Xo. 1779 HANDBOOK OF THE 6-INCH HOWITZER MATERIEL MODEL OF 1908 AND 1908H WITH INSTRUCTIONS FOR ITS CARE TWENTY-FIVE PLATES] ARY 1, 1913 REVISED AUGUST 1, 1917 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1917 GIFT OF N... 177t HANDBOOK OF THE 6-INCH HOWITZER MATERIEL MODEL OF 1908 AND 1908MI WITH INSTRUCTIONS FOR ITS CARE ( TWENTY-FIVE PLATES) JANUARY i, 1913 REVISED AUGUST 1, 1917 U *> - ^} ~rd -n c ei- WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE J917 n WAR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF ORDNANCE, Washington, August 1, 1917. This manual is published for the information and government of the Regular Army and National Guard of the United States. By order of the Secretary of War: WILLIAM CROZIER, Brigadier General, Chief of Ordnance^ (3) 370920 CONTENTS. Page , List of plates ^ List of equipment pertaining to a battery 10 Howitzer 11 Weights, dimensions, etc 11 Description 11 ('are of 18 Ammunition, general description 19 Cartridge case 19 Primer 20 Powder charge 21 Projectiles 22 Common steel shell 22 Shrapnel " 22 Fuzes 23 F. A. combination 23 Fuze setters 26 Marking on ammunition packing boxes 30 Subcaliber gun 30 Misfires and hangfires 30 Drill projectile 31 Range tables 32 Allowance of ammunition 34 Blank amrmmition 34 Cartridge case 34 Primer 34 Charge 34 Preparation of blank metallic ammunition 35 Precautions to be observed 35 Care of cartridge cases 36 Reloading and cleaning outfit. -. 37 Carriage, model of 1908 37 Weights, principal dimensions, etc 37 Nomenclature of parts 38 Description 45 Cradle, complete 45 Top carriage 50 Elevating mechanism 51 Quick -return mechanism 52 Safety firing device .**..- . 53 . Trail ". 54 Traversing mechanism 56 Road brake 57 Traveling lock 58 Traveling covers 58 Shield 59 Wheels 59 Mounting and dismounting howitzer and carriage 60 Care and cleaning of parts 68 (5) 6 e caught by tho hoad, and by swinging the carrier back and forth, if the pin sticks, it can readily bo removed. The extractor can now be removed from tho howitzer. Pressing on tho tray latch sufficiently to force it in its seat permits the loading .tray to be removed from the breech recess. Reverse those operations for assembling tho mechanism. Nothing but the liands are required for dismantling this breech mechanism. CARE OF THE HOWITZER. After firing, tho bore of tho howitzer should bo cleaned to romovo the residue of smokeless powder, and thon oiled. In cleaning, wash tho bore with a solution made by dissolving one-half pound of sal soda in one gallon of boiling water. After washing with tho soda solution wipe perfectly dry, and thon oil tho boro with a thin coating of tho light slushing oil furnished for tho purpose. A slush brush for use in oiling the bore will be issued by tho Ordnanco Department upon requisition. Plate II ROTATING BAND. LOOSE SHRAPH L POWPfff IHNER TUBE. - RESIN HEAD FILLEK. LOCKING PINS POtVfffff 4SS. BftASS CASE - - TMftD ZONE CHARGE ~ SECOND ZONE CHARGE. HO GMM PFffCVSS/ON P/f/Mfff FIRST ZONE CHARGE REV. DEC 16,1916 CAftTff/PGE CASE 19 The breech mechanism should be kept clean and well oiled. It should be dismounted from time to time for examination and oiled when assembled. The spare parts carried in the trail box or in the battery wagon should bo well coated with vaseline or heavy oil and each piece then wrapped in paper to prevent the oil from being rubbed off. AMMUNITION. (Class VI, Sec. 3.) Separate loading ammunition with brass case is used in the 6-inch howitzer and is made up with either common shrapnel or com- mon steel shell. The ammunition chests of the battery are of sufficient