XX LOS ANGELES STATE NORMAL SCHOOL COMMUNITY ARITHMETIC BY BRENELLE HUNT PRINCIPAL OF THE TRAINING SCHOOL DEPARTMENT STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, BRIDGEWATER, MASS. AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY NEW YORK CINCINNATI CHICAGO COPYKIGHT, 1916, BY BRENELLE HUNT All t'iyhfx rtifi-i-ftl CoMMr.MTY AKITIIMKTIC E. P. 2 PREFACE MOST modern textbooks in arithmetic contain a logical develop- ment of processes as well as excellent drills. The author's long experience, however, has impressed on him the fact that the greatest difficulty encountered by teachers consists in providing suitable applications for the processes taught applications which give the pupils a clear understanding of industrial and business activities that have an arithmetical basis. This is a book of applications to be placed in the hands of pupils in the upper grades of the Elementary School or in the Junior High School. Neither teachers nor pupils require a first-hand knowledge of the lines of business or industry studied, as the lessons furnish the necessary information and explain how the processes apply. The lessons show the community needs and develop the processes as the needs arise. Many lines of work common to the average large town and based on arithmetical processes are represented in these lessons. Enough pages have been devoted to each subject to secure an intelligent understanding of the business or industry as well as to show how the processes apply. The lessons in the first part of the book require a knowledge of fundamental operations only. Later lessons involve common and decimal fractions, the most commonly used facts of the denominate number tables, and percentage and interest. The author has constantly kept in mind the facts that most pupils are to become wage earners, that all should become producers, that industry is founded on economy of material, and that the success of the individual depends largely on economy in his expenditures and wise investment of his savings. iii CONTENTS LESSON SUB.IKCT . PROCESS, TABLE, OR FACT INVOLVED PA<;E Making Change General Method Selling Groceries Selling Groceries Two Purchases Selling Railroad Tickets . . . . Grocery Problems Using Grocers' Scales Selling Butter, Cheese. Eggs, etc. . Clerks' Helps Market Clerks' Work Making Out Sale Slips Salesmen's Cards Selling on Commission Bills Construction Problems Review of Fractions The School Desk . . Use of Cleats . . . , Making a Bread Board , Dry-goods Problems Selling Dry Goods . . . A Record of Efficiency . . Economy in Buying . . Meat Market Problems Selling Pork Weighing Meat Billing Meat Abbreviated Billing .... Drivers' Cards Poultry Problems Poultry Statistics Farm Account Profits in Poultry Keeping . . . A Comparison of Poultry Accounts Addition with coins . . . Making Change Addition. Making Change. Addition. Making Change . Pounds and ounces .... Fractional parts of a pound . . Fractional parts of a pound . . Pounds and ounces .... Money columns. Addition . . Addition and subtraction Addition. Simple per cents Multiplication. Simple fractions Addition and subtraction of frac- tions Inches. Adding simple fractions . Inches and feet. Division . . . Inches and feet. Addition and subtraction of common fractions Fractional parts of a yard . . Horizontal and vertical addition . Fundamental operations .... Pounds and ounces. Change . Pounds and ounces Pounds and ounces Multiplication Addition and subtraction Dozens. Fundamental operations Fundamental operations .... Fundamental operations . . : . Fundamental operations .... 45 4<> 48 54 CONTENTS LESSON SUBJECT Industrial Problems Glass and Glass Cutting . Making Picture Frames Making Screws and Pins . Making Wire Nails . . Printers' Problems . PKOCESS, TABLE, OR FACT INVOLVED Simple Business Operations Business Use of 100, 1000, and 2000 Weighing by the Hundredweight . Beef Problems Buying Beef at Wholesale . . . Buying Beef at Retail Wholesale and Retail Prices of Beet' Railroad Freight Problems Bill of Lading Computing Freight Charges . . . Local and Distant Freight Hated Computing Freight on Mail Orders Transportation of Grain .... Monthly Statements of Grain Review Division by Fractions Carpentry Problems The Machine Saw Ripping Boards Lengthwise . . . The Saw Kerf Wooden Boxes Buying and Selling Selling Fire Wood by the Cord Weighing Problems Gross, Tare, and Net . . . The Public Weigher Drill on Short Ton .... The Coal Business Standard Scales Coal Tables Cost of Freight The Wholesale Coal Trade . The Hardware Business Selling Goods by Weight . . Selling Goods by Square Foot Selling Poultry Wire . . . Selling Mosquito Netting . Inches. Areas of rectangles . Changing feet to inches. Fractions Fundamental operations .... Measuring. Division by a fraction Multiplying and dividing mixed numbers Moving the decimal point Moving the decimal point . . . Percentage Multiplication . . . . Multiplication. Percentage Cwt. Multiplying decimals Cwt. Multiplying decimals Cwt. Multiplying decimals Cwt. Multiplying decimals Division. Percentage Billing Division of fractions . Inches and feet .... Division by mixed numbers . Division by mixed numbers . Common fractions . Wood measure. Cubic contents Subtraction Subtraction Fundamental operations . Pounds and tons. Decimals Table of weight. Decimals Long ton. Decimals . . . Fractional parts of long ton Pounds and ounces . . . . Areas Multiplying mixed numbers . . Multiplying by mixed numbers VI CONTENTS I.KSSON Srii.lK.c:! SI-KCIAL PKOCBSS, TAHLK, OR FACT INVULVKD I*A<;K Areas of Common Figures Parallelograms and Triangles Trapezoids A Granolithic Walk . . Estimating Areas A Practical Study of Lumber The Board Foot Carpenters' Method Tables for Computing Lumber . Buying Lumber Delivering Lumber . Building Problems Cellars and Cellar Walls . . . Framing Floors Estimating Cost of Labor . . . Estimating on Small Buildings . Framing Root's Boarding and Shingling Root's . Shingling Gable Hoofs . . . . Prepared Roofing Fabrics . . Shingling Irregular Roofs . . . Shingling and Painting Heating Problems Radiators Floor Space in Schoolrooms . Applications of Percentage Wholesale and Retail Prices . Mat king Prices of Goods . . Marking down Goods . . . . Discounts on Goods . . More than One Discount . . . Retail Price of Hardware . Profits and Reductions . Town Building Laws .... Household Expenses Town Water Systems .... Buying Water by Meter . Buying Gas for Light and Fuel . Buying Electricity for Lighting . Making Out Electric Light Bills Areas Areas Areas Areas Board measure Cancellation Use of tables Use of 1000 (M). Decimals Use of 1000 Sale slips . . . Cubic and square measure Board measure .... Fundamental operations . Fundamental operations . Fractions ...... Areas Cancellation . . Cancellation . Areas. Areas. Areas Areas Areas. Volumes . . Areas. Cubic contents Per cents of profit ...... Per cents of profit . . .... Deducting given per cents . . . Discount Discount Adding given per cents .... Adding or subtracting given per cents Finding per cents of numbers . . Fundamental operations . Decimals. The" 1000'' Decimals. The "1000". Multiplication .... Multiplication. Discount CONTENTS Vll LKSSON SUBJECT SPECIAL PBOOESS, TABLE, OR FAIT INVOLVED I'AUi. Taxes Property Tax Finding per cents of numbers . 178 The Tax Rate Finding what per cent one number is of a number 179 Assessing Taxable Property . . . Addition, subtraction, and per- centage 180 Computing Real Estate Owners' Taxes Decimals 183 Computing the Tax Rate from Lists of Town Appropriations Addition, subtraction, and per- centage 184 Duties on Imported Goods Percentage 186 Percentage 188 Insurance Fire Insurance Decimals and percentage 190 Village Fire Risks Decimals . ... 193 Simple Household Accounts Yearly Cash Account Fundamental operations .... 194 Increased Cost of Living .... Percentage 197 How Efficiency affects Incomes . Earning a Living The Time Clock Percentage Common fractions 198 199 Weekly Time Records Paymaster's Wor,k ..'... Common fractions. Mixed numbers Horizontal and vertical addition . 200 201 Buying and Sellin Ib. 4 oz. @ 12^f. 16. 1 lb. 13 oz. 20. * The sign @ means " at per puund." 12 MARKET CLERKS' WORK MARKET CLERKS' WORK Round Oral Exercise Find mentally the cost of the following cuts of meat at the prices shown above : 1. Find the cost of 1 Ib. 4 oz. of steak @ 40 $. 1 Ib. 4 oz. = 1J Hi. ; i of 40? = 10 ? ; 40? + 10? = 50 ?. 2. Find the cost of 1 Ib. 5 oz. of steak @ 32 /. Cost of 1 oz. = 2 ? ; of 5 oz. = 10 f ; ; 32 ^ + 10 ? = 42 ?. 3. 4 Ib. 8 oz. of 20 ^ Lamb. 9. 1 Ib. 1 oz. of Round Steak. 4. 1 Ib. 4 oz. of 16 ^ Lamb. 10. 2 Ib. 5 oz. of Round Steak. 5. 1 Ib. 12 oz. of Ham. 11. 1 Ib. 7 oz. of Round Steak. 6. 1 Ib. 4 oz. of Sirloin Steak. 12. 1 Ib. 8 oz. of Bacon. 7. 2 Ib. 8 oz. of Sirloin Steak. 13. 2 Ib. 4 oz. of Hacon. 8. 1 Ib. 1 oz. of Sirloin Steak. 14. 1 Ib. 12 oz. of Bacon. MARKET CLERKS' WORK 13 TARI.K OF PRICKS IN A MARKET When computing scales are not used in weighing meats, it is advisable for a clerk to have a table of prices containing the accurate charge for the different number of ounces as shown on pages 10 and 11. Using the following table, compute the charge on the pur- chases indicated below. These purchases are all from the meat chart on the preceding page. PRICE PRK K FOR GIVEN NUMBER OF OUNCES POUND 1 o/.. 2 o/.. :l m. 4 <>/,. 5 oz. 07.. T ? ? 5> SALESMEN'S CARDS 19 Tf the driver has a long route, he may fill both sides of his card (or even two cards). When he has filled any of the columns on the front of the, card, he adds each column, placing the sums at the bottom. Each sum is then written at the top of the corresponding column on the back. This is called " carrying the amount forward." 2. Fill in the amounts "brought forward" and add each column on the back of the card as shown below. 3. Add ',' aa " and " bb " to get all that the salesman took in. Then subtract "cc,". which he paid out. How much does it leave ? 4. When the driver started out in the morning, his change bag contained $2.17 in small change. How much should there be in it at night when he hands it to the bookkeeper ? [HACK] Salesman W. Kane Date May 13, 191 6 SAME Received On lirnllllt Received Cash Paid Out Brought forward ? ? ? ? H ? 0. B. Jones 5 20 1 23 25 1 17 E. L. Howes 4 G5 94 28 73 15 1 13 1 80 14 1 60 57 g 80 75 1 OS 2 16 1 15 Total a a b b c c 20 GROCERY PROBLEMS 5. Complete both sides of the following total card : [FROST] Salesman ir. Kane Date May 15, 191 6 UIE Received on Account Received Cash Paid Out 1 14 45 If. .4. Jones 15 50 93 1 06 1 12 2 '41 T. H. Hood 3 75 46 83 1 16 1 21 47 90 1 05 2 06 94 A. B. Stone 2 90 17 1 08 g 46 Carried forward ? <> ? ? ? p [BACK] Salesman ir. Kane Date May 15, 191 6 SAME Received on Account Received Cash Paid Out Brought forward f a ? ? ? f 1 42 II. H. Poole 12 35 2 14 2 40 3 08 97 B. 8. Bowles 5 80 1 26 1 60 45 14 1 07 2 SO II. R. Thompson 10 00 96 1 IS 07 1 09 ^4 Total f p ? ! ? p f SELLING ON COMMISSION 21 SELLING ON COMMISSION Alvan II. Keen takes orders for a cash market in the city. He drives through a certain suburban section each day, and the orders which he brings in at night are put up and delivered the next day. The Company furnishes him with a horse and buggy and pays him 3 % on the amount of the day's orders. The amount of each order taken through the day is credited to him by the cashier after the goods have been weighed and the sale slips are completed. Each of the following cards shows his work for the dates indicated. Find the amount of each day's sales and compute each day's pay or commission : l. SUBURBAN Order Clerk A. B. Keen Date June 7, 1916 Route .Vo. 2 AMOUNT OF SALES AS PER SALE SLIPS 1 60 * * * * 2 85 4 ,.'0 2 90 97 1 87 1 75 1 23 i 19 1 46 1 67 85 1 13 48 3 10 2 84 1 14 1 86 1 70 92 1 42 2 18 1 25 93 i 46 2 <9 / J4 1 18 i 29 5 18 2 64 $ 80 1 U 1 52 3 26 2 90 1 58 2 40 Total *The total of the preceding column should be written here. 22 GROCERY PROBLEMS SUBURBAN Order ( lerk A. R. Keen Date June 8, 1916 Route .Vo. 3 AMOUNT OF SALES AS PER SALE SLIPS 1 34 * * # * * 1 48 1 29 1 85 1 OS 2 48 1 47 1 86 1 58 3 97 2 63 1 64 2 49 2 64 4 82 48 2 43 1 04 1 29 $ 87 1 38 1 00 2 48 3 74 ] 1 47 1 38 1 04 1 07 1 62 1 86 2 95 1 48 1 04 1 78 2 69 1 57 1 04 . 2 49 1 63 2 69 2 59 Total SUBURBAN Order Clerk A. R. Kten Date June 9, 1916 Route No. 2 AMOUNT OF SALES AS PER SALE SLIPS 2 50 * * * * * * * * 1 35 1 27 1 59 2 98 2 38 1 32 1 97 > 45 1 4& 94 96 2 86 .; tut 1 64 3 28 1 64 I 04 2 56 1 06 g 75 2 68 1 38 1 09 2 58 1 04 84, 1 47 2 68 3 24 1 00 1 05 3 24 1 04 2 79 1 64 2 69 2 69 1 53 I 24 1 06 2 05 1 06 1 08 56 2 59 1 28 1 02 1 52 1 37 3 W Total * Bring forward the amount of the preceding column. BILLS 23 BILLS The sale slip is usually made out in pencil, without much care as to appearance. It accompanies small purchases in retail stores, being inserted in the bundle and given to the customer. When the purchase is of considerable value, as in the case of an automobile, a bill is sent, which is usually made out carefully by the bookkeeper. Bills are also made out for pur- chases that contain many items, as in the case of a retail dealer who buys of a wholesale house and defers payment until the goods are delivered or until the end of the month. l. Copy the following bill, paying careful attention to the ruling, the money columns, the capitals, and the punctuation. Fill out all amounts where dashes are found: NEW YORK, N.Y., JAN. 5, 1910 MESSRS. CURTIS & COOK GLENIMLE, N.Y. BOUGHT OF CONSOLIDATED GROCERY SUPPLY COMPANY 1 90-lb. chest 1 90-lb. chest 60 Ib. 50 pkg. 3 cases 2 cases Formosa .tea .75 * English breakfast tea .55 Arabian Mocha coffee .29 Old Grist Mill .16 Canned lima beans 1.75 Canned peaches 3.25 Received payment, Jan. 10, 1916,. CONSOLIDATED GROCERY SUPPLY COMPANY ('. S. D. * The amount indicated in this column in all bills in this book is the cost of the denomination in which the item is billed, in this case the cost of 1 Ib. 24 GROCERY PROBLEMS When the bill on page 23 was paid, the bookkeeper receipted it, signing his own initials, and mailed it to Curtis & Cook. 2. Rule and make out bills, like the one on page 23, for the following purchases, dating to-day and receipting it 10 days later: Howard & Sanborn, Fair Oaks, N.Y., buy of the above wholesale -dealers 3 bbl. of entire wheat flour @ $7.50, \\ bbl. of oatmeal @ $7.00, 40 Ib. of cream of tartar @ $.281, and 3 cases of canned tomatoes @ $1.75. 3. Kelley and O'Brien, Oakdale, N.Y., buy 3 cases of Ivory soap @ $3.00, 4 cases of Gold Dust @ $4.50, | bbl. rolled oats @ $6.40, and 2 cases of Grape Nuts @ 14.06, MESSRS. CALKINS & KANE GRANITEVU,I,E, MASS. BOSTON, MASS., FEB. 3, 1910 BOUGHT OF COBB, BATES, & YERXA 5 doz. 6 doz. 15 doz. 8 doz. Royal canned corn Kornlet canned corn Oneida telephone peas " Sifted Sweet " peas 1.40 2.00 1.50 1.35 4. Fill out on paper the money column for the above bill. 5. Make out the bill sent by Cobb, Bates, & Yerxa to the following buyers of goods. Use present date, receipting at the end of the month. Howe & Green, Marshport, Mass., bought 3 doz. cans wax string beans @ $1.15, 5 doz. cans grated pineapple at $1.35, and 4 doz. cans green gage plums @ $3.25. 6. Dunham & Brown, Orange, Mass., bought doz. cans ox tongues @ $10.50, 2 doz. jars Beechnut dried beef @ $4, and 3 doz. cans Spanish canned olives (ct) $3.25. BILLS 25 7. Drake & Carver, Glendale, Mass., bought 2 cases of Ivory soap @ .14.25, 3 cases of Pyle's Pearline @ 12.95, 2| doz. bottles lemon extract @ $2, and 2 pk. dried green peas (a) $.90. Fill in only the money columns in the following abbreviated bills. Compute the total amount of each: MONEY COLUMN 2 doz. .48 4 Ib. .32 1J doz.' .60 doz. 1.64 2| Ib. .28 4^ doz. .54 | doz. .72 15 Ib. .08 1J doz. .48 11. MONKY COLUMN 1 Ib. .64 2$lb. .44 8Jlb. .46 Ijtlb. .32 26 Ib. .04 25 Ib. .03 \ doz. .96 4| do'z. .84 fib. .32 if Ib. .48 *lb. .40 13 Ib. .05 12 Ib. .07 Iflb. .48 17 Ib. .03 12. | doz. .24 li doz. .36 21 .04 | doz. .30 14- .05 15- .03 H lh - .48 J Ib. .48 Hlb. .32 1 T V Ib. .32 Iflb. .24 2|lb. .16 13. 4 doz. 1.30 9 doz. 2.10 5^ doz. .70 16 doz. 1.55 13 doz. 1.72 HUNT'S COMMITN. AK. 3 20 CONSTRUCTION PROBLEMS CONSTRUCTION PROBLEMS REVIEW OF FRACTIONS 1. If two boards, 5 in. wide and 7| in. wide, respectively, are placed side by side, what is the combined width ? ?i\ in. = 5| in. 7J in. = 7$ in. _Yin. = l}in. 1| 12 18f in. Boards used in box mills, furniture factories, etc., come in very uneven widths. Find the combined width of each of the following pairs : 2. 3^ in. and 5| in. 8. 4-fy in. and 7 in. 3. 6l| in. and 8| in. 9. 7| in. and 4| in. 4. 3| in. and 11| in. 10. 9^ in. and 5| in. 5. 10 T 6 B in. and Q^ in. 11. 2| in. and 10| in. 6. 8| in. and 9| in. 12. 4^ in. and 7| in. 7. 5-^g- in. and 6| in. 13. 5| in. and 12| in. 14. How wide a board will remain after sawing a strip 5| in. wide from a board 11 in. wide ? Ll| in. = lOf in. 5 in. = 5i in. 5f in., or 5} in. How wide a board will remain : 15. After sawing a If -in. strip from a 10^-in. board? 16. After sawing a 2|-in. strip from a 9-in. board? 17. After sawing a 1^-in. strip from a 10^-in. board? 18. After sawing a 3|-in. strip from a 9^-in. board? 19. After sawing a 1-^-in. strip from a 9|-in. board? 27 THE SCHOOL DESK To the Teacher. The following lesson gives an opportunity for the pupils to make first-hand measurements without leaving their seats. All the children can be at work at the same time. No two desk tops will be made of boards of exactly the same width, so that there is an excellent opportunity for independent observation of a simple piece of construction before using the dimensions furnished in the following problems. This provides a natural lesson, requiring addition and subtraction of fractions ranging from halves to sixteenths. If you will examine the top of your desk very carefully, you will find that two or three boards have been used to make what seems at first glance to be one very wide board, the width of the desk top or lid. These boards have been fitted together with great care, so that you may find it difficult to discover their edges. A study of the grain of the wood in the accompanying sketch or on your own desk will show where the two boards come together. These boards were glued and clamped until dry and then given a smooth, hard finish. 28 CONSTRUCTION PROBLEMS 1. Measure the length and the width of your desk, taking into consideration the curved edges. In like manner, find the width of some of the single boards used. Use your pencil and ruler, as shown by A and B in the diagram on page 27. 2. An open-box desk, like that in the sketch, has a top 24 in. long (measuring from left to right), and 16 in. wide (meas- uring from front to back). How long must all boards be cut? Give some reasons why the width of boards varies so much.* 3. The cabinet maker at work on 16-inch desks may have selected a board 12| in. wide throughout. How wide a board must be put with it to give the proper width ? 4. Select boards to combine with each of the following to make a width of 16 in.: 2| in., 9^ in., 6| in., 9[| in. 5. Give the width of boards which would combine with each of the following to make a 13-inch desk top : 9^ in., 5j 3 g in., 7 in., 3- in., 8- in., 11 in. NOTE. Boards rarely come of just the right width to make the required top; strips have to be sawed off or planed off. How can the workman economize stock ? 6. If the two boards selected for a 16-inch top are 12| in. and 5| in., how much will have to be sawed or planed from one of the boards to give the proper width ? 121 i n - + 5J in. = 18j in.; 18| in. 16 in. = 2| in., amount to be sawed off. 7. The two boards selected for an 18-inch desk top were 11| in. and 9| in. wide. How much must be removed from one of them to leave the right width ? * Desk tops must be made from perfect lumber. Much care is exercised in cutting up to avoid knots, decayed spots, open grain, etc. At the same time, as little stock must be wasted as possible. THE SCHOOL DESK 20 8. In making desks with wider tops, or with lifting lids, three boards are occasionally used. Give reasons why this is undesirable and not the usual custom. How wide a board will have to be combined with the two in each of the following groups to make a lid 20 inches wide ? () 5| in. and 10^ in. (d) 7| in. and 6f in. (b) 7 in. and 9| in. (e~) 6f in. and 7^ in. (c) 5-^ in. and 3| in. (/) 4| in. and 5^ in. 9. The following widths of boards are at hand: 3^ in., 5| in., 6| in., 7| in., 7|| in., 8^ in., 8| in., 8| in., 8| in., 9 T *g in. Select the most economical board from the above widths to combine with each of the following in makvng 16-inch desk tops: (a) 12| in., (6) 9lf in., < 8& in., (d) 11| in., < 13& in. 10. Decide how much will have to be removed from each of the following combinations to give exactly 16-inch tops : (a) 9 * in. and 7 in. O) 8 in. and lOf in. (b) 8f in. and 11J in. (c?) 12| in. and 4| in. (e) 11| in. and 5| in. (/) 8 in. and 6|- in. and 3 in. 11. How much must be removed from each of the following for 13-inch tops? (a) 7^ in. and 8| in., (5) 9| in. and 5| in., (c) 4| in., 8^ in., and 2^ in., (d} 8| in. and 5| in. 12. If the workman has chosen a 6|-inch board and a 101- inch board for the top of a 16-inch desk, how much must be re- moved? 13. How wide a strip must be removed from one of the boards in each of the following combinations if they are in- tended for 13-inch desk tops ? () 4^ in. and 9| in. (d) 5J in. and 7 in. (b) 7| in. and 6| in. O) 10J. in. and 4 in. 0) 8* in. and 4| in. (/) 9| in. and 3f in. 30 CONSTRUCTION PROBLEMS USE OF CLEATS Fig. 3 - j" Figure 1 represents the end of a board which has warped. The drying of the sap, when the green wood was exposed to the atmosphere, caused the board to shrink. Boards are sawed frqm logs, and the side of the board nearer the outside of the log contains more sap than the side toward the center or heart of the log. The warping is therefore away from the center. Figure 2 shows one way of preventing warping. Two cross cleats are screwed firmly to the boards across the grain. This is a cheap and easy method which can be used in making box covers, storm doors, etc. Figure 3 shows a neater and better way of preventing warp- ing by means of end cleats. The ends of the center boards (J5.5) are cut so as to leave a projecting tongue, which fits into a groove, cut in the inner edge of the end cleats (xx). They are glued firmly together, and the inner boards are thus kept from warping. This method is used in making bread boards, desk lids, paneled doors, etc. USE OP CLEATS 31 Study the diagram and answer the following questions: 1. A box cover like Figure 2 is made from 4-inch stock, which means boards 4 in. wide. It is to be 3 ft. long (the way the boards run) and 2 ft. wide. How many 3-foot lengths can be sawed from a 12-foot board? 2. How many of these 4-inch boards will have to be placed side by side to make the cover 2 ft. wide ? 3. How many 12-foot boards must be cut up to furnish this number of 3-foot lengths? How many feet of the last board will not be used ? 4. How long will the cleats have to be sawed ? (If they are 2 in. wide, both can be cut from one piece of 4-inch stock.) NOTE. A running foot is 1 ft. long without regard to width. 5. How many running feet of board will it take for the cover when complete ? How many 12-foot boards will be needed for the job ? 6. Using the same kind of stock, construct a cover 28 in. long and 18 in. wide. Make a drawing similar to Figure 2 but use the new dimensions. Decide the number of strips needed to give the required width. 7. How much will have to be removed with a rip saw from the last strip to keep the cover exactly 18 in. wide ? 8. How many running feet of board will be needed for Ex. 6, not including the cleats ? 9. How many running feet will be needed to make the two cleats if sawed as in Ex. 4 ? 10. How many running feet will be needed in all ? (Count any fraction as an extra foot.) 11. How many running feet will be required to make a similar cover 32 in. long by 20 in. wide, using 4-inch boards and 2-inch cleats ? 32 CONSTRUCTION PROBLEMS MAKING A BREAD BOARD 1. The two middle boards used in making a bread board like that shown in Figure 3, page 30, are so wide that they would soon warp unless held flat by end cleats. If the upper face of the boards were 21^ in. long and the cleats were each If in. wide, how long would the completed board be ? 2. Compute the lengths of the following bread boards : (a) Boards 19| in. long on top ; cleats 2-| in. wide. (5) Boards 22| in. long on top ; cleats 2| in. wide. 3. Examine Figure 4 on page 30 and see what effect cutting the tongue has on the length of the top and bottom surfaces. If a 21^-inch board is run through a machine which cuts a ^-inch tongue on each end, how long will it leave the face of the board ? 4. Find the length of the face of each of the following boards after the -inch tongues have been cut : (a) Original length 21| in. ; tongues \ in. deep. (5) Original length 18| in. ; tongues f in. deep. 5. A workman is making bread boards all of which are to be 18 in. wide (measured across the grain). The first board which he picks up is 11 in. wide. How wide a board must be put with it to get the required 18 inches ? 