3 1822022146195 LIBRARY UMVtMfTY Of CALtrOftWtA SANCMEGO 31822022146195 pM JbSl r Social Sciences & Humanities Library University of California, San Diego Please Note: This item is subject to recall. Date Due OCT 2 9 1998 Cl 39 (5/97) L/CSD Lib. Moseteno Vocabulary and Treatises ,,,, i'1 .\T lunii-.ltu- i' . , - V y ,, .: I !,."" '''". . , , . Hi 1,1 I .1 Si ,>. v ., I Jin ' ( > .:! ' i i- |;|,i' Jll.-.'. beicfii I'M.\. .XiMili >. . i jjmtl i Jftutai ' JiMi'it I)|nii.< "II i I - 1 \ I i* .1 v JAHII. J .. ' i , J\ . i J 'd . i lit .KiiK r* CUM lfH < yu ) - iflcj* << : ,',\ '. Ji'nl, n nit 1(11 .1 |J|| ..'"I ;- .' !i'( 'h'fltl il i . ' III ^ . ' ! I > s I '. it , u i -H" IKM*I ''lM'il;.l > i j- i ? ^ / v>l H v I ') ' UtU>l0jn: Jin' lji il HilU'l I ' :'J' i 1;|,l ;A-I C - . Ji))t , , - .1 , v MI 11 u mi M - M ^><;ji i iK'Ain*' i H i I - - " 1 / ~> 'UnTv- iiitiu ->in iincn'c J f' ?> 1 : ' i rtiinf 4t ; V >i.liv IHHH. .n m ^K h^ "t l> i oi-u t-\i )1i -xi\ -' \ Y tfiii',4 o.v ' ;i| i ! At Minn ^<-'> Ulliniu JiTt : liV fiiu , iTc"y ^.\ in 11 iniiit ... i-l-.u lildiiiii .. ..MI i in .1 u 'li"l>v I1lsi^t)ijl^ in;>> m 1 . 11 [ \ - ) I ' - I' } I 1 FllMHm .. urut i-iOt fi lifiitl-vi cm. vn ill '''>" i \ .. umc i;|ic..fxnu (nt< it ,*nn i -\ > 1 4 , > - ^ i I > 1 -i J. Jjt1:|i( Vi l( ;'!< fji . . .' V(n i : HI muu ;6ll'hi (fn . MIH Ini ;eUn can >'( ii>^- , t l'(- ,,,i 3 'IcjtM,,- ,u ,; Mf'ifij -K in" Wcn' i!iViii"" /',' ,Tl L' 1 'd"ff' * C,ii-'li7 I'l' Hf i Pjl/ "'.", '7 ",'!' ( m',K IM! oc" VM i/ ! ^T .1.1 - [I ^ - 4 " . ^ " j I I -~{ 1 p ' in- i . i / . t n^f ^/iii: fJi^v ; 6'!;liM<> V.n.'l. ts.iM J:l,MM mUl ;K/l.i;' xlL, .',- ( K ^;>V-},,,, f ,u f,,,,x" .-),;. i * i , ... i i . L J i I 1 1 f; nt /ll,~ii< (; 'iMi j.-i . 1 1 i i i i n i J li * ) i< n im IM-'X r ci 1)1 * i] ( "It l JAl . 11 * < i\l'it X >m Jl . -> 'I.. J' 111- \\ I I' " ^ I ,'r I fW / ^ . J0Jt . M .v't i .x Mil 3fi)\tiiii flit Idl er,c :l'i'i Cnif'111 lA'MwH r )C' /'(<.il;// 'S/SatA/,. , ( f f // y :'/?>*/< /r -.. . . vii INTRODUCTION THE MANUSCRIPT . xi THE AUTHOR . . ... . . . . . . -.. . xiii THE MOSETENO INDIANS AND THE FRANCISCAN MISSIONS . xiv CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF PREVIOUS WRITINGS ON MOSETENO . xxv NOTES ON PHONETICS . . . - . . .. . . ' . . . xxxviii VOCABULARIES The Human Body . . . . . . xl Relationships . , , . xliii Society xliv Religion, etc ' . xlv Diseases, etc . . xlv Ethnography xlvi Nature ' '. , ' -. . ^ xlix Colors lii GRAMMATICAL PROCESSES Nouns lii Number lii Gender liii Formation of Nouns liii Grammatical Cases Ivi Adjectives lix Pronouns Ix Personal Pronouns Ix Possessive Pronouns Ix Relative and Demonstrative Pronouns . Ixi Indefinite Pronouns Ixii Interrogative Pronouns Ixii ix CONTENTS GRAMMATICAL PROCESSES continued Numerals Ixiii Adverbs Ixiii Prepositions Ixiv Conjunctions Ixiv Verbs Ixiv Verbal Stems Ixiv Classification of Verbs Ixvi Tenses Ixx The Imperative Mood Ixxii The Participial Mood Ixxix Other Moods * Ixxx GENERAL OBSERVATIONS Ixxxii Suffixes Ixxxix Reduplication xc Affiliated Languages and Peoples xci APPENDIX A xcvi APPENDIX B ciii APPENDIX C (Bibliography) cviii BIBOLOTTI'S MOSETENO VOCABULARY AND TREATISES i FACSIMILE OF FOLIO 41 LEFT OF BIBOLOTTI'S MOSETENO TREATISES Frontispiece MAP OF BOLIVIA . xvi INTRODUCTION THE MANUSCRIPT The manuscript is unquestionably an autograph consisting of 42 folios taken out of a ledger, 370 mm. by 250 mm. in size. The pages are ruled in red ink. Every two pages facing each other are numbered alike. The number is printed in black ink. The following folios are missing: 3 right, 4 left, 10 right and n left. They had evidently been lost before the author began to write his vocabulary. 1 On the top of page i, we read: "Vocabolario Esponol Musateno etc. etc." The rest of the page is blank. On the top of page 2, which is also blank, is inscribed: "C(on)ta C(orren)te de los SS OS Cortados $ Debe Haber" (Account of Messrs Corta- dos). Both these inscriptions are in the author's handwriting. The Spanish-Moseteno vocabulary begins with the word abajo page 3 and ends on page 60 with the word zuriaga (instead of zurriaga "whip"), beneath which occurs a vote of thanks in Latin followed by the author's initials. Specimens of the four elementary methods of calculation are to be found on pp. 61-62. On page 64 there occur the personal pronouns and con- jugations of verbs. The formation of the plural of certain nouns is shown on page 65. This part is followed by a note referring to a " Doctrina "Cristiana" the author had composed in the same Indian lan- guage. Unfortunately that interesting document could not be found among the manuscripts now in Northwestern University Library. Forty-eight sentences, chiefly relating to religious matters, 1 For the purposes of the following discussion I have used the ordinary system of numbering the pages in a consecutive order. xii SCHULLER and a short prayer with interlinear Spanish translation, occupy pp. 65-69. A brief address to "Little Brother," followed by a panegyric upon the immaculate conception of St. Mary, the latter in Moseteno only, runs from p. 70 to p. 72. And at the end there appears a postscript again addressed to "Little Brother." The second panegyric, likewise in Moseteno only, occupies pp. 73-74. It is followed by another short note in Spanish signed by the author. The third panegyric, pp. 75-76, is written also only in Mose- teno. It is dedicated to St. Michael, the patron of the Moseteno mission of San Miguel de Muchanes. Short allocutions in Italian appear at the end of each of the panegyrics. The panegyrics are followed by an "epilogue" in Spanish dedicated to the memory of the late superior, Father Cerda. The author, whose Spanish might be better, relates certain incidents in the life of Father Cerda, who died in February 1868 at the Moseteno mission of Santa Ana, situated on the Senvapi River. This part of the manuscript, running from p. 77 to p. 82, is dated and signed by Father Bibolotti. Sixteen "Familiar Sentences (phrases) for Beginners" follow on page 83. They are identical with those published by Father Armentia in 1902. Armentia seems, as will be shown hereafter, to have copied them word for word from Bibolotti's manuscript. The last page is left blank. We can only surmise as to the tune when the manuscript was written. It is dated Covendo, May 20, 1868. Yet the work itself undoubtedly represents the knowledge Father Bibolotti had acquired of the Moseteno language during his eleven years' residence among these Indians. Bibolotti's letters are uniform and the manuscript is very legible. Several corrections written in different ink seem to have been made after the whole had been written. Somewhat disturbing are the frequent repetitions of words of the same meaning. Yet similar defects occur in modern works destined exclusively for scientific purposes, as, INTRODUCTION for example, in Armentia, whose Moseteno vocabulary is said to be the latter's own production. THE AUTHOR The author of the manuscript is Benigno Bibolotti. His life and career up to the year 1857 are entirely veiled in ob- scurity. Judging from the Spanish, from occasional Italian words which, when writing the Moseteno vocabulary, the author seems to have used involuntarily, 1 and also from the fact that his family name was Bibolotti, it is clear that he was an Italian by birth. He joined the Franciscan Order, but it is not known when and where he took the vows. Having been appointed euro, conversor spiritual pastor of the Moseteno Indians, he arrived, according to his own statement, 2 as early as October 3, 1857, at the Moseteno mission of Inmaculada Concepcion, also called Guachi. We are assured that in the same year Bibolotti accompanied by the missionaries Father Jose Maria Ciuret 3 and Father Bernardo Clerici, 4 both of the same order, made an expedition across the wilderness of the Department of the Beni, then visited the Araona Indians and other savage tribes in the forests along the headwaters of the Madre de Dios. 5 As for any other information, we only know from the author's own statements that on May 20, 1868, he still was in charge of the Moseteno mission called Inmaculada Concepcion de Covendo, where he seems to have been living ever since 1857. On the former date he finished and signed the Spanish epilogue of our manuscript, dedicated to the memory of his deceased 1 Polenta instead of mazamorra; parlar, secur, etc. * Folio number 43 left. 8 Afterwards pastor at Jesus de Cavinas, a Cavinefio Indian settlement in the province of Caupolican, Bolivia. He was a buen lenguaraz expert linguist of the Cavinefio language. The latter is a different idiom from Tacana; cf. Cardus, "Las Misiones Franciscanas," etc., pp. 169, 170, 172, 173. 4 Missionary of the Tacana settlement of San Antonio of Tumupaza, Caupo- lican, Bolivia; cf. Cardus, op. cit., pp. 165-168. 6 As to this assertion we must rely upon Armentia, "Navegaci6n del Madre de Dios," pp. 27-28. He does not give his source of information. SCHULLER Indians," 1 we find enumerated the following Indian tribes: Aguachiles, living in sixteen settlements; Sabaniones, in four villages; Uchupiamonas, in ten villages, and Pasaramonas, in about eight hamlets. In addition, the Antonios, 2 the Pamaynos, the Masizes, the Araonas, the Vacanaguas, 3 the Sarionas, the Saparunas, and finally, the Chumanos, who were distributed in more than thirty great villages. The habitat of the Moseteno-Chumano embraced the moun- tainous regions to the east of the Beni, more or less between 15 and 16 south latitude, and 69 to 71 longitude west of Paris. Their eastern neighbours were the Yurucare; in the north they reached as far as the territories occupied by Mobima and Moxo, or Mojo, tribes, and in the northwest they touched Tacana and Leco speaking peoples. The natural border to the south and the west is the range of the higher Andes. Unfortunately, we do not know when and under what cir- cumstances the first missions were founded among these Indians. The modern authors, who chronicled the life of the Franciscan missionaries among the savage Indians of Bolivia, furnish very little information respecting the foundation of the different missions during the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Most of the original documents which would cast full light upon the marvelous achievements of those intrepid and disinterested men, whose names are as yet recorded in no history, are dispersed and remain still hidden in the archives of America and Europe. 4 1 " Carta de los misioneros fray Juan Mun6z, fray Juan de Ojeda, etc., al Obispo del Cuzco," etc., in Maurtua, I.e., pp. 96-103. See also "Expediente promovido por Fr. Isidore de Cala y Ortega sobre el estado y las necesidades de las misiones a cargo de los franciscanos del Cuzco. Anos 1750-1754," 1. c., pp. 121-137. 2 Probably the Tacana of San Antonio de Tumupaza. 3 The name is sutely of Pano origin. 4 The noble example given by Father Jos6 Amich in his work, "Compendio historico de los trabajos, fatigas, sudores y muertos que los ministros evangelicos de la Serafica Religion han padecido por la conversion de las almas de los Gentiles en las montanas de los Andes," etc., Paris, 1854; by the missionaries of the " Colegio de Propaganda Fide de Santa Rosa de Ocopa," Peru, and by Father Jos6 Cardus, the author of the most important book on the Franciscan missions among the Guarayo Indians, entitled: "La doctrina cristiana explicada en Guarayo y en m if BM < . . ,^ : :; QC V v a REPRODUCED FROM A MAP OF BOLIVIA MADE H\ IN POSSESSION OF THE JOHN CR< The name of the Mosetenos (spelled here Mocelenos) and LEVAN. kDO S - il'IOS ULRANTf 20 ANUS V.TOMAUO Dt LAS MEJORES h\IENTT> HI. l\h>KSUi ION oFIUAL. CON LOS LIMITES DE Ltte ULllMOS TRATADOS IM I k\ V H >NALES V CON UNA OU1A EXPLICATIVA DEL SENOR D DANIEL SANCHEZ BUSTAMANTE 1NJEN1ERO FRANZ OERMANN S AMFRICA. MEMBER A. S. C t U - S. AMERICA MEMBER I DE I CHILE. CORONEL Of (NJENIEROS CO 1913 Reproduction prohthtdi. Gcsetiiich geschuin AH ngtits reserved. La Proyeccion dd Mapa es la pdkx^nica. *, ' . i '0 flfr-.*TOp^ --\V *sfc* >*fV days Bresson went from La Paz to Yrupana in three days. At Yrupana he em- barked on a raft guided by Moseteno from S. Ana. On the trip from Yrupana to Magdalenos he spent ten days; from Magdalenos to S. Ana two days, and from S. Ana to Muchanes four days. xxii SCHULLER Cardus describes the Moseteno Indians as docile, agricultural and industrious, and as much attached to the Catholic church. Though sufficiently robust, says the same missionary, none of these Indians attain a great age. He states that their number diminishes annually, owing to the climate and the terrible epidemics which at certain periods spread with alarming rapidity. This is especially true of the terrible skin disease called espundia. As to the physical appearance of the Moseteno, it is said that they differ widely from the Yuracare. The face is oval, the cheek-bones not prominent, the forehead only slightly arched, the nose short, the nostrils little opened, the mouth regular, the lips very thin, the eyes small, dark and horizontal, the ears small, the hair dark, straight and long and the expression in general free and cheerful. The men are of feminine appear- ance and may be confounded with the women, for both sexes are very much alike. The height of the men and women varies from i m. 663 to i m. 665. Weddel 1 furnishes a remarkable sketch of their physical habitus. This careful observer says: "The new-comers (several Moseteno who then had arrived at Guanay, where the French traveler was sojourning) were smaller of stature and leaner than the Lecos, our guests. Their physiognomy, less free, had, in proportion to their age, an expression more manly, and their lips, much thiner, were not animated by the same smile. The Moseteno shave off the beard and the mustache, which the Lecos very frequently retain. Their hah* is long and parted in the midst of the forehead, which gives them a savage appearance. Their eyes are almost horizontal. Several of these Indians had their bodies daubed with blue colour, though the greater part of them were disfigured by patches of white skin here and there. This pseudo-albinism which appeared especially on the limbs of our visitors is so frequent among the Moseteno that almost none of them are exempt from it. One could be tempted to see in it the normal colour of the race." The same manchas (marks) were observed on the body of some of the Lecos, yet generally 1 Op. cit., pp. 457-458. INTRODUCTION xxiii this cutaneous disease appears only among the Moseteno. According to Cardus 1 the children are born without such marks, which appear only in the seventh or eighth year of age. There- fore the Moseteno are also called Indios overos or manchados "speckled" or "freckled Indians." 