size to take any of the rounds furnished so that the number of each kind to be carried is a matter for regulation by proper authority. Each projectile is issued filled and fuzed. The weight of the projectile is 120 pounds and the total weight of one complete round is approximately 132 pounds. The components of one round are the cartridge case with primer, powder charge, diaphragm, and the projectile with base cover and fuze. A cast-iron shell has been designed having the same center of gravity and the exterior dimension as the common steel shell. A design for a high-explosive shrapnel is being developed with a view to its adoption to supersede the common shrapnel. THE CARTRIDGE CASE. (Plate II.) The cartridge case is a solid drawn brass case 9.93 inches long; it has a capaicty of 271 cubic inches under diaphragm and weighs with primer 8.11 pounds. The head of the case has a projecting flange or rim under which the lip of the extractor engages. The center of the head is bored out to form a seat into which the primer is forced. These primer seats are first mandreled to near the finished dimensions with a tapered steel plug to toughen the metal of the cartridge case around the primer seat and then reamed to finished size. This toughening is necessary to prevent expansion of the seats under gas pressure and consequent loose fit of the primers in subse- quent firing. The primers are inserted in the case by tho large primer inserting press to avoid injury to the primer seat. Special decapping tools are also issued for use in removing exploded primers from cart- ridge cases. Base is stamped with name and model of howitzer, initials of place, and date of manufacture, and ammunition lot number. 20 THE PRIMER. (Plate II.) To insure the ignition of smokeless powder charges in cartridge cases it is necessary that the primers either contain in themselves in addition to the percussion composition an auxiliary charge of black powder, or that an auxiliary charge of such powder be placed at the rear of the cartridge case to communicate the flame from the percussion primer and thoroughly ignite the smokeless powder. The percussion primer, known as the "110 grain percussion primer," contains an igniting charge of 95 grains of black powder in addition to the essential elements of a percussion primer. The "110-grain percussion primer" is shown in Plate II and con- sists of a brass case resembling in shape a small-arms cartridge case. The head or rear end of the primer case is countersunk, forming a cup-shaped recess, in which is seated the cap or percussion primer proper. The latter consists of the cup, the anvil, and the percussion composition assembled as shown on Plate II. The percussion com- position is known as the "H 42" mixture and contains the following ingredients : Per cent. Flowers of sulphur 21. 97 Sulphide of antimony 30. 83. Chlorate of potash 47.20 The percussion-cap recess is connected with the interior of the primer case by a small axial vent. The body of the case contains 95 grains of black powder, constituting the rear priming or igniting charge for the smokeless powder propelling charge. This black powder is inserted under a pressure of 2,400 pounds per square inch and is pressed into the primer body around a central wire, which is then withdrawn, leaving a longitudinal hole the full length of the primer. Eight radial holes are drilled through the primer and com- pressed powder, affording 16 vents for the free exit of the black powder flames. . After filling the body the front end is closed by two cardboard wads waterproofed with shellac. The radial perforations