6. A workman is making bread boards 20 in. wide. What width of board must he place with each of the following? (a) 14| in. (6) 9| in. (c) 10 T g in. (d) llf in. 7. It is not always possible to find two or three boards that will give the exact width required. How much would have to be sawed or planed from one of the boards in each of the following combinations to make bread boards 18 in. wide? (a) 8| in., 7^ in., 5 in. (6) 7| in., 1\ in., 3| in. (. 3/ 4 YD. 7 /s YD Oral Exercise Study this" sketch of the yard stick until you can express the following distances as called for : Remember that 36 in. = 1 yd. 1. Express 1 yd., ^ yd., | yd., 1^- yd., ^ yd. as inches. 2. Express 18 in., 9 in., 4 in., and 27 in. as parts of a yard. 3. Express 13| in., 22| in., and 31| in. as parts of a yard. Compute the cost of the following : 4. 5 yd. @ if .15 11. 2 yd. @ $ .37| 18. f yd. @ $ .40 5. 3 yd. @ .17 12. 7 yd. @ .12 19. \ yd. @ .48 6. 2yd. @ .12| 13. 5 yd. @ .13 20. f yd. @ .40 7. 6 yd. @ y .09 14. 7 yd. @ .18 21. 1J yd. @ .70 8. 7yd. @ .12 is. 2yd. @ .27 22. | yd. @ .90 9. 4yd. @ .081 16. 12yd. @ .32 23. | yd. @ .48 10. 6yd. @ .33 17. 9yd. @ .24 24. | yd. @ .64 25. 1 yd. 18 in. @ f .50 29. 3 yd. 18 in. @ $.36 26. 1 yd. 27 in. @- .72 so. 2 yd. 27 in. @ .24 27. 1 yd. 9 in. @ .80 31. 2 yd. 9 in. @ .64 28. 2 yd. 18 in. (5j .18 32. 4 yd. 18 in. @ .08 NOTK. The sign @ means at so much a unit. Thus, 5 yd. @ $.15 means 5 yd. at f .15 a yard. 34 DRY-GOODS PROBLEMS Oral or Written Exercise * The following table, like those on pages 5 and 7, gives the amount purchased and the money offered by the customer in payment. Compute the charge and select the coins and bills in the proper order for making change. Examine the record for the first purchase and see if it is correct. Copy all except the " purchase " column and fill in the items needed. PURCHASE COST CUS- TOMER GIVES COINS AND BILLS AMT. OF I'llANHK If 5* 10 ff 25 < 50^ $1.00 $2.00 $5.00 2iyd. @ $.12 tt O*7 *P *^ ' $.50 3 2 $.2.-{ 1| yd. (w $ .40 1.00 ? V ? ? ? ? ! ? ? 3i yd. @ $ .32 2.00 i | yd. @ $ .16 .50 i 2f yd. @ $ .28 1.00 f > 5} yd. @ 9 -36 5.00 . ? 2 1 yd. @ 9. 20 1.00 ? - liyd. (19.24 2.00 2 2J yd. @ 9 -28 1.00 ? 3f yd. @ $ .32 5.00 ? IT'S yd- @ $ 16 20.00 ? 1A yd. @ 932 50.00 V If yd. @ 98 15.00 Q ' 2| yd. @ 9 16 50.00 * If yd. @ 9 24 50.00 ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. * This should be taken as an oral exercise if the class is fairly proficient. DRY-GOODS PROBLEMS 35_ 16. Complete the sale slip for Mrs. Howe's purchases. THE CENTRAL DRY GOODS CO. KocKLANi), ILL., JULY 5, 1916 NAME Mrs. F. P. Howe ADDRESS 5 Main St. SOLD HV No. 9 AMOUNT RECEIVED $2.00 4yd. Scrim .17 2yd. Percale .12\ in* Satin 1.40 17. Salesman A made only 23 sales July 15, as shown on his total card below. Compute the value of the goods sold (both cash and charge sales). How much cash did he turn in ? DEPARTMENT Dress Goods SALESMAN A DATE July 15, 1916 CASH SALES CIIAK<;E SALES CASH SALES CHARGE SALES FORWARD FORWARD 1 1 14 ? ? ? ? 2 38 13 2 12 3 72 14 45 4 1 08 15 S8 5 56 16 g 70 6 94 17 1 13 7 1 50 18 2 26 8 2 66 19 1 53 9 Z JO 20 1 02 10 45 21 96 11 08 22 79 12 19 23 2 15 FORWARD V 9 ? ? TOTALS 9 ? DUY-C.OODS PROBLEMS A RECORD OF EFFICIENCY The daily cash cards turned in to the bookkeeper each night show the amount of each clerk's daily sales. If any particular clerk regularly turns in a larger record than the others, it indicates his popularity with the customers, or a greater effort on his part, or both. Consequently, large daily sales are taken to indicate greater efficiency and are often rewarded with a larger salary. 1. In the following tables, compute each clerk's weekly sales. 2. Add horizontally and find the store's total daily sales. WEEKLY SALES IN STORE OF BROWX & UOBEL Miss DAILY MR. AMES Miss COOK MlSS DtINN SALES FOB TUB STOKE Monday $15.65 $14.90 $12.30 $16.84 '> Tuesday 18.35 18.24 15.62 14.12 ') Wednesday 17.60 19.16 14.91 12.97 9 Thursday 25.40 13.12 20.05 15.46 9 Friday 21.62 20.04 19.64 18.21 9 Saturday 23.18 18.74 18.02 19.46 9 Total 9 j 9 9 9 WEEKLY SALES IN STORE OF HANSON & STONE DAILY Miss STOXE Miss POOI.E Miss HOWE Miss WHITE SALES FOR THE STORE Monday $21.60 $19.70 120.57 $27.60 9 Tuesday 24.85 26.30 21.72 21.46 9 Wednesday 23.72 18.46 18.96 18.88 9 Thursday 28.64 17.95 24.17 14.72 9 Friday 21.50 18.04 28.43 19.85 ? Saturday 25.35 22.78 23.89 27.99 9 Total ? ? ? 9 > ECONOMY IN BUYING 37 ECONOMY IN BUYING At certain times of the year large department stores usually declare a reduced price for remnants of various lengths. If the amounts advertised are sufficient to meet the needs of a purchaser, a substantial amount can be saved by buying at this time. Find how much each customer saved on each of the following purchases. CUS- TOMER NlTMBER GOODS PURCHASED YARDS PUR- CHASED FORM KB PRICE PER YD. HEDUCED PRICE PER YD. AMOUNT SAVED PER YD. TOTAL AMOUNT SAVED 1. White voile 15 9 i.oo I .50 ? ? 2. Brocade French satin 12} 2.00 1.65 9 ? 3. 40-inch brocade velvet 15} 4.00 2.50 ? ? 4. 54-inch brown voile 5 3.50 1.25 <5 ) 5. 40-inch cashmere 5J 1.50 .75 V ? 6. White liberty satin 4| 2.00 1.10 ? ? 7. White cashmere de soie 3f 2.00 1.25 ? 9 8. Crepe de chine 4| 2.50 1.00 ? ? 9. French foulard 11 2.00 .90 ? ? 10. Taffeta silk 27 2.00 1.25 ? ? 11. Black broadcloth Hi 2.50 1.50 f) ? 12. Black poplin IS 1.00 .75 4 00 1 f 05 48 47 1 02 87 i 60 1 96 43 00 30 oo 09 12 50 1 11 14 1 01 1 25 15 1 08 19 26 Carried forward P ? ? ? ? ? [BACK] KKCEIVKD ON ACCOUNT KECKIVKII CASH PAID Ot-T 14 1 15 3 80 gs 1 80 2 50 1 00 40 64 5 00 27 1 02 1 70 84 1 36 10 00 1 on 64 2 !>0 1 05 96 ? ? ? ? ? ? POULTRY PROBLEMS 45 POULTRY PROBLEMS A well-known poultry expert has published facts, from which the following table was taken, showing the profit from a small flock of pullets properly fed and cared for. YEARLY INCOMK FROM A FLOCK OF 20 PCLLETS MONTH K<;;s LAII> NUMBKK OK Do/.KX AVERAGE PRICE PER DOZEN VALUK OP Ko<;s Oct. 147 9 1.44 ? Nov. 282 ? .52 9 Dec. 308 9 .43 9 Jan. 313 ? .40 V Feb. 336 9 .36 9 Mar. 384 ? .25 9 Apr. 321 9 .22 9 May 257 9 .24 9 June 263 ? .28 9 July 267 9 .32 9 Aug. 249 ? .35 9 Sept. 199 9 .40 9 1. Take each month at a time and find the number of dozen eggs laid and their value. Compute the number of dozen mentally, but use paper in finding the value. ' 147 eggs = 12} doz. ; 12} x 1 .44 = 15.39. 2. Add the column headed " Eggs Laid," to find the total number of eggs laid during the year. 3. Find the average per hen by dividing this number by 20. 4. Find the value of all eggs laid by adding the amounts obtained in the first example and recorded in the last column. 5. The cost of food averaged $1.79 per bird. What was the total food bill ? Subtract this from the total value of the eggs to get the net profit for the flock. 6. Find the average profit per fowl. 46 POULTRY PROBLEMS FARM ACCOUNT Mr. Mason, being tired of factory life, wished to get into some more congenial out-door work. He bought a small farm and started to raise poultry. After two or three years of experimenting, he was able to make a very successful showing. His entire year's record is shown on the following page : Directions for Using the Following Table 1. January. Read the first line of items and tell how the facts in column J5, Z>, and F were obtained. 2. February. (a) How many dozen eggs were laid in February ? (i) How many dozen were left to sell @ 45 ^ ? ( 'f. J; tE R O ^ to fe M z 5 H H ^ fi c . P. _ 1 40 ^ 1 2 2 48^ 2 1 1 48^ ' 4 5 1 o 1 2 3 4 2 5 2 9 3 1 1 2 8 3 3 4 5 4 1 3 2 1 3 6 6 4 5 2 1 4 2 3 4 3 8 6 1 1 2 1 4 2 8 5 2 7 2 1 2 2 3 4 5 8 1 8 1 2 4 2 3 1 4 7 7 9 3 1 5 6 1 9 2 10 10 1 1 3 1 1 2 4 10 5 11 2 2 1 1 4 2 6 9 8 12 3 1 1 4 5 3 4 2 4 13 1 1 2 1 2 4 5 8 9 14 45 f 1 3 2 50 ? 3 1 2 48 / 2 6 7 15 2 3 5 6 3 10 7 6 16 1 4 2 1 1 1 3 5 8 17 3 1 4 1 2 1 9 8 5 18 1 1 2 4 o 2 8 2 11 19 1 2 1 2 6 5 4 9 2 20 2 3 1 1 2 4 8 9 8 21 1 2 3 3 7 1 5 11 7 22 3 2 1 5 1 3 7 2 5 23 - 2 1 2 3 2 6 5 4 24 1 2 2 1 6 2 6 7 4 25 4 3 1 1 4 6 3 6 9 26 2 1 3 2 4 2 9 3 4 27 3 1 2 4 1 5 10 8 6 28 50^ 3 4 1 55? 3 2 4 50^ 1 4 3 29 1 2 1 6 2 1 1 2 8 30 2 1 2 2 5 1 9 7 4 31 - - - 7 4 5 10 9 7 Total Total Total No. ? y y No. ? y y No. y 9 y Laid Laid LaFd^ No. of y No. of y No. of 1 9 9 9 Doz. Doz. ' ' Doz. i Value 9 y Value ? 9 y Value y 9 ? @ 4f> p @ 50 i @ 43 ^ 50 POULTRY PROBLEMS YEARLY INCOME The daily egg record begun on page 49 is kept through the year. When the total for each month is found, it is recorded as in the table below, which, when completed, will give the income for the year. Pupils shoufd make a copy of this table, fill in the totals for Nov., Dec., and Jan. as found on page 49 and then copy those given below for the remaining months of the year. In finding the value of each month's eggs, count 5 mills or over as one cent and disregard less than 5 mills. Complete the table. TOTAL RECORD FOR YEAR No. of Eggs per Pen Total No. Month Plymouth Rocks Rhode Island Reds White Wyandottes of Eggs from 3 Pens No. of Doz. Average Price Total Value Nov. * * * * * 1.45 * Dec. * * * * * .50 * Jan. * * * * * .48 * Feb. 180 185 190 555 ? .40 ? Mar. 192 181 190 569 9 .36 9 Apr. 240 2:32 248 720 ? .28 9 May 210 205 220 641 9 .25 9 June 190 184 192 566 f .25 9 July 191 17=5 165 529 ? .30 9 Aug. 198 162 160 520 9 .32 9 Sept. 170 145 134 449 ? .35 9 Oct. 158 131 126 410 ? .40 9 9 9 9 V 9 Total pei- breed Bock* Reds Wyandottes Total of all breeds Total yearly income * Obtain these numbers from work on page 49. PROFITS 'IN POULTRY KEEPING 51 YEARLY BALANCE SHKKT Some poultry experts maintain, that from Nov. 1 to Nov. 1 is the proper time for which to keep poultry accounts. Why ? Following this plan, the year-old fowls were sold to a poultry dealer on Nov. 1, the weights running as follows: WRIGHT OF FOWL WHEN SOLO TO POULTRY DKALKR ix NOVEMBER Total Rocks 71, 7, 61, 5$ , 8, H, 7f, 7 h 6 1, 7| Ib. 9 Ib. Reds 51, 5, 31, 6, f >1, '"> *, 6f, 7, 6f, 71 , 7, 6j Ib. 9 Ib. AVyandottes 61, of, 6 fl I, (y'i, 6, 61, 7, 6|, 5f , 61 Ib. 9 Ib. 1. Find the total weight of fowl sold. 2. Find the value of the fowl sold at 1.14 a pound. NOTE. The original expenditure for houses, etc., is usually counted as permanent improvement and does not appear in the yearly account; there- fore it is not given here. SUMMARY Income Value of eggs used and sold (see page 50) ? Value of meat sold ? Total income ? Jtxpense Cost of 36 pullets in beginning @' $1.25 . . . ? Cost of feed : 20 bags mixed grain @ 1.95 . . . ? 12 bags dry mash @ 2.15 . . . ? 1 bag cut alfalfa @ 2.00 . . . ? 200 Ib. shells for . . .ft. 60 , Total expense ? Net income ? 3. Find the total income ; the total expense ; the net income. 52 POULTRY PROBLEMS MONTHLY ACCOUNTS The value of the annual poultry crop in this country is esti- mated at $700,000,000. As- it is largely a back-yard crop, more people are directly involved in its production than in any other single crop. Until recent years, little science or mathe- matics has entered into, the process of poultry raising. To-day, owing to the work of the government agricultural stations, people are becoming much more interested in poultry raising as a means of supplementing the regular income. In all accounts, it is desirable to find how the income com- pares with the outgo or expenses. If a business is successful for any given period, the income should exceed the expenses. 1. The next page contains the entire monthly account for a flock of fowl. At the left is the daily egg record for the flock. Find the total number of eggs laid. 2. In the center, " Income Account," is a careful record of all eggs or fowl sold. Copy this,* complete each item show- ing a sale of eggs, and put the amount in the egg column. Find the total income from the sale of eggs. 3. Add the amounts received from the sale of fowl. Why are these amounts placed in a separate column ? 4. How much was received from both eggs and fowl ? 5. The right-hand section, " Expense Account," contains a record of all money paid for food or equipment during the month. Complete the two items which are incomplete. 6. Find the sum of all payments. 7. Deduct the total expenses from the total income. The remainder is the net gain. * If the teacher cannot afford time to copy this account, she may have the class rule the money columns only and record the results in proper order. . MONTHLY ACCOUNTS 53 MONTHLY POULTRY RKCOKD K<;c; UKCOKII INCOME ACCOUNT Kxi'KssK ACCOUNT Oct. KSV Laid Income from Sales Eggs Fowl Expenses 1 50 2 47 4 hens 4 00 100 Ib. mash 2 10 3 48 100 Ib. scratch 1 90 4 52 1 cockerel 00 25 Ib. charcoal 25 5 53 120 sq. ft. wire 6 50 @2|J* ? 7 51 29 do/. @ 40 * ' ? 8 62 200 Ib. mash 4 00 9 58 100 Ib. shells 75 10 51 14 doz. @ 42? 9 11 47 12 43 100 Ib. scratch 1 90 18 43 lOdoz. @ 420 o 14 46 15 50 6 hens 9 00 100 Ib. grit 60 10 43 17 43 17 doz. @ 2? 9 18 42 100 Ib. mash 2 10 19 43 1 cockerel 5 00 1 doz. hoppers 20 50 @ 66|J* <> 21 47 22 42 100 Ib. scratch 2 00 23 48 100 Ib. mash 2 20 24 41 24 doz. @ 44^ 25 38 , 26 41 4 hens 6 00 27 43 11 doz. @ 44^ 28 37 > 29 39 100 Ib. mash 2 15 30 43 31 48 14 doz. @ 44? VALUE OF EGGS MARKETED VALUE OK SETT ix (is * VAI.VE OK I'OULTKY S(ii.l> MONTHLY CASH IXCO.MK EXPENSES A K c D /; f Jan. Feb. 617 672 8Q-) f 19.81 18.72 20 as $1.20 0.92 7 17 $ 1.25 2.00 9 2.00 I 6.42 fi '5S iu 9 44 33 Total 9 9 9 ? 9 9 * Eggs sold for hatching bring higher prices than eggs sold to the markets, and a separate record is often kept of receipts from this source. COMPARISON OF POULTRY ACCOUNTS 55 The best Avay to tell how you are succeeding is to compare your results with those secured by a successful poultryrnan. The table on page 54 is the record of a very successful year. Guide Questions and Problems 1. How many eggs were laid during the year by the 53 fowls? how many dozen? 2. How many eggs per hen were laid on the average? 3. Find the cash income for each month by adding columns B, C, and D horizontally. 4. Find the total cash income for the year by adding the column of monthly incomes (column E). 5. To check or verify this at the end, add vertically columns B, C, and D separately, and then add the three together. The sum should agree with the sum of column E. 6. Find the total expenses for the year by adding column F, 7. The increased expenses for the summer and fall months were due to raising the young stock. The value of the pullets raised over the original flock was $40.50, and the poultryman used $23.02 worth of fowls on his own table. Both of these amounts should be added to the income. What is the total ? 8. Find the net profit on the flock by subtracting the total expenses from the total income as found in problem 7. 9. What is the average profit per fowl ? * * This is one of the highest records for a utility flock. INDUSTRIAL PROBLEMS Q K A PANE OF GLASS REDUCED BY ONE CUTTING REDUCED BY TWO CUTS 01. 2815G7891011 12 SCALE y e IN. = 1 IN. INDUSTRIAL PROBLEMS GLASS AND GLASS CUTTING 1. The rectangles A to Gr represent stock sizes of glass drawn to a scale of ^ inch to 1 inch. Measure the rectangles and decide the dimensions of the pane of glass that each represents. Compute the area of each pane in square inches : GLASS AND GLASS CUTTING 57 Pane A Pane B Pane C STOCK SIZES OF GLASS AND RETAIL PRICES 6" x 7" @ $.03 10" x 14" @ *.oo 15" x 30" @ 1.30 6" x 8" @ .03 11" x 14" @ -11 16" x 30" @ .:54 6" x 0" @ .03 11" x 15" @ .12 16" x 34" @ .38 7" X 9" @ .04 11" x 17" @ .13 16" x 36" @ .40 8" x 10" @ .05 12" x 18" @ .15 18" x 34" @ .40 8" x 12" @ .06 12" x 20" @ -17 18" x 36" @ .45 9" x 12" @ .06 12". x 24" @ .19 18" x 38" @ .50 9" x 13" @ .07 1:5-1" x 26" @ -24 24" x26" @ .40 10" x 12" @ .07 18J" x 28" @ .28 26" x 27" @ .50 2. Give orally the area of each pane in the first column. 3. If it were necessary to have a piece of glass 16| in. x 32| in., from which stock size would it be cut ? Draw a diagram of the pane and indicate by dotted lines where cuts would be made. How many square inches would be wasted ? What price would have to be charged for the resulting pane ? 4. I have broken the glass front of a picture frame. It was just 15^ in. x 28J in. From which of the above stock sizes would a new front be cut? Illustrate by a diagram. How many square inches would be wasted ? 5. Select the stock size from which the following can be cut most economically. Illustrate each by a diagram. Compute the amount of waste. Decide the cost : (a) 10|- in. x 15f in. (d) 24 in. x 11| in. (6) 6| in. x 9| in. 0) 25 in. x 13"in. ( 9 in. x 13| in. (/) 16| in. X 10 in. HUNT'S CCMMIIN. AR. 5 58 INDUSTRIAL PROBLEMS Q) ts. \ \ s ^> /' ! ^ 1 i \ \ - $ / * / f "> s \ . R I, K MS BUYING BEEF AT RETAIL Study the above cut and the table on page 71 and learn to what uses the different parts are put. NOTE. The pieces indicated in the picture are based on Boston cuts of beef. Teachers may substitute prevailing prices in their own localities. Compute mentally the cost of the following sales : 1. 1 Ib. 12 oz. Rump steak. 9. 2 Ib. 6 oz. Neck 2. 1 Ib. 4 oz. Chuck. 3. 3 Ib. 8 oz. Bottom of the round (@$.26). 4. 1 Ib. 15 oz. Sirloin steak. 5. 6 Ib. 4 oz. Rib roast. 6. 5 Ib. 10 oz. Top of the Round (@$.36). 7. 6 Ib. 14 oz. Corned flank. 8. 5 Ib. 8 oz. Corned brisket. 10. 2 Ib. 3 oz. Rump. 11. 1 Ib. 12 oz. Chuck. 12. 2 Ib. 2 oz. Sirloin. 13. 4 Ib. 2 oz. Sirloin. 14. 5 Ib. 6 oz. Corned flank. 15. H Ib. 2 oz. Corned brisket. 16. 5 Ib. 8 oz. Shin bone. 17. 4 Ib. 3 oz. Brisket. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PRICES OF BEEF 73 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PRICES OF BEEF 1. A farmer sold an 1120-pound steer for $ 6.50 per hundred- weight. How much did he receive for it? 2. The packer's price on the steer after it was dressed was as follows : 72 Ib. Rib @$.17| ? 130 Ib. Sirloin .22" . . . . . . . ? 1 80 Ib. Round @ .08|- ? 186 Ib. Chuck @ .08" ? 95 Ib. Flank @ .07 . ?__ Total ? 3. The retail butcher sold the cuts so that the average for the entire section was about as follows : 72 Ib. Rib @f .22 ? 130 Ib. Sirloin @ .26 ? 180 Ib. Round @ .15 ? 186 Ib. Chuck @ .13 .....,..? 95 Ib. Flank @ .10 . ? Total 4. How much more did the packer receive on one steer than the farmer ? 5. How much more did the butcher receive than the packer? 6. Select cuts properly trimmed cost the consumer the prices shown in the picture. This is what per cent more for each cut than the average given in problem 3 ? 7. If the 130 Ib. of loin loses 15% in trimming, how many pounds are actually retailed? If they are sold for 38^ per pound, how much do they bring? IIKNT'S COMMUN. AR. 6 74 RAILROAD FREIGHT PROBLEMS RAILROAD FREIGHT PROBLEMS Millions of dollars' worth of goods of all kinds are being moved by railroad and steamship lines every day. Every city or town that is on a railroad or a steamboat line has one or more freight stations, and thousands of clerks are engaged in keeping the records and doing the figuring necessitated by this immense traffic. BILL OF LADING MM UNIFORM BILL. .OF LADING SuwUrd lorm ol Order BUI of Ldir pprored by (he InteflUte Commerce Comnmi^n by Order No. 787 ol June 27. |VM. THE NEW YORK, NEW HAVEN AND HARTFORD RAILROAD COMPANY ORDER BILL OF LADING ORIGINAL Consigned to ORD^R^OF Cf,.(^. Destination Notify At 0, PACKAGES DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES AND SPECIAL MARKS WEIGHT (SiMeo ' Cerrtam) CUSS OR *T{ CHECK COLUMN If charges are to be pre- paid, write or stamp here. To be Prepaid." .57? ..J.6&& **c*fa.ji& /^ ^2 ' O^^^^ \^&LJ <^ M- 7 fe^s to apply in prepayment of the charges on the prop- erty described hereon. Agent or Cashier. (The !(oiarc here KkMwIcdft* M!; Ike MH prepaid.} Charges Advanced; ..Agent (This Bill of Lading to be signed by the Shipper and Agent of the carrier issuing same. I FREIGHT BILL 75 The Eastern Grain Co. has received an order from A. B. Stone and Co. for 50 100-pound sacks of poultry feed to be shipped via the N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. The Eastern Grain Co. is the consignor or sender of the goods and A. B. Stone & Co. the consignee or the company to whom the goods are sent. The bookkeeper makes out a bill of lading, as on page 74, which is signed by both the consignor and the freight agent. Two copies are made of the original bill of lading. The original (see pre- vious page) is mailed to A. B. Stone and Co., to let them know what goods have been shipped ; one copy is filed in the office of the Eastern Grain Co. as a record that the railroad has taken the goods for shipment; the other copy is kept on file in the freight office as the railroad's record of shipment. When A. B. Stone and Co. receive the bill of lading, they send it over to the freight house at Pocasset, and they obtain from the freight agent at Pocasset the goods which the bill of lading describes. The following receipt is given by the freight agent at Pocas-. set to A. B. Stone and Co. on payment of the freight charges : utt b* nd> en delivery. Original paid frolghl bill to 76 RAILROAD FREIGHT PROBLEMS COMPUTING FREIGHT CHARGES From the preceding explanation you will see that: Freight is billed by the hundredweight (cwt.) or 100 Ib. In order to compute the freight charges, we must express the weight of goods shipped as hundredweight, and then multi- ply the charge for 1 cwt. by the resulting number. 1. Find the freight charge on 470 Ib. of fresh fish at 13^ per hundredweight. ' 470 Ib. = 4.70 cwt. 4.7 x 9-1-3 = 9.611, or 9 .61* freight charge. With slight variation, all shipments are expressed on bills of lading, way bills, and other freight blanks in the order shown in the following table. Compute the freight charges : Boston to Taunton. Mass. Description Weight Freight per Cwt. Charges 2. Steam heater, pipes, etc. 865 Ib. $ .09 9 -78 3. Fresh fish in barrel 420 Ib. ,16 ? 4. I bbl. mackerel 340 Ib. .15 l 5. Chairs 595 Ib. .15 ; 6. Canned goods 472 Ib. .13 ) 7. 15 rolls roofing material 624 Ib. .01! i 8. 12 rolls tarred felt at 46 Ib. per roll ? .06 9. Iron fittings 1260 Ib. .12 10. Calfskins and sole leather 2845 Ib. .09 11. 14 tubs butter, 28 Ib. per tub V .18 12. 9 bbl. P. cement at 400 Ib. per barrel '> .09 13. 26 bbl. flour at 200 Ib. per barrel 9 .07 14. Oranges in boxes 265 Ib. .22J 15. Lime in barrel 930 Ib. .09 16. Shoe findings in boxes 725 Ib. .15 * Consider 5 mills or over as 1 cent, and discard less than "> mills. LOCAL FREIGHT RATES 77 LOCAL FREIGHT RATES Boston to Middleboro, Mass. 1st class 2d class 3d class 4th class 5th class 6th class 8.21 per cwt. 1.14 per cwt. $.12 per cwt. $.09 per cwt. $.08 per cwt. $.07 per cwt. Compute freight charges on the following goods shipped from Boston to Middleboro, the class to which each belongs being given : Description Weight Class Charges 35 100-pound sacks grain 9 4th 9 Specified canned goods -546 Ib. 3d 9 Sugar in barrels 1070 Ib. 2d 9 Iron pipe 2140 Ib. 4th 9 Stuffed furniture 975 Ib. 1st ? Foundry supplies iron fittings 5640 Ib. 3d 9 Lime and cement in barrels 4185 Ib. 4th '> Baled hair for plaster 3820 Ib. 2d 9 DISTANT FREIGHT RATES Boston via Pennsylvania Lines to Fair Oaks, Pa. 1st class 2d class 3d class 4th class 5th class 6th class $.50 per cwt. $.43 per cwt. $.33 per cwt. $ .24 per cwt. $.20^ per cwt. $.17 per cwt. Compute the charges on the following : Description Weight Class Charges Building stone 12,480 Ib. 6th ? Electrical machinery 30,000 Ib. 5th 9 Rolls of paper 14,800 Ib. 6th 9 Cases of shoes 4,960 Ib. 2d 9 Furniture 16,250 Ib. 1st ? Gunny bags 7,280 Ib. 4th 9 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 7S RAILROAD FREIGHT PROBLEMS When any commodity is shipped in whole carloads (0. L. ), the cost for each hundredweight is less than when shipped in less than whole carloads (L. C. L.). Compute the freight charges on the following carloads between the points specified : Commodities Received in Bridgewater, Mass.. by Carload Commodity From Weight Rate per cwt. Freight charge 1. Grain Philadelphia, Pa. 72,000 Ib. $.12 2. Grain Chicago, 111. 48,000 Ib. .18 ? 3. Grain Chicago, HI. 51,000 Ib. .18 ? 4. Oats Terre Haute, Ind. 40,000 Ib. .217 ? 5. Bran (in bags) Chicago, 111. 40,000 Ib. .127 ? 6. Oats Milwaukee, Wis. 48,000 Ib. .17 9 7. Mill feed (bags) Independence, Nev. 40,000 Ib. .271 a 8. Cattle Chicago, 111. 20,000 Ib. .85 ? 9. Oats Chicago, lake and rail 40,000 Ib. .14 ? 10. Cotton seed meal Memphis, Tenn. 40,000 Ib. .31 9 (in bags) 11. Ice Boston, Mass. 60,000 Ib. .70 per ? 2000 Ib. The difference in the cost per hundredweight of shipping L. C. L. and C. L. is illustrated as follows : Freight on wire, cables, etc., from Worcester, Mass., to Rochester, N. Y., in carloads costs H ,0001b. 70 Ib. (0 Bran 35,000 Ib. 20 Ib. CO Buckwheat 45.000 Ib. 48 Ib. (/) Oats 40,000 Ib. 32 Ib. (.9) Potatoes 38,000 Ib. 00 Ib. CO . Wheat 30.000 11). 00 11). TRANSPORTATION OF GRAIN 81 2. Find how many bushels, of the weight indicated in the table, would be contained in each carload. 3. If the freight charge for a certain distance is 16 ^ per hundredweight, how much is the freight on one bushel in each of these carloads ? Carload (a) is barley weighing 48 Ib. to the bushel. The freight on 100 Ib. is 16 ?. 4. The freight on 1 bn., of W f = f ~ NOTK. The lesson on freight gave some facts about the cost of shipping grain in carloads by water and by rail. It is interesting to learn some of the factors in determining the price of grain which the user (consumer) has to pay. Suppose that wheat is selling at $.83 per bushel on the farms of Wisconsin and the freight charges on a carload of 48,000 Ib. from Milwaukee, Wis., to Boston are $ .17 per hundredweight. 