2 In Covendo there were few manchados. More existed at Santa Ana, and at Muchanes all were manchados. As to the Indians called Chimanes, who are said to be a sub-tribe of the Moseteno, 3 we possess nothing except the slight information given by Cardus. In the beginning of the nine- teenth century, Father Herrero seems to have had the good fortune to establish friendly relations with these Indians also, among whom a reduccidn or settlement was founded in 1840, though it had to be given up on account of a terrible smallpox epidemic which spread among them. 4 In 1862 these savages murdered Father Emilio Reinaul, their spiritual pastor, and returned to the forests situated along the upper Maniqui, where in Cardus' tune about fifty of the Chimanes were still living. 5 Their natural arms were in former tunes the bow and arrow. The wood employed for the manufacture of their bows is that of the Chonta-palm (Bactrix). The stems of a certain Gynerium furnished the material for their arrows, which used to be feathered and decorated in various ways. After the introduction of fire- arms among these Indians, the bow and arrow were employed only for fishing. We do not know whether or not they originally poisoned their arrows. To catch fish the Indians often poison the creeks and raman- sos 6 by means of barbasco (menispermum). The root of the barbasco, which whitens the water like chalk or soap, stuns the 1 Op. cit., p. 162. 2 Cf. Weddel, p. 458. D'Orbigny, op. cit., p. 356 passim. 3 Cardus, op. cit., p. 289. 4 There is probably some connection with the earlier designation Chumano(s). 5 Op. cit., p. 290. 6 Quiet places in the river. SCHULLER fish. After struggling for an instant it rises to the surface of the water, turned upwards in a state of unconsciousness, which enables the fisher to catch it with his hands. 1 For their trips up and down the rivers the Moseteno Indians use only rafts. These are constructed of the so-called polo de balsa. The Moseteno are excellent swimmers and rowers, and skillful pilots. The canoe as a means of transportation seems not to have been employed by these Indians at least not in former tunes. Their language has no word to signify canoa? Respecting their former clan and tribe organization, 3 their myths and legends, their religious beliefs, their home-industry and so forth, there can unfortunately be found no trace what- ever in the documents now accessible. All that we know of the social and moral conditions of these Indians is derived from descriptions and reports composed after primitive barbarism had disappeared. This gap in our knowledge of South American ethnology is all the more regrettable since the Moseteno habitat and adjoining regions is one of the most interesting parts, ethnologically speaking, of the Continent. In spite of un- interrupted intercourse for many centuries with the more highly developed culture of Peru and Bolivia, the primitive tribes, like 1 Marcoy, "A Journey across South America," I, p. 545. I had the opportunity to observe the same process often among the Amuesa Indians of San Luis de Suaro, in East Peru. At present they also use dynamite, which they obtain for this purpose from the Franciscan missionaries or from the Peruvian colonists, notwith- standing the legal prohibition which exists at least during the spawning season. It is a most dangerous kind of fishing. Maimed Indians and Peruvian settlers are frequent in these remote regions, which only nominally belong to Peru. The Lima government is almost impotent to enforce in the Montana the laws of the republic. The government power reaches as far as the higher Andes. What lies beyond troubles the legislative body little. Grossest infringement of laws as well as abominable abuses of the Indians occur every day in the Oriente of Peru under the very eyes of the authorities. The latter are in most cases responsible for the anarchic state which temporarily reigns in the Department of Loreto. 1 Pdne, instead of pene, in Heath's vocabulary, does not mean canoa, but balsa or "raft." Cuaba, "canoe," is a borrowed word, for it occurs signifying "canoe" in the Tacana, Araona and Cavinena languages alike. * I have not transcribed the short notice on some burial customs observed by the Moseteno according to Father Armentia, for they are common to many Ameri- can Indians and other primitive peoples. INTRODUCTION xxv the Moseteno, Tacana, Leco, Araona, etc., were not much influenced. 1 CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF PREVIOUS WRITINGS ON MOSETENO The "Doctrina y Oraciones Cristianas," etc., 2 consist of several tracts which were composed by the Franciscan missionary Father Fr. Andres Herrero and published in 1834 at Rome by order and at the expense of the "Colegio de Propaganda Fide." They constitute the earliest known material for the study of the Moseteno language. These tracts have been the object of a short linguistical dis- sertation by the French scholar Lucien Adam in the "Revue de Linguistique et de Philologie Comparee." 3 Besides the errone- ous interpretation of the grammatical function of certain nouns, Adam made several mistakes in the transcription of Herrero's text, as well as of Heath's vocabulary. The principal results of the French savant's investigation were then unhesitatingly accepted by the learned Argentine Lafone Quevedo, and repro- duced by the latter in the "Anales de la Sociedad Cientifica Argentina," 4 where there is to be found also the "Padre Nuestro," the "Ave Maria" and a chapter of Herrero's "Doctrina." 6 A list of forty-one words and twenty-one numerals were gathered by the notable French traveler Dr. Weddel 6 from whose remarkable book on northern Bolivia his countryman Andre Bresson later took his material without giving due credit. 1 A complete monograph on the Moseteno as well as on other tribes of far northern and northwestern Bolivia will, at least for years to come, be a pious de- siderium, unless new and more detailed descriptions of these Indians are discovered or a future explorer gifted and fortunate like Karl von den Steinen may be able to save for science the ethnological materials still hidden in remote regions of northern Bolivia. 2 At present a very rare item of Americana in the book trade. * "Notice grammatical sur la langue Mosetena," 1. c., tome vingt-deuxieme, Paris, 1889, pp. 237-246. 4 Tome LII, pp. 154-159, and pp. 288-289. 5 Ibidem. 6 "Voyage dans le Nord de la Bolivie," pp. 461-462. XXVI SCHULLER According to Weddel, the Moseteno language is much less agree- able to the ear than that spoken by the Leco Indians. One can not help being surprised that neither Adam nor Lafone Quevedo made the slightest reference to Weddel's vocabulary, which repre- sents the first glossary of the Moseteno language handed down. D'Orbigny had no opportunity to collect linguistical mate- rials, though he assures us the Moseteno is a very "euphonique" language. 1 In the comparative vocabulary appended to the article "Dialects of Bolivian Indians" 2 by the well-known explorer Edwin R. Heath, there are included 162 words and the numerals in Moseteno from one to ten. The latter and thirty-five of the words were previously given in the above-mentioned work of Weddel. Heath thus furnishes only 127 new words. The materials might have been obtained directly from some Moseteno Indians at the mission of Santa Ana. The list was afterwards corrected by the "Padres of the Missions." 3 The Moseteno language, says Heath, is French in its pronunciation. 4 Not- withstanding all the care that had been taken by the editor, there occur many mistakes in the list. The following ought to be pointed out: It reads: It should read: 1. yetchi anamu, my son (said by the father) yetchi auamu 2. yesi anamu, my son (said by the mother) yesi auamu 3. yesi anafie, my daughter (said by the father) yetchi auane 4. yesi vagis otchi, my elder sister yesi vogis otchi 5. boyenye, house beyenye, from bei, to be, to live. 6 1 "L'Homme Ame"ricain." 1 "The Kansas City Review," p. 683-687. * Ibidem, p. 682. 4 Ibidem, p. 68r. 1 Herrero gives boin "to be." Armentia, although writing bei "to be," gives boyenye "house." This is without doubt a peculiar sound between e and o, and must be identical with the described by Weddel. INTRODUCTION xxvn 6. tim, hair 7. ozni, water 8. chain, leaf 9. chilrs, meat, flesh 10. jsen, egg 11. pen, egg 12. zihcui, shame, black 13. ztchanguis, small, little 14. ter, strong 15. apae, warm, hot (fever) 1 6. mon, they, those 17. mim, ye 1 8. qum, at present, today 19. zrit, one, only 20. quoncan, eight 21. thief, to drink 22. vuorac, to call, to cry fin ogni, or ofii chian, sciafi chiuch 1 fen fen zincai izanquis fer apacoi moin miin quin irit quencan tchei vori, or voori, for vuorac is the imperative mood of the verb vori jinac pene an 23. ynca, river 24. po-ne, raft 25. a-pi, forehead 26. patchini, the nails; the plural of patch! patchi-in Not exempt from doubt also seems to be the form yme "near" in Heath's glossary. Yet, for ueutchi, which occurs in Adam's transcript, 2 Lafone Quevedo ought to blame the former's copyist, not the explorer Heath. Twenty-two words and twenty-six sentences in Moseteno were published in 1886 by the Franciscan missionary Father Fr. Jose Cardus. 3 This glossary has likewise been reprinted by the Argentine scholar, Lafone Quevedo. 4 Ege quehaqui mi? . . . 9 francs. d'environ 40 millions de francs ..." p. 481 . "Une autre compagnie, fondee par un chanoine du nom de Gutierrez Segurala (!) retira des sables d'une plage voisine du village, un benefice net depassant 12 (sic/) millions de francs." p. 481. "En 1761 douze habi- tants de la ( !) Paz f ormerent un syndicat, sous la singuliere de- nomination de El Apostolado, dont 1'objet etait de detourner le rio Tipuani, sur une longueur d'un kilometre et demi, et de laver les sables auriferes de son lit. ibid. "Les resultats bruts de cette entreprise furent des plus brillants, mais il parait que les frais furent tels qu'ils en englou- tirent la plus grande partie." ibid. "Qu'on en juge: un sieur Villamil, dans une periode de vingt ans, a retire des sables de Tipuani, 8,046,900 francs d'or; et, bien que la main- d'oeuvre soit extraordinairement bon marche, les frais ont monte a la somme de 6,235,000 (sic!) francs, d'ou ses benefices per- sonnels se sont reduits a environ 1,800,000 (sic!) 1 francs." xcvni SCHULLER INDIANS WEDDEL, 1853 p. 445. "Le costume des In- diens Lecos consiste, chez les deux sexes, en une grand chemise sans manches, appelee talle, qui leur tombe jusqu'a mi-jambe. Ce vehement ne differe en rien du tipoi 1 des Indiens Chiquitos." p. 445. "II est souvent blanc et quelquefois bleu ou violet ibid. " Les femmes se mettent souvent plusieurs talles 1'un sur 1'autre, et les hommes ajoutent frequemment a ce vetement un pan talon. ..." pp. 445-446. "Quelques unes de celles-ci se tressent lachevelure en deux nattes qu'elles laissent pendre sur leur dos. ..." p. 446. "Les armes dont ces Indiens se servent, aujourd'hui, sont le fusil et Fare." p. 447. "II est fait avec le bois du palmier Chonta. . . . Les fleches, dont les dimensions en longueur sont a peu pres les me'mes, sont formees du pedon- cule, ou de la partie superieure de la tige, d'une graminee geante, appelee, par suite de son usage, Gynerium saggitale, elles sont armees de pointes de bambou ou de bois de palmier . . . Quel- ques unes sont enjolivees de plumes brillantes." 