date is written in Basque at the end of the Order.) Short Christian Doctrine for the children of the Diocese of Bayonne, printed by order of the Bishop, Pierre de la Vieuxville. Francisque-Michel states in error that this edition was "chez Paul Fauvet." It consists only of 1 12 pages, and not of 128 as stated by him. The learned French scholar evidently confounded it with the edition of 1759. Rare. 1206 Another edition. Bayonan, P. Fauvet, 1757. 143 pages, including prayers. i2mo, vellum. 1207 Another edition. Bayonan, P. Fauvet, 1759. 144 pages, with prayers and the privilege. The Catechism ends at page 128. i2mo, calf. 1208 Another edition. Bayonan, M. Cluzeau, 1818. 8vo. 1209 GUIRISTINOKI hiltcera preparatceaz. Baionan, 1865. (Prayers for the Sick.) 1 2 10 bicitceco eta hiltceco Moldea. Edicione berria. Bayonan, 1841. 8vo, morocco. A new edition of the Rev. Andre Baratziart's How to Live and Die as a Christian^ first published at Bayonne in 1784. 1211 GUIRISTINOQUI bicitceco eta hiltceco Moldea. Bayonan, 1787. i2mo, calf. 1212 Another edition. Bayonan, 1833. i2mo, half morocco. 1213 ,, ,, 1841. 1 2mo, half morocco. 1214 ,, Avignonen, 1864. 8vo, calf. 1215 GUTHUN Apostolikoa Pio, Jainkoaren lethartaz, gure aita saindu, izenaz bederatzi- garrena denak egina, Birjina Maria Jainkoaren amaren kontzebitze notha gabekoa fedezco egiara erakartzearen eta chedatzearen-gainean. Bayonan, 1 864. 4to. (A devotional work.) 1216 HARRIET (M.). Gramatica escuaraz eta francesez, composatua Francez hitzcunc.a ikhasi nahi dutenen faboretan. Bayonan, 1741. i2mo, morocco. Basque-French Grammar, composed for such as wish to learn the French tongue. The author promised four volumes, but only one was ever published. 61 iz i; HAURREN LIBURUA. Me9a eta Besperac. Bayonan, 1846. (Prayers for Mass and Vespers.) 1218 HIRIBARREN (J.-M.). Eskaldunac. Iberia, Cantabria, Eskal-Herriac, Eskal- Herri bakhotcha eta Hari darraicona. Bayonan, 1853. 8vo, crushed levant. (Patriotic and other Poems.) 1219 JESUS-CHRISTOREN bihots sacratuaren alderaco devocionea. Title-page wanting. (The permit of the Bishop of Bayonne is dated "Bayonan, 1759.") i2mo, calf. 1220 JESUSEN bihotz sacratuaren alderaco devocionea. Bayonan, 1759. 12 mo, calf. 1 22 1 bihotz sakratuaren alderako debo$ionearen exercicio izpiritualac. Bayonan, 1831. 1 2mo, crushed levant. (Book of Prayers, etc.) 1222 JOANNATEY (1'abbe). Ehunbat sainduen bicitcea. Bayonen, 1876. 8vo. (Lives of the Saints.) 1223 San Benoaten bicitcea. Bayonen, 1887. 1224 JUBILAU be$ala ematen den perdunant$a osoaren crida edo publicacionea, etc. Bayonan, 1805. (Prayers and Catechism.) 1225 (i875 an ) urthe sainduan bazco biharamun eta hirugarrenean Lourdesen eta Betharramen escual herritic pelegrin cirenen Othoitzapena A. M. Bayonan, 1875. (An Account of Lourdes and Betharram, with Hymns.) 1226 KEMPIS (Thomas a). Jesus Christoren Imitacionea. M. Chourio Donibaneco Erretorac escararat it9ulia. Bordelen, Guillaume Boude Boe, 1720. 8vo, calf. From the approbation we learn that the translator, Michel Chourio, the parish priest of St. Jean-de-Luz, was dead when his work was published. 1227 Another edition. Bayonan, Fauvet Duhart, 1769. 8vo, calf. 1228 Bayonan, L.-M. Cluzeau, 1825. 121110, morocco. 1229 ,, Tolosan, Privat, 1850. 8vo, morocco. 1230 ,, ,, Bayonan, E. Lasserre, 1855. 8vo. Occasionally there are slight variations of spelling in the later editions. 1231 KURUTCHIAREN bidiaren debocionia. Bayonan, 1852. (The Stations of the Cross.) 1232 LAPHURDICO Comitateac Laphurdiri. An address signed by D'Hiriart, Dithurbide, and Daguerresar. Ereyaroaren 10, 1790. 7 pages. 1233 LIGUORI (Alphonsus). Andre-dena Mariaren botherea, edo Salve Regina. Bajonan, 1854. 8vo, calf. (Book of Devotions.) 1234 Sacramendu sainduaren liburua edo sacramendu sainduari eta andredena Mariari bisitac. Bayonan, 1856. 8vo, calf. (Visits to the Blessed Sacrament, etc.) 1235 LUCHAIRE (H.). Remarques sur les Noms de Lieux du Pays Basque. Pau, 1874. (Extrait du compte-rendu des travaux du Congres Scientifique de France, 39 Session a Pau.) 1236 Du Mot basque IRI, et de son emploi dans la composition des noms de lieux de 1'Espagne et de 1'Aquitaine antiques. Pau, 1875. Presentation copy from the author. 1237 Les Origines linguistiques de 1'Aquitaine. Pau, 1877. 8vo. This work deals largely with the Basque language. 1238 MAIATZA edo Mariaren hilabetia. Oloroen, 1852. 8vo, calf. 1239 MEDITACIONEAC gei premiatsuenen gainean, cembait abisuekin, Othoitcekin eta bicitceco Erregela batekin. Arima Jaincotiarren oneraco Bayonaco diocesaco Eliza-gizon batec eginac. Bayonan, 1809. i2mo, calf. (Meditations on the wants of this life, with some advice, some prayers, and a rule of life for the good friends who love God ; written by a priest of the Diocese of Bayonne. This work js known to-day as JDuhaldercn Meditacioiie handiac ; Great Meditations of Duhalde.) 62 1240 MEDITATZECO moldea, abisuac eta othoitzac. Bajonan, 1840. (Meditations.) 1241 MEDITAZIONEAC urtheco Ebanjelioen gainean. Bajonan, 1839. i6mo, calf. (Meditations on the Gospels of the year.) 1242 Another edition. Bajonan, 1840. i6mo, crushed levant. 1243 MONTEBIDEOCO berriac. Bayonne, 1853. (Poetry.) 1244 MYSTERIO eta eguia guehienac. Bayonan, 1856. (Basque Prayer Book.) 1245 OIHENART (A.). Notitia utriusque Vasconiae turn Ibericae turn Aquitanicae. Parisiis (Cramoisy), 1638. 4to, half calf. This valuable work written in Latin has references to the Basque tongue. 1246 Proverbes basques recueillispar Arnauld Oihenart suivis des Poesies basques du meme auteur. Seconde edition, revue, corrigee, augmentee d'une traduction franchise des poesies et d'un appendice, et precedee d'une introduction biblio- graphique (par Francisque-Michel). Bordeaux, 1847. 8vo, half morocco. 1247 Notes de A. Oihenart pour le Glossaire Basque de Pouvreau, publiees d'apres le manuscrit de la Bibliotheque imperiale, par H. Burgaud des Marets. Paris, 1864. 8vo. This copy is annotated by Prince L. -L. Bonaparte. 1248 Another edition. Paris, 1866. 8vo. 1249 OTHOITCE eta Cantica Espiritualac. (Prayers and Hymns in Basque.) Pau, 1734. Defective. 1250 PERLASCO colierbat: Un Collier de Perles, ou Passages extraits du Nouveau Testa- ment de Notre-Seigneur Je'sus-Christ ; par " Flora." Bayonne, no date. 8vo. Autograph presentation copy from M-. Ant. d'Abbadie to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 1251 RICHELIEU (Card.). Guiristinoaren Dotrina. Eminentissimo Jaun cardinal duke de Richelieuc eguina. Silvain Pouvreau ape$ac escaraz emana. Parisen, Jean Roger, 1656. 8vo, morocco. Christian Doctrine, composed by the Cardinal Duke of Richelieu, translated into Basque by the Rev. S. Pouvreau. Rare. 1252 SALES (St. Francis of). San Frances de Sales Genevaco ipizpicuaren Philothea, eta chapeletaren Andre Dana Mariaren ohoretan devocionerequin erraiteco Antcea. Silvain Pouvreau ape9ac escaraz emana. Parisen, Claude Audinet, 1664. 8vo, morocco. St Francis of Sales's Philothea, and Andre Danet's Manner of reciting with devotion the Rosary in honour of Mary, done into Basque by the priest Silvain Pouvreau. Rare. 12 53 Philotea edo devocioneraco bide erakus9aillea S. Franses Salescoac M. Joannes de Haraneder, Donibaneco Jaun Apphe9ac Berriro Escararat it9ulia. Tolosan (J. F. Robert), 1749. i2mo, half calf. 1254 Another edition. Bayonan, 1853. i8mo, crushed levant. 1255 SCUPOLI (Rev. L.). Gudu Espirituala. Parisen, 1665. i2mo, morocco. Rare. The Spiritual Combat, translated by Silvain Pouvreau. 1256 STATUTES. Laphurdiko Konfrarioaren Kondizioneac Dominique Sescosse Uztarit- zeko Jaun Auzaphezac Herriko Konxeiluari presentatuac. Baionan, 1867. Statutes in Basque and French of the "Societe d'Assurance Mutuelle La Labourdine." 1257 [TAURRETCHE (I'abbe').] San Joseperen ilhabethea edo martchoa conxecratua San Josepe Patriarkha loriosari haren arartcotasun botherexuaz ardiesteco behar ditugun laguntzac bizian eta heriotzeco orenean. Bayonan, 1872. 8vo. On the fly-leaf the Prince has written, "L'abb Taurretche aumonier au petit Seminaire de Larressore est 1'auteur de ce livre," 63 1258 TESTAMEN saharreco eta berrico historia. Bayonan, 1775 eta 1777. 8vo, morocco. 2 vols. (History of the New Testament and Lives of the Saints.) 1259 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Jesus Christo gure Jaunaren Testament berria. Lapurdico escuararat it9ulia. Bayonan, 1828. 8 vo, morocco. 1260 Jesu-Christo gure iaunaren Testament berria lehenago I. N. Haraneder done loane Lohitsuco iaun aphez batec escuararat itgulia. Baionan, 1855. 8vo. 1261 Gospels and Acts. Laur Ebanyelioac eta Apostoluen eguintzac. Bayonan, 1828. 4 to, calf. 1262 St. Matthew. Jesus-Christoren Evanyelio saindua S. Mathiuren arabera. Bayonan, 1825. 4to. 1263 L'E'vangile selon Saint Mathieu, traduit en basque labourdin par I. N. Haraneder. Bayonne, 1855. 8vo, crushed levant. 1264 St. Mark. Ebanyelio saindua San Marken arabera lapurdico escuararat itgulia. Londresen, 1887. i2mo. 1265 St. Luke. Ebanyelio saindua San Luken arabera Lapurdico escuararat itgulia. Londresen, 1868. i2mo. 1266 Another edition. Londresen, 1871. i2mo. 1267 1887. i2mo. 1268 Jesu Cristoren Evanjelioa Lucasen araura. Londres, 1870. i2mo. 1269 Another edition. Londres, 1876. izmo. 1270 Buenos Aires, 1877. 8vo. 1271 St. John. Ebanyelio Saindua San Joanesen arabera. Lapurdico escuararat itgulia. Londresen, 1887. i2mo. 1272 St. Matthew. E'vangile selon Saint Matthieu, traduit par Lisarrague, 1571 ; reedit6 par W. J. Van Eys. Paris, 1877. 8vo. NAVARRAIS (HIGH AND LOW). 1273 ASTETE (Rev. G.). Vici bedi Jesus. Cristau-Dotrina, cenetan eracusten baitire gure Fede Sanduco gauzaric bearrenac, Aita Astetec Erderaz, eta orai Nafarroaco Euscaran izarrac adirazten duena erantsiric, ateratcen du Fr. Pedro Antonio Anibarroc. Irunean (Pamplona), n.d. (A short Catechism.) 1274 BIBLE. Jonah. La Profecia de Jena's, traducida al Vascuence, dialecto Navarro del Valle de Baztan, segun ahora comunmente se habla en la villa de Elizondo. Por Don Bruno Echenique. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londres, 1862. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 12 75 The only copy with red borders. Crushed levant. 1276 La Prophetic de Jonas, traduite en dialecte basque de la Basse Navarre, tel qu'il est communement parle dans la Vallee de Cize. Par M. 1'abbe Casenave. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londres, 1862. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 1277 The only copy with red borders. Crushed levant. 1278 CHARENCEY (H. de). Etymologies franchises. Etymologies basses-navarraises. Chartres (Durand), n.d. 8vo. (An extract.) 1279 SALABERRY (D'Ibarrolle). Vocabulaire de Mots basques bas-navarrais, traduits en langue franchise. Bayonne, 1856. 121110, morocco, stamped with Imperial Crcrvon and Eagle. On thick paper, This copy is unique. iz8o SALABERRY (D'Ibarrolle). Another copy, on ordinary paper. 1281 BIBLE. Psalm. Salmo Quincuagesimo (El) traducido al Vascuence del Valle de Salazar, de la version Castellana de Don F. Scio, por Don Pedro Jose Samper. Londres, 1867. Imp. L.-L. B. Only 250 copies printed, this being the only one on vellum. 1282 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). St. Matthew. L'E'vangile selon Saint Mathieu, sur la version de M. Le Maistre de Sacy, traduit en langue Basque, dialecte Bas-Navarrais, par M. Salaberry (D'Ibarrolle) pour le Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte. Bayonne, 1856. 8vo, crushed levant. Only twelve copies of this work were printed, this being one of the two unnumbered copies, and the only one on papier grand-raisin velin. 1283 The other unnumbered copy. Morocco. 1284 St. Matthew. El Evangelio segun San Mateo, traducido al vascuence dialecto navarro, por D. Bruno Etchenique de Elizondo, para el Principe Luis- Luciano Bonaparte. Londres, 1857. 8vo, crushed levant. Only ten copies of this work were printed in the Prince's house by W. H. Billing, this being one of the two copies which do not bear the names of their respective owners on the first page, and the only copy with the title in red and black with a border. 1285 The other copy without an owner's name. Morocco. 1286 St. John. Jesu Cristoren Evangelio sandua Juanec dacarran guisara. Londresen, 1868. 410. (The Gospel of St. John translated into Haut-Navarrais by Don Joaquin Lizarraga for Prince L.-L. Bonaparte.) Only 250 copies printed. SOULETIN. 1287 ALMANAK Uskara edo Ziberouko Egunaria. Bourjesen eta Parisen. (For the years 1887 to 1890.) 1288 ANDRE-DENA Mariaren ilhabethea, edo maihatza Jaincoaren amaren loriacotz contsecratua. Bayonan, 1842. izmo, half morocco. 1289 Another edition. Bayonan, 1855. 8vo, crushed levant. 1290 ARBELBIDE (Rev. J.-P.). Bokazionea edo Jainkoaren deia. Lille, 1887. 8vo. With illustrations. 1291 Erlisionea, Eskual-Herriari dohazkon egiarik beharrenak. Lille, 1890. A work on the necessity of religion, and the truth of the Catholic Church. With plates. Autograph copy to Prince L. -L. Bonaparte. 1292 BIBLE. Ruth-en Libria. Salomounen Kantiken Kantika. Bayonan, 1888. Morocco. The Book of Ruth and the Canticle of Canticles. It also contains the Book of Jonah. 1293 BOUQUETA lore Divinoena bereciac eta duronea apecac. Bayonan, 1692. 8vo. (Basque Prayer Book.) 1294 CATECHIMA laburra eta Jesus-Christ goure ginco jaunaren e$agutcia Salvatu ic.ateco Quberoa Herrico Uscaldunen na, Athanase Belapeyre Han Jaun Officialaz, eta Sorhoetaco Erretor. Pauven, 1696. 4to, calf. The title is restored in manuscript. 1295 Oloroeco Diocezaren cerbutchuco ecinago Ilo. eta ohonagarri Messire Joseph de Revol hanco Apezcopiaren manuz eguina. No place, 1706. 8vo, vellum. The title and several other pages have been restored in manuscript. From the fragments of another copy I have added, as far as possible, complete leaves for those restored, without, however, removing the latter. 1296 CATECHISMA Oloroeco Diocezaren cerbutchuco. Berris imprimatia Jouanne- Baptista Augusta de Villoutreix de Faye, Oloroeco appezcupjaren manus. Toulouse, Augustin Henault, n-d. 8vo. 65 1297 CATICHIMA chipia edo Guiristino Doctrina. Title-page wanting. i2mo. 1298 edo fediaren eta Guiristino-eguien explicacione Laburra. Aquicen (Dax), 1786. 8vo, morocco. A Catechism printed by order of Charles-Auguste Le Quien de Laneufville, Bishop of Dax. 1299 Francesen Imperadorearen eremuetaco elica gucietacotz eguina-den Cati- chima. Bayonan, 1812. i2ino. (Catechisme a 1'usage de toutes Its eglises de 1'Empire francais.) 1300 CERUCO GAKHOA. Bayonan, 1844. 8vo, half morocco. (Devotions for Confession, Communion, etc.) 1301 CHAHO (Augustin). Azti-Beguia. Agosti Chaho Bassaburutarrak, Ziberou herri maitiari, Pariserik igorririk, beste hanitchen aitzindari, arguibidian, goiz izarra. Paris, 1834. 14 pages. (The Divining-Eye. Sent by Augustin Chaho to his dear land of Soule from Paris, as a forerunner of further works to which it shall serve as the morning star.) Given by Daguerre de Tarditz to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 1302 CHARENCEY (Hyacinthe de). Phonetique souletin. Orleans, Georges Jacob. No date. 8vo. Presentation copy from the author. 1303 CHARLECH Bourbaki jenerala. Bayonan, 1885. (A short account of General Bourbaki.) 1304 CIBEROUCO guthuna edo libria. Pauen, 1852. i6mo, calf. (Prayers at Mass, etc.) 1305 DECREES. Andepe Dona Maria scapularicouaren Confrariaco Bulla, Decreta, Statutac, eta maniac edo chediac. Pauben, 1780. (Bulls, Decrees and Statutes referring to the Confraternity of the Scapular of Our Lady.) 1306 Franciaco Bilcarraren, edo Estatu Generalen Decretac. Aquicen, 1790. Uncut. 1307 DITHURBIDE. Ichtorio Saindau Laburzki galdez eta errepustaz. Bayonne, 1882. 8vo. 1308 ESKARAZ EGUIA. Baionan, 1858. 8vo, morocco. (Basque Truth: a Devotional work.) 1309 FEDEAREN Propagacioneco urtecaria edo Fedearen Propagacioneco berriac urteca ematen dituena. Bayounan, 1877-79. 8vo. Vol. i, in parts. (Missionary Reports ) The same for the years 1879-81 to 1890. 1310 FRAMAZONAK. Zer izan diren eta zer diren oraino Framazonak munduan. Bayonan, n.d. An account of Freemasonry ; as it was and as it is. 1311 GASTELUQAR (Rev. B.). Eguia Catholicac salvamendu eternalaren eguiteco necessario direnac. Pauen, 1686. 1 21110, crushed levant. (Catholic Truths: a Book of Devotions.) 1312 GEZE (Louis). Elements de Grammaire Basque, dialecte Souletin, suivis d'un Vocabu- laire Basque-Francais et Frangais-Basque. Bayonne, 1873. 8vo. 1313 GOIQANCO Othoytcia diocesaco Catichimatic. (Basque and Latin Prayer Book.) Title and other pages wanting. 1314 Another edition. No Title-page and otherwise incomplete. Calf. 1315 HEREN-ORDRECO escu libria igante-bestetaco officio berrieki. Oloroen, 1860. i6ino, crushed levaat. (Prayer Book.) 1316 IGANTEQTACO pronoua, eta hilen pronoua. Pauben, n.d. (Prayers ) 5 66 1317 INCHAUSPE (1'abbe). Le Verbe Basque. Ouvrage publie par le Prince Louis- Lucien Bonaparte. Bayonne, 1858. 410, morocco. Only 500 copies printed, the present copy on papier grand-raisin velin being unique. 1318 Le Verbe Basque. Ouvrage publie par le Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte. Bayonne, 1858. 410, half morocco. Only 500 copies printed. 1319 JINCOAC guic.onareki eguin patoac, edo eguiazco religionia. Bayonan, 1851. i2mo, calf. (Prayer Book.) 1320 KEMPIS (Thos. a). Jesu Kristen Imitacionea, eta Eguiazco Erreligionia. Bayonan, 1883. 8vo, calf. Autograph presentation copy from the Abbe Inchauspe, the translator of the Imitation and the author of the Eguiazo Erreligionia^ to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. The two works are bound together. 1321 Jesu-Kristen Imitacionia cuberouaco uscarala, herri beraurtaco apheg bate9, bere Jaun aphe^cupiaren baimentouareki utQulia. Pauben, G. Dugue eta J Desbaratz, 1757. i2mo, calf. 1322 Another edition. Oloroun, P. A. Vivent, 1838. i2mo, morocco. 1323 LAFONTAINE. Fableac edo Aleguiac Lafontenenetaric berechiz hartuac eta Goyhetche Aphe9ac Franxesetic Escoarara berxutan it^uliac. Bayonne, 1852. i2mo, crushed levant. (Lafontaine's Fables translated by the Abbe Goyhetche.) 1324 LE'CLUSE (H. de). Sermon sur la Montagne en Grec et en Basque, precede du Paradigme de la Conjugaison Basque. Toulouse, 1831. Half morocco. 1325 (F.). Dissertation sur la Langue Basque. Toulouse, 1826. Half morocco. 1326 Manuel de la Langue Basque. i re Partie: Grammaire. Toulouse et Bayonne, 1826. 8vo, half morocco. 1327 (M.-F.). Grammaire basque. Bayonne, 1874. 8vo. 1328 LEHENAGOKO Eskualdunak zer ziren. Bayonan, 1889. i2mo. (Sketches of the Old Basques.) 1329 MAIATZA edo Mariaren hilabetia. Oloroen, 1852. 8vo, calf. (Devotions to Our Lady in Basque.) 1330 MATERRE (E.). Dotrina Christiana. Bayonen. The Licence is dated 161 6. 8vo, morocco. 1331 MEDITACIONIAC Khiristitarcuneco eguia, obligacione eta berthute principalez. Olorouen, 1844. 8vo, crushed levant. (Meditations and Prayers in Basque.) 1332 NOELEN lilia composaturic Huscarez Jesusen Incarnationiaren Ouhouretan, arra imprimaturic. Oloroun, n.d. (Hymns.) 1333 PRIERES DU PRONE (Les), en Basque (dialecte Souletin), publiees par Mgr. Arnauld-Francois de Maytie, Eveque d'Oloron, en 1676. Bayonne, 1874. Only 50 copies printed, each copy bearing a number and signed by M. Antoine d'Abbadie. This copy is No. 10. 1334 Another copy, being one of the two printed on brown paper. No. 2. Autograph presentation copy from M. Ant. d'Abbadie to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 1335 RODRIGUEZ (Alphonsus). Jesusen Compagnhaco Aitaren Guiristhinho perfeccio- naren praticaren pparte bat Heuzcarala itsulia Heuzcara becic eztakitenen daco. Avignhonen, Antonio Aubanel, 17X2. i2mo, morocco. (A translation of Christian Perfection.} 1336 SAN FRANCES EN hirurgarren ordenaco erregela munduco presunentzat. Bayonan, 1884. (Rules of the Third Order of St. Francis.) 67 1337 SAN FRANCESEN. Another edition. Bayonan, 1887. 1338 edo Tierz Ordreco escu liburu berria. Bayonan, 1888. (Rules and Manual of the Third Order of St. Francis.) 1339 TARTAS (Juan de). Onsa hilceco bidia. Orthecen, Jacques Pouyer, 1657, Folio. This work consists of loose sheets. Some pages are wanting. 1340 TESTAMENT zaharreco eta berrico istorioa Frances liburu aphezpicuec onhetsia den baten gainean hescuaraz eguina Etcheberry aphezac. Bayonan, 1 874. 8vo. (Old and New Testament Stories.) 1341 Another edition. Bayonan, 1875. 8vo. 1 342 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). St. Matthew. Le Saint Evangile de Jesus-Christ selon Saint Mathieu, traduit en basque souletin par 1'abbe Inchauspe, pour le Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte. Bayonne, 1856. 8vo, crushed levant. Only twelve copies of this work were printed, this being one of the two unnumbered copies, and the only one which has the titles and initials printed in red. 1343 Apocalypse. L' Apocalypse de I'Apotre Saint Jean, traduite en basque souletin, par 1'abbe Inchauspe, pour le Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte. Londres, 1858. Morocco. Only 50 copies printed in the Prince's house by E. Billing, this being the only copy on thick paper. 1 344 An ordinary copy of this edition. Morocco. 1345 USCALDUNAREN laguna, edo Escuco libria. Bayonan, 1852. i2mo, calf. 1346 Another edition. Bayonan, 1856. 8vo, crushed levant. 1347 Guthunac. Baionan, 1866. 8vo. 1348 USCARA Libria Confessioniaz, Comunioniaz, eta Me$aco sacrificio saintiaz, bicitceco erreglamentu bateki. Bayonan, n.d. (the first date of the Table at the back of the title is 1814). i2mo, half morocco. (Book of Piety.) 1349 Another edition. Bayounan, n.d. (the first date of the Table is 1835, the approbation is dated 1839). i2mo, calf. 1350 Libru Berria eta Khiristiaren egun orozco exercicio espiritualac. Oloroun, n.d. (the first date of the Table is 1838). i2mo, calf. (Basque Prayer Book.) 1351 Another edition. Olorouen, 1845. 8vo, half morocco. IX.-IBERIAN. 1352 BOUDARD (P.-A.). Etudes sur 1' Alphabet lbe"rien et sur quelques monnaies autonomes d'Espagne. Paris et Beziers, 1852. 8vo, half morocco. *353 Essai sur la Numismatique iberienne, pre'ce'de' de recherches sur 1'alphabet et la langue des Iberes. Paris, 1859. 410, half morocco. 1354 HOFFMANN (S. F. W.). Die Iberer im Westen und Osten. Leipzig, 1838. 8vo, half morocco. An Ethnographical research into their affinity with one another, etc. 1355 GRASLIN (L.-F.). De PIbe'rie, on Essai critique sur 1'origine des premieres popu- lations de 1'Espagne. Paris, 1838. 8vo, half morocco. 1356 LORICHS (Gust. Dan. de.). Recherches numismatiques, concernant principalement les medailles celtiberiennes. Paris, 1852. 410, half morocco. 1357 PHILLIPS (G.). I. Uber das iberische Alphabet. II. Ueber eine in der Nahe von Castellon gefundene iberische Inschrift. III. Priifung des iberischen Ursprunges einzelner Stammes-und Stiidtenamen im siidlichen Gallien. IV. Die Einwanderung der Iberer in die pyrenaische Halbinsel. V. Ueber den iberischen Stamm der Indiketen und seine Nachbarn. VI. Die Wohnsitze der Kelten auf der pyrenaischen Halbinsel. These extracts are bound together in two vols. 68 X.-AMERICAN LANGUAGES-AMERICAN POLYGLOT AND GENERAL. 1358 BARTON (Benjamin Smith). New Views of the Origin of the Tribes and Nations of America. Philadelphia, 1797. 4to, calf. '359 - Another edition. Philadelphia, 1798. 4to, calf. This work is partly linguistic. 1360 CHARENCEY (H. de). Melanges de Philologie et de Paleographie Americaines. Paris, 1883. 8vo. 1361 CLARKE (Hyde). Researches in pre-historic and proto-historic comparative philology, mythology, and archaeology in connection with the origin of culture in America and the Accad or Sumerian families. London, 1875. 1362 - Serpent and Siva worship in Central America, Africa, and Asia. London, 1876. (With certain words of the Costa Rican Indians compared with the same terms in various African dialects and some Asiatic ones.) 1363 DEMERS (Modeste). Chinook dictionary, catechism, prayers, and hymns, composed in 1838 and 1839 by Rt. Rev. Modeste Demers. Revised, corrected, and completed in 1867 by the Most Rev. F. N. Blanchet. With modifications and additions by the Rev. L. N. St. Onge, missionary among the Yakamas and other Indian tribes. Montreal, 1871. izmo. (The wrapper bears the title The Missionary's Companion on the Pacific Coast.} 1364 DOMENECH (1'abbe E.). Manuscrit pictographique Americain precede d'une notice sur 1'ideographie des Peaux-Rouges. Ouvrage publie sous les auspices de M. le Ministre d'etat et de la maison de 1'Empereur. Paris, 1860. 8vo. (With 228 plates of hieroglyphics.) 1365 LUDEWIG (H. E.). The Literature of American Aboriginal Languages. With additions and corrections by Prof. Wm. W. Turner. Edited by Nicolas Trubner. London, 1858. 410. 1 366 PINART (A. L.). Colecci6n de Linguistica y Etnografia Americanas. Tomo iv. Noticias de los Indies del Departamento de Veragua, y Vocabularies de las Lenguas Guaymi, Norteno, Sabanero y Dorasque. San Francisco, 1882. 4to. Vocabulario Castellano-Dorasque dialectos Chumulu, Gualaca y Changuina. Paris, 1890. 1368 SEEMANN (Berthold). The popular nomenclature of the American Flora. Hanover, 1851. Contains a number of the native names. 4to. 1369 TEZA (E.). Saggi inediti di Lingue Americane, Appunti bibliografici. Pisa, 1868. 8vo. Only 70 copies printed. For private circulation. Presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. ALGONQUIN GROUP. 1370 CATECHISMO dei Missionari Cattolici in Lingua Algonchina, pubblicato per cura di E. Teza. Pisa, 1872. 8vo. Edizione di cento esemplari. Non si vende. Presentation copy from the editor to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 1371 MULLER (Friedrich). Der grammatische Bau der Algonkin-Sprachen. Ein Beitrag zur amerikanischen Linguistik. Wien, 1867. 8vo. 1372 OTCHIPWE Anamie-Masinaigan. Paris, 1837. izmo, half calf. (A Catholic Prayer Book in the Chippeway dialect.) DAKOTA GROUP. 1373 HULFALVY PALTO'L. A Dacota Nyelv. Pesten, 1856. 8vo. 69 APPALACHE GROUP. 1374 LETTERS TO CHARLES II OF SPAIN. These curious documents consist of a letter in Spanish from Diego de Quiroga y Lossada, the Governor, enclosing a letter from the principal chiefs of Abalahchi, with Spanish translation by Fr. Mar9elo de S. Joseph, and a letter of the chiefs of Timucua, with Spanish translation by Fr. Fran 00 de Roxas, with the letters of the translators forwarding their translations to the Governor. These seven sheets bound in folio, the native letters being lithographed, were presented to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte by Buckingham Smith in 1860. Mr. Smith states that they are written in Appalachian and Timuquan, two of the early tongues of Florida. INDEPENDENT MEXICAN IDIOMS. 1375 CHARENCEY (H. de). Surla Langue du Soconusco dite Mame ou Zaklohpakap. 8 pages. No date. J 3?6 Textes en Langue tarasque. (Extrait du Muse"on.) No date. 1377 Vocabulario Tzotzil-Espanol ; dialecto de los Indies de la parte oriental del Estado de Chiapas (Mexico). Orleans, n.d. Autograph presentation copy from M. de Charencey to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. J 3?8 Notice sur un ancien manuscrit Mexicain dit Codex Telleriano-Remensis. (Extrait No. 13 de la Revue Orientale et Americaine.) Paris, 1859. With fac-simile. '379 Recherches sur la Famille de Langues Tapijulapane-Mixe. Havre, 1867. 8vo. 1380 DE LOS REYES (Antonio). Arte en Lengua Mixteca. En Mexico, 1592. Public" par le Comte H. de Charencey. Alen^on, 1889. 4to. Autograph presentation copy from M. de Charencey to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 1381 PIMENTEL (F.). Cuadro descriptive y comparative de las Lenguas Indigenas de Mexico. Mexico, 1862. 8vo. 2 vols. AZTEC GROUP. 1382 BIONDELLI (Bernardinus). Evangeliarium epistolarium et lectionarium Aztecum sive Mexicanum ex antiquo codice Mexicano nuper reperto depromptum cum praefatione interpretatione adnotationibus glossario edidit Bernardinus Biondelli. Mediolani, 1858. 4to, crushed levant. (With fac-simile Codicis Azteci Bernardini Sahagunii.} This is a special copy on brown tinted paper. 1383 Another copy on white paper. Crushed levant. 1384 Sull' antica lingua Azteca o Nahuatl. Osservazioni. Milano, 1860. 4to. 1 3%S Glossarium Azteco-Latinum et Latino-Aztecum. Mediolani, 1869. 410. 1386 BRINTON (D. G.)- Brinton's Library of Aboriginal American Literature. No. 3. The Giieguence : a Comedy Ballet in the Nahuatl-Spanish Dialect of Nicaragua, with frontispiece. Philadelphia, 1883. 8vo. 1387 ROLDAN (B.). Cathecismo en lengua Chuchona y Castellana, por el muy Reverendo fray Bartholome Roldan ; 1'Office quotidien du Culte Brahmanique d'apres Monier- Williams, and some other pieces from Actes de la Socie'te' Philologique. 1883. 8vo. This work was originally published in Mexico in 1 580. 1388 Another copy of the Cathecismo only. This is an autograph presentation copy from M. de Charencey to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 70 MAYA GROUP. 1389 CHARENCEY (H. de). Confessionnaire en langue Chanabal; r6dig en 1813 par Marcial Camposeca, pour 1'ouvrage du R.P. Fray Benito de Correa. 1390 - Recherches sur les noms de nombres cardinaux dans la famille Maya- Quiche'. Orleans, no date. - La Tula Votanide. (Extrait du Bull, de la Socie"t de Linguistique, No. 25.) 1 39 2 - Fragments sur la Langue Chanabal. (Extrait du Mus6on.) Louvain. *393 - Xibalba. (An extract). 1394. - Le Pronom personnel dans les idiomes de la famille Tapachulane-Huasteque. Caen, 1868. Autograph presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 1395 - Du Systeme de Numeration chez les peuples de la famille Maya-Quiche 1 . (Extrait du Muse"on.) Louvain, 1882. 1396 - Sur le d^chiffrement d'un groupe de caracteres grave's sur le bas relief dit : De la Croix a Palenqu6. (Extrait du Mus^on.) Louvain, 1883. X 397 - Des suffixes en langue Quichee. (Extrait du Museon.) Louvain, 1883. 1398 - De la formation des mots en langue Maya. Copenhague, 1884. (Extrait du compte-rendu du Congres Internationale des Americanists a Copenhague 1883.) J 399 - Vocabulaire Frangais-Maya. Alengon, 1884. Autograph presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 1400 - De la Conjugaison dans les langues de la Famille Maya-Quiche"e. Louvain, 1885. (Extrait du Muse"on.) 1401 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Leti u Evangelio Jesu Cristo hebix San Juan. Londres, 1868. 8vo. (The Gospel of St. John translated into the Maya language of Yucatan by the Revv. R. Fletcher and Nunez.) BRAZILIAN IDIOMS. 1402 DIAS (A. G.). Diccionario da Lingua Tupy chamada Lingua geral dos indigenas do Brazil. Lipsia, 1858. 8vo. 1403 MARTI US (C. F. P. von). Beitrage zur Ethnographic und Sprachenkunde Amerika's zumal Brasiliens. Leipzig, 1867. 8vo. 2 vols. QUICHUA GROUP. 1404 HOLGUIN (Diego Gonzales). Gramdtica y arte nueva de la lengua general de todo el Peru llamada lengua Qquichua o lengua del Inca. Nueva edicion. (Lima), 1842. 8vo, half morocco. 1405 THORON (Onffroy de). Recherches philologiques et historiques sur la langue quichua du Perou. Newspaper cuttings pasted into a blank book. XI.-SUB-ARCTIC LANGUAGES-CHUKCHIK (ASIATIC). 1406 RADLOFF (L.). Tiber die Sprache der Tschuktschen und ihr Verhaltniss zum Koyakischen. (Der Akademie vorgelegt am 9 Marz 1860.) (M^moires de 1'Acad. Imp. des Sciences. VII e s6rie, tome iii, No. 10.) St. Petersburg, 1861. 4to. AINO. 1407 CHARENCEY (H. de). Recherches ethnographiques sur les AYnos ou habitants des Kouriles. Versailles. 8 pages. (Extrait du cahier de fvrier 1866 des Annales de philosophic chretienne.) 71 ESKIMO. 1408 KEMPIS (Thomas a). Kristusimik Mallingnaursut pivdlugit Thomasib a Kempisib aglega. Kaladlin okauzeennut nukterlimarsok pelesiunermit paviamit egedimit, illegeegnerublo ussornart6rsub " Det Danske Missions-Selskabimik" taiutiglub ama nakittarkomago ndr kingniarkiksarall6ara A. F. Honnib. Kjobenhavnime, 1824. izmo. (The Imitation of Christ, translated into Greenlandic Eskimo by Andreas Fridsch Honne.) 1409 RAFN (Carl Christian). Renseignements sur les premiers habitants de la Cote Occidentale du Greenland. Traduits en Groenlandais par Samuel Kleinschmidt. (This translation is in an Eskimo journal called Atuagagdliutil published at Nuk, Nungme, at Godthaab, No. 25, February 15, 1864.) With a Map and Plate. Autograph presentation copy to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte from B. Biondelli. XII.-LANGUAGES OF THE CAUCASUS-CAUCASIAN POLYGLOT AND GENERAL. 1410 ABERCROMBY (Hon. J.). A Trip through the Eastern Caucasus, with a Chapter on the Language of the Country. With Maps and Illustrations. London, 1889. 8vo. 1411 BODENSTEDT (F.). Les Peuples du Caucase et leur guerre d'inde'pendance contre la Russie pour servir a 1'histoire la plus r^cente de I'Orient. Traduit par le Prince E. de Salm-Kyrburg. Paris, 1859. 8vo, half morocco. 1412 CHARENCEY (Hyacinthe de). Des affinite's des langues transgange'tiques avec les langues du Caucase. Caen, 1862. 8vo. 1413 DUBOIS DE MONTPEREUX (F.). Voyage autour du Caucase, chez les Tcher- kesses et les Abkhases, en Colchide, en Georgie, en Armenie et en Crimee ; avec un Atlas. Paris, 1839-1843. 8vo, half morocco. 6 vols. 1414 HAXTHAUSEN (Baron A. von). The Tribes of the Caucasus. With an account of Schamyl and the Murids. London, 1855. i2mo. This work deals with the languages spoken in the Caucasus. 1415 KLAPROTH (J.). Voyage au Mont Caucase et en Georgie. Avec une Carte de la Georgie. Paris, 1823. 8vo, calf. 2 vols. Contains vocabularies of the languages. 1416 Tableau historique, geographique, ethnographique et politique du Caucase et des provinces limitrophes entre la Russie et la Perse. Paris et Leipzig, 1827. 8vo, half calf. 1417 KOCH (Karl). Karte von dem Kaukasischen Isthmus und von Armenien. Berlin, 1850. In a case. 1418 Another copy of the same map on a larger scale. 1419 MEMOIR of a Map of the Countries comprehended between the Black Sea and the Caspian, with an account of the Caucasian Nations, and Vocabularies of their Languages. London, 1788. 410, calf. 1420 SCHIEFNER (A.). Uber Baron Uslar's neuere linguistische Forschungen. From Melanges Asiatiques tires du Bull, de r Acad. Imp. d. Sciences d. St. Petersbourg. Tome v. December, 1863. A.-NORTHERN DIVISION. LESGIAN GROUP-AVARE. 1421 GRAHAM (Cyril). The Avar Language. 8vo. (Sheets of the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society for July 1881.) 1422 SCHIEFNER (A.). Versuch Uber das Awarische. St. Petersburg, 1862. 410. (Memoires de 1' Academic Imp. des Sc. de St. P. VII e serie, tome v, No. 8.) 72 KHASIA-KUMUK OR LAK. 1423 SCHIEFNER (A.). Ausfuhrlicher Bericht liber Baron P. v. Uslar's Kasikumukische Studien. St. Petersburg, 1866. 410. (Memoires de 1'Acad. Imp. des Sciences. VII e serie, tome x, No. 12.) AKUSHA. 1424 SCHIEFNER (A.). Ausfuhrlicher Bericht iiber des Generals Baron Peter von Uslar Abchasische Studien. St. Petersburg, 1863. 410. (Memoires de 1'Acad. Imp. des Sciences. VII e serie, tome vi, No. 12.) UDE. 1425 SCHIEFNER (A.). Versuch iiber die Sprache der Uden. Gelesen den 12 Dec. 1862. (Memoires de 1'Acad. Imp. des Sciences. VII e serie, tome vi, No. 8.) St. Petersburg, 1863. 4to. KISTIAN GROUP-TUSH OR MOSOK. 1426 SCHIEFNER (A.). Versuch iiber die Thusch-Sprache, oder, Die Khistische Mundart in Thuschetien. St. Petersburg, 1856. 4to, half morocco. CIRCASSIAN GROUP. 1427 LITTLE (L.). Slovar Russko-Tcherkesski. Odessa, 1846. 8vo. Russian-Circassian- French Dictionary. With a short Circassian Grammar. (In the Russian character.) 1428 LOEWE (L.). A Dictionary of the Circassian Language, in two parts: English- Circassian-Turkish and Circassian-English-Turkish. London, 1854. 4to. 1429 NEUMANN (K. F.). Russland und die Tscherkessen. Stuttgart und Tubingen, 1840. 8vo, half morocco. 1430 TAITBOUT DE MARIGNY (Chev.). Three Voyages in the Black Sea to the Coast of Circassia. London, 1837. 8vo, half morocco. (Contains a Vocabulary of the Dialect of the Circassians-Noutakhaitsis.) B.-SOUTHERN DIVISION. LAZIAN GROUP. 1431 ROSEN (G.). Tiber die Sprache der Lazen. Lemgo und Detmold, 1841- 410. THIRD DIVISION. INFLECTIONAL LANGUAGES. I.-THE SEMITIC LANGUAGES-SEMITIC POLYGLOT. 1432 REN AN (E.). Histoire generale et Systeme compare" des Langues semitiques. I re Partie. Histoire generale des Langues semitiques. Paris, 1855. 8vo. A.-ARAMEO-ASSYRIAN GROUP-CHALDEE AND SYRIAC. 1433 MARTIN (1'abbe). Syriens orientaux et occidentaux. Essai sur les deux principaux dialectes Arameens. From Journal Asiatique, Avril-Mai 1872. Paris. Autograph presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 1434 VICTORIUS (Marianus). Chaldeae seu Aethiopicae linguae institutiones (nunc recusae studio Achillis Venerii). Romae, typis S. Cong, de Prop. Fide, 1630. 8vo. ASSYRIAN. 1435 DELITZSCH (F.). Die Sprache der Kossaer. Linguistisch-historische Funde und Fragen. Leipzig, 1884. 8vo. 73 1436 LUZZATTO (Philoxene). Le Sanscritisme de la langue assyrienne ou les restes de la langue assyrienne recueillis et expliques par le Sanscrit. Padoue, 1849. 8vo. H37 Etudes sur les inscriptions assyriennes de Persepolis, Hamadan, Van et Khorsabad. Padoue, 1850. 8vo, half morocco. Autograph presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 1438 MENANT (Joachim). Les Ecritures cuneiformes, expose des travaux qui ont prepare la lecture et 1'interpretation des Inscriptions de la Perse et de FAssyrie. Paris, 1860. 410. 1439 Rapport a Son Excellence M. le Ministre d'Etat sur les Inscriptions Assyriennes du British Museum. Paris, 1862. 8vo. Autograph presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 1440 SAYCE (A. H.) The Tenses of the Assyrian Verb. (London), 1877. 8vo. (Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland.) 1441 Accadian Phonology. (Philological Society), no date or place. 8vo. 1442 STRASSMAIER (J. N.). Die Babylonischen Inschriften im Museum zu Liverpool nebst andern aus der zeit von Nebukadnezzar bis Darius. Leide, 1885. 8vo. B.-CANAANITIC GROUP-HEBREW. 1443 BENEDETTI (Salomone de). Interpretazione della Colonna della Sala Quadrata nelle Catacombe di S. Gennaro letta da Salomone de Benedetti d'Acqui alia Reale Accademia d'Archeologia, Lettere e Belle Arti in Napoli nella tornata del 2 Maggio 1882. Autograph presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 1444 Un manoscritto Cavense in caratteri Rabbinici. Relazione al Consiglio Direttivo della Societa Napoletana di Storia patria. Estratto dalF Archivio Storico per le Province Napoletane. Anno viii, Fascicolo iv, Napoli. 1445 BIBLE. Biblia Hebraica. Eorundem Latina interpretatio Xantis Pagnini Lucensis, recenter Benedicti Ariae Montani Hispal. et quorundam aliorum collato studio, ad Hebraicam dictionem diligentissime expensa. Accesserunt et huic editioni Libri Graece scripti, qui vocantur Apocryphi ; cum interlineari interpretatione Latina ex Bibliis Complutensibus petita : item Novum Testamentum Graece. Antverpiae (Chr. Plantini), 1584. Folio, calf. Rare. 1446 Biblia en dos colunas, Hebrayco y Espafiol. En la primera coluna el original Hebraico, con todas las perfecciones en las letras puntos y taamim, etc., en la segunda coluna la traduccion en la lengua Espanola, etc., Amsterdam, en casa y a costa de Joseph, Jacob, y Abraham Salomon Proops 5522 (1762). Folio, calf. This work concludes at Fin de los Libras de Palabras de los Dias. 1447 Biblia Hebraica, secundum ultimam editionem Jos. Athiae, a Johanne Leusden denuo recognitam, recensita, atque ad Masoram, et correctiores, Bom- bergi, Stephani, Plantini, aliorumque editiones, exquisite adornata, variisque notis illustrata, ab Everardo Van der Hooght. Editio nova, recognita, et emendata a Judah d'Allemand. Londini, 1825. 8vo, calf. 2 vols. 1448 Biblia Hebraica, secundum ultimam editionem Jos. Athiae, a Johanne Leusden denuo recognitam, recensita, atque ad Masoram. et correctiores, Bom- bergi, Stephani, Plantini, aliorumque editiones, exquisite adornata, variisque notis illustrata, ab Everardo van der Hooght. Editio nova, recognita, et emendata, a Judah d'Allemand. Londini, 1840. 8vo, calf. 1449 The Holy Bible in Hebrew and Polish-Hebrew in parallel columns, in the Hebrew and Rabbinical characters. Vienna, 1858. 410. 2 vols. 74 1450 BIBT.E. Psalter. The Book of Psalms in Hebrew with Notes in the Rabbinical character. Followed by Readings from H. Felipe for the days of the week. Wilna, 1819. Calf. 1451 DICTIONARY. Nutzliches Handlexicon der Jiidischen Sprache. Prag, 1773. 8vo, calf. (Hebrew-German.) 1452 A new Hebrew-English Lexicon. London, 1844. 8vo, calf. 1453 FURST (Julius). Hebriiisches und Chaldiiisches Schul-Worterbuch liber das Alte Testament ; von Dr. Julius Flirst. Leipzig: Tauchnitz, n.d. 8vo, half morocco. 1454 GESENIUS'S Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament Scriptures, trans- lated, with additions and corrections from the author's Thesaurus and other works, by Samuel Prideaux Tregelles. London, 1 846. 410, half calf. 1455 Hebrew Grammar, from the i4th German edition. Enlarged and improved by E. Rodiger. Translated by Benjamin Davies. With a Hebrew Reading Book, prepared by the translator. London, 1846. 410, half calf. 1456 GLAIRE (J.-B.). Principes de Grammaire hebraique et chaldaique, accompagn6s d'une Chrestomathie hebraique et chaldaique, avec une traduction frangaise et une analyse grammaticale, 3 e edition. Paris, 1843. 410. 1457 GRAMMAR. Gramadeg Hebraeg. Caerlleon, 1818. i2mo. (A Hebrew-Welsh Grammar.) 1458 HOLLCENDERSKI (Leon). Dictionnaire universel frangais-he'brew. i re Livraison. A Aller. Paris, 1872. 8vo. 1459 LAOUNDZ (Aid.).). Hebrew and Modern Greek Dictionary. Malta, 1842. 410, half morocco. 1460 LEXICON. Lexicon Hebraicum et Chaldaicum ; edidit Dr. E. F. Leopold. Leipzig, 1850. 8vo, half morocco. (Tauchnitz edition.) 1461 LUZZATTO (S. D.). Grammatica della Lingua Ebraica. Padova, 1853-69. 8vo. In parts. 1462 MAYER (J.). Ode pour ce'le'brer le jour immortel de 1'elevation de S.M. Napoleon a la dignite imperiale. Paris, 1804. (An xii.) 8vo. (In French and Hebrew.) 1463 MUNK (M. S.). Notice sur Abou'l-Walid Merwan Ibn-Djana'h et sur quelques autres grammairiens hebreux du x e et du xi e siecle. Suivi de 1'introduction du Kitab Al-Luma' D'Ibn-Djana'h en arabe avec une traduction francaise et des notes. Paris, 1851. 8vo, half morocco. 1464 PETERMANN (H.). Versuch einer hebraischen Formenlehre nach der Aussprache der heutigen Samaritaner, nebst einer darnach gebildeten Transscription der Genesis, etc. Leipzig, 1868. 8vo. From Abhandlungen fiir die Kunde des Morgenlandes. V. Band, No. I. 1465 PICK (Aaron). The Bible Student's Concordance ; by which the English reader may be enabled readily to ascertain the literal meaning of any word in the sacred original. London, 1845. 410. 1466 PRAYER BOOK (The Authorised Daily) of the United Hebrew Congregations of the British Empire. With a new translation by the Rev. S. Singer. London, 1890. 8vo. Presentation copy from the translator to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 1467 SARCHI (M.). Grammaire hobraique raisonnee et comparee. Paris, 1838. 8vo, half calf. 1468 SCHADAEUS (Elias). Oratio de linguae sanctae origine, progressu, et varia fortuna, ad nostrum usque saeculum. Argentorati, 1591. (Excusa, opera lodici Martini, typis et impensis autoris.) 8vo. Rare. 75 1469 SKBAG (Solomon). The Hebrew Primer and Reading Book. London, 1871. 8vo. 1470 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Hebrew New Testament in the Hebrew character. London, 1831. 8vo, calf. 1471 Another edition. London, 1844. 8vo, calf. 1472 THEFILA. A Jewish Prayer Book in the Hebrew character. Vienna, 1866. 8vo. Autograph presentation copy from H. Adler. 1473 TREGELLES (S. P.). Hebrew Reading Lessons. London, n.d. 8vo. 1474 WAGENSEILS (J. Ch.). Belehrung der Jiidisch-Teutschen Red-und Schreibart . . Das Talmudische Buch von dem Aussatz. Konigsberg, 1699. (Rhode.) With Plates. 410, half calf. PHOENICIAN. 1475 ALFABETO y Lengua de los Fenices y de sus Colonias. Madrid, 1772. 4to, calf. 1476 EWALD (H.). Abhandlung tiber die grosse karthagische und andere neuentdeckte phonikische Inschriften. Gottingen, 1864. 410. 1477 FORTIA (M. le Marquis de). Me"moire sur la langue phe'nicienne. Paris, 1830. C.-ARABIC GROUP-ARABIC PROPER. 1478 BIBLE. Biblia Arabica. In Arabic characters. London, 1831. 8vo, calf. 1479 CANES (Fray Franc.). Gramatica Arabigo-Espanola, vulgar, y literal. Con u n diccionario Arabigo-Espanol. Madrid, 1776. 410, calf. 1480 DOCUMENTOS Arabicos para a historia Portugueza copiados dos originaes da Torre do Tombo e vertidos em Portuguez por Fr. Jo3o de Sousa. Lisboa, 1790. 410, half morocco. 1481 FARIS EL-SHIDIAC. A Practical Grammar of the Arabic Language. London, 1856. 8vo. 1482 FREELAND (H. W.). Gleanings from the Arabic. London. 8vo. (From the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, vol. xv, part 12.) 1483 GAUGENGIGL (J.). (Probe-Exemplar.) Pasigraphisch Arabisches Worterbuch. (Bachmaier's System.) Miinchen, 1864. 10 pages. 1484 KEMPIS (Thos. a). The Imitation of Christ in Arabic characters. Beyrout, 1836. 8vo, half calf. 1485 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Gospels. Quatuor Evangelia, arabice et latine (studio Jo.-B. Raymundi). Florentiae, ex typographeo linguarum exhoticarum v. Kalend. Julii 1774. With Illustrations. Folio, calf. 1486 WESTON (Stephen). Remains of Arabic in the Spanish and Portuguese Languages. London, 1810. 8vo, calf. MALTESE. 1487 ABBECEDARIO MALTESE. Livorno, 1838. i2mo, half calf. 1488 RACCONTI facili e morali adattati alia capacita' dei piccoli fanciulli per imparare a leggere. (Tahdid hafif u morali.) Livorno, 1840. i2tno, half calf. 1489 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Quatuor Evangelia et Actus Apostolorum, juxta Vulgatam Romae A.D. 1592 editam : necnon eorundem versio Melitensis. Londini, 1829. 8vo, calf. 1490 VELLA (F.). Maltese Grammar for the use of the English. Leghorn, 1831. i2mo, half calf. ' 76 149 * VELLA (F.). Dizionario portatile delle lingue Maltese, Italians, Inglese. Livorno, 1843. 8vo, half calf. LANGUAGES OF SOUTH ARABIA AND ABYSSINIA-1. HIMYARITIC. 1492 BARGES (1'abbe). Termes Himyariques rapportes par un ecrivain arabe. Note communiquee au Journal Asiatique. Paris, 1850. izmo. 2. AMHARIC. 1493 D'ABBADIE (Antoine). Dictionnaire de la Langue Amarifina. (Actes de la Societe Philologique. Tome x.) Paris, 1 88 1. 8vo. 1494 TESTAMENTUM (Novum) in linguam Amharicam vertit Abu-Rumi Habessinus. Edidit Thomas Pell Platt. Londini, 1829. 410. II.-THE HAMITIC LANGUAGES-HAMITIC POLYGLOT. 1495 D'ABBADIE (Antoine). Notice sur les Langues de Kam. Paris, 1872. 8 pages. A.-EGYPTIAN GROUP-COPTIC. 1496 CLARKE (Hyde). Memoir on the Comparative grammar of Egyptian, Coptic and Ude. London, 1873. 1497 PEYRON (Amadeus). Lexicon Linguae Copticae. Taurini, 1835. 4to, half calf. 1498 RUDIMENTA linguae Coptae sive Aegyptiacae. Romae, 1778. 4to, half calf. B.-LIBYAN GROUP-BERBER. 1499 NEWMAN (Francis W.). A Grammar of the Berber language. (An extract.) 8vo. KABYLE. 1500 HANOTEAU (A.). Poe'sies populaires de la Kabylie du Jurjura. Texte Kabyle et traduction. Paris, 1867. 410. 1501 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). St Matthew. Ingil ne sidna ai'sa 1'masik' akken itsou Aktheb S'Arrasoul Matthieu. Alger, 1883. (First seven chapters of the Gospel of St. Matthew.) C.-ETHIOPIAN GROUP. 1502 BIBLE. Psalter. Psalterium Davidis ^thiopice. Londini, 1815. Folio, calf. 1503 D'ABBADIE (Antoine). Catalogue raisonne' de manuscrits Ethiopiens appartenant a Antoine d'Abbadie. Paris, 1859. 410, half morocco. 1504 Sur les Oromo, grande nation africaine, designee souvent sous le nom de Galla. (Extrait des Annales de la Societe scientifique de Bruxelles, 4 e annee, 1880.) 1505 HERMAE PASTOR. Aethiopice primum edidit et Aethiopica Latine vertit Antonius d'Abbadie. Leipzig, 1860. 8vo. (Abhandlungen der Deutschen morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, II Bd. No. i.) 1506 LUDOLFUS (Job). Historia ^thiopica, sive brevis et succincta descriptio Regni Habessinorum, quod vulg6 male Presbyteri Johannis vocatur. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1681. 4to, vellum, with Plates. (This fine work gives specimens of the language.) I have placed these works in the Hamitic division, though it may possibly turn out that some of them belong to the Semitic Group of Abyssinian languages. 77 III.-THE ARYAN LANGUAGES-ARYAN POLYGLOT AND GENERAL. 1507 ADAMUS (Daniel). Sylva quadrilinguis vocabulorum et phrasium Bohemicae, Latinae, Graecae et Germanicae linguae. Pragae, typis M. D. Adami a VVeles- lavina. Anno 1598. 8vo, vellum. This rare work is unknown to Brunei, and is not in the British Museum. 1508 ABC BOOK. Neu eroffnetes in hundert Sprachen bestehendes ABC Buch / oder Griindliche Anweisung / In welcher der zarten Jugend nicht allein in der Teutsch, Lateinisch, Frantzosisch, etc., sondern auch zu denen meisten Orientalis- chen Sprachen, deren Erkanntniss und Aussprache in kurtzer Zeit zu lernen, ein leichter Weg gezeiget wird. Leipzig, 1743. 8vo. This rare work, invaluable for the study of the alphabetical signs of languages, is not in the British Museum. 1509 ABRE'GE' des Verites chretiennes, ou les Principaux Mysteres de la Religion en 20 Langues. Orleans, 1842. izmo. 1510 ACS. (K.). Ungarische, deutsche, italienische, romanische (walachische), bomisch- slowakische und serbische Gesprache zu Hause und auf Reisen. Pest, 1859. 8vo, half morocco. 1511 ACTES DE LA SOCIETE' PHILOLOGIQUE. Vols. i to ix and vols. xi to xx. Paris and Alen5on. 8vo, in parts. 1512 ADAM (Lucien). Du Genre dans les diverses larigues. Paris, 1883. 1513 Les Idiomes Negro Aryen et Maleo-Aryen. Essai d'hybiidologie linguistique. Paris, 1883. 8vo. 1514 ADELUNG (Fr.). Catherinens der Grossen verdienste um die vergleichende Sprachenkunde. St. Petersburg, 1815. 410, half vellum. 1515 Uebersicht aller bekannten Sprachen und ihrer Dialekte. St. Petersburg, 1820. 8vo, half morocco. 1516 (J. Ch.). Mithridates oder allgemeine Sprachenkunde mit dem Vater Unser als Sprachprobe in bey nahe 500 Sprachen und Mundarten. Berlin, 1806- 1816. 8vo, morocco. 4 vols. 1517 ADLER (J. G. Ch.). Bibliotheca Biblica serenissimi Wurtenberg ensium ducis olim Lorckiana. Edita a Jacobo Georgio Christiano Adler. Altonae, 1787. 4to, calf. 1518 ALTER (F. C.). Philologisch-kritische Miscellaneen. Wien, 179.9. 8vo, calf. 1519 ANACREON. Odes d'Anacr^on. Edition polyglotte, publiee sous la direction de J. B. Monfalcon, M.D. Paris, 1835. 4to. 1520 ANTRIM (B. J.). Pantography, or Universal Drawings. Philadelphia, 1843. i2mo. 1521 ANZEIGER (Neuer) fur Bibliographic und Bibliothekwissenschaft. Herausgegeben von Dr. Julius Petzholdt. Dresden. For the years 1862 to 1870. 1522 ARCHIV fur das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literattiren. Eine Vierteljahr- schrift. Herausgegeben von L. Herrig und H. Viehoft. Elberfeld u Iserlohn und Braunschweig, 1846-1870. 8vo. The first 28 volumes are bound in half morocco, the remaining volumes are in parts in the original paper covers. 1523 ARENDT (Carl). Ausfiihrliches Sach-und Wortregister zur zweiten Auflage von Franz Bopp's vergleichender Grammatik des Sanskrit, Send, Armenischen, Griechischen, Lateinischen, Litauischen, Altslavischen, Gothischen und Deutschen bearbeited von Carl Arendt. Berlin, 1863. 8vo. 1524 ARGENSON (D 1 ). Carte des Langues parleys en Europe. Paris, 1848. In case. 1525 ARNDT (Chr. Gottlieb von). Uebnr den Ursprung und die verschiedenartige Ver- wandtschaft der Europaischen Sprachen. Herausgegeben von Dr. J. L. Kliibcr. Franklurt am Main, 1818. 8vo, half morocco. 78 1526 ARS MEMORIAE Latino-Danico-Germanica comprehendens usitatissima primitiva et derivativa una cum appendice grammaticae Germanicae et Danicae. Hauniae, n.d. Impensis Johannis Melchioris. 8vo, half calf. 1527 ASCOLI (Graziadio Isaia). Del Nesso Ario-Semitico. Lettera al professore Adal" berto Kuhn. (Estratto dal Politecnico, vol. xxi.) Milano, 1864. 8vo. 1528 The same. Lettera seconda. Milano, 1864. 8vo. !5 2 9 Di un gruppo di desinenze Indo-Europee. Presentata nella seduta del 1 6 Aprile, 1868, del R. Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere. Milano, 1868. 410. 1530 ASSIER (Adolphe d'). Essai de grammaire g6n6rale d'apres la comparaison des principales langues indo-europennes. Premiere Partie. Paris, 1861. 8vo. 1531 ATWELL (Henry). Table of the Aryan Languages. Printed by Breitkopf and Hartel. Leipzig. 1532 AZAIS (M. J.). Essai sur la formation et sur le developpement du langage des hommes. (Soci^te 1 arche"ologique de Beziers. Supplement a la huitieme livraison du Bulletin.) (Beziers), n.d. 8vo, half morocco. 1533 B. (B.). Recherche sur 1'origine de la ressemblance et de I'affinite' d'un grand nombre de mots qui se retrouvent dans le francais, le danois, 1'islandais, 1'anglais, 1'allemand, le latin, le grec et le Sanscrit, par B. B. Copenhague, 1866. 8vo. 1534 BACKER (Augustin et Alois de). Bibliotheque des Ecrivains de la Compagnie de Je'sus, ou, Notices bibliographiques i de tons les ouvrages publics par les membres de la Compagnie de Jsus, depuis la fondation de 1'Ordre jusqu'a nos jours; 2 des Apologies, des Controverses religieuses, des Critiques litteVaires et scientifiques suscites a leur sujet. Lie"ge, 1853-1859. 4to, half morocco. 5 vols. '535 (Augustin). Essai bibliographique sur le livre De Imitatione Chrisii. Lie"ge, 1864. 1536 BACMEISTER (Adolf). Alemannische Wanderungen. I. Ortsnamen der keltisch- romischen zeit. Slavische Siedlungen. Stuttgart, 1867. 8vo. 1537 BAECKER (Louis de). Des Nibelungen ; Saga MeVovingienne de la Ne"erlande. Paris, 1853. 8vo, half morocco. In this work the author deals with various Teutonic and Scandinavian tongues. 1538 Grammaire compared des Langues de la France. Flamand, Allemand, Celto-Breton, Basque, Provencal, Espagnol, Italien, Francais compares au Sanscrit. Paris, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. 1539 BAGLEY (George). A Guide to the Tongues, ancient and modern : being short and comprehensive Grammars of the English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Latin, Greek, Hebrew with the Arabic, Chaldaic, and Syriac Languages. Shrewsbury, 1804. 1540 BALBI (Adrien). Atlas ethnographique du globe, ou classification des peuples anciens et modernes, d'apres leurs langues ; precede d'un discours sur 1'utilite et 1'importance de 1'etude des langues, appliquee a plusieurs branches des connaissances humaines, etc., avec environ 700 vocabulaires des principaux idiomes connus. Paris, 1826. Folio, half morocco. The second volume never appeared. 1541 BALLHORN (Friedrich). Alphabete. Orientalischer und Occidentalischer Sprachen zum gebrauch fur Schriftsetzer und Correctoren. 5 Auflage. Leipzig, 1852. 410. 1542 Siebente vermehrte Auflage. Leipzig, 1856. 410. 1543 Achte vermehrte Auflage. Leipzig und London, 1859. 410. 79 1544 BARNARD (Samuel). A Polyglot Grammar of the Hebrew, Chaldee, Syriac, Greek, Latin, English, French, Italian, Spanish, and German Languages. Philadelphia, 1825. 4to, half vellum. 1545 BARNES (Wm.). A Philological Grammar, grounded upon English, and formed from a comparison of more than sixty Languages. London, 1854. i2mo. 1546 BARTH (J. A.). Pacis annis 1814 et 1815 foederatis armis restitutae monumenlum orbis terrarum de fortuna reduce gaudia gentium linguis interpretans principibus piis felicibus augustis populisque victoribus liberatoribus liberatis dicatum. Curante Johanne Augusto Barth. Vratislaviae, n.d. Folio, half vellum. This typographical curiosity is in 42 languages. The edition to which this copy belongs was, says Brunei, never put on the market. 1547 BASTIAN (A.). Das Bestiindige in den Menschenrassen und die Spielweite ihrer Veriinderlichkeit. Mil einer Karte von Prof. Kiepert. Berlin, 1868. 8vo. 1548 Sprachvergleichende Studien mit besonderer beriicksichtigung der Indo- chinesischen Sprachen. Leipzig, 1870. 8vo. 1549 BATTLE-DOOR (A) for Teachers and Professors to learn Singular and Plural, etc , etc. George Fox, John Stubs, Benjamin Furley, London, printed for Robert Wilson, 1660. Folio, calf. (A very curious work.) 1550 BAUDRY (F.). Grammaire comparee des langues classiques contenant la theorie eMementaire de la formation des Mots en Sanscrit, en Grec, et en Latin, avec references aux langues germaniques. I re Partie. Phonetique. Paris, 1868. 8vo. 1551 BEESBARDIS (Kaspar). Der Sprach-und Bildungskampf in den baltischen Provinzen Russlands. Bautzen, 1865. 1552 BEITRAGE zur Kunde der indogermanischen Sprachen, herausgegeben von Dr. A. Bezzenberger. 14 Band, I and II Heft. Gottingen, 1888. 8vo. *553 zur vergleichenden Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiete der Arischen, Celtis- chen und Slawischen Sprachen, herausgegeben von A. Kuhn und A. Schleicher. Erster Band. Berlin, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. Bandes ii, iii, iv, v, vi. Berlin, 1859-1870. 8vo, in parts. 1554 BELLENGER and others. Nouveau Guide de Conversations modernes en six Langues: Fran9ais, Anglais, Allemand, Italien, Espagnol, Portugais. Paris, 1846. 8vo, half vellum. J 55S Nouveau Guide de Conversations modernes en quatre Langues: Fran9ais, Italien, Espagnol, Portugais. Paris, 1846. 8 vo, half calf. 1556 Nouveau Guide de Conversations modernes en six Langues: Fran9ais, Anglais, Allemand, Russe, Polonais et Suedois. Berlin, 1854. 8vo. 1557 BENFEY (Theodor). Ueber einige Pluralbildungen des indogermanischen Verbum. Gottingen, 1867. 4to. 1558 Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft und orientalischen Philologiein Deutsch- land seit dem Anfange des 19 Jahrhunderts mit einem Ruckblick auf die friiheren Zeiten. Munchen, 1869. 8vo. 1559 BENLOEVV (L.). De 1'Accentuation dans les langues indo-europeennes tant anciennes que modernes. Paris, 1847. 8vo, half morocco. 1560 Recherches sur 1'origine des noms de nombre japhetiques et semitiques. Giessen, 1861. 8vo. !56i Precis d'une Theorie des Rhythmes. i re Partie: Rhythmes fran9ais et Rhythmes latins.' 2 me Partie : Rhythmes grecs. Paris, 1862-63. 8vo. 2 parts. 1562 Aper9u general de la science comparative des Langues. Paris, 1872. 8vo. 80 1563 BERGHAUS (H.). Ethnographische Karte vom Osterreich Kaiserstaat. Potsdam, 1849. In case. 1564 BERGIER. Les Elemens primitifs des Langues, decouverts par la comparaison des racines de 1'Hebreu avec celles du Grec, du Latin et du Francois. Besanson, 1837. 8vo, half morocco. 1565 BERGMANN (F. G.). Les Getes; ou, La Filiation genealogique des Scythes aux Getes et des Getes aux Germains et aux Scandinaves. Strasbourg et Paris, 1859. 8vo, half morocco. 1566 Resume d'etudes d'ontologie generale et de linguistique generale, ou, Essai sur la nature et 1'origine des etres, la pluralite des langues primitives et la formation de la matiere premiere des mots. Paris, 1869. 8vo. 1567 BERNOLA'K (Ant.). Slowar Slowenski, Cesko-Latinsko-Nemecko-Uherski ; seu, Lexicon Slavicum, Bohemico-Latino-Germanico-Ungaricum. Budae, 1825-27. 8vo, half calf. 6 vols. 1568 BERTRAND (Elie). Recherches sur les Langues anciennes et modernes de la Suisse, et principalement du Pays de Vaud. Geneve, 1758. 8vo,. half vellum. 1569 BESCHERELLE, Jeune. Les Cinq Langues, ou, Le franc.ais, 1'anglais, I'allemand, 1'espagnol et 1'italien veritablement paries en 60 Lemons. Paris, 1852. izmo, half morocco. 4 vols. 1570 BIBLIA Sacra, Ebraice, Chaldaice, Graece, Latine, Germanice, Sclavonice, studio et labore Eliae Hutteri. Noribergae, 1599. Folio, pp. 287, 851. Half calf. Of this edition only from Genesis to the end of Ruth was published. This copy contains only the Pentateuch. The edition consisted of four varieties, the last column being sometimes in French, Italian, German, or, as in this case, Slavonic. As the work is very rare it is extremely difficult to secure a specimen of each variety. The British Museum copy complete to the end of Ruth is described as a made-up copy, the 6th column being partly in French and partly in Italian and Low German. 1571 BIBLE. Biblia Pentapla, das ist : Die Biicher der Heiligen Schrift, des Alten und Neuen Testaments / nach Funf-facher deutscher Verdolmetschung / Als I. Der Rb'misch-Catholischen / durch Caspar Ulenberg. II. Der Evangelisch- Lutherischen/ durch Martin Luther. III. Der Evangelisch-Reformirten /durch Johann Piscator. IV. Der Jiidischen/im Alten Testament / des Joseph Athiae, und der Neuen /im Neuen Testament / durch Joh. Henrich Reitzen. V. Der Hollandischen / auf Verordnung der Herren General-Staaten. Gedruckt und verlegt durch Hermann Heinrich Holle. Hamburg, 1711, 1712, and the New Testament, 1710. 4to, morocco. 3 vols. 1572 Biblia Pentapla, das ist : Die Biicher der Heiligen Schrift, des Alten und Neuen Testaments, nach Funf-facher Deutscher Verdolmetschung. I. Der Romisch-Catho- lischen. II. Der Evangelisch-Lutherischen. III. Der Evangelisch-Reformirten. IV. Der Jiidischen im Alten Testament und Der Neuen im Neuen Testament. V. Der Hollandischen. Holstein, 1711-1712. The third volume bears " Wandes- beck bey Hamburg, 1710." 4to, calf. 3 vols. This copy is a fine specimen, having large margins, which have unfortunately been cut very close in the last work. 1573 Biblia Sacra Polyglotta textus archetypes versionesque praecipuas abecclesia antiquitus receptas necnon versiones recentiores Anglicanam, Germanicam, Italicam, Gallicam et Hispanicam complectentia. Accedunt prolegomena in textuum arche- typorum versionumque antiquarum crisin literalem auctore S. Lee, S. T. B. Londini (Bagster), 1831. Folio, morocco. For full information see British Museum Bible catalogue. Part I, p. II. 81 1574 BIBLE. Biblia Polyglotta. The Hexaglot Bible. Comprising the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments in the Original tongues, together with the Greek Septuagint, the Hebrew New Testament, the Latin Vulgate, the authorised English and German, and the most approved French versions. Published by Henry Cohn. London, 1856. 410. Parts i and 2. Genesis to Exodus xiii. 1575 The Psalter, or Psalms of David, etc. In French, English, and German, in parallel columns. London, 1851. 410, morocco. 1576 The Psalter, or Psalms of David, etc. In Italian, English, and Spanish, in parallel columns. London, n.d. 8vo, morocco. 1577 Canticle of Canticles. Paraprasis Caldayca, en los Cantares de Selomoh ; con el Texto Hebrayco, y Ladino, tradusida en lengua Espafiola. Impresso en Amsterdam. En casa, y acosta, de David Tartas. Anno 5443 (1683). 8vo, calf. 1578 Canticle of Canticles. Celtic Hexapla, being the Song of Solomon in all the living dialects of the Gaelic and Cambrian languages. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. London, 1858. 410. Only 250 copies printed, this being No. 7. 248 copies were numbered, two were left unnumbered. r 579 The Proverbs of Solomon in Hebrew, in Irish, and in English. Title-page wanting. i2mo. 1580 of every Land (The). A History of the Sacred Scriptures in every language and dialect into which translations have been made ; illustrated by specimen portions in native characters ; series of alphabets ; coloured ethnological maps, tables, indexes, etc. London, 1848. 410. 1581 A new edition, enlarged and enriched. London, 1860. 8vo, morocco. 1582 BIBLIOGRAPHIA ISTRIANA. Saggo di Bibliografia Istriana pubblicato a spese di una Societa Patria. Capodistria, 1864. 410. 1583 BIBLIOGRAPHIE (Allgemeine). Monatliches Verzejchniss der wichtigern neuen Erscheinungen der deutschen und auslandischen Literatur. Zusammengestellt von Paul Tromel. ist to 4th years. Leipzig, 1856-59. 8vo, half morocco. 4 vols. 1584 Monatliches Verzeichniss der wichtigern neuen Erscheinungen der deutschen und auslandischen Literatur. Herausgegeben von F. A. Brockhaus. Leipzig, 1860 to 1870. 1 5%S (Russische). H.W.Schmidt. Halle a/S. 1860. 12 numbers. 1586 The same for 1864, No. 4, the April number, wanting. 1587 Bibliographisches Central Organ des osterreichischen .Kaiserstaates. I. Jahrgang. Wien, 1859. 8vo, half morocco. 1588 BIBLIORUM Sacrorum exemplaria tarn manuscripta, quam impressa, quae in Biblio- thaeca Lindesiana adservantur. Romae, 1884. 410. 1589 BIBLIOTHECA Classica et Philologica. A Catalogue of Classics and works on Classical Literature and Antiquities published in Germany. For the years 1848 to 1858. In parts. Gottingen. 1590 Philologica oder Verzeichniss derjenigen Grammatiken, Worterbiicher, Chrestomathieen, Lesebiicher und anderer Werke, welche zum Studium der griech- ischen, lateinischen und orientalischen Sprachen gehoren, und vom Jahre 1750, zum Theil auch friiher, bis zur Mitte des Jahres 1839 in Deutschland und den angranzenden Landern erschienen sind. Zuerst herausgegeben von Theod. Christ. Friedr. Enslin. Neue ganzlichumgearbeitete zvveite auflage von Wilhelm Engel- mann. Leipzig, 1840. 8vo, half morocco. iijgi Dritte auflage. Herausgegeben von Wilhelm Engelmann. Leipzig, 1853. 4to, half morocco. 82 1592 BIBLIOTHEK der neueren Sprachen. Herausgegeben von Wilhelm Engelmann. Leipzig, 1842. 4to, half vellum. 1593 BIONDELLI (B.). Atlante linguistico d'Europa. Milano, 1841. 8vo, half vellum. 1594 The five sheets accompanying the above, in case. Milano, 1841. *595 Studii linguistics Milano, 1856. 8vo, half morocco. 1596 BLANTE (Spiridion). Greek-French-Italian Dictionary. Venice, 1816. 8vo, half calf. 1597 BLONDIN (J. N.). Grammaire polyglotte, francaise, latine, italienne, espagnole, portugaise et anglaise. Paris, 1826. 4to, half morocco. 1598 BOARD MAN (J.). A Vocabulary in the English, Latin, German, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese Languages. London, n.d. izmo, half morocco. 1599 BOBB (Joan.). Dictionariu Rumanesc, Lateinesc, si Unguresc. Clus, 1822-23. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. 1600 BOBR1K (Eduard). Allgemeines nautisches Worterbuch mit SacherkKirungen : deutsch ; englisch ; franzosisch ; spanisch ; portugiesisch ; italienisch ; schwedisch ; danisch; hollandisch. Zweite ausgabe. Leipzig, 1858. 4to. 1 60 1 BOCK (Carl Wilhelm). Analysis Verbi, oder Nachweisung der Entstehung der Formen des Zeitwortes fur Person, Tempus, etc. ; namentlich im Griechischen, Sanskrit, Lateinischen und Tiirkischen. Berlin, 1844. 8vo, half morocco. 1602 Verstehen und sprechen die neueren Volker ihre Sprachen noch richtig? oder Nachweisung der Entstehung und Bedeutung der Person-, Zeit-, Sprechweise-, Thatigkeits-, und Leidensformen der Verba, in den indo-germanischen und vorzugs- weise in den deutschen Sprachen. Berlin, 1846. 8vo. 1603 Erklarung des Baues der beriihmtesten und merkwiirdigsten alteren und neueren Sprachen Europa's, Asien's, Afrika's, Amerika's und der Siidsee-Inseln. Berlin, 1853. 8vo, half morocco. 1604 BOHN (H. G.). A Polyglot of Foreign Proverbs, comprising French, Italian, German, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese and Danish, with English translations. London, 1857. 8vo. 1605 BOHORIZH (Adamus). Arcticae horulae succisivae de Latino-Carniolana literatura, ad Latinae linguae analogiam accommodata, unde Moshoviticae, Rutenicae, Polonicae, Boemicae, et Lusaticae linguae, cum Dalmatica et Croatica cognatio facile deprehenditur ; cum tabulis ad Cyrilicam, et Glagoliticam, Rutenicam et Moshoviticam orthographiam. Witebergae, 1584. 8 vo, morocco. Very rare. 1606 BOLLER (Prof.). Die Consonanten-Erweichung. (Aus dem xii Bande der Sitzungs- berichte der phil.-hist. Cl. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. besonders abgedruckt.) 8vo. 1607 BOLTZ (Aug.). Die Sprache und ihr Leben. Populare Briefe uber Sprachwissen- schaft. Leipzig, 1868. 8vo. 1608 BONAPARTE (Prince L.-L.). Specimen lexici comparativi omnium linguarum Europaearum. Florentiae, 1847. Folio, crushed levant. (Exemplar unicum.) 1609 Philological Society. Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte's list of vowels and consonants, and identifications of European vowels, with examples. (Reprinted from pp. 1293-1307 and 1352-1357 of Alex. J. Ellis's Early English Pronunciation. 1610 Catalogue des Ouvrages de linguistique etirope'enne e'dite's par le Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte. Londres, 1858. 8vo, morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 1611 Deuxieme Catalogue des Ouvrages destines a faciliter 1'etude comparative des Langues europeennes, edites par le Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte. Londres, 1862. 8vo, morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 83 r 1612 BONIFAZJ (Filippo). Catalogo della Libreria dell' Em. Cardinale Giuseppe Mezzo- fanti compilato per ordine di lingue. Roma, 1851. 410, half morocco. 1613 BOOK OF FOUR LANGUAGES (The). Contains elegant extracts in Russian, German, French and English. St. Petersburg, 1796. 8vo, calf. 1614 BOPP (Franz). Vergleichende Grammatik des Sanskrit, zend, griechischen, lateinis- chen, litthauischen, gothischen und deutschen. Berlin, 1833. 410, morocco. 1615 - Zweite ausgabe. Berlin, 1857-1861. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. The third vol. is in two parts, in paper covers. 1616 - Dritte ausgabe. Berlin, 1868-71. 8vo. In five parts. 1617 - A comparative Grammar of the Sanscrit, Zend, Greek, Latin, Lithuanian, Gothic, German, and Sclavonic Languages. Translated from the German princi- pally by Lieut. Eastwick, M.R.A.S. London, 1845-50. 8vo, half morocco. 3 vols. 1618 - Die Kaukasischen Glieder des Indoeuropaischen Sprachstamms. Berlin, 1847. 4to. 1619 - Vergleichendes Accentuationssystem nebst einer gedriingten Darstellung der grammatischen Ubereinstimmungen des Sanskrit und griechischen. Berlin, 1854. 8vo, half morocco. 1620 BOSWORTH (Joseph). The Origin of the English, Germanic and Scandinavian Languages ; with a sketch of their early literature, and short chronological specimens of Anglo-Saxon, Friesic, Flemish, Dutch, German from the Moeso- Goths to the present time, Icelandic, Norwegian and Swedish ; with a Map of European Languages, etc. London, 1848. 410. 1621 BOURDONNE (M.). Atlas Etymologique et Polyglotte des Noms Propres les plus re'pandus. i e et 2 e livraisons. A et B. Paris, 1862. 1622 BOURGOING (Paul de). Carte ethnographique, historique et strate"gique des contre"es hongroises, slaves, moldo-valaques et allemandes de 1'Empire autrichien implique'es dans la guerre actuelle. Paris, seconde Edition, n.d. In case. 1623 BOUVET (L.). Comparaison entre le grec et le latin et i Les idiomes de la Belgique, flamand et luxembourgeois, wallon et frangais. 2 I'allemand, 1'anglais et le hollandais, ramene'es au Sanscrit. i re Partie. Manuel etymologique et com- paratif du grec et du latin. Gand, 1853. 4to. 1624 BOUZERAN (Jos.). Essai d'unite" linguistique. Chateauroux, n.d. Contains a vocabulary in five languages. 1625 BRANDRETH (E. L.). Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. The Gaurian compared with the Romance Languages. Part i. (London), 1879. Presentation copy from the author. By " Gaurian " the author refers to the Modern Aryan Languages of India. 1626 BREREWOOD (Edward). Enquiries touching the diversity of Languages and Reli- gions through the chief parts of the World. London. Printed by John Norton, for Joyce Norton and Richard Whitaker, at the Kings Armes in St. Paul's Church- yard, 1635. 4to, calf. Rare. j5 2 y - Recherches curieuses sur la diversite" des Langues et Religions en toutes les principales parties du Monde. Mise en frangois par J. de la Montagne. Saumur et Paris, 1663. 8vo, calf. Rare. Scrutinium Religionum et Linguarum. Editio novissima auctior et cor- rectior, cui summaria capitum accesserunt. Francofurti, 1679. i2mo, vellum. 1629 BRUCKE (Ernst). Untersuchungen iiber die Lautbildung und das natiirlich System der Sprachlaute. (Aus dem Marz-Hefte des Jahrg. 1849 der Sitzungsberichte der K. Akad. d. Wiss. besonders abgedruckt.) 8vo, 84 1630 BRUNET (Jacques-Charles). Manuel du Libraire et de 1'Amateur de Livres. Paris, 1842-44. Half calf. 5 vols. 4th edition. 1631 -- 5 e Edition. Paris, 1860-65. . 8vo. In twelve volumes, of which only the first is bound half morocco ; the others are in the original paper covers. 1632 BRUTZER(H.) and others. Worterbuch der Handels-und GeschJiftssprache. Deutsch, holliindisch, englisch, franzosisch, italienisch, spanisch nebst ausfiihrlichem waaren- verzeichniss und fiinf Sprachregistern. Stuttgart, 1867. 8vo. 1633 BRYON (T.). The Military, Naval, and Commercial Interpreter: English, French, Turkish, Russian, Tatar, Circassian, Arabic and Persian Vocabularies. London, 1856. i2mo. 1634 BUHSE (F. W. D.). Internationale -franzosisch -englisch -spanische- italienische- Grammatik fur Deutsche. Leipzig, 1867. 8vo. 3 vols. 1635 BULLEN (George). Catalogue of the Library of the British and Foreign Bible Society. London, 1857. 8vo. 1636 BULLETIN du Bibliophile, public" par Techener; avec notes de MM. Jacq.-Ch. Brunet, Chalon, Delmotte, G. Duplessis, etc., etc. ; et notices bibliographiques, philologiques et litteraires, par Ch. Nodier, 1834-56. Series i to xii. Paris. 8vo, half morocco. 21 vols. The remaining portion of this work, from 1857 to 1869, is in the original paper covers. 16 37 - du Bibliophile Beige, public" par F. Heussner, sous la direction de M. August Scheler. Bruxelles, 1855-65. 1638 - - du Bouquiniste, public" par Auguste Aubry. Paris, 1856-66. de l'Acade"mie Imperiale des Sciences de St. Pe"tersbourg. St. Petersbourg, 1859-88. 4to. 32 vols. In parts. 1640 - de la Classe des Sciences historiques, philologiques et politiques de 1'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de Saint-Petersbourg. No. 278. Tome xii, No. 14. 1641 - des Seances de la Societe Philologique redige par les Secretaires. Paris, 1880. 1642' BUNSEN, MEYER (C.) and MAX MULLER. Three linguistic dissertations read at the Meeting of the British Association in Oxford. London, 1848. 8vo, half calf. 1643 - (Chr. Ch. Josias). Outlines of the Philosophy of Universal History applied to Language and Religion. London, 1854. 8vo. 2 vols. 1644 BYRNE (James). General principles of the structure of Language. London, 1885. 8vo. 2 vols. 1645 CABINET de conversation en dix langues, ou choix de phrases pour la vie sociale en latin, italien, franc.ais, valaque, hongrois, allemand, anglais, russe, servien, et grec- moderne. Bucharest, 1840. 410. 1646 CALEPINUS (Ambr.). Ambrosii Calepini Dictionarium undecim Linguarum, etc. Respondent autem Latinis vocabulis, Hebraica, Graeca, Gallica, Italica, Germanica, Belgica, Hispanica, Polonica, Ungarica, Anglica. Basileae, per Sebastianum Hen- ricpetri : Anno salutis nostrae recuperatae 1605. 8vo, morocco. Brunei does not cite this fine edition of this celebrated Dictionary, but mentions one of Basel, 1590, containing the same languages. The original edition, Reggio, 1502, was in Latin only. 1647 CALISCH (N. S.). Nieuw Woordenboek der Nederduitsche, Fransche, Hoogduitsche en Engelsche. s'Gravenhage, 1854. 4to, half morocco. 1648 CALLAWAY (John). A vocabulary, with useful phrases and familiar dialogues, in the English, Portuguese, and Cingalese languages. Colombo, 1818. 410, 85 1649 CALLIGARIS (Louis). Le Compagnon de Tous, ou, Dictionnaire Polyglotte. Turin, 1 864-70. With the Supplement. 4to. In parts. 1650 CAMOES (Luiz de). Episodio de Ignez de Castro, extrahido do Canto Terceiro do Poema Epico Os Lusiadas. Edi9ao em quatorze linguas. Lisboa, 1873. With portrait. Autograph presentation copy to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte from M. d'Aulas. 1651 CANES (Francisco). Diccionario Espanol Latino- Arabigo. Madrid, 1787. 4to, half calf. 3 vols. 1652 CARMINA Linguis Exoticis in honorem Dei Pueri a tribus Magis adorati. Title-page \yanting. 410. The dedication runs as follows : Augusto Friderico Magnae Britanniae principi Georgii regis filio carmina linguis exoticis in honorem Dei Pueri a tribus Magis adorati in aula conlegii catholico nomini propagando quam praesentiae suae splendore honestavit ab alumnis idibus Januariis an. 1793 recitata .... dedicant. 1653 CASAUBON (Mericius). De quatuor linguis commentationis : Pars Prima : quae de lingua hebraica, et de lingua saxonica. Accesserunt Guilielmi Somneri ad verba vetera. Germanica Lipsiana notae. Londini, typis J. Flesher, sumptibus Rich. Mynne, 1650. 8vo, calf. The author, Isaac Casaubon's son, never finished the second part, which treated of the Greek and Latin languages. 1654 CASIMIR (St.). Hymnus S. Casimiris adbeatam Mariam semper Virginem Deiparem, multiplici lingua nunc primo impressus, et quidem Latina archetypi versionibus Italica, Hispanica, Gallica, Poloniaca, Hungarica, Graeca, et Germanica. Cum Horologio Mariano quatuordecim linguis impresso additis Melodiis pro Hymno et Horolog. Mar. Curante Dr. Dominic Mettenleitner. Ratisbonae, 1856. 8vo. 1655 CASTEL (Edmund). Sol Angliae oriens auspiciis Caroli II regum gloriosissimi. Londini, 1660. 4to. With fine portrait of Charles II at the age of 30. This rare work contains poems in honour of the King's Restoration, in the seven languages contained in the author's great Lexicon, with a Latin translation. 1656 CASTREN (Alexander). Lettre de M. Castre"n a M. Sjoegren. (Lu le 27 juin 1845.) Tire du Bulletin de la Classe hist.-phil. de 1'Academie des sciences de St. Petersbourg, Tome ii, No. 24. *657 An die Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. (Lu le 9 fe"vrier 1849.) A u s dem Bullet. hist.-phil. T. vi, No. 10. 1658 Kleinere Schriften. Im auftrage der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissen- schaften. Herausgegeben von Anton Schiefner. St. Petersburg, 1862. 8vo. 1659 CATALOGUE of editions of the Holy Scriptures and other Biblical works in the Library of the British and Foreign Bible Society. London, 1832. 8vo. ,660 de la Bibliotheque du Se"nat, 1868. Paris, 1868. 8vo. 1 66 1 des Livres de Fonds. (Ouvrages pour 1'etude des langues orientales et europe'ennes.) Paris (Maisonneuve & Cie.), 1866. 8vo. . 1662 CATALOGUS editionum quae prodierunt et librorum qui prostant in Romano Typo- grapheo S. Congregationis de Propaganda Fide socio administro eq. Petro Marietti typographo pontificio. Romae, 1867. 8vo. 1663 CATECHISM. Shorter Catechism, agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, in Hebrew, Samaritan, Greek and Latin, etc. New edition. Edinburgh, (Young), n.d. Calf. 1664 CHAMBERLAYNE (J.). Oratio Dominica in diversas omnium fere gentium linguas versa et propriis cujusque linguae characteribus expressa, una cum dissertationibus nonnullis de linguarum origine, variisque ipsarum permutationibus. Amstelaedami, 1715. 4to. To which is added, Dissertationes ex occasione sylloges orationum Domini- carum scriptae ad Joannem Chamberlaynium. (Edente D. Wilkins.) Amstelaedami, i"i5. 4to. calf. Very rare. 86 1 665 CHARENCEY (H. de). De la classification des langties et des ecoles de linguistique en Allemagne. (Sprachwissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, von H. Steinthal, Berlin, 1856.) (Extrait No. n de 1'Annee 1859 de la Revue Orientale et Americaine.) Paris, 1859. 1666 CHASLES (Philarete). De Teutonicis Latinisque linguis, seu quo nexu inter se olim cohaeseunt, et quid discriminis, per varia temporum et locorum spatia, incur- rerint; disquisitio. Parisiis, 1841. 8vo. 1667 CHAVEE (H.-J.). Lexiologie Indo-Europeenne, ou, Essai sur la science des mots Sanskrits, grecs, latins, frangais, lithuaniens, russes, allemands, anglais, etc.. Paris, 1849. 8vo, half vellum. 1668 CHRESTOMATHIE russe, allemande, franchise et anglaise a 1'usage des classes superieures. Recueilli des auteurs les plus celebres de ces quatre nations, par le Dr. J. H. Laurent de Vogel. St. Petersbourg, 1833. 8vo. 4 vols. in two. 1669 CLAVIGNY DE STE. HONORINE. Traite des Langues. Paris, 1672. 8vo, calf. 1670 CNAPIUS (Greg.). Thesaurus Polono-Latino-Graecus, seu, Promptuarium Linguae Latinae et Graecae. Tomus i. Cracoviae (typis et sumptu Francisci Caesarii), 1643. Folio, vellum. Very rare. 1671 COLLECTION PHILOLOGIQUE. Recueil de Travaux originaux ou traduits relatifs & la Philologie et tU'Histoire Litteraire. Nouvelle Serie. i re Fascicule: La Strati- fication du Langage, par Max Muller. La Chronologic dans la formation des Langues Indo-Europeennes, par G. Curtius. Paris, 1869. 8vo. 1672 Recueil de travaux originaux ou traduits relatifs a la Philologie et a 1'Histoire litteraire avec un Avant-propos de M. Michel Breal. i e Fasc. La Theorie de Darwin. De 1'importance du langage pour 1'histoire naturelle de 1'homme, par A. Schleicher. Paris, 1868. 8vo. 2 e Fasc. Dictionnaire des Doublets ou double formes de la langue fran9aise, par Auguste Brachet. Paris, 1868. 8vo. 3 e Fasc. De 1'Ordre des Mots dans les Langues anciennes comparees aux Langues modernes, par Henri Weil. Paris, 1869. 8vo. 7 e Fasc. Essai sur la langue basque, par Fr. Ribary, traduit du hongrois par J. Vinson. Paris, 1877. 8vo. 1673 COLLOQUIA SCHOLASTICA. A conversation book in Latin, Russian, Greek, French and German. Moscow, 1800. 8vo, half calf. 1674 COMENIUS (J.-A.). Janua linguarum reserata quinque linguis; sive, compendiosa methodus latinam, gallicam, italicam, hispanicam et germanicam linguam perdis- cendi. Amstelodami, (Elzevir), 1661. 8vo, vellum. First edition and very rare. 1675 Orbis visibilis in Latina, Ruthenica, Teutonica, Italica et Gallica linguis repraesentatus. Moscoviae, 1768. 8vo, calf. 1676 Orbis Pictus. Bohemice, Germanice, Latine et Gallice. Praze, 1845. 4to, half calf. 1677 CONFESSION (Die Augsburgische), deutsch, lateinisch, ehstnisch und lettisch zur Feier ihres dreihundertjahrigen Jubelgedachtnisses herausgegeben von der theo- logischen Fakultat der K. Universitat zu Dorpat. Dorpat, 1830. 4to, half morocco. 1678 CONSTANTINI Joanninensis (Georgii) dictionarium quatuor linguarum, Graecae scilicet literalis, Graecae vulgaris, Latinae atque Italicae. Venetiis, 1757. 4to, vellum. 1679 Another edition. Venetiis, 1 80 1. 4to, half calf. 1680 CORREAS (Gonzalo). Trilingue de tres artes de las tres lenguas Castellana, Latina, i Griega, todas en Romanze. Salamanca, (Antonia Ramirez), 1627. 8vo, calf. Antonio, vol. i, p. 554, says Correas was professor of Greek, Chaldaic and Hebrew in the University of Salamanca, and a most learned man. This work is not in the British Museum. 87 1 68 1 CORONA Pretiosa, la qual insegna la lingua Greca volgare e litterale, e la lingua Latina, il volgar Italico, con molta facilita e prestezza. Venezia, appresso Fr. Rampazetto, 1567. 8vo. Rare. 1682 CRINESIUS (Chr.). Discursus de Confusione Linguarum, turn Orientalium : Hebraicae, Chaldaicae, Syriacae, Scripturae Samariticae, Arabicae, Persicae, Aethiopicae ; turn Occidentalium, nempe, Graecae, Latinae, Italicae, Gallicae, Hispanicae, statuens Hebraicam omnium esse primam, et ipsissimam Matricem. Noribergae, (S. Halbmayeri), 1629. 410, calf. 1683 CURTIUS (Georg). Zur Chronologic der Indogermanischen Sprachforschung. (Des V Bandes der Abhandl. der philos.-hist. Cl. der K. Siichsischen Gesellschaft der Wiss. No. 3.) Leipzig, 1867. 8vo. 1684 CUST (R.)' Threskeiai kai Glossai tes Indias. Metaphrasis Spyridonos K. Papa- georgiou. Kerkyra, 1884. 8vo. Printed in the Greek character. Presentation copy to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 1685 Language as illustrated by Bible translation. With a Map of the World and a Table of Languages. London, 1886. 8vo. Presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 1686 CZOERNIG (Carl Freiherrn von). Die Vertheilung der Voelkerstaemme und deren Gruppen in der Oesterreichischen Monarchic (Sprachgraenzen und Sprachinseln) sammt einer Statistisch-Ethnographischen Uebersicht. Wien, 1856. 4to. 1687 DANET (Petrus). Nouveau grand dictionnaire de M. 1'Abbe" Danet, franc.ois, latin et polonois, enrichi des meilleurs Fran9ons de parler. Varsovie, 1743-45. Folio, calf. 2 vols. 1688 DANIEL OF MOSCOW. Lexikon tetraglosson. In Romaic, Rumanian, Bulgarian and Albanian ; with the addition of Christian Instructions and a General Educator in Romaic (Modern Greek). No town, 1802. 4to. (In Greek character.) 1689 DASYPODIUS (Petrus). Dasypodius Catholicus, hoc est, Dictionarium Latino- Germanico-Polonicum, Germanico-Latinum, et Polono-Latino-Germanicum, olim quidem a Petro Dasypodio adornatum, sed post in Academia Coloniensi refor- matum. Dantisci, (A. Hiinefeldii), 1642. 410, calf. This work contains the signature of Anquetil Duperron. 1690 DELATRE (Luigi). Saggi Linguistic!. Firenze, 1873. 8vo. 1691 DELFORTRIE (E.-J.). M6moire sur les analogies des langues flamande, allemande et anglaise, ou, E'tude compare'e de ces Idiomes. Bruxelles, 1858. 410, half morocco. 1692 DfiNINA (1'abbe). Sur les causes de la difference des langues. (Nouv. Me"m. 1783.) 16 93 Supplement aux M^moires sur les causes de la difference des langues et sur 1'origine de la langue allemande. (Nouv. Me"m. 1785.) 1694 Sur le caractere des langues et particulierement des modernes. (Nouv. Mem. 1785.) !6 9 5 Suite des observations sur la difference des langues et leur origine. (Nouv. Mem. 1786.) 1696 Sur 1'origine commune des langues allemande, esclavonne, ou polonoise et latine ; et sur 1'origine de la langue italienne. (Nouv. Mem. 1794 et 1795.) 1697 Comment la langue angloise s'est formee de la celtique et anglo-saxonne, puis de la langue latine et gauloise. (Mem. 1796.) These are extracts from Me"moires de 1'Acad. Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres. Berlin. 4to. 1698 DENINA (Ch.). La Clef des Langues, ou, Observations sur 1'origine et la formation des principales langues qu'on parle et qu'on ecrit en Europe. Berlin, 1804. 8vo, half morocco. 3 vols. in one. 88 1699 DENIS DE THRACE, sa grammaire tir6e de deux manuscrits arm^niens de la Bibliotheque du roi ; publie'e en grec, en arme'nien et en frangais ; pr6c6d6e de con- siderations generates sur la formation progressive de la science glossologique chez les anciens, et de quelques details historiques sur Denis, sur son ouvrage et sur ses commentateurs, par Cirbied. Paris, 1830. 4to, half. morocco. (Extrait du vi e vol. des Memoires de la Societe des antiquaries de France, 1824.) 1700 DENIS (F.), PINgON (P.) et DE MARTONNE. Nouveau Manuel de Bibliographie universelle. Paris, 1857. 8vo. (Encyclopedie-Roret.) 1701 DERODE (V.). Considerations sur les lois de la progression des langues. (Extrait des Memoires de la Societe royale des Sciences, de 1'Agriculture et des Arts, de Lille.) Lille, 1840. 8vo, half morocco. With Maps. 1702 DESCHAMPS (P.). Supplement au Manuel du Libraire. Dictionnaire de Ge"o- graphie ancienne et moderne a 1'usage du Libraire et de 1'Amateur de Livres. Par un Bibliophile. Paris. (Specimen of the work.) 1703 et BRUNET (G.). Manuel du Libraire et de 1'Amateur de Livres. Supplement contenant i Un Complement du Dictionnaire Bibliographique de M. J.-Ch. Brunet; 2 La Table raisonn^e des Articles au nombre d'environ 10,000, decrits au present supplement. Paris, 1880. 8vo. 2 vols. 1704 DE VERE (M. Schele). Outlines of Comparative Philology, with a sketch of the Languages of Europe, arranged upon philologic principles ; and a brief history of the art of writing. New York, 1853. izmo. 1705 DIALOGUES. Spanish-French-Basque dialogues. (Title and some other pages wanting.) 1706 usuels et familiers en quatre langues: grec-moderne, franc.ais, anglais et italien. Athenes, 1858. i6mo, half morocco. 1707 DICCIONARIO coloquios, o Dialogos en quatro lenguas, Flamenco, Frances, Espanol y Italiano. Bruxelles, 1624. 8vo, vellum. 1708 manual Griego-Latino-Espanol, dispuesto por los'PP. Escolapios. Madrid, 1859. 410. 1709 DICTIONNAIRE (Le grand) et Tresor de trois Langues francois, flameng et espaignol avec tous les noms des Royaumes, Villes and lieux du Monde. Antwerpen, (Caes. Joachim Trognesius), 1640. 4to, half calf. 1710 roman, walon, celtique et tudesque, par un Religieux Benedictin de la Congregation de S. Vannes. Bouillon, 1777. 4to, calf. 1711 (Nouveau), frangois, italien, allemand, latin et russe. Moscou, 1784-87. 4to, half calf. 2 vols. 1712 polonois, allemand et frangois. Breslau, 1805. 8vo. 1713 (Nouveau), russe-francais-allemand compose et augmente d'apres le diction- naire de 1'Academie russe. St. Petersbourg, 1813. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. 1714 frangais-allemand-anglais. Ouvrage complet. Leipzig, 1835. 8vo, half vellum. 1715 polonais-franQais-russe redige d'apres les dictionnaires de Linde, de 1'Academie russe et de 1'Academie francaise, augmente des termes techniques dans les diverses branches des Sciences et des Arts par une Societe des Gens de Lettres. Vilna, 1858. 410. 3 vols. 1716 DICTIONARY. El grande dictionario y thcsoro de las Ires lenguas, Espaiiola, Francesa, y Flamenca, con todos los nombres de los Reynos, Ciudades y lugares del Mundo. Hantwerpen, (Caes. Joachim Trognesius), 1639. 4to, half calf. 89 1717 DICTIONARY. Quadrilingue Dictionarium ; videlicet, Bohemo-Germanico-Latino Graecum ; una cum Phrasibus, seu Linguae Latinae elegantiis, ex probatissimis authoribus collectis. Pragae, 1683. 8vo, calf. 1718 A Dictionary in six languages: Russian, Greek, Latin, French, German, English. St. Petersburg, 1763. 8vo, calf. 1719 A French-German-Latin-Russian Dictionary. St. Petersburg, the third volume has the date 1764. 8vo, half calf. 4 vols. 1720 German-Latin-Russian Dictionary. St. Petersburg, 1782. 410, calf. The title is in Russian. The Dictionary is preceded by a treatise in German on the Russian tongue. 1721 A complete Dictionary English-German-French. Leipzig, 1835. 8vo, half vellum. 1722 Svensk, Finsk och Tysk Tolk. Helsingfors, 1847. 4to. 1723 A new English-Dutch-German-French; French-Dutch-German-English; German -Dutch-French-English ; and Dutch-French-German-English Dictionary; composed by a Society of Men of Letters. Paris, 1848. 410, half morocco. 4 vols. 1724 Technologisches Worterbuch in deutscher, franzosischer und englischer Sprache. Mit einem Vorworte von Dr. Karl Karmarsch. Vol. iii, part 4. Lame to zoochimie. Wiesbaden, 1867. 4to. J 7 2 S A French-German-Latin-Russian Dictionary. No title-page, and otherwise defective. 8vo. 1726 A French-German-Latin-Russian Dictionary from Gaban to the end of Z. The first part with title-page wanting. 8vo, calf. 1727 Universal Dictionary of the English, French, Italian and German Languages. Arranged after a new system. Berlin, n.d. 8vo. 1728 Worterbuch der polnischen, franzosischen und deutschen Sprache. Grimma, n.d. 8vo, half morocco. 1729 DIEFENBACH (Dr. Lorenz). Vorschule der Volkerkunde und der Bildungs- geschichte. Frankfurt a/M., 1864. 8vo. 1730 Volkerkunde Osteuropas, insbesondere der Haemoshalbinsel und der unteren Donaugebiete. fl Band. Darmstadt, 1880. 8vo. In two parts. 1731 DIEZMANN (J. A.). 'A Complete Pocket Dictionary of the four principal languages of Europe: English, German, French, Italian. Leipzig, 1836-46. 8vo, half morocco. 5 vols. 1732 DORN (B.). Ueber die Verwandtschaft des persischen, germanischen, und griechish- lateinischen Sprachstammes. Hamburg, 1827. 4to, half morocco. 1733 DRECHSLER (Moritz). Grundlegung zur wissenschaftlichen Konstruction des gesammten Worter-und Formenschatzes, zuniichst der Semitischen, versuchsweise und in Grundziigen auch der Indo-Germanischen Sprachen. Erlangen, 1830. 8vo. 1734 DROU1N (E. A.). Dictionnaire 'compare" des langues fransaise, italienne, espagnole, latine, allemande, anglaise, grecque, he'brai'que et arabe ramene'es a leur unite primitive et naturelle. Caen, 1 866. 410. 1735 DUNTZER (H.). Die Deklination der indogermanischen Sprachen nach Bedeutung und Form cntwickelt. Koln, 1839. 8vo, half morocco. 1736 DURET (Claude). Thresor de 1'histoire des langues de cest univers. (Public par Pyramus de Candole.) Yverdon, imprimerie d la Societe Helvetiale Caldoresque, 1619. 4to, calf. 90 ;737 DURHEIM (Carl Jakob). Schweizerisches Pflanzen-Idiotikon. Ein Worterbuch von Pflanzenbenennungen in den verschiedenen Mundarten der deutschen, franzosischen und italienischen Schweiz, nebst deren lateinischen, franzosischen und deutschen Namen. Bern, 1856. 4to, half morocco. 1738 DUPLESSIS (M. G.-). Bibliographic Pare"miologique. Etudes bibliographiques et litte'raires sur les ouvrages, fragmens d'ouvrages et opuscules specialemcnt consacres aux proverbes dans toutes les Langues. Paris, 1847. 8vo, half morocco. 1739 DWIGHT (Benjamin W.). Modern Philology; its discoveries, history and influence, with Maps, Tabular Views, and an Index. New York, 1859. 8vo. 1740 Second Series. New York, 1864. 8vo. 1741 First Series. Third edition, revised and corrected. New York, 1865. 8vo. 1742 EBERT (Friedrich Adolf). Allgemeines bibliographisches Lexikon. Leipzig, 1821-30. 4to, calf. 2 vols. in one. 1743 ECCARD (J. G.). Historia studii etymologici Linguae Germanicae. Hanoverae, 1711. 8vo, vellum. Brunei does not mention this work among Eccard's. 1744 EGGER (E.). Notions e"lementaires de Grammaire compared pour servir d l'e"tude des trois langues classiques. 4eme Edition. Paris, 1854-55. i2mo, half morocco. 1745 Memoires d'histoire ancienne et de philologie. Paris, 1863. 8vo. 1746 EICHHOFF (F. G.). Parallele des langues de 1'Europe et de 1'Inde, e"tude des principales langues romanes, germaniques, slavonnes et celtiques comparers entre elles et a la langue sanscrite. Paris, 1836. 4to, half vellum. 1747 Vergleichung der Sprachen von Europa und Indien. Aus dem Franzosischen mit alphabetischen verzeichnissen der vergleichenen Lateinischen und Griechischen Worter begleitet und durch einige die Deutsche Sprache betreffende etymologische angaben vermehrt von J. H. Kaltschmidt. Leipzig, 1840. 410, half vellum. 1748 Grammaire ge'ne'rale indo-europe"enne, ou, Comparaison des langues grecque, latine, fran9aise, gothique, allemande, anglaise et russe entre elles et avec le Sanscrit. Paris, 1867. 8vo. 1749 EIMELE (Fr.). Ny Handbok for Samtalsofningar i Franska, Tyska, och Svenska Sprficken. Stockholm, 1853. 8 vo, half calf. (Manual for Conversations in French, German, and Swedish.) 1750 EINLEITUNG. Fassliche Anleitung zur Aussprache der in dem Werke enthaltenen zehn Sprachen. No date and place of publication. 8vo, half vellum. 1751 ELKANE (J. M.). Nowa Metoda nauczenia sie latwym sposobem pierwszych zasad Jezyk6w Polskiego, Rossyjskiego, Francuzkiego i Niemieckiego. Warszawa, 1850. izmo, half calf. (New method of learning Polish, Russian, French, and German.) 1752 ELLIS (Alex. J.). An Appendix to the Manual of Phonography, or writing by sound ; containing the application of the system to Foreign Languages. London and Bath, 1 844. 1753 Universal writing and printing with ordinary letters for the use of mission- aries, comparative philologists, linguists, and phonologists. Edinburgh and London, 1856. 410. 1754 (Robert). Contributions to the Ethnography of Italy and Greece. London, 1858. 8vo. (With a vocabulary of English, Armenian, and Albanian words, and the comparison of various Etruscan terms with Greek, Persian, Sanscrit, etc.) 1755 ELLISSEN (A.). Versuch einer Polyglotte der europaischen Poesie. Leipzig, 1846. 8vo, half morocco. 91 1756 EMLEKLAPaz 1860 e"vbol. Pest, 1 86 1. Folio. 1757 ENGEL (And.). Dictionnaire militaire-technique fransais-allemand-anglais-russe. In parts. A Clou a tete plate. St. Pe*tersbourg, 1863-1868. 8vo. 1758 EPITHALAMIA exoticis lingnis reddita in nuptias Caroli Emmanuelis Ferdinand! subalpinae Galliae principis, etc. Parmae, (Bodoni), 1775. Folio, calf. With very fine illustrations. 1759 ESCHMANN (Gustavus). Ad linguae Germanicae historiam symbolae. Quaestiones grammaticae. Bonnae, 1856. 1760 ESSAI de Traduction interlineaire des cinq langues, hollandaise, allemande, danoise, suedoise et hebrai'que. Paris, 1802. 8vo, half vellum. 1761 EUROPAEUS (D. E. D.). Komparativ framstallning af de finsk-ungerska sprakens rakneord, till bevis for Ungrarnes stamforvandtskap med Finnarne, och den indo- germaniska folkstammens urforvandtskap med den finsk-ungerska. Helsingfors, 1853. 410. 1762 FABER (J.). Synglosse oder Grundsatze der Sprachforschung. Karlsruhe, 1826. 8vo, half calf. 1763 FARRAR (F. W.). Chapters on Language. London, 1865. 8vo. 1764 Families of Speech. Four Lectures delivered before the Royal Institution of Great Britain, in March 1869. London, 1870. 8vo. 1765 FAULKNER (Alex.). A Dictionary of Commercial Terms, with their synonyms in various languages. Bombay, 1856. 1 21110, half calf. 1766 FERGUSON (Robert). The Teutonic Name-System applied to the Family Names of France, England and Germany. London, 1864. 410. 1707 FERRAR (W. H.). A Comparative Grammar of Sanskrit, Greek and Latin. London, 1869. 8vo. (Only vol. i.) 1768 FICK (F. C. A.). Worterbuch der Indogermanischen Grundsprache in ihrem Bestande vor de Volkertrennung. Mit einem Vorwort von Prof. Dr. Th. Benfey. Gottingen, 1868. 8vo. 1769 The same. Second (enlarged) edition, under the title of Vergleichendes Worterbuch der Indogermanischen Sprachen. Gottengen, 1870-71. 8vo. (Parts iii. and iv. only.) 1770 FONTANUS (Balth. And.). Dictionarii quadrilinguis, Latino-Germano-Polonico- Graeci. Editio quarta, multis in locis correcta, etc. Excussa anno 1624. Prostat in nobilis Dantisci Bibliopolio Balthasar Andraano. 4to, vellum. This work is not in the British Museum. 1771 FORSTER and others. Nouveau Guide de Conversatipns modernes, en polonais, fransais, allemand et anglais. Berlin. 1855. izmo. 1772 FOX (Wm. Buckley). A Dictionary in the Ceylon-Portuguese, Singhalese and English Languages. Colombo, 1819. 4to. Autograph presentation copy from the Rev. Robert Newstead to Mr. James Fison. 1773 FRANCESCONI (Felice). Anthologie universelle. Studj linguistici per via d'esempj paralleli in 24 lingue. I. Praga, 1860. 8vo. 1774 FREESE (Joao Henrique). Elementos de conversa9ao nas linguas Portugueza, Ingleza, Franceza e Allemaa. Rio de Janeiro, 1843. 410, half morocco. 1775 FRIJLINK (H.). Woordenboek voor de spelling en uitspraak van vreemde eigen- namen. Uitspraakleer der voornaamste Europesche Talen. Tweede Uitgave. Amsterdam, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. 1776 FROHLICH (R. A.). Historisch-ethnographisch-statislisch Erliiuterungen zur neuesten National-und Sprachenkarte des osterreichischen Kaiserstaates. Wien, 1849. 8vo, half morocco. 1777 FRONDES SILVUL/E: the Salford Catholic Grammar School Magazine. Vol. ii. Nos. 33 and 35, for June and December 1887. Salford, published at the School, 1887. (With Jubilee Odes in various languages.) 1778 FRY (Edmund). Pantographia : containing accurate copies of all the known alphabets in the world to which are added specimens of all well-authenticated oral languages. London, 1799. 8vo, half calf. This work also contains the Lord's Prayer in many tongues. 1779 GAAL (G. von). Spriichworterbuch in sechs Sprachen, deutsch, englisch, latein, italienisch, franzosisch und ungrisch. Wien, 1830. 8vo, half vellum. 1780 GABELENTZ (H. C. von der). Uber das Passivum. Eine sprachvergleichende Abhandlung. Leipzig, 1860. 8vo. 1781 GAILER (I. E.) Neuer Orbis pictus fur die Jugend, oder, Schauplatz der Natur, der Kunst und des Menschenlebens in 322 lithographirten Abbildungen mit genauer Erklarung in deutscher, lateinischer, franzosischer und englischer Sprache, etc. 5 e auflage-. Reutlingen, 1842. 8vo. 1782 GARNETT (Richard). The Philological Essays of the late Rev. Richard Garnett of the British Museum. Edited by his son. London, 1859. 8vo. 1783 GEISLER (Guilelmus). De literaturae phoneticae origine atque indole disseruit tabulis literas veterum Semitarum Indorum Graecorum Italorum Himjaritarum Normannorum Anglosaxonum Ulfilae scripturam cuneatam Iranicam exhibentibus illustravit G. G. Editio altera emendation Berolini, 1858. 4to. 1784 GELENIUS (Sigismundus). Lexicum symphonum quo quatuor linguarum Europae familiarium, Graecae scilicet, Latinae, Germanicae ac Sclavinicae concordia con- sonantiaque indicatur. Basileae, (Frobenius), 1537. 4 to< Very rare. Brunei says this is one of the oldest vocabularies of the Slavonic tongue. 1785 GERSON (Jean). De 1'Imitation de Notre-Seigneur Jesus-Christ. Traduite en ffancais, en grec, en anglais, en allemand, en italien, en espagnol et en portugais ; texte latin en regard. Precede'es d'etudes sur 1'Imitation de Jesus-Christ, d'un Essai sur 1'auteur de ce livre, et d'une notice bibliographique. Publiee sous la direction de J.-B. Monfalcon. Lyon, 1841. 410. 1786 GESNERUS (Conr.). Mithridates. De differentiis linguarum turn veterum turn quae hodie apud diversas nationes in toto orbe terraru in usu sunt, observationes. Tiguri, (Froschoverus), 1555. 8vo, vellum. 1787 Mithridates Gesneri, exprimens differentias Linguarum, turn veterum, turn quae hodie, per totum terrarum orbem, in usu sunt. Caspar Waserus recensuit et libello commentario illustravit. Editio altera. Tiguri, (Zurich), 1610. 8vo, calf. 1788 GIGER (Johann). Vergleichende Sprachlehre der deutschen, franzosischen, italien- ischen und englischen Sprache. Dissentis, 1842. 8vo, half morocco. 1789 GILCHRIST (James). Philosophic Etymology; or, Rational Grammar. London, 1816. 8vo, half morocco. 1790 GLOSSARY. English and Foreign Mining Glossary. London, 1860. i2mo. 1791 GOEZE (Johann Melchior). Verzeichnis seiner Samlung seltener und merkwiirdiger Bibeln in verschiedenen Sprachen mit kritischen und literarischen Anmerkungen Halle, 1777. 4to, calf. 93 179 2 GOLD MANN (G. A. F.). Commentatio qua trinarum linguarum Vasconum, Belgarum et Celtarum, quarum reliquiae in linguis Vasconica, Cymry et Galic supersunt, discrimen et diversa cujusque indoles docetur, in certamine literario civium Academiae Georgiae Augustae Die iv, Junii 1807, ab amplissimo philosophorum ordine praemio ornata. Gottingae. 4to, half calf. 1793 GRAESSE (Jean George The'odore). Tre'sor de livres rares et pre"cieux, ou nouveau dictionnaire bibliographique. Dresde, Geneve, Londres et Paris, 1859-69. 410. From A to Fyfe (Andrew) bound in two volumes, half morocco ; the rest of the work is in parts in the original paper covers. 1794 GRAMMATOGRAPHY. A Manual of Reference to the Alphabets of Ancient and Modern Languages, based on the German compilation of F. Ballhorn. London, 1 86 1. 4to. 1795 GRASSERIE (R. de la). Eludes de Grammaire compared. Des relations grammati- cales conside're'es dans leur concept et dans leur expression ou de la categoric des cas. Paris, 1890. 8vo. 1796 GRAVISI. Sprachenatlas. No title-page. Half calf. 1797 GRIMM (Jacob). Diphthonge nach weggefallnen consonanten. (Gelesen in der Akad. d. wiss. am n december, 1845). Philos.-histor. Kl. 1845. 4to. (An extract.) 1798 tiber die Namen des Donners. Eine Akademische Abhandlung vorgelesen am 12 Mai 1853. Berlin, 1855. 410. ijgg Von Vertretung miinnlicher durch weibliche Namens-formen. Berlin, 1858. 410. 1800 GRUNDBERG (L.). Universal terminologisch-medicinisches Lexicon in der lateinis- chen, deutschen und russischen Sprache. Berlin, 1840-42. 8vo, half morocco. 4 vols. in two. 1801 GUIDE to Russian, French, English, and German Conversation. Leipzig and St. Petersburg, 1847. i8mo, half calf. 1802 HACK (J.). Die vergleichende Sprachmethode. Eine Anleitung zum gleichzeitigen Unterrichte in mehreren Sprachen. Frankfurt am Main, 1865. 8vo. 1803 HAHNIUS (Sim.-Frid.). Collectio monumentorum veterum ac recentium ineditorum antiquitates, geographiam, historiam omnem, etc. illustrantium. Brunswigae, 1724. 8vo, vellum. 2 vols. 1804 HALDEMAN (S. S.). Report on the present state of our knowledge of linguistic ethnology, made to the American Association for the advancement of Science, August, 1856. Cambridge, 1856. 20 pages. 1 805 HAMAKER (H. A.). Akademische Voorlezingen over het nut en de belangrijkheid der grammatische vergelijking van het Grieksch, het Latijn en de Germaansche tongvallen met het Sanskrit. Leyden, 1835. 8vo, half morocco. 1806 HANDBUCH (Bibliographisches) der philologischen Literatur der Deutschen von der Mitte des Achtzehnten Jahrhunderts bis auf die neueste Zeit. Nach Johann Samuel Ersch in systematischer Ordnung bearbeitet und mil den nothigen Registern versehen von Dr. Christian Anton Geissler. Dritte auflage. Leipzig, 1845. 8vo, half morocco. 1807 HANKY (V.). Polyglotta Kralodvorskeho Rukopisu. Praze, 1852. i2mo, half vellum. Translations in various languages of the Manuscript of the Queen's Court ; a collection of old Bohemian lyrico-epic Songs ; and other ancient Bohemian Poems. Hanky discovered the MS., which is of the 1 3th century, in 1817. 1808 HAYNE (Thomas). Linguarum cognatio; seu, De Linguis in genere, et de variarum linguarum harmonist dissertatio. Londini, 1639. 8vo. 94 1809 HEHN (Victor). Kulturpflanzen und Hausthiere in ihrem iibergang atis Asien nach Griechenland und Italien sowie in das Ubrige Europa. Berlin, 1870. 8vo. 1810 HEINSIUS (Wilhelm). Allgemeines Biicher-Lexikon oder vollstandiges Alpha- betisches Verzeichniss der von 1700 bis zu Ende 1810 erschienenen Biicher, welche in Deutschland und in den durch Sprache und Literatur damit verwandten Landern gedruckt worden sind. Erster Band, A F. Leipzig, 1812. 4-to, half morocco. 1811 HELFENSTEIN (J.). A Comparative Grammar of the Teutonic Languages. London, 1870. 8vo. 1812 HELFFERICH (A.). Turan und Iran. Ueber die Entstehung der Schriftsprache. Frankfurt a/M., 1868. 8vo. 1813 HENLEY (John). The Compleat Linguist; or, An Universal Grammar of all the considerable Tongues in "Being. London, 1719. 4to, calf. 7 Nos. in one vol. 1814 HENOP (Ph.). Leitfaden zur Literatur-Geschichte sammtlicher neueren europaischen Volker mit Ausschluss des deutschen. Basel, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. 1815 HENSELIUS (Godofr.). Synopsis universae philologiae, in qua mira unitas et harmonia linguarum totius orbis terrartim occulta, e litterarum, syllabarum, vocum- que natura et recessibus eruitur; cum grammatica linguarum orient, harmonica synoptice tractata, nee non descriptione orbis terr. quoad linguarum situm et pro- pagationem, mappisque geographico-polyglottis. Norimbergae, 1741. 8vo, half vellum. 1816 HEPPIUS (J. M.). Parallelismus et convenientia xii linguarum, ex matrice Scytho- Celtica Europae a Japheti posteris vindicaturum. Wittebergse, 1697. 4to. 1817 HERMES (F.). Uber das grammatische Genus. Berlin, 1851. 4to. 1818 HERVAS (Lorenzo). Catalogo delle Lingue conosciute e notizia della loro affinita, e diversita. Cesena, 1784. 4to. 1819 Idea dell' universo che contiene la storia della vita dell' uomo, elementi cosmografici, viaggio estatico al mondo planetario, e storia della terra, e delle lingue. Cesena, 1784-87. Vols. xvii, xviii, xix, xx and xxi, bound together. 4to, morocco. Vols. xvii, xviii, xx and xxi deal with languages. Vol. xix contains Aritmetica delle nazioni, etc. The rest of the work up to vol. xvii is wanting. This work is rare. 1820 Origine, formazione, meccanismo, ed armonia degl' idiomi. Cesena, 1785. 4to. 1821 Aritmetica delle Nazioni e divisione del tempo fra 1'Orientali. Cesena, 1786. 410. (Defective.) 1822 Catalogo de las lenguas de las naciones conocidas, y numeraci6n, divisi6n, y clases de estas segun la diversidad de sus idiomas y dialectos. Madrid, 1800-5. 4to, morocco. 6 vols. in three. 1823 HEYM (J.). Neues vollstandiges Worterbuch. Erste Abtheilung welche das Deutsch-Russisch-Franzosische Worterbuch enthalt. Moscow, 1796. 4to, half morocco. Two parts in one volume. 1824. Nouveau dictionnaire Russe-Fran^ois et Allemand, compose" d'apres le dictionnaire de I'Acade'mie Russe. Moscow, 1799. 4to, half morocco. Two parts in one volume. 1825 HOEFER (Albert). Beitrage zur Etymologic und vergleichenden Grammatik der Hauptsprachen des Indogermanischen Stammes. Zur Lautlehre. Sprachwisscn- schaftliche Untersuchungen. Berlin, 1839. 8vo, half morocco. 1826 HOMILIES. A Polyglot collection of Homilies, unbound. 95 1827 HONORES funebres que hizo el Real Consexo de Navarra a la piadosa memoria del Rey N. S. Philippo IV el Grae. Dedicalos al Exc. S. Duq. des German Virey, y Capitan General de Navarra y Guipuzcoa D. Joachin Fr. D'Aguirre y Alava, Cavallero del Ord de Sant. Colegial Mayor de Santa . En Pamplona por Caspar Martinez, Afio 1666. 410, vellum. 1828 HORATIUS FLACCUS (Quintus). CEuvres completes d'Horace, traduites en Franais et en prose par J. B. Monfalcon ; en vers Espagnols par Burgos ; en vers Italiens par Gargallo ; en vers Anglais par Francis ; en vers Allemands par Wieland et Voss (texte Latin en regard) ; pre"ce"d6es de 1'histoire de la vie et des ouvrages d'Horace, etc. ; et suivies de traductions en vers Franie. Bruxelles, 1854. 8vo, half morocco. 2825 BIBLIOTHECA BELGICA. Trente anne"es de la littdrature beige. Catalogue general des principales publications beiges, depuis 1830 jusqu'a 1860. Bruxelles, 1861. 410. 2826 BIBLIOTHEQUE de 1'Ecole des Charles, ist Series of 5 vols. Paris, 1839-44. 8vo. 2827 Second Series of 5 vols., with Table of Contents to the first 10 vols. 1844-49. 8vo. 2828 Third Series of 5 vols. 1849-54. 8vo. 2829 Fourth Series of 5 vols. 1855-59. 8vo. All bound in half morocco. Series 5 and 6 are in 8 vols. in the original" paper covers, 4 vols. to each Series. Paris, 1860-67. 8vo. 2830 de 1'E'cole des Hautes E'tudes, publioe sous les auspices du Ministere de 1'Instruction Publique. (Sciences Philologiques et Historiques.) (2 e fascicule.) E'tudes sur les Pagi de la Gaule, avec deux Cartes, par Aug. Longnon. Paris, 1869. 8vo. 2831 Notes critiques sur Colluthus, par Ed. Tournier. Paris, 1870. 8vo. (3* fascicule.) 2832 Nouvel essai sur la formation du pluriel brise en Arabe. Par Stanislas Guyard. Paris, 1870. 8vo. (4 e fascicule.) 2833 Anciens glossaires romans, corriges et expliques par Frederic Diez. Traduit par Alfred Bauer. Paris, 1870. 8vo. (5 fascicule.) 148 2834- BIOGRAPHIE universelle, ancienne et moderne. Ouvrage redige par une Societe dc Gens de Lettres et de Savants. Paris, 1811 to 1862. 8vo. 85 vols. All bound in half calf except the last 4 vols. , which are in the original paper covers. 2835 nouvelle des contemporaines, ou, Dictionnaire historique et raisonne de tous les hommes qui, depuis la Revolution francaise, ont acquis de la celebrite par leurs actions, leurs ecrits, leurs erreurs ou leurs crimes, soit en France, soit dans les pays etrangers. Par MM. A. V. Arnault, A. Jay, E. Jouy, J. Norvins, et autres. Paris, 1820-25. 8vo, half calf. 20 vols. 2836 portative universelle, suivie d'une table chronologique et alphabetique ou se trouvent repartis en 54 classes les noms mentionnes dans 1'ouvrage. Par L. Lalanne, L. Renier, etc. Paris, 1844. i2mo, half calf. 2837 generate (Nouvelle) depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a nos jours. Publiee par Firmin Didot freres sous la direction de M. Hoefer. Tome xlv. Paris, 1866. 8vo, half calf. 2838 BLONDIN (J.-N.). Manuel de la purete du langage. Paris, 1823. 8vo, calf. 2839 BOCK (Baron de). Essai sur 1'histoire du Sabeisme, auquel on a joint un Catechisme, qui contient les principaux dogmes de la religion des Druses. Metz, 1788. i2mo, calf. Two parts in one vol. 2840 BOINVILLIERS (J. E. J. F.). Petit vocabulaire comparatif du bon et du mauvais langage. Paris, 1829. 8vo, half morocco. 2841 BOISJOSLIN (J. de). Les peuples de la France. Paris, 1878. izmo. 2842 BOISTE (P. C. V.). Dictionnaire universel de la langue fran9aise, avec le latin et 1'etymologie. II e edition ; revue, etc., par Charles Nodier et Louis Barre. Paris, 1843. 410, half calf. 2843 BORCHGRAVE (E'mile de). Histoire des colonies beiges qui s'e"tablirent en Allemagne pendant le xii e et le xiii e siecle. Bruxelles, 1865. 4to. 2844 BOREL (P.). Tresor de recherches et antiquitez gauloises et francoises, reduites en ordre alphabetique. Paris, 1655. 4to, calf. 2845 BORROW (G.). La Bible en Espagne. Traduit de 1'Anglais sur la 3 e edition. Paris, 1845. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. 2846 BOUE' (A.). La Turquie d'Europe. Paris, 1840. 8vo. With Map. 4 vols. 2847 BOUILLET (M.-N.). Dictionnaire universel d'histoire et de geographic. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1859. 8vo, half morocco. 2848 BOULLIER (Aug.). Essai sur 1'histoire de la civilisation en Italic. Paris, 1864. 8vo. 2 vols. 2849 BOURDEAU (F.-J.). Manuel de geographic historique ancienne Gascogne et Beam. Paris, 1 86 1. 8vo. Tome i. 2850 BOURGOING (Paul de). Les guerres d'idiomes et de nationality Tableaux, esquisses et souvenirs d'histoire contemporaine. Paris, 1849. 8vo, half vellum. 2851 Aper$us nouveaux de politique Internationale. Paris, 1852. 8vo. 2852 Carte ethnographique, historique et strate"gique du Danemark, de ses pro- vinces danoises et des duche"s de Slesvig et de Holstein. Paris, n.d. Seconde Edition. In case. 2853 BOUZERAN (J.). Methode naturelle applique"e aux langues mortes, pour faciliter et abr^ger les etudes. Cambrai, 1833. 410. Uncut. 2854 Essai d'Unite linguistique raisonne'e, ou de la Philosophic du Verbe dans la Trinite" Catholique. Agen, 1847. 8vo. 149 2855 BRACKET (Aug.). Grammaire historique de la langue frai^aise. Paris, 1867. i2mo. 2856 Grammaire historique de la langue fran?aise. Avec une PreTace par E. Littre". 2 me edition. Paris, no date. i2mo. z8 57 Dictionnaire eiymologique de la langue fran?aise. Avec une Preface par E'mile Egger. Paris, 1868. i2mo. 2858 BREAL (Michel). De la forme et de la fonction des mots. Le9on faite au College de France pour la reouverture du cours de grammaire compared. Paris, 1866. Autograph presentation copy to the French Minister of Public Instruction. 2859 BRILL (W. G.). Kritische Aanmerkingen over de Fransche Spraakkunst. Leiden, 1856. 8vo, half morocco. 2860 BRUNET (Gustave). Les E'vangiles apocryphes, traduits et annotes d'apres I'^dition de J. C. Thilo. Deuxieme Edition augmented. Paris, 1863. i2mo. 2861 Curiosites bibliographiques et artistiques. Livres, Manuscrits et Gravures, qui, en vente publique, ont depasses le prix de mille francs, Tableaux payes plus de cinquante mille francs. Geneve, 1867. 8vo. 2862 BULLETIN des Sciences historiques, antiquites, philologie. 7 e Section du Bulletin Universel des Sciences et de 1'Industrie, public" sous la direction de M. le B on De Ferussac. Paris, 1824-31. 8vo, half calf. 19 vols. 2863 de la Societe des Sciences, Lettres et Arts de Pau. 1841-2-3. Pau. Articles de linguistique. 8vo, half morocco. 2864 du comite flamand de France. Tome i, 1857-59. Dunkirk, 1860. 8vo. 2865 The same. Nos. i, 7, 8, 9, and n of tome ii, 1860-61. Lille and Dunkirk. 2866 de 1'institut gyptien. Troisieme Se>ie. No. i. Le Caire, 1891. 8vo. 2867 CAETANO DE LIMA (Luiz). Grammatica Franceza, ou, Arte para aprender o Francez por meyo da lingua Portugueza. Lisboa, 1755. 8vo, calf. 2868 CANTIQUES spirituels des Missions des Pretres se"culiers, a 1'usage du diocese de Frejus. Marseille, 1783. i2mo, calf. 2869 CARPENTIER (N.-J.). Dictionnaire du bon langage. 2 me edition. Bruxelles, n.d. 8vo. 2870 Another edition. Liege, 1860. 8vo. 2871 CARTE ethnographique historique et stratgique des contre"es hongroises, slaves, moldo-valaques et allemandes de I'Empire autrichien implique'es dans la guerre actuelle. By Longuet. Paris, n.d. Folded in cardboard case. 2872 CATALOGUE annuel de la librairie fran9aise Public" par Ch. Reinwald. Paris, 1859-68. 8vo. i o vols. 2873 general de la librairie franchise pendant 25 ans (1840-65). Re'dige' par Otto Lorenz. Paris, 1866-71. 8vo. 16 vols. 2874 CATE'CHISME a 1'usage du diocese de Cambrai, public par S.E. le Cardinal Giraud, Archeveque de Cambrai. Lille, 1852. 121110. 2875 CAVANAGH (M.). La decouverte de la science des langues. Traduit de 1'anglais. Paris, 1844. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. in one. 2876 CE'NAC-MONCAUT (J.). Voyage archeologique et historique dans 1'ancien coml6 de Comminges et dans celui des Quatre-Vallees. Tarbes, 1856. 410. (With numerous plates.) 2877 Voyage archeologique et historique dans J'ancien royaume de Navarre. Tarbes et Paris, 1857. 410. 150 2878 CE'NAC-MONCAUT (J.). Voyage archeologique et historique dans ie pays basque, le Labour et le Guypuscoa. Tarbes et Paris, 1857. 410. 2879 Histoire des peuples et des etats Pyreneens (France et Espagne) depuis 1'epoque celtiberienne jusqu'a nos jours. 2 e edition. Ornee de 55 gravures. Paris, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. 5 vols. 2880 CHABANEAU (C.). Histoire et theorie de la conjugaison franchise. Paris, 1868. 410. 2881 CHAHO (J. Augustin). Voyage en Navarre pendant 1'insurrection des Basques. (1830-35.) Avec portraits et costumes. Paris, 1836. 8vo, half morocco. 2882 Biarritz entre les Pyrenees et 1'Ocean. Itineraire pittoresque. Bayonne, n.d. i2mo, morocco. 2 vols. 2883 CHAIX (N.). Nouveau guide a Londres, dans ses environs, en Angleterre, en E'cosse, en Irlande. Paris. i2mo. 2884 CHAMPFLEURY. Chansons populaires des provinces de France. Accompagne- ment de piano par J. B. Wekerlin. Avec illustrations. Paris, 1860. 4to, half morocco. 2885 CHAMPOLLION-FIGEAC (M.). Dissertation sur 1'etymologie. Paris, n.d. (Extrait du Dictionnaire elymohgique de la langue f ran foise, par B. De Roquefort.) 2886 CHANSONS populaires du Canada recueillies et publie'es avec annotations, etc. Par Ernest Gagnon. Quebec, 1865. 8vo, morocco. (With the airs.) 2887 CHARENCEY (H. de). Des Ages ou Soleils d'apres la mythologie des peuples de la Nouvelle-Espagne. Madrid, 1883. 8vo. 2888 De 1'unite d'origine du genre humain. Examen critique de 1'ouvrage de MM. Nott et Gliddon. (Types of Mankind.) Versailles, n d. 2889 Une legende cosmogonique. Havre, 1884. 8vo. 2890 CHARRASSIN (F.). Dictionnaire des racines et derives de la langue franchise. Paris, 1842. 410, half calf. 2891 CHASSEUR BIBLIOGRAPHE (Le). Paris, 1862 et 1863. (A periodical.) 2892 CHAVE'E (H.). La part des femmes dans 1'enseignement de la langue maternelle. Paris, 1859. i2mo, half morocco. 2893 Moise et les langues, ou, demonstration par la linguistique de la pluralite originelle des races humaines. Paris. (Extrait de La Revue.) 8vo. 2894 CLEMENT (K. J.). Der Franzos und seine Sprache. Frankfurt am Main, 1848. 8vo, half morocco. 2895 COETLOGON (Alfred de). Les Fueros Basques. (Extrait du Museon.) Louvain, no date. 8vo. 2896 COLLECTION des inventaires-sommaires des archives communales anterieures a 1790, publie'e par ordre de S.E. M. le Comte de Persigny. Paris, 1863. 410. 2 vols. 2897 COMEDY. The following Comedies bound together: i. Les Rojouissances de Lille. Lille, 1781. 2. La Chercheuse d'Esprit, par M. Favart. Paris, 1772. 3. Alexis et Justine, par M. de Monvel. Paris, 1785. 2898 COMPLE'MENT du dictionnaire de 1' Academic fran9aise. Paris, 1842. 410, half calf. 2899 CONCORDANCE des Saintes E'critures, precedee des analyses chronologiqties de 1'Ancien et du Nouveau Testament. Paris, 1844. 8vo. 2900 E'dition nouvelle et corrigee. Paris, 1856. 8vo. is! 2901 CONTOPOULOS (N. et K.). Ollendorfou Methodos. Ephermosmene eis ten Galhken Glossan kai didaskousa to lalein kai graphein authen en diastemati ex menon. Smyrna, 1857. 410, half morocco. OllendorfFs method to learn French in the Greek character. 2902 COSTON (le B n - de). Origine, etymologie et signification des noms propres et des armoiries. Paris, 1867. 8vo. 2903 E'tudes etymologiques. (Extrait du Journal de Montelimar.) Montelimar, n.d. 2904 COTGRAVE (Randle). A Dictionarie of the French and English Tongues. London, printed by Adam Islip, anno 1611. S. folio, calf. Brunei does not mention this work. 2 95 A French and English Dictionary composed by Mr. Randle Cotgrave, with another in English and French. Together with a large Grammar, etc. This work is exposed to publick by James Howell, Esq. London, 1673. 410, calf. 2906 COURRIER DE BAYONNE (Le). Bayonne, 1881. (Some odd numbers of this periodical.) 2907 COURROUVE dit FOLD (L.). Notice sur l'Athene"e Polyglotte, Agence Universelle, Fondee en 1850. Paris, 1861. 2908 COURSON (Aurelien de). Cartulaire de 1'Abbaye de Redon en Bretagne. (Collection de Documents inedits sur 1'histoire de France.) With Map and Plates. Paris, 1863. 410. Author's presentation copy. 2909 La Bretagne du v e au xii e siecle. Paris, 1863. 4to. 2910 COURT DE GEBELIN. Histoire naturelle de la Parole, ou, Grammaire Universelle. Avec un discours preliminaire et des notes, par M. le Comte Lanjuinais. Paris, 1816. 8vo, half morocco. 2911 COXE (W.). Voyage en Suisse et chez les Grisons. Traduit de 1'Anglois. Lausanne, 1790. i2mo, calf. 2912 CRAPELET (G. A.). De 1'etat actuel de la langue francaise. Paris, 1828. 2913 CUVIER (Le baron). Le Regne Animal distribue d'apres son organisation pour servir de base a 1'histoire naturelle des animaux et d'introduction a 1'anatomie com- pare"e. 3 e edition, avec figures dessinees d'apres nature. Bruxelles, 1836. 4to. 2914 D'ABBADIE (Antoine). Geodesic d'Ethiopie, ou, Triangulation d'une partie de la Haute E'thiopie e"xecutee selon des methodes nouvelles. Avec n Cartes et 10 Planches. Paris, 1873. 4to. 2915 Exploration de TAfrique E'quatoriale. "Credo" d'un vieux voyageur. Rome, 1884. 8vo. 2916 Geographic de 1'E'thiopie : ce que j'ai entendu faisant suite a ce que j'ai vu. i re volume. Paris, 1890. 8vo. 2917 DANIS (Alf.). La Lyre du Nord. Recueil de Chansons. Sommaires des i re , 2 me et 3 me livraisons. Lille, n.d. 2918 DARTTEY (M.). Recherches sur 1'origine des peuples du nord et de 1'occident de 1'Europe. Paris, 1839. 8vo. 2919 DASCONAGUERRE (J.-B.). Les E'chos du Pas de Roland. Traduit du Basque. Paris, 1867. i2mo. 2920 Les E'chos du Pas de Roland in manuscript, dedicated to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte, illustrated with photographs and containing the originals of various approbationary letters. 1868. Morocco. 2 g2i Les E'chos du Pas de Roland. Paris. Lithograph copy, with Basque photographs. 152 2922 DEBUIRE DU BUG (L.). Histoire d'une Canette. Poeme familier. Paris, 1861. 2923 DEFOE (D.). Aventures de Robinson Crusoe. (Exercises d'e"criture phonetique.) Paris, 1854. 8vo, half morocco. 2924 DELATRE (Louis). La langue frangaise dans ses rapports avec le Sanscrit, et avec les autres langues indo-europ6ennes. Paris, 1854.. 410, half morocco. Only the first volume of this work. 2925 DELESSERT (Ed.). Six semaines dans 1'IIe de Sardaigne. Paris, 1855. izmo. 2926 DELORMEL. Projet d'une langue universelle, presente a la Convention nationale, par le citoyen Delormel. Paris. An 3. 29 Z7 DER1BIER DE CHEISSAC (M.). Description statistique du departement de la Haute-Loire. Paris, 1824. 8vo, half calf. 2928 DERODE (Victor). Histoire de Lille et de la Flandre wallonne. Lille, 1848. 8vo, half calf. 4 vols. (With plans and plates). 2929 - Linguistique. Considerations sur les lois de la progression des langues. 8vo, half vellum. (Extract from a larger work.) 2930 D'ESCAYRAC DE LAUTURE (le C te ). Grammaire du Tetegraphe. Paris, 1862. 8vo. 2931 DESGRANGES (J.-C.-L.-P.). Petit dictionnaire du Peuple, a 1'usage des quatre- cinquiemes de la France. Paris, 1821. 121110. 2932 DESMARAIS (1'abbe Regnier). Traite de la grammaire fran9oise. Paris, 1705. 4to, calf. 2933 DESMAREST (Ernest). L'Archipel des iles normandes. Par Theodore Le Cerf. Extrait du numero du 15 avril 1863 de la Critique Francaise. Paris, 1863. 12 pages. 2934 DES RE'AUX (Peter Christian). Grammaire pour enseigner aux jeunes gens les prin- cipes de la langue francoise. Gotheborg, 1782. 8vo, half calf. This Grammar is in Swedish. 2935 DES ROCHES. Fransche Spraekkunst. (Translated into Flemish by P.-I. De Bal.) Gent, 1842. 8vo, half calf. 2936 DESSALLES. Review of Gustave Pallet's Recherchcs sur les fornm grammaticales de la langue frangaise et de ses dialectes au X.II* siecle. (Extract from the Journal de la Langue franchise.) Paris, 1839. 8vo. 2937 D'HALLOY (J. J. D'Omalius). Des races humaines, ou, elements d'ethnographie. Paris et Strasbourg, 1845. 8vo, half calf. 2938 D'HEILLY (G.). Dictionnaire des pseudonymes. Paris, 1868. i2mo. Only a few copies printed. 2939 DICTIONNAIRE neologique a 1'usage des beaux-esprits du siecle, avec 1'eloge historique de Pantalon-Phoebus. 7 e edition. Amsterdam et Leipzig, 1756. 8vo. 2940 universel francois et latin, vulgairement appele Dictionnaire de Trevoux. Paris, 1771. 4to, calf. 8 vols. Seventh and last edition of this valuable work. 2941 d'anecdotes suisses, ou, Recueil de traits curieux sur les Suisses, et sur le pays, etc. Orne de vignettes. Paris, 1823. i2mo, calf. 2942 de 1'Academie fran9aise. 6 e edition. Paris, 1835. 410, half calf. 2 vols. 2943 de 1'Academie francaise. 7 e edition. Paris, 1878. 410. 2 vols. 2944 universel des synonymes de la langue franchise, contenant les Synonymes de Girard et ceux de Beauzee, Roubeaud, D'Alembert, Diderot, etc. Nouvelle edition. Mons, 1838. i2mo, half calf. 2945 historique de la langue fran9aise. Publie par 1' Academic fran9aise. Tomes i et ii. (A air.) Paris, 1858-82. 410. In parts. 153 2946 DICTIONNAIRE topographique du departement des Basses-Pyrenees. Paris, 1863. 4to. 2947 DIDOT^(Ambroise Firmin). Observations sur 1'orthographe fransaise, suivies d'un expose historique des opinions et systemeo sur ce sujet depuis 1527 jusqu'a nos jours. Paris, 1867. 8vo. 2948 Second edition. Paris, 1868. 8vo. On thick paper. Autograph presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 2949 Another copy of the 2nd edition. On ordinary paper. 2950 D'lHARCE (M.). Erreurs populaires sur la medecine. Paris, 1783. 12 mo, calf. 2951 D'IRISSON (Maurice). La reforme des humanites. Lettre a MM. les Membres de 1'Assemblee Nationale. Paris, 1872. Autograph presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 2952 DOMENECH (1'abbe Em.). La verite sur le livre des sauvages. Paris, 1 86 1. 8vo. 2953 DUBB (P. J. C.). Handbok i Franska Spraket och Litteraturen for Skolan, Akademien och Hemmet. Lund, 1853. 8vo, half morocco. 2954 DUBNER (Fred.). La routine en France dans I'enseignement classique au 19* siecle . Paris, 1858. Parts i and 2. 2955 DUCHINSKI (F.-H.). Peuples Aryas et Tourans, agriculteurs et nomades. Necessita des reformes dans 1'exposition de 1'histoire des peuples Aryas-Europe"ens et Tourans, particulierement des Slaves et des Moscovites. Paris, 1864. 8vo. 2956 DU FOURC (P.). Les principes generaux de la grammaire frai^aise, a 1'usage des Hollandais. Amsterdam, 1721. 8vo. (Fine frontispiece plate.) 2957 DURAND (F. C.). Mestre Francez, ou, Novo Methodo para aprender com e ainda sem Mestre, a Lingua Francesa por meio da Portugueza. Paris et Rio de Janeiro, 1836. 410. 2958 DURUY (V.). Rapport & Sa Majeste 1'Emperetix sur 1'enseignemcnt superieur 1865-68. Imprimerie Imperiale, 1868. 410. 2959 DU TREMBLAY (Frain). Traite des langues. Amsterdam, 1709. With frontispiece. i2mo. Rare. 2960 DUVOISIN (C.). Cambo et ses Alentours. Bayonne, 1858. 8vo. 2961 EGGER (M.). Observations sur un precede de derivation tres-frequent dans la langue franchise et dans les autres idiomes neo-latins. Paris, 1864. 4to. 2962 EKRITUR FONETIK. Tabld de LSktur. Paris, 1852. Half calf. A Phonetic reading book. 2963 ESQUISSE historique sur les langues, considerees dans leurs rapports avec la civilisation et la liberte des peuples. Par un Beige. Bruxelles, 1817. 8vo. 2964 ESSAI synthetique sur 1'origine et la formation des langues. Paris, 1774. 8vo. 2965 ESTIENE (Henri). Traicte de la conformite du language franc.ois avec le grec, divise en trois livres; avec une preface remonstrant quelque partie du desordre et abus qui se commet aujourdhuy en 1'usage de la langue fransoise. En ce traicte sont decouverts quelques secrets tant de la langue grecque que de la franchise ; duquel 1'auteur et imprimeur est Henri Estiene, fils de feu Robert Estiene. (No date and place, but with H. Estiene's mark.) 8vo, morocco. (The first edition of this curious work.) Brunei says it was printed at Geneva not later than 1565. 154 2966 FACETIES ANTI-JESU1TIQUES. The following are the works contained in this curious collection : 1 Les Macarienes, Poeme en vers gascons. Nankin, (Macarony), 1763. izmo. 2 Remerciemen dous Matelots de Semmacari, a Messius dou Parlemen. 3 Compliment des Habitans de Sarcelles a 1'Archeveque de Paris, dit Vintimille. 4 Les Habitans de Sarcelles au sujet de la Constitution Unigenitus (z e Harangue). 5 Compliment inespere des Sarcellois a M. de Vent ***. 6 Troisieme Harangue des Habitans de Sarcelles. Aix, 1732. i2mo. 7 La Bibliotheque des Damnes. Par M. de Grecourt. 8 Philotanus. Par M. de Grecourt. Avec les Notes. 9 Remonstrances des Habitans de Sarcelles au Roy. 10 Harangue des Habitans de Sarcelles au Roy. Aix, 1733. izmo. 11 Histoire veritable. 1731. 12 Lucifer dedomage. 13 Mandement du Dieu Momus au sujet des Miracles de M. de Paris. 14 Catechisme en vers selon la morale pratique de Jesuites, etc. 15 Les nouveaux Appelans. Nouvelles de 1'autre monde. 2 e edition. 1732. Calf. 2967 FAUTES de langage corrigees, ou, Dialogue entre Mr. P. et Mile. R. Neuchatel, 1829-32. 8vo. 2 e edition. Half morocco. 2968 FE'LIBRIGE LATIN (Le). Revue mensuelle desCEuvres et des Fails qui interessent le Felibrige et ses diverses Maintenances, publiee sous la direction de M. Roque- Ferrier. Tome ii. In parts Montpellier, 1891. 2969 FELINE (A.). Dictionnaire de la prononciation de la langue franchise, indiquee au moyen de caracteres phonetiques. Paris, 1851. 8vo, half morocco. 2970 FE'NE'LON (F. de S. de la Mothe). Les Aventures de Telemaque, fils d'Ulysse. Portrait. Paris, 1841. i2mo, half vellum. 2971 FE'RAUD (1'abbe). Dictionnaire critique de la langue fran9aise. Marseille, 1787-88. 4to, calf. 3 vols. 2972 FERRIERE (Hector de la). La Normandie a 1'etranger. Documents inedits relatifs a Thistoire de Normandie tires des Archives etrangeres xvi e et xvii e siecles. Paris, 1873. 8vo. 2973 FLEMING and TIBBINS (Profs.). Royal dictionary: English and French and French and English. Paris, 1844-41. 4to, half calf. 2 vols. 2974 FLIESSBACH (Chr. Ferd.). Formation des verbes fran9ais sur un systeme nouveau de derivation. 4 e edition. . Leipsic, 1859. 8vo. 2975 FOS (Leon de). Gastronomia, proverbes, aphorismes, preceptes et anecdotes en vers, precedes de notes relatives d 1'histoire de la table par Georges d'Heyeli. Paris, 1870. i2mo. 2976 FRANCE LITTE'RAIRE (La). Tome xxi. Paris, 1835. 8vo, half morocco. 2977 FRE'MONT (E. L.). Histoire Sainte elementaire traduite du latin de Lhomond, et suivie d'un abrege de la vie de Jesus-Christ. 7 edition. Paris, 1855. i2mo. 2978 FURETIERE (Ant.). Dictionnaire universel, contenant generalement tous les mots fran9ois, tant vieux que modernes, et les termes des sciences et des arts. Recueilli et compile premierement par M re Antoine Furetiere, abbe de Chalivoi, de 1'Academie franchise, ensuite corrige et augmente par M. Basnage de Beauval ; et en cette nouvelle edition revu, corrige, et considerablement augmente par M. Brutel de La Riviere. 'A La Haye, 1727. 4to, calf. 4 vols. 2979 CACHET (E'.). Recherches sur les noms des mois et les grandes fetes chretiennes. Bruxelles, 1865. 8vo. (Extrait du tome vii, 3* serie, 3 bull., du Compte Rendu des Seances de la Commission royale d'histoire.) 2980 GAIDOZ (H.) et SE'BILLOT (P.). Bibliographic des traditions et de la lilterature populaire des Frances d'Outre-Mer. Paris, 1886. 8vo. 2981 GARAT (D. J.). Origines des Basques de France et d'Espagne. Paris, 1869. 8vo. 2982 GARCIN (Eug.). Les Fran$ais du Nord et du Midi. Paris, 1868. izmo. 2983 GARNERIUS (J.). Institutio Gallicae Linguae, in usum juventutis Germanicae. Secunda editio recognita. Genevae, 1593. 8vo, calf. 2984 GATTEL (C.-M.). Dictionnaire universel de la langue fran9aise. Paris, 1851- 8vo, half morocco. 2985 GAUDRY (J.). Notice historique sur Latour d'Auvergne, premier grenadier de France. Paris, 1841. 8vo. 2986 GEBELIN (Ant. Court de). Monde primitif, analise et compare avec le monde moderne. Paris, 1787. -fto, half vellum. 9 vols. 2987 GE'NIN (F.). Recreations philologiques, ou, recueil de notes pour servir a 1'histoire des mots de la langue fran9aise. Paris, 1856. 8vo, half morocco. Only one volume of this work was finished at the author's death. 2988 GERANDO (A. de). Essai historique sur 1'origine des Hongrois. Paris, 1844. 8vo. 2989 De 1'Esprit public en Hongrie depuis la Revolution fransaise. Paris, 1848. 8vo. 2990 La Transylvanie et ses habitants. Paris, 1850. 8vo. 2 vols. 2991 GILLES. Lettres sur le Caucase et la Crimee; ouvrage enrichi de trente vignettes dessinees d'apres nature, et d'une carte. Paris, 1859. 8vo, half morocco. 2992 GIRAULT-DUVIVIER (Ch. P.)- Grammaire des Grammaires, ou, Analyse raisonnee des meilleurs traites sur la langue franchise. Bruxelles, 1837. 8vo. 2993 GODEFROY (Frederic). Lexique compare de la langue de Corneille et de la langue du xvii e siecle en general. Paris, 1862. 8vo. 2 vols. 2994 GOULIANOFF (De Cour). Discours sur Petude fondamentale des langues, lu a 1' Academic russe dans la Se'ance du 18 juin 1821. Traduit par 1'auteur. Paris, 1822. 2995 GOYETCHE (L.). Saint-Jean-de-Luz historique et piltoresque ; annales et chronique depuis 1'^poque de sa fondation presumee jusqu'a nos jours, etc. Paris, 1883. 8vo. 2996 GRAMMAR. Discours sur la grammaire franchise. Written by an anonymous Frenchman in defence of his new system of spelling, about 1694. No title-page. 8vo, calf. 2997 Novo e facillimo methodo de Grammatica Franceza, e Portugueza. Feita por ordem do Excel. Card. De Rohan. Trevoux, 1766. 8vo, calf. 2998 GRAMMAIRE franchise explique"e au moyen de la langue proven^ale. Marseille, 1826. 410, half calf. 2999 GRASSINI (C.). II Goudar Moderno, ossia Gramatica Francese in 48 lezioni. 6 a edizione. Milano, 1841. 8vo, half calf. 3000 GRIMM (Jacob). De 1'origine du langage. Traduit de 1'Allemand par Fernand de \Ycgmann. Paris, 1859. 3001 GROSLEY (P. J.). E'phemerides de P. J. Grosley. Ouvrage historique mis dans un nouvel ordre, corrige sur les manuscrits de 1'auteur, etc. Par L. M. Patris-Debreuil. Paris, 1811. 8vo, calf. 2 vols. 3002 GUBERNATIS (A. de). Dictionnaire international des ecrivains du jour. Florence, Paris, et Leipsic, 1888-91. 410. In parts. 3003 GUERANGER (Dom Prosper). Institutions liturgiques. Le Mans et Paris, 1840-41. 8vo, half morocco. 3 vols. 156 3004 GUIZOT (M. F.). Dictionnaire universel des synonymes de la langue franchise. Paris, 1833. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. 3 edition. 3005 Cinquieme edition. Paris, 1859. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. 3006 HAMEL (N.). A New Universal French Grammar ; edited by A. Thibaudin. London, 1852. izmo. 3007 HATIN (E.). Bibliographic historique et critique de la presse periodique fran9aise. Paris, 1866. 8vo. 3008 HAUSCHILD (Ernest). Dictionnaire etymologique de la langue frangaise tire de la grammaire des langues romanes de Frederic Diez. Leipzig, 1843. 410, half calf. 3009 HECQUARD (H.). Histoire et description de la Haute Albanie ou Guegarie. Paris, n.d. 8vo. With Map. 3010 HENRY (Gabriel). Histoire de la langue fran9oise. Paris, 1812. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. 3011 (J. F.). Essai historique, topographique et statistique sur 1'arrondissement communal de Boulogne-sur-mer. Boulogne, 1810. 4to, half calf. With Maps, etc. 3012 HERPAIN (S.). Premiere epitre d'Usamer a ses Contemporains. (Langage physiologique.) Nivelles, n.d. 3013 Deuxieme epitre d'Usamer a ses Contemporains. (Langage physiologique.) No place and date. 3014 HERVILLIERS (E. Caillette de 1'). Essai philologique sur le mot, les racines et les permutations. Paris, n.d. 3015 HIRCLA (K.). Francuzka Grammatyka. Lwow, (Lemberg), etc., 1849. 8vo, half calf. (French Grammar for Poles.) 3016 HIRZEL (Caspar). Franzosische Grammatik. Siebenzehnte Ausgabe. Aarau, 1853. 8vo, half morocco. 3017 HISELY (Frd.). Manuel alphabetique et synoptique de I'orthographe frangaise. Lausanne, 1868. i2mo. 3018 HOEUFFT (J. H.). Verzameling van Fransche Woorden, uit de Noordsche talen afkomstig of door sommigen afgeleid. Breda, 1840. 4to, half calf. 3019 HORNEZ (Emile). Mes Chansons: Recueil de chansons franchises. Lille, 1861. i2mo. 3020 Another edition. Lille, 1862. i2mo. 3021 HOURWITZ (Zalkind). Polygraphie, ou 1'Art de correspondre, a 1'aide d'un diction- naire, dans toutes les langues, meme dans celles dont on ne possede pas seulement les lettres alphabetiques. Paris, an ix. 8vo, calf. 3022 HOUZE' (A.). E'tude sur la signification des noms de lieux en France. Paris, 1864. 8vo. 3023 HUMBOLDT (W. von). De 1'origine des formes grammaticales et de leur influence sur le developpement des ides. Opuscule traduit par Alfred Tonnelle", suivi de 1'analyse de 1'opuscule sur la diversite dans la constitution des langues. Paris, 1859. 8vo. 3024 HUNGERUS (Wolfgang). Linguae Germanicae vindicatio contra exoticas quasdam etymologias, sive in Car. Boiiilli vocum gallicanarum tabulas notae. Argentorati, 1586. 8vo, calf. (Curious and rare.) 3025 IGNATIUS (C. E. F.). Renseignements sur la population de Finlande. Helsingfors, 1869. With a series of Maps, showing Marriages, Crimes, etc. 157 3026 INFLUENCE de la civilisation (De 1'), suivie d'une analyse raisonnee des origines gauloises de Latour-d'Auvergne. Paris, 1822. 8vo. 3027 INSTRUCTION et Prires pour le Jubile de Pannee sainte, en 1826; imprimees par ordre de Mgr. PE'veque de Bayonne. Bayonne (1826). 3028 ' cretiennes, mises en ortographe naturelle, pour faciliter au peuple la lecture de la Science du Salut. Paris, 1715. i2mo, calf. A curious Prayer Book, written in a special orthography of 29 letters for the comfort and assistance of the uneducated. 3029 JOANNE (A.). Itineraire de la France. III. Les Pyrenees et le reseau des chemins de fer du Midi et des Pyrenees; avec 6 cartes, i plan et 9 panoramas. Paris, 1862. i2mo. 3030 Dictionnaire des communes de la France. Paris, 1864. 8vo. 303 1 JOHANNEAU (E'.). Melanges d'origines etymologiques et de questions grammaticales. Paris, 1818. 8vo. 3032 JOURNAL typographique et bibliographique, public par P. Roux. Paris, 1797-1810. 8vo, half morocco. 7 vols. 3033 general de rimprimerie et de la librairie. Premiere annexe, 1810-11. Paris, 1810-11. 8vo, half morocco. 3034 general de rimprimerie et de la librairie. (Deuxieme Serie.) Paris, 1857-67. 8vo. 1 1 vols. 335 officiel de 1'Empire franchise. Premiere annee. Nos. 217, 222 et 314. Paris, 1869. 3036 de Saint-Jean-de-Luz (Petit Paris). Nos. 141046. Bayonne, 1882-83. 337 JOVANOVITCH (S.)- French Grammar for Servians, in the Servian character. Vienna, 1844. i2mo. 3038 JULIEN (Felix). Essai d'une langue universelle. (Extrait de La Revue Contem- poraine.) Paris, 1865. 3039 KALEVALA (Le). E'popee nationale de la Finlande et des peuples finnois, traduit de 1'idiome original, annote, et accompagne d'etudes historiques, mythologiques, philologiques et litteraires par L. Leouzon Le Due. I. L' E'popee. Paris, 1868. 8vo. 3040 KEMPIS (Thos. a). Imitation de Jesus Christ ; traduction du R. P. de Gonnelieu, de la Compagnie de Jesus. Lyon et Paris, 1849. 8vo, morocco. 3041 KRYPTADIA. Recueil de documents pour servir a Petude des traditions populaires. Vol iv. Heilbronn, 1888. 8vo. (Tired 135 exemplaires numerotes. No. 22.) 3042 KUBALSKI (N.-A.). Recherches historiques et statistiques sur les peuples d'origine slave, magyare et romaine. Paris et Tours, 1852. 8vo, half morocco. 3043 LABOULINIERE (P.). Annuaire statistique du de"partemeht des Hautes-Pyrenees. Tarbes, 1807. 8vo, half calf. 3044 LACOUR (Louis). Annuaire du Bibliophile, du Bibliothecaire et de PArchiviste, pour Pannee 1860. Paris, 1860. i2mo. 3045 LAFAYE (M.). Dictionnaire des synonymes de la langue fransaise. Paris, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. 3046 LAGARDE (P. de). Voyage dans le pays basque et aux bains de Biarritz. Paris, 1835. 1 2mo, half morocco. 3047 LAGNEAU (G.). Cagots. (Extrait du dictionnaire encyclopedique des sciences medicales.) Paris, 1870. 3048 Des anciens peuples de PHispanie. (Extrait des Comptes Rendus de PAcademie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres.) Paris, 1881, 158 3049 LAGREZE (M. G. B. de). La Navarre francaise. Paris, 1881-82. 8vo. 2 vols. 3050 La societe et les moeurs en Beam. Tetes de chapitres et lettres initiales composees par Gaston de Lagreze. Pau, 1886. 8vo. 3051 LANCRE (Pierre de). Tableau de 1'inconstance des mauvais anges et demons, oft il est amplement traicte des sorciers et de la sorcelerie. Paris, 1612. 4to, crushed levant. Both Brunei and La Graesse appear in doubt as to the date of this work, giving it as either 1611 or 1613. Brunei gives no publisher ; La Graesse the choice of two, one being the publisher of this fine copy, Jean Berjon. 3052 LANDAIS (Napoleon). Dictionnaire general et grammatical des dictionnaires frangais. Septieme edition. Paris, 1843. 4to, half calf. 2 vols. 3053 Grammaire generale des grammaires fran9aises. 4 edition. Paris, 1843. 4to, half calf. 3054 LANDELLE (G. de la). Le langage des marins. Recherches historiques et critiques sur le vocabulaire maritime. Expressions figurees en usage parmi les marins. Paris, 1859. 8vo, half morocco. 3055 LANDES (Louis de). Glossaire erotique de la langue fran^aise depuis son origine jusqu'a nos jours, contenant 1'explication de tous les mots consacre's a 1'amour. Bruxelles, 1861. i2mo. 3056 LANGUE BELGE (La) comparee a la langue francaise. Paris, (E. Dentu), 1866. 8vo. 3057 LARCHEY (L.). Les excentricites du langage francais. 2 me edition. Paris, 1 86 1. i2mo. 3058 LAURIANI (A. T.). Coup d'o3il sur .1'histoire des roumains. Bucharest, 1846. 4to. 3059 LAVAL (De). Explication de la grammaire francoise, avec de nouvelles observations, et des exemples sensibles sur 1'usage de toutes ses parties. St. Petersbourg, 1752. 8vo. (In French and Russian.) 3060 LAVEAUX (J.-Ch.). Dictionnaire raisonne des difficultes grammaticales et litteraires de la langue francaise. Paris, 1822. 8vo, calf. (z e edition.) 2 vols. 3061 Dictionnaire synonymique de la langue francaise. Paris, 1826. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. 3062 LAVIGNE (A. G. de). Itineraire descriptif, historique et artistique de 1'Espagne et du Portugal. Paris, n.d. izmo. (Collection Joanne). 3063 LAVISSE (Ernest). E'tudes sur la histoire de Prusse. Paris, 1879. 8vo. 3064 LE BON (Jean). Etymologicon fran9ois de 1'Hetropolitain. Paris, Denis du Pre, 1571. 4to, calf. Rare. Brunei says Le Bon took the surname of Hetropolitain because he was a native of Autreville, near Chaumont of Bassigny. 3065 LE CERE (Theodore). L'Archipel des iles normandes, Jersey, Guernesey, Auregny, Sark et dependances. Institutions communales, judiciaires, f^odales de ces iles. Avec une Carte. Paris, 1863. 8vo. 3066 LECOINTE (C.). Radicologie de la langue francaise. Ouvrage revu et augmente d'une preface par Pierquin de Gembloux. Chateauroux, 1845. 8vo, half calf. 3067 LE GAI (H.). Un million d'enigmes. Paris, 1850. 8vo, half vellum. 3068 LEGER (Jean). Histoire generale des eglises evangeliques des vallees de Piemont ou vaudoises, ou Ton voit la perpetuite de leur discipline et de leur doctrine, depuis leur origine des le onzieme siecle jusqu'a present . . . avec un abrege de la vie de 1'auteur ecrite par lui-meme. Leyde, (Jean le Carpentier), 1669. Folio, calf. With Portrait and Map. 3069 LE GLAY (A.) Programme des principales recherches a faire sur 1'histoire et les antiquites du departement du Nord. Cambrai, 1831. 8vo, 159 3070 LEGOARANT (B.). Nouveau dictionnaire critique de la langue franchise. Paris et Strasbourg, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. 3071 LE HE'RICHER (Edouard). Histoire de deux prefixes a travers le vieux frangais et les patois. Avranches, 1879. 3072 Les etymologies difficiles. Avranches, 1886". 8vo. 3073 LELONG (Jacques). Bibliotheque historique de la France, contenant le catalogue des ouvrages imprimes et manuscrits qui traitent de 1'histoire de ce royaume ; nouvelle edition, augmentee par Fevret de Fontette (Barbeau de La Bruyere, L.-Th. Herissant, Rondet, etc.). Paris, 1768-78. Folio, half calf. 5 vols. Of this work Brunei remarks that, though there are many omissions and errors, it is one of the best bibliographical works, and should be in every large library. 3074 LEMARE (P. A.). Cours de langue frangaise. 3 e edition. Paris, 1835. 8vo, half morocco. 3075 LENGLET-MORTIER f/VANDAMME (D.). Nouvelles et veritables etymologies medicales tirees du Gaulois. Quesnoy et Paris, 1857. 410. 3076 LE PESANT (Frangois-Eugene). Instruction primaire elementaire. Mon dernier Mot. Avranches, n.d. 3077 LE ROY-MABILLE (Camille). Petit Vocabulaire a 1'usage des gens de la campagne. Boulogne-sur-mer, 1880. 8vo. 3078 LETELLIER (C.-L.-A.). Cours complet de langue universelle. Caen, 1852-53. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. 3079 Applications de la theorie du langage qui donne naissance a la langue universelle. Caen, 1854-55. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. 3080 E'tablissement immediat de la langue universelle. Paris, 1 86 1. 8vo. 3081 LETTRES, Instructions et Memoires de Marie Stuart, reine d'E'cosse ; publics sur les originaux et les manuscrits du State Paper Office de Londres, etc. Par le prince Alexandre Labanoff. Londres, 1844. 8vo. 7 vols. 3082 LKVIZAC (1'abbe de). L'Art de parler et d'ecrire correctement la langue frangoise. Paris, 1809. 8vo. 2 vols. The 1st volume is defective. 3083 (M. de). A Grammar of the French Tongue. 8th edition, revised and corrected by Mr. Stephen Pasquier, M.A. London, 1819. izmo, calf. 3084 LIDFORSS (W. E.). Observations sur 1'usage syntaxique de Ronsard et de ses contemporains. Avec une Appendice contenant La defense et illustration de la langue frangoise de Joachim du Bellay. Lund, 1865. 8vo. 3085 LITTE'RATURE moderne (La), 1850-60, ou, Dictionnaire complet de tous les livres frangais publics depuis 1850 jusqu'a 1860 inclusivement. Rodige sous la direction de M. Alfred Morin. Deuxieme fascicule, premiere partie. Paris, 1862. 8vo. 3086 LITTRE' (E.). Dictionnaire de la langue frangaise. Paris, 1863-72. With Supple- ment, 1877. 4to. In parts. Some of the parts are in the original paper covers. 3087 LITURGY. La Liturgie ou Formulaire des prieres publiques selon 1'usage de 1'E'glise- Unie d'Angleterre et d'Irlande ; avec le Psautier, ou les Pseaumes de David, et les 39 Articles de Foi. Londres, 1849. 8vo, calf. 3088 Another edition. Londres, 1849. i2mo, morocco. 3089 La Liturgie, ou, Le Livre des prieres publiques selon 1'usage de 1'E'glise- Unie d'Angleterre et d'Irlande ; avec le Psautier. Guernesey, 1857. 8vo. 3090 La Liturgie, ou, Le Livre des prieres publiques de 1'E'glise Anglaise ; avec le Psautier. Londres, 1865. i2mo. 160 3091 LI VET (Ch.-L.). La grammaire fransaise et les grammarians du xvi e siecle. Paris, 1859. 8vo, half morocco. 3092 LIVRE DES SAUVAGES (Le) an point de vue de la civilisation fran9aise, avec des planches explicatives tirees du pretendu manuscrit pictographique americain. Tra- duction de rallemand. Bruxelles, 1861. 8vo. 3093 LOCHARD (Joseph). E'phemerides du Beam et du pays Basque. Paris et Orthez, 1866. 8vo. Autograph presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 3094 LOISEAU (Arthur). E'tude historique et philologique sur Jean Pillot et sur les doctrines grammaticales du xvi e siecle. Paris, 1866. 8vo. 3095 LORIN (Theodore). Vocabulaire pour les QEuvres de La Fontaine. Paris,* 1852. 8vo, half morocco. 3096 MAGASIN ASIATIQUE, ou, Revue geographique et historique de 1'Asie Centrale et Septentrionale. Publiee par M. J. Klaproth. Paris, 1825-26. Half morocco. 2 vols. in one. 3097 MALTE-BRUN (M.). Annales des voyages, de la geographic et de 1'histoire. Tome iii e , comprenant les cahiers vii a ix. Paris, 1808. 8vo. 3098 Tableau de la Pologne, ancienne et moderne. Nouvelle edition, entierement refondue, augmentee et ornee de cartes; par Leonard Chodzko. Paris, 1830. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. 3099 (Malthe-Conrad Bruun, dtt}. Geographic universelle, ou, Description de toutes les parties du monde sur un plan nouveau d'apres les grandes divisions naturelles du globe : cinquieme edition, revue, corrigee, et augmentee par M. Huot. Paris, 1841. 8vo, half calf. 6 vols. 3100 MANAVIT (A.). Esquisse historique sur le Cardinal Mezzofanti. Paris, 1853. 8vo, half morocco. 3101 MARCUS (L.). Histoire des Wandales depuis leur premiere apparition sur la scene historique jusqu'a la destruction de leur empire en Afrique. Paris, 1836. 8vo, half morocco. 3102 MARTIN (Eman). La grammaire frangaise apres 1'orthographe. Paris, 1866. 8vo. 3103 Les origines de 1'alphabet. Paris, 1859. 3104 MAS (S. de). L'Ideographie. Memoire sur la possibilite et la facilite de former une ecriture generate, etc. Paris, 1863. 8vo. 3105 MASSIAS (Le baron). Influence de 1'ecriture sur la pensee et sur le langage. Paris, 1828. 8vo. 3106 MATTEI (Ant.). E'tudes sur les premiers habitants de la Corse. (Extrait des Proce"s- verbaux des Seances de la Societe d'Anthropologie.) Paris, 1877. 3107 MAURY (L. F. A.). La Terre et rHomme, ou, Aper$u historique de geologic, de geographic et d'ethnologie generates. Paris, 1857. i2mo, half morocco. 3108 MAX MULLER (Prof.). Essai de mythologie comparee. Traduit de 1'anglais. Paris et Londres, 1859. 8vo, half morocco. 3109 Nouvelles lemons sur la science du langage. Traduit de 1' Anglais par G. Harris et G. Perrot. Paris, 1867-68. 8vo. 2 vols. 3110 MIALLE (S.). Annonce d'un ouvrage intitule: Le langage francais articule, considere pour la premiere fois dans ses elements, ses faits, ses lois et ses formes ortho- graphiques. (Extrait de la Tribune des Linguistes.) Paris. Autograph presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. . Another autograph presentation copy from the author to M e Julia Bourjur, 161 ji iz MICHAESCU (Gr.). Karte metodike pentru a inveta Limba Franccsu. (Method of learning French for Rumanians, in the Rumanian character.) Kraiova, 1852. 410, half morocco. 3113 MICHEL (Francisque-). Histoire des races maudites de la France et de 1'Espagne. Paris, 1847. 8vo. 2 vols. 3 1 r 4 Les E'cossais en France; les Frangais en E'cosse. London and Edinburgh, 1862. 4to. 2 vols. 3115 MIEGE (Guy). A new Dictionary, French and English, with another, English and French ; according to the present use and modern orthography of the French. London, 1679. 4to, calf. Rare. 3116 MIGNE (Pabbe). Troisieme et derniere encyclopedic the*ologique, ou, Serie de dictionnaires sur toutes les parties de la science religieuse, etc. Tomes xxxix, xl, xli, xlii et xliii, contenant le Dictionnaire de bibliographic catholique en cinq tomes. Paris, 1858-60. 8vo. 3117 MILLET (A.). E'tudes lexicographiques sur 1'ancienne langue fransaise a propos du dictionnaire de M. Godefroy. Paris, 1888. 3118 MISSON (Jean). La vraye et parfaite introduction a la langue franchise, avec quatre dialogues fran9ois et flamans. Middelbourg, 1664. 8vo, vellum. 3119 MEADOWS (F. C.). New French and English Pronouncing Dictionary. London, 1844. 1 2mo, half calf. 3120 MEGE (A. du). Statistique generate des departemens Pyreneens, ou des provinces de Guienne et de Languedoc. Paris, 1828. 8vo, half morocco. 3121 MEIDINGER (J. V.). Fransche Spraakkunst. Vijfde Druk door D. Bomhoff. Zalt- Bommel, 1844. 8vo, half morocco. 3122 MEISSAS et MICHELOT (MM.). Dictionnaire de geographic ancienne et moderne. Accompagne de huit cartes. Nouvelle edition, entierement revue et corrige"e. Paris, 1864. 8vo. 3123 ME'LUSINE, revue de mythologie, litterature populaire, traditions et usages. Dirigee par H. Gaidoz et E. Rolland. Tome ii. Paris, 1884-85. 3124 ME'MOIRES de 1' Academic celtique, ou, Recherches sur les antiquites celtiques, gauloises et fran$aises. Paris, 1807-12. 8vo, half calf. 5 vols. 3125 de la Societe royale d'emulation d'Abbeville. Abbeville, 1833. 8vo, half calf. 3126 de la Societe" Royale des Antiquaires de France. Paris, 1817-68. 8vo. 30 vols. The first 24 vols. are bound in half morocco, the remaining 6 are in the original paper covers. This Society became in turn, owing to political changes, La Societe Nationale and La Societe Imperiale. 3127 ME'NAGE (Gilles). Dictionnaire etymologique de la langue fransoise, par M. Menage, avec les origines franchises de M. de Caseneuve, les additions du R. P. Jacob, etc., etc. Nouvelle edition, corrigee et augmentee par A. F. Jault. Paris, 1850. Folio, calf. 2 vols. 3128 MERCIER (L. S.). Neologie, ou, vocabulaire de mots nouveaux. Paris, 1 80 1. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. 3129 ME'RIL (E. du). Essai philosophique sur la formation de la langue fran9aise. Paris, 1852. 8vo, half morocco. 3130 ME'RIME'E (P.). Derniers Nouvelles : Lokis ; II Viccolo di Madame Lucrezia; la Chambre Bleue ; Djoumane ; le Coup de Pistolet ; Federigo ; les Sorcieres espag- noles. Paris, 1874. i2mo. 6 e edition. ii 1G2 3131 ME'THODE pour apprendre a lire par le systeme phonetique. Paris, 1853. 8vo, half morocco. 3132 MON1TEUR UNIVERSEL (Le). Journal officiel de 1'Empire fran9ais. Some odd numbers from 1856 to 1868. Paris. 3133 MONTEITH (A. H.). Lessons in the French Language. (Robertsonian Method.) London, n.d. 8vo, half calf. 3134 MOREAU DE JONNE'S (A. C.). Ethnogenie caucasienne. Recherches sur la formation et le lieu d'origine des peuples ethiopiens, chaldeens, syriens, hindous, perses, hebreux, grecs, celtes, arabes, etc. Paris, 1861. 8vo. 3135 MORIN (J. B.). Dictionnaire etymologique des mots frangois derives du grec. Paris, 1809. 8vo, half calf. (2* edition.) 2 vols. in one. 3136 MOZIN (1'abbe). Franzosische Sprachlehre, Grammaire frangaise, in einer neuen und fasslichen Darstellung der auf die einfachsten Grundsatze zuriickgefiihrten Regeln, etc. Stuttgart und Tubingen, 1840. 8vo, half calf. 3137 MURRAY. Manuel du Voyageur en Suisse, et dans les Alpes de la Savoie et du Piemont. Traduit par Quetin, avec un grand nombre de documents nouveaux sur les Montagnes des Grisons. Paris, 1849. i2mo, half morocco. (With Map and Illustrations.) 3138 NISARD (Ch.). Histoire des livres populaires ou de la litterature du colportage depuis le xv e siecle jusqu'a 1'elablissement de la commission d'examen des livres du colportage (30 Nov. 1852). Paris, 1854. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. 3139 Curiosites de 1'etymologie franchise. Paris, 1863. i2mo. 3140 Des chansons populaires chez les anciens et chez les frangais. Paris, 1867. i2mo. 2 vols. Frontispiece. 3141 NODIER (Charles). Archeologue, ou, systeme universel et raisonne des langues. Prolegomenes. Paris (1810). 3142 Examen critique des dictionnaires de la langue frangoise. Paris, 1828. 8vo, half morocco. 3143 et VERGER (V.). Dictionnaire universel de la langue francaise, redige d'apres le dictionnaire de 1'Academie et ceux de Wally, Laveaux, Gattel, etc. 6 e edition. Paris, 1833. 8vo, calf. 2 vols. in one. 3144 NOEL (Fr.) et CARPENTIER (L. J.). Philologie francaise, ou, Dictionnaire etymo- logique, pour servir a 1'histoire de la langue francaise. Paris, 1831. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. 3145 (Leger). Dictionnaire mnemonique universel de la langue frangaise. Paris, 1857. 8vo, half morocco. 3146 NOELS. La Fleur choisie des Noels. Bayonne, n.d. 8vo. 3147 NOULENS (J.). Symbolisme des noms de Bonaparte et de Napoleon. Paris et Toulouse, 1859. 20 pages. Autograph presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 3148 NOYELLE. La methode de la nature pour enseigner a lire, appliquee a la langue frangaise. Amiens, n.d. 3149 NUNEZ DE PRADO (Joseph). Gramatica de la Lengua francesa, dispuesta para el uso del Real Seminario de Nobles. Madrid, 1764. 8vo, vellum. 3150 OFFICE de la Sainte Vierge en latin et en frangais. Lyon et Paris, 1838. 8vo. 3151 ORIGINE des Langues. Title-page, and from page 112 to the end wanting. 163 3152 OUVRY (Henry Aime). Le Megha Duta, ou, Le Nuage Messager. Traduit du Sanscrit en fran9ais, avec un Commentaire. London, 1869. 410. Presentation copy to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte from the author. 3153 OWEN (J.). Histoire de 1'origine et des dix premieres annees de la Societ6 biblique anglaise et etrangere; traduit de 1'anglais. Paris, 1820. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. 3154 PALLAS (P. S.). Voyages du Professeur Pallas, dans plusieurs provinces de 1'Empire de Russie, et dans 1'Asie Septentrionale ; traduits de 1'Allemand par le Cit. Gauthier de la Peyronie. Nouvelle edition, revue et enrichie de Notes par C. C. Lamarck, Langles et Billecocq. Paris (An ii, 1794). 8vo, calf. 9 vols., including the atlas, which contains a fine collection of plates and the valuable large map of Russia in two sheets. The atlas is in folio. 3155 PALSGRAVE (J.). L'E'claircissement de la langue franchise ; suivi de la grammaire de Gilles du Guez, publics pour la premiere fois en France par F. Genin. Paris, 1852. 410, half calf. .5156 PANAGIOTADOS (Demetrius). Dokimion peri ton grammaton tes ton Gallon phones kai tes auton apaggelias, nai men kai peri ton diphoroumenon digenon ousiastikon te kai epitheton onomaton. Vienna, 1816. 8vo, half morocco. In the Greek character. 3157 PARAVEY (Chevalier de). Memoire sur 1'origine japonaise, arabe et basque de la civilisation des peuples du plateau de Bogota, d'apres les travaux recens de MM. de Humboldt et Siebold. Paris, 1835. Half morocco. 3158 Preuves de 1'antique science qu'ont possedee les peuples a ecriture hiero- glyphique et ante-diluvienne. No place and date. 3159 Examen par M. le Comte de Maistre des diffe'rentes objections centre la chronologic biblique, suivies de leur refutation a 1'aide des decouvertes nouvelles faites dans les histoires de 1'Orient. No place and date. 8vo. 3160 Pan, les Pyrenees et la Vallee d'Ossau. Paris, 1852. 3161 PARINGAULT (Eugene). La langue du clroit dans le theatre de Moliere. Paris, 1 86 1. 8vo. 3162 PARIS (Gaston). E'tude sur le role de 1'accent latin dans la langue franchise. Paris et Leipzig, 1862. 8vo. 3163 Grammaire historique de la langue fransaise. Cours profess^ a la Sorbonne en 1868. Paris, 1868. .3164 (M. E.). Vocabulaire anglais-fransaise des termes de la marine a vapeur. Paris, n.d. 16 pages. 3165 PAROLE (La). Son origine, sa nature, sa mission. Paris, 1867. 8vo. 3166 PARTZOULLA (Stephen). Grammatike Gallike. A French Grammar for the use of Greeks. Vienna, 1814. 8vo, half morocco. In the Greek character. 3167 PASIGRAPHIE, ou, Premiers elemens du nouvel Art-Science d'ecrire et d'imprimer en une langue de maniere a etre lu et entendu dans toute 'autre langue sans traduction ; inventes et rediges par J*** de M***, ancien Major d'Jnfanterie Allemande. Premiere edition. Paris, 1797. Folio, half calf. PAUTEX (B.). Errata du dictionnaire de TAcadSmie fran9aise. Paris, 1862. 410. PAYS BASQUE (Le), organe catholique et conservateur. St. Jean-de-Luz, 1883-85. PEIGNE' (M.-A.)- Dictionnaire topographique, statistique et postal de la France et de ses possessions dans les autres parties du monde. Paris, 1860. i2mo. . Dictionnaire topographique, statistique et postal de la France et de ses possessions hors d'Europe. Paris, 1863. 8vo. 164 3172 PEIGNOT (Gabriel). Repertoire bibliographique universel. Paris, 1812. 8vo, half calf. 3173 Quelques recherches sur d'anciennes traductions franchises de 1'Oraison Dominicale et d'autres pieces religieuses. Dijon, 1 839. 8vo. Tire a 175 exemplaires. 3174 PELLISSIER (M.). La langue francaise depuis son origine jusqu'a nos jours. Tableau historique de sa formation et de ses progres. Paris, 1866. izmo. 3175 PERIONIUS (Joachinus). Dialogorum de linguae Gallicae origine, ejusque cum Graeca cognatione, libri quatuor. Paris, apud Sebastianum Nivellum, 1555. 8vo, vellum. 3176 PERTHES (J.). Sprachkarte von Frankreich. Gotha, 1847. Incase. 3177 PE'TAVEL (Emmanuel). La Bible en France, ou, Les traductions frangaises des Saintes E'critures. E'tude historique et litteraire. Paris, 1864. 8vo. 3178 PICOT (P.). Estudo preliminar da Lingua Franceza. Rio de Janeiro, 1837. 4 to - 3179 PIERQUIN DE GEMBLOUX. Lettre a M. Auguste le Prevost sur />. Bourges, 1841. 3180 Idiomologie des lies Marquises; adressee a M. E. Burnouf. Bourges, 1843. 8vo. 3181 Le Christ et les langues. A. M. le chevalier Drach. Paris, 1844. 410. 3182 Idiomologie des animaux, ou, Recherches historiques, anatomiques, physio- logiques, et glossologiques sur le langage des betes. Paris, 1 844. 8vo, half calf. 3183 PIHAN (H. P.). Dictionnaire etymologique des mots de la langue frangaise derives de 1'arabe, du persan ou du turc, avec leurs analogues grecs, latins, espagnols, portugais et italiens. Paris, 1866. 8vo. 3184 PLANCHE (J.). Dictionnaire frangois de la langue oratoire et poetique, suivi d'un vocabulaire de tous les mots qui appartiennent au langage vulgaire. Paris, 1819-22. 4to, calf. 3 vols. 3185 PLUCHE (1'Abbe). La mecanique des langues et 1'art de les enseigner. Lyon, 1811. 8vo, half vellum. 3186 POITEVIN (M. P.). Grammaire generate et historique de la langue francaise. Paris, 1856. 8vo, half morocco. Only the ist volume. 3187 Nouveau dictionnaire universel de la langue frangaise. Paris, 1856-60. 4to, half morocco. 3188 POTOCKI (le Comte Jean). Histoire primitive des peuples de la Russie, avec une exposition complete de toutes les notions, locales, nationales et traditionelles necessaires a 1'intelligence du 4 e livre d'Herodote. St. Petersbourg, 1802. 410. 3189 POUGENS (Ch.). Tresor des origines et dictionnaire grammatical raisonne de la langue francaise. (Specimen.) Paris, 1819. 410, half calf. 3190 POULET-DELSALLE (F.). Vocabulaire raisonne des principaux elements createurs de la langue francaise. Lille, 1855. 8vo. 3191 POUQUEVILLE (F.-C.-H.-L.). Voyage de la Grece, avec cartes, vues et figures. 2 e Edition. Paris, 1826-27. 8vo, half calf. 6 vols. 3192 POUY (Jean du). St. Vincent de Paul dans ses rapports avec la Gascogne. V. Cor- respondance de M. Vincent avec ses compatriotes, ou relative aus siens. (Extract from the Revue de Beam. September-December 1887.) 3193 POYDENOT (H.) Fondation de la ville de Bayonne et origine de son nom. Bayonne, 1875. izmo. 165 3 1 94 PRICHARD (J. C.). Histoire naturelle de 1'homme. Traduit de 1'Anglais par le Dr. F. Roulin. ^ Accompagno de 40 planches gravees et coloriees, et de 90 figures en bois intercalees dans le texte. Paris, 1843. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. 3195 PROCES DE CHALAIS. Pieces du Proces de Henri de Tallerand, Comte de Tallerand, Comte de Chalais. Decapit6 en 1626. Londres, 1781. J2mo. half calf. 3196 QUERARD (J.-M.). La France litti'raire, ou, dictionnaire bibliographique des savants, historians et gens de lettres de la France, ainsi qui des litterateurs t-trangers qui ont ecrit en francais, plus particnlierement pendant les xviii c et xix e siecles. Paris, 1827-39. 410, half morocco. Ten tomes in five vols. Also vol. xiiofthe Paris edition of 1859. 8vo. 3 '97 La litterature frangaise contemporaine. XIX e siecle. Paris, 1842-57. 8vo, half morocco. 6 vols. 3198 Archives d'histoire litteraire, de biographic, et de bibliographic franchises. Complement pe"riodique de la France litte"raire. Paris, 1855-56. Premiere et deuxieme anne"es. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. 3199 QUICHERAT (J.). De la formation fran9aise des anciens noms de lieux. Paris, 1867. 8vo. 3200 QUITARD (P. M.). Etudes historiques, litteraires et morales sur les proverbes fran9ais et le langage proverbial. Paris, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. 3201 RABELAIS (F.). CEuvres de F. Rabelais, pre'ce'de'es d'une notice sur sa vie et ses ouvrages, avec Glossaire, Tables, erotica verba, etc. Paris, 1840. 8vo, half morocco. 3202 CEuvres de Rabelais, collationnees pour la premiere fois sur les Editions originales, accompagnes de notes nouvelles et ramenees a une orthographe qui facilite la lecture bien que choisie exclusivement dans les anciens textes, par MM. Burgaud des Marets et Rathery. Paris, 1857-58. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. 3203 RAFN (Ch. Ch.). Memoire sur la decouverte de 1'Ame'rique au dixieme siecle. Copenhague, 1843. 8vo. With Maps and Plates. 3204 RAGONOT (L. C.). A Symbolic French and English Vocabulary. Seventh edition. London, n.d. 4to. 3205 RAYMOND (Paul). Dictionnaire topographique du departement des Basses- Pyrenees. Paris, 1863. 