in the body of the case are covered by a tin-foil wrapper, shellacked on, to retain in the case any loose black powder, as well as to exclude all moisture. In action, the blow of the firing pin explodes the percussion cap> which ignites the black powder; the flames of the latter shoot out through the vents in the primer case and ignite the smokeless-powder charge. A shorter primer, known as the u saluting primer percussion," is issued for use in blank cartridges. The percussion elements and dimensions of the seat in the cartridge case for both types of primers are identical. The primer charge of the saluting primer consists of 21 20 grains of loose rifle powder, held in place by a paper wad shellacked in the mouth of the primer case. The "20-grain saluting primers" are issued in hermetically sealed tin boxes, 25 in a box. The boxes should not be opened nor the cases primed until shortly before they are required for use. The large primer-inserting press is provided for inserting both types of primers, which must be carefully pressed, and not ham- mered, into their seats in the cartridge case. Special decapping tools are also issued for removing old primer cases from cartridge cases- without injury to the latter. THE POWDER CHARGE. The powder is a nitrocellulose powder composed of multiperforated (seven perforations) cylindrical grains packed in three silk cartridge cloth bags to provide for the three zones of firing. The full charge of the three bags will be generally used for all ranges. The reduced charges are provided for cases where a greater angle of fall is necessary in order to reach some object behind cover. When the full charge is used, the cartridge case is inserted without removing the diaphragm. The diaphragm has very little range when fired from the howitzer. Reduced charges are obtained by tearing off the soldering strip and removing the diaphragm, together with one or two powder bags, according to which zone is required. The powder bags are distinguished in the following manner: The bag placed in the bottom of the cartridge case is known as the " inner charge bag" and is stamped "1," and contains about 22 ounces of powder. The bag in the middle is 'known as the " middle charge bag" and is stamped "2," and contains about 13 ounces of powder. The bag at the top directly under the diaphragm is known as the " outer charge bag" and is stamped "3," and contains about 25.25. ounces of powder. The total varies in different lots of powder, but is approximately 3 pounds, 12.25 ounces. The powder bags are held in place by means of glazed jute or flax twine placed through special screw eyes in the head of the cartridge case. The heads of the screw eyes consist of two helical coils in place of the usual ring. In making up the cartridge the twine for the middle charge bag is first passed under the heads of the screw eyes and the ends laid over the edge of the cartridge case. Two pieces of twine are passed through the fabric at the front end of the inner charge bag and tied. The ends are then passed through the hole for the primer, passed under the screw eyes, and brought up outside of the bag; one end of each string is then tied across the top of the bag and the free ends laid over the edge of the cartridge case. The middle charge bag is then placed in position and secured by the twine first placed under the screw eyes; in tying the middle charge bag the twine is first threaded through the holes in the ends of the 22 handle and tied over the top of the bag. The remaining ends of twine are used to secure the outer charge bags in a similar manner, after which