1 Doubtless borrowed from Chiriguano tipoy "shirt." BRESSON, 1886 p. 468. "Le costume des In- diens Mosetenos consiste en une grande chemise, sans manches, qui tombe jusqu'a mi-jambes. Ce vetement, impose par les mis- sionaries; ne differe en rien de celui des Indiens Lecos, Chiqui- tos, Mojos et Muras que j'aurai bientot 1'occasion de decrire." p. 468. Le talle ... est ordi- nairement blanc et quelquefois bleu ou violet." ibid. "... Les femmes se mettent souvent plusieurs talles 1'un sur 1'autre, . . . et les hom- mes ajoutent quelquefois un pantalon a ce vehement un peu primitif. ..." p. 469. "Les femmes portent les cheveux longs, separes en deux tresses rudes et brillantes qu'elles laissent pendre sur le dos." ibid. "Les armes dont ces Indiens se servent aujourd'hui sont le fusil et 1'arc." p. 469. "L'arc, en bois du palmier chouta (sic!) . . . Les fleches, armees de pointes de bambous ou de bois de palmier, sont formees du pedoncule d'une graminee gigantesque, Gyner- ium saggitale Quelques-unes de ces fleches sont enjolivees de plumes brillantes. ..." INTRODUCTION XC1X ibid. "La nourriture des habi- tants de Guanay est essentielle- ment vegetale. Le ma'is et la banane en font la base." pp. 447-448. "(When they are fishing), car ils ont soin de saler et de fumer ou de secher au soleil tout ce qui ne sert pas a la consommation immediate." p. 447. "... Les Lecos sont trop paresseux pour chasser et pecher avec beaucoup d'ardeur; cependant, quand ils s'en occu- pent, ils sont ordinairement heureux, et les provisions qu'ils font dans ces occasions leur durent longtemps. . ." p. 448. "La fleche et 1'hame- fon ne sont pas les seuls moyens usites par les Lecos pour capturer les habitants de leurs eaux; ils se servent aussi quelquef ois dans ce but de poison dont ils infectent les rivieres, ainsi que cela se pratique chez un certain nombre d'autres tribus de 1'Amerique du Sud." p. 449. " Dans d'autres parties de la Bolivie, et notamment dans les Yungas, on se sert, pour em- poisonner les rivieres, 1 de la tige fraiche d'une petite liane appelee Pekho ou Sacha dont on broie une ou deux brasses, sur une pierre, dans le point de la riviere que Ton veut infecter." ibid. ". . . et des que 1'eau s'en trouve chargee, les poissons ibid. "La nourriture de ces Indiens est presque exclusive- ment vegetale. Le mais et surtout les bananes sont les mets favoris des Mozetenos." ibid. "Quand ils pchent, ils ont soin de saler et de fumer tout le poisson qui ne doit pas servir a leur consommation immediate, et comme ils sont tres sobres les provisions qu'ils font dans ces occasions, aussi bien qu'a la chasse, durent tres longtemps." ibid. "Outre la fleche et 1'ha- mecon, les Indiens des Yungas ont encore un autre moyen pour capturer les poissons. Ils se servent, dans ce but, d'un poison dont ils infectent la riviere, ainsi que cela se pratique chez toutes les tribus abori genes que j'ai visitees dans ce voyage d'exploration " (sic/) ibid. "Les Mozetenos se ser- vent de la tige fraiche d'une liane qu'ils nomment pekho, dont ils broient 3 ou 4 metres sur une pierre dans la partie de la riviere qu'ils veulent empoi- sonner. . ." ibid. "Des que 1'eau s'en trouve chargee, les poissons 1 Not the rivers the current of these rivers annuls the effect of the barbasco (menispermum cocculus) but the creeks and bays, or remansos, where the current is almost imperceptible. Cf. Marcoy, op. cit., p. 545. SCHULLER qui s'y rencontrent viennent flotter inanimes a la surface, ou on les recueille sans peine." ibid. "La substance employee a cet effet par les Indiens de Guanay (the Leco) est le sue laiteux d'un des plus grands arbres de leurs forts, connu par eux sous le nom de Soliman, et qui n'est autre que 1'Ajuapar des habitants de la Nouvelle- Grenade, ou le Sablier des An- tilles francaises, et enfin 1'Hura- crepitans des botanistes. Pour se procurer ce lait veneneux, ils font de nombreuses entailles a 1'ecorce de 1'arbre, et le sue qui en exsude va aussitdt imbiber la terre qui entoure le pied du tronc. Cette terre, recueillie dans un grand sac, est jetee dans la partie de la riviere oft doit avoir lieu la peche." p. 457. "(Leco Indians) leur physionomie moins ouverte . . . Leurs yeux sont presque hori- zon taux." viennent flotter inanimes a la surface, ou on les recueille sans peine." p. 480. "Les Lecos empoison- nent aussi les eaux des rivieres. La substance qu'ils emploient a cet usage est le sue laiteux du Soliman, grand arbre des forets, qui n'est autre que le sablier des Antilles. Pour se procurer ce lait vene"- neux, les Indiens font de nom- breuses entailles a 1'ecorce, et le sue qui en exsude va aussitot imbiber la terre qui entoure le pied de 1'arbre. Cette terre qui, recueillie avec soin, est jetee dans la partie de la riviere ou doit avoir lieu la pe"che. " ibid. "La physionomie des Lecos est ouverte . . . leur yeux sont presque hori- zontaux. , ." Furthermore, Dr. Weddel's references to the interesting tribe of the Callahuaya Indians have been copied almost word for word by Bresson without citing his source of information. WEDDEL, 1853 pp. 177-178. "Ces Indiens Callahuayas, dont 1'histoire est a peine connue, constituent une nation particuliere enclavee au milieu de celles des Quichuas et des Aymaras, et dont les membres se sont acquis une espece de celebrite comme medecins et comme sorciers. . . Les Calla- huayas sont essentiellement BRESSON, 1886 p. 467-468. "Les Indiens Callahuayas constituent une tribu a part, enclavee au milieu de celles des Aymaras et des Quichuas. Les individus de cette tribu ont une celebrite de gueris- seurs qui les fait tout particu- lierement respecter. Ils sont essentiellement voyageurs et pas- sent pour Stre quelque peu INTRODUCTION ci voyageurs, et a tel point que 1'on en voit, chose rare pour des Indians, quitter leurs pays et atteindre, avec leur fortune sur le dos, aux extremes limites de la republique Argentine. Leur costume, que revStent souvent, pour se distraire, les cholos de La Paz, consiste en une culotte noire sur laquelle retombe un poncho rouge, en une grande cravate de laine de vigogne et un bonnet auricule surmonte d'un chapeau a grands bords. Enfin une besace ornee d'anciennes monnaies d'argent contient leur petite pharmacie, et ils portent invariablement au cou, comme marque distinctive, un crucifix d'argent massif." 1 The chapter entitled: " L' Agriculture de Bolivia," etc., 2 pp. 619 passim, is also copied almost entirely: sorciers. J'en ai recontre un peu partout, en Bolivie, ou je les reconnaissais facilement a leurs costume bizarre: une culotte noire, un poncho rouge et un bon- net auricule que surmonte un vaste sombrero en poil de vigogne. Sur la poitrine ils ont toujours une enorme croix, en argent vierge, qui est pour ainsi dire la marque distinctive de leur specialite." WEDDEL, 1853 p. 134. " Sous un point de vue, le marche peut en effet etre re- garde comme le miroir d'une des parties les plus importantes des habitations, je veux dire de leur partie culinaire." p. 136. "Une autre considera- tion qui peut donner quelque interet a 1'etude d'un marche, c'est que cette etude permet sou- vent de determiner, au premier coup d'oeil, la nature du climat de 1'endroit ou Ton se trouve." 1 These ambulant Indian druggists the " Wurzelsepp" of the southern hemi- sphere are called cuico(s) . The same designation is applied by the Chileans to all Bolivians indiscriminately. 2 Published also in the "Revue des Industries et des Sciences Chemiques et Agricoles," Paris. BRESSON, 1886 p. 621. "Le marche d'une grande ville comme la Paz doit etre regarde comme le miroir d'une des parties les plus im- portantes des habitations, je veux dire de leur alimentation." ibid. "L'etude des produc- tions vegetales d'un pays permet souvent de determiner au pre- mier coup d'oeil la nature du climat de 1'endroit ou 1'on se trouve. . cii SCHULLER p. 151. "Les senoritas de La ibid. " Les senoritas bolivianas Paz en sont toutes extre"mement sont extre'mement friandes de ce friandes, et elles ont 1'habitude, mets, que 1'on designe sous le lorsque les taiachas sont de sai- nom de taiacha, et qu'elles son, d'en prendre comme rafrai- prennent, comme rafraichisse- chissement, pendant la chaleur ment, en le trempant dans du du jour, en les trempant dans de sirop de canne a sucre." la melasse." Furthermore, the description of some of the national meals of the Bolivians, as for instance, "chupe de leche," "aji de disparates," and so forth, were taken from Weddel (pp. 162-163) without the slightest reference to the latter's work. In regard to the illustrations inserted as "originals" in Bresson's book, it ought to be stated here that several of these pictures have been copied with only slight changes from the work entitled "The Amazon and Madeira Rivers," according to the sketch- and note-book of the German explorer Franz Keller, published in New York (the German edition in Stuttgart) in 1874 by Keller-Leuzinger. APPENDIX B ESTADO ECLESlASTICO DEL ARZOBISPADO DE LA PLATA 1 Sucre, Diciembre 16 de 1875 Colegio de Propaganda Fide de esta capital: Sacerdotes: Comisario General Guardian Fray Bartolome Casasnovas Fray Vicente Belenguer Fray Antonio Vinent Fray Gregorio Cintora Fray Salvio Costa Fray Francisco Saenz Fray Melchor Azcunaga Fray Mariano Chavarria Fray Jose Font Fray Pacifico Salsamendi Fray Agustin Muniusguren Fray Julian Vergara Fray Ignacio Villagra Fray Manuel Bajo Fray Antonio Suarez Fray Ignacio Eguia Fray Jose Uriburo Fray Francisco Torrentegui Hermanos : Fray Salvador Cedo Fray Martin Barrena Fray Ignacio Lizaralde Fray Pedro Rivera 1 Extract from an unpublished manuscript in Northwestern University Library. ciii civ SCHULLER Colegio de Propaganda Fide de Potosi: Sacerdotes: Guardian Fray Teodoro Massa Fray Estanislao Simonetti 1 Fray Juan Carvini Fray Felix Sanges Fray Angelico Martarelli Fray Buenaventura Capomagi Fray Francisco S. Melchor 2 Fray Vicente Piccinini Fray Tomas Turchetti Fray Jaime Ricciotti Fray Casimiro Mancini 3 Fray Andres Basili 4 Fray Romualdo D'Ambrosi 5 Fray Domingo Piccinci Coristas: Fray Antonio Campero Fray Leonardo Federici Legos : Fray Antonio Giantomaso Fray Luis M. de Paulis Fray Pacifico Caero Fray Luis Maurizio Fray Jose Bocabella Fray Alejandro Nicolini Fray Anastasio Peruzzi Fray Cayetano Chileno Fray Angel Santos Fray Cecidio Cipola Missionary among the Indians of Parapiti; cf. Cardus, op. cit., p. 53. Founder of the missions of San Francisco and San Antonio, 1871 and 1872 respectively, among the Indians of Parapiti; 1. c. p. 53. 8 On the journeys made by Father Mancini in North Bolivia, see Armentia, "Navegaci6n," p. 28; he calls Mancini "Samuel." 4 Cardus, p. 53. 6 Missionary at San Pascual de Boicobo, a Chiriguano village; cf. Cardus, p. 57. INTRODUCTION cv Fray Pascual Rosato Donados : Hermano Mateo Barriga Hermano Aurelio Moral Colegio de Propaganda Fide de Tarija: Sacerdotes: Guardian Comisario Fray Alejandro Maria Corrado 1 de Misiones Fray Alejandro Ercole Fray Zeferino Muzzani 2 Fray Jose Gianeli Fray Antonio Araoz Fray Dominico Guerrini Fray Jose Marinangeli Fray Nazareno Dimeco 3 Fray Maximo Pierrazoli Fray Rafael Giradengo Fray Santiago Mequi Fray Marino Mariani Fray Angel Riquieri (Ricchieri) Fray Eliseo Molina Fray Doroteo Gianequini (Gianecchini) 4 Fray Geronimo Bacili (Basili) 5 Fray Vicente Marceleti 6 Fray Jose Ferri 1 Erroneously called Coronado in "La Lengua Leca" by Lafone Quevedo, p. 5, note (2). Father Corrado is the author of the " Catecismo de la Doctrina cristiana, con varias oraciones y practicas devotas en lengua Chiriguana con su traduccion literal al Castellano, para el uso de las Misiones del Colegio de Propaganda Fide de Tarija en la Republica de Bolivia," Sucre, 1871. 2 Author of the "Noticias Historicas sobre las misiones en la Republica de Bolivia," appended to Amich's "Compendio Historico," etc., Paris, 1854. 3 Missionary at the Chiriguano settlement of Tarayri; cf . Cardus, p. 30. 4 "Diario de la Expedicion exploradora Boliviana al Alto Paraguay de 1886-87." Asis, Tip. de la Porciuncola, 1896. Giannecchini's Mataco vocabulary has been published by Lafone Quevedo. 6 Missionary at San Jose de Tigiiipa; cf. Cardus, p. 31. 6 Missionary at San Miguel de Itau; 1. c., p. 25. cvi SCHULLER Fray Nicolas Maria Sesti Fray Julio Maria Bregoli Fray Buenaventura Masini (Massimi) Fray Vicente Manuali 1 Fray Bernardino Turbesi 2 Fray Luis Vannuchi Fray Antonio Gatti Fray Gervasio Costa Fray Leon Orseti (Orsetti) 3 Fray Mauricio Monacelli 4 Fray Berardo Chisco Fray Sebastian Pifferi 5 Fray Guido Cremona 6 Fray Bernardino Lombardi Fray Santiago Romano 7 Fray Pedro Angelisanti Coristas: Fray Leonardo Stasi 8 Fray Silvestre Lardani Fray Francisco Cuyola 9 Fray Jose Rossini Legos: Hermano Santos Alonso Hermano Jose Velasquez 1 Companion of the former at San Miguel de Itau; cf. 1. c. p. 25. * Missionary at Nuestra Senora de las Misericordias de Machereti; 1. c., p. 32. * Companion of Father Sebastian Pifferi at the mission of San Roque de Aguai- renda; cf. 1. c., p. 26. 4 Missionary at San Francisco on the Upper Pilcomayo; cf. 1. c., p. 29. 8 Missionary at San Roque de Aguairenda; cf. 1. c., p. 26. 6 Companion of Father Turbessi; cf. 1. c., p. 34. 7 Cardus, p. 33, writes "Romero." The latter was a companion of F. Turbessi at Machereti, a Chiriguano mission. 8 Afterwards companion of Father Dimeco at the mission of La Purfsima de Tarayri; cf. 1. c., p. 31. 