4to. Annotated in the handwriting of Prince L. -L. Bonaparte. 3206 RECUEIL de Rapports sur 1'etat des lettres et les progres des sciences en France. (Sciences historiques et philologiques.) Progress des etudes classiques et du Moyen Age, philologie celtique, numismatique. Publication fait.e sous les auspices du Ministere de 1'Instruction Publique. Paris, 1868. 8vo. 3207 REGNAUD (P.). Les lois phonetiques sont-elles absolues au sens ou 1'entendent les n6o-grammairiens ? Non, Paris, 1887. 3208 REIN (A.) und KOPSTADT (Hugo). Ueber den romischen Ursprung dcr franzo- sischen Sprache. Crefeld, 1843. 410. 3209 RENAN (Ernest). Essais de morale et de critique. 2 e edition. Paris, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. 3210 RENARD (M. B.). Histoire politique et militaire de la Belgique. Bruxelles, 1847. 8vo, half calf. With Map and Plans, (ist vol. only.) 3211 RETOUCHES au nouveau dictionnaire des ouvrages anonymes et pseudonymes de M. E. de Manne par 1'auteur des supercheries littoraires devoilees. Paris, 1862. 8vo. The author is J. M. Querard. 166 ^2i2 REVUE arche'ologique, ou, Recueil de documents et de memoires relatifs a l'e*tude des monuments, a la numismatique et a la philologie de 1'antiquite et du moyen age. io c annee. 2 e livraison. Paris, 1853. 3213 d'Aquitaine ; journal historique de Guienne, Gascogne, Beam, Navarre, etc. Tomes i a, vii. Condom, 1857 to 1862. (There is only part i of tome vii.) 3214 Germanique, publiee par MM. Ch. Dollfus et A. Nefftzer. Paris, 1858-69. 8vo. The first 14 volumes are bound in half morocco, the remaining volumes are in their original paper covers. This work successively became the Revue Germanique, Franaise et E'trangere, the Revue Germanique et Francaise and the Revue Moderne. 3215 ethnographique. Memoires et Travaux de la Societe d' Ethnographic. Nos. i and 2. Paris, 1869. 3216 de Saint-Jean-de-Luz (La). (The first twenty-one numbers.) Bayonne, 1884. 3217 . des Pyrenees et de la France meridionale, organe de 1'Association pyrene'ene et de 1'Union des Societes Savantes du Midi. Publication illustree paraissant chaque deux mois, dirigee par J. Sacaze et le Dr. F. Garrigou. (i re annexe.) Toulouse, 1889. 8vo. In parts. The same for 1890, 1891, and part I of 1892. 3218 RICHARD. Guide aux Pyrenees, itineraire pedestre des montagnes. Orne d'une belle carte des Pyrenees. Paris, 1834. i2mo, half morocco. 3219 (J.-B.). Enrichissement de la langue fran9aise, dictionnaire de mots nouveaux. Paris, 1842. 8vo, half morocco. 3220 et QUE'TIN. Guide du voyageur en Espagne ct en Portugal. Precede de dialogues fran9ais et espagnols a 1' usage du voyageur; orne d'une magnifique carte routiere, avec vues et costumes. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1847. izmo. 3221 ROBERT (Cyp.). Les slaves de Turquie. Edition de 1844 precedee d'une introduc- tion nouvelle sur leur situation pendant et depuis leurs insurrections de 1849 a 1851. Paris, 1852. 8vo. 2 vols. 3222 ROBERTSON (David). Voyage dans 1'Isle de Man, avec des reflexions sur 1'histoire des habitants. Traduit de 1'Anglais par J. P. Caignard. Rouen, 1804. 8vo, na ^ calf. 3223 (T.). Dictionnaire ideologique. Recueil des mots, des phrases, des idiotismes et des proverbes de la langue franchise classes selon 1'ordre des idees. Paris, 1859. 8vo, half morocco. 3224 ROCHE (Antonin). Histoire des principaux ecrivains fran9ais, depuis 1'origine de la litterature jusqu'a nos jours. Londres et Paris, 1858-60. izmo. 2 vols. 3225 RODRIGUEZ (St. Alphonse). Pratique de la perfection chr&tienne, traduit de 1'Espagnol par M. 1'abbe Regnier Desmarais. Lille, 1851. 8vo. 3 vols. 3226 ROLLAND (E.). Faune populaire de la France. Paris, 1877. 8vo. 6 vols. 3227 ROMANCERO. Le Romancero du pays basque. Paris, 1859. i2mo, crushed levant. (Basque Tales in French.) 3228 ROQUEFORT-FLAME RICOURT (Jean-Bapt. Bonav. de). Dictionnaire etymolo- gique de la langue fran9oise, ou les mots sont classes par families ; precede d'une dissertation sur 1'etymologie, par J. J. Champollion-Figeac. Paris, 1829. 8vo, calf. 2 vols. 3229 ROSENZWEIG (M.). Repertoire archeologique du departement du Morbihan. Paris, 1863. 410. 3230 ROSNY (L6on de). De 1'origine du langage. Paris, 1869. 167 3 2 3 1 ROSSEEUW ST.-HILAIRE (M.). Histoire d'Espagne depuis les premiers temps histonques jusqu'a la mort de Ferdinand VII. Paris, 1844. 8vo, half morocco. 2 VOls. 3232 ROUSSILLON (Le due du). Origines, migrations, philologie, et monuments antiques. Londres, 1867. 8vo. Vol i in two parts. Autograph copy to Prince L. -L. Bonaparte. 3233 RUDELLE (Lucien de). Grammaire primitive d'une langue commune a tous les peuples (Pantos-dimou-glossa) destined a faciliter les relations intemationales dans les cinq parties du monde. Bordeaux et Paris, 1858. 8vo. 3234 SALES (St. F. of). Introduction a la vie devote. Lyons, 1846. i8mo. 3235 SALLES (E. F. de). Histoire ge"ne"rale des races humaines, ou, philosophic ethno- graphique. Paris, 1849. i2mo, half morocco. 3236 SALVA (Vicente). Gramatica para los Espanoles que desean aprender la Lengua Francesa. Paris, 1847. i2mo, half calf. 3237 SAMAZEUILH (J.-F.). Voyage de Bayonne aux Eaux-Bonnes et aux Eaux Chaudes en passant par la Basse-Navarre et la Soule. Bayonne, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. 3238 SAMOURKASES (A.). The Elements of French Grammar (in Modern Greek). Athens, 1851. 8vo, half morocco. 3239 SANCTO VINCULO (Claudius a). De pronuntiatione Linguae Gallicae libri duo : De resurrectione domini ad consulem, et consulares urbanos, caeterosque concives londinenses Oratio. Londini, excudebat Th. Vautrollerius, 1580. 8vo, calf. The grammatical treatise is dedicated to Queen Elizabeth, and is, says Brunei, one of the rarest known. 3240 SCHEFFER (J.). Histoire de la Lapponie. Traduite du Latin de M. SeheflFer. Paris, 1678. 410, calf. (Map and Plates.) 3241 SCHELER (Aug.). Memoire sur la conjugaison fran9aise consideree sous le rapport etymologjque. (Presentee & 1'Academie royale le 5 avril 1845), from Memoires des Savants Etrangers de 1' Academic de Belgique. Tome xix. 1847. 4*- 3242 Dictionnaire d'etymologie fran9aise d'apr^s les resultats de la science moderne. Bruxelles et Paris, 1862. 8vo. 3243 SCHLOEZER (Kurd de). Les premiers habitants de la Russie : Finnois, Slaves, Scythes et Grecs.' Essai historique et ge'ographique. Paris, 1846. 3244 SCHMITZ (B.). Franzosische Synonymik, nebst einer Einleitung in das Studium der Synonyma iiberhaupt. Greifswald, 1868. 8vo. 3245 SCHNITZLER (M. J.-H.). L'Empire des Tsars au point actuel de la science. Paris et Strasbourg, 1862. 8vo. 2 vols. 3246 SCHOELCHER (V.). Des colonies fran9aises. Abolition immediate de 1'esclavage. Paris, 1842. 8vo, half morocco. 3247 SCHRUMPF (G. A.). How to begin French. An educational essay. Hertford, 1883. 3248 SCHWAB (M.). Sur I'universalit6 de la langue franchise. Pr6cis de la dissertation allemande, lu dans 1'Assemblee publique du 3 juin 1784, par M r Merian. (Extrait des Nouveaux Memoires de I' Academic Royale des Sciences et Belles Lettres.) Berlin, 1787. 4to. 3249 SERMONS facetieux et plaisans, suivis d'anecdotes sur les pr6dicateurs c61ebres. Paris, n.d. i2mo, half calf. 3250 SICARD (R. A.). Siemens de grammaire general appliques a la langue franchise. 2 e edition. Paris, an x (i 80 1). 8vo, calf. 2 vols. 168 3251 SILVIUS (Jacobus). Jacobi Sylvii Ambiani in linguam Gallicam Isagoge, un;\ cum eiusdem Grammatica Latino-Gallica, ex Hebraeis, Graecis et Latinis authoribus. Parisiis, ex off. Robert! Stephani, 1531. 4-to. To which is added, Caroli Bouilli Samarobrini liber de differentia vulgariti linguaru, et Gallici sermonis varietate. Parisiis, ex off. Roberti Stephani, is 33. 8vo, calf. Rare. 3252 SMITH (Adam). Essai sur la premiere formation des langues. Traduit de 1'anglais avec des notes, par J. Manget. Geneve, 1809. izmo, half morocco. 3253 SMITH. New French-English and English-French Dictionary. A new edition. London, 1853. 8vo. 3254. SOCIE'TE' de Geographic de Geneve. Memoires et Bulletin. Tome ii. Geneve, 1861. 3255 nationale pour une traduction noavelle des Livres Saints en langue franchise. Rapport et discours. Paris, 1866. 3256 SOIRE'ES (Les) de la Societe (ancienne) de Saint-Fran^ois-Xavier. (Nos. i to 8.) 1860. Toulon. 3257 SOMAIZE (Ant. Baudeau de). Le grand dictionnaire des pretieuses, ou, la clef de la langue des ruelles. 2 e edition. Paris, (Loyson), 1660. izmo; et, Les secrets de 1' amour, ou, la clef des coeurs. Paris, 1690. 8vo, morocco. These two works are rare. 3258 Le dictionnaire des precieuses. Nouvelle edition, augmentee de divers opuscules du meme auteur relatifs aux precieuses et d'une clef historique et anecdotique par Ch.-L. Livet. Paris, 1856. 8vo. 3259 SONGS. Notre-Dame de Paris et Saint- Paul de Londres, ou, Prise de Sebastopol. Vanblanbeck de Louvain, chansonnette comique. Recit veridique de la Cavalcade de Lille. Lille, n.d. 3260 SOULICE (M. L.). Essai d'une bibliographic du departement des Basses-Pyrenees, periode revolutionnaire 1789-1800. Pau et Paris, 1874. 8vo. 3261 STAEDLER (G. L.). Wissenschaftliche Grammatik der franzosischen Sprache. Berlin, 1843. 8vo, half calf. 3262 STE'PHANOPOLI (N.). Histoire de la colonie grecque etablie en Corse, accom- pagnee de reflexions politiques sur 1'etat actuel de la Grece, etc. Paris, 1826. 8vo, half calf. 3263 STEPHANUS (R.). Gallicae griimatices libellus, Latine conscriptus in gratiam peregrinorum qui earn linguam addiscere cupiunt. Paris, apud Jacobum du Puis, 1569. 8vo. 3264 (W.). Dictionnaire pasigraphique fran9ais. (Systeme Bachmaier.) Munich, 1864. 3265 STOLLENWERCK (M.). Recherches historiques sur les principales nations etablies en Sibirie et dans les pays adjacens, lors de la conquete des Russes; ouvrage traduit du Russe. Paris, no date. 8vo, half morocco. 3266 STORM (Joh.). Dialogues fran9ais enseignant la grammaire et la phraseologie du frangais parle. Borga, 1889. 8vo. (In French and Finnish.) Autograph presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 3267 STUDIEN FRANZOSISCHE. Herausgegeben von G. Korting und E. Koschwitz. Vols. i to vii. In parts. Heilbronn, 1881-89. 8vo. (Vol. vii has only parts i and 2.) 3268 SULIMA (S.). Lettres d'un ukrai'nien sur la Bosnie russe. Leipzig, 1861. 3269 SUPPLE (Dr.). De 1'H initiate dans la langue d'oi'l. Gotha, 1867. 410. 3270 SZULC (M. A.). Grammatyka francuska. Berlin, 1857. 8vo, half morocco. (French Grammar in Polish.) 169 327' TABLEAU des Provinces situees sur la cote occidentale de la mer caspienne entre les fleuves Terek et Kour. St. Petersbourg, 1798. 410, calf. 3 2 7 2 ethnographique et statistique de 1'empire de Russie d'aprard. Paris, 1839. 8vo, half calf. 173 3354 FAUCHET (Claude). Recueil de 1'origine de la langue et poesie franchise, ryme et romans. Plus les noms et sommaire des oeuvres de 127 poetes frangois, vivans avant 1'an 1300. Paris, par M. Patisson, au logis de Robert Estienne, 1581. 410, morocco. A very fine copy of this rare work. 3355 CACHET (E.). Glossaire roman-latin du xv e siecle. (Extrait de la Bibliotheque de la ville de Lille.) Bruxelles, 1846. 8vo, half calf. 3356 Glossaire roman des chroniques rime'es de Godefroid de Bouillon, du Chevalier au Cygne, et de Gilles de Chin. Bruxelles, 1859. 410, half morocco. 3357 GEDICHT. Altfranzb'sische lyrische Gedicht aus dem Berner Codex 389, heraus- gegeben von C. Hofmann. Miinchen, 1868. 3358 GEOFFROY-CHATEAU (M.). La Farce du Maistre Pierre Pathelin, pr6c6d6e d'un Recueil de Monuments de 1'ancienne langue fran9aise, depuis son origine jusqu'a 1'an 1500. Avec une introduction. Paris, 1853. izmo, half calf. 3359 GLOSSAIRE de la Langue fran9aise, depuis son origine jusqu'au siecle de Louis XIV. 4to. Tome i. A Amesurer. Title and some other pages wanting at the beginning and end. 3360 GODEFROY (Frederic). Dictionnaire de 1'ancienne langue franchise et de tous ses dialectes du ix e au xv e siecle, compost d'apres le depouillement de tous les plus importants documents, manuscrits ou imprimes, qui se trouvent dans les grandes bibliotheques de la France et de 1'Europe. Paris, 1880-91. 410. In parts. Of this fine work there are 66 fasciculi, from A Sordois. 3361 GUESSARD (F.). Lettre sur les variantes de la Chanson de Roland. Paris, n.d. 8vo. The original letter was written to M. Leon de Bastard from Oxford, April 1851. 3362 HARMONIA EVANGEL1ORUM. Ammonii Alexandrini quae et Tatiani dicitur Harmonia Evangeliorum in Linguam Latinam et inde ante annos mille in Francicam translata. Indicem tarn antiquae quam hodiernae dividend! singula evangelia methodo accommodatum addidit J. A. Schmeller. Viennae, 1841. 410, morocco. 3363 IENSCH (Dr.). Beitriige zur Lexicographic des altfranzosischen. Magdeburg, 1858. 410. 33 6 4 JOINVILLE (Jean de). Me'moires de Jean, Sire de Joinville, ou histoire etchronique du tres-chretien roi Saint Louis; publies par M. Francisque-Michel, precedes de dissertations par M. Ambr. Firmin Didot, etc. Paris, 1859. i2mo, half morocco. With Plates. 33 6 5 JUBINAL (A.). Des 23 manieres de Vilains. Piece du xiii e siecle, accompagnee d'une traduction en regard. Paris, 1834- 8vo. 3366 KELHAM (Rob.). A Dictionary of the Norman or Old French Language ; to which are added the Laws of William the Conqueror, with Notes and References. London, n.d. 8vo, calf. 3367 LACOMBE. Dictionnaire du vieux langage franyois. Paris, 1766-67. 8vo, calf. 2 vols. 3368 Dictionnaire de la langue romane, ou du vieux langage fran$ois. Paris, 1768. 8vo, calf. The latter work is the first vol. of the previous one, under a slightly changed title. Although still sought after this work was replaced by De Roquefort's. 3369 LATINI (Brunette). Li Livres dou Tresor, par Brunetto Latini, publie pour la premiere fois d'apres les manuscrits de la Bibliotheque Imperiale, etc., par P. Chabaille. Paris, 1863. 410. 174 337 LITTRE' ('.). Histoire de la langue frangaise. E'tudes sur les origines, 1'et} mologie, la grammaire, les dialectes, la versification, et les lettres au moyen age. Paris, 1863. 8vo. 2 vols. 137 l Dante. L'Enfer, mis en vieux langage frangois et en vers. Accompagne du texte italien, et contenant des notes et un glossaire. Paris, 1879. 8vo. 3372 MATZNER (Ed.). Altfranzosische Licder, berichtigt und erlautert mit bezugnahme aufdie provenzalische, altitalienische und mittelhochdeutsche Liederdichtung, nebst einem altfranzosischen Glossar. Berlin, 1853. 8vo, half calf. 3373 MICHEL (Francisque). Tristan : Recueil de ce qui reste des poe'mes relatifs a ses aventures, composes en frangois, en anglo-normand, et en grec dans les xii et xiii siecles. Londres, 1835. (Books 2 and 3.) 3374 MICHELANT (H.). Blancandin et Porgueilleuse d'amour. Roman d'aventures. Public pour la premiere fois. Paris, 1867. 8vo. 3375 MONNARD (Ch.). Chrestomathie des prosateurs frangais du xiv c au xvi e siede. Geneve et Paris, 1862. 8vo. 3 vols. 3376 NATALIS DE WAILLY (M.). Memoire sur la langue dejoinville. Paris, 1868. 8vo. 3377 ORELL (C. von). Alt-franzosische Grammatik. Nebst einem Anhang von alien Fabliaux et Contes. Zurich, 1830. 8vo, half calf. 3378 POETES DE LA FRANCE (Les anciens). Publies sous les auspices de S. Exc. M. le M. de 1'instruction publique et des cultes, et sous la direction de M. F. Guessard. Paris, 1859-61. 8vo, uncut. 6 vols. 3379 POUGENS (Ch.). Archeologie franchise, ou, Vocabulaire de mots anciens tombes en desuetude, et propres a etre restitues au langage moderne. Paris, 1821-25. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols in one.' 3380 RAYNOUARD (M.). Observations sur Le Rotnan de Rou, et sur quelques regies de la langue des Trouveres au xii e siecle. Rouen, 1829. 8vo, half morocco. 3381 ROMAN de Renart le Contrefait (Le). (Nach der Handschrift der K. K. Hofbiblio- thekNr. 2562. Friiher Hohendorf, Fol. 39.) Von Ferdinand Wolf. Wien, 1861. 410. 3382 ROGET (F. F.). An Introduction to Old French. London, 1887. 8vo. 3383 ROQUEFORT (J. B. B.). Glossaire de la langue romane, redige d'apres les manu- scrits de la Biblioth&que Imperial, etc. : contenant 1'etymologie e't la signification des mots usites dans les xi, xii, xiii, xiv, xv et xvi e siecles. Precede d'un discours sur 1'origine, etc., de la langue frangaise. Paris, (Waree), 1808. Avec Supplement. Paris, (Chasseriau), 1820. 8vo, half calf. 3 vols. 3384 Memoire sur la necessite d'un Glossaire general de 1'ancienne langue frangaise. Paris, 1811. 8vo. 3385 SACHS (C.). Beitrage zur Kunde alt-franzosischer, englischer, und provenzalischer Literatur aus franzosischen und englischen Bibliotheken. Berlin, 1857. 8vo. 3386 SCELTA di curiosita letterarie inedite o rare dal secolo xiii al xix. Dispensa xiii. La Fisiognomia trattatello in Francese antico colla versione Italiana del trecento. Pubblicato la prima volta sui codici per cura di E. Teza. Bologna, 1864. 8vo. 3387 SCHACHT (Lud.). De elementis Germanicis potissimum Linguae Franco-Gallicae. Berlin, 1853. 8vo. 3388 SCHWAN (E.). Grammatik des altfranzosischen (Laut- und Formenlehre). Leipzig, 1888. 8vo. 3389 TEXTES (anciens) frangais, publics d'apres les meilleures legons, par W. E. L. Lund, 1866. 410. Tires a 150 exemplaires. 175 3390 WOLF (Ferdinand). Uber Raoul de Houdenc und insbesondere seinen Roman Meraugis de Portlesguez. Wien, 1865. 410. 3391 ZWEI FABLIAUX aus einer neuenburger Handschrift. Herausgegeben von Adelbert Keller. Stuttgart, 1840. (In Old French.) 8vo. Only 200 copies printed. ON PATOIS IN GENERAL. 3392 BAUMGARTEN (J.). Glossaire des Idiomes populates du Nord, et du Centre de la France. Tome i, livraison i. Paris, 1870. 8vo. 3393 BERTRAND (L.). Sur les Idiomes et les Dialectes de la France. Stuttgart, 1888. 410. 3394 BOUCOIRAN (L.). Dictionnaire des Idiomes Me'ridionaux qui sont paries depuis Nice jusqu'a Bayonne et depuis les Pyrenees jusqu'au centre de la France. " Nimes et Paris, 1875-86. 8vo. 5 vols. 3395 BREULIER (Ad.). Des Patois et du Recueil des Poesies populaires de la France. (Extrait.) 3396 DESSALLES. Les Patois du Midi de la France, considers sous le double rapport de 1'^criture et de la contexture mat6rielle des Mots. (Extrait du Journal de la Langue fran9aise.) 3397 GAZIER (A.). Lettres a Gregoire sur les Patois de France 1790-94. Documents ine"dits sur la langue, les moeurs et l'e"tat des esprits dans les diverses regions de la France, au de"but de la Revolution, suivis du rapport de Gre"goire a la Convention et de lettres de Volney, Merlet-Laboulaye, Pougens, Urbain Domergue, etc. Avec une introduction et des notes. Paris, 1880. 8vo. 3398 GREGOIRE. Rapport sur la n^cessite" et les moyens d'aneantir le patois, et d'univer- saliser 1'usage de la langue fransaise. Stance du 16 prairial, Tan deuxieme de la Republique. Suivi du Decret de la Convention nationale. Half calf. 3399 JAUBERT (Comte). Glossaire du Centre de la France. Paris, 1855. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. 3400 Deuxieme edition. Paris, 1864. 4to, half morocco. 3401 MERLET (M. L.). Dictionnaire des noms vulgaires des habitants de diverses localites de la France. Chartres, 1883. 8vo. 3402 LETTRE a M. de *** sur les Ouvrages ecrits en Patois. Bordeaux, 1839. 8vo. 3403 PATOIS DE LA FRANCE (Ancien). Un Monitoire de 1546. Re'imprime en 1846 a trente exemplaires. Bordeaux, 1846. 3404 PIERQUIN DE GEMBLOUX. Histoire litteraire philologique et bibliographique des Patois. Paris et Berlin, 1841. 410, half morocco. 3405 Nouvelle edition, suivie de la bibliographic generate des phonopolismes Basques. Paris, 1858. 410, half morocco. 3406 RECUEIL d'Opuscules et de Fragmens en vers patois, extraits d'ouvrages devenus fortrares. (Imprime a cent-vingt exemplaires.) Paris, 1839. 8vo, half morocco. 3407 REVUE DES PATOIS. Recueil trimestriel consacre a 1'etude des Patois et anciens Dialectes romanes de la France et des Regions limitrophes, public par L. Cledat. Paris, 1887. In parts. 8vo. (First year.) 3408 The same for 1888. 3409 REVUE DE PHILOLOGIE francaise et provenc.ale (ancienne Revue des Patois) for 1889, 1890, and parts i and 2 for 1891. 3410 SCHNAKENBURG (J. F.). Tableau synoptique et comparatif des Idiomes populaires ou Patois de la France. Berlin, 1870. 8vo, half morocco, . 176 341 1 STROBEL (A. W.). Franzosisch Volksdichter in Biographien. Baden, 1846. 8vo, half morocco. 3412 VARIE'TE'S bibliographiques. Notices et extraits de quelques ouvrages ecrits en Patois du Midi de la France. Paris, 1840. 8vo, half calf. ROUCHI, WITH CAMBRESIEN, LILLOIS AND DOUAISIEN. 3413 ALMANACH. Almanach lillois 1856. Chansonettes et fables. Musique par Henri Six. Lille. 3414 - Almanach lillois 1857. Chansonnier par Henri Six. Lille. Almanach lillois. Chansonnier par L. Debuire (Du Buc). Lille, 1859, 1860 et 1861. 3416 - Du Buc. Chansonnier par L. Debuire Du Buc. 5 e et 6 e annees, 1864-65. 3417 - Almanach du Chansonnier lillois pour 1861, par Ch. de Cottignies. Lille. 3418 - The same for 1862. 3419 - Mes Eirennes. Almanach chantant avec les airs notes par Desrousseaux. Lille, 1859. 3420 - The same for 1860-61. 3421 - Almanach lillois. Chansonnier en patois de Lille, par Ch. Lambert. Lille, 1862. 3422 - Brule-Maison. Almanach chansonnier en patois de Lille, par Montdoches. Lilies, 1862. 3423 BEUGE (E.). Vocabulaire maubeugeois. Petit dictionnaire humoristique des expressions originales les plus employees a Maubeuge et dans 1'arrondissement d'Avesnes. Maubeuge, 1889. 3424 CARTON (Henri). L'Armena d'Jerome Pleumecog dit Ch' fissiau, aveuc L'z' E'pistoles Kaimberlottes. Cambrai, 1840. 8vo, half calf. 3425 COMPLAINTE ou E'legie romane sur la mort d'Enguerrand de Crequi, eveque de Cambrai, publiee et annotee par Edward Le Glay. Paris, 1834. 18 pages. Imprimee 4 60 exemplaires. < 3426 DANIS (A.). Fantaisies drolatiques et burlesques. Wazemmes, 1850. 8vo. 3427 DEBUIRE DU BUC (L.). Les Lilloises : chansons et chansonnettes. Lille, 1856. 4to, half morocco. 34.28 - Les Lilloises : chansons locales. 2 e Recueil. Lille, 1856. 8 vo, half morocco. 3429 - The same. 3 Recueil. Lille, 1857. 8vo, half morocco. 3430 . - The same. 4 e Recueil. Lille, 1859. 8vo, half morocco. 5431 - Notice historique sur les SocietSs chorales et autres Reunions musicales de Lille. Lille, 1858. Chansons, CEuvres completes. Chansonnier lillois. Lille et Paris, 1861. 8vo. 2 vols. 3^33 . - Nouveau glossaire lillois pour faire suite aux chansons en patois- de Lille. Pre'ce'de' de quelques remarques sur 1'origine et la prononciation de 1'idiome popu- laire de Lille. Lille, 1867. 8vo. 3434 DECHRISTE' (L.). Souv'nirs d'un Homme d'Douai de 1'Paroisse des Wios Saint- Albin, aveuc des belles z'images. Croquis historique en patois douaisien par L. D. Douai, 1857. i2mo, half morocco. Autograph copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 3435 - Souv'nirs d'un Homme d'Douai de 1'Paroisse des Wios-Saint-Albin, aveuc des belles fc'images. Croquis historique en patois douaisien. Tomes i et ii. Douai, 1863. i2mo. 177 3436 DECOTTIGNIES (Ch.). Le Chansonnier lillois. 7 *> Recueil de chansons en patois de Lille. Lille, 1856. 3437 2me edition du g me Recueil. io mc , n, i 2 me , M, i^e ,,me et , 6 me Recueils. No date. 343 8 Le Chansonnier lillois. 3 me edition. Lille, 1858. 3439 Chansons, pasquilles, duos et scenes populaires lilloises. Lille, 1864. 8vo. 344 (F.). Les Chansons et Histoires facetieuses et plaisantes de feu F. De Cottignes, dit Brule-Maison. Lille, 1856. 8vo, half morocco. (Portrait.) Only a few copies were printed. 3441 Chansons tourquennoises, lilloises et douaisiennes, en patois du pays, par Brule-Maison et autres. Lille, n.d. Tome i. 8vo, half calf. With rough portrait and illustrations. 3442 E'trennes tourquennoises, ou, Recueil de Chansons facetieuses et plaisantes sur les tourquennois. 5 e edition, avec portrait. Tourcoing, n.d. 410, calf. 3443 The same. 6 me Recueil. Tourcoing, n.d. 410, calf. 3444 (Jacques). Vers naifs en vray patois de Lille, sur les Conquetes du Roy en Flandre, etc. Inventes et composes par Jacques de Cottignies, fils de Brule- Maison. Lille, 1745. 3445 DESROUSSEAUX (T.). Chansons et Pasquilles lilloises. 3 recueil. Lille, 1849. i2mo. 344 6 The same. Precedees du portrait de 1'auteur et d'une notice sur 1'ortho- graphe du patois de Lille. Lille, 1851. i2mo, half calf. 3447 The same. Suivies d'un Vocabulaire et des Airs. Tomeii. Lille, 1855. i2mo. 3448 The same. Illustrees par E. Boldoduc. Tome iii. Lille, 1857. 410. 3449 The same. Avec musique. Lille, 1865. 8vo. 3450 Airs des Chansons et Pasquilles lilloises. Lille, n.d. 3451 DINAUX (A.). Pieces en patois rouchi, wallon et liegeois. Extrait des Archives rustoriques et litteraires du Nord de la France et du Midi de la Belgique. Troisieme Serie. T. iii. Valenciennes, 1852. The poems are by various authors. 345 z E'TRENNES douaisiennes, ou, Recueil de chansons dediees aux enfans de Gayant. Douai, no date. 8vo, half calf. 3453 H*** (G. A. J.). Dictionnaire rouchi-frangais, precede de notions sur les alterations qu'eprouve la langue franchise en passant par ce patois. Par G. A. J. H***. 2 e edition. Paris, 1826. 8 vo, half calf. 3454 HE'CART (G. A. J.). Dictionnaire rouchi-frangais. 3" edition. Valenciennes, 1834. 8vo, half calf. This edition contains the Parable of the Prodigal Son in Rouchi, and a comedy called Jean cTEscaudatuvres, by Joseph Kansart. 3455 JEAN-BAPTISTE. Le Fileur de Colon, ou, Un Interieur de Fabrique, etude de mceurs lilloises, en patois lillois-frangais. Wazemmes, 1854. i6mo, half morocco. 3456 Histoire d'un Filtier, de la rue St.-Sauveur, a Lille. E'tude de moeurs lilloises. Wazemmes, 1854. 2 e edition. 3457 LEGRAND (P.). Dictionnaire du patois de Lille et de ses environs. Lille, 1853. 8vo, half calf. 3458 Another edition. Lille, 1856. i2mo, half morocco. 3459 MACE'DOINE LILLOISE. Recueil de chansons en patois de Lille, par les meiileurs auteurs. Lille, 1859. i2mo. 12 178 3460 ROISIN. Franchises, Lois et Coutumes de la ville de Lille. Ancicn Manuscrit, publie avec des Notes et un Glossaire par Brun-Lavainne. Lille et Paris, 1842. 410. 3461 SERMON naif, fait par un bon vieux cure de village, a ses paroissiens, sur la conduite des gardens et des filles, etc., en bon patois de Tourcoing. Penultieme edition, revue, etc. Lille, no date. 3462 SERVENTOIS et Sottes chansons couronnes a Valenciennes. Tires des Manuscrits de la Bibliotheque du Roi. z e edition. Valenciennes, 1833. Half morocco. 3463 VERMESSE (Louis). Vocabulaire du patois lillois. Lille, 1 86 1. i2mo, half morocco. 3464 Lettre sur le patois a M. L. Debuire Du Buc. Lille, 1862. PICARD. 3465 CORBLET (1'abbe Jules). Des Dictons historiques et populaires de Picardie. Memoire lu a la Seance publique de la Societe des Antiquaires de Picardie, le 1 8 aout 1850. Amiens, 1850. 3466 Glossaire etymologique et comparatif du patois picard, ancien et moderne, precede de recherches philologiques et litteraires sur ce dialecte. Paris et Amiens, 1851. 8vo, half calf. This work is preceded by a valuable romano-picard bibliography. 3467 Hypotheses etymologiques sur les noms de lieux de Picardie. St. Germain- en-Laye, 1851. 3468 CRINON (Hector). Satires Picardes. Peronne, 1863. 8vo. The author was a labourer, a poet, and a sculptor. 3469 DELEGORGUE-CORDIER. Poesies divers. Abbeville, 1847. 8vo, half calf. (In French and Picard.) 3470 D'ESSIGNY fils (L. A. J. G.). Memoire qui a remporte le prix de 1' Academic des Sciences, etc., du departement de la Somme, le 16 aout 1807, sur la question, " Quelle est 1'origine de la Langue picarde ? " Paris, 1811. 8vo, uncut. The author's effort is to prove the analogy of Picard with the langue romane and some Northern Patois. 3471 DIALOGUE de trois paysans picards, Miche", Guillame, et Cherle, sur. les affaires de ce temps. Noplace. 1649. Very rare. 3472 DIT (Le) de 1'unicorne et del serpent en vieux picard, offert a M. F. Marggraff par M. J. Wollenberg. Berlin et Paris, 1862. 4to. Tire du manuscrit No. 7986 de la bibliotheque imperiale de Paris. Manuscrit du xiii siecle, ecrit sur parchemin. 3473 FRANC-PIC ARD (Le). 7 me , 8 me , et 9 me eintretien d'ech Fran-Pikar. Le Franc- Picard, Annuaire commercial du Departement de la Somme. Amiens, 1859, etc. i2mo. 3474 GAUTIER D'ARRAS. CEuvres de Gautier d' Arras publiees par E. Loseth. Tome ii. Ille et Galeron. Paris, 1890. 8vo. (Bibliotheque franchise du Moyen Age Series, No. 7.) 3475 GOSSEU (P.-L.). Lettres picardes ; suivies de la grande complainte en 79 couplets sur la translation des cendres de Napoleon. Saint-Quentin, 1841. i2mo, half morocco. These biting letters, advocating certain reforms, were first published in the Guetteur de Saint-Quentin. The author's real name was M. Pinguet, under-prefect of Doullens. 3476 Anciennes et nouvelles lettres picardes ; suivies de la grande complainte en 92 couplets, sur la translation des cendres de Napoleon. Saint-Quentin, 1847. ^vo. A complete collection of M. Pinguet's letters. The second series appeared in the Courrier de Saint-Quentin. 179 3477 GRISET (H.). De la veritable etymologic du mot Boulogne et du Patois boulonnais. Boulogne, 1835. Half calf. 3478 PARIS (E'douard). Note sur 1'orthographe picarde, pour servir d 1'intelligence d'nne traduction de 1'evangile selon Saint Matthieu en picard du xix e siecle. (Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte.) Londres, 1862. Crushed levant. Only 250 copies printed, this being the only one on thick paper. 3479 - A copy of the same edition on ordinary paper. 3480 PERIODICAL. Bibliotheque picarde. Dialogues en patois picard. Amiens, 1849-50-54. (Eight parts.) \ 3481 PIECES recreatives, ou le patois picard. Nouvelle Edition. Beauvais, 1836. 3482 SATYRE d'un cure picard sur les verites du temps. Par le Reverend Pere ***, Jesuite. Avignon, (Claude Lenclume), 1754. i2mo, calf. This is a fine copy of the second edition of this rare work. 3483 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). St. Matthew. Le Saint E'vangile selon St. Matthieu, traduit en picard amienois d'apres la version franchise de Lemaistre de Sacy, precede d'une note sur la maniere d'ecrire le picard, et suivi de quelques observations sur certains sons radicaux de cet idiome, par E'douard Paris. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londres, 1863. 8vo, morocco. Only 250 copies printed. This being the only one on thick paper. 3484 - An ordinary copy of the same edition. WALLON, WITH LIEGEOIS AND MONTOIS. 3485 ALMANACK suppute sur le Meridien de Liege par Maitre Mathieu Laensbergh, pour 1'annee 1852. Liege. 8vo. (227 annee.) 3486 - Armonaque de Mons pour 1'annee 1846. Mons. The same for 1847 to 1870. This work was edited by Tellier, the cure of Wasmnel. It is entirely written in Montois, and compri.-cs songs, stories, farces, etc. 3487 - Armonat d'Mons, ou, Armonat des ropyeurs, ein patois montois pou 1'anm'e 1850. Mons. 3488 - Armonac du Borinage in patois borain, pou 1'annee 1849. Pasturages, (Caufriez-Decamps). 3489 - The same. 1850. Mon. 3490 - Armonac dou Pcupe, in patois borain pou 1'anm'e 1850. Mon. 34_ 9 , - Cont' de Quies: Almonach montois pou 1851, pau fameux Titiss' Laderoutte, dit Louftogne. Mons. With Illustrations. (Troisieme anaee.) Des Cont' de Quie"s; tiens ! pa Titiss' Laderoutte, dit Louftogne. (2 m tirage.) Mons, n.d. 2493 - Armenaque de Tournay pour 1'innee 1851. Tournay. 3494 . - L'vraie Ervue d'Mons eie des Invirons, ou, Le"s Contes des Quie"s pou rire plein leu panse, in bon patois montois pou l'anne"e 1870. Mons. 3495 ANGENOT ^/? (Th.). Lyre Vervietoise. Verviers, 1841. 410, half morocco. 3496 ANNUAIRE de la Societe liegeoise de Littdrature wallonne. 1863. i re et 2 mc annees. Liege, 1863-64. i2mo. 3497 BORMANS (J.-H.). Lettre de J.-H. Bormans a Mr. Charles Grandgagnage, sur les e"lments Thiois (flamands) de la langue wallonne. Li6ge, 1856. 410. 180 3498 BULLETIN de la Societe Li^gcoise de Litt6rature Wallonne. Liege, 1858-66. This is very incomplete. The first and second years are bound ; the third year is wanting ; the fourth and fifth years are in parts ; and there are only some parts of the sixth, seventh, and eighth years. 3499 CAMBRESIER (M. R. H. J.). Dictionnaire walon-frangois, ou, Recueil de mots et de proverbes frangois extraits des meilleurs Dictionnaires. Lie'ge, 1787. 8vo, half calf. 3500 CAPITAINE (Ulysse). Etude sur le mot Pasqueie, non generique de la chanson wallonne. Liege, 1867. To which is added: Paskaye memorialle de la premiere pierre mise dans les fondements de la maison de ville dans Liege, le 14 d'aoust 1714. Dialogue entre Loren et Henry. (Extrait de 1'Annuaire de la Societo Wallonne.) Autograph presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 3501 CHAVE'E (H.). Francais et wallon ; parallele linguistique. Paris et Bruxelles, 1857. i zmo, half morocco. Rare. 3502 Grammaire elementaire liegeoise (frangaise-wallonne), par L. M. Liege. Renard, 1863. One vol. in 8vo. A review of this work from the Revue germanique et francaise. 3503 CHOIX de Chansons et Poesies wallonnes (Pays de Liege). Recueillies par MM. B . . . et D . . . Liege, 1844. 8vo, half calf. 3504 COURTOIS (M. A.). L'ancien Idiome Audomarois. Le Roman et le Theotisque Beige, preuves de 1'existence de cette derniere langue a St. Omer, etc. Saint-Omer, 1856. 3505 DASNOY (J.-B.). Dictionnaire wallon-frangais a 1'usage des habitants de la province de Luxembourg et des contrees voisines. Neufchateau, 1856. i2mo, half morocco. 3506 DEHIN (J. J.). Chare et Panahe, ou, Les Ouves complettes da J. J. Dehin. Lige, 1850. 1 2 mo, half calf. 3507 DEJARDIN (Joseph). Dictionnaire des spots ou proverbes wallons ; precede d'une etude sur les proverbes, par J. Stecher. Liege, 1863. 4to. 3508 DELMOTTE (Henri). CEuvres facetieuses. Mons, 1841. 4to, half calf. With Portrait and Illustrations. 3509 DOUDOU (El.), ein si plat montois que g'n'e' rie d'el'dire ; dedie aux geins des caches et aux porteurs au sac. Mons, (Hoyois), n.d. (Poetical dialogue, with air.) 3510 DUBOIS (P.-L.-V.). Philologie wallonne. Monographic des patois du Luxembourg meridional. Bruxelles, 1888. 3511 DUVIVIER. Poesies wallonnes, par 1'auteur du Pantalon TraivL Liege, 1842. i2mo. 2 vols. 3512 Quelques chansons wallonnes, par 1'auteur du Pantalon TrawL Liege, 1842. 3513 Li Jubile" di 1846. Chant par 1'auteur du Pantalon TrawL Liege, n.d. 3514 E[scallier (E. A.)]. Remarques sur le patois, suivies du vocabulaire latin- frangais de Guillaume Briton (xiv e siecle). Par E... A... E... Douai, 1851. 8vo, half calf. 3515 Remarques sur le patois, suivies d'un vocabulaire latin-frangais inedit du xiv e siecle. Douai, 1856. 8vo, haif morocco. 3516 ESSAIS de litterature montoise. Nouvelle edition. Mons, 1848. 4to. 3517 F**** (H.). Blouwett Ligeoiss, publieie a benefiss di 1'Institu de Mouwai e de-z- Aveul, par H. F . . . Liche, 1845. i2mo. 3518 FORIR (H.). Dictionnaire Liegeois-Frangais. Liege, 1866-74. 4to, half morocco 2 vols. in one. 181 35 1 9 GRANDGAGNAGE (Ch.)- Dictionnaire etymologique de la langue wallonne. Liege, 1845. Premiere partie, A H. 410. 3520 - The same. Tome ii. Suite et fin, renfermant : La fin du Dictionnaire avec un Supplement, un Glossaire d'anciens mots wallons, et une introduction. Public, selon le vreu de 1'auteur, par Aug. Scheler. Bruxelles, 1880. 8vo. 3521 - De 1'origine des Wallons. Liege, 1852. 8vo. 35 22 - Vocabulaire des noms wallons d'animaux, de plantes et de mim'ruux. (Extrait du Bulletin de PInstitut archeologique Liegeois.) Liege, 1856. 3523 - Deuxieme edition, revue et augmentee. Liege, 1857. 3524 - Vocabulaire des anciens noms de lieux de la Belgique Orientale. Liege, etc., 1859. 410, half morocco. 3525 GRENSON (C.). Versions wallonnes de la Parabole de PEnfant prodigue. Extrait du Bulletin de la Societe Lie"geoise de Litterature Wallonne. Lige, 1870. 8vo. Autograph presentation copy from the translator to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 3526 HENAUX (Ferd.). E'tudes historiques et Iitt6raires sur le Wallon. Lie"ge, 1843. 8vo. 3527 HUBERT (I.). Dictionnaire wallon-fran9ais, precede d' observations sur la pro- nonciation des lettres en wallon, et de notions grammaticales sur ce patois. 2 edition. Liege, 1857. i2mo, half morocco. 3528 LA FONTAINE. Essais de literature montoise, contenant : Quelques faufes de La Fontaine, eie el'mariage d'el fie chose, Scene en trois tableaux, pa n'in Cur6 Montois. Valenciennes, (1841). 3529 - Faves da Lafontaine (Lives i et ii) mettowes es Ligeois par J. D. . . . et F. B(ailleux). Lige, 1851. 4to. 3530 M. (L.). Grammaire elementaire liegeoise (frangaise-wallone) par L. M. Lie"ge, 1863. 8vo. Autograph presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 3531 - Reponse a quelques observations critiques sur la Grammaire elemenlaire liegeoise. Liege, 1863. (Extrait de La Meuse.) 3532 MANNIER (E.). E'tudes etymologiques, historiques et comparatives sur le noms des villes, bourgs et villages du departement du Nord. Paris, 1861. 8vo. 3533 MEYER (M. J. D.). Memoire sur 1'origine de la difference relative a Pusage de la langue flamande ou wallonne dans les Pays-Bas. Lu dans la seance du 8 Mai 1825. 4to. (An extract.) This work belonged to Pierquin de Gembloux and bears his signature. 3534 N. (Ch. S. de). Du flamand, du wallon et du fransais en Belgique, par un ami des lettres. Lie'ge, 1857. 3535 PASQUE'E Critique et Calotenne sot les affaires de Pmedicenne. A Vise, (Liege), 1858. A reprint of this document with an introduction by Ulysse Capitaine. Only 45 copies printed, this being No. 26. 3536 POYART. Flandricismes, Wallonismes et expressions impropres, dans la langue Par un ancien Professeur. 2 me edition. Bruxelles, 1811. 12010, half morocco. 3537 - 4 mc edition. Bruxelles, 1830. i2mo, half calf. 3538 PRUD'HOMME (J.). Scenes populaires montoises. Mons, n.d. Half calf. 3539 REIFFEMBERG (Baron de). Observations sur les patois romans usites en Belgique. (Extrait du tome vi, No. 4, des Bulletins de PAcadomie royale de Bruxelles.) Followed by, Addition a la notice sur Foppens, an extract from the above work. 354 . - Nouvelles Observations, etc. (Extrait du tome vi, No. 8, des Bull, de PAcad. roy. de Bruxelles.) 182 354 1 REMACLE (L.). Dictionnaire wallon et frangais. Liege, 1823. 8vo, half calf. 3542 Deuxieme edition. Liege, 1839-43. 410, half calf. 2 vols. in one. 3543 SIGART (J.). Glossaire etymologique montois, ou, dictionnaire du wallon de Mons et de la plus grande partie du Hainaut. Bruxelles et Leipzig, 1866. 4to. 3544 SIMONON (Ch. N.). Poesies en Patois de Liege. Liege, 18+5. 8vo, half calf. 3545 THE' ATE LIGEOI, ki contin Li Voege di Chofontaine, Li Ligeoi egagi, Li Fiesse di Houte-si-plou, e Les Hypocontes ; operas burless, mettoa e nuisik par feu M r Hamal, maiss de'Chantes di St. Lambert, avou inn chanson so 1'celeb Gretry, kouan i v'na r'vey s'Patreie en 1784. Novelle edition. Lige, 1827. i2mo, calf. 3546 ki contin Li Voege di Chofontaine, Li Ligeoi egagi, Li Fiesse di Houte si- plou, e Les Hypocontes. Novelle edition. Lige, no date. 8vo. 3547 Another edition. Lige, 1848. 4(0. 3548 VERMESSE (Louis). Dictionnaire du patois de la Flandre fran9aise ou wallonne. Douai, 1867. 8vo. 3549 VOCABULAIRE des Houilleurs Liegeois. Title-page wanting. (This work received the prize of the Societe Liegeoise de Litterature Wallonne, 1864.) 3550 WALLONN AD ES par 1'auteur d' Alfred Nicolas. Liege, 1845. 8vo, half calf. 3551 WE'ROTTE (Ch.). Recueil de Chansons wallonnes et autres poesies. Namur, 1844. 4to, half morocco. 3552 Chansons wallonnes. Namur, 1850. 8vo, half calf. CHAMPENOIS. 3553 BAUDOIN (Alph.). Glossaire du patois de la Foret de Clairvaux. Troyes, 1887. 8vo. 3554 GALERON (E.). Varie"tes rmoises. Petition de la Marne centre la Seine, etc., etc. Reims, 1855. 8vo, half morocco. 3555 GROWESTEINS a Possesse. Histoire queurieuse et terrible doou terns du Monsieur du Malberoug et qui interesse in brin 1'ounour des femmes d'oou pai's du Poussesse et cti du messieurs leurs maris, etc. A Poussesse in Parthois et a Paris, 1851. Restored by Louis Paris. Only 1 20 numbered copies printed, this being No. 31. 8vo. A satirical piece on the entry of Growesteins into Possesse. 3556 NICOLAS DE TROYES. Le Grand Parangon des Nouvelles Nouvelles ; compose par Nicolas de Troyes, et public d'apres le manuscrit original par Emile Mabille. Paris, 1869. 8vo. 3557 P*** (L. M.). Dictionnaire patois-frangais, a 1' usage des ecoles rurales et des habitants de la Campagne. Par L. M. P . . ., cure de St. N. . . . Nancy, 1842. 8vo, half calf. 3558 ROMANCERO DE CHAMPAGNE. Reims, 1863-64. 8vo. 5 vols. 3559 SAUBINET (E.). Vocabulaire du bas langage remois. Reims, 1845. 12 mo, half calf. 3560 TARBE' (P.). Poetes de Champagne anterieurs au siecle de Frangois I cr . Proverbes champenois avant le xvi e siecle. Reims, 1851. 8vo, half morocco. (Tire a 250 exemplaires.) 3561 Recherches sur 1'histoire du langage et des patois de Champagne. Reims, 1851. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. in one. (Cette edition se tire a 350 exemplaires.) 3562 VOCABULAIRE langrois, contenant plus de huit cents articles, dans lesquels ou signale les barbarismes, les locutions vicieuses et les fautes de prononciation que se permet la classe illetree de la ville de Langres. . Langres, 1822. i2mo, half calf. 183 AUSTRASIEN. Under this heading are comprised the following dialects : LORRAIN, MESSIN and VOSGIEN. 3563 ADAM (Lucien). Les Patois Lorrains. Nancy et Paris, 1 88 1. 8vo. 3564 ALMANACH. Le Lorrain peint par lui-meme. Almanach pour l'annegin at page 129 and continue to the end of the book. 4061 Lous moutets guascous deou marchan de Voltoire. Re'imprim^s surl'e'dition originale. Suivant la copie imprim^e it Tolose, par la Vefue de J. Colomiez, 1607. Tir a 25 exemplaires. 8vo, tinted paper. The date and place of this reprint are not given. LANDES AND GKERS DIALECTS. 4062 ADER (G.)- Lou gentilome gascoun 6 lous heits de gouerre deu gran 6 pouderous Henric gascoun. Rey de France 6 de Naouarre. Tolose, per Ramond Colomis, Imprimaire deu Rey, Tan 1610. 8vo. Very rare. 4063 BIBLE. Psalter. Psaumes de David, virats en rhythme gascon per Pey de Garros, laytores, de dicatz & la serea maiestat de la Regina de Navarra. Tolosa, J. Colomes, 1565. 8vo, crushed levant. Very rare. 4064 BLADE (J.-F.). Contes et proverbes populaires, r6cueillis en Armagnac. Paris, 1867. 8vo. 4065 CENAC MONCAUT. Dictionnaire gascon franc.ais, dialecte du dpartement du Gers ; suivi d'un abr6g6 du grammaire gasconne. Pans, 1863. 410. 4_ 66 . Voyage archologique et historique dans les anciens comts d'Astarac et de Pardiac, suivi d'un essai sur la langue et la litte>ature gasconne. Paris et Mirande, 1856. 410, half morocco. Autograph presentation copy to M. Barriere from the author. 4067 Contes populaires de la Gascogne. Paris, 1861. i2mo. ^ 6g Litt6rature populaire de la Gascogne: Contes, mysteres, chansons historiques, satiriques, sentimentales, rondeaux, recueillis dans 1'Astarac, le Pardiac, le B6arn et le Bigorre. Texte patois, avec la traduclion en regard, et la musique des princi- paux chants. Paris, 1868. i2mo. 212 4069 CONTES popnlaires recueillis dans la Grande-Lande, le Born, les Petites-Landes et le Marensin par Felix Arnaudin. Paris et Bordeaux, 1887. 8vo. (Traduc- tion franqaise et texte grand landais.) 4070 D'ASTROS (J. G.). Lou trimfe de la lengouo gascouo ; aus playdeiats de las quouate sasous, et deous quoiiate elomens, daouant lou Pastou de Loumaigno. Toulouso, Jan Boudo, 1643. i2tno, calf. The first edition, and of the greatest rarity. A perfect copy of these Gascon poems, in which the Seasons and the Elements dispute precedence. 4071 Another edition. Toulouso, Antoino Birosse, 1762. izmo, calf. D'Astros, rector of Saint-Clair-de-Lomagne, died 9 April 1649. 4072 Poesies gasconnes, recueillies et publiees par F. T. Nouvelle Edition, revue sur les manuscrits les plus authentiques et les plus anciennes. impressions (xvii e siecle). Paris, 1867-69. 8vo. 2 vols. 4073 FOURCADE (A.). Lou p6tit Prestayr, poeme en vers patoue's. Tarbes, 1862. 4074 GASCOUNADES (Las) ; Poesies patoises, par un Paysan de Grenade. Dax, (Marcel Herbet), no date. i2mo. 4075 GRIMAUDT (B.). Le dret cami del ce'l dins le pays moundi ; o la bido del gran Patriarcho Sant Benoist. L6 tout despartit en diberses cants, tan jouyouses, que debouciouses ; 6 clausit de mourulos tirades del Texto Sacrat, 6 de la Douctrino des Sants Payres. Toulouso, Frances Boude, 1659. 8vo, crushed levant. Very rare. 4076 GUIDE DES GASCONS (Le), ou, dictionnaire patois-fran9ais. Paris et Tarbes, 1858. 4to, half morocco. 4077 LA FONTAINE (Jean de). Fables causides de La Fontaine en bers gascouns. Bayoune, Fauvet-Duhard, 1776. 8vo, calf. With frontispiece. Rare. 4078 LA GRAVERE (P.-Th.). Poesies en gascoun ; precedades d'ibe introduccioun en Frances per Jules De Lamarque. Bayonne, 1865. 8vo. 4079 LOUBET (J.) Les Loisirs d'un enfant du peuple. Poesies patoises et franchises. Auch, 1859. izmo, half morocco. 4080 REVUE des Basses-Pyrnes et des Landes. Revue de B6arn, Navarre, et Lannes. Paris, Pau, Dax and Tarbes, 1883-89. 8vo. In parts. 4081 SALLES (Isidore). Debis Gascouns. Adou. Gabe. Nibe. Paris, 1885. 8vo. (Poems.) LANGUEDOCIEN-LANGUEDOCIEN IN GENERAL. 4082 AZAIS (Gabriel). Dictionnaire des idiomes languedociens. Tome i. Beziers, n.d. A Auberjo. 4083 HUGUES, dit CIQUO. Le Souvenir des grands hommes fondateurs du Couvent et du College de Soreze, etc. Poemes. Toulouse, n.d. 4084 PIGEAIRE (Scipion). Quaouquas peqas d6 vers patoues languedociens. Nimes, 1 86 1. 8vo. 4085 RECUEIL de Poetes gascons, contenant: las obros de P. Goudelin, avec le Diction- naire de la langue Toulousaine, les folies de le Sage de Montpellier; 1'embarras de la fieiro de Beaucaire, par Michel de Nismes, Amsterdam, (Daniel Pain), 1700. 8vo, calf. 2 vols. Two engravings. Rare. 4086 S[AUVAGES (I'abb6 Pierre Aug. Boissier de la Croix de)]. Dictionnaire languedocien- frangois, ou, Choix des mots languedociens les plus difficiles & rendre en francois. Nimes, Michel Gaude, 1756. 8vo, calf. This is a ist edition. 213 4087 S[AUVAGES (1'abbe* Pierre Aug. Boissier de la Croix de)]. Another edition Cornge'e, etc., par Mr. L. D. S. Nismes, Gaude, 1785. 4 to, calf. 2 vols. 4088 Another edition. Montpellier, J.-G. Tournel, 1820. 410, half calf. 4089 Revue, etc., par son neveu L. A. D. F. Alais, 1820-21. 4to, half calf. 2 vols in one. 4090 THOMAS (Eugene). Vocabulaire des mots roman-languedociens derivant directement du grec, pre"ce"de" de quelques observations bistoriques et grammatical. Montpellier 1843. 410. This volume bears the signature of Pierquin (de Gembloux). AGENAIS. 4091 BROUSSE (Poete-Laboureur). Mas Labous. Agen, 1862. i2mo. 4092 CASSAGNAOU (B.). Mas Fantesios. Montauban, n.d. 8vo. 4093 DAUBASSE (Arnaud). CEuvres d'Arnaud Daubasse, peignier en come. Villeneuve, 1806. 4to, half calf. Rare. The only edition printed at Villeneuve d'Agen. 1806 is held to be a false date for 1796. The poet died in 1720, never having learned to read or write. 4094 CEuvres completes. Nouvelle Edition, revue avec soin, etc., par M. H. E. . . . Avec Portrait. Villeneuve-sur-Lot, 1839. 8vo, half morocco. 4095 DELBES. Lou Ritchoune. Agen, 1 86 1. i2mo. (With Portrait.) 4096 DONNODEVIE (Adrien). Les derniers Troubadours. I. Jasmin. (Extrait de La Revue Contemporaine.) 4097 JANSEMIN. Lou Chalibary ; poemo en patois agenes. Agen, (P. Noubel), 1825. i2mo. 4098 Lou tres de May. Poemo. Agen, 1830. 8vo. 4099 JASMIN (Jacques). L'Abuglo de Castel Cuille'. Agen, 1836. 8vo. 4100 Las Papillotos de Jasmin coiffur. Agen, 1843-51. 8 vo, half calf. 3 vols. Edition de luxe epuisee et rare. 4101 Maltro 1'innoucento. Poemo en tres paouzos. Agen, 1845. 8vo. 4102 Lous dus Frays bessous. (Les deux Freres Jumeaux, Balado.) Agen, 1847. 8vo. 4103 Las Papillotos de Jasmin ; avec une pome en francais: He'lene, et la tra- duction mot a mot en regard pour les pieces en langue gasconne, 1852-63. Tome iv. Agen, 1863. 8vo. 4104 Las Papillotos. E'dition populaire avec le franQais en regard, et ornde d'un portrait. Paris, 1860. i2mo, half morocco. 4105 Lou Poeto del Puple & Moussu Rdnan. Agen, le 24 Aout, 1864. 8vo. This work contains on the fly-leaf the following interesting note : " Hommage de haute et respectueusc consideration a S.A. le prince L. Lucien Bonaparte, pour remplacer celuj que mon pere, a son lit de mort, avail e"crit pour S.A. et que par erreur j'ai enlerme dans son cercueil. Paris, 22 janv. 1866. Jasmin fils. " 4106 Las Papillotos. CEuvres completes de Jacques Jasmin. Preface de l'6dition, essai d'orthographe gasconne d'apr^s les langues romane et d'Oc, et collation de la traduction litte"rale, par Boyer d'Agen. Paris, 1889. 8vo. 4 vols. 4107 RABAIN (Le"on). Jasmin, sa Vie et ses CEuvres. Paris, 1867. i2ino. 4108 RECUEIL (Second) des travaux de la Socie'te' d' Agriculture, Sciences et Arts d'Agen. Agen, 1812. 8vo, half morocco. 214 ALBIGEOIS AND CASTRAIS. 4109 COUZINIE' (J.-P.). Dictionnaire de la langue romano-castraise et des contre"es limitrophes. Castres, 1850. 410, half morocco. 4110 DAUBIAN. Le Misantrope travesti. Come"die en cinq actes et en vers patois. Castres, 1797. 8vo. An imitation of Moliere's Misanthrope. It is a work of very great rarity, and escaped the researches of Taschereau and Querard. 4111 GAILLARD (Augie"). Lou banquet e plesen discours d'Augie" Gaillard roudie' de Rebastens en Albiges. Lyon, Francois Audebert, 1614. izmo, calf. Very rare. Pierquin de Gembloux does not mention this edition. 4112 Poe'sies languedociennes et franchises d' Auger Gaillard, dit lou roudie" de Rebastens, publie'es par M. G. de Clausade. Albi, S. Rodiere, 1843. 8vo, half morocco. With Portrait. 4113 GARY (1'abbe 1 ). Dictionnaire patois-francais a Tusage du ddpartement du Tarn. Castres, 1845. i2mo, half calf. BITERROIS (BEZIERS). 4114 BERSE'S PATOISE'S. B6ziers, 1842. i2mo, half morocco. 4115 BULLETIN de la Socie"t6 arche"ologique de B6ziers. (14 livraison.) Be*ziers, 1855. 8vo. 4116 CHRONIQUE de Mercier et Regis. Chronique Consulaire de la ville de Beziers, comprenant la derni^re moitie' du i4 e siecle, la totalite" des 15* et i6 e , et la premiere moitie" du i7 e . No place or date. Probably B6ziers. 8vo. 4117 POE'SIOS biterouesos des xvii e et xviii e siecles, coumpousados per diverses autous. Beziers, 1842. 410, half calf. 4118 SOCIE'TE' ARCHE'OLOGIQUE DE BEZIERS. Concours de 1839. Briers, 1839. 4119 THE'ATRE DE BEZIERS (Le), ou, Recueil des plus belles pastorales et autres pieces historie'es reprsente"es au Jour de 1'Ascension en ladite ville et composers par divers auteurs en langue vulgaire. 1616-57. 8vo, half morocco. (This reprint is undated.) 4120 VIRGILIUS MARO (Publius). Traductieou del premie', second, quatrieme, et sixieme livre de 1'Eneido de Virgilo. Per L.E. Avocat de Besies. Besie"s, 1682. 1 2 mo, calf. This work, of the greatest rarity, is attributed by Brunei to d'Estagniol. CEVENOL. 4121 CLUGNET (Le"on). Glossaire du patois de Gilhoc (Ardeche), suivi d'un essai grammaticale. Paris, 1883. i2mo. 4122 POUE'ZIOS Sacradas en patoue"s. 2 me Edition. Le Vigan, 1 840. 1 6 pages. MONTPELLIER AND L'HERAULT DIALECTS. 4123 B**** (M.% Lous Ple"sis daou p6yrou, m6ss6s 6n vers libr^s, e'nbe' d^ notas historiquas ; per M. B****, 6 de"dias a M. S******, soun amic. Mounpe'ye', 1829. 19 pages, uncut. 4124 BARTHE'S (M.). Berses Patoueses. Saint-Pons, 1854. 8. pages. 4125 CASTELNAU (J. E.). La courouna pouetica dau Lengadoc. Ma dinieirola. Em'una letra-prefaci de L. Roumieux. lllustraciouns d'Edouard Marsal. Mount-Peli6, 1887. 8vo. 4126 E LOUS CASSAYRE'S DE' MOUNPEYE'. Aousde" Mars 1845. Montpellier. 8 pages. 215 4127 FABRE. Lou Siege de Cadaroussa, pouema patois en tres cans, per defunt Fabre Priou de Cellanova. Mounpeye", G. Izar et A. Ricard, 1797. V e annada Repub- licaina. izmo, uncut. The title-page is torn in three pieces, which will be found at page 18. This is a copy of the very rare original edition of this celebrated poem. The subject is the attack made by the starving inhabitants of Avignon on the village of Cadarousse in order to carry off 400 measures of wheat. 4128 Lou Sieche' d6 Cadaroussa; Pouema patois; sdguit d'aou sermoun de" Moussu Sistr6 6t d'aou tresor d6 substantioun. z a ditioun. Mountpdie, (Augusta Ricard), n.d. 8vo, uncut. 4129 (Priou de Cellanova.) Lou Sie'ge de Cadaroussa. Pouema patois en tres cans ; per dt- funt Fabre, Priou de Cellanova. E'ditoun augmentada d'aou sermoun de Moussu Sistre. Mountpey, J. Martin, n.d. 410, uncut. 4130 Another edition. Em'un Avans-prepaus de J. Roumanille. Avignoun, J. Roumanille, 1866. i8mo. 4131 FAVRE (1'abbe"). Rcul d'uvras patoizas. Mountpe'ye', Tournel, 1815-18. 8vo, half morocco. 4132 Another edition. Mounpe'ye', Jullien, 1837-46. 8vo, half morocco. 4133 Mounpe'ye', Dumas, n.d. izmo, uncut. 4134 Obras patouezas. Mounpe'ye', Augusta Virenque, 1839. izmo, half morocco. 4 vols. in two. This is the only complete edition of M. Favre's works. It is due to a M. Martin. 4135 FOL1ES du Sieur Le Sage, de Montpellier (Les). Amsterdam, Daniel Pain, 1700. 8vo. With which is bound L'Embarras de la Fieiro de Beaucaire, en vers burlesques vulgaris, per Jean Michel de Nismes. Amsterdam, 1700. 8vo, half morocco. With frontispiece to each poem. 4136 GIBLOUX (C. De"). Pimparelas. Paris, 1846. 8vo, half calf. 4137 Flure"tas. Paris, 1846. 8vo, half calf. loo copies printed. 4138 Flure"tas. Paris, 1844. 8vo, half calf. 100 copies printed. 4139 Louisa. MounpeTe", 1850. 8vo, half calf. With portrait of Pierquin de Gembloux. (Patois poems.) 4140 MARTIN (F. R.). Fables, contes et autres poesies patoises. Montpellier, an xiii, 1805. 4to, half calf. 4141 Leis Passo-tems 66 Meste Martin, counte'nen Lei's Quatre Saisouns 6 aoutrei p^cos, en vers patois. Nime, 1822. izmo. 4.142 Les Loisirs d'un Languedocien. Montpellier, 1827. 8vo, half calf. Contains essay on Montpellier dialect, extracts from the old Troubadours, and a vocabulary. 4143 MONDONVILLE (M. de). Daphnis et Alcimaduro, pastouralo toulouzeno, accou- moudadou a noste patois de Mountpellie\ Mountpetli6, Rochard, 1758. 410, uncut. Very rare. 4144 PEYROTTES (Jean-Antoine). Lous Orcholets. Especa de taralie" que" s'e"s ms dins lou cap d'estre poueta. Lou poueta desappointat, a Moussu Tristan-lou Cuistre (M. Beauclair, a magistrate, who had fined the poet). Lodeve, Guillieres, December, 1835. 1 2 pages. This lampoon, seized by the authorities, is very rare. 4145 Apouth^osa d6 P. P. Riquet. Clermont 1'Herault, 1838. 8 pages. 4,46 Pouesias patouezas del taralie" J. A. Peyrottes. Montpellier, 1840. 8vo, half calf. 4147 Las Fade"chailhas de"! laralie. Montpellier, 1842. izmo. 216 4148 POUSSAN (B. de). Mas Pensadas sus la Re"publica. La Souverenetat d'aou Pople". Montpellier, 1848. 8 pages. 4149 RECUEIL de Cantiques et de Noels, traduits en languedocien ou patois de Mont- pellier. Montpellier, 1825. izmo. 4150 R(ENAUD) (D.). Badinache e"n patoues de" Mounpe'ie. Montpellier, n.d. 4151 RIGAUD (Aug. et Cyrilla). Pouesias patouesas. Mounpei'e, 1806. 8vo, half calf. 4152 Pouesias patoisas. MounpeVe, 1821. 8vo, half morocco. 4153 ROCH (Hippolyta). Lou Portafui'a de I'ouvri6. Recul de Poezias languedocienas. Mounpe'ie, 1861. 8vo. 4154 TANDON (Aug.). Fables et Contes en vers patois. Montpellier, an viii. 4to. Autograph presentation copy from the author to M. Sabatier. A 1st edition, of which only a few copies were printed. 4155 THALAMUS PARVUS. Le Petit Thalamus de Montpellier, public" pour la premiere fois, d'apres les manuscrits originaux, par la Socie'te' Arche'ologique de Montpellier. Premiere partie. Les Coutumes, publie"es en Latin et en Roman par M. de St. -Paul. Montpellier, 1836. 410. From Publications de la Soc. Archeol. de Montpellier, No. 2. Documents historiques, No. I. 4156 TOUCHY (M.). Ode, en idiome languedocien, a Sa Majeste" Napole"on-le-Grand, Empereur des FranQais e Roi d'ltalie. Montpellier, 1808. 20 pages. Uncut. NIMOIS. 4157 ANACRE'ON. Odes d'Anacre"on, traduites en vers languedociens, par M. Aubanel. Nismes, 1814. 8vo, half morocco. 4158 BEAULARD (Louis). Uno courso de" bioou din lis areno de" Nime". Vers patois. Nimes, n.d. 12 pages. Autograph presentation copy from the author to Prince L. -L. Bonaparte. 4159 La malaoutie" de la vigno, ou, la garisoun de Meste" Jean Rasin. Vers patois. Nimes, 1861. 12 pages. 4160 BIGOT (A.). Li Bourgadieiro : poesies patoises (dialecte de Nimes). Nimes, 1863. 121110. 4161 BONNET (Pierre). Abre"gea historiquou, en vers patois, deis principaoux faits arriva din Beoucaire despiei 89 jusqu'en 1832. Aries, 1832. 36 pages. 4162 Pichotou Re"vuou des saisouns bouqueirenquou, poe'mou patois en 4 cants. Aries, 1839. 8vo, half morocco. 4163 Leis doux Rivaous de la tartugou, ou, L'Ase, lou coulobre et la tarasque. Poe'mou e"pi-coumique en quatre cants. Dialecte Bouquire"n. Nimes, 1840. 8vo, half morocco. 4164 Lou Rhose de 1840 cousin gearman d'oue deluge, ou, relaxioun historique deis principaoux faits d'aquelle inoundatioun arriva din Beoucaire. Poeme patois. Aries, 1840. 8vo. 4165 Recuei' de cansouns Patoises. Per lou Carnaval de 1843. Nismes, 1843. 8vo. 4166 The same. Per lou Carnaval de 1846. Nimes, 1846. 12 pages. 4167 BOUFOUNADAS en vers patois ounte" i a de" qu6 rire" 6 de 1 que~ ploura. Nim^, 1824. izrno, uncut. 4168 quatrie"mo 6ditioun, re'visto, etc. Nime", 1829. i2mo, uncut. The author was Joseph Roustan. 217 4169 DANIEL (Claude). Le chansonnier nimois. Podsies franqaises et patoises. Nimes, 1862. i2ino. Autograph presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 4170 ENBARRAS de fiere de San Micheou (L'). No date and place. 12 pages. 4171 LA FARE ALMS (De). Las Castagn ados. Alais, 1844. 8vo, half calf. 4172 2 me Edition. CEuvres completes. Avec Portrait. Alais, 1851. 8vo, half morocco. 4173 ME'NARD (L6on). Histoire civile, ecctesiastique et litte>aire de la ville de Nismes, avec des notes et les preuves, etc. Paris, 1750-58. 410, calf. 7 vols. (With portrait and plates of Nismes). Contains old literary documents and vocabularies. 4174 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). St. Mark. Lou Sant-Evangeli d'apres Sant Marc (virat en lengo d'Oc). (Parla de la Salle Saint Pierre, Gard.) Loundros, 1888. 8vo, morocco. PERIGORD. 4175 BRUGIE (A.). Bouno-Gorjo et Gulo-Fresco, ou, lou Gourmon motat. Poeme patois. Paris, 1841. 8vo. (Only 60 copies printed.) Published by G. Brunei, who has added to the poem two songs in the dialect of Sarlat. Antoine Brugie, cure of Lamothe-Fenelon, was a lover of good cheer, who died in 1790. 4176 ROUSSET (P.). Ses CEuvres. Nouvelle Edition, revue, corrige'e, et augmentee de pieces in^dites, publi^e par J.-B. L(asioux). Avec des notes et claircissemens. Sarlat, 1839. i2mo, half calf. Lasious is written in on the title. J.-B. Lecomte is generally considered the editor under the initials J.-B. L. 4177 Lo Dispute de Baccus et de Priapus, compouzado per lou S r Rousset, de Sorlat, et noubeUomen publiado per J.-B. L. Sorlat, 1841. 8vo. 4178 VIRGILIUS MARO (Publius). Prumiero Eiglogo de Virgilo, verseii Pe>igourdino, suivont lou potois que parlen 6 excideuil din sous envirouns, par J.-B. Morteyrol. Perigueux, n.d. 8 pages. QUERCY. 4179 D. (M. V. B.). Scatabronda, coumedio noubelo et histouriquo. Roterdam, (Pierre Marteau), 1687. 410, uncut. Champollion-Figeac attributes this comedy in the Cahors dialect to an abbe Fabre of Cahors. This is a reprint of the early part of this century. 4180 VIRGILIUS MARO (Publius). Traduction libre des trois premieres E'clogues de Virgile. Par M. Roman Pelissie. Cahors, (J.-P. Combarieu), n.d. 20 pages, uncut. This work is preceded by a letter to his nephew and by a sonnet ROUERGUE. 4181 CONST ANS (M. L.). Essai sur 1'histoire du sous-dialecte du Rouergue. Montpellier et Paris, 1880. 8vo. 4182 DURAND (J.-P.) E'tudes de philologie et linguistique aveyronnaises. Paris, 1879. 8vo. 4183 FROMEN (J.). Julito et Pierrou, ou, lou Comi mal espeirat del moriatge. Espalion, 1840. i2mo, uncut. Rare. 218 4184 PEYROT (Claude). Les Quatre Saisons, ou, les Ge"orgiques patoises; poeme par M.P.A.P.D.P. Be'ne'ficier a Millau. Auteur du Recueil des poesies patoises et frantjoises, imprime" en 1774. Millau, etc., 1781. 8vo. This work contains only the patois poems of the Prior de Pradinas. At the end is a vocabulary of the Rouergue dialect. 4185 CEuvres patoises. Dans lesquelles on trouve les Quatre Saisons, ou, les Gtorgiques patoists. Seconde Edition. Millau, an xiii, et le premier du regne de Napoleon. 410, half calf. 4186 Troisieme Edition. Milhau, 1810. 410, half calf. 4187 Quatrieme Edition. Millau, 1823. 410, half calf. With Portrait. 4188 VAYSSIER (1'abbe"). Dictionnaire patois-fran9ais du d 4230 ABEILHO (L'), prouvengalo de 1858 paruno ribambello de rimaires, erne uno prefaqo de J.-T. Bory. Marsio, Feraud, 1858. 8vo. Autograph presentation copy from the editor, M. Feraud, to Prince L. -L. Bonaparte. 4231 ANELIERS (G.). La Guerra civil de Pamplona, poema escrito en versos provenzales. Pamplona, 1847. 410, half morocco. 4232 AVR1L (J.-T.). Dictionnaire provenQal-frangais. Apt, Cartier, 1839. 4to, half calf. 4233 Vocabulaire franc,ais-provenc,al. Apt, Cartier, 1840. 410, half calf. 4234 BARTSCH (K.). Provenzalisches Lesebuch. Mit einer literarischen Einleitung und einem Worterbuche. Elberfeld, 1855. 8vo, half morocco. 4235 BOUIL-ABAISSO (Lou) ; journal en vers proven9aux, languedociens et contadins, avec une preTace en franqais par M. Auguste Fabre. Collection complete de deux annees, publi^e a Marseille sous la direction de J. Ddsanat. Marseille, 1844-46. 410. This is the Second Series to the Collection complete du Bouil-Abaisso, published by J. Desanat, Marseille, 1841-42, and is of a larger size. 4236 BOUQUET PROUVENCAOU (Lou), vo, leis troubadours revioudas. Marsillo, 1823. i2mo, half morocco. This collection, published by the brothers Achard, contains some of the best Proven9al poems by Gros, Germain, Vigne, the publishers, Agnelier, Dastros, etc., etc. 4237 CASTOR (J.-J.). L'Interprete proven9al, contenant un choix de 15,000 termes pro- vengaux les plus utiles, expliques en franQais. Apt, Clauzel, 1843. j2mo, half morocco. 4238 CHANTARI DI LANCELLOTTO (Li). A Troubadour's Poem, edited from a MS. in the possession of the Royal Society of Literature, by Walter de Grey Birch. London, 1874. 8vo. 4239 CONSTITUTION FRANCAISE (La), traduite, conforme'ment aux De"crets de 1' Assembled nationale, constituante, en langue provengale, par C. F. Bouche. Paris, 1792. 8vo, half calf. 4240 CRAIG (J. D.). A Handbook to the Modern Proven9al Language, spoken in the South of France, Piedmont, etc. London, 1863. izmo. 4241 D'AUBIGNE (Th. Agrippa). Les Aventures du Baron de Fceneste. Nouvelle Edition, revue et annote'e par M. Prosper MeVime'e. Paris, 1855. 8vo, thick paper, uncut. This work is written in i6th century French interspersed with Proven9al dialects. It gives a very complete picture of French Society at the beginning of the reign of Louis XIII. 221 4242 DfiSANAT (J.) and others. A Moussu Requien, su soun vouyage a Paris en 1846. Par J. Dsanat. L'Ange di Flour, sonnet, par J. Roumanille. E'pitrou 4 moun ami Requien. Par L. A. Carpentras. A Moussu Paul Delaroche. Sonnet, par A. Boudin. Avignon, n.d. 4243 DICTIONNAIRE de la Provence et du Comte"-Venaissin. Par une Soci&e 1 de Gens de Lettres. Marseille, 1785. 410, half calf. 2 vols. 4244 FABLES. A collection of a few Fables in Provencal extracted from a larger work. No date or place. It contains : Lou mueou que vanto sa lignado ; La coouquilhado et seis pichols, eme lou mestre d'un loou ; Lou cat, la moustelo et lou pichot lapin ; Leis dous pigeouns. 4245 G. (M.). Dictionnaire provenc,al-francais (Le Nouveau). PreVe"de" d'un abre'ge' de grammaire provenc,ale-franest Beam writer after Despourrins. 4443 HATOULET (J.) et PICOT (E.). Proverbes bearnais. Accompagnes d'un vocabulaire et de quelques proverbes dans les autres dialectes du midi de la France. Paris et Leipzig, 1862. 8vo. Only a few copies printed. 4444 KEMPIS (Thos. a). L'Imitatiou de Jesu-Chrit, traduside en Beanie's per M. l'Ab P. Lamaysouette. Pail, 1870. 8vo. 4445 LESPY (V.). Grammaire bearnaise, suivie d'un vocabulaire fran9ais-bearnais. Pau, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. E'puise et rare. 4446 Another edition. Paris, 1880. 8vo. 4447 et RAYMOND (P.). Dictionnaire bearnais, ancien et moderne. Mont- pellier, 1887. 8vo. 2 vols. 4448 LOISIRS d'ii Paysaa, ou, cansous bearneses. Saint-Sever, 1838. 4to. 4449 NAVARROT (X.). Estrees bearneses aou proufieit deous praoubes. Oloron, 1834. 410, uncut. 4450 Dialogue entre Moussu Matheii, 1'electou, y Jean de Mingequannas, lou Bouhemi. Pau, 1838. 23 pages. 445 1 NAYADE de la Houn de Bourdeu (La): a las AVgues-Bounes. Poeme bearnais, avec sa traduction en fran9ais; suivi de notes d'un vieux Medecin. Pau, 181 1. 12 mo, uncut. 4452 POE'SIES BE'ARNAISES. Pau, 1827. 8vo, half morocco. 4453 avec l a traduction fran9aise, lithographies et musique. Pau, 1852-60. 8vo. 2 vols. This important collection was published by E. Vignancour. It contains the principal works of the chief Beam writers. r 4454 PUYOO (1'abbe). La Bertat, ou, Rebe de Moussu 1'abat de Puyoo de la gentilhe maysou d'Esbarrebaque, Seignou de Pontiac, sus lous Gentiiis de Be'arn. Troisieme Edition. Toulouse, n.d. 4455 RIVARES (F.). Chansons et airs populaires du Be'arn, recuellis par Fr. Rivares. Pau, 1844. Vellum. 4456 SALETTE (A. de). Ung Flouquetot coelhut hens los Psalmes de David metutz en rima bernesa per Arnaud de Salette en 1'aneia 1583. Pau, 1878. 8vo. Only 102 copies printed. 232 4.457 THIBAULT. Les Poesies du Roy de Navarre (Thibault), avec des notes et un glossaire francjois (par Leveque de La Ravalliere). Paris, (Gutirin), 1742. 8vo, calf. 2 vols. Curious and rare. NICOIS. 4458 BARBERIS (Fr.). Nizza Italiana : Raccolta di varie poesie Italiane e Nizzarde corredate di note. Florence, 1871. 8vo. 4459 CAIRE (P. L.). Saggio sul dialetto Nizzardo in confronto colle Lingue Rornanze e coi dialetti Italiani. Sanremo, 1884. 4460 CATE'CHISME per la Diocesi de Nisso. Nisso, 1796. izmo, vellum. 4461 de la diocesi de Nissa. Nissa, 1839. izmo, half morocco. 4462 DABRAY (Joseph). Poesies nouvelles et diverses. Nice, 1851. i2mo. 4463 Chansons populaires en fran9ais et en patois. Nice, 1851. i2mo. 4464 GUISOL (FranQois). Loisirs poe'tiques, ou, recueil de chansons, 6pitres, e"pigrammes, etc. Nice, 1847. 8vo. Discours liberal au Pople mon fraire. Poema nassional. Nissa, 1848. 8vo. En esperan lou mieu' nouveu' poema enlitulat La Mierf Preson per souscripsion offri au public L'Ouvrie souta lou tern dou' terrible Nasini. Nissa, 1851. ii pages. 4467 Miceu (G.). Grammatica nissarda per empara en poon de temps lo patouas d6ou pais. Nissa, 1840. i2mo, half morocco. 4468 RANCHER (J. R.). La Nemaida o sia lou Trionf dai Sacrestan. Poema Nissart. Nissa, 1823. With Portrait. 8vo, half morocco. 4469 SARDOU (A.-L.) et CALVINO (J.-B.). Grammaire de 1'idiome niQois. Nice, 1882. 8vo. CATALAN, ROUSSILLONNAIS, ETC. 4470 ^SOP. Faules de Isop, filosof moral preclarissim y de altres famosos autors. Barcelona, n.d. 8vo, vellum. (Contains also a Life of ^sop. Both the Life and Fables are illustrated with many quaint cuts.) 4471 ALABAU Y SANROMA (Ignacio). Tratado te"orico-prdctico de la analogia que guarda el idioma francos con el Catalan asi con respecto & la pronunciaci6n como & la construccidn de la frase. Barcelona, 1862. 410. 4472 ARNAUTO' (Rev. J. H.). Meditacions-piadosas sobre los Sagrats Evangelis de tolas las Dominicas del Any, que canta la Iglesia en la Santa Missa. 2 a edici6. Barce- lona, 1 86 1. 8vo. 4473 BALAGUER (Victor). Italia. Colecci6n de cantos sobre la guerra de la indepen- dencia italiana escritos en idioma Catalan. Barcelona, 1859. 4to. 4474 Poesias Catalanas. Lo Trovador de Monserrat. Barcelona, 1861. 8vo. 4475 BALLOT Y TORRES (J. P.). Giamatica y Apologia de la llengua cathalana. Barcelona, (1814). 8vo, half calf. 4476 BERGNES (M.). Lous dous foureste"s d la coume'di, grande scene comique en cata- lan-roussillonnais, divise"e en iv parties, e"crite pour trois personnages principaux. En Perote, en Jepot y Jo, d^bite'e par Jo tout seul. Perpignan, 1861. 4477 BIBLE. Penitential Psalms. Los Set Salms de la Penitencia 6 Sentiment de una anima penitent, sobre los set Salms de David. Perpinya, 1809. i2mo, morocco. 233 447 8 BOFARULL (Antoni de). Los Trobadors Nous. Collecci6 de poesfas catalanas, escullidas de aut6rs contemporaneos. Barcelona, 1858. 8vo. 4479 Estudios, sistema gramatical y crestomatfa de la lengua catalana. Barce- lona, 1864. 8vo. 4480 BOSCH (Andrew). Summari index o epitome dels admirables, y nobilissims titols de honor de Cathalunya, Rossello, y Cerdanya. Perpinya, (Lacaualletia), 1628. Folio, calf. (This work is very rare.) 4481 BRIZ (F. Pelay) y Candi Candi, y Joseph Salt6. Cansons de la Terra. Cants populars Catalans. Barcelona, 1866-67. ^vo. 2 vo ' s - With Airs. 4482 BROCH (J.). Promtuario Trilingue, en el que se manifiestan las vozes que sirven para el comercio politico y sociable en los tres Idiomas Cathalan, Castellano y France's. Barcelona, 1771. 8vo, vellum. 4483 BUCHON (J. A. C.) et TASTU (J.). Notice d'un Atlas en langue catalane, manuscrit de Tan 1375, conserve" parmi les manuscrits de la Bibliotheque royale, No. 6816, fonds ancien, in folio max. Paris, 1839. 8vo, half morocco. 4484 CALVET DE BUDALLE'S (Damaso). Son Ells ! ! Desembarco de los Almoga- vares en Oriente. Poe'sia Catalana. Enriquecida con la versi6n libre al Castellano por D. Florencio Janer. Madrid, 1859. 8vo. 4485 CAMBOULIU (F. R.). Essai sur 1'histoire de la litte'rature catalane. 2 e Edition, augmented de la Comedia de la Gloria d' Amor de Fra Rocaberti, et d'un nouveau fragment de la traduction catalane de Dante. Paris, 1858. 8vo. 4486 CAPITOLS del General del Principat de Cathalunya, Comtats de Rosselld, y Cerdanya, fets en les Corts celebrades en lo Monestir de Sant Francesch de Barcelona, per la S.C.R.M. del Rey Don Phelip nostre Senyor per lo redres del General, y Casa de la Deputaci6 en lo any 1599. Barcelona, en casa de Rafel Figuerd, 1681. 8vo, vellum. 4487 CATECHISM. Breve compendi de la Doctrina Cristiana reimprimit amba algunas corre^ions y adjunctas del Catechismu Roma per ordra dell' Ill m y Rev m Monsenor D. Fr. Pera Rafel Arduino, Bisba de Alguer y Unions. Cagliar, 1850. 4488 CATECISME impres per orde del il m y rev m Senyor Joan-Francesch de Saunhac- Belcastel, Bisbe de Perpinyd. Perpinyd, 1826. 4489 CENDROS (L.). Gramatica Cathalana. Barcelona, 1650. 8vo. (Defective.) 4490 Gramatica Cathalana. Barcelona, 1676. izmo, crushed levant. 4491 COBLAS de la Mort y Passio de Jesu-Christ nostre Senyor. Perpinya, (Reynier), 1773. 8vo. 4492 COMPENDI (Breve) de la Doctrina Cristiana reimprimit amba algunas corrections y adjunctas del Catechismu Romd per ordra dell' Ill m y Rev m Monsenor D. Fr. Pera Rafel Arduino, Bisba de Alguer y Unions. Cagliar, 1850. 8vo. This work is in the Algherine dialect spoken in Sardinia by the descendants of colonists from Catalonia. 4493 CONSTITUCIONS Capitols, y Actes de Cort, Fetas, y Atorgats, per la S.C.R. Magestat del Rey Nostre Senyor Don Felip IV de Arago, y y de Castella, Comte de Barcelona, etc. En la primera Cort, celebrada als Cathalans, en la Ciutat de Barcelona, en lo Monastir de Sant Francesch, en los anys 1701 y 1702. Barcelona, 1702. Folio, vellum. 4494 CONSTITUTIONS fetes per la S.C.R. Magestat del Rey Don Phelip Segon, Rey de Castella, de Arago, etc. En la primera Cort, celebra als Cathalans, en la Ciutat de Barcelona en lo Monasti de S. Francesch en lo any 1599. Barcelona, 1603. 8vo. 4495 CUENTO de un rector de Platxeria, y de un escold quel servia. Barcelona: En la Estampa dels Hereus de Joan Jolis, al carrer dels Cotoners. No date. 8 pages. 234 4496 DANTE. La Comedia de Dant Allighier (de Florenza) traslatada de rims vulgars toscans en rims vulgars cathalans per N' Andreu Febrer. (Siglo xv.) Dala a luz, precedida de un estudio biografico-bibliografico D. Cayetano Vidal y Valenciano. Barcelona, 1877. (A specimen sheet.) 4497 DESCRIPCIO' de la Montana y Santuari de Monserrat. Poesia catalana del Siglo xviii, publicada enteramente conforme con el manuscrito original por Don Florencio Janer. Madrid, 1859. The editor is of opinion that the author of this poem was Padre Maestro Fray Agustin Eura, an Augustinian, Bishop of Orense. 4498 DICCIONARI Catala-Castella-Llatf-Frances-Italia. Per una Societat de Catalans. Barcelona, 1839. 4to, half morocco. ^ vols. 4499 ESTEVE (J.), BELVITGES (J.) y JUGLA Y FONT (Ant.). Diccionario Catalan- Castellano-Latino. Barcelona, 1803-5. Folio, calf. 2 vols in one. Rare. 4500 ESTORCH Y SIQUtiS (P.). Gramdtica de la lengua catalana. Barcelona, 1857. 8vo, half morocco. 4501 FLAMENVILLE (J. H. B. de). Abre"ge" de la Doctrine Chre"tienne en Catalan et franc,ais. Perpignan, (J. Alzine), no date, ramo, vellum. 45oz FLEURI (l'abb). Menor Catechisme historic, qui cont summariament la Historia Sagrada y la Doctrina Christiana. Perpignan : Any vii de la Republica. 410, vellum. Translated into Catalan by the Rev. J. Imbert. 4503 GARCIA (V.). La Armenia del Parnas. Barcelona, 1820. 410, half morocco. 4504 Poesias jocosas y serias. Barcelona, 1840. 4to. Nova edici6, adornada ab hermosas vinyetas y lo retrato del autor. Calf. 4505 GAY SABER (Lo.). Peri6dich literari quinzenal fet per escriptors Catalans, mallor- quins y valencians. Any i, Nom. v. Barcelona, i r de Maig de 1868. 4506 GERSON (J.). Del Menyspreu del mon. Lo libre de mestre iohan gerson canceller de paris de la imitacio de iesu christ e del menuspreu de aquest mo miserable splanat de lati en valenciana lengua per lo magnifichen miquel perez ciutada. Valencia, 1491. 8vo. Crushed levant, with Imperial Crown and Eagle. Most rare. A Black-Letter translation of the Imitation of Christ into Valentian by Miguel Perez, who attributes the work to John Gerson. 4507 CRANES (Rev. B.). Pueriles Elegantiae Flores : Latino, Gotholaunicoque elucubrati sermone, notis variis illustrati, atque claro per octo orationis partes ordine dispositi. Gerundae, (1705). 8vo, vellum. 4508 HELFFERICH (A.). Raymund Lull und die Anfange der catalonischen Literatur. Berlin, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. 4509 KEMPIS (Thos. a). Tractat de la Imitacio de Christo y Menyspreu del Mon. Traduit en Llengua Catalana de son original Llatf. Per lo Rev. Pere Bonaura. Barcelona, (the approbation is dated 1749). i2ino, morocco. 4510 JOCHS Florals de Barcelona en 1859. Barcelona, 1859. 410. 4511 The same for the years 1860, 1861 and 1862. 4512 LABERNIA (Pere). Diccionari de la Llengua Catalana ab la corr.espondencia Castellana y Llatina. Barcelona, 1839-40. 410, half calf. 2 vols. 4513 Another edition. Barcelona, 1864-65. 410, half morocco. 2 vols. 4514 LACAVALLERIA et DULACH (Joannes). Gazophylacium Catalano-Latinum, dictiones phrasibus illustratas, ordine literario comprehendens. Barcinone, 1696. Folio, half morocco. Very rare. A most important work for the study of Catalan. 235 45*5 LULL (R.). Obras rimadas de Ramon Lull, escritas en idioma Catalan-Provenzal, publicadas por primera vez con un articulo biografico, ilustraciones y variantes, y seguidas de un glosario de voces anticuadas por Ger6nimo Rossell6. Palma, 1859. 410. 4516 MANESCAL (Rev. Honofre). Sermo wlgarment anomenat dell Senyor Don Javme Segon, Justicier, y pacific Rey de Arago, y Compte de Barcelona, fill de Don Pedro lo Gran, y de Dona Costanc.a sa muller, y historia de la perdua de Espanya, gradeses de Cathalunya Comptes de Barcelona y Reys de Arago. Predicat en la Sancta Iglesia, de la insigne ciutat de Barcelona a 4 de Noembre del any 1597. Estampat en Barcelona en casa Sebastia de Cormellas all Call any de 1603, a costa de Hierony Genoues. 8vo, vellum. Rare. (Page 29 has been restored in manuscript.) 4517 MASCARO (F.). Terciari dev6t, y practich en lo sen Sant Institut y en los espirituals exercisis, en que se dedica la Venerable Orde Tercera de Penitencia, fundada en lo Convent de la Regular Observancia del Serafich Pare y Patriarca Sant Francesch de la Ciutat de Gerona. Gerona, (1825). jzmo, vellum. 4518 MATHEU (Fr.). Compend 6 breu explicaci6 de la Doctrina Christiana en forma de dialogo entre pare y fill. Mataro, n.d. nmo, vellum. 4519 MILA Y FONTANALS (Manuel). Observaciones sobre la poesia popular; con muestras de romances catalanes in^ditos. Barcelona, 1853. 410, half morocco. puis6 et rare. Besides the Catalan this work contains a few Latin, French and Provencal poems. 4520 MIRAMBELL Y GIO'L (Francisco). Alphabet de comparaci6n, h ebreo- Catalan - castellano, 6 correspondencia entre los signos hebreos, catalanes, y castellanos, segun los principios del Anocujeni, 6 Alphabeto reformado universal. Madrid, 1817. 4to W ith Portrait of the author.) 4521 MODO de resar lo rosari de nostra Senyora del Roser, a cors 6 en particular. Perpinya, Alzine, 1810. 32 pages, half calf. 4522 de rezar lo rozari de nostra Senyora del Rozer d cors, 6 en particular. Perpinya, Reynier, n.d. 32 pages. 4523 MONTANYES (Jaume). Espill de ben viure y per'ajudar d ben morir, en lo incert dia y h6ra de la m6rt. Ordenat per frare Jaume Montany6s. Valencia, 1827. 8vo, calf. 4524 NEBRISSENSIS (^Elius Antonius). Lexicon Latino Catalanum. Barcinone ; ex off. Claudii Bornatii, 1560. 8vo, half calf. 4525 NOVENA del glorios Patriarca S. Josep, digne Espos de la sempre Verge Maria, Pare putatiu y fidel Custodi de Jesus. Molt eficas per alcanc,ar del Senyor, etc. Traduhida del Castella en vulgor idioma Catala por lo molt Rev. Rafel Cruzat. Perpinia, 1711. 8vo. 4526 del Sant Mysteri de Cervera. Treta principalment de la Historia de la Sagrada Passio del V. P. Lluis de la Palma de la Companyia de Jesus. Cervera, 1763. i2mo, vellum. 4527 P. (F. M. F.) y M. (M.). Diccionario castellano-catalan por F. M. F. P. y M. M. Reus, 1836. 8vo, half calf. 4528 Diccionario catalan-castellano por F. M. F. P. y M. M. Barcelona, 1839. 8vo, half calf. 4529 PONS Y GALLARZA (Joseph Lluis). Lo Traball de Catalunya. Palma, 1862. 4to. 4530 PUIGGARI (M. P.). Grammaire catalane-frangaise. Perpignan, 1852. izmo, half calf. 236 453' QUINTANA Y COMBIS (Albert de). Canso del Comte d'Urgell, en Jaume lo Desditxat. La Bisbal, 1870. Presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 4532 RELACIO nova, y molt curiosa, de la vida dels pastors; en que se manifesta los treballs, y grans combats que tenen quant los hix lo Llop, y lo molt alegre, y divertida que es llur vida. Barcelona; en la Estampa dels Hereus de Joan Jolis al carrer dels Cotoners. No date. 8 pages. 4533 RESSENYA en defensa de las vinyas d rabossa morta, y modo prdctich de amillararlas. Barcelona, 1861. (A treatise on vine culture.) 4534 REXACH (Rev. B.). Instruccions per la ensenyansa de Minyons. Gerona, (1748). 8vo, vellum. 4535 ROCA Y CERD^i (A. A.). Diccionario manual de la lengua catalana y castellana. Barcelona, 1824. 8vo, calf. 4536 ROMANCES castellanos y catalanes. This work consists of ballads, religious and profane, bound together, with some woodcuts. Printed in various towns and at different times, chiefly at the end of the last, and the beginning of the present, century. \ 4537 RUBIO Y ORS (Joaquim). Lo Gayte" del Llobregat. Poesias. Barcelona, 1841. 8vo, calf. 4538 SALAMO (S.). Manual de Cantichs, que se cantan en les Missions que fan Preberes seculars en el Bisbat de Elna. Perpinya, 1766. 8vo. 4539 e GELABERT (M.). Regla de Vida; molt util als pobres y richs, y d las personas illuminadas. Barcelona, n.d. 8vo, vellum. 4540 Nova edici6. Perpinya, 1802. i2mo. 4541 SANT GERONI (Anton de). Representaci6 de la Sagrada Passi6 y Mort de Nostre Senyor Jesu-Christ, novament corregida y regulada conforme a lo que los quatre Sagrats Evangelistas, y sobre ells los Inte>pretes, nos ensenan de aquesta may ben ponderada finesa. Barcelona; en la Estampa de Rafel Figuer6. No date. 4to. 4542 SAURA (S. A.). Diccionario Manual de las lenguas castellana-catalana. Barcelona, 1859. 8vo. 4543 Third edition. Barcelona, 1862. 8vo. 4544 SENTENCIAS sacadas de la Sagrada Escritura, vertidas en lengua castellana y catalana. Barcelona, 1769. Morocco. 4545 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Lo Nou Testament de Nostre Senyor Jesu-Christ ; traduhit de la vulgata llatina en llengua catalana. Londres, 1832. 8vo, calf. 4546 Lo Nou Testament de Nostre Senyor Jesu-Christ; traduhit de la vulgata llatina en llengua catalana. Londres, 1835. 12 mo, calf. 4547 Lo Nou Testament de Nostre Senyor Jesu-Christ ; traduhit de la vulgata llatina en llengua catalana. Barcelona, 1836. 410, morocco. 4548 TODA (Eduart). La poe"sia catalana d Sardenya. Barcelona, n.d. 410. 4549 TORRA (Pedro). Dictionarium, seu Thesaurus Catalano-Latinus, verborum, ac phrasium. 5* editio. Vici, (ex off. Petri Morera), 1757. 8vo, calf. 4550 TROVADORS moderns (Los). Collecti6 de Poesias Catalanas compostas per ingenis contemporaneos. Barcelona, 1859. 8vo. 4551 TROVAS e Can tares de um Codice do xiv seculo ; ou antes, mui provavelmente, "O Livro das Cantigas " do Conde de Barcellos : (com dois fac-similes). Madrid, 1849. 8vo. 237 455 2 ULLASTRE (J.). Exercici del Christid pcra encomanarse d Deu, y tenir un rato de Oraci6 tots los dias ; ajudar y contemplar la Missa; exatninar la conciencia; con- fessar, y combregar, etc. Gerona, n.d. (The first year of the calendar in the book is 1803.) izmo, vellum. 4553 VALLES (Rev. de). Suma de Temps, i altres rudiments de la Gramatica, com se ensefia en la Compaiiia de Jesus. En la Estampa de Lorens Deu, deuant lo Palau del Rey: (Barcelona), 1641. 8vo, vellum. (Translated into Catalan by the Rev. Gab. Rovira.) 4554 VIDA y novena dels invencibles y gloriosos martirs los sants Abdon y Sennen, patrons de la vila y vail de Aries en Vallespir. Perpinya, 1817. 4555 Another edition. Perpinya, (1817). 4556 VIDAL Y VALENCIANO (Gayetd). La vida en lo camp. Quadros de costums catalanas. Barcelona, 1867. 8vo. VALENCIAN. 4557 ARINO (Rafael). Un Heroe de Cochinchina. Comedia en un acte en valensia y en vers. Valensia, 1863. 410. 4558 ALTET Y RUATE (Benito). Deu y lo Mon. Ensayo de monosilabos Valencianos. Segunda edicion. Valencia, 1858. 4to. 4559 B. (D. J. B.). Cheroni y Bartoleta 6 La Viuda y el escola. Tonadilla popular traduida lliurement al dialecte valensia. Valensia, 1860. 4560 BALADER (Joaquin). Al Sa y al Pla. Comedia bilingiie en dos actos y en verso. Valencia, 1862. 410. 4561 Eixarop de llargavida. Comedia bilingiie en dos actos y en verso. Valencia, 1865. 8vo. 4562 BALDOVI (Jos Bernat). Entretenimiento bilingiie en cuatro cuadros y en verso, titulado : Qui tinga cues que pek fulla, u, Obedecer al que manda. Valencia, 1855. 410. 4563 Un Fandanguet en Paiporta. Cuadro dominical de costums de 1'horta de Valensia. Valensia, 1857. 4564 Comedieta nova, en un acte y en vers, titulada L'Agiielo Pollastre. Valensia, 1859. 4565 El pretendiente labriego 6 el gafaut. Comedia nueva, original, en prosa y verso, y tres actos. Valencia, 1859. 4566 COLOQUI nou, curios y entretengut, hon se referixen la explicaci6 de les Dances, Mysteris, Aguiles, y altres coses exquisites, tocant a la gran Fes/a del Corpus ques fa en Valencia, dignes de tot apreu. En la Emprenta de Mompie. Any 1822. 410, half morocco. 4567 CUADRO de costums valensianes en manegues de camisa, titulat La Tertuliade Colau, 6, Paiaquesy Caragols. Per una Musa de s6t arrobes . . . y Micha. Valensia, 1850. 4568 ESCALANTE (Eduardo). El Deu, Denau y Noranta. Comddia en un acte en Valensia y en vers. Valensia, 1861. 4569 ESCRIG (Jos6.)- Diccionario valenciano-castellano. Valencia, 1851. 410. 4570 FEBRER (Jayme). Trobes de mosen Jaume Febrer, en que tracta dels llinatges de la conquista de la ciutat de Valencia e sou regne. Valencia, 1796. 410, calf. A rare and valuable work on the conquest of Valencia. It contains plates giving the arms of the Knights who effected the conquest. These arms are blazoned in the 1 "robes. Febrer held a post of import- ance in King Jayme's army, and had an adventurous career. He was badly wounded before Murcia. 238 457 * FUSTER (Justo Pastor). Biblioteca valenciana de los escritores que florecieron hasta nuestros dias. Valencia, 1827-30. 410, half morocco. 2 vols in one. This work contains a Valencian-Castilian Vocabulary. 4572 - Breve vocabulario valenciano-castellano, sacado de varios autores. Valencia, 1827. 8vo, half morocco. 4573 LAMARCA (Luis). Ensayo de un diccionario valenciano-castellano. Valencia, 1842. 8vo. 4574 LIERN (Rafael Maria). De Femater a Lacayo. Pieza en un acto y en verso. Valencia, 1859. 4to. 4575 - Les elecsions d'un poblet. Pieza en un acto y en verso. Valencia, 1859. 4to. 4576 - Amors entre flors y freses, 6 un rato en 1'Hort del Santisim. Valencia, 1 86 1. 410. La Toma de Tetuan. Improvisacion lirico-bilingiie en un acto y en verso. Valencia, 1861. 410. 4578 -- En les festes d'un carrer. Pieza de costumbres valencianas en un acto y en verso. Valencia, 1861. 410. 4579 - La fl r del camf dei Grau. Juguete bilingiie en un acto y en verso. Valencia, 1862. 4to. 4580 - Una Paella. Juguete bilingiie en un acto y en verso. Valencia, 1862. 4to. 4581 - La Mona de Pascua. Juguete bilingiie en un acto y en verso. Valencia, 1862. 4to. 4582 [LLADRO' Y MALI (Ramon).] A falta de buenos, 6 Rafela la Filanera. Choguet escrit en dialecte valensia, en un acte y en vers, orichinal de R. LI. y M. Valensia, 1855- 45^3 - El mejor marido, 6 sento el de Meliana. Comedia en un acto y en verso. Valensia, 1858. 4584 - El sereno d'Alfafar. Choguet del chenero bilingiie en un acte y en vers. Valensia, 1858. 4585 - La demand de una novia. Cuadre"t de costums valensianes en un acte y en vers. Valencia, 1858. These are the copies containing the Censor's permission for theatrical representation. 4586 LOP (Joseph). De la institucio, govern politich y juridich, observancies, costums, rentes, y obligacions dels oficials de les 111 s fabriques vella dita de murs e vails y nova dita del riu de la insigne leal, y coronada ciu 1 de Valen*. Valencia, (Geronimo Vilagra), 1675. 410, half calf. 4587 MARCH (Ausias). Las Obras del Poeta mosen Ausias March, corregidas de los errores q tenian. Sale con ellas el vocabulario de los vocablos en ellas contenidos. Valladolid, 1555. 8vo, morocco. Very rare. 4588 MELO-Y-DRAMA tot en una pesa, titulat Pascualo y Visanteta, 6, El Tribunal de Favara. Per una Musa de la Ribera del Chuquer. Valensia, 1861. 4589 MORA (Enguillem Ramon). Volum, e Recopilacio de tots los Furs, y Actes de Cort, que tracten dels negocis, y affers respectants a la Casa de la Deputacio, y Generalitat de la Ciutat, y Regne de Valencia, en execurio del Fur 83 de les Corts del Any 1604. Valencia, 1625. Vellum. Rare. 239 45 go PALANCA Y ROC A (Francisco). Lldgrimes de una femella. Choguet en un acte y en vers. Valensia, 1859. 410. 459 ' Un casament en Picana. Sarsuela de costums valensianes en un acte y en vers. (Segona edisi6.) Valensia, 1860. 410. In two parts. 4592 POESIAS que sirvieron para la Fiesta de San Vicente de la Calle de la Mar, alio 1757. Siendo clavario Don Mauro Antonio Oiler y Bono. Valencia, 1757. 410. A few of the Poems are in the Valencian dialect, the others in Spanish. 4593 ORTI Y MAYOR (J. Vicente). Fiestas Centenarias, con que la Insigne, N. L. y C. Ciudad de Valencia celebr6 en el dia q. de Octubre de 1738 la quinta centuria de su Christiana Conquista. Referidas por Don Joseph Vicente Orti y Mayor. Valencia, 1740. 4to, calf. An account of the festivities with which the City of Valencia celebrated the 5 calf. Rare. 4628 Another edition. Venezia, (Valgrisio), 1550. 4to, vellum. 241 4629 ADAMO DE RODUILA. Vesto libro el duale silbi ama introito e porta de quele che voleno imparare e coprender todescho a latino cioe taliano el quale e utilissimo per quele che vadeno a pratichando per el mundo el sia todescho o taliano. No town, 1477. 8vo, calf. 1 12 unnumbered pages. This work is not in the British Museum, and is unknown to Hain, Panzer and Brunei. It is of German origin, judging by the type. It is probably the earliest printed specimen of an Italian-German dictionary. This Italian of the I5th century, it will be observed, as closely resembles modern Spanish than modern Italian. The author's name in German was probably Adam von Rothweil. 4630 ADUNANZA solenne della R. Accademia della Crusca tenuta il 13 Settembre del 1868. Rapporto generale sui lavori dell' Accademia nelP anno corrente. Da Marco Tabarrini ; e, Intorno all' unita della Lingua Italiana. Discorso di N. Tommaseo. Firenze, 1868. 410. 4631 AGATE (D. C.). Piano ovvero Ricerche Filosofiche sulle Lingue. Naples, 1774. 8vo. 4632 AHN (F.). A Key to the Exercises of Ahn's new method of learning the Italian Language. London, 1853. 4^33 A new practical and easy method of learning the Italian Language. London, 1854. 8vo. 4634 ALMANACH. II Tornagusto degli Eruditi ossiaDiario per 1'anno 1818. Verona. Also a copy for 1819. 4635 Almanacco universale per 1'anno 1839 del gran pescatore di Chiaravalle. Milano e Geneva. 4636 Strenna popolare del nuovo Emporio per 1'anno 1859, compilata da Gustavo Minelli. Anno i. Milan, 1859. 4637 A chi vuol ridere alia barba dei Buzzurri. Almanacco umoristico del Giornale La Frusta. 1873. Roma, 1872. 8vo. 4638 ALUNNO (Francesco). Le ricchezze della lingua volgare. Vinegia, (Aldus), 1543. 8vo, calf. 4639 Le Ricchezze della lingua volgare sopra il Boccaccio, di M. Francesco Alunno da Ferrara. Di nuovo ristampate, ricorrette, ed ampliate dallo istesso autore, etc., etc. In Vinegia, per Paulo Gherardo, 1557. 8vo, half vellum. 4640 AMATI (Basilio). Delle origini Romagnuole. Opera postuma. Forli, 1831. 8vo. 4641 AMENTA (N.). II Forca, commedia. Venezia, 1700. J2mo, vellum. 4642 La Fanta, commedia. Viterbo, 1708. 121110, vellum. 4643 La Giustina, commedia. Napoli, 1717. 4to. 4644 Della Lingua nobile d'ltalia, e del modo di leggiadramente scrivere in essa, non che di perfettamente parlare. Napoli, 1723. 4to, half calf. 4645 ANFIBI E PESCI DI SARDEGNA. With Plates. Sassari, 1777. 8vo, calf. 4646 ANNALI universal! di statistica, economia pubblica, storia, viaggi e commercio. Volume Hi. Aprile, Maggio e Giugno, 1837. Milano, 1837.,, 8vo, half morocco. 4647 ANNUARIO Bibliografico Italiano pubblicato per cura del Ministro della Istruzione Pubblica (first and second years, 1863 and 1864). Torino e Firenze, 1864 e 1866. 8vo. 4648 ARCHIVIO Glottologico Italiano, diretto da G. I. Ascoli. Vols. i to xi. Rome, Turin, and Florence, from 1873 to 1890. The volumes are in parts. 4.649 per lo studio delle tradizioni popolari. Revista trimestrale diretta da G. Pitr6 e S. Salomone-Marino. Vols. ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii (in parts), viii (in parts), ix (in parts), and Fasciculo i of Vol. x. Palermo, 1883 to 1891. 16 242 4650 ARCHIVIO storico Campano, compilato da alcuni cultori di storia e letteratura patria. Sotto la direzione di Angelo Broccoli. Caserta, 1888. 4651 ATINUZZI (Lorenzo). Bizzarie. Poetiche di Lorenzo Atinuzzi. Verona, 1779. iimo. 4652 Bizzarie poetiche. Verona, (Pierantonio Berno). No date. lamo. 4653 BAFFO Veneto (Giorgio). Raccolta universale delle opere di Giorgio Baffo Veneto. Cosmopoli, (Porto-Ferrajo), 1789. 8vo, calf. 4 vols. 4654 BALBI (Domenico). II Lippa, overo, El Pantalon Burlao. Comedia. Con alcune compositioni accademiche in prosa et in rima. Venetia, (Gio. Francesco Valuasense), 1673. izmo. 4655 Another edition. Venetia, (Giacomo Dedini), 1680. i2mo. 4656 Venetia, (Domenico Lovisa), n.d. i2mo. The permission to print is dated 1st April 1673. 4657 BALDOVINI (Francesco). Lamento di Cecco da Varlungo, con la risposta della Sandra la disdetta di Cecco, e la morte della Sandra. Idilli rusticali. Nuova edizione. Firenze, (Brazzini), 1820. 4658 BALEOTTI (E.). L'Ortographia Italiana insegnata agli alunni del corso popolare per via di esempi. Bologna, 1888. 8vo. Presentation copy from the author. 4659 L'Ortografia Italiana insegnata agli alunni del corso popolare per via di esempi. Bologna, 1889. 8vo. Presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 4660 BARBERI (J.-Ph.). Grammaire des grammaires italiennes. Paris, 1819. 8vo, calf. 2 vols. 4661 Grand dictionnaire fran9ais-italien et italien-franc.ais, continue* et termine* par MM. Basti et Cerati. Paris, 1838. 410, half calf. 2 vols. 4662 (Lodovico). Nuova Scoperta, e Dichiarazione della vera corrispondenza, ed analogia del colorito co' suoni chiamati Vocali, e del chiaroscuro co' tuoni musici ; con la espressione de' caratteri di varj linguaggi. Vicenza, 1780. 8vo. 4663 BARDETTI (Stanislao). De' primi abitatori dell' Italia. Modena, 1769. 4to, half calf. 4664 Delia lingua de' primi abitatori dell' Italia. Modena, 1772. 410, calf. 4665 BARETTI (Giuseppe). Dizionario Italiano ed Inglese. Bologna, 1830. 410, half calf. 2 vols. 4666 The Italian Library, containing an account of the Lives and Works of the most valuable authors of Italy. London, 1757. 8vo, calf. 4667 BARINAGA (Pedro). Curso de Lengua Italiana ; escrito con arreglo a las bases del metodo de Mr. Robertson. Madrid, 1843. 8vo, half calf. 4668 BARTOLI (P. D.). II Torto e'l Diritto del non si puo dato in giudicio sopra molte regole della lingua Italiana, esaminato da Ferrante Longobardi. Venezia, (P. Baglioni), 1671. i2mo, vellum. 5th edition. 4669 Dell' Ortografia Italiana. Roma, 1672. i2mo, vellum. 4670 BARTHOLOMEO ALBANESE. Opera nuova de vocaboli schiavoneschi col suo numerare declarati in lingua Italiana, con alcuni costumi ch'usano li Turchi in lor paesi. Cosa molto piacevole da legere. Composta per Bartholomeo Albanese. This very old and rare work has neither date nor place of publication. It consists of four leaves, or eight unnumbered pages. Brunei does not mention it. 243 4671 BASILE (Gio. Battista) detto Gian Alesio Abbattutis. Conto de' Conti (II), tratteni- mento a fanciulli, trasportato dalla Napolitana all' Italiana favella, ed odornate di bellissime figure. Napoli, 1804. izmo, half morocco. The bellissime figures are the roughest of woodcuts, but very quaint 4672 BELLARMINO (Roberto). Dottrina Cristiana breve, composta per ordine di Papa Clemente VIII dal R. P. Roberto Bellarmino S. J. Roma, 1877. 4673 BELLI (G. G.). Poesie inedite di Giuseppe Gioachino Belli. Roma, 1865-66. 8vo. 4 vols. 4674 BEMBO (Pietro). Le Prose di M. Pietro Bembo. nelle quali si ragiona della Volgar lingua, scritte al Cardinal de Medici, che poi fu create a Sommo Pontefice, e detto Papa Clemente VII. In questa nuova edizione unite insieme con le giunte di Lodovico Castelvetro. Napoli, 1714. 4to, vellum. 3 books in one vol. 4675 BEN I (P.). L'Anticrusca: overo II Paragone dell' Italiana Lingua. Padova, 1622. 410. 4676 BENOIT (Luigi). Ornitologia Siciliana o sia Catalogo ragionato degli uccelli che si trovano in Sicilia. Messina, 1840. 8vo. 4677 BERNI (Fr.)- Poesie burlesche di Francesco Berni. Raccolte per la prima volta in un sol volume. Amsterdam, 1770. 8vo, calf. 4678 BIAGIOLI (G.)- Grammaire italienne. Paris, 1837. 8vo, half calf. 4679 BIBLE. La Sacra Bibbia tradotta da Giovanna Diodati. Edizione Londinese rive- duta da Giambattista Rolandi. Londra, 1819. 8vo, calf. 4680 - Another edition. Basilea, 1822. 8vo, morocco. 4681 - Londra, 1850. i2mo, calf. 4.682 - }) Londra, 1855. 8vo, morocco. 4.683 - Bibbia Sacra contenente il Vecchio e Nuovo Testamento secondo la Vulgata ; tradotto in lingua italiana da Mgr. Antonio Martini, Arcivescovo di Firenze. Londra, 1821. 8vo, calf. ^684 - Another edition. Londra, 1828. 8vo, calf. La Santa Scrittura in volgare, riscontrata nuovamente con gli originali ed illustrata con breve comento da Gregorio Ugdulena. Palermo, 1859. 2 vols. This work only goes to the end of chap. 25 of the and Book of Kings. 4686 BIBLE. Psalter. Libro dei Salmi, tradotto in Italiano secondo il testo della Volgata da Mgr. Martini, Arcivescovo di Firenze. Riscontrato diligentemente sulla prima edizione di Torino da Giambattista Rolandi. Londra, 1822. 8vo, calf. (Latin and Italian.) 4687 BIBLIOGRAPHIA d'ltalia, compilata sui Documenti comunicati dal R. Ministero dell' Istruzione Pubblica. Firenze, Torino e Venezia. Anni i e ii. Nos. i and 2. 1867-68. 4688 BIDERA (E.). Quaranta Secoli, racconti su le Due Sicilie del Pelasgo Matn-eer. Napoli, 1846. 8vo, half morocco. 4689 BIONDELLI (B.)- Influenza delle nazioni Germaniche, Slave e Finniche sugli studj dall' epoca del risorgimento delle lettere fino a noi. (Inserita del numero vii del Politecnico di Milano ) Milano, 1840. 4 6 90 -- Sullo stato attuale del Sardegna. Milano, 1841. 8vo. 4691 BISSO (Gianbattista). Introduzione alia Volgar Poesia. Si aggiunge in fine: I. Una lezione Arcadica del March. Scipione Maffei sopra i Poeti Italiani. II. Un Ristretto d'Iconologia ad uso delle Scuole d'ltalia. Venezia, 1785. 8vo. 244 4692 BLANC (L. G.). Vocabolario Dantesco, ou, Dictionnaire critique et raisonne de la Divine Com6die de Dante Allighieri. Leipsic, 1852. 8vo, half calf. 4693 BLANCO (Lorenzo). Ragguaglio su la gente Albanese e sue Colonie. (Tratto dall' opera intitolata Grecia Antica, pel Cavalier Lorenzo Blanco.) Napoli, 1852. 410. 4694 BLANTH (S.). Lexicon of the Italian Tongue (in Greek). Venice, 1838. 8vo, half calf. In Greek characters. 4695 BOGDANO (Mgr. Pietro). L'Infallibile Verita della Cattolica Fede, dimostrata sino all evidenza ad ogni qualita di Persone ; cavata dall' alto fonte delle divine scritture. . . . Spiegata in due copiose lingue Italiana, e Schiava ; adornata con molte Figure in Rame, ed in due parte divisa. Venetia, per Girolamo Albrizzi, 1691. Folio, vellum. 4696 BOLASCO (Lanfranco de). Poesie Italiane del Secolo xii, appartenenti a Lanfranco De Bolasco, Genovese, contenute in un foglio cartaceo del Secolo xv, illustrate per Ignazio Pillito. Cagliari, 1859. 8vo. 4697 BOLLETTINO ebdomadario bibliografico di tutte le pubblicazioni italiane ad uso degli editori, librai, etc. Milano, 1855. A few numbers of this periodical bound in half morocco. 4698 bibliografico ebdomadario delle pubblicazioni italiane ad uso degli editori, librai e biblioteche. Milano, 1856. Half morocco. 4699 BOLOGNINI (N.). Le Leggende del Trentino. Rovereto, 1886. 4700 BOLZA (G. B.). Vocabolario genetico-etimologico della lingua Italiana. Vienna, 1852. 4to, half calf. This work is of great linguistic value. 4701 BOMBELLI (R.). Studi filologico-critici sulla genesi, forma e valore delle lettere dell' alfabeto Italiano. Roma e Torino, 1866. 8vo. 4702 BORDAS (Luis). Compendio de Gramatica Italiana. Gerona, 1824. 8vo, half calf. 4703 BORLANDA Impasticciata (La), con la concia, e trappola de sorci composta per estro, e dedicata per bizzaria alia nobile curiosita di Teste Salate dall' incognito d'Eritrea Pedsol riconosciuto, festosamente raccolta, e fatta dare in luce dall' abitatore disabitato Accademico Bontempista. Milano, 1751. 4to, half calf. 4704 BORRELLI (P.). Intorno a principii dell' Arte Etimologica. Piacenza, 1834. 8vo, half morocco. 4705 BOSOLINI (S.). Midolla letteraria della lingua Italiana purgata, e corretta, etc. Roma, 1750. 8vo, vellum. 4706 BOTTIGER (C. W.). Italienska Lase-Ofningar innehallande latta stycken ur den nyare Italienska prosan. Stockholm, 1841. i2mo, half calf. (Selections from Italian authors.) 4707 BOZZA (A.). II Vulture, ovvero, Brevi Notizie di Barile e delle sue colonie Albanesi, con alcuni cenni di Rionero, Atella, Lagopesole, Ripacandida, Ginestra, Maschito, Venosa, Lavello, Rapolla e Melfi. In ultimo di San Menna. Rionero in Vulture, 1889. 8vo. Only 500 copies printed, this being No. 126. 4708 BRESCIANI (A.). Dei Costumi dell' Isola di Sardegna comparati cogli antichissimi popoli orientali. Napoli, 1850. 8vo, half morocco. 4709 BRICCOLANI (Chevalier). Nouveau dictionnaire de poche fransais-italien et italien- franc,ais. 14 edition. Paris, 1842. i2mo, half calf. 245 BRUNETTO LATINI. II Tesoretto e il Favoletto di Ser Brunette Latini, ridotti a miglior lezione col soccorso del Codici, e illustrati dalP abate Gio. Batista Zannoni. Firenze, Molini, 1824. 8vo, half morocco. 4711 BULLETT1NO Archeologico Napolitano. Nuova Serie. No. 64. (14 dell' anno iii.) Febbraio, 1855. 410. 4712 BUOMMATTEI (BA Delia Lingua Toscana. Milano, 1807. 8vo, half calf. (With portrait of author.) z vols. 4713 BUSK (R. H.). FolkSongs of Italy. Specimens, with Translations and Notes. London, 1887. 8vo. 4714 CABRIELE (lacomo). Regole grammatical i. Venetia, (Gio. Griffio), 1548. 410. Rare. 4715 CALABRIA (La). Rivista di letteratura popolare. Direttore L. Bruzzano. Monte- leone, 1888-90. The 12 numbers of the first year and 7 numbers of the second year, each in a separate paper cover. 4716 - Rivista di letteratura popolare diretta da Luigi Bruzzano. Nos. 8 to 12 of year ii, Nos. i to 12 of year iii, and No. i of year iv. 1890-91. 4717 CALEFFI (G.). Gramatica ragionata della lingua italiana. Firenze, 1837. izmo, half calf. 4718 CANINI (M. Ant.). Dizionario etimologico Italo-Ellenico. Torino, 1865. 8vo. 2 vols. 4719 CANZONI (Tre) popolari Albanesi dell' Epiro, concernenti 1'insurrezione greca (1821-27). Livorno, 1875. (An Italian translation by Demetrio Camarda.) 4720 CARDUCCI (Rev. G. F.). Elementi di grammatica italiana. Livorno, 1845. i2mo, half calf. 4721 CARENA (Giacinto). Prontuario di vocaboli attenenti a parecchie arti, etc., etc.; per saggio di un vocabolario metodico della lingua italiana. 2* edizione. Torino, 1851. 8vo, half morocco. 4722 CARTA topografica della Provincia di Pesaro e Urbino. Pesaro, Federici, n.d. 4723 CASACCIA (Giovanni). Prima ed ultima risposta di Giovanni Casaccia alle imper- tinenze e scempiaggini stampate del March. Luigi Doria. Geneva, 1850. 14 pages. 4724 CASAROTTI (Ilario). Sopra la natura e 1'uso dei dittongi italiani. Padova, 1813. 8vo. 4725 CASTELLI (Nic. di) e FLATHE (Ph. J.). Nuovo dizionario Italiano-Tedesco, e Tedesco-Italiano, prima di Nic. di Castelli, ma ora esattamente corretto, etc. Leipzig, (Weidmann), 1782. 8vo, calf. 3 vols. 4726 CASELLI (J.). Chants populaires de 1'Italie. Texte et traduction. Paris, 1865. i2mo. 4727 CERQUETTI (Alf.). Saggio di esercitazioni filologiche.. Bologna, 1865. 8vo. 4728 - Studi lessicografici e filologici. Forll, 1868. 8vo. 4729 - Correzioni e giunte al Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca. Forli, 1869. 8vo. 4730 CERUTTI (Angelo). A new Italian Grammar. London, 1833. 4to. Grammatica filosofica della lingua italiana. Terza edizione napolitana dopo quella dell' autore. Napoli, 1836. i2mo, half calf. 4.732 . - Grammatica filosofica della lingua italiana. 2* edizione. Roma, 1839. 8vo, half morocco. 4733 CESARI (Ant.). Delle lettere del P. Antonio Cesari dell' Oratorio raccolte e pubblicate ora la prima volta dall' abate Giuseppe Manuzzi. Firenze, 1845-46. 4to, half calf. 2 vols. 246 4734 CESAROTTI (Melchior). Saggio sulla filosofia delle lingue applicato alia lingua italiana. 5 e edizione. Padova, 1802. 8vo, half morocco. 4735 Saggi sulla filosofia delle lingue e del gusto a cui si aggiungono le institu- zione scolastiche private e pubbliche e le memorie intorno alia vita ed agli studj dell' autore. Milano, 1821. 8vo, half calf. With Portrait. 4736 CHABAS (F.). Metnoria sopra il nome di Sardegna e degli antichi Sardi in relazione coi monumenti dell' Egitto, illustrati dall' Egittologo F. Chabas. Cagliari, 1873. The Preface is by Canon Giovanni Spano. 4737 CHERUBINI (F.). Vocabolario patronomico italiano o sia adjettivario italiano di Nazionalita. Publicata per cura di G. B. de Capitani, e preceduta dalla vita dell' autore. Milano, 1860. 4to, half morocco. 4738 CHIARA (P.). L'Epiro gli Albanesi e la Lega. Lettere di Pietro Chiara alia Riforma. Palermo, 1880. 8vo. 4739 Commedie in versi, cioe: Marco Accio Plauto, La Pastorella Fedele, La Buona Madrigna, La Vendetta Amorosa, Moliere Marito Geloso, Diogene nella Botte, L'Uomo come gli altri, La Moscovita in Siberia. Bologna, 1759. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. 4740 CHRONICHE de la Inclyta Cita de Napole emendatissime : Con li Bagni de Puzolo e Ischia. Novamente ristampate : Con la Tavola. Neapole, (M. Evangelista di Presenzani de Pavia), 1526. 4to, calf. This is a very fine copy of a rare and valuable work. Brunet makes no mention of it, and it is not in the British Museum. 4741 CIAVARINI-DONI (Ivo). Le Marche e i Marchigiani. Ancona, 1874. Presentation copy from the author to Prince L. -L. Bonaparte. 4742 CINONIO (Marcantonio Mambelli, detto). Osservazioni della lingua italiana raccolte dal Cinonio, illustrate ed accresciute dal cavaliere Luigi Lamberti. Milano, 1809-1 3. 8vo, half morocco. 4 vols. bound in 3. 4743 CITTADINI (CELSO.). Le Origini della Toscana favella del Signor Celso Cittadini rivedute, e riformate da lui stesso. Siena, 1628. 8vo, calf. The first edition is undated, but is about 1604. The author died the year before the above edition was published, "but ill provided with the goods of fortune," says G. Gigli, who edited an edition of his works. This edition is not in the British Museum. 4744 CLEDER (Edouard). Notice sur 1' Academic Italienne des Intronati. Bruxelles, 1864. 8vo. Only 200 copies printed, this being No. 160. 4745 COM EDI A. An Italian comedy in five acts. The title-page is wanting. The characters are : M. Claudio Vecchio, Pantalone Vecchio, Zanni suo servitore, Giorgetto Ragazzo, etc., etc. i2mo. 4746 COMPARETTI (D.). Notizieed osservazioni in proposito degli studi critici del Prof. Ascoli. Pisa, 1863. 8vo. Estratto dalla Rivista Italiana, Nos. 126, 134, 140(1863). 4747 e D' ANCONA (A.). Canti e Racconti del Popolo Italiano ; pubblicati per cura di D. Comparetti ed A. d' Ancona. Roma, Torino e Fierenze, 1870-89. 8vo. 8 vols. 4748 COMUNI del Regno d'ltalia. Dizionario compilato e pubblicato coll' approvazione del Ministro dell' Interno. 6 a edizione. Roma, 1883. 4749 CONTI (E.). Arte e Natura; osservazioni sulla Lingua Italiana, con prefazione del Prof. Cav. Ildebrando Bencivenni. Trevigio, 1883. 8vo. 4750 COOKERY-BOOK. A portion of an old Italian Cookery Book. Title and other pages wanting. 8vo. 247 175 i CORMON (G. L. B.) e MANNI (V.). Dizionario Francese Italiano ed Italiano Francese, composto sul Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca. 6 ta edizione. Parigi e Lione, 1838. 410, half calf. 4752 CORSO (Rinaldo). Fondamenti del parlar Thoscano. Non prima veduti corretti et accresciuti. In Vinetia. No date. 8vo, calf. Michaud gives the date as 1549. The author was then in retirement at Corregio, where he met and married Lucretia Lombard! (Marchesini), one of the "illustrious ladies of Italy," whose subsequent infidelity and assassination led to one of the great trials of the century. 4753 CORTESE (Giulio Cesare). Micco Passaro Innamorato. Napoli, (Camillo Cavallo), 1646. iimo. 4754 CORTICELLI (Salvadore). Regole ed osservazioni della Lingua Toscana ridotte a metodo per uso del Seminario di Bologna. Bologna, Lelio dalla Volpe, 1745. 8vo, vellum. A first edition of this rare work. Brunei does not quote it ; Haym speaks only of the second edition, which he includes among rare works ; Grasse speaks of the first edition as being less complete than the second. 4755 Seconda edizione. Bologna, Lelio dalla Volpe, 1754. 8vo, calf. 4756 Terza edizione. Bologna, Lelio dalla Volpe, 1775. 8vo, vellum. With portrait of the author. 4757 Edizione esequita su quella del 1754. Reggio, Fiaccadori, 1826. 8vo, half calf. 4758 COSI (Coso). Leon Cesana e Un Passo avanti della Nazione. Scherzi poetici in dialetto ebraico. Bastia, (Cavalletti). No date. This work is written in Italian as spoken by the poorer Jews. At least that is the best explanation I have obtained as to the meaning of dialetto ebraico. Another suggestion is that this is the dialect spoken by the Leghorn porters. See No. 5500. 4759 COSTA (Paolo) e CARDINALI (Francesco). Dizionario della lingua Italiana. Bologna, 1819-26. 410, half calf. 7 vols. 4760 COTTA (Lazaro Agostin). La Pirlonea, Commedia fantastica, faceta, e ridicola. Milano, (nelle stampe degli Agnelli). No date. i2mo, calf. Originally published in Bologna in 1678, but Cotta passed most of his life in the Ambrosian Library at Milan, in which city he died in 1719. 4761 COZZA (Gio.). Versi del Conte Giovanni Cozza. Orvieto, 1878. 8vo. 4762 Strenna Nuziale. Perugia, 1885. Only 100 numbered copies printed, this being No. 89. It was written in honour of Alessandrina do' conti Faina on the occasion of her marriage with the Marquess Torello Torelli, 1st October 1885. 4763 CRONICA di Napoli di Notar Giacomo pubblicata per cura di Paolo Garzilli. Napoli, 1845. 8vo. 4764 CUSANI (F.). Nuovo Vocabolario Italiano-Greco. Milano, 1846. 8vo, half morocco. 4765 DALGAS (E. G. A.) og TUXEN (L. R.). Italiensk Sprogloare til brug for Danskc. Kjobenhavn, 1844. 8vo, half calf. 4766 DALL' ONGARO (Francesco). L'Acqua Alta. Schizzo comico. Venezia, 1867. 8vo. 4767 DATI (Carlo). Lepidezze di spiriti bizzarri e curiosi avvenimenti, raccolti, e descritti da Carlo Dati. Firenze, 1829. 8vo, half morocco. 4768 DAVENPORT (J.) and COMELATI (G.). A new Dictionary of the Italian and English Languages based upon that of Baretti. London, 1854. 8vo. 4769 D'AZEGLIO (M.). I miei ricordi. Firenze, 1867. 8vo. 248 DE' BASSETTI (Tito). Sulla antica mascherata Trentina detta La Polenta dei Cuisi-Gobj. Trento, 1858. 4771 DE' BRIGNOLI DI BRUNNHOFF (Giovanni). Invito ai naturalisti Italian! e di tutte le altre Nazioni a valersi della lingua Latina nelle opere loro. Modena, (1842). 4772 DE CAPITANI (G. B.). Della Lingua Commune d'ltalia e dell' Academia della Crusca. Milano, 1846. 8vo, half morocco. 4773 Le 288 pagine dell' odierna ristampa del Vocabolario della Crusca ripassate. Milano, 1850. 8vo, half morocco. 4774 Della Vita e degli Scritti di Giovanni Gherardini. With Portrait. Milano, 1862. 8vo. 4775 DE CARA (C. A.). Del presente stato degli studii linguistici. Prato, 1887. 8vo. 4776 DE-GUBERNATIS (Angelo). Le Novelline di Santo Stefano raccolte da Angelo De-Gubernatis, e precedute da una introduzione sulla parentela del Mito con la Novellina. Torino, 1869. 8vo. 4777 Dizionario biografico degli Scrittori Contemporanei ornato di oltre 300 ritratti. Firenze, 1879-80. 8vo. In parts. 4778 DELPINO (Filippo). Sistema di Stenografia Italiana. 2 da edizione. Torino, 1822. 8vo, half morocco. With Frontispiece and Plates. 4779 Sistema di stenografia Italiana. Torino, 1848. i2mo. 4780 DE LUYNES (H. D.). Commentaire historique et chronologique sur Les E'phmerides, intitules Diurnali di Messer Matteo di Giovenazzo. Paris, 1839. 4to, half morocco. 4781 DE MANINCO'R (G.). Prontuario per la retta pronunzia delle vocali e ed o, e delle consonant! ,$ e z, nella parlata Italiana. Trentino, 1889. 4782 DE-MARTINO (M.). II Leone dell Albania festeggiato in Greci Sonetto. Greci, 1882. 4783 DEMATTIO (F.). Origine, formazione ed elementi della Lingua Italiana. Innsbruck, 1869. 8vo. 4784 DE NINO (Antonio). Errori di Lingua Italiana che sono piu in uso. Firenze, 1866. 4to. 4785 DE-OBLITES (F.-M. Sisternes). Compendio della Dottrina Cristiana per uso della diocesi di Oristano. Firenze, 1804. 8vo. De-Oblites was Archbishop of Oristano. 4786 DETTORI (G.). II Metodo fonico e 1'avvenire della Lingua Italiana. Sassari, 1889. 4787 (Pietro). Descrizione usi e costumi di Pozzomaggiore, villaggio della Sardegna. Roma, 1867. 8vo. 4788 DHVEZ (Nath.). Le Gvidon de la langue italienne. Avec trois dialogues familiers, italiens et fran9ois. La Comedie de la Moresse. Les Complimens Italiens. Et vne Guirlande de Prouerbes. Leyde, chez Bonauenture et Abraham Elseuiers, 1641. 8vo. Rare. 4789 DICTIONARY. Schul- und Reise-Taschen-Worterbuch der italienischen und deuts- chen Sprache. Leipzig, n.d. 8vo, half calf. 4790 The New universal English and Italian Dictionary. Malta, 1849. 410, half morocco. 249 179 i DICTIONNAIRE de la langue franque ou petit mauresque, suivi de quelques dialogues familiers et d'un Vocabulaire de mots arabes les plus usuels, & 1'usage des Fran9ais en Afrique. Marseille, 1830. i2mo, half morocco. Franque, a Romance idiom, still spoken in the sea-towns of the Barbery States for the ordinary purposes of daily life, has neither orthography nor grammar. It sprung from the Christian captives. There are variations of it in different towns, the two principal dialects being the Tunisian, chiefly drawn from Italian, and the Algerine, chiefly drawn from the Spanish. 4792 DIFESA dell Alfabeto degli Antichi Toscani publicato nel 1737. Dall' autore del Museo Etrusco. Firenze, 1742. izmo, vellum. With Plates. 4793 DISCORSO in cui si ricerca qual parte aver possa il popolo nella formazione d'una lingua, e considerazioni sopra alcune correzioni proposte dal Cavalier Monti al Vocabolario dell' Accademia della Crusca. Firenze, 1819. 8vo, half morocco. On the cover Niccolini is given as the author's name. 4794 DI VASSANO (Pico Luri). Modi di dire proverbiali e motti popolari italiani. Roma, 1875. 8vo. 4795 DIZIONARIO della Lingua Italiana. Livorno, 1835-39. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. 4796 (Grande). Italiano-Tedesco, Tedesco-Italiano. Milano, 1837-39. 410, half calf. 2 vols. 4797 dei Comuni del Regno e delle Frazioni nelle quali si dividono. Roma, 1885. 4798 tecnico-legale Italiano-Greco. 4to. Title-page wanting. 4799 DOLCE (Lodovico). Nuove Osservationi della Lingua Volgare co i modo, et ornamenti del dire parole piu scelte, et eleganti. Alle quali vi sono aggiunti i piu belli artificii usati dall' Ariosto nel suo Poema. Venetia, (Heredi di Marchi6 Sessa), 1597. 8vo, half calf, uncut. This work is not mentioned by Brunet, nor is it in the British Museum. 4800 I quattro libri delle osservationi di Lodovico Dolce di nuovo ristampate. Venezia, 1597. 8vo, vellum. 4801 DONATI (G.). La Novellina dei Gatti nell' Umbria. Perugia, 1887. 4802 DOTTI (Cavaliere). Satire del Cavaliere Dotti. Amsterdam, 1790. i8mo. 4803 EPISTOLE ed Evangelj che si leggono tutto 1'anno alle messe secondo 1'uso della Santa Romana Chiesa e 1'Ordine del Messale Romano tradotti in Lingua Toscana dal M.R.P.M. Remigio Fiorentino dell' Ordine de' Predicatori. Venezia, 1826. 4to, calf. 4804 FACCIOLATI (Jacopo). Ortografia moderna italiana; edizione novissima. Venezia, 1821. 410, half calf. 4805 FAGIUOLI (Geo. Batista). Zingana. Firenze, 1808. (A poetical dialogue.) 4806 In lode della Civetta. To which are added, Novelle di L. Pasto. Verona, 1822. i :mo, uncut. 4807 FANFANI (Pietro). Novissimo vocabolario della Lingua Italiana, scritta e parlata, compilato sui vocabolari della Crusca, etc. Napoli, 1887. Settima edizione. 8vo. 4808 Vocabolario della Lingua Italiana. Firenze, 1891. 8vo. 4809 FAURIEL (M.). Dante et les origines de la langue et de la litte'rature italiennes. Paris, 1854. 8vo, half morocco. 4810 FE'NE'LON (F. de S. de la Mothe). Le Avventure di Telemaco. Parigi, 1837. With Portrait. i2mo, half vellum. 250 4811 FERRARIUS (Octavius). Origines linguae Italicae. Patavii, (Frambotti), 1676. Folio, calf. Not mentioned by Brunei. 4812 FILIPPI (D. A.). Dizionario Italiano-Tedesco e Tedesco-Italiano. Vienna e Lipsia, 1817. 8vo, calf. 4813 FINTO INCANTO (II). Comedia Spagnuola, tradotta, accresciuta, ed abbellita dal Dottor Cesare de Leonardis di Serino. Napoli, Giacinto Passaro, 1674. 121110. 4814 FLORIO (John). Queen Anna's New World of Words, or, Dictionary of the Italian and English tongues, collected, and newly much augmented by John Florio, Reader of the Italian unto the Soveraigne Maiestie of Anna, etc. London ; printed by Melch. Bradwood, i6n. With Portrait. Calf. 4815 FONTANINI (Mgr. Giusto). Biblioteca dell' eloquenza Italiana. Venezia, 1753. 4to, half calf. 2 vols. in one. (With Zeno's valuable notes.) 4816 FORNASARI-VERSE (A. J. von). Anleitung zur Erlernung der italienischen Sprache. Wien, 1852. 8vo, half calf. 4817 FORTUNIO (Giovanni Francesco). Regole grammaticali della volgar lingua. Ancona, (Bernardin Vercellese), 1516, del mese di settebre. 4to. 36 pages printed in italics. This, says Brunet, is the oldest Italian Grammar ever printed. The above is the first edition, and is seldom to be met with. It has often been reprinted, three times at Venice, (Aldine), in 1541, 1545 and 1552, in 8vo, each of 52 pages. These latter are less valuable. 4818 Regole grammaticali della Volgar Lingua, di Messer Fracesco Fortunio, novellamete reviste, e con somma diligentia, emendate. Venetia, (B. et A. di Bendoni), 1524. 8vo, calf. 4819 Another edition. Venetia, (Melch. Sessa), 1529. 8vo, calf. 4820 ,, Venezia, (D. Zio et Fradelli), 1538. 8vo. 4821 ,, Vinegia, (In casa de' figliuoli di Aldo), 1541. 8vo, vellum. 4822 ,, Venezia, (Aldus), 1545. 8vo. 4823 Vinegia, 1550. (The mark is an Angel guiding a Child.) 8vo, calf. 4824 Venezia, (Giov. Padoano), 1551. 8vo. 4825 Vinegia, (Nelle case de' figliuoli di Aldo), 1552. 8vo, calf. 4826 FRANCI (Adr.). II Polito di Adriano Franci da Siena delle lettere nuovamente aggiunte nella volgar lingua. Con somma diligenza corretto et ristampato. Vinegia, (Nicolo d'Aristotile detto Zoppino), 1531. 8vo, half calf. The author's real name was Claudio Tolomei. 4827 FRANZONI (D.). L'Oracolo della Lingua d'ltalia, in cui si conciliano alcune diuerse opinioni de' Scrittori Italiani, e si danno molti ammaestramenti per scriuere, e pronunciare correttamente. Bologna, (G. Monti e C. Zenero), 1641. 410, vellum. 4828 FROLLO (G. L.). Lectiuni elementare de Gramatica Italiana. Bucuresci, 1879. 8vo. A Rumanian work on Italian Grammar. 4829 GAGLIARDO (Giovambatista). Vocabolario agronomico Italiano. Milano, 1804, ann. iii. 8vo, half morocco. 4830 GAMBA DA BASSANO (B.). Serie dei testi di Lingua e di altre opere importanti nella Italiana letteratura scritte dal secolo xiv al xix. 4 ta edizione. Venezia, 1839. 4to, half morocco. With Portrait. 251 4831 GALLIZIOLI (Filippo). Elementi Botanico-Agrarj. Firenzi, 1809-12. 4(0. 4 vols. 4832 GALLO (Agostino). Estratti di opere ed opuscoli originali. Parte j a Palermo, 1834. 8vo. 4833 GALVANI (Giovanni). Lezioni Accademiche. Modena, 1839. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. 4834 Delle Genti e delle Favelle loro in Italia dai primi tempi storici sino ad Augusto. Firenze, 1849. 410, half morocco. (Archivio storico Italiano, Tomo xiv.) 4835 GASPARI (Domenico). Memorie storiche di Serrasanquirico nella Marca d'Ancona. Roma, 1883. 8vo. 4836 GAZZERI (Giuseppe). Replica del professore Guiseppe Gazzeri ad uno strano articolo inserito nella Gazzetta di Milano contro di lui come autore d'un libretto intorno alia lingua ed ai vocabolarj. Firenze, 1843. 4837 GELMETTI (Luigi). La quistione della Lingua Italiana dopo la relazione di Alessan- dro Manzoni. Milano, 1868. 8vo. 4838 GENERICI per la Maschera d'Arlecchino consistenti in motti faceti, proverbi, etc., raccolti da diversi comici che vestirono il detto Personaggio. Milano, (Gaetano Motta), n.d. i2mo. 4839 Another edition. Milano, (Tamburini), n.d. izmo. 4840 GERMANO (G.). Vocabolario Italiano-Greco. Roma, 1622. 8vo. 4841 GERSON (Joannes). De Immitatione Christi et de contemptu mundi in vulgari sermone. Impressa in Venetia per Bertolamio di Zani da Portelo nel anno 1491. Illuminated initial letters. 8vo. This is one of the earliest Italian translations of this famous work, and appears to have been unknown to Brunei. It is in perfect condition. Very rare. The earliest known Italian edition is Venezia, per Joanne Rosso de Vercelle, 1488, in 4to. 4842 (Messer Giovanni). Utile e divota operetta della imitatione di Giesu xpo. Impresso in Firenze per Maestro Antonio Mischomini anno salutis 1494. 8vo Very rare. 4843 GHERARDINI (Giovanni). Voci e Maniere di direltaliane additate a futuri vocabo- laristi. Milano, 1838-40. 410, half morocco. 4844 Lessigrafia Italiana o sia Maniera di scrivere le parole Italiane. Milano, 1843. 4 to > half morocco. 4845 Manuale lessigrafico o sia Compendio della lessigraffa Italiana, messa a confronto con quella insegnata dal Vocabolario della Crusca. Milano, 1843. 8vo, half morocco. 4846 : Appendice alle Grammatiche Italiane. Milano, ^47. 410. With which is bound up, Elementi di Poesia. Milano, 1847. 4to, half morocco. 4847 Lessigrafia Italiana. Seconda edizione. Milano, 1849. 8 vo, half morocco. 4848 - Supplimento a Vocabolarj Italiani. Milano, 1852-57. 4to, half morocco. 6 vols. 4849 GHIRARDINI (Alessandro). Studj sulla Lingua Umana sopra alcune antiche inscrizioni e sulla ortografia Italiana. Milano, 1869. 410. 4850 GIAMBATTISTA BASILS. Archivio di Letteratura Popolare. Direttore Luigi Molinario del Chiaro. Napoli, 1883-89. The First to the Sixth Year complete, each year in a separate paper cover. Also Nos. 2 and 3 of the 7th year. 252 4851 GIANCARLI (Gigio Arthemio). La Cingana, comedia. Vinegia, 1564. 8vo, calf. The first edition of this work was published at Mantua, 1545- 4852 La Cingana. Comedia di Gigio Arthemio Giancarli, Rhodigino. Venetia, 1610, appresso Giorgio Bizzardo. 8vo, vellum. 4853 GIGLI (G.). Lezioni di Lingua Toscana, coll'aggiunta di tre Discorsi Accademici, e di varie Poesie Sagre e Profane del medesimo non piu stampate. Raccolte dall' Abate Giovambatista Catena, Sanese. 5* edizione. Venezia, 1761. 8vo. 4854 Scrittori Manduriani : Studi e ricerche di Giuseppe Gigli. Con prefazione del Prof. Cosimo de Giorgi. Lecce, 1888. 8vo. 4855 Superstizioni, Pregiudizi, Credenze e Fiabe popolari in Terra d'Otranto. Saggio storico. Lecce, 1889. 4856 GILIJ (Filippo Salvadore). Saggio di storia Americana o sia Storia naturale, civile, e sacra de' regni, e delle provincie Spagnuola di Terra- ferma nell' America meridi- onale. Roma, 1780-84. 4 vols. 8vo, half vellum, the fourth vol. in half calf. This work touches slightly on some of the American languages. 4857 GIOBERTI (V.). Studi Filologici del 1 immortale filosofo Vincenzo Gioberti desunti da manoscritti di lui autografi ed inediti ; per cura del' Avv. Domenico Fissore. Torino, 1867. 8vo. 4858 GIORNALE bibliografico delle due Sicilie dall' introduzione della stampa finoggi. Napoli, 1856-58. Half morocco. 4859 bibliografico delle due Sicilie. Napoli. A few copies of this periodical for 1859-60. 4860 generale della bibliografia Italiana. (From the ist to the 5th year.) Firenze, 1861-65. In parts. 4861 GIOZZA (Giacinto). Le Pergamene d'Arborea, ossia, Le vere origini della Lettera- tura Italiana. Torino, 1868. 8vo. 4862 GIUSTINIANI (Lor.). Dizionario geografico-ragionato del Regno di Napoli. Naples, 1797-1805. 8vo, half calf. 4863 GOLA (Francesco). Montefeltro. Monografia. Cesena, 1882. 4to. 4864 GRABERG FRAN HEMSO (Jacob). Italiensk "Spraklara for Svenskar. Stock- holm, 1843. 8vo, half calf. 4865 GRAMMAR. An Italian Grammar in Russian. Moscow, 1774. 8vo, calf. In the Russian character. 4866 GRAMMATICA ITALIANA (Primo breve insegnamento della), per la gioventu, che brama imparare 1'Italiano mediante il linguaggio Croato, come si parla volgar- mente per il littorale Ungarico, ed Istriano. Traduzione per la prima volta fatta da Niccol6 Bellinich. Trieste, 1808. 8vo. 4867 GRAMMATIKA Talianska u Kratho illi Kratak Nauk za naucitti Latinski Jezik. Koga zlovinski upfsa Otac Jacov Mikaglja. U Loretu, (Paulu i Ivanu Batisti Serafinu), 1649. 8vo. (A Slavonic Grammar of the Italian Language.) Rare. 4868 GRAMMATIKE ITALIKE (E.). Viennan, n.d. 8vo, half morocco. (An Italian Grammar in Greek characters.) 4869 GRANATA (Mauro). Florilegio e Dizionario Dantesco. Napoli, 1855. 4to, half morocco. 4870 GRASSI (Giuseppe). Saggio intorno ai Sinonimi della Lingua Italiana. Terza edizione. Milano, 1824. i2mo, half calf. 253 4871 GROSSO (M.). Motti, Risposte e Burle. Raccolti e pubblicati per la prima volta da Felice M. Marchi. Paris, 1866. 8vo. 4877 GUACCI (T. E. C.). Vocabolario domestico Italiano ad uso de" giovani. Napoli, 1856. 410. 4873 GUADAGNOLI (Ant.). Raccolta completa delle poesie giocose del dottore Antonio Guadagnoli d'Arezzo. Seconda edizione con Aggiunte e Vignette. Pisa, 1857. izmo, half morocco. 2 vols. in i. 4874 GUAZZO (Marco). Comedia di Marco Guazzo intitolata Errori d'amore. Nova- mente stampata con agionta, et per 1'autor correta. 1526. In Venetia a san Moyse nelle case nove Justiniane per Francesco Bindoni, e Mapheo Pasyni cSpagni. Nel anno 1526 del mese di Magio. 4to. Rare. 4875 (Stephano). La Civil Conversatione. Venetia, presso Gio. Battista Somasco, 1580. 8vo, vellum. 4876 GUICHET CJ.). An Italian and English Grammar, from the Italian and French Grammar of Vergani and Piranesi. A new edition, enlarged and corrected, by Signer A. Tommasi. London, 1852. izmo. 4877 GIULIANI (Enrico). Delia unita di lingua in Italia. Pisa, 1869. 8vo. 4878 HAYM (N. F.). Biblioteca Italiana, ossia, Notizia de' libri rari Italiani divisa in quattro parti, cioe : Istoria, Poesia, Prose, Arti e Scienze. Edizione corretta, etc. Con Tavole copiosissime e necessarie. Milano, 1803. Half morocco. 4 vols. in one. 4879 HOEPLI (U.). Catalogo No. 71. Letteratura Italiana. Milano, 1891. 8vo. Parts i and 2. 4880 INDICE delle edizioni del libro della Imitazione di Cristo che sono nella biblioteca dei PP. Francescani Riformati nel Convento di S. Michele in Isola di Venezia. Tipografia Antonelli, 1847. 4881 INDIRIZZO degli Italo-Albanesi alia Nazione Albanese. Italia, 1880. 4882 INGEGNERI (Angelo). II Perfetto Segretario. Opera molto utile, e necessaria a chiunque serve in tal carica a Principi, ed ad altri Personaggi Illustri. Et in quest' ultima impressione vi se e aggiunto un curioso Discorso dello stesso Autore intorno al bene scrivere Lettere Famigliari, etc. Milano, (Her. di P. M. Locarni e G. B. Bidelli compagni), 1613. 8vo, calf. The first edition (Roma, 1594 4to.) has the title Del Buon Segretario. 4883 KEMPIS (Thos. a). Della Imitazione di Gesu Cristo, versione del P. Antonio Cesari. Lione, 1841. 8vo, morocco. 4884 Della Imitazione di Cristo libri quattro secondo 1'antico volgarizzamento Toscano. Modena, 18+7. 8vo, half calf. 4885 KRAMER (Matth.). Der Occidentalischen Sprachen gewesenen Professors, vollkom- mene Toscanisch- und Romanische-Italianische Grammatica, etc. Niirnberg, n.d. (circa 1700). 8vo, half calf. Not in British Museum. 486 LAGRIME in Morte di un gatto, etc. Milano, 1741. i2mo. One Plate. 4887 LAPINIUS (Euph.). Institutionum Florentinae linguae libri duo. ' Secunda editio. Florentiae, 1574. 8vo, half calf. The first edition was published at Florence in 1569. The author's Italian name is Frosini Lapini. 4888 LEICHT (Michele). Galli Cisalpini e Transalpini nelle nomenclature territoriali. (Estr. dal vol. xiii, serie iii, degli Atti deW htiluto veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti.} Venezia, 1868. 254 4889 LENZONI (Carlo). In difesa della Lingua Fiorentina et di Dante. Con le regole da far bella et numerosa la prosa. Fiorenza, 1556, (appresso M. Lorenzo Torrentino). 4to. 4890 LESSONA (M.) e SALVADORI (T.). Storia illustrata del Regno Animale secondo 1'opera del Dott. Aloisio Pokorny. 5* edizione, riveduta ed aurnentata con 578 incisioni. Torino, 1888. 8vo. 4891 LETIZIA (M.). Raccolta di Voci Polisense Italiane colle rispondenti Francesi. Napoli, 1857. 4to, half morocco. 4892 LIGUORI (S. Alfonso M. de). Verita della Fede contra i materialisti i deisti ed i settarii. Roma, 1875. 8vo. 4893 LISSONI (Ant.). Ajuto al purgato scrivere Italiano, o sia, Correzione di moltissimo errori di lingua di grammatica e di ortographia. 2 a edizione. Milano, 1846. 8vo, half calf. 4.894 LITURGY. Liturgia, ovvero, formola delle Preghiere Pubbliche secondo 1'uso della Chiesa Anglicana, col Salterio di Davide. Traduzione italiana corretta ed aurnentata da Giambattista Rolandi. Londra, 1820. 8vo. 4895 Libro delle Preghiere Comuni, etc. The Book of Common Prayer and Psalter. Londra, 1849. izmo, morocco. 4896 Libro delle Preghiere Pubbliche (II), etc., della Chiesa Unita D'Inghilterra e d'Irlanda, coi Salmi di David. Londra, 1850. izmo. 4897 Libro delle Preghiere Comuni della Chiesa Unita d'Inghilterra e d'Irlanda, col Salterio. Londra, 1865. I2mo. 4898 LOMBARDINI (Elia). Sull' omonimia de' fiumi dell' Italia Settentrionale e di quelli della Francia. Memoria, letta nell' adunanza del giorno 1 1 dicembre 1851. 410. 4899 LONGHI (Ach.) e TOCCAGNI (L.). Vocabolario della Lingua Italiana. Milano, 1856. 8vo, half morocco. 4900 LUPI (A.). Italian Grammar. London, 1870. 8vo. 4901 MADIUS (Ant. Fran.). Grammatica Italica et Gallica; in Germanorum, Gallorum et Italorum gratiam Latine accuratissime conscripta, a Scipione Lentulo Neapolitano. Huic nuper adiecta interpretatio Gallica, tam nominum quam verborum, caetera- rumque particularum orationis auctore Antonio Francisco Madio F. Patavino. Francofurdi, apud Joan. Wech. viduam sumptibus Petri Fischeri, 1594. 8vo, vellum. 4902 MAGGI (P. G.). Intorno a Giovanni Gherardini, lettura fatta nell' adunanza del R. Instituto Lombardo del 19 dicembre 1861. (Dagli Atti del R. Institute Lombardo di scienze, lettere ed arte. Vol. ii.) 4903 MAJER (And.). Della lingua comune d'ltalia e della storia Fiorentina di M. Benedetto Varchi. Venezia, 1822. 8vo, half morocco. 4904 MANCINI (L.). Considerazioni diverse sulla pronunzia delle lingue dotte e del nostro volgare. Firenze, 1842. 8vo. Presentation copy from the author. 4905 MANNO (Gius.). Della Fortuna delle Parole Libri due. De' Vizi de' Letterati Libri due dell' autore medesimo. Firenze, 1855. 8vo, half morocco. 4906 MANUZZI (Gius.). Vocabolario della Lingua Italiana. Firenze, 1833-40. 4to, half calf. 4 vols. With Portrait. 4907 MANZONI (A.). Sulla Lingua Italiana. Milano, 1868. 8vo. 255 4908 MARCHESA CASTRACANI (La), ovvero gli' impostori. Commedia- nuova piacevole e di nuovo intreccio. Napoli, no date. izmo. 4909 MARCHETTI (Gius.). Italian and English idiomatic phrases and Dialogues. London, 1856. 8vo. 4910 MARCHI (Marco Aurelio). Dizionario tecnico-etimologico-filologico. Milano, 1828-29. 4to, half calf. 2 vols. in one. 4911 MARCOALDI (O.). Guida e Statistica della Cita e Comune di Fabriano. Vol. iii. Fabriano, 1877. 8vo. 491*2 MARENESI (E. L.). II Linguaggio della Scienza svelato al Popolo, repertorio di etimologie e definizioni attinenti a scienze ed arti. Milano, 1867. 8vo. 3 vols. 4913 MARTELLI (D.). Cours de langue italienne d'apres la me'thode Robertson. Paris, 1839. 8vo, half calf. 4914 MARTINI (Pietro). Illustrazione ed aggiunte alia storia ecclesiastica di Sardegna. Cagliari, 1858. 8vo. 4915 MARZOLO (Paolo). Monumenti storici rivelati dall' analisi della parola. Padova, 1847. 410, half morocco. 4916 Brevissimo sunto della storia dell' origine dei caratteri alfabetici. Venezia, 1857. 410. 4917 Monumenti storici rivelati dall' analisi della parola. Tomo i. Padova, 1859. 410. 4918 MASCHERA DI TRUFFALDINO (La). Verona, (Pietro Bisesti), n.d. i6mo. 4919 MASCI (A.). Discorso sull' origine, i costumi e lo stato attuale degli Albanese del Regno di Napoli ristampato per cura di Francesco Masci. Napoli, 1847. 4*- 4920 MASTROFINI (Marco). Teoria e prospetto, ossia, Dizionario critico d6 verbi Italiani conjugati specialmente degli anomali e malnoti nell cadenze. Roma, 1814. 410. 2 vols. 4921 Teoria e prospelto, o sia, Dizionario critico de' verbi Italiani conjugati specialmente degli anomali e malnoti nelle cadenze. Seconda edizione. Milano, 1830. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. 4922 ME'NAGE (Gilles). Le origini della lingua Italiana compilate dal S re Egidio Menagio, gentiluomo Francese. Colla giunta de' modi di dire Italiani, raccolti, e dichiarati dal medesimo. Geneva, (Chouet), 1685. 410, half calf. 4923 or MENAGIUS (Aegidius). Mescolanze d'Egidio Menagio. Prima edizione Veneta corretta, ed ampliata. Venezia, 1736. 8vo, vellum. 4924 MEOLA (G. V.). Compendio del nuovo metodo per apprender facilmente la Lengua Italiana. Napoli, 1800. 4925 MERKEL (J.). Symbolae Linguam et Antiquitatem Romanam in juris Romani fontibus aliisque libris coaevis nobis servatam illustrantes. Lipsiae, 1856. 8vo. 4926 METAXA (Luigi). Monografia de' serpenti di Roma e suoi contorni. Roma, 1823. 410. 4927 MEYER-LUBKE (W.). (Sammlung Romanischer Grammatiken.) Italienische Grammatik. Leipzig, 1890. 8vo. 4928 MILLHOUSE (John). Nuovo Dizionario Inglese-Italiano ed Italiano-Inglese. Milano, 185 3 and 1849. 8vo. 4929 MISCELLANEA di Filologia e Linguistica. Firenze, 1886. 410. A collection of Pieces by various authors published in memory of Napoleone Caix and Ugo Angelo Canello. 4930 Linguistica. A Collection of Articles on Italian and the Italian Dialects. No place or date. 8vo, half morocco. 256 493 ' MOCENNI (E. D. V.). Enchiridio della Lingua e Letteratura Italiana presente. Copenaghen, 1811. 8vo, half calf. 4932 Italiensk Grammatik for Danske. Kiobenhavn, 1827. 8vo, half calf. 4933 MOLINI (Giuseppe). Operette bibliografiche. Firenze, 1858. 4to. 4934 MOLOSSI (Lorenzo). Nuovo elenco di voci e maniere di dire biasimate e di altre che sembrano di buona ragione e mancana ne' Vocabolarj Italiana. Parma, 1839-41. 8vo, half morocco. 4935 MONTEITH (A. H.). A Course of Lessons in the Italian Language. (Robertsonian Method). London, (1847). 8vo, half calf. 4936 MONTI (Vincenzo). Proposta di alcune correzioni ed aggiunte al Vocabolario della Crusca. Milano, 1828-31. 1 2mo, half calf. 4 vols. in 7 parts. 4937 MORELLI (T.). Cenni storici intorno alle Colonie Greco-Calabre. Napoli, 1847. 8vo. 4938 MUELLER (W.) und WOLFF (Dr. O. L. B.). Egeria. Sammlung Italienischer Volkslieder. Begonnen von Wilhelm Mueller, vollendet, nach dessen Tode herausgegeben und mit erlaeuternden anmerkungen versehen von Dr. O. L. B. Wolff. Leipzig, 1829. 8vo, half calf. 4939 MULLER OCH SOMMER. Italiensk Lasbok, med dertill horande Ordbok och Spraklara. Stockholm, 1833. i2mo, half calf. (Translated into Swedish by G.Scheutz.) 4940 MURATORI (Lodov.-Ant.). Dissertazioni sopra le antichita italiane, da Lodovico Antonio Muratori, opera postuma data in luce da Gian-Fran. Soli Muratori. Milano, 1751. 4to, calf. 3 vols. 4941 MUTIO GIUSTINOPOLITANO (Hieronimo). Battaglie, per diffesa dell' Italica lingua, con alcune lettere. Vinegia, (P. Dusinelli), 1582. 8vo, calf. First edition. 4942 Another edition. Napoli, (F. C. Mosca), 1743. 8vo, calf. 4943 NANNUCCI (V.). Voci e locuzioni Italiane derivate dalla Lingua Provenzale. Firenze, 1840. 8vo, half calf. 4944 NAPIONE (Gianfranc. Galeani). Dell' uso e dei pregi della Lingua Italiana, libri tre, cogli opuscoli annessi alia edizione di Torino dell' anno 1791. Nuovamente ristam- pati, riveduti, etc. Firenze, 1813. Half morocco. 2 vols. 4945 NARDO (Gio. Dom.). Studj filologici e lessicografici sopra alcune recenti giunte ai vocabolarj Italiani, etc. Venezia, 1855. 410, half morocco. 4946 NARDUCCI (Enrico). Saggio di voci Italiane derivate dall' Arabo. Roma, 1858. 8vo. 4947 NESI (Rev. Lorenzo). Dizionario ortologico-pratico della Lingua Italiana. Pavia e Milano, 1825. 8vo, half calf. 4948 NICOLLI (Rev. Franc.). Delia Etimologia dei nomi di luogo degli stati ducali di Parma, Piacenza e Guastalla.per provare 1'antichitsl de' luoghi degli stati medesimi. Piacenza, 1833. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols in one. 4949 NICOLUCCI (Giustiniano). Delle razze umane ; saggio etnologico. Napoli, 1857-58. 8vo, half morocco. With numerous coloured Plates. 4950 NICOTRA (Vincenzo). II Gallicismo in Italia. Catania, 1857. 410. 4951 NOVELLA della figlia del Re di Dacia. Testo inedito del buon secolo della Lingua. edizione di 250 esemplari. Pisa, 1866. 8vo. 4952 N. (P. G.). I Caraguoi. Scherzo di P. G. N. Verona, 1821. 257 4953 OPUSCULI sulla lingua Toscana. Mescolanze raccolte da Giulio Bernardino Tomitano Opitergino. I. Discorso Accademico di Francesco Villardi sopra le accuse date al P. Antonio Cesare dal Cav. Vincenzo Monti. Verona, 1818. II. Capitoli due di Agatopisto Epifane ai gastigatori del dialetto Toscano, s'aggiunge una lettera dell' Abate Villardi e la risposta del Cesare. Verona, 1818. III. Dello stento in poesia e della vera spontaneita del poeta Sermone del Ab. F. Villardi. Treviso, n.d. IV. Considerazioni intorno all' opera del C. Monti sulla riforma del Vocabolario della Crusca. Verona, 181 8. V. Further " Considerazioni." Verona, 1819. VI. Memoria di Luigi Angeloni sopra 1'opera del K r Monti. No date or place. VII. Considerazioni intorno all' opera del Cav. V. Monti, estratte dalla Bib. Univ. di Ginevra e recate in Italiano da And. Zambelli. Milano, 1820; and many similar works all bound in one volume. 4954 ORNITOLOGIA. Manuale provinciate di Como per 1'anno bisestile 1844 (anno vii). Como. It contains a catalogue of the birds frequenting the district. 4955 OSCULATI ^Gaetano). Esplorazione delle Regioni Equatoriali lungo il Napo ed il Fiume delle Amazzoni. Frammento di un Viaggio fatio nelle Due Americhe ne gli anni 1846-47-48. Corredata di 2 Carte topografiche e di 20 Vedute e Costumi ritratti dal vero dallo stesso autore. Milano, 1850. 8vo, half morocco. Presentation copy to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte from the author. 4956 OSSERVATIONI (Le) della lingua volgare di diversi huomini illustri, cioe: del Bumbo, del Gabriello, del Fortunio, dell' Acarisio et di altri Scrittori. Venetia, appresso Francesco Sansovino, 1562. 8vo, vellum. This work was compiled by the publisher, Francesco Sansovino. 4957 Another edition. Venetia, appresso Fr. Rampazetto, 1565. 8vo, vellum. 4958 della Lingua Italiana raccolte dal Cinonio, illustrate ed accresciute dal Cavaliere Luigi Lamberti. Milano, 1809-13. 8vo. 4 vols. 4959 OVIDIO (Francesco d'). Di alcune parole che nella pronunzia Toscana producono il raddoppiamento della consonante iniziale della parola seguente. (Ebtratto d' // Propugnatore, studii filologici, etc. Vol. v, parte i. Bologna, 1872. 4960 PALOMBA (M.). Abre'ge' de la langue toscane. Paris et Lyon, 1768-73. 8vo, calf* 3 vols. 4961 PAOLINO MINORITA (Fra). Trattato de Regimine Rectoris. Publicato da Adolfo Mussafia. Vienna e Firenze, 1 868. 8vo. 4962 PARENTI (Marcantonio). Esercitazioni filologiche che fanno seguito ai cataloghi di spropositi con note di Emmanuele Rocco. Napoli, 1856. i2mo, half morocco. 4963 PARLATORE (F.). Viaggio per le parti settentrionali di Europa fatto nell' anno 1851. Firenze, 1854. 8vo, half morocco. 4964 PASCA (G.-B.). II Cavalier trascurato. Comedia. Macerata, 1670. i2mo. 4965 PASINI (Giuseppe). Vocabolario Italiano-Latino. Quarta edizione. Venezia, 1841. 410, half calf. 2 vols. 4966 PASQUINI (P.-V.). Dell' unificazione della lingua in Italia. Firenze, 1869. 8vo. 4967 PASSARO (Andrea). Cenni sulP origine dell' Italiano idioma in confutazione di un paradosso contenuto nel manifesto pubblicato in Palermo sull' associazione alle poesie del Signor Ignazio Scimonelli con quale si sostiene che il Siciliano dialetto sia stato il padre dell' Italiana favella. Napoli, 1826. 4968 PASTO (Lodovico). La vera felicita, novella postuma dell' autore del ditirambo inti- tolato El Vin Friularo de Bagnoli. Padova, i8iq. '7 258 4969 PAZZIE DEL DOTTORE (Le nuove). Comedia curiosissima. The title-page is torn. izmo. 4970 PERIDOS (M. P.). Egchiridion Italloellenikon dialogon Italian-Greek dialogues. Hermopolis, 1855. 410, half morocco. 497 * Grammatike tes Italikes Glosses. Italian grammar. Hermopolis, 1856. 4to, half morocco. 4972 Lexikon Ellenikon kai Italikon. A Greek-Italian Lexicon. Hermopolis, 1857. 410, half morocco. These three works are in the Greek character. 4973 PERSIO (Ascanio). Discorso intorno alia conformita della lingua Italiana con le pui nobili antiche lingue, e principalmente con la Greca. Venezia ; et ristampato in Bologna per Giovanni Rossi, 1592. 8vo. 4974 PEZZANA (Angelo). Osservazioni concernenti alia Lingua Italiana ed a suoi Vocabolarj. Parma, 1823. 8vo, half morocco. 4975 PEZZILLO (J.). Grammaire italienne. Suivie d'un essai sur les dialectes italiens. Paris, 1845. i2mo, half calf. 4976 PEZZO (Marco). Dei Cimbri, Veronesi, e Vicentini. Terza edizione. Verona, 1763. 8vo. 4977 PICCI (G.)- Della Linguistica applicata alia storia e dell' antichita della Lingua Italiana. Padua, 1847. 4978 PITRE (Giuseppe). Curiosita popolari tradizionali pubblicate per cura di Giuseppe Pitre. Palermo, 1885-90. 8vo, uncut. 7 vols. Vol. i contains Michele Placucci's Usie pregiudizj dei contadini della Romagna ; vol. ii, Awenimenti faceti, raccolti da un anonimo Siciliano ; vol. iii, Giuseppe Ferraro's Superstizioni, usi e proverbi Monferrini ; vol. iv, Zoologia popolare Veneta sptcialmente Bellunese credenze, lesigende e tradizioni vane, raccolte ed illustrate da Angela Nardo Cibele ; vol. v, C ant i popolari del basso Monferrato, raccolti ed annotati da Giuseppe Ferraro; vol. vi, Usi, credenze e pregiudizi del Canarese, spigolati ed ordinati da Gaetano di Giovanni ; and vol. vii, Credenze, usi e costumi Abruzzesi, raccolti da Gennaro Finamore. 4979 POZZI (Alfe"o). Discorso del professore Alfe"o Pozzi sopra 1'opera intitolata Voci e Maniere di dire Italiane additate a' futuri vocabolaristi da Giovanni Gherardini. Seconda edizione rivecluta. Milano, 1842. 4980 POESIA (Della novella), cioe del vero genere e particolari bellezze della poesia Italiana. Libri Tre. Verona, 1732. 410, vellum. 4981 POESIE per la elezione in Rettore magnifico della R.I. Universita di Pavia seguita il de 5 Die. 1790 nel Regio Professore di sacra Teologia Don Pietro Tamburini, Bresciano. Pavia, 1790. 8vo. 4982 drammaticherusticali scelte ed illustrate con note dal Dott. Giulio Ferrario. Milano, 1812. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. 4983 POGGI (T. Fracassi). Scienza dell' umano intelletto, ovvero, Lezioni d'Ideologia di Grammatica di Logica. Firenze, 1842. 8vo, half calf. 4984 POLITECNICO (II). Repertorio mensile di studj applicati alia prosperita e coltura sociale. Milano, 1839-64. 8vo. The first six volumes are bound in half morocco, the seventh in a paper cover ; the remainder of the work is in parts, bound in the original paper covers, except parts 58, 59, and 60, which are bound together in a paper cover. 259 49 8 5 POLITI (Adriano). Dittionario Toscano compendio del Vocabolario della Crusca. Aggiuntovi assaissime voci e avertimenti necessarii per il scrivere perfettamente Toscano. Venetia, appresso Gio. Guerigli e Francesco Bolzetta, 1615. 8vo, calf. Not mentioned by Brunei or Graesse. Haym quotes it as a rare work. The first edition was printed in Rome, Ruffineli, 1604, in 8vo. 4986 - Another edition. Venetia, Miloco, 1665. 8 vo, half calf. 4987 - Venetia, Milocho, 1678. 8vo, vellum. 4988 PREFUMO (Ant.). Grammatica da Lingua Italiana, para os Portuguezes. Lisboa, 1829. 410, half calf. 4989 - 2 a edisao, augmentada e corrigida pelo mesmo author. Lisboa, 1840. 8vo, half calf. 4990 PROGRAMMA (Decimo quarto) dell Imp. Regio Ginnasio Superiore di Rovereto, 1864-65. Rovereto, 1865. 8vo. 4991 PROPUGNATORE (II). Studii filologici, storici e bibliografici in appendice alia collezione di opere inedite o rare. Anno 5. Dispensa i a Gennaio-Febbraio. Bologna, 1872. 8vo. 4992 RACCOMANDAZIONE (Piacevolissima) a Sacco Sano, Cittadino d'Ascole. Napoli, n.d. 8 pages. Annotated in the margin by Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 4993 RA1NARDO E LESENGRINO. Per cura di E. Teza. Pisa, 1869. 8vo. Presentation copy to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte from the editor. 4994 RASK (R.). Italiaensk Formlaere udarbejdet efter samme Plan som den spanske Sproglaere. Kobenhavn, 1827. 8vo, half calf. (Italian Grammar for Danes.) 4995 RATHERY (E.-J.-B.). Les Chants populaires de 1'Italie. (Extrait de la Revue des Deux Mondes. Livraison du 15 Mars 1862.) 8vo. Autograph presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L Bonaparte. 4996 RE (Zefirino). La Vita di Cola di Rienzo, tribune del Popolo Romano, scritta da incerto autore nel secolo xiv, ridotta a migliore lezione ed illustrata con note ed osservazioni. Con un comento del medesimo sulla canzone del Petrarca. Firenze, 1854. 1 2mo, half morocco. 4997 REINHARDSTOETTNER (C. von). Die italienische Sprache : ihre Entstehung aus dem lateinischen, ihr Verhaltniss zu den iibrigen romanischen Sprachen, und ihre Dialekte nebst einem Blick auf die italienische Literatur. Halle, 1869. 8vo. 4998 REZZONICO (G.). Poesie Varie. Milano, 1854. 4 to, half morocco. With Portrait. 4999 RICOGLITORE Italiano e Straniero, ossia, Rivista Mensuale Europea di Scienze, Lettere, etc. Milano, 1836. 3 vols. for the months of February, March and April. 8vo. 5000 RIFLESSIONI intorno all' istituzione d'una Lingua universale. Roma, 1774. 5001 RIGHELLO (Francesco). II Pantaleone impazzito, comedia. .Orvieto, (Rinaldo Ruuli), 1632. i2mo. 5002 RIGUTINI (G.) e FANFANI (P.). Vocabolario Italiano della Lingua parlata. Firenze, 1875. 8vo. Con appendice. (. 00 j - Appendice al Vocabolario Italiano dello lingua parlata. Firenze, 1876. 8vo. 5004 RISPOSTA d'un Accademico della Crusca ad un Amigo che lo interrogava intorno all' imminente pubblicazione del Vocabolario. Firenze, 1842. 8vo. 5005 . - a dei supposti statuti. Sestine. Samaria, anni del mondo 5847. (Bastia, 1843-) 260 5006 ROBELLO (G.). Grammaire italienne, suivie d'un apenju de la versification italienne. Troisieme Edition. Paris, 1839. 8 vo, half calf. 5007 RODOTA (Pielro Pompilio). Dell' Origine, progresso, e stato presente del Rito Greco in Italia osservato dai Greci, Monaci Basiliani, e Albanesi. Roma, 1758-63. 4to, vellum. 3 vols. 5008 ROGACCI (Bened.). Pratica e compendiosa istruzione d principianti circa 1'uso emendato, ed elegante della Lingua Italiana. Venezia, 1739. i2mo, vellum. 5009 ROSA (Gabrielle). Vicende delle lingue in relazione alia storia dei popoli. Parte seconda. Estratto dal Giornale Euganeo, anno quarto. Padova. 20 pages. Presentation copy to B. Biondelli from the author. 5010 ROSINI (Giov.). Risposta del professore Giovanni Rosini ad una lettera del Sig. Conte Galeani Napione di Cocconato sulla lingua Italiana. Pisa, 1818. 5011 Risposta ad una lettera del cavalier Vincenzo Monti sulla Lingua Italiana con alcuni versi dedicati al medesimo. Seconda edizione. Pisa, 1818. 8vo, half morocco. 5012 Nuove lettere sulla Lingua Italiana. Pisa, 1820. 8vo, half morocco. 5013 ROSSI (Pietro). II Ceccone, ossiano dialoghi istorici, politici e religiosi. Seconda edizione. Rimini, 1876. 8vo. 5014 RUSCELLI (G.). II Rimario del Signer Girolamo Ruscelli. Venezia, 1820. 8vo. 5015 RYKACZEVVSKIEGO (E.). Grammatyka Jezyka Wloskiego. (Polish Grammar of the Italian Tongue.) Berlin, 1859. 8vo, half morocco. 5016 SALVIATI (Lionardo). Degli Avvertimenti della Lingua sopra' 1 Decamerone. Venezia. (Domenico e Gio. Bat. Guerra, fratelli), 1584, e Firenze, (Giunti), 1586. 4to, half calf. This work is of great interest and much esteemed. 5017 Opere del cavaliere Lionardo Salviati. Milano, 1809-10. With Portrait. 8vo, calf. 5 vols. Brunet says this collection of his works is not quite complete. 5018 SALVIONI (C.). Nomi locali del Cantone Ticino derivati dal Nome delle Piante. Beilinzona, n.d. 5019 SANDRI (Giulio). Contro il discacciamento della lettera J dalla scrittura Italiana e Latina. Verona, 1858. 5020 SANDRINI (G. C. M.). Das Zeitwort der italienischen Sprache. Wien, 1851. 8vo, half calf. 5021 SANTORO (Gio. -Bat.). Castalio mcrmorante in quattro rivi capricciosi. Poesie varie. Napoli, 1679. 8vo, vellum. 5022 SCAGLIA (F.). Madrigali di Francesco Scaglia. Casale, (B. Grasso), 1600. 4to. 5023 SCALIGERI DALLA FRATA (Camillo). La Bastina Compagnia nobilissima ed asinissima, delli cengiati briganti. Ferrara, 1608. (Ristampata per il Baldini.) 8vo. 5024 det.'o ATTABALIPPA (Cam.). La Nobilissima anzi asinissima compagnia delli Briganti della Bastina. Descritta, e compilata da quattro imbastinati autori, i nomi de'quali sono, M. Ragghiante Basticci, M. Cengione Allacciati, M. Sodesco Cavezza, M. Fibbia Pungentini. Opera nuova, ingegnosa, piacevole, e degna de riso. Venezia, (Barezzo Barezzi), 1611. 8vo. 5025 SCHUSTER (G.). Storia sacra del vecchio e del nuovo Testamento, con 1 14 immagini ed una carta topografica. Traduzione dall' originale tedesco. Venezia, 1876. 8vo. 261 5026 [SCROFFA (Camillo).l I Cantici di Fidentio glottogrysio ludimagistro. Con aggiunta d'alcune vaghe composizioni nel medesimo genere. Di nuovo ristampati (da Pier Francesco Mutii). Fiorenza, 1723. 8vo. 5027 Cantici di Fidenzio con illustrazioni. Venezia, 1831. 8vo, half morocco. This work contains also Memorie intorno Camillo Scroffa and Poeti seguaci di Camilla Scroffa, 5028 SECRETO (II) piu' efficacce per distruggere le locuste in Sardegna. Cagliari, 1873. 5029 SEGRETO (II) con Gerolamo Servitore. Commedia in tre atti ad uso de' piccoli teatrini. Milano, n.d. 5030 SINIBALDI DA MORRO (Giovanni). Gl'otto assortiti comedia. Ancona, 1586. jzmo. 5031 SIRET (M.). E'le"mens de la langue italienne. Paris, an 5 de la R6publique fran9aise, (1797)- 4*o. 5032 SLUIJTER (Dirk). Italiaansche vertaal-oefeningen, etc. Amsterdam, 1852. 8vo, half calf. Italian Exercise-Book for the Dutch. 5033 SOMMER (M.)- Italiensk Grammatik for Begyndere oversat efter G. W. Miiller's tyske Original. Kiobenhavn, 1801. 8vo, half calf. Italian grammar, translated from Miiller's German work, for Danish beginners. 5034 SORESI (Pier-Domenico). I Rudimenti della Lingua Italiana. Milano, 1756. 8vo, calf. 5035 SPAGNA (Arcangelo). Libro Terzo delle Comedie in prosa. Roma, 1717. i2mo. Followed by Leghare d'amicttta, e d'amore. Opera scenica xii. Roma, 1716. i2mo, vellum. 5036 SPANO (Can. Gio.). Lettera del Can. Gio. Spano sul volgare adagio II riso sardonico. Cagliari, 1853. 4to. 537 Memoria sopra i Nuraghi della Sardegna. Cagliari, 1854. 5038 STEPHANUS (W.). (Probe-Exemplar.) Pasigraphisch-Italianisches Worterbuch. (Bachmaier's System.) Munchen, 1864. 5039 STRAPAROLA DA CARAVAGGIO (Gio. Francesco). Le Tredeci piacevoli Notti. Vinegia, (appresso Domenico Farri), 1570. 8vo, calf. Two books in one volume. This is one of the most complete editions of this famous work, and is (says Brunei) much sought after. 5040 SUPPLEMENTOalVocabolarioUniversaleltaliano. Volume unico. Napoli, 1856. 410. 5041 TAJANI (F.). Le Istorie Albanesi. Salerno, 1887. 8vo. 5042 TANI (Nic.). Avertimenti sopra le regole Toscane, con la formatione de Verbi, etc. Vinegia, 1550. 410. 5043 TAUCHNITZ (Ch.). Schul- und Reise-Taschen-Worterbuch der Italienischen und Deutschen Sprache. Leipzig, n.d. 8vo, half morocco. 5044 Nuovo Dizionario delle lingue Italiana e Danese. Leipzig, n.d. 8vo, half morocco. 5045 TEDISCEN (Ippioflauto). Tentativi di I. Tediscen circa alcune etimologie disperate nei lessici. Napoli, 1866. 8vo. 5046 TEORICA dei verbi Italiani regolari, anomali, difettivi e mal noti compilata sulle opere del Cinonio, del Pistolesi, del Mastrofini, etc. Edizione quinta. Livorno, 1830. 8vo, half calf. 5047 TESORO letterario di Ercolano, ossia, La Reale Officina dei papiri Ercolanesi indicata per 1'Arciprete Giacomo Castrucci lettore degli stessi. Seconda edizione accre- sciuta. Napoli, 1855. 410. With numerous Plates. Accompanying this is, Appendice al Tesoro lelterario di Ercolano. With three Plates. 262 5048 TESTAMENTUM NOVUM. II Nuovo Testamento del nostro Signore Gesu Cristo. Edizione stereotipa. Shacklewell, 1816. izmo, calf. 5049 II Nuovo Testamento, secondo la Volgata; tradotto in Lingua Italiana da Mgr. Ant. Martini, Arcivescovo di Firenze. Londra, 1818. izmo, calf. 5050 II Nuovo Testamento, secondo la Volgata; tradotto in Lingua Italiana da Mgr. Antonio Martini, Arcivescovo di Firenze. No place, 1846. 8vo, calf. Probably printed in London. The printer's name is R. Clay. 5051 Another edition. Londra, 1846. 8vo, calf. 5052 II Nuovo Testamento; tradotto in Lingua Italiana da Giovanni Diodati. No place, 1846. 8vo, calf. Printed probably in London. The printer was William Watts. 553 Another edition. Londra, 1847. Calf. 5054 Nuovo Testamento di N.S. Gesu Cristo, secondo la Volgata; tradotto in Lingua Italiana da Mgr. Ant. Martini, Arcivescovo di Firenze. Firenze, 1849. 8vo. 5055 II Nuovo Testamento del nostro Signore e Salvatore Gesu Cristo ; tradotto in Lingua Italiana da Giov. Diodati. Italia, 1849. 8vo, calf. 5056 II Nuovo Testamento; traduzione dal Greco per cura di G. Achilli. New York, 1854. 8vo, calf. 5057 II Nuovo Testamento ; versione secondo la traduzione di Giovanni Diodati. Cambridge, 1858. 8vo, morocco. 5058 Another similar copy, also printed at Cambridge in 1858, but in smaller type. 8vo, morocco. 5059 Gospel of St. John (The), in Italian ; with an English translation on the Hamiltonian System. London. No date. izmo. 5060 TESTAMENTO DI TARTAGLIA (II) ; commedia in tre atti ad uso de' piccoli teatrini. Milano. No date. 5061 TEZA (E.). La Tradizione dei Sette Savi nelle novelline magiare. Lettera al Prof. A. d'Ancona. Ristampa. Bologna, 1864. 8vo. 5062 TILLGREN (O. N.). Larobok i Italienska Spraket. Stockholm, 1839. 4to, half calf. Italian Grammar for Swedes. 5063 TOMASI (Pedro). Nueva y completa Gramatica Italiana explicada en Espanol. Tercera impresi6n. Madrid, 1801. 4to, calf. 5064 TOMITANO (B.). Ragionamenti della Lingua Toscana. Venezia; per Giov. de Farri e fratelli, al segno dell Griffo, 1545. 8vo, vellum. 5065 TOMMASEO (N.). Nuovo Dizionario dei Sinonimi della Lingua Italiana. Firenze, 1838. 410, half calf. 5066 Nuovo Dizionario dei Sinonimi della Lingua Italiana. Milano, 1854. 4to, half morocco. 5067 II nuovo Dizionario della Lingua Italiana, stampato in Torino. Lettere di N. Tommaseo a un Abate. Estratto dal giornale La Giovenlu. Vol. iii. Marzo, 1863. 5068 e BELLINI (Bernardo). Dizionario della Lingua Italiana. Torino, 1861-63. 4 to - Vol. i. In parts. A to B (bestia). 5069 TOMMASINI (V.). Alcuni vocaboli creduti proveniendi dalla Lingua Araba. Firenze, 1888. 5070 TORRACHINI. Giammaire italienne. Troisieme edition. Paris, 1840. izmo, half calf. 263 5071 TOSCANISMO (II) e La Crusca, o sia, il Cruscante Impazzito : tragicomedia giocosa e novissima. Venezia, 1739. 8vo. 5072 Another edition. Napoli, 1740. i2mo, vellum. 5073 TOSELLI (Ot. Mazzoni). Origine della Lingua Italiana. Bologna, 1831. 8vo, half calf. 3 vols. Vols. ii and iii contain the Dizionario Gallo-Italico. 5074 TRAGICOMEDIA di Squaquadrante Carneval, et di Madonna Quaresma. Brescia, (Giacomo Turlino), n.d. 5075 TRISSINO (Gio.-Georg.)- Epistola del Trissino de le lettere nouvamente aggiunte ne la Lingua Italiana. Vicenza, Tolomeo Janiculo da Bressa, 1529. 410, calf. With this work are also bound : La poetica di Trissino ; Dante de la volgare eloquenzia ; Vicenza, Janiculo, 1529 ; Dialogo del Trissino >, intitulato, il Castellano, nel quale si tralta de la lingua italiana. 5076 UGOLINI (Filippo). Vocabolario di parole e modi errati che sono comunemente in uso. Urbino, 1848. 4to. 5077 Vocabolario di parole e modi errati che sono comunemente in uso. Firenze, 1855. 8vo, half morocco. 5078 UNITA DELLA LINGUA (La), periodico che si pubblica il 1 e il 15 d'ogni mese, compilato da Fanfani, A. Gelli, e R. Vescovi. Anno primo. Firenze, 1869-70. 8vo. 5079. The same for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th years. Firenze, 1870-73. 8vo. 5080 VALENTINI (Franc.). Sposizione del modo di procedere del librajo L. Nervetti, nella ristampa del Dizionario del Professor Valentin!. (A specimen of this German-Italian Dictionary.) 5081 A similar specimen, but in German. 5 g 2 Gran Dizionario Italiano-Tedesco, Tedesco-Italiano. Lipsia, 1831-32. 4to, half calf. 2 vols. 5083 VALERIANI (Gaetano). Vocabolario di Voci e Frasi erronee al tutto da fuggirsi nella Lingua Italiana. Torino, 1854. i6mo, half morocco. 5084 VANZON (Carlo Ant.). Grammatica della Lingua Italiana. Seconda edizione. Livorno, 1834. 4to, half calf. 5085 VENIERO (M.). Poesie di Maffeo Veniero, Arcivescovo di Corfu, e di altri. Venezia, 1817. 8vo. 5086 VENUTI DA CORTONA (F.). Dittionario volgare e Latino ; con un Dittionario delle voce Latine simile a quello del Calepino. Venezia, 1592. 8vo. 5087 Another edition. Roma, 1605. 8vo. 5088 VERATTI (B.). Studj Filologici. Strenna pel 1 866. Modena, 1865. 8vo. 5089 VERGA (Andrea). Della malatia che trasse a morte il Dottor Giovanni Gherardini. Milano, 1861. 12 pages. 5090 VERGANI. Grammaire italienne en xx lesons. Augmented de 4 nouvelles lemons par le Prof. Moretti. Derniere Edition. Florence, 1839. i2mo, half calf. 5091 VIANI (Prospero). Dizionario di pretesi francesismi e di pretese voci e forme erronee della Lingua Italiana. Firenze, 1858-60. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. 5092 VILLANUOVA (Abate d'Alberti di). Dizionario universale critico, enciclopedico della Lingua Italiana. Lucca, 1797. 410, half calf. 2 vols. 264 5093 VINCENTI (Gio. Maria). II ne quid nimis della Lingua Volgare. Roma, 1665. izmo, vellum. 5094 VINITIANI (Ant.). Celia: In Latino fedelmente tradotta dal D.D. Francesco Baronio Manfredi. Palermo, 1645. 8vo. Contains part of an Italian version written by hand. 5095 VOCABOLARIO degli Accademici della Crusca in questa seconda impressione da' medesimi riveduto, e ampliato, con aggiunta di molte voci degli autor del buon secolo, e buona quantita di quelle dell' uso. Venezia, 1623. Appresso Jacopo Sarzina. Half calf. 5096 degli Accademici della Crusca. Terza impressione. Firenze, 1691. Folio, half calf. 4 vols. 5097 degli Accademici della Crusca. Quarta impressione. Firenze, (D. M. Manni), 1729-38. 410, half calf. 6 vols. A very fine copy. 5098 degli Accademici della Crusca. Quinta impressione. Firenze, 1843. Tomo primo. Folio, half morocco. 5099 degli Accademici della Crusca. Quinta impressione. Glossario. Firenze, 1863-90. 4to. 7 volumes in parts. A G (giornalista). Of these Fasc. 3 of vol. vi is missing. 5100 degli Accademici della Crusca. Quinta impressione. Firenze, 1867.. 4to. (A Butto.) 5101 degli Accademici della Crusca. Quinta impressione. Manifesto di As- sociazione al quale si aggiungono la prefazione degli Accademici e un saggio dell' opera messa a confronto col vocabolario ristampato dall' Ab. Manuzzi. Firenze, 1 88 1. Specimen. 5102 degli Accademici della Crusca. Quinta impressione. Volume vi. Fas- ciculo 3 ed ultimo. Firenze, 1889. 410. 5103 VOGTBERG (J. R. von). Supplimento ad ogni Dizionario Italiano-Tedesco e Tedesco-Italiano. Wien, 1831. 8vo, half morocco. 5104 VOLETE RIDERE ? Predica delle Verze Tulerunt Verzas meas in Viridiario meo et nescio ubi portaverunt eas. No date or place of publication. 5105 VRIEND (J.). Italiaansche Spraakkunst. Kampen, 1850. 8 vo, half calf. 5106 ZANONE (Atanasio) ed altri. Generici Brighelleschi consistent! in sortite di scena, discorsi di bravura, moti satirici, proverbi, sentenze, dialoghi, alfabeti estratti da varj comici autori, particolarmente dal rinomato Atanasio Zanone per uso della Corn- media Italiana. Milano, Carrara, n.d. i8mo. (Zanone's name is also spelt Zannoni.) 5107 Raccolta di Motti Brighelleschi, Arguti, Allegorici e Satirici. Ricorretti ed aumentati da Alfonso Zannoni suo figlio. Torino, Reycend, 1807. 8vo, half calf. This work is not mentioned by Brunei or Graesse. 5108 ZANOTTO (Fr.). Vocabolario metodico Italiano. Venezia, 1852-55. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. 5109 ZECCHINI (S. P.). Dizionario dei Sinonimi della Lingua Italiana. Seconda edizione-stereotipa. Torino, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. 5110 ZITO (Mario). La Bilancia critica in cui Bilanciati alcuni luoghi, notati, como difettosi, nella Gerusalemme Liberata del Tasso, trovansi di giusto peso, secondo le pandelte della Lingua Italiana. Napoli, (Heredi di Cavallo), 1685. 8vo, calf. 265 ITALIAN DIALECTS IN GENERAL. 5111 ALMANACH. A collection of 22 curious one-leaf Almanacks in different Italian dialects, many of them illustrated with quaint painted figures. The earliest is dated 1813, the latest 1861. 5112 BASTIANELLO (Giuseppe). Grande vocabolario collettivo dei dialetti d'ltnlia, Siciliano, Napolitano, Romagnuolo, Emiliano, Lombardo, Veneto, Friulano, Pie- montese, Ligure, Sardo, Corso, Maltese comparati alia Lingua Italiana e vice-versa. Volume primo, parte prima. Napoli, 1865. 410. In parts. 5113 BIONDELLI (B.). Saggio sui dialetti Gallo-Italici. Milano, 1853. 8vo. With Map. 5114 CAIX (N.). Saggio sulla storia della lingua dei dialetti d'ltalia con un' inttoduzione sopra 1'origine delle lingue neolatine. Parma, 1872. 8vo. 2 pans. 5115 CALMO (Andrea). Le Bizzare, faconde, et ingeniose rime pescatorie. Nelle quali si contengono Sonetti, Stanze, Capitoli, Madrigali, Epitafii, Disparate, e Canzoni, et il commento di due Sonelti del Petrarca, in antiqua materna lingua. Vinegia, (Sigismondo Bordogna), 1559. 8 vo, half calf. This edition is not in the British Museum, which, however, possesses eight other editions, including the original edition of 1552. It is written in different dialects. 5116 CORAZZINI (F.). I componimenti minori della letteratura popolare Italiana nei principali dialetti. Benevento, 1877. 8vo. 5117 DELLA LEGA (A. B.). Bibliografia dei vocabolari ne' dialetti Italian i, raccolti e posseduti da Gaetano Romagnoli. Bologna, 1879. 8vo. 5118 DENINA (1'abbe"). Observations sur les dialectes, particulierement sur ceux d'ltalie. (Extrait des Me"moires de l'Acade"mie Royale, etc., 1797.) 4to. 5119 FERRARI (Giovanfrancesco). Le Rime burlesche, sopra varii, et piacevoli soggetti; indrizzate a diversi nobili Signori. Venetia, 1570. 8vo, crushed levant. This work contains 53 pieces of burlesque poetry against Aristotle, Cicero, etc., written in various Italian dialects and in slang. The author has translated into slang one of Horace's epistles. Lafontaine, says Didot, appears to have taken the fable of La Cigale et La Fourmi word for word from him. This work is described in the Catalogue of the Libri Library, seized and sold by the French Govern- ment in 1847, as : " Recueil rare et peu connu de Capitoli, qui peuvent etre compares aux meilleurs pieces que Berni et 1'Aretin aient composees," etc., etc. 5120 FRAZER'S Magazine for the town and country for September and November 1854. London. Half morocco. 2 vols. (Vol. 1, Nos. 297 and 299.) These numbers contain an article called A handful of Italian Patois Books. 5121 GAITER (Luigi). Sui dialetti Italiani. Dissertazione. Bologna, 1873. 8vo, 5122 KOPISCH (Aug.). Agrumi. Volksthiimliche Poesien aus alien Mundarten Italiens und seiner Inseln. Gesammelt und iibersetzt von August Kopisch. Berlin, 1838. i2mo, half morocco. 5123 MARCOALDI (Oreste). Canti popolari inediti Umbri, Liguri, Piceni, Piemontesi, Latini, raccolti e illustrati. Genova, 1855. i2mo, half morocco. 5124 MONUMENTI antichi di dialetti Italiani publicati da Adolfo Mussafia. Vienna, 1 864. 8vo. 5125 NARDI (Francesco). Studii sui dialetti della Lingua Italiana. Padova, 1852. 5126 NARDO (Gio. Domenico). Considerazioni filologiche sull' importanza dello studio comparative dei dialetti rustici, etc. Venezia, 1869. 8vo. 5127 PAPANTI (Giovanni). I parlari italiana in Certaldo alia festa del V centenario di Messer Giovanni Boccacci. Livorno, 1875. 410. This work contains specimens of various Italian dialects ; the subject chosen being Novella ix della Giornala I del Decameron di M. Giovanni Boccacci. 266 5128 RAMONDINI (Enrico). I dialetti e la lingua comune in Italia. Napoli, 1866. 5129 REDI (Francesco) e PASTO (Lodovico). Bacco in Toscana. Ditirambo di Francesco Redi, medico e poeta Fiorentino ; ed il Friularo di Bagnoli ; ditirambo di Lodovico Pasto, medico e poeta Veneziano. Padova, 1801. 8vo. 5130 RIVISTA di letteratura popolare diretta da G. Pitre, F. Sabatini. Roma, 1877-79. 8vo. Vol. i, fasciculi i, 2, 3, 4. 5131 RUZZANTE (Agnolo Beolco, detlo il). Piovana, comedia, overo novella del tascho di Ruzante. Venetia, (Giovanni Bonadio), 1565. 8vo, calf. 5132 Rhodiana, comedia stupenda, et ridiculosissima, piena d'argutissimi motti, in varie lingue recitata. Composta per il famosissimo Ruzzante. Venetia, (Giovanni Bonadio), 1565. 8vo, calf. The peculiarity of Ruzzante's plays is that each character speaks in a different dialect. S'33 Tre Orationi di Ruzzante, recitate in Lingua Rustica. Venezia, (Gio. Bonadio), 1565. 8vo. 5134 Due Dialoghi in Lingua Rustica. Venezia, (Gio. Bonadio), 1565. 8vo. 5135 Moschetta : comedia del famosissimo Ruzzante. Venezia, (Gio. Bonadio), 1565. 8vo. 5136 Anconitana : comedia, etc., as above. 