the diaphragm is inserted and secured in place by the soldering strip. Shrapnel should not be fired for canister effect with inner zone charges and fuze setting, as the personnel of the firing detachment would thereby be endangered, due to a possible rearward movement of the shrapnel case, the case velocity arising from the bursting charge being sometimes greater than the muzzle velocity. In firing shrapnel for canister effect, the full charge should be used both for the above reason and for the purpose of securing the greatest and most effective ball velocity. Smokeless powder must not ~be used for blank charges. For this purpose the Ordnance Department furnishes special powder. PROJECTILES. COMMON STEEL SHELL. (Plate II.) The common steel shell is provided with an ogival head struck with a radius of 2 calibers, and is fitted with a copper rotating band forced into the annular groove 1.25 inches from the base. The base of the shell is tapped for the medium caliber base de- tonating fuse and is fitted with a copper base cover secured in the base cover groove by the calking wire. The base cover consists of a copper cover, lead disk, lying between the cover and the pro- jectiles, and a lead calking wire. This base cover seals the joint between the fuze and shell against the entrance of powder gases into the shell cavity. The common steel shell contains a bursting charge of 13.87 pounds of trinitrotoluol. The weight of the shell with burst- ing charge and fuze is 120 pounds. The shell is always issued filled and fuzed. SHRAPNEL. The common shrapnel is a base charged shrapnel fitted with a combination fuze. The case is of steel with a solid base. The rotating band is forced into an annular groove cut in the case 1.25 inches from the vase. The front or mouth of the case is closed by a steel head, screwed in and tapped to take the service 31-second combination time and percussion fuze. The bursting charge is composed of a charge of loose black powder (1.31 pounds). The bursting charge thus arranged is covered by a steel diaphragm. The diaphragm supports a brass central tube which extends forward to the fuze, and thus affords a conduit for the flames from the fuze to the bursting charge. At the lower end of the central tube a stopper of dry gun cotton is fitted to assist the ignition of the bursting charge and to prevent the loose powder charge from getting into 23 the tube. The shrapnel filling is composed of 1,084 balls, each approximately 306 grains in weight. The interstices contain a smoke producing matrix. In action, the case is not ruptured upon the explosion of the burst- ing charge; the head is stripped and the balls are shot out of the case with an increase in velocity. All shrapnel ammunition is issued fuzed, ready for use and pro- vided with a waterproof cover to exclude moisture. FUZES. (Class VI, Section 3.) COMBINATION FUZES. These fuzes are point fuzes with combination time and percussion elements for use with shrapnel. They are of the type known as the ring or "dial 17 fuze, in which the time train is set by turning a grad- uated ring which carries part of the time train. These fuzes may be reset as often as desired. FRANKFORD ARSENAL 31-SECOND COMBINATION FUZE. (Plate III.) This fuze consists of the following parts, assembled as shown in the drawing: ^ | i 6 I !, T3 -1 < . < . 1. I* ft tub J>l 1 i d !r3 -H.2 "^^ Pw ^HS 'S 3 a a w ~ a cn|2 *i 3| Sod ^s 2-H 1 11 "o 3 *0 1 I 1 i Sf 9 x' vP^" x X*c5 S < o> S a W 3 03 C I 3 w*3 Sr o5 OS a | M <3 < <1 > yss. 1 Yds. Yds. Yds. Yds. Sees. Divs. Mils. Mils. / 1 on F.s. Ft. 100 1 26 2.4 3.2 0.3 0.1 0.49 0.4 0.65 0.06 41 76.4 626 3 3.31 1.008 200 2 9 2.3 6.4 .6 .3 .98 .8 1.32 .10 1 24 37.8 623 6 3.28 1.016 300 2 52 2.3 9.6 .9 .5 1.47 1.1 1.99 .14 2 7 25.3 620 11 3.26 1.023 400 3 35 2.3 12.8 1.2 . 