9 Cardus, p. 29, gives " Cayola." The latter was a companion of Father Monacelli at San Francisco, a Chiriguano mission not far from Aguairenda. INTRODUCTION cvii Hermano Francisco Mains Hermano Querubin Pucchetti Hermano Eugenio Marconi Hermano Manuel Medrano APPENDIX C BIBLIOGRAPHY MANUSCRIPT SOURCES ANONYMOUS. Estado Eclesiastico del Arzobispado de La Plata, Sucre, Diciembre 16 de 1875. In Lanza collection of mss. now owned by Northwestern University Library, Evans ton, Illinois. ANONYMOUS (Samuel Fritz). Vocabulario en la Lengua Castellana, la del Ynga, y Xebera. Ms. original, autograph of Father Fritz, of the 1 8th century; preserved in the Library of the British Museum, Cod. Add. 25,323. (The copies of the vocabulary made by the editor, as well as of the grammar of the same idiom, also composed by the noted German Jesuit, exist at the National Library, in Rio de Janeiro, and at the Library of Congress, Wash- ington, D. C.) MATA, PEDRO DE LA. Arte de La Lengua Cholona. Ms. pre- served in the Library of the British Museum, Cod. Add. 25,322. Composed at Truxillo, Peru, 1748. (One of the copies made by the editor in 1912, is now in the Library of Congress, Washington, B.C.) PRINTED SOURCES ANONYMOUS. Relation verdadera del discurso y subceso de la Jornada y descubrimiento que hize desdel ano de 1567 hasta el de 69. In Maurtua, Juicio de Limites entre el Peru y Bolivia, v. 6, pp. 17-68. ADAM, LUCIEN. Notice Grammaticale sur la langue Mosetena. Revue de Linguistique, v. 22, pp. 237-246. Paris, 1889. AMICH, JOSE. Compendio Historico de los trabajos, fatigas, sudores y muertos que los ministros evangelicos de la Serafica Religion han padecido por la conversion de las almas de los Gentiles en las montanas de los Andes. Paris, 1854. ARAMBURU, E. Carta del Padre Fray Esteban de Aramburu, Ministro Provincial de la provincia del Cuzco, sobre todo lo ocurrido en las conversiones de San Antonio de los Charcas. In Maurtua, Juicio de Limites entre el Peru y Bolivia, v. 12, pp. I3I-I37- cviii INTRODUCTION cix ARMENTIA, NICOLAS. Navegacion del Madre de Dios. Biblioteca Boliviano, de Geografia e Historia, I. La Paz, 1887. ARMENTIA, NICOLAS. Los Indies Mosetenes y su lengua. Intro- duction por Samuel A. (lejandro) Lafone Quevedo. Anales de la Sociedad Cientifica Argentina, vols. 52-63, Buenos Aires, 1901-1902. ARMENTIA, NICOLAS. Arte y Vocabulario de la Lengua Cavinena . . . con notas por Samuel A. (lejandro) Lafone Quevedo. Re- vista del Museo de La Plata, vol. 13, La Plata, 1906. BALLIVIAN, ADOLFO. El Laudo Argentine inaceptable para Bolivia inconveniente para el Peru. La Paz, n. d. BALLIVIAN, MANUEL VICENTE. Observaciones sobre la Lengua Pu- quina del Peru por Daniel G. Brinton. Revista del Ministerio de Colonizacidn y Agricultura, vol. 2, La Paz, 1906. BARZANA, ALONSO DE. Carta del Padre Alonso de Barzana escrita desde la Asuncion del Paraguay. Setiembre 8 de 1594. Rela- ciones Geogrdficas, vol. 2 (Peru) Apendice, pp. LII-LXV, Madrid, 1885. BOAS, FRANZ. Kultur und Rasse. Leipzig, 1914. BOLIVAR, GREGORIO DE. Relation de la entrada del Padre Fray Gregorio de Bolivar, en compania de Diego Bamirez de Carlos, a las provincias de indios Chunchos, en 1621. In Maurtua, Juicio de Limites entre el Peru y Bolivia, vol. 8, pp. 205-235. BRESSON, ANDRE. Bolivie. Sept annees d'explorations, de voyages et de sejours dans 1'Amerique Australe. Paris, 1886. BRINTON, DANIEL G. Note on the Puquina Language of Peru. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 28, no. 134, pp. 242-248. Philadelphia, Pa., 1890. BRINTON, DANIEL G. The American Race. New York, 1891. BRINTON, DANIEL G. Studies in South American Native Languages. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 30, no. 137, pp. 45-105. Philadelphia, Pa., 1892. CARBAJAL, CASPAR DE. Relation que escribio Fr. Caspar de Carbajal, fraile de la Orden de Santo Domingo de Gusman, del nuevo descubrimiento del famoso rio grande que descubrio por muy gran ventura el Capitan Francisco de Orellana desde su nacimiento hasta salir a la mar, con cincuenta y siete hombres que trajo consigo y se echo a su aventura por el dicho rio, y por el nombre del capitan que le descubrio se llamo el Rio de Orellana. Seville, 1894. CARDUS, JOSE. Lengua Mosetena. Las Misiones Franciscanas entre los infieles de Bolivia. Barcelona, 1886. Reprinted by Lafone Quevedo in Anales de la Sociedad Cientifica Argentina, vol. 54, pp. 281, 282. Buenos Aires, 1902. ex SCHULLER CARDUS-HERRERO. La Lengua Leca de los rios Mapiri y Beni segun los mss. de los PP (Fray Jose) Cardus y (Andres) Herrero. Arre- glados y anotados por S. A. Lafone Quevedo. Buenos Aires, 1905. COBO, BERNABE. Historia del Nuevo Mundo . . . Publicada por primera vez con y otras ilustraciones de D. Marcos Jimenez de la Espada. Vol. 2. Seville, 1891. (Sociedad de Bibliofilos Andaluces.) CORRADO, ALEJANDRO MARfA. Catecismo de la doctrina cristiana, con varias oraciones y practicas devotas en lengua Chiriguana con su traduccion literal al Castellano. Para el uso de las Misiones del Colegio de Propaganda Fide de Tarija en la Repiiblica de Bo- livia. Sucre, 1871. CORRADO, ALEJANDRO MARLA. El Colegio Franciscano de Tarija. Quaracchi, 1896. (Italian translation, Quaracchi, 1897.) CREQUi-MoNTFORT-RiVET. Linguistique Bolivienne. Le groupe Otuke. Extrait du Journal de la Societe des Americanistes de Paris, vol. 9, 1912. CUEVA, FRANCISCO. Principes et Dictionnaire de la Langue Yurucare ou Yurujure composes par le R. 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Informacion ... en virtud de la comision del Hlmo. Sr. Obispo del Cuzco sobre el estado que tiene la mision de los indios infieles contiguos a la provincia de Carabaya. In Maurtua, Juicio de Limites entre el Peru y Bolivia, vol. 12, pp. 68-94. MuNoz-OjEDA. Carta de los misioneros Fray Juan Mufioz, Fray Juan de Ojeda, etc., al Obispo de Cuzco, fecha en Apolibamba a 6 de Mayo de 1681. In Maurtua, Juicio de Limites entre el Peru y Bolivia, vol. 12, pp. 96-103. cxii SCHULLER NORDENSKIOLD, ERLAND. Beitrage zur Kenntnis einiger Indianer- stamme des Madre de Dios-Gebietes. Ymer, 1905, pt. 3, pp. 265-312, Stockholm, 1906. NUNES, DIOGO. Carta escripta a D. Joao III acerca do descobri- mento de sertoes aonde podia chegar atravessando a terra de S. Vicente (Provincia de S. Paulo). Copiada do Real Archive em Lisboa (corpo Chron. Parte 3*., Maco 14, Doc. i.), e offerecida ao Institute pelo seu socio correspondente Francisco Adolfo de Varnhagen. 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Moseteno Vocabulary and Treatises BY BENIGNO BIBOLOTTI Vocabolario Esponol-Musateno etc... etc... abajo abajo arriba abalorio abandonado abandonar abastecer abatido abatir abeja abierto abobado abochornar abofetear pechcan; ocan chindac; pechcan fanche ittui varca; chicacge at hime; at mesi; at fara; at yaqui; am gi chui at mesi mesirai at mesi ique paj resi; paj qui tupu at qui anic nimbe; chittai nimbe doiroi mumu coroma ze vanac tojt; dene gijege aj zincai zincairai zincayeva at zincai ique tachette tachetterai tacheme at tachette ique BIBOLOTTI abogada abordar aborecer aborto abotagado abrasar abrazar abrir abrojo absolution absolver abstinencia absurdo abuela abuelo abultado abundancia tifatige; nuchitige soquiti soquitirai at soquiti ique Imperat: soquitica am dam raise am dam raiseterai am dam raisete ique at ojei basigi; ambi tupu- basigi; chose nige sciupqui sciocbet jen bei; eneni; anic mocsi sciusc chuben chubenerai chubeneva at chubenete ique vanac vanaquerai vanaquieva at vanac ique jeti nimbeisige nimbeisi nimbeisirai nimbeitica at nimbeisi ique michigi michigirai at michigi ique uenege eye viya derige anic dai ege MANUSCRIPT aburido acabar acalorado acatarado accidental aceite (fol. 5 left) acelerar aceptar aboca con. . acerar acertado acidez; acido aclimatar acobardar at efati meve at nobi at mesi atrai mesi at mesi ique anic jinoi; anic fer tsuni; anic queti tsun; apac scusc ajai; anic fer ajai uattique choge; manais; dabasi; aarusi; chocolates! feri fererai ferebada at fer ique ectchete ectcheterai ecvac at ectchete ique chanchete chancheterai chancheeme at chanchete ique fequerac fequeracrai fequeraca at fequerac ique gijegetumtchi ; anic quich; anic mei; menas pasc yiqui yiquirai at yiqui quinaquege siti at quinaqui paj qui quinaqui BIBOLOTTI acomodar aconsejar bien acoralar acostar a otro acostarse acostumbrado acre; indole acreditado acribillado active; homb. actual acuatico achacoso adelante, ir adentro adinerado adivino falso hemtuc hemtuquirai at hemtuc ique hem icheacsi hem icheacsirai hem icheacsi ique Imperat: hem icheacseva sope can fara at sopecan fara ique; at sopecan nette icusci icuscirai at icusci at icusci ique cusci cuscirai cosca at cusci ique tacame taca metaqui at yiqui metaqui fer bei am uenenet cose cose am scoscointchit quin anic onicantchi am fer beitchit; am resc beitchit tascac tascirai at tasci ique mocan querecha tumtchi; anic bijogetumtchi cucucsi MANUSCRIPT adonde adorno adornar adulterio adulto afable afeminado aferrado afilar afligir a otro afligido (fol. 5 right) agachase agarar agil agitacion agolparse agrandado onam; onarai mcam- basca; onam at incaque ique hemtucge hemtuc hemtuquirai at hemtuc ique chetigetum jucha panet anini peyaqui; hem mointchin phentuitch yeque moctac moctacarai moctaquieva at moctac ique itaritche mointchin taari chonden acya chondeneva at chonden ique acya tap taperai tapieva at tapeni ique feri; am afqui fer hetchi; cari hetchi guamuya incai; ezezbei ; guamuchebei at deii az; atchi dai az BIBOLOTTI agua aguazero aguardar aguila real aguja agujerear agujero agusanarse ahogar agua ahogar sofoca ahora ahorcar ahuyentar ai . . . . noros airarse airado aire aislado ajustado oni fer anei; anic ze zoi bisaqui bisaquirai bisaca at bisac ique boiii dertchi joque fandac fandaquirai fandaquieva at fandac ique fandacge; to at focoi; at manitum tomi tomirai at tomi ique at quer hetchi quin at tizo tujya; at seni tizo isca iscaerai iscamac at hisca ique aiya facoi facoirai at faquiti ique faco bei naige iritbei set MANUSCRIPT ala de pajaro alabanza alba alborotado alcanzar alegre alegrarse alegria alejar alerta vivir aliento alimento (fol. 6 left) alma almendra almscle alojamiento algodbn altivo alto alzar alia, alii pava hemsi peyacge nayoge; paminge facobei ribiti ribitirai at ribiti ique majo bei majoi majoirai majobevac at majo ique majoge moch ectacsi moch ectacsirai at moch ectacsi ique zabei jetchi secsege tchutchi, zasi mujie poquege beiges; cosciges bajna jipenti moche chei cheirai at chei ique move IO BIBOLOTTI allanar amancebado amanecer amar amargo amarillez amarrar amedrentar amigo amigarse amor amoroso amparar anciano, -a ancho andar qich quicherai quichyeva at quichebite ique nucsi turn phen bei nayoge raise raiserai majieva at raisete ique bicca nosnoi; achi veya sap saperai sapieva at saptac ique quinaqui quinaqurai quinacquiva at quinaqui ique napu naputui naputuirai at naputui ique raisacge am tijai; hem mointchin tifati tifatirai tifatica at tifati ique piret; pires; ritet; rites dereve; sofoi mii miirai miiyeva at mii ique MANUSCRIPT ii andariego andrajoso angel angina angosto angila peje anillo animal, dom animal demon. aiio anochecer anteaye antiguamente (fol. 6 right) an'adir anudar apagar apropiado apuntar anna apuro aquello, -Ua aqui arana natevajoi achi; scev scev idem, angel quiscintujya set hizo chijiririges; sortija cuge ebacge yomuge at yomoi at yomoirai munaya porema quechtac quechtacarai at quechtac ique saptac saperai saptacca at sap ique quiv quivierai quivyevac at quiv ique at cui eque quich quicheeme at quich at cajoi mo oya viococo 12 BIBOLOTTI arbol arco de flecha arco iris arder ardilla arido araigado arrancar arrear arrebatar arepentirse arimar arrinconado arrodillarse arrogante arrojado son coinge opito coscai coscairai avacca at coscai ique beque chanes at siyai az choyac choyacrai choyaca at choyac ique isca iscaerai iscaeme at isca ique fer eque fer equerai fer equevac at fer eque ique tari uban tarirai at tari ique nee necrai necva at nee icfue at hime az giets gietserai gietzevac at gietz ique anic hipenti am quinaqui MANUSCRIPT arropar arroyo arruga articulation asado asar asco aseo aserrar asi es asiento atado atar (fol. 7 left) atigrado atizar atonito comon comonerai comofieva at comon ique jinac quizba toquegecan autacsi autac autacrai autacyeva at autac ique equei hembei; hemtuc osco; hem cofe osco; hemtuc guajegege fequerac fequeraquirai fequeraca at fequerac ique meinas hem beaquige sap bei sap saperai sapievac at saptac ique cuscuruit quen quenerai quenevac at quen ique fer doiroi BIBOLOTTI atras atravesar atricion aunque auxiliar auxilio avarizia ave pajaro avergonzado avergonzar averiguazion avestruz avinagrado avio avisar ayer ayudar equi equve equiverai at equi ique roc bei; roc enegeva pat roc bei tarege pat ra me nuchiti nuchiticarai nuchitica at nuchiti ique nuchitige tijatetege aijtchi at zincai zincai zincairai zincayeva at zincai ique quevacge mic; congetacsi mic ipare pasc bei; pasc anic; at pasc az vite mic somei mic someme mic someterai at mic somacsi ique muna nuchiti nuchiticarai nuchitica at nuchiti ique MANUSCRIPT ayunar azotar azote azucar azul (fol. 7 right) baba baboso basineta bailar bailarin bajar balanza balza banca, -o bano barba barco, -a bareno barriga barro bastante B michgi michgirai at michgi ique sibac sipierai sipeeme at sipette ique sibacge azoca mezes sono sonotumtchi chicges royac royacrai royaca at royac ique royaquit chanban chanbanda at chanband tupuge; tuputuiges perie beaquige ginige yeti cuaba mizaquige vocco ac ofiitum mesi; at rejia; at tupu i6 BIBOLOTTI bastidor baston basura bautismo bautizar beber bello besar bien bienestar bilioso bills bianco, -a blando blanquear boca boda borracho borrar panacge mochoge patzacge choctige chojtac chojtacrai chojtaca at chojtac ique tchei tcheirai tchievac at tchei ique choifoi; anic hemtchi veya puj pujerai pujeme at puette ique hem hem bei; resc bei; fer bei zintchitum; nosnoi; achi veya zintchi aibai am yeque aibastuc aibaituquirai at aibai chun vemige sciuquit vayac vayaquirai vayaqueme at vayac ique MANUSCRIPT borrasca (fol. 8 left) bosque bostezo bostezar botar brazada brazear nada. brazear algun. brevemente bribon brillo broma brotar brujo brunir buen dia anetorai; fererai pititti derege, dere eyaquege eyaqui eyaqurai eyaquiyeva at eyaqui ique fara farairai faraeme at fara ique chocoge chapqui chapquirai chapquiyeva at chapqui ique chocoi chocoirai chocoyeva at choco ique cavin; am men achi mointchin; soyotchi mointchin anic soquem mamages; itzangeges chibi chibirai at chibi ique cucucsi hemtuc hemtuquirai hemtuquieva at hemtuc ique hem mayege i8 BIBOLOTTI buendia saludo bulto buscar (fol. 8 right) hem nayoque; hem nayoique dirige quevaqui quevaquirai quevaca at quevaqui ique cabal cabana cabello caber cabeza cabezon cabisbajo caca cadaver caer cagar cal piedra calambre calavera caldear quetz acca fin reya siti reyia sith-ai at reya siti ique jutchi; ono der jutchi aeya doiroi vees senet ouchai ochairai at ochai ique vesi vesirai vesiyeva at vesi ique dondo tec nectchi iutchi senitchin apac apaquierai apaqueva at apac ique MANUSCRIPT calentar calentura calenturilla calmar id