4. How many bushels are there in the carload if 1 bu. weighs 60 Ib. ? (Drop any fractional remainder.) 5. What is the freight charge for the entire carload ? How much is that per bushel, expressed to the nearest cent ? 6. How much will each bushel cost the merchant after he has paid the freight ? 7. If wheat is retailing for $1 per bushel, what is the merchant's profit per bushel ? How much will he clear on an 800 bu. carload ? 8. If the cost of unloading, sacking, and delivering is 30 % of this amount, what is the net profit on the carload ? 9. Wheat purchased in Illinois, in a certain year, cost $1.01 per bushel, delivered at the railroad. The freight to Boston was $.18 per hundredweight on a 42,000-pound carload. How much freight did the Boston merchant pay on the entire carload ? 82 RAILROAD FREIGHT PROBLEMS 10. How much freight, to the nearest cent, did the merchant pay per bushel ? How much did each bushel cost the merchant, including the cost of freight ? 11. In a certain year an Illinois farmer receives $.55 per bushel for shelled corn. The freight from Chicago to Boston is $.16 per hundredweight. As corn weighs 56 Ib. per bushel, what is the cost of freight on each bushel ? 12. How much does each bushel of corn cost the eastern wholesale dealer, including the above freight charge ? 13. The merchant sells to retail dealers at a profit of $.03 per bushel. How much does each bushel cost them ? How much does the wholesale dealer make on a 700-bushel carload ? 14. Two bushels of shelled corn are usually sold in a bag. How much does the bag weigh, allowing 1 Ib. for the sack ? 15. Allowing $.05 for the sack, and the retail dealer's profit of $.04 a bushel, find how much per bushel the consumer pays. 16. A teamster carting grain from the elevator carries about 1 T. at a load. How many bags of corn does he pile on ? NOTK. Allow an extra bag for a fraction of a hag, equal to or greater than \. 17. If a bag of oats contains 2 bu. and the sack weighs about 1 Ib., how many bags of oats does a teamster carry at a load ? 18. How much does a 42,000-pound carload of wheat cost at $ .78 per bushel ? 19. A commission merchant bought a 42,000-pound carload of wheat at $.76 per bushel and stored it in his elevator in Chicago. It was later shipped east and $.02 per bushel was charged for handling and storing. The railroad charged $ .17^ per hundredweight for freight. How much did the carload cost the purchaser on its arrival in the east? TRANSPORTATION OF GRAIN 83 20. The Northern Elevator Co. of Lanesville, Maine, made the following deliveries and sent with each a sale slip to be delivered by the driver. If the consumer pays, the teamster receipts as in the following slip. Copy the body of this sale slip, tilling in all spaces in which question marks occur. NORTHERN ' ELEVATOR CO. GRAIN, FEKD, HAY, STRAW, SALT, AND POULTRY SUPPLIES LANESVILLE, ME., March 14, 1916 ROBERT HUNTER, 75 MAIN ST., CITY bags corn f 1.55 bu. wheat 1.08 Paid, Northern Elevator Co. R. Make out the body (omitting the heading) of the sale slip which would accompany each of the following orders : 21. To Edwin O. Bosworth, 41 Park Terrace, 2 bu. wheat @ 1.98 ; 3 bags corn @ $1.61 ; 1 bag meal @ $1.48. 22. To Ray Thompson, 115 Main St., 50 Ib. beef scraps @ $.03-; 2 bags dry mash @ $2.21, and 1 bale of hay weigh- ing 250 Ib. at $30 per ton. 23. To Frank R. Johnston, 76 Maple Ave., 2 bales straw weighing 260 Ib. and 315 Ib. at $25 per ton; 2 bu. rye (co, $1.18; 1 bu. barley @ $.88. 24. To Geo. H. Beals, 561 Oak St., 5 bags seed oats'@ $1.13; 2 bags feed oats @ $1.09, and 2 bags cracked corn @ $1.61. 84 RAILROAD FREIGHT PROBLEMS MONTHLY STATEMENTS OF GRAIN It often happens that a customer who buys large quantities of grain, prefers to pay at the end of the month', and requests the grain company to send him a monthly statement like the following. Pupils may copy the entire statement and fill in all amounts, receipting the statement over their own initials as book- keepers. A MONTHLY STATEMENT BREMKX, X. Y., SEPT. 1, lUlo ZO-Liii^i-yns &'ume> u,nci c/tw To RURAL GRAIN ELEVATOR CO., Dr. Aug. 3 5 bags dry inasli 2.10 ? 9 5 2 bags cracked corn 1.61 9 ; 100 lb. grit 60 7 3 bags scratch feed 2.20 ? V 50 lb. beef scrap .03 9 9 V2. 30 lb. charcoal .01 ? y 3 bags seed oats 1.13 J 9 18 2 bags barley .88 9 9 2 bags rye 1.20 V 9 22 4 bags meal 1.48 ? 9 2 bags alfalfa 1.98 9 9 26 2 bu. wheat 1.03 9 ? 2 bags corn 1.63 ? 9 V 9 Received payment RUUAL GRAIN- Co. X. Y. Z. DIVISION BY FRACTIONS 85 REVIEW DIVISION BY FRACTIONS Division by fractions is a process occurring most frequently in industries dealing with wood and metal. To divide by a fraction : Invert the divisor and procf.ed as in multiplication. 1. How many ^-inch strips can be cat from a 9-inch piece of sheet brass ? 3 3 4 9 +- - = X = 12. A n.s-. I'J strips. 4 ^ 2. How many l|-inch strips can be cut from a 10-inch piece of the same material ? '2 10 -H H = 1 -*- - = JP x - = 8. ,1 //."'. S strips. 4 ' ^ 3. How many 3f-ineh strips can be cut from a 13^-inch strip of tin ? 4 i3i- .: a* = -s-^- = x -? =4. ,1 //.-. 4 strips. 28^2/7 4. Divide 18 by L 15. Divide 4 by 14. 12. Divide 6 by Ij 3 g. 23. Divide 22 by 1^ 6 . 13. Divide 9 bv 1^. 24. Divide 18.| by 2|. 14. Divide 13 by If. 25. Divide 10| by 1^. 86 CARPENTRY PROBLEMS Circu/ar 5 aw - Ripn/ntf C/rcu/Qr Sdu> - Cross-cutting THE MACHINE SAW 87 CARPENTRY PROBLEMS THE MACHINE SAW The sketches on page 8r of Sox C/cated Outs/de fo d Packing of J/ioe 6ox.es Outside C/eate Increase Strength sf/eat C/eat f/ose Fig. 4-. foe/He* offiox. With Outs/c/e C/eate PLANNING THE LENGTH OF THE SIDES All orders sent to a box mill by a shoe factory or other manufacturing concern which ships its products in boxes, specify the length, the width, and the depth in exact figures to the 32d part of an inch ; also the exact thickness of all stock which is used. All dimensions for length, width, and depth are inside dimensions, in order to fit the contents exactly. All the following problems are taken from actual orders sent to the ' box mill by different manu- facturers. Oral Exercise 1. Study Fig. 1. How many inches long must the sides be if the ends are \ in. thick ? Explain. 2. In Fig. 2, the side must be long enough to include both ends and end cleats. How long must the side be cut ? 3. Study Fig. 3. If the inside length is 20 in., the ends are ^ in. thick, and the cleats in. thick, how long must the side be cut ? 96 ('ARI'KN'TRY PROBLEMS Written Exercise l. A plain box (without end cleats) is ordered. The inside length is to be 11 \ in. If the ends are to be | in. stock (that is, | in. in thickness) how long must the sides be sawed ? ll in., inside length. 1^ in. (2 x j in.), thickness of both ends. 12 ; { in., total length of side. Find how long the sides of the following plain boxes must be sawed: 2. Inside length, 22 in.; ends, -^ in. thick. 3. Inside length, 84^ in.; ends, \\ in. thick. 4. Inside length, 30| in.; ends, | in. thick. 5. Inside length, 31| in.; ends, in. thick. 6. Study Fig. 3, page 95, which is cleated outside. If the ends were both |- in. thick and the cleats | in. thick, how long would the sides be sawed, provided the inside length were to be 17| in. ? \1\ in., inside length. | in. (2 x | in.), thickness of both ends. _J_ in. (2 x ^ in.), thickness of both cleats. 19^ in., total length of side. How long must sides of the following boxes be cut ? 7. Inside length, 22^g in.; ends, | in. thick; outside cleats, | in. thick. 8. Inside length, 28 in. ; ends, | in. thick; outside cleats, fin. thick. 9. Inside length, 27$ in.; ends, \\ in. thick; outside cleats, % in. thick. 10. Inside length, 24^ in. ; ends, | in. ; outside cleats. in. thick. 97 SELLING FIRE WOOD BY THE CORD A WOOD DEALERS P/LE - One Cord 7~he Un/'i of Wood Measure - One Corey foot 1 cord of wood is a pile of 4-foot sticks, piled 8 ft. long and 4 ft. high. Or 1 cord of wood is any pile containing 128 cu. ft. How to obtain the 128 cu. ft. : 4x4x8 cu. ft. = 128 cu. i't. How to obtain the number of cubic feet in a pile of 4 -foot wood, piled 6 ft. high and 20 ft. long : 4 x (> x 20 cu. ft. = 480 cu. ft. How to find the number of cords in such a pile : 3 5 x $ x * = V 5 - = 3f. number of cords. How to find the cost of a similar pile at $6.50 per cord : 3 5 3.25 98 SELLING FIRE WOOD Compute the number of cords in the following piles : 1. 4-foot wood, piled 7 ft. high and 15 ft. long. 2. 4-foot wood, piled 8 ft. high and 30 ft. long. 3. 4-foot wood, piled 6 ft. high and 24 ft. long. 4. 4-foot wood, piled 6| ft. high and 30 ft. long. Compute the cost of the following piles at prices stated : 5. 4-foot wood, 7 ft. high, 20 ft. long, at $ 5.00 per cord. 6. 4-foot wood, 8 ft. high, 40 ft. long, at $ 6.00 per cord. 7. 4-foot wood, 9 ft. high, 35 ft. long, at $ 5.50 per cord. 8. 4-foot wood, 10 ft. high, 45 ft. long, at $ 5.25 per cord. 9. 4-foot wood, 8 ft. high, 36 ft. long, at I 6.25 per cord. 10. 4-foot wood, 7| ft. high, 34 ft. long, at $6.00 per cord. CARTING WOOD Cut wood is retailed in 1 cord foot (cd. ft.), 2 cd. ft., ^ cd., and 1 cd. 1 cd. ft. contains 16 cu. ft. (See diagram on page 97.) 2 cd. ft. contain 32 cu. ft. 3 cord contains 64 cu. ft. Wood is carted in wagons that differ slightly in size : STOCK SIZES OF CARTS AND WAGONS No. INSIDE DIMENSIONS Ho. DIMENSIONS WITH SIDEBOARDS IN 5 ft. x 3J ft. x 12 in. (1 ft.) 51 ft. x 31 ft. x 12 in. 6J ft. x 3 ft. 10 in. x 14 in. 71 ft x 31 ft. x 14 in. 9 ft. x 3J ft. x 15 in. 2, 4. 6. 8. ID. 5 ft. x 31 ft. x 2 ft. 5i ft. x 3$ ft. x 2 ft. 6J ft. x 3 ft. 10 in. x 28 in. 7J ft. x 3J ft x 28 in. 9 ft. x Si ft. x 30 in. CARTING WOOD 99 1. Compute the number of cubic feet in each of the carts listed on page 98. As wood does not pile compactly, fractious of a cubic foot should not be counted. Express the work of No. 5 as follows : 6 x 3| x 1J = -\ 5 - x -V- X | = 27-J-fl, number of cu. ft. Am. 27 cu. ft. Express results as follows: CART No. 1 CART No. 2 CART No. 3 CART No. 4 CART No. 5 CART No. 6 CART No. 7 CART No. 8 CART No. 9 CART No. 10 CU. ft. CU. ft. CU. ft. CU. ft. CU. ft. CU. ft. CU. ft. CU. ft. CU. ft. CU. ft. 2. Which of these carts is best adapted to carry 1 cd. ft. of cut wood ? 3. Which two of them are well adapted, by heaping or scanting the load, to deliver 2 cd. ft. ? 4. Which are large enough to carry a half cord or more ? 5. By filling any box or receptacle known to contain just cd. with wood, and then piling the contents into one of these carts and marking the height of the pile, the cart could after- ward be piled up to this mark whenever J cd. was ordered. 6. If a box is 5 ft. 4 in. long and 3 ft. wide, how high must it be filled to contain | cd. ? \ cd. contains 64 cu. ft. 5 ft. 4 in. = 5 ft. ; 5| x 3 sq. ft. = 16 sq. ft., area of bottom. 64 -t- 16 = 4. The box must be filled 4 ft. deep. 7. At what depth must this box be marked to contain 1 cd. ft. ? for 2 cd. ft. ? for 3 cd. ft. ? 8. Mr. Jones carts 8 even loads in No. 9. How many cords has he delivered ? 100 WEIGHING PROBLEMS WEIGHING PROBLEMS GROSS, TARE, AND NET The terms gross, tare, and net are business expressions used when the materials sold are delivered in wagons, casks, iirkins, etc. Gross weight is the weight of material and its container. Tare is the weight of the container (wagon, cask, firkin, etc.). Net weight is the weight of the material itself and is ob- tained by subtracting the tare from the gross weight. Oral Exercise Compute the net weight of powder put up in tin cans or glass jars as follows: Gross Weight Tare Net Weight 16 oz. 2 oz. ? 16 oz. 1| oz. 9 8oz. H- oz. 9 12 oz. 2 oz. ? 16 oz. ^ oz. 9 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Gross Weight Tare Net Weight 15 oz. Set. ? 20 oz. 4 oz. ? 16 oz. 2oz. 9 18 oz. 2 oz. ? 10 oz. If oz. 9 Written Exercise Compute the net weight of coal delivered in wagons and auto trucks as follows : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Gross Weight Tare Net Weight 3375 Ib. 1480 Ib. 9 3194 Ib. 1210 Ib. 9 4065 Ib. 2120 Ib. 9 3720 Ib. 1680 Ib. | 3005 Ib. 1010 Ib. 9 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Gross Weight Tare Net Weight 3615 Ib. 1430 Ib. 9 3196 Ib. 1290 Ib. 9 3984 Ib. 2050 Ib. 9 3915 Ib. 1860 Ib. q 3285 Ib. 1450 Ib. 9 THE PUBLIC WEIGHER 101 THE PUBLIC WEIGHER RECORD OF WRIGHT BROCKTON, MASS., MAY 4, 1916 Load ef;__*f*y__ E. S. Brown Gross wt._. 3020 Ib. Tare.. .. _ Net _______ _T7~: lb - Wm. H. White Weigher In order to protect the public, all scales for weighing things for which the public have to pay are required to be tested by a Sealer of Weights and Measures. Men who are licensed to weigh coal, hay, and other expensive necessaries of life, which come by the ton, etc., are placed under oath and called sworn weighers. They are usually required to keep an accurate record of all weighing done, in a book containing blank forms like the above. 1. A. E. Stone with a load of hay for E. S. Brown weighs in as he goes to deliver it. His wagon is on record at the weigher's office as weighing 1140 Ib. and the above record is made. How much hay does he deliver ? The above record is kept on file at the office of the legal weigher. 2. Mr. Andrew's hay wagon weighs 1025 Ib. He carts 5 loads to S. R. Thompson. Their gross weights are: 2290 Ib., 2675 Ib., 2806 Ib., 2485 Ib., 2560 Ib. What is the net weight of each ? How much hay does he deliver in all ? 3. A. B. Stone's hay wagon weighs 870 Ib. He delivers 4 loads whose gross weights are 2365 Ib., 2140 Ib., 2280 Ib., 2090 Ib. What is the net weight of each ? the total net weight ? 102 WEIGHING PROBLEMS 4. The Central Ice Company sent loads to the cooler in A. B. Jones & Company's market in a cart weighing 2600 Ib. Three loads were sent in a week, their gross weights being 4205 Ib., 3875 Ib., 3905 Ib. How much ice was delivered ? How much did it cost at 50 ^ per hundredweight ? 5. A wagon weighing 973 Ib. was loaded with bales of hay weighing as follows: 125 Ib., 150 Ib., 130 Ib., 205 Ib., 196 Ib., 227 Ib., 186 Ib., 195 Ib., 206 Ib., 157 Ib. What was the whole or gross weight ? When driven on the platform scales the whole load including the driver weighed 2876 Ib. What was the driver's weight ? 6. The next wagon on the scales was filled with shelled corn. The wagon weighed 1205 Ib. and the whole load 2409 Ib. How much corn was there ? If one bushel weighs 56 Ib., how many bushels were there in the load ? CHANGING FROM POUNDS TO SHORT TONS 2000 LB. = 1 SHORT TON (T.) 1. How many tons are equal to 15,620 Ib. ? 15.620. (Moving point three places divides by 1000.) 7.81. (Dividing by 2 completes the division by 2000 and gives the number of tons.) 2. 5180 Ib. = how many tons ? 3. 8640 Ib. = how many tons? 4. 21,860 Ib. = how many tons? 5. 370 Ib. = what part of a ton ? 6. 1420 Ib. = what part of a ton ? 7. 1880 Ib. = what part of a ton ? 8. 3210 Ib. = how many tons? 9. 13,050 Ib. = how many tons? 10. 4910 Ib. = how many tons? THE PUBLIC WEIGHER 103 11. What is the cost of 750 Ib. at $8 per ton? 3 *7KA TU 750 lb ' = I OU 2000 Or As in problems 1-10, move the point 3 places to the left and divide by 2. (a) 750 Ib. .750 M. .375 T. (i) $8.00, price of 1 T. .375 $3.00, cost of 750 Ib. 12. Using either of the above methods, compute the cost of the following odd loads at prices given per ton: (a) 1430 Ib. at-* 7. 50. (5) 1280 Ib. at $6.50. (V) 970 Ib. at $8.00. (d) 1850 Ib. at $6.75. (e) 1690 Ib. at $6.00. 13. Compute the net weight of ice delivered in wagons : (/) 1940 Ib. at $7.00. (#) 1360 Ib. at $7. 50. (A) 1180 Ib. at $8.25. (0 790 Ib. at $6. 75. 1420 Ib. at $9. 00. Gross Net Gross Net Weight Tare Weight Weight Tare Weight (a) 5072 Ib. 2165 Ib. 9 (/) 5610 Ib. 2218 Ib. ? (&) 4687 Ib. 1780 Ib. ? 07) 4890 Ib. 1940 Ib. 9 (') 4725 Ib. 2330 Ib. ? (*) 3964 Ib. 2160 Ib. ? 00 3967 Ib. 1890 Ib. 9 (0 5185 Ib. 1790 Ib. ? (0 4186 Ib. 1290 Ib. 9 (./) 4975 Ib. 1830 Ib. 9 14. Compute the cost of each of the above loads at $ 5.50 per ton. 104 THE COAL BUSINESS THE COAL BUSINESS STANDARD SCALES In the retail coal business, before each driver starts to deliver his load, he drives it upon the platform of the scales, and the clerk in the office notifies him whether his load is too small or too large and how many pounds he must add or take off. A driver soon learns how much the average shovelful weighs and can estimate his load by counting the shovelfuls. 1. Driver No. 1 has a wagon weighing 2150 Ib. If he car- ries a ton (2000 Ib.) of coal, how much should the whole weigh ? If it weighs 4167 Ib., how much coal should he take off? how much if it weighs 4172 Ib. ? 2. Driver No. 2 has a 1220-pound wagon. What should be the gross weight with an even ton ? If the gross weight is only 3213 Ib., how much coal should be added ? how much if it is 3205 Ib. ? STANDARD SCALES 105 3. Driver No. 3 has a 980-pound wagon. The gross weight of his load is 2996 Ib. Should he add or take off coal and how much to carry an even ton ? 4. Driver No. 4 has a 1056-pound cart. The gross weight -of his load is 3112 Ib. Should he add or take off coal and how much to carry an even ton ? 5. If No. 4 had weighed in at 2468 Ib., what would the net weight (coal alone) have been ? 6. If No. 3 had weighed in at 2749 Ib., what would the net weight of his load have been ? 7. Mr. Esterbrook, whose wagon weighs 1150 Ib., takes on a load sufficient to bring the gross weight up to 2650 Ib. How much coal is there in his load ? How much is it worth at 17.50 a ton? 8. Mr. Hartman, using a wagon weighing 1180 Ib., carts loads of coal of the following gross weights : 3130 Ib., 3055 Ib., 3020 Ib., 3090 Ib., and 2605 Ib. () Compute the net weight of each load and add the five net weights. (6) Check this result by adding the five gross weights and subtracting five times the weight of the wagon. (3 per long ton. As it would be somewhat difficult in rilling cars to get even tons, the coal is billed by some companies to the nearest hundredweight. l. At $ 3.15 per ton, find the cost of the freight on a carload of coal weighing 31 L. T. 15 cwt. Cost of 31 L. T. = 31 x $3.15 =$97.65 Cost of 15 cwt. = , or - , of $ 3.15 = *^ = f 2.36 20 4 4 $97.65 + 12.36 = $100.01 Compute the cost of freight on each of the following ship- ments at $3 per long ton, considering 1 cwt. as 112 Ib.: 2. 25 L. T. 9 cwt. 5. 22 L. T. 16 cwt. 3. 23 L. T. 11 cwt. 6. 27 L. T. 15 cwt. 4. 24 L. T. 13 cwt. 7. 28 L. T. 5 cwt. 8. How much would the freight cost on a carload of 40 L. T. 8 cwt. at 8 .85 per long ton ? 9. Find the cost of freight on a load of 38 L. T. 6 cwt. at $ .(55 per long ton. 10. Find the cost of freight on a loud of 28 L. T. 15 cwt. at $ .70 per long ton. COST OF FRETGHT 100 TEAMSTER'S RECORD 11. Find the cost of freight on a load of 32 L. T. 10 cwt. at $ .85 per long ton ? 12. The following three carloads, 30 L. T. 2 cwt., 28 L. T. 5 cwt., and 39 L. T. 4 cwt., were received at the freight yard. Compute the freight on the total amount received, at $.85 per long ton. 13. It is a business-like precaution to verify the accuracy of all charges by comparing the actual goods received with those billed. A college using large quantities of soft coal for its heating plant buys it by .the carload, unloads it, and carts it from the freight yard to the en- gine rooms. Each trip the teamster drives his load on the scales and makes a record of the gross weight like that at the left. His two-horse wagon weighs 1170 Ib. The car he is unloading is billed at 13 L. T. 7 cwt. (a) Subtract the tare in each line from the gross weight to find the net weight of each load. (b) Add the net weight column and see if it agrees with the amount billed in the carload. If not, your own work may be wrong ; so it should be proved or checked. To check your work, add the gross weight column ; and from the sum subtract 17 times 1170. The differ- ence should be the same as the sum of the 3d column or the net weight of the carloads. How much does the record show ? Gross Weight Tare Net . Weight 2560 1170 9 2480 1170 9 2730 1170 9 2560 1170 9 3040 1170 ? 3210 1170 9 2950 1170 9 3160 1170 9 2890 1170 9 3090 1170 9 3180 1170 9 2980 1170 9 3210 1170 9 3320 1170 ? 2990 1170 9 2960 1170 9 2670 1170 9 ? a ? b Vc -? b ? c* * Should agree with'c no THE COAL BUSINESS COAL DEALEK'S COMPUTING TABLE Wholesale 2240 Ib. = 1 L. T. (long ton) Ib. *3 50 $3.75 $4.00 $4.25 $4.50 $5.00 10 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 20 .03 .03 .04 .04 .04 .04 30 .05 .05 .06 .06 .06 .07 40 .06 .07 .07 .08 .08 .09 50 .08 .08 .09 .09 .10 .11 60 .09 .10 .11 .12 .13 .13 70 .11 .12 .12 .13 .14 .16 80 .13 .13 .14 .15 .16 .18 90 .14 .15 .16 .17 .18 .20 100 .16 .17 .18' .19 .20 .22 200 .31 .33 .36 .38 .40 . .45 300 .47 .50 .54 .57 .60 .67 400 .63 .67 .71 .76 .80 .89 500 .78 .84 .89 J95 1.00 1.12 600 .94 1.00 1.07 1.14 1.20 1.34 700 1.09 1.17 1.25 1.33 1.41 1.56 800 1.25 1.34 1.43 1.52 1.61 1.79 900 1.41 1.51 1.61 1.71 1.81 2.01 1000 1.56 1.67 1.79 1.90 2.01 2.23 1100 1.72 1.84 1.96 2.09 2.21 2.46 1200 1.87 2.01 2.14 2.28 2.41 2.68 1300 2.03 2.18 2.32 2.47 2.61 2.90 1400 2.19 2.34 2.50 2.66 2.81 3.12 1500 2.34 2.51 2.68 2.85 3.01 3.35 1600 2.50 2.68 2.86 3.04 3.21 3.57 1700 2.66 2.85 3.03 3.23 3.41 3.79 1800 2.81 3.01 3.21 3.42 3.61 4.02 1900 2.97 3.18 3.39 3.60 3.82 4.24 2000 3.13 3.35 3.57 3.79 4.02 4.46 2100 3.28 3.52 3.75 3.98 4.22 4.69 2200 3.44 3.68 3.93 4.17 4.42 4.91 THE WHOLESALE COAL TRADE 111 Wholesale coal merchants sell to the retail dealers by the long ton (2240 lb.). To save the time of computing the price on different amounts constantly being shipped, the clerks use a printed table in which the price of any amount from 10 lb. to 2240 lb. can be immediately seen. This table is used chiefly in computing the cost of fractional parts of a long ton shipped to a retail dealer, or carted to customers near by. l. A carload billed to a retail dealer at $4 per long ton con- tains 24 L. T. and 350 lb. over. Cost of 24 T. @ $4 Cost of 300 lb. (See Table, page 110, 300 lb. line, $4 column) = .54 Cost of 50 lb. (See Table, 50 lb. line, f 4 column) = .09 Total cost =$96.63 Use the table 011 page 110 and compute the cost of the following fractional parts of a long ton : PRICE PER TON PRICE PER TON 2. 850 lb. 14.25 is. 370 lb. 14.00 3. 670 lb. $4.50 16. 490 lb. $4.50 4. 180 lb. $4.25 17. 570 lb. $4.25 5. 480 lb. $5.00 18. 680 lb. $4.50 6. 350 lb. $4.50 19. 750 lb. $5.00 7. 1570 lb. $5.00 20. 870 lb. $4.25 8. 1080 lb. $4.25 21. 980 lb. $4.25 9. 290 lb. $4.25 22. 1150 lb. $5.00 10. 2701b. $5.00 23. 1270 lb. $4.00 11. 1850 lb. $3.50 24. 2080 lb. $5.00 12. 1890 lb. $3.75 25. 2100 lb. $4.50 is. 1950 lb. $4.00 26. 2160-lb. $3.50 14. 1970 lb. $4.50 27. 2200 lb. $4.00 112 THE HARDWARE BUSINESS THE HARDWARE BUSINESS SELLING GOODS BY WEIGHT A BC D E F GHI J K LO P RS T 04813 l.b 4 Oral Exercise 1. How heavy is the article in the scalepan if the sliding weight is at A? Answer the same question for each of the other points lettered. 2. If a weight marked 10 Ib. is hung on the hook, as indi- cated by the arrow, what will be the weight when the slide is at A ? B ? etc. 3. Compute the charge on the following articles with the weights as indicated : SELLING GOODS BY THE SQUARE FOOT 113 GOODS PURCHASED WEIGHT ON HOOK SLIDING WEHJIIT AT COST PER Pot'XD CHAR<;F, Nails 10 Ib. A $ .04^ ? Rope Lead pipe Sheet lead none 15 Ib. 15 Ib. - P F 11 .18 9 Plaster of Paris 5 Ib. D .02 ? Muresco 10 Ib. E .07 ? Glue none II .15 9 Sheet iron 10 Ib. L .08 ? Galvanized iron 10 Ib. P .10 I SELLING GOODS BY THE SQUARE FOOT A running foot is 1 ft. long without regard to width. To find the number of square feet : Multiply the number of running feet by the width expressed as feet. 1. How many square feet of poultry netting are there in 15 running feet of 30" netting? 30 in. = 2| ft. ; 2* x 15 sq. ft. = 37 sq. ft. 2. Find the cost of 25 ft. of 42" netting at 1| ^ per square foot. 42 in. = 3 ft. 3i x 25 x 1 \ = \ x 25 x f = *-$* f - $ 1.31 \ or $ 1.31. Oral Exercise How many square feet are there in each of the following lengths ? 1. 26 ft. of 12" netting. 2. 30 ft. of 18" netting. 3. 15 ft. of 36" netting. 4. 16 ft. of 48" netting. 5. 20 ft. of 60" netting. 6. 10 ft. of 72" netting. 7. 12 ft. of 18" netting. 8. 25 ft. of 24" netting. 9. 10 ft. of 30" netting. 10. 10 ft. of 42" netting. 114 THE HARDWARE BUSINESS 24-INCH 18-INCH ^j| ll 7Z-INCH fl^B 60-INCH I 54-INCH. MjM I 46-INCH. I 42-INCH. &SS| I iiillll Find the cost of the following lengths of poultry wire : KrNNiso FEKT WIDTH AND KIND PKIOE PER NUMBER PQ. FT. COST 30 ft. 18" Hexagonal Chick Net 1'J t 45 $.68 37 ft. 24" Hexagonal Chick Net lit ' . 60ft. 30" Hexagonal Chick Net ^\t 48ft. 18" U. S. Chick Net \\t 115 ft. 24" U. S. Chick Net \\t 70ft. 30" U. S. Chick Net l$fi 57 ft. 36" Hexagonal Poultry Net \t 80 ft. 42" Hexagonal Poultry Net It 60 ft. 48" Hexagonal Poultry Net It 90 ft. 54" Hexagonal Poultry Net \t 117 ft. 60" Hexagonal Poultry Net \t 81ft. 36" U. S. Poultry Net \t 48ft. 18" U. S. Poultry Net \t 75ft. 24" U. S. Poultry Net \t . 40ft. 42" U. S. Poultry Net \t 37ft. 48" U. S. Poultry Net \t 50 ft. 54" U. S. Poultry Net \t 52 ft. 60" U. S. Poultry Net \f 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 10. 11. 12. ;is. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. MOSQUITO NETTING 115 MOSQUITO NETTING Mosquito netting conies in rolls whose widths run from 16" to 42" in even inches, that is, 16", 18", 20", etc. There are three common grades the black, selling for -$.02 a square foot ; the galvanized for -$.04 a square foot; and the copper for $.08 a square foot. 1. Find the cost of 3 ft. of 22" black netting. 