5137 Vaccaria : comedia, etc., as above. 5138 Dialogo facetissimo et ridiculosissimo di Ruzzante. Venezia, (Gio. Bonadio), 1565. 8vo. 5139 La Fiorina. The title-page is wanting, but it evidently belongs to the same edition as the above. 5140 Tutte le opere del famosissimo Ruzzante, di nuovo con somma diligenza rivedute, e corrette, (cioe, la Rhodiana ; 1'Anconitana ; la Piovana ; la Vaccaria ; la Moschetta; la Fiorina; comedie ; dialogi due, etc.). (Venet.), 1584. izmo, vellum. Brunei gives the place of publication as Venet., in brackets, as above ; but the printer, Giorgio Greco, in his dedication of this work to S. Vespasiano Zogiano, dates from Vicenza alii 20 Settemb. 1584- Beolco was born at Padua, 1502, and died 1542. His works were published separately at first ; this is the first known collected edition. He quaintly describes the grotesque manners of the villagers. Each of his characters speaks in a different dialect, Venetian, Bolognese, Paduan, etc. 5141 VALERY (M.). Voyages en Corse, d 1'Ile d'Elbe, et en Sardagne. Paris, 1837. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. This work is partly linguistic, and contains specimens of dialects. 5142 ZrCCAGNI-ORLANDINI (A.). Raccolta di dialetti Italiani, con illustrazioni etno- logiche. Firenze, 1864. 8vo. ITALO-CELTICO-PIEMONTESE, ASTIG-IANO, ALESSANDRINO AND MONFERR1NO. 5143 ALIONE (G.). L'Opera piacevole di Georgio Alione Astegiano. Di nuovo corretta e ristampata. In Asti, e ristampata in Torino, per Steffano Manzolino, 1628. 8vo, calf. This work is rare owing to the efforts made to suppress it. It contains farces (some very broad) in the dialect of Asti, with an occasional French character. 5144 Commedia e Parse carnovalesche nei dialetti Astigiano, Milanese e Francese misti con Latino Barbero, composte sul fine del secolo xv. Milano, 1865. 8vo. 3 vols. in one. Biblioteca Kara Series, published by G. Daelli. 267 5 H5 ALMANACH. La Dogana degli Spropositi tanto detti che scritti in latino, itnliano, piemontese e francese Almanacco assai dilettevole per far ridere nelle conversazioni. Turin, 1838. 5146 ANTOLOGIA Piemontese, per esercizio di traduzione dal Piemontese nell* Italiano parlare. Torino, 1844. i2mo, half morocco. 5147 BIBLE. Psalter. '1 Liber d'i Salm de David, tradout en lingua Piemounteisa. (? London), 1840. izmo, morocco. In Italian (Giovanni Diodati's version) and Piedmontese. 5148 BOSCO (Agostino). Nel passagio per Poirino di sua Santita Pio vii. Addi' 12 Novembre 1804. Carmagnola. 5149 BROFFERIO (Ang.). Canzoni Piemontesi. Lugano, 1839. 8vo, half morocco. 5150 Canzoni Piemontesi, edite ed inedite. Nuova edizione, compiuta e corretta per cura dell' autore. Torino, 1849. 8vo, half morocco. 5 1 5 1 Canzoni Piemontesi. Quinta edizione, compiuta, corretta ed accresciuta dall' autore. Torino, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. 5152 Nuove canzoni Piemontesi. Edizione illustrata con incisioni disegnate ed incise da valenti artisti Italiani. Torino, 1855. 5153 CALVO (Edoardo). Favole morali scritte in terza rima Piemontese. Torino, 1814. 8vo, uncut. 5154 Poesie scritte in dialetto Piemontese. Torino, 1816. 8vo. 5155 Follie Religiose, Poema in ottava rima scritto in lingua Piemontese con note Italiane dell' autore. Italia, anno primo. 8vo, half calf. Very rare. This work was printed in Turin, 1801. Calvo is the most famous Piedmontese poet. 5156 Poesie Piemontesi e Italiane. Brusselle, 1847. IZ mo half morocco. 5157 CANZONI popolari del Piemonte raccolte di Constantino Nigra. Torino, 1858-62. 8vo. In 6 parts. Estratti dalla Rivista Contemporanea, 5158 CAPELLO (L.). Dictionnaire portatif pie'montais-francais, suivi d'un vocabulaire frangais des termes usites dans les arts et metiers. Turin, 1814. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. 5159 CASALIS (Charles). Paraphrase de la parabole de 1'enfant prodigue en vers piemon- tais, avec une note. Turin, 1808. 8vo. 5160 DIZIONARIO Piemontese-Italiano. Edizione seconda. Torino, 1827. 121110, half morocco. 5161 FERRARO (Giuseppe). Glossario Monferrino. Seconda edizione. Torino, 1889. 8vo. 5162 GEYMET (Enrico). Grammatica Piemounteisa-Italiana. Torino, 1837. 5163 ISLER (Ignazio). Poesie Piemontesi. 4 ta edizione. Torino, 1821. 12 mo, calf. 5164 Quinta edizione. Torino, 1826. i2tno, half morocco. 5165 J ACHING* (G.). Varied tradizionalie dialettali Alessandrine. Alessandria, 1890. 8vo. 5166 MINA (Stefano). Canzoni Piemontesi e cenni storici sulla letteratura Subalpina. Torino, 1868. 8vo. 5167 NIGRA (C.). Canzoni popolari del Piemonte. II Moro Saracino. (Extrait de la Romania, t. xiv.) Paris, 1885. 5168 Canti popolari del Piemonte. Torino, Firenze e Roma, 1888. 8vo. 5169 ODE. Su la Vita d' campagna. Ode Piemonteisa. Verceil, 1'an xiv. 268 5170 PEYRON (V. A.). Opere Piemonteise : poetiche, critiche, leterarie e moraj. Torino, 1830-31. 8vo. 5 vols. 5171 PIETRACQUA (L.). Don Pipeta 1'Asile. Racont storich. Turin, 1808. 2 vols. 5172 Cos Val-lo n' om Mort ? Racont storich. Turin, 1867. 8vo. 5173 PIPING (M.). Gramatica Piemontese. Torino, 1783. 8vo, half calf. 5174 Vocabolario Piemontese. Torino, 1783. 8vo, calf. 5175 Poesie Piemontesi, raccolte dal medico Maurizio Pipino. Torino, 1783. 8vo. 5176 PONZA DA CAVOUR (Michele). Vocabolario Piemontese-Italiano. Torino, 1830. 8vo. 3 vols. With Portrait. 5177 Dizionarietto Piemontese-Italiano. Terza edizione. Torino, 1834. i2mo, half morocco. 5178 Donate Piemontese-Italiano, ossia, manuale della lingua Italiano ad uso de' maestri e degli scolari Piemontesi. Torino, 1838. 8vo, half morocco. 5179 Vocabolario Piemontese-Italiana e Italiano-Piemontese. Torino, 1847. 8vo, half morocco. With Portrait. 4th edition. 5180 The same. Pinerolo, 1859. 8vo, half morocco. With Portrait. 5th edition. 5181 ROCCA (L.). Quindes Faule, precedue da queich regola d' prosodia, scrite an Piemon- teis. Turin, 1861. 8vo. 5182 RUSCONI (A.). I parlari del Novarese e della Lomellina. Novara, 1878. 8vo. 5183 SAGGIO di Poesie Piemontesi in genere affatto nuovo. Torino, 1829. 8vo, half morocco. 5184 SANT' ALBINO (Vittario di). Gran dizionario Piemontese-Italiano. Torino, 1859. 4to, half morocco. 5185 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). '1 Testament Neuv de Nossegnour Gesu-Crist : tradout in lingua Piemonteisa. Londra, 1834. 8vo, morocco. 5186 St. Matthew. II Vangelo di S. Matteo volgarizzato in dialetto Piemontese. 2 a edizione. Imp. L.-L. Bonaparte. Londra, 1861. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 5187 St. Matthew. II Vangelo di S. Matteo volgarizzato in dialetto Piemontese. Seconda edizione eseguita su quella di Londra dell' anno 1834. Londra, 1861. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed, this being the only one on thick paper. 5188 VEGEZZI-RUSCALLA (G.). Colonia Piemontese in Calabria. Studio etnografico. 8vo. Estratto dalla Rivista Contemporanea. Novembre 1862. Contains specimens of Calabrian Piedmontese dialect. 5189 ZALLI (Rev. Cas.). Disionari Piemonteis, Italian, Latin, e Franseis. Carmagnola, 1815. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. MILANESE AND CREMASCO. 5190 A. (A.). Penser de Meneghin ch'el ven a Milan per ved 1'Imperator, per sbatt i man : vorii savej ? Eh si ! se saroo bon ! Compree el librett dal stampador Ruscon. Sestinn Milanes de A. A. Milan, 1838. 269 519! ALMANACK. II Meneghino critico Almanacco per 1'anno 1775. Milano. (The same for 1776, 1780, 1782 and 1784.) 5192 L'Ereditaa del Matt Facchin che sta sul pass de S. Martin, con tant' oiler so vizent da fa rid on poo la Gent. Giornale e Lunario per 1'anno 1819. Milano. 5193 El di' de S. Michee oppur, ch'el me par el pu ben ditt, La Mamma pietosa di Miscitt, etc. Milan. No date. Quinta edizion. Contains poems in the Milanese dialect. 5194 AMBROGIO (Campagna). La Rivuluzione dei Frances! coi Milanesi nel 1814. Meneghino Fruttajuolo farsa ridicolosa. Milano, n.d. 5195 AMIS DI DONN (L'.). Taccoin per 1'ann noeuv. Milano, presso Santo Bravetto, n.d. i2mo. (Milanese poetry.) 5196 Another collection of different poems. Milan, n.d. i2mo. 5197 AVVENTURE DI MENEGHINO PECCENNA (Le) ; commedia in cinque atti. Milano, n.d. 5198 B. (A. P.). Sestine Milanesi di A. P. B. Milano, 1855. 8vo. 5199 B... (C...). Miscellanea de Poesii Milanes di C... B... (Carlo Bellati ?). Milano, n.d. 5200 BALESTRIERI (Domenico). Rimm milanes de meneghin Balestreri, accademech trasformae. No date or place. 410, half calf. Edition de luxe printed at Milan, 1744. Only a few copies were struck off for the members of the Accademech trasformse. The work is dedicated to Count Imbonati, the founder of the Academy in question. Under the title is an emblematical vignette designed by C. Bianchi. The work also contains a fine portrait of Imbonati, another of Balestrieri, and numerous vignettes by the same artist. 5201 BANFI (G.). Vocabolario Milanese-Italiano. Milano, 1852. 8vo, half calf. 5202 BARZAGH (Leopold). Do Parolinn Anm6 sui Strad de Ferr. Sestinn. Milano, 1840. 5203 BOSINAA MILANESE. A Collection of short poems in the Milanese dialect, with woodcuts. Printed in Milan, and some in Lodi. Many of the pieces are undated ; those that are dated are of 1717 and 1718. 410, calf. 5204 (Noeva) faccia sora ol Litiga. Milano, n.d. 5205 (Noueva.) Milano, n.d. 5206 (Noueva) del Contrast tra Togn el Carnevaa. Milano, n.d. 5207 BOSINADA. Su la Festa in Gallaria, Bosinada o Gent legria! Milan, n.d. 5208 Nueva bosinaa. Milan, 1832. 5209 su i Franzes, Che fan di tutt el Paes. Milan, (Luvls Veladin), n.d. 5210 BOTTA, e resposta tra' la sciora Squinziae missee Domenegh so' servitor. Milano, n.d. 5211 BRINDES per on disna alia Cassinna dl Pomm, el di 14 Mag 1809. 5212 CAMBIAGGIO (Carlo). Semm Italian! Poemetto in dialetto Milanese. Milano, 1859. 5213 CAPPELLETTI (Eug.). Vocabolario Milanese-Italiano-Francese. Milano, 1848. 8vo, half morocco. 5214 CHERUBINI (F.). Vocabolario Milanese-Italiano. Milano, 1814. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. 5215 Vocabolario Milanese-Italiano. Milano, 1835-56. 410, half morocco. 4 vols. in two, with supplement. 270 5216 COLLEZIONE delle migliori opere scritte in dialetto Milanese. Milano, 1816-17. izmo, half calf. 12 vols. This collection contains the poems of P. Lomazzo, C. Maria Maggi, G. Birago, P. C. Larghi, S. Simonetta, C. A. Tanzi, D. Balestrieri, G. Corio, G. Giulino, C. A. Oltolina, etc., etc. 5217 COTTA (Lazaro Agostin). La Pirlonea. Commedia fantastica, faceta e ridicola. Milano, (della Stamperia Tamburini), n.d. i2mo. 5218 DANTE. L'Inferno; esposto in dialetto Milanese da Francesco Candiani. Milano, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. 5219 DE TOMA (Giovann). Un Sabet de Sira, ossia, I trist conseguenz del Gioeugh. Commedia in duu att in vers Milanes. Milan, 1856. 5220 DIALEGH sora el spar del cannon del dl 14 Luj 1809. 24 pages. Uncut. 5221 LA DIES IRAE, la dies ilia. Se scoltee, son chi per dilla. Milano, 1813. 52/2 FRANZESCH OLIVEE (A ol) par numerada dit a ol Colombee al cerca de torna' in grazia ai lustrissim so' Scior Patron e ja prega de caritaa e misericordia. A ol fin ai 21 d'Avost del 1806. In Chom Zardin del regno d'ltalia, in la Stamparja de Maistro Carla Antonij Ostinadel. 4to. 5223 G. e P. Sestinn per el matrimoni del sur Cont Don Gabriell Verr con la sura Contessina Donna Giustina Borromea di G. de P. Milan, 1819. 5224 GARIONI (A.). Tobia. Parafrasi in sesta rima Milanese divisa in cinque canti. Milano, 1808. Frontispiece. 8vo, half morocco. 5225 GHERARDINI (Dr. Gio.). Risposta di Madama Bibin alle sestine del Signor Carlo Porta. Sestine in dialetto Milanese. Milano, 1819. 5226 GROSSI (Tommaso). La Pioggia d'Oro, e La Fugitiva. Poesie in dialetto Milanese. Milano, 1822. i2mo. 5227 HORATIUS FLACCUS (Quintus). L'Arte Poetica di Quinto Orazio Flacco, esposta in dialetto Milanese. Milano, 1836. 8vo. 5228 L'Avarizia, satira prima di Quinto Orazio Flacco, esposta in dialetto Milanese. Milano, 1837. 8vo. 5229 L'Arte cli ereditare. Satire 5 del Libro ii di Quinto Orazio Flacco, esposta in dialetto Milanese dal Medico-Poeta. Milano, 1839. 8vo. 5230 Amicizia e Tolleranza. Satira di Quinto Orazio Flacco, esposta in dialetto Milanese dal Dottore Giovanni Rajberti. Milano, 1841. 8vo. 5231 Sermon d'Orazi Flacch sovra 1'avarizia, tradott dal laten in dialect arsan. No date and place. 5232 INTRADA DI FRANZEES. El Diavol coi pee dedree, Ch'han faa in Milan, In di tri ann i Repubblican ; ossia, Meneghin storech, leped, critech, e moraal dall intrada di Franzees in Milan seguida el 14 Maagg 1796 al di della soa partenza seguida el 28 April 1799, giornada de gran consolazion par tugg i bon Cattolegh. No date and place. 121110. 5233 LOTTIERI (P.). Quaresmal. Ciare, 1826. 8vo. (Sonnets.) 5234 MAGGI (C. M.). Comedie, e rime in lingua Milanese. Milano, (Malatesta), 1711. i2mo, vellum. Second edition. 5235 Opere di Carlo Maria Maggi. Milano, 1816. i2mo, half calf. 2 vols. in one. 5236 MUSSAFIA (A.). Darstellung der altmailandischen Mundart nach Bonvesin's Schriften. Wien, 1868. 8vo. 5237 ODE a Silvia molto bella, d'on Autor de conclusion, staa tradotta in manch de quella in lenguagg de buseccon par amor de quella gent, che'l Toscan ghe liga i dent. No date or place. 271 5238 PELLIZZONI (C. A.)- Poesie in dialetto Milanese. Milano, 1835. izmo, half morocco. With Portrait. 5239 PICOZZI (Ant.)- Due Novelle in versi Milanesi. 6 opuscolo. Milano, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. 5240 Versi Milanesi ed Italiana. Milano, 1862. 8vo. 2 vols. 5241 POESIE Lombarde inedite del Secolo xiii, publicate ed illustrate da B. Biondelli. Milano, 1856. With fac-simile. 8vo, half morocco. 5242 PORTA (Carlo). II Romanticismo. Sestine in dialetto Milanese. Milano, 1819. 8vo. 5243 Raccolta di Poesie inedite in dialetto Milanese. Italia, 1826. 8vo, half morocco. 5244 Raccolta completa delle Poesi inedite di Carlo Porta. Italia, 1826. 8vo. 5245 Poesie scelte in dialetto Milanese. Milano, 1827. i2mo, half morocco. With Portrait. 5246 Poesie in dialetto Milanese. Milano, Pagnoni, n.d. 4to. (Illustrated.) 5247 e GROSSI (T.). Poesie scelte in dialetto Milanese. Edizione illustrata da F. Gonin, etc. Milano, 1842. 410, half calf. 5248 A Book of his Poems, with title page wanting. 8vo. 5249 PREDARI (F.). Bibliografia Enciclopedica Milanese. Milano, 1857. 8vo, half calf. 5250 PROVERBI. Oh che rid i Proverbi Milanes. Novara, 1843. 5251 RAJBERTI (Giovanni). El Pover Pill. Versi Milanesi. Milano, 1852. 8vo. 5252 I Fest de Natal. Versi Milanesi. Milano, 1852. 8vo. 5253 SAGGIO di Poesie in dialetto Cremasco. Crema, 1838. 5254 SALA (Luigi). Per le nozze della Signora Marianna Dapino col Signer Professore Bonifazio Samarini. Sestine Milanesi. Monza, 1842. 5255 SALVIONI (C.). Fonetica del dialetto moderno della Cittd di Milano. Rome, Turin and Florence, 1884. 8vo. 5256 SAMARINI (Prof. B.). Vocabolario Cremasco-Italiano. Crema, 1852. 8vo. 5 2 57 Proverbi Lombardi, raccolti ed illustrati dal Prof. B. Samarini. Milano, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. 5258 SOMMARIVA (Gius.). El Governo di Donn a Solferin. Scherzo comico in due atti. Milano. No date. 5259 On Ilaliana Repubblicana e on Frances Imperial. Commedia in tre atti. Milano. No date. On Panaton de Natal. Commedia in due atti. Milano. No date. I Tribulazion d'ona Portinara. Commedia in tre atti. Milano. No date. STAGION (I.). Cant quatter, tradott da Carlo Volonteri. Milano, 1822. (Poem on the Four Seasons.) i2mo, half morocco. 5263 STETUT cMa gran Bedie antighe di Fechin dol Lagh Meld fondo in Milan. Amplified in tol' ann present, 1715. 4to. 5264 STRADE FERRATE (Le), sestine Milanesi del Medico-Poeta. Milano, 1840. 8vo. 5265 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). St. Matthew. II Vangelo di S. Matteo volgarizzato in dialetto Milanese, dal Sig. Antonio Picozzi. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londra, 1859. 8vo, morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 5266 Another copy of the same edition, being the only one on thick paper. Morocco. 272 5267 VARON Milanes de la lengua da Milan, e prissian da Milan de la parnonzia Milanesa. Stampa de noiiu. Milano, (Gio. Jiacomo Como), 1606. 8vo. Contains Sonnets by Giovanni Cappis and Amb. Biffi, and an etymological Milanese dictionary. 5268 Milanes de la Lengua de Milan, e prissian de Milan de la parnonzia Milanesa. Slampa de neuv. In Milano, per Gio. Jacomo Como libraro 1606 ; e ristampato da Giuseppe Marelli del 1750. 8vo, half calf. 5269 VENTURA (Giov.). Poesie Milanesi e Italiane. Nuova edizione. Milano, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. 5270 VERS. Hin quatter vers del sur Caraffa Su i no2uv mod de la Giraffa E sui rizz alia bambinella Ciamaa col nom de Raffaella. Milano, no date. 5271 VERSI. Le Glorie delle Armi Austriache. Versi Milanesi. Milano, 1793. 5272 VOCABOLARIO tascabile Milanese-Italiano. Milano, 1847. 8vo, half calf. 5273 ZANELLA (Carlo Grato). Quatter Vers per 1'arriv in Milan di So Maestaa I.R.A. I'lmperator Franzesch Primm e 1'Imperatris Maria Luvisa. Milan, 1815. PAVESE. 5274 ALMANACK. Un Nuovo Passatempo per 1'anno 1833. Pavia. (Also copies for 1834 and 1835.) 5275 Giornale per 1'anno 1834. Pavia. (Also a copy for 1835.) 5276 II Vecchio Giarlaett del 1765. Nuovo Almanacco per 1'anno 1836. Pavia. 5277 Saggio di Poesie Pavesi Almanacco per 1'anno 1836. Pavia. (Also a copy for 1837.) 5278 Saggio di Poesie Pavesi. I Barbis almanacco per 1'anno 1838. No. 3. Pavia. Half calf. 5279 BIGNAM (P.). Un Evviva in Paves pr 1'arriv ad sua Maesta' 1'Imperatour e Re Fardinand Prim in Pavia, 15 Set. 1838. Canzou. Pavia, 1838. 5280 BIGNAMI (Gius.). Per 1'organo nuovo della Basilica di San Michele, suonato per la prima volta il 6 Die. 1840. Canzone pavese. Pavia, 1840. 5281 Alia cara memoria del Dr. Deffendente Sacchi, morlo il 20 Die. 1840. Sestine pavesi. Pavia, 1841. 8vo. 5282 Alia dolce e cara memoria del Maestro di Musica Felice Moretti, morto il 7 Die. 1842. Terzine pavesi. Pavia, 1843. 8vo. 5283 II Pittore Pasquale Massacra. Versi in dialetto pavese. Pavia, 1846. 8vo. 5284 Atto di Rispetto offerto all ill e rev Mgr. D. Angelo Ramazzotti assunto al Pontificato di Pavia il 29 Set. 1850. Sestine pavesi. Pavia, 1850. 5285 CARATI (Siro). I du prim mes doel cholera in Pavia. Ottav oed sirei card. Pavia, 1836. 8vo. 5286 DIZIONARIO domestico Pavese-Italiano. Pavia, 1829. 8 vo, half calf. 5287 GAMBINI (C.). Vocabolario Pavese-Italiano ed Italiano-Pavese. Pavia 1850. 4to, half morocco. 5288 MANFREDI (R.). Dizionario Pavese-Italiano, coll' aggiunta delle frasi piu comuni. Pavia, 1874. 8vo. 273 BERGAMASCO AND COMASCO. 5289 ALMANACH. II Democrito Bergamasco nuovo Almanacco. Bergamo, 1856. 5290 CANZONI popolari Comasche. Raccolte e publicate colle Melodic dal Dr. G. B. Bolza. Vienna, 1867. 8vo. 5291 M. (G. A.). Esperimento di una grammatica Bergomense-Italiana compilato dal sac. G. A. M. Milano, 1854. 8vo, half morocco. 5292 MONTI (P.). Vocabolario dei dialetti della Cittd e Diocesi di Como. Milano, 1845. 4to, half morocco. 5293 PREDICA delle Verze "Tulerunt Verzas meas in Viridario meo, et nescio ubi porta- verunt eas." II padre Broda a cap. 18. Capitulo terzo. Stamp. Tamburini Cont. s. Raffaelle. No date. 12 pages. 5294 REUDA (Rev. J.). Capitol prim contra i Spirigg Forgg. Berghem, 1772. 8vo. To which is joined, Capitol contra i Barzami' in ocasi6 che 1'ha professat la regola de Santa Ciara in di Mader Capusine de Cavrieul la M. Reverenda sur Maria Secilia Sepelida (Salvagna). Berghem, 1775. 4to, half calf. Between these works there is in manuscript the following : " Lettera in Versi, scritta Testate del anno 1773, dal P. Ettore Marruchelli-Maroli al M to R 1 ' S r D n Giuseppe Rota, per esortarlo a continuare ed a compiere la di lui vaghissima, ed utilissima opera contro gli Spirit! Forti composta in Lingua Bergamasca in Terza Rima. " 5295 ROSA (Gabriele). Documenti storici posti nei dialetti, nei costumi, nelle tradizioni e nelle denominazioni de' paesi intorno al Lago d'Iseo. Bergamo, 1850. i2mo. 5296 Dialetti, costumi e tradizioni delle Provincie di Bergamo e di Brescia. Bergamo, 1855. i2mo, half morocco. 5297 2 a edizione. Bergamo, 1857. i2mo, half morocco. 5298 3 a edizione. Brescia, 1870. 8vo. 5299 ROTA (Gius.)- Capitoli in dialetto Bergamasco ; cui si premette la vita dell' autore. Bergamo, 1849. 8vo. 5300 RUGGERI DA STABELLO (Pietro). Rime Bortoliniane. Milano, 1842. 5301 Rime Bortoliniane. 10 fascicule. No date and place. 5302 Rime Bortoliniane. .Berghem, no date. ej^oj Poesie in dialetto Bergamasco. Raccolta da Antonio Tiraboschi. With Portrait. Bergamo, 1869. 8vo. 5304 TASSO (Torquato). II Goffredo del signer Torquato Tasso, travestito alia Rustica Bergamasca da Carlo Assonica dottor. Seconda impressione. Venelia, 1674. 8vo, half calf. 5305 II Goffredo. Con il travestimento alia rustica Bergamasca del dottor Carlo Assonica. Bergamo, 1778. With Portrait. i2tno, half morocco. 2 vols. This is a reprint of the Venice edition of 1670. 5306 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). St. Matthew. II Vangelo di S. Matteo, volgarizzato in dialetto Bergamasco, dal Sig. Pasino Locatelli. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londra, 1860. 8vo, morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 5307 Another copy of the same edition, being the only one on thick paper. Morocco. 5^08 TIRABOSCHI (Antonio). Saggiodiun Vocabolario Bergamasco. Bergamo, 1859. 8vo. 5 jo 9 Vocabolario dei dialetti Bergamischi antichi e moderni. Bergamo, 1862. 8vo. 18 274 5310 TIRABOSCHI (Antonio). Parre ed II Gergo de' suoi Pastori. Bergamo, 1864. 5311 Vocabolario dei dialetti Bergamaschi antichi e moderni. Bergamo, 1867. 8vo. A Cordaol. 5312 The same, complete. Bergamo, 1873. 8vo. 5313 Appendici al Vocabolario dei dialetti Bergamaschi. Volume i. Bergamo, 1879. 8vo. 5314 ZAPPETTINI (Stefano). Vocabolario Bergamasco-Italiano. Bergamo, 1859. nmo, half morocco. 5315 ZERBINI (E.). Note storiche sul dialetto Bergamasco. Bergamo, 1886. CREMONESE. 5316 PERI (A.). Vocabolario Cremonese Italiano. Cremona, 1847. 4to, half morocco. 5317 TORSO DEL GRAN TURCO (II), che da occasione a tradurre in Italiano circa 400 vocaboli famigliari Cremonesi. Cremona, n.d. izmo, half calf. A Cremonese Vocabulary, with an explanation as to the origin of the title. PIACENTINO. 5318 CAPRA (V.). Al Colera. Dialogh in piasinteino. Tra Tognass e Tolein. Pia- seinza, n.d. 5319 Al Pea dla Serva. No date or place. (Probably Piacenza.) 5320 I Bovidor. Canzoneutta in piasintein. Ca fd ceur a bev dal vein. Pia- cenza, n.d. 5321 FORESTI (Lor.). Vocabolario Piacentino-Italiano. Piacenza, 1836. 8 vo, half calf. 5322 Vocabolario Piacentino-Italiano. Seconda edizione. Piacenza, 1855. 8vo, half morocco. 5323 NICOLLI (Fr.). Catalogo di Voci moderne Piacentino-Italiane. Piacenza, 1832. 8vo. PARMIGIANO. 5324 ALMANACK. Strolgament dil Strel pr 1'ann 1788. Msurad a brazz con al forca da du branz dal Caporal Quattordes Cazzabal dla Villa d'Figazzel. Parma. (Part wanting.) 5325 The same for 1807, 1808, 1815, 1816, 1817, 1819, 1820, 1836, 1836 (different from the last), 1838, 1838 (different from the last), 1839, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 184.7, ^48, 1849, 1859, 1 86 1. 5326 II strelli compassadi per dvartiment dal Caporal Quattordes Cazzabal dla villa d' Figazzel. Lunari per 1'ann 1827. Parma. The same for 1828, 1830, 1833, 1834, 1835, 1839 and 1840. 53 2 7 II strel compassad con la rocca dalla fodriga da Panoccia. Lunari pr 1'ann 1790. Parma. The same for 1805, 1808, 1810, 1811, 1837, 1838, 1839 and 1860. 5328 II strelli msuradi con la rocca da la fodriga da Panoccia. Lunari per 1'ann 1824. Parma. The same for 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1835, 1842, 1849. 5329 Strolgament di strelli fatt con la rocca da la veira fodriga da Panoccia. Lunari per 1'ann 1844. Parma. The same for 1845, 1846, 1848. 533 La veira fodriga da Panoccia. Lunari per 1'ann 1855. Parma. 533 1 - Copies for 1858, 1861. 275 533 2 ALMANACK. El veir pramsanel Battistein Panada strolegh per necessita. Lunario per 1'anno 1852. Parma. 5333 Almanacco per 1'anno 1854. Parma. (Battistein Panada.) 5334 Strenna Parmigiana per 1'anno 1854. Parma. (Battistein Panada.) Copies also for the following years to 1861. 5335 Girolmein Panadu fradell d' Battistein. Strenna Parmigiana per 1'anno 1854. Parma. 5336 II 1'Aventuri de Tmasin Brusamiccia, cannoner d'Napoleon. Avventura i*. Strenna parmigiana pel 1858 di Domenico Galaverna, Parma. 5337 The same. Avventura z a . Parma, 1859. 5338 II gran Mirandolano astronomo per divertimento per 1'anno 1861 ; preceduto da una Commedia, col titolo // Sa/asso. Parma. 5339 BATTISTEIN PANADA dednanz al re. Componimento in dialetto Parmigiano. Parma, 1860. 5340 EMMANUELI (Ant.). L'Alta Valle del Taro e il suo Dialetto. Borgotaro, 1886. 5341 GALAVERNA (D.). Poesie in dialetto Parmigiano. Parma, 1857. With quaint woodcuts. 8vo, half morocco. 5342 MALASPINA (Carlo). Vocabolario Parmigiano -Italiano. Parma, 1856-59. 8vo, uncut. 4 vols. 5343 Vocabolario Parmigiano-Italiano. Parma, 1856-57-58. 8vo, half morocco. 3 vols. The 4th volume finishing the Vocabulary is wanting. 5344 PARISET (Carlo). Vocabolario Parmigiano-Italiano. Parma, 1885-91. 8vo. Up to the end of the letter L this work is bound in one volume. The remainder is in parts, ending with the word Vioecula. 5345 PESCHIERI (Ilario). Dizionario Parmigiano-Italiano. Parma, 1828. 8vo, morocco. z vols. in one. 5346 Dizionario Parmigiano-Italiano. Borgo San Donnino, 1836-41. 8vo, half morocco. 5347 RLMI. Quater vers ed Pinaca al Calzolar. Parma, 1860. 5348 Politica d' Pinaca al Calzolar. Parma, 1861. MODENESE AND MIRANDOLESE. 5349 ALMANACK. Almanacco Modenese per 1'anno 1827. Modena. 5350 FERRARI (Giovanfrancesco). Le Rime Burlesche, sopra varii, et piaceuoli soggetti : indrizzate a diversi nobili Signori. Venetia, (appresso gli Heredi di Marchi6 Sessa), 1570. 8vo, vellum. This curious work sold for 37 frs. at the Libri sale. 5351 (P.), etc. Strenna pr'al teimp ed la Vigilatura vel' a dir La Bute"ga dal Capler. Comedi61a int'un at ed P. Ferrari I. Birichein d'San Pder Scunz6bbia d' sunett ed Teresa Bernardi Cassiani I. La Sgn6ra Zvana e al Sgnor Zemian ltra comedi61a come sopra. Tott in mudne's. Modena, 1852. 8vo, half morocco. 5352 GALVANI (G.). Saggio di un Glossario Modenese. Modena, 1868. 8vo. 5353 MARANESI (E.). Vocabolarietto domestico del dialetto Modenese colla voce corrispondente Italiana. Modena, 1867-68. 8vo. 5354 MESCHIERI (Eusebio). Vocabolorio Mirandolese-Italiano. Bologna, 1876. 410. 276 5355 RELAZION d'un carbunar per la malattia, e arsanazion d'Monsgnor Guisef Maria Fujan degnissim Veschev d'Modna. Modna, 1784. Inverse. 5356 TEATRO COMICO MODENESE. Raccolta di Commedie di diversi autori in dialetto Modenese. Chi-n-lavora va in Malora. Commedia in tre atti di Emilio Roncaglia. Fasc. i. Modena, 1865. 8vo. La Medseina d'onna ragaza amaleda. Commedia in un atto di Paolo Ferrari. La Bute"ga dal Capler; scherzo comico in un atto di Paolo Ferrari. Fasc. 2. Modena, i860. 8vo. REGGIANO. ALMANACK. Lunari Arsan per 1'ann 1821. Reggio. (Copies also for the years 1822, 1823, 1828, 1829, 1841, 1842, 1843, and 1844.) 5359 Lunario Reggiano per 1'anno 1845. Reggio. (Copies also for 1846 and 1847.) 5360 II Reggianello, strenna di Bernardino Catelani per 1'anno 1856. Reggio, Torreggiani. 5361 VOCABOLARIO Reggiano-Italiano. Reggio, 1832. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. BOLOGNESE AND BRESCIANO. 5362 ALBUM-RICORDO del Dutt6ur Balanzdn. Strenna Carnevalesca pel 1869. Bologna, i. 5363 ALMANACK. La Spigula fatta del duttor Sabadon per 1'ann 1747. Bologna. 5364 El Sfer dal Cil strulga da Teoteo cablista Bulgneis per 1'ann 1763. Bologna. 5365 Usservazion celest fatt' dal veir duttor Truvlin, sovra dl'ann 1765. Bulogna. The same for the years 1766, 1769, 1783, 1824, 1825, 1827, 1835, 1837, 1842, 1843, l8 45> l8 4 6 > l8 47. 1848, 1849, 1850, 1852, 1853, 1854, 1854 (different from the last), 1856 and 1858. 5366 Dscors tra al Duttor Truvlin, al Duttor Malatesta, al Sgnor Ludri, la Dsnumiina Serva dal Duttor Truvlin. Bologna, 1774. 5367 II Lunario del famaso astrologo e notaro Testarancia per 1801. Bologna. 5368 Messer Prospero Brentatore Lunari nov per 1'ann 1806. Bologna. 5369 II Dottore Placido Cacciaballe Lunario infalibile calcolato in una notte per 1'anno 1812. Bologna. 537 Lunari Bulgnes dal gran duttor Balanzon Lumbarda, 1816. Bologna. (Copies also for the years 1820, 1823, 1824, 1825, and 1826.) 5371 Al Veir Asparmi Lunari popolar pr'al 1839. Bologna. 5372 Al vecc Lunari Bulgneis arsusita Balanz6n. Lumbarda regula dal arliy a la franzeisa per 1'ann 1853. Bologna. 5373 Giournalett per 1'ann 1861 del fiol del duttour Truvlein d'Bu!6gna. Bologna. 5374 ARIOSTO (Ludovico). L'Urland Furios d Mssir Aldvigh Ariost tradutt in Bulgnes da Eraclit Manfred. Bulogna, 1865. 4to. 5375 AURELI (Mariano). Nuovo dizionario del dialetto Bolognese colla corrispondente lingua Italiana. Bologna, 1851. 8vo, half morocco. 5376 B. (G. M.). L'Dsgrazi d'Bertuldin dalla Zena miss' in rima da G.M.B. Bologna, 1736. 8vo, half calf. Illustrated with curious Plates. Some attribute this burlesque poem to Giuseppe Maria Bovina, others to G. M. Bruni. 5377 BARIGAZZ (J.). Scherz Puttie in dialett Bulgneis. Bulogna, 1860. 8vo. Presentation copy, specially bound, from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 5378 Manifest tutt imbruja. Par tirar di assuzia. No date or place. 277 5379 BERTI (Carolina Coronedi). Vocabolario Bolognese-Italiano. Bologna, 1869-74. 5380 Grammatica del dialetto Bolognese. Bologna, 1874. 4to. 5381 BERTOLDO con Bertoldino e Cacasenno in ottava rima. Aggiuntavi una Traduzione in lingua bolognese. Quinta edizione di Bologna per Lelio dalla Volpe. (1741.) izmo, calf. 3 vols. Among the authors of this poem Brunei reckons the two Zanotli, Baruffaldi, Zampieri, etc. The engravings were executed by Jos. -Mar. Crespi under the name of Ludovico Mattioli. 5382 BOCCHINI (Bart.) (dit Zan Muzzina). La Corona macheronica. Quinta impressione. Bologna, n.d. izmo. 5383 II Trionfo di Scappino, e, La Corona macheronica. Modena, 1655. izmo. Frontispiece. 5384 Raccolta di tutte 1'opere di Bocchini, di nuovo ristampate, e con nuova aggiunta adornate. Modona, 1665. izmo, vellum. Frontispiece. 5385 (detto Zan Muzzina). II Trionfo di Scappino, etc. Bologna, 1708. izmo. 5386 Opere di Bartolomeo Bocchini; inquest' ultima impressione ridotte in un sol volume. Bologna, 1732. izmo. 5387 BONDI (Clement). L'Asnada puemett del Sgner Clement Bondi, tradott d'in Tuscan in Bulgneis dal Duttour Annebal Bartuluzz. Bulogna, 1779. 8vo. 5388 BUMALDI (Gio. Ant.). Vocabolista Bolognese. Bologna, (Giacomo Monti), 1660. izmo, vellum. 5389 CADNAZ (Bonifazi). Zerudell, scielti in lengua Bulgneisa, applicabil a ogn sorla d'Person da divertirs in t'i Dsnar, e in t'el Cenn al Carenval. Bologna, 1821. 5390 CHIAGLIRA DLA BANZOLA (La), o per dir mli fol divers. Tradutt dal parlar Napulitan in lengua Bulgnesa. Bulogna, 1813. 410, half morocco. With frontispiece. 5391 COLLEZIONE di componimenti scelti in idioma Bolognese. Bologna, 1827-40. izmo, half morocco. 3 vols. With illustrations. 539Z CROCE (Guilio Cesare). Nozze della Michelina dal Vergato, in Sandrello da Monte- budello. In lingua rustica del nostro Paese. Bologna, (Girolamo Cochi), n.d. 4 pages. 5393 DIALOGUE. La Filippa da due villani, cosa ridicolosa, e di spasso en lengua rustica, del Croce. Bologna, 1807. 539 4_ Dialog tra Jusfet, e Martin, publicd da Luvigett Gnexa bon republican. Al s'vend da Pirin Stanzan sott'al Portg dla Mort. No date or place. 5395 Second Dialog tra Jusfet, e Martin, etc. 5396 Terz Dialog tra Jusfet, e Martin, etc. 5397 Quart Dialog tra Jusfet, e Martin, etc. 5398 DIPORTI D'AMORE IN VILLA (Li). Scherzo drammatico rusticale. Bologna, 1710. izmo. 5399 FERRARI (Claudio Ermanno). Vocabolario Bolognese co' sinonimi Italian! e Franzesi. Bologna, 1820. 8vo, half calf. 5400 Vocabolario Bolognese-Italiano colle voci francesi corrispondenti. Seconda edizione. Bologna, 1835. 410, half calf. 5^ OI . Vocabolario Bolognese-Italiano. Terza edizione. Bologna, 1853. 8vo, half morocco. 278 5402 FROTTOLA d'un Padrone et un Servo. Intitolata Zannin da Bologna. Bologna, (Vittorio Benacci). No date. 5403 GAUDENZI (Aug.). I suoni, le forme e le parole dell' odierno dialetto della Citta di Bologna. Turin, 1889. 8vo. 5404 GNUDI (Zanbattlsta). Rim d'Zanbattista Gnudi da Bulogna dedica ai diletant d'Lengua Bulgneisa. Bulogna, 1776. 8vo. With Portrait. 5405 LONGHI (Canonich Francesch) ed altri. Per la mort del Sgner Duttor Francesch Zanott e dla Sgnera Dutturessa Laura Bassi Sunitt d'proposta del Sg. Can. F. Longhi, del Sg. Dut. Anibal Bartoluzz e del Sg. D. Antoni Casanova, con el sou Arspost per gl'istess parol rima del Propost. Al Merit Dist m dla Sgnera Contessa Donna Lucrezia Fontanelli Aldrovandi in segn dla piu sincera servitu i'Ab. Andrea Verardini Prendiparti. Bulogna, 1781. 8vo. 5406 LOTTI (Lotto). Ch'n'ha'cervel hapa gamb; o sia la liberatione di Vienna assediata dall' Armi Ottomane. Poemetto giocoso in lingua popolare Bolognese. Parma, Heredi del Vigna, 1685. 8vo, half calf. With Plates. Rare. 5407 Another edition, with La Banmola. Bulogna, Lelj da la Volp, 1781. 8vo, half calf. With places. Some curious old broadsides and poems are added at the end. 5408 Rimedi pr la sonn da liezr alia Banzola. Dialoghi. Modena, Soliani, 1712. 8vo. Frontispiece. 5409 Another edition. Modena, Soliana, 1740. 8vo, vellum. 5410 MEGNANI (Gemignano). L'aruina d'Troia, cun la presa d'Belgrad. Ferrara, per Bened. Pomatelli, 1689. 8vo, calf. A burlesque poem in Bolognese, written to parody Homer and Virgil. This is a first edition, and very rare. 541 1 La lesna novament aguzza dalla so nobilissima cumpagni& za funda in Bulogna, purta' in ottava rima da Zmgnan Mgnan. Bulogna, 1692. 8vo, half calf. This poem is a facetious paraphrase of the Compagnia della Lesina in the Bolognese dialect. It is very rare. 5412 MELCHIORI (Giovan-Batt.). Vocabolario Bresciano-Italiano. Brescia, 1817. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. in one. 5413 MINAREL (C.). Per la Malibran. Bulogna, n.d. (Poem in Bolognese dialect.) 5414 MONT' ALBANI (Ovidio). Diologogia, overo, Delle cagioni, e della naturalezza del parlare, e spetialmente del piu antico, e piu vero di Bologna. Bologna, (Carlo Zenero), 1652. 4to, vellum. 5415 Cronoprostasi felsinea, overo, Le Saturnali Vindicie del parlar Bolognese e Lombardo. Bologna, 1653. 4 to - 5416 Cronoprostasi Felsinea, overo, Le Saturnali Vindicie del parlar Bolognese e Lombardo, etc. Aggiuntovi le Astrologiche ricercate dell' anno 1654, per le notitie de' tempi ed affari mondani. Bologna, (Giacomo Monti), 1653. 410. 5417 MONTI (Giacomo). Quinta Scienza cava' pr forza d'inzegn, e d'urdign d& i influss d'tutt quant 1'dsvers Strell ch' in tal Ciel, e Lambich cunform alia vera art, e al me solit, etc. Bulogna, pr' Jacm. Mont. (1655). An astrological discourse in Bolognese. 5418 NENZIO'N (Gaitan). Vent Ze-rudel. Bulogna, 1859. 'zrno. 5419 POZZI (Gius. dTppolito). Rime piacevoli. Londra, 1764. 8vo. 5420 Poesie di Giuseppe dTppolito Pozzi con un ristretto della sua vita. Edizione seconda. Bologna, 1771. 8vo. 5421 PROGETTO di Ortografia bolognese proposto da un Accademico del Tritello. Bologna, 1828. 279 54 2 2 PULON MATT, Cantlena Aroica, pubblicata a cura di Gaspare Bagli. Bologna, 1887. 8vo. 5423 SCALIGER (Camillo). Discorso di Camillo Scaliggeri dalla Fratta, qual prova, che la favella naturale di Bologna precede, ed eccede la Toscana in prosa ed in rima. Bologna, 1626. 8vo. 5424 Discorso del Lingua Bolognese. Bologna, 1629. 8vo, vellum. Rare. 5425 Another edition. Bologna, 1630. 8vo, vellum. Rare. 5426 TASSO (Torquato). Delia tradottione della Gierusalemme liberata del Tasso in Lingua Bolognese popolare di Gio. Francesco Negri. Bologna, n.d. Folio, calf. This translation ends abruptly at the 34th stanza of the 1 3th canto through the prohibition of Cardinal Spada, Legate at Bologna. Brunei says, however, that the remainder of the translation exists in manuscript, and was sold 3rd Catalogue Reina. 5427 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). St. Matthew. II Vangelo di S. Matteo, volgarizzato in dialetto. Bolognese dal Conte Carlo Pepoli. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londra, 1862. 8vo, morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 5428 St. Matthew. II Vangelo di S. Matteo volgarizzato in dialetto Bolognese dal Conte C. Pepoli. Londra, 1862. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed, this being the only one on thick paper. 5429 TONI (G.). Vocabolario del dialetto Bolognese colla corrispondenza Italiana e Francese. Bologna, 1850. 8vo, half morocco. 5430 TRIONF DI MUDNIS (Al) pr* una segia tolta ai Bulgnis ; poema ridicol traspurta' in lingua Bulgneisa, da un' Accademich dal Tridell. Modna, 1767. 410. With Plates. 5431 UNGARELLI (G.). I Proverbi Bolognesi sulla Donna. Bologna, 1890. 5432 VANTO di duoi Villani cioe' : Sandron, e Burtlin sopre le astutie tenute da essi nel vendere le Castellate quest' Anno. Cosa bella, e da ridere, in lingua rustica, del Croce. Bologna, (Girolamo Cocchi.) No date. 4 pages. 5433 VOCABOLARIO Bresciano e Toscano. Brescia, (Pianta), 1759, 8 vo, half calf. 5434 VOCABOLISTA BOLOGNESE. Bologna, (Giacomo Monti), 1660. 12 mo, crushed levant. 5435 ZMGNAN MGNAN. La Lesna novament aguzza dalla so nubilissima Cumpagnie za funda in Bulogna. Bologna, 1692. 8vo. FERRARESE. 5436 ALMANACK. Chichett da Frara Lunari. Ferrara. For the years 1827, 1838, 1840, 1842, 1847 and 1848. 5437 Copy of second edition for 1838. 5438 I Ptagul6 d' Frara dialugh in Frares pr al Lunaii dl anh 1849. Ferrara. Also copies for 1850, 1851, and 1854. 5439 AZZI (Carlo). Vocabolario domestico Ferrarese-Italiano. Ferrara, 1857. 8vo. 5440 FAROLFI (Ubaldo Magri). La Lum dal Manegh. Dialoghi famigliari in Lingua Ferrarese. Ferrara, 1787. 8vo, calf. 5441 NANN1NI (Rev. F.). Vocabolario Ferrarese-Italiano. Ferrara, 1805. 8vo, half calf. 5442 Another copy. 280 MANTOVANO. 5443 ARRIVABENE (Ferdinando). Vocabolario Mantovano Italiano. Mantova, 1882. 8vo. A to Scasoei. 5444 CHERUBINI (F.). Vocabolario Mantovano-Italiano. Milano, 1827. 8 vo, half calf. LIGURIAN DIALECTS-GENOVESE, MENTONEES, ETC. 5445 ALMANACK. Lunario Genovese per 1'anno 1817 compilato in parte dal signor Regina e socj. The same for each year from 1817 to 1860 inclusive. A valuable collection. 5446 Chiaravalle Genovese per 1'anno 1833. Genoa. 5447 Lunajo do Scio, Tocca pe-o.. 1842. Genoa. The same for the years 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1855 and 1856. 5448 L'Amandoin de Bonasseua. Lunajo per 1'anno 1857. Genoa. 5449 ANDREWS (J. B.). Essai de grammaire du dialecte mentonais, avec quelques contes, chansons et musique du pays. Nice, 1875. 8vo. 5450 Vocabulaire francjais-mentonais. Nice, 1877. 8vo. 5451 Phone"tique mentonaise. (Extrait de la Romania, t. xii.) Noyent-le-Rotrou. 5452 (G. B.). II dialetto di Mentone, in quanto egli tramezzi ideologicamente tra il Provenzale e il Ligure. (Estratto dall' Archivio Glottologico Italiano.) 5453 BARBERI (A.). Rime diverse in lingua Genovese. Torino, ad instanza di B. Calzetta ed Ascanio Barberi, 1612. 8vo. 5454 CASACCIA (Giov.). Vocabolario Genovese-Italiano. Geneva, 1851. 8vo, half morocco. 5455 A Sanfornia Zeneize, ossia, Raccolta di Poesi in dialetto. Geneva, 1852. 8vo. 5456 Dizionario Genovese-Italiano. Geneva, 1876. 8vo. 5457 CASERIO (Bernaba). Discorso in lingua Genouese, doppo la elettione del Seremis?, Duce di Genoua. Geneva, per gli Heredi di Girolamo Bartoldi, n.d. 410, vellum. Very rare. 5458 CAVALLI (G. G.). Ra Cittara Zeneize: Poexie de Gian Giacomo Cavallo a ro Ser mo Gian Steva Doria, Duxe de Zena. Genoa, per Giuseppe Pavoni, 1636. i2mo. Rare. 5459 Cittara Zeneize. Genoa, 1745. 8vo, vellum. (Genoese poems.) Rare. The editor of this edition was Drusino Cisseo. 5460 Another edition. Genoa, 1823. 8vo, half calf. 5461 CHABROL DE VOLVIC (Comte de). Statistique des provinces de Savone, d'Oneille, d'Acqui, et de partie de la province de Mondovi, formant 1'ancien de"partement de Montenotte. Paris, 1824. 4to. 2 vols. (Illustrated.) This work deals with the various dialects spoken in the districts described. 5462 DE FRANCHI (S.). Ro Chittarrin, o sae Strofoggi dra Muza de Steva De Franchi nobile patricjio Zeneize dito fra ri arcadi Micrilbo Termopilatide. Zena, 1772. 8vo, half calf. 5463 Another edition. Zena, 1847. 8vo, half calf. With Portrait. 5464 . Commedie trasportae da ro Franchise in Lengua Zeneize da Steva De-Franchi. Zena, (Genoa), 1830. 6 tomes in 2 vols. with frontispiece before each tome. 8vo, vellum. The plays translated are chiefly Moliere's. 281 5465 ESOPO ZENEIZE. Zena, (Genoa), 1822. 121110. 5466 MARTINI (S.). Saggio intorno al dialetto Ligure. Sanremo, 1870. 8vo. 5467 OLIVIERI (Rev. Gui.). Dizionario domestico Genovese-Italiano. Genova, 1841. I2mo, half morocco. 5468 Dizionario Genovese-Italiano. Genova, 1851. i2mo, half calf. 5469 ORERO (Ant.). Rime diverse, in lingua Genovese, le quali per la novita de' soggetti sono molto diletteuoli da leggere. Di nuovo date in luce, in questa seconda impressione. Pavia, Gieron. Bartoli, 1595. 8vo, calf. Included in this collection are the first canto of the Oriando Furioso, and poems by Veniero and B. C. Casero. 5470 PAGANINI (A.). Vocabolario domestico Genovese-Italiano, con un' appendice zoologica. Genova, 1857. 4to, half morocco. 5471 PANCANI (Geppetto). detto MESTOLINO. Lo stelminio de' Pisani. La Molte d'Ugolino. Poema istoriromanticotragico. Lucca, 1839. 8vo, half calf. 5472 PIAGGIO (M.). Raccolta delle migliori poesie, edite ed inedite, di Martino Piaggio. Genova, 1846. 8vo, half calf. With Portrait. 5473 Poesie di Martino Piaggio. Seconda edizione accresciuta di varii componi- menti poetici dello stesso autore, e di un trattato d'ortografia Genovese di Gio. Casaccia. Genova, 1864. i6mo. With Portrait. 5474 STAGLIENO (M.). Proverbi Genovesi con i corrispondenti in Latino ed in diversi Dialetti d'ltalia. Genoa, 1869. 8vo. 5475 TASSO (Torquato). Ra Gerusalemme delivera, traduta da diversi in Lingua Zeneize. Zena, 1755. 8vo, vellum. 2 vols. 5476 Ra Gerusalemme delivera dro Signor Torquato Tasso, traduta da diversi in Lengua Zeneize. Zena, (Genoa), n.d. 410. 5477 TERMOPILATE (Mic.). Comedie trasportae da ro Fran9eize in Lengua Zeneize. Zena, (Genoa), 1772. 8vo. 5478 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). St. Matthew. II Vangelo di S. Matteo, volgarizzato in dialetto Genovese dal Canonico Giuseppe Olivieri. Preceduto da alcune osserva- zioni linguistico-comparative sulla pronunzia del dialetto Genovese, del Principe Luigi-Luciano Bonaparte. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londra, 1860. 8vo, mor. Only 250 copies printed. 5479 St. Matthew. II Vangelo di S. Matteo volgarizzato in dialetto Genovese dal Can G. Olivieri. London, 1860. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed, this being the only one on thick paper. 5480 ZABATA (Cris.). Rime diverse in Lingua Genovese. Pavia, (G. Bartoli), 1588. 8vo. TOSCO-ROMANI-FLORENTINE, THE MARCHES, ROMAONOLA, SIENESE, LUCHESE, LIVORNESE, ETC. 5481 ALFIERI (V.). Voci e Modi Toscani. Torino, 1827. 8vo. 5482 ALMANACH. Lunario per 1'anno 1829 del nostro stronimo, mattematio, 'ndovino e pueta Nanni der Fuina. Leghorn. 5483 - Lunario pell' anno 1838 der bravo stronimo, mattematio, 'ndovino e pueta Nanni di Dolovio Stoppa. Leghorn. 282 5484 ALMANACK. Goga sulcessore del famoso strolao e mattematiho Meremeo di Lucca. Armanacco a vapore per 1'anno 1840. Lucca. The same for 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, l8 4 8 , 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853. 5485 II Nipote di Goga. Lunario per 1'anno 1860. Lucca. 5486 Goga il Vecchio successore e discepolo del famoso strolao e mattematio Meremeo il Grande. Almanacco popolare Lucchese per 1'anno 1860. 5487 AVOLI (Alessandro). Saggio di studi etimologici comparati sopra alcune voci del dialetto Alatrino. Roma, 1881. (Estratto dal Periodico Gli Studi in Italia, Anno iii. Vol. ii. Fasc 5 e 6.) 5488 BAGLI (G. G.). Saggio di Studi su i Proverbi, i Pregiudizi e la Poesia popolare in Romagna. Bologna, 1886. 5489 Nuovo Saggio di Studi su i Proverbi, gli Usi, i Pregiudizi e la Poesia popolare in Romagna. Bologna, 1886. 8vo. Presentation copy from the author. 5490 Saggio di Novelle e Fiabe in dialetto Romagnolo. Bologna, 1887. 5491 BALDOVINI (Franc.). Lamento di Cecco da Varlungo di Fiesolano Branducci. Firenze, (Piero Matini), 1694. i2mo, boards. This is the first edition, and is very rare. Brunei, who had evidently never seen it, describes it as a 4to of 34 pages. There are, however, only 24. Baldovini was born at Florence 1654 and died 1716. He wrote this work in his youth and gave the manuscript to Bartolomei, who published it in 1694. There is an English version by John Hunter called Cecco's Complaint, 1800. 5492 Chi la sorte ha nemica usi 1'ingegno. Componimento dramatico di F. B. ora per la prima volta dato alia luce colla spiegazione di molte voci e proverbi Toscani. Firenze, 1763. 8vo, calf. 5493 BARGAGLI (S.). II Turamino ovvero del parlare, e dello scriver Sanese. Siena, M. Florimi, 1602. 410, vellum. 5494 BELLI (G. G.). Sonetti satirici in dialetto Romanesco, attribuiti a Giuseppe Gioachino Belli, annotati e ridotti alia miglior lezione da Luigi Morandi, con un discorso dello stesso intorno alia satira a Roma, ai sonetti e alia vita del Belli. Sanseverino-Marche, 1869. 8vo. 5495 Duecento Sonetti in dialetto Romanesco, con prefazione e note di Luigi Morandi. Firenze, 1870. 8vo. 5496 I Sonetti Romaneschi di G. G. Belli pubblicati dal nipote Giacomo, a cura di Luigi Morandi. Unica edizione fatta sugli autografi. Citta di Castello, 1889-87. 8vo. (Portrait of the author.) 5497 BERNERI (G.). II meo Patacca, overo, Roma in feste nei trionfi di Vienna. Poema giocoso nel linguaggio Romanesco. Roma, 1695. 8vo, vellum. A poem in ottava rima on the deliverance of Vienna, written in the common dialect of Rome. 5498 BETULIA LIBERATA (La) in dialetto Ebraico, con una protesta in Gergo Veneziano ; Scherzo Poetica che 1'autore dedica ai suoi Amicl. Bastia, 1832. 8vo. 5499 Poema eroico scritto nei dialetti del basso popolo Livornese ed Ebraico, con 1'aggiunta del Testamento del Menicanti ed altre prose e poesie. Geneva, 1862. i2tno. 5500 BRITULIA LIBERATA (La). Schelzo puetio di Nanni der Fuina. Italia, n.d. Half calf. 22 pages. With frontispiece. Very rare. This little poem, very impious and free in tone, is written in the language of the dock-porters of Leghorn. 5501 BILLI (R.-L.). Poesie giacose in dialetto Chianaiuolo. Arezzo, 1870. 8vo. Presentation copy from the author. 283 55Q2 BLESSIG (C.). Romische Ritornelle. Leipzig, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. 5503 BONAPARTE (Prince L.-L.)- Notes on the dialect of Urbino, the nasal sounds, etc., in a letter to A. J. Ellis, Esq. (Read at a meeting of the Philological Society on Dec. zjrd, 1888.) 5504 BRANDA (Rev. P. O.). Delia Lingua Toscana Dialogo. Milan, 1759-60. 8vo, vellum. 3 vols. 5505 CANTI popolari Umbri, raccolti a Gubbio e illustrati da Giuseppe Mazzatinti. Bologna, 1883. 8vo. 5506 CIAVARINI-DONI (Ivo). Le Marche e i Marchigiani. Ancona, 1874. 8vo. 5507 CINI di Pistoia (Desiderio). Desiderio e speranza fantastichi. Comedia tropologica, Venetia, (Sebastiano de Combi), 1607. izmo, vellum. 5508 DIALOGUE. Saggio del parlare degli Artigiani di Firenze. Dialoghi. Beccaio, conciatore, cuoiaio, colorista di pelli pellicciaio. Firenze, 1861. 410. 559 Secondo Saggio del parlare degli Artigiani in Firenze. Dialoghi. Doratore, verniciatore e incisore in rame. Firenze, 1862. 410. 5510 FANFANI (P.). Vocabolario dell' uso Toscano. Firenze, 1863. 8vo. 2 vols. 5511 Vocabolario della pronunzia Toscana. Firenze, 1863. 8vo. 5512 Voci e Maniere del parlar Fiorentino. Firenze, 1870. 8vo. 55 13 La Paolina. Novella scritta in lingua Fiorentina Italiana. Seconda edizione ritoccata, con una nuova Nota e un Saggio di traduzione nel volgar fiorentino. Firenze, 1868. 5514 FERRETTI (Luigi). Centoventi sonetti in dialetto Romanesco. Con prefazione e note di Luigi Morandi. Firenze, 1879. 8vo. 5515 FIORI (G. L.). Novellette giocose nel linguaggio e carattere del basso popolo Livornese coll' aggiunta di alcuni Sonetti. Pisa, 1856. 8vo, half morocco. 5516 FRENO DELLA LINGUA (II), owero, laudi spiritual! ; composte nell' idioma Toscano e Napoletano per lo Popolo. Napoli, 1779. i2mo. 5517 FRIZZI (G.). Dizionario deiFrizzetti popolari Fiorentini. Cittadi Castello, 1890. 8vo. 5518 FUCINI (R.). Poesie di Renato Fucini (Neri Tanfucio). Cento sonetti in vernacolo Pisano. With Portrait. Firenze, 1876. 8vo. 5519 G. (A.). Poesie Forlivesi di A. G. Forli, 1844. 5520 GIAMBULLARI (Pierfrancesco). Origine della Lingua Fiorentina, altrimenti II Gello. Fiorenza, (Lorenzo Torrentino), 1549. 8vo, calf. Rare. 5521 De la lingua che si parla e scrive in Firenze. Et uno Dialogo di Giovan Batista Gelli sopra la difficulta dello ordinare delta Lingua. Firenze, n.d. (Torren- tino, 1551)- With Portrait. 8vo, calf. Brunei says this edition is preferable to the first, which appeared at Florence, 1547, and was the first Grammar written by a Tuscan author. 5522 GIGLI (Girolamo). Vocabolario Cateriniano. No title-page, but is a copy of the original edition printed in Rome, 1717. 4to, vellum. This edition stops abruptly at page 320, having been then seized and suppressed on account of its witticisms against the Academicians de la Crusca. It explains the Sienese words used by St. Katharine of Siena in her writings, and is very rare. 55 2 3 Vocabolario Cateriniano. Manilla nell' Isole Filippine. No date. With Portrait. 4to, half morocco, uncut. 5524 Regole per la Toscano favella. Roma, 1721. 8vo, vellum. 5525 Vocabolario Cateriniano. Fircnze, 1866. 8vo. 2 vols. 284 5526 GIULIANI (Giambattista). Sul vivente Linguaggio della Toscano. Seconda edizione corretta e ampliata. Torino, 1860. i2mo, half morocco. 55 2 7 Moralita e poesia del vivente linguaggio Toscano. Firenze, 1871. 8vo. 5528 GUERRINI (Olindo). Alcuni Canti popolari Romagnoli. Raccolti da Olindo Guerrini. Bologna, 1880. 20 pages. 5529 HIRSCH (L.). Lautlehre des Dialekts von Siena. Bonn, 1885. 5530 LEOPARDI (Alfonso). Sub Tegmine Fagi (Sotto un tegame di fagiuoli). Citta di Castello, 1887. 8vo. (Poems in the dialect of the Roman Marches.) Presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 5531 MARISCALCO (Bart.). Assetta, comedia antica rnsticale di Bartolommeo Maris- calco, arrichita d'un copioso indice d'altre comedie. Marocco, presso 1'anonimo Stampador del Divano. (Paris, Prault), 1756. 8vo. Half morocco. The author's real name was Fr. Mariani. 5532 MATTIOLI (Antonio). Vocabolario Romagnolo-Italiano, con appendice. Imola, 1879. 410. 5533 MAZZAGALLI (A.). Robba Ruzza (sonetti) in vernacolo Recanatese. Recanati, 1888. 4to. 5534 'N 'Artra Sguitarrata. (Nuovi Sonetti in vernacolo Recanatese.) Recanati, 1889. 4to. 5535 MEROLLI (Raffaelle). Er Ratto de le Sabbine, povemetto de cinque canti in sesta rima tutto da ride scritturato in der chiacchierane Romanesco. Co 1'aggiunta de cert' antre su povesie. Roma, 1865. 4to. 5536 MICHELE (P.). Usi, e Pregiudizj de' Contadini della Romagna. Operetta serio- faceta. Forli, 1818. 4to, half calf. 5537 MORRI (Ant.). Vocabolario Romagnolo-Italiano. Faenza, 184.0. 4! o, half calf. 5538 Manuale domestico-tecnologico di voci, modi, proverbi, riboboli, idiotismi della Romagna e loro corrispondente Italiano. Perciseto, 1863. 8vo. 5539 MUSSAFIA (Adolf). Darstellung der romagnolischen Mundart. Wien, 1871. 8vo. 5540 NERUCCI (Gher.). Saggio di uno studio sopra i parlari vernacoli della Toscana. Milano, 1865. 8vo. 5541 Sessanta Novelle popolari Montalesi (circondario di Pistoia). Firenze, 1880. i2mo. 5542 ODOARDO (G.). Le Pasqualonejdi. Poesie in vernacola Pesarese. i volume. Pesaro, 1887. 5543 PERESIO (G. C.). II Maggio Romanesco, overo, II Palio Conquistato. Poemaepico- giocoso nel linguaggio del Volgo di Roma. Ferrara, 1688. 8vo, vellum. 5544 POETA TRASTEVERINO (II). Raccolta di poesie giocose in Romanesco. Parigi, 1862. 5545 R. (A. B.). Discurso de Padron Lisandro de la Regola fatto a la Gensola, co Peppe er Duro, Cremente Spacca, e Felicetto pe soprannome Trecciabella sull' aritrovato der cirusico Romano sor Angelo Comi, etc., etc. Roma, 1840. 8vo, uncut. 5546 RACCOLTA di voci Romane e Marchiane poste per ordine di Alfabeto con le Toscane corrispondenti. Osimo, Quencetti, 1768. 8vo, calf. 5547 di poesie burlesche indovinelli, racconti, e scene in lingua Romanesca. Roma, 1 86 1. 8vo. (A few quaint cuts.) 5548 ROMANELLI (F.). Saggio di Sonetti in vernacolo Fiorentino e d'altre poesie. Firenze, 1878. 285 5549 ROMANI (F.). Li Sun&te de nu Culledarase. Ancona. 1883. 5550 ROSSI (Pietro). Piccola strenna del Titano per 1'anno 1878. Rimini, 1877. An Almanach with Poems, one being in the dialect spoken at San Marino. 5551 SAGGIO di canti popolari raccolti nel contado di Ancona dal Luigi Bianchi ed Eugenio Rumori prete. Ancona, 1858. 5552 di canti popolari di Roma, Sabina, Maritima e Campagna. Firenze, 1858. 5553 di Mattinate nel parlare di Cingoli nelle Marche Provincia di Macerata. Edito con note dal Marchese Filippo Raffaelli. Fano, 1880. 5554 SALVIANUS (Hippolitus). La Ruffiana. Comedia. Di nuovo ristampata. Vinegia, 1584. 1 2 mo, calf. 5555 SANTONI (Pietro). Scelta di Poesie Italiane e Romagnole, raccolte e poste in luce da Giacinto Calgarini. Lugo, 1840. izmo. 5556 SASSAROLI (G.). Rime, Facete, Serie, Ciniche e Rustiche. Jesi, 1870. 8vo. 5557 SOZZINI (Ales, di Girol.). Raccolta di Burle, Facetie, Motti, e Buffonerie di tre huomini Sanesi cioe : Salvadore di Topo Scarpellino, Jacomo, alias Scacazzone, e Marianotto Securini. Siena, 1865. 8vo. Only 165 copies, this being No. 71. 5558 TARANTELLA in ter parla' Romanesco detta delli Massiccioni, ossia, Alissandro er grevelto delli monti, che aricconta alia sua Rigazza le su bravure che ha fatto p& cagione d'Amore. Lucca, n.d. 5559 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). St. Matthew. II Vangelo di S. Matteo volgarizzato in dialetto Romano dal Sig. G. Caterbi ; con la cooperazione del Principe Luigi- Luciano Bonaparte. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londra, 1861. 8vo, morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 5560 Another copy, being the only one on thick paper. Morocco. 5561 St. Matthew. (A unique copy, without date or place of publication. This work is in the Transteverino dialect.) 5562 TIGRI (Giuseppe). Canti popolari Toscani raccolti e annotati. Seconda edizione. Firenze, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. 55^3 Terza edizione. Firenze, 1869. 8vo. 5564 TOZZOLI (Giovanni). Piccolo dizionario domestico Imolese-Italiano. Imola, 1857. 8vo. 5565 VARCHI (B.). L'Ercolano, dialogo dove si ragiona delle Lingue e in particolare della Toscana e Fiorentina. Firenze, 1846. 410, half morocco. 5566 VISCONTI (P. E.). Saggio de' Canti popolari della Provincia di Marittima e Cam- pagna. Roma, 1830. 5567 ZANNONI (Rev. Giov. Batt.). Saggio di Scherzi comici. Terza edizione. Frenze, 1838. 8vo, half calf. CORSICAN. 5568 BENSON (Rob.). Sketches of Corsica; or, A Journal written during a visit to that Island in 1823. With an outline of its History, and specimens of the Language and Poetry of the People. London, 1825. 8vo, half calf. With Illustrations. 5569 BOUCHEZ (E.). Nouvelles corses tiroes de J. V. Grimaldi. Paris, 1843. 8vo, half morocco. Contains some poems in the Corsican dialect. 286 557 CARLOTTI (Regolo). Tre novelle morali, tratte dalla storia patria. Colla giunta di alcune Poesie Contadinesche in dialetto corso. Bastia, 1835. 8vo, uncut. 5571 FEE (A. L. A.). Voceri, chants populaires de la Corse, pre'ce'de's d'une Excursion faite dans cette He en 1845. Paris et Strasbourg, 1850. 8vo, half morocco. 5572 GRIMALDI (Giovan Vito). Novelle storiche Corse ; vi si aggiungono i Canti popolari Corsi. Bastia, 1855. izmo, half morocco. 5573 MATTEI (Ant.). Pruverbj, detti e massime Corse. Proverbes, locutions et maximes de la Corse ; pre'ce'de's d'une e"tude sur le dialecte de cette ile. Paris, 1867. izmo. 5574 ORTOLI (F.). Les Voceri de 1'ile de Corse. Paris, 1887. i2mo. 5575 SAGGIO di versi Italian! e di canti popolari Corsi. Fasc. 5. Bastia, 1843. izmo. 5576 SCHIAFPINO. Schiappinate. Opere diverse di Schiappino (Pantaleone, Eusebio, Giocante). Poeta Corso e dei due suoi figli. Italia, 1846. Most of the poems are in the Corsican dialect, a few are in French and Italian. 5577 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). St. Matthew. II Vangelo di S. Matteo volgarizzato in dialetto Corso. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londra, 1861. 8vo, morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 5578 Another copy, being the only one on thick paper. Morocco. NEAPOLITAN-NEAPOLITAN, BARESE, TEREMANESE, AND OTHER DIALECTS. 5579 ARABIA (V.), DELLA CAMPA (R.) e MERY (G.). L'Ortografia del dialetto Napolitano Napoli, 1887. 8vo. 5580 AULIVA (F.). Napole Accoietato. Poema aroieco. Napoli, 1849. izmo. 5581 BASILE (Giov.-Battista). Le Muse Napoletane, egloche di Gian Alesio Abbatutis. Napoli, (C. Cavallo), 1647. i2mo. Very rare. Basile wrote under the name of G. A. Abbatutis. 5582 Le Muse Napoletane egroche. Napoli, (Gio. Fran. Paci), 1669. izmo, vellum. 5583 BERGAMO (Dot.). Avvertenzia a llu popolo ncoppa a lu nuovo culera de ll'anno 1867, scritto mpoesia a llengua nosta pe passa lu tiempo. Napole, 1867. 5584 BIBLE. Psalms. Li Salme penitenziale revotate a lengua nosta da Ferdinanno Bottazzi co la jonta de lo chianto de Maria Vergene gia' fatto da lo stisso e prubbe- cata co vesta a la pajesana. Napole, 1859. 8vo. 5585 II Miserere, Salmo 50. Parafrasi in Lingua Napoletana, ottava rima del dottor Antonio Zappelli. Napoli, 1822. 8vo, half calf. 55 86 The same; tradotto nell idioma napoletano da Nic. Valletta. No date or place. 5587 BONAPARTE (Prince L.-L.). Linguistic Islands of the Neapolitan and Sicilian Provinces of Italy still existing in 1889. (Philological Society.) Hertford, 1890. With Maps. 5588 CANTI popolari Avellinesi, illustrati da V. I(mbriani). Bologna, 1874. 8vo. 5589 CAPASSI (Niccol6). Varie Poesie. Napoli, 1761. 4to, vellum. With Portrait. 5590 CAPOZZOLI (R.). Grammatica del dialetto Napoletano. Naples, 1889. 8vo. 5591 CASTELLI (G.). Ragionamento delle origini della lingua Napoletana. Napoli, Pauria, 1754. 4to, half calf. 287 559 2 CINQUANTA canti popolari Napolitani raccolti ed annotati da G. Amalfi e L. Correra. Milano, 1881. 5593 COLLEZIONE di tulti i poemi in lingua Napoletana. Napoli, 1783-89. izmo. 28 tomes bound into 14 volumes. Calf. Brunei says this collection is much sought after. A good copy is seldom met with. 5594 completa delle Canzoncine Nazionali Napoletane. Napoli. In 12 books. Also A Sit/la Mia, Album Napoletano 1849 di Niccola De Giosa, and // Brindisi di Lazzari, Album di scene e costumi popolari. Versi di Ernesto del Preite ; Musica di Pietro Labriola. 5595 CORTESE (Giulio Cesare). La Vaiasseide; poema Napoletano, di Giulio Cesare Cortese, II Pastor Sebeto, a compiuta perfettione ridotta. Con gli Argomenti, ed alcune prose di Gian Alessio Abbactutis. Napoli, (Tarquinio Longo), 1612. izmo, vellum. The British Museum only possesses a copy of this poem in the Collczione di tnlli i poemi in lingua napoldana. Napoli, 1783. 5596 La Vaiasseida; poema heroico. Novamente arricchito di annotazioni, e di dichiarazioni a ciascun canto. Con una difesa, nella quale si sostiene, che sia poema perfetto, e di maraviglioso esempio conforme gl' insegnamenti d'Aristotele. Contro la censura degli Accademici Scantenati. Per Bartolomeo Zito, detto il Tardacino. Napoli, Ottavio Beltrano, 1628. 8vo. Very rare. 5597 La Vaiasseide ; poema di Giulio Cesare Cortese, II pastor Sebeto, a com- piuta perfettione ridotta. Con gli Argometi, ed alcune prose di Gian Alesio Abbattutis (G. B. Basile). Dedicata al potente Re de' venti. Napoli, (Ottavio Beltrano), 1637. 12 mo, half calf. 5598 COSTA (O. G.). Vocabolario zoologico co mprendente le voci vulgari con cui in Napoli ed in altre contrade del Regno appellansi animali o parti di essi con la sinonimia scientifica ed Italiana. Napoli, 1846. i2mo. 5599 D'AMBRA (R.). Vocabolario Napolitano-Toscano domestic di arti e mestieri. Napoli, 1873. 4to. With Portrait. 5600 DANTE ALIGHIERI. II Dante Napolitano, o, La Divina Commedia in dialetto Partenopeo per Francesco di Lorenzo. Napoli, 1859. 410. 5601 DANZI (Raffaele). Raccolta di tutte le poesie in dialetto Potentino. Potenza, 1879. 5602 DE ANGELIS (Salvatore). Na Famiglia puosta a rummore pe causa de no parente co pulecenella nnammorato tradito. Commedia in tre atti. Napoli, 1867. 8vo. 5603 DE LA TIORBA a Taccone de Felippo Sgruttennio de Scafato. Napoli, 1703. 8vo, vellum. 5604 DE SANTIS (Giuseppe). Saggio di Vocabolario vernacolo Barese-Italiano. Bari, 1857. 410. A to Comune. 5605 DESCURZE predecabbele comm' a dicere sermune e predeche a llengua nosta. Da no Saccerdote ammico de lo pparld chiaro nzemprece e add6 tene. Napole, 1837. 8vo, half morocco. (Sermons.) 5606 DIALETTO NAPOLETANO (Del). Napoli, 1779. 8vo, calf. 5607 Edizione seconda, corretta ed accresciuta. Napoli, 1789. i2mo, half calf. 5608 Programma seguito da critiche riflessioni. Napoli, 1836. 5609 DIALOGUE. Mappa prudenzeiale de li mpiegate de duana de Napole, o sia Chiacchiariata de lu si Giuseppe lu contrabbanniere, e Dunato lu forz' armata. Napoli, 1820. 288 5610 DIALOGUE. Chiacchiariata che se fanno pe tre matine lu Cuorpo de Napole e lu Sebeto a S. Lucio ncoppa a la custetuzione. No date or place. 5611 Chiacchiariata de duje bazzariote Antuono de lu Mercato, e Meniello de Portacapuana. Di L. P., Chillo stisso, che screvette lu discurzo de lu Sebeto, e lu Cuorpe de Napole. Napoli, (Francesco del Vecchio), n.d. 5612 Contenovazione a la parlata de lo Cuorpo de Napole, e lo Sebeto. La Coccovaja de Puerto, che bene da Franza co ciento notizie rinto a la panza. O sia lo Lazzarone Prencepe. No date or place. La Capo di Napole e lo Gialande di Palazzo, dialoco pupulare su lo prossemo Parlamiento. Napoli, n.d. Lu Sebeto scetato da lu suonno secunno discurzo fatto da Chillo stisso che scrivette la primma Chiacchiariata tra lu Sebeto e lu Cuorpo de Napole. No date or place. 5f 1 5 FIORILLO (Silvio). La Ghirlanda, egloga in Napolitana, et Toscana lingua, di Silvio Fiorillo, detto il Capitan Mattamoros, comico all' Illustriss. Sig. Conte Fabio Visconti. (Milano, 161 1.) 8vo, calf. The title-page has the figure of a nobleman with drawn dagger. The page has been carelessly cut at the bottom, so that the town, date and printer's name cannot be deciphered. The top of an M, the dot of an i and the top of an 1 remain of the Milano. The town and date above are from the Dedicatory Letter to Fabio Visconti. This book is from the Library of Alberto-Francesco Floncel, who died in 1774. Brunei does not mention this work, nor is it in the British Museum. 5616 GARGANO (Gius.). Vocabolario domestic^ Napolitano-Italiano. Napoli, 1841. 8vo, half morocco. 5617 GATTICI (Francesco). Le Disgratie di Burattino. Comedia ridicolosa e bella. Roma, (Grignani), 1628. i2nio. Partly written in the Neapolitan dialect. 5618 GRECO (Domenico-Rugerio). Nuovo vocabolario domestico-italiano, mnemosino o rimemorativo. Napoli, 1856. 4to, half morocco. 5619 GUISCARDI (B. R.). Saggio di comento al Dante Napolitano. Napoli, 1859. 12 pages. 5620 JACCARINO (Dommineco). Conziglio de li Menistre a Torino pe ghiudeca zi- Peppe Garibaldi, opera satireca a prova de mbomma. Napole, 1862. This little work contains some curious caricatures of the Italian ministers of the day. 5621 LETTERA TERZA. Ammonizione caritativa all' autore del libro intitolato Del Dialetto Napoletano. Presso Ezechiele. 8vo. 5622 MACHT (C.). Der neapolitanische Dialect. Hof, 1877-78. 5623 MANFREDONIA (Peppe). Pe 1'asciortato matremmonio de so Aut. Ser a lo Prencepe Alisantro J. de Gonzaga, Duca de Mantova, etc., co 1'aggraziata prencepessa Giorgina Laura de Gonzaga Smith, Duchessa de Mantova, etc. Agurie de Peppe Manfredonia. Napoli, 1867. 5624 Mmescapesca. No date or place. 5625 MARTORANA (Pietro). Notizie biografiche e bibliografiche degli scrittori del Dialetto Napoletano. Napoli, 1865-67. 410. In 7 parts. 5626 Another edition. Napoli, 1874. 410. In one volume. 5627 MUSSAFIA (Adolf.). Mittheilungen aus romanischen Handschriften. I. Ein altneapolitanisches Regimen Sanitatis. Wien, 1884. 8vo. 5628 NOTA (A) de o famoso arrequiario de a Cava liesseta nnante a o mperatore quanno da lla passaje. No date or place. 289 5629 PAGANO (Nunziante). Le bbinte rotola de lo Valanzone, azzoe, Commiento ncopp' a le bbinte Nnorme de la Chiazza de lo Campejone. Nnapole, (Gianfranc. Pace), 1746. 8vo; e Batracomiomachia d'Omero, azzoe, la Vattaglia ntra le Rranonchie, e li Surece de lo stesso autore. 'Napole, (Gianfranc. Pace), 1747. 8vo, calf. Both works in one vol. 5630 PICCINNI (Mineco). Dialochielle e favolelle. Napoli, 1820. 8vo, half calf. Two vols. in one. 5631 (D.). Poesie Napoletane. Napoli, 1826. i2mo. 5632 PRISCOLO (Geremia). Mescuglia de chellete devote, e pazziarelle. Parte seconna de chellete pazziarelle. Napole, 1831. 8vo. 5633 PUOTI (B.). Vocabolario domestico Napoletano e Toscano. Napoli, 1841. 410, half calf. 5634 REPPONE (M.). Posilecheata. Napoli, 1684. i2mo, vellum. 5635 RIMME de Polecenella Cetrulo asciate da lo Dottore Tartaglia ntra le ccarte de no casadduoglio. - Napole, 1836. 12010. 5636 RITIS (Vincenzo de). Vocabolario Napoletano lessigrafico e storico. Vol. i. Napoli, 1845. 4to. A to M (magnare). 5637 ROCCO (Emmanuele). Vocabolario del dialetto Napolitano. Dispensa i e 2. A Cantalesio. Napoli, 1882. 8vo. 2 vols. 5638 Vocabolario del dialetto Napolitano. Napoli, 1890-91. 12 parts, from A to Commanno. 5639 SAVINI (Giuseppe). Osservazioni sul dialetto Teramano. Ancona, 1879. 8vo. 564.0 La grammatica ed il lessico dei dialetto Teramano. Torino, 1881. 8vo. 5641 TARANTO (F.) e GUACCI (C.). Vocabolario domestico Italiano. Terza edizione. Napoli, 1856. 410, half morocco. 5642 TASSO (Torquato)". Lo Tasso Napoletano ; zoe, La Gierosalemme libberata de lo sio Torquato Tasso votata a llengua nosta da Grabiele Fasano. Napole, 1689. Half calf. With Plates by C. Pagnini. 5643 La Gierosalemme, votata a llengua Napoletana da Grabiele Fasano. Napoli, 1786. 12 mo, half calf. 2 vols. 5644 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). St. Matthew. II Vangelo di S. Matteo volgarizzato in dialetto Napoletano, da un Letterato della Citta di Napoli. Impensis L.-L. Bona- parte. Londra, 1861. 8vo, morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 564.5 Another copy, being the only one on thick paper. 5646 TOSCO (P.). L'eccellenza della lingua Napoletana con la maggioranza alia Toscana. Napoli, 1754. i2mo. 5647 VALENTINO (A.). La Mezacanna co lo Vasciello dell' Arbascia; Poemma n'ottava rimma a lengua Napoletana. Napoli, 1752. i2mo. 564.8 (B.). La Fuorfece, overo, L'Ommo pratteco co li diece quatre de la Gallaria d' Apollo. Napoli, 1748. i2mo. 5649 VERNACCHIO (Lo) resposta & lo dialetto Napoletano. No date and place. 5650 VIRGILIUS MARO (Publius). L'Eneide di Virgilio Marone trasportata in ottava rima napoletana, dal Signer GiancolaSitillo. Napoli, C. Troiisi, 1700. 12010, vellum. 565 ! La Bocoleca P. Vergilejo Marone. Tradotta 'n lengua Napoletana da F. M. F. Napole, 1790. 8vo. 19 290 5652 VOCABOLARIO Napoletano-Toscano. Napoli, 1789. izmo. 5653 WENTRUP (Fr.)- Beitrage zur Kenntniss der neapolitanischen Mundart. Witten- berg, 1855. 8vo. 5654 ZUZU (Jachil Girl). Fascio de Chellete Novo. Napoli, 1866. 8vo. TERRA D'OTRANTO. 5655 BACHISI (Dr. C.). XIX. Nniccu Furcedda. Farsa Pastorale in tre atti. Lecce, n.d. 8vo. (Extract from a larger work.) 5656 CAST1GLIONE (Giuseppe). Amore e riconoscenza, ovvero, descrizione delle Feste solennizzate in Gallipoli per celebrare la Munificenza Sovrana che decretava la costruzione del Porto. Lecce, 1847. 8vo. 5657 D'AMELIO (Franciscantoni). Puesei a lingua leccese. Lecce, 1832. 4to. 5658 DE VINCENTIIS (Domen. Ludov.). Vocabolario del dialetto Tarantino in corri- spondenza della lingua Italiana. Taranto, 1872. 8vo. 5659 Storia di Taranto. Taranto, 1878-79. 8vo. 5 vols. 5660 PITRE (Giuseppe). I canti popolari di Terra d'Otranto raffrontali con quelli di Sicilia. Palermo, 1869. 16 pages. ABRUZZI. 5661 FINAMORE (Gennaro). Vocabolario dell' uso Abruzzese. Lanciano, 1880. 4to. 5662 RICCIO (C. M.). Biblioteca storico-topografica degli Abruzzi. Napoli, 1862. 4to. SICILIAN GROUP-SICILIAN ISLAND DIALECTS. 5663 ANACREON. See Horace Flaccus (Q), No. 5704. Also Manna (Ant. La), No. 5708. 5664 ARDIZZONE (G.). Canti di Girolamo Ardizzone. Palermo, 1867. 8vo. (Includes Odi di Anacreonte e di Saffo, tradotte in dialetto Siciliano ) 5665 ARETIUS (M.). Osservantii dila lingua Siciliana et canzoni in lo proprio idioma, di Mario di Arezzo, gintil'homo Saragusano. Ad instantia di Paulo Siminara. (In Missina), 1543. Title incorrectly quoted by Brunei, who had never seen the work, which is not in the British Museum. It is very rare and of great importance with regard to the Sicilian dialects. For further particulars see Mazzuchelli, vol. i, part 2, page 1024. 5666 AVOLIO (C.). Canti popolari di Noto. Noto, 1875. 8vo. 5667 AYELLU (F. d'). Opera nova canzuni spirituali in laudi della Gloriusissima Sant' Anna. Palermo, 1641. 8vo. 5668 BALSAMO (Gio. di). La Passione e Morte di Christu nostrti Salvaturi. Palermo, 1638. i6mo. To which is added, Ottave Spirituali de' Mesi dell Anno con le Feste loro. Composte per Gioseppe di Gierusalem, Hebreo fatto Christiano. Palermo, 1644. 5669 (Lorenzo). Canzone Spirituali Morali. Palermo, 1644. 40 pages. 5670 BASILE (Gio.-Battista). II Battillo; poema bucolico, composto in lingua siciliana. Palermo, (Pietro Coppola), i b86. 12 mo, half calf. Very rare. This copy ends with page 360. There ought to be 443 pages. The author was Luigi d'Heredia, of Palermo. He is not mentioned by Brunei or Graesse. 291 5671 BASILE (Gio.-Battista). or, Gian Alesio ARBATUTIS. II Battillio; poetna bucolico, composto in lingua siciliana. Palermo, (Pietro Coppola), 1686. i2mo, calf. To which is added his La Cuccagna Conquistata. Palermo, (Pietro Coppola), 1674. Very rare. The author was Luigi d'Heredia, of Palermo. This is a perfect copy of// Battillio. 5672 (C.)- La Musca Furmica; poema eroicu. Palermo, (peril Bisagni). 1663. 8vo, vellum. Very rare. The author was Luigi d'Heredia of Palermo, who also wrote under the assumed name of Gio. Battista Basile. He is not mentioned by Brunei or Graesse. 5673 BASILI (Gio. Battista). La Cuccagna conquistata; poema heroicu in Terza Rima Siciliana. Palermo, (Pietro Coppola), 1674. izmo. (The author was Luigi d'Heredia.) The name is sometimes spelt Basili, at other times Basile. 5674 BIBLE. Ruth. II Libro di Rut volgarizzato in dialetto Siciliano dall' Aw. Luigi Scalia. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londra, 1860. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 5^75 Another copy, being the only one on thick paper. 5676 Canticle of Canticles. II Cantico de' Cantici di Salomone volgarizzato in dialetto Siciliano dall' Aw. Luigi Scalia. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londra, 1860. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 5677 Another copy, this being the only one on thick paper. Crushed levant. 5678 BIUNDI (Giu.). Vocabolario Siciliano-Italiano. Palermo, 1851. i2mo, vellum. 5679 Another edition. Palermo, 1857. 12010, vellum. 5680 CASTAGNOLA (Michele). Fraseologia Sicolo-Toscana. Catania, 1864. 410. 5681 CHACON (Francesco Patti). Anacreontiche e canti. Palermo, 1858. 8vo. 5682 COMPONIMENTI poetici Siciliani di celebri autori, tradotti in Firenze, in Epigrammi e Sonetti. (Rime Siciliane, Toscane e Latine.) Firenze, 1728. 8vo, vellum. 5683 COTTA (Francesco). Catalogo di libri di Autori Siciliani o di argomento Siciliano. Palermo, 1877. 8vo. 5684 CRONACHE Siciliane dei Secoli xiii, xiv, xv. Pubblicate per cura del professor Vincenzo di Giovanni. Bologna, 1865. 8vo. 5685 DAMIANO (Ant.). Lu vivu mortu effettu di lu piccatu di la carni causatu da lu vanu e bruttu amuri di li Donni. Palermo, 1768. 121110, vellum. This is a very biting satire against women. 5686 DE GREGORIO (G.). Affinita del dialetto di San Fratello con quelle dell' Emilia. Appendice alia fonetica dei dialetti Gallo-It. di Sicilia. (Arch. Glott. viii. Punt 2.) Torino, 1886. 5687 Appunti di Fonologia Siciliana. Parte i a . Palermo, 1886. 5688 DELBONO (Michele). Dizionario Siciliano-Italiano-Latino. Palermo, 1783-85. 410, half vellum. 4 vols. 5689 DIZIONARIO tascabile familiare Siciliano-Italiano. Palermo, 1840. i2mo, calf. 5690 DI MARCO (Enrico). Nomenclatura. Raccolta di voci Siciliane-Italiane. Palermo, 1869. 5691 Seconda edizione. Palermo, 1870. 292 5692 DI GIOVANNI (Vincenzo). Filologia e Letteratura Siciliana. Palermo, 1871. 8vo. 2 vols. 5693 DUTTRINA CRISTIANA. Palermu, 1767. nmo. 5694 ECU DI L'INFERNU (L'), cioe, Li Peni di Sensu, e di Dannu, chi patiscinu li Dannati. Terza rima Siciliana. Palermu, 1745. 8vo, half calf. This work is not in the British Museum, nor is it mentioned by Brunei. 5695 ESPINOSA ALARCON (Giuseppe Antonio de). Prefazione di Giuseppe Antonio de Espinosa Alarcon, idalgo da Palermo, al vocabolario Siciliano etimologico, Italiano, e Latino- dell' Ab. Michele Pasqualino, nobile Barese Palermitano. Palermo, 1785. 410. 5696 FUDDUNI (P.). Ottavi Siciliani spirituali di 1'Incarnationi e Passioni di N.S. Giesu Christu. Palermo, 1641. 4 pages. 5697 Ottavi Siciliani supra li cincu duluri di Maria Virgini. Palermo, 1643. 8vo. 5698 FULLUNI (P.). Ottavi Siciliani in laudi di la Passioni di Christu N.S., e di lu lamentu di la Madonna Santissima. Palermo, 1639. 8vo. Fudduni and Fulluni are apparently the same person. 5699 GAMBINO (C.-F.). Poesie Siciliane. Catania, 1816. 8vo. 5700 GIOENI (G.). Saggio di Etimologie Siciliane. Palermo, 1889. 8vo. 5701 GUARDO (Giuseppe). Poesie Siciliane. Catania, 1853. 5702 GUASTELLA (S. A.). Canti popolari del circondario di Modica. Modica, 1876. 5703 GUELI (F. M.). Favuli Siciliani. Palermu, 1815. 8vo, half morocco. 5704 HORACE FLACCUS (Quintus). L'Odi di Q. Oraziu Flaccu, tradutti in rima Siciliana da Giuseppi Bonura e Letu. Palermu, 1819. 8vo. 2 books in one. And, ANACREON. Le Odi di Anacreonte, tradotte in poesia Siciliana da Tommaso Mon- cada. Catania, 1817. 8vo. Both these works are bound together, half calf. 5705 LEONARDI (Gius.). Poema supra di lu vinu, si sia utili o dannusu a li viventi. Cantatu ntra L'Accademia di li Etnei, pri lu Carnuvali di 1'annu 1789. Catania, 1789. 8vo, uncut, half morocco. 5706 LIZIO-BRUNO (L.). Canti scelti del Popolo Siciliano posti in versi Italiani ed illustrati. Aggiuntavi una traduzione francese, di anonimo autore. Messina, 1867. 8vo. 5707 LUC A (D. N.). Strenna di F. Domenico Nicastro Luca pel nuovo anno 1867 alle figlie di Maria Immacolata di Mussomeli. Caltanissetta, 1866. 5708 MANNA (Ant. La). Le Odi di Anacreonte, tradotte in versi Siciliani, con altre poesie. Palermo, 1843. izmo. 5709 MELCHIORE (S. B.). Poesie Siciliane. Palermo, 1785. 8vo, vellum. 5710 MELI (Giovanni). Poesie Siciliane. London, 1812. 410. 5711 Poesie Siciliane. Edizione ii. Palermo, 1814. 8vo, half calf. 7 vols. The 7th volume is marked Edizione i. The first Italian edition appears to have been Palermo, Soli, 1787. 2 tomes in I vol. I2mo. 5712 Poesie Siciliane. Edizione ii. Palermo, 1814. With Portrait. 8vo. Vol. viii, published after the Poet's death, is dated 1826. 5713 Poesie Siciliane. Edizione terza. Palermo, 1830. 8 vols. in 4. 5714 Another edition. Palermo, 1859. i6mo. 4 vols. 5715 Opere di Giovanni Meli. Palermo, 1838. 4to, half calf. With Portrait. 293 57*6 MINUTILLA (L.). Poesie. Palermo, 1857. 8vo. Portrait. Presentation copy from the author to the Marchese Giuseppe Pasqualino. 5717 MORTILLARO (V.). Nuovo dizionario Siciliano-Italiano. Palermo, 1838-44. 410, half morocco. ^ vols. in one. 5718 The same, 2nd edition. Palermo, 1853. 4to, half morocco. 5719 MOTTI. A Book of Sicilian Proverbs and Mottoes, with verses. The title-page is wanting, with part of the Preface and some pages at the end of the book. At the end of the Preface is, Palermo, li 3 di Maggio 1660. Rocco di Mercurio-Libraro. 8vo. 5720 NARBONE (A.). Bibliografia Sicola sistematica. Palermo, 1850-54. 410, half morocco. 2 vols. 5721 PASQUALINO (Michele). Vocabolario Siciliano etimologico, Italiano, e Latino. Palermo, 1785-95. 410, half calf. 5 vols. This is considered the best dictionary of the Sicilian tongue. 5722 PEREZ (Giuseppe). Vocabolario Siciliano-Italiano. Palermo, 1870. 410. 5713 PIAGGIA (Giuseppe). Prose e Versi. (Edizione di sole 100 copie.) Palermo, 1868. 8vo. Partly in the Sicilian dialect. \ 5724 PITRE (Giuseppe). Proverbi e canti popolari Sicilian! illustrati da Giuseppe Pitr. Palermo, 1869. 8vo, uncut. (Per le nozze Siciliano-Villanueva.) Only 206 copies printed. 5725 Biblioteca delle tradizioni popolari Siciliane. Palermo, 1870-88. 18 vols. Uncut. Of this fine collection Vols. i-iii contain Canli popolari Siciliani ; iv-vii, novelle, e raconti ; viii-xi Proverbi ; xii Spettacoli e feste; xiii Giuochi fanciullesc hi ; xiv-xvii Usi e costumi, creJenze e pregiudizi ; and xviii Fiabe e leggende. 5726 POME (Melch.). La Lira a due corde. Sonetti, e Canzoni Siciliane, eroiche, e sacre. Palermo, 1722. 8vo. 5727 PROVERBIA SICULA. Siculorum proverbiorum, Sicularumque cantionum Latina traductio. Messanae, 1744. 8vo, calf. 5728 RAPISARDA(S-). Raccoltadiproverbj Siciliani ridotti in canzoni. Catania, 1824. 8vo. 5729 RAU E REQUESENO (Sim.). Rime. Venetia, 1672. 8vo, vellum. Many of these poems are in the Sicilian dialect. This edition was edited by Michele Caracoci. 5730 Rime di Monsignor D. Simone Rau, e Requesens. Nuova edizione, riveduta e corretta. Napoli, 1782. Svo, calf. 5731 RIME degli Accademici Accesi di Palermo. Seconda impressione. Raccolta di Gio. Battista Caruso. Palermo ed Venezia, 1726. 410, vellum. 2 vols. Many of the Poems are in Sicilian. 5732 Siciliane (Nuova Scelta di), illustrata colle note a comodo degl* Italiani. Palermo, 1770. Svo, calf. (Tomo primo.) 5733 RACCOLTA delle opere delle Muse Siciliane Spirituali di Poesie. Tomo primo. No title-page. It is preceded by four pages of manuscript. 5734 ROCCA (R.). Dizionario Siciliano-Italiano. Catania, 1839. 410, half morocco. 5735 ROCCELLA (Remigio). Vocabolario della Lingua parlata in Piazza Armerina (Sicilia). Caltagirone, 1875. 410. 5736 ROMANO (Sal.). Voci e Maniere di dire Siciliane-Italiane. Palermo, 1869. Svo. 294 5737 ROMANU BARUNI DI RESUTTANU (G.-B.). La Nenia di la B.V. Maria quandu adurmintava lu so binidittu Fighiu Giesu Christu piccirillu. Palermo, 1644. Some other pieces by various authors are added. 5738 SALMONE-MARINO (Salv.). Canti popolari Siciliani. Palermo, 1867. 8vo. 5739 SAN CLEMENTE (Pier-Gius.). Le Muse Siciliane, overo, Scelta di tutti le Canzoni della Sicilia, raccolte da Pier Giuseppe San Clemente. Parte Prima: Palermo, (Per il Bua, e Portanova), 1645. Tomo Primo della Seconda Parte : Palermo, (Gius. Bisagni), 1662. Parte Quarta : Palermo, (Gius. Bisagni), 1653. i2mo, vellum. 3 vols. There should be 5 Parts. The British Museum copy is also incomplete, wanting some of the above perfect parts.) 5740 SATTA (Gio.~ Ant. Maria). Motti, e Concetti Siciliani colla corrispondenza alia Sacra Bibbia. Palermo, 1789. 4to, crushed levant. 5741 SCELTA Nuova di rime Siciliane illustrata colle note a comodo degl' Italiani. Palermo, 1770. 8vo. 5742 SCHNEEGANS (H.). Laute und Lautentwickelung dessicilianischen Dialectes nebst einer Mundartenkarte und aus dem Volksmunde gesammelten Sprachproben. Strassburg, 1888. 8vo. 5743 TARGIONI-TOZZETTI (Dr. G.). (Curiosita popolari tradizionali.) Saggio di Novellini Canti ed Usanze popolari della Ciociaria. Palermo, 1891. 8vo. (Only 200 copies printed, this being No. 80.) 5744 TEMPIU (D.). Operi di Duminicu Tempiu, Catanisi. Catania, 1814-15. 4to, uncut, half morocco. 5745 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). St. Matthew. II Vangelo di S. Matteo, volgarizzato in dialetto Siciliano dall' Aw. Luigi Scalia. Con alcune osservazioni linguistico- comparative sulla natura del DD. Siciliano, del Principe Luigi-Luciano Bonaparte. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londra, 1861. 8vo, morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 5746 Another copy, being the only one on thick paper. Morocco. 5747 THEOCRITUS. Degl' Idillj di Teocrito, traduzione libera in Siciliano di G. Marco Calvino. Trapani, 1830. 12010, half morocco. 5748 TRAINA (Antonino). Nuovo Vocabolario Siciliano-Italiano. Palermo, 1873. 410. 5749 VIGO (Lionardo). Canti Popolari Siciliani. Catania, 1857. 410. 5750 VINCI (Joseph). Etymologicum Siculum. Messanae, 1759. 410, vellum. 5751 VIRGILIUS MARO (Publius). L'Eneidi di Virgiliu, tradutti in Rima Siciliana da Don Tumasi d'Aversa, e Castrunovu. Palermu, 1654. izmo, vellum. 2 vols. in one. 26 pages at the beginning of the second vol. are wanting. 5752 Virgiliu mascaratu, overu, 1'Eneidi, tradutta in rima Siciliana burlisca da Silveriu Surtinu. Messina, 1717. 8vo, half calf. 5753 VITALI (Gius. Fid.) e DI GANCI (Salvu). La Sicilia Liberata, poema eroicu Sicilianu. Palermu, 1815. 8vo. 5 vols. in three. 5754 WENTRUP (Fr.). Programm der Klosterschule Rossleben, einer Stiftungder Familie v. Witzleben. Inhalt I. Beitnige zur Kenntniss des sicilianischen Dialectes. II. Schulnachrichten. Beides vom Rector Dr. Wentrup. Halle, 1880. 8vo. 5755 ZACCU (Ant.). Storia in terza rima Siciliana supra lu santu Chiovu di N.S. Gesu Cristu. Catania, 1735. 8vo. 295 CALABRESE. 5756 AMALFI (G.). (Curiosita popolari tradizionali.) Tradizioni ed usi nella Penisola Sorrentina. Palermo, 1890. 8vo. 5757 BORGIA (P. Rosario). Poesie in idioma calabrese. Napoli, 1839. 8vo, uncut. 5758 CANTU ncalavrise ppe la venuta de lu Rre Ferdinannu II a Cusenza. No date or place. 5759 CIPRIANI (Francesco Maria). Poesie Calabre. Napoli, 1859. 8vo. 5760 CONIA (Giov.). Saggio dell' energia, semplicita', ed espressione della lingua Calabra nelle poesie di Giovanni Conia, con 1'aggiunta di alcune poesie Italiane dello stesso. Napoli, 1834. i2mo, half morocco, uncut at the bottom. 5761 GALLUCCI (Luigi). Sestine in dialetto Calabro. No date or place. 5762 Cantu ppe la nascita de lu Duca de Calavria. Cosenza, 1836. 57^3 Lamientu Ncalavrise ppe la morte de Maria Cristina Riggina de le Due Sicilie. Cosenza, 1836. 5764 Poesie in dialetto Calabro. Cosenza, 1838. 8vo. 5765 La Passione e Morte de Gesu Cristu secunnu San Giuvanni. Cantu ncalav- rise. Napoli, 1839. 5766 GAROFALO (Giuseppe Rizzi). Poche Poesie. Napoli, 1845. 5767 MANDALARI (Mario). Canti del popolo Reggino. Napoli, 1881. 8vo. 5768 PELLEGRINI (Astorre). II dialetto Greco-Calabro di Bova. Volume primo. Torino e Roma, 1880. 8vo. 5769 POETRY in the Calabrese dialect, without name of author, place of publication, or dale. The first poem is signed Liborio Vetere. 4to. 5770 RACCOLTA di tutte le Poesie Italiane e Latine, e di un canto in lengua Calabra, cornposte in occasione del faustissimo arrive di S.M. Ferdinando II in Cosenza, etc. Cosenza, 1833. 8vo. 5771 SCERBO (F.). Sul dialetto Calabro. Firenze, 1886. 8vo. 5772 TASSO (Torquato). La Gerusalemme Liberata, poema del Signer Torquato Tasso trasportata in lingua Calabrese in ottava rima in questa prima edizione da Carlo Cusentino d'Aprigliano. Cosenza, 1737. 4to. 5773 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). St. Matthew. II Vangelo di S. Matteo, volgarizzato in dialetto Calabrese Cosentino da Raffaele Lucente. Con alcune osservazioni sul permutamento delle vocali e de' dittonghi Calabri del Principe Luigi-Luciano Bona- parte. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londra, i86z. 8vo, morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 5774 The same. Londra, 1862. 8vo, morocco. Being the only copy of this edition on thick paper. VENETIAN DIALECTS-VENETIAN PROPER. 5775 ^ESOPUS. Favole d'Esopo scritte in rima nel vernacolo familiar Veneziano, da G.-B. Bada. Venezia, Santini, 1816. 8vo. With cuts. 5776 ARLOTO (II Piovan). Poema faceto in vernacolo familiar Venezian. Venezia, 1796. i2mo, half calf. 5777 [BADA (G.-B.).] Scaramuzza, poema in vernacolo familiar Venezian. Venezia, (Ant. Curti), 1788. With frontispiece, izmo, calf. 296 577 8 BAFFO (Giorgio). Le Poesie di Giorgio Baffo patrizio Veneto. Noplace. 1771. 4to, calf. This work is of the greatest rarity. 5779 BALBI (D.). II Castigamatti ; opera morale, quaderni in lingua Venetiana. Venezia, (appresso V. Romanio), 1683. izmo. 5780 (Lucio Antonio). Arringo per la Signora N. N. in causa di deflorazione. No place. 1795. 8vo. This work is held to have been published at Trieste. 5781 BERTOLDO BERTOLDINO E CACASSENO, tradotti (da Giuseppe Pichi, 1755) in lengua Veneziana. Padua, per Zanbatista Conzati, 1747. 8vo. Illustrated. Brunei says this work was written by several writers of lively wit, including the two Zanotti, Baruffaldi and Zampieri. The illustrations were designed and engraved by Jos. -Mar. Crespi under the name of Lodovico Mattioli. 5782 BIBLE. Psalter. El Salmista Venezian. Parafrasi in terza rima del Salterio, opera inedita di ignoto autore del secolo xvi. Publicata con note da Luigi Constantino Borghi di Venezia Venezia, 1889. 8vo. This is the first part, and consists of Psalms I and II. With introduction, a sonnet and notes. 5783 BOERIO (Giuseppe). Dizionario del dialetto Veneziano. Venezia, 1829. 410, half calf. 5784 Dizionario del dialetto Veneziano. Seconda edizione, aumentata e corretta aggiuntovi 1'indice Italiano Veneto gia promesso dall' autore nella prima edizione. Venezia, 1856. 410. 5785 BONFANTE (Bartolamio). Opera nova in lingua Venetiana. Doue s'intende in lamento di una famosissima Cortegiana, che per il suo mal governo e caduata in estrema necessita, e ridotta a 1'Ospedale. Ove si diffinisce a pieno, in che stato si pu6 ridurre 1'altre Cortigiane, se non lascian il peccato. Padoua e Trevigi, (Angelo Righettini), 1627. This work consists of eight pages and is extremely rare. 5786 BOSCHINI (Marco). La Carta del Navegar pitoresco, dialogo tra un Senator Venetian deletante, e un professor de Pitura, soto nome d' Kcelenza, e de Compare. Comparti in oto Venti. Venetia, (Per li Baba), 1660. With many fine woodcuts. 4to, morocco. Very rare. For further particulars about this work see Lanzi's History of Painting in Italy, 2402 c, and Mazuchelli, 2036 g. 5787 BURATTI (Pietro). Poesie di Pietro Buratti veneziano. Venezia, 1864. 8vo. 5788 C. (M. A.). La Zucca, ditirambo in dialetto Veneziano del Co. M. A. C. Aggiuntevi Le Smanie de Nineta per la morte de Lesbin. Verona, 1821. 5789 CALMO (Andrea). I piacevoli et ingeniosi discorsi in piu lettere compresi, e ne la lingua antica volgari dechiarati. Vinegia, per Bartholomeo Cesano, 1550. 410. Together with II rimanente de le piacevole et ingeniose littere indrizzate a diversi con bellissime argutie. Vinegia, apresso Joan Battista Bertachagnio, 1552. 8vo ; and Supplimento delle piacevoli, ingeniose, et argutissime lettere, etc. Vinegia, appresso Joan Battista Bertachagnio, 1552. 8vo, vellum. Very rare. 5790 Another edition. Vinegia, appresso Stephano di Atessi, 1553. 4 to - With Supplimento. . . Vinegia, Stephano di Alessi, 1552 ; and the Supplimento and Rimanente of the above edition. Vellum. Very rare. 5791 - Cherebizzi. Ne' quali si contengono varii, ed ingeniosi discorsi, e fantastiche fantasie Filosofiche, compresi in piu lettere vulgari, nella lingua antica dechiarati. Venetia, (Domenico Farri), 1580. 8vo. Rare. 297 579 2 CALMO (Andrea). Another edition. Trevigi, Fabritio Zanetti, 1601. 8 vo, vellum. 5793 - Delle lettere di M. Andrea Calmo. Di nuovo ristampate, e ripurgate da infiniti errori. Venetia, appresso Fabio e Agostin Zoppini, fratelli, 1584. 8vo, vellum. Very rare. 5794 -- Le giocose moderne et facetissime egloghe pastorali, sotto bellissimi concetti* in nuovo sdrucciolo, in lingua materna. Vinegia, (appresso lovambattista Bertacagno), 1553. 8vo, half calf. First edition. Very rare. These consist of four farces. The characters speak in the Venetian, Paduan, and Bergamasco dialects, and also in the corrupt Italian spoken by the Dalmatians. Garnba says this is one of the earliest attempts at the pastoral drama. 5795 - Another edition. Trevigi, Fabritio Zanetti, 1600. 8vo. 5796 - La Fiorina. Comedia facetissima, giocosa, et piena di piacevole allegrezza. Vinegia, (lovambattista Bertacagno), 1553. 410. Very rare. (Written in different dialects.) 5797 - Another edition. Trivigi, Fabritio Zanetti, 1600. 8vo. 5798 -- La Potione. Comedia. Di nuovo correlta e ristampata. Trevigi, (Fabritio Zanetti), 1600. 8vo. (Written in different dialects.) 5799 -- La Saltuzza, comedia di M. Andrea Calmo. Di nuovo revista e corretta. Trivigi, (Fabritio Zanetti), 1600. 8vo. 5800 - La Spagnolas, comedia di M. Andrea Calmo. Di nuovo revista e correlta. Trivigi, (Fabritio Zanetti), 1600. 8vo. 5801 - Opere diverse. Trivigi, (Fabritio Zanetti), 1600. 8vo. 5802 CARAVIA (Alessandro). Naspo Bizaro. Calate fantastiche, che canta Naspo Bizaro da Veniesia Castellan, sotto i balconi de cate Bionda Biriota, per cavarse la bizaria del cervelo, e'l martelo del stomego. Venetia (appresso Domenico Nicolini, a spese di M. Alessandro Caravia), 1565. 410, calf. This is a first edition of this very rare work, and is adorned with quaint engravings. 5803 - Naspo Bizaro. Novamente ristampao, con la zonta del lamento che'l fd per haverse pentio de haver sposao cate Bionda Biriota. Venetia, (Bernardin de Francesco), 1582. i2mo, vellum. The dedication to M. Antonio dalla Vecchia is signed by Alessandro Caravia, under which name Ebert has catalogued this work. 5804 - Naspo Bizaro con la zonta del lamento che'l fa per haverse pentio de haver sposao cate Bionda Biriota. Venezia, 1601. izmo, vellum. 5805 CHIARI (Pietro). Gli amanti in collera. Commedia di caratteri Veneziani. Bologna, 1763. 8vo. 5806 CICOGNA (Em. Ant.). Saggio di Bibliografia Veneziana. Venezia, 1847. 8vo. With Portrait of the Conte Benedetto Valmarana. 5807 COLLEZIONE delle migliori opere scritte in dialetto Veneziano. Venezia, 8vo, calf. 12 vols. bound into four. This work, published by Gamba, contains some old Venetian poems by unknown authors, and the modern Venetian poems of Ant. Laml>erti, G. G. Mazzola, L. Pasto, G. Cumano, M. A. Cavanis, F. Gritti, etc., etc. Brunei says it is much sought after. He describes it as in 1 8, 14 vols. 18 may be a printer's error for 8vo, and brunet may have been misled with regard to the number of vols. by an error in the heading of the index which reads, Jndici dc 1 xtv volumi c/iejormano, etc., whereas the work and the index itself contain only 12 vols. 5808 CONTARINI (Pietro). Dizionario tascabile delle voci e frasi particolari del dialetto Veneziano colla corrispondente espressione Italiana. Venezia, 1844. i2mo. 298 5809 DALMEDICO (Angelo). Canti del Popolo Veneziano. Venezia, 1848. 410, half morocco. 5810 Proverb! Veneziani, raffrontati con quelli di Salomone e co' Francesi. Venezia, 1857. 4to, half morocco. 5811 D1ZIONAR1O tascabile del dialetto Veneziano come viene usitato anche nelle Provincie di Padova di Vicenza e di Treviso coi termini Toscani corrispondenti. Padova, 1847. 8vo, half calf. 5812 FOSCARINI (Giacomo Vicenzo). Soneti in dialeto Venezian. Padoa, 1825. iimo. Conservano questi saporiti sonetti il vero linguaggio delbarcajuolo e del volgo veneziano. GAMBA. 5813 (M.). Delia Letteratura Veneziana del doge Marco Foscarini con aggiunte inedite. Venezia, 1854. 8vo. 5814 GAMBA (Bart.). Serie degli scritti impressi in dialetto Veneziano, compilata ed illustrata da G. Gamba. Giuntevi alcune odi di Orazio, tradotte da Pietro Bussolin. Venezia, 1832. 8vo, half morocco. A bibliography of Venetian works ; rare, only a few copies having been printed. 5815 GOLDONI (Carlo). Delli componimenti diversi di Carlo Goldoni. Venezia, 1764. 8vo, calf. 2 vols. in one. 5816 Collezione completa delle Commedie di Carlo Goldoni. Prato, 1827-29. 8vo, half vellum. 30 vols. 5817 Memorie di Carlo Goldoni. Prato, 1829-30. 8vo, half vellum. 3 vols. 5818 Collezione di tutti i Drammi e Opere diverse. Prato, 1823-27. 8vo, half vellum. 17 vols. 5819 Commedie Scelte di Carlo Goldoni; publicate per cura di R. Nocchi. Firenze, 1856. i2mo. Goldoni's works contain a good deal of the Venetian dialect. 5820 GRITTI (Fr.). Poesie di Francesco Gritti in dialetto Veneziano. Venezia, 1815. 8vo, half morocco. 5821 Terza edizione, ricorretta e accresciuta. Venezia, 1824. 8vo, half morocco. 5822 Poesie in dialetto veneziano. Venezia, 1862. 8vo. 5823 HOMER. Omero in Lombardia dell' abate Francesco Boaretti. Venezia, 1788. 8vo, calf, z vols. 5824 HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). Ventiquattro Odi scelte, tradotte liberamente in verso e dialetto Veneziano da Pietro Bussolin. Venezia, 1832. 8vo. 5825 LAMBERTI (Ant.). Quattro stagioni campestri e quattro cittadine in versi Veneziani. Nuova edizione, con note. Milano, 1802. 8vo, half morocco. 5826 [MARTIGNONI (Luigi).] Raccolta di capricci poetici editi ed inediti in dialetto Veneziano. Treviso, 1819. 8vo. 2 vols. 5827 Raccolta Poesie Veneziane dell' autore dei capricci poetici nello stesso dialetto stampati nel 1819. Treviso, 1826. 8vo, half morocco. 5828 MOLINO (Ant.). I fatti, e le prodezze di Manoli Blessi Strathioto, di M. Antonio Molino, detto Burchiella. Vinegia, (appresso Gabriel Giolito de' Ferrari), i56r. 4to. 5829 MONTI (Vincenzo). Aristodemo, tragedia del Cav. Vincenzo Monti ridota in dialelo venezian da Camilo Nalin. Venezia, 1846. 410. 5830 MUTINELLI (F.). Lessico Veneto. Venezia, 1851. 8vo, half morocco. 299 5831 NAZARI (Giulio). Libro della lingua per le scuole elemcntari di Venczia corredato Hi un dizionario Veneziano-Italiano. Belluno, 1874. iimo. Presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 5832 - Dizionario Veneziano-Italiano e regole di grammatica ad uso delle scuole elementari di Venezia. Edizione seconda. Belluno, 1876. Presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 5833 NEGRO (M.). La Pace Comcdia. Non meno piacevole che ridicolosa. Di nuovo stampata. Venetia, presso Daniel Zanetti, 1599. 8vo. 5834 NINNI (A. P.). Giunte e correzioni al dizionario del dialetto Veneziano. Venezia, 1890. (ist, 2nd and 3rd series.) 5835 - Voci bambinesche della lingua vernacola Veneziana. Venezia, 1890. 5836 OSELETI (I), capricio ditirambico in dialetto Veneziano. Verona, 1821. 5837 PAOLETTI (Ermolao). Dizionario tascabile Veneziano- Italiano. Venezia, 1851. 8vo, half morocco. 5838 PASQUALIGO (Cristoforo). Raccolta di Proverb! Veneti. Venezia, 1857-58. 8vo, half morocco. 3 vols. in one. 5839 - (Domenico). Due arringhe dette nel Veneto Senato al principio del secolo xviii. Venezia, 1865. 20 pages. 5840 [PATRIARCHI (G.).] Vocabolario Veneziano e Padovano co' termini e modi corri- spondenti Toscani. Padova, 1775. 410, half calf. 5841 - Vocabolario Veneziano e Padovano co' termini e modi corrispondenti Toscani, in questa seconda edizione ricorretto, etc. Padova, 1796. 410, half calf. 5842 - Vocabolario Veneziano e Padovano co' termini e modi corrispondenti Toscani. 3 a edizione. Padova, 1821. 4to, half calf. 5843 PAZZIE (Le) del superbo, e buggiardo Don Cacasseno. Comedia. Vcnezia, 1716. i2mo. 5844 PIAZZA (Antonio). La Bissona a Milan. Ottave Veneziane. Milano. Anno x. 5845 POETI antichi del dialetto Veneziano. Venezia, 1817. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. in one. 5846 SCHIOPPI (Giovanni Aurelio). Comedia nomata Ramnusia, fo recitata in Verona in casa de li magnifici ed illustri Signori Conti Nogaroli. Del 1530, del mese di Febraio. Vinegia, (Pietro e Giovanmaria fratelli dei Nicolini da Sabbio), 1550. 4to, crushed levant. Very rare. 5847 STRENA de 1'Ombra de Sior Antonio Rioba. Ano primo, 1877. Venezia, 1876. 8vo. 5848 TASSO (Torquato). El Goffredo del Tasso canta' alia Barcariola dal Dottor Tomaso Mondini. Venetia, 1704. 4to, vellum. The frontispiece is dated " In Venetia, per il Louisa a Rialto, 1693." -- El Goffredo del Tasso canta' alia barcariola del Dottor Tomaso Mondini. Venezia, 1790. i2mo, calf. -- El Goffredo del Tasso canta a la Barcariola del Dottor Tomaso Mondini co i argomenti a ogni canto d'un incerto autor. Venezia, 1840. 8vo, half morocco. 5851 TATI REMITA. Sagi metrici de Tati Remita. Venezia, 1763. 8 vo, half calf. 5852 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). St. Matthew. II Vangelo di S. Matteo, volgarizzato in dialetto Veneziano dal Sig. Gianjacopo Fontana. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londra, 1859. 8vo, morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 5853 --- Another copy, being the only one on thick paper. Morocco. 300 5854- VAROTART (D.). II Vespaio Stuzzicato. Satire Veneziane. Venezia, (P. A. Zamboni), 1671. 8vo. With frontispiece. 5855 WIDTER (Georg). Volkslieder aus Venetien. Gesammelt von Georg Widter, herausgegeben von Adolf Wolf. Wien, 1864. 8vo. 5856 ZORNADA DE SANT FIREM (La) ; Cansu contra la moda del Trinsant, dedicada al Si6r Giosep Metel. Chiari, 1847. BELLUNO. 5857 NAZARI (Giulio). Paralello fra il dialetto bellunese rustico e la lingua italiana. Belluno, n.d. izmo. Presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 5858 TASSO (Torquato). La Gerosalem Liberada, portada in lengua rustega Belunes da Barba Sep Coraulo dit Dal Piai. Belun, 1782. i2mo, half calf. (Only the ist book to the end of the 7th Canto.) FRIULANO. 5859 ALMANACK. II Strolic Furlan Pronostic per 1'an 1848 di Fieri Zorutt. Udin. 5860 ASCOLI (Graz. I.). SulP idioma Friulano e sulla sua affinita colla lingua Valaca. Schizzo storico-filologico. Udine, 1846. 35 pages. 5861 BENUSSI (B.) e IVE (A.). Storia documentata di Rovigno di Dr. B. Benussi. Saggi di dialetto Rovignese di Dr. A. Ive. Trieste, 1888. 8vo. 5862 CANTI. Prima e seconda Centuria di Canti Popolari Friulani con prelezioni di Michele Leicht. Venezia, 1867. 8vo. 5863 CZOERNIG (F. von). Uber Friaul seine Geschichte, Sprache und Alterthiimer. Wien, 1853. 8vo. 5864 LIBRI di Prejeris pal Cristian cun una Racolta di Orazions. Guriza, 1855. i8mo. 5865 PASTO (Lodovico). El vin Friularo de Bagnoli. Ditirambo. Udine, 1824. 5866 La Polenta. Scherzo ditirambico del autor del Friularo. Verona, 1821. 5867 PIRONA (Giulio Andrea). Voci Friulane significanti animali e piante pubblicate come saggio di un Vocabolario generale della lingua Friulana. Udine, 1854. 8vo, half morocco. 5868 (Jacopo). Attenenze della lingua Friulana date per chiosa ad una iscrizione del MCIII. Udine, 1859. 5869 Vocabolario Friulano. Venezia, 1867-71. 410. In parts. 5870 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). St. Matthew. II Vangelo di S. Matteo volgarizzato in dialetto Friulano, dal Conte Pietro dal Pozzo. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londra, 1860. 8vo, morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 5871 The same. Londra, 1860. 8vo, morocco. The only copy of this edition on thick paper. 5872 VALENTINELLI (Giuseppe). Degli studi sul Friuli. Memoria letta alia Reale Societd boema delle Scienze, in Praga, li 23 Ottobre 1854. (Aus den Abhandl. der K. bb'hm. Ges. d. Wiss. Folge 9. Bd.) Praga, 1856. 410. 5873 Bibliografia del Friuli. Venezia, 1 86 1. 8vo. 301 5874 VIRGILIUS MARO (P.). L'Eneide di Virgilio travistude da Zuan Sef Busiz ridote a lezion pure Friulane da Zuan Batiste Nob. da la Puarte, cun prefazion. Udin, 1830-31. 8vo, half calf, uncut. 2 vols. Presentation copy of this valuable and rare work from Count de Sorgo, of Ragusa, to M. du Roure. 5875 -- La Giorgica di Virgili, tradotta in viars furlans da Zuan Josef Busiz. Gurizza, 1857. 410, half morocco. 5876 ZORUTTI (Pietro). Al dotor Pacific Valuss nuvizz letere. Udin, 1845. S 8 ?? - La Mode. Udin, 1845. 5878 - II trovatore Antonio Tambure, fetta romantica per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobile teatro di Udine coll'aggiunta di due Tamburate. Udine, 1847. 5879 - Poesiis. With frontispiece. Udin, n.d. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. in one. PADOVANO. 5880 BRUNACCI (Gio.). Lezione d'ingresso nelF Accademia de' Ricovrati di Padova del Sig. Abb. Gio. Brunacci ove si tratta delle antiche origini della lingua volgare de' Padovani e d'ltalia. Venezia, 1759. 410, half calf. 5881 MAGAGNO, etc. La prima parte de le rime di Magagn6, Menon, e Begotto, in lingua rustica Padovano, con una tradottione del primo Canto de M. Ludovico Ariosto. Padova, (G. Perchacino), 1558. 4to. 76 pages. The authors who wrote under the above names were Agostino Rava, Gio. -Bat. Maganza and Bart. Rustichello. This is a first edition of this extremely rare work. 5882 - De le Rime di Magagn6, Menon, e Begotto in lingua rustica Padovana; et co'l primo Canto di M. Lod. Ariosto nuovamente tradotto. Venezia, 1584, (appresso G. Donato). 8vo, vellum. 5883 - Another edition. Venezia, (G.-B. Brigna), 1659. 8vo, vellum. 5884 - Delle Rime in lingua rustica Padovana di Magagno, Menon, e Begotto. Parte Prima. Con molte addittioni di nuovo aggiunte ; et co'l primo Canto di M. Ludovico Ariosto nuovamente tradotto. In Venctia, e poi in Vicenza, per Dominico Amadio, 1620. 8vo, calf. 5885 WENDRINER (R.). Die paduanische Mundart bei Ruzante. Breslau, 1889. 8vo. TREVIGIANO AND ROVERETANO. 5886 AZZOLINI (Giambat.). Vocabolario Vernacolo Italiano pei distretti Roveretano e Trentino. Venezia, 1856. 410, half morocco. 5887 SCHIESON (Giovanni Pozzobon, Trivigiano, detto). Opere. Padova, n.d. 8vo, half calf. 5 vols. in two. Sonetti (Amorosi caudati) del Schieson. Trevigi, n.d. 5889 VANNETTI (Gius. Valeriano). Lezione sopra il dialetto Roveretano. Roveredo, 1761. 4to, half calf. TRIESTINO. 5890 CASSANI (Angelo C.). Saggio di proverbi Trieslini, raccolti ed illustrati. Trieste, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. 302 5891 KOSOV1TZ (Ernesto). Dizionario del dialetto Triestino e della lingua Italiana, della lingua Italiana e del dialetto Triestino. Trieste, 1877. 8vo. 5892 Dizionario-Vocabolario del dialetto Triestino e della lingua Italiana. Trieste, 1889. 8vo. 5893 MAINATI (Giuseppe). Dialoghi piacevoli in dialetto vernacolo Triestino colla versione Italiana. Coll' aggiunta di nove lettere scritte da Monsignor Pietro Bonomo, e d'una nuova pianta di Trieste. Trieste, 1828. 8vo, half calf. VERONESE. 5894 ALMANACH. El Villan de Lonigo astronomo per 1'anno 1834. Lonigo. (A copy also for 1835.) ANGELI (Rev. G.). Piccolo Vocabolario Veronese e Toscano. Verona, 1821. 8vo. CAN (Giamb. Carlo Giuliari). Bibliografia del dialetto Veronese e proposta di una generate per gli altri dialetti Italiani. Lettera all' 111. Comm. Francesco Zambrini. Con un aneddoto in antico volgare Veronese. Bologna, 1872. 8vo. 5897 DANTE ALIGHIERI. Saggio di traduzione in dialetto Veronese della Divina Corn- media di Dante. (Da Antonio Gaspari.) Verona, 1865. 410. 5898 VENTURI (Gius.). Saggio di un dizionario Veronese-Italiano. Verona, 1810. 4to. VICENTINO. 5899 ALMANACH. El novo Schieson Visentin Pronostico per 1'anno 1833. Venice. 5900 ALVERA DE VIQENZA (Andrea). Le"tara de Andrea Alverd de Vigenza direta al so amigo e compatri6to Ant6nio Goldin su la maniera de scrfvare el dialeto Visentin e per determinare stabilmente la vera pronungia. Vi9enza, 1828. 18 pages, uncut. 5901 Canti popolari tradizionali Vicentini colla loro musica originaria a pianoforte. Vicenza, 1844. 8vo. 5902 NAZARI (Giulio). Dizionario Vicentino-Italiano e regole di grammaticaad uso delle scuole elementari di Vicenza. Oderzo, 1876. 8vo. Presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 5903 PEZZOTTI (Giac.). La Moda; un baccanale patrio per la Festa della Ruota ; el Cavalo Militare. Vicenza, 1842. 5904 Rime in vernacolo Visentin. Vicenza, 1843. 5905 Fruti dela Pace, ossia, Miscelanea storica sul progresso del secolo presente ; co la giunta de la storiela bufa intitola do Gali in fun Punaro. Vicenza, 1850. 4to. 5906 Scherzose vernacole Poesie. Vicenza, 1850. i2mo. 5907 The same, but with different Poems. 5908 ,, ,, Vicenza, 1852. 5909 Vicenza, 1853. 5910 Bernesche Poesie e Prose in dialeto Visentin. Vicenza, 1854. i2mo. 5911 RIME e Prose di alcuni cinofili Vicentini e di altri illustri Italiani. Venezia, 1826. 8vo. 5912 SCHIO (Giov. da). Saggio del dialetto Vicentino. Padua, 1855. 410. SARDINIAN-SARDINIAN IN GENERAL. 5913 AMAT DI SAN FILIPPO (Pietro). Del Commercio e della Navigazione dell' Isola di Sardegna nei secoli xiv e xv. Cagliari, 1865. 8vo. This work contains some interesting decrees regulating the trade of Sardinia in Sardinian, Latin and Spanish. 303 59 H ANGIUS (Vittorio). Cenni sulla lingua de' Sardi scritta e parlata, estratti dal dizionario geografico-storico-statistico-commerciale de' Regi Stati, vol. xviii. Torino, 1855. 8vo, half morocco. 5915 ANTOLOGIA SARDA. Poesie Sarde. Volumen i. Sassari, 1886. 8vo. 5916 Poesie Sarde. Volumen i. Sassari, 1886. 8vo. The Poems contained in this work are different from those in the preceding book. 5917 ARQUER (Sigismundus). Sardiniae brevis historiaet descriptio tabula chorographica insulae ac metropolis illustrata juxta editionem cosmographiae Munsteri Basileaen, an. 1558. Ludovici Muratorii antiquitates Italicae medii aevi (ad Sardinian! spectantes) juxta editionem Mediolanensem an. 1740. Augustae Taurinorum, 1788. 410. 5918 BOULLIER (Aug.). Le dialecte et les chants populaires de la Sardaigne. Paris, 1864. 8vo. 5919 L'lle de Sardaigne; dialecte et chants populaires. Deuxieme Edition. Paris, 1865. 8vo. 5920 L'lle de Sardaigne. Description, histoire, statistique, moeurs, 6tat social. Paris, 1865. 8vo. 5921 II dialetto e le canzoni popolari della Sardegna. (Articoli estratti dal Corriere di Sardegna, Num. 49, 50, 53, 54, e 55, 1864.) Cagliari, 1866. 5922 CANTI popolari dei classici poeti Sardi, tradotti ed illustrati per 1'abate Tommaso Pischedda. Sassari, 1854. 410, half morocco. 5923 CATALOGO della Biblioteca Sarda dt-1 Cav. Lodovico Bailie, preceduto dalle memorie intorno alia di lui vita. Cagliari, 1844. 8vo. 5924 COSSU (E.). Moriografia Sarda, ossia, Catechismo gelsario proposto per ordine del regio governo alii possessori di terre, ed agricoltori del regno Sardo ; Dal G. C. G. C. D. G. C. Cagliari, 1788-89. 8vo, morocco. 2 vols. The book has on the binding the name Cossu as the author, and that name is stamped on the fly-leaf of the second volume. It is rare. 5925 DELIUS (Nicolaus). Der sardinische Dialekt des dreizehnten jahrhunderts. Bonn, 1868. 410. 5926 DI GIOVANNI (Vincenzo). Del' uso del volgare in Sardegna e in Sicilia ne' secoli xii e xiii. Lettura fatta alia Nuova Societa di Storia per la Sicilia nella tornata del 18 Marzo 1866. Palermo, 1866. 8vo. 5927 G. (P. E.). Appunti di Poesia popolare Sarda. Genoa, 1889. (Estratto dal Giornale Ligustico. Anno xvi, fasciculi u, 12, 1889.) Presentation copy from the author. 5928 GUARNERIO (P. .) Postille sul lessico Sardo. No date and place. (Extract from a periodical.) 5929 MALTZAN (H. von). Reise auf der Insel Sardinien. Nebst einem Anhang iiber die phonicischen Inschriften Sardiniens. Leipzig, 1869. 8vo. With portrait of Giovanni Spano and illustrations. 5930 MANGO (F.). (Curiositi popolari tradizionali.) Novelline popolari Sarde. Palermo, 1890. 8vo. 5931 SIOTTO-PINTOR (Giov.). Storia Letteraria di Sardegna. Cagliari, 1843-44. 8vo, half morocco. 4 vols. bound into two. 304 593 2 SPANO (Giovanni). Ortografia Sarda nazionale, ossia, Gramatica della lingua Logudorese paragonata all' Italiana. Cagliari, 184.0. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. in one. With dialectal Map. Rare. 5933 Vocabolario Sardo-Italiano e Italiano-Sardo. Cagliari, 1851-52. 2 tomes in one. 410, half morocco. (With Portrait.) 5934 Saggio di filologia Sarda comparata sopra il capo xv del Vangelo di San Luca con annotazioni. Cagliari, 1854. 4to, morocco, 5935 Notizie storico-critiche intorno all antico episcopato di Sorres ricavate da un autografo manoscritto del secolo xv. Cagliari, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. With Map. 5936 Testo ed illustrazioni di un codice cartaceo del secolo xv, contenente le leggi doganali e marittime del Porto di Castel Genovese ordinate da Nicol6 Doria e la fondazione e storia dell' antica Citta di Plubium. Cagliari, 1859. 8vo, half morocco. (With fac-simile.) 5937 Vocabolario Sardo geografico, patronimico ed etimologico. Cagliari, 1872. 8vo. 5938 S'Historia de Juseppe Hebreu. Dramma Sardu. Sassari, 1887. 5939 TESTO di due codici cartacei d'Arborea del secolo xv, pubblicato da Pietro Martini. Cagliari, 1856. 8vo. 5940 VIDALE (Salvadore). Urania sulcitana de sa vida, martyriu, e morte de su Bena- venturadu S. Antiogu, Patronu de la Isola de Sardigna. En Sacer, (J. F. Bribo), 1638. 410, half calf. Extremely rare. CAMPIDANO OR SOUTHERN DIALECTS. 5941 BIBLE. Genesis. La Storia di Giuseppe Ebreo, o i capi 39-45 della Genesi, volgarizzati in dialetto Sardo Cagliaritano dall' Aw. Federigo Abis. Londra, 1861. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Crushed levant. Only 250 copies were printed, this being the only one with red borders. 5942 The same. An ordinary copy of the same edition. Morocco. 594.3 La Storia di Giuseppe Ebreo racontata nella Genesi, colla versione Sarda, con note e parafrasi in sesline pel Can. G. Spano. Cagliari, 1857. ^vo, morocco. With frontispiece. 5944 Ruth. II Libro di Rut volgarizzato in dialetto Sardo Meridionale dall' Aw. Federigo Abis. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londra, 1860. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 5945 The same. This being the only copy of this edition on thick paper. Crushed levant. 5946 Canticle of Canticles. II Cantico de' Cantici di Salomone volgarizzato in dialetto Sardo Meridionale dall' Aw. Federigo Abis. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londra, 1860. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 5947 The same. This being the only copy of this edition on thick paper. Crushed levant. 5948 Jonah. La Profezia di Giona volgarizzata in dialetto Sardo Cagliaritano dalP Aw. Federigo Abis. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londra, 1861. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 5949 The same. This being the only copy of this edition with red borders. Crushed levant. 305 5950 COMPENDIO della Dottrina Cristiana, pubblicato ad uso della Diocesi di Cagliari ed altre unite colla traduzione in lingua Sarda. Cagliari, 1777. 12 mo, calf. 595 * della Dottrina Cristiana, ristampato per ordine di sua Em. Rev. Diego Gregorio della Santa R.C. Prete Cardinale Cadello. Cagliari, 1803. 8vo. 5952 DORE (Canon Melch.). Sa Jerusalem Victoriosa, osiat, S'Historia de su Populu de Deus, reduida ad Poema Historicu-Sacru. Cum breves adnotationes desu sacerdote Johanne Ispanu. Kalaris, 1842. 8vo, half morocco. 5953 INSTRUZIONE per la coltura del cotone. Cagliari, 1806. In Italian and Sardinian. 5954 MADAO (Matteo). Saggio d'un' opera, intitolata, II Ripulimento della Lingua Sarda, lavorato sopra la sua analogia colle due matrici lingue, la Greca, e la Latina. Cagliari, 1782. 410, vellum. A copy of this rare work sold in 1847 for 120 francs. It contains a treatise on Sardinian, a dictionary of words derived from Greek, another of words from Latin, and a collection of poems. 5955 MADAU (Matteo). Le armonie de' Sardi. Cagliari, 1787. 410, half calf. This rare work has escaped the notice of the bibliographers. 5956 Versione de su Rhytmu Eucharisticu de S'Angelicu Sanctu Thomas Adoro te devote, la/ens Dei/as. Cagliari, 1791. 8vo. 5957 NOVENA de sa Santissima Virgine de Gonare chi si zelebrat in su Monte de Gonare de sa Bidda de Sarule. Kalaris, 1865. 5958 OLIVES (Hieronymus). Commentaria, et glosa in Cartam de Logu, Legum et Ordinationum Sardarum noviter recognitam, et veridice impressam. Calari, 1708. Folio, half vellum. 5959 PORRU (Vine. Raim.). Saggio di gramatica sul dialetto Sardo Meridionale. Cagliari, 1811. 4to, half calf. Rare. 5960 PURQUEDDU (Ant.). II Tesoro della Sardegna ne' bachi e gelsi, poema Sardo e Italiano. Cagliari, 1779. With Plates. Half calf. 5961 ROSSI (Giov.) Elementi di gramatica del dialetto Sardo Meridionale e della Lingua Italiana. Cagliari, 1842. 8vo. 5962 Elementus de gramatica de su dialettu Sardu Meridionali e de sa lingua Italiana. Casteddu, 1842. 8vo, half calf. 5963 RUDIMENTUS (Is primus) de sa Fidi po usu de is pippius, e pippias de s'opera de sa Dottrina Cristiana de Santa Eulalia, parrochia de Sa Marina, e po utilidadi de tottus is abitantis. Calaris, 1826. 5964 SPINOLA e PATRIGNANI (Rew.). S'Anghelu de sa Guardia propostu in medi- tationes, exemplos, orationes, e praticas de virtudes. Cagliari, 1782. izmo. Translated by the Rev. J. Pinna. 5965 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). St. Matthew. II Vangelo di S. Matteo, volgarizzato in dialetto Sardo Cagliaritano dall' Avv. Federigo Abis. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londra, 1860. 8vo, morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 59 66 The same. This being the only copy of this edition on thick paper. Morocco. 5967 VI DA, martiriu e morte cun sas glorias postumas de Sant' Effisiu protettore de Calaris in cantos tres. Calaris, 1787. 8vo, half calf. 20 306 LOGUDORESE OR CENTRAL. 5968 BIBLE. Genesis. La Storia di Giuseppe Ebreo o i capi xxxvii e xxxix-xlv della Genesi, volgarizzati in dialetto Sardo Logudorese dal Can. Giovanni Spano. Seconda edizione, riveduta e corretta. Londra, (Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte), 1861. 8vo, morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 59- 9 - The same. This being the only copy of this edition with red borders. Crushed levant. 5970 - Ruth. II Libro di Rut volgarizzato in dialetto Sardo Centrale dal Rett. G. L. Spano. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londra, 1861. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 5971 - The same. This being the only copy of this edition on thicker paper. Crushed levant. 5972 - Canticle of Canticles. II Cantico de' Cantici di Salomone volgarizzato in dialetto Sardo Centrale dal C. G. S. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londra, 1861. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 5973 - The same. This being the only copy of this edition on thick paper. Crushed levant. 5974 - Jonah. La Profezia di Giona volgarizzata in dialetto Sardo Logudorese dal Can. G. Spano. Impensis L -L. Bonaparte. Londra, 1861. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 5975 - The same. This being the only copy of this edition with red borders. Crushed levant. 5976 CANZONI popolari inedite in dialetto Sardo Centrale ossia Logudorese. Cagliari, 1863-67. 8vo. 10 vols. 5977 - The same. Terza Serie. Cagliari, 1872. 8vo. 5978 - popolari inedite in dialetto Sardo Centrale ossia Logudorese. Parte prima : Canzoni storiche e profane. Cagliari, 1866. 8vo. 5979 COMPENDIU de sa Doctrina Christiana in Sardu Logudoresu. Kalaris, 1839. 8vo. 5980 COSSU (Salvadore). Manuale de sos principales obbligos de algunos istados, quali- dades, et officios. Cagliari, 1847. 8vo. 5981 -- Novena in honore de S'Ispiridu Sanctuqui si faghet in s'insigneparrocchiale ecclesia de Piaghe. Pisa, n.d. 5982 -- Su Poeta Christianu o siat sa doctrinetta in sonettos Logudoresos cum algunas cantoneddas sacras. Tataris, 1863. 8vo. 5983 - Sermones parrocchiales. Tataris, 1865. 8vo. 5984 - Operette spiritual! composte in lingua Sarda Logudorese. Opera postuma. Cagliari, 1872. 8vo. 5985 HOFMANN (G.). Die logudoresische und campidanesische Mundart. Marburg, 1885. 8vo. 5986 LOGU IBBA (Joannes de). Index libri vitae cui titulus est : Jesus Nazarenus rex Judeorum. Ville Nove Montis Leonis, 1736. 410, ha. f calf. A metrical Book of Devotions on the Passion of Christ. 307 5987 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). St. Matthew. II Vangelo di S. Matteo volgarizzato in dialetto Sardo Logudorese dal Can. G. Spano. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londra, 1858. 8vo, morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 5988 The same. This being the only copy of this edition on thick paper. Mor. GALLURESE OR NORTHERN DIALECTS. 5989 BIBLE. Genesis. La Storia di Giuseppe Ebreo, o i capi xxxvii e xxxix-xlv della Genesi, volgarizzati in dialetto Sardo Tempiese dal Rev. P. P. Porqueddu. Londra, (Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte), 1862. 8vo, morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 599 The same. The only copy of this edition with red borders. Crushed levant. 5991 La Storia di Giuseppe Ebreo, o i capi xxxvii e xxxix-xlv della Genesi, volgarizzati in dialetto Sardo Sassarese dal Can. Giovanni Spano. Londra, (Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte), 1863. 8vo, morocco. Only 250 copies. 5992 The same. The only copy of this edition with red borders. Crushed levant. 5993 Ruth. II Libro di Rut volgarizzato in dialetto Sardo Settentrionale Tempiese dal Chier. S. Spano. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londra, 1861. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 5994 The same. This being the pnly copy of this edition on thick paper. Crushed levant. 5995 II Libro di Rut volgarizzato in dialetto Sardo Sassarese dal Can. G. Spano. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londra, 1863. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 5996 The same. This being the only copy of this edition on thick paper. Crushed levant. 5997 Canticle of Canticles. II Cantico de' Cantici di Salomone volgarizzato in dialetto Sardo Settentrionale Tempiese dal P. G. M. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londra, 1861. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 5998 The same. This is the only copy of this edition on thick paper. Crushed levant. 5999 II Cantico de Cantici di Salomone volgarizzato in dialetto Sardo Setten- trionale Sassarese dal C. G. S. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londra, 1863. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. The translator was Canon Giovanni Spano. 6000 The same. This being the only copy of this edition on thick paper. Crushed levant. 6001 Jonah. La Profezia di Giona volgarizzata in dialetto Sardo Tempiese dal Rev. P. P. Porqueddu. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londra, 1862. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 6 002 The same. This being the only copy of this edition with red borders. Crushed levant. 308 6003 BIBLE. Jonah. La Profezia di Giona volgarizzata in dialetto Sardo Sassarese dal Can. G. Spano. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londra, 1863. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 6004 The same. This being the only copy of this edition with red borders. Crushed levant. 6005 BONAPARTE (Prince L.-L.). Canti popolari in dialetto Sassarese con osservazioni sulla pronunzia. Cagliari, 1873. 8vo. 2 vols. 6006 CANZONI popolari, ossia, Raccolta di Poesie Tempiesi. Sassari, 1859. Vol. i. 8vo. 6007 CATECHISMU (Brevi) traduziddu da ITtalianu par ordini di l'illus u e Rev" D. Alessandru Dominiggu Varesini, Arcivescamu Turritanu. Sassari, 1857. 8vo. 6008 CODICE degli Statuti della Repubblica di Sassari edito e illustrate dal Cav. D. Pasquale Tola. Cagliari, 1850. 8vo, half calf. 6009 COMPENDIQ (Brevi) di la Dottrina Cristiana. Sassari, 1770. 6010 CUBEDDU DE PATTADA (L.). Sa Congiura Iscoberta de sos Troianos Madami- zantes. Dramma Sardu. Sassari, 1886. 60 1 1 DETTORI (G.). I Sardismi del Dott. F. Romani. Sassari, 1886. 8vo. 6012 ESERCIZIUS fattus in sa cresia metropolitana de Aristanis po celebrai su Mesi Marianu s'annu de su Segnori 1864. Casteddu, 1864. 8vo. 6013 NOVENA po preparazioni a sa bona morti. Casteddu, 1859. 8vo. 6014 in honore de S. Sebastianu Martire, qui si faghet in s'insigne parrocchiale ecclesia de Piaghe in Bennarzu et Maiu ogn' annu. Sassari, 1865. 6015 PES LEONI (Michele). Canti Sacri. Sassari, 1861. 8vo. 6016 : Meditazioni per le persone analfabete visita all SS. Sagramento ed alcuni Sagri Canti. Sassari, i86z. 8vo. 6017 PORRU (Vissentu). Nou dizionariu universali Sardu-Italianu. Casteddu, 1832. 410, half calf. 6018 ROMANI (F.). Sardismi. Sassari, 1887. 2 a edizione. 8vo. 6019 SEPTENARIU in honore de su patriarcha S. Juseppe qui si faghet in s'insigne parrocchiale Ecclesia de Piaghe. Pisa, 1864. 14 pages. 6020 Another copy on thick paper. 6021 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). St. Matthew. II Vangelo di S. Matteo, volgarizzato in dialetto Sardo Gallurese di Tempio, dal Rev. P. G. M. Mundula. Con alcune osservazioni sulla pronunzia del dialetto Tempiese, del Principe Luigi-Luciano Bonaparte. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londra, 1861. 8vo, morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 6022 The same. This being the only copy of this edition on thick paper. Morocco. 6023 St. Matthew. II Vangelo di S. Matteo, volgarizzato in dialetto Sardo Sassarese, dal Can. G. Spano. Accompagnato da osservazioni sulla pronunzia di questo dialetto, etc., del Principe Luigi-Luciano Bonaparte. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londra, 1866. 8vo. Only 250 copies printed. 309 ITALIAN SLANG. 6024 BIONDELLI (B.). Studii sulle lingue furbesche. Milano, 1846. 8vo, half morocco. 6025 MODO NOVO da intendere la lingua Zerga, cio& parlar forbesco. Di novo ristampato per ordine di alfabetto. Con un capitolo, e quattro sonetti in lingua Zerga, nova- mente posti in luce. Venetia, (Bern, de Francesco), 1582. 8vo, half calf. Brunei says this work is rare. He mentions four Venice editions, 1549 or 1562, 1620, one without date, and 1628. 1562 may be a slip for 1582. 6026 da intendere la lingua Zerga, cio6 parlar furbesco. Di nuovo ristampata per ordine di alfabetto. Venetia, et in Bassano, (Gio. Antonio Remondin), n.d. izmo. Rare. 6027 da intendere la lingua Zerga, ciod parlar furbesco. Venezia, n.d. 24mo. 6028 TRATTATO dei Bianti ovver Pitocchi, e Vagabondi col modo d'imparare la lingua furbesca. Italia, 1828. 8vo, half calf. (d) RUMANSH OR LADIN IN ITS VARIOUS DIALECTS. 6029 A B C D Book, of Prayers. No title-page. Doeda d Samcedan 1'g prurn di dalg anno 1571. Schquitscho in Turich, anno 1642. 12010. 6030 ALMANACK. Calender Romonsch per 1861. Mustek. Also copy for 1862. 6031 II Tramagliunz ; Chalender d'Engiadina per 1'an 1864. Zuoz. 6032 ALTON (Johann). Die ladinischen Idiome in Ladinien, Groden, Fassa, Buchenstein, Ampezzo. Innsbruck, 1879. 8vo. 6033 AM PRIM A lectura par la Giuventegna da Scola e'gl Cantun Grischun. Cuera, 1834. 8vo, half calf. In the Oberland dialect. 6034 ANDEER (P. J.). Us reformaturs vel restauraturs della religiun Christiana nel 16 secul : Luther et Zwingli. Scuol, 1845. 8vo. 6035 Ueber Ursprung und Geschichte der Rhaeto-romanischen Sprache. Chur, 1862. 8vo. 6036 ANDER (J. J.). Speculum Christianum. Quai ais ; un spejel in il qual ilg Christian po vair qual saja seis nom, stadi, ed offici. Celin, Nuot Cla Janet, 1681. 12010, calf. This work is very rare. 6037 AVENARIUS (J.). Oratiuns Christiaunas. Fattas per uraer, da tuots tdrnps ed in tuots bsoengs ; partidas gift in scodiin di 1'eivna, prainsas our dallas oratiuns Jo. Avenani. Huossa da noef missas in romausch. Basel, 1615. i2mo, calf. The Preface is signed by Joan. L. Gritti, the translator. Joined to this work is the following : Aqui Zieva sun alchuns zoond bels ditts, prains our dalla Scrittura. Basel, 1615. Very rare ; first edition. 6038 Another edition, but the Title-page, part of the Preface, and some pages at the end are wanting. The title-page to the Bels dits is dated Basel, 1615. 6039 Another edition. The Preface is signed by Jac. Schucan. It also contains the Bels dits. Turi, Henric Muller, 1680. i2mo, calf. 6040 _ Oratiuns Christiaunas. Fattas per uraer, da tuots lmps, ed in tuots bsoengs, partidas giu in scodiin di dal 'eivna, vertidas. our da las Oratiuns Jo. Avenarii. Traes Johann L. Gritti e huosa cun licentia del hondro Cumoen d'Engiadina Zura la qtiintaevla gieda fattas stanpaer a cuost da Johann J. Biett. Augusta, Joan-Jacob Lotter, 1734. Calf. 604.! Oratiuns Christiaunas vertidas traesjohan L. Griti. Luzain, 1812. i2mo, calf. 310 6042 BAILY (Lewis). Praxis Pietatis. Quei ei, la prattica, ner, exercizi da la temma da Deus D'anschetta mess giu da Ludovico Baily .... ent ilg languaig Engles; a suenter quei mess en Franzos, a Tudesc, a da nief mess gui en nies languaig Rumonsch da la Ligia Grischa : tras Christian Gaudents. Basel, Johann Rudolph Genath, 1670. 8vo, calf. Very rare. Baily was Bishop of Bangor. 6043 Another edition. Lurainz Viezel's translation. Scuol, Jacobo Not Gadina, 1771. 8vo, calf. BARANDUN (J.). Fablas, siemis a Wilhelm Tell. Chur, 1860. 8vo. La giuvantegna. Chur, 1864. 8vo. BARBLAN (D.). Succint intraguidamaint nella religiun cristiauna per il povel ladin evangelic del chantun Grischun. Cuoira, 1855. 8vo. 6047 BAXTER (Richard). La Vusch da Dieu chi clarha ils pecchiaduors a poenitentia. Originalmang scrit in la Lingua Englesa e 1'hura tradiit in Franzees, mo huossa our d'il Franzees verti in noss Rumansch tras Jacob Henric-Dorta. Scuol, Peder Dorta et Men Peirschner, 1700. i2mo, calf. This is a perfect specimen of this rare translation of Baxter's "Voice of God calling Sinners to repentance. " 6048 BESCHER (II) sun la Planiira da Salisbury. Verti our dal Tudaisch n'il Ladin d'Engadina Bassa tras Ludovig Sartea. Coira, 1843. 8vo. 6049 BIBLE. La Sacra Bibla quai ais tuot la Sancta Scrittiira, etc. Tschantada, vertida 6 stampada in Lingua Rumanscha dTngadinna Bassa .... da Jacobo Antonio Vulpio et Jacobo Dorta a Vulpera. Scuol, Jacob Dorta a Vulpera, 1679. Folio. Brunei describes the second edition of 1743, and says that the first edition is dated 1657. Apparently this is a slip on his part. The first edition is very rare. In 1863 a copy, with the margins mended, sold for ,30. This is a perfect copy, with a few blemishes on the false title-page only. Jt contains both the Old and the New Testament, and the Apocrypha. 6050 Biblia sacra tradiitta in Lingua Romanscha d'Ingadina Bassa, vertida e stampada avant temp da Jac.-Ant. Vulpio et Jac. Dorta a Vulpera. La ii a editiun, augmentada da Nott da Porta. Scuol in Engadina Bassa, tras Jacobo N. Gadina et Jacobo W. Rauch, 1743. Folio. 6051 La S. Bibla, quei ei : tut la soinchia scartira, etc. Ent ilg Languaig Rumonsch da la Ligia Grischa. Coira, (Andrea Pfeflfer), 1718. 410. With a dedication in French to George I of England. Morocco. This is a remarkably perfect copy of this rare book. This version is according to the custom of the Reformed Churches of the Grisons. 6052 Bibla o vero la Soinchia Scritiira del Velg Testamaint. Coira, Otto, 1815. 8vo, morocco. (Accompanying this in a separate volume is the New Testament, // Nouf Teslamaint, published at Basel in 1812, also in the Lower Engadine dialect, 8vo, morocco.) 6053 La S. Bibla ner La Soinchia Scartira d'ilg Veder Testament. Coira, Otto, 1818. 8vo, calf. The Old Testament in the Grisons dialect. 6054 La Bibla u La Sontga Scartira dil Veder a Niev Testament. Francfort al Main, 1870. 8vo, calf. The Old and New Testament in the Grisons dialect. 6055 La S. Bibla ner la Soinchia Scartira d'ilg Veder Testament; and, Ilg Nief Testament da Niess Senger Jesu Christ. Messa giu ent ilg Languaig Rumonsch da la Ligia Grischa. Coira, 1818 and 1820. 8vo, morocco. 2 vols. 311 6056 BIBLE. Genesis. Da la Biblia ilg priim cudasch dalg S. Profeed Moisis, nominad Genesis, miss in la lingua da la honorada terra da d'Engadina Bassa traas Joan Pitschen Salutz. Tury, (Hamberger), 1657. 8vo. Very rare. 6 57 Exodus. Ilg Secuond cudasch dagl S. Profeed Moysis. Title-page missing. 8vo. 6058 Psalter. Un Cudesch da Psalms. Tratts our da Ig Tudaischk, luguads da chiantar in Ladin. Proa quai alchiiinnas Spirtualas Chiantzuns : chis cuuengen cun la uardad & Scrittiira Saingckia, ed our da quella tuuttas. Tras Durich Chiampel. Basel, Jani Excertier, 1606. 8vo. The first edition of this rare work is of 1562. 6059 Psalter. Psalterium Rheticum. Un cudesch da Psalms da Ig Prophet, e Raig David, chi suun fats, e miss da chiantar in Ladin : insembel cun alchiiinnas saingchias Chiantzuns Spiritualas. Proa quai sim ilg davoa iin bell Catechismus, etc. Huossa da noew fat stampar traas Andri Peer da Scuoll. Tschquitscha a Lindau, 1606. This is another edition of Durich Chiampel's work, and is very rare. 6060 Psalter. Us Psalms da David, suainter la melodia francesa, schantaeda eir in tudaisch, traes D r Ambrosium Lobvasser, da noef vertieus et schantos in vers romaunchs da cantaer, traes Lurainz Wietzel. Basel, Joh. Jacob Genath, 1661. 1 2 mo, calf. A first edition, and very rare. Each Psalm is accompanied with the music. 6061 Biblia Pitschna ; quai ais ils Psalms tots CL partids gio in 5 Cudeschs; et feta cun Versets, Sumas, Parts, e beus Registers, in ogni cas & bsongs. Da nov vertids in Romansch d'Ingadina Bassa, tras Nicolaum Anthonium, et Jacobum Anthonium Vulpium. Scuol, 1666. 8vo. Very rare. 6062 Psalms. XXX Psalms da David, Alchiins tenor la melodia dal Lobvasser; alchtins Ihura tenor la velga soli ta melodia Tudaisckia. Da nov vertids e tschantads in vers Romanschs d'Ingadina Bassar da cantar. Tras Jacobum Antho- nium Vulpium. Scuol, 1666. 8vo. 606 3 Psalter. Ilg Psalms d'ilg Soinc Prophet a Reg David : suenter las melodias Franzosas, cun 4 vuschs da cantar, par aedificar la Baselgia da Deus. Enten vers Rumonsches da la Ligia Grischa, tras Johann Grass. Turig, 1683. 12010, calf, with brass shields. Two Plates. 6064 Another copy. The Plates are missing. 6065 edition. Cuera, 1790. izmo, calf. With one Plate. 6066 Ils Psalms da David, suainter la melodia francesa, schantaeda eir in tudaisch, d 4 vuschs. Traes Johanem Jacobum et Bartholomeum Gonzenbach. Vertieus e schantos in vears Romaunschs da cantar traes Lurainz Wietzel. 2 da editiun. Straeda, 1733. 410, calf. 6067 Ils Psalms de David, segond melodia de A. Lobvasser. Tuot componu e miss in rima volgare, tras Valentin de Nicolai. Scuol, 1762. iimo, calf. 6068 Us Psalms da David, suainter la melodia Francesa, schantaeda eir in Tudaisch traes D r A. Lobwasser: da noef vertieus e schant6s in vers romaunschs da cantaer, traes Lurainz Wietzel. Resquitscho parte tras J. N. Gadina, et parte tras J. Pfeffer e parte tras B. Otto, 1776. 8vo, calf. 6069 Psalms of David (The), in Rumansh. Title and two other pages wanting. 8vo, calf. 312 6070 BIBLE. Ecclesiasticus. La Sabgienscha da Jesu filg da Sirach, cummoenamaing anumnaeda Ecclesiasticus, que ais la disciplina Sprituoela. Missae e schantaeda in Rumaunsch traes Luci Papa, minister da la baselgia da Jesu Christi. In Puschlaeff, traes Dolfin e Dolfin Landolffs, 1613. 8vo. This is a perfect copy of the first edition, which is very rare. 6071 Another edition. Turich, Geo. Hamberger, 1628. i2mo. 6072 BONORAND (D. C.). II Mandel Spiritual, que ais il minz dalla Cristiauna Theologia our dalla S. Scrittiira. Scuol, Jacob Nott Gadina, 1747. 8vo, calf. 6073 BOTTIGER (Carl Wilhelm). Rhetoromanska sprakets dialekter. Upsala, 1854. 8vo. 6074 BUHLER (J. A.). Grammatica elementara dil lungatg rhato-romonsch per diever dils scolars en classas superiuras dellas Scolas rurales romonschas. Part i. Cuera, 1864. 8vo. 6075 BUSIN (Peidar). Catechisem da chianter, in ilg quel vain cumprains la summa della vaira, veglia, prophetic-apostolic-evangelic-catholica Religiun, etc. Turi, 1672. i2mo. 6076 CANZUNS Spirituaelas davart Cristo Jesu il bun pastur, e deliziusa paschura per sias nuorsas. Cellerina, Giacomo N. Gadina, 1765. 8vo, calf. Frontispiece. A rare and curious collection of 164 hymns, with music for three and four voices. The Awertimaint contains interesting information as to the intonations. The greater number of the Hymns are by Giovanni Frizzoni. 6077 CAPPAULIS (Cappol) (Jacomo de). Las profundas Revelatiuns d'el beo Avangelist et Apostel dal Segner, S. Johann ; cun otras adjunctas supra diversa materia, etc. Scuol, Jacobo N. Gadina, 1770. 8vo. 6078 Nomenclature. Romanscha e Todaischa, fatta in adoever e benefici della Christiana Juventiina, etc. Scuol, Jacobo N. Gadina, 1770. 8vo, calf. This rare work contains a Grammar, Dictionary, Dialogues and a Christian Doctrine. 6079 CARIGIET (P. Baseli). Ortografia gienerala, speculativa Ramontscha cun in special, quort compendi per diever dil scolar. Must6r, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. 6080 Rhaetoromanisches Worterbuch, surselvisch-deutsch. Bonn und Chur, 1882. 8vo. 6081 CARISCH (Otto). Taschen-Worterbuch der rhaetoromanischen Sprache in Grau- biinden, besonders der oberlander und engadiner Dialekte. Chur, 1848. 410, half morocco. 6082 Grammatische Formenlehre der deutschen und rhatoromanischen Sprache, etc. Chur, 1852. 8vo, half morocco. 6083 Kleine deutsch-italianisch-romanische Wortersammlung zum Gebrauch in unsern romanischen Landschulen. Erstes heft. Chur, 1821. 4to, half calf. 6084 Kleine deutsch-italienisch-romanische Wortersammlung zum Gebrauch in den romanischen Landschulen des Kantons Graubiinden. Zweite Auflage. Chur, 1836. 410, half calf. 6085 Dritte, theils verminderte, theils vermehrte Auflage. Chur, 1848. 410. 6086 Grammatische Formenlehre der deutschen und rhatoromanischen Sprache fur die romanischen Schulen Graubiindens, nebst einer Beilage tiber die rha'to- romanische Grammatik im Besondern. Chur, 1852. 8 vo, half calf. 6087 Worterbuch der rhatoromanischen Sprache in Graubiinden. Chur, 1852. 4 to. 6088 CASTELBERG (Christ.). Area da vapur. In antruvidamen par fermir il tgierp digl carstieun. Coira, (1861). 313 6089 CATECHISM US. Catechisem in il quael las controversias ft disputtas principaelas da quaist temp sun cuortamaing decididas e rebatidas our dal Plaed da Dieu. Mis gio in Rumaunsch d'Engiadina Zura, our dal Taliaun. Stamp6 a cuost da Gudains Bunom. Troes Andrea Pfeffer in Coira. 1720. izmo, calf. At the end follows : La confessiun u descriptiun dall' intera religiun e cretta reformaeda. 6090 II Christian Catechisem suainter ch'el vain usito in las Baselgias da Heidel- berg, e quasi in tuots lous del Evangeli. La secunda editium. Traes Casparutn Fritzum. Augusta, Andr. Maschenbauer, 1722. i2mo, calf. This work is rare. 6091 que ais un intraguidamaint in la Religiun Christiauna, per adroff de las Baselgias d'Engiadina Zura. Coira, 1738. i2mo, calf. This edition is extremely rare. Con privilegium di Chiasper Frizum. 6092 Another edition. Scuol, Jacobo Not. Gadina, 1756. i2mo, calf. In this edition adroff"is spelt adover. This edition is also very rare ; it is not quoted by Andecr. 6093 Another edition. Coira, Sar Emanuel c. Battagli, 1776. i2mo, calf. 6094 ,, Coira, B. Otto, 1813. i2mo. 6095 La Christiana Catholica Doctrina en damondas e rispostas. Cuera, 1834. i2mo, half calf. 6096 CHIAMPEL (Durich). Un intraguidamaint dad infurmar la Giuvantiin in la vaira cretta, e cugusschentscha da qurllas chiaussas chi tuoccan proa a Ig saliidt da Ig Crastiaun, etc. Basel, 1606. 8vo. Second edition of Chiampel's catechism. The first is of Basel, 1562. 6097 CHRISTMANN (W. L.). Nachricht von der sogenannten romanischen Sprache in Graubiindten. Reutlingen und Leipzig, 1819. 8vo. 6098 CLOETTA ''Jacob de Chiasper). La Religiun Reformaeda declaraeda in seis artichels principaels in Un compendio erotematic da theologia. Coira, 1807. 8vo, half calf. 6099 (Johan Lucius). II Catechet Evangielic. Coira, 1828. 4(0. A short Catechism in verse. 6100 CODASCH da liger per la sagonda classa dellas scolas elementaras rumanschas an dialect de Surmeir. Coira, 1857. 8vo. 6101 CODEX CRIMINAL. Concept revedius din Codex Criminal per il Cantun Grischun. Cuera, 1838. 8vo. 6102 COMPENDI della Historia dil Veder e Niev Testament. Translatau en Romonsch dal R. P. Placi Tenner. Illustrada cun 144 maletgs. Nossaduneun, 1868. 8vo. 6103 CONFESSIUN (Saimpla e cordioela) della beoeda contemplaziun da 1'Agne Mazzo e fuorma da sia Passiun e Mort. Tradotta our del originoel Tudaisch, stampd 4 Berlin ano 1758. Ed huossa stampo da Jacomo N. Gadina, (Scuol), ano 1765. 8vo. 6104 de la Vera Cardienscha. Cuera, Jacob Otto, 1776. 8vo. A Declaration of the Doctrine of the True Faith. 6105 CONRADI (Matthias). Novas Canzuns Spirituals, cun melodias scrittas tiers cumin nitz a diever da las baselgias evangelicas Rumonschas. Coira, 1784. 8vo, calf. 6 X 6 - Cudisch da Devoziun. Bregenz, 1809. 8vo, calf. 6107 Praktische deutsch-romanische Grammatik. Zurich, 1820. 8vo, half calf. 6, g Taschenworterbuch der romanisch-deutschen Sprache. Zurich, 1823-28. I2mo, half calf. 2 vols. 314 6109 CUDASCH da Scoula per ils infaunts nel chantun Grischun. Chur, 1833. 8vo. (Grison's Reading Book.) 6 no CUDESCH (Priim) da schola per ils infants nel chantun Grischun. Coira, 1841. 8vo, calf. 6m A Rumansh Prayer Book. No title-page, izmo, calf. 6112 CUDISCH Instructiv per las scolas ruralas Catholicas. Chur, 1840. 8vo. 6113 Secund Cudisch de Scola. Chur, 1849. 8vo. 6114 CUNFIERT da POlma cartenta ancun ter la temtna da la Mort. (Translated into Rumansh by A. Nicka.) Turig d'ils Hartavels, Heinrich Bodmer, 1692. 8vo, calf. 6115 DANIEL DE BAGNOLO. Defensiun della vera Cattolica Romana Cardienscha. Banaduz, 1746. 8vo. 6116 Cuorta Declaratiun, oder parafrasi digl offici de nossa cara Donna Soingia Maria; con ils Salms, e Hymnis dellas Viaspras dilg Offici grond sco era dellas Completas e Offici dils Morts. B.annaduz, 1751. i2mo. 6117 DANZ (Peder). Una Cuorta Informatiun davart Is' principals puoncks da nossa Christiana Religiun, in adoever da la Juventuna. (Scuol ?), Stampa in il An, anno 1698. i2mo. 47 pages. An extremely rare work, containing an abridgment of Christian Doctrine. 6118 DECURTINS (C.). Ratoromanische Chrestomathie. Band i, Lieferung i. Das xvii Jahrhundert. Erlangen, 1888. 8vo. 6119 DER, DIE, DAS; oder, Nomenclatura. Scuol, 1744. 4to. (A Vocabulary of German Words with Rumansh and Italian equivalents.) 6120 DIETERICH (Johan Samuel). Predgia d'Ingratzchiamaint sopra la usche felicemaing & Hubertspurg tanter sia M. il Raig de Prussia, e sia M. I. sco Regina d'Ungaria concluta poesch ano 1763, die 15 Febr vertida in noss vulgar d'Engadina Alta tras me Jacomo Bonnom. Scuol, 1763. 8vo. 6121 DOCTRINA Christiana Catholica (Cuorta) per ils petschens affons cun zaconts mussamens u instructiun per prender penatienzia a pervergiar. Dilingen, (Leon. Bronner), 1798. i2mo. 44 pages. 6122 DORTA (Jacob). Fument Spiritual chi muossa al Christiaun il moed da purtar sia devotiun ogni dy d'eivna sco eir in otras occasiuns avant seis Dieu. (Scuol), 1758. 8vo, calf. 6123 DRELINCURT (Carl). Praeparatiun siin la S. Tschaina, que eis il drett moed da prouver se svessa, e da s'appinaer per comparair avaunt la Maisa da'l Segner. Trad, dal originael francos da'l Sigr. Carl Drelincurt. Basel, 1661. i2mo, calf. 6124 Another edition. Straeda, n.d. (The translator is L. Wiezel.) 6125 DU MOULIN (Pierre) Capuciner; quai ais, un zuond dalataivel e niizaivel Tractad, in ilg qual vain descrit e considera : La parschandtida, ilgs Vuts, Reiglas et dis- ciplinas dais Capuciners. . . . Mo huossa mis in Romaunsch, e con brick paucas, mo niizaivles observatiuns adampchia. Tras Joan Pitschen Salutz. Turich, H. Hamberger, 1650. 8vo, vellum. At the end : Fundamaint compilgiamaint, da la granda differentia e contrarietad, chi e's in ilg fat dalg Saliid, taunter il proedicants, serviaints de J. C. Et ils Capuciners Franciscaners, serviaints dalg Papa da Roma. . . . Tras Joan Pitschen Salutz. Also a short poern. Complete in this state this work is extremely rare. 315 6 1 26 EBERHARD (G.). Codisch de legier per las scolas ruralas Romonschas. Caera, 1865. 8vo. 6127 (J.). La accurata, evangelica ordinanza del saliid, segond la S.S. principis del catechisem da Heidelberg. Coira, (B. Otto), 1775. , 2 m O , calf. (Translated by Minar.) Rare. 6128 FIGLIA DEL FITTADIN (La); iina historia vardaivla; vertida n'il Romansch d'Engadina tras Ludovic Sartea. Coira, 1835. 8vo. 6129 FLORIANUS A BRIX (E.). Obligatiuns per ils Confrars e Sorurs della Compagnia dellas Tristezias de N.C. Donna, S. Maria. Panaduz, 1707. izmo, calf. 6130 FLUGI (Conradin de). Alchiinas rimas Romaunschas revisas et aumentedas. Coira, 1 86 1. 8vo. 6131 FORMULAR per las Baselgias da Engadina Zura. Da ngir dais Ministers observ6 sainza variatiun. Dri/6 traes comissiun dal Juncker Peter B. Planla. Strceda, 1691. 8vo, calf. (Defective.) 6132 quai ais Christiana Ordinanza, laquala tenor stylo de las Baselgias da Turi, vain usitada pro'l servezen da Dieu, in las Baselgias da Engadina Bassa. Scuol, 1691. 8vo, vellum. 6133 Another edition. Scuol, 1741. 8vo, calf. 6134 FRIZZONI (G. Gio. Batt.). Artichels davart chossas fondamentaelas amussaedas dalla S. Scriitura. Coira, 1776. 8vo. 6135 Testimoniaunza d'all amur stupenda da Gesu Cristo vers pchiaduors umauns, per gnir cantaeda in verss Missa. Cellerina, G. Bisatzi, 1789. 8vo, calf. 6136 (J. B.). Chanzuns Spirituelas. Seguonda ediziun. Coira, 1840. 8vo, calf. 6137 GABRIEL (Steffan). Ilg ver sulaz da pievel guivan ; Quei eis, unna curta summa da la Cardientscha d'ils Patriarchs, Prophets, ad Apostels : Anzaquonts Psalms da David, a Canzuns spiritualas, etc. Typis Georgii Hambergeri : squitschau tras Thomas Salomon Blech da Sent, a Menfort Gabriel da Lgiont, 1625. 121110, vellum. 6138 Another edition. Basel, 1649. i2mo, calf. 6139 ,, Basel, 1683. i2mo, calf. 6140 Another copy of the last, with title-page and parts of the book carefully restored in handwriting. Calf. 6141 Ilg ver sulaz da pievel guivan ; quei eis, iinna curta summa da la Cardienscha d'ils Patriarchs, Prophets, ad Apostels. Cuera, 1768. 8vo, calf. 6142 Another edition. Cuera. The date is partly destroyed, but appears to be 1740. 6143 GALLIN (F. D.). Eer en igl qual ei igl Scazzi zupau ; quei ei, La Compagnia della gloriusa Momma S. Onna, con sias reglas, constitutiuns, grazias, e perduns. Bene- duz, 1735. i2mo, calf. 6144 GARTNER (Th.). Sammlung romanischer Grammatiken, ractoromanische Gram- matik. Heilbronn, 1883. 8vo. 6145 GERHARDUS (Johan.). Meditatiuns soenchias, accommodadas ad excitar vaira pietad, e promover Ig profitt dalg horn interiur. Traltas our da las Medit. D. Joh. Gerh. Theol. D. p.m. Et de novo vertidas in Romaunsch tras Matthias A. Bisatz. Turi, 1686. izmo, calf. Soings discurs dad un olma fideiula, cun Deus a cun saseza, par sa muentar si tier iinna vera temma dal Deus. Banaduz, 1739. 8vo, calf. (Translated by the Rev. J. Moelius.) 316 6 147 GOFFINE (P.). Catholicas Instructiuns. (Translated into Runiansh by G. E. Riedi.) Cuera, 1823. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. 6148 GRISCHUN (II). Nos. 68, 69, 70 and 71. Cuera, 1857. 6149 GRODEN, der Grodner und seine Sprache. Von einem Einheimischen. Bozen, 1864. 8vo. 6150 HAUSEN (G.). Spirituals mussaments per manar ina Christianeivla Vita. Cuera, 1821. 8vo. Translated into Rumansh by J. A. Carigiet. 6151 HEINRICH (F.). Succincta formula. r. dad' inchialamar fraischias mansinas, nella vaira vitt' Jesu Christo, via'ls infants chi la priima vota sun dad admetter pro la S. Tschaina. 2. da cultivar, las inseridas ed inchialamadas ; cun continuar ad examinar la juventiim duas vel traias votas 1'ann. (Scuol), Jacobo N. Gadina, 1763. i2mo. Instructions for first communicants. 6152 HERMANN (H. C.). II cultivatur d'Aviuls. Turnein, 1860. 8vo. (Translated by N. J. Huonder.) 6153 Historia dil veder e niev Testament cun cuortas Instructiuns moralas per dievert della Giuventegna Ramonscha. Cuera, 1823. 8vo. (Translated by P. S. Frisch.) 6154 HUBNER (J.). Cient et quater Historias Sacras. Scuol, 1770. 8vo, calf. (Trans- lated into Rumansh by Petro Rosio de Porta.) 6155 INFORMAIUN davart il dretsauldaivel adoever del S. Sacramaint della Tschaina del Segner. Compraisa in una Confessiun, alchiunas dumandas, ed Oratiuns in uss' della Christiauna Juventiina. Turi, (Eustachio Froschauer), 1690. i2mo. 6156 ISTORIAS biblicas publichedas tres il colloqui d'Engiadina ota. Seguonda ediziun. Con ses chartas geograficas. Samedan, 1890. i2mo. 6157 JAGER (Albert). Tiber das rhatische Alpenvolk der Breuni oder Breonen. Wien, 1863. 8vo. 6158 KEMPIS (Thos. a). Quater cudischs de suondar Christus. Surrhein-Somvitg, 1843. 8vo, morocco. (Translated by the Rev. J. M. Camenisch.) 6159 Quater cudisches de suondar Christus. No date and place. 8vo, half calf. (The Imitation of Christ.) 6160 LAIG par ufFonts da Deus, Tettau or d'ilg S. Plaid da Deus, ad Evangeli da Jesu Christi. Cuere, tras Andreas Pfeffer, ent ilg On 1725. 8vo. Defective, all the book missing after page 32. 6161 LAUCHERT (Fr.). Untersuchungen iiber die Laut- und Formenlehre der rato- romanischen Sprache. Rottweil, 1845. 4to. 6162 LECHNER (E.). Das Thai Bergell (Bregaglia) in Graubunden. Natur, Sagen, Geschichte, Volk, Sprache, etc. Leipzig, 1865. 8vo. This dialect closely resembles the Rumansh of Lower Engadine. 6163 LINARD (J. C.). Cudaschaet da Cuffuert et Consolatiun, incunter tuotta crusch, et afflictiun. Schi, eir la Moart suessa. Tschlin, 1682. 8vo, calf. 6164 (Jon-)- Unna curta a clara informatiun la quala nus mussa enten 3 parts. Cuera, Andrea Pfeffer, 1717. 8vo. 77 pages. Followed by: Unna zund basngusa Reformatiun. . . . 18 pages. Very rare work in the Oberland dialect. 317 6165 LITURGIA ner Uraziuns ad agendas par las Baselgiadas Rumonschas Evangelicas sur a sut ilg uault en 1'Aulta Rhazia. Cuera, 1834. Folio, calf. 6166 MAGISTER AMIAtVEL (II), chi muossa als infants a leger e ad incleger que ch'els legian. Priima part. Terza ediziun. Coira, S. Benedict, 1840. 8vo. 6167 MANUALE de prneparatione ad mortem; quei ei, Un Mussament davart la prae- paratiun tiers la mort. Mess giu ent ilg lunguaig Rumonsch tras Christian Caminada. Turig, 1690. 12 mo. 6168 MARTIN (J.) e RAUCH (A. V.). Abyss dal' aeternitat in 3 cudeschs considerate. Turi, 1693. iirno, calf. Rare. 6169 MARTINEAU (Russell). Philological Society. On the Romonsch or Rhaetian language in the Orisons and Tyrol. London, 1882. Presentation copy to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte from the author. 6170 MARTINUS ex MARTINIS (J.). Philomela, quai ais canzuns spiritualas sun divers temps ed occasiuns in part da nov comproniidas, in part our d'autras linguas vertidas, drizadas quasi tottas a 4 vuschs in melodias dil Simler. Turi, Johan Rodolph Simler, 1702. i2mo, calf. 6171 Another edition. Scuol, Jacobo N. Gadina, 1751. i2mo, calf. 6172 Coira, Bernard Otto, 1797. i2mo, calf. 6173 MATTA D'IGL MIGIUR (La). Vertidas en Rumonsch da la part Sura tras Job. Salomon Blech et Joh. Riz a Porta. Cuera, 1836. 410. 6174 MEDUCTUZELIVIIESU [Dorta (J.)]. Appello a Philippo dormiente ad Philippum vigilantem. Causa, chi non sea vaira, chia Reformats dal Evangeli scan apostatats gio da la vaira cretta da S. Petro, et velgia Christiana Baselgia Romana; mo Papists bain. Fundamaint, ilg Papa svess quai muossa; cuntuot esi vaira. Scuol, tras. Jac. Dorta, 1672. 8vo, calf. A controversial work, written by Dorta, under the name of Meductuzeliviiesu. 6175 MIRAR sin Jesum (Ilg) antscheata a compliment da la Cardienscha. Cuera, B. Otto, 1815. 8vo. 6176 MISSIUN EVANGELICA (La). Un' acclamaziun a tuotts Christians. Promoviida alia Stampa della Societal Evangelica da Missiuns da Basel. Basel, 1845. 8vo. 6177 MOHR (Theod.). II stadi da nos antenats avant la Reforma. Un discours salvd ad occasion del iii Jubilaeo de la Reforma. Strada, Florin Janett Schiarplatz, 1820. 19 pages. 6178 (Ulrich von). Geordnete Gesetzes-Sammlung und grundsatzliche ueber- sichten der achtzehn Erbrechte des eidgenossischen Standes Graubiinden, nebst einem Entwurf zu einem allgemeinen Erbrechte fur den ganzen Canton. Chur, 1831. 8vo. This work contains Statutes, etc., in the Rumansh of Grtsons. 6179 MOLITOR (L.). Un Cudischet Nizeivel da Sofnchias Historias pridas or d'ilg Veder Testament, sco er anzaquontas canzuns spiritualas mellas en rumonsch. Squitschau en Ig On 1656. i2mo, calf. (Title and some other pages restored in manuscript ) 6180 MUOTH (G. C.). Grammatica romontscha-tudestga contenenta ils principals elements formals dil lungatg tudestg en lur relaziun cul lungatg romontsch dil Rein, cun exempels ed exercecis. Cuera, 1890. 8vo. 6181 MUSSAMENT. In cuort Mussament, et Intruidament de quellas caussas, las qualas scadin fideivel Christgiaun ei culpons de saver. Panaduz, 1732. i2mo. Rare. 6182 Another edition. Brescia, 1758. i6mo, half calf. Rare. 318 6183 MUSAMEN. (In cuort e bi) da suondar la Benedida Purschala Mumma Maria vcrtius or dil lungaitg Tudeschs en Ramonsch da mei Jacum Camen. Natali en Bergen, izmo. 6184 NONIUS (Petrus J.). Scharfa perchia da Chiastiamaint dal utissem Dieu. . . . Cun Una Preidgia d'avisamaint tiers Poenitentia, etc. Scuol, (Ludovico Gadina), 1720. 410. A fine copy of this very rare work. 6185 NOTEGEN (H. D.). La morale vel doctrina practica dil Christianismo in sias verdats essentialas succinctamaing declarada et composta in il praesent systemo. Strada, 1822. izmo. 6186 PALLIOPPI (Z.). Ortografia et Ortoepia del idiom romauntsch d'Engiadin' ota. Coira, Pargatzi et Felix, 1857. 8vo, half morocco. 6187 PATERTGIAMENTS d'in olma devoziusa manifestai en Oraziuns ed affects, special- meng Ordinai per far 1'ura d'Oiaziun avont il SS. Sacrament dilg Altar. Bergen, Francesco Locatelli, 1780. 28 pages. 6188 PITSCHEN (Nuot Cla.). Euthanasia quai ais art' da morir bain. Scuol, 1662. i2mo, calf. 6189 PLANTA (Joseph). Geschichte der romanschen Sprache. Chur, 1776. 8vo. 6190 - An account of the Romansh Language. In a letter to Sir John Pringle. (From the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Vol. Ixvi, part i. London, 1776. 4to.) f)igi - (Peter B.). Formular per las Baselgias da Engadina Zura. Da ngir dais Ministers observe sainza variatiun. Stroeda, Nuot Janet, ibgi. 8vo. 6192 PONTISELLA (J.). Catechismus. Curt mussameint dels principals punctgs della Christianevla Religiun. Lindauv vid' igl Bodensee, 1601. 8vo. (Translated by D. Boniface.) 6193 PORTA (Nott da). Catechism', oder, Informatiu de la vaira Religiun Christiana. Scuol, 1724. 8vo, calf. Rare. 6194. - La Dottrina da la Cretta e da la Pieta. Scuol, 1741. 4to. Rare. 6195 - Chronica Rhetica, oder, 1'Historia dal' origine, guerras, alleanzas ed auters .evenimaints da nossa chiara patria, la Rhetia. Scuol, Jacobo N. Gadina et Jac. D. Rauhio, 1742. 4to, calf. Good examples of this work are very rare. This copy is perfect. It is the only historical work printed in the dialect of the Orisons. 6196 - Raims spirituals, chi contegnan 1'inter' Historia, materia, principala dil V. Testam. Scuol, 1748. 8vo, calf. Rare. 6197 - (P. D. R. de). II premi dells venschaduors combattents suot la Bandera da Jesu Christi. . . . exponieu in Una Christiana predgia funeroela al ultim honore dell' ill arnpl e nob Signer Junker Paulus de Perini. Scanff, 1774. 4to. 6198 RATIA. Mittheilungen der geschichtforschenden Gesellschaft von Graubunden. Herausgegeben von Conradin v. Moor und Chr. Kind, i Jahrgang. Cur, 1863. 8vo. 6199 RAUSCH (Friedlieb). Geschichte der Literatur des rhatoromanischen Volkes mit einem Blick auf Sprache und Character desselben. Frankfurt a/M., 1870. 8vo. 6200 REFLEXIUNS cristianas sopra 1'incendi da Ftan arriva la not del ff Avril 1794, a desegn special da consolar ed instruir 'Is Incendiats, e dad avisar e cussglar 'Is Abitants dell' Ingiadina bassa. No town. 1795. 31 pages. 319 6zoi RIOLA (Conrad.). Trommeta spirituala per excitar tots dormenzats pecchiaders, in special quels chi dormen in Baselgia e Chiasa da Deis. Stamp* in Kngiadina Bassa (? Strada) tras Ludovico Janet. Ano 1709. 12 mo, calf. Riola was only the translator of this work, but it is usually catalogued under his name among Rumansh 6202 Martyrologium Magnum, oder, il Cudesch grand dels martyrs, etc. Pars Prima. Strada, 1718. 410, calf. The second part was never published. This fine copy contains the Register, which is very often wanting. The work is very rare. Riola is only the translator. The full title is very long. 6203 Another copy, without the Register. Calf. 620+ : T "' Part> da la M US: Spir: Ner Triumph d'ils Ligeus Festal a Passional; quei ei bellas Canzuns spiritualas. Coira, 1756. 8vo, calf. 6205 (Johann). Catechismus Catechumenorum : odercourta, nuzeivlae necessaria informatium per la juvantiim ed infants in las scholas e chi han da d'ir pro la S. Coena, cun amo alchiinas cuffortaivlas canzums ed eir Oratiuns ant e davo la S. Tschina. 1810, n.p. izmo. 6206 ROBAR (H.). Compendium elencticum religionis inter no reformats et ils Papals; quai ais un cuort compilgiamaint da dispittas de la Religiun, etc. Seoul, P. Dorta et Lud. Gadina, 1721. 8vo, calf. 6207 Compendium Religionis Christianae, etc. Strada, Ludovicum C. Janet, 1693. 8vo, calf. The date is in Roman figures thus : M. DC. VIIC. 6208 ROSI DA PORTA (J.). La Gloria della Religiun Christiana nell' adorable Persuna da Christi. Scuol, 1761. 8vo, calf. 6209 SALE (Flaminio da). Fundamenti principal! della lingua Retica, o Griggiona . . . all' uso di due delle principali Valli della Rezia, cioe di Sopraselva e di Sorset . . . coll' aggiunta d'un vocabolario Italiano, e Reto di due lingue Romancie, fatica del P. Flaminio Da Sale. Stampato nell principale monastero di Disentis da Francesco Antonio Binn, 1729. 410, calf. 6210 SALUTZ (Ulrich de). Zardin da 1'orma fidela, quai es dalettaivel hiert spiritual, etc. Coira, Andreas Pfeffer, 1711. 8vo, calf. 6211 Zardin da 1'Orma fidela; quai es dalettaivel hiert spiritual, etc. Scuol, 1764. 2nd edition. i2mo, call. 6212 SCHILLER (F.). Guglielm Tell ; drama en 5 acts. Cuera, 1865. 8vo. (Translated by J. A. Biihler.) 6213 SCH.MID (Ch.)- Hg Utschi Canari.- Eine Erziihlung fur Kinder. Cuera, Math. Rieger de Augsburg, 1837. i2mo. 6214 SCHNELLER (Chr.). Die romanischen Volksmundarten in Siidtirol. Band I. Literatur. Einleitung. Lautlehre. Idioticon. Gera, 1870. 8vo. 6215 SCHUCAN (N. N.). Collectanea da discours festals chi tratten la allegrusa naschenscha, la circumcision, resiistanza, et ascensiun da Jesu noss Salvader, davart ils duns del Spiert S. Scuol, Jacob Nott Gadina, 1761. 8vo, calf. 6216 SCHUSTER (J.). Historia dil Veder e Nieu Testamen per scolas Catholicas. Cuera, 1851. I2mo. (Translated by J. M. Durgiai.) 6217 SECHIA (Bastian). La via del eel in Jesu avrida, etc. Scuol, Jacoba Nott. Gadina, 1755. i2mo, calf. 6218 SECKA (Dominico). Vistmaint per las Nozzas dell' Agne qui in terra. Scuol, Dominigo Gadina, 1725. i2mo. 320 6219 SMID (Canonico). Storia d' S. Genofefa trasportada t' nose' Lingaz da6 'L Canonico Smid da M. D. Plovang d' Mareo. Porsenu, 1879. 8vo. 6220 STATUTS organics, civils, matrimoniels e da polizia del comon d'Engiadina sur Punt ota. Cuoira, 1839. 8vo. 6221 criminels dels comoens d'Engiadina sur Punt ota e Bravuong. Cuoira, 1841. 8vo. 6222 Aggiunta als Statiits civils e da polizia del Comon d'Engiadina sur Punt otha. Ordinaziuns da Comon dal priim Genajo 1840, inclusive als 7 Giuni 1847. Cuera, 1847. 8vo. 6223 STEINHAUSER (C. J.). Fundamental Instructiun en la Aridmetica. Cuera, 1808. 8vo. 6224 STENGEL (Edmund). Vocalismus de.s lateinischen Elementes in den wichtigsten romanischen Dialecten von Graubiinden und Tyrol aufgestellt und unter herbeizie- hung der verwandten romanischen Sprachen durch Zahlreiche beispiele belegt. Bonn, 1868. 8vo. 6225 STEUB (L.). Ueber die Urbewohner ratiens und ihren Zusammenhang mit den etruskern. Munchen, 1843. 8 vo, half calf. 6226 Zur rhiitischen Ethnologic. Stuttgart, 1854. 8vo, half morocco. 6227 STURZINGER (Jakob). Ueber die Conjugation im ratoromanischen. Winterthur, 1879. 410. 6228 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Ilg nouf sainc Testamaint da nos Signer Jesu Christi. Puschlaeff, (pro Landolfi), 1560. 8vo, calf. Extremely rare. This is a first edition of the New Testament translated by J. Biffrun, and the first book ever printed in Rumansh. Title-page and some pages of the preface are wanting, and also all the pages from page 868 to the end. 6229 L'g Nouf Saench Testamaint da nos Segner Jesu Christi, prais our delg Latin ed our d'oters languaigs, e Nuossa da noef in Arumaunsch, traes Jachiam Biffrun d'Agnedina. Puschlaeff, (Dolfin e Dolfin Landolfs), 1607. 8vo, morocco. Extremely rare. 6230 L'Nouf S. Testamaint da noas Signer Jesu Christi, huossa da noef vertieu in Romaunsch our da 1'originael Grace, traes Joann. L. Griti, da Zuoz. Basel, Georg Decker, 1640. 8vo, morocco. A first edition of this translation, and of the greatest rarity. 6231 Ilg Nief Testament da Niess Senger Jesu Christ, mess giu en Rumonsch da la Ligia Grischa, tras Luci Gabriel. Basel, 1648. 8vo, calf. Rare. 6232 Epistolas ad Evangelis sin tuttas Domeingias, a Firaus ; a gijs della Quareisma, cun la Passiun de N.S. I.' Christi. Mess giv ent Ramonsch della liga Grischa, tras igl S. R. Balthasar Alius (Alig). Cuera, 1674. i2mo, calf. 6233 II Nouf Testamaint da Nos Segner Jesu Christo, tradut in Rumansch d'Engadina Bassa. Basel, 1812. 8vo, calf. 6234 Ilg Nief Testament da Niess Senger Jesu Christ. Cuera, 1820. 8vo, calf. 6235 Ilg Nouf Testamaint da nos Segner Jesu Christo, tradut in Rumansch d'Engadina Bassa. Paris, 1836. 12 mo, calf. 6236 Ilg Niev Testament. Editiun nova revedida e corregida, tont sco pusseivel, suenter ilg original grec, da Otto Carisch. Quera, 1856. 8vo, unbound. 6237 II Nouf Testamaint da nos segner Jesu Christo, tradut in Rumansch d'Engadina Bassa. Paris, 1836. i2rrjo, calf. 6238 II Nouv Testamaint, tradut nel dialect Romauntsch d'Engiadina Ota tres J. Menni. Coira, 1861. 410, morocco. 321 6239 T ESTAMENTUM (Novum). II Nouv Testamaint, tradut nel dialect Romauntsch d Lngiadma Ota. 2nd edition. Samaden, 1883. 8 vo, morocco. (Menni's Upper Engadine New Testament.) 6240 - The Gospels of St. Matthew, S. Mark, and part of the Gospel of St. Luke in Rumansh. No date and place. 8vo. 6241 THEOBALD (G.). Das Biindner Oberland oder der Vorderrhein mil seinen Seitenthalern. Chur, 1861. 8vo. 6242 TILEMAN (P. J.). II Thrun da Gratia Jesus Christus comprenda in se saidasch puonchs. . . . Scuol, Jacomo Nott. Gadina, 1755. 8vo, calf. (Translated by C. a Planta.) 6243 TILLOTSON (Archbishop). L'Exelenza della Religiun Christiauna. Tradut del Frances in noas dialect. Coira, 1835. 410. 6244 TOUTSCH (C.). Unna Informatiun in la vaira, velgia Christiaunna Religiun, etc. Puschlaff, Dolfin et Dolfin Landolffs, 1613. 8vo. (An extremely rare work.) 6245 TUTSCHETT (Jachiam Papa u). Una cuorta et christiauna fuorma da intraguider la giuventiina, e par 1'g priim, co es cugniosche Deus, e se d'sues. Alhura Una declaratiun da la Chredinscha, dais dischs cumandamains, dalg Bab nos, dais sainchs Sacramains, tuot tres 1's Predichiauns da Chuoira in moed da dumanda aschanto, e missa in Aromaunsch. Puschleef, tres Cornelium ed Antonium Landuofs, dalg an. 1589. 8vo. Very rare. 6246 URAZIUNS da Damauns a da Seras sin tuts gis da 1'eama, vertidas or d'igl Tudesc en la Rumonsch da la part Sura. Quera, 1837. 8vo. 6247 URSINUS (Z.). Informatiun Chrastiauna, etc. Tiguri, 1613. 8vo, calf. (Trans- lated by P. Schucanus.) Extremely rare. 6248 VALENTIN (Fl.). Poesias compostas per 1'util dellas Scolas. Cuoira, 1863. 8vo. 6249 VEGEZZI-RUSCALLA (G.). I Romanci. Cenno Etnografico. Estratto dalla Rivista Contemporanea. Aprile 1858. 410. 6250 VIAS ad Ouvras da Deus enten 1'Olma (Las). Schaffusa, 1728. i2mo, calf. 6251 VITAL (J. U. G.). Collecziun, la quala contegna in se : I. Cuorta catechisaziun per ils catechumens. II. Canzuns in raima, deschsett nel nomber. III. Oraziuns in prosa, trenta e set nel nomber. Strada, 1841. izmo. 6252 (N.) e LECHNER (E.). La Dumengia-Saira. A promoziun da devoziun e pieted nellas famiglias. Coira, 1855-58. 8vo, half morocco. 6253 VULPIUS (Jachen Ant.). Historia Raetica translatada et scritta in lingua vulgara ladina. Coira, 1866. 8v<5. (From Biindnerische Geschichtschreiber und Chronisten, vii ) 6254 WALTHER (Fl.). Collectiun da Canzuns spirituals. Cuira, 1816. 8vo. 6255 - (Franz). Catechissem della Doctrina della Religiun Cristiauna. Cuoira, 1836. 8vo. 6256 Uraziuns da prus christiauns sin tuts gis, temps a circumstanzias. Cuera, 1827. 8vo, half calf. 6257 WETZEL (C. G.). Religiusas meditaziuns cun orazitms. Cuoira, 1838. 4to. 21 322 6258 WIETZEL (L.). La Prattica da Pietaet ; chi intraguida il Christiaun, chi ho desideri zieva il sieu saliit. Scuol, 1668. 8vo, calf. 6259 WILLY (Abr.). Sissonta tschunc Historias Biblicas. Lindau, 1755. 8vo, calf. (Translated from the Old and New Testaments.) 6260 WYS (J. Ch.). Extract historic del Velg e Nouf Testamaint, sto miss gio da principi in Tudaisch. Mo huossa miss gio in Rumaunsch traes L'M. Rev. Sig. Peidar Juvalta. Cuira, Pfeffer, 1719. 12 mo, calf. 6261 ZACHARIAS DA SALO (P. F.). Spieghel de Devotiun. Verona, 1665. 8vo. 6262 ZSCHOKKE (H.). Cudischet da Scola. Cuera, 1826. i2mo. (This School-Book contains a Short Catechism, a Short History, and a Description of the World.) (e) SPANISH-CASTILIAN. 6263 ACADEMIA de Buenas Letras de la Ciudad de Barcelona (Real), Origen, Progressos, y su Primera Junta General baxo la protecci6n de su Magestad con los papeles que en ella se acordaron. Tomo i. Barcelona, n.d. Vellum. (Licence to print is dated 1752.) 6264 AGRADECIMIENTO. Festive Agradecimiento que por la alegre conclusi6n de la paz universal de la Monarquia de Espana, con las demas Coronas, y Principes Christianos, rindi6 a la Magestad de Dios la excelentissima Ciudad de Barcelona. Barcelona, en casa de Cormellas, n.d., but probably 1698. 410. 6265 AGUDELO (A.). Ortografia razonada de la lengua hispano-americana, ordenada en dialogo. Bogota, 1857. 8vo. 6266 AHN (F.). A Key to the exercises of Ahn's new method of learning the Spanish Language. London, 1854. 6267 Practical and Easy Method of learning the Spanish Language. London, 1854. 8vo. 6268 AGUILERA (V. Ruiz). Armonias y Cantares. Madrid, 1865. 8vo. 6269 ALDRETE (Bernardo Jos6). Del origen, y principio de la lengua castellana 6 roma.ce que oi se usa en Espana. Roma, 1606. 410, calf. This is a first edition of this rare work. 6270 Del origen y principio de la lengua castellana, 6 romance que oy se usa en Espana. Madrid, (Sanchez), 1674. 8vo. (This work serves as an Introduction to the following, with which it is bound : Tesoro de la lengua castellana, o espanola. Compuesto por el licenciado Don Sebastian de Covarruvias Orozco. Madrid, (Sanchez), 1674-73. 8vo, calf. 2 vols. in one.) 6271 ALEJANDRIA (Pedro). La Cartera de Perico, llena de mentiras, verdades, sandeces y necedades. Pamplona, 1862. 6272 ALESSANDRI D'URBINO (Gio. Mario). II Paragone dell lingua Toscana et Castigliana. Prima editione. Napoli, (Mattia Cancer), 1560. 8vo, calf. This work is not in the British Museum, and is not mentioned by Brunei. 6273 ALPHABET fran9ais-espagnol a 1'usage de MM. les militaires fran9ais. Vitoria, 1807. 6274 AMADOR DE LOS RIOS (Jose). Estudios historicos, politicos y literarios sobre los Juii'os de Espana. Madrid, 1848. 8vo. 323 6275 ANTONIO (Nic.). Bibliotheca Hispana Vetus, sive, Hispani Scriptores qui ab Octaviani Augusti aevo ad annum Christ! MD floruerunt . . . curante Francisco Perezio Bayerio, qui et prologum, et auctoris vitae epitomen, et notulas adjecit. Matriti, 1788. 4 to, calf. 2 vols. (With portraits of Charles III and the author, and a fac-simile.) 6276 Bibliotheca Hispana nova, sive, Hispanorum scriptorum qui ab anno MD ad MDCLXXXIV floruere notitia. Matriti, 1783. 