calmar tempes. calofrio calor callar calle cama caminar carrnno camisa campanear can perro canasta palma canzer canelon cangrena esciuc esciuquerai esciuqueeme at esciuc ique apacoge apacoi apacoirai at apacoi ique dam apacoi tchupu apacoi ato tchupu afiei; tchupu pititi jetis anic fer queti tsuii chuchui chuchuirai chuchuac at chuchui ique mami beyegecantchi scium piqui piquirai piqulyeva at piqui ique mami oscio dindi dindirai dindiyevac at dindi ique acho ebbe ayge chorecho at ayi sciusc 20 BIBOLOTTI canilla yin yuves cano aibai fin (fol. 9 left) cansado nobet cansar nobi nobirai at nobi ique cantar imaqui imaqurai imaca at imaqui ique cantores imaquitchin cantaro punu canto imacge cana charo sciuru cafia ueca bane; giuni; guopina caos cafon capacidad chingetumtchi cara veya carbon qii . . . carestia nimbege cargar teren terenerai tereneva at teren ique caridad m'mbeege carnaval anata cane sciusc carnivore sciusctchit carpa acca carta quirica casa acca casado phenyat MANUSCRIPT casada casamiento casar casi castigar cavar cazar cedazo cedro cena ceniza cenidor cerca cernido, -a (fol. 9 right) cerrado cerro cesar ciego cielo ciento uenchias vuemige vuemi vuemirai at vuemi ique arajge sip sipirai sipeevac at sipette ique fandac fandaquirai fandaca at fandac ique derei dereirai at derey ique pasi, scarac itama, chonna yomove secsege chim saptage am moch; chi oi; chi utz scarac at quer meque pat mesi mesirai at mesi ique tofet mayege tac qui tac 22 BIBOLOTTI cigaro cilia cinco claro ablar clavo clavar clueca cochina cochino codizia cojo cola colera colgado, -a colgar colocar bien Colorado comer comezon comida pisnage beaquige canam qich peaca quich peyacarai at quich peyaqui ique pactage pactac pactacarai pacyeva at pactac ique arajge fefii tchosci eques phen equet soni tijatetege etchem; etchiem condi efatige tizo bei tizo tizoirai tizoeme at tizo ique efiege enegerai enegevac at efiege ique tchenes secsi secsirai secsevac at secsi ique ezezei; cafiini secsege MANUSCRIPT cocmar como pues? companero comparecer compasion causa complete comprar comprender comprimir con codo (fol. 10 left) concluso concluir concunado concha condenar al infierno conejo de casa emiti emitirai emita at emiti ique hemgena? penge pat atsi anic arere cotchi at guajere az yai yairai yayeva at yai ique chicacsi chicacsirai chicacseva at chicacsi ique cup cupirai cupeva at cup ique turn zootchi at hijai; atchi; atnam hijai hijarai hijamac at hijai ique guajvi zaza ectacsi infierno can ectacsirai id. at ectacsi ique id. moyoco BIBOLOTTI conejo de aqua confesar confirmacion confundido con migo conocer consanguineo conservar consolar consorte costernar consuncion -tisis contagiar contar contento otto peyaqui sacerdotetum Iglesia can peyerai id. peyaca id. at peyaqui ique id. sciamacsciamacge Santos oleostum cafon yetum ichie ichierai ichieme at ichie ique chetige concai concairai concaamac at concai ique nimbeisi nimbeisirai nimbeeme at nimbeisi ique penge noy noyirai at noyi ique marage siti peste sitiriai at siti ique peste o-quetinge zic zicerai zibieme at zicbitte ique majoi bei MANUSCRIPT contrite contumaz convencido conversar convertido d. m. e. 1. convertirse convidar convulse corazon corcovado cordel corear chacra cornudo corona coronar correr (fol. ii right) corrumpido anic tari cuisi juchave anic am dam chicacsitchi at peni peyaqui peyacarai peyaca at peyaqui ique at anic cafiiti caniti cuisive jucha caiiitirai id. at caniti ique canitac vorvacsi acave vorvirai id. vorveme at vori ique neitch cotchi bonoscit tinge indaqui indaquirai indaca at indaqui ique dasctumtchi secves fara utchi che secves fraeme id. at fraete igue id. feri ferirai ferebada at feri ique at focoi az 26 BIBOLOTTI corromperse corrom -en malo corrompedor corrupcion cortar cortado corte cortedad corteza corto cosa cosechar cosechar, aros cosechar mani cosechar mais focoi focoirai at focoi ique achijoi achijoirai at achijoi ique atchi yicheacsitch achi phoquege tez tezerai tezevac at tez ique tezactchi tez zincage tzin ayei, aye ege eque quetige equerai id ecvac id at eque ique id vecdac vecdacrai vegieva at vecdac ique choyac choyacarai choyaca at choyac ique vonaqui vonaquirai vonaca at vonac ique MANUSCRIPT 27 coser cosido cosquilla costado -mal costilla costumbre cotidianamente coto coyuntura crecer crecida crecido creer cresta criada criado criatura criterio crude crujir infier. giebac giebaquirai giebaca at giebac ique gebactchi chiquinege sapenege mana metaquige erecanmayege doqui toquitcan pani panirai paneva at pani ique panes paiiet chicacsi chicacsirai chicacseva at chicacsi ique zapinge mestiges mestiget izanquis auamu giege za quenechi quenechirai quenecheva at quenech ique 28 BIBOLOTTI crujir infier. (fol. 12 left) cuadrado cual cuando cuanto cuarerita cuasi cuatro cuatrociento cubrir cuello cuerda cuerno cueva pena cuidar culebra culo cumbre monte curar cutis querechi querechirai querechieva at querechi ique namchajo; namchachai; zeimejo chinea engechuc enzichic zistac arajge zis-guapenge zis qui tac qui bus busrai buseva at bus ique tez tinge dasc odoctit concai concarai concamac at concai ique nas give ayequiche meque; chonche pinetete pineterai pineteme at pinetete ique ziri MANUSCRIPT 29 cuyo es chansear bien chansear mal chanza buena chanza mala charla chico chica chicharra noturna chicharra de dia chicha, de mais chisme choclo mais chocho chocha chorrear (fol. 12 right) dar dardo debajo debil D chistchic scevini scevinerai scevineva at scevini ique peivacacsi peivacacsirai peivacacseva at peivate ique scevinge peivacacsege fibisis peyacge izanquit izanquis chichic querezeze scocge uenege bajqui piret anic pires anic chororoi chororoirai chororoyeva at chororoi ique somei someterai somacseva at somete ique ijme pechcan nobibi BIBOLOTTI decir dedo defensor degollar matar divinidad dejar delgado delijado delirio, en sueno delirar id delirio de muerte delirar id delito demas demasiado demenzia demente demonio demora denso umo yj yirai yeme yeva at yi ique chijiriri tifatige ijate ijaterai ijamac at ijatte ique dojit fara farairai faraeme at fara ique cum ojoi faminege famini faminirai faminevac at famini ique faquige faqui faquirai at faqui ique jucha damge anic dai; eimini; jijan sciapuige sciapuitch soyo men atsi anic ches isa MANUSCRIPT dentadura derecho deretir derumbe derumbar desabrido, -a desaire desamor desamparar desapegado desapegar desatar desatinado (fol. 13 left) descanzar descarado descargado descascarado desconfiar moingin quich pozai pozairai pozaeme at pozai ique tchenacge tchienac tchenaquirai at tchenac ique am icsotum doiroi mumu itsi raisage at fara at f arairai at fara ique am raisette amarai raise; amarai raisette daj dajerai dajeme at daj ique am quich incai jetchi jetchirai jetchiemac at jetchi ique am zincai at meyeac ege quede zifi am chicacsi am chicacsirai am chicacsim am chicacsi ique BIBOLOTTI desconsolado descoser descubierto descuidar desde empieza desdentado desear desecar mal desecar-bien desechar desenganado desenojar desentendido tari daj dajeacrai dajeac at dajeac ique ofreyabei amconcai amconcairai amarai concac am concac ique move yacchiti; moche yacchite; oya yacchiti itsi moingin raise raiserai raiseva at raisette ique ninac ninacrai ninaca at ninac ique ichanaqui ichanaquirai ichanaca at ichanac ique guaquinque guaquinquerai guaquicvac at guaquinque ique atchi cave mi? mesi facoi mesirai facoi mesi facova at mesi facoi ique ene am chicacsitchi; ene am sevaquitchi MANUSCRIPT 33 desenterar deseo desesperar desgana desgracia desonzar desonesto desigual deslomado desmayar desmolado desnudo desnudar desobedecido desobedecer desocupado desollar fonebate fonebatrai foiiebamac at foneac ique raysage am nimbeisi am nimbeiserai am nimbeisi ique scoi ege zequi peivacacsi peivacacsirai peivacacsevac at peivacacsi ique achitaquit am quez toe merere nei neirai at nei ique itsi cacco quede quede quederai quedevac at quede ique am chicacsi; at jipenti am chicacsi am chicacsirai am chicacsevac am chicacsi ique at am ege caritac zacaii zacanerai zacanevac at zacan ique 34 BIBOLOTTI desorejado desorejado, no enter desollar animal (fol. 13 right) despacio despajar despeado despedazar despedaz carne despedida despedirse despegado desperdiciar despertar despierto itsi chon am chicacsi ninaqui ninaquirai ninacva at ninac ique ejem; aniniji pajanaqui pajanaquirai pajanacac at pajanaqui ique aretchit yuve chechet chetcheterai chetcheteva at chetchet ique ejaye ejayacrai ejayaca at ejayac ique umbangege umban umbasciarai unbada at ban ique zaczac ymonte yimonterai at yimonte ique itzayeye izayerai izaemac at izayette za; am cosci MANUSCRIPT 35 desposar despreciar despues destechar destripar destrozar lena desvelado detestar pecados detras devorar tragar dia diablo diariamente dientes dientes molares difamado vuemi vuemirai vuemevac at vuemi ique nochiti nochitirai nochita at notchiti ique abia; abia chum meyac sciami meyeacrai id meyeac id at meyeac ique id ecbiti ecbitirai ecbeme at ecbitte ique voco chochoc chocchoquerai chocchoqueme at choccho ique -son am cusci; am hen cusci amarai gichui juchave at am gichui at am gi az juchave equi conini conifiirai coninevac at coiimi ique mayege soyo erecan mayeges moingin cacco at mofii zincage BIBOLOTTI dificil diluvio dios diez dirigir, que discolo disenteria distinto dividir dividir partir (fol. 14 left) doblado doblar doce doler dolor can; amc can zanuvaqui; chuc eban dojit tac qicheac quicheacrai qiuchebada at qich ique achit mointchi morojoi; morojoige pane, panege tez tezerai tezeme at tez chet cheterai cheteme at chetac at chetac ique cazbei caz cazerai cazeme at caz at caz ique tac pana jijan queti quetirai at queti at queti ique queti MANUSCRIPT 37 domesticar domingo dies donde dormida dormir dorso dos docientos dulce durar mucho t. duro (fol. 14 right) ebrio eco echado echarse a dorm. echar aua cugetuc cugetucrai cugetuqueme at cugetuc at cugetuc ique domingos mayege ofiarn coscge cusci cuscirai coscac at cusci at cusci ique merere pana pana qui tac tac qui cavaquis; qui vie; caungis mengerai yeque sciuquit vimage chondoit chondoi chondoirai chondoyevac at chondoi at chondoi ique choj chojerai chojevac at choj at choj ique BIBOLOTTI echar piedras edad edification edificar echar en el saco efigie elevar emanar embarazada embarrar embriagado embudo empalmar fara mij f arairai id. faraevac id. at fara id. at fara ique mij panege hem icheacsege hem icheacsi hem icheacsirai hem icheacseva at hem icheacsi ique bitac bijtacarai bijtaca at bijtac at bijtac ique imunage chei cheyacrai cheyac at cheyac at cheyac ique onam itui auatum vococan tayac tayaquira tayaca at tayac at tayac ique scuquit chojyaquige quechtac quechtaquirai quechtaca at quechtac at quechtac ique MANUSCRIPT 39 empantanar empellon empezar emplumado empollar emponzonado empujon encanada encender vela- encendido encerrado incluso encerrar enaa encima enclavar queti quetirai at queti at queti ique tac jacchiti jacchitirai jacchitica at jacchiti at jacchiti ique pantunsi nabaqui zim turn sciusc can; nasi zim siti jai; jac quercan esi esirai esivac at esi at esi ique at esi quer bei quer querierai querievac at quer at quer ique monginsi sciusc; beya fanche; ayequische; damche pactac pactaquirai pactaca at pactac at pactac ique BIBOLOTTI encojido encontrar encubrir a uno (fol. 15 left) enderezar enemigo enfadar enfermar fiebre enfermos enflaquecer enfrente enganar at tec fiectchi rijbiti rijbitirai rijbitica at rijbiti at rijbiti ique bus buserai buseme at bus at bus ique quich quicheacrai quichemac at quich at quich ique chovaquit efati efatirai efactica at efati at efati ique apacoi apacoirai at apacoi at apacoi ique apacoitchin marai marairai at marai at marai ique netzeii uenei uenerai at uenei at uenei ique MANUSCRIPT engordar engrandesido engullir tragar engullir remedio en hora buena en hora mala vete enjugar enlanado enloquecer emendado enojado enojarse enorme mabe maberai mabac at mabe at mabe ique at dersi hemtac conini coninirai coninevac at conini at conini ique facse facserai facsevac at facse at facse ique pajme meyebadami! sciacsciac sciacsciaquerai sciacsciaceme at sciacsciac at sciacsciac ique phantum sciapui sciapuirai sciapuyeva at sciapui at sciapui ique at mesi metaqui faco bei facoi facoirai facvac at facoi at facoi ique anic dertchi BIBOLOTTI enredo, chisme enronquecido enroscar enroscar ensanchar ensartar ensenar ensuciar entender entero uefiege at itsi imacge panpan panpanerai panpaneva at panpan at panpan ique biscam biscamerai biscammeva at biscam at biscam ique dereve hemtac dereve hemtaquirai dereve hemtaca at dereve hemtac at dereve id ique sovsov sovsoverai sovsovemac at sovsov at sovsov ique ichiacsi ichiacsirai ichiacseva at hichiacsi at hichiacsi ique achitui achituirai achituac at achitui at achitui ique chicacsi chicacsirai chicacsevac at chicacsi at chicacsi ique munmen MANUSCRIPT 43 enterrar entonces entrana entrar entre dos cosas entre dos indio. (fol. 15 right) entregar envejecido envenenar enviar envolver epidemia rigi rigirai rigiemac at rigi at rigi ique ogea vojco siti sitirai sisuac at siti at siti ique vau can guajpana moinchin somei someterai someme at somette at somete ique at pijri; pijiri; at pijiri az zim somei zim someterai zim someme at zim somete at zim somete ique hectacsi hectacsirai hectacseva at hfictacsi at hectacsi ique comon comonerai comoneva at comon at comon ique quetinge 44 BIBOLOTTI equivocar, errar erisipela eructar erupcion escala escaldar aua escamar peje escama de id escampar el cielo escandalo escapar, fugar escaso escoba moni monirai at moni at moni ique puforoge euqui euquirai euquevac at euqui at euqui ique sciupqui bovaquige esciuqui esciuquirai