22 in. = 1- ft.; 1- x 3 x 2? = M X 2x2? = n?. 66 ft ? 2. Find the cost of 40 in. of 28" black netting. 40 in. = 3| ft. ; 28 in. = 2^ ft. 3$x2x2? = ^x x 2 1 = iffl <>> = 15$ ?, or 16 ?. Find the cost at $ .02 per square foot of : 3. 5 ft. of 38" netting. 8. 40 ft. of 24" netting. 4. 8 ft. of 42" netting. 9. 45 ft. of 30" netting. 5. 4 ft. of 26" netting. 10. 36 ft. of 24" netting. 6. 2 ft. of 18" netting. 11. 70 ft. of 36" netting. 7. 6 ft. of 24" netting. 12. 50 ft. of 18" netting. How much will be charged for the following lengths at f .04 per square foot? 13. 13 ft. of 12" netting. 18. 12 ft. of 42" netting. 14. 20 ft. of 18" netting. 19. 20 ft. of 48" netting. 15. 12 ft. of 24" netting. 20. 10 ft. of 54" netting. 16. 10 ft. of 30" netting. 21. 15 ft. of 60" netting. 17. 20 ft. of 36" netting. 22. 20 ft. of 72" netting. 116 THE HARDWARE BUSINESS TABI.K OF PRICES OF Mo.stjrrro XKTTIM; There is so much figuring for many of the orders for mos- quito netting that it is usually found advisable to make a table of prices. 1. Fill in the 1 ft. line, 16" column, of the table below. 16 in. wire is 1 ft. wide. 1 x 1| x 21 = 1 x f x 21 = f I = 2f I, or 8f. 2. Fill in the 4 in. line, 16" column, of the table. 4 in. = ^ ft. long; 16 in. = 1^ ft. wide. | x li x 2 t = x | x 2 f = | ?, or 1 ?. 3. Rule a table like the following and fill in all blank spaces : SELLING PRICE OF MOSQUITO NKTTI.NG AT 2^ PKR SQUARE FOOT Lengths in Feet 16" wide 18" wide 20" wide 22" wide 24" wide 26" wide 28" wide 30" wide 32" wide 34" wide 1ft. 8* 2ft. 3ft. 4ft. \lf 20^ 5ft. 6ft. 7ft. 8ft. 9ft. 10ft. Parts of a Foot 2 in. \t 1* If If If If If If 10 \1 4 in. I/ If 6 in. Sin. 10 in. MOSQUITO NETTING 117 COMPUTING CHARGES FROM THE TABLE 1. Find the cost of 50 running inches of 30" netting. 50 in. = 4 ft. 2 in. Read along 4 ft. line to 30 in. column 20^. Read along 2 in. line to 30 in. column 1 f>. Total ~2f>. Find the cost of : 2. 5 ft. 4 in. of 18" net at 2 ^ per square foot. 3. 2 ft. 6 in. of 20" net at 2 ^ per square foot. 4. 1 ft. 2 in. of 22" net at 2 ^ per square foot. 5. 4 ft. 8 in. of 24" net at 2 ^ per square foot. 6. 3 ft. 10 in. of 26" net at 2 ^ per square foot. 7. 6 ft. 4 in. of 28" net at 2 ^ per square foot. 8. 10 ft. 2 in. of 30" net at 2^ per square foot. 9. 4 ft. 10 in. of 18" net at 2^ per square foot. 10. 7 ft. 4 in. of 20" net 2 ^ per square foot. 11. 8 ft. 2 in. of 26" net at 2 ^ per square foot. 12. 3 ft. 10 in. of 24' ' net at 2 ^ per square foot. 13. 9 ft. 8 in. of 20" net at 2 $ per square foot. To use the table in computing the price of 4^, 6^, or 8^ wire, merely find the price for 2 ^ and multiply by 2, 3, or 4 as needed. Find the cost of : 14. 30 running inches of 18" net at 4^ per square foot. 15. 40 running inches of 20" net at 4 ^ per square foot. 16. 42 running inches of 22" net at 4 ^ per square foot. 17. 54 running inches of 24" net at 8 i per square foot. 18. 48 running inches of 20" net at 8 ^ per square foot. 19. 50 running inches of 26" net at 8^ per square foot. 20. 60 running inches of 28" net at 8 ^ per square foot. 118 AREAS OF COMMON FIGURES AREAS OF COMMON FIGURES PARALLELOGRAMS AND TRIANGLES To find the area of a parallelogram : Find the product of the base by the altitude.* FORMULA. Area = B x A (Base x Altitude). Compute mentally the area of each of these parallelograms : 1. Rectangle 12" x 5-J". 4. Rhomboid 50' x 30'. 2. Rhomboid 13" x 4". 5. Rhombus 200' x 5'. 3. Square 12" long. 6. Rectangle 8' x 8'. To find the area of a triangle : Find one half the product of the base by the altitude. FORMULA. Area = B x A 1. Compute mentally the areas of the above triangles. Compute the area of the following triangles: 2. Base, 35'; altitude, 16'. 5. Base, 43'; altitude, 17'. 3. Base, 15J'; altitude, 14'. 6. Base, 32'; altitude, 6J'. 4. Base, 13'; altitude, 31'. 7. Base, 42'; altitude, 18 i'. * By the product of lines, such as base and altitude, is meant the product of the numbers that measure them when expressed in Jike units. The area of a rectangle 2 ft. long and in. (or | ft.) wide is (2 x ) square feet, or 1 sq. ft. TRAPEZOIDS TRAPEZOIDS 119 A trapezoid is a quadrilateral having only two sides parallel. To find the area of a trapezoid : Add the two parallel sides (long base and short base) and mul- tiply the sum by one half the altitude. A FORMULA. Area = x (Long Base + Short Base). 9 9 9 12 ft. 9 9 9 9 14ft. ? ? 9 ? 16 ft. ? 9 ? 9 18ft. 9 9 9 ? 20ft. 9 ? ? 9 22 ft. ? V 9 9 24 ft. 9 ? 9 9 128 A PRACTICAL STUDY OF LUMBER BUYING LUMBER The price of all kinds of lumber is quoted as a certain num- ber of dollars per thousand, that is, per thousand board feet. $ 30 M means $ 30 per thousand board feet. Oral Exercise 1. How much will 1260 bd. ft. cost at $ 30 M ? If 1000 ft. cost $30, 1 ft. costs T^g, of $30, or $.03. 1260 ft. cost 1260 x $ .03, or $ 37.80. 2. How much will 80 bd. ft. cost at $ 40 M ? Written Exercise 1. Compute the cost of 2500 bd. ft. at $ 30 M. 2. Compute the cost of 800 bd. ft. at $32 M. 3. Compute the cost of 450 bd. ft. at $40 M. 4. Compute the cost of 1,060 bd. ft. at $ 42 M. 5. Compute the cost of 160 bd. ft. at $ 35 M. 6. Compute the cost of 96 bd. ft. at $ 36 M. 7. Compute the cost of 870 bd. ft. at $ 31 M. 8. Compute the cost of 1756 bd. ft. at $34 M. 9. Compute the cost of 285 bd. ft. at $ 50 M. 10. Compute the cost of 38 bd. ft. at $ 65 M. 11. Compute the cost of 220 bd. ft. at $ 38 M. 12. Compute the cost of 922 bd. ft. at $ 41 M. 13. Compute the cost of 380 bd. ft. at $ 90 M. 14. Compute the cost of 426 bd. ft. at $ 45 M. 15. Compute the cost of 128 bd. ft. at $52 M. 16. Compute the cost of 740 bd. ft. at $ 80 M. 17. Compute the cost of 46 bd. ft. at $ 36 M. 18. Compute the cost of 108 bd. ft. at $41 M. DELIVERING LUMBER 129 DELIVERING LUMBER The following sale slips were presented by the teamster when he delivered the lumber. Copy each and fill out all the amounts: 1. W. P. HUTCHINSON LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS 128-134 SPRING ST. MARION, OHIO, Mar. 14, 1916 Deliver to John J. Jones Address 4& Main St., Marion, Ohio PIECES SIZE LENGTH KIND PRICE PER 1000 FT. AMOUNT 10 8 4 1" X 12" 2" x 3" 4" x 4" 14ft. 12ft. 16 ft. Spruce Spruce Spruce $36.00 36.00 36.00 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2. CITY LUMBER COMPANY YARD AT 40-50 WEST SUMMER STREET PEAHODY, KAN. April 10, 1916 Deliver to Edwin P. Bot/nlon Address 4163 Washington St., Peabody, Kan. PIECES SIZE LENGTH KIND PRICE PER 1000 FT. AMOUNT 4 40 20 6" x 8" 1" x 10" 2" x 3" 20ft. 12ft. 14ft. Hemlock Pine Spruce $32.00 34.00 30.00 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 130 A PRACTICAL STUDY OF LUMBER Consider that you are' making out sale slips for the follow- ing orders. Use the table on page 127 and complete the slips to be given to the driver as he delivers the load. 3. Order. #82. 4 pieces of 4" x 6" 14 ft. long; 2 16 ft. pieces of 4" x 8"; and 120 ft. piece of 6" x 8". All items retail at '#30 M. 4. Order #33. 2 24 ft. lengths of 6"-x8"; 2 20 ft. lengths of 6" x 6"; 10 12 ft. lengths of 2" x 12". All items retail at $32 M. 5. Order #34. 5 16 ft. lengths of 4"x8"; 2 18 ft. lengths of 6"x6": and 5 14 ft. lengths of 2" x 12". All items retail at $ 35 M. 6. The form of bill which follows contains a description of the lumber which was ordered. The clerk fills in the number of board feet in each item and the charge. Complete the bill. (See Table, page 126.) KIKKSVILLE, Mo., Jan. 31, 1916 MR. Wm. R. Russell 246 Main St., Kirksville BOUGHT OK BROWN, STONE, & CO. 4 pc. 40 pc. 32 pc. 3 '' x 4" 2" x 3" 2'' x 8" 10 feet long 12 feet long 16 feet long' bd. ft. - bd. ft. - bd. ft. at $30.00 per M. at $ 30.00 per M. at $ 32.00 per M. ' y ? 7. Henry R. Stone bought of the Worcester Lumber Co. on Feb. 3, 1916, the following items. Make out his bill in the above form. 21 pieces of 6" x 8", 20 ft. long, at $33 M ; 30 pieces of 2" x 8", 16 ft. long, at $32' M; and 12 pieces of 4" x 4", 14 ft. long, at $32 M. (See Table, page 127.) CELLARS AND CELLAR WALLS BUILDING PROBLEMS CELLARS AND CELLAR WALLS 131 A cellar was excavated for a house 28' x 32'. It had to be dug about 4 ft. longer and wider than the size of the house, in order to allow room to lay the cellar wall. 1. How long and how wide was the space to be excavated? 2. It was dug down on an average of 4 ft. below the level of the lot. How many cubic feet were removed ? 3. Excavating is measured by the cubic yard (27 cu. ft.). How many cubic yards were removed in the above cellar ? 4. One-horse dump carts will carry on an average 20 cu. ft. How many one-horse loads were needed to remove the earth in the above cellar? (Call any fractional part a complete load.) 5. If two-horse carts were used, carrying on an average 30 cu. ft. to a load, how many loads would be carted ? 6. The wall of rough stone is to be pointed up with lime mortar and costs when completed 17^ per square foot of cellar face wall. This wall is 4 ft. high ; the front and back walls are each 26 ft. long (on the inside) ; the two side walls, 30 ft. each. Compute the number of square feet and the cost. 132 BUILDING PROBLEMS 1 ,'.'.'. 1 .','.' I , I , I Founc/etion Side Watt isometric V/eui of 0/ro/er Jo/at (Sill Cut A* 5/11 /Z'- O- x /Z'-O f/oor T/mbers for Summer Cottage FRAMING FLOORS 133 FRAMING FLOORS Figures 3 and 4 in the illustration on page 132 show parts of the floor frames of small buildings, like automobile garages. The first timbers laid on the brick or stone foundations are called sills (see a in Fig. 3). Timbers running across are called girders (5). At the corners the front sill overlaps the side sills (Fig. 1) and the two are fastened together by a wooden peg. Figure 2 shows how the girder, which helps sustain the weight of the building, is itself supported at the ends by resting on the foundation and being mortised into the side sills. 1. The timbers used in Fig. 3 for both side and end sills are 6" x 6". How many board feet are there in the two side sills ? 2. How many board feet are there in the two end sills ? 3. The girder in Fig. 3 is 4" x 6" and 16 ft. long. How many board feet does it contain ? 4. Compute the cost of the above five timbers at $32 per M. 5. In Fig. 4, the sills and the girders are 6" x 8". Refer to the plan and fill in the following list of timbers with the number of board feet in each : 2 6" x 8" side sills - - ft. long contain - - bd. f t. 2 6" x 8" end sills - - ft. long contain - - bd. ft. 1 6" x 8" girder 16 ft. long contains bd. ft. 1 6" x 8" girder 12 ft. long contains - bd. ft. Total bd. ft. 6. Compute the cost of the sills and girders in Ex. 5 at #30 per M. 7. If the price were 16f % higher, how much would the same number of board feet have cost ? 134 BUILDING PROBLEMS Girders and Floor Joists. Examine Fig. 5, page 132, carefully. Point out the sills and the girders. The chief use of the girders is to sustain the in- terior weight of the building. They are not supported by a foundation, as the sills are. What supports are used ? (Look in your own cellars.) Where are they placed? Girders are usually placed on edge to secure greater strength. (To find the reason, try to bend your ruler flatwise and then edgewise.) The other timbers are floor joists, usually made of spruce and set 1(5 in. apart from center to center. When these have been set, the first flooring of boards is nailed on to give a surface to stand on before the side walls of the building are raised. 8. How long are the two side sills ? the two end sills ? the main girder ? the back and front girders ? 9. Fill in the figures needed in the following table: 2 sills, 6" x 8" and 28 ft. long contain - - bd. ft. 2 sills, 6" x 8" and 24 ft. long contain - - bd. ft. 1 girder, 6" x 8" and 24 ft. long contains bd. ft. 1 girder, 6" x 8" and 16 ft. long contains bd. ft. 1 girder, 6" x 8" and 12 ft. long contains bd. ft. Total bd. ft. 10. Count the number of floor joists used under the parlor. They are mads of 2" x 8" stock. How many board feet are there in all ? 11. Compute the number of board feet of floor joists under eacli of the following rooms, first counting the number of joists shown in the drawing : Kitchen : joists, 12 ft. long contain bd. ft. Dining room : joists, 12 ft. long contain bd. ft. Hall : joists, 16 ft. long contain bd. ft. Total bd. ft. 12. Find the cost of floor joists used under the four rooms (Ex. 10 and 11; at f>31 per M. ESTIMATING COST OF LABOR 135 ESTIMATING COST OF LABOR When a contractor undertakes to build a house, he is called upon to give an estimate of the cost of the entire job. In order to do this, he goes over the plan, estimating the cost of each detail. In estimating the cost of labor, the floor and other parts of the building are divided into squares. A square is 100 square feet. 1. Find the number of squares in the floor of a building 30 ft. x 28 ft. 30 x 28 840 = - = 8.4 squares.* 100 100 2. Estimate the cost of labor in framing the floor of a house 26 ft. x 30 ft. at -$1.50 per square, and laying the first floor at $1.40 per square. $ 1.50 + f 1.40 = $2.90, cost per square of both framing and flooring. " 6 x ' >>0 x -1 2.90 = % 22.62, total cost of both processes. 100 Find the number of squares in the floor of each of the follow- ing houses : 3. Mr. Bowen's is 32 ft. x 40 ft. 4. Mr. Sampson's is 34 ft. x 42 ft. 5. Mr. Thompson's is 36 ft. x 38 ft. 6. Mr. Gurney's is 37 ft. x 41 ft. 7. Estimate the cost of framing Mr. Bowen's floor at $1.65 per square, and flooring it at $1.50 per square. 8. Estimate the cost of framing Mr. Sampson's floor at $1.80 per square and $1.70 per square for boarding. 9. Estimate the cost of Mr. Thompson's floor at $1.80 for framing and $ 1.65 for boarding. * This can also be done by finding the area of the floor in square feet and moving the decimal point two places to the left. 136 BUILDING PROBLEMS ESTIMATING ON SMALL BUILDINGS 1. The picture below shows the frame of one side of a small garage 20' x 20', and 10' high. The sills are 4" x 4" stock. Compute the number of board feet in the four sills. 2. The corner posts are of the same kind of lumber. How long are they ? How many board feet are there in the four corner posts ? Plate 3. Count the studs ($) in the side nearest you. How long is each stud ? If they are 2" x 4" stock, how many board feet are there in the set ? 4. The plate is made of two strips of 2" x 4" lumber, spiked together. How long are they ? How many are needed to go around the building ? How many board feet are there in the entire plate (four sides)? ESTIMATING ON SMALL BUILDINGS LH7 5. The cost of labor in framiny is often reckoned by the 1000 ft. of lumber used. If it takes 670 ft. to frame the sides of the above building, what is the cost of labor at $ 12.50 per 1000 ft.? 6. How many board feet are needed to sheathe or board in the side nearest you, making no deductions for windows? NOTK. When the thickness of boards is not given, they are to be con- sidered as not over 1 in. thick, in which case a board foot is equivalent to a square foot. 7. If each side requires about the same amount, how many feet do the four walls require? Find the cost at $ 35 per M. 8. Carpenters work rapidly at boarding in, and the labor costs about $.85 per square, that is, per 100 square feet. Find the cost of boarding in the four sides. 4 x 20 x 10 x $.85 100 = ? 9. The timber used in framing the roof is 2" x 6", and the approximate length of each rafter is given in the picture. The timbers used in framing this quarter of the roof are 10', 12', 12', 16', 16', 16', and 18'. Explain how they could be cut up so as to give all the required rafters. HUNT'S COMMUN. AR. 10 138 BUILDING PROBLEMS F/g.l R Rafter P - Top P/ate C - Corner Posts or Corners ROOFING 139 ROOFING FRAMING ROOFS The diagram on page 138 shows three positions of the rafters (72-.Z, R-2, 72-5), illustrating three gable roofs of different pitch or slant, with an imaginary carpenter's steel square en- larged so that inches have become feet. This will help us to understand how anybody can ascertain the proper length to saw rafters for any pitch of roof. Oral Exercise 1. The run (| the width of the house) is how many feet ? The rise (height of the roof) is how many feet in the highest roof (7-J)? Expressing the height of this roof as the nu- merator of a fraction and the whole width of the house as the denominator, we get ^f or \. Such a roof we call a "^-pitch" roof. 2. What would be the height of a ^-pitch roof in a building 30 ft. wide? 28 ft. wide ? 36 ft. wide? 42 ft. wide? 26 ft. wide? 34ft. wide? 3. What are the run and the rise of the middle roof (72-2) ? Compare the rise with the whole width of the building and tell what the pitch is. 4. How high would a |-pitch roof be in buildings 18 ft., 42 ft., 36 ft,, 21 ft., 25 ft., 30 ft., or 31 ft. wide? 5. What are the rise and the run in a roof having the lowest position of the rafters (72-5) ? Decide what the pitch is. 6. Give the height of a | -pitch roof in buildings of the fol- lowing widths : 30 ft., 42 ft., 36 ft., 40 ft., 27 ft., 38 ft. 7. Give the pitch in each of the following roofs: (a) Run 15 ft., rise 15 ft. (6) Run 18 ft., rise 12 ft. (c) Hun 16 ft., rise 8 ft. 140 BUILDING PROBLEMS Written Exercise To find Length of Rafters for any Pitch of Roof. If we could measure along the upper edge of the rafter (-R-#, page 138) from the point 4 ft. on the vertical arm of the imaginary steel square in the diagram to the point 12 ft. on the horizontal arm, we should have the required length of the rafter, to which might be added a foot or more for overhang or eaves if desired. (See also' Figs. 2 and 3.) As squares are not made so large as in the diagram, suppose we take one of ordinary size and measure the distance in inches from the 4-inch point to the 12-inch point. The distance is about 12| in. ; hence the rafter is approximately 12| ft. long, or 12 ft. 9 in. If a foot is added for the eaves, the rafters will, of course, be cut 13 ft. 9 in. long. The cut- ting of rafters requires skill in the use of the steel square, but is easily learned. It can be done on the ground so as to fit perfectly when put in place. 1. Using a steel square and a yardstick, find the approxi- mate length of rafter M-2 in the diagram, making no allowance for overhang. 2. How high is a |-pitcli roof on a building 20 ft. wide ? Lay a yardstick on a steel square so as to connect the 10" mark on the short arm with the 10" mark on the long arm. What is the approximate length of the rafter ? 3. Ascertain the length of the rafter (without overhang) of a |-pitch roof on the same building. 4. Compute the length of rafter (without eaves) in an 18- foot building with a 1-pitch roof; with a |-pitch roof; with a ^-pitch roof. 5. Compute the length of rafter (without overhang) in a 28- foot building with a -pitch roof; with a ^-pitch roof. ROOFING 141 BOARDING AND SHINGLING ROOFS (See diagrams on page 142.) 1. Compute the area of a lean-to roof 12' x 20'. How many board feet are needed in boarding it in ? How much are they worth at $ 30 per M ? 2. Compute the cost of boards in the following lean-to roofs : (a) 8 ft. x 20 ft. at $32 per M. (5) 8 ft. x 32 ft. at 1 28 per M. (). 144 BUILDING PROBLEMS Formulas B x A Area of a triangle = > Area of trapezoid = \ Altitude x Sum of Parallel Sides ; or |x(fi+&). 1. Compute the area of one side (trapezoid) of the following hip roofs : (a) Length at eaves, 30 ft. ; ridge, 10 ft.; rafter, 18 ft. (5) Length at eaves, 24 ft. ; ridge, 6 ft. ; rafter, 16 ft. (c) Length at eaves, 28 ft. ; ridge, 8 ft. ; rafter, 16 ft. 2. Compute the area of one end (triangle) of same roofs from following dimensions : (a) Length at eaves, 26 ft. ; length of central rafter, 1 8 ft. (i) Length at eaves, 20 ft. ; length of central rafter., 16 ft. ( Area of front (40' x 11', deducting 40 % for openings) = - - sq. ft. (e) Area of back (same as front) - sq. ft. Total area of four sides, etc. sq. ft. or squares. (/) Cost at $4.20 a square for stock =$ . 3. How many shingles are needed for the front roof only of No. 3? (a) Area of section = sq. ft. (b) Area of section Q (same as 0) sq. ft. ( % PROFIT UETAII. PRICK 2 doz. pkg. in case for $ 2.70 3 doz. pkg. in case for 6.75 2 doz. tins in case for 5.40 I V 9 9 9 4 doz. cans in case for 2.40 9 ? 9 2 doz. cans in case for 1.75 ? 9 9 2 doz. cans in case for 3.50 9 ? ? 50 Ib. in a box for 14.25 9 9 9 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Add 33% for profit in the following : 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. COST AT WHOLESALE COST or ONE 33t % PROFIT RETAIL PRICE 36 Ib. pkg. in case for $4.50 36 Ib. pkg. in case for 4.05 38 Ib. pkg. in case for 7.79 105 cakes in case for 3.90 9 9 9 9 100 cakes in case for 3.80 ? ? 9 24 pkg. in case for 4.50 100 pkg. in case for 4.50 2 doz. cans in case for 2.60 * ! 9 2 doz. cans in case for 3.25 9 ? 9 4 doz. cans in case for 2.10 V ? ? 4 doz. cans in case for 2.75 ? ? ' ? 2 doz. cans in case for 7.75 9 9 ? 3 doz. pkg. in case for 5.76 4 doz. cans in case for 4.32 y y 9 50 cakes in case for 3.25 ? ? ? 2 doz. cans in case for 3.60 " ? ?' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PRICES 157 Oral Exercise 1. A certain grade of tea can be bought at wholesale for 75 ^ per pound, and is usually retailed for $ 1 per pound. What is the per cent of gain ? 2. Give the per cent of gain in each of the following : WHOLESALE UBTAIL PRICE PKICK (a) English Breakfast tea 45 ^ 50 (b) Ceylon tea 40 1 60 1 (c) Java coffee 32 ^ 40 ^ ( ? 9 Mark each of the following to allow for 33^ % profit : 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. GOODS COST AT WHOLESALE PROFIT TO NEAREST CENT SELLING PRICE Silk &1.12& 9 9 Silk 1.87J 9 ? Lawn .19^ ? ? Cotton cloth .09^ 9 9 Denim .20 9 9 Mark each of the following men's suits to sell at a profit of 40%: 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. COST PROFIT TO NEAREST HALF DOLLAR SELLING PRICE I 12.00 9 9 15.50 9 9 16.00 9 ? 14.50 9 9 10.80 ? 9 21.50 9 9 22.75 ? 9 25.80 M ? 27.20 V 9 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. . COST PROFIT TO NEAREST HALF DOLLAR SELLING PRICE $ 15.00 9 9 16.40 9 ? 20.00 9 9 18.50 9 9 14.00 9 9 22.00 9 ? 24.60 j ? 26.00 9 28.50 ? ? 100 APPLICATIONS OF PERCENTAGE MARKING DOWN GOODS Each of the pieces of furniture in the following list is marked down a certain per cent. The per cent varies, as some pieces are sold on a narrower margin of profit than others and cannot be marked lower than their actual cost to the dealer. Find the selling price of each : FEI: CENT OP MARKED I'KIOB REDUCTION 1. McKinley rocking chair $ 14.00 14f% 2. Rocker 12.60 10% 3. Back-cushion rocker 14.50 20% 4. Davenport 23.70 15% 5. Corner chair 12.45 6% 6. Den couch 19.85 5% 7. Leather davenport 51.50 15% 8. Hat tree 9.75 33% 9. Hall chest 11.75 S% 10. Screen 9.75 20% 11. Bookcase 25.40 40% 12. Ladies' desk 14.25 20% 13. Library table 16.65 10 % 14. Dining table 22.25 4% 15. China closet 32.5'0- 30% 16. Willow rocker 15.50 10% 17. Square white brass bed 45.00 1H% 18. White iron bed 9.72 16f% 19. Colonial rocker 16.40 20. Leather davenport 118.00 21. China cabinet 64.80 22. Serving table 28.00 DISCOUNTS ON GOODS 161 DISCOUNTS ON GOODS Certain classes of goods, like furniture, hardware, machinery, etc., are often sold to customers living at great distances. The goods are catalogued, and customers buy largely from cata- logue description. It often costs thousands of dollars for a wholesale hardware company to print a new catalogue. This prevents getting out a new catalogue every time prices change. Consequently, a list price, larger than that actually charged, is printed in the catalogue, and a discount, large enough to bring the price down to the current market value is given the customer. This discount can be changed as the market price of the commodity changes. What the customer actually has to pay is called the net price. Find the net price of the following at discounts given : LIST PRICE DISCOUNT NET PRICK 1. 1.00 10% ? 2. .75 33^% ? 3. .84 14?% V 4. .81 1H% LIST PRICE DISCOUNT NET PRICE 5. $150 10% ? 6. 2.10 14r% ? 7. 3.00 1 6 3% 9 8. 2.50 20% ? , 9. BILL WITH ONE DISCOUNT CHICAGO, ILL., Jan. 3, 1916 MESSRS. WILLIAMS & WHITE, 2834 STATE ST., CHICAGO BOUGHT OF THE PLUMBER'S SUPPLY COMPANY 500 ft. 350 ft. f" iron pipe 2\" iron pipe Discount 68% 57J? 102 APPLICATIONS OF PERCENTAGE MORE THAN ONE DISCOUNT If the latest discount sheet sent out contains a discount of 20 % on a certain kind of goods, and the market price drops, a new discount sheet is issued, giving an additional discount, possibly of 10 %. The discount is then 20 % and 10 %. In bills giving more than one discount, subtract the first discount, and from the remainder subtract the next discount. 1. Verify the following bill : LAKEVILLE, PENN., Feb. 4, 1916 E. R. THOMPSON & CO., 284 MAPLEWOOD AVE., LAKEVILLE To STEAM FITTER'S SUPPLY COMPANY Dr. 2000 ft, 1500 ft. " iron pipe; extra strong 1" iron pipe, extra strong- Discount 50% Discount 5% .12 240 570 285 285 14 270 25 7.') 