410, calf. 2 vols. These two works when united are, according to Brunei, of great value. The first is in chronological, the second in alphabetical order, according to the authors' Christian names. 6277 ARANA (Vicente de). Los ultimos Iberos. Leyendas de Euskaria. Madrid, 1882. 8vo. 6278 ARAQUISTAIN (J. V.). Tradiciones vasco-cantabras. Tolosa, 1866. 8vo. 6279 ARCAS (Ant. R.). Itinerario descriptive, geogrdfico, estadistico y Mapa de Navarra. Pamplona, 1848. 410. 6280 ARGAIZ (Fray Gregorio de). Poblaci6n eclesiastica de Espana y noticia de sus primeras honras, hallada en los escritos de S. Gregorio, Obispo de Granada, y en el Chronicon de Hauberto, Monge de S. Benito. Madrid, por Melchor Sanchez, afio 1667-69. 410, vellum. 4 vols. 6281 ARNAO (Vicente Gonzdlez). Diccionario de la Academia espanola. Edici6n abre- viada por D. Vicente Gonzalez Arnao, de la ultima hecha en Madrid en 1822. Paris, 1826. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. 6282 ASTETE (Caspar). Catecismo de la Doctrina Christiana. San Sebastian, Ant. Undiano, 1801. 82 pp. 6283 Catecismo de la Doctrina Christiana. Pamplona, 1865. 96 pp. 6284 Catecismo de la Doctrina Christiana. Anadido por el Lie. D. Gabriel Menendez de Luarca. San Sebastian, Ignacio R. Baroja, n.d. 80 pp. 6285 Another edition of the last. Madrid, Lezcano y Roldan, 1865. 8 pp. 6286 Doctrina Christiana, con su breve declaraci6n por preguntas, y respuestas. Salamanca : En la Imprenta de Antonio Joseph Villargordo. No date. 48 pp. 6287 BAENA (J. A. de). El Cancionero de Juan Alfonso de Baena (Siglo xv), ahora por primera vez dado d luz con notas y comentarios. Madrid, 1851. 410, half morocco. With fac-similes. (Edited by Eugenic de Ochoa, with an Introduction on Castillian poetry in the i4th and isth centuries, by P. J. Pidal.) 6288 BALLOT (J. P.). Gramatica de la lengua castellana. Barcelona, n.d. 8vo. 6289 Another edition. Barcelona, 1836. 6290 BARALT (Rafael M.). Diccionario de galicismos, 6 sea de las voces, locuciones y . frases de la lengua francesa que se han introducido en el habla castellana moderna, etc. Madrid, 1855. 8vo, half morocco. 6291 BARCIA (Roque). Filosofia de la lengua espanola. Sin6nimos castellanos. Madrid, 1863-65. 8vo. 2 vols. 6292 BARMANN (Geo. Nic.). Kurzgefasste spanische Grammatik nach Cormon und Sobrino. Hamburg, 1837. 8vo, half morocco. 6293 BARON (Jaime). Luz de la Fe" y de la Ley; entretenimiento Christiano entre Desiderio, y Electo, maestro y discipulo, en dialogo, y estilo parabolico, adornada con varias historias, y moralidades, para enst-nanza de ignorantes en la Doctrina Christiana. Barcelona, 1762. 410. 324 6294 BARREDA Y LOMBERA (Pedro). Nuevo Catecismo de la Doctrina Christiana. Madrid, 1769. 8vo, vellum. 6295 BARREIRO (L.)- (Biblioteca gallega.) Esbozos y Siluetas de un viaje por Galicia. La Corufia, 1890. 8vo. 6296 BENEKE (J. B. W.). Spanisch-deutsches Worterbuch zum Don Quixote. Berlin, n.d. 8vo, half morocco. 6297 BERBRUGGER (A.)- Nouveau dictionnaire de poche fran9ais-espagnol et espagnol- fran9ais. Paris, 1838. 8vo, half calf. 6298 BIBLE. Biblia en lengua espanola. Traduzida palabra por palabra de la verdad hebrayca, por muy excelentes letrados. Vista y examinada por el officio de la Inquisici6n. Con Privilegio del 11 Senor Duque de Ferrara, y aora de nuevo corre- gida en casa de Joseph Athias y por su orde jmprcsa. Amsterdam, 5421 (1661). 8vo, morocco. Rare. This edition was the last published of the famous Jews' Bible or Ferrara Bible, translated by Abraham Usque, and first published in Ferrara by Yonna Tob Atias, 5313 (1553). 6299 La Biblia, 6 el Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento traducidos al espanol, de la vulgata latina, por el Rmo. P. Phelipe Scio de S. Miguel. No place. 1823. 8vo, morocco. 6300 La Sagrada Biblia nuevamente traducida de la vulgata latina al espanol, por Don Felix Torres Amat. Tomo ii del Antiguo Testamento, y tomo ii del Nuevo Testamento. Madrid, 1824 y 1823. 4to. (Only parts of the Old and New Testaments). 6301 La Biblia, 6 el Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento traducidos al espanol, de la vulgata latina, por el Rmo. P. Phelipe Scio de S. Miguel. Impreso 1824. No place. 8vo, calf. 6302 La Biblia, 6 el Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento, traducidos en espanol por el Rmo. P. Phelipe Scio de S. Miguel. Madrid, 1797. Reprinted in London, (S. Bagster), 1825. This Book also contains the Portuguese translation from the Vulgate. i6mo, morocco. 0303 La Sagrada Biblia nuevamente traducida de la vulgata latina al espanol. Por Don Felix Torres Amat. Madrid, 1832. 8vo, half calf. (Segunda edici6n.) 5 vols. 6304 La Santa Biblia, que contiene el Antiguo y el Nuevo Testamento. Londres, 1853. 8vo, calf. 6305 La Biblia, 6 el Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento, traducidos en espanol por el Rmo. P. P. Scio de S. Miguel. Madrid, 1797. Reimpreso en L6ndres, (Bagster), 1858. i6mo, morocco. On the opposite page to the Spanish is a Portuguese translation. 6306 La Biblia vulgata latina, traducida al espanol y anotada por el ilu,strisimo Senor Don Felipe Scio de San Miguel. Edici6n de lujo enrequecida con finisimas laminas. Paris, 1861. 8vo. 5 vols. 6307 (Psalter.) Las Alaban9as de Santidad, traduci6n de los Psalmos de David, por la misma phrasis y palabras del Hebrayco. Por el Haham Yahacob Yehuda, Leon Hebre"o. Amsterdam, 5431 (1670). 8vo. The Psalms in Hebrew and Spanish 6308 BIBLIOTECA de autores espanoles desde la formaci6n del lenguage hasta nuestros dias. Tomo Ivii. Poetas castellanos anteriores al Siglo xv. Colecci6n hecha por Don Tomas Antonio Sanchez. Madrid, 1864. 8vo. 6309 BILBOA. Ciencias, Letras, Aries. Tomo ii. Bilbao, 1886 325 6310 BLANC (S.-H.). Dialoghi e esercizj spagnuoli-italiani, manuale epistolare. Lione e Parigi, 1843. izmo, half morocco. 6311 Nuovo Franciosini o sia Grammatica della Lingua Spagnuola all' uso degli Italian!. Parigi e Lione, 1847. tzmo, half morocco. 6312 BLUTEAU (Raphael). Diccionario castellano yportuguez para facilitar a los curiosos la noticia de la lengua latina, con el uso del vocabulario portuguez y latino. Lisboa Occidental, 1721. 410, half calf. 6313 BOIX (Vicente). Memorias de Sagunto. Valencia, 1865. 8vo. 6314 BOLETIN bibliografico espaiiol por Don Dionisio Hidalgo. Madrid, 1860-65. For the years 1860-64 the work is bound into five volumes ; for the year 1865 there are the first nine parts. See also 6425. 6315 BCOCH-ARKOSSY (F.) Nuevo diccionario de las lenguas castellana y alemana el mas completo que se ha publicado hasta el dia. Leipsique, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. 6316 BORRAS (Jos6). Verdaderos principios de la lengua castellana; or, True Principles of the Spanish Language. Belfast, 1827. i2mo, half morocco. 6317 BORRONI (Bart.). Nuovissima Grammatica Spagnuola. Milano, 1812. 410, half calf. 6318 BOUTERWEK (F.). Histoire de la litte"rature espagnole, traduite de 1'allemand, par le traducteur des Lettres de Jean Miiller. Paris, 1812. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. in one. 6319 History of Spanish and Portuguese Literature; translated from the German into English by Thomasina Ross. London, 1823. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. 6320 BRASCH (M. W.). Yollstandiges Handbuch der spanischen Sprache. Hamburg, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. 6321 BRAVO (B.). Thesaurus Hispano-Latinus utriusque linguae verbis et phrasibus abundans : primum a P. Bartholomaeo Bravo e Societate Jesu inventus : deinde a P. Petro de Salas ex eadem Societate locupletatus : postea multis dictionibus, formulisque elegantibus auctus et excultus, particulisque ad orationem perpolien- dam obiter explicatis, illustratus a P. Valeriano Requejo. Editio novissima auctior et emendatior. Barcinone, 1826. 410, calf. 6322 BRINCKMKIER (Ed.). Vollstandige Grammatik der spanischen Sprache. Braun- schweig, 1844. 8vo, half calf. 6323 CABALLERO (Fernan.). Clemencia. Novela de Costumbres. (Tomo i de la Colecci6n de Autores espanoles.) Londres, n.d. 8vo. 6324 La Gaviota. Novela de Costumbres, (Tomo ii). Londres, n.d. 8vo. 6325 La Familia de Alvareda, Novela original de costumbres populares; y Lagrimas, Novela de costumbres contemporaneas. (Tomo v.) Leipzig, 1860. 8vo. 6326 CABRERA (Ramon). Diccionario de etimologias de la lengua castellana; obra p6stuma publicada por Don Juan Pedro Ayegui. Madrid, 1837. 410, calf. 2 vols. 6327 CAMPION Y JAYME-BON (Arturo). Consideraciones acerca/de la cuesti6n foral y los Carlistas en Navarra. Madrid, 1876. 8vo. 6328 CAMOENS (Luis de). Poesfas de Luis de Camoens, que tradujo al castellano Don Lamberto Gil. Madrid, 1818. 8vo, calf. 3 vols. 6329 CAPMANY (Antonio de). Nuevo diccionario franceVespanol. Madrid, 1805. 410, half morocco. 6330 CARLBERG (Jacob Wilm.). Spansk Sprakliira. Stockholm, 1826. 8vo, half calf. (Spanish Grammar for Swedes.) 326 6331 CASAS (Christoual de las). Vocabulario de las dos lenguas toscana y castellana. . . . Et accresciuto da Camillo Camilli di molti vocaboli, che non erano nelia prima impressione. Venetia, Damian Zenaro, 1587. 8vo, vellum. 6332 Another edition. Venetia, appresso i Guerra fratelli, 1604. 8vo, vellum. This work is not catalogued by Brunei, Graesse and Watt, who make no mention of this author. 6333 CATECISMO para el uso de todas las iglesias del Imperio Frances. Aprobado por el Cardenal Caprara y mandado publicar por el Emperador Napoleon. Segunda edici6n. Madrid, 1808. 8vo, calf. (With portrait of Napoleon I.) 6334 CENSO de la poblaci6n de Espana, segun el recuento verificado en 21 de Mayo de 1857 por la Comisi6n de Estadistica General del Reino. Madrid, 1858. Folio. 6335 CERDA' DE VILLARESTAU (M.). Catalogo general de las antiguas monedas aut6nomas de Espana, con noticia de sus leyendas, tipos, simbolos y pueblos a que corresponden. Madrid, 1858. 410. Autograph presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 6336 CHANVALLON (M. de). Paraphrases sobre los Cantares de Cantares de Salamon, hechas en Frances por el Seiior de Chanvallon, y traducidas en Espanol por un andante de Fortuna. Dedicados a la Magestad Christianissima y invictissima de Don Henrico IIII, Rey de Francia y de Navarra. Paris, (Daniel Guillemot), 1601. 4 to, vellum. Very rare. 6337 CHARANZA (D. J.). Theoretisch-praktische spanische Sprachlehre. Wien, 1839. 8vo, calf. 6338 COLECCIO'N de algunas poesias castellanas anteriores al siglo xv, para servir de continuaci6n a la publicada por D. Tomas Antonio Sanchez. Libro de Apolonio. Vida de Santa Maria Egipciaca y La Adoraci6n de los Santos Reyes. Madrid, 1841. 410, calf. Printed from an old MS. in the Escorial Library. 6339 CONNELLY (T.) and HIGGINS (T.). A New Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages in four volumes. Madrid, 1797-98. 8vo, calf. 6340 CORMON (J.-L. Barthe"lemy). Le Maitre d'espagnol, ou elements de la langue espagnole, a 1'usage des fran9ais. 8 e Edition. Paris et Lyon, 1837. izmo, half calf. 6341 CORMON Y MANNI. Diccionario italiano-espanol y espanol-italiano. Nueva edici6n revista y aumentada por S. H. Blanc. Leon, 1843. iSmo, half calf. 6342 GORTON (J. P. L.). Album de la Caridad. Juegos Florales de la Coruna en 1861, seguido de un mosaico poetico de nuestros vates gallegos contemporaneos. Coruna, 1862. 8vo, half morocco. 6343 CRAMER (Matthias). Grammatica et syntaxis linguae Hispanicae. Noribergae, 1711. 8vo, half calf. 6344 DASCONAGUERRE (J.-B.). Ecos del Paso de Roldan. Traducido del vascuence. Bayonne, 1867. 8vo. Autograph copy to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte, to whom also the author dedicates this work. 6345 DECLAMACIO'N contra los abuses introducidos en el castellano presentada y no premiada en la Academia espanola, ano de 1791, etc. Madrid, 1793. 8vo, half calf. 6346 DEL MAR (E.). Grammar of the Spanish Language. 5th edition. London, 1848. i2mo. 327 6347 DEMOSTRACIONES (Piadosas y patrioticas) de la M. N. Y. M. L. Ciudad de San Sebastian y su ilustre Consulado cuando en el dia 31 de Agosto de 1815 celebraban el primer Anrversano .... en memoriay sufragio delos beneme'ritos vecinos, que mune'ron el mismo dia y en los siguientes a la catastrofe y debasiaci6n de dicha Ciudad en 1813. Oyarzun, n.d. 6548 DEMO'FILO. Colecci6n de enigmas y adivinanzas en forma de diccionario. Halle y Palermo y Sevilla, 1880. 8vo. 6349 DERANCO (P.)- Spanish, Portuguese and German Pocket-Dictionary. Hamburg, 1829. 8vo. 6350 DIA'LOGO de la Lengua (tenido azia el A. 1533) i publicado por pritnera vez el ano de 1737. Ahora reimpreso conforme al MS. de la Biblioteca Nazional, unico que el Edit6r conoze. Por Ape"ndize va una Carta de A. Valde"s. Madrid, 1 860. 4to. This work is attributed by Ticknor and other authorities to Don Juan de Valdes, by others, including Pellicer, to his brother Don Alfonso ; the editor of the above work, after carefully balancing the claims of the two, decides in favour of Don Juan. Sefior Menendez y Pelayo and Mr. Jas. Fitzmaurice- Kelly are of the same opinion. 6351 DIARIO del gobierno en la Coruna. i de Enero al 23 de lunio de 1813. Coruna. Half calf. 6352 DICTIONARIO castellano. Dictionnaire fransois. Dictionari catala. Barcelona, 1647. 8vo, morocco. This trilingual Dictionary is dedicated to the Marquis de Btezt. 6353 de la lengua castellana ; compuesto por la Real Academia espanola. Madrid, 1726-39. 410, half calf. 6 vols. This edition is now very scarce, and is much sought after. 6354 de la lengua castellana compuesto por la Real Academia espanola. Segunda impresi6n. Tomoi:A B. Madrid, 1770. 4to, calf. 6355 geografico-hist6rico de Espana por la Real Academia de la Historia. Madrid, (Viuda de Joaquin Ibarra), 1802. 4to, half calf. Secci6n i a . Comprehende el reyno de Navarra, senon'o de Vizcaya, y provincias de A'lava y Guipuzcoa. 2 vols. 6356 Another copy of the same edition on larger paper. Half morocco. 6357 maritimo espanol. Madrid, 1831. 410. 6358 de la lengua castellana por la Academia espanola. Novena edici6n. Madrid, 1843. Folio, calf. 6359 Decima edici6n. Madrid, 1852. 410. 6360 Duode"cima edici6n. Madrid, 1884. 410. 6361 Another copy of this work, with the title-page and all to page 25 wanting. 6362 enciclope"dico de la lengua espanola, con todas las voces, frases, refranes y locuciones usadas en Espana y las Americas espanolas. Madrid, 1859- 8vo. 2 vols. 6363 (Nuevo) de la lengua castellana, por una Sociedad Literaria. Paris, 1 860. 8vo. 6364 espanol-italiano y italiano-espanol. Paris, 1860. i2mo. 2 vols. 6365 (novisimo) de la lengua castellana con la correspondencia catalana el mas completo de cuantos han salido a luz. Por una Sociedad Literaria. Barcelona, 1867. 4to, half morocco. 2 vols. 6366 DISCURSOS leidos ante la Real Academia espanola en la recepci6n publicadel Ilmo. Sr. D. Pedro Felipe Monlau el dia 29 de junio de 1859. Madrid, 1859. 8Vo. 6367 leidos ante la Real Academia espanola en la recepci6n publica de Don Severo Catalina del Amo, el dia 25 de marzo de 1861. Madrid, 1861. 8vo. 328 6368 DOMINGUEZ (Ramon Joaquin). Diccionario nacional, 6 gran diccionario clasico de la lengua espanola. Madrid, 1848-49. 3rd edition. 4to, half morocco. ^ vols. With Supplement to the 4th edition. Madrid, 1851. Folio, half morocco. 6369 Diccionario universal franceVespanol y espanol-france"s. Segunda edicion. Madrid y Paris, 1853-54. 410. 2 vols. 6370 Diccionario nacional 6 gran diccionario clasico de la lengua espanola. Madrid y Paris, 1861. Novena edici6n. Folio. 6371 DOZY (R.) et ENGELMANN (W. H.). Glossaire des mots espagnols et portugais de'rive's de 1'arabe. Leyde et Paris, 1869. 4to. 6372 E. (S. F. de). Breve resena hist6rica del Santuario 6 Imagen de Nuestra Senora de Aranzazu. Tolosa, n.d. 6373 EDDAS (Los), traduccion del antiguo idioma scandinavo, premiada por el rey de Suecia con la medalla de oro, y al espanol, con vista de otras versiones, por D. A. de Los Rfos. Madrid, 1856. 8vo, half morocco. 6374 EGANA (Domingo Ign. de). El Guipuzcoano instruido en las reales cedulas, despachos, y ordenes, que ha venerado su Madre la Provincia. San Sebastian, 1780. Folio, half calf. 6375 EGUfLAZ Y YANGUAS (Leopoldo de). Glosario etimologico de las palabras espanolas (castellanas, catalanas, gallegas, mallorquinas, portuguesas, valencianas y bascongadas) de origen oriental (arabe, hebreo, malayo, persa y turco). Granada, 1886. 410. 6376 EGUREN (J. M. de). Metodo prdctico para ensenar el castellano en las escuelas vascongadas. Vitoria, 1867. 8vo. 6377 ELIZONDO (Pablo Miguel de). Compendio de los cinco tomos de los annales de Navarra. Pamplona, 1732. 4to, vellum. 6378 ENGELMANN (W. H.). Glossaire des mots espagnols et portugais de'rive's de 1'arabe. Leyde, 1861. 8vo, half morocco. 6379 ENSAYO sobre la nobleza de los bascongados, compuesto en francos, traducido por D. Diego de Lazcano, Presbytero. Tolosa, 1786. 8vo, half morocco. See also 6502. 6380 para una collecci6n de memorias de hombres ce'lebres, prelados, escritores y sujetos notables en virtud y doctrina naturales de Guipuzcoa. Florencia, 1876. 8vo. 6381 FENELON (F. de S. de la Mothe). Las Aventuras de Telemaco. Paris, 1837. 8vo, half vellum. With Portrait. 6382 FEYJOO' Y MONTENEGRO (Benito-Geronimo). Ilustraci6n apologetica al primero, y segundo tomo del teatro critico. Madrid, 1777. 8vo, calf. 6383 Indice general alfabetico. Madrid, 1774. 4to, calf. 6384 Cartas eruditas, y curiosas. Madrid, 1774, 1777 and 1778. 8vo, calf. 5 vols. 6385 Teatro critico universal, 6, Discursos varies en todo genero de materias, para desengano de errores comunes. Madrid, 1777-1878 and 1879. 8vo, calf. 8 vols. These sets are made up of various editions. 6386 FIESTAS DE PAMPLONA. Relaci6n de las Fiestas que el il mo Sefior Don Antonio , Venegas de Figueroa, Obispo de Pamplona, hizo el dia del Santissimo Sacramento, y por todo su octavario, este ano de 1609. Con las Poesias que fueron premiadas, conforme a los Certamenes. Pamplona, en casa de la viuda de Mathias Mares impressora del Reyno de Navarra, ano 1609. Morocco. Very rare. 329 6387 FITA Y COLOME (Fidel). El gerundense y la Espana primitiva. Discursos leidos ante la Real Academia de la Historia en la recepci6n publica del R. P. Fidel Fita yColome, S. J. Madrid, 1879. 410. 6388 y FERNA'NDEZ GUERRA (Aur.). Recuerdos de un viage d Santiago de Gahcia. Madrid, 1880. 410. 6389 Galerfa de Jesuitas ilustres. Madrid, 1880. 6390 FLOREZ (Rev. H.). La Cantabria, Disertaci6n sobre el sitio, y extensi6n que tuvo en tiempo de los Romanes la region de los Cantabros, etc. Discurso preliminar al tomo xxiv de la Espana Sagrada sobre la Provincia Tarraconense. Madrid, 1786. 4to, calf. 6 39* (Jose" Segundo). Gramdtica filos6fica de la lengua espanola. Segunda edici6n. Paris, 1856. 8vo. 6392 FRANCESON (C. F.). Grammatik der spanischen Sprache. Dritte vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage. Leipzig, 1850. 8 vo, half calf. 6 393 Nuevo diccionario de las lenguas espafiola y alemana. Nueva edici6n. Leipsique, n.d. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. ^394 Worterbuch der spanischen und deutschen Sprache von C. F. Franceson. Leipzig, Tauchnitz, n.d. 8vo, half morocco. 6395 FRANCIOSINI (Lorenzo). Grammatica spagnuola ed italiana. Nuova impressione. Venezia, 1734. 8vo, calf. 6396 Vocabolario italiano, e spagnolo novamente dato in luce. Venezia, 1796. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. in one. 6397 FRELLSEN (G.). Diccionario de las lenguas espanola ynoruega. Bergen, 1859. 8vo. 6398 GALINDO Y DE VERA (Leon). Progreso y vicisitudes del idioma castellano en nuestros cuerpos legalcs desde que se romance6 el Fuero Juzgo, hasta la sanci6n del c6digo penal que rige en Espana. Madrid, 1865. 8vo. 6399 GANDARA (Felipe de la). El Cisne occidental canta las palmas, y triunfos eclesias- ticos de Galicia. Madrid, (1677). 8vo, calf. 2 vols. 6400 GARCES (Gregorio). Fundamento del vigor y elegancia de la lengua castellana, expuesto en el propio y vario uso de sus particulas. Madrid, 1791. 8vo, calf. 6401 GARCFA DEL POZO (Gregorio). Paralelo entre la ortograffa y ortologfa castellanas, y propuestas para su reforma. Madrid, 1817. 4to, calf. 6402 GATTEL (C. M.). Dictionnaire francois-espagnol et espagnol-francois, avec 1'inter- pre*tation latine de chaque mot. Lyon, an xi=i8c>3. 4tp, half calf. 2 vols. 6403 GIRALT (Jose" Planellas). Ensayo de una flora fanerogamica gallega ampliada con indicaciones acerca los usos medicos de las especies que se describen. Santiago, 1852. 4 to. 6404 GOIZUETA (J. M. de). Leyendas vascongadas. Madrid, 1856. With Illustrations. Calf. 6405 GO'MEZ DE MIER (J. E.). Der echte Spanier oder Anweisung zur griindlichen Erlernung der spanischen Sprache. Hamburg, 1851. 8vo, half morocco. 6406 Manual de la literatura moderna espanola, en prosa y verso, para el estudio de la lengua castellana. Hamburgo, 1853. 2 edicion. 8vo, half morocco. 330 6407 GO'NGORA Y MARTTNEZ (Manuel de). Antiguedades prehistoricas de Andalucia. Illustrated. Madrid, 1868. 4to. 6408 GONZA'LEZ (Juan Vicente). Compendio de gramdtica castellana, segun Salva i otros autores. Septima edici6n. Bogota, 1857. 8vo, half morocco. 6409 GOROSABEL (Pablo de). Diccionario de los Pueblos, Valles, Partidos, Alcaldids y Uniones de Guipuzcoa, con un apendice de las Cartas-Pueblas y otros documentos importantes. Tolosa, 1862. 4to. 6410 GRAMA'TICA de la lengua castellana, compuesta por la Real Academia espaiiola. 4* edici6n, corregida y aumentada. Madrid, 1796. 8vo, calf. 6411 de la lengua castellana, compuesta por la Real Academia espanola. Nueva edici6n. Paris, 1832. i2mo, half calf. 6412 de la lengua castellana, compuesta por la Real Academia espanola. Nueva edici6n. Paris, 1855. i2mo, calf. 6413 de la lengua castellana, por la Real Academia espanola. Madrid, 1858. 8vo. 6414 Compendio de la gramaticade la lengua castellana, dispuesto por la Real Academia espanola. Madrid, 1860. 8vo. 6415 GRAMMAIRE espagnole, composed par 1'Acade'mie royale espagnole, traduite en fran9ais par F.T.A. Chaiumeau de Verneuil. Paris, Samson, 1821. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. 6416 GRAMMAR. A Spanish Grammar for the use of Russians. Mitau, 1811. 8vo. In the Russian character. 6417 GUTIERREZ (Rafael). Sin6nimos de la lengua castellana, segun las diferencias de ellos, establecidas por Olive i Pelegrin en su Diccionario, i por Huerta en su Ensayo. Bogota, 1857. 8vo. 6418 HALLER (J.). Altspanische Sprichworter und sprichwortliche Redensarten aus den Zeiten vor Cervantes in's deutsche ubersetzt, etc. Regensburg, 1883. 8vo. 2 vols. 6419 HAMMER-PURGSTALL (Freiherrn). Tiber die arabischen Worter im spanischen. 8vo. (Aus dem Novemberhefte des Jahrganges 1854 der Sitzungsberichte der philos.-histor. Classe der K. Akad. der Wissens. [Bd. xiv, S. 87] besonders abgedruckt.) The author's initials are not given. He is Hammer- Purgstall the Younger. 6420 HARMONIERE (G.). Grammaire espagnole. Paris, 1821. i2mo, half calf. 6421 HELFFERICH (Ad.) et CLERMONT (G. de). Ape^u de 1'histoire des langues ne"olatines en Espagne. Madrid, 1857. 6422 HENAO (Gabriel de). Averiguaciones de las antiguedades de Cantabria, endere- zadas principalmente a descubrir las de Guipuzcoa, Vizcaya, y Alaba. Salamanca, 1689-91. Folio, calf. 2 vols. 6423 HERNANDO (Victoriano). Impugnaci6n razonada en contra del prontuario de orto- grafia castellana, que de Real Orden ha compuesto la Academia de la lengua espanola, con arreglo a su ultimo diccionario, para uso de las escuelas publicas. Madrid, 1845. 410. 6424 HEVIA (D.). Diccionario general militar de voces antiguas y modernas. Madrid, 1857. 8vo, half morocco. 331 6425 HIDALGO (Dionisio). Diccionario general de bibliografia espauola. Madrid, 1861 to 1870. 8vo. 4 vols. (Vols i and ii are in parts.) 6426 HOLLAND (Henry Richard, Lord). Some account of the Lives and Writings of Lope Felix de Vega, Carpio and Guillen de Castro. Frontispiece to each vol. London, 1817. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. Presentation copy from the author to Prince Canino (Lucien Bonaparte). 6427 HOROZCO (Sebastian de). Noticias y obras in espanoles. Madrid. 1866. 8vo. 6546 SALES (St. F. of)- Introducci6n a la Vida Devota, traducida por Don Pedro de Silva. Paris, A. Mezin, 1849. i2mo. (New edition, with historical notice on the Life of St. Francis and his works.) Steel engravings. Uncut. 6547 Introducci6n a la Vida Devota. Paris, Bouret y Morel, 1849. i2mo. Uncut. 6548 SALVX (Vicente). A Catalogue of Spanish and Portuguese Books, with occasional literary and bibliographical remarks. London, 1826. 410. 6549 Gramdtica de la lengua castellana segun ahora se habla. Setima edici6n. Paris, 1846. 1 2mo, half calf. 22 338 6550 SALVA (Vicente). Nuevo Valbuena 6 diccionario latino-espaiiol. Paris, 1846. 8vo, half calf. 6551 Nuevo diccionario de la lengua castellana que comprende la ultima edici6n integra, muy rectificada y mejorada, del publicado por la Academia espanola. Segunda edici6n. Paris, 1847. 8vo, half calf. 6552 Compendio de la gramatica castellana. Quinta edici6n. Paris, 1850- i2mo. 6553 Nuevo diccionario franceVespanol y espanol-france's. Paris, 1856. 8vo, calf. 6554 Nuevo diccionario de la lengua castellana. Quinta edici6n. Paris, 1857. 8vo, half morocco. 6555 SALVO (Don). Spanish and English idiomatic phrases and dialogues. London, Franz Thimm, 1857. % vo - 6556 SANCHEZ (T. A.). Vocabulario de voces anticuadas, para facilitar la lectura de los autores espanoles anteriores al Siglo xv. Paris, 1842. 8vo, half morocco. 6557 SARMIENTO (M.). Demonstraci6n critico-apologetica de el theatre critico universal, que di6 a luz el R.P.M. Fr. Benito Geronymo Feyjo6. Tercera impressi6n. Madrid, 1751. 8vo, calf. 2 vols. 6558 Another edition. Madrid, 1779. 8vo, calf. 6559 SCHELE DE VERE (M.). A Grammar of the Spanish Language. New York, 1854. 1 2 mo, half calf. 6560 SCHMELLER (J. A.). Uber die Endung -ez [-es] spanischer und portugiesischer Familiennamen. No date or place. 6561 SCHMID (E. A.). Diccionario espanol y aleman, oder, Hand-Worterbuch der spanischen Sprache fur die Deutschen. Leipzig, 1795-1805. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. Frontispiece to first vol. 6562 SECKENDORFF (Baron D. Tereso). Diccionario de las lenguas espanola y alemana. Hamburgo y Nuremberga, 1823-24. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. (Spanish-German.) 6563 Worterbuch der deutschen und spanischen Sprache. Hamburg und Niirnberg, 1828. 8vo, half calf. (German-Spanish.) 6564 SKJOURNANT (M. de). Nouveau dictionnaire espagnol, frangois et latin, compose sur les dictionnaires des Academies royales de Madrid et de Paris. Paris, 1789-90. 4to, half calf. (Nouvelle Edition.) 2 vols. in one. 6565 SESION Publica celebrada el dia 3 de Octubre de 1844, en e ^ Salon del Institute espanol. Por la Academia de profesores de primera educaci6n, para demostrar las ventajas que ofrece la reforma de ortografia adoptada y publicada por la misma Academia. Madrid, 1844. 4to. 6566 SICILIA (M. J.). Lecciones elementales de ortologia y prosodia. Madrid, 1832. 4to, calf. 2 vols. 6567 SIMONET (F. J.). Glosario de voces ibe'ricas y latinas usadas entre los Mozarabes, precedido de un estudio sobre el dialecto hispano-mozarabe. Madrid, 1889. 8vo. 6568 SOBRINO (F.). Dialogues nouveaux en espagnol et fran5ois. Bruxelles, 1724. 8vo, half calf. 4" Edition. 6569 Diccionario nuevo de las lenguas espanola y francesa. Tercera edici6n. En Brusselas, 1734. 4to, calf. 2 vols. Frontispiece. 339 6570 SORALUCE. Los Retratos del Cafe de la Marina, de la Ciudad de San Sebastian. Madrid, 1867. 8vo. 6571 SORALUCE Y ZUBIZARRETA (Nicolas de). Historia general de Guipuzcoa. Madrid, 1869. 8vo. 6572 Historia general de Guipuzcoa. Vitoria, 1870. 8vo. 2 vols. Autograph copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 6573 Mas biografias y catalogo de obras vasco-navarras. Vitoria, 1871. 8vo. 6574 Real Sociedad bascongada de los Amigos del Pate. Sus antecedentes y otros sucesos con ella relacionados. Historia compendiada. San Sebastian, 1880. 8vo. 6 575 Defensa del apellido familiar de Juan Sebastian del Cano. San Sebastian, 1 88 1. 8vo. Presentation copy to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 6576 Gloria y gratitud al inmortal autor del Primus Me Circumdedisti Juan Sebastian del Cano. Vitoria, 1882. 8vo. Presentation copy to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 6577 Las Excmas. Juntas y Diputaciones de Guipuzcoa y Juan Sebastian del Cano, inmortal Protorodeador del Mundo, ante la Historia. Vitoria, 1883. 39 pages. 6578 Another copy of the last, being a presentation copy to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 6579 SOTOS OCHANDO (Bonifacio). Preliminares del diccionario de la lengua universal. Madrid, 1860. 6580 SPECIMEN Bibliothecae Hispano-Majansianae sive idea novi catalogi critici operum scriplorum Hispanorum, quae habet in sua bibliotheca Gregorius Majansius genero- sus Valentinus. Ex museo Davidis dementis. Hannoverae, 1753. 4-to, half calf. 6581 STEPHANUS (W.). (Probe-Exemplar.) Pasigraphisch-spanisches Worterbuch. (Bachmaier's System.) Miinchen, 1864. 6582 STEVENS (Capt. John). A new Spanish and English dictionary: to which is added, a copious English and Spanish dictionary. Likewise a Spanish Grammar. London, 1706. 410, half calf. 6583 A new Spanish Grammar. London, 1725. 410, calf. 6584 TERREROS Y PANDO (Estevan de). Paleograffa espanola, que contiene todos los modos conocidos, que ha habido de escribir en Espafia, desde su principio, y fundaci6n, hasta el presente, etc. Madrid, 1758. 410, vellum. 6585 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). El Nuevo Testamento de N.S. Jesu Christo traducido por S. de la Enzina. Amsterdam, 1708. 8vo, vellum. 6586 El Nuevo Testamento de nuestro Sefior y Redentor Jesu Cristo. (Enzina's version.) Londres, 1817. i2mo, calf. 6537 El Nuevo Testamento, traducido de la vulgata latina al espafiol por Don Felix Torres Amat. Londres, 1839. 8vo, morocco. 6588 El Nuevo Testamento de Nuestro Sefior Jesu-Cristo. Versi6n cotejada con las antiguas traducciones. Londres, 1847. 8vo, calf. 6589 El Nuevo Testamento traducido al espafiol de la vulgata latina por el Rmo. P. Phelipe Scio de S. Miguel. Londres, 1847. 1 21110, calf. 6,j 90 Las Escrituras del Nuevo Pacto. Nueva York, 1857. 8vo. 340 6591 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Las Escrituras del Nuevo Pacto. Traducci6n del original Griego. Publicada en Nueva York y en Londres. Impresa en Edimburgo, por Tomas Constable, 1858. 8vo. 6592 El Nuevo Testamento, traducido al espanol por el R.P. Phelipe Scio de S. Miguel. Londres, (Bagster), n.d. 8vo, calf. 6593 Gospels. Los Cuatro Evanjelios traducidos del griego al espanol, e ilustrados con notas por Don Guillermo Harris Rule. Gibraltar, 1841. 410. 6594 St. John. The Gospel of St. John in Spanish ; with an English translation on the Hamiltonian system. London, n.d. izmo. 6595 TORRE (G. B.). II nuovo Franciosini, ossia, Grammatica della Lingua Spagnuola per gP Italiani. Lione, 1862. izmo. 6596 TORRECILLA (Pedro Maria de). Texte espagnol pour 1'application de la grammaire, avec la traduction fran$aise en regard, etc. Paris, 1859. 8vo. 6597 Exercises pour 1'application du texte espagnol a la grammaire et pour le genie compare des deux langues. Paris, 1859. 8vo. 6598 Grammaire complete de la langue espagnole, d'apres celle de 1' Academic Royale de Madrid. Paris, 1859. 8vo. 6599 Lexicologie espagnole; traite de la formation, des racines, des families des mots espagnols contenus dans le texte et de tout ce qui se rattache & la structure et a la derivation des mots. Paris, 1860. 8vo. 6600 TROIANO (Massimo). II Compendio del Signer Massimo Troiano tratto dalle osservationi della lingua castigliana del Signor Giovanni Miranda nel quale in dialogo si ragiona della differenza e convenienza dell' alfabeto spagnuolo, ed italiano, col quale si puo imparare a leggere, intendere, parlare, e proferire la detta lingua castigliana. Con le annotazioni del Signor Argisto Guiffredi. Firenze, appresso Bartolommeo Sermartelli il giovanc, 1601. 4to, vellum. 6601 URICOECHEA (Ezequiel). El Alfabeto fonetico de la lengua castellana. Madrid, 1872. 8vo. 6602 VALBUENA (M. de). Diccionario espanol-latino. Paris, 1852. 8vo, half calf. 6603 VALL (J. Costa de). Nuevo metodo de Gramatica castellana. Seguida de un prontuario de la voces mas usuales en Catalan y castellano. Barcelona, 1844. 8vo, half calf. 6604 VALLE DE RONCAL. Part of an account of the Valle de Roncal presented to some functionary to enable him to defend the interests of the Valley before the Council of Navarre. This fragment of 32 pages contains much interesting matter. There is no title-page. 6605 VELAZQUEZ (Luis Joseph). Ensayo sobre los alfabetos de las letras desconocidas, que se encuentran en las mas antiguas Medallas, y Monumentos de Espaiia. Madrid, 1752. 410, calf. (With numerous plates of inscriptions and coins.) 6606 Geschichte der spanischen Dichtkunst. Aus dem spanischen iibersetzt und mit Anmerkungen erlautert von J. A. Dieze. Gottingen, 1769. 8vo, calf. 6607 Orfgenes de la Poesia Castellana. Segunda edici6n. Malaga, 1797. 4to, calf. This work is only represented by a German translation by Johan Andreas Dieze in the British Museum. 6608 VELAZQUEZ DE LA CADENA (M.). A Pronouncing Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages. In two parts. I. Spanish-English. II. English-Spanish. Paris, 1852. 8vo, half calf. 341 66og VERA Y GONZALEZ (Enrique). Diccionario enciclope'dico de la lengua castellana con la nueva ortografia adoptada oficialmente por la Real Academia espauola. Madrid, 1889. 410, calf. 6610 VIDAS de algunos claros varones Guipuzcoanos de la Compania de Jesus. Tolosa, 1870. 8vo, morocco. 6611 VOCABULARY. A Spanish-English Vocabulary for the use of the British Co- operative Forces in Spain, with a rapid sketch on the actual disastrous civil war. Bilbao, 1836. 8vo. The title-page is wanting. 6612 VON LIAGNO (Alvaro Augustinus). Kritisches Bemerkungen tiber kastilische Literatur una spanische Schriftsteller. Aachen und Leipzig, 1829. 8vo, half morocco. This work is written in Spanish and German on opposite pages. 6613 VRIEND (J.). Spaansche Spraakkunst met opstellen Lees-en Vertaaloefeningen, benevens eene verzameling van de meest gebruikelijke woorden en spreekwijzen. Kampen, 1851. 8vo, half calf. 6614 WAGENER (J. D.). Deutsch-spanisch und spanisch-deutsches Hiilfsworterbuch nebst den nothigsten Redensarten und Gesprachen. Hamburg, (1807). 8vo, half morocco. 6615 Spanisch-deutsches und deutsch-spanisches Hand-Worterbuch. In zwei Banden. Berlin, 1808-9. 4-to, calf. 2 vols. In the first volume the title is given in Spanish. 6616 Spanische Sprachlehre. Leipzig, 1828-26. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. in one. (Vol. i belongs to the third, and vol. ii to the second edition.) 6617 WHITEHEAD (S.). A practical Grammar of the Spanish Language. London, 1826. i2mo. 6618 WIGGERS (Julius). Grammatik der spanischen Sprache. Leipzig, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. 6619 WISEMAN (Nicolds). Discursos sobre las relaciones que existen entre la ciencia y la religi6n revelada. Traducidos de la 3* edici6n, revista y corregida por su autor. Madrid, 1844. 8vo. 6620 YANGUAS Y MIRANDA (Jose"). Diccionario de las palabras anticuadas que contienen los documentos existentes en los Archives Generales y Municipales de Navarra, y de su correspondencia con el lenguage actual. Pamplona, 1854. 6621 ZAMACOLA (D. J. A. de). Historia de las naciones bascas de una y otra parte del Pirineo septentrional y costas del mar cantdbrico, desde sus primeros pobladores hasta nuestros dias. Con la descripci6n, caracter, fueros, usos, costumbres y leyes de cada uno de los estados Bascos que hoy existen. Auch, 1818. 8vo, uncut. 3 vols. N.B. Throughout the Spanish proper names printed in capitals the accent is intended to be upon the vowel it immediately follows. GALLEGO. 6622 ALBUM DE LA CARIDAD. Juegos Florales de la Coruna en 1861, seguido de un mosaico poetico de nuestros vates gallegos contempordneos. Edicion costeada por Don Jose" Pascual Lopez Gorton. Coruna, 1862. 8vo. 6623 ALBUM LITERARIO. Revista semanal de literatura, ciencias y artes. Fundador, Luciano Cid Hermida. Orense, 1888-91. 192 numbers in separate paper covers for the first four years. Nos. 133, 135, 149, 151 and 188 are wanting. This periodical contains many contributions in the Galician dialect. 6624 ANON (F.). Poesias gallegas y castellanas, precedidas de un estudio acerca del Poeta y sus Obras por D. Victorino Novo y Garcia, y del retrato del autor. (Biblioteca gallega.) La Corufia, 1889. 8vo. 342 6625 BALLESTEROS (J. P.). Foguetes. La Coruna, 1888. 6626 BIBLIOTECA GALLEGA. Nos. i to 15. Coruna, 1885-88. 6627 CASTRO DE MURGUIA (Rosalia). Cantares gallegos. Vigo, 1863. 8vo. 6628 FERNANDEZ Y NEYRA (Jose"). Proezas de Galicia, explicadas baxo la conver- saci6n rustica de los dos compadres Chinto y Mingote. Coruna, 1810. 8vo. 6629 FERREIRO (A. G.). (Biblioteca gallega.) Chorimas. La Coruna, 1890. 8vo. 6630 (Garcia). Volvoretas. Ourense, 1887. 8vo. (Poems.) 6631 GAITA gallega tocada po lo gaiteiro (A), ou sea, carta de Cristus para ir deprendendo a ler, escribir e falar ben a lengua gallega, e ainda mais. Pontevedra, 1853. 410, half morocco. 6632 GALICIA. Revista regional de ciencias, letras, artes, folklore, etc. La Coruna, 1887, 1888 and 1889. 12 numbers for 1st and 2nd years, and five numbers for the 3rd year. 6633 GARCIA DEL BARRIO (M.). (Biblioteca gallega.) Sucesos militares de Galicia en 1890. La Coruna, 1891. 6634 HERMIDA (L. C.). (Biblioteca gallega.) Leyendas, tradiciones y episodios hist6ricos de Galicia. La Coruna, 1891. 8vo. 6635 LOSADA (Benito). Continos. La Coruna, 1888. 6636 MARTINEZ (A.). El Cerco de la Coruna en 1589 y Mayor Fernandez Pita. Apuntes y documentos. (Biblioteca gallega.) La Coruna, 1889. 8vo. 6637 MIRAS (Fr.). Compendio de Gramatica gallega-castellana. Santiago, 1864. 8vo. 6638 MURGUIA (Manuel). Diccionario de escritores gallegos. Vigo, 1862. 4to. 6639 NEIRA (Juan). Caldo gallego. (Biblioteca gallega.) La Coruna, 1889. 8vo. 6640 NUNEZ (Marcial Valladares). Diccionario gallego-castellano. Santiago, 1884. 4to. 6641 OGEA (Jose"). El Mundo Rural. (Biblioteca gallega.) La Coruna, 1890. 8vo. 6642 PEREIRA (A. J.). (Biblioteca gallega.) Cousas d'a Aldea. (Versos gallegos.) La Coruna, 1891. 8vo. 6643 PINOL (Juan C.X El habla gallega, observaciones y datos sobre su origen y vicisi- tudes. Barcelona, 1876. 410. 6644 Diccionario gallego. Barcelona, 1876. 8vo. 6645 POSADA (J. M.). Poesias Selectas. (Biblioteca gallega.) La Coruna, 1888. 8vo. 6646 RODRIGUEZ (Francisco Javier). Diccionario gallego-castellano. Dalo a luz La Galicia, Revista Universal de este reino, bajo la direcci6n de D. Antonio de la Iglesia y Gonzalez. Coruna, 1863. 8vo. 6647 ROMANCES GALLEGOS. Nos. 3 to 7 of ist Series. Nos. i and 2 of 2nd Series. Santiago, 1855-62. 6648 SACO ARCE (Juan A.). Gramatica gallega. Lugo, 1868. 8vo. 6649 SARALEGUI (L. de). Estudios sobre Galicia. (Biblioteca gallega.) La Coruna, 1888. 8vo. 6650 SEOANE (J. R.). Articulos y Novelas con un pr61ogo del Excmo. S r D. Luis Rod- riguez Seoane y el retrato del autor. (Biblioteca gallega.) La Coruna, 1889. 8vo. 343 6651 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). El Evangelic segun San Mateo, traducido al dialecto gallego de la versi6n castellana de Don Felix Torres Amat, por Don Jose" Sanchez de Santa Marfa. Precedido de algunas observaciones comparativas sobre la pro- nunciaci6n gallega, asturiana, castellana y portuguesa, por el Principe Lufs Luciano Bonaparte. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londres, 1861. 8vo, morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 6652 Another copy, being the only one on thick paper. Morocco. 6653 VELLO DO PICO-SAGRO (O). ist year. Nos i to 5 of this periodical. Coruna, 1860. ASTURIANO. 6654 BOLETTN del Centro de Asturianos. Madrid, 16 de Mayo de 1885. Contains articles and poems in honour of Teodoro Cuesta, and one of his poems in the Asturian dialect. 66 55 C. (A. S.). Didlogo en dialecto asturiano en el felix alumbramiento de S. M. Oviedo, 1857. 6656 CAVEDA (Jose") y CANELLA SECADES (Fermi'n). Poesias selectas en dialecto asturiano. Oviedo, 1887. 8vo. (Presentation copy.) f 6657 COLECCION de poesias en dialecto asturiano. Oviedo, 1839. 4to, half calf. 6658 CUESTA (Teodoro). Munchu Giieyu ! Poesia en dialecto asturiano. Oviedo, 1878. Presentation copy from the author to Don Fermin Canella. 6659 A' las vfctimas de los terremotos de Andalucia. Poesia en dialecto asturiano. Oviedo, 1885. 6660 F. (J. F.). La Olla asturiana. Librito curioso y entretenido, por J. F. F. Madrid, 1874. i6mo. 6661 FERN ANDES Y MORALES (Ant.). Ensayos poeticos en dialecto berciano; con una introducci6n sobre lenguas, dialectos, etc., por Don Mariano Cubi y Soler. Leon, 1 86 1. 8vo. 6662 FESTEJOS celebrados en la Ciudad de Pontevedra .... escritos por un asturiano. Dialogo semi-bable entre Medero y Xuanon, vecinos de Villaperi, al encontrarse una tarde en el Ponton de Baqueros, concejo de Oviedo. Oviedo, 1884. 6663 FLOREZ Y GONZALEZ (Jose" M.). Composiciones en dialecto vequero. Cangas de Tineo, 1883. 6664 FUERTES ACEVEDO (Maximo). Bosquejo acerca del estado que alcanz6 en todas epocas la literatura en Asturias, seguido de una extensa bibliograffa de los escritores asturianos. Badajoz, 1885. 410, morocco. 6665 MUNTHE (Ake W. Son). Anteckningar om Folkmalet i en Trakt af vestra Asturien. Upsala, 1887. 8vo. A Treatise in Swedish on the West Asturian dialects. 6666 RATO DE ARGUELLES (A.). Carta en bable que dirigi6 al Excmo. Sr. Presidente de la Real Academia Espanola Don Apolinar Rato de Argiielles suplicdndole la inserci6n en la duod6cima edici6n del diccionario de la misma, varias voces del bable, y que se testasen algunas notas puestas al Quijote por varios Academicos. Madrid, 1885. 8vo. 6667 SECADES (Fermfn Canella). Estudios asturianos (Cartafueyos d'Asturies). Oviedo, 1886. 8vo. Autograph copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 344 6668 TERRERO (D.) y CUESTA (T.). Andalucia y Asturias. Polemica en los dialectos andaluz y bable. La Danza. Poesia en bable por T. Cuesta. Oviedo, 1881. 8vo. Autograph presentation copy from T. Cuesta to Don Firmin Canella. 6669 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). St. Matthew. El Evangelic segun San Mateo, tradu- cido al dialecto asturiano de la versi6n castellana de Don Torres Felix Amat (sic), por un presbftero natural de Asturias ; con la cooperaci6n del Principe Luis Luciano Bonaparte. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londres, 1861. 8vo, morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 6670 Another copy, being the only one on thick paper. Morocco. 6671 VALDES (Atanasio Palacio). Poesias asturianas. Oviedo, 1878. 8 pages. ANDALUZ. 6672 CABALLERO (Ferndn). Cuentos y poesias populares andaluces. (Tomo viii de la Colecci6n de Autores Espanoles.) Sevilla, 1859. 8vo. 6673 Another edition. Leipzig, 1861. 8vo. 6674 FRANQUELO (R.). Cuentos, mentiras y exageraciones andaluzas. Madrid, 1862. 8vo. 6675 RUBT (Tomas Rodriguez). Poesias andaluzas. Madrid, 1845. 8vo. 6676 Another edition. Paris, 1853. izmo. ARAGONESE. 6677 BORAO (Jeronimo). Diccionario de voces aragonesas. Zaragoza, 1859. 410, half morocco. 6678 Another edition. Zaragoza, 1884. 8vo. JUD^EO-SPANISH. 6679 BALSCHAN (M.). Zur romanischen Dialektologie. Heft i. Uber den jiidisch- spanischen Dialekt als Beitrag zur Aufhellung der Aussprache im Altspanischen. Belovar, 1882. 6680 BIBLE. Vetus Testamentum Hispanicum dialecto Judaica et Hebraicum. Amer, 1838. 4to, morocco. Printed in the Hebrew and Rabbinical characters. 6681 COMMENTARY. Rabbinical Commentaries on the Book of Genesis in Judaeo- Spanish in the Rabbinical character. Constantinople. Folio. 6682 GRAMATICA de la Lengua Santa. Azmir, 5612. 410, half calf. A Grammar of the Hebrew Tongue written in Judaeo-Spanish in the Rabbinical character. 6683 LITURGIA Britannica Hispanice dial. Judaica. London, 1844. i2mo, morocco. In the Rabbinical character. 6684 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). The New Testament written in the Rabbinical character. The translation is from the Greek. No place of publication, 1829. 410, calf. 6685 The New Testament in the Judaeo-Spanish tongue, printed in the Rabbinical character. Athens, 1844. i2mo, morocco. 6686 The Gospel of St. Matthew (v, 3~vii) in Judaeo-Spanish, in the Rabbinical character. No date and place. 6687 The Gospel of St. Luke in Judaeo-Spanish, in the Rabbinical character. No date and place. i2mo. 345 ESPANOL DE ULTRAMAR. 6688 BLUMENTRITT (Ferdinand). Vocabular einzelner Ausdriicke und Redensarten, welche dem spanischen der philippinischen Inseln eigenthiimlich sind. Mil einem. Anhange: Bibliotheca Philippina. Leitmeritz, 1882. 410. From xvi Jahres-Bericht der Comtnunal-Ober-Realschule in Leitmeritz. 6689 CUERVO (Ruf. Jose 1 ). Apuntaciones crfticas sobre el lenguage Bogotano. Bogota, 1 88 1. 8vo. 6690 PUTNAM (J. J.). Bida di Hesoe Kriestoe, noos dibienoe, adorabel Salbadoor i Libradoor. St. Rosa, 1852. This language is broken Spanish with Dutch orthography. 6691 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). St. Matthew. Ewanhelie di San Matheo, poeblikado abau di direksjon di Domini C. Conradi. Curasao, 1844. 8vo, morocco. SLANG. 6692 ROMANCES de Germanfa de varies autores, con el Vocabulario por la orden del a, b, c, para declaraci6n de sus te>minos y lengua. Compuesto por Juan Hidalgo. Va anadido, El discurso de la Expulsi6n de los Gitanos, que escribi6 el Doctor Don Sancho de Moncada ; y Los Romances de la Germama que escribio Don Francisco de Quevedo. Madrid, Antonio de Sancha, 1779. 8vo, half calf. (f) PORTUGUESE : PORTUGUESE PROPER. 6693 AHN (F.). Method of learning the Portuguese Language. London, 1857. 8vo. 6694 ALDONI (J.). Portugiesische Sprachlehre. Leipzig, 1813. 8vo, half morocco. 6695 ALEWYN (A.) en COLLE (Jan). Tesouro dos vocdbulos das duas linguas portugue'za e belgica. Woordenschat der twee Taalen Portugeesch en Nederduitsch. Amster- dam, (P. Van den Berge), 1714. 8vo, half morocco. 6696 BARBOZA (J. S.). Grammatica philosofica da lingua portugueza. z a edigao. Lisboa, 1830. 410, half calf. 6697 BERNARDINI (Ant.). Grammatica della lingua portoghese ad uso degF Italian!, sulle traccie della grammatica filosofica della lingua portoghese dell' illustre Signor Jeronimo Scares Barboza. Trieste, 1858. Milano, 1859. 8vo, half morocco. 6698 BIBLE. A Biblia Sagrada traduzida em Portuguez segundo a Vulgata Latina. Por Antonio Pereira de Figueiredo. Edi^ao nova. Lisboa, 1794-1819. 410, calf. 7 vols. 6699 - A Biblia Sagrada, contendo o Novo e o Velho Testamento, traduzida em Portuguez pelo padre Joao Ferreira d'Almeida. Londres, 1819. 8vo, calf. 6700 - A Sancta Biblia, contendo o Velho e o Novo Testamento, traduzidos em Portuguez pelo padre Antonio Pereira de Figueiredo. Londres, 1821. 8vo, morocco. A Santa Biblia, contendo o Velho e o Novo Testamento, traduzidos em Portuguez pelo padre Antonio Pereira de Figueiredo. Londres, 1828. 8vo, calf. A Santa Biblia, contendo o Velho e o Novo Testamento, traduzido em Portuguez segundo a Vulgata. Londres, 1831. 8vo. 6703 - Genesis. O Primeiro Livro de Moyses chomado Genesis. London, 1826. ixmo. 316 6704 BIBLIOTHECA LUZITANA (Summario da). Lisboa, 1786-87. 8vo, half calf. 3 vols. 6705 escolhida. Lisboa, 1786. 8vo, half calf. 6706 BLUTEAU (Raphael). Vocabulario portuguez e latino. Coimbra, 1712-21. Folio, calf. 8 vols. in four. 6707 Supplement ao vocabulario portuguez e latino. Lisboa Occidental, 1727-28. Folio, calf. 2 vols. 6708 Diccionario da lingua portugueza : reformado e accrescentado por Antonio de Moraes Silva. Lisboa, 1789. 410, calf. 2 vols. in one. 6709 Diccionario castellano y portuguez impresso en Lisboa por orden del rey de Portugal D. Juan V, con una tabla de palabras portuguezas, mas remotas del idioma castellano. Rio de Janeiro, 1841. 410, half calf. 6710 BOOCH-ARKOSSY (F.). Der deutsch-portugiesische Dolmetscher. Handbuch zum schnellen Erlernen der portugiesischen Sprache. Rudolstadt, 1853. izmo, half calf. 6711 BORDO (Ant.). Diccionario italiano-portuguez e portuguez-italiano. Rio de Janeiro, 1 85 3-54- 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. 6712 BOSCHE (E. Th.). Handworterbuch der portugiesischen und deutschen Sprache. Hamburg, n.d. Half morocco. 2 vols. 6713 Neue portugiesische Sprachlehre. Hamburg, 1853. 8 vo, half calf. 6714 CAMOENS (L. de). Obras de Luis de Camoes, principe dos poetas de Hespanha Segunda edicao, da que, na Officina Luisiana, se fez em Lisboa nos annos de 1779 e 1780. Lisboa, (S. Th. Ferreira), 1782-83. 8vo, calf. 4 tomes in 5 vols. With Portrait. 6715 The Lusiads of Camoens translated into English Verse by J. J. Aubertin. With Portrait of author. This work is printed on satin paper, with the Portuguese and English on alternate pages. London, 1878. 8vo. 2 vols. Presentation copy from the translator to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 6716 CANCIONEIRINHO de Trovas antigas colligidas de um grande cancioneiro da Bibliotheca do Vaticano. Vienna, 1870. 8vo. 6717 CANTO (J. D. do). Pocket Dictionary of the Portuguese and English Languages. Abridged from Vieyra's Dictionary. London, 1826. i2mo, half calf. 6718 (M. do) e VALDEZ (C. M.). Diccionario Espaiiol-Portugues. Lisboa, 1864-66. 410. 3 vols. 6719 CAROLING (Pedro). The New Guide of the Conversation in Portuguese and English. Peking, 1869, 8vo. The Preface to this little work is an amusing specimen of " English as she is spoke." 6720 CARREIRA DE MELLO (Joaquim Lopes). LiQoes portuguezas de litteratura e de moral ou selecta portugueza. Lisboa, 1861-62. 2 a edigfio. 8vo. 2 vols. 6721 CARVALHO (A. J. de) e DE DEUS (J.). Diccionario prosodico de Portugal e Brasil. Nova edi9&o. Lisboa e Rio de Janeiro, 1878. 8vo, calf. 6722 CASTRO (J.). Grammatica Anglo-Lusitanica et Lusitano-Anglica ; or, A new Grammar, English and Portuguese, and Portuguese and English. Fifth edition, revised and corrected by A. de Paz. London, 1770. 8vo, calf. 6723 CATECISMOS da diecese de Montpellier, impressos por ordem do Bispo Carlos Joaquim Colbert, traduzidos na lingua portugueza. 9* edigao. Paris, 1842. i2mo. 347 6724 CENSO No. i de Janeiro 1878. Estatistica de Portugal. Populasao. Lisboa, 1 88 1. 410. 6725 CHAGAS (M. Pinheiro), MONTEIRO (A. M. Couto) e COELHO (J. M. Latino). Parecer apresentado d Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa sobre a reforma orthographica proposta pela commissao da Cidade do Porto. Lisboa, 1879. 6726 CONSTANCIO (F. S.). Grammatica analytica da lingua portugueza. Paris e Rio de Janeiro, 1831. izmo, half calf. 6727 Nouveau Dictionnaire portatif des langues fransaise et portugaise. 4* Edition. Paris, 1831-34. i6mo, half calf. 2 vols. 6728 Nouvelle grammaire portugaise a 1'usage des franqais. Paris et Rio de Janeiro, 1832. i2mo, half calf. 6729 Novo Diccionario critico e etymologico da lingua portugueza. 2* edic,ao. Paris, 1844. 410, half calf. 6730 COSTA E SA. (Joac. Joseph da). Diccionario Italiano e Portuguez, extrahido dos melhores lexicografos. Lisboa, 1773-74. 410, half morocco. Two vols. in one. 6731 Diccionario portuguez-francez-latino. Lisboa, Ferreira, 1794. 4to, calf. 2 vols. in one. 6732 Diccionario abreviado das linguas portugueza e franceza, ou compendio do grande diccionario portuguez, francez e latino. Lisboa, 1808. 410, half calf. 6733 COUTO (Ant. Maria do). Diccionario da maior parte termos homonymos, e equivo- cos da lingua portugueza. Lisboa, 1842. Folio, calf. 6734 CUNHA PORTUGAL (T. da). Orthographia da lingoa portugueza. Paris, 1837. i2mo, half calf. 6735 D'AZEVEDO (Joze). Diccionario portuguez-inglez-allemao. Grimma, n.d. 8vo, half calf. 6736 DEBRUILLART COURSAN (Cl.). Arte das linguas franceza e portugueza para facil, e brevemente se aprender a ler, a escrever, e fallar estas duas linguas. Lisboa, 1700. 8vo. Crushed levant. 6737 DICCIONARIO (Novo), francez-portuguez, composto segundo os mais celebres diccionarios. Setima edi9ao. Lisboa, 1803. 4to, calf. 6738 Outava Edi98o. Lisboa, 1817. 410, calf. 6739 da lingua portugueza. composto sobre os que ate" o presente se tern dado ao prelo, etc. Lisboa, (Rollandiana), 1806. 4to, half calf. 6740 portatil das palavras, termos e frases, que em Portugal antigamente se usdrao, e que hoje regularmente se ignorfio ; resumido, correcto e addicionado pelo mesmo auctor do Elucidario. Coimbra, 1825. 410, calf. 6741 DICTIONNAIRE fran9ois et portugais plus complet que tous ceux qui ont paru jusqu'a present pour 1'instruction de la jeunesse portugaise. Barcelone, 1772. 4to, calf. 6742 DIEZ (F.). Tiber die erste portugiesische Kunst- und Hofpoesie. Bonn, 1863. 8vo. 6743 DINIZ (D.). Cancioneiro d'Elrei D. Diniz pela primeira vez impresso sobre o manuscripto do Vaticana, com algumas notas, etc., pelo D. Caetano Lopes de Moura. Pariz, 1847. 8vo, half calf. 348 6744 D'ORSEY (A. J. D.). Colloquial Portugese ; for the use of Tourists, etc. 2nd edition. London, 1860. 8vo. 6745 A Grammar of Portugese and English. London, 1860. 8vo. 6746 ELISIO e SERRANO. Dialogo em que se defende e illustra a Bibliotheca Lusitana contra a prefagao da Lusitania transformada. Escrita por hum Socio da Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa. Lisboa, 1782. 8vo, morocco. 6747 FARIA (Ed. de). Novo diccionario da lingua portugueza, seguido de um diccionario de synonymos. Lisboa, 1855-57. Folio. 6748 FENELON (F. de S. de la Mothe). Aventuras de Telemaco, filho de Ulysses. Traduc.cao do Manuel de Souza e de F. Manuel do Nascimento, retocada e correcta por Jose" da Fonseca. With Portrait. Paris, 1837. i2mo, half vellum. 6749 FERREIRA (E. J.). Magnum Lexicon novissimum Latinum et Lusitanum interpreta- tionem accommodatum. Parisiis, 1843. 410, half calf. 6750 FIGUEIREDO (P. J. de). Arte da grammatica portugueza. Lisboa, 1837. 8vo, half morocco. 6751 FONSECA (J. da). Novo diccionario da lingua portugueza. Parte 2 a . Synonymos. Paris, 1836. i2mo, half calf. 675 2 O novo guia da conversagao, em francez e portuguez. Paris, 1836. 8vo, half calf. 6753 Elements de la grammaire portugaise. Paris, 1838. i2mo, half calf. 6754 Nouveau dictionnaire de poche frangais-portugais et portugais-frangais. 2 e Edition. Paris, 1839. i2mo, half calf. 2 vols. 6755 Diccionario poetico e de epithetos. Paris, 1847. i2mo, half morocco. 6756 Novo diccionario francez-portuguez. Pariz, 1841. 8vo, half calf. (Tomo Primeiro.) 6 757 (Pedro Jos6 da). Diccionario portuguez e latino. Sexta ediature, orographie, statistique des peuples de la langue d'or, ardialiens, vallaques et moldaves, resume's sous le nom de romans. Paris, 1844. 8vo, half calf. 3 vols. 361 7020 VAILLANT (J. A.)- Kurzgefasste walachische Sprachlehre zum Gebrauche und zum Selbstunterricht fur Deutsche bearbeitet und mil einem Anhang vermehrt von S. Petri. Hermannstadt, n.d. 8vo, half morocco. 7021 VEGEZZI-RUSCALLA (Giovenale). Prolusione al libero corso di lingua, letteratura e storia Rumana nella R. Universita di Torino delta il 15 dicembre 1863 da Giovenale Vegezzi-Ruscalla. Torino, 1863. 7022 VOCABULARY. Rumanian-German Vocabularies and Dialogues. Bucharest, 1845. i2mo. In Rumanian characters. 7023 WALACHISCH-DEUTSCHES WORTERBUCH. Herausgegeben von Andreas Iszer. Kronstadt, 1850. 8vo, half morocco. 7024 WEIGAND (G.). Die Sprache der Olympo-Walachen nebst einer Einleitung tiber Land und Leute. Leipzig, 1888. 8vo. 5.-THE KELTIC BRANCH-ON KELTIC IN GENERAL. 7025 ANDERSON (Christopher). Memorial respecting the diffusion of the Sacred Scrip- tures throughout the United Kingdom ; particularly in the Celtic or Iberian dialects. Edinburgh, 1819. 8vo. Drawn up for the Edinburgh Bible Society, and containing bibliographies of Welsh, Gaelic, Irish, and Manx Bibles. 7026 BACON-TACON (Pierre J. J.). Recherches sur les origines celtiques, principale- ment sur celles du Bugey. Paris, an vi. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. 7027 BAST (M.-J. de). Recherches historiques et litteraires sur la langue celtique, gauloise et tudesque. Gand, 1815. 410, half calf. 7028 BAXTER (W.). Glossarium antiquitatum Britannicarum, sive, Syllabus etymologicus antiquitatum veteris Britanniae atque Iberniae temporibus Romanorum. Editio secunda. Londini, 1733. 8vo, calf. With Portrait. 7029 BETHAM (Sir Wm.). The Gael and Cymbri : an inquiry into the origin and history of the Irish Scoti, Britons and Gauls, and of the Caledonians, Picts, Welsh, Cornish, and Bretons. Dublin, 1834. 8 vo, half calf. 7030 BOPP (H ra ). Uber die celtischen Sprachen vom Gesichtspunkte der vergleichenden Sprachforschung. (Gelesen in der Akad. der Wiss. am 13 December 1838.) 410. Ex Philos.-histor. Abhandl. 1838. 7031 BOXHORNIUS (M.-ZA Originum Gallicarum liber. Cui accedit antiquae Linguae Britannicae Lexicon Britannico Latinum. Amstelodami, 1654. 410, vellum. 7032 BRANDES (H. B. Chr.). Das ethnographische Verhaltniss der Kelten und Germanen. Leipzig, 1857. 8vo, half morocco. 7033 BROOKE (Miss). Reliques of Irish Poetry: consisting of heroic poems, odes, elegies, and songs, translated into English verse, with notes, etc. Dublin, 1789. 4to, half calf. 7034 BULLET (J.-B.). Memoires sur la langue celtique, contenant : i 1'histoire de cette langue ; 2 une description etymologique des villes, rivieres, montagnes, etc., des Gaules. . . . 3 un dictionnaire celtique. Besan^on, 1754-60. Folio, half calf. 3 vols. 7035 CAMBRIAN and Caledonian Quarterly Magazine (The), and Celtic Repertory. London, 1829 to 1833. 410, half calf. 5 vols. 362 7036 CAMBRY (M.). Monumens celtiques, ou, recherches sur le culte des pierres. Paris, 1805. 8vo, half calf. 7037 CELTIC HEXAPLA : being the Song of Solomon, in all the Living Dialects of the Gaelic and Cambrian Languages. London, 1858. Morocco. (Imp. L.-L. B.) Only 250 copies printed, this one, having the initial letters and chapter lines in red, being unique. 7038 COLLECTION OF LETTERS (A), and also a Collection of Papers dealing with the Celtic tongue ; by various authors including the Rev. David Malcolme. Edinburgh, 1739. Half calf. Curious and rare. 7039 COURSON (AureMien de). Histoire des origines et des institutions des peuples de la Gaule armoricaine et de la Bretagne insulaire, depuis les temps les plus recul^s jusqu'au V e siecle. Paris, 1843. 8 vo, half calf. 7040 Histoire des peuples bretons dans la Gaule et dans les iles brilanniques, langue, coutumes, mceurs et institutions. Paris, 1846. 410, half calf. 7041 D. (B.). The Celtic language and dialects. By an Englishman, " B. D." From the Dublin Review of July 1865. With a preface by the Rev. Ulick J. Bourke. Dublin, 1867. 7042 DAVIES (Edw.). Celtic researches, on the origin, traditions and language of the ancient Britons, etc. London, 1804. 8vo, half calf. 7043 The claims of Ossian, examined and appreciated. An Essay on the Scottish and Irish poems published under that name, etc. Swansea, 1825. 410, half calf. 7044 (John). The Celtic languages, in relation to other Aryan tongues. A vindication. London, 1880. (Reprinted from Y Cymmrodor.) Autograph presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 7045 DENINA (1'abbe"). Sur la langue celtique, et celles qu'on pretend en etre sorties. Extrait des Nouveaux Me'moires de I'Acad^mie Royale des Sciences et Belles Lettres. Ann6e 1786. Berlin, 1788. 410. 7046 DIEFENBACH (L.). Celtica. I. Sprachliche Documente zur Geschichte der Kelten. Critica ii. Versuch einer genealogischen Geschichte der Kelten. Stuttgart, 1839-40. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. in one. 7047 DISCOURS sur 1'origine et les revolutions des langues celtique et fran^oise. Paris, 1780. 7048 DISSERTATION sur les Celtes Brigantes. Par un Auteur de la meme Nation. A Breghente, dans le Tirol, 1762. 8vo. 7049 DUCHATELLIER (A.) Des Alphabets celtiques, et en particulier de 1'Alphabet celto-armoricain, signale par les linguistes bretons du dernier siecle. Quimper, 1841. i2mo, half calf. 7050 DUCLOS (M.). Memoire sur 1'origine et les revolutions des langues celtique et frangoise. Extrait des M6moires de Litterature. Tome xv. 410. 7051 DUMOULIN (Alan). Grammatica Latino Celtica. Pragae Bohemorum, 1800. 8vo, half calf. 7052 EDWARDS (W. F.). Recherches sur les langues celtiques. Paris, 1844. 8vo, half calf. 7053 FITA (Fidel). Restos de la declinaci6n Celtica y Celtibe"rica en algunas lapidas Espanolas. Madrid, 1878. 8vo. 7054 FLECHIA (Giovanni). Di un' iscrizione celtica trovata nel Novarcse per Giovanni Flechia. Torino, 1864. (Estratto dalla Revista Contemporanea Naz. Ital.-Agosto, 1864.) 363 7055 FORBES (D.)- On the ancient languages of Gaul, Britain, and Ireland. (Extract from the Gentleman's Magazine. Probably from vol. x.) 7056 FRENZEL (Pastor). Der Belus oder Sonnendienst auf den Anden, oder Kelten in America. Leipzig, 1867. 7057 GALLI (C.). Essai sur le nom et la langue des anciens celtes. Saint-Etienne, 1843. izmo, half calf. 7058 GAULLE (Charles de). Les Celtes au dix-neuvieme siecle. Appel aux repre'sentants actuels de la race celtique. Nantes et Paris, 1864. Autograph presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 7059 The Celts of the Nineteenth Century. An appeal to the living represen- tatives of the Celtic race. Translated from the original French, with notes, by J. Davenport Mason. Tenby, 1865. (Largely devoted to the subject of the Celtic dialects.) 7060 GERTZ (J.). De prisca Trevirorum lingua. Gottingae, 1772. 4to. 7061 GLUCK (Chr. Wilh.). Die bei Caius Julius Caesar verkommenden keltischen Namen in ihrer echtheit festgestellt und erlautert von C. W. Gltich. Miinchen, 1857. 8vo, half morocco. 7062 Renos, Moinos und Mogontiacon, die gallischen Namen der Fliisse Rein und Main und der Stadt Mainz, erkliirt von Christian Wilhelm Gliick. Miinchen, 1865. 8vo. 7063 GORRES (J. v.). Die drei Grund-Wurzeln des celtischen Stammes in Gallien und ihre Einwanderung. Abhandlungen d. iii Cl. d. k. Ak. d. Wiss. iv Bd. Abth. (A). 410, half calf. 7064 HALLEGUEN (E.). Les celtes, les armoricains, les bretons. Nouvelles recherches d'arch^ologie, de g6ographie et d'histoire sur 1'Armorique bretonne. Paris, 1859. 7065 HOLMBOE (C. A.). Norsk og Keltisk. Om det Norske og de Keltiske Sprogs indbyrdes laan. Christiania, 1854. 410. Presentation copy from the author to Prince Louis- Lucien Napoleon (sic). 7066 HOLTZMANN (A ). Kelten und Germanen. Eine historische Untersuchung. Stuttgart, 1855. 410, half calf. 7067 HUGHES (John). Horae Britannicae ; or, Studies in ancient British History. London, 1818-19. 8vo. 2 vols. 7068 JAGER (And.). De lingua vetustissima Europae, Scytho-Celtica et Gothica. Wittenbergae, 1686. 410. 7069 KELTIC JOURNAL AND EDUCATOR (The). Nos. i and 2. Manchester, n.d. 7070 KORNER (F.). Keltische Studien. Halle, 1849. 4 to, half calf. 7071 LA TOUR D'AUVERGNE-CORRET. Origines gauloises, celles des plus anciens peuples de 1'Europe, puisnes dans leur vraie source. 3* Edition, avec portrait. Paris, an x (1802). 8vo, half calf. 7072 LA VILLEMARQUK (Hersart de). Notices des principaux manuscrits des anciens Bretons, avec fac-simile. Paris, 1856. Extract des Archives des Missions scien- tifiques et litte>aires. Autograph presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 773 I- a l cn d c celtique, en Irlande, en Cambric et en Bretagne, suivie des Textes originaux irlandais, gallois et bretons, rares ou indits. Saint-Brieuc et Paris, 1859. i8mo, half morocco. 364 7074 LA VJLLEMARQUfi (Hersart de). Les Romans de la Table Ronde et les Contes des Anciens Bretons. Paris, 1860. izmo, half morocco. 775 Myrdhinn, ou, 1'Enchanteur Merlin, son histoire, ses ceuvres, son influence. Paris, 1862. 8vo. 7076 LE BRIGANT. Observations fondamentales sur les langues anciennes et modernes ; ou, prospectus de 1'ouvrage intitul^ La langue primitive conservte Paris, 1787. 4to, calf. (Published at $.} 7077 D6tachemens de la langue primitive : Celle des parisiens avant 1'invasion des Germains, la venue de Csar, et le ravage des Gaules. Paris, 1787. 8vo, half calf. 7078 LECLERE (J.-B.). Archeologie celto-romaine de Tarrondissement de Chatillon-sur- Seine (Cote-d'Or), suivie d'un glossaire celtique et de la traduction des noms des principales nations anciennes de 1'Europe. Paris, 1843. The second portion, Partie des Monuments, is dated Paris, 1840. There are several Plates at the end of the work drawn by J. Gaveau. 7079 LE DEIST DE BOTIDOUX (J.). Des Celtes ante"rieurement aux temps historiques. Paris, 1817. 8vo. 7080 LENGLET-MORTIER et Diogene Vandamme. Nouvelles et ve"ritables etymologies me"dicales tire'es du Gaulois. Quesnoy et Paris, 1857. ^vo. 7081 LEO (H.). Die malbergische Glosse, ein rest alt-keltischer Sprache und rechts auffaszung. Halle, 1842. 8vo, half calf. 7082 Ferienschriften. Vermischte abhandlungen zur geschichte der deutschen und keltischen sprache. Halle, 1847-52. 8vo, half calf. 2 parts in one. 7083 MACLEAN (L.). The History of the Celtic Language. London, 1840. i2mo, half calf. (Frontispiece.) 7084 MEMOIRES de 1'Acade'mie celtique, ou, Recherches sur les Antiquity's celtiques, gauloises et fran9aises ; publics par l'Acad6mie celtique. Paris, 1807-12. 8vo, half calf. 6 vols. 7085 MEYER (Friedr. Karl). Die noch lebenden keltischen Volkerschaften, Sprachen und Litteraturen in ihrer Geschichte und Bedeutung. Berlin, 1863. 8vo. 7086 MONE (F. J.). Die gallische Sprache und ihre Brauchbarkeit filr die Geschichte. Karlsruhe, 1851. 8vo, half calf. 7087 Celtische Forschungen zur Geschichte Mitteleuropas. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1857. 8 vo, half morocco. 7088 MONIN (H.). Monuments des anciens idiomes gaulois. Paris, 1 86 1. 8vo. 7089 MORIN (Eugene). Esquisse comparative des dialectes neoceltiques. i re partie: Dialectes britanniques. Rennes, 1868. 8vo. 7090 OBERMULLER (W.). Deutsch-keltisches geschichtlich-geographisches Worterbuch zur erklarung der Fluss-Berg-Orts-Gau-Volker- und Personen-Namen Europas, West- Asiens und Nord-Afrikas im allgemeinen, wie Deutschlands insbesondere nebst den daraus sich ergebenden folgerungen fiir die Urgeschichte der Menschheit. Leipzig, 1866-67. 8vo - 6 vols. A Gyslifluh. 7091 PELLOUTIER (SIMON). Histoire des Celtes, nouvelle edition, revue et augmente'e d'un 4 C livre de 1'auteur, par P. de Chiniac. Paris, 1771. 410, calf. 2 vols. 7092 PETER (John). Certain peculiarities of Celtic grammar. Dolgelli, 1867. Presentation copy from the author. 365 7093 PEZRON (P.). Antiquit de la nation et de la langue des Celtes, autrement appellez Gaulois. Paris, 1703. 8vo, calf. 7094 An English Translation of the above, with a Sketch of the Life of the Author. London, n.d. 8vo, half calf. 7095 PICARDUS TOUTRERIANUS (Joannes). De prisca Celtopaedia libri quinque. Quibus admiranda priscorum Gallorum doctrina et eruditio ostenditur, necnon literas prius in Gallia fuisse, quam vel in Graecia vel in Italia : simulque Graecos nedum Latinos scientiam a priscis Gallis (quos vel ab ipso Noachi tempore Graece philoso- phatos constat) habuisse. Parisiis, (Matt. David), 1556. 410, calf. 7096 PICTET (Adolphe). De I'affinit6 des langues celtiques avec le Sanscrit. Paris, 1837. 8vo, half calf. 7097 Essai sur quelques inscriptions en langue gauloise. Geneve et Paris, 1859. 8vo. 7098 POSTE (Beale). Celtic Inscriptions on Gaulish and British Coins, intended to supply materials for the early history of Great Britain. With a glossary of archaic Celtic words and an Atlas of Coins. London, j 86 1. 410. 7099 A Vindication of the Celtic Inscriptions on Gaulish and British Coins; with Vignettes, and a plate of fac-similes of characters used in Roman writing in the first century, from Pompeii. London, 1862. 410. 7100 PRICHARD (James Cowles). The Eastern Origin of the Celtic Nations proved by a comparison of their dialects with the Sanskrit, Greek, Latin and Teutonic Lan- guages. London, 1831. 8vo, half calf. 7101 Another edition, edited by R. G. Latham. London, 1857. 8vo. 7102 Ethnography of the Celtic Race. No date or place of publication. 8vo, half calf. 7103 RADLOF (J. G.). Neue Untersuchungen des Keltenthumes zur Aufhellung der Urgeschichte der Teutschen. Bonn, 1822. 8vo, half calf. 7104 RAVENSTEIN (E. G.). On the Celtic Languages in the British Isles ; a Statistical Survey. Read before the Statistical Society, 15 April 1879. (From Journal of the Statistical Society. Vol. xlii, part 3. Sept. 1879.) London, 1879. 7105 REVUE CELTIQUE publiee avec le concours des principaux savants des lies Britanniques et du Continent, et dirigee par H. Gaidoz. Paris, 1870-72. 8vo. ist vol. The same for the years 1873-1875 to 1891. Parts i, 2 and 4 for 1890 are wanting, and part 4 is wanting for 1891. From 1886 this Review was edited by H. d'Arbois de Jubainville. 7106 RHYS (John). The Passive Verbs of the Latin and the Keltic Languages. Philo- logical Society's Publications, 1865. 14 pages. London. 7107 RITSON (Joseph). Memoirs of the Celts or Gauls. London, 1827. 8vo, half calf. 7108 ROGET. Ethnog^nie gauloise, ou, memoires critiques sur 1'origine et la parente des Cimmeriens, des Cimbres, des Ombres, des Beiges, des Ligures et des anciens Celtes. Paris, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. 7109 SCHOEPFLINUS (Joan-Dan.). Vindiciae Celticae. Argentorati, Amand. Konig, 1754. 410, half calf. 7110 SCHUCHARDT (Hugo). Romanisches und Kcltisches. Berlin, 1886. 8vo. 366 yi 1 1 SIEGFRIED (Rudolph Thomas). On the Gaulish inscription of Poitiers, containing a charm against the demon Dontaurios. From the papers of R. T. S., arranged by Carl Friedrich Lottner. Dublin, 1863. (Extracted from the Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy.) A presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 7112 SPECIMEN of an etymological vocabulary, or, Essay, by means of the Analitic Method, to retrieve the Antient Celtic. By the author of a Pamphlet entitled The Way to Things by Wotds, and to Words by Things. London, 1768. 410, calf. 7113 STARK (Franz). Keltische Forschungen : I. Keltische namen im verbriiderungs- buche von St. Peter in Salzburg, etc. Wien, 1868-69. I n parts. 7114 ST.-MARS (M. de). Essai d'un dictionnaire d'e"tymologies gauloises. 2 e Edition. Rouen, 1785. 8vo, calf. 7115 SULLIVAN (Wm. K.). Celtic Studies: from the German of Dr. Hermann Ebel. London, 1863. 8vo. 7116 THONNELIER (J.). Sur les origines s6mitiques et indo-tartares de la nation et de la langue celtiques ou des anciens Gaulois. Paris, 1840. 410. 7117 TOLAND (John). A Critical History of the Celtic Religion and Learning: containing an account of the Druids, etc. With the History of Abaris, the Hyperborean. London, n.d. 410, half calf. 7118 VILLANUEVA (J. L.). Ibernia Phoenicea, seu, Phoenicum in Ibernia incolatus, ex ejus priscarum coloniarum nominibus, et earum idololatrico cultu demonstratio. Dublini, 1831. 4to, uncut. 7119 WOOD (Thomas). An Inquiry concerning the Primitive Inhabitants of Ireland. Illustrated by Ptolemy's Map of Erin, corrected by the aid of Bardic History. London, 1821. 410. 7120 ZEUSS (J. C.). Grammatica Celtica e monumenfis vetustis tarn Hibernicae Linguae quam Britannicarum dialectorum Cambricae Cornicae Armoricae comparatis Gallicae priscae reliquiis construxit J. C. Zeuss. Editio altera curavit H. Ebel. Fasciculus i. Berolini, 1868. 8vo. GAELIC BRANCH-GAELIC OF IRELAND. 7121 ANDERSON (Christopher). Memorial on behalf of the native Irish, with a view to their improvement in moral and religious knowledge through the medium of their own language. London, 1815. 8vo. Section ii deals with "The present extent of the Irish language, and the districts in which it is spoken." 7122 The Native Irish, and their Descendants. London, 1846. iimo. 7123 ANNALS OF INNISFALLEN (The), in the Lake of Lene, or Killarney ; as col- lected and arranged by the Clergy of that Island. Translated from the original Irish by Th. O'Flanagan. With Topographical Index, Preface, and Memoir of the Translator by J. Hardiman. Dublin, 1822. 410, half calf. Uncut. 7124 ANNALS of the Kingdom of Ireland, by the Four Masters, from the earliest period to the year 1616. Edited from MSS. in the Library of the Royal Irish Academy and of Trinity College, Dublin, with a Translation and copious Notes. By John O'Donovan. Dublin, 1851. 410. 7 vols. 7125 BETHAM (Sir Wm.). Irish Antiquarian Researches. Dublin, 1827. 410, half calf. 367 7126 BIBLE. The Books of the Old Testament translated into Irish by the care and dili- gence of Dr. William Bedel, late Bishop of Kilmore in Ireland, and for the publick good of that Nation. Printed at London, 1685. 410. Bound with it is the New Testament, translated by \V. O'Domhnuill (O'Donnell). London, Robert Evering- ham, 1 68 1. 8vo, calf. In the Irish character. Rare. This copy belonged to Dr. N. Foran, Catholic Bishop of Waterford, and contains his autograph. Dr. Hawtrey's copy, without the New Testament, sold in 1853 for 2 1 6s. 7127 The Old Testament translated by William Bedel, the New Testament by W. O'Donnell. London, 1690. 12 mo, calf. 2 vols. (In the Roman character.) 7128 Another edition. London, British and Foreign Bible Society, 1817. 8vo. (In the Roman character.) 7129 Another edition. Dublin, Grierson and Keene, 1827. 410, morocco. (In the Irish character.) 7130 Another edition. London, R. Watts, 1830. i2mo, calf. (In the Irish character.) 7131 Another edition. Dublin, Goodwin, Son and Nethercott, 1830. i2mo, morocco. (In the Irish character.) This work is identical with the last, except for the place of publication and publishers. 7132 Pentateuch. The first two Books of the Pentateuch or Books of Moses, in the Irish character. The types copied from original manuscripts, under the care and direction of T. Connellan. 6th edition. London, 1822. izmo, calf. 7133 The Proverbs of Solomon, in Irish and English. Dublin, 1815. izmo. The Irish is in the Irish character. 7134 BINDON (S. H.). Some notices of manuscripts relating to Ireland in various languages, now to be found in the Burgundian Library at Brussels. Dublin, 1847. (Containing fac-similes of Irish texts, etc.) 7135 BOOK OF RIGHTS (The). Now for the first time edited, with Translation and Notes. By John O'Donovan. Dublin, 1847. 8vo. Frontispiece. 7136 BOOK OF HYMNS (The) of the Ancient Church of Ireland. Part 2. Edited from the original MS. in the Library of Trinity Coll. Dublin, with Translation and Notes, by James Henthorn Todd, D.D. Dublin, 1869. 410. 7137 BUNYAN (John). The Pilgrim's Progress to the death of Faithful, translated into Irish by Christopher Anderson. Dublin, 18^7. i2mo. In the Irish character. The Dedication to the People of Erin is signed H. G. 7138 CHRONICLES OF ERI. Being the History of the Gaal Sciot Iber, or Irish People. Translated from the original manuscripts in the Phoenician dialect of the Scythian language. By O'Connor. With Maps and Plates. London, 1822. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. 7139 CONEYS (Thomas de Vere). An Irish-English Dictionary. Dublin, 1849. 4to, calf. 7140 CORMAC'S GLOSSARY. Translated and annotated by the late John O'Donovan, LL.D. Edited, with notes and indices, by Whitley Stokes, LL.D. Calcutta, 1808. 4to. 7141 DALY (John). Reliques of Irish Jacobite Poetry; with biographical sketches of the authors, interlinear literal translations, and notes. Together with metrical versions by Edw. Walsh. Dublin, 1844. 410, half calf. 7142 DICTIONARY. An English-Irish Dictionary. Dublin, 1814. i2mo. 368 7143 DONBAVAND (B.). The Irish, who are they ? Liverpool, 1856. With an analysis of the Irish language. 7144 DONLEVY (Andrew). Catechism, or Christian Doctrine by way of Question and Answer, in English and Irish. Paris, Gue"rin, 1742. 8vo, calf. Rare. First edition. 7145 Third edition. Dublin, 1848. izmo. 7146 EMANUEL. Emanuel, a book in which are asked and found the perfections of the religious life. Called by others Mirror of Piely, and by others still Desiderius. Translated into Irish by a certain brother of the Order of St. Francis F. C. (Florence Conroy or Conry, Finghin O'Maelconaire). Louvain, 1616. 4to, vellum. One of the earliest works of the Louvain press. A book of the greatest rarity. It is in the Irish character. For the translation of the title and the name of the translator both in English and Gaelic I am indebted to an eminent Gaelic scholar. 7147 EOIN UA NUALAIN (? John Nolan). An casan go Flaiiheamnas. Atcliat-Duiblinne, M. H Gill, 1882. 8vo, morocco. Via ad Paradisum, in the Irish character. In the Approbation by the General of the Discalced Carmelites the author, a Dublin Carmelite, is called Elias a Sto. Patritio. 7148 ESSAY on the Antiquity of the Irish Language (An). Being a Collation of the Irish with the Punic Language. With a Preface proving Ireland to be the Thule of the Ancients. To which is added, A Correction of the Mistakes of Mr. Lhwyd in reading the ancient Irish MSS. Lives of the Patriarchs. Also, The Mistakes committed by Mr. Baretti in his Collation of the Irish with the Biscayan Language exposed and corrected. Dublin, 1772. 410, half calf. 7149 An Essay towards investigating the causes that have retarded the progress of Literature in Ireland, and the most efficient means of promoting its advancement. Belfast, 1840. 8vo, half calf. 7150 FOLEY (D.). An English-Irish Dictionary. Dublin, 1855. 410. 7151 FURLONG (Jonathan). An Irish Primer. Dublin, 1839. 7152 Companac an Criosdaig. The Christian's Companion, or, A Selection of devout Prayers. Dublin, 1842. i2mo. (Illustrated.) 7153 GEARNON (Antonio). Paradisus Animae, in Irish. Louvain, 1645. i2mo, vellum. Rare. In the Irish character. 7154 Another copy, but beginning at page 73. It is of the same edition as the last, bound in calf, with the inscription " Petit Livre Orlandois." 7155 GRACE (Sheffield). An Ancient Feudal War-Song, entitled Grasagh Aboe (the Cause of the Graces), which, in the olden times, constituted the Slogan or War-Cry of the retainers and clansmen of the family of Grace, Barons of Courtstown, etc. ; with translations from the original Gaelic or Iberno-Celtic Language into seven languages. London, 1839. 8vo. Frontispiece. Privately printed ; 50 copies. 7156 GLOSSAE Hibernicae veteres Codicis Taurinensis. Edidit Constantinus Nigra. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1869. 8vo. 7157 GLOSSARIES. Three Irish Glossaries. Cormac's Glossary, O'Davoren's Glossary, and A Glossary to the Calendar of Oingus the Culdee. With a Preface and Index by W. S. London, 1862. 8vo. 7158 GLOSSES. Irish Glosses. A Mediaeval Tract on Latin Declension, with Examples explained in Irish. To which are added the Lorica of Gildas, with the Gloss thereon, and a selection of Glosses from the Book of Armagh. Edited by Whitley Stokes. Dublin, 1860. 4to. 7 '59 (The Old-Irish) at Wiirzburg and Carlsruhe. Edited, with a translation and glossarial Index, by Whitley Stokes. Part i : The Glosses and Translation. Hertford, 1887. 8vo. 369 7160 GUTERBOCK (B.) et THURNEYSEN (R.). Indices Glossarum et Vocabulorum Hibernicorum quae in Grammaticae Celticae editione altera explanantur. Lipsiae, 1881. 8vo. 7161 HALIDAY. A Grammar of the Gaelic Language. Dublin, 1808. izmo. (The Irish words are written in the Irish character.) 7162 HOMILIES. The Middle -Irish Homilies on the Lives of Saints Patrick, Brigit and Columba. Edited by Whitley Stokes. Calcutta, 1877. (100 copies only privately printed.) 7163 INSCRIPTIONS (Christian) in the Irish Language. Chiefly collected and drawn by George Petrie, edited by M. S., with notes by Wm. Reeves and Whitley Stokes. Dublin, 1869. A prospectus of this work. 7164 in the Irish Language. Chiefly collected and drawn by George Petrie. Edited by M. Stoker. Dublin, 1870-71. 410. Two parts. Printed for Members only. 7165 LEABHAR (Cead) na Gaoidheilge air na chur a gclo, chum maitheas puiblidhe na h Eirin. No place, 1810. An Irish Primer in Roman characters. 7166 LEO (Henricus). Commentatio de carmine vetusto Hibernico in S. Patricii laudem scripta ab Henrico Leo. Halis Saxonum, 1845. 410. 7167 LEWIS (John). The Church Catechism explained by way of Question and Answer and confirmed by Scripture proofs : collected by John Lewis, and translated into Irish by J. Richardson. London, 1712. izmo, calf. Rare. 7168 LITURGY. The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of the Church of England ; together with the Psalter or Psalms of David, in Irish. London, 1712. 4to, calf. In the Irish character. 7169 Leabhar na n Urnaighe Comhchoitchionn, etc. (The Book of Common Prayer and Psalter.) London, 1825. i2mo, morocco. The Book is printed in Irish characters. 7170 The Book of Common Prayer, etc. In English and Irish. Dublin, 1832. 1 21110, calf. 7171 LOSS of the Crown of Loegaire Lure (The), from the Dindsenchas in the Book of Leinster. Edited by Norman Moore. Bartholomew Close, 1881. 7172 LOTH (J.). Essai sur le verbe neo-celtique en irlandais ancien et dans les dialectes modernes, son caractere, ses transformations. Paris, 1882. 8vo. 7173 M. (D. O.). Poems in the Irish character by D. O. M. London, 1835. izmo, calf. (With short English Glossary. The preface is signed Charlotte Elizabeth.) 7174 MAC CAWELL (Hugh), or AODH MAC AINGIL. Poenitentiale, seu, Tract, de Poenitentia et'Indulgentiis lingua hibernica. (Louvain or Brussels), 1618. i2mo, vellum. This little treatise is extremely rare. It is sometimes called Mirror of the Sacrament of Penance. The writer was Professor of Theology in the University of Louvain, and afterwards Archbishop of Armagh. The title-page is wanting. In the approbation the author's name is Latinized into Hugo Cavellus, under which name he is catalogued by Watt. Brunei and Graesse do not mention him. The Book is in the Irish character. 7175 MARCEL (J. J.). Alphabet irlandais, proceed d'une notice historique; litte>aire et typographique. Paris, an xii. 8vo, half calf. 24 370 7176 MARTYROLOGY OF DONEGAL (The). A Calendar of the Saints of Ireland. Translated from the original Irish by the late John O'Donovan, LL.D. Edited, with the Irish Text, by James Henthorn Todd and William Reeves. Dublin, i86(.. 8vo. This collection was made in the original Irish by Fr. Michael O'Clery, Ord. Fr. Min. Strictioris Observantiae. 1630. 7177 MASON (H. J. Monck). A Grammar of the Irish Language, compiled from the best authorities. Dublin, 1842. izmo. 7178 MISCELLANY of the Celtic Society. The Genealogy of Corca Laidhe ; Poem on the Battle of Dun, by Gilla-brighde MacConmhidhe ; Docwra's Tracts ; Several Poems, Pedigrees and Extracts. Edited by John O'Donovan, LL.D. Dublin, 1849. 8vo. 7179 NENNIUS. The Irish Version of the Historia Britonum of Nennius. Edited, with a translation and notes, by James Henthorn Todd, D.D. The introduction and additional notes by the Hon. Algernon Herbert. Dublin, 1848. 4to. 7180 O'BRIEN (Paul). A Practical Grammar of the Irish Language. Dublin, 1809. 410, half calf. In the Meath dialect. 7181 O'CLERY. Sanasan Nua. Louvain, 1643. 8vo, morocco. An Irish Vocabulary entirely in the Irish character. It is extremely scarce. At General Vallancey's sale a copy fetched six guineas. This copy contains many hand-written notes in the Irish character. 7182 O'CONNOR (C.). Dissertations on the History of Ireland. To which is subjoined, A Dissertation on the Irish Colonies established in Britain. Dublin, 1766. 8vo, calf. With Map. 7183 O'CONOR (C.). Rerum Hibernicarum scriptores veteres. Buckinghamiae, 1814-26. 4to, half calf. 4 vols. 7184 O'DALY (A.). The Tribes of Ireland. A Satire, by Aenghus O'Daly, with Poetical Translation by the late James Clarence Mangan ; together with an historical account of the Family of O'Daly, and an introduction to the history of Satire in Ireland. By John O'Donovan. Dublin, 1852. 410. 7185 O'DONOVAN (John). A Grammar of the Irish Language. Dublin, 1845. 410, half calf. 7186 O'DUGAN (John). The Kings of the Race of Eibhear. A chronological poem, by John O'Dugan, with a translation by Michael Kearney, A.D. 1635. Edited by John Daly. Dublin, 1847. 8vo. 7187 O'HEERIN (Gillananaeve) and O'DUGAN (John). The Tribes and Territories of Ancient Ossory : comprising the portions of O'Heerin's and O'Dugan's topo- graphical poems which relate to the families of that district. Enlarged from the Transactions of the Kilkenny Archaeological Society for the year 1850. By John O'Donovan. Dublin, 1851. 8vo. 7188 O'HUSSEY (B.). An Teagasg Croisdaidhe, etc. Antverpiae, apud Jacobum Mesium. In Bibliis aureis, 1611. 8vo, vellum. An Irish Catechism in the Irish character. Very rare, ist edition. 7189 O'MOLLOY (Franc.). Lucerna fidelium, seu, Fasciculus decerpttis ab authoribus magis versatis, qui tractarunt de Doctrina Christiana; idiomate hibernico scripta. Romae, Typis S. Cong, de Prop. Fide, 1676. 8vo, calf. Rare. (In the Irish character.) 7190 Another copy of the same edition, with two woodcuts, and some additional matter. Half calf. Rare. 7191 Grammatica Latino-Hibernica nunc compendiata. Romae, Typ. S. Cong. de Propag. Fide, 1677. izmo, morocco. Rare. 371 7192 O'MOLLOY (J. O.). Index nominum et vocabulorum Hibernicorum quae in J. C. Zeussii Grammatica Celtica reperiuntur. Dublin, 1878. 410. Presentation copy to Prince L.-L. B. from the Compiler. 7193 O'REILLY (Edward). A Chronological account of nearly 400 Irish writers. (Trans- actions of the Iberno-Celtic Society for 1820. Vol. i, part i.) Dublin, 1820. 4to, half calf. 7194 An Irish-English Dictionary. To which is annexed, a compendious Irish Grammar. Dublin, 1821. Half calf. 7195 An Irish-English Dictionary. A new edition, with the great Supplement: being the collections for an Irish Dictionary made by John O'Donovan. Dublin, 1864. 410. In parts. 7196 PETRIE (George). On the History and Antiquities of Tara Hill. Read 24th April, 8th May, and 22nd May 1837. Vol. xviii of the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy. Dublin, 1839. 410, half calf. 7197 PRAYER BOOK. The Irish Catholic Prayer Book, with English translation. Dublin. This is a preliminary issue without the translation. It is in the Irish character. 7198 PRIMER. The Irish-English Primer or Spelling Book. Dublin, 1820. i2mo. 7199 (A) of the Irish Language, with copious reading lessons ; for the use of the Students in the College of St. Columba. Dublin, 1845. iimo, calf. 7200 RHYS (John). On Irish Ogham Inscriptions : A letter addressed to William Stokes. M.D. A paper read before the Royal Irish Academy, January iith, 1875, and published in the Proceedings, 2nd ser., vol. i. (Pol. Lit. and Antiq.) Dublin, 1876. Fifty copies only, reprinted by The Academy for the Author. 7201 SCELA NA ESERGI. A treatise on the Resurrection Now printed for the first time from the original Irish in lebor na-Luidre, a MS. in the Library of the Royal Irish Academy, with a literal translation, by J. O'Beirne Crowe. Dublin, 1865. In the Irish character. 7202 SEGNARY (Paul). True Wisdom; or, Considerations for every day of the week, translated from the Italian into English and Irish. Cork, (John Connor), 1813. i2mo, half calf. The Irish translator is John O'Connell. 7203 SKETCH (A brief) of various attempts which have been made to diffuse a knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, through the medium of the Irish Language. Dublin, 1818. 4to, half calf. 7204 STAPLETON (Theobald). Catechismus, seu, Doctrina Christiana Latino-Hibernica, per modum dialogi, inter magistrum et discipulum. Explicata per R. D. Theobaldum Stapletonium, Sacerdotem Hibernicum. Bruxellis, Typis Huberti Anthonii Velpij, sub Aquila aurea iuxta Palatium, 1639. 410, morocco. Extremely rare. Bears the British Museum Sale Duplicate Stamp, 1787. This is the first book in the Irish language printed in the Roman character. On page 55 there is half a column cancelled of the Latin version, while the Irish remains untouched. The new Latin version is pasted over the old. 7205 STOKES (W.). On Professor Atkinson's Edition of the Passions and Homilies in the Lebar Brecc. No date or place. 7206 TEAGUISG CHRIOSDAIDHE (An). Louvain, 1663. 4 to, calf. A Book of Christian Doctrine in the Irish character. 7207 Romae, 1707. Secunda oeditio. 8vo, calf. A Book of Christian Doctrine in the Irish character. 372 7208 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Tiomna Nuadh ar dtighearna agus ar slanuigheora losa Criosd, ar na tharruing go fi'rinneach as Greigis go Gaoidheilg. Re William o Domhnuill. Lunnduin, R. Ebheringtham, 1690. izmo, half calf. 7209 Another edition. London, J. S. Hughes, 1824.. i2mo, calf. 7210 Dublin, His Majesty's Printers, 1829. izmo, calf. In the Irish character. 7211 Another edition. London, R. Clay, 1847. izmo, calf. In the Irish character. 7212 Another edition. Dublin, Hardy and Sons, 1849. izmo, calf. In the Irish character. 7213 TRANSACTIONS of the Gaelic Society of Dublin, for 1808. Dublin, 1808. 4 to, half calf. Vol. i. This publication contains : Institutio principis, carmen Hibernicum, auctore Thaddeo, filio Darii, filio Brodoei, seu Brodini. Latina versione verbum verbo fideliter redditum, cum notis, a Theophilo O'Flanagan. Dublinii, 1808. 7214 URNUIGHEAN air an toirt a leabhar urnuighean Eaglais Aonafchte Shasuinn agus na h-Eirionn, etc. London, Prayer Book and Homily Society, 1851. 12010. 7215 URNUIGHTHK na majdne agus na noine. (Morning and evening prayers in the Irish character.) London, 1851. 12010. (Contains also the Athanasian Creed, etc.) Translated by Thomas de Vere Coneys. 7216 Another edition. London, 1853. 8vo. By a different translator. 7217 VALLANCEY (Charles V A grammar of the Iberno-Celtic, or Irish Language. Dublin, Marchbank, 1773. 4to, half calf. 7218 Second edition; to which is prefixed an essay on the Celtic Language. Dublin, Marchbank, 1781-82. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. 7219 Collectanea de rebus Hibernicis. Vols. i-iv are of 2nd edition. Dublin, Luke White, 1786; vol. v, Dublin, Marchbank, 1790; and vol. vi, Dublin, Grais- berry and Campbell, 1804. 8vo, calf. 6 vols. 7220 Comparaison de la langue punique et de la langue irlandoise. au moyen de la scene punique de la come"die de Plaute intituled Le Carthaginois. No town, 1787. 7221 Prospectus of a Dictionary of the Language of the Aire Coti, or Ancient Irish, compared with the Language of the Cuti, or Ancient Persians, with the Hindoostanee, the Arabic, and Chaldean Languages. Dublin, Graisberry and Campbell, 1802. 410, half calf. 7222 An Essay on the antiquity of the Irish Language. 3rd edition. London, Ryan, 1818. 8vo. 7223 VOCABULARY. An Irish Vocabulary entirely in the Irish character, without title- page. Apparently old. 7224 WALKER (Joseph C.). Historical Memoirs of the Irish Bards. Interspersed with anecdotes of, and occasional observations on, the Music of Ireland. Dublin, 1786. 4to, calf. 7225 WINDISCH (E.). Kurzgefasste irische Grammatik mit Lesestiicken. Leipzig, 1879. 8vo. 7226 WRIGHT (C.H.H.). A Grammar of the Modern Irish Language. Dublin, 1855. 8vo. 373 ULSTER DIALECT. 7227 GALLAGHER (J.). Seventeen Irish Sermons .... in English characters .... revised and corrected by the late Edward O'Reilly. Dublin, 184^ i2mo, calf. 7228 INTRODUCTION to the Irish Language. Belfast, 1835. i2mo. 7229 LYNCH (Patrick). An Introduction to the Knowledge of the Irish Language. Dublin, 1815. 410, half calf. Patrick Lynch was a native of Castlewellan, co. Down. 7230 M. (S. O.)- Cason na Gaoidilge. An introduction to the Irish language; compiled at the request of the Irish teachers ; under the patronage of the General Assembly in Ireland. Dublin, 1841. i2mo. 7231 NEILSON (Wm.). An Introduction to the Irish Language. Dublin, 1808. 410, half calf. In the Down dialect. This is a very valuable dialectal work. 7232 Another edition. Achill, 1843. 8vo, half calf. 7233 RICHARDSON (John). Sermons upon the principal points in religion, translated into Irish. London, 1711. 8vo, calf. The work is dedicated to the Duke of Ormonde, Lord Lieutenant General of Ireland. The title-page and some others are wanting. It is, however, very probably a copy of the first edition. In the Irish character. MUNSTER DIALECT. 7234 BARRON (Philip F.). An Irish Primer. Parts i, 2 and 3. Dublin, n.d. 7235 The Harp of Erin, a Collection of Irish Songs. Dublin, 1835. 7236 CATECHISM. An Teagasg Criostaiche ; do reir cheiste agas fhreagraidh, athraidhthe go Gaodhailge le oideas Uilliam Coppiner, easbog chluana agas rois, Ua'n Ngear-theagash a sgriobodh se fein a mbeurla, ath- leighte ieis an Athair Domhnald O'Sulliobhain. Cork, 1849. 35 pages. In the Roman character. 7237 CHALLONER (R.). Smuain go maith air: Think well on't : or, Reflections on the Great Truths of the Christian Religion, in English and Irish. 43rd edition. Dublin, 1820. i2mo. The Irish is in Roman characters. This translation is by Eugene O'Cavanagh. 7238 ERIONNACH. The Poets and Poetry of Munster. A selection of Irish Songs by the Poets of the last century, with metrical translations. Second Series. Dublin, 1860. 8vo. 7239 FITZGERALD (Philip). An Irish Sermon on the Passion of Our Lord. Dublin, 1 86 1. 24 pages. In the Irish character. 7240 IRELAND (Ancient). A Weekly Magazine; edited by Philip F. Barren, 1835. 8vo, half calf. Vol. i. 7241 IRISHMAN'S TREASURE (The). A Harmony of the Four Gospels, in the Munster Vernacular Irish, with the English Version and Douay, in parallel columns. Limerick, Canter, n.d. i2mo. 7242 JOYCE (P. W.). A Grammar of the Irish Language for the use of Schools. Dublin, 1879. i2mo. 7243 KEMPIS (Thos. a). The Imitation of Christ, translated into Irish by D. O'Sullivan. Dublin, 1822. 8vo, morocco. (Irish characters.) 374 7244 MAcCURTIN (Hugh). The Elements of the Irish Language, grammatically explained in English. Lovain, Martin Van Overbeke, 1728. 410, calf. Extremely rare. 7245 and O'BEGLY (Conor). English-Irish dictionary, with an Irish Grammar. Paris, Guerin, 1732. 4to, half calf. Very rare. In this copy an error in the folding occurred, page 672 being followed by 68 1. The intermediate pages follow page 688. This is a very fine copy. 7246 MANNI (J.-B.). Four Maxims of Christian Philosophy drawn from four considerations of Eternity. Written originally in Italian, and translated into Irish by James Scurry. Waterford, 1825. 410, half calf. 7247 MEANY (John). Irish Sermons with translations. (Catholic Sermons from the French.) Dublin, 1835. In the Irish character. 7248 O'DALY (John). Self-instruction in Irish. Second edition. Dublin, 1848. In the Irish character with English renderings. 7249 O'SCOIREADH (Seumas) or James O'Scurry. An Introduction to the Irish language, with religious instructions in Irish. Portlairge, 1820. i8mo. In the Roman character. 7250 Remarks on the Irish Language, with a review of its Grammars, Glossaries, etc. To which is added a comprehensive Irish Dictionary. Dublin, 1827. 410, half morocco. In the title the author's name is given as James Scurry, but, being the author of the previous work also, he is here catalogued under the Irish form of his name. 7251 O'SUILLIOVAIN (Seumas) or James O'Sullivan. Short Sermons and Hymns in Irish. Dublin, 1847. izmo. In Irish characters. 7252 POETS AND POETRY of Munster (The). A selection of Irish Songs by the Poets of the last century. With poetical translations by the late James Clarence Mangan, now for the first time published, with the original music, and biographical sketches of the authors. By John O'Daly. Second edition. Dublin, 1850. 8vo. 7253 SCURRY. See O'SCOIREADH. 7254 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Tiomna Nuad ar dtigearna agus ar slanuigteora losa Crfosd. Dublin and London, 1858. 4to, morocco. This version is in the Munster dialect, and is printed in the Irish character. The translator's name is given as Riobeard O'Cagain. 7255 Gospels. The Four Gospels in the Irish Language. With Notes, Hymns and Historical Facts. Adapted principally for the populous Province of Munster. London, n.d. i2mo, morocco. Partly in the Irish character. 7256 THIEF (The Dying) and Dying Saviour. Limerick, (R. P. Canter), n.d. In English and Irish. The Irish is in the Irish character. CONNAUGHT DIALECT. 7257 BIBLE. Genesis. An Irish Translation of the Book of Genesis from the Latin Vulgate, with a corresponding English version, by Dr. John Mac Hale, Archbishop of Tuam. Tuam, 1859. 4to. 7258 Psalter. The Psalms of David in the Irish Language. Now for the first time rendered into metre. For the use of the Native Irish. By Norman McLeod, D.D. London, 1836. i2mo. In the Irish character. 375 7259 BOURKE (Ulick J.). The College Irish Grammar. Dublin, 1856, Svo. Some of the linguistic peculiarities are individual. 7260 Second edition. Dublin, 1862. 12010. 7261 Another edition. Dublin, 1865. izmo. 7262 Easy Lessons ; or, Self-Instruction in Irish. Dublin, 1866. i2mo. 7263 Third edition. Dublin, n.d. i2mo. 7264 CATECHISM. An Teagasg Criosdaige. De nein Comainle Ard-Easboig Tuama, agus Easbog na caige sin. A m- baile Ata-cliat, (Dublin), 1839. izmo. Catholic Catechism, with prayers, translated by the Archbishop of Tuam. In the Irish character. 7265 Second edition. Dublin, 1857. izmo. 7266 Doctor Kirwan's Irish Catechism ; published under the sanction of the Most Rev. Oliver O'Kelly, Archbishop of Tuam, etc. By Thomas Hughes. 4th edition. Dublin, 1839. i2mo. 7267 Fifth edition. Dublin, 1842. i2mo. These works are in the Roman character. 7268 An Teagask Creestye, agus Paidreacha na mainne, agus an tranona. Dublin, Richard Grace, n.d. i2mo. In the Roman character, written phonetically. 7269 CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE (The), compiled according to .the Resolution of the Archbishop of Tuam and the Bishops of that Province. Dublin, 1843. In Irish and English. 7270 CONNELLAN (Owen). The Gospel according to St. John in Irish with an interlined English translation ; and a grammatical praxis on the Gospel according to St. Matthew in Irish, etc. Dublin, 1830. i2mo. In the Irish character. In the Sligo dialect of Connaught. 7271 A Dissertation on Irish Grammar, comprising a Critique on the latest Grammar of that Language, published by Henry Joseph Monck Mason. Dublin, 1834. 1 2mo, half calf. 7272 A Practical Grammar of the Irish Language. Dublin, 1844. izmo, half calf. 7273 (Thaddeus). The King's Letter translated into Irish, with an intro- duction to Irish. 2nd edition. London, 1825. i2mo, calf. 7274 The Irish-English Primer. }rd edition. London, 1825. i2mo, calf. 7275 Easy Lessons on Money Matters, Commerce, Trade, Wages, etc., etc., in English and Irish. Dublin, 1835. i2mo, half calf. 7276 An English-Irish Dictionary. Dublin, 1863. izmo. 7277 CATECHISM. Aitgearugad an Teagaisg Criosdaige Geinearailte. . . . Airtnigte a n-Gaoidilig, le Jonathan Furlong, Sagart Catoilice. A n-Atcliat, (Dublin), 1839. i2mo. Catholic Catechism translated by the Rev. Jonathan Furlong. In the Irish character. 7278 HOMER. The Iliad, translated into Irish verse by John, Archbishop of Tuam ; on corresponding pages, the original Greek and Irish translation. Dublin, 1 84^-60. 8vo. Five books. In the Irish character. 7279 MOLLOY (J. II.). A Grammar of the Irish Language. New edition. Dublin, 1878. izmo. In the Galway dialect, with examples of others. 376 7280 MOORE (Thomas). Melodies, translated into Irish by John, Archbishop of Tuam. Dublin, 1842. In parts. 8vo. In the Irish character. 7281 SPELLING BOOK (An Irish and English). Thirteenth edition. Dublin, 1837. In the Irish character. 7282 Twentieth edition. Achill, 1848. 7283 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). St. Matthew, etc. The Gospel of St. Matthew, with the last chapter of each of the other three Evangelists ; and the Life of Joseph from the Book of Genesis, in the Irish language and character. To which is prefixed an Irish Grammar. (London), 1840. i2mo, calf. The translator is Thaddeus Connellan. 7284 TORAS NA CROICE. The Stations of the Cross, translated by Dr. John MacHale, Archbishop of Tuam. Dublin, 1861. In the Irish character. GAELIC OF SCOTLAND. 7285 AHLWARDT (Chr. Wilhelm). Probe einer neuen Uebersetzung der Gedichte Ossian's aus dem gaelischen Original. Oldenburg, 1807. 410. 7286 AITHGHEARRADH na Teagaisg Chriosduidh. (Christian Doctrine in Gaelic.) Lunnuine (London), 1781. i2mo, calf. 7287 ALLEINE (Joseph). Earail dhurachdach do Pheacaich neo-iompaichte. Inbhirneis, 1802. i2mo, calf. (Alarm to the Unconverted.) 7288 Another edition. Duneidin, 1822. i2mo. 7289 ARMSTRONG (R. A,). A Gaelic dictionary, in two parts, i. Gaelic and English. 2. English and Gaelic. London, 1825. 410, half calf. 7290 ATHGHEARRADH an teagasg Chriosd. Obarrain. 1835. (Catechism.) 7291 BAXTER (Richard). Gairm an de mhoir do'n t'slaugh Neo-iompaichte, iompachadh agus bhi beo. Edinburgh, 1822. i2mo. (A call to the Unconverted to turn and live.) 7292 Another edition. Edinburgh, 1845. i2mo. 7293 BIBLE. Leabhraichean an T-Seann Tiomnaidh air an tarruing o'n cheud chanain chum Gaelic Albanaich ann an da earran. ^Edinburgh, 1807. i2mo, calf. 2 vols. (The Old Testament.) 7294 Leabhraichean an T-Seann Tiomnaidh. Edinburgh, 1807 ; and, Tiomnadh Nuadh. Edinburgh, 1813. i2mo, calf. 7295 Leabhraichean an T-Seann Tiomnaidh agus an Tiomnaidh Nuaidh ; air an tarruing o na ceud chanainibh chum Gaelic Albannaich. London, 1829. 8vo, morocco. 7296 Leabhraichean an T-Seann Tiomnaidh, air an tarruing o'n cheud chanain chum Gaelic Albannaich. London, 1839. 12 mo, calf. 7297 The same. Agus air an cur a mach le h-ughdarras ardsheanaidh eaglais na H-Alba. Glasgow, 1854. 12010, calf. 7298 Leabhraichean an T-Seann Tiomnaidh agus an Tiomnaidh Nuaidh ; air an tarruing o na ceud chanainibh chum Gaelic Albannaich. London, 1857. 8vo, morocco. 7299 Psalter. Sailm Dhaibhidh a Meadar Dhana Gaoidheilg do reir na Heabhra. Ndun-Edin, A. Anderson, 1715. i2mo, calf. 377 7300 BIBLE. Psalter. Sailm Dhaibhidh ann dan Gaoidhealach do reir na Heabhra. Glas-gho, 1765. 1 2mo, half calf. 7301 Another edition of the Psalms. Dun-Eidean, T. Stewart, 1800. izmo, calf. 7302 Psalter. Sailm Dhaibhidh. Dun-eidin, 1805. izmo, calf. A metrical translation of the Psalms by the Rev. John Smith, approved by the Synod of Argyle. 7303 Another edition of the Psalms. (Tomas Ros), Duneidin, T. Steuart, 1807. iirno. 7304 Psalter. Sailm Dhaibhidh ann an Dan Gaidhealach. Glasgow, (1824). 1 2 mo, calf. Metrical translation of the Psalms by Thomas Ros. 7305 Another edition. Glasgow, 1842. i8mo, calf. 7306 Glasgow, n.d. i2mo, calf. 7307 Apocripha air eadar-theangachadh air son a cheud uair, o'n bh6urla ghnathaichte chum na Gaelic Albannaich. Leis an Urramach Alasdair Macgriogair. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Lunainn, 1860. 410, morocco. Apocrypha Gaelice. Only 250 copies printed. 7308 Another copy of the same edition, being the only one on thick paper. Crushed levant. 7309 BLARACH (Donnchadh). Marbh-rann do'n Urramach Iain Ceanaideach. Dun-eidin, 1843. An Elegy on the Rev. John Kennedy by D. Blair. 7310 BUCHANAN (Dugald). The Life and Conversion of Dugald Buchanan, who died at Rannach in 1768, (written by himself). To which is annexed his Spiritual Hymns. In Gaelic. Edinburgh, 1844. izmo. 7311 BOCHANNAN (Dughall). Laoidhean Spioradail. Spiritual Hymns, by Dugald Buchanan. Dun^ideann, 1854. 7312 BOSTON (Thomas). An Camadh's a'Chrannchur; no gliocas agus ard-uachdranachd dhe", air am foillseachadh ann an amhgharaibh dhaoine ; etc. Duneidin, 1847. 8vo. (Translated by John Rose.) 7313 Nadur an Duine 'na staid cheithir-fillte. Fourfold State, or, Treatise on Human Nature, translated into Gaelic by G. M'Donald, revised by the Rev. J. M'Donald. Edinburgh, 1858. i2mo. 7314 BROOKES (Thomas). Ubhlan Oir, air son Muinntir oga; agus Crun Gloire, air son Seana Mhuinntir, etc. Duneidean, 1850. 8vo, calf. Brookes's Apples of Gold, translated by John Rose. 7315 BUNYAN (John). Beath agus Bas Mhr Droch-Dhuine. Inverness, 1824. i2mo. Translated by Rob. Domhnullach. 7316 Osnaidhean 'o Ifrinn; no, Acainean anaim damnaite. Inverness, 1829. izmo. (Translated by Rob. Domhnullach. Sighs from Hell, or, The Groans of a Damned Soul.} 7317 Thig agus se do bheatha chum Josa Criosd. Duneideann, 1844. i2mo. (Come and Welcome to Jesus.} 7318 An Saoghal a ta ri teachd ; no seallaidhean ne'imh agus ifrinn. Duneideann, 1844. i2mo. (The World to Come, or, Visions of Heaven and Hell,} 7319 - Eachdraidh mu'n Chogadh Naomh. Duneidin, 1846. 8vo. Translated by John Rose. 378 7320 BUNYAN (J.). Uisge na Beatha. Dun&deann, 1846. izmo. {The Water of Life.") 7321 Osnaichean bho ifrinn ; no acain anma damnaite. Duneideann, 1846. i2mo. (Sighs from Hell, or, The Groans of a Damned Soul.} 7322 Gras am pailteas do Cheann-feadhna nam peacach. Duneideann, 1847. i2mo. (Grace abounding to the chief 'of 'sinners .) 7.323 An Gille-ruith Neamhaidh, etc. Dunedin, 1848. 8vo. (The Heavenly Footman, &c., and Bunyan's Life.) 7324 Cuairt an Eilthirich, no Turas a' Chriosdaidh, etc.. Duneideann, 1856. izrno. (The Pilgrim s Progress. With fine Portrait of the Author.) 7325 BURDER (Seoras). Searmoinean bhailtean duthcha, etc. Edinburgh, 1848. 8vo. (Village Sermons.) 7326 CAIMBEUL (Do'nall). Smuaintean Cudthromacha mu bhas agus Fhulangas ar Slanui'-fhir. Peairt, 1800. i2mo, calf. Serious Thoughts on Death, etc., by Donald Campbell, translated into Gaelic by Duncan Macfarlane. 7327 Poetry and traditions of the Highland Clans. Glasgow, (1858). Presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 7328 (Duncan). Nuadh Grain Ghailach. Corcuig, 1798. i2mo, calf. A new Gaelic Song Book by Duncan Campbell, Cork. Duncan Campbell was a soldier of the 2nd battalion of the Rothsay and Caithness Fencibles. 73 2 9 (G-). Grain le Gilleaspuig Caimbeul aig Ceann-Lock-Earn. (Gaelic Poetry.) Dun-Eudainn, 1851. i2mo. 7330 CAIRD (Urr ch Jain). Diadhaidheachd am measg ghnothuichean an T-Saoghail, Searmoin. Dun-eidean, 1856. 7331 CARAID NAN GAEL. No. 2. May, 1844. Glasgow. (A Gaelic Periodical.) 7332 CARAID NAN GAIDHEAL ; or. The Highland Friend, for the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. Inverness, July 1853. This was the only number ever published. 7333 CINNIBURGH (R.)- Eachdraidh nan Ainmhidhean ainmicht' anns na Sgriobtuiribh. (Small History of Animals in Gaelic.) Dun-Eidinn, 1838. i2mo. 7334 CLARSACH na H-Alba, no, Orana taghta Gaidhealach. The Harp of Caledonia: a collection of popular Gaelic Songs. Glasgow, n.d. 7335 CLARSACH nam Beann, no, Dain agus Grain, ann an Gaelig, Le E6bhan Mac-Colla. Dun-eidinn, 1838. nmo. (Poems.) 7336 CLEIREACH (Rev. G.). Searmoin mu ard- cheannas Chriosd. Glasgow, 1845. 7337 CO-CHRUINNEACHA Dhan, Grain, etc., etc. (Collection of Original Poems, Songs, etc., taken from oral recitation.) Inbhirnis (Inverness), 1821. i2mo. 7338 CO-CHRUINNEACHADH nuadh do Dh'Orannibh Gaidhealach. Inbhirneis (Inver- ness), 1806. i2mo, calf. 7339 COLLECTION (A) of Ancient and Modern Gaelic Poems and Songs transmitted from gentlemen in the Highlands of Scotland to the editor, John Gillies. Perth, 1786. 4to, calf. 7340 of Gaelic Poetry. Title-page wanting. Some of the pieces are : Dan an Deirg, Tiomna Ghuill, Dan na Du-Thuinn, Diannad, etc., etc. 379 7341 COMH-CHRUINNEACHIDH Orannaigh Gaidhealach. Duneidiunn, 1782. izmo, calf. (Gaelic Poems, edited by R. Macdonald.) 7342 CONALL (D. M.). Reul-eolas : anns am bheil cunntas air cuspairibh an Rian- Ghreine. Edinburgh, n.d. A Treatise on Astronomy by D. M. Connell. 7343 CONFESSION OF FAITH (The). Larger and Shorter Catechisms, agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, with the assistance of Commissioners from the Church of Scotland, as a part of the Covenanted Uniformity in Religion betwixt the Churches of Christ in the Three Kingdoms Scotland, England and Ireland. Translated into the Irish Language by the Synod of Argyle. The Third Edition. Glasgow, 1756. izmo, calf. In the West of Scotland Gaelic dialect. I learn from a most distinguished Gaelic scholar that till the beginning of this century the Lowlaaders called the speech of the Highlanders Irish. 7344. CURRIE (A.). The Principles of Gaelic Grammar. Edinburgh, 1828. iimo. 7345 DEWAR (D.). Laoidhean o'n Scrioptur Naomha. London, 1806. 12 mo, half calf. (A Collection of Gaelic Hymns.) 7346 DICTIONARY. Dictionarium Scoto-Celticum. A Dictionary of the Gaelic Lan- guage .... compiled and published under the direction of the Highland Society of Scotland. Edinburgh and London, 1828. 410, half calf. 7347 DODSLEY (Robert). Sdiuradh na Beatha Shaoghalta. Edinburgh, 1806. izmo, uncut. Robert Dodsley's Economy of Human Life, translated into Gaelic by Alexander McLaurin. 7348 DOMHNULLACH (Jain). Marbhrainn a rinneadh air Diadhairibh Urramach, nach maireann; agus Dana Spioradail Eile. Edinburgh, 1858. izmo. Dr. M 'Donald's Gaelic Poems. 7349 DUGHALACH (Ailein). Orain, Marbhrannan, agus Duanagan Ghaidhealach. Inbheirnis, Inverness, 1829. izmo. (Poetry.) 7350 DYER (Uilleam). Ainmeannan cliuiteach Chriosd ; Slabhraidh 6ir a' Chreidich, agus An T-Slighe Chumhann do Neamh, etc. Dunth century. With English Translations and Notes by the Rev. John Williams, Ab Ithel, M.A. Llandovery, 1856. 410, morocco. Published for the Welsh MSS. Society. 7653 EDWARDS (Charles). Y Ffydd ddi-ffuant; sef, Hanes a rhinwedd y Ffydd Gristio- nogol, o ddechreuad y byd hyd yn ddiweddar. Dolgelleu, 1811. izmo, calf. The True Fat //, viz. : The History and Virtue of the Christian Faith from the beginning of the World until recently. 7654 Y Ffydd ddiffuant : sef, Hanes y Ffydd Gristionogol A'i Rhinwedd. Caerfyrddin, 1856. 8vo. The True Faith, viz. : The History of the Christian Faith and its virtue. 7655 (Griffith). Gwaith Prydyddawl. Bala, 1846. 8vo. (Welsh Poems.) 7656 Deg-ar-Hugain o Bregethau ar wahanol destynau. Rhuthyn, 1854. 8vo. Thirty Welsh Sermons on different subjects. 7657 (Rich. Foulkes). Y Blaenffrwyth ; sef, Gwaith Barddonol. Dinbych, 1858. 8vo. The First -fruit or Poetical work of Richard Foulkes Edwards. 7658 (Robert). Ychydig Sylwadau, yn cynwys dwy Bregeth. Aberhonddu, 1830. izmo. (Sermons.) 7659 (Roger). Caneuon ar destunau Crefyddol a Moesol. Wyddgrug. 8vo. (Welsh Poems.) 7660 (Thomas). Y Farddoneg Fabilonaidd ; neu, Weledigaeth cwrs y byd. Merthyr, 1834. 8vo - A Welsh Interlude. 7661 A brief Analysis of Welsh Orthography. Denbigh, 1847. 4to, half calf. 7662 Gwaith Thomas Edwards o'r Cant ; yn nghyd o hanes ei fywyd. Merthyr, 1849. 8vo, calf. The Works of Thomas Edwards of Nant, together with his Biography. 7663 An English and Welsh Dictionary ; also, an Analysis of the Orthography of the Welsh Language. Holywell, 1850. 410. 7664 Another edition. Treffynnon, 1856. 8vo. In parts. Only 20 parts. (A Pentecoster.) 7665 (William). Eos Padarn ; yn cynnwys awdlau, cywyddau, englynion, carolau, cerddi ac emynau, ar Amrywiol Destynau. Llanrwst, 1829. i2mo, half morocco. The poetical works of William Edwards (Eos Padarn). 7666 EGWYDDORIG ; neu, Arweinydd i ddysgu darllen y Gymraeg. Aberystwyth, 1853. (Welsh Primer.) 7667 o'er laith Gymraeg, neu, Y Llyfr Cyntaf i ddechreu dysgu darllen. London, izmo. 2 vols. (Welsh Primer.) 7668 ELIAS (Rev. Thomas). Hymnau, wedi eu cyfansoddi ar bedwar a deugain o brif bynciau y Grefydd Gristionogol. Merthyr-Tydfil, 1856. 8vo, half morocco. Hymns : composed on 44 of the chief articles of the Christian faith. 7669 ELLIS (Alex. J.). On the delimitation of the English and Welsh Languages. (Reprinted from Y Cymmrodor, vol. v, with original pagination.) 7670 ENCYCLOPEDIA CAMBRENSIS. Y Gwyddoniadur Cymreig. Parts 37, 38, 39 and 40. Denbigh, 1861. 396 7671 ERYRON GWYLLT WALIA. Awdl ar Roddiad y Ddeddf ar Sinai. Testun Eisteddfod Aberhonddu yn y Flwyddyn, 1826. Llundain, 1827. i2mo. A Poem on the Giving of the Law on Sinai. 7672 ESSAY on the Influence of Welsh Tradition upon European Literature. London, n.d. 8vo. 7673 EURGRAWN MON, neu, Drysorfa Hanesyddawl am y Flwyddyn. 1825. Llyfr i. Caergybi. 7674 EVANS (Rev. D.). Gwinllan y Bardd ; sef, Prydyddwaith ar amrywiol destunau a gwahanol fesurau. Llanymddyfri, 1831. 12 mo. (Welsh Poetry.) 7675 (D. Silvan). Llythyraeth yr laith Gymraeg. Caerfyrddin, 1861. 8vo. The Orthography of the Welsh Language. 7676 (Daniel). Plant Bychain yn Gadwedig ; neu, Draethawd ar Gadwedigaeth Babanod. Merthyr Tydfil, 181 1. i2mo. An Essay on the Salvation of Infants. 7677 Golwg ar Gyflwr yr Iddewon cerdd. Aberystwyth, 1826. 4to. 7678 (D. S.). An English and Welsh Dictionary. Denbigh, 1852-58. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. 7679 (Rev. Evan). Some Specimens of the Poetry of the Antient Welsh Bards translated into English, with Notes, etc. London, 1764. 4to, calf. 7680 (Evan). Casgliad of Bregethau. Mwythig, 1776. 12 mo, calf. (A Collec- tion of Sermons in Welsh.) 2 vols. 7681 (Rev. E.). Yr Adgyfodiad. Y bryddest fuddugol ar destun y gadair yn Eisteddfod Frenhinol Rhuddlan, 1850. Llundain, 1851. 8vo. A Poem on the Resurrection. 7682 Hynt y Meddwyn, o'i ddechreuad cyssurus i'uddiwedd trallodus. Llundain, 1851. 410. The Drunkard's Career. 7683 (John). Cyssondeb y Pedair Efengyl. Harmony of the Holy Gospels in Welsh. Mristo, 1765. 410, calf. 7684 Geirlyfr Seisonig a Chymreig. A New English and Welsh Dictionary, with a Botanical Dictionary subjoined. Llanrwst, 1847. 410. 7685 Another edition. Llanrwst, 1848. 4to. 7686 (Samuel). YGomerydd; sef, Eglurhad ar lawn-Lythyreniaeth y Gymmraeg. Caerdydd, 1854. i2mo. The Gomerian, viz. : an Explanation of the proper orthography of the Welsh Language. 7687 (Rev. Theophilus). Drych y Prif Oesoedd, yn ddwy Ran. Mwythig, (Shrewsbury), (1740). 8vo, half calf. 7688 Another edition. Caerfyrddin, 185 i. 8vo, half calf. The Mirror of the Ages. 7689 (Thos.). Cambrian Itinerary, or, Welsh Tourist. With Vocabulary. London, 1801. 8vo. 7690 An English and Welsh Vocabulary. To which is subjoined a Grammar of the Welsh Language by the Rev. Thos. Richards, and a Dissertation on the Welsh Language by the Rev. John Walters. Dolgelley, 1816. 410, half calf. 7691 An English and Welch Vocabulary; or, An Easy Guide to the Antient British Tongue. To which is prefixed, A Grammar of the Welch Language, by Thomas Richards. Merthyr, 1804. i2mo, half calf. 7692 Another edition. Brecon, 1820. 410, half calf. 397 7693 EVANS (Thos.X An English-Welsh Dictionary; neu, Eir Lyfr Saes'neg a Chymraeg. Merthyr Tydfil, 1809. i2mo, half calf. 7694 and RICHARDS (Thos.). An English and Welch Vocabulary by Thomas Evans, and a Grammar of the Welch Language by Thomas Richards. Merthyr, 1804. izmo. 7695 (W.). An English-Welsh Dictionary. Carmarthen, 1771. 4to, calf. 7696 Second edition. Carmarthen, 1812. 4to, half calf. 7697 FEDDYGINIAETH. Y Prif Feddyginiaeth, sef, Physigwriaeth yr oesoedd Gynt. (Welsh translations from the English.) Mwythig, 1750- 8vo, calf. 7698 FFLEMING (Rev. Robert). Codiad a Chwymp pabyddiaeth. Merthyr,~i849. 8vo, half morocco. The Rise and Fall of Popery. 7699 FFORDD RWYDD (Y) ; neu, Gyfarwyddyd Esmwyth i ddysgu darllen Cymraeg, yn cynwys Gwersi hawdd ac eglur. Merthyr-Tydvil, 1855. (Primer.) 7700 FFRWYTH yr Awen ; sef, Awdlau, Cywyddau, ac Ynglynion, a ddanfonwyd i Eisteddfod Gwent ; pa un a gynhaliwyd yn Aberhonddu, dan nawdd Syr Charles Morgan, Marchog, y 24 ain of Fedi 1822. Aberhonddu, 1823. 410, half calf. The Transactions of the Brecon Eisteddfod of 1822. 7701 FFURFGWEDDI. (A Welsh form of Prayer.) Bala, 1826. 7702 FFURF O WEDDIAU ; i'w harfer ar amryw achosion, wedi eu cymmwyso a'i talfyrru, o waith amryw awdwyr, etc. Treffynnon, n.d. i2mo. (Forms of Prayer.) 7703 FY CHWAER ; sef, Cofiant am Miss Margaret Jones, Cefn y Gader, Wyddgrug. Gan ei brawd Thomas Jones. Gyda Rhagymadrodd a nodiadau, Gan Roger Edwards. Wyddgrug, 1854. 8vo. My Sister, viz. : a Memoir of Miss Margaret Jones, Cefn-y-Gader, Mold. 7704 GAMBOLD (W.). A Welsh Grammar. Carmarthen, 1727. 410, calf. 7705 Another edition. Carmarthen, 1817. i2mo, half morocco. 7706 Third edition. Bala, 1833. 8vo. 7707 Fourth edition. Bala, 1843. 8vo, half calf. 7708 Fifth edition. Bala, 1856. 8vo. 7709 GEIRLYFR CYMRAEG (Y) yr hwn sydd yn cynnwys Geiriadur Ysgrythyrol, hanesol ac ieithyddol, lie y danghosir arwyddocad geiriau annghyfiaiih, etc. Gan O. Williams, Waunfawr, ac I. Jones, Aberystwyth. Llanfair-Caereinion, 1835. Folio, half calf. A Welsh Scriptural and Historical Cyclopaedia. 7710 GEMS of English Verse with Translations into Welsh. Carmarthen, 1853. 8vo. 7711 GLAN ALUN. Pregethwr y Bobl, neu fyfyrdodau a achlysurwyd gan farwolaeth y Parch. John Jones, Tal-y-Sarn. Gan Glan Alun. Wyddgrug, 1858. 410. 7712 GLYN COTHI (Lewis). The Poetical Works of Lewis Glyn .Cothi, a celebrated Bard, who flourished in the reigns of Henry VI, Edward IV, Richard III and Henry VII. Oxford, 1837. 8vo - 7713 GOLWG ar wahanol Greffyddau y Byd ; yn nghyd a darluniad teg o'r Amrywiol bleidiau Cristionogol ac anffyddol. Caerfyrdin, 1856. 4to. A View of the various Religions of the World. 7714 GORCHESTION beirdd Cymru ; neu, Flodau godidowgrwydd awcn. O Gasgliad Rhys Jones, o'r Tyddyn Mawr, yn y Brynaich, ym mhlwyf Llanfachreth, yn Swydd Feirion. Amwythig, Stafford Prys, 1773. 410, half calf. Jones's Welsh Bards. 398 7715 GOUGE (Rev. Tho.). I. Gair i Bechaduriaid a gair ir sainct. (A Word to Sinners and a Word to the Saints), translated into Welsh by Wm. Jones. Llundain, 1676. 8vo. II. Hyfforddiadau Christianogol (Christian directions to walk with God), translated by Richard Jones. Llundain, 1675. 8vo. III. Principlau new Bennau y Grefydd Ghristianogol (Principles of the Christian Religion), translated by W. Jones. Llundain, 1676. 8vo, calf. 7716 GRAMMAR. Arweiniad i'r gramadeg Cymraeg. Llanelidan, n.d. 7717 GREAL (Y) ; sef, Cynnulliad o Orchestion ein Hynaviaid, a llofion o amryw van-govion y cynoesodd, etc. Llundain, 1805. 410, half calf. A Welsh Periodical. 7718 GREW (Rev. O.). Cyfiawnhad Pechadur; neu 'r Arglwydd Jesu Grist, yr Arglwydd ein Cyfiawnder. A Draddodwyd Mewn amryw Bregethau. Trefecca, 1785. lamo, calf. The Justification of the Sinner. 7719 GRIFFITH (J.). Amryw Salmau a Hymnau profiadol. Mwythig, 1783. 8vo. A Collection of Psalms and Hymns. 7720 GRIFFTHS (E.). Geiriadur Cymraeg a Saesonaeg. Welsh and English Dictionary. Abertawy, 1847. 4 to ca ^- 7721 An English and Welsh Vocabulary. Swansea, 1848. izmo. 7722 Another edition. Swansea, 1852. izmo. 7723 GROTIUS (Hugo). Gwirionedd y Grefydd Gristionogol. A gyfieithwyd gan Edward Samuel. Caerfyrddin, 1854. 8vo, half morocco. The Truth of the Christian Religion. 7724 GURNEY (Rev. W.). Cyfieithad o Eiriadur Ysgrythyrol. Yn cynnwys hanes personau, desgrifiad lleoedd, ac hefyd Eglurhad o'r amrywiol eiriau, athrawiaethau, cyfreithiau, gorchymynion, deddfau, gosodiadau, a, yn yr Oraclau Sanctaidd : wedi ei gasglu o waith Calmet, Brown, Newton, Hurd, etc. Gan Isaac Jones. Aberystwyth, 1831-33. 8vo, calf. Scriptural Vocabulary. 7725 GWENT (Gwenynen). Gwent and Dyfed Royal Eisteddfod, 1834. The Prize Essay on the Advantages resulting from the preservation of the Welsh Language and National Costumes of Wales. London, 1836. 7726 GWLADGARWR. Teuluyddiaeth ; neu, gyfarwyddiadau caredig ac eglur i wahanol aelodau teulu, er Cyrhaedd cysur a llwyddiant tymhorol ac ysbrydol. Abertawy, 1855. i2mo. 7727 GWYLIEDYDD (Y) ; sef, Cylchgrawn o wybodaeth fuddiol, er budd i'r Cymro uniaith. Bala, Robert Saunderson, 1823-37. 4to. 14 vols. Vols. i-v are bound half calf, vi-xii in boards, and xiii-xiv half calf. A Welsh Literary Magazine. 7728 GWYNEDD (leuan). Yr Adgyfodiad. Caerdydd, 1850. 8vo. A Poem on the Resurrection. 7729 GWYNEDDION (The) ; or, An Account of the Royal Denbigh Eisteddfod, held in September 1828 ; with the Prize Essays and Poems. Published by Thomas Griffith. Chester, 1830. 4to, half calf. 7730 H. (J.). The Welshman's English. An article by J. H. from the Red Dragon, edited by Chas. Wilkins. Vol ii, Nov. 1882. No. 4. Cardiff. Also Welsh origins of Latin Place-Names. An article by J. G. from the same periodical. Vol. iii, January 1883. No. i. 7731 HALELUIAH ; sef, Casgliad o Donau, at wasanaeth yr Addoliad Dwyfol. Caer- fyrddin, 1849. Folio, half morocco. (A Collection of Airs.) 399 7732 HALELUIAH DRACHEFN ; a Collection of Welsh Airs. Caerfyrddin, 1855. Very small folio, half morocco. 7733 HALL (Newman). Tyred at Jesu. Cyfieithedig o'r Saesoneg, trwy ganiatad yr Awdwr. Liverpool. 8vo. Come to jfesus, a translation. 7734 HANES Bywyd y diweddar Richard Robert Jones. Hefyd, Hanes Bywyd Thomas Edwards. Caernarvon, n.d. izmo. A short account of these two writers. 7735 y Byd a'r Amseroedd, er Hyfforddiad rhai o'r Cymru. O Waith S. T. Llundain, 1721. 8vo, half calf. The History of the World and the Times. 7736 HARRIS (J.). Casgliad o Hymnau o'r awdwyr goreu. Caerfyrddin, 1853. 8vo. 7737 HAUL (Yr) ; neu Drysorfa o Wybodaeth hanesiol a gwladwriaethol. (ist Series.) Llanymddyfri, 1836-49. 4to, half morocco. 14 vols. (2nd Series.) Llanymddyfri, 1850-55. 410, half morocco. 6 vols. (Carmarthen Series.) Caerfyrddin, 1857-60. 410, half morocco. 4 vols. A Welsh Church Serial. 7740 Cyfres Caerfyrddin. Carmarthen, 1861. In parts. 4to. The same for the years 1862 to 1870. Part i wanting for the year 1866. 7741 HOLIADAU ar Lyfr y Dosparth Cyntaf, i Athrawon. London, n.d. Half morocco. Questions on the first Book for Teachers. 7742 HOLL DDLED-SVVYDD DYN. Angenrheidiol i bob Teulucedd. A gyfiaithwyd yn Gymro-aeg gan Jo. Langford. Llundain, 1711. 410, calf. The Whole Duty of Man. 7743 HOPKINS (Lewis). Y Eel Gafod ; sef, Cywyddau, Englynion, a Chaniadau, ar Amryw achosion. Merthyr Tydfil, 1813. i2mo, half morocco. The Honey Shower, viz. : Poems, Epigrams and Songs on various subjects. 7744 HUGHES (D.). Geiriadur ysgrythyrol a Duwinyddol ; yn cynwys Eglurhad a'r eiriau ac ymadroddion y Bibl, etc. Treffynnon, 1852-55. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. Scriptural and Theological Dictionary. 7745 Yr Athraw Cerddorol. Caernarfon, 1851. 8vo. The Musical Tutor. 7746 (Hugh). Bwrdd y Bardd ; sef, Amrywiaeth gyfoethog o Gyfansoddiadau Barddonol, etc. Caernarfon, 1839. 8vo, half morocco. The Poefs Table : or, a rich variety of Poetic Compositions. 7747 Gramadeg Cymraeg; sef, leithiadur Athronyddol, etc. Caernarfon, (1850.) 8vo, half calf. 7748 Another edition. Caernarfon, (1859). 8vo. (Welsh Grammar.) 7749 Yr Ysgrifell Gymreig. Carnarvon, n.d. 8vo. 775 (Rev. John). Cofiant Mrs. Ann Griffiths, Dol war Fechan, pi wyfLlanfihangel- yn-Ngwnfa, swydd drefaldwyn, yn hon a fu farw yn mis awst, yn y Flwyddyn 1805, yn 26 oed, neu ychydig fisoedd yn rhagor, etc. Aberystwyth, 1854. i2tno. 7751 Y Gyfres Gymraeg. Pechodau Rhyfygus. Eu drwg a'u niwed. Dinbych, 1859. 8vo. 7752 (John). An Essay on the Ancient and Present state of th^e Welsh Lan- guage ; with particular reference to its Dialects. London, n.d. 410, half calf. The subject proposed by the Cambrian Society for the year 1822. 400 7753 HUGHES (J. C.). Oriau'r Hwyr ; sef, Gweithiau Barddonol. Rhythyn, (1860). 8vo, half morocco. The Evening Hours The poetical works of J. Ceiriog Hughes. 7754 Cant o Ganeuon. London, 1863. 8vo. (Welsh Poems. Book 3.) 7755 HUMPHREYS (H.). The Tourist's English -Welsh Vocabulary. Carnarvon, n.d. izmo. 7756 English-Welsh Letter- Writer. Carnarvon, n.d. izrno. 7757 HYFFORDDIAD gynnwys i Wybodaeth jachusol o Egwyddorjon a Dyledswyddau Crefydd. Llundain, 1749. 8vo, calf. Compact Instruction to a wholesome knowledge of the principles and duties of Religion. 7758 HYMNS. Y Pererin, sef, Casgliad o Hymnau ar Amryw Destynau. Llanrwst, n.d. 7759 Pigion o Caniadau Seion, sef, Hymnau i Blant yr ysgolion Sabbathol. Llanrwst, n.d. 7760 IDRISON. Hu Gadarn, Cywydd o iii Caniad. Llundain, 1822. izmo, half calf. Hu Gadarn : a Poem in 3 Canticles. 7761 INTERPRETER (The Aberystwyth Welsh): containing a Sketch of the History of the Principality; explanatory introduction to the Language; Familiar Dialogues, etc. Aberystwyth, 1849. izmo, half calf. 776z Second edition. Aberystwyth, 1856. i2mo. 7763 INTRODUCTION to the Welsh Language, with Vocabulary. Bala, 1836. 8vo. 7764 IOAN (Robert ab). Drych i'r Anllythyrennog. (Spelling Book, Grammar, Catechism, etc., in Welsh.) Trefecca, 1788. izmo. This copy apparently belonged to La Tour d'Auvergne when prisoner of war at Bodmin, 1795. 7765 IOLO MANUSCRIPTS. A Selection of Ancient Welsh Manuscripts, in prose and verse, from the collection made by the late Edward Williams, lolo Morganwg. . . . With English Translations and Notes, by his son, the late Taliesin Williams (Ab lolo). Published for the Welsh MSS. Society. Llandovery, 1848. 410. 7766 IONAWR (D.). Gwaith Dafydd lonawr : the Works of David lonawr, with an account of his life by the Rev. Morris Williams. Dolgelly, 1851. izmo. With Portrait. 7767 IORWERTH GLAN ALED. Palestina. Caerdydd, 1851. 8 vo, half morocco. (A Poem.) 7768 Brad y Cyllill Hirion. Rhuthyn, 1853. 7769 JAMES (Rev. J. A.). Cymdeithas Gristionogol, neu, Arweinydd aelod Eghvysig ; translated by E. Griffiths. Abertawy, 1832. izmo. 7770 JEBB (Bishop). Cyfieithiad o Bregeth yr Esgob Jebb ar Rhuf. xiv, 17. Rhydychain, 1836. 8vo. 7771 JEWEL (John). Dad Seiniad Meibion y Daran. Sef ail-printiad o lyfr Escob Juel A. Elwir Deffyniad FfyddEglwys Loegr; Ac o Epistol yr Escob Dafies at y Cembru. An Eccho of the Sons of Thunder, being a second impression of Bishop Juel's Apologie, and of Bishop Davies his Epistle, in the British tongue. Printiedig yn Rhydychen gan W. H. ac a werthir gan lyfrwyr Gwrecsam, a Llanfyllin, a mersi- andwyr Pen y bont ar ogwr, 1671. 8vo, calf. 7772 Diflfyniad Ffydd Eglwys Loegr, etc. Llundain, 1840. izmo. A translation into Welsh of Bishop Jewel's Apologia Ecdesiae Anglicanae by Morus Kyffin. 401 7773 JONES (Ben). Athrawiaeth Bedydd, etc. The Doctrine of Baptism, and the Works of Brutus, considered. Caerfyrddin, 1830. i2mo, half morocco. 7774 - (D.). Egluryn Rhyfedd, sef, Ystyriaethau Godidog. Mwythig, 1750. 8vo. 7775 - Hymnau, a amcanwyd i fod yn Adgyflawniad i'r Casgliad o bum cant o Hymnau. Treffynnon, 1814. 410, calf. Hymns : supplemental to the collection of 500 hymns. 7776 -- (Dafydd). Cydymaith Diddan. Yn Ddwy Rann. Y Rhan gyntaf sydd yn Cynnwys Crynhodeb Araithyddiaeth yr Hen Frutaniaid yn mysgu Brythonaeg iw gilydd. Yr Ail Rhann. Yn adrodd mewn Euraid odlau dirif, Afiethus ddifyrrwch Brodorion Cymry. Caer Lleon, (1766). 410, calf. 7777 -- Another edition. Merthyr Tydfil, 1824. izmo, half Russian leather. The Pleasant Companion : in two parts. 7778 - Casgliad o Hymnau, yn cynnwys saith cant, tri ugain a phymtheg. Caerfyrddin, 1848. iimo, calf. A Collection of Hymns, containing 775. 7779 - (David). Blodeu-Gerdd Cymry ; sef, Casgliad o Ganiadau Cymraeg. Tre- ffynnon, 1823. i2mo. 7780 - (D.)- Lief yr Arglwydd ar Gymru yn yr haint echryslawn y cholera morbus, etc. Caerlleon, 1832. 121110. 7781 - (Rev. Daniel). Eglwys Crist; neu, Resymau dros ymadael ac ymneill-duaeth, ac ymuno a'r Apostolig wir Eglwys. Caerfyrddin, 1856. 8vo. 7782 - (Daniel). Telyn Seion ; sef, Hymnau a Phennillion. Gwrecsam, 1858. 7783 - (D. E.). leithadur Seisoneg ; yn cynnwys y prif reidiau er Gwybyddiaeth o deithi yr laith. Aberystwyth, 1845. 8vo, half Russian leather. (English Grammar.) 7784 - (E.). Cydymaith yr Eglwysvvr, yn Ymweled a'r Claf. Mwythig, n.d. 8vo, calf. Translated from the English. 7785 - (Ed.). Y Silliedydd ; neu, cyfarwyddiadau i ddysgu darllen Cymraeg. Llanid- loes, n.d. i2mo. (Primer.) 7^86 - Arweiniad i'r Grammadaeg mewn ffordd o Holi ac Atteb. Dolgelly, n.d. 7787 - Musical and poetical relicks of the Welsh Bards. London, 1794. Folio, half morocco. A new edition, doubly augmented, and improved. With Plates. --88 - Musical and Poetical Relicks of the Welsh Bards, preserved by tradition and authentic manuscripts, from very remote antiquity, never before published. . . . A Select Collection of Poetic Blossoms, etc., with English translations, a history of the Bards, etc. Third edition with additional Plates. London, 1808. Folio, half calf. 2 vols. The second volume is called The Bardic Museum, and is dated London, 1802. ^89 - Hymnau. Aberystwyth, 1820. izmo. (Hymns.) Some pages are missing at the end. 7700 __ Hen Ganiadau Cymru. Cambro-British Melodies, or the National Songs and Airs of Wales. Third volume. London, n.d. __g, - A choice Collection of Welsh Airs. Carnarvon, n.d. (Ellis). A new pocket Dictionary of the Welsh and English Languages. Caernarfon, 1840. 410, half calf. (Evan) (leuan lonawr). Awdl ar yr Adgyfodiad. Bala, 1850. i2mo. (An Ode.) 26 402 7794 JONES (leuan Gwynedd). Pryddest ar Olygfa Moses o Ben Pisgah. To which is added, Traethawd ar jDdykdsvQyddau a Chyfrifoldcb Mam ; gan Mrs. Margaret Jones. Rhythyn, 1852. i2mo. (A Poem.) 7795 - (E.) (Egryn). Henry James, neu, y Meddwyn Diwygiedig. Gyda Rhagdraith gan y Parch. T. Jones, (Glan Alun). Wyddgrug, 1855. 8vo. The Reformed Drunkard. A Novel. 7796 - (Evan). Darlundraeth o Fachynlleth a'i hamgylchoedd. Machynlleth, 1855. izmo. A pictorial representation of Machynlleth and the neighbourhood. 7797 - (Griffith). Hyfforddiad cynnvvys i wybodaeth iachusol o egwyddorion a dyledswyddau Crefydd. Gwrecsam, 1820. izmo. Compact Instruction to a wholesome Knowledge of the principles and duties of Religion. 7798 - Araeth, Llywydd y Cymreigyddion, ysgrifenydd y Gwyneddigion, a rheolydd Cymdeithas y bwrdd crwn, o'r Gadair, ger gvvydd Cymdeithas y Cymreigyddion, nos iau, Rhagfyr 20, 1821, etc. Abertawy, 1822. 410. Addresses by Officers of the Society of Cymreigyddion. 7799 - Dwy Ffurf o Weddi, i gyfarwyddo yr anehyfarwydd yn nghylch y ddyledswydd fawr hon .... hefyd, Cyfarwyddwr Ffyddlon at orseddfainc y gras. Caerfyrddin, n.d. Half Russian leather. Two forms of Prayer to guide the ignorant concerning this important duty. . . . Also A Faithful Guide to the Throne of Grace. 7800 - (Hugh). Dewisol Ganiadau yr Oes Hon: yn ddwy ran. Merthyr, 1827. 1 2mo, half morocco. (Poetry.) The Choice Poems of the present age, in two parts. 7801 - (Rev. Isaac). Grammadeg Cymreig ; sef, Traethawd ar Egwyddorion yr laith. Aberystwyth, 1841. i2mo, half Russian leather. Welsh Grammar, viz. , an Essay on the Principles of the Language. 7802 - (J. D.). Caniadau Bethlehem ; yn cynnwys Carolau Nadolig, gan Brif FeirddCymru; gyda Thonau Priodol. Adran I. Rhuthyn, 1857. ^vo. Christmas Carols. 7803 - Y Delyn Cymreig. Rhuthyn, n.d. i2mo. 3 vols. (Hymns and Music.) 7804 - (John). The History of Wales, descriptive of the government, wars, manners, religion, etc., of the ancient Britons and modern Welsh, with portrait of the author. London, 1824. 8vo, half calf. This work treats of the Welsh Language. 7805 - (Athraw Fsgol.} Silliadur Newydd Llythyregawl. Aberystwyth, 1828. i2mo. 7806 - Another edition. Aberystwyth, 1833. i2mo. 7807 - Alleirydd Ysgrythyrawl, neu, Fynegair i'r Ysgolion Sabbothawl. Machynlleth, 1832. i2mo. 7808 - Traethawd ar Ddysgeidiaeth : ynghyd a rhwymedigaethau atebol rhieni yn nygiad eu plant i fynu. Llundain, 1837. 7809 - (Llansanijfraid.} Blwch caniadau, sef, Casgliad o gynghanedd. Llanrwst, 1846. 8vo. 7810 - Mer Difinyddiaeth lachus ; mewn Ffordd o Ymddiddan. Caerfyrddin, 1810. nmo, half morocco. The Marrow of Wholesome Divinity. 403 78 1 1 JONES (John) and KNIGHT (W. B.). A Defence of the Reformed System of Welsh Orthography; by John Jones. Oxford, 1829. Followed by, Remarks on the Welsh Language, etc, by W. B. Knight. Cardiff, 1830; A Rrply to the Rev. W. B. Knight's ' Remarks,' by John Jones. London, 1831; and, A critical review of the Rev.J. Jones s Reply, by W. B. Knight. Cardiff, 1831. Bound together. Half calf. 7812 Cydymaith yr Athraw ; neu, Gyfarwyddiadau i'r ysgolor Sabbathol ddarllen yn gywir. Llanidloes, 1833. izmo. 7813 (Idris Vychan.} An Essay on Pennillion Singing. Hanes ac Henafiaeth Canu gyda'r Tannau. London, 1885. 8vo. 7814 Traethawd ar gadwedigaeth yr iaith Gymraeg, oddiwrth Eiriau Taliesin, etc. Caerfyrddin, n.d. 7815 (John M.). Arweiniad i'r Gramadeg Cymreig. Llanidloes, n.d. 7816 A Practical Welsh Grammar. Gramadeg Cymreig ymarferol. Caernarfon, (1847). 8vo. 7817 Another edition. Llanidloes, 1847. 8vo. 7818 (Rev. Owen). Mynegair Ysgrythyrol. Denbigh, 1855-58. 7 vols. (A Welsh Concordance.) 7819 (Peter). Mel Awen, sef, Gwaith Awenyddawl. Llynlleifiad, 1823. 410, half Russian leather. (Poems, with Portrait.) The Muse's Honey, or the Poetic Work (of Peter Jones). 7820 (Rice). Gwaith Prydyddawl y diweddar Rice Jones o'r Blaenau, Meirion. Gan Rice Jones Owen, wyr yr Awdur. Dolgelleu, 1818. i2mo, half Russian leather. The Poetical Works of the late Rice Jones of Blaenau, Merioneth. 7821 (Robert). Drych yr Amseroedd ; etc. Llanrwst, (1820). 8vo, half morocco. Mirror of the Seasons, or, Conversations on Matters of the greatest importance. 7822 Y Sillebydd Cymreig. Aberystwyth, 1842. izmo. (Welsh Primer.) 7823 Brad y Llyfrau Gleision. Rhuthyn, 1854. 8vo. The Treason of Ike Blue Books. 7824 Blodau y Beirdd Brytannaidd. London, 1864. 8vo. Flares Poetarum Britannicorum. Dedicated to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. Only 12 copies were printed on toned paper, this being the only copy with a blue border. 7825 Poets of Powys-Land and their patrons. I. Myllin. London, 1875. 7826 Visit of His Highness Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte to Wales, in the autumn of 1855. Tenby, 1856. Reprinted from the Cambrian Journal, and containing various Welsh examples. 7827 (Row.). The lo Triads ; or, The Tenth Muse, wherein the Origin, Nature, etc., of the Sacred Symbols, Words, etc., are discovered arid investigated, according to the Platonic Numbers ; and the Principles of all Human Knowledge, as well as the First Language, are retrieved in English ; together with the Origin of Language, Nations, etc., and the Circles of Corner. London, 1773. 8vo, morocco. A curious work to prove that Welsh was the primitive language. 7828 (T.). Ymddyddanion rhwng ymofynydd a Henwr ar Brynedigaeth. Den- bigh, 1819. 8vo. 7829 Y Wenynen ; sef, Casgliad o Gyfansoddiadau mewn Rhyddiaith a Barddo- niaeth. Wrexham, 1836. i2mo. (A Collection of Welsh Prose and Verse.) 7830 The Original Harmonist. Vol. i. Y Cerddor Gwreiddiol. Treffynnon, 1855. (A Collection of Welsh Songs and Airs.) Half morocco. 404 7831 JONES (T.). Sylwadau Eglurhaol ac Ymarferol ar yr Epistol at yr Hebreaid. Caer- fyrddin, 1830. 410, calf. Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews. 7832 The British Language in its Lustre, or a copious Dictionary of Welsh and English. London, 1688. 8vo, calf. 7833 Dictionary of Welsh and English, first compiled by Thomas Jones, now finished by Richard Morris. Shrewsbury, Stafford Prys, 1760. 410, calf. 7834 Another edition. Shrewsbury, Stafford Pryse, 1777. 8vo, calf. 7835 of Mold (Thomas). Geiriadur Saesoneg a Chymraeg. An English and Welsh Dictionary. Chester, 1800. izmo, calf. 7836 Second edition. Denbigh, 1811. 410, calf. Contains the autograph of W. Wilberforce. 7837 Third edition. Denbigh, 1826. i2mo, calf. 7838 Fourth edition. Denbigh, 1843. 8vo, half calf. 7839 (Thomas). Sylwadau Eglurhaol ac Ymarferol ; neu, Esponiad Byr, ar Bum' Llyfr Moses, gydag Ysgrythyrau cyfeiriol ar ymyl y dalenau. Caerfyrddin, 1812. 4to, half morocco. Exposition of the 5 Books of Moses. 7840 Sylwadau Eglurhaol ac Ymarferol; neu, Esboniad ar Ganiad Salomoa, gydag Ysgrythyrau cyfeiriol ami ar ol yr adnodau. Caerfyrddin, 1820. i2mo, . half morocco. An Exposition on the Song of Solomon. 7841 \Ysgol- Alhraw\ (Thomas). Rhifiadur, neu, Grynodeb o Drefniadau a Rheolau Rhifyddiaeth, etc. Clwyd-Wasg (Denbigh), 1827. izmo, half morocco. The Numerator, or a Summary of the Rules of Arithmetic, etc. 7842 (Thomas LI.). The Beauties of Welsh Poetry. Ceinion awen y Cymmry, etc. Clwyd-Wasg, Dinbych, Thomas Gee, 1831. 8vo. 7843 (W.). Crynoad o Holl Elfenau, neu, Gyntefigion y Gymraeg, etc. Clwyd- Wasg, 1826. 8vo, half calf. A Summary of the Elements of the Welsh Language. 78-14 Traethawd ar swyddogaeth barn a darfelydd mewn cyfansoddiadau Rhyd- dieithol a Barddonol ; ynghyda phryddest ar yr adgyfodiad. Rhuthyn, 1853. 8vo. Poem on the Resurrection. 7845 (Rev. Wm. Arthur). Langport, the Llongborth of Llywarch Hen's elegy, and the site of an ancient British town of the same name. Taunton, 1854. (Extract from the Proceedings of the Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society, 1853.) A presentation copy from the author. 7846 The application of philology to archaeological investigations. Taunton, 1855. (Extract as above, 1854.) A presentation copy from the author. 7847 [Cawidaf] (W. E.). Gweithoedd Cawrdaf, sef, y Diweddar W. E. Jones : yn cynnwys Gwyddfa y Bardd a'r Meudwy Cymreig. Caernarfon, 1851. 8vo. The Poetical Works of W. E. Jones (Cawrdaf). 7848 (Rev. Wm.). Traethawd Gwobrwyol, ar Nodweddiad y Cymry fel Cenedl, yn yr Oes hon. Llundain, 1841. 8vo. Essay on the National Characteristics of the Welsh people. 405 7849 JONES (Rev. Wm.). An Essay on the Character of the Welsh as a Nation, in the present Age. London, 1841. 8vo. This work treats of the Welsh Language. 7850 Llyfr Natur ; neu wir ystyr pethau, wedi eu hegluro a'u gwneyd yn hawdd i gyrhaeddiadau plant. Yn ddwy Ran. Llundain, 1843. izmo. The Book of Nature for the use of children. 7851 KEMPIS (Thomas a). Pattrwm y Gwir-Gristion ; neu, Ddilyniad Jesu Grist. Wedi ei droi yn Gymraeg, gan W. M. A. B., Flwyddyn, 1752. 8vo, calf. Frontispiece. 7852 Another edition. Gan H. O. Gwenydeg ym Mon Esq. Mwythig, Tho. Durston, n.d. 8vo, calf. The same Frontispiece as in last, and from chap. 2 appears to be the same work. 7853 Another edition of the last. Mwythig, Richard Lathrop, n d. 4to, calf. 7854 ,, Mwythig, J. Eddowes, n.d. 8vo, morocco. 7855 ,, Ac a gyfieithwyd i'r Gymraeg gan R. Jones. Eur-Wasg, Llanfair-Caereinion, gan Robert Jones, 1829. 8vo. 7856 KYFFIN (M.). Deffynniad Ffydd Eglwys Loegr. Printed by Richard Field, London, 1595. 8vo. Rare. 7857 LAMP Y CYMRO. Rhif I. lonawr, 1851. Caerfyrddin. Half calf. (A Welsh periodical.) 7858 LAMPAU Y DEML ; sef, Pregethau gan Weinidogion y Methodistiaid calfinaidd ; yn nghyda rhagdraeth, gan y Parch. Owen Thomas, Llundain. Caernarfon, 1859-60. 1 2mo, half calf. 2 vols. The Lamps of the Temple. Sermons by Calvinistic Methodist Ministers. 7859 LAWS AND INSTITUTES OF WALES (Ancient) : comprising Laws supposed to be enacted by Howel the Good .... and Anomalous Laws. With an English translation of the Welsh Text. To which are added a few Latin Transcripts, con- taining Digests of the Welsh Laws, principally of the Dimetian Code, with Indexes and Glossary. Printed by command of his late Majesty King William IV, under the direction of the Commissioners on the Public Records of the Kingdom, 1841. 8vo. 2 vols. 7860 LA YARD (A. H.). Ninefeh. Llanymddyfri, 1852. Illustrated. A Translation of Layard's Nineveh. 7861 LEATHART (William). Welsh Pennillion, with Translations into English ; adapted for singing to the harp. London, 1825. izmo, half calf. 7862 (William Davies). The Origin and Progress of the Gwyneddigion Society of London, instituted 1770, with a Portrait of Owain Jones, Myfyr, the Founder. London, 1831. 8vo, half morocco. 7863 LEIGHTON (R.). Rheolau a Chyfarwyddiadau i fyw yn dduwiol. Aberystwyth, 1848. 8vo. Rules and directions to live a godly life. 7864 LETTER WRITER. An English and Welsh Letter Writer, containing letters on business, etc. Llangollen, 1851. 8vo, half morocco. 7865 LEWIS (George). Drych Ysgrythyrol. Neu Gorph o Ddifinyddiaeth. Yn cynnwys Eglurhad a Phrawf o amrywiol ganghennau yr Athrawiaeth sydd yn ol Duwioldeb. Caerlleon, 1797. 4to, half calf. A System of Theology. 406 7866 LEWIS (George). Another edition. Bala, 1812. ^.to, half morocco. 7867 i. Cyfiawnhad trwy Ffydd. Bachynlleth, 1803. 2. Sancteiddrwydd Efengylaidd yn cael ei gywir ddodi ger bron, a'i amddiffyn ; etc., gan y Parch. John Hunt. Wedi ei Gymreigio gan Dafydd Davies. Caerfyrddin, 1813. 121110; and 3. Pregeth ar y Pechod Anfaddeuol, neu'r cabledd yn erbyn yr ysbryd glan. Gan J. Harries. Aberystwyth, 1812. i2mo, half calf. Bound into one volume. I. Justification by faith. 2. Evangelical Holiness. 7868 (James). English words derived from the ancient British, or Welsh, Language; also, Original Poems and Select Gleanings. Carmarthen, 1828. 8vo. 7869 (John). A graduated English-Welsh Spelling Book. London, 1857. i2mo. 7870 (Lewis William). Llewelyn Parri ; neu, y Meddwyn Diwigiedig. Merthyr- Tydfil, 1855. 8vo, half Russian leather. (The Drunkard Reformed.) A Welsh Novel. 7871 (Rev. T.). A Welsh-English Dictionary. Geirlyfr Cymraeg a Saesneg. Carmarthen, 1815. i2mo, half calf. 7872 LEVI (Thomas). Hanes Rhyfel y Crimea, o Laniad y Byddinoedd Anedig hyd Gwymp Sebastopol. Abertawy, 1855. 4to, half morocco. (Account of the Crimean War.) The History of the Crimean War to the fall of Sevastopol. 7873 LEWIS (Titus). Llyfr Rhyfeddodau, etc. To which is added, Hanes Bibl, gan y Parch. John Campbell. Caerfyrddin, 1808. i2mo. The Book of Wonders. 7874 Hanes prydain fawr, yn wladol a chrefyddol. Wedi ei ddiwygio a'i helaethu gan John Emlyn Jones. Gyda rhagdraeth gan Owain Williams, Waenfawr. Caerfyrddin, 1857. 4to, half morocco. The History of Great Britain. 7875 LITURGY. Llyfr Gweddi Gyffredin. (The Book of Common Prayer, with the Psalter.) Llundain, 1819. i2mo. 7876 Another edition. Rhydychen, 1846. I2mo, calf. 7877 ,, 1847. i2mo, morocco. 7878 ,, (In Welsh and English.) Rhydychen, 1850. 8vo, calf. 7879 LLAWLYFR o Weddiau Beunyddiol i'r sawl sydd yn cael eu mawr attal gan ddyledswyddau eu galwedigaeth. Llundain, n.d. (Prayer Book.) 7880 LLEUAD YR OES ; a Welsh Literary Magazine for 1827, 1828, and 1829. Abertawy, 1827, and Aberystwyth, 1828 and 1829. 4to, half calf. 3 vols. 7881 LLEWELYN (Thomas). An historical Account of the British or Welsh Versions and Editions of the Bible. London, 1768. 4to, half calf. Very scarce. 7882 Historical and Critical Remarks on the British Tongue and its connection with other Languages founded on its state in the British Bible. London, 1769. 4to, calf. 7883 LLOYD (Robert). Llwybr Hyffbrdd i'r Nefoedd. London, 1630. 8vo. 7884 (Rev. Simon). Esponiad byr ar Lyfr y Datguddiad; mewn dull Eglurhaol ac ymarferol. Bala, 1828. 8vo. A Commentary on the Revelations. 7885 LLWYBR Hyffordd, i'r Nefoedd. A Welsh controvertial work, without title-page. Several pages are also wanting at the beginning and the end. 407 7886 LLWYD (Morgan). Llyfr y Tri Aderyn. Dirgelwch i rai i'w ddeall, ac i eraill i'w watwor, sef, Tri Aderyn yn Ymddiddan. Sef, Yr Eryr, y Golomen, a'r Gigfran, neu, Arwydd i Annerch y Cymry. Caernarfon, 1826. i2mo. The Book of the Three Birds. 7887 LLYFR Ceiniog (Y), i ddysgu silladu a darllen Cymraeg. Caernarvon, n.d. (Welsh Primer.) 7888 Gweddi y Catholig; neu, Ymarferion Bywyd Cristionogol. Lle'rpwll, 1837. i2mo, calf. (Catholic Prayer Book.) 7889 i ddechreu dysgu darllen. Caerfyrddin, n.d. (Primer.) 7890 y Dosparth Cyntaf. Llundain, 60 Paternoster Row, n.d. 16 pages. (Primer.) 7891 Another copy. Llundain, R. Davis, n.d. 16 pages. 7892 yr ail Ddosparth. London, n.d. i6mo. (Primer.) 7893 y Trydydd Dosparth. London, n.d. i6mo. (Primer.) 7894. ysgol dwy Geiniog. Carnarvon, n.d. i2mo. (Welsh Primer.) 7895 LLYFRAU o weddiau teuluaidd ; a gyfieithwyd o'r Saesoneg. Gan Weinidog o Eglwys Loegr. Deptford, 1825. 410. (Family Prayers.) 7896 LLYTHYR o Annerch difrifol a charedig, Oddiwrth weinidog yn y wlad at ei Blwy- folion. Mwythig, 1743. 8vo, calf. (A Devotional Work.) 7897 LLYTHYRYDD DWYIEITHOG (Y), etc. The Duoglott Letter Writer ; consisting of original letters, in English and Welsh. Merthyr, 1847. 8vo, half Russian leather. 7898 LLYWARQ HEN. The Heroic elegies and other pieces of Llywarc. Hen, Prince of the Cumbrian Britons; with a literal translation by Wm. Owen. London, 1792. 8vo, half calf. 7899 MABINOGION (The), from the Llyfr Coch o Hergest, and other ancient Welsh manuscripts, with an English Translation and Notes. London, 1849. 410, crushed levant. 3 vols. By Lady Charlotte Guest. With fac-similes of old MSS. and vignettes. 7900 MASON (J.). Traethawd ar Hunan-Adnabyddiaeth, etc. Caernarfon, 1837. 8vo, half morocco. An Essay on Self- Knowledge. 7901 (W.). Annogaethau Efangylaidd i Sancteiddrwydd Bywyd. Machynlleth, 1792. J2mo, calf. Evangelical Admonition to a Holy Life ; and other spiritual treatises. 7902 MATTHEWS (Rev. Edward). Hanes Bywyd Siencyn Penhydd, neu, Mr. Jenkin Thomas, Penhydd, Morganwg. Abertawy, 1855. i2mo, half morocco. The Life of Siencyn Penhydd. 7903 MEDDYLIAU neillduol ar Grefydd, wedi eu dosparthu mewa deuddeg pwngc. Dolgelleu, 1804. izmo, calf. Thoughts on Religion. 7904 MEREDITH (Lewis). Blodau Glyn Dyfi ; sef, Caniadau ar amrywiol destynau. Machynlleth, 1852. 410. (Poems.) 7905 MESURYDD TIR A CHOED (Y) ; hefyd, Gwaith maen, byrddwaith, a gwy dr; hefyd, Pwysau buchod a theisi gwair with eu mesur. Dinbych, 1858. 410, half morocco. (Mathematics.) 408 7906 MILLS (John). Cerddoriaeth Gymreig. Darlith a draddodwyd yn Crosby Hall, Llundain. Llanidloes, 1849. izmo. A Lecture on Welsh Music. 7907 (John and Richard). Attodiad i'r Cerddor Eglwysig. Llanidloes, 1847. Parts i and 2. Appendix to the Church Music Book. 7908 Y Cerddor Dirwestol ; yn cynwys Tonau ac Anthemau at Wasanaeth dirwest. Llanidloes, 1851. The Temperance Music Book. 7909 (John). Elfenau Cerddoriaeth a Chaniadaeth. Dinbych, 1850. 8vo, half morocco. The Elements of Music and Song. 7910 Geirlyfr Ysgrythyrol, yn cynwys eglurhad ar darddiad ac ystyr y Geiriau a ddefnyddir yn y Beibl. Llanidloes, 1850. 8vo, half Russian leather. Scriptural Dictionary. 7911 Hyfforddwr yr efrydydd, neu, arweinydd i hunan-welliant. Yn ddwy Ran. Llanidloes, (1852). 8vo. The Student's Guide. 7912 luddewon Prydain. Llanidloes, 1852. 8vo. The Jews of Britain. 79'3 Gramadeg Cerddoriaeth. Llanidloes, 1850. 8vo. (A Grammar of Singing.) 7914 (Rev. John). Palestina; sef, Hanes taith i ymweled ag luddewon gwlad Canaan. Llanidloes, 1858. 4to, half morocco. A Visit to Palestine. 7915 (J.) and WILLIAMS (T.). Yr Athraw Cerddorol, etc. Llanidloes, 1854. 4to. 4 parts. (A Treatise on Music, with Words and Airs.) 7916 (Richard). Traethawd ar ddyledswydd y Cymri i Goleddu eu hiaith, etc. Llanidloes, 1838. izmo. 7917 Welsh Musical Guide. Yr Arweinydd Cerddorol, etc. Llanidloes, (1853). 8vo, half morocco. 7918 MILTON (John). Coll Gwynfa ; Paradise Lost, translated into Welsh by Idrison. London, 1819. 8vo, half calf. 7919 MORGAN (John). Myfyrdodau Bucheddol ar y Pedwar Beth Diweddaf. London, 1745. i2mo. Moral Contemplations. 7920 (Rev. R. W.). North Wales, or Venedotia : its scenes, people, legends, classical, historical, and local traditions. Part i. London, 1856. 8vo. (With many Welsh etymologies and some Welsh quotations.) 7921 Amddiffyniad yr laith Gymraeg, cyfeiriedig at bob dosparth o Genedl y Cymry. Caernarfon, 1858. i2mo. A Defence of the Welsh Language. 7922 MORRIS (Rev. Ebenezer). Ymddiddan rhwng Senex a Juvenis mewn perthynas I Lythyr Elymas fab Satan, yn erbyn Eglwys Loegr. Caerfyrddin, 1818. i2mo. Dialogue on the Church of England. 7923 MORUS (Huw), or MAURICE (Hugh). Eos Ceiriog, sef, Casgliad o Ber Ganiadau. Wrexham, 1823. 410. 2 vols. Frontispiece. (A Collection of Songs and Poems, with an account of the Life and Character of the author.) 409 7924 MORYS CLYNOC. Athravaeth Gristnogavl, Le cair uedi cynnuys yn grynno'r hoi brifbynciau syd i gyfaruydo dyn ar y phord i baraduys. Ymylen, (Milan), 1568. dyuguyl. S. Nicolas. 410, crushed levant. A short catechism of religious doctrine. Morys Clynoc was the first Rector of the English College in Rome. Griffith Roberts, who edited the work, and wrote the Preface and Appendix, is said to have been the Confessor of St. Charles Borromeo, Archbishop of Milan. '1 his little work is considered by Welsh scholars to be unique. A fac-simile of it was printed by the Honourable Society ot Cymmrodorion in 1880. 7925 A copy of the fac-simile. London, T. Richards, 1880. 7926 MUNRO (Rev. John). Pregeth ar natur a'r angenrheidrwydd o Gydwybod Dda. Cyfieithedig, o'r Saesonaeg, gan E. Griffiths. Abertawy, n.d. (A Sermon.) 7927 MYVYRIAN ARCHAIOLOGY OF WALES (The), collected out of Ancient Manu- scripts. London, 1801-7. 410, half calf. 3 vols. 7928 Collected out of Ancient Manuscripts by Owen Jones, Edward Williams and William Owen Pughe. Denbigh, 1861. (In parts.) 7929 NASH (D. W.). Taliesin ; or, The Bards and Druids of Britain. A Translation of the Remains of the earliest Welsh Bards, and an examination of the Bardic mysteries. Lojidon, 1858. 410. 7930 OES (Yr). The first six copies of this publication. Aberystwyth, 1853. 7931 OWEN (Aneurin). Traethawd Gwobrwyol Eisteddfod Beaumaris ar Amaethyddiaeth. Llundain, 1839. 8vo. (An Essay on Agriculture.) 7932 (John). Escol, swp o ffrwyth Canaan, wedi ei ddwyn i'r terfynau, er annogaethi'r saint. Wedi ei Gymreigio gan Joseph James. Caerfyrddin, 1815. i2mo. 7933 (Rev. David). A Vocabulary of English words of one syllable with a Welsh translation. Llanrwst, n.d. 4to. 7934 (Brutus}. Allwedd y Cyssegr neu eglurhad byr ar yr Ysgrythyrau Sanctaidd, yn cynnwys casgliad detholedig o sylwadau Thomas Hartwell Home, M.A., Francis Roberts. D D., Stackhouse, Burder, Gleig, ac Eraill. Llanymddyfri, 1834. 410. David Owen appears to be the translator or composer here. 7935 Blodau Arfon ; sef, Gwaith yr Anfarwol fardd Dewi Wyn. Caerlleon, 1842. i2mo. Welsh Poems. The Poetical Works of 7936 Brutusiana; sef, Casgliad detholedig o'i Gyfansoddiadau. Llanymddfri, 1855. 4to. Selection of the Writings of David Owen (Brutus). 7937 (Wm.). A Dictionary of the Welsh Language, explained in English. London, 1803. 410, half calf. 2 vols. 7938 (Rev. Goronwy). Gronoviana. Gwaith y Parch. Goronwy Owen, M.A , ei farddoniaeth a'i ohebiaeth : at yr hyn y rhagddodwyd Hanes ei Fywyd. Llanrwst, 1860. 410. The Poetry and Correspondence, etc. , of Goronwy Owen. 7939 (Isambard). Linguistic training in Welsh Intermediate Schools. A paper read in the Cymmrodorion Section of the National Eisteddfod of 1890. London, 1890. Autograph copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 7940 (J. H.). Allwydd neu Agoriad Paradwys i'r Cymry. Clavis Paradisi, seu, lilellum Precum et variarum instruclionum spiriiualium. Luyck, (Liege), 1670. I2mo, calf. Very rare. A Book of Welsh Prayers, written by J. H. Owen, a Welsh Jesuit. 410 794 1 OWEN (Rev. John). Coffhad am y Parch. Daniel Rowlands, gynt o Langeitho, Ceredigion : ynghyda Rhagfynegiad, ynghylch Cefnogwyr Enwocaf Crefydd yn Nghymru, o amser y Diwygiad oddiwrth Babyddiaeth hyd y flwyddyn 1800. Caerlleon, 1839. izmo. Biography of the Rev. Daniel Rowlands. 7942 Epistol Paul at y Rhufeiniaid. Llanymddyfri, 1850. 12010. 7943 (Owain Alaw). Gems of Welsh Melody. (First and Second Series.) Ruthin, 1860-61. 2 vols. 7944 Yr Anthem Fuddugol, etc. The Successful Anthem, for the Prize of ^"20, offered by the Glamorganshire Musical Temperance Association. The words by Eben Vardd, with a free translation into English by Erfyl. Llanidloes, n.d. 20 pages. 7945 (Meredydd). Letter from Meredydd Owen to Dr. Plott, (1690). Re- printed from the Archaeologia Cambrensis, April 1859. Tenby, 1859. 8 pages. 7946 (R-)- Canau Duwiol mewn laith Rwydd i Blant, by Dr. Watts, translated into Welsh. London, 1826. 7947 (Wm.). Geiriadur Cynmraeg a Saesoneg: A Welsh and English Dictionary. . To which is prefixed a Welsh Grammar. London, 1793. 4to, half calf. 7948 A Grammar of the Welsh Language. London, 1803. 410, half calf. 7949 An Abridgment of the Welsh and English Dictionary. London, 1806. 7950 PARRY (John). Gramadeg o'r laith Gymraeg. Caerlleon, 1823. i2mo, calf. (Welsh Grammar.) 7951 Another edition. Caerlleon, 1825. 12 mo, calf. 7952 Caerlleon, 1843. 8vo, calf. 7953 Encyclopaedia Cambrensis. YGwyddoniadurCymreig. Dinbych, 1856-58-59. 8vo, half morocco. 3 vols. 7954 (R-)- Adgofion am John Elias. Dinbych, 1859. 8vo, half morocco. Recollections of John Elias. 7955 (Richard). Rhybydd i'r Diddeunydd ; neu, Gyffes yr Ofer-Ddyn yn ddwy ran. Trefriw, 1815. 16 pages. 7956 (Robert). Teithiau a Barddoniaeth Robyn Ddu Eryri. Caernarfon, 1857. 8vo. The Poetry and Travels of 7957 PENN (William). Brif Gristionogaeth a ymadfywiwyd, yn y Ffydd ac Ymarferiad y Bobl a elwir Quakers. Y Traethawd byrr ymma, a drowd i'r Cymraeg, er Daioni i'r Cymru. Gan John Owen. Gaerfyrddin, 1748. 410. An Essay on the Faith of the Quakers. 7958 PENNARDD (Rhys). Brwydr maes Bosworth. Testun Cadair Powys, Eisteddfod fawr Llangollen, 1858. Awdl gan Rhys Pennardd, sef, Ebenezer Thomas, Clynnog Fawr. Rhuthyn. 4to. A Poem on the Battle of Bosworth. 7959 PERL Y DYDDIAU ; neu, Fanteision Sabbath i'r Dospeirth gweithiol. Gan Ferch i Lafurwr. Llundain, n.d. I2mo. The Peail of Days, or the Advantages of the Sabbath to the Working Classes. 7960 PETER (Rev. David). Hanes Crefydd yn Nghymru. Caerfyrddin, 1816. 410, half morocco. The History of Religion in Wales, 411 7961 PHILLIPS (Rev. T.). Cofiant yn nghyda phigion o Bregethau ac anerchiadau y diweddar Barch. John Thomas, o Aberteifi. Aberystwyth, 1851. izmo, half morocco. Memoir and Sermons of the Rev. John Thomas, of Cardigan. 7962 Llyfr y Jubili. Llundain, 1854. 8vo. Tht Book of the Jubilee. 79 6 3 ; ; (T. Lloyd). English-Welsh Handbook. Vestibulum. Llawiadur i'r laith Seisonig. Dinbych, 1856. 8vo, morocco. 7964 (Sir Thos.). Wales: the Language, Social Condition, Moral Character, and Religious Opinions of the People, considered in their relation to Education. London, 1849. 8vo. 7965 PIERCE (Rev. T.). Awdl coffadwriaeth am y diweddar Syr Watcin W. Wynn. Llundain, 1841. Elegy on the late Sir Watkin W. Wynn. 7966 POEMES des Bardes Bretons du vi e si crushed levant. Very rare. 8052 Rhetoreg, neu, Rheitheg ; a Welsh Rhetoric or Canons of Speech, originally printed in 1595. London, 1807. 4to, half calf. 8053 A Dictionary in Englyshe and Welshe. Printed for the Cymmrodorion Society, in four parts, and being an exact reproduction of the original edition printed by John Waley in London in 1547. London, 1877. 410. 8054 SAMUEL (Edward). Bucheddau'r Apostolion a'r Efengyhvyr. Mwythig (Shrewsbury), 1704. 8vo, calf. The Lives of the Apostles and Evangelists, collected out of the Holy Scriptures and the writings of the best masters. 8055 Holl ddyledswydd Dyn. Gyda Duwiol-swyddau dirgel ar amryw Achosion. Mwythig (Shrewsbury), 1718. 8vo, calf. The Whole Duty of Man. 8056 SAUNDERS (Dafydd). Awdl, ar fordaith yr Apostol Paul. Merthyr, 1828. izmo. Ode on the Voyage of Paul the Apostle. 8057 SAVILLE (Mrs. Ann). Cofiant am Henry Jenkins, o Ellerton ar Swale, sir gaerefrog, yr hwn a fu byw dros 169 mlynedd. Pontfaen, 1839. 8vo, half morocco. Memoir of Henry Jenkins, who lived over 169 years. 8058 SCHEME (Preliminary) for the phonetic representation of Welsh Dialects. London, n.d. 8 pages. 8059 The Second Revise of the above, with pencilled corrections by Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 8060 Preliminary Scheme for the phonetic representation of Welsh Dialects. (Second Revise.) 416 8061 SCOTT (Dr. J.). Y Fuchedd Gris'nogol, o'i Dechreu, i'w diwedd mewn gogoniant. London, 1752. 8vo, calf. A translation by Joshua Thomas of the 1st volume of Dr. Scott's The Christian Life, from its beginning to its consummation in glory, which was published in 1681. 8062 SHADRACH (Azariah). A Looking Glass. Drych Cyvvir i ganfod y gwrthgiliwr, etc. Caerfyrddin, 1808. izmo. 8063 Cangen o Rawn Camphir. Caerfyrddin, (1832). i2mo, half morocco. 8064 Tlysau Aur, i addurno tlodion Eden, neu, fyfyrdodau a sylwadau ar amrywiol o destunau a gwirioneddau pwysig, cynwysedig yn yr Ysgrythyrau Santaidd, ynghyd a Hymnau, etc. Abertawy, 1837. i2mo, half morocco. Soliloauies on Religious Truths. 8065 Blodau y Ffigysbren, neu fyfyrdodau difrifol ar amrywiol o bethau sobr ag sydd yn dal perthynas dragywyddol a'r Hil Ddynol. Abertawy, 1837. i2mo, half Russian leather. Soliloquies on Eternity and the Human Race. 8066 SHERLOCK (Dr. William). Ymadroddion bucheddol ynghylch Marwolaeth. (Moral Discourse concerning Death.) Agyfieithwyd yn Gymraeg gan Thos. Williams, A.M. Prinliedig yn Rhydychen (Oxford), 1691. 8vo, calf. This work was presented to Archbishop Tenison, and contains the following inscription by the Welsh translator on the back of the title-page : " For his Grace's Library att St. Martin's by his most oblig'd and most humble Servt. Tho. Ws." Dr. Sherlock was Dean of St. Paul's and Master of the Temple. " 8067 SHORT (B.). Y Ffordd i Gaffael Cyfoeth ; neu, Rhisiat Druan : yn ddiwygiedig gan Doctor Franklin yn enwog athronydd. Lludain, 1839. izmo. (Translated by Thomas Roberts.) 8068 SKENE (W. F.). The Four Ancient Books of Wales, containing the Cymric Poems attributed to the Bards of the Sixth Century. Edinburgh, 1868. 8vo. (Map and fac-simile.) 8069 S1LLYDD (Y); sef, Cyfarwyddiadau i ddysgu darllen Cymraeg. Carnarvon, n.d. I2mo. (Welsh Primer.) 8070 SIMPSON (D.). Amddiffyniad i Grefydd Crist a'r Ysgrythyrau Sanctaidd. Cyfieithe- dig gan Hugh Jones. Llangollen, 1849. i2mo. 8071 SMEE (Alfred). Elfenau Meddyginiaeth. Denbigh, 1852. 8vo. (A Work on Medicine.) 8072 SPURRELL (William). A Dictionary of the Welsh Language, with English synonymes and explanations. To which is prefixed a Grammar of the Welsh language. Car- marthen, W. Spurrell, 1848. 410, half calf. 8073 Second edition. Carmarthen, W. Spurrell, 1859. 8vo, half morocco. 8074 An English-Welsh Pronouncing Dictionary. Carmarthen, (W. Spurrell), 1850. 410, half calf. 8075 Another edition. Caerfyrddin, W. Spurrell, 1 86 1. 8vo, half morocco. 8076 Third edition. ,, 1872. 8vo. 8077 Grammadeg o laith y Cymry. A Grammar of the Welsh language. Car- marthen, 1848. 4to, half calf. 8078 Another edition. Carmarthen, 1853. To which is added, Geiriadur Cym- raeg a Saesonaeg. A Dictionary of the Welsh language, with English Synonymes and Explanations. Carmarthen, 1848. 410, calf. 8079 A Grammar of the Welsh Language. Carmarthen. 2nd edition. Car- marthen, W. Spurrell, 1853. 4 to - 417 8080 SPURRELL (William). Third edition. Carmarthen, W. Spurrell, 1870. 8vo. 8081 Practical Lessons in Welsh. Carmarthen, W. Spurrell, 1 88 1. 8vo. 8082 STANLEY (Rev. William). Cred a buchedd gwr o eglwys loegr. Bala, 1850. izmo. The faith and life of a Churchman. 8083 STEPHEN (D. Ap Rhys). Cofiant a Gweddillion Awdurol, y diweddar Mr. Ebenezer Rowland Jones, unig fab y Parch. D. Jones, Liverpool. Llanrwst, 1840. 410. 8084 STEPHENS (Thomas). The Literature of the Kymry: being a critical essay on the History of the Language and Literature of Wales, during the twelfth and two suc- ceeding centuries. Llandovery, 1849. 410. 8085 The Gododin of Aneurin Gwawdrydd : an English translation, with explanatory notes, a Life of Aneurin ; and dissertations illustrative of the Gododin and The Battle of Cattraelh. (Cymmrodorion Society Papers.) London, 1881-88. 8vo. In six parts. 8086 STOWE (Mrs. H. Beecher). Aelwyd FEwythr Robert ; neu, Hanes Caban F'Ewythr Tomos. Gan y Parch. William Rees, Liverpool. Dinbych, 1853. izmo. A Welsh translation of Uncle Tom's Cabin. 8087 Caban F'Ewyrth Twm. Uncle Tom's Cabin, translated into Welsh by Hugh Williams, illustrated by Geo. Cruikshank, with portrait of the authoress. London, 1853. 8vo. 8088 SUT I GAEL GWR, a Sut i Gael gwraig ; ynghyd a chyfarwyddiadau Sut i fyw yn ddedwydd ar ol Priodi. Gan un wedi Priodi. Treffynnon, 1856. 8vo. How to obtain a Husband and how to obtain a Wife. 8089 SUTTON (Rev. Christopher). Disce Vivere: Dysga Fyw. Wedi ei gyfieithu i'r Gymraeg g'an y Parch. Morris Williams. Llundain, 1848. 8vo. 8090 TALHAIARN. Gwaith Talhaiarn. The Works of Talhaiarn in Welsh and English. With Portrait. London, 1855. 8vo. 8091 TALIESIN, sef, Cylchgrawn Chwarterol, at wasanaeth y Cymdeithasau Llenyddol, yr Eisteddfodau, a'r Orsedd yng Nghymru. Rhuthyn, 1859-60. 410, half morocco. Taliesin : a Quarterly Magazine. 8ogz TAYLOR (F. B.). Clefydau anifeiliaid a'u triniaeth, etc., etc. Dinbych, T. Gee, n.d. 8093 (Rev. Jeremy). Ystyriaethau o Gyflwr dyn, yn y Bywyd hwn ac yn yr hwn sy i ddyfod. Printiedig, yng Nghaer-lleon, gan Roger Adams. 410, calf. The State of Man, translated by Gr. VVynn. 8094 TESTAMENT y deuddeg Patrieirch, sef, Meibion Jacob. A gyfieithwyd allan o'r Groeg gan y diweddar Barch. R. Grosthead, Esgob Lincoln. Caernarfon, 1822. lamo, half morocco. The Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs, the sons of Jacob. gogij newydd ein harglwydd a'n hiachawdwr Jesu Grist. Caer Grawnt, 1846. i2mo, calf. New Testament. 8096 newydd ein harglwydd a'n hiachawdwr Jesu Grist. Llundain, 1847. izmo, calf. gc>97 yr Athraw ; yn cynnwys, y Testament Seis-Gymreig ; yn nghyda Gramadeg byr o Elfenau y Gymreig. Gan John Jones. (The New Testament, preceded by a Welsh Grammar.) Merthyr-Tydvil, 1849. With Map of Palestine, izmo, calf. gogg Testament newydd, etc. The New Testament translated into Welsh by William Salesbury. Caernarvon, 1850. 8vo. 2 7 418 8099 TESTAMENT. Gospels. Y Cyfammod newydd, etc. The Four Gospels translated into Welsh by John Jones. Llyndin, 1818. .izmo. 8100 The Gospel of St. Matthew in Welsh and English. Llangollen, 1853. 8vo. 8 1 01 THOMAS (Dafydd). Arddwriaeth Ymarferol, sef, Traethiadau ynghylch Llafurio Tir, etc. (Agricultural Essays.) Caernarfon, 1816. 8102 (David). Corph y Gainge, neu, ddifyrwch teuluaidd. Carnarvon, 1834. iimo. (Welsh Poetry, with a Portrait of the author.) 8103 (John). Nabl Arian ; sef, Llyfr Barddoniaeth : yn cynnwys Carolau, Cerddi, Englynion, etc. Llanrwst, 1827. 8vo, half morocco. (Poems.) 8104 Telyn Arian, etc., as above. Llanrwst, 1857. 8vo, half morocco. 8105 The Welsh Interpreter, or an English and Welsh Vocabulary, with Familiar Dialogues. Third edition. Carmarthen, 1828. i2mo. 8106 The Welsh Interpreter; or an English and Welsh Vocabulary. Carmarthen, 1842. 8107 [Jeuan Ddu\ (John). The Cambrian Minstrel ; a Collection of Welsh Melodies in English and Welsh, with several original Airs. Merthyr-Tydvil, 1845. 4to. 8108 Gwaith Barddonol Sion Wyn o Eifion. The Works and Memoirs of John Thomas, with portrait of the " Invalid Bard" composing in bed. Tremadoc, 1861. i2mo. 8109 (Joshua). Tystiolaeth y Credadyn am ei hawl ir Nefoedd. Flwyddyn, '757- The Believer's evidence to his right of Heaven. 8110 (J. W.). Geiriadur Cymreig a Seisonig. Welsh-English Dictionary. Caernarfon, 1834. 8vo, half Russian leather. 8111 (Rev. Owen). Lampau y Demi; sef, Pregethau gan Weinidogion y Methodistiaid Calfinaidd. Caernarfon, 1859. i2mo. (Sermons in Welsh.) 8112 (S.). Llyfr Gwybodaeth y Cymro, neu, Hanes y byd a'r Amseroedd. Caer- narfon, 1824. i2mo, half morocco. A History of the World. 8113 (T. D.)- Bywgraffiad lolo Morganwg, B.B.D., sef Edward Williams. Caerfyrddin, 1857. i2mo, half morocco. The Biography of lolo Morganwg. 8114 TONAU GREGORAIDD (Y), a Chaniadau ac Emynau yr Eglwys. Treffynnon, 1854. Gregorian Chants. 8115 TRAETHODYDD (Y) ; a Welsh Literary Magazine from 1845-57. Denbigh, 1845-57. 4to, half calf. 13 vols. 8116 Llyfryddiaeth y Cymry. No title-page. 8vo, half morocco. (A Welsh Bibliography.) 8117 Treffynnon. Nos. 84, 85, 86 and 87 of this Periodical for 1867. 8118 TRANSACTIONS of the Cymmrodorion, or Metropolitan Cambrian Institution; with portrait of the Rev. Wm. Jenkins Rees, M A. Edited by J. H. Parry. London, 1822-28. 410, half calf. 2 vols. 8119 of the Aberffraw Royal Eisteddfod, 1849, including the successful Poetical Compositions, and the Essay on the Principles and Laws of Welsh and English Syntax. London and Oxford, (1850). 8vo. 419 8 1 20 TRUGAREDD A BARN ; neu, yn agos i 300 o Siamplau rhyfeddol o Farnedigaethau Duw ar yr annuwiol, etc. Llanrwst, n.d. 8vo, half morocco. Mercy and Judgment. God's Judgment on the Wicked, etc. 8121 TRYSORFA YSBRYDOL; yn cynnwys, Amrywriaeth o bethau ar amcan Crefyddol, yn athrawiaethol, yn annogaethol, yn hanesiol, etc. Ynghyd ag ychydig Fard- doniaeth. Can T. C. a T. J., Caerlleon, 1799. Ad-argraffwyd yn y Bala, 1809. 4to, half calf. The Spiritual Treasury. 8122 The same. Cyhoeddwyd tan Olygiad y Parch. Thomas Charles. Llyfr ii. Bala, 1813. 