esciuqueme at esciuc at esciuc ique visdac visdaquerai visdaceme at visdac at visdac ique papafi tasciei tascierai at tasciei at tasciei ique achi ichiacsege cavoi cavoirai cavoac at cavoi at cavoi ique am chi dai sinaquit MANUSCRIPT 45 escocer escocer esconder escopeta escuchar escupir ese, esa,-cosa eslabon espaldas espantado espantarse espantar ezezei ezezeirai at ezezei at ezezei ique canini cafiinirai at canini at canini ique imusiti imusiticarai imusitica at imusiti at imusiti ique perere sevaqui sevaquirai sevaca at sevaqui at sevaqui ique chupi chupirai chupievac at chupi at chupi ique mo mize merereve noyit noyi noyirai noyeva at noyi at noyi ique iscia isciaerai isciamac at iscia at iscia ique BIBOLOTTI espejo esperar espeso, duro espesar (fol. 16 left) espiga espigar espina espinazo espiritu esposos espuma espuma de comida esputo este estera estera estirar naitaquige bisaqui bisaquirai bisaca at bisaqui at bisaqui ique neyejo; hemsejo neyaqui neyaquirai neyacvac at neyaqui at neyaqui ique vesc vesci vescirai at vesci at vesci ique jeti merere zasi; tchutchi vuemitchin escocbo sciucbubuge sono hoi juvo scipna tec tequirai tequevac at tec at tec ique MANUSCRIPT 47 estirar estomago estornudar estrecho angosto estrella estuco estupido etico evacuacion evangelic exato expresar bien la pa. exprimir extender mibeii mibenerai mibenevac at mibeii at mibeii ique terebet achic achiquirai achicvac at achic at achic ique set; senet; sototchi onita; onota nana tojot marage morojoi morojoirai at morojoi at morojoi ique dojitsi mic; dojitsi ichiacsege quets hem isciupquieva mic; at hem isciupqui mic cup cuperai cupeeme at cup at cup ique naz nazerai nazeem at naz at naz ique BIBOLOTTI extranar extraviarse extreme (fol. 1 6 right) emonte emonterai emontema at emonte at emonte ique quevetchei quevetcheirai quevetcheva at quevetchei at quevetchei ique ayequis fabula facil facha fachada faja faja de mari faja para trepar fallar fango fardo fastidiar fatiga fatigar uenege am cari veya tacbeacve nititaquis; saptage sarais ti mo bovaquit; vecget itsi itsirai at itsi at itsi ique oiiituin ac chupu iscioingi iscoingirai iscioingemac at iscioingi at iscioingi ique nobege nobi nobirai at nobi at nobi ique MANUSCRIPT 49 fe chicacsege fecha mayege feliz anic majoi feo achi sciusc fetidez focoi fiebre apacoge; hen figura imunacge filtrar nizi iiizirai at iiizi at fiizi ique fin ayequis finado at seni fingido uenenet firme taccan; yeque flaco mara flauta bonege flecha yisme flecha lanza ton flecha bola comora flojo scioi florecido at ame turn florecido no ambi ame turn flor ame flujo morojoi follaje dai sciari forma, orma yupuge (fol. 17 left) fornicar achi taqui achitiquirai achitac at achitaqui at acitaqui ique 50 BIBOLOTTI forzudo fer ge tumtchi foso fandacge fragancia anini pojqui fraternalmente efie guaj vojitin frazada musumu purtchit frecuente me,nsi cuvi freir chacanqui chacanaquirai chacanaca at chacanac at - id - ique frente afi frente afrente nezen fresco frio zivavai fresco de ahora quintchit frio jetisge; jetis friolera amege frito chacanactchi frotar sciacsciac sciacsciaquirai sciacsciaceme at sciacsciac at -id ique frutificar sciasgi sciasgirai at sciasgi at sciasgi ique fruta sacacge fuego tsi; tsienes fuerte fer fuerza ferge fuga cavoige MANUSCRIPT fugarse fulano fumo, umo fumar furioso, altanero (fol. 17 right) cavoi cavoirai cavoac at cavoi at cavoi ique mo isa pisnac pisnaquirai pisnaca at pisnaqui at pisnaqui ique ipentchit gallina gallo gana gancho gangrena garganta garras de animal garrapata garrote garza gavilan generoso gente gola gordo gordura tchocsi; ataua otere raisacge vecsis aige juj patchi cojco; mantchichi sibacge; son vapio; aba; piyuyu; yorisci oj; jo amtijait moinchin jujyas mabet; choi choge BIBOLOTTI gotear grada grande granizo grasa grave greda grito gritar grueso, -a grupo nudo guapo guardar guirnalda gusano, lombrices gustar (fol. 18 left) nitsi nitsirai at nitsi at nitsi ique bovaquige dersi; dertchi jetisge choge afqui pozo hei; vorege heji hejirai hejiyeva at heji at heji ique dertchi; dersi saptage am quinaquitch concai concairai concamac at concai at concai ique secves ochichi hicotchei hicotcheirai hicotchevac at hicotchei at hicotchei ique habil habitacion chitchi coscge MANUSCRIPT S3 habitar habla hablar hacer hacha hachear hallar hamaca hambre hambrear harina harinoso, -a hasta cuand hechizero bey beyrai bevac at bey at bey ique mic peaqui peaquirai peaca at peaqui at peaqui ique hemtaqui hemtaquirai hemtieva at hemtaqui at hemtaqui ique siriaua; paquige yezaqui yezaquirai yezaca at yezac at yezac ique daque daquerai daqueja at daque at daque ique uina daquige daqui daquirai at daqui at daqui ique ascia asciasciai; nazoi enge; engera cucucsi 54 BIBOLOTTI hecho, factum heder hediondo hembra herida hermano hermana hermoso, a herpes hervir hetiquez hiel higado hijo hilar hilo hincar de rodilla hinchado atnam; atchi; a focoi focoirai at focoi at focoi ique focoi; achi az; manitum phen arege vojit; otchi voji choifot; choifos; choibot; choibos izaza vaifii vainirai vaineva at vaini at vaifii ique marage zintchi nebe aua panaqui panaquirai panaca at panaqui at panaqui ique buma gietz gietzerai gietzevac at gietz at gietz ique sciobet MANUSCRIPT 55 hinchar hipocrita (fol. 18 right) hoja hombre hombro hondo hongo horma hoi dia hueco hueso huevo huevear huida huir humo humedo humilde hundir hurto sciojbi sciojbirai sciojbamac at sciojbi at sciojbi ique uenenet scian mointch; soni bibi maj bajtata tupuge oi mayege cose yin fen feiii fenirai at feni at feni ique cavoi cavoi cavoirai cavomac at cavoi at cavoi ique isa orii turn am heteji ochai ochairai at ochai at ochai ique scioange BIBOLOTTI hurtar (fol. 19 left) scioai scioairai scioamac at scioai at scioai ique ictericia idioma idolo ignorancia igual igualar imagen improvisamente inanimado incendio incendiar incienao inclinado incomodar zintchi turn; nosnoi mic uayu am chiige; tojoge; dene giege quetz quetzi quetzirai quetzeeme at quetz at quetz ique imunage guatique ambi tchitchi turn; ambi sasitum; ambi nicnit avacge; esige esii esiirai esievac at esii at esii ique bejqui zinen efati efatirai efatica at efati at efati ique MANUSCRIPT 57 inconstante incordio incredulo indeciso industria infame infeliz infiel infierno inflamado inflamar inobediente inocente inquieto inquietar insolente insoportable instruir inteligenzia caniti; uenenet quiscin am chicacsitch tizo bei quevacge itsi zincage nimbe uenei yareges can; guateges can beyege; infierno; soyotchi beyege sciocbi; nebi sciocbi sciocbirai at sciocbi at sciocbi ique am chicacsi dene jucha faco bei efati efatirai efatica at efati at efati ique achit at am hen hicheacsi hicheacsirai hicheacseva at hicheacsi at hicheacsi ique chicacsege BIBOLOTTI interceder intercesor internal (fol. 19 right) intolerable inundacion inutil invalido invariable invisible invocar involuntario ir andar ir a etc. ira congee congeterai congeevac at congete at congete ique nimbeisige siti sitirai sisuac at siti at siti ique at am hen; am hen sevaqui at anic maj oni am egeget at am hen caritac; at peret az me mumu bei; taca bei am hen caviti vorveac vorveacrai vorveme at vorvete at vorvete ique am gi chui; itsi raisacge; yaqui mii mirai mievac at mii at mii ique sacti sactirai sactica at sacti at sacti ique facoge; ipentige MANUSCRIPT 59 ireparable at am hen irritar efati efatirai efactica at efacti at efacti ique isla pocho; chetche izquierdo, -a quinves (fol. 20 left) J jabali mumufii jamas am dam jaula cochi Jesus C Quesu. C jocoso izangeitchi Jornada i* iris mayege joven nanat jubilo majoge juego itsange; mamage jugar mamai mamairai mamayeja at mamai at mamai ique jugo einginge; fii juicio giege junco tapi junto contigo guajmuya tsufi (fol. 20 right) L labio cho labor caritage lacre punipo 6o BIBOLOTTI lacrima ladrar ladron lagarto lago lagrima laguna lamento lamentar lamer lampo lana lapo largo lastima, comp. lastimar id. lastimarse latigo uatege uejqui uejquirai at uejqui at uejqui ique sciosciatchi bijca zique guatis zique guati guati guatirai at guati at guati ique enom enomerai enomeme at enom at enom ique pejpeo phafi cat mocheas ote ote oterai oteyeva at otejette at otejete ique are arerai at are at are ique sibacge MANUSCRIPT 61 lavar ropa leche lecho, cama lecho catre lechuza notur? lejano lengua lena lepra levandarse levantar algu. liar libro liebre (fol. 21 left) liga ligadura putac putaquirai putaca at putac at putac ique tacsin scum cosciges scion moch nem son quetinge saqui saquirai saquieva at saqui at saqui ique quich quicheacarai quicheme at quich at quich ique sap saperai sapeme at sap at sap ique quirica jentchetche; chupane lya saptage 62 BIBOLOTTI ligar ligero limon suti limpiar limpiar, barer Undo linea lobo loco lombriz lomo loro lucifer luego lugar, donde luna luz (fol. 21 right) llaga llamada LL sap saperai sapeme at saptac at saptac ique feri; piqueva; f erica asciascia sciacsciac sciacsciaquerai sciasciaceme at sciacsciac at sciacsciac ique sinaqui sinaquirai sinaca at sinaqui at sinaqui ique anic hem feyaquige; tupuge oveveru; hechesu sciapui ochichi merere otchi soyo cavin onam iva naitige aige vorege MANUSCRIPT llamar llanada llanto llegar llena llenar llevar llorar llover llovisna lluvioso (fol. 22 left) maciso madera madre M von vorvirai vorveme at vori at vori ique ipage guatege venchoi venchoirai at venoi at venoi ique ben ben befierai benevac at beii at ben ique camban cambanrai cambanda at camban at camban ique guati guatirai at guati at guati ique anei anerai at anei at anei ique dgiriri; dgiriri anetorai ches son nono; ze BIBOLOTTI madrugada madrugada levan maduro maiz malo, -a malcasado maldad maldito maleza malecho malizia malsano malva mamar mancha mandar coman. mandar remi. manga manejarse bien pamige paminge saquirai inzis tara am hem am hem vuemitchi achi maldito pazacge achi hemtac achi gii; achi peyaqui am resc bei; am fer bei nebges zii ziirai zievac at zii at zii ique pezes; oc eacsi eacsirai eacseva at eacsi at eacsi ique ectacsi ectacsirai ectacseva at ectacsi at ectacsi ique unves embei hembeirai hembevac at hembei at hembei ique MANUSCRIPT mango de cu. mano manusear mano jo de mantener manana marca marcar, sena mareo margen del rio marido mariposa martillo mas, plus mas, pero mascar maza p a pelear (fol. 22 right) mascara cutuge un fhistche fiustcherai fiustchieme at fiustche at fiustche ique choco concai concairai concamac at concai at concai ique fiofiorai tupuge tupui tupuirai tupueme at tuputui at tuputui ique camancaman hutchi tascia uentchi batata pacaquige damge za cacham cachamirai cachamevac at cacham at cacham ique ebba oppo 66 BIBOLOTTI matadura matar materia matrimonio mayor mear mechero medicinar medicina medida medio medio dia medir meditar medroso medula aige hojai hojairai hojamac at hojai at hojai ique onoge vuemege muyat chiqui chiquirai chiquevac at chic at chic ique mize pinetete pineterai pinetevac at pinetete at pinetete ique pinege tupuge chet quich can tuputui tuputuirai tupueme at tuputui at tuputui ique iziti izitirai izitac at iziti at iziti ique quinaquitchi pizos MANUSCRIPT 67 mejilla mejor melanconia memoria mendigo menear menear la cab. menguar la aua. menor de eda menos mentecato mentira mentir mentiroso meollo mes meter an damge hem tarege gichucge nimbet juciiiti jucnitirai jucnita at juciiiti at juciiiti ique. tecofitecon tecontecofierai tecofitecofievac at tecofitecon at id ique at chiebafi at chiebanrai at chieban at chieban ique equit oyaya sciapuitch uefiege anic ueiiei ueiieirai uefieiyeva at ueiiei at uenei ique ueuenet sasa iva fiete iieterai iieteme at fiete at fiete ique 68 BIBOLOTTI mesclar mesquino (fol. 23 left) miaja miedo miel mierda mio mia mirar miserable mesquino miserable miseria misericordia misericordioso mismo mi tad moco modestia modorra mofar cafon cafonerai cafoneme at cafon at cafon ique tijaitchi pizos quinaquege coroma ves jetchi jesi cave caverai cavemac at cavacsi at cavacsi ique ihitchijantchin nimbetchit nimbejoge nimbeyitige nimbeitchi guaquez; mo anic chet; gincari scioscio hemtchuti; hembei cusciscige; baari enacsi enacsirai enacseva at enacsi at enacsi ique MANUSCRIPT 69 mof ar id mojar moler molestar molesto molimiento momento mondar montana montar monton ninete nineterai iiiiieme at ninete at ninete ique ayui ayuirai ayuyeva at ayui at ayui ique mesac mesaquirai mesaca at mesac at mesac ique scioingi scioingirai sciongievac at sciongi at scioingi ique scioingeacgi eyumtige; eyum dam zacan zacanerai zacafieva at zacan at zacan ique meque; derege bovi bovirai boveva at bovi at bovi ique dirige 70 BIBOLOTTI morar habitar at at bey beyrai bevac bey bey ique morbo quetinge; apacoge morder izacsi izacsirai izacseva at izacsi at izacsi ique morir sefii senirai at sefii at sefii ique mortero cochaquis mosca enojno; mezejen mover at at jucfiiti jucnitirai jucfiitica jucniti jucniti ique (fol. 23 right) mucho mutabe mudar de. 1. aot muela muerte muerto mostrar dai canititch fioquea cambafi fioquea caerai fioquea cambanda at noquea cambafi at id ique caco senge senitchi icoyacsi icoyacsirai icoyacseva at icoyacsi at icoyacsi ique MANUSCRIPT mujer mundo muneca murmurar muro pared mutuo (fol. 24 left) nacer, sembrio nacer una criat. nada nadador nadar nadie naranja nariz naufragio naufragar N phen ereac cazegeyat; popotcli peivacacsi peivacacsirai pivatica at peyvacacsr at peivacasi ique nari guajmu chibi chibirai at chibi at chibi ique nai nairai at nai at nai ique am ege vigitchi viigi viigirai viigievac at vigi at vigi ique itsi mananja hei tomige tomi tomirai toma at tomi at tomi ique BIBOLOTTI nausea de vom. nausear id necesidad necesidar nido niebla nieve nifia nino ni un poco no noche nombre