1 CATALOGUE OF MATERIALS IN THE ARCHIVO GENERAL DE INDIAS CHARLES E. CHAPMAN BANCROFT LIBRARY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Gift of Frederick E. Bolton UniversitN' of Gilifomia • Berkeley Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofmaterOOchaprich UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS IN HISTORY H. MORSE STEPHENS HERBERT E. BOLTON EDITORS VOLUME VIII CATALOGUE OF MATERIALS IN THE ARCHIVO GENERAL DE INDIAS FOR THE HISTORY OF THE PACIFIC COAST AND THE AMERICAN SOUTHWEST BY CHARLES E. CHAPMAN, Ph.D. A»Miatanl Pro/eator of Hutory in the Univtrtity of California UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS BERKELEY 1019 PRESS OF THE NEW ERA PRINTINQ COMPANY LANCASTER. PA. PREFACE The immense labor involved in a work like the present can hardly be appreciated by one who has not performed a similar task. When all is done as well as it may be, glaring imperfections remain, which could only be eradicated by doing the same work, from beginning to end — when yet new imperfections would probably be found. A full account of the problems in the present Catalogue is given in Part III of the Introduction, and an explanation of the terms employed and the rules for entry appear in Part IV. It only remains to express my cordial, heartfelt thanks to those who have helped me. This Catalogue is a product of the Native Sons' Fellowships in History at the University of CaHfornia. As holder of one of these fellowships, for two years, I was enabled to prepare these volumes and other works, and in a thousand ways to enjoy and profit by a long residence in Spain. The many advantages I have derived are a measure of my gratitude to the Native Sons of the Golden West, who made their attainment possible. In order that the enlightened work of this Californian order may be jx'rmanently recorded, a section of the Introduction has l)een devoted to an account of the fellowships they founded. I welcome the chance once again to make public acknowledgment of the debt I owe Professor H. Morse Stephens, my chief at the Uni- versity of California, for the opportunities afforded me in my chosen career. As affecting this work, I thank him especially for his un- faiUng support during my entire stay in Spain. For advice and help in the formal preparation of these volumes, special thanks are due to Professor Herbert E. Bolton, whose precise knowledge of the problems to be encountered and whose vast information concerning the subject matter of the Catalogue have enabled him to suggest, correct, and solve. The important achievements of both of these men in connection w^ith the Native Sons' Fellowships have been recorded elsewhere in this volume. To many others, too, I wish to express my thanks — to the courteous archivists of the Archivo General de Indias, headed by the simpdtico and learned Sefior Don Pedro Torres Lanzas — to my faithful clerks, iv Preface San Leandro and Medina — to my former pupil, Mr. Reginald S. Castleman, now in Seville, who has reopened many of the legajos cited here, to assist in correcting various items of the Catalogue — and to Dr. Charles Wilson Hackett and Professor Herbert I. Priestley, who have read and criticized certain parts of the Catalogue. To all of these men I am deeply and eternally grateful. Charles E. Chapman. Berkeley, California, .June 3, 1917. £■(•3 Cop 4 CONTENTS Page Preface iii Introduction I. The Archive GeneraKde Indias 1 II. The Native Sons' Fellowships 10 III. The Work planned and accomplished 15 IV. Rules for Entry of Items 20 The Catalogue I. Description of Legajos used in compiling the Catalogue . . 31 II. Calendar of Items 70 Index 727 YJlAfU^ INTRODUCTION I. The Archivo General de Indias A. The wealth of the great archive at Seville. — In the words of a Spanish writer, " The history of [Spanish] America, so far as the documents are concerned, is preserved almost completely in Spain. The successive amputations of her American dominions which the mother country suffered have gone on increasing the wealth in docu- ments, for, as her rule has come to an end, she has transported a great part of their archives . . . The most essential parts of these docu- ments are contained in the Archivo (General] de Indias of Seville." ^ While some may take exception to the above statement, on the ground that it is too sweeping; it is beyond question that the great Sevillian archive is practically inexhaustible in its wealth of materials on almost every conceivable subject in Spanish colonial administration and is the most valuable single archive on that field in existence. This is so in increasing measure, for laws have been passed and are gradually being executed for the transfer of materials relating to Spain's former colonies from their present repositories in Simancas and Madrid to the archive at Seville. It is true that vast quantities of rich materials have been found in the archives of Spanish American countries,' and that they often contain local details of which no account was sent to Spain, but a single great repository, dealing with all of the former colonies, has a decided advantage as against the numerous, scattered archives of the Americas. Many colonial archives have indeed but scant remains of the wealth they once possessed, as a result of the removal of papers to Spain,' or due to the yet greater disintegrating forces of foreign war, revolution, and lack of care.* * Torrea Lanzas in El Archivo de Indiaa, p. xv. For a description of this work, see infra in Section D. * See especially Bolton, Herbert E., Guide to materials for the history of the United Stales in the principal archives of Mexico, Washington, 1913; also Pdrez, Luis M,, Guide to the materials for American history in Cuban archives, Washington, 1907. See also Chapman, Charles E., South America as a field for an historical survey, in A Califomian in South America (ed. by Dr. Herbert I. Priestley. Berkeley, 1917), pp. 41-50. * For example, in the case of Cuba. * For example, in the case of Peru. 2 1 2 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias Even in the case of those American countries whose archives retain an unusual degree of completeness,^ the meagre local materials will usually be present in Spain, as well as in the land of origination, owing to the incessant and systematic accumulation of minute detail, for action by the authorities in Spain. ^ The value of the materials in Seville, as compared with those of other archives, may be illustrated by tracing the documentation of a given case. It may be supposed that Lacy, the Spanish minister to Russia, reports to Grimaldi, the Spanish minister of state, that the Russians are preparing to make conquests in the Californias. Grim- aldi, in turn, informs Arriaga, the ministro general de Indias, and the latter asks the viceroy, Bucarely, to strengthen the defences of Alta California. Bucarely orders Governor Rivera of Alta California to report on the state of the presidios in his province. In due time, Rivera writes to the various presidial commanders, and receives their replies, after which he communicates the result to Bucarely. Bucarely writes to Arriaga, who asks Gdlvez, as one familiar with Alta Cali- fornia affairs, his opinion about the Rivera report. Gdlvez replies, and Arriaga then sends the whole file to the Council of the Indies, with a request for its action. Finally, the Council informs Arriaga of what it has done. In such a case, a great many other documents would in fact be included in the expediente, but the above are sufficient for purposes of illustration. The following would be the usual docu- mentary result in the archives of Salinas (the county seat of Monterey County, California), Mexico City, and Seville.^ Salinas Mexico Seville 1. Lacy to Grimaldi — C. C. of Or. 2. Grimaldi to Arriaga — C. of Or. Or. 3. Arriaga to Bucarely — Or. Dft. 4. Bucarely to Rivera Or. Dft. Cer. 5. Rivera to the presidial commanders Dft. Cer. Cer. of Cer. 6. The presidial commanders to Rivera Or. Cer. Cer. of Cer. 7. Rivera to Bucarely Dft. Or. Cer. 8. Bucarely to Arriaga — Dft. Or. 9. Arriaga to Gdlvez — — Dft. 10. Gdlvez to Arriaga — — Or. 11. Arriaga to the Council of the Indies — — Dit. 12. The Council of the Indies to Arriaga — — Or. ^ For example, several of the archives of Mexico. • See Chapman, The founding of Spanish California, p. 170, n. 63, especially the second colunrn of page 170. ' The abbreviations used are the same as those of the Catalogue; they are ex- plained in Section IV, C, 2, of this Introduction. for HUtory of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 3 In some of the above cases the document might be an uncertified copy of an original or certified copy, thus operating more particularly against the technical value of the file at Seville, but it will be seen, from an investigation of the Catalogue, that such instances are rare.' In matters of purely local character or of minor importance, documents like those from 4 to 7 may never have been sent to Spain, although they may appear at Salinas and Mexico, while there is undoubtedly a great body of material, like items 5 and 6, that would exist only in a provincial archive. Attention should also be called to the fact that, for such documents as exist in all three archives, the best technical file is that of the province, the next best that of the viceroyalty, and next after that the file in Spain.* On the other hand, the documents • Cf . infra Section IV, C, 6. * Much material of the Spanish period relating to regions now within the United States is still to be found in various local archives, as may be seen from the following account of the local archives of Texas, New Mexico, and California. One of the most valuable archives of the northern Spanish frontier is that which accumulated in the old Spanish proN-ince of Texas. In the early years of its history the district was a part of Coahuila. For half a century, from 1722 to 1772, the capital was at Loe Adaes (now Robeline) in the present state of Louisiana. Thence- forward, to the end of the Spanish period, the seat of government was at San Antonio de Bexar. In the course of time, the provincial records became somewhat scattered^ The bulk of them, however, found their way into the County Courthouse of Bexar County (at San Antonio), where they remained until, some eighteen years ago, thejr were transferred to the University of Texas, at which place they have formed the basis for much of the notable historical work done at that university. Fragments of the archives are at the State Historical Library, Austin, where they are known as the Nacogdoches Archives. Still other fragments were found in the Lamar Papers, which were purchased by the state of Texas, a few years ago. These, too, are now at the State Library. The provincial records at the University of Texas are well known as the Bexar Archives. They comprise about 300,000 pages of original documents, consisting mainly of the correspondence of military and civil officials. When the United States government acquired New Mexico in 1848, fairly com- plete recoids were found in the provincial archives at Santa Fe for the period since 1692. Few documents were of prior date to the latter year, due to the fact that in the revolt of 1680 all the records, covering the period from 1598, were burned, and it was not until 1692 that the Spaniards were able to return to New Mexico. In 1903, the Secretary of the Interior, acting for the United States government, took charge of the Spanish archives of the territory of New Mexico. During the pre- ceding fifty-five years of American occupation, however, the archives had not been properly cared for, and in 1870 an American governor was even guilty of the vandal act of selling documents to the merchants of Santa Fe for ^Tapping pajier. After the Secretary of the Interior assumed control in 1903, the papers still remaining at Santa Fe were, with the exception of a few that were retained in the Surveyor-Gen- eral's office in that city, removed to the Manuscripts Division of the Library of Congress. There they have been arranged in chronological order, the sheets have been cleaned, and a catalogue in English has been made of them. For more detailed 4 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias at Seville have a number of advantages. Documents like those of item 1 are often at Seville in the original, as well as in copies there- from, and eventually that should be the general rule, when all Spanish colonial materials shall be stored at Seville, as contemplated by law. Furthermore, documents like those of items 9 to 12, always of the highest technical rank, are to be found only in Spain. They may be described generally as intra-departmental (within the Indies depart- ment itself), inter-departmental (among the various governmental agencies of Spain in Europe), and private (whether as the result of official requests for an opinion or arising from petitions of individuals) correspondence in Europe (usually in Spain) of which official cognizance was taken by the department of the Indies. Finally, the whole expediente in Spain is the file upon which the highest official action was based. Whatever argument there may be as to the comparative value of the documents in Seville and elsewhere as to kind, there can be none as respects their number, in which particular the Archivo General de Indias is far superior to any other in the same field. In 1913 there were nearly 40,000 legajos in the archives. ^° When the transfers from accounts, see Vaughan, J. H., A preliminary report on the archives of New Mexico, in American Historical Association, Anniial report for 1908, pp. 465-494; Twitchell, Spanish archives of New Mexico, 2 vols. (Cedar Rapids, la., 1914), Prefatory note. Unfortunately, the Spanish provincial archives of Alta California have not been kept intact, and probably the greater part of them has been destroyed. After the conquest of California by the United States, the archives were placed in charge of the United States Surveyor-General for California. Some of the papers were 3ater taken elsewhere, but the greater part were still in possession of that official at ■the time of the San Francisco fire of 1906. In over three hundred volumes of Spanish records, scarcely more than a score escaped the conflagration. Fortunately, however, sixteen volumes of original documents, dating from 1781 to 1850, had been trans- ferred, in 1858, to the Monterey County archive, in the recorder's office at Salinas, and there they still remain. Five of the volumes relate to criminal matters; the others are miscellaneous, containing official correspondence, private letters, public addresses, and petty court papers. They comprise, without doubt, the most valuable source material for the Spanish and Mexican periods of California history to be found in any of the archives of California. Other records of a more local nature exist in the archives of cities which were the former pueblos of Spanish California, as at Los Angeles, San Jose, and Santa Cruz (Branciforte), and still others at many of the missions, especially at Santa Barbara, where an attempt has been made to collect the files of all the missions. For the material of the preceding paragraphs, the writer is indebted to Professor Herbert E. Bolton, Dr. Charles W. Hackett, and Mr. Owen C. Coy, secretary of the California Historical Survey Commission. ^° Roscoe R. Hill (in his Descriptive catalogue of the documents relating to the history of the United States in the Papeles procedentes de Cuba deposited in the Archivo General for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 5 other Spanish archives have been completed, there should be a total of 80,000 legajos}^ While a number of legajos contain only several hundred pages of manuscript material, and still others have as many as six thousand, the usual size of a legajo is about two thousand pages. The number of documents will vary greatly, from a single huge testimonio or several bound volumes to as many as two thousand documents. Counting testimonios as one item, it is probable that there may be an average of four hundred documents to a legajoP If the separate documents of testimonios are included, the number may easily reach double that figure. On this basis, the ultimate wealth of the Archivo General de Indias is from 32,000,000 to 64,000,- 000 documents, aggregating 160,000,000 pages of manuscript! The vastness of these numbers and the possibilities that await the Ameri- can investigator can best be appreciated, when one considers that an estimate made in 1907 by a competent scholar, with the financial backing of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, revealed only 5332 copies in the United States of documents from the archives of Spain — not merely from the Archivo General de Indias^^ — although many from the archive at Seville have since been added to American libraries.^* de Indias at Seville, Washington, 1916, p. vii) says " about 35,000," and in a list on page ix gives a more nearly exact estimate of 35,731 legajos. William R. Shepherd (in his Guide to the materials for the history of the United States in Spanish archives, Washington, 1907, p. 55), says " some 40,000 legajos," and those are the figures given by Senor Torres Lanzas, head of the archive, to the writer. The two estimates may be reconciled by the fact that there are some groups of papers in which the legajos are so large as to be unwieldy, and it has long been planned to reduce them to a more convenient size. In 1913, after Mr. Hill's departure from Seville, this work began on the 1194 bundles of the Escribania de Cdmara del Consejo de Indias papers, which are expected to yield about 3000 legajos of the usual size. " This is the estimate of Senor Torres Lanzas. ^^ Hill, Descriptive catalogue, p. xxix, estimates that there are an average of five hundred documents in the legajos forming the basis of his work. In the legajos investigated for the present Catalogue, it is doubtful if the average is over three hundred, owing to the great number of testimonios, and it may be less. ^^ Robertson, James A., List of documents in Spanish archives relating to the history of the United States which have been printed or of which transcripts are pre- served in American libraries. Of the 5332 items, 1075 concern printed documents, but the transcript entries often include more than a smgle document. " Through the efforts of N. S. G. W. Fellows and of Dr. William E. Dunn of the University of Texas, thousands of documents have been procured for the Ban- croft Library of the University of California, the Library of the University of Texas, the Newberry Library of Chicago, and the Library of Congress. Thus, students in the Spanish American field have an opportunity to carry on extensive work in any one of four widely separated cities of this country. 6 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias B. The archive building. — The history of the Casa Lonja, as the archive building is called, has been told by most of the writers who have dealt with the material it contains.^^ In brief, it may be stated that a law was passed, on October 30, 1572, calling for the erection of the building for the use of the Casa de Contrataci6n. The work was in charge of the elder Herrera (Juan de Herrera), most famous Spanish architect of all time, the builder of the Escorial and other notable edifices in Spain, and the building is one of the most pleasing examples of his style. On August 14, 1598, the work was completed. For over a hundred years, the Lonja was the seat of the busy Casa de Contrataci6n, but in the eighteenth century, with the removal of that institution to Cddiz, it became untenanted. In 1778, the idea of an archive of the Indies was suggested to the king by Juan Bautista Munoz, celebrated historian and even more celebrated archivist. The project was received with favor, and the Casa Lonja was proposed by Jos6 de Gdlvez, at that time ministro general de Indias, as the archive building. In 1785, with the arrival of a number of legajos from Simancas, the Lonja was fairly embarked on its new career. From that time forth, other consignments of papers were made to the archive,^® until at length the upper floor of the building, the only space thus far allotted, could not conveniently house more of the legajos. Laws were passed for the delivery of the lower floor for archive purposes as well, and in 1913 the laws were executed. With this addition, it is believed that there will be enough space, though with little to spare, for the 80,000 legajos which will one day be the completed store of the Archivo General de Indias. There are practically no formalities attending admission to the archive for purposes of investigation,^^ and, once there, the investi- gator is allowed wide latitude for the pursuit of his studies. While waiting for a legajo, he has an opportunity to consult the valuable library of over a thousand volumes, which the Archivo General de Indias has accumulated concerning Spanish America. While the archive has no funds for the purchase of books, the library is con- stantly growing through gifts; incidentally, it is a rule of courtesy that students who use the materials of the archive shall donate copies ^' See especially the already cited works of Shepherd and Torres Lanzas. i*Hill, Descriptive catalogue, p. ix, gives a table showing the different larger groups of papers, their inclusive dates, the number of legajos in each, the origin of the papers, and the dates when they came to the Casa Lonja. "On this point, see Shepherd, Guide, p. 59, and Hill, Descriptive catalogue, pp. ix-xi. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 7 of their printed works based thereon. The investigator who is unable to go to Seville for his documents is free to arrange for copying through the N. S. G. W. Fellows, when they are present, or he may apply directly to the chiefs of the archive. C. The arrangement of the papers. — In the formation of the legajos, of whatever set, the year 1760 is a kind of twihght zone between the disorder of the older papers and the excellent arrangement of those of later date; the disorder continues through that year in some legajos, while in others that is the date where good order begins. Before 1760, expediente groupings are rarely maintained, and are often com- pletely lost, through the disappearance of documents, or through their having been filed in separate legajos. The arrangement of the post-1760 legajos is admirable. The general rule is for a subgrouping by individual years, within which the particular year's expedientes appear. The expedientes are conveniently arranged, so that the relationships of the documents are manifest from the very make-up of the file. Occasionally, in legajos that have been used by investi- gators, but especially in those from which copies have been made, an ante-1760 chaos has made its appearance. Whether the fault be that of an investigator or that of an archive clerk, it cannot be too greatly regretted, and it is to be hoped that the evil practice may be checked or done away with. The papers are divided into twelve (or, if those styled Indiferente General are considered separately from the Audiencia group, thirteen) larger sets, ranging in numbers from the 105 legajos of the Estado group, to the 18,860 of the Simancas papers (including both the Audiencia and Indiferente General sections, of which the former contains over 15,000). Some attempts at cataloguing the materials have been made, but while the inventarios and indices of certain sets, for example the Patronato ReaP^ and Estado groups, have been 1* The most famous of all the sets of materials at the archive is that of the Patronato Real. The title of these papers would lead one to expect them to deal with the royal patronage with regard to the church, but the name has no relation to the subject matter; they are so called, because they are stored in a room which was formerly the office of that branch of royal administration. They represent the selections of Juan Bautista Mufioz of the materials which he considered the most valuable of the archive. As such, they have been used by investigators more than many other equally valuable sets, and they constitute the principal source for the much cited Colecddn de documentos inMitos, relativos al descitbrimiento, conquista y organizacidn de las antiguas posesiones espanolas de America y Oceania, 42 vols. Madrid, 1864-1884. Cf. Chapman, The founding of Spanish California, p. 438. The documents of the Patronato Real are particularly rich in materials for the era 8 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias commendably well done, those of others present very meagre guides to the materials referred to. This is particularly true of what is perhaps the richest set of all for general purposes, as well as the greatest in number of legajos, the above-mentioned Simancas papers, to which three small inventarios are devoted. In the case of this set, a one or two line description, with inclusive dates, is given for the various groups of legajos, a single item embracing from one to as many as twenty-five legajos — obviously not a very detailed clue to the contents. The names of the larger sections will occasionally convey some idea as to the nature of the materials, but the basis of appellation is, not subject-matter, but the office whence the papers came to the archive. Thus, the Simancas papers came from the archive at Simancas. The principal subgroup is called the Audiencia papers, not because it deals with the activities of audiencias, but because the various audiencia jurisdictions were taken as convenient geographical divisions. Similarly, the other subgroup of the Simancas papers is called Indiferente General, because the documents were not easily referable to any single audiencia jurisdiction.^^ The legajos are located by estante (stack), cajon (compartment, or shelf), and legajo (bundle) numbers, and the three together (e. g., 104-3-2) are habitually termed the legajo number. The title of an individual legajo and its inclusive dates will usually give a general indication of subject-matter and the range, in time, of the documents, but neither is a safe clue in all cases, as will be seen by reference to the section of this Catalogue dealing with legajo descriptions. ^o of the conquistadores; they contain little or nothing for the eighteenth century. There is still much of value in this set that has not been used, e. g., the six hundred page manuscript account of the Coronado expedition by Baltasar de Obreg6n, which was virtually imknown until found by the writer and copied for the Newberry Library of Chicago; but, as a general rule, other sets will now yield far more to the investigator in search of new materials. The inventarios and indices of the Patronato Real are the type which has been followed with more or less success in the cataloguing of other sets. The inventarios of this set (of which there are two) list the materials, sometimes by expedientes, and at others document by document. The indices (of which also there are two) provide an alphabetical index, usually by names of persons, but in some cases by names of places and institutions as well, to the inventarios. Where possible, the alphabetical index is applied within geographical units. ^*This section has also served as a category for materials which came to the archive, not necessarily from Simancas, after the inventarios of other groups had been made up. It is therefore a growing set. (Shepherd, Guide, p. 67.) *° It is a temptation to write a general account of the various larger groups of papers, for which the writer has notes available, but it is doubtful if much that is useful could be added to the concise statements appearing in Shepherd's Guide. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 9 D. Works dealing with the archive. — A bibliography of works treating of the Archive General de Indias is provided in Hill, Descrip- tive catalogue,^^ p. vii. The following items may be added to Mr. Hill's list: El Archivo de Indias y la Sociedad de publicadones historicas.- Madrid. [1912]. This is an illustrated thirty-one page pamphlet in two parts. The first part, in fifteen pages, is the work of Dr. Pio Zabala y Lera, referring to the publications, past and prospective, of the Sociedad de Publicadones Historicas. The second part, written anonymously by Senor Don Pedro Torres Lanzas, chief of the archive, concerns the Archivo General de Indias. It ranks with Shepherd's Guide^^ as the most useful description yet published of the general contents of the archive. Larrabure y Unanue, Eugenio, Les archives des Indes et la Bibli- otheque Colombine de Seville. [Paris. 1914]. This is a profusely illustrated eighty-eight page pamphlet, of which fifty pages are devoted to the Archivo General de Indias. Practically the entire space deals with the exposition of documents at that archive in 1913, in celebration of the four hundredth anniversary of Balboa's discovery of the Pacific Ocean. There is an article in Archives des missions sdentifiques et litter aires (2), II, 367, not available to the present writer, cited in Shepherd, Guide, pp. 59, 96. More popular in character, but often containing material of value, are the various reports of the N. S. G. W. Fellows, published, from time to time, in the Grizzly hear magazine of Los Angeles, and articles of like character by Dr. William E. Dunn of the University of Texas in newspapers and magazines of Texas, e. g.. Hunting old documents in Spain, in The alcalde (Austin, Texas), III, pp. 345-354, Feb., 1915. The most complete and most available description of the archive, for American scholars, especially as regards the inventarios and indices of the different sets of papers, is Shepherd's (zmde,- supplemented as regards arrangements and archive rules since the publication of Shepherd's work by Hill's Descriptive catalogue. Both of these works, as well as those of Bolton, P^rez, and Robertson, cited in notes 2 and 13, are among the publications of the Department of Historical Research of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. ^^ See supra, n. 10. ^^ See supra, n. 10. 10 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias II. The Native Sons' Fellowships A. The Native Sons of the Golden West. — The Native Sons of the Golden West have the unique distinction of being perhaps the only fraternal society in the United States which devotes its efforts and its funds to the promotion of state history. In so doing, they are taking the logical course springing out of the circumstances of their origin and membership. The idea for the founding of the order originated with General A. M. Winn, who, as grand marshal of a Fourth of July parade at San Francisco in 1875, had arranged for a division of march- ers made up entirely of young men " born under the American flag " in California. Such a group was formed, and it marched in the parade, held that year on Monday, July 5. The following Sunday, July 11, a number of the participants and others within the terms of General Winn's call held a meeting, and at Winn's suggestion formed a society, choosing the name which still endures. In March, 1876, the society was incorporated, at which time it had a membership of 113. Membership was limited to men (over eighteen) born since July 7, 1846, the date when Commodore Sloat took formal possession for the United States at Monterey.^^ In 1885, the rules were extended to include native Californians born before the raising of the American flag, as well as those born afterward. The founders seem originally to have contemplated an extension of the order into the various states of " the Golden West," but it is perhaps fortunate for the cause of history that the order eventually became purely Californian in its aims. It has increased in influence, until today there are 172 chapters, or " parlors," with a membership (in 1916) of 20,722. Closely affiliated with it is the order of the Native Daughters of the Golden West, a similar organization for California women, with a total of 143 parlors. The Native Sons have long been engaged in work tending to the perpetuation of the records of California's past. To them are due the marking of many historic spots and the repair and preservation of the far-famed California missions. Not the least important of their measures was the founding of the Native Sons' Fellowships in History at the University of California.^^ " General Winn and G. W, Anthony were admitted as honorary members; neither was a native of the state. '* Section A is based on Jung, Fred H., What, who, and how, the Native Sons, in Grizzly bear magazine, XX, no. 6, p. 25, April, 1917. Mr. Jung is Grand Secretary of the order. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 11 B. The founding of the fellowships. — At the " Grand Parlor," or general, meeting of the Native Sons at Marysville in April, 1909, a resolution was adopted for the appointment of a committee of five to investigate and report, at the next session of the Grand Parlor, as to the feasibility of establishing a chair in California history at the state university. The committee conferred with Professor H. Morse Stephens, head of the history department at the University of Cali- fornia, who advised them that it would first be necessary to train a man for the position, since there was no one properly qualified for it. Professor Stephens suggested the founding of two annual fellowships of $1500 each, to enable the holders to study California history at its sources in Spain and elsewhere. This idea was accepted by the committee, and was recommended to the order at the next meeting of the Grand Parlor, held in June, 1910, at Lake Tahoe. The reso- lution was referred to the finance committee, which reported in favor of a gift of $1500 to the University of California for a Native Sons' Fellowship for the following year. In this form, the resolution was adopted, and a committee of five was appointed to cooperate with the authorities of the university in carrying out the details of the grant. In June, 1911, at the Grand Parlor meeting, held at Santa Cruz, the sum of $3000 was voted for two fellowships. Since that time, this amount has been appropriated for this purpose annually .^^ C. Brief history of the fellowships. — While the Native Sons were evolving toward the idea of the fellowships, steps were being taken at the University of California which had much to do with the later success which the Fellows may fairly be said to have achieved. During his sabbatical year of 1909-1910, Professor Stephens spent several months in Spain, with the object of finding out whether an investi- gation of the archives of that country would yield much in the way of materials for California history. Without attempting an intensive investigation, he found enough to warrant a belief that a number of years could be spent there profitably, especially at the Archivo General de Indias, by students interested in the history of the Pacific coast. With this information and with many valuable copies, he returned to " This paragraph is based upon a letter to the present writer by Mr. D. Q. Troy of Oakland, historiographer of the N. S. G. W. order. The letter is dated May 23, 1917; it contains much more than the brief statement given here, for which reason it has been turned over to the Bancroft Library. A noteworthy source for additional information is the Grizzly bear magazine, organ of the N. S. G. W. and the N. S. D. W., where detailed accounts of Grand Parlor meetings are to be found. 12 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias Berkeley, where he proceeded to take a fresh step in the upbuilding of a school of Pacific coast history. Since he himself was not a special- ist in that field, it was necessary to find somebody who could train students for the problems that would confront them in making use of the materials in Spain. The logic of events pointed to Professor Herbert E. Bolton, then at Leland Stanford University, as the ideal man for the place. For many years, Professor Bolton had been the acknowledged master in the field embracing the former Spanish frontier, in regions now within the United States. Furthermore, he had made extended investigations of the archives of Mexico, the results of which were, shortly afterward, published in his well-known Guide, in the Carnegie Institution series. In 1911, Professor Stephens was successful in his effort to induce this scholar to accept a position at the University of California, where he was to have principal charge of the graduate work in the department of history. In the meantime, however, the first Native Sons' Fellow had been appointed. To Mr. Lawrence Palmer Briggs, Native Sons' Fellow for 1911- 1912, all subsequent Fellows, and the writer more than all, owe a debt of gratitude. His was in a measure a step in the dark. Going to Spain without the benefit of Professor Bolton's training, and without an adequate idea of the problems awaiting him, he was placed in a more difficult position than any subsequent Fellow has been. It is gratifying to know that his work has had a positive result, even though he himself was. not to bring it to fruition, for the publication of Dr. Priestley's volume on Jose de Gdlvez"^^ depended in great degree on the investigations of Mr. Briggs. His experiences in Spain, however, were of more particular value to the later Fellows, and especially to the writer, who was the next to go to Spain.^^ The work of the writer as Native Sons' Fellow is discussed in detail in Section III. On the positive side, his Founding of Spanish Cali- fornia and this Catalogue, besides a number of articles, are the results of his two-year term, from 1912 to 1914. Upon his return in 1914, he was appointed to a position in the history department of the Uni- versity of California, and became the first instructor in the history of California at that university. Thus, one of the objects of the Native Sons was achieved. The other fellowship for 1912-1913, the first year in which two " See infra, n. 39. *^ Upon his return from Spain Mr. Briggs entered the United States consular service, and is now stationed at Saigon, Cochin China. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 13 were available, was divided between Mr. Joseph J. Hill and Mr. Tracy B. Kittredge, both of whom, as Resident Fellows, rendered service in the Bancroft Library. Mr. Hill carried on an investigation concerning the history of the Mormons in California.^^ For the year 1913-1914, Mr. William Lytle Schurz was appointed, serving in Spain at the same time with the writer, after which Mr. Schurz was named for a second term, ending in 1915. His volume on the Manila galleon is expected to be one of the next publications of the University of California.^^ The second Fellow for the year 1914-1915 was Mr. Gordon C. Davidson. Instead of sending him to Spain, a departure from the usual practice was made when Mr. Davidson was instructed for work in England. He was on board the Empress of Ireland when that vessel went down at the mouth of the St. Lawrence River, losing all the notes with regard to his work that he had thus far prepared. Nevertheless, his year was spent to good advantage, and his History of the North West Company is already listed for publication at the University of California.^" Dr. Charles H. Cunningham and Mr. Karl C. Leebrick were appointed in 1915. The latter remained one year. A volume by him. The English expedition to Manila in 1762, is soon to be published. He also gathered materials for a catalogue, similar to the present work, covering the Duplicados de comandantes generates in the Audi- encia de Guadalajara group of the Simancas papers. ^^ Dr. Cunningham remained two years in Spain, from 1915 to 1917. He has a volume on the Audiencia de Filipinas on the calendar for publication at the University of California, and has also been carrying on other institutional studies at Seville bearing upon Spanish American history. The second fellowship for 1916-1917 was awarded to Mr. Tracy B. Kittredge, who almost immediately resigned. His place was taken by Mr. George Leslie Albright. No finer young man or more 28 Mr. Hill is now teaching in Utah. Mr. Kittredge, after a period of service with the Belgian Relief Committee, is in England at the time of going to press. 2' Dr. Schurz is now Assistant Professor of Latin American History at the University of Michigan, where he is listed for courses in Latin American history and the history of the Pacific area — offshoots of his service as Native Sons' Fellow. 20 Dr. Davidson is now a lieutenant in the Nineteenth Reserve Battalion of Canadian Infantry, on service in France. '* In 1917, Dr. Leebrick was appointed Instructor in Modern European History at the University of California. 14 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias promising scholar ever went forth from the University of CaUfornia than Mr. Albright. On December 15, 1916, he died at Seville, a victim of typhoid fever. He had continued work at the archive up to the day he was obliged to go to the bed, and, to the last, seemed chiefly concerned over the check in the progress of his work. His volume on the Spanish frontier of New Spain and his proposed cata- logue of the viceroys' correspondence will never appear over his name, but a master's thesis written by him, entitled Plans and official explora- tions for Pacific railroads, has been found to be so meritorious, that it will be published at the University of California.^^ Owing to the entrance of the United States into the war against Germany, it has become impossible to send Fellows to Europe, for the present. Four Resident Fellows have therefore been appointed for 1917-1918. They are Dr. Charles Wilson Hackett, Mr. John Lloyd Mecham, Mr. Charles S. Mitrani, and Mr. J. Fred Rippy. Dr. Hackett is already the author of a number of historical articles, and has a volume entitled The uprising of the Pueblo Indians of New Mexico in 1680 on the calendar for publication at the University of California. It will be noticed that the Fellows have each prepared one or more volumes, all of them having a demonstrable bearing upon California history, as part of their work in connection with the fellowships. They have also procured copies of documents for the use of a great body of students, not only for the Bancroft Library, but for other libraries and for a number of American scholars as well; they have represented the University of California on formal occasions in foreign lands; and, finally, they have prepared themselves for university positions, whereby they may spread the gospel of " the Golden West " throughout the country.* " At the Grand Parlor meeting of the Native Sons, held at Redding, in April, 1917, a memorial estante, or legajo stack, to Mr. Albright was voted. It will be placed in the Archivo General de Indias at Seville. * Mr. Mecham and Mr. Mitrani resigned their fellowships in June, 1917, and enlisted in the ambulance service of the United States army. Their places were taken by Mr. Joseph J. Hill, a former Fellow, and by Mr. Arthur S. Alton. In the fall of 1917 Dr. Cunningham became an Instructor at the University of Texas, giving courses in Hispanic American history. Dr. Hackett has been ap- pointed Professor and head of the Department of History in the University of New Mexico, beginning work there in the fall of 1918. Lieut. Davidson is reported to have been decorated by the British government for gallantry in action against the Germans. He was severely wounded during 1917, but word has come that he has reported again for duty. C.E.C. AprU 11, 1918. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 15 III. The Work Planned and Accomplished The work done by Professor H. Morse Stephens in Spain, in 1909- 1910, besides providing the Bancroft Library with a number of valu- able copies, had demonstrated that the Archivo General de Indias was rich in materials for Pacific coast history. The work of Mr. Briggs, the first Native Sons' Fellow, was of great service to the writer in a different way. Mr. Briggs was instructed to do work on his thesis and make copies for the Bancroft Library. Although it could not have been foreseen at the time, these instructions made it impossible for Mr. Briggs to accomplish as much, even with his own thesis, as he might have done. With a preliminary training which caused him to view each new important document that had never been used before as a " find," it was only natural that he should stop to take careful notes on as many such documents as he should come upon. The result was unfortunate, in that there was more material than could have been utilized in many years — yet all, or nearly all, had to be taken into account, if the proper perspective were to be gained and the best selection of documents made. Curiously enough, the unexpected wealth of the archive was the most serious factor he had to contend against. It was at the writer's own suggestion, that a different program was planned for his term as Native Sons' Fellow. He proposed that he abandon work on his thesis until such time as he might gain a wide acquaintance with the available materials at the great archive in Seville. In the meantime, it was suggested that he make hsts, without taking notes, of all pertinent documents that he might find, not only on his own subject, but also on California history in general. For this work he had in a measure been prepared by cataloguing certain portions of the manuscript material in the Bancroft Library. This plan was accepted, and instructions were given in accordance therewith.^^ He was to proceed, legajo by legajo, choosing legajos on the basis of their possibilities as regards material for California history, and list California material only. Upon arrival in Spain the writer began to put the above plan into operation. Problems that had not been foreseen very soon began to present themselves. The methods of entry which he em- ployed at the start were found to be inadequate, resulting in some ^ C. E. Chapman, The archives of the Indies: report of the Native Sons' Fellow, for November, 1912, in Grizzly hear magazine, XIII, no. 3, p. 6, July, 1913. 16 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias inaccuracies in the technical descriptions of the earlier entered docu- ments.^^ Another question to solve was whether the separate docu- ments of a testimonio should be entered or not. It very soon became clear, however, that such a practice would entail an expenditure of time out of all proportion to the value of the entry. He, therefore, decided to make but a single entry of testimonios. Similarly, decrees and reports or other notations on the same paper with another docu- ment, to which these later documents referred, were not given separate entry. On the other hand, the original practice of entering the subordinate documents of an expediente, where the file was composed of separate documents that were tied or folded together, was retained, and results, the writer believes, have justified their retention. These and other problems led eventually to the preparation of the plan on methods of entry which forms the concluding section of this intro- duction. A more serious problem arose in connection with the material itself. It had all along been understood that the materials for Cali- fornia history would include documents relating to regions in the direct line of approach to California, especially Baja California and Sonora, but it was not supposed that the affairs of the easterly prov- inces of the northern frontier, from Nueva Vizcaya to Texas, would have any noteworthy bearing upon the history of the Pacific coast. The fallaciousness of this view became almost at once apparent, and documents dealing with the easterly provinces that clearly bore a relationship to affairs in the west were entered ; furthermore, all other materials about the regions now embraced by the American south- west were included. This called for an answer, not always easy to give, to two obvious questions. What materials bore the required relationship, and, since other names were formerly applied to regions now within New Mexico and Texas, when did the documents refer to their present-day territories? An easy solution, in theory, would have been to list all the docu- ments in any legajo selected, but this was impracticable in fact. It was essential that the writer should make a good showing on Cali- fornia history materials — possibly the continuance of the N. S. G. W. fellowships might depend on it — and the documents had to bear an ** The principal difficulty on this score was to determine whether a document was an original, certified copy, or ordinary copy. An attempt has since been made to correct the slips in this particular, and it is believed that they are now rightly de- scribed. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 17 unmistakable California mark. Even after the writer's appointment for a second term, time was all too short, and funds which would have enabled him to carry on the work more expeditiously, through the use of clerks for the purely mechanical tasks, were almost completely lacking during the first year of his incumbency and not overwhelming in amount in his second year. Furthermore, the self-evident Cali- fornia material, even including items relating to lands in the Spanish line of approach to California, comprised, on an average, only a little more than five per cent of the total number in the legajos actually investigated for cataloguing. Not only was it out of the question to list legajos in entirety, but also it was deemed advisable to hmit the entry of materials dealing with the territory from Nueva Viz cay a to Texas, since that was found in greater quantity than the more nar- rowly interpreted California materials. The evident New Mexico and Texas documents, those referring specifically to those regions, continued, as a rule, to be entered, although with some restrictions even in those cases,^^ but the Nueva Vizcaya to Nuevo Santander background was not included. The general problem came up especially in connection with the question whether it would not be best to confine the cataloguing to some special set of the archive, and to cover that in entirety. The writer once thought of listing the Audiencia de Guadalajara papers of the Simancas, or Audiencia, group of the archive, since that set would almost certainly yield more richly than others for those regions of the northern frontier now within the United States. But it proved to contain 588 legajos, or approximately 200,000 documents — enough for a sixty-volume catalogue! Later, the idea occurred to him of listing some definite subdivision of the above-named set, especially the exceedingly rich files of the Fortificaciones, pertrechos de guerra etc. papers, or the valuable group of the Duplicados of the comandantes generates of the Provincias Internas. Eventually, however, he decided that it was better to make as wide a sweep of California materials as possible, thus establishing the fellowships, and leaving it to later Fellows to ramify from the foundation he would have laid. As matters were, he was able to include the greater part of the Fortificaciones ^ For example, the greater number of the service sheets entered in the Catalogue are of men known to kave had more or less direct relation at some time in their career to the affairs of the Calif omias; the service sheets of other men, even though they might have served in Texas or New Mexico, were omitted. 18 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias papers, and, at his suggestion, a later Fellow, Mr. Karl C. Leebrick, listed the entire set of the above-mentioned Duplicados papers.'^ Nevertheless, the number of documents entered bearing upon provinces east of Sonora covers a wider range, the writer believes, than any manuscript catalogue for those regions that has ever been published. Approximately two thousand such documents are cata- logued, and they represent possibly the great majority of the most important items that might have been selected. The great bulk of the entered items bear directly upon California, and, except for the related materials of the northeastern frontier, very few documents of that character in the legajos catalogued will have escaped the search that was made for them. In all, 207 legajos were investigated, yielding 6257 distinct items for the Catalogue, of which number it is safe to say that over 5000 had never been utilized in historical works. If the separate documents of testimonios, of which there were, perhaps, an unusual number in the legajos investigated, might be included in this Ust, the total number would almost certainly reach 20,000.^^ Further- more, as already indicated, ^^ the materials were of the highest all- round technical character, and since the Council of the Indies and the ministros generates were the administrative (even though not always the effective) centre for all of Spain's colonies, the larger policies affecting California and the other provinces of the northern frontier are to be found in the documents which passed through their hands, together with an amount of detail that is a never-ending surprise to the Anglo-Saxon mind. The present Catalogue not only serves as a guide to the materials indicated, but aims to be something more, as well. For much that an investigator may desire, the entry in the Catalogue will suffice. This statement has already been tested in works by Dr. Priestley and the writer which are based on the documents entered here.^^ Natur- ^ *' For a brief description of both the Fortificaciones and the Duplicados papers, see Part I, B, 30 and 58 of the Catalogue. " Testimonios of several hundred documents are not at all rare. *8 See Part I of the Introduction. " Priestley, Herbert I., Jose de Gdlvez, visitor-general of New Spain, Univ. Calif., Publ. Hist., V, 448 pp., 1916, and Chapman, Charles E., The founding of Spanish California, New York, Macmillan, 1916. In the case of the latter work, citation is made to this Catalogue, but not in that of the former. It may be explained here that the occasional absence of an item at a Catalogue number, as well as the presence of additional items in the case of some numbers, is due to the writer's citation to these materials before the final arrangement of the Catalogue. Wishing to call attention to the work, and being uncertain of its eventual publication, he deemed it for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 19 ally, the materials of a more immediate bearing on an investigator's subject must be had in extenso, especially in the case of the longer docu- ments, to which it has been impossible to give space in the Catalogue in proportion to their (usually) greater relative value. Furthermore, the Catalogue is much more than a manuscript bibliography of the two v/orks just referred to. Fifty such volumes, not more alike than the widely different works of Dr. Priestley and the present writer, might easily be based almost entirely on the Catalogue, and any number of others could make use of it, at least as an indication of desirable materials. Among the subjects that might be studied with a fair degree of adequacy from the materials here cited, granted that one should also make use of works already in print, are the following: the part played by the regular and secular clergy in Spanish conquests on the northern frontier of New Spain, involving an examination of such institutional topics as the mission system, the problem of secular- ization, friar lands, etc.; similarly, the part played by the civil and military authorities, with such institutional subjects as the presidio, provincial government, the establishment of a colonial militia, affairs of real hacienda, etc.; similarly, the part played by the civilian popu- lation, with such topics as the influence of mining (that especially) and stock raising, the use and treatment of Indians by the whites, race admixture, etc.; the interrelations of the elements just named, with special reference to the conflicts between them; the Indian tribes of the New Spain frontier; the junta de guerra y real hacienda; the fiscal of the Audiencia in actual colonial administration; Spanish fear of foreign encroachment on her dominions of the Pacific, as a spur to Spanish conquests; Spanish efforts at conquest of the Cali- fornias in the seventeenth century; the occupation and development of Baja California; the Pima revolt of 1751 and its consequences; the Rubi inspection of the presidios of New Spain; early voyages to Alta California; the beginnings of Spanish Arizona; the Seri wars of Sonora; Apache wars on the northern frontier; the effective Spanish conquest of Sonora; the Spanish occupation of Alta Cahfornia; the Department of San Bias; Gdlvez's reforms in Baja California and Sonora; the administrative evolution of the Calif ornias; Spanish voyages to the northwest coast in the last quarter of the eighteenth century; Spain's attitude toward American voyages along the Pacific best to take that course. Thus, it became impossible to change the former entry numbers. 20 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias coasts of New Spain and the Californias in the last three decades of Spanish rule; the development of Alta California under Spain; a detailed study of the Anza and numerous other expeditions in them- selves; the rule of Teodoro de Croix; history of the comandancia general of the Provincias Internas; the relation of the Spanish Ameri- can revolutions to the Californias, with special reference to the naval attack of the year 1818. These topics and their numerous sub- divisions, especially those of a narrative character, are only a few of the subjects for which materials are presented in the Catalogue. Still further indications appear in the legajo descriptions,^'' which are based on the entire legajo, and not merely on the entered material. IV. Rules for Entry of Items It has been deemed necessary in order to explain the data in this particular volume, and worth while as a suggestion to other investi- gators who may do similar work, to give a somewhat detailed de- scription of the methods employed. It is believed that the rules herein given are adapted to meet the conditions of any document that may be found in the Archivo General de Indias. A. The first paragraph. 1. Function. — The first paragraph contains an indication of the number, date, place, author, and addressee of the entered document. 2. Number. — Entries are arranged in chronological order, and numbered consecutively. These numbers are then used in cross references from one document to another. 3. Date. (a) Determination of date. When the date is not stated in the document, the actual date is given, in brackets, if it can be ascertained, or, if it cannot, an approximate date, followed by a question mark in parentheses, is entered, and the entire date entry placed within brackets, e. g., [1796 (?)]. Where there is more than one of a given document (see C. 14), all are taken together in determining the date, and the clearest expression is used as the date entry for all; thus, if one such document bore a date and the other did not, the date of the first would be assigned, without brackets, as the date for both. (b) Expediente and testimonio entries. Where a single year is applied to an entire file, of documents physically bound together, that is entered as the date; if no year is given, one may be supplied *> Part I of the Catalogue for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 21 in brackets. Inclusive dates are given, in brackets, when the file is composed of but a few documents. (c) Diaries. Inclusive dates, without brackets, are given in the case of diaries, rather than the date when the author completed, or signed, his diary. (d) Summaries. Since dates of summaries rarely appear, and decrees, with dates, are usually indicated on them in the margin, the date of the decree has been used, or, if that is missing, an approximate date is given. Brackets are used in both cases. (e) Abbreviations. The month is written in abbreviated form. 4. Place. (a) Determination of place. When the place is not stated in the document, the actual place, if ascertainable, is given, followed, in case of doubt, by a question mark in parentheses. Brackets are used in both cases. If not ascertainable, the place is omitted. (b) Abbreviations are extended, e. g., Mexico for Mexco. (c) Expediente, testimonio, and diary entries. No place is given. 5. Names of correspondents. (a) Determination of names. Rule A.4.a., with the substitution of the words " author " or " addressee," is applicable here. (b) Expediente and testimonio entries. No names are given. (c) Spelling. Names are spelled as they appear in the particular document, and abbreviations are retained. Where the name of a person is supplied in brackets, however, modern spelling of Christian names and modern usage as to accents are employed, but in other respects the family name is given, where possible, as the individual himself would have written it. If the bracketed name is that of an institution, correct modern form is followed. Abbreviations are not used in brackets. (d) Anglicized words. Where a suitable English equivalent exists, official titles indicating the author or addressee are translated from the Spanish, e. g., " the king," " the viceroy," " the Council of the Indies," etc. Exception: where a bishop or archbishop signs with his official title, preceded by his Christian name, the Spanish is re- tained, e. g., Francisco, Obispo de Guadalajara. (e) Spanish terms treated as English words. Certain institutions, including practically all those which are written with capital letters, are not italicized, e. g., Contaduria General, Tribunal de Cuentas. The Spanish plural " fiscales " of the noun " fiscal " is used, but the word is not italicized. 22 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias (f) Number. Not more than three names are used to indicate by whom a letter was written, or to whom it was addressed. In case there were more than that, a group name is used, descriptive of the body which they composed, or the name of one of them, usually the first-named, or occasionally the one deemed the most prominent person, is entered, or in some cases three names are entered, with an indication of the number of the others. (g) Simplification of names. Official titles and personal de- scriptive matter are omitted in entry of names of persons. In some cases names between the Christian and the family name are omitted, and occasionally also the last name, which in Spanish usage is the name of the mother. The full name, minus titles and descriptive matter, is retained, however, in the case of original documents — that is, in those that are signed with the name and rubric of the author, in his own hand. (h) " The viceroy." The viceroy of New Spain is meant, unless otherwise stated. (i) Use of " the." The definite article is omitted before the name of the author of a document where the next following word is capitalized, e. g., " Conde de," " Council of," but is retained before words not taking a capital letter, e. g., " The king," " The viceroy," ** The ministro general." It is always used before the name of an institution or of a titled person being addressed, e. g., " to the Coun- «cil of the Indies," " to the Marques de Croix." (j) " The ministro general," or " The ministro general de Indias." This term is used for an official of changing name and functions, who 'was apart from, and superior to, the Council of the Indies during the years most intensively covered by the Catalogite. The consistent employment of the correct name is not used, as it would have required the time and labor of an historical monograph to ascertain it in all cases, but in the vast majority of them the actual title was ascertain- able and is entered. Usually it has been possible to avoid the difficulty by employing the official's name. (k) Summaries for the Council of the Indies. Where a summary of a file is followed on the same document by a decree of the Council of the Indies, the Council is named as the author. 6. Letter, enclosure, and filing numbers. — Numbers of letters in a correspondence which has a consecutive series of numbers irrespective of date (letter numbers), those assigned to a series of documents for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 23 enclosed in a letter of a given date (enclosure numbers), and those placed on correspondence that has been received (filing numbers) are indicated, when they appear, as the closing item of the first para- graph. B. The second paragraph. 1. Function. — The second paragraph contains a brief indication, or catalogue, of the subject-matter of the entered document. 2. Description of subject-matter in Spanish. — The description placed on the document at the time of its sending or receipt, with abbrevia- tions and modes of spelling, accentuation, and punctuation exactly as they appear, has nearly always been retained, when present. Where both descriptions are present, the one better adapted for entry from the standpoints of brevity, adequacy, and correctness has been chosen, although where both are equally good, as usually happens, the de- scription placed on the document in Spain has been employed; this must be borne in mind in determining the meaning of an entry, e. g., " este reino " in the description of a viceroy's letter will usually mean Spain, not New Spain. In some cases Spanish entries that were exceedingly long, or mistaken, or inadequate have been abbreviated, rejected, or amplified, as the case might be. 3. Descriptions in English. (a) When employed. The description is given in English, within brackets, where no notation of a Spanish clerk appears, or where it was rejected or amplified for the reasons already mentioned. (b) Style of English used. The English employed aims to repre- sent what might have been placed on the document at the time, in- volving frequent use of the present and future verb instead of the past, as would be required if the document were viewed purely from the standpoint of the compiler of this Catalogue. The past tense is more often applicable in the case of expediente and testimonio entries than in the case of single documents. (c) Spelling of proper names and use of accents. The usage of the particular document is followed.'*^ Exceptions: abbreviations are rarely employed ; many place names of very familiar usage in English are given in the English form, e. g., Monterey for Monterrey, Vera Cruz for Veracruz, New Mexico, England, France, Russia, United States. *i Owing to a different practice used in listing material in the legajos first cata- ogued, or to occasional inadvertence later, modern spelling and accentuation appear in some cases, but these instances are not numerous. 24 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias (d) Use of " Provincias Internas." Where generally descriptive of the region referred to, this phrase has been rendered " frontier provinces; " where employed to describe the political jurisdiction of the comandancia general, the Spanish phrase has been retained. (e) Use of " Alta California " and " Baja California." For the sake of consistency and in the hope of establishing a practice, these phrases are used, even though it was customary, down to the close of the eighteenth century, to use " la nueva California," " California septentrional," or " los establecimientos de Monterrey " for the former, and '' la antigua California " for the latter. (f) Anglicized words. Rule A. 5. d. (minus the Exception) applies here. (g) Spanish terms treated as English words. Rule A. 5. e. is applicable. (h) " The viceroy." Rule A. 5. h. applies. 4. Subordinate documents. — These have been described, as well as the principal document. 5. Expedientes or testimonios bound or sewed together. A single entry for the whole expediente or testimonio is made; the various documents composing them are not entered separately. C. The third paragraph. 1. Function. — The third paragraph contains such technical data concerning the entered document as has not already been taken up in paragraph one. 2. Use of abbreviations. — The following is a list of those used: Or. /or Original ; Dft. /or Draft; Cer. /or Certified copy; the abbrevi- ation for months in dates of certified copies; Uns. for Unsigned; Sum. for Summary; C. for Copy; Dp. for Duplicate; Tp. for Tripli- cate; 4Dp., 5Dp., etc. for Quadruplicate, Quintuplicate, etc.; p. for page; pp. for pages; Am. Gen. for America en General; Aud. Guad. for Audiencia de Guadalajara; Aud. Mex. for Audiencia de Mexico; Doc. for document; Exp. for expediente; Cuad. for cuaderno; Inf. for Informe; Dec. /or Decree; Inc. /or Includes; Inc.in /or Included in; Ace. for Accompanies; Acc.by for Accompanied by; Enc. for Encloses; Enc.w. for Enclosed with. The words Estante, Cajon, and Legajo are omitted in giving the location, within the archive, of a document; the numbers alone appear, separated by dashes. 3. Originals. — A document is considered to be an original when it is signed with the name and rubric, or the rubric alone, of the author. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 25 or authors, of the document. The signature by the rubric alone was often employed, especially by fiscales and departmental secretaries, in intra-departmental correspondence. 4. Drafts. — The unsigned file copy retained in the office of origina- tion of the document is called the draft. In practice, the draft was written by a clerk, and corrected by the man who was to sign the eventual original. Clean copies were then made and signed, be- coming the original, duplicate original, etc. of documents for which the draft was held as the office copy. 5. Certified copies. — These are copies of originals which are certi- fied to, as agreeing with the documents from which they are copied.^^ The date and place of copying is given, if stated in the document. The notation " Cer. of Cer." indicates a certified copy of a certified copy. 6. Ordinary copies, "C." — In case a copy is not certified, it is entered in this group. If it is possible to determine with certainty the source of the copy, although usually it is not, that is indicated, e. g., " C. of Or.," " C. of Cer." Many documents have been entered as copies when they may well have been originals. This is especially true of petitions, which it was the practice, oftentimes, not to sign, and in the case of some of the letters of the religious, who (possibly because they were frequently of non-Spanish origin) occasionally omitted the rubric, the unfailing proof of an original, in signing docu- ments. Many others marked copies are almost certainly copies of originals or of certified copies, but it has been thought best not to indulge in guesses, even though they would rarely be incorrect. 7. Duplicates, triplicates, etc. — These are documents of practically equal authority with those of which they are an exact copy; thus, the duplicate of an original will have the name and rubric of the author of the original, and so too the triplicate, quadruplicate, etc. The phrase duplicate original (" Or. Dp."), etc. is therefore con- sidered appropriate in describing them. 8. Unsigned documents. — Entries so described refer to documents, other than the draft, lacking the name and rubric of the author. They are confined almost wholly to intra-departmental communica- tions — such as a summary of a file of papers as a basis for action by the Council of the Indies (although occasional extracts, or summaries, *^ In many cases copies from originals are marked " Cer." in the Catalogue, even when the notarial certification was lacking on the document, but this practice was abandoned ultimately. 26 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias of a file were enclosed, unsigned, with letters from officials in the colonies) — whereas the draft represents a document sent to some- body outside the originating department. 