2. Copy the following bill ends and compute the two discounts separately, obtaining the net price. () $ 150.50 Less 20% ? ? Less 5 % (c) -$24.40 Less 25% ? ? ? ? Less 5 % V ? ? (Net) ? ? (Net) (ft) $ 164.40 Less 25 % ? ? Of) $19.50 Less 20% ? ? Less 10% 9 9 ? ? (N T et) Less 10% ? ? (Net) MORE THAN ONE DISCOUNT 163 DISCOUNTS ON ELECTRICAL SUPPLIKS The following list contains the trade names, list prices, and discounts on certain electrical supplies. The illustrations, descriptions, etc., were published in large and expensive cata- logues, and the discounts were taken from the latest discount sheets sent out by the manufacturers. To find the net cost of each item : First find how much the amount purchased would cost at the catalogue price. Then deduct the discounts, one at a time, in the order given. (Keep no record of amounts less than 1 cent.) 1. 5 Lightning arresters @ $6.40 less 40 % and 5 %. 2. 3 Edison batteries @ $4.40 less 15 % and 5 %. 3. 2 Bell metal gongs @ $ 23.50 less 30 % and 10 %. 4. 15 Sampson batteries @ $ .90 less 50 % and 10 %. 5. 1 Single pulley block @ $ 4.45 less 45 % and 10 %. 6. 3 Double pulley blocks @ -1 7.50 less 45 % and 10 %. 7. 500 Expansion bolts at $ 11.25 per C. less 60 % and 12|%. 8. 250 Switch boxes @ $ .48 less 50 % and 10 % and 5 %. 9. Shawm ut bushings to the value of $300 less 70% and 10 % and 5 %. 10. 70 Ground clamps @ $ .24 less 70 % and 10 %. 11. Conduit fittings to the value of $ 340 less 45 % and 2 % and 10 %. 12. 7 Electric fans @ $ 51.20 less 25 %. 13. 18 E. M. fans @ $55 less 25 % and 5 %. 14. 80 H. A. H. fans @ $47 less 25 % and 10 %. 15. 50 Lineman's belts @ $2.15 less 33^% and 10%. 16. 2 Expansion bits @ $ 2.18 less 50 % and 10 %. 104 APPLICATIONS OF PERCENTAGE PART OF PRICE LIST OF THE INTERSTATE HARDWARE COMPANY N \MK OF GOODS CATALOGUE on LIST PRICK DISCOUNTS SHIPPING WEIGHT () Axes if 24.50 per doz. 50% and 10% 65 lb. per doz. (ft) Hatchets 10.00 per do/. 60 % and 5 % 23 lb. per doz. (c) Hammers , 12.00 per doz. 40% and 15% 22 lb. per doz. 0 12.50 20 % 30 % 7. 8. $ .15.00 4.50 14?% 40% ? ? 15.50 18.60 '} 3. 1-3.00 25 % V 9. 8.46 20% ? 4. 7.50 10 % ? 10. 12.95 20% y 5. 6.40 371% ? 11. 31.00 30% V 6. 8.10 H|% ? 12. 12.20 15% ? At a clearance sale, prices were cut as follows. Fill in the blanks as in Table 1. TABLE 2 SELLING ACTUAL SKLLIN<; ACTUAL No. PRICK AS REDUCTION SELLING No. PRICE AS KKIIIICTION SELLING MARKED PRICE MARKED PRICE 1. f 18.60 10% $ 16.74 7. 12f% 2. See 25% 8. 10% 3. results 33P/o 9. 88J% 4. in 20% 10. 33i% 5. above 10% 11. 25% 6. table 33|% 12. 25% 168 APPLICATIONS OF PERCENTAGE TOWN BUILDING LAWS Among the requirements of a building law submitted to the voters of Massachusetts one year were the following: 1. No building shall occupy more than 65% of a corner lot. 2. No building shall occupy more than 50% of any other lot. 3. No tenement house shall exceed in height the widest, part of the street on which it stands unless it shall set back from the street a distance equal to such excess. 1. Mr. Astor wishes to erect a building 30 ft. x 40 ft. on a lot 56 ft. x 85 ft. Can he do it if the above law is enforced ? 30 x 40 sq. ft. =.1200 sq. ft. for building; 56 x 85 sq. ft. = 4760 sq. ft. for land. 1200 sq. ft. = J*$|| of the lot. As it would occupy less than 50%, he would .be allowed to build a house the desired size. 2. Mr. Brown wishes to erect a house on lot A (see page 169) which shall be 60' x 75'. How large a per cent of the lot will it occupy? Can he erect such a house if the city has accepted the above building law ? 3. He can buy a ten-foot strip from lot B. How large will this make his lot ? Will this enable him to build the house ? 4. How many square feet are there in lot D ? 5. If Mr. Brown buys lots D and (?, will it give him room for the proposed house ? 6. What per cent of lot E can a building occupy? How large an area can a house oceupy on lot E ? 7. A building concern would like to erect on lot E an apartment house 50 ft. long and 30 ft. wide. What per cent of the lot would it occupy ? TOWN BUILDING LAWS 8. Could a tenement house 40 ft. high be placed on lot 6r if it came to the edge of the sidewalk ? 9. What per cent of M would a house 28 ft. x 35 ft. occupy ? 10. What per cent of K would a house 34 ft. x 42 ft. occupy ? HUNT'S COMMUN. AH. 12 HOUSEHOLD EXPENSES HOUSEHOLD EXPENSES TOWN WATER SYSTEMS Hater ffatn toWfaff Leye/ of V///dge Two fliles from Peserw/r^ Street /Jg/r> Pumptng Station fare/ Pipes from Artesian We//s Facts to be used in solving the following problems : 1. 1 gal. of water weighs 8^ Ib. 2. There are 7| gal. in 1 cu. ft. 3. 1 cu. ft. of water weighs 62 Ib. or 62.5 Ib. 4. The pressure of water in a tank equals the number of feet in depth times .434 Ib. 1. In the above sketch, the pipes starting from AAA con- duct the water from artesian wells bored in the hillside through the pump, via a large water main up into a reservoir or stand- pipe on top of the hill. The engine operating the pump can pump 1.47 gal. at a stroke and makes 100 strokes a minute at normal speed. How. many gallons does it pump per minute ? per hour ? 2. Compute the number of gallons it would pump in an 8-hour day. 3. If 1 gal. of water weighs 8^ Ib., how many pounds of water would be lifted in a day ? ho\v many tons ? TOWN WATER SYSTEMS 171 4. Refer to the second fact on page 170 and find how many cubic feet of water would be lifted in a day. 5. Compute the cubic contents of your schoolroom. Would this amount fill your schoolroom ? How many such rooms would it fill ? 6. A larger engine of the same kind pumps 6.12 gal. at a stroke and makes 75 strokes per minute. How many gallons does it pump per minute ? how many per hour ? 7. How many cubic feet does it pump per minute ? 8. How many pounds does it pump per minute ? 9. How many tons does it pump per hour ? 10. If the standpipe in the sketch is | full, the water will stand at 75 ft. Find the pressure per square inch on the bottom of the standpipe. 75 x .434 Ib. = ? 11. The engine and pump are 50 ft. lower than the floor of the reservoir. How many feet of water are there (measured in a vertical line) above the level of the engine ? 12. The pressure of this water back against the pump is found in the same manner as in problem 10. Compute it. 13. The lowest point in the village is 80 ft. below the floor of the reservoir. Compute the water pressure per square inch when the reservoir is ^ full. 14. If water will rise in any building as high as it stands in the reservoir, how high could a faucet be of use in a building in the village if the water stands 50 ft. in the reservoir ? 15. What is the water pressure per square inch in a pipe 80 ft. below the bottom of the reservoir if the latter is 60 % full ? 172 HOUSEHOLD EXPENSES BUYING WATER BY METER Peed ftere -" -^ De//Ver/ >/pe to tfouse ftouse Cut-off and Drdf'n CocA entrance fhroush Street Cut- off Cock D/ per 100 ft. if paid before end of the month Paid, Date, Jan. 30, 191 6 per A. 1. Verify the above bill, (a) Find the number of cubic feet used ; (5) Compute the full cost at $1.20 per 1000 cubic feet ; ( 4. Divide the last amount by the total valuation ($4,600,000) and carry the quotient out three decimal places. This gives in cents and mills the tax on one dollar of property valuation. HUNT'S COMMUN. AK. 13 180 TAXES BEGEGG0 EBOEGOO CDCtOCQ Customhouse tWXOuttariOl 60? BE BEE G0 BJL0-EJ5JLI1 Who/esa/e Mouse +/OZ. Profit , 66 f j A _JP^vf Consumer DUTIES ON IMPORTED GOODS The most expensive business in the world is that conducted by the governments of the great nations. They must be regularly sup- plied with money to carry on the many differ- ent enterprises which their various depart- ments control. In our country most of the funds come from taxes on imported goods. For example, a cheap grade of woolen car- pet imported from Europe is valued at 50^ per yard on shipboard. Before the whole- sale dealer can put it into his warehouse, he must pay to the customhouse official 20% of the value of his consignment. This brings the cost of the carpet up to 60^ per yard. Before selling to retail dealers in different towns, the wholesale dealer adds 10% to pay him for handling and a reasonable profit. This brings the cost up to 66 /. The retail dealer may add 16% f r similar reasons, and when the consumer gets the carpet, he may pay 77 per yard for it. What different items does this 77^ include ? Who really pays the tax ? By this method of taxation the average buyer is seldom aware that there is included in the price of many of his purchases a small gov- ernment tax. Discuss the things governments do, how they spend money, and how we all benefit by this expenditure. DUTIES ON IMPORTED GOODS 187 Some goods are subject to an ad valorem duty, which is a per cent of the value ; some to a specific duty, a given amount per pound, gallon, etc.; some have both kinds of duty ; and some are free of duty. 1. If a merchant receives a consignment of 2000 yd. of car- pet at 50^ a yard, how much does the customhouse collect from him in duties at 20 % ? 2. If a customer buys 18 yd. of this carpet from a retail dealer, how much does the customer contribute toward the support of the Federal government ? 3. A certain grade of sardines is worth 24^ a can on ship- board. There is a duty of 25 %. How much duty does 1 can cost the importer ? 1000 cans ? 4. For how much must he sell each can to clear 33^ % profit ? 5. Figs for which we pay 20^ per pound are worth about 5|^ per pound on shipboard. There is a duty of 2^ per pound. How much of the retail price is dealers' profit ? 6. A wholesale grocer imported 500 gal. of olives worth 75^ per gallon. He had to pay 15^ per gallon duty. How much did the government receive ? 7. A consignment of 1260 Ib. of wool yarns, whose average value is 32^ per pound, is subject to an 18% duty. How much does the importer have to pay the customhouse ? What does the consignment cost him, including the duty ? 8. The value of sugar imported one year, was f> 106,047,640. An average duty of 58% was collected on this. How much money in the form of duty on sugar did the people contribute to help maintain the Federal government ? 9. About $10,000 worth of perfumery was imported by a certain firm. The duty was 60%. What was the total duty? 188 TAXES FEDERAL INCOME TAX The United States Congress passed an act in 1913 requiring individuals to pay a tax on incomes as follows: A normal tax of 1 % on net incomes from salaries, profits, etc., in excess of $3000 for a single man or woman, or $4000 for a man and wife living together. An additional tax on net incomes exceeding $ 20,000, as follows : 1 % on the amount over $ 20,000 and not exceeding $ 50,000. 2 % on the amount over $ 50,000 and not exceeding $75,000. 3 % on the amount over $75,000 and not exceeding $ 100,000. 4 % on the amount over $ 100,000 and not exceeding $ 250,000. 5 % on the amount over $ 250,000 and not exceeding $500,000. 6 % on the amount over $500,000. Every person whose net yearly income is over $ 3000 is required to file an accurate return of his income before March 1 of each year. 1. Find the Federal income tax on a single man's taxable net income of $73,000. Normal Tax of 1 % : $ 73,000 - $ 3000 = $70,000, subject to a tax ofl%. 1% of $70,000 9 700 Additional Tax: From $20,000 to $50,000 = $30,000, subject to an additional tax of 1 %. 1 % of $ 30,000 $ 300 From $50,000 to $73,000 = $23.000, subject to an additional tax of 2 %. 2% of $23,000 $ 4(J(> Total tax $1460 Xotice that the $3000 exemption (or $4000 for married couples) is allowed only in finding the normal tax. 2. Divide the following large incomes of unmarried men to show how they would be taxed under this law: (a) $23,000 0) $63,000 (0 $ 70,000 (6) $27,000 (/) $88,000 (j) $100,000 O) $18,000 () $93,000 (fc) $150,000 00 $ 9,000 (A) $ 4,500 (0 $ 13,000 FEDERAL INCOME TAX 189 3. . How large an income tax would an unmarried woman be expected to pay on a taxable income of $58,000? Normal Tax: $58,000 - $3000 = $55,000. 1 % of $ 55,000 $ 550 Additional Tax: From $20,000 to $50,000 = $30,000. 1 % of $ 30,000 $ 300 From $ 50,000 to $ 58,000 = $ 8000. 2% of $8000 $ 160 Total income tax $1010 4. Compute the income tax on the following taxable incomes received by unmarried men or women during the year 1915 : (a) $ 5000 (c) $21,000 (e) $ 78,000 (6) $10,000 (er$IOO for 5 Years fl/rn/'ture Store Express Office ZflMrfttffefen Peof fttete Carpenter. 75tper$/00 I for 5 Years 75tper$IOO for /Year Post Off/ce 60t pe r $100 ft >r5Years A/ationat Sank. Grocery Store $1.15 per $100 for 5 Years Paint $2.65per$IOO for I Year cn &r/cfi Mason ~T=r F/'e/c/ Pasture library S ^v\ : -::Vj : ; : -~\-/^x'v^w ''. : - : : : Stat/or> -. Freight Depot f^vJ??A^%^::iVr^ $/.80per$/00 for 5 Years Lumber VILLAGE FIRE RISKS 193 VILLAGE FIRE RISKS The following problems relate to buildings shown in the opposite plan. The premium in each case is for five years or one year, as indicated, and the rate is on $ 100 of property value. The premium is paid at the time when the building is insured for, the term of insurance specified. 1. The stores north of Cedar Street are in brick blocks. The block containing the dry-goods store is insured for 5 yr. for $15,000. How much does the proprietor pay? How much is that per year f 2. The block containing the furniture store is insured for 5 yr. for $ 28,000. What is the premium ? How much does the insurance cost per year ? 3. The express and real estate offices (wooden buildings) are in a block insured for 5 yr. for $ 4200. What is the premium ? 4. The post office is in a block of brick buildings with gravel roofs, insured for $38,000. What is the 5-year premium? 5. The grocery store is insured for 5 yr. for $4550. What is the premium ? 6. The painter carries $ 3500 insurance on his house and shop. What is his yearly insurance bill ? 7. The carpenter, who lives across the school grounds from the painter, has no special fire risk to make his rate of premium high. He is insured for $ 3500 for 5 yr. How much less per year does he pay than the painter ? 8. Find the yearly cost of $5500 insurance on the garage. 9. The church carries insurance for $10,500. How much must it pay annually for this protection ? 10. Find the 5-year premium for $ 7500 insurance on the lumber yard. 194 SIMPLE HOUSEHOLD ACCOUNTS SIMPLE HOUSEHOLD ACCOUNTS YEARLY CASH ACCOUNT Mr. Brown wishes to make a careful study of the way in which his money is spent. He and his wife resolve to keep pocket memoranda of their expenses. These are transferred at the end of the month to an account sheet as shown on the next page, which the pupils are to copy. 1. Add the January items to get the total expenditure. 2. Subtract it from the monthly income to get the unex- pended balance for January. 3. Account for February : In February Mr. Brown bought 2 T. of coal at $8.75 per ton; paid a girl $16 per month for domestic services ; hired a man at $ .30 per hour for three 8-hour days ; paid for renewing the insurance on his furniture to the value of $1000 at \%. His rent was $20.00; he spent for meat $10.80; for clothing, $40.25 ; for house furnishings, $ 5.82 ; for gas, $ 1.95 ; for milk, 56 qt. @ $ .09 ; for laundry, $2.40 ; for carfare, $1.80; for amusements, $2.75 ; for church, $4.00; and for miscellaneous expenses, $5.60. Copy each of the above in its proper place and then complete the grocery bill below and record the amount under "groceries." Com- pute the totals as for January. Mr. HAROLD T. BROWN Feb. 28, 1916 To KEEN, PERKINS & CO., Dr. Feb. 3 Feb. 7 Feb. 10 Feb. 11 Feb. 15 Butter .78 Pork .15 Meal .08 Raisins .12 Figs .20 Sugar .50 Butter .89 Beans .20 Olives .25 Uneedas .05 Coffee .35 Sugar .50 Tapioca .08 Clothes Pins .10 Broom .50 Soapine .10 Ivory Soap .32 Other items amounting to 50 YEARLY CASH ACCOUNT 195 The following is the cash account for January of Frank T. Brown and his family : EXPENSE ITEMS JAN. FEB. MAR. APRII, MAY Rent if 20.00 Groceries 14.81 Meat, etc. Clothing House Furnishings Fuel and Ice 11.70 15.50 4.75 17.50 Gas 1.84 Milk 4.19 Doctor and Medicines 5.55 Laundry Carfare .70 2.25 Labor 20.80 Amusements 1.75 Church, etc. 3.00 Insurance 2.50 Miscellaneous 10.50 Total Expenses Total Income ' ? 200.00 Deduct Expenses Unexpended Balance ? 4. Account for March: Rent, $20.00; groceries, -121.10; clothes, $8.60; house furnishings, $5.60 ; fuel, $13.25; gas, 1800 cu. ft. at $1.15 per M; milk, 58 qt. at $.09; doctor and medicine, $8.40; laundry, $1.95; carfare, $ 2.40 ; labor, 4| weeks at $4.00; amusements, $5.25; church, $4.00; miscel- laneous, $6.20. Finish the bill on the following page, record under " meat, etc.," and complete the March account. 190 SIMPLE HOUSEHOLD ACCOUNTS March 31, 1916 HAKOLD T. BKOWN To CITY SUPPLY CO. Dr. Mar. 1 Mar. 3 3 Ib. Pork .24 2 pk. Potatoes .35 3 cans Peas .18 Mar. 6 1| Ib. Sirloin .40 1 pt. Oysters .25 2J Ib. Tripe .08 Turnips Bananas 25 20 Mar. 7 2J Ib. Bacon .20 3 Ib. Beans .12 Mar. 10 if Ib. Cheese .32 1 doz. Eggs .35 Other items amounting to 7 56 5. Account for April: Kent, $20.00; groceries, $18.95; meat, $12.34; clothing, $50.75; house furnishings, $10.90; fuel, $ 10.50 ; milk, $ 5.40 ; medicines, $ 1.50 ; laundry, $ 2.60 ; carfare, $1.85; labor, $18.00; amusements, $4.65; church, $4.50. Compute the gas charges for April, meter readings 162,500 to 164,500, gas costing $1.15 per M, discount 10 X per 1000 ft. used. Complete the April account. 6. Account for May: Rent, $20.00; groceries, $24.85; meats, $13.05; clothing, $42.20; house furnishings, $4.60; 2 T. coal at $8.25 less $.50 for cash ; gas, 1800 ft. at $1.15 per M., with discount as in Ex. 5 for cash payment ; milk, $6.03; laundry, $3.50; carfare, $2.25; labor, $18.00; amusement, $3.90; church, $5.00. Complete the May account. 7. Add the unexpended balances for the five months, this rate, how much can Mr. Brown save in a year ? At INCREASED COST OF LIVING 197 INCREASED COST OF LIVING IN TEN YEARS TABLE OF COST OF STAPLE FOODS AVERAGE COST IN 1900 AVKUAGK COST IN 1910 FOOD Wholesale Retail Wholesale Ketuil Bread Flour 4.15 4.70 6.40 7.50 Butter , .29 .30 .34 .35 Sugar .04f .05 .05 .06 1. How much did the wholesale cost of flour advance in ten years? What per cent did it advance? 2. How much did the retail cost advance in ten years ? What per cent did it advance ? 3. The retail price in 1900 was what per cent higher than the wholesale price? (This we call the margin of profit.) 4. The retail price in 1910 was what per cent above the wholesale price? Was the margin of profit any greater in 1910 than in 1900? 5. Answer the same four questions for butter; then for sugar. INCREASE IN WAGES IN FIFTY YEARS Tl!AlK WAGE IN 1860 WAGE is 1910 SOMK PRKSKNT WAGES Shoe Cutters f 12.00 f 18.00 $21.00 Carpenters Machinists 9.92 9.64 20.00 16.50 25.50 20.00 Typesetters 14.83 26.00 27.50 6. What is the per cent of increase in the 1910 wage over 1860 wage in each case? 7. The present wage is what per cent higher than the average in 1910 in each case ? 198 SIMPLE HOUSEHOLD ACCOUNTS HOW EFFICIENCY AFFECTS THE INCOME The following table, made from facts recently obtained by an industrial commission, shows the value of efficiency. The lowest wage in each case is paid the poorly prepared and un- skilled workmen ; the higher wage is received by well-prepared and efficient workmen in the same trade? WAGES PAID IN RICHMOND, VA. TRADE WEEKLY WAOE Lowest Highest Typesetters Pressmen f 12.00 11.00 $32.00 22.50 Engravers Bricklayers 26.00 29.25 30.00 31.20 WEEKLY WAGE Lowest Highest Plumbers $19.50 $24.00 Plasterers 18.00 24.00 Machinists 12.00 20.00 Pattern makers 18.00 22.50 1. What is the per cent of increase due to efficiency in the case of each of the following trades ? (a) The typesetters. (e) The plumbers. (6) The pressmen. (/) The plasterers. ( ft ft J1R. 0? -X/xr ?Cj--e>l PAL WAGES FOR * EEK //^^ PAYMASTER'S WORK 201 PAYMASTER'S WORK Verify the daily totals and finish the first two time records. Find the daily totals and finish the others. 1. 2. WEEK ENDING FEB. 13, 1915. Name E. R. BARBER DAY MORNING AFTERNOON TOTAL IN OUT IN OPT HOUR* Mon. 7.50 12.00 12.50 5.02 8 hr. Tue. 8.10 12.01 12.58 5.03 7|hr. Wed. 8.25 12.05 12.50 5.05 7| hr. Thu. 8.13 12.02 12.55 5.06 7f hr. Fri. 8.10 12.00 12.59 5.01 7f hr. Sat. 8.12 12.04 12.50 3.10 5| hr. Total time Rate per hour 28 $> Total wages 3. WEEK ENDING FEB. 13, 1915. Name R. H. MOORE DAY MORNING AFTERNOON TOT A i. HOUKS IN OUT IN OUT Mon. 7.56 12.06 1.00 4.08 Tue. 7.50 12.00 1.00 4.01 Wed. 8.00 12.02 12.59 4.03 Thu. 7.59 12.04 12.50 4.05 Fri. 7.49 12.02 12.56 4.03 Sat. 8.05 12.00 12.60 3.00 Total time Rate per hour 40 ^ Total wages WEEK ENDING FEB. 13, 1915. Name ERNEST WHITE MORNING AFTERNOON DAY TOT A i. IN OUT Ix OUT HOUKS Mon. 7.53 12.04 12.50 5.05 8 hr. Tue. 8.0812.01 12.56 5.02 7hr. Wed. 8.00 12.05 12.50 5.08 8 hr. Thu. 7.40 12.01 12.51 5.02 8 hr. Fri. 8.00 12.05 12.56 4.08 7 hr. Sat. 9.10 12.04 12.49 5.03 6f hr. Total time Rate per hour 3(5 f Total wages WEKK ENDING FEB. 13, 1915. Name W. H. STEVENS DAY MORNING A.FTKKNOON TOTAL HOURS IN OUT IN OUT Mon. 8.00 12.01 1.00 4.02 Tue. 7.55 12.04 12.50 4.06 Wed. 8.0011.23 12.56 4.00 Thu. 8.00 10.45 12.58 4.02 Fri. 7.49 12.05 12.52 4.07 Sat. 7.54 12.12 12.51 4.10 Total time Rate per hour 48 ^ Total wages HUNT'S COMMTN. AK. 14 202 5. EARNING A LIVING 6. WEEK ENDING FEB. 26, 1916. Name H. T. BAKER DAY MORNING AFTERNOON TOTAL HOUKS IN OUT IN OUT Mon. 7.52 12.02 12.40 6.10 Tue. 8.05 12.01 1.00 5.08 Wed. 9.20 12.10 1.00 5.02 Thu. 8.00 12.06 1.00 6.04 Fri. 7.56 12.05 12.50 5.01 Sat. 7.59 11.23 12.56 5.04 Total time Rate per hour 37 1 ^ Total wages 7. WEEK ENDING FEB. 26, 1916. Name SAMUEL ROBERTS DAY MORNING AFTERNOON TOTAL HOURS IN OUT IN OUT Mon. 7.64 12.06 12.41 5.04 Tue. 8.00 12.01 12.45 5.01 Wed. 7.60 12.01 12.49 5.06 Thu. 8.13 12.05 1.00 5.03 Fri. 9.05 12.10 1.10 5.03 Sat. 7.69 12.06 1.00 4.00 Total time Rate per hour 32 ^ Total wages WEEK ENDING FEB. 26, 1916. Name H. 0. HUDSON MORNING AFTERNOON TOTAL HOURS IN OUT IN OUT Mon. 8.05 12.01 12.68 5.06 -rue. 7.60 12.02 1.00 5.01 Wed. 8.05 12.01 1.00 6.06 Thu. 9.04 12.01 12.56 5.02 Fri. 7.49 12.10 1.00 2.20 Sat. 7.50 12.01 12.56 2.13 Total time Rate per hour 45 p Total wages WEEK ENDING FEB. 26, 1910. Name M. 0. BROWN DAY MOBNING AFTERNOON TOTAL HOURS IN OUT IN OUT Mon. 8.07 12.01 1.00 5.02 Tue. 7.51 11.40 1.00 5.05 Wed. 7.46 12.02 12.56 5.04 Thu. 7.50 11.06 12.57 5.01 Fri. 7.51 12.02 12.58 3.12 Sat. 7.58 12.04 12.50 3.08 Total time Rate per hour 60 ? Total wages FACTORY WAGES 203 FACTORY WAGES In the cutting room of a shoe factory the men are paid by the day. The following schedule of cutting-room wages was agreed upon by the officials of the Labor Union and a shoe manu- facturer. Find out as much as you can about the different processes mentioned. Find how much each of the following jobs are worth per hour : NAME OF Jon WAGES PER DAY OF EIGHT HOURS WAGES PEII HOUR 1. Cutting vamps $8.25 1 2. Top cutting by hand 2.75 ? 3. Clicking machine on outsides 3.75 V 4. Crimping 2.45 ? 5. Marking linings 2.35 ? 6. Dicing out on block 2.25 9 Compute the wages of each of the following men for the time specified : 7. W. S. Brown, vamp cutter, who works 7 hr., on Monday. 8. L. R. Condon, top cutter, who works 8 hr., on Monday. 9. O. B. Downey, operating clicking machine, 4^ hr. 10. A. R. Eames, crimper, 7| hr., on Tuesday. 11. B. C. Hudson, marking linings, entire week. 12. A. B. Jones, dicing on block, a week of 32 hr. 13. Compare the wages of outdoor workers on p. 204 with the above factory wages. State reasons for the difference. 14. What is the hourly wage of a stone mason at $ 4.50 a day of 8 hr. ? What are a full week's wages ? 204 EARNING A LIVING WAGES PER DAY OF EIGHT HOURS Carpenters, $4.00 Stone masons, $4.50 Brick masons, $4.80 Hod carriers, $ 2.40 Plasterers, $5.00 Plasterer's helpers, $3.00 Lathers, $ 4.50 Tile setters, $ 4.80 THE PAY ROLL The following pay roll is made out from time cards similar to those on page 201, and the money necessary to pay for the work done is drawn from the National Bank. Each employee receives a pay envelope containing the exact amount of his wage ; consequently the paymaster must obtain his money in suitable denominations to give each the exact amount due him. Fill in the weekly pay of each man and the bills and coins necessary to pay him exactly. (See items in the first line.) A PAY ROLL FORM TOTAL WAGKS DKNOMINATIONB Hunts Horn AMOTNT *10 52 1 .60 .25 .10 .05 .01 1. Adams, Wm. 471 S.27 $12.83* 1 1 1 1 3 2- Alcott, E. 48 .22} 9 9 ? ? ? o ? 9 ? ? 3. Bacon, Y. 46f .32 9 ? ? 9 9 ? ? 9 9 > 4. Bolster, R, . 48 .24 9 ? ? 9 ? ? ? ? 9 9 5. Frost, Wm. 45} .40 9 ? ? ? ? ? 9 : '.' ' 6. Hooker, H. 40 24| 9 o ? ? ? 9 ? 9 ? ? 7. Lee, Thos. 471 .28 ? ? ? ? ? 9 ? ? ? ? 8. Melrose, Z. 46 33J ? p C) ? ? ? '.' ? ? ? 9. Thomas, F. 42f .28 9 9 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? :' 0. Total number of each bill and coin 9 ' 9 .) p 9 9 9 * Count 5 mills or over as 1 cent, and disrard under o mills. THE PAY ROLL 205 The clerks in the Paymaster's Department collect the time cards and copy the daily records in some such form as follows. Copy the names from the following pay rolls and rule col- umns for the " Total Number of Hours " and the " Week's Pay." Fill in both columns from the facts recorded in the table : PAY ROLL OF CONSOLIDATED BOOT AND SHOE COMPANY ROOM Cutting Department WEKK January 3d to 8th, 1916 NAMES OP EMPLOYEES MON. TUB. WED. Tut-. FRI. SAT. TOTAL No. HOURS WAGE I'RR HOUR WKEK'! PAY 1. Ames, A. 8hr. Shr. 74 hr. 8 hr. Shr. 31 hr. 9 30 f 9 2. Brown, S. 7hr. 8hr. Shr. 5^hr. 71 hr. Shr. 9 25? ? 3. Cannon, O. 5hr. 4hr. 6| hr. 5 hr. 7hr. 3i hr. 9 22? 