no obstante nosotros noticia noventa nube adentro nuca nuera nueve nuevo nueva nunca hacer ininige ifiini ininirai at inifii at inini ique jemonte emone emofierai at emone at emone ique tii isare jetisge nanas nanat am dam am segege; tomo ti pajza me izun mic arajtac tac ane can giochgi isc arajtac motchit moisis am dam metaqui; pajtza poroma MANUSCRIPT 73 (fol. 24 right) obedecer obediencia obediente obligation observar obstinado ocio otioso ocultamente ocultar ochenta ocho odio odiar ofender oido doler chicacsi chicacsirai chicacsevac at chicacsi at chicacsi ique chicacsege chicacsitchi obligacion cave caverai cavevac at cavacsi at cavacsi ique yeque scioinge scioi beitchi cam imuse imuserai imuseme at imuse at imuse ique quencantac quencan efatige efati efatira efatica at efati at efati ique chuncan queti; sevacge 74 BIBOLOTTI oir ojo ola olear con s. o. oler oliscado olor olvidadizo olvidar oUa ombligo omnipotente onza oprimido opbrobrio orar - verbo - sevaqui sevaquirai sevaca at sevaqui at sevaqui ique ve pufei sciamansciamangei id -irai at - id -gei at sciamansciamangei ique osaqui osaquirai osaca at osaqui at osaqui ique mui focoi osacge jaquitchi jaqui jaquirai jaceme at jaqui at jaqui ique tanget oyo erehemtaquitchi netata cachbei achiachismic icheiti icheiticarai icheitica at icheiti at icheiti ique MANUSCRIPT 75 ordenar oreja orilla orina (fol. 25 left) orinar oreja orejudo orgullo oscuridad osucuro oso osudo otro oyente (fol. 25 right) eacsi eacsirai eacseva at eacsi at eacsi ique cho chive chiquige chiqui chiquirai chiquieva at chiqui at chiqui ique chu anic der chu ipentige tomage tojmai uyutchine yintumtchi nucsi sevaquitchi paciencia padre pais paja pajaro pala paladar am heteitchi; paciencia momo; yen beyege tafii aijtchi coraquige vava 7 6 BIBOLOTTI palido nesnei palizada son palizada en el rio enema palma sciocto; sciami palma de mano un palo son paloma otto palpar tchustche tchustcherai tchustchemac at tchustche at tchustche ique pan tanta pantano achi ac pantera itziqui panza vojco panzon anic der vojco papagayo otchi par par panapana parado nequequeitchi; sacbei paraiso mayegeche parar bei beirai be vac at bei at bei ique parche pazacge parecer, dar coi coirai at coi at coi ique parecer de repente guatique muya guatique muyarai at guatique muya at guatique muya ique MANUSCRIPT 77 pariente parlador parlar parpado partida partir salir partir id partir id partir dividir (fol. 26 left) parir pasado chetige peyaquitchi peyaqui peyaquirai peyaca at peyaqui at peyaqui ique an saquege saqui saquirai saquieva at saqui at saqui ique nitsi iiitsirai iiitseme at nitsi at nitsi ique sactchi sactchirai sactcheva at sactchi at sactchi ique chet cheterai chetieva at chet at chet ique basigi basigirai at basigi at basigi ique atiyi BIBOLOTTI pasajero pasear paso pateadura patear pato patrono, -a pava pava roncadora pecado pecador pecar pecho pedir pedo pedregoso pegado miitchi mii miirai miievac at mii at mii ique yutchege ritage ritai ritairai ritayeva at ritai at ritai ique opo; utzu tifatige tovi erne jucha uchatumtchi jucha juchairai juchayeva at juchai at juchai ique efe congee congeerai congeemac at congee at congee ique ififit mi j turn epez; rap; pei MANUSCRIPT 79 pegar con cola pegar, castigar pemar peine pelado pelear peligro pelo pellejo pellizcar pellisco pena penasco peor pepita pequeno rap raperai rapeeme at rap at rap ique sip siperai sipeeme at sipete at sipete ique isciuvati isciuvatirai isciuaveme at isciuvati at isciuvati ique pezi quede cheti chetirai chetievac at cheti at cheti ique zequi fin zin dozeac dozeaquirai dozeaceme at dozeac at dozeac ique dozege tarege caya; mijdertchi damge achi vejemu izanquitchi 8o BIBOLOTTI pequeno de estatu. (fol. 26 right) peder perdido, -a perdiz perdon perdonar perecer pereza perezoso perfido perfil perijo lijero perro, a perseguir persignarse persona pertinaz bascio moni mofiirai monaca at moni at moni ique muni; moni fofor nimbeisige nimbeisi nimbeisirai nimbeitica at nimbeisi at nimbeisi ique moni mofiirai monaca at moni at moni ique. scioinge sciosciointchi achi mointchi zinen urbe; osc acho queche quecherai quechemac at queche at queche ique Santa Cruzi hemtac mointchi taca achi beitchi MANUSCRIPT 81 pesado afqui pesar afqui afquirai at afqui at afqui ique pesar con balanz. tuputui tuputuirai tupueme at tuputui at tuputui ique pestana an peste quetinge pez tambenge picante queti picazon etzetzei pie ju piedra mij piel ziii pimienta ja pina merique piojo ziv pisar jutche jutcherai jutcheme at jutche at jutche ique pitar pisnac pisnaquerai pisnaca at pisnac at pisnac ique piano quez planta del pie cozage 82 BIBOLOTTI plantar sembra. plata (fol.27left) platano plato playa plaza pleno pluma poblacion poco pobre pobreza poderoso polenta polilla polio, -a porque porqueria porqueria de mal. predicar la pal. del. s. prensar queti quetirai quetiyevac at queti at queti ique querecha; ichenet peere micta tascia peve; rojya ben pan beyege dam nimbe nimbeige ere hemtaquitchi cordacsi zizitui ichiosci egeve pazage achismic icheacsi icheacsirai icheacseva at icheacsi at icheacsi ique cubac cubaquirai cubaca at cubac at cubac ique MANUSCRIPT prenez presentar, veer. presentar hacer veni presentar presentes. prestado presto presumido prevaricado prieto primero primicia primogenito principiar prisa proa probar profanada (fol. 27 right) projimo auatum voco can icoye icoyerai icoyacseva at icoye at icoye ique patatsi fibitui fibituirai fibituac at fibitui at fibitui ique fibiyachum cavin ipenti at cafiiti; at achicafi incambafi tchimac meyat; taschet muyas vescmo taschet jacchiti jacchitirai jachitac at jachiti at jacchiti ique cavin tataqui icotchei icotcherai icotcheva at icotchei at icotchei ique jachique Iglesia nutchi mointchi BIBOLOTTI prometido pronto pronunciar pa propio proposito propagar que providencia provocar proximo publico pudor pudrir pueblo puerta puerto pues pulga pulmon punta atchi anic peaqui; amarai caniti cavin isciupqui mic isciupquirai mic isciupquieva mic at isciupqui mic at isciupqui ique mic yetchi amarai caniti sciasgi sciasgirai sciasgiac at sciasgi at sciasgi ique dojitsi nimbeisige vori vorirai vorvemac at vori at vori ique cheyat ere chi moinchin zincage focpi focoirai at focoi at focoi ique beyege quertaquige soquitige meinas mii damche MANUSCRIPT puntapie punzada punzar pupila pureza pus (fol. 28 left) ritage poch poch pochirai pocheme at poch at pochi ique anichemsi oiioge que, profi rel. que? i tero~ que, ut quebrado quebrar quedada quedar queja quemar mo ege pat foe foe focerai foceme at foe at foe ique taqiyabei taquiya taquiarai taquia at taquia at taquia ique mic cosciai cosciairai coscia at cosciai at cosciai ique BIBOLOTTI querer quien quieto quince quitar quizas (fol. 28 right) raise raiserai raisemac at raise at raise ique ichi; chinca; ichidasc chuchui tac canam ijafi meye meyerai meyevac at meye at meye ique enaca rabia rabo radicar raiz rajar rala rama rana rapido efatige condi siyai siyarai at siyai at siyai ique siyai; bine chet chetoirai chetac at chet at chet ique ghierei daca yere feri MANUSCRIPT rascar rata raya real realmente recaer recaido enfer. rezelo rezelo yo recibir recio grueso recitar reclinar recoger la cose. ezeniti ezenitirai ezenitac at ezeniti at ezeniti ique metche isine anictchit anic cuvi metaqui cuvi metaquirai cuvi metaquieva at cuvi metaqui at cuvi metaqui ique cuvi apacoi quinaquege quinaquiye ectchete ectcheterai ectchetevac at ectchete at ectchete ique dertchi icheiti icheitirai icheitac at icheiti at icheiti ique nee fiecrai necvac at nee at nee ique eque equerai ecvac at eque at eque ique 88 BIBOLOTTI recordar recostar recostar recto recuerdo red rededor redondo reflexion reflexionar regalo regaliz regresar reincidencia gichui gichuirai gichuac at gichui at gichui ique cusci cuscirai cusca at cusci at cusci ique nee nequerai necvac at fiec at nee ique guich gichuige saji cotoive comoroi; tebubus giege; izitige iziti izitirai iziemac at iziti at iziti ique fibiya cavavas caniti canitirai canitac at caniti at caniti ique cuvi metaqui MANUSCRIPT 89 reir (fol. 29 left) reluciente rellanar rellenar remanso remar remedar remo remolino remolon remordimiento rempujar rencilla rencor gisi gisirai gisac at gisi at gisi ique soquemnevi quez; ipagei hemtac rigi rigirai rigiemac at rigi at rigi ique ziquei oigi oigirai oigiemac at oigi at oigi ique jiyacsi jiyacsirai jiyiacsevac at jiyacsi at jiyacsi ique doch^aquis vaini oiii scioi orere cotchi huchave tachei tacherai tachemac at tachei at tachete ique facoge facoge; ipentige BIBOLOTTI remr reposar resbalado resbalar resfriado resina, inciens resollar resuello retono retonar retontizon retrato reventar faquiti faquitirai facovac at faquiti at faquiti ique hetchi hetchirai hetchemac at hetchi at hetchi ique quesctchei ochai ochairai ochaamac at ochai at ochai ique ajage; ajac; chevacge bejqui hetchi hetchirai hetchemac at hetchi at hetchi ique hetchi chipange chipan chipaiierai at chipan at chipan ique queti vococan imunage top topoirai at topoi at topoi ique MANUSCRIPT rezar rezo ribera rinon rio risa robar robo robusto rodilla romper (fol. 29 right) romper la cuerda. ropa rostro rueda icheiti icheticarai icheitac at icheiti at icheiti ique icheitige tascache cai inac gisige scioai scioairai scioamac at scioai at scioai ique scioange fer; resc cazege toe toquerai toquemac at toe at toe ique fez fezerai fezevac at fez at fez ique osci6 veya choinge BIBOLOTTI (fol. 30 left) sabalo, pescado sabana saber sabeduria sal salir saliva saltar salvaje sanar sangre sano sapo sarna satanas sauce seccar sen musumu chii chiirai at chii at chii ique chiinge hicco sciupqui sciupquirai at sciupqui at sciupqui ique sono payoi payoirai payoa at payoi at payoi ique derecantchi fer uban fer unbanrai fer ubanda at fer ubafi at fer uban ique chose fer; resc ocooco parara soyo isitai ichanac ichanaquirai ichanaca at ichanac at ichanac ique MANUSCRIPT seco chanes sed aari secur ciriagua; paquige sembrado quetige semilla vejemu semola sii sentado beitchit sentar bei beirai bevac at bei at bei ique sentir chicacsi chicacsirai chicacseva at chicacsi at chicacsi ique serial tupuge separado panepane sereno tascei serpiente naz serrado quer serrania meque serrucho fequeraquige servidor mestige serebro sasa si a siempre tacca silencio chuchui simil ene (fol. 30 right) simpleza tojoge sincere quich peaquitch 94 BIBOLOTTI siniestra quinves un soberbia ipentige soberbio ipentchit sobra ijaii sobre fanche sobremesa nastchit sobrino atta soez eques sol izufi solido yeque soliman conofito solo irit soltero munet sombra omnom sonar tamini tamimrai at tamini at tamini ique soplar fin nnrai finemac atfifi at fifi ique sordera amchicacsige; tooge soterrar rigi rigirai rigievac at rigi at rigi ique subir bovi bovirai bovevac at bovi at bovi ique sucio equei MANUSCRIPT 95 sudor sueno susto suyo (fol. 31 left) moi; moge cuscisci noyege motchi tabaco tabana tabla taciturno taladro talento tambien tambor tampoco tarn poquito? tapa tapar techo tedio tedioso tejer tejedor tejido temblar cos me itama chuchuitch; taritch mizaquige giegietum; giege chume; chime ricarica chume am meqjui momo? zuptage; entage i zup zupirai zupemac at zup at zuptac ique taratchi; sciamis scioinge sciongi panaqui panaquirai panaca at panaqui at panaqui ique panatchit panacge noynoy BIBOLOTTI temor tenderse tender la mesa tener tener fuerte tentacion tenue tenir terciana testa teta tierno tierra tigre timido tirante tisis tocar algo qumaquege chondoi chondoirai chondoevac at chondoi at chondoi ique nazeva oscio mesache muya muyarai at muya at muya ique tapchui tapchuirai tapchuac at tapchui at tapchui ique achi giege cum chutac chutaquirai chutaca at chutac ique vaucan apacoi hutchi tascin ojoi ac itziqui quinaquitch tec marage tchustche tchustcherai tchustchemac at tchustche id ique MANUSCRIPT 97 (fol. 31 right) tocayo nonno todavia ambi todo ere todo entero munmen todopoderoso ere hemtaquitchi tomar tap taperai tapevac at tap at tap ique tonto tojot tor do pajaro chico tortuga quijbo tos ajai tostar scevanac scevanaquirai scevanaca at scevanac at scevanac ique tr aba jar caritac caritacrai caritaca at caritac at caritac ique trabajo caritacge trampa ibei tranca sope tranquilo majoi tras equive tripa vojco triste tari tronco dochco BIBOLOTTI tronchar chocac chocacquirai chocaca at chocac at chocac ique trotar piqui piquirai piquevac at piqui at piqui ique trueno perere tu mi tuerto coidajo tumor sciobege tuyo mitchi (fol. 32 left) U ubre tasci ulcera ayege ultimo ayequitch umbilico oyo unico irit momo una patchi (fol. 32 right) vaciar vacio vado choj chojerai chojevac at choj at choj ique dene nopge MANUSCRIPT 99 vanidoso ipentchit vaso ichequige vecino cheyat vejez pirige vena nectchit venado fie vender yay yayrai yayevac at yay at yay ique venir acam ventarron fer pititi ver naitchi naitchirai at naitchi at naitchi ique ver id cave caverai cavemac at cave at cave ique veraz quich peyaquitchi verdad chiata verde za verguenza zincage vergonzoso zincaitch vibora naz; nabat vicioso achitchi vida, alma zasi; tchutchi vidrio naitaquige vidrioso am yeque viejo piret viento pititi 100 BIBOLOTTI vientre vigilar vil violin violinista visitar vista viuda viudo vivir vivir en vivo (fol. 33 left) volar volcar, balza vojco za zairai zaevac at za at za ique achitchi; equeitchi sequinaquige sequinaquitchi sobaqui sobaquirai sobaca at sobaqui at sobaqui ique naitige munes munet zai zairai zaevac at zai at zai ique bei beirai bevac at bei at bei ique za nai nairai naamac at nai at nai ique ep MANUSCRIPT 101 volcar id voltear voluntad voluntariamente volver vomitar vosotros voz vuestro (fol. 33 right) tomi tomirai tomac at tomi at