9. Pages. (a) Number. Number of pages is indicated by the figure pre- ceding the abbreviation for the word " page " or " pages." Frac- tions of pages are not considered. (b) Size of page. This is indicated by a figure 1 or 2 following the abbreviation just referred to. Figure 1 represents a page 31 by 211 centimetres in size; figure 2, a page of 15^ by 21^ centimetres, or the exact fold, or half, of the preceding. In the rare case of departure from these sizes, the actual size is indicated. (c) Amount on a page. While this varies greatly, it is almost reducible to rule. By law, royal officers sending out communications under their name and rubric (originals) were required to leave a margin of half the page, and to have broad spaces between lines. In the later eighteenth century, in which the bulk of the documents entered in the Catalogue fall, the law was almost invariably observed. Originals from ecclesiastical officials and from private individuals have scant margins and spaces, following the practice of the person writing. This is also true of all copies, but the certified copies are especially lacking in these respects; the last-named will almost invariably contain more than an average page of print, and will have perhaps five times as many words as the originals of royal officers. An inter- mediate class, using generous spacing and margins, but not so generous as that employed by documents of the first-named class, is to be found in royal decrees and intra-departmental correspondence. 10. Location of documents. (a) Location of the legajo in which a document is contained. In the case of the Simancas, or Audiencia, papers, three numbers are used, following the indication of the number and size of pages, to mark the location of the legajo in which the particular document is found. The numbers stand respectively for the estante, cajon, and serial number of the legajo within the cajdn, but are commonly referred to, all together, as the legajo number. Certain sets, of which only the Estado group appears in this catalogue, are numbered on a different basis; in the case of the Estado papers, a regional description follows the word Estado, after which comes the serial number of the legajo within the particular section of the group, e. g., Estado,Aud.Mex.,23. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 27 (b) Location of documents within a legajo. This is usually im- possible to determine, although the search, in any event, should be but a matter of a few minutes. Occasionally, however, cuaderno (parcel), expediente (file of papers), and document numbers appear, to indicate the order of filing, and in that case they are cited, pre- ceded by a comma, immediately following the legajo number, e. g., Estado,Aud.Mex.23,Doc.l2. 11. Indication of documents which have not been entered. (a) Informes. Opinions of the fiscales which are written on the very document being discussed are indicated by the abbreviation " Inf.," but are not entered separately. In rare instances this stands for the opinion of some other official than the fiscal. (b) Decrees. In like manner, decrees written on the document under consideration are indicated, but not entered. Such decrees are usually by the ministro general or by the Council of the Indies. Occasionally they are important documents, but as a rule they merely give directions for the handling of the document or expediente in question. (c) Noia. This marks a marginal reference other than a decree or informe. Routine notations, e. g., Visto en el Consejo, are omitted. (d) Summaries. The abbreviation " Sum." refers to a summary of an expediente of which all the papers are present, obviating the need for separate entry of the summary. When the expediente is incomplete, such documents are entered, being technically charac- terized by the abbreviation " Uns." See C.8. above. In the case of summaries for the Council of the Indies, followed on the same docu- ment by a decree of the Council, the technical nature of the document is stated with reference to the decree; these documents will usually be entered, therefore, as originals. i 12. Relationships of entered documents. (a) Cross references. Entries are given cross references only with regard to their immediate principal or subordinate documents. (b) Bases for choice of a principal document. (1) Where the expediente is composed of an entire legajo or of very many documents. If a separate sheet appears, describing the nature of the file, an entry is made of that, or, if no such sheet appears, an hypothetical sheet may be conceived. That item then becomes the principal entry, and is held to include (Inc.) the principal docu- ments of subordinate expedientes. Cf. C.12.C. 28 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias (2) The smaller expedientes that are in good order. Where the file is in the order that it had when last used by the officials handling the matter with which it deals, the first, or outside, document is taken as the principal one, and is said to be accompanied by (Acc.by) the documents immediately subordinate to it. This document will usually be the draft of a letter of the ministro general or other supreme official of the Indies; when it is not, the order of the file as it stands has nevertheless been followed. This class of expediente comprises the overwhelming majority of those entered in the Catalogue. (3) The expedientes which have lost their original good order. In some cases an attempt has been made to bring together material dealing with the same subject-matter by subordinating other docu- ments to some one of them, but no attempt has been made to change the existing order of the file, even though it would not be a difficult task to restore the logical order; the danger of error if investigators generally should attempt this is manifest; it is precisely in legajos from which copies have been made that lack of good order prevails. (c) The use of " Inc." Where numerous documents are filed together, by being placed in the same folder or tied together, in cases that are differentiated from an enclosure, the abbreviation " Inc." is made on a principal entry, to indicate that it includes all other principal documents of lesser groups within the same file, and is followed by the entry numbers of the lesser principal documents. Cf. C.12.b.(l). Usually the documents in such a file are closely related in subject-matter, but not always. (d) The use of " Inc.in." The number following this abbrevia- tion indicates the document to which this one is subordinated in the sense just mentioned in rule c. (e) The use of " Acc.by." This is used in a similar manner to " Inc." above, but is the principal document of a single expediente, whereas a number of expedientes may be subordinated to the docu- ment bearing the abbreviation " Inc."; thus, a document which is " Acc.by " others may be " Inc.in " another. The numbers follow- ing the abbreviation " Acc.by " indicate documents, other than enclosures, which have been filed with the one taken as the principal. Cf. C.12.b.(2) and (3). All documents of an expediente usually relate to the same subject matter, but in some cases they do not, due very likely to bad filing. (f) The use of " Ace." The number following this abbreviation for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 29 indicates the document to which this one has been subordinated in the sense just mentioned in rule e. (g) The use of " Enc." The numbers following " Enc." are for documents which were forwarded as enclosures of this particular entry. " Enc." is not used unless the enclosures appear in the ex- pediente. (h) The use of " Enc.w." The number following this abbrevi- ation indicates the document with which this 'one was originally enclosed. (i) Order of indicating relationships. The order employed in indicating relationships is as follows: " Inc. in," "Inc.," "Ace," " Acc.by," " Enc.w.," " Enc." 13. General comment not otherwise provided for. (a) Indication of the language of a document that is not in Spanish. Unless the non-Spanish language is used in the description of the document in paragraph two, it is noted in parentheses following the technical description of the document, preceding the indication of pages, e. g., Or. (in French). 2 pp.1. (b) All other additional matter which may seem desirable of entry. Such matter is placed at the end of the third paragraph. The most frequent instance of such entry, perhaps, is the use of the word " See," followed by numbers representing documents on the same subject matter, to which attention is directed. 14. Additional paragraphs. — Where documents are dupHcated by others, especially if they exist in separate legajos, all are given a single entry, but additional paragraphs are made subject to the same rules just given for the third paragraph, with the single exception that the number of pages of a document is omitted in the added paragraphs; though the number may vary from that given in the third paragraph, the latter is a sufficient indication of length. All such dupHcates are taken together in determining doubtful points with respect to the first and second paragraphs. D. Rules of a general nature. 1. Interpretation of handwriting. — Doubtful spellings and con- nected or disjoined words are written in the correct form if such an interpretation is possible — otherwise not. 2. Handling of abbreviations of words. — Abbreviations, usually marked by the use of superior letters, have been retained in all cases except those specifically excluded in the statement of these rules. 30 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias In printing, it has been deemed best to place superior letters on the Une with the rest of the word. All abbreviated words, whether marked in the original by superior letters or not, are followed, in printing, by a period. Lack of the usual space before the next following letter will show that the period is for an abbreviation, and not for a full stop. 3. Making of slips for entry. — The papeletas, or slips, should be made in duplicate, by use of carbon paper and the stylographic pen. This enables the investigator to retain his original legajo file with one set, and to place the other in chronological order. THE CATALOGUE PART I Description of Legajos Used in Compiling the Catalogue A. General considerations. 1. Character of the legajos investigated. — The principal idea in the choice of legajos for cataloguing was the likelihood of their containing materials for California history. A second aim was to secure legajos of such an all-round character that the description of a few of them might serve to indicate the kinds of material in all. The descriptions that follow represent, therefore, not only an account of the 207 legajos investigated, but also a characterization of a total of 621 legajos in the sets described, and in a measure furnish a clue to the contents of the Estado and Audiencia groups of papers as a whole, since the other legajos will in great degree be similar in names and materials to those which are here described. This entailed an investigation of legajos, which, in the majority of cases, had never been opened since being filed, a century before. The search was often barren or meagre, though not always so, from the standpoint of items for the Catalogue, but was well repaid in the store of information it supplied with regard to matters, particularly those of an institutional character, of interest or value for other purposes than that of the present investigation. 2. Meaning of NPC. — At the end of many of the legajo descrip- tions, the letters NPC are placed to indicate that the documents of that legajo which were catalogued had not previously been copied, up to the time of the writer's investigation. This was determinable, in that a notation, written with a pencil, of the legajo number was placed on a document when it was removed from a legajo for copying, and this served, not only as a means for replacing the document, but also as a record whether it might have been copied. The rule was not absolute, for it is conceivable that the documents might have been removed for other purposes, though rarely, or that the archive clerk might have neglected to make the pencilled notation, or that the marks might not have been seen by the writer, since there was no specific place for them. The writer believes, however, that few, if any, documents of those catalogued will have been copied in legajos bearing the NPC mark. Furthermore, in most of the legajos which 31 32 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias lack the NPC characterization, the very great majority of the docu- ments had never been copied for historical purposes. Since that time, however, many copies have been made from these legajos.^ Recently a system has been instituted at the Archivo General de Indias, where- by a definite record is kept, both in the office of the head of the archive and in the legajo itself, of copies that are made, with a statement of the date of copying, name and nationality of the investigator, subject of the investigation, number and title of the legajo, number of copies made, object of the work and use to be made of the copies, and a summary of their contents.^ 3. Numeri cal order of the legajos on which the catalogue is based. 1-12. Estado, Am.Gen., 1-12. 103-115. Aud.Guad. 103-4-12 to 24 13. (< , Aud.Guad., 1. 116-128. (( It 103-5-1 to 13. 14-36. « , Aud.Mex., 1-23. 129. (( It 103-5-20. 37. Aud.Mex., 60-4-37. 130. tt It 103-5-25. 38-42. Aud.Guad., 67-3-27 to 31. 131. It It 103-6-19. 43. (( " , 67-4-45. 132. It It 103-6-21. 44. (( " , 67-5-3. 133-141. It It 103-6-23 to 31 45-46. Aud.Mex., 88-5-13 to 14. 142-153. It It 103-7-1 to 12. 47-48. 11 " , 88-5-16 to 17. 154-162. II (( 104-1-6 to 14. 49-52. it " , 88-5-22 to 25. 163. It It 104-2-13. 63-55. it " , 88-6-18 to 20. 164. ti It 104-2-25. 56-57. It " , 89-3-22 to 23. 165-169. ti It 104r-3-l to 5. 58-81. ti " , 89-6-1 to 24. 170-171. It It 104-3-9 to 10. 82. ti " , 91-5-25. 172. It tt 104-3-18. 83. ti " , 91-6-17. 173. tt It 104-3-21. 84. It " , 95-6-7. 174-176. tt it 104-3-24 to 25 85. ti " ,95-7-16. 177. It It 104-4r-28. 86-88. tt " , 96-1-11 to 13. 178-184. It 11 104-5-10 to 16 89-90. It " , 97-4-5 to 6. 185. It II 104^5-19. 91. Aud.Guad., 103-3-6. 186. It it 104-5-24. 92. tt " , 103-3-10. 187-189. 11 It 104r-6-7 to 9. 93-94. it " , 103-3-12 to 13. 190-202. tt It 104-6-12 to 24 95. it " , 103-3-21. 203. 11 II , 104-7-6. 96-98. it " , 103-3-24 to 26. 204. It tt 104-7-8. 99. it " , 103-3-28. 205. It It 104-7-33. 100. tt " , 103-4-4. 206-207. It It 105-1-24 to 25 )1-102. tt " , 103-4-9 to 10. The numbers at the left in the above list represent merely the total of legajos up to that point in the writer's Catalogrie. Am.Gen. stands for America en General, Aud.Guad. for Audiencia de Guadalajara, and Aud.Mex. for Audiencia de Mexico. In ordering from or citing Estado legajos, full entry must be made, aa in items 1 to 36 above. In the case of all the other legajos order or citation by number alone is sufficient. The reference to the Audiencia is therefore omitted in the following section, devoted to the descriptions. 1 See n. 14 of the Introduction. * The system is described in Hill, Descriptive catalogue, pp. x, xi. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 33 B. Legajo descriptions. 1. The Papeles de Estado group. — This entire set is composed of 105 legajos, dating from 1750 to 1836; in 1871, they were turned over by the ministry of state (Estado) to the Archivo General de Indias.^ The documents are of the same sort as those in the Audiencia group of the Simancas papers; they are divided into the same thirteen subdivisions by colonial Audiencias, plus one other called America en general; they merely represent certain of the papers about colonial affairs, by no means all, for the years in question, which were taken up with the state department by that of the Indies. A useful manu- script catalogue by expedientes already exists at the Archivo General de Indias; a description of the principal document of an expediente is made, with a mention of the subordinate documents filed with it. The expedientes, or " documentos," are numbered consecutively, and that numbering has been retained in the present Catalogue. Thirty- six legajos in this set were examined. Entry of items was based on expedientes touching upon affairs in the Pacific, with a direct or indirect bearing upon the Californias. In all, there were over 2500 expedientes in the thirty-six legajos, of which 193, yielding 618 items, were entered. Very few of the entered documents bore marks showing that they had ever been removed for copying, although in three legajos par- ticularly rich in diaries of Spanish voyages to the northwest coast and of Spanish expeditions in Alta California and in correspondence of the Spanish ministers to Russia about Russian activities in the far north- west (Aud.Guad.l, and Aud.Mex.l and 19) the entered material had been quite generally copied.* In addition to the material just mentioned, these legajos are espe- cially noteworthy for their Spanish accounts of voyages along the Pacific coasts of New Spain and the Californias by English, American, Spanish-American revolutionary, and so-called pirate ships during the last three decades of Spanish rule. There is also much valuable material about Gdlvez's reforms and the complaints against him. The affairs of San Bias, including frequent reference to the project of removing the Department from that port to Acapulco, the Manila galleon trade, and Spanish exploration of the Hawaiian (Sandwich) Islands are prominent in the entered material. The most important items of those omitted in cataloguing dealt * Hill, Descriptive catalogue, p. ix. ♦ By Professor H. Morse Stephens for the Bancroft Library. 4 34 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias with the Spanish-American War of Independence, which is very fully treated here.^ For the earlier years, there is much about pre- cautions against foreign ships in the Gulf of Mexico, foreign residents in New Spain, American and English aggressions, and the efforts to check seditious doctrines. Less important, perhaps, are papers about remissions of treasure or of the Gaceta of Mexico to Spain, the receipt of the mails in New Spain, and the petitions of individuals. 2. Legajo 60-4-37. Viage y derrotero de las naos que fueron al Descuhrimiento del Puerto de Acapulco a cargo del general Sebastian Vizcayno. Anos 1602. This small legajo contained only the im- portant item entered in the Catalogue as number 6. It refers to Vizcaino's expedition, not to Acapulco, but from there to Monterey and the Alta California coast. The material had previously been copied for the Bancroft Library. 3. Legajos 67-3-27 to 31. Espediente sobre el descubrimiento, conquista y misiones de la provincia de la California. Anos 1602 a 1768. These are exceedingly important legajos for the field embraced by the Catalogue, and, with one or two minor exceptions, every docu- ment was entered.* In all, there were 262 items catalogued, including many valuable and bulky testimonios. All of the documents bear removal marks, but it seems probable that the larger testimonios were not in fact copied; certainly very many of them have never been exploited. Legajos 67-3-27 and 67-3-28 bear upon Spain's activities with regard to the Calif ornias, principally Baja California, and, except for the omission of the Vizcaino voyage to Alta California (for which 60-4-37 is available), they form an adequate set of materials for an entire rewriting of Spanish efforts to procure a foothold in the Californias in the seventeenth century, — for such attempts were made after Vizcaino's time, despite the oft-written statements that they were not. In 67-3-28, there is much about the early history of Baja California, following its settlement in 1697. Legajos 67-3-29 and 67-3-31, covering the years 1731 to 1758, are rich in materials for Baja CaUfornia, but even more so for Sonora and Pimerla Alta, as ' The omission in this case is of slight consequence, since the Estado papers were drawn upon liberally by Senor Torres Lanzas in his Independencia de America; fuentes para su estvdio; catdlogo de documentos conservados en el Archivo General de Indies de SeviUa, ser. 1, 6 vols., Madrid, 1912. « In 67-3-28, one of the first legajos catalogued by the writer, the subordinate documents of a file were not in all cases listed. Cf. entry number 79. This is the only legajo so handled. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 35 the region embracing the northern part of modern Sonora and southern Arizona was formerly called, and in 67-3-31 there are a few Nueva Vizcaya documents. Nevertheless, there is an essential unity in the materials, for they bear very largely on questions of northward advance. Legajo 67-3-30, for the year 1751, relates wholly to Nueva Vizcaya, containing only ten items, due to the presence of several huge testimonios. The names of Vizcaino, the Cardonas, Iturbe, Ortega, Carbonel, Porter, Pynadero, Otondo, Salvatierra, Eano, Rodero, the Marques de Aysa, Escobar, Consag, and Sdnchez are a few which suggest the nature of the documents, but there is much else at present buried in the testimonios about Indian wars and related matters (such as the founding of presidios and missions) in Baja Cali- fornia, Sonora, and Nueva Vizcaya, secularization of the Jesuit mis- sions of Tepehuana and Topia, projects for colonization of the Cali- fornias, and the general progress of the Spanish advance.'^ 4. Legajo 67-4-4^' Espediente sobre las volas y planchas halladas en la primeria alta en la provincia de Sonora. Anos 1737 a 1740- This relates to the spectacular discovery, in 1736, of the balls of silver at Arizona (otherwise Arissona or Arizonac), and to the actiont taken at Mexico and Madrid in consequence. The documents range from 1736 to 1739, instead of the dates given above, and show that the event led, not only to a rush of settlers to Sonora, but also to suggestions for an advance of the northern frontier. The whole legajo was entered, yielding twenty-four items, several of them bulky testimonios. NPC 5. Legajo 67-5-3. Espediente sohre el estado del Gohierno de la Nueva Vizcaya; y excesos que cometen los Yndios harbaros y Apostatos en sus fronteras. Anos 1755 a 1756. The title accurately describes the contents. Some copies had been made, which may account for the disorder of the legajo. Because of the presence of several testi- monios, the legajo contained only sixteen items, all of which were entered. 6. Legajo 88-5-13. Virreynato. Instrucciones que dejaban los Virreyes a los sucesores. Anos 1772 a 1801. Along with a few re- mitting letters this contained the following instructions of viceroys to their successors: the Marques (Francisco) de Croix to Bucarely; the Caballero (Teodoro) de Croix, as viceroy of Peru, to Gil; two of ^ A considerable part of the material in these legajos has been copied for the Bancroft Library. 36 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias Revilla Gigedo (the younger) to Branciforte; two of Azanza to Marquina. All were entered. NPC 7. Legajo 88-6-14- Virreynato. Ynstrucciones dadas al Virrey Bucareli, Cedulas, Minutas de despachos y provisiones del Virreynato. Anos 1760 a 1819. This is an excellent legajo for the study of the ceremonial surrounding the viceroy's position, particularly as to honors, titles, and privileges granted him upon entering office. Nothing was entered. NPC 8. Legajos 88-5-17 and 18. Virreynato. Corresponda.confidencial con los Virrey es. Anos 1766 a 1779. These were made up of the personal correspondence of Viceroy Bucarely between 1766 and 1777, for no letters appear for 1778 and 1779. The first legajo was com- posed principally of letters between Bucarely and General Alejandro O'Reilly, while there is also a file, for the year 1771, of semiofficial correspondence of Bucarely with Jos6 de Gdlvez, the Marques de Croix, and Archbishop Lorenzana, prior to Bucarely's arrival in Mexico as the successor of Croix. Bucarely's letters are drafts, for the file seems to have belonged personally to him, while the other letters are originals. The correspondence with O'Reilly is especially interesting, because of its intimate nature. While the body of the letters is usually in the handwriting of a clerk, both Bucarely and O'Reilly frequently added matter in their own hands, especially long post- scripts, and in several cases dispensed with the use of a clerk alto- jgether. The letters are of great importance, as will appear from the :f olio wing explanation. Bucarely wished very much to retire — would :in fact have preferred to return to Spain from Havana rather than libecome viceroy of New Spain — and O'Reilly desired equally to suc- ceed him as viceroy. Thus, O'Reilly was eager to learn, and Bucarely glad to relate, the principal events and problems of the viceroyalty. From 1769 (while Bucarely was still in Havana) to 1775, the file shows a letter a month from each; there are also single letters of O'Reilly for 1766, 1776, and 1777, and of Bucarely for 1776 and 1777. Unhke official letters, which were limited to treatment of a single subject, this correspondence ranges at the will of the writers, but for that very reason it gives an element of proportion less easy to determine in official documents. The affairs of the northern frontier are thus revealed as a very important item in the viceroy's attention. One interesting sidelight was the prominent place accorded Hugo Oconor in this correspondence. Oconor seems to have been a prot6g6 of for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 37 O'Reilly, who never failed to enquire about his friend, and Bucarely was equally consistent in giving the news; indeed, the student of Oconor's important work on the northern frontier must not neglect this file. Forty-six of Bucarely's letters to O'Reilly were entered, and the other documents of the legajo omitted. The making of the entry was difficult, not only because of the variety of the subject matter, but also because of the utterly wretched handwriting of Bucarely. An attempt was made to state the principal fact discussed in the letter, with added comment about matters bearing upon the affairs of Alta California.^ The documents of 88-5-18 consist of Bucarely's private corre- spondence with the Marques de Losadas, during the period while Bucarely was captain-general in Cuba. None of these documents were entered. NPC 9. Legajos 88-5-22 and 23. Virreynato. Expedte.de visitas de las Cajas Reales de Acapulco hecha por D.Jose de Galvez. Anos 1771 d 1772. The two legajos deal with the frauds discovered (or, at least, alleged) in connection with the visitation of the cajas reales of Acapulco, Gdlvez's dismissal of the Acapulco oficiales reales, and their petitions for reinstatement (which seem ultimately to have been successful). Legajo 88-5-22 contained twenty-six items, most of them testimonios of 1771, made up of documents of earlier date. The seventy-eight documents of 88-5-23 ranged between the years 1763 and 1773. All were entered. NPC^ 10. Legajos 88-6-24 cind 25. Virreynato. Expedte.de la visita de D. Jose Galvez sobre todas las Rentas de Real Hacda. Anos 1767 a 1776. The forty-three items of 88-5-24 and the eighty-four of 88-5-25, all of them entered, include many documents of the greatest value for an understanding of the Galvez visita of 1765-1771. Most of them fall within the years of the visita, although some go as far back as the year 1752. They deal with the whole subject of Gdlvez's reforms in commerce and real hacienda. Documents about Vera Cruz and Mexico City are in the majority, but only because, as the principal port and leading city, those places were essential factors in any general project. Legajo 88-5-25 is most largely composed of the opinions of others about the reforms of the visitador, including * The writer regrets to say that this task was confided by him to a clerk. » Many were copied for Dr. Priestley, who used them in his volume on the Gdlvez visita. 38 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias detailed objections of the Consulado of Mexico and of Tomd,s Ortiz de Landazuri, chief of the Contaduria General, but also including the important opinion of the fiscales of Castile, Campomanes and Monino (better known as the Conde de Floridablanca), whose voluminous report (see item number 1722) sustained Gdlvez. NPC^° 11. Legajos 88-6-18 to 20. Virreynato. Cartas y espedientes del Virrey. The entire set with this title is composed of seventy-one legajos, dating from 1537 to 1821. The three that were investigated contain well-ordered expedientes dealing with administrative details, principally about real hacienda. They are respectively for the years 1772, 1773, and 1774; the first has fifteen expedientes (two to sixteen, inclusive, number one having been withdrawn in 1804), the second, fourteen (one to thirteen and one unnumbered), and the third, thirteen (one to twelve and one unnumbered). The following are some of the topics: petitions for increase of salary; papers relating to the repair of public buildings in Mexico; an expediente about a governor of Tlaxcala who had just quitted his post; the authorization for one Joseph Marion to carry 4000 pesos' worth of goods from Acapulco to Manila; the departure of fleets from Vera Cruz bound for Spain; minor ecclesiastical and administrative appointments; the resignation of an alcalde mayor; an expediente about the commerce of Vera Cruz with other Atlantic coast ports ; an expediente about raising a military company to guard certain eastern towns; and an expediente arising from the publication, without license, of a certain book. Nothing was entered. NPC 12. Legajos 89-8-22 and 23, and 89-6-1 to 2^. Virreynato. Duplicados del Virrey. The entire set of the Duplicados of the viceroys consists of 180 legajos, dating from 1664, but all except twenty-three are for the years 1751 to 1823. Only the above cited twenty-six were investigated. Legajo 89-3-22, for the years 1769 and 1770, during the administration of the Marques de Croix, aroused great expectations as to the wealth of the entire set in materials coming within the scope of the Catalogue. Most of the expedientes in this legajo have a numbered duplicate of Croix's, signed with his name and rubric, as the principal document, the others being enclosures and the whole file being directed to the ministro general de Indias, Julidn de Arriaga. Many lack the serial number and the legally required index, " Many of these documents were copied for Dr. Priestley, for whose volume they served as among the most valuable of his materials. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 39 or description, as well, for Croix seems to have been unsystematic in this respect. The bulk of the legajo, however, is due to a few un- numbered originals of Croix, with their enclosures of testimonios. While the materials were, in the main, like those of 89-6-1 to 24 (presently to be described) in subject matter, there were sixteen valuable expedientes, with a total of seventy-nine documents, most of which treat, in detailed fashion (with diaries, letters, and estados), of the sea and land expeditions of 1769 to Alta California. Legajo 89-3-23, for the year 1772, contained thirty-two of Bucarely's dupli- cates, with enclosures, but only two, of slight importance, were entered. The writer was prompted to investigate legajos 89-6-1 to 24 by a hope that he would find additional materials about foreign voyages to the northwest coast in the years covered by the correspondence, 1785 to 1795, and, in particular, some further light on the Nootka affair. In this respect, the legajos were disappointing. The numbered correspondence of the viceroys Bernardo de Gdlvez, Archbishop Alonzo Niinez de Haro, Florez, Re villa Gigedo, and Branciforte, and of the Audiencia of Mexico acting as viceroy, is very nearly complete; even when missing, its character can usually be determined by the lists of indices of the viceroys' letters, describing all that they wrote, except those marked reservada; even the reservadas are usually here. Nevertheless, surprisingly little within the range of this Catalogue, or even of any wide narrative interest, was found, whether in the letters in ordinary course or in the reservadas. There is almost an entire absence of materials touching upon the American southwest. The Pacific coast fares better, owing to the recurrence of letters about the " pious fund " of the Calif ornias and the Department of San Bias. There are also several expedientes about local affairs in Alta California, including the Fages proposal for reopening the route from Sonora. For routine matters, of a general administrative character, the legajos may well have considerable value. As already mentioned in the case of legajo 89-3-22, they are made up of the dupUcates of the viceroys, with their enclosures, the whole file in each case duplicating that of the original. The action taken in Spain on the expedientes is lacking, but it can often be determined by the later answers of the viceroys. In some cases the originals are in these legajos, though without the additional documents arising from ofl&cial attention in Spain," and in three cases both the original and duplicate of a viceroy " Cf. infra, n. 14. 40 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias are present. Some other materials, possibly due to an error in filing, are occasionally found, especially in 89-6-18, where there are a number of testimonios (not catalogued) about the financial affairs of Guana- juato, covering the years 1768 to 1792. Disregarding these materials and the three above-mentioned duplications, there are 1841 expedientes, each a viceroy's letter and its enclosures, in the twenty-four legajos, of which only forty-six were entered, yielding ninety-eight items. A large proportion of the expedientes not catalogued deal with appoint- ments to office, chiefly military appointments, while there is also considerable material about affairs of the city of Mexico and about the church. NPC 13. Legajo 91-5-25. Virreynato. Espedientes diarios. Anas 1770. This is the first legajo in a series of twenty, covering the years 1770 to 1799. It is made up of such matters as petitions of individuals to come to the Americas, of high officials of Mexico asking permission to marry, and of matters pertaining to lawsuits and routine administra- tion. Areche's request for permission to marry was the only document entered. NPC 14. Legajo 91-6-17. Virreynato. Espedientes Consultados por el Consejo. Anos 1772 a 1800. This is wholly concerned with matters of real hacienda for the years 1782 to 1796, most of the expedientes (not numbered and in some disorder) relating to the port of Vera Cruz. Nothing was entered. NPC 15. Legajo 95-6-7. Virreynato. Embarco de tropas a distintos puntos. Anos 1765 a 1778. While of great general value, this legajo contained nothing for the present Catalogue. It concerned the em- barking of troops from Spain, not only to New Spain, but also to Havana, Nicaragua, Lima, and Buenos Aires. One expediente is for the year 1761. NPC 16. Legajo 95-7-16. Virreynato. Fortificaciones, Pertrechos de Guerra, Situados de Tropa y sus Inddendas. Anos 1769 a 1770. This is one of a set containing thirty legajos between the years 1721 and 1818. Except for an expediente of six documents about Gdlvez's work and loss of health while in Sonora in 1769, nothing in this legajo was entered. The legajo is concerned with routine miUtary matters for central and southern New Spain, more particularly for the cities of Vera Cruz and Mexico. Petitions for promotion or retirement, promotions granted, and monthly reviews of regiments and posts make up almost the entire legajo. Among the unentered items are jor History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 41 the following: papers about the review of Domingo Elizondo's regi- ment of dragones de Espana; an expediente giving the names and salaries of military engineers of New Spain, including a reference to the promotion of Miguel Costans6, for his services in the Alta Cali- fornia expedition of 1769; a petition of Diego Parrilla containing documents concerning his services and campaigns in Texas. NPC 17. Legajo 96-1-11. Virreynato. Papeles y Pianos relativos d la guerra de la Sonora. Anos 1767 d 1771. This is a small legajo of less than three hundred pages, containing thirty items, all of which were entered. The greater part of the documents is divided between Armona's accounts of the campaign around the Cerro Prieto and the viceroy's letters to Spain giving the latest news about the war in Sonora. NPC 18. Legajos 96-1-12 and 13. Virreynato. Cuentas de la Ex- pedicion a Sonora. Anos 1766 a 1775. The two legajos aggregate 3450 pages of material, nearly all of which relates to the financial accounts of the Sonora expeditions of 1766 to 1771. Some accounts for the Alta California and Nueva Vizcaya expeditions and for the expenses of the Department of San Bias, in the same documents with the Sonora accounts, also appear, for activities in these regions were regarded as falling within the same general plan. The value of the whole is very great. Many of the testimonios of the two legajos dupli- cate each other. The majority are dated 1776 and 1777, when the accounts were completed. All of the documents were entered, yielding ninety items. NPC 19. Legajos 97-4.-5 and 6. Eclesiastico. Espedte.sohre liquidacion de cuentas y venta de fincas del fondo piadoso de Misiones de California. Anos 1805. The two legajos may be taken as comprising one expedi- ente, with a total of 136 items, all of which were catalogued. The documents are not for the date given above, but range between 1766 and 1797. The specific question giving rise to the expediente first appears in 1771, although there are some inventories of Jesuit goods of prior date. The issue raised was whether a sum of 136,184 pesos, expended on the expeditions of 1769 to Alta California, should be charged to the pious fund of the Calif ornias or to real hacienda. Out of this came a discussion whether the pious fund should continue to be administered separately by the Juzgado de Temporalidades or whether it should become a branch of real hacienda and have its estates sold. The latter course was decided upon, in 1781, but the 42 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias law seems not to have been executed for several years. The above is the principal content of 97-4-5. The documents of 97-4-6 relate to the sale of the above-mentioned estates and the status of the pious fund after it became a branch of real hacienda, but most of the items cover matters of routine administration of the fund. In both legajos there is much material of value incidental to the main theme, of which a number of estados showing receipts and disbursements of the pious fund for 1767 to 1792 are perhaps the most noteworthy items. NPC 20. Legajo 103-3-6. Registros de oficio. Reales or denes dirigidas a las autoridades del distrito. Anos 1745 a 1766. This is the last of a set of six legajos for the years 1554 to 1766. The legajo investigated was composed of two bound volumes, for respectively 1745 to 1758 and 1758 to 1766. Each contains copies of royal orders to the viceroys, the Audiencia of Guadalajara, officials of the cathedral at Guadalajara, and to others, with reference to affairs within the region embraced by the jurisdiction of the Audiencia of Guadalajara. The subject matter varies, from the most general in character, to orders respecting particular individuals. Thirty such royal orders (entered separately) were catalogued. They dealt with Indian wars in Pimeria Alta, the Spanish projects of conquest toward the Gila and Colorado rivers, and Spanish fears of French intrusions in Texas in the years preceding the cession of Louisiana to Spain. NPC 21. Legajo 103-3-10. Yndice de Cedulas y Reales Ordenes. Anos 1760 d 1805. The real dates of the Indice are 1670 (not 1760) to 1774, although there are a few separate documents running to the year 1805, one of which, an item about Texas, was the only entered document of the legajo. The principal part of the legajo is the Indice, which may be best described by copying its title : Indice de las Cedulas mas particulares expedidas de oficio, y a instanda de Partes — al Distrito de la Audiencia de Guadalaxara desde el ano de 1670 hasta el tiempo presente; sacado de los Lihros de Registro . . . y puesto en orden alfabetico, arreglado a las materias de que tratan . . . Por Martin Osorio . . . Ano de 177 4. The alphabetical arrangement of subject matter contains descriptions, similar to those in the items of the present Catalogue, giving the gist of each real cHula. There were six such items between 1688 and 1721 under the heading " Californias." There is no indication of the legajo in which the cedulas themselves are to be found. NPC for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 43 22. Legajo 103-3-12 and 13. Consultas, Decretos y ordenes ori- ginales. These were two of a set of nine legajos for the years 1760 to 1821. Legajo 103-3-12 was for 1765 to 1771, and 103-3-13 for 1772 to 1781. The greater part of these legajos consists of the recom- mendations of the Council of the Indies to the king, accompanied by the opinions of the fiscal, without other documents, thus enabling one to get at once to the meat of a matter. Both are originals. The legajos are in admirably good order, the expedientes being grouped by years and numbered consecutively within each year group. In addi- tion to the principal class of expedientes there are some called (in 103-3-12) Consultas sobre materias secular es, made up primarily of the correspondence within the Council itself, but occasionally including also the documents upon which action was based. Legajo 103-3-12 yielded nineteen items of minor importance. Among unentered expedientes was one of 1768 arising from Gdlvez's order to the Audiencia of Guadalajara prohibiting it from hearing cases of fraud in connection with the levy of the alcahala, and two respectively of 1769 and 1770, about a Frenchman of Guadalajara named Pedro Molina and a Portuguese of Cucula named Joseph Mederos, arising from petitions of these foreigners that they be allowed to remain in the Spanish colonies. Legajo 103-3-13, yielding sixteen items, proved of great value, owing to the bulk and importance of two of the entries, respectively 2906 and 3293 in the Catalogue. Other noteworthy Alta California materials deal with the pious fund and with the proposed custodia of San Gabriel. NPC 23. Legajo 103-3-21. Remisiones at Consejo, Camara, y Ministros. Anos 1737 a 1800. The idea in the formation of this legajo seems to have been to bring together the drafts of letters of the ministros generales remitting materials to the Council of the Indies for action. As a rule, the other documents of the expediente do not appear, al- though in some cases, usually of minor interest, they are present. Were the file complete, it would be of very great importance, because of the range of the subject matter, despite the lack of detail — nothing but the summary in the remitting letter. For many years, however (1738-1744, 1747, 1748, 1750-1755, 1757, 1758, 1760-1762, 1765), there were no such letters; in very few years were there more than ten; and, in any event, the drafts for the more important matters do not seem to have been filed here. Nevertheless, a number of documents not found in other legajos were indicated here, and twenty-four items 44 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias were entered. In the case of materials dealing with Bishop Reyes' difl&culties in connection with the custodias of San Gabriel (Alta California), Sonora, and New Mexico, the accompanying documents are present. Possibly the most important of the material not cata- logued was the complete file, dated 1798, of documents giving most ample statistical data for the intendancy of Guadalajara. The case of the Frenchman, Pedro Molina, referred to in the description of 103-3-12, is also well documented here. Another legajo in this set, 103-3-22, for the years 1801 to 1821, was not examined for cataloguing. NPC 24. Legajos 103-3-24 and 25. Ynformes sohre el estado de las Provindas Ynternas por su comandante general D. Teodoro de Croix. Anos 1781 a 1782. These two legajos contain some of the most important materials discovered by the present writer, and especially 103-3-24, a legajo of over three thousand pages, in which appear certain memorials, heroic in size and equally valuable, by Teodoro de Croix. Three of these memorials (catalogued at numbers 4082, 4430, and 4568) represent perhaps the most thorough statement with regard to the region of the Provincias Internas, especially as regards Indian warfare, that ever was made. While Sonora, Nueva Vizcaya, and Coahuila occupy the major part of the space, the entire area of his government, from the Calif ornias to Texas, comes in for an illuminating discussion by Croix. There are but nine documents in the legajo. Croix's letter number 788 and its two enclosures, dealing with the militia of Saltillo and vicinity, were not entered. None of the docu- ments in 103-3-25 were catalogued, although the materials are im- portant in their relations to the Spanish line of advance to Texas. The entire legajo (over two thousand pages in length) is a single expediente, of which the principal document is Teodoro de Croix's letter number 835 to Jos6 de Gdlvez, enclosing four carpetas, of which the first (the bulk of the legajo) is divided into four cuadernos. The documents are wholly about military affairs in Coahuila and the adjacent parts of Texas, during the period of Ugalde's rule in Coahuila, dealing principally with Ugalde's campaigns against the Mescaleros Apaches. NPC 25. Legajo 103-3-26. Padrones de matriculas de familias pobla- doras. Anos 1777 a 1804- While nothing in this legajo was entered, the material is decidedly important in itself. Most of the legajo is made up of padrones, or census reports, of the year 1777. The padrones for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 45 are nearly all for the province of Guadalajara (not the entire area embraced by the jurisdiction of the Audiencia), although they also exist for the cities of Culiacdn, Durango, and some others. They cover all householders and their families and servants, giving the age and blood (Spanish, mulatto, " coyote," Indian) of each person. Among the few other documents of the legajo is a representation concerning the province of Guadalajara, giving most detailed data concerning geographical, political, military, financial, commercial, agricultural, mining, stock raising, and industrial affairs of the province of Guadalajara. This document is dated September 6, 1804. NPC 26. Legajo 103-3-28. Provisiones de Empleos Politicos y Militares. Anos 1761 a 1794- This is the first legajo in a set of two, the second being for the years 1795 to 1804. The title and dates of the legajo aroused hopes that were doomed to disappointment. The military appointments were comparatively few; those of officials of the Audi- encia of Guadalajara, alcaldes, and treasury and customs officials filled most of the legajo. By no means all of the appointments are included; there are none for 1762 and 1763 [due to the war?], although other years are at least represented. Ten items were entered. NPC 27. Legajo 103-4-4' Confirmacion de oficios vendibles y renund- ahles. Anos 1766 a 1773. This is one of a set of six, for the years 1760 to 1799, dealing with royal confirmations in the case of offices that were salable and renunciable. The ofiices concerned were those of notary and regidor in towns within the jurisdiction of the Audiencia of Guadalajara, but not, as a rule, in that city itself. Nothing was entered. NPC 28. Legajos 103-4-9 and 10. Correspondencia con el Comandante general de las Provindas Internas. Legajo 103^-9 is for the years 1760 to 1782, and 103-4^10, for 1782 to 1802, but the inclusive dates are not strictly observed.- A third legajo, dating from 1803 to 1821, was not examined. The two legajos yielded 187 items for the Catalogue, including material concerning the founding of settlements in Alta California during the Neve regime, and such important items as those numbered 3965, 4912, and 5194 in the Catalogue. In general, however, the documents are not of a noteworthy character. Not a few presidial appointments are included. The uncatalogued expedientes are principally concerned with events in Nueva Vizcaya, together with a lesser number for the other eastern provinces just south of the present 46 Catalogue of Materials in Archive General de Indias American border. In this group are documents dealing with the Indian wars of the Bolson de Mapimi and elsewhere, some census reports (e. g., one for Coahuila in 1778, showing the population accord- ing to differences in blood, enumerating the arms and livestock the people had, and giving data about the fertility of Coahuilan soil), an expediente based on a letter of Croix's stating why he was remaining in Nueva Viz cay a (instead of going to Sonora, as ordered), material about the status and rank of the flying companies, a review of Rio Grande presidio, and other expedientes of a like character. Attention may be called to the large number of indices of letters written by the comandantes generates, especially in 103-4-10; in this respect, the file approaches completeness. A document in 103-4-10 about the gold and silver output of Chile seems to have been placed there by mistake. NPC 29. Legajos 103-4-12 to 14- Corresponda.con el Comandante general de las Provincias Ynternas D. Teodoro de Croix. Legajo 103-4- 12 is for 1779, and each of the other two for 1782. In the case of the first named, the year is that of letters by Croix (and a number by Bucarely and the president of the Audiencia of Guadalajara) in New Spain; in the other two legajos it is the date of Gdlvez's replies from Spain, while most of Croix's letters are for the years 1779 to 1781. The basis for entry in cataloguing these legajos was restricted to items bearing upon Alta California and the approaches thereto, with a yield of 185 items. Among these documents there is much material about Neve's activities for an increase in the number of settlers and settlements in Alta California, with indications of the progress achieved by the missions and pueblos that were founded. Papers about Anza's discovery of a route from New Mexico to Sonora and others about the insubordination of the troops at Terrenate, as a result of the treatment accorded them in the matter of purchasing supplies, are noteworthy items. If material for Texas and provinces of the Provin- cias Internas contiguous to it had been included, the number of entered items would have been more than doubled, and many inter- esting documents would have been added. There is a great deal about Apache warfare in Coahuila and Texas and local materials for San Sabd, Paso del Norte, and various posts along the southern bank of the Rio Grande. Another type of expediente of frequent appearance is that of the ultimas noticias (latest news) letters, many of which were entered, about Indian warfare in the Provincias Internas during the jor History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 47 preceding month, with an indication of the losses incurred and inflicted, by the Spaniards and Indians respectively. NPC^^ 30. Legajos 103-4-15 to 2^ and 103-5-1 to 13. Duplicados de Comandantes generates de las provindas Ynternas. These twenty- three legajos, dating from 1771 to 1802, form part of a set of which there are five more legajos, for the years 1803 to 1821. In no group were the rules for exclusion of material from the Catalogue more rigorously applied. Only such documents as referred to the Cali- fornias or had a very direct bearing on the affairs of Alta California were entered. Thus, material for New Mexico and Texas (except in legajos 103-4-15 and 16) was not entered, unless it appeared in documents referring to the Californias. Down to 1783, Sonora materials were entered liberally, but after that date, when the Spanish advance by way of the Gila and Colorado rivers had in fact stopped, the Sonora documents were omitted.^^ Legajos 103-4-15 and 16 are to be regarded separately from the others of the set. Of fifty-two items that were entered, comprising most of the two legajos, one is an estado showing the condition of the frontier presidios in 1771, except those of the Californias and Nuevo Santander; another is the printed decree establishing a line of frontier presidios; and the other fifty, the basis for the two just named, are testimonios covering the inspection of the frontier presidios by the Marques de Rubi in the years 1766 to 1768. All are dated 1771, the year the testimonios were made up, but the various documents within the testimonios are for the years of the Rubl inspection. Among the few unentered materials, there is one expediente of 1777, based on reports of Governor Barry of Nueva Vizcaya, reciting the misfortunes of his province as a result of Indian wars; one estado in this expediente shows the losses by each alcaldla in men and property since 1771. The duplicados proper begin with legajo 103-4-17 of the year 1778. Just as in the case of the already described duplicados in the Audiencia of Mexico group, the general comment for which applies, they are made up principally of the numbered duplicates (and their " Many of the documents in 103-4-12 were nearly as solid and hard as wood when found by the writer. They appear to have become water-soaked, and then to have remained perhaps a hundred years or more before they were opened by the writer for examination. Once the stiffness had been taken out, they were as pliable as most other manuscript material, but the writing was all but illegible. " The omissions are of less moment than might otherwise have been the case, since it is this set which Dr. Leebrick has catalogued in entirety, with a yield of over five thousand items. 48 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias enclosures) in the series of the letters of the comandantes generates of the Provincias Internas to the ministros generates in Spain. ^^ They are of unquestionable importance (despite the lack of the drafts of repUes from Spain) for the affairs of the Provincias Internas during practi- cally the entire period in which they formed a comandancia general in a measure distinct from the viceroyalty of New Spain. Not a few letters in the numbered series are missing, but it is often possible to determine what they deal with, through the presence of indices of the correspondence for a given month's mail. In three legajos (103^4-19, 103-5-4, and 103-5-7) there are expedientes based on letters of in- tendants to the authorities in Spain; in two (103-5-7 and 8), of the president of the Audiencia of Guadalajara; in two (103-5-4 and 103-5-7), of various individuals, particularly ecclesiastical officials; in four (103-5-8 to 10 and 103-7-12), based on unnumbered letters of Ugarte; and in one (103-5-9), on the unnumbered letters of Nava. Beginning with 103-4-17, there were 1060 expedientes in the numbered letter series of the comandantes generates. From a regional standpoint they deal most prominently with the provinces from Sonora to Coa- huila. Texas fares well — Alta California and New Mexico, less so. In all, 150 expedientes, or portions of them, with 459 documents, were catalogued. Among outstanding entered materials may be mentioned the following: duplicates of Croix's voluminous memorials already referred to in the description of 103-3-24; the acts of the junta de guerra held by Croix at Chihuahua in 1778, about military policies for the Provincias Internas; various expedientes about Neve's activities in Alta California in founding new settlements, and in preparing and putting into execution a new reglamento; expedientes about the progress of the settlements founded by Neve, especially San Jose and Los Angeles; the reviews of Alta California presidios; various expedientes about the founding of Spanish settlements at the junction of the Gila and Colorado rivers, the Yuma disaster of 1781, the ensuing campaigns against the Yumas, and the abandonment of the land route to Alta California; Neve's instructions to Pages, who succeeded him as governor of the Calif ornias; the important estado catalogued as " As in the case of the Audiencia of Mexico, a number of documents appear to be the original, instead of the duplicate. One wonders if it were not due, in many instances, to the failure of a clerk to write a " D " on the document, since that is the only way in which these materials differ from originals. There are not a few triplicates instead of duplicates. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 49 number 4828; and the expediente of the successful Zuniga expedition to discover a route between New Mexico and Sonora. The unentered material includes numerous expedientes about Indian warfare, not only in Nueva Vizcaya and Coahuila, but also against the Apaches in Texas, the Comanches in New Mexico, and (after 1783) the Seris and Apaches of the Gila in Sonora. There is also much local material for Paso del Norte, San Antonio de Bexar, San Sabd, and other places within or near the present American boundary in New Mexico and Texas. Among other items, the following may be noted: service sheets, for several years, of all the military officials of the frontier, including governors, adjutant inspectors, captains, lieutenants, alfereces, sergeants, cadetes, and adjutant majors of militia, of which only those of men known to have had a direct con- nection with Alta California history were entered ; reviews of presidios other than those of Alta California; twelve expedientes (in 103^4-23) about the formation of militia companies in Nueva Vizcaya, and the questions arising therefrom; and an expediente of 1795, of about six hundred pages, dealing with religious affairs in New Mexico. NPC^^ 31. Legajo 103-5-20. Correspondenda con los Gobernadores, In- tendentes de Nueva Vizcaya y otras Provincias Internas. Anos 1736 a 1821. This is a poorly organized legajo, with material for all of the frontier provinces, but mostly concerned with Sonora and Durango. The principal basis of the expedientes is the correspondence of the governors and intendants directly with the authorities in Spain. The legajo deals primarily with petitions for promotion, and appoint- ments to office. Occasionally, important matter of a general nature appears relative to these appointments, as in the case of the pro- ceedings of the junta de guerra that considered Gallardo's notable re- port about conditions in Sonora, in which Gallardo recommended the opening of land communication with the Calif ornias from Sonora; this comes up in connection with the appointment of Diego Parrilla as governor of Sinaloa and Sonora. The legajo is by no means in- clusive of the correspondence of the governors and intendants, only a few of whom are represented at all. Thirty-one items were entered. There is considerable material about Indian affairs in Durango which is perhaps the most noteworthy of the uncatalogued documents. IS One expediente in 103-5-3, based on Croix's letter number 939 (not catalogued), bore the marks placed on a file when it is removed (usually for copying) from a legajo. 5 50 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias Two similar legajos, not examined for cataloguing, are 103-5-19, described as containing the correspondence of the governors and intendants of Nuevo Le6n, New Mexico, and Nuevo Santander from 1730 to 1821, and 103-5-21, similarly for Coahuila, Durango, and Texas from 1738 to 1821. NPC 32. Legajo 103-5-25. Correspondenda con los Presidentes de la Audienda. Alios 1734 o, 1805. Like the legajo just described, this, too, in no sense approaches completeness within the terms of its description. There are letters of the presidents of the Audiencia of Guadalajara between the years named, with also some letters of prior and some of later date, but presumably the correspondence in the legajo is a very small fraction of the entire amount for the period cfovered, most of the years containing none whatever. An interesting feature of the legajo is the light it throws on the acquisition of the presidency of the Audiencia, since petitions for that post and appoint- ments to it form a large part of the material in the legajo. The ofl&ce was purchasable, the usual price being 24,000 pesos fuertes for a term of eight years. The possessor might fill the post himself, name some- body else to serve in his place, or even bequeath his title to an heir. Not only were single terms sold, but also the reversion after the expiration of a first or even a second term. There is also much material of a more general character for affairs within the area of the Audiencia 's jurisdiction. The only entered material was an expediente of thirteen documents for the years 1740 to 1744, dealing with the activities of the Marques de Aysa to protect the west coast against the English expedition of Anson and any other English ships which might appear. NPC 33. Legajo 103-6-19. Espediente sobre cuentas de las rentas del Hospital Real de San Cosme y S.Damian de Durango. Arios 1771. The title is a sufiicient indication of the contents of the legajo. Noth- ing was entered. ' NPC 34. Legajo 103-6-21. Espediente sobre el establedmiento de la pobladon del Carrizal y del Presidio de la Junta de los rios del norte y concho. Anos 1759 a 1760. This contains only the two testimonios catalogued at numbers 454 and 455, aggregating over nine hundred pages and dealing with the question of protecting the Nueva Vizcaya frontier from the raids of the Indians of Texas, through the founding of a presidio on the Rfo Grande. NPC 35. Legajos 103-6-23 to 31 and 103-7-1 to 12. Cartas y espedientes. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 51 These twenty-one legajos, dating from 1744 to 1785, are in a series containing seventeen more, which carry the inclusive dates to 1800. Legajo 103-6-23 embraces the years 1744 to 1760, but the majority of the others are for a single year. The material in 103-6-23, most of which was entered, is in disorder, indicating a probability of its having been used, although there were no copy marks. Legajo 103-7-11 seems also to have been used, for it is in wild disorder, although lacking removal marks, but the material which bears no observable relation to the numbered expedientes, constituting three-fourths of the legajo, may once have formed one expediente, for it relates to a single idea. The other legajos retain the original good order of their filing. The materials are in groups of years, with a series of numbered ex- pedientes in each year, very few of the serial numbers of which are missing. The last bundle in each year's list is composed of brief expedientes of but one or a few documents each, upon which no action by the authorities in Spain was necessary. The documents were merely read, therefore, and filed. These papers are called Cartas de visto, of which there are about thirty in each annual group of this set. Most of them are acknowledgments of the receipt of royal orders, or announcements of installation in office. Counting each year's Cartas de visto bundle as one expediente, there are 261 expedientes in twenty of the legajos investigated, excluding 103-6-23. Fifteen expedientes were catalogued, together with some of the material in four of the Cartas de visto bundles, yielding fifty-seven items, or a total of eighty- two with the twenty-five of 103-6-23. These include New Mexico and Texas items. While less narrowly personal than the papers of the Espedientes diarios (discussed in the next following section), those of this set are also of an administrative character, of matters that came up in the ordinary course of business, somewhat general in subject matter at times, though locally applied. Much of a judicial character and, especially in the later legajos, much pertaining to the church, more particularly the secular arm, appear. The expedientes for the year 1760 are illustrative of the whole set. They treat of the following subjects: salaries of alcaldes mayores; the decision that corregidores, alcaldes, and justices should reside in the principal town of their district; a request for an explanation of a decree with reference to matrimony; the inabihty of Indian widows to pay tribute; the sale of certain offices; the collection of certain sums from the cathedral of 52 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias Guadalajara; the need of a greater population in Coahuila; the visit of the bishop in Nuevo Leon and Texas; the question whether the ofidales reales of Durango, Guadalajara, or Mexico should handle the papers dealing with the taking possession of office by officials in New Mexico; about a settlement north of the mouth of the Rfo Grande without any pastor; and Cartas de visto. Occasionally, material of some importance is to be found in the legajos. The following items show this: measures taken as a result of the appearance of Dutch ships off the Pacific coast of New Spain, and as a result of the capture of Frenchmen in New Mexico and Texas, both in 103-6-23; and the 116-page summary for the Council of the Indies of the expediente in which the most noteworthy document was the Lizaz6in memorial about conditions in Sonora and problems of northwestward advance, in 103-6-25 (mentioned in item 560 of the Catalogue), Several items of interest were not entered, some of which would usually have been regarded as within the plan of the Catalogue. The items follow: a voluminous expediente arising from a lawsuit in con- nection with pearl fishing in the Gulf of California, the only un- catalogued material of 103-6-23; an expediente about the establish- ment of the alcabala in Culiacdn, Ostimuri, Real del Rosario, and Sonora, in 103-6-25; two expedientes about the Frenchman Pedro Molina, who was married to a woman of Guadalajara and was inter- ested in mining, but was living at Guadalajara without the permit required in the case of a foreigner, in 103-6-30 and 103-6-31; the project of a citizen of Guadalajara for the establishment of eight royal banks in the two Americas, for the benefit of miners, and an expediente about the division of the Californias between the Franciscans and Dominicans, both in 103-7-1 ; an expediente about reducing the price of quicksilver at Bolanos, so as to assist in developing mineral wealth there, in 103-7-2; two expedientes about secularizing certain Fran- ciscan missions in Nueva Galicia, in 103-7-3 and 103-7-11 ; and several expedientes of the year 1777 concerning the difficulties arising between the viceroyalty and the comandanda general of the Provincias Internas, as a result of the establishment of the latter, in 103-7-5. NPC 36. Legajos 104-1-^ to 14- Espedientes diarios. Anos 1760 a 1799. This is another well-ordered set of legajos, the material being arranged in packages covering a single year, within which the expedi- entes have a consecutive numbering. The documents are usually of a minor administrative character, almost wholly concerned with the Jor History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 53 petitions of individuals about matters of personal interest to them. Petitions to be allowed to go to the Indies, or to carry certain relatives and servants there, petitions for a right to marry, requests for office or for promotion, claims for sums of money, requests for confirmations in office or in social standing — it is of such material that the legajos are made up. Aside from their institutional possibilities, the docu- ments are occasionally of value because they deal with some official in whom the investigator has an interest or because they refer inci- dentally, in supporting the petition in question, to events that are within the scope of an investigation. In the case of the Catalogue^ seventeen expedientes (of which fourteen come in 104-1-6 and 7);. yielding forty-nine items, were entered, out of a total of 422 expedientes. Two of the entered expedientes, one dealing with the establishment of the Dominicans in Baja California, and the other giving complete and detailed information as to the expense of the Department of San Bias; and the Calif ornias from 1768 to 1774, proved to be material of im- portance for the Catalogue — serving as illustrations of the way in which valuable items are occasionally buried in unpromising legajos. At a period of more liberal interpretation of the rules for entry,, the following expedientes might also have been catalogued: 104-1-7^. 1769, no. 1 — petition for permission to fill vacancies at the College of San Fernando, Mexico, caused by the sending of missionaries to the? Calif ornias; 104-1-7, 1769, no. 2 — petition for permission to fill vacancies at the College of Santa Cruz, Quer^taro, caused by the sending of missionaries to Sinaloa and Sonora; 104-1-7, 1770, no. 2 — petition of Thomas Prieto to go to the Indies to serve as a missionary in the Californias, the petition being denied on the ground that Prieto was over fifty years old;^^ 104-1-10, 1780, no. 5 — grant of the rank of city to Arispe, Sonora, because it was to be the capital of the Provincias Internas and the seat of a bishopric; 104-1-10, 1782, no. 8 — petition of Francisco Sdnchez Ziiniga, a Queretaran friar who had spent ten years as a missionary in Pimerla Alta, to be allowed to return to Spain; 104-1-14, 1799, nos. 3 to 6 — petitions of five Domini- cans, who had served twenty years in Baja California, to be made masters in their order; 104-1-14, 1799, no. 10 — petition of a Domini- can, who had served in Baja California, to be made predicador general of his order. NPC 18 This is the only petition in the set of an individual wishing to go to the Cali- fornias. It may also be worthy of note that the other matters of the legajo (appoint- ments, etc.) do not relate directly to the Californias. 54 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 37. Legajo 104-2-13. Espedientes e ynstandas de partes. Anos 1766 a 1777. This is one of a set of twelve which cover the years 1732 to 1826. The material is concerned with the petitions of indi- viduals for office, more pay, promotion, financial assistance, and, in the case of widows, for pensions. Except for a few petitions by members of the clergy, the individuals concerned were civil officials already in government employ. Little of value appeared, but eight items were entered. NPC 38. Legajo 10^-2-25. Duplicados de sugetos particulares del distrito de aquella Audiencia. Anos 1707 a 1809. Another legajo with the same title is for the years 1653 to 1706. The title of 104-2-25 does not fit the material exactly, for there are a number of expedientes which are general in nature and of more than ordinary value, some documents which are not duplicates, and some dated as late as 1816. Most of the papers, however, do relate to matters concerning indi- viduals, and are duplicates, within the dates given. The greater part of the legajo treats of ecclesiastical affairs. The nature of the materials is well illustrated by the following items, which were regarded as just too remote for entry: an expediente of 175 pages about an uprising, in 1720, of the eleven Indian pueblos of the Rfo del Norte (Rio Grande) ; various expedientes about affairs in Nueva Vizcaya during the rule of Governor Belaunzaran, notably a seventeen-page letter of 1740 by the governor himself; a letter of the Marques de Torre Campo, in 1747, relating his achievements as governor of Nueva Vizcaya, and discussing the state of affairs there; a gossipy letter of the Bishop of ^Guadalajara, March 13, 1746, in response to a request from the :authorities in Spain, describing the various officials of Guadalajara, including Echeverz, president of the Audiencia, and the Marques de Aysa, a past and future president; and an expediente of 150 pages, dated 1796, concerning the residenda of Pedro Tueros, governor of Coahuila. A curious item is the poetic effusion of the Marques de Torre Campo on the accession of Ferdinand VI. Twenty-seven items were entered, including an important expediente of 1809 about the governmental restrictions on immigration into Coahuila and Texas. NPC 39. Legajo IO4-S-I. Espediente sobre la historia de la conquista 'de la Nueva Galicia escrito por el Licdo.D. M alias de la Mota. Anos 1760. This tiny legajo of fifty pages is concerned with the petition of Mota Padilla for the publication of his book, this much being for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 55 granted, and for certain official positions in Guadalajara that he desired. Nothing was entered.