410, half calf. 8123 TRYSSOR i'r Cymru, sef, Llyfr yn Cynnwys. London, 1677. i2mo, calf. A Collection of Sermons by various authors. 8124 TURNER (Sharon). A Vindication of the Genuineness of the Ancient British Poems of Aheurin, Taliesin, Llywarch hen, and Merhdin. With Specimens of the Poems. London, 1803. 8vo. 8125 VAUGHAN (Row.). Prifannau Sanctaidd, neu, Lawlyfr o Weddiau. (A Welsh de- votional work.) Caer Ludd, 1658. 8vo, calf. 8126 VOCABULARY. A Welsh-English Vocabulary. Third edition. Aberystwyth, 1849. izmo, half Russian leather. 8127 of Familiar Dialogues in English and Welsh (A). 5th edition. Llangollen, 1846. Half calf. 8128 of Familiar Dialogues in English and Welsh. Llangollen, 1854. 8129 WALTER (F.). Das Alte Wales. Ein Beitrag zur Volker-, Rechts-, und Kirchen- Geschichte. Bonn, 1859. 8vo, half morocco. 8130 WALTERS (Rev. John). A dissertation on the Welsh language, etc., etc. Cow- bridge, 1771. 8131 An English and Welsh Dictionary, corrected and improved. London, 1794. 4to, half calf. 8132 The same. Second edition. Dolgelly, 1815. 410. 8133 The same. Third edition. Denbigh, 1828. 410, half calf. 8134 A Dissertation on the Welsh Language. Dolgelly, n.d. 8vo, half calf. 8135 WARDLAW (Dr.). Y Sabboth ; sef, ei sefydliad boreuol, ei rwymedigaeth barhaus a chyffredinol, etc. Caernarfon, n.d. 8vo. A Treatise on the Sabbath. 8136 WASG (Y). Rhifi-xxi. 1854-55. Aberystwyth. (A Welsh periodical.) 8137 WATSON (Thomas). Y Swpper Santaidd ; neu, ddirgelwch Swpper yr Arglwydd wedi ei egluro yn fyr. Gwedi ei Gymreigio gan James Hughes. Aberystwyih, 1833. 8vo. Essay on The Lord's Supper. 8138 WATTS (Dr.). Rhodd Mam i'w phlentyn. Caerfyrddin, n.d. (A Short Catechism.) 8139 (Isaac). Canau Duwiol mewn laith Rwydd i Blant. Wedi eu Cymreigio gan R. Owen. Llundain, 1836. 8vo. 8140 (Thomas). A Sketch of the History of the Welsh Language and Literature. (Reprinted separately from C. Knight's English Cj'c/ojxedia.) 8vo. 8141 WEBBE (George). Yr Arfer o Lonyddwch. Wedi ei gyfieithu er lies y Cymmry gan lago ab Dewi, neu Griffith Jones. Argraphedig yn Modedern yn Mon gan John Rowland, dros Ellis Jones, 1730. Title-page and six preliminary leaves restored by hand. 8vo, calf. 420 8142 WILLIAMS (Charles). Rules of the Welsh initial changes. With an Appendix. (Not published.) Oxford, 1866. 8vo. 8143 (Daniel). Gwagedd mebyd a jeungetid. London, 1737. 121110, calf. (With a Short Catechism appended.) 8144 Another edition. 1759. 8145 (D. D.). Lies gwybodaeth ; sef, Awdl ar y pedwar mesur ar hugain ar destyn Cymdeithas y Gwyneddigion, yn 1823. Aberhonddu, 1824. 16 pages. (Ode on Knowledge.) 8146 (Edward). Cyneirlyfr; neu, Eiriadur Cymraeg. Aberhonddu, 1826. 410, calf. 2 vols. (A Welsh Cyclopaedia.) 8147 Salmau yr Eglwys yn yr anialvvch. Gan Edward Williams, neu, lolo Morganwg. Aberystwyth, 1857. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. in one. Psalms of the Church in the Wilderness. 8148 (Hugh). Robinson Crusoe Cymreig ; sef, Hanes Mordaith i Australia. Caernarfon. izmo, half morocco. The Welsh Robinson Crusoe. 8149 (H. LI.). Y Meddig Teuluaidd : yn cynnwys fferylliaeth perthynol i'r corff dynol. Utica, 1851. 8vo. (A medical work.) 8150 (Rev. J.). A Glossary of Terms used for Articles of British Dress and Armour. London, 1851. 4to. 8151 (Jane). Aelwyd y Earn; sef, Cyfansoddiadau Barddonol. Caernarfon, n.d. izmo. 8152 (Rev. John). Emynauyr Eglwys. Wedi eu troi yn Gymraeg. Treffynnon, n.d. 8153 Eglwys Loegr yn anymddibynol ar Eglwys Rhufain, yn ei sefydliad cyntaf, a'i nodweddiad parhaus hyd amser y diwygiad. Bala, 1836. 4to. 8154 (John). Duoglott Grammar. (English and Welsh.) Llanrwst, 1827. 4to. 8155 Gomer; or a brief analysis of the Language and Knowledge of the Ancient Cymry. London, 1854. 8vo. 8156 Gomer; second part, containing a critical view of the Cymraeg, both ancient and present, with specimens from the works of the oldest Cymric Poets, in their original form, with translations. London, 1854. 8vo. 8157 [Ab Ithel~\ (Rev. John). Brut y Tywysogion ; or, The Chronicle of the Princes. London, i8iet eurus, dre" hun tad santel er pab, pi nauved ag en hanhue, e> blai 1852. Gunned, (Vannes), 1855. i8mo, half morocco. The Life, Virtues and Miracles of G. Cousin. 8247 hur Salvor Jesus-Chrouist, dr6 un Beleg a Gompagnoneah Jesus. Gunned, 1 86 1. i2mo, half calf. The Life of Jesus Christ, by a Jesuit Priest. 8248 en eutru el Leu, hag er meditationeu e hr6 e> missioneu. Vannes, 1861. i2mo. A religious work by a member of the Society of Jesus. 8249 BUHEZ Santez Nonn ; ou, Vie de Sainte Nonne : ancien mystere compose 1 en langue bretonne pendant le moyen age. Publi6 par I'abb6 A. Sionnet. Paris, 1837. 8vo, half calf. 8250 C. (L. T. D.). Nouvelles Recherches sur la Langue, 1'Origine et les Antiquits des Bretons, pour servir a 1'histoire de ce Peuple; par L. T. D. C. (With a com- parative Glossary.) Bayonne, 1792. 8vo. 8251 CANNEN SPIRITUEL ar er Gommunion. Guened, (Vannes), n.d. (Hymns.) 8252 Guened, n.d. (Hymns composed by a Vannes priest in 1755.) 8253 CANNENNEU spirituel eid er merked ag er Gongregation. Guened, (Vannes), n.d. (Hymns.) 8254 nehu6 en inour d'er hurhie"s. Guened, (Vannes), n.d. Hymns in honour of the Blessed Virgin. 8255 CANTIC ar Barados. Montroulez, n.d. (Hymns.) 8256 en henor de Sant lan-Badesour. Morlaix, n.d. (Hymn.) 8257 evit digor ar mission. Montroulez, n.d. (Hymns.) 8258 CANTICO spirituel choaset ha lequeet en urs evit usaich an Escopti a San-Briec. San-Briec, 1814. i2mo, half calf. A collection of Hymns for the Diocese of Saint-Brieuc in the Treguier dialect. 8259 Another edition. Sant-Bricc, 1834. i2mo, half morocco. 8260 CANTICOU spirituel composet evit usach ar Missionou. C'huec'hvet edicion. Brest, 1840. 1 2tno, half morocco. (Hymns.) 8261 CATECHIM eit chervige d'er re" e ra profession ag er Religion Catholiq, Apostoliq ha Romaen. Edition nehue'. Gue"ned, (1828). i2mo, half morocco. Catechism of the Diocese of Vannes. 8262 CATECHIME eit chervige d'er re" e ra profession ag er religion catholique, apostolique ha romaen. Edition nehue. Gunned, (1828). 8vo. Catechism for the use of the Diocese of Vannes. Except for the difference in spelling this work is similar to the last 8263 CATECHIS imprimet dre urs an Autro meurbet Illustr ha Reverend Mathias Le Groing La Romagere, Escop a Sant-Briec. E. Sant-Briec, 1825. i2mo. Catechism for the use of the diocese of St. Brieuc. 8264 CHALONS (I'abb6). Dictionnaire breton- franc, ois du diocese d Vannes. Revu et corrige' depuis la mort de 1'auteur. Vannes, 1723. 8vo, morocco. 8265 CHOEGE nehue" a Gannenneu spirituel aveit Pedein, melein ha trugaire'cat Done 1 , ha sehuel en esprit hac er galon trema zou. Gurnet, (Vannes), 1829. i2mo, half morocco. (Reflexions and Hymns.) 8266 COLLECTION bretonne de pieuses Devotions, avec gravures. Quimper, 1833. 8267 9 Pieces bretonnes. Montroulez, n.d. Calf. 426 8268 COLLECTION. ^^ Pieces bretonnes en dialecte de Vannes. Calf. 8269 23 Pieces bretonnes en dialecte de Vannes. Calf. 8270 - 24 Pieces bretonnes en dialecte de Vannes. Calf. 8271 54 Pieces bretonnes. Montroulez. Calf. 8272 33 Pieces bretonnes. Montroulez. Calf. 8273 COLLOCOU ar C'Halvar, gant Stationou hor Salver en e Bassion. Lequet e Brezonec gant an Autrou Bris, Baelec. Quemper, 1827. izmo, calf. A Book of Meditations on the Passion of Christ. 8274 familier etre un den curius hac un den expert. Montroulez, n.d.. 8275 COLLOQUE franc,ais et breton, ou, Nouveau Vocabulaire. Nouvelle Edition corrige"e et augmente'e. Saint-Brieuc, 1822. 8vo, half morocco. 8276 Another edition. Morlaix, 1828. i2mo, half morocco. 8277 5 e Edition corrige"e et augmente'e d'une Table des matieres. Brest, 1838. i2mo, half calf. 8278 frangais et breton. Brest, 1862. i8mo. 8279 ,, ,, Nouvelle Edition. Quimper, n.d. 8vo. 8280 CONFERANQOU curius, util hac interessant, evit amusamant an dud divar ar meaz. Montroulez, (Morlaix), n.d. 8281 CONSIDERATIONEU santel, eit derhel chonge ha profitein ag er Retraite. Gurnet, (Vannes), 1835. i2mo, half morocco. 8282 COURSON (Aure"lien de). Essai sur 1'histoire, la langue et les institutions de la Bretagne Armoricaine. Paris, 1 840. 8vo, half calf. 8283 DEBUSSI (1'abbe"). Mis Mae, mis ar Verc' hes Vari. Brest, 1836. i8mo, calf. A Book of Devotions to Our Lady, translated into Breton by G. L. . . . Cure Taule. 8284 DEVOTION de Galon Sacret Jesus-Chrouist. Gunned, (Vannes), n.d. 8vo, half morocco. Devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. 8285 DIALOGUE. Nouvelles Conversations en breton et en frangais. Saint-Brieuc, 1857. i8mo. 8286 DICTIONAIRE et Colloques Francois Breton. Traduit de Frangois en Breton, par G. Guicquer, natif de Roscof. Re"vu, corrige" et augment^ en cette derniere Edition. Brest, Malassis, n.d. 8vo, half calf. Scarce. This book has the name of its owner in 1713 on the back of the title-page. 8287 Another edition. Quimper, Perier, 1738. 8 vo, half calf. 8288 DICTIONNAIRE. Francois Breton, ou, Frangois-Celtique du Dialecte de Vannes. Par Monsieur L'A***. Leide, 1744. 8vo, vellum. 8289 Francois-Breton. La Haye, 1756. 8vo, half calf. 8290 nouveau, ou, Colloque Frangais et Breton. Nouvelle Edition. Morlaix, 1786. i2mo. 8291 DIDEMPERANQ (An) ; pe un Discours var Zrougiez ha Goall-effejou ar pec' hed a vezventi. Brest, 1837. (Devotional.) 8292 DIOT (1'abbe). Mis Cae> Mari pe" Mis Mai nehue. Gue"ned, 1851. i2mo, half morocco. (Devotions to Our Lady.) 8293 Prede"gueu Brehonec ar Simbol en Apostoled. Guened, 1854. i2mo, half morocco. (Sermons on the Apostles' Creed.) 427 8294 DISCOURS (Eun) war brezegi Doctrinou Divin hac important euz ar Scrituriou Sacr. Brest, 1836. 8295 DISPLIJADUR ur Person, emigret e bro-soz, adresset d'e Vatez Lauran. Vannes, 1 86 1. 8vo. Translated into Breton by a priest of the Diocese of Vannes. 8448 VOCABULAIRE nouveau, ou, Colloque frangois et breton, ouvrage tres-utile pour ceux qui sont curieux d'appendre Tune ou 1'autre de ces deux Langues. Sixieme Edition. Quimper, 1778. 8vo, calf. 8449 nouveau, ou, Dialogues frangais et bretons. Vannes, 1829. i2mo, half morocco. 8450 Another edition. Vannes, 1835. izmo, half calf. 8451 ,, 1846. i zmo, half morocco. 8452 ,, ,, n.d. (probably early this century). i2mo, half calf. 8453 VOYAGE misterius de inis er vertu. Gurnet, (Vannes), n.d. 8vo, half morocco. 6.-TEUTONIC LANGUAGES-(a) GOTHIC, WITH RUNIC. 8454 ANNERSTEDT (D.). A et Q observationum philologicarum in linguam Suiogothicam, ex occasione vocum difficiliorum libri Hymnorum Suecani. Upsaliae, 1751-52. 410. 2 parts. 8455 ANTIQUIT&S de 1'Orient, monuments runographiques interprets par C. C. Rafn, et public's par la Socie"te" Royale des Antiquaires du Nord. Copenhague, 1856. 8vo. 8456 BAECKER (Louis de). Analogic de la langue des Goths et des Francs avec le Sanskrit. Gand, 1858. 8vo. 8457 BIBLE. Biblia Ulfilas. Veteris et Novi Testamenti versionis Gothicae fragmenta quae supersunt ad fidem codd. castigata Latinitate donata adnotatione critica instructa coniunctis curis ediderunt H. C. de Gabelentz et Dr. J. Loebe. Adiectae sunt tabulae duae lapide expressae. Lipsiae, 1843. 4to, calf. 8458 BIORNER (Eric Jul.). Cogitationes critico philologicae de orthographia linguae Svio Gothicae tarn Runica quam Vulgari, a corrupto Medii Aevi stylo vindicanda . . . praefixis prolegomenis de Initiis et Migrationibus Gentium Scando-Gothicarum. Stockholmiae, 1742. 410, half calf. 435 8459 BOETHIUS (Jacobus). Dissertatio Academica de mutationibus linguae Sueo-Gothicae- Upsaliae, 1742-43. In two parts. 410. 8460 BORGSTEDT (J.). Dissertatio philologica de dialectis linguae Suio-Gothicae. Upsaliae, 1761. 410. 8461 BUSCHING (A. F.). Scripta versionem Ulphilanam et Linguam Moeso-Gothicam illustrantia. Berolini, 1773. 410, half calf. 8462 CLEWBERG (N. C.). Dissertatio de harmonia linguae Latinae et Suio-Gothicae. Upsaliae, 1771-73. Two parts. 410. 8463 CODEX ARGENTEUS, sive, Sacrorum Evangeliorum versionis Gothicae fragmenta, quae iterum recognita adnotationibusque instructa per lineas singulas ad fidem codicis additis fragmentis Evangelicis codicum Ambrosianorum et tabula lapide expressa edidit Andreas Uppstrom. Upsaliae, 1854. Folio. 8464 sive, Sacrorum Evangeliorum versionis Gothicae fragmenta quorum denuo revisam editionem adnotationibus instructam .... publicandam curavit Andreas Uppstrom. Upsaliae, 1854-57. Folio. 8465 CODICES Gotici Ambrosiani, sive, Epistolarum Pauli Esrae Nehemiae versionis Goticae fragmenta, quae iterum recognovit per lineas singulas descripsit adnotationibus instruxit Andreas Uppstrom. Holmiae et Lipsiae. Upsaliae, 1864-68. Folio. 8466 DIALECTUS VESTROGOTHICA, ad illustrationem aliquam linguae Suecanae, veteris et hodiernae, dissertatione philologica et vocabulorum Vestrogothicorum indice explanata. Stockholmiae, 1772. 410, half calf. 8467 DIE FEN BACH (Lorenz). Vergleichendes Worterbuch der Gothischen Sprache. Frankfurt am Main, 1851. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. in one. 8468 DIETRICH (Franz). De Inscriptionibus duabus Runicis ad Gothorum gentem relatis disputavit Franciscus Dietrich. Marburgi, 1861. 410. 8469 Ueber die Aussprache des Gothischen waehrend der Zeit seines bestehens. Eine sprachgeschichtliche Abhandlung nebst einem kritischen Anhang ueber die Namen des Jornandes. Marburg, 1862. 8vo. 8470 Die Blezinger Inschriften, der Stein von Tune, und andre deutsche Runen in Skandinavien entziffert und erlautert von Dr. Franz Dietrich. Mit einer Schrift- Tafel. Marburg, 1863. 410. 8471 DIETERICH (U. W.). Runen-Sprach-Schatz, oder, Worterbuch iiber die altesten Sprachdenkmale Skandinaviens, in Beziehung auf Abstammung und Begriffsbildung. Stockholm und Leipzig, (1844). 4to, half calf. 8472 Entrathselung des Odinischen (fudork) durch das semitische Alphabet. Stockholm und Leipzig, 1864. 8vo. In the title the word in parentheses is written in Runes. 8473 ERICHSON (Johann). Bibliotheca Runica worin zuverlassige Nachrichten von den Schriftstellern liber die Runische Litteratur und von den dahin gehorigen Buchstaben, Grabsteinen, Calendern, Handschriften und Miinzen ertheilet werden durch J. E. Greifswald, 1766. 410. 8474 Bibliotheca Runica worin zuverliissige Nachrichten von den Schriftstellern iiber die Runische Litteratur, etc. Greifswald, 1766. 4to. With the following: Antwort auf die Frage ; Ob des Herrn Johann Erichson's Bibliotheca Runica fur vollstiindig und zureichend zu halten sey? Greifswald, 1766. 4to, half calf. 8475 FRAGMENTUM Runico-Papisticum, seu, Soliloquium Deiparae Virginis querulum, circa passionem Domini, anonymo auctore, lingua et Runis Gothorum, in mem- brana conscriptum ; . . . edidit Johann. Fred. Peringskiold. Stockholmiae, 1721. Folio, calf. 436 8476 FUNCK (N. J.)- Dissertatio gradualis de harmonia linguae Graecae et Suiogothicae. Upsaliae, 1770. 410. 8477 GABELENTZ (H. C. de) und LOEBE (J.). Glossarium der Gothischen Sprache. Leipzig, 1843. 410, half calf. 8478 Grammatik der Gothischen Sprache. Leipzig, 1846. 410, half calf. 8479 (H. C. v. d.) und LOBE (J.). Uppstrom's Codex Argenteus. Eine Nach- schrift zu der Ausgabe des Ulfilas. Leipzig, 1860. 4to. 8480 GAUGENGIGL (J.). Gothische Studien. Funfte Ausgabe. Die Fragmente des Ulfilas nach der silbernen Handschrift in Upsala im Zusammenhalte mit der Handschrift Tischendorf's von dem Berge Sinai. Herausgegeben von Gaugengigl. Munchen, 1864. 8vo. 8481 Gothische Studien. Ergiinzung der Bruchstiicke des Ulfilas. Munchen, 1864. 8vo. 8482 GOUDIE (Gilbert). On Rune-inscribed relics of the Norsemen in Shetland. Edin- burgh, 1879. From Vol. xiii of the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. 8483 GRAFSTROM (A. Abr.). Dissertatio de lingua, originis gentis Suiogothicae indice. Upsaliae, 1811. 4to. 8484 GREENOUGH (W. W.). The Version of Ulphilas and the Mceso-Gothic Language, 1838. (An extract.) 8485 GRIMM (Jacob). Uber Jornandes. (Vorgelesen in der Akad. d. wiss. am 5 merz 1846.) Philos.-histor. Kl. 1846. 4to. 8486 Uber einige Falle der Attraction. (Aus dem Abhandl. der K. Akad. d. wiss. zu Berlin, 1858.) Berlin, 1858. 410. 8487 HAHN (K. A.). Auswahl aus Ulfilas gothischer bibeliibersetzung. Mit einem Worterbuch und mit einem Grundriss zur gothischen Buchstaben- und flexionslehre. Heidelberg, 1849. 4to. 8488 HALBERTSMA (J. H.). De overblijfselen der Gothische Taal, zoo verre zij tegen- woordig bekend zijn. Deventer, 1835. 8489 HALLENBERG (J.). Ex occasione nummi cnfici de nominis Dei Gud, in suio- gothica cognatisque linguis origine : disquisitio historica et philologica. Stock- holmiae, 1796. 4to. 8^90 HENSHALL (S.). The first number of the etymological organic Reasoner; or, Oldest Reckoner's Witness ; with Observations on the works of Mr. Whiter and Mr. Tooke, and one sheet of the Gothic Gospel of St. Matthew, and another of the Saxon Durham Book, in Roman characters. London, 1807. 4to. 8491 The Gothic Gospel of St. Matthew, from the Codex Argenteus of the Fourth Century ; with the corresponding English or Saxon from the Durham Book of the Eighth Century, in Roman characters ; a literal English translation of each, with notes, illustrations, etc. London, 1807. 4to, half calf. This book belonged to J. M. Kemble. 8492 Another copy, preceded by the first number of the etymological organic Reasoner, etc. London, 1807. 4 to > ca ^- 8493 HERWEGHR (D.). Dissertatio gradualis, de usu antiquitatum in illustranda lingua Suio-Gothica. Holmiae, 1746. 410. 437 8494 IHRE (Johannes). Glossarium Suiogothicum, in quo tarn hodierno usu frequentata vocabula, quam in legum patriarum tabulis aliisque aevi medii scriptis obvia explicantur, et ex dialectis cognatis, Moesogothica, Anglo-Saxonica, Alemannica, Islandica ceterisque Gothicae et Celticae originis illustrantur. Upsaliae, 1769. 4to, half calf. 2 vols. in one. 8 495 JUNIUS (Franc.). Gothicum Glossarium, quo pleraque Argentei Codicis vocabula explicantur, atque ex Linguis cognatis illustrantur. Praemittuntur ei Gothicum, Runicum, Anglo-Saxonicum, aliaque Alphabeta. Dordrechti, 1665. 410, half calf. 8496 Glossarium Ulphila-Gothicum, linguis affinibus, per Fr. Junium, nunc etiam Sveo-Gothica auctum et illustratum per Georgium Stiernhielm. Holmiae, (Wankif), 1670. 410, half calf. 8497 KIHLMAN (J.). Specimen Academicum, de obligatione sacrorum oratorum ad excolendam linguam Suiogothicam. Holmiae, 1753. 4to. 8498 KIRCHHOFF (A.). Das Gothische Runenalphab Eine Abhandlung. 2* Auflage. Berlin, 1854. 8vo. 8499 LAUTH (F. J.). Das germanische Runen-Fudark, aus den Quellen kritisch ersch- lossen und nebst einigen Denkmiilern zum ersten Male erklart. Miinchen, 1857. 8vo, half morocco. 8500 LEVEZOW (Hrn.). Tiber die Achtheit der sogenannten Obotritischen Runendenk- maler zu Neu-Strelitz. Title-page wanting. 410. Gelesen in der Akad. der Wissens. am 23 Januar und 24 Julius 1834. 8501 LILIENCRON (R. von) und MULLENHOFF (K.). Zur Runenlehre. Zwei Abhandlungen. Halle, 1852. 410. 8502 LYE (Edwardus). Dictionarium Saxonico et Gothico-Latinum ; accedunt fragmenta versionis Ulphilanae, necnon opuscula quaedam Anglo-Saxonica. Edidit, nonnullis vocabulis auxit, plurimis exemplis illustravit, et grammaticam utriusque linguae praemisit, Owen Manning. Londoni, 1772. Folio, half calf. 2 vols. A very valuable work. 8503 MASSMANN (H. F.). Auslegung des Evangelii Johannis in gothischer Sprache* Aus romischen und maylandischen Handschriften nebst lateinischer Uebersetzung' belegenden Anmerkungen, geschichtlicher Untersuchung, gothisch-lateinischem Worterbuche und Schriftproben. Miinchen, 1834. 4to, half calf. 8504 Die gothischen Urkunden von Neapel und Arezzo, mit zwey Schriftnach- bildungen im Steindruck. Miinchen, 1837. Folio. 8505 MEYER (Leo). Die Gothische Sprache. Ihre Lautgestaltung insbesondere im verhaltniss zum altindischen, griechischen und lateinischen. Berlin, 1869. 8vo. 8506 MORAENIUS (J.). Dissertatio philologica, distinctionem vocum Sueogothicarum orthographicam sistens. Upsaliae, 1753. 4to. 8507 MUNCH (P. A.). Det gotiske Sprogs Formlaere med korte Laesestykker og Ordre- gister. Christiania, 1848. 8vo, half calf. 8508 NIBELUNGEN- und KUDRUN-LIEDER fur Schulen ausgewahlt und nebst For- menlehre, Worterbuch und einigen Gothischen und Althochdeutschen Sprachproben, herausgegeben von Dr. W. B. Monnich. Stuttgart, 1852. 8vo, half calf. 8509 ODHELIUS (O.). Dissertatio philologico-historica de convenientia linguae Persicae cum Gothica. Upsaliae, 1723. 8 vo, half calf. 8510 PICTON (J. A.)- Philological Papers, comprising Notes on the Ancient Gothic Language, and Sanskrit Roots and Derivations. Liverpool, 1864. 8vo. 438 8511 PRAETORIUS (Matth.). Orbis Gothicus; id est, historica narratio, omnium fere Gothici nominis populorum. Typis monasterii Olivensis sacri ordinis Cisterciensis. Imprimebat Jo.-Jac. Textor, 1688-89. Four parts in one volume. Folio, calf. A rare and curious work. 8512 RAFN (C. C.). Inscription runique du Pir6e, interpreted par C. C. Rafn et publi6e par la Soci6t6 Royale des Antiquaires du Nord. Copenhague, 1856. 8vo. 8513 Inscriptions runiques du Slesvig Meridional, interpreters par C. C. Rafn et publics par la Soci6t6 Royale des Antiquaires du Nord. Copenhague, 1 86 1. 8vo, half calf. 8514 RAMZELIUS (M. M.). Dissertatio Academica, de usu linguae Sueogothicae in illustranda antiqua gentis nostrae simplicitate. Upsaliae, 1748. 4to. 8515 RUDBECK (Olaf.). Specimen usus Linguae Gothicae, in eruendis atque illustrandis obscurissimis quibusvis Sacrae Scripturae locis; addita, Analogia Linguae Gothicae cum Sinica, nee non Finnonicae cum Ungarica. Upsalis, 1717. 4to, calf. 8516 SAHLSTEDT (A. M.). In glossarium Suio-Gothicum, a R. C., C. P. R. et E. A. Johanne Ihre, editum observationes. Holmiae, 1773. 8vo. 8517 SANTESSON (C. G.). De origine linguae Gothicae dissertatio. Londini Gothorum, (Lund), 1804. 410. 8518 SCHEIDENBURG (D.). Dissertatio gradualis stricturas criticas in linguam Suio- Gothicam exhibens. Holmiae, 1752. 410. 8519 SCHOTENSACK (Heinrich August). Ueber die Thraker, als Stammvater der Gothen, und die verschiedenen Verzweigungen des gothischen Volkerstammes. Stendal, 1 86 1. 410. 8520 SCHULZE (Ernst). Gothisches Glossar. Mit einer Vorrede von Jacob Grimm. Magdeburg, (1847). 4 to half morocco. 8521 SILBER (Carl). Versuch iiber den gothischen Dativ. Naumburg a/S., 1845. 410. 8522 SOTBERG (Ericus). Ulphilas Illustratus. Holmiae, 1752. 4 to. 8523 SOURDEVAL (Ch. Mourain de). Etudes Gothiques. Tours, 1839. 8vo. 8524 STAMM (F. L.). Vorschule zum Ulfila, oder, Grammatik der gothischen Sprache zur Selbstbelehrung. Mit Beispielen, Lesestiicken und Worterbuche. Paderborn, 1851. 8vo, half calf. 8525 STEPHENS (George). Runehallen i det Danske Oldnordiske Museum. Kobenhavn, 1868. 410. (With numerous Plates.) 8526 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Quatuor D.N. Jesu Christi Evangeliorum versiones perantiquae duae, Gothica scil. et Anglo-Saxonica : quarum illam ex celeberrimo Codice Argenteo nunc primum depromsit Franciscus Junius F. F. Hanc autem ex Codicibus MSS. collatis emendatius recudi curavit Thomas Mareschallus, Anglus. Dordrechti, 1665. 4to, calf. (The Glossary is wanting.) 8527 Another edition. Accessit et Glossarium Gothicum : cui praernittitur Alphabetum Gothicum, Runicum, etc. Opera ejusdem Francisci Junii. Amsteloe- dami, 1684. 410, calf. (With frontispiece.) 8528 D.N. Jesu Christi SS. Evangelia ab Ulfila Gothorum in Moesia Episcopo circa annum a nato Christo 360. Ex Graeco-Gothice translata, nunc cum Parallelis Versionibus, Sveo-Gothica, Norraena, seu Islandica, et Vulgata Latina edita. Stock- holmiae, 1671. 410, half calf. (With frontispiece.) Sacrorum Evangeliorum versio Gothica ex Codice Argenteo emendata atque suppleta, cum interpretatione Latina et annotationibus Erici Benzelii. Ediclit, observationes suas adjecit, et Grammaticam Gothicam praemisit Edwardus Lye A.M. Oxonii, (Clarend.), 1750. Folio, half calf. 439 8530 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). St. Paul's Epistles. Ulphilae Gothica versio Epistolae divi Pauli ad Corinthios secundae quam ex Ambrosianae Bibliothecae palimpsestis depromptam cum interpretatione adnotationibus glossario edidit Carolus Octavius Castillionaeus. Mediolani, 1829. 410. 8531 Another copy. Ex Bibliotheca Hoffmann! Fallerslebens. 8532 St. Paul's Epistles. Gothicae versionis epistolarum divi Pauli ad Romanos ad Corinthios primae ad Ephesios quae supersunt ex Ambrosianae Bibliothecae palimpsestis deprompta cum adnotationibus edidit Carolus Octavius Castillionaeus. Mediolani, 1834. 4 to half calf. 8 533 St. Paul's Epistles. Gothicae versionis epistolarum divi Pauli ad Galatas ad Philippenses ad Colossenses ad Thessalonicenses primae quae supersunt ex Am- brosianae Bibliothecae palimpsestis deprompta cum adnotationibus, edidit Carolus Octavius Castillionaeus. Mediolani, 1835. 410. 8534 St. Paul's Epistles. Gothicae versionis epistolarum divi Pauli ad Thessa- lonicenses secundae ad Timotheum ad Titum ad Philemonem quae supersunt ex Ambrosianae Bibliothecae palimpsestis deprompta cum adnotationibus, edidit Carolus Octavius Castillionaeus. Mediolani, 1839. 410. 8535 Gospels. Bruchstiicke aus Ulfilas sprachlich erlautert von A. Riemen- schneider. Dorpat, 1861. 410. 8536 THORSEN (P. G.). De Danske Runemindesmaerker. Kjobenhavn, 1864-79-80. 8vo. In parts. With Plates. 8537 UGLA (Petrus). Dissertatio gradualis de Praefectura Naesgardensis Dalekarliae. Upsalis, 1734. 410. 8538 ULPHILAS. Ulphilae versionem Gothicam nonnullorum capitum Epistolae Pauli ad Romanos. Venerandum antiquitatis monumentum pro amisso omnino atque adeo deperdito per multa saecula ad hunc usque diem habitum e litura codicis cujusdam manuscript! rescripti qui in Augusta apud Guelpherbytanos Bibliotheca adservatur una cum variis variae litteraturae monimentis hue usque ineditis ervit commentatus est datque foras Franciscus Antonius Knittel. Excudi curavit principale apud Brunovicenses Orphanotropheum, (1762). 4to. With Plates. 8539 Fragmenta versionis Ulphilanae, continentia particulas aliquot Epistolae Pauli ad Romanos, haud pridem ex Codice rescripto Bibliothecae Guelferbytanae eruta, et a F. Ant. Knittel edita, nunc cum aliquot annotationibus typis reddita a Johanne Ihre. Accedunt duae dissertationes ad philologiam Moesogothicam spectantes. Upsaliae, 1763. 410, half calf. 8540 Gothische Bibelubersetzung die alteste Germanische Urkunde nach Ihre'ns Text, mit einer grammatisch-wortlichen Lateinischen Uebersetzung zwischen den Zeilen, samt einer Sprachlehre und einem Glossar, ausgearbeitet von Friedrich Karl Fulda, das Glossar umgearbeitet von W. F. H. Reinwald, . . . herausgegeben von Johann Christian Zahn. Weissenfels, 1805. 410, half calf. 8541 Fragmenta Bibliae Gothicae. Ulphilae partium ineditarum in Ambro- sianis palimpsestis ab Angelo Maio repertarum Specimen conjunctis curis ejusdem Maii et Caroli Octavii Castillionaei editum. Mediolani, 1819. 410, calf. 8542 (Bibliorum Gothicorum Fragmenta). Alteste Denkmiiler der Deutschen Sprache erhalten in Ulfilas Gothischer Bibelubersetzung von Ign. Gaugengigl. Passau, 1849. 410, morocco. 8 543 Die Heiligen Schriften Alien und Neuen Bundes in Gothischer Sprache. Mit gegeniiberstehendem Griechischem und Lateinischem Texte, Anmerkungen, Worterbuch, Sprachlehre und geschichtlicher Einleitung von H. F. Massmann. Stuttgart, 1857. 8vo, morocco. 440 8544 ULPHILAS. Fragmenta Gothica selecta ad fidem Codicum Ambrosianarum Carolini Vatican!, edidit Andreas Uppstrom. Upsaliae, 1861. 4to. 8545 ULLGRUND (Swenus). Dissertatio philologica de dialectis linguae Suiogothicae. Upsaliae, 1756, 1758 and 1761. In three parts. 4to. 8546 Dissertatio philologia. De dialectis linguae Suiogothicae. Upsaliae, 1756. 410. 8547 UNDERWISNING (Kort och tydelig), hum man skal forsta och bruka Runstafwen, Tredie gangen uplagd, och med atskillige Anmarckningar, samt ett wackert Kopparstycke tilokt. Upsala, 1748. izmo. Runic Grammar, with a plate representing the Runic Calendar. 8548 VERELIUS (Olaus). Hervarar Saga pa Gammal Gotska med Olai Vereli uttolkning och notis (historia Hervarae, lingua veleri gothica, cum interpret, lat. et annotationibus prolixis Olai Verelii). Upsaliae, excudit H. Curio, 1672. 410, half calf. Rare. 8549 VILMAR (A. F. C.). Anfangsgriinde der deutschen Grammatik zunachst fur die obersten Klassen der Gymnasien. 1. Lautlehre und Flexionslehre nebst gothischen und althochdeutschen Sprachproben. II. Verslehre mit Benutzungdes Vilmarschen Nachlasses. Von Dr. C. W. M. Grein. Marburg und Leipzig, 1864 und 1870. 8vo. 2 vols. (The first volume is of the sixth edition.) 8550 VULCANIUS (B.). De Literis et Lingua Getarum, sive Gothorum. Item de notis Lombardicis. Lugduni Batavorum, (ex off. Plantiniana, apud Franciscum Raphel- engium), 1597. 8vo. Brunei says this is the work of an anonymous author only edited by Vulcanius. 8551 WEINGAERTNER (Wilhelm). Die Aussprache des Gothischen zur Zeit des Ulfilas. Eine sprachwissenschaftliche Abhandlung. Leipzig, 1858. 8vo. 8552 WELLMAN (A.)- Das Gothische Adjectivum. Stettin, 1835. 410. 8553 WORMIUS (Olaus). Runica, seu Danica Literatura antiquissima, vulgo Gothica dicta, luci reddita opera Olai Wormii. Cui accessit de prisca Danorum poesi dissertatio. Hafniae, 1636. First edition. 4to, calf. 8554 Runica, seu Danica Literatura antiquissima, vulg6 Gothica dicta, luci reddita opera Olai Wormii ; cui accessit de prisca Danorum poesi dissertatio. Editio secunda auction Hafniae, 1651. 410, calf. 8555 ZACHER (Julius). Disquisitionis grammaticae de Alphabet! Gothici Ulphilani origine atque indole. Particula i. Lipsiae, 1854. 410. 8556 Das gothische Alphabet Vulfilas und das runen Alphabet. Leipzig, 1855. 8vo, half morocco. 8557 ZEUNE (August). Gothische Sprachformen und Sprachproben, zu Vorlesungen entworfen von August Zeiine. Berlin, 1825. 410. 8558 ZIEMANN (Adolf). Gothischhochdeutsche Wortlehre. Quedlinburg und Leipzig, 1834. 8vo. (b) ICELANDIC, WITH NORSE OR NORWEGIAN. 8559 AASEN (Ivar). Det norske Folkesprogs Grammatik. Kristiania, 1848. 8vo, half calf. 8560 Ordbog over det norske Folkesprog. Kristiania, 1850. 8vo, half calf. 8561 Prover af Landsmaalet i Norge. Christiania, 1853. 8vo, half morocco. 8562 En liden Lossebog i Gammel Norsk. Christiania, 1854. 8563 Norske Ordsprog. Christiania, 1856. 8vo, half morocco. 8564 Norsk Grammatic. Omarbeidet Udgave af Det norske Folkesprogs Grammalik. Christiania, 1864. 8vo. 441 8565 AMPERE (J.J.). Discours sur Tancienne literature Scandinave. Paris, 1832. i2mo. 8566 ANALECTA Norrcena auswahl aus der Isliindischen und Norwegischen Litteratur des Mittelalters. Herausgegeben von Theodor Mb'bius. Leipzig, 1859. 8vo, half morocco. 8567 ANDREAS (Gudm.). Lexicon Islandicum, sive Gothicae Runae, vel linguae septen- trionalis dictionarium (cum interpretatione latina et graeca), concinnatum, adornatum et scriptum a Gudmundo Andreae, in lucem productum per Petrum Johan. Resenium. Hauniae, (Chr. Weringius), 1683, 410, calf. Rare. 8568 ANNALER for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historic, udgivne af del Kongelige Nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab, 1860. Kjobenhavn. Contains articles on the dialects of Orkney, Shetland, etc. 8569 ANVISNING (Kort) till Fornnordiska Spraket. Lund, 1838. 410, half calf. 8570 APERQU du Fonds Permanent de la Socie'te' Royale des Antiquaires du Nord avec la liste de ses Membres Fondateurs. 1860. 12 pages. (On coloured paper.) 8571 Two other copies on plain paper. 8572 ARIUS. Schedae Ara Prests froda um Island. Skalhollte, 1688. 410. Anus's Chronicles in Icelandic. This copy is supposed to have been printed from his own manuscript. It is of great rarity. 8573 ARNAMAGNCEANSKE HAANDSKRIFT (Det), No. 24, 4 to, indeholdende Valde- mars scellandske Loos forste Femtedel, udgivet i fotolitografiske Aftryk af Kom- missionen for det Arnamagnceanske Legat. Kjobenhavn, 1869. 8574 Nr. 674 A. 4to, indeholdende det celdste Brudstykke af Elucidarius paa Islandsk, udgivet i fotolitografiske Aftryk af Kommissionen for det Arnamagnoeanske Legat. Kjobenhavn, 1869. 8vo. 8575 ARNASON (Jon). I'slenzkar Thjothsogur og ^fintyri. Leipzig, 1862-65. 8vo. In parts. (Icelandic popular tales.) 8576 Duplicate of Part 2. 8577 ASGRIMSSON (Eystein). Le Lis, poeme islandais en 1'honneur de la Mere de Dieu. Avec une introduction en islandais et en fran9ais. Copenhague, 1858. The poem was written in the middle of the 1 4th century. In this publication it is accompanied with a Latin translation. 8578 BAYLDON (G.). An elementary Grammar of the Old Norse or Icelandic Language. London, 1870. 8vo. 8579 BENNET (T.). A Selection of Phrases for Tourists in Norway. Christiania, 1881. 8580 BERGMANN (F. G.). Poemes islandais (Voluspa, Vafthrudnismal, Lokasenna) tires de 1'Edda de Scemund, public's avec une traduction, des notes et un glossaire. Paris, 1838. 8vo, half calf. 8581 Les Chants de S61 (Solar Liod), Poeme tire de 1'Edda de Scemund, publie avec une traduction et un commentaire. Strasbourg et Paris, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. 8582 BIBLE. Biblia, thad er; aull heilang Ritning. Kaupmannahaufn, 1813. 8vo, calf. Printed by the Biblical Society of Iceland. 8583 Biblia. thad er ; Heilog Ritning. I 5 ta sinni utgefin, d ny yfirskodud og leidrett, ad tilhlutun ens islendska Bibliu felags. Videyar Klaustri, 1841. 410, morocco. 8584 Biblia, that er; heilog Ritning. Lundunum, 1866. 8vo, calf. 8585 Genesis. Testamentitokamit Mosesim aglegej siurdeleet. Kiobenhavnime, 1822. 8vo, half calf. (The ist Book of Moses in Icelandic by Fabritius.) 442 8586 BIBLE. Psalter. Pijslar Psaltare. Editio xiv. Hoolum i Hiallta Dal, 1754. 8vo, Translated by Hallgrijmur Petursson. 8587 BORRING (Laurent Etienne). Notice sur la vie et les travaux de M. Carl-Christian Rafn. Copenhague, 1864. 8vo. 8588 BOTTEN-HANSEN (Paul). La Norvege litte>aire. Catalogue syste"matique et raisonne" de tous les ouvrages de quelque valeur imprimis en Norvege ou composes par des auteurs norve'giens au ig e siecle, etc. Pre'ce'd^ d'une introduction historique. Christiania, 1868. 8vo. 8589 BUGGE (Sophus). Gamle Norske Folkeviser. Kristiania, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. 8590 CLEASBY (R.). An Icelandic-English Dictionary chiefly founded on the Collections made from prose works of the i2th and i4th centuries by the late Richard Cleasby ; enlarged and completed by Gudbrand Vigfusson. Oxford, 1869. 8vo. In parts. 8591 DIETRICH (F. E. Ch.). Altnordisches Lesebuch. Aus der skandinavischen Poesie und Prosa bis zum xiv Jahrhundert zusammengestellt und mit iibersichtlicher Grammatik und einem Glossar. Leipzig, 1843. 8vo, half calf. 8592 DODDRIDGE (P.). Um sannrar Gudhroedslu uppbyrjun og framgang i mannesk- junnar sdlu. Kaupmannahofn, 1839. 8vo, half calf. The Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul, translated into Icelandic by Joni Jonssyni. 8593 EDDA Soemundar hinns Fr6da. Edda rhythmica seu antiquior, vulgo Scemundina dicta. Pars i. Odas mythologicas, a Resenio non editas, continens. Hafnise, 1787. 4to. Pars 2. Odas mythico-historicas continens. Hauniae, 1818. 4to. Pars 3. Continens carmina Voluspa, Havamal et Rigsmal. Havniae, 1828. 410, morocco. 3 vols. (Sumtibus Legati Magnceani et Librariae Gyldendalianae.) For full particulars of this rich collection of Norse literature see Brunei. 8594 (Die). Eine sammlung altnordischer gotter- und heldenlieder. Urschrift mit erklarenden Anmerkungen, Glossar und Einleitung, altnordischer Mythologie und Grammatik. Herausgegeben von Hermann Liming, Zurich, 1859. 8vo, half morocco. 8595 EGILSSON (Sveinbjorn). Lexicon Poeticum antiquae linguae septentrionalis. Edidit Societas Regia Antiquariorum Septentrionalium. Hafniae, 1854. 8vo. In parts. 8596 Clavis Poetica antiquae linguae septemtrionalis quam e lexico poetico Sveinbjornis Egilssonii collegit et in ordinem redegit Benedictus Grondal (Egilsson). Edidit Societas Regia Antiquariorum Septemtrionalium. Hafniae, 1864. 8vo. 8597 EINARI seu EINARUS (Halfdanus). Historia Literaria Islandiae, autorum et scriptorum turn editorum turn ineditorum indicem exhibens. Hauniae et Lipsiae, 1786. 8vo. 8598 Sciagraphia Historiae literariae Islandicae autorum et scriptorum turn editorum turn ineditorum indicem exhibens. Havniae, 1777. 8vo, half calf. 8599 ETTMULLER (Ludwig). Altnordisches Lesebuch nebst kurzgefasster Formenlehre und Worterbuch. Zurich, 1 86 1. 4to, half morocco. 8600 FAEREYrNGA SAGA ; oder, Geschichte de Bewohner der Fiiroer im islandischen Grundtext mit faroischer, danischer und deutscher Ubersetzung. Herausgegeben von C. C. Rafn und G. C. F. Mohnike. Kopenhagen, 1833. 8vo, half calf. With Map and fac simile of MS. 8601 FAGRSKINNA. Kortfattet Norse Konge-Saga fra slutningen af det tolfte eller begyndelsen af det trettende Aarhundrede. Udgivet af P. A. Munch og C. R. Unger. Med to lithographerede Fac-simile-Aftryk. Christiania, 1847. 8vo, half calf. 8602 FOLKEVENNEN. Et Tidsskrift udgivet af Selskabel for Folkeoplysningens Frcmmc. Fjerde Aargangs 5 te of 6 te Hcefte. Kristiania, 1855. An extract from this periodical containing the following article, Register over nors'te Folkenavne, by I. Aasen. 443 8603 FOSS (F.). Norwegian Grammar with Exercises in the Norwegian and English Languages, and a list of irregular verbs. Christiania, 1858. 8604 FRIDRIKSSON (Halld6r Kr.). Islandsk Laesebog med Ordregister og en oversigt over den Islandske formlaere. Kjobenhavn, 1846. 8vo, half calf. 8605 Islenzkar Rjettritunarreglur. Reykjavik, 1859. 8vo, half morocco. 8606 Islenzk Malmyndalysfng. Gefin ut af hinu Islenzka Bokmentafelagi. Kaupmannahofn, 1861. 8vo. 8607 Skyring hinna almennu malfroedislegu hugmynda. (Published by the same society as the last.) Reykjavik, 1864. 8vo. 8608 FRITZNER (Johan). Ordbog over det gamle norske Sprog. Kristiania, 1862-67. 8vo. In parts. 8609 Ordbog over det gamle norske Sprog. (Extract from Morgenbladet, 3i te Jan. og 7 de Febr. 1885.) 8 pages. 8610 GERHARD (John). Thoer Fimmtiju Heilogu Meditationes, etc. (The Holy Medi- tations of John Gerhard, translated into Icelandic by Sigurde Jonssyne.) io a editio. Hoolum i Hialltadal, 1754. 8vo. Very rare. 8611 GrSLASON (Konrad). Um frum-parta Tslenzkrar tungu i fornold. Kaupmannahofn, 1 846. 8vo, half calf. 8612 Leitharvisir f Enskri tungu. Reykjavik, 1863. izmo. (Icelandic-English Grammar, etc.) 8613 Donsk Ordabok med Islenzkum thydingum. Kaupmannahofn, 1851. 410, half calf. 8614 Nordiske Oldskrifter udgivne af det nordiske Literatur-Samfund. xxiii. Old nordisk Formlaere. i Hefte. Kjobenhavn, 1858. 8vo. 8615 Fire og fyrretyve for en stor deel forhen utrykte prover af Oldnordisk Sprog og Literatur. Kjobenhavn, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. 8616 GRUNTVIG (Svend). Er Nordens gamle literatur Norsk, eller er den dels Islandsk og dels Nordisk ? Svar pa indvendinger mod anmaeldelsen af R. Keysers literatur- historie. Kobenhavn, 1869. 8vo. 8617 GUNNLAUGSSYNI (Birni). Tolvisi samantekin ath tilhlutun og a kostnath hins Islenzka B6kmentafelags. Reykjavik, 1865. 8vo. An Icelandic work on Arithmetic. 8618 Einfold Landmosling. Kaupmannahofn, 1868. 8619 HACO'S EXPEDITION. The Norwegian account of Haco's Expedition against Scotland, A.D. 1263, now first published, in the original Icelandic, from the Flateyan and Frisian MSS. with a literal English version and Notes. By the Rev. James Johnstone. Printed for the author. No town. 1782. 8vo, calf. This book is enriched with 21 pages of manuscript notes of great value and interest. 8620 HALDORSENS (Biorn). Lexicon Islandico-Latino-Danicum Biornonis Haldorsonii. Ex Manuscriptis Legati Arna-Magnceani cura R. K. Raskii editum. Praefatus est P. E. Muller. Havnioe, 1814. 410, half calf. 2 vols. 8621 HALLAGER (L.). Norsk Ordsamling eller Prove af Norskt- Ord og Talemaader. Kiobenhavn, 1802. 8vo, half calf. (Norse Vocabulary, or an Essay (in Danish) on Norse Words and Phrases.) 8622 HALS (O.). Norsk Retskrivningsloere. Christiania, 1836. Half calf. 8623 Norsk Sproglaere. Kristiania, 1837. 8 vo, half calf. 8624 HAMMERSIIAIMB (V. U.). Sjurthar Kvaethi. Kiiibcnhavn, 1851. 8vo, half morocco. 444 8625 HENDERSON (E.). Iceland ; or the journal of a residence in that Island during the years 1814 and 1815, with Map and Plates. 2nd edition. Edinburgh, 1819. 8vo. This work treats slightly of the Icelandic Tongue. 8626 HERVARAR-SAGA ok Heidrekskongs ; hoc est, historia Hervorae et regis Heidreki ; quam ex MSS. legati Arna-Magnoeani versione latina, lectionibus variantibus, indicibus vocabulorum rariorum, nominum propriorum et rerum illustravit Stephanus Biornonis. Hafnise, (sumtibus P. F. de Suhm), 1785. 4to, half calf. 8627 HOLMBOE (C. A.). Sanskrit og Oldnorsk. Christiania, 1846. 4to. 8628 Det Oldnorske verbum, oplyst ved sammenligning med Sanskrit og andre Sprog af samme cet. Christiania, 1848. 410, uncut. 8629 The same. Presentation copy from the author to Prince Louis-Lucien Napole'on (sic}. 8630 Det norske Sprogs voesentligste Ordforraad, sammenlignet med Sanskrit og andre Sprog af samme Aet. Bidrag til en norsk etymologisk Ordbog. Wien, 1852. 4to, half calf. 8631 The same. Presentation copy to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte from the author. 8632 HOMER. Fimta, sjotta, sjounda og iittunda b6k af Homeri Odyssea; a islenzku utlagdar af Sveinbirni Egilssyni. Videyar Klaustri, 1835. The fifth to the eighth Book of the Odyssey translated into Icelandic by S. Egilsson. 8633 HORSTER (J. F.). Agrip af Historium Heilagrar Ritningar, etc. Videyar Klaustri, 1837. izrno, half calf. (Tales from the Scriptures.) 8634 INDRITHASYNI (O.). Sjd F6stu-pre"dikanir. (Sermons in Icelandic.) Videyar Klaustri, 1844. 8vo, half calf. 8635 Andlegt Salmasafn. Akureyri, 1857. i2mo. (Book of Psalms.) 8636 JOHNSTONE (J.). Anecdotes of Olave the Black, King of Man, etc., etc. In the original Icelandic; with a literal Version and Notes. No place, 1780. 8vo, half calf. 8637 Antiquitates Celto-Scandicae ; sive, Series Rerum gestarum inter Nationes Britannicarum Insularum et Gentes Septentrionales. Ex Snorrone ; Land-nama- boc ; Egilli Scallagrimi-saga ; Niala-saga ; O. Tryggvasonar-saga, Orkneyinga-saga ; etc. Havniae, 1786. 410, half calf. Rare. 8638 JONSSON (Erik). Oldnordisk Ordbog, ved det Kongelige Nordiske Oldskrift- Selskab. Kjobenhavn, 1863. 8vo. 8639 JUS ECCLESIASTICUM vetus, sive, Thorlaco-Ketillianum constitutum an. Chr. 1123. Ex MSS. Legati Magnaeani cum versione Latina, etc. Edited by Grimus J. Thorkelin. Havniae et Lipsiae, 1776. 8vo, calf. 8640 novum, sive, Arnaeanum constitutum A.D. 1775. Ex MSS. Legati Mag- naeani cum versione Latina, lectionum varietate notis, collatione cum Jure Canonico, Conciliis, Juribus ecclesiasticis exoticis, indiceque vocum primus edit Grimus Johannis Thorkelin. Hafniae, 1777. 8vo, calf. 8641 KEMPIS (Thos. a). The Imitation of Jesus Christ, translated into Icelandic. Hoolum, 1676. 8vo, crushed levant. Rare. 8642 KONGS-SKUGG-SIO utlogd a Daunsku og Latinu ; Speculum Regale cum interpre- tatione Danica et Latina. Udgivet af H. Einersen. Soroe, 1768. 410, calf. 8643 KRAFT (Jens E.). Norsk Forfatter-Lexikon 1814-56. Efter Forfatterens Dod ordnet, foroget, fortsat og udgivet af Christian C. A. Lange. Christiania, 1857-63. 8vo. In seven parts. 445 8644 KRISTNI-SAGA, sive, Historia Religionis Christianae in Islandiam introductae, nee non thattr af Isleifi Biskupi, sive Narratio de Isleifo Episcopo; ex manuscriptis Legati Magnoeani cum interpretatione Latina, notis, etc. Hafniae, 1773. 8vo, half calf. 8645 LANDNAMABOK. Islands Landnamabok ; hoc est, Liber Originum Islandiae; ex Manuscriptis Legati Magnaeani. Island, et lat. ex versione et cum notis J. Finnoei. Havniae, 1774. 4to, calf. Rare. 8646 LANDSTAD (M. B.). Norske Folkeviser. Christiania, 1853. 8vo, half calf. 8647 LEITFADEN zur Nordischen Alterthumskunde, herausgegeben von der koniglichen Gesellschaft fur Nordische Alterthumskunde. Kopenhagen, 1837. 8vo, half morocco. 8648 LEXIDION Latino-Islandicum grammaticale. Hauniae, 1734. 8vo, half calf. 8649 LITTERATUR (Islandische) und Geschichte. Gottingen und Gotha, 1773. 8vo, calf. 8650 LODBROKAR QUIDA; or, The Death Song of Lodbroc; now first correctly printed from various MSS. with a free English translation. To which are added, the various readings, a literal Latin version, and Icelando-Latino Glossary and ex- planatory Notes. By the Rev. James Johnstone. Printed for the author. No town, 1782. 8vo. 8651 LOG hins Islenzka B6kmentafelags. Fimta t/tgafa. Kaupmannahofn, 1856. Rules of the Icelandic Literary Society. 8652 LOKKE (J.). Modersmaalets Fonnloere i udforlig fremstilling. Kristiania, 1855. 8vo. 8653 LUND (Georg F. W.). Om det oldnordiske Sprogs overensstemmelse med det groeske og latinske i Ordfojningen. Nykjobing, 1849. 8vo. 8654 LYNGBYE (H. C.). Freroiske Qvoeder om Sigurd Fofnersbane, etc. Randers, 1822. 8vo, half calf. Songs of the Faroe Isles, collected and translated by H. C. Lyngbye, with an Introduction by P. E. Mullen 8655 MALLET. Introduction a 1'histoire de Dannemarc, ou Ton traite de la religion, des loix, des moeurs et des usages des anciens Danois. Copenhague, 1755. 410. With fine portrait of Frederick V and a large Map. Calf. Also. Monumens de la Mytho- logie et de la Poesie des Cel/es, etc. (a translation of the Eddas). Copenhague, 1756. 4to, calf. The latter work is a supplement to the Introduction. 2 vols. 8656 Northern Antiquities ; or, A Description of the Manners, etc., of the Ancient Danes. Translated from the Introduction a rHistoire de Dannemarc, etc. With additional Notes by the English translator, and Goranson's Latin Version of the Edda. London, 1770. 8vo, calf. 2 vols. 8657 MARMIER (X.). Lettres sur 1'Islande, et poesies. Paris, 1844. i2mo, half calf. Deals with the language and literature. 8658 MARSH (G. P.). A compendious Grammar of the Old-Northern or Icelandic Language ; compiled and translated from the Grammars of Rask. Burlington, 1838. i2mo, half morocco. 8659 MAURER (Konrad). Ueber die Ausdriicke: altnordische, altnorwegische und islandische Sprache. Miinchen, 1867. 4to. 8660 MEMOIRES de la Soci^te Royale des Antiquaires du Nord. Copenhague, 1844. (Part i wanting.) 8vo. The same from 1854-1849 to 1890. Duplicate copy for 1886. 8661 MILTON (John). Paradisar Missir. (An Icelandic translation of the Paradise Lost by J6ni Thorlakssyni.) Kaupmannahofn, 1828. 8vo, half calf. 446 8662 MOBIUS (Theodor). Catalogus librorum Islandicorum et Norvegicorum aetatis mediae editorum versorum illustratorum. Skaldatal sive poetarum recensus Eddae Upsaliensis. Lipsiae, 1856. 8vo, half morocco. 8663 Altnordisches Glossar. Worterbuch zu einer auswahl alt-isliindischer und alt-norwegischer Prosatexte. Leipzig, 1866. 8vo. 8664 Are's Isliinderbuch im islandischen Text mit deutscher Ubersetzung, Namen- und Worterverzeichniss und einer Karte. Leipzig, 1869. 8vo. 8665 Verzeichniss der auf dem Gebiete der altnordischen (altislandischen und altnorwegischen) Sprache und Literatur von 1855 bis 1879 erschienenen Schriften. Leipzig, 1880. 8vo. 8666 MULLER (L. Chr.). Udtog af den islandske Formlaere med Nogle til Knytlinga Saga. Kjobenhavn, 1830. 8vo, half morocco. Epitome of Icelandic Grammar, with Key to the Knytlinga Saga in Danish. 8667 Islandsk Laesebog med tilhorende Ordforklaring. Kjobenhavn, 1837. 8vo, half calf. 8668 (P. E.). Om det islandske Sprogs Vigtighed. Kiobenhavn, 1813. 8vo. 8669 Om det islandske Sprogs. Vigtighed. Kiobenhavn, 1813. 8vo, half morocco. 8670 MUNCH (P. A.). Kortfattet Fremstilling af den celdste Nordiske Runeskrift og den i de celdst Rune-Indskrifter herskende Sprogform. Christiania, 1^48. 8vo. 8671 ogUNGER(C. R.). Det oldnorske Sprogs eller Norronasprogets Grammatik. Christiania, 1847. 8vo, half calf. 8672 Oldnorsk Laesebog med tilhorende Glossarium. Christiania, 1847. 8vo, half calf. 8673 MUSCEUS (J.). Det norske Sprogs Grammatik. Kristiania, 1843. 8vo, half calf. 8674 NISSEN (M.). Norsk Bog-Fortegnelse, 1814-47. Kristiania, 1848. 8 vo, half calf. 8675 NORSKE Bog-Fortegnelse, 1848-55. Med Anhang, indeholdende: i. Indbydelse- skrifter. 2. Universitetsprogrammer. (Supplement til M. Nissens Bogfortegnelse, 1814-47.) Christiania, 1855. 8676 Sange for Firestemmigt Mandskor, udgivne af Joh. D. Behrens. i. Folke- viser. 2. Friheds- og Foedrelandssange. 3. Nyere Sang. Kristiania, n.d. 8677 NYGAARD (M.). Kortfattet Fremstilling af det norske Landsmaals Grammatik. Bergen, 1867. On the national language of Norway as opposed to the official Danish. 8678 NYTT Boena og Salmakver, samith af Olafi Indrithasyni. Reykjavik, 1853. izmo. (Prayers and Hymns.) 8679 OLAFSEN (J.). Om Nordens gamle Digtekonst dens Grundregler, Versarter, Sprog og Foredragsmaade. Kiobenhavn, 1786. 410, calf. 8680 OLDSKRIFT-SELSKAB (Det Kongelike Nordiske). Aarsberetning, 1859. Aarsmode den i3 de Mai 1860. 8vo. 8681 The same. Aarsmode den i3 de Mai 1862. 8vo. 8682 ORKNEYINGA Saga sive historia Orcadensium a prima Orcadum per Norvegos occupatione ad exitum seculi xii (island, et lat. edidit Fr. de Suhm). Saga hins Helga Magnusar Eyia Jarls, sive, Vita S. Magni insularum comitis. Ex MSS. legati Arna-Magnoeani, edidit Jonas Jonoeus, island, et lat. Hafniae, 1780. 410, half calf. Rare. 447 868 3 PETERSEN (N. M.). Om Sprakkunskap i Norden. Ofversattning af A. Lignell. Carlstad, 1842. 8vo. 8684 Historiske Fortaellinger om Islaendernes Faerd hjemme og ude. Efter de islandske grund skrifter. Fjerde bind. Kobenhavn, 1868. 8vo. 8685 PFEIFFER (F.). Altnordisches Lesebuch. Text, Grammatik, Worterbuch. Leipzig, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. 8686 PONTOPPIDAN (Erich.). Glossarium Norvagicum. Bergen, 1749. 8vo, half calf. 8687 RASK (E. Chr.). Vejledning til del Islandske eller gamle Nordiske Sprog. Kjobenhavn, 1811. 8vo, half calf. (Grammar.) 8688 Undersogelse om det gamle Nordiske eller Islandske Sprogs Oprindelse. Kjobenhavn, 1818. 8vo, half calf. (On the Origin of the Norse.) 8689 Die Verslehre der Islaender. Verdeutscht von G. C. F. Mohnike. Berlin, 1830. 8vo, calf. 8690 Anvisning till Islandskan eller Nordiska Fornspraket. Fran Danskan ofversatt och omarbetad af Forfattaren. Stockholm, 181 8. 8vo, half calf. 8691 Specimina Literaturae Islandicae, veteris et hodiernae, prosaicae et poeticae. Holmiae, 1819. 4to, half calf. 8692 Kortfattet Vejledning till det oldnordiske eller gamle islandske Sprog. Kjobenhavn, 1844. 8vo, half calf. (Instruction on the Old Norse Tongue.) 8693 Lestrarkver handa heldri manna bornum med stuttum skiringargreimim um Stafrofid og annad thartil heyrandi. Kaupmannahofn, 1830. 8vo. (Icelandic Primer.) 8694 Anleitung zur altnordischen oder altislandischen Sprache. Hamburg, 1839. 8vo. 8695 A Grammar of the Icelandic or Old Norse Tongue, translated from the Swedish by G. W. Dasent, M.A. London and Frankfort o/M., 1843. 8vo, half calf. 8696 Kortfattet Vejledning til det oldnordiske eller gamle islandske Sprog. Fjerde Oplag. Kobenhavn, 1861. 8vo. 8697 REPORT of the Proceedings of the Icelandic Literary Society, 1858. Reykjavik and Copenhagen. 8 pages. 8698 Another copy. 8699 ROGMAN(Jona). Mono-syllabalslandicaaJonaRogmancollecta. Upsalae, 1676. 8vo. A collection of Icelandic monosyllables with their Latin equivalents. 8700 SABININA (S.). Grammar of the Icelandic Tongue in Russian. St. Petersburg, 1849. 8vo. 8701 SAGA Jdtvardar Konungs hins helga, udgiven efter Islandske Oldboger af det Kongelike Nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab. Kjobenhavn, 1852. 8vo. 8702 Die Gull-Th6ris Saga, oder. Thorskfirdinga Saga. Herausgegeben von Dr. Konrad Maurer. Leipzig, 1858. 8vo. 8703 SAGAL af Njdli Thorgeirssyni og sonum hans, etc. Kaupmannahavfn, 1772. 410. To which is added : Nials Saga. Historia Niali et filiorum, Latine reddita, cum adjecta chronologia, variis textus Islandici lectionibus, earumque crisi, nee non glossario et indice rerum ac locorum. Havniae, 1809^ 410, half morocco. Bound together. 448 8704 SAGAN om Tngwar Widtfarne och Hans son Swen, fran gamla Islandskan ofwersatt, etc. Af Nils Reinhold Brocman. Stockholm, (Lars Salvius), 1762. 410, calf. Icelandic Sagas translated into Swedish, and preceded by researches into the antiquity of Runic stones. 8705 (Nyja) eptir Pal Melsteth. Gefin ut af hinu fslenzka Bokmentafelagi. I. Hepti, (1517-1648). Reykjavik, 1868. 8vo. 8706 SA'LMASAUNGS (Islenzk) og Messub6k meth n6tum. Gefin ut af hinu Islenzka B6kmentafelagi. Kaupmannahofn, 1861. 8vo. (Icelandic Sacred Melodies.) 8707 STANCES de la Socig fortid. Kobenhavn, 1868. 8vo. 8943 DEENSCHE Spraakkunst, gevolgd door eenige Spreekwijzen, Lees- en Vertaaloe- feningen. Amsterdam, 1854. i2mo, half morocco. (Danish Grammar in Dutch.) 458 8944 DICTIONARY. Dansk-Norrsk och Svensk Ordbok. Stockholm, 1819. 8vo, half calf. 8945 Dansk Ordbog udgiven under Videnskabernes Selskabs Bestyrelse. Kiobenhavn, 1793-1848. 410, half morocco. 6 vols. A Danish Dictionary brought out under the direction of the Danish Scientific Society. From A to Syvnt. 8946 DICTIONNAIRE des proverbes danois traduits en franc.ois. Copenhague, 1757. 4to, half calf. 8947 portatif frangais-danois et danois-fran9ais. Leipzig, n.d. 8vo. (Stereotype.) 8948 DIZIONARIO (Nuovo) delle Lingue Italiana e Danese. Leipzig, n.d. 8vo, half calf. (Stereotype.) 8949 ERSLEW (Th. H.). Forfatter-Lexicon for Kongeriget Danmark med tilhorende bilande fra 1814 til 1840. Kjb'benhavn, 1843-53. 8vo, half calf. 3 vols. A Catalogue of Danish Writers. 8950 (Ch. H.). Supplement til Almindeligt Forfatter-Lexicon for Kongeriget Danmark med tilhorende Bilande, indtil Udgangen af Aaret, 1853. Kiobenhavn, 1854-55. 8vo. Parts i and 2. Aabye Clausen. 8951 ERVINGEN. Sangspil i een Akt. Kristiania, 1855. 8952 FABRICIUS (F.). Dansk Bogfortegnelse forAarene, 1841-58. Kjobenhavn, 1860-62. 4to. In parts. 8955 FEILBERG (H. F.). Smaprover af forskellige jyske landskabsmal med lydskrift. Kobenhavn, 1881. 8954 FfiNELON (F. de S. de la Motte de). Stats-Roman hvilken under det eftertoenkke- lige Levnets-Beskrivelse om Telemacho Ulyssis son, etc. Kjobenhavn, 1727. With frontispiece. 8vo, vellum. The Telemachus translated by Soren Dumetius. 8955 FERRALL (J. S.) og REPP (T. G.). Dansk-Engelsk Ordbog. Kjobenhavn, 1845. 8vo, half morocco. 8956 GIERLOW (John). Elements of the Danish and Swedish Languages. Cambridge, 1847. i2mo. 8957 GREIF (G. H. O.). Grammatik der danischen Sprache. Altona, 1846. 8vo, half morocco. 8958 GRONBERG (B. C.). Tydsk-Dansk og Dansk-Tydsk Haand-Ordbog. Kjobenhavn, 1846. 1 2mo, half calf. 8959 GRONDAL (B.). Breve fra og til Carl Christian Rafn med en Biographi. Kjoben- havn, 1869. 8vo. . 8960 GUST (Joh.). Dansk-Swensk Ordbok. Lund, 1 86 1. 8vo. 8961 HAGERUP (E.). Om det danske Sprog i Angel. Kobenhavn, 1854. 8vo, half morocco. 8962 Om det danske Sprog i Angel. Anden forogede udgave, efter forfatterens do'd besorget af K. J. Lyngby. Ordbog, Sprogloere, Sprogprover. Kjobenhavn, 1867. 8vo. 8963 (E. H.). Bemcerkninger om Sprogforholdene i Angel samt Nogle Sprog- prover. Kjobenhavn, 1855. (Extract from the Nyt Historisk Tidsskrift, 6 te Bind.) 8964 (M.). Principes ge'ne'raux de la Langue danoise. Copenhague et Leipsic, 1794. 8vo, calf. 8965 HAMMERICH (M.). Danska och Norska Lasestycken, med upplysningar om Sprak och Litteratur. Kjobenhavn, 1865. 8vo. 459 8966 HANSEN (M. M.). Oplysninger og Bemoerkninger om det danske Folkesprog i Sonderjylland, (iscer i Mellemslesvig.) Kjobenhavn, 1854. 8vo. 8967 . (M. C.)- Fremmed-Ordbog, eller Forklaring over de i det norske Skrift- og Omgangs-Sprog almindeligst forekommende fremmede Ord og Talemaader. Christiania, 1851. 8vo, half calf. (Words from various languages with Danish equivalents.) 8968 HASSE (L.) Nouveau dictionnaire de poche frangais-danois et danois-francais. Fridericia, 1805-8. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. 8969 HEIBERG (J. L.). Formenlehre der danischen Sprache. Altona, 1823. 8vo, half morocco. 8970 HELMS (S. H.). Worterbuch der danischen und der deutschen Sprache. Leipzig, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. 8971 HJORT (P.). Fredningen om det Danske Modersmaal i Mellem-Slesvig. Kjoben- havn, 1860. "8972 INDBYDELSESSKRIFT tin den offentlige examen i Juni og Juli 1881 ved Aars og Voss's latin- og realskole. Indhold : i. Bidrag til dansk-n orskens lydloere af K. Brekke. Skole-efterretninger, Examenstabel. Christiania, 1881. 8vo. 8973 JOHNSTON (Andrew). British Scandinavian Society. "Danish" and "Norse." A paper read . . . 25th May 1875. London, (1875). 8974. KEMPIS (Thos. a). Thomas a Kempis om Christi Efterfolgelse. Christiania, 1835. 8vo, morocco. 8975 om Christi Esterfolgelse sire Boger. Ove'rsatte og paany udgivne af J. A. L. Holm. Kjobenhavn, 1848. 8vo, morocco. KLEINPAUL (Carl). Elementarbuch der danischen Sprache. Altona, 1856. 8vo. KOK (J.). Det Danske Folkesprog i Sonderjylland forklaret af Old-nordisk, Gammel- . danske og de nijnordiske Sprog og Sprogarter. Kjobenhavn, 1863-67. 8vo. 2 vols. 8978 Danske Ordsprog og Talemader fra Sonderjylland. Samlede og sammen- stillede med gamle og nyere nordiske Ordsprog. Kjobenhavn, 1870. 8vo. 8979 KRISTIANSEN (V.). Bidrag til en Ordbog over Gadesproget og saakaldt Daglig Taleoplyste med over 5000 Exempler, hentede fra trykte Kilder, og med Henvisning tij be.slaegtede Ord og Talemaader i andre Sprog. Kjobenhavn, 1866. 8vo. (Danish slang.) 8980 LANGE (N. B.). Danische Sprachlehre fur Deutsche. Kopenhagen, 1801. 8vo, half calf. 8981 LAYCOCK, HEDLEY and others. Engelsk-Dansk Parleur. Christiania, 1847. 8vo. -8982 LE PETIT (Dr.). Grammatik der danischen Sprache in alien ihren Theilen. Hamburg, 1846. i2mo, half morocco. 8983 LETH (J.). Dansk Glossarium. Kiobenhavn, 1800. 8vo, half calf. 8984 LEVIN (I.). Til kritiken af det Synonyme i Dansk. Kjobenhavn, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. "8985 LISTOV (A.). Ordsamling fra den norske aesthetiske Literatur siden Aaret, 1842. Alfabetisk ordnet og forklaret ved A. Listov. Kjobenhavn, 1866. 8vo. '8986 L1TURGIEN eller den Ahnindelige Borinebog, etc. The Book of Common Prayer and Psalter. Kjobenhavn, 1849. 8vo, morocco. 8987 : eller den Almindelige BSnnebog den forenede Engelske og Irlandske Kirkes Brug, tilligemed David's Psalmers Psalter. London, 1864. i2mo. 460 8988 LOLLES (P.). Samling af danske og latinske Ordsprog, optrykt efter den aeldste Udgave af Aar 1506, og med Anmaerkninger oplyst af R. Nyerup. Kjobenhavn, 1828. 8vo, half morocco. A Collection of Danish and Latin Proverbs. 8989 LORENZEN (Chr. C.)- Dannevirke og Omegn. Haderslev, 1863. 8vo. 8990 LUND (H.). Danish and English idiomatic phrases and dialogues. London, 1857. 8vo. 8991 LYNGBY (K. J.). Bidrag til en Sonderjysk Sproglaere. Kiibenhavn, 1858. 8vo. 8992 MAGAZINE FOR NATURVIDENSKABERNE (Nyt). 6 Band, 3 og 4 Hefte. Christiania, 1851. 8vo, half morocco. MARIBOE (W.). Engelsk-Dansk Marine-Ordbog. Kjobenhavn, 1862. 8vo. MARMIER (X.). Histoire de la Litterature en Danemark et en Suede. Paris, 1839. 8vo, half morocco. 8995 MELTZER (H.). Smaabilleder af Folkelivet. Christiania, 1862-63. 8vo. (i s * e en 2 den Samling.) 2 vols. 8996 MOLBECH (C.)- Dansk Ordbog. Kiobenhavn, 1833. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. 8997 Another edition. Kiobenhavn, 1859. 410, half morocco. 2 vols. in one. 8998 Dansk Dialect-Lexikon. Kiobenhavn, 1841. 8 vo, half calf. 8999 Dansk Glossarium. i ste Deel: A L. Kiobenhavn, 1857. 8vo, half morocco. 9000 Dansk Glossarium eller Ordbog over foroeldede Danske Ord af Diplomer, Haandskriften og trykte Boger fra det i3 de til del i6 de Aarhundrede. Kjobenhavn, 1865-66. Vols. v, vi and vii only. 9001 MULERTZ ( ), Rector. Samling af danske Ord, som kunne tilfoies Prof. Molbechs danske Ordbog. i ste Hefte. Indbydelsesskrivt til Hoved-Examen i Horsens laerde Skole den J2 te September 1843 og folgende Dage. Horsens, (1843). 8vo. 9002 MULLER (G. H.). Neues diinisch-deutsches Worterbuch. Schleswig und Kopen- hagen, 1800. 8vo, half calf. 9003 Deutsch-danisches Worterbuch. Revidirt von Prof. Fr. H. Guldberg. Kiel, 1807-10. 8 vo, half calf. 9004 NISSEN (N. L.). Grundtroek af Dansk Sprogloere. Christiania, 1816. 8vo, half calf. 9005 NORDISKE Fortidsminder udgivne af det Kgl. Nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab. Avec des Resume's en franc,ais. i Hefte. No place and date. 4to. Interesting accounts of the discovery of Norse skeletons and antiquities, with Plates and Illustrations. .9006 .NOR, tidsskrift for Videnskab og Literatur. Bind iii, 4 de Hefte. Christiania, 1846. i2mo, half calf. Danish Chronicle of Science and Literature. 9007 NYERUP (R.) og KRAFT (J. E.). Litteraturlexicon for Danmark, Norge, og Island. Kjobenhavn, 1820. 410, half morocco. 9008 OELRICHS (Io.). Daniae et Sueciae litteratae opuscula. Bremae, 1774. 8vo, calf. (Tomus primus.) 9009 ORDBOG. Den Danske Ordbog. Kiobenhavn, 1853-63. 410. Two vols, con- taining the letters T and U. 9010 OSTGAARD (N. R.). En Fjeldbygd. Billeder fra Osterdalen. Tredie Oplag. Christiania, 1862, 8vo. 461 <)on OTTE (E. C.) Triibner's Collection of simplified Grammars of the principal Asiatic and European Languages, edited by Reinhold Rost, LL.D. Ph. D. VIII : Danish. London, 1884. 8vo. 9012 PAULSEN (G.). Det danske Sprog i Hertugdommet Slesvig. Kjobenhavn, 1837. 9013 PETERSEN (N. M.). Diinische Sprachlehre fur Deutsche. Kopenhagen, 1830. 8vo, half calf. 9014 PONTOPPIDAN (Erich). Grammatica Danica. Hauniae, (Typis Christ. Veringii), 1668. 8vo, calf. Rare. 9015 RASK (R. K.) t Forsog til en videnskabelig Dansk Retskrivningslaere. Kobenhavn, 1826. 8vo, half morocco. 9016 A Grammar of the Danish Language for the use of Englishmen. Copen- hagen, 1830. 8vo, half calf. 9017 Samlede tildels forhen utrykte Afhandlinger af R. K. Rask. Udgivne efter forfatterens dod af H. K. Rask. Kobenhavn, 1834-38. 8vo, half vellum. 3 vols. 9018 Danish Grammar; edited by Th. G. Repp. Copenhagen, 1846. 8vo, half calf. 9019 REISLER (K. G.). Vollstandiges danisch-deutsches Lexicon. Kopenhagen, 1 8 10. 8vo, half calf. 3 vols. ist & 2nd German-Danish, 3rd Danish-German. 9020 Another edition, ist vol. only. (German-Danish.) Kiobenhavn, 1824. 8vo, half calf. 9021 REPP (Thorl. Gudm.). Dano-Magyariske Opdagelser. Kjobenhavn, 1843. 9022 ROSING (S.). Engelsk-Dansk Ordbog. Kobenhavn, 1853. 8vo, half morocco. 9023 SCHNEIDER (F.). Danish Grammar adapted to the use of Englishmen. Copen- hagen, n.d. 8vo, half calf. 9024 A short introduction to the Danish Language for Englishmen. Copen- hagen, 1815. 22 pages. 9025 SCHRAM (G.). Principes de la langue danoise et norv^gienne. -Copenhague et Paris, 1839. 8vo, half calf. 9026 Principes de la langue danoise et norvdgienne, suivis d'un choix de mor- ceaux en prose et en vers avec la traduction en regard. 2 e Edition. Copenhague^ 1866. 8vo. 9027 SELMER (H. P.). Om de i del danske sprog forekommende fremmede ord, samt tyskagtigheder, andre ufuldkommenheder og sprog- og retskrivnings-fejl. Et blik paa modersmaalets nuvaerende tilstand og muligheden af dels fuldkomnere udvikling herefter. Kjobenhavn, 1 860-61. In parts. 0028 SMAASKRIFTER om cultur og underviisning, leilighedsviis udgivne af Martin Hammerich. Kjobenhavn, 1867-68. 8vo. 2 vols. 9029 SNEEDORFF-BIRCH (F.). Dansk Retskrivningslaere. Kjobenhavn, 1835. 8vo, half calf. 9030 Tre Hundrede og halvtredsindstyve skjoemtsomme Ordsprog. Gdense, 1858. (Proverbs.) 9031 SONDMOR'S OECONOMISK BESKRIVELSE. Physisk og Oeconomisk Beskrivelse over Fogderiet So'ndmb'r, beliggende i Bergens Stift i Norge. Oplyst med Landkort og Kopperstykker. Soroe, 1762-66. 410, half calf. 2 vols. 9032 SPORON (B. G.). Eenstydige Danske Ords Bemcerkelse, oplyst ved Betragtninger og Exempler. Kiobenhavn, 1784. 8vo, half calf. 462 9033 STERNHAGEN (Dr.). Der kleine Dane, fiir Lehrer und Lernende. Vielsach vermehit und verbessert durch den Diinen Le Petit, Dr. 3" Auflage. Hamburg, 1850. i2mo. 9034 STOCKFLETH (N. V.). Bidrag til Kundskab om Qvaenerne i Kongeriget Norge. Christiania, 1848. A Treatise in Danish on the Finns of Norway. 9035 STORM (Job.). Om Maalsagen. Foredrag bestemt til at indlede en Diskussion i Studentersamfundet Lordag den 2i de Febr. 1885. No place. 8 pages. 9036 SUNDT (E.). Beretning om Fante-eller Landstrygerfolket i Norge. Bidrag til kundskab om de laveste Samfundsforholde. Christiania, 1852. izmo. 9037 TAUCHNITZ (Ch.). Worterbuch der diinischen und deutschen Sprache. Leipzig, n.d. 8vo, half morocco. 9038 TESTAMENT UM (Novum). Nye Testament. Kiobenhavn, 1760. izmo. 9039 The same. Kiobenhavn, 1844. 8vo. 9040 The same (Norse). London, 1849. 8vo. 9041 The same. Kiobenhavn, 1852. i2mo. 9042 The same (Norse). London, 1864. 8vo. 9043 Vor Herres og Frelsers Jesu Christi nye Testamente. Christiania, 1847. 8vo, calf. 9044 Evangelium Sankta Matthseussa, aa Forisk o Dansk. Gjivi ud uppaa Prent eav tui Danska Buibils Selskeabinun. Randers, 1823. izmo, morocco. This version is in the Faroe dialect accompanied with a Danish rendering. 9045 THOMSEN (N.). Lehrbuch der danischen Sprache fur Deutsche. Kiel, 1813. 8vo, half calf. 9046 TIDSSKRIFT (Norsk) for Videnskab og Litteratur. Udgivet af Christian C. A. Lange. Anden Aargang. Fjerde Hefte. Christiania, 1848. 8vo. 9047 The same. Femte Aargang. Tredie Hefte. Christiania, 1852. 8vo. 9048 Antiquarisk, udgivet af det Kongelige Nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab, 1852-54. Kjobenhavn, 1854. 8vo, half morocco. 9049 (Antiquarisk), udgivet af det Kongelige Nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab, 1852-54. Copenhagen, 1854. 8vo. 9050 The same for 1855-57, 1858-60, 1861-63. 9051 TOBIESEN (L. H.). Danische Sprachlehre fiir Deutsche. Dritte Auflage, berichtigt und erweitert von J. P. Sternhagen. Altona, 1828. 8vo, half calf. 9052 TODE (J. C.). Neue danische Grammatik fiir Deutsche. Dritte verbesserte Auflage von W. H. F. Abrahamson. Kopenhagen und Leipzig, 1827. 8vo, half morocco. 9053 VARMING (L.) Det Jydske Folkesprog. Kjobenhavn, 1862. 8vo. (Jutland dialect.) 9054 VOCABULARY. De Jydske Zigeunere og en rotvelsk Ordbog. Kjb'benhavn, 1857. (Slang.) 9055 WEYLLE (Christen Ostersson). Glossarium juridicum Danico-Norvegicum. Det er : Alle gamle Danske oc Norske glosers rette Forklaring/ som fin dis i de Skaanske / Sielandske / Judske oc Norske Lowboger / saa oc Kongel. Recesser / Hand- festninger / Gaards oc Soretter / Rigens oc Birckeretter / Obne Mandater oc Brefve, etc. Prentet i Kiobenhaffn / paa Melchior Martzans oc Jo'rgen Holstes Bekostning. Anno 1652. 410, vellum. 463 9056 WOLFF (Odin). Fuldstoendigt Fransk og Danske Lexicon. Kiobenhavn, 1824. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. 9057 WORSAAE (J. J. A.). Minder om de Danske og Nordmaendene i England, Skotland og Irland. Kjobenhavn, 1851. 8 vo, half calf. 9058 Den Danske Erobring af England og Normandiet. Kjobenhavn, 1863. 8vo. 9059 YANSSENS DES CAMPEAUX (N. J. A.). Les e"le"mens de la langue danoise, avec un abrdge" des curiosity's de la ville de Copenhague, etc. Copenhague, 1 787. 8vo, calf. (e) GERMAN-INCLUDING OLD-HIGH, MIDDLE-HIGH, ETC. 9060 ABEL (H. F. O.). Die deutschen Personen-Namen. Berlin, 1853. 8vo. 9061 ACTENSTUCKE zur Geschichte des Hochdeutschen im Herzogthum Schleswig. Kopenhagen, 1856. 8vo. 9062 ADELUNG (J. C.). Lehrgebaude der deutschen Sprache. Leipzig, 1782. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. 9063 Magazin fur die deutsche Sprache. Leipzig, 1783. 8vo, ealf. 2 vols. 9064 Grammatisch-kritisches Worterbuch der Hochdeutschen Mundart. Mil D. W. Soltau's Beytragen, revidirt und berichtiget von Franz Xaver Schonberger. Wien r 1811. 410, half calf. 4 vols. 9065 ADLER-MESNARD (M.). Traite de la formation des mots allemands, suivi de tableaux synoptiques et d'un dictionnaire des racines allemandes. Paris, 1841. 8vo. AHN'S remodelled German Grammar. By M. Meissner. London, 1857. 8vo. ALBANUS (Aug.). Verzeichniss Stamm- und Sinn-verwandter Hoch-Deutscher, Lateinischer und Griechischer Wo'rter, mit Erklarungen. Riga, 1812. 8vo, half morocco. ALBUM des literarischen Vereins in Nurnberg fiir 1851, 1853 und 1858. Niirnberg, 1851-55-58. 8vo, half morocco. 3 vols. ALTES GOLD. Deutsche Sprichwb'rter und Redensarten nebst einem Anhange. Gesammelt und herausgegeben von W. Lohrengel. Clausthal, 1860. 8vo. 9070 ANGERMANN (F.). Lautlehre mit einem Anhang : die Fehler der Aussprache, ausgenommen das Stottern. 2 Auflage. Berlin, 1850. 8vo. 9071 ANTON (K. G.). Erste Linien eines Versuches iiber der Alten Slawen, Ursprung, Sitten, Gebrauche, Meinungen und Kenntnisse. Leipzig, 1783. 8vo, half calf. 9072 ANDRESEN (K. G.). Register zu J. Grimms Deutscher Grammatik. Gottingen, 1865. 8vo. Ueber Jacob Grimms Orthographic. Gottingen, 1867. 8vo. Uber die Sprache Jacob Grimms. Leipzig, 1869. 8vo. ARCHIV (Litterarisches) der Akademie zu Bern. Erster Jahrgang. Stuck i. Bern, 1806. 8vo, half calf. 9076 (Vaterliindisches), oder, Beitrage zur allseitigen Kenntniss des Konigreichs Hannover, wie es war und ist. Herausgegeben von G. H. G. Spiel. 4 r Band. Hannover, 1821. 8vo, half morocco. 9077 (Neues) fur Philologie und Padagogik. Herausgegeben von Gottfried See- bode. Zweiter Jahrgang, Drittes Heft und Viertes Heft. Hannover, 1827. 8vo, half morocco. 9078 fur Ethnographic und Linguistik. Bearbeitet von mehreren- gelehrten und herausgegeben von F. J. Bertuch und Dr. J. S. Vater. Mit schwarzen und colorir- ten Kupfern und Charten. Weimar, 1808. 8vo, half morocco. $079 AftCHIV fiir \vissenschaftliche Kunde von Russland. Herausgegeben von A. EVmari. Berlin, 1841-59. 19 vols., with a volume of Plates. 8vo, half morocco. 9080 The same. Vols. xx to xxv. In parts. Berlin, 1862-67. 9081 ARETIN (I. Ch. Freiherrn von). Beytriige zur Geschichte und Literatur, vorziiglich aus den Schiitzen der pfalzbaierischen Centralbibliothek zu Miinchen. Munchen, 1803-7. 8vo, half calf. 9 vols. 9082 ARNOLDI (I.). Beytrage zu den deutschen Glossarien. Marburg, 1798. 8vo, calf. 9083 ASCHBACH (Joseph). Roswitha und Conrad Celtes. Wien, 1867. 8vo. 9084 BADEN (M..J.). Fuldstoendig Tydsk og Dansk Ordbog, sammendragen af de nyeste og bedste Tydske Ordboger. Med en Fortale om det Tydske Sprogs og den Tydske Litteraturs Vcerdie for Danske. Kjobenhavn, 1787-97. 8vo, calf. 2 vols. 9085 Fuldstoendig Dansk og Tydsk Ordbog eller den Tydsk-Danske Ordbogs. Tredie Deel, sammendragen af de nyeste og bedste Ordboger ved Hans Christian . Amberg. Med en Fortale, om det Tydske Sprogs og den Tydske Litteraturs Vcerdie for Danske, ved M. Jacob Baden. Kjobenhavn, 1810. 8vo, half calf. (The complement and third volume to the previous work.) 9086 BAGGESEN (I.). Fragmente von lens Baggesen. Aus dem literarischen Nachlasse des Verfassers. Herausgegeben von August Baggesen. Kopenhagen, 1855. 8vo, half morocco. 9087 BARTSCH (Karl). Bibliographische Ubersicht der erschienungen auf dem Gebiete der germanischen Philologie im Jahre 1864. Wien, 1865. 8vo. The same for the years 1865, 1866, 1867 and 1868. 5 vols. 9088 BASILE (Giambattista). Der Pentamerone, oder, Das Marchen aller Marchen, von Giambattista Basile. Aus dem neapolitanischen iibertragen von Felix Liebrecht. Mit einer Vorrede von Jacob Grimm. Breslau, 1846. 8vo. 2 vols. 9089 BASTIAN (A.). Beitrage zur vergleichenden Psychologic. Die Seele und ihre erscheinungsweisen in der Ethnographic. Berlin, 1868. 8vo. 9090 BECH (F. A.). Wb'rterbuch zu Luther's Bibeliibersetzung. Siegen, 1846. 8vo. 9091 BECKER (Bernhard). Der Missbrauch der Nationalitaten-Lehre. Wien, 1867. 8vo. 9092 (C. F.). Deutsche Grammatik. Zweite Ausgabe. Frankfurt am Main, 1842-43. 8vo, half calf. 993 (Friedrich). Die deutschen Geschlechtsnamen, ihre Entstehung und Bildung. Basel, 1864. 9094 (J. N.). Beschreibung meiner Reise in den Departementern vom Donners- berge, vom Rhein und von der Mosel im sechsten Jahr der Franzosischen Republik. In Briefen an einen Freund in Paris. Berlin, 1799. 8vo, half calf. 9095 (K. F.). A Grammar of the German Language. Third edition, revised for English Students by J. W. Fraedersdorf. London, 1855. i2mo. 9096 BECKMANN (F.). Der Eckensteher Nante im Verhb'r. Komische Scene. 25"? Auflage. Berlin, 1838. 8vo. Frontispiece. 9097 BEER (Peter). Handworterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Wien, 1827. 8vo, half morocco. 9098 BEHEIM (Matthias). Des Matthias von Beheim Evangelienbuch in rnitteldeutscher Sprache. 1343. Herausgegeben von Reinhold Bechstein. Leipzig, 1867. 8vo. 9099 (M.). Michael Beheim's Buch von den Wienern. 1462-65. Zum ersten mahle nach der Heidelberger und Wiener Handschrift herausgegeben von Th. G. von Karajan. Mit fac-simile und noten-beilage. Wien, 1867. 8vo. 465 gioo BEIL (J. A.). Technologisches Worterbuch der deutschen, franzosischen und englischen Sprache. Wiesbaden, 1853. 4to, half morocco. 9101 BEILHACK (Job. Georg). Kurze Ubersicht der sprachlichen und literarischen Denkmiiler des deutschen Volkes nach ihrer geschichtlichen Entwickelungsfolge mit Sprachproben von Wulfila bis Gottsched samt Erklarung derselben. Zweite Auflage besorgt durch Al. J. Vollmer. Munchen, 1843. 8vo, half morocco. 9102 BEITRAGE zur critischen Historic der deutschen Sprache, Poesie, und Beredtsamkeit. Leipzig, 1732-44. 8vo, calf. 8 vols. Herausgegeben von einigcn Mitgliedern der Deutschen Gesellschaft in Leipzig. 9103 zur Deutschen Sprachkunde. Berlin, 1794-96. 8 vo, half calf. 2 vols. in one. Vorgelesen in der K. Akad. der Wiss. zu Berlin. 9104 zur Geschichte, Statistik, Naturkunde und Kunst von Tirol und Vorarlberg. Herausgegeben von den Mitgliedern des Ferdinandeums, von Merst, von Pfaundler und Roggel. Dritter Band, mit einer lithographirten Karte. Innsbruck, 1827, und Siebenter Band. Innsbruck, 1832. 8vo, half morocco. Only these two vols. of the set. gio$ zur alteren deutschen Sprache und Literatur. Theil 5 : Geschichte Joseph's in JEgypten deutsches Gedicht des xi Jahrhunderts nach der Vorauer Handschrift mit Anmerkungen herausgegeben von Joseph Diemer. Wien, 1865. 8vo. g I0 6 Theil 6: Ezzo's Scholasticus in Bamberg Rede von dem Rehten Anegenge oder Lied von den Wundern Christi aus dem Jahrhundert 1065. Wien, 1867. 8vo. 9107 BELIUS (M.). Matthiae Belii Institutiones Linguae Germanicae, in gratiam Hun- garicae juventutis editae, atque nunc denuo recusae, notisque, in quibus doctrina inprimis de Articulo. Genere, Declinatione ac Constructione, quae maximam alias tironibus Germanicae Linguae creat difficultatem, majori exponitur luci. Auctae a C. A. Korbero. Halae Magdeb, 1730. 8vo. 9108 BENDER (Joseph). Die deutschen Ortsnamen. Siegen, 1846. 8 vo, half calf. 9109 BENECKE (G. F.). Mittelhochdeutsches Worterbuch mit Benutzung des Nachlasses. Leipzig, 1854-61. 8vo, half morocco. (Only vols. i, A L, and ii, T Z.) 9110 BENEKEN (G. W. F.). Teuto, oder, Urnamen der Deutschen. Erlangen, 1816. 8vo, half morocco. 9111 BENSEN (H. W.). Hieroglyphen und Buchstaben. Eine historische Studie. Schaffhausen, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. 9112 BERND (Ch. S. Th.). Die Verwandtschaft der germanischen und slavischen Sprachen. Bonn, 1822. 8vo, half morocco. 9113 BERNHARDI (A. F.). Anfangsgriinde der Sprachwissenschaft. Berlin, 1805. 8vo, half morocco. 9114 (Karl). Sprachkarte von Deutschland. Zweite Auflage, unter Mitwirkung des Verfassers besorgt und vervollstandigt von Dr. Wilhelm Strieker. Kassel, 1849. 8vo, half vellum. 9115 BERICHT (Zehnter), iiber die Wirksamkeit der Evangelischen Bibelgesellschaft in Russland, 1862-66. St. Petersburg, 1867. 8vo. 9116* BEYTRAGE zu der juristischen Litteratur in den preussischen Staaten Eine periodische Schrift. Berlin und Dessau, 1775-85. 8 vo, half calf. 8 vols. any The same. Berlin, 1778. 8vo, calf. With frontispiece. 3 466 gi i8 BIBLE. Die historischen Bucher des Alten Testaments, das Buch Josua, der Richter, Ruth und das erste Buch Samuels, so wie sie auf Befehl des Romischen Koniges Conrad IV in der Mitte des 13 Jahrhunderts in einer gereimten Ueberset- zung entworfen worden sind. Aus einer gleichzeitigen Handschrift auf der offentlichen Stadt-Bibliothek zu Hamburg mitgetheilet von Gottfried Schiitze. Hamburg, 1779. 4to, calf. 9119 Deutsche Volks- und Schul-Bibel fiir Israelites Aufs Neue aus dem Massoretischen Texte Ubersetzt. Herausgegeben von Dr. Gotthold Salomon. Altona, 1837. 8vo. 9120 Die Bibel, oder, die ganze Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments, nach der deutschen Uebersetzung Dr. Martin Luthers. London, 1839. 8vo, calf. 9121 Die Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments. Uebersetzt von Dr. W. M. L. de Wette. Heidelberg. 1839. 8vo. In 3 parts. 9122 Die Heiligen Schriften des Alten und Neuen Testamentes, nach dem Grundtexte und der lateinischen Vulgata, mit erklarenden Sachparallelstellen, iibersetzt und herausgegeben von Leander van Ess. Salzbach, 1840. 8vo. In 2 parts. 9123 Allgemeine, wohlfeile Bilder-Bibel fiir die Katholiken, oder, die Heilige Schrift des alten Bundes, unter Zuziehung der besten Uebersetzungen und Erlauterungen, genau nach der lateinischen Ausgabe des P. Clemens VIII Ubersetzt, von Heinrich Joachim Jaeck. Leipzig, 1844. 410, calf. 9124 Allgemeine, wohlfeile Volks-Bilderbibel, oder, die ganze Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments, nach der Uebersetzung Dr. Martin Luther's. Leipzig, 1844. 410, calf. 9125 Die Bibel, oder, die ganze Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments, nach der deutschen Uebersetzung Dr. Martin Luther's. The Old Testament pub- lished at Leipzig, 1849, and the New Testament at the same place in 1844. Bound in one volume. 8vo, morocco. 9126 Another edition. London, 1846. 8vo, calf. 9127 Die Bibel, oder, die ganze Heilige Schrift Alten und Neuen Testaments, Dr. Martin Luther's Uebersetzung, nach dem Grundtext berichtigt. Halle, 1846. 8vo. 9128 Die Bibel, oder, die ganze Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments, nach der deutschen Uebersetzung Dr. Martin Luthers. Elberfeld und Iserlohn, 1848. 410. 9129 - Die Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testamentes. Aus der Vulgata iibersetzt von Dr. Joseph Franz Allioli. Landshut und Miinchen, 1851. 8vo. In 7 parts. 9130 Die Bibel, oder, die ganze Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments nach Dr. Martin Luther's Uebersetzung. Stereotyp-Ausgabe. Leipzig, n.d. 8vo, morocco. 9131 Genesis und Exodus nach der Milstater Handschrift. Herausgegeben von Joseph Diemer. Wien, 1862. 8vo. 2 vols. With Illustrations. 9132 Psalterium. Notkeri Tertii Labeonis Psalterium Davidicum : e Latino in Theotiscam veterem Linguam versum et paraphrasi illustratum. Opus nunquam alias editum e Manuscripto Codice pervetusto Dn. de la Loubere primus eruit, et describi, dum viveret, curavit, turn interpretatione et Notis ornavit J. Schilterus. Ed.itio prima. Ulmae, 1726. Folio, morocco. 467 9 1 33 BIBLE. Psalter. Deutsche Interlinearversionen der Psalmen. Aus einer windberger Handschrift zu Munchen (xii Jahrhundert) und einer Handschrift zu Trier (xiii Jahrhundert) zum ersten Male herausgegeben von E. G. Graff. Quedlinburg und Leipzig, 1839. 8vo, morocco. 9'34 Canticle of Canticles. Das Hohe Lied ubersetzt von Willeram erklart von Rilindis und Herrat iibtissinen zu Hohenburg im Elsasz, (1147-96). Aus der einzigen Handschrift der K. K. Hofbibliothek zu Wien. Herausgegeben von Josef Haupt. Wien, 1864. 8vo. With frontispiece. 9135 BIBLIOGRAPHIE fur Linguistik und orientalische Literatur. Herausgegeben von F. A. Brockhaus. Nos. i, 2, 3 and 4. Leipzig, 1856-7-8. 9136 BIBLIOTHECA Philologica, oder, geordnete Uebersicht aller auf dem Gebiete der classischen Alterthurnswissenschaft wie der alteren und neueren Sprachwissenschaft in Deutschland und dem Ausland neu erschienenen Biicher. Herausgegeben von Dr. Gustav Schmidt. Gottingen, 1*59. 4to. In parts. 9*37 The same for the years 1860 to 1870, and from 1879 to 1885, but under different editors from 1868. Part i for 1879 wanting. 9138 Philologica, oder, vierteljahrliche systematisch geordnete Ubersicht der auf dem Gebiete der gesammten Philologie in Deutschland und dem Auslande neu erschienenen Schriften und Zeitschriften-Aufsatze. Herausgegeben von A. Blau. Gottingen, 1886. 4to. In parts. 9139 The same for 1887, 1888, 1889 (parts i and 2 wanting), 1890 (part 3 wanting), part i for 1891, and alphabetical Registers for 1889 and 1890. 9140 BIBLIOTHEK des Literarischen Vereins in Stuttgart. Stuttgart, 1843-61. 8vo, half morocco. 58 vols. 9141 des Litterarischen Vereins in Stuttgart. From No. 49 to No. 106. Published at Stuttgart from 1861 to 1868, and at Tubingen from 1869 to 1870. 9142 BIHTEBUOCH dabey die Bezeichenunge der heil. Messe. Beichtbuch aus dem xiv Jahrh. Mit Glossen herausgegeben von Prof. Oberlin. Strasburg, 1784. 410, half calf. 9143 BINDING (Carl). Das Burgundisch-Romanische Konigreich (von 443 bis 532 N. Chr.). Eine Reichs- und Rechts-geschichtliche Untersuchung. Leipzig, 1868. 8vo. i Band. 9144 BINDSEIL (H. E.). Abhandlungen zur allgemeinen vergleichenden Sprachlehre. Hamburg, 1838. 8vo, half morocco. 9145 BINNART (M.). Biglotton amplificatum, sive, Dictionarium Teuto-Latinum novum. Antuerpiae, apud Theodatum Verhulst, 1660. 8vo, vellum. 9146 BLEEK (W. H. J.). Uber den Ursprung der Sprache. Herausgegeben mit einem Vorwort von Dr. Ernst Haeckel. Weimar, 1868. 8vo. 9147 BOCKH (R.). Der Deutschen Volkszahl und Sprachgebiet in den Europaischen Staaten. Berlin, 1869. 8vo. 9148 BODENSTEDT (F.). Die Volker des Kaukasus und ihre Freiheitskiimpfe gegen die Russen. Ein Beitrag zur neuesten Geschichte des Orients. Mit sieben Tafeln Abbildungen und einer Vignette. Frankfurt am Main, 1848. 8vo. 9149 Another edition. Berlin, 1855. 8vo. 2 vols. 9150 BODIKER (J.). Grundsatze der Teutschen Sprache, meistens mit ganz andern Anmerkungen und einem volligeren Register der Worter, die in der Teutschen tibersetzung der Bibel einige Erlauterung erfordern, auch zum Anhange mit einem Entwurffund Muster eines Teutschen Haupt-Worter-Buchs, verbessert und vermehrt von Joh. Leonh. Frisch. Berlin, 1723. 8vo, vellum. 468 9151 BOIS-REYMOND (F. H. du). Kadmus, oder, allgemeine Alphabetik vom physika- lischen, physiologischen und graphischen Standpunkt. Berlin, 1862. 8vo. 9152 BOLTZ (August). Das Fremdwort in seiner kulturhistorischen Entstehung und Bedeutung. Berlin, 1870. 9153 BOPP (Franz). Vocalismus, oder, sprachvergleichende Kritiken iiber J. Grimm's deutsche Grammatik und Graff's althochdeutschen Sprachschatz, mit Begrundung einer neuen Theorie des Ablauts. Berlin, 1836. 8vo, half morocco. 9154 BORNHAK(Dr. G.)- Grammatik der hochdeutschen Sprache. Nordhausen, 1862-67. 8vo. Two parts. 9155 BOTTCHER (F.). Unseres Alphabetes Urspriinge. Dresden, 1860. 8vo. 9156 BRAGUR. Ein litterarisches Magazin der Deutschen und Nordischen Vorzeit. Herausgegeben von Bockh und Grater. Leipzig, 1791-1805. 8vo, half morocco. 8 vols. 9157 Ein neues literarisches Magazin der Teutschen und Nordischen Vorzeit. Herausgegeben von F. D. Grater. Breslau, 1812. 8vo, half morocco. Vol. viii only. 9158 BRANDES (H. K.). Der Name des Badeortes Pyrmont. Detmold, 1870. 9159 BRASCH (M. W.). El Maestro de Aleman, 6 sea, Gramatica de la lengua alemana. Hamburgo, 1856. 8vo, half morocco. 9160 BREDETZKY (S.). Beytrage zur Topographic des Konigreichs Ungarn. Wien, 1803 to 1805. 8vo, half calf. (Four vols. of different editions bound into two vols. With portraits, plates and a map.) 9161 BRENTANO (Cl.). Viktoria und ihre Geschwister mit fliegenden Fahnen und brennender Lunte. Ein klingendes Spiel. Berlin, 1817. 9162 BRESEMANN (F.). Kurzgefasste deutsche Sprachlehre fur Diinen. Kopenhagen, 1844. 8vo. 9163 BRIGITA seu BIRGITTA DE SWECIA (Sancta). Dy burde der welt, getruckt durch Cunradun Zeninger burger zu Nuremberg, 1481. 45 pp. (Introduction: Von der bewerung und bestettigung der offenbarungen Sant Birgitten.) With curious old coloured woodcut, representing the Saint writing under the inspiration of an angel. A monk kneels before her desk, above her head floats a dove, to the right God holding His dead Son, and to the left the Virgin and Child. A coat of arms is in each corner ; one bears the S.P.Q.R. of Rome, another the arms of Sweden, surmounted by a crown, out of which comes a pilgrim's staff supporting cap and wallet. Extremely rare. 9164 BRILL (W. G.). Hoogduitsche Spraakleer, naar de vijfde uitgave van Heyse's uit- voerig Leerboek, met de opsteilen van H. A. Hamelberg. Zutphen, 1855. 8vo, half morocco. 9165 BRINCKMEIER (Eduard). Glossarium diplomaticum zur Erlauterung schwieriger, einer diplomatischen, historischen, sachlichen, oder. Worterkliirung bediirftiger lateinischer, hoch- und besonders niederdeutscher Worter und Formeln, etc. Wolfenbuttel, Hamburg und Gotha, 1850-63. Folio. The first volume (A K) is bound in half morocco, the remainder of the work is in parts. 9166 BRUCH (Carl). Zur Physiologie der Sprache. Basel, 1854. 4 to - 9167 BRUCKE (Ern.). Grundzuge der Physiologie und Systematik der Sprachlaute fiir Linguisten und Taubstummenlehrer. Wien, 1856. 8 vo, half morocco. 9168 BRUCKMANN (F. E.). Epistola itineraria 38. De cerevisia Goslariensi. Wolffen- buttelae, 1735. 4to. 9169 BUCHNER (M. Gottfried). M. Gottfried Biichner's biblische Real- und Verbal Hand- Concordanz oder Exegetisch-homiletisches Lexicon. Siebente Auflage vermehrt und verbessert von D. H. L. Heubner. Halle, 1844. 8vo. 9170 BUDDE (Franz). Chrestomathie zur Geschichte der Deutschen Sprache und Poesie. Miinster, 1829-30. 8vo, half calf. 9171 BUGENHAGEN (J.). Der keyserliken Stadt Lubeck Christlike Ordeninge / tho denste dem hilgen Evangelic / Christliker leve / tucht / frede unde enicheyt/vor de yoget yn eyner guden Schole tho lerende. Unde de Kercken denere und rechten armen Christlick tho vorsorgende. No town. 1531. 8vo. Defective. On the state of the Imperial city of Liil^eck, and proposed religious and educational reforms by this celebrated Protestant divine. Extremely rare. 9172 BUHLER (J. A.). Curia instrucziun per emprender il lungatg Tudestg en Scolas ruralas romonschas. Cuera, 1861. 8vo. 9173 BUSCHMANN (J. C. E.). Uber den Naturlaut. Berlin, 1853. 4-to. 9174 CAMPE (J. H.). Worterbuch zur Erklarung und Verdeutschung der unserer Sprache aufgedrungenen fremden Ausdriicke. Braunschweig, 1801. 410, half morocco. 2 vols. in one. 9175 Worterbuch der Deutschen Sprache. Braunschweig, 1807-13. 410, half calf. 6 vols. 9176 CANEL (P.). Grammaire allemande nouvelle. Berlin, 1695. 8vo, calf. 9177 CASTREN (M. Alex.). Matthias Alexander Castren's Reisen im Nordem. Aus dem Schwedischen iibersetzt von Henrik Helms. Leipzig, 1853. 8vo. 9178 Reiseerinnerungen aus den Jahren 1838-44. (Nordische Reisen und Fors- chungen.) St. Petersburg, 1853. 8vo, half morocco. 9179 Reiseberichte und Briefe aus dem Jahren 1845-49. (Nordische Reisen und Forschungen.) St. Petersburg, 1856. 8vo, half morocco. 9180 CATALOG (Oesterreichischer). Verzeichniss allervom Janner bis Dezember 1862 in Oesterreich erschienenen Biicher und Beitschriften. Wien, 1863. 8vo. 9181 The same for the years 1863, 1864, 1865 and 1868. 9182 CERSNE (E.). Der Minne Regel von Eberhardus Cersne aus Minden 1404, mit einem Anhang von Liedern, herausgegeben von F. X. Wober. Wien, 1861. 8vo. 9183 CHYTRAEUS (N.). Nomenclator Latino-Saxonicus, nova hac editione emendatior, rerum nauticarum nomenclaturis et phrasibus pau!6 plenius insertis. Bremae : Typis Thoma Villeriani, 1617. 8vo, vellum. Rare. 9184 CLAUDIUS (Fr. M.). Das Leben der Sprache. Marburg, 1867. 8vo. 9185 CLEMENT (Knut J.). Die Lex Salica und die Text-Glossen in der salischen Gesetzsammlung germanisch nicht keltisch, etc. Mannheim, 1843. 8vo. 9186 COOPER. Die Nordamerikaner, geschildert von einem reisenden Junggeselten. Aus dem Englischen des Amerikaner Cooper. Stuttgart, 1828. 8vo. 4 vols. in one. Half calf. 9187 CONTZEN (Leopold). Die Wanderung der Kelten. Leipzig, 1 86 1. 8vo. 9188 CRONICA van der hilliger Stat van Coellt- Ind hait gedruckt mit groissein ernst ind vlijss Johan Koelhoff burger in Coellen, (1499). Folio, calf, fine old binding. This rare work contains many curious engravings and illuminated coats-of-arms. Brunei says it has often been quoted by historians of the art of printing on account of a passage which says that printing was discovered at Maintz by John Gutenberg in 1440. Very rare. 9189 CZOERNIG (Karl Freiherrn v.). Ethnographic der Oesterreichischen Monarchic. Mit einer ethnographischen Karte in vier Blaettern. Wien, 1857. 410, half morocco. 2 vols. 9190 DE DUVE Y HUEBENER (A. G.). Gramatica sucinta del Idioma Aleman. Leip- sique, 1856. 8vo, half morocco. 470 gigi DEECKE (W.). Die Deutschen Verwandtschaftsnamen. Eine sprachwissenschaftliche Untersuchung nebst vergleichenden Anmerkungen. Weimar, 1870. 8vo. 9192 DEUTSCHEN MUNDARTEN (Die). Eine Monatschrift fur Dichtung, Forschung und Kritik. Niirnberg, 1854-59. 8vo, half morocco. 6 vols. 9193 DICTIONARY. Vollstandiges Deutsch-Franzb'sisch-Englisches Handworterbuch. Leipzig, 1835. 8vo, half vellum. 9194 DIDUNG (S.). Grundgesetze der Kunst und deutschen Kunstsprache nebst Gedichten, dem deutschen Geiste geweiht. Mitzwei Kupfern. Arnsberg, 1851. 8vo, half calf. 9195 DIECMANN (J.). D. Johannis Diecmanni, ecclesiarum in Ducat. Bremensi et Verdensi generalis superintendis, Specimen Glossarii MScti Latino-Theotisci, quod Rabano Mauro, Archiepiscopo Moguntino, inscribitur. Bremae, 1721. 410, vellum. 9196 DIEFENBACH (Lorenz). UeberLeben, Geschichte, und Sprache. Giessen, 1835. 8vo. 9197 Origines Europaeae. Die alten Volker Europas mit ihren Sippen und Nachbarn. Frankfurt am Main, 1861. 8 vo, half morocco. gI9 8 und WULCKER (E.). Hoch- und Nieder-Deutsches Worterbuch der Mittlercn und Neueren Zeit zur Erganzung der Vorkandenen Wb'rterbucher, insbesondere des der Briider Grimm. Basel, 1885. 8vo. 9199 DIETRICH (Franz). Frau und Dame. Ein sprachgeschichtlicher Vortrag. Marburg, 1864. 24 pages. 9200 DIETZ (Ph.). Worterbuch zu Dr. Martin Luthers deutschen Schriften. Leipzig, 1868-72. 4to. Five parts : A to Hals. 9201 DIEZ (Friedrich). Kleinere Arbeiten und Recensionen. Herausgegeben von Hermann Breymann. Miinchen und Leipzig, 1883. 8vo. 9202 DOBROWSKY (J.). Reise nach Schweden und Russland. Prag, 1796. 8vo, half calf. Frontispiece. 9203 DOCTRINAL (Der Laien), ein Altsassisches gereimtes Sittenbuch, herausgegeben und mit einem Glossar versehen von Dr. K. F. A. Scheller. Braunschweig, 1825. 8vo, half calf. 9204 EBEL (H.). Ueber die Lehnworter der deutschen Sprache. Berlin, 1856. 410. 9205 EBERHARD (J. A.). Synonymisches Handworterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Berlin, 1821. 1 2mo, half calf. 9206 und MAASS (J. G. E.). Versuch einer allgemeinen teutschen Synonymik in einem Wbrterbuche der sinnverwandten Worter der hochteutschen Mundart. Dritte Ausgabe, herausgegeben von J. G. Gruber. Leipzig, 1826. 8vo, half calf. 3 vols. 9207 EICHHOFF (F. G.) et SUCKAU (W. de). Dictionnaire e*tymologique des racines allemandes, avec leur signification fran9aise, etc. Paris, 1840. i2mo, half calf. 9208 EINQUARTIERUNG (Die) der Franzosen. No place, 1801. \ 9209 EISELEIN (Prof.). Die Formeln der hochdeutschen Sprache in alter und neuer Zeit. Constanz, 1841. 8vo. 9210 EMMINGHAUS (T. G. G.). Memorabilia Susatensia. Jenae, 1749. 410, half calf. (The origin, government, privileges, etc., of the Republic of Soest in Westphalia, with documents relating thereto.) With frontispiece. 9211 ERDMANN (J. F.). Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Innern von Russland. Riga und Dorpat, 1822, und Leipzig, 1825-26. 8vo, half morocco. 3 vols. 471 9212 ERMAN (Adolph). Reise um die Erde durch Nord-Asien und die beiden Oceane in den Jahren 1828, 1829, und 1830. Berlin, 1833-48. 8vo, half morocco. 5 vols. 9213 Reise um die Erde durch Nord-Asien und die beiden Oceane in den Jahren 1828, 1829 und 1830. Naturhistorischer Atlas. Mil 17 Tafeln. Berlin, 1835. Folio, half morocco. 9214 ERSCH (J. S.). Bibliographisches Handbuch der philologischen Literatur des Deutschen von der Mitte des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts bis auf die neueste Zeit. Dritte Auflage. Leipzig, 1845. 8vo. 9215 FALK (J. P.). Beytrage zur Topographischen Kenntniss des Russischen Reichs. St. Petersburg, 1785. 410, half morocco. (Accompanied by a volume of Maps and Plates.) 2 vols. 9216 FELLER (F. E.). Worterbuch franzb'sisch-deutsch und deutsch-franzosisch. Leipzig, 1868. 8vo. 2 vols. 9217 FENELON (F. de S. de la Mothe-). Die Begebenheiten Telemach's. In das Deutsche ubersetzt. Portrait. Paris, 1837. izmo, half vellum. 9218 FERNOW (C. L.). Romische Studien. Mit Canova's Portriit von Lips gestochen. Zurich, 1806. 8vo, half calf. 3 vols. 9219 FERZEICHNIS der im Sollinge und Umgegend vachsenden gefaspfianzen fom Oberamtsrichter fon Hiniiber in Moringen. No date and place. 9220 FISCHER (Jo. Eber.). Sibirische Geschichte. St. Petersburg, 1768. Calf. 2 vols. (With Map.) 9221 FLIESSBACH (Chr. Ferd.}. Alphabetisches Verzeichniss der Deutschen Worter von zweifelhafter Schreibart, den Schriftsetzern zur Beachtung, empfohlen. Leipzig, 1849. 9222 ; Erlauternde Bemerkungen iiber die Deutschen Worter von zweifelhafter Schreibart, den Schriftstellern zur Priifung, den Schriftsetzern zur Beachtung, empfohlen. Leipzig, 1849. 9223 FLUGEL (C. G. G.). Propedeutica allo studio della Lingua Tedesca. Vienna, 1859. 8vo, half morocco. 9224 (J. G.). A Complete Dictionary of the English and German and German and English Languages. In two volumes. Vol. i, English and German. Vol. ii, German and English. Leipsic, 1847. 8vo, half morocco. (The second volume is edited by Dr. N. N. W. Meissner.) Third edition. 2 vols. 9225 FORMEN (Die) der althochdeutschen und mittelhochdeutschen Conjugation und Declination. (A Table folding into case.) 9226 FORNASARI (A. G.). Grammatica della Lingua Tedesca. Edizione 4 ta . Vienna, 1857. 8vo. 9227 FORSTEMANN (Ernst). Altdeutsches Namenbuch. Nordhausen, etc., 1856-59. 4to, half morocco. 2 vols. 9228 Die deutschen Ortsnamen. Nordhausen, 1863. 8vo. 9229 FORSTER (K. G. J.). Gesetz der deutschen Sprachentwickelung. Berlin, 1851. 8vo, half morocco. 9230 FRANKE (Dr.). Technologisches Worterbuch in deutscher, franzosischer und englischer Sprache. Zweiter Band. Englisch-Deutsch-Franzosisch. Wiesbaden, 1855. 4to, half morocco. 9731 FRIES (J. G.). Nouvelle Grammaire pratique de la langue allcmande. Paris, 1835. 8vo, half calf. 472 9232 FRISCH (J. L.). Teutsch-Lateinisches Worterbuch. (VVith fine portrait of* compiler.) Berlin, 1741. 4-to, half vellum. 9 2 33 Nouveau Dictionnaire des Passagers franc.ois-allemand et allemand-franc,ois. Leipzig, 1772. 8vo, calf. 2 vols. in one. With frontispiece. 9234 FRISIUS (Joannes). Dictionarium Latinogermanicum, Joanne Frisio Tigurino interprete. Tiguri, 1568. Folio, calf. Brunei does not mention this work. . 9235 FUNDGRUBEN DES ALTEN NORDENS. Bearbeitet und herausgegeben durch Dr. G. Th. Legis. Leipzig, 1829. 8vo. (Mit fiinf Steindriicken.) 2 vols. in one. 9236 GABLENZ (H. von). Sprachwissenschaftliche Fragmente aus dem Tagebuche des Freiherrn Heinrich von Gablenz. 2 Theil, i und 2 Heft. Leipzig, 1859. 8vo. 9237 Deutscher Schlussel zur Mundografie und Mundofonie oder zu einer ausnahmslosen Silben- und Lautsprache fur den internazionalen schriftlichen und miindlichen Verkehr. i Heft. Dresden, 1864. 4to. 9238 Gavlensografisch-Deutsches Sonntagsblatt. Fur die Verwirklichung der Idee einer allgemeinen Silben- und Lautsprache. Dresden, 1860. Erster Jahrgang. i Quartal. i und 2 Quartal. 9239 GATTERER (J. C.). De Epocha Linguae Theotiscae in publicis imperii constitution- ibus. 1779. 4to. 9240 GAUGENGIGL (Ign.). Der Ursprung der Sprache. 2 e Ausgabe. Passau, 1854. 8vo, half morocco. 9241 GEBET (Das Wessobrunner) und die Wessobrunner Glossen. Herausgegeben von Wilhelm Wackernagel. Berlin, 1827. 8vo, half morocco. 9242 GEDENKBUCHLEIN fur alle, die in Heidelberg froh und vergniigt waren. Heidel- berg, 1837. i2mo, half morocco. 9243 GEIGER (L.). Ursprung und Entwickelung der menschlichen Sprache und Ver- nunst. Band i. Stuttgart, 1868. 8vo. 9244 Der Ursprung der Sprache. Stuttgart, 1869. 8vo. 9245 GEISHEIM (Felix). Berliner Namenbiichlein. Berlin, 1855. 8vo, half morocco. 9246 GEITLIN (Johan Gabriel). Saksalainen kieli-oppi ynna lukemiston ja sanakirjan kanssa. Helsingissii, 1861. 8vo. (KS. toim. 26 osa.) German Grammar, with chrestomathy and vocabulary for Finns. 9247 GEORGI (Th.). Allgemeines Europiiisches Bucher-Lexicon. Leipzig, 1742-58. Folio, half calf. 2 vols. 9248 GERBERT (Martin). Iter Alemannicum ; accedit Italicum et Gallicum. Sequuntur Glossaria Theotisca ex codicibus manuscriptis a saeculo ix usque xiii. Typis San- Blasianis, 1765. 8vo, half vellum. 9249 GERLAND (Georg). Uber das Aussterben der Naturvoiker. Leipzig, 1868. 8vo. 9250 Intensiva und Iterativa und ihr Verhaltnis zu einander. Eine Sprach- wissenschaftliche Abhandlung. Leipzig, 1869. 8vo. 9251 GERMANIA. Vierteljahrsschrift fur Deutsche Alterthumskunde. Herausgegeben von Franz Pfeiflfer. i er Jahrgang, i Heft. Stuttgart, 1856. 8vo. 9 2 5 2 Begriindet von Franz Pfeiffer. Unter Mithilfe von Joseph Strobl ; heraus- gegeben von Karl Bartsch. 15 Jahrgang. Neue Reihe Dritter Jahrgang. i Heft. Wien, 1870. 8vo. 473 9253 GESCHICHTE der Uebersiedlung von vierzig tausend Armeniern, welche im Jahre 1828 aus der persischen Provinz Aberbaidschan nach Russland auswanderten. Nach dem russischen und armenischen Originale frei bearbeitet und mit einer Einleitung versehen von Carl Friedrich Neumann. Mit einer Abbildung. Leipzig, 1838. 8vo. 9254 GESEZ-BtTCHER der Reichs-Stadt Bremen, aus original-Handschriften, herausge- geben von Gerhard Oelrichs. Bremen, 1771. 4to, calf. (Statutes of Bremen.) 9255 GESSNER. Idylles et Poemes Champetres de Gessner, avec la traduction fran9aise interlinaire, par le citoyen Boulard. Paris, an viii. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. 9256 GIEHNE (F.). Deutsche Zustiinde und Interessen. i Heft. Stuttgart, 1864. 8vo. 9257 GLEY (G.). Langue et litte"rature des anciens Francs. Paris, 1814. 8vo, half calf. 9258 GOLDAST AB HAIMINSFELD (Melchior). Alamannicarum rerum scriptores aliquot vetusti. Francofurti, 1606. Folio. 3 vols. in one. This is the first edition of this work. Brunei by a slip says the first edition is of Frankfort, 1661. 9259 GOTTSCHEDA (J. K.). Grammatyka Niemiecka. Warszawie, 1766. 8vo, half calf. (German Grammar for Poles.) 9260 GOTTSCHED e BRAUN. Principis da Grammatica nel linguaig Todaisc, esposts per 1'uso dellas scolas, a norma dellas grammaticas del Sigr. Gottsched e Brauen Coira, 1778. 8vo. (A German Grammar in Rumansh.) 9261 GRAFF (E. G.). Die althochdeutschen Prapositionen. Ein Beitrag zur deutschen Sprachkunde. Kb'nigsberg, 1824. 8vo, half calf. 9262 Althochdeutschas Lesebuch enthaltend die althochdeutsche Ubersetzung der Consolatio Philosophiae des Boethius. Berlin, 1837. ^vo, half morocco. 9263 Althochdeutscher Sprachschatz, oder, Worterbuch der althochdeutschen Sprache. Berlin, 1834-46. 410, half calf. 7 vols. 9264 GRAMATICA Ramonscha per emprender il Lungaig Tudeschg, u Reglas preliminaras. e necessarias tier la Tudeschg. Bregenz, 1805. 8vo, half calf. (Rumansh Grammar for learning German.) 9265 GRAMMAIRE. Le Maitre de la langue allemande, ou, nouvelle grammaire allemande, me"thodique et raisonne, composed sur le modele des meilleurs auteurs de nos jours, et principalement sur celui de J. C. Gottsched. i4 me Edition. Paris et Strasbourg, 1802. 8vo, half calf. 9266 GRASSE (I. G. Th.). Der Tannhiiuser und Ewige Jude. Zwei deutsche Sagen. Dresden, 1861. 8vo, half morocco. 9267 GREGOROVIUS (F.). Corsica. Stuttgart und Tubingen, 1854. 8vo, half morocco. 9268 GREIN (C. W. M.). Ablaut, Reduplication und secundiire Wurzeln der starken Verba im Deutschen, nebst einem Excurs iiber die Verba Don und Iddja. Cassel und Gottingen, 1862. 8vo. 9269 GREWINGK (C.). Das Steinalter der Ostseeprovinzen Liv-, Est- und Kurland und einiger angrenzenden Landstriche. Dorpat, 1865. 8vo. 9270 GRIMM (Jacob). Deutsche Grammatik. Gottingen, 1819-31. 8vo, half morocco. 4 vols. 9271 The same. Vol. i of 2nd edition. Gottingen, 1822. 8vo, half morocco. 9272 The same. Vol. i of 3rd edition. Gottingen, 1840. 8vo, half morocco. 9273 Reinhart Fuchs. Berlin, 1834. 8vo, half calf. 9274 Grammatik der Hochdeutschen Sprache unserer Zeit, bearbeitet von J. Eiselein. Constanz, 1843. 8vo. 474 9275 GRIMM (Jacob). Tiber Marcellus Burdigalensis (vorgetragen in der Akademie der Wiss. am 28 Juni 1847). 410. Ex Philos.-histor. Kl. 1847. 9276 Geschichte der Deutschen Sprache. Leipzig, 1848. 8vo. 2 vols. 9277 Tiber eine Urkunde des xii Jahrhunderts. (Gelesen den 14 August 1851.) Extract Philos.-histor. Kl. 1851. 4to. 9278 Uber den Ursprung der Sprache. Berlin, 1852. 8vo. 9279 Vierte Auflage. Berlin, 1858. 8vo. 9280 Kleinere Schriften. Berlin, 1864-84. 8vo. 7 vols. 9281 Kleinere Schriften. 8 Band. Vorreden Zeitgeschichtliches und Personliches. Giitersloh, 1890. 8vo. 9282 Deutsche Grammatik, 1869-78. 8vo. 4 vols. 9283 (Jacob und Wilhelm). Deutsches Worterbuch (A Dwatsch). Leipzig, 1854-60. 410, half morocco. 2 vols. With fine Portrait of the authors. 9284 Deutsches Worterbuch. 3rd, 4th, and 5th vols. in parts. Leipzig, 1859-68- 4to. 92 8 5 (Jacob) und PICTET (Adolf). Tiber die Marcellischen Formeln. Aus den Abhand der K. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Berlin, 1855. Berlin, 1855. 4to. 9286 (Wilhelm). Die Deutsche Heldensage. Zweite Ausgabe. Berlin, 1867. 8vo. 9287 GRISELINI (F.). Versuch einer politischen und natiirlichen Geschichte des Temeswdrer Bannats in Briefen. Wien, 1780. 4to, calf. With Plates. 9288 GROTH (Klaus). Voer de Goern. Kinderreime, alt und neu. Mit 52 Holzschnitten nach Originalzeichnungen von Ludwig Richter. Leipzig, n.d. 4to. 9289 GRUNDRISS der germanischen Philologie unter Mitwirkung von K. von Amira, W. Arndt, etc., etc. Herausgegeben von Hermann Paul. Strassburg. In 12 parts. 1889-91. 8vo. 9290 GRUNHAGEN (Colmar). Otfrid und Heliand. Eine historisch Parallele. Breslau, 1855. 4to. 9291 GULDENSTADT (J. A.). Reisen durch Russland und im Caucasischen Gebirge. St. Petersburg, 1787. 4to, calf. 9292 Reisen nach Georgian und Imerethi. Aus seinem Papieren ganzlich umgearbeitet und verbessert herausgegeben, und mit erklarenden Anmerkungen begleitet von Julius von Klaproth. Mit einer Charte. Berlin, 1815. 8vo. 9293 HAGEN (H rn von der). Deutsche Rechtschreibung, Aussprache und Sprachge- brauch. (Gelesen in der Akad. d. wiss. am 6 Mai 1852.) Philos.-histor. kl. 1853. 4to. (An extract.) 9294 HAHN (K. A.). Mittelhochdeutsche Grammatik. Frankfurt a/M., 1842-47. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. 9295 Mittelhochdeutsches Lesebuch, oder, Uebungen zur mittelhochdeutschen Grammatik. Mit Anmerkungen und einem Glossarium. Frankfurt a/M., 1847. 8vo, half morocco. 9296 Neuhochdeutsche Grammatik. Die Lehre von den Buchstaben und Endungen als Versuch von K. A. Hahn. Frankfurt, a/M., 1848. 8vo, half morocco. 9297 Althochdeutsche Grammatik mit einigen Lesestiicken und Glossen. Prag, 1852. 8vo, half morocco. 475 9298 HAHN (K. A.). Mittelhochdeutsche Grammatik. Neu ausgearbeitet von Dr. Friedrich Pfeiffer. Frankfurt a/M., 1865. 8vo. 9299 HALTAUS (Chr.-Gottlob). Glossarium germanicum medii aevi, cum praefatione J.-Gottl. Boehmii. Lipsiae, 1758. 410, calf. 9300 HAMELBERG (H. A.). Hoogduitsche Spraakkunst voor Nederlanders. Zutphen, 1842. 8vo, half morocco. 9301 HANDSCHRIFTLICHERDeutscher Schlussel zur Gavlensografie. Dresden, 1860. 4to. 9302 HARMS (Claus). Vermischte Aufsiitze und kleine Schriften, einige bisher noch nicht gedruckte, die Landwirthschaft, das publicistische und politische Leben, die Sprache, das Schul- und Kirchenwesen betreffende. Kiel, 1853. 8vo, half calf. 9303 HARTKNOCH (M. Christoph). Alt- und Neues-Preussen, oder, Preussischer Historien. Franckfurt und Leipzig, 1684. 410, calf. With Maps and Plates. 9304 HAUFFMN (Herr). Do dar gestrenge Herr, Herr Hauffmn unverhusst zu Freen a Lustla kriegt, etc. No place. 1770. 9305 HEILNER (G. M.). The Grammar of the German Language philosophically de- veloped. London, 1851. i2mo. 9306 HEINRICH (G.). Fuormas grammaticalas del Linguach Tudaisch in benefizi dellas Scoulas Romauntschas. Coira, 1841. 1 2mo, half calf. 9307 The same. 2nd edition. Coira, 1855. 8vo, half morocco. 9308 HEINSIUS (Theodor). Volkthumliches Worterbuch der Deutschen Sprache mit Bezeichnung der Aussprache und Betonung fur die Geschafts- und Lesewelt. Hannover, 1818-22. 8 vo, half calf. 4 vols. 9309 Deutsches Lehrbuch. Berlin, 1835. 8vo, half calf. 3 vols. 9310 Deutsche Sprachlehre. Berlin, 1846. 8vo, half calf. 9311 (Wilhelm). Allgemeines Biicher-Lexikon, oder, vollstandiges alphabetisches Verzeichniss der von 1700 bis zu Ende 1810 erschienenen Biicher, welche in Deutschland und in den durch Sprache und Literatur damit verwandten Liindern gedruckt worden sind. Leipzig, 1812-58. 4to, half morocco. The first and second volumes are wanting. The remaining volumes up to vol. xii are bound into 8 vols. 9312 Allgemeines Biicher-Lexikon, oder, vollstandiges alphabetisches Verzeichniss aller von 1700 bis Ende 1861 erschienenen Biicher. Dreizehnter Band. Heraus- gegeben von Robert Heumann. Leipzig, 1862-63. 4 to - In parts. 9313 HELDMANNS (M. Andr.). Grammatica Germanica. Stockholm und Upsala, 1751. Half calf. 9314 HELFFERICH (Adolf). Das Wurzel wort. Berlin, 1865. 8 pages. 9315 HELMSDORFER (G.). Karl Ferdinand Becker, der Grammatiker. Eine Skizze. Frankfurt a/M., 1854. 8vo. 9316 HEMMERN (J.). Abhandlung liber die deutsche Sprache zum Nutzen der Pfalz. Mannheim, 1769. 8vo, half calf. 9317 HENRISCH (C. P.). Grammatica della Lingua Tedesca. Lipsia, 1856. 8vo, half morocco. 9318 HENSCHEL. Dictionnaire des langues franchise et allemande. Paris, 1839. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. 9319 HERMANN (Conrad). Das Problem der Sprache und seine Entwickelunge in der Geschichte. Dresden, 1865. 8vo. 4?6 9320 HEVMANNIUS (Joh.). Opuscula quibus varia juris Germanici itemque historica et philologica argumenta explicantur. Norimbergae, sumpt. J. G. Lochneri, 1747. 4to, half calf. 9321 HEYNE (Moritz). Kurze Laut- und Flexionslehre der altgermanischen Sprach- stiimme. Paderborn, 1862. 8vo. 9322 Kurze Grammatik der altgermanischen Dialecte gothisch, althochdeutsch, altsiichsisch, angelsiichsisch, altfriesisch, altnordisch. Theil i. Laut- und Flexions- lehre. Paderborn, 1870. 8vo. 9323 HEYSE (J. Ch. A.). Lehrbuch der deutschen Sprache. Neu bearbeilet von Dr. K. W. L. Heyse. Hannover, 1838-39. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. 9324 (J. Ch. A. und K. W. L.). Handworterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Magdeburg, 1833-49. 8 vo, half calf. 3 vols. 9325 (K. W. L.). System der Sprachwissenschaft. Nach dessen Tode heraus- gegeben von Dr. H. Steinlhal. Berlin, 1856. 8vo, half morocco. 9326 HILFERDING (A.). Geschichte der Serben und Bulgaren. Aus dem Russischen. i und 2 Abtheilung. Bautzen, 1856-64. 4to. 2 parts. 9327 HILLEBRAND (I. H.). Deutsche Rechtsprichworter. Zurich, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. 9328 HILPERT (J. L.). A Dictionary of the German and English Languages. With a preface by Dr. E. Kcercher. London, 1846. 4to, half morocco. 2 vols. 9329 HJORT (P). Den tydske Grammatik for Dansktalende. Kjobenhavn, 1836. 8vo, half calf. (German Grammar for Danes.) 9330 HOCHE (J. G.). Reise durch Osnabriick und Niedermiinster in das Saterland, Ostfriesland und Groningen. Bremen, 1800. 8vo, half calf. 9331 HOFFMANN (A. H.). Althochdeutsche Glossen. Breslau, 1826. 4to, half morocco. 933 2 (H.). Fundgruben fiir Geschichte deutscher Sprache und Litteratur. Breslau, 1830. 8vo, half calf. 9333 Die Deutsche Philologie im Grundriss. Breslau, 1836. 4to, half morocco. 9334 von FALLERSLEBEN. Breslauer Namenbiichlein. Leipzig, 1843. 8vo. 9335 (W.). Vollstandigstes Worterbuch der deutschen Sprache, wie sie in der allgemeinen Literatur, der Poesie, den Wissenschaften, Kiinsten, Gewerben, dem Handelsverkehr, Staats- und Gerichtswesen, etc., etc., gebrauchlich ist, mit Angabe der Abstammung, der Rechtschreibung, etc. Leipzig, 1 86 1. 8vo. 6 vols. 9336 HOFMANN (Ernst). Der nordliche Ural und das Kustengebirge Pae-Choi. Unter- sucht und beschrieben von einer in den Jahren 1847, 1848 und 1850 durch die Kaiserlich-Russische Geographische Gesellschaft ausgeriisteten Expedition. St. Petersburg, 1856. 4to, half morocco. With Plates. 9337 HOGSTROM (Peter). Beschreibung des der Crone Schweden gehorenden Lapp- landes nebst Arwid Ehrenmalms Reise durch West-Nordland nach der Lappmark Aseble, und einer bey solcher Gelegenheit entworsenen geographischen Charte. Copenhagen und Leipzig, 1748. 8vo, calf. 9338 HOLMBERG (Heinr. Joh.). Ethnographische Skizzen iiber die Volker des Russischen Amerika. 1854. 4 to - An extract from a larger work. 477 9339 HOLTZMANN (A.). Schulausgabe des Nibelungenlieds in der altesten Gestalt. Herausgegeben und mit einer Worterbuch versehen von Adolf Holtzmann. Stutt- gart, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. 9340 Altdeutsche Grammatik, umfassend die gothische, altnordische, altsiichsische, angelsachsische, und althochdeutsche Sprache. Band i, Abtheilung i. Die specielle Lautlehre. Leipzig, 1870. 8vo. 9341 Altdeutsche Grammatik, umfassend die gothische, altnordische, altsachsische, angelsiichsische und althochdeutsche Sprache. Band i, Abtheilung 2. Leipzig, 1875. 8vo. 9342 HOPF (Carl). Die Einwanderung der Zigeuner in Europa. Gotha, 1870. 9343 (Georg W.). Hans Sachs. Eine Auswahl ausdessen Werken. Nurnberg, 1856. 8vo. 2 vols. With Portrait. 9344 HORMAYR (Joseph, Freyherrn von). Geschichte der gefiirsteten Graffchaft Tirol. Tubingen, 1 806-8. 8vo, half calf. 2 parts in one vol. 9345 HORNAY. Ursprung und Entwickelung der Sprache. Theil i. Berlin, 1858. 8vo. 9346 HORSCHELMANN (Ferd.). Geschichte Geographic und Statistik der Insel Sardinien. Mit zwei Charten und einer Medaillen-Tafel. Berlin, 1828. 8vo, half calf. 9347 HRUZIK (A.). Gramatyka Niemiecka dla szkolnej mlodziezy Polskiej. Opolu (Oppeln), 1832. 8vo, half morocco. (German Grammar for Poles.) 9348 HUG (J. Leonhard). Die Erfindung der Buchstabenschrift ihr Zustand und friihester Gebrauch im Alterthum. Mit Hinsicht auf die neuesten Untersuchungen iiber den Homer. Ulm, 1801. 4to. 9349 HUGEL (Richard). Uber Otfrid's Versbetonung. Leipzig, 1869. 9350 HUMBOLDT (Wilhelm von). Ueber die Buchstabenschrift und ihren Zusammenhang mit dem Sprachbau. (Hist.-philol. Kl. 1824.) 410. 9351 HUNKELE (Joseph). Scriptura universalis. Versuch einer lautgetreuen und kurzen gemeinsamen Schrift fiir alle Volker. Mit 25 autographirten Tafeln. Paderborn, 1866. 8vo. 9352 HUPEL (Aug. Wil.). Topographische Nachrichten von Lief- und Ehstland. Riga, 1774-77-82. 8vo, calf. (With Maps and Plates.) 9353 IDUNNA und HERMODE. Eine Alterthumszeitung. Herausgegeben von F. O. Grater. For the years 1812, 13, 14 and 16. Breslau, Schillingsfiirst und Hall im K. Wiirtemberg, 1812-16. The years 1812-13 are bound together, the others are in parts. 9354 JACOBI (Victor). Ortsnamen um Potsdam. Vom Standpunkte der Terrainplastik und der Ansiedelungspraxis. Leipzig, 1859. 8vo, half morocco. 9355 JAHRBUCH (Weimarisches) fur deutsche Sprache, Litteraturund Kunst. Herausge- geben von Hoffmann von Fallersleben und Oskar Schade. Weimar, Hannover und Amsterdam, 1854-56. 8vo, half morocco. 5 vols. 9356 JOURNAL von und fiir Deutschland. Eurich, 1784-92. (Odd numbers of this periodical, bound together). Half morocco. 9357 JUNIUS (F.). Observationes in Willerami abbatis Francicam paraphrasin Cantici canticorum. Amstelodami, 1655. 8 vo, half calf. 9358 KAINDL (J. E.). Die Teutsche Sprache aus ihren Wurzen mit Paragraphen iiber den Ursprung der Sprachen. Sulzbach, 1815-24. 8vo, half morocco. 4 vols. 9359 KALEWALA, das National-Epos der Finnen, nach der zweiten Ausgabe ins Deutsche iibertragen von Anton Schiefner. Helsingfors, 1852. 410, half calf. 478 9360 KALTSCHMIDT (J. H.). Sprachvergleichendes Worterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Leipzig, 1839. 8vo. 9361 KANNE (J. A.). Ueber die Verwandschaft der griechischen und teutschen Sprache. Leipzig, 1804. 8vo, half morocco. 9362 KAULEN (Franz). Die Sprachverwirrung zu Babel. Linguistisch-Theologische Untersuchungen iiber Gen. xi, 1-9. Maintz, 1861. 8vo. 9363 KAYSER (Ch. Gottl.). Vollstandiges BLicher- Lexicon. Leipzig, 1834-53. 410, half morocco. 7 vols. This Index or Catalogue contains all the works published in Germany and neighbouring countries from 1750 to 1832, with a Register, and a second series of all the works published from 1833 to 1852. 9364 KEHREIN (Joseph). Zur Geschichte der deutschen Bibeliibersetzung vor Luther nebst 34 verschiedenen deutschen Uebersetzungen des 5 Cap. aus dem Evangelium des hi. Matthaus. Stuttgart, 1851. 8vo, half calf. 9365 Grammatik der neuhochdeutschen Sprache nach Jacob Grimms deutscher Grammatik. Leipzig, 1852. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. in one. 9366 Grammatik der deutschen Sprache des funfzehnten bis siebenzehnten Jahrhunderts. Leipzig, 1854. 8vo, half morocco. 9367 Sammlung alt- und mitteldeutscher Worter aus lateinischen urkunden. Nordhausen, 1863. 4to. 9368 Alterneuhochdeutsches Worterbuch. Ein Beitrag zur deutschen Lexiko- graphie. Wiirzburg, 1865. 8vo. 9369 KELLE (J.). Otfrids von Weissenburg Evangelienbuch, Text und Einleitung. Mit Schriftproben. Regensburg, 1856. 8 vo, half morocco. 9370 KEMPIS (Thos. a). Ein ware nachuolgung Christi. Augspurg, (Anthonio Sorg), 1486. 4to. vi and 191 pages. This is the first known German translation of the Imitation of Christ. At the end of the book are 66 pages of German manuscript with illuminated capitals. 137 l Nachfolge Christi in alterem Deutsch. Freiburg-im-Breisgau, 1857. 8vo. 9372 Thomas von Kempen, Vier Biicher von der Nachfolge Jesu Christi. Von Dr. F. X. Miiller. Kb'ln und Neuss, L. Schwann. No date. i2mo, morocco. 9373 KERN (H.). Die Glossen in der Lex Salica und die Sprache der salischen Franken. Beitrag zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprachen. Haag, 1869. 8vo. 9374 KIEPERT (H.). Uebersichtskarte der Lander vom Rhein bis Paris mit Angabe der Sprachgrenze. Berlin, 1850. 9375 Volker- und Sprachen-Karte von Oesterreich und den Unter-Donau-Landern. Berlin, 1867. 9376 Volker- und Sprachen-Karte von Deutschland und den Nachbarlandern in Jahre 1866. Berlin, 1867. 9377 Special-Karte der deutsch-franzosischen Grenzlander mit Angabe der Sprachgrenze. Berlin, 1867. 9378 Historische Erlauterung zur Nationalitiitskarte von Deutschland. Weimar. Half vellum. 9379 KILIAN DUFFLCEUS (Cornelius). Etymologicum teutonicae linguae, sive, dic- tionarium teutonico-latinum ; curanto Ger. Hasselto, qui et suasannotationes adjecit. Trajecti Batavorum, 1777. 2 vols. 410, half morocco. Brunei says this useful work first appeared at Antwerp in 1588, and was several times reprinted during the 1 7th century, but that this present edition is the best. 479 9380 KLAPROTH (J.). Reise in den Kaukasus und nach Georgian unternommen in den Jahren 1807 und 1808. Halle und Berlin, 1812-14. 8vo, half morocco. 3 vols. 9381 Geographisch-historische Beschreibung des ostlichen Kaukasus, zwischen den Fliissen Terek, Aragwi, Kur und dem Kaspischen Meere. Weimar, 1814. 8vo, half morocco. 9382 KLAUNIG (K.). Regeln und \V6rterverzeichnis fur deutsche Rechtschreibung. Leipzig, 1857. 9383 Ueber deutsche Rechtschreibung. Leipzig, 1857. 8vo, half morocco. 9384 KONE (J. R.)- Der altsachsische Beichtspiegel zur Zeit des h. Liudgerus und seiner nachsten Nachfolger _mit Ubersetzung und Worterbuch. Miinster, 1860. 4to, half morocco. 9385 KONRAD VON MEGENBERG. Das Buch der Natur von Konrad von Megenberg. Die erste Naturgeschichte in Deutscher Sprache. Herausgegeben von Dr. Franz Pfeiffer. Stuttgart, 1862. 8vo. 9386 K[OPPEN]. Samuel Gottlieb Linde; eine biographische Skizze. Wien, 1823. With medallion of Linde. The Introduction bears the initial K. as signature. The Prince has added in pencil the rest of the name. 9387 (Peter von). Erklarender Text zu der Ethnographischen Karte des St. Petersburger Gouvernements. St. Petersburg, 1867. 410. 9388 KORTE (W.). Die Sprichworter und sprichwortlichen Redensarten der Deutschen. Leipzig, 1 86 1. 8vo. 9389 KRAMERN (Matthias). Neues Deutsch-Hollandisches Worterbuch. 4th edition by Adam Abrahams von Moerbeek. Leipzig, 1787. 410, half calf. 2 vols. German- Dutch and Dutch-German. 9390 KREMSIER (J. F.). Die Urteutsche Sprache, nach ihren Stammwortern. Weimar, 1822. 8vo, half calf. 9391 KRIEGK (G. L.). Die Volkerstamme und ihre Zweige nach den neuesten Ergebnissen der Ethnographic. Frankfurt a/M., 1848. 8vo. 9392 KUGLER (Karl). Das Altmiilthal mit dem Flussgebiete innerhalb seines Berglandes, topographisch, historisch, und landschaftlich dargestellt von K. K. Ingolstadt, 1868. 8vo. 9393 KUHN (Julio). Gramatica Alemana, precedida de un cuadro hist6rico del orfgen y progresos de esta lengua. Madrid, 1844. 8vo, half calf. 9394 KUNIG Tyrel von Schotten und sin sun Vridebrant : didaktisches gedicht des 12 Jahrhunderts. Herausgegeben von Fridrich Wilhelm Ebeling. Halle, 1843. 9395 KUNSSBERG (H.). Wanderung in das Germanische Alterthum. Berlin, 1861. 8vo. 9396 LACHER (Carl). Dichtungen in althochdeutscher Sprache. Speier, 1836. 410, half calf. 9397 LAUTH (Franz Joseph). Das vollstiindige Universal-Alphabet. Auf der physio- logisch-historischen Grundlage des hebraischen Systems. Munchen, 1855. 8vo, half morocco. 9398 LATENDORF (F.). Agricola's Sprichworter, ihr hochdeutscher Ursprung und ihr Einfluss auf die deutschen und niederlandischen Sammler, nebst kritischen Bemer- kungen tiber die Sprichworter und Sprichwortersammlungen der Gegenwart. Schwerin, 1862. 8vo. 480 9399 LA FORET. Lingua Germanica in ore Danico. Das ist : Unvorgreiffliche Anweisung, wie ein Teutsch-redender Dane unterschiedliche Danismos in einer teutschen Rede zu vermeiden habe, wobey von dem Genere der teutschen Substantivorum griindlich und ausfiihrlich gehandelt wird. Copenhagen, (1726). 8vo. 9400 LE BAS et REGNIER. Cours complet de langue allemande. Paris, 1832 and 1839. (The first vol. is 1839, 4th edition, the others 1832.) i2mo, half calf. 5 vols. 9401 LEBEN DER HEILIGEN. A black-letter German Book on the Lives of the Saints, with quaint woodcuts representing their martyrdom, etc. The title and some other pages are wanting. It is very old, probably a i5th century work, judging by the costumes. 4to. 9402 LEFAIVRE (A.). Simples e'le'ments de la langue allemande. Versailles, 1840. 9403 LEFMANN (Salomon). August Schleicher. Skizze von Dr. Salomon Lefmann. Leipzig, 1870. 8vo. 9404 LEHMANN (Fr. Aug.). Deutsche Sprachlehre. Sorau und Bunzlau, 1834. 8vo, half morocco. 9405 (H. E.). Die Republik Graubiinden ; historisch-geographisch-statistisch. Magdeburg und Brandenburg, 1797-99. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. in one. 9406 LEONHARDI (G.). Das Poschiavino-Thal. Bilder aus der Natur und dem Volks- leben. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der italienischen Schweiz. Mit einer Ansicht der Curanstalt alle Prese und einer Karte des Poschiavino-Thales. Leipzig, 1859. 8vo, half morocco. 9407 LEPECHIN (I.). Tagebuch der Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des Russischen Reichs in den Jahren 1768 und 1769. Aus dem Russischen iibersetzt von M.Christ. Hein. Hase. Altenburg, 1774-75-83. 410. (The 2nd and 3rd vols. deal with journeys in 1770-71.) Numerous Plates. 9408 LEXER (Matthias). Mittelhochdeutsches Handworterbuch. Zugleich als Supple- ment und alphabetischer Index zum Mittelhochdeutschen Worterbuche von Benecke-Miiller-Zarncke. (Parts i to 18 with part 8 wanting.) Leipzig, 1869-78. 8vo. 9409 LEXIKON. Deutsches Sprichworter-Lexikon. Ein Hausschatz fur das deutsche Volk. Herausgegeben von K. F. W. Wander. Leipzig, 1863-80. 410. 5 vols. in parts. 9410 LIDFORSS (Wolter Edward). Beitrage zur Kenntnis von dem Gebrauch des Kon- junktivs im Deutschen. Uppsala, 1862. 4to. 941 1 LIEDER und Spriiche der beiden Meister Spervogel. Mit Einleitung, Textkritik und Ubersetzung herausgegeben von Heinrich Gradl. Prag, 1869. 8vo. 9412 LITURGY. Das allgemeine Gebetbuch, oder, die Agende der vereinigten Kirche von England und Irland, nebst den Psaltern Davids. London, 1848. 121110, calf, 9413 Another edition. London, 1851. i2mo, morocco. 9414 ,, ,, 1864. i2mo. 9415 LOBGESANG (Der). Auf den heiligen anno in der altteutschen Grundsprache des elften Jahrhunderts, und mit einer Einleitung, Uebersetzung und Anmerkungen herausgegeben von G. A. F. Goldmann. Leipzig und Altenburg, 1816. 8vo. 9416 LOOS (Joseph). Mluvnica nemeck^ho Jazyka. Pest, 1864. 8vo. Bohemian Grammar of the German Language. 9417 LUCA (F.). Die Namen unserer Vorfahren und ihrer Stammgb'tter. Schaffhausen, 1856. 8vo, half morocco. 481 941 8 LUDEMANN (W. von). Ziige durch die Hochgebirge und Thiiler der Pyreniien im Jahre 1822. Mit zwei Karten. Berlin, 1825. 8vo, half morocco. 9419 LUDGER (C.). Gramatica sucincta del Idioma Aleman, al uso de la Tropa Espaiiola en Alemania. Hamburgo, 1808. izmo, half calf. 9420 MAGAZIN (Hannoverisches). 23 Dec. 1765 (io2 tes Stiick); 28 April 1769 (34 tes Stiick); 14 Nov. 1788 (gi 168 Stuck, unvollstiindig) ; 20 Aug. 1817 (67 tes Stiick); 23 Aug. 1817 (68 tes Stiick, unvollstiindig); 27 Sep. 1817 (78 tes Stiick); 4 Oct. 1817 (8o tes Stiick) ; 8 Oct. 1817 (8i tes Stuck, unvollstiindig); and part of another issue dated 1822. Hannover. 9421 MAHN (K. A. F.). Uber den Ursprung und die Bedeutung des Namens Germanen. Berlin, 1864. 9422 MANGOLD (I.). Di dreyfach Hochzitt em Biisathal. Loscht's-Opiirettla en drey Acta. Colmar, 1863. 9423 MANNHARDT (Wilhelm). Germanische Mythen. Berlin, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. 9424 Die Cotter der deutschen und nordigchen Volker. Berlin, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. 9425 Roggenwulf und Roggenhund. Beitrag zur Germanischen Sittenkunde. Zweite Auflage. Danzig, 1866. 8vo. Die Korndamonen. Beitrag zur Germanischen Sittenkunde. Berlin, 1868. MARTIN (Ernst). Bemerkungen zur Kudrun. Halle, 1867. Mittelhochdeutsche Grammatik nebst Worterbuch zu der Nibelunge Not und zu den Gedichten Walthers von der Vogelweide. Dritte Auflage. Berlin, 1867. 9429 MARTON (J.). Ne"met Grammatika. B6csben, 1844. 8vo, half morocco. German Grammar for Hungarians. 9430 MASSMANN (H. F.). Erliiuterungen zum Wessobrunner Gebet des achten Jahrhun- derts. Nebst zwein noch ungedruckten Gedichten des vierzehnten Jahrhunderts. Berlin, 1824. 8vo, half morocco. 9431 Das vergangene Jahrzehend der deutschen Literatur. Munchen, 1827. 8vo, half morocco. 9432 MAYER (F. J. C.). Aegyptens Vorzeit und Chronologic in Vergleichung mit der West- und Ost-Asiatischer Kulturvb'lker. Ein Prodromus zur Ethnologic des Menschengeschlechtes. Bonn, 1862. 8vo. 9433 MAZKENS (A. G.). Versuch in Deutschen Worter-Familien. Bresslau, 1779. 4to, half calf. 9434 MEIDINGER (H.). Die deutschen Volksstamme. Frankfurt a/M., 1833. 410. 9435 Dictionnaire comparatif et e"tymologique des langues teuto-gothiques. Traduit de I'allemand. Francfort s/M., 1836. 410, half calf. 9436 (J'-V.) Grammaire pratique de la langue allemande. Nouvelle Edition, precede d'un trait6 de prononciation, par F. G. Eichhoff; et ornee du grand tableau de tous les genres d'e"critures allemande, par C.-F. Ermeler. Paris, 1849. 8vo, half calf. 9437 Another edition. No title-page. 4to, half calf. 3 1 482 9438 MEISSNER (A. L.). The Public School German Grammar. London, 1886. 9439 (M.). German and English idiomatic phrases. London, 1853. 8vo. 9440 MERKEL (C. L.). Physiologic der menschlichen Sprache, (physiologische Laletik). Leipzig, 1866. 8vo. 9441 MEYER (Karl). Die Dietrichssage in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung. Basel, 1868. 8vo. 9442 (Leo). Tiber die Flexion der Adjectiva in Deutschen. Berlin, 1863. 8vo. 9443 MEYR (Melch.). Erzahlungen aus dem Ries. Berlin, 1856. 8vo, half morocco. 9444 MICHAELIS (G.). Vergleichendes Worterbuch der gebrauchlichsten Taufnamen. Berlin, 1856. 8vo. 9445 Das th in der deutschen Rechtschreibung. Berlin, 1860. 8vo. 9446 Tiber den Unterschid der Consonantes tenues und mediae und iiber die Unterscheidung des Ach- und Ich-Lautes. Berlin, 1862. 8vo. 9447 MINCKWITZ (J.). Lehrbuch der rhythmischen Malerei der Deutschen Sprache. Leipzig, 1856. 8vo, half morocco. 9448 MOLLER (Adolf). Die reduplicirenden Verba im Deutschen als abgeleitete Verba. Potsdam, 1866. 9449 MOMMSEN (Theodor). Die Schweiz in romischer Zeit. Mittheilungen der Zurch- erischen Gesellschaft fiir vaterliindische Alterthiimer. Band ix. H. I. Druck von Zurcher und Furrer, 1854. 4to. 9450 MONBODDO (Lord). Werk von dem Ursprung und Fortgange der Sprache iibersetzt von E. A. Schmid. Mit einer Vorrede des Herrn Generalsuperintendenten Herder. Riga, 1784-85. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. in one. 9451 MONE (F. J.). Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschichte der teutschen Literatur und Sprache. Aachen und Leipzig, 1830. 8vo, half calf. 9452 MONTEITH (A. H.). Robertsonian Method. A Course of Lessons in the German Language. London, n.d. 8vo, half calf. 9453 MORITZ (C. P.). Deutsche Sprachlehre fiir die Damen. Berlin, 1782. 8vo, calf. 9454 Grammatisches Worterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Berlin, 1793-1800. 8vo, half morocco. 4 vols. in one. 9455 MOTH (J.). Quaestiones Grammaticae ex optimis et probatissimis autoribus collectae Vocabulorum insuper copia, et Indice Germanico ita locupletatae, ut Dictionarii Germanicolatini instar esse queant. Hamburgi, ex Off. Typ. P. Langii, 1617. 8vo, half calf. 9456 MOZIN (1'abbe"). Nouvelle grammaire allemande. 5 e Edition. Stuttgart et Tubingue, 1836. 8vo, half calf. 9457 MM. GUIZOT, BIBER, etc. Dictionnaire complet des langues frangaise et allemande. Stuttgart et Tubingue, 1 842-44. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. 9458 MULHAUSE (E.). Die Urreligion des deutschen Volkes. Cassel, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. 483 9459 MULLENHOFF (K) und SCHERER (W.). Denkmaler deutscher Poesie und Prosa aus dem viii-xii Jahrhundert. Berlin, 1864. 8vo. 9460 MULLER (H.)- Die Marken des Vaterlandes. Bonn, 1837. 8 vo, half morocco. 9461 (W.) und ZARNCKE (F.). Mittelhochdeutsches Worterbuch mit benutzung des Nachlasses von G. F. Benecke. Leipzig, 1855-66. 8vo. 9462 MUNNIKIOS (K. E. B.). German Grammar for the Greeks. In the Greek character. Vienna, 1817. 8vo, half morocco. 9463 NASMITH (D.). The Practical Linguist, being a System based entirely upon Natural Principles of learning to speak, read, and write the German Language. London, 1870. 8vo. 2 vols. 9464 NEUMANN (K. F.). Die Volker des siidlichen Russlands in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwickelung. Leipzig, 1847. 8vo, half calf. 9465 NICEFORU (G. E.). Crestomatia Germana pentru classi elementari. Brassovu (Cronstadt), 1854. 8vo, half morocco. (For Rumanians.) 9466 Grammatica Germana pentru classi elementari. Brassovu (Cronstadt), 1855. 8vo, half morocco. (For Rumanians.) 9467 NICOLAI (F.). Beschreibung einer Reise durch Deutschland und die Schweiz in Jahre 1781. Nebst Bemerkungen iiber Gelehrsamkeit, Industrie, Religion und Sitten. i r u. 2 r Bd. Dritte Auglage. Mit Kupferstichen. Berlin und Stettin, 1788. 3 r u. 4 r Bd., 1784. s r u. 6 r Bd., 1785. 7* u. 8 r Bd., 1786. g r u. io r Bd., 1795. :i r u. i2 r Bd., 1796. 8vo, half calf. 12 vols. in six. 9468 NIEBUHR (B. G.). Romische Geschichte. Berlin, 1853. 8vo, half morocco. 9469 OBERMULLER (W.). Deutsch-Keltisches, Geschichtlich-Geographisches Worter- buch zur erklarung der Fluss-, Berg-, Orts-, Gau-, Volker-, und Personen-Namen Europas, West Asiens und Nord-Afrikas in allgemeinen, wie Deutschlands insbeson- dere nebst den daraus sich ergebenden Folgerungen fiir die Urgeschichte der Menschheit. Leipzig, 1868-72. Parts 7 to 17. 9470 OEHLSCHLAGER (J. C.). Pronouncing German Dictionary. German-English and English-German. London, n.d. i2mo. 9471 OELRICHS (G.). Glossarium ad Statuta Bremensia antiqua. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1767. 8vo, half calf. 9472 OERTEL (Prof.)- Grammatisches Worterbuch der Deiitschen Sprache. Dritte, verbesserte Auflage. Miinchen, 1837-38. 8vo, half calf. 4 parts in one vol. 9473 OETTINGER (Ed. M.). Moniteur des Dates. 6 Theile in i Bande. Leipzig, 1869. Folio. 9474 OLLENDORFF (J. G.). La de'clinaison allcmande de'termine'e. Paris, 1835. i2mo, half calf. 9475 ORATIONIS Dominicae et Symboli Apostolici Alamannica versio vetustissima. Marq. Freheri notis exposita. No town, 1609. 4to, morocco. 9476 ORIENT und OCCIDENT insbesondere in ihren gegenseitigen Beziehungen. Forschungen und Mittheilungen. Fine Vierteljahrsschrift herausgegeben von Theodor Benfey. Gottingen, 1860-1-2-3-4. First and Second Years in 8 parts. 484 94.77 OTFRIDUS, monachus ordinis S. Benedict!. Otfridi Evangeliorum Liber: veterum Germanorum grammaticae, poeseos, theologiae, praeclarum monimentum. Evan- gelien buch in altfrenckischen Reimen durch Otfriden von Weissenburg vor 700 Jahren beschrieben. Basileae, 1571. 8vo, vellum. Brunei adds : Edition publiee par Math. Flaccus Illyricus. C'est un livre aussi curieux que rare. 9478 monachus ordinis S. Benedicti. Krist. Das iilteste, von Otfrid im neunten Jahrhundert verfaszte, hochdeutsche gedicht, nach den drei gleichzeitigen, zuWien, Munchen und Heidelberg befindlichen Handschriften kritisch herausgegeben von E. G. Graff. Mit einem Fac-simile aus ieder der drei Handschriften. Konigsberg, 1831. 410, half calf. 9479 PAIC (Moses). System einer Universal-Sprache sowohl durch die Schrift (Pasigraphie) als auch durch die Laute (Pasilogie) durch Begriffsfixirung mittelst arabischer Zahlzeichen und deren Lautfixirung fur den internationalen Verkehr. Wien, 1864. 9480 PALLAS (P. S.). Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des Russischen Reichs. St. Petersburg, 1801. (ist vol.). 1773 and 1776. 4to, half calf. (The first vol. belongs to a second edition, the second and third to the first edition. There is also a volume of Maps and Plates.) 4 vols. 9481 PALM (Hermann). Eine mittelhochdeutsche Historienbibel. Beitrag zur Geschichte der vorlutherischen deutschen Bibelubersetzung. Breslau, 1867. 410. 9482 PANITZ (K.). Das Wesen der Lautschrift. Zur Begriissung der XV, allgemeinen deutschen Lehrerversammlung zu Leipzig. Weimar, 1865. 8vo. 9483 PAPENCORDT (F.). Geschichte der vandalischen Herrschaft in Afrika. Berlin, 1837. 8vo, half calf. 9484 PARADIGMATA zur deutschen Grammatik. Zum Gebrauch fur Vorlesungen. Berlin, 1859. 8vo. 9485 PARADYS DER SEELEN. Dat Paradys der lieffhauender siele / vol inniger oiffingen des geistz / in betrachtiigen vfi gebetz wyse / van de le ue vn lyden unsers heren / va de hilge sacramet / vn va gotlicher lieffde / in dryerley wyse (nae der minsch hoger vn hoger an der siele tzo nympt) gedeylt. Anno dm 1532. Gedruckt zu Colin im iair 1532. 8vo, vellum. This work is not in the British Museum, and is unknown to all the bibliographers I have consulted. A work with a somewhat similar title by Merlo-Hostius, but nearly a century later, is in the British Museum. It would almost appear this work suggested the later one. The plates are apparently by a pupil of Albert Diirer, as they are quite in his style, some of them being actually copies of his Little Passion. Mr. S. J. Aldrich, of the British Museum, after considerable research, discovered that the printer was Pieter Quentel, from the border being identical with the one used in the Concordantvz Breviores printed by P. Quentel in 1530. 9486 PELZ (Ed.). Die Deutsche Sprache gegenuber dem Englischen, besonclers in Nord- Amerika. Leipzig und New York, 1855. 4to. 9487 PETERMANN'S Geographische Mitth. Jahrgang 1870. Tafel 22. Das General- Gouvernement Elsass und die Deutsch-Franzosische Sprachgrenze. Von A. Peter- mann. Gotha, Justus Perthes, 1870. 9488 PETZHOLDT (Julius). Bibliotheca Bibliographica. Leipzig, 1866. 410. 9489 PFAFF (J. W.). Umrisse der germanischen Sprachen, der hochdeutschen, der niederdeutschen, der schwedischen, und der gothischen des Ulfilas, in neuer Art gefasst. Niirnberg, 1817. 8vo, half calf. 48$ 0490 PISCHON (F. A.). Die Taufnamen. Berlin, 1857. 8vo. 9491 PODHORSZKY (Louis). Riesen- und Hohlenleben mitten im Christentume. Claudiopoli (Kolozsvar) et Londini, n.d. 9492 POLITZ (K. H. L.). Die Sprache der Teutschen. Leipzig, 1820. 8vo, half morocco. 9493 POTT (Aug. Friedr.). Die Personennamen, insbesondere die Familiennamen und ihre Entstehungsarten ; auch unter Beriichsichtigung der Ortsnamen. Leipzig, 1853. 8vo, half morocco. 9494 - Max Miiller und die Kennzeichen der Sprachverwandtschaft. (Extracted from Zeitschrift der Deutschen morgenliindischen Gesellschaft. Neunter Band, Heft 3.) Leipzig, 1855. 9495 - Die Ungleichheit menschlicher Rassen hauptsiichlich vom sprachwissen- schaftlichen Standpunkte, unter besonderer Berucksichtigung von des Grafen von Gobineau gleichnamigem Werke. Ein ethnologischer Versuch. Lemgo and Detmold, 1856. 8vo, half morocco. 9496 PRATORIUS (G.). Der Universal -Wortgriibler. Wien, 1856. 8vo, half morocco. 9497 PREIS-COURANT iiber die durch das Konigltche Zeitungs-Komtoir in Berlin und die Post-Anstalten in Preussen im Jahre 1863 zu beziehenden Zeitschriften. Berlin. 410. 9498 PRINZINGER (A.). Die Grundsaze der altdeutschen Schriftsprache. Salzburg, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. 9499 - Die Tauern. Vortrag in den Sitzungen der Gesellschaft fiir salzburger Landeskunde vom Marz und April 1866. 8vo. 9500 PRORECTOR (Der). Ein Lustspiel in zwei Aufzugen. Zweite Auflage. Mit einer Vignette. Frankfurt a/M., 1839. 9501 PROVINCIALISMEN (Von) handelt, und ladet zu der Schiissleschen Gedachtnissrede den isten October 1807. Ein Theodor Johann Abraham Schiitze, Director. Gera, 1807. 4to. 9502 - den 4 October 1808. Gera, 1808. 410. und kiindiget die Feyer der Schiisslerschen Stiftung den 4 October 1809. Gera, 1809. 4to. 9504 - zum vierten Male, und ladet damit zu der Schiisslerschen Gedachtnissrede den isten October 1810. Gera, 1810. 410. 9505 QUARTALSCHRIFT (Siebenburgische). Hermannstadt, 1790-1801. 8vo, half morocco. 7 vols. 9506 QUITZMANN (A.). Die Heidnische Religion der Baiwaren. Erster faktischer Beweis fur die Abstammung dieses Volkes. Leipzig und Heidelberg, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. 9507 RADLOF (I. G.). Grundziige einer Bildungsgeschichte der Germanen, nach den Urdenkmalen der Sprache und der Geschichte. Berlin, 1825. 8vo, calf. 9508 RAGONOT (L. C.). The Symbolic Anglo-German Vocabulary. Edited and revised by Falck Lebahn. London, n.d. 8vo. 486 $509 RAILA (WUllbald). Der Vokal-Akzent ein bisher unformulirtes Gesez der Sprachen, insbesonders der deutschen Sprache. Miinchen, 1866. 8vo. 9510 RAPP (K. M.). Versuch einer Physiologie der Sprache nebst historischer Entwicklung der abendliindischen Idiome nach physiologischen Grundsatzen. Stuttgart und Tubingen, 1836-40. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. 9511 RAUCH (F. A.). Die Identitat der Hindu, Perser, Pelasger, Germanen und Slaven dargethan aus Sprache, Religion und Sitte. Marburg, 1829. 8vo, half calf. 9512 RAUMER (Rudolf von). Das deutsche Worterbuch der Gebriider Grimm und die Entwickelung der deutschen Schriftsprache. Wien, 1858. 9513 Gesammelte sprachwissenschaftliche Schriften. Frankfurt a/M. und Erlangen, 1863. 8vo. 9514 REICHARDS (E. C.). Versuch einer Historic der deutschen Sprachkunst. Hamburg, 1747. 8vo, half vellum. 9515 REICHEL (Karl). Mittelhochdeutsches Lesebuch. Wien, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. 9516 REINEGGS (J.). Allgemeine historisch-topographische Beschreibung des Kaukasus. Herausgegeben von F. E. Schroder. Gotha und St. Petersburg, 1796. 8vo, calf. With Plates. 9517 REISE der Osterreichischen Fregatte "Novara" umdie Erde in denjahren 1857-58-59. Anthropologischer Theil. Wien, 1868. 4to. With ten photographic Plates and one Map. 9518 RINNE (J. K. F.). Die natiirliche Entstehung der Sprache aus dem Gesichtspuncte der historischen oder vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft. Erfurt, 1834. 410, half morocco. 9519 RITTER'S geographisch-statistisches Lexikon. Vierte Auflage. Von W. Hoffmann, C. Winderlich und C. Cramer. Leipzig, 1855. 4to, half morocco. 9520 RIXNER (Th. A.). Handworterbuch der Deutschen Sprache. Sulzbach, 1830. 8vo, half morocco. 9521 ROCHHOLZ (E. L.). Deutscher Glaube und Brauch im Spiegel der heidnischen Vorzeit. Berlin, 1867. 8vo. 2 vols. 9522 RUDIGER (J. C. C.). Neuester Zuwachs der teutschen, fremden und allgemeinen Sprachkunde. Leipzig, 1782-93. 8vo, calf. (The five parts bound in one vol.) 9523 Neuester Zuwachs der teutschen, fremden und allgemeinen Sprachkunde. Leipzig, 1783-84. 8vo. 2 vols. (2 r and 3 r Stuck.) 9524 Neuester Zuwachs der teutschen, fremden und allgemeinen Sprachkunde. 5 es Stuck. Halle, 1793. 8vo. (5 th Stuck.) 9525 Neuester Zuwachs der teutschen, fremden und allgemeinen Sprachkunde. Halle, 1796. 8vo, calf. (First part only.) 9526 RUMPELT (H. B.). Deutsche Grammatik. Mit Riicksicht auf vergleichende Sprachforschung. i Thiel. Lautlehre. Berlin, 1860. 8vo. 95 2 7 Das natiirliche System der Sprachlaute und sein Verhiiltniss zu den \vichtigsten Cultursprachen, mit besonderer Riichsicht auf deutsche Grammatik und Orthographic. Halle, 1869. 8vo. 487 9528 SACHSEN-SPIEGEL, oder, Das Siichsische Land-Recht, in cler Alt-Teutschen, Lateinischen und ietzo gebriiuchlichen Hoch-Teutschen Sprache, etc. Heraus- gegeben von J. F. Ludovici. Halle, 1750. 410, half vellum. 9529 SANDERS (Daniel). Das deutsche Worterbuch von Jakob Grimm und Wilhelm Grimm, kritisch beleuchtet. Hamburg, 1852. 8 vo, half morocco. 953 ~ Programm eines neuen Wbrterbuches der deutschen Sprache. Leipzig, 1854. 410. 9531 Worterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Mit Belegen von Luther bis auf die Gegenwart. Erster Band. Leipzig, 1860. 4to, half morocco. 95 3 2 Worterbuch der deutschen Sprache mit Ergiinzungs. Leipzig, 1861-65. From 1 4th to 34th part. (L to the end.) The Supplement is dated from 1879-84. 4to. In parts. 9533 SAVOYE (J.). Cours de langue allemande. 3 e Edition. Paris, 1842. 8vo, half calf. 9534 SCHADE (Oscar). Altdeutsches Lesebuch Gothisch Altsiichsisch Alt- und Mittel- hochdeutsch mit literarischen nachweisen und einem Worterbuche. Halle, 1862-66. 8vo. (Lesebuch und Worterbuch.) 2 vols. 9535 SCHASLER (Max). Die Elemente der philosophischen Sprachwissenschaft Wilhelm von Humboldt's. Berlin, 1847. 8vo, half morocco. 9536 SCHAUMANN (A. F. H.). Zur Geschichte der Eroberung Englands durch germanische Stiimme. Gottingen, 1845. 9537 SCHELZ (T.). Waren germanische, oder, slawische Vb'lker Ureinwohner der beiden Lausitzen ? Eine von der oberlausitzischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften gekrb'nte Preisschrift. Gb'rlitz, 1842. 8vo, half calf. 9538 SCHERER (W.). Jacob Grimm. Zwei Artikel der Preussischen Jahrbiicher aus deren 14, 15 und 16 Bande besonders abgedruckt. Berlin, 1865. 8vo. 9539 Zur Geschichte der Deutschen Sprache. Berlin, 1868. 8vo. 9540 SCHERZIUS (Johan. Geo.). Glossarium Germanicum medii aevi potissimum dialecti Suevicae edidit illustravit supplevit Jeremias Jacobus Oberlinus. Argentorati, 1781-84. 4to. Brunei says of this work: " Le plus ample et le plus commode que Ton ait pour etudier les anciens dialectes dont a etc forme'e la langue allemande." 9541 SCHLEGEL (F. von). Philosophische Vorlesungen insbesondere iiber Philosophic der Sprache und des Wortes. Wien, 1830. 8vo. 9542 SCHLEICHER (August). Die Deutsche Sprache. Stuttgart, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. 9543 Zweite Auflage. Stuttgart, 1869. 8vo. 9544 Die Darwinsche Theorie und die Sprachwissenschaft. Weimar, 1863. 8vo. 9545 Tiber die Bedeutung der Sprache fiir die Naturgeschichte des Menschen. Weimar, 1865. 8vo. 9546 SCHLOZER (A. L.). Allgemeine nordische Geschichte. Halle, 1771. 4to, calf. 488 9547 SCHILTERUS (Joan). Thesaurus antiquitatum teutonicarum ecclesiasticarum, civilium, literariarum, exhibens monumenta ecclesiastica Christiana veterum Fran- corum Alemannorum vernacula et latina, cum emendationibus et notis Joan.-Geor. Scherzii ac variorum : praefationem generalem praemisit J. Frickius. Ulmae, 1727-28. 4to. 3 vols. This is a valuable collection of documents dealing with the civil and literary history of Germany during the time of the Karlings. The third vol. includes : Glossarium ad scriptores linguae francicae et alemannicae vetfris. 9548 SCHMELLER (J. And.). Ueber die Nothwendigkeit eines ethnographischen Gesammtnamens fur die Deutschen und ihre nordischen Stammverwandten, und iiber die Einspriiche der letztern gegen die Benennung Germanien. Miinchen, 1828. 4to. 9549 Glossarium Saxonicum e poemate Heliand inscripto et minoribus quibusdam priscae linguae monumentis collectum, cum Vocabulario Latino-Saxonico et Synopsi Grammatica. Monachii, Stuttgartiae et Tubingae, 1 840. 4to, half calf. 9550 SCHMIDT (Bernh.). Encyclopadie des philologischen Studiums der neueren Sprachen. Greifswald, 1859. 8vo, half morocco. 9551 (Julius). Medicinisch-physikalisch, statistische Topographic der Pflege Reichenfels. Leipzig, 1827. 8vo, half morocco. 9552 SCHMITTHENNER (Fr.). Kurzes Deutsches Worterbuch fiir Etymologic, Synonymik und Orthographic. Darmstadt, 1834. 8vo, half morocco. 9553 SCHNEIDER (J. J.). Darstellung der deutschen Verskunst von ihrem Ursprung an bis auf die neuere Zeit. Tiibingen, 1861. 8vo, half morocco. 9554 SCHOEBEL (C.). Analogies constitutives de la langue allemande avec le grec et le latin expliqu^es par le samskrit. Paris, 1845. 4to, half calf. 9555 SCHOEMANN (G. F.). Die Lehre von den Redetheilen nach den alien dargestellt und beurtheilt von G. F. Schoemann. Berlin, 1862. 8vo. 9556 SCHOTENSACK (H. A.). Grammatik der Neuhochdeutschen Sprache mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung ihrer historischen Entwickelung. Erlangen, 1856. 8vo, half morocco. 9557 SCHOTTELIUS (Just. Georg). Der Teutschen Sprach Einleitung zu richtiger Gewisheit und grund-messigem Vermiigen der Teutschen Hauptsprache samt beygefiigten Erklarungen. Liibeck, (Meyer), 1643. 8vo. 9558 Teutsche Sprach-Kunst / vielfaltig vermehret und verbessert / darin von alien Eigenschaften der so wortreichen und prachtigen Teutschen Haubtsprache ausfuhrlich und griindlich gehandelt wird. Zum anderen mahle herausgegeben im Jahr 1651. Braunschweig. 8vo, vellum. 9559 Ausfiihrliche Arbeit von der Teutschen Haubt Sprache, worin enthalten Gemelter dieser Haubt Sprache Uhrankunst, etc. Braunschweig, 1663. 410. 9560 SCHRANK (F. von Paula). Baiersche Reise. With Portrait. Munchen, 1786. 8vo, calf. 9561 SCHRENK (A. G.). Reise nach dem Nordosten des europaischen Russlands, durch die Tundren der Samojeden, zum Arktischen Uralgebirge, auf Allerhochsten Befehl fiir den Kaiserlichen botanischen Garten zu St. Petersburg im Jahre i837ausgefiihrt. Dorpat, 1848-1854. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco. 489 9562 SCHROER (K. J.). Die deutsche Rechtschreibung. Leipzig, 1870. 8vo. 9563 SCHUCHARDT (H.). Ueber die Lautgesetze. Gegen die Junggrammatiker. Berlin, 1885. 9564 SCHUEREN (Gherardus de). Incipit vocabularius qui intitulatur Teuthonista. Explicit presens vocabulorum. . . . Colonie per me Arnoldu Ther Hoerne diligentissime impressa, finita sub annis domini MCCCCLXXVII die ultimo mensis Maii. in fol. goth. Calf. This very rare work is divided into two parts : the first begins with the German words, the second with the Latin. The Dictionary is followed by "Libellus de partibus indeclinabilibus. " This copy is perfect and in splendid condition. Thick paper, Initials in red. 9565 SCHULZE (Carl). Die Biblischen Sprichworter der deutschen Sprache. Gottingen, 1860. 8vo. 9566 SCHUSTER (C. G. Th.). Nouveau dictionnaire des langues allemande et frangaise. Revu pour le frangais par M. Ad. Regnier. Paris, 1850. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. 9567 SCHWAN (C. F.). Nouveau dictionnaire de la langue frangoise et allemande, compose" sur le dictionnaire de 1'Academie frangoise, et sur celui de M. Adelung. Mannheim, 1787. 410, calf. 7 vols. 9568 SCHWARZ (Ch. G.). Untersuchungen vom Meere, die auf Veranlassung einer Schrift, de Columnis Herculis. Frankfurt und Leipzig, 1750. 4to, half calf. 9569 SCHWENCK (K.). Worterbuch der deutschen Sprache in Beziehung auf Abstam- mung und Begriffsbildung. Frankfurt a/M., 1838. 8vo, half morocco. 9570 Vierter Auflage. Frankfurt a/M., 1855. 8vo, half calf. 9571 SEIDENSTUCKER (I. H. P.). Nachlass die deutsche Sprache betreffend. Dort- mund, 1818. 8vo, half morocco. 9572 SIG1SMUND (A.). Deutsche Grammatik fiir Russen. (Text Russisch und Deutsch.) Kiew, 1857. 8vo, half morocco. 9573 SIMON (M.). Grammaire allemande lmentaire pour les Frangais. 2 Edition. Paris, 1831. 8vo, half calf. 9574 SIMROCK (K.). Altdeutsches Lesebuch zum Gebrauch bei Vorlesungen. Mit einer mittelhochdeutschen Formenlehre. Bonn, 1851. 410, half calf. 9575 SPANGENBERGIUS (Johannes). De Houetarticule / der reinen Christliken Lere / op vrage wyse gestellet / Dorch Doct. Johannem Spangenbergium / predeker tho Nordhusen. Vorhenym Latinischer sprake / Margarita Theologica genomet / ym Drucke uthgeghan ailen Christen / unde vornemlick den Parnheren niidich tho weten. Gedriickt to Magedeborch / Dorch Hans Walther, (1544). 8vo. This very rare work is not mentioned by Brunei or Graesse. Watt quotes a London edition, 1573, under the title Margareta Theologica contineiis Praecipuos Locos Doclrinae, etc. 9576 SPARSCHUH. Berichtigungen und Beitriige zu Grimm's Geschichte der deutschen Sprache. Mainz, 1850. 410, half calf. 9577 SPECIMINA linguae Francicae in usum auditorum edita a Carolo Lachmanno. Berolini, 1825. 8vo. 9578 SPINDLER (C.). Der Vogelhiindler von Imst. Stuttgart, 1847. 8vo, half morocco. 9579 SPIRITALIA THEOTISCA. Sermonum sex ecclesiasticorum et orationis dominicae rhythmis expositae fragmenta. Edidit, praefatus est, notas adjecit Guilelmus Wakkernagel. Vratislaviae (Breslau), 1827. 8vo. 490 9580 SPRACHE DER MENSCHEN. Ein Anfang dazu. Erfurt, 1780. 8vo. 9581 SPRACHE. Ueber die Sprache. Heidelberg, 1828. 8vo, half morocco. 9582 und ihr Verhaltniss zur Psychologic (Ueber). Freiburg-im-Breisgau, 1860. 8vo. 9583 The same. Heft 2, xi-xviii. Freiburg-im-Breisgau, 1862. 8vo. 9584 SPRACHPROBEN (Altdeutsche). Herausgegeben von Karl Mullenhoff. Berlin, 1864. 8vo. 9585 STARK (Franz). Beitrage zur Kunde Germanischer Personennamen. Wien, 1857. 8vo. 9586 (F.). Die Kosenamen der Germanen. Wien, 1868. 8vo. 9587 STEINTHAL (H.). Die Sprachwissenschaft Wilh. v. Humboldt's und die Hegel'sche Philosophic. Berlin, 1848. 8vo, half morocco. 9588 Gesammelte Sprachwissenschaftliche Abhandlung. Berlin, 1856. Also, Die Sprachwissenschaft Wilh. v. Humboldt's und die Hegel'sche Philosophie. Berlin, 1848; Die Classification der Sprachen. Berlin, 1850; Der Ursprung der Sprache. Berlin, 1851; and, Die Entwicklung der Schrift. Berlin, 1852. Bound together in half morocco. 9589 Die Entwicklung der Schrift ; nebst einem offenen Sendschreiben an Herrn Prof. Pott. Berlin, 1852. 8vo, half morocco. 959 Grammatik Logik und Psychologic ihre Principien und ihr Verhaltniss zu einander. Berlin, 1855. 8vo, half morocco. 9591 Der Ursprung der Sprache im zusammenhange mit den litzten fragen alles Wissens. Zweite Ausgabe. Berlin, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. 9592 Charakteristik der Hauptsachlichsten Typen des Sprachbaues. Berlin, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. 9593 Philologie, Geschichte und Psychologic inihren gegenseitigen Beziehungen. Berlin, 1864. 8vo. 9594 STEPHANUS (W.). (Probe-Exemplar.) Pasigraphisch-Deutsches Worterbuch. (Bachmaier's System.) Miinchen, 1864. 9595 STERNBERG (Caspar von). Reise durch Tyrol in die Oesterreichischen Provinzen Italiens im Fruhjahr 1804. Mit vier Kupfer Tafeln. Regensburg, 1806. Folio, half calf. 9596 STEUB (L.). Die Oberdeutschen Familiennamen. Miinchen, 1870. 8vo. 9597 STOSCH (S. J. E.). Kleine Beitrage zur niihern Kenntniss der deutschen Sprache. Berlin, 1778. 8vo, calf. 9598 Neueste Beitrage zur niiheren Kenntniss der Deutschen Sprache. Berlin und Stettin, 1798. 8vo, calf. With Portrait. 9599 STRAUCH (Alexander). Synopsis der Viperiden, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die geographische verbreitung dieser Giftschlangen-Familie. Mit zwei Kupfertafeln. (From Me'moires de 1'Acade'mie Impe'riale des Sciences de St. Pe"tersbourg. S6rie vii, tome xiv, No. 6.) St. Pe"tersbourg, 1869. 4to. 491 9600 STUDIEN (Phonetische). Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche und praktische Phonetik mit besonderer Riicksicht auf den Unterricht in der Aussprache. Herausgegeben W. Victor. Marburg in Hessen, 1887-88. Vol. i. In parts. The same. Vols. ii to v. For the years 1888-1889 to 1891. Of 1891 there is only part i. 9601 SUCHENWIRT'S (Peter) Werke aus dem vierzehnten Jahrhunderte. Ein Beytrag zur Zeit- und Sittengeschichte. Herausgegeben von Alois Primisser. Wien, 1827. 8vo, half calf. 9602 SUTERMEISTER (Otto). Drei Deutsche Sprachen. Literarisch-padagogische Skizzen. Zurich, 1859. 8vo. 9603 SYMBOLAE ad literaturam teutonicam antiquiorem ex codicibus manu exaratis qui Hauniae asservantur, editae sumtibus P. Fr. Suhm. Hauniae, 1787. 410, calf. 9604 TAULER (J.). Des hillige lerers predige faste fruchtbar uii nutlick to eine rechte Christlyken levende. Halberstadt, 1523. Folio, calf. Rare. 9605 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Das Neue Testament / treulich aus dem Griechischen ins Deutsch iibersetzet. Eine neue Ausfertigung in welcher fleissiger / als imals zuvor in irgend einer Dolmetschung / di mancherlei lesungen / so wol aus geschriebenen alss gedrukten biichern vorgestellet / und di ubereintreffenden 6'rter der schrifft angemerket sind. Amsterdam / 1660. 8vo, vellum. Rare. Vogt says of it : " Est versio Sociniana private ausu a Jeremia Felbingcro composita, cujus ct praefatio praemittitur. " 9606 Das Neue Testament unsers Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi. Uebersetzt von Joh. Gossner. Leipzig, 1825. 8vo, calf. 9607 Die heiligen Schriften des Neuen Testaments. Uebersetzt von Dr. J. H. Kistemaker. Miinster, 1839. 8vo, calf. 9608 Die heiligen Schriften des Neuen Testaments. Ubersetzt von Dr. L. van Ess. Sulzbach, 1842. 8vo, calf. 9609 Das Neue Testament. London, 1847. 12 mo, calf. 9610 Das Neue Testament; nach der deutschen Uebersetzung Dr. Martin Luthers. London, 1847. 8vo, calf. 9611 Die heiligen Schriften des Neuen Testaments. Uebersetzt von Dr. J. H. Kistemaker. 7 e Auflage. Mtinster, 1849. 8vo, calf. 9612 Das Neue Testament unsers Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi nach der deutschen Uebersetzung Dr. Martin Luthers. Coin, 1850. i2mo, half calf. 9613 Das Neue Testament Unsers Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi. London, n.d. 8vo. 9614 St. Matthew. Das Evangelium des h. Matthaeus im hochdeutsch des neunten Jahrhunderts aus dem St. Galler Codex der Tatianischen Evangelien- harmonie, etc. Herausgegeben von J. Andreas Schmeller. Stuttgart und Tubingen, 1827. 8vo. 9615 Fragmenta Theotisca versionis antiquissimae Evangelii S. Matthaei et aliquot Homiliarum e membranis monseensibus Bibliothecae Palatinae Vindo- bonensis ediderunt Hoffmann Fallerslebensis, editio secunda aucta et emendata curante J. F. Massmann. Viennae, 1841. 410, morocco. 9616 The Gospel of St. John, in German. (Hamiltonian System.) London, n.d. 492 9617 TEUTONICAE Linguae semina et germina, sive, Lexicon Germanicum. Una cum Grammatica Linguae Theotiscae, sen, Imperialis Germanicae, supplemento atque indice Teutonico. Noribergae, Impensis Joannis Hofmanni, 1691. 4to, calf. ^ vols. 9618 TEUTSCHE SPRACHFORSCHER (Der) ; alien Liebhabern ihrer Mutersprache zur Priifung vorgelegt. Herausgegeben von Johann Nast. Stutgart, 1777-78. 8vo, half calf. Two vols. in one. 9619 THAUSING (M.)- Das natiirliche Lautsystem der menschlischen Sprache. Leipzig, 1863. 8vo. 9620 THIBAUT (M. A.). Nouveau dictionnaire de poche fran9ais-allemand et allemand- francais. Leipzig, 1842. 8vo, half calf. 9621 Neuvieme Edition. Brunsvic, 1847. 8vo, half calf. 9622 THUNMANN (J.). Untersuchungen u'ber die alte Geschichte einiger nordischen Volker. Berlin, 1772. 8vo, calf. 9623 Untersuchungen u'ber die Geschichte der ostlichen europiiischen Volker. Leipzig, 1774. 8vo, calf. 9624 TOBLER (L.). Tiber die Wortzusammensetzung nebst einem Anhang iiber die verstarkenden zusammensetzungen. Berlin, 1868. 8vo. 9625 TOEPPEN (M.). Aberglauben aus Masuren mit einem Anhang, enthaltend : Masurische Sagen und Mahrchen. Danzig, 1867. 8vo. 9626 TOUCEMENT (Jean Chretien). Des reckte Deutsch Francoss Adjeu aus krosse Campement, die iss kewess in Sacksse Land incomparablement, ssu Ehr und ssu die kross Plaisir vor Koenigk aus der Preuss. Dresden, (Gerlach), 1730. 4to. With Frontispiece. A burlesque poem in a jargon of German and French. 9627 Des Deutsch-Francos Schrifften. Niirnberg, (1736). 8vo, calf. 9628 Des Deiitsch-Franc,os Schriften. With Frontispiece and Plates. Leipzig, 1736. 8vo. 9629 Die Avantures von Deutsch-Frangois. With Frontispiece and Portrait. Leipzig, 1745. 410, calf. 9630 TSCHIRSCHNITZ (C. G.). Naturkunde der Sprachlaute darstellend das Worterreich der deiitschen Sprache, etc. Breslau, 1841. 8vo, half morocco. 9631 UNSER VERKEHR. Eine Posse in einem Aufzuge. Nach der Handschrift des Verfassers. Vierte Auflage mit einigen Zusiitzen. Berlin, 1817. 8vo, half morocco. 9632 URANIA. Taschenbuch auf das Jahr 1837. Mit sechs Stahlstichen. Leipzig, 1837. 8vo, half morocco. 9633 VALVASOR (Johann Weichard). Die Ehre des Hertzogthums Grain. Laybach, 1689. 4 vols. With Portrait and Maps. 9634 VAN DER LINDEN (M. C.). Grammaire allemande, ou, Methode facile pour apprendre la langue allemande, par la comparaison avec le flamand. Malines, 1850. 8vo, half calf. 9635 Nouveaux dialogues anglais-allemands, augmented d'un grand nombre d'idiotismes par H. E. Lloyd, avec une traduction flamande. Malines, 1851. 8vo, half calf. 493 9636 VAN HEUSDE (Ph. W.). Philosophic. Versuche philosophischer Forschungen in den Sprachen. Utrecht, 1838. 8vo, half morocco. 9637 VAN JAARSVELDT (J.). Beoefenende en vergelijkende Hoogduitsche Spraakkunst, ten gebruike voor Nederlanders. Amsterdam, 1841. 8vo, half morocco. 9638 VATER (J. S.). Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Grammatik. Halle, 1805. 8vo, calf. 9639 VERNALEKEN (Th.). Deutsche Syntax. Wien, 1861-63. 8vo. 2 vols. 9640 VERSUCH (Erster) einer Begriindung sowohl der allgemeinen Ethnologic durch die Anthropologie wie auch der Staats- und Rechts-Philosophie durch die Ethnologic oder Nationalist der Volker. In drei Theilen. i r Anthropognosie. 2 r Ethnognosie und Ethnologic. 3 r Polignosie und Polilogie. Marburg, 1851-53-55. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco. 9641 VERZEICHNISS der Biicher, Landkarten, etc. Herausgegeben von J. C. Hinrichs. Leipzig. 35 half-yearly numbers from 1853 to 1870. 9642 VIETOR (W.). German Pronunciation. Practice and Theory. Heilbronn, 1885. 8vo. 9643 VILMAR (A. F. C.)- Anfangsgriinde der deutschen Grammatik zuniichst fur die obersten Klassen der Gymnasien. Marburg und Leipzig, 1855. 8vo. i2mo, half morocco. 9644 Die Entstehung und Bedeutung der deutschen Familiennamen. Marburg, 1855. izmo. 9645 VOCABULARIO Todescho e Italiano. This work consists of 16 unnumbered pages, each page containing four parallel columns, two of German and two of Italian. It has neither date nor place, but is probably of the i5th century. 9646 VOCABULARIUS St. Galli auch Worterbuch des heil. Callus aus dem 8 Jahrhun- dert. Handschrift 913 der Stiftbibliothek in St. Gallen. Herausgegeben von J. C. H. Buchler. Brilon, 1869. 8vo. 9647 VOIGTEL (T. G.)- Versuch eines hochdeutschen Handworterbuches fur die Aussprache, Orthographic, Biegung, Ableitung, Bedeutung und Verbindung. Halle, 1793-95. 8vo, calf. 3 vols. 9648 VOIGTMANN (Prof.). Das Gesetz der Polaritiit in der Sprache. Gottingen, 1854. 410. 9649 VOLLGRAFF (K.). Wie muss man forschen und dann schreiben ? Marburg, 1856. 8vo. 9650 VOLLMER (Al. J.). Neuentdeckte Beugarten der hochdeutschen Sprache, ausgear- beitet von Dr. Karl Roth. Passau, 1833. 8vo. 9651 VONBUN (F. J.). Beitriige zur deutschen Mythologie. Chur, 1862. 8vo. 9652 VORZEIT und GEGENWART. Ein periodisches Werk fur Geschichte, Literatur, Kunst und Dichtung, herausgegeben von Julius M. Schottky. i er Band. Posen, 1823. 8vo, calf. 9653 WACHTERUS (J. G.), Glossarium Germanicum continens origines et antiquitates linguae Germanicae hodiernae. Lipsiae, 1727. 8vo, vellum. 9654 Glossarium Germanicum, continens origines et antiquitates totius linguae Germanicae et omnium pene vocabulorum, vigentium et desitorum. Lipsiae, 1737. 4to, half calf. 2 vols. in one. 494 9655 WACKERNAGEL (Wilhelm). Worterbuch zum altdeutschen Lesebuch. Basel, 1861. 4to. 9656 Die Umdeutschung fremder Worter. Basel, 1861. 410. 9657 Zweite Ausgabe. Basel, 1862. 4to. 9658 WAGNER (M.). Der Kaukasus und das Land de Kosaken in den Jahren 1843 bis 1846. Leipzig, 1850. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. in one. 9659 WAHL (A.). Guide pratique interline'aire de la langue allemande. Paris, 1842. 8vo, half calf. 9660 WAHLENBERG (F. W.). Ueber Einwirkung der Vokale auf Vokale : Umlaut, Brechung, Assimilation. Sigmaringen, 1855. 8vo. 9661 (Guilelmus). De lingua Francica Rheni inferioris. Dissertatio grammatica. Bonnae, 1849. 9662 WALLRAF (A. J.). Altdeutsches Worterbuch. Koln, n.d. 8vo, calf. 9663 WASSA EFFENDI. Albanien und die Albanesen. (Zur griechischen Frage.) Eine historisch-kritische Studie. Berlin, 1879. 8vo. 9664 WEBER (Beda). Das Thai Passeier und seine Bewohner. Mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Andreas Hofer und das Jahr 1809. Innsbruck, 1852. 8vo. 9665 (F. A.). Worterbuch der franzosischen und deutschen Sprache. Leipzig, 1846. 8vo, calf. 9666 (Hugo). Etymologische Untersuchungen. Halle, 1 86 1. 8 vo, half morocco. 9667 WEDEWER (H.). Zur Sprachwissenschaft. Freiburg-im-Breisgau, 1861. 8vo. 9668 WEINHOLTZ (Karl). Zur Erklarung des Ursprungs und der Bedeutung des Wortes. Leipzig, 1854. 8vo. 9669 WEINHOLD (Karl). Die deutschen Monatnamen. Halle, 1869. 8vo. 9670 WELLER (Emil). Repertorium typographicum. Die deutsche Literatur im ersten Viertel des sechzehnten Jahrhunderts. Nordlingen, 1864. 8vo. 9671 WENIG (Chr.). Handworterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Mit Bezeichnung der Aussprache und Betonung, etc. Koln, 1854. 8vo, half morocco. 9672 WESSELY (J. E.). Das Grundprincip des deutschen Rhythmus. Auf der Hohe des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. Leipzig, 1868. 8vo. 9673 WESTENRIEDER (Laur. de). Glossarium Germanico-Latinum vocum obsoletarum primi et medii aevi, inprimis Bavaricarum. Tomus prior. Monachii, 1816. Folio. 9674 WESTPHAL (R.). Philosophisch-historische Grammatik der Deutschen Sprache. Jena, 1869. 8vo. 9675 WIEDEMANN (F.). Zum Gedachtniss an F. A. Schiefner. Rede gehalten am ii December 1879, in der Sitzung der K. Akad. der Wiss. (Tire" du Bulletin, T. xxvi. p. 20-44.) 20 pages. 9676 WIGGER (F.). Hochdeutsche Grammatik mit Riicksicht auf die plattdeutsche Mundart zunachst fur mecklenburgische Schulen bearbeitet, Schwerin, 1859. 8vo, half morocco. 495 9677 WILD (Enrico). Tabellc linguistiche, ossia, esposizione sinottica dei rapporti fonda- mentali di ogni lingua come pure della derivazione delle parole Tedesche, della loro declinazione, conjugazione e costruzione. Milano, 1856. 9678 WILLERAM. In canticum canticorum paraphrasis gemina ; prior rhythmis latinis, altera veteri lingua francica ; addita explicatio lingua belgica ; et notae quibus veterum vocum Francicarum ratio redditur. Edente P. Merula. Lugduni Bata- vorum, ex off. Plantiniana, apud Christ. Raphelengium, 1598. 8vo. Rare. 9679 Williram's Uebersetzung und Auslegung des Hohenliedes in doppelten Texten aus der Breslauer und Leidener Handschrift, herausgegeben und mit einem vollstaendigen Woerterbuche versehen von Dr. H. Hoffmann. Breslau, 1827. 8vo, morocco. 9680 WILLKOMM (M.). Wanderungen durch die nordostlichen und centralen Provinzen Spaniens. Reiseerinnerungen aus dem Jahre 1850. Leipzig, 1852. 8vo, half morocco. 9681 WINTER (C. F.). Die Bedeutung der Vor- oder Taufnamen. Berlin, 1856. i2mo. 9682 WITTE (Karl). Alpinisches und Transalpinisches. Mit einer Abbildung von San Marino. Berlin, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. 9683 WOBER (F. X.). Wort- und Sachverzeichnis zu Jacob Grimm's Deutscher Grammatik und Geschichte der Deutschen Sprache. Theil i. Wortverzeichnis. Wien, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. 9684 WOLFRAM (Ludvvig). Sind zur Erlernung der deutschen Rechtschreibung besondere Regeln nothig ? Leipzig, 1858. 9685 WOLKE (Ch. H.). Anleit zur deutschen Gesamtsprache. Dresden, 1812. 8vo, calf. 9686 Zweite Ausgabe. Leipzig und Berlin, 1 8 16. 8 vo, half morocco. 9687 WURM (Dr.). Zur Beurtheilung des deutschen von Jakob und Wilhelm Grimm, zugleich ein Beitrag zur deutschen Lexicographic. Munchen, 1852. -fto. 9688 (C. F. L.). Worterbuch der deutschen Sprache von der Druckerfindung bis zum heutigen Tage. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1858-59. 8vo. (Six parts, from A to Aushauer.) 9689 WURZBACH VON.TANNENBERG (C.). Bibliographisch-statistische Ubersicht der Literatur des Ostreichischen Kaiserstaates vom i Jiinner bis 31 December 1853. Mit 42 Tabellen. Wien, 1856. 410, half morocco. 2 vols. 9690 ZAPPERT (Georg). Tiber ein fur den Jugendunterricht Kaiser Maximilian's I, abgefasstes lateinisches Gespriichbiichlein. (Mit zwei Abbildungen.) Wien, 1858. 8vo. 9691 Uber ein althochdeutsches Schlummerlied. (Mit einem Photographirten fac-simile.) Wien, 1859. 18 pages. 9692 ZAY (M.). Dictionnaire frangais-allemand et allemand-franc.ais. Paris, 1840. i2mo, half calf. 2 vols. 9693 ZEITSCHRIFT fur deutsches Alterthum. Herausgegeben von Moriz Haupt. Leipzig, 1841-59. vo, half morocco, u vols. 496 9694 ZEITSCHRIFT fiir deutsches Alterthum. Herausgegeben von Moriz Haupt. Band xii. In parts. Berlin, 1860-65. 8vo. 9695 The same. (New Series.) Band i. (xiii Old Series.) Band ii. (xiv O. S.) ; and parts i and 2 of Band iii (xv O. S.) for the years 1867-71. 9696 fiir die Wissenschaft der Sprache. Herausgegeben von Dr. A. Hoefer. Berlin, 1846-51. 8vo, half morocco. 3 vols. 9697 fiir die Alterthumswissenschaft. Herausgegeben von Dr. Julius *Caesar. 6 tes H. 1853. 3 tes H. 1854. Wetzlar. Half morocco. 9698 fiir Volkerpsychologie und Sprachwissenschaft. Herausgegeben von Dr. M. Lazarus und Dr. H. Steinthal. Berlin, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. 9699 fiir Volkerpsychologie und Sprachwissenschaft. Herausgegeben von Dr. M. Lazarus und Dr. H. Steinthal. Vols. ii to vii. In parts. Berlin, 1861-72. 9700 fiir deutsches Philologie. Herausgegeben von Dr. Ernst Hb'pfner und Dr. Julius Zacher. Halle, 1868-69. 8vo. In parts. 9701 The same for 1869-70. 9702 fiir Ethnologic und ihre Hiilfswissenschaften als Lehre vom Menschen in seinen Beziehungen zur Natur und zur Geschichte. Herausgegeben von A. Bastian und R. Hartmann. (In parts) ist and 2nd years. Berlin, 1869-70. 8vo. 9703 ZEUSS (K.). Die Deutschen und die Nachbarstamme. Miinchen, 1837. 8vo, half calf. 9704 ZIEMANN (Adolf). Grundriss zur Buchstaben- und Flexionslehre des Altdeutschen, nebst einem Wurzelverzeichniss. Quedlinburg und Leipzig, 1833. 8vo. 975 Altdeutsches Lesebuch. Zweite Ausgabe. Quedlinburg und Leipzig, 1838. 8vo, half calf. 9706 Mittelhochdeutsches Wb'rterbuch zum Handgebrauch. Nebst grammatischer Einleitung. Quedlinburg und Leipzig, 1838. 8vo, half calf. 9707 Z1NGERLE (V.). Tiber die bildliche Verstiirkung der Negation bei mittelhoch- deutschen Dichtern. Ein Beitrag zur deutschen Grammatik. Wien, 1862. 8vo. GERMAN DIALECTS IN GENERAL. 9708 ANWEISUNG (Praktische) zur Kenntniss der Hauptveriinderung und Mundarten der teutschen Sprache, von den iiltesten Zeiten bis ins vierzehnte Jahrhundert. Leipzig, 1789. 