9 4. Downe, M. 8 hr. 8 hr. 8 hr. ; 8 hr. Shr. 5 hr. 9 W? 9 5. Frost, W. Shr. 7|hr. 7f hr. Shr. 7i hr. 6hr. ? 41 ? 9 6. Holmes, J. 8hr. 8hr. 7 hr. 7hr. 3hr. 3hr. 9 38^ 9 7 ' Lane, R. 8hr. 8hr. 7f hr. 8hr/ 8 hr. 4hr. 9 33 ? 9 PAY ROLL OF CONTINENTAL MANUFACTURING COMPANY NAME MON. TUB. WEP. Tut:. FIJI. SAT. TOTAL No. HOURS WACE PER HOUR WKKK'S I'AY 8. Bacon, A. 6hr. 8hr. 8hr. Shr. Shr. 5 hr. 41 f 9. Barnes, H. 1\ hr. Shr. Shr. Shr. of hr. 5 hr. 50? 10. Bevis, W. Shr. Shr. 8 hr. Shr. Shr. 4hr. 37? 11 Billings, R. Shr. Shr. Shr. 8 hr. Shr. 5 hr. 37? 12. Boone, D. 5 hr. Shr. Shr. 8 hr. Shr. 5hr. 3G? 13. Burns, H. Shr. 8 hr. Shr. Shr. 8 hr. 7| hr. SO? 14. Burrill, R. 8hr. Shr. 7hr. 7hr. 7hr. 7hr. 4ty? 206 EARNING A LIVING WORKING BY THE PIECE In a shoe factory many workers receive wages according to the amount of work done. They are said to work by the piece. A PIECE SCALE OF WAGES (a) Eyeletting (See A in diagram) $ .01- per doz. pair. (5) Trimming toes 0) Welting (See 5) (d) Trimming inner seams (e) Filling bottoms (See (7) (/) Rough rounding (#) Cementing bottoms (A) Leveling bottoms (i) Trimming edges Breasting heels (See 7)) Burnishing heels .01 1 per doz. pair. .15 per doz. pair. .03^ per doz. pair. .02 per doz. pair. .18 per doz. pair. .01^ per doz. pair. .05 per doz. pair. .25 per doz. pair. .03 per doz. pair. .06 per doz. pair. WORKING BY THE PIECE 207 Compute the wage for one day for each of the following operatives at the price indicated in the preceding wage scale : i. 2. 3 4. 5. 6 Name of Job Day's Work Eyelettiug 150 doz. Toe trimming 160 doz. Welting 23 doz. Trimming seams 102 doz. Filling bottoms 132 doz. Rough rounding 21 doz. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Name of Job Day's Work Cementing bot- toms 180 doz. Leveling bottoms 43 doz. Trimming edges 15 doz. Breasting heels 83 doz. Burnishing heels 43 doz. Computing the Week's Wages. Each line in the following table represents the work done by a man or a woman in one week. It is mostly machine work and the amount which can be earned in a week depends on the quickness of eye and hand and the industry of the operative. He receives his pay for actual work done, not for time spent. Find how much each should be paid for the week's work : Name of Job Number of Dozen per Day Won. Tue. Wed. Thu. Kri. Sat. Eyeletting 98 112 115 118 116 75 Toe trimming 150 148 157 160 155 86 Welting 18 21 19 23 27 12 Trimming inner seams 75 78 81 79 80 52 Filling bottoms 125 130 128 131 135 80 Rough rounding 17 18 21 19 18 10 Cementing bottoms 175 181 173 176 182 90 Leveling bottoms 45 -18 51 45 47 30 Trimming edges 14 15 15 16 13 8 Breasting heels 8(5 79 81 73 80 51 Burnishing heels 45 48 50 49 51 28 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 208 BUYING AND SELLING SHOES Jl Factory BUYING AND SELLING SHOES (Have the class become thoroughly familiar with the process described below.) The diagram at the left will help the class to understand the main steps in getting a pair of shoes from the factory where they are made to the man or the woman who wears them. The manufacturer who operates the factory (.A) hires an agent who maintains an office (7?) in some near-by city. It is this agent's business to take orders from the wholesale shoe dealers, who are called jobbers or jobbing houses (C"). These jobbing houses send buyers to the city office (-6), who look over the samples of the selling agent at (1?) and give the agent an order for the shoes they will need for the next season. B sends these orders to the factory, and they are made up in due time and shipped from the factory via the railroad to the jobbing house (C). Meanwhile, agents from the jobbing house have been visiting the retail dealers (R, R, R, R) in surrounding small towns and have taken orders from them. When the goods arrive at the jobber's warerooms, they are shipped in smaller amounts to the retail stores. You will readily see that the above process requires many buying and selling agents. These are excellent positions for bright, ener- getic, and honest young men ; while the offices of factory and jobbing house require the serv- ices of many quick and accurate employees. BUYING AND SELLING SHOES 209 Some of the arithmetic of the shoe business will be found in the following problems : The selling agent for a large slipper factory in Lynn, Mass., has an office in the boot and shoe district of Boston. On May 2, 1916, he shows his line of samples to a buyer from Home & Cleave, jobbers in Chicago. A part of the order given to the slipper salesman follows : JOBBER'S ORDER CHICAGO, ILL., May 2, 1916 CONSOLIDATED SLIPPER CO., LYNN, MASS. Please ship us by Sept. 1, 1916 Subject to discount of 8% if paid by Oct. 1, 1916 ITKM NUMBER STYLE NUMBER NUMBER OF CASES PAIRS IN CASE SIXES DESIRKD PRICE I'KK PAIR TOTAL CHARGE i. 5732 15 36 3 C. 2 c. 8c. 4~-b 2c. .57 4 V 2. 2180 5 36 2c. 5^6 1 c. 7-8 1 c. 2^8 1 c. .65 ? 3. 4165 3 60 1 c. 1 c. 6^8 1 c. .87 V EXPLANATION. The first item calls for 15 cases, each case to contain 36 pair of slippers made in style which is numbered 5732 in the factory cat- alogue. Three cases are to run from size 3 to size 8 ; 2 cases to be half sizes running from 3| to 8, etc. For each pair of shoes the jobber agrees to pay 9 .57$. l. (a) Compute the total cost of order item No. 1. (6) Compute the total cost of order item No. 2. (c) Compute the total cost of order item No. 3. (c?) Compute the total cost of the three items. (e) Deduct the discount for prompt payment. (See bill.) 210 BUYING AND SELLING SHOES 2. On the following day the same selling agent receives an order from a jobbing house in Los Angeles, Cal., and transmits it to his factory. Read each line in the following order, ex- plaining what the different items mean. Which of the facts are used in determining the cost to the buyer ? OKDKR No. 95 BOSTON, MASS., MAY 3, 1916 CONSOLIDATED SLIPPER GO., LYNN, MASS. SOLD BY Win.* H. Townsend SHIP TO Golden State Shoe Co., VIA So. Pacific R.R. Los Angeles, Cal. When ship. Nov. 1, 1916 Terms: 7 % discount if paid in 10 days STOCK No. No. CASES PAIRS IN CARE UPPERS KIND TRIM- MING SOLE FINISH Sl/KS PRICE TOTAL 58 2 .88 L. Gray Prin- Satin Flex Velvet 3-7 $.57 9 cess 295 1 60 Wool Ju- Fur Flex Gilt $1.22 9 liette Buckle High Heel Satin Bow 4-8 461 o 36 Wool Felt Ag- nes Fur Flex Ribbon Tie 2J-7 $.98 Q Compute the following : (a) Total amount of first kind. (J) Total amount of second kind. ( $ .80 Woman's felt slipper 67 .75 1.00 Baby's slipper .'25 27J .35 Man's lounging slipper .70 82| 1.25 Ladies' dongola 1.40 1.60 2.25 Ladies' patent leather slipper 1.10 1.25 1.75 1. Compute the jobber's gain on one 60-pair case of each kind of slippers listed above. 2. Compute the retail dealer's gain on one 24-pair case of each pair of the above slippers which he purchased of the jobber. 3. The jobber's price is what per cent higher than the manu- facturer's price for the last two styles ? 4. The retail dealer's price is what per cent higher than the jobber's price for the first two? POSTAL PROBLEMS 213 POSTAL PROBLEMS MONEY ORDERS Money may be sent, at a very low cost, and with no risk, to all parts of the United States and to foreign countries, by means of postal money orders. These are issued for any sum up to $100, and additional orders can be made out if a person desires to send more than $100. On money orders sent to any part of the United States or Canada or to any of the island possessions of the United States, the following fees are charged: For orders from $ 0.01 to f 50 3 cents. For orders from f '2.51 to $ 5.00 5 cents. For orders from $ 5.01 to $ 10.00 8 cents. For orders from f 10.01 to $ 20.00 10 cents. For orders from f 20.01 to $ 30.00 12 cents. For orders from $30.01 to $ 40.00 15 cents. For orders from $40.01 to $ 50.00 18 cents. For orders from 850.01 to $ 60.00 20 cents. For orders from $60.01 to $ 75.00 25 cents. For orders from $75.01 to $100.00 30 cents. Oral or Written Exercise 1. How much will it cost to obtain a money order for $15 to be sent to San Francisco ? $15.00 + $.10 = $15.10. Copy and fill out the following: Amount of r\mrvf Amount Chanire Money Order Paid 2. if 2.75 ? * 8.00 ? 3. 8.23 ? 9.00 ? 4. 10.17 ? 12.00 ? 5. 14.05 ? 15.00 ? 6. 17.60 ? 20.00 ? 7. 21.50 ? 22.00 ? 8. 20.75 ? 27.00 ? 214 POSTAL PROBLEMS STAMPS AND STAMPED ENVELOPES Number Stamped and Printed (2 < ) Envelopes Si" X 6&" Stamped Unprinted 1.2 r > Envelopes Stamped ilr> Newspaper Wrappers 8" X 12" Stamp Books Containing 1000 $21.12 $21.00 $ 10.72 24 500 10.62 10.50 5.36 1^ stamps 250 5.31 5.25 2.68 25^ 100 2.13 2.10 1.08 MW f 50 1.07 1.05 .54 Qfi 25 .54 .53 .27 i/U 24 .51 .51 .26 1^ stamps 23 .49 .49 .25 97^ 22 .47 .47 .24 21 .45 .45 .23 12 20 19 .43 .41 .42 .40 .22 .21 2 $ stamps 18 .39 .38 .20 25^ 17 .37 .36 .19 16 .34 .34 .18 24 15 .32 .32 .17 2^ stamps 14 .30 .30 .16 49^ 13 .28 .28 .14 12 .26 .26 .13 48 11 .24 .24 .12 10 .22 .21 .11 If stamps 9 .20 19 4 fj .10 f\f\ 97 / 7 .15 .17 .15 .09 .08 6 .13 .13 .07 5 .11 .11 .06 4 .09 .09 .05 3 .07 .07 .04 2 .05 .05 .03 1 .03 .03 .02 STAMPS AND STAMPED ENVELOPES 215 Oral Exercise Ascertain the charge on each of the following purchases by referring to the price list on the preceding page, and specify the coins to be given in making change. Follow the plan used on page 5. Do it mentally. PURCHASE MONEY PRESENTED BY CUSTOMER 1. 500 Printed envelopes 3" x 6^" $15.00 2. 250 Unprinted envelopes 6.00 3. 100 Printed envelopes 2.50 4. 100 Newspaper wrappers 2.00 5. 100 Wrappers and a book of 24 1-cent stamps 2.00 6. 50 Printed envelopes 2.00 7. 25 Wrappers and a book of 24 1-cent stamps 1.00 8. 24 Unprinted envelopes and a 97-cent book 2.00 9. 25 Unprinted envelopes and 25 wrappers 1.00 10. 20 Printed and 20 unprinted envelopes 5.00 11. 20 Wrappers and a book of 24 2-cent stamps 1.00 12. 18 Printed envelopes and 2 5-cent stamps 2.00 13. 16 Unprinted envelopes and 3 wrappers .50 14. 14 Printed envelopes and a book of 48 2-cent stamps 1.50 15. 12 Printed envelopes and 2 books of 24 1-cent stamps 1.00 16. 10 Printed envelopes and 6 wrappers .50 17. 9 Unprinted envelopes and a book of 24 2-cent stamps .75 18. 2 Books of 96 1-cent stamps 2.00 19. 1 Book of 96 1-cent stamps and 1 of 12 2-cent stamps 1.50 20. 4 Printed and 1000 unprinted envelopes 22.00 21. 100 Printed envelopes and 3 wrappers 3.00 22. 50 Printed and 50 unprinted envelopes 3.00 23. A book of 48 2-cent stamps and 50 wrappers 2.00 24. 1000 wrappers and 1 printed envelope 15.00 210 POSTAL PROBLEMS PARCEL POST Sca/e Arm -^ 5 /id m& Weight ^ * r 1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 10 11 IE 13 POUNDS 05 06 O6 O7 O7 08 08 09 O9 10 10 1 1 1 1 LOCAL 05 06 07 06 09 10 11 12 1 3 U 15 16 17 1ST. ZONE 05 O6 07 og O9 1O 12 1 3 14 1 5 re 17 2ND. 6 O8 '9 12 14 16 18 20 22 2 4 26 26 30 3RD. 7 11 IS 19 23 2.7 31 35 39 43 47 5l 55 4 TH oa 14 20 26 32 38 44 SO 56 ._ 42 bS 74 80 5 TH. - 09 17 25 33 4-1 49 57 65 73 ai 89 97 1.0 S fe TH. - 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 SI 91 1.01 1.1 1 U1 1.31 7 TH 12 Z4- 36 48 6O 72 84 96 1.08 1.ZO 1.32 U4 156 6 TH Bundles containing merchandise, such as factory products, seeds, bulbs, plants, books, etc., may be sent to any part of the United States or its possessions by parcel post. The cost depends on the weight and the distance, and may be found by weighing the parcel and referring to a table like that on the following page. The local rate is applied to any parcel intended for delivery at the post office where it is mailed or at any point on a rural route starting therefrom. The combined length and girth may not be over 84 in. The weight may not exceed 50 Ib. in 1st and 2d zoijes ; nor 20 Ib. in other zones. If a bundle weighs 7 Ib. and 1 oz., it is considered in the 8-pound class. For the 3d zone, the charge is 20 cents. A bundle weighing 3 Ib. 4 oz. goes as a 4-pound bundle. For the 5th zone, the charge is 26 cents. PARCEL POST 217 TABLE OF PARCEL POST CHARGES ZONES Weight in Local 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Pounds U|, to Till to 150 to Son 10 fiOO to 1000 to 1400 to Over ."ill ino 800 liOO 1000 1400 1800 1800 milt's miles miles miles miles mill's miles miles 1 $0.05 $0.05 $0.05 $0.06 $0.07 $0.08 $0.09 $0.11 $0.12 2 .06 .06 .06 .08 .11 .14 .17 .21 .24 3 .06 .07 .07 .10 .15 .20 .25 .31 .36 4 .07 .08 .08 .12 .19 .26 .33 .41 .48 6 .07 .09 .09 .14 .23 .32 .41 .51 .60 6 .08 .10 .10 .16 .27 .38 .49 .61 .72 7 .08 ! .11 .11 .18 .31 .44 .57 .71 .84 8 09 .12 .12 .20 .35 .50 .65 .81 .96 9 .09 .13 .13 .22 .39 .56 .73 .91 1.08 10 .10 .14 .14 .24 .43 .62 .81 1.01 1.20 11 .10 .15 .15 .26 .47 .68 .89 1.11 1.32 12 .11 .16 .16 . .28 .51 .74 .97 1.21 1.44 13 .11 .17 .17 .30 .55 .80 1.05 1.31 1.56 14 12 .18 .18 .32 .59 ..86 1.13 1.41 1.68 15 .12 .19 .19 .34 .63 .92 i 1.21 1.51 1.80 16 .13 .20 .20 .36 .67 .98 1.29 1.61 1.92 17 .13 .21 .21 .38 .71 1.04 1.37 1.71 2.04 18 .14 .22 .22 .40 .76 1.10 1.45 1.81 2/16 19 .14 .23 .23 .42 .79 1.16 1.53 1.91 2.28 20 .15 .24 .24 .44 .83 1.22 1.61 2.01 2.40 Compute the charge on each of the following parcels 1. Weight 3 Ib. 6 oz. for 3d zone. -^ 2. Weight M3b. 1 oz., local. ^ 3. Weight 5 Ib. 3 oz. for 2d zone. 4. Weight 1 Ib. 8 oz. for 8th zone. 5. /Weight 7 Ib. 5 oz. for 6th zone. 6. Weight 18 Ib. 9 oz. for 1st zone. 7. Weight 15 Ib. 2 oz., local. 8. Weight 11 Ib. 13 oz. for 5th zone. 9. Weight 20 Ib. for 2d zone. HUNT'S COMMUN. AK. 16 218 SAVING AND INVESTING MONEY SAVING AND INVESTING MONEY NATIONAL BANKS All business men have on hand, from time to time, compara- tively large sums of money. Men who receive a monthly salary also may have more cash at certain times in the month than they wish to carry about with them. A national bank receives such accumulations of surplus cash and keeps them in safety. When the business man wishes to pay his employees, he may withdraw his money by calling at the bank or sending a repre- sentative. For ordinary payment of debts, however, the de- positor writes a check and gives or mails it to the person to whom he owes money. This check is sooner or later pre- sented at the bank, and the amount named on it is deducted from the depositor's account. The business man keeps large sums on deposit and adds to them from the surplus iii his cash box several times a week. All deposits are added to the balance already in the bank. 1. W. R. Johnson conducts a large market. He deposited this morning $25.00 in silver, $250.00 in bills, and five checks received from his customers. He made out the deposit slip on the next page and gave it to the cashier, who added the total amount to his previous balance, which was $ 795.60. (a ) What was the total amount of his deposit ? (6) To what sum did this bring his daily balance ? 2. Make out the slip for the next depositor, E. E. Towne, who deposited $8.50 in silver, $135.00 in bills, and checks for $5.72, $4.90, $8.37, $9.64. 3. The third depositor, R. A. Babcock, deposited $17.50 in silver, $156.00 in bills, and checks for $97.00, $14.91, and $ 5.23. Make out his slip. CHECKS 219 DEPOSIT SLIP l&ome National 13anfe OXFORD, MASS. DEPOSITED BY l^iltisa-w, Date / 00 250 00 >k& 7 6 80 k\U For vlniount, $28 STB Ernest O. Thompson has $500 in the Home National Bank. He pays his rent each month by a check like that at the bottom of page 219. When he writes the check, he may also fill in the blank spaces in the " stub " * (a piece attached to the end of the check for memoranda), so that he can recall for what he paid the $28. He detaches the check, tearing along the dotted line, and gives it to Mr. White. His landlord, Mr. White, may take the check to the Home National Bank where the amount, $ 28, will be paid him by the cashier, and that amount will be deducted from the $ 500 which Ernest O. Thompson has in the bank. Instead of taking the check to the bank, Mr. White may use it in paying his own grocery bill. The check, as on page 219, is made payable to him. To make it payable to the grocer, H. M. Drake & Co., he turns the check over and indorses it on the back as follows : * Some check books have blank sheets for memoranda in place of stubs. CHECKS 221 PAYING BILLS BY CHECK 1. E. S. Burns, boot and shoe salesman, took orders for the A. B. Armstrong Co. amounting to $8000 during July. The company paid him his commission of 2%, filling in a blank check like the following. Complete the check. No. CHICAGO, ILL., 19 FIRST NATIONAL BANK,- CHICAGO, ILL. Pay to the order of Dnllar* $ 2. At the left-hand side of your paper, rule money columns like those on the following bill ; fill in the amount of each item and compute the total amount of the bill. Then make out a check for the bill : BOSTON, Mr MASS., June 5, 1915 Pemaquid Point, Maine To COBB, BATES, AND YERXA COMPANY Dr. 5 pkg. Grape Nuts .13 15 Ib. Franklin Mills Flour .05 12 Ib. Granulated Yellow Meal .03 8 Ib. California Prunes .16 12 Ib. Victoria Seeded Raisins .12 10 cans Oneida Canned Tomatoes .16 8 cans Honey Drop Canned Corn .14 5 cans Sifted Early June Peas .25 ;} cans Mushrooms .28 6 jars Orange Marmalade .25 2 doz. Eagle Condensed Milk 1.65 Freight 65 222 SAVING AND INVESTING MONEY NATIONAL BANK ACCOUNTS A simple form of keeping account of the amount which the depositor has to his credit in the national bank is shown below. It must be remembered that : Every deposit is added to the balance. Every check drawn is subtracted from the balance. l. Explain how each amount in the following account was obtained : EDWARD R. HOME SPENCER'S ACCOUNT WITH NATIONAL BANK Balance Apr. 1 Deposited Apr. 1 Checks Deposited Apr. 5 Checks Deposited Apr. 10 Checks 50.00 7.40 10.70 460 00 50 510 00 68 10 68.10 21.60 15.37 441 90 75 516 90 36 97 36.97 4.60 9.85 1.32 8.71 14.60 479 93 124 00 603 93 39 08 39.08 564 85 NATIONAL BANK ACCOUNTS 223 2. Copy the following memoranda of deposits and with- drawals by check and fill in the balances : ERNEST R. STAPLE'S ACCOUNT WITH HOME NATIONAL BANK Balance brought forward Deposited July 5 Checks Deposited July 13 Checks Deposited July 24 Checks Deposited July 28 Checks 12.47 19.42 1.87 246 160 80 53 9 V V ? ? 1.95 14.42 16.47 9 175 ? 00 9 9 V ? ? 14.90 8.75 13.50 9 86 ? 75 9 ? 9 ? ? 12.40 9.20 3.75 4.80 5.25 V 75 ? 50 9 ? ? ? ? ? ? 224 SAVING AND INVESTING MONEY THE POSTAL SAVINGS SYSTEM Any person over ten years old may open an account and deposit any number of dollars from $1 to $100 at any post office in the United States. This system establishes a govern- ment savings bank in every post office. The postmaster or a clerk will till out a certificate like the following for $ 1, $ 2, $ 5, * 10, $ 20, 1 50, or $ 100. NOTE. The limit accepted is $ 100 for any month and f 500 all together. N"o account is opened for less than f 1, but amounts less than $1 may be saved for deposit by purchasing 10-cent postal savings cards and 10-cent postal savings stamps. A card with nine stamps affixed is accepted as a deposit of $ 1. NOT TRANSFERABLE POSTAL SAVINGS SYSTEM UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NOT NEGOTIABLE NEW YORK N.Y. Madison Square Station APRIL 10 1913 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT THISCERTIFIESTHATTHtamorTWO DOLLARS HASMINMM OF Tut POSFAl SAVINGS SYSTEM AND Hill BE PAYABLE TO TMI _ . _ ITOY OfflCE DANPLt ICENT ISSUE OF WI3 X 2507463 P(R AI ENDORSED As a separate certificate is given when each deposit is made, a depositor has as many certificates as he has made deposits. Interest at 2 % is paid yearly on each deposit. No interest is paid for fractional parts of a year. Each deposit begins to draw interest on the first day of the month following the deposit. l. Find the interest for 1 yr. on $5 deposited Sept. 15, 1915. $5 deposited Sept. 15, 1915, draws interest from Oct. 1, 1915, and entitles the depositor to 2% interest Oct. 1, 1916. 2 % of f 5 ~ k .10, interest for 1 yr. THE POSTAL SAVINGS SYSTEM 225 2. A boy makes the following deposits in November, 1915. How much interest is due Dec. 1, 1916 ? Nov. 5, $ 2 ; Nov. 13," f> 3 ; Nov. 27, $ 5. The total amount begins to draw interest Dec. 1. If it is left in until Dec. 1 of the following year, the boy receives 2% interest. 2% of $10 = $.20. 3. Copy the following and fill in the blank columns : Amount , f Deposit Date of Deposit Date when Interest Begins Date on which Interest becomes Due Amount of Interest $ 1.00 Sept. 6, 1915 ? ? V $ 5.00 Sept. 30, 1!)15 $ 6.00 Oct. 5, 1915 $15.00 Oct. 16, 1915 | 7.00 Oct. 28, 1915 $ 12.00 Nov. 13, 1915 $ 3.00 Nov. 17, 1915 $ 8.00 Dec. 3, 1915 $11.00 Dec. 14, 1915 $ 17.00 Dec. 27, 1915 * $20.00 Jan. 3, 1916 $ 24.00 .Ian. 12, 1916 $ 14.00 Feb. 7, 1916 $19.00 Feb. 9, 1916 $ 9.00 Feb. 17, 1916 $ 4.00 Feb. 24, 1916 $ 22.00 Feb. 28, K16 $35.00 Mar. 4, 1916 131.00 Mar. 9, 1916 $10.00 Mar. 18, 1916 $13.00 Mar. 23, 1916 $ 16.00 Mar. 31, 1916 $21.00 Apr. 3, 1916 1 $ 40.00 Apr. 8, 1916 $ 22.00 Apr. 20, 1916 $30.00 Apr. 24, 1916 * 18.00 Apr. 28, 1916 $25.00 1 May 8, 1916 226 SAVING AND INVESTING MONEY BRIEF REVIEW OF INTEREST* 1. Find the interest on $ 500 for 1 yr. at 6 %. The principal is $ 500 1 % of the principal is 5 6% of the principal is 30, the interest. Find the interest for one year on the following principals at the rates indicated : 2. -<$ 230 at 5 % . 7. $ 240 at 4J % . 3. $ 380 at 4 %. 8. $ 275 at 3^ %. 4. $ 275 at 3 %. 9. $ 460 at 5^ % . s. 1132 at 6%. 10. $526at3J%. 6. 1 325 at 5 % . 11. -f 232 at 5J %. To find the interest for some commonly used parts of a year, observe the following facts: INTEREST INTEREST INTEREST AT 6 % FOR AT 4 % FOR AT 3 % FOR 8 ">=*%] 6.11,0. = 2 %1 4mo. = l%l . f . 4 mo. = 2%lof the g mo = 1 * of the L> mo = *lof the 8 mo. = 4 % principal. ' principal. \ principal. 2mo. = l%l 9mo. = 3%J* 8 toe. = 2%J Find the interest on the following : 12. $ 150 at 6 % for 6 mo. 20. $420 at 4 % for 6 mo. 13. $ 560 at 4 % for 6 mo. 21. $ 580 at 4 % for 3 mo. 14. $ 581 at 3 % for 4 mo. 22. $ 270 at 6 % for 4 mo. 15. $ 284 at 3 % for 2 mo. 23. $ 888 at 6 % for 8 mo. 16. $ 950 at 4 % for 9 mo. 24. $ 190 at 4 % for 3 mo. 17. I 290 at 3 % for 8 mo. 25. $ 464 at 4 % for 3 mo. 18. $ 875 at 4 % for 3 mo. 26. $ 232 at 4 % for 3 mo. 19. $ 791 at 4 % for 9 mo. 27. 1 595 at 6 % for 2 mo. * These facts in interest form the basis of the work in the following lessons in investments. SAVINGS BANKS 227 SAVINGS BANKS The average young man or woman finds it impossible to save large amounts. His problem is to invest in the best manner possible the small sums which he can save. For such people the savings bank offers the best solution of the problem. These small savings. are very important to the young man, as they ordinarily represent all that he has. He therefore must run no risk of losing them. Savings bank deposits are the safest investments because such banks are governed by the strictest laws and can invest the depositor's savings only in the safest possible manner. They are convenient, because savings may be deposited in small amounts, and in case of need can be with- drawn. In addition, the depositor receives compound interest at rates ranging from 3% to 4-|-%. Compound interest is interest on the deposit and on the' accumulated in- terest as well. When we invest money anywhere else, we collect the in- terest as it becomes due us ; but in a savings bank we usually leave it to be addjed to the principal. When interest for the next period is computed, it is reckoned on the deposit plus the interest for the last period. These periods as a rule are 6-month periods interest usually being computed Jan. 1 and July 1. Banks can pay this interest because the money depos- ited is lent on notes drawing 6% interest, on first mortgages paying 5% or 6%? or in other safe and profitable investments. 228 SAVING AND INVESTING MONEY COMPOUND INTEREST 1. If $ 100 was deposited Jan. 1, 1915, in a bank paying 4% interest, how much was due the depositor Jan. 1, 1916? NOTE. In all the problems on pages 228 and 229 the interest is com- pounded semiannually, that is, the interest for each half year when due, is added to the principal. $100.00, deposited Jan. 1 at 4% is entitled on July 1 to 2% interest, 2.00 or $2. $102.00, amount in bank July 1, 1915, is entitled on Jan. 1, 1916, to 2% 2.04 interest, or $2.04. $104.04, amount in bank Jan. 1, 1916. Interest is not reckoned on cents. Find the amount due Jan. 1, 1916, at 4 % interest, on the following deposits made Jan. 1, 1915 : 2. $200. 5. $350. 8. 1500. 11. $600. 3. $250. 6. $400. 9. "700. 12. $820. 4. $300. 7. $450. 10. $1200. 13. $1500. 14. Find the amount due Jan. 1, 1916, on $ 240 deposited at 4% Jan. 1, 1914. $240.00, deposited Jan. 1, 1914. 4.80, 6 months' interest computed July 1, 1914. $244.80, amount in bank July 1, 1914. 4.88, 6 months' interest on $244 computed Jan. 1, 1915. $249.68, amount in bank Jan. 1, 1915. 4.98, 6 months' interest on $249, computed July 1, 1915. $254.66, amount in bank July 1, 1915. 5.08, 6 months' interest on $254, computed Jan. 1, 1916. $259.74, amount in bank Jan. 1, 1916. If .the following deposits were made Jan. 1, 1914, how much did each amount to Jan. 1, 1916, at 4%? is. $140. 16. $420. 17. $265. 18. $1000. SAVINGS BANKS 229 INTEREST ON DEPOSITS Interest is computed at the end of each six months. Interest is reckoned on dollars only. Interest is added to the last amount. Written Exercise 1. Win. R. Reed had 1450 in the bank Jan. 1, 1914. It re- mained two years, drawing interest at 4 % compounded each six months. How much could he withdraw Jan. 1, 19J6? 