^^ NPC 40. Legajo 104-2-2. Espediente de la espedidon hecha a la Sonora por D. Jose de Galvez y donativos que para ello se hicieron. Anos 1766 a 177 S. From the standpoint of the objects of the Catalogue, this was one of the richest of the legajos. It was in such admirably good order that it can hardly have been used before the writer came upon it. The entire legajo was entered, yielding 340 items. The title of the legajo is not adequate to describe the material it contains. The docu- ments show that Jos6 de Gdlvez and the Marques de Croix formed a plan, which was later carried on by Bucarely, for the development and advance of the northern frontier of New Spain, not only in Sonora, but also along the whole line, from the Californias to Texas. The central idea was the suppression of the rebellious Indians of Sonora and an advance to the Gila and Colorado rivers. As a prehminary, however, Alta California was to be occupied, Baja Cahfornia made prosperous, or, at least, freed from existing evils that retarded its development, and the military leaders of Nueva Vizcaya, Coahuila, and Texas were to hold the hostile Indians in check, until the Spanish troops from Sonora might come by way of the Gila to settle the issue in the east. The legajo treats adequately of the workings of the plan, and is fullest for the regions to which Galvez gave his principal atten- tion, the two Californias and Sonora, and for the years 1768 and 1769 when he personally was on the scene. Except for papers stated to have been filed elsewhere, concerning Russian aggressions, and for certain of Gdlvez's reports about the Alta California expeditions of 1769, the legajo provides an almost complete survey of Gdlvez's activities in Baja California and Sonora until he was taken sick in 1769, and furnishes numerous documents about the heretofore little known story of the Sonora war. The great majority of the documents are copies of the reports and enclosures of Gdlvez, Domingo Elizondo, and others to the viceroy, forwarded by him to Julian de Arriaga, the ministro general in Spain. NPC^* 41. Legajo 104-3-3. Espedidon hecha por tierra a Monterrey en California. Anos 1768 a 1772. Like 104-3-2, this also was a valuable legajo, giving seventy-six items, the entire legajo, for the Catalogue. ^' The Mota Padilla work seems not to have been published for over a century, when it appeared under the following title: Historia de la conquista de la provincia de la Nueva-Galicia, Mexico, 1870 [1871-1872]. " Much of this material has since been procured for the Bancroft Library. 56 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias It did not have the completeness as to the subject matter treated that 104-3-2 had, but it furnished abundant materials concerning the Alta California expeditions of 1769, after their arrival at San Diego. Thus, the march up the peninsula is inadequately referred to, but the two marches to Monterey and the occupation of that port in 1770 are abundantly documented. There is also much material about the preliminaries of both the sea and land expeditions and concerning the Indian wars in Sonora, including the voluminous account of Belena, catalogued at number 1940. The legajo had been much used, although still in good order, and, except for the Belena report, there was hardly a document that had not been copied.^^ 42. Legajos 104-3-4 and 5. Espediente sohre la sublevadon de los Yndios de la Pimeria alta y sus incidendas. Anos 1775. All of the material in these valuable legajos, 155 items in all, was catalogued. The revolt discussed is not of the year 1775, but the Pima revolt of 1751 and its important consequences. To this subject are devoted half of 104-3-4 and all of 104-3-5. The documents are principally testimonios of the year 1754, some of them the result of Jesuit efforts to exculpate themselves from blame for the uprising, but most of them resulting from the enquiries of their opponent. Governor Diego Par- rilla. There are other documents on this subject between 1751 and 1759. The whole number furnish ample opportunity for the study, not only of the Pima revolt, but also of the affairs of Sonora and frontier conditions in general. The Spanish projects of advance by way of the Gila and Colorado rivers are prominently to the fore as well, as in the voluminous Balthasar and Gallardo memorials of 1753 and 1758. Half of 104-3-4 is devoted id Dominican petitions for a missionary field, in particular, in the Californias. The documents are for the years 1760 to 1775, and include much important material other than that of the Dominican efforts. There are statistical accounts of the Baja California missions in 1768 and in 1773, the valuable Gdlvez memorial of 1773 about the division of the Californias between the Franciscans of San Fernando and the Dominicans, various reports of the fiscales of the Council of the Indies and resolutions on the Domini- can petitions, and especially the important plan of the Council of March 6, 1775, material also about the Anza expedition of 1774, and, " The copies were procured by Professor Stephens for the Bancroft Library. The Belefla report has since been copied, too. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 57 in general, a great deal bearing upon the region of the Gila and Colorado and upon the Calif ornias. Some of the Dominican material had been copied, but most of 104-3^ and all of 104-3-5 were free from marks indicating removal for copy. 43. Legajo 104-3-9. Consultas, Materias, e Ynformes de Real Hacienda. Anos 1596 a 1805. Only one document of this legajo, the item catalogued as 410, was entered, and this seems to have slipped into the legajo by mistake." Nevertheless, the materials are extremely important for matters of finance in Spanish colonial administration. The papers are mostly concerned with the affairs of the Real Caja of Guadalajara, but there are occasional references to other cajas reales within the jurisdiction of the Audiencia of Guadalajara. Most of the documents are summary accounts, and not mere masses of figures, of the recommendations of the Contaduria General and Coun- cil of the Indies. One of the most reniarkable documents of the legajo is a testimonio of 1765, forwarded to Spain with a letter of August 3, 1765, by the o fiddles reales of the Real Caja of Guadalajara, of which the title reads as follows : Testimonio de varias Certificaciones, y diligendas pertenedentes a la Comprohadon de el Cargo, y Data . . . de la Real Hazienda, y Caxa de esta Ciudad de Guadalaxara de veinte anos a esta parte. The document is a certified copy, 116 pages long. It was written to demonstrate how much more successful the writers had been in gathering revenues, in the ten-year period from 1753 to 1762, than their predecessors had been in an equal length of time, from 1743 to 1752. Not only did they prove their case, but their figures for the entire twenty years show annual remissions to Mexico, repre- senting an excess of receipts over disbursements of between 80 and 90 per cent of the amounts collected by them. Figures are also present for the receipts of each year, indicating the different sources of revenue and the amounts they produced. This valuable document is supple- mented by material in 104-3-21 (presently to be described) .^^ NPC 44. Legajo IO4-S-IO. Provisiones de Empleos de Real Hacienda. Aiios 1764 a 1795. A second legajo with this title dates from 1796 to 1808. This legajo deals with the appointments and promotions of ofidales reales of the more important cajas reales within the juris- !» The materials of 104-3-9 and 104r-3-21, covering the years 1742 to 1781, were used in Chapman, The founding of Spanish California, pp. 52, 53, 455, 456, and Appendix II, between pp. 456 and 457. 58 Catalogue of Materials in Archive General de Indias diction of the Audiencia of Guadalajara. Eleven items were entered. NPC 45. Legajo 104-3-18. fiddles Reales y sus dependencias. Anos 1768 a 1791. This is the second of four legajos, the whole series dating from 1743 to 1811, and referring to the operation of the Real Caja of Guadalajara. While but three inconsequential items were entered, the legajo has some importance for matters of real hacienda. It covers a wide range in subject matter, the following being some of the topics that appear: projects for increasing revenue; methods of administration; letters enclosing accounts for a given period, and stating results ; occasional cortes, tanteos, and estados^^ which happened not to be removed to their proper file; indices of the letters of the ofidales reales; and matters concerning individuals, such as questions of salary, appointments to office, and requests for permission to marry. NPC 46. Legajo lOJy-3-21. Estados, Cortes y Tanteos de Guadalajara. Anos 1761 a 1781. This is one of two legajos, the second carrying the inclusive dates to 1807. The receipts and disbursements of the Real Caja of Guadalajara are covered with completeness for the years named. The cortes and tanteos give the cargo y data, or receipts and disbursements, in detail for the whole of each year. Each of these documents fills about fifty pages. They are summed up in an estado, an exceedingly neat piece of work on a single sheet,^^ although this document is missing for the earlier years of the legajo. As already mentioned, this legajo and 104-3-9 furnish a fairly complete history of the financial operations of the Real Caja of Guadalajara from 1743 to 1781, but this is the better legajo, not only because of the estados, but also because disbursements are itemized. Despite the great value of the legajo, only five items mentioning remissions of funds to San Bias were entered. NPC 47. Legajos 104-3-23 to 25. Cuentas de Real Hadenda de Guada- lajara. These three legajos, for the years 1761 to 1776, form part of a set of eight, of which the last five range from 1777 to 1788. Except for three Pliegos de Sumario^^ for 1742, 1764, and 1765, the materials of 104-3-23 consist of five books, one for each year from 1761 to 1765, like those elsewhere styled Lihros Manuales. In later years the *• These terms are defined in the next following legajo description. ^ Photographs of two estados are given in Appendix II of Chapman, The founding of Spanish California. ** For unexplained terms, see Section 50, where definitions are given. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 59 Relacion Jurada, Pliego de Sumario, and Resultas y Reparos are present, indicating a change in the methods of accounting. The materials are important, since the figures are for the wide-sweeping jurisdiction of the Real Caja of Guadalajara, and bear upon the economic develop- ment, and therefore upon the Spanish advance, in the frontier prov- inces. Among materials of a special character is the item catalogued as number 1837, summarizing receipts, disbursements, and remissions to Mexico for each year from 1762 to 1771. The three legajos were catalogued in entirety, yielding thirty-six items. NPC 48. Legajo 104-4-28. Cuentas de Real Hacienda del Rosario y Alamos. Anos 1772 a 1781. A second legajo is for 1782 to 1786. Legajo 104-4-28 is wholly concerned with Alamos. In each year there are four classes of documents, the Pliego de Sumario, Resultas y Reparos (called Resultas y Reflexas here), Relacion Jurada,'^* and Cuenta de Cargo y Data, the last-named providing separate accounts of each branch of real hacienda. These papers are of value for the Spanish northwestward advance, as they indicate the economic prog- ress, especially of the mining districts, on which such an advance was based. All of the fifty-two items of 104-4-28 were entered. NPC 49. Legajo 104-5-10. Cuentas de Real Hacienda de las Provincias Ynternas. Anos 1779 a 1782. The legajo is not well described, for it deals only with the expenses of the militia companies maintained in Nueva Vizcaya. Nothing was entered. NPC 50. Legajos 104-5-11 to 15. Cuentas de Real Hacienda de S. Bias de California. Anos 1774 d 1794- These legajos contain the financial operations of the Department of San Bias in its important relation to the Calif ornias. While the materials vary in some measure in the different legajos, there are six principal types of documents found. The Relacion Jurada, or sworn statement of receipts and disburse- ments, made up at the end of each year by the commissary of San Bias and his assistants, provides an itemized account of the kinds of goods sent to the Californias, together with the amounts and prices, dates of shipment, ships upon which they were loaded, etc. The Pliego de Sumario is a summary of the Relacion Jurada. The Resultas y Reparos, also called Pliegos de Consistencia, Autos de Con- sistencia y Reparos, and yet other names, contains a detailed com- ment on the various items of the Relacion Jurada, averaging from ten " See the definitions given in Section 50. 60 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias to twenty times that document in length. The two last-described documents were made up by the Real Tribunal de Cuentas of Mexico ; they tend in great measure to clear up the meaning of the masses of figures appearing in the Relacion Jurada. Beginning with 1786, the last year of 104-5-11, the documents consist principally of three leather-bound volumes. The Lihro Manual is a journal, or day book, in which items, whether debit or credit, are entered consecutively under each day, with the same sort of comment as that of the Relacion Jurada. The Lihro Mayor is a ledger, and the Lihro de Caja, or Lihro de Tesorero, is a cash book. In these later years, the first three documents described are missing, except the Resultas y Reparos and that is briefer than before. The later materials are therefore more difficult of use by an investigator. For the minute details of the Spanish settlements in Alta Cali- fornia, these legajos are extremely important, since that colony was almost wholly dependent on San Bias. These documents not only show everything that was shipped to Alta California, but also furnish much incidental data, such as the names of ships and their officers and the dates of sailing. In legajo 104-5-11 there were a few docu- ments of a financial character other than those described "above, all of which referred to Alta California. Every document of the five legajos, 103 in all, was entered. NPC 51. Legajo 104-5-16. Cuentas de Real Hacda.de S. Carlos de Perote en California. Afios 1773 a 1789. Two other legajos in this set carry the dates to 1803. Legajo 104-5-16 is complete only for the years 1773, 1774, and 1786 to 1789, although a few documents of 1779 to 1782 appear. The documents are the same as those described in Section 50. Since the fort of San Carlos de Perote was in the vicinity of Vera Cruz, it would seem that the legajo is wrongly entitled. Nevertheless, the twenty items of the legajo were entered, three, at least, with justification, since they referred to the accounts of the presidio of Loreto in Baja California. NPC 52. Legajo 104-5-19. Espedientes de Real Hacienda en general. Anos 1764 a 1791. This is the first of a set of five legajos running to the year 1819. The materials were a distinct surprise, in that they did not consist of account books and lists of figures, but were rather in the nature of projects of real hacienda. They are principally for the years 1786 to 1791, and deal, for the most part, with the Depart- ment of San Bias, and with plans for instituting trade between the for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 61 Philippines and Alta California. Two expedientes appear in which suggestions were made, between 1786 and 1790, for developing the fur trade of Alta Cahfornia and the northwest coast. One of them involved also the development of Alta California's mineral wealth; furs were to be exchanged for quicksilver, which was to be procured in China and sent, by way of the Phihppines, to San Francisco. The legajo yielded thirty-eight items for the Catalogue. NPC 53. Legajo 104.-5-24' Espedientes e instandas de partes. Anos 1777 a 1789. A second legajo is for 1790 and 1791. Although 104- 5-24 has the same title as the already described 104-2-13, which it resembles in kind, it proved unexpectedly rich in materials for the Department of San Bias, the greater part of the legajo relating to that department. Most of the documents have the usual de partes char- acter of referring to individuals, such as the remissions of sums by officials of San Bias to their families in Spain, or promotions of officials, or, in the present instance, charges against them on the ground of their operating a gambling establishment, but there are some expedi- entes of a general character; most important of these is an expediente of 1777 about a proposal to move the Department of San Bias to Matanchel or Chacala. Among material not entered was an expediente of 1788, about two hundred pages long, concerning the causes of the economic decline in the province of Durango. Fifty-five items were entered. NPC 54. Legajo 104-6-7. Expediente sobre la imposicion y cobro de tributos en la Provincia de Sonora y otras. Anos 1776. This legajo in fact deals almost wholly with the collection of the royal tributes from the Indians of Sinaloa, rather than from those of Sonora. Four documents were entered because of their reference to general laws applying the tributes in all parts of New Spain. NPC 55. Legajo IO4-6-8. Patentes y Nombramtos.militares. Anos 1699 a 1804' This is both a very important and an exceedingly well- ordered legajo, covering appointments to military positions in the frontier provinces for the years given above. The material is arranged in separate folders by presidios or posts, with a statement of the inclusive dates of the appointments. The file is fairly complete, one officer usually succeeding a predecessor whose prior appointment appears in the legajo.^^ The appointments are for commanders of ^ The legajo appears to have been in the file of the Contaduria General; the appointments are copies of the duplicate forwarded to it, the remitting letters to it are originals, and the Contaduria replies are drafts. 62 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias the particular post, although a few officials of lower grade appear. Entry was made of 353 items according to the scheme of the Catalogue. The list itself of the military posts, with the inclusive dates of appoint- ments, is a matter of importance, and it is therefore inserted below, just as it appeared on the covers of the various folders. Those marked with a double asterisk were entered in entirety; those with a single asterisk, to 1781; the others were not entered at all. Where the inclusive dates are inaccurate, they are corrected, in brackets, before or after the given dates, as the case may be. Post Years 1.** Presidio de la Bahia del Espiritu Santo 1731-1783 [1799] 2. * Presidio de Sn.Juan Baupta del Rio Grande 1709-1784 [1803] 3.** Presidio del Paso del Rio del Norte 1699-1782 [1803] 4. Presidio de Sn.Felipe y Santiago de Janos 1734-1782 [1803] 5. * Presidio Sta.Gertrudis del Altar 1778-1784 [1796] 6. Presidio de Sn.Buenaventura 1774-1785 [1803] 7.** Presidio de Sn.Diego en Californias 1782- [1800] 8. Presidio Santiago de Mapimi 1731-1738 9. Presidio del Sacramento 1738 10.** Presidio de Nra.Sra.de Loreto en las Californias 174&-1782 [1800] 11.** Presidio de Sn. Antonio de Vejar 1731-1782 [1803] 12. Presidio de Nayarit 1731-[1769] 13.** Presidio de Sn.Felipe de Jesus de Guevabi en Sinaloa 1747 14.** Presidio de Sn.Pedro de Gracia R1.6 Guevavi 1746 15.** Presidio de Sn.Franco.en las Californias 1782-[1802] 16.** Presidio de Sta.Barbara en Californias 1782- [1802] 17. * Presidio de Terrenate en la frontera de Sonora 1755-1775 18. * Presidio de Sn.Bernardino en Sonora 1776-1778 [1794] 19.** Presidio de Sn.Eleceario 1778-[1799] 20.** Sn.Blas de Californias 1789-[1800] 21. * Presidio de Nra.Sra.de la Concepcion de la Moncloba 1733-1783 [1803] 22.** Presidio de Tubac 1767 23.** Milicias de Cavra.de las Fronteras de Sierra Gorda [1794] 24. Presidio del Principe 1778-1784 [1804] 25.** Villa de Laredo 1789 26. Presidio Sn.Pedro del Gallo 1746 27. Presidio de Sn.Gregorio de Zerralvo, en el No.Ro.de Leon . . . 1735 28.** Presidios Internos . . . Nueva Espana . . . Comandtes.- Ynspectores 1772-1785 [1803] 29. Nueva Espa.Cohahuila . . . Cirujano Militar 1793- [1796] 30. Provas.Internas . . . Ofics.de Caballeria [1786-1788] 31. N.E. Provincias Internas Retires [1791] 32. N.E. Provincias Internas . . . Ofizs.sin denominon.de Cuerpo 1787-[1790] 33.** Tubac Compania de Yndios Pimas [1801] 34.** N.E. Sn.Rafael de Buena-vista Compania de Yndios Pimas . . [1789] 35.** Presidio de Sn.Carlos de Monterrey 1777-1783 [1802] 36. Presidio de Sn.Carlos de Buena Vista 1774-1784 [1803] for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 63 Post Years 37. * Presidio Sn.Miguel de Zerrogordo 6 San Carlos 1731- [1801] 38.** Presidio de Sn.Sabd.s 1777-1782 39. Presidio de Sta.Rosa de Aguaverde 1729-1778 [1804] 40. N.E. Presidio de Guajoquilla 1774 41. * Presidio de Sn.Fernando del Carriza 1774-1785 [1804] 42. * Presidio de Orcasitas 1778-1782 [1803] 43.** Presidio de Sn.Agustin de Tugson 1776-1783 [1794] 44.** Presidio de Sta.Fe6 del Nuevo Mexico 1778-1783 [1804] 45.** Presidio de Sta.Cruz 1776-1785 [1803] 46. * Presidio Sn.Bernno.de Fronteras 1782-[1802] 47. Compa.de Opatas de Bacoachi, y Babispe [1783-1802] 48. N.E. Presidio de Sn.Antonio de la Babia 1774-1785 [1802] 49. Compa.Volante de la Nueva Vizcaya 1731-1804 50. Compa.Volante del Saltillo 1784-[1785] 51. Chiguagua Compa.Volante [1778-1784] 52. Nuevo Santander 1789-[1802] 53,** Compa.Volante de Monterrey [1788-1793] 54. Sn.Teodoro de Conchos 1789 55. Compa.Volante de Sn.Carlos de Parras 1784-1802 56. Compania Volante de Sn.Juan Bautista de Lampazos 1791-1802 57. Compa.Volante de las Pro vas. Inter nas de N.E. [1699]-1785 58. Companias francas de Voluntarios de las Provincs.Internas de N.E [1788]-1800 NPC 56. Legajo 104-6-9. Asuntos de Guerra. Anos 1752 a 1769. The title of this legajo comes from a thirty-two page expediente of four documents for the year 1769, deahng with the Sonora campaign. This was the only material catalogued. The principal content of the legajo is a number of testimonios, five of them bulking large, stated as having been found (presumably by those who made up the legajo) without the letters with which originally they were enclosed. They are papers in certain lawsuits, and are asuntos de guerra only in that military men were the judges. NPC 57. Legajo lOJf-6-12. Fortificaciones, Pertrechos de Guerra, Situ- ados de tropa y sus Yncidencias. Anos 1763 a 1787. This is a small legajo, mainly composed of expedientes arising from the petitions of military men for promotion. There are a few documents also about the movement of troops. Nothing was entered. NPC 58. Legajos 104-6-13 to 23. Fortificaciones, Pertrechos de Guerra, Situados de Tropa y Provisiones de Empleos de las Provincias Ynternas. Anos 1760 a 1832. After an investigation of the similarly-named sets already described in sections 16 and 57 had revealed httle of value for the Catalogue, not much was expected of this series of eleven legajos. The surprise and exhilarating joy experienced by the writer 64 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias may well be imagined when he discovered, not only that it was very rich, but also that it was by far the most important group of materials for the purposes of the Catalogue of all that he had found during his stay in Seville — and no others approaching it in wealth were later encountered. Two of the legajos, 104-6-21 and 104-6-23, do indeed resemble those in sections 16 and 57, in that they are mostly concerned with routine matters, such as petitions for promotion and remissions of funds, particularly by San Bias officials, to their families in Spain. Two others, 104-6-20 and 104-6-22, while of more than ordinary importance, do not equal the first seven legajos of the set in their superlative value. The inclusive dates given are misleading, in that there is nothing in the set of later date than 1787, except one two-page expediente of 1832. For the years 1760 to 1787, but more particularly from 1766 to 1781, one of the most active periods in the entire history of the region usually designated the Provincias Internas, the legajos furnish nearly complete files of the official materials bearing upon the military affairs of the frontier and the Spanish projects for further conquest, especially so far as they relate to the northwestward advance toward and into Alta California. To single out the important items would involve a greater use of space than is intended in this portion of the Catalogue, but the following are some of the topics that are represented here with more than ordinary completeness: some of the most valu- able papers of the Rubi inspection from 1766 to 1768, although the Rubl testimonios are in 103-4-15 and 16; English attempts at settle- ment and illicit trade in Texas and along the east coast of northern New Spain during the years preceding the outbreak of the American Revolution; numerous expedientes about wars against the Seris and Pimas in Sonora, against the Apaches along the frontier from Sonora , to Texas, and some against the Taraumares in Nueva Vizcaya and the Comanches in New Mexico; various expedientes about the work of Jos6 de Gdlvez with relation to the founding of the Department of San Bias and the expeditions of 1769 to Alta California, and his activities in Baja California and Sonora, although there is more on these points in 104-3-2 and 3 than here ; a great many expedientes about the prog- ress of Alta California, during the years covered by the legajos, in the founding of presidios, missions, and pueblos, the conversions of natives, the various phases of economic development, and the growth of the Spanish population; numerous expedientes about the supply- for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 65 ships sailing from San Bias to the Californias, and about the affairs of the Department of San Bias in general; the voyages of discovery to the northwest coast, although there is more on this subject in several of the Estado group of legajos; numerous expedientes about the divi- sion of the Californias, as mission fields, between the Dominicans and Franciscans of the College of San Fernando, with much material as to the progress of Baja California in the Dominican period; the internal development of Sonora, with much about the advancement resulting from the discoveries of precious metals at Cieneguilla and elsewhere; numerous expedientes about the work of Hugo Oconor and others in establishing the line of frontier presidios, and about the reviews of presidios in every province of the frontier, from the two Californias to Texas; detailed accounts, with diaries and official letters, about the important journeys and expeditions of exploration by land during the period, including, among others, the various Garces journeys, the two Anza expeditions to Alta California, the two Rivera expeditions to the same province, the Velazquez expedition from Baja California to the mouth of the Colorado River, the Fages and Rivera expeditions to San Francisco Bay, the Mora visita in Baja California, and the Dominguez and Escalante expedition from New Mexico to Utah; a five-hundred-page expediente, which might have been expected to appear elsewhere, about the Berroteran explora- tions of the Rio Grande in 1729 and 1738, and the Rdbago campaigns against the Apaches in Coahuila from 1747 to 1749; various expedi- entes concerning the forming of reglamentos for the government of the Californias; expedientes illustrating the difficulties in the way of the adjustment of the Provincias Internas to their separate status from the vice-royalty, in particular with regard to the problems of north- ward advance; numerous expedientes about the projects for occupation of the Gila-Colorado country, the founding of settlements at the junction of the two rivers, and the Yuma disaster of 1781; the volumi- nous reports of Oconor, Croix, Neve, and others, about the state of affairs in the Provincias Internas, although the three of Croix referred to in the description of 103-3-24 are missing here; numerous ulti77ias notidas (latest news) letters, giving summaries of recent happenings in some or all of the frontier provinces; and various other topics which some might deem comparable in interest to those that have just been named. Not only in subject matter, but also in orderliness of arrangement 6 66 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias and in the technical value of the papers, this set ranks with the best in the archive. The papers seem never to have been used since they were filed, a century before, for the expediente groups within the legajos were like so many pieces of wood in their unbending and resonant solidity .^^ After being worked over for a few seconds they miraculously became folds of paper, and the legajos, by actual measure- ment, were over an inch higher when packed down and tied up again than they were when the papers were first opened. Nearly all of the documents are the originals of the viceroys, comandantes generates, and some others to the ministro general in Spain, enclosing certified copies, with drafts of the replies of the ministros generates. Unfortunately, this set was discovered by the writer near the end of his stay in Seville, when both time and funds were running out. It was therefore catalogued on the basis of its relation to the history of Alta California and the approaches thereto, and then a second campaign of listing began, with the object of entering all items not included the first time. In this way legajos 104-6-13 to 17 were catalogued in entirety. The number of items entered in each tegajo, with their total of 2327 documents, is shown in the accompanying chart. 104-6-13 220 items 104-6-14 392 " 104-6-15 286' " 104-6-16 340 " 104-6-17 421 " 104-6-18 244 " 104-6-19 109 items 104-6-20 70 " 104r-6-21 37 " 104-6-22 181 " 104-6-23 27 " Total 2327 items The omissions may in a measure be made good by a reference here to outstanding items, but they are in any event of less consequence than might have been expected, since 104-6-18 and 19 are predomi- nantly Alta Californian, and therefore most of the documents in them were catalogued, while 104-6-21 and 23 are of little value, and 104-6-20 and 22 are less strikingly important than the first seven legajos of the set. 2* Senor Torres Lanzas had previously looked through the legajos for some of the maps which appeared in his Relacidn descripHva de los mapas, pianos, &[\], de Mexico y Floridas, existerUes en el Archivo General de Indias, 2 vols., Se villa, 1900; but he merely glanced at the edges of the expedientes, and, if he saw no map (for they are usually discernible), did not open the file. Both he and the late Senor Verger expressed their belief that nobody else had used this set — but the condition of the expedientes is proof enough in itself that none of them had been opened except the few examined by Senor Torres Lanzas. Shepherd sensed their value, for he mentions the set. Shepherd, Guide, p. 67. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 67 Much of the materials in the unentered expedientes has already been indicated in the general description of the contents of the set. The following are some of the more noteworthy expedientes that were not catalogued : a considerable expediente about the visit of Governor Anza of New Mexico to the land of the Moquis, whom he found in a state of great misery (104-6-19) ; an expediente of about a thousand pages concerning the removal of Captain Rafael Martinez Pacheco from the command at Babia, Coahuila (104-6-20); an expediente containing the reviews of Texas presidios in 1782 (104-6-20); and two expedientes, composing half a legajo, concerning the militia of Parras (104-6-21). NPC^^ 59. Legajo 104.-6-24- Espedientes sobre instalacion, Trastacion [Trasladon] y Reglamento de Presidios Ynternos. Anos 1779 a 1782, The twenty-one items of this valuable legajo were all entered. While most of the documents appear in other legajos, the general idea con- veyed in the above title is nowhere so well represented as here. All of the documents are for the years 1779 and 1780, except the printed instructions of 1771 and 1772 for a line of frontier presidios and a Gdlvez letter of 1782. Worthy of special note is a bulky summary (noted in the Catalogue at item number 4082, paragraph three) covering; not only Croix's letters .catalogued as 4082, 4149, and 4150, which, are in the legajo, but also his letters numbered 396 and 450 (both absent, and not catalogued) and another, which is in a different legajo, entered as 4151. NPC 60. Legajo 104-7-6. Espedientes del Comercio de San Bias de California con Panama. Anos 1789 a 1818. The whole Zegfo/o forms a single expediente, which is subdivided into twenty-three subordinate expedientes. The principal idea involved is that of the continual complaints of the merchants of Vera Cruz against the grant to Panamd, of a right to trade freely with neighboring colonies, and, among other places, with the port of San Bias. Only those expedientes bearing upon the commerce of San Bias were entered, but that port is dealt with in all of them, except part one of number 2, and numbers 14 to 16, 18 to 21, and 23. The number of items entered was 104. The uncatalogued expedientes treat of the following matters: the com- mercial relations of Vera Cruz with Havana, Tampico, and Campeche; the complaints of the casa de moneda of Mexico, because silver was not being brought there for coining; and appointments to the new " Many copies have since been procured for the Bancroft Library. 68 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias customshouse at Tampico, and the regulations concerning it. Much of this type of material appears also in some of the entered items of the expedientes catalogued. Most of the documents are for the period of the Spanish American revolutions, which, in the case of San Bias, made communication with Panamd a necessity, since it was not possible with Vera Cruz. NPC 61. Legajo 104-7-8. Eclesiastico. Consultas, Decretos y Pro- visiones eclesiasticas. Afios 1797 a 1807. This is the middle of three legajos so entitled, the inclusive dates of the set being 1700 to 1821. The dates of this legajo are not accurate, as there are a number of expedientes for the years preceding 1797, especially from 1786 to 1796. Most of the documents concern ecclesiastical appointments, such as to the office of canon, dean, or treasurer of a cathedral, but there are many that are more general in character, all dealing with the secular branch of the clergy, except where the regulars were serving as priests and were subject, in a measure, to a bishop. None of the documents bear specifically on regions now within the United States, and no entries, therefore, were made, but much of the material came near to a right of entry. The following of this type may be noted : an expediente of about three hundred pages concerning the erection of the bishopric of Nuevo Leon, involving also the province of Nuevo Santander, with documents for the years 1774 to 1797; and several expedientes on the question whether soldiers of the Provincias Internas ought to pay lithes. NPC 62. Legajo 104-7-33. Eclesiastico. Espedte.sobre ereccion del ^ohispado de Sonora y su establecimiento. Anos 1776 a 1787. This legajo bears the marks of usage, though not of copying, in that it is in utter disorder. Originally, the documents formed a single expedi- ente and they have been brought together in cataloguing, though not as they must once have been filed. They deal, not only with the erection of the bishopric of Sonora, but also with the establishment of the custodias of San Gabriel (Alta Cahfornia), Sonora, Nueva Vizcaya, and New Mexico. The plans for these institutions take up most of the legajo, while the later material deals almost wholly with Sonora and its northernmost district, Pimerla Alta. By far the greater number of the documents serve to illustrate the machinery involved in the execution of these projects, from their proposal by Antonio de los Reyes, the later bishop, to their authorization by the pope and enactment into law. The Reyes plan (3317), the Re villa Gigedo for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 69 history of the custodias (5436), and the Barbastro statistical account of the custodia of San Carlos, or Sonora (5493), are perhaps the princi- pal items of the legajo. All but a few of the documents were entered, yielding 117 items. NPC 63. Legajo 105-1-24- Eclesiastico. Ereccion y Estatuto para los Misioneros en las Provincias Ynternas. Aiios 1774- This covers the same subject matter as 104-7-33, part of the material of which it duplicates, but it is almost wholly concerned with the erection of the four custodias. The documents of 104-7-33 seem to have been the file of the ministro general, while those of 105-1-24 were probably that of the Council of the Indies. This legajo is in good order, and omits many of the purely routine documents that appear in 104-7-33. It is wrongly dated, for there are materials of other years than 1774; in fact, perhaps the greater part of the legajo is for 1779 to 1782. While most of the legajo is an outgrowth of the Reyes plans for custodias, there is one expediente for 1796 and 1797, about Indian affairs in Nueva Vizcaya, that is somewhat remote from the principal idea of the legajo. This expediente was not entered, leaving a total of sixty items that were catalogued. NPC 64. Legajo 105-1-25. Eclesiastico. Espedientes de Misiones. Anos 1768 a 1819. The dates given are misleading, since the legajo is almost wholly for the years 1788 to 1810. It contains much useful material for the two Californias, to which more than half of the legajo is devoted, in fairly equal amounts for each of the two provinces. Fourteen expedientes, containing seventy-eight items, were entered. The following are some of the matters taken up : an expediente of over three hundred pages, dated 1768 to 1797, about the grant of missions in Baja California to the Dominicans; various expedientes about the sending of Dominican missionaries from Spain, involving the question how much the government should allow them for expenses; two expedientes, 1788 to 1792, about the mutual complaints of the governor and the president of the missions in Alta California; and an expediente of 1789, concerning the steps taken for founding new missions in the two Californias. NPC PART II Calendar of Items 1. [1597]. Sebastian Vizcayno to the king. Relacion que Sebastian Vizcayno a cuyo cargo fue la Jornada de las calif ornias da para el rey . . . dando a entender Lo que vido esta dha jornda. El puerto de Acapulco hasta Paraje de veynte y nueve grados dentro de la Ensenada de las Calif ornias a la parte de norueste qe.es desde donde se bolvio Para no poder Pasar adelante Por El tiempo ser contrario y a versele quebrado Los Hierros del timon con una tormta.y los Rios la tierra y mar. Or. lOpp.l. 67-3-27. Acc.l3. 2. [1597]. Nov.5. Mexico. Sebastian Vizcayno. Lo que sevastian Vizcayno pide ser ayudado de Parte de su magd.pa.hacer la Jornada de las calif ornias abiendo de salir del puto. de Acapulco por el mes de Marzo del ano que biene. Or. Bpp.l. 67-3-28. See 13. 3. [1597, or later]. Graviel Maldonado. Sobre capitular con el Virrey la pesqueria i poblacion de las calif ornias. C. 3pp.l. 67-3-31. 4. 1601. Mar. 12. Acapulco. Diego ymfante del aguila. Memoria deloque se gasto en las primeras piecas quese fundieron en acapulco y de la cassa que se compro para esta fundicion y obra que en ella se hizo de nuebo y de otros gastos herramientas que se compraron para dar principio a esta fundicion loqual hizo y ajusto en el mismo puerto el beedor Diego ymfante delaguila en virtud de la comission que para ello tuvo del Virrey conde de monte Rey. Cer. May 28,1603,Mexioo. 12pp.l. 67-3-27. Enc.w.lO. 5. 1601. May 3. Acapulco. Diego ymfante del aguila. Mema.deloqe.se gasto en las tres piecas dela segda.funcion qe.se hizo en acapco. La cual hizo y ajusto Diego ynfante del aguila en virtud de la comis- son.qe.pa.ello tubo del Virrey conde de Mte.Rey. Cer. May 28, 1603, Mexico. 8pp.l. 67-3-27. Enc.w.lO. 6. 1602. Mexico. * Relacion del Viaje y derrotero de las Naos que fueron al descubrimiento del puerto de acapulco h cargo del General Sebastian Bizcaino. Cer. Nov.8,1603,Mexico. ISlpp.l. 60H^37. Includes 33 maps (32 in colors) covering the Pacific coast from the Puerto de Natividad to Cape Mendocino. 7. 1602. Mar.2. Mexico. Conde de Monterrey. Dixo que por quanto susa.en cumplimiento de la orden que tiene de su magd. para mandar hacer descubrimiento y demarcacion de todos los puertos ensena- das y baias que tuviere la mar del sur desde el cavo Mendocino hasta el puerto de acapco. a hecho nombramiento en sevastian Vizno. encargandole en dho. Descubrimiento. Cer. Ip.l. 67-3-27. Enc.w.lO. 70 for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 71 8. 1602. Mar.5. Mexico. Juan Bauta.de Ureta. en cumplimiento deloqe.susa.del conde de monterrey virrey mi Sr.me manda . . . al dho.sevastian Vizno. . . . notifique El qual dixo que esta presto de Guardar y cumpllr todo. Cer. Ip.l. 67-3-27. Enc.w.lO. 9. 1602. Mar.18. Mexico. Conde de mte.Rey. Ynstruccion y Horden que an de Guardar y executar sevastian Vizcayno A cuyo cargo Va La gente de mar y Guerra que sea conducido Para el descubrimi- ento Reconocimto.y demarcacion delos puertos Barras Vaias y ensenadas que ay desde el Cavo de sn.Lucas que esta Veinte y dos grados y Un quarto Hasta el Cavo Mendocino que esta en quarenta y dos grados costa de norueste sueste y el Cappn.Torivio Gomez y Las demas Personas que por mi orden a el dho .descubrimiento . Cer. May 3 1,1 602, Mexico. 8pp. 1. 67-3-27. Enc.w.lO. * 10. 1602. Mar .31. Mexico. Conde de Monterey to the king. Los avissos que a enviado el Govor.de la vizcaya en rracon del estado dela rrevelion de los indios acagees . . . se suplica a V.Md. mande declarar enlo que toca al superior Govierno delas cossas dela guerra de aquellas provincias. Avisa se haverse puesto en execucion el embiar a demarcar y descubrir Los puertos baias y ensenadas dela mar del Sur hasta el cavo mendocino en con- formidad dela orden qe. havia de V.md. Si convendria desmantelar el fuerte de sn.Augustin dela florida o n6. queya quedan en acapco.Las ocho piezas de artilleria qe.por la mar del norte y camino de teuantepeque havia mandado llevar alii para las naos de filipinas. que aun no a Uegado hasta aora La nao que quedo en filipinas. queen conformd.deloque V.Md. mdo.me informe de ciertas personas sobre la cercania dela Florida con el nuevo Mexico. Or. ISpp.l. 67-3-27. Acc.l3. Enc.4,5,7-9. 11. 1602. Nov.13. Pueblo de los Angeles. Fray Diego Haro to the Conde de Monterey. Sobre la Jornada del nuevo Mexico . . . Laque yo al presste.puedo alegar alos pies de V.exa.es aver muerto en esta d^manda seys rreligiossos . . . Vsa.no permitira senos quite y se de a otros rreligiosos. Cer. May 28,1603,Mexico. 2pp.l. 67-3-27. Acc.by 12. 12. 1602. Nov.13. quauhnavac(?). Fray po.dela cruz, fray Rodrigo de sanc- tillan, fray Jun.de Salas, fray Jun.baptista, and fray Pedro de astaneda(?) to [the Conde de Monterey]. Una peticion quedio la orden de st. franco. en rrazon deque no seles quite las doctrinas del nuevo Mexico. Cer. May 28,1603,Mexico. 4pp.l. 67-3-27. Acc.ll. 13. 1602. Dec.28. Puerto de monte-Rey. Sebastian Vizcayno to the king. [Tells of the vast wealth of the land that he has discovered, and why he has taken so much time for his voyage]. Or. 2pp.l. 67-3-27. Nota. Acc.by 1,10. See 2. 14. [1603. Mar.23-May 10]. Diligencias y autos hecho con don rodrigo de Vivero Govor.que sera de la Vizcaya sobre la dexaeion de su offio.antes y despues de admitirsele. Cer. 9pp.l. 67-3-27. 72 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 15. 1606. Aug. 19. San Lorenzo. The king (by Cirica) to the Marques de Montosclaros. Al Viney . . . pa. que hiciese buscar k Sebastian Vizcayno, Gral.que avia sido de los Navies que fueron al descubrimto.del Puerto de Monterrey en la mar del Sur 6 su Almirante, y hallado hiciese que se dispusiese d hir A Philipinas por Gral.de los Navios de la Contratacon.de aqellas Yslas el ano de 1607. pa.que de su buelta de viage dejase industriados en la navegacion del referido Puerto haciendo escala en el, y reconocerse la forma de como se avia de Poblar. Cer. 6pp.l. 104-3-4. Dft. 104-3-4. C. 67-3-27. Acc.l7. 16. 1606. Aug.19. San I-orenzo. The king (by Juan de Cirica) to Pedro de Acuna. Participando al Govor.de Philipinas ... la orn.que se dava al Virrey de Nuevk Espana. Cer. 5pp.l. 104-3-4. Dft. 104-3-4. C. 67-3-27. Acc.17. 17. 1606. Oct. 5. San Lorenzo. The king (by Juan de Cirica) to the Marques de Montes Claros. que haga reconocer el Nuevo Puerto de Monte Rey, conforme d una memoria, que se le embia. Dft. 3pp.l. 67-3-27. Acc.by 15,16. 18. 1615. Nov.4. Puerto de san Ynacio . . . sinaloa. Juan de Yturbe, Diego de Urdayde, and Lorenzo Peltruche. Recaudos qe.sean hecho en el puerto de sn .ynacio costa delamar del Sur dela prova.de na.sa.de sinaloa sobre el embargo de la fragta. que se embargo Para yr en busca de los naos de la china pa.darles aviso dela armada del enemigo olandes. Cer. 8pp.l. 67-3-27. Acc.35. 19. 1616. Mar.3. Sevilla. Tomas de Cardona, Sancho de Meras, and Maria lopes de la Paraya. Poder de los duefios del asiento de la pesqa.de perlas en la California aJos Capes.Nicolas de Cardona, Juan de yturbe y Po.alvarez de Rosales. Or. 15pp. 1. 67-3-27. Acc.35. 20. 1617. Ynformacion que se hi^o acerca de haverse gastado en la fabrica de los vajeles que se hicieron en el Puerto de acapulco mas de 4000 ps. y en lo que costaron los otros bajeles (sobre qe.se fundo este asiento) que salieron de espana pa.las yndias y mar del norte ano de 613 y 14. [Concerns the pearl fisheries of the Thomas de Cardona company, and deals largely with the Calif ornias]. Cer. eipp.l. 67-3-28. Acc.35. 21. 1617. Sobre la paga delos quintos de las perlas que vinieron de californias tasacion de los catorce onzas y media de perlas qe.se trajeron de californias es decir por el asiento y compania de nicolas de cardona. Cer. 12pp.l. 67-3-27. Acc.35. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 73 22. 1619. May 31. Cartaxena. Mandamto. del gal.ferndo.de Sosa [to Captain Joan del Castillo] toca ala pesqa.de la California. Or. Ip.l. 67-3-31. 23. 1619. May 31. Cartaxena. Mandamto.del genal.ferndo.de Sosa [to Captain Pedro Saloquen] ano de 629 sobre la pesqa.de perla. Or. Ip.l. 67-3-31. 24. 1620. July 9. Mexico. Nicolas de Cardona. Scriptura en que el Capan.Nicolas de Cardona se obliga dedar a esteban Carbonel Quinientos Pessos Porque baya a Teguantepeque a sacar y poner en orden una fragata delas del descubrimiento delas calif ornias. Cer. 6pp.l. 67-3-27. Acc.3o. 25. 1622. [Before August]. Mexico. Niculas de Cardona and Luis de Medina. Obligon. de Cappan.niculas de Cardona y Luis de medina porque por 2 mil • 500 ps. Paga a fin de JuUio deste ano para la pezqa.de perlas en la California. Cer. 4pp.l. 67-3-27. Acc.35. 26. 1627. June 25. [Mexico]. Nicolas de Cardona to the Marqs.de la Hinojosa. Pide se nombre persona aquien pueda advertir Lo que conbiene para seguridad dela plata que vaja a panama y para la de las naos que bajan a Acapulco paraque se libren del Conocido Riezgo que tiene del enemigo A quien dar Cuenta de un largo y dilatado Reyno quea descubierto alamar del sur cerca de La nueba espana abundante de minas de plata, oro, perlas y otras cossas de balor paraque se agregue a la Real Corona de V.Exc. Or. 2pp.2. 67-3-27. Acc.35. 27. [1628. Aug.2-Nov.l9.1632]. Autos y declaraciones qe. En Virtud de cedula Rl. recivio El lizo. Don Jun. de Albarez Serrano oydor dela Rl.auda. sobre El descubrimiento de California [with a view to further discoveries]. Cer. 157pp. 1. 67-3-27. Acc.37. 28. 1631. Tanto que se saco de una carta que el R.Padre Fr.Alonzo de Benavides Custodio que fue del Nuevo Mexico Embio a los Religiosos de la Santa Custodia de la Conversion de San Pablo de dicho Reyno, desde Madrid el ano de 1631. Ympreso en Mexico: por Joseph Bernardo de Hogal, Ministro e Ympresor del Real y Apostolico Tribunal de la Santa Cruzada en toda esta Nueva Espana. Ano de 1730. C. 16 printed pp.10.2 by 14.2 cm. 104-6-17. Enc.w.3155. 29. [1632]. Poder del capan.Thomas de Cardona por si y ene.de franco.de la Parayra, y sancho de meras, para cobrangas.al capan.Nicolas de Cardona. 'Cer. llpp.l. 67-3-27. Acc.35. 30. [1632. Mexico]. Marqs.de cerralbo to the king. Embia Unas perlas qe.Se traxeron de californias. C. 2pp.l. 67-3-27. Acc.37. 74 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 31. [1633]. Autos de diligas. sobre el descubrimito.delas Californias por el Capn.franco.de Ortega aque le ayudo EI Capn.Jun.garcia de mercado aviandole con dinos.y otras cosas qe.pa.El viage tuvo neccesd. Cer. 271pp.l. 67-3-27. Acc.37. 32. 1634. June 12. [Madrid(?)]. Nicolas de Cardona to the king. supca.humilmte.almagd.se sirva de remitirle asu Real qo.de yndias paraque enel leoygan donde propondra Las importancias [torn]iene para acavar de acer eldho descubrimto.[de California] . . . se ofrece a continuar el dho descubrimto. Or. 2pp.2. 67-3-27. Acc.35. 33. [1634. July 24. Madrid (?)]. Nicolas de Cardona to the king. Sobre la poblacion del Reyno de la California. Or. 15 printed pp.1. 67-3-27. Acc.35. 34. 1634. Oct.9. Nicolas de Cardona. en virtud del asiento hecho con V.magd.para el descubrimto.de nuevos ostiales de Perlas en los mares del norte y sur y del Reyno dela California y descubrimo.del fue a hacer el dho descubrimto. el ano de 1615 en el qual se a ocupado mas de veinte anos aviendo corrido . . . por la parte de afuera por el Runbo de norueste sueste hasta treinta y quatro grados al norte [with further description of his exploits] . . . supco.se sirva de hacerle mcd.darle licencia para proseguir y continuar el dho su asiento . . . prohibiendo como estra- ordinado que nadie . . . participe. Or. 7pp. 1. 67-3-27. Acc.35. 35. 1634. Nov.6. Madrid. Nicolas de Cardona to the king. Sobre la Poblacion del Reyo.dela Califa. Or. 9pp.l. 67-3-27. Acc.by 18-21,24-26,29,32-34. See 37, 45. 36. [1634. After Nov.6]. Segovia. The king. Se disponga con la atencion posible enloque toca ala propagacion delafe y predicacion del Sn.ebanjelio y con la mayor utilidad y ningu[n] gasto dela Real hazda. Or. Ip.l. 67-3-27. Acc.37. 37. 1635. Mar.l5. Madrid. The king (by Gabriel de Ocanay Alarcon) to the Marques de Zerralvo. Por cedula mia de dos de Agosto de seiscientos y veinte ocho, os mand6 me informase de lo que os ofrecia cerca del descubrimto.de las Islas Californias ... he tenido por bien de remitiros copias de todos los dhos papeles y del dho memal.qe.dio Nicolas de Cardona, cerca delas dhas condiciones . . . pa.qe.los veais y oigais a los dos referidos, y a otras qualesquier personas qe.quieran tratar desde materia. Cer. 3pp.l. 67-3-27. Acc.by 27,30,31,36,38. See 35. 38. [1636]. Autos y pedimientos de franco.de Ortega, que fue por cavo desu fragata al descubrimiento y demarcacion delas Californias sobre diligas.qe.hizo en esta Ra9on. Cer. 310pp.l. 67-3-27. Acc.37. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 75 39. [1636]. Testimonio de los autos qe.en la Rl.Audiencia de Goadalaxa.se fulminon.con- tra francisco de Vergra.[Vergara] y francisco Esteban Carbonel, Por aver cedido Una licencia qe.al dho.franco.de.Vergra.dio.el.exmo.Sr.Marqs.de ca- dereita pa.yr, Al descubrimto de las costas de la California. [Carbonel, a Frenchman, was suspected of seeking a strait through the continent for the benefit of France]. Cer. 400pp.l. 67-3-28. 40. [1636]. Traslado delos autos.qe.fulminaron.de offo.dela Rl.Justia.Contra franco.Car- bonel y otros.Porser franceses. Cer. 754pp.l. 67-3-27. 41. [1636-1637]. Traslado delos autos qe.franco.esteban carbonel por decir esfrances y querer pasar alas californias con otros sus companeros en un nabio que estaba fabri- cando: y lo demas que serrefiere. Cer. 735pp.l. 67-3-27. 42. 1638. Feb.24. Madrid. The king (by Gabriel de Ocanay Alarcon). Cedula qe.se despacho pa.que El Marqs.de Cadereita remitiesse todos los papeles qe.tuviese tocantes al descubrimto.delas Islas Californias apedimto.de D.Porter Casanate. Dft. 3pp.l. 67-3-28. Acc.48. Acc.by 43. 43. 1638. July 12. Mexico. Marqs.de Cadereita to the king. Luego que llegue aeste Reino el ano de 635 Don Pedro Porter de Casanate trato de passar a las Californias . . , por estar prohivido el entrar a poblar . . . Resulto los Ynconvintes.que refiere en la Relacion dela enque V.Magd.se sirve de mandarme embie los papeles y ynformes de lo queseme offrece y Supuesto que con este Remito testimonio de todos los quese citan. Or. 3pp.l. 67-3-28. Acc.42. 44. [1643. Feb.9]. Nicolas de Cardona to the king. [States that the king had ordered that he was to have preference in making discoveries in the Californias; that he had granted his powers to captains Esteban Carbonel and Luis Sestin de Canos; that Don Pedro Porter Casanate is now engaged in making these discoveries. He asks that the latter be for- bidden to continue his discoveries]. Or. 2pp.l. 67-3-28. Acc.45. 45. 1643. Mar.4. Madrid. Antonio de Leon (for the Council of the Indies). Que no ha lugar lo que pide el capitan don Nicolas de Cardona. Or. Ip.l. 67-3-28. Acc.48, Acc.by 44. See 35. 46. 1644. Sept.24. Mexico. Don Pedro Porter Casanate to the king. Da quenta de lo que ha intentado pa.el cumplimto.de las ordenes de V.Md.en orden al descubrimiento del GoKo de la California de los accidentes que han impossibilitado el hazerlo este ano, y de los medios y medio qe.ha menester para prosiguir el intento. Or. 3pp. 1. 67-3-28. Acc.48. 47. 1645. Feb.20. Mexico. Don Pedro Porter Cassanate to Jn.Bautista Sanco. Navarrete. 76 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias Con relacion del curso que an tenido aca y alia las cosas del descubrimiento de las Californias y subceso acaecido en la quema de las embarcaciones que prevenia y de los pertrechos y otros materiales pa.EUa. Or. 2pp.l. 67-3-28. Enc.w.48. 48. 1645. Feb.25. Mexico. Cde.de Salbatta [i.e.Salvatierra] to the king. El Almirante Don Pedro Porter Casanate . . . me presento los titulos, y Cedulas que V.Md.se sirvio darle, encargandole el descubrimiento, del golfo dela California, y para su execucion le he dado toda la asistencia . . . Con esta ocasion sele perdio todo lo que havia gastado [through the burning of his ships] . . . deque ha resultado quedar pobre . . . es persona Capaz y digno deque V.Md.siendo servido le honrre, y haga mrd. Or. 2pp.l. 67-3-28. Acc.by 42,45,46. 49. [1665]. [Papers relating to the petition of Bernardo Bernal de Pinadero that he be allowed to pursue his discoveries in the Californias without interference on the part of the Audiencia of Guadalajara]. Cer. June 15, 1665, [Mexico]. 13pp.l. 67-3-28. Acc.61. 50. [1666]. Testimonio [relating to the petition of Bernardo Bernal de Pinadero that he be permitted to continue his discoveries in the Californias at his own cost, and to carry missionaries and settlers there]. Cer. July 4,1673,Mexico. 20pp.l. 67-3-28. Acc.61. 51. 1666. Nov .20. Mexico. Berdo. Bernal de Pynadero to the king. [Asks permission to continue his discoveries in the Californias]. Or. 3pp.l. 67-3-28. Inf. Dec. Acc.61. 52. 1667. Oct.26. [Madrid(?)]. [Secretary for the Indies(?)]. [Asks that the letters of the Marques de Manjera be examined to see if there is anything in them about the discovery of the Californias]. Or. Ip.l. 67-3-28. Acc.61. 53. 1667. Nov.9. [Madrid]. [The fiscal(?) of the Council of the Indies]. [Stating that the Marques de Manjera wrote no letters about the discovery of the Californias]. Or. Ip.l. 67-3-28. Acc.61. 54. 1671. Nov.30. Mexico. Berdo.Bernal de pynadero to the queen. Pide sele de, por quatro, 6 cinco anos, el Govierno y capitania del Presso.de Sinaloa, que esta 16 leguas de las Californias . . . porque, esta mas a la mano para que permanesca, lo que poblare . . . dos misiones . . . Una en las Californias, y otra en el Reyno dela Na.Galizia. Or. 7pp.l. 67-3-28. Acc.61, 55. 1672. June 17. [Madrid]. Council of the Indies. [Orders Pinadero's petition to be referred to the viceroy, and the latter to report fully on the matter]. Or. Ip.l. 67-3-28. Acc.61. 56. 1673. June 6. Guadalaxara. Testimonio del Testamto.que otorg6 Alonso ferz.de la torre Vezno.de la for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 77 Ziud.de Guadalaxara en que dex6 por herederos a los Padres Jesuytas, con el Cargo de la fundazon.de dos Misiones en Sonora y Sinaloa. Cer. 26pp.l. 67-3-28. Acc.61. 57. 1673. June 17. Mexico. Marqs.de Mancera to the queen. No. 14. Satisface a la Zedula, de 29 de Junio de 1672 tocante a la reduecion, y pob- lacion del Reyno de las Calif ornias: y remite un testimonio sobre ello. Or. 5pp.l. 67-3-28. Acc.61. 58. 1673. July 12. Mexico. Berdo.Bernal de pynadero to the king. Representa lo que se le ofrece, sobre el descubrimto.de que esta encargado, de las Californias, y remite testimonio, de las ordenes qe.estan dadas acerca dela materia. Or. 8pp.l. 67-3-28. Acc.61. 59. 1674-1676. Testimonio de los Autos fhos en Razon de la Poblazion de las Californias en Virtud de Zedula de su Magestad. Cer. May 20,1676,Mexico. 79pp.l. 67-3-28. Enc.w.62. 60. 1674. Feb.l2. Madrid. The fiscal to [the Council of the Indies]. [Recommends that Pinadero be allowed to continue his discoveries, despite the viceroy's wish, inasmuch as he is willing to pay the expense]. Or. 2pp. 1. 67-3-28. Acc.61. 61. 1674. Oct.29. [Madrid]. Council of the Indies. [Ordering the suit over the proceeds of the estate of Alonso Ferndndez de la Torre to be brought to a speedy termination, and what is left of the estate devoted to the founding of two missions; and that Pinadero's petition be referred back to the viceroy with an intimation that he should regard discoveries in the Californias as important, even if they offer nothing more than a field for spiritual conquest]. Or. Ip.l. 67-3-28. Acc.by 49-58,60,62. 62. 1676. May 23. Mexico. Fr.Paio, Arzobipo.de Mexco., to the queen. EI Virrey de la Nueva Espana da quenta a V.Magd. . . . de lo que ha resultado de las proposiciones de Don Bernardo Bernal de Pinadero, tocantea a la Conquista y Poblacion de la California, y del estado en que queda esta materia. Or. 6pp.l. 67-3-28. Dec. Acc.61. Enc.59. 63. 1685. Sept.3. Mexico. Marques de Paredes to the king. Da quta.delas ultimas entradas qe.hizo en las Islas Californias el Almirte. Dn.Isidro de Atondo por lo que ella result6 a declarado se mantengan los dos Puertos descubiertos del Rio grande, y Ro.de sn. Bruno, con dos religiosos Misioneros y 20 soldados. Or.Dp. 6pp.l. 67-3-28. Acc.79. 64. 1685. Oct.22. Madrid. The king(by Anto.Ortiz de Otalora) to the Conde de Paredes. Al Virrey de la Na.Spana, en respuesta de su Carta de 28 de Marzo de este ano, sre.la sublevason.de los Yndios de la Nueva Vizcaya. Cer. Oct.ll,1724,Madrid. 10pp. 1. 67-3-28. Acc.79. 78 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 65. 1686. Feb. 18. Guadalaxara. Juan, obpo.de Guadalaxa., to the king. Da qta.V.Mgd.por loque toca del estado en que esta, la conquista y com- bersion de las Calif ornias. Or. 4pp.l. 67-3-28. Inf. Dec. Acc.79. 66. 1686. Mar.lO. Juan, Obispo de Guadalaxa., to the king. [Enclosing copies of letters (which do not appear) by Father Kino, Father Matias de Goniz, and Admiral Otondo relating to the Californias]. Or. Ip.l. 67-3-28. Acc.79. 67. [1697]. Testimonio de los autos hechos sobre el descubrimiento conquista y reduccion de las Californias en que esta entendiendo el Pe.Juan Maria de Salvatierra a costa dela limosna delos fieles. Cer. May 29,1699,Mexico. 35pp. 1. 67-3-28. Enc.w.72. 68. [1697]. Testimonio de los autos fechos sobre el descubrimiento, y reduccion de las Californias en que esta inttendiendo El Padre Juo. Maria de Salvatierra a costa Expenzas de Su Magd.y de los demas fieles. Cer. July 5,1704,Mexico. 247pp.l. 67-3-28. Acc.79. 69. 1698. May 5. Mexico. Joseph Sarmto.to the king. El Virrey da quenta de la entrada que ha hecho, a las Islas Californias, el Pe.Juan Maria de Salbatierra de la Compa.de Jhs., los buenos efectos que van resultando y la que propone sobre la continuacion de estas Conquistas. Or. 7pp.l. 67-3-28. Inf. Dec. Acc.79. 70. 1699-1782 [1803]. Presidio del Paso del Rio del Norte, Pattes.de Capitanes, y Nombramtos.de Ofics.de Grra. 104r-6-8. Inc.74,92,173,346,584,2960,3876, 4622,4623,4859,4860,5305,5306, 5330,5380,5591,5643,5678,5836,5887,5912,5985. 71. 1699. Mar. 11. Guadalaxara. Fr. Phelipe Obpo.de Gudxra. [Guadalajara] to the king. Da quenta de los buenos efectos qe.produzen en aquellas Missiones los Religosos de sn.Franco. y los Padres de la Compania qe.han entrado en las Californias; y delo qe.ba adelantado en las de Coaguila Dn.franco.Cuerbo de Valdez; a quien suppca.se onrre y aliente, para qe.continue su celo. Or. 3pp.l. 67-3-28. Acc.79. 72. 1699. May 29. Mexico. Joseph Sarmto.to the king. El Virrey de Nueba Espana Da qta.a V.M. de los felices progresos que van resultando, ya conseguido con sus asisas.en las Yslas Californias el Pe.Juan Maria de Salbatierra y lo que por su partte le a favorecido para esta Conquista de que Remite Autos. Or. 3pp.l. 67-3-28. Acc.79. Enc.67. 73. 1699. June 14. Madrid. Martin de Solis Miranda to Martin de Perralta. Buelvo a manos de Vd. el expediente sobre la Combersion y reducion de los gentiles delas Californias que paso a las mias de horden del Consso. para que informasse con Vista de lo representado por el Virrey Dn. Joseph Sarmiento en su carta de 5 de Mayo de 98. Or. Ip.l. 67-3-28. Acc.79. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 79 74. 1699. June 28. Madrid. The king(by Martin de Sierralta). Dn.Antto.de Balberde Cosio. Patente De Capitan de los 50 homes.de Dotazon. del Presidio del paso del rio del Nortte en el nuevo Mejico. C.Dp. 4pp. 1. 104-6-8. Inc.in 70. Acc.by a duplicate. 75. 1699. July 11. Mexico. Joseph Sarmiento to [the king]. Sera mui del servicio de Dios la Real piadosa atenzion de V.M. a la nueva Conquista delas Islas Californias, de cuios felizes progresos doy quenta d V.M. y que d. consiguido la sagrada religion de la Compania de Jesus d expensas de limosnas de particulates y que para continuar en ella necesita de alguna aiuda de costa de Real hacienda que sin embargo de reconozerse sera corta no he deliverado su socorro hasta tener expresa Real orden de V.M. que puede esperarse de su Real venignidad. C(of a paragraph from the original). lp.l(the above the entire document). 67-3-28. Acc.79. 76. 1699. Oct.20. Mexico. Joseph Sarmto. to the king. No.l. El Virrey de la Nua.Spa.Pone en la Rl.noticia de V.M. haverse continuado subcesibos los favorables avisos de los progresos y buenos efectos dela reducion de gentiles en las Islas Californias en el servo.de Dios y agrado de V.M. y que sera propio de su Rl.piedad se asista a los Relijiosos con alguna ayuda de costa de Rl.hazda.en la forma que propone. Or. 8pp.l. 67-3-28. Acc.79. 77. [1700 (?) .Late]. Bernardo Rolandegui to the king. Refiere que el Pe.Juan Maria de Salbatierra y su companero entraron en las Californias y lograron la reducion de muchas Almas y el descubrir parajes qe.hasta aora no se havian descubierto, y que haviendo hecho los gastos qe.se han ofrecido a expensas de limosnas, y cesado estas, hazen presente, la Utilidad qe.se sigue al servico.de dhos.y de Su Magd.de continuar esta empresa, y de mantener un Presidio qe.formaron: y suplica se de providencia para qe.en Mexico se asista con loque fuesse necessario. Or. 4pp.l. 67-3-28. Acc.79. 78. 1701. Eusebio Francisco Kino. Paso por tierra d la California y sus confinantes nuevas Naciones y Misiones Nuevas de la Compania de Jhs. en la America Septentrional. [This is a map]. C. lp.36 by 50 cm. 67-3-29. 79. [1701-1706]. [Papers treating of the work of Father Salvatierra in the conquest of the Californias]. (The items in this file, nearly all Or., Cer., and Dft., were not catalogued separately). 44pp.l. 67-3-28. Acc.by 63-66,68,69,71-73,75-77,82-84,86-91,93- 101. 80. 1701. July 11. Valladolid de Michoacan. Garcia to the king. El obispo dize que luego que entrego el Govno.de la Iglesia y obispado de la Nueva Vizcaya al Cavildo de Durango; empezo este a tratar de que tubiese cumplimto.la executoria despachada el ano de 662 . . . sobre qe.las Haziendas delas religiones paguen diezmos; y que haviendo resistido la dela Compania que es la que Ueva el peso de las Misiones en aquella dilatada Prova., Uego el caso deque el Provincial tuviese dejacion de ellas . . . Informa dilatadamte. 80 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias ponderando lo que importa que la Religion de la Compania se mantenga con las Misiones; y que no se le obligue a pagar diezmos. Or. lOpp.l. 67-3-28. 81. 1701. July 17. Madrid. The king. [Ordering 6000 pesos a year to be paid out of the royal treasury to assist the Jesuits in their work in the Calif ornias]. Cer. Feb.28,1720,Guadalaxara. 3pp.l. 67-3-28. Enc.w.ll2. 82. 1701. Aug.l. Madrid. Manuel de Aperregui y Asian . . . scno.en el Rl.de las Indias parte de Na.Espana. Certifico que El Pe.Bernardo de Rolandegui . . . dio memorial en el R.con- sejo de las Yndias, refiriendo tenia noticias de ha verse determinado Un expedi- ente, tocante a la mision de la California . . . Suplicara sele mandase dar noticia de lo resuelto en ella . . . Visto en el Consejo; Se acordo en treinta de Julio proximo pasado; se diese Certificacion ... Y en cumplimiento de esta horden, Certifico que . . . se den a fin de mantener y a delantar las Com- bersiones. Cer. 3pp.l. 67-3-28. Acc.79. 83. 1701. Dec.2. Guadalaxara. Franco.Dominguez de Riezu(by order of the Real Audiencia of Guadalajara). [Reciting a royal decree of July 17, 1701, referring to the work of Salvatierra and Kino in the Calif ornias and the royal decision to assist the work financially; requesting information about Sinaloa, Sonora, and the Calif ornias; saying that the funds remaining after the suit over the estate of Alonso' Fernandez de la Torre is decided should be applied to the building of missions in one of the above provinces. As these regions are too far away to be known to mem- bers of the Real Audiencia, this order is given, so that those who do know of them may give information]. Or. 3pp.l. 67-3-28. Acc.79. 84. [1701. Before Dec.6]. Bernardo Rolandegui to the king. Refiere las providencias que tiene por precisas para la Conservacion y aumento de las Misiones de las Calif ornias : y suplica se manden dar estas providencias para que corran con felizd.aquellas Conversiones. Or. 2pp.l. 67-3-28. Acc.79. 85. 1702. Feb.l. Guadalaxara. Franco. Maria Piccolo to the Audiencia of Guadalajara. Sobre el estado de aquellas Misiones [de las Californias], y Calidades de la tierra, y propone lo que Combendra hazer para que tenga entero logro aquel descubrimto., representando las utilidades que se seguiran al servicio de Dios y de S.Mgd., y a la mejor Navegacion de las Naos de Philipinas. Cer. 16pp.l. 67-3-28. Enc.w.86. 86. 1702. May 16. Mexico. Joseph Antto.de espinossa to the king. El fiscal participa haver dado cumplimiento a la Cedula de 17 de Julio de 1701 enque se mando al Virrey asistiese con 6 mil ps.cada ano a los Misioneros de la Compafiia que asisten en las Californias, y remite Copia de un Informe que Franco. Maria Picolo dela Compa.hizo ala Audiencia de Guadalajara . . . y Suppco.se lea esta Carta ala letra. Or. 8pp.l. 67-3-28. Acc.79. Enc.85. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 81 87. [1703(?)]. Bernardo Rolandegui to the king. [Announcing that Fathers Salvatierra and Kino have discovered that Cali- fornia is not an island, but a peninsula]. Or. Ip.l. 67-3-28. Acc.79. 88. 1703. Bernardo Rolandegui to the king. [Complaining that the alms, which the king ordered to be paid annually to the Jesuits for use in the Californias^ have not been paid by the viceroys and the Audiencia of Guadalajara, and asking that the profits of certain vacant bishoprics be assigned to them to make up the arrears]. Or. 2pp.l. 67-3-28. Inf. Dec. Acc.79. 89. 1703. Bernardo Rolandegui to the king. [Asking that the allowance of 10,000 pesos a year for the missions of the Californias be raised to 13,000, and enclosing an original letter from Father Ugarte, one of the missionaries in that land]. Or. 2pp.l. 67-3-28. Inf. Dec. Acc.79. 90. [1703. Early]. Pedro de Forondar to the king. [Complaining that certain funds, assigned to the Jesuits for the prosecution of their labors in all of their fields (including the Californias), have not been paid to them, despite the royal order, and asking that payment be made]. Or. Ip.l. 67-3-28. Inf. Dec. Acc.79. 91. [1703. Late]. Pedro de Forondar, representing the Jesuits, to the king. [States that despite the royal decree of June 18, 1703, the funds provided by law for the Jesuits still remain unpaid, and asks payment]. Or. Ip.l. 67-3-28. Dec. Acc.79. 92. 1703. Jan.30. Madrid. The king(by Manuel de Aperrigui). Cappan.Don Antonio de Valverde y Cosio, Su Mgd.Confirma al referido el sueldo que el Virrey de la Nueva Espana, le senal6 con el puesto de Capitan de los 50 hombres de Dottazion del Presidio del paso del Rio del Norte y la jurisdicion politica de Alcalde mayor del. C.Tp. 5pp. 1. 104-6-8. Inc.in 70. Acc.by a duplicate. 93. 1703. June 2. [Madrid]. Sres.Bustamente, Solis, Ybanez, Gamarra, Her- moso, Aguilera, Bolero (of the Council of the Indies). [Ordering payment of the salaries of missionaries in the Californias, the erection of a fort there, the building of a boat for the missionaries, and setting a limit to the expense which may be occasioned for these purposes]. Or. llpp.l. 67-3-28. Acc.79. 94. 1703. Oct. 10. [Madrid]. Sres.Bustamte., Castro, Solis, Ybanez, Gamarra, Hermoso, Aga., Bolero (of the Council of the Indies). Expidase el despacho pa.qe.se pague [sums for the missions of the Californias, a presidio, and a boat] de qualqra.Ramo de hazda.Real sin Embargo de los ordenes qe.expresa la stia. Or. 2pp.l. 67-3-28. Acc.79. 95. 1703. Oct.l3. [Madrid]. [Council of the Indies]. [Ordering steps to be taken promptly to have maps and descriptions made of the newly discovered lands and coasts in the Californias]. Or. Ip.l. 67-3-28. Acc.79. 7 82 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 96. 1704. Apr. 18. Mexico. Espinossa to the viceroy. [With reference to the request in Salvatierra's memorial of Feb. 11, 1704, recommends: that sums be given to the missionaries for wine, oil, ornaments, and for other necessities for the celebration of Christian services; that a body of California missionaries and military men consult as to the best site for a fort in the Calif ornias; that a boat be built for the California missionaries and soldiers; that the funds at the service of the missionaries be increased; that pearl fishing be introduced; and that families of settlers be sent to the Cali- f ornias]. Or. 3pp.l. 67-3-28. Acc.79. 97. 1704, Sept.22. Mexico. Duque de Alburquerqe.to the king. Que en cumplimto.de Cedula de 28 de Settre.de 1703 ssre.que fomentase la Conquista delas Californias y aumentase . . . havia tenido Junta gral. y se havia acordado aguardar al Pe.Juan Maria De Salvatierra . . . para con- ferenciar con el todo tocante a este punto por ser sugeto muy practico de aquella tierra . . . y remite autos de lo esecutado hasta entonces. Or. 13pp.l. 67-3-28. Acc.79, 98. 1704. Oct.8. Queretaro. Jhoan Cavallero y ocio to the king, [Acknowledges receipt of a royal decree of September 28, 1703, expressing the royal pleasure at his gift of 20,000 pesos for the two missions in the Cali- fornias, The writer says this will be an added incentive for him to continue that sort of work]. Or. Ip.l. 67-3-28. Acc.79, 99. 1704. Oct.9. Mexico. Joseph Antto.de espinossa to the king. El fiscal de Mexco. Don Espinosa da quenta a V.M. con remission de Copia de Respuesta fiscal lo executtado en virtud de loque V.M. le ordena por Real Cedula de 28 de septiemre.de el ano passado, sobre que pida el Cumplimientto delas Providencias por V.M, expedidas ala manutencion delas Missiones de la California. Or. 3pp.l. 67-3-28. Acc.79. 100. 1706. Mar.23. Mexico. Duque de Alburquerqe.to the king. Acompana testimonio de lo que Ynformo el Padre Juan Maria Salvatierra, cerca de la Conquista delas Californias y poner em practica los puntos que comprende la Cedula expedida en 28 de Spptre.de 1703 para que en vista del, sele diga loqued de Executar. Or, 4pp,l. 67-3-28. Acc.79. 101. 1706. Oct.7, Mexico, Duqe.de Alburquerqe.to the king. El Virrey da quenta de la resolucion que sea tomado en Junta Genl.sobre quenose Ynobase en las dependencias de las Californias hasta que con vista de los autos que remitio con Carta de 23 de Marzo del espresado ano selediga lo quea de executar. Or. 4pp.l. 67-3-28. Inf. Dec. Acc.79. 102. 1709-1784[1803]. Presidio de Sn.Juan Baupta.del Rio Grande. Patentes de Capitanes y Nom- bramientos de ofics.de Guerra. 104-6-8. Inc. 103,210,267, 1989, 3888,3975, 4620, 4621,4648, 5003, 5366, 5573, 5905,5908,5929,5990. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 83 103. 1709. Apr.28. Madrid. The king(by Caspar de Pinedo). Don Diego Ramon — Titulo de Capitan de la compania Volante. C.Tp. 3pp.l. 104-6-8. Inc.in 102. Acc.by a duplicate. 