8vo. 9709 BOLTZ (A.). Beitrage zur Volkerkunde aus Wort und Lied. Oppenheim am Rhein, 1868. 8vo. 9710 DULLER (Ed.). Das deutsche Volk in seinen Mundarten, Sitten, Gebrauchen, etc. Leipzig, 1847. 4 to - (With 50 coloured illustrations of costumes.) 9711 EIMELE (F.). Die wesentlichen Unterschiede der Stamm- und abgeleiteten Sprachen, hauptsachlich an der deutschen und franzosischen Sprache nachgewiesen, nebst einer Einleitung iiber das Wesen der Sprache, Berlin und Gothenburg, 1862, 497 97 ! 2 FIRMENICH (Johannes Matthias). Germaniens Volkerstimtnen, Sammlung der deutschen Mundarten in Dichtungen, Sagen Mahrchen, Volksliedern u. f. w. Herausgegeben von Johannes Matthias Firmenich. Berlin. 410, half morocco. 2 vols. The first vol. is undated, the second is dated 1846. 97U The same. Third volume in parts. Berlin, 1854-66. 410. 9714 FULDA (F. C.). Ueber die beiden Hauptdialecte der Teutschen Sprache. Eine Preischrift. Leipzig, 1773. 410, half calf. 97 '5 Versuch einer allgemeinen teutschen Idiotikensammlung, Sammlern und Liebhabern zur Ersparung vergeblicher Miihe bey bereits schon aufgefundenen Wortern, und zu leichterer eigener Fortsetzung gegeben von Friedrich Carl Fulda. Berlin und Stettin, 1788. 8vo, calf. 9716 GUTBIER (A.). Deutsches Sprachbuch als Grundlage des vergleichenden Sprach- Unterrichtes enthaltend Lesestiicke in hochdeutscher Sprache und in den deutschen Mundarten, etc. Augsburg, 1853. 8vo, half calf. 9717 HOEFER (E.). Wie das Volk Spricht: 524 Sprichwortliche redensarten. (Als manuscript gedruckt.) Stuttgart, 1855. 8vo. 9718 Zweite Auflage. Stuttgart, 1856. 8vo. 9719 HOFER (M.), PFAFF (I. W.) und CANZLER (F. G.). i. M. Hofer's Volkssprache in Oesterreich. Wien, 1800. 2. I. W. Pfaffs Umrisse der Germanischen Sprachen. Nurnberg, 1817. 3. F. G. Canzler's Mundarten der Germanischen Sprache. Gottingen, 1799. Half calf. Bound together in one vol. 9720 KALTSCHMIDT (J. H.). Gesammt-Worterbuch der deutschen Sprache, aus alien ihren Mundarten und mit alien Fremdwortern. Leipzig, 1834. 4to, half calf. 9721 KETELAR (Jan Fred.). Cabinet der Hoch- und Nieder-deutschen Sprachen. Amsteldam, 1755. 8vo, calf. 9722 KLEIN (A. E. von). Deutsches Provinzialworterbuch. Frankfurt und Leipzig, 1792. 8vo, half calf. Two vols. in one. 9723 MICHAELER (C.). Tabulae parallelae antiquissimarum Teutonicae linguae dialec- torum, Moeso-Gothicae, Franco-Theotiscae, Anglo-Saxonicae, etc. Oeniponte (Innsbruck), 1776. 8vo, calf. 9724 PARABOLA de Filio prodigo et de Seminatore. Die Sprachen der Germanen in ihren sammtlichen Mundarten dargestellt und erlautert durch die Gleichniff-Reden vom Saemanne und dem verlorenen Sohne, samt einer kurzen Geschichte des Namens der Teutschen von Radlof. Frankfurt a/M., 1817. 8vo, morocco. 9725 POPOWITSCH (J. S. V.). Versuch einer Vereinigung der Mundarten von Teutsch- land als eine Einleitung zu einem vollstiindigen Teutschen Worterbuche mit Bestimmungen der Worter und betrachtlichen Beitragen zur Naturgeschichte. Wien, 1780. 8vo, half calf. 9726 RADLOF. Trefflichkeiten der Siidteiitschen Mundarten zur Verschonerung und Bereicherung der Schrift Sprache. Miinchen, 1811. 8vo, half calf. 9727 Die Sprachen der Germanen in ihren sammtlichen Mundarten dargestellt und erlautert durch die Gleichniss-Reden vom Saemanne und dem verlorenen Sohne, samt einer kurzen Geschichte des Namens der Teutschens. Frankfurt am Mayn, 1817. 8vo, half calf. 32 498 9728 RADLOF (J. G.)- Mustersaal aller teutschen Mundarten, enthaltend Gedichte, prosaische Aufsatze und kleine Lustspiele in den verschiedenen Mundarten aufgesetzt. Bonn, 1821-22. 8vo, calf. 2 vols. 9729 RIECKE (C. F.). Der Volksmund in Deutschland. Nordhausen, 1865. 8vo. 9730 SANDVOSS (Franz). So Spricht das Volk. Volksthumliche Redensarten. Berlin, 1860. 8vo. 9731 SCHADE (Oskar). Paradigmen zur deutschen Grammatik Gothisch, Althochdeutsch, Mittelhochdeutsch, Neuhochdeutsch. Halle, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. 9732 TROMEL (P.). Die Litteratur der Deutschen Mundarten. Halle, 1854. 8vo. 9733 WEINBERGER (G.). Die Bedeutung und der Werth der deutschen Mundarten, aus dem Gothischen, Alt- und Mittelhochdeutschen, aus den verwandten alten und neuen, morgen- und abendlandischen Sprachen erklart. Niirnberg, 1838. i2mo, half calf. 9734 WIGGERT (F.). Scherflein zur Forderung der Kenntniss alterer deutscher Mun- darten und Schriften. Magdeburg, 1832. 8vo. 9735 WORTERBUCH iiber Deutsche Idiotismen, etc. In entsprechendes Latein u'berge- tragen von J. S. M r. Leipzig, 1821. 8vo, half calf. HIGH GERMAN DIALECTS. 9736 ARNOLD (J. G. D.). Der Pfingstmontag, Lustspiel in Strassburger Mundart, in funf Aufziigen und in Versen. Strassburg, 1850. 8vo, half calf. With Portrait. 9737 AUSWAHL von Schweizer-Kiihreihen und Volksliedern. Mit Erlauterungen heraus- gegeben von Dr. J. B. Bressl. Zweite Auflage. Passau, 1829. 9738 BASLERISCHE Kinder- und Volksreime aus der miindlichen Ueberlieferung gesammelt. Basel, 1857. 8vo, half morocco. 9739 BAUMANN (A.). Singspiele aus den osterreichischen Bergen im Volksdialekt. Wien, 1850. 8vo, half calf. 9740 BERDELLE (Karl). Im Hirtejerri sin verborjener Schatz. Komedie in i Act in nidderelsasser Sproch. Noch ere Verzahlung Le Tresor de Blaise von Eug. Muller. Miilhausen, n.d. i2mo. Autograph presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 9741 Elsassischi Lieder un Gedichter in Stadt- un Landsprooch vum e hauenauer. Imp. v. Edler, 1865. 8vo. 9742 BERNDT (J. G.). Versuch zu einem slesischen Idiotikon. Stendal, 1787. 8vo, half morocco. 9743 BIBLE. Kings. Die vier Biicher der Kb'nige. In niedersachsischer bearbeitung aus einer Handschrift der Oldenburgischen offentlichen Bibliothek. Herausgegeben von Dr. Merzdof. Oldenburg, 1857. 8vo. 9744 Canticle of Canticles. Das hohe Lied Salomos in Siebenbiirgischsachsischer Sprache von 1. Seibert. Aus dem Ungrischen Magazin. London, 1859. Crushed levant. Only 250 copies printed. 9745 Another copy of the last work. Morocco. 499 9746 BIBLE. Canticle of Canticles. Das hohe Lied Salomes in Siebenbiirgischsachsischer Sprache. This is a cutting from the original Ungrischen Magazin in which Herr I. Seibert's version appeared. II Kamm, 4 ten Bandes, i* Stuck. 9747 BILDER und Klange aus Rudolstadt. In Volksmundart. Rudolstadt, 1865-66. 8vo. 4 parts. 9748 BIRLINGER (Anton). Volksthiimliches aus Schwaben. Herausgegeben von Dr. A. Birlinger. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1861-62. 8vo. 2 vols. 9749 Die Augsburger Mundart. Augsburg, 1862. 4to. 9750 Worterbuchlein zum Volksthiimlichen aus Schwaben. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1863. 8vo. 9751 Worterbuch. Herausgegeben von Dr. A. Birlinger. Miinchen, 1864. 8vo. 9752 So sprechen die Schwaben. Sprichworter, Redensarten, Reime. Berlin, 1868. 8vo. 9753 Die alemannische Sprache rechts des Rheins seit dem xiii Jahrhundert. Theil i : Grenzen, Jahrzeitnamen, Grammatik. Berlin, 1886. 8vo. 9754 BREITENSTEIN (J.). 'S Vreneli us der Bluemmatt. Ein Idyll aus dem Baselbiet in allemannischer Mundart. Basel, 1864. 8vo. 9755 BROT (Das) im Spiegel schweizerdeutscher Volkssprache und Sitte. Lese schwei- zerischer Gebackenamen. Aus den Papieren des Schweizerischen Idiotikons. Leipzig, 1868. 8vo. The preface is signed by Fritz Staub on behalf of the Commission fur das schweizerische Idiotikon. 9756 BUHLER (Val.). Davos in seinem Walserdialekt. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss dieses Hochthals und zum schweizerischen Idiotikon. Heidelberg, 1870-85. 4to. In four parts. 9757 BUKOWSKI (Jac.). Gedichte in der Mundart der deutschen schlesisch-galizischen Granzbewohner, resp. von Bielitz-Biala. Bielitz, 1860. i8mo. 9758 CASSEL (Paulus). Thiiringische Ortsnamen. Zweite Abhandlungen. Erfurt, 1858. 8vo. 9759 CASTELLI (J. F.). Gedichte in niederosterreichischer Mundart. Wien, 1828. 8vo, half calf. 9760 Another edition. Wien, 1852. 8vo, half morocco. 9761 Worterbuch der Mundart in Oesterreich unter der Enns. Wien, 1847. 8vo, half calf. 9762 CORRODI (A.). De Herr Professer. Idyll aus dem Ziiribiet. Winterthur, 1857. 8vo, half morocco. 9763 De Herr Vikari. Winteridyll usem Ziiribiet. Winterthur, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. 9764 DELLING (J. von). Beitriige zu einem baierischen Idiotikon. Miinchen, 1820. 8vo, half morocco. 500 9765 DORING (F.). Gedichte in obersiichsischer Bauern-Mundart. Leipzig, 1835. 8vo, half calf. 9766 DUNGER (Hermann). Ueber Dialect und Volkslied des Vogtlands. Ein Vortrag, gehalten im Saale der Gesellschaft Erholung zu Plauen am 3 Januar 1870. Plauen i. V., 1870. 8vo. 9767 EBERL (I. W.). Bayerisches Namen-Buchlein. Das ist, Beitrage zum Verstand- nisse insbesondere in Bayern iiblicher Personen- und Familiennamen. Freysing, 1858. 9768 EIGENHEITEN (Ueber die) der siebenbiirgisch-siichsischen Mundart und ihr Verhaltniss zur hochdeutschen Sprache. No date or place. 8vo. (Extract from Schuller's Archiv, i, i.) 9769 ENTFUHRUNG (Die), oder der alte Biirger-Capitain. Ein frankforter heroisch- borjerlich Lustspiel in zwei Aufziigen. Frankfurt a/M., 1821. 8vo, half morocco. 9770 FRANKFURT wie es leibt und lebt. Erste Ansicht. Der Gemusmarkt. Vom Verfasser des Graff. Frankfurt a. Main, 1838. 9771 Zweite Ansicht. Die Bernemer Kerb. Frankfurt a. M., 1839. 9772 Dritte Ansicht. Der 18 Octower. Frankfurt a. M., 184.0. 9773 FROHNER(C. Wilh.). Karlsruher Namenbuch. Die Einwohner-namen der Residenz- stadt Karlsruhe nach ihrer Bedeutung. Karlsruhe, 1856. 9774 FUNFHUNDERT Schnaderhiipfeln. Augsburg, 1859. 8vo, half morocco. 9775 GANGLER (J. F.). Lexicon der Luxemburger Umgangssprache, mit hochdeutscher und franzosischer Uebersetzung und Erkliirung. Luxemburg, 1847. 410, half morocco. 9776 GARTNER (Th.). Die Gredner Mundart. Linz, 1879. 410. 9777 GATSCHET (A.). Ortsetymologische Forschungen als Beitrage zu einer Toponomastik der Schweiz. Bern, 1865-67. 8vo. In 4 parts. 9778 GEMALDE aus dem Volksleben ; nach der Natur aufgenommen und getreu dargestellt in gereimten Gesprachen Ziiricherischer Mundart. Zurich, 1831. i2mo, half morocco. 9779 GIEBELHAUSEN (F.) und TAUER (F. G.). Derr ohle Mansfaller, wie a liebet un label. Dichtungen in Mansfelder Mundart. Eisleben, 1859. 8vo, half morocco. 9780 (C. F. A.). Nischt wie lauter Hack un Mack alles Dorchenannerdorch. Ein Denkstein der alten Mansfelder Mundart. Hettstadt, 1865. 8vo. 9781 GOEPP (J. J.). Me"moire sur le dialecte allemand en usage dans le ci-devant Alsace. No date or place. 8vo. (An extract.) 9782 GRAFF (Der), wie er liebt und lebt. Eine wahrhaftige Schulscene, aus den Papieren eines Erstklassers. Frankfurt a. M., 1837. 97^3 und die Schuljugend im Griinen. Ein Seitenstiick zum Graff wie er leibt und lebt. Mit einer Abbildung. Frankfurt a. M., 1838. 9784 GRAIN TUIG. Schwanke und Gedichte in sauerlandischer Mundart, vom Verfasser der Sprikeln un Spone. Soest, 1860. 8vo. 501 9785 GRIMMINGER (Adolf). Mei' Derhoim. Gedichte in schwabischer Mundart. Stuttgart, 1868. 8vo. 9786 GRUBEL (J. K.). Grubel's Gedicht in Niirnberger Mundart. Zweite Auflage. Mit Kupfern. Niirnberg, 1802-1 1. 8vo. 2 vols. 9787 Correspondenz und Briefe in Niirnberger Mundart. No town, 1806. 8vo, half morocco. 9788 Sammtliche Werke. Niirnberg, 1835. 8vo, half calf. With Portrait. 3 vols. in one. 9789 Another edition. Edited by Dr. G. K. Frommann. Nurnberg, 1857. 8vo. With Portrait. 3 vols. 9790 HAFFLIGER (J. B.). Schweizerische Volkslieder nach der Luzernerischen Mundart. Luzern, 1813. 8vo, half calf. 9791 H ALDER (A.). Reimereien in Appenzellischer und St. Gallischer Mundart. St. Gallen und Bern, 1854. 8vo. 9792 HALLENSTEIN (E. H. A.). Volks-Theater in Frankfurter Mundart : in zwei Biinden. Frankfurt a/M., 1855. 8vo, half morocco. Both vols. are bound in one. 9793 HARDT. Vocalismus der Sauer-mundart. Trier, 1843. 4to. 9794 HARZGEDICHTE. Herausgegeben und mit einem Wortregister versehen von G. Schulze. Zweite Auflage. Clausthal, 1851. 8vo. 9795 HAYDECKER (S.). Gedichte im Innviertler Dialekte. Linz, 1845. 8vo. 9796 HEBEL (J. P.). Allemannische Gedichte. Fiir Freunde landlicher Natur und Sitten. Aarau, 1842. i8mo, half calf. 9797 HOFER (Matthias). Etymologisches Worterbuch der in Oberdeutschland vorziiglich aber in Oesterreich iiblichen Mundart. Linz, 1815. 8vo, half calf. 3 vols. in one. 9798 HOFFMANN VON FALLERSLEBEN. Nebst Worterklarung und einer alleman- nischen Grammatik. Mannheim, 1843. 8vo, half calf. 9799 HOFMANN (F.). Koburger Quackbriinnld. Volksdichtungen in nordfrankishko- burger Mundart. Hildburghausen, 1857. 8vo. Illustrated. 9800 HOLTEI (Karl von). Schlesische Gedichte. Berlin, 1830. 8vo, half calf. 9801 3 e Ausgabe. Mit einem Glossar von Dr. Karl Weinhold. Breslau, 1857. 8vo. 9802 IDIOTICON Austriacum, das ist: Mundart der Oesterreicher. Wien, 1824. 8vo, half calf. 9803 JAUST un Durtel, oder, de Kiarmissengank. Lustspiel in sauerlandischer Mundart vom Verfasser der Sprickeln un Spdne. Soest, 1861. 9804 KASTNER (V.). Gedichte in siebenbiirgisch-sachsischer Mundart, nebst freier metrischer Uebersetzung in das hochdeutsche. Hermannstadt, 1862. 8vo. 9805 KEHREIN (Joseph). Volkssprache und Volkssitte im Herzogthum Nassau. Weil- burg, 1860. 8vo. 502 9806 KELLER (J. H.). Beytrage zu einem Idiotikon des Thiiringer-Waldgebirges. Jena, 1819. 8vo. 9807 KLEIN (P.). Die Sprache der Luxemburger. Luxemburg, 1855. 8vo. 9808 KOBELL (Franz von). Gedichte in oberbayerischer Mundart. 4* Auflage. Miinchen, 1850. 8vo. 9809 Der Hausl' vo' Finsterwald. Der schwarzi veitl. 'S Kranzner-Resei. Drei grossere Gedichte nebst andern in oberbayerischer Mundart. Miinchen, 1852. 8vo. 9810 Gedichte in pfalzischer Mundart. 4 e Auflage. Miinchen, 1854. 8vo. 9811 Falzische G'schichte'. In der Mundart erzahlt. Miinchen, 1863. 8vo. 9812 Schnadahiipln und Spriichln. (Bavarian Songs, etc.) Woodcuts by F. Pocci. Miinchen, n.d. 8vo. 9813 KOHLER (J. A. E.). Volksbrauch, Aberglauben, Sagen und andre alte Ueberlieferung in Voigtlande, mit Beriichsichtigung des Orlagau's und des Pleissnerlandes. Leipzig, 1867. 8vo. 9814 KOPPELSCHMID (De). Lustspiel in sauerlandischer Mundart vom Verfasser der Sprickeln un Spone. Soest, 1861. 9815 KUHN (G. J.). Volkslieder und Gedichte. Bern, 1806. 8vo, calf. 9816 LA FONTAINE (Ed. de). Versuch tiber die Orthographic der luxemburger deutschen Mundart. Luxemburg, 1855. 8vo. 9817 LAUCHERT (F.). Lautlehre der Mundart von Rottweil und Umgegend. Rottweil, 1855. 4 to. 9818 LAVEN (Ph.). Gedichte in trierischer Mundart. Trier, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. 9819 LEBERMUTH (A.). Hebel und seine Gedichte in allemannischer Mundart, vom vlaemischen gesichtspunkte aus betrachtet. Bruxelles, 1865. 9820 LENNIG (F.). Etwas zum Lachen. Maintz, 1846. 8vo, half morocco. With frontispiece. 9821 LIEDER (Oberbayerischer), mit ihren Singweisen. Gesammelt und herausgegeben von Fr. v. Kobell. Mit Bildern von A. v. Ramberg. Miinchen, 1860. 410, half morocco. 9822 LINDNER (E.). Fliegende Blatter in Zipser Mundart. Wien, 1864. 9823 LORITZA (C.). Neues Idioticon Viennense, das ist : Die Volkssprach der Wiener mit Beriichsichtigung der iibrigen Landesdialekte-Wien und Leipzig, 1847. izrno, half morocco. 9824 MAEDER (D.). Ein Wort iiber Aargauische Ortsnamen. Aarau, 1867. 9825 MALSZ (C.). Volkstheater in Frankfurter Mundart. Frankfurt a/M., 1850. 8vo, half morocco. 9826 MARETA (Hugo). Proben eines Worterbuches der osterreichischen Volkssprache. Zweiter Versuch. Wien, 1865. 4to. 9827 MARTIN (Von Sant). Alamannisch-elsaszische sprachproben des XIV Jahrd. ausz dem cod. germ. 6 der Miinchner hof- und staatsbibliothek, herauszgegeben von Dr. Anton Birlinger. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1862. 503 9828 MEYER (A.). Luxemburgische Gedichte und Fabelen. Briissel, 1845. 8vo, half morocco. 9829 MEYER-MERIAN (Th.). Us der Heimet. Ein neues Buscheli Wintermayeli. Basel, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. 9830 MULLER (Jos.) und WEITZ (W.). Die Aachener Mundart. Idiotikon nebst einem poetischen Anhange. Aachen und Leipzig, 1836. 8vo, half calf. 9831 (J.). Ueber Niederrheinische Provinzialismen. Aachen und Leipzig, 1838. 4to. 9832 Prosa und Gedichte in Aachener Mundart. Aachen, 1869. 8vo. 2 vols. 9833 MUNDART (Die Schweizerische) im Verhaltniss zur hochdeutschen Schriftsprache. Frauenfeld, 1838. 8vo, half calf. 9834 NASSL (Johann). Die Laute der Tepler Mundart. Frag, 1863. 8vo. 9835 NEFFLEN (Joh.). Der Vetter aus Schwaben, oder, Schwabenbrauche aus dem Leben gegriffen von Joh. Nefflen. Ulm, 1842. 8vo. 9836 NIETHAMMER. Bemerkungen u'ber das der schwabischen Mundart vorzugsweise eigne Unterscheiden in der Aussprache der Doppelaute. No date and place. 410. 9837 PANGKOFER (J. A.). Geditche in altbayerischer Mundart. Niirnberg, 1854. With Illustrations. 8vo, half morocco. (2 vols. in one.) 9838 PETTERS (Ignaz). Andeutungen zur Stoffsammlung in den deutschen Mundarten Bohmens. Prag r 1864. 8vo. 9839 PFEIFFER (F.). Aufforderung zum Stoffsammeln fur eine Bearbeitung der deutsch- schlesischen Mundart. Breslau, 1854. 9840 PFINGSTMONTAG (Der). Lustspiel in Strassburger Mundart in fiinf Aufziigen und in Versen. Strassburg, 1816. 8vo, half morocco. 9841 PRINZINGER (A.). Die Hohen-Namen in der Umgebung von Salzburg und Reichenhall. Salzburg, 1861. 9842 R. (A). Gedichte in frankischer Mundart von A. -R. Wiirzburg, 1868. 9843 RADLER (K. G.)- Frohlich Palz, Gott erhalts ! Gedichte in Pfalzer Mundart. Frankfurt a/M., 1855. 8vo. 9844 Frohlich Palz, Gott erhalts ! Gedichte in Pfalzer Mundart. 4i e Auflage. Frankfurt a/M., 1864. i2mo. Mit Illustrationen. 9845 REGEL (Karl). Die Ruhlaer Mundart. Weimar, 1868. 8vo. This work includes a Ruhla-German Vocabulary. 9846 REINWALD (W. F. H.). Hennebergisches Idiotikon, oder, Sammlung der in der gefiirsteten Grafschaft Henneberg gebrauchlichen Idiotismen, mit etymologischen Anmerkungen, etc. Berlin und Stettin, 1793. 8vo, half morocco. 9847 REUMONT (Alf.)- Aachens Liederkranz und Sagenwelt. Aachen und Leipzig, 1829. 8vo, half calf. 9848 RIEHL (W. H.). Die Pfalzer. Ein rheinisches Volksbild. Stuttgart und Augsburg. 1857. 8vo, half morocco. 504 9849 RIETSCH (].) Anekdoten und Gedichte in Nurnberger Mundart. Landshut a. d. Iser, 1853. 8vo, half calf. 9850 ROCHHOLZ (E. L.). Alemannisches Kinderlied und Kinderspiel aus der Schweiz. Leipzig, 1857. 8vo, half morocco. 9851 ROTTMANN (P. I.). Gedichte in Hunsriicker Mundart. Simmern, 1840. 8vo, half calf. 9852 Second edition. Simmern, 1849. 8vo, half calf. 9853 Third edition. Simmern, 1863. 8vo. 9854 ROVENHAGEN (L.). An Essay on the Dialect of Aix-la-Chapelle. Aix-la- Chapelle, n.d. 410. 9855 SAILER (S.). Schriften im schwabischen Dialekte. Gesammelt, und mit einer Vorrede versehen von S. Bachmann. Buchau, 1819. 8vo, half morocco. 9856 Siimmtliche Schriften in schwabischem Dialecte. Ulm, 1842. 8vo, half morocco. 9857 SARTORIUS (J. B.). Die Mundart der Stadt Wurzburg. Wurzburg, 1862. 8vo. In two parts. 9858 SCHANDEIN (L.). Gedichte in westricher Mundart. Stuttgart und Tubingen, 1854. 8vo, half morocco. 9859 SCHAUER (J. K.). Uber die richtige Ableitung und Erklarung des Ortsnamens Jena und der damit verwandten. Weimar, 1858. izmo. 9860 SCHEIFELE (J. G.). Gedichte in schwabischer Mundart. 4 te Auflage. Heilbronn, 1863. 8vo. 9861 SCHEUCHENSTUEL (Carl von). Idioticon der osterreichischen Berg- und Hiitten- sprache. Wien, 1856. 8vo, half morocco. 9862 SCHILD (F. J.). Aus dem Leberberg. Gedichte, Sagen und Erzahlungen in Solothurner-Mundart. Biel, 1866. 8vo. 9863 SCHLEICHER (A.). Volkstiimliches aus Sonneberg im Meininger Oberlande. Weimar, 1858. 410, half morocco. 9864 SCHMALFUSS (F. A.). Die Deutschen in Bohmen. Prag, 1851. Mit einer ethnographischen Karte des K. Bohmen. 8vo, half calf. 9865 SCHMELLER (J. And.)- Die Mundarten Bayerns grammatisch dargestellt. With Map. Miinchen, 1821. 8vo, half calf. 9866 Bayerisches Worterbuch. Stuttgart und Tubingen, 1827-37. 8vo, half calf. 4 vols. 9867 Ueber Quantitat im bayrischen und einigen andern oberdeutschen Dialekten, verglichen mit der in der Jetzigen und in der a'ltern hochdeutschen Schriftsprache. Miinchen, 1830. 4to. 9868 Bayerisches Worterbuch. Miinchen, 1869-77. 4 to - In thirteen parts. 9869 SCHMID (J. Ch.). Schwabisches Worterbuch. Stuttgart, 1831. 8vo, half calf. 9870 Versuch eines schwabischen Idiotikon. Berlin und Stettin, n.d. 8vo, half morocco. 505 9871 SCHMIDT (K. Ch. L.). Westerwiildisches Idiotikon, oder, Sammlung der auf dem Westerwalde gebriiuchlichen Idiotismen. Hadamar und Herborn, 1800. 8vo, half calf. 9872 SCHNADERHUPFELN aus den Alpen. Herausgegeben von Ludwig von Hormann. Innsbruck, 1881. 8vo. 9873 SCHNEIDER (Ludwig). Gedichte in Henneberg-Meininger Mundart. Erstes Bandchen. Schleusingen, 1848. 8vo. 9874 SCHNELLER (Christian). Marchen und Sagen aus Walschtirol. Innsbruck, 1867. 8vo. 9875 SCHOPF (J. B.). Tirolisches Idiotikon. Innsbruck, 1862-66. 8vo. In 9 parts. 9876 SCHOTT (Albert). Die Deutschen am Monte-Rosa mit ihren Stammgenossen im Wallis und Uechtland. Zurich, 1840. 410. 9877 SCHROER (K. J.)- Beitrag zu einem Worterbuche der deutschen Mundarten des ungrischen Berglandes. Wien, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. 9878 Versuch einer Darstellung der deutschen Mundarten des ungrischen Berglandes mit Sprachproben und erlauterungen. Wien, 1864. 8vo. (With a Map of the German settlements in North-western Hungary.) 9879 SCHULER V. LIBLOY (Friedr.). Kurzer Ueberblick der Literaturgeschichte Siebenbiirgens von der altesten Zeit bis zu Ende des vorigen Jahrhunderts. Hermannstadt, 1857. 8vo, half morocco. 9880 SCHULLER (Johann Karl). Gedichte in Siebenburgisch-Sachsischer Mundart. Gesammelt und erlautert von J. K. Schuller. Hermannstadt, 1840. 8vo. Another edition. Hermannstadt, 1841. 8vo. 9882 Zur Frage iiber die Herkunft der Sachsen in Siebenbiirgen. Hermannstadt, 1856. 410. 9883 Zur kunde siebenburgisch-sachsischer Spottnamen und Schelten. Hermann- stadt, 1862. 9884 Beitrage zu einem Worterbuche die siebenbiirgisch-sachsischen Mundart. Prag, 1865. 8vo. 9885 SCHULMEISTERS-WAHL zu Blindheim (Die), oder, 1st dat Volk miindig? Schauspiel in vier Aufziigen. Tubingen, 1824. 8vo, half calf. 9886 SCHUSTER (F. W.). Siebenburgisch-sachsischer Volkslieder, Sprichworter, Rathsel, Zauberformeln und Kinder-Dichtungen. Mit Anmerkungen und Abhandlungen. Hermannstadt, 1865. 8vo. 9887 SEIDL (J. G.). Flinserln. Oest'reichischi Gschdanz'ln Gsang'ln und Gschicht'ln. Wien, 1828. 8vo. 9888 SEILER (G. A.). Die Easier Mundart. Basel, 1879. 8vo. 506 9889 SEIVERT ().) Nachrichten von Siebenbiirghischen Gelehrten und ihren Schriften. Pressburg, 1784. 8vo. 9890 SENGSCHMITT (Berthold). Ueber den Zusammenhang der osterreichischen Volks- sprache mit den drei alteren deutschen Mundarten. Wien, 1852. 410. 9891 SIEBENKEES (J. Ch.). Ueber das Hauptgesetz der Teutschen Rechtschreibung und iiber Sprachfehler Baierischer Schriftsteller. Niirnberg, 1808. 8vo, half morocco. 9892 SITTEN und Brauche, Lieder, Spriichworter und Riithsel des Eifler Volkes nebst einem Idiotikon. Herausgegeben von J. H. Schmitz. Trier, 1856-58. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. 9893 SPRACHDENKMALER (Deutsche) aus Siebenbiirgen. Aus schriftlichen Quellen des zwiilften bis sechszehnten Jahrhunderts, gesammelt von F. Miiller. Hermann- stadt, 1864. 8vo. 9894 STALDER (F. J.). Versuch eines Schweizerischen Idiotikon mit etymologischen Bemerkungen untermischt. Saint einer Skizze einer Schweizerischen JDialektologie. Aarau, 1812. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. in one. 9895 Die Landessprachen der Schweiz, oder, Schweizerische Dialektologie, mit kritischen Sprachbemerkungen beleuchtet. Aarau, 1819. 8vo, half calf. 9896 STEIN (W.). As'm Neckerdhal. Gedichte in schwiibischer Mundart. 2 e Auflage. Stuttgart, 1869. 8vo. 9897 STEINMANN (K.). Der Lahrer Prozess in Lahrer Mundart. Lahr, 1855. 9898 STELZHAMER (Fr.). Gedichte in obderenns'scher Volksmundart. Wien, 1844. 8vo, half morocco. 9899 Gedichte. Stuttgart und Augsburg, 1855. 8vo, half morocco. 9900 STIELER (K.). Bergbleamlu. Gedichte in oberbairischer Mundart. Miinchen, n.d. 8vo. 9901 STOLTZE (F.). Gedichte in Frankfurter Mundart. Frankfurt a/M., 1865. 8vo. (With author's portrait.) 9902 SUSS (Maria V.). Salzburgische Volks-Lieder mit ihren Singweisen. Salzburg, 1865. 8vo. 9903 TOBLER (Titus). Appenzellischer Sprachschatz. Zurich, 1837. 4to, half calf. 9904 UEBERFELDER (A.). Anton Ueberfelder's Karntnerisches Idiotikon, herausge- geben von Simon Martin Mayer. Klagenfurt, 1862. 8vo. 9905 VERZIETSSAGEN unn Gedichte in nordhiischer unn huhnsteinscher Mundort. Nordhusen, 1834. 9906 VILMAR (A. F. C.). Idiotikon von Kurhessen. Marburg und Leipzig, 1867. 8vo. In parts. 9907 VOLKSBUCHLEIN (Elsassisches). Kinder- und Volksliedchen, Spielreime, Spriiche und Mahrchen, herausgegeben von August Stober. Strassburg, 1842. 8vo. 507 ggo8 VOLKSLIEDER (Alte teutsche) in der Mundart des Kuhlandchens. Herausgegeben und erlaufert von Joseph George Meinert. Wien und Hamburg, 1817. 8vo, half morocco. 9909 mit MELODIEN (Schlesische). Aus dem Munde des Volks gesammelt und herausgegeben von Hoffman von Fallersleben und Ernst Richter. Leipzig, 1842. 8vo. In 4 parts. 9910 (Oberbayerische) mit ihren Singweisen. Gesammelt und herausgegeben von H. M. Miinchen, 1846. 8vo. 9911 VOLKSTHUMLICHES aus Osterreichisch-Schlesien. Gesammelt und herausgegeben von Anton Peter. Troppau, 1865-67. 8vo. 3 vols. 9912 VONBUN (J. F.). Volkssagen aus Vorarlberg, gesammelt von J. F. Vonbun. Wein, 1847. 8vo. 9913 WATTENBACH (W.). Die Siebenbiirger Sachsen. Ein Vortrag. Heidelberg, 1870. 8vo. 9914 WEIKERT (J. W.). Ausgewahlte Gedichte in Niirnberger Mundart. Herausgegeben und mit einem grammatischen Abriss und Glossar versehen von Dr. G. K. Fromman. With Portrait. Niirnberg, 1857. 8vo, half morocco. 9915 WEINHOLD (Karl). Ueber deutsche Dialectforschung. Die Laut- und Wort- bildung und die Formen der schlesischen Mundart. Wien, 1853. 8vo, half calf. 9916 Beitriige zu einem schlesischen Worterbuche. Wien, 1855. 8vo, half morocco. 9917 Tiber den Beilaut mit besonderer Ruchsicht auf den alemannischen Vocalis- mus. Wien, 1860. 8vo. 9918 Alemannische Grammatik. Berlin, 1863. 8vo. 9919 Bairische Grammatik. Berlin, 1867. 8vo. 9920 Bairische Grammatik und die oberpfalzische Mundart von dem kgl. b. Ministerialrathe von Schonwerth. Regensburg, 1869. 8vo. 9921 WEITZMANN (C.). Gedichte in reindeutscher und schwabischer Mundart. Reut- lingen, 1843. 12010, half morocco. With Portrait. 9922 WtJST (W. Fr.). Gedichte in schwabischer Mundart. Tubingen, 1857. i6mo. 9923 ZAUPSER (And.). Versuch eines baierischen und oberpfalzischen Idiotikons. Miinchen, 1789. 8vo, half calf. 9924 ZINGERLE (Ignaz v.). Lusernisches Woeterbuch. Innsbruck, 1869. 8vo. 9925 ZISKA (F.) und SCHOTTKY (J. M.). Oesterreichische Volkslieder mit ihren Singeweisen. Pesth, 1819. 8vo, half morocco. LOW GERMAN DIALECTS. 9926 ADOLPH (Johann) genannt Neocorus, Chronik des Landes Dithmarschen. Aus der Urschrift herausgegeben von Prof. F. C. Dahlmann. Kiel, 1827. 8vo, calf. 2 vols. 508 9927 -uzet. Bruxelles, 1827. i2mo, half calf. IO 35 I Beknopt Nederduitsch Taalkundig Woordenboek. Dordrecht, 1826-30. 8vo, half calf. 5 vols. 10.352 Supplement op het Kunstwoordenboek. Rotterdam, 1832. 410, half calf. 10.353 Nederduitsche Spraakkunst. Dordrecht, 1839. 8vo, half calf. 10.354 Kunstwoordenboek of verklaring van allerhande Vreemde Woorden benamingen, gezegden en spreekwijzen die uit verscheidene Talen ontleend in de zamenleving en in geschriften, etc. Antwerpen, 1843. 4 to > half calf. 1O 35S Nederduitsch Letterkundig Woordenboek. Antwerpen, 1843-44. 4** half calf. Two vols. in one. 10.356 en LANDRE (G. N.). Woordenboek der Nederduitsche Synonimen. 's Gravenhage (The Hague), 1821. 8vo, half calf. 10.357 WERNINCK (J.). Dictionary of the Dutch and English Languages in two parts. London, 1824. 8vo, half calf. 10.358 WILCOCKE (S. H.). A new and complete dictionary of the English and Dutch Languages. In Two Parts: I. English and Dutch. II. Dutch and English. Compiled chiefly from the Quarto Dictionary of William Sewel. London, 1798. 8vo, calf. 10.359 WILLEMS (J. F.). Verhandeling over de Nederduytsche Tael- en Letterkunde, opzigtelyk de zuydelyke provintien der Nederlanden. Antwerpen, 1819-24. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. in one. 10.360 WINKELMAN (O. R. F. W.). Nederduitsch en Fransch Woordenboek, bevattende de bet^kenis en het onderscheiden gebruik der woorden. Utrecht, 1783. 8vo, calf. 2 vols. 10.361 WITSEN (Nic.). Noord en Oost Tartaryen, that is to say, Northern and Eastern Tatary, containing an account of the Tatar countries and the neighbouring lands, in the northern and eastern parts of Asia and Europe, explored for several years. Published by Nic Witsen in Dutch. Amsterdam, 1785. With Map and Plates. 4to, half morocco. Brunei says this work is of great interest. The first edition was printed in Amsterdam, 1692, and the second in 1705. _ 535 10.362 WURTH (J. F. X.). Les principes de la langue hollandaise, mis en pratique. Li6ge, 1824. 410, half calf. 10.363 - aine (J. F. X.). Petit cours d'exercices hollandais. Lie'ge, 1824. 410. 10.364 ZEYDELAAR (E.). Grammaire hollandoise. Utrecht, 1815. i2mo, half calf. (g) FLEMISH. 10.365 A. (U.). Overzigt rakende de verhandeling, getiteld : Over de Hollandsche en Vlaemsche Schryfwyzen van het Nederduitsch; door J. F. Willems. Antwerpen, n.d. 4to. 10.366 ACKERSDIJCK (W. C.). Observations sur la langue flamande, particulierement sous le rapport des provinces me'ridionales. Traduit du hollandais par J. C. E. Baron Van Ertborn. Anvers, n.d. In Dutch and French. 10.367 ALEWYN (Abraham) e COLLfi (Joas). Tes6uro dos vocabulos das duas Linguas, Portugu6za e B61gica. Amsterdamo : P61o Pedro vanden Berge, 1714. 8vo, half morocco. 10.368 ANNALES du Comit6 Flamand de France. Dunkerque, 1854-60. 8vo, half morocco. 5 vols. 10.369 - du Comite" Flamand de France. Tome vi, 1861-62. Dunkerque, 1862. 8vo. 10.370 BAECKER (L. de). Les Flamands de France. Etudes sur leur langue, leur litte"ra- ture et leurs monuments. Gand, 1850. 8vo, half calf. 10.371 - : - La Noblesse flamande de France en presence de 1'article 259 du Code pe"nal ; suivie de 1'origine de 1'orthographe des noms de famille des Flamands de France. Paris, 1859. izmo. 10.372 BAL (P.-J- de). D6clinaisons et conjugaisons flamandes. Gand, 1849. 8vo. 10.373 BARAFIN. Sur la langue nationale. (A Treatise on certain questions dealing with the Flemish and Dutch languages.) Bruxelles, 1815. 8vo. 10.374 BIBLE. Het Oude Testament naar den laasten Roomschen Text. Op nieuw herdrukt naar de uitgave van Jan Mourentorf te Antwerpen, 1599; and, Het Nieuwe Testament onses Heeren Jesu Christi. 8vo, morocco. I0 375 -- Old Testament. Het Oude Testament naar den laasten Roomschen Text. Op nieuw herdrukt naar de uitgave van Jan Mourentorf te Antwerpen, 1599. 8vo, half calf. 10.376 - Biblia Sacra, datis, de geheele Heylige Schriftuer bedeyld in het Oude en Nieuwe Testament. Overzien en verbeterd naer den laetsten Roomschen text door sommige doctoren in de H. Godheyd in de Universiteyt van Loven gedrukt te Antwerpen by Jan Moerentorf, 1599. Brussel, 1838. 8vo, half calf. 10.377 BIBLIOGRAPHIE (VLAEMSCHE), of Lyst der Nederduitsche Boeken in Belgie sedert 1830 uitgegeven. Gent, 1851. 8vo, half calf. 10.378 BON (F.). Grammaire flamande-francaise. Bruxelles, 1839. 8vo, half morocco. 10.379 - Grammaire flamande a 1'usage des Athdne'es, etc. Bruxelles, 1847. 4 to half calf. 4th edition. 536 10.380 BOONE (Ld.). Le Nouveau dictionnaire flamand-fraiKjais. Hazebrouck, n.d. 1 2 mo, half calf. 10.381 BYL (A.). Onpartydige beoordeeling van de Woordenboeken der heeren Sleeckx en Van de Velde. Aelst, 1851. izmo. 10.382 Critique impartiale des dictionnaires de MM. Sleeckx et Van de Velde. Alost, 1851. i2mo. 10.383 CATECHISMUS ten gebruyke van het Aerst-Bisdom van Cameryk uytgegeven door Z. E. den Cardinael Giraud, Aerts-Bisschop van Cameryk. Ryssel, (Lille), 1850. 8vo, half morocco. (The Cambrai Catechism.) 10.384 CATS (J.). Kinder Spel. Jeux de 1'Enfance. Traduction de I'abbe' Adolphe Bloeme. Saint Omer, 1852. 8vo, half morocco. 10.385 CAVRY (F.). Dialogues flamands-franQais entre un cultivateur et ses domestiques. Dunquerque, n.d. izmo. 10.386 CHANTS historiques de la Flandre, 400-1650. Recueillis par Louis de Baecker. Lille, 1855. 8vo, half morocco. 10.387 CHOTIN (A.-G.). Etudes e'tymologiques sur les noms des villes, bourgs, hameaux, rivieres et ruisseaux de la Province du Brabant. Paris et Bruxelles, n.d. 8vo, half morocco. 10.388 COMENIUS (Joan- Amos). La Porte des Langues. Introduction nouvelle & la frangoise et & la flamande. Disposed par colomnes et explique'e par plusieurs figures. Amsterdam, (P. Mortier), 1686. 8vo, calf. With numerous Illustrations. 10.389 COURS de Themes flamands et d'exercises frangais. Hazebrouck, 1844. 8vo, half morocco. 10.390 COUSSEMAKER (E. de). Chants populaires des Flamands de France, recueillis et publics avec les Melodies originales, une traduction frangaise et des Notes par E. de Coussemaker. Gand, 1856. 4to, half morocco. 10.391 Delimitation du flamand et du frangais dans le Nord de la France. (Extrait des Annales du Comite Flamand de France, tome iii.) Dunkerque, 1857. 10.392 Quelques recherches sur le dialecte flamand de France. To which is added, Proverbes et locutions proverbiales chez les Flamands de France par I'abb6 D. Carnel. Dunkerque, 1859. Extrait des Annales du Comite" Flamand de France, tome iv. Autograph presentation copy from M. de Coussemaker to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 10.393 D'ARSY (Jean Louis). Le grand dictionnaire francois-flamen. Les termes et manieres de parler touchant la marine et navigation, expliquez en fran9ois et flamen. Les Termes servants a la Venerie et Fauconnerie. Les noms de quelques Villes, Regions et Rivieres. Item une grammaire frangoise. Le tout revu, corrige, et augment^ par Thomas la Grue. Amsterdam, 1682. 4to, vellum. 10.394 Another edition. Amsterdam, 1699. 410, vellum. 10.395 DAVID (J.). Elements de la grammaire flamande, suivis d'un abre"g6 de la syntaxe traduit du flamand par J. V. L. Louvain, 1854. izrno, half morocco. 10.396 DEFRENNE (J.). Quelques id6es sur Tusage oblige^ de la langue dite nationale au Royaume des Pays-Bas. Par un Beige. Bruxelles, 1829. i2mo. 537 10.397 DELEPIERRE (Octave). A Sketch of the History of Flemish Literature and its celebrated authors from the twelfth century down to the present time. Compiled from Flemish sources. London, 1860. 8vo. 10.398 DE SIMPEL (D.). Taalkundige Tweespraak, waarin de Hollandsche taalregels van Weiland en de spelling van Siegenbeek tegen die der voornaamste Vlaamsche Taal opbouwers opgewogen, of tegengesproken en verdedigd worden, enz. Ijperen, n.d. 4to, half calf. 10.399 DES ROCHES (J.). Nieuw Nederduytsch en Fransch Woorden-boek. Nouveau dictionnaire franQois-flamand. Anvers, 1791. Nouvelle Edition, revue, corrig6e et considrablement augment6e. 8vo, calf. 2 vols. 10.400 Another edition. By A. Grange^ Anvers, 1835. 8vo, calf. 2 vols. 10.401 Nouvelle Grammaire pour apprendre le flamand, avec Vocabulaire, Dia- logues, et Lettres en fran^ais et en flamand. Nouvelle Edition, revue et corrig^e par M. Des Roches. Bruxelles, 1821. i2mo, half calf. 10.402 DICTIONARY. Kort-Bondig Wo6rden-Boek der Nederduytsche en Fransche Taelen. Loven (Louvain), 1822. 410. 10.403 Het nieuw kleyn Woorde-Boekjen, met eenige Saemen-Spraeken in 't Fransch ende in't Vlaemsch. Gend. n.d. Incomplete. 10.404 Kleyn Woorden-Boeksken Vlaemsch, Duytsch en Russisch. Gend, n.d. 10.405 DICTIONNAIRE frangais-flamand. Bruxelles, 1852. 8vo, half calf. 10.406 DISCUSSIONS a la Chambre des Reprsentants du Royaume de Belgique sur 1'orthographe flamande, etc. ; tiroes du Moniteur Beige. Gand, 1844. 8vo, half morocco. 10.407 F&NELON. De Kleine Telemachus, uit het Fransch vertaald door Ph. Olinger, priester. Ath, 1826. i2mo. 10.408 De Lotgevallen van Telemachus, zoon van Ulysses, uit het Fransk vertaald door Ph. Olinger. Brussel, 1826. i2mo. (First three books.) 10.409 De Lotgevallen van Telemachus, zoon van Ulysses. Leuven, 1828. (The first book.) 10.410 FOPPENS (Jos.-Fr.). Bibliotheca belgica, sive, virorum in Belgio vita scriptisque illustrium catalogus, continens scriptores a Valerio Andrea, Aub. Miraeo, Franc. Sweertio, aliisque recensitos, usque ad annum 1680. Bruxellis, 1739. 4to, calf. 2 vols. Brunet says the plates served formerly for Le Mire's Elogia Belgica and for UAcadtmie de Bullatl. A note on the fly-leaf from Dibdin's Lib. Comp., p. 498, says it contains "portraits of some distinguished men of whom no others are to be found. " 10.411 GENTSCHE LEUTE (De), of Avond-Verdryf, inhoudende vele vermaekelyke kluchten, Anekdoten, Liedekens, Verzen. Tweeden druk. Gent, n.d. (Anecdotes and Verses.) 10.412 GRAMMAIRE plus exacte et plus m&hodique de la langue flamande. Bruxelles, 1701. i2mo, calf. 10.413 - pour apprendre le flamand. i e Edition. Bruxelles, 1757. 8vo, calf. 10.414 Troisieme Edition. Dunkerque, 1793. 8vo, calf. 538 10,415 GRAMMAIRE. Another edition. Anvers, n.d. 10,416 pour apprendre le flamand, avec un vocabulaire, des dialogues, etc., en franc,ais et en flamand. Anvers, 1808. izmo, half morocco. 10.417 Another edition. Anvers, 1817. 12 mo, calf. 10.418 pour apprendre le flamand, avec vocabulaire, dialogues, etc. Anvers, 1828. i2mo, calf. 10.419 HALM A (Frangois). Dictionnaire flamand et frangois, tir6 de 1'usage et des meilleurs auteurs. 4 cme Edition. Utrecht, 1778. 410, half calf. 10.420 Le grand dictionnaire fransois et flamand, tire" de 1'usage et des meilleurs auteurs. 6 eme Edition. S.'Hage en Leiden, 1781. 410, half calf. 10.421 HEIDERSCHEID (P.). Vlaemsche Spraekkunst ; redeneerkundige ontleding. Mechelen, 1842. 10.422 Grammaire flamande. Malines, 1842. 12 mo, half calf. 10.423 HERX (Werner). Lehrgang zur schnellen und leichten Erlernung der flamischen Sprache fur Deutsch. Aachen, etc., n.d. 8vo, half morocco. 10.424 J ELLEN EN MIETJE, naer de nagelatene veranderingen en verbeteringen van den schryver, gevolgd door het Avond-Partytjen. Gend, 1842. i2mo, half calf. 10.425 KEMPIS (Thos. a). De Navolging van Christus. Kortryk, n.d. iimo, calf. 10.426 LA GRUE (Ph.). Grammaire flamande. Nouvelle Edition, corrige"e, et augmented par un habile Grammairien, et revue par Guil. Sewel. Amsterdam, 1719. 8vo, calf. 10.427 Grammaire hollandoise, etc., etc. as above. Amsterdam, 1762. 8vo, calf. 10.428 LAURENT (D. B.). Etude de la langue nationale des Pays-Bas. Bruxelles, 1827. i2mo, half calf. 10.429 LEBROCQUY (P.). La grande question de 1'orthographe flamande re"duite a de petites proportions. Bruxelles, 1844. 8vo. 10.430 Analogies linguistiques. Du flamand dans ses rapports avec les autres idiomes d'origine teutonique. Bruxelles, 1845. 8vo, half calf. 10.431 LETTER-SCHIK (Nederduytschen) of korte en grondige Bem&rkingen op de uytspraek en spelling van de nederduytsche wo6rden. Loven, n.d. 8vo. 10.432 LHOMOND. Kort Begrip der Gewijde Geschiedenis naar het Latijn van L'Homond. Brussel, 1827. i2mo. 10.433 MANNIER (E.). Les Flamands a la Bataille de Cassel, (1328). Noms des Flamands morts dans cette journe'e, public's pour la premiere fois d'apres le Manuscrit unique de la Bibliotheque Impe'riale, avec introduction, table et notes philologiques. Paris, 1863. 8vo. 10.434 MAUGER (Claude). Les Dialogues frangois et flamands de Claude Mauger. Antwerpen, 1754. Calf. This work belonged to M eSe Marie Therese De Cottignies, and bears her signature. 10.435 Nouvelle Grammaire et Dialogues fran9ois-flamands. Courtrai, n.d. (Nouvelle edition). 8vo, calf. 539 10,4.36 MEYER (A.)- E'Schrek ob de" Lezeburger Parnassus. Lezeburg, 1829. 10.437 J on vum Schrek op d Letzeburger Parnassus. Le"wen, 1832. 10.438 MOKE (J. J.). Les principes de la langue belgique. Gand, 1822. 8vo, half calf. 10.439 Nederduitsche Spraakkunst naar het Hollandsch, ten bijzonderen gebruike der Vlaamsch-Sprekenden. Gent, 1823. 8vo, half calf. 10.440 NOEL et CHAPSAL. Nouveaux dialogues flamands-fran9ais. Bruxelles, 1844. 8vo, half calf. 10.441 OLINGER (1'abbe"). Le petit Te'le'maque, ou, Precis des Aventures de Te'le'maque, fils d'Ulysse, avec une double traduction, 1'une conforme au ge"nie de la langue flamande avec le texte fran^ais en regard, 1'autre litte'rale et interline"aire conforme au gnie de la langue francaise, suivie du texte flamand pure et d' explications grammaticales. Bruxelles, 1839. i2mo, half calf. 10.442 Grammaire flamande simplified. Hasselt, 1840. 12 mo, half morocco. 10.443 Grammaire flamande simplified. 2 e Edition. Hasselt, 1850. i2mo, half calf. 10.444 Nouveau dictionnaire flamand-franc,ais et fran9ais-flamand. 3 e Edition. Malines, 1842-43. 4to, calf. 2 vols. 10.445 Nouveau cours de themes fran9ais-flamands. Bruxelles, 1844. 8vo, half calf. 10.446 Nouvelle me"thode pour apprendre la langue flamande. Hasselt, 1845. 12010, half morocco. 10.447 Nouveau dictionnaire flamand-fran9ais et franc.ais-flamand. 4" edition. Malines, 1845. i2mo, half calf. 10.448 Histoire lexicographique, ou, le dictionnaire francais-flamand de MM. Sleeckx, Van de Velde et consorts, jug6 par leurs compatriotes les Litterateurs flamands. Bruxelles, 1846. 10.449 Seconde Edition. Bruxelles, 1846. 10.450 Nieuw Vlaemsch-Fransch en Fransch-Vlaemsch Woordenboek. Malines, 1846. i2mo. 10.451 REGELS (Einige), over de Vlaemsche Tael. Mechelen, 1823. 4to. 10.452 RENTER (P. J.). Beginselen der Vlaemsche Spraekkunst. Kortryk (Courtrai), 1845. 8vo. 10.453 RICHELET (P.). Het groot Woordenboek der Nederlandsche en Fransche Taelen getrocken uyt de beste Schryvers, naementlijk uyt het Woorden Boek van P. Richelet. Vierde druk. Brussel, 1764. Folio, calf. 10.454 Le grand dictionnaire fran9ais et flamand, forme 1 sur celui de M. Pierre Richelet. Quatrieme Edition. Bruxelles, 1765. Folio, calf. N 10.455 ROIERE (C. de la). De la n^cessite" de maintenir 1'enseignement de la langue flamande dans les arrondissements de Dunkerque et d'Hazebrouck. (Extrait des Annales du Comite" Flamand de France, tome vii. Lille, 1863. 540 10.456 SAINT-GENOIS (Bon. I. de). Het Vlaemsch in het Noorden van Frankryk. Gent, 1858. 8vo. 10.457 De la culture de la langue flamande dans le Nord de la France. (Extrait du Messager des Sciences historiques de Belgique.) Gand, 1858. 10.458 SCHUERMANS (L. W.). Algemeen Vlaamsch Idioticon, uitgegeven door het Taal- en Letterlievend Genootschap met Tijd en Vlijt. Leuven, 1865-70. 4to. In parts. 10.459 SLEECKX. Nouveau dictionnaire fran9ais-flamand. Bruxelles, 1849. 8vo, half calf. 10.460 et VAN DE VELDE. L'Abbe" Olinger, ou, le Fabricant de Dictionnaires aux abois. Bruxelles, 1846. 410. 10.461 Dictionnaire complet francais-flamand. Bruxelles, 1848. 4to, half calf. 10.462 SNELLAERT (A.). Histoire de la litte"rature flamande. Bruxelles, n.d. 8vo, half calf. Frontispiece. 10.463 SOMERHAUSEN (H.). Paradigmes, ou, Modules de de'clinaisons et conjugaisons, etc. Bruxelles, 1824. izmo, half calf. 10.464 Recueil de themes, d'exercises et de versions, pour faciliter l'6tude de la langue flamande. Bruxelles, 1839. 8vo. 10.465 Nuttig en aengenaem Leer- en Leesboek voor Beginnenden en meerge- vorderden. Brussel, 1840. i2mo, half morocco. 10.466 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Het Nieuwe Testament ons Saligmakers Jesu Christi. Op nieuw herdrukt naar de uitgave van Jan Mourentorf. Te Antwerpen, 1599. 8vo, half calf. 10.467 Het Nieuwe Testament van onzen Heere Jesus Christus, vertaelt volgens de gemeyne Latynsche overzettinge. Brussel, 1825. i2mo, calf. Reprint of Vander Ween's Catholic version of 1717. 10.468 Het Nieuwe Testament van onzen Heere Jesus Christus, vertaelt volgens de gemeyne Latynsche overzettinge. Eerste druck tot Ghent, by Franciscus en Dominicus Vander Ween, 1717. Erdruckt te Brussel, 1838. 8vo. 10.469 The same. Overzien en verbeterd naer den laetsten Roomschen text, door sommige Doctoren in de H. Godheyd, in de Univ. van Loven. Gedrukte te Antwerpen, by Jan Moerentorf, 1599. Te Brussel, 1846. 8vo. 10.470 THESAURUS Theutonicae Linguae; Thresor du langage Bas-alman, diet vul- gairemet Flameng, traduict en Francois et en Latin. Antuerpiae, (ex off. Christo- phori Plantini), 1573. 4to, calf. Rare. 10.471 V. (F. J.). Me'thode facile pour apprendre d prononcer et a lire le flamand. Bruxelles, 1824. 14 pages. 10.472 VANDENBOSSCHE (F. J.). Nouvelle grammaire pour apprendre le flamand et le hollandais. Lille, 1825. i2mo, half calf. 10.473 VANDENHOVEN (H.). La langue flamande, son passe et son avenir. Projet d'une orthographe commune aux peuples des Pays-Bas et de la Basse-Allemagne. Avec une carte des divers territoires ou Ton parle le nederduitsch. Bruxelles, 1844. 8vo, half calf. 541 10.474 VAN DER MILIUS (Abrah.). Lingua Belgica; sive, De Linguis illius communi- tate turn cum plerisque aliis, turn presertim cum Latina, Graeca, Persica; deque communitatis illius causis ; turn de Linguae illius origine et latissima per nationes quamplurimas diffusione ; ut et de ejus prestantia. Lugduni Batavorum : pro Bibliopolio Commeliniano, excudebant anno 1612, Ulricus Cornelii et G. Abrahami. 4to, vellum. 10.475 VAN DER-VOORT (M.-J.-T.). Les avantages de 1'orthographe flamande. Bruxelles, 1842. 8vo. 10.476 VANDERVORST (C.). Nouvelles conversations flamandes et fransaises. Louvain, 1842. 1 2mo, half calf. 5th edition. 10,477 Another edition. Louvain, 1855. i2mo, half morocco, roth edition. 10.478 VAN LANGENDONCK (J.-J.-M.). Me"thode facile pour apprendre le flamand. Bruxelles, 1851. 8vo, half calf. 10.479 VANVVEST (Guil.). Grammaire beige. St. Trond, 1836. i2mo, half calf. 10.480 VISSCHERS (P.). Vlaemschen en Franschen Woordenboek ten gebruyke der Scho61en en Opvoedingshuyzen. Loven, 1836. 410, half calf. 10.481 Dictionnaire francais-flamand, contenant les acceptions, les locutions nobles, familieres ou proverbiales usitees, etc. Louvain, 1837. 410, half calf. 10.482 VLAEMSCH Taelverbond volledige Beschryving der algemeene Letterkundige Vergadering en van het daeropvolgende Feest gehouden te Brussel, den elfden February 1844, met eene Inleiding door P. F. Van Kerckhoven. Antwerpen, 1 844. 410, half morocco. 10.483 WESTREENEN DE TIELLANDT (Baron de). Recherches sur la langue nationale de la majeure partie du Royaume des Pays-Bas. La Haye et Amsterdam, 1830. i2mo. 10.484 WILLEMS (J. F.). De la langue belgique. Lettre a M. Silvain Van de Weyer. Bruxelles, 1829. 12010, half calf. 10.485 Oude Vlaemsche Liederen uitgegeven door J. F. Willems. Gent, 1848. 4to, half calf. (h) FRISIAN. 10.486 AAN DE VRIESEN bij de ontbloting van het borstbeeld des dichters Gijsbert Jacobs in de St. Martini kerk te Bolsward. Deventer, 1823. 10.487 AARSTiMA (Kl.). It Tsiende Gebod, of sa komme de sllnders to pas ! Kluchtspil mei Sang in twa Bedrieuen. Freantsjer, 1862. 10.488 It Huushemelen. En gesprek in de Biltael. Franeker, 1865. 10.489 ABE (Master). Baes Flip Ketellapper. Kluchtspil mei Sang in twa Bidrieuen. Liouerd, 1860. 10.490 AGGAEUS de Albada an Rembertus Ackema und andere (Briefe des), aus den Jahren 1579-84, herausgegeben von Dr. Ernst Friedlaender. Leeuwarden, 1874. 8vo. 1 0,49 1 ALLAN (F.). Het eiland Schiermonnikoog en zijne bewoners geschetst. Amster- dam, 1856. Refers to the dialect spoken in this island. 10.492 Het eiland Ameland en zijne bewoners geschetst. Amsterdam, 1857. 8vo, half morocco. 10.493 ALMANACH. Friesch Jierboeckje. Trog it friesch genootschip foar schijd-, adheyte- in teal-kinde. 6 Jiergongen. Lieauwerd, 1829-35. 8vo. 6 vols. This collection contains pieces in prose and verse, a treatise on Frisian history by J. Van Halmael, Jun., a treatise on Frisian orthography by J. H. Halbertsma, etc. 10,494 Friesche Volks-Almanak. Leeuwarden en Sneek, 1836-52. 17 vols. 10.495 Nieuwe friesche Volks-Almanak. Franeker end Leeuwarden, 1853-66. 14 vols. 10.496 Frysk Almanak foar it Jier 1846. Ljouwert. 10.497 De Bye-Koer. Friske Jierboekje for 1861-70. Freantsjer. 8vo. 10 volumes. 10.498 ALTHUYSEN (Jan). Friesche rymlery yn twaa dielen bystaende, wier fin it eerste bystiet yn forjyerings rymmen, brullofts rymmen, forstaerrings rymmen, in mingel rymmen ; it oorde diel bystiet uwt dy 150 psalmen fin David mey dy oore Lofzangen. Liouwerd, 1755. 4to, calf. 10.499 ARCHIEF voor vaderlandsche, en inzonderheid vriesche geschiedenis oudheid- en taalkunde, bijeenverzameld door H. W. C. A. Visser en H. Amersfoordt. Leeuwarden, 1824-28. 8vo, half morocco. 3 vols in one. Bound up with this are Verhandeling aver den zoogenaamden nieuwen stij'l, en deszelfs invoering in ons vaderland, bijzonder in Vriesland, door J. W. tie Crane, and, Verzameling van vroegere Charters, meest in den oud-frieschen tongval, hier en daar opgehelderd door den inztnder E. Epkema. 10.500 ARCHIV (Friesisches). Fine Zeitschrift fiir friesische Geschichte und Sprache. Herausgegeben von H. G. Ehrentraut. Oldenburg, 1849-54. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. 10.501 BENDSEN (Bende). Die nordfriesische Sprache nach der Moringer Mundart, zur vergleichung mit den verwandten Sprachen und Mundarten. Herausgegeben von Dr. M. de Vries. Leiden, 1860. 410, half morocco. 10.502 BIDDELTEKKEN (De), Rimkes bijien brocht troch 't selscip riucht en sliucht to Ferwerd. Ljouwerd, 1859. 8vo. 10.503 BLAU-MANDIES-KRANTE. Parts i and 2. Liowerd, 1857. 8vo. 10.504 BLOM (J. G. van). Proeve van het harmonische in de friesche Dichtkunst. Leeuwarden, 1840. 8vo. 10.505 Blomme-Koerke, oanbean can syn lanzljue. Doccum, 1869. 8vo. With Portrait and Music. 10.506 (Ph. van). De aide friske wetten oer de s6diken, in 't liacht der skiednis biskoge. Liowerd, 1863. 10.507 BOWRING (J.). Brieven, geschreven op een reize door Holland, Friesland en Groningen ; voorafgcgaan door lets over de friesche letterkunde, etc. Uit het Engelsch. Leeuwarden, 1830. 8 vo, half morocco. 543 10.508 CATALOGUS der Bibliotheek van het Friesch Genootschap van Geschied-, Oudheid- en Taalkunde. Leeuwarden, 1862. 8vo. 10.509 - Vervolg op den Catalogus der Bibliotheek van het Friesch Genootschap van Geschied-, Oudheid- en Taalkunde. Leeuwarden, 1862. 8vo. 10.510 - Tweede vervolg op den Catalogus der Bibliotheek van het Friesch Genootschap van Geschied-, Oudheid- en Taalkunde, te Leeuwarden. Leeuwarden, 1871. 8vo. 10.511 CLEMENT (Dr. K. I.). Das wahre Verhiiltnis der siiderjiitschen Nationalitat und Sprache zur deutschen und frisischen im Herzogthum Schleswig. Hamburg, 1 849. 8vo, half calf. 10.512 - Schleswig, das urheimische Land des nicht danischen Volks der Angeln und Frisen und Englands Mutterland, wie eswar und ward. Hamburg, 1862. 8vo. 10.513 COLMJON (G.). Beknopte Friesche spraakkunst voor den tegenwoordigen tijd. Leeuwarden, 1863. 8vo. 10.514 DIRKSEN (Carl). Ostfriesische Sprichworter und sprichwb'rterliche Redensarten mit historischen und sprachlichen. Anmerkungen, Heft 2. Ruhrort, 1891. 8vo. 10.515 DOMENYS HIFKE (De), mar follen te ligt achte. St. Anna Parochie, 1 840. 8vo. 10.516 DURKS (Marten). Sliucht in riucht. In rijmke. Grins, 1825. 10.517 DYKSTRA (Waling). Husnocht for de bern. In boekje mei moaye printsjes, en rimkes der by ... Freantsjer, n.d. 10.518 - De blide berntsjes. In boekje mei moaye printsjes, en rimkes der by ... Freantsjer, n.d. 10.519 - Learsum tiidfordrieu for de bern. In boekje mei moaye printsjes mei rimkes der by ... Freantsjer, n.d. 10.520 - Simmernocht. In printeboekje for de bern; mei rimkes en sangkjes. Freantsjer, n.d. 10.521 - Doaitse mei de noardsce balke. Frysce sankjes. Frentsjer, 1848. 10.522 - It heamiel by Gealeboer, teltsjes in rym in onrym. Frentsjer, 1850. 8vo, half morocco. 10.523 - Blommekranske for da fryske berntsjes. Rym en onrym. Freantsjer, i85t. 10.524 - Winterjounen by Gealeboer, teltsjes in rym en onrym. Freantsjer, 1851. 8vo, half morocco. 10.525 -- Another edition. Leauerd, (1860). 8vo, half morocco. 10.526 - Twa teikeningen fit it friske Folkslibben, fen Eabeh Trochnoasker. Liowerd, 1854. 10.527 - Gesprek van twee erbaijers over 't jeneverzupen. Franeker, 1855. 10.528 - - Haytskemoai's klachten yn de winter fen 1855. In rym brocht. Freantsjer, 10,529 - Friesen, wes tankber ! In rimstikje. Freantsjer, 1855. 10.530 DYKSTRA (Waling). De Silveren Rinkelbel. In wonderlike skiednis ut de leste helte fen de achttsiende ieu. Franeker, 1856. izmo, half morocco. 10.531 Another edition. Freantsjer, 1866. 8vo. 10.532 De boeresionger. Ny Frisk Lieteboek for feinten en fammen. Freantsjer, 1857- 10.533 Petear fen Haitskemoai's bern in de winter fen 1857. Mei tapaslike reden fen Haitskemoai. In rim brocht. Freantsjer, 1857. 10.534 De zon-eklips en de steertstar. 'En gesprek in de sukerai-iest. Franeker, 1858. 10.535 Haitskemoai's klachten oer de nye moden. In rim brocht en mei in libbensskiednis fen Haitskemoai. Freantsjer, 1859. 10.536 In utfenhuser by de bakker. Blyspil mei Sang. Bolswerd, 1860. I0 537 De utdragers-winkel, of de keap nimt de hier wei. Kluchtspil mei Sang. Freantsjer, 1860. 10.538 In faem en in arbeidster by keapman watse. Freantsjer, 1861. 10.539 It fryen en trouen fen Jelbe Greidboer en Beitske Buterblom. In rim biskrieun. Bolswerd, 1861. 10.540 It libben fen Aagtsje Ysbrants of de Frische boerinne. Mei in wirdtsje foarof fen T. R. Dykstra. Liouerd, 1861. 8vo, half morocco. 10.541 It oerlude tinken fen sitske by de pinken, in boere-tsienstfaem fen fiif-en- tritich jier. In rJm brocht. Bolswerd, 1 86 1. 10.542 De giergens bidraecht de wisheid. Blyspil. Bolswerd, 1862. 10.543 De Libbensskiednis fen hantsje pik nei sin troudei, of it oarde boek fen de Friske thll Ulespeg61. Freantsjer, 1862. 8vo. 10,544 Haitskemoai's neitinken oer de franske tiden. In rim brocht. Freantsjer, 1864. 10,545 Hirddravery to flearterp. Biskrieun fen Mikroskopius en in 't liocht jown. Leauerd, 1864. 10,546 Lubbert Erchtink. Blyspil in trye bidrieuen. Freantsjer, 1864. 10.547 ' Twa Utfenhusers by Nammen-Om. Leauerd, 1865. 8vo. 10.548 Fryheid, Likheid en Broerskip. Toanielstik in trye utkomsten. Leauerd, 1866. 10.549 De aide Jas. Blyspil in fiouer utkomsten. Freantsjer, 1866. 10 >55o De Wever fen Westerburren. Freantsjer, 1867. 8vo. 10,551 De Frymitseler fen Jinsenburren. In folksforhael fry biwirke nei 't Heechdutsk fen Frans Michael Felder. Franeker, 1870. 8vo. 10,552 en VAN DER MEULEN (T. G.). In doas fol aide snipsnaren bij 'n oer samle. Freantsjer, 1856. 8vo. I0 553 Friske VVinterjoune-Nocht. Rim en Onrim. Bolswerd, 1 86 1. 8vo. 545 10.554 DYKSTRA (Waling). Friske Winterjoune-Nocht. Foardrachten in Rim en Onrim. Oarde B6ek. Leauerd, 1864. 8vo. 10.555 EPKEMA (E.)- Woordenboek op de gcdichten en verdere geschriften van Gijsbert Japicx, als een vervolg op de 2 vorige deelen van dat werk. Leeuwarden, 1824. 4to, half calf. 10.556 ESSAI d'une Bibliographic de la LitteVature Frisonne. Catalogue des Livres en Langue Frisonne et de ceux qui traitent de cette Langue et de sa Litte>ature en vente chez Martinus Nijhoff, a la Haye, et G. T. N. Suringar, a Leeuwarden, 1859. i2mo. With but few exceptions all the works mentioned in this Bibliography are in the Prince's Library, with the addition of a great number of rare works that find no place in it. 10.557 FEENSTRA (Yeb). Fulksangen. Liowerd, 1852. 8vo. 10.558 FEN 1856 oan 1859, of in great trye jier, ho is 't moglik ? Grappich en net grappich, al nei dat men 't nimt, mar in alle gefal in bjuster moai storisk teltsje for min lansliu, opmakke fen In Fries. Liowert, n.d. izmo. IO SS9 FEN de wilp nei leauerd en fen leauerd nei de wilp. Blyspil mei Sang. Freantsjer, 1861. 10.560 FOARJIERS-BLOMKES of ytlike minne-rymkes. Dockum, 1840. 8vo. 10.561 FOCKEMA (Daam). Proeven van taal- en geschiedkunde. Met eene bijdrage over den frieschi-n kronijk van Ocke van Scharl en anderen. Leeuwarden, 1836. 8vo. 10.562 FRESK. Thet Freske Riim. Met aanteekeningen van E. Epkema, voorafgegaan door eene levensschets van laatstgenoemden door J. van Leeuwen. Gedrukt bij H. Brandenburgh te Workum, 1835. 410. 10 tS^3 FRIES (De Vrije). Mengelingen uitgegeven door het Provinciaal Genootschap, ter beoefening der Friesche Geschied-, Oudheid- en Taalkunde. Leeuwarden, 1839. 8vo, half morocco. 10,564 The same for 1842. Half morocco. 10^565 The same for 1844. Half morocco. 10.566 Menelingen, uitgegeven door het Friesch Genootschap van Geschied-, Oudheid- en Taalkunde, 1846. Half morocco. 10.567 The same for 1853 an d 1856. Half morocco. 10.568 : The same from 1857 to l8 75- I" parts. Part i only for 1875. 10.569 G ABB EM A (Simon Abbes). Verhaal van de Stad Leeuwaarden . . . . Alles met Oorspronkelijkke bewijsstukken bevestigt en beschreeven van Simon Abbes Gabbema voormaals Geschigtschrijver der Lands-Heerlijkheid van Friesland. Oovergezien, in 't ligt gebragt, en met een voorreeden en noodige bladwijzers verrijkt door Tobias Gutberleth. Franeker, 1701. 410, vellum. 10.570 GAER-SPRAECK, fen twaa Frysche huuslioe, Woutir en Tjalle. Beschrieuwende ien Bruilloft. No date or place. 10.571 GRIBBERTS (Waatze), brilloft, kommeedje fen ach uitkomsten : rjeucht formeit- selyk om te lezzen yn it Lan-Friesk. Liauwert, 1820. 8vo, half morocco. This play was first translated from Low German in 1712. The preface and notes in this edition are by Prof. Wassenbergh. 35 546 10.572 GROOT Placaat en Charter-Boek van Vriesland. Leeuwarden, 1768-82. Folio, half calf. 4 vols. Collected by G. F. Baron Thoe Schwartzenberg en Hohenlansberg. 10.573 HALBERTSMA (E.). De Sceerwinkel fen Joute-Baes. Dimter, 1835. 10.574 De treemter. Mei kantteikeningen fen J. H. Halbertsma. Dimter, 1836. JO >575 De wiersizzerij fen Maayke Jakkeles oon de frieske fammen. Mei in wirdke foroaf oer Maayke dwaan in litten. Ljouwerd, 1836. 8vo. 10.576 - De noarcher men oan Gabe Scroar. Ten brief screaun yn de moanne, foun in opbrocht troch syn omke. Dimter, 1836. 8vo. 10.577 (Dr. E-). Twigen uwt ien aide stamme. Mei oanteikeningen fen J. H. Halbertsma. Dimter, 1840. i2mo, half calf. There is a Dutch translation of this Poem by J. J. A. Goeverneur. Suringar, Leeuwarden, 1841. 10.578 De foarname uut-fen-huwzers yn Frieslan. Ljeauwerd, 1841. 10.579 Minne Jorritsreis nei it Kollumer oproer. Snits, 1851. 10.580 De Quickborn. Plat Duetske rymkes yn it Friesk oerbrogt. Liouwerd, 1857- 10.581 De jonkerboer, of krystyd in sint Steffen yn aid Frieslan. Leste schrift fen Dr. E. Halbertsma, nei syn dead mei in oersicht fen syn libben uutjuwn trog ien fen syn fruenen. Ljouwerd, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. 10.582 Twade druk (2nd edition). Ljouwerd, 1859. 8vo. 10.583 (J. H.). Entwerp van Inteekening op een Handschrift uit de i5 de eeuw, getiteld : Jurisprudentia Frisica (Friesche Regtkennis). Deventer, 1833. 1 6 pages. 10.584 Oan Eolus oer it needwaer fen de 29" Novimber, 1836, ien letter. Dimter, 1837. 8vo - 10.585 Eolus, grewa fen storm in onwaer, syn antwird oan Doctor J. H. Halbertsma. Mei oar grjimmank. Dimter, 1837. 12 mo, calf. 10.586 Friesch Spelling. No date or place. 8vo. This book has the author's autograph. 10,587 De Scearwinkel fen Joute-Baes, mei ien oanwizinge om it frysk to loesen. Dimter, 1841. i2mo. 10.588 Letterkundige navogst. Deventer, 1840-45. i2mo, calf. 2 vols. in one. In this collection appear notices bearing on Frisian literature. 10.589 De frissche lucht. Deventer, 1844. Only fifty copies printed, this being No. 33. Autograph presentation copy from the author to A. de Vries. 10.590 Die Nordfriesische Sprache nach de Moringer Mundart zur Vergleichung mit den verwanten Sprachen und Mundarten, von Bende Bendsen. Herausgegeben von Dr. M. de Vries. Leiden, 1860. Maart, 1861. Noplace. 8vo. (A review.) 10.591 De Vertaling des Evangeliums van Mattheus in het Land-Friesch. Workum, 1863. 8vo. 10.592 Lexicon Frisicum. A Feer. Haarlem, 1872. 410. Edited after the author's death by his son. Presentation copy from the editor in memory of his father to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. Fine portrait of J. H. Halbertsma. 547 10.593 HALBERTSMA (J. H. and E.). De Lapekoer fen Gabe Scroar. Tredde Jefte. Dimter, 1834. izmo. With Portraits of both authors. This work is preceded by a treatise in Dutch upon the orthography used in this edition, which orthography differs greatly from that employed in the older editions. Autograph presentation copy from Dr. J. H. Halbertsma to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 10.594 Eolus, grewa fen storm in onwaer, syn antwird oan Dr. J. H. Halbertsma. Mei oar grjimmank. Dimter, 1837. izmo. I0 595 Leed in wille. De Flotgaerzen. Dimter, 1854. izrno. 10,596 De lapekoer fen Gade Skroor. Dimter, n.d. izmo. (The snip-basket of Gabe, the tailor.) 10.597 HANSEN (C. P.). Uald' sold'ring tialen. Mogeltonder, 1858. 10.598 Der Sylter-Friese. Geschichtliche Notizen, chronologisch geordnet und benutzt zu Schilderungen, der Sitten, Rechte, Kampfe und Leiden, Niederlagen und Erhebungen des Sylter Volks in dem 17 und 18 Jahrhundert. Kiel, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. '0.599 10,600 1 0,60 1 10,602 10,603 HANSMA (D.). len bull as ien heal kynsen ! Eat uwt it libben. Dockum, n.d. 8vo. T T wn LT in IOLT Tr*n fr*1 t^i r* n wf i f" fV^l lr r *liV\V\r*Y'> T r*in TVOT/^ T P r f\ P vo U WIJK. Ill K K. IL 11 IClloJC UWl It IwlKbll UUCI1* l^LilU\\ Cl U, 1 o^U. OVU. oar Fen samle. Dokkum, n.d. HANTSJE PIK. De Friske thil ulespegel of de wonderlike libbensskiednis. him sels biskrieun en in 't liocht jown fen Waling Dykstra. Freantsjer, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. 10.604 HETTEMA (Montanus de Haan). Beknopte handleiding, om de oude friesche taal, voor zoo verre zij in handschriften en in druk nog bestaat, gemakkelijk te lezen en te verstaan, hoofdzakelijk voor diegenen, welke eenige kennis der tegenwoordige land-friesche tael hebben. Leeuwarden, 1830. 8vo. 10.605 Het Emsiger Landregt van het Jaar 1312. Naar een oorspronkelijk oud-friesch perkamenten Handschrift uitgegeven, en met eene nederduitsche vertaling en ophelderende aanteekeningen voorzien. Leeuwarden, 1830. 8vo, half morocco. 10.606 Proeve van een Friesch en Nederlandsch Woordenboek. Leeuwarden, 1832. 410, half calf. 10.607 Jurisprudentia frisica, of friesche regtkennis. Een handschrift uit de xv* eeuw. Leeuwarden, 1834-35. 8vo, half morocco. 3 vols. in one. 10.608 Frieske, hilgelaonner en Noardfrieske rymkes. Doccem, 1841. 8vo, half calf. 10.609 en POSTHUMUS (R. R.). Onze reis naar Sagelterland, etc. Met eene Kaart en platen. Franeker, 1836. 8vo, half calf. 10.610 HEYNE (Mauritius). Formulae allitterantes ex antiquis legibus lingua Frisica conscriptis extractae et cum aliis dialectis comparatae. Halae. Academical discussion held the I7th December 1864. 548 io,6n HEYNINGEN BOSCH (M. van). De stellene kersen. Toaneelspil foar jonge geafhabbers fen 'e fryske tael. Ut it hollansk forfryske. Frentser, 1847. 8vo. 10.612 HIDDES (Eeltje). Foeke-schutter in hospes-Tryn. Schutters-Sang. Lieauwerd.iSji. 10.613 HOEKSTRA (A ten Broecke). Nuttigheid van de taalkennis der middeleeuwen, alsmede van die der oude Vriesen. (Amsterdam), n.d. Rare. 10.614 (S. J.). Min earste reis nei Holl6nd, Utretcht, end Gelderl6nd, end yete en pear Rimstikjes. Nye utjefte. Liowerd, 1855. 10.615 HOEUFFT (J. H.). Taalkundige aanmerkingen op eenige oud friesche spreek- woorden. 2 uitgaaf. Vermeerderd met een beredeneerd register. Breda, 1815. 8vo. WASSENBERGH'S (Ev.) Verhandeling over de eigennaamen der Friesen. Franeker, 1774. 8vo. ; and R. POSTHUMUS'S Prieuwcke fen friesche rijmnelerije. Grinz, 1824. 8vo, half calf, bound together. 10.616 HUESFRJEUN (De Frysce), grienmank yn rym in onrym. Opmakke in by 'n oar samle fen Waling Dykstra, 1851-68. Freatsjer. 18 vols. From the second vol. (incl ) the title runs : De friske Husfrjeun, rim en onrim, utjown fen Waling Dykstra ; Oender meiwirking fen oaren. 10.617 HWET de lieafde net dwaen kin. En forhael ut 'e sted fen Eelke. Liowerd, n.d. 10.618 IDUNA. Fryske rym end unrym. Freantser end Liowerd, 1845-66. In separate volumes for each year, up to 1863, when each year is in four parts. (Parts 2, 3 and 4 of 1863 wanting.) Harmen Zylstra published the earlier numbers, and from the 7th volume it appeared under the care of Selskip for friske tael end skriften-kennisse. 10.619 Frisk rim end unrim ; utjown fen 't Selskip for friske tael end skriften- kennisse. Books v, vi, vii and viii. Liowerd, 1867-70. 8vo. In parts. 10.620 JAPIKS (Gysbert). Friesche rijmlerye ; in trye dielen forschaet. Leuward, 1681. 4to, vellum. Rare. Japiks was the first writer who employed the modern Frisian dialect. This is the work referred to by Brunei as being mentioned by Ebert, though Brunei had never seen it. It contains a Grammar of the Frisian tongue. 10.621 Another edition. Franeker, 1684. 4to, vellum. 10.622 Friesche rijmlerye; ijn trye delen forschaet, etc., etc. With Portrait. Ljeauwert, 1821. 410, half calf. 2 vols. in one. 10.623 Hulde aan Gysbert Japiks bewezen, in de St. Martini Kerk te Bolsward, op den 7 Julii 1823, etc., etc. With Portrait. Bolsward, 1824. 8vo, half morocco. 10.624 Hulde aan Gysbert Japiks bewezen, in de Sint Martini Kerk te Bolsward op den 7 Julii 1823. Met de daarbij behoorende stukken, ten voordeele der commissie van weldadigheid, uitgegeven door de commissie, met de oprigting van een gedenkstuk voor Gysbert Japiks belast geweest. Bolsward en Leeuwarden, 1824-27. 2 parts. With Portrait. 8vo. The Hindeloper Zeemans Almanak, published by J. Hilarides in 1679, is reproduced in the second volume. 10.625 Eenige gedichten, met korte aanteekeningen van P. Leendertz Wz. Sneek, 1853. 8vo. 10.626 Frysce rymlerye, yn de spelling fen Dr. J. H. Halbertsma oerbrocht fen Waling Dykstra. Freantsjer, 1853. 8vo, half morocco. 10.627 JOHANNES. In profeet in sin eigen Ian. Bolswerd, 1863. 10.628 JOHANNES EN FRISO. De Folksfrieun. For it Friske folk utjown. Bolswerd, 1862. 10.629 JOHANSEN (Chr.). Die Nordfriesische Sprache nach der Fohringer und Amrumer Mundart. Kiel, 1862. 8vo. 10.630 JONG (H. de) en SIJTEMA (J.). De lerdapelkoer. Opfold mei aide en nye waldjes. Leauwerd, 1861. 8vo. 10.631 (W. de). Jancko Douwama u\vt sijn finsenis to vilvoarden oan sijn wijf. Nei it Hollansk fen G. T. N. Suringar trog W. de Jong, Jacobsz. Ljouwerd, 1866. 10.632 JONGELJUES BOOSK (It), plesierspul ijn fijf bydrieuwen byschreauwen ; mei aeste wijn in bytrokken luft. Ljeauwert, 1830. 8vo. 10.633 KAERTLIDSTER (De), fen gritseburren. Toaneelstik in fiouer utkomsten. Freantsjer, 1868. 10.634 KERN (W. G.) und WILLMS (W.). Ostfriesland wie es denkt und spricht. Norden, 1869. 8vo. 10.635 KIEMSTRA (R.). 't Kjeallefel en 't lotterybriefke. Kluchtspil in twa bedrieuwen. Gorredijk, 1862. 10.636 KOOLMAN(J. ten Doornkaat). Worterbuch der Ostfriesischen Sprache. Norden, 1877-84. 8vo. In parts. 10.637 KOOPMANS (R.). Redevoeringen en verhandelingen. Amsterdam, 1819-20. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. in one. 10.638 KRELIS regtuut zyn rais na Ljuwt, by gelegenhaid dat Zyn Majestait Keuning Wullem de darde doer waer, in April 1852. Op zyn Bils beschrewen van 'en geboren Bilkert. Franeker, 1852. 10.639 LAURMAN (M. T.). Proeve van kleine taalkundige bijdragen, tot beter kennis van den tongval in de Provincie Groningen. Groningen, 1822. 8vo, half calf. 10.640 LEAREN LAPE (In) for de Friske Frouliu in de miggetiid fen 1861. Freantsjer, 1861. 10.641 LIBBEN (It), fen Aagtje Ysbrants, of die frieske boerinne; by ienbrogt trog ien fen Aagtjens Bloedfruenen, etc. Snits en Ljouvvert, (Bransma), 1808. 410, half morocco. 10.642 LIS mei de bollekoer en Tis mei de marse, twa wraldkindige mensken. Liowerd, n.d. 10.643 LOKWINSK oan alle yet libjende minsken, mar foaral oan miin Friiske Lansljue ! det it mei de 13 Juny sa goed utpakt is. Liowerd, 1857. 10.644 LULOFS (B. H.). Eenige toelichtingen en bedenkingen op des geleerden Dr. John Bowring's uit het Engelsch in onze moederspraak vertaalde aanmerkingen over sommige onzer oudere en nieuwere Nederlandsche dichters, redenaren en andere schrijvers. Groningen, 1829. 8vo, half morocco. 10.645 LYNGBY (K. J.). Om Nordfrisisk i bokking og hvidding herreder (Nibol og klangsbol sogne). Kobenhavn og Leipzig, 1858. 8vo. 10.646 MENAEM. lens goed en quea komt ien wer thus. Tonielstik in twa utkomsten. Liowerd, 1866. 550 10.647 MERKEL (G.). Die ostfriesische Insel Borkum. Hannover, 1860. 10.648 MEULEN (T. G. van der). Min suchten en min sangen. In hanfol blommen ut de walden, de Friesen oanbean. Freantsjer, 1859. 8vo, half morocco. 10.649 Winterjoune Wille. I. Hwet minhear al haere most, do er baes frege om jild to lien. Petear fen minhaer Fen Prealen en baes Metsje. In rimstik geskikt om troch twa personen foardragen te wirden, en der ta opmakke troch T. G. v. d. Meulen. Leauerd, 1865. 8vo. 10.650 MINGELSTIKJES yn rijm en onrijm. Ljeauwert, n.d. 8vo. 10.651 MINSSEN (J. F.). Vergleichende Darstellung der Laut- und Flexionsverhaltnisse der noch lebenden neufriesischen Mundarten und ihres Verhiiltnisses zum altfriesischen. (Extract from Friesisches Archiv. I.) 10.652 MOANDEIS-REISKE (In) mei ulbe fen peasens, biskriuwn fen in Dockumer. Dockum, n.d. 10.653 MULLER (F. H.). Dontjes un Vertellsels in Brookmerlander Taal, de verbreedste Ostfreeske Mundart. Berlin, 1857. 8vo, half morocco. 10.654 NATIONALITY AND LANGUAGE (On) in the Duchy of Sleswick or South Jutland. Copenhagen, 1848. 8vo, half calf. 10.655 NIERREBONT (Heabeltsje). Nei Amerika. In wonderlike reis. Liowerd, n.d. 10.656 NISSEN (M.). De freske Sjemstin. Der friesische Spiegel mit einer hochdeutschen Uebersetzung. Altona, 1868. 8vo. 10.657 NYSBODE (Friske). Freantsjer, 1864-65. The complete issue of this periodical. 10.658 OELRICHS (P. A.). Kleines Worterbuch zur Erlernung der Helgolander Sprache fiir Deutsche, Englander und Hollander. Noplace, 1846. 8vo, half calf. 10.659 OETKER (F.). Helgoland. Schilderungen und Erorterungen. Mit einer Ansicht und zwei Karten. Berlin, 1855. 8vo, half morocco. 10.660 OFSKAFFER (Gjin). De Jeneverwirdt for de gies net broud. In fleskefol opriucht frisk sounheids bitter, for liu dy fen in slokje halde. Freantsjer, 1863. 10.661 OKELES (Broer). lenfaldige Ijeafdescijdnis uwt de earste helte fen de achttsjiende ieuw, uwt it holloans forfrijsce. Hearenfeen, 1844. 10.662 Brokken uwt it fryske forscaet fen Broer Okeles. Ljouwert, 1846. 10.663 OUDHEDEN (Friesche). Afbeeldingen van merkwaardige voorwerpen van Wetenschap en Kunst gevonden in de Archieven, Kerken, Kasteelen, Terpen Enz, van Friesland. In 32 platen met historische toelichtingen, benevens eene geschiedenis van het opgerigte Kabinet van Oudheden, uitgegeven door het Friesch Genootschap van Geschied-, Oudheid- en Taalkunde te Leeuwarden. Leeuwarden, 1875. 410. Very fine Plates. 10.664 OUTZEN (N.). Glossarium der friesischen Sprache, besonders in nordfriesischer Mundart, zur Vergleichung mit den verwandten germanischen und nordischen, etc. Herausgegeben von L. Engelstof und C. Molbech. Kopenhagen, 1837. 4to, half calf. 551 10.665 POSTHUMUS (R.). Prieinvcke fen friesche rijmmelerije. Grinz, 1824. 8vo, half calf. 10.666 In jouwerkoerke fol frysk griemank; ree makke in de Friesen oonbeam. Grins, 1836. 8vo. 10.667 Farwol ! Taroppen oon myn broer in stalke, W. van Peima, bij syn fortjean, mei bern in bernsbern in ore goede kunde, nei Amerika. Ljeauwert, 1849. 8 pages. 10.668 Sint Jans apokryf testamint; in joonpraatje tusken twa boerljue, mei in wurd oon de laezers forop. Dockum, 1857. 10.669 Fryske leedsanch op de dead fen Dr. E. H. Halbertsma. Dockum, 1858. 10.670 PROEVE van dichterlijke mengelingen. Zaandam, 1822. 8vo, half morocco. 10.671 RABBERY beskamme en woldwaen beleane. Toaneelstikje in twa utkomsten. Freantsjer, 1865. 10.672 RASK (R-)- Frisisk Sproglaere udarbej det efter samme Plan som dem islandske og angelsaksische. Kobenhavn, 1825. 8vo, half calf. 10.673 Friesche Spraakleer van R. Rask. Met enige veranderingen uit het Deensch vertaald door M. Hettema. Leeuwarden, 1832. 8vo, half calf. 10.674 Frisische Sprachlehre bearbeitet nach dem namlichen Plane wie die Islandische und Angelsachsische. Freiburg im Brsg. 1834. 8vo, half calf. (Aus dem Danischen uebersetzt, mit vorwort iiber die Wichtigkeit der Sprach- studirung, von F. S. Busz.) 10.675 REYS (De) fen Maicke Jackdes, fen Hallum ney Ljeauwert, om it ynheljen fenne prins ta sjen, yn 1778. Neijsjoen in hette forbettere, trog ien foreerder fenne friesche teal. Ljeauwert, 1830. 8vo. 10.676 RICHTHOFEN(Karl Freiherrvon). Lex Frisionum, edente Karolo Libero Barone de Richthofen. Repetita curis Societatis Frisiacae. Accedit recensio V. Cl. Baronis B. J. Lintelo de Geer. Leovardiae, 1866. 410. 10.677 Altfriesisches Worterbuch. Gottingen, 1840. 4to, half morocco. This is considered a work of great value for the study of the Frisian tongue. 10.678 Friesische Rechtsquellen. Berlin, 1840. 410, half morocco. With fac-simile. 10.679 ROEKER (De). Nos. 1-5. Ljeauwerd, 1832-33. Only these five numbers of this periodical appeared. 10.680 ROOSJEN (S. O.), KROESE (N. D.) und EEKHOFF (W.). Merkwaardigheden van Hindeloopen ; bevattende historische bijzonderheden omtrent de woningen, kleeding, gebruiken en taal der Hindeloopers, benevens taalproeven in rijm en onrijm. Leeuwarden, 1855. 8vo, half morocco. With fine Plate. 10.681 RUPRECHT (L.). Die deutschen Patronymika, nachgewiesen an der ostfriesischen Mundart. Hildesheim, 1864. 410. 10.682 S. (J. A.). Fleur by 't wirk. Sangkjes for warbere mensken, fen J. A. S. to M. Bolswerd, 1863. 8vo. 10.683 SALVERDA (J. C. P.). Ijtlijcke friesche rijmckes. Snits, 1824. 8vo. 10,684 Hiljuwns uwren. Ljeauwerd, 1834. 8vo, half calf. 552 10.685 SANGHFONA. Plattdiitsk-Ostfreeske Rimen, Vertelsels, un doentjes. Emden, 1828. 8vo, half morocco. 10.686 SANKJES (Frieske). Ljouwert, 1842. 8vo. 10.687 SCHELTEMA (J.). Geschied- enletterkundigmengelwerk. Amsterdam en Utrecht, 1818-36. 8vo, half morocco. 6 vols. In this collection there are several articles on Frisian Literature. 10.688 SCHOALU FORSJONGERY (De), as 't sielweagen bij 't examen to N. (Toneel- spil yn ie"n uetkomste.) Berymd troch Argus. Frentsjer, 1847. 10.689 SCHOELIER (J. A.). De bidragene Perfester of de bikearde Prukmaker. Klucht- spil. Bolswerd, 1864. 10.690 SCHOTANUS (Chr.). De geschiedenissen kerckelyck ende wereldtlyck van Friesland oost ende west ; beginnende van d'eerste geheuchnis ende vol-trocken tot op het Jaar na Christi geboorte 1583. Ace. Tablinium, d. i. Brieven end documenten, dienende tot de friesche historic. Franeker, 1658. Folio, vellum. This work contains a fine set of portraits. The Tablinium contains some old documents in the Frisian tongue. 10.691 SHAKSPEARE (W.). De Keapman fen Venetien in Julius Cesar, Twa toneel- stikken. Uit it Ingels foarfriesche trog R. Posthumus. Grinz, 1829. 8vo, half morocco. 10.692 As Jiemme it lije meie, in blijspul, uut it Ingels fen William Shakspeare forfryske in mei forkleerjende noten forsjoen troch R. Posthumus. Dockum, 1842. 4to, half calf. 10.693 SICCAMA (Sibrand). Lex Frisionum, sive, antiquae Frisiorum leges, a reliquis veterum Germanorum legibus separatim aeditae et notis illustrata a Sibrando Siccama. Franekerae, 1617. Also, Sibrandi Siccama in antiquas Frisionum leges, et conventus Opstalsbaem statuta notae. 410, vellum. 10.694 SOENBREEF (Thi) twiske thene Biscop anda tha fresa 1276, vertaald door Jhr. Mr. M. Hettema. No date or place. 10.695 SPIKSPLINTERNYE festeljouns krante. Liowerd, 1857. 10.696 STURENBERG (C. H.). Ostfriesisches Worterbuch. Aurich, 1857. 8vo > half morocco. 10.697 SWANNEBLUMMEN. Jierboekje, utjown fon da Selscip foar frysce tael in scriftenkinnisse. Liowerd, 1850-70. 21 vols. 10.698 SYTEMA (Jentje). It Berch-Feest to Appelskea. In it frisk besungen. Easter- wolde, no date. 10.699 Hinne en Hinke, of it fordielde houlik foriene. Bolswerd, 1862. 10.700 It krantlesen fen boer Pibe, bilustere thruch sin litsfeint. Up rim brocht. Easterwolde, 1865. 10.701 It Berch-Feest to Appelskea. In it Frisk besungen. Easterwalde, (G. S. de Tempe), n.d. i2mo. 10.702 TANKBRE BOERE ZOON (De). Tonneel-spul, yn ien bedrijf, of fjouwer- en trytig tonneelen, maest oerzet ney engels wurkje. Lieuwird, 1778. 553 10,703 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Evangelii Matthaei prima duo capita in linguam Neo- Frisicam translata a J. H. Halbertsma. Londini, 1857. Bound with it is, Evangelii Matthai, caput 2, in linguam Neo-Frisicam translatum a J. H. Halbertsma. Londini, 1857. Morocco. Only 25 copies of this second specimen were printed, this being the only one on thicker paper. 10,704 An ordinary copy of the same edition. Morocco. 10,705 Evangelii Matthaei caput primum in linguam Neo-Frisicam translatum a J. H. Halbertsma. Londini, 1857. Morocco. 10,706 St. Matthew. Het Evangelie van Mattheus vertaald in het Land-Friesch door J. H. Halbertsma. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londen, 1858. 410, morocco. Only 250 copies printed, this being one of the two unnumbered copies. 10.707 The other unnumbered copy of the same edition, being the only one with the initial letter and number of each chapter in red. Morocco. 10.708 St. Matthew. Het Evangelie van Mattheus vertaald in het Land- Friesch door J. H. Halbertsma. London, British and Foreign Bible Society, 1884. 8vo. 10.709 THOMSON (J.). Sokrates, in toneelstik fen J. Thomson: uut it forfryske fen Knillis Jorrits Posthumus te Sint Anna. Ljeauwert, 1848. 10.710 TOLLENS (H.). De oerwintering der Hollanders op Nova Sembla, yn de jirren 1596 en 1597. Forfryske fen H. G. van der Veen. Ljouwerd, 1861. 10.711 TRYE jieren letter of Levi Smoel, de Lotteryjoad. Freantsjer, 1863. 10.712 TWA dagen hear, of in frolike reis nei Drinthe. Birgum, n.d. 8vo. 10.713 VAN HELTEN (W. L.) Altostfriesische Grammatik. Leeuwarden, 1890. 8vo. 10.714 VAN VERVOU (J. F.). Enige aenteekeningen van 't gepasseerde in de vergadering van de Staten-Generael anno 1616-20. Leeuwarden, 1874. 8vo. 10.715 VEEN (H. G. van der). Rymkes foar Friesen. Joure, 1844. 10.716 Cliprynkes. Freantsjer, 1846. 10.717 De wilde lantearne. En nuts-preekje. Dockum, 1855. 10.718 Nije mearstimmige, greatliks oirsprunklike sangen. Dockum, 1856. 10.719 De Kaertlizzer. len story der ig e ieu. Leauwerd, 1856. 10.720 Curaters, weits ! of Hwat Moike, ewen foar hjar dead, sei. len wirdke foar elts dy to dwaen hat mei de nye scoallewet. Op rym brocht. Leauwerd, 1861. 10.721 Oan de Friezen, yn foarmoane fen 1861, by 't fornimmen fen de Oerstreaming oan Maes in Wael. len foardracht. Leauwerd, 1861. 10,722 Geast end Pung. En deuntje ut end foar us dagen. Liowerd, 1868. 8vo. 10,723 VERHANDELINGEN van het genootschap "pro excolendo jure patria." Tweede Deel. Groningen, 1778. 8vo, half calf. In this volume occurs, Husingoer landrecht. 554 10.724 VERSLAG (Zeven-en-dertigste) der Handelingen van het Friesch Genootschap van Geschied-, Oudheid- en Taalkunde, over het Jaar i86f-65. Workum. 8vo. 10.725 (Acht-en-dertigste) etc., over het Jaar 1865-66. Workum. 8vo. 10.726 der Handelingen van het Friesch Genootschap van Geschied-, Oudheid- en Taalkunde te Leeuwarden over het Jaar 1866-67. No. 19. 10.727 Also Nos. 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, for the years 1867 to 1875. 10.728 WASSENBERGH (Ev.). Taalkundige bydragen tot den frieschen tongval. Leeu- warden, 1802. 8vo, half calf. 10.729 WETTEN (Oude friesche), met eene nederduitsche vertaaling en ophelderende aantekeningen voorzien. (Door P. Wierdsma en P. Brantsma.) Campen en Leeuwarden, (1782). 410, calf. Two parts in one vol. 10.730 (Oude friesche), Uitgegeven door het Friesch Genootschap van geschied-, oudheid- en taalkunde. [Hunsingoer, Rustringer, Broekmer, Emsiger (i e en 2* codex) regt] Bijeenverzameld en op nieuw nagezien door Jr. Mr. M. de Haan Hettema. Leeuwarden, 1846-51. 8vo, half morocco. 10.731 van het Friesch Genootschap van geschied-, oudheid- en taalkunde, gevestigd te Leeuwarden. Workum, 1844. 8vo. 10.732 WIARDA (T. D.). Geschichte der ausgestorbenen alten friesischen oder sachsischen Sprache. Aurich, 1784. 10.733 Alt friesisches Worterbuch : Aurich, 1786. 8vo. Geschichte der ausges- torbenen alten friesischen oder sachsischen Sprache. Aurich und Bremen, 1784. 8vo, half calf. Bound together. 10.734 Asega-Buch; ein altfriesches Gesetzbuch der Rustringer. Herausgegeben, iibersetzt und erlautertvon T. D. W. Berlin und Stettin, 1805. 410, half morocco. 10.735 Von den Landtagen der Friesen in den mittleren Zeiten bei Upstalsboom. (Zweite Ausgabe.) Leer, 1818. 8vo, half morocco. 10.736 Willkiiren der Brockmanner, eines freyen friesischen Volkes. Berlin, 1820. 8vo. 10.737 WINDSMA (R.). Friesch blom-koerke, aef, grijmanck fen ijtlijcke rijmckes, in hette oare katerye. Snits, (1829). 8vo. 10.738 Friezne blomme-kranze, fuwn in gear-frisle. Snits, (1833). 8vo. 10.739 Bledden uwt mijn schrieuw-boeck. Snits, 1847. 8vo, half calf. 10.740 WINKLER (J.). Algemeen nederduitsch en friesch dialecticon. 's Gravenhage, 1874. 8vo. 2 vols. 10.741 WINTERJOUNS GEARKOMSTE (len), by Jolle Boer, troch Eman. Snits, 1852. 10.742 WORP VAN THABOR. Worp tyaerda van rinsumageest, vijfde boek der kronijken van Friesland, bevattende de geschiedenis van het begin der Zestiende eeuw. Leeuwarden, 1871. 8vo. 10.743 WRALD (De), scil forgean. Petear fen in boer en sin arbeider, oer it sizzen dat er in comeet tsjin us ierdbol oan pompje scil, op 'e 13 Juny 1857. Freantsjer, 1857- 555 10,744 ZYLSTRA (Harmen). It boask fen de kasteleins dochter. Blyspil yn trye utkomsten. Nieuwe uitgave. Frentsjer, 1843. 10.745 - Tsien tuwsen uwt de lotterij, oaf Jouke Rommerts scriften ; besteande yn staeltjes uwt syn libbensscydnis, teltjes in sechjes dy hy fen syn frjeunen in kinnissen hjerde ; in h\vet rymlery. Frentsjer, 184.3. izmo, half calf. 10.746 - Inleiding tot de friesche spraakkunst. Uitgegeven door het gezelschap voor friesche taal- en letterkunde. Leeuwarden, 1854. 8vo. 10.747 - Klank- en schriftleer der friesche taal, of eerste afdeeling der friesche spraakkunst. (Published by the same Society as the last.) Leeuwarden, 1856. 8vo. 10.748 ZIJLSTRA, or SYLSTRA. or ZYLSTRA (Harmen). Gelukkig Hansje. Friesch Kinder-Leesboekje. Franeker, n.d. ENGLISH. 10.749 ABBOTT (E. A.). A Shakespearian Grammar. London, 1869. 8vo. 10.750 - (John Thomas). A brief attempt to account for Ecclesiastical Surnames, more especially such as are derived from Monastic Titles ; with a Catalogue of Arms. Richmond, 1861. Only fifty copies printed. 10.751 ACADEMY (The). A Monthly Record of Literature, Learning, Science and Art. London, 186979. 16 vols. From the 5th volume onward the title runs : A Weekly Review of Literature, Science and Art 10.752 - A Weekly Review of Literature, Science and Art. London. From 1881 to 1890. 10.753 ACCOUNT OF SCOTLAND (The New Statistical); by the Ministers of the respective Parishes, under the superintendence of a Committee of the Society for the benefit of the sons and daughters of the clergy. Edinburgh, 1845. 8vo, half calf. 15 vols. 10.754 ADAMS (James). Euphonologia Linguae Anglicanae, et mirum sonorum artificium, regulis conformium, rejecto nudae Exceptionis Effugio, facta cum Gallica Con- tentione, et Lusus Literarii libera Vagatione : Latine et Gallice scripta, et in Tria Scuta seu Partes divisa. London, 1794. 410, calf. 10.755 - The Pronunciation of the English Language vindicated from imputed anomaly and caprice. With an Appendix. Edinburgh, 1799. 4to, calf. 10.756 ADVENTURES OF BILBERRY THURLAND. London, 1836. i2mo, half morocco. With Plates. 3 vols. 10.757 AEOLUS. Originations of Words, with a Treatise on the Scale A E I leading to a view of the Scale of Colours. Paris, 1843. 410, half morocco. 10.758 AINSWORTH (W. H.). Ballads, romantic, fantastical and humorous. Illustrated by John Gilbert. London, n.d. 8vo, half morocco. 10.759 AITON (Wm.). General View of the agriculture of the County of Ayr. Glasgow, 1811. 410, half morocco. With Maps and Engravings. 10.760 ALBRECHT (A.). Vollstiindige Sammlung englischer Eigennamen und ihrer richtigen Aussprache und Betonung. Leipzig, 1846. 8vo. 556 10.761 ALEXIUSLEGENDEN (Englische) aus dem xiv und xv Jahrhundert. Heraus- gegeben von J. Schipper. Strassburg, 1877. 8vo. 10.762 ALFORD (H.). The Queen's English. Stray Notes on Speaking and Writing. London, 1864. 8vo. 10.763 ALLIBONE (S. Austin). A Critical Dictionary of English Literature, and British and American Authors, Living and Deceased, from the earliest accounts to the middle of the nineteenth century. Philadelphia and London, 1859-71. 8vo. 3 vols. 10.764 ALMANACK. Agricultural Almanac for the year 1870. Lancaster, Pa. 10.765 Thorley's Illustrated Farmer's Almanach for 1868, and Diary. London. 10.766 ALNWICK VOCAL MISCELLANY: a selection of the most esteemed Songs. Alnwick, 1816. 10.767 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHILOLOGY (The). Edited by Basil L. Gildersleeve. Vol. vii, part 2. Baltimore, 1886. 8vo. 10.768 The same. Vol. viii, part 2. Baltimore, 1887. 8vo. 10.769 AMOROUS GALLANT'S TONGUE tipped with Golden Expressions (The), or, The Art of Courtship refined, being the Best and Newest Academy. i3th edition. London, 1741. i2mo, calf. 10.770 ANCKER (E. F.). Engelsk-Dansk Parleur og progressive Ovelser til Oversaettelse paa Engelsk. Kjobenhavn, 1851. 8vo. 10.771 A Key to E. F. Ancker's Progressive English Exercises. Copenhagen, 1851. 8vo. 10.772 ANDERSON (Christopher). Memorial respecting the diffusion of the Sacred Scriptures throughout the United Kingdom, particularly in the Celtic or Iberian Dialects. Edinburgh, 1819. 8vo. I0 >773 The English Scriptures, their first reception and effects, including memorials of Tyndale, Fryth, Coverdale and Rogers, assigning to each his respective place in the production of the English Bible. With an Appendix. Edinburgh, 1835. 8vo. 10.774 ANNALS OF IRELAND (The), translated from the original Irish of the Four Masters by Owen Connellan. With annotations by Philip MacDermott and the Translator. Dublin, 1846. 4to. 10.775 ANSTED (D. T.). Black's Guide to the Channel Islands. Illustrated. Edinburgh, 1866. 8vo. 10.776 ANTHROPOLOGICAL Notes and Queries, for the use of Travellers, etc. Drawn up by a Committee appointed by the British Association for the Advancement of Science. London, 1874. 8vo, half morocco. 10.777 ANTIQUITIES of West Cumberland and the Lake District. No title-page. Half morocco. 10.778 ARAM (Eugene). The Trial and Life of Eugene Aram ; several of his Letters and Poems ; and his plan and specimens of an Anglo-Celtic Lexicon ; with copious Notes and Illustrations. Richmond, 1832. 4to. 557 10,779 ARCH^OLOGIA; or, Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity. Published by the Society of Antiquaries of London. London, 1814. 410, half calf. Vol. xvii. 10,780 CAMBRENSIS: a Record of the Antiquities of Wales and its Marches, and the Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association. Vols. i to iv. London, 1846-49. Vols. i to v (New Series). London, 1850-54, with Supple- mental vol. for 1850. Vols. i to xv (Third Series). London, 1855-69. 10.781 ARCHAEOLOGICAL REVIEW (The). A Journal of historic and pre-historic Antiquities. Vol. i, No. i. London, 1888. 8vo. 10.782 ARTHUR (Wm.). An Etymological Dictionary of Family and Christian Names. New York, 1857. izmo. 10.783 ASH (John). The New and Complete Dictionary of the English Language. London, 1775. 410, calf. 2 vols. This dictionary contains the famous derivation of Curmudgeon from the French Cceur, unknown, and mediant, a correspondent. See note to next work. 10.784 The New and Complete Dictionary of the English Language. Second edition. London, 1795. 4to, calf. 2 vols. This edition also contains the famous definition of Curmudgeon. Dr. Johnson in his dictionary says of this word, " It is a vitious manner of pronouncing cceur mechant, Fr. , An unknown correspondent. " Dr. Ash, who boasted that his was an original work, not compiled from other authors, copied Johnson with the following result : " Curmudgeon (S. from the French cceur, unknown, and mediant, a correspondent). " 10.785 ATLAS. Walker's Map of North and South Wales in two parts. 10.786 BAILEY (Nath.). Dictionarium Britannicum ; or a more compleat universal etymo- logical English Dictionary than any extant. London, (T. Cox), 1730. Folio, calf. The Preface is signed by Nathan Bailey and George Gordon, the latter being responsible for the mathematical part of the work. 10.787 The Universal Etymological English Dictionary. 3rd edition. London, (T. Cox), 1737. 410, calf. 10.788 The same. loth edition. London, printed for R. Ware, A. Ward, etc., etc., 1742. 410, calf. 10.789 The same. 2oth edition. London, printed for R. Ware, W. Innys, etc., etc., 1764. 4to, calf. 10,790 A new universal etymological English Dictionary; revised and corrected by Joseph Nicol Scott. A new edition. London, printed for T. Osborne, etc., etc., 1764. Folio, calf. 10.791 BAILEY-FAHRENKRUGER'S Worterbuch der englischen Sprache. Zwolfte Auflage, giinzlich umgearbeited von Adolf Wagner. Jena, 1822. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. 10.792 BAIRD (W.). Memoir of the late Rev. John Baird, minister of Yetholm, Roxburgh- shire. London, 1862. 8vo. Illustrated. 10.793 BALBI (E.). Primi Elementi della Lingua Inglese. Milano, 1840. i2mo, half calf. 10.794 BARETTI (Joseph). A Journey from London to Genoa, through England, Portugal, Spain and France. London, 1770. Third edition. 8vo, calf. 4 vols. 558 10.795 BARNES (Dame Juliana) or Burners. An older form of the Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an angle, attributed to Dame Juliana Barnes. Printed from a MS. in the possession of Alfred Denison, Esq. With Preface and Glossary by Thomas Satchell. London, 1883. Only 400 copies printed for presentation to the Members of the English Dialect Society and others. 10.796 (W.). Tiw ; or, A view of the roots and stems of the English as a Teutonic Tongue. London, 1862. 8vo. 10.797 BARRY (Geo.). The History of the Orkney Islands; ancient and present State. With Map and Plates. Edinburgh, 1805. 4to, calf. 10.798 History of the Orkney Islands. With Map and Plates. Second edition, with corrections and additions by the Rev. James Headrick. London, 1808. 410, half calf, uncut. 10.799 BASILE (G.-B.). The Pentamerone, or, The Story of Stories, fun for the little ones. Translated from the Neapolitan by J. E. Taylor. London, 1850. 8vo. With Illustrations by George Cruikshank. 10.800 BATTLE-DOOR for Teachers and Professors to learn Singular and Plural ; by George Fox, John Stubs and Benjamin Furley. London, 1660. An Answer to a late Pamphlet entitled, A Character of a Popish Successor, and what England may expect from such a One. London, 1681. The Examination of Edw. Fitzharris, relating to the Popish Plot, taken the Tenth day of March, 1 68. Published in Print by Order of the House of Commons, the 25th day of March, 1681. London, 1681. King's Speech to Parliament at Oxford, 2ist March, i68f. King's Speech to Parliament, isth December, 1680. England's Alarm, or, A Declaration to the King, Houses of Parliament, City of London and the Nation in general, by Johannes Philanglus. London, 1679. Calf. These interesting publications are bound together in one book. 10.801 BEALEY (R. R.). After-Business Jottings. Poems. London, 1865. 8vo. 10.802 Field Flowers and City Chimes. Poems. Illustrated by Augustus Dulcken. London, 1866. 8vo. 10.803 BEAUMONT and FLETCHER. The Royal Merchant; or, the Beggar's Bush. A Comedy as it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Covent Garden. London, 1735. izmo. 10.804 BEE (Jon). A Living Picture of London for 1828, and Stranger's Guide through the streets of the Metropolis. London, i2mo. Contains a Plate representing Paul Pry casting his eye over London. 10.805 BE ETON (S. O.). Beeton's Modern European Celebrities. London, n.d. i6mo. 10.806 BEETON'S CHRISTMAS ANNUAL. Fourth Season. London, (1863). 8vo. 10.807 BEHNSCH (O.). Ueber das Verhaltniss der deutschen und romanischen Elemente in der englischen Sprache. Breslau, 1 844. 4to. 10.808 Geschichte der englischen Sprache und Literatur von den altesten Zeiten bis zur Einfiihrung der Buchdruckerkunst. Breslau, 1853. 8vo, half morocco. 10.809 BELITZ (Oscar). On the formation of the English language. Hamburg, n.d. 8vo. 1 0,8 10 BELL (A Graham). Visible Speech as a means of communicating articulation to Deaf-Mutes. Washington, 1872. 8vo. Presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 559 10.8 1 1 BELL (Alex. Melville). Class-Primer of English Visible Speech. London, n.d. 8 pages. 10.812 Another edition, enlarged. 1 6 pages. Presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 10.813 Visible Speech; every language universally legible, exactly as spoken. London, 1864. 410. (A Prospectus). 10,814 Visible Speech: The Science of Universal Alphabetics ; or, Self-inter- preting physiological letters, for the writing of all languages in one alphabet. Inaugural edition. London, 1867. 4to. Presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 10.815 Universal line- writing and steno-phonography, on the basis of Visible Speech. London, 1869. 8vo. Presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L Bonaparte. 10.816 Explanatory lecture on Visible Speech, the science of Universal Alphabetics; delivered before the College of Preceptors, Feb. 9, 1870. London, 1870. Presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 10.817 Lecture upon Letters and Sounds and Visible Speech. Washington, 1883. 24 pages. 10.818 (J. S ). Journal of a residence in Circassia during the years 1837, 1838, and 1839. Adorned with numerous illustrations. London, 1840. 8vo. 2 vols. 10.819 (Robert). The Annotated Edition of the English Poets. London, 1857. 8vo. 10.820 BELLOT (Thomas). Sanskrit derivations of English Words. London, 1856. 4to, half morocco. 10.821 BELLOWS (John). Short Examples of the English Language, from the Anglo- Saxon times to the days of Queen Victoria. Gloucester, 1862. Morocco. (Specimens of printing.) 10.822 BENNETT (G. J.). The Tourist's Guide through North Wales. With Etchings by A. Clint. London, 1853. 8 vo, half calf. 10.823 BENSON (William). Universal Phonography .... with an appendix on the use of phonography for the blind. London, 1887. 10.824 BIBLIOTHECA TOPOGRAPHICA BRITANNICA. No. 13. Containing some Account of the Parish of Great Coxwell, in the County of Berks. With Plates. London, 1783. Also No. 14. Collections towards a Parochial History of Berk- shire. Being the Answers returned to Mr. Mores's circular Letters and Queries. London, 1783. With Plates. 410, half calf. 10.825 BIBLE. The Holy Bible, containing the New and Old Testaments; translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. By His Majesty's Special Command. Oxford, 1827. 8vo, calf. 10.826 The Holy Bible. Oxford, 1838. 8vo, morocco. 10.827 The Holy Bible translated from the Latin Vulgate. The Stereotype Edition. Dublin, 1843. 8vo. 560 10.828 BIBLE. The Holy Scriptures of the Olde and Newe Testamente, with the Apocripha ; faithfully translated from the Hebrue and Greke by Myles Coverdale, sometime Lord Bishop of Exeter. M.D.XXXV. ' Second Modern Edition. London, (Samuel Bagster), 1847. 4*- 10.829 - The Holy Bible. Oxford, 18+8. 8vo, morocco. 10.830 -- The same. From the Vulgate. London, 1850. 8vo, morocco. 10.831 - The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, with the Apocryphal Books, in the earliest English Versions made from the Latin Vulgate by John Wycliffe and his followers ; edited by the Rev. J. Eorshall and Sir Frederic Madden. Oxford, 1850. 410, morocco. 2 vols. 10.832 - The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments; printed phonetically. London, 1850. 4 to. 10.833 - The English version of the Polyglot Bible; containing the Old and New Testaments. London, (Bagster and Sons), n.d. 8vo, morocco. This edition is a fac-simile reprint, with larger types, of the English Version of Bagster's Polyglot Bible. 10.834 - Old Testament. The Septuagint version of the Old Testament, according to the Vatican Text, translated into English, with the principal various readings of the Alexandrine copy, and a Table of comparative Chronology, by Sir Lancelot Charles Lee Brenton, Bart. London, 1844. 8vo. 2 vols. 10.835 - Revised English Version of the Holy Scriptures by the American Bible Union. Parallel edition, 1856-57. London. 410. First three parts. (King James's Version, Greek Text, and Revised Version.) 10.836 - The Twenty-Four Books of the Holy Scriptures; carefully translated according to the Massorttic text, after the best Jewish authorities. By Isaac Leeser. London, 5625 (1865). 12010. 10.837 - Coheleth, commonly called the Book of Ecclesiastes ; translated from the original Hebrew, with a Commentary, historical and critical. By C. D. Ginsburg. London, 1861. 4to. Presentation copy to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte from the translator. 10.838 - Psalter. The Psalmes of David, translated from the Vulgat. No place of publication. 1700. i2mo, calf. This work was probably published in Paris. The translation is by Caryll, a follower of James II to St. Germains. The book contains the autograph of Harriet Augustina Freeman, the authoress of Preuves incontestable* de la Veritt de CE'glise Catholique Romaine. 10.839 - The Song of Solomon in Saxon-English. By George M. Green. London, 1862. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed for Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 10.840 - Another copy, being the only one on thick paper. Crushed levant. 10.841 - in many Tongues (The) ; and our English Bible. London, n.d. i6mo. Frontispiece. Published by the Religious Tract Society. 10.842 BLACK'S PICTURESQUE GUIDE through North and South Wales and Mon- mouthshire. Illustrated by Maps, Charts, and Views of Scenery. Edinburgh, 1851. 8vo. 561 10.843 BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. No. 175. January, 1831. Vol. xxix. (Noctes Ambrosianae ; Nos. 53 to 59.) 10.844 BLEEK (VV. H. J.). On the Origin of Language. Edited with a Preface by Dr. Ernst Haeckel. Translated by Thomas Davidson. New York, 1869. 410. 10.845 BLIGHT (J. T.). A Week at the Land's End. With Illustrations and a Map. London, 1861. 8vo. 10.846 BLOUNT (T.). Glossographia ; or, A Dictionary, interpreting all such Hard Words, whether Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Italian, Spanish, etc., as are now used in our refined English tongue. London, 1656. 8vo, calf. 10.847 An English Expositour, or Compleat Dictionary. Cambridge, 1688. iimo, half calf. 10.848 BOHN (H. G.). A Hand-Book of Proverbs; comprising an entire republication of Rae's collection of English Proverbs, etc. London, 1855. 8vo. 10.849 BOND (R.). The Fonetic Reder. Lundun, 1849. 8vo. 10.850 BOOTH (David). An Analytical Dictionary of the English Language. London, 1835. 410. 10.851 BORDE (Andrew). The Boke of the Introduction of Knowledge. A reprint from a copy of Copland's edition printed by him in Loth bury. London, 1814. Folio. 10.852 BORLASE (W.). Observations on the Ancient and Present state of the Islands of Scilly, and their importance to the trade of Great Britain. Oxford, 1756. 410, half calf. With Map and Plates. 10.853 The Natural History of Cornwall. Oxford, 1758. Folio, calf. With Map and Plates. 10.854 BORROW (George). The Bible in Spain ; or, the Journeys, Adventures, and Imprisonments of an Englishman, in an attempt to circulate the Scriptures in the Peninsula. London, 1843. izmo. 3 vols. 10.855 Lavengro ; the Scholar the Gypsy the Priest. London, 1851. i2mo. With fine Portrait of the author. 3 vols. 10.856 The Romany Rye; a sequel to Lavengro. London, 1857. i2mo. 2 vols. 10.857 BOTTRELL (Wm.). Traditions and Hearthside Stories of West Cornwall. Penzance, 1870. i2mo. 10.858 BOUCHER (Jonathan). A Supplement to Dr. Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language ; or, a Glossary of Obsolete and Provincial Words. Part the first. London, 1807. Folio. A MS. note on the cover says this was the only part ever printed, and was given to the owner by the author's son in 1816. 10.859 BOULT (Joseph). Some of the Ancient Jurisdictions of South Britain. A paper read before the Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool, Dec. 14, 1874. Presentation copy from the writer to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 10.860 BOWDITCH (N. I.). Suffolk Surnames. (Suffolk County in the United States of America.) Boston, 1857. 4to. (Not published.) 10.861 Second edition. Boston, 1858. 410. 10.862 Third edition. 1861. 410. 36 562 10.863 BRADSHAW (J.). A scheme for making the English Language the International Language for the World. London, n.d. 4to. 10.864 BRADY (J. H.). A critical and analytical Dissertation on the Names of Persons. London, 1822. i2mo, calf. 10,865 (Robert). An Introduction to the Old English History comprehended in three several Tracts. London, 1864. 410, calf. 10.866 BRAYLEY (Edw. W.). The Graphic and Historical Illustrator: an original miscellany of literary, antiquarian, and topographical information ; embellished with 150 woodcuts. London, 1834. 8vo. 10.867 BRENAN (Justin). The Foreigner's English Conjugator; elucidated through French examples. London, 1831. i2mo. 10.868 BRICE (Andrew). The Mobiad ; or, Battle of the Voice. An heroi-comic Poem, sportively satirical. Being a briefly historical, natural and lively, free and humorous, description of an Exeter Election. In six Cantos. Exon, 1770. 410. 10.869 BRIDGE (W.). Conway and its Lions. London, 1848. izmo. Frontispiece. 10.870 BRIERLEY (B.). A Day Out. A Summer Ramble in Daisy Nook. A sketch of Lancashire Life and Character. Manchester, 1859. 8vo. 10.871 BRIGGS (John). The Remains of John Briggs. To which is added a Sketch of his Life. London, 1825. i2mo, half calf. 10.872 BRITISH POETS (The). A Complete Collection from Chaucer to Wordsworth. Edited by Professor Child. Boston, 1857-59. 8vo. 8 vols. 10.873 BRITTON (John). The Beauties of Wiltshire, displayed in Statistical, Historical and Descriptive Sketches. Illustrated by Views of the Principal Seats, etc. London, 1801-12. Half calf. 3 vols. 10.874 BROUGHTON (Lord). Travels in Albania and other provinces of Turkey in 1809 and 1810. A new edition, revised and corrected, 1858. London, 1858. 8vo. 2 vols. (With Illustrations and a Map.) 10.875 BROWN (Goold). The Grammar of English Grammars. London, 1851. 8vo. 10.876 (John). The Sequel to Neddy and Sally, or, Love and Glory. A tale of real life. London, n.d. 10.877 (Sir Thomas). Certain Miscellany Tracts published by Thomas Tenison from the author's MSS. after his death. With Portrait of the author. London, 1684. 8vo, calf. 10,878 (T. E.). The Manx Witch, and other Poems. London, 1889. 8vo. 10.879 BROWNE (Thomas). Poems on Several Occasions. With fine Portrait. London, 1800. 8vo, calf. 10.880 BUNTING (Edward). A general collection of the ancient Music of Ireland. London, n.d. With Plates. Folio, calf. 10. 88 1 BURGESS (W R.). An Investigation of a common Aryan and Semitic demonstra- tive base. London, 1867. 8vo. 10.882 BUTLER (Weeden). Memoirs of Mark Hildesley, D.D., Lord Bishop of Sodor and Mann, and Master of Sherburn Hospital ; under whose auspices the Holy Scriptures were translated into the Manks Language. London, 1799. 8vo. 563 10.883 BYEGONES; relating to Wales and the Border Counties. Oswestry, 1878-79. 410. Only 150 copies printed. 10.884 CAMBRIDGE ESSAYS contributed by Members of the University. London, 1 8 55-56. 2 vols. 10.885 CAMDEN (William). Remains of a greater Worke, concerning Britaine, the in- habitants thereof, their Languages, Names, Surnames, Empresses, wise Speeches, Poesies and Epitaphs. London, 1605. First edition. 410. 10.886 Remains concerning Britain: Their Languages, Names, Surnames, etc. The Seventh Impression, much amended, with many rare Antiquities never before Imprinted. By the Industry and Care of John Philipot, Somerset Herald, and W. D., gent. With fine portrait of Camden. London, 1674. 8vo, calf. 10.887 Magna Britannia. (The pages of Vol. i relating to Cornwall.) In the Savoy, 1720. 410. \Vith a Map of Cornwall by Robt. Morden. 10.888 CAREW OF ANTONIE (Richard). The Survey of Cornwall. London, 1602. 4to, calf. Very scarce. 10,889 The Survey of Cornwall. And an Epistle concerning the Excellencies of the English Tongue. With the Life of the Author by H**** C*****. A New Edition. London, 1769. 4to, half calf. 10.890 Carew's Survey of Cornwall ; to which are added, Notes illustrative of its History and Antiquities, by the late Thomas Tonkin, Esq. ; and now first published from the original manuscripts by Francis Lord De Dunstanville. London, 1811. 410, calf. 10.891 CARNARVONSHIRE antiquities, from a MS. communicated by T. Wright, F.S.A. " Notes to bee observed before you lett your survay passe your handes." (An extract.) 10.892 CATALOGUE. The London Catalogue of Books published in Great Britain. With their sizes, prices, and publishers' names from 1814-46. London, 1846. 4to, half morocco. 10.893 (The English) of Books published from January 1835 to January 1863, comprising the contents of the London and the British Catalogues, and the principal works published in the United States of America and Continental Europe, with the dates of publication, in addition to the size, price, edition, and publisher's name. Compiled by Sampson Low. London, 1864. 410, half morocco. 10.894 of the Anglo-Jewish Historical Exhibition at the Royal Albert Hall, 1887. 10.895 CATECHISM. The Russian Catechism composed and published by order of the Czar. With Short Account of the Church-Government and Ceremonies of the Muscovites. Adorn'd with Cuts. Translated by J. Tho. Philipps. London, 1725. 8vo, calf. 10.896 A Catechism of Christian Doctrine. No. 2. Approved by the Cardinal Archbishop and Bishops of England and Wales. London, 1879. 10.897 CELEBRITIES of the Day: British and Foreign. A Monthly Repertoire of Contemporary Biography. Vol. i, part i. April, 1 88 1. London. 564 10.898 CENSUS of England and Wales for the year 1861. London, 1862. 410. 10.899 of Ireland for the year 1 86 1. Dublin, 1863. 4to. 2 vols. 10.900 of Scotland for the year 1 86 1. Edinburgh, 1862. 4to. 10.901 CHAP BOOKS. A Collection of Chap Books, Broadsides and Ballads, bound into one volume. Half calf. 10.902 CHAPPELL (W.). Popular Music of the Olden Time: a Collection of ancient Songs, Ballads, and Dance Tunes illustrative of the National Music of England, etc., etc. The whole of the Airs harmonized by G. A. Macfarren. London, n.d. 8vo. 2 vols. 10.903 CHARNOCK (R. S.). Local Etymology: a derivative dictionary of geographical names. London, 1859. 8vo. 10.904 Ludus Patronymicus ; or, The Etymology of Curious Surnames. London, 1868. 8vo. 10.905 CHAUCER (Geoffrey). The Canterbury Tales. To which are added, An Essay upon his Language and Versification ; an introductory Discourse ; and Notes and Glossary. London, 1775-78. 8vo, calf. 5 vols. 10.906 The Treatise on the Astrolabe. Edited with Notes and Illustrations by And. Edm. Brae. London, 1870. 8vo. 10.907 CHRONICON VILODUNENSE ; sive, De vita et miraculis Sanctae Edithae regis Edgari filiae, carmen vetus Anglicum ; e codice unico Cottoniano in Museo Britannico asservato, nunc demum in lucem editum ; cura Giulelmi Henrici Black; sumptibus Ricardi Colt Hoare. Londini, 1830. Folio, half calf. 10.908 CLARE (John). Poems descriptive of Rural Life and Scenery. London, 1820. i2mo, half calf. 10.909 CLAYTON (W.). Tales and Recollections of the Southern Coast. London, 1861. 8vo. 10.910 CLIFFE (Ch. F.). The Book of South Wales, the Bristol Channel, Monmouth- shire, and the Wye. Illustrated with Maps and Engravings. Second edition, enlarged. London, 1848. 8vo. 10.911 Third edition. London, 1854. 8vo, half morocco. 10.912 The Book of North Wales. Scenery, Antiquities, etc. With a Map and Illustrations. London, 1850. 8vo. 10.913 CLOUGH (J. C.). On the existence of mixed Languages, being an examination of the fundamental axioms of the foreign School of Philology, more especially as applied to the English. London, 1876. 8vo. 10.914 COBBETT (Wm.). Le Maitre d' Anglais, ou, Grammaire raisonne"e de la Langue anglaise a 1'usage des Fran9ais; suivie de dialogues familiers par J. Perrin, et des idiotismes anglaises par Chambaud. Paris, 1836. 12010. 10.915 Le Maitre d' Anglais, ou, Grammaire de la langue anglaise. Bruxelles, 1837. i2mo, half calf. 10.916 COBHAM (C. D.). An Attempt at a Bibliography of Cyprus. Nicosia, 1889. 565 10.917 COLERIDGE (Herbert). A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language. From the Semi-Saxon Period of A.D. 1250 to 1300. Consisting of an Alphabetical Inventory of every word in the printed English Literature of the I3th Century. London, 1862. 410, half calf. 10.918 COLES (E.). An English Dictionary, explaining the difficult Terms that are used in Divinity, Husbandry, Physick, etc., etc. London, 1685. 410, calf. 10.919 COLLECTIONS relating to the History of Mary, Queen of Scotland. Containing a number of original papers never before printed. Revised and published by James Anderson. Edinburgh, 1727, but the 4th vol. at London, 1728. 410, calf. 4 vols. 10.920 COLLECTION of voyages and travels (A), some now first printed from original manuscripts, others translated out of foreign languages and now first publis'h in English .... by Awnsham and J. Churchill. In four volumes. London, 1704. 4to. To which are added Vols. v and vi of the London edition of 1732, and Vols. vii and viii of the work, A Collection of Voyages and Travels, consisting of authentic writers in our own tongue, etc., published by Thomas Osborne. London, 1747. Folio, calf. In all 8 vols. With Maps and Plates. 10.921 (A complete) of original Newcastle Coronation Songs, comprising all that have been written on the Coronation of George IV by the Bards of the Tyne. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1822. 8vo. 10.922 COLLEGE Rhymes contributed by Members of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. London, Cambridge and Oxford, 1 86 1. 410. 10.923 COLLIER (John). An Alphabet for the grown-up Grammarians of Great Britain. Newcastle, 1778. Half calf. 10.924 COLLINS (E.). Miscellanies in Prose and Verse. Bristol, 1762. 4to, half calf. 10.925 COMBERBACH (C.). Grammaire anglaise compared aux langues flamande et allemande. Bruxelles, 1846. i2mo, calf. 10.926 COMPARISON (A Short) between the English and Irish pronunciation and phraseology. Dublin, 1817. i2mo. 10.927 CONCORDANCE (A) to the Canonical Books of the Old and New Testament. London, 1859. 8vo, calf. 10.928 CONSTANCIO (F. S.). Novo-Mestre Inglez, ou, Grammatica da Lingua Ingleza para uso dos Portuguezes. Paris, 1844. i2mo, half calf. 10.929 COOKE (John). A pamphlet called "Old England for Ever;" from a Devonshire Jog-trot. Exeter, 1819. 4to. 10.930 COOKSON (Elizabeth). Mylecharane: rendered from the Manx into English verse, adapted to the music. With Manx Legends, etc. Douglas, 1858. 10.931 COOPER (K. M. A.). Siuzan'z return to her old hom. Riprinted from the Fonetic Djurnal. London, n.d. 8vo. 10.932 CORCORAN (Peter). The Fancy: A selection from the Poetical Remains of the late Peter Corcoran. With a Memoir of his Life. London, 1820. i2mo. 10.933 COSTELLO (Louisa Stuart). Beam and the Pyrenees. A Legendary Tour to the Country of Henri Quatre. With numerous Illustrations. London, 1844. 8vo. 2 vols. 566 10.934 COTTON (Ch.). Scarronnides, or, Virgile travestie. A Mock Poem on the first and fourth books of Virgil's JEnais in English burlesque. 8th edition. London, 1700. 8vo, calf. 10.935 Another edition. Durham, 1807. i2mo, half morocco. 10.936 (Henry). Editions of the Bible and Parts thereof in English from the year 1505 to 1850. With an Appendix containing specimens of translations and bibliographical descriptions. 2nd edition. Oxford, 1852. 410. 10.937 Rhemes and Doway. An attempt to shew what has been done by Roman Catholics for the diffusion of the Holy Scriptures in English. Oxford, 1855. 4to. 10.938 COURTNEY (J. S.). A Guide to Penzance and its Neighbourhood, including the Islands of Scilly. With Illustrations. Penzance, 1845. 410. 10.939 COXE (W.). Travels in Switzerland and in the Country of the Orisons ; in a series of letters to William Melmoth, esq. With an historical sketch and notes on the late Revolution. London, 1801. 8vo, calf. (Fourth edition.) With Maps and Illustrations. 3 vols. 10.940 CRABB (Geo.). English Synonymes explained, in alphabeticel order. Eighth edition. London, 1846. 8vo, half calf. 10.941 CRAIK (Geo. L.). Outlines of the History of the English Language. London, 1855. 8vo. 10.942 Third edition. London, 1859. 8vo. 10.943 The English of Shakespeare illustrated in a Philological Commentary on his Julius CcBsar. London, 1857. 8vo. 10.944 A Compendious History of English Literature and of the English Language from the Norman Conquest. London, 1861. 8vo. With numerous specimens. 2 vols. 10.945 CRAWFURD (John). On the Migration of Cultivated Plants in reference to Ethnology. Articles of food. London, 1866. 24 pages. (Privately printed.) 10.946 CREAM OF BRITISH SONG (The). Glasgow, n.d. 10.947 CRITIC (The), London Literary Journal. Vol. xv, Nos. 360, 361 and 374. Vol. xvi, No. 379. 1856-57. 10.948 CROFT (H.). A Letter from Germany to the Princess Royal of England on the English and German Languages. London, 1797. 4to, calf. Contains a Table of the Northern Languages, etc. 10.949 CRUDEN (Alex.). Concordance to the Bible. London, (S. Bagster), 1833. Small 8vo, morocco. 10.950 Concordance to the Bible. London, 1833. Large 8vo. 10.951 A complete Concordance to the Old and New Testament ; or, a Dictionary and Alphabetical Index to the Bible. With a Sketch of the Life and Character of the Author, by William Youngman. London, 1845. 8vo. 10.952 CULL (Richard). A brief notice of the Aztec race, followed by a description of the so-called Aztec children, by Richard Owen, F.R.S. (With a Plate. From the Transactions of the Ethnological Society.) (London), 1853. 567 1 .9S3 CULLUM (Rev. Sir John). The History and Antiquities of Hawsted and Hardwick, in the County of Suffolk. The Second Edition ; with corrections by the author, and notes by his brother, Sir Thomas-Gery Cullum. London, 1813. 410, half calf. 10.954 CUST (R. N.). Remarks on the geographical distribution of the Bible-Translations existing in 1888. (For private circulation only.) 10.955 DALLY (F. F.). The Channel Islands. A Guide to Jersey, Guernsey, etc. With Map. London, 1860. 8vo. 10.956 DANIEL (Rev. J. J.). A Geography of Cornwall. London, 1854. izmo. With Map. 10.957 DASENT (G. Webbe). The story of Burnt Njal, or, Life in Iceland at the end of the Tenth Century. From the Icelandic of the Njals Saga. With an Introduction, Maps and Plans. Edinburgh, 1861. 8vo. 2 vols. 10.958 DAVIDSON. Universal Melodist. One hundred and fifty popular Songs, Music and Words, for a Shilling. Books i, 2, 3, 4 and 5. London, n.d. 10.959 DAVIS (M.). Everybody's Business. Everybody's business should be in Every- body's hands, and Everybody's mouth, everywhere. (A grammatical work.) London, 1865. 8vo. 10.960 DAWSON (Benj.). Notes on translations of the New Testament. (London, 1882 ) A paper read before the Philological Society, 1 7th February 1882. 10.961 DECRAND (M.). Phonographic Anglaise. Paris, 1834. i2mo, half calf. 10.962 DENHAM (M. Aislabie). Denham Tracts, or, A few Pictures of the Olden Time, in connection with the North of England and the Isle of Man. Printed in various places. 10.963 DENNIS (Geo.). The Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria. Revised edition, recording the most recent discoveries. With Map, Plans, and Illustrations. London, 1878. 8vo. 2 vols. 10.964 DESCRIPTION (The) and Explanation of a "Universal Character"; or, Manner of writing that may be intelligible to the inhabitants of every country, although ignorant of each other's language. Bath, n.d. 410. 10.965 DE VERE (M. Schele). Studies in English ; or, Glimpses of the inner life of our language. London, 1867. 8vo. 10.966 D'HASENDONCK (J. B.). Engelsche Spraakkunst met werkdadige oefeningen. London, 1815. izmo, half calf. 10.967 DIALOGUE. The City of Refuge: a dialogue between a learned Rabbi and a sick penitent. London, 1846. 10.968 of Salomon and Saturnus (The), with an historical Introduction by John M. Kemble. London, 1848. 8vo, hajf morocco. Printed for the JElhic Society. 10.969 DICTIONARY. A new English Dictionary, shewing the Etymological Derivation of the English Tongue. London, 1691. 8vo, calf. 10.970 DICTIONNAIRE de la prononciation angloise. Londres, 1781. 8vo, half calf. 568 10,97 * DODRIDGE (Sir John). An Historical Account of the Ancient and Modern State of Wales, Cornwall and Chester, and edition. London, 1714. 8vo, half calf. 10.972 DOLE (Isaiah). Requirements in a Lexicographer of the English Language. No date or place. (An extract.) 10.973 D'ORSEY (A. J. D.). The study of the English Language an essential part of a University Course. Cambridge, 1861. 8vo. With Map. 10.974 DOUBLESPUR (D.). The great Fight at Gateshead between Cumberland Hodge and Brimstone Harry. Newcastle, n.d. izmo. 10.975 DUCKETT (W.). Nouvelle grammaire anglaise. Paris, n.d. izmo, half calf. 10.976 DUDEVANT (A.). French and English Idiomatic Phrases and Dialogues. London, 1856. 8vo. 10.977 DUNCOMB (J.). Collections towards the History and Antiquities of the County of Hereford. Hereford, 1804. 4to. 2 vols. 10.978 DYER (F. W.). The Lingualumina, or. Language of Light : a mode of international communication between all the civilised Nations of the Earth. London, 1875. 10.979 DYMOCK (John). A new abridgment of Ainsworth's Dictionary, English and Latin. 24th edition. London, 1842. i2mo, half calf. 10.980 EARLE (J.). The Historical Relations between England and France viewed in their effect on the English Language. London and Bath, 1862. Written in Roman and Phonetic characters. 10.981 EASTWOOD (J.) and WRIGHT (W. A.). The Bible Word-Book : a Glossary of Old English Bible Words. London and Cambridge, 1866. 8vo. 10.982 EDMONDS (George). A Universal Alphabet, Grammar, and Language. London and Glasgow, (1855). Small folio. 10.983 EDMONDSTON (Arthur). A View of the Ancient and Present State of the Zetland Islands. Edinburgh, 1809. 8vo, calf. With a Map. 2 vols. 10.984 EDMUNDS (F.). Traces of History in the Names of Places. London, 1872. 8vo. 10.985 ELLIS (Alex. J.). A Plea for Phonotypy and Phonography. Bath and London, 1845. 10.986 The Alphabet of Nature. London, 1845. 8vo, half calf. 10.987 A Plea for Phonetic spelling; or, The Necessity of Orthographic Reform. 2nd edition. London, 1848. 8vo, half calf. 10.988 An Extension of Phonography to Foreign Languages. London, 1848. 10.989 The Essentials of Phonetics. London, 1848. 8vo. This book is entirely written in phonetics. 10,990 The Teacher's Guide to Phonetic Reading. London, 1849. 8vo. 10,991 The Forwarder ; or, Second Reading Book. London, 1849. 8vo. 10,992 Romanic Exercises for Phonetic Pupils. London, 1849. 8vo. I0 >993 Phonetic Spelling explained for Romanic Readers. London, 1849. 8vo. 569 1 0,994 ELLIS (Alex. J.). I. On Palaeotype ; or the representation of spoken sounds, for philo- logical purposes, by means of the ancient types. II. On the diphthong " oy." (Philological Society's Publications. Read yth December 1866. London.) 8vo. Compared copy, with marginal notes in the handwriting of the author. 10.995 Aug. 1868. First Sheet of a Work, now in the Press, to be entitled: On Early English Pronunciation. Introduction. Palaeotype, or the systematic notation of all spoken sounds by means of the ordinary printing types. 10.996 On Early English Pronunciation, with especial reference to Shakspere and Chaucer. London, 1869. Part i. On the Pronunciation of the I4th,-i6th, iyth, and i8th centuries. (Philological Society's extra volume, 1869-70.) 8vo. Presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 10.997 On Early English Pronunciation, with especial reference to Shakspere and Chaucer. London, 1869-75. 8vo. Parts i to 4. 10.998 The English Spelling Difficulty, and its Remedy Glossic ; considered in a lecture delivered before the College of Preceptors, 6th April 1870. (London.) 10.999 On Glosik, a neu sistem ov Ingglish Speling, proapoa'zd faur konkurent eus, etc. (Reprinted for private circulation from the Transactions of the Philological Society for 1870.) 11,000 First Annual Address of the President to the Philological Society, delivered at the anniversary meeting, Friday, i7th May, 1872. London, 1872. 8vo. 11,001 Second ditto. Friday, 1 6th May, 1873. London, 1873. 8vo. 11,002 On the acquisition of languages. A lecture delivered before the College of Preceptors on Wednesday, 13 Oct., 1875. London, 1875. 8vo. 11,003 Pronunciation for Singers. London, 1877. 8vo. 11.004 Dimid'iun SpeHng or Haaf ov whot iz needed. A Sujeschun for a sistimatic rivizhun ov owr prezent unsistimatic orthografy. (London), 1880. Proof under revision, strictly private. 11.005 Another edition, enlarged. (London), n.d. 11.006 Tenth Annual Address of the President to the Philological Society, 20th May 1881. 8vo. 11.007 Eleventh ditto, igth May 1882. 8vo. 1 1, 008 On Palaeotype. On the Diphthong "oy." (Transactions of the Philo- logical Society.) 11.009 Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte's list of vowels and consonants, and identifications of European vowels, with examples. (Reprinted from Early English Pronunciation.'} 11.010 On the conditions of a universal language. (From the Trans. Phil. Soc. 1888.) 11,011 On Early English Pronunciation; with especial reference to Shakspere and Chaucer. Part 5. Existing dialectal as compared with West Saxon pro- nunciation. With two maps of the Dialect Districts. London, 1889. 8vo. (The Philological Society's extra volume, 1888-90.) 570 u,oi2 ELPHINSTON (James). Animadversions upon Elements of Criticism', calculated equally for the benefit of that celebrated Work and the improvement of English Stile. With an Appendix on Scoticisms. London, 1771. 8vo, half calf. 11.013 Propriety ascertained in her Picture; or, Inglish Speech and Spelling rendered mutual Guides. London, 1786-87. 410, calf. 2 vols. 11.014 ENGLISCHE PHILOLOGIE. Anleitung zum wissenschaftlichen Studium der englischen Sprache von Johan Storm. I. Die letende Sprache. Heilbronn, 1 88 1. 8 vo, half calf. 11.015 ENQUIRIES concerning the first inhabitants, language, religion, learning and letters of Europe. By a member of the Society of Antiquaries in London. Oxford, (Shel. Th.), 1758. 4 to. 11. 016 ENQUIRE within upon Everything. London, 1864. ibmo. 11.017 ERMAN (A.). Travels in Siberia, etc. Translated from the German by W. D. Cooley. London, 1848. 8vo. 2 vols. With Map. 11.018 ERRATICS, by a Sailor ; containing Rambles in Norfolk and elsewhere. London, 1800-2. izmo, calf. 3 vols. 1 1,019 ERRORS of Pronunciation, and improper expressions used chiefly by the inhabitants of London ; to which are added those used chiefly by the inhabitants of Paris. London, 1817. 4to. 11.020 EUSTACE (J. C.). A Classical Tour through Italy. Illustrated with Plans of Churches, an Index, etc. London, 1862. 8vo. 3 vols. 11.021 FAIRBANKS (G. R.). The History and Antiquities of the City of St. Augustine, Florida, founded A.D. 1565. New York, 1858. 8vo. With illustrations. 11.022 FALLON (P.-J.). Me"thode raisonnee de prononciation anglaise. 2 e Edition. Paris, 1830. 8vo, half calf. 11.023 FASTI Monastic! JEvi Saxonici ; or, An Alphabetical List of the Heads of Religious Houses in England previous to the Norman Conquest, to which is prefixed a Chronological Catalogue of Contemporary Foundations. By Walter de Gray Birch. London, 1873. 4to. 11.024 FfiNfiLON (F. de S. de la Mothe-). The Adventures of Telemachus, the son of Ulysses. Translated by John Hawkesworth. Portrait. Paris, 1837. 12010, half vellum. 11.025 FERGUSON (R.). English Surnames, and their place in the Teutonic Family. London, 1858. 8vo. 11,026 The River Names of Europe. London, 1862. 4to. 11.027 FIEDLER (Ed.). Wissenschaftliche Grammatik des englischen Sprache. Leipzig, i8bi. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. in one. 11.028 FILON (Augustin). Histoire de la litte'rature anglaise depuis ses origines jusqu'a nos jours. Paris, 1883. 8vo. (Histoire Universelle Series.) 11.029 FLUGEL (Felix). Die englische Philologie in Nordamerika. Separatabdruck aus E. G. Gersdorfs Repertorium der deutschen und ausliindischen Literatur, 1852. Bd. iv, Heft 4. Leipzig, 1852. 8vo. 11,030 (J. G.). Englische Sprachlehre fur den ersten Unterricht sowohl, als filr das tiefere Studium. Leipzig, 1824. 8vo. 571 11.03 1 FORD (Rich.)- A Handbook (Murray's) for Travellers in Spain and Readers at Home. With Maps and Index. London, 1845. izmo. 2 vols. 11.032 FORFAR (W. B.). Pengersick Castle ; a Cornish Tale. Truro, 1862. 8vo. 11.033 FOSBROOKE (Thos. Dudley). Abstracts of Records and Manuscripts respecting the County of Gloucester; formed into a History, correcting the very erroneous accounts, and supplying numerous deficiencies in Sir Rob. Atkins and subsequent writers. Glocester, 1 807. 410, uncut. 2 vols. 11.034 FOSTER (Mrs.). A Hand-Book of Modern European Literature. London, 1849. 8vo. 11.035 FOWLER (Wm. C.)- The English Language in its Elements and Forms; with a History of its Origin and Development. New York, 1850. 8vo. 11.036 Another edition. New York, 1857. 8vo. 11.037 FRAGMENTS of Scotish History. Edinburgh, 1798. 4to, half calf. 11.038 FREE (John). An Essay towards an History of the English Tongue. London, 1749. 410, calf. 11.039 Third edition. London, 1773. 4to, calf. 11.040 Fourth edition. London, 1788. 4to, calf. 11.041 Poems on Several Occasions. 2nd edition. London, 1757. 12 mo, calf. 11.042 FREELAND (H. W.). Lectures and Miscellanies. London, 1857. i2mo. Presentation copy from the author to Prince L. -L. Bonaparte. 11.043 FREREYCH (Imre). Elmeleti Gyakorlati rovid Angol Nyelvtan Magyar hangokkal kifejezett kiejte'ssel Iskolak 6s magantanu!6k hasznalatara. Pesten, 1848. 8vo, half morocco. Elements of the English Tongue for Hungarians. 11.044 FRY (Francis). The Bible by Coverdale, MDXXXV. Remarks on the Titles; the Year of Publication ; the Water- Marks, etc., with fac-similes. London, 1867. 410. 11.045 FULTON (G.) and KNIGHT (G.). A Dictionary of the English Language. London, 1853. izmo. 11.046 G. (J. W.). IX. Philological Contributions: English Conjugation. From the American Journal of Education. Edited by Henry Barnard. Vol. iii. Hartford, 1857- 11.047 GAZOPHYLACIUM ANGLICANUM : containing the derivation of English Words. London, 1689. 8vo, calf. 11.048 GENTLEMAN'S COMPANION. Acompleat System of Husbandry and Gardening; or, The Gentleman's Companion in the Business and Pleasures of a Country Life, followed by a Dictionarium Rusticum ; or, the Interpretation and Significations of several rustick terms, etc. London, 1716. 8vo, calf. 11.049 GESENIUS (F. G.). De lingua Chauceri commentationem grammaticam. Bonn, 1847. 8vo. 11.050 GIBBS (J. W.). The formation of Teutonic words in the English Language. New Haven, 1860. izmo. 572 11.051 GIL (Alex.)- Logonomia Anglica. Qua Gentis sermo facilius addiscitur. 2 a editio. Londini, Beale, 1621. 410. 11.052 GILLY (W. S.). Narrative of an Excursion to the Mountains of Piemont in the year 1823, and researches among the Vaudois, or Waldenses, Protestant inhabitants of the Cottian Alps; with Maps, Plates and an Appendix. 4th edition. London, 1827. 8vo. ll >53 Waldensian Researches during a second visit to the Vaudois of Piemont. With Illustrations. London, 1831. 8vo. 11.054 GRAHAM (D.). An Impartial History of the Rise, Progress and Extinction of the late Rebellion in Britain, in the years 1745 and 1746. 8th edition. Glasgow, 1808. 1 2mo, half calf. Inverse. (Defective.) 11.055 GRAMMAR. A Russian Grammar on the English Language. St. Petersburg, 1801. 8vo, half calf. (Russian character.) 11.056 General Principles of Grammar. No. 12 of Small Books on Great Subjects Series. London, 1847. 8vo. 11.057 , An English Grammar printed phonetically. London, 1856. 8vo. 11.058 GRAY (Miss Ann Augusta). Edward's Dream ; or, Good for Evil. London, 1858. In phonetic characters. 11.059 GROVES (Edward). Pasilogia: An Essay towards the formation of a system of universal language, both written and vocal. Dublin, 1846. 8vo. 11.060 GUEST (Edwin). A History of English Rhythms. London, 1838. 8 vo, half calf. 11.061 GUIDE TO THE LAKES (A), in Cumberland, Westmorland and Lancashire. By the Author of the Antiquities of Furness. With Frontispiece and Maps. London, 1784. 8vo, calf. 11.062 GUIDE. A Guide to the Lakes in Cumberland, Westmoreland and Lancashire. By the Author of the Antiquities of Furness. Seventh edition. With Map and two Plates. London, 1799. 8vo. 11.063 A Guide to the Mount's Bay and the Land's End. By a Physician. With Frontispiece. London, 1824. 8vo. 11.064 TO CARLISLE (A); or, Historical and descriptive Accounts of that ancient city, its cathedral, castle, convents, etc. With numerous Engravings. Carlisle, 1842. izmo, half morocco. 11.065 to Northern Archaeology by the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries of Copenhagen, edited for the use of English readers by the Right Hon. the Earl of Ellesmere. London, 1848. 1 1, 066 GUILD (R. A.). The Librarian's Manual : a Treatise on Bibliography. Illustrated with Engravings. New York, 1858. 410. 11.067 GYLL (G. W. J.). A Tractate on Language. London, 1859. 8vo. 11.068 HAKE (Thomas Gordon). On the powers of the Alphabet. I. A tonic scale of alphabetic sounds. London, 1883. 11.069 HALDEMANN (S. S.). American dictionaries. Baltimore, 1869. (From The Southern Review for July 1869.) 11.070 On an English Vowel Mutation present in Cag, Keg. From Trans- actions Am. Phil. Assoc. 1874. No place. 8 pages. 573 1 1, oy i HALL (Fitzedward). On the English perfect participle used infinitivally. From The American Journal of Philology. Vol. iii. No. 2. Baltimore, 1882. 11.072 HALLIWELL (J. O.). Rambles in Western Cornwall by the Footsteps of the Giants; with Notes on the Celtic Remains of the Land's End District and Scilly. London, 1861. 410. 11.073 HAMILTON (James). The history, principles, practice, and results of the Hamiltonian System, with answers to The Edinburgh and Westminster Reviews ; a lecture delivered at Liverpool. New edition. London, n.d. 11.074 (R. Winter). Nugae Literariae : Prose and Verse. London, 1841. 8vo. 11.075 HANDBOOK. A Handbook of the engrafted words of the English Language. New York, 1854. i2mo. 11.076 of Penzance and neighbourhood. Exeter, n.d. (Extracted from the Route Book of Cornwall.) 11.077 HARFORD (F. K.). Epigrammatica ; serious, semi-serious, and divertive. London, 1890. 410, half vellum. Autograph copy from the author to Prince L. -L. Bonaparte. 11.078 Another copy. Vellum. In cardboard case. 11.079 HARLEY (G.). The Simplification of English Spelling. London, 1877. 8vo. (Presentation copy.) 1 1, 080 (T.). Moon Lore. London, 1885. 8vo. 11.081 HARRISON (M.). The Rise, Progress, and Present Structure of the English Language. London, 1848. izmo. 11.082 HARTSHORNE (Bertram F.). The Weddas. Reprinted from The Fortnightly Review. No date. 12 pages. Presentation copy from the writer to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 1 1,083 HARWOOD (E.). A Liberal Translation of the New Testament: being an Attempt to translate the Sacred Writings with the same Freedom, Spirit, and Elegance with which other Translations from the Greek Classics have lately been executed .... London, 1768, 8vo, calf. 2 vols. 11.084 HAVEN (Samuel F.). Archaeology of the United States. Washington, 1856. 4to, half morocco. 11.085 HAWKER (R. S.). Footprints of Former Men in Far Cornwall. London, 1870. 8vo. 11.086 HEAD (Sir E. W.). "Shall" and "Will"; or, Two Chapters on Future Auxiliary Verbs. London, 1856. 8vo. 11.087 (Rich.). The English Rogue: Described in the Life of Meriton Latroon, a witty Extravagant ; comprehending the most eminent Cheats of both Sexes. Portrait of author and frontispiece. London, 1680. 8vo, calf. Extremely rare. 1 1, 088 The English Rogue: The Third Part, with the illustration of Pictures to every Chapter. London, 1671. Calf. Extremely rare. 11.089 The English Rogue. A Reprint from Fras. Kirkman's edition of 1671. London, n.d. (With Frontispiece.) 574 11,090 HEAD (Sir E. W.). The English Rogue; or, The Life of Jeremy Sharp, commonly called Meriton Latroon. London, 1741. 8vo, calf. ! 1,091 The English Rogue; or, Witty Extravagant. Described in the life of Meriton Latroon. Ninth edition. London, 1758. izmo, calf. 11.092 HEATH (Robert). A Natural and Historical Account of the Islands of Scilly ; with Map. London, 1750. 8vo, calf. 11.093 HELMS (George). The English adjective in the language of Shakspere. In- augural dissertation .... at the University of Rostock. Bremen, 1868. 1 1,094 HELPS to Self-examination, and prayers on different subjects for the use of humble- minded and inquiring Jews. London, 1847. 11.095 HENDERSON (E.). Biblical Researches and Travels in Russia, including a Tour in the Crimea, and the Passage of the Caucasus ; with Observations on the state of the Rabbinical and Karaite Jews, and the Mohammedan and Pagan Tribes, inhabiting the Southern Provinces of the Russian Empire. With Maps and Plates. London, 1826. 8vo, calf. 11.096 HENLEY (John). An Introduction to an English Grammar; being No. 10 of the Complete Linguist, or Universal Grammar. London, 1726. 4to, morocco. 11.097 HEYWOOD (Thos.). The Life of Merlin, surnamed Ambrosius ; his Prophecies and Predictions interpreted and their truth made good by our English Annals. Carmarthen, 1812. 410, calf. 11.098 HIBBERT (Samuel). A Description of the Shetland Islands: Geology, Scenery, Antiquities and Superstitions. With geological Map and Plates. Edinburgh, 1822. 410, calf. 11.099 HIGGINS (Godfrey). The Celtic Druids; or, An attempt to shew that the Druids were the priests of oriental colonies who emigrated from India, etc. London, 1829. 4to, half calf. With Plates. 11.100 HILBURN (Val.). Der Kinder-Freund. Ein Hulfsbuch zur Erlernung der englischen Sprache. Hellertown, Pa. 1857. 11.101 HINTS FOR SCOTCHMEN. Scotticisms corrected. London, 1855. 8vo. 1 1,102 HISTORY of Carlisle, ancient and modern. Newcastle and Hull, n.d. 11.103 an d Description of the Isle of Man (The), viz.: Its Antiquity, History, Laws, etc., etc. Wherein are inserted many surprizing and entertaining Stories of Apparitions, etc. The Second Edition. London, 1745. i2mo. 11.104 of the Island of Anglesey (A), from its first invasion by the Romans until finally acceded to the Crown of England ; together with a distinct description of the Towns, Harbours, Villages, and other remarkable Places in it, and of several Antiquities relating thereto never before made public, serving as a Supple- ment to Rowland's Mono. Antigua Restaurata. With a Memoir of Owen Glendowr, etc. London, 1775. 4to, half calf. 11.105 Little History for Little Folks. London, 1856. In phonetic characters. 11.106 HJORT (P.). Om det engelske Konjugationssystem. Kjobenhavn, 1843. 410, half calf. 575 n,io7 HOARE (E. N.). English Roots, and the derivation of words from the Ancient Anglo-Saxon. Dublin, 1855. 8vo. ii,ro8 Second edition. Dublin, 1856. 8vo. 11.109 HOBHOUSE (J. C.). A Journey through Albania and other provinces of Turkey in Europe and Asia to Constantinople during the years 1809 and 1810. London, (Cawthorn), 1813. 410, calf. With 24 fine Plates and Maps. 11.110 HOGG (James). A Lecture on the Reading and Writing Reform delivered before the Kinross Association of the Scottish Educational Institute, znd June 1849. London, 1856. i i,i 1 1 HOLMES (George). Farmer John. A Three-Volume Novel. London, 1883. 8vo. 1 1,112 HOLTON (J. F.). New Granada: Twenty Months in the Andes. With Maps and Illustrations. New York, 1857. 8vo. 11.113 HOMILIES. English Metrical Homilies from MSS. of the Fourteenth Century. With an Introduction and Notes by John Small. Edinburgh, 1862. 4to. With three fac-similes. 1 1,1 14 HONE (William). The Every-Day Book ; or, the Guide to the Year. London, n.d. 8vo. 2 vols. 11.115 The Year Book. London, n.d. 8vo. 11.116 The Table Book. London, n.d. 8vo. 11.117 HOWELL or HOWEL (James). A new English Grammar, for Foreigners to learn English. Ther is also another Grammar of the Spanish or Castilian Toung, with som special remarks upon the Portugues Dialect, etc. Whereunto is annexed a Discours or Dialog containing a Perambulation of Spain and Portugal 1. For the service of Her Majesty. (The Dedication is to Queen Katharine of Braganza.) London, 1662. 8vo, calf. Howell, a native of Carmarthenshire, was a voluminous writer. 11.118 HUGHES (John). Horae Britannicae; or, Studies in Ancient British History. London, 1819. 8vo. 11.119 The Scouring of the White Horse; or, the Long Vacation Ramble of a London Clerk. Illustrated by Richard Doyle. Cambridge, 1859. 8vo. 11.120 HUNTER (W. W.). The Annals of Rural Bengal. London, 1868. 8vo. Presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 11.121 INDEX to the Proceedings and Transactions of the Philological Society, 1842-79. Compiled by S. J. Heritage, and verified by F. T. Elworthy. London, 1884. 8vo. 11.122 JACKSON (Edward). Vowels versus Diphthongs. A suggestion for a practical step in the reform of the English Spelling. London, 1883. 8 pages. 11.123 JAKU (F. de P.). Mestre Inglez, ou, Nova Grammatica da Lingua Ingleza. Lisboa, 1814. 410, calf. 11.124 JAMESON (J.). A Glossary to the obsolete and unusual words and phrases of the Holy Scriptures. London, 1850. 8vo. 576 n.125 JARRETT (Thomas). The Holy Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles in English ; so printed as to show the sound of each word, without change of spelling, for the use of children, etc. London, 1857. 410. 11.126 A new way of marking the sounds of English words without change of spelling. London, 1858. 410. 1 1,127 JENKIN OF WALES, his love-courses and perambulation ; an early droll performed at the Red Bull Theatre about the year 1647. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. London, 1861. Half calf. Only 30 copies printed. 11.128 JOHNS (C. A.). A week at the Lizard. London, 1848. 8vo. With Map and Illustrations. 11.129 JOHNSON (R.). Grammatical Commentaries: being an apparatus to a new National Grammar. London, 1706. 410, calf. 11.130 (Samuel). A Dictionary of the English Language. London, W. Strahan, 1755. First edition. Folio, calf. 2 vols. 11.131 A Dictionary of the English Language. The Fourth edition, revised by the author. London, 1773- Folio, calf. 2 vols. 11.132 A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland. A new edition. Edinburgh, 1811. i2mo. II > I 33 A Dictionary of the English Language. With numerous corrections, etc., etc. By the Rev. H. J. Todd. Second edition. London, 1827. 4to. With Portrait. 3 vols. 11.134 A Dictionary of the English Language; with Portrait. Printed in one volume verbatim from the last folio edition corrected by the doctor. Paris, 1829. 8vo, half calf. 11.135 Raselas, and Select Poems, phonetically written. London, 1849. 8vo. 11.136 JOLLY (Wm.). Robert Burns at Mossgiel ; with Reminiscences of the Poet by his Herd-Boy. With plan of Mauchline Churchyard and its Surroundings. Paisley, 1881. 8vo. 11.137 JONES (E.). The Common Sense of English Orthography. London, n.d. 8vo. 11.138 (J.). The New Art of Spelling. Design'd chiefly for Persons of Maturity. London, 1704. 4to, calf. 11.139 (Rowland). The Origin of Language and Nations. London, 1764. 8vo, calf. 11.140 JOURNAL (The Phonographic), for the year 1842. Bath and London. 11.141 (The Phonotypic), for the year 1843. Bath and London. 11.142 Vols. iii to x, for the years 184410 1851. (Vols. viii and ix are in one.) Bath and London. 8vo. 7 vols. 11.143 (The Phonetic), for the years 1852 to 1874. Vols. xi to xxxiii. London. 4to, half calf. 23 vols. .577 11.144 JOURNAL (The Phonetic). Vol. xxxiv. Nos. i to 52. London, 1875. 11.145 (The Ethnological). A Monthly Record of Ethnological Research and Criticism. London, 1865. Nos. i to 9. 8vo. 11.146 of the Ethnological Society of London. Edited by Prof. Huxley. London, 1869-70. 8vo. In parts. 11.147 The same for 1870-71. 11.148 of Philology (The). Edited by W. G. Clark, etc. London and Cambridge, 1868. 8vo. In parts. Vol. i, No. i. The same for 1869 and 1870. 11.149 of the Historical and Archaeological Association of Ireland (The), originally founded as The Kilkenny Archaeological Society in the year 1849. Third Series. July, 1869. Vol. i, No. 7. Dublin. With Plates. 11.150 The same. Fourth Series. January and April, 1870. Vol. i, Nos. i and 2. Dublin. With Map and Illustrations. 11.151 of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (The), for 1871-72 (vol. i). In parts. 8vo. The same for the years 1872-73 to 1891-92. Parts 3 and 4 wanting for 1890-91, and parts 2, 3 and 4 for 1891-92. 11.152 JUMP (J.). Grammaire de la langue anglaise a 1'usage des Frangais. Paris, 1838. i2mo, half calf. 11 > I 53 JUNIUS. Francisci Junii Francisci filii etymologicum Anglicanum ; ex autographo descripsit et accessionibus permultis auctum edidit Edwardus Lye. Praemittuntur vita auctoris et grammatica Anglo-Saxonica. Oxonii, e Theatro Sheldoniano, 1743. With Portrait. Folio, calf. Very rare. 11.154 KANT (Immanuel). Elements of the Critical Philosophy: containing a concise account of its origin and tendency ; a view of all the works published by its founder, and a glossary for the explanation of terms and phrases. To which are added : Three Philosophical Essays ; chiefly translated from the German of John Christopher Adelung, by A. F. M. Willich. London, 1798. 4to, calf. 11.155 KAVANAGH (M.). Myths traced to their Primary Source through Language. London, 1856. i2mo. 2 vols. 11.156 An Author his own Reviewer; or, An Analysis of "Myths traced to the Primary Source through Language." London, 1857. 1 21110. Presentation copy from the author. 11.157 KEELING (Wm.). Liturgiae Britannicae, or the several editions of the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England, from its compilation to the last revision, together with the Liturgy set forth for the use of the Church of Scotland. London, 1851. 410. 11.158 KEMPIS (Thos. a). The Imitation of Christ. Translated from the original Latin by the Right Rev. and Ven. Richard Challoner. London, 1848. i2mo, morocco. 11.159 KENNETT (White). Parochial Antiquities attempted in the History of Ambrosden, Burcester, and other adjacent Parts in the Counties of Oxford and Bucks ; by White Kennett (afterwards Bishop of Peterborough). Oxford, 1695. 410, calf. This work contains some valuable plates of country seats and churches, and is now very rare. This is the first edition. The Oxford edition of 1818 cost 6. 11. 1 60 A Glossary to explain the original, the acceptation, and obsoleteness of Words and Phrases ; and to shew the rise, practise, and alteration of Customs, Laws and Manners. London, 1816. 8 vo, half calf. 37 578 n,i6i KENWARD (James). For Cambria: Themes in Verse and Prose, A.D. 1854-68. London, 1868. 8vo. Presentation copy to Prince L. -L. Bonaparte from the author. 11.162 KER (John Bellenden). An Essay on the Archaiology of Popular English Phrases and Nursery Rhymes. Southampton, 1834. 410. 11.163 Another edition. London, 1837. 8vo. 2 vols. 11.164 A. Supplement to the Essay on the Archaeology of our popular phrases, terms and nursery rhymes. Andover, 1840. 410. 11.165 KERR (James). An Essay on English Orthography, with a consideration of the schemes which have been suggested for its improvement by the adoption of a system of Phonetic Spelling. Edinburgh, 1859. 8vo. 1 1, 1 66 KERSEY (John). Dictionarium Anglo-Britannicum ; or, a general English Dictionary. The second edition, corrected. London, 1715. 410, calf. 11.167 The third edition, corrected and enlarged. London, 1721. 410, calf. 11.168 KERSLAKE (Th.). A primaeval British Metropolis. With some Notes on the ancient topography of the South-Western Peninsula of Britain. Bristol, 1877. 8vo. 11.169 KIRK-YARD (The auld); or, the Dead Soldier. Sketches of Scenery in the West of Scotland. Glasgow, n.d. izmo. 11.170 KNAPP (A. J.). Roots and Ramifications; or, Extracts from various books ex- planatory of the derivation or meaning of divers words. London, 1857. 8vo. 11.171 KNOBELSDORFF (Otto v.). Die keltischen Bestandtheile in der englischen Sprache. Berlin, 1870. 8vo. 11.172 KNOWLES (James). A Critical Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language; with portrait of the author. 7th edition. London, 1851. 8vo. 11.173 KNUIVERS (T.) en TSJERKAMA (A. v. d. L.). Beknopte orthoepie of Uitspraakleer der Engelsche Taal. Amsterdam, 1852. 8vo, half morocco. 11.174 KOCH (C. Friedrich). Histofische Grammatik der englischen Sprache. Weimar, 1863-65. 8vo. 2 vols. 11.175 Die Wortbildung der englischen Sprache. Cassel und Gottingen, 1868-69. 8vo. Being the third volume in two parts of his Historische Grammatik der englische Sprache. 11.176 KYFFIN (M.). The Blessednes of Brytaine, or, A Celebration of the Queenes Holyday. Originally published 1587. Reprinted for the Hon. Society of Cymmrodorion. London, 1885. 410. 11.177 LACH-SZYRMA (W. S.). Newlyn and its Pier. Penzance, 1884. ,8vo. (With Portrait.) 11.178 Two Hundred and Twenty-two Antiquities and Places worth seeing in or near Penzance. Plymouth, 1885. 4to. 11.179 LAMBARDE (William). Dictionarium Angliae Topographicum et Historicum. An Alphabetical Description of the chief places in England and Wales ; with an account of the most memorable Events which have distinguished them. Now first published from a Manuscript under the Author's own Hand. With fine Portrait. London, (Fletcher Gyles), 1730. 410, calf. 579 11.180 LANDT (G.)- A Description of the Feroe Islands. Translated from the Danish. Illustrated with a Map and other Engravings. London, 1810. 8vo, half calf. 11.181 LANGLANDE (W.). The Vision and the Creed of Piers Ploughman newly imprinted; with Notes and a Glossary by Thomas Wright. London, 1832. 8vo. 2 vols. (With frontispiece.) 11.182 LATHAM (R. G.). The English Language. Third edition, revised and greatly enlarged. London, 1850. 8vo. 11.183 Fourth edition, revised and enlarged. London, 1855. 8vo. 2 vols. 11.184 Fifth edition. London, 1862. 8vo. 11.185 The Natural History of the Varieties of Man. London, 1850. 8vo. 11.186 Man and his Migrations. London, 1851. 8vo. 11,187 The Ethnology of the British Colonies and Dependencies. London, 1851. 8vo. The Ethnology of Europe. London, 1852. 8vo. The Ethnology of the British Islands. London, 1852. 8vo. Logic in its application to Language. London, 1856. i2mo. Descriptive Ethnology. London, 1859. 8vo. 2 vols. Handbook of the English Language. 4th edition, revised and enlarged. London, 1860. 8vo. 11.193 Ninth edition. London, 1875. 8vo. 11.194 Elements of Comparative Philology. London, 1862. 8vo. 11,195 The Nationalities of Europe. London, 1863. 8vo. 2 vols. 11.196 A Defence of Phonetic Spelling. London, 1872. 8vo. 11.197 On Havelok the Dane. (From the Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature, vol. vii, new series.) 11.198 LAUGHTON (J. B.). Johnson's Historical, Topographical, and Parochial Illus- trated Guide, and Visitor's Companion through the Isle of Mann. Sixth edition. Douglas, 1851. 8vo. 11.199 LAWS OF CAMBRIA (The Ancient) ; translated from the Welsh by Wm. Probert. London, 1823. 410, half morocco. 11.200 LEAR (Edward). Journal of a Landscape Painter in Corsica. With Illustrations. London, 1870. 8vo. 11.201 LE HERICHER (E.). Glossaire etymologique anglo-normand, ou, 1'anglais ramene' & la langue franchise. Paris, 1884. 8vo. 11.202 LEHMANN (D. H.). Synonymisches Worterbuch der englischen Sprache. Liefe- rung i. Berlin, 1860. 11.203 LELAND (C. G.). Hans Breitmann's Christmas. With other Ballads. London, 1869. 410. 11.204 Hans Breitmann as a Politician. With other Ballads. London, 1869. 4to. 11.205 Hans Breitmann's Party. With other Ballads. London, 1869. 4to. 580 ii,zo6 LE LIEVRE. Guide to Jersey, with some account of its government, etc., with a Tour round the Island, and a new Map. Jersey, 1861. 11.207 LEMON (G. W.). English Etymology; or, A Derivative Dictionary of the English language: in two Alphabets. London, 1783. 4to, calf. 11.208 LESLEY (J. P.). Man's Origin and Destiny sketched from the platform of the Sciences. London, 1868. 8vo. 11.209 LEWIS (John). The History and Antiquities, as well Ecclesiastical as Civil, of the Isle of Tenet, in Kent. The second edition, with additions. With Maps and Plates. London, 1736. 4to, calf. 1 1,210 - A complete History of the several translations of the Holy Bible and New Testament into English, both in MS. and in Print ; and of the most remarkable editions of them since the invention of printing. The second edition, with large additions. London, 1739. 8vo, calf. 11,211 LINDEN (M.-C. Van der). Nouvelle grammaire anglaise. Bruxelles, 1851. i2mo, half calf. 1 1,212 LIST of the Members of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, March 1872. The same for July 1875 ; April 1881 and November 1883. 11.213 LITTLEDALE (H. A.). King Henry's Well, and Pudsay's Leap. Ballads, founded on Craven Legends. Printed for private circulation. Illustrated. Bolton, by Bowland, 1856. Folio. 11.214 LITURGY. The Book of Common Prayer, and administration of the Sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of the United Church of England and Ireland ; together with the Psalter or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in Churches ; and the form and manner of making, ordaining, and consecrating of Bishops, Priests, and Deacons. Oxford, (University Press), 1845. Folio, morocco. 11.215 - The Book of Common Prayer, etc. Together with the Psalter of Psalms of David, etc. Oxford, 1849. i2mo, morocco. 1 1,2 1 6 - The Book of Common Prayer and Psalter, in phonetic characters. London, 1849. 8vo. 11,217 LLOYD (H. E.). Nieuwe Engelsche Spraakkunst. Naar den negenden druk voor Nederlanders bewerkt door D. Bomhoff. Vijfde Druk. Arnhem, 1855. 8vo, half morocco. 1 1,2 1 8 LONGSTAFFE (W. H. Dyer). The History and Antiquities of the Parish of Darlington, in the Bishoprick. Darlington, 1854.. 410. With Plates. 11.219 LOW (George). Fauna Orcadensis ; or, The Natural History of the Quadrupeds, Birds, Reptiles, and Fishes, of Orkney and Shetland. From a manuscript in the possession of Wm. Elford Leach. Edinburgh, 1813. 4to. 11.220 LOWER (M. A.). English Surnames. An Essay on Family Nomenclature. Second edition. London, 1844. 11.221 - Third edition, enlarged. London, 1849. i2mo. 2 vols. 11.222 - Patronymica Britannica. A Dictionary of the Family Names of the United Kingdom. With Portrait. London, 1860. 410. 581 M.223 LOWNDES (Wm. Th.). The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature, containing an account of rare, curious, and useful books, published in or relating to Great Britain and Ireland, from the invention of printing. London, 1834. 4to, half morocco. 2 vols. 11.224 Another edition. London, 1857-64. 8vo. 6 vols. The first five vols. are each in two parts. 11.225 LOWTH. A Short Introduction to English Grammar; with Critical Notes. A new edition, corrected. London, 1787. 8vo, calf. 11.226 MACAULAY (A.). The History and Antiquities of Claybrook in the County of Leicester ; including the hamlets of Bittesby, Ullesthorpe, etc. London, 1791. 8vo, half calf. 11.227 MACKAY (Ch.). New light on some obscure words and phrases in the Works of Shakspeare and his Contemporaries. London, 1884. 11.228 MACKINTOSH (Dunc'an). A plain, rational Essay on English Grammar: the main object of which is to point out a plain, rational and permanent standard of pronunciation. Boston, 1797. 410. 11.229 MACMILLAN'S MAGAZINE. Edited by David Masson. November 1862. No. 37. Cambridge and London. 11.230 MADDEN (R. R.). Poems by a Slave in the Island of Cuba, translated from the Spanish, etc. London, 1840. 8vo. 11.231 MAENNEL (F. A.). Genesis oder Geschichte der innern und aussern Entwikkelung der englischen Sprache. Leipzig, 1846. 8vo, half morocco. 11.232 MAHN (C. A. F.). Handbuch der englischen, italienischen, spanischen, portugie- sischen, provenzalischen, lateinischen und griechischen Sprachen und Literatur. Erste Abtheilung. Handbuch der englischen Sprache und Literatur. Erster Band, erstes Heft. Berlin, 1836. 8vo, half morocco. 11.233 MANNING (James). An inquiry into the character and origin of the possessive augment in English and in cognate dialects. London, 1864. 8vo. Presentation copy from the author. 11.234 MANUAL (The Literary) ; containing Scotticisms, vulgar Anglicisms, etc. London, 1822. izmo. 11.235 MARSH (G. P.). Lectures on the English Language. New York, 1860. 8vo. 11.236 The origin and history of the English Language and of the early literature it embodies. London, 1862. 8vo. 11.237 MARSHALL. The Rural Economy of Norfolk. With Map. London, 1787. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. in one. 11.238 The Rural Economy of the West of England, including Devonshire, and parts of Somersetshire, Dorsetshire, and Cornwall. With a Map. London, 1796. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. in one. 11.239 The Rural Economy of Yorkshire. With two Maps. 2nd edition. London, 1796. 8vo, half calf. 11.240 The Rural Economy of the Midland Counties. The second edition. London, 1796. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. in one. 582 11.241 MARSHALL. The Rural Economy of Glocestershire. With Map. 2nd edition. London, 1796. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. in one. 11.242 MARTIN (B.). Institutions of Language; containing an Essay on the propriety and rationale of the English Tongue. London, 1748. 4to, calf. 11.243 MATZNER (E.). Englische Grammatik. Berlin, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. 11.244 Another edition. Berlin, 1864-65. 8vo. 2 vols. 11.245 MAWE (J.). The Mineralogy and Geology of Derbyshire. To which is added a description of the most interesting Mines in the North of England, Scotland, and Wales. Subjoined is a Glossary of Terms and Phrases used by Miners. London, n.d. 8vo, half calf. 11.246 MAYHEW (H.). London Labour and the London Poor: a Cyclopsedia of the Conditions and Earnings of Those that will work, Those that cannot work, and Those that will not work. With numerous illustrations from photographs. London, 1861. izmo. 3 vols. 1 1,247 With an Extra Volume by the Rev. William Tuckniss. With Illustrations. Second edition. London, 1862. 8vo. 11.248 MAYOR (J. B.). Philological Society. English Metre. London, (1876). 8vo. 11.249 McNICOLL (D. H.). Dictionary of Natural History Terms with their Derivatives, including the various orders, genera, and species. London, 1863. 8vo. 11.250 MELIA (Pius). The Origin, Persecutions and Doctrines of the Waldenses from documents ; many now the first time collected and edited. London, 1870. 8vo. With fac-similes. 11.251 MEN OF THE TIMES. A Dictionary of Contemporaries, etc. 7th edition. London, 1868. 8vo. 11.252 MEN AND WOMEN OF THE TIME. Edited by G. W. Moon. i3th edition. London, 1891. 8vo. 11.253 MICHAELIS (G.). Die Vereinfachung der englischen Rechtschreibung. Berlin, 1865. 11.254 MILLHOUSE (J.). Corso graduate di Lingua Inglese. Milano, 1851. 6 a edizione. 8vo, half morocco. 11.255 MOCATTA (F. D.). The Jews of Spain and Portugal, and the Inquisition. London, 1877. 8vo. 11.256 MONTEITH (A. H.). Robertsonian Method. An analytic and synthetic course of lessons in the English language, designed for the use of persons studying the language without a master. London, (1850). 8vo, half calf. 11.257 (Robert). Description of the Islands of Orkney and Shetland, by Robert Monteith of Eglisha and Gairsa, 1633. Reprinted from the edition of 1711, published under the superintendence of Sir Robert Sibbald, Knt., M.D. Edin- burgh, 1845. 8vo. 11.258 MOON (G. W.). The Dean's English: a Criticism on the Dean of Canterbury's Essays on the Queen's English. London, 1864. 8vo. 583 11.259 MORLAND (Samuel). The History of the Evangelical Churches of the Valleys of Piemont. London, 1658. 4-to, morocco. With Portrait of the author, who was Cromwell's Commissioner at Geneva. Map and curious Plates. 11.260 MORTON (T.). The School of Reform ; or, How to rule a Wife. A Comedy in five Acts. London, n.d. izmo. With frontispiece. 11.261 MOUNT'S BAY (The History of), comprising Saint Michael's Mount, Marazion, Penzance, Newlyn, Mousehole, etc., etc. Penzance, 1820. 4to. 11.262 MUELLER (Ed.). Etymologisches Woerterbuch der englischen Sprache. Erster Theil, Lieferung i.: A Carve. Zweiter Theil, Lieferung i : L Pod. Liefe- rung 3 : Smart Z. Coethen, 1864-67. 8vo. The other parts are wanting. 11.263 MAX MULLER. Proposals for a Missionary Alphabet, submitted to the Alphabetical Conferences held at the residence of Chevalier Bunsen in January 1854. London, 1854. 8vo. 11.264 Another work with same title. No place or date. Matter different. 11.265 Another work with same title. Matter different. Apparently rough draft of the first work. Dated at end. Oxford, 1853. 11.266 MULLER (Robert). On the origin, development, peculiarities, and destiny of the English language. Inaugural dissertation .... at the University of Gottingen. Gottingen, 1860. 11.267 MUNBY (A.). Verses New and Old. London, 1865. 8vo. 11.268 MURRAY (John). A Handbook for Travellers in Devon and Cornwall. London, 1851. i2mo. With Maps. 11,269 Fourth edition, revised. London, 1859. i2mo. With Maps. 11.270 Fifth edition, revised. London, 1863. i2mo. With Maps. 11.271 MURRAY (J. A. H.). Thirteenth Annual Address of the President to the Philo- logical Society, i6th May 1884. 8vo. 11.272 A new English Dictionary on historical principles; founded mainly on the materials collected by the Philological Society, edited by James A. H. Murray, LL.D. 1884-88. 4to. In parts. (A Cass.) 11.273 (Lindley). An English Grammar; comprehending the principles and rules of the Language, illustrated by appropriate Exercises, and a Key to the exercises. 5th edition, improved. York, 1824. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. in one. 11.274 53rd edition. York, 1844. i2mo, half calf. 11.275 NARES (R.). Elements of Orthoepy. London, 1784. 8vo, half morocco. 11.276 A Glossary; or, Collection of Words, Phrases, Names, and Allusions to Customs, Proverbs, etc., which have been thought to require illustration, in the works of English Authors, particularly Shakespeare and his contemporaries. London, 1822. 410, half calf. 11.277 A new edition, by James O. Halliwell and Thomas Wright. London, 1859. 8vo. 2 vols. 584 11.278 NELME (L. D.). An Essay towards an investigation of the origin and elements of Language and Letters; that is, Sounds and Symbols. London, 1772. 4to, calf. 11.279 NETHERCLIFT(F. G.). The Handbook to Autographs. London, 1862. Morocco. 11.280 NEWCASTLE SONGSTER (The). Newcastle, n.d. 11.281 NEW YORK REVIEW (The). April, 1840. Vol. vi, No 12. Half calf. 11.282 NICHOLAS (Thomas). The Pedigree of the English People. London, 1868. 8vo. (Subscription copy.) 1 1,283 NICHOLS (T. N.). " What's in a Name ? " being a popular explanation of ordinary Christian-Names of Men and Women. London, 1859. 8vo. 11.284 NICHOLSON (W.). The Scottish Historical Library: containing a short view and character of most of the Writers, Records, etc., serviceable to the Undertakers of a General History of Scotland, down to the Union of the Two Kingdoms in K. James the VI. London, 1702. 8vo, calf. 11.285 NICKELS (Dr.). Das Adverbial der englischen Sprache. Leipzig, 1855. 11.286 NICOLSON (W.). The English, Scotch, and Irish Historical Libraries. Giving a short view and character of most of our Historians, either in Print or Manuscript. Third edition. To which is added, A Letter to the Rev. White Kennet, D.D., in Defence of the English Historical Library, etc. London, 1736. Folio, calf. 11.287 NORDEN (John). Speculi Britanniae Pars. A topographical and historical description of Cornwall. With a Map of the County and each Hundred ; and thirteen Views of the most remarkable Curiosities in that County. London, 1728. Folio, half calf. 11.288 NORTH (Father). The Mysteries of London. London, 1844. izrno. 11.289 NOTES AND QUERIES. First Series. 2nd- edition. From 1849 to 1855. London. 8vo. 12 vols. and Index. 11.290 Second Series. From 1856 to 1861. London. 8vo. 12 vols. and Index. 11.291 Third Series. From 1862 to 1867. London. 8vo. 12 vols. and Index. 11,292 Fourth Series. Vols. i and iii. London, 1868 and 1869. 8vo. 11.293 NOTT (J. C.) and GLIDDON (Geo. R.). Indigenous Races of the Earth; or, New Chapters of Ethnological Inquiry; including Monographs on special departments of Philology, etc., by Alfred Maury, Francis Pulszky, and J. Aitken Meigs, M.D. With coloured Plates. London, 1857. 8vo, half morocco. Subscriber's copy. 11.294 NUTTALL (P. A.). The Standard Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Lan- guage. London, 1864. 8vo, half calf. 11.295 O'BRIEN'S LUSORIUM : Being an original Collection of Lectures, Songs, etc., entirely in the humourous stile. With cuts of the author in various characters. London, 1782. 8vo, calf. 11.296 O'GRADY (S. H.). Remarks on the Oxford edition of the Battle of Ventry. No date and place. 11.297 "OLD QUIZDUCK." A Dialogue in two parts, entitled a Town Scene in a Village. Manchester, n.d. 585 11.298 OLIVER (S.)- Rambles in Northumberland and on the Scottish Border. London, 1835. 8vo. 11.299 OWEN (H.). Gerald, the Welshman. London, 1889. 410. 1 1,300 (Isambard). Race and Nationality. An Address delivered at the opening of the Cymmrodorion Section of the National Eisteddfod of 1886. London. 1886. 11.301 (John). The History of the Origin and first ten years of the British and Foreign Bible Society. London, 1816-20. 8vo, half calf. 3 vols. 11.302 (William). The Cambrian Biography, or Historical Notices of Celebrated Men among the Ancient Britons. London, 1803. 8vo, half calf. 11.303 OXFORD ESSAYS contributed by Members of the University. London, 1856. 8vo. 11.304 PAGLIARDINI (T.)- Essays on the Analogy of Languages. Second Essay. The International Alphabet, or, A Plea for phonetic spelling. London, 1864.. 8vo. 11.305 PARRY (Edward). Cambrian Mirror, or, A new Tourist Companion through North Wales. With a Map and Engravings. Third edition. London, 1848. 8vo. 11.306 (J.). A theory of language, or the relation between words and ideas. Colwyn Bay, n.d. With some notes in the handwriting of Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 11.307 (J. H.). The Cambrian Plutarch; comprising Memoirs of some of the most eminent Welshmen from the earliest times to the present. London, 1824. 8vo, half calf. 11.308 PENALUNA (W.). An Historical Survey of the County of Cornwall and Scilly Isles, their Mines, and Fisheries. With Map and Illustrations. Helston, 1848. 2 vols. 11.309 PENNELL (H. Cholmondeley). Puck on Pegasus; illustrated by Leech, Phiz, Portch, and Tenniel, with a frontispiece by George Cruikshank. London, 1861. 4to. 11.310 PERCY (Thomas). Reliques of ancient English poetry, consisting of old heroic ballads, songs, and other pieces of our earlier Poets, together with some few of later date, and a copious Glossary. London, 1847. 8vo. 11.311 PERSUASIVE to the Study and Practice of Phonography (A). London, 1856. 8vo. 11.312 PETHERICK (Ed. Aug.). Catalogue of the York Gate Library formed by Mr. S. William Silver. An Index to the Literature of Geography, maritime and inland discovery, commerce and colonisation. Second edition. London, 1886. 8vo. 11.313 PHILADELPHIA High School Report on Phonography. London, 1855. 8vo. 11.314 PHILOLOGICAL SOCIETY'S (The) New Dictionary: Basis of Comparison. Third Period. 1 8th and igth Centuries. Parti. A to D. London, i8t>i. 410. u.3'5 Partial corrections of English spelling aprovd of by the P. S. London, 1 88 1. 11.316 Further notes on English spellings. (Partially corrected proof.) 