2. Mr. Hay sold a horse for $ 270 and deposited the money July 1, 1913 at 4%. How much was due him July 1, 1915? 3. On the latter date he added enough to bring his deposit up to $ 350 and left it there a year and a half. How much was due him ? 4. How much is due on a $382 deposit left 2 yr. at 4 % ? 5. How much is due on a balance of $180.70 in the bank Jan. 1, 1913, left undisturbed until July 1, 1915, at 4 % ? 6. Mrs. Crane has a balance of $380 on the books Jan. 1. How much will she have at the end of two years, at 4 % interest, if she makes no additions or withdrawals ? 7. Reckon the compound interest on a deposit of $450.70 from J,an. 1 to July 1 at 3 % per year. $450.70 in bank Jan. 1. $450, amount to draw intei-est, as interest is not reckoned on cents. __.01|, rate for 6 months. 6.75, interest for 6 months. 450.70, original principal. $457.45, amount in bank July 1. 8. How much is due on a $750 deposit left in 18 mo. at 3 % per annum ? 9. How much is due on $200 deposited Jan. 1, 1914 and withdrawn July 1, 1915, at 3 % ? 230 SAVING AND INVESTING MONEY INTEREST DATES It is a common practice to allow money to go on interest each 3 months, although interest is computed but twice a year. Deposits usually go on interest Jan. 1, Apr. 1, July 1, and Oct. 1. These are called interest dates. 1. If money was deposited on each of the following dates, when would it begin to draw interest ? Jan. 15 Mar. 31 Sept. 30 Feb. 16 Aug. 12 Oct. 15 July 8 June 27 Nov. 18 Dec. 20 July 15 Dec. 31 2. What should a depositor keep in mind if he has savings accumulating, which he wishes to deposit to the best advantage ? Helps to understand the Depositor's Call Book Some thrifty people make small deposits at frequent intervals, as shown in the following page of a young man's deposit book: SAMPLE PAGE ix DEPOSIT BOOK OR CALL BOOK PURITAN SAVINGS BANK Account of ARTHUR BROWN DATB DEPOSITS WITHDRAWALS INTEREST BALANCE Jan. 1 200 200 Feb. 8 50 250 Mar. 15 10 260 Apr. May June 1 20 6 15 20 15 275 295 310 July Sept. Oct. 1 15 1 10 20 10 4 75 324 344 354 75 75 7.") Nov. 25 l>f> 379 ?:. Jan. 1 6 78 386 53 SAVINGS BANKS 231 DEPOSIT BOOK BALANCES Whenever money is deposited or interest, is computed, it is added to the amount already in the bank, and the sum is written in the last column. In this way the last balance repre- sents the money credited to the depositor at any given date. To understand how each balance on page 230 was obtained, answer each of the following guide questions and do the work indicated, reckoning interest at 4 % per annum compounded semiannually. 1. How much money goes on interest Jan. 1 ? How do you get the following balances : $ 200, $ 250, .f 260, $275, $295 ? 2. From what date do the second, third, and fourth deposits draw interest ? What is the total of these three deposits ? On July 1, how much interest is due on them for 3 months? 3. When interest is reckoned on July 1, how much of the deposit draws interest for 6 months? how much for only 3 months ? 4. How much money deposited before July 1 does not draw any interest up to that time ? Why ? 5. How much do the 6 months' interest on $ 200 and the 3 months' interest on $75 amount to at 4 % ? Where is this amount recorded? Explain the balance for July 1. 6. How much money draws interest from July 1 to the following Jan. 1 ? (See balance column. Omit the cents.) How much is the interest for this period of 6 months ? 7. Read the two deposits that draw interest from Oct. 1 to Jan. 1. What is the total sum ? How much is the interest for that period of 3 months ? 8. The last deposit does not begin to draw interest until Jan. 1. NOTE. This page should be gone over by the class several times until the account on the opposite page is fully understood. 232 SAVING AND INVESTING MONEY BROCKTON SAVINGS BANK In account iritli M. R. OSGOOD 5570 Main St., City DATE DEPOSIT WITHDRAWALS INTEREST I$ALAT K Jan. 1 175 Guide Questions 1. Fill out on a separate slip of paper the balance for each date through Dec. 6. 2. The smallest balance between the dates July 1, 1915 and Jan. 1, 1916 was the amount entitled to draw interest for six months. What was the smallest balance ? 3. What was the interest on it for 6 mo. at 4 % ? 4. Fill out the balances from Jan. 1 to May, 1916. 5. What was the smallest balance between Jan. 1, and July 1, 1916? Compute 6 months' interest on this amount. 6. What additional amount was deposited on or before Apr. 1 ? Was any of it withdrawn before July 1 ? Compute 3 months' interest on $ 140. 7. Add the interest oblained in problems 5 and 6, record the result under July 1, and obtain the July 1 balance. 236 SAVING AND INVESTING MONEY COOPERATIVE BANKS ; BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS Cooperative banks and building and loan associations are similar institutions organized for much the same purposes as saving banks. They receive deposits, lend money on first mortgages, and pay semiannual interest on deposits. Their method of doing business differs from that of savings banks as follows : Instead of depositing miscellaneous amounts at any and all times, as in a savings bank, each depositor makes regular monthly payments of a stated amount. That is, he subscribes for a certain number of shares at $1 each. If he subscribes for one share, he deposits $1 each month until the share reaches maturity or is retired. If he subscribes for five shares, he deposits $5 each month. For any failure to pay the pre- scribed amount on or before a certain date, he must pay a fine, usually 2 cents a month on each share. In this way, the bank has a definite amount of money coming in each month, which it lends immediately, usually at 6% in- terest. Loans are made to depositors only, who, as members of the association, are anxious to see it succeed. As a borrower, the member pays interest to the institution ; but as a depositor, a part of this is returned to him in the form of dividends. Cooperative banks provide an excellent means of saving for one whose income is regularly a little above his average ex- penses. If such a person attempted to save in any other way, the amount might seem so small that it might not be saved at all, whereas the cooperative bank encourages the systematic saving of small amounts. The fine of 2 cents a share for failure to deposit on time discourages habits of neglect. In the case of temporary need one can usually secure a loan from the bank and not be obliged to suffer loss by the withdrawal of shares. COOPERATIVE BANKS 237 A SAMPLK YKAR'S RECORD The depositor has subscribed for 5 shares Jan. 15. Do the work indicated below the account. Interest, 5% per annum. DATK DEPOSITS IXTKItKST TOTAL Jan. 15 5 5 Feb. 15 5 10 Mar. 15 5 15 Apr. 15 5 20 May 15 5 25 June 15 5 30 Interest de- clared July 15 44 80 44 July 15 5 35 44 Aug. 15 5 40 44 Sept. 15 5 45 44 Oct. 15 5 50 44 Nov. 15 5 55 44 Dec. 15 5 00 44 Interest de- clared Jan. 15 1 20 Directions for Verifying the above Account 1. Find how much interest (sometimes called dividend or profit) has been earned up to the end of the first six months. The first $5 has been in the bank how many months? The second 85 has been in the bank how many months? The third $5 has been in the bank how many months? The fourth f 5 has been in the bank how many months ? The fifth $5 has been in the bank how many months? The sixth $5 has been in the bank how many months? Total number of months 2. Compute the interest at 5 % on each $ 5 for the number of months which it has been deposited. Add the results. (Compute first at 6 % ; then subtract of the result.) 238 SAVING AND INVESTING MONEY 3. Compute the interest on $ 5 at 5 % for 21 months. Com- pare the answers in Ex. 2 and 3. (Count 5 mills or over in final result as one cent.) 4. At the end of the second 6 months, the $30.44 is entitled to six months' interest. The regular deposits draw inter- est as in example 3. The sum of the two would be the interest to record at the bottom of the account. Verify the amount printed. This interest cannot be withdrawn but must be left with the deposits. Notice that cooperative banks, unlike savings banks, allow interest on cents. A DEPOSITOR WHO BORROWS 5. Mr. Ames subscribes for 5 shares and borrows 1 1000 to help him build a house, giving a first mortgage as security. He must pay the regular dues of f>5 each month and in addi- tion one month's interest on the $1000 at 6 %. How much does he pay in all each month ? MEMORANDUM OF MONTHLY PAYMENTS RECEIVING DATES DEPOSITS ON SHARES IXTKKEST ON LOAN TOTAL MONTHLY PAYMENTS Jan. 15 5 5 9 Feb. 15 5 5 9 Mar. 15 5 5 9 Apr. 15 5 5 9 May 15 5 5 ? June 15 5 5 9 July 15 5 5- 9 Aug. 15 5 5 9 Sept. 15 5 5 ? Oct. 15 5 5 9 Nov. 15 5 5 9 Dec. 15 5 5 V COOPERATIVE BANKS 239 Questions on the Preceding Memorandum 1. At the end of the year, how much money has been paid in deposits ? 2. How much has been paid in the form of interest ? 3. How much has been paid in all ? NOTE. It might be supposed that the $60 paid in regular dues would reduce the face of the mortgage, but this is not the case. The mortgage still continues at f 1000 and the f 60 deposited draws its share of the interest which the bank earns. In the end this will go toward paying the loan. If an additional sum of $200 were paid at the end of the first year, the amount on which interest would have to be paid would be only $ 800. The regular dues, however, would not change. 4. Suppose that Mr. Ames paid $200 of his debt at the end of the first year, how much would he be obliged to pay each month of the succeeding year for dues and interest? When a shareholder first opens an account with a cooperative bank it is usually his intention to continue the payment of dues until the shares mature, that is, in about 12 years, when the accumulated dues and interest would amount to $ 200 per share. Advantages in paying the $ 1000 loan by the cooperative bank method. 5. Answer the following questions : (a) How much did Mr. Ames pay in deposits in 12 years ? (See Ex. 1 for amount paid in 1 year.) (6) How much interest did he pay in 12 years if he did not cancel any part of the loan ? (See Ex. 2 for interest paid in 1 year.) (e) How much did he pay into the bank in deposits and interest in 12 years ? 240 SAVING AND INVESTING MONEY (c?) In about 12 years, his live shares matured, amounting to $200 each and paying off the loan of $ 1000. Ho\v much of all that he paid in was really interest ? S$ 60, paid each year as deposits. 60, paid each year as interest. $120, total payments in 1 year. 12 f 1440, total payments in 12 years. 1000, amount of loan. $440, paid. in excess of amount of the loan. This is, therefore, the amount of interest which he had to pay by taking his loan from a cooperative bank. (Y) Suppose that he had borrowed $1000 elsewhere at 6 % interest, to how much would the interest have amounted in 12 years if he made no payments on the principal ? What is the difference ? How a cooperative bank pays 5 % interest and has enough left to pay its running expenses : 1. In a small city bank the income from fines alone was $> 666 last year. The income from loans at 6 % was -t 30,076. The bank declared a 5 % dividend, that is, it divided up | of the $ 30,076 among its shareholders. How much did it di- vide up ? 2. How much was left ? 3. One half of this remainder was put into the reserve fund and an equal amount was used in paying the running expenses. How much was used for this purpose ? 4. The income from fines and the amount just obtained pro- vided the two principal sums necessary to' pay the running ex- penses. How much did they amount to? INTEREST FOR SHORT PERIODS REVIEW OF INTEREST FOR SHORT PERIODS To find ^ of any number, move the decimal point 1 place to the left. To find ~ of any number, move the point 2 places to the left. To find ^ of any number, move the point 3 places to the left. APPLICATION TO INTEREST The interest at 6 % on any principal for 20 months = ~ of the principal ; for 2 months = ^~ of the principal ; for 6 days = ^ of the principal. Oral Exercise Find the interest at 6 % on. : 1. $500 for 2 mo. 9. $900 for 6 da. 2. 1720 for 20 mo. 10. $500 for 3 da. 3. $875 for lino. 11. $340 for 1 mo. 4. $260 for 4 mo. 12. $480 for 60 da. 5. $400 for 5 mo. 13. $520 for 30 da. 6. $850 for 10 mo. 14. $180 for 2 da. 7. $ 600 for 3 mo. 15. $ 210 for 10 mo. 8. $ 200 for 15 mo. 16. $530 for 6 da. Professional accountants, who often have to compute interest for odd periods of time, use interest tables. Any one who wishes to reckon such interest for himself may find it con- venient to set down the work in some such manner as on page 242. The period of 10 mo. may be considered as | of 20 mo. or as 5 x 2 mo. ; in like manner,' 5 mo. may be considered as |- of 20 mo. or 2| x 2 mo. 242 SAVING AND INVESTING MONEY Written Exercise 1. Find the interest on 1480 for 7 mo. 12 da. at 6%. Interest for 2 1110. is $4.80 Interest for 7 mo. is 3J x $4.80 or $16.80 Interest for 6 da. is $ .480 Interest for 12 da. is 2 x $ .48 or .96 Total interest at 6% is $17.76 To find interest at 5%, subtract of $17.76; at 4%, subtract ^ of $ 17.76 3%, find | of $17.76; etc. Find interest at 6 % on : At the rates indicated on : 2. $85 4 mo. 12 da. 19. $75 2 mo. 15 da. 5 %. 3. $200 3 mo. 24 da. 20. $220 8 mo. 15 da. 4 % 4. $125 4 mo. 1 da.* 21. $90 19 da. 6 %. 5. $250 20 da. 22. $210 5 mo. 2 da. 5 % 6. $550 5 mo. 18 da. 23. $260 10 mo , 9 da. 4 % 7. $75 5 mo. 12 da. 24. $45 7 mo. 6 da. 3 % 8. $280 6 mo. 3 da. 25. $120 1 mo. 24 da. 4 % 9. $15 2 mo. 2 da. 26. $275 11 mo ,12 da. 5 2% 10. $135 6 mo. 24 da. 27. $300 2 mo. 15 da. 4 \% 11. $225 8 mo. 12 da. 28. $150' 9 mo. 13 da. 3 : \% 12. $270 3 mo. 15 da. 29. $180 6 mo. 2 da. 5 % 13. $175 7 mo. 15 da. 30. $400 29 da. 6 %' 14. $280 8 mo. 2 da. 31. $325 1 mo. 4 da. 5 %' 15. $310 27 da. 32. $420 5 mo. 7 da. 5i#- 16. $240 3 mo. 2 da. 33. $600 3 mo. 14 da. 4 i \ % 17. $350 45 da. 34. $245 8 mo. 18 da. 5 cf 18. $415 21 da. 35. $500 5 mo. 5 da. 4 cf * Express mills, if any, until the answer is written ; then count 5 mills or over as 1 cent and disregard less than 5 mills. LENDING MONEY ON NOTES 243 LENDING MONEY ON NOTES Savings bank deposits as a rule offer the safest and most con- venient investment for the small saver, but some people wish their savings to earn more than 3^ % or 4 %. A person known to have a surplus of money on hand is often asked to lend amounts like $50, $100, or $200 and to take a promissory note from the borrower. Sums of money lent in this way can be made to earn much more interest than in the average savings bank, as the interest guaranteed by a promissory note is usually 5 % or Q%. The risk of losing money is balanced by the higher rate of interest. Cautious lenders reduce the risk by being very careful to whom they make loans. 1. Oliver Anderson wishes to obtain $200 to help him harvest his crops. He borrows it of Edward T. Baker and gives him the following note : dfewtown,, c4. I/,., tfefit. /,/ <; per month . . . 9 y Total invested . > y Total income for year . y y 2. What per cent of the investment was the income ? 3. The investment in house No. 2 was as follows : Cost, $4870; repairs, $117.40 ; taxes on $4000 at $15.40 per $.1000 ; insurance on $4500 at \ % u year ; 200,000 gal. water at $ .20 per 1000 gal. It rented for $24 upstairs and $30 downstairs. Arrange the year's account as in problem 1 and compute the rate of income. 4. Mr. Brown built a third house on some land which he bought for $ 875. The house cost him $ 3580 ; it was assessed for $ 3200 and taxed at the rate of $ 14.80 per $1000. It was insured for $ 3000 at ^ % premium and the tenant paid the water tax. There was only one tenant, who paid $ 30 per month. What was the yearly income ? the rate of income ? 254 SAVING AND INVESTING MONEY SELLING REAL ESTATE 5t. 1. Compute the area of each lot in square feet. (Although the river curves some\vhat, that side of each lot is so nearly straight that A, B, (7, and D may be considered as trapezoids.) 2. The owner bought the land for $ 3000 and held it for two years before selling it or making improvements. It was assessed for $ 3200 and the tax rate was $15 per $ 1000 the first year and $ 16.20 per $ 1000 the second year. How much tax did he pay each year ? What was the total tax for 2 years ? 3. The $ 3000 with which he purchased the land was with- drawn from a savings bank, which paid 3 % interest com- pounded semiannually. How much compound interest did the owner lose during the two years ? 4. Add to the first cost of the land the two years' compound interest lost and the two years' taxes paid. Divide the total by 5 to get the average cost of each lot at the end of the two years. 5. Early in the third year he sold lot A for $ 750 and lot B for $800. He erected a house on (7, costing $2200, and sold the house and the lot for $3000. Compute the profit from these three transactions. (Consider the answer to problem 4 as the real cost of each lot at the time of the sale.) STOCKS 255 STOCKS The great temptation in investing one's surplus is the desire to get rich quickly by buying stocks.. The words " stocks and bonds " are used together so frequently that boys and girls often think they mean the same thing. This is not true, however. A bond, as explained in the previous lesson, is a promissory note issued by a corporation, city, or town ; and its rate of interest is fixed and must be paid. Stocks are shares in the property of a company and draw interest in the form of dividends if the company is doing a profitable business. If there are no profits, there are no divi- dends ; while if the profits are large, the dividends are cor- respondingly large. Hence, you will see that bonds have a regular guaranteed income, while the income from stocks is uncertain. Mining Stock. A few men, believing that a certain tract of mountain land contains iron, may organize a company under the laws of the state. They may have money enough to buy the land but not enough to purchase machinery, to construct a spur- railroad track, and to operate the mine. To secure this money they have blank certificates of stock printed similar to that on the next page. Brokers and agents take these certificates and sell them to people who can be persuaded to buy. A person who buys 5 shares whose par value is $100 each, becomes a shareholder in the mining company and part owner of its property. The company uses his money to operate the mine, and the shareholder hopes that enough iron will be found to pay him a larger return for his money than he would get from other investments. If the mine is successful and the income during the year is $50,000 above the expenses, this income will be divided among the stockholders. If the capital stock held by different stockholders is $ 1,000,000, the dividend will probably be 5%. $50,000 = 5QOO of $ 1,000,000; 50000 of 100% = 5 %, rate of dividend. 1,000,000 256 SAVING AND INVESTING MONEY INCORPORATED UHOEB THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Shares " ^"^ ii 1 - ** " % ' ' '''*""-"""' 3fnl0ttnC|&j ttohtrtof , tAe. laid G.un&bmJ fiat cau ntnC|j trto , e. la .yun&m iat cauSuitiitia'cc - % = 58.4 %, which is expressed in baseball tables as .584. 4. Find the per cent (to the nearest tenth) of games won by the following teams up to the date specified : TKAM DATK WON LOST Detroit July 15 45 37 Washington 43 36 New York 30 47 Boston Aug. 1 55 41 Chicago 47 49 Boston Oct. 1 89 59 New York 68 81 St. Louis 69 80 200 PERCENTAGE SCHOOL ATTENDANCE 5. In a school having 40 members, 5 were absent. What was the per cent of attendance ? i 40 5 = 35, number of pupils present. |2 of 100% = 871% present. 6. Compute the percent of attendance for each grade given below. GRADE MEMBERS ABSENT GRADE MEMBERS ABSENT (a) I 40 4 (e) V 32 4 (b) II 38 2 (/) VI 33 3 (e) III 36 5 G?) VII 37 5 00 IV 42 6 (A) VIII 31 1 WAGES 7. A 5 % increase was declared in the wages of a certain class of operatives. How much should each of the following receive per day under the new scale ? OLD WAGE OLI> WA<;E (a) Mr. A $2.50 (e) Miss E $1.95 (b) Mr. B 3.00 (/) Miss F 2.25 (0. PERCENTAGE 261 10. After an increase of 12| %, Miss X received $990. How much did she receive formerly ? 11. After an increase of 30%, Mr. Z received $2600. How much was lie paid previously ? 12. What is the per cent of increase when a salary of $1000 is raised to $ 1200 ? . (a) 118.00 $21.00 (/) $14.00 (b) 21.00 24.00 O) 24.00 (c) 15.00 18.00 (A) 25.50 00 18.00 20.00 (/) 26.00 (e) 12.00 15.00 (./) 26.50 f 1-200 - $ 1000 = $200 ; - of 100% = o ( ,o/ o- P 13. The following employees of a large corporation had their weekly pay increased as shown below. What was the per cent of increase in each case ? OLD KATE NEW RATE OLD RATE NKW RATE ^16.00 27.00 27.00 27.50 30.00 14. The following people were able to save the per cent of their salary indicated. How much did each save? SALARY SAVED SALARY SAVED (a) $1600 2i% 00 $1800 12% (6) 1450 4i/ (/) 4100 8*% (r) 975 6J% (0) 1750 2 % 00 215 71% (//) 1180 5% MISCELLANEOUS 15. The following figures illustrate some very successful hatches with incubators. Compute the per cent of eggs which hatched, disregarding any fractional part of 1 % . NUMBER OF EGOS NUMBER NUMBER OF EGOS NUMBER INCUBATED HATCHED INCUBATED HATCHED (a) 175 156 (0 248 210 (J) 40 35 (/) 300 244 (<) 125 102 07) 175 146 00 -'so 230 (A) .148 100 202 PERCENTAGE 16. There are 32 fluid ounces in. 1 qt. If a quart of a cer- tain patent medicine contains 4 oz. of alcohol, what per cent of alcohol should be printed on the label ? 17. What per cent of alcohol ought to be printed on the label of quart bottles containing the following amounts of alcohol? () (*) (<0 00 00 (/) (9) (*) (0 7 oz. 11 oz. 3 oz. oi oz. 11 ox. 12 oz. 18. What per cent of alcohol is there in pint bottles of patent medicines containing the following amounts of alcohol ? 00 (*) (<0 ('0 00 (/) (9) (*) (0 1 oz. 1| oz. 3 oz. \\ oz. 5 oz. 4| oz. 6 oz. 5 oz. 2 oz. 19. What per cent more expensive is : (a) English breakfast tea @ 75 ? than Oolong @ 64 ? (A) Java coffee @ 32 / than Moclia @ 30 ? (c) Mocha coffee @ 300 than Pan American @ 18^? (^/) Home eggs @ 60 ^ than case eggs @ 38 ^ ? 20. What per cent was saved in buying coffee in 25-pound cases when prices were as follows ? PRICE OF 1 Lii. PRICE IN 25- LH. LOTS Java coffee 32 ^ 30 ^ Maracaibo coffee 20 ^ 16 ^ Mocha coffee 30 ? 27 ^ Pan American coffee 18 ^ 16 ^ Rio coffee 16 /- 14 ^ 21. What was the per cent of increase in the retail price of sirloin steak in a certain city from 1905 to each year mentioned below ? 1905 1907 1908 1910 1915 28^ 30 f 32^ 34 jf 38.* INDEX Accounts, 46, 54, 84, 194-196. bank, 222, 223, 230-235. Ad valorem duty, 187. Addition, 1, 5-7, 14-25, 35, 36, 42-50, 180-184, 201, 202, 218, 219, 222, 223. of fractions, 26-29, 32, 92, 93, 95, 96. Areas, 56, 57, 113, 118-121, 131-133, 141-155, 168, 169. Assessing property, 179-181. Assessors, 179. Banks, cooperative, 236-240. national, 218-223. savings, 227-235. Baseball per cents, 259. Bill of lading, 74, 75. Bills, 23-25, 49, 41, 75, 84, 121, 130, 162, 173, 175, 177, 194-196, 221. discounted, 161, 162. Board feet, 123-130. Boarding-up surfaces, 137, 141. Bonds, 248-252. Boxes, 90-96. Building and loan associations, 236-240. Building laws, 168, 169. Building problems, 131-150. Business use of 100, 1000, 2000, 69. Cancellation, 125, 143, 145. Cardboard, 65-68. Carpentry problems, 87-96, 125, 13.1- 149. Carting coal, 108, 109. Carting wood, 98, 99. Cellars, 131. Cement walks, 120, 121. Change, making, 1-7, 34, 38, 213, 214. Checks, 219-223. Circumference, 153. Cleats, 30-32. Coal business, 104-111. Commission, 21, 210, 211. Compound interest, 228-235. Consignor, 75. Construction, problems in, 27-32. Cooperative banks, 236-240. Cord, 97-99. Cost of living, 197. Cubic feet, 97-99, 131, 151, 170, 171. Decimals, 69, 128, 172-175, 190-193. (See also Coal and Lumber.) Deposits, 219, 222, 223, 229-240. Desk construction, 27-29. Discounts, 161-165. Distribution, 212. Dividends, 255. Division. 45-50, 61. 80 by-a~~~fracti6n, 62-64, 66-68, 85, 87-89, 90, 91, 94. Dozens, 45-50. Dry goods, problems in, 33-37. Duties, 186, 187. Earning a living, 199-207. Economy in buying, 37. Efficiency, 36, 198. Electricity, problems in, 176, 177. Equations, 123-125. Factory, 200-212. Feet and inches, 27-32, 56-68, 87-96. Fire insurance, 190-193. Floor space in schoolrooms, 155. Floors, 133-137. Fractions, 9-17, 26-29, 32-34, 38, 39, 58, 59, 63-68, 85-100, 114-116, 139, 199, 200-202. Framing floors, 133-135. Framing roofs, 138-140. Freight problems, 74-84, 108-110. Furniture, 167. Gallon, 170, 171. Gas, problems about, 174, 175. Girders, 133, 134. Glass, problems about, 56, 57. Grain, problems about, 80-84. Granolithic walk, 120. Groceries, problems about, 3-5, 8-25. Gross weight, 100-103, 104-111. Hardware business, 112-117, 161-165. Heating by radiators, 151-153. House building, 131-150. Household accounts, 194-197. Hundredweight, 70-81. 263 264 INDEX Inches, 27-32, 56-68, 87~<>6. Income tax, 1SS, 189. Industrial problems, ">}s in - 5 { 's in - ; (i i'V, '" 5. :>| in. ; 7^| in. ; 5J in. ; 9 T 3 5 in. ; 4^ in. ; 1J in. 7. 2{ in. Page 31. 1. 4 lengths. 2. 6 hoards. 3. 2 boards, 6 ft. not used. 4. 2 ft. or 24 in. 5. 20 running feet ; 2 boards (4 ft. not used). 6. 4 strips used, necessitating sawing up 5 strips. 7. 2 in. or ^ the strip. 8. llf ft. 9. \\ ft. 10. 14 ft. 11. loft. Page 32. 1. 