104. [1715], Resumen para despachar el memorial adjunto de Dn.Ignacio de Ugarte [que trata del Gobierno y recaudacion de la Real Hacienda en la Isla de la ' California] que remitio Su Magd.al Consjo.con Decreto de 24 de Octtre. proxmo .pasado . C. 20pp.l. 67-3-31. See 105. 105. [1715. Oct.24. Madrid]. Ygnacio de Ugarte to the king. [Asking that he may be made governor and captain of the troops in Cali- fornia]. C. 2pp.l. 67-3-28. Acc.106. See 104. 106. 1715. Oct.26. Madrid. Frco.de Castejon to Diego de Morales, [Remitting copies of documents relating to discoveries in the Californiasf. Or. Ip.l. 67-3-28. Inf. Dec. Acc.by 105,107-109. 107. 1715. Nov.25. Madrid. Duqe.de Alburquerqe.to Diego de Morales Velasco. No.l2. [Concerning the discovery and reduction of the California^, its people, the way in which it is governed, and its relation to the Audiencia of Guadalajara, in whose jurisdiction it lies]. Or. 2pp.l. 67-3-28. Acc.106. 108. 1715. Nov.28. Madrid. Alonso de Quiros to Diego de Morales Velasco. [About the condition of the missions in the Californias, and advising against the appointment of alcaldes mayores for that province, as likely to prejudice the progress of conversions]. Or. 9pp.l. 67-3-28. Acc.106. 109. 1715. Dec. 14. Madrid. Frco.de Castejon to Diego de Morales. [States that the Council of the Indies has ordered him to take over the docu- ments relating to the missions of the Californias, so far as they relate to the salaries of officers and soldiers serving there as an escort]. Or. Ip.l. 67-3-28. Acc.106. 110. 1719. Nov.16. Guadalaxa. Jayme Bravo to the bishop of Guadalajara [Fr. Manuel]. [Report upon the progress of conversions in the Californias since the Jesuits took charge there, and upon other matters concerning that region]. Or. 7pp.l. 67-3-28. Enc.w.ll2. 111. 1720. JaJi.l3, Madrid. Extracto de lo acaescido en las entradas y Poblaciones de Franceses en el seno Mexicano desde el ano de 1684 hasta el de 1719. Or.Uns. 92pp.l. 67-3-28. 112. 1720. Feb.28. Guadalaxara. Fray Manuel, Obispo de Guadra., to the king. Espresa difusamte.los antiguos y radicados derechos que tiene adquiridos en la posesion del derecho que le pertenese de el Govno.Espiritual de las Yslas Californias, en contrabencion de la que pretende el obpo.de Durango . . . 84 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias acompafiando testimo.de una Zedula expedida en el afio de 1701 y una carta del Pe.Jayme Bravo Missionero de dhas Yslas. Or. lOpp.l. 67-3-28. Inf. Dec. Acc.116. Enc.81,110. 113. 1720. Aug.l4. Mexico. Fr.Joseph Arzobpo.de Mexico to the king. Da noticia a Su Magd.de no tener derecho alguno su Mitra a la Provincia de las Californias, ni aver visitado aquellos territorios, en respuesta de su Real Cedula despachada para este efecto. Or. Ip.l. 67-3-31. Dec. 114. [1722. Late]. Caspar Rodero to the king. [Asks that the Jesuits may be allowed to sell their harvests and cattle from the missions in the Californias, without being compelled to pay duties in Mexico or elsewhere, and that all the lands allotted by the commissioners may be excepted from allottment by the judges of any future commissions]. C. 2pp.l. 67-3-28. Acc.119. 1^5. 1722. Feb. 12. Madrid. Andres de Res[?] to Andres de Elconbarrutia. De orden del Rey remito a Vd.el Memorial adjunto del Pe.Caspar Rodero . . . para que viendose en el Consejo informe sobre su contenido lo que se le ofreziere. Or. Ip.l. 67-3-28. Acc.119. 116. 1722. July 15. Durango. Thomas Cermo.de Orozco, Pedro Joseph Calindo Vidal, and Matheo de Cauna to the king. Da qta.qe.haviendo muerto el obpo.de ella recivio 3 Rs.Zedulas qe.se re- mitieron al obpo., de aqlla.Ygla., En 30 de Jullio, 16 de Novre, y 7 de Dizre. de 1721 : Expresando qe.por el contenido de la de 16 de Novre.enqe.se le encar- gava informase qe.motivos tenia para visitar la Prova.de las Californias: no les consta de ningunos; y qe.a las otras dos seles a dado el devido cumplimto. Or. 4pp.l. 67-3-28. Acc.by 112,122,123. 117. 1723. Feb.20. Madrid. The fiscal to the Council of the Indies. [Referring to Rodero's memorial, recommends that inquiries be instituted of the viceroy as to Rodero's first request, and that his second request be granted]. Or. 2pp.l. 67-3-28. Acc.119. 118. 1723. Feb.26. Madrid. Ant9nio de Sopenal y Miono to Andres de Elcon- barrutia. [Saying that the map referred to in Rodero's memorial was not forwarded by the king with the memorial]. Or. Ip.l. 67-3-28. Acc.119. 119. 1723. Mar.4. Madrid. Sres. Ribas, Coyeneche, Silba, Zuniga, Vadillo, Pedrosa, Valcarcel, Zepeda, Vaqueno., and Santos (of the Council of the Indies) . [Order the recommendations of the fiscal with reference to Rodero's memorial to be fulfilled]. Or. Ip.l. 67-3-28. Acc.by 114,115,117,118. 120. [1727(?)]. Juan Franzisco de Castafieda. Desde el afio de 1700 se le tiene encargado a su religion [the Jesuits], el descubrimto. y adelantamiento delas Yslas de Californias ... no basta el numero de los soldados . . . por ser solo el de 25 con un Cavo; Suplicase aumenten en el, otras 25 plazas. Or. 2pp.l. 67-3-28. Enc.w.l24. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest . 85 121. [1727(?)]. Juan Franzisco de Castaneda to the king. Dize, haverse estendido las combersiones en las Yslas Calif ornias . . . y que por la escasez de alimentos les prezisa a los Missioneros el mantener un Barco yente y viniente a Sinaloa . . . aunque avian Uevado de todas expezies de ganados domesticos ... no avia tenido efecto, por hallarse los pastos ynmediatos a las Tierras de los Jentiles quienes de noche lo destruian . . . y suplica que . . . se conzeda a dha.Mision una Ysleta . . . llamada el Carmen afin que pueda entrar en ella todo genero de ganado. Or. 3pp.l. 67-3-28. Enc.w.l24. 122. 1727. June 1. Guadalaxara. Nicolas Carlos, Obispo de Guadalaxara, to the king. Avisa el recivo de la Rl.Cedula de 10 de Junio de 1725 para qe.informase sobre la pertenencia del govierno espiritual de las Yslas Californias. Or. 2pp.l. 67-3-28. Acc.116. 123. 1727. June 1. Durango. Benito, obpo.de Durango, to the king. Remite testimonio de aver estado egerziendo su Jurisdizion [over the Cali- fornias] en Virtud de otro despacho de 11 de febrero de 1719. Or. 3pp.l. 67-3-28. Inf. Dec. Acc.116. 124. 1728. Feb.l6. El Pardo. Joseph Patino to Andres de Elcorobarrutia. [Enclosing two memorials of Father Castaneda about the Californias, for action by the Council of the Indies]. Or. Ip.l. 67-3-28. Acc.126. Enc.120,121. 125. 1728. Apr.21. Madrid. The fiscal to the Council of the Indies. [Recommends that no action be taken on Father Castaneda's two memorials until an opinion may be had from the viceroy respecting these requests]. Or. 2pp.l. 67-3-28. Acc.126. 126. 1728. Apr.24. [Madrid]. Council of the Indies. Como lo dice el sor.Fiscal. Or. lp.l(the above being the entire document). 67-3-28. Acc.by 124,125. 127. 1728. Nov.3. Mexico. [Testimonio growing out of the report of Brigadier Pedro Rivera concerning his .visit to the presidios of Nueva Galicia, Nueva Vizcaya, and others, and to the missions of the Jesuits]. Cer. Dec.lO,1728,Mexico. 15pp.l. 67-3-29. 128. 1728. Nov.27. S.Francisco de Conchos. Joseph de Berrotaran. (No.2). Relaci6n diaria que en virtud de orden del Sr.D.Ignacio Franco.de Barrutia del orden de Santiago, Governor .y Capitdn General de este Reyno de la Nueva Vizcaya he formado para dar cuenta de todo lo acaecido en la expedici6n que dicho Senor se sirvio fiar 6, mi cuidado con 56 soldados y 46 Indies auxiliares con los viveres necesarios para su manutencion, y 20 Mulas para el transporte de dichos viveres. Cer. Apr.26,1773,Mexico. ISpp.l. 104-6-15. Enc.w.2235. 129. 1729-1730. (No.3). Diario de la Campana executada de orden del Excmo.Sor. Marques de- Casafuerte, por Don Joseph Berroteran Capitdn del Presidio de Conchos para el reconocimiento de las margenes del Rio del Norte, en el ano de 1729.^ Cer. Apr.26,1773,Mexico. 69pp.l. 104-d-15. Inf. Dec. Enc.w.2235. S6 . Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 130. 1730. Testimonio de los Autos hechos en virtud de Rl.Cedula sobre Ministros Misioneros de la Compania de Jesus para la conversion de Indios Pimas. Cer. Mar.l6,1730,Mexico. 13pp.l. 67-3-29. Enc.w.l34. 131. 1730. Testimonio de Autos en virtud de Rl.Cedula sobre que de nuevo informe & que obispado pertenece el Govno.espiritual de Calif ornias. Cer. Mar.16,1730. 6pp.l. 67-3-29. Enc.w.l35. 132. 1730. Testimonio de una Informacion sobre que en las cinco provincias qe.dentro se expresa se eriga un Govierno, y que sea la Capital la villa de Sinaloa. Cer. Aug.2,1730,Mexico. 42pp.l. 67-3-29. Enc.w.l36. 133. 1730. Testimonio de Autos en virtud de Rl.Cedula sobre que se apliquen las provi- dencias combenientes para que pasen religiosos de la Compania de Jhs d la conversion de los Indios Pimas. Cer. Aug.l4,1730,Mexico. 51pp.l. 67-3-29. Enc.w.l37. 134. 1730. Apr.2. Mexico. Marqs.de Casafuerte to the king. Da qta.con testimonio del rezivo del despacho en que se le previno se embiase missioneros d la Provincia de los Pimas altos; y dize las deligencias y provi- dencias que ha practicado para el cumplimiento que en otra ocasion dard quenta y de ha verse establecido las nuevas misiones. Or. 6pp.l. 67-3-29. Dec. Acc.163. Enc.130. 135. 1730. Apr.3. Mexico. Marqs.de Casafuerte to the king. Avisa con testimonio el recivo del Despacho de 10 de Julio de 1728, y Dice ias providencias que ha dado para el informe que se le manda hacer sobre las 'distancias de los obispados de Durango y Guadalaxara, & las Islas Californias, y que lo hara luego que tenga el que ha pedido d los obispos con las deligencias uiecesarias. Or. 6pp.l. 67-3-29. Dec. Acc.153. Enc.131. 136. 1730. Aug.l. Mexico. Marqs.de Casafuerte to Joseph Patifio. [Asks that Sonora, Sinaloa, Ostimuri, Culiacdn, and Rosario may be under the rule of the governor of Sinaloa, with the Audiencia of Guadalajara having jurisdiction in matters of justice]. Or. 3pp.l. 67-3-29. Acc.157. Enc.132. 137. 1730. Aug.18. Mexico. Marqs.de Casafuerte to the king. Informa con testimonio todo lo que a ejecutado en consequencia del Despacho de 18 de Octubre de 1728, sobre la fundacion de las misiones en la Provincia de los Pimas altos. Or. 8pp.l. 67-3-29. Inf. Dec. Acc.163. Enc.133. 138. [1731, or later]. Razon de las Misiones de California y Nuevo Mexico. C. 9pp.l. 67-3-31. Acc.153. 139. 1731-1783[1799]. Presidio de la Bahia del Espiritu Santo en la Prova.de los Tejas. Patentes de Capitanes, y Nombramientos de Ofizs.de Guerra. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 87 104-6-8. Inc.145,230,293,385,3305,3967,3968,4578,4624,4776,4777,5372,5373, 5429,5514,5552,5677,5904,5932. 140. 1731[1746-1801]. Presidio Sn.Migl.de Zerrogardo 6 San Carlos. Patentes y Nombramientos de oficiales de Guerra. 104^6-8. Inc. 142, 268, 328, 2532, 3982, 4614, 5231, 5232, 5310, 5355, 5390, 5569, 5769,5866,5903,5911,5953. 141. 1731-1782[1803]. Presidio de Sn.Antonio de Vejar. Patentes de Capitanes y Nombramtos.de Subos.Oficiales de Guerra. 104-6-8. Inc. 143, 156, 226, 3008, 3013, 4581, 4619, 5353, 5374, 5674, 5774, 5861 , 5888,5975,5988. 142. 1731. Apr.4. Sevilla. The king (by Joseph Patifio). D.Juan de Hortega Montanes. Titulo de Capitan de Cavallos. C. 5pp. 1. 104-6-8. Nota. Inc.in 140. Acc.by three duplicates. 143. 1731. June 6. Sevilla. The king (by Joseph Patino). D.Juan Antonio Perez de Almazan. Patente de Capitan. C.Dp. 4pp.l. 104r-6-8. Inc.in 141. 144. 1731. Sept.l4. Sevilla. [Testimonio concerning the assignment of jurisdiction to the bishops of Guadalajara and Durango over the Calif ornias and Moqui respectively]. Cer. Sept.3,1732,Mexico. 6pp.l. 67-3-29. Enc.w.l50. 145. 1731. Sept.l6. Sevilla. The king (by Joseph Patino). Don Gabriel Costales. Titulo de Capitan del Presidio del Espiritu Santo, en la Provincia de los Tejas de la Na.Espana con el sueldo de 600 pesos al ano. C.Dp. 4pp.l. 104r-6-8. Inc.in 139. Acc.by 146. 146. 1731. Sept.23. Sevilla. Joseph Patino to the Sres.Contres.de qtas.de S. Magd.en el Consso.de Yndias. [Remitting papers about the appointment of Costales, for an indication that the Contadurla has taken note of it, when the dociunents are to be re- turned, so that they may be given their due course]. Or. lp.2. 104r-6-8. Acc.145. 147. [1731, or later]. Extracto de lo ocurrido sobre las poblaciones dela Bahia del Espiritu Sto.y otros parages, y la conducion de 400 familias de Canarias desde principios del ano de 1720 hasta el presente de 1731, en la inteligencia de que d este extracto acompana otro de 23 pliegos en q.se refiere lo ocurrido en este asumpto desde el ano de 1648 hasta fin de 1719, en que se hace mencion tambien de dilatadaa consultas fechas a S.M. y resoluciones tomadas. C. 27pp. 1. 67-3-31. 148. 1732. [Testimonio concerning the progress of conversions among the Pimas Altos]. Cer. Nov.11,1733. 14pp.l. 67-3-29. Enc.w.l63. 149. 1732. Mar.6. Durango. Benito obpo.de Durango to the king. [Announces that he is exercising jurisdiction, through vicars, in New Mexico, which province has just been awarded to his bishopric]. Or. 2pp.l. 67-3-29. Dec. Inf. Acc.153. 88 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 150. 1732. Sept.20. Mexico. Marqs.de Casafuerte to the king. Avisa con testimonio el recibo del despacho de 14 de Septe.de 1731 en que se tom6 resolucion acerca de las distancias que ay de las Californias y Prova.de Moquis.d los Obispados de Guadalaxara y Durango; declarando pertenecer la visita de Calif ornias d, Guadalaxara y de los Moquis a Durango: y expresa las providencias que a dado para su cumplimiento. Or. 3pp.l. 67-3-29. Dec. Inf. Acc.153. Enc.144. 151. 1733-1734. [Testimonio relating to the giving of a general power of attorney to Juan Paez Hurtado, lieutenant governor of New Mexico, by Francisco Antonio Cuervo y Valdez of Zacatecas. This contains references to the career of Cuervo's family in New Mexico since their entry into that province in 1694, notably that of Captain Miguel Garcia from 1694 to 1696, and of Cuervo himself as governor of New Mexico]. Or. [There being no notary in Santa Fe, where most of the papers originated, the originals were forwarded]. 27pp. 1. 104-2-25. See 171. 152. 1733-1783[1803]. Presidio de Nra.Sra de la Concepcion de la Moncloba en la Na.Vizcaya. Patentes de Capitanes y nombramientos de Subalternos. 104-&-8. Inc.154,3576,3874,3978,4525,4775,5351,5379,5392,5568,5812,5889, 5963,5984. 153. 1733. Jan.l2. Mexico. Auda.de Mexco.to the king. Da qta.del recivo y obedecimiento de la Rl.Cedula en que le manda le in- forme si estan comprehendidas las Misiones de Nuevo Mexico en la demarcacion del obispado de Durango. Or. 2pp.l. 67-3-29. Acc.by 135,138,149,150. 154. 1733. Aug.24. Sn.Ildefonso. The king (by Joseph Patino). D.Franco. Ignacio de Ibargoyn. Patente de Capitan. C.Dp. 5pp.l. 104-6-8. Inc.in 152. Acc.by 155. 155. 1733. Aug.29. San Ildefonso. Joseph Patino to the Contres.de qtas.en el Consso.de Indias. Remite titulos y nombramtos. Or. 2pp.2. 104-6-8. Acc.154. 156. 1734. Nov.13. Sn.Lorenzo. The king (by Joseph Patifio). D.Jos^ de Urrutia. Patente de Capitan. C.Dp. 4pp.l. 104-6-8. Inc.in 141. 157. 1734. Feb. 19. Mexico. Marqs.de Casafuerte to the king. Avisa el recibo del Despacho de 14 de Marzo de 1732, en que se aprob6 lo qe.propuso para establecer en Sinaloa un Gobierno, con agregazion de las Provincias de Sonora, Ostimuri, Culiacan y el Rosario; y expone con testimonio de autos las diligencias que d practicado en su establecimiento. Or. llpp.l. 67-3-29. Dec. Acc.by 136,158. 158. 1734. Nov.ll. Madrid. The fiscal. [States that the Council declared that the pueblos and benefices of San Sebastidn and the mines of Copala and Matatani were united to the govern- ment of Sinaloa]. Cer. 4pp.2. 67-3-29. Dec. Acc.157. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 89 159. 1735. Sonora. Representacion que hizo el vecindario de esta Prova.al Sr.D. Manuel Bernal de Huidobro Primer Governador y Capn.Gral.Vitalicio de la Provincia de Sinaloa sus anexas agregadas, Presidios, Fronteras y Castas de el Sur, por el Rey Nro.Senor Dios le ge.y Juez Privativo Subdelegado Gral.de Ventas y composissiones de tierras en esta Gobernacion — Sobre y en Razon — De las estorciones, hostilidades 6 insult os que executan las Naciones que dha repre- sentacion expresa, para cuio reparo se piden las providencias convenientes. Cer. Jan.l6,1736,Loreto. 56pp.l. 67-3-29. Enc.w.l72. 160. 1735. Mexico. Testimonio, sobre la Sublevon.de los Indios en la Isla de Calif ornias, consulta, y Carttas del Govor.Manl.Bernal de Huydobro, con otras diligencias qe.denttro se expresan, sobre las Muertes executadas en los Padres Jesuitas Misioneros y otras personas. Cer. Apr.3,1737,Mexico. 97pp.l. 67-3-29. Acc.246. 161. 1735. Mexico. Testimonio de Autos fhos sobre lo acaecido en Californias, muertes executadas por los Indios en los Padres de la Compania de Jesus y providencias dadas por el Exmo.Senor Arzopo.Virrey. Cer. Apr.20,1735,Mexico. 24pp.l. 67-3-29. Acc.246. 162. 17?5. [Testimonio concerning the payment of 24,166 pesos for expenses incurred in subjecting Indian rebels in the Californias]. Cer. Nov.23,1735. 12pp.l. 67-3-29. Enc.w.l74. 163. [1735. Before Apr.l7]. Diego de Puerto to the king. [Concerns the favorable state of missionary work among the Pimas Altos]. Or. 4pp.2. 67-3-29. Dec. Inf. Acc.by 134,137. Enc.148. 164. 1735. Apr.l9. Mexico. [Testimonio arising from the question of the procurator of the Jesuit missions of the Californias concerning the advisability of having a port on the west coast of the peninsula in order to assist the ship which comes to New Spain from Manila]. Cer. Apr.26,1735,Mexico. 55pp.l. 67-3-29. Acc.246. 165. 1735. Apr.23. Mexico. Juan Ante, Arpo.de Mexico, to the king. No. 11. [Tells of an attempt by rebellious Indians who had already killed two mis- siona,ries to do the same to a boat's crew of sailors who were coming ashore at Cape San Lucas to get water]. Or. Qpp.l. 67-3-29. Acc.246. 166. 1735. Apr.23. Mexico. Juan Ante, Arpo.de Mexico, to the king. No. 17. Da qta.con testimonio de lo acaezido en las Islas Californias con motivo del lebantamiento de los Indios de la nacion Pericu y Guayaira y muertes que executtaron en dos religiosos misioneros de la Compania de Jhs y otros sirvi- entes: expresa las providencias que di6 para su pacificacion; y que despues el Provincial Di6 memorial dizdo.que por falta de providencias se hallaban aquellas Islas casi perdidas, y lo que execut6 en bista de este pedimento y otro posterior del mismo Provl.como tambien el estado en que quedan los autos. Or. llpp.l. 67-3-29. Acc.246. Acc.by 190. 90 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 167. 1735. Apr.24. Mexico. Juo Anto.de Oviedo. [Telling of the uprising of the Indians of the California peninsula, and asking for an increase in the garrison]. Or. Ip.l. 67-3-29. Enc.w.l69. 168. 1735. Apr.25. Mexico. Juan Franco.de Tompes. [Similar to 167]. Or. 2pp.l. 67-3-29. Enc.w.l69. 169. [1735. Before Sept.28]. Pedro Igo.Altamirano to the king. [Detailed account of the California uprising, with a request for thirty more soldiers for the presidio and a garrison at Cape San Lucas]. Or. 20pp.l. 67-3-29. Dec. Inf. Acc.246. Enc.167,168. 170. 1736. Testimonio de los Autos fhos de pedimento del Pe.Franco.de Tompes de la sagrada Compania de Jesus Procor.de las Misiones de Californias, sobre que se paguen 20,166 ps.que de Quenta de S.M.se erogaron en la pasificacion de los Indies sublevados con el motivo de las muertes ejecutadas en los Padres. Misioneros. Cer. Mar.23,1737,Mexico. 48pp.l. 67-3-29. Acc.246. 171. 1736. [Testimonio relating to a grant allowing the family and heirs of Francisco Antonio Cuervo y Valdes to enjoy the title of Hijos Dalgo of Castile, and telling of his services in New Mexico]. Cer. 41pp.l. 104-2-25. See 151. 172. 1736. Jan.30. Loreto. Manl.Bernal de Huydobro to the king. Acompana la representacion que le hizo el vecindario de aquella Pro va .sobre las estorciones y hostilidades qe.executa la Nacion Apachi por la rebelde obstinacion de los Indies Zeris, Tepocas y Tibrones, d cuyo remedio se ha dedicado: suplicando que S.M.tome al mismo fin las providencias que fuese servido. Or. 5pp.l. 67-3-29. Sum. Acc.by 175,179. Enc.159. 173. 1736. May 14. Aranjuez. The king (by Joseph Patino). Dn. Alonso Vitores Rubin de Zelis, titulo De Capitan. C.Dp. 4pp.l. 104-6-8. Inc.in 70. 174. 1736. May 23. Mexico. Jph de la Via Ochoa, Pedro Tellez Caravajal and Gonzalo de Leagui to the king. Acompanan testimonio de la paga que el Virrey mand6 hacer de 24,166 pesos al Apoderado de las Misiones y Presidio de Californias por los gastos causados en la reducion y pazificacion de los Indies sublevados, y gratificaziones de los Indies Amigos que auxiliaron las armas de el referido Presidio. Or. 2pp.l. 67-3-29. Dec. Acc.246. Acc.by 183. Enc.162. 175. 1736. Nov.l9. Madrid. The fiscal. [Reports en a representation from Sonera asking for a settlement of difficulties with hostile Indians; suggests that the viceroy be asked for information before a course of action be resolved upon]. Dft. 3pp.2. 67-3-29. Acc.172. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 91 176. [1737]. Caspar Rodero. [Reports concerning the Calif omias including: a description of the land; events to 1701, from the time of the conquest; progress up to 1733; the Indian uprising and other events, to 1736]. Or. 16pp.l. 67-3-29. Enc.w.l96. 177. 1737. Jan.7. Presidio de Santa Rossa de Corodeguache. Juan Baupta.de Ansa to Benito Crespo, del orden de sn.tiago. [Tells of the discovery of the balls of silver at Arizonac in the previous October; of the difficulty that he had in saving any for the king, to whom, he held, it belonged; says that this should give an impetus to a further advance of the Spanish conquests; and urges Crespo to use his influence to bring action, as this will result in vast extension of the faith]. Or. 3pp.l. 67-4-45. Acc.182. 178. 1737. Jan. 14. Presidio Rl.de Santa Rossa de Corodeguachi. [Captain Juan Bautista de Anza] to the viceroy. [Stating that the discovery of the balls of silver in Pimeria Alta makes it a fitting time for pushing Spanish conquest farther north, and asking that he be allowed to lead an expedition], C. Spp.l. 67-4^45. Acc.182. 179. 1737. Feb.l4. Madrid. The fiscal. [Second answer, recommending that soldiers be again placed in the presidio of Sinaloa, as asked for by the governor]. Or. 3pp.l. 67-3-29. Dec. Acc.172. 180. 1737. Apr.lO. Mexico. Juan Anto., Arpo.de Mexico, to the king. Envia testimonio de lo ocurrido en la Isla de California con motivo de pacificar los Indios de las Naciones Pericu y Guaycura dando comision al Gobor.de Sinaloa para que pasase & la citada Ysla d la reduccion y pacificacion de los Indios, lo que se d conseguido; y que para su seguridad y ebitar nuebos leban- tamientos mand6 situar 30 plazas, para que eligiendo sitio y cabo que los govierne se asegure la antigua tranquilidad con que se ha mantenido. Or. 8pp.l. 67-3-29. Dec. Acc.246. 181. 1737. Apr.l4. Mexico. Jose Barba. [Powers granted to the Jesuits Pedro Altamirano and Bernardo Lozano to take up with the Council of the Indies matters concerning their order in New Spain]. Cer. 4pp.l. 67-3-29. 182. 1737. Apr. 16. Puebla de los Angeles. Bento., obpo de la Puebla, to the king. [Refers to a royal order of 1725 to penetrate to New Mexico from Pimeria Alta; states that nobody has yet gone beyond the Colorado and Gila Rivers, but that there is reason to believe that there are lands of great mineral wealth beyond those rivers; urges that steps be taken for such an advance to be made]. Or. Spp.l. 67-4-45. Acc.212. Acc.by 177,178. 183. 1737. July 9. Madrid. The fiscal. [Reports concerning the expense of putting down the Indian uprising in the Californias, recommending that the outlay be approved and the file sent to the Contaduria, but reserving a right to reopen the matter on receipt of the original papers in the case]. Or. 4pp.l. 67-3-29. Dec. Ace. 174. 92 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 184. [1737. July Il-Aug.l9]. [Testimonio representing the opinions of Joseph de Messa relative to the discovery of the balls of silver at Arizonac and projects of northward advance]. Cer. Aug.l9,1737,Mexico. Slpp.l. 67-4-45. Enc.w.l87. 185. 1737. Sept. 8. Buen Retiro. Marqs.de Torrena.to Simon Mozo de la Torre. [Acknowledges receipt of notice as to the discovery of the balls of silver in Sonora, and orders that, if the Council shall also hear of this discovery from the viceroy, it shall inform the king, that he may give his will in the matter]. Or. 2pp.l. 67-4^45. Acc.186. 186. 1737. Sept. 12. Madrid. Simon Mozo de la Torre to the Marques de Torre- nueva. [Stating that the viceroy has not yet written about the discovery of the balls of silver in Arizona, but remitting letters received from Captain Anza and from the Bishop of Puebla]. Or. 2pp.l. 67-4-45. Dft. 67-4-45. Acc.212. Acc.by 185. 187. 1737. Sept. 15. Mexico. Juan Anto. Arpo de Mexico [Vizarr6n] to the king. [Tells of the discovery of the balls of silver in Sonora; of his orders to Anza to find out more about the discovery and make a report; that, meanwhile, a report had been received from Joseph de Messa, which he encloses, stating that the stories of the wealth of this discovery are not exaggerated, and advising a further northward advance]. Or. 9pp.l. 67-4-45. Acc.212. Enc.184. Or.Dp. 67-4-45. Acc.212. 188. 1737. Sept. 18. Madrid. The fiscal to [the Council of the Indies]. [Refers to 177, 178, and 182, stating that they do not contain information enough to enable him to judge whether the balls of silver are mines or treasure, in which latter case they belong to the king, and advises that they be guarded until this may be determined; suggests that a junta be called in Mexico to consider the advisability of the proposed conquest north of the Gila and Colorado rivers]. Or. 4pp.2. 67-4-45. Acc.212. Acc.by 189. 189. 1737. Sept.27. [Madrid]. Council of the Indies. [Ordering the opinion of the fiscal to be put into effect, except that the vice- roy, who did not himself inform the Council, is not to be told from whom the information had been obtained, so as to avoid ill-feeling]. Or. lp.2. 67-4-45. Dec. Acc.188. 190. 1737. Oct. Madrid. The fiscal. [Recommending that the expense incurred in suppressing the Indian uprising in the Calif ornias be approved, and the viceroy requested to continue sending information as to what is occurring]. Dft. 5pp.l. 67-3-29. Dec. Inf. Acc.166. 191. 1737. Oct.5. Madrid. Council of the Indies to the king. En Cumplimiento de lo mandado por V.M.cerca de las providencias que se podran aplicar en vista de la nota.participada al obispo de la Puebla por Dn.Juan Baptista de Ansa del hallazgo de unas bolas y planchas de plata en la Jurisdicion de la Provincia de la Sonora, y entrada que se podra hazer pr.aquel territorio, representa lo que se le ofrece. Or. 22pp.l. 67-4-45. Acc.212. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 93 192. 1738. Testimonio de los autos del Descubrimiento de Varias Volas, Planchas y Tesoros de Plata Virgen en la Pimeria alta Provineia de Zonora de la Gover- nacion de Sinaloa. Cer. June 13,1738,Mexico. 263pp.l. 67-4-45. Enc.w.204. Cer. July 5,1738,Mexico. 67^-45. Enc.w.203. 193. 1738. Testimonio de las diligencias hechas por el Capn.Dn.Juan Bapa.de Anza en virtud de Despacho del Supor.Govno.de la Na.espa.de las Bolas y Planchas de Plata en la Pimeria Alta de la Juron.de la Prova.de Sonora. Cer. July 9,1738,Mexico. 124pp.l. 67-4-45. Enc.w.203. 194. 1738. (No.4). Diario que form6 el Capitan Dn.Joseph Berrotaran de la Campana executada el ano 1738 en virtud de orden del Exmo Senor D.Juan Antonio Vizarron y Eguiarreta contra las Naciones de Indios que infestan la Nueva Vizcaya. Cer. Apr.26,1773,Mexico. 34pp.l. 104-6-15. Enc.w.2235. 195. 1738. Jan.21. [Madrid]. The secretary of the Council of the Indies to Gaspar Rodero. Sobre que con la mayor brevedad informe el est ado de las Mises.de su Re- ligion que se hallan en las Calif ornias. Dft. Ip.l. 67-3-29. Acc.246. Acc.by 196. 196. • [1738,written] 1737. Jan.21. [Madrid]. Gaspar Rodero to Miguel de Villa- nueva. [Remitting the report asked for in 195]. Or. lp.2. 67-3-29. Acc.195. Enc.176. 197. 1738. Jan,22, [Madrid]. [Miguel de Villanueva] to the Marques de Torre- nueva. [Asks for papers that may shed light on the state of the Jesuit missions of the Calif ornias]. Dft. 2pp.l. 67-3-29. Ace. 198. 198. 1738. Jan.25. Buen Retiro. Marqs.de Torrenueva to Miguel de Villanueva. [Stating that the viceroy was ordered, on November 24, 1735, to make a report concerning the missions of the Californias, and to take such temporary action there as he should see fit, but there is no evidence to show that he has done so, nor any papers on file with regard to the subject matter]. Or. 4pp.2. 67-3-29. Acc.246. Acc.by 197. 199. 1738. Feb.lO. Madrid. Franco.Campo de Arve to the Marqs.de Torre- nueva. [Announces receipt of 182, and asks if any secret message has come from the viceroy, and says that if none has, he will forward 182]. Or. 3pp.2. 67-4-45. Acc.212. 200. 1738. Feb.l5. Madrid. Council of the Indies to the king. [Sends the king the papers received from the viceroj' concerning steps taken to ascertain the truth with regard to the reported discovery of balls of silver in Sonora]. Dft. 4pp.l. 67-4-45. Acc.212. ')• 94 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 201. [1738. After June 3,1738]. Resumen de los puntos principales de mis escriptos fiscales de 20 de Marzo de 737 y 3 de Junio de 1738: sobre el descubrimiento de las platas, qe.en planchas y volas encontraron varias personas particulares en la Pimeria Alta, y tocan a S.M. ia sea thesoro, Mina, o bienes pro derelicto: por haver faltado en el todo los inventores, a lo preceptuado, y condicionado en reales ordenanzas, y leyes. Uns. 4pp.l. 67-4^5. Acc.212. 202. 1738. June 13. Aranjuez. The king (by Francisco de Arve). Al Virrey de Nueba espa., participandole el cuidado conque se espera la notiza., de las ultimas diligs.qe.a su orn.quedaba egecutando el Capn.Dn.Jun. Babta.Ansa sre.el hallazgo de plata en la Pimeria alta: con lo demas qe.deve egecutar pr.el conocimto.y resoluzon.de nuevos descubrimtos.de tierras, qe.le propuso el mismo Capn. Dft. 13pp.l. 67-4r45. Acc.212. 203. 1738. July 10. Mexico. Juan Anto., Arpo.de Mexico, to the king. El Virrey Arzobispo da qta.con testimonio delos autos formados Sre.el nuevo descubrimto.de bolas y Planchas de plata en la Pimeria Alta y de la ultima determinazon.que dio en ellos acompanando Dupdo.de el Ynforme que hizo en 15 de sepre.de 1737 conque entonzes dio la primera noticia de esta dependi- encia. Or. 12pp.l. 67-4-45. Dec. Acc.212. Enc.192,193. 204. 1738. July 19. Mexico. Ambrosio Melgarejo to the king. [States that the question whether the balls of silver found at Arizona were mines or treasure has been taken up by the viceroy, and it has been decided to leave the decision to the judgment of Captain Anza]. Or. 23pp.l. 67-4r45. Dec. Acc.212. Enc.192. 205. 1738. July 19. Mexico. Ambrosio Melgarejo to the king. El fiscal . . . de la Audiencia de Mexico da quenta a V.M. . . . de el descubrimiento de Varias Planchas Volas, y Piezas de plata . . . que se hallaron en la Pimeria alta de la Provincia de Sonora, y de que perteneciendo a su Real Hazienda, se han adjudicado y entregado a varios particulares para que su Real Justificacion, se digne de dar la Providencia Correspondiente. Or. 24pp.l. 67-4-45. (Not identical with 204). Acc.212. 206. 1738. Sept.23. Madrid. Eugenio de Alfaro and Joseph Hurtado de Mendoza y Figueroa. [Reports of the Contadurfa concerning the establishment of the missions of the Californias and the cost of maintaining them and their military escort, stating that it amounts to 18,275 pesos, 4 tomines a year]. Or. 12pp.l. 67-3-29. Acc.246. 207. 1739. Jan.30. Buen Retiro. Marqs.de Torrena.to the Conde del Montijo. [Returning certain papers to the Council of the Indies, including 205, with instructions to consider the matter and inform the king]. Or. 2pp.2. 67-4-45. Dec. Acc.212. 208. 1739. Feb.8. [Madrid]. [Council of the Indies] to the king. [Forwarding 205]. Dft. Ip.l. 67-4-45. Acc.212. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 95 209. 1739. Mar.21. Madrid. The fiscal. [Detailed report about the conquest, rebellions, and pacifications of the Californias, the government and the missions there, and statement that no change ought to be made until word could be received from the viceroy, giving his views]. Or. 20pp.l. 67-3-29. Dec. Acc.246. 210. 1739. Apr.l3. Aranjuez. The king (by Joseph de la Quintana). D.Jose Hernandez. Titulo de Capitan del Presidio del rio grande. C.Dp. 4pp.l. 104-6-8. Inc.in 102. 211. 1739. Apr.18. [Madrid]. Council of the Indies. [Agreement as to the nature of the penalty to be imposed on foreigners who come, without right, to trade with the Spanish colonies]. Dft. 13pp.l. 103-6-23. Acc.429. 212. 1739. May 20. Madrid. The fiscal to the Council of the Indies. [Gives his opinion that the balls of silver found in Pimeria Alta belong to the king, and not to the finders, and recommends the reversal of a decision by the viceroy to the contrary]. Or. 15pp.l. 67-4-45. Inf. Dec. Acc.by 182,186-188,191,199-205,207,208. 213. 1740. Testimonio de los autos fechos sobre las noticias que el M.YUo.Senor Preci- dente, Governador y Capitan Gral.del reyno de la Nueva Galicia ha tenido, de la obstelidades qe.la vela Ynglesa causa en el mar del Sur, y Seno Mexicano acreditando la guerra que se teme, contra Nuestro Soberano Rey Natural. Cer. June 3,1740,Guadalaxara. 37pp.l. 103-5-25. Enc.w.217. 214. 1740. Sobre que se proceda d hacer la grra contra las naciones Sublevadas en las Islas Californias en la forma que se expresa. Cer. of Cer. Apr.27,1744. 3pp.l. 67-3-29. Enc.w.257. 215. 1740. Sobre 25 Plazas aumentadas en la Prova.de Sinaloa d mas de las 100 que la Junta anterior determine: y que el Govor.executte la espedon.de la pacificon.de los Sublevados y embie qta.y relacn.jurada de los gastos que se irogasen en ella. Cer. of Cer. Apr.27,1744,Mexico. 5pp.l. 67-3-29. Enc.w.257. 216. 1740. Testimonio sobre el aumento de 100 Plazas en los Presidos.de Sinaloa, Janos y coro de Guachi con la distribun.que se diere por su exa. Cer.of Cer. Apr.27,1744. 3pp.l. 67-3-29. Enc.w.258. 217. 1740. June 3. Guadalaxara. Marqs.del Castillo de Aysa to the king. Acompana testimonio de las diligencias practicadas en aquella Provincia con motibo del Despacho, de 7 de Henero de este ano, participandole la declarazion de la Guerra con Yngleses, cuya notizia no le abiso como debiera el Arzobispo Virrey de Mexico, y si la tubo por extrajudiciales medios; pero que queda ya adbertido, y tomadas las precauciones correspondientes al asumpto [giving a description of the Pacific coast, with especial reference to the danger of the Islas Marias as a place of shelter for English boats, remarking upon the disease- producing conditions of the coast and the hatred that the natives bear for the English, and referring to the danger to the Manila galleon]. Or. 14pp.l. 103-5-25. Dec. Acc.249. Acc.by 219. Enc.213. 96 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 218. 1740. July 19-Sept.l9. Mexico. [Teslimonio about events in California, arising out of contradictory reports of the missionaries on the one hand and the captain of the troops on the other]. Cer. Oct.7,1740,Mexico. 14pp.l. 67-3-29. Enc.w.221. 219. 1740. Oct.25. Madrid. Fernando Trivino to Joseph de la Quintans. [Sending 213 and 217 to Quintana, in order that the latter may advise what action should be taken]. Or. 4pp.2. 103-5-25. Acc.217. 220. 1740. Nov.28. Madrid. Antonio de Salazar y Castillo to Fernando Trevino. [Says he has found no papers in his office concerning the state of the Indians in the Calif ornias]. Or. 3pp.2. 67-3-29. Acc.246. 221. [1741]. Pedro Igo.Altamirano to the king. Acompana testimonio del Auto proveido por el Arzobispo Virrey, en vista de lo expuesto por el Fiscal de la Auda.y del parecer del Asesor, Auditor de Guerra D.Pedro Malo, en consequencia de lo mandado el ano de 1735 sobre la recuperacion de la California rebelada el de 1734, aviendose tenido presentes los Autos formados por D.Manuel de Huydobro, que tuvo la comision de apaciguar aquel Pays, con todo lo demas acaecido hasta el ano de 1740; y resp^cto de que las providencias del referido Auto, las considera, por arregladas y conformes d las Reales Cedulas expedidas para la conversion, y aumento de aquella christiandad. Suppca.se haya por presentado el expresado testimonio y se confirme lo resuelto por el citado Auto que contiene. Or. Ip.l. 67-3-29. Dec. Inf. Acc.246. Acc.by 243. Enc.218. 222. 1741. Testimonio sobre la ereccion de los Dos nuevos Presidios y traslacion del de Sinaloa al Paraje de Buena Vista y el de Giro de Guachi al de Terrenate. Cer.of Cer. Apr.27,1744. 7pp.l. 67-3-29. Enc.w.258. 223. 1741. Sobre la ereccion del nuevo Presido.nombrado Pitqui en la Prova.de Sinaloa. Cer.of Cer. Apr.27,1744. 4pp.l. 67-3-29. Enc.w.258. 224. 1741. Testimonio, Relativo, a los Autos, formados, y providencias dadas, para el segro., de las Costas, del mar del sur, y las qe.se practicaron, por las noticias, qe.se dieron, de averse visto, varias Embarcazes.qe.se aberiguo ser la fragta. Sn. Franco. qe.salio de Acapco.para Matanchel, de esta Governazn.y Servir en las miciones de Californias, Cuyos Acaecimientos, en el Viage, pusieron en cuidado, y Creencia de Enemigos, asi al Exmo.Sr. Virrey, como al M.IUo.Sr. Precidte.deste reino, quienes reciprocamte.se correspondian y participavan las noticias. Cer. Sept.l5,1741,Guadalaxara. 28pp.l. 103-5-25. Enc.w.232. 225. 1741. Mar.6. Guadalaxara. Miguel de Bargas. Extracto, y Resumen de las Personas que Constan alistadas, y promptas para el manejo de las Armas y el numero que hai de estas en las Jurisdiciones Siguientes Desde la Ciudad de Guadalaxara hasta las Costas del mar del Sur. Or. lp.31 by 43 cm. 103-5-25. Enc.w.231. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 97 226. 1741. Apr.24. Aranjuez. The king(by Jos6 de la Quintana). D.Toribio de Urrutia. Patente de Capitan. C.Dp. 4pp.l. 104-6-8. Inc.in 141. Acc.by a duplicate. 227. 1741. Aug.5. Cadiz. [Teslimonio concerning the amount received by captains of the ships San Francisco and San Bruno for the passage of some Jesuit missionaries and their servants]. Cer. lOpp.l. 67-3-29. Enc.w.234. 228. 1741. Aug.26. Guadalaxara. Miguel de Bargas. Lista de la Gente de Armas, de la Ciud.de Guadara., y demas Jurisdiciones desde ella hasta las Costas del mar, del Sur, Con Extracto, y Separacion, de Cada una la Calidad de Gente, qe.la Compone, y armas Prevenidas. Or. 5pp.l. 103-5-25. Enc.w.231. 229. 1741. Sept.16. Cadiz. Carlos Valenciano. [Concerning the amounts expended on the Jesuit missions of America and the Philippines]. Or. 54pp.l. 67-3-29. Enc.w.233. 230. 1741. Sept.l7. San Ildefonso. The king (by Jph de la Quintana). Dn.Joachin de Basterra y Echasabal. Patente de Capitan de Caballos de la Bay a del Espiritu Santo. C.Dp. 4pp.l. 104-6-8. Inc.in 139. Acc.by a duplicate. 231. 1741. Sept.20. Guadalajara. Marqs.del Castillo de Aysa to the king. El Prezte.de la Audiencia de Guara.del reino de la Nueva Galicia Da quenta d V.M.sobre las Probidencias que dio para el Seguro de las Costas del Mar del Sur, gente que se alisto y armas. Or. 2pp.l. 103-5-25. Dec. Nota. Acc.241. Enc.225,228. 232. 1741. Sept.20. Guadalajara. Marqs.del Castillo de Aysa to the king; Acompana testimonio de las providencias que avia applicado para resguardar las costas del Mar del Sur, mediante los recelos que tenia de ser imbadido de enemigos, y para assegurar el Galeon de Philipinas. Or. 4pp.l. 103-5-25. Nota. Acc.249. Acc.by 239. Enc.224. 233. [1741. Before Oct.6]. Pedro Igo.Altamirano to the king. Presenta una certiiicacion del Contador de la Casa de la Contratacion d las Indias, sobre los gastos Del transporte de Misioneros d aquellos Reynos. Or. Ip.l. 67-3-29. Acc.234. Enc.229. 234. [1741. Before Oct. 17]. Pedro Igo.Altamirano to the king, [Refers to the expense for the fares of missionaries going to America, and asks that masters of ships be obliged to show them preference on the voyage and to give them good food]. Or. 3pp.l. 67-3-29. Inf. Dec. Acc.by 233,237,238. Enc.227. 235. 1741. Dec.30. Cadiz. Carlos Valenciano. [Says the Jesuits, as well as the Dominicans and Augustmians, have always been given forty-nine sUver ducats on account of their freight and passage]. Or. 12pp.l. 67-3-29. Inf. Enc.w.237. 236. 1742. Testimonio de los Autos formados por el M.IUe.Sr.D.Franco.de Aisa Marques del Castillo de Aisa del Consejo de S.M. su Presidte.Govor.y Capn.Gral.de 98 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias este Rno.sobre los Puertos del Sur y Californias, Islas y Plazeres de Perlas, Minerales de la Sonora, su Poblacion y Conquista y lo conbeniente de la saca de familias y Reos de este Rno. Cer. Aug.9,1742,Guadalaxara. 90pp.l. 67-3-29. Enc.w.242. 237. 1742. Feb. 19. Cadiz. Franco.Xavier del Arco, Jacobo Sanchez Caballero and Franco.de Varas y Valdes to the king. El Tribunal de la Casa en consequencia del informe que se le pidio por dos cartas de 31 de Octubre del ano proximo pasado y 23 de Enero del presents sobre el modo con que se procede en aquel Tribunal en orden d las cantidades que se senalan d, los Religiosos que pasan d las Misiones de las Indias, para su aviamiento y demas gastos. Or. 3pp. 1. 67-3-29. Acc.234. Enc.235. 238. 1742. Mar, 12. Madrid. The fiscal. [Report concerning the Jesuit petition that the fares of their missionaries be paid, and that ships of register be obliged to carry the missionaries then in Cadiz wherever the ships are destined to go]. Or. 5pp.l. 67-3-29. Acc.234. 239. 1742. July 12. Madrid. Fernando Trivino to Joseph del Campillo. [Remitting 231, 232, and their enclosures, lest Campillo may not have received news of the information contained in those papers]. Or. 3pp.2. 103-5-25. Acc.232. 240. 1743. Madrid. [Secretary of the Council] to Pedro Ignacio Altamirano. Pidiendole las noticias individuales que tuviere 6 pudiere adquirir de las Californias para adelantar su conquista espiritual y temporal. Dft. 2pp.l. 67-3-29. Acc.246. 241. 1743. Jan.8. El Pardo. [Secretary for the Indies] to the Marques de Aysa. Aprovandole todo lo que ha practicado para defender las Costas del Sur en caso de Ymbasion por los Yngleses. Dft. 2pp.l. 103-5-25. Acc.249. Acc.by 231,254. 242. 1743. Jan.21. Guadalaxara. Marqs.del Castillo de Aysa to the king. Da cuenta con testimonio de los Autos que tuvo por conveniente formar para descubrir las islas de aquellas costas del mar del Sur, Puertos, Placeres de perlas, Minerales de la Provincia de Sonora, su importante poblacion y facil medio de conquista con los reos y familias que perturban la quietud publica de aquel Reyno. Or. lOpp.l. 67-3-29. Inf. Dec. Acc.253. Enc.236. 243. 1743. Feb.22. [Madrid]. Council of the Indies. [Summary for the Council of the Indies of the action taken and expenses incurred by the viceroy in putting down the Indian uprising in the Californias, and what he did in the matter of constructing churches in Sinaloa and Sonora, with a decree of the Council giving its approval]. Or. 7pp.l. 67-3-29. Acc.221. 244. 1743. Apr.2. El Pardo. [Secretary for the Indies] to the bishop of Guada- laxara. Encargandole que informe del estado en que tienen los Padres de la Compania de Jesus el cumplimto.del Testamento de Alonso Fernandez de la Torre; y de lo qe.ocurriere acerca de la visita de las Californias. Dft. 6pp.l. 67-3-29. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 99 245, 1743. Apr.2. El Pardo. The king (by the Secretary for the Indies) to the viceroy, Aprobando las providencias y gastos qe.Ocasion6 la reduccion de los Indios Sublevados en las Californias y ordenandole informe lo que se expresa. Dft. 22pp.l, 67-3-29, Acc.246. 246, 1743, Apr,2. El Pardo, The king (by the Secretary for the Indies) to the ofidales reaks of Mexico, Participandoles averse aprobado el pagamento que participaron haver hecho d las Misiones de las Californias con motivo de la Sublevacion de aquellos Indios; y ordenandoles que informen sobre lo que se expresa, Dft, llpp.l, 67-3-29, Accby 160,161,164-166,169,170,174,180,195,198,206, 209,220,221,240,245,247,248, 247, 1743, Apr,2, Madrid, Fernando Trivino to Miguel Lorenzo Mazero, [Sending 245 and 246 ia order that a record may be made of them]. Or, 3pp.2, 67-3-29, Inf, Acc.246. 248, 1743, Apr.8, Madrid, Juan Chrysostomo Maria Bonaria and Jun.de Miranda y Testa to Fernando Tribino. [Returns 245 and 246]. Or. 2pp.2. 67-3-29. Acc.246. 249, 1743. June 8. Aranjuez. [Marques de la Ensenada] to the Marqs.de Aysa. Que se ha recivido su carta de 24 de Sepre.de 41 y testimo.qe.acompana de las providencias que havia aplicado para resguardar las Costas del Mar del Sur mediante los recelos que temia de ser imbadidos de enemigos, y para, asegurar el Galeon de Filipinas, y previniendole no se duda habra escusado tan considerables gastos que no debera repetir si no en caso de eminente riesgo dei aquellas costas qe.con la retirada de Anson se consideraron libres de ser atacadas; ni hostilizadas, Dft. 2pp.l, 103-5-25, Accby 217,232,241,256, 250, 1744. Testimonio del Decretto del Exmo.Sr.Duque de la conquista pa.la creacion de los dos Pressos.el uno en el Paraje de Pitquin, otro en las Missions.de Guebabi y Soanca, con 50 plazs.cada uno inclusos los Ofizs.y traslazn.del de Sinaloa al Paraje de buena vista y el de Coro de Guache al de terrenate conforme d lo resuelto en Junta de Grra.y Haza.de 12 y 27 de Abril de 1741. Cer. Apr.27,1744,Mexico. llpp.l. 67-3-29. Enc.w,258, 251, 1744-1751. Sinaloa, Govno,de Dn,Augustin de Vildosola, 103-5-20. Inc.in 252. Inc.papers relative to the appointment of Vildosola as governor of Sinaloa(not catalogued)and 309. 252, 1744-1821. Gobiernos e Yntendencias de Californias antigua y nueva Sinaloa Sn.Luis de Colotlan. 103-5-20. Inc.251,345,3220,5599, and three other expedienies not listed. 253, 1744. Jan,18. Madrid, Fernando Trivino to Joseph Borrull, [Sends the file of Californias papers for his information in dealing with the memorial of the Marques de Aysa], Or. 2pp.2, 67-3-29, Accby 242 and a draft. See 246. 100 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 254. 1744. Jan.28. Guadalaxara. Fermin de Echeverz to the Marques de la Ensenada. Que procurara cumplir lo que se le ordeno en orden a la conservacion y defensa de las costas del Mar del Sur. Or. 2pp. 1. 103-5-25. Acc.241. Acc.by a duplicate original. 255. 1744. Feb.l4. Mexico. Auda.de Mexico to the king. No.3. Expresa el recurso que hizo d aquella Audiencia el Vice Provincial de la Compa.de Jhs.de aquellas Provincias A fin de que informase como lo executa, lo conveniente que es, el que se conceda licencia pa.que pasen d aquel Reyno Religiosos Europeos de su Religion qe.reemplacen los que han fallecido; no solo en el ministro de los Estudios y Colegios, sino en el de las Misiones de las Provincias de Californias, Sonora y Sinaloa. Or. 2pp.l. 67-3-29. Acc.312. 256. 1744. Feb.26. Guadalaxara. Fermin de Echeverz to the Marques de la Ensenada. [Says that he will endeavor to protect the coasts of the South Sea with as little expense to the royal treasury as possible; states that the expenses of the Marques de Aysa for that purpose came from gifts, and not from the royal treasury, and that he had been ordered by the Duque de la Conquista, then viceroy of New Spain, to spare no expense]. Or. 3pp.l. 103-5-25. Acc.249. 257. 1744. Apr.28. Mexico. Pedro Tellez Carabajal, Alonso Ximenez de los Cobos and Venao.Joseph de Miranda to the king. Ddn cuenta con dos testimonios de haver pagado de las caxas de su cargo 78,483 pesos, quatro tomines y seis granos, que se causaron de gastos en la reducion de los Indios Yaques y Mayos y otras naciones de la Provincia de Sinaloa que se sublevaron y consternaron contra la misma Provincia. Or. 3pp. 1. 67-3-29. Dec. Acc.258. Enc.214,215. -258. 1744. Apr.28. Mexico. Venao.Joseph de Miranda, Manl.Ximenez de los Cobos and Pedro Tellez Carabajal to the king. Dan cuenta con 4 Testimonios, de averse erigido, dos nuevos Presidios nombrados, Sn.Phelipe, y Sn. Pedro de la Conquista en terminos de la Provincia ■de Sinaloa con 20,655 pesos cada uno de situacion annual, y de averse pagado •51,330 pesos por un ano anticipando de los Sueldos de 50 Soldados cada uno, con sus oficiales, incluso, 10,000 pesos para la fabrica de fuertes y viviendas. Or. 3pp.l. 67-3-29. Dec. Acc.by 257. Enc.216,222,223,250. 259. 1744. Jan.25. Mexico. Conde de Fuenclara to the king. Representa lo conveniente que serd el que se conceda d la Religion de la Compania de Jesus, todo el mimero de Religiosos que fuere posible, para que se conduzcan d aquellas Provincias, d fin de que se empleen en la conversion de los gentiles que habitan las Provincias de Californias, Sonora, Sinaloa y proveer sus Colegios de Maestros que instruyan en las facultades que en ellos se cursan. Or. 3pp.l. 67-3-29. Inf. Dec. Acc.312. 260. 1745. June 19. Durango. Martin Obispo de Durango to the king. Hace presente el estado de algunas Provas.inmediatas d las ya reducidaa, [en Pimeria alta], proponiendo lo que se puede executar pa.su conservacion y aumento. Or. 8pp.l. 67-3-29. Inf. Dec. jor History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 101 261. 1745. Sept.21-Nov.4. 1758. Audiencia de Guadalajara. Despachos de Oficio. Z.14. C. 1037pp.l. 103-3-6. Bound volume, iiic.262,318-320,354,379,405-407,422- 426,430,451, and numerous others (not catalogued). 262. 1745. Nov.23. San Lorenzo. The king (by Fernando Trivino) to the vice- roy. Ordenandole d6 cuenta de la entrada, y reduccion de Indies que se dice aver hecho los Missioneros de San Francisco en la Prova.del Navajo [New IVlexico], y que siendo cierto los atienda con todos los socorros y auxilios que necesitaren. C. 3pp.l. 103-3-6. Inc.in 261,folio 34 vuelto. 263. 1745. Nov.30. Mexico. Cristobal de Escobar y Llamas to the king. [Detailed report on the establishment, progress, and state of the Jesuit missions, and their relations with those of other bodies of the regular clergy]. Or. 47pp.l. 67-3-29. Acc.312. 264. 1746. Testimonio de los Autos fhos.d consulta de D.Jph.Velarde Cosio, Thete.de Govor.del Rno.de la Nueva Vizcaya, sobre la Visita executada en los veinte y dos Pueblos por D.Jph de Berroteran Capn.del Preso.de Conchos. Cer. Oct.l8,1751,Mexico. 139pp.l. 67-3-29.C«ad.6. See 313. Cer. Oct.l8,1751,Mexico. 67-3-31. 265. 1746-1782[1800]. Presidio de Nra.Sra.de Loreto en las Califomias. Patente de Capitanes y Nombramientos de Subos.Oficiales de Guerra. 104-6-8. Inc.269,4523,4715,4858,4872,4945,5564,5609,5907,5938. 266. 1746. June 9-July 25. Derrotero del viaje, que en descubrimiento de la Costa Oriental de Cali- fomias hasta el rio Colorado, en donde se acaba su estrecho, hizo el Pe.Fernando Consag de la Compania de Jesus y Misioneros de Califomias por orden del Pe.Christoval de Escobar y Llamas, Provincial de Na.Espa.de la Compa.de Jesus. C.of Cer. 46pp.l. 67-3-29. Enc.w.278. 267. 1746. June 15. Aranjuez. The king (by Zenon Somodevilla). D.Manuel Rodriguez. Patente de Capitan. C.Dp. 2pp.l. 104-6-8. Inc.in 102. 268. 1746. June 15. Aranjuez. The king, D.Joseph Sanchez del Campillo. Patente de Capitan de Montados. C. 3pp.l. 104-6-8. Inc.in 140. 269. 1746. June 15. Aranjuez. The king (by Zenon de Somodevilla). D.Bernardo Rodriguez de Larrea. Patente de Capitan. C.Dp. 2pp.l. 104-fr-8. Inc.in 265. 270. 1746. June 15. Aranjuez. The king (by Zenon Somodevilla). D.Pedro Vicente de Tagle Bustamante. Patente de Capitan del Presidio de Sn. Pedro de Gracia Real 6 Guevavi. C.Dp. 2pp.l. 104-6-8. 102 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 271. 1746. July 30. Buen Retire. Marqs.de la Ensenada to the Conde del Montijo. [Remitting a report of Colonel Carlos de Franquis concerning the evil state of affairs in the province of Texas, with other papers, for action by the Council of the Indies]. Or. 3pp.2. 103-3-21. 272. 1746, Oct.31. S.Ignacio. Fernando Consag to Christobal de Escobar y Llamas. [Concerning the exploration of the coast and strait of the Calif omias]. C. 3pp. 1. 67-3-29. Enc.w.278. 273. 1747-1748. (No.6). Diario de la Campana executada de orden del Exmo.Senor Conde de Re villa Gigedo en el ano de 1747 por el Governador de Coaguila Don Pedro de Ravago y Teran, para el reconocimiento de las margenes del Rio grande del Norte. Cer. Apr.26,1773,Mexico. 116pp.l. 104-6-15. Enc.w.2235. 274. 1747. May 31. Madrid. The fiscal. [Reports about the spiritual and temporal conquest of the Californias, sug- gesting that the governor of Sinaloa be heard about the establishment and distribution of presidios, and that the personnel of the missions be increased]. Or. 23pp.l. 67-3-29. Acc.276. 275. 1747. July 2. Buen Retiro. The king (by Zenon Somodevilla). D.Santiago Rubi de Ael.Patente de Capitan del Presidio de Sn.Felipe de Jesus de Guevabi uno de los internos de la Na.Espana. C.Tp. 2pp.l. 104-6-8. 276. 1747. Aug.l2. Madrid. Acuerdo del Consejo, tocante i, la Conquista espiritual y temporal de la Provincia de California. Dft. 8pp,l. 67-3-29. Acc.312. Acc.by 274. 277. 1747. Aug.22. Madrid. Council of the Indies to the king. Pone en las Rs.Manos una copia del informe que ha hecho el Pe.Provincial de la Compa.de Jesus de Mexico, sobre las dificultades que se encuentran en la prosecuci6n de la Conquista espiritual y temporal de la Provincia de la Cali- fornia y propone d V.M.las nuevas providencias que se pueden tomar para que tenga efecto. Dft. 41pp.l. 67-3-29. Dec. Acc.312, 278. 1747. (Before Aug.25). Pedro Igo.Altamirano to the king. Acompana dos mapas y un Derrotero de la navegacion hecha por el pe. Fernando Consag de la Compa.de Jesus, por la costa Oriental de la California en el ano 1746. Or. Ip.l. 67-3-29. Dec. Acc.by 279, Enc.266,272. 279. 1747. Aug.30. Madrid. [Council of the Indies] to the Marqs.de la Ensenada. Remitiendole el Derrotero y Mapa que le acompafia del Golfo de las Cali- fornias, presentado por el Pe.Procurador general de la Compa.de Jesus de las Provincias de las Indias. Dft. 2pp.l. 67-3-29. Acc.278. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 103 280. 1747. Oct. 14. [Mexico]. Joachin Anto.Cortillas and Juan Fernando Na- varro. Pliego 1742. De Sumario y resolucion General . . . de la Quenta de Rl. Hazienda y Caja de Guadalaxa, que comprehende desde primero de Henero de mill settezienttos quarenta y dos, hasta fin de Diziembre del. Or. 2pp.l. 104^3-23. Acc.by 281,282. 281. 1747. Oct. 14. [Mexico]. Joachin Anto.Cortillas and Juan Fernando Na- varro. Pliegos de Consistencia y Alcanze . . . que produjo la Glossa y Ajustamiento de su Quenta de Rl.Hazienda de la Rl.Caxa de Guadalaxara que comprehende desde primero de Heno.de 1742 hta.fin de Dize.del. Or. llpp.l. 104-3-23. Ace .280. 282. 1747. Oct. 14. [Mexico]. Joachin Anto.Cortillas and Juan Fernando Na- varro. Pliego de Reparos, que ha producido la Glossa i ajustamiento de la Quenta de Rl.Hazienda de la Rl.Caxa de Guadalaxara, que comprehende desde primero de Henero de mil setezientos quarenta y dos hasta fin de Diziembre de el. Or. 6pp.l. 104-3-23. Acc.280. 283. 1747. Dec.4. Bn.Retiro. The king to the viceroy. Al Virrey de la Nueva Espana; remitiendole Copia del informe hecho por el Pe.Provincial de aquella Provincia de la Compania de Jesus, sobre la prose- cucion de la Conquista espiritual y temporal de la Provincia de la California y ordenando lo que se expresa. Dft. 9pp.l. 104r-3-4. 284'. 1748. (No.7). Derrotero de la Campana hecha por el Governador de Coahuila D.Pedro de Ravago y Teran en el ano de 1748 contra los Apaches que hostilizavan dha, Provincia. Cer. Apr.26,1773,Mexico. 82pp.l. 104-6-15. Enc.w.2235. 285. 1748. Apr. 17. Mexico. Joseph de Berrotardn to [the Conde de Revilla Gi- gedo]. (No.l). [Reports concerning the principal events occurring in Nueva Vizcaya, and gives the news of his campaigns against hostile Indians]. Cer. Apr.26,1773,Mexico. 83pp. l,in 84 paragraphs. 104-6-15. Enc.w.2235. 286. 1749. Testimonio del Quadno.en qe.consta la Ninguna fabrics del Rl.Presidio de Sn.Pedro de la Conqta.no haverze gastado en su Construzon.Canttd.alga.de la qe.se entreg6 para este ef.ecto; no haverse hecho repartimto.de Tierras ... no haver otro paraje mas aprop6sito en las immediazes.y en qe.Domine a la Nacion Seri qe.el del Rio del Populo, y tierras de Sn. Miguel, y los Angeles. Cer. July l,1749,Mexico. 51pp.l. 103-5-20,CMad.l. Enc.w.290. 287. 1749. Testimonio de Autos fechos a Consulta del Lizdo.Dn. Joseph Raphael Rod- riguez Gallardo Juez Pesquizidor de la Provincia de Sinaloa en qe.dd. Cuenta al Exmo.Senor Virrey de este Reino de las Providenzs.qe.en Consequencia de lo qe.le estd preceptuado tiene practicadas en aquella Provincia. Cer. July l,1749,Mexico. 141pp.l. 103-5-20,Cwcd.2. Enc.w.290. 104 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 288. 1749-1750. (No.5). Diario de la Campana executada de orden del Exmo.Sr.Conde de Revi- Uagigedo expedida en 10 de Deciembre de 1748, por D.Joseph Berroteran Capitan del Presidio de Conchos para la aprehensi6n 6 reduccion de las Ran- cherias de los Capitanes Pascual y el ligero que hostilizaban las fronteras de Nueva Vizcaya, el dia 25 de Septiembre de 1749. Cer. Apr.26,1773,Mexico. 55pp. 1. 104-6-15. Enc.w.2235. 289. [Between 1749 and 1767]. [Describes the Californias, telling of its geographical extension, productivity, ports, and Jesuit missions; states that two Dutch warships came in the years 1747 to 1749, and engaged in contraband trade with the Jesuits, and warns that they are likely to return; urges a new form of government to succeed the despotism of the Jesuits, recommending the appointment of a political and military governor subject to the governor of Sonora and the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Bishop of Guadalajara]. C. 9pp.l. Estado,Aud.Guad.l,Doc.6. Acc.by 1148,1149. 290. 1749. July 27. Mexico. Juan Franzco.de Guemes y Horcasitas [Conde de Revilla Gigedo] to the Marques de la Ensenada. [Sending papers concerning the proposed transfer of the presidio of San Pedro]. Or. 2pp.l. 103-5-20. Acc.309. Enc.286,287,291. 291. 1749. July 27. Mexico. Juan Franzco.de Guemes y Horcasitas to the king. [States that the presidio of San Pedro was erected after the Indian uprising of 1740 in Sinaloa; that Governor Vildosola neglected his work, and an in- spector sent out by the viceroy reported the defenceless state of the presidio, recommending also the removal of its site to San Miguel; that the viceroy approves this, and proposes to send Diego Parrilla as temporary governor]. Or. 15pp.l. 103-5-20. Sum. Enc.w.290. 292. 1750. [Testimonio concerning the title of captain of caballos corazas in Sinaloa and Sonora granted to Fernando Sanchez Salvador]. Cer. Nov.20,1750,Mexico. 22pp.l. 67-3-31. Acc.311. 293. 1750. Mar.2. Buen Retiro. The king (by Zenon de Somedevilla). Dn.Phelipe de Rabago. Patente De Capitan de la Bahia del Espiritu Sto.o de uno de los Presidios internos De la Nueba Espana. C.Dp. 3pp.l. 104-6-8. Inc.in 139. 294. 1750. Aug. 12. Mexico. Joseph Raphael Rodriguez Gallardo to the viceroy. Testimonio del Ynforme fho.en vista de los autos formados d representacion del M. R.P.Juan Antonio Balthazar de la Sagrada Compaflia de Jesus, Vissitador de las Missiones de su Provincia : en que se da cuenta de las Providencias dadas en tiempo de el Vissitador General de la Governacion de Sinaloa, delegado de el exmo.Senor Virrey, Governador, y Capitan Gral. de estos reynos, y se con- sultan otros varios d veneficio de los Yndios, y mejor govierno y regimen de las Missiones. Cer. Oct.3,1758,Mexico. 136pp.l. 104-3-4. Enc.w.450. 295. 1750. Oct.31. San Lorenzo. The king (by Joseph Ygnacio de Goieneche). [Asking information whether the provinces mentioned in 343 should be for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 105 united under a single government, the occasion being that two Dutch ships had come to those coasts in 1747 to trade, and the sending of the news to the viceroy had involved considerable expense; it was a question whether the viceroy was not too far away from the Pacific coast to deal effectively with similar arrivals of foreign boats]. Dft. 5pp.l. 103-6-23. Inc.in 343. 296. 1751. Testimonio de los autos fhos y pesquiza secretta practticada por Dn.frco. Benitez Murillo Alcalde maior de la Villa de Leon en virtud de Superior orn.del exmo.Senor Virrey deste Rno.sobre el estado de los Precidios escoltteros que se hallan cituados en la cordillera del Camino Rl. de Chiguagua. Cer. Oct. 18,1751, Mexico. 63pp. 1. 67-3-30,Cuad.l. Acc.313. Acc.by a dupli- cate. 297. 1751. Testimonio de los auttos fhos aynstancia del M.R.P.fr.Juan Miguel Men- chero, sobre varias providencias que pide pa.restablecimiento de las misiones del rrio dela Juntta, y demas providencias dadas. Cer. July,17,1751,Mexico. 168pp.l. 67-3-30,Cwad.2. Acc.313. Acc.by a dupli- cate. 298. 1751. Testimonio de la Cartta del Exmo.Sor.Virrey deeste Rno.y providencias en su virtud executtadas por el Capittan Comandantte y Comisario Dn.Jph de Ydoya en la expedicion de la Juntta de los rios del Nortte Conchos, y sus contornos. Cer. July,15,1751,Mexico. 134pp. 1. Q7-3-S0,Cuad.3. Acc.313. Acc.by a dupli- cate. 299. 1751. Testimonio de los autos fhos en orden Al derrotero de Campana executado por el Capitan Comandante del Rl.Precidio del Paso D.Joseph de Ydoyaga. Cer. Oct.l8,1751,Mexico. 36pp.l. 67-S-30,CuadA. Acc.313. 300. 1751. Testimonio de los autos del reconocimiento fecho Rio avajo de el Nortte desde el expresado Rio hta.las Misiones de la Juntta de dho Rio, y el de Conchos, por el Capn.del Rl. Presidio del Paso Dn.Alonso Victores Rubin de Zelis. Cer. July,17,1751,Mexico. 64pp.l. 67-3-30,Cuad.5. Cer. Oct.ll,1751,Mexico. 67-3-31,CMad.5. Acc.313. 301. 1751. [Testimonio about the construction of the presidios of Pasage, Gallo, and Conchos, to check the uprising of mission Indians in their vicinity]. Cer. July 17,1751,Mexico. 66pp.l. 67-3-30. Acc.313. 302. 1751. Testimonio de la Consulta echa, en orden al estado del Reino de la Na.Vizcaia, al Exmo.Sr .Virrey de este Rno.por el Capn.Vittalicio del Rl.Preso.de Sn.frco.de Conchos, Dn.Jph de Berrotharan. Cer. July,17,1751,Mexico. 55 pp.1. 67-3-3l,Cuad.7. See 313. 106 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 303. 1751. Testimonio de lo Consulttado por el Capn.del Rl.Precidio de Conchos en rrazon a los Ynsultos comettidos pr.Ios Yndios Apaches y Limas y Provideneias en su Virtud executtadas. Cer. Oct.l8,1751,Mexico. 20pp. 1. 67-3-30,Cttad.8. Acc.313. Acc.by a dupli- cate. 304. 1751. Testimonio de los auttos formados apedimentto de Dn.Jph.de la Sierra sobre los rrovos delos Yndios Sumas y la ligazion qe.tienen con los apaches, Mes- caleros Salineros y los cholones. Cer. July,17,1751,Mexico. 68pp.l. 67-3-30,C«ad.9. Acc.313. Acc.by a dupli- cate. 305. 1751. Testimonio de la consultta del Governor.de la nueba Vizcaya, en que ynforma el estado delos Precidios de aquella Governacion, y resoluccion tomada sobre la extincion delos Precidios de la Cordillera. Cer.(?).[The last pages are missmg]. 186pp.l. 67-3-30,CMad.lO. Acc.313. Acc.by a duplicate. 306. 1751. Mexico. Testimonio de los Autos fechos sre. qe.la casa Morttuoria del Senor Conde de Sn.Pedro del Alamo ebaque la obligacon.contrahido con S.M.en resttablecer el Rl.Presidio del Pasaje ^ su pie Anttiguo, y esttado qe.tenia qdo.se le enttrego. Cer. Oct.20,1751,Mexico. 32pp.l. 67-3-29. Enc.w.317. Acc.by a duplicate. 307. 1751. Mar .2. Mexico. Fernando Sanchez Salvador to the king. Expresa serd conveniente acelerar la Conquista de los Indios que habitan en las Costas del mar del Sur, hasta donde desemboca en 61 el rio Carmelo, para impedir d los Franceses que se van extendiendo acia el Oriente del Nuevo Mexi- co, que establezcan algun Puerto en las mismas costas, lo que seria muy pre- judicial al Comercio en Philipinas. Or. 4pp.l. 67-3-29. Enc.308. See 311,397. 308. 1751. Mar .2. Mexico. Fernando Sanchez Salvador to the king. En 4 representaciones da cuenta Primero Delo conveniente que serd el que se trate de la Conquista de los Indios de las Provincias de Sinaloa y Sonora hasta el rio Yaqui y que se pongan en Doctrineros Diferentes Misiones de Jesuitas; 2do.que se trate de la Conquista y poblacion de los rios Colorado y Gila en las costas de las Californias; 3ro.Que serd conducente al Real servicio que se pueblen las islas Marias que yacen en la boca de aquel Golfo; 4to.y que se de disposici6n de conducci6n de azogues al Real de los Alamos pa. el beneficio de las Minas de aquella Jurisdiccion. Or. 114pp.l. 67-3-29. Enc.w.307. 309. 1751. Mar .21. Madrid. [President of the Council of the Indies] to the Conde de Revillagigedo. Aprovandole las provideneias que aplic6 con motivo de hallarse sin resguardo, ni Fabrica, el Presidio de sn.Pedro de la Provcia.de Sinaloa del mando de dn.Agustn.de Vildosola, y embio por Govor.Interino del Thte.Coronl.dn.Diego Parrilla pa.contener los Ynsults.de los Yndios. Dft. 5pp.l. 103-5-20. Inc.in 251. Acc.by 290. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 107 310. 1751. [May 15]. Mexico. Fernando Sanchez Salvador. Expone sus consideraciones ala presente Junta para la disposicion de Conqta.y Poblaciones del Rio Colorado y Gila. Cer. May 15,1751,Mexico. Spp.l. 67-3-31. Acc.311. 311. 1751. May 15. Mexico. Fernando Sanchez Salvador to the Marqs.de la Ensenada. Acompana varias representaciones, Copias de otras, y un Mapa, sobre las Conquistas de los Yndios que habitan las Costas del mar del Sur, desde los confines de las Provincias de Sonora, Sinaloa, hasta el desemboque del rio Carmelo. Or. 2pp.l. 67-3-31. Acc.by 292,310,316,325,330. See 307,397. 312. 1751. July 1. Madrid. Joaquin Joseph Vazques y Morales to Joseph Igno.de Goyeneche. [Asking for the cedula of November 13, 1744, about increasing the missionaries of the Californias]. Or. 2pp.2. 67-3-29. Acc.by 255,259,263,276,277. 313. 1751. July 10. Mexico. Conde de Revilla Gigedo to the king. [Tells of the propagation of the faith along the northern frontier of New Spain and of what he has done to reduce the barbarous Indians and gather them into communities, so as to check their outbreaks and hostilities]. Or. 17pp. 1. 67-3-30. Acc.by 296-301,303-305. See 264,302,314,317. 314. 1751. July 10. Mexico. Conde de Revilla Gigedo to the king. Da cuenta de las providencias que ha dado para la reduccion de los Yndios de las fronteras de la Nueva Vizcaya, y para impedir sus hostilidades, aviendose celebrado para ello una Junta de Hacienda, Guerra, y Practicos en aquella Ciudad de Mexico, de todo lo qual acompana Testimonios. Or. llpp.l. 67-3-31. Dec. Nota. See 313. 315. 1751. Aug.6. Mexico. Conde de Revilla Gigedo to the king. [Says that the Seris have been annihilated, and the Tiburones, Carrizos, and Salineros severely punished]. Or. lOpp.l. 67-3-29. Acc.by a duplicate. See 324. 316. 1751. Oct.5. Buen Retiro. Marqs.de la Ensenada to Jose de Carvajal y Lancaster. [Remitting papers arising out of the Sdnchez memorials]. Or. 3pp.l. 67-3-31. Dec. Acc.311. 317. 1751. Oct.29. Mexico. Conde de Revilla Gigedo to the king. Da cuenta con Autos de averse encargado el Albacea del Conde de S.Pedro del Alamo de restablecer el Presidio del Pasage en el Termino de dos meses, y de poner en practica el fundar en aquellos Parajes cinco Poblaciones para contener d los Indios barbaros de aquellas fronteras. Or. 4pp.l. 67-3-29. Enc.306. See 313. 318. 1751. Dec.l2. Buen Retiro. The king (by Jph Igno.de Goyeneche) to the bishop of Guadalaxara. Remitiendole copias de la representaci6n que ha hecho el Govor.del Nuevo Reyno de Leon en asunto de las Misiones y Doctrinas de aquel Distrito y ordenandole lo qe.se expresa. C. 6pp.l. 103-3-6. Inc.in 261,folio 123 vuelto. 108 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 319. 1751. Dec. 12. Buen Retiro. The king (by Jph.Igno.de Goyeneche) to the Audiencia of Guadalaxara. Remitiendole copia de la representacion qe.ha hecho el Gobdor.del Nuevo Reyno de Leon en asunto de las Misiones y Doctrinas de aquel Distrito y ordenandole lo que se expresa. C. 5pp.l. 103-3-6. Inc.in 261,folio 121 vuelto. C. 103-3-6. Inc.in 261,folio 212. 320. 1751. Dec. 12. Buen Retiro. The king (by Joseph Igno.de Goyeneche) to the governor of the Nuevo Reyno de Leon. Avisandole el recibo de su carta en que Di6 cuenta del estado de las Misiones y Doctrinas de aquel Distrito y participandole lo demas que se expresa. C. 5pp.l. 103-3-6. Inc.in 261,folio 115 vuelto. C. 103-3-6. Inc.in 261,folio 216. 321. 1752. Testimonio de los Autos fhos a consulta de Dn. Diego Orttiz Parrilla, Governa- dor interino de la Provincia de Sinaloa, sobre haverse levantado tres mill Yndios uttiles de arco y flecha de la Pimeria altta, hecho varias muertes quema- do y destrozado las Yglecias de Sus Misioneros. Cer. Feb.9,1752,Mexico. 105pp.l. 67-3-31. Enc.w.326, Cer. 103-5-20. Enc.w.327. 322. 1752. Testimonio de la Consul tar hecha por Dn. Diego Ortiz Parrilla Governor .y Capn.Gral de Sinaloa en que da quenta haver cesado la sublebacion de los Yndios de la Pimeria alta. Cer. Dec.22,1752,Mexico. 43pp.l. 67-3-31. Enc.w.340. 323. 1752 and 1755. Testimonio de las Dilixenzs., practicadas por el sr.Dn.Mattheo Antto.de . Mendoza . . . Govor.y Capn.Xenl.de este Reyno de la Nuea.Vizcaya — Sobre la Campa.executada . . . contra Yndios Barbaros y demas Providencias. Cer.of Cer. July 2,1755,San Phelipe El Real. 279pp.l. &7-5-3,Cuad.2. Acc.420. 324. 1752. Jan.l6. Mexico. Conde de Revilla Gigedo to the king. [Recites the news received from Parrilla of attacks on Caborca and Tubutama by the Pimas of the west, and states that a junta de guerra has been held, in which it was decided that peace should be procured by sending a squadron of fifty men, who should advance to the Colorado and Gila to open communica- tions with California, and that Parrilla should deal gently with the Pimas, lest they join hands with the hostile Apaches and Seris]. Or. 12pp.l. 103-5-20. Sum. Acc.345. Acc.by 327. See 315. 325. 1752. Jan.16. Madrid. The fiscal. No.55. [Answer concerning the Sdnchez memorials with regard to the northwestward advance of the Spanish frontiers in New Spain]. Or. 7pp.l. 67-3-31. Dec. Acc.311. 326. 1752. Feb.lO. Mexico. Conde de Revilla Gigedo to the king. Da cuenta con testimonio de Autos de averse levantado tres mil Yndios utiles de arco y flecha de la Pimeria alta, aviendo hecho varias muertes, y quemado y destrozado las Yglesias de sus Missiones. Or. 7pp.l. 67-3-31. Dec. Acc.353. Acc.by 334. Enc.321. jor History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 109 327. 1752. Feb.l2. Mexico. Conde de Revilla Gigedo to the Marques de la Ensenada. [Enclosing 321]. Or. 3pp.l. 103-5-20. Acc.324. Enc.321, 328. 1752. Apr.4. Buen Retiro. The king (by Zenon de Somode villa). D.Bernardo de Bustamte.y Tagle. Patente de Capitan. C.Dp. 3pp.l. 104-6-8. Inc.in 140. Acc.by 329. 329. 1752. Apr.7. Buen Retiro. Marqs.de la Ensenada to Joachin Ruiz de Porras. Remite patente de Capitan. Or. 2pp.2. 104-6-8. Acc.328. 330. 1752. May 15. Madrid. The fiscal. [Answer concerning the Sdnchez projects]. Or. 8pp.l. 67-3-31. Dec. Acc.311. 331. 1752. [Before May 31]. Pedro Igo.Altamirano to the king. [Asks that the reduction and conversion of the Californias be carried on more efficaciously than it has been thus far]. Or. 9pp.l. 67-3-31. Inf. Dec. 332. 1752. June 15. Madrid. Extracto del expediente que trata de la reduccion d Curatos de las Missiones de las Provincias de Sinaloa y Sonora, hasta el rio Ydqui, del beneficio de Sus Minas, de la Poblacion de las Yslas Marias, y ultimamente de la reduccion, y Conquista de los Yndios que existen en las Costas de la California, y entre los rios Colorado y Gila. Uns. 67pp.l. 67-3-31. Acc.397. 333. 1752. June 23. Aranjuez. Marques de la Ensenada to the Conde de Revilla Gigedo. (No.l). [Communicating a royal order about administration of the alcabala], Cer. Jan.25,1764,Mexico. 12pp.l. 88-5-25. Enc.w.543. 334. 1752. June 26. Madrid. The fiscal to [the Council of the Indies]. Sobre la sublevacion, que el dia 21 de Nove.del ano proximo pasado hicieron los Indios Christianos de Nacion Pimas altas, sin precedente causa, 6 motivo, comandados, o sugeridos de un Indio de gran seguito entre ellos, nombrado Luis. Or. 12pp.l. 104^3-4. Dec. Acc.453. C. 67-3-31. Acc.326. 335. 1752. July 7. Madrid. Council of the Indies to the king. Con motivo de la noticia que se ha tenido de averse levantado tres mil Indios dela Pimeria alta en el Reyno de la Nueva Vizcaya, hace presente a V.M.los antecedentes del expediente que pendia en 61 sobre lo representado por Dn. Fernandez Sanchez Salvador, acerca de la reduccion a Curatos de las Missiones de las Provincias de Sonora y Sinaloa, y beneficio de sus Mina'^, poblacion de las Islas Marias, y Conquista de los Indios que avitan en las Costas, de la California, y entre los rios Colorado, y Gila, y pasa original d las Rs.manos de V.M. La respuesta que ha dado el Fiscal de V.M.ssobre la referida Sublevacion. Dft. 106pp.l. 104-3-4. Dec. Acc.453. 110 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 336. 