11.317 Partial corrections of English spellings. (Partially corrected proof, with a MS. disclaimer of the pamphlet's authoritative character signed by Prince L.-L. Bonaparte.) 586 11.318 PHILLIPS (Edward). The New World of Words ; or, Universal English Dictionary. Seventh edition, revised, corrected and improved, by J. K. London, 1720. 4to, calf. 11.319 PHCENIX (John). Phcenixiana; or, Sketches and Burlesques. Tenth edition. New York, 1856. izmo. 11.320 PICCIOTTO (J.). Sketches of Anglo-Jewish History. London, 1857. 8vo. 11.321 PICTON (J. A.). The present state of Linguistic Science. An address . . . at the . .. . 66th session of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool, October 2nd, 1876. 11.322 PINDAR (Peter) (John Wolcott). The Works of Peter Pindar, with Portrait and copious Index. London, 1809. i2mo, calf. 4 vols. (Frontispiece to each vol.) 11.323 PITMAN (Isaac). A Manual of Phonography. London, 1849. 8vo. 11,324 The Reporter's Companion. London, 1849. 8vo. 11,325 Exercises in Phonography. London, 1849. 8vo. 11,326 First Book in Phonetic Reading. London, 1849. 8vo. 11.327 Second Book in Phonetic Reading. London, 1850. 8vo. 11.328 PLAY OF THE SACRAMENT (The). A Middle-English Drama, edited from a MS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, with a Preface and Glossary, by W. S. Berlin, 1862. 8vo. 11.329 POEMS (Ancient), Ballads, and Songs of the Peasantry of England, taken down from oral recitation, and transcribed from private manuscripts, rare broadsides, and scarce publications. Collected and edited by James Henry Dixon. London, 1846. 8vo, half morocco. 11.330 POETICAL MUSEUM (The). Containing Songs and Poems on almost every subject. Mostly from periodical publications. Hawick, 1784. 4to, calf. 11.331 POLWHELE. Historical Views of Devonshire. In five vols. Exeter, 1893. +to, half calf. (Vol. i only. The British Period.) 11.332 (R-)- The History of Cornwall. With Map, Plates and Genealogical Trees. Falmouth, 1803-6. 410, uncut. 2 vols. 11.333 POLYMERES (Geo.). Epitome Agglaikes Grammatikes. 'Ermoupolei (Her- mopolis), 1857. i zmo, half morocco. Epitome of English Grammar, in Greek characters. 11.334 Agglo-Ellenikoi synetheis kai oikiakoi dialogoi. 'Ermoupolei, 1858. i zmo, half morocco. English-Greek dialogues, in Greek characters. 1 1335 PONTOPPIDAN (Erich). The Natural History of Norway. London, 1755. Folio, calf, z parts in i vol. Translated from the Danish original. Illustrated with Copper Plates and a General Map of Norway. 11,336 POOLE (C. H.). The Customs, Superstitions, and Legends of the County of Somerset. London, 1877. 8vo. Autograph copy to Prince L.-L. B. from the author. I! 337 (R- S.). The Genesis of the Earth and of Man; or, The History of Creation, and the Antiquity and Races of Mankind, considered on Biblical and other grounds, znd edition. London, 1860. 8vo. 587 11.338 POPPLETON (G.)- Dictionnaire de synonymes anglais, explique"s par des synonymes fransais. 2 B Edition. Paris, 1812. i2rno, half calf. 11.339 POTIPHAR PAPERS (The) (reprinted from Putnam's Monthly); illustrated by A. Hoppin. New York, 1853. 12010. 11.340 PRAYERS taken from the Liturgy of the United Church of England and Ireland, arranged for family worship. London, 1854. 11.341 PRENDERGAST (Thomas). The Mastery of Languages; or, the art of speaking foreign tongues idiomatically. London, 1864. 8vo. 11.342 PRICHARD (James Cowles). Researches into the physical history of mankind. London, 1851 and 1847. 8vo. 5 vols. This set is made up from the 1st, 3rd and 4th editions. 11.343 PRIESTLEY (Joseph). English Grammar: Lectures on the Theory of Language and Universal Grammar, and on Oratory and Criticism. With Notes and an Appendix by John Towill Rutt. London, 1833. 8vo. 11.344 PRIMER. The First Book in Phonetic Reading. London, n.d. 11,345 The Second ,, ,, ,, 11.346 The Third ,, ,, 11.347 The Fourth ,, ,, All in phonetic characters. 11.348 PRIOR (R. C. A.). On the popular names of British Plants. London, 1863. 8vo. 11.349 Second edition. London, 1870. 8vo. 11.350 PROCEEDINGS of the Philological Society from 1842 to 1890. London. 8vo. 23 vols. The first 10 vols. are separately bound, the nth to the I4th are each in two parts, vol. xv is separately bound, the remaining portions of the collection are in parts. Altogether, counting volumes and separate parts, there are 42 books. 11.351 of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. From the icznd to the noth Session. Edinburgh, 1882-90. 1 1,352 PROCTER (F.). A History of the Book of Common Prayer, with a rationale of its offices. 1 3th edition. London, 1876. 8vo. 1 1,353 PROMPTORIUM Parvulorum sive Clericorum, Dictionarius Anglo-Latinus Princeps, auctore Fratre Galfrido Grammatico dicto, ex ordine Fratrum Predicatorum, Northfolciensi, circa A.D. 1440. Olim ex officina Pynsoniana editum, nunc ab integro, commentariolis subjectis, ad fidem codicum recensiut Albertus Way. Londini, Sump. Societ. Camdenensis, 1865. 410. 1 1,354 PROVERBS. Proverbial Sayings; or a Collection of the best English Proverbs, by John Ray; Scots Proverbs, by Allan Ramsay; Italian Proverbs, by O. Pescetti ; and Spanish Proverbs by F. Nunez. With the wise sayings and maxims of the Ancients. Noplace. 1800. 12 mo, half calf. !I >355 PRYCE (Wm.). Mineralogia Cornubiensis ; a treatise on minerals, mines, and mining. With figures. London, 1778. Folio, calf. 11,356 PULMAN (G. P. R.). Local Nomenclature. A Lecture on the names of places, chiefly in the West of England. London, 1857. 1 2mo. 588 n,357 RAMBLES among the Channel Islands. By a Naturalist. London, n.d. 8vo. Illustrated. 11.358 RATHERY (E.-J.-B.). Les Chants populates de 1'Angleterre. Extrait de la Revue des Deux Mondes. Livraison du 15 d^cembre 1863. Autograph presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 11.359 RAY (John). A Collection of English Proverbs; with short Annotations, etc. By J.R., M.A. and Fellow of the Royal Society. Cambridge, 1670. 8vo, half calf. Rare. (First edition of this famous work.) 11.360 ; A complete Collection of English Proverbs. The Fifth edition, revised, corrected, and augmented, by John Belfour. London, 1813. 8vo, half morocco. 11.361 Philosophical Letters between the late learned Mr. Ray and several of his ingenious correspondents, Natives and Foreigners. To which are added those of Francis Willughby, Esq. London, 1718. 410, calf. 11.362 REDDING (C.). An Illustrated Itinerary of the County of Cornwall. London, 1842. 4to. 11.363 REFLECTIONS on Names and Places in Devonshire. London, 1845. 8vo, half calf. 11.364 REGEL (C.). De Syllabae A ad formanda adverbia substantivis vel adjectivis in lingua Anglica praefixae origine ac natura. Gothae, 1855. 14 pages. 1 1,365 RELIQUES of ancient English Poetry, consisting of old Heroic Ballads, Songs, etc. London, 1765. bvo, calf. 3 vols. 11.366 RELIQUIAE ANTIQUAE. Scraps from Ancient Manuscripts, illustrating chiefly Early English Literature and the English Language. Edited by Thomas Wright, M.A., and James Orchard Halliwell, F.R.S. Nos. i and 2. London, 1839. 410. 11.367 REPORT of the Seventeenth Meeting of the British Association for the Advance- ment of Science, held at Oxford in June 1847. London, 1848. 8vo, half morocco. 11.368 (Annual) of the Royal Society of Literature, 1875. The Council's Address. List of Members. 1876. 11.369 (Sixth Annual) of the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, 1 88 1. Baltimore, 1882. 410. 11.370 Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. 67th Annual Report. London, n.d. (Apparently for 1891.) 11.371 REPORTS of the British and Foreign Bible Society. London, 1805-90. From the ist to the 86th Report in 44 volumes. 8vo. 11.372 RHYS (J.). Early Britain. Celtic Britain. With two Maps and Coins. London, 1882. i2mo. Presentation copy from the author. 11.373 RICHARDS (W. J. B.). An Introduction to the Dtvout Life by St. Francis of Sales. London, 1878. 8vo, morocco. (Frontispiece.) 589 ii,374 RICHARDSON (Charles). Illustrations of English Philology. London, 1826. 4-to. (A reprint.) IJ >375 A new Dictionary of the English Language, combining explanation with etymology, and illustrated by quotations from the best authors. London, 1844. 4to. 2 vols. and Supplement. 11,376 On the Study of Language. London, 1854. 8vo. 11 >377 (JO- A short history of the Attempts that have been made to convert the Popish Natives of Ireland to the Established Religion ; with a Proposal for their Conversion. London, 1712. izmo. 11.378 RIVAL RHYMES, in honour of Burns; with curious illustrative matter. Collected and edited by Ben Trovato. London, 1859. 8vo. 1 1,379 ROBERTSON (David). A Tour through the Isle of Man ; to which is subjoined, A Review of the Manks History. London, 1794. Svo, half calf. Illustrated. 11.380 (T.). Dictionnaire des racines anglaises et traite" de la formation des Mots. Paris, 1839. 4to. 11.381 Nouveau cours de langue anglaise. 2 e Edition. Paris, 1842-45. Svo, half calf. 3 vols. 11.382 Huitieme Edition. Paris, 1853. Svo. 3 vols. 11.383 ROBINSON (F. K.). Whitby: its Abbey, and the principal parts of the Neighbour- hood. Whitby, 1860. With Map and Illustrations. 11.384 ROCHMONDET (M me G. M. de). Etudes sur la traduction de 1'anglais. Paris, 1837. Svo, half calf. 11.385 ROGET (P. M.). Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases. London, 1852. Svo. 11.386 ROWLANDS (Henry). Mona Antiqua Restaurata. An archaeological discourse on the Antiquities, natural and historical, of the Isle of Anglesey. In two Essays. With Appendix, Letters, and three Catalogues. Map and Plates. London, 1766. 4to, calf. 1 1,387 RUSSELL (C. W.). The Life of Cardinal Mezzofanti, with an Introductory Memoir of eminent linguists, ancient and modern. London, 1858. 8vo. 11.388 SADLER (P.). Grammaire pratique de la langue anglaise. Bruxelles, 1837. umo, half calf. 11.389 SALA (G. A.). Looking at Life ; or, Thoughts and Things. London, 1860. Svo. 11.390 SAMMES (Aylett). Britannia Antiqua Illustrata ; or, The Antiquities of Ancient Britain. With Map of Europe and numerous interesting Illustrations. London, printed by Tho. Roycroft for the author, 1676. 410, calf. 11.391 SANDERSON (Thos.). Poems by the Rev. Josiah Relph of Sebergham; with the Life of the Author, and a Pastoral Elegy on his Death byTh. Sanderson. Carlisle, 1797. 410, calf. 1 1,392 A Companion to the Lakes in Lancashire, Westmoreland and Cumberland. Carlisle, 1807. i2mo, half morocco. 11.393 SANDRAS (E.-G ). Etude sur G. Chaucer conside're' comme imitateur des Trouveres. Paris, 1859. Svo, half morocco. 590 11.394 SAYCE (Prof.). Fifteenth Address of the President to the Philological Society, 1 8th May 1888. 11.395 SCATCHERD(N.). The History of Morley, in the Parish of Batley, and West Riding of Yorkshire ; and especially of the old Chapel in that Village, etc., etc. Leeds, 1830. 8vo, half calf. 11.396 SCHNEIDER (G.). Geschichte der englischen Sprache dargestellt in ihrem Verhiiltnisse zur deutschen und franzosischen. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1863. 8vo. 11.397 SCHOOL READERS. April 1868. Noplace. 1 1,398 SCHULTZ (A.). An Essay on the Influence of Welsh Tradition upon the Literature of Germany, France and Scandinavia. Translated from the German. Llandovery, 1841. 4-to. This copy belonged to the Chevalier Bunsen. 11.399 SERMONS or Homilies appointed to be read in Churches in the time of Queen Elizabeth. London, 1840. iimo. 11.400 SHAKSPEARE (Wm.). The Tempest. Phonetic Family edition ; with Notes by Alex. J. Ellis. London, 1849. izmo. 11.401 SHERIDAN (Thomas). A complete Dictionary of the English Language. The third edition, revised, corrected and enlarged by the author. London, 1790. 4to, calf. 2 vols. 11.402 SIEBS (T.). Zur Geschichte der englische-friesischen Sprache. Halle, 1889. 8vo. 11.403 SIRET. Elements de la langue anglaise. Nouvelle Edition, conside"rablement augmented par M. Poppleton, revue, corrige"e et annote par Alexandre Boniface. Paris, 1838. 8vo, half calf. 11.404 SKEAT (Walter W.). An Etymological Dictionary of the English Language. Oxford, 1882. 8vo. 11.405 Supplement to the first edition of an Etymological Dictionary of the English Language. Oxford, 1884. 8vo. 11.406 Notes on English Etymology. Read at the Society's Meeting on Friday, Nov. 7, 1884. (Transactions of the Philological Society, 1885-86.) With other Papers. 11.407 Notes on English Etymology; and on words of Brazilian and Peruvian origin. (Paper read by the President at the Annual Meeting, May 15, 1885.) 11.408 Notes on English Etymology. (Read at the Society's Meeting on Friday, Nov. 6, 1885.) Off-print from the Philological Society's Transactions, 1885-86, p. 283. 1 1,409 Notes on English Etymology. Off-print from the Transactions of the Philological Society, 1885-87, pp. 690-721. 11.410 Fourteenth Address of the President to the Philological Society, May 2ist, 1886. 8vo. 11.411 Notes on English Etymology. (Read at a Meeting of the Philological Society, Nov. 4, 1887.) Off-print from the Transactions of the Philological Society, 1888-89-90, pp. 1-22. 591 11.412 SKEAT (Walter W.). Notes on English Etymology. (Read at a Meeting of the Philological Society, Nov. 2, 1888.) Off-print from the Philological Society's Transactions, 1888-90, pp. 150-171. 11.413 SKETCH OF THE HISTORY OF THE CYMMRODORION ; including a reprint of the Constitutions as originally settled for the use of the Society. London, 1877. 11.414 SKETCHES OF THE WALDENSES. London, (The Religious Tract Society). No date. i6mo. 1 1,415 SKINNER (J.). Songs and Poems. With a Sketch of the Author's Life, by H. G. Reid. Peterhead, 1859. 8vo. 11.416 (Stephanus). Etymologicon linguae Anglicanae, sen, Explicatio vocum Anglicarum etymologica ex propriis fontibus, scil. ex linguis duodecim. Londini, (Roycroft), 1671. Folio, calf. 11.417 SMALLEY (Dan S.). The American Phonetic Dictionary of the English Language. Designed by Nathaniel Storrs. Compiled by Dan S. Smalley. Cincinnati, 1855. 8vo, calf. 11.418 SMITH (Capt. Alex.). A Compleat History of the Lives and Robberies of the most notorious Highway-men, Foot-Pads, Shop-Lifts and Cheats of both Sexes. London, 1719. izmo. Two Plates. 11.419 (Charles W.). Common Blunders made in speaking and writing, corrected on the authority of the best Grammarians. New edition. London, n.d. 11.420 (Theod.). Das Fundament der englischen Grammatik. Kiel, 1845. 8vo. 11.421 (W. W.). A Complete Etymology of the English language: containing the Anglo-Saxon, French, German, Welsh, Danish, Gothic, Swedish, Gaelic:, Italian, Latin and Greek roots, and the English words derived therefrom accurately spelled, accented, and defined. New York, 1867. 8vo. 11.422 SMYTH (Capt. Wm. Hy.). Sketch of the present state of the Island of Sardinia. With Map and Plates. London, 1828. 8vo, half morocco. 11.423 SONGS. Nancy's Fancy. A new Song Book. Containing a Choice Collection of 23 Popular and Esteemed Songs. Newcastle, n.d. 11.424 Melodist (The). A new Song Book. Being a Rare and Choice Collec- tion of the most Celebrated New Songs. Newcastle, n.d. 11.425 Muses (The). A new Song Book. Containing Celebrated Songs. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, n.d. 11,426 Blackbird (The). A new Song Book. Being a Choice Collection of 22 Popular Songs. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, n.d. 11,427 Bullfinch (The). A new Song Book. Containing 26 Celebrated Popular Songs. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, n.d. 11.428 Canary (The). A new Song Book. Being a Choice Collection of the most Celebrated New Songs. Newcastle. 11.429 Songster (The New Theatrical). Being a Choice Collection of 29 Favourite Songs. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, n.d. 592 11.430 SONGS. Robin Redbreast (The). A new Song Book, being a Choice Collection of 23 Popular Songs. Newcastle upon-Tyne, n.d. 11.431 -- Garland of New Songs (A). Nineteen Collections of Songs with this title, but with different Songs. Printed by J. Marshall. Newcastle-on-Tyne. 11.432 - Northumberland Election Songs. Being a Choice Selection of the most Popular Songs, written in favour of the different Candidates during the great Contest in 1826. Part i. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, (Marshall), 1826. 11.433 - an d Carols from a Manuscript in the British Museum of the Fourteenth Century. Edited by Thomas Wright. London, 1856. 8vo. Autograph copy to Prince L. -L. Bonaparte. 11.434 SONNENBURG (Rudolf). Die. Lehrbarkeit und formalbildende Kraft der Aussprache des Englischen. Berlin, 1865. 4to. 11.435 SOUTHEY (Robert). The Doctor, etc. Edited by his son-in-law John Wood Warter. London, 1856. 8vo. 11.436 SPIERS (A.). Etude raisonne"e de la langue anglaise. Paris, 1834. i2mo, half calf. 11.437 STARK (A. B.). The English Language in England. (From the Quarterly Review of the M.E. Church. South, for January 1881. 11.438 STEDMAN (Capt. J. G.). Narrative of a five years' expedition against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam, in Guiana, from 1772-77. With Map and many handsome Plates. 2nd edition. London, 1813. 410, morocco. 2 vols. A work of great interest. 11.439 STEPHANUS (W.). Pasigraphical English Dictionary. (Bachmaier's System.) Munich, 1864. 11.440 STEWART (Geo.). Shetland Fireside Tales; or, The Hermit of Trosswickness. Edinburgh, 1877. ^vo, na 'f morocco. Presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 11.441 -- (Col. Matthew). Remarks on the subject of language, with some observations in the form of notes, illustrative of the information which language may afford of the history and opinions of mankind. London, 1850. 410, half morocco. Only 25 copies printed. This copy is a presentation copy to Dr. Bloomfield, Bishop of London, from the author. 11.442 STOCKDALE (F. W. L.). Excursions in the County of Cornwall. Illustrated with fifty Engravings, including a Map of the county. London, 1824. izmo, half Russia. 11.443 STODDART (Sir John). The Philosophy of Language : comprehending Universal Grammar, or the pure Science of Language ; and Glossology, or the historical relations of Languages. 2nd edition, revised by the author, and edited by William Hazlitt. London, 1849. 8vo. (Encyclopaedia Metropolitana Series.) 11.444 STORM (Johan). Englische Philosophic. Anleitung zum wissenschaftlichen Studium der englischen Sprache. Die lebende Sprache. Heilbronn, 1881. 8vo, half morocco. 11.445 STRANGER'S HAND-BOOK TO CORNWALL (The), from Plymouth to the Land's End. Devonport, n.d. umo. With Map and Illustrations. 593 11.446 STRANGFORD (Viscount). A selection from the Writings of Viscount Strangford on Political, Geographical, and Social Subjects. Edited by the Viscountess Strangford. London, 1869. 8vo. With Portrait and Sketch Map of Central Asia. 2 vols. 11.447 STRATHMANN (F. H.). Beitrage zu einem Woerterbuche der englischen Sprache. Erste Halfte : A Lace. Bielefeld, 1860. 8vo. 11,448 Fiinfte Lieferung : Lace Pashy. Bielefeld, 1859. 8vo. 11,449 Sechste Lieferung : Pass Shy. Bielefeld, 1860. 8vo. 11,450 A Dictionary of the Old English Language of the ijth, i4th, and isth Centuries. Krefeld, 1864-67. 8vo. In 7 parts. 11.451 A Supplement to the Dictionary of the English Language of the i2th, ijth, 1 4th, and 1 5th Centuries. Third edition. Krefeld, 1881. 410. 11.452 SULLIVAN (R.). A Dictionary of Derivations. Dublin, 1851. 8vo. IJ i453 A Dictionary of the English Language. Dublin, 1853. izmo. 11.454 SUPERSTITIONS (Ancient) of Cumberland and Westmorland. (Written for The Kendal Mercury.) Half morocco. 11.455 SURTEES (Scott F.). Merlin and Arthur. (Hertford), 1871. (Privately printed for the use of the Early English Text Society.) 11.456 SURTEES SOCIETY (The). The Priory of Finchale. The Charters of Endow- ment, Inventories, and Account Rolls of the Priory of Finchale in the County of Durham. London, (1837). ^vo. 11.457 SWEET (H.). A Handbook of Phonetics including a popular exposition of the principles of spelling reform. Oxford, 1877. 8vo. 11.458 Sound notations. (From the Transactions of the Philological Society for 1880-81. Part 2, pp. 177-235.) 11.459 A Primer of Phonetics (Clarendon Press Series). Oxford, 1890. 8vo. 11.460 SWINTON (W.). Rambles among Words: their poetry, history and wisdom. New York, 1859. i2mo. 11.461 TAFEL (R. L.). Investigations into the Laws of English Orthography and Pronunciation. Vol. i, No. i. New York, 1862. 4to. 11.462 TAUCHNITZ (Ch.). Pocket Dictionary, English-Italian and Italian-English. Leipzig, n.d. Half morocco. 11.463 The same. English -German and German-English. 11,4.64 English-Dutch and Dutch-English. 11,465 English-Danish and Danish-English. ,i )4 .66 tt English-Swedish and Swedish-English. 11,467 English-Russian and Russian-English. 38 594 11.468 TAYLOR (Isaac). Words and Places; or, Etymological Illustrations of History, Ethnology and Geography. London and Cambridge, 1864. 8vo. 11.469 TENNYSON (Alf.). Enoch Arden, etc. London, 1864. 8vo. 11,470 The Holy Grail, and other Poems. London, 1870. 8vo. 11.471 Queen Mary. A Drama. London, 1875. 8vo. 11.472 TTENRUB ELOHTA (Burnett Athole). The Vade Mecum; or, A B C Guide to Denmark, Sweden and Norway. London, 1875. 8vo. 11.473 TER REEHORST (K. P.). Language a Heaven-born Gift. London, 1855. 11.474 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ translated from the Latin Vulgate. Belfast, 1846. 8vo. II >475 The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; translated from the Latin Vulgate, diligently compared with the original Greek, and first published by the English College at Rheims, A.D. 1582. With annotations by the Rev. Dr. Challoner. London, 1847. 8vo. 11.476 The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Oxford, 1847. i6mo, calf. 11.477 The same. Oxford, 1849. i6mo, calf. 11.478 The New Testament in phonetic characters. London, 1849. 8vo. 11.479 St. Luke. Tbe Gospel according to St. Luke printed phonetically. London, 1856. 8vo. 11.480 The English Hexapla, exhibiting the six important English translations of the New Testament Scriptures: Wiclif, 1380; Tyndale, 1534; Cranmer, 1539; Genevan, 1557; Anglo-Rhemish, 1582; Authorised, 1611. London, (Bagster), n.d. 410, morocco. 11.481 The Second Epistle of Peter, the Epistles of John and Judas, and the Revelation ; translated from the Greek. New York, 1854. 410. King James's Version, Greek Text and Revised Version. 11.482 TEXT SOCIETY (Early English). The first 48 publications of this Society excepting No. 5, which is wanting. London, 1864-71. 11.483 Sixth Report of the Committee. January, 1870. 11.484 TEZA (E.). Sopra un Alfabeto dei Mormoniani. Pisa, 1874. 20 pages. Edizione di 25 esemplari : questo e per S.A. il Principe L.-L. Bonaparte. 1 1,485 THEOLOGICAL MONTHLY (The). An Exponent of current Christian Thought at Home and Abroad. No. 12, December. London, 1889. 11.486 THOMAS (J. J.) (Caraddaeg). Britannia Antiquissima ; or, A Key to the Philology of History. Melbourne, 1866. 8vo. 2nd edition. 11.487 THOMAS OF READING; or, The sixe worthie Yeomen of the West. Now the sixth time corrected and enlarged. By T. D. London ; printed by Eliz. Allde for Robert Bird, 1632. 410. Rare. 595 11.488 THOMAS (Wm.). Principal Rules of the Italian Grammer, with a Dictionarie for the better understandynge of Boccace, Pethrarcha, and Dante. London, in cedibus H. Wykes, 1567. 410. THE TREASURIE OF THE FRENCH TONG. Gathered and set forth by Cl. Hollybrand. At London. Imprinted by Henrie Bynneman, 1580. 410. Brunei was apparently not acquainted with this edition, for he describes the 1593 edition as the earliest French-English Dictionary that ever appeared in England, and adds that it is rare and valuable. BIBLIOTHECA HisPANicA, containing a Grammar, with a Dictionarie in Spanish, English, and Latine ; . . .by Richard Percyvall, gent. The Dictionary being inlarged with the Latine by the advice, etc., of Master Thomas Doyley. Imprinted at London by John Jackson, for Richard Watkins, 1591. In two parts. 410. These works are all bound into one in old calf. Extremely rare. 11.489 THOMPSON (Pishey). Collections for a topographical and historical account of Boston and the Hundred of Skirbeck, in the County of Lincoln. With Engravings. London, 1820. 410. 11.490 The History and Antiquities of Boston and the neighbouring Villages. Illustrated with one hundred Engravings. Boston, 1856. 410. 11.491 THOMSON (E.). On the archaic mode of expressing numbers in English, Saxon, Friesic, etc. London, 1853. 8vo. 11.492 (John). Etymons of English words. Edinburgh, 1826. 410. 11.493 THOROTON (R.). History of Nottinghamshire: re-published, with large additions, by John Throsby, and embellished with picturesque and select views of Seats of the Nobility and Gentry. London, 1797. 4to, calf. 3 vols. 11.494 TOLAND (John). A Collection of Several Pieces of Mr. John Toland, now first published from his original Manuscripts, with Memoirs of his Life and Writings. London, 1726. 8vo, calf. 2 vols. 11.495 TOMMY PLOUGHMAN. A brief Memoir of a remarkable child who died 3rd August 1842, aged 8 years. London, 1857. In phonetic characters. 11.496 TOOKE (William). View of the Russian Empire during the reign of Catherine the Second, and to the close of the present century. With Map. London, 1799. 8vo. 3 vols. This work was the property of Samuel Wilberforce, and each volume contains his autograph. 11.497 TOONE (William). A Glossary and Etymological Dictionary of obsolete and uncommon words, antiquated phrases, and proverbs, illustrative of Early English Literature. London, 1834. izmo. 11.498 TOWNLEY (J.). Illustrations of Biblical Literature, exhibiting the History and Fate of the Sacred Writings, from the earliest period to the present century ; including Biographical Notices of Translators and other eminent Biblical Scholars. London, 1821. Calf. 3 vols. 1 1,499 TRAFALGAR SONGSTER and Mariner's Miscellany (The). Falkirk, n.d. 11.500 TRAIN (Joseph). An historical and statistical account of the Isle of Man, from the earliest times to the present date ; with a view of its Ancient Laws, Peculiar Customs, and Popular Superstitions. With Maps. Douglas, 1845. 410. 596 11.501 TRANSACTIONS of the Royal Society of Literature of the United Kingdom. Second Series. Vols. iv, vii, viii, ix, x (in parts), xi (in parts), xii (in parts), and xiii (part i). For the years 1853 to 1884. London. 8vo. The other volumes are wanting. 11.502 - of the Ethnological Society of London. (New Series.) Vols. i, ii, iv and v. London, 1861-67. 8vo. 4 vols. 11.503 - of the American Philological Association, 1869-70. Hartford, 1871. 8vo. 11.504 -- of the Cambridge Philological Society. Vol. ii. For 1881-82. Edited by J. P. Postgate, M.A. London, 1883. 8vo. 11.505 TREATISE ON THE ENGLISH TONGUE (A short). London, 1767. 4to. 11.506 TRENCH (R. C.). English, Past and Present. London, 1855. 8vo. 11.507 - A select Glossary of English words used formerly in senses different from their present. London, 1859. 8vo. 11.508 TREWBY (G. C.). Address delivered to the Incorporated Institution of Gas Engineers. London, 1891. 11.509 TUDOR (John R.). The Orkneys and Shetlands ; their Past and Present state. With chapters on Geology by B N. Peach and John Home, and Notes on the Flora of the Orkneys by W. I. Fortescue, and Notes on the Flora of Shetland by Peter White. London, 1883. 8vo. Illustrated. 11.510 TURNER (Sharon). The History of the Anglo-Saxons : comprising the History of England from the earliest period to the Norman Conquest. 4th edition. London, 1823. 8vo, calf. 3 vols. 11.511 TWISS (Richard). Travels through Portugal and Spain in 1772 and 1773. With Copper-Plates, Appendix and a Map. London, 1775. 4to, calf. 11.512 TYNDALE (J. Warre). The Island of Sardinia, including pictures of the Manners and Customs of the Sardinians, etc. With Map and Illustrations. London, 1849. i2mo. 3 vols. 11.513 VAUX (J. H.)- Memoirs of James Hardy Vaux. Written by himself. London, 1819. i zmo, half calf. 2 vols. in one. 11.514 VERGANI. Grammaire anglaise. Paris, 1837. 121110, half calf. 11.515 VULGUS BRITANNICUS ; or, The British Hudibras. London, 1710. 410. 11.516 WAGNER (K. F. Ch.). Englische Sprachlehre fiir die Deutschen. Braunschweig, 1850. 8vo, half calf. 11.517 WALCOTT (M.). A Guide to the Coasts of Devon and Cornwall; descriptive of Scenery, Historical, Legendary, and Archaeological. London, 1859. 8vo. With Map. 11.518 WALKER (John). Walker's Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language, adapted to the present state of Literature and Science. By B. H. Smart. Fifth edition. London, 1857. 8vo. A New Edition, corrected, and enlarged with upwards of 3,000 words, by the Rev. John Davis. With portrait of John Walker. London, 1859. 8vo. 597 n,52o WALLACE (James). A Description of the Isles of Orkney; and, An Essay con- cerning the Thule of the Ancients. Edinburgh, 1693. 8vo, calf. Contains Map and two Plates. 11,521 (J.). An Account of the Islands of Orkney. To which is added, An Essay concerning the Thule of the Ancients. London, (Jacob Tonson), 1700. 8vo, calf. With Map. 11.522 WALLIS (Joannes). Joannis Wallisii grammatica Linguae Anglicanae, cui prae- figitur, de loquela ; sive de sonorum omnium loquelarium formatione. Editio sexta. Londini, (Giul. Bowyer), 1765. 8vo, calf. With Portrait. 11.523 WARNER (Richard). Collections for the History of Hampshire, and the Bishopric of Winchester, including the Isles of Wight, Jersey, Guernsey, and Sarke, by D. Y. With the original Domesday of the County, etc., etc. Illus- trated with upwards of Sixty Plates. London, (1795). 4-to, calf. (A work in six volumes bound into three.) Only 250 copies printed. 11,524 (R-)- A Tour through Cornwall in the autumn of 1808. Bath, 1809. With Frontispiece. 8vo. 11.525 WATSON (John). The History and Antiquities of the Parish of Halifax, in York- shire. Illustrated with Copper Plates. London, 1775. 4-to, calf. 11.526 WATT (Robert). Bibliotheca Britannica ; or, A general Index to British and Foreign Literature. In two parts: Authors and Subjects. Edinburgh, 1824. 4to, calf. 4 vols. in 2. 115,27 WATTS (Thomas). On M. Manavit's Life of Cardinal Mezzofanti. Paper read at the Transactions of the Philological Society, April 28, 1854. No. 7. 8vo. 11.528 WAUGH (Edwin). Sketches of Lancashire Life and Localities. London, 1855. i6mo. 11.529 WEBB (John). An historical Essay endeavoring a probability that the language of the Empire of China is the primitive language. London, printed for Nath. Brook, at the Angel in Gresham Colledge, 1667. 8vo. To which are joined : Restitution of Decayed Intelligence in Antiquities, concerning the English Nation ; by the Study and Travel of R(ichard) V(erstegan). London, 1673. 8vo. ; and, Johannis Wallis Grammatica Linguae Anglicanae; Tractatus Grammatico-Physicus de loquela ; Johannis Podensteiner Clavis Linguae Anglicanae, et Giul. Perkins tractatu Anglico De Fundamenlo religionis Christianae. 1688, Sumtibus Viduae Gottfried Schultzen, Bibliopolae Hamburgensis. Vellum. 11.530 WEBSTER (Noah). Dissertations on the English Language, with Notes. Boston, 1789. 8vo, calf. 11531 A Dictionary of the English Language. Reprinted by E. H. Barker, of Thetford, Norfolk, from a copy communicated by the author, and containing many manuscript corrections and additions. London, 1832. 410, half calf. 2 vols. 1 1,532 A Dictionary of the English Language. Revised and enlarged by Chauncey A. Goodrich. London, 1854. 410, half calf. With Portrait. IJ 533 (W.). Spain. With Map and Illustrations. London, 1882. 8vo. 598 11,534 WEDGWOOD (Hensleigh). A Dictionary of English Etymology. London, 1859-65. 8vo. 3 vols., but the 3rd vol. is in two separate parts. j I>535 --- On the derivations of " Cad," " Luther," " Ted." 11.536 WEISHAUPT (M.). Historischer Ueberblick der Entwickelung der englischen Sprache. Solothurn, 1850. 8vo, half calf. 11.537 WELSFORD (Henry). On the Origin and Ramifications of the English Language. London, 1845. 8vo. 11.538 WESTMORELAND (The Manners and Customs of), and the adjoining parts of Cumberland, Lancashire and Yorkshire, in the former part of the i8th century; described in a series of Letters by a Literary Antiquarian. Kendal, 1847. ii539 WHEATLEY (H. B.). A Dictionary of Reduplicated Words in the English Language. London, 1866. 8vo. 11.540 WHITE (Wm.). The Universal Language. An argument for a reformed Orthography, as a means of aiding the universal diffusion of the English Language. London, 1856. 11.541 - All round the Wrekin. London, 1860. 8vo. 11.542 WHITNEY (W. D.). Language and the Study of Language. Twelve Lectures on the Principles of Linguistic Science, znd edition. London, 1868. 8vo. 11.543 WILD (Jonathan). His Advice to his Successor; printed from a MS. said to be written by him while under condemnation in Newgate. London, 1758. 410, half calf. 11.544 WILKINS (John). An Essay towards a Real Character, and a Philosophical Language. London, 1668. 4to, calf. 11.545 WILKINSON (Henry). Sketches of Scenery in the Basque Provinces of Spain, with a selection of national music ; illustrated by notes and reminiscences connected with the War in Biscay and Castile. London, 1838. Folio. 1 1,546 WILLIAMS (Eliezer). The English Works of the late Rev. Eliezer Williams, M.A., Vicar of Lampeter, etc. ; with a Memoir of his Life. By his son, St. George Armstrong Williams, M.A. London, 1840. 8vo. 11.547 - (John). Thoughts on the Origin and on the most rational and natural Method of teaching the Languages. London, 1783. 8vo. 11.548 - Ancient and Modern Denbigh. With Illustrations. Denbigh, 1856. 4to, half morocco. 11.549 - (J.). Essays on various subjects. London, 1858. 4to. 1 1,550 WILLIAMSON (R. M.). The Welshman's Self-Instructor to the Reading, Writing, and Understanding of the English Tongue. Caernarfon, n.d. 8vo, half Russia. 11.551 WISE (J. R.). Shakspere: his Birthplace and its Neighbourhood. Illustrated by W. J. Linton. London, 1861. 8vo. 11.552 WITHERS (George). Alphabetic and spelling reform, an educational necessity. Being the introduction to Lessons in English spelled as pronounced. Liverpool, 1877. 599 ll >553 WOLBRECHT (G.). New London Pronouncing Dictionary of the most commonly used words in the English language, pointing out the erroneous and vulgar pronunciation of which some words are liable ; the elegant and fashionable manner of pronouncing others, and the most general and correct accentuation of those in which lexicographers differ. Leipsic, 1830. 410. 11,554 WORTERBUCH der englischen und deutschen Sprache, mit beigefugter Bezeich- nung der englischen Aussprache und Accentuation. Leipzig, n.d. 8vo, half calf. IJ 5S5 WRIGHT (Thomas). On the History of the English Language; a lecture delivered at Liverpool on the 23rd April 1857, before the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire. Liverpool, 1857. Autograph presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. J1 '55 6 - On the progress and present condition of Archaeological Science. An Address read before the British Archaeological Association on the i4th March 1866. 22 pages. 1I >557 - On the intercourse of the Romans with Ireland. (An extract.) 11,558 - On an early manuscript in the Muniment Room in the Guildhall, Leicester. No date or place. (An extract.) In English and Latin. Presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. "559 YEATMAN (John Pym). The History of the Common Law of Great Britain and Gaul. Part i. London, 1874. 8vo. 11.560 - The Shemetic Origin of the Nations of Western Europe, and more especially of the English, French and Irish Branches of the Gaelic Race. London, 1879. 8vo, morocco. ANGLO-SAXON. 11.561 jELFRIC. Fragment of ^Ifric's Grammar, ^Elfric's Glossary, and a Poem on the Soul and Body, in the orthography of the 1 2th century, discovered among the Archives of Worcester Cathedral. By Sir T. Phillipps, bart. Edited by Sir T. P. London, 1838. Folio. 11.562 - The Homilies of the Anglo-Saxon Church. The First Part, containing the Sermones Calholici, or Homilies of sElfric, in the original, with an English version by Benjamin Thorpe. London, 1844-46. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. Printed for the jElfric Society. II >S&3 - The Anglo-Saxon version of the Hexameron of St. Basil, or Be Codes six daga weorcum. And the Anglo-Saxon remains of St. Basil's Admonitio ad filium spirilualem. Now first printed from MSS. in the Bodleian Library, with a trans- lation, notes, and an account of the presumed author, vElfric. By the Rev. Henry W. Norman. Second edition, greatly enlarged. London, 1849. 410. 11.564 ALFRED (King). The will of King Alfred, reprinted from the Oxford edition of 1788 ; with a preface and additional notes. London, 1828. The original publication was edited by the Rev. Owen Manning. 11.565 - King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon version of Boethius' De consolalione philosophiae, with an English translation and notes. By J. S. Cardale. London, 1829. 410. 600 11.566 ANGLOSAXONUM poetae atque scriptores prosaici, quorum partim integra opera, partim loca selecta collegit, correxit, edidit Ludovicus Ettmiillerus. Quedlinburgii et Lipsiae, 1850. 8vo, half morocco. (Bibliothek der gesammten deutschen national-Literatur, Bd. xxviii.) 11.567 BARNES (W.). Se Gefylsta (The Helper). An Anglo-Saxon Delectus. London, 1849. i2mo. 11.568 BENSON (Thomas). Vocabularium Anglo-Saxonicum, lexico Gul. Somneri magna parte auctius. Oxonii, (e Th. Sheldon.). 1701. 410, calf. 11.569 BEOWULF. The Anglo-Saxon Poems of Beowulf, the Traveller's Song, and the Battle of Finnes-Burh, edited with Glossary and Preface by John M. Kemble. London, 1833-37. ^vo, morocco. 2 vols. 11.570 Das alteste deutsche Epos; uebersetzt und erlautertvon Dr. Karl Simrock. Stuttgart und Augsburg, 1850. 8vo, half morocco. 11,571 Mil ausfuhrlichen Glossar. Herausgegeben von Moritz Heyne. Paderborn, 1863. 8vo. 11,572 nebst den Fragmenten Finnsburg und Valdere in kritisch bearbeiteten Texten neu herausgegeben mit Worterbuch, von C. W. M. Grein. Cassel und Gottingen, 1867. 8vo. 11,573 BIBLE. Heptateuchus, Liber Job, et evangelium Nicodemi ; Anglo-Saxonice (ex interpr. Alfrici) : historiae Judith fragmentum, Dano-Saxonice. Edidit nunc primum ex MSS. codicibus Edwardus Thwaites. Oxoniae, e Theatre Sheldoniano, 1698. Typis Junianis. 410, morocco. With a Plate. Rare. 11,574 Psalter. Psalterium Davidis Latino-Saxonicum vetus. A Johanne Spel- manno D. Hen. fil. editum. E vetustissimo exemplari MS. in Bibliotheca ipsius Henrici, et cum tribus aliis non multo minus vetustis collatum. Londini, (R. Badger), 1640. 410, morocco. ll >575 Psalter. Libri Psalmorum versio antiqua Latina ; cum paraphrasi Anglo- Saxonica, partim soluta oratione, partim metrice composita. Nunc primum e cod. MS. in Bibl. Regia Parisiensi adservato descripsit et edidit Benj. Thorpe. Oxonii, 1835. 8vo, calf. 11.576 Psalter. Anglo-Saxon and Early English Psalter: now first printed from manuscripts in the British Museum. London. 410, morocco. (Surtees Society Publication for 1843.) 11.577 BIBLIOTHEK der Angelsachsischen Poesie in kritisch bearbeiteten Texten und mit vollstandigem Glossar; herausgegeben von Chr. W. M. Grein. Gottingen, 1857. 8vo, half morocco. (Erster Band. Text i.) 11.578 der Angelsachsischen Poesie, in kritisch bearbeiteten texten und mit vollstandigem Glossar. Herausgegeben von Chr. W. M. Grein. Band, iii, Glossar i. Cassel und Gottingen, 1861. 8vo. In two parts. M 579 Band, iv, Glossar ii. Cassel und Gottingen, 1863-64. 8vo. In two parts. 1 1,580 der Angelsachsischen Prosa, in kritisch bearbeiteten texten, herausgegeben von Chr. W. M. Grein. Band. i. Cassel und Gottingen, 1872. 8vo. 601 n,S8i BIBLIOTHEK der Angelsachsischen Prosa. Begriindet von Chr. W. M. Grein. Fortgesetzt unter Mitwirkung Mehrerer Fachgenossen von Richard Paul Wiilker. Band. ii. Die Angelsachsischen prosabearbeitungen der Benedictinerregel. Herausgegeben von A. Schroer. Kassel, 1885-88. 8vo. In two parts. 11.582 der Angelsachsischen Prosa, etc. Cassel, 1889. 8vo. 11.583 BOSVVORTH (Joseph). The Elements of Anglo-Saxon Grammar, with Notes, etc. London, 1823. 8 vo, half calf. 11.584 A Compendious Grammar of the Primitive English or Anglo-Saxon Language. London, 1826. 8vo. 11.585 A Dictionary of the Anglo-Saxon Language. London, 1838. 410, 'half morocco. 11.586 The Essentials of Anglo-Saxon Grammar, with an Outline of Prof. Rask and Grimm's Systems. London, 1841. 410. 11.587 A compendious Anglo-Saxon and English Dictionary. London, 1849. 8vo. 11.588 CAEDMON'S des Angelsachsen biblische Dichtungen ; herausgegeben von K. W. Bouterwek. Erster Theil. Mit z\vei Fac-similes aus dem Cod. Bodlej. Jun. xi. Giitersloh, 1854. Zweiter Theil. Elberfeld und London, 1851. 8vo, half morocco. Two vols. in one. 11.589 Schopfung und Abfall der bosen Engel aus dem Angelsachsischen ubersetzt nebst Anmerkungen von J. P. E. Greverus. Oldenburg, 1852. 8vo, half morocco. 11.590 CALENDCWIDE, i.e. Menologium Ecclesiae An glo- Saxon icae poeticum. Textum Hickesianum e collatione codicis manuscript! a Beniamino Thorpe facta emendavit interpretatus est adnotavit K. W. Bouterwek. Giitersloh, 1857. 11.591 CHRONICLE (The Saxon), with an English Translation, Notes, etc., by the Rev. J. Ingram. With Map, Plates of Coins, etc. London, 1823. 410, calf. 11.592 CODEX EXONIENSIS: a collection of Anglo-Saxon Poetry from a MS. in the Library of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter; with English Translation, Notes, etc., by Benjamin Thorpe. London, 1842. 8vo, half calf. 11.593 DECALOGI orationis symboli Saxonica versio vetustissima, Marq. Freheri notis exposita. Typis Gotthardi Voegelini, 1610. 11.594 EBELING (F. W.). Angelsaechsisches Lesebuch. Leipzig, 1847. 8 vo, half calf. 11.595 ELSTOB (Elizabeth). The Rudiments of Grammar for the English-Saxon Tongue, first given in English ; with an Apology for the Study of Northern Antiquities. London, (W. Bowyer), 1715. 410, calf. (Edition de luxe.) 11.596 EPINAL GLOSSARY (The), Latin and Old English of the 8th Century. Photo- lithographed from the original MS. by W. Griggs and edited, with transliteration, introduction, and notes, by Henry Sweet, M. A. London, 1883. Folio. (Printed for Subscribers.) 11.597 FELIX OF CROWLAND. The Anglo-Saxon Version of the Life of St. Guthlac, Hermit of Crowland. Originally written in Latin. Now first printed from a MS. in the Cottonian Library. With a translation and notes by Charles Wycliffe Goodwin. London, 1848. izmo. 602 11,598 FURNIVALL (F. J.). Uncorrected proof of his rough list of Anglo-Saxon words in the Epinal MS. sent to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte for his corrections, 2ist January 1884. II 599 Revised proof of the same sent for the same purpose, zist January 1884. 1 1, 600 GEORGE (Saint). An Anglo-Saxon Passion of St. George, from a MS. in the Cambridge University Library. Edited, with a translation, by the Rev. C. Hard- wicke, M.A. London, Percy Society, 1850. 8vo. (No. 88.) 11.601 GLOUCESTER FRAGMENTS. Fac-simile of some leaves in Saxon hand-writing on St. Swithun, copied by photozincography at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton ; and published with elucidations and an essay by John Earle, M.A. London, 1861. 410. 11.602 GOTZINGER (Ernst). Ueber die Dichtungen des Angelsachsen Caedmon und deren Verfasser. Gottingen, 1860. 11.603 GRUPEN (C. U.). Observationes rerum et antiquitatum Germanicarum et Romanarum. Oder Anmerkungen aus den teutschen und romischen Rechten und Alterthiimern mit einer Vorrede und Abhandlung, de Lingua Hengisti, Hengist's Tonge, als der Alt-Sachsischen Sprache, welche der Sachsische Fiirst Hengist mit den Sachsen in Britannien gebracht. Halle, 1763. 4to, vellum. 11.604 GREIN (C. W. M.). Kleines Angelsiichsisches Worterbuch. Nach Grein's Sprachschatz der Angelsachsischen Dichter, bearbeitet von Fr. Groschopp. Kassel, 1883. 8vo. 11.605 GWILT (Joseph). Rudiments of a Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Tongue. London, 1829. 410, half calf. 11.606 HANDBOOK of Anglo-Saxon Orthography. By a Literary Association. New- York, 1852. izmo. 11.607 ' A Handbook of Anglo-Saxon derivatives. New York, 1854. i2mo. 1 1, 608 A Handbook of Anglo-Saxon root- words. New York, 1854. izmo. 11.609 HELIAND. Poema Saxonicum saeculi noni. Accurate expressum ad exemplar Monacense insertis e Cottoniano Londinensi supplementis nee non adjecta lectionum varietate, nunc primum edidit J. Andreas Schmeller. Monachii, Stut- gartiae et Tubingae, 1830. 4to, calf. Of this work Brunei remarks : Morceau pre"cieux de 1'ancien dialecte teutonique, anglo-saxon, et ancien scandinave. 11.610 Der Heiland Altsachsische Evangelien-Harmonie, iibersetzt von Karl Ludwig Kannegiesser. Berlin, 1847. 8vo, half calf. 1 1,6 1 1 oder das Lied vom Leben Jesu, sonst auch die altsachsische Evangelien- Harmonie. In der Urschrift mit nebenstehender Ubersetzung, nebst Anmer- kungen und einem Wortverzeichnisse. Von Dr. J. R. Kone. Munster, 1855. 8vo, half morocco. 1 1,6 1 2 Sachsische Evangelienharmonie aus dem neunten Jahrhundert. Ueber- tragen von Georg Rapp. Stuttgart, 1856. 8vo, half morocco. 11,613 (Der); oder, Die altsachsische Evangelien-Harmonie. Uebersetzung in Stabreimen nebst einem Anhang von Ch. W. M. Grein. Cassel, 1869. 8vo. 603 1 1,6 1 4 HELIAND (Die Quellen des). Von Ch. W. M. Grein. Nebst einem Anhang: Tatians Evangelienharmonie, herausgegeben nach dem Codex Cassellanus. Cassel, 1869. 8vo. 11.615 HENSHALL (Samuel). The Saxon and English languages reciprocally illustrative of each other; the impracticability of acquiring an accurate knowledge of Saxon Literature through the medium of Latin phraseology, exemplified in the errors of Hickes, Wilkins, Gibson, and other Scholars, and a new mode suggested of radically studying the Saxon and English Languages. London, 1798. Folio, half calf. 11.616 HICKES (George). Institutiones grammaticae anglo-saxonicae et moeso-gothicae : accessere grammaticae islandicae rudimenta Runolphi Jonae, et Ed. Bernardi etymologicum britannicum. Oxonii, e Th. sheld., 1689. 410, calf. A valuable work. 11.617 Linguarum vett. septentrionalium thesaurus grammatico - criticus et archaeologicus. Auctore Georgio Hickesio. Oxonise, e theatre Sheldoniano, 1705. Folio, calf. With Plates. Rare. 6 parts in 2 volumes. The first volume has a fine portrait of the author. 1 1,6 1 8 Grammatica Anglo-Saxonica, ex Hickesiano Linguarum Septentrionalium Thesauro excerpta (ab Edw. Thwaites.) Oxonise, (Theatro Sheldo.), 1711. 410, half calf. Rare. 11.619 HUNTER (Wm.)- An Anglo-Saxon Grammar and Derivatives ; with proofs of the Celtic dialects being of Eastern origin. London, 1832. 410, calf. 11.620 INDEX Scholarum in universitate litteraria Fridericiana Halensi cum Vitebergensi consociata per hiemem, 1847-48. (Inest Leonis de Anglosaxonum literis gutturalibus commentatio.) Halle. 410. 11.621 INGRAM (Rev. J.). An Inaugural Lecture on the utility of Anglo-Saxon Litera- ture, to which is added the Geography of Europe by King Alfred, including his account of the discovery of the North Cape in the Ninth Century. Oxford, 1807. 4to, half morocco. 11.622 KEMBLE (John M.). History of the English Language. First, or Anglo-Saxon Period. Cambridge, 1834. 11.623 Ueber die Stammtafel der Westsachsen. Miinchen, 1836. 11.624 On the Names, Surnames, and Nicnames of the Anglo-Saxons. London, 1846. 410. 11625 KERSLAKE (Thomas). Saint Ewen, Bristol and the Welsh Border, circiter A.D. 577-926. With some notes on the ancient frontier marts, Chester, Shrewsbury, Hereford, Gloucester, Chepstow, and on the national hagiologies, also on the Mercians in Cornwall and Devon. Bristol, 1875. (Read at the Bristol Congress of the British Archa3ological Association, Aug. 6, 1874.) A presentation copy. 11,626 Vestiges of the supremacy of Mercia in the south of England during the Eighth Century. Bristol, 1879. (Extract from the Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society.) 604 11.627 KLIPSTEIN (Louis F.). A Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Language. New York, 1848. izmo. 11.628 Selections, in Prose and Verse, from the Anglo-Saxon Literature; with an introductory ethnological essay, and notes, critical and explanatory. New York, 1849. izmo. 2 vols. 11.629 KYNEWULFI poetae aetas aenigmatum fragmento e codice Lugdunensi edito illustrata a Francisco Dietrich. Marburgi, 1860. 4to. 11630 LANGLEY (L.). Principia Saxonica; or an Introduction to Anglo-Saxon Reading. London, 1844. i2mo, half calf. 1 1,631 LAZAMON'S BRUT, or, Chronicle of Britain ; a poetical Semi-Saxon Paraphrase of the Brut of Wace ; now first published from the Cottonian MSS. in the British Museum, with literal Translation, Notes, etc., by Sir Frederick Madden. With fac-similes of MSS. London, 1847. 8 vo, half morocco. 3 vols. 11.632 LEO (Henricus). Treatise on the Local Nomenclature of the Anglo-Saxons as exhibited in the Codex Diplomaticus (Evi Saxonici ; translated from the German by B. W. London, 1852. i2mo, half morocco. 11.633 Commentatio. (Quae de se ipso Cynevulfus, sive Cenevulfus, sive Ccenevulfus, poeta Anglosaxonicus tradiderit.) Halis, 1857. 8vo. 11.634 LEXICON Anglosaxonicum ex poetarum scriptorumque prosaicorum operibus nee non lexicis Anglosaxonicus collectum, cum sinopsi grammatica edidit Ludovicus Ettmiillerus. Quedlinburgii et Lipsiae, 1851. 8vo, half morocco. (Bibliothek der gesammten deutschen national -Literatur. Bd. xxix.) 11.635 LIBRARY OF NATIONAL ANTIQUITIES (A). Published under the direction and at the expense of Joseph Mayer, i. A Volume of Vocabularies, edited by Thomas Wright. Liverpool, 1857. 4 to - (Privately printed.) 11.636 L'ISLE OF WILBURGHAM (William). Divers ancient monuments in the Saxon Tongue : written seven hundred yeares agoe. Shewing that both in the Old and New Testament, the Lord's Prayer, and the Creede, were then used in the Mother Tongue ; and also what opinion was then held of the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ, whereunto is added out of the Homilies and Epistles of ^Ifricus a second edition of a testimony of Antiquity touching the Sacrament, and a Sermon on the Paschall Lambe, used to be spoken to the people at Easter. London, (printed by E. G. for Francis Eglesfield), 1638. 410, calf. Rare. 11.637 A Testimony of Antiquity; shewing the Ancient Faith in the Church of England, touching the Sacrament of the body and bloud of the Lord here publickly preached, and also received in the Saxons time about 600 yeares agoe. London, 1638. 4to, calf. Rare. 11.638 LOTH (J.). Etymologische angelsaechsisch - englische Grammatik. Elberfeld, 1870. 8vo. 11.639 MANNEL (Albert). Die Angelsachsische Sprache, das Fundament der Englischen. Leipzig, 1848. 8vo, half morocco. 11.640 MARCH (F. A.)- The Study of Anglo-Saxon. No date or place. 10 pages. 11.641 MAX RIEGER. Alt- und Angelsachsisches Lesebuch nebst Altfriesischen Stiicken, mil einem Worterbuche. Giessen, 1861. 8vo. 605 11.642 MICHEL (Francisque-)- Bibliotheque Anglo-Saxonne. Paris et Londres, 1837. 8vo, half calf. 11.643 NILSSON (L. G.)- Nagra fornengelska andeliga qvaden p& grundspraket. Med svensk ofversattning och atfoljande glossarium. Lund, 1857. 8vo. 11.644 OELRICHS (J.). Angelsiichsische Chrestomathie, oder, Sammlung merkwiirdiger Stiicke aus den Schriften der Angelsachsen einer uralten deutschen Nation mil beigefiigter hochdeutschen Uebersetzung, und i Kupfer. Hamburg, 1798. 410. 11.645 ORMIN. The Ormulum. Now first edited from the Original Manuscript in the Bodleian, with Notes and a Glossary by Robert Meadows White. Oxford, 1852. 4to. 2 vols. 11.646 OTTEN (Geo.). The Language of the Rushworth Gloss to the Gospel of St. Matthew. Part i. Vowels. Leipzig, 1890. 11.647 PAULI (R.). The Life of Alfred the Great, translated from the German by B. Thorpe. With Alfred's Anglo-Saxon version of Orosius, with translation and Glossary. London, 1853. 8vo. (Bohn's Antiquarian Library Series.) 11.648 PETHERAM (John). An Historical Sketch of the Progress and Present State of Anglo-Saxon Literature in England. London, 1840. 8vo, half morocco. 11.649 POETRY (The), of the Codex Vercellensis with an English Translation, by J. M. Kemble. London, 1843. 8vo, half morocco. 11.650 POPULAR Treatises on Science written during the Middle Ages in Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Norman, and English. Edited from the original manuscripts by Thomas Wright, M.A., F.S.A. London, 1841. 8vo. 11.651 PUBLICATIONS OF THE SURTEES SOCIETY (The). For the years 1854, 1861, 1863 and 1865. Vols. xxviii, xxix, xliii, xlviii. Durham. 4to. 4 vols. 11.652 RASK (Erasmus). Angelsaksisk Sproglaere tilligemed en kort Loesebog. Stockholm, 1817. 410, half calf. 11.653 A Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Tongue with a Praxis; translated from the Danish by B. Thorpe. Copenhagen, 1830. 8vo, half calf. 11.654 RITUALE Ecclesiae Dunelmensis. Nunc primum typis mandatum. London, 1840. 4to. (Publications of the Surtees Society.) 11.655 RODET (Lon). Collection de Grammaires, etc., des principaux dialectes germaniques. Premier Cahier : Petite grammaire Anglo-Saxonne. Paris, 1858. 11.656 SCHMID (Reinhold). Die Gesezte der Angelsachsen. In der Ursprache mit Uebersetzung, Erlauterungen und einem antiquarischen Glossar. Herausgegeben von Dr. R. Schmid. Zweite Auflage. Leipzig, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. 11.657 SCREADUNGA. Anglosaxonica maximam partem inedita, publicavit Carolus Guilielmus Bouterwek. Elberfeldae, 1858. 410. With fac-simile page. 11.658 SHRINE (The). A Collection of Occasional Papers on Dry Subjects, 1864 to 1870. London. Thirteen numbers. 11.659 SISSON (J. L.). The Elements of Anglo-Saxon Grammar, with Praxis and Vocabulary. Leeds, 1819. izmo, calf. 606 1 1, 660 SOMNER (G.). Dictionarium saxonico-latino-anglicum voces, phrasesque praecipuas anglo-saxonicas .... magna diligentia collectas, cum latina et anglica vocum interpretatione complectens ; adjectis interdum exemplis, vocum etymologiis, et cum cognatis linguis collationibus, plurimisque observationibus ; opera et studio Guliel. Somneri. Accesserunt ^Elfrici abbatis grammatica latino-saxonica, cum glossario suo ejusdem generis. Oxonii, excudebat Gul. Hall, et Londini, Dan. White, 1659. 410, calf. Rare. 11.661 SPECIMENS of translation from Latin into Anglo-Saxon, or English of the Ninth Century, containing the Lord's Prayer, and Te Deum Laudamus, from the Breviary, Part of King Alfred's paraphrase of Boetius, to which is added Caedmon's Hymns. Ayr, n.d. 11.662 SPRACHPROBEN. (Altsachsische und Angelsachsische) Herausgegeben und mit einem erklarenden Verzeichniss der angelsachsischen Worter versehen von Heinrich Leo. Halle, 1838. 8 vo, half calf. 11.663 STEPHENS (G.). Tvende Old-Engelske Digte med oversaettelser og tillaeg ved G. Stephens. Kjobenhavn, 1853. 410, half morocco. 11.664 TAALEN (Van), en byzonderlyk van de Saxische Taal. No date or place. (An extract.) 11.665 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Gospels. Tha Halgan Godspel on Englisc. The Anglo-Saxon Version of the Holy Gospels, edited from the original manuscripts, by Benjamin Thorpe. London, 1842. i2mo, morocco. 11.666 Gospels. Die Vier Evangelien in Alt-Nordhumbrischer Sprache. Aus der jetzt zum erstenmale vollstandig gedruckten Interlinearglosse in St. Cuthbert's Evangelienbuche hergestellt, mit einer ausfiihrlichen Einleitung, einem reich- haltigen Glossare, so wie einigen Beilagen versehen und herausgegeben von Karl Wilhelm Bouterwek. Giitersloh, 1857. 8vo, morocco. 11.667 St. Matthew. Evangelium Matthaei Anglo-Saxonici dialecto comune et Northumbrica et Latine. No title-page. 4to, morocco. The beginning of an intended edition of the Anglo-Saxon Gospels by Messrs. J. M. Kemble and B. Thorpe. No more than 6 copies impressed. This copy contains a couple of notes referring to the publication, and how it came to be stopped. 11.668 St. Matthew. The Gospel according to St. Matthew in Anglo-Saxon and Northumbrian versions, synoptically arranged, with collations of the best manuscripts. Edited by Charles Hardwick. Cambridge, 1858. 4to. 11,669 St. Mark. The Gospel according to St. Mark in Anglo-Saxon and Northumbrian versions, synoptically arranged, with collations exhibiting all the readings of all the MSS. Edited by the Rev. Walter W. Skeat, M.A. Cam- bridge, 1871. 410. 11.670 St. Luke. The Gospel according to St. Luke in Anglo-Saxon and Northumbrian versions, synoptically arranged, with collations exhibiting all the readings of all the MSS. Edited by the Rev. Walter W. Skeat, M.A. Cambridge, 1874. 410. 11.671 THOMMEREL (J--P.). Recherches sur la Fusion du Franco-Normand et de 1'Anglo-Saxon. Paris, 1841. 8vo, half calf. 11.672 THOMSON (E.). Anglo-Saxon Grammar; Anglo-Saxon Extracts, and a Glossary. Ayr, 1823. 8vo. 607 1 1,673 THOMSON (E.). Select Monuments of the Doctrine and Worship of the Catholic Church in England before the Norman Conquest. London, 1849. izmo. 11.674 THORPE (B.). Ancient Laws and Institutes of England: comprising Laws enacted under the Anglo-Saxon Kings from Aethelbirht to Cnut, with an English translation of the Saxon ; the Laws called Edward the Confessor's ; the Laws of William the Conqueror, and those ascribed to Henry the First ; also, Monumenta Ecclesiastica Anglicana, from the Seventh to the Tenth Century ; and the Ancient Latin Version of the Anglo-Saxon Laws, with a compendious Glossary, etc. Printed by command of his late Majesty King William IV, under the direction of the Commissioners of the Public Records of the Kingdom, 1 840. 8vo. 2 vols. 11.675 THURSTON (C. B.). A few remarks in defence of Dr. Boswcrth and his Anglo- Saxon dictionaries. London, 1864. 11.676 TWO LEAVES OF KING WALDERE'S LAY, a hitherto unknown Old-English Epic of the Eighth Century, belonging to the Saga-Cyclus King Theodric and his Men. Now first publisht from the originals of the qth century by George Stephens. Cheapinghaven and London, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. 11.677 Another copy, with fac-similes of the original MSS. Cheapinghaven and London, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. 11.678 VERNON (E. J.). A Guide to the Anglo-Saxon Tongue. A Grammar after Erasmus Rask, with Extracts, Notes and Appendix. London, 1846. i2mo, half calf. 11.679 VILMAR (A. F. C.). Deutsche Altertiimer im Heliand als einkleidung der evangelischen geschichte. Beitrage zur erklarung des altsachsischen Heliand und zur innern geschichte der einfuhrung des Christentums in Deutschland. Zweite Ausgabe. Marburg, 1862. 8vo. 11.680 WILKINS (David). Leges Anglo-Saxonicae Ecclesiasticae et Civiles. Accedunt leges Eduardi Latinae, Guilielmi Conquestoris Gallo-Normanicae, et Henrici I. Latinae. Subjungitur domini Henr. Spelmanni codex legum veterum statutorum regni Angliae, quae ab ingressu Guilielmi I. usque ad annum nonum Henr. III. edita sunt. Toti operi praemittitur dissertatio epistolaris D. Guil. Nicolsoni episcopi Derrensis de jure feudali veterum Saxonum ; cum codd. mss. contulit, notas, versionem et glossarium adjecit David Wilkins. Londini, typis Guil. Bo wye r, impensis R. Gosling, 1721. Folio, calf. 11.681 WINDISCH (Ernst). Der Heliand und seine quellen. Leipzig, 1868. 8vo. 11.682 WRIGHT (Thomas). Coup-d'ceil sur les progr^s et sur l'e"tat actuel de la Litt6rature Anglo-Saxonne en Angleterre, traduit de 1'Anglais par M. de Larenaudiere. Paris, 1836. 8vo, half calf. Anglo-Saxonica Se"rie, par MM. P. de Larenaudiere et Francisque Michel. 11.683 An Essay on the State of Literature and Learning under the Anglo- Saxons. London, 1839. 8vo, half morocco. 1 1,684 On Bishop Leofric's Library. No date or place. 6 pages. 11.685 YEATMAN (J. Pym). An Introduction to the Study of Early English History. London, 1874. 8vo. 608 DIALECTS IN GENERAL. 11.686 BONAPARTE (Louis Lucien). Classification des dialectes anglais modernes, pr6sent6e a la Soci^te" Philologique de Londres par le Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte, le 20 Juin 1873. Accompagne'e d'une petite carte des principaux dialectes anglais. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. Londres, 1873. 8 pages. Only 250 copies printed, of which 20 are on special paper. 11.687 Another copy, one of the 20 on special paper, with coloured Map. 11.688 BOUCHER (Jonathan), vicar of Epsom. A sermon preached at ** Carlisle, August the 1 2th, 1798. Carlisle, 1798. 410. (Added to which is a prospectus of the author's proposed Provincial Glossary of English dialects, especially of the Western and Northern Counties.) 11.689 Boucher's Glossary of Archaic and Provincial Words. A Supplement to the Dictionaries of the English Language. Part i. London, 1832. 410, half calf. 11.690 DIALECT SOCIETY (English). The publications of this Society from 1873 to 1887. In parts. With the Reports of the Society from the ist to the i6th year, and a Catalogue of the words added between 1880 and 1888. London. 8vo. 11.691 GARLANDS (Northern). The Bishopric Garland; the Yorkshire Garland; the Northumberland Garland and the North-Country Chorister; edited by the late Joseph Ritson. London, 1810. 8vo. 11.692 GROSE (Francis). A Provincial Glossary, with a Collection of Local Proverbs and Popular Superstitions. London, 1787. 8vo, calf. 11.693 2nd edition, corrected and greatly enlarged. London, 1790. i2mo, calf. 11.694 A new edition, corrected. London, 1811. 8vo, calf. 11.695 A. Glossary of Provincial and Local Words used in England. To which is now first incorporated the Supplement, by Samuel Pegge. London, 1839. 12010. 11.696 HALLIWELL (J. O.). An historical sketch of the provincial dialects of England, illustrated by numerous examples. London, 1847. 8vo. 11.697 A Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial words, obsolete phrases, proverbs, and ancient customs from the nth century. 2nd edition. London, 1850. 8vo. 2 vols. 11.698 Another edition. Brixton Hill, 1852. 8vo. 2 vols. Printed for private circulation only. 11.699 HOLLO WAY (Wm.). A General Dictionary of Provincialisms. Lewes, 1838. 4to. 11.700 HOPE (R. C.)- A Glossary or Dialectal Place Nomenclature. 2nd edition. London, 1883. 410. 11.701 PEGGE (Samuel). A Supplement to the Provincial Glossary of Francis Grose. London, 1814. 8vo. 11.702 RAY (John). A collection of English Words, not generally used, with their significations and original, in two alphabetical catalogues, the one of such as are proper to the Northern, the other to the Southern Counties. With Catalogues of English Birds and Fishes. London, H. Bruges, 1674. 8vo. Scarce. 11.703 The same, znd edition augmented. London, 1691. 12 mo, calf. 609 11.704 SMITH (J. R.). A Bibliographical List of the works that have been published towards illustrating the Provincial Dialects of England. London, 1839, izmo. 11.705 STURZEN-BECKER (Wm. T. P.). Some Notes on the leading Grammatical Characteristics of the principal Early English dialects. Copenhagen, 1868. 11.706 VARIETIES OF ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION. An Appeal to all Persons interested in the Past and Present State of the English Language .... to Unite in forming an English Dialect Society. Published for the Philological Society by Asher & Co., London and Berlin. 8vo. This tract is annotated in the handwriting of Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 11.707 WRIGHT (Thos.). Dictionary of Obsolete and Provincial English. London, 1857. (Bohn's Philological Library Series.) 8vo. 2 vols. AMERICANISMS. 11.708 BARTLETT (John Russell). Dictionary of Americanisms. A Glossary of Words and Phrases colloquially used in the United States. New York, 1849. 8vo. 11.709 2nd edition. Boston, 1859. i2mo. 11.710 Woordenboek van Americanismen. (With Dutch equivalents by M. Keijzer.) Gorinchem, 1854. i2mo, half morocco. 11.711 ELWYN (Alfred L.). Glossary of supposed Americanisms. Philadelphia, 1859. i2mo. 11.712 FARMER (J. S.). Americanisms; Old and New. London, 1889. 4to. (No. 419, with author's signature.) 11.713 KOHLER (F.). Worterbuch der Americanismen. Leipzig, 1866. 8vo. 11.714 LOWELL (James Russell). The Biglow Papers. 3rd edition. Boston, 1853. 8vo. n>7'5 The Biglow Papers. With additional Notes, an enlarged Glossary, and an Illustration by George Cruikshank. London, 1859. 8vo. 11.716 2nd English edition. London, 1 86 1. 8vo. 11.717 The Biglow Papers. London, 1865. 8vo. 11,718 The Biglow Papers. 2nd series. London, 1865. 8vo. 11.719 The Biglow Papers. With Introduction by George Augustus Sala. London, 1867. 11.720 MAJOR JACK DOWNING. With an Introduction by Geo. Aug. Sala. London, 1866. 8vo. 11.721 NASBY (Petroleum V.). The Nasby Papers. With Introduction by Geo. Aug. Sala. London, 1864. 8vo. The author of these papers was D. R. Locke. 11.722 NICHOLS (Thos. L.). Forty Years of American Life. London, 1864. 8vo. 2 vols. Deals with Americanisms. 11.723 ORPHEUS C. KERR PAPERS. With an Introduction by Geo. Aug. Sala. London, 1865. 8vo. The author was Mortimer Thompson. 39 610 11.724 PICKERING (John). A Vocabulary or Collection of Words and Phrases which have been supposed to be peculiar to the United States of America, etc. Boston, 1816. 4to, half calf. 11.725 WARD (Artemus). His Book; with many illustrations. New York, 1865. izmo. 11.726 His Book; with Notes and a Preface by the Editor of the Biglow Papers. London, 1865. 8vo. 11.727 Among the Fenians. London, n.d. 8vo. 11.728 Josh Billings, his Book of Sayings, with Introduction by E. P. Kingston. London, n.d. 8vo. 11.729 WHICHER (F. M.). The Widow Bedott Papers, with an Introduction by Alice B. Neal. New York, 1856. izmo. BEDFORDSHIRE. 11.730 BATCHELOR (T.). An Orthoepical Analysis of the English Language, . . . and a minute and copious analysis of the Bedfordshire Dialect. London, 1809. 8vo, half calf. 11.731 MONKHOUSE (W.). Etymologies of Bedfordshire. Bedford, 1857. BERKSHIRE. 11.732 GLOSSARY of Provincial Words used in Berkshire. London, 1852. CHESHIRE. 11.733 LEIGH (Egerton). On Cheshire Words, Sayings and Proverbs. Chestef, 1858. 1 1,734 A Glossary of Words used in the Dialect of Cheshire, founded on a similar attempt by Roger Wilbraham. With Plates and Portraits of the Author and Roger Wilbraham, Esq. London, 1877. 8vo. n>735 WILBRAHAM (Roger). An Attempt at a Glossary of some words used in Cheshire. London, 1820. 11,736 An Attempt at a Glossary of some Words used in Cheshire. Communi- cated in a Letter to Samuel Lysons, Esq. Read 8th May 1817. Ex Archaeologia ; or, Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity. Vol. xix. London, 1821. 410. IJ 737 A" Attempt at a Glossary of some words used in Cheshire. From the Archaeologia, vol. xix. London, 1826. 8vo, half calf. CORNISH (LIVING). 11.738 ALMANACH. Netherton's Cornish Almanac. Truro, (for 1854 and 1855). 11.739 BANNISTER (John). A Glossary of Cornish names, local and family, ancient and modern, Celtic, Teutonic, etc. Truro, 1869-70. In parts. 11.740 BIBLE. The Song of Solomon in the living Cornish dialect. From the authorised English version. (London), 1859. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 11.741 Another copy of the same edition, being the only one on thick paper. Crushed levant. 611 1 1,742 BOASE (G. C.) and COURTNEY (W. P.). Bibliotheca Cornubiensis. A Catalogue of the Writings, both manuscript and printed, of Cornishmen, and of works relating to the County of Cornwall. London, 1874. 410. 3 vols. 11.743 BUDGET OF CORNISH POEMS (A), by various Authors. Devonport, n.d. i2mo. 11.744 CHARNOCK (R. S.). Patronymica Cornu-Britannica : or, The Etymology of Cornish Surnames. London, 1870. 8vo. 11.745 CORNISH TALES in Verse and Prose. Being Specimens of Cornish provincial dialect. Truro, 1858. izmo. 11.746 Another edition. Truro, 1859. izmo. 11.747 CORNISH (A) Ghost Story, a Night's Adventure at the Devil's Stile; or, Jacky Trevose and Mary Trevean. By "Elfin." Truro, 1862. i2mo. 11.748 COUCH (Thomas Q.). A List of Obsolete Words still in use among the folk of East Cornwall. Truro, n.d. 11.749 DANIEL (H. J.). Companion for the Cornish Thalia. Original humorous pieces in the Cornish and Devonshire dialects. Devonport, n.d. 12010. 11.750 Cornish Thalia (The); being original comic poems in the Cornish dialect. Devonport, n.d. izmo. 11.751 Mary Ann's Career, and Cousin Jack's Adventures. Devonport, n.d. i2mo. 11.752 Mirth for Long Evenings. Devonport, n.d. i2mo. JI 753 Mirth for One and All, or Comic Tales and Sketches. Devonport, n.d. i2mo. 11.754 DOLLY PENTREATH, and other humorous Cornish tales, in verse. With a Portrait of old Dolly. By the author of Recreations in Rhyme. Devonport, n.d. i2mo. 11.755 FORFAR (Wm. Bentinck). Cousin Jan's Courtship and Marriage. The Exhibition. Two Cornish Tales in Verse. Truro, 1859. i2mo. 11.756 Pentowan ; or, The Adventures of Gregory Goulden, Esq., and Tobias Penhale. A Cornish Story. Helston, 1859. 410. 11.757 HENWOOD (George), and others. A Great Mine Conference, the Gwennap Bal Boys, the Prechen Kappen, the Fox outwitted by a Cock, etc. Devonport, n.d. i2mo. 11.758 MILES (Mrs. S. E.). Original Cornish Ballads, originally founded on stories humorously told by Mr. Tregellas ; with Introductory Essay on the Characteristics of the Cornish Peasantry. London, 1846. 11.759 O'DONOGHUE (F. Talbot). St. Knighton's Keive ; a Cornish Tale, with Glossary. London, 1864. 8vo. 11.760 ROMANCES (Popular) of the West of England; or, The Drolls, Traditions, and Superstitions of Old Cornwall ; collected and edited by Robert Hunt. First and Second Series. Frontispiece to each volume by George Cruikshank. London, 1865. 8vo. 2 vols. 612 11.761 SMITHERAM (Theodosius). Harkylogy. Mr. Theodosius Smitheram's account of the Sayings and Doings of the Cambrian Archaeological Association. Recited at Truro, on Thursday evening, September 4th, 1862. Truro, 1862. 11.762 SPECIMENS of Cornish Provincial Dialect ; collected and arranged by Uncle Jan Treenoodle ; with Introductory Remarks and Glossary, and portrait of Dorothy Pentreath. London, 1846. i2mo. 11.763 TREBILCOCK (Jimmy); or, The humorous adventures of a Cornish Miner at the Great Exhibition, what he saw, and what he didn't see. Camborne, 1863. 11.764 TREGEAGLE of Dozmary Pool, and Original Cornish Ballads. Devonport, n.d. 11.765 TREGELLAS (J. T.). Two Cornish Tales. Rozzy Paul and Zacky Martin; and the Battle of Lanterns. Truro, n.d. 11.766 The St. Agnes Bear Hunt ; and the Perran Cherrybeam. Two Comic Poems. Truro, 1848. 11.767 Another edition. Truro, 1851. 11.768 The Adventures of Rozzy Paul and Zacky Martin; the St. Agnes Bear Hunt; and the Perran Cherrybeam. Three Cornish Comic Poems. Penzance, 1854. 11.769 Hacky and Markey: being the adventures of two Cornish Miners. Penzance, 1855. 11.770 The Adventures of Rozzy Paul and Zachy Martin, etc., as above. Penzance, 1856. 11.771 Farmer Brown's Blunders, including the Cayenne-pepper Story; Capt. Hoskin's Battle of Lanterns ; and the London Director, Hannibal Hollow, at Wheal Blue Bottle. London, 1857. 11.772 The amusing Adventures of Josee Cock, the Perran Cock-Fighter; the Author's Address to Captain Peard and others ; Billy May's Letter ; and the true tale of Titus Teague. London, 1857. 11 >773 Hacky and Markey: being the Adventures of two Cornish miners. Penzance, 1857. 11.774 The amusing Adventures of Josee Cock, the Perran Cock-fighter, etc. London, 1858. 11.775 The Squire's tame Conger! The Wounded Miner. The Swemming Grendingstone ! Truro, 1859. 11.776 California, and Hacky and Markey. Two Cornish Tales. Truro, 1859. IX 777 Cornish Tales, in Verse and Prose, being specimens of Cornish provincial dialect. Truro, 1860. 11.778 Cornish Tales, in Prose and Verse. Truro, 1865. 8vo. 11.779 TREMUAN (Tom). A conversation with Tom Tremuan. Also, The St. Agnes Bear Hunt ; a Cornish Ballad. No title-page. 11.780 WEST (Cornubian). A New Budget of Cornish Poems. Camborne, 1865. 613 CUMBERLAND. 11.781 ANDERSON (R.). Ballads in the Cumberland dialect, with Notes and a Glossary. Carlisle, 1805. i2mo, uncut. 11.782 Another edition. Wigton, 1808. 8vo, calf. 11.783 Wigton, 1815. 8vo. Frontispiece. 11.784 Popular Songs selected from his Works. Wigton, 1811. 8vo. 11,785 The Poetical Works of Robert Anderson. With Life of the Author. By Thomas Sanderson. Carlisle, 1820. 4to, half morocco. 2 vols. 11.786 Cumberland Ballads, by R. Anderson, with an Essay on the Manners and Customs of the Cumberland peasantry, by Thos. Sanderson. Carlisle, 1828. izmo, half morocco. 11.787 Another edition. Wigton, 1834. 11.788 Cumberland Ballads. With Autobiography, Notes, and a Glossary. Edited by S. Gilpin. London, 1866. 8vo. 11.789 Another edition, carefully compiled from the Author's MS., with a Memoir of his Life. Wigton, n.d. 410, half morocco. 11.790 Ballads in the Cumberland Dialect, with Notes, a Glossary of local words, and a life of the author. Alnwick, n.d. 8vo. 11.791 Another edition. Carlisle, n.d. 8vo. 11.792 BIBLE. The Song of Solomon in the Dialect of Central Cumberland. By W. Dickinson. London, 1859. Crushed levant. Only 250 copies printed, this being the only one on thick paper. n >793 ' An ordinary copy of the same edition. Morocco. 11,794 The Song of Solomon in the Cumberland Dialect. By J. Rayson. London, n.d. Crushed levant. Only 250 copies printed, this being the only one on thick paper. 11.795 An ordinary copy of the same edition. Morocco. 11.796 CUMBRIAN MINSTREL (The): being a poetical Miscellany of Tales of the Border, etc. Edited by John Stagg. Manchester, 1821. i2mo, calf. 2 vols. in one. 1 1,797 DIALOGUE between John and Thomas, on the Corn Laws, the Charter, Teetotalism, and the Probable Remedy for the Present Distresses. Paisley, 1842. 11.798 (A Pastoral) in the Cumberland dialect; with a humorous epistle by a young Shepherd to his friend in Borrowdale. Keswick, 1849. i2mo. 11.799 Another edition. Keswick, 1855. i2mo. (SeeRixsoN: No. 11,820, etc.) 1 1, 800 DICKINSON (Wm.). A Glossary of the Words and Phrases of Cumberland. Whitehaven, 1859. 8vo. 11.801 A Supplement to the Glossary of the Words and Phrases of Cumberland. Whitehaven, 1867. 8vo. 614 n,8o2 FERGUSON (R.). The Northmen in Cumberland and Westmoreland. London, 1856. 8vo. This work contains a chapter on the dialect of Cumberland and Westmoreland. 11.803 GIBSON (A. C.). The Folk-Speech of Cumberland, and some Districts adjacent. London, 1869. 8vo. . 1 ,804 GLOSSARY of Provincial Words used in the County of Cumberland. London, 1851. 1 1,805 HARRISON (J.). Poems and Songs, some of which are in the Cumberland dialect. Whitehaven, n.d. izmo. 1 1, 806 JOLLIE (F.). Jollie's Sketch of Cumberland Manners and Customs. With a Glossary. Carlisle, 1811. Half calf. 11.807 JONNIE NIP-NEBS. (Ballad.) Carlisle, n.d. 1 1, 808 LAMPLUGH CLUB, intended to assist in preserving a faithful record of the dialect of the neighbourhood of Whitehaven. Whitehaven, 1856. 11.809 Another edition. Whitehaven, 1858. 11.810 LONSDALE (Mark). Th' Upshot. No date and place, izmo. 11.811 LYNN LINTON (Mrs. E.). The Lake Country. With a Map and one hundred Illustrations, drawn and engraved by W. J. Linton. London, 1864. 410. Appendix I contains the provincialisms of the Lake District. 11.812 Lizzie Lorton, of Greyrigg. A Novel. London, 1866. 8vo. 3 vols. Contains Cumberland Speech. 1 1,813 PEOPLE and Dialect of Cumberland and Westmoreland (The). A historical sketch. Kendal, n.d. 410. 11.814 RAYSON (John). Miscellaneous Poems, Songs and Ballads in the Cumberland dialect. Carlisle, 1835. izmo. Frontispiece. 11.815 Miscellaneous Poems and Ballads chiefly in the Dialects of Cumberland and the English and Scotch Borders. London, 1858. 4to, morocco. 11.816 RELPH (Josiah). A Miscellany of Poems, consisting of original Poems, Trans- lations, Pastorals in the Cumberland Dialect, Familiar Epistles, Fables, Songs and Epigrams. With a Preface and Glossary. Glasgow, 1747. 8vo, calf. 11.817 Poems. With the Life of the Author and a Pastoral Elegy on his death. By Thos. Sanderson. Carlisle, 1797. 4to, calf. 1 1,8 1 8 Poems by the late Rev. Josiah Relph of Sebergham. With the Life of the Author by J. Mitchell. Embellished with picturesque engravings on wood by Mr. T. Bewick. Carlisle, 1798. 410. Some of these Poems are in the Cumberland dialect. 11.819 : Poems, humorous and sentimental; consisting of Cumberland Pastorals, translations from the Classics, etc. 3rd edition. With Plates and Memoirs of the Author. London, 1805. 4to, half morocco. 11.820 RITSON (Isaac). Copy of a Letter written by a young Shepherd to his friend in Borrowdale. No town. 1815. 11.821 Another edition. Noplace. 1824. 615 u,822 RITSON (Isaac). Another edition. Whitehaven, 1829. 11.823 Carlisle, 1841. 11.824 Carlisle, n.d. 11.825 ,, Cockermouth, n.d. 11.826 Whitehaven, n.d. 11.827 No place and date. 11.828 ,, No place and date. 11.829 SONGS AND BALLADS OF CUMBERLAND (The), to which are added Dialect and other Poems ; with biographical sketches, Notes and Glossary. Edited by Sidney Gilpin. Portrait of Miss Blamire. London, 1866. 8vo. 11.830 SONGS, GLEES, DUETS, CHORUSES, etc., sung at the Grand Concerts at the Theatre Royal, on Oct. sth, 6th and 8th, 1824. By Mde. Catalani, Mrs. Salmon, etc., etc., Newcastle. Among the Songs is " Worton Wedding." 11.831 STAGG (John). Miscellaneous Poems, some of which are in the Cumberland Dialect. Workington, 1805. 12010, half morocco. 11.832 Miscellaneous Poems, some of which are in the Cumberland and Scottish dialects. Wigton, 1807. izmo, calf. 11.833 SULLIVAN (J.). Cumberland and Westmorland, ancient and modern: the People, Dialect, Superstitions and Customs. London and Kendal, 1857. 410. 11.834 WORFAT (William de). A bran new wark, containing a true Calendar of his Thoughts concerning good nebberhood. Naw first printed fra his MS. for the use of the hamlet of Woodland. London, 1784. 4to. DERBYSHIRE. 11.835 BALLADS AND SONGS OF DERBYSHIRE (The) ; with Notes and examples of the original music, and portrait of Singing Sam. Edited by Llewellynn Jewitt. London, 1867. 8vo. 11.836 MANDER (James). The Derbyshire Miners' Glossary; with frontispiece repre- senting the Miners' Standard-Dish of Worksworth. Bakewell, 1824. 410, half calf. 11.837 ROBINSON (J. B.). Owd Sammy Twitcher's Visit tu't Gret Exibishun e Darby. Roat, kompoazed, an hillusterated by a Darbysher Mon. Fifth edition. Darby, n.d. 11.838 (Second Visit wi Jim). Darby, n.d. DEVONSHIRE. 11.839 BIBLE. The Song of Solomon in the East Devonshire Dialect. By G. P. R. Pulman. London, 1860. Crushed levant. Only 250 copies printed, this being the only one on thick paper. 1 1,840 An ordinary copy of the same edition. 11.841 The Song of Solomon in the Devonshire Dialect. By H. Baird. London, n.d. Crushed levant. Only 250 copies printed, this being the only one on thick paper. 616 11.842 BIBLE. The Song of Solomon. An ordinary copy of the same edition. 11.843 CLACK! A Journal of Literary, Scientifick and Artistick Talk for One and All in ye Counties of Devon and Cornwall. Nos. i to 6. Plymouth, 1865. 8vo. 11.844 DAVIDSON (James). Bibliotheca Devoniensis : A Catalogue of the Printed Books relating to the County of Devon. Exeter, 1852. 410. 11.845 DEVONSHIRE DIALOGUE (A), with Glossary, for the most part by the late Rev. John Phillips ; edited by Mrs. Gwatkin. London, 1839. izmo. 11.846 DIALOGUE (A) in the Devonshire Dialect (in three parts) by a Lady; and a Glossary by J. F. Palmer. London, 1837. 121110, half calf. 11.847 EXMOOR SCOLDING (An); in the Propriety and Decency of Exmoor Language, between two Sisters, Wilmot Moreman, and Thomasin Moreman, as they were spinning. From the Gentleman's Magazine, July 1746. Also, Exmoor Courtship. Or, a Suitoring Discourse, in the Devonshire Dialect and Mode. From the same Magazine, June 1746. The cuttings are pasted on blank sheets of paper, and are the first known publications of these famous pieces. 11.848 The same in book form. The Seventh Edition, with Marginal Notes and a Vocabulary or Glossary. Exon, 1771. 11.849 in the Propriety and Decency of Exmoor Language; also, An Exmoor Courtship; with Notes and Vocabulary. Ninth edition. Exeter, 1782. 410, half calf. 11.850 in the propriety and decency of Exmoor Language, between two sisters, Wilmot Moreman and Thomasin Moreman, as they were spinning; also, An Exmoor Courtship. Exeter, 1827. 11.851 Another edition. London, 1839. i2mo. 1 1,852 EXMOOR SCOLDING AND COURTSHIP (The). (Two dialogues of the begin- ning of the i8th century); also, The Somersetshire Man's Complaint. (A Poem of a full century earlier.) The original texts edited, collated and arranged, with a complete transcript in glossic, the Vocabulary enlarged, and the whole illustrated with copious notes, by F. T. Elworthy. Bungay, 1879. 8vo. 11.853 GRAMMAR'S CAT AND OURS. (Title-page wanting.) 1 1,854 HARE (W.). Brither Jan's visit ta tha Crismiss Pantymime ; a Poetic Epistle in the Devonshire dialect, with other effusions. 2nd edition. Exeter, 1863. 11.855 HOGG (Nathan). Letters in the Devonshire dialect. Exeter, 1847. 12 mo. 11.856 Second edition. London, 1850. i2mo. 11,857 Poetical Letters tu es brither Jan, and a Witch Story, tha old humman way the urd cloke, ur tha evil eye. In the Devonshire dialect. Third edition. London, etc., 1858. 11,858 Fourth edition. London, 1860. 11,859 A new Series of Poems, including " Mucksy Lane," a Ghost Story, in the Devonshire dialect. London, 1864. 410, morocco. 617 u,86o TESTAMENTUM (Novum). St. Matthew. The Gospel of St. Matthew, translated into Western English as spoken in Devonshire, by Henry Baird. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. London, 1863. 8vo, morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 11.861 Another copy of the same edition, being the only one on thick paper. Morocco. 11.862 WEYMOUTH (R. F.). The Devonshire Dialect. Plymouth, n.d. DORSET. 11.863 BARNES (William). Poems of Rural Life in the Dorset Dialect, with Glossary. 2nd edition. London, 1848. i2mo. 1 1,864 Hwomely Rhymes. A Second Collection of Poems in the Dorset Dialect. London, 1859. iimo. 11.865 A Grammar and Glossary of the Dorset Dialect, with the history, outspreading, and bearings of South-Western English. Berlin, 1863. 8vo. 11.866 BIBLE. The Song of Solomon in the Dorset dialect. From the authorised English version. By the Rev. William Barnes. (London), 1859. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 11.867 Another copy of the same edition, being the only one on thick paper. Crushed levant. 1 1,868 GLOSSARY of Provincial Words used in the County of Dorset. London, 1851. 11.869 YOUNG (Robert). Rabin Hill's Visit to the Railway: what he zeed and done, and what he zed about it. In two parts. Sturminster Newton, 1864-65. Presentation copy from the author. 11,870 An Eclogue, in the Dorset dialect. Blandford, n.d. DURHAM. 11.871 BIBLE. The Song of Solomon in the Durham dialect, as spoken at St. John's Chapel, Weardale. By Thomas Moore. (London), n.d. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 11.872 Another copy of the same edition, being the only one on thick paper. Crushed levant. 1 1,873 BISHOPRICK GARLAND (The), or, A Collection of Legends, Songs, Ballads, etc., belonging to the County of Durham ; with Plates. London, 1834. 410, half calf, gilt top edges. 11.874 EGGLESTONE (W. M.). Betty Podkins' Visit to Auckland Flower Show. Darlington, (1879). Presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 11.875 Betty Podkins' Letter ted Queen on Cleopatra's Needle. London and Darlington, (1879). Presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 11.876 FEATHERSTON (J. R.)- Weardale Men and Manners. With several fine Engravings. Durham, 1840. 8vo. This work gives specimens of the dialect 11.877 GLOSSARY (A) of Provincial Words used in Teesdale. London, 1849. i2mo. With Map. 11.878 JEMMY AND NANCY of Yarmouth, or, The Constant Lovers; the Bloody Gardener; etc., etc. . . . to which is added, Daft Watty's Ramble to Carlisle. Newcastle, n.d. izmo. EAST ANGLIAN. 11.879 BIBLE. The Song of Solomon in the Norfolk dialect. From the authorised English version. By the Rev. Edward Gillett. (London), n.d. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 1 1, 880 Another copy of the same edition, being the only one on thick paper. Crushed levant. 11.881 COCKNEYS IN THE COUNTRY (The); a diverting Story, in which the tables are turned on the Londoners. London. 11.882 FORBY (R.). The Vocabulary of EastAnglia; an attempt to record the Vulgar Tongue of the Twin Sister Counties, Norfolk and Suffolk. With Portrait. London, 1830. With a supplementary volume by the Rev. W. T. Spurdens. London, 1858. i zmo, half morocco. 3 vols. in one. 11.883 GILES'S TRIP TO LONDON. Norwich, n.d. 38th edition. 8vo. 1 1,884 JAWKINS'S (Jack) First Vote, and how he won Polly Pawkins. Norwich, 1880. 11.885 MOLLY MIGG'S Trip to the Seaside. By the author of Giles's Trip to London. Norwich, n.d. Fifth edition. 8vo. 11.886 MOOR (E.). Suffolk Words and Phrases; or, an attempt to collect the Lingual Localisms of that County. Woodbridge, 1823. i2mo, half calf. 11.887 NALL (J. G.). Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft, a Handbook for Visitors and Residents. With Glossary, etc. London, 1866. 8vo. 11.888 ORTON (John Swaffield). The Beeston Ghost; or, Forty Years Ago. A Norfolk Tale. London, n.d. Presentation copy from the author. ESSEX. 11.889 CHARNOCK (R. S.). A Glossary of the Essex dialect. London, 1880. 8vo. 1 1,890 GLOSSARY of Provincial Words used in the County of Essex. London, 1851. 11.891 H. (J. B.). Tiptree Fair in 1844: A curious specimen of the "unlettered Muse." By J. B. H. Now first printed verbatim, from the Author's MS. A very limited number printed. Tiptree-Heath, 1848. 8vo. 11.892 JOHN NOAKES AND MARY STYLES ; or "An Essex Calf's" Visit to Tiptree Races ; a Poem in the Essex Dialect ; with a Glossary by Charles Clark. London, 1839. i2mo. 619 GLOUCESTERSHIRE. 11.893 BAYLIS (F. G.). 220 Illustrations of Gloucestershire dialect. 1870. 8vo. 11.894 CLERK'S (The late old) humorous description of the Painted Glass Windows of Fairford Church. Fairford, 1873. 11.895 COLLECTANEA GLOCESTRIENSIA ; or, A Catalogue of Books, Tracts, Prints, Coins, etc., relating to the County of Gloucester, in the possession of John Dela- field Phelps, Esq., Chavenage House. London, 1842. 8vo. 11.896 GLOSSARY of Provincial Words used in the County of Gloucester, with Proverbs current in that County. London, 1851. 11.897 HUNTLEY (R. W.). A Glossary of the Cotswold (Gloucestershire) Dialect. London, 1868. 8vo. HEREFORDSHIRE. 11.898 EDMUNDS (Flavell). Etymology of Names of Pla'ces in Herefordshire. A paper read before the members of the Hereford Literary and Antiquarian Society, on the 1 2th of January, 1849. Hereford, 1849. 11.899 GLOSSARY of Provincial Words used in Herefordshire and some of the adjoining Counties. London, (John Murray), 1839. i2mo, half calf. 11.900 (A) of Provincial Words used in Herefordshire and some of the Adjoining Counties. London, (Clowes and Sons), 1839. I2mo. IRISH-ENGLISH DIALECTS. 11.901 ALMANACH. Poor Rabbin's Ollminick for the Town o' Bilfawst. Belfast, 1861. 11.902 HUME (A.). Remarks on the Irish dialect of the English language. Liverpool, 1878. With a linguistic Map. 11.903 POOLE (Jacob). A Glossary, with some Pieces of Verses, of the Old Dialect of the English Colony in the Baronies of Forth and Bargy, Co. Wexford, Ireland ; now edited by Wm. Barnes. London, 1867. 8vo. This dialect closely resembles that of Somerset, and was carried to Ireland by the first English invaders under Strongbow. KENTISH. 11.904 MASTERS (John White). Dick and Sal at Canterbury Fair. A Doggerel Poem. Canterbury. 11.905 Dick and Sal; or, Jack and Joan's Fair. A Doggerel Poem. Dovor, n.d. 4to, half calf. 11.906 NAIRNE (E.). Kentish Tales, in verse, and other humorous poems. Sandgate, 1824. i zmo, half calf. LANCASHIRE. 11.907 AB-OTH'-YATE at th' Owdham Show. By Ab hissel. Manchester, (1883). sth edition. 11.908 at th' Fisheries X'hibition ; or, the Big Boat an' Bant Show. Described in letters to his wife. By Ab hissel. Manchester, 1883. 11.909 Drop't on at Blackpool. Ab'-o'th'-Yate. Manchester, n.d. 620 11.910 ABRUM o Flups' Quortin and Weddin at Smobridge ; written bi Ab hissel. Manchester, n.d. 11.911 ALMANACK. Owd Wisdom's Lankishire Avvmenack for th' yer 1860. Bolton. 11.912 The same for 1861. Manchester. 11.913 AXON (William E. A). The Litterature of the Lancashire dialect. London, 1870. izmo. 11.914 AYNUCK o Ned's un his pratty dowter Sally; or, Ambishun un its Reward, etc. Manchester, n.d. 1 1,915 BALLADS and Songs of Lancashire, chiefly older than the igih Century. Collected, compiled, and edited, with Notes, by John Harland. London, 1865. 8vo. 11.916 BAMFORD (Sam). Dialect of South Lancashire; or Tim Bobbin's Tummus and Meary, revised and corrected. With Glossary of Words and Phrases, etc. Manchester, 1850. 8vo. 11.917 The Dialect of South Lancashire; or, Tim Bobbin's Tummus and Meary; with Glossary, etc. London, 1854. i2mo. 11.918 BIBLE. The Song of Solomon in the Lancashire dialect as spoken at Bolton. From the authorised English version. By James Taylor Staton. (London), 1859. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 1 1,919 Another copy of the same edition, this being the only one on thick paper. Crushed levant. 11.920 The Song of Solomon in the North Lancashire dialect as spoken north of the Wyre. From the authorised English version. By James Phizackerley. (London), 1860. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 11.921 Another copy of the same edition, this being the only one on thick paper. Crushed levant. 11.922 BOBBIN (Tim). Tim Bobbin's Toy-Shop opened, or, His Whimsical Amusements. Containing, His View of the Lancashire dialect ; The Poem of the Black Bird, etc. Embellished with copper-plates designed by the Author, and engraved by Mr. Barlow, of Bolton. Manchester, Joseph Harrop, 1763. i2mo, calf. Tim Bobbin's name was John Collier. Watt .does not mention this work. The first work he mentions under Bobbin (Timothy), Esq., is the next entry. The Prince's collection of Tim Bobbin's works is remarkably rich and valuable. 11.923 The Miscellaneous Works of Tim Bobbin, Esq. Manchester, 1775. i2mo, half calf. With u Copper-plates. 11,924 Another edition. London, 1803. i2mo. With 10 Copper-plates. 11.925 ,, ,, 1806. 1 2mo, half morocco. With 10 Copper- plates, and with a Life of the Author by Richard Townley. 11.926 Another edition. Salford, 1811. 410, half calf. With Plates and Life of the Author. 11.927 Another edition. Salford, 1812. 410, calf. With Plates and Life of the Author. 621 11.928 BOBBIN (Tim). Another edition. London, 1818. i2mo, half morocco. With Plates and Life of the Author. 11.929 Another edition. Manchester, 1820. 4to. With Plates and Life of the Author. 11.930 The Works of Tim Bobbin, Esq., in Prose and Verse; with a Memoir by John Corry. Rochdale, 1819. 4to, half calf. With Plates. 11.931 Another edition. 1862. 4to. With Plates. 11.932 A View of the Lancashire dialect; with a large Glossary: being the Adventures and Misfortunes of a Lancashire Clown. By Tummus a Williams, etc. London, 1770. izmo, calf. 11.933 A View of the Lancashire dialect, etc. No place, 1789. i2mo. 11.934 Another edition. No place, 1797. i2mo. 11/935 tt Rochdale, 1819. 410. With Plates. 11,936 ,, London, 1828. 8vo. Plates by G. Cruikshank. H.937 l8 33- izmo. ,, 11,938 ,, Manchester, 1839. izmo. With Plates. ii939 Otley, 1846. izmo. 11.940 Leeds, 1847. i2mo. 11.941 ,, London, n.d. izmo. 11.942 n.d. i2mo. 11,943 > Manchester, n.d. 4to. With Plates. 11,944 London, n.d. i2mo. 11.945 (The Ghost of Tim). Manchester, 1850. 8vo. 11.946 THE SECOND (Tim). Plebeian Politics ; or, Principles and Practices of certain Mole-eyed Maniacs, vulgarly called Warrites, exposed, by way of Dialogue between two Lancashire Clowns, together with several fugitive pieces. Man- chester, n.d. 410. With Portrait. 11.947 BOWTUN LUMINARY (The) an Turn Fowt Telegraph. Bolton, 1852-61. Half morocco. Bound in 3 vols. 11.948 BRIERLEY (Benjamin). The Layrock of Langley-side. A Lancashire Story. London, 1864. 8vo. Frontispiece. 11.949 Irkdale ; or, The Odd House in the Hollow. A Lancashire Story. London, 1865. 8vo. 2 vols. 11,950 Tales and Sketches of Lancashire Life. London, n.d. 8vo. 2 vols. 11.951 Bundle o' Fents from a Lancashire Loom, suitable for Penny Readings. London, n.d. 8vo. 11.952 BROGDEN (J. E.). Provincial Words and Expressions current in Lancashire. London, 1866. 8vo. 622 11.953 CUNLIFFE (Henry). A Glossary of Rochdale-with-Rossendale Words and Phrases. Manchester and London, 1886. 410. 11.954 DAVIES (J.). The Races of Lancashire as indicated by the Local Names and Dialect of the County. London, 1856. 8vo. XI >955 GASKELL (W.). Two lectures on the Lancashire dialect. Title-page wanting. 8vo. 11.956 GHOST (Th') ov Owd Clockcase : a humourous fireside Lancashire Story. Manchester, n.d. 8vo. 11.957 HARLAND (J.) and WILKINSON (T. T.). Lancashire Folk-Lore : illustrative of the superstitious beliefs and practices, local customs and usages of the people of the County Palatine. Compiled and edited by John Harland and T. T. Wilkinson. London, 1867. 8vo, half calf. 11.958 JACK O'DICK'S VISIT TO TH' QUEEN, abeawt th' hard toimes i' Lancashire. Rochdale, 1862. 11.959 L. (M. R.). Tim Bobbin's Adventure with the Irishman, or, Rising the Dead by the Art of Freemasonry. A Lancashire Tale. Manchester, 1860. 8vo. 11.960 A Sporting Party; and, Owd Neddy Fitton's visit to th' Earl o' Derby. A true Lancashire Sketch. 2nd edition. Bury, 1861. 11.961 Another edition. Bury, 1862. 11.962 The same. 5th edition. London, 1863. 1 1,963 Owd Yem un his five daughters ; or, Heaw to get rid of an unwelcom lover. A true Lancashire Sketch. By M. R. L. Manchester, n.d. 11.964 LANCASHIRE LYRICS: Modern Songs and Ballads of the County Palatine. Edited by John Harland. London, 1866. 8vo. 11.965 LANKISHIRE LOOMINARY (The). Vol. i, No. i to No. 52. Vol. ii, No. i to No. 52 (Nos. 16 and 27 wanting). 11.966 LAYCOCK (S.). Lancashire Rhymes; or, Homely Pictures of the People. London, n.d. 8vo. 11.967 Lancashire Songs. Manchester, n.d. 8vo. Autograph copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 11.968 MANOCK. How Bob Manock geet to be th' Cheermon o' th' Henpecked Club. We th' Rules un Regelations. Manchester, n.d. 11.969 MORRIS (J. P.). A Glossary of the Words and Phrases of Furness. London, 1869. 8vo. 11.970 O ful, tru, un pertikler okeawnt o bwoth wat aw seed un wat aw yerd, we gooin too th' greyt Eggshibishun e Lundun, etc. Rachde (Rochdale), n.d. 11.971 " OUD JOHN." A Yewud Chap's trip to Manchester to see th' Queen an' th' Art Treasures Eggshibishun. Manchester, Heywood, 1857. 11.972 PICTON (J. A.). Notes on the South Lancashire dialect. Liverpool, 1865. Printed for private circulation only. 11.973 RACHDE FELLEY'S Visit to th' Greyt Eggshibishun e Lundun. Rachde (Rochdale), n.d. 8vo. 623 11.974 RAMSBOTTOM (Joseph). Phases of Distress : Lancashire Rhymes. Manchester, 1864. 8vo. 1 1,975 SONDNOKKUR (Sam). His Ryde fro Ratchdato Manchester, etc. Manchester, n.d. 11.976 SONGS OF THE WILSONS (The). With a Memoir of the Family, and several additional songs never before published. Edited by John Harland. London, 1865. 8vo. 11.977 STATON (J. T.). Bobby Shuttle un his woife Sayroh wi th' Prince un Princess o' Wales at Bowton. Manchester, n.d. 11.978 The Rivals, a humorous dialogue; also, Going for the Census, a comic tale. Manchester, n.d. 11.979 The Bachelor's Wants ; a comic bagatelle. Fifth edition. Manchester, n.d. 11.980 The Wife Hunters; a new comic sketch. Manchester, n.d. 11.981 The Three Graces ; a new comic sketch. Bolton, 1860. 11.982 Th' Visit to th' Greight Parris Eggsibishun of Bobby Shuttle un his woife Sayroh. Manchester, 1867. 1 1,983 Bobby Shuttle un his woife Sayroh's Visit to Manchester, un to th' Greight Hert Treasures Eggshibishun, at owd Trafford. Manchester, n.d. 11.984 TIM GAMWATTLE'S Jawnt e Ab-o'-Dick's oth' doldrums' waggin, fro Smobridg to Manchester o seein't Quene, etc. Manchester, n.d. 1 1,985 TODDLE. Two Dialogues ; entitled, Quaker turned Volunteer, and Jerry Harmless. Manchester, n.d. 11.986 Three Dialogues. Manchester, n.d. No. 2. 11.987 Another edition. Manchester, 1860. 11.988 Dialogue : The Old Man and his Daughters. By Toddle. Manchester, n.d. 11.989 WAUGH (Edwin). Wandering Minstrels; or, Wails of the workless Poor. Man- chester, n.d. 11.990 A Ramble from Bury to Rochdale, containing a Lancashire Dialogue and Jone o' Jeffrey's Tale. Manchester, 1851. 11,991 Sketches of Lancashire Life and Localities. London, 1857. 8vo. 11,992 Poems and Lancashire Songs. London, 1859. 8vo, JI 993 Another edition. London, 1861. 8vo. 11,994 The Goblin's Grave. Manchester, 1 86 1. n 99S The Birtle Carter's Tale about Owd Bodle. Manchester, 1 86 1. 11,996 YELLOND (Tummus). Th' Triumph o' Proide; or, th' history, o Jim Boardman, an' Ailse Sidewell, afore an' aftur they'rn wed. I' two Parts an' a Bit. To which is added an Apendix, wi' two letturs in it. Manchester, n.d. 624 LEICESTERSHIRE. 11.997 EVANS (A. B.). Leicestershire words, phrases and proverbs. London, 1848. 8vo. LINCOLNSHIRE. 11.998 ALMANACK. W. and B. Brooke's Lincoln Companion to the Almanach, 1860. Lincoln. 11.999 BROGDEN (J. E.). Provincial Words and Expressions current in Lincolnshire. London, 1866. 8vo. 12.000 BROWN (John). Neddy and Sally, or, The Statutes Day. A Lincolnshire tale of real life. Lincoln, 1841. 121110. 12.001 2nd edition. Horncastle, 1855. LONDON DIALECTS. 12.002 'ARRY and 'Arriett at Yarmouth. A Tale about Norfolk Dumplings. London. 12.003 PEGGE (Samuel). Anecdotes of the English Language; chiefly regarding the dialect of London and its Environs. London, 1803. 8vo, calf. 12.004 2n d edition; with Provincial Glossary by Francis Grose. London, 1814. 8vo, half calf. 12.005 Anecdotes of the English Language ; chiefly regarding the local dialect of London and its environs. To which is added a Supplement to Grose's Provincial Glossary. The Third Edition, enlarged and corrected. Edited by the Rev. H. Christmas. London, 1844. 8vo. 12.006 PUNCH. A Collection of this periodical from Vol. i to Vol. Ivi complete. 28 volumes bound in green cloth. LOWLAND SCOTCH, INCLUDING THE VARIOUS ENGLISH DIALECTS OF SCOTLAND. 12.007 BALLADS. Scottish Tragic Ballads. London, 1781. 8vo, half calf. 12,008 Select Scotish Ballads. Collected by John Pinkerton. London, 1783. 8vo, calf. 2 vols. in one. 12.009 Scarce Ancient Ballads, many never before published. Aberdeen, 1822. i2mo. 12.010 (Ancient Scottish), recovered from tradition, and never before published: with Notes, historical and explanatory, and an Appendix, containing the Airs of several of the Ballads. Edited by Geo. R. Kinloch. London, 1827. 8vo, half calf. 12.01 1 Ancient Ballads and Songs of the North of Scotland, hitherto unpublished. With explanatory notes by Peter Buchan. Edinburgh, 1828. 8vo. With Portrait. 2 vols. 12,012 Scottish traditional versions of ancient Ballads. Edited by James Henry Dixon. London, 1845. 8vo, half morocco. 12,013 AND SONGS OF AYRSHIRE (The), illustrated with sketches, historical, traditional, narrative and biographical. Ayr, 1846, ist Series. Edinburgh, 1847, 2nd Series. 4to. 625 12.014 BALLADS. Scotish Ballads and Songs. Collected by James Maidment. Edinburgh, 1859. 8vo. 12.015 Another edition. Edinburgh, 1868. 8vo. 2 vols. 12.016 The Legendary and romantic Ballads of Scotland. Edited by Charles Mackay. London, 1861. 8vo. 12.017 BALLATES. A Compendious Book of Psalms and Spiritual Songs, commonly known as The Gude and Godly Ballales ; with Preface by David Laing. Edinburgh, (reprinted from the edition of 1578), 1868. 8vo. 12.018 BARBOUR (John). The Bruce; or, The History of Robert I, King of Scotland. The first genuine edition published from a MS. dated 1489; with Notes and a Glossary by J. Pinkerton. London, 1790. 8vo, calf. 3 vols. 12.019 BIBLE. Psalter. The Book of Psalms in Lowland Scotch. From the authorised English version. By Henry Scott Riddell. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. London, 1857. 8vo, morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 12,020 Another copy, being the only one on thick paper. Morocco. 12.021 The Song of Solomon in Lowland Scotch. From the authorised English version. By Henry Scott Riddell. London, 1858. 410, morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 12.022 Another copy, being the only one printed with blue ink. Morocco. 12,023 The Song of Solomon in Lowland Scotch. From the authorised English version. By J. P. Robson. London, 1860. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed for Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 12,024 Another copy, being the only one on thick paper. Crushed levant. 12.025 The Song of Solomon in Lowland Scotch. London, 1860. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed for Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 12.026 Another copy, being the only one on thick paper. Crushed levant. 12.027 The Song of Solomon in Lowland Scotch. From the authorised English Version. By George Henderson. (London), 1862. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed for Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 12.028 Another copy, being the only one on thick paper. Crushed levant. 12.029 Psalter. The Psalms ; frae Hebrew intil Scottis. By P. Hately Waddell. Edinburgh and Glasgow, 1877. 12.030 Isaiah; frae Hebrew intil Scottis. By P. Hately Waddell. Edinburgh and Glasgow, 1879. 410. 12.031 BROWN (J. D.). Ballads, founded on Ayrshire traditions; with minor Poems and Lyrics. Kilmarnock, 1850. izmo. 12.032 (R. D. C.). The historical Scotish Village and other Pastorals of Lintoun Green, or, The Third Market-Day in June 1685 ; Carlop Green in 1793 ; Peggy's Myll at Carlops, a Pastoral', On a Bathing Hut in Habbie's How, a Pastoral Ode ; The Tuilzie between Pan and Pastora, etc. Edinburgh, 1832. 410. 40 626 12.033 BROWN (Thos.). A Dictionary of the Scottish Language. London, 1845. 8vo. 12.034 BRUCE (Rob.). Sermons. Reprinted from the original edition of 1590 and 1591. With Collections for his Life, by the Rev. R. Wodrow. Now first printed from the manuscript in the Library of the University of Glasgow. Edited by the Rev. W. Cunningliam. Edinburgh, 1843. 8vo. 12.035 BUCHANAN (G.). Ane Detectioun of the duinges of Marie Quene of Scottes, touchand the murder of hir husband, and hir conspiracie, adulterie, and pretended manage with the Erie Bothwell. And ane defence of the trew Lordis, main- teineris of the Kingis graces actioun and authoritie. Translatit out of Latine quhilke was written by G. Buchanan. Neither date nor place of publication (probably of the i6th century). Crushed levant. Extremely rare. 12.036 BURNE (Nicol). The Dispotation concerning the Controversit Headdis of Religion, haldin in the Realme of Scotland, the zeir of God ane thousand, fyue hundreth fourscoir zeiris. Betuix the praetendit Ministeris of the deformed Kirk in Scotland, and Nicol Burne, Professor of Philosophy, etc., brocht vp in his tender cage in the peruersit sect of the Caluinists, and now be ane special Grace of God, ane Membre of the Halie Catholik Kirk. Parise, 1581. 8vo, calf. Rare. 12.037 BURNS (Robert). Burns's Songster; being a Choice Collection of Celebrated Scotch Songs. Newcastle, n.d. 12.038 Select Scottish Songs, ancient and modern ; with critical observations and biographical notices. Edited by R. H. Cromek. London, 1810. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. in one. 12.039 His W T orks. With Life by Allan Cunningham. New Edition, with Portrait. London, 1850. 8vo. 12.040 CABINET OF THE SCOTTISH MUSES (The) ; selected from the Works of the most esteemed Bards of Caledonia. Edinburgh, 1808. i2ino, half morocco. 12.041 CALEDONIAN MUSICAL MUSEUM (The); or, Complete Vocal Library of the best Scotch Songs, ancient and modern, embellished with a Portrait and fac-simile of the handwriting of Burns. Edited by his son. London, 1809. i2mo, half calf. 2 vols. 12.042 CLEISHBOTHAM. A Handbook of the Scottish Language. Edinburgh, 1858. 12.043 COLLECTION OF SCOTCH SONGS (A). Unbound. Printed at various places. 12.044 COLVILLE (John). The Paraenese or admonition of Jo. Coluille (laitly returnit to the Catholique Romane Religion in vhilk he was baptesit and brocht vp till he had full 14 years of age) vnto his cuntrey men. Paris. In the Typographie of Stephanus Preuosteau in S. Jo. de Lateran, besyid the College of Cambrey, 1602. 4to, calf. Rare. 12.045 COMPLAYNT OF SCOTLAND (The). Written in 1548. With a preliminary dissertation and glossary. Edited by J. Leyden. Edinburgh, 1 80 1. 4to, morocco. 1 2,046 CONFLICT IN CONSCIENCE (The) of a deare Christian, named Bessie Clarksone, in the Parish of Lanerk, which shee lay under three yeare and an half. (Reprinted from the 1631 edition.) Edinburgh, 1820. 12.047 CORRESPONDENCE of King James VI of Scotland, with Sir Robert Cecil and Others in England, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth ; with an Appendix containing papers illustrative of transactions between King James and Robert, Earl of Essex. Edited by John Bruce. Printed for the Camden Society, 1861. 410. 627 12.048 CROSBY'S Caledonian Musical Repository. London, n.d. Frontispiece. 8vo, half morocco. 12.049 CUNNINGHAM (A.). The Songs of Scotland, ancient and modern; with an Introduction and Notes, historical and critical, and characters of the Lyric Poets. London, 1825. 8vo, half morocco. 4 vols. 12.050 DECLARATIOUN (Ane) of the iust and necessar causis, moving us of the Nobillitie of Scotland and vthers ye Kings maiesteis faithfvl svbiectis to repair to his Hienes presence, etc. Derectit from Striuiiing with speciall command and licence to be prentit. Anno 1582. A reprint of this Tract from a supposed unique copy in the Library of the Faculty of Advocates. By J. M. No place, 1822. 8vo, half calf. Only a few copies printed. It is the Scottish Nobility's declaration against the Duke of Lennox and Capt. James Stewart. 12.051 DENNISON (W. Traill). The Orcadian Sketch-Book, being Traits of Old Orkney Life written partly in the Orkney Dialect. Kirkwall, 1880. 8vo, calf. 12.052 DICTIONARY. A Dictionary of the Scottish Language, containing an explanation of the words used by the most celebrated ancient and modern Authors. Edinburgh, 1818. 8 vo, half calf. 12.053 of the Scottish Language (A); founded upon that of John Jamieson, D.D. Edinburgh, 1827. 8vo. 12.054 EDINBURGH MUSICAL MISCELLANY (The). A Collection of the most approved Scotch, English, and Irish Songs, set to music. 2nd edition. Frontispiece. Edinburgh, 1808. i2mo, half calf. 2 vols. 12.055 EDMONSTON (Thomas). An Etymological Glossary of the Shetland and Orkney Dialect, with some derivations of Names of Places in Shetland. London, 1866. 4to. (Transactions of the Philological Society 1866. Part 3.) 12.056 FALLS OF CLYDE (The), or, The Fairies; a Scotish dramatic Pastoral, in five Acts. With three preliminary dissertations. Edinburgh, 1806. 410, calf. With frontispiece. 12.057 FERGUSON (Robert). The Fanner's Ingle. Pages 101 to 108 from the Poetical Works of Robert Ferguson. 12.058 The Poetical Works of R. Ferguson. Engravings on wood by Bewick. With Portrait of the poet. Alnwick, n.d. 4to. Two vols. Partly in the Scotch dialect. 12.059 His Works. To which is prefixed, a Sketch of the Author's Life. With Portrait. London, 1807. 410, calf. 12.060 FRONDES CADUCAE. The Buke of ye Chess. (A reproduction in Black Letter.) Printed at the Auchinleck Press, 1818. 410, half calf, uncut. 12.061 Ane Tractat of a part of ye Ingliss Cronikle. (A reproduction in Black Letter.) Printed at the Auchinleck Press, 1818. 410, half calf, uncut. 12.062 GALLOWAY (R.). Poems, Epistles and Songs, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. Glasgow, 1788. 410, half calf. 12.063 GLOSSARY for Sir W. Scott's Novels and Romances (A complete). Paris, 1833. 1 2mo. 12,064 A Border Glossary, without title-page. Alnwick, n.d. 628 12.065 GORDON (W.). Original Poems on various subjects, with Scotch Songs. Elgin, 1828. 12 mo, half calf. 12.066 GREGOR (W.). The Dialect of Banffshire; with a Glossary of Words not in Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary. London, 1866. 8vo. 12.067 GRIMM (W. C.). Drei altschottische Lieder in Original und Uebersetzung aus zwei neuen Sammlungen. Nebst einem Sendschreiben an Herrn Professor F. D. Grater. Heidelberg, 1813. 8vo. 1 2,068 HAMILTON (Johne). Of ye Lordis Supper. Dedicated to Mary, Queen of Scots. No place of publication. 1581. 8vo, morocco. Very rare. (It was probably published at Louvain by Laurence Kellam. See next work.) Very few of the Lowland Scotch works printed abroad are known to exist. 12.069 A Facile Traictise, contenand, first, ane infallible reul to discerne trew from fals religion ; Nixt, a declaration of the Nature, Numbre, Vertew and effects of the Sacraments ; togider with certaine Prayeres of devotion. Dedicat to his Soverain Prince, the Kings Maiestie of Scotland, King James the Saxt. At Lovan. Imprinted by Laurence Kellam, 1600. i2mo, calf. Very rare. 12.070 HENRYSON (Robert). The Poems and Fables of Robert Henryson, now first collected. With Notes and a Memoir of his Life. By David Laing. Edinburgh, 1865. 8vo. 12.071 HISLOP (A.). The Proverbs of Scotland collected and arranged, with Notes, explanatory and illustrative, and a Glossary. Glasgow, 1862. 8vo. 12.072 HOGG (James). Scottish Pastorals, Poems, Songs, etc. Mostly written in the dialect of the South. Edinburgh, 1801. 12.073 HUGUES DE LINCOLN. Recueil de Ballades Anglo-Normandes et Ecossoises relatives au meutre de cet enfant commis par les Juifs en 1255. Publi6 avec une introduction et des notes par Francisque-Michel. Paris, 1834. 8vo. Only 200 copies printed. 12.074 HUME (Alexander). Of the orthographie and congruitie of the Britan tongue ; a treates, noe shorter then necessarie, for the schooles, be A. H. Edited from the original MS. in the British Museum, by Henry B. Wheatley. (Second edition, 1870.) London, 1865. (Early English Text Society reprints, 1865, No. 5. With a glossary of Lowland Scottish words used by the author.) 12.075 IRVING (David). The History of Scotish Poetry. Edited by John A. Carlyle. With a Memoir and Glossary. Edinburgh, 1 86 1. 8vo. 12.076 JAMIESON (John). An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language. Abridged from the Quarto edition by the Author. Edinburgh, 1818. 8vo, calf. 12.077 An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language. Second Edition, edited by John Johnstone, Edinburgh, 1840-41. 410. 2 vols. This copy was presented to the Anti-Corn Law League for a Bazaar by the editor, " With his best wishes for the Success of the Good Cause. " 12.078 Scottish Dictionary and Supplement. Edinburgh, 1841. 410. 4 vols. 12.079 A Dictionary of the Scottish Language. Abridged by John Johnstone. With Portrait. Edinburgh, 1846. 8vo. 629 12.080 JAMIESON (John). An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language, etc. A new edition, carefully revised, etc., by John Longmuir. Paisley, 1879. Specimen pages, prospectus, list of subscribers, etc. 12.081 JOCKY AND MAGGY (The whole Proceedings of). A bucolic tale in the Lowland dialect. No date and place of publication. Half calf. 12.082 KELLY (J.). A Complete Collection of Scotish Proverbs explained and made intelligible to the English Reader. London, 1721. 8vo, calf. 12.083 KERR (Symon). Scotish Poems, Songs, etc. Perth, 1802. 410. 12.084 KOW (James). The Humble Remonstrance of the Five-Foot-Highians, against the Antichristian Practice of using a Standard in Enlisting of Soldiers. To which is added, The Wounds o' th' Kirk of Scotland, etc. Dublin, 1733. 1 2,085 LARK (The) ; containing a Collection of above Four Hundred and Seventy celebrated English and Scotch Songs. With Glossary for explaining Scotch words. London, 1740. I2mo, calf. With frontispiece. 12.086 LEYDEN (John). Critiques by Mr. David Herd and others upon the new edition of The Complaynt of Scotland ; with observations in answer. Edinburgh, 1829. 12.087 LIDDLE (W.). Poems on different occasions, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. Edinburgh, 1821. 1 2mo, half calf. 12.088 LIVY. The First Five Books of the Roman History; translated from the Latin of Titus Livius by John Bellenden. Edinburgh, 1822. 410, half morocco. 12.089 MACKAY (Ch.). A Dictionary of Lowland Scotch. Appendix of Scottish Proverbs. London, 1888. 8vo. 12.090 MINSTRELSY. Ancient and* Modern, with an historical Introduction and Notes. By William Motherwell. Glasgow, 1827. 410, half calf. 12.091 (The Royal Scottish); being a Collection of loyal effusions occasioned by George IVth's Visit to Scotland, August isth, 1822. 8vo, half morocco. Coloured frontispiece. 12.092 MONTGOMERY (Alex .). The Cherrie and the Slae, compylt into Scottis Meeter. Glasgow, 1746. i2mo. 12.093 MOTHERBY (R.). Pocket Dictionary of the Scottish Idiom (English-German) to promote the understanding of the works of Sir Walter Scott, Rob. Burns, etc. Konigsberg, 1826. i2mo, half calf. 12.094 MURRAY (J. A. H.). The Dialect of the Southern Counties of Scotland, its pronunciation, grammar, and historical relations. With an Appendix on the present limits of the Gaelic and Lowland Scotch, and the dialectical divisions of the Lowland Tongue ; and a Linguistical Map of Scotland. London, 1873. 8vo. 12.095 MUSE (The Caledonian). A chronological selection of Scotish Poetry from the earliest times. Edited by the late Joseph Ritson. With vignettes engraved by Heath after the designs of Stothard. London, printed 1785, and now first published, 1821. 8vo, half morocco. 12.096 OVID. Ajax his Speech to the Grecian Knabbs, from Ovid's Melam., Lib. xiii. Attempted in broad Buchans, by R. F., gent. To which is added, A Journal to Portsmouth, and a Shop-bill, in the same dialect. With a Key. Edinburgh, 1754. At the end of the Speech there is a manuscript note in an old hand stating that it was printed by order of Thomas Ruddiman. 630 12.097 OVID. Ajax his Speech to the Grecian Knabbs. Attempted in broad Buchans, by R. F., gent. To which is added : A Journal to Portsmouth, and a Shop-Bill, in the same dialect. With a Key. Edinburgh, Ruddiman, 1765. Half calf. 12.098 Another edition. Edinburgh, Ruddiman, 1767. Other pieces in Scotch dialect are contained in each of the last two works, including The Dominie deposed. 12.099 PATERSON (James). Origin of the Scots and the Scottish Language. Edinburgh, 1855. 8vo. 12.100 Second edition. Edinburgh, 1858. 12.101 PICKEN (E.). Miscellaneous Poems, Songs, etc. Partly in the Scottish dialect, with a copious Glossary. Edinburgh, 1813. 8vo, half calf. Two vols. in one. 12.102 PITCAIRN (Robert). Ancient Criminal Trials in Scotland; compiled from the Original Records and MSS., with Historical Illustrations. (1488-1624.) Printed for the Bannatyne Club. Edinburgh, 1833. 410, half morocco, top edges gilt, uncut. 7 vols. or parts. 12.103 POCKET SONGSTER (The); or, Caledonian Warbler. A collection of popular Scotch Songs. Edinburgh, 1823. i2mo. 12.104 POEMS. Two Ancient Scottish Poems: The Gaberlunzie- Man, and Christ's Kirk on the Green. With Notes and Observations by John Callander. Edinburgh, 1782. 410. To which is added the following work : Poetical Remains of James the First, King of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1783. 4to, calf. 12.105 Ancient Scotish Poems, never before in print, but now published from the MS. collections of Sir R. Maitland," comprising pieces written from about 1420 till 1586. With Notes and a Glossary. Edited by John Pinkerton. London, 1786. 8vo, calf. 2 vols. 12.106 Scotish Poems, reprinted from scarce editions. Collected by John Pinkerton. London, 1792. 8vo, calf. 3 vols. 12.107 (Scotish) of the i6th Century. Edinburgh, 1801. i2mo. 2 vols. 12.108 RAMSAY (Allan). The Gentle Shepherd : a Scots Pastoral Comedy. Frontispiece. Edinburgh, 1798. 410. 12.109 His Poems. A new edition, corrected, and enlarged; with a Glossary. To which are prefixed, A Life of the Author and Remarks on his Poems. With Portrait. London, 1800. 8vo, calf. 2 vols. 12, no The Caledonian Miscellany. London, n.d. i2mo. 12.111 REMAINS of Nithsdale and Galloway Song; with historical and traditional notices relative to the manners and customs of the peasantry. Now first published by R. H. Cromek. London, 1810. 8vo, half morocco. 12.112 RHYMER'S DREAM (A). (A poem on the final fate of Byron.) Sept. i7th, 1824. Printed by G. Angus. No place. 8 pages. 12.1 13 ROGERS (Ch.). The Modern Scottish Minstrel ; or, The Songs of Scotland of the past half century. With Memoirs of the Poets, etc. With Portraits. Edinburgh, l8 55~57- 8vo - Only 5 vols., the 6th vol. is wanting. 631 12.114 ROSS (A.). Helenore; or, The Fortunate Shepherdess. A Poem in the broad Scotch dialect. A new edition, containing a Sketch of Glenesk, a Life of the Author, and an account of his inedited works by John Longmuir, LL.D. Edinburgh, 1866. 8vo. 12.115 SANGS of the Lowlands of Scotland, carefully compared with the original editions, and embellished with characteristic designs composed and engraved by the late David Allan. Edinburgh, 1798. 410, calf. 12.116 SCOTICISMS, arranged in alphabetical order, designed to correct improprieties of speech and writing. Edinburgh, 1787. 410, calf. 12.117 SCOTS' NIGHTINGALE (The); or, Edinburgh Vocal Miscellany. A new and select Collection of the best Scots and English Songs, etc. Collected by James Murray. Edinburgh, 1778. i2mo, calf. 12.1 18 SHIRREFS (And.)- Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. With Portrait. Edinburgh, 1890. 8 vo, half calf. 12.119 SILLAR (David). Poems. Kilmarnock, 1789. 410, half calf. 12.120 SINCLAIR (John). Observations on the Scottish dialect. London, 1782. 8vo, half calf. 12.121 SKENE (John). The avid Lavves and Constitutions of Scotland, faithfvllie collected forth of the Register, and other avid authentick bukes, fra the dayes of King Malcolme the Second, untill the time of King James the First, of gude memorie, etc. Edinburgh, (Thomas Finlason), 1609. Vellum. 12.122 De Verborum Significatione. The Exposition of the Termes and difficill wordes conteined in the foure Buiks of Regiam Maiestatem and uthers, in the Acts of Parliament, etc., etc. London, 1647. 410, calf. 12.123 SONGS. Scotish Songs. London, 1794. With music. i2mo, calf. 12.124 Collection of New Songs (A). Newcastle, (Angus), n.d. 12.125 Two Collections of Popular Songs printed at Edinburg. One is dated 1819, the other has no date; the ist Song in it is, "Of a' the airts the wind can blaw." 12.126 Two Collections of Songs printed at Paisley. One is dated 1826, the other has no date. The first Song in it is, " Effects of Whisky." 12.127 Five Collections of Songs printed at Glasgow. One is dated 1822, the others are undated. The first Song in these is respectively " Mary's Dream," " The Kebbuckston Wedding," " The Twa Weavers," and " Blue E'ed Mary." 12.128 Canary (The). A Collection of Approved Songs. Glasgow, n.d. 12.129 Five Excellent Songs. Carlisle. 12.130 Lark (The). A Collection of Approved Songs. Glasgow, n.d. 12.131 Mavis (The). A Collection of Approved Songs. Glasgow, n.d. 12.132 Nightingale (The). A Collection of Approved Songs. Glasgow, n.d. 12,133 Woodpecker (The); to which is added, Maggy Lauder, and an Advice to Lasses. Stirling, 1826. 632 12.134 SONGS. Ten Scottish Songs rendered into German by W. B. Macdonald. Edinburgh, 1854. 8vo. Scottish dialect and German. 12.135 TAMMAS BODKIN ; or, The Humours of a Scottish Tailor. Edinburgh, 1864. 8vo. 12.136 TANNAHILL (R.). Poems and Songs, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. 3rd edition. London, 1815. 4to, half calf. 12.137 T[ENNANT] (M. W.). Papistry Storm'd; or, The Dingin' Down o' the Cathedral. Ane Poem, in sax sangs. M. W. T. Edinburgh, 1827. 8vo. 12.138 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). St. Matthew. The Gospel of St. Matthew in Lowland Scotch from the English authorised version. By H. S. Riddell. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. London, 1856. 8vo, crushed levant. Only 18 copies were printed. 16 of these are numbered, and a list of their owners appears on page 5 of the work. This is one of the two copies kept by the Prince, and is unique, being on thicker paper. 12.139 The other copy kept by the Prince. 12.140 St. Matthew. The Gospel of St. Matthew, translated into Lowland Scotch, by George Henderson. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte. London, 1862. 8vo, morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 12.141 Another copy, being the only one on thick paper. Morocco. 12.142 Parable of the Sower. La Parabole du Semeur, traduite de 1'Anglais dans le Dialecte Ecossais des Shetlands, par le Dr. L. Edmonston, I'ann6e 1859, dans la petite lie d'Unst. Pr^sente'e a la Soci6t6 Philologique de Londres par le Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte, le 20 Juin 1873. Londres, 1873. 8 pp. Only 250 copies, of which 20 are on special paper for Members of the Council. This copy has the names of the persons to whom the Prince sent a copy in his handwriting. 12.143 THOMSON (James). Poems, in the Scottish Dialect. Edinburgh, 1801. 4to, half calf. 12.144 (Sam). Poems on different subjects, partly in the Scottish dialect. Belfast, 1793. i2mo. 12.145 TWA MEALY HANDS (The) ; an unco true tale ; or, The Amorous Priest of Leslie Green. Edinburgh, 1832. 12.146 UNION (The) ; or, Select Scots and English Poems. Edinburgh, 1753. 4*0. 12.147 VIRGIL'S jENEIS, translated into Scottish Verse by the famous Gawin Douglas, Bishop of Dunkeld. A new edition, with Glossary. Edinburgh, 1710. Folio, calf. 12.148 WALKER (John). Poems in English, Scotch and Gaelic on various subjects. With Portrait of author. Glasgow, 1817. 4to, uncut. 12.149 WEBSTER (D.). The Scotch Haggis; consisting of Anecdotes, Jests, curious and rare articles of Literature ; with a collection of epitaphs and inscriptions, original and selected. Edinburgh, 1822. i2mo. 633 12.150 WHISTLE-BINKIE ; a Collection of Songs for the Social Circle by many authors. Printed by D. Robertson, Glasgow, 1853. 8vo. Fac-simile of writer's autograph to each poem. 12.151 a further Collection, with printed signatures, and portrait of Alexander Rodger. Glasgow, 1853. 8vo. 12.152 WILSON (Alex.). Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. With an Account of the Author's Life and Writings. London, 1816. 410. 12.153 (Professor). Noctes Ambrosianae : The Works of Professor Wilson, edited by Professor Ferrier. Edinburgh and London, 1855-56. 8vo. 4 vols. 12,154 (Robert). Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. Edinburgh, 1822. 410, half morocco. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. 12.155 BAKER (Anne E.). Glossary of Northamptonshire Words and Phrases. London, 1854. izmo. 2 vols. 12.156 STERNBERG (Th.). The Dialect and Folk-lore of Northamptonshire. London, 1851. 8vo. NORTHUMBERLAND. 12.157 ALLAN (Edward). Original Poems. Newcastle, 1837. 12.158 ALMANACK. The Keelman's Comic Annewal. Newcastle -upon-Tyne, 1869. 12.159 Chater's Comic Tyneside Almanach for 1862, 1863 and 1866. 12.160 Chater's Family Almanach, Receipt Book and Monitor for 1862. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 12.161 BAGNALL (Joshua). Songs of the Tyne: A Collection of Local Melodies, comic, satirical, etc. Gateshead, n.d. 12.162 BIBLE. Ruth. The Book of Ruth, in the Northumberland dialect, from the authorised English version. By J. P. Robson. Impensis L.-L. Bonaparte, (London), 1860. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 12.163 Another copy, being the only one on thick paper. Crushed levant. 12.164 The Song of Solomon in the Newcastle dialect. From the authorised English version. By Joseph Philip Robson. (London), n.d. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 12.165 Another copy, being the only one on thick paper. Crushed levant. 12.166 The Song of Solomon in the Northumberland dialect. From the authorised English version. By Joseph Philip Robson. (London), n.d. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 12.167 Another copy, being the only one on thick paper. Crushed levant. 634 1 2, 1 68 BIBLE. The Song of Solomon in the Newcastle dialect. By J. G. Forster. London, n.d. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed for Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 12.169 Another copy, being the only one on thick paper. Crushed levant. 12.170 The Song of Solomon versified from the English Translation of James of England, into the Dialect of the Colliers of Northumberland, but principally those dwelling on the Banks of the Tyne. By J. P. Robson. London, 1860. (Imp. L.-L. B.) -fto, half morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 12.171 Another copy, being the only one on thick paper with a red border. Crushed levant. 12.172 BROCKETT (John Trotter). A Glossary of North-Country Words in use. From an original MS., in the Library of John Geo. Lambton, with additions. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1825. 410, uncut. With an autograph letter of the author. (See next work.) 12,173 A Glossary of North-Country words in use. From an Original Manu- script in the Library of John George Lambton, Esq., M.P., with considerable additions. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1825. 4to, half vellum. This work contains also a number of manuscript additions, and some correspondence from Mr. Brockett and his son in their handwriting. Six hundred printed exclusive of thirty-two on large paper. 12.174 Another copy of the last, with many marginal manuscript notes. 12.175 Another edition. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1829. 410. With Portrait of Author. 12.176 Third edition, corrected and enlarged by W. E. Brockett. With Portrait of Author. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1846. 410. 2 vols. 12.177 BUDGET (The); or, Newcastle Songster for 1816. Newcastle, 1816. 12.178 COLLECTION. A Collection of Original Songs, local and sentimental, by Robert Gilchrist. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1824. A Collection of Original Local Songs, and other Pieces, by Wm. Oliver. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1824. A Collection of Original Local Songs, by Thomas Marshall. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1829. A Collection of Songs, comic and satirical, chiefly in the Newcastle dialect, by William Midford. To which are added, a few choice Local Songs, by various authors. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1 8 1 8. All bound together. Half vellum. 12.179 of Songs (A), on the intended Branch Custom-house at North Shields. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, n.d. 12.180 of Songs in the Newcastle dialect (A). Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1819. 12.181 of Popular Newcastle Songs. Newcastle, 1819. 12.182 of Original Newcastle Songs. Newcastle, 1819. 12,183 Another edition. Newcastle, 1823. 12,184 of Songs (A), comic and satirical, chiefly in the Newcastle dialect, by T. Thompson, J. Shield, W. Midford, and others. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1823. 8vo. 635 12.185 COLLECTION of Songs, comic, satirical, and descriptive, chiefly in the Newcastle dialect, by Thompson, Shield, and others. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1827. 8vo. 12.186 of Right Merrie Garlands for North Country Anglers (A). Newcastle, 1842. With Portraits of Robert Roxby and Thomas Bewick. Some of these poems are in the Northumbrian dialect. 12.187 COQUET-DALE FISHING SONGS (The). Now first collected and edited by a North-Country Angler. With Portrait of Robert Roxby. Edinburgh and London, 1852. 8vo. 12.188 COUPER (G. W.). Original Poetry. North Shields, 1828. i2mo. 12.189 CORVAN'S SONG BOOK. Nos. i, 2 and 3. Newcastle-on-Tyne, n.d. 12.190 CRISPIN (Theophilus). Advice to the Advised ; or, The Philosopher confuted ; in a poetical dialogue between William Shuttle, the weaver, Thomas Thimble, the taylor, and his wife Peggy ; never before made public. Newcastle, 1803. 12.191 D. (M. A.). Proverbial Folk- Lore of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Richmond, in com. Ebor, 1855. 22 pages. 12.192 FARRER (John). The Poetical Works of John Farrer, Nethenvitton. Blyth, 1831. i2mo. 12.193 FOLK-LORE. Proverbial Folk-lore of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Richmond, 1855. 410. 12.194 or A Collection of Local Rhymes, Proverbs, Sayings, Prophecies, Slogans, etc., relating to Northumberland, Newcastle-on-Tyne, and Berwick- on-Tweed. Richmond (of Yorks.), 1858. 410, half morocco. 12.195 GARLANDS (Northern). The Bishopric Garland; The Yorkshire Garland; The Northumberland Garland ; and the North-Country Chorister. Edited by the late Joseph Ritson. London, 1810. 8vo, calf. 12.196 GLOSSARY of Terms used in the Coal Trade of Northumberland and Durham. London, 1851. 4to. 12.197 GRAHAM (Thomas). Northumberland Election, 1826. A Moorland Dialogue between Watty and Davie, two wealthy North Tyne Shepherds. A Poem. Together with a few Popular Election Songs. In three Books. North Shields, 1826. 12.198 HALDANE (Harry). Geordy's Last. (Newcastle Folk-Speech.) With Rhymes and Introductory Notes. Second edition. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1879. 12.199 His other Eye. A Sketch in the Newcastle Folk-Speech. Newcastle- upon-Tyne, 1880. 12.200 HARRISON (Rowland). Tyneside Songs. No. i. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 12.201 HENDERSON (G.). The popular Rhymes, Sayings, and Proverbs of the County of Berwick ; with illustrative notes. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1856. 12.202 HOWDY (The) and the Upgetting. Two Tales of Sixty Years sin seyne, as related by Thomas Bewick in the Tyneside dialect. With Portrait of Bewick. London, 1850. 8vo. 12.203 LAIRD OF THORNYBURNE (The Noble). A Northumbrian Border Ballad. In three Fyttes. With Introduction and Glossary. London, 1855. i2mo. 636 12,204 MINSTREL (The Northern); or, Gateshead Songster. Being a choice collection of the most approved Modern Songs. Gateshead-on-Tyne. Published by J. Marshall, 1806. 410, half calf. ,2,205 (The Northumbrian). No. I. A Choice Collection of Songs. Alnwick, 1811. 12.206 MOORE (T.). A New Song Book; or, The Orange Man's Companion. New- castle-upon-Tyne, 1817. 12.207 NEWCASTLE SONG BOOK (The); or, Tyne-side Songster. A collection of comic and satirical songs. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1842. 410. 12 .208 SONGSTER (No. i.); or, Tyne Minstrel. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1806. 1 2mo, half calf. 12.209 SONGS. No place and date. 12.210 NORTHUMBERLAND GARLAND (The); or, Newcastle Nightingale. A matchless collection of famous songs. Newcastle, 1793. 8 vo, half calf. 12.211 OILING OF DICKY'S WIG (The). (Extract from the Tyne Mercury, July 1 8, 1826.) 12.212 OLIVER (Wm.). A Collection of Local Songs, Poems, etc. Newcastle-upon- Tyne, 1829. 12.213 PEACOCK (Robert Backhouse). On some leading characteristics of the dialects spoken in the six Northern Counties of England (or Ancient Northumbria) ; and on the variations in their grammar from that of standard English ; with their probable etymological sources. Berlin, 1863. Presentation copy to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte from the author. 12.214 RHYMES OF NORTHERN BARDS: being a curious collection of old and new Songs and Poems, peculiar to the Counties of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northum- berland and Durham. Edited by John Bell, jun. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1812. i2mo, half calf. Scarce. 12.215 ROBSON (J. P.). The Monomaniac and Minor Poems. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1848. 8vo. 12.216 The Life and Adventures of the far-famed Billy Purvis. Newcastle-upon- Tyne, 1849. 8vo, half calf. 12.217 Original Tyneside Songs. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1 849. 8vo. 12.218 Poetic Pencillings ; or, Lyrics of Life. London, 1852. 4to. 12.219 Hermione the Beloved ; the Village Queen ; Crimean Sketches ; Solomon the Second ; and miscellaneous poems. Edinburgh, 1857. 8vo. 12.220 The Poetical Works of Joseph Philip Robson. Part i. New Series. London, 1862. i2mo. Evangeline ; or, The Spirit of Progress, together with a copious selection of Miscellaneous Poems and Songs. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1870. i2mo. With Portrait. 12.221 637 12.222 ROLLE DE HAMPOLE (Richard). The Pricke of Conscience (Stimulus Conscientiae). A Northumbrian Poem. Copied and edited from MSS. in the Library of the British Museum, with an Introduction, Notes and Glossarial Index, by Richard Morris. Berlin, 1863. 8vo. 12.223 SONG BOOK (The Shields). Comic and Sentimental Songs never before pub- lished, written by gentlemen of the neighbourhood. South Shields, 1826. 12.224 (The Newcastle) ; or, Tyneside Songster. Parts i, 2, and 4. Newcastle- upon-Tyne, n d. 410. 12.225 SONGS. The Gateshead Cabinet, being a small Collection of Songs. By T. R. V. Published by desire. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1816. 12.226 An Odd Collection of Odd Songs, as sung by Odd Fellows in the New- castle Lodges. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1825. 12.227 of the Bards of the Tyne ; or, a choice selection of original songs, chiefly in the Newcastle dialect ; with a Glossary of 800 words. Edited by J. P. Robson. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1849. i2mo, half calf. 12.228 of the Tyne (The), being a collection of popular local Songs. Newcastle- upon-Tyne, n.d. loth thousand. 12.229 (The): being a choice collection of popular local songs, comic, satirical and descriptive, chiefly in the Newcastle dialect, by Thompson, Shield, etc. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, n.d. Half morocco. 12.230 The following Collections of Newcastle Songs: A Garland of Newcastle Songs. Newcastle, (Marshall); The Newcastle Songster. No. i, New Series, and No. 5, New Series. Newcastle, (Fordyce) ; and Newcastle Songster. New- castle, (Fordyce); Songs of the Bards of the Tyne. Newcastle, (France); Illustrated edition of Tyneside Songs. Nos. i and 5. Newcastle, (Allan) ; and The Tyne Songster. No. i. Newcastle, (Fordyce). 12.231 STUART (George). Joco-serious Discourse ; in two Dialogues, between a Northum- berland Gentleman and his Tenant, a Scotchman. (London, 1686.) 410, half calf. This work is very rare, and the few copies known to exist are very imperfect. The present copy wants title-page, and the first leaf of the Epistle Dedicatory is defective. Pages 73, 74, 75 and 76, the last pages, have been carefully restored by hand. 12.232 SUTHERLAND (R. P.). Geordy Brown's Budget of Laughables : containing a collection of original comic songs, medleys, and recitations in the Newcastle dialect. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1842. 12.233 Another edition. London, 1857. 12.234 SYKES (John). Stanzas on the intended new Line of Road from Potticar Lane to Leyburn Hole. Newcastle, 1825. 12.235 THOMPSON (T.) and others. A Collection of Songs, Comic, Satirical and Descriptive, chiefly in the Newcastle dialect, by T. Thompson, J. Shield, etc. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1827. 8vo. 12.236 TYNE SONGSTER (The); A choice selection of Songs in the Newcastle dialect. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1 840. 410, calf. 638 12,237 TYNESIDE MINSTREL (The); being a Collection of Original Local Songs arranged to popular Airs. Gateshead,i824. Frontispiece. 12,238 SONGSTER (The), a collection of comic and descriptive songs, chiefly in the Newcastle dialect. Alnwick, n.d. izmo. 12.239 WATTY AND MEG ; or, The Wife Reformed. Together with the Fate of Macgregor and LochieVs Warning. Newcastle-on-Tyne, n.d. izmo. 12.240 WILSON (Joe). Tyneside Songs. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, n.d. 12.241 W T. The Pitman's Pay; or, A Night's Discharge to Care. Gateshead, 1830. 8vo. SHROPSHIRE. 12.242 AUDELAY (John). The Poems of John Audelay. A specimen of the Shropshire Dialect in the Fifteenth Century. Edited by James Orchard Halliwell. London, 1844. 8vo, half morocco. 12.243 HARTSHORNE (Rev. C. H.). Salopia Antiqua, or, An Enquiry from Personal Survey into the " Druidical," Military, and other early remains in Shropshire and the North Welsh Borders ; with observations upon the Names of Places and a Glossary of Words used in the County of Salop. Illustrated. London, 1841. 8vo. 12.244 JACKSON (Georgina F.). Shropshire Word-Book; a Glossary of Archaic and Provincial Words, etc., used in the County. London, 1879-80-81. 8vo. 3 vols. 12.245 SHROPSHIRE FOLK-LORE. A Sheaf of Gleanings. Edited by Charlotte Sophia Burne from the Collections of Georgina F. Jackson. London, 1883-5-6. Three vols. SOMERSETSHIRE AND WEST COUNTRY. 12.246 BAYNES (T. S.). The Somersetshire dialect ; its pronunciation. Two papers read before the Archaeological Society of Somersetshire. Reprinted from the Taunton Courier. London, (Imp. L.-L. B.), 1861. 8vo, half morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 12.247 Another copy, being the only one on thick paper. Crushed levant. 12.248 BIBLE. The Song of Solomon in the Somerset dialect. From the authorised English version. By T. Spencer Baynes, LL.B. (London), n.d. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 12.249 Another copy, being the only one on thick paper. Crushed levant. 12.250 ELECTION (An) Ball in Poetical Letters in the Zomerzetshire dialect, from Mr. Inkle, a freeman of Bath, to his wife at Gloucester. Dublin, 1776. 12.251 in Poetical Letters, in the Zomerzetshire dialect, from Mr. Inkle, a freeman of Bath, to his wife at Glocester, with a Poetical Address. By the Author of the New Bath Guide. Bath, 1776. Folio. 12.252 ELWORTHY (F. TO. An outline of the Grammar of the Dialect of West Somerset. London, 1877. 8vo. 12.253 HALLIWELL (J. O.). A Collection of Pieces in the dialect of Zummerzet. London, 1843. 8vo. Only 50 copies printed. 639 12,254- JENNINGS (J.). Observations of some of the Dialects in the West of England, particularly Somersetshire; with Glossary, Poems, etc. London, 1825. i2mo, half calf. 12.255 ' The Dialect of the West of England, particularly Somersetshire; with a Glossary, Poems, etc. 2nd edition, revised, etc., by J. K. Jennings. London, 1869. 8vo. 12.256 MONOPOLIST (The); or, The Installation of Sir John Barleycorn, Knight. A Poetical Tale. Addressed to Servant Maids. Bath, 1795. Partly in the dialect of Somerset. 12.257 OXFORD RAMBLE (The). A New Song. Monmouth, n.d. 12.258 PARKER (George). The ancient history of Bridgwater, and its neighbourhood; also poems (partly in the Somersetshire dialect) connected therewith. Illus- trated with a photograph of St. Mary's Church. Second edition, revised. Bridgwater, 1877. 12.259 PARLIAMENT arraigned, convicted (The); wants nothing but execution. Written in the Yeer of Wonders, being the eight yeer of the Lords and Commons dissembled at Westminster, by Tom. Tyranno-Mastix, alias Mercurius Melan- cholicus. 1648. This curious pamphlet contains a passage in the Somerset dialect. 12.260 PRIOR (R. C. A.). On the Somerset dialects. Taunton. 12.261 PULMAN (G. P. R.). Rustic Sketches; being Rhymes on Angling, etc., in the dialect of the West of England. With Notes and a Glossary. London, 1853. 410. 12.262 Rustic Sketches; being Rhymes and "Skits" on Angling and other subjects in one of the South-Western dialects, with Glossary, etc. Third edition. London, 1871. This work is written in the Axe-Yarty dialect, a mixture of the Dorset, Devon and Somerset dialects. 12.263 WILLIAMS (Wadham Pigott) and JONES (Wm. Arthur). A Glossary of Provincial Words and Phrases in use in Somersetshire. With an Introduction by R. C. A. Prior. London, 1873. STAFFORDSHIRE. 12.264 POOLE (Charles Henry). An Attempt towards a Glossary of the Archaic and Provincial Words of the County of Stafford. Stratford-upon-Avon, 1880. SUSSEX. 12.265 BIBLE. The Song of Solomon. The dialect of Sussex. From the authorised English version. By Mark Antony Lower. (London), 1860. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 12.266 Another copy, being the only one on thick paper. Crushed levant. 12.267 CLAD POLE'S (Jan) trip to 'Merricur, giving an account of the White, Black and Yellor Folks, etc. Written all in Rhyme by his Father, Tim Cladpole. Hailsham, n.d. Richard Lower, of Chiddingly, was the author of this and the following Cladpole papers. 12.268 (Tom) Jurney to Lunnun. Told by himself, and written in pure Sussex doggerel by his Uncle Tim. Lewes, n.d. 640 12,269 CLADPOLE (Tom). Another edition, (sth thousand.) Hailsham, n.d. 12,270 ,, (yth thousand.) Lewes, 1849. 12.271 COOPER (VV. D.). A glossary of the Provincialisms in use in the County of Sussex. Brighton, 1836. 410. 12.272 - Second edition. London, 1853. nmo. 12.273 LOWER (Mark Antony). Old Speech and Old Manners in Sussex. Reprinted from Sussex Archaeological Collections. Vol. xiii. Lewes, 1861. Presentation copy to Prince L. -L. Bonaparte from the author. 12.274 Stray Leaves from An Old Tree. Selections from the Scribblings of an Octogenarian. Lewes, 1862. 8vo. 12.275 PARISH (VV. D). A Dictionary of the Sussex Dialect and Collection of Provin- cialisms in use in the County of Sussex. Lewes, 1875. 8vo. WARWICKSHIRE. 12.276 LETTER (A); whearin part of the Entertainment untoo the Queenz Majesty, at Killingwoorth Castl in Warwick Sheer, in this Soomerz Progrest 1575, iz signified, from a freend officer attendant in the Coourt, unto his freend a Citizen and Merchaunt of London. Warwick, 1784. 4to. WESTMORELAND. 12.277 BIBLE. The Song of Solomon in the Westmorland dialect. From the authorised English version. By the Rev. John Richardson. (London), n.d. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 12.278 Another copy, being the only one on thick paper. Crushed levant. 12.279 CLARKE (Thos.). Tommy Woker's Account of t' Reysh Beearin, red ta sum Kendal fwoak, Jeny 20, 1863. Kendal, 1863. 12.280 and others. Specimens of the Westmorland dialect. By the Rev. Thomas Clarke, William Bowness and Robert Southey. Kendal, 1872. 12.281 DE WORFAT (W.). A bran new Wark, containing a true Calendar of his Thoughts concerning good nebberhood. Kendal dialect. London, n.d. 4to. Scarce. A manuscript note on the fly-leaf says that the Rev. Mr. Hutton, Rector of Betham near Millthorp, is the author. This work was also placed, but erroneously, under the Cumberland dialect. 12.282 DIALECTS. Westmoreland and Cumberland Dialects, Dialogues, Poems, Songs and Ballads, by various writers. Now first collected ; with a copious Glossary of words peculiar to those Counties. London, 1839. i2mo. 12.283 SPECIMENS of the Westmoreland Dialect, consisting of t'reysh beearing, and Jonny Sheppard's Journa ta Lunnon, etc. Kendal, 1867. 12.284 WHEELER (Ann). The Westmorland Dialect, in three familiar dialogues. By A. W. Kendal, 1790. 121110, calf. 12.285 The Westmoreland Dialect, in four familiar dialogues. 2nd edition. London, 1^02. i2mo, half calf. 12,286 The Westmorland Dialect, with the adjacency of Lancashire and York- shire, in four familiar dialogues. 3rd edition. Kendal, 1821. 12010, half mor. 641 12.287 WHEELER (Ann). The Westmoreland Dialect in four familiar dialogues. With a copious Glossary of Westmoreland and Cumberland words. London, 1840. iirno, half morocco. 12.288 WHITEHEAD (A.). The Lyvennet : A Poem. And Jos. o't Ho; or, The Be- deevilled : A Legend of the Lyvennet. . Appleby, 1859. WIGHT (ISLE OF). 12.289 LONG (W. H.). A Dictionary of the Isle of Wight dialect, and of Provincialisms used in the Island. London and Newport, 1886. 8vo. WILTSHIRE. 12.290 AKERMAN (J. Y). A Glossary of words and phrases in use in Wiltshire. London, 1842. 8vo. 12.291 Spring-Tide; or, the Angler and his Friends. Portrait and Illustrations. London, 1852. 8vo. 12.292 Wiltshire Tales. London, 1853. i2mo. 12.293 BIBLE. The Song of Solomon in the Wiltshire dialect, as it is spoken in the Northern Division. From the authorised English version. By Edward Kite. (London), n.d. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 12,294. Another copy, being the only one on thick paper. Crushed levant. 12.295 MASQUE AT RICHMOND, 1636. The King and Queenes Entertainement at Richmond, after their departure from Oxford, in a Masque, presented by the most illustrious Prince Charles, Sept. i2th, 1636. Oxford, (printed by L. Lichfield), 1636. 410, calf. Extremely rare. WORCESTERSHIRE. 12.296 ALLIES (Jabez). The British, Roman, and Saxon Antiquities and Folk-lore of Worcestershire. London, 1856. 8vo. (With Plates.) 12.297 PORSON (A.). Notes of Quaint Words and Sayings in the dialect of South Worcestershire. Oxford and London, 1875. YORKSHIRE. 12.298 ALMANACK. Bairnsla Foaks' Annual, an ony body els-as at ive a mind for't ; years of our Lord 1 840-5 1 . Be Tom Treddlehoyle. Barnsley. 2 vols. 12,299 The Bairnsla Foaks' Annual an Pogmoor Olmenach, be Tom Treddlehoyle. Barnsley and Leeds, for the years 1843 to 1871. The copy for 1848 is wanting. 12.300 The Shevvild Chap's Easter Gift. Sheffield, 1847. 12.301 - The Shevvild Chap's Annual for the years 1848, 1849, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1854, 1855, and 1856. Sheffield. 12.302 T' Frogland Olmenac, an Leeds Loiner's Annual, 1857 and 1863. Leeds. 12.303 Tommy Toddles's Comic Almenac for all t' Foaks e Leeds an raand abaght, for 1862, 1863, 1864, and 1866. Leeds. 4' 642 12,304 ALMANACK. Th' Beacon, for 1875 and 1876. By Arthur Bickerdike. Halifax. ,2,305 The Original Illuminated Clock Almanach. Bradford, 1876. 12.306 The Yorkshireman. Comic Annual and Almanach. Bradford, 1876. 12.307 Girlington Journal Almanack for 1875. Girlington. 12,308 The Back at Mooing Olmenac an T' West Ridin' Historical Calendar for t' year 1876. Brighouse. 12.309 ANTHOLOGY (The Yorkshire). A Collection of Ancient and Modern Ballads, Poems and Songs, relating to the County of Yorkshire. Collected by James O. Halliwell. London, 1851. 4to. Printed for private circulation only. Only 1 10 copies printed. 12.310 ATKINSON (J. C.). A Glossary of the Cleveland Dialect: explanatory, derivative, and critical. London, 1868. 410. 12.311 BANKS (William Stott). A List of Provincial Words in use at Wakefield. London, 1865. 8vo. 12.312 BIBLE. The Song of Solomon in the Sheffield dialect. From the authorised English version. By Abel Bywater. (London), 1859. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 12,313 Another copy, being the only one on thick paper. Crushed levant. 12.314 The Song of Solomon in the dialect of Craven in the West Riding of Yorkshire. From the authorised English version. By Henry Anthony Littledale. (London), 1859. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 12.315 Another copy, being the only one on thick paper. Crushed levant. 12.316 The Song of Solomon in the North Yorkshire dialect. From the authorised English version. By the author of A Glossary of Yorkshire words and phrases collected in Whitby and the neighbourhood. (London), n.d. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 12.317 Another copy, being the only one on thick paper. Crushed levant. 12.318 The Song of Solomon in the West Riding of Yorkshire dialect. From the authorised English version. By Charles Rogers. (London), n.d. Morocco. Only 250 copies printed. 12.319 Another copy, being the only one on thick paper. Crushed levant. 12.320 BLACKAH (Th.). Song and Poems, written in the Nidderdale dialect. London, 1867. 410. 12.321 BYWATER (Abel). The Sheffield dialect. Sheffield, 1839. 8vo. 12.322 2nd edition. London, 1854. 12010. 12.323 CASTILLO (J.). The Bard of the Dales; or, Poems and miscellaneous Pieces ; with a Life of the Author, written by himself. Stokesley, 1858. i2mo. 643 12.324 DIALECT OF CRAVEN (The), in the West Riding of the County of York, with a copious Glossary. By a Native of Craven. London, 1828. 8vo. 2 vols. 12.325 of Leeds and its Neighbourhood (The). With Glossary, etc. London, 1862. i2mo. 12.326 DOLLY'S GAON; or, The Effects of Pride. A true Story. By a native Genius. To which is added Rose and Dolly. Halifax, 1855. 12.327 ECCLES (J. EL). Yorkshire Songs. Leeds, n.d. 8vo. 12.328 Another collection. Leeds, n.d. 8vo. 12.329 GLOSSARY of Yorkshire words and phrases, collected in Whitby and the neigh- bourhood. London, 1855. i2mo. 12.330 GOSSIPS (The); or, Pictures of proivate loife amang't wimmin. Be't Shevvild Chap. London, n.d. izmo. 12.331 HORAE MOMENTA CRAVEN AE, or, The Craven Dialect, exemplified in two Dialogues, between Farmer Giles and his neighbour Bridget. With a copious Glossary. By an inhabitant of Craven. London, 1824. i2mo. 12.332 HUNTER (Joseph). The Hallamshire Glossary. London, 1829. 8vo. 12.333 INGLEDEW (C. J. D.). The Ballads and Songs of Yorkshire. London, 1860. 8vo. 12.334 M. (G.). The Praise of Yorkshire Ale; to which is added, a Yorkshire Dialogue, etc. York, 1685. 8vo. Very rare. 12.335 Third edition. York, 1697. 8vo, calf. Rare. 12.336 NELSON (John). A specimen of the Bilsdale dialect; or, Two Poems on Isaac Telltruth and Sammy Standfast. Northallerton, (1832). 12.337 NICHOLSON (J.). Folk Speech of East Yorkshire. London, 1889. 4to. 100 copies only printed, this being No. 87. 12.338 PIPER (H. H.)- An Essay on the peculiarities of pronunciation and the dialect of Sheffield. Sheffield, 1824. i2mo. i2>339 POEMS and Songs in the dialect of Bradford-dale, be a Yorkshur Likenass Takker. London, 1864. 12.340 RECITATIONS. The Lancashire and Yorkskire Band of Hope and Good Templar Temperance Recitations and Dialogues in the Yorkshire Dialects. Parts 2 and 3. Leeds, n.d. 12.341 SEWARD (William'). A Tour to Yordes Cave, Burton in Lonsdale, Yorkshire. Accompanied by a Shepherd from Thornton Force. Kirkby Lonsdale, 1801. To which is added, An attempt to illustrate the Dialect, spoken in Burton in Lonsdale and it's Vicinity, in familiar dialogue. By W. Seward, 1801. 12.342 SHEFFIELD DIALECT (The), in conversations " Uppa are hull Arston." With a copious Glossary, etc. By A Shevvild Chap. Sheffield, 1834. lamo, calf. ! 2,343 A Collection of Annuals, etc., in this dialect by a Shevvild Chap. 644 12.344 SHEWILD CHAP'S SECOND LETTER (The) to the Sheffield Conference of Wesleyan Methodist Preachers. Being a challenge of the Faith of that Body, to the length, breadth and depth of the 40 h.p. faith of an undepraved atheist. Sheffield, n.d. izmo. 12.345 SHEWILD CHAP'S CHRISTMAS PRESENT (The). Sheffield, n.d. izmo. 12.346 SHEVVILDER (T). No. i. Dedicated, wethaght permission, to all wat thinks it worth ther whoil to buy it an read it. Sheffield, n.d. 12.347 SPECIMENS of the Yorkshire dialect, with Glossary. Knaresbrough, 1810. 12,348 Another edition. London, 1814. i2mo. 12,349 of the Yorkshire dialect by way of Dialogue. London, 1828. 12,350 of the Yorkshire dialect in various Dialogues, Tales, and Songs. Otley, n.d. 8vo. 12,351 of the Yorkshire dialect, selected from the Register Office ; Richard and Betty at Hickleton Fair, and a Glossary, etc. Knaresborough, 1 848. i zmo. 12,352 of the Yorkshire dialect in the History of Awd Isaac. Beverley, 1844. 8vo. 12.353 Another edition. Leeds, 1846. 12010. 12.354 ,, London, 1855. nmo. I2 >355 f tne Yorkshire Dialect, as spoken in the East Riding of the County, and more particularly in the North-Eastern portion of the Riding, with a copious Glossary. Driffield, 1886. 12.356 SUPPLEMENT to t' Shevvild Chap's Annual for 1854 (A). Bein' a Letter thro' Owd Jack Wheelswarf to t' Editor. Sheffield, 410. 12.357 SURTEES SOCIETY (The). The Towneley Mysteries. London, 1836. 8vo. 12.358 TOCSIN (The). An Occasional Paper on Popery. Sheffield, 1841. 12.359 TOUR TO THE CAVES (A), in the environs of Ingleborough and Settle, in the West-Riding of Yorkshire. Also a large Glossary. 2nd edition. London, 1781. 4to, half calf. 12.360 TREDDLEHOYLE (Tom). Trip ta Lunnan to see Paxton's Great Glass Lantern. Leeds, n.d. izmo. 12,361 A Visit ta t' great French Exhibition. London, n.d. 12.362 A Peep at t' Manchester Art Treasures Exhebishan, 1837. London. 12.363 Sum Thowts abaght Ben Bunt's Wedding. Barnsley, 1838. 12.364 Sum Thowts aba't Doins e Bairnsla ont Crawnashan Da'. Barnsley, 1838. 12.365 Sum Thowts abaght Nan Bunt's Chresmas Tea-party, etc. Barnsley, 1839. 12.366 Thowts, Joakes an Smiles for Midsummer Day. London, 1845. 1 2,367 YORK MINSTER SCREEN. Being a specimen of the Yorkshire dialect as spoken in the North Riding. Malton, 1833. 645 12.368 YORKSHIRE DIALECT (The), exemplified in various Dialogues, Tales, and Songs. To which is added a Glossary. Coloured frontispiece. London, n.d. 12.369 Another edition. London, 1839. i2mo. 12.370 or, a Journey to London by Jim o' th' Pans. Huddersfield, 1842. izmo. 12.371 or, The Laughable Dialogue of Margery Moorpoot ; to which are added : The White Ghost ; Richard and Betty ; Parson and Pot ; Canny Yatton Feast ; with various Eclogues ; Darby and Joan ; The Invasion ; A Curious Yorkshire Letter, etc. Easingwold, 1852. 12.372 Garland (The); and Specimens of the Yorkshire Dialect, with a Glossary. Northallerton, 1825. 1 2 >373 YORKSHIREMAN'S BOOK (The), a Collection of Tales, Sketches, Dialogues, Legends, and Ballads, illustrative of Yorkshire Men and Manners. Edited by Charles Ireton. Ripon, 1840. Illustrated. i2mo, half morocco. 12.374 YULE CLOG (The); or, T' Hallamsher Chrismas E'em. Dedicated to t'owd Fooaks at Hooam. By a Jingling Whittlesmith. Sheffield. SLANG. 12.375 ANDREWS (Geo.). A Dictionary of the Cant and Slang Languages; ancient and modern. London, 1809. 4to. 12.376 APOLOGY (An) for the Life of Mr. Bampfylde-Moore Carew, commonly called The King of the Beggars, gih edition, with Portrait. London, 1775. i2mo, calf. 12.377 CAREW (Bampfylde-Moore). The Surprising Adventures of Bampfylde-Moore Carew, King of the Beggars ; and a Dictionary of Cant. With Portrait. A new edition. Tiverton, 1812. i2mo, half morocco. 12.378 BEE (Jon). A Dictionary of the Turf, the Ring, the Chase, the Pit, of Bon-Ton, etc. London, 1823. i2mo, half morocco. 12.379 Sportsman's Slang: a new dictionary of terms used in the affairs of the Turf, the Ring, the Chase, and the Cock-Pit ; with those of Bon-Ton, and the varieties of Life, etc. With a characteristic frontispiece. London, 1825. izmo. 12.380 BLACKGUARDIANA ; or, A Dictionary of Rogues, Bawds, Pimps, etc., illustrated with eighteen Portraits. No date and place. 8vo, calf. Only a few copies were printed, at the cost of one guinea in boards. This copy is bound in calf, and belonged to the late Charles Matthews, the Comedian, and was bought by its subsequent owner at the sale of his books at Sotheby's in 1835. 12.381 BURROWES (J.). Life in St. George's Fields, or, The Rambles and Adventures of Disconsolate William, Esq., and the Hon. Flash Dick ; etc. With frontispiece of St. George's Fields. London, 1821. 4to, half calf. 12.382 CABINET OF SECRETS (The Golden) opened for Youth's Delightful Pastime. To which is added, the most compleat Canting Dictionary. Translated by Dr. Saman. London, n.d. i2mo, half calf. This old book contains numerous curious cuts. 646 12,383 DICTIONARY (A New Canting): comprehending all the Terms, antient and modern, used in the several Tribes of Gypsies, Beggars, Shoplifters, etc. London, 1725. i2mo, calf. 12,384. A Bang-Up Dictionary ; or, The Lounger and Sportsman's Vade-Mecum : containing a copious and correct glossary of the language of the Whips, and illustrated with a great variety of curious and original anecdotes. By a Member of the Whips. London, 1812. 8vo. 12,385 The Modern Flash Dictionary. London, 1821. 32010. ,2,386 (A) of Modern Slang, Cant, and Vulgar Words; preceded by a history of Cant from the time of Henry VIII, showing its connection with the Gipsey Tongue. By a London Antiquary. London, 1859. 8vo. 12.387 The same. 2nd edition, revised, etc. London, 1860. 8vo. 12.388 The Modern Flash Dictionary. London, n.d. 8vo. 12.389 A Dictionary of the Terms, antient and modern, of the Canting Crew in its several Tribes. London, n.d. 8vo, calf. (By B. E., gent.) 12.390 DUCANGE ANGLICUS. The Vulgar Tongue: comprising two Glossaries of Slang, Cant, and Flash Words and Phrases, principally used in London at the present day. London, 1857. 12.391 Second edition, improved and much enlarged. London, 1859. 8vo. 12.392 DUNCOMBE (E.). Flash Dictionary. Frontispiece. London, n.d. 8vo. 12.393 FRATERNITYE OF VACABONDES; .... With their proper Names and Qualities, etc., etc. Imprinted at London by John Awdely, 1575. Reprinted, Westminster, 1813. 12.394 GRADUS AD CANTABRIGIAM ; or, a Dictionary of Terms used at the University of Cambridge. London, 1803. 8vo, calf. (Cant terms.) I2 395 or > New University Guide to the academical customs and colloquial or cant terms peculiar to the University of Cambridge ; observing wherein it differs from Oxford. Embellished with six coloured engravings, etc., etc. By a Brace ofCantabs. London, 1824. 8vo, half morocco. 12,396 GROSE (Francis). A Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue. London, (Hooper), 1785. 410, half calf. Very rare. 12,397 Second edition, corrected and enlarged. London, 1788. 4to, calf. Rare. 12.398 Third edition, corrected and enlarged. London, 1796. ^to, half calf. Rare. 12.399 Lexicon Balatronicum. A Dictionary of Buckish Slang, University Wit and Pickpocket Eloquence. Compiled originally by Captain Grose, and now considerably altered and enlarged, etc., by a Member of the Whip Club. London, 1 81 1. 8vo, half calf. 12.400 A Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue; revised, etc., by Pierce Egan; with Portrait of the author. London, 1823. 8vo. 12.401 GUIDE TO ETON. Eton Alphabet ; Eton block ; Eton Glossary. London, 1860. 8vo. 12.402 2nd edition. Manchester, n.d. 8vo. 647 12.403 HAGGART (David). The Life of David Haggart, alias The Switcher, etc., written by himself while under sentence of death. Second edition, with frontispiece. Edinburgh, 1821. izmo. The Prince considered this work very rare, and valued it highly. 12.404 HALL (B. H.). A Collection of College Words and Customs. Revised and enlarged edition. Cambridge, 1856. i2mo. 12.405 HARMAN (Thomas). A Caveat or Warning for Common Cursetors, vulgarly called Vagabonds. London, 1814. 410. A Reprint. Only 100 copies. 12.406 HEAD (Richard). The Canting Academy ; or, Villanies Discovered. With several new Catches and Songs, also a Compleat Canting-Dictionary. Frontispiece and one print inserted. 2nd edition. London, 1674. i2mo, crushed levant. A very fine copy of this rare work. 12.407 JACK RANDALL'S DIARY of proceedings at the House of Call for Genius. Edited by Mr. Breakwindow. To which are added several of Mr. B.'s minor pieces. London, 1820. 8vo. 1 2,408 KENT (G.). Modern Flash Dictionary, containing all the Cant Words, Slang Terms, and Flash Phrases, now in vogue. London, n.d. (Duncombe's edition.) 12.409 LIFE AND ADVENTURES of Bampfylde-Moore Carew (The), commonly called the King of the Beggars ; and a Dictionary of the Cant Language. London, 1788. i2mo, calf. With Portrait. 12.410 - Another edition. London, 1793. i2mo, calf. (No Portrait.) 12.411 - ,, Gainsborough, 181 1. i2mo, calf. Frontispiece. 12.412 - commonly called the King of the Beggars. Being an impartial account of his life. London, 1835. i2mo. With Portrait. 12.413 - Another edition. London, (J. Hollis), n.d. i2mo, half calf. 12.414 - ,, London, (J. Bailey), n.d. 8vo. With coloured Portrait. 12.415 LONDON GUIDE (The), and Stranger's Safeguard against the Cheats, Swindlers, etc., that abound within the Bills of Mortality ; forming a picture of London, etc. London, 1818. i2mo, calf. Frontispiece. 12.416 MATSELL (G. W.). Vocabulum ; or, The Rogue's Lexicon. New York, 1859. i2mo. 12.417 MIRROR (The Flash); or, Kiddy's Cabinet; by a Regular Slangsman. London, n.d. Coloured frontispiece. 12.418 MONCRIEFF (W. T.). Tom and Jerry; or, Life in London. A Musical Extra- vaganza, in three Acts ; with a Flash Vocabulary. Founded on Pierce Egan's popular work of Life in London. Liverpool, n.d. Tom and Jerry; or Life in London; an operatic extravaganza, in three Acts. London, n.d. 8vo. 12,420 - Tom and Jerry ; or, Life in London ; an operatic extravaganza ; with Key and Vocabulary, and Frontispiece. London, 1826. 410, half calf. 648 12,421 PARKER (George). Life's Painter of Variegated characters in Public and Private Life. With Portrait. London, 1786. 8vo. 12,4.22 Life's Painter of Variegated Characters in Public and Private Life. To which is added, A Dictionary of Modern Flash, or Cant Language, so much in use with the Swells of the Town. With Portrait. London, n.d. i6mo. 12.423 POTTER (H. T.). A new dictionary of all the Cant and Flash Languages, both ancient and modern, used by Gypsies, Beggars, Swindlers, etc., etc., from a Lully Prigger to a High Tober Gloak. London, n.d. 4to. 1 2,424 POULTER (John). The Discoveries of John Poulter, alias Baxter. No title-page. This old work gives an account of this Rogue's Doings, with a full Discovery of Thieving and Defrauding in all Shapes. 12.425 REGULATOR (The); or, a Discovery of the Thieves, Thief-Takers and Locks, alias Receivers of stolen goods, in and about London ; with the Thief-Taker's Proclamation ; also an account of all the Flash Words in vogue, etc. By a Prisoner in Newgate. London, 1718. 410. 1 2,426 SCHOOL-LIFE AT WINCHESTER COLLEGE ; with Glossary of Words, Phrases and Customs peculiar to Winchester College. Coloured Illustrations. London, 1866. 8vo. 12.427 SCOUNDREL'S DICTIONARY (The), or an explanation of the Cant Words used by Thieves, etc. London, 1754. 12.428 SELECTIONS from Jack Randall's Scrap Book (A few); to which are added, Poems on the late fight for the Championship. London, 1822. 12.429 SLANG DICTIONARY (The). London, 1864. 8vo. 12.430 SMITH (Capt. Alex.). A Compleat History of the Lives and Robberies of the most notorious Highwaymen, etc., in and about London and Westminster. Frontispiece to each volume. London, 1719. 12 mo, calf. 3 vols. The third volume is dated 1720, and is supplemental, as the previous books state that the work is in two vols. 12.431 The Thieves' New Canting Dictionary. London, 1719. i2mo. 12,432 The Thieves' Grammar. London, n.d. i2mo. 12.433 SONGS, Duets, Choruses, etc., in Tom and Jerry, as sung at the Newcastle Theatre. With a Glossary of all the Cant and Flash Phrases. Newcastle, n.d. 12.434 STOCK-EXCHANGE LAID OPEN. The Cause of the Rise and Fall of the Public Funds explained, etc., etc. With curious Annotations and a Glossary. By a Gentleman of the Exchange. London, 1814. 12.435 STORY (The singular) of a Lancashire Thief: told by himself, in thieves' slang. Manchester, (1863). 12.436 SWELL'S NIGHT GUIDE (The); or, A Peep through the Great Metropolis, under the dominion of Nox, etc. A new edition for 1857. Revised and carefully corrected by the Lord Chief Baron, the Arbiter Elegantiarum of Fashion and Folly. With Numerous Spicy Engravings. London. Half morocco. 12.437 TOM CRIB'S Memorial to Congress. With a Preface, Notes, and Appendix. By one of the Fancy. London, 1819. 8vo, half morocco. 649 12,43? TRIUMPH OF WIT (The) ; or the Canting Dictionary. Dublin, n.d. 4 to. 12.439 YOKEL'S PRECEPTOR; or, More Sprees in London! With a characteristic Engraving. London. (A Flash Book and Vocabulary.) NEGRO-ENGLISH. 1 2,440 BIBLE. Tori vo Ouroe Testameut, so leki wi finni dem na ini da Santa Bybelboekoe. Stuttgart, 1842. 8vo, morocco. Old Testament Extracts in the dialect spoken by the Negroes of Dutch-Guiana. 12.441 Tori vo da Santa Bybel-boekoe. Calw, 1852. i2mo. Old and New Testament Stories. 12.442 Psalm-Boek voor die tot die Evangelische Broeer-Kerk behoorende Neger- Gemeenten na S. Croix, S. Thomas en S. Jan. Barby, 1784. 