25 in. 2. (a) 24 in. ; (6) 27 in. 3. 20| in. 4. (a) 20| in. ; (6) 18$ in. 5. (JJ- in. 6. (a) 5f in. ; (ft) 10[ in. ; (c) 9^ in. ; (d) 8f in. 7. (a) 22 in. ; (b) | in. ; (c) 3| in. Page 35. 16. $1.63. 17. $24.72 ; $13.46. Page 36. 1. Ames, $121.80; Brown, $104.20; Cook, $100.54; Dunn, 807.06; Stone, $'14o.66; Poole, $123.23; Howe, $137.74; White, $130.60. 2. Brown and Dobel : Mon., $59.69; Tue., $66.33; Wed., $64.64; Thu., $74.03; Fri., $79.51 ; Sat., $79.40. Hanson and Stone : Mon., $89.47 ; Tue., $94.33; Wed., $80.02; Thu., $85.48; Fri., $87.82; Sat., $100.01. Page 37. 1. $.50; $7.50. 2. $.35; $4.38. 3. $1.50; $22.88. 4. $2.25; $11.25. 5. $.75; $4.13. 6. $.90; $4.28. 7. $.75; $2.81. 8. si.;*); $7.13. 9. 9 1.10 ;$ 12.10. 10. $.75; $20.25. 11. $1.00; $11.50. 12. $.25; $4.50. 13. $ 1.35 ; $ 10,13. 14. $.50; $4.13. 15. $.80; $10.40. 16. $1.10; $5.50. 17. $.85; $14.45. 18. $.50; $2.50. 19. $.85; $5.53. 20. $1.10; $8.80. 21. $.65; $7.80. 22. $1.30; $5.20. 23. $.40; $1.80. 24. $ 1.00 ;$ 19.50. 25. $.75; $6.00. Page 39. 1. $6.22. 2. $15.87. 3. $10.19. 4. $6.31. 5. 85.^. 6. *2.f>4. 7. $1.65. 8. $2.09. 9. $4.91. 10. $.70. Page 40. 3. $.49. 4. $.61. 5. $.81. 6. $2.21. 7. $.88. 8. $.32. 9. S.53. 10. $.15. 11. $2.25. 12. $.18. 13. $.58. 14. $.44. 15. 81.08. 16. $.86. 17. 8.83. 18. $1.44. 19. $1.58. 20. *.'.i:-J. 21. 81.95. 22. 8.34. 23. 8.03. 24. $.60. Page 41. - 1. Total, $6.96. 2. Total, $8.88. Page 42. 1. $9.75. 2. $22.01. 3. $2.28. Page 43. 4. $9.75; $26.95. 5. 846.72. 6. $4.02. 7. 869.65. 8. $74.50. Page 44. 9. (c?) $56.86. Page 45. 1. Nov., $12.22; Dec., $10.86; Jan., $10.43; Feb., $10.08; Mar., $8.00; Apr., $5.89; May, $5.14; June, $6.14; July, $7.12; Aug., $7.26; Sept., $6.63. 2. 3321 eggs. 3. 166^ eggs. 4. $96.16. 5. $59.36. 6. $2.97. HUNT'S COMMU.V. AR. ANSWERS 207 Page 46. -2. (a) 184 doz. ; (/>) 00 doz. ; (c) $85.58; (d) $40.78. 3. Mar., 307 doz., income $129.63, gain $103.4:3; Apr., 271 doz., income $ 105.00, gain $ 69.90; May, 202 doz., income $ 90.44, gain 59.54; June, 227 doz., income $01.75, gain $30.85; July, 177 doz., income 42.51, gain $2.31 ; Aug., 281 doz., income $09.00, gain $38.10; Sept., 154 doz., income $43.80, gain $ 11.30 ; Oct., 131 doz., income $40.12, gain $7.72 ; Nov., 112 doz., income $38.45, gain $0.05; Dec., 145 doz., income $ 61.25, gain $30.05. 4. 29,016 eggs. 5. 2418 doz. 6. $848.47 ; No. 7. $405.57. Page 49. Nov. Pen 1 : 47 eggs, 3J doz., $ 1.76 ; Fen 2 : 51 eggs, 4 doz., $1.91 : Pen 3: 55 eggs, 4 T " $3.40; Pen 2: 97 e Jan. Pen 1 : 178 egg Pen 3 : 181 eggs, 15 r \ doz., $7.24. Page 50. - Total value for Nov., $ 5.74 ; Dec., $ 10.88 ; Jan., $21.00 ; Feb., $18.50; Mar., $17.07; Apr., $10.80; May, $ 13.35 ; June, $11.79; July, $13.23; Aug., $13.87; Sept., $13.10; Oct., $13.67. Total number of eggs for Plymouth Rocks, 2038 ; Rhode Island Reds, 1927 ; White Wyandottes, 1948 ; for 3 pens, 5913 eggs ; total yearly income, $ 109.00. Page 51. 1. 223J Ib. 2. $31.20. 3. Total income, $200.86; total expense, $ 112.40 ; net income, $ 88.46. Page 52. 1. 1439 eggs. 2. $60.38. 3. $20.00. 4. $70.38. 5. $ 3 for wire ;$ 8 for hoppers. 6. $30.95. 7. $45.43. Page 55. 1. 6197 eggs ; 516 T \ doz. 2. 110$f eggs. 3. Jan., $22.20; Feb., $21.04; Mar., $28; Apr., $23. 12; May, $23.06; June, $19.55; July, $ 16.25 ; Aug., $ 14.75 ; Sept., $ 12.56 ; Oct., $8.66 ; Nov., $48.84 ; Dec., $ 11.75. 4. $250.44. 6. $151.71. 7. $313.96. 8. $162.25. 9. $3.06. Page 56. 1. Pane A, 54 sq. in. ; Pane B, 96 sq. in. ; Pane C, 140 sq. in. ; Pane D, 187 sq. in. ; Pane E, 288 sq. in. ; Pane F, 450 sq. in. ; Pane G, 544 sq. in. Page 57. 3. 18 in. x 34 in. ; 83| sq. in. waste; $.40. 4. 16 in. x 30 in. ; 45f sq. in. waste. 5. (a) 11 in. x 17 in. ; 25 T 9 ff sq. in. ; $.13; (ft) 8 in. x 10 in. ; lOf sq. in. ; $.05; (c) 10 in. x 14 in. ; 16}- sq. in. ; $.09; (d) 12 in. x 24 in. ; 12 sq. in. ; $.19; (c) 13| in. x 20 in. ; 20 sq. in. ; $.24; (/) 11 in. x 17 in. ; 23 sq. in. ; $.13. Page 59. 1. ,00 in. 2. 5 ft. ; $.05. 4. 3 ft. 10 in. 5. ft. 2 in. 6. 4 ft. 7 in. 7. 3 ft. 5$ in. 8. 4 ft. in. 9. 3 ft. 11 in. 10. 4 ft. 11 in. 11. 5 ft. 1 in. 12. 3 ft. 11$ in. 13. 5 ft. 8 in. Page 60. 14. 5J" x 10$". 15. 1\" x 10$". 16. 8V x 12$". 17. Length, 14|in. ; width, 8| in. 18. 11 in. x 15 in. 19. 11 in. x 15$ in. ; 11 in. x 17 in. 20. (a) ft. 1 in. ; (b) 3 ft. 11 in. ; (c) 10 in. x 16$ in. ; (d) 10$ in. x 17 in. ; (p) 11 in. x 17 in. ; (/) 8$ sq. in. Page 61. 1. 5400 screws; 43,200 screws. 2. 475,200 screws. 3. 3300 gro. 4. 4200 gro. 5. Mr. Jones 51,300 per hour ; 410,400 per day ; 2850 gro. ; Mr. Sampson 79,200 per hour; 033,600 per day ; 4400 gro. ; Mr. Moore 59,400 per. hour ; 475,200 per day ; 3300 gro. Page 62. No. 1, If in. ; No. 2, If in. ; No. 3, 2J in. ; No. 4, 1| in. ; No. 5, 2i in. ; No. 6, 1 in. ; No. 7, 2| in. ; No. 8, 3} in. HUNT'S COMMCN. AH. 20S ANSWKRS Page 63. 2. 16. 3. 16-&. 4. 29|. 5. 75ft. 6. 3|. 7. If. 8. 6. 2. N<>. 1, l, 7 ^ in. ; No. 4, 1A in. 3. No. 2, 1 J in. ; No. 3, 2| in. ; No. 5, -!,',. in. t> _'' in. 4. No. 7, 2}. in. ; No. 8, 3/ 5 in. 5. 11.3 nails. 6. !-,=',. in. ; 10.1 nails. Page 64. 7. 1| in. ; 6.4 nails. 8. 120 Ib. 9. 41- Ib. 10. 737.3 nails. 11. 217.6 nails. 12. 2 T 7 ? in. ; 4.9 nails. 13. 203+ Ib. 14. 25,872 nails. 15. 6.09 Ib. 16. 196.91 Ib. 17. 3.75 Ib. ; 121.26 Ib. 18. 4 Ib. 8 oz. 5. $.50. 6. $.31. $1.12. 12. -S2.22. Page 65. 1. $.60. 2. $.26. 3. $.93. 4. .72. 7. 92.81. 8. 12. 9. $2.03. 10. $.67. 11. 13. $13.50. 14. $4.22. 15. $6. Page 66. 1. 8 sections. 2. 8 cards ; 64 cards. Page 7. 4. 80 cards. 5. 63 cards. 6. 48 cards. 7. 35 cards. 8. 7 sheets cut, part of last sheet wasted. 9. 16 sheets. Page 68. 10. Flat letter, 160 sq. in. ; Flat packet, 228 sq. in. ; Demy, 336 sq. in. ; Folio, 374 sq. in. ; Double folio, 748 sq. in. ; Packet folio, 456 sq. in. ; Double cap, 476 sq. in. ; Double royal, 1596 sq. in. ; Medium, 414 sq. in. 11. 16 noteheads. 12. 7 sheets (as 6 sheets would give only 96 noteheads). 13. Flat packet, packet folio, double royal. 14. 250 sheets. 15. Double cap. 16. Folio, double folio. 17. Folio, 250 sheets ; Double folio, 125 sheets. 18. Demy, 250 sheets ; Medium, 125 sheets. Page 70. 1. (a) 215 Ib. or 2.15 cwt. or 4. 9 cwt., etc. 2. $5. 3. $7.02. 7. $9.38; total, $38.16. Page 71. 1. No. 1, $74; No. 2, $94.88 3. $25. 4. $109.14. 5. $14.26. 6 $.082; $.084; $.085. Page 73. 1. 72.80. 2. Total, $78.03. 5. 832.29. 6. Rib, 13+%; Sirloin, 46+% Flank, 40%. 7. 110^ Ib. ; $41.99. (6) 370 Ib. or 3.7 cwt. 4. 83.87. 5. $6.48. (c) 490 Ib. 6. $6.41. No. 3, $100.20. 2. $99. $125.86. 7. $.075; 8.08; 3. Total, $ 110.32. 4. $5.23. Round, 140%; Chuck, 23+%; 7. $.37. 13. $3.64. 5. $2.05. 11. $25.16. 5. $50.80. 11. $21. 5. $14.28. 11. 82.98. Page 81. 2. (a) 8334 bu. ; (ft) 750 bu. ; (c) 585f bu. ; (d) 1750 bu.; (e) 987$ bu. ; (/) 1250 bu. ; (g) 633| bu. ; (h) 500 bu. 3. (5)8.08. (c) $.11. (d) $.032. (e) .076. '(/)$. 051. (g) $ .096. (*) $.098. 4. 800 bu. 5. $81.60; $.10. 6. $.93. 7. $ .07 ; $56. 8. $39.20. 9. $75.60. HUNT'S COMMUN. AR. Page 76. 8. $.33. 14. $.60. 3. 8.63. 9. 81.51. 15. $.84. 4. $.51. 10. $2.56. 16. $1.09. 5. 8.89. 11. $.51. 6. $.61. 12. $3.24. Page 77. 6. $6.77. 12. $21.33. 1. $3.15. 2. $.42. 3. $1.50. 7. $3.77. 8. $5.35. 9. $21.22. 13. $81.25. 14. $17.47. 4. $1.93. 10. $61.50. Page 78. 6. $81.60. 12. $16. 1. $86.40. 7. $108.40 13. $32. 2. $86.40. 8. $170. 14. $23,400. 3. $91.80. 9. $56. 4. $86.80. 10. 124. Page 79. 6. $11.93. 12. $4.62. 1. $5.20. 7. $5.46. 2. $13.06. 8. $25.50. 3. $1.28. 9. $11.65. 4. $3.41. 10. $6.02. ANSWERS 269 Page82. 10. $.11; $1.12. 11. $.09. 12. $.64. 13. $.67: $21. 14. 113 Ib. 15. $1.47. 16. 18 bags. 17. 31 bags. 18. 19. Page 83. 20. $6.34. 21. $8.27. 22. $9.92. 23. $10.43. 24. $11.05. Page 84 $45.87. Page 85. 4. 20f 5. 22|. 6. 22|. 7. 221. 8. 17 A. 9. 81. 10. 65. 11. 8 T V 12. 5^. 13. 6f. 14. '8. 15. 3f. 16. 7|. 17. 6. 18. 6. 19. 6|. 20. 6 T 9 r . 21. 4^- 22. 4W. 23. 16W. 24. 6JJ. 25. 6. Page87. 2. No waste. 3. 4 lengths, 24 in. waste. 4. The 14-foot board has only 8 in. waste. Page 88. 2. 3 strips and waste. 3. 5 strips and waste ; 6 strips and waste. 4. 4 strips ; 5 strips and waste. 5. The 8-inch board. 6. The 9-inch board ; because only 1 in. is wasted. 7. 4 strips ; 18 boards. 8. 10 boards. Page 89. 1. Iff in. 2. 1 in. ; 2jj- in. ; 2 T 5 ? in. ; 3| in. ; 2^ in. 4. (a) 5 strips and waste. (6) 3 strips and waste. 5. 1.7 miles. 6. 150 ft. 7. More revolutions. 8. 25 in. ; 4320 revolutions. Page 91. 2. 10 ends and waste. 3. 7 sides and waste. 4. 7 sides with much waste. 5. 11 sides and waste. 6. 9 ends with much waste. 7. 5 sides and waste. 8. 20 boards. 9. 98| in. 10. T \ in. 11. in. 13. 26 boards ; 64 boards. Page 92. 1. 20 T \ in. 2. The one which was tongued. 3. 17 1 in., before; 17| in., after. 4. 23JJJ- in., before; 23 T \ in., after. 5. 17 r 7 5 in., before ; 17 r 3 g in., after. 6. 14f in., before ; 14 in., after. Page 93. 7. 21| in., before; 20| in., after. 8. 20 T 3 g in., before; in., after. 9. !(> in., before ; 16 in., after. 10. 13^ in., before; 12f in., after. 11. \ in. ; fin. ; 21 in. 12. If in. 13. 2$ in. 14. 1| in. 15. fin. 16. 13 in. 17. 4 in. 18. 1| in. 19. H in - 20. in. Page 94. 1. }| in. 2. fin. 3. H in. 4. T % in. 5. ff in. 6. Jf in. Page 96. 2. 23| in. 3. 35f in. 4. 31| in. 5. 33^ in. 7. 24}-f in. 8. 30 in. 9. 30J in. 10. 26f in. Page 98. 1. 3/ 5 cd. 2. 1\ cd. 3. 4* cd. 4. 6& cd. 5. $21.88. 6. $60. 7. $54.14. 8. $73.83. 9. $56.25. 10. $47.81. Page 99. 1. No. 1, 16 cu. ft. ; No. 2, 32 cu. ft. ; No. 3, 19 cu. ft.; No. 4, 38 cu. ft. ; No. 6, 55 cu. ft. ; No. 7, 30 cu. ft. ; No. 8, 61 cu. ft. ; No. 9, 39 cu. ft. ; No. 10, 78 cu. ft. 2. Cart No. 1. 3. No. 2 and No. 7. 4. No. 10. 7. 1 ft. ; 2 ft. ; 3 ft. 8. 2 T 7 ^ cd. HUNT'S COMMON. AR. 270 ANSWERS Page 100. 1. 1895 Ib. 2. 1984 Ib. 3. 1945 lb. 4. 2040 Ib. 5. 1995 lb. 6. 2185 lb. 7. 1906 lb. 8. 1934 lb. 9. 205"> lb. 10. 1835 lb. Page 101. 1. 1880 lb. 2. 1265 lb. ; 1650 lb. ; 1781 lb. ; 1460 lb. ; 1535 lb. ; 7691 lb. 3. 1495 lb. ; 1270 lb. ; 1410 lb. ; 1220 lb. ; 6395 lb. Page 102. 4. 4185 lb. ; $20.93. 5. 2760 lb. ; 126 lb. 6. 1204 lb. ; 211 bu. 2. 2.59 T. 3. 4.32 T. 4. 10.93 T. 5. .185 T. 6. .71 T. 7. .94 T. 8. 1.606T. 9. 6.525 T. 10. 2.455 T. $7.99; (c) $6.59; (d) $6.71 (h) $4.96; (0 $9.34; (j) $8.65. Page 104. 1. 4150 lb. ; 17 lb. ; 22 lb. 2. 3220 lb. ; 7 lb. ; 15 lb. Page 105. 3. Take off 16 lb. 4. Take off 56 lb. 5. 1412 lb. 6. 1769 lb. 7. 1600 lb. ; $5.63. 8. (a) 9000 lb. ; (c) $33.30. 9. 1870 lb. ; 1790 lb. ; 1940 lb. ; 1900 lb. ; 1500 lb. 10. 8000 lb. or 4 T. Page 106. 2. (a) $2.76; (b) $4.92; (c) $2.07; (d) $4.12; (e) $6.28; (/) $2.90; (gf) $5.22; (h) $3.85; (t) $5.43; (j) $2.29. 3. $6.82. 4. $6.30. 5. ? 16.64. 6. $.04; $.08; $.12; $.17; $.21; $.26; $.29; $.33; $.37; .41; $.83; $1.24; $1.65; $2.06; $2.48; $2.89; $3.30; $3.71; $4.13; $4.54; $4.95; $5.36; $5.78; $6.19; $6.60; $7.01; $7.43; $7.84; $8.25. Page 108. 2. 876.35. 3. 870.65. 4. 873.95. 5. $68.40. 6. $83.25. 7. $84.76. 8. $34.34. 9. $24.90. 10. $20.13. Page 109. 11. $28.01. 12. $82.92. 13. Total, 30,090 lb. Page 111. 2. 81.61. 3. $1.34. 4. 8.34. 5. $1.07. 6. $.70. 7. $3.51. 8. $2.06. 9. 8.55. 10. $.61. 11. $2.89. 12. $3.16. 13. $3.48. 14. $3.96. 15. $.66. 16. $.98. 17. $1.08. 18. $1.36. 19. $1.67. 20 $1.65. 21. 81.86. 22. $2.57. 23. 82.26. 24. $4.64. 25. $4.22. 26. $3.37. 27. 83.93. Page 114. 2. $1.11. 3. $2.25. 4. $1.08. 5. $3.45. 6. $2.63. 7. $1.28. 8. $2.10. 9. $1.80. 10. 83.04. 11. 84.39. 12. $1.82. 13. $.54. 14. $1.13. 15. $1.05. 16. 81.11. 17. $1.69. 18. 81.95. Page 115. 3. $.32. 4. 8.66. 5. 8.17. 6. 8.08. 7. 8.21. 8. $1.60. 9. 82.25. 10. 81.44. 11. 84.20. 12. $1.50. IS. $.52. 14. $1.20. 15. 8.9(3. 16. 81. , 17. $2.40. 18. $1.68. 19. $3.20. 20. $1.80. 21. |3. 22. 84.80. HUNT'S COMMUN. AR. ANSWERS 271 Page 116. 3. LENGTHS 16" WIDE is" WIDE SO" WlDK 2-2" WIDK 24" WIDE 26" WIDE 28" WIDE 30" WIDE 32" WIDE 34" WIDE 1ft. $.03 $.03 $.03 3.04 3.04 3.04 $.05 3 .05 8 .05 3.06 2ft. .05 .06 .07 ! .1(7 .08 .09 .09 .10 .11 .11 3ft. .08 .09 .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .17 4ft. .11 .12 .13 .15 .10 .17 .19 .20 .21 .23 5ft. .13 .15 .17 18 .20 .22 .23 .25 .27 .28 6ft. .1(3 .18 .20 .22 .24 .26 .28 .30 .32 .34 7ft. .19 .21 .23 .26 .28 .30 ' .33 .35 .37 .40 8ft. .21 .24 .27 .29 .32 .35 .37 40 .43 .45 9ft. .24 .27 .30 .33 .36 .39 .42 .45 .48 .51 10ft. .27 .30 .33 .37 .40 .43 .47 .50 .53 .67 4 in. .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .02 .02 .02 .02 6 in. .01 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .03 .03 .03 8 in. .02 .02 .02 .02 .03 .03 .03 .03 .04 .04 10 in. .02 .08 .03 .03 .03 .04 .04 .04 .04 .05 Page 117. 2. 3.16. 3.3.08. 4. $.05. 5.3.19. 6. $ .17. 7. $.30. 8. 3.51. 9. $.15. 10. $.24. 11. 3.36. 12. $.15. 13. $.32. 14. $.16. 15. $.22. 16. $.26. 17. $.72. 18. $.52. 19. $.72. 20. $.92. Page 118. 6. 84 sq. ft. -2. 280 sq.ft. 3. 108* sq. ft. 4. 201| sq. ft. 5. 365^ sq. ft. 7. 381| sq. ft. Page 119. 2. 352^ sq. in. 3 405 sq. in. 4. 139| sq. in. 5. 31^ sq. in. 6. 5379 sq. in. 7. 4f sq. ft. 8. 1^ SQ- y d - 9- 2 H S( l- ft - Page 121. 1. 276| sq . ft. ; 30H sq. yd. 5. $1.46. 2. $55.30. Page 125. 3. 60 bd. ft. 4. 133$ bd. ft. 5. 105 bd. ft. 7. 168 bd. ft. 8. 100 bd. ft. 9. 648 bd. ft. 10. 576 bd. ft. 12. 140 bd. ft. 13. 52J bd. ft. 14. 60 bd. ft. Page 127. 1. 45 bd. ft. 2. 140 bd. ft. 3. 120 bd. ft. 5. 98 bd. ft. 6. 96 bd. ft. 7. 346| bd. ft. 4. 356.76. 6. 640 bd. ft. 11. 896 bd. ft. 4. 192 bd. ft. 10ft. 20 bd. ft. 26f bd. ft. 30 bd. ft. 40 bd. ft. 12ft. 24 bd. ft. 32 bd. ft. 36 bd. ft. 48 bd. ft. 14ft. 28 bd. ft. 37^ bd. ft. 42 bd. ft. 56 bd. ft. 16ft. 32 bd. ft, 42| bd. ft. 48 bd. ft. 64 bd. ft. 18ft. 36 bd. ft. 48 bd. ft. 54 bd. ft. 72 bd. ft. 20ft. 40 bd. ft. 53^bd. ft. 60 bd. ft. . 80 bd. ft. 22ft. 44 bd. ft. 58|bd. ft. 66 bd. ft. 88 bd. ft. 24ft. 48 bd. ft. 64 bd. ft. 72 bd. ft. 96 bd. ft. HUNT'S COJUIUN. AK. 272 ANSWERS Page 128. 1. $75. 2. $25.60. 3. $18. 4. $44.52. 5. $5.60. 6. $3.46. 7. $26.97. 8. $59.70. 9. $14.25. 10. $2.47. 11. $8.36. 12. $37.80. 13. $34.20. 14. $19.17. 15. $6.66. 16. $59.20. 17. $1.66. 18. $4.43. Page 129. 1. $9.84. 2.' $28.04. Page 130. 3. $8.32. 4. $17.00. 5. $10.15. 6. $30.25. 7. $83.09. Page 131. 1. 32'x36'. 2. 4608 cu. ft. 3. 170| cu. yd. 4. 231 loads. 5. 154 loads. 6. 448 sq. ft. ; $-76.16. Page 133. 1. 96 bd. ft. 2. 72 bd. ft. 3. 32 bd. ft. 4. $6.40. 5. 400 bd. ft. 6. $12. 7. $14. Page 134. 8. 28 ft. ; 24 ft. ; 24 ft. (approximately) ; 12 ft. (back, approxi- mately) ; 16 ft. (front, approximately). 9. 624 bd. ft.' 10. 10 joists ; 213^ bd. ft. 11. 309i bd. ft. 12. $16.20. Page 135. 3. 12.8 squares. 4. 14.28 squares. 5. 13.68 squares. 6. 15.17 squares. 7. $40.32. 8. $49.98. 9. $47.20. Page 136. 1. 106| bd. ft. 2. 10 ft. ; 53 bd. ft. 3. 10 studs ; 10 ft. long ; 66| bd. ft. 4. 20 ft. ; 8 strips ; 106| bd. ft. Page 137. 5. $8.38. 6. 200 bd. ft. 7. 800 bd. ft. ; $ 28. 8. $6.80. Page 140. 1. 14 ft. 5 in. 2. 10 ft. ; 14 ft. 2 in. 3. 11 ft. 2 in. 4. 9 ft. 6 in. ; 12 ft. 9 in. ; 10 ft. 10 in. 5. 19 ft. 9 in. ; 15 ft. 8 in. Page 141. 1. 240 sq. ft.; 240 bd. ft,; 87.20. 2. (a) $5.12; (b) $7.17; (c) $6.30. 3. (a) $34.72; (ft) $27.90: (c) $46.08. 4. (a) About 1 day 7 hr. ; (b) 1^ days; (c) 2| days; (a) $16.80; (b) $13.50; (c,) $22.50. Page 143. 3. $42. 4. $64. 5. $43.20. 6. $24. 7. $49. 8. $93.50. 9. $63. Page 144. 1. (a) 360 sq. ft. ; (b) 240 sq. ft. ; (c) 288 sq. ft. 2. (a) 234 sq. ft. ; (6) 160 sq. ft. ; (c) 192 sq. ft. 3. 1.0 M ft. 4. $56. 5. $50. 6. s 24; $36; total, $00. 7. $172. 8. 1170 sq. ft. Page 145. 2. 11.16 squares i-equiring 12 rolls. 3. 2 rolls : $45.50. 4. 13 rolls ;$ 33.80. 5. $9. 6. Shingling house and porch, $63 ; $17.50 more. Page 147. 1. (/) 15.8(5 squares or 16 squares; (gr) $50.40. 2. Total, 20 squares; (/) $84. 3. (g~) 830 sq. ft. ; (h~) 8.3 M. Page 149. 1. Total, 1940 sq. ft. ; ( f) $486.50. 2. Total area of front and side, 976 sq. ft. ; (cZ) 1952 sq. ft.; (e) 2304 sq. ft. ; (/) 10 gal. ; $16.50. Page 150. 3. (*) $332.46. 4. 1453 sq. ft. 5. 14.53 squares ; 14.53 M (probably 14| M); $50.75. Page 151. 1. 1344 cu. ft. 2. 33| sq. ft. or 34 sq. ft. 3. 53ff sq. ft. or 54 sq. ft. of surface. 4. 29 sq. ft. or 30 sq. ft. 5. Parlor, 2430 en. ft, ; 297 sq. ft. ; sitting room, 1890 cu. ft. ; 126 sq. ft. ; dining room, 2088 cu. ft. ; 130sq. ft. ; bedroom, 1575 cu. ft. ; 238 J sq. ft. ; first chamber, 1657 J r cu. ft. ; 238 sq. ft. ; second chamber, 1326 cu. ft. ; 102 sq. ft. HUNT'S COMMCN. AR. ANSWERS 273 Page 153. 1. 6.2832 in. 3. 201.0624 sq. in. 4. 2010.624 sq. in. ; 13.902+ sq. ft. 5. 2038.944 sq. in. ; 18.320+ sq. ft. 6. 30.543+ sq. ft. 7. 7+ sq. ft. ; nearly 31 sq. ft. of radiation would have been wasted. 8. 8+ sq. ft. Page 155. 1. 17J sq. ft. 2. 16Jf sq. ft. 3. 15^ sq. ft. 4. 239$ cu. ft. 5. 216| cu. ft. 6. 260 cu. ft. 7. 81^ sq. yd. 8. $140.40. 9. $48.00. 10. $ 76.60.- 11. 60 1 sq. yd. or 61 sq. yd. Page 156. 1. $ .14. 2. $.23. 3. $.28. 4. $.06. 5. $.09. 6. $.18. 7. $.36. 8. $.17. 9. $.15. 10. $.27. 11. $.05. 12. $.05. 13. $.25. 14. $.06. 15. $.14. 16. $.18. 17. $.06. 18. $.08. 19. $.43. 20. $.21. 21. $.12. 22. $.09. 23. $ .20. Page 157. 1. 25%; $1.05. 2. $ .02 ; 11 % ; $ .48. 3. $.10; 200%; $4.80. 4. $.07; 87|%. 5. 15+%. 6. 8+%. Page 158. 7. $-20; 25%; $.60. 8. $3.78; 100%. 9. $75.50. 10. $540. 11. $135. 12. $59.50. 13. $3094. 14. $450. 15. $135. 16. $50; $2600. Page 159. 2. S.llJ. 3. $.10|. 4. $.44. 5. $.60. 6. $.63. 7. $1.50^. 8. $1.88*: 9. $.26i. 10 . $.12^. 11. $.27. 12. $17. 13. $21.50. 14. $22.50. 15. $20.50. 16. $15.30. 17. $30. 18. $31.75. 19. $36.30. 20. $38.20. 21. $21. 22. $22.90. 23. $28. 24. $26. 25. $19.50. 26. $31. 27. $34.60. 28. $36.50. 29. $40. Page 160. 1. $12. 2. $H.34. 3. $11.60. 4. $20.15. 5. $11.70. 6. $18.86. 7. $43.78. 8. $6.50. 9. $10.81. 10. $7.80. 11. $15.24. 12. $11.40. 13. $14.99. 14. $21.36. 15. $22.75. 16. $13.95. 17. $40. 18. $8.10. 19. $14.35. 20. $100.30. 21. $40.50. 22. $24. Page 161. 1. $.90. 2. $.50. 3. $.72. 4. $.72. 5. $1.35. 6. $1.80. 7. $3. 8. $2. 9. $82.80. Page 162. 2. (a) $114.38; (6) $110.97; (c) $17.38; (d) $14.04. Page 163. 1. $18.24. 2. $10.66. 3. $29.61. 4. $6.08. 5. $2.21. 6. $11.15. 7. $19.69. 8. $51.30. 9. $70.95. 10. $4.54. 11. $164.94. 12. $268.80. 13. $705.38. 14. $2538. 15. $64.51. 16. $1.97. Pagel64. 1. (a) $11.025; (6) $3.80; (c)$6.12; (d)$.8775; (e) $5.0625; (/) $10; (g) $2.115; (A) $9. 2. (a) $11.425; (fe) $4.05; (c) $6.37; (d) $1.0275; (e) $5.2125; (/) $10.30; (g) $2.265; (A) $9.25. 3. (a) $.95; (ft) $.34; (c) $.53; (d) $.09; (e) $.43; (/) $.86; (g) $.19; (h) $.77. 4. $1.43. 5. $18.76. 6. $18.30. Page 165. 7. ^. 8. $.52. 9. $.65. 10. $20.66. 11. $.25. 12. $3.90. 13. $1.14. 14. $1.15. 15. $2.76. Pagel67._TAB LE l. 2. '^M. 3. W. 4. *?. 5. ***. $16.25 $16.25 $8.25 $8.80 6 $8.10 ? $35 g $4.50 9 $3.45 1Q $12.95 n $31.00 $9.00' ' $40 ' ' $6.3()' ' $4.14' ' $15.54' ' $ 40.30' 12 * 12 ' 20 $14.03' HUNT'S COMMUN. AR. 274 ANSWERS TABLE 2. 2. $12.19. 3. $10.83. 4. $0.60. 5. 8 7.0-2. 6. 86. 7. 835. 8. 85.67. 9. $2.76. 10. $10.36. 11. $30.23. 12. .$10.52. Page 168. 2. 75+%; No. 3. 6800 sq. ft. ; No. 4. 5145 sq. ft. 5. Yes. 6. 50%; 2760 sq. ft. 7. 27+%. Page 169. 8. Yes. 9. 8+%. 10. 15+%. Page 170. 1. 147 gal. ; 8820 gal. 2. 70,660 gal. 3. 588,000 Ib. ; 294 T. Page 171. 4. 9408 cu. ft. 6. 469 gal. ; 27,540 gal. 7. 61.2+ cu. ft. 8. 3825 Ib. 9. 1 14.75 T. 10. 32.55 Ib. 11. 125ft. 12. 54.25 Ib. 13. 73.78 Ib. 14. 130 ft. 15. 39.06 Ib. Page 172. 1. 16,540 cu. ft. 2. 124,050 gal. 4. June 1 to Sept. 1, 15,410 cu. ft.; 115,575 gal.; $28.89. Sept. 1 to Dec. 1, 16,430 cu. ft.; 123,225 gal. ; $30.81. Page 173. 5. (a) $.87; (&) $.92; (c) $.77; (d) $.99; $.77; $.92. 6. $1.86. Page 175. 2. $1.43. 3. Feb. 1, $1.27; Mar. 1, $1.04; Apr. 1, $.92; May 1, $1.38; June 1, $1.50; July 1, $.46; Aug. 1, $.46; Sept. 1, $1.96; Oct. 1, $1.84 ; Nov. 1, $ 1.61 ; Dec. 1, $ 1.61. Page 176. 3. 82.30. Page 177. 1. $1.22. 2. $2.02. 3. Mr. Fales, $1.99; Mr. Belmore, $1.72; Mr. Forbes, $1.75; Mr. Harper, 81.53. Page 178. 1. $31.25. 2. $28. 3. $61.30. 4. $90.72. 5. 8109.68. Page 179. 2. 1J% ; l^ou $1 ; $ 1.20 on $100 ; 8 12 on $1000. 3. 1 T V%; l^on-Sl; $1.10 on 8 100; $11 on $1000. 4. 2%; 2? on $1; 82 on $100; $ 20 on $ 1000. Page 180. 4. Boone, $13.13; Thomas, $42.75; Lane, $33.90; Hayes, $11.93; Keen, $23.25. Page 181. 8. Boone, $ 60.88 ; Thomas, $135; Lane, $58.15; Hayes, $142:93; Keen, $129.25. Page 183. 1. 8304.50. 2. $440. 3. $1.42; $92.30. 4. $1.475; $663.75. 5. 8.01; $83.20. 6. 1J%; $66.36. 7. $103.70. 8. $48.72. 9. 1|%; $1.75 per $100; $.0175 per$l; $3(5.75. 10. Shoe factory, $910; box factory, $210 ; lumber yard, $148.75 ; coal yard, $136.50. Page 184. 1. $58,695. 2. $69,495. 3. 8(53,000. 4. $.015. 5. $1.50. 6. $15. Page 185. 1. $77,928. 2. $92,388. 3. 882,800. 4. $.018. Page 187. 1. $200. 2. $1.80. 3. $.06; $60. 4. $.40. 5. $.12*. 6. $75. 7. $72.68; $475.78. 8. 861,507,631.20. 9. $6000. Page 188. 2. (a) 1 % on 8 20,000 + 1 % on 8 3000 ; (ft) 1 % on 8 24,000 + 1 % on $7000; (c) 1% on $16,000; (d) l%on$6000; () 1% on $60,000 + 1 % on 830,000 + 2% on $13,000; (/) 1% on $85,000 + 1% on $30,000 + 2% on 825.000 + 3% on $13,000; (001% on $90.000 + 1% on 830.000 + 2% on $25,000 + 3% on 818,000; (h) 1% on 81500; (i) 1% on 8(57,000+1% on HUNT'S COMMUN. AR. . ANSWERS 275 $30,000 + 2% on $20,000; (j). 1% on $97,000+1% on $30,000 + 2% on $25,000 + 3% on $ 25,000; (jfc) 1% on $147,000+1% on $30,000+2% on $ 25,000 + 3 % on $ 25,000 + 4 % on $ 50,000 ; (Z) 1 % on $ 10,000. Page 189. 4. (a) $20; (6) $70: (c) $190; (d) $1070; (e) $1040; (/) $7520. 5. $460. 6. $260. 7. $ 50,330 ;$ 769.90. 8. $6500; $35. 9. $240. 10. $931. 11. $732. Page 191. 1. $30. 2. $84. 3. $61.20. 4. $162: $22.50. 5. $15; $1.25. 6. $78. 7. $32.40. 8. $12.35. Page 193. 1. $135; $27. 2. $252; $50.40. 3. $50.40. 4. $228. 5. $52.33. 6. $87.50. 7. $82.25. 8. $145.75. 9. $78.75. 10. $135. Page 194. 1. $137.34. 2. $62.66. 3. $157.28; $42.72. Page 195. 4. $134.99; $65.01. Page 196. 5. $164.04 ; $35.96. 6. $ 161.27 ; $38.73. 7. $588.19. Page 197. 1. $2.25; 54+%. 2. $2.80; 59+%. 3. 13+%. 4. 17+%; Yes. 5. Butter: (1) $.05; 17+%; (2) $.05; 16|%; (3) 3+%; (4) 3~%; No. Sugar: (1) $.00; 10+%; (2) $.01; 20%; (3) 5+%; (4) 14+%; Yes. 6. Cutter, 50%; carpenter, 101+%; machinist, 71+%; typesetter, 75+%. 7. Cutter, 16|%; carpenter, 27+%; machinist, 21+%; typesetter, 5+%. Page 198. -1. (a) 166f%; (6) 104+%; (c) 15+%; (d) 6+%; (e) 23+%; (0 3 ; H%; (9) 66 I%; (*) 25 %- 2. (a) $900; (6) $517.50; (c) $202.50; (d) $360. 3. (a) $78; (6) $240; (c) $160; (d) $180. Page 201. 1. $12.46. 2. $16.38. 3. $16.30. 4. $19.20. Page 202. 5. $17.06. 6. $18.23. 7. $14.48. 8. $25.35. Page 203. 1. $.404. 2. $.34|. 3. $.46|. 4. $ ,30f. 5. $ .29|. 6. $.28i. 7. $2.84. 8. $2.75. 9. $2.11. 10. $2.22. 11. $14.10. 12. $9. 14. $.56J; $27. Page 204. 2. $10.80. 3. $14.96. 4. $11.52. 5. $18.10. 6. $9.80. 7. 813.30. 8. $15.33. 9. $11.97. Page 205. 6. $13.68. 12. $15.12. 1. $12.90. 2. $11.13. 3. $6.93. 4. $13.50 7. $14.60. 8. $17.63. 9. $21. 10. $16.28. 13. $14.33. 14. $19.36. . 5, 11. , $18.55. $16.65. Page 207. 1 $2.25. 2. $2.40. 3. $3.45. 4. $3.57 5. $2.64. 6. $3.78. 7. $2. 70. 8. $2. 15. 9. $3 .75. 10. $2.49. 11. $2.58. 12. $9.51. 13. $ 12.84. 14. $18. 15. $ 15.58. 16 . $14.58. 17. $18.54. 18. $14.66. 19. $13.30. 20. $20.25. 21. $13.50. 22. $16.26. Page 209. 1. (a) $310.50; (ft) $117; (c) $ 156.60 ; (d) $584.10; (e) $537.37. Page 210 -2. (a) $41.04; (6) 873.20 ; ('0 $70.56; (d) 8184.80; (e) 8171.86; (/) $4.62. Page 211 3. $ 3025.48. 4. $75.64. 5. $47.02. 6. $36.49. 7. $20.35. HUNT'S CUMMCN. AH. 270 ANSWERS Page 2121. 84.50; $4.50; SI. 60; $7.50; $12; 89. 2. 83.60; 86; 81.80; 810.20; 816.60; 812. 3. 14+%; 18+%. 4. 22+%; 33$%. Page 218. 1. (a) 8320.43; (6) $1116.03. 2. $172.13. 3. $290.64. Page 219. 4. $209.70. 5. 8246.75. 6. $387.63. Page 221. 1. 8160. 2. 814.74. Page 223. 2. 8606.43. Page 226. 2. 811.50. 3. 815.20. 4. 88.25. 5. 87.92. 6. 8H..25. 7. 810.80. 8. 89.17. 9. $25.30. 10. $18.41. 11. $12.76. 12. $4.50. 13. $11.20. 14. $5.81. 15. $1.42. 16. $28.60. 17. $5.80. 18. $8.75. 19. $23.73. 20. 88.40. 21. $5.30. 22. $5.40. 23. $35.52. 24. $1.90. 25. 84.64. 26. $2.32. 27. $5.95. Page 228. 2. $208.08. 3. $260.10. 4. 8312.12. 5. 8364.14. 6. $416.16. 7. 8468.18. 8. 8520.20. 9. $728.28. 10. 81248.48. 11. $624.24. 12. $853.12. 13. $1560.60. 15. $151.50. 16. $454.58. 17. $286.82. 18. $1082.42. Page 229. 1. $487.08. 2. $292.22. 3. $371.42. 4. $413.46. 5. $199.44. 6. $411.30. 8. $784-25. 9. $209.14. Page 231. 1. $200. 2. Apr. 1 ; $75 ; $ .75. 3. $200; $75. 4. $35. 5. $4.75. 6. $324; $6.48. 7. 820 and $10 ; $30 ; 8.30. Page 233. 1. $175; $200; $220; $235; $245. 2. 8175; 845. 3. $25. 4. $3.95. 5. $263.95; 8283.95; $298.95; 8308.95; 8333.95; $363.95. 6. $263. 7. $45. 8. $25 and $30. 9. $5.71 ; $379.66. Page 234. 2. $ 300, the smallest or Mar. 28 balance. 3. $200. 4. 8, 12,350 sq. ft.; E, 9000 sq. ft. 2. $48, the first year; $51.84, the second year; '$ 99.84, total. 3. $184.09. 4. $656.79. 5. $379.63. Page 257. 1. $29.75; $ 1487.50 ;$ 175. 2. $44; $6.64. 3. $54.75. 4. $765. 5. $55. 6. $24. Page 258. 7. $855. 8. $6204. 9. $223. 10. $6035. 11. $169. Page 259. 2. () 32.4 % or .324 ; (ft) 31.8 % or .318 ; (c) 31.9 % or .319 ; (d) 31.4% or .314; ( 30.5% or .305; (/) 29.8% or .298; (g) 28.9% or .298; (ft) 12% or .120. 4. Detroit, 54.9%; Washington, 54.4%; New York, 39%; Boston, 57.2%,; Chicago, 49%; Boston, 60.1%; New York, 45.6%; St. Louis, 46.3%. Page 260. 6. (a) 90%; (ft) 94}$% or 94.7+%; (c) 86% or 86.1+%; (d) 85} % or 85.7+%; (e) 87*% or 87.5%; (/) 90}?% or 90.9+%; (g} 86$*% or 86.4+%; (A) 96f % or 96.7+%. 7. (a) $2.63; (ft) $3.15; (c) $2.84 ; (