1752. Oct.4. Bn.Retiro. The king to the viceroy. Aprobandole las providencias que dio para sosegar el levantamiento de los Indies de la Pimeria Alta, acaecido el dia 21 de Novre.del ano proximo pasado; y ordenandole lo que se expresa. Dft. 19pp.l. 104-3-4. Dec. Acc.453. 337. 1752. Oct.4. Bn.Retiro. The king to the Audiencia of Guadalajara. Manifestandola la novedad que ha causado el que no haya dado cuenta por su parte del levantamiento de los Indies de la Pimeria Alta, acaecido el dia 21 de Novre.del ano proximo pasado; y ordenandola lo que se expresa. Dft. 14pp.l. 104-3-4. Acc.453. 338. 1752. Oct.4. Bn.Retiro. The king to Diego Ortiz Parrilla. Al Governador interino de la Provincia de Sinaloa, aprobandole lo qe.executo para sosegar el levantamiento de los Indies de la Pimeria Alta acaecido el dia 21 de Novre.del ano proximo pasado; y ordenandole lo que se expresa. Dft. llpp.l. 104-3-4. Acc.453. 339. 1752. Oct.4. Bn.Retiro. The king to the Provincial of the Jesuit missions in New Spain. Encargandele informe acerca del levantamiento de los Indios de la Pimeria Alta, acaecido el dia 21 de Novre.del ano proximo pasado. Dft. 14pp.l. 104-3-4. Acc.453. 340. 1752. Dec.25. Mexico. Conde de Revilla Gigedo to Joseph Ignacio de Geyeneche. Dice remite copia testimoniada de la Carta qe.le escribio Dn.Diego Ortiz Parrilla, Govor.de Sinaloa, en que le participo averse sosegado la revolucion, y levantamiento de la Pimeria alta. Or. Ip.l. 67-3-31. Dec. Acc.353. Enc.322. See 348. 341. [1753]. Expediente sobre la cesion que hize la Religion de la Compa.de Jesus al Obispo de Durango de 22 Missienes que se hallaban en estado de poder ser governadas por Curas Seculares. C. llpp.l. 67-3-31. Acc.355. 342. 1753. [Testimonio as to whether two royal decrees of September 21, 1680, (to the effect that the Bishop of Guadalajara might suspend the Franciscan mission- aries within his jurisdiction, if they performed their functions in an improper manner, and might put members of his secular clergy in their stead), should be put into effect]. Cer. Sept.l8,1753,Mexico. 23pp.l. 103-6-23. 343. 1753. Testimonio de los Autos formados en el Superior Govierno deste Rno.de la nueva Galicia, para Ynformar a Su Magd.sojare si sera combeniente el que las Provincias de Motines, Colima y las de Avalos que son del Govierno de Nueva Spana, y tambien las quatro Jurisdicciones de la Villa de la Purificazon.Acapon- eta y Senticpaque, que pertenecen al Rno.de la nueva Galicia, se ponga vajo de un Govierno. Cer. Nov.7,1753,Guadalaxara. 84pp.l. 103-6-23. Inc.295, and others not listed. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 111 344. 1753. Autos fechos d consulta del Govor.del Nuebo Mexco.sre.haver Uegado dos franzeses cargados de efectos que conduzlan de la nueba 6rleans. Various Or. and C. 78pp.l,and 6pp.2. 103-6-23. Enc.w.380. 345. [1753. Written]1752. Jan.21. [Madrid]. [President(?) of the Council of the Indies] to the Conde de RevUlagigedo. Diciendole ha merecido la aprovacion del Rey asi la Conducta y celo del Govor.de Sinaloa dn. Diego Ortiz ParrUla como las providencias que dio . . . con motivo del insulto cometido por los Yndios Christianos de la Nacion Pima del Poniente. Dft. 6pp.l. 103-5-20. Inciu 252. Acc.by 324. 346. 1753. Mar.ll. Buen Retiro. The king (by Zenon de Somodevilla). Dn.Manuel Antonio San Juan de Santa Cruz. Titulo De Capitan. C.Dp. 4pp.l. 104-6-8. Inc.in 70. Acc.by 347. 347. 1753. Mar.l4. Buen Retiro. Marqs.de la Ensenada to Joachin Ruiz de Porras. [Remitting 346, that it may be noted in the C!ontaduria General and returned for direction to destination]. Or. 2pp.2. 104^6-8. Acc.346. 348. 1753. July 3. Mexico. Marqs.de Revilla Gigedo to the king. [Says the revolt in Pimeria Alta has been put down; that he wUl give notice as soon as the cession of the twenty-two missions, recently surrendered by the Jesuits to the bishopric of Durango, has been completed; and that he recently reported concerning the other Sdnchez projects]. Or. 6pp.l. 67-3-31. Inf. Dec. Acc.397. See 340. 349. 1753. July 19. Madrid. Council of the Indies. [Summary of four documents, concerning the Pima revolt of 1751, for use of the Council on the above date, with an added summary of a letter written July 6, 1753, by the Marques de Ensenada, but received after July 19]. Uns. 7pp.2. 104-3-4. Acc.453. 350. 1753. July 20. Guadalaxara. The Audiencia to the king. Avisa el recibo de la Real Cedula de 4 de Octubre del ano de 1752 en que se le participo el levantamiento de los Pimas Altos, y refiere los motivos por que ignoraba este succeso, como tambien las providencias que ha dado para averi- guar su origen, y circunstancias. Or. 3pp. 1. 67-3-31. Ace .353. 351. 1753. Aug.6. Buen Retiro. Marqs.de la Ensenada to Joseph de Carvajal y Lancaster. Remite carta del Virrey fha 25 de Diciembre del ano pasado con el testimonio que acompana, que trata de la pacificacion de la Pimeria Alta. Or. 3pp.l. 67-3-31. Sum. Dec. Nota. Acc.353. 352. 1753. Aug. 15. Mexico. Juan Antonio Balthasar to the king. [The Jesuit provincial relates the circumstances of the uprising of the Pimas, making serious charges against Governor Diego Ortiz ParrUla, and recom- mending that the soldiery on the frontier, whose acts stir up such rebellions, be placed imder the authority of the Jesuits, independent of the governor; 112 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias relates also the status of Jesuit labors in Baja California, Sonora, and towards the Colorado and Gila Rivers, referring to the Sdnchez projects for an advance towards those rivers]. Or. 72pp.l. 104-3-4. Acc.453. 353. 1753. Aug.27. Madrid. Council of the Indies to the king. En cumplimto.de Real orn.de V.M. buelve a sus Reales manos la Carta, y testimonio con que dio cuenta el Virrey de Nueva Espana, de averle participado el Governador de Sinaloa queda totalmte.sosegada la Pimeria alta, y hace presente a V.M.lo que en vista de igual notiza.dirigida por el mismo Virrey avia determinado. C. 5pp.l. 67-3-31. Acc.by 326,340,350,351. 354. 1753. Oct.7. Buen Retiro. The king (by Joseph Ygnacio de Goyeneche) to the viceroy. Ordenandole de qta.del paradero de los seis Franceses desertores de la nueva Orlians qe.el governador de Coaguila le remitio en el ano de 1751. C. 2pp.l. 103-3-6. Inc.in 261,folio 189 vuelto. 355. 1753. Oct. 18. Mexico. Andres Xavr.Garcia to Pedro Igno.Altamirano. [Says the work of ceding the twenty-two Jesuit missions to the bishopric of Durango has been going on since the middle of August, and that the Indians object to the change, threatening to retire to the mountains, if the missionaries are taken away from them]. Or. 2pp.2. 67-3-31. Enc.w.383. Acc.by 341. 356. [1754(?). Madrid]. Council of the Indies. [Summary of eight documents dealing with the Pima revolt of 1751, for the use of the Council]. Uns. 23pp.2. 104-3-4. Acc.453. 357. 1754. Testimonio de los Autos formados en orden de Rl.Cedula de 4 de Octre.de 1752, sobre la averiguazn.del origen que tuvo el Alzamiento de los Pimas Altas, en la Provincia de Sonora. Cer. Oct.ll,1754,Guadalaxara. 418pp.l. 104-3-4. Enc.w.388. 358. 1754. [Testimony taken by the Jesuit visitador, Joseph de Utrera, about the revolt of the Indians of Pimeria Alta in 1751, and its causes]. Various Orjind C. 43pp. 1. 104-3-5. Enc.w.393. Continued by 359. 359. 1754. [A continuation of 358]. Cer. Dec.3,1754,San Miguel de los Ures. 256pp.l. 104-3-5. Enc.w.393. 360. 1754. Testimonio . . . de Autos de expedizn.y Guerra, sobre sublevazion, y azonada de los Pueblos de la Pimeria alta situada en la Provincia de Sonora, y providencias que para su pasificazn.y reduccion expendio el sor.Don Diego Ortiz Parrilla . . . Govor.y Capn.Gral de dha Govn.de Sinaloa, y Sonora. Cer. Jan.31,1754,Mexico. 211pp.l. 104-3-5, Ctiod.l. Enc.w.450. 361. 1754. Testimonio . . . sre.Sublevacion, y Asonada delos Pueblos de la Pimeria altta . . . [Sonora]. Cer. Feb.l5,1754,Mexico. 134pp.l. 10^S-5,Cuad.2. Enc.w.450. f(yr History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 113 362. 1754. [Testimonio] . . . sobre sublevacion y asonada de los Pueblos de la Pimeria altta . . . Sonora. Cer. Feb.l5,1754,Mexico. 260pp.l. 104-3-5,Cwcd.3. Enc.w.450. 363. 1754. Testimonio . . . sre.sublevacion, y azonada de los Pueblos de la Pimeria Alta . . . Sonora. Cer. Feb.l5,1754,Mexico. 254pp.l. 104-3-5,CMad.4. Enc.w.450. 364. 1754. Testimonio . . . sobre la General sublevacion y asonada de los Pueblos de la Pimeria altta . . . Sonora. Cer. Feb.l5,1754,Mexico. 262pp.l. 104-3-5,CMad.5. Enc.w.450. 365. 1754. Criminal contra Casimiro Antonio Yndio Pima Alto, Natural de el Pueblo de Ymuris por desirse haber pasado a combocar y rebolver los Pueblos de la Nacion 6pata, en nombre de los de esta Pimeria Alta sublevada. Cer. Feb.ll,1754,Mexico. 13pp.l. 104-3-5,CMad.6. Enc.450. 366. 1754. Quaderno comprehensivo de Un Auto proveido en cinco de Agosto de el ano de setecientos cinquenta y Uno, sobre prefijar d los Capitanes de fronteras, Sinaloa y Terrenate el Dia en que havian de moberse d practicar Una formal y Gral.Campana, contra el Gentil enemigo Apache. Cer. Feb.ll,1754,Mexico. 15pp.l. 104r-S-5,Cuad.7. Enc.w.450. 367. 1754. Testimonio de los Autos formados separadamte.en los de Guerra, Pacifican.de los Pueblos sublevados de la Pimeria Alta, situados en la Prova.de Sonora.Sobre ynquirir ... la raiz, causa, y origen de el Levantamto. Cer. Mar.2,1754,Mexico. 507pp.l. 104r-3-5,Cuad.S. Enc.w.450. 368. 1754. Consulta echa por Dn.Diego ortiz Parrilla, Govor.y Capn.Gral.de la Provin- cia de Sonora, en que da quentta, con auttos originales formados, sobre el Alsamtto.y Pacificacion de los Yndios Pimas. Cer. Aug.25,1758,Mexico. 85pp.l. 104-3-5,C«ad.9. Enc.w.450, 369. 1754. Testimonio de la Quenta que dio Don Diego Ortiz Parrilla . . . que presento de los Gastos ocacionados de quenta de la Rl.Hazda.para la Pasificacion de los sublevados Yndios Pimas Altos. Cer. Feb.ll,1754,Mexico. 32pp.l. 104-3-5,CMad.l0. Enc.w.450. 370. 1754. Testimonio . . . de Don Diego Ortiz Parrilla . . . sobre haverse levanttado tres mil Yndios, Uttiles de Arco y flecha en la Pimeria Altta hecho varias Muerttes, Quemado, y desttrozado las Yglecias de sus Missioneros. Cer. Feb.l,1754,Mexico. 360pp.l. lO^-S-5, Cuad.U. Enc.w.450. 371. 1754. Testimonio . . . sre.pazificazon.de los Pueblos de la Pimeria altta suble- bados, Contra Dn.Juan Antto.de Men6cal, Capn.del Rl.Presso.de Sta.Rosa 9 114 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias de Corodeguachi, por haverse procedido d ejecutar la pena del ultimo suplicio en un Yndio Pima nombrado Pedro de la Cruz, alias, Chiguagua, sin las previas Juridicas formalidades, y por los demas excesos, que Yncluye. Cer. Feb.ll,1753[1754],Mexico. 274pp.l. 104-3-5,CMad.l2. Enc.w.450. 372. 1754. Testimonio de los dos Superiores Despachos del Exmo.Senor Virrey de Nueva Espana, remittidos al Senor Don Mattheo Antonio de Mendoza, Cavallero Professo del Orden de Santiago . . . Grovr.y Capn.Gral.de este Rno.de la Nueva Vizcaia, por el Rey Nro.Senor.Paraque ponga en practicca su conttenido sobre la contencion de los Yndios, Barbaros, Enemigos, que Ymbaden las frontteras, de Estte Rno. Cer. May 16,1755,San Phelipe el Real. 174pp.l. Q7-&-3,Cuad.l. Acc.420. 373. 1754. Testimonio de Dos Superiores Despachos de el Exmo.Senor Virrey de estos Reinos en que manda se haga Campana contra indios infieles en la conformidad que relacionan, Cer. June 2,1755,San Phelipe el Real. 96pp.l. Q7-5-3,Cuad.l. Acc.420. 374. 1754. Testimo.de Consulta hecha por Don Alonzo Gastezi Govemador que fue de este Reyno del Senor Don Matheo Antonio de Mendoza . . . Govemador y Capitan General de este Reyno de la nueva Vizcaya sobre el estado en que se halla esta Provinzia. Cer .of Cer. 8pp. 1. 67-5-3. Acc.420. Acc.by a duplicate. 375. 1754. Testimonio de diligencias remitidas pr.dn.Antto.Gutierres de Noriega Cor- regidor de esta Villa de Sn. Phelipe el Rl.de Chijuajua a el Sr.Dn. Matheo Antto.De Mendoza . . . Govr. y Cappn.Gral.de este Reyno de la nueva VisCaya sobre los graves perjuicios executados pr.las naciones barbaras de Yndios enemigos en estas Fronteras. Cer.of Cer. 28pp.l. 67-5-3. Acc.420. 376. 1754. Carpeta no.3. Expediente promo vido por el Capitan del Presidio de Fronteras D.Gabriel Antonio de Vildosola sre.construccion de Cavallerias para mantener en el invierno al pesebre los cavallos de la tropa. Cer. Apr.23,1782,Arispe. 22pp.l. 104-6-19. Enc.w.4569. 377. 1754-1755. Testimonio de las Diligencias practicadas, por el Senor Don Matheo Antonio de Mendoza, . . . Govr.y Capn.Generl.de este Rno.de la Nueva Vizcaya, sobre la Campana Executtada, . . . contra Yndios Barbaros, Ynfieles, Y demas Providencias, dadas por dicho Senor Gobernador. Cer.of Cer. May 23,1755,San Phelipe el Real. 411pp.l. 67-5-3,Cuad.2. Acc.420. 378. [1754-1802. Written]1782. Presidio de Sn.Berndno.de Fronteras en la Provincia de Sinaloa.Pattes.de Capitanes y Nombramtos.de Subalternos Ofics.de Guerra. 104-6-8. Inc.390,4583,4594,4615,4857,4946,4947,5303,5431,5713,5964,5981. jor History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 115 379. 1754. Feb.24. Buen Retire. The king (by Joseph Ygnacio de Goyeneche) to the viceroy. Avisandole el recivo de su Cartta en qe.dio cuentta de la pacificazon.de los Yndios de la Pimeria Alta, y del estado de la entrega de las veinte, y dos Misiones que la Religon.de la Compania de Jesus cedi6 a la Diozesis de Durango. C. 3pp.l. 103-3-6. Inc.in 261,foIio 233. 380. 1754. Apr.20. Vera Cruz. The governor and oficiales reales of Vera Cruz to Julian de Arriaga. Remiten . . . presos A Juan Chapuis, y Luis Foissy, Franceses de Nacion con los Autos originales del Comiso qe.se les hizo en el Nuevo Mexico. Or. 2pp.l. 103-6-23. Enc.w.386. Enc.344. 381. 1754. Apr .24. Durango. Pedro Ansmo., Obpo., to the king. Da cuenta de aver recivido las 22 Missiones de Thepehuana y Topia, y que quedan al cargo de Clerigos, y relebada la Rl.Hacda.de siete mil, y mas ps.que pagaba cada aiio por Viatico, vino Cera y azeyte. Or. 3pp.l. 67-3-31. Acc.397. Acc.by 383. 382. 1754. May 7. Madrid. The fiscal to [the Council of the Indies]. [Opinion with regard to 352]. Or. 5pp.2. 104-3-4. Acc.453. 383. 1754. [Before May 10]. Pedro Igo.Altamirano to the king. No.8. [Memorial calling the royal attention to the second paragraph in a letter of Father Andres Xavier Garcia from Mexico, October 23, 1753]. Or. lp.2. 67-3-31. Inf. Dec. Acc.381. Enc.355. ^ 384. 1754. May 20. Mexico. Diego Ortiz Parrilla to the king. [Relates how he put down the revolt of the Pimas Altos]. Or. lOpp.l. 104-3-4. Inf. Dec. Acc.453. 385. 1754. May 29. The king (by Cenon de Somodevilla). Dn.Manl.Ramirez de la Piscina. Patente de Capitan de la Compania de Cavalleria. C.Dp. 2pp.l. 104-6-8. Inc.in 139. 386. 1754. Oct.8. BuenRetiro. Juln.de Arriaga to Joseph Ygnacio de Goyeneche. No.4. [Enclosing papers for action by the Council of the Indies]. Or. 3pp.2. 103-6-23. Acc.429. Enc.380. 387. [1754. Before Oct.lO]. [Asking for a license to print the Noticia de la California], Or. 2pp.l. 67-3-31. Inf. Dec. Acc.by 409,419. 388. 1754. Oct.ll. Guadalaxara. Audiencia of Guadalaxara to the king. Da quenta d V.M.con testimonio de las diligencias practicadas en virtud de Rl.Cedula de 4 de Octubre de 1752, sobre descubrir el origen que tubo, el Alzamiento de los Pimas altos, en la Provincia de Sonora. Or. 4pp.l. 104-3-4. Dec. Acc.453. Enc.357. 389. 1754. Nov.2. Madrid. The fiscal. [Opinion relative to trespasses of the French in the Spanish colonies]. Or. llpp.l. 103-6-23. Dec. Acc.429. 116 Catalogue of Materials in Archive General de Indias 390. 1754. Nov.20. Buen Retire. The king (by Julian de Arriaga). D.Gabriel Anto.de Vildosola. Patente de Capitan. C. Ip.l. 104-6-8. Inc.in 378. 391. 1754, Nov.27. Madrid. Council of the Indies. [Agreement of the Council, with reference to the case of two Frenchmen who left Canada and went as merchants to explore New Mexico, that the penalty of death which they had incurred be commuted to imprisonment in a presidio; that the viceroy be instructed to take steps to prevent such invasions of foreigners; and that the matter be taken up with the court of France]. Dft. 21pp.l. 103-6-23. Acc.429. 392. 1754. Nov.28. Mexico. Conde de Revillagigedo to the viceroy. (No.l2). Ynstruccion que dex6 d su succesor. C. 61pp. 1. Estado,Aud.Mex.23,Doc.l. 393. 1754. Dec.3. San Miguel de los Ures. Joseph de Utrera to Ygnacio Calderon. [Enclosing forty declarations as to the cause of the Indian revolt of 1751 in Pimeria Alta of which twenty six were by Spaniards and gente de razon and fourteen by Pima Indians; also enclosing another ksiimonio of letters and sworn statements to the same effect]. Or. 2pp.l. 104-3-5. Enc.w.398. Enc.358,359. 394. 1755. Testimonio de Diligencias practicadas por el Senor Don Matheo Antonio de Mendoza . . . Govr.y Capn.Gral.de este Rno.de la Nueva Vizcaya, Sobre La Consulta hecha d su senoria, por el theniente de la Compafda de Guajuquilla Don Anttonio Pheliz Sanches, en virtud de los acaecimientos heccedidos en el Valle de San Buenaventura y demas. Cer.of Cer. July 8,1755,San Phelipe el Real. 66pp.l. 67-5-3,Cuad.3. Acc.420. Acc.by a duplicate. 395. 1755. Testimo.de Diligenzias remitidas por Don Antonio Gutierrez de Noriega de esta Villa de San Phelipe el Real de Chiguagua del Sor.Dn. Matheo Antonio de Mendoza . . . Governador y Capitan General de estte Reyno de la nueva Vizcaya sobre los graves perjuicios executados por las naciones Barbaras de Yndios enemigos en estas Fronteras. Cer.of Cer. May 9,1755,San Phelipe el Real. 34pp.l. 67-5-3. Acc.420. 396. 1755-1764. [Testimonio concerning the death of the captain of the presidio of Paso del Rio del Norte and the appointment of Pedro Joseph de la Fuente to the tem- porary command there]. Cer. July 4,1764,Mexico. 19pp.l. 103-3-28. Enc.w.563. 397. 1755. Mar.9. Mexico. Conde de Revilla Gigedo to the king. Da cuenta con dos testimonios de Autos de averse erigido en Curatos las 22 Missiones que la Religion de la Compafiia entrego A la Mithra de Durango. Or. 3pp.l. 67-3-31. Inf. Dec. Acc.by 332,348,381. See 307,311. 398. 1755. Mar.l5. Mexico. Ignacio Calderon to the king. [The Jesuit Provincial of New Spain gives information, (in addition to what his predecessor in office had given in fulfillment of the royal decree of October jor History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 117 4, 1752), concerning the revolt of the Indians of Pimerfa Alta in 1751 and its causes]. Or. 9pp.l. 104^3-4. Acc.453. Enc.393. 399. 1755. Aug.7. San Phelipe el Real de Chiguagua, Mattheo Antto.de Men- doza to [the president(?) of the Council of the Indies(?)]. [About Indian affairs along the frontiers of Nueva Vizcaya]. Or. 40pp.l. 67-5-3. Acc.420. Acc.by a duplicate. 400. 1755. Aug.8. Villa de San Phelipe el Real. Mattheo Antto.de Mendoza to Julian de Arriaga. [About remedies for the sad state in which the province of Nueva Vizcaya finds itself, because of repeated attacks by Indian enemies on the frontiers]. Or. 17pp.l. 67-5-3. Acc.420. 401. 1755. Aug.8. San Phelipe el Real de Chiguagua. Mattheo Antto.de Men- doza to Joseph Ygnazo.de Goyeneche. Acompana una representon.con 5 testimonios de Autos sobre el estado de aquel Reyno y extorciones que cometen los Indios Barbaros en sus fronteras. Or. 2pp. 1. 67-5-3. Acc.420. 402. 1755. Aug.21. The fiscal to [the Council of the Indies]. Representa . . . sobre la sublevacion de los Pimas Altos. Or. 6pp.l. 104-3-4. Acc.453. 403. [1755. After Aug.21. Madrid]. [Council of the Indies]. [Summary for the Council of documents at hand relative to the causes of the Pima revolt of 1751]. Uns. 26pp.2. 104-3-4. Acc.453. 404. 1755. Sept.l. [Madrid]. Council of the Indies. [Ordering a despatch sent to the viceroy of New Spain, stating that the Council of the Indies desires the fullest reports as to the causes of the Pima revolt of 1751]. Or. 4pp.l. 104-3-4. Acc.453. 405. 1755. Oct. 18. San Lorenzo. The king (by Joseph Ygnacio de Goyeneche) to the viceroy. Participandole lo informdo.pr.la Auda.de Guadalaxra.en quanto al motivo de averse lebantdo.el ano de 1751 los Yndios de la Pimeria Alta en la Prova.de Sinaloa; y ordenandole remita los Autos que form6 el Govor.interino Dn. Diego Ortiz Parrilla, y qe.execute el informe que se expresa. C. 13pp.l. 103-3-6. Inc.in 261,folio 334 vuelto. 406. 1755. Nov.27. Buen Retiro. The king (by Jph.Igno.De Goyeneche) to the president of the Audiencia of Guadalajara. Previniendole cumpla lo mdo.en la Rl.cedula que se cita para el vien espiritual de los Indios de las Misiones del Nuevo Reyno de Leon y participandole la orden que sobre el asunto se da al Virrey de Na.Espana. C. 5pp.l. 103-3-6. Inc.in 261,folio 342. 407. 1755. Nov.27. Buen Retiro. The king (by Joseph Igno.de Goyeneche) to> the viceroy. Ordenandole deve dar al Pte.de la Auda.de Guadalaxara las Provds.que se 118 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias le tienen encargadas pr.la Rl.cedula que se cita, pa.el bien espiritual y temporal de los Indies del Nuevo Reyno de Leon. C. 6pp. 1. 103-3-6. Inc.in 261,folio 344. 408. [1755(?). Nov.30(?)]. Jazinto de Barrios y Jauregui to the king. (No.9). El Govor.de los Texas . . . pide el grado de coronel. C. 4pp.l. 103-6-23. Acc.429. 409. 1755. Dec.9. Madrid. [Jos6 de Goyeneche] to Agustin de Montiano. [By order of the Council of the Indies, sends the Noticia de la California to the director of the Real Academia de la Historia, in order that he may report as to its contents]. C. 2pp.2. 67-3-31. Sum. Dec. Acc.387. Acc.by 417. 410. [1756. Madrid(?)]. Relacion de los Goviernos, y Capitanes Generates del Distrito de la Audiencia de Guadalaxara [making mention of Guadalaxara, Nuevo Leon, Coaguila, Texas (defining its eastern boundary), Nueva Vizcaya, Sinaloa (including Sonora), and Nuevo Mexico]. Uns. 4pp.l. 104-3-9. 411. 1756. Testimonies de los Autos fechos d Consulta de D.Jacinto de Barrios y Jauregui Govor.de la Provincia de tejas en que da quenta haber aprehendido unos franzeses qe.se hallaban establecidos en el Rio de la Trinidad. (No. 10). Cer. Feb.24,1756,Mexico. 247pp.l. 103-6-23,CMa suplicando se erijan sus Missions.en Curatos, se les repartan Tierras y ofreciendo pagar d S.M.en reconocimiento de su Vasallaje el devido Tributo, y del Decreto del lUmo.Sor.Visitador General en su virtud proveido. C.of Cer. June 10,1769,Real de los Alamos. lOpp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l297. 1155. 1769. Testimonio del Memorial presentado por los Yndios de la Nacion del Rio de Cinaloa, suplicando se erijan sus Misiones en Curatos, se les repartan Tierras, y ofreciendo pagar a S.M.en reconocimiento de su Vassallaje el debido Tributa y del Decreto del YUmo.Senor Visitador General en su virtud proveido. C.of Cer. 4pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l297. 1156. 1769. Testimonio del Memorial presentado por los Yndios de la Nacion Mayo* suplicando se erijan sus Missiones en Curatos, se les repartan tierras y ofreciendo' pagar a S.M.en reconocimto.de su Vasallage el devido Tributo; y del Decreto del Yllmo.Sor.Vissitador general en su virtud proveido. C.of Cer. 3pp.l. 104^-3-2. Enc.w.l297. 1157. 1769. Testimonio del Memorial presentado por los Yndios de la Nassion del Rio del Fuerte suplicando, se erijan sus Missiones en Curatos, se les repartan tierras, y ofreciendo pagar a S.M.en reconozimto.de su Yassallage, el debido trivuto; y del Decrto.del Illmo.Sr.Visitadr.Gral.en su Virtud proveido. C.of Cer. 4pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l297. 1158. 1769. [Testimonio of the charges against Bartolom6 Martos, a former official of Acapulco]. Cer. Oct.l4,1769,Mexico. 17pp.l. 88-5-23. Enc.w.l383. 1159. 1769. [Testimonio of measures taken with regard to the withdrawal by Pedro Bertiz of 6971 pesos, 6 reales, deposited by the Marques de Rubi]. Cer. Oct.l8,1769,Mexico. 12pp.l. 88-5-23. Enc.w.l386. 1160. 1769. Testimonio d la letra de las diligencias que practic6 el Corregor.de Chihuahua, para el reparo y contempcion de los lastimosos estragos acahecidos en las in- mediaciones de aquella frontera. Cer. Nov.7,1769,Durango. 21pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l397. 196 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 1161. [1769-1770]. Piano del Actual Estado de la Plaza de Manila y de sus Contomos y arravs. C. lp.93.5 by 64 cm. 89-3-22. 1162. 1769-1771. Testimonio de los cargos hechos & D.Bartolom^ de Martos, su confesi6n y lo alegado por este. Cer.of Cer. Jan.9,1772,Mexico. 292pp.l, 8S-5-22,Cuad.Q. Inc.in 1657. 1163. 1769-1772. [Testimonio of the merits and services of Rafael Martinez Pacheco, captain of the presidio of San Agustin de Ahumada]. Cer. May 19,1772,Mexico. 49pp.l. 104-6-16. Enc.w.l954. 1164. 1769. Jan.2. Adaes. Hugo Oconor to Thomas del Mello. [Announces receipt of orders to expel the regular clergy and foreign clericals, and states that he will comply]. Or. 2pp. 1. 103-6-30,No.l3,of Cartas de vista. Acc.by a duplicate. 1165. 1769. Jan.2. Acapulco. Estevan de la Carrera to Julian de Arriaga. [Complains of the subdelegate Varela for not restoring him to his position, despite royal orders to do so]. Or. 4pp.l. 88-5-23. Enc.921,1166. 1166. 1769. Jan.2. Acapulco. Estevan de la Carrera to the king. [Asks that the viceroy or some impartial minister be charged to take up his case against Juan Antonio Varela]. Or. lOpp.l. 88-5-23. Enc.w.ll65. .1167. 1769. Jan. 3. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. [Acknowledges 1080, and states that he will proceed to put into effect the j)lans resolved upon in 954]. Or. 3pp.l. 104^3-2. Acc.956. 1168. 1769. Jan.5. Puerto de la Paz. Joseph de Galvez. (No.4). Ynstruccion, qe.ha de observar dn.Vicente Vila . . . Capitan . . . del Paquebot . . . Sn .Carlos, alias el Toyson de Oro, en el viage que . . . va d hacer este vagel d los Puertos de sn. Diego, y de Monterrey. C. llpp.l. 104r-3-2. Enc.w.ll93. 1169. 1769. Jan.5. Puerto de la Paz. Joseph de Galvez. (No.5). Ynstruccion, que ha de observar el Theniente de Ynfanteria dn.Pedro Fages como Comandante de la Partida de veinte y cinco Hombres . . . y Gefe militar en la expedici6n que va por mar d los Puertos de sn. Diego, y de Monterrey. C. 13pp.l. 104r-3-2. Enc.w.ll93. 1170. 1769. Jan.5. Puerto de la Paz. Joseph de Galvez. (No .6). Ynstruccion que ha de observar ei Yngeniero Delineador dn. Miguel Con- stanz6 en la expedizion maritima, y de tierra, d que va destinado, durante el viage, y en los Puertos de sn. Diego, y Monterrey. C. 4pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.ll93. 1171. 1769. Jan. 11. Madrid. Juan de D[ios] de Cordova to the king. [Petitions that certain Dominicans, going to Mexico to replace some of the expelled Jesuits, be allowed to sail, without delay, direct to Vera Cruz, and jor History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 197 that they be authorized to take certain necessary articles free of the royal customs]. Or. 3pp.2. 104-3-4. Acc.2867. Acc.by 1173,1184,1211,1216,1231,1235,1244, 1270,1282,1302,1334. 1172. 1769. Jan. 11. Madrid. Juan de D[ios] de Cordova to the king. Memoria de los gastos que causaron en transpKJrtarse de sus respectivos combentos, y subsistir en Puerto Rl.antes de embarcarse, 10 Religiosos sacer- dotes, y dos legos del orn.de Predicadores, que de mandato de S.M.(que Dios guarde) pasar a la America a Ocupar las Missiones mas ymmediatas a la Probincia de Megico, que estaban a cargo de los Religos.de la Compania. Or. 4pp.l. 104-3-4. Enc.w.ll71. 1173. 1769. Jan. 13. Palacio. Juln.de Arriaga to the Marques de sn.Juan Piedrs. Alba. [Remittmg 1171 and 1172]. Or. 2pp.2. 104-3-4. Acc.1171. 1174. 1769. Jan. 14. Sante Fee. Pedro fermn.de Mendinueta to Thomas del Mello, [Annovmces receipt of orders to expel the regular and foreign clergy from New Mexico and impose penalties on the Jesuits, and states that he will comply with the orders]. Or. Ip.l. 103-6-30,No.l3,of Cartas de visto. 1175. 1769. Jan. 16. Madrid. Thomas del Mello to Julian de Arriaga. [Enclosing 1019]. Or. 3pp.2. 104-2-13. Acc.by 1017-1019. See 993. 1176. [1769. Jan.20]. Noticias en extracto de la expedicion de Sonora, desde Pitic. Uns. 4pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l222. 1177. 1769. Jan.21. Adaes. Hugo Oconor to Thomas del Mello. [Annoimces receipt of despatches dated April 21,1768, and states that he will put them into effect]. Or. 2pp.l. 103-6-30,No.l3,of Cartas de Visto. Enc.1178. Acc.by a duplicate." 1178. 1769. Jan.21. Adaes. Hugo Oconor. Yndice de los [cinco] Reales Despachos, que el Senor Dn.Thomas del Mello, Secretario del Consejo, se sirvio remitir d esta Governazn.de Texas, para su mas puntual Cumplimiento. Or. Ip.l. 103-6-30,No.l3,of Cartas de visto. Enc.w.ll77. Acc.by a duplicate. 1179. 1769. Jan.24. Mexico. Ygnacio Negreiros y Herrera and Santiago Abad to Julian de Arriaga. Dd cuenta d V.E. con testimo.de haber dado el Virrey licencia 6 invdlidos con mitad de sueldo al Thente.de la Compania del Presidio de Sn.Sabas Dn.Asensio Razo. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1335. Enc.ll5l. 1180. 1769. Jan.24. Madrid. Joseph Hernz.de Larrea to [Julidn de Arriaga]. [Remitting documents about Juan Manuel Ramirez, and asking permission for Ramirez to come to Spain]. Or. lp.2. 88-5-23. Acc.911. Enc.1028. 198 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 1181. 1769. Jan.25. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. Acompana extracto de Noticias de Sonora dese.el 18 al 20 de Novre.de 1768 qe.uniformes le pasaron Elizondo, y Pineda. Or. Ip.l. 104-3-2. Inc.in 1021. Enc.1402. 1182. 1769. Jan.26. Mexico. Marques de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. Dice que en qto.d la remisidn de Autos de la Visita, cree se hayan recibido en esta via los de las Caxas de Veracruz, sin embargo de su detenci6n. Las causas de la visita de la Aduana de aquella Ciudad y Acapulco hard se continuen con la mayor viveza para que no se retarde su envio. Or. 2pp.l. 88-5-23. 1183. 1769. Jan.30. Mexico. Marques de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. [Refers to the campaign in New Mexico against the Cumanches]. Or. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Sum. Ace. 1304. Enc.907. 1184. 1769. Feb.2. Madrid. The fiscal to [the Council of the Indies]. [Opinion with regard to 1171 and 1172]. Or. 5pp.2. 104-3^. Dec. Acc.1171. 1185. 1769. Feb.3. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. Avisa la continuacion del Visitador Galvez en la Expedicion de California, incluj'endo 8 Cartas de este Ministro fhas.de 16 de Dizre.de 68. Or. 3pp.l. 104r-3-2. Sum. Acc.1303. End 126-1 133. 1186. 1769. Feb.lO. Cabo de Sn.Lucas. Joseph de Galvez (by Miguel Joseph de Azanza). (No .7). [Appointing Juan Perez commander of the San Antonio for the expedition to Alta California]. C. 3pp.l. 104r-3-2. Enc.w.ll93. 1187. 1769. Feb.l2. Cabo de San Lucas. Joseph de Galvez. (No.7). [Cf.ll86]. Ynstruccion, que ha de observar puntualmte.dn.Juan Perez . . . Capitan . . . del Paquebot . . . Sn .Antonio alias el Principe, en el viage de ida, y vuelta, que va d hacer desde esta Bahia d los Puertos de sn.Diego, y de Mon- terrey. C. 8pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.ll93. 1188. 1769. Feb.l3. Cabo de San Lucas. Departamento del Sur de la California. Compania de D.Manuel Garcia Morales. Dicho Capitan. Theniente d.Eugenio Olachea; Alferez d.Jph.Ruvio Rivera. Cer. lp.38 by 48 cm. 104-3-2. Enc.w.ll96. 1189. [1769. Feb.l6]. Estado, Inventario, Reglamento de Rancho, y Memoria de lo que conduce el Paquebot de S.M. el Sn.Carlos & los Puertos de Sn.Diego y Montterrey. (No.l). C. 33pp. 1, and one summary plan, 53 by 41 cm. 104r-3-2. Enc.w.ll93. 1190. [1769. Feb.l6]. Estado, Ynventario, Reglamento de Rancho, y memoria de lo que conduce el Paquebot de S.M. el Principe d los Puertos de sn.Diego, y Monterrey. (No.2). C. 21pp. 1, and one summary plan, 30 by 41 cm. 104-3-2. Enc.w.ll93. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 199 1191. [1769. Feb.l6]. Memoria de los Caxones de Ornamentos Vasos sagrados, y demas utensilios de Yglesia que van destinados para la fundacion de las nuevas Misionea de Monterrey Sn.Diego de Alcala, y sn.Buenaventura. C. 8pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.ll94. 1192. 1769. Feb.l6. Cabo de San Lucas. Jph.de Galvez. Resumen de los defectos mas capitales, y de los desordenes y desarreglos escandalosos que por mi mismo hi notado, y visto en los dos Paquebotes de S.M.sn. Carlos y sn .Antonio . . . al arrivo de ellos &, esta Peninsula, para tomar mis Ynstrucciones y orns.con qe.proseguir su viage al Puerto de Mon- terrey. C. llpp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.ll94. 1193. 1769. Feb.l6. Cabo de San Lucas. Joseph de Galvez to the Marques de Croix. (No.l). [States that the San Carlos doubled Cape San Lucas on January 15, bound for San Diego, and the Principe set sail on February 15]. Cer. 8pp.l. 104-3-2. Acc.1339. Enc.1140,1168-1170,1186,1187,1189,1190: 1194. 1769. Feb. 16. Cabo de San Lucas. Joseph de Galvez to the Marques de Croix. (No.2). [Says that some sacred ornaments for the missions in Alta California have been despatched on the San Carlos, that some others might be obtained from the Baja California missions, and the rest should be supplied from the property of the expelled Jesuits]. Cer. 4pp.l. 104-3-2. Acc.1339. Enc.1103,1191,1192. 1195. 1769. Feb.l6. Cabo de San Lucas. Jph.de Galvez to the Marques de Croix. (No.3). [Stating that he has changed the name of the port in the Bay of La Paz to Puerto de Cortes]. Cer. 3pp.l. 104r-3-2. Acc.1339. Enc.1110,1199. 1196. 1769. Feb. 16. Cabo de San Lucas. Joseph de Galvez to the Marqs.de Croix. (No. 5). [No.4 is missing]. [Annoimces that he has completed the enlistment of a third company of cavalry, of forty men]. Cer. 4pp.l. 104r-3-2. Acc.1339. Enc.1188. 1197. 1769. Feb.l6. Cabo de San Lucas. Joseph de Galvez to the Marques de Croix. (No.6). [Tells of the arrival of Pedro Prat, who is to go to Alta California as surgeon of the expeditions, and encloses a list of medicines needed]. Or. 2pp.l. 104-3-2. Acc.1339. 1198. 1769. Feb. 16. Madrid. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the Marques de Croix. Manda decirle no deverd continuar este empeno [the Sonora war] con repetidaa Campanas, y que premedite los medios pa.resguardar de Ynsultos aquellas Provs.atrayendo los Yndios por amistad; Que remita un estado de lo expendido. Dft. ^p.l. 104-3-2. Acc.1037. Acc.by a duplicate. 1199. [1769. Feb.l6]. [Miguel Costans6 and] Joseph de Urrutia. Piano de la Bahia de la Paz, y Puerto de Cortes. Or. (Signed by Urrutia alone), lp.41.5 by 52 cm. 104-3-2. Enc.w.ll95. 200 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 1200. 1769. Feb.l7, Veracruz. Pedro Antonio de Cossio. Extract© de la calicata para viscocho, con que debe proveerse & las em- barcaciones marchantes del Puerto de Vera-Cruz, aprobada en 28 Febrero de 1769. Or. 2 printed pp.1. 88-5-25. Enc.w.l459. 1201. 1769. Feb.20. Madrid. [JuMn de Arriaga] to Jph.de Galvez. Que enterado el Rey por su carta de 8 de Sepre.del ano proxo.pasado.de su arribo A las Califomias, de los reconocimtos.que ha hecho y del ruinoso estado en que quedaron las Misiones de la misma Peninsula; se le dice espera S.M.vaya continuando sus avisos de todo lo que ocurra. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1079. 1202. 1769. Feb.20. Madrid. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the Marqs.de Croix. [Says it is necessary to free salt from duties, since it is one of the principal ingredients in refining silver]. Dft. 4pp.l. 104r-6-14. Sum. Acc.by 1022,1097,1098,1261,1393. 1203. 1769. Feb.20. Madrid. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the Marqs.de Croix. Remitiendole copia de representacion que hizo desde Sonora Dn. Lorenzo Cancio pidiendo lica.para venir 6, Espa^a, para qe.informe sobre su contenido. Dft. 14pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 975,1374,1911. 1204. 1769. Feb.20. Madrid. [Julian de Arriaga] to the viceroy. En vista de las providencias qe.dicto de resultas de las noticias comunicadas por el Govor.del Nuevo Mexico, relativas d los insultos cometidos por los Yndios Cumanches y Tumanes; espera S.M.tomard las conducentes medidas para contener d dichos Yndios, sin perder de vista el principal de procurar atraerlos d ntra.amistad. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1072,1263. 1205. [1769. Feb.20. Pitic]. Noticias en extracto de la expedicion de Sonora. Uns. 3pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l240. 1206. 1769. Feb.20. Cabo de San Lucas. Joseph de Galvez (No.3). Instruccion que deberd observar el Capitan de Dragones de Espafia Dn. Caspar de Portola, Govemador y Comandante en Gefe de esta Peninsula de Calif ornias en la Expedicion y viage por tierra a los Puertos de Sn. Diego y Monterrey, situados sobre la Costa del mar del sur d los grados 33, y 37 de latitud. C. lOpp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l241. 1207. 1769. ^eb.22. Mexico. Joseph de Urrutia. Piano del Cajon 6 Cafiada nombrada de la Palma en la Falda del Cerro Prieto pa.inteligencia del Ataque que se egecuto el dia -25 de Nobiembre de 1768: Dirigido por el Gobernador Don Juan de Pineda, y el Coronel D.Domingo Elizondo. C.of Or. lp.36.5 by 26 cm. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l208. 1208. 1769. Feb.25. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. [Enclosing documents relating to an attack on the Cerro Prieto in Sonora, and showing why the campaign has not yet achieved success]. Or. 3pp.l. 104-3-2. Inc.in 1021. Enc.1137-1139,1207. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 201 1209. 1769. Feb.28. Mexico. Propuesta hecha por el gremio de panaderos de la Ciudad de Vera-Cruz Sirviendo al Rey con los abrigos de los Tercios de harina, que consumen anual- mente para que sirvan los sacos de lienzo d el embaze de harinas para pro- visi6n de esta Plaza y la de la Habana, y los goangoches para forros de cables de los buques del Rey, probeyendo al mismo tiempo &. los marchantes del viz- cocho en galleta con ventajas d favor de los navegantes, y arreglo d la calicata que se expressa. Or. 14 printed pp.1. 88-5-25. Enc.w.l459. 1210. 1769. Feb.28. Mexico. Marques de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. Dd cuenta de haber concedido reforma con medio sueldo al Tente.del Presidio de Sn.Sabas [D.Asensio Raso]. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1335. Enc.1151. 1211. 1769. Mar.4. Madrid. Thomas Ortiz de Landazuri to [the Cioimcil of the Indies], [Report relative to the question raised in 1171]. Or. 7pp.l. 104-3-4. Acc.1171. 1212. 1769. Mar.lO. Guadalaxara. Diego Obpo.de Guada.to Pedro de Rada. No.l0.2a. [Says Gdlvez's system is ruining financial administration, and that his measures have consumed the wealth of the Californias]. Or. 4pp.2. Estado,Aud.Guad.l,Doc,4. 1213. 1769. Mar.ll. El Pardo. The king (by Julidn de Arriaga). Patente de Capitan Comandante del Presidio de Nayarit, y Compania de caballos de la Mesa del Tonati pa.Dn.Vicente Canaveral Ponce de Le6n. Dft. 2 printed pp.1. 104-&-14. Acc.1214. 1214. 1769. Mar.l2. Madrid. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the Marques de Croix. Que entregue el adjunto despacho de confirmaci6n del empleo de Capitan Comte.del Presidio del Nayarit, d D.Vicente Cafiaveral Ponce de Leon d quieri el Rey ha concedido esta gracia. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 981,1213,1306. 1215. 1769. Mar.l4. Veracruz. Cossio. Plan que manifiesta uniformadas las ventaxas de la Real Hacienda con las de los comercios mediante el nuevo establecimiento de esta Admon.Gral.de Rentas hecho por el Visitador D.Jos6 de Galvez, Or. 7pp.l. 88-5-25. Enc.w.l459. 1216. 1769. Mar.l6. Madrid. The fiscal to [the Council of the Indies]. [Opinion as to how much of the expenses of twelve Dominicans going to New Spain is chargeable to the royal treasury]. Or. 6pp.l. 104^3-4. Acc.1171. 1217. 1769. Mar.l7. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. Remite las Noticias qe.con varios estados le dirijio desde California el visitador Galvez, manifestando qe.a fuerza de travajos habia logrado qe.saliese pr.Mar, y Tierra la expedicion destinada al reconocimiento del Puerto de Monterrey. Or. 4pp.l. 104-3-3. 202 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 1218. 1769. Mar.l7. Madrid. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the Marqs.de Croix. [Acknowledging receipt of 1119, and asking for an estado showing expendi- tures on behalf of the new settlement at San Bias]. Dft. 2pp.l. 104r-6-14. Acc.by 1119,1313. 1219. 1769. Mar.l7. Cadiz. Marqs.de Rubi to Julian de Arriaga. Que obtenida la licencia de D.Juan de Villalba se pondrd en marcha acia la Corte, confiado en qe.se le proporcionard el logro del Rl.permifio. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1223. 1220. [1769. Mar .21. PiticJ. Extracto de noticias de la expedicion de Sonora. Uns. 3pp. 1. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l256. Uns. 96-1-11. Enc.w.l258. 1221. 1769. Mar.22. Madrid. Jos6 Antonio Adan y Martinez to the king. [Asks relief from the injustice of his suspension by Gdlvez]. Or. 7pp.l. 88-5-23. Sum. Inc.in 922. Enc.587,920. 1222. 1769. Mar .25. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. Acompana extracto de Noticias de la expedicion de Sonora desde el Pitic & 20 de Enero de este ano. Or. Ip.l. 104-3-2. Incin 1021. Enc.1176. 1223. 1769. Mar.25. Madrid. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the Marqs.de Rubf. Previniendole pueda venir d la Corte quando le pareciere. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1219. 1224. 1769. Mar.27. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. [Acknowledges 1083]. Or. 2pp.l. 104-3-2. Inc.in 779. 1225. 1769. Apr.4. Hazienda de Dolores. Lope de Cuellar. Estado que manifiesta la fuerza de las quatro Companias de Voluntarios, formadas por el Comandante Militar dn.Lope de Cuellar para la Expedicion contra los Yndios que ostilizan las Fronteras de la Nueva Vizcaya, Arreglado & la Re vista pasada hoy dia de la fha. C. Ip.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l242. 1226. 1769. Apr.4. Puerto de la Paz. Joseph de Galvez to the Marques de Croix. [Tells of his starting the sea and land expeditions from Baja California to Monterey]. Cer. 4pp.l. 104r-3-3. Enc.w.l539. 1227. 1769. Apr.4. Puerto de la Paz. [Jos^ de Gd,lvez]. (No.2). Instruccion qe.ha de tener presente Dn.Fernando de Rivera y Moncada, Capitan de la Compafiia del Presidio de esta Peninsula de la California, y segdo.Comandante nombrado para la proxima entrada pr.Tierra al Puerto de Monterrey. C. llpp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l241. 1228. 1769. Apr.4-Nov.20. 1771. [File of papers concerning Gdlvez's activities, primarily about the Indian war in Sonora, but with a number of documents treating of affairs in Baja California, a few of the Indian war in Nueva Vizcaya, and several of the expeditions to Alta California]. 104-3-2. Inc.1234,1260,1268,1332,1344,1349,1419,1468,1505,1525,1544,1575, 1591,1727,1741,1749,1808. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 203 1229. 1769. Apr.8. Aranjuez. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the Marques de Croix. [The king orders that the suspended Acapulco officials shall be heard and judged in due form]. Dft. 2pp.l. 88-5-23. Inc.in 922. 1230. 1769. Apr.ll. Madrid. Joa6 Antonio Adan y Martinez to [Julidn de Arriaga]. [Asks for a duplicate of 1229]. Or. 2pp.l. 88-5-23. Inc.in 922. 1231. 1769. Apr. 13. Madrid. [Council of the Indies] to Juan de Dios de Cordova. [Requesting Cordova to present a memorial relative to the expenses of twelve Dominicans which he has petitioned to have charged to the royal treasury]. Dft. 2pp.2. 104-3-4. Acc.1171. 1232. 1769. Apr.l4. Convento de Atocha. Fr.Manuel Cuesta and Fr.Phelipe Sanchez. [Stating the sums that have been advanced by the order to certain Domini- cans]. Or. 2pp.l. 104-3-4. Enc.w.l235. 1233. 1769. Apr.l5. Madrid. Vicente Ramon. [Swearing to the receipt of twelve doblones for conveying two Dominicans from Madrid to Puerto Real]. Or. Ip.l. 104-3-4. Enc.w.l235. 1234. 1769. Apr.20. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. Que queda en inteligencia de estar en noticia del Rey lo ocurrido en la Ex- pedicion de Sonora, y en la Navegacion del Visitador Galvez. Or. Ip.l. 104-3-2. Inc.in 1228. 1235. 1769. Apr.20. Madrid. Juan de D[ios] de Cordova to Thomas del Mello. [Remitting various documents to the Council of the Indies in response to 1231, and expressing his opinion about the matter in question]. Or. 4pp.2. 104-3-4. Dec. Acc.1171. 1236. 1769. Apr.21. Pitic. Extracto de las noticias de nuestra expedicion en Sonora comunicadas por los dos Comandantes Dn.Juan de Pineda, y dn. Domingo de Elizondo. Uns. 8pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l309. 1237. 1769. Apr.22. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Thomas del Mello. [States that it will not be possible, for the present, to assign a field in the Californias to the Dominicans, because it might cause trouble with the Fran- ciscans of San Fernando to whom that field has been assigned]. Or. 3pp.l. 104-l-7,1770,No.l. Acc.1441. 1238. 1769. Apr.22. Aranjuez. [Julito de Arriaga] to the Marques de Croix. [Acknowledges 1142 and] se le previene lo mismo qe.se practico en 17 de Sepre.del pasdo.y que embie una relacion circunstanciada del todo de este asumpto. Dft. 2pp.l. 104-3-2. Incin 1021. Acc.by 1142. 1239. 1769. Apr.23. Real de Loretto. Jph.de Galvez (by Juan Manuel de Vini- egra). 204 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias [Decree with a view to providing a good reception for the French scientists who are coining to Baja California to make an astronomical observation]. C. 2pp.l. 104-3-2. Acc.1249. 1240. 1769. Apr.25. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. Remite extracto de noticias de la expedicion de Sonora. Or. Ip.l. 104-3-2. Inc.in 1021. Enc.1205. 1241. 1769. Apr.26. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. [Announces arrival at San Bias of the Spanish officials ordered to California to observe the transit of Venus]. Or. 2pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.1055, 1206,1227. 1242. 1769. Apr.28. Chiguagua. Lope de Cuellar to Joseph de Galvez. (No.l). [Status of military affairs in Nueva Vizcaya]. C. 4pp.l. 104r-3-2. Enc.w.l295. Enc.1225. 1243. 1769. Apr.30. Guadalaxara. Cuenta de los costos que han tenido los ornamtos.y utensilios que se han hecho para remitirlos d las nuevas Misiones de Californias en Vrd.de om.del exmo.Sor.Virrey. (No.4). C. 2pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l325. C. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l325. 1244. 1769. May 6. Madrid. Thomas Ortiz de Landazuri to [the Council of the Indies]. [Report relative to the matter raised in 1171 and 1231]. Or. 7pp.l. 104-3-4. Acc.1171. 1245. 1769. May 8. Playa de la Ensenada de la Santa Barbara. Joseph de Galvez (by Juan Manuel de Viniegra). [Decree offering peace to the Indians of Sonora, provided they shall appear before Galvez at Alamos within forty days and surrender at discretion]. C. 3pp.l. 104-3-2. Acc.1248. 1246. 1769. May 10. Santa Barbara, Districto de Santa Cruz. Joseph de Galvez. (No.2). Ynstruccion que han de observar Dn.Domingo Callegari y Dn.Phe.Ximenes, Pilotos y Capitanes, primero, y segundo del Pacabot de S.M., nombrrado Sn. Joseph, alias el Descubridor, en el viage que con el Favor Divino, ba a hacer este Baxel, a los Puertos de Sn. Diego y Monterrey, situados en la costa occi- dental de la Peninsula de Californias a los 33 y 37 de Latitud. C. 7pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l325. C. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l325. 1247. 1769. May 12. Playa de la Ensenada de Santa Barbara. Joseph de Galvez to the Marques de Croix. [Respecting the formation of a caja real at Alamos, states that the mining needs of Sinaloa and Sonora require that there shall be a fund there of 200,000 pesos, and requests Croix to send it]. Cer. 7pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l268. 1248. 1769. May 12. Santa Cruz de Mayo. Joseph de Galvez to the Marques de Croix. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 205 [Refers to the probable state of the expeditions to Alta California, and says he has offered terms of peace to the Indians of Sonora]. Cer. 6pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l268. Acc.by 1245. 1249. 1769. May 14. Santa Cruz de Mayo. Joseph de Galvez to the Marques de Croix. [Tells what he has done in preparation for the visit of the French scientists who are to make an astronomical observation in Baja California on June 3, 1769]. Cer. 8pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l268. Acc.by 1239. 1250. [1769. May 15. Pitic]. Extractto de las ultimas noticias de Sonora, comunicadas por el Comandantte D.Juan de Pineda. Uns. 3pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l345. 1251. 1769. May 17. Real de los Alamos. Jph.de Galvez to Lope de Cuellar. (No.2). [Replying to 1242, approving Cuellar's conduct of the campaign against the Apaches, but disapproving his appointment of Gdlvez's cousin (Bernardo de Gdlvez) to office, and commenting upon the conduct of affairs in Nueva Viz- caya]. C. 4pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l295. 1252. 1769. May 17. Real de los Alamos. Joseph de Galvez. Decreto sobre la entrega de las temporalizades de las Misiones d los Pes. Ministros de ellas. C. 2pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l283. 1253. 1769. May 22. Mexico. Franco. [Lorenzana] Arzobpo.de Mexico to the king. [Says that the Franciscans of San Fernando now occupy the Californias, but that he thinks it unwise for one order to occupy so extensive a field, and therefore recommends Yriarte's petition, and also urges establishments of the secular clergy there]. Or. 3pp.l. 104^1-7,1770,No.l. Acc.1441. 1254. 1769. May 22. Real de los Alamos. Galvez (by Bartholom6 de Ortega). Auto . . . concediendo al Gremio de esta mineria la rebaja de la quarta parte del valor principal de Azogue en doscientos quintales que sac6 de las Caxas de Guadalaxara pocos dias antes de publicarse alii la Real Cedula de 24 de Noviembre de 1767. C. 3pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l289. 1255. 1769. May 24. San Joseph del Cabo. Salvador de Medina and Vicente Doz to Jph.de Galvez. [Announcing their arrival, thanking Galvez for the services that he has rendered them, and stating that their work will keep them where they are until September]. C. 3pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l326. C. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l326. 1256. 1769. May 25. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. Acompafia extracto de noticias de Sonora, y del estado en que se hallan reducidos los Yndios. Or. Ip.l. 104-3-2. Inc.in 1021. Enc.1220. 206 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 1257. 1769. May 25. Mexico. Marques de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. [Tells what Juan Martinez de Soria says about the orders suspending the Acapulco officials]. Or. 3pp.l. 88-5-23. Sum. Acc.659. Acc.by 1387,1388. Enc.1153. 1258. 1769. May 25. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Juan Gregorio Muniain. [Forwarding 1220]. Or. Ip.l. 96-1-11. Enc.1220. 1259. 1769. May 26. Loreto. Juan Gutierrez to Joseph de Galvez. [Says it has rained steadily for three days, an unheard of event in Baja Cali- fornia, which he ascribes to divine satisfaction over the expulsion of the Jesuits], C. 2pp. 1. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l286. 1260. 1769. May 27. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. Que aunque ha dirigido todas sus atenciones d la expediccion de Sonora las renobara en virtud de lo que se le ordena. Or. 3pp. 1. 104-3-2. Inc.in 1228. 1261. 1769. May 27. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. [Says he has received no complaint about the duty on salt]. Or. 3pp.l. 104-6-14. Sum. Acc.1202. 1262. 1769. May 27. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. [Says Cancio's petition for leave of absence should be granted, as soon as the campaign is over]. Or. 3pp.l. 104-6-14. Sum. Acc.1374. 1263. 1769. May 27. Mexico. Marqu4s de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. Consiguiente d las providencias tomadas en vista de la noticia del Governador del Nuevo Mexico, avisard qto.ocurre en cumplimto.de lo que se le ordena. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1204. 1264. 1769. May 29. Pitic. Juan de Pineda to Joseph de Galvez. (No.l). [Tells of an experience with a certain Pima and his wife, which more than ever convinces him that the Pimas must be subjected by force]. C. 7pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l301. 1265. 1769. May 29. Pitic. Juan de Pineda to Joseph de Galvez. (No.2). [Announces delivery of passports granted by Gdlvez to two Seri Indians]. C. 3pp. 1. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l301. 1266. 1769. May 29. Pitic. Franco.Messia. (No.9). Reglamto.de las Racions.que se han de subministrar d los Yndios Seris presentados hasta hoy dia de la fha segn.el numro.de sus familias, y en las en lo succesivo lo executn.quedard igual razn. C. Ip.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l301. 1267. 1769. May 30. Pittic. Juan de Pineda to Joseph de Galvez. (No.2). Sobre las temporalizades de las Missiones. C. 4pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l283. 1268. 1769. May 31. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. Remite copias de Cartas que le escrivio el Visitor.Galvez desde la Playa de la Ensenada de sta.Barbara, y Sta.Cruz de Mayo en Californs.sobre los pro- gresos de su Expedicion. Or. 2pp.l. 104-3-2. Inc.in 1228. Enc.1247-1249. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 207 1269. 1769. May 31. San Joseph [del Cabo]. Chappe D'Auteruche to Joseph de Galvez. [Thanking Galvez for his services to him, and stating that conditions appear admirable for the success of his mission (i, e. takiog an observation of the transit of Venus)]. C. 2pp.l. (In French). 104-3-2. Enc.w.l326. C. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l326. 1270. 1769. May 31. Madrid. The fiscal to [the Council of the Indies]. [Opinion relative to the question of expenses raised in 1171]. Or. 5pp.l. 104^3-4. Acc.1171. 1271. 1769. June 1. Real de los Alamos. Galvez (by Barthme.de Ortega). Auto . . . para la ereccion de una Rl.Caxa en este de los Alamos. C. 3pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l290. 1272. 1769. June 2. Alamos. Jph.de Galvez (by Juan Manuel Viniegra). (No.2). He resuelto . . . prohibir . . . que se hagan contrattos ajusttes, y pagos llamados a la Ley, igualmente la reducion de platta d reales con la diminucion de uno en cada peso. C. 3pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l291. ^ 1273. 1769. June 2. Real de los Alamos. Jph.de Galvez (By Juan Manuel de Viniegra). (No.3). [Decree with a view to maintaining a supply of laborers for use in mines, agriculture, and stock-raising, and fixing wages for the different classes of laborers]. C. 3pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l291. 1274. 1769. June 2. Real de los Alamos. Joseph de Galvez (by Juan Manuel de Viniegra). (No.4). Prohibo que . . . aya rescattadores en las minas para obviar ... los gravisimos incombenientes que se originan de la subsisttencia de dichos re- scattadores. C. 3pp.l. 104r-3-2. Enc.w.l291. 1275. 1769. June 2. Real de los Alamos. Joseph de Galvez (by Juan Manuel de Viniegra). (No.5). [Proclamation against those Spaniards or gente de razon who are causing the death of the Indians who have surrendered, thus preventing others from sur- rendering]. C. 3pp.l. 104r-3-2. Enc.w.l301. 1276. 1769. June 5. Loreto. Domingo Antonio Callegari. (No.l). Estado memorias e Inventario de lo que ha llevado el Paquebot de S.M.sn. Joseph, alias el Descubridor A los Puertos de sn. Diego, y Monterrey. C. 12pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l325. Enc.1323. C. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l325. Enc.1323. On this copy the author is named An- tonio Gallegari. 1277. 1769. June 5. Madrid. The fiscal to [the Council of the Indies]. [Recommends a petition of Father Verger to be allowed to enlist four to six Religiosos ordenados in sacris, to complete the number of those going to the Calif ornias]. Or. 3pp.2. 103-3-12,J?xp.4,1769. Enc.w.l279. 208 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 1278. 1769. June 6. Belen. Br.Franco.Joachin Valdez to Joseph de Galvez. (No.7). [Stating that he has advised the Sibubapas and Suaquis to proceed to Pitic, where they will receive pardon]. C. 3pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.1301. 1279. 1769. June 8. Madrid. Council of the Indies to the king. Cumpliendo con una Real orden de V.M.y en vista de un memorial de Fray Raphael Verger ... en que solicita facultad para incluir quatro, 6 seis Re- ligiosos ordenados in Sacris i, fin de completar los quarenta, y cinco de la Mission que V.M.le tiene concedida, conformandose con el dictamen del Fiscal . . . es de parecer de que V.M.se sirva de condescender d su instancia. [Concerns the Calif ornias]. ^ Or. 4pp.l. 103-3-12,^a;p.4,1769. Dec. Enc.1277. 1280. 1769. June 9. Pitic. Juan de Pineda to Joseph de Galvez. (No.3). [States that he cannot be certain whether the Serig will accept Gdlvez's offer of peace, as the envoys sent to them have not returned]. C. 3pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l301. 1281. 1769. June 9. Pitic. Juan de Pineda to Joseph de Galvez. (No.4). [Announces receipt and publication of Gdlvez's proclamation relating to the gente de raion of Sonora]. C. 2pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l301. 1282. 1769. Jime 9. [Madrid]. Council of the Indies. Expediente de fr.Juan de Dios de Cordova, Procurador general de la Provincia de Santiago de Mexico del orden de Predicadores, sre, que se le conceda ex- tension de avio, y socorro para los doce Religiosos que expresa y el permiso correspondiente para el embarque libre de derechos Rs.de doscientaa piezas de Hipr^s, para bestuario de los mismos. Or. 48pp.2. 104-3^. Dec. Acc.1171. 1283. 1769. June 10. Alamos. Jph.de Galvez to the Marques de Croix. (No.2). Sobre el pago de los Sinodos Senalados d los Misioneros de Calif ornias. Cer. 2pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l349. Enc.1252,1267. 1284. 1769. Jime 10. Real de los Alamos. Joseph de Galvez to the Marques de Croix. (No.4). Dictamen sobre la pretension del Religioso Dominico fray Juan Pedro de Yriarte. C. 6pp.l. 104-l-7,1770,No.l. Enc.w.l348. 1285. 1769. June 10, Real de los Alamos. Joseph de Galvez to the Marques de Croix. (No.5). Sobre sueldo qe.se regula precisso del nuevo Govor.6 Intendente de Cali- fornias Don Mathias de Armona. Cer. 2pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l349. 1286. 1769. June 10. Real de los Alamos. Joseph de Galvez to the Marques de Croix. (No. 6). Noticia de algunos hechos de Californias. Cer. 4pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l349. Enc.1259. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 209 1287. 1769. June 10. Alamos. Jph.de Galvez to the Marques de Croix. (No.7). Ynforma sobre qe.el Estanco del Tavaco deve correr A beneficio de la Ex- pedicion militar [in Sonora] en las Provas.donde se hace. Cer. 6pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l349. 1288. 1769. June 10. Alamos. Jph.de Galvez to the Marques de Croix. (No.8). Para qe.solo se permita sacar Polbora de la Rl.Fabrica a los Diputados de Mineria. Cer. Spp.l. 104r-3-2. Enc.w.l349. 1289. 1769. June 10. Alamos. Josseph de Galvez to the Marques de Croix. (No. 9). Sre.que ofizs.Rs.de Guadalaxa.cobren los 200 qqs.de Azogue que se sacaron de aquella Rl.Caxa para los Mineros de aquellos Rs., rebajada la 4a.parte. Cer. 3pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l349. Enc.1254. 1290. 1769. Jime 10. Alamos. Joseph de Galvez to [the Marqu6s de Croix]. (No.lO). Ynforme pa.la erecn.de la Caxa Rl.en el de los Alamos. Cer. 3pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l349. Enc.1271. 1291. 1769. June 10. Real de los Alamos. Jph.de Galvez to the Marques de Croix. (No.l2). Ynfme.sre.varias providencias uttiles pa.el restablecimto. de las Provas.de Sinaloa y Sonora. , Cer. 7pp.l. 104r-3-2. Enc.w.l349. End 152,1272-1274. 1292. 1769. June 10. Real de los Alamos. Jph.de Galvez to the Marques de Croix. (No.l3). Ynforme sobre Milicias Provinciales, y Companias de Yndios nobles. Cer. 4pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l349. 1293. 1769. June 10. Real de los Alamos. Joseph de Galvez to the Marques de Croix. (No. 14). Sre.los motivos qe.tuvo para mandar publicar el vando de 8 de Maio, con- cediendo Yndulto a los enemigos que se rindiesen. Cer. 6pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l349. 1294. 1769. June 10. Real de los Alamos. Joseph de Galvez to the Marques de Croix. (No.l5). Plan relativo A sacar los Yndios Gentiles de la Ysla de Tibur6n, y reducirlos d una Mision. Cer. 3pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l349. 1295. 1769. June 10. Real de los Alamos. Jph.de Galvez to the Marques de - Croix. (No.16). Disposiciones qe.conbendria tomar para la campana contra los Apaches [of Nueva Vizcaya]. Cer. 6pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l349. Enc.1242,1251. 1296. 1769. June 10. Alamos. Jph.de Galvez to the Marques de Croix. (No.l7). Consiiltta en puntto de temporalidades de Missiones, sus Ymbenttarios, y Cuentas, sin methodo, ni exsactitud. Cer. 4pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l349. 15 210 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 1297. 1769. June 10. Real de los Alamos. Joseph de GaJvez to the Marques de Croix. Ynfe.sre.el considerable aumto.del erario con el nuevo tribute, que han pedido se les admita los Yndios de los Rios Cinaloa, Fuerte, Mayo, y Hiaqui. Cer. 4pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l349. End 154-1 157. 1298. 1769. June 11. Raun. Lorenzo Cancio to Jph.de Galvez. (No.8). [Discussing Gdlvez's proclamations which aimed to restore peace in Sonora, the work of Father Valdez to that end, and expressing opinions as to the proper course to pursue]. C. 4pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l301. 1299. 1769. June 12. Real de los Alamos. Joseph de Galvez to Julian de Arriaga. No.59. Da cuenta de haver empezado a rendirse los Yndios alzados de Sonora; y de ir adelantando otros asumptos del RLservicio. Or. 4pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1417. 1300. 1769. June 13. Real de los Alamos. Josseph de Galvez (by Miguel Josseph de Azanza). (No.6). [Proclamation giving ten days' extension of time, beyond the original forty, in which the Indians of Sonora may come in and surrender]. C. 2pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l301. 1301. 1769. June 14. Alamos. Jph.de Galvez to the Marques de Ooix. Ultimas noticias de la rendicion de los alzados. C. 7pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l345. Enc.1264-1266,1275,1278,1280,1281,1298, 1300. 1302. 1769. Jime 16. Madrid. Council of the Indies. En cumplimto.de la Rl.orn.con que se le remiti6 un memorial de Fr.Juan de Dios de Cordova, Procurador gral.de la Provincia de sn.tiago de Mexico del om.de Predicadores en que solicita extension de avio, y socorro para los 12 Religiosos que d, constas.del Conso.de 17 de Abril de 1760 y 18 de Febrero de 1768 concedi6 V.M.a la misma Prova., y que se le permita el embarque libre de dros.Rs.de doscientas piezas de Hipres, para vestuario de los mismos; Pasa a las Rs.manos de V.M.la respuesta original del Fiscal, y es de parecer de que las consideraciones qe.expone, se sirva V.M.de denegar el citado permiso y mandar que se le satisfaga el importe de la cuenta qe.ha presentado, sin hacerse la revaja que el nomdo.Fiscal, y la Comria.gral.proponen. Dft. 45pp.l. 104-3-4. Dec. Acc.1171. 1303. 1769. June 20. Aranjuez. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the Marques de Croix. Contextando d su Carta de 3 de Febrero del corrte.ano acompafiada de 8 copies de las ultimas que le embi6 Dn.Jph.Galvez en relacion de la situacion en que hall6 la Peninsula de Californias, y providencias que di6 para la veri- ficacion de sus Proyectos. Dft. Ip.l. 104-3-2. Acc.by 1185. 1304. 1769. Jime 20. Aranjuez. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the viceroy. Enterado por su carta de 30 de Enero de la salida que hizo el Govor.del Nuevo Mexico contra los indios Cumanchez. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1183. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 211 1305. 1769. June 20. Janos. Lope de Cuellar to Joseph de Galvez. [Telling of his march to Janos, and giving his opinion that no peace should be made with the Apaches]. C. 4pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l328. C. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l328. 1306. 1769. June 21. Mexico. Marquds de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. No.468. Que ha entregado el despo.de propiedad del Presidio del Nayarit & Dn.Vicente Canaveral. Or. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1214. 1307. 1769. June 21. Pitic. Domingo Elizondo to Joseph de Galvez. Sre.las medicinas que se necesitavan para la tropa de la expedicion, d fin de qe.el virrey las remitiese de las Boticas de los regulares hta.completar la memoria del cirujano que le acompana. C. 2pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l331. C. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l331. 1308. 1769. June 24, Mexico. Marques de Croix to Jos6 Faustino Ruiz. [Concerning appointment of Ruiz as temporary contador at San Bias]. Cer. Feb.l9,1777,San Bias. Ip.l. 104-6-17. Enc.w.3490. 1309. 1769. June 26. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. Acompana un extracto de las noticias, y progresos de la expedizon.de Sonora. Or. 2pp.l. 104-3-2. Inc.in 1021. Acc.by 1385. Enc.1236. 1310. 1769. Jime 26. Madrid. Fr.Juan de Prestamera to the king. [Says he has been in Mexico as a missionary of the College of San Fernando, and asks permission to return there, so that he may serve in the Californias]. Or. 2pp.l. 104^1-7,1769,No.lO. Enc.w.l318. Acc.by 1333. 1311. 1769. June 26. San Diego. Pedro Fages to Joseph de Galvez. [Tells of the peaceful character of the Indians in Alta California, but says he and Rivera are not relaxing their precautions]. C. 2pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l356. Enc.1312. C. 89-3-22. Nota. Enc.w.l356. Enc.1312. 1312. 1769. June 26. San Diego. Pedro Fages. Memoria de lo que contiene el Caxon N.l. C. Ip.l. 104r-3-3. Enc.w.l311. C. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l311. 1313. 1769. June 27. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. Queda en remitir un estado circunstanciado de los gastos hechos en el estable- cimto.de la nueva Poblacion de Sn.Blas. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1218. 1314. 1769. June 28. San Diego. Miguel Costanzo to Joseph de Galvez. [Gives a description of the port, land, and people of San Diego, and tells of the exploration of the river that empties into the bay]. C. 6pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l356. C. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l356. 1315. 1769. July 3. [San Diego]. Joseph de Canizares. Diario executado por Tierra desde el el paraxe de Villa-cata, & este Puerto 212 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias de Sn.Diego, situado por los 30 grs.20 mins.el primero, y el segundo en los 32 grs.44 mins.de latd.comprehendidos en la Peninsula de Califomias. C. 58pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l524. 1316. 1769. July 4. San Diego. Pedro Pages and Miguel Costanzo to Joseph de Galvez. [Observations upon the state of the expeditions by land and sea to Alta California]. C. 4pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l356. C. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l356. 1317. 1769. July 4. Alamos. Joseph de Galvez to Lope de Cuellar. [Advises receipt of 1305, and orders him to continue the campaign against the Apaches until Elizondo can come to his aid]. C. 4pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l328. C. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l328. 1318. 1769. July 6. Palacio. Juln.de Arriaga to the Marques de sn.Juan de Pieds.Albas. [Encloses 1310]. Or. 2pp.2. 104-l-7,1769,No.lO. Dec. 1319. 1769. July 6. San Diego. Vicente Vila to Carlos Francisco de Croix. [This is a combination of 1320 and 1321]. Cer. llpp.l. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l358. 1320. 1769. July 6. San Diego. Vicente Vila to Carlos Francisco de Croix. [Explains why the expedition halted at San Diego, and gives an account of a council at which the question of proceeding to Monterey was taken up]. Cer. 4pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l358. Enc.1149,1321. 1321. [1769. July 6. San Diego]. Vicente Vila to [the Marques de Croix]. Relacion diaria [de] los Sucesos mas particulares de la navegacion que execute desde el 11 de Enero que sali del Puerto de la Paz d la Expedicion de sn. Diego, y Monterrey, hasta el primero de Mayo que di fondo en este Puerto de sn.Diego y lo que ha acontecido en el referido Puerto hasta el 6 de Julio que despach6 los Pliegos en el Paquebot el Principe; dexando las mas menudas noticias pa. ... el Diario. Cer. 7pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l320. 1322. 1769, July 9. Alamos. Jos6 de Galvez to Jos6 Faustino Ruiz. [Approves the decision of Matlas de Armona and Josd Maria Laso to make Ruiz contador at San Bias]. Cer. Feb.l9,1777,San Bias. Ip.l. 104-6-17. Enc.w.3490. 1323. 1769. July 10. Real de los Alamos. [Jos6 de] Galvez to [the Marques de Croix]. Estado que demuestra en resumen las Personas, Armamento, y Respetos, omamentos, y Vasos Sagrados, y Provisiones para las Nuevas Misiones, y Escoltas que se regulan ya establecidas desde la ultima Mision, que es la Santa Maria (exclusive), y esta en 31 grados de latitud hasta la de Monterrey, y el Rancho para ocho meses, que se embarcan en el Pacabot de S.M.nombrado Sn.Josseph. C. 2pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l276. Cer. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l276. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 213 1324. 1769. July 10. Real de los Alamos. [Jose de] Galvez. (No.3). Estado, que demuestra en resumen las Personas, Armamento, Ornamentos, y Vasos Sagrados, Provisiones, Ganados, utiles, y efectos, que han ido en el viage, y entrada por Tierra d los Puertos de San Diego, y Monterrey . . . cuya primera division salio en demanda del primero de dichos Puertos el dia 24 de Marzo ultimo del parage nombrado Villacatd ... y la segunda del Rl.de Loreto el 9 del proprio mes. C. 2pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l325. C. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l325. 1325. 1769. July 13. Real de los Alamos. Joseph de Galvez to the Marques de Croix. (No.l). Yncluye 4 copias de estados, y memorias de lo que han conducido; la expedi- cion de tierra, y el Paquebot, el sn.Jph., a los Puertos de sn.Diego, y Monterrey. Cer. 6pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l357. Enc. 1243, 1246, 1276, 1324. C. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l357. Enc.1243,1246,1276,1324. 1326. 1769. July 13. Real de los Alamos. Jph.de Galvez to the Marques de Croix. (No.2). Noticia de haverse hecho felizmte.la observacion de Venus, en la Mision de S.Jph.del Cavo, y de la asistencia que han tenido los Comisionados. C. 4pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l357. Enc.1255,1269. Cer. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l357. Enc.1255,1269. 1327. 1769. July 13. Real de los Alamos. Jph.de Galvez to the Marques de Croix.. (No.3). Sre.el estado de reduccion de los Alzados, y de lo acaecido en unos Pueblos, del Fuerte con los Yndios enemigos que intentavan persuadir d, los de Charay> y Mochicagui la subblevazon.Gral.de todas las Naciones de Yndios. C. 12pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l357. Cer. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l357. 1328. 1769. July 13. Alamos. Joseph de Galvez to the Marques de Croix. (No.4). Sre. las novedades ocurridas en la expedizon. contra los Apaches. C. 7pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l357. Enc.1305,1317. Cer. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l357. Enc.1305,1317. 1329. 1769. July 13. Alamos. Joseph de Galvez to the Marques de Croix. (No.5). Contextazon.a la orden de 22 de Abl.del presente, sre.que se buscasen y recogiesen los Papeles de los regulars.expulsados de aquellas Provas. C. llpp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l357. Cer. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l357. 1330. 1769. July 13. Alamos. Jose de Galvez to the Marques de Croix. (No.6). Ynforme sobre la pretension de los Misioneros de la Sta.Cruz de Queretaro en razon del pago de sus Sinodos. C. 4pp.l. 89-3-12. Enc.w.l356. 