8vo, calf. 12.443 CHAFF; or, The Yankee and Nigger at the Exhibition. A reading farce, in two acts. London, 1853. Contains specimens of Nigger, Cockney and Yankee English. 12.444 CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. Die Hoofd-inhoud van die leering van Jesus Christus. Barby, 1784. 8 vo, half calf. 12.445 FOCKE (H. C.). Neger-Engelsch Woordenboek. Leiden, 1855. 410. 12.446 GRAMMAR. Kurzgefasste Neger-Englische Grammatik. Bautzen, 1854. 8vo. 12.447 GREENFIELD (W.). A defence of the Surinam Negro-English version of the New Testament, in reply to the animadversions of an anonymous writer in the Edinburgh Christian Instructor. London, 1830. 410. 12.448 MACKNEY (E. W.). One hundred Negro Songs. Music and Words. London, n.d. 12.449 PROEVE eener Hollandsche Spraakkunst, ten gebruike der algemeene armenschool, in de gemeente van de H. Rosa, op Cura9ao. Santa Rosa, 1849. 4to, half morocco. 12.450 SINGI-BUKU vo da Ningre-Gemeente na Paramaribo. 1820. 8vo, calf. (Negro- English Hymn-Book.) 12.451 SLAVE Songs of the United States. New York, 1867. 12.452 SONGS. The Dandy Jim Songster, containing 50 of the best songs of the day. London, n.d. 12.453 TEST AMENTUM (Novum). Gospels. Da Tori va wi Massra en Helpiman Jesus Christus, so leki wi findi datti na inni dem fo Evangeliste : Mattheus, Marcus, Lucas en Johannes. No town, 1816. 8vo, calf. (The Gospels in Negro^ English.) 12.454 Da Njoe Testament va wi Masra en Helpiman Jesus Christus. Translated into the Negro-English language by the Missionaries of the Unitas Fratrum. London, 1829. 8vo, morocco. 12.455 Da Njoe Testament vo wi Masra en Helpiman Jesus Kristus. Bautzen, 1846. 8vo, morocco. 12.456 TORI vo William nanga Harry. No date or place. Half calf. (A Negro-English Reading- Book.) 650 12.457 VEGT (A. Helmig van der). Proeve eener Handleiding om het Neger-Engelsch, zoo als hetzelve over het algemeen binnen de Kolonie Suriname gesproken wordt, gedurende de reis derwaarts te leeren verstaan en spreken, etc. Amsterdam, 1844.. 8vo. 12.458 WAN Honclro Aria-Singi nanga dem Wyze vo dem, vo gebruike na hoso en na skolo. s'Gravenhage, 1861. 8vo. 12.459 WEST-INDIE. Bijdragen tot de bevordering van de kennis der Nederlandsch West-Indische Kolonien. Onder redactie van de Heeren : H. C. Focke. Ch. Landre". C. A. van Sypesteyn. F. A. C. Dumontier. Haarlem, 1855. 8vo, half morocco. Contains an account of Negro-English Literature. 12.460 W. (G. C.). Gemeenzaame leervvyze om het Basterd op Neger-Engelsch. Para- maribo, 1798. 8vo. 12.461 WULLSCHLAGEL (H- R.)- Deutsch-NegerenglischesWorterbuch. Nebst einem Anhang, Negerenglische Spriichworter enthaltend. Lobau, 1856. 4to, half morocco. 7.-SLAVONIC LANGUAGES-SLAVONIC IN GENERAL. 12.462 AZBUKA. A Slavonic Reading Book in the Cyrillian character. Moscow, 1642. 8vo. In the original calf cover. 12.463 BAMBAS (V.). Die Formbildung der slavischen Sprache. Prag, 1863. 8vo. 12.464 BERNOLXK (A.). Grammatica Slavica. Posonii, 1790. 8vo, half calf. 12.465 BIBLE. The Holy Bible in Slavonic printed in the Cyrillian character No date and place. 8vo, morocco. 12.466 A Slavonic Bible of the Russian Church in the Russian character. In five volumes. No date and place. Calf. A fine old edition. 12.467 A Slavonic Bible without place and date. 4to, calf. (In the Cyrillian character.) 12.468 The Old and New Testament in the Slavonic tongue and character. No date and place of publication. 8vo, calf. 12.469 BIBLIOTHEQUE SLAVE. Les Slaves d'Autriche etles Magyars. Paris, 1 86 1. 8vo. 12.470 BODJANSKI (G.). Delia Poesia popolare Slava. Discorso tradotto da Orsatto Pozza. Zara, 1861. 8vo. 12.471 BOHUSZ (S. S. de). Recherches historiques sur 1'origine des Sarmates, des Escla- vons et des Slaves. St. Pe"tersbourg, 1812. 4to, half calf. 4 vols. 12.472 BUKVAR. Slavensk, Gretschesk, Rimsk. Moscow, 1701. 8vo, morocco. (An ABC Book with Prayers.) This curious and rare old manual contains reading lessons, prayers and vocabulary in Slavonic, Greek and Latin. It is enriched with some engravings representing saints, and one of a quaint character depicts the interior of a school. The type is remarkably good, the work having probably been intended for some great family. It is in a perfect state of preservation. 651 12.473 CENTRALBLATT (Slavisches). Wochenschrift fur Literatur, Kunst, Wissenschaft und nationale Interessen des Gesammtslaventhums. Redakteur, J. E. Schmaler. Bautzen, 1865-68. Nos. i to 52. 12.474 CHRESTOMATHY. Slavonic Chrestomathy. St. Petersburg, 1841. 8vo, half calf. (In Russian characters.) 12.475 CHRESTOMATHEIA tes Slavonikes glosses. Constantinople, 1852. 410. (In Russian characters.) 12.476 CSAPLOVICS (J. von). Slavonien und zum Theil Croatien. Ein Beitrag zur Volker- und Landerkunde ; etc. Pesth, 1819. 8vo. 2 vols. 12.477 CUNAUCKAGO (E.). Treatise on the Slavo-Russian Language, with Vocabulary. (In Russian characters.) Moscow, 1857. 8 vo, half morocco. 12.478 DANKOWSKY (G.). Homerus slavicis dialectis cognata lingua scripsit. Vindo- bonae, 1829-30. Half calf. 1 2,479 Matris Slavicae filia erudita vulgo lingua graeca, seu, Grammatica cunctarum slavicarum et graecarum dialectorum suis primitivis elementis et inde conflatis organicis formis exhibita, gallicae, italicae, et latinae linguae habita ratione. Posonii, 1836-37. 8vo. With which is bound up Geschichiliche Uebersicht der Slavischen Sprache in ihren venchiedenen Mundarten und der slavischen Literatur. Leipzig, 1837. 8vo, half calf. 12.480 DELAMARRE (Casimir). Un pluriel pour un singulier et le Panslavisme est de"truit dans son principe. Paris, 1868. 8vo. 12.481 DE RADIUS (J. S. C.). Condensed historical notice of the Languages of the Slavic Nations. London, 1853. 8vo. 12.482 DE SORGO (A.). Fragments sur 1'histoire politique et litte"raire de 1'ancienne R6publique de Raguse et sur la langue slave. Paris, 1839. 8vo, half calf. 12.483 DISSERTATION sur 1'origine de la langue sclavone, pre"tendue illyrique. No date or place. (An extract.) 12.484 DOBROWSKY (Joseph). Die Bildsamkeit der slawischen Sprache, an der Bildung der Substantive und Adjective in der bohmischen Sprache dargestellt. Prag, 1799. 4 to. 12.485 Slavin. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der slawischen Literatur, Sprachkund und Alterthiimer, nach alien Mundarten. Mit Kupfern und Tabellen. Prag, 1808. 4to, half calf. 12.486 Entwurf zu einem allgemeinen Etymologikon der slawischen Sprachen. Prag, 1813. 8vo, half calf. (With Portrait.) 12.487 Slovanka. Zur Kenntniss der alten und neuen slawischen Literatur, der Sprachkunde nach alien Mundarten, der Geschichte und Alterthiimer. Prag, 1814. 8vo, half calf. Frontispiece. 12.488 Institutiones Linguae Slavicae dialecti veteris, quae quum apud Russos, Serbos aliosque ritus Graeci, turn apud Dalmatas Glagolitas ritus Latini Slavos in Libris Sacris obtinet. Vindobonae, 1822. 8vo, half calf. 12.489 Dobrowsky's Glagolitica. Zweite verbesserte und viel vermehrt Ausgabe von Wenceslaw Hanka. Prag, Cajetan, 1832. 8vo. 652 12.490 DOBROWSKY (Joseph). Glagolitica. Zweite verbesserte und viel vermehrte Ausgabe von Wenceslaw Hanka. Prag, Wenedict, 1845. 8vo. 12.491 Entwurf zu einem allgemeinen Etymologikon der slawischen Sprachen. Zweite vermehrte und verbesserte Ausgabe von Wenceslaw Hanka. Prag, 1833. 8vo. 12,4.92 Dobrowsky's Slavin. Bothschaft aus Bohmen an alle Slawischen Volker, oder, Beitrage zu ihrer Charakteristik, zur Kenntniss ihrer Mythologie, ihrer Geschichte und Alterthiimer, ihrer Literatur und ihrer Sprachkunde nach alien Mundarten. Mit einem Anhang ; der bohmische Cato, vollstandige Ausgabe in vier Buchern. Zweite verbesserte, berichtigte und vermehrte Auflage, von Wenceslaw Hanka. Prag, 1834. 8vo. 12.493 DODERLEIN (J. A.). Slavonisch-russisches Heiligthum mitten in Teutschland, das ist: Der grosse Heilige und Martyrer / Pheodor Stratilat, oder Theodorus Dux, aus einer / in der Hoch-, Adel- Rieterischen Kirche zu Kalbensteinberg, unweit Weissenburg am Nordgau, aufbehaltenen, . . . Tafel. Niirnberg, 1724. 4to. With Illustrations. 12.494 DORN (J. A. B.). De affinitate Linguae Slavicae et Sanscritae. Kharkov, 1833. 8vo, half calf. 12.495 DURICH (F.). Bibliotheca Slavicaantiquissimaedialecticommunisetecclesiasticae universae Slavorum gentis. Vindobonae, 1795. 8vo. 12.496 E1CHHOFF (F. G.). Histoire de la langue et de la litte"rature des Slaves, Russes, Serbes, Bohemes, Polonais et Lettons, conside're'es dans leur origine indienne, leurs anciens monuments, et leur e"tat present. Paris et Geneve, 1839. 8vo, half calf. 12.497 EVANGELIAIRE Slave dit Texte du Sacre de la Bibliotheque de Reims. Fac- simile par J. B. Silvestre ; traduction latine par feu Kopitar; notice franchise et eclaircissements historiques par Louis Paris. Paris, 1852. 410, morocco. 12.498 FISCHER (Johannes). De origine, jure, ac utilitate linguae Slavonicae. Witten- bergae, 1697. 410. 12.499 FRAGMENTE (Glagolitische). Herausgegeben von Dr. Karl Adolph Constantin Hofler, und Dr. Paul Joseph Safarik. Prag, 1857. 4 to - (Aus den Abhandl. der K. Bohm. Ges. D. Wiss. Folge v, Band, x.) 12.500 FRISCH (Johann Leonhard). Historian Linguae Sclavonic. Pars I. Origo Characteris Sclavonici vulgo dicti Cirulici paucis generatim monstrata ortus vero et progressus Characteris, vulgo dicti Glagolitici, pluribus sigillatim descriptus. Berolini, 1727. 4to. 12.501 Pars II. i. De origine Characteris Cyrillici speciatim. 2. De cultura Linguae Sclavonicae, beneficio hujus Characteris. 3. De Typis novis Sclavonico- Moscoviticis. 4. De Dialecto Russica, tanquam filia Linguae Sclavonicae. Berolini, 1727. 4to. 12,502 Pars III. Continuatio secunda continens Historiam Dialecti Venedicae Meridionalis. (Dialects of the Wends in Austrian Territory.) Berolini, 1729. 410. 12.503 Pars IV. Continuatio tertia de Dialectis Venedorum in Lusatia et in Ducatu Luneburgico. Berolini, 1730. 4to. 12.504 ParsV. Continuatio quarta. De Dialecto Bohemica. Berolini, 1734. 4to. 653 12.505 FROHLICH (R. A.). Anleitung zur schnellen Erlernung der vier slawischen Hauptsprachen. Ein Leitfaden, um in kurzer Zeit sich die bohmische, polnische. ilirische und russische Sprache vergleichungsweise eigen zu machen. Mil einer Wortersammlung. Wien, 1847. 8vo, half calf. 12.506 Kurzgefasste, tabellarisch bearbeitete Anleitung zur schnellen Erlernung der vier slavischen Hauptsprachen. Wien, 1872. 8vo. 12.507 GMENOSLOW Cili slownjk osobnych gmen rozlicnych kmenii a nare"cj ndrodu Slawenskho sebrany. Buda, 1828. 8vo. Slavonic Name Dictionary. 12.508 GRAMMAR. A Slavonic Grammar. Moscow, 1832. 12 mo, calf. 12.509 of the Slavonic Tongue in Greek. Constantinople, 1850. 12.510 A Slavonic Grammar in the Cyrillian character, without title-page. 8vo, calf. This work is worm-eaten, and apparently very old. 12.511 GRAMMATICA SCLAVONICA. Moscoviae, 1651. 8vo, vellum. The title-page is wanting, but the above title is written on the cover. This work is printed in a Slavonic character. 12.512 St. Petersburg, 1856. 8vo, half morocco. (Russian characters.) 12.513 GRUBISSICHIUS (C.). In originem et historiam alphabeti Sclavonici Glagolitici vulgo Hieronymiani, disquisitio antiquitatis populorum Septentrionalium, reique litterariae Sclavonicae, et Runicae studiosis a Clemente Grubissichio proposita. Venetiis, 1766. 8vo. 12.514 HANUSCH (Hanus) (Ignac Jan). Die Wissenschaft des slawischen Mythus im weitesten, den altpreusisch-lithauischen Mythus mitumfassenden Sinne. Lemberg, Stanislaw6w und Tarnow, 1842. 8vo, half morocco. 12.515 Sv. Kyril nepsal Kyrilsky nez Hlaholsky. Praze, 1857. 410. A Bohemian Treatise on the Cyrillian and Glagolitic Alphabets. 12.516 HARKAVY (A.). Die Juden und die Slawischen Sprachen. Vilna, 1867. 8vo. Printed in the Rabbinical character. 12.517 HATTALA (Martin). De contiguarum consonantium mutatione in linguis Slavicis. Pragae, 1865. 410. 12.518 August Schleicher und die slawischen Consonantengruppen. Ein Beitrag zur neuesten Geschichte der indoeuropaischen Sprachforschung Uberhaupt und der slawischen insbesondere. Prag, 1869. 8vo. 12.519 HEGER (Ig. Jacob.). Kurze Anleitung zur Steno-Tachygraphie fur de vier Slawischen-Hauptsprachen, als ; die bohmische, polnische, 1 ilirische und russische mit deutscher Uebersetzung. Wien, 1849. 12.520 HERKEL (J.). Elementa universalis linguae Slavicae e vivis dialectis eruta. Budae, 1826. 8vo, half calf. 12.521 HISTORIA Linguae Sclavonicae. Origo characteris Sclavonici, cum continua- tionibus i-iv. Berolini, 1727-34. 410. Five papers read at the Berlin University. 654 12.522 ISTORITSCHESKIJ tschtenij o Jezik i Slovesnosti. St. Petersburg, 1854. 4to, half morocco. Historical Treatise on the Slave Tongue. 12.523 JAGIC (V.). Das Leben der Wurzel De in den slavischen Sprachen. Wien, 1871. 8vo. 12.524 JAHRBUCHER fur slawische Literatur, Kunst und Wissenschaft. Leipzig. For the years 1843-44-45 bound, for 1846-47-48-55-56 unbound. 12,525 fur slavische Literatur, Kunst und Wissenschaft. Verantwortlicher Redacteur J. E. Schmaler. Bautzen, 1853-54. (For the years 1852-53-54.) Half morocco. 2 vols. 12.526 JANCOVIC (S.). Novi Madarsko Slovenski a Slovensko Madarski slovnik. Sarvasi, 1848. 8vo, half morocco. Hungarian-Slavonic and Slavonic-Hungarian Dictionary. Only the Hungarian-Slavonic part. 12.527 JOCHER (A. B.). Pelasgia, sive, De sermone quondam communi, eoque principe, in Slavorum, inprimis in Polonorum illo, facile statuendo, ad viros eruditos praeludebat. Petropoli, 1851. 4to. 12.528 JORDAN (J. Ch. de). De originibus slavicis, opus chronologicum, geogr. histor. usque ad saeculum 10. Vindobonae, 1745. 4 parts in one vol. 410, calf. 12.529 KATTNER (Edw.). Neun Kapitel iiber die Orts-Namen in Westpreussen und Posen. Bromberg, 1861. 8vo. 12.530 KAULFUSS (Rom. St.). Die Slawen in den altesten Zeiten bis Samo (636). Eine linguistisch-geographisch-historische Untersuchung nebst einem Anhange ; Gedrangte Ubersicht der heutigen Slawen. Berlin, 1842. 8vo. 12.531 KIRSTE (Hans). Zum slavischen Palatalismus. (Aus dem Archiv fur slavische Philologie. Bd. v.) 12.532 KOHN (J. P.). Introductio in historiam et rem literariam Slavorum. Altonaviae, 1729. 8vo, calf. 12.533 KOLLA'R (Jan). Ueber die literarische Wechselseitigkeit zvvischen den ver- schiedenen Stammen und Mundarten der slawischen Nation. Leipzig, 1844.. 8vo. 12.534 Staroitalia Slavjanska. Vidni, 1853. 4to, half calf. I2 535 LANOSSOVICH (P. M.). Neue Einleitung zur Slavonischen Sprache, mit einem niitzlichen Worter- und Gesprachbuche, etc. Esseck, 1778. 8vo, half calf. 12.536 Zweite Auflage. Esseck, 1789. 8vo. 12.537 Anleitung zur Slavonischen Sprachlehre sammt einem niitzlichen Anhange, etc. Ofen, 1795. 8vo, half calf. 12.538 LESKIEN (Aug.). Untersuchungen iiber quantitat und betonung in den slavischen Sprachen. I. Die Quantitat im Serbischen. Leipzig, 1885. 8vo. (Des 10 Bandes der Abhandl. der philo.-histo. Cl. d. K. Sachsischen Gesell. d. VVissens. No. n.) 12.539 LEXICON. A Slavonic-Greek Lexicon. No title-page. 12.540 MADAKOVITCH (Milorad). History of Montenegro from the most ancient times to 1830. Zemun, 1850. 8vo, half morocco. Frontispiece. (In Russian characters.) 655 12,54- MATZENAUER (Ant.). Cizi Slova ve slovanskych fecech. Brae, 1870. 8vo. In two parts. A work in Bohemian on the foreign words in the Slavonic languages. 12.542 MIKLOSICH (Franz). Slavische bibliothek, oder, Beitrage zur slavischen Philologie und Geschichte. Wien, 1851. 8vo, half morocco. 12.543 Vergleichende Grammatik der slavischen Sprachen. Wien, 1852-56. 8vo, half morocco. I2 >544 Vergleichende Grammatik der slavischen Sprachen. Vierter Band: Syntax. Wien, 1868. 8vo. ist and 2nd parts. 12.545 ZweiterBand: Stammbildungslehre. Wien, 1875. 8vo. 12.546 Zum Glagolita Clozianus. Wien, 1860. 4to. (In the Glagolitic character.) 12.547 Die Bildung der Ortsnamen aus Personennamen im slavischen. Wien, 1864. 410. 12.548 Die verba impersonalia im slavischen. Wien, 1865. 410. 12.549 Die slavischen Monatsnamen. Wien, 1867. 410. 12.550 Die Negation in den slavischen Sprachen. Wien, 1869. 4to. 12.551 Uber die Genitivendung Go in der pronominalen Declination der slavischen Sprachen. Wien, 1869. 8 pages. 12.552 Etymologisches Worterbuch der slavischen Sprachen. Wien, 1886. 8vo. I2 553 MRAZOVECH (A.). Slavonic Grammar (in Slavonic characters). Buda, 1840. 8vo, half morocco. 12,554 NAVRATIL (J.). Beitrag zum Studium des slavischen Zeitwortes aller Dialekte. Wien, 1856. 8vo, half morocco. I2 >555 OELRICHS (Joann. Carol. Conr.). Specimen reliquiarum linguae Sclavonicae in nominibus quibusdam regionum et locorum a Germanis et hos inter in piimis Marchic. Brandenb. et Pomeranis possidentur. Berolini, 1794. 4to. 12.556 OSSOLINSKI (Joseph Maximilian). Vincent Kadlubek, ein historisch-kritischer Beytrag zur slavischen Literatur, aus dem polnischen des Grafen J. M. Ossolinski von Samuel Gottlieb Linde. Warschau, 1822. 8vo, half calf. (With Portrait of the author.) 12.557 PAPANEK (Georg). Historia gentis Slavae. De regno, regibusque Slavorum atque cum prisci civilis, et ecclesiastici, turn hujus aevi-statu gentis Slavae anno Christi 1780. Quinque-Ecclesiis (Fiinfkirchen) typis Joannis Josephi Engel. 410, half calf. Rare. This work contains a table with the Lord's Prayer in all the Slave Tongues. Brunei, Graesse and Watt do not mention it. In Kayser's Biicher-Lexikon the author is called Papener. 12.558 PAWLOWSKY (Iwan). Kurzgefasste slavonische Grammatik fur Deutsche. St. Petersburg, 1857. 8vo. 12.559 PENENSKI (P.). Slavonic Grammar (in Russian characters). St. Petersburg, 1826. 8vo, half calf. 12.560 PEREVLISKO (P.). Grammar of the Old Slavonic Tongue (in Russian characters). St. Petersburg, 1856. i2mo, half morocco. 656 12.561 RELCOVICH (Math. Ant.)- Nova Slavonska, i Nimacska Grammatika. Agram, (1767). 8vo, calf. (Slavonic- German Grammar, with Portrait of the author.) 12.562 Another edition. Wien, 1774. 8vo, half calf. 12.563 i? 8 9- 8 vo, half calf. 12.564 REVUE SLAVE, ouvrage non periodique. I. Paris, 1839. 8vo. 12.565 ROBERT (Cyprien). Le Monde Slave, son Passe", son tat Present et son Avenir. Paris, 1852. 8vo, half calf. 12.566 ROBINSON (Ed.). Historical View of the Slavic Language in its various Dialects. From the Biblical Repository, conducted by Edward Robinson, D.D. Andover, 1834. 410, calf. 12.567 RUNDSCHAU (Slawische). Beiblatt zu den slawischen Jahrbvichern. Mittwoch und Sonnabend, 1848. Nos. i to 25. 12.568 S K (M. D.). Essai sur la Philologie slave, etc., par M. D. S k. Avec un Avant-Propos par M. H.-C.-L. Landrin, fils. Paris, 1 846. 8vo, half calf. 12.569 SBORNIK. A Book of Prayers in the Cyrillian character. Buda, 1852. 12 mo, calf. 12.570 SCHAFFARIK (P. J.). Geschichte der slawischen Sprache und Literatur nach alien Mundarten. Ofen, 1826. 8vo, half morocco. 12.571 Slovansky Zemevid. Praze, 1842. A Bohemian Atlas of the Slave- speaking Nations, in a case. In the title the author's name is spelled in the Bohemian way, Safarika. 12,572 Slawische Alterthumer. Deutsch von Mosig von Aehrenfeld, heraus- gegeben von H. Wuttke. Leipzig, 1843. 8vo, half calf. 12 573 Slowansky Narodopis. Praze, 1849. 8vo, half calf. (Slavonic Ethno- graphy.) 12,574 Uber den Ursprung und die Heimath des Glagolitismus. Mit einer Schrifttafel. Prag, 1858. 4to. 12.575 Geschichte der siidslawischen Literatur. Aus dessen Handschriftlichem Nachlasse; herausgegeben von Josef Jirecek. Prag, 1864-65. 4 parts. 8vo. 12.576 Geschichte der slawischen Sprache und Literatur nach alien Mundarten. Zweiter Abdruck. Prag, 1869. 8vo. 12.577 SCHLEICHER (Prof.). Uber v (-ov-, -ev-) vor den Casus-Endungen im slawischen. (Aus dem Februar-Hefte des Jahrganges 1852 der Sitzungsberichte der philos.- histor. Classe der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften besonders abgedruckt.) 12.578 SMITH (Casp. Guil.). De locis quibusdam Grammaticae Linguarum Balticarum et Slavonicarum. Havniae, 1857-59. 8vo. 3 parts. 12.579 STANCOVICH (Canon. Pietro). Delia patria di San Girolamo, dottore di Santa Chiesa, e della Lingua Slava, relativa allo stesso. Venezia, 1824. 8vo, half morocco. Frontispiece. 12.580 SUMAVSKY (J. F.). Worterbuch der slawischen Sprache in den sechs haupt- dialekten : russisch, bulgarisch, kirchenslawisch, siidslawisch, bohmisch und polnisch. Prag, 1857. P arts * 2 > 3 an< 3 4- (A blatt.) 8vo. 4 parts. 657 12.581 TABULE k staroitalii Slavjanske" Jana Kollara. Vidni, 1853. Folio, half calf. A collection of very fine plates with Runic inscriptions. 12.582 TALVJ. Historical View of the Languages and Literature of the Slavic Nations; with a Sketch of their popular Poetry. New York, 1850. izmo. 12.583 Handbuch einer Geschichte der slavischen Sprachen und Literatur. Nebst einer Skizze ihrer Volks-Poesie. Leipzig, 1852. 8vo, half calf. 12.584 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). The New Testament in the Slavonic of the Russian Church and in ordinary Russian. St. Petersburg, 1822. 8vo, calf. (In their respective characters.) 12,585 The New Testament in Slavonic and Bulgarian. (In the Cyrillian and Bulgarian characters.) New York, 1867. 8vo, calf. 12,586 The New Testament in the Slavonic of the Russian Church. No date and place. 8vo, calf. (In the Cyrillian character.) 12,587 The New Testament in Slavonic. No date and place. i2mo, calf. (In the Cyrillian character.) 12.588 TRENKA (Franz). Regeln der slawischen Sprache in Mahren, Bohmen und Oberungarn. Wien, 1832. 8vo. 12.589 VALENTINE LLI (Giuseppe). Bibliografia della Dalmazia e del Montenegro. Zagabria, 1855. 8vo. 12.590 VERSUCH iiber die slawischen Bewohner der osterreichischen Monarchic. Wien, 1804. 8vo, half morocco. 12.591 WATTENBACH (W.). Die slawische Liturgie in Bohmen und die altrussische Legende vom Heiligen Wenzel. (Aus den Abhandl. d. Hist. -Phil. Gesellschaft in Breslaw. Band i.) Breslaw, 1857. 8vo. 12.592 ZEITSCHRIFT fur slavische Literatur, Kunst und Wissenschaft. Verantwortlicher Redacteur J. E. Schmaler. Bautzen, 1862-64. 8vo. In parts. 12.593 The same for 1864-65. 12.594 ZILJSKI (M. M.). Sveta brata Ciril i Metod Slavjanska Apostola. Prague, 1864. 8vo. The Holy brothers Cyril and Methodus, the Apostles of the Slaves. Printed in Roman and Slavonic characters. CHURCH SLAVONIC. 12.595 APOSTOLUS e codice Monasterii Sisatovac Palaeo-Slovenice, edidit Fr. Miklosich. Vindobonae, 1853. 8vo. 12.596 BERCIC (Ivan). Chrestomathia linguae veteroslovenicae charactere Glagolitico e codicibus, codicum fragmentis et libris impressis. Pragae, 1859. 410, half morocco. 12.597 Bukvar staroslovenskoga jezika glagolskimi pismeni za citanje crkvenih knjig sastavio svecenik Ivan Bercic. Pragu, 1862. i2mo. 12.598 Citanka Staroslovenskoga Jezika. Prag, 1864. 8vo. (Reading Book.) 12.599 Ulomci svetoga pisma obojega uvjeta staroslovenskim Jezikom. Pragu, 1864-65. 410. Parts 2, 3, 4. (In Glagolitic characters.) 42 658 12.600 BREVIARIUM Romanum Slavonico idiomate jussu SS.D.N. Papae Pii Sexti editum in duas anni partes divisum. Romae, 1791. 8vo, calf. 2 vols. Rare. This fine specimen of printing in the Glagolitic type is in perfect condition. 12.601 BUKVAR Slavenskie pismeny prepodobnago Kurilla, etc. Rim, 1753. 8vo. Very rare. This curious old primer is printed in the Glagolitic and Cyrillian characters. It opens with the Alphabetum divi Hieronymi and the Alphabetum divi Cyrilli on opposite pages, the name and figure of each letter being given in each character and also in Roman letters. At page 69 occurs the following : " Matthaei Caraman Archiepiscopi Jadren. In Alphabetum Illyricum expositio." A Latin explanation of this alphabet follows. 12.602 CHODZKO (A.). Grammaire paleoslave, suivie de textes paloslaves, tire's, pour la plupart, des manuscrits de la Bibliotheque Imperiale de Paris, et du Psautier de Boulogne. Paris, 1869. 8vo. 12.603 CHRESTOMATHIA Palaeoslovenica, edidit Fr. Miklosich. Vindobonae, 1854. 8vo. 12,604. Palaeoslovenica cum speciminibus reliquarum linguarum Slavicarum edidit F. Miklosich. Vindobonae, 1861. 8vo. 12.605 CHRONICA Nestoris textum Russico-Slovenicum versionem Latinam glossarium edidit F. Miklosich. Volumen i. Textum continens. Vindobonae, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. 12.606 DICTIONARY of the Church Slavonic and Russian Languages in the Russian character. St. Petersburg, 1847. 480, half calf. 4 vols. 12.607 GOLOVATZKIJ (Jacob). Church Slavonic Chrestomathy. In the Russian character. Widni, 1854. 8vo, half morocco. 12.608 HANKA (V.). Natchada svjaschtschennago Jazika Slovjan. Prague, 1846. 8vo. Elements of the Church Slavonic language in Russian. 12.609 Pocdtky posva"tn6ho Jazyka slovansk6ho. Praze, 1846. On the origin of Church Slavonic. 12.610 HATTALA (M.). Mluvnica Jazyka slovensk^ho. Pest, 1864. 8vo. Church Slavonic Grammar in Bohemian. 12.61 1 JEZBERY (Frantiska Jana). Kyril a Method, svati Apostolov6 slovanskych naroduv, etc. Praze, 1858. 4to. 12.612 Obrana proti rozmanitym a sob6 uz odporujicim uvahdm o spisu "Kyril a Method, svati Apostolov6 slovanskych ndroduv, nepsali nikdy hlaholsky nez kyrilsky." Praze, 1859. 8vo. 12,613 O pfsmenech vsech slovanskych ndroduv. (Von den Buchstaben aller slavischen Volker.) Praze, 1860. 8vo. 12.614 JOANNOVICS (E ). Grammatica Linguae Ecclesiastico-Slavicae. Viennae, 1851. 8vo, half calf. (Cyrillian characters.) 12.615 JOHN CHRYSOSTOM (St.). Homilia in ramos palmarum. Slovenice, Latine et Graece, cum notis criticis et glossario edidit Fr. Miklosich. Vindobonae, 1845. 8vo. 12.616 KAMKOV (Alexander). Nachertanie Jetimologi Zerkobno-Slavjanskago Jezika. Kasan, 1856. 8vo. A Church-Slavonic Etymology entirely in the Slavonic character. 659 1 2,6 1 7 KLASSOVSKI (V.). Grammar of the Church-Slavonic Tongue in the Russian character. St. Petersburg and Moscow, 1867. 8vo. 12.618 LEGENDES Slaves du Moyen Age 1169-1237. Les Ne"mania; vies de St. Syme\>n et de St. Sabba. Traduction du pa!6o-slave en frar^ais, avec texte en regard par A. Chodzko. Paris, 1858. 4 to, half morocco. 12.619 LEXICON Palaeoslovenico - Graeco - Latinum emendatum auctum, edidit Fr. Miklosich. Vindobonae, 1862-65. In six parts. 8vo. 12.620 MIKLOSICH (Fr.). Radices linguae Slovenicae veteris dialecti. Lipsiae, 184?. 8vo, half calf. 12.621 Formenlehre der Altslovenischen Sprache. Wien, 1850. 8vo. 12.622 Lautlehre der Altslovenischen Sprache. Wien, 1850. 8vo. 12.623 Lexicon linguae Slovenicae veteris dialecti. Vindobonae, i8?o. 4.10. half calf. 12.624 Monumenta linguae Palaeoslovenicae e codice Suprasliensi. Edidit F. Miklosich. Vindobonae, 1851. 8 vo, half calf. 12.625 Formenlehre der Altslovenischen Sprache. Zweite Auflage. Wien, 1854. 8vo, half morocco. 12.626 Die Bildung der Nomina im Altslovenischen. Wien, 1858. 410, half morocco. 12.627 MISS ALE Romanum Slavonico Idiomate jussu SS.D.N. Papae Urbani Octavi editum. Romae, 1741. 410, calf. (In the Glagolitic character.) 12.628 OFFICIA Sanctorum Slavonico idiomate recitanda de praecepto ex indulto Apostolico in aliquibus locis. Romae, 1791. 8vo, calf. (In the Glagolitic character.) 12.629 PEREKLJSSKI (P.). Grammateka staroslavonskago jazyka. St. Petersburg, 1852. 8vo (Printed in the Cyrillian character.) . 12.630 SAZAVO-EMMAUNTINUM Evangelium nunc Remense, vulgo "Texte du Sacre." Prague, 1846. 8vo. Book of Gospels for liturgical use from an ancient Church Slavonic MS. now at Rheitns. The text is printed both in Cyrillian and Roman letters. The Preface is both in Russian and Bohemian. Edited by V. Hanka. 12.631 SCHLEICHER (Aug.). Die Formenlehre der Kirchenslawischen Sprache. Bonn, Wien, und Prag, 1852. 8vo, half calf. 12.632 S**** (P**). General Church Slavonic and Russian Dictionary. In the Russian character. St. Petersburg, 1834. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. 12.633 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Gospels. Assemanov ili Vatikanski Evangelistar. Iznese ga na svjetlo Dr. Franjo Racki. Zagrebu, 1865. 8vo. (In the Glagolitic character.) x 2,634 St. Matthew. Evangelium S. Matthaei Palaeoslovenice e codicibus edidit F r . Miklosich. Vindobonae, 1856. 8vo. 12,635 VITAE SANCTORUM. E codice antiquissimo Palaeoslovenice cum notis criticis et glossario, edidit F r . Miklosich. Viennae, 1847. 8vo. 660 RUSSIAN. 12.636 ABLES (W.). Gedanken iiber Natur- und Wortpoesie der russischen Sprache, mit Beriicksichtigung der romanischen und germanischen Sprachen. Berlin, 1861. 8vo. 12.637 AKIANDER (M.). Rysk Spraklara. Tredje Upplagan. Helsingfors, 1850. 4to, half morocco. 12.638 AKSAKOV(K.). O Russkich Glagolach. Moskva, 1855. 8vo. Treatise on the Russian verbs ; in the Russian character. 12.639 ALEXANDROW (C.). Praktisches Elementarbuch der russischen Sprache. Reval, 1859. 8vo, half morocco. 12.640 ANTON (C. G.). De lingua Russica ex eadem cum Samscrdamica matre orientali prognata. Witembergae, 1809. 8vo. 12.641 BALUDYNSKI (Andr.). Istoria Zerkovnaj novago Savjeta. (New Testament Church History.) Vienna, 1852. 8vo, half morocco. In the Russian character. 12.642 BIBLE. The Five Books of Moses, Joshua, Judges and Ruth, translated into Modern Russian, and printed at St. Petersburg in 1824 by the Russian Bible Society, but not published. No title-page. 8vo, morocco. In the Russian character. 12.643 La Bible russe. Les premiers cinq livraisons. Londres, 1860. 4to. In 4 parts. 12.644 Old Testament. Eight Books of the Old Testament, consisting of the Books of Moses, Joshua, Judges and Ruth, in the Russian character. London, 1861. i2mo, morocco. 12.645 The Old Testament in Russian, in the Russian character. In four parts. St. Petersburg, 1868-82. 8vo. 4 vols. 12.646 The Holy Bible in Russian and in the Russian character. St. Petersburg, 1875. 8vo, morocco. The Old Testament only. 12.647 The Bible in Russian, in the Russian character. Vienna, 1877. 8vo, calf. 12.648 Psalter. The Psalter in the Russian language and character. St. Petersburg, 1822. i2mo, morocco. 12.649 Psalter. Kniga chvalenie ili Psalter. St. Petersburg, 1822. i2mo, half calf. The Psalter in the Russian character. Different type from the last. 12.650 The Psalter in Russian and Hebrew. Leipzig, 1853. 241110. (In their respective characters.) 12.651 Psalter, or Book of Psalms, in Russian characters. London, 1862. 12010, calf. 12,652 The Book of Proverbs in Russian characters. London, 1866. i2mo, calf. 661 12.653 BIBLE. Genesis. Thorah. The Law, or Pentateuch of Moses, literally translated by L. J. Mandelschtam for the use of the Russian Jews. (Book of Genesis only.) Berlin, 1862. 410. (In the Russian character.) With a philological dictionary to the Russian translation of the Bible, in which each word of the Hebrew text is explained by recent researches in the Semitic languages. By the same author. Berlin, 1862. 410. 12.654 The Song of Solomon in Russian, in Russian characters. London, 1858. Morocco. This work was printed at the cost of Prince L.-L Bonaparte. 12.655 Another copy, being the only one on thick paper. Crushed levant. 12.656 Isaiah. The Book of Isaiah in the Russian character. London, 1866. i2mo, morocco. 12.657 Jeremiah. The Book of the Prophet Jeremiah in Russian characters. London, 1867. 12010, calf. 12.658 Prophets. Knigi dvjanadzati prorokov, etc. (The 12 Minor Prophets, translated from the Hebrew text.) London, 1868. i2mo. British and Foreign Bible Society's Publications. In the Russian character. 12.659 BIBLIOGRAPHY. A Russian Bibliography without title-page. In Russian characters. 12.660 (Russian), with Supplement, in Russian characters. St. Petersburg, 1862. 12.661 BOLTZ (August). Neuer Lehrgang der russischen Sprache. Berlin, 1852. 8vo, half calf. 12.662 BRUEYRE (Loys). Contes populaires de la Russie. Tirage a 150 exemplaires. Paris, 1874. izmo. 12.663 BURMEISTER (Hermann). Natschalnoe osnovanie ssjaroslovij, etc. Vienna, 1852. 8vo. Natural history translated by V. A. Volian. 12.664 BYMAKOV (A.). Marine Dictionary in English, French and Russian. St. Peters- burg, 1837. 1 2mo, half calf. 12.665 CHARPENTIER. Elemens de la langue russe, ou meHhode courte et facile pour apprendre cette langue conform^ment a 1'usage. Saint Petersbourg, 1768. 8vo, calf. 12.666 CONSTANTINE (Rev.). A Treatise on the close affinity of the Slavo-Russian Language with the Greek Tongue. Written in Greek and Russian. St. Petersburg, 1828. 8vo, half calf. 3 vols. 12.667 CORNET (J.). Russian and Swedish Dictionary. Leipzig, Tauchnitz, n.d. 8vo, half morocco. 12.668 CRAMER (M.). Nouveau Parlement ou dialogues fran$ois-allemands et rus. Moscou, 1782. 410, calf. 12.669 DIALOGUE. New English and Russian dialogues. Nicolaev, 1802. i2mo, half calf. 12.670 Latin and Russian dialogues. Moscow, 1819. 8vo, half calf. 662 12.671 DICTIONARY. A new Dictionary, English and Russian. St. Petersburg, 1784. 8vo, calf. 12.672 complet frangois et russe, compos6 sur la derniere Edition de celui de 1'Acade'mie frangoise, par une Socie'te' de Gens de Lettres. St. Pe"tersbourg, 1786. 4to, calf. 2 vols. in one. 12.673 A Comparative Dictionary of the Russian Tongue and its Dialects, in alphabetical order. Entirely in the Russian character. St. Petersburg, 1790-91. 4to, morocco. 4 vols. 12.674 A Russian Ecclesiastical Dictionary (in Russian characters). St. Petersburg, 1794. 8vo, calf. 3 vols. 12.675 of the Russian Academy, in Russian characters. St. Petersburg, 1806-22. 4to. 6 vols. 12.676 complet frangais-russe, compose 1 sur la cinquieme Edition de celui de 1'Acade'mie frangaise. 3 e Edition. Saint-Pe"tersbourg, 1824. 4to, calf. 12.677 Russisch-deutsches und deutsch-russisches Taschenworterbuch in fiinf Theilen, herausgegeben von August Oldekop. St. Petersburg, 1824-25. 8vo. Of this work there are only three volumes containing the Russian-German part. In the title of the first volume vier instead of J tin/ Theilen occurs. 12.678 complet russe-frangois-allemand. Compose" sur la derni&re Edition de celui de 1'Acade'mie russe. Seconde Edition, soigneusement revue et beaucoup plus complete que la premiere Edition du Dictionnaire russe-frangois-allemand de M. J. Heym. Par Charles Mess. Moscou, 1826. 4to, half calf. 4 vols. 12.679 Greek and Russian Dictionary. Moscow, 1835. i2mo, half calf. 12.680 A German-Russian Dictionary. St. Petersburg, 1835. 410, half morocco. 2 vols. bound in one. 12.681 EHRSTROM (E. G.) och OTTELIN (C. G.). Rysk Spraklara for begynnare. St. Petersburg, 1814. 4to, calf. 12.682 ERBEN (K. J.). Dv6 spevu staroruskych totiz : o v^prave igorove a Zadonstina. Praze, 1869. 8vo. A Bohemian work on Russian. 12.683 EXCERPTA BIBLICA RUSSICE. Petropoli, 1838. 8vo, morocco. 12.684 EXTRACTS from the Gospels. St. Petersburg, 1837. 8vo, half calf. 12.685 FliNEXON. Pochoshdenie Telemakovo sbina Ylyssova. St. Petersburg, 1767. 4to, calf. A Russian translation of the Telemachits unknown to Graesse and Brunet. It is enriched with very handsome plates. In the Russian character. 12.686 The Telemachus translated into Russian by P. Sheljasnikov. St. Peters- burg, 1788. 8vo, calf. Part i. In the Russian character. 12.687 FOLIMONOFF (D.). Taschen-Grammatik der russischen Sprache. Wien, 1849. 8vo, half calf. 12.688 FRAEHN (C. M.). De origine vocabuli Rossici dengi. Casani, 1815. 4to. In the work dengi is in Russian characters. 663 12.689 FRITZ (J. N.). Elementarbuch zur praktischen Erlernung der russischen Sprache. Leipzig, 1854. 8vo, half morocco. 12.690 GAUGENGIGL (J.). (Probe-Exemplar.) Pasigraphisch russisches Worterbuch. (Bachmaier's System.) Miinchen, 1864. 10 pages. 12.691 GEITLIN (Gabriel). Observationes circa linguam Russicam nonnullae. Aboae, 1826. 410. 12.692 GRAMMAR. A Russian-Rumanian Grammar, in the Cyrillian character. Kischenef, 1819. 4to, half calf. 12.693 GRAMMATIN (Nicholas of). A new dictionary, English and Russian, composed upon the great dictionary, English and French, of M. Robinet. Moscow, 1808-17. 4to, half calf. Four vols. in one. After the first vol. the title is altered to : " Composed upon the English Dictionaries of Mrs. (sic) Johnson, Ebers and Robinet by Michel Parenogo." This work is rare. 12.694 GRETSCH (Nic). A Practical Russian Grammar for Russians. St. Petersburg, 1827. 8vo, half morocco. (In the Russian character.) 12.695 Russian Grammar, in the Russian character. St. Petersburg, 1827. 8vo, half morocco. This is a different work from the last. 12.696 Grammaire raisonne"e de la langue russe, pre'ce'de'e d'une introduction sur 1'histoire de cet idiome, de son alphabet et de sa grammaire. Traduit du russe par Ch. Ph. Reiff. Saint Pe*tersbourg, 1828-29. 410, half calf. 2 vols. 12.697 A Russian Grammar, in the Russian character. St. Petersburg, 1838. 8vo. 12.698 Introduction to the Russian Grammar. In the Russian character. St. Petersburg, 1843. 8vo, half morocco. 12.699 GRODZICKI (M.). Praktyczna Rossyyska Grammatyka. (A Russian Grammar for Poles.) Wroclawiu, 1819. 8 vo, half calf. 12.700 HAMONIERE (G.). Vocabulaire franc,ais et russe. Paris, 1815. 410, half calf. 12.701 Dialogues russes et franc,ais a 1'usage des deux Nations ; suivis d'un recueil de phrases familieres et de proverbes. Paris, 1816. 410, half calf. 12.702 Grammaire russe. Paris, 1817. 410, half calf. 12.703 HEARD (J.). A practical Grammar of the Russian Language. St. Petersburg, 1827. 1 2mo, half calf. 12.704 Phraseology of the Russian Language. St. Petersburg, 1840. Half morocco. 12.705 HEYM (J.). Russische Sprachlehre fur Deutsche. Riga, 1804. 8vo, half calf. 12.706 Dictionnaire russe-fran9ois-allemand. Riga et Leipsic, 1805. Two tomes in one vol. 8vo, half morocco. x 2,707 Dictionnaire fransois-russe-allemand. Riga et Leipsic, 1805. 8vo, half morocco. I2 ,7o8 Deutsch-russisch-franzosisches Taschen-Worterbuch. Riga und Leipzig, 1805. 8vo, half morocco. 664 12.709 HEYM (J.)- Dictionnaire frangois et russe compost d'apres les meilleurs et les plus nouveaux dictionnaires frangois a 1'usage de la Jeunesse russe et des Grangers et principalement de la Nation franchise. Moscou, 1 809. 8vo, half calf. 12.710 Dictionnaire russe-frangais-allemand, public" de nouveau, corrige" et augment^ par F. Svaitnoi. Leipsic, 1835. 8vo, half vellum. 3 vols. 12.711 HOLTERHOF (F.). Der russische Cellarius, oder etymologisches russisches Worterbuch, etc. Moscow, 1771. 8vo, half calf. 12.712 INTERPRETER. Neuer russischer Dollmetscher fiir Deutsche. Moskau, 1846. 8vo, half morocco. 12.713 IWANOWITSCH (N.). Sammlung der russisch-deutschen Gesprache. Leipzig, 1854. 8vo, half morocco. 12.714 JANZEN (J. I.) et VINATY (A.). Guide de la conversation a 1'usage des Strangers en Russie. Avec la prononciation et un abre'ge' de la grammaire russe. St. Pe"tersbourg, 1863. i2mo. 12.715 JOEL (M.). Schliissel zu den Aufgaben in der russischen Grammatik nach Ollen- dorffs Methode. Frankfurt a/M., 1854. 8vo. 12,716 Anleitung zur Erlernung der russischen Sprache. (Ollendorf Method.) Frankfurt a/M., 1854. Svo. 12.717 KARJAVINE (Th.). Remarques sur la langue russienne et sur son Alphabet. Saint-Pe"tersbourg, 1791. 4to. 12.718 KAYSSLER (L.). Die Lehre vom russischen Accent. Berlin, 1866. Svo. 12.719 KEMPIS (Thos. a). The Imitation of Christ in Russian, in the Russian character. With Portrait. Moscow, 1834. izmo, half calf. 12.720 The Imitation of Christ, translated into Russian by M. M. Speranski. St. Petersburg, 1848. Svo, morocco. (Russian characters.) 12.721 KNIGA MOLITVOSLOV. A liturgical Prayer Book or Office Book of the Russian Church. Printed at the Monastery Petchersk, Kiev, 1748. lamo, morocco. (In the Cyrillian character.) 12,722 Another edition. Printed at the same place and in the same character. 1828. i2mo, morocco. Both works have the following title on the cover : Liber precum Slavonice. 12.723 KOTSIPINSKI (Ant). National Songs from Podolia, Ukraine and Little Russia, collected by Ant. Kotsipinski, with music. Kieff, 1862. Svo, uncut. (In the Russian character.) 12.724 A large copy of the same. Kieff, 1862. 410. 12.725 KOWALEWSKI (B.). A Russian Reading Book in the Russian character. Vienna, 1852. 8vo. 12.726 KRILOFF (I. A.). Fables russes tire"es du recueil de M. Kriloff, et imite'es en vers fran^ais et italiens par divers auteurs, pre'ce'de'es d'une introduction fran9aise de M. Le'montey et d'une preTace italienne par M. Salfi. Publie'es par M. Le Comte Orloflf. Orn6es du portrait de M. Kriloff et de cinq gravures. Paris, 1825. Svo, half morocco. 665 12.727 KRIVOROTOF (P.). An Italian-Russian Dictionary. Moscow, 1838. 8vo, half morocco. (In the Russian character.) 12.728 KRYAGEFF (B.). New Practical Dialogues, each preceded by a suitable Vocabu- lary in English and Russ. Moscow, 1 8 1 1. 8vo, half calf. 12.729 LANGUEN (Jacques). Manuel de la langue russe A 1'usage des etrangers, suivi d'un precis historique sur la littrature russe. Mitau, 181 1. 8vo. 12.730 Petit Manuel russe & 1'usage des Grangers. St. Ptersbourg, 1825. 410, half calf. 12.731 Petit Manuel de la langue russe, ouvrage dans lequel les mots russes sont rpr6sente"es avec leur prononciation figured en caracteres frangais et prosodies. St. Pe"tersbourg, 1850. i2mo. 12.732 Petit Manuel de la langue russe. Nouvelle Edition, revue et augmented par Ch. Ph. Reiff. Paris, 1858. i2mo. 12.733 LEXICON. Teutsch-lateinisch- und russisches Lexicon, samt denen Anfangs- Griinden der russischen Sprache. St. Petersburg, 1731. 410, calf. 12.734 : Russian and French Lexicon (in Russian character). St. Petersburg, 1762. 8vo, calf. 12.735 LIED vom Heereszuge Igors gegen die Polowzer. Altestes russisches Sprachdenk- mal aus dem xii Jahrhundert im Urtexte mil Commentar, Grammatik, Glossar und einer metrischen Ubersetzung, herausgegeben von Dr. Aug. Boltz. Berlin, 1854. 8vo. 12.736 LITURGY. The Order for Morning Prayer daily throughout the year, according to the use of the United Church of England and Ireland ; The Litany ; and, The Order of the Administration of the Lord's Supper, or Holy Communion. London, 1864. i2mo. In three unbound parts. (In the Russian character.) 12.737 LIVRE de lecture russe, ou, Recueil de pieces choisies en prose et en vers tirees des meilleurs Auteurs russes. Riga, 1805. 8vo, half calf. 12.738 LOMONOSSOF (M.). A Russian Grammar (in the Russian character). St. Peters- burg, 1755. 8vo, calf. Frontispiece. 12.739 Another copy without the frontispiece. Half calf. In different type. 12.740 Grammar of the Russian Language for Russians. In the Russian character. 1755. St. Petersburg, 1855. 8vo, half morocco. 12.741 LOZINSKI (J.). Grammatyka Jezyka Ruskiego (Malo Ruskiego). Przemysl, 1846. 8vo, half calf. (A Polish Grammar of the Russian language.) 12.742 LUDOLF (H. W.). Grammatica Russica .... additi sunt modi loquendi communiores, germanice aeque ac latine explicati, cum brevi vocabulario rerutn naturalium. Oxonii, e Th. sheld., 1696. 410, calf. Rare. < 12.743 MAUDRU (J.-B.). Ele'mens raisonne"s de la langue russe, ou, Principes ge'ne'raux de la Grammaire appliques a la lange russe. Paris, an x. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. 12.744 MELANGES russes tire's du Bulletin historico-philologique de 1' Academic Impe'riale de Sciences de St. Pe"tersbourg. St. Ptersbourg, 1851-56. 4to, half morocco. 3 vols. 12.745 russes tires du Bulletin historico-philologique et du Bulletin de 1' Academic Imp6riale des Sciences de St. P^tersbourg. 1 860-69. 410. Tome iv in five parts. 666 12.746 MIKLOSICH (F.)- Tiber die Sprache der altesten russischen Chronisten vorziiglich Nestor's. Wien, 1855. 8vo. 12.747 MIKSE (F. O.). Mluvnice Ruske"ho Jazyka. Praze (Prague), 1867. 8vo. In 3 parts. (A Bohemian Grammar of the Russian Tongue.) 12.748 MORFILL (W. R.). The peasant poets of Russia. London, 1880. Reprinted from the Westminster Review for July 1880. Presentation copy from the author. 12.749 NARODNIA Pjasne Vologodsko i Olonetskoljybernie. National Songs from the Governments of Vologda and Olonets, collected by Ph. Studitski. St. Petersburg, 1841. 8vo, uncut. 12.750 NESTOR. Russische Annalen in ihrer slavonischen Grundsprache verglichen, iibersetzt, und erklart von Aug. Lud. Schlozer. Gottingen, 1802. 8vo, half calf. 12.751 NIKOLITSCH (I.). Etymologischer Theil der russischen Grammatik. Mitau und Leipzig, 1851. 8vo, half morocco. 12.752 NOAKOWSKIEGO (Fr ). Grammatyka Rossyjska dla Polakow. Lipsku, 1837. 8vo. (A Russian Grammar for Poles.) 12.753 NORDSTET (I.). Russian-German-French dictionary. St. Petersburg, 1780-82. 4to, calf. 2 vols. Very rare. 12.754 NOSOVITCH (I. I.). Slovar Bjalorysskago Narjatschij. St. Petersburg, 1870. 4to, uncut. (Dictionary of the White Russian Dialect.) I2 75S OBSERVATIONS sur la ressemblance frappante que 1'on de"couvre entre la langue des Russes et celle des Romains. Milan, 1817. 4to. 12.756 CERTEL (B.). Dictionnaire francais-russe. St. Pe"tersbourg, 1841-43. 410. 3 vols. 12.757 OLBCHUNA (M. D.). Catalogue of Russian Books from 1831 to 1846, in the Russian character. St. Petersburg, 1 846. 4to, half calf. 12.758 OLDEKOP (August). Russisch-deutsches und deutsch-russisches Taschen- worterbuch. St. Petersburg, 1824-35. 8vo, half morocco. 5 vols. 12.759 Nouveau dictionnaire de poche fran9ais-russe et russe-fran9ais. Saint- P6tersbourg, 1841. 8 vo, half calf. 2 vols. 12.760 OSADZ (Michael). Gramatika Ruskogo Jazika. Lwow (Lemberg). 2nd edition, 1864. 410, uncut. A Grammar of the Russian Tongue, written in Ruthenian and in the Cyrillian character. 12.761 OTTO (Fr.). The History of Russian Literature, with a Lexicon of Russian Authors. Translated from the German by George Cox, M.A. Oxford, 1839. 8vo. 12.762 PAWLOWSKY (I.). Russische Sprachlehre fur Deutsche. Mitau und Leipzig, 1853. 8vo, half morocco. 12,763 Vollstandiges deutsch-russisches Worterbuch. Riga, 1856. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. in one. 12.764 Vollstandiges russisch-deutsches Worterbuch. Riga, 1859. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. in one. 12.765 PEREBLYSKI (P.). A Practical Russian Grammar. (In Russian characters.) St. Petersburg, 1859. i2mo, half morocco. 667 12.766 PIHLEMANN (J.). Praktischer Leitfaden mm Erlernen der russischen Sprache. Reval, 1859. 8vo, half morocco. 12.767 PUCHMAYER ^A. J.). Lehrgebiiude der russischen Sprache. Nach dem Lehrge- baude der bohmischen Sprache des Hrn. Abbe" Dobrowsky. Prag : The dedication is dated 1818 and the Preface 1820. 8vo, half calf. 12.768 PUSHKIN (A.). Stikhotvorenia. Poems. Leipzig, 1861. 8vo. (In Russian characters.) 12.769 RALSTON (W. R. S ). The Songs of the Russian People, as illustrative of Slavonic Mythology and Russian social life. Second edition. London, 1872. 8vo. 12.770 RAPPORTS entre la langue Sanscrit et la langue russe. Pr6sents a l'Acadmie Impe'riale russe. St. P6tersbourg, 1 8 1 1 . 410. 12.771 REIFF (Ch. Ph.). Grammaire russe. Pre'ce'de'e d'une introduction sur la langue slavonne. Saint-Pe'tersbourg, 1821. 410. 12.772 Dictionnaire russe-frangais, ou, Dictionnaire e"tymologique de la langue russe. Saint-Pe'tersbourg, 1835-36. 8 vo, half calf. 2 vols. 12.773 Grammaire russe pr6cde"e d'une Introduction sur la langue slavonne. St. Pe"tersbourg, 1851. 8vo, half calf. 12.774 Deutsch-russische Sprachlehre, oder, Grundsatze der russischen Sprache zum Gebrauche fur Deutsche. Carlsruhe und Leipzig, 1853. 8vo, half calf. 12.775 English-Russian Grammar. Carlsruhe and Leipzig, 1853. 8vo, half calf. 12.776 Little Manual of the Russian language. Paris, 1858. i2mo. I2 777 Grammaire fran9aise-russe, ou, Principes de la langue russe 1'usage des Franc,ais. Paris, 1860. 8vo. 12.778 RODDE (J.). Russische Sprachlehre. Riga, 1789. 4th edition. 8vo, calf. 12.779 RUSSE (Der kleine), oder, Sammlung der zum Sprechen nothigsten Worter und Redensarten, nebst einigen Gesprachen fur das gemeine Leben. Russisch und deutsch. St. Petersburg, 1844. 410, half morocco. 12.780 SCHIMKIEVITSCH (Theodore). A short dictionary of the Russian language, compared with all the chief Slavonic dialects, and with 24 foreign languages. St. Petersburg, 1842. 8vo. In the Russian character. 16 pages are unfortunately missing from the beginning of the 1st part. 12.781 SCHMIDT (E. von). Kritische Betrachtung der in Bezug auf die russischen Verba herrschenden grammatischen Systeme, und Versuch zur einfachern Anordnung desselben Gegenstandes. Dorpat, 1844. 8vo. 12,782 (J. A. E.). Praktische Grammatik der russischen Sprache. Leipzig, 1813. 8vo, half morocco. 12,783 Leitfaden zur grundlichen Erlernung der russischen Sprache in zwey Theilen. Leipzig, 1831-51. 8vo, half calf. (Both vols. bound in one.) 12.784 Neues russisch-deutsches und deutsch-russisches Taschenworterbuch von J. A. E. Schmidt. Leipzig, Tauchnitz, n.d. 8vo, half morocco. 12.785 Nouveau Dictionnaire portatif russe-franc,ais et fran9ais-russe. Leipzig, n.d. 8vo, half calf. (Stereotype.) 12,786 Russisch-deutsches und deutsch-russisches Handworterbuch. Leipzig, n.d. 8vo, half calf. 668 12.787 SERNO-SOLOWJEWITSCH (A.). Russische Grammatik fur Deutsche. Reval, 1853. 8vo, half morocco. 12.788 STRAHLENBERG (Baron de). Description historique de 1'Empire russien ; traduite de 1'ouvrage allemand de M. le Baron de Strahlenberg. Amsterdam, 1757. 1 2 mo, calf. 12.789 STROEV (Paul). A descriptive Catalogue of early printed Slavonic books in the Library of Ivan Nicetas Tsarski. Moscow, 1836. 8vo, uncut. 12.790 TAPPE (A. W.). Russische Sprachlehre fiir Deutsche. 7 e Auflage. St. Petersburg, 1835. 8vo, half calf. 12.791 TATISCHEFF (Jean de). Dictionnaire complet franQois' et russe, compose" sur la nouvelle edition de celui de TAcad^mie francjaise. Moscou, 1816. 410, half calf. 2 vols. 12.792 TATISTSCHEW (Serge). Nouveau dictionnaire fran9ais et russe. Moscou, 1832. 4to, half calf. 2 vols. 12.793 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). The New Testament in the Russian character. St. Petersburg, 1817. 8vo, calf. 12.794 The New Testament in Russian characters. St. Petersburg, 1823. izmo, calf. 12.795 The New Testament in the Russian language and characters. Leipzig, 1838. 8vo, morocco. 1 2,796 Svjate Pismo Novogo Savity. (The New Testament in the Russian dialect of Ukraine.) Vienna, 1871-80. 8vo. 12.797 St. Matthew. The Gospel of St. Matthew in the Russian dialect of Ukraine. Vienna, 1871. 8vo. (In the Russian character.) 12.798 VATER (J. S.). Praktische Grammatik der russischen Sprache. Leipzig, 1814. 8vo, half calf. 11.799 VXVRA (E.). Rusky tlumocnik. Praze (Prague), 1868. 8vo. The Russian Valise, a Bohemian method to learn Russian. RUTHENIAN. 12.800 LEWICKI (J.). Grammatik der ruthenischen oder klein russischen Sprache in Galizien. Przemysl, 1834. 8vo. 12.801 LUTSKAY (M.). Grammatica Slavo-Ruthena ; seu, Vetero-Slavicae, et actu in Montibus Carpathicis Parvo-Russicae, seu dialecti vigentis linguae. Budae, 1830. 8vo, half calf. 12.802 PARTYCKIJ (E.). Deutsch-ruthenisches Handworterbuch. Lemberg, 1867. 8vo, half calf. 12.803 PICHLER (K. W.). Kurzgefasste russinische Sprachlehre. Lemberg, 1849. 12.804 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). St. Luke. Evangelic Luki. (The Gospel of St. Luke in Ruthenian ; Cyrillian characters.) Lemberg, 1874. 8vo. 669 POLISH. 12.805 ADAMOWICZ (Alex.). Praktische polnische Grammatik fur Teutsche. Mit einem Worterbuche versehen. Berlin, 1794. 8vo. 12.806 BANDTKE (G. S.). Vollstandiges polnisch-deutsches Worterbuch zum Handge- brauch fiir Deutsche und Polen. Breslau, 1806. 8vo. 2 vols. 12.807 - Neues Taschenwb'rterbuch der deutschen, polnischen, und franzosischen Sprache. Wroclawiu (Breslau), 1828. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. 12.808 BARANOWSKI (J. J.). Anglo-Polish Lexicon. Warsaw, 1883. 8vo. 2 vols. 12.809 BELLENGER et FORSTER (MM.). Nouveau Guide de Conversations modernes en fran9ais et en polonais. Berlin, 1854. 12,810 BIBLE. Biblia, to iest, Wszystko Pismo Swiete Starego i Nowego Przymierza. Berlinie, 1810. 8vo, calf. 1 2,8 1 1 - Biblia, to iest, Ksiegi Starego y Nowego Testamentu, edycyi Wnlgaty tlumaczenia x Jacuba Wuyka w Krakowie, 1599 roku wydane. Moskwie, 1822. 8vo, calf. 12.812 - Biblia, to iest, Wszystko Pismo Swiete Starego i Nowego Przymierza, etc. Wroclawiu (Breslau), 1836. 8vo, calf. A reprint of the Dantzic edition, 1632, by Paul Paliunis, Dan, Micholaierius and Th. Wengierscius, for the use of the New Reformed. 12.813 - Biblia, to iest, Wszystko Pismo Swiete Starego i Nowego Przymierza wedlug edycyi Biblii Gdan'skie'y w Roku 1632 wydan6y ulozone a teraz dla Pozytku Zbor6\v Polskich Ewangielickich podlug Biblii Berlinskidy w Roku 1810 wydandy na nowo przedrukowane. Lipsku, 1840. 8vo, morocco. 12.814 BRONIKOWSKIEGO (X.). Grammatyka Jezyka Polskiego. Paryz, 1848. i2mo, half calf. 12,815 12,816 12,817 CNAPIUS (G.). Synonima, seu, Dictionarium Polono-Latinum. 5* editio. Cracoviae, 1662. 8vo, vellum. studiosae juventutis Polonae. Calissii, 1698. 8vo, morocco. poeticarum apparatu auctus ; nee non innumeris Latinis, Polonicis, ac Germanicis vocabulis locupletatus per Admodum R. P. Paulum Kollacz. Varsaviae, Leopoli et Dresdae, 1780. 410, half calf. 12.818 DAHLMANN (P.). Dictionnaire de poche des langues polonaise et fran9aise ; (fran 86o Neunte Auflage. Breslau, 1809. 8vo, half calf. 12.861 MORFILL (W. R.). A Simplified Grammar of the Polish Language. (Triibner's Collection.) London, 1884. 8vo. 12.862 MRONGOVIUS (C. C.). Polnisch-deutsches Worterbuch, Konigsberg, 1835. 4to, half calf. 12.863 Deutsch-polnisches Worterbuch. Konigsberg, 1837. 410, half calf. 12.864 Deutsch-polnisches Worterbuch. Konigsberg, 1854. Dritte Auflage. Neu bearbeitet und ansehnlich vermehrt durch Dr. W. Wyszomierski. 8vo, half morocco. ! 2,865 . Ausfiihrliche Grammatik der polnischen Sprache. Danzig, 1837. 8vo, half morocco. 672 12.866 NOMENCLATOR czyli Slownik z Polskiego Lacinski. Kaliszu, 1771. 8vo, half calf. (Polish-Latin Vocabulary.) 12.867 ORDA (N.)- Grammaire analytique et pratique de la langue polonaise a 1'usage des Frangais. Paris, 1856. 8vo, half morocco. 12.868 PAINVIN (Fr.)- Grammatyka Francuzka i Polska. Warszawie, 1806. 8vo, half calf. (French and Polish Grammar.) 12,869 Another edition. Warszawie, 1809. 8vo, half calf. 12.870 PAPLONSKIEGO (J.). Odpowiedz na artykul umieszczony w 4*7 N rze Przegladu naukowego pod tytulem : Doslowny przedruk z autografu, podpisanego przez W. Lindego o jego Slowniku. No date and place. A reply to the article entitled Doslowny, etc., above. 12.871 PARKOSSIUS (J.). De Orthographia Polonica libellus. Opera et studio G. S. Bandtkie editus. Posnaniae, 1830. i2mo, half calf. 12.872 PIESNI Polskie i Ruskie ludu Galicyjskiego. Lwowie (Lemberg), 1833. 8vo. 2 vols. Songs of the Gallician people with airs ; collected and edited by W. Zoleska, and music arranged by K. Lipinskiego. 12.873 POHL (K.). Grammatik der polnischen Sprache, mit polnischen und deutschen Uebungsaufgaben, Gespriichen, Titulaturen und den zum Sprechen nothigsten Wortern. Auflage iii. Breslau, 1839. 8vo, half calf. 12.874 Auflage v. Breslau, 1849. 8vo, half calf. 12.875 POLA (Wincentego). Historyczny obszar Polski. Krakow, 1869. 410. 12.876 POPLINSKI (J.). Grammatik der polnischen Sprache nach Kopczynski, Cassius, Bandtke und Mrozinski. Lissa und Gressen, 1840. izmo, half calf. 12.877 RYKACZEWSKI (E.). Grammaire de la langue polonaise. Berlin et Posen, 1861. 8vo. 12.878 RYMARKIEWICZ (Dr.). Ueber die Konjugation im polnischen. Posen, 1852. 12.879 SCHLAG (G.). Polnische Sprachlehre. Breslau, 1734. 8vo. 12.880 SCHMIDT (J. A. E.). Nouveau dictionnaire portatif frangais-polonais et polonais- frangais. Leipzig, n.d. 8vo. (Stereotype.) 12.881 Polish-Russian and Russian-Polish Dictionary by J. A. E. Schmidt. Leipzig, Tauchnitz, n.d. 8vo, half morocco. 12.882 SCIBORSKI (M.). Abr6g6 de la grammaire polonoise. Lucko, 1798. 8vo, half calf. 12.883 SMITH (C. W.). Grammatik der polnischen Sprache. Berlin, 1864. 8vo. 12.884 SPACHTA (D.). Pokus cecha o naucenj se pocatkum grammatiky Jazyka polskeho. Praze, 1837. 8vo - (Bohemian Work on Polish Grammar.) 12.885 SZRZENIAWA'S Wortforschungslehre der polnischen Sprache. Lemberg, 1842-43. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. in one. 673 12,886 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Nowy Testament. Berlinie, 1810. 8vo, calf. The New Testament and Psalter in Polish according to the Dantzic edition of 1632, and the Royal Edition of 1738. 12,887 Nowy pana naszego Jezusa Chrystusa Testament przez x Jakuba Wuyka, S. J. na Polski Jezyk przelozony. Lipsku (Leipzig), 1830. 8vo, calf. 12,888 The New Testament in Polish, according to the Amsterdam edition of 1660. Warszawie, 1834. 8vo, calf. 12,889 Nowy Testament pana naszego Jezusa Chrystusa. Translated from the Greek. Lipsku, 1845. 8vo, calf. 12,890 Nowy Testament pana naszego Jezusa Chrystusa podlug edycyi Gdanskiej. Londyn, 1853. 8vo, calf. 12.891 TRABCZYNSKI (Pabb6). Grammaire raisonn6e, ou, Principes de la langue polonaise. Varsovie, 1793. 4to, calf. 2 vols. 12.892 TROIANSKI (J. K.). Ausfiihrliches polnisch-deutsches Handworterbuch zum Gebrauche fur Deutsche und Polen. Posen, Berlin und Bromberg, 1835-36. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. 12.893 Ausfiihrliches deutsch-polnisches Handworterbuch zum Gebrauche fur Polen und Deutsche. Posen, Berlin und Bromberg, 1844-47. 8vo, na ^ ca ^- 2 vols. 12.894 TROTZ (M. A.). Nouveau dictionnaire fran9ais, allemand et polonais. Breslau, 1832. 8vo, half vellum. 2 vols. 12.895 Nouveau dictionnaire polonais, allemand et fran9ais. Breslau, 1832. 8vo, half vellum. 2 vols. 12.896 VATER (J. S.). Grammaire polonaise. Tables. Four sheets on Polish Grammar, folded in case. 12.897 Grammaire abrege"e de la langue polonoise, consistant en tableaux, regies et exemples. Halle et Strasbourg, 1 807. 8vo, half calf. 12.898 WECLEWSKI (S.). Ueber das polnische Lautsystem. Culm, 1853. 410. 12.899 ZMUDZINSKIEGO (Kaz.). Gramatyka Jezyka Polskiego. Krakowie, 1862. 8vo. BOHEMIAN. 12.900 ABECEDAR ANEB SLABIKAR. Budan, 1828. 8vo, half calf. (Bohemian- Hungarian Primer.) 12.901 ALPHABETUM Boemicum in quo recta pronunciatio, et scriptio exhibetur, non solum discentibus sed etiam Boemice callentibus. Pragae, 1718. 8vo, calf. 12.902 BEITRAGE zur Geschichte Bohmen's. Abtheilung ii, Abhandlungen. Band ii. Aberglauben und Gebrauche aus Bohmen und Miihren. Gesammelt und heraus- gegeben von Dr. Joseph Virgil Grohmann. Band i. Prag und Leipzig, 1864. 8vo. 12.903 BIBLE. Manualnjk. Aneb Gadro cele Biblj Swate. Amsteroddm, Gabriele a Roy, 1658. i2mo, calf. Rare. 43 674 12,904 BIBLE. Biblia Sacra, to gest, Biblj Swata, aneb wssecka Swata Pisma Stareho y Nowe"ho Zakona. No town (Berlin), 1807. 8vo, calf. ,2,905 Another edition. No town (? Presburg), 1808. 8vo, morocco. , 2>9 o6 Berline, 1813. 8vo, calf. 12,907 (Berlin), 1831. 8vo, calf. J 2j9 o8 Biblia Sacra, to jest, Bibli Svata, aneb vsecka svatd pfsma Stare"ho i Nove'ho Zakona. Praze, 1866. 8vo, uncut. ,2,909 Bibli Svate". Nakladatel, I. L. Kober, v Praze, 1861-64. 4 to - The Holy Bible in Czech down to the second chapter of the First Epistle of St. Peter, in 29 parts. Illustrated. 12.910 BLAHOSLAWA (J.). Grammatika Ceskd. Widni, 1857. 8vo, half morocco. (Bohemian Grammar.) 12.911 BOWRING (J.). Cheskian Anthology : being a history of the poetical literature of Bohemia, with translated specimens. London, 1832. i2mo, half morocco. 12.912 BURIAN (Th.). Lehrbuch der bohmischen Sprache fiir Deutsche. Prag und Koniggratz, 184.3. 8vo, half calf. 12.913 CEBUSKY (A.). Grammatik der bohmischen Sprache. Wien, 1850. 8vo, half calf. 12.914 CONSTANTIUS (P.). Grammatica linguae Boemicae, methodo facili in qua specialiter insertae sunt Regulae Orthographicae accuratissimae R. P. Konstantii, S. J. Vetero-Pragae, 1715. 8vo, calf. 12.915 Another edition. With frontispiece. Pragae, 1732. 8vo, calf. 12.916 Pragae, 1753. 8vo, half calf. 12.917 CUPR (Fr.). Praktischer Lehrgang zum schnellen und leichten Erlernen der bohmischen Sprache. Prag, 1852. 12.918 DIEFENBACH (L.). Mittellateinisch-hochdeutsch-bohmisches Worterbuch, nach einer Handschrift vom Jahre 1470. Frankfurt a/M., 1846. 8 vo, half calf. 12.919 DOBROWSKY (J.). Geschichte der bohmischen Sprache und Litteratur. Prag, 1792. 8vo, calf. 12.920 Geschichte der bohmischen Sprache und siltern Litteratur. Mit einer Kupfertafel. Prag, 1818. 8vo, half calf. 12.921 Lehrgebaude der bohmischen Sprache. Prag, 1819. 8vo, half calf. 12.922 Ausfiihrliches und vollstiindiges deutsch-bohmisches synonymisch- phraseologisches Worterbuch. Prag, 1821. 4to, half calf. 2 vols. 12.923 DOLESCHALIUS (P.). Grammatica slavico-bohemica, cum praefat. Matt. Bellii. Posonii, 1746. 8 vo, half calf. 12.924 FASTER (Caspar). Slovnfk Cesko-Francouzsky. Praze (Prague), 1875. 8vo. (Bohemian-French Dictionary.) 12.925 Dictionnaire franc,ais-tcheque. Praze (Prague), 1879. 8vo. 675 12.926 FEIFALIK (Julius). Untersuchungen liber altbohmische Vers- und Reimkunst. Wien, 1859-62. 8vo. 2 parts. 12.927 - Zwei bohmische Volksbucher zur Sage von Reinfrit von Braunschweig. Wien, 1859. 8vo. 12.928 HANKA(W.). Wypisky remesske'ho a ostromjrske'ho Ewangelium. Praze, n.d. 4(0. Extracts from the Gospels. 12.929 - Mluwnice cili saustawa Ceskeho Gazyka. Podle Dobrowskeho. Praze, 1822. 8vo, half morocco. (Bohemian Grammar.) 12.930 HANUS (J. J.). ^ Prochazky ^po obofe mluvozpytu a starozitnostf Slovanskych. S uvodem o pfibuznosti a zivobytf feci indo-europskych. Praze, 1856. 8vo. 12.931 HATTALA (M.). Srovnavaci Mluvnice Jazyka Ceskeho a Slovenskeho. Praze, 1857. 8vo, half morocco. 12.932 JACOBI (Victor). Die Bedeutung der bohmischen Dorfnamen fur Sprach- und Weltgeschichte. Leipzig, 1856. 8vo, half morocco. I2 >933 JONAS (Ch.). Dictionary of the Bohemian and English Languages. Two parts, with Supplement to the first part. Racine, Wis., 1876. 12,934 JORDAN (J. P.). Worterbuch der bohmischen und deutschen Sprache von Dr. J. P. Jordan. Leipzig, (Tauchnitz), n.d. 8vo, half morocco. I2 >935 JUNGMANN (Josef). Slownjk Cesko-Ne'mecky. Praze, 1835-39. 410, half calf. 5 vols. Tsech (Bohemian)-German dictionary. With Portrait. 12.936 -- Historic Literatury Ceske. Praze, 1849. 8vo, half calf. With Portrait. 12.937 KEMPIS (Thos. a). T. Kempenskeho Zlata kniha, o Nasledowany Krista. Hradci Kralow6 (Koniggratz), 1844. i2mo, morocco. (Translated by A. Stranskeho.) 12.938 KHEIL SOHN (G. P.). Deutsch-bohmisches Worterbuch der Waarenbenen- nungen mit Beriicksichtigung der lateinischen Terminologie. Prag, 1864. 8vo. 12.939 KLA'CEL (M. F.). Pocatky wedecke" Mluwnictwi Ceskeho. Brne, 1843. 8vo, half morocco. Grammatical work on the Tsech Tongue. 12.940 KONECNY (J. N.). Theoretisch-practische Anleitung zur schnellen und griind- lichen Erlernung der cechisch-slavischen Sprache, nach einer neuen, leicht fasslichen Methode. (Mit der neuen Orthographic.) Wien, 1842. 8vo, half calf. 12>94I --- Dritte Auflage. Wien, 1849 and 1846. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. in one. 12,942 - Grundziige der neuen Orthographic der cechischen Sprache sammt Uebungsaufgaben zum Dictando-Schreiben. Wien, 1846. 56 pages. Taschen-Worterbuch der cechoslawischen und deutschen Sprache. Wien, 1850. Zweite Auflage. 8 vo, half calf. 2 vols. 12,944 MACHA'CEK (S. R.). Bohmische Chrestomathie fur Deutsche. Mit Erliiuterungen und einem vollstandigen hiezu gehorigen Worterbuche. Prag, 1830. 8vo, half morocco. 676 12945 MALY (I.)- Praktische cechische Sprachlehre fiir Deutsche. Prag, 1851. 8vo, half calf. 12,946 NEGEDLY (J.). Lehrbuch der bohmischen Sprache fiir Bohmen. Prag, 1830. 8vo. 12,947 Lehrbuch der bohmischen Sprache fiir Deutsche. Prag, 1830. 8vo, half calf. 12.948 PALKOWITSCH (G.). Bohmisch-deutsch-lateinisches Worterbuch. Prag, 1820- 1821. 8vo, half calf. 12.949 PELZEL (F. M.). Grundsatze der bohmischen Grammatik. Prag, 1798. 8vo. 12.950 POHL (J. W.). Grammatica Linguae Bohemicae, oder, Die bohmische Sprach- Kunst. Wien, Prag und Triest, 1756. 8vo, calf. 12.951 RANK (J.)- Taschen-Worterbuch der bohmischen und deutschen Sprache. Prag, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. 12.952 Another edition. Prag, 1865. 8vo. 12 953 Rusko Cesky Slovnik. Praze (Prague), 1870-72. 8vo. In 9 parts. (Russian-Bohemian Dictionary.) 12.954 RAZDODENNE w poboznosti cwiceni. Ostribome, 1827. 8vo. (Prayer Book.) 12.955 REINSBERG-DURINGSFELD (O. Frh. von). Fest-Kalender aus Bohmen. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Volkslebens und Volksglaubens in Bohmen. Wien und Prag, 1861. 8vo, half morocco. 12.956 Fest-Kalender aus Bohmen. Wien und Prag, 1861. Parts 2, 3 and 4. 8vo. 12.957 RESCHEL. Dictionarium Latino-Bohemicum. Olomucii, apud J. Guntherum, 1560. 410, calf. Rare. 12.958 ROSA (W. J.). Grammatica Linguae Bohemicae. Micro-Pragae, (Typis Joan. Arnolti), n.d. 8vo. 12.959 SCHAFARIK or SAFARIK (P. J.). Elemente der altbShmischen Grammatik. I. Theil der Sammlung slawischer Grammatiken herausgegeben von Dr. J. P. Jordan. Leipzig, 1847. 8vo, half calf. 12.960 Nemecko-Cesky Slovnik v6deck6ho ndzvoslovi. (Deutsch-bohmische wissenschaftliche Terminologie.) Praze, 1853. 410, half morocco. 12.961 SLAVE (Der Kleine), oder: Sammlung der zum Sprechen nb'thigsten Worter und Redensarten, nebst leichten Gesprachen und einem fiir das gesellschaftliche Leben topographischen Worterklarer. Bohmisch und deutsch. Herausgegeben von Joseph Alexander Dunder. Leipzig, 1833. i2mo, half calf. 12.962 SPATNY(Fr.). Slownjk esko-nemecky. Praze, 1843. i2mo, half calf. (Bohemian- German Vocabulary.) 12.963 SUMAVSKY (J. Franta). Deutsch bohmisches Worterbuch. Prag, 1844-46. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. 12.964 Cesko-Ne"mecky Slovnik (Bohmisch-deutsches Worterbuch). Praze, 1851. 8vo, half calf. 12.965 Taschen-Worterbuch der bohmischen und deutschen Sprache. Prag, l8 53~54" 8v o> half calf. 2 vols. 677 12.966 TEREBELSKY (H.). Lehrbuch der bohmischen Sprache fur Deutsche. Wien, 1853. 8vo, half calf. 12.967 TESTAMENT. Nowy Zakon. No place, 1808. 8vo. (The New Testament.) 12.968 TESTAMENTS M (Novum). Nowy Zakon pana a Spasytele nasseho Gezjsse Krysta. Presspurku, 1814. izmo, calf. 12.969 Another edition. Kyseku, 1843. 8vo, calf. 12.970 1848. 8vo, calf. 12.971 THAM (K. Ig.). Bohmische Sprachlehre, nebst bohmisch, deutsch, franzosischen Gesprachen. Prag und Wien, 1785. 8vo, half calf. 12.972 Neues ausfuhrliches und vollstandiges deutsch-bohmisches Nazionallexikon oder Worterbuch. Mit einer Vorrede begleitet von J. Ch. Adelung. Prag, 1799. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. in one. 12,973 Neuestes ausfuhrliches und vollstandiges bohmisch-deutschessynonymisch- phraseologisches Nazionallexikon oder Worterbuch. Mit einer Vorrede des J. Ch. Adelung. Mit dem Bildnisse des Verfassers. Prag, 1805. 8 vo, half calf. 12.974 Bohmisch deutsches Taschenworterbuch. Prag, 1818. 410, half calf. 12.975 Deutsch-bohmisches Taschenworterbuch. Prag, 1837. 8vo, half calf. 12.976 TIEFTRUNK (K.). Bohmisches Lesebuch fur Deutsche. Prag, 1865. 8vo. 12.977 TOMICEK (J. S.). Lehrbuch der bohmischen Sprache fur Deutsche. Prag, 1851. 8vo, half calf. 12.978 Zweite vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage. Prag, 1855. 8vo, half morocco. 12.979 TOMSA (Franz Johann). Elementarwerk der bohmisch-deutsch und lateinischen Sprache. Erstes Bandchen. Prag, 1784. 8vo. 12.980 Vollstandiges Worterbuch der bohmisch-deutsch und lateinischen Sprache. Mit einer Vorrede begleitet von Joseph Dobrowsky. Prag, 1791. 8vo, half calf. 12.981 TRNKA (F.). Zweckmassige Uebungsstiicke u'ber die gesammten Regeln der slawischen Sprache in Bohmen, Mahren und Oberungarn, etc. Wien, 1832. 8vo, half calf. 12.982 WANEK (N.) und FRANTA (I. W.). Kurzgefasste Grammatik der bohmischen Sprache zum Selbstunterricht mil bestandiger Rucksicht auf die deutsche Sprache. Prag, 1838. 8vo, half morocco. 12.983 WOJTISEK (K. A). Neuer unfehlbarer Schlussel zur schnellsten Erlernung der bohmischen Sprache. Wien, 1848. 8vo, half calf. 12,084 Dritte Auflage. 1856. 8vo, half morocco. 12.985 ZBJRKA Neydawnegsjch Slownjku Latinsko-Ceskych ; Wydana od Wdclawa Hanky. Vetustissima vocabularia Latino-Boemica. Praze, 1833. 8vo, half morocco. With fac-simile. 12.986 ZIAK (V. P.). Bohmische Sprachlehre fur Deutsche. Briinn, 1849. 8vo, half calf. 12.987 ZIEGLER (J. L.). Deutschbohmische Sprachlehre. Caslau, 1845. 8vo, half calf. 12.988 ZILJSKI (M. M.) Uzajemna slovnica ali mluvnica slavjanska. Pragu, 1865. 8vo. (Grammar.) 678 SLOVAKIAN. 12.989 BERNOLAK (A.)- Schlowakische Grammatik. Aus dem lateinischen ins deutsche iibersetzet. Ofen, 1817. 8vo, half calf. 12.990 BIBLE. Swate" Pfsmo stareho i nowe"ho Zdkona podia obecne"ho latinske"ho, od s\v. Rimsko-Katolicke'g Cirkwi potwrfleneho. Ostrihome, 1829-32. 8vo, morocco. 2 vols. Canon George Palkovics's translation. 12.991 DIANISKA (K.). Grammatik der slowakischen Sprache fiir Deutsche. Wien, 1850. 8vo, half calf. 12.992 KALINA (Antoine). La Langue des Tziganes Slovaques. Posen, 1882. 8vo. 12.993 KEMPIS (Thos. a). Tomasse Kempenskeho z Radu swate"ho Augustyna Knihy Lztyry Zlate", O Nasledowanj Krysta Pana. Trnawe", 1782. i2mo, morocco. 12.994 Tomdse Kempenskeho etwero kneh o Nasledowani Krista. Lipsku (Leipzig), 1864. 8vo. Translated from the Latin by Frantisek Daucha. 12.995 PASTRNEK (Franz). Beitrage zur Lautlehre der slovakischen Sprache in Ungarn. Wien, 1888. 8vo. 12.996 VIKTORIN (Josef). Grammatik der slovakischen Sprache. (2nd edition.) Pest, 1862. 8vo. 12.997 3 r ^ edition. Pest, 1865. 8vo. SORBIAN OR WENDIC (INCLUDING VARIOUS DIALECTS). 12.998 BIBLTA, tu ie, use suetu pismu, Stariga inu Noviga Testamenta, Slovenski, tolmazhena, skusi luria Dalmatina. Gedruckt in der Churfiirstlichen Sachsischen Stadt Wittemberg / durch Hans Kraffts Erben, 1584. Folio, morocco. Rare. 12.999 BIBLE. Biblia Sorabica, sive Wendica. Bibliatoje: Zyle Szwjate Pismo Stareho a Noweho Sakonja. Budeschini (Bautzen), 1823. 8vo, calf. (Luther's version.) 13.000 Biblia Wendica. To Boze Pissmo Starego Testamenta sa Lutherussom. Do niederlausiskeje sserskeje Pe"zi pschestajone wot Johann Fried rich Friza, a wotnowotki pschegledane wot Johann Sigismund Friedrich Schindler. Barline, 1824. 8vo, morocco. The New Testament bound in this same volume bears the date Choschobusu, 1822. 13.001 Biblia, to je Zyle Szwjate Pissmo Stareho a Noweho Sakonja. Budeschini, 1849. 8vo, morocco. 1 3,002 Bibliske stawisny aby historiski wuczawk se Stareho a Noweho testamenta. Budyschinje (Bautzen), 1853. 8vo > half calf. (Old and New Testament Stones.) 13.003 BOEHMER (J.). Kyrlischowe-Knihi. Budeschini (Bautzen), 1741. 8vo. (Hymn Book.) 13.004 BOSE (C.). Wendisch-deutsches Handworterbuch nach dem oberlausitzer Diakkte. Grimma, 1840. 4to, half calf. 679 13.005 BRIEF DES JAKOBUS (Der). In wendischer Uebersetzung aus der Berliner Handschrift vom Jahre 1548 zum ersten Male mitgetheilt von Hermann Loize. Leipzig, 1867. 13.006 BRONIS (P.). Die slavischen Familiennamen in der Niederlausitz. Bautzen, 1867. 8vo. 1 3,007 BURMEISTER (C. C. H.). Ueber die Sprache der friiher in Meklenburg wohnenden Obodriten-Wenden. Rostock, 184.0. 8vo, half calf. 13.008 BUTTMANN (AL). Die deutschen Ortsnamen mil besonderer Berucksichtigung der urspriinglich wendischen in der Mittelmark und Niederlausitz. Berlin, 1856. 8vo, half morocco. 13.009 CASOPIS towdrstwa Macicy Serbskjeje. Redaktor, J. E. Smoler. Bautzen, 1848. (istyear.) 8vo. In parts. The same from 2nd year (1849-50) to the 23rd year (1870) ; in 1853-54 Jakub Buk became editor, and in 1868 Michael Hornik. Part I is wanting for 1868. 13.010 DAHLE (C. Ch.). Kleines Lehrbuch zur leichten Erlernung der niederlausitz- wendischen Sprache nach Dr. Ahn's Methode. Cottbus, 1857. 13.011 DAINKO (P.). Lehrbuch der windischen Sprache. Gratz, 1824. 8vo, half calf. 13.012 DUCMAN (H.). Pismowstwo Katholskich Serbow. Budysinje (Bautzen), 1869. 410. A Catalogue of Wendic Catholic Literature and Writers. 13.013 FAEDRUSOWE BASNICKI. Die Fabeln des Phadrus aus der lateinischen in die niederlausitzisch-serbische Sprache iibertragen von Ch. Fr. Stempel. Bautzen, 1854. 4to. 13.014 FRENCELIUS (Abrah.). De Originibus Linguae Sorabicae, libri duo. Budisinue- Lusatorum et Sittaviae-Lusatorum, Andreas Richter, 1693-95. 410, calf. 1066 pages. Rare. A short Preface at the beginning bears the date 1696, and at the end is added, " Pentaploos, sive quinque linguarum vocabula harmonica." 13.015 De Originibus Linguae Sorabicae. Budisinae-Lusatorum, (Andreas Richter), 1693-94, 410, half calf. 2 books in one. 421 pages, being only a portion of the preceding work. 13.016 GOSNARJA (Jana). Najstarscha sromadua kscheszijanska Wjera. Wojerezy, 1849. 8vo. Sermon on the most ancient means of transmitting the Faith. 13.017 GUTSMANN (O.). Deutsch-windisches Worterbuch, mit einer Sammlung der verdeutschten windischen Stammworter. Klagenfurt, 1789. 410, half calf. 13.018 Windische Sprachlehre. Klagenfurt, 1799. 8vo, half calf. 13.019 Another edition. Klagenfurt, 1829. 8vo, half morocco. 13.020 HAUPTMANN (J. G.). Nieder-lausitzsche wendische Grammatica. Liibben, 1761. 8vo, half calf. 13.021 HORNIK (Mich.). Citanka. Maly wubjerk z narodneho a nowiseho pismowstwa hornjoluziskich Serbow. Budysinje, 1863. 410. Primer. Short selections in Upper Lusatian dialect for the young. 680 13.022 INGEMANN (B. S.). Grundtrcek til en Nord-Slavisk og Vendisk Gudeloere. Indbydelsesskrift til den offentlige Examen ved Soroe Academies Skole. Kjobenhavn, 1824. 13.023 JAKUBA (E. B.). Sserbske home Luzizy aby statistiski Sapisk. Budyschini (Bautzen), 1848. 8vo. (Statistics about Upper Lusatia.) Kak mlodzenz p6ndze po czistym puczu ? Ssobudar na pucz psches sswjet do nebja. Budyschini (Bautzen), 1852. i2mo. 13.025 - Schtyri Prjedowanja se sawostajenstwa nebohknesa Handrija Lubenskeho, etc. Budyschini (Bautzen), 1858. 8vo. 13.026 JENCZ (K. A.)- Dobroty, Dziwy ha Ssudy Boze na israelskimi Dzjeczimi. Budyschini (Bautzen), 1849. i2mo. An historical account of the Jews and a geographical description of Judea. 13.027 - Selenska a jeje wobydlerjo. Budyschini (Bautzen), 1850-53. i2mo. 2 vols. 13.028 JORDAN (J. P.). Grammatik der wendisch-serbischen Sprache in der Oberlausitz. Prag, 1841. 8vo, half calf. 13.029 KEMPIS (Thos. a). Domascha Kempenskeho Schtwore Knihi wot Khodzenja sa Khrystussom. Budyschini (Bautzen), 1845. 410, morocco. 13.030 KNAUTBEN (Ch.). Derer oberlausitzen sorberwenden umstandliche Kirchen- geschichte. Gorlitz, 1767. 8vo. 13.031 KOCORA (K. A.). Wenc narodnych Spewow Hornjo- a Delnjoluziskich Serbow, z pfewodom fortepiana. Budysin (Bautzen), 1868. 13.032 - Sesc Spewow Serbskich za Sopran abo Tenor z prewodom fortepiana. Budyssin, n.d. Six Wendish Songs for Soprano or Tenor, with pianoforte accompaniment. 13.033 KORNER (Geo.). Philologisch-kritische Abhandlung von der wendischen Sprache und ihrem Rutzen in den Wissenschaften. Leipzig, 1766. 8vo. 13.034 KSCHIZNE w6jny sserbskemu ludu we sserbskej ryczi powedane. Budyschini (Bautzen), 1857. i2mo. 13.035 KULMANA (K.). Jakub abo Boze sslowo dyrbi w czloweku ziwenje d6stacz. Budyschini (Bautzen), 1859. 8vo. 13.036 LUZICAN. Casopis za zabawu a Powucenje. Redaktor, J. E. Smoler. Bautzen, 1864-5-6-7. (K. A. Fiedler, editor in 1866-67.) 1 5> Q Z1 MATTHAEUS (Geo.). Wendische Grammatica. Budissin (Bautzen), 1721. 8vo, half calf. 13,038 MIKLOSICH (Franz). Die Nominate Zusammensetzung im Serbischen. Wien, 1863. 410. '339 MUCKE (K. E.). Historische und vergleichende Laut- und Formenlehre der niedersorbischen Sprache. Leipzig, 1891. 8vo. From Preisschriften gckront und herausgegeben von der Fiirstlich Jablonowski' shen Gesellschaft zu Leipzig, xxviii. 681 13.040 MUCZINKA (J. B.). Ribowczenjo aby polityske Powedanczko snjetzischich Czassow. Budyschini (Bautzen), 1849. izmo. 13.041 Boza krassnosz w stworbi. Budyschini, 1851. izmo. 13.042 Another edition. Budyschini, 1854. izmo. 13.043 NADPAD pola Bukez. Budyschini (Bautzen), 1852. izmo. 13.044 OTTO (G. F.)- Lexikon der seit dem funfzehenden Jahrhunderte verstorbenen und jeztlebenden oberlausizischen Schriftsteller und Kunstler. Gorlitz, 1800-21. 8vo, calf. 4 vols. 13.045 PFUL (C. J.). Wumenkar aby hdzez ma w!6hu tarn rosze. Budyschini (Bautzen), 1851. izmo. 13.046 Wendisches Worterbuch. Budysinje (Bautzen), 1857-66. 8vo. In parts. 13.047 Hornjoluziska Serbska Rycnica na pfirunowacym stejiscu. Budysinje, i86z. 410. (VVendic or Upper Lusatian Grammar. Part i.) 13.048 Lausitzisch Wendisches Worterbuch. Verfasst und unter Mitwirkung von Pfarrer Seiler in Lohsa und Domvicar Hornig in Budissin. Budissin, 1866. 8vo. 13.049 Laut- und Formenlehre der oberlausitzischwendischen Sprache. Bautzen, 1867. 13.050 POTOCKI (Comte Jean). Voyage dans quelques parties de la Basse-Saxe pour la recherche des Antiquite*s Slaves ou Vendes. Fait en 1794. Ouvrage orne* d'un grand nombre de planches. Hamburg, 1795. 4to, half calf. This work contains a Wendic Vocabulary. 13.051 SCHEWERINA (Bedricha). Nedzela. Kr6nowany pisz. Budyschini (Bautzen), 1855. izmo. 13.052 SCHILLERA (Bjedricha). Pesen wo zwonu. Zeserbscena k Schillerowym stoletnym narodninam wot Handrija Ducmana. Budysinje, 1859. 26 pages. !353 SCHMALER (J. E.). Wendisch-deutsche Gesprache. Bautzen, 1841. 410, half calf. 13.054 Kurze Darstellung der allgemeinen wendischen Rechtschreibung. Bautzen, 1843. 8vo, half calf. 13.055 Deutsch-wendisches Worterbuch. Bautzen, 1843. 410, half calf. 131056 Kleine Grammatik der serbisch-wendischen Sprache in der Oberlausitz. Bautzen, 1852. 1 3>57 Welches ist die Lehre des athanasianischen Symbolums von der dritten Person in der Gottheit und wie wurde sie von wendischen Theologen sprachlich aufgefasst ? Eine historisch-philologische Dissertation. Bautzen, 1864. 410. i35 8 Di e slavischen Ortsnamen in der Oberlausitz und ihre Bedeutung. Bautzen, 1867. 4to. ij )059 Die Schmahschrift des Schmiedemeisters Stosch gegen die sprachwissen- schaftlichen Wenden, beleuchtet vom Standpunkte der Wissenschaft und Wahrheit. Bautzen, 1868. 682 13.060 SCHMIGOZ (J. L.). Windische Sprachlehre. Gratz, 1812. 8vo, half calf. 13.061 SCHMOLK (B.). Pschiblizowan k Bohu. Wojerezach, n.d. 8vo, half calf. (Book of Prayers.) 13.062 SCHNEIDER (F.). Grammatik der wendischen Sprache katholischen Dialect's. Budissin (Bautzen), 1853. 8vo half calf. 13.063 SEILER (A.). Grammatik der sorben-wendischen Sprache nach dem Budissiner Dialekte. Budissin (Bautzen), 1830. 8vo, half calf. 13.064 SELLENKO (G.). Slovennska Grammatika, oder, wendische Sprachlehre in deutsch und wendischen Vortrag. Zilli, 1791. 8vo, half calf. 13.065 SERBSKICH pfislowow a styri kopy pfislownych prajidmow (600). Wudal Jakub Buk. Budysinje (Bautzen), 1858. 8vo. 13.066 SOMERA (Dr.). Khrystof Kolumbus aby Namakanje Ameriki. Budyschini, 1853. 8vo. 13.067 SPJEWY sa sserbske schulje. Gesange fiir wendische Schulen. Gesammelt von Carl Ernst Becker (Wendic, Pekarja). Budyschini (Bautzen), 1856 und 1860. 8vo. 2 parts. 13.068 SSADOWA KNIZKA. Wudata wot klukschanskeho ratarskeho towarstwa psches jeho ssadowu dzjelbu. Budyschini (Bautzen), 1851. i2mo. 13.069 SSERBSKE bassnje sswojemu wulzy lubemu ludej podate k wuzitkej a k sabawenju wot H. S. Budyschini (Bautzen), 1855. izmo. 13.070 SWOTLIK (G. H.). Vocabularium Latino-Serbicum. Budeschne (Bautzen), 1721. 8vo, calf. 13.071 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Das Neue Testament .... in die wendische Sprache iibersetzt von Gottlieb Fabricio. Cottbus, 1821. 8vo, morocco. 13.072 Wendicum. Ten Nowi Testament. Translated into Wendic by Gottlieb Fabrizius. Choschobusu, 1822. 8vo, calf. 1 3>73 (Novum). Nowy Testament. (Luther's version.) Budeschini, 1835. 8vo, calf. 13.074 TiCINO (Jacobus). Principia linguae Wendicae, quam aliqui Wandalicam vocant (auctore Jac. Ticino). Pragae, 1679. izmo. Rare. 13.075 TZSCHIRNER (Dr.). Jo. Choinani linguae Riphathicae ad artis rites directae et a dialectis secretae aliqualis conatus. Part i ex libro Ms. edita. Cottbus, 1859. 410. 13.076 VOLKSLIEDER der Wenden in der Ober- und Nieder-Lausitz. Herausgegeben von Leopold Haupt und Johann Ernst Schmaler. Grimma, 1841. 410, half calf. 'J. ?? WICZAZEC PETRA. Serbske Pe"sniczki zezbe"rane Serbskim holcam a holcam kzweselenu wudate wot Cze'schczanskich. Budyschine (Bautzen), 1841. 8vo. (Poems.) 13,078 WOSOBNE Dar za Kzesczijanow m61iczkich ha wotrosczendch, wudate" wot A. M. M. Buka. Bude'schine', 1856. izmo. 683 i379 WOTROHA krala Jana hab6 zawozeno czeVkwitzki na Lubob6rku. Bude'schine (Bautzen), 1851. 8vo. 13.080 ZWAHR (J. G.). Niederlausitz-wendisch-deutsches Handworterbuch. Spremberg, 1847. 8vo, half morocco. BULGARIAN. 13.081 APRILOV (Vasili). Balgarskite Knizhnitsi ili na koe Slovensko pleme sovstvenno prinadlezhi Kirillovskata Azbuka ? Odessa, 1841. 8vo. On the Bulgarian letters, or, To which of the Slavonic races does the Cyrillian Alphabet properly belong ? In the Cyrillian character. 13.082 BIBLE. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testament in Bulgarian. In the Bulgarian character. Zarigrad (Constantinople), 1874. 8vo, calf. 13.083 Pentateuch. The Books of Moses in Bulgarian, in the Cyrillian character. Constantinople, 1860. izmo, morocco. 13.084 From Josue to the Book of Job in Bulgarian, in the Cyrillian character. Constantinople, 1862. iimo, morocco. 13.085 From the Psalter to the end of the Prophets in Bulgarian, in the Cyrillian character. Constantinople, 1864. i2mo. 13.086 Psalter, or Book of Psalms, in Cyrillian characters. Smyrna, 1855. izmo, morocco. '3 8 7 Psalter. The Psalter in the Bulgarian language and character. London, 1857. i2mo, morocco. 13.088 CANKOF (A. und D. Kyriak). Grammatik der Bulgarischen Sprache. Wien, 1852. 8vo, half calf. 13.089 CHLEBORAD (F. L.). Bulgarische Grammatik. Wien, 1888. 8vo. 13.090 DICTIONARY. Bulgarisch-deutsches Worterbuch. Sophia, 1 88 1. 8vo. 13.091 Deutsch-bulgarisches Worterbuch. Sophia, 1882. 8vo. 13.092 F&NELON. The first part of the Telemachus translated into Bulgarian by P. G. Pyperoba. Vienna, 1845. j2mo. In the Cyrillian character. I 3,93 GORBANOFF (P. V.). Petit Manuel pour apprendre la langue bulgare. Sophia, 1880. 8vo. 13.094 GRAMMAR of the Bulgarian Language with Exercises and English and Bulgarian Vocabularies. Galata, 1859. 8vo, half calf. 13.095 HANUS (L J.). Der Bulgarische Monch Chrabru, (ix-x Jahrhundert). Ein zeuge der verbreitung glagolischen Schriftwesens unter den slawen bei deren bekehrung durch die heiligen Kyril und Method. Wien, 1859. 8vo, half morocco. 13.096 JAKOVSKY (Jac.). Alphabetum Bulgaricum sive Cyrillianum nunc primum editum Catholicis Thraciae Bulgaris. Romae, 1844. 13.097 KIPILOVSKY (Anast. S.). Velisarii. Drama bj dvsi daistvijata. Leipsik, 1844. Belisarius. A play in two acts. In the Cyrillian character. 684 13.098 MIKLOSICH (Franz). Die Spracheder Bulgaren in Siebenbiirgen. Wien, 1856. 4to. 13.099 MILADNOVITCH (D. and C.)- Bulgarian National Songs; collected by the brothers Demetrius and Constantino Miladnovitch. Edited by Constantine Miladnovitch. Agram, 1861. 410. 13.100 NEOPHUTA (P. P.). Bulgarian Grammar translated into Servian by G. Mustakov. Kraguev, 1835. 8vo, half morocco. (Cyrillian character.) 13.101 OGNJANOVICH (K.). Zabavnik za Leto 1845. Paris. 8vo. Pocket-Book (Annual) for 1845. (In the Cyrillian character.) 13.102 PODHORSZKY (Ludwig). Ein Volksepos der Steinzeit. Erhalten in dem bul- garischen Epos von des Sonnengottes ehe mit der Wylkana. Klausenburg, 1879. (With a photograph.) 13.103 PRECES quaedam cum novem ikonibus xilographis, charactere Cirilliano impressae, in folio ut aiunt aperto. Romae, 1641. (Philip Stanislavov.) This title is taken from the Propaganda Catalogue of books for sale. 13.104 RIGGS (E.). Notes on the Grammar of the Bulgarian Language. Smyrna, 1844. izmo. 13.105 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). The New Testament in Bulgarian. Smyrna, 1840. 4to, calf. (In the Cyrillian character.) 13.106 The New Testament in the Bulgarian language and character. Smyrna, 1850. 410, morocco. 13.107 TOROPOBA (U. A.). Bulgarian-French Dictionary. Vienna, 1871. 8vo. 13.108 French-Bulgarian Dictionary. Vienna, 1873. 8vo. 13.109 VOUK STEPHANOVICH KARAJICH. Dodatak k Sanktpeterburg skim Srabnite Ijnim Kjechnizima svijy Jesika i narjechija, s osobisim ogledima Bugarskog Jezika. Bechy (Vienna), 1822. 8vo. (Cyrillian character.) SERVO-CROATIAN-INCLUDES SLAVONIC DIALECTS SPOKEN IN SERVIA, BOSNIA, HERZEGOVINA, MONTENEGRO, SLAVONIA, CROATIA, ISTRIA, DALMATIA, etc., etc. 13.110 ABC oder Namenbiichlein, zum Gebrauche der Servischen Jugend im Konigreiche Hungarn, und den dazu gehorigen Theilen. Wien, 1789. 8vo, half calf. (A Servian Grammar for Germans.) 13.111 AGUSTINOVIC DJURO. Poziv i odziv. Zadru (Zara), 1848, and Milan, 1849. 12010, half morocco. (Challenge and Reply. Poems.) 13.112 APPENDINI (F. M.). Notizie istorico-critiche sulle antichitd storia e letteratura de' Ragusei, divise in due tomi. Ragusa, 1802-1803. 410, half morocco. 2 vols. in one. With Plates. 1 3> 11 3 De Praestantia et Vetustate Linguae Illyricae. Ragusii, 1806. 8vo, half calf. 13,114. Grammatica della Lingua Illirica. Ragusa, 1808. 8vo, half calf. 685 13.115 APPENDINI (F. M.). Grammatica della lingua Illirica. (Edizione seconda.) Ragusa, 1828. 8vo, half morocco. 13.116 Third edition. Ragusa, 1838. 8vo, half calf. 13.117 AUSZLEGUNG (Kurtze) iiber die Sontag / unnd der fiirnembsten fest Evangelia, etc. Urach, 1562. 410, calf. Short comments on the Gospels for Sundays and Feasts from Luther, etc., written in Servo- Croatian in the Glagolitic character. Dedicated to the Grand Duke of Wiirtemberg. Rare. 13.118 AZBUKA Slavenska izjasnena Rimskom, po Pravopisaniju Dalmatskomu, Horvats- komu, Slavonskomu i Krajnskomu ; Ljubitelem svojega jezyka i pisma. Mljetkah (Venice), 1814. 16 pages. 13.119 BABIC (T.). Cvit razlika mirisa duhovnoga. Zadru, 1851. 8vo, half morocco. (Book of Prayers, Meditations, Hymns, Litanies and Psalms.) 13.120 BABUKIC (Vickoslavo). Osnova slovnice Slavjanske narecja Ilirskoga. Zagrebu, (1836). 410. (Attempt at an Illyrian Grammar.) 13.121 Grundziige der ilirischen Grammatik durch aus mil der neuen Orthographic. Mit einer sprachvergleichenden Vorrede von R. Frohlich. Wien, 1839. 8vo, half calf. 13.122 Elementi della Grammatica Illirica secondo la nuova ortografia di Viekoslavo Babukic, con una prefazione filologica di Rodolfo Frolich. Traduzione di G. A. K. Zara, 1846. 8vo. 13.123 Second edition. Zara, 1851. i2mo. 13.124 Third edition. Zara, 1860. 8vo. 13.125 Ilirska Slovnica. Zagrebu (Agram), 1854. 410, half morocco. (An Illyrian Dictionary and Grammar with Latin and German equivalents.) 13.126 BABYCH (F. Th.). Prima Grammaticae Institutio pro tyronibus Illyricis accomodata. Venetiis, 1745. 8vo, half calf. 13.127 BANOVAZ (J.). Blagosov od Poglia i Zakligniagnia zlii vrimena, etc. Jakinu, 1767. 8vo, calf. (Devotional.) 13.128 BAUDRAND (B.). Rasmiscgljajte ova Dobro. (Translated into Illyrian by V. Basile.) Rimu, 1844. i2mo, half morocco. (Devotional.) 13.129 Razmisljajte ova dobro. Zadru (Zara), 1854. 8vo, half morocco. (Meditations.) 13.130 BELLARMINE (Card. Robert). Nauk Karstyanski sloxen. Romae, 1661. izmo. (Compendium of Christian Doctrine.) This work has got misplaced in the Library, but it is sure to be found when the books are being removed. 13.131 Istumacenye Symbola Apostolskoga. (The Explicatio Symboli Apostolici translated into Illyrian by the Right Rev. Peter Gaudentius.) Rimu, 1662. 8vo, calf. 13.132 Uberio explicatio Doctrinae Christianae a Roberto Bellarmino in Illyricam linguam per Joannem Tomcum Marnauitium versa. Romae, 1805. 8vo, calf. 686 13.133 BELLOSZTENECZ (Joannes). Gazophylacium, seu, Latino-Illyricorum onomatum aerarium. Zagrabiae, 1740. 410, calf. Very rare. Brunei says a copy sold in 1 782 for 83!". 13.134 Another copy. Title-page and preface wanting. Pages 33 and 34 are wanting. This work appears to be of the same edition as the last. 13.135 BERLIC (Andreas Torquat). Grammatik der illyrischen Sprache wie solche im Munde und Schrift der Serben und Kroaten gebriiuchlich ist. Wien, 1854. 8vo, half morocco. 13.136 BERLICH or BERLIC (Ignatz Al.). Grammatik der Illyrischen Sprache; wie solche in Bosnien, Dalmazien, Slawonien, Serbien, Ragusa, etc., dann von den Illyriern in Banat und Ungarn gesprochen wird. Ofen, 1833. 8vo, half calf. 1 3 1 37 Zweite Auflage. Agram, 1842. 8 vo, half calf. 13.138 Dritte Auflage. Agram, 1850. 8vo, half calf. 13.139 BERNARDINI (Chevalier). Discours sur la langue illyrienne et sur le caractere des Peuples habitant la Cote Orientale du Golfe Adriatic. Paris, 1823. 8vo. 13.140 BIBLE. Sveto Pismo starog' zakona Sixta V. P. Naredbom prividjeno, i Klementa VIII, Pape Vlastjom izdano ; Sadau Jezik Slavno-Illyricski Izgovora Bosanskog' prinesheno. Budimu, 1831. 8vo. ; and, Sveto Pismo novog' zakona, etc. Budimu, 1831. 8vo. The Old and New Testament in the Bosnian dialect of Servo-Croatian, in six parts, bound into three volumes. Morocco. In Bible of Every Land, Second Edition, London, 1860, it is said that, though Mr. Lowndes had heard of the existence of a Bosnian translation while at Corfu from the Austrian Consul, "no copy of this work, however, seems at any period to have reached England. " 13.141 Sveto Pismo Staroga i Novoga Uvita iz Latinskoga s obzirom na maticne knjige izbistreno i iztumaceno po Ivanu Matiju Skarich. Becu (Vienna), 1858- 1861. 8vo, morocco. 12 vols in six. 13,142 Sveto Pismo Staroga i Novoga Zavjeta. Preveo Stari Zavjet Gj. Danicic. Novi Zavjet preveo Vuk Stef. Karadzic. Pesti, 1868. 8vo. The Old Testament translated by G. Danicic, the New by Vouk Stef. Karadzic. 13.143 The same in Cyrillian characters. Belgrade, 1868. 8vo. 13.144 Psalter. Vulgatae Psalmorum editionis in locis obscurioribus aliarum versionum, ac interpretationum claritate interpolatae, Illirica Metaphrasis, sive Saltjer Slovinki spjevan po D. Ignaziu Gjorgi. Venetiis, 1729. 410, calf. (This Psalter is in verse.) 13.145 The Psalter or Psalms of David in Servo-Croatian; printed in Cyrillian characters. Buda, 1846. 8vo. 13.146 Psalter. Saltjer Slovinski spievan po D. Ignaciu Gjorgji. Zagrebu (Agram), 1851. 8vo. Metrical translation of the Psalms. 13.147 Historiasvetogapisma. (Old and New Testament Stories.) Budimu, 1845. 13.148 BOSNIA, Hercegovina e Croazia-Turca notizie, riunite e tradotte da G. Augusto Kaznacic. Zara, 1862. 8vo. This work treats of the dialects of these Districts. 687 1 3, 1 49 BOSSNA (Mattheo). Nauk Karstianski zanarod Slovenski, etc. Libro intitolato Instruttione Christiana in lingua Illirica, e carattere Illirico di Fri Mattheo de Bossna, e Libro intitolato / Miracoli d,lla Madonna del medesimo auttore nel' istessa lingua e carattere. Venetiis, 1611. 8vo, calf. This very rare work in the Cyrillian character is from the Library of Anquetil Duperron, and bears his autograph. 13.150 BUDAKOBTSCH (M.). A Servian Grammar in the Servian character. Pesth, 1838. 13.151 BUDINEUS (S.) Ispravnik za Erei, hoc est, Direttorio per li Sacerdoti. Romae, 1635. 8vo, calf. (In Glagolitic characters.) 13.152 BUKVAR Jazika Slavenska. Kutchaina, 1653. 8vo, calf. A Servian ABC Book in the Cyrillian character, printed at the Monastery of Kutchaina in Servia. This little work is very rare. *3> 1 53 A Primer in the Cyrillian character. Zara, 1847. 13,154 CAMPADELLI (Gio.-Bat.). Govorenja Sveta Chjudoredna, etc. (Discorsi Sacri Morali, tradotti in lingua Illirica dal P. Domenico Pavicich.) Mnezzih, 1754. 4to, calf. I 3> 1 55 CASSIUS (B.). Institutionum Linguae Illyricae libri duo; editio prima. Romae, 1604. 8vo, vellum. Very rare. 13.156 Xivot Gospodina nascega Isukarsta. Roma, 1638. 8vo, vellum. Rare. (Life of our Lord Jesus Christ.) 13.157 CATECHISM. Der Catechismus / mit kurtzen ausslegungen / Symbolum Athanasii, vnnd ein Predig von der krafft vnd wiirckung des rechten Christlichen Glaubens / in der Crobatischen Sprach. Tubingen, 1561. 8vo, vellum. (In Glagolitic characters.) From the Duke of Bavaria's Electoral Library. Very rare. 13.158 Der grosse Katechismus, auf Befehl seiner Fiirstl. Gnaden des Fiirst- Bischofen von Laybach, iibersetzt von George Japel von Schillingischen. Laybach, 1779- 8vo. 13.159 Nauk Kerstjanski. Splitu (Spalatro), 1845. (Christian Doctrine and Prayers.) 13.160 CHITANKA. Becu (Vienna), 1855. 8vo. Little reading book in Servian. In the Russian character. 13.161 DANICIC (I.). Rjechnik iz Knjzhevnich starina Srpskich. Belgrade, 1863-64. 8vo. 3 vols. Dictionary from early Servian writers. The second volume is in six parts. In the Cyrillian character. 13.162 DANITSCH. Servian Syntax in the Cyrillian character. Belgrade, 1858. 8vo. 13.163 DELLA-BELLA (P. Ardelio). Dizionario Italiano-Latino-Illirico, cui si permettono alcuni avvertimenti per iscrivere, e con facilita maggiore leggere le voci Illiriche, scritte con Caratteri Italiani ; ed anche una breve Grammatica per apprendere con proprieta la Lingua Illirica. Con in fine 1'indice Latino-Italicus. Vcnezia, 1728. 4to, calf, ist edition and rare. The British Museum has only a modern edition of this work. 688 13,164 DELLA- BELLA (P. Ardelio). Dizionario Italiano-Latino-Illirico a cui si pre- mettono alcune brevi instruzioni gramaticali, etc. Prima edizione Ragusea. Ragusa, 1785. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. I 3 I ^5 Razgovori i pripovidagna. Mletci (Venice), n.d. 8vo, half calf. (Dis- courses and Sermons.) This work was probably published in the first quarter of the 1 8th century. It appears to be rare, for Brunei does not mention it in his 1842 edition. Not in the British Museum. 13.166 Principj elementari della Grammatica Illirica. Ragusa, 1837. 8vo, na ^ morocco. 13.167 DEVETNIZA na cjast Slavnoga Patriarke Franceska. Dubrovnicu (Ragusa), 1828. 8vor (Novena to St. Francis.) 13.168 DICTIONARY. A Servian-German Dictionary in the Servian character. Vienna, 1790. 8vo. (Defective.) 13.169 French-Servian Dictionary. Belgrade, 1846. 8vo, half morocco. (In Russian characters.) 13.170 German-Servian Dictionary, in Russian characters. Belgrade, 1847. 8vo, half morocco. 13.171 DOLCI (S.). Epistola Hieronymi Francisci Zanettii in dissertationem de linguae Illyricae vetustate, et amplitudine confutata perpetuis animadversionibus in ejusdem Zanettii disquisitionem de caussis sero corrupta eloquentiae apud veteres jureconsultos, seriusque apud recensiores restitute. Ferrariae, 1754. 4to. 13.172 De Illiricae linguae vetustate et amplitudine dissertatio historico- chronologico critica. Venetiis, 1754. 410. 13.173 DOZON (A.). Poesies populaires Serbes traduites sur les originaux, avec une Introduction et des Notes. Paris, 1859. i2mo, half morocco. 13.174 DROBNICA (Josipa). Ilirsko-nemacko-talianski Mali Recnik. Vienna, 1846-49. 8vo. (Dictionary of Illyrian-German-Italian ; with Prof. Babukic's Principles of Illyrian Grammar.) 13.175 EINLEITUNG zur kroatischen Sprachlehre fur Teutsche. (Warasdin, 1783.) 8vo. The title-page is wanting. 13.176 FENELON. The Tehmachus translated by Stephen Jevkovich, in the Servian character. Vienna, 1814. 8 vo, half calf. 13.177 FORTIS (A.). Reise zu den Morlacken. Mit Kupfern. Lausanne, 1792. 8vo. This work treats of Morlacken Literature, and gives specimens of its poetry. 13.178 FRANUL DE WEISSENTHURN (V.). Grammatica Italiano - Cragnolina. Trieste, n.d. 8vo, half calf. 13.179 FROLICH (R. A.). Der Kleine Ilirier. Enthaltend Ilirische und Deutsche Gesprache, eine Sprachlehre und Wortersammlung zum Gebrauche der Deutschen und Ilirier in Croatien, Slavonien, Dalmatien, Bosnien, etc., etc. Wien, 1840. 8vo, half calf. 13.180 - Grammatik der ilirischen Sprache. Wien, 1850. 8vo, half calf. 13.181 Taschen-Grammatik der ilirischen Sprache. Wien, 1850. 8vo, half calf. 689 13,182 FROLICH (R. A.). Handworterbuch der illirischen und deutschen Sprache. Wien, 1853. 8vo, half calf. Handworterbuch der deutschen und illirischen Sprache. Wien, 1854.. 8vo, half calf. 13.184 - Taschen-Grammatik der serbischen Sprache fur Deutsche. Wien 1854. 8vo, half calf. 13.185 - Grammatik der illirischen Sprache. Wien, 1 86 1. 8vo. 13.186 GARGHICH (Innocentius). Nauk Kaerstjanski ; id est, Doctrinae Christianae explicatio copiosa Illyricae nationi. Mlezjeh (Venice), 1750. 410. 13.187 GARLICSICH (J.). Puut Nebeski. Venetiis, 1707. izmo, half calf. (On Christian Doctrine ) . 13.188 GLASNIK Drushtva Srpske Slovesnosti. Svezka5toi7- Belgrade, 1853-63. i3vols. 13.189 - A Servian Chronicle. Belgrade, 1865-70. 8vo. 12 vols. In the Russian character. 13.190 GLIUBUSCHI (L. de). Grammatica Latino-Illyrica ex Emmanuelis. Venetiis, 1742. 8vo, calf. 13.191 GUEROF (Naiden). Guide to Physics, in Servian characters. Belgrade, 1849. 8vo, half calf. 13.192 GUNDULIC (Ivan). Osman ; u dvadeset pievanjah. Zagrebu (Agram), 1844. With Portrait. 8vo, half calf. (A Poem in twenty Cantos, with Illyrian-German- Latin Vocabulary.) 13.193 GUNDULICH (G. F.). Ariadna. Dubrovniku (Ragusa), 1829. 8vo. A mythological drama in Servo-Croatian verse. 13.194 - U smartu Marie Kalandrize. Pjesam. Dubrovniku, 1837. (Servo- Croatian verse.) I 3> 1 95 - Diana, i Amida. Dubrovnik, 1837. (Two short Poems.) 13.196 - Dubravka prikasa a tri Cignienja. Dubrovnik, 1837. 8vo. A poetical play in three Acts. 13.197 - Gljubovnik sramescgliv. Dubrovnik, 1838. (A Poem.) 13.198 - Pjesan visini privedroj Ferdinanda II, velikoga Knesa od Toscane. Dubrovnik, 1838. Poem in honour of Ferdinand II, Grand Duke of Tuscany. 13.199 - Suse sina rasmetnoga. Dubrovnik, 1838. 8vo. (Poetry.) 13.200 HACXICH (N.)- Epithalamion koji prisvitlomu i priposhtovanomu Gospodinu Jozipu Kukovichu. Ossiku, 1834. 410. Ode on the Consecration of Bishop Kukovich. 13.201 HADCHICH (J.). Poems. With Portrait. Neustadt, 1855. 8vo. half morocco. (In Cyrillian characters.) 13.202 HASE (Chr. Henr.). De lingua Carnorum et Illyricorum Slavonica castioribus nostratium sacris initiata. Jenae, 1759. 4to. 44 690 13,203 HECQUARD (Charles). Elements de Grammaire franco-serbe. Belgrade, 1875. 8vo. 13,204. HEKTOREVIC (P.). Ribanje i ribarsko prigovaranje i razlike stvari slozene. Zadru, 1846. 8vo, half morocco. 13.205 HORACE. Q Horatii Flacci de Arte poetica, Latino-Serbice. Vienna, 1827. 8vo, half morocco. (In Cyrillian characters.) 13.206 ISPOVIDAGNE viere za garczi promisgliegne verhu Najposlidnih, etc. Rimu, 1789. 8vo. Confession of the Catholic Faith, devotions for the dying, etc. 13.207 ISPRAVNIK za erei ali redovnizi ispovidnizi, i za pokornici. (Breve Direttorio per Sacerdoti Confessori, e par Penitenti, tradotto dalla lingua Latina, nella Illirica.) Venezia, 1709. 12010, calf. 13.208 ISTUMACCENYE PISNIH DAVIDOVIH. Bnecih (Venice), 1703. 8vo. An Expounding of the Psalms of David. 13.209 JAGIC (V.). Historija Knjizevnosti naroda hrvatskoga i srbskoga. Zagrebu (Agram), 1867. 8vo. Literary history of the Croatian and Servian nations. v I 13.210 JANEZIC (Anton). Slovenska Slovnica s kratkim pregledom Slovenskega Slovstva ter z malim Cirilskim in Glagoliskim berilom za Slovence. Celovcu (Klagenfurt), 1854. 8vo, half morocco. 13.211 JESU MARIA (J. &). Nacin za dobro umriti. (Tradutione del Libretto dell' Arte del ben morire del Padre Giovanni di Giesu e Maria Carmelitano Scalzo fatta in lingua Illirica da Pietro Gaudentio Vescovo d'Arbe.) Romae, 1719. 8vo, calf. 13.212 JURASICH (Giov.). Dizionario Italiano-Illirico. Edizione prima. Trieste, 1863. 8vo. 13.213 KACICHIU-MIOSSICHIU or KACIC (Fra And.). Razgovor Ugodni Naroda Slovinskoga, etc. Dubrovniku, 1839. 410, half calf. The British Museum possesses four later editions, but not this. 13.214 KACIC (Fra And.). Razgovor Ugodni Naroda Slovinskoga, etc. Zadru, 1851. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. in one. (Treatise on the Illyrian race, etc.) This is another edition of the last work. The names of the authors are so differently spelled in the various Servo- Croatian dialects as to be scarcely recognisable. Where I have had time to identify them they have been placed together, and sometimes the varying spellings have been reduced to one. 13.215 ' Korabljica. Pisma svetoga. Zadru, 1858. 8vo. Scripture and other religious stories. 13.216 KADCICH (Ant.). Theologia moralis, seu, Manuductor Illyricus. Bononiae, 1728. 4to, half calf. 13.217 KALMET (A.). Zivot Isusa Kersta. (Life of Jesus Christ.) Splitu, 1848. 4to, half morocco. 13.218 KATANCSICH (M. P.). Specimen philologiae et geographiae Pannoniorum in quo de origine lingua et literatura Croatorum simul de Sisciae, Andautonii, Nevioduni, Poetovionis urbium in Pannonia olim celebrium et his interiectarum via militari mansionum situ disseritur. Zagrabiae, 1797. 410, half calf. 691 13.219 KATEKISAM (Veliki) u pitanjih i odgovorih za Javno i posebno Naucanje Mladezi kraljestva Hervatskoga. Budimu, 1845. 8vo. 13.220 KATEKIZMUS (Veliki) u pitanyih i odgovorih za obchinski i osobiti nauk dice u Slavonii. Budimu, 1815. 8vo, half calf. 13.221 KEMPIS (Thos. a). O Naslidovanju Isukersta knjige cetiri Tome iz Kempisa prevod Otca Bartula Kasica druzbe isusove. Zadru (Zara), 1854. 8vo, morocco. (The Imitation.) 13.222 KNJIZEVNIK. Casopis za jezik i poviest hrvatsku i srbsku, i prirodne znanosti. Uredjuju i izdaju Dr. Fr. Racki, V. Jagic, J. Torbar. Zagrebu (Agram), 1864 to 1866. ist, 2nd, and 3rd years. In parts. 13.223 KOPITAR (Barth.). Glagolita Clozianus, id est, Codicis Glagolitici inter suos facile antiquissimi, etc. Cum tabulis aeneis duabus. Vindobonae, 1836. 410, half calf. 13.224 KOVTSCHEZITS (V. S. K.). On Servian History. Language and Customs of the Servians, under the three laws (i.e. Greek, Roman and Turkish). Vienna, 1849. 8vo. In the Cyrillian character. With frontispiece. This work not only deals with Servia proper but also with Bosnia, Herzegovina, afad other neighbouring districts. This appears to be the first part of the work. I cannot find out whether it has been finished. 13.225 KRALJEVICA (Fra Angeo). Razgovori duhovni s' pripravom osobitom za uprav ispoviditi se i dostojno sastavljeni. Rimu, 1860. 8vo. Spiritual discourses, and preparation for Confession and Communion. 13.226 Grammatica Latino-Illyrica. Rimu, 1863. 8vo. 13.227 KRIZTIANOVICH (I.). Grammatik der kroatischen Mundart. Agram, 1837. 8vo, half calf. 13.228 Anhang zur Grammatik der kroatischen Mundart. Agram, 1840. 8vo, half calf. 13.229 KUHARSKE BUKVE. Lublana (Layback), 1799. 8vo. (A Cookery Book, with Frontispiece.) 13.230 LAZIC (G.). Servian-German-Latin Dictionary. Belgrade, 1 849. 8vo, half morocco. (In Cyrillian characters.) 13.231 LEDESMA (Diego). Catechism of Christian Doctrine, translated from the Italian of Fr. Diego de Ledesma, S. J., in the Cyrillian character. (Vienna ?), 1583. 8vo. This Catechism has been translated into Dutch, Polish, Breton, Canadian, etc., etc. ; see De Backer and Brunei. This work is not mentioned by them, and hence it would seem to be very rare. To it is added, Catechism of Christian Doctrine, by Cardinal Bellarmine, translated into Servo- Croatian (Roman character) by Don Alessandro di Comuli. Roma, per Francesco Zanetti, 1582. 8vo, calf. The Italian note at the end says, " composta per Don A. di Comuli," but the British Museum Catalogue gives this among versions of Bellarm^ne, and renders the title "composed (rather translated) by A. de Comuli." 13.232 LEX STEPHANI DUSANI. Edidit Fr. Miklosich. Fasciculus prior. Textum continens. Vindobonae, 1856. 4to. In Cyrillian characters. 13.233 LEXER (Matthias). Kiirntisches Worterbuch. Mil einem Anhange: Weihnacht- Spiele und Lieder aus Karnten. Leipzig, 1862. 410. 13.234 LHOMOND. Pozhe"tki Gramatike to je pismenosti Franzosko. Lublani (Laybach), 1811. 8vo. (An Illyrian- French Grammar.) 692 13,235 LJUBIC (S.)- Obicaji kod Morlakah u Dalmacii. Zadru, 1846. 8vo, half morocco. (On Morlakian and Dalmatian customs.) 13,236 Ogledalo knjuevne poviesti Jugoslavjanske na poducavanje mladezi. Riecki (Fiume), 1865. 8vo. History of the South Slave People for the young. 13,237 LUCICH (J. J. P.). Decem poenitentiales sermones, seu, Deset pokorni razgovora a za svigegne grisnikaa. Jakinu Godista, 1785. 4to, half calf. 13,338 MAGAZINE (Srvsko-Dalmatinske). (Edited by George Nicolaevitch.) Zadru, 1846-49. 8vo, half morocco. (In the Cyrillian character.) 13.239 Srvsko-Dalmatinske Magazin za godinu 1868, 1869, 1870-71. Zadru, (1868-71). 8vo. 3 vols. (Edited by G. Petranov. In the Cyrillian character.) 13.240 MARCHI DE JAJEZE (R. P. Steph.). Sanctuarium, seu, Conciones super solem- niores dies festos totius Anni. Venetiae, 1708. 4to, half calf. (In the Cyrillian character.) 13.241 MAUKOV (A.). History of the Servian Language. Moscow, 1857. 410, half morocco. (In Russian characters.) 13.242 MAZURANIC (I.) und UZAREVIC (J.). Deutsch-illirisches Worterbuch. Agram, 1842. 8vo, half calf. 13.243 MEMOARI Prote Matie Nenadovitch. Belgrade, 1867. 8vo. Memoirs of Prote M. Nenadovitch, edited by L. P. Nenadovitch. In the Cyrillian character. 13.244 MICALIA (Jac.). Thesaurus Linguae Illyricae, sive, Dictionarium Illyricum ; in quo verba Illyrica Italice et Latine redduntur. Laureti, 1649. 8vo, calf. Rare. This work belonged to Anquetil Duperron, and bears his signature. 13.245 MICKIEVICZ (A.). Dei Canti popolari Illirici. Tradotto da Orsatto Pozza con una appendice dei testi Illirici citati dall' autore. Zara, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. 13.246 MILETITSCH (N.). Illyrisch-deutsche Gesprache fiir diejenigen, so diese Sprache lernen wollen. Wien, 1793. 8vo. 13.247 MLADIDJ kako treba da ce izobrazi. Zadru, 1840. 8vo, half morocco. (In Cyrillian characters.) On the proper way of forming Youth. 13.248 MOLBE kojechese govoriti u pohodjenju Carkavaa zadostignuti S. veliko prostenje u Svetomu Godisctu prinesene iz talianskoga u slovinski Jezik. Splitu, 1842. 46 pp. 13.249 MONUMENTA Serbica spectantia historiam Serbiae, Bosnae, Ragusii. Edidit Fr. Miklosich. Viennae, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. 13.250 MORFILL (W. R ). The literature of the Servians and Croats. (From the Westminster Review, April 1878.) Presentation copy from the author. 1 3> 2 S l - Simplified Grammar of the Serbian Language. London, 1887. 8vo. Thibner's Collection of Simplified Grammars. 693 13,252 MRAGOVITS (A.). Guide to Servo-Croatian Grammar in the Cyrillian character- Buda, 1840. 8vo. I 3 2 53 NEDIGLNIK dvostruk O. F. Filipa iz Occhjevjae. Mletczij, n.d. 410. 13.254 NEMANIC (D.). Cakavisch-Kroatische Studien. Erste Studie. Accentlehre. Wien, 1883. 8vo. 13.255 NERI (S. Filippo). Ricordi ai giovani tradotti in lingua Illirica da Martino Millin. Venezia, 1842. 13.256 NJEGUS (Petar Petrovic). Gorski Vijenac historicki dogagjaj pri sursetku sedam- naestog vijeka. Prenio s cirilice na latinicu s tumacenjem S. Ljubisa. Zadru, 1868. 8vo. 13.257 NOVAKOV (S.). Historija Srpske Knjizevnosti pregled, etc. History of Servian literature. Belgrade, 1867. 8vo. (In the Russian character.) 13.258 NOVICE gospodarske, obertniske in narodne. Ljubljani (Laybach). A Servo- Croatian periodical for the years 1843 to 1861. The original title was " Kmetijske in Rokodelske Novice." The years are separately bound, except the last, which is unbound. *3> 2 59 OFICIJ velike nedilje. Zadru, 1853. 8vo, half morocco. Offices for Sunday translated from the Roman Missal. 13.260 ORAZIONI a S. Andrea Avellino ed a S. Giovanni Orsido in lingua Illirica, Venezia, 1839. 13.261 OVID. P. Ovidii Nasonis Epistolarum de Ponto Lib. iv versi, ac notis ex antiqui- tatibus, signanter mythologia utraque lingua illustrati per Abrahamum Mragovits. Budim, 1818. 8vo, half morocco. 13,262 P. Ovidii Nasonis Tristium Lib. v versi ac notis ex antiquitatibus, signanter mythologia utraque lingua illustrati per Abrahamum Mrazovics. Budim, 1818. 8vo, half morocco. 13.263 PARCIC (C. A.). Riecnik Ilirsko-Talianski. Zadru, 1858. i6mo. (Illyrian- Italian Dictionary.) 13.264 Vocabolario Illirico-Italiano. Zara, 1858. i6mo. 13.265 PETRANOVITCH (Bogoliub). Srpske narodne pjesme. (Servian National Songs from Bosnia and Herzegovina.) Collected by Bogoliub Petranovitch. Belgrade, 1867. 8vo. (In the Russian character.) 13.266 POCICA (O.). Talianke. Zagrebu (Agram), 1849. 8vo. (Illyrian Poems.) 13.267 POOTEN (K.). Knigice od Molitvi kojeto na svetlost Dadi. Rim, 1866. 8vo. (Prayer Book.) 13.268 POPOVICH (I. S.) (His Songs. In Cyrillian characters.) Novysad, 1854. 8vo, half morocco. 13.269 POZIV DALMATINCIMA. Zadru, 1848. 121110. (Poetry.) 13.270 PRIPRAVA NA ISPOVJES, etc. Ragusa, 1783. 8vo, calf. (Preparations for Confession, etc.) 694 13.271 PUT KRIXA illi xalostno putovange Gospodina nascega Issukarsta od kuchie Pilatove do Kalvarie. (Posta alia luce dal M. R. P. F. A. Reda.) Venezia, 1839. 8vo. Stations of the Cross. 13.272 Tsukarstova od dvora Pilatova do varha Kalvarie. Splitu (Spalatro), 1839. 8vo. The Stations of the Cross. 13.273 RAKITSCH (V.). II Dialoghista Illirico-Italiano, tradotto dall' Italiano. Venezia, 1810. 8vo. 13.274 RELKOVITCH (Ant.). A Satire, in Cyrillian characters. Buda, 1807. 8vo, half morocco. 13.275 RICHTER (A. F.) und BALLMANN (A. J.). Deutsch-illirisches und illyrisch- deutsches Handworterbuch. Wien, 1839-40. 8vo, half calf. 13.276 RIEC BOSCIA S' mnoggo Karstjanskieh nauka sa samu svarhu Boscie slave 1 , i Duhovne koristi Naviesctena darscava slovinskieh Karstjanima po potajnu Bog- goslovzu Redovniku Pripoviedalaza Dubrovcianinu. Mleziema (Venice), 1743. 4to, calf. (Spiritual discourses.) 13.277 RISTIC (J.). Die neuere Literatur der Serben. Berlin, 1852. 8vo. 13.278 RITUALE Romanum Urbani VIII, Pont. Max. jussu editum Illyrica Lingua. Romae, Ex Typog. Sac. Cong, de Prop. Fide, 1640. 8vo, calf. (Fine copy of this rare work.) The Servo-Croatian title runs : Ritual Rimski istomaccen slovinski po Bartolomeu Kassichiu, etc. Bartholomew Cassius was the translator. 1 3,279 RUKAVINA VON LIEBSTADT (E.). Kroatische Abanderungs- und Abwandlungs- Formen nebst den Regeln der Aussprache und Rechtschreibung. Triest, 1843. 8vo, half calf. 13.280 RUKOPIS KRALJODVORSKI. Preveo iz Staro-Ceskoga Jezika Ivan Trnski. (Drugo Izdanje.) Zagrebu (Agram), 1854. 8vo. A translation of the Old Bohemian Kbniginhof MS. 13.281 RUKOVODSTVO k Slavenskomu Pravotchteniu, etc. Buda, 1797. 8vo. A Guide to the correct reading and writing of the Slavonic (Servian) Language for the use of Servian National Schools. In the Servian character. 13.282 SAKUPLJENJE razliciti zabavah u kojimse uzdarxe Razmisljanja Duhovna Svarhu istinaa Vikovitih. Splitu, 1829. 8vo, half morocco. (Collection of Meditations.) 13.283 SALATICH. Priprava na ispovjes, i pricestjenje, etc. Ragusa, 1783. 8vo. (Preparations for Confession, Communion, etc.) 1 3,284 SCHAFFARIK (P. J.). Serbische Lesekorner, oder, Historisch-kritische Beleuchtung der Serbischen Mundart. Mit Beilagen und einem Fac -simile. Pesth, 1833. 8vo, half calf. '3 28 5 ~ Geschichte des serbischen Schriftthums aus dessen Handschriftlichem Nachlasse. Herausgegeben von Josef Jirecek. Prag, 1865. 8vo. 695 13.286 SCIVOT Gospodina Jesusa Christa naroda cjoviecjanskoga spasiteglja po Mateu, Marku, Luzi, i Ivannu Svetiem Vanghjelistam i inniem davniem Svetiem Otzima. Mnezic (Venice), 1764. 4 to, half calf. (Life of Christ compiled from the Gospels.) 13.287 SEDAM JUTARNJI. Splitu (Spalatro), 1842. 8vo, half morocco. (Book of Prayers.) 13.288 SELJANA (C.). Pocetak, napredak i vrednost Literature Ilirske. Zagrebu (Agram), 1840. 8vo. (The rise, progress and value of Illyrian Literature.) 13.289 SIME Starcevica Homelie. Zadru, 1850. 8vo, half morocco. 13.290 SOBRANIE razletcheich molitve. Zara, 1839. A Collection of Prayers in the Cyrillian character. 13.291 SOERBSKA Besceda u Latinskom Pismu. Vienna, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. 13.292 SOLARITCH (Paul). A supplementary work on his Geography in letters to his friend L. N. Venice, 1804. 8vo. (In the Russian character.) 13.293 STARCSEVICHU (S.). Mozin nova Ricsoslovica Iliricsko-Francezka. Tarstu, 1812. 8vo. (Servo-Croatian-French Grammar.) 13.294 STAZICH (And.). Gramatica della Lingua Illirica. Zara, 1850. 8vo, half morocco. I 3 2 95 Grammatica Illirica pratica. Trieste, 1 86 1. 8vo. 13.296 STEPHANOVITCH (T.). Zashto ? Zato. Zadru, 1842. 121110, half morocco. (In Russian characters.) 13.297 STOJADINOWITSCH (P. M.). Illyrisch-deutsche Gesprache. Wien, 1793. 8vo, half morocco. 13.298 STOJANOVIC (Mijat.). Sbirka hrvatskih narodnih poslovicah i riecih. Zagrebu, 1866. 8vo. A Collection of Words and Sayings. 13.299 STRIGLIAGNE alke dui pisme sloxene, I prikazane na 9ast i posctegne Gospode Makarske. U Mleczi (Venice), 1782. Two poems. 13.300 STULLI (Joach.). Lexicon Latino-Italico-Illyricumditissimum ac locupletissimum. Budae, 1801. 4to, half calf. 2 vols. in one. 13.301 Lexicon Illirico-Italico-Latinum. Dubrovniku, 1806. 4to, half calf, z vols. in one. (The title is in Servo-Croatian.) 13.302 Vocabolario Italiano, Illirico-Latino. Ragusa, i3io. 410, half calf. 2 vols. in one. (These fine dictionaries are very scarce.) 13.303 SUBBOTIC (J.). Naouka o Serbskom stikhotvoreniu. Budim, 1845. izmo, half morocco. (On Poetry.) (In Russian characters.) 13.304 Einige Grundziige aus der Geschichte der serbischen Literatur. Wien, 1850. 8vo. 13.305 Spomenici stare Jugoslavenske Knjizevnosti. Becu (Vienna), 1853. 8vo. A Bibliography of old South Slavonian books. 696 13.306 SUBBOTIC (JO- Zwatnik Srbske slowesnoste. Becu, 1853. 8vo. 2 vols. Anthology of Servian literature for Schools. In the Russian character. 13.307 Srbska Chitanka sa Gimnasie. Becu, n.d. 8vo. 2 vols. Servian Reader for Schools, in the Russian character. 13.308 SULEK (B.). Deutsch-kroatisches Worterbuch. Agram, 1860. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. in one. 13.309 SUNDETCHIJA (J.). S' Rtze ili razlitchne. (Pesme.) Zadru, 1850. 8vo, half morocco. (Poems.) 13.310 SUSE sina rasmetnoga, sedam pjesnji pokornieh, i pjesan od velicjanstvaa Boscieh gospodina Giva Fr ana Gundulichja vlastelina Dubrovackoga. U Dubrovniku, 1828. 8vo, half morocco. Collection of Pious Songs by F. Gundulich in the dialect spoken on the East Coast of the Adriatic. 13.311 SUTINA (J.). Zabavno stivenje u Hervatskom Jeziku. Zadru, 1851. i2mo, half morocco. Croatian pieces for the Dalmatian Youth. 13.312 SYLLABUS vocabulorum grammaticae Emmanuelis Alvari in Croaticam linguam conversorum. Budae, 1817. 8vo, half calf. 13.313 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Der erste halbe Theil des neuen Testaments, darinn seyn die vier Evangelisten, und der Apostel Geschichte, ietzt zum erstenmahl in die Crobatische Sprach verdolmetscht, und mit Glagolischen Buchstaben getruckt. Tubingen, 1562. 410. Der andere halbe Theil des neuen Testaments, darinn, etc. Ibid., 1563. 410. 2 vols. Of this extremely rare work in the Glagolitic character Vogt says, "Admodum rara autem sunt exemplaria hujus versionis, et vix alibi quam in Bibliothecis Regum ac Principum deprehen- duntur. " This fine copy is in the original calf binding, stamped with Portraits of Truber and two other divines. 13.314 In the Servian character. Leipzig, 1834. 8vo, calf. I 3>3'5 Das Neue Testament unsers Herrn Jesu Christi. In das Serbische iibersetzt von Wuk Steph. Karadschitsch. Vienna, 1847. 8vo, morocco. In the Servian character. 13.316 In the Cyrillian character. Smyrna, 1850. 410, half calf. 13.317 Novi Zavjet Gospoda nasega Isusa Hrista ; preveo Vuk Stef. Karadzic. Becu (Vienna), 1864. 8vo. To which is joined : Psaltir Davidov ; preveo Gjuro Danicic. Becu, 1864. 8vo. The New Testament and the Psalter translated by Vouk Stephanovich Karajich and Gjuro Danicic respectively. 13.318 Another copy, but in Russian characters. 8vo. I 33'9 In the Servian character. Zarigrad, 1866. i2mo, uncut. 13.320 In the Servian character. St. Petersburg, 1870. 8vo. 13.321 Vandjelja i Kgnighe Apostolske istomacene is Missala Novoga Rimskoga a Jesik Slovinski. Ragusa, 1784. 410. The Epistles and Gospels according to the Roman Missal. '3.3 22 - Epistole i Evangjelja, etc. Budimu, 1808. 8vo, calf. The Epistles and Gospels translated from the Roman Missal. 697 i3,3 2 3 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Pistole i Evangelja, etc. Rimu, 1840. 410. Epistles and Gospels according to the Roman Missal. I 33 2 4 Evangeglja i Kgnighe Apostolske istomacene is Missala Novoga Rimskoga u Jesik Slovinski. Dubrovniku (Ragusa), 1841. 410. The Gospels and Epistles according to the Roman Missal. 13.325 TEZA (E.). U Canto di Ivan VasiPevic', del giovane scudiero, e dell' ardito mercante Kalas' nikov. Di M. Lermontov. Estratto dalla Rivista Bolognese, Anno iv, Fasc. 2. Bologna, n.d. 8vo. Autograph presentation copy from the writer to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 13.326 TOMMASEA (Nikole). Iskrice od Nikole Tommasea izdao Ivan Kukuljevic' Sakcinski. Zadru, 1849. 8vo. 13.327 TRANSACTIONS of the Servian Society of Literature. Belgrade, 1847-52. 8vo, half morocco. (In the Servian language and character.) 4 vols. 13.328 TSCHOIKOV1TCH. Piebannija Cernogorska, etc. (Popular Ballads of the Montenegrin and Herzogovinian people, in Servian characters.) Leipzig, 1837. 8vo, half morocco. 13.329 UVJECBANJE varhu Sakramenatah Pokoree, etc. Vuidnu, 1774. i6mo, calf. (On the Sacrament of Penance, etc.) I 3>33 VALENTINELLI (G.). Bibliographia della Dalmazia e del Montenegro. Zagabria, 1855. 8vo, half morocco. I 333 I VEGEZZI-RUSCALLA (Giovenale). Le Colonie Serbo-Dalmate del circondario di Larino, Provincia di Molise. Torino, 1864. 8vo. J 3>33 2 VIENAC uzdarja narodnoga O. Andriji Kacic-Miosicu na stolietni dan preminutja. Zadru, 1861. 410. J 3333 VOCABOLI di prima necessitd e dialoghi famigliari originali Illirici con versione Italiana. Zara, 1850. 8vo, half morocco. '3>334 Another edition. Zara, 1855. 8vo, half morocco. 1 3335 VOCABULARIUM Croatico Germanicum, to jezt Nemske Skole-Navuk. Kroatisch- deutsches Worterbuch beider Nationen zum Untericht. Ofen, 1841. 8vo. *3>33 6 VOLTIGGI (}.) Ricsoslovnic illiricskoga, italianskoga i nimacskoga Jezika s' jednom pridpostavljenom grammatikom illi pismenstvom. Becsu (Vienna), (1802). 8vo, half calf. (lllyrian-Italian-German Grammar and Dictionary.) 13.337 VOUK STEPHANOVICH KARAJICH. Serbisch-Deutsch-Lateinisches Worter- buch. Wien, 1818. 8vo, half calf. In the title the author's name is given as Wolf Stephansohn. I have written his name as Vouk Stephanovich Karajich, as being the received English form. 13.338 Kleine serbische Grammatik verdeutscht und mit einer Vorrede von Jacob Grimm. Nebst Bemerkungen iiber die neueste Auffassung langer Heldenlieder aus dem Munde des St rbischen Volks, und der Uebersicht des merkwiirdigsten iener Lieder von Johann Severin Vater. Leipzig und Berlin, 1824. 8vo, half calf. In the title the author's name is given as Wuk Stephanowitsch. 698 * 3339 VOUK STEPHANOVICH KARAJICH. Kiistlein fur die Sprache, Geschichte, Sitten und Gebriiuch der Serben. VVien, 1849. 8vo ; mil Serbische Sprichworter. Wien, 1849. 8vo, half morocco. (In the Servian character.) 13,340 - Lexicon Serbico-Germanico-Latinum. Vindobonae, 1852. 8vo, half calf. (In the Servian character.) I 334 I Primjeri Srpsko-Slavenskoga Jezika. Bechi (Vienna), 1857. 8vo. (In the Servian character.) 13,342 Srpske narodne pjesme iz herzegovine. Bechi (Vienna), 1866. 8vo. (Poems in the Servian character.) '3343 Zivot i Obichaji naroda Srpskoga. Bechi, 1867. 8vo. (Customs and Manners of the Serbs ; in the Servian character. 13.344 an d Sabba Tekeli. Letters on the Servian Language and Orthography in the Cyrillian character. Vienna, 1845. 8vo. 13.345 WORTERBUCH. Deutsch und illyrisches Worterbuch zum Gebrauch der illy- rischen Nation in den K. K. Staaten. Wien, 1790. 8vo. 13.346 Another edition. Wien, 1791. 8vo, calf. *3347 ~ (Kleines). Buda, 1837. 8vo, uncut. A short Vocabulary, with con- versations in German and Servian. In the Cyrillian character. 13.348 ZGANJU SLOVO ! vojsk6 ! Skodljivost zganja v pogovoru. Ljubljani, 1853. 8vo. (A Dialogue.) 13.349 ZORA DALMATINSKA. Zadru, 1844-49. 4to, half calf. A periodical, the Dalmatian Aurora. 13.350 ZORCICA (A.). Vila Dalmatinska oliti razlicne pisme. Zadru, 1852. (Poetry.) SLOVENIAN. 13.351 BIBLE. Svetu pismu stariga Testamenta, id est : Biblia Sacra veteris Testamenti, in Slavo-Carniolicum idioma translata per Georgium Japel et Blasium Kumerdey. Labaci, 1791-1804. 8vo, morocco. 6 vols. The New Testament is included. Some of the Books are by other translators. See No. 13,400. J 335 2 Sveto Pismo stare in nove zaveze z razlaganjem poleg nemskiga, od apostoljskiga Sedeza poterjeniga sv. pisma, ki ga je iz Vulgate ponemcil in razlozil Dr. Jozef Franc Allioli. Ljubljani, 1856-57. 8vo, morocco. 3 vols. X 3353 Genesis. Sveto Pismo stariga zakona. Proslovnil in razlozil P. Placid Javornik. Ljubljani, 1848. 8vo, morocco. Javornik's translation of Genesis with Notes and Commentaries. 13,354 BOGGOGLJUBNI nacin mnogo koristan za slusati Svetu Missu, etc. Splitu (Spalatro), 1813. i6mo. A manner of hearing Mass, the Stations of the Cross and other prayers. '3.355 CATECHISM. Nauka Kristianska. Rim, 1844. izmo, half morocco. 13.356 CBELICA (Krajnska). Na svitlobo dal M. Kastelic. Ljubljani, 1848-49. 8vo 2 vols. Poetry edited by M. Kasteliz. See No. 13,409. 699 13.357 CELSKA KRONIKA. Spisal Ignac Orozen, vikar v Celi. Cell, 1854. 8vo, half morocco. 13.358 DEBEVZA (Joannes). Kratki navuki regelze, inu molytve sa Sakrament te Pokore. Lublani (Laybach), 1792. izmo. Instructions and Prayers for Confession. *3359 DROBNIC (Gius.). Vocabolario slovenico-tedesco-italiano. Lubiana, 1858. 8vo. 13.360 GJORGI (Ign.). Scivot S. Benedikta opatta. (Life of St. Benedict, abbot.) Ragusa. 1784. 4to, half calf. 13.361 GJURKOVECHKI (J.). Kroatisch-slavische Sprachlehre. Pesth, 1826. 8vo, calf. 13.362 GLOSSARIUM slavicum in supplementum ad primam partem dictionarii Carniolici. Viennae, 1792. 410, half calf. J 3>3 6 3 ! (U.). Kleine Sammlung solcher altslavischen Worter welche im heutigen windischen Dialecte noch krastig fortleben. Ein Beytrag zur Kenntniss der alten hochslovenischen Biichersprache. Klagenfurt, 1822. 8vo. 13,364 IMREA (S.). Kratki Navuk Vogrszkoga Jezika za Zacsetnike. Gradczi, 1833. 8vo. A Hungarian Grammar written in the Slovenian dialect. X 33 6 5 JANEZIC (A.). Praktischer Unterricht in der slovenischen Sprache fur Deutsch. Klagenfurt, 1850. 8vo, half calf. 13.366 Taschen-Wb'rterbuch der slovenischen und deutschen Sprache. Klagenfurt, 1850. 8vo, half calf. (German -Slovenian Part.) 13.367 Pop61ni Rocni Slovarslove"nskegain nemskegajezika. Celovcu (Klagenfurt), 1851. 8vo, half calf. (Slovenian-German Dictionary.) 1 3>368 JARNIK (U.). Versuch eines Etymologikons der Slowenischen Mundart in Inner- Oesterreich. Klagenfurt, 1832. 410, half calf. 13.369 KATEKISEM (Mali) v' vprashanjih ino odgovorih sa manjshi otroke po zesarskih kraljevih deshelah. Ljublani, 1818. 8vo. 13.370 KEMPIS (Thos. a). Tomasha Kempzhana H6ja sa Kristusam. Ljubldni (Layback), 1820. 8vo, morocco. The Imitation, translated by Janes Salocar into the Carniolan dialect of Slovenian. 13.371 Tomasha Kempensarja zhvetere Bukve. Pot v' nebesa, ktero je pokasal Jesus Kristus. Ljubljani (Laybach), 1846. 8vo, morocco. 13.372 KNIGICE OD MOL1TVI. Rim (Rome), 1846. i2mo, half morocco. (Prayer Book.) 13.373 KOPITAR (W. H.). Grammatik der slavischen Sprache in Krain, Kiirnten und Steyermark. Laibach, 1808. 8 vo, half calf. j 3,374. KRATKI sapopadik Kershanskiga navuka sa otroke inu Kmetiske Ludy. Labaci, 1773. i2mo. Short Guide to Christian Doctrine. 13.375 MARCUS, A SAN ANTONIO PAD. Kraynska Grammatika, das ist, Die crainerische Grammatik. Laybach, 1768. 8vo. 13.376 Another edition. Laybach, 1783. 8vo, calf. 700 13,377 MESINGASTI krish temu je perdjano popisovanje Palestine ali sve"te deshele, ino hoje Jesusove po sveti desheli preslove"nil J. S. Gorizi, 1845. izmo. '337 8 METELKO (F. S.). Lehrgebaude der slowenischen Sprache im Konigreiche illyrien, etc. Laibach, 1825. 8vo, half morocco. 13,379 MIKLOSICH (Fr.). Slovensko Berilo za peti gimnazijalni razred. Dunaju, 1853. 8vo. (Chrestomathy in the Carinthian Tongue.) Die Wurzeln des Altslovenischen. Wien, 1857. 4to. 13.381 MILOSERCNOST DO ZIVAL. Poduk za mlade in stare ljudi. Ljubljani, 1846. 8vo. 13.382 MURKO (A. J.). Slowenische Sprachlehre fiir Deutsche. Gratz, 1832. 8vo, half calf. 13.383 - Deutsch-slowenisches und slowenisch-deutsches Handvvorterbuch. Gratz, 1833. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. 13.384 -- Grammatik der slowenischen Sprache in Steiermark, Karnten, Krain und dem illyrischen Kiistenlande. Gratz, 1843. 8vo, half calf. 13.385 - Another edition. Gratz, 1850. 8vo, half calf. 13.386 NACIN za sluziti S. Misu Latinski i Staro-Slovenski, etc. Zadru, 1854. Serving at Mass in Latin and Old Slovenian, with Hymn, Psalm, and Litany in Old Slovenian. 13.387 PIESSMA od ogulinacza voinika y nihova voievode branovachkoga jove missal della na probudienie voinistva. Sloxenu po Demetrie Kossanovichu. Zagrebu (Agram), 1805. (Ballads.) 13.388 PODVUZHENJE (Katholshku) od tih pervih dveh Sakramentov S. Kersta, inu S. Firme. Lublani (Laybach), 1783. izmo. (A devotional work.) '33 8 9 POTOCNIK (B.). Grammatic der slowenischen Sprache. Laibach, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. 1 3.390 PREMRU (J.). Nuova raccolta di dialoghi Italiani, Tedeschi e Sloveni. Goerz, 1850. 410, half morocco. 13.391 SABUKOSHEK (Joshef). Naukapolne pripov6sti sa Slovensko mladost; drugi natis. Gorizi, 1846. izmo. Instructive stories for the Slovenian youth. 13.392 SGODBE svetiga pisma sa mlade ljudi. Lublani, 1815-17. 8vo. 2 vols. Bible stories for the young. *3393 - svetiga pisma sa mlade ljudi. Sgodbe noviga sakona. Ljublani, 1816. 8vo, half calf. 13.394 SCHMIDT (Christopher). Nedolsnost preganana in povelitschana. Lublane, 1832. 8vo. 13.395 SHMIDA (Kristofa). Dv6 pove"sti. A. Golobzhik. B. Kanarzhik. Ljubljani, 1840. 8vo. (Same author as the last.) 701 13.396 SLOVE.NSKE PESMI, Krajnskiga nar6da. Ljubljani, 1839. izmo, half morocco. (Poems.) 13.397 SLOVENSKO berilo za pervi gimnazijalni razred. Ljubljani, 1850. 8vo. (A Slovenian Primer.) 13.398 STROJA (Joanesa). Kershansku Premischluvanje k* podvuzhenju, inu k' tr6shtu sa vb6shne, inu take ludy, kateri se morejo sa svoj shivesh terdu truditi. Lublani, 1792. izmo. 13.399 SVETA MASHA, etc* Ljubljani (Layback), 1826. 8vo, calf. Prayer Book, containing prayers at Mass, Hymns, Gospels, Psalms, etc. 13.400 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Svetu pismu noviga Testamenta, id est : Biblia Sacra Novi Testamenti in Slavo-Carniolicum idioma translata per Georgium Japel et Blasium Kumerdey. Pars Secunda. Labaci, 1786. 8vo. See No. 13,351. 13.401 Novi Zakon ali Testamentom Goszpodna nasega Jezusa Krisztusa zdag oprvics zljrcskoga na sztari Szlovenszki Jezik obrnyeni po KUzmics Stevani. Koszegi, 1848. 8vo, morocco. Novum Testamentum et Psalterium Slovenice, dialecto Blatensi, 13.402 Novi Zakon Gospoda in zvelicarja nasega Jezusa Kristusa. Dunaji, 1873. 8vo. 13.403 Listi in Evangelje v' nedelje in prasnike zeliga 16ta in vse dni svetiga posta. Ljubljani (Layback), 1833. 8vo, morocco. (The Epistles and Gospels.) 13.404 The Four Gospels in Slovenian. 8vo. (The title-page is wanting.) 13.405 TOMAN (Lovre). Glasi Domorodni. Ljubljani, 1849. 8vo. (Slovenian Patriotic Songs.) 13.406 VODNIK (V.). Pismenost ali Gramatika. Lublani, 1811. 8vo, half morocco. (Grammar.) 13.407 WEISSENTHURN (V. F. de). Saggio grammatical Italiano-Cragnolino. Trieste, 1811. 8vo, half calf. 13.408 WORTERBUCH der slowenischen und deutschen Sprache. Laibach, 1834. 8vo, calf. 13.409 ZHBELIZA (Krajnska). Na svitlobo dal M. Kasteliz. Ljubljani, 1833, 1834 and 1847. 8vo. 3 vols. Poetry edited by M. Kasteliz. See No. 13,356. 13.410 ZIEGLER (Janes). Bratovshina S. Leop61da, k' pom6zhi misijonarjam, to je poslanim osnanovavzam kershanske katolshke ve're v' Ameriki, etc. Ljubljani, 1833. 8vo. CASSUBIAN. 13.411 BISKUPSKI (Leon). Beitrage zur slavischen Dialektologie. I. Die Sprache der Brodnitzer Kaschuben im Kreise Karthaus (West-Preussen). I. Heft. Die Lautlehre. Abt. A. Leipzig, 1883. 8vo. 13.412 CATECHISM. Pjnc glovnech w6ddzalov Evangjelickjeho Katechizmu z Njem- jeckjeho na Kasebsko-Slovjenskj Jezek przelozel Wojkasin ze Slaw6sena. Svjecu (Schwetz), 1 86 1. 1 6 pages. 702 13,4' 3 CENOVA (Florjan). Dorade lekarzkje v rozneck chorobach, etc. Svjecu, Schwetz, 1862. 1 6 pages. A pamphlet on medicine. 13,414. Skorb Kasze'bskoslovjnskje rndye". Svjece, 1866, 1868. Nos. i to 13. In 3 parts. 48 pages. Treasury of the Kassubian Language. 13.415 Zare's do Grammatikj Kase"bsko-Slovjnskje Move". Poznanju, 1879. 8vo. Grammatical Sketch of the Kassubian Tongue. 13.416 ROSMOVA P61ocha s Kaszeba napjisano przez s.p. Xedza Szmuka s Pucka, a do dreku p6dano przez Sena Wojkwojca ze Slawoszena. Gdansku (Dantzig), 1850. 1 6 pages. (A dialogue.) 13.417 STO FRANTOVEK z poludnjove"j czescj Pomorza Kaszubskjego, osoblivje z zjemj Svjeckjej', Krajni, Koczevja i Borov. Svjecju (Schwetz), n.d. (Songs and Poems.) 13.418 XAZECZKA dlo Kaszebov przez W6jkasena. Gdansku, 1850. 14 pages. (A Kassubian Primer.) Kassubian is spoken between the Vistula and the Oder along the Baltic shore. The King .of Prussia takes the title of Herzog der Kassuben und Wenden. POLABISH (EXTINCT). 13.419 HILFERDING (A.). Die sprachlichen Denkmiiler der Drevjaner und Glinjaner Elbslaven im Luneberger Wendlande. Aus dem Russischen von J. E. Schmaler. Bautzen, 1857. 8vo. 13.420 SCHLEICHER (Aug.). Laut- und Formenlehre der Polabischen Sprache. St. Petersburg, 1871. 8vo. (Polabish, formerly spoken on the Upper Elbe, is now extinct.) LETTIC LANGUAGES-LITHUANIAN. 13.421 AKTAS IR POTEREJ. Wilniuj, 1862. (A Catholic prayer-book.) 13.422 BEZZENBERGER (Adalbert). Beitrage zur Geschichte der litauischen Sprache. Auf grund litauischer Texte des xvi und des xvii Jahrhunderts. Gottingen, 1877. 8vo. 13.423 Litauische Forschungen. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Sprache und des Volkestumes der Litauer. Gottingen, 1882. 4to. 13.424 BIBLE. Biblia, tai esti : Wissas Szwentas Rasstas, etc. Tilzeje, 1824. 8vo, calf. A reprint of the Karalauuczuje (Konigsberg) edition, 1735. 1 34 2 5 Bybeles, tai esti: Wissas Szwentas Rasstas, Seno ir Naujo Testamento. Frankfurte, 1853. i2mo, morocco. 13.426 BRUCKNER (Alexander). Litu-slavische Studien. i Theil. Die slavischen Fremdwb'rter im litauischen. Weimar, 1877. 8vo. 13.427 CATECHISM. Didesis elementorius ir katakizmas arba trumpas mokslas Wieros Krikszczioniszkos paraszitas Kun. Tadeusza Juzumowicze. Wilniuje, 1860. 8vo. 703 13.428 DAINOS oder Litthauische Volkslieder. Gesammelt, iibersezt tind mit gegeniiber- stehendem Urtext herausgegeben von L. I. Rhcsa. Nebst einer Abhandlung iiber die Litthauischen Volksgedichte, und musikalischen Beilagen. Neue Auflage. Durchgesehen, berichtigt und verbessert von Friedrich Kurschat. Berlin, 1843. 8 vo, half calf. 13.429 DONALITIUS (Christian). Christian Donaleitis litauische Dichtungen. Erste vollstandige Ausgabe mit Glossar. Von August Schleicher. St. Petersburg, 1865. 8vo. 13,430 Littauische Dichtungen nach den Konigsberger Handschriften mit metrischer Uebersetzung, kristischen Anmerkungen und genauem Glossar, herausgegeben von C. H. F. Nesselmann. Konigsberg, 1869. 8vo. 13.431 GARBIE Diewa knigiele Jaunumenej pawesta. Wilniuj, 1860. 8vo. (Catholic Prayer Book.) 13.432 GIESMJU-KNYGOS. Mit Vorrede von Dr. Joh. Jacob Quandt. Karalauczuge (Konigsberg), (1751)- izrno. Hymn-book. J 3433 GRIESZNIKAS priwerstas metawoties arba Kalba uzkietejuse griesznika su Wiesz- pacziu Diewu. Wilniuje, 1860. 8vo. 13.434 HAACK (F. W.). Vocabularium Litthuanico-Germanicum et Germanico-Litthuani- cum. Halle, 1730. 8vo, calf. 13.435 HATTALA (M.). O ablative ve Slovancine a Lituancine. Praze, 1858. 65 pages. On the ablative in Old Slavonic and Lithuanian, written in Bohemian. 13.436 ISTORIJE szweta senoje istatima. Nu sutwierima pasaules lig uzgimima Kristaus Wieszpaties. Wilniuj, 1860. 8vo. 12.437 IWINSKI (L.). Kalendorius ukiszkasis nuog uzgimima wieszpaties, 1862. Wilniuje, 1861. 410. 13.438 JEZUS, Maria, Juozapas Szwetas. Wilniuje (Wilna), 1853. 12 mo, calf. (A Catholic Prayer-book.) 13.439 JONAS Iszmisloczius Kromininkas. Pirmu kartu isz Lenkiszkos in Lietuwiszka kalba perstatitas per Juozupa Rupejka. Wilniuja, 1860. 8vo. 13.440 JORDAN (K. A.). Einige Worte iiber die litauische Sprache und Professor Schleicher. (From the Neuen Preussischen Provinzial Blattern.) Konigsberg, 1853. 13.441 KALWARIA arba kialas krizius suopulu Jezusa Kristusa isz namu Pilota ant kalna Kalwarios turenczia kiaturiolika staciu. Wilniuj, 1862. 8vo. The Stations of the Cross. 13.442 KEMPIS (Thos. a). Tam6ssaus iss Kempes keturos Knygeles apie Pasekimma Kristaus, etc. The Imitation of Christ. Tizeje (Tilsit), 1830. 8vo, morocco. 13.443 KIALETAS zodziu aplink szkapleriu mukos pono Jezuso. Wilniuje, 1861. 8vo. 13.444 KIELAWIEDIS apwaykszcziajuncziem paminklu izganitojaus musu Jezusa pona kielu Jerozolimsku. Wilniuy, 1857. 8vo. (The Life and Sufferings of Christ.) 13.445 KLEIN (D.). Grammatica Lituanica. Regiomonti (Konigsberg), 1653. 8v vellum. Not mentioned by Brunet. 704 13.446 KURSCHAT (F.). Beitrage zur Kunde der littauischen Sprache. I es Heft. Deutsch-littauische Phraseologie der Priipositionen. Konigsberg, 1843. 8vo, half calf. II es Heft. Laut- und Tonlehre der littauischen Sprache. Konigsberg, 1849. 8vo, half calf. 2 vols. 13.447 Worterbuch der littauischen Sprache. Halle, 1870-74. 8vo. In parts. 13.448 Grammatik der littauischen Sprache. Mit einer Karte des littauischen Sprachgebiets, etc. Halle, 1876. 8vo. 13.449 LAMENTORIUS arba pradzia mokslo sudeta Maziems Wajkeliems. Wilniuja, 1860. An A B C Book with Catholic prayers and catechism. 13.450 LEPNER (Theo.). Der preusche Littauer, oder, Vorstellung der Nahmens- Herleitung. Danzig, 1 744. 8vo, calf. Frontispiece. Very rare. 13.451 Der preusche Littauer, oder, Vorstellung der Nahmens-Herleitung. Danzig, 1744. 8vo, half morocco. A Tilsit reprint of the last work. The Preface to it is dated and signed, " Ragnit, im Oktober 1848. Karl August Jordan." 13.452 MIELCKE (Ch. Gottl.). Anfangs-Griinde einer littauischen Sprach-Lehre. Konigsberg, 1800. 8vo, calf. 13.453 Littauisch-deutsches und deutsch-littauisches Worter-Buch. Konigsberg, 1800. 8vo, calf. 13.454 MOKSLAS skaytima raszta lietuwiszka diel Mazu Wayku. Wilniuy, 1860. An ABC Book with prayers. (Catholic.) 1 3>455 Wilniuy, 1862. (Another edition of the above.) 13,456 N. (Z). Namu Krizius arba kajp rejkie suditi yr misliti apej gierima arielkas ? Wilniuje, 1859. 8vo. I 3>457 NAUJES Altorius, etc. Wilniuje, 1 86 1. 8vo, calf. A Catholic Prayer Book. 13,458 NESSELMANN (G. H. F.). Wo'rterbuch der littauischen Sprache. Konigsberg, 1851. 8vo, half calf. ! 34S9 Littauische Volkslieder, gesammelt kritisch bearbeitet und metrisch iibersetzt. Mit einer Musikbeilage. Berlin, 1853. 8vo, half calf. 13.460 NOWENAS pri Jezaus Kristaus szwencziausies Marijos Panos ir kitu szwentu. Wilniuje, 1857. ^vo. A Catholic Prayer Book. 13.461 OSTERMEYER (G.). Littauische Grammatik. Konigsberg, 1791. 8vo. 13.462 PATENTAS Rozancziawas, etc. Wilno, (1861). A leaflet on the Rosary. 13.463 POTT (Aug. Fr.). De Borusso-Lithuanicae tam in Slavicis quam Letticis linguis principatu commentatio. I et II. Halis Saxonum, 1837-41. 410, half calf. 2 vols. 705 1 3,46+ RACZKAUSKIS (Jeronimas). Wadowas i Dangu. Wilniuje, 1857. 8vo. (Book of Meditations.) !3>-l- 6 5 Munka Wieszpaties Jezaus. Wilniuje (Wilna), 1857. 8vo. (The Life and Sufferings of Our Lord.) 13.466 Balsa Diewa pri Zmogaus arba apdumojima gieradieiszcziu Wieszpaties Diewa. Wilniuje, 1858. 8vo. (The Voice of God near Man ; or, Reflections on the Goodness of the Lord God.) 13.467 ROZANCZIUS szwencziausios Maryos Panos, etc. Wilniuje, 1861. nmo, half calf. (Catholic Prayer-book.) 13.468 RUHIG (Philipp). Littauisch-deutsches und deutsch-littauisches Lexicon. Konigs- berg, 1747. 8vo, vellum. 13.469 SCHLEICHER (Aug.). Lituanica. Wien, 1853. 8vo. (Aus dem Junihefte des Jahrganges 1853 der Sitzungsberichte der philos.-histor. Cl. der K. Akad. der Wissens [Bd. xi, S. 76 ff.] besonders abgedruckt.) 13.470 Handbuch der Litauischen Sprache. i. Grammatik. 2. Lesebuch und Glossar. Prag, 1856-57. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. 13.471 SENAS AUKSA ALTORIUS, etc. Wilniuje (Wilna), 1 86 1. 410, calf. (A Catholic Prayer Book.) 13.472 SIEJAMOSES paszaro-zoles apraszia ant naudos Ziamajtiu ukinyku Jonas Warnas metuse 1854. Wilniuy, 1854. 13.473 SWEJKA Marija ir gywenimas panos szwencziausios. Wilniuja, 1860. 410. (A Catholic Prayer-book.) 13.474 SZWENTAS IZIDORIUS ARTOJAS. Kningele diel zinios ir naudos artoju zemajtiszkaj iszrasze Wincentas Juzumowicze kunigas kalnuju. Wilniuje, 1854. 8vo. 1 3,475 SZWETAS GIESMES, diel Krikszcionu Kataliku Suraszitas ir iszspaustas su pridieimu Giesmiu ir Psalmes. Wilniuj, 1861. 8vo. (Catholic Hymns and Psalms.) 13.476 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Naujas Testamentas musu pono Jezaus Kristaus ir Psalteras Dowido Lietuwisskay ir Wokisskay, etc. Karalawzu (Konigsberg), 1727. 8vo, morocco. 13.477 Naujas Istatimas Jezaus Christaus Wieszpaties musu lietuwiszku lezuwiu iszgulditas par Jozapa Arnulpa Kunigaykszti Giedrayti Wiskupa Ziemayciu, Zenklinika S. Stanislowo. Wilniuje, 1816. 410, morocco. 13.478 Naujas Istatimas Jezaus Christaus. Wilniuje, 1816. 410, calf. (Trans- lation from the Vulgate.) ,. 47g Naujas Testamentas musu Issganytojo Jesaus Kristaus. Tilzeje, 1834. 8vo, calf. (With the Psalter.) , 34 g Naujas Testamentas musu Wiesspaties ir Issganytojo Jezaus Kristaus i lietuwisskaje Kalba isswerstas. Frankfurte, prie Upes Mam, 1853. 121110, calf. , 3>48l Ewangelje Polskie i Zmudzkie na Niedziele i Wszystkie Swieta calego roku. Wilno, 1858. 8vo, calf. The Gospels in Polish and Lithuanian. 45 700 i3.4 8z TEWE musu malda wieszpaties iszganytojaus. Antru kartu isspausta. Wilniuja, 1860. 13.483 TEXTE (Ostlitauische). Mit Einleitungen und Anmerkungen herausgegeben von A. Baranowski und Hugo Weber. Erstes Heft. Weimar, 1882. 13.484 VOELKEL (M. J. A.). Littauisches Elementarbuch. Heidelberg, 1879. 8vo. 13.485 ZINE kajp rejk atlikti spawiedne isz Wisa Amziaus. Wilniuj, 1857. 8vo. 13.486 ZIWATAS Jezaus Kristaus. Wilniuj, 1853. izmo, half calf. (Life of Jesus Christ.) LETTISH. 13.487 BEHRNU preeks jeb masa, masa grahmatina, zaur ko behrni weegli, ahtri un skaidri warr eemahzitees lassiht. Wisseem Latweeschu behrneem par labbu apgahdata no A. S. Den Freunder der Lautirmethode gewidmet. lelgawa (Mitau), 1844. 8vo. (A Lettic Primer.) 13.488 BIBLE. Biblia, tas irr: ta Swehta Grahmata. Kensberga, 1739. 8vo, calf. A reprint of the Lettic Bible printed at Riga, 1689. 4to. 13.489 Another edition. Petersburga, 1825. 8vo, calf. 13.490 Biblia, tas irr : ta Swehta Grahmata. Peterburga, 1825. 8vo, morocco. 13.491 BIELENSTEIN (A.). Lettische Grammatik. Mitau, 1863. 8vo. 13.492 Die lettische Sprache nach ihren Lauten und Formen. Berlin, 1863-64. 8vo. 2 vols. 13.493 BRASCHE (G.). Ihsa pamahzischana Latweescheem, kas sawu wallodu labbaki gribb pahrsiht un zaur to par labbeem rakstitajeem palikt. lelgawa (Mitau), 1857. 8vo. 13.494 CUNDISIUS (J.). Garriga Pehrlu rohta, etc. lelgawa (Mitau), 1847. 8vo, half calf. 13.495 DASCHADU rakstu Krahjums. lelgawa (Mitau), 1836-39. 2 vols. A Collection of Lettic pieces, in prose and verse. 13.496 DUNSBERG (E.). Tobijas : jeb to tizzigajo dsihwe pasaule. lelgawa (Mitau), 1860. (A Poem on Tobias.) 13.497 Priddis un Truhte. Rihme, sesch6s dseedajumos. Jaunekleem un Jauneklehm. lelgawa (Mitau), 1860. 8vo. (A Lettic Poem.) 13.498 Krusta-ehna. Lihdsiba ko behrneem par mahzibu latwiski pahrzehlis E. Dunsberg. lelgawa (Mitau), 1860. 8vo. (Cross-Shadows. A Reading-Book.) 13.499 Swehtigas gaudu-peeminnas, etc. lelgawa, 1860. (Poetry.) 13.500 ELVERFELD (I.). Swehtdeenas Pehters. Scho stahstu no Wahzu wallodas pahrtulkojis J. Elverfeld. (Latweeschu draugu beedribas Daschadu rakstu krahjuma 8 ta dalla.) lelgawa, 1858. 8vo. 707 13,50' ELVERS (Caspar). Liber Memorialis Letticus, oder lettisches Worterbuch. Riga, 1748. 8vo, calf. 13,502 GRAMMAR. Masais Kursemmes Sirdsinsch, ieb Grahmatina par Sirgu Lohpeem. lelgawa, 1860. 8vo. U-SOJ HAGEMEISTER (H. von). Sinnas par Drustu-draudses basnizu, etc. Rihges (Riga), 1838. 8vo. 13.504 HESSELBERG (H.). Lettische Sprachlehre. Mitau, 1841. 13.505 INDRIKIS no Ohsolakalna pee Deewa-atsihschanas nahze. lelgawa, 1846. izmo. 1 3>56 JOSAPATS Indias Kehnina dehls. Stahsts no wezzeem kristigeem laikeem no jauna stahstihts no Genowewas un leeldeenas pautu stahstu farakstitaja. (Latweeschu walloda pahrzelts no Wolguntes skohlmeistera 1. F. Kahnberg.) lelgawa, 1847. 8vo. I 3'57 Another edition. Rihga, 1847. 8vo, half calf. 13.508 KAKTING (Kristap). Pamahzidami wahrdi, ar ko wezzaki saweem behrneem eedohd swehtus rakstus. Sarakstiti no ta Latweescha Kristap Kakting, Widsemme. Rihga, 1843. 8vo. 13.509 Swehtas Pateesibas Leezineeks us spreddiku wihsi. Mitau, 1851. 8vo, half calf. 13.510 KAWALL (H.). Deewa raddijumi pasaule. lelgawa (Mitau), 1860. .8vo. (God the Maker of the World. A Physical Handbook.) 13.511 KEMPIS (Thos. a). Zeeniga Preestera Tohma no Kempenes tschetras grahmatas no pakkal-staigaschanas Kristum Latiniska walloda sarakstitas, etc. lelgawa (Mitau), 1836. 8vo, morocco. (Translated by S. Mieleschko.) 13.512 KOSSOWSKIEGO (Tomasza). Gramatyka inflantsko lotewska dla Uczacych sie Jezyka Lotewskiego ulozona. Ryga, 1853. (A Polish Grammar of the Lettish Language.) 13.513 KRISTIGAS basnizas stahstu-grahmata. lelgawa (Mitau), 1853. 8vo, half morocco. (Religious Tales ) 13.514 LABBU sinnu un padohmu Grahmata. Riga, 1792. 8vo, half calf. 13.515 LANGE (J.). Deutschlettisches und lettischdeutsches Lexicon, nach den Hauptdialecten in Lief- und Curland ausgefertigt. Mitau, 1777. 4to, half calf. 13.516 LATWEESCHU Dseesmu-Grahmata. lelgawa (Mitau), 1806. 8vo. (Lettic Hymn-Book.) 13.517 LEITAN (A.). Pukku-kurwihts. lelgawa (Mitau), 1860. 8vo. (A Lettic Tale.) 13.518 LIHKU spreddiki us behrehm lassami. lelgawa, 1844. 8vo, half calf. 1 3>5 1 9 Another edition. lelgawa, 1857. 8vo, half calf. 708 13.520 LOSSIUS (K. F.)- Gumals un Lina ko behrneem par lusti un mahzihu no K. F. Lossius Gumal und Linos, ihsaki sanehmis un Latwiski pahrzehlis, E. Diinsberg. lelgawa, 1861. 8vo. 13.521 MAGAZIN, herausgegeben von der lettisch-literarischen Gesellschaft. Mitau, 1828-39. 8vo, half morocco. 7 vols. 13.522 herausgegeben von der lettisch-literarischen Gesellschaft. Bd. viii, Bd. ix, Bd. x. Mitau, 1844-55. 8vo, half morocco. 3 vols. '3'5 2 3 herausgegeben von der lettisch-literarischen Gesellschaft. Vols. xi, xii, xiii and xiv. In parts. (Part 2 wanting in Vol. xii.) Mitau, 1856-69. 8vo. 13.524 RATHMINDER (J.). Stahstu dseesmas sarakstitas no J. Rathminder. Mitau, 1851. 13.525 ROHKAS GRAHMATA. (Manual of Prayers, Hymns, etc.) Riga, 1708. 410, calf. 13.526 ROSENBERGER (H.). Formenlehre der lettischen Sprache. Mitau, 1830. 8vo, half calf. 13.527 SEEWALD (P.). Leeldeenas-ohlas (pauti). Statists kas behrneem par Leeldeenas- dahwann derr, pahrtulkohts no P. Seewald. lelgawa, 1861. 8vo. 13.528 STENDER (G. F.). Lettische Grammatik, nebst einem hinliinglichen Lexico, wie auch einigen Gedichten ; verfasset von Gotthard Friederich Slender. Braunschweig, 1761. 8vo. 13.529 Zweite Auflage. Mitau, 1783. 8vo. 1 353 Lettisches Lexikon. Mitau, (1789). 8vo, half calf. 13.531 SWAIGSNITES (I.). Par Malleneescheem. lelgawa, 1860. 8vo. 13.532 SVVEHTAS DSEESMAS, teem mihleem Latweescheem par labbu sarakstitas, no Durbes Wahzeeschu draudses mahzitaja Baumbach. lelgawa, 1796. 8vo. (Hymns.) '3-533 TAHS Kristigas Mahzibas Grahmata, teem Latweescheem par swehtu isskaidros- chanu sarakstita no Sehrpilles un Sonnakstes Basnizkunga Stender. Aisputte, 1776. 8vo. 13,534 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Ta Jauna Derriba muhsu Kunga Jesus Kristus. lelgawa (Mitau), 1816. 8vo, calf. (Sold 31 fr. Kieffer.) '3>535 VOELKEL (Maxim I. A.). Die lettischen Sprachreste auf der kurischen Nehrung. Heidelberg, 1879. 410. '3, S3 6 WAHZU walloadas wardu grahmata. lelgawa, 1847. 8vo, half calf. '3.537 WELLIG (A.). Beitriige zur lettischen Sprachkunde. Mitau, 1828. 8 vo, half calf. OLD PRUSSIAN (EXTINCT). 13.538 BEZZENBERGER (Adalbert). Die Bildung der altpreussischen Personennamen. Konigsberg, i. Pr., 1876. 8vo. 13.539 BOHLEN (Prof. von). Ueber die Sprache der alten Preussen. Konigsberg, 1827. 13.540 BOPP (Franz). Tiber die Sprache der alten Preussen in ihren verwandtschaftlichen Beziehungen. Berlin, 1853. 563 SCHNELLER (Christian). Ueber die sogenannten rhato-etruskischen Inschriften. No date or place. (An extract.) 13.564 STICKEL (J. G.). Das Etruskische durch Erklarung von Inschriften und Namen als Semitische Sprache erwiesen. Mit Holzschnitten und drei Bild- und Schrifttafeln. Leipzig, 1858. 8vo, half morocco. 13.565 TAYLOR (Isaac). The Etruscan Language. London, 1876. (Reprinted from the Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute, or Philosophical Society of Great Britain.) Presentation copy from the author. 13.566 VERMIGLIOLI (Gio.-Battista). Antiche iscrizioni Perugine raccolte dichiarate e pubblicate da Gio.-Battista Vermiglioli. Edizione seconda. Perugia, 1833-34. 4to, half calf. 2 vols. in one. Vol. i deals with Etruscan Inscriptions, Vol. ii with Latin. ALBANIAN. 13.567 A B C BOOK. Albanikon Alphabetarion. (A Greek Albanian Primer.) Athens, 1882. 8vo. 13.568 ASCOLI (G. I.). Saggi ed appunti. Milano, 1867. (Estratto dal Politecnico, fasc. di Marzo 1867.) 13.569 BASILE (Vine.). Ruga e parrisit calzuem kersctenvet arbniis. Rom, 1845. 121110, half morocco. (A Book of Devotions.) 711 13,57 BELLARMINE (Robert). Dottrina Christiana composta per ordine della fel. me. di Papa Clemente VIII. Dal R. P. Roberto Bellarmino, S. J. Che poi fu Cardinale di santa Chiesa del titolo di S. Muri;i in Via. Tradotta in Lingua Albanese dal Rever. Don Pietro Budi da Pietra Bianca. Roma, 1664. iimo, calf. 13.571 Terza edizione. Roma, 1868. 8vo. 1 3,57 2 Dottrina e Kerscten csielun n' Schyp prei P. Zefit Guagliata, S.J. N'Rom, 1845. i imo, half calf. Cardinal Bellarmine's Christian Doctrine, with an Albanian translation by the Rev. Joseph Guagliata, SJ. 13.573 Another edition. Roma, 1856. 8vo. 13.574 BENLOEW (Louis). Analyse de la langue albanaise. Etude de Grammaire compared. Paris, 1879. 8vo. 1 3575 BIBLIA. Genesis and Exodus translated into the Toskica dialect of Albanian. Constantinople, 1880. izino, calf. (In the Greco- Albanian character.) 13.576 BIBLE. Psalter. Psalterion giani Zepour. Iztanpolta (Constantinople), 1866. 8vo, calf. 13.577 Psaltiri. The Psalms of David translated into Albanian, Toskica dialect, by Constantine Christophoridit. Constantinople, 1868. Half morocco. (In the Greco-Albanian character.) 13.578 Psalteri. The Psalms of David translated into Albanian by Constantine Christophoridit. Constantinople, 1868. izmo. (In the Romano-Albanian character.) J 3>579 BLANCUS (Franciscus). Dictionarium Latino-Epiroticum una cum nonnullis usitatioribus loquendi formulis. Romae, 1635. 8vo, half calf. 13.580 BOGDANI (Pietro). Cuneus prophetarum de Christo, salvatore mundi, et ejus evangelica veritate, Italice et Epirotice contexta. Patavii, 1685. Folio, calf. 13.581 BONAPARTE (Prince L.-L.). Albanian in Terra d'Otranto. London, n.d. (Philological Society's publications.) 13.582 BOPP (Franz). Tiber das albanesische in seinen verwandtschaftlichen Beziehungen. (Gelesen in der K. Akad. d. Wiss. am 18 Mai 1854.) Berlin, 1855. 410. 13.583 BRUSCHI (G.). Moj'i Magit. Rome, 1864. 8vo. Devotions for the Month of May. 13.584 CAMARDA (Demetrio). Saggio di Grammatologia comparata sulla lingua Albanese. Livorno, 1864. 410. '3.585 Appendice al Saggio di Grammatologia. Prato, 1866. 8vo. 13.586 Alfabeto generale Albano-Epirotico. Livorno, (1869). 8 pages. 13.587 Vocabolario Italiano-Epirotico con tavola sinottica, compilato dal P. Francesco Rossi da Montalto Ligure. (Estratto dalla Rivista OrienUle.) A review of Rossi's Work. 712 13,588 CANTI. A Dora d'Istria gli Albanesi. Canti pubblicati per cura di D.C. Livorno. 1870. 8vo. 1 3589 CASASI (Jo. Nic.). Breve compendio della Dottrina Cristiana tradotta in lingua Albanese, da un Nazionale del Regno di Servia, Alunno della S. Congregazione. Roma, 1743. i8mo, calf. 13,590 CHIARA (Pietro). L'Albania. Palermo, 1869. 8vo. Presentation copy from the author to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. I 359 I COMPARETTI (Domenico). Notizie ed osservazioni in proposito degli Studi Crilici del Prof. Ascoli ; i. Sui Coloni Greci e Slavi dell' Italia Meridionale. 2. Sulle Ricerche Albanesi. Estratto dalla Rivista Italiana, n. 126, 134, 140 (1863). Pisa, 1863. 410. 13,592 CONCILIUM Albanum Provinciale sive Nationale habitum anno 1703, Clemente XI Pont. Max Albano Latine et Epirotice posteriorum constitutionum apostoli- carum ad Epiri ecclesias spectantium appendice ditata. Romae, 1868. 8vo. '3-593 CRISPI (Giuseppe). Memoria sulla Lingua Albanese. Palermo, 1831. 8vo, half morocco. 13.594 Opuscoli di Letteratura e di Archeologia. Palermo, 1836. 8vo, half morocco. This work contains Treatises on the Greek and Albanian Tongues. 13.595 Memorie storiche di talune costumanze appartenenti alle Colonie Greco- Albanesi di Sicilia, raccolte e scritte da Giuseppe Crispi, Vescovo di Lampsaco. Palermo, 1853. 410. 13.596 DA LECCE (F. M.). Osservazioni grammaticali nella Lingua Albanese. Roma, 1716. 410, half calf. '3597 DE RADA (Girolamo). Poesie Albanesi. Napoli, 1847. i8mo, half morocco. In this work the Albanian Poetry is accompanied by Italian translations. 1 3598 Anna Maria Cominiatis. Hieronymi De Rada Apuli Carmina Italoalbanica quinque transcripsit vertit glossario notisque instruxit Theophilus Slier. Bruns- vigae, 1856. 410. 1 3.599 Poesie Albanesi. Corigliano Calabro e Napoli, 1872-73 and 1877. 8vo. 5 vols. 13.600 Poesie Albanesi. Parte Prima. Napoli, 1847. i8mo. 13.601 Grammatica della Lingua Albanese. Prima Parte. Firenze, 1871. 8vo. 13.602 DORS A (V.). Su gli Albanese ricerche e pensieri. Napoli, 1847. 8vo. 13.603 Studi etimologici della Lingua Albanese. Cosenza, 1862. 8vo. 13.604 DOZON (Auguste). Manuel de la Langue Chkipe ou Albanaise. Grammaire- Chrestomathie-Vocabulaire. Paris, 1878. 8vo. i3> 6 5 Contes Albanais recueillis et traduits par Aug. Dozon. Paris, 1881. i2mo. Collection de Contes et Chansons populaires Series. 713 13.606 F. (B. D.). Confessione pratica Italico-Epirotica per uso de' novelli missionarii di Epiro scritta dal P. B. D. F. Roma, 1863. izmo. 13.607 FALLMERAYER (J. Ph.). Das albanesische Element in Griechenland. i e und 2 Abtheilung. Miinchen, 1857-60. 410, half morocco. 13.608 3 e Abtheilung. Miinchen, 1861. 410, paper cover. 13.609 FIAMURI ARBERIT: La Bandiera dell' Albania. Periodico Mensile diretto da Girolamo De Rada. Corigliano-Calabro, 1883-84-85. (Bound in one Book.) 13.610 GHIKA (Elena), Princess Koltsova-Masalska. (Dora d'Istria.) Fyl&ia e Arbenor6 prej Kanekate Laoshima, enkethyeme ne Shkjipe perei D. C. Livurne, 1867. 410. This Essay of the accomplished Princess first appeared in the Revue des Deux Mondes for May 15, 1866, under the title " Les Albanais des deux cotes de PAdriatique " ; the anonymous translator " D. C." has inscribed this copy to Prince L.-L. Bonaparte. 13.611 La Nazionalita Albanese secondo i canti popolari. Traduzione consentita dall' Autrice per E. Artom. Cosenza, 1867. 8vo. 13.612 Gli scrittori Albanesi dell' Italia Meridionale. Con note del traduttore. Palermo, 1867. 13.613 HAHN (J. G. von). Bemerkungen iiber das albanesische Alphabet. Von Dr. J. G. v. Harm, k.k. Consul in Janina. (Aus dem December-Hefte des Jahrg. 1850 der Sitzungsberichte der philos.-histor. Cl. d. Acad. d. Wissens. besondersabgedruckt.) 8vo, half morocco. 13.614 Albanesische Studien. Nebst einer Karte und andern artistischen Beilagen. Jena, 1854. 410, half morocco. 13.615 JARNIK (Johann Urban). Zur albanischen Sprachenkunde. Leipzig, 1881. 8vo. 13.616 JESU CRISCTI n' zemer t' mesctaarit, etc. Rom, 1862. 8vo. Jesus Christ in the heart of the Priest. Meditations for every day of the month. Translated by D. Eigna Radojet, priest of the Diocese of Scutari. (In the Albanian character.) 13.617 JUNGG (Giacomo). Elementi grammatical! della Lingua Albanese. Scutari d'Albania, 1881. 410. 13.618 (J.). Kulscedra e scpiirtit zbue t'riive. No date or place. The Dragon of the Spirit discovered to the Young (on sins of the tongue). 13.619 JUNKU (P. L). Jeta e Sc' Luigit Gonzaga. N' Rom, 1890. 8vo. (Life of St. Aloysius Gonzaga ) 13.620 KEMPIS (Thos. a). Kempis o sikur kalzoin t'diiscmit Giovanni Gersen t' perghiaamit e Jesu Krisctit. (Translated by Toms. Marcozzit.) Rom, 1881. 8vo. 13.621 KRISTOPHOROS (Konstantin). Alphabitar Skip. (Constantinople, 1868.) (A Primer in the Greek character.) 13.622 Abetar Skip. (Constantinople, 1867.) (A Primer in the Latin character.) 13.623 Kater Katekisma per tsunat' e vogile. Konstantinopol, 1867. (A Short Catechism.) 714 13.624 KRISTOPHOROS (Konstantin). Grammatike tes Albanikes Glosses. Constanti- nople, 1882. 410. (A Greek Grammar of the Albanian Language, in Greek characters.) 13.625 LIGUORI (St. Alphonstis de). T Verteta t' paa-sosme kalkue prei Sceitit Alfonso M. de' Liguori e do divozione a msime tiera, etc. Rom, 1873. 8vo. Reflections upon the Passion, and other devotions, translated from the Italian by a priest of Scutari. 13.626 LOURDES (History of). T' Dukunit e zois Lurd kalzue t' divocemve t' sai. Sckoder, 1887. 13.627 MARCHIANO (Stanislao). Studii filologici svolti con la Lingua Pelasgo-Albanese. Napoli, 1882. 410. 13.628 MARCOZZIT (P. Tom.). Urat per meu ththan nann dit fara festes t' Sceitit Sc' Francesck, kththve sc-ciup prei Itinit. Rom, 1867. (Devotions in honour of St. Francis.) 13.629 METKOV (E.). Albanike Melissa. (The Albanian Bee on Honey.) Containing passages of Albanian History, Proverbs, etc., with Greek titles, notes, etc. Alexandria, 1878. 8vo, uncut. This work is written in the Greek character, and the Preface is in Modern Greek. 13.630 MEYER (Gustav). Das Verbum substantivum in albanesischen. Graz (1867-70). (An extract.) 13.631 Albanesische Studien. Wien, 1883-84. 8vo. Two parts. 13.632 Kurzgefasste albanesische Grammatik mit Lesestucken und Glossar. Leipzig, 1888. 8vo. 13.633 Etymologisches Worterbuch der albanesischen Sprache. Strassburg, 1891. 8vo. (Sammlung indo-germanischer Worterbucher iii.) 13.634 Ueber Sprache und Literatur der Albanesen. Graz, n.d. (An extract.) 1 3635 Die Stellung des albanesischen im kreise der indogermanischen Sprachen. Graz, n.d. 13.636 MIEDIA (Andrea). Jeta e Sceitit Sc' gnon Berchmans. N' Rom, 1889. 8vo. (Life of Blessed John Berchmans.) 13.637 MIKLOSICH (F.). Albanische Forschungen. Wien, 1870-71. 4to. Three parts. 13.638 MILOSAO (Canti di). Poesie Albanesi del Secolo XV. Canti di Milosao figlio del despota di Scutari. Napoli, 1836. 8vo. (With Italian translation by the editor, Girolamo de Rada.) 13.639 NIKOKLES (N. G,). De Albanensium sive Schkipitar Origine et Prosapia. Gottingae, 1855. 8vo, half morocco. This work is written in Modern Greek and in the Greek character. 13.640 RAPSODIE d'un Poema Albanese raccolte nelle colonie del Napoletano, tradotte da Girolamo De Rada. Fircnze, 1866. 410. 715 13.641 REINHOLD (C. H. T.). Noctes Pelasgicae vel Symbolae ad cognoscendas Dialectos Graeciae Pelasgicas. (Contains Grammar, Lexicon, and Anthology. In parts.) Athens, 1855-56. 410. 13.642 ROSSI DA MONTALTO (F.). Regole grammatical! della Lingua Albanese corn- pilate sulle traccie di buoni grammatici e del P. Francesco M. da Lecce. Roma, 1866. 8vo. 13.643 ROSSI DA MONTALTO LIGURE (Rev. Fr.). Vocabolario Italiano-Epirotico. Roma, 1866. 410. 13.644 Vocabolario della Lingua Epirotica-Italiana compilato sui vocabolarii Ta.nfani, Trincheri ed altri. Roma, 1875. 8vo. 13.645 SAGGI di dialetti Albanesi. No date or place of publication. 13.646 SCANDERBECCU I PA-FAAN : Storie del Secolo xv. Corigliano Calabro, 1872. 8vo. 13.647 SCHIEFFELIN (Samuel). Klymesh per Phoshna. Athens, 1882. 8vo. Milk for Little Ones. A Catechism on the Doctrine and chief events contained in Holy Scripture. 4th edition, revised. Written in Albanian and Modern Greek. (Greek characters.) 13.648 SCHIRO (Gius.). Rapsodie Albanesi. Palermo, 1887. 8vo. 13.649 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). The New Testament in Modern Greek and Albanian. Corfu, 1827. 4to, morocco. Each language is printed in its respective characters. 13.650 The New Testament in Modern Greek and Albanian. Athens, 1858. 8vo. 13.651 Diata e Re e zotit ede selbuesit t' une Jesu-Kristit, kethuem prei Grekistese vieter Skip nde guhe gegeniste prei Konstantinit Kristoforidit, Elbasanasit. Konstantinopol, 1869. 410, uncut. The letters peculiar to Albanian are here replaced by their Roman equivalents. 13.652 Gospels and Acts. Kater Ungilat e Zotit ede Selbusit tone Jesu Kristit, ede Punet e Apostuivet. Konstantinopol, 1866. 8vo. Konstantin Kristophoros's translation. 13.653 St. Matthew. The Gospel of St. Matthew in Modern Greek and Albanian. (Greek character.) Corfu, 1824. 8vo, half calf. 13, (-,54 UDA e sceites Cruc. Rom, 1826. 8vo. The Way of the Holy Cross and other devotions, by a Franciscan Friar. In the Albanian character. '3 6 S5 VAKINAT e t' ligs herscme e t' ligs ree per ato gi msohen n' sckooa t' kolegit Sc' Francesck Saverit, etc. Sckoder (Scutari), 1882. 410, uncut. History of the Old and New Testament (Bible History) translated into Albanian by Dom Pascko Babbi, in Albanian characters. 13.656 W. (P.). Grammairealbanaise par P. W. London, 1887. 8vo. (Triibner's Simplified Grammars, No. xiv.) 13.657 XYLAN DER (J. Ritter von). Die Sprache der Albancscn oder Schkipetarcn. Frankfurt am Main, 1835. 8vo, half calf. 716 VARIOUS-CREOLE (DIFFERENT VARIETIES). 13.658 AUDAIN (J. J.). Recueil de proverbes Creoles. 2 e Edition. Port-au-Prince, 1877. 13.659 BAISSAC (M. C.). Elude sur le patois cre'ole mauricien. Nancy, 1880. i2mo. 13.660 Le Folklore de 1'Ile Maurice. (Texte cre'ole et traduction fran9aise.) Paris, 1888. 8vo. (Les LitteVatures Populaires. Tome xxvii.) 13.661 DUCCEURJOLY (S. JA Manuel des habitans de Saint-Domingue. Paris, 1802 an x. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. This work contains a French-Creole Vocabulary. 13.662 FONTAINE (De la). Les Bambous. Fables de la Fontaine travesties en patois cre'ole, par un vieux commandeur. Port-de-France, 1869. 8vo. 13.663 GOUX (M.). Cate'chisme en langue cr6ole, pre'ce'de' d'un Essai de Grammaire sur I'ldiome usit dans les Colonies fran9aises. Paris, 1842. i2mo. 13.664 GRAMMATICA over det Creolske Sprog, som bruges paa de trende Danske Eilande, St. Croix, St. Thomas og St. Jans i America. Sammenskrewet og opsat af en paa St. Thomas Indfod Mand. Kiobenhavn, 1770. 8vo, calf. 13.665 HARRISON (James A.). The Creole Patois of Louisiana. (Extract from The American Journal of Philology. Vol. iii, No. 2. Baltimore, 1882.) 13.666 LUTHER (Martin). Sie klein Katechismus ka set ower na die Creol Tael van J. J. Praetorius. Kopenhagen, 1827. 8vo, half calf. 13.667 Another edition. 1834. 8vo, half calf. 13.668 OLDENDORP (C. G. A.). Geschichte der Mission der evangelischen Briider auf den caraibischen Inseln S. Thomas, S. Croix und S. Jan. Herausgegeben durch Johann Jakob Vossart. Mit sieben Kupfertafeln. Barby, 1777. 8vo, half calf. 13.669 OXHOLM (J. N.). Bibel voor Kinders. Kopenhamn, 1822. i2mo. (Bible for Children in the Dutch Creole of the West Indies.) 13.670 PONTOPPIDAN (E.). Einige Notizen iiber die Kreolensprache der danisch west- indischen Inseln. From Zeitschrift fur Ethnologic. Berlin, 1881. (Heft 3.) 13.671 PSALTER. Creol Psalm-Buk of een Vergaedring van Ouwe en Nywe Psalmen na Creol-Sprack. Kopenhagen, 1823. i2mo, half calf. 13.672 Another edition. 1834. 8vo, calf. 13.673 SCHUCHARDT (Hugo). Kreolische Studien. In parts. Wien, 1882-91. 8vo. 13.674 Kreolische Studien. II. Ueber das Indoportugiesische von Cochim. Wien, 1883. 20 pages. '3. 6 75 Beitrage zur Kenntnis des kreolischen romanische. From Zeitschr. f. rom. Phil. xiii. 13,676 TESTAMENTUM (Novum). Die Nywe Testament van ons Heer Jesus Christus ka set over in die Creols Tael. Copenhagen, 1781. 8vo, calf. (The New Testament in the Creole tongue of Sta-Croix. Negro-Dutch.) At the Raetzel sale a copy sold for 33 frcs. 717 13.677 TESTAMENTUM {Novum). Die Nieuwe Testament van ons Heere en Hi-ilaml Jesus Christus na Creol-Taal. Barby, 1802. 8vo, calf. 13.678 Die Nywe Testament van ons Heer Jesus Christus ka set over in die Creols Tael. Die Tweede Edition. Copenhagen, 1818. 8vo, morocco. '3> 6 79 L'vangil selon S. Matthie" (Dan Langaz creol Maurice). The(. according to St. Matthew. London, 1885. 13.680 St. Mark. Evangeli segoen Marko. The Gospel according to St. Mark, translated into the Creolese language. New York, 1865. 13.681 THOMAS (J. J.). The Theory and Practice of Creole Grammar. Port-of-Spain, 1869. 410. 13.682 VAN DISSEL (S.). Curagao Herinneringen en Schetsen. Leyden, 1857. 8vo. This work treats of the language. 13,683 Another copy. 13.684 VOCABULAIRE frangais-cre"ole et de Conversations frangais Creoles. Londres, 1818. izmo, calf. MACARONIC OF VARIOUS LANGUAGES. 13.685 ARENA (Antonius de), provengalis de Bragardissima Villa de Soleriis. Ad suos compagnones studiantes, qui sunt de persona friantes, bassas Dansas et Branlos practicantes nouvellos quamplurimos mandat. Stampatus in Stampatura Stampatorum 1670 = Nova novorum novissima, sive poemata stylo Macaronico conscripta per Earth. Bollam. Stampatus in Stampatura Stampatorum 1670. i2mo, morocco. Brunei says this is the most complete edition of this work. 13.686 DELEPIERRE (Oct.). Macarone"ana, ou, Melanges de LitteVature macaronique des diffe>ents peuples de 1'Europe. Paris, 1852. 8vo, half morocco. Only a few copies, printed at the cost of G. Gancia, bookseller, at Brighton. 1 3,687 Macaroneana andra, overum nouveaux melanges de litte'rature macaronique. Londres, 1862. 410, half morocco. 13.688 DRUMMOND (William). Polemo Middinia. Carmen Macaronicum. Autore Gulielmo Drummundo, Scoto-Britanno. Accedit Jacobi in nominis Quinti, Regis Scotorum, Cantilena Rustica vulgo inscripta Christs Kirk on the Green. Re- censuit, notisque illustravit E. G. (Edm. Gibson). Oxonii, e theatre Sheldoniano, 1691. 410. Rare. 13.689 The Muckomachy ; or, The Midden-Fecht (Polemo-Middinia). A Poem, in three Cantos. With enlargements by the Moderns. Edinburgh, 1846. 410. 13.690 FOLENGO (Theophilo), vulgo Merlinus Coccaius. Opus macaronicum, notis illustratum ; cui accessit vocabularium vernaculum, etniscum, et latinum. Editio omnium locupletissima. Amstelodami, 1768-71. With Portrait. 410, calf. 2 vols. in one. 718 i3,6gi MACARRONEA Latino-Portugueza. Quer dizer: Apontoado de Versos macar- ronicos Latino-Portuguezes, que alguns Poetas de bom humor destilarao do alambique da cachimonia para desterro da melancolia. Lisboa, 1765. 8vo, calf. (This edition is very scarce.) 13,692 Quarta Impressao. Lisboa, 1816. 8vo, calf. This edition has numerous additions. 1 3*693 MACCHERQNEE di cinque poeti italiani del secolo xv. Tifi Odassi Anonimo Padovano Bassano Mantovano Giovan Giorgio Alione Fossa Cremonese. Con appendice di due sonetti in dialetto Bergamasco. Milano, 1864. 410, large paper. (Biblioteca rara pubblicata da G. Daelli, Vol. xxxiv.) 13.694 Another copy. Small paper. 13.695 NODIER (Ch.). Du Langage factive appele* macaronique. (No. 10, Bulletin du Bibliophile.) Paris, 1834. 12 pages. 13.696 RESPOSTA particularis heroico-macarronica primi quartelli lealis urbis, data in Capitali ipsius, nempe Ruzafa, die vii Junii, anno 1755. Llonchoe Oliarioe forli sustentatori Engonario, Veredariorum primo : qnam portavit ad pervetustum Rattum Pennatum die viii ejusdem mensis. Valentise, Emprentis Joseph! Stephani Dolz, n.d. 8 pages. 13.697 SANDYS (William). Specimens of Macaronic Poetry. London, 1831. 8vo. By William Sandys, F.S.A. The author's name is supplied in handwriting. 13.698 STOPINI (Magistri), poetae ponzanensis capriccia macaronica. Cremonae, 1640. i6mo, calf. The author's real name was Caesar Orsini de Ponzana ; he was secretary to Cardinal Bevilacqua. VOLAPUK. 13.699 SPRAGUE (Charles E.). The International Language. Hand-Book of Volapiik. London, 1888. STEPHEN AUSTIN AND SONS, PRINTERS, HERTFORD.