tomi ique camaii camafirai camaii at caman at caman ique raisacge cui raise cuvi cuvirai at cuvi at cuvi ique chai chairai chaamac at chai at chai ique mic; imacge miintchi yactura yema de uevo yerba yerno yerro yeso yo arege buisc yata vi monitchi nana 102 BIBOLOTTI (fol. 34 left) Z zarcillo chofives zumo fimo zurriaga sibage FINIS OPerE LAUS DEO ET INMACUL^E CONCEPCIONIS B. M V CUYIUS PATROCINIO SE REFUGIT F. B. B. (fol. 34 right) NUMERACION irit pana chibin tsis canam ebeun yevetige quencan arajtac tac tac irit ijan tac pana ijan tac chibin ijan tac tsis ijan tac canam ijan tac eveun ijan tac yevetige ijan tac quencan ijan tac arajtac ijan pana qui tac chibin qui tac, tsis qui tac canam qui tac ebeun qui tac yevetige qui tac 103 104 BIBOLOTTI quencan qui tac 80 arajtac qui tac 90 tac qui tac 100 pana tac qui tac 200 chibin tac qui tac 300 tsis tac qui tac 400 canam tac qui tac 500 ebeun tac qui tac 600 yevetige tac qui tac 700 quencan tac qui tac 800 arajtac qui tac 900 tac qui tac tac qui IOOO irit qui irit = I pana qui pana = 4 chibin qui pana = 6 tsis qui pana = 8 canam qui pana = 10 pana qui chibin. . = 6 chibin qui chibin = 9 tsis qui chibin = 12 canam qui chibin = 15 eveun qui chibin = 18 yevetige qui chibin = 21 quencan qui chibin = 24 arajtac qui chibin = 27 tac qui chibin = 3 pana qui tsis = 8 chibin qui tsis = 12 MANUSCRIPT 105 tsis qui tsis = 16 canam qui tsis = 20 ebeun qui tsis = 24 yevetige qui tsis = 28 quencan qui tsis = 32 arajtac qui tsis = 36 tac qui tsis = 40 pana qui chibin = . . pana qui canam = 10 chibin qui canam = i5 tsis qui canam = 20 canam qui canam = 2 5 ebeun qui canam = 3 yevetige qui canam = 35 quencan qui canam =40 arajtac qui canam = 45 tac qui canam = 5 pana qui ebeun = 12 chibin qui ebeun = 18 tsis qui ebeun = 24 canam qui ebeun = 30 ebeun qui ebeun = 36 yevetige qui ebeun = 42 quencan qui ebeun = 48 arajtac qui ebeun = 54 tac qui ebeun = 60 pana qui yevetige = 14 chibin qui yevetige = 21 io6 BIBOLOTTI tsis qui yevetige =28 canam qui yevetige =35 ebeufi qui yevetige = 42 yevetige qui yevetige =49 quencan qui yevetige =56 arajtac qui yevetige = 63 tac qui yevetige = 70 pana qui quencan = 16 chibin qui quencan = 24 tsis qui quencan =32 canam qui quencan =40 ebeun qui quencan =48 yevetige qui quencan = 56 quencan qui quencan = 64 arajtac qui quenta =72 tac qui quencan = 80 pana qui arajtac = 18 chibin qui arajtac =27 tsis qui arajtac = 36 canam qui arajtac =45 ebeun qui arajtac = 54 yevetige qui arajtac = 63 quencan qui arajtac =72 arajtac qui arajtac =81 tac qui arajtac =90 pana qui tac = 20 chibin qui tac =30 tsis qui tac =40 MANUSCRIPT 107 (fol. 35 left) canam qui tac ebeufi qui tac yevetige qui tac quencan qui tac araj qui tac tac qui tac pana qui tac qui tac chibin qui tac qui tac tsis qui tac qui tac canam qui tac qui tac ebeuii qui tac qui tac yevetige qui tac qui tac quencan qui tac qui tac araj tac qui tac qui tac tac qui tac qui tac = 60 = 70 = 80 = 90 = 100 = 200 = 300 = 500 = 600 = 700 = 800 = 900 = IOOO SUMA SENCILLA 1 Uamuge 12345678 90123456 Uajmu $102,469,134 nucsi 34680 45630 yuajmu $80310 nucs 3089 2040 fiucsi 683510 214190 uajmuge $897600 nucs 00 uamuya $5129 uamuya $1000 io8 BIBOLOTTI nucsi $101 $204 uamuya $305 Concamac zicbicya numeros Tacves yacchiticai mi. Chume yjan zicbige Arajtac quinves caerai, ene muyes zicbige. i. quencan ebeun-uajmu - tactsis- tsis sanerai mi pechcan; iris quinves caerai; yirai mi: iris chi yevetige quencan, chi canam, tac chibin: chibin sanerai, iris quinves, yirai, iris chi ebeufi yevetige, chi tsis tac iris: iris sanerai chi iris quin- verai; yirai, iris chi canam ebeufi: chi Chibin arajtac, arajtac sanerai, am qui ege quinverai cacai am vefioi tacya. yirai chume tsis chi pana ebeun; ebeufi sanerai mi: chume nucsi che yirai pana y. o. zero, pana mamo: nucsi che, iris chi arajtac, tac Uajmucan; mun. men tac sanerai mi: At rai zicbic ere numero, hichei ticarai mi ; meyat chibin chibin numero panerai mi tacves yacchitirai: yirai mi chibin che, tac qui tac; nucsi che chibin- tac qui tac tac qui Mil . . Nucsi che Chibin un milion Ogea yirai = Tac qui tac pana Milion: Tac qui tac, ebeufi tac, arajtac: Tac qui tac tac qui; Tac qui tac, chibin tac, tsis. 2 a Regla. SUTRACION Debe mi tac qui tac ebeufi ijan pezos: At somete mi Chibin tac tsis ijan: maje mi chi ensichic pesos debe taca: ogea me sanerai mi Debe 106 pesos Mi a somete Haber 34 " Quin yirai: Chinca debe ebeun, somacsi, tsis 72 " Debe Chinca debe tac somacsi Chibin: Ogea Debe mi taca yevetige tac pana ijan. 5hicsi Chimoge Debe $223 Haber $ 83 Debe Tac qui Tac, Tsis tac ijan .$140 Debe MANUSCRIPT Nucsi Debe mi .................. $10 Mi a somete .............. $10 Maje chi mi endac debe turn ................ $00 itsi debe ftucsi Chimoge. Chinca debe .................... $80 Somacsi ........................ $79 Muya Debe irit peso ...................... $ i 5Jucsi Chimoge. Chinca Debe Pana qui tac qui tac . 200 Somacsi Iris tac qui tac .......... 100 Debe taca tac qui tac .................... 100 (fol. 35 right) 3 Regla DIVISION Pana Mointchin at bijoi uajmucafi tac qui tac pezos. . . .$100 Maje chiin ensichic pezos at bijoi irititi : ogea Sanerai mi $100 Pana moinchin sanerai 2, pechcan tac qui tac . . moinchin 2 ........................................... $50 Tacves un f eyacarai mi f eyacgeche sanerai numero . . yirai mi : pana; ensichic siti tac can? canam qui siti. Cuvi yirai, pana ensichic siti zero can-zero siti = tacves feya = egeche sanerai: Chi caverai, irititi moinchin at bijoi Canam qui tac pesos. NUCSI Chibin moinchin at bijoi Qencan tac tsis ijan .... $84 Quin Chibin ensichic siti, Quencan, can ; pana qui = Mointchin 3 $28 jijafi pana pezos : Ogea enegerai tasche tsis, yirai 24 . . Ogea, chibin ensichic siti 24 can; Chibin qui siti, egeve Chibin qui Quencan, hemtac Panatac tsis ijan = Ogea at bijoi Chibin moint- chin irititi panatac quencan ijan pezos. iio BIBOLOTTI NUCSI Tac moinchin at bijoi $110 $11 Maje chi ensichic pezos at rai bijoi irititi Mointchin tac 10 ftUCSI Pana tac Moinchi at bijoi tac qui, tac tac qui. . . .$1000 Maje chi ensichic pesos atrai bijoi panatac moinchin . . 20 Repeticion de las tres Reglas Sutracion Sumar. . . .$248 Debe. . . $401 Paga $25 Total... $649 Resta..$3i id $5729 id $109 $ 3 2 4 Paga $ 15 Total.. $6053 Resta. id $7384 idDebe . . $1000 $ 637 Paga...$ 900 Total.. $802 1 Resta $ 100 id $44790 $23315 Total. $68105 Divison Diez hombres han ganado $ 90 queremos haber cuanto cada $ 10 $ ~~9 Id 50 hombres han ganad $1000 Cuanto habra ganado cada uno 50 $ 20 Id 100 hombres han gana $3000 Cuanto cada uno 100 $ 30 Id 4 hombres han ganado $ 94 Cuanto cada uno ha ganad 4 $23.4 MANUSCRIPT in (fol. 36 left) yo tu aquel nosotros vosotros aquellos hombre hombres il hombre hombres padre id padre mujer mujeres madre id madre NOMBRES PERSONALES ye mi mo tsufi miin moin mointchi mointchiin soni soiiiin mumu hen phen phenin fiofio ze CONJUGACIONES yo amo tu amas aquel ama nosotros amamos vosotros amais aquellos aman ye raise mi raise mo raise tsufi raise miin raise moin raise yo amare tu amaras aquel amara ye raiserai mi raiserai mo raiserai 112 BIBOLOTTI nosotros amaremos vosotros amareis aquellos amaran yo ame tu amasti aquel amo nosotros hemos amado tsun raiserai miin raiserai moin raiserai ye at raisete mi at raisete mo at raisete tsun at raisete miin at raisete moin at raisete ama tu amad vosotros amen aquellos yo quiero tu quieres aquel quiere nosotros queremos vosotros quereis aquellos quieren Perfecto yo quise tu quisiste aquel quiso nosotros quisimos vosotros quisisteis aquellos quisieron yo habia querido tu habias querido raisac mi raisac miin raisac moin ye maje mi maje mo maje tsun maje miin maje moin maje ye raisete mi majete mo majete tsun majete miin majete moin majete ye at raisete ique mi at raisete ique MANUSCRIPT aquel habia nosotros etc. vosotros etc. aquellos etc. mo at raisete ique tsufi at majete ique mil at majete ique moin at raiset ique quieras tu quiera aquel quieran vosotros quieran aquellos majieva mi majievac mo majievac miin majievac moin en plural no se usa yo miro tu miras aquel nosotros miramos vosotros mirai aquellos miran ye doiroi mi doiroi mo doiroi tsufi doiroi miin doiroi moin doiroi P = yo mire tu miraste aquel miro n memos mirado vosotros etc. aquellos etc. P.P.yo habia mirado tu habias etc. aquel etc. nosotros etc. vosotros etc. aquellos etc. ye at doiroi mi at doiroi mo at doiroi tsufi at doiroi miin at doiroi moin at doiroi ye at doiroi ique mi at doiroi ique mo at doiroi ique tsufi at doiroi ique miin at doiroi ique moin at doiroi ique 114 BIBOLOTTI F= mira tu mirad vosotros yo ando tu andas aquel anda nosotros etc. vosotros etc. aquellos etc. P = yo anduve tu anduviste aquel anduvo nosotros etc. vosotros etc. aquellos etc. P.P. yo habia andado tu habias etc. aquel etc. nosotros habiamos etc. vosotros etc. aquellos etc. anda tu andad vosotros doiroyeva mi doiroyevac miin ye mii mi mii mo mii tsufi mii miin mii moin mii ye at mii mi at mii mo at mii tsufi at mii miin at mii moin at mii ye at mii ique mi at mii ique mo at mii ique tsufi at mii ique miin at mii ique moin at mii ique miyevac mi miyevac miin De igual modo Conjuga todos los demas verbos que se te ocuran. Advirtiendote (como ya has visto) que no tienen mas tiempos que el presente, Perfecto, pluscuam Perfecto, Futuro, Imperative este ultimo no tiene mas que la segunda persona de ambos Numeros Ojo en el verbo Andar le falta el Futuro que es miirai MANUSCRIPT 115 (fol. 36 right) muchacho nanat inuchachos nanatin muchacha nanas muchachas nanasin Guauas de pecho auain Te prevengo que en las Oraciones que te pongo aqui abajo del Castellano al Museteno, no sigue la misma traduccion literal como te he prevenido, en la advertencia que te he puesto en el principio respecto a la Doctrina Cristiana; No obstante, en lo que vea serte dificil para entender te pondre sus respetivas notas senaladas con la sifra N i. 2. 3. 4. 5 etc. Dios quiere que Vayamos todos al Cielo Literal Dojit Maje pat incai ere tsufi Mayegeche Se debe decir Dojit Maje pat ere tsufi Mayegeche incai. Es necesario vivir como Dios manda, si queremos ir al Paradise Literal Emone bei ene Dojit eacsi, majeya tsun umbafi mayegeche. Se debe decir Majeya tsufi Mayegeche incamban; emone hembei ene Dojit eyacsi. Pues Dios te manda que lo ames sobre todas las Cosa Literal Ogea Dojit mi eacsi pat mo Raise damge ere Guaje- gege. Se debe decir Ogea Dojit eacsi, pat am ege raise mi-mo Mumu raiserai ni Tambien te manda a que ames a tu projimo como a ti mismo Literal Chume Eacsi, pat raise ere mointchin ene mi cui. Se debe decir Chume Eacsi, pat raise mi ere Mointchin ene cui mi maje. n6 BIBOLOTTI Tambien te ordena a que les perdones, como quieres que te perdone Chume Eacsi pat moin nimbeisi, ene maje pat mo nimbeisi Chume Eacsi, pat mi nimbeisi, ene cui mi maje. Literal Se dice Literal Se dice Literal Se dice Literal Se dice Literal Se dice Literal Se Dice Literal Se dice De igual modo te manda a que respetes al Padre y a la Madre Chumege eacsi pat quifie Mumu chi Nono Chumege eacsi pat quifie, mitchi mumu chi nono No andes con malas companias si quieres ir al Cielo Nera mii turn achitin penge mi maje incai maye- geche Nera penge tui achitin, majeya mayegeche incai. Cuidate que los Malos, son como Demonios sobre la tiera Concaamac pat achitin, bei ene Soyoin che ac Concaamac Achitin, ene soyo bei ac che (fol. 37 left) For las malas companias se han condenado muchas almas. Ges Achit penge cui at mofii dai tchutchiin Achit penges, dai at moni Tchutchiin. El marido que 1 vende a su propia mujer, se asemeja a Judas Uentchi yai cuisi Phen ene incai Judas Uenchi yaiya Cuisi Phen ene Judas incai El hombre casado que va ande otra Mujer, doble pecado comete Phen yatchit incaiya nucsi Phen pana jucha entaqui Phenatchit nucsi phefiya incai, pana jucha entac. 1 El que que se refiere a persona no se traduce en este idioma. MANUSCRIPT 117 El que habla palabras sucias, llama al Demonio en su corazon! Literal Chinca peaqui peacge achis, vori Soyo can cuisi cotchi ! Se dice Chinca peaqui achis peacge, vori Soyo cuisi cotchi can! Quien vivio como Demonio, como demonio siempre morira ! Literal Chinca at bei ene Soyo, ene Soyo taca senirai! Se dice Chinca ene Soyo at bei, ene Soyo taca senirai! Asi conforme fue su vida, sin remedio asi sera su fin! Literal Erie at cui bei, me chume senirai! Se dice Ene at cui bei, me chume senirai! Para el hombre corrompido, todo le parece quimera Literal Ges sofii achitchit, ere coi uenege. Se dice Achitchitges soni, ere coi uenege. Llegara aquel dia tremendo, en que buscara a quien desprecio y no lo allara ! Literal Venchobanrai mo mayege zequisis, ogea quevaquirai chinca at ninete, za am daquerai! Se dice Venchobanrai mo zequisis mayege, ogea quevaquirai chinca at ninete, za am daquerai! Morira con su pecado, y se condenara 1 para siempre ! para siempre! Literal Senirai turn cuisi jucha, chi infierno can tacange, tacange ! Se dice Senirai cuisi jucha turn, chi infierno can beirai, tacange ! tacange ! (fol. 37 right) En el infierno pedira perdon, y no lo hallara, porque termino el del perdon! 1 El termino o verbo condenar no se halla en este idioma. n8 BIBOLOTTI Literal Can infierno Congeerai perdon, za am daquerai, egeve at tchupu nimbeisige! Se dice Infierno can Congerai perdon, za am daquerai, egeve at tchupu nimbeisige! No hallando perdon el alma condenada, ma y mas se le aumentaran las penas! Id. id. Am daquescan nimbeisige tchutchi infiernocansi, da damge uamucherai que tinge! Llorara su insensatez, pero sin remedio; todo esta perdido para siempre ! Literal Uatirai cuisi tojogne, za fibige; ere at mofii ges taca! Se dice Uatirai cuisi tojoge, za fibige; ere at mofii tacange!