1331. 1769. July 13. Alamos. Joseph de Galvez to the Marques de Croix. (No.7). [Enclosing 1307]. C. Ip.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l357. Enc.1307. Cer. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l357. Enc.1307. 1332. 1769. July 13. Real de los Alamos. Joseph de Galvez to Julian de Arriaga. No.60. 214 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias Del estado de la Expedicion de Sonora con remision & los informes que hace al Virrey. Or.r)p.3pp.l. 104-3-2. Inc.in 1228. 1333. 1769. July 13. Madrid. Fr.Manuel de la Vega to Thomas del Mello. [The comisario general de Indias recommends favorable action on Presta- mera's petition]. Or. 4pp.2. 104-l-7,1769,No.lO. Dec. Acc.1310. 1334. 1769. July 13. Madrid. [Council of the Indies] to Julian de Arriaga. Remitiendole la cuenta original que present6 el Pror.de la Provincia de Santiago de Mexico de la Orden de Predicadores de aver ascendido el coste de la conducon.y subsistencia de los doce Religiosos . . . para que por la Sria.del Despacho de su Cargo se expida la Libranza correspondiente. Dft. 6pp.l. 104-3-4. Acc.1171. 1335. 1769. July 14. Madrid. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the viceroy. Aprobandole la reforma que con medio sueldo concedi6 al Tente.del Presidio de Sn.Sabas, D.Arsenio Raso. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1179,1210,1336. 1336. 1769. July 14. Madrid. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the Tribunal de Cuentas of Mexico. Manifestandole haber sido grato i S.M.hubiese dado cuenta de la disposicion dada por el Virrey concediendo reforma con medio sueldo al Teniente del Presidio de Sn.Sabas Don Asensio Razo. Dft. Ip.l. 104r-6-14. Acc.1335. 1337. 1769. July 14-Feb.7. 1770. San Diego. Miguel Costanso. (No.3). Diario de la Expedicion hecha por Tierra desde el Puerto de Sn.Diego, al Norte de California, en descubierto del de Monterrey .Ano de 1769 y 1770. Cer. May 2,1770,Mexico. 200pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l478. Cer. May 2,1770,Mexico. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l478. 1338. 1769. July 14-Jan.24. 1770. Dated Feb.7,1770. S.Diego. Miguel de Cos- tans6. Diario historico de los viajes de mar y Tierra hechos al Norte de la Cali- fornia . . . por la Tropa destinada al mando de D.Gaspar de Portola . . . y los Paquebotes S.Carlos y S.Antonio al mando de D.Vicente Vila . . . y de D.Juan Perez. C. 214pp.l. Estado,Aud.Guad.l,Doc.7. 1339. 1769. July 15. Madrid. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the Marqs.de Croix]. [Acknowledges receipt of Croix's letters about Gdlvez's activities in the Calif ornias]. Dft. Ip.l. 104-3-2. Nota. Inc.in 1106. Acc.by 1193-1197. 1340. 1769. July 16. Mision de Torim en el Rio Hiaqui. Lorenzo Cancio to the Marques de Croix. [Relating the course of Indian affairs in Sonora since the arrival of Gdlvez, and praising that official]. C. 8pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l379. Cer. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l393. Cer. 95-7-16. Enc.w.l380. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 215 1341. 1769. July 18. Palacio. Juln.de Arriaga to Thomas del Cuello. [Advises that he has forwarded to the president of the Casa de Contrataci6ii the bill for mission supplies granted the Dominicans], Or. 2pp.2. 104-3^. Ace .2867. 1342. 1769. July 18. Real de los Alamos. Sentencia dada, por el lUmo.Sor.Dn.Joseph de Galvez, en la Causa formada contra los Reos, que cometieron la Muerte del Cura del Rl.de Baroyeca. Cer.of Cer. 5pp.l. 104r-3-3. Enc.w.l360. C. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l360. C.of Cer. 95-7-16. Enc.w.l360. 1343. 1769. July 26. San Ildefonso. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the Marques de Croix. Que con las succesivas noticias . . . confirma S.M.el concepto de que nunca se conseguird el fin no esperando los Yndios formal ataque, fiados en la aspereza de Cerro Prieto . . . tome las medidas adaptables al fin de abrigar de las Correrias de los Yndios las fronteras expuestas, y atraerlos & amistad con suavidad, y buen trato. Dft. 2pp.l. 104-3-2. Sum. Inc.in 1021. Acc.by 1101. 1344. 1769. July 27. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. Sobre que remitiese un Estado del establecimto.obgeto, benefics.experi- mentados y gastos hechos en la Nva.Poblazn.y Expediccion de Sonora y Sinaloa; Accompa.separadamente Copias de lo qe.sre.el asumpto le inform6 el Visitador Galvez, Or. 2pp.l. 104-3-2. Inc.in 1228, 1345. 1769. July 27. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. Con extracto y copias de noticias de Sonora, sre.lo ultimo ocurrido en aqlla. expedicion. Or. Ip.l. 104^3-2. Inc.in 1021. Enc.1250,1301. 1346. 1769. July 27. Mexico. Marqu6s De Croix to Julian de Arriaga. Que ha mandado se pase Testimonio al Ministro d cuyo cargo estd la causa de los de Acapulco de la resoluci6n de 8 de Abril para que haga al apoderado de D.Joseph de Adan los cargos que le resulten. Or. 2pp.l. 88-5-23. 1347. 1769. July 27. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Juan Gregorio Muniain. [Enclosing 1146 and 1147]. Or. Ip.l. 96-1-11. Enc.1146,1147. 1348. 1769. July 29. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. [States that, as a result of the expedition to Monterey, Gdlvez will be able to fulfill the desire of Yriarte for a mission field in the Californias], Or. 2pp.l. 104-l-7,1770,No.l. Enc.w.l434. Enc.1284. 1349. 1769. July 29. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga, Acompana copias (desde el no.2do. hta.el 17) de las Providencias, y dis- posiciones qe.di6 d representacion del Visitador Gral.Galvez, sre.la expedicion de Sonora, y Californias de su Cargo y establecimto.de Misiones en aquella Peninsula. Or. 15pp.l. 104-3-2. Inc.in 1228, Enc,1283,1285-1297. 216 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 1350. [1769. Aug. or later]. Noticias de Agosto de 1769 tocantes d la Expedicion de Sonora [a summary for the Council of the Indies]. Uns. 6pp.2. 104-3-3. 1351. 1769. Aug.l. Real de los Alamos, Estado General que comprehende las Personas, Armamento, y Respetos, omamentos y Vasos Sagrados, Provissiones de Rancho, y Repuestos, Herrami- entas, Instrumentos, y Utiles Generos, y Efectos que han ido en las dos Ex- pediciones de Mar, y entrada por Tierra A los Puertos de sn.Diego, y Monterrey. Uns. lp.43 by 55.5 cm. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l361. Cer. 89-3-22. Enc.w,1361. 1352. 1769. Aug.7. Real de los Alamos. Pedro Gabriel de Aragon to Joseph de Galvez. [Asks Gdlvez to request Croix to order certain sacred ornaments forwarded from Mexico]. C. 2pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l362. C. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l362. 1353. 1769. Aug.lO. Alamos. Sentencia dada por el lUmo.Sr.Vissitador dn.Jph.de Galvez en la Caussa formada sobre el Alzamto.de varios Pueblos del rio del Fuerte. Cer.oi Cer. 4pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l360. C. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l360. C.of Cer. 95-7-16. Enc.w.l360. 1354. 1769. Pitic. Ynstruccion, y Ordenanza para la Compania de Ynfanteria de los Yndios de Rio Fuerte a la qual se arreglardn inviolablemente el Capitan, y oficiales de ellos sin dar la interpretacion que el propio, y natural conforme suena [and sewed with this, an account of the expenses, between July 6 and September 7, 1769, of Matlas de Armona, in command against the Indians of the Rio Fuerte]. C. 8pp.l. 104-^-9. Acc.1405. 1355. 1769. Aug.22. Real de los Alamos. Nota de las Provisiones y efectos que se han de embarcar ademas del precise Rancho pa.ocho meses de navegacion en el Paquebot de S.M.san Antto.alias el Principe para que los condusca a los Puertos de sn.Diego y Monterrey. Uns. 2pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l361. Uns. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l361. 1356. 1769. Aug.22. Real de los Alamos. Joseph de Galvez to the Marques de Croix. [Dictates a letter concerning his illness, which he expects to be his laat, commending those dependent upon him to Croix's attention, reiterating his friendship for Croix, but treating in the main of the expeditions to Alta Cali- fornia, urging Croix to aid and protect the new establishments]. C. 7pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l359. Enc.1311,1314,1316. Cer. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l359. Enc.1311,1314,1316. C. 95-7-16. Enc.w.l359. 1357. 1769. Aug.27. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Aniaga. Relativas a los progresos de la expedicion d. Sonora, con copias de Cartas de for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 217 Galvez y noticias de Sonora [primarily concerning the expeditions to Alta California]. Or. 21pp.l. 104-3-2. Inc.in 646. Enc.1325-1329,1331. Or.Dp. 89-3-22. Acc.1393. Enc.1325-1331. 1358. 1769. Aug.27. Mexico. Marques de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. [Sending documents about the Monterey expeditions, with comment]. Or. 6pp.l. 89-3-22. Acc.1393. Enc.1149,1319. Or. 104^3-3. Enc.1320. 1359. 1769. Aug.29. Alamos. Joseph de Galvez to the Marques de Croix. (No.l). Incluye la carta qe.puso A S.E.estando ya en los umbrales de la muerte y avisa qe.estd. mejorado y que el cielo quiere prorrogar sus dias. C. 2pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l379. Enc.1356. Cer. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l379. Enc.1356. C. 95-7-16. Enc.w.l380. Enc.1356. 1360. 1769. Aug.29. Alamos. Jph.de Galvez to the Marques de Croix. (No.2). Da prte.de haverse concluido la Expedizon.del Rio Fuerte, con copia de la sentencia definitiva, y la dada contra los sacrilegos matadores del Cura de Bayoreca. C. 6pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l379. End 342, 1353. Cer. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l379. Enc.1342,1353. C. 95-7-16. Enc.w.l380. Enc.1342,1353. 1361. 1769. Aug.29. Real de los Alamos. Jph.de Galvez to the Marques de Croix. (No.3). Remitiendo un Estado Genl.de las Espediciones despachadas por Mar y Tierra d Monterrey. C. 3pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l379. Enc.1351,1355. Cer. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l379. Enc.1351,1355. 1362. 1769. Aug.29. Real de los Alamos. Joseph de Galvez to the Marques de Croix. (No.4). Que mande V.Exa.remitir al Vicario Eccco.de los Alamos provistas de stos. oleos, las Anforas de aquellas Provas.qe.se hallan en la Procuraduria General de los Jesuitas. C. 2pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l379. Enc.1352. Cer. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l379. Enc.1352. 1363. 1769. Aug.29. Rl.de los Alamos. Josef de Galvez to the Marqs.de Croix. [Supporting Lorenzo Cancio's petition]. C. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l378. 1364. 1769. Aug.29. Real de los Alamos. Mathias de Armona to the Marques de Croix. [States that the Indians of the Rio Fuerte have surrendered at discretion, and that no sword is now necessary but the sword of justice]. C. 3pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l379. Cer. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l393. 1365. [1769. Sept. Madrid]. [Secretary for the Indies]. Extracto de las noticias del reino de Mexico, [dealing with the dangerous illness of the visitador, Gdlvez, the news from San Diego concerning the Alta 218 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias California expeditions, and the measures of Gdlvez to check the Indian ware of Sonora, Nueva Vizcaya, and neighboring regions]. Uns. 6pp.l. Estado,Aud.Mex.l9,Doc.20. 1366. 1769. Sept.l. Rl.de los Alamos. (No.4). [Title as commissary of San Bias and administrator of the salt monopoly in favor of Francisco Trillo]. Cer. 6pp.l. 104-6-16. Enc.w.2667. 1367. 1769. Sept.7. Veracruz. Andres de Quintela and Pedro Ildephonso Truxillo. [Statement about increase in revenues and savings under the new method of real hacienda]. Or. 4pp.l. 88-5-25. Enc.w.l459. 1368. 1769. Sept.7. Veracruz. Andres de Quintela and Pedro Ildephonso Truxillo. (No.l). [Statement about amounts of revenue collected and delivered to cajas recdes during the administration of Pedro Antonio de Cossio]. Or. 5pp.l. 88-5-25. Enc.w.l459. 1369. 1769. Sept.7. Veracruz. Andres de Quintela and Pedro Ildephonso Truxillo. (No.2). [Certifying as to sums collected and delivered to cajas redes in administering certain branches of real hacienda from 1762 to 1766]. Or 2pp.l. 88-5-25. Enc.w.l459. 1370. 1769. Sept.7. Veracruz. Andres de Quintela and Pedro Ildephonso Truxillo. (No.3). [Product of the akabala at Vera Cruz, 1763 to 1767]. Or. 3pp.l. 88-5-25. Enc.w.l459. 1371. 1769. Sept.7. Veracruz. Andres de Quintela and Pedro Ildephonso Truxillo. (No.4). [Certifying to customs duties charged for effects in merchant ships accom- panyiag the fleet of the Marques de Casa Tilly]. Or. 4pp.l. 88-5-25. Enc.w.l459. 1372. 1769. Sept.8. Presidio del Paso del Rio del Norte. Lope de Cuellar to the Marqs.de Croix. (No.4). [Says he has punished the Indians called Chafalotes, killing sixty and taking fifteen prisoners; he will forward the diary of his operations from Janos], C. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l406. 1373. 1769. Sept.l2. San Bias. Jorge Storace to [the viceroy]. [Stating that he has been sent back from San Diego becavise of ill health, and submitting a map of the coasts of California]. C. Ip.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l379. Enc.1148. Cer. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l393. 1374. 1769. Sept. 19. S.Ildefonso. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the Marqs.de Croix. Concediendo licencia & D.Lorenzo Cancio para venir A Espana por dos aflos d evacuar ciertas dependas.de su casa en Asturias; pero esto en el caso de que el mismo Virrey no le necesite pa.fines del Rl.servicio. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1203. Acc.by 1262,1378. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 219 1375. 1769. Sept.21. Pitic. Domingo Elizondo to the Marqs.de Croix. (No.2), [Says Captain Juan Joseph Bergosa encountered a band of Indians, and killed twenty three of them, including their chief, Naspre, while Bergosa lost but two wounded]. C. 3pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l406. 1376. 1769. Sept.21. Pitic. Domingo Elizondo. (No.3). Relacion de la noticia qe.comunico el Governador de los Yndios Gentiles del Rio Gila al Presidio de Tubac. C. 3pp.l. 104r-6-14. Enc.w.l406. 1377. 1769. Sept.23. Madrid. [Conde de Aranda] to the Marquis de Croix. [Acknowledges receipt of information about the bequest for the missions of the Calif ornias from Juan Altamirano and his wife]. Dft. 2pp.l. 97-4-6. Acc.1064. 1378. 1769. Sept.27. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. [Enclosmg 1363]. Or. 2pp.l. 104^6-14. Acc.1374. Enc.1363. 1379. 1769. Sept.27. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. [Enclosing letters from Storace, Cancio, and Armona, and from Gdlvez, who was at Alamos, very sick]. Or. 3pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.1340,1359-1362,1364,1373. Or.Dp. 89-3-22. Acc.1393. End 359-1 362. 1380. 1769. Sept.27. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Juan Gregorio Muniain. Acompana copia de las cartas que le ha escrito el Visitador general. Or.Dp. 3pp.l. 95-7-16. Enc.1340,1359,1360. 1381. 1769. Oct.l. Sn.Anto.de Julimes. Manuel Munoz to Josef Fayne. [Tells of the distribution of his troops, and says it is difficult to check Indian outrages, because his forces are so scattered and few in number]. Or. 3pp.l. 104^6-14. Enc.w.l397. Enc.948. 1382. 1769. Oct.7. Pitic. Jph.de Galvez to the Marqs.de Croix. (No.l). [Says he is now cured, and is preparing to take the field against rebellious Indians]. C. 3pp.2. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l406. 1383. 1769. Oct. 14. Mexico. Franco. Leandro de Viana to the Marqu6s De Croix. [Forwarding 1158]. Or. Ip.l. 88-5-23. Enc.w.l389. Enc.1158. 1384. 1769. Oct.l6. Pitic. Domingo Elizondo. Detail de la Tropa e Yndios auxiliares, repartidos en quatro Divisiones y orden que deveran observar los Comandantes de ellas en la invasion que se premedita hacer en el cerro Prieto por sus cuatro rumbos. Cer. 4pp. 1. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l395. C. 104r-3-2. Inc.in 1021. 1385. 1769. Oct.18. San Lorenzo. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the Marques de Croix. [Acknowledging 1309]. Dft. Ip.l. 104-3-2. Sum. Acc.1309. 220 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 1386. 1769. Oct. 18. Mexico. Franco.Leandro de Viana to the Marques de Croix. [Enclosing 1159]. Or, 2pp.l. 88-5-23. Enc.w.l389. Enc.1159. 1387. 1769. Oct.20. S.Lorenzo. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the Marques de Croix. [Tells him to see that Gdlvez allows the case of the suspended officials to have its due coiu-se]. Dft. 2pp.l. 88-5-23. Acc.1257. 1388. 1769. Oct.20. S.Lorenzo. [Julidn de Arriaga] to Joseph de Galvez. [Orders the case of the suspended oficiales reales and guarda mayor of Acapulco and employes of the customs house of Mexico to be allowed its due course]. Dft. 3pp.l. 88-5-23. Acc.1257. 1389. 1769. Oct.20. Mexico. Marques de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. Dd cuenta con testimonios de lo que anteriormente tiene informado a cerca del estado de la causa de la visita de Acapulco, y lo que liltimamente le consult6 D.Francisco Leandro de Viana y providencia dada por el. Or. 2pp.l. 88-5-23. Enc.1383,1386. 1390. 1769. Oct.30. Veracruz. Pedro Antonio de Cossio. Mapa. Por providencia del lUmo.Sr.Visitador Gral.D.Jos^ de Galvez, con beneplacito y acuerdo del Exmo.Sr.Virrey Marques de Croix se estableci6 la Admon.Gral.de Real Hacienda en esta Capital de que tom6 posesi6n interina- mente A 16 de Febrero de 1767 y estuvo d mi cargo hasta 6 de Septiembre de este ano de 1769. Nota de lo recaudado y enterado en caxas en el referido tiempo por los Rs.derechos. Or. lp.75 by 53 cm. 88-5-25. Enc.w.l459. 1391. 1769. Oct.30. Veracruz. Pedro Antonio de Cosio. A. [Charts showing amounts brought into the cajas reales during the time they were under his administration]. Cer. July 25, 1770, Veracruz, lp.48.5 by 38.7 cm. 88-5-25. Enc.w.l533. 1392. 1769. Nov.-Dec. Pitic. (No.lO). [Matters taken up in Yanous juntas de guerra over the war in Sonora]. C. 2pp.l. 96-1-11. 1393. 1769. Nov.2. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. [Tells of the recovery of Gdlvez, and of the arrival of the astronomers charged with observing the transit of Venus and Mercury]. Or. 4pp.l. 104r-6-14. Acc.1202. Or.Dp. 89-3-22. Sum. Acc.by 1357,1358. Enc.1340,1364,1373. 1394. 1769. Nov.5. Durango. Josef Fayni to Lope de Cuellar. [Orders him and his troop immediately to the villa of Chihuahua, to defend it from Indian attacks]. C. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l397. 1395. 1769. Nov.5. Mision de Ures. Domingo Elizondo to the Marqs.de Croix. (No.3). [Referring to military operations in the vicinity of the Cerro Prieto, Sonora]. Cer. 7pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l416. Cer. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l416. Enc.1384. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 221 1396. 1769. Nov.6. Mision de Ures. Domingo Elizondo to the Marques de Croix. (No.2). [Urging that Gdlvez leave Sonora, in order to recover his health]. Cer. Ip.l. 104r-3-2. Enc.w.l416. Cer. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l416. 1397. 1769. Nov.7. Durango. Josef Fayni to Julian de Arriaga. Representaci6n que manifiesta las desgracias sucedidas en la Villa de Chihua- hua segdn el testimonio que acompana, y otras cartas correspondientes i. el asunto. Or. 4pp.l. 104-€-14. Sum. Acc.1469. Enc.1160,1381,1394. 1398. 1769. Nov.l4. Ramos. Andres de Velasco y Restan to Josef Fayni. [Tells of an attack by Apaches on his San Salvador ranch]. Cer. Dec.l2,1769,r)urango. 3pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l408. 1399. 1769. Nov.15. Mexico. Marques De Croix to Joseph Fayni. [Orders him to use his best efforts to prevent damage by barbarous Indians]. Cer. Dec.l2,1769,Durango. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l408. 1400. 1769. Nov.15. Hacienda de Ramos. Andr6s Jos6 de Velasco y Restan to Josef Fayni. [Says the Indians have stolen four hundred mules from him]. Cer. Dec.l2,1769,Durango. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l408. 1401. 1769. Nov.16. Madrid. Juan de D[ios] de Cordova to the king. [Reports arrival in Mexico of the twelve Dominicans, and says that the viceroy had received no order to give them the territory formerly held by the Jesuits, but had placed other religious in those lands; asks for the missions of Nayarit and Tapia for the Dominicans]. Or. 3pp.2. 104r-3^. Acc.2867. Acc.by 1403. 1402. 1769. Nov.18-20. [Mexico]. Noticias de la Expedicion de Sonora de 18, y 20 de 9bre.de 1768 comunicadas por el Govor.de aquellas Provas.dn.Juan de Pineda, y por el Coronel dn. Domingo Elizondo, desde el Quartel de Pitic. Uns. 3pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.ll81. 1403. 1769. Nov.28. Madrid. The fiscal to the [Council of the Indies]. [Opinion relative to 1401]. Or. 5pp.2. 104-3-4. Dec. Acc.1401. 1404. 1769. Nov.29. Ures. Mathias de Armona. (No.5). Ynforme sobre el succeso del ataque general d Cerro Prieto, desde el 17 al 29 de Octubre de 1769. C. 12pp.l. 104-6-9. Acc.1405. Cer. 96-1-11. 1405. 1769. Nov.29. Maths.de Armona. (No.8). Breve Ynforme sobre la Guerra que se hd hecho en la Provincia de Sonora, y como se debi6 haver hecho. Or. 8pp.l. 104-6-9. Acc.by 618,1354,1404. C. 96-1-11. 1406. 1769. Nov.30. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. Con copia de carta de Galvez desde Pitic, en que dice quedaba mejor. Or. 2pp.l. 104r-6-14. Enc.1372,1375,1376,1382. 222 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 1407. 1769. Dec.2. Mexico. [Marques de Croix] to Joseph de Galvez. (No.l). [Telling him to come to Mexico, to recover his health]. Cer. 3pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l416. Cer. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l416. 1408. 1769. Dec.l2. Durango. Joseph Fayni to Julian de Arriaga. [Gives an account of robberies by Indian rebels, and of precautions taken against them]. Or. 3pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1469. Enc.1398-1400. 1409. 1769. Dec. 17. Aranjuez. The king to the viceroy. Participandole lo resuelto por S.M.para que a los diez Religos.del orn.de Predicadores qe.se expresan [i.e.Dominicans], se les destine en las Misiones vacantes por el estranamiento de los Regulares expulsos de la Compania mas inmediatos a la Prova.de Santiago de la misma orn.ordenandole lo execute inmediatamte.y previniendole lo demas que se refiere. Dft. 7pp.l. 104-3-4. Acc.2867. Acc.by 1410,1411,1476. 1410. 1769. Dec. 17. Aranjuez. The king to the Real Audiencia of Mexico. A los oficiales Rs.de Mexico, ordenandoles que 6. los Religiosos del om.de Predicadores de la Prova.de Santiago de aqlla.Ciud.qe.se expresan, no les cobren suma alguna po.pagarles lo que tengan que aver. Dft. 8pp.l. 104-3-4. Acc.1409. 1411. 1769. Dec. 17. Aranjuez. The king to the archbishop of Mexico. [In substantially the same terms as 1409]. Dft. 7pp.l. 104-3-4. Acc.1409. 1412. 1769. Dec.18. San Bias. Juan Perez. (No.l). Resumen del Rancho y Provisiones, qe.se han embarcado en el Paquebot el Principe, para el Viage, que va A hazer i, Monterrey. C. 3pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l445. 1413. 1769. Dec.18. San Bias. Juan Perez and Joseph Paredes. (No.2). Memoria de los efectos y viveres que se embarcan en el Paquebot de S.M. nombrado sn.Antonio, alias el Principe, con destino & la mision y Escolta de sn.Carlos de Monterrei. C. 3pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l445. 1414. 1769. Dec.18. San Bias. Juan Perez and Jph.Paredes. (No.3). Memoria de los efectos, viveres, y utiles que se embarcan en el Paquebot de S.M. el Principe con destino d la Expedicion de Tierra de Monterrey d entregar en aquel Puerto al Theniente de Voluntaries de Cataluna dn.Pedro Pages. C. 4pp.l. 104r-3-3. Enc.w.l445. 1415. 1769. Dec.18. San Bias. Juan Perez and Jph.Paredes. (No.4). Memoria de los viveres que se embarcan en el Paquebot de S.M. nombrado el Principe, con destrao A entregar al R.P.Ministro de la Mision de sn.Buena- ventura para su manutencion y la de la Escolta, 6 A quien hiciere sus veces en la de Monterrei. C. 3pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l445. 1416. 1769. Dec.20. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. Acompana copia de la Carta que se escribio A Galvez para que se restituyese a Mexico, d fin de procurar su salud; y otras dos de Elizondo la primera aeon- for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 223 sejando esto mismo, y otra de los progresos que hizo la tropa en el ataque que intento hacer en Cerro Prieto, y no execut6 por hallarlo desembarazado con la fuga del enemigo. Or. 8pp.l. 104^3-2. Acc.1468. Enc.1395,1396,1407. Or.Dp. 89-3-22. Enc.1395,1396,1407. 1417. 1769. Dec.26. Madrid. [Julidn de Arriaga] to Joseph de Galvez. Que enterado el Rey de haverse empezado d rendir los Yndios de Sonora segun participa en carta de 12 de Junio liltimo, compreende las ventajas qe. resultaran del logro de lo proyectado. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1299. 1418. 1769. Dec.31. Mexico. Marqu6s de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. [Tells of the serious illness of Gdlvez, and of the supplies he is sending to Alta California, both by land and sea]. Or.Dp. 4pp.l. 89-3-22. 1419. 1769. Dec.31. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. Que para sostener los asuntos de la expedizon.de Sonora en qe.entendia el Visitaor.Galvez, nombrard, durte.su enfermed.al Comte.Elizondo, y Govor. Pinda. Or. 4pp.l. 104-3-2. Inc.in 1228. 1420. [1769. Dec.31. Guadalajara]. Domo.del Barco and Franco.Lopez. Cuenta de la Real Caxa de Guadalaxara. Cargo y Data. Or. 384pp.l. 104-3-24. Acc.1474. 1421. [1770]. Juan Bapta.de Anza. [Asks to be made captain of cavalry]. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l473. 1422. [1770]. Manuel Mexia y Torres to the king. A nombre del Capitan del Presidio del Nayarit D.Vicente Cafiaveral, pide se conceda d este el grado de Coronel de Ex^rcito. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1753. 1423. [1770]. Council of the Indies. Extracto de los Autos de Visita de Caxas Rs.y Ramos de Rl.Hacienda de la Ciudad y Puerto de la Nueva Veracruz, y cinco linicos pueblos de su Termino, y comprehension que son Alvarado, Tlacopaltam, Tlalixcoyam, Medellin y Boca del Rio, hecho por el Sr.D.Jph.de Galvez como Visitador Gral. de todos los Tribunales de Justicia, Caxas y Ramos de Real Hacienda de dicho Reino y sus Provincias. Uns. 160pp.l. 88-5-25. Inc.in 1721. 1424. [1770]. Nomina de los Religiosos Franciscanos Descalzos que iban con destino a la Mision de Filipinas y quedaron en este Reyno. Uns. Ip.l. 89-3-22. Nota. Enc.w.l479. 1425. 1770. Testimonio de Autos de haber impuesto 20 mil ps.del Legado que fxmdd D.Juan de Altamirano y Da.Juana Teresa de Cifuentes su mujer, para Misiones en Calif ornias. Cer. Mar.l2,1770,Mexico. 92pp. 1. 97-4r-6. Enc.w.l064. 224 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 1426. 1770. Testimonio de las informaciones de los Mdritos del Capitdn Comandte.de Caballos propieto.y Govor.del Nayarit Dn.Vizte. Canaveral Ponce de Le6n. Cer. May 12,1770,Guadalajara. 50pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l475. 1427. 1770. {Testimonio of the viceroy's approval of the appointment of Francisco Antonio Velarde as lieutenant of the presidio of N.S.del Pilar]. Cer. May 19,1770,Mexico. 4pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l482. 1428. 1770. Testimonio de los Autos formados sobre el repartimiento de Tierras en la Colonia del Nuevo Santander perteneciente a las Misiones de Californias. Cer. May 21,1770,Mexico. 186pp.l. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l472. 1429. 1770. Veracruz. A. [Testimonio about the advantages and disadvantages of the method of administration of real hacienda at Vera Cruz]. Cer. July 3,1770, Veracruz. 24pp.l. 88-5-25. Enc.w.l513. 1430. 1770. B. [Testimonio with regard to completion of a report, asked for by Cossio, by officials of Vera Cruz]. Cer. July 3, 1770, Veracruz. 3pp.l. 88-5-25. Enc.w.l513. 1431. 1770. (No.3). [Testimonio about the new plan of real hacienda], Cer. July 6,1770, Veracruz. 5pp.l. 88-5-25. Enc.w.l513. 1432. 1770. (No.4). [Testimonio concerning a report by officials of Vera Cruz on the new plan of real hacienda]. Cer. July 6, 1770, Veracruz. 3pp.l. 88-5-25. Enc.w.l513. 1433. 1770-1771. Ultimo estado de las irrupciones de los Yndios bdrbaros en la Provincia de Chiguagua. 104-6-14. Inc.1585,1592,1593,1699,1714. 1434. 1770. Jan.l. Palacio. Juln.de Arriaga to the Marques de sn.Juan de Pieds .Albas. [Encloses 1348]. Or. 2pp.2. 104-l-7,1770,No.l. Dec. Acc.1441.Enc.1348. 1435. 1770. Jan.l. Palacio. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the Marques de S.Juan de Piedraa Albas. [Sending papers showing the charges against Alfonso de Ovalle and Jose Antonio Adan, for the attention of the Coimcil]. Dft. 2pp.2. 8&-5-23. Inc.in 922. 1436. 1770. Jan.6. San Bias. Jorge Storace. (No.6). Memoria de los efectos y viveres que se embarcan en el Paquebot de S.M. nombrado sn. Joseph alias el Descubridor con destino d la Mision y Escolta de sn.Diego en la costa occidental de California i. entregar i. su Ministro. C. 4pp.l. 104r-3-3. Enc.w.l445. far History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 225 1437. 1770. Jan.6. San Bias. Jorge Estorace. (No.7). Memoria de los Viveres Utiles y Herramientas que se embarcan en el Paquebot de S.M.el Sn.Jph.alias el Descubridor que hace Viage de este Puerto de Sn.Blas al de Sn.Diego situado en la Costa occidental de Califomias con destino & entregar al comandante de Mar de Monte Rey dn.Vicente Vila. C. 4pp.l, 104r-3-3. Enc.w.l445. 1438. 1770. Jan.6. San Bias. Jorge Storace. (No.9). Memoria de los efectos que se embarcan en el Paquebot de S.M.nombrado sn. Joseph alias el Descubridor, con destino d entregar en el Puerto de sn. Diego al R.P.Fr.Juan Vizcayno. C. Ip.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l445. 1439. 1770. Jan.7. San Bias. Jorge Storace. (No,5). Resumen del Rancho y Provisiones que se ban Embarcado en el Paquebot el San Joseph para la Expedicion y Viage d San Diego de Monterrey. C. 3pp.l. 104r-3-3. Enc.w.l445. 1440. 1770. Jan.7. San Bias. Jorge Storace. (No.8). Memoria de los Efectos y Viveres que se Embarcan en el Paquebot de S.M. nombrado Sn.Jph.alias el Descubridor con destino d los Enfermos que se hallan en el Puerto de Sn.Diego en la Costa Occidental de Califomias d entregar al Cirujano dn. Pedro Prat. C. 4pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l445. 1441. 1770. Jan.l7. Madrid. Juan de Ds.de Cordova to the king. [Asks that the boundaries, the presidio, and the protection sought by Fr.Juan Pedro Yriarte y Laurnaga for mission work in the Califomias be assigned to the present petitioner]. Or. 2pp.2. 104-l-7,1770,No.l. Sum. Dec. Acc.by 1144,1237,1253,1434,1494, 1552. 1442. 1770. Jan.28. Mission de Ures. Jos6 de Galvez to the Marques de Croix. [Says he has received Croix's order for him to return at once to Mexico, and says he will comply with pleasure, although he is still far from being in the best of health]. Cer. 7pp.l. 89-3-22. Acc.by 1443,1453. 1443. 1770. Jan.28. Mision de Ures. Fr.Mariano Antonio de Buena to the Marques de Croix. [Agreeably to Croix's request, he will accompany Gdlvez on the latter's return to Mexico]. Cer. 4pp.l. 89-3-22. Acc.1442. 1444. 1770. Jan.28. San Diego. Caspar de Portold. Noticia total de lo que se halla de grano y harina, que es lo siguente, incluso lo de todas las Misiones. C. 2pp.l. 104^3-3. Enc.w.l450. Cer. 89-3-22. Nota. Enc.w.l450. 1445. 1770. Jan.31. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. No.585. Da cuenta de haberse despachado del Puerto de sn.Blas d los de Monte Rey y Sn.Diego los Paquebotes sn.Anto.y sn.Joseph, bien provistos de todo lo neces- ario y litil al viage, y pra.el socorro de aquellas Expediciones, y Misioneros. Or. 7pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.l412-1415,143&-1440. 16 226 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 1446. 1770. Feb.4. Mexico. Juan Manuel Ramirez to the king. Acompafia testimonio de estar substanciada la causa de su visita, suplicando . & V.M. la mande determinar en su Consejo de Indias por haber cuarenta meses que se le tiene suspendido de su empleo. Or. lOpp.l. 88-5-23. Enc.w.l719. 1447. 1770. Feb.6. Madrid. The fiscal to [the Council of the Indies]. En vista de lo informado por el Virrey, y Arzobispo de Mexico sobre la in- stancia que tienen Fray Juan Pedro de Yriarte de la Orden de Predicadores, y su Provincia de Santiago de la Nueva Espana de que se les permita pasar & emplearse en la conversion de los Infieles de la California, . . . es de parecer de que se conceda la licencia que se pide dandose orden al Virrey para que con intervencion del Diocesano senales terreno d los Dominicos con la separacion que se refiere: que se establezca un Presidio en el parage que se indica, y que d los Provinciales de las Religiones de aquellos Reynos, inclusas las carmelitas Descalzos, se haga el encargo que se expresa. Or. lOpp.l. 104r-3-4. Acc.2867, Acc.by 1455. 1448. 1770. Feb.6. Durango. Joseph Fayni to Julian de Arriaga. Avisa la continuada invasi6n de los Yndios en aquella Prova.y estado de la expedici6n de Sonora, y salud del Visitador. Or. 4pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1498. 1449. 1770. reb.7. San Diego. Pedro Pages and Miguel Costanzo to the Marques de Croix. (No.2). [Giving an account of events in Alta California since the arrival of the ex- peditions at San Diego]. C. Bpp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l478. Cer. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l478. 1450. 1770. Feb.ll. San Diego. Caspar de Portold to the Marques de Croix. (No.l). [Tells of his northward journey from San Diego and return, without the loss of a man]. C. 8pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l478. Enc.1444. Cer. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l478. Enc.1444. 1451. 1770. Feb.27. Palacio. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the Marqu6s de S.Juan de Piedras Albas. [Sends an account of the visita at Acapulco to assist in determining the case of the suspended officials]. Dft. 2pp.2. 88-5-23. Inc.in 922. 1452. 1770. Mar.l. Mexico. Pedro Toral Valdds and Juan Antonio Gutierrez de Herrera. Estado de lo que importan los situados de Manila. Or. Ip.l. 89-3-22. 1453. 1770. Mar.l. Mexico. Extracto de las tiltimas noticias de la Expedicion de Sonora contra los Yndios rebeldes de Cerro Prieto. Uns. 5pp.l. 89-3-22. Acc.1442. 1454. 1770. Mar.l-Apr.5. [Letters to Armona and others about the war in Sonora and Armona's depar- ture for the Calif ornias], Cer. 7pp. 1. 96-1-11. f(yr History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 227 1455. 1770. Mar.2. Madrid. Council of the Indies to the king. Conformandose con el Fiscal, cuya respuesta original se incluye. Or. 21pp.l. 104-3-4. Dec. Acc.1447. Dft. 104^3-4. Acc.1514. 1456. 1770. Mar.3. Madrid. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the Marques de Rubi. Que reducida yd d punto menor el Piano de Presidios Fronterizos de Na. Espana qe.entreg6 pa.el servicio del Rey; puede prevenir que le recoja expres- ando quando dej6 el origl.6 copia al Virrey Croix. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. 1457. 1770. Mar.l3 and 19. Loreto. Anto.Jph. Lopez de Toledo. (No.4). Razon de dos remesas de Viveres despachadas d, Sn.Diego de Monterrey por el Teniente de Governador y comisario Rl.del Norte de Califomias, la primera por tierra con soldados de Escolta, Arrieros, Baqueros, Mulas, Machos, Cavallos y todos sus aperos correspondientes : y la segunda en dos Canoas hasta la Bahia de Sn.Luis para que de alii siga por tierra 6. su destino como se cita. C. 2pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l478. Cer. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l478. 1458. 1770. Mar.20. Madrid. [Julian de Arriaga] to Josef Fayni. Aprobando el celo con que se dedica al mejor servicio del Rey y seguridad de aquella Prova.contra los Indios bdrbaros, de qe.se espera vaya dando cuenta, y de la determinaci6n del Virrey d sus recursos. Dft. 2pp. 1. 104-6-14. Ace. 1469. 1459. 1770. Mar.20. Veracruz, Pedro Antonio de Cossio to Julian de Arriaga. (No.14). [Concerning increase in revenues under the new method of real hacienda]. Or. 4pp.l. 88-5-25. Inc.in 1721. Enc.916,1085,1200,1209,1215,1367-1371^ 1390. 1460. 1770. Apr.8. Madrid. The king to the viceroy. Participandole averse concedido licencia al Maestro Fray Juan Pedro de Iriarte de la orden de Predicadores . . . para que pasen a la conversion de los Indios Gentiles de la California; y ordenandole que de acuerdo con el Diocesano divida aquel territorio entre los Religiosos Dominicos, y Franciscos del Colegio de San Fernando de Mexico, en la forma y por la razon que se expresa. Dft. lOpp.l. 104-3-4. Acc.2867. Acc.by 1461,1462,1782. 1461. 1770. Apr.8. Madrid. The king to the bishop of Guadalaxara. [Informing him of the contents of 1460]. Dft. 8pp.l. 104-3^. Acc.1460. 1462. 1770. Apr.8. Madrid. The king to the Provincial of the Carmelitas Des- calzas of New Spain. Encargandole destine sugetos de su Provincia para que se empleen en la conversion, y reduccion de los Indios Gentiles de los parages que se expresan, y que acuda al Virrey d fin de qe.con acuerdo de los respectivos Diocesanos les senale la frontera en que deban empezar sus tareas apostolicas. Dft. 5pp.l. 104-3-4. Acc.1460. 1463. 1770. Apr.23. Mexico. Marques de Croix to Julidn de Arriaga. Dice cumplira lo que se le previene sobre embiar a Filipinas los estrangeros que se aprehendan en ilicito comercio. Or.Dp. In.l. 89-3-22. h 228 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 1464. 1770. Apr.24. Mexico. Marques de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. No.656. Informa como se le previno, sobre si el difunto Obispo de Durango habia contribuido para la Expedicion de Sonora. Or.Dp. 2pp.l. 89-3-22. Enc.647. 1465. 1770. Apr.24. M6xico. Extract© de las ultimas noticias de la Expedicion de Sonora segun lo que con fhas de 16, 17 y 20 de Marzo proximo pasado, informan los Comandantes Dn.Juan de Pineda (que continuaba con el quebranto en su salud) y dn.Domingo Elizondo. Uns. 7pp.l. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l467. 1466. 1770. Apr.25. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. No.659. Providencias y prevenciones que ha dado para que se continue la Expedicion de Sonora. Or. 7pp.l. 104r-3-2. Acc.1525. Or.Dp. 89-3-22. 1467. 1770. Apr.25. Mexico. Marqu6s de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. No.660. Da cuenta del estado de la expedicion de Sonora, incluyendo Extracto de las ultimas noticias. Or.Dp. 3pp.l. 89-3-22. Enc.1465. 1468. 1770. Apr.25. Aranjuez. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the Marques de Croix. Se le previe.lo convente.al resguardo de aquellas Provas.[internas], con arreglo al Plan y Documtos.actuados por Rubi, y los medios de conciliar la Paz con los Yndios. Dft. 8pp.l. 104-3-2. Inc.in 1228. Acc.by a duplicate, and by 1416. .1469. 1770. Apr.25. Aranjuez. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the viceroy. Sobre que auxilie la Provincia de la Nueva Vizcaya insultada de los Yndios .Bdrbaros. X)ft. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1397,1408,1458,1470. 1470. 1770. Apr.25. Aranjuez. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the governor of Nueva Vizcaya. Acerca de los insultos que dice padece aquella Provincia por los Yndios BArbaros. Dft. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1469. 1471. 1770. Apr.26. Mexico. Marques de Croix to Julidn de Arriaga. No.665. Contesta la Real Orden sobre embiar d Manila 100 Reclutas. Or.Dp. 2pp.l. 89-3-22. 1472. 1770. Apr.26. .Mexico. Marques de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. [Tells of the decision in a case involving lands claimed for the pious fund of the Californias]. Or.Dp. 2pp.l. 89-3-22. Enc.1428. 1473. 1770. Apr.29. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. No.669. Remite instancia del Capn.del Presidio de Tubac, en que pide Grade de Capitan de Caballeria de Exercito. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Sum. Acc.1553. Enc.1421. Or.Dp. 89-3-22. r for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 229 1474. 1770. Apr.30. Guadalaxara. Domo.del Barco and Franco. Lopez. Relacion Jnrada, que los ofizos.de la Real Hacienda, y caxa de Guadalaxara acompanan, d la Quenta, y Libro abujereado . . . conque se hallan, de las cantidades de pesos, que se ban enterado en las Rs.Caxas de su cargo procedidas de los Ramos de Real Hazienda, que reconocieron d su Jurisdiccion, desde primero de Enero, hasta fin de Diciembre de mil setecientos sesenta, y nueve, como assi mismo de las que se ban pagado, y remitido d la Rl.Caxa de Mexico. Or. ISpp.l. 104-3-24. Acc.by 1420. 1475. 1770. May. Guadalaxara. Tbe Audiencia to the king. Informa d S.M.los m6ritos, y servicios del Capitan Cbmandte.de la Provincia del Nayarit Dn.Vicente Canaveral Ponce de Leon, para que se le conceda el grado de Coronel de Exercito. Or. 6pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1753. Enc.1426. 1476. 1770. May 2. Mexico. Real Audiencia of Mexico to the king. Avisa el recivo de la Rl.Cedula de 17 de Diciembre del .ano proxmo.pasdo. . . . anadiendo que obedecida la mand6 pasar al Fiscal. Or. 3pp.l. 104-3-4. Dec. Acc.1409. 1477. 1770. May 3. Madrid. Relacion de los Meritos y servicios del Coronel Don Diego Ortiz Parrilla, Governador interino que ha sido de las Provincias de Sinaloa, y Sonora, y de la de Coaguila en la Nueva Espana, de la Plaza de Panzacola, y Capitan del Presidio de Sta.Rosa del Sacramento. Cer. May 3,1770,Madrid. 8 printed pp.1. 104-6-17. Enc.w.2062. 1478. 1770. May 4. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. No.676. Avisa las felices resultas que tuvo la Expedn.hecha por Tierra al Puerto de Monterrey de California, y remite Documtos.que las compruevan. Or. 4pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.1337,1449,1450,1457. Or.Dp. 89-3-22. Enc.1337,1449,1450,1457. 1479. 1770. May 4. Mexico. Marques de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. No.674. Remite Lista de los Religiosos Franciscanos Descalzos que de la Mision destinada a Filipinas se quedaron por desercion en aquel Reino. Or.Dp. 3pp.l. 89-3-22. Enc.1424. 1480. 1770. May 20. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Franco.Trillo y Vermudez. (No.12). [Secret order for Trillo to send certain papers to Mexico]. Cer. 3pp.l. 104-6-16. Enc.w.2667. 1481. 1770. May 20. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Franco.Trillo y Vermudez. (No.l4). [Sending him letters to be forwarded to other persons]. Cer. 4pp.l. 104-6-16. Enc.w.2667. 1482. 1770. May 26. Mexico. Tribimal de Cuentas to Julian de Arriaga. No.31. Dd cuenta con testimonio de haber aprobado el Virrey . . . d Dn. Franco. Antonio Velarde en el empleo de Theniente del Presidio de Nra.Sa.del Pilar en el Nuevo Mexco.d que lo nombr6 el ano de 1764 el Gobernador que era entonces.D.Tomds Velez Cachupin. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Sum. Acc.1693. Enc.1427. 230 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 1483. 1770. May 26. Chihuahua. Joseph Fayni to Julian de Arriaga. Representaci6n sobre invasi6n de Indies en la Nueva Vizcaya. Or. 3pp.l. 104-6-14. Sum. Acc.1555. 1484. 1770. May 30. Sn.Blas. Franco.Trillo y Vermudez to the Marquea de Croix. (No.l3). [Sends six bundles of the papers Croix had asked for]. Cer. 3pp.l. 104-6-16. Enc.w.2667. 1485. 1770. May 30. S.Blas. Franco.Trillo to the Marqs.de Croix. (No.l5). [Tells of difl5culties hindering his fulfillment of orders]. Cer. 2pp.l. 104-^-16. Enc.w.2667. 1486. 1770. May 30. S.Blas. Franco.Trillo to the Marqs.de Croix. (No.21). [Says he has forwarded Croix's letters secretly to their destination, but that he could not avoid the suspicions of hostile persons], Cer. 2pp.l. 104r-6-16. Enc.w.2667. 1487. 1770. May 31. Mexico. [Summary for the Council of the Indies of Croix's letter and enclosures of the above date to Arriaga, the letter being described] Acompana Extracto de las ultimas noticias que ha recivido de la Expedicion de Sonora, reducidas d que desde el ultimo extracto de Marzo, se havian rendido 18 familias Sens, faltando ya muy corto numo.para entregarse. Uns. 6pp.2. 104-3-2. Acc.1544. 1488. 1770. June 2. Puerta de Saluias del Zapotillo. (No.16). Franco Trillo to the Marqs.de Croix. [Says he is sending drafts of letters written to men in the Califomias and in Guaymas, and that he is retaining none in these files]. Cer. 2pp.l. 104-6-16. Enc.w.2667. 1489. 1770. June 9. Monterey. Caspar de Portold, Juan Perez, Miguel del Pino' and Pedro Fages (June 11). [Formal oath to the effect that PortoM has taken possession of the port of Monterey described by Vizcaino and Cabrera Bueno]. C. 3pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l529. 1490. 1770. June 12. Aranjuez. [Julidn de Arriaga] to Domingo de Trespalacios y Escandon. [Asks him to send certain documents which the deceased Pedro de Le<5n had had]. Dft. 3pp.2. 88-5-24. Inc.in 576. Acc.by 1495. 1491. 1770. June 13. Madrid. Domingo Trespalacios to Pedro Rodriguez Campo- manes. (No.l). [Asks for the royal orders of March 3, 8, and 20, and November 11, 1769, sending an expediente to the since deceased Pedro de Le6n]. Dft. 2pp.2. 88-5-24. Enc.w.l495. 1492. 1770. June 14. Madrid. Pedro Rodriguez Campomanes to Domingo de Trespalacios. (No.2). [Says he will try to find the papers asked for, which, it was believed, had never reached Pedro de Le6n]. Or. 4pp.2. 88-5-24. Enc.w.l495. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 231 1493. 1770. June 14. Madrid. Joseph Monino to Domingo de Trespalacios. (No.3). [Says the original expediente sent to Pedro de Le6n appears among his own papers, although he does not understand how it got there]. Or. 3pp.2. 88-5-24. Enc.w.l495. 1494. 1770. June 15. Madrid. Fr.Juan de Ds.de Cordova and Fr.Juan Pedro de Yriarte y Laurnaga to the king. [Asking a grant of twenty four missionaries at royal expense, for the missions assigned to their order in the Calif ornias]. Or. lp.2. 104-l-7,1770,No.l. Sum. Dec. Acc.1441. 1495. 1770. June 15. Madrid. Domingo de Trespalacios y Escandon to Julian de Arriaga. Acompana las copias de los documentos que se hallaron entre sus papeles, relativos al expediente que se remiti6 d informe [of Pedro de Le6n] y de los fiscales del mismo Tribunal [Council of Castile], relativo al nuevo m^todo de Administraci6n de Rl.Hacienda establecido en Nueva Espana, cuio original existe en dhos.Fiscales. Or. 5pp.2. 88-5-24. Acc.1490. Enc.1491-1493. 1496. 1770. June 16. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Franco. Trillo. (No.20). [Approves Trillo's conduct, and tells him to follow the measures prescribed by Gdlvez]. Cer. Ip.l. 104-6-16. Enc.w.2667. 1497. 1770. June 16. Mexico. Jos6 de Galvez to Jos4 Faustino Ruiz. [Concerns the increase in expenses under Ruiz]. Cer. Feb.l9,1777,San Bias. Ip.l. 104^6-17. Enc.w.3490. 1498. 1770. June 18. Aranjuez. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the governor of Durango. Enterado de la continuada invasi6n de los indios bdrbaros en aquella Provincia y se le aprueba el celo con que se dedic6 & defender d Chihuahua. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1448. 1499. 1770. June 20. Puerta de las Salinas. Franco.Trillo to the Marqs.de Croix. (No.l7). [Tells of the salt mined and sold]. Cer. 3pp.l. 104r-6-16. Enc.w.2667. 1500. 1770. June 22. Veracruz. Martin Joseph de Alegria and Joseph Faxardo y Cobarruvias. (No.5). Nota de los sueldos de Dotaci6n, y gastos que tenia la Administraci6n de la Real Hacienda de las Caxas de Veracruz antes de la nueva Planta que les dio el Visitador Galvez. Or. 4pp.l. 88-5-25. Enc.w.l513. 1501. 1770. June 23. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Franco.Trillo y Vermudez. (No. 18). [Approves Trillo's administration of the salt mines]. Cer. Ip.l. 104-6-16. Enc.w.2667. 1502. 1770. June 26. Chiguagua. Joseph Fayni to Tomds de Mello. Avisa el recibo de los Rs.Despachos que comprehende el Indice adjunto; y dice que ha retardado el acusar su recibo por la precisi6n que ha tenido de pasar 232 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias & la expresada Villa de Chiguagua para contener las invasiones de los Indios bdrbaros que se vdn introduciendo en su Govierno, y aunque varias veces se lo ha hecho presente al Virrey para que le concediese algdn mimero de gente para contener tan graves dafios, no lo ha podido conseguir, con lo demds que expresa. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Dec. Acc.by 1582. 1503. 1770. June 26. Chiguagua. Josef Fayni to Julian de Arriaga. Avisa que aun siguen las invasiones de los Yndios Bdrbaros; que el Virrey mand6 arrestar al Capitdn Dn.Lope de Cuellar por no haber correspondido como esperaba d, la confianza qe.de 61 hizo, Y que aquel Reino se halla en la mds infeliz situaci6n. Or. 2pp.l. 104r-6-14. Acc.1555. 1504. 1770. June 30. Madrid. The fiscal to the Council of the Indies. [Recommends that Yriarte's petition be granted, and that he be given a license to recruit twenty four Dominicans, with their equipment, maintenance, and cost of embarkation at royal expense]. Or. 5pp.l. 104-3^. Acc.1514. 1505. 1770. June 30. Mexico. [Summary for the Council of the Indies of Croix's letter and enclosures of the above date, the letter being described] Acompana Extractos de las ultimas noticias que ha tenido de las Expediciones de Sonora, y Monterrey: reducense & lo sigte. Uns. 3pp.2. 104-3-2. Nota. Inc.in 1228. 1506. 1770. July. [Madrid]. Fr.Juan Pedro de Yriarte. [Circular to the convents of the Dominican order, announcing that the king has granted them a mission field in the Calif ornias]. C. 4 printed pp.1. 105-1-25. Enc.w.l526. 1507. 1770. July 1. Monterey. Pedro Pages to the Marques de Croix. [Gives an account of the state of the presidio and mission of Monterey and of the number of men there]. C. 2pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l529. 1508. 1770. July 1. Monterey. Pedro Pages to Joseph de Galvez. [Reporting the manner in which he is giving out rations, the state of his supplies and his anxiety with regard to the raising of crops, and enclosrag copies of receipts (not catalogued) given to Juan P6rez for provisions, tools, and munitions, a report of the ironware made by Chac6n for the Principe and the presidio, and an account of what has been delivered to the president of the missions]. C. 9pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l528. 1509. 1770. Jidy 2. Monterey. Junipero Serra to Joseph de Galvez. [Gives an account of the formal act of possession at Monterey and of the prospects for conversions]. C. 7pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l528. 1610. 1770. July 3. Monterey. Pedro Pages to Joseph de Galvez. [Gives an account of the provisions and number of men at Monterey]. C. 3pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l528. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 233 1511. 1770. July 6. Veracruz. Martin Joseph de Alegria and Joseph Faxardo y Cobarruvias. (No.l). Demo8traci6n de los verdaderos productos que dieron d esta Real Caxa los ramos de Arvitrio de Granas, Tinta y Vainillas . . . para obedecer ordenes del Virrey. Or. 17pp.l. 88-5-25. Enc.w.l513. 1512. 1770. July 6. Veracruz. Martin Joseph de Alegria and Joseph Faxardo y Cobarruvias. (No .2). Estado comparativo de los productos de la Real Caxa de Veracruz en el ano de 1768 segun la nueva planta de Administraci6n gral.que la dio con benepldcito y, acuerdo del Exmo.Sr. Virrey Marqu6s de Croix el lUmo.Sr.D. Joseph de Galvez . . . y de lo que rindi6 en un ano del tiempo anterior & ella, tomada de un quinquenio. Or. Ip.l. 88-5-25. Enc.w.l513. 1513. 1770. July 6. Veracruz. Martin Joseph de Alegria and Joseph Faxardo y Cobarruvias to Julian de Arriaga. (No. 15). Dicen haber contestado de orden del Virrey d un Plan comparativo que de los rendimientos de aquella Real Caxa form6 P.Dedro Antonio de Cossio; resultando que lexos de haber 175,167 p.o.2gs.de beneficio d fabor de la Rl. Hacienda en el ano de 68, hubo de quebranto.4,343 p.2.33- respecto de los anteriores del quinquenio que refiere la demostracion no.l. Or. 7pp.l. 88-5-25. Inc.in 1721. Enc.1429-1432,1500,1511,1512. 1514. 1770. July 12. Madrid. Council of the Indies to the king. [Agrees with the opinion of the fiscal (see 1504), and advises that each mis- sionary be given fifty pesos more than the amount allowed by law]. Or. 6pp.l. 104-3-4. Dec. Acc.2867. Acc.by 1455,1504. 1515. 1770. July 14. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Francisco Trillo. (No.l9). [Urges Trillo to produce as great a quantity of salt as possible]. Cer. 2pp.l. 104-e-16. Enc.w.2667. 1516. 1770. July 16. Madrid. [Julidn de Arriaga] to Josef Fayni. Aprobandole las providencias que tom6 para evitar las Extorsiones que causaban los Yndios Barbaros inmediatos d Chiguagua. Dft. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. 1517. 1770. July 16. Madrid. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the viceroy. Reencargandole, providencie los auxilios necesarios para evitar los insultos y muertes que cometen los Indios Bdrbaros inmediatos d Chiguagua. Dft. 4pp.l. 104-6-14. 1518^ 1770. July 17. Madrid. Franco.Mrnz.Escalante to the king. [Supports the petition of his son Rafael (in 1163), and asks that his sons Bentura and Leandro be made cavalry lieutenants]. C. 7pp.l. 104-&-16. Acc.2023. Acc.by a duplicate. 1519. 1770. July 25. Veracruz. Joseph Faxardo y Cobarruvias and Martin Joseph de Alegria. (No.l). Demostraci6n del producto que dieron d la Real Caja de Veracruz los cinco Ramos de Arvitrios de Granas, Tinta y Vainillas; aguardientes, nuevo impuesto de vino, aguardiente y vinagre; Derechos de entrada de 7 por ciento y de salida 234 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias d 43^ en 933 dias contados desde 17 de febrero de 1767 que se puso bajo el pie de Admon.gral.hasta 6 de Septiembre de 1769. Or. 7pp.l. 88-5-25. Enc.w.l533. 1520. 1770. July 25. Veracruz. Joseph Faxardo y Cobarruvias and Martin Joseph de Alegria. (No.2). Estado comparativo de los verdaderos productos de los cinco Ramos de Arbitrios . . . recaudados [according to the plan of Gdlvez and according to the former method]. Or. Ip.l. 88-5-25. Enc.w.l533. 1521. 1770. July 25. Veracruz. Josef Faxardo y Cobarruvias and Martin Josef de Alegria. Estado comparativo de los gastos de Dotaci6n de la Nueva Planta de Admon. de Real Hacienda en 933 dias que Dur6 la interinidad de D.Pedro Antonio Cosio, comparados con los de igual tiempo de oficiales Reales. Or. Ip.l. 88-5-25. Enc.w.l533. 1522. 1770. July 26. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. Acompafia extracto de las ultimas noticias de la Expedicion de Sonora. Or. 2pp.l. 104-3-2. Acc.1575. Enc.1523. 1523. 1770. July 26. Mexico. Extracto de las ultimas noticias del estado de la Expedicion de Sonora, comunicados por el Coronel dn. Domingo Elizondo con fecha en el Quartel General del Pitic d 23 del mes de Junio proximo pasado. Uns. 4pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l522. 1524. 1770. July 27. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. No.719. [Encloses 1315]. Or. Ip.l. 104-3-3. Enc.1315. 1525. 1770. July 28. San Ildefonso. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the Marques de Croix. En inteliga.de su carta de 25 de Abl.de este ano en que expuso sus provids. para la continuazn.de la expedicion de Sonora; se le previene se confirma S.M.en su primitive concepto del ningun fruto qe.se sacard de ella, y cree se habrd arreglado d la orn.de 25 de Abril ultimo. Dft. 3pp.l. 104-3-2. Inc.in 1228. Acc.by 1466. 1526. 1770. July 29. [Madrid]. Fr.Juan Pedro de Iriarte y Laumaga to Julian de Arriaga. [Sending six copies of 1506]. Or. lp.2. 105-1-25. Inc.in 923. Enc.1506. 1527. 1770. July 31. S.Ildefonso. [Arriaga] to Fr.Juan Pedro de Iriarte. [Announcing the royal pleasure at the zeal Yriarte is manifesting in con- nection with the grant of a mission field in the Calif omias]. Dft. 2pp.2. 105-1-25. Inc.in 923. 152&. 1770. Aug.l. San Bias. Caspar de Porttola to Jph.de Galvez. [Announces the establishment of the presidio and mission of Monterey and his own return to San Bias]. C. 3pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l540. Enc.1508-1510,1531. 1529. 1770. Aug.l. San Bias. Caspar de Porttold to the Marques de Croix. [Announces the establishment of the presidio and mission of San Carlos de Monterey and his own return to San Bias]. Cer. 2pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l539. Enc.1489,1507,1530,1532. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 235 1530. 1770. Aug.2. San Bias. Juan Perez to the Marques de Croix. [Gives news of his arrival at San Bias with the Principe from Monterey, and states the number of his crew left behind because of illness]. Cer. 2pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l529. 1531. 1770. Aug.2. San Bias. Miguel Costanso to Joseph de Galvez. [Announces his return to San Bias, and tells how far along the work of making buildings was, at the time he left Monterey]. C. 2pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l528. 1532. 1770. Aug.2. San Bias. Miguel Costtanso to the Marques de Croix. [Announcing his return to San Bias, alluding to the site he had chosen for the presidio and mission at Monterey, and stating how far the work of building had progressed up to the time of his departure]. Cer. 2pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l529. 1533. 1770. Aug.6. Veracruz. Joseph Faxardo y Cobarruvias and Martin Joseph de Alegria to Julian de Arriaga. (No. 16). Remiten la contestaci6n que de orden del Virrey se hizo al Mapa gral.de productos que por el tpo.de su interinidad form6 Dn.Pedro Cossio y hacen varias reflexiones sobre la Nueva Planta de Administraci6n de Real Hacienda de Aquellas cajas. Or.Dp. 13pp.l. 88-5-25. Inc.in 1721. Enc.1391,1519-1521. 1534. 1770. Aug.9. Mexico. Francisco de Corres and Fernando Joseph Mangino. Estado que manifiesta el caudal que corresponde d las Misiones de las Cali- fornias desde la ocupaci6n hasta fin del ano proximo pasado de 1769, asi en efectivo dinero enterado en esta Tesoreria Gral.como en varios principales que con los correspondientes r6ditos reconocen algunos Colegios: deudas de estos; productos de las haciendas de Ybarra y Arroyo-Zarco propias de la obrapia; creditos cuios plazos no estan cumplidos; deudas en la clase de cob- rabies 6 incobrables, con rebaja de los gastos. Or. Ip.l. 97-4-6. Enc.w.l698. 1535. 1770. Aug.ll. Sn.Ildefonso. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the viceroy. Para que mforme sre.la adjunta instancia de Dn.Franco.Martinez Escalante, que solicita para su hijo D.Rafael la confirmaci6n de la Capitania del Presidio de Sn.Agn.de Ahumada, grado de Teniente Coronel, y una Compania suelta que se halla en el Presidio de Sn.Sabas para dedicarse d la conqa.de aquellos Indies; y que d sus herms.D.Bentura y Dn.Leandro se les haga Tenientes. Dft. 2pp.l. 104-6-16. Acc.2023. 1536. 1770. Aug.l2. Carrizal. Francisco Martinez. (No.l5, in carpeta no.2). [Report about the advisability of keeping cavalry horses in stables]. Or. 2pp. 1. 104-6-19. Enc.w.4569. 1537. 1770. Aug.16. Mexico. Extracto de noticias del Puerto de Monterrey, de la Mission, y Presidio que se han establecido en 61 con la denominacion de San Carlos, y del sucesso de las dos Expediciones de Mar, y Tierra que d este fin se despacharon en el afio proximo anterior de 1769. Uns. 5 printed pp.1. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l572. Acc.by three duplicates. 1538. 1770. Aug.24, [Chihuahua]. Joseph Fayni to the Marques de Croix. . [Announces that he cannot accept responsibility for the operations of Captain 236 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias Lope de Cuellar, as that officer, under the viceroy's orders, has acted with entire independence of him]. C. 4pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc,w.l541. 1539. 1770. Aug.25. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. [Gives the latest news from the expeditions in Alta California; ascribes their success to Galvez, who has now recovered his health; and asks promotion for the principal officers engaged in the expedition]. Or. 3pp.l. 104r-3-3. Acc.by 1540,1683,1684,1689,1690. End 226, 1529. 1540. 1770. Aug.28. Mexico. Joseph de Galvez to Julian de Arriaga. No.69. Dd cuenta con referenda d las Cartas del Virrey de aquel Rno.del feliz exito de las Expediciones d sn.Diego y Monterrey y recomienda el m6rito de los Oficiales de Mar y tierra. Or. 3pp.l. 104-3-3. Acc.1539. Enc.1528. 1541. 1770. Aug.31. Chiguagua. Joseph de Fayni to Julian de Arriaga. Hace presente que el Virrey de Nueva Espana le culpa de las operaciones de Dn.Lope de Cuellar quando le tiene caracterizado con sus orns., y qe.con motivo de la que se le di6 al mismo Virrey pa. que le auxilie contra los indios reveldes de aquellas Provincias le escribi6 una carta impropia de su caracter. Or. 3pp.l. 104-6-14. Sum. Enc.1538. 1542. 1770. Sept.l. Mexico. Joseph de Galvez to Joseph Fayni. [Says the viceroy has taken steps to prevent Indian incursions]. C. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l558. 1543. 1770. Sepi,.5. Kamtschatka. Frederic Plenisnern, Athanase Popof and Ivan Perenesin. (No.5). Traduction d'un ordre Russe regu au Kamshatka, concernant certaint Trait6 avec les Anglois. C. lOpp.l. (In French). Estado,Am.Gen.l,Doc.83. Enc.w.2038. 1544. 1770. Sept. 15. San Ildefonso. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the Marques de Croix. Cree podra combenir unir i, los Pueblos interiors.los Yndios que voluntari- amte.se sugetan. Dft. 3pp.l. 104^3-2. Inc.in 1228. Acc.by 1487. 1545. 1770. Sept.22. Mexico. Marqu6s de Croix to Joseph Fayni. [Presumes that the forces at S.Luis Potosi and Guanajuato have been re- inforced, and bids him use Captain Gdlvez in the war against the Apaches]. C. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l585. 1546. 1770. Sept.25. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. No.736. Contesta d la orn.de 25 de Abril ultimo, sre.qe.quanto antes se buscasen otros medios qe.los de la fuerza para la reduccion de los Indios de Sonora y acompa.extracto de las ultimas noticias de aquella Expedn.y de la esperanaza de qe.se concl\iia en todo este ano. Or. 4pp.l. 104-6-14. Sum. Acc.1685. Enc.1547. 1547. 1770. Sept.27. Mexico. Extracto de las ultimas noticias de la expedion.de Sonora comunicadas pr.el Coronel D.Domingo Elizondo desde el Quartel General del Pitic & 21 de Julio de este afio. Uns. Spp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l546. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 237 1548. 1770. Sept.27. Mexico. Extracto de las tiltimas noticias de la expedion.de Sonora comunicadas per el Coronel D.Domingo Elizondo desde el Cuartel General de Pitic A 21 de Julio de este ano. [Not the same as 1547]. Uns. 4pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l550. 1549. 1770. Sept.27. Madrid. Alexandre de O'Reilly to Julian de Arriaga. [Reports on Anza's petition, advising against it, for the present]. Or. 3pp.2. 104-6-14. Acc.1553. 1550. 1770. Sept.28. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. Continuando las noticias de la expedici6n de Sonora, incluye extracto de las ultimas qe.le comunico Elizondo. Or. 4pp.l. 104-6-14. Sum. Acc.1685. Enc.1548. 1551. [1770. Before Oct.l]. Fr.Juan Pedro de Yriarte. [Names of the twenty four Dominicans destined for mission work in the Californias, and of one deacon and three lay brothers accompanying them]. Or. Ip.l. 104-1-7, 1770,No.l. Enc.w.l552. 1552. [1770. Before Oct.l]. Fr.Juan Pedro de Yriarte to the king. [Asks permission to recruit missionaries for service in the Californias, to fill vacancies due to sickness or other causes]. Or. Ip.l. 104-l-7,1770,No.l. Inf. Dec. Acc.1441. Enc.1551. 1553. 1770. Oct.2. Sn.Ildefonso. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the Marqs.de Croix. Que diga al Capn.del Presidio de Tubac D.Juan Bta.de Anza, que merecien- dolo su buena conducta se tendrd, presente su solicitud d grado de Capitan de cavalleria de Exercito. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1473,1549. 1554. 1770. Oct.2. Mexico. Hugo Oconor to the king. [Asks to be made lieutenant-colonel, in command of the presidio of San Sabas]. Or. 4pp.2. 104-6-14. Sum. Acc.2019. 1555. 1770. Oct.4. S.Ildefonso. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the governor of Durango. Enterado de haber pasado d Chiguagua para contener las continuas irrup- ciones de los Indies Barbaros, y se le dan gracias por su celo. Dft. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1483,1503. 1556. 1770. Oct.9. Mexico. Juan Antonio Varela. Lista de lo qe.contiene un caxon no.l.marca A que se remite al Puerto de Sn.Blas para las nuevas Misiones de Monte Rey. Cer. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. En&.w.l574. Cer. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l574. 1557. 1770. Oct.9, Mexico. Juan Anto.de Varela. Nota de lo que contiene un caxon rotulado para la Mision de Sn.Carlos de Monte Rey, Cer. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l574. Cer. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l574. 1558. 1770. Oct.l2. Chiguagua. Josef Fayni to Julian de Arriaga. Trata de invasi6n de los Indies barbaros, en la Nueva Vizcaya, y reparos & su defensa. Or. 3pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1716. Enc.1542, 238 Catalogue of Materials in Archive General de Indias 1559. 1770. Oct.13. Joseph de Londono. Memoria del ornamento que sale del Colegio Noviciado de Tepozotlan, destinado para la Yglesia Capital y Primitiva de Nra.Sra.de Loreto, Patrona de la Peninsula de Californias. Cer. Ip.l. 104r-6-14. Enc.w.l574. Cer. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l574. 1560. 1770. Oct.13. Jose de Londono. Razon de las piezas de plata y demas que sale de este Cblegio Noviciado de Tepozotlan y se remite con la marca del no.4.para las Misiones de Californias en 13 Oct.de 1770. Cer. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l574. Cer. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l574. 1561. 1770. Oct.13. Jph.Londono. Razon de los ornamentbs que de este Colegio de Tepozotlan salen para una de las Misiones de Californias con la marca del no.4. Cer. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l574. Cer. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l574. 1562. 1770. Oct.l6. Mexico. Lista de los utiles necesarios para una Mision, que el Sr.Dn.Jph.Antonio de Areche entrega d el Sor.D.Juan Joseph de Echeveste con arreglo & la orden del Exmo.Sor.Virrey de 5 de este mes; pertenecientes d, los ocupados en la Sacristia de la Casa Profesa que fue de los regulares de la Compania en esta capital. Cer. 3pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l574. Cer. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l574. 1563. 1770. Oct. 17. Madrid. Thomas Ortiz de Landazuri. [Reports as to the probable expense of sending twenty eight religious to the Californias]. Or. 6pp.2. 105-1-25. Enc.w.l564. 1564. 1770. Oct.l9. Madrid. Thomas del Mello to Frey Julian de Arriaga. [Sending 1563]. Or. 3pp.2. 105-1-25. Inc.in 923. Enc.1563. 1565. 1770. Oct.22. Mexico. Melgarejo. Copia de los paramentos, vasos y demds utiles que se incluien en dos caxones distinguidos con la marca del margen, con destino A la principal de las diez Misiones, que se van & establecer en la Peninsula de la California desde San Fernando de Villacatd a S.Diego y de alii al Puerto de S.Francisco. Cer. 3pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l574. Cer. 89-3-22. Enc.w.l574. 1566. 1770. Oct.24. Mexico. Miguel Costans6. Diario historico de los viages de mar, y tierra hechos al norte de la California de orden del excelentissimo senor Marques de Croix, Virrey . . . y por direccion del illustrissimo senor D.Joseph de Galvez . . . E executados por la tropa destinada d dicho objeto al mando de Don Caspar de Portola . . . y por los paquebots el S.Carlos y el S.Antonio al mando de Don Vicente Vila, . . . y de Don Juan Perez. C. 56 printed pp.1. 104-3-4. Acc.by 1573. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 239 1567. 1770. Oct.26. Mexico. Estevan de la Carrera to Julian de Arriaga. [After the viceroy restored him to employment, with the post of commissary of war, the tribunal de visita suspended him again]. Or. 11pp. 1. 88-5-23. Sum. Acc.by a duplicate. 1568. 1770. Oct.27. S.Lorenzo. The king (by Julidn de Arriaga). V.M.manda d la Auda.de contrataci6n de Cadiz y & los Ofs.Rs.de Veracruz y Mex.paguen el Aviamto.y demds gastos que se expresan de 28 Religs.que vdn & California. C. 4pp.l. 105-1-25. Inc.in 923. 1569. 1770. Oct.27. Mexico. Marques de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. [Says the plan for establishment of intendancies in New Spain has been completed; expresses disapproval of the governor of Durango, and learns with regret that preparations for a bull fight at Chiguagua, his capital, are under way, which is very inappropriate at a time of want and war, like the present]. Or.Dp. 4pp.l8.8 by 23.8 cm. 89-3-22. Acc.1574. 1570. 1770. Oct.27. Mexico. Marques de Croix to Julidn de Arriaga. No.757. Satisface d la Real orden de 16 de Julio sobre invasiones de los Indios Bdrbaros en Nueva Vizcaya. Or. 5pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1705. 1571. [1770]. Oct.27. [Madrid]. [Tomds del Mello] to Senor de Ayala. [Sending an extract of a history of Sonora in order that details lately received may be added, including references to the expedition to Monterey]. Or. 2pp.2. 104-3-3. Nota. Acc.1014. 1572. 1770. Oct.28. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. Remite el Diario Hist6rico de los Viages de mar y Tierra hechos tiltimamente al Norte de la California; mapa de esta, y Piano del Fondeadero del Puerto de Monterey. Or. 3pp.l. 104-3-3. Nota. Enc.1537. 1573. 1770. Oct.30. Mexico. Miguel Costans6. Carta reducida del Oceano Asidtico, 6 Mar dei Siir, que comprehende la costa oriental y occidental de la peninsula de la California, con el golfo de su denominacion antiguamente conocido por la de Mar de Cortds y de las costas de la America Septentrional desde el isthmo que line dicha peninsula con el continente hasta el Rio de los Reyes, y desde el Rio Colorado hasta el Cabo de Corrientes. Compuesta de orden del Exmo. Senor Marques de Croix, Virrey . . . de la Nueva Espana. C. 1 printed p.80 by 85 cm. 104r-3Hl. Acc.1566. 1574. 1770. Nov.l. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. Acompana notas de los ornamentos y demas utiles que sac6 de las Yglas.de los Regulars.expulsos pa.las Nuevas Misions.que se han de poner en Cali- fornias. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1702. Enc.1556,1557,1559-1562,1565. Or.Dp. 89-3-22. Acc.by 1569. Enc.1556,1557,1559-1562,1565. 1575. 1770. Nov.3. San Lorenzo. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the Marques de Croix. Que cree S.M.convente.que las familias de los Yndios que se reducen, y de qe.trata el extracto qe.acompa.en carta de 26 de Julio ultimo del Estado de la 240 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias Expedion.de Sonora, se colocasen tierra adent/o en otros Pueblos en que se afiance su permanencia. Dft. 2pp.l. 104-3-2. Inc.in 1228. Acc.by 1522. 1576. 1770, Nov.8. Madrid. Thomds Ortiz de Landazuri to Julian de Arriaga. Informe; en vista de una represenon.y testimonio con que el Tribunal de cuentas de Nueva Espana, dd cuenta del Titulo de aprobaci6n expedido por el actual Virrey, d favor de D.Francisco Antonio Velarde, del empleo de Teniente del Presidio de nuestra Senora del Pilar en el Nuevo Mexico. Or. 17pp.2. 104-6-14. Acc.1693. 1577. 1770. Nov. 12. Mexico. Marques de Croix to Jos6 Faustino Ruiz. [Charging him to bring to a conclusion the accounts in the case of Manuel Rivero Cordero and Franco. Jos6 Ley, both deceased]. Cer. Feb.19,1777, San Bias. lp.2. 104-6-17. Enc.w.3490. 1578. 1770. Nov.12. S.Blas. Franco.Trillo y Vermudez to the Marques de Croix. (No.22). [Sends the files of his correspondence with Matias Armona], Cer. Ip.l. 104^6-16. Enc.w.2667. 1579. 1770. Nov.16. Sn.Lorenzo. The king to the viceroy of New Spain. Participandole averse concedido d Fray Juan Pedro de Yriarte . . . y d su provincia de Santiago . . . una Mission de 24 Religiosos Sacerdotes con el fin de qe.se empleen en las de la California . . . y ordenandole que se las con- siderase utiles para otras Missiones ademas de estas los destine d ellas. Dft. 4pp.l. 104-3-4. Acc.2867. Acc.by 1580,1581. 1580. 1770. Nov.16. Sn.Lorenzo. The king to the bishop of Guadalajara. [In substantially the same terms as 1579]. Dft. 4pp.l. 104-3^. Acc.1579. 1581. 1770. Nov.6. Sn.Lorenzo. The king to the Archbishop of Mexico. [In substantially the same terms as 1579]. Dft. 4pp.l. 104-3-4. Acc.1579. 1582. 1770. Nov.17. Madrid. Domingo Diaz de Arze to Julian de Arriaga. [Sends a letter of the governor of Nueva Vizcaya about Indian uprisings there]. Or. 3pp.2. 104r-6-14. Acc.1502. 1583. 1770. Nov.21-Dec.4. Pedro Fages. No.2. Salida que hizo el Teniente de voluntarios de Catalufia con seis soldados y un arriero. Cer. lOpp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l768. 1584. 1770. Nov.23. Chihuahua. Relacion que en Extracto ha remitido el Capn.de Ynfanteria dn.Bemdo.de Galvez de los sucesos conseguidos pr.la Expedicion que bajo su comando se dispuso y sali<5 desde la Villa de Chihuahua contra los Yndios Apaches. Uns. 4pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l591. 1585. 1770. Nov.30. Chiguagua. Josef Fayni to Julian de Arriaga. [Says he will try to check the Indians with his scant forces; the viceroy is sending no reinforcements]. Or. 4pp.l. 104-6-14. Sum. Inc.in 1433. Enc.1545. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 241 1586. 1770. Dec.7. San Phelipe el Real. [Summary for the Council of the Indies of military operations against the Indians of Nueva Vizcaya]. Uns. 4pp.2. 104-3-2. Acc.1591, 1587. 1770. Dec.7. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Francisco Trillo y Vermudez. (No.23). [Acknowledging 1578]. Cer. Ip.l. 104r-6-16. Enc.w.2667. 1588. 1770. Dec.7. Chihuahua. Josef Fayni to the Marques de Croix. [Says the Apaches attacked La Jabonera ranch, robbed all the cattle, and killed forty seven persons in a single week]. Cer. Jan.31,1771,Mexico. 3pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l699. 1589. 1770. Dec.20. Mexico. . [Summary for the Council of the Indies of Croix's letter to Arriaga of the above date, about the Indian war in Chihuahua, and of correspondence with Joseph Fayni about the same matter]. Uns. 16pp.2. 104-3-2. Ace. 1808. 1590. 1770. Dec.21. Mexico. Marques de Croix to Josef Fayni. [Orders him to return to Durango to attend to the question of the temporali- dades there, and leave Captain Gdlvez in charge on the frontier). C. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l714. 1591. 1770. Dec.26. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. No.790. Envia copia de las noticias y Progresos de la Expedici6n hecha en Nueva Vizcaya por don Bernardo Galvez. Or. 2pp.l. 104r-3-2. Inc.m 1228. Acc.by 1586. Enc.1584. 1592. 1770. Dec.27. Mexico. Marques de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. No.793. Dd cuenta de la tenacidad con que el Governador de Durango habia con- tinuado en no acabar debidamente sus providencias relativas d. impedir los insultos de los Yndios Bdrbaros en la Provincia de Chihuahua. Or. 5pp.l. 104-6-14. Inc.in 1433. 1593. 1770. Dec.28. Chiguagua. Josef Fayni to Julian de Arriaga. Informe de los insultos que hacen los Yndios en la Provincia de la Nueva Vizcaya. Or. 5pp.l. 104-6-14. Inc.in 1433. 1594. 1770. Dec.29. Manila. Cargos qe.resultan contra el Mariscal de Campo D.Jph.Raon, de la Pesquisa secreta qe.se le form6 y papeles que se aprehendieron al Oidor D.Domingo Bias de Basaraz. C. 5pp.l. 96-1-11. 1595. 1770. Dec.31. Mexico. Francisco de Corres and Fernando Joseph Mangino. Estado que demuestra el caudal que en la liquidaci6n y divisi6n practicada con esta fecha, pertenece A las Misiones de la Peninsula de Califomias desde primero de este ano, hasta fin de 61, en cuyo Total se incluye la liquida existencia verificada en la operaci6n del ano proximo anterior, los principales que les corresponden A distintos premios, los productos de las haciendas de Ybarra y Arroyo Zarco y las demas activas, con rebaja de los gastos. Or. Ip.l. 97-^-6. Enc.w.l698. 17 242 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 1596. [1770. Dec.31. Guadalajara]. Domo.del Barco and Franco.Lopez. Real Caxa de Guadalajara. Cuenta de Cargo y Data de todos los Ramos de Rl.Hacienda correspondte.d todo el afio de 1770. Or. 295pp.l. 104-3-24. Acc.1687. 1596a. [1771]. [Pedro Fages(?)]. Piano del Real Presidio de Sn.Carlos de Monterrey. C. lp.41 by 25.5 cm. 104^6-14. Enc.w.l768. 1597. [1771]. Extracto de las noticias comunicadas al Virrey de Mexico por D.Bernardo de Urrea, Capitan del Presidio nombrado Sta.Gertrudis del Altar, con las ventaxas conseguidas de los Yndios barbaros en el mes de Mayo del corriente afio. Uns. 4pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l797. 1598. [1771]. Estados de los Presidios, Villas, Lugares, Pueblos, Misiones, Haciendas, Estancias y Ranchos que comprehende la Prova.de Sn.Franco.de Coaguila, Nueva Extremadura, distancia de leguas que hay A cada uno y & que rumbo de la cabecera de Santiago de la Monclova, donde reside su Gobernador Coronel Dn.Jacobo de Ugarte y Loyola. Uns. 2pp.l. 104^6-14. Enc.w.l887. 1599. [1771]. [Testimonio arising from statements of two Franciscans of the College of Quer^taro about the lack of progress in Sonora of the royal troops against insurrectionary Indians]. Cer. Sept.6,1771,Durango. 8pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l777. 1600. 1771. [Testimonio arising from Hugo Oconor's letter about conditions in Chihuahua]. Cer. Jan.23,1772,Mexico. 26pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l889. 1601. 1771. Titulo de capitan interino del Preso.de S.Buenaventura en la Prova.de la Na.Vizcaya en D.Narciso Gil por fallecimto.de Dn.Manuel Gomez de la Torre. Cer. Mar.l6,1771,Mexico. 5pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l734. 1602. 1771. Testimo.del espedte.formado sobre la division de Misiones de la California entre los Rdos.PPs.Franciscos de san Ferndo.y Dominicos de esta Provincia. Cer. May 10,1772,Mexico. 68pp.l. 104r-3-4. Enc.w.l959. 1603. 1771. [File of papers relating principally to the pacification of Sonora, the discovery of mineral wealth there, financial questions arising from the campaign, and to the progress of the war in Nueva Viscaya and Texas; and, to a less extent, to events occurring in Baja and Alta California]. 104-3-2. Inc. 1810, 2004, 2163-2168, 2170, 2179, 2189-2192, 2198, 2213, 2215, 2217,2248. 1604. 1771. (No.l). Testimonio de los dictdmenes dados ... en orden d la mejor situaci6n de los Presidios para la defensa y extensi6n de sua fronteras en los confines de este Virreynato. Cer. Sept.l5,1771,Mexico. 122pp.l. 103-4-15. Inc.in 731. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 243 1605. 1771. (No.II). Testimonio de la inspeccidn de presidios que se cometid al Marques de Rubi ... el ano 1766. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 156pp.l. 103-4-15. Inc.in 731. 1606. 1771. (No.V.No.10). Testimonio de la revista pasada por el Marques de Rubi en el presidio de Santa F6e del Nuevo Mexico en el ano de 1767 de que dio cuenta con la que pas6 en el Presidio del Paso del Norte. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico, 85pp.l. 103^^15. Inc.in 731. 1607. 1771. (No.VIII). Testimonio de los autos fechos d instancia del Sr.Conde de S.Pedro del Alamo, Mariscal de Campo, de los Reales Ex^rcitos, sobre la instancia del Presidio del Pasage. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 74pp.l. 103-4-15,C«arf.2. Inc.in 731. 1608. 1771. (No.IX.No.1). Testimonio del Quaderno de latjevista pasada por el . . . Marques de Rubi, remitida con carta de 21 de febrero que se halla en la del Altar de Fronteras. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 57pp.l. 103-4-15. Inc.in 731. 1609. 1771. (No.X.No.2). Testimonio principal de la revista pasada por el Mariscal de Campo Marques de Rubi, . . . al Presidio de Terrenate. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 28pp.l. lOa-4-15. Inc.in 731. 1610. 1771. (No.XI.No.3). Testimonio de la revista pasada por el Mariscal de Campo, Marques de Rubi . . . al presidio de Tubac. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 49pp.l. 103-4-15. Inc.in 731. 1611. 1771. (No.XII.No.4). Testimonio del Quaderno de la Revista pasada por el Mariscal de Campo Marques de Rubi . . . [presidio del Altar]. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 53pp.l. 103-4-15. Inc.in 731. 1612. 1771. (No.XIII.No.5). Testimonio de la Revista pasada de orden del Rey, por el Mariscal de Campo, Marques de Rubi en el Presidio de S.Miguel, Governacion de Sonora el ano de 1767, y la Buenavista. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 47pp.l. 103^-15. Inc.in 731. 1613. 1771. (No.XIV.No.6). Testimonio del expediente formado sobre la Inspecci6n de Presidios, hecha por el Sr.Mariscal de Campo, Marques de Rubi el ano de 1767. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 53pp.l. 103-4-15. Inc.in 731. 1614. 1771. (No.XV.No.7). Testimonio de la Revista de inspecci6n executada de orden de S.M.d la Compania del Presidio de Cerro Gordo y Govemaci6n de la Nueva Vizcaya por el Marques de Rubi. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 35pp.l. 103-4^15. Inc.in 731. 1615. 1771. (No.XVI.No.l3). Testimonio de la revista del Presidio de Monclova por el Mariscal de Campo Marques de Rubi. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 53pp.l. 103-4-15. Inc.in 731. 244 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 1616. 1771. (No.XVII.No.l4). Testimonio de la revista pasada en el Presidio de Santa Rosa, en el afio de 1767 por el Marques de Rubl. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 42pp.l. 103-4-15. Inc.in 731. 1617. 1771. (No.XVIII.No.l2). Testimonio de la revista pasada por el Mariscal de Campo Marques de Rubf en el Presidio de San Saba. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 48pp.l. 103-4-15. Inc.in 731. 1618. 1771. (No.XIX.No.20). Testimonio de la revista hecha por el Mariscal de Campo Marques de Rubi en el Presidio de S.Antonio de Bejar en el ano de 1767. Cer. Aug.26, 177 I.Mexico. 29pp.l. 103-4^15. Inc.in 731. 1619. 1771. (No.XX.No.l7). Testimonio del extracto y revista hecha por el Mariscal de Campo Marqu6s de Rubi en el Presidio de los Adaes en el afio de 1767. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 120pp.l. 103-4-15. Inc.in 731. 1620. 1771. (No.XXI.No.18). Testimonio de la revista hecha por el Mariscal de Campo Marques de Rubi en el ano de 1767 en el Presidio del Orcoquizar. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 26pp.l. 103-4-15. Inc.in 731. 1621. 1771. (No.XXII.No.l9). Testimonio del extracto de revista de inspecci6n executada . . . por el Marques de Rubi al Presidio de la Bahia del Espiritu Santo. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. ISpp.l. 103^-15. Inc.m 731. 1622. 1771. (No.XXIII.No.l5). Rio del Norte. Testimonio del extracto de la revista, de inspecci6n executada ... d la Compania del Presidio de la Governaci6n de Coahuila. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. llpp.l. 103^-15. Inc.in 731. 1623. 1771. (No.XXIV.No.16). Testimonio del extracto de la revista de inspecci6n, executada, por el Mariscal de Campo Marques de Rubi . . . al Presidio de Monterrey. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 20pp.l. 103-4-15. Inc.in 731. 1624. 1771. (No.XXV.No.21). Testimonio del Quaderno de la Revista pasada ... d los soldados del Presidio de la Mesa del Tonari. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. llpp.l. 103-4-15. Inc.in 731. 1625. 1771. (No.XXVI.No.6). Testimonio del expediente formado sobre la inspecci6n de Presidios hecha, por el Sr.Mariscal de Campo Marques de Rubi el ano 1768. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 62pp.l. 103-4-15. Inc.in 731. 1626. 1771. (No.XXVII.No.3). Testimonio del Quaderno de diligencias practicadas en virtud del superior despacho del Virrey de este Rno.8re.la extinci6n del Presidio de Nuestra Seiiora de la Limpia Concepci6n del Pasage. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 46pp.l. 103-4-15. Inc.in 731. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 245 1627. 1771. (No.III.No.7). Testimonio del Quademo de declaraciones recibidas A los soldados de la CJompania del Presidio del Pasage de que es Capitdn D.Bernardo de Vargas y Zevallos. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 116pp.l. 103-4-16. Inc.in 731. 1628. 1771. (No.III.No.9). Testimonio del Quademo de las declaraciones recividas d los soldados de la Compania del Presidio de Guejuquilla. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 89pp.l. 103-4^16. Inc.in 731. 1629. 1771. (No.IV.No.14). Testimonio del Quademo de las declaraciones recividas A los soldados de la Compania del Presidio del Passo del Rio del Norte. Cer. Aug.26, 1771, Mexico. 62pp.l. 103-4-16. Inc.in 731. 1630. 1771. (No.V.No.l3). Testimonio del Quaderno de las declaraciones recividas d los soldados de la Compania del Presidio de Santa Fe6. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 72pp.l. 103-4-16. Inc.in 731. 1631. 1771. (No.VI.No.ll). Testimonio de los autos fechos sobre las declaraciones recibidas d los soldados del Presidio de San Buenaventura de la que es Capitdn D.Manuel Gomez de la Torre. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 56pp.l. 103^-16. Inc.in 731. 1632. 1771. (No.VII.No.12). Testimonio del Quaderno de las declaraciones recibidas d los soldados de la. Compania del Presidio de Janos. Cer. Aug.26,1771, Mexico. 66pp.l. 103-4-16. Inc.in 731. 1633. 1771. (No.IX.No.l). Testimonio del Quaderno de las declaraciones recibidas A los soldados de la Compania del Presidio de Santa Rosa, Coro de Guache alias Fronteras. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 59pp.l. 103-4-16. Inc.in 731. 1634. 1771. (No.X.No.2). Testimonio del Quaderno de Declaraciones recibidas & los soldados del Presidio de Terrenate de cuia Compa.es Capitdn D.Estevan Diaz Gonzales. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 59pp.l. 103-4-16. Inc.in 731. 1635. 1771. (No.XI.No.3). Testimonio de las declaraciones recibidas A los soldados de la Compania del Presidio de Tubaque de que es Capitan D.Juan Bautista Anza. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 49pp.l. 103-4-16. Inc.in 731. 1636. 1771. (No.XII.No.4). Testimonio del Quaderno de Declaraciones recibidas A los soldados de la Compania del Presidio del Altar de que es Capitan D.Bernardo de Urrea. Cer. Aug.26, 1771, Mexico. 51pp. 1. 103-4-16. Inc.in 731. 1637. 1771. (No.XIII.No.5). Testimonio de las Declaraciones recividas A los soldados de la Compania del Presidio de S.Miguel de Horcasitas de que es Capitan el Thte.Coronel D.Juan de Pineda. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 44pp.l. 103-4-16. Inc.in 731. 246 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 1638. 1771. (No.XIII.No.6). Testimonio del Quaderno de declaraciones recibidas de los soldados de la Compania del Presidio de Buenavista de que es Capitan D.Lorenzo Cansio. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 43pp.l. 103-4-16. Inc.in 731. 1639. 1771. (No.XV.No.8). Testimonio del Quaderno de las declaraciones recividas d los soldados de la Compania de Cerro Gordo. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 45pp.l. 103-4-16. Inc.in 731. 1640. 1771. (No.XVI.No.16). Testimonio del Quaderno de las Declaraciones recividas d los soldados de la Compania del Presidio de la Monclova. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 52pp.l. 103HH6. Inc.in 731. 1641. 1771. (No.XVII.No.l7). Testimonio del Quaderno de Declaraciones recividas & los soldados de la Compania del Presidio de Santa Rosa del cargo del Coronel D.Diego Ortiz Parrilla. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 83pp.l. 103-4-16. Inc.in 731. 1642. 1771. (No.XVIII.No.l5). Testimonio del Quaderno de las Declaraciones recividas A los soldados de la Compania del Presidio de San Saba. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 56pp.l. 103^-16. Inc.in 731. 1643. 1771. (No.XIX.No.23). Testimonio del Quaderno de Declaraciones recibidas d los soldados de la Compania del Presidio de S.Antonio de Bexar de que es Capitan Don Luis Antonio Menchaca. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 43pp.l. 103-4-16. Inc.in 731. a644. 1771. (No.XX.No.20). Testimonio del Quaderno de las Declaraciones recividas d los soldados de la -Compania del Presidio de Nuestra Sra.del Pilar de los Adaes. sCer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 76pp.l. 103^-16. Incin 731. 1645. 1771. (No.XXLNo.21). Testimonio del Quaderno de las Declaraciones recividas d los Soldados de la Compania del Presidio de Orcoquiza de la Govemaci6n de Texas. Cer. Aug.26, 1771, Mexico. 48pp.l. 103-4-16. Incin 731. 1646. 1771. (No.XXII.No.20-22). Testimonio del Quaderno de las Declaraciones recividas d los soldados de la Compania del Presidio de la Bahia del Espiritu Santo. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 47pp.l. 103^-16. Inc.in 731. 1647. 1771. (No.XXIILNo.18). Testimonio de las declaraciones recividas d los soldados de la Compafiia del Presidio de Rio Grande de que es Capitdn D.Manuel Rodriguez. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 48pp.l. 103^-16. Inc.in 731. 1648. 1771. (No.XXIV.No.l9). Testimonio de las declaraciones dadas por los soldados del Presidio del Nuevo Reino de Leon [Monterrey] de que es Capitan D.Andr6s de Goicochea. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 35pp.l. 103^-16. Inc.in 731. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 247 1649. 1771. (No.XXV.No.24). Testimonio del Quaderno de las declaraciones recividaa d los soldados de la Compania del Presidio de la Mesa del Tonati. Cer. Aug.26,1771,Mexico. 62pp.l. 103^-16. Inc.in 731. 1650. 1771. [Testimonio about the appointment of Hugo Oconor as captain of the presidio of San Sabas]. Cer. Oct.5,1771,Mexico. 7pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l823. 1651. 1771. Testimonio de la pieza principal de los Autos originales de Visita de Caxas Reales de Acapulco y averiguaci6n hecha sobre los fraudes cometidos en perjuicio de los Reales intereses, con lo mds que contiene. Cer. Oct.30,1771,Mexico. 92pp. 1. 88-5-23,Ct«wi.A. Enc.w.l829. 1652. 1771. Testimonio Pieza de Providencias para lo respective d la Visita de Cajas Reales del Puerto de Acapulco. Cer. Oct.20,1771,Mexico. 15pp.l. S8-&-23,Cuad.B. Enc.w.l829. 1653. 1771. Testimonio del Quaderno original No.2.de la Visita de Caxas Rs.de Acapulco, que contiene la n6mina de los empleados en ellas, 6 interrogatorio general de la pesquisa Secreta. Cer. Oct.20,1771,Mexico. 47pp.l. 88-5-23. Enc.w.l829. 1654. 1771. Testimonio del Quaderno original No.3.de las piezas de la Pesquisa Secreta hecha en Acapulco sobre oficiales Reales de aquel Puerto y demds que expresa. Cer. Oct.20,1771,Mexico. 158pp.l. 88-5-23. Enc.w.l829. 1655. 1771. Testimonio del Quaderno original No.4.de la Visita de Caxas Reales de Acapulco y averiguaci6n de las cantidades remitidas A Manila y dem& que expresa. Cer. Oct.30,1771,Mexico. 8pp.l. 88-5-23. Enc.w.l829. 1656. 1771. Testimonio del Quaderno original No.5.del Inventario de los Papeles de la Contaduria y Escribania de Real Hacienda, Caxas y registros del Puerto de Acapulco. Cer. Oct.8,1771,Mexico. 88pp.l. 88-5-23. Enc.w.l829. 1657. 1771. [Testimonio about the visita of Galvez at Acapulco]. Cuadernos 4, 9 d 22 y 24 A 33. 88-5-22. Inc.1162,1658-1681. 1658. 1771. Testimonio del Quaderno 4to.de los Autos fechos d consulta del Sr.D.Antonio Joachin de Ribadeneyra, . . . sobre la prisi6n y embargo de las personas y bienes de D.Esteban de la Carrera, Tesorero Oficial Rl.de Acapulco, y su oficial mayor D.Juan Varela y Otero, las que se hallan en Quaderno Iro.Cor- riente. Cer. Oct.31,1771,Mexico. 13pp.l. 88-5-22. Inc.in 1657. 248 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 1659. 1771. Testimonio del Quaderno original formado por el Visitador gral.D.Jos^ de Galvez en los Autos de visita de la Real Aduana de Acapulco . . . sobre los fraudes que se cometen en perjuicio de la Rl.Hacienda. Cer.of Cer. Oct.31,1771,Mexico. 104pp.l. 88-5-22, Ctiod. 10. Inc.in 1657. 1660. 1771. Teslimonio del Quaderno original numero 11 de la visita de Caxas Reales de Acapulco, y cargos que resultaron de la sumaria contra D.Jos6 Antonio Adam y Martinez, Escribano del Puerto de Acapulco. Cer. Oct.31,1771,Mexico. 19pp.l. 88-5-22. Inc.in 1657. 1661. 1771. Testimonio del Quaderno original Numero 12, de la Visita de Caxas Reales de Acapulco y Cargos que resultaron contra D.Alfonso de Ovalle Juez Comisario de Guias de dicho Puerto. Cer. Oct.31,1771,Mexico. 8pp.l. 88-5-22. Inc.in 1657. 1662. 1771. Testimonio del Quaderno original Niimero 13, de la Visita de Caxas Reales de Acapulco y escritos por D.Jph.Anto.Adan y Martinez — ^Escribano de Registros y Real Hacienda de dicho Puerto. Cer. Oct.30,1771,Mexico. 16pp.l. 88-5-22. Inc.in 1657. 1663. 1771. Testimonio del Quaderno original numero 14, Real C6dula de la Visita de Reales Caxas de Acapulco. Cer. Oct.30,1771,Mexico. 82pp.l. 88-5-22. Incin 1657. 1664. 1771. Testimonio de el Quaderno 15, formado d pedimento de los fiadores y acredores del Factor oficial Real de la Real Caxa de Acapulco D.Estevan de la Carrera. Cer. Oct.21,1771,Mexico. 140pp.l. 88-5-22. Inc.in 1657. 1665. 1771. Testimonio de la escritura de Dote presentada por Da.Maria Antonio de Viller y Corral Muger de D.Esteban de la Carrera. Cer. Oct.30,1771,Mexico. 34pp.l. SS-5-22,Cuad.l6. Inc.in 1657. 1666. 1771. Testimonio del formado connativo de los documentos que present6 D.Fem- ando Zorrilla, como depositario de los bienes de Carrera, de los gastos erogados en 61, d fin de que se le satisfagan, y asimismo el premio que se le considere justo. Cer. Oct.30,1771,Mexico. 70pp.l. SS-5-22,Ciuid.l7. Inc.in 1657. 1667. 1771. Testimonio del Quaderno 18 de la Causa seguida contra D.Juan Varela Otero por c6mplice en la que contra D.Estevan de la Carrera y D.Juan Manuel Ramirez se ha seguido sobre excesps en sus empleos de Oficiales de Acapulco. Cer. Oct.l7,1771,Mexico. 80pp.l. 88-5-22,Ci/ad.l8. Inc.in 1657. 1668. 1771. Testimonio del Quaderno formado & consulta del Sr.D.Antonio Joachin de Rivadeneyra sobre el nombramiento de Comisario que fuese & practical varias for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 249 diligencias i, Acapvilco: y de las oposiciones que han hecho los fiadores de Carrera para que no se le pagasen sus salarios. Cer. Oct.30,1771,Mexico. 59pp.l. 88-5-22, Cuad. 19. Incin 1657. 1669. 1771. Testimonio de un escrito en que acompana una certificaci6n del Real Tribunal de Cuentas y una representaci6n hecha d S.M.por el Conde de Revilla Gigedo, D.Juan Varela. Cer. Oct.30,1771,Mexico. 15pp.l. 88-5-22, CMa(f.20. Incin 1657. 1670. 1771. Testimonio del Quaderno original Niimero 21 formado en superior Gobierno A consulta del Senor Asesor Rivadeneira sobre que sin embargo de no admitirse & tela de juicio la denuncia de D.Estevan de la Carrera contra Don Juan Manuel Ramirez, se averigue en secreto la verdad de sus puntos, por lo que se interesa la Real Hacienda. Cer. Oct.6,1771,Mexico. 47pp.l. 88-5-22. Incin 1657. 1671. 1771. Testimonio del Quaderno Niimero 22 de los Autos fechos sobre el nombrami- ento de Thesorero Factor oficial Real por el Superior Govierno en Don Joseph Asencio de Huysi para la Real Caxa de Acapulco, por impedimento de D. Estevan de la Carrera que lo obtenia y contradicci6n de este sobre dicho nombramiento. Cer. Nov.20,1771,Mexico. 42pp.l. 88-5-22. Incin 1657. 1672. 1771. Testimonio del Quaderno original No. 24 de una Real Cedula fecha en Madrid d 28 de Febrero de 1680. Cer. Nov.l5,1771,Mexico. 74pp.l. 88-5-22. Incin 1657. 1673. 1771. Testimonio del Quaderno original numero 25 de un escrito de Don Juan Manuel Ramirez, presentado ante el Subdelegado de la visita sobre que no se permita d D.Estevan de la Carrera que baxe d Acapulco por los fundamentos que expone. Cer. Nov.25,1771,Mexico. 34pp.l. 88-5-22. Incin 1657. 1674. 1771. Testimonio del Quaderno original ntim.26 de nuevos escritos y apelaci6n de D.Juan Manuel Ramirez ante el Exmo.Sr.Virrey Marques de Croix con testi- monio del antecedente Quaderno sobre si residian en el Subdelegado, 6 que se le confiriesen las facultades que dixo no tenia. Cer. Nov.25,1771,Mexico. 64pp.l. 88-5-22. Incin 1657. 1675. 1771. Testimonio del Quaderno No. 27 de las diligencias practicadas . . . sobre los testigos ratificados en Acapulco y demds que dentro se relaciona. Cer. Nov.l6,1771,Mexico. 120pp.l. 88-5-22. Incin 1657. 1676. 1771. Testimonio del Quaderno original numero veinte y ocho sobre lo que di6 motivo d la demora en la Caminata del Subdelegado de la Visita D.Bartolom^ de Ortega, y Juez comisionado por el Exmo.Senor Virrey de este Reyno Marques de Croix. Cer. Oct.l7,1771,Mexico. ISpp.l. 88-5-22. Incin 1657.. 250 Catalogue of Materials in Archive General de Indias 1677. 1771. Testimonio del Quaderno Ntimero 29, que contiene varies documentos, del Archivo, de Caxas Reales de Acapulco, los quales present6 D.Estevan de la Carrera. Cer. Oct.31,1771,Mexico. 44pp.l. 88-5-22. Inc.in 1657. 1678. 1771. Testimonio del Quaderno Niimero 30 de los Autos de acusaciones de D.Juan Manuel Ramii-ez y D.Estevan de la Carrera, que lo 6s de los formados sobre la compra de la Fragata Santa Rossa. Cer. Oct.31,1771,Mexico. 282pp.l. 88-5-22. Inc.in 1657. 1679. 1771. Testimonio del Quaderno No.31, de los Autos de acusaciones de D.Juan Manuel Ramirez y D.Estevan de la Carrera formado sobre el Avaluo y apresto de la Fragata Santa Rossa. Cer. Oct.31,1771,Mexico. 170pp.l. 88-5-22. Inc.in 1657. 1680. 1771. Testimonio del Quaderno 32 corriente de Denuncia de D.Estevan de la Carrera. Cer. Oct.21,1771,Mexico. 152pp.l. 88-5-22. Inc.in 1657. 1681. 1771. Testimonio del Quaderno 33 de los Autos que ha segmdo D.Estevan de la Carrera contra D.Juan Manuel Ramirez, ambos oficiales del Puerto de Aca- pulco. Cer. Oct.l7,1771,Mexico. 156pp.l. 88-5-22. Inc.in 1657. 1682. 1771-1797. Expediente sobre Sinodos y calificar la legitima inversi6n de 136 mil 184 ps. librados contra el fondo piadoso de las Misiones de Californias para las expedi- ciones de aquella Peninsula, Separaci6n de este ramo de la Direccion de Tem- poralidades, su arreglo, administraci6n y demas relativo al propio fondo. 97-4-5. Inc.729,,1708,2884,2932,2946,3116,3421,3461,3764,3810,3819,4108, 4124,4234,4365,4417,4421,4442,4560,4788-4790,5151,5152,5376,5397,5414,5464, 5483,5523,5720,5748,5749,5860,5862,5875. See 620. 1683. 1771. Jan.l. Falacio. [Council of the Indies] to[tlie Department of Marina]. [Announcing the promotion of Juan Perez and Vicente Vila for their services in the Monterey expeditions]. Dft. lp.2. 104-3-3. Acc.1539. 1684. 1771. Jan.l. Palacio. [Council of the Indies] to Jun.Grego.Muniain. [Announcing the promotion of Miguel Costanso and Pedro Fages for their services in the Monterey expeditions]. Dft. 2pp.2. 104-3-3. Acc.1539. 1685. 1771. Jan.2. Madrid. Juhan Arriaga to the Marqs.de Croix. Queda enterado de sua cartas y de las noticias de los extractos que acompana sobre la expedon.de Sonora. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1546,1550. 1686. 1771. Jan.2. Mexico. Mathias de Armona to the viceroy. [Description of Baja California, and an account of the expeditions by land and sea to San Diego and Monterey]. C. 8pp.l. 96-1^11. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 251 1687. 1771. Jan.2. Guadalaxara. Domo.del Barco and Franco. Lopez. Relacion Jurada [de Cargo y Data] . . . desde primero de Enero de mil setecientos y setenta, hast a fin de Diziembre de 61 . . . y de lo que se ha remitido d la Rl.Caxa de Mexico. Or. 6pp.l. 104-3-24. Acc.by 1596. 1688. 1771. Jan.4. Chihuahua. Josef Fayni to the Marqs.de Croix. [Says the Indians surprised some merchants of New Mexico and El Paso, robbing them of their horses]. Cer. Jan.31,1771,Mexico. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l699. 1689. 1771. Jan.5. Palacio. Juan Grego.Mimiain to Julian de Arriaga. [Remitting royal despatches promoting Miguel Costanso and Pedro Fages for their share in the Monterey expeditions]. Or. 3pp.2. 104-3-3. Acc.1539. 1690. 1771. Jan.5. Palacio. Juan Grego.Muniain to Julian de Arriaga. [Remitting royal despatches promoting Caspar de Portold for his share in the Monterey expeditions]. Or. 3pp.2. 104-3-3. Acc.1539. 1691. 1771. Jan.5. Madrid. Alexandro O'Reilly to Julian de Arriaga. [Recommends Hugo Oconor for promotion]. Or. 2pp.2. 104-6-14. Acc.2019. 1692. 1771. Jan.7. Sn.Bartolom^. Bernardo de Galvez to the Marques de Croix. [Tells of inflicting a defeat on the Apaches, and his recovery of some stolen horses]. Cer. Jan.31,1771,Mexico. 5pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l699. 1693. 1771. Jan. 14. El Pardo. [JuUdn de Arriaga] to the viceroy. Con noticia de qe. aprov6 d Dn. Franco. Anto.Velarde en la Tena.que servia del Presidio del Pilar por nombramto.del Govor.de Nuevo Mexico del Ano 764; se le advierte prevenga le avisen luego de semej antes vacantes, y d6 cuenta d S.M. para la confirmaci6n. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1482,1576,1758. 1694. 1771. Jan.l5. Mexico. Nicolds Gil to the Marques de Croix. [Tells of operations against the Apaches in Nueva Vizcaya]. Cer. Jan.31,1771,Mexico. 7pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l699. 1695. 1771. Jan.l6. Mexico. Jose de Galvez to Jose Faustino Ruiz and Juan de Urrengoechea. [Concerns liquidation of the accounts of Rivero and Ley, both deceased]. Cer. Feb.l9,1777,San Bias. Ip.l. 104-6-17. Enc.w.3490. 1696. 1771. Jan.l8. Mexico. Extracto de las ultimas noticias de la expedicion de Sonora dadas por el Coronel Don Domingo Elizondo desde el Pitic con fecha de 12 de Nov del ano proximo pasado y con la de'18 de Octubre anterior desde Guaimas pr. D.Diego Peirdn. Uns. 4pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l697. 1697. 1771. Jan.25. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Juhan de Arriaga. Acompana relacion de los progresos de la expedizon.de Sonora. Or. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Sum. Acc.1755. Enc.1696 252 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 1698. 1771 . Jan,26, Mexico. Marques de Croix to the C!onde de Aranda. (No.664). (No.4). Acompafla dos estados del caudal perteneciente & las Misiones de Californias compreensivos el uno desde la expulci6n hasta fin del afio de 1769 y el otro & todo el de 1770. Or. 3pp.l. 97-4-6. Inf. Dec. Incin 620. Acc.by 1789,1790. Enc.1534,1595. 1699. 1771. Jan.31. Mexico. Marques de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. No.829. Dd cuenta con copia de carta qe. le escribi6 D.Bernardo de Galvez y repre- sentaci6n que se le hizo por el Teniente del Presidio de Julimes acerca de no haber querido auxiliar el Governador de Nueva Vizcaya al primero para que volviese d salir d campana contra los Indies Apaches. Or. 7pp.l. 104-6-14. Incin 1433. Enc.1588,1688,1692,1694. 1700. 1771. Feb.3. Pitic. Domingo Elizondo to the Marqs.de Croix. [Says he thinks it best not to remove the conquered tribes from their country, but to treat them well, instruct them in the faith, and keep constant watch over them]. Cer. Mar.26,1771,Mexico. 20pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l718. 1701. 1771. Feb.8. Cadiz. Fr.Juan Pedro de Yriarte to Julian de Arriaga. [Asks that orders be given as soon as possible for payment of the equipment of the twenty four reUgious going to the Californias]. Or. Ip.l. 105-1-25. Incin 923. 1702. 1771. Feb.l3. El Pardo. [Arriaga] to the Marqs.de Croix. Que respecto d. que por el Cons.extraordinario ha dado cuenta sobre la aplicason.de los ornamtos. y demas utiles qe.sac6 de las Yglesias de los Regu- lares para las nuevas Misiones de Californias, espere la resolucion por aquella via. Dft. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1574. 1703. 1771. Feb.18. El Pardo. [JuUdn de Arriaga] to the viceroy. Avisandole haberse conferido grado de Tente. Corel, al Sargto.Maior de Ynfanta. D.Hugo Oconor; y que en quanto d la Capitania del Presidio de Sn. Sabas que tambien solicita, le atienda sino hubiese novedad en la permana.de ella, y d6 cuenta. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.2019. 1704. 1771. Feb.18. El Pardo. [Julidn de Arriaga] to Juan Grego.Muniain. [Says the king has promoted Hugo Oconor to be Ueutenant-colonel, and asks that papers to that effect be made out]. Dft. 2pp.2. 104-6-14. Acc.2019. 1705. 1771. Feb.l9. El Pardo. [JuUdn de Arriaga] to the viceroy. Aprobandole su celo con presencia de los auxilios que dice franque6 d la Nueva Vizcaya para su defensa contra las invasiones de los Yndios Bdrbaros, como se le encarg6 en orn.de Julio de 770. Dft. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1570. 1706. 1771. Feb. 19. Durango. Joseph Fayni to the Marques de Croix. [Says he is returning to Durango as ordered, and adds that if Gdlvez's nephew captured an Indian village it was because of the 240 well armed men which he had furnished him]. C. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l714 for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 253 1707. 1771. Feb.22. Mexico. Jos6 de Echeveste. Relacion Jvirada [de Cargo y Data] desde 24 de Noviembre de 1766 hasta 31 de Enero de 1771, que present6 d D.Jos6 de Galvez de los caudales que han sido A su cargo y su inversion en los efectos gastob y remesas que se refieren. Or.Dp. 84pp.l. 96-1-12. Enc.w.l905. Acc.by 1903. 1708. 1771. Feb.23. El Pardo. [Juiidn de Arriaga] to the Marquds de Croix. (No.26). [Orders institution of proceedings to find out the amounts of money col- lected from royal funds without right by the expelled Jesuits]. Dft. 7pp.l. 97-4-5. Inc.in 1682. 1709. 1771. reb.26. Mexico. Extracto de las ultimas noticias de la Expedici6n MiUtar de Sonora comuni- cadas por el Comandante de ella Dn. Domingo Ehzondo con fecha en el Quartel del Pitic d 20 de Diciembre de 1770. Uns. 8pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l710. 1710. 1771. Feb.27. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. No.852. Contextando d la orn.de 3 de Nove.ultimo, sre. la colocason.de los Yndios reducidos en Sonora, remite extracto de las ultimas notizas.de aquella expedon. Or. 5pp.l. 104-6-14. Sum. Acc.1755. Enc.1709. 1711. 1771. Feb.27. Mexico. Pedro Garrido to the king. [States that the ten Dominicans destined for mission work in the Californias, have not been allowed to go there, because the Fernandinos are in that field, and asks reUef, for the ten Dominicans are in Mexico without mission work]. Or. 3pp.l. 103-7-l,£;xp.9. Nota. Acc.1712. 1712. 1771. Feb,28. Mexico. Franco.Arzobpo.de Mexico to Domingo Diaz de Arze. [Relates the difficulties of fulfilling the royal order to provide a mission field for the twenty four Dominicans of Father Yriarte; suggests that they be ordered to the CaUfornias, and that the other ten, also provided for previously, be employed in other missions, since they were then in the city of Mexico with nothing to do]. Or. 3pp.l. 10Z-7-l,Exp.9. Dec. Acc.by 1711,1748,1775. 1713. 1771. Mar .9. Mexico. Areche. [Reports that Juan Manuel Ramirez should be restored to his place as contador of Acapulco, since he has proved his innocence of the charges against him]. C. 16pp.l. 88-5-23. Enc.w.l719. 1714. 1771. Mar.l2. Durango. Josef Fayni to JuUan de Arriaga. [Complains of the treatment accorded him by Croix and Gdlvez, and asks permission to return to Spain to expose the bad state of affairs in Nueva Vizcaya]. Or. 3pp.l. 104-6-14. Inc.in 1433. Enc.1590,1706. 1715. 1771. Mar.l6. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Domingo EHzondo. (Reservada). [Instructions for the return to Mexico of the veteran troops, and for dealing with the Indians so as avoid new revolts]. Cer. Mar.26,1771,Mexico. 3pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l718. 1716. 1771. Mar.l7. El Pardo. [Juhdn de Arriaga] to the governor of Nueva Vizcaya. 254 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias Enterado de sus providencias para contener los Yndios bdrbaros, y que no duda S.M. procurard la posible defensa de aquella Provincia. Dft. Ip.l. 104r-d-14. Acc.by 1558. 1717. 1771. Mar. 18. Mexico. Extracto de las ultimas noticias de la Expedicion Militar de Sonora comuni- cadas con fecha de 3 de Febrero pr6ximo pasado por el Comte.de ella D. Domingo Elizondo. Uns. 8pp.l. 104r-6-14. Enc.w.l718. 1718. 1771. Mar.26. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. No.862. Avisa el feUz estado de la expedon.de Sonora y remitiendose al extracto y copias que incluye de lo informado por Elizondo acerca del destino qe. deva darse d, los Yndios rendidos, pide la resolucion de S.M. Or. 4pp.l. 104-6-14. Sum. Acc.1755. Enc.1700,1715,1717. 1719. 1771. Apr.5. Veracruz. Basilio Gascon to Julian de Arriaga. Reproduce lo que tiene representado sobre los perjuicios seguidos d, su sobrino D.Juan Manuel Ramirez Contador de Acapulco, por el Tribunal de la Visita, sin embargo de haverle declarado el Fiscal inocente. Y pide se le reintegre & su empleo. Or. 7pp.l. 88-5-23. Enc.1446,1713. 1720. 1771. Apr.15. Mexico. Piano de una compania de accionistas para fomentar con actividad el bene- ficio de las ricas minas de Sonora y Cinaloa y restablecer la pesqueria de perlas en el Golfo de Calif ornias. Uns. 8 printed pp.2. 104-&-14. Enc.w.l729. Acc.by four duplicates. 1721. 1771. Apr .20. Madrid. The fiscales of the Council of Castile, Campomanea and Monino. Expone su dictamen sobre el expediente relative d las Providencias dadas en Nueva Espaiia con acuerdo del Visitador Galvez para la Administraci6n de Rentas y Comercio, dividido en cinco puntos. 88-5-25. Inc.543,611,612,763,764,833,837,861,865,890,891,906,910,928,929, 933,934,966,979,1023,1084,1145,1423,1459,1513,1533,1722. 1722. 1771. Apr.20. Madrid. The fiscales. [Report on the expediente concerning Gdlvez's measures in New Spain, sustaining Gdlvez]. Or. 616pp.l,in 503 paragraphs. 88-5-25. Incin 1721. 1723. 1771. Apr.21, Pitic. Domingo Ehzondo to the Marques de Croix. (No.l). [TeUing of the pacification of the Seris]. Cer. 4pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l752. 1724. 1771. Apr.21. Pitic. Domingo EUzondo to the Marques de Croix. (No.2). [TeUing of the surrender of many Indians in Sonora, and of his having sent Bernardo de Urrea north, to treat with the Pdpagos]. Cer. 4pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l752. Acc.by 1731. 1725. 1771. Apr.24. Pitic. Domingo de Elizondo to the Marques de Croix. (No.4). [TeUing of the wealth of the recently discovered mines of CieneguUla]. Cer. 2pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l752. Acc.by 1732,1735,1738. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 255 1726. 1771, Apr.26. Mexico. Marqu6s de Croix to the Conde de Aranda. (No. 681). Contesta d, la cm. que se le comunic6 por secretaria en 22 de Dec en la que se le avis6 no corresponder d las temporalidades el legado de 20 mil ps. de D.Juan Altamirano y que esta dependencia correspondia al CJonsejo de Yndias donde se habia remitido. Or. 2pp.l. 97-^r-6. Acc.1064. 1727. 1771. Apr.27. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. No.882. Remite relacion de las ultimas noticias de la Expedicion de Sonora, y comunica otras interesantes de aquellas Provincias. Or. 4pp.l. 104-3-2. Inc.in 1228. Enc.1728. 1728. 1771. Apr.27. Mexico. Extracto de las ultimas noticias de la Expedicion de Sonora comunicadas, con fecha de 25 de Febrero inmediato pasado, por el Comandante de ella Dn. Domingo Elizondo, y de otras particulares que al proprio tiempo se ban recibido en esta Capital. Uns. 4pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l727. 1729. 1771. Apr.27. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. No.883. Acompana 5 exemplares impresos del plan que di6 al publico d fin de formar una compania de accionistas para el fomento y laborio de las Minas de Sonora y Cinaloa. Or. 3pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1807. Enc.1720. 1730. 1771. Apr.29. Pitic. Domingo Elizondo and Pedro Corbaldn to the Marques de Croix. (No.3). [Give their opinion that: the Sens ought to be settled within gunshot of Pitic; for the present, one of the flying companies shoidd be retained in Sonora; in the absence of Captain Cancio, the presidio of Buenavista should be in charge of Lieutenant Juan Lumbreras; the desire of the second flying company not to be sent to Terrenate should be taken into consideration; and the ex- penses of the troops sent from Pitic to Tepique should be charged to the expedition]. Cer. 8pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l752. 1731. 1771. Apr.29. Pitic. Pedro Corbalan to the Marques de Croix. [Writes of the vast discoveries of mineral wealth in Sonora, especially at Cieneguilla, but at other places too]. Cer. 7pp.l. 104-3-2. Acc.1725. 1732. 1771. Apr.29. Santa Gertrudis del Altar. Bernardo de Urrea to Domingo EUzondo. [Says the Pdpagos are desirous of remaining at peace]. C. 4pp.l. 104-3-2. Acc.1724. 1733. 1771. Apr.29. Cadiz. Fr.Juan Pedro de Yriarte y Laurnaga to the king. [Asks permission to take a servant with his company of missionaries bound for the Californias, in place of the missing lay brother]. Or. Ip.l. 104^1-7,1771,No.3. Enc.w.l736. 1734. 1771. Apr.30. Mexico. Manuel Ruiz Cano, Santiago Abad, Juan Chrisos- tomo de Barroeta to Julian de Arriaga. No.42. 256 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias Con testimonio del nombramiento qe. hizo el Virrey de esta Nueva Espafla de Capitan interino del presidio de Sn.Buenaventura de la Prova.de la Na. Vizcaya en Dn. Nicolas Gil por fallecimto. del qe. la obtenia. Or. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1794. Enc.1601. 1735. 1771. May 4. Pitic. Pedro Corbalan to Josef de Galvez. [About the discoveries of mineral wealth at Cieneguilla]. C. 2pp.l. 104-3-2. Acc.1725. 1736. 1771. May 6. Aranjuez. Juln.de Arriaga to Pedro Garcia. [Encloses 1733]. Or. 2pp.2. 104-l-7,1771,No.3. Sum. Dec. Enc.1733. 1737. 1771. May 9. Madrid. Dominguez Sanchez y Barrerro (attorney for Josef Antonio de Areche) to the king. [States that Areche, now thirty four years old, desires to marry, and asks that the laws of the Indies be dispensed with in this case, so that he may do so]. Or. 6pp.l. 91-5-25. Inf. Dec. 1738. 1771. May 13. Real de los Alamos. Br.Manuel Gil Samaniego to Josef de Galvez. [About the discoveries of mineral wealth near the presidio of Altar]. C. 2pp.l. 104^3-2. Acc.1725. 1739. 1771. May 14. Madrid. The fiscal to [the Council of the Indies]. [Recommending the action taken later in no.l743]. Or. 4pp.2. 103-3-12,j&xp.2,1771. Enc.w.l743. 1740. 1771. May 18. Mexico. Domingo de Casal Bermudez. [Certifies that Juan Fernandez Carmona has served for nearly fifteen years, in the merchants' infantry, without pay]. Cer. Dec.4,1771,Madrid. 2pp.l. 104-6-16. Inf. Enc.w.2731. 1741. 1771. May 27. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to JuUan de Arriaga. No. 1005. Remite Extracto de las liltimas noticias de la Expedicion Militar de Sonora, y otras respectivas d, la misma Provincia. Or. 2pp.l. 104r-3-2. Inc.in 1228. Enc.1742. 1742. 1771. May 27. Mexico. Extracto de las ultimas noticias de la expedicion Militar de Sonora, comuni- cadas por el Coronel dn. Domingo Elizondo al Virrey de Nueva Espafia con fechas de 27 de Marzo y 8 de AbrU ultimos. Uns. 4pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l741. 1743. 1771. May 28. Madrid. Council of the Indies to the king. En vista de un memorial de Fray Juan Pedro de Yriarte . . . sobre que se le permita substituir el Donado Joseph Alvarez d un ReUgioso Lego que le falta para completar la Mission que le esta concedida para la California . . . es de parecer que V.M. se sirva descender d esta instancia. Or. 3pp.l. 103-3-12,£^xp.2,1771. Dec. Enc.1739. 1744. 1771. June 9. Monterrey. Fr.Junipero Serra and Pedro Fages. No.l. [Distribution of the missionaries who have come to Monterey]. Cer. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l768. jor History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 257 1745. 1771. June 10 and 12. Mexico. [Testimonio including decrees of the viceroy and of the Real Tribunal de Ciientas for deUvery to Juan Josef de Echeveste, treasurer of the Sonora expedition, the sum of 100,000 pesos, for the use of that expedition]. Cer. June 12,1771,Mexico. 2pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l749. 1746. 1771. June 11. Durango. Jph.Fayni to JuUan de Arriaga. [Says disorder in Chihuahua continues, and disapproves the methods of Bernardo de Gdlvez in combatting the Indians]. C. 4pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1795. 1747. 1771. June 17. Mexico. Noticia Breve de la Expedicion Militar de Sonora y Cinaloa, su exito feliz, y ventajoso estado en que por consecuencia de ella se han puesto ambas Provin- cias, Uns. 12 printed pp.1. 104-3-2. Enc.w.l752. Uns. 96-1-11. 1748. 1771. June 20. Madrid. The fiscal to [the Council of the Indies]. [Suggesting that the viceroy be ordered to provide missions at once in Nayarit and Topia for the ten Dominicans in Mexico, and to divide the Californias between the Franciscans and Dominicans]. Or. 5pp.2. 10S-7-l,Exp.9. Acc.1712. 1749. 1771. June 26. Mexico. Tribunal de Cuentas of Mexico to Julian de Arriaga. No. 43. Da cuenta con testimo.de haver mandado el Virrey d los ofizs.Bs.de aqas. Caxas entregasn. al Theso.de la expedizn.de Sonora 100 mil ps. pa.urgencs. del Rl.servicio! Or. Ip.l. 104-3-2. Incin 1228. Enc.1745. 1750. 1771. June 27. Mexico. Marques de Croix to JuUan de Arriaga. No.l028. Dd cuenta de lo ocurrido en la segunda campana, d que sah6 contra los Yndios Apaches, el Capitan Dn.Bernardo de Galvez, de cuios progresos y ocurrencias acompana extractos. Or. 4pp.l. 104r-6-14. Sum. Acc.1826. Enc.1751. 1751. 1771. June 27. Mexico. Extracto de los Diarios con que en Carta de 10 de Mayo tiltimo ha informado al Virrey de Nueva Espana, el capitan Dn.Bernardo de Galvez las ocurrencias y acci6n de la segunda campana que acaba de hacer contra los bdrbaros Apaches. Uns. 14pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l750. 1752. 1771. June 27. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. No. 1030. Acompa. copias de Cartas (desde el no.l. 6, el 4) relativas, con un manifiesto impreso en Mexico, a la expedicion de Sonora, y Cinaloa, y a la Tranquihdad en que quedavan aqullas. Provincias, de resultas del perdon gral. que se le ofreci6 a los Lebantados, y assi mismo tratan de los Maravillosos y abundantes minerales (ie oro en aquellos Parages. Or. 6pp.l. 104-3-2. Acc.1810. Enc.1723-1725,1730,1747. 1753. 1771. June 29. Mexico. Marqu6s de Croix to JuUan de Arriaga. No.l035. Dd cuenta de haber fallecido el Capitan del Presidio del Nayarit, D.Vicente Canaveral, y de los motivos por que no provey6 interinamte. este Empleo. Or. 2pp.l. 104r-6-U. Acc.by 1422,1475. 18 258 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 1754. 1771. June 29. Mexico. Marques de Croix to Jos6 Faustino Ruiz, [Concerns liquidation of the accounts of Franco.Trillo, commissary of San Bias]. Cer. Feb.l9,1777,San Bias. Ip.l. 104-6-17. Enc.w.3490. 1755. 1771. July 5. Madrid. [JuMn de Arriaga] to the Marqs.de Croix. Manifiesta la satisfacon.de S.M. en que se haia fenecido la comision de reducir los Yndos.de la Prova.de Sonora por los medios suaves qe. se expresan; Que se los mantenga en aquel Pais y auxilie con ganados y siembras, procurando qe. los curas qe.se les destinen sean de las buenas calidades que se mencionan. Dft. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1697,1710,1718. 1756. 1771. July 8. Madrid. Joseph Antonio Adan y Martinez to the king. [Petition to have the case against him brought to an end and permission granted him to appoint somebody to his post of notary at Acapulco]. Or. 3pp.l. 88-5-23. Sum. 1757. 1771. July 9. Durango. Josef Fayni to Juhan de Arriaga. Ynforma de la angustiada, grave situaci6n en qe. le han puesto, y tienen las irrupciones de los bdrbaros y los estragos executados por ellos en varios pueblos de la confinante Prova.de Sonora. Pone presente qe. noticias de esta gravedad pueden Uegar d los oidos de V.E. con distinto color que no merezcan su digna compasi6n; Pero las comunica d, V.E. con la verdad qe.debe, estrechado en sus obUgaciones, pa.qe.enterado el Rl.dnimo, no se le culpe de omiso, no obstante qe. est^n tan coartadas injustamente pr. el Sor.Virrey sus facultades del Govno. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1777. 1758. 1771. July 15. Mexico. Marques de Croix to Juhan de Arriaga. No.l045. Dice mand6 cumpUr la orden de que los Governadores de los Presidios intemos le den cuenta de las vacantes de subalternos para obedecerla tambien en la parte que le corresponde. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1693. 1759. 1771. July 18. Mexico. Marques de Croix. Ynstrucci6n para formar una hnea 6 cordon de quince presidios sobre las fronteras de las Provincial internas de este Reino de Nueva Espana y Nuevo Reglamento del mimero y cahdad de oficiales y soldados, sueldos que gozardn desde el dia primero de Enero del Aflo pr6ximo de mil setecientos setenta y dos y servicio que deben hacer sus guarniciones. Or. 80 printed pp.1. 103-4-15. Inc.in 731. Or.Dp. 103-4-16. No.XXVIII. Inc.in 731. Or.Tp. 104-6-24. 1760. 1771. July 23. Mexico. Joseph de Gorraez. Estado que manifiesta el pi6 y fuerza de las Compafiias que guarnecen los Presidios intemos de este Reyno, el en que deberdn continuar segun el nuevo Reglamento, las que se han de reformar, quedar existentes y mudar de posici6n para formar la hnea 6 cordon sobre la Frontera y rio grande del Norte, y bene- ficio que resulta & la Real Hacienda cotexado el situado anual que percibe cada presidio con el que gozard desde primero de Enero de 1772, sin incluir las esquadras de la Colonia del Nuevo Santander, ni los Presidios y Tropa de la Peninsula de Calif omias. Or. lp.49.5 by 38.2 cm. 103-4-16. Incin 731. j(yr History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 259 1761. 1771. July 29. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. No. 1051. Da quenta de las ultimas noticias que tuvo de Californias y Sonora y de las Tropas que se retiraron de aquella expedici6n. Or. 4pp. 1. 104r-6-14. Sum. Ace. 1882. Acc.by a duplicate. 1762. 1771. July 30. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. No. 1055. Da qta. de haberse concluido el nuevo Reglamento de Presidios internos y ofrece dar qta. con exemplares de 61 y respevos.documtos.pa. el sigte. correo. Or. 2pp.l. 104-&-14. 1763. 1771. Aug.2. Pitic. Pedro Corbalan to the Marqs.de Croix. [Says he has chosen a site for a pueblo at Cieneguilla, and reports about the matter of establishing a caja real at Rosario]. Cer. 9pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l779. 1764. 1771. Aug.5. Mexico. Fernando Crusalls Valarde to Julian de Arriaga. Pide se le confirme el sueldo que le asign6 el Virrey Croix; conceda mrd.de Avito, 6 uno de los tres Gobiernos de Sonora, Nuevo Mexico 6 Nueva Vizcaya, Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. 1765. 1771. Aug.8-Oct.27. San Javier. Franco.Garc^s. Copia del Diario hecho pr.el Padre Predicador Fr.Franco. Carets Hijo del Colegio de la Santa Cruz de Queretaro, y Ministro de la Mision de Sn.Xavier de el Bac en la Pimeria Alta, en la entrada que hizo desde el dia ocho de Agosto de mil setecientos setenta, y uno hasta fines de Octubre de dho Ano d los Yndioa Papagos, e inmediaciones del rio Gila, y Colorado. Cer. Apr.26,1773,Mexico. 70pp.l. 104-6-15. Enc.w.2234. 1766. 1771. Aug.l3. Durango. Joseph Faini to Julian de Arriaga. [Reports that on July 17th the Indians robbed two ranch-owners of their mules, besides steaUng over two hundred horses from others and kilUng twelve persons]. C. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1822. 1767. 1771. Aug.24. Mexico. Marques de Croix to Jos6 Faustino Ruiz. [Concerns formation of accounts at San Bias]. Cer. Feb.l9,1777,San Bias. Ip.l. 104-6-17. Enc.w.3490. 1768. 1771. Aug.26. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to Julian de Arriaga. No.l069. Acompana extracto de las ultimas noticias del Puerto de Monterrey y de las disposiciones dadas para auxiliar aquellos nuevos establecimtos. comunicadas pr. el Comte.del Presidio de S.Carlos. Or. 3pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1882. Enc.l583,1596a,1744,1769. 1769. 1771. Aug.26. Mexico. Extracto de las ultimas noticias de Sn.Diego y Monterrey y de las disposici- ones dadas pa. auxiliar aquellos nuevos 6 importantes establecimtos. comuni- cadas por el Comdte.de aquel Rl.Presidio de Sn. Carlos, el Pe.Presidte.de las Misiones, D.Juan Perez y Dn.Phehpe Barri. Uns. 5pp.l. 104r-6-14. Enc.w.l768. 1770. 1771. Aug.26. Mexico. Manuel Gomez de Salazar to Julian de Arriaga. [Forwarding 1771]. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.1771. 260 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 1771. 1771. Aug.26. Mexico. Manuel Gomez de Salazar, Representacion acerca de la provina.de la Nueva Vizcaya y por conexion de las de Sonora y Nuevo Mexico, que en 31 de Mayo de este ano se presento al Exmo.Sor.Marqs.de Croix, Virrey de esta Nueva Espafia, por el abajo firmado. Or.Dp. 33pp.l. 104-6-14, Enc.w.l770. 1772. 1771. Sept.l. Mexico. Marques de Croix. [Instruction to his successor, Antonio Bucarely]. C. lOSpp.l. 88-5-13. Enc.w.l958. 1773. 1771. Sept.l. Mexico. Relacion de la expedicion de las Provincias de Sinaloa, Ostimuri, y Sonora en el Reino de Nueva Espafia. Uns. 191pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.2009. 1774. 1771. Sept.l-Jan.27. 1773. Expedte.relativo a la expedicion que se hizo A Sonora por dn. Josef de Galvez; donativos que para ella se hicieron por varios sugetos, y cavildos Eccos. 6 Yncidencias. 104-3-2. Inc.651,2009,2147,2157. 1775. 1771. Sept.6. [Madrid]. Council of the Indies. [Summary of 711,1712, and 1748, for the Council's meeting of the above date, and the Council's decree putting into effect the opinion of the fiscal]. Or. 7pp.2. 103-7-1 ,£;xp.9. Acc.1712. 1776. 1771. Sept.7. Veracruz. [Bucarely] to Alexandro O'Reilly. [Refers to his arrival at Vera Cruz, where he expects to stay long enough to give Croix time to arrange his affairs and to allow of his own inspection of the coast in that vicinity and the fortress of San Juan de Ulua]. Dft. 4pp.2. 88-5-17. Nota. 1777. 1771. Sept. 10. Durango. Jos6 Fayni to Julian de Arriaga. [Forwarding 1599, with comment]. Or. 3pp.l. 104r-6-14. Sum. Acc.1757. Enc.1599 1778. 1771. Sept.14-Dec.24. [Letters of Pedro Corbaldn, Bucarely, and captains of Sonora presidios about the campaign against the Apaches]. Cer. Feb.24,1772,Mexico. 12pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l908. 1779. 1771. Sept. 19. Mexico. Marqs.de Croix to JuUan de Arriaga. Acompafia extractos de las liltimas noticias y progresos de la Sonora. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1882. Enc.1763,1780. 1780. 1771. Sept.l9. Mexico. Extracto de las liltimas noticias que ha comunicado al Virrey de Nueva Espafia Marqs.de Croix, D.Pedro Corbalan Intendte. y Governador interino de las Provas.de Sonora y Cinaloa. Uns. 5pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l779. 1781. 1771. Sept.l9. Mexico. Marqu6s de Croix to JuHan de Arriaga. No.l090. Dd quenta de las noticias que le ha comunicado ultimamte. D.Bernardo de Galvez respvas. A la expedici6n de que estd encargado contra los Apaches manifestando que algunas Naciones de ellos se hallaban inclinadas A rendirse. Or. 3pp. 1. 104-6-14. Ace. 1827. Acc.by a dupUcate. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 261 1782. 1771. Sept.21. San Lorenzo. The king to Antonio Maria Bucarli. Al Virrey de Nueva Espana ordenandole que de acuerdo con el Diocesano, y en cumplimiento de las Rs.Cedulas que se insertan haga poner en posesion de las Missiones de la California que se refieren A los 24 Religiosos Dominicos que ha conducido A aquel Reyno con el expresado destino Fray Juan Pedro de Yriarte de la propia orden. Dft. 5pp. 1. 104-3-4. Acc.1460. Acc.by a copy. 1783. 1771. Sept.24. Pdrrafo de Carta qe. desde el Real de los Alamos ha escrito el Govemador Dn. Pedro Corbalan. C. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l802. 1784. 1771, Sept.26. Mexico. Estevan de la Carrera to Julian de Arriaga. Dd cuenta de haverse fenecido la causa y reintegrados de segunda vez en su empleo, Con este motivo pasa A manos de V.E. un Memorial supUcando en 61 al Key se digne darle nuevo destino en atenci6n A los servicios que expone, y no convenirle el de aquel Puerto por los justos motivos que refiere. Or. ISpp.l. 88-5-23. Enc.1785. 1785. 1771. Sept.26. Mexico. Estevan de la Carrera to the king. [Asks for a place in Madrid equivalent to the one he holds at Acapulco]. Or. 10pp. 1. 88-5-23. Enc.w.l784. 1786. 1771. Oct.5. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Juhan de Arriaga. No.16. Avisa haber dado pase al Decreto de su antecesor de Capitan del Presidio de S.Sabas y Comandte.de las Fronteras de la Va.de Chihuahua pa. el Tte Corl.D.Hugo Oconor, y de las prevenciones que ha hecho A este oficial. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.2019. 1787. 1771. Oct.5. Mexico. [Bucarely] to Alejandro O'Reilly. [Says Croix deUvered him the staff of authority at San Cristobal on Sep- tember 22, and places his services at O'Reilly's disposal]. Dft. 5pp.2. 88-5-17. Nota. 1788. 1771. Oct.lO. Ferrol. Bentura Gualua. [Says he has saved Juan Fernandez Carmona from the shipwrecked Vic- torioso, supplied him with clothing and carried him free of charge, since Fernan- dez had lost all he possessed]. Cer. Dec.5,1771,Madrid. Ip.l. 104-«-16. Enc.w.2731. 1789. 1771. Oct.l2. Madrid. Josef Payo Sanz to Juan Anto.Archimbaud. De acuerdo del Consejo, le remite para su examen y calificaci6n doe estados del caudal perteneciente A las Misiones de Californias. Or. 2pp.2. 97-4-6. Ace. 1698. Acc.by a duplicate. 1790. 1771. Oct. 14. Madrid. Juan Anto.Archimbaud y Solana to Josef Payo Sanz. [Acknowledges receipt of two estados about the wealth of the Californias]. Or. 2pp.2. 97-4-6. Acc.1698. Acc.by a duplicate. 1791. 1771. Oct.l8. Chihuahua. Bernardo de Galvez to Antonio Maria Bucarely. [Tells of a new attack by the Apaches of the Gila]. Cer. Nov.26,1771, Mexico. 3pp.l. 104r-6-14. Enc.w.l812. 262 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 1792. 1771. Oct.24. Real de Loreto. Felipe Barri to the Marqs.de Croix. [Asks for more soldiers, horses, and mules]. Cer. Nov.26,1771,Mexico. 4pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l813. 1793. 1771. Oct.24. Madrid. Thomas Ortiz de Landazuri to JuUan de Arriaga. [Before confirming Narciso Gil's appointment to the presidio of San Buena- ventura, suggests asking the viceroy's opinion]. Or. 17pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1794. 1794. 1771. Oct.25. S.Lorenzo. [JuUdn de Arriaga] to the viceroy. Que informa acerca de Dn.Nicolas Gil, d quien su antecesor nombr6 por Capn.del Presidio de Sn. Buenaventura y si hay alguno mds aproposito entre los Capitanes de los Presidios menores pa. colocarse en aquel importante Puesto. Dft. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Nota. Acc.by 1734,1793,1885,1976,2181. 1795. 1771. Oct.26. Sn.Lorenzo. [Julidn de Arriaga] to Antonio Bucarely. Remiti^ndole una carta del Govor.Dn.Jph.Fayni sobre que continuan las invasiones de los Yndios bdrbaros en Nueva Vizcaya, para que averigue la reaUdad de todo y d6 las providas. que tenga por convenientes & su remedio. Dft. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1975. Acc.by 1746. 1796. 1771. Oct.27. Mexico. [Bucarely] to Alexandro O'ReiUy. [Says Croix had left affairs of the viceroyalty in disorder. Referring to the Californias, says the number of its garrison is not settled, and he does not know how it is governed]. Dft. lOpp.2. 88-5-17. Nota. 1797. 1771. Oct.27. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to JuUan de Arriaga. No.37. Acompana extracto de las ultimas noticias de la expedici6n MiUtar de Sonora que le ha comunicado el Capitan del Presidio del Altar D.Bernardo Urrea y de las ventajas conseguidas contra los indios barbaros. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1896. Enc.1597. 1798. 1771. Oct.28. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.38. Sobre las providencias qe. dio el Intendte interino de Sonora d.Pedro Cor- valan, con motivo de ha verse ausentado de su Pueblo el Capitan Calixto, acreditado de valor entre los Yndios de Tesopaco. Or. 4pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1897. 1799. 1771. Oct.28. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.39. Que ha dado las disposes.combenientes & facihtar los auxihos necesarios para la expedon. contra los Apaches sin perjudicar d la Prova.de Sonora. Or. 4pp.l. 104-^14. Sum. Acc.1969. 1800. 1771. Oct.28. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to JuUan de Arriaga. No.40. El Virrey . . . dice que habiendo hecho presents el Intendente interino de las Provincias de Sonora, que los Jueces Hacedores de la sta.Iglesia de Durango pretendian que los nuevos Curatos y Misiones de Indios paguen Diezmos de BUS Frutos, ha prevenido se suspenda por ahora esta novedad, interin S.M. resuelve; y que al proprio fin ha escrito d los mismos Hacedores. Or. 6pp.l. 103-7-1. Acc.by 1900,2076,2268. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 263 1801. 1771. Oct.28. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.41. Avisa las noticias que con fecha 27 de Sept comunica el Capitan D. Bernardo de Galvez de la salida del del Presidio de Tubac contra una Rancheria de Apaches situadas en las orillas del Rio Gila. Or. 3pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1827. 1802. 1771. Oct.28. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.48. Acompana copia de Capitulo de carta del Intendente interino de Sonora Dn. Pedro Corbalan sre. el estado de aquellos Placeres y de ha verse descubierto un mineral en el de Aygame qe.ofrece crecidas utilidades. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1922. Enc.1783. 1803. 1771. Nov. 1. Chihuahua. Bernardo de Galvez to Antonio Bucarely. [Tells of his operations against the Apaches]. C. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l826. 1804. 1771. Nov.4. Coahuila. Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola to Antonio Bucarely. [Tells of the deplorable state of affairs in Ck)ahuila, and proposes a remedy]. Cer. Nov.25,1771,Mexico. 6pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l811. 1805. 1771. Nov.9. Mexico. Jos^ de Galvez to Jos6 Faustino Ruiz. [Concerns liquidation of the accoimts of Rivero and Ley, deceased officials of San Bias]. Cer. Feb.l9,1777,San Bias. Ip.l. 104-6-17. Enc.w.3490. 1806. 1771. Nov.l3-Jan.21. 1772. [Expediente about the journey of Father Francisco Garc6s to the Colorado River]. Cer. Mar.24,1772,Mexico. 7pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1931. 1807. 1771. Nov. 15. S.Lorenzo. [JuUdn de Arriaga] to Antonio Bucarely. [Announces royal approval of the proposed stock company to exploit the mineral wealth of Sinaloa and Sonora, but wishes to know first about the standing and the number of the stockholders]. Dft. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1729. 1808. 1771. Nov .20. San Lorenzo. [JuMn de Arriaga] to Antonio Bucareli y Ursua. Remitiendole un compendio de las noticias que se han ido comunicando por su antecesor, de la expedicion de Sonora. Dft. 2pp.l. 104-3-2. Incin 1228. Acc.by 1589,1809. 1809. [1771. Nov.20. San Lorenzo]. Compendio sucinto de las noticias que se han dado & S.M. de los progresos de la expedicion de Sonora determinada en Mexico contra los Yndios Apaches Seris, y Pimas en Junta de Generales en 6 de Junio de 1766, y ultimo estado en que quedaban. Dft. 4pp.l. 104-3-2. Acc.1808. 1810. 1771. Nov.23. San Lorenzo. [Julidn de Arriaga] to Antonio Bucareli y Ursua. Que consequente a las favorables noticias comunicadas por su antecesor Marques de Croix en carta de 27 de Junio ultimo, relativos a la expedizon.de 264 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias Sonora, y Sinaloa, a la tranquilidad en qe. quedaban aquellas Provincias; y a la facilid. y abundancia con que se haUava el oro en el Placer de la Cieneguilla; no solo se ha complacido S.M. sino que le encarga auxilie con sus Providas. las ya expedidas por el citado virrey, y visitaor.Galvez, para la continon.de aquellos Progresos. Dft. 3pp.l. 104-3-2. Incin 1603. Acc.by a duplicate and by 1752. 1811. 1771. Nov.25. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.83. Remite copia de carta del Governador de Coahuyla en que refiere el lament- able estado de la Provincia por las correrias de los Yndios Bdrbaros y extiende sus reflexiones en el particular y los informes qe.toma pa. dar providencia. Or. 3pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1975. Enc.1804. 1812. 1771. Nov .26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.85. Dd parte de las providencias que ha tornado con motivo de las noticias qe. refiere la copia de Carta que incluye del Capitan Dn.Bernardo de Galvez, acerca de los graves danos que ocasionan en las Fronteras de Chihuahua los Apaches GUenos. Or. 3pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1898. Enc.1791. 1813. 1771. Nov.26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.88. Acompafia una carta de Dn.Phe.Barri Govor.de Californias y avisa las dis- posiciones qe.piensa dar en el interin se arregla la Division de aquella Prova. para la conquista espiritual, entre Franciscos y Domlnicos. Or. 3pp.l. 104r-6-14. Sum. Acc.1915. Enc.1792. 1814. 1771. Nov.26. Mexico. [Bucarely] to O'Reilly. [Tells of the disorganized state of the miUtia due to the vices of the inhab- itants of the country]. Dft. 5pp.2. 88-5-17. Nota. 1815. 1771. Nov.26. Mexico. Esteban de la Carrera to Julian de Arriaga. Manifiesta los Trabajos que le ha ocasionado su separaci6n del empleo, y halldndose con orden de volver d Acapulco, cUma tan contrario A su Salud, pide el remedio de sus atrasos, y ser promovido A otro destino, donde sirva con mas gusto. Or. 5pp.l. 88-5-23. 1816. 1771. Nov.27. Monclova. Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola to Antonio Bucarely y Ursua. [Repeats his former petition to Croix for arms and mimitions, and reports about affairs of his province]. Cer. 8pp.l. 104-&-14. Enc.w.l887. 1817. 1771. Nov.29. Chiguagua. Bernardo de Galvez to Antonio Bucarely. [Recounting his expedition against the Apaches]. Cer. 3pp.l. 104r-&-14. Enc.w.l827. 1818. 1771. Dec.2-Feb.l2. 1772. [Expediente about payment of tribute by the Indians of the Mayo and Hiaqui rivers]. Cer. Feb.22,1772,Mexico. 4pp.l. 104-«-14. Enc.w.l907. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 265 1819. 1771. Dec. 14. Mexico. Antonio Bucareli y Ursua to Jos6 Faustino Ruiz. [Ck)ncems the accounts of Franco.Trillo of San Bias]. Cer. Feb.l9,1777,San Bias. Ip.l. 104-6-17. Enc.w.3490. 1820. 1771. Dec. 15. El.Presidio de Loreto. Phelipe Barri to Antonio Maria Bucarely y Ursua. [Asks for more soldiers, horses, and mules, if the missions and presidios under his charge are to achieve the best results]. Cer. Feb.l5,1772,Mexico. 6pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l910. 1821. 1771. Dec.19-Dec.24. [Letters of Pedro Corbaldn and Francisco Bellido, about the successes gained against the rebellious Pimas]. Cer. Feb.22, 1772, Mexico. 5pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l909. 1822. 1771. Dec.21. Madrid. [JuUdn de Arriaga] to the viceroy. Remitiendole una carta del Governador de la Na.Vizcaya D.Jph.Fayni en que avisa los insultos, robos y muertes que hicieron en Julio los indios Bdrbaroa en las inmediaciones de Chihuahua, pa.que aplique las provas. que convengan. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1766. 1823. 1771. Dec.22. Mexico. Tribunal de Cuentas to Julian de Arriaga. No.52. Avisa haber nombrado el Virrey ^ Dn.Hugo Oconor pr. Capitan del Presidio de San Saba. Or. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.2019. Enc.1650. 1824. 1771. Dec.24. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.llO. Avisa que d consecuencia de Auto del Visitador quedan restituidos & sus destines los oficiales Reales de Acapulco y el oficial mayor de la Tesoreria de las mismas cajas. Or. 2pp. 1. 88-5-23. Acc.by 1917. 1825. 1771. Dec.24. M(5xico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.lll. Dd cuenta de haber nombrado para Guarda mayor interino de Acapulco & D.Juan Esteban de Arozamena, vacante por suspensidn del propietario. Or. Ip.l. 88-5-23. Dec. 1826. 1771. Dec.25. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to JuUan de Arriaga. No.127. Acompana copia de la carta que con fecha de primero de Nov liltimo, le dirigio el Capitan de la expedici6n de Sonora D.Bernardo de Galvez, que trata de las irrupciones de los Apaches en las Fronteras de Chihuahua, y de las ventajas conseguidas contra estos en la liltima saUda. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1918. Enc.l803. 1827. 1771. Dec.27. M6xico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.135. Remite copia de carta que liltimamente le escribi6 el Capitan D.Bernardo de Galvez sobre la expedicion contra los Apaches. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1750,1781,1801. Enc.1817. 1828. 1771. Dec.27. Mexico. [Bucarely] to Alexandre O'Reilly. [Among other things, tells what he has done to celebrate the birth of the princess' child, of the damage to commerce as a result of the Costilla accident, 266 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias and of hearing from Oconor, then at Chihuahua, saying he had not yet taken command], Dft. 8pp.2. 88-5-17. 1829. 1771. Dec.27. Mexico. Josef de Galvez to Julian de Arriaga. No.85. Remite sentenciados definitivamente los Autos de visita de las Cajas Reales de Acapulco con el inventario de las piezas de que consta y el Memorial ajustado de ellos. Or.Dp. 6pp.l. 88-5-23. Enc.1651-1656,1839,1881,1893. 1830. 1771. Dec.27. Mexico. Josef Fayni to Julian de Arriaga. Que ha venido & informar al Virrey de las continuas invasiones de los Yndios Bdrbaros en la Provincia de la Nueva Vizcaya que tiene i, su cargo, y sobre que el Marques De Croix se opuso d sus representaciones, en las providencias que di6, Or. 2pp.l. 104r-6-14. 1831. 1771. Dec.27. Pitic. Franco.BelUdo to Antonio Maria Bucarely y Ursua. [Tells of a victory over Cueras, the Pima chief]. Cer. Mar.23,1772,Mexico. 9pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l927. 1832. 1771. Dec.27. Pitic. Franco.BelUdo to Antonio Maria Bucarely y Ursua. [Says he has 140,000 pesos in his possession belonging to the king]. Cer. Mar.23,1772,Mexico. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l928. 1833. 1771. Dec.29. Madrid. Franco.Mrz.Escalante to [JuMn de Arriaga]. [Asks for a decision on his memorial of the previous year (no.l518)]. Or. 3pp.2. 104-6-16. Acc.2023. 1834. 1771. Dec.31. Mexico. Jos6 de Galvez to Antonio Bucarely y Ursua. Memoria sobre el estado de America. (M6jico). 1772. C. 397pp.l. Estado,Aud.M6x.l5,Doc.35. 1835. 1771. Dec.31. Mexico. Norberto Antonio de Corres and Fernando Josef Mangino. Estado que demuestra el ingreso y saUda de los caudales pertenecientes & las Misiones de la Peninsula de Californias en todo el presente ano por producto de Ibarra y Arroyo-Zarco y r^ditos que reconocen & este fondo piadoso. Or. 2pp.l. 97^r-6. Enc.w.l912. 1836. [1771. Dec.31]. Guadalaxara. Domo.del Barco and Franco.Lopez. Real Caxa de Guadalaxara. Cuenta de Cargo y Data de todos los Ramos de Rl.Hacienda correspondte.a todo el afio de 1771. Or. 317 pp.1. 104-3-24. Acc.1880. 1837. [1771. Dec.31. Guadalajara]. Real Caxa de Guadalaxara. [Table showing receipts, item by item, and the totals, from 1762 to 1771 inclusive, for each year, subtracting the total amoimt of disbursements, and indicating the amount remaining for remission to Mexico]. Uns. lp.65.5 by 100 cm. 104-3-24. 1838. [1772]. M6ritos y servicios de D.Alfonso Rodriguez de OvaUe, segun consta por menor de certificaciones y testimonios presentados en el Consejo. C. 2pp.2. 88-5-23. Acc.2080. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 267 1839. [1772]. Mexico. Bartolom6 de Ortega y Montenegro and Tiburcio de Sedano. Duplicado del Memorial ajustado de los Autos de mutuas Denuncias de D.Juan Manuel Ramirez y D.Estevan de la Carrera, oficiales Reales de Aca- pulco. Or. 182pp.l. 88-5-23. Enc.w.l829. 1840. [1772. Orcasitas]. Juan Cazoni and Ygnacio Tumuzaqui to the governor and captain general. [Asking, in the name of the Tiburones Indians, to be allowed to submit and be admitted to vassalage to the Spanish king, — with a marginal decree of the governor, granting their petition]. C. 4pp.l. 104-6-15. Enc.w.2012. 1841. [1772]. [Testimonio about establishing a stock company to exploit the mineral wealth of Sinaloa and Sonora]. Cer. Mar.ll,1772,Mexico. 62pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l926. 1842. 1772. [Fr.Rafael Verger]. Mapa de lo substancial del famoso Puerto y Rio de S.Franco explorado por tierra en el mes de Marzo del presente ano de 1772 sacado por el Diario y Observaciones del R.P.Fr.Juan Crespi Misionero . . . de la de Monterrey. C. lp.63 by 47 cm. 104-6-14. Enc.w.2089. 1843. 1772. Madrid. Reglamento 6 instrucci6n para los Presidios que se han de formar en la linea de frontera de la Nueva Espana Resuelto por el Rey N.S. en c6dula de 10 de Septiembre de 1772. C. 122 printed pp.2. 104-6-24. Acc.by five dupUcates. 1844. 1772. No.l. [Testimonio about decline in the wealth of the gold placer of Cieneguilla]. Cer. Jan.26,1772,Mexico. 7pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l891. 1845. 1772. No.2. [Testimonio about the financial effects of the decline of the Cieneguilla mines]. Cer. Jan.26,1772,Mexico. 3pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l891. 1846. 1772. [Testimonio of a representation by the authorities and merchants of Chihuahua about affairs in the province, with special reference to Indian warfare]. Cer. Jan.27,1772,Mexico. 37pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l884. 1847. 1772. [Testimonio about the appointment of an alfirez in the Calif ornias]. Cer. Feb.l8,1772,Mexico. 5pp.l. 104-&-14. Enc.w.l933. 1848. 1772. [Testimonio of the appointment of Vicente Rodriguez as acting captain of the presidio of San Juan Bautista del Rio Grande]. Cer. Mar.9,1772,Mexico. 3pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l932. 1849. 1772. [Testimonio about the appointment of Francisco Ignacio de Trespalacios y Mier as a Ueutenant]. Cer. Mar.ll,1772,Mexico. 3pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l934. 268 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 1850. 1772. Testimonio de lo ultimamente acaecido en los Presidios Intemos y nuevo establecimiento de ellos. Cer. Apr.l8,1772,Mexico. 64pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l941. 1851. 1772. Testimonio que comprueba los pagamentos y Datas de Salarios de Ministros en la Rl.Caxa de los Alamos, y en el ano de 1772. (No.l). Cer.Dp. May 13, 1773, Alamos. 20pp.l. 104-^r-28. Acc.2263. 1852. 1772. Testimonio de los Documentos, que comprueban la Data, y pagamentos en la Rl.Caxa de los Alamos, de Flets.de Rs.Azogues en el ano de 1772. (No.2). Cer.Dp. May 13, 1773, Alamos. 6pp.l. 104-4-28. Acc.2263. 1853. 1772. Testimonio que comprueba la Data en el Ramo de Bulas. (No.3). Cer.Dp. May 13, 1773, Alamos. 2pp.l. 104-4-28. Acc.2263. 1854. 1772. Testimonio que comprueba la data en gastos de papel Sellado. (No.4). Cer.Dp. May 13,1773,Alamos. 2pp.l. 104-4^28. Acc.2263. 1855. 1772. Testimonio de la Libranza y Rvo.de 930p.5ts.5gos. pagados en la Real Caxa de los Alamos a dn.Anto.Casimiro Esparza por sus Dietas debengadas en la formazn.de las cuentas de tributos en las Jurisdicciones de Hostimuri, y Alamos. (No. 5). Cer.Dp. May 13,1773,Alamos. 3pp.l. 104r^r-28. Acc.2263. 1856. 1772. Testimonio de varios Documentos que comprueban la Data de distintas partidas de Data en el ramo extraordinario en esta Rl.Caxa de los Alamos en el ano de 1772. (No.6). Cer.Dp. May 13,1773,Alamos. llpp.l. 104-4-28. Acc.2263. 1857. 1772. Testimonio de los Documentos que comprueban la Data en gastos de Guerra en la Rl.Caxa de los Alamos en el afio de 1772. (No.7). Cer.Dp. May 13, 1773, Alamos. 16pp.l. 104-4-28. Acc.2263. 1858. 1772. Testimonio de las Libranzas dadas por el Exmo.sor.Virrey de Nueva Espafia, y por el Sr.Intendente de Rl.Haza. y Pagamtos.hechos en la Caxa de lo8 Alamos de los 15,716p.O . . . 5gos. que contienen aquellas. (No.8). Cer.Dp. May 13,1773,Alamos. 6pp.l. 104-4-28. Acc.2263. 1859. 1772. Testimonio [with reference to a difference in the accounts of the real caja of Alamos, resulting in the sum of 17 pesos 2 lomines and 4 granos against the royal officials of Alamos]. (No. 9). Cer.Dp. May 13, 1773, Alamos. 4pp.l. 104-4-28. Acc.2263. 1860. 1772. Testimonio que comprueba la Data y remision a Mexco. de esta Real Caxa la Cantidad de 98,728 p.5ts.4gos. (No. 10). Cer.Dp. May 13, 1773, Alamos. 5pp.l. 104-4-28. Acc.2263. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 269 1861. 1772. Testimonio de la Cuenta de las salinas de la Jurisdiccion del Fuerte, en que se comprueba el entero de 660p.0.7gos. hecho en la Rl.Caxa de los Alamos por su Administrador Dn.Franco.Ruiz Canete. (No. 11). Cer.Dp. May 13, 1773, Alamos. lOpp.l. 104^-28. Acc.2263. 1862. 1772. Testimonio de la Cuenta de Salinas de la Jurisdiccion del Fuerte Dn.Franco. Ruiz Canete. (No.l2). Cer.Dp. May 13, 1773, Alamos. 5pp.l. 104-4-28. Acc.2263. 1863. 1772. Testimonio de la Cuenta de Salinas de Sinaloa dada por su Administrador Don Tomas Gutierrez. (No.l3). Cer.Dp. May 13,1773, Alamos. 3pp.l. 104-4-28. Acc.2263. 1864. 1772. Testimonio de la Cuenta de Salinas de la Villa de Culiacan por su Adniinis- trador dn.Jos6 Tomas Pellerano. (No. 14). Cer.Dp. May 13,1773,Alamos. 38pp.l. 104-4-28. Acc.2263. 1865. 1772. Testimonio de la cuenta dada por el Fiel de Tabacos de la Cieneguilla dn. Franco.Antonio Dorronsoro. (No. 15). Cer.Dp. May 13, 1773, Alamos. 3pp.l. 104-4-28. Acc.2263. 1866. 1772. Testimo.de las diligencias practicadas para el cobro de las Mesadas Eclesi- asticas de los dos Curatos de la Villa de Culiacan. (No. 16). Cer.Dp. May 13,1773,Alamos. 14pp.l. 104-4-28. Acc.2263. 1867. 1772. Testimo.del Expediente formado d representacion hecha pr.los Reverends. Pads, a cuio cargo se hayan las Misiones de la California, sobre varios puntos pa. el mejor govierno, y administrasion de ella. Cer. June l,1772,Mexico. 27pp.l. 104-3-4. Enc.w.l978. 1868. 1772. Testimonio del expte. fecho sobre separar d Fray Franco.Galisteo, y Fray Miguel Hidalgo, Religios.de Sto. Domingo de la administran.de las Missiones de la antigua California. Cer. June 25,1772,Mexico. 17pp.l. 104-3-4. Enc.w.l978. 1869. 1772. Testimonio de los Nombramientos de Capitanes, Tenientes, Alf^reces y demds que por propuestas de Don Hugo de Oconor ha hecho el Exmo.Sr.Virrey de este Reyno. Cer. July 7,1772,Mexico. 29pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l998. 1870. 1772. [Testimonio about the appointment of Francisco Menocal to command the fourth company of the military expedition in Chihuahua]. Cer. Sept.2,1772,Mexico. 2pp.l. 104-^14. Enc.w.2030. 1871. 1772. [Testimonio upon which 2047 was based]. Cer. Oct.5,1772,Mexico. 23pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.2047. 270 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 1872. 1772. Testimonio del expedte. formado A consulta del capitan del Rl.Presidio de Tubac Dn.Juan Bapta.Anza, sobre que se le permita abrir comunicaon. por Tierra con el I*uerto de Monterrey. Cer. Oct.26,1772,Mexico. 37pp.l. 104rS-15. Enc.w.2045. 1873. 1772. Testimonio de los autos fechos d, insta.de Dn.Antonio Lopes de Toledo, Comiso.Rl.del Precidio del Loreto sre. que se le restituya d su empleo, de qe. le despoj6 el Governor.de California. Cer. Nov.6,1772,Mexico. 24pp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.2071. 1874. 1772. Alamos. (Carpeta 3.No.2). [Statements about the assay of gold from Cieneguilla]. Cer. Jan.27,1773,Mexico. 4pp.l. 104-6-15. Enc.w.2153. 1875. 1772. (Carpeta 3.No.4). Cuenta Oral, de Cargo y Data de la Cantidad de ciento ochenta mil pesos que se han remitido A estas Provincias de Sonora para el rescate de oro d la direcci6n del Intendente Don Pedro Corbalan. Cer. Jan.27,1773,Mexico. 4pp.l. 104r-6-15. Enc.w.2153. 1876. 1772-1773. (No.2). [Testimonio about funds sent to Cieneguilla to exchange for gold]. Cer. Jan .27, 1773, Mexico. 33pp.l. 104-6-15. Enc.w.2153. 1877. 1772-1773. Monclova. Joseph de Castilla y Teran to Antonio Bucarely and Roque de Medina. [Asks for a supply of powder, saying his presidio has lacked its due amount for three years]. Cer. Mar.27,1774,Mexico. 2pp.l. 104-6-15. Enc.w.2581. 1878. 1772-1775. [Expediente about the sending of arms to the frontier provinces, showing that Oconor had distributed 1692 guns, 1812 pistols, 1214 swords, and 2032 spear- heads, while 708 guns, 4197 swords, and 1968 spear-heads were still at Mexico, destined for Sonora and Texas]. Uns. 5pp.2. 104^6-16. 1879. 1772-1785[1803]. Presidios internos de las Provas.de Nueva Espana. Pattes.de Comandantes Inspectores y sus Ayudantes. 104-6-8. Inc.2019,2558,2568,3277,4544,4562,4820,4873,5709,5773,5895,5925, 5960,5972,5977,5992. 1880. 1772. Jan.2. Guadalaxara. Domo.del Barco and Franco.Lopez. Relacion Jurada [de Cargo y Data] . . . desde primero de Enero de mil setecientos setenta, y uno, hasta fin de Diciembre de 61 . . . y de lo que se ha remitido 6, la Real Caxa de Mexico. Or. 6pp.l. 104-3-24. Acc.by 1836. 1881. 1772. Jan.ll. Mexico. Bartolom4 de Ortega y Montenegro and Tiburcio de Sedano. DupUcado del Memorial de Visita de Caxas de Acapulco. Or. 305pp.l. 88-5-23. Enc.w.l829. I for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 271 1882. 1772. Jan.20. El Pardo. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the viceroy. Con copias de las noticias que comunic6 su antecesor Marqs.de Croix en fechas de 29 de JuUo, 26 de Agto. y 19 de Septbre.iiltimos, relativos d las conquistas de Sonora y Californias, para que fomente sus adelantamtos. y d6 Quenta de los que se consigan. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1761,1768,1779. 1883. 1772. Jan.21. Real de los Alamos. Pedro de Corbalan to Anto.Maria Bucarely y Ursua. [Says the Indian named Marcos and sixteen others have offered to submit, and the Tiburones will also do so]. Cer. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l955. 1884. 1772. Jan.22. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No. 141. Reservada. Expone que segiin noticias, se halla en deplorable estado la Provincia de Chihuahua, cuia Villa le ha hecho la Representaci6n de que acompana testi- monio, y con cuio motivo extiende sus referencias manifestando lo que piensa practicar quando reciba los informes que espera del Comandante de las fron- teras de la Citada Provincia. Or. 5pp.l. 104-6-14. Sum. Acc.1975. Enc.1846. 1885. 1772. Jan.24. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.162. Avisa haver recibido la om.de 25 de Octubre antecedte. y ofrece evacuar el informe que se le pide sobre las circunstancias del Capn.interino del presidio de S.Buenaventura D.Nicolas Gil. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1794. 1886. 1772. Jan.24. Mexico. Josef Faini to Antonio Bucarely Ursua. (No.l). [Reports on the merits of Nicolas Gil]. Cer. June 24,1772,Mexico. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l976. 1887. 1772. Jan.25. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to JuUan de Arriaga. No.177. Acompana copia de la carta que ha recibido del Governador de Coahuila y dd cuenta de las Armas y Polvora que le ha subministrado. Or. 3pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1975. Enc.1598,1816. 1888. 1772. Jan .26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Juhan de Arriaga. No.191. Que no ha tenido mas noticias de Sonora que las de las cartas que cita y que ha prevenido d D.Pedro Corbalan que le M cuenta de todo con puntualidad. Or. 4pp.l. 104-6-14. 1889. 1772. Jan.27. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.193. Acompana testimonio de la carta que ha recibido de Dn.Hugo Oconor en que informa el desfavorable estado de la Prova.de Chihuahua, proponiendo los auxiUos de que necesita para el remedio. Or. 3pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1975. Enc.1600. 1890. 1772. Jan.27. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.196. 274 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias Remite copia de las ultimas noticias de Sonora, en que se expresan las ventajas conseguidas contra los rebeldes de la Nacion Pima. Or. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Sum. Acc.1969. Enc.1821, 1910. 1772. Feb.24. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.229. Acompana copia de la carta que le ha escrito el Govor.de Californias con fecha de 15 de Diciembre y dice qe. siendo casi igual d la dirigida en la del No.88 la ha respondido en los Terminos qe.entonces indic6. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1915. Enc.1820. 1911. 1772. Feb.24. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.234. Avisa el fallecimiento del Capitan Dn. Lorenzo Cancio y que esta Tomando informes pa. proveer el Presidio de Buenavista que servia. Or. 2pp.l. 104-^14. Acc.1203. 1912. 1772. Feb.24. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to the Conde de Aranda. No.l7.(No.917).(No.5). Remite un estado del caudal perteneciente d las Misiones de Californias hasta fin de Dicienbre de 1771. Or. 2pp.l. 97-^r-6. Dec. Inc.in 620. Enc.1835. 1913. 1772. Feb.25. El Pardo. [Julidn de Arriaga] to Pedro Garcia Mayoral. Con instancia de D.Alfonso de Oballe y D.Joseph Adan, Guarda mayor, y escribano de Rl.Hacienda de las Cajas de Acapulco, que solicitan traslado de los cargos que les hizo el Visitador Galvez, para sus legitimas defensas; d fin que el Consejo le d6 el curso conveniente y consulte en el particular de sus resultas. Dft. 4pp.2. 88-5-23. Sum. 1914. 1772. Feb.25. Mexico. [Bucarely] to the Conde de O'Reilly. [Asks O'Reilly's attention to Oconor's request for things he needed, and tells of the departure of the fleet under the Marques de Casinas on the 18th of February]. Dft. 4pp.l. 88-5-17. 1915. 1772. Feb.26. El Pardo. [Juhdn de Arriaga] to Antonio Bucarely. Enterado de quanto manifiesta la carta de Dn.Phehpe de Barri, qe.acompa. en la suia de 26 de Nove.liltimo Sre, las nuevas Misiones de S.Gabriel y S.Buena Ventura y divisi6n de Terrenos, entre Franciscos y Dominicos, de cuia util conservon. penden los Subsequentes auxiUos y nuevos gastos de la Rl.Hazda. y por tanto espera S.M. Tendrd presente quanto le estd advertido en punto & las novedades ocurridas en estos Rnos. Dft. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1813,1910. 1916. 1772. Feb.28. Durango. Josef Fayni to Antonio Bucarely. [Tells of an attack by the Apaches on the presidio of Guexuquilla, and of the destruction they have wrought in that vicinity]. Cer. Mar.24,1772,Mexico. 3pp.l. 104^6-14. Enc.w.l929. 1917. 1772. Mar.4. El Pardo. [JuUdn de Arriaga] to Antonio Bucarely. Enterado de su carta de 24 de Diciembre liltimo relativa & quedar reintegrados en sus empleos los oficiales Rs.de Acapulco y el oficial mayor de las mismas cajas D.Pedro Martinez del Castillo, Depuestos por el Visitador general Galvez. Dft. 2pp.l. 88-5-23. Acc.1824. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 275 1918. 1772. Mar.6. El Pardo. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the viceroy. Enterado de los malos sucesos de la ultima saUda de la Tropa, contra los Yndios Apaches, de que Trata la carta del Capitdn de la expedici6n Don Bernardo de Galvez, que acompan6 d la suia de 25 de Dize.ulto.; y quiere S.M. qe.coopere con sus acertadas Providencias, A la pacificacidn y resgdo.de las Provincias de Nueva Vizcaya, y que se procure por medios suaves la reduccion y amistad de aquellos Barbaros, y no ensenarles ni procurarles d ser guerreros. Dft. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1826. 1919. 1772. Mar.6. Durango. Josef Fayni to Julian de Arriaga. [Tells of an Indian attack on the presidio of Guejuquilla]. Or. 2pp.l. 104r-d-14. Acc.2003. Enc.1916. 1920. 1772. Mar.lO. El Pardo. [JuUdn de Arriaga] to Pedro Garcia Mayoral. Remitiendole los autos de visita de las Cajas de Acapulco, sentenciados definitivamente por el visitador gral.D.Joseph de Galvez, para que el Consejo les d6 el curso que tuviere por conveniente 6 consulte d S.M. Dft. 2pp.2. 88-5-23. 1921. 1772. Mar.l6. El Pardo. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the viceroy. Sobre las irrupciones de los Indios bd,rbaros en la Prova.de Coahuila que representa por su mano aquel Governador. Dft. Ip.l. 104r-6-14. Acc.1975. 1922. 1772. Mar.18. El Pardo. [Juhdn de Arriaga] to Antonio Bucarely. Enterado S.M. del Capitulo de carta del Proveedor de Sonora, Corbalan, que incluye en la suia de 28 de Octubre y Trata de la utilidad de aquellas minas: Quiere que con presencia del producto de los diezmos de las Cajas y con in- formes de Mineros Practicos, apure la realidad de semej antes avisos. Dft. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1802,1992. 1923. 1772. Mar.18. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely to Jos6 Fayni. [Says he is taking steps to punish the Indians, and to change the sites of some of the presidios]. Cer. Mar.24,1772,Mexico. 2pp.l. 104^6-14. Enc.w.l929. 1924. 1772. Mar.18. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely to Hugo Oconor. [Announces the sending of troops, so that Oconor may restore Nueva Vizcaya to peace]. Cer. Mar.24,1772,Mexico. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l929. 1925. 1772. Mar.20-Apr.5. Juan Crespi. Diario de la Expedizon. de tierra del afio de 1772 del Pe.Fr.Juan Crespi. C. llpp.l. 104-6-17. Enc.w.3155. 1926. 1772. Mar.23. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to JuHan de Arriaga. No.257. Reservado. Informa el ningun efecto que ha tenido la Compa.de accionistas que se propuso para promover el laborio de las minas y Placeres de Sonora sobre cuyo particular no se han encontrado mds documentos que los que comprende el Testimonio que acompana. Or. 7pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1983. Enc.1841. 1927. 1772. Mar.23. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.258. 276 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias Incluye copia de carta del Tente.D.Franco.Bellido, de la Victoria que con- 8igui6 del Capitan Cueras de la Nacion Pima. Or. 2pp.l. 104-&-14. Enc.1831. 1928. 1772. Mar.23. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.259. Incluye copia de carta de D.Franco.Bellido que trata de los caudales que existen en su poder y le envio el Intendente de Sonora. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.1832. 1929. 1772. Mar.25. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.295. Reservada. Dice las providencias que se han deliverado en Junta de Guerra y Hazda. para dar los socorros que ha pedido Dn.Hugo Oconor, Comandte.de las Fron- teras de Chihuahua. Or. 7pp. 1. 104-6-14. Ace. 1984. Acc.by a dupUcate, with the same enclosures. Enc.1901,1902,1916,1923,1924. 1930. 1772. Mar.25. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.296. Reservada. Queda en informarse para avisar el verdadero estado de las Provas.de Sonora como se le pre vino en orn.de 20 de No ve. anterior y hace desde luego sus re- flexiones. Or. 7pp.l. 104r-6^14. 1931. 1772. Mar.25. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.281. Remite copia de carta que le Dirigio el Intendte.de Sonora del feliz exito que tuvo la entrada del ReUgioso Misionero de Sn.Xavier del Bac hasta las margenes del Rio Colorado. Or. 4pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1806. 1932. 1772. Mar.25. Mexico. Antpnio Bucarely y Ursua to JuHan de Arriaga. No.283. Avisa haber provisto interinamente el empleo de Capitan del Presidio de Sn.Juan Bapta. del Rio Grande en Dn.Vicente Rodriguez y remite el cor- respondiente testimonio. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Sum. Acc.1991. Enc.1848. 1933. 1772. Mar.25. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to JuUan de Arriaga. No.284. Dirige testimo. de la propuesta qe. le hizo el Governador de Californias para el empleo de Alferez de la Compania de aquel Presidio y avisa haverlo provisto interinamente en D.Josef Velazquez. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1981. Enc.1847. 1934. 1772. Mar.25. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.285. Da cuenta con testimonio de el Titulo de Teniente de la Compa.del Preso.de Sn.Carlos de Buenavista expedido d favor de D.Franco Ygnacio de Tres- palacios y Mier y soUcita la Rl.aprobacion. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Sum. Nota. Enc.1849. 1935. 1772. Mar.27. M6xico. [Bucarely] to Alexandro O'Reilly. [Says he has given six months continuous study to affairs of the viceroyalty, for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 277 and is not yet able to determine what is best to do for the regular army, the militia, or in financial affairs; says Oconor's troops consist of 104 ragged, ill- equipped men]. Dft. 6pp.l. 88-5-17. Nota. 1936. 1772. Mar.30. San Bias. Franco.Trillo y Vermudez to Antonio Bucareli. Avisa estdn prontos d navegar los socorros que se embian & los establecimi- entos de San Diego y Monterrey. Cer. Apr.26,1772,Mexico. 2pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.w.l943. 1937. 1772. Apr.2. Durango. Nota del valor del oro y plata de particulares y del Rey que conduce Josef Clemente de Vargas d la Ciudad de Mexico. C. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l938. 1938. 1772. Apr.4. Durango. Josef Fayni to Julian de Arriaga. Acompana relaci6n de la plata y oro que sali6 para Mexico y produxo aquella Provincia en el ano anterior, manifestando quanto aprecio merece, si invadida de Bdrbaros rinde tanta utUidad, pues son consigmentes maiores ventajas^ quando pueda operarse con hvertad. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.1937. 1939. 1772. Apr.5. Monterrey. Fr.Juan Crespi. [Diary of the expedition of discovery to the port of San Francisco in the Calif ornias]. Cer.of Cer. Dec.27,1772,Mexico. 58pp.l. 104-6-14. Nota. Enc.w.2089. 1940. 1772. Apr.9. Mexico. Eusebio Bentura Belena to Antonio Bucareli. Noticias respectibas d las Provincias de Sinaloa, y Sonora, como tambien de su ultima Expedicion Militar. Cer. 201pp.l. 104r-3-3. Acc.967. 1940a. [1772. Written] 1774.* Apr.20. Mexico. Antonio de los Reyes. Noticia de las Provas.de Sonora, Estado de sus Misiones, causas de su ruina y medios pa.su restablecimto.formado pr.el P.Fr.Antonio de los Reyes Misi- onero Appco.de aquellas Provas.y Presentado al Exmo.sr.Virrey de Mexico. C. [Certified by Reyes, but in Madrid, where the original could not have been]. 38pp. 1. 105-1-24. Acc.3579. 1941. 1772. Apr.24. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to JuUan de Arriaga. No.331. Acompana Testimonio de la Junta de Guerra y Hazda. celebrada para deter- minar los AuxiUos necesarios d las Fronteras de Chihuahua y avisa que se han pasado las ordenes para la practica de lo acordado. Or. 3pp.l. 104r-6-14. Nota. Acc.2015. Enc.1850. 1942. 1772. Apr.24. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to JuUan de Arriaga. No.329. Ofrece enviar las noticias qe. se le piden sobre los progresos de las Con- quistas de Sonora y Californias. Or. 2pp.l. 104r-3-3. 1943. 1772. Apr.26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.354. •Remite copia de carta del Comisario del Departamento de San Bias. Or. 2pp.l. 104-3-3. Enc.1936. * See the note at item 1980a. 278 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 1944. 1772. Apr.26. Mexico. [Bucarely] to the Conde de O'Reilly. [Deals with the question of the half annates' revenue; says he has not yet received the 20,000 pesos extra to help cover his expenses; and remarks on his having given instructions to Oconor to provide for the security of the frontier provinces]. Dft. 5pp.2. 88-5-17. 1945. 1772. Apr.26. Tepic. Miguel Marin del Valle to Antonio Bucarely. [Complains against the collection of tolls from muleteers going through Tepic]. Cer.of Cer. June 18,1772,S.Blas. 3pp.l. 104-6-16. Acc.1972. 1946. 1772. May 1-13. [Testimonio concerning the merits of Nicolds Gil, acting captain of San Buenaventura]. Cer. June 24, 1772, Mexico. 21pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l976. 1947. 1772. May 6. Aranjuez. [JuUdn de Arriaga] to the viceroy. [Acknowledges receipt of information about the sending of muskets and powder to the governor of Coahuila]. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1975. 1948. 1772. May 10. Aranjuez. [JuUdn de Arriaga] to the viceroy. Enterado de las noticias que havia tenido de TranquiUdad en Sonora y que aguardaba las de los Misioneros; Se le aprueva el que se asegure de los informes imparciales. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1890. 1949. 1772. May 10. Aranjuez. [JuUdn de Arriaga] to the viceroy. Con presencia de las noticias qe.dice habia tenido la empezada decada. del Placer de la Cieneguilla y otros minerales, se le encarga apure las cuentas del JU.de los Alamos. Xtft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1891. 1950. 1772. May 13. Aranjuez. [Juhdn de Arriaga] to the Duque de Alba. [Remitting a letter and testimonio of January 26, 1772, from Bucarely, in which the latter had stated that he had exempted the products of the mission estates of the Californias from the alcabcda; the Council of the Indies is asked to take action on this]. Dft. 2pp.2. 103-3-21. 1951. 1772. May 14. Mexico. Jos6 de Gorraes. [Certifying that Captain Rafael Martinez Pacheco had been declared inno- cent of crimes charged against him by the governor of Texas]. Or. 12pp.l. 104-6-16. Enc.w.l954. 1952. 1772. May 14. Mexico. [Testimonio about the appointment of the alfirez Juan Peni as acting captain of the presidio of Janos]. Cer. May 14,1772,Mexico. 9pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l957. 1953. 1772. May 16. Aranjuez. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the viceroy. Sobre la recaudacion del Tributo de Indios de los dos Rios Maio y Hiaqui, Prova.de Sonora. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1907. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 279 1954. 1772. May 24. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.368. Dd cuenta con testimonio del m^rito y servicios de Dn.Rafael Martinez Pacheco Capitan del Presidio de S.Agustin de Ahumada. Or. 3pp.l. 104-6-16. Acc.2023. Enc.1163,1951. 1955. 1772. May 25. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.382. Da cuenta de ha verse presentado de paz en el presidio del Pitic el indio Mar- cos y 16 personas de la Nacion seri que eran los unicos que faltaban para ren- dirse y que los Tiburones estaban dispuestos & executar lo mismo. Or. 4pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1982. Enc.1883. 1956. 1772. May 25. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.385. Da cuenta de la division de Misiones de Californias y Monterrey entre los Religiosos Dominicos que vinieron de Espana y los del Colegio de aquella Capital, a conseqa.de lo qe.se manda en las Rs.C^dulas qe.expresa. Or, 6pp.l. 104-6-14. Sum. 1957. 1772. May 26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julidn de Arriaga. No.394. Dd cuenta con testimonio de haber nombrado interinamente para Capitan del Presidio de Janos d D.Juan Peni, Alferez del de Hoaxoquilla. Or. 2pp.l, 104-6-14. Enc.1952. 1958. 1772. May 26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.415. Remite copia de las instrucciones reservadas que le dejo su antecessor el Marques de Croix. Or.Dp. Ip.l. 88-5-13. Enc.1772. 1959. 1772. May 25. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to the king. No.31. El Virrey en cumplimiento de lo que se le mand6 por Rl.Cedula de 8 de Abril de 1770 da cuenta con Testimonio de la division de Missiones de las Californias, y Monte Rey que ha hecho entre los Religiosos Dominicos que llev6 de estas Reynas Fray Juan Pedro de Iriarte; y los Franciscos del Colegio de sn.Fernando de aqueUa ciudad. Or. 7pp.l. 104r-3-4. Inf. Dec. Acc.2867. Enc.1602. 1960. 1772. May 26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.396. Que las cuentas de la expedicion de Sonora estdn presentadas en el Real Tribunal de ellas y expone lo que se le ofrece sobre el reintegro d la Renta del Tavaco de los suplementos que ha hecho. Or. 3pp.l. 104r-3-2, Nota. Acc.2004. 1961. 1772. May 26, Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga No.397. Avisa los suplementos que desde el mes de Agosto del ano anterior hasta la. fecha; ha hecho la Renta de Tavaco para el Departamento de Sn.Blas, y que no puede ahora providenciar su reintegro. Or. 4pp. 1. 104-3-2, Acc,2004. 280 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 1962. 1772. May 26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.398. Clontesta la Real orden de 20 de Febrero acerca de que presenten las Cuentas los sugetos que deben darlos de los Partidos suplidos por el Ramo de Tavacos. Or. 2pp.l. 104-3-2. Acc.2004. 1963. 1772. May 27. Mexico. [Bucarely] to the Conde de O'Reilly. [Discusses the suspension of the salt monopoly in Vera Cruz and Nueva Santander, and refers to the project to strengthen the defences of San Juan de Ulua]. Dft. 7pp.2. 88-5-17. 1964. 1772. June 1-Aug.l2. Mexico. [Testimonio about attacks of the Apaches, Comanches, and others in New Mexico]. Cer. June 29,1778,Chihuahua. 15pp.l. 103-4-18. Enc.w.3821. 1965. 1772. June 9. Tepic. Antonio Fraguio to Franco.Trillo y Vermudes- (No.l). Da noticia de lo qe.hablo Toledo en Tepic : cuios efectos se vieron verificado en mucha parte, despues de su presentacion en Mexico. Cer. June 18,1772,Sn.Blas. 4pp.l. 104-6-16. Enc.w.2666. 1966. 1772. June 10. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Franco.Trillo. [Writes about Lieutenant-colonel Marin's petition for a suspension of tolls]. Cer. June 18,1772,S.Blas. 3pp.l. 104-6-16. Acc.1972. 1967. 1772. June 10. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Miguel Marin del Valle. [Orders suspension of the collection of the one real toll from muleteers passing through Tepic]. Cer. June 18,1772,Sn.Blas. Ip.l. 104-6-16. Acc.1972. 1968.. 1772. June 10. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely to Franco.Trillo. (No.3). Orden sobre saUnas y no esponer caudal bueno de Rl.Hazienda en ellas. Cer. 5pp.l. 104-6-16. Enc.w.2666. 1969. 1772. June 11. Aranjuez. [JuUdn de Arriaga] to the viceroy. Enterado de las bentaxas conseguidas en Sonora contra los Reveldes Pimas; y la instancia qe.repitieron al Intendte. los Capitanes que expresa para dirigir la Campana contra los Apaches. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1799,1908,1909. 1970. 1772. June 12. S.Blas. Joseph Faustino Ruiz. (No.6). Plan que manifiesta el Estado en que se hallan los Almacenes, Caja, em- barcaciones y demds asuntos de Sn.Blas y el Caudal que se necesita al ano para la Subsistenca.de ellos. Cer. lp.74 by 49.5 cm. 104-6-16. Enc.w.2667. 1971. 1772. Jime 12. Sn.Blas. Franco.Trillo Vermudez to Antonio Bucarely y Ursua. (No.7). [Report on the needs and the duties of the port of San Bias and the funds required to sustain it]. Cer. 15pp.l. 104-6-16. Enc.w.2667. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 281 1972. 1772.[June 16. Written]July 16. Sn.Blas. Franco.Trillo y Vennudez to Antonio Bucarely y Ursua. (No.2). [Reports on the matter of the collection of tolls from muleteers]. Cer. June 18,1772,S.Blas. IQpp.l. 104-6-16. Enc.w.2666. Acc.by 1945,1966, 1967. 1973. 1772, June 17. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Franco.Trillo. (No.7). Orden suspendiendo los subsidios y socorros de dinero, interin no resuelva lo qe. corresponda sobre laborio y acopio de sales. Cer. 2pp.l. 104-6-16. Enc.w.2666. 1974. 1772. June 19. Sn.Blas. Franco.Trillo to Antonio Bucarely y Ursua. (No.4). [Report on the production of salt in his province and the financial return to the state]. • Cer. 39pp.l. 104r-6-16. Enc.w.2666. 1975. 1772. June 20. Aranjuez. [JuUd,n de Arriaga] to the viceroy. Que se esperan los avisos de lo que deUvere en vista de los informes que habia recibido del deplorable estado en que se halla la Prova.de Chihuahua. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1795,1811,1884,1887,1889,1921,1947. 1976. 1772. June 24. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Juhan de Arriaga. No.435. Contesta la Rl.orn de 25 de Octubre del ano antecedente de 1771, informando el merito aptitud y circunstancia de D.Nicolas GU, Capitan interino del Presidio de San Buenaventura. Or. 6pp.l. 104r-6-14. Acc.1794. Enc.1886,1946. 1977. 1772. June 25. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.449. Remite copia de la representacion que hace al Consejo acerca de los recursos que promovieron algunos de los Religiosos Dominicos destinados d las Misiones de Calif or nias. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.1978. Or.Dp. 89-3-23. Enc.1978. 1978. 1772. June 25. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to the king. [Concerning complaints lodged by the Dominicans destined for the Cali- fornias]. Cer. 3pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l977. C. 89-3-23. Enc.w.l977. Or. 104-3^. Inf. Dec. Acc.2867. Enc.1867,1868. 1979. 1772. June 26. Mexico. [Bucarely] to the Conde de O'Reilly. [Says he is anxious because he has not yet heard whether the sittuidos arrived safely at Havana; says that the viceroyalty in general is at peace, but that there is war in Chihuahua, where Oconor is stationed]. Dft. 4pp.2. 88-5-17. 1980. 1772. July 6. Madrid. Francisco Martinez Escalante to [Julidn de Arriaga]. [Again asks attention to his memorial of 1770 (no. 1518)]. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-16. Sum. Acc.2023. 282 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 1980a. [1772.* July 6. Mexico]. Estado de las Misiones de las Pimerias alta y baxa en la Provincia de Sonora Pueblos de que se componen y numero de almas que tenian estos en el afio de 1774 segun los Padrones remitidos por los Rdos.P.P.Misioneros de ella y sacado del memorial que el R.P.Fr.Antonio de los Reyes . . . present6 al Exmo.Sor.Fr.Antonio Maria Bucareli y Ursua Virrey de Mexico. Uns. lp.31.5 by 43 cm. 105-1-24. Acc.l980b. 1980b. [1772. Written]1774.t July 6-July 13. Mexico. Memorial y estado actual de las Misiones de la Pimeria alta y vaja, pre- sentado al Virrey de Nueva Espa.pr.el pe.Fr.Antonio de los Reyes en 6 de Julio de 1774, Ydem.d su continuacion una respuesta Fiscal de Dn.Josef Anto.de Areche de 13 del propio mes y ano. C.of Cer. May 6,1777,Madrid. 75pp.l. 105-1-24. Acc.3579. Acc.by 1980a. 1981. 1772. July 10. Madrid. [Julian de Arriaga] to the viceroy. Apruebasele el nombramto.intno. que hizo en D.Josef Velazquez para el empleo de Alferez de la Compa.del Presidio de Californias. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 19.33,2048. 1982. 1772. July 11, Madrid. [Julidn de Arriaga] to Anto.Bucarely. Que enterado de haverse presentado de Paz en el Presidio del Pitic el indio Marcos y 16 Personas de la Nacn.Seris; y de que los Tiburones estaban pa. hacer lo propio, se procure atraerlos con buen trato. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1955. 1983. 1772. July 11. Madrid. [Julidn de Arriaga] to Antonio Bucarely. Se previene vaya dando cuenta de lo que adelanten las Minas y Placeres de Sonora. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1926. 1984. 1772. July 11. Madrid. [Julidn de Arriaga] to Bucarely. Aprobandole las providencias deliveradas en Junta de Guerra y Haza. pa.los socorros, d fin de precaver los danos de los Indios Bdrbaros de Chihuahua. Que ponga el devido conato pa.atajarlos, procurando atraerlos con medios suaves, d que permanezcan quietos. Dft. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1929. 1985. 1772. July 16. Sn.Blas. Franco.Trillo y Vermudez to Antonio Bucarely y Ursua. (No.5). [Concerning his administration of the salt mines, asserting that the royal treasury has lost nothing under him]. Cer. 28pp. 1. 104-6-16. Enc.w.2666. * There is some confusion as to the correct date of items 1940a, 1980a, and 1980b. The documents seen by the writer seem to have been for the year 1774, a matter which was recently verified by Mr. Reginald S. Castleman; it will also be noticed that the year 1774 is used in the description of items 1980a and 1980b. According to Bolton, Guide, 71, and Documentos para la historia de Mixico, (Mexico. 1853-1857. 20v.) 3d ser., pt. IV, 724-765, the dates should be 1772. t See the note at item 1980a. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 283 1986. 1772. July 16. S.Blas. Franco.Trillo Vermudez to Antonio Bucarely y Ursua. (No.6). Sobre la necesidad qe.ocasiona la falta de caudal, para la construccion de la Fragata y demds atenciones, expuestas por esta razon. Cer. 6pp. 1. 104r-&-16. Enc.w.2666. 1987. 1772. July 17. Palacio. Julian de Arriaga to Cristobal de Tavoada. [Sending papers in the case of Vicente Rodriguez, for entry of his appoint- ment]. Or. 2pp.l. 104r-6-14. Inf. Acc.1991. 1988. 1772. July 17. Madrid. The king. Patente de Capitdn del Presidio de Sn.Juan Bautista del Rio Grande para Dn. Vicente Rodriguez. Dft. 2 printed pp.1. 104-6-14. Acc.1991. 1989. 1772. July 17. Madrid. The king (by Julian de Arriaga). D.Vicente Rodriguez, Patente de Capitan. C.Dp. 3pp.l. 104-6-8. Incin 102. Acc.by 1990. 1990. 1772. July 20. Madrid. Juln.de Arriaga to Tomas Ortiz de Landazuri. [Sends papers of the appointment of a captain for the presidio of San Juan Bautista de Rio Grande]. Or. lp.2. 104-6-8. Acc.1989. 1991. 1772. July 23. Madrid. [JuUdn de Arriaga] to the viceroy. Con una patente de Capitan del Presidio de S.Juan Bauptista del Rio Grande pa.Dn.Vizte.Rodriguez. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1932, 1987, 1988, 2049. 1992. 1772. July 26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.458. Expone lo que se le ofrece sobre calificar las noticias de los Minerales de So- nora. Or. 3pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1922. 1993. 1772. July 26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.459. Dice las providencias que ha dado para saber el verdadero estado de los Placeres de la CieneguiUa. Or. 4pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.2058. 1994. 1772. July 26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.461. Contesta A la Rl.om. de 6 de Marzo ultimo sobre la Pacificacion de Nueva Vizcaya y refiere un feUz suceso acaecido en las Fronteras de Chihuahua. Or. 6pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.2057. 1995. 1772. July 26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.462. A consecuencia de las noticias de las Provincias internas de aquel Reyno . . . dice las disposiciones que quedaba dando sobre Californias. Or. 4pp.l. 104-6-14. Sum. Acc.2060. 284 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 1996. 1772. July 26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.463. Acompana extracto de las ultimas noticias de Nueva Vizcaya, Sonora y Calif ornias. Or. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.2057. Enc.1997. 1997. 1772. July 26. Mexico. Extracto de las ultimas noticias de Nueva Vizcaya, Sonora y Californias que se ban recibido hasta el dia de la fecha. Uns. 9pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.l996. 1998. 1772. July 26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.464. Remite Testimonio de los Nombramientos de empleos de Oficiales para el Cuerpo volante de Caballeria de Chihuahua que propuso el Teniente Coronel Dn.Hugo Oconor y pide la Real conformaci6n de esta Providencia. . Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Sum. Nota. Acc.by 2030. Enc.1869. 1999. 1772. July 26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. Avisa lo que ha prevenido d. los Capitanes de los Presidios de S.Carlos de Buenavista y Santa Gertrudis del Altar, consecuente d las noticias que le comunicaron. Or. 4pp.l. 104-6-14. Sum. Acc.2059. 2000. 1772. July 27. Mexico. [Bucarely] to the Conde de O'Reilly. [Says, among other things, that Oconor wUl soon begin his principal work on the frontier, after having inflicted a defeat upon the Apaches]. Dft. 7pp.2. 88-5-17. 2001. 1772. July 29. Pittic. Mattheo Sasttre to Julian de Arriaga. [Giving an account of Indian affairs in Sonora]. Or. 7pp.l. 104^3-2. Enc.w.2039. 2002. 1772. Aug.7. Nueva Orleans. Luis de Unzaga y Anezaga to Antonio Bucarely y Ursua. (No.l). [TeUs of events on the border of Louisiana and Texas and of his suspicions about the coming of EngUshmen to settle there]. Cer. Nov.26,1772,Mexico. 3pp.l. 104r-6-15. Enc.w.2069. 2003. 1772. Aug.ll. Sn.Ildefonso. [Juhdn de Arriaga] to the governor of Nueva Vizcaya. Enterado de las desgracias que expresa haber acaecido en el asalto qe.dieron los Yndios Bdrbaros en las inmediaciones del Presidio de Guejuquilla. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1919. 2004. 1772. Aug.20. San Ildefonso. [Julidn de Arriaga to Antonio Bucarely y Ursua]. Sre. los puntos que representa d cerca de las cuentas de la expediccion de Sonora, y Nueva Vizcaya, y reintegro de caudales supUdos por la renta del Tabaco. Dft. 2pp.l. 104-3-2. Incin 1603. Acc.by 1960-1962. 2005. 1772. Aug.27. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to JuUan de Arriaga. No.524. I for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 285 Remite extracto de las ultimas noticias de Nueva Vizcaya y Sonora. Or. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.2081. Eiic.2006. 2006. 1772. Aug.27. Mexico. Extracto de las ultimas noticias de las Provas.de Nva .Vizcaya y Sonora que se han recibido hasta el dia de la fecha. Uns. Spp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.2005. 2007. 1772. Aug.27. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.525. Refiere las ordenes que ha dado el Tente.Coronel D.Hugo O'Conor sobre el modo de hacer la guerra d los Apaches. Or. Spp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.2081. 2008. 1772. Aug.27. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.526. Avisa qe.ha dispuesto se Traslade el oro rescatado en la CieneguUla 6, las Caxas Reales de Mexico. Or. Spp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.2081. 2009. 1772. Aug.27. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.528. Remite el Diario de Operacionos miUtares de la expedicion de Sonora. Or. 2pp.l. 104-3-2. Inc.in 1774. Enc.1773. 2010. 1772. Aug.27. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.527. Dice las providencias que ha dado para desvanecer las ideas de la Nacion Sibubapas en la Prova.de Sonora. Or. Spp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.2081. 2011. 1772. Aug.27. Mexico. [Bucarely] to Alexandro de O'Reilly. [Says Oconor is performing his duties most capably; he expects him to cause the Indians to make peace]. Dft. Spp.2. 88-5-17. 2012. 1772. Sept.4. Orcasitas. Mateo Sastre to Julian de Arriaga. [Forwarding 1840]. Or. Spp.l, 104-6-15. Acc.2255. Enc.1840. 201S. 1772. Sept.5. S.Blas. Franco.Trillo Vermudez to Antonio Bucarely. (No.8). [Tells of difficulties in his work, due to lack of funds]. Cer. 2pp.l. 104-6-16. Enc.w.2666. 2014. 1772. Sept. 14. Sn.Ildefonso. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the Conde de Ricla. [By the king's command, bids him make out papers promoting Hugo Oconor to be commandant inspector of presidios in New Spain, with the rank of colonel]. Dft. Spp.2. 104^6-14. Acc.2019. 2015. 1772. Sept.18. S.Ildefonso. [JuUdn de Arriaga] to the viceroy. Con motivo de haver dado cuenta con Testimo.de la Junta de Guerra y Hazda. celebrada sobre auxihos para evitar los dafios qe.los indios Apaches ocasionan en la Prova.de Chihuahua; se le previene lo resuelto por S.M. en corroboracion de sus providencias. Dft. Spp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1941. 286 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 2016. 1772. Sept.18. Sn.Blas. Franco.Trillo y Vermudez. (No.8). Plan que manifiesta el caudal que actualmente nesessitan para Subsistir los assuntos de San Bias. Or. lp.50 by 38 cm. 104-6-16. Enc.w.2667. 2017. 1772. Sept.20. Sn.Ildefonso. Conde de Ricla to Julian de Arriaga. [Remitting papers showing entry of Hugo Oconor's grade of infantry colonel]. Or. 2pp.2. 104-6-14. Acc.2019. 2018. 1772. Sept.22. S.Ildefonso. [JuMn de Arriaga] to the viceroy. Que atienda al Thente.del Regimto.de Ynfanta. del Comercio de aquella Capital, que solicita una de las capitanias de Presidios, Dn.Francisco Fernz.de Carmona. Dft. 2pp.l. 104-6-16. Acc.2966. 2019. 1772. Sept.23. Sn.Ildefonso. The king. Titulo de Comandante Ynspector de todos los Presidios intemos de Nueva Espafia para el Coronel D.Hugo Oconor. Dft. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1554,1691,1703,1704,1786,1823,2014,2017,2020- 2022. C.Dp. 104-6-8. Incin 1879. Acc.by 2021. 2020. 1772. Sept.23. S.Ildefonso. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the Conde de O'Reilly. [Sending papers concerning Oconor's promotion, that O'Reilly may give them their due course]. Dft. 2pp.2, 104-6-14. Acc.2019. 2021. 1772. Sept.23. Sn.Ildefonso. [Julidn de Arriaga] to Christobl. de Tavoada and Toms.Ortiz de Landazuri. [Sending Oconor's title as commandant inspector, for entry in the records of the Contadurla]. Dft. lp.2. 104-6-14. Acc.2019. Or. 104-^14. Acc.2019. Or.Dp. 104-6-8. Acc.2019. 2022. 1772. Sept.24. Madrid. Thomas Ortiz de Landazuri to Julian de Arriaga. [Returning the document forwarded with 2021, after making due entry]. Or. 2pp.2. 104-6-14. Acc.2019. 2023. 1772. Sept.24. S.Ildefonso. [JuUdn de Arriaga] to the viceroy. Que atienda en lo que haUe justo d D.Rafael Martinez Pacheco Capitdn del Presidio de Sn.Agustin de Ahumada en el nuevo arreglo de ellos que se le comete. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-16. Acc.by 1518,1535,1833,1954,1980,2437,2538,2539,2555, 2562,2563. 2024. 1772. Sept.26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.566. Acompana Extracto de las noticias ultimamente recibidas de las Provincias de Nueva Vizcaya, Coahuila y Texas. Or. Ip.l. 104-3-2. Acc.2170. Enc.2025. 2025. 1772. Sept.26. Mexico. Extracto de noticias de las Provincias de Nueva Vizcaya, Coahuila, y Texas que se han recibido hasta el dia de la fecha. Or. 10pp. 1. 104r-3-2. Enc.w.2024. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 287 2026. 1772. Sept.26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.567. Refiere lo que ha prevenido al Teniente Coronel D.Hugo Oconor sobre el modo de hacer la Guerra d los Apaches. Or. 3pp.l. 104-6-14. Sum. 2027. 1772. Sept.26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.568. Dice las providencias que ha dado A consecuencia de las noticias que le comun- ic6 el Governador de Coahuila sobre los insultos de los Yndios bdrbaros. Or. 9pp.l. 104-6-14. Sum. 2028. 1772. Sept.26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.569. Refiere la respuesta que ha dado al Governador de la Provincia de Texas sobre las novedades ultimamente ocurridas. Or. 14pp.l. 104-3-2. Acc.2170. 2029. 1772. Sept.26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.570. Avisa haber aprobado el nombramiento que para Tente.del Presidio del Rio Grande hizo su Capitan i. favor de Dn.Eugenio Fernandez. Or. 3pp. 1. 104-6-14. 2030. 1772. Sept.26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.571. Dd cuenta con Testimonio de haber conferido & Dn.Francisco Menocal la Quarta Compania de la Expedici6n Militar de Chihuahua. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1998. Enc.1870. 2031. 1772. Sept.26. Mexico. [Bucarely] to the Ck)nde de O'Reilly. [Says there have been no untoward events on the Chihuahua frontier since Oconor took command there; adds that the frontier miUtia is lacking in ambi- tion and practically worthless; remarks on the arrival and installation in office of the new archbishop]. Dft. 6pp.2. 88-5-17. 2032. 1772. Oct.l. S.Blas. (No.9). [Testimonio about the imprisonment of the contador and ofidales reales of San Bias]. Cer. 7pp.l. 104-6-16. Enc.w.2666. 2033. 1772. Oct.2. S.Blas. Franco.Trillo Vermudez to Antonio Bucarely. (No.lO). Consulta sobre la prision y Deposito del Contador, d la qual siguio otra y prueba de la inovediencia de estos cuias copias me quitaron con los demas papeles particulares mios. Cer. 28pp.l. 104-6-16. Enc.w.2666. 2034. 1772. Oct.2-16. (Carpeta 3.No.5). [Census of the CieneguiUa district, with letters of comment]. Cer. Jan.27,1773,Mexico. 8pp.l. 104-6-15. Enc.w.2153. 2035. 1772. Oct. 14. Orcasitas. Mateo Sastre to Antonio Bucarely. [Report about the general state of affairs in Sonora and Sinaloa]. Cer. Jan.27,1773,Mexico. 9pp.l, 104-6-15, Enc.w.2151. 288 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 2036. 1772. Oct.l6. Cieneguilla. Pedro Tueros to Antonio Bucarely y Ursua. (No.l). [Report about the population and mines of Cieneguilla]. Cer. Jan.27,1773,Mexico. 12pp.l. 104-6-15. Enc.w.2153. 2037. 1772. Oct.l9. Orcasitas. Mateo Sastre. [Report of the governor of Sonora about Garc6s' journey to the Colorado and GUa rivers]. Cer. Jan.27,1773,Mexico. 15pp.l. 104-6-15. Enc.w.2152. 2038. 1772. Oct.22. S.Petersburgo, Conde de Lacy to the Marques de Grimaldi. No.l5. De las expediciones de los rusos desde Kamtschatka acia la pte.Septentrl.de America. Or. 5pp.l. Estado,Am.Gen.l,Doc.83. Inc.in 487. Enc.1543. 2039. 1772. Oct.27. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to JuUan de Arriaga. No.608. Acompafia Extracto de las ultimas noticias de Nueva Vizcaya, Sonora, Texas, y Californias. Or. Ip.l. 104-3-2. Acc.2164. Enc.2001,2040. 2040. 1772. Oct.27. Mexico. Extracto de las ultimas noticias de las Provincias de Nueva Vizcaya, Sonora, y Texas recividas hasta el dia de la fecha. Or. 14pp.l. 104r-3-2. Enc.w.2039. 2041. 1772. Oct.27. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.609. Refiere las providencias que ha dado a consecuencia de las novedades que ocurren en la Provincia de Nueva Vizcaya. Or. 15pp.l. 104-3-2. Acc.2166. 2042. 1772. Oct.27. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to JuUan de Arriaga. No.610. Dice lo que ha prevenido al Govemador de Sonora para la reduccion de los Sibubapas. Or. 3pp.l. 104-3-2. Acc.2163. 2043. 1772. Oct.27. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.611. Acerca de la actual constitucion de la Provincia de Tejas, y dice que sus dispociones han sido referentes d las que aviso en la carta No.569 mientras en Junta de Guerra y Hacienda se trata y resuelbe lo conveniente. Or. lOpp.l. 104-3-2. Acc.2167. 2044. 1772. Oct.27. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.612. Da noticia de las providencias que ha dado para remediar la escasez de viveres y demds incidentes que ocurren en Californias, y asi mismo dice los informes que queda solicitando para averiguar con certidumbre el Descubrimi- ento del Puerto de Sn.Francisco. Or. 6pp.l. 104-3-2. Acc.2165. I' I for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 289 2045. 1772. Oct.27. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.613. Acompana Testimonio de las providencias acordadas en Junta de Guerra y Hacienda sobre instancia hecha por D.Juan Baptista de Ansa Capitan del Presidio del Tubac para pasar al reconocimiento del Rio Colorado, y abrir Comunicacion por tierra con los Puertos de Sn.Diego, y Monte Rey. Or. llpp.l. 104-6-15. Enc.1872. 2046. 1772. Oct.27. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.614. Satisface la Real orden de 11 de Julio ultimo en que se le manda dar cuenta de lo qe.adelanten las Minas de Sonora. Or. 4pp.l. 104-3-2. Acc.2163. 2047. 1772. Oct.27. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.615. Da cuenta con testimonio de haber mandado pagar al Capitan del Presidio de California dn.Fernando de Rivera y Moncada los crdditos que demand6 por las razones que expuso; y que tambien dispuso reintegrar &\ Ramo de Tabacos de la cantidad que refiere. Or. 6pp.l. 104-3-2. Acc.2168. Enc.1871. 2048. 1772. Oct.27. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.617. Dice pondrd en propiedad de su empleo al Alferez de la Compania del Presidio de Californias d D.Josef Velazquez. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Acc.1981. 2049. 1772. Oct.27. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.618. Dice que remitird d D.Vicente Rodriguez la Patente de Capitdn del Presidio de Sn.Juan Bautista del Rio Grande. Or. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Ace. 1991. 2050. [1772. Oct.27]. Noticia deducida del Extracto que acompana el Virrey de Nueva Espana con carta de 27 de Octubre ultimo de las qe.ultimamente recivi6 de varias Provinzs.de aquel Reyno [wholly about the CaUfornias]. Uns. 3pp.2. 104-6-15. 2051. 1772. Oct.27. Mexico. [Bucarely] to the Conde de O'Reilly. [Tells of the arrival of Cisneros, who has already reviewed the troops of Vera Cruz and Xalapa and is now in Puebla]. Dft. 2pp.2. 88-5-17. 2052. 1772. Oct.31. Alamos. Pedro Corbalan. (Carpeta 3.No.3). Nota de las cantidades de pesos que han convertido en rescatar oro de cuenta de S.M. en los Placeres de la Cieneguilla Provincia de Sonora, y de las que se han pagado por raz6n de fletes, Rs.derechos y los correspondientes al ensayador, valor liquido yd ensayado y quintado y utiUdad producida d favor de la RI. Hacienda. Cer. Jan.27,1773,Mexico. 3pp.l. 104-6-15. Enc.w.2153. 20 290 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 2053. 1772. Oct.31-Jan.l3. 1773. (Carpeta 3.No.6). [Letters of Pedro Corbaldn, Tueros, and Bucarely about remission of gold to the real caja of Alamos]. Cer. Jan.27,1773,Mexico. 18pp. 1. 104-6-15. Enc.w.2153. 2054. 1772. Nov.3. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Luis de Unzaga y Amezaga. (No.2). [Says he will submit the question of establishing a new presidio in Texas to a. junta de guerra y real hacienda]. Cer. Nov.26,1772,Mexico. 3pp.l. 104-6-15. Enc.w.2069. 2055. 1772. Nov.5. Madrid. Franzco.Ruiz de Columga. [Says that a letter from Mexico has announced the death of Father Joseph Diaz, one of the Dominicans destined for Baja Cahfornia]. Or. 2pp.l. 104-3-4. Enc.w.2056. 2056. 1772. Nov.6. Madrid. Juan de D[ios] de Cordova to the king. [Asks that twelve more Dominicans be permitted to go to the Califomias, and cites the death of Father Joseph Diaz as one reason why more than the twenty seven allowed by the king should be sent to the Indies]. Or. 2pp.2. 104r-3-4. Acc.2867. Enc.2055. 2057. 1772. Nov.7. S.Lorenzo. [Juhdn de Arriaga] to the viceroy. Que con el extracto qe.acompana en carta de 26 de JuUo y otra separada de la misma fecha, se queda en inteUgencia del feliz suceso acaecido en Chihuahua, y demas noticias de la Sonora, Califomias y Nueva VLzcaya. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1994,1996. 2058. 1772. Nov.7. Sn.Lorenzo. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the viceroy. Se le apruevan las providencias que ha dado para saver el estado de los Pla- ceres de la CeneguUla, como avisa en su carta de 26 de Juho tiltimo. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1993. 2059. 1772. Nov.ll. S.Lorenzo. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the viceroy. Que aprueva el Rey las prevenciones que hizo d los Capitanes de los Presidios de Sn.Carlos de Buenavista y Sta.Gertrudis del Altar por la dispersion de los Sibubapas, y ha verse juntado en el cajon de Bavinioca muchos de los enemigos Apaches. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1999. 2060. 1772. Nov.ll. S.Lorenzo. [JuUdn de Arriaga] to the viceroy. Queda enterado el Rey de los informes qe.havia pedido con motivo de las discordias ocurridas entre el Governador de Califomias y Padres Misioneros de Propaganda y de las providas. que tom6 pa.arreglar sus disposiciones al bien estar de aquella Peninsula. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1995. 2061. 1772. Nov.17. Alamos. Jos6 del Santo Ysla and Pedro Tufion. (Carpeta 3. No.l). [Certifying to the amounts collected since January 1 from the duty of the royal fifth on gold]. Cer. Jan.27,1773,Mexico. Ip.l. 104-6-15. Enc.w.2153. 2062. 1772. Nov.21. San Lorenzo. Diego Ortiz Parrilla. [Asks continuance of his leave of absence, so that he may remain in Spain]. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-17. Sum. Acc.3221. Enc.1477. » for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 291 2063. 1772. Nov.26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.654. Remite extracto de las ultimas noticias de Nueva Vizcaya, Texas y Peninsula de Californias. Or. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Enc.2064. 2064. 1772. Nov.26. Mexico. Extracto de las noticias que se ha recibido de las Provincias internas hasta el dia de la fecha. Uns. 6pp.l. 104r^l4. Enc.w.2063. 2065. 1772. Nov.26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.655. Sobre los lastimosos sucesos ocurridos en la Provincia de Nueba Vizcaya, y dice las providencias que ha dado para remediarlos. Or. 8pp.l. 104-3-2. Acc.2190. 2066. 1772. Nov.26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.656. Da cuenta de las providencias que ha dado d consecuencia de las novedades ocurridas en la Provincia de Texas. Or. 7pp.l. 104-3-2. Acc.2189. 2067. 1772. Nov.26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.657. Dice que ha repetido sus Providencias para el abasto de la Peninsula de Californias, y ofreze dar noticias del estado en que se hallan aquellas Misiones.. Or. 3pp.l. 104-3-2. Acc.2192. 2068. 1772. Nov.26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to JuUan de Arriaga, No.658. Avisa las noticias que le ha comunicado el Gobernador de Texas sobre recelos de haberse establecido Yngleses d las inmediaciones del Rio de la Trinidad y refiere las providencias que ha dado. Or. 8pp.l. 104-6-15. Acc.2258. 2069. 1772. Nov.26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.659. Remite copia de la carta que dirigi6 el Gobernador de la Luisiana, sobre las novedades ocurridas en la Provincia de Texas y acompana la de la con- testaci6n que se le hizo. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-15. Acc.2258. Enc.2002,2054. 2070. 1772. Nov.26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Juhan de Arriaga. No.660. Avisa las Providencias que ha dado para assegurar el establecimiento de los Seris en el Pitic, y reducir d los Sibubapas. Or. 6pp.l. 104-3-2. Acc.2191. 2071. 1772. Nov.26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. Acompana testimonio de las diUgencias practicadas para restituir al Empleo de Comisario del Real del Loreto a dn.Anttonio Lopez de Toledo. Or. 3pp.l. 104-3-2. Acc.2198. Enc.1873. 290 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 2053. 1772. Oct.31-Jan.l3. 1773. (Carpeta 3.No.6). [Letters of Pedro Corbaldn, Tueros, and Bucarely about remission of gold to the real caja of Alamos]. Cer. Jan.27,1773,Mexico. ISpp.l. 104-6-15. Enc.w.2153. 2054. 1772. Nov.3. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Luis de Unzaga y Amezaga. (No.2). [Says he will submit the question of establishing a new presidio in Texas to a junta de guerra y real hacienda], Cer. Nov.26,1772,Mexico. 3pp.l. 104-6-15. Enc.w.2069. 2055. 1772. Nov.5. Madrid. Franzco.Ruiz de Columga. [Says that a letter from Mexico has announced the death of Father Joseph Diaz, one of the Dominicans destined for Baja CaUfornia]. Or. 2pp.l. 104-3-4. Enc.w.2056. 2056. 1772. Nov.6. Madrid. Juan de D[ios] de Cordova to the king. [Asks that twelve more Dominicans be permitted to go to the Califomias, and cites the death of Father Joseph Diaz as one reason why more than the twenty seven allowed by the king should be sent to the Indies]. Or. 2pp.2. 104-3-4. Acc.2867. Enc.2055. 2057. 1772. Nov.7. S.Lorenzo. [Juhdn de Arriaga] to the viceroy. Que con el extracto qe.acompana en carta de 26 de Juho y otra separada de la misma fecha, se queda en intehgencia del feliz suceso acaecido en Chihuahua, y demas noticias de la Sonora, Californias y Nueva Vizcaya. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1994,1996. 2058. 1772. Nov.7. Sn.Lorenzo. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the viceroy. Se le apruevan las providencias que ha dado para saver el estado de los Pla- ceres de la Ceneguilla, como avisa en su carta de 26 de JuUo liltimo. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1993. 2059. 1772. Nov. 11. S.Lorenzo. [Juhdn de Arriaga] to the viceroy. Que aprueva el Rey las prevenciones que hizo d los Capitanes de los Presidios de Sn.Carlos de Buenavista y Sta.Gertrudis del Altar por la dispersion de los Sibubapas, y ha verse juntado en el cajon de Bavinioca muchos de los enemigos Apaches. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1999. 2060. 1772. Nov.ll. S.Lorenzo. [JuMn de Arriaga] to the viceroy. Queda enterado el Rey de los informes qe.havia pedido con motivo de las discordias ocurridas entre el Governador de Californias y Padres Misioneros de Propaganda y de las providas. que tom6 pa.arreglar sus disposiciones al bien estar de aquella Peninsula. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 1995. 2061. 1772. N0V.I7. Alamos. Jos6 del Santo Ysla and Pedro Tufion. (Carpeta 3. No.l). [Certifying to the amounts collected since January 1 from the duty of the royal fifth on gold]. Cer. Jan.27,1773,Mexico. Ip.l. 104-6-15. Enc.w.2153. 2062. 1772. N0V.2I. San Lorenzo. Diego Ortiz Parrilla. [Asks continuance of his leave of absence, so that he may remain in Spain]. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-17. Sum. Acc.3221. Enc.1477. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 291 2063. 1772. Nov.26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.654. Remite extracto de las ultimas noticias de Nueva Vizcaya, Texas y Peninsula de Californias. Or. Ip.l. 104r-6-14. Enc.2064. 2064. 1772. Nov.26. Mexico. Extracto de las noticias que se ha recibido de las Provincias internas hasta el dia de la fecha. Uns. 6pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.2063. 2065. 1772. Nov.26. Mexico, Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.655. Sobre los lastimosos sucesos ocurridos en la Provincia de Nueba Vizcaya, y dice las providencias que ha dado para remediarlos. Or. 8pp.l. 104-3-2. Acc.2190. 2066. 1772. Nov.26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to JuUan de Arriaga. No.656. Da cuenta de las providencias que ha dado d consecuencia de las novedades ocurridas en la Provincia de Texas. Or. 7pp.l. 104-3-2. Acc.2189. 2067. 1772. Nov.26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Jiilian de Arriaga. No.657. Dice que ha repetido sus Providencias para el abasto de la Peninsula de Californias, y ofreze dar noticias del estado en que se hallan aquellas Misiones.. Or. Spp.l. 104-3-2. Acc.2192. 2068. 1772. Nov.26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to JuUan de Arriaga.- No.658. Avisa las noticias que le ha comunicado el Gobernador de Texas sobre recelos de haberse establecido Yngleses d las inmediaciones del Rio de la Trinidad y refiere las providencias que ha dado. Or. 8pp.l. 104-6-15. Acc.2258. 2069. 1772. Nov.26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to JuUan de Arriaga. No.659. Remite copia de la carta que drrigi6 el Gobernador de la Luisiana, sobre las novedades ocurridas en la Provincia de Texas y acompana la de la con- testaci6n que se le hizo. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-15. Acc.2258. Enc.2002,2054. 2070. 1772. Nov.26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.660. Avisa las Providencias que ha dado para assegurar el establecimiento de los Seris en el Pitic, y reducir d los Sibubapas. Or. 6pp.l. 104-3-2. Acc.2191. 2071. 1772. Nov.26. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to JuUan de Arriaga. Acompana testimonio de las diUgencias practicadas para restituir al Empleo de Comisario del Real del Loreto a dn.Anttonio Lopez de Toledo. Or. 3pp.l. 104-3-2. Acc.2198. Enc.1873. 292 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 2072. 1772. Nov.27. Mexico. [Bucarely] to the Conde de O'ReiUy. [Says he awaits O'Reilly's opinion about strengthening the fortifications of San Juan de Ulua; informs him that the Indians of Chihuahua are restless, but because of the drought and the bad condition of the horses Oconor is unable to act]. Dft. 6pp.2. 88-5-17. 2073. 1772. Nov.30. S.Blas. Miguel del Pino. Derrotero desde el Puerto de S.Blas.d el de Monterrey de ida y de vuelta de Monterrey d S.Diego por la costa y por dentro del canal de Sta. Barbara, como tambien la derrota del Puerto de S.Diego A S.Blas, sacado de los Diarios observaciones y demarcaciones de D.Miguel del Pino Capitan y Piloto destas mar del Sur, en los viages que hizo A la conquista de aquellos infieles. Or. ISpp.l. Estado,Aud.Guad.l,Doc.8. 2074. 1772. Dec.l. Cieneguilla. Pedro Tueros to Anto.Maria Bucarely y Ursua. [Says he is sending Cieneguilla's gold to the cajas reales of his province, and remarks on the decUne of the mines]. Cer. Feb.25,1773,Mexico. 3pp.l. 104-6-15. Enc.w.2178. 2075. 1772. Dec.3. Madrid. The fiscal to[the Council of the Indies]. [Opinion with regard to a Dominican petition for twelve more missionaries for Baja CaUfornia]. Or. 4pp.2. 104-3-4. Acc.2454. Cer. 104-3^. Acc.2454. 2076. 1772. Dec.4. Madrid. Thomas Ortiz de Landazuri to[the Council of the Indies]. [Stating that there is nothing for the Contaduria General to do, for the present, relative to 1800, until the viceroy shall send a report]. Or. 2pp.l. 103-7-1. Acc.1800. .2077. 1772. Dec.4-Jan.22. 1773. Hugo Oconor. Diario de la marcha que el dia 4 de Diciembre de 1772 emprendl y6 D.Hugo Oconor . . . para pasar al reconocimiento de los Terrenos donde se deben .•situar los Presidios removientes que en Junta de Guerra y Hacienda celebrada ►en la ciudad de Mdxico en dos de Abril de dicho ano, estd mandado executar, :y castigar d un mismo tiempo d los p^rfidos Apaches Lipanes que hostiUzan las JFronteras de Nueva Vizcaya y Coahuila. Cer. Apr.26,1773,Mexico. 39pp.l. 104-6-15. Enc.w.2242. 2078. 1772. Dec.5. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to the Real Tribunal de Cuentas. [In accordance with a royal decree of August 20, 1772, orders the Tribunal to audit the accounts of the expeditions of the frontier provinces]. Cer. Ip.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.2157. 2079. 1772. Dec.6. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Francisco Trillo Bermudez. (No.ll). Orden de suspension del comisario de S.Blas. Cer. Ip.l. 104-6-16. Enc.w.2666. 2080. 1772. Dec.ll. [Madrid]. Council of the Indies, [Absolves the Acapulco officials, Alonso Rodriguez and Jos6 Martinez Ad^ from all the charges against them]. Uns. 9pp.2. 88-5-23. Acc.by 1838,2142,2143,2169,2171. j(yr History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 293 2081. 1772. Dec.23. Madrid. [Julidn de Arriaga] to the viceroy. Que por sus cartas y extracto qe. acompana queda el Rey enterado de las disposiciones que dio en vista de las noticias qe.recivio de Nueva Vizcaya y Sonora. Dft. Ip.l. 104-6-14. Acc.by 2005,2007,2008,2010. 2082. 1772. Dec.27. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.699. Remite extracto de las ultimas novedades ocurridas en las Provincias de Nueva Vizcaya, Texas, y Peninsula de Californias. Or. Ip.l. 104-3-2. Acc.2217. Enc.2083. 2083. 1772. Dec.27. Mexico. Extracto de las noticias que se han recibido de las Provincias internas hasta el dia de la fecha. Or. lOpp.l. 104-3-2. Enc.w.2082. 2084. 1772. Dec.27. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.700. Da parte de las Providencias que ha dictado para asegurar la Paz que han solicitado los Apaches en la Provincia de Nueva Vizcaya. Or. 5pp.l. 104-3-2. Acc.2217. 2085. 1772. Dec.27. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.701. Dice que ha prevenido al Governador de la Provincia de Texas lo conveniente para que cese el abuso de regalar d los Indios Municiones, y comprarlas en el Presidio de Nachitoches. Or. 3pp.l. 104-3-2. Acc.2215. 2086. 1772. Dec.27. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.702. Dice las providencias que ha dado consecuentes d las novedades ocurridas en la Peninsula de Californias, y extiende sus reflexiones sobre el estado de las demas Provincias internas. Or. 14pp.l. 104-3-2. Acc.2214. 2087. 1772. Dec.27. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.703. Dd cuenta de haver salido incierta la noticia de introducci6n de Ingleses por la Bahia de Sn. Bernardo en la Provincia de Tejas. Or. 2pp. 1. 104r-6-14. 2088. 1772. Dec.27. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.704. Dice que ha remitido al Governador de Coahuila Armas, y Municiones para que aquellos vecindarios puedan defenderse de los Yndios Enemigos. Or. 2pp.l. 104-3-2. Acc.2213. 2089. 1772. Dec.27. Mexico. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua to Julian de Arriaga. No.727. Acompana copia de la representacion, Diario y Mapa que le pas6 el Guardian del Colegio de San Fernando de Mexico correspondiente al nuevo descubrimto. del Puerto de S.Franco, en la Peninsula de Californias. Or. 2pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.1842,1939. 294 Catalogue of Materials in Archivo General de Indias 2090. 1772. Dec.27. Mexico. [Bucarely] to the Conde de O'Reilly. [Says some Indians of Chihuahua have asked for peace, which will enable Oconor to be less embarassed in explorations to determine upon presidial sites]. Dft. 4pp.2. 88-5-17. 2091. [1772. Dec.31]. Guadalaxara. Domo.del Barco and Franco.Lopez. Quenta de la Real Caxa de Guadalaxara. [Cargo y Data de todos los Ramos de Real Hacienda correspondiente A todo el ano de 1772]. Or. 281pp.l. 104-3-25. Acc.2206. 2092. 1772. Dec.31. Mexico. Bernardo Faxardo y Cobarruvias and Fernando Josef Mangino. Estado que demuestra el ingreso y salida de caudales pertenecientes & las Misiones de la Peninsula de Californias en todo el presente ano por producci6n se sus dos haciendas de Ybarra y Arroyo-Zarco y r6ditos que reconocen d este fondo piadoso. Or. 2pp. 1. 97-4r-Q. Enc.w.2158. 2093. 1773. [Testimonio about the appointment of Felix Martinez Pacheco as second Ueutenant of the flying company of Chihuahua]. Cer. Jan.l8,1773,Mexico. 3pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.2155. 2094. 1773. Testimonio sobre el Expediente f ormado de las Cuenfas de la Expedicion de Sonora [including operations also in Nueva Vizcaya, the Department of San Bias, and the Californias]. Cer. Jan.26,1773,Mexico. 15pp. 1. 104-3-2. Enc.w.2157. 2095. 1773. [Testimonio about affairs in Texas and relations with the Indians there]. Cer. Jan.27,1773,Mexico. 28pp.l. 104-6-15. Enc.w.2150. 2096. 1773. Testimonio de las listas de los ReUgiosos de todos los Conventos de esta Nueva Espa. Cer. Mar.20,1773,Mexico. 327pp.l. 104r-3-4. Enc.w.2280. 2097. 1773. [Testimonio about providing the inhabitants of Coahuila with arms, at royal expense]. Cer. Mar.22,1773,Mexico. 7pp.l. 104r-6-15. Enc.w.2205. 2098. 1773. Sta.Rosa. Presidiales de la Frontera de la Provincia de Cohauhila. Cavalleria. Real Presidio de Sta.Rosa de Sacramento; mes de Octubre de 1773. Extracto de la Re vista de Inspeci6n pasada por Don Roque Medina. Cer. Mar.27,1774,Mexico. 18pp.l. 104-6-15. Enc.w.2583. 2099. 1773. Extracto y demds Documentos Concernientes d la Revista de Inspecci6n executada por el Ayudante inspector Dn. Roque de Medina al Real Presidio de S.Saba el Dia 16 de Noviembre de 1773. Cer. Mar.27,1774,Mexico. 20pp.l. 104-6-15. Enc.w.2582. for History of Pacific Coast and American Southwest 295 2100. 1773. Copia de las cartas y oficios pasados d el Teniente y comandante del Real Presidio de Sansaba D.Alexo.de la Garza Falcon y de las respuestas dadas en su virtud, concernientes A la Revista pasada por el Ayudante Inspector D.Roque de Medina el dia 16 de Noviembre de 1773. Cer. Mar.27,1774,Mexico. 32pp.l. 104r-6-15. Enc.w.2582. 2101. 1773. [Letters between Roque de Medina and the captain of Monclova, arising out of the inspection of that presidio]. Cer. Mar.27,1774,Mexico. 31pp.l. 104-6-15. Enc.w.2581. 2102. 1773. [Expediente of letters between Roque de Medina and the captain of San Juan Bautista, arising from the former's inspection of that presidio]. Cer. Mar.27,1774,Mexico. 31pp.l. 104-6-15. Enc.w.2584. 2103. 1773. Testimonio del expedte. formado d consulta del Pe.Presidente de las Misiones de Monterrey Fray Junipero Serra sobre varias providencias qe.solicita. Cer. May 14,1773,Mexico. 64pp.l. 104-6-16. Enc.w.2278. 2104. 1773. Testimonio de la instrucci6n formada por el Coronel de Infanteria Don Hugo Oconor d fin del arreglo de los Presidios de los Adaes y Orcoquiza de la Provincia de Texas. Cer. July 18,1773,Mexico. 31pp.l. 104-6-14. Enc.w.2328. 2105. 1773. Testimonio de las representaciones del Reverendo Padre Presidente de las Misiones de Monte Rey Fray Junipero de la Serra. Cer. July 23,1773,Mexico. 52pp.l. lQ4-Q-lQ,Cucui.l. Enc.w.2331. 2106. 1773. Testimonio del Reglamento Provisional para las atenciones de Californias y Departamento de San Bias. Cer. July 23,1773,Mexico. 55pp.l. 104-6-16,C«ad.2. Enc.w.2331. 2107. 1773. Testimo.del expediente formado sobre el modo de dividirse las Misiones de la California entre los Rehgiosos Fernandinos y Dominicos de estas Provincias. Cer. July 23,1773,Mexico. 107pp.l. 104-6-16,Cuod.3. Enc.w.2331. . 2108. 1773. Testimonio de los informes del Padre Presidente de la Mision de Monte Rey Fr .Junipero Serra, sobre el estado de ellas y numero de Soldados que se necesita. Cer. July 23,1773,Mexico. 50pp.l. 104-^-16, Cuad A. Enc.w.2331. 2109. 1773. Testimonio de las representaciones del Comisionado de S.Blas Dn.Jos6 del Campo Viergol sobre que se le remitan caudales y de lo determinado en Junta de Guerra y Rl.Hazda. ; Cer. July 23,1773,Mexico. 39pp.l. 104-6-16,C«a-Aug.7. Revista pasada por el Coronel de Ynfanta.Dn.Hugo Oconor Comandante Inspector de todos los Presidios internos de esta Nueva Espana A la Compania de dotacion del Presidio del Altar Provincia de Sonora. Cer. Oct.27,1775,Mexico. 15pp.l. 104-6-17,CMa