7 1.96 1.5 2. 66 . 19 92 50 18.9 618 18 3.241.029 500 4 181 2.3 15. S 1.5 1.0 2.45 1.9 3.241 .24 3 33 15.0 616 27 3.22|1.034 600 5 2 2.3 19. C 1.8 1.3 2.94 2.4 4.02 .29 4 17 12.4 613 38] 3.2111.038 700 5 46 2.2 22.1 2.1 1.6 3.44 3.0 4.71 .34 5 1 10.6 610 51 3.2011.040 800 6 31 2.2 25.2 2.4 2.0 3.9^' 3.5 5.41 .39 5 46 9.2 608 66 3.201.042 900 7 16 2.2 28.3 2.7 2.4| 4.45 4.0 6.12 .44 6 31 8.2 605 83 3.201 013 1,000 8 2 2.2 31.4 3.0 2.9 4.96 4.5 6.84 .49 7 17 7.3 603 102 3.201.043 1 ,100 8 48 22 34.5 3.3 3.5 5.48 5.1 7.57 .54 8 3 6.6 601 123 3 201 042 ,200 9 35 2.1 37.6 3.6 4.1 6.00 5.6 8.31 .59 8 50 6.0 598 146 3 20 1 010 ,300 10 22 2.1 40.7 3.9 4.81 6.52 6.2 9.06 .64 9 37 5.5 596 172 3 211.036 ,400 11 10 2.1 43.8 4.2 5.5J 7.05 6.7 9.82 .70 10 25 5.1 593 200 3 23 1.031 ,500 11 59 2.0 46.9 4.5 6.3 7.58 7.3 10.59 .76 11 14 4.8 591 231 3.25 1.025 ,600 12 49 2.0 50.0 4.8 7.1 8.11 7.9 11.37 .8212 4 4.4 589 265 3.271.018 .700 13 40 2.0 53.1 5.2 8.0 8.65 8.4 12.16 .8812 55 4.1 586 301 3.301.010 ,800 14 32 1.9| 56.2 5.6 8.9 9.20 9.0 12.96 .9413 47 3.9 584 340 3.331.002 1.900 15 25 1.9 59.3 6.0 9.9 9.75 9.6 13.78 1.0014 40! 3.6 582 382 3.36 .993 2,000 16 19 1.9 62.4 6.4 10.9 10.31 10.1 14.62 1.0615 34 3.4 580 427i 3.39 .984 2,100 17 14 1.8 65.5 6.9 11.9 10.88 10.8 15.48 .1216 29 3.2 578 475 3.42 .975 2,200 18 10 1.8 68.6 7.4 12.9 11.46 11.5 16.36] .1917 25 3.1 577 526 3.45 .965 2.300 19 7 1.7 71.7 7.9 14.0 12.05 12.2 17.26 .2618 22 2.9 575 580 3.49 .955 2.400 20 6 1.7 74.8 8.5 15.1 12.66 12.9 18.18 .3319 21 2.7 574 638 3.53 .945 2,500 21 7 1.6 77.9 9.1 16.2 13.27 13.6 19.13 .41,20 22 2.6 572 700! 3.57 .935 2,600 22 10 1.6 81.0 9.7 17.4 13.90 14.5 20. Hi .4921 25 2.5 571 767 3.60 .925 2,700 23 15 1.5 84.0 10.3 18.6 14.56 15.4 21.13 .5722 30 2.4 569 839, 3.64 .916 2,800 24 23 1.4 86.9 11.1 19.9 15.23 16.9 22.19 .6623 38 2.2 567 916 3.68 .907 2,900 25 34 1.4 89.8 12.1 21.2 15.93 17.2 23.30 .75|24 49 2.1 566 999 3.71 .899 3,000 26 49 1.3 92.5 13.3 22.61 16.67 18.0 24.47 .85 26 4 2.0 561 1,089 3.74 .892 3,100 28 9 1.2 95.1 14.8 24.1 17.4 19.1 25.72 1.96 27 24 1.9 563 ,189 3.76 .887 3,200 3,300 29 36 31 13 1.1 1.0 97.6 16.6 100.0 18.9 25. 7j 18.28 27. 4j 19.21 20.2! 27.08! 2.0928 51 1.8 21.3 28.601 2.2430 28 1.6 561 ,305 3.77 560 .445 3.75 .885 .888 3,400 33 6 .8 102.3 22.1 29.2 20.26 22.4 30.37] 2.41;32 21 1.5 559 ,619 3.71 .898 3,500 35 26 .6 104.5 26.8 31.11 21.51 23.51 32.56 2.6334 41 1.4 558 ,839 3.63 .917 3,600 38 32 .4 106.6 33.7 33.2 23.22 24.6 35.50 3.0037 47 1.2 557 2,129 3.50 .952 3, 633 40 .3 107.4 36.8 33.9 24.50 25.0 36.90 3.30 39 15 1.1 556 2,310 3.44 .970 [Zone 1, M. V. 464 feet per second.] I I I 1 100 2 0' L3 ' 4.6 .1 .1 .66! -5 1.26 .09 1 20 45.2 462 11 3.28 1.015 200; 3 IS 1.3 9.2 .2 .2 1.32 1.0 2.48 .17 2 38 22.6 461 23 3.25 1.028 300! 4 37j .3 13.7 .3 .3 1.98 1.5 3.71 .26 3 57 14.7 459 37 3.22 1.037 400 5 57 .3 18.1 .4 .5 2.64J 2.0 4.96 .35 5 17 10.9 458 53 3.20 1.043 500 7 18 .2 22.5 .5 _ 7 3.30; 2.5 6.23 .44 6 38 8.6 456 71 3.19 1.046 1)00 8 40 .2 28.9 .6 3.96] 3.3 7.52 .53 8 7.1 455 91 3.19 1.044 700 10 | .2 31.3 L3 4.631 4.0 8.83 .62 9 24 6.0 453 113 3.21 1.038 8001 11 30 .1 35.7 g 1.6 5.32J 4.8 10.17 .71 10 50 5.2 452 138 3.24 1.028 900 12 58 .1 40.0 l!l| 1.9 6.03 5.6 11.54 .81 12 18 4.5 450 167 3.28 1.016 1,000 14 28 .1 44.2 1.4 2.3 6.76 6.4 12.95 .91 13 48 4.0 448 200 3.33 1.002 1,100 16 1 .0 48.3 1.8 2.7 7.51 7.5 14.40 .02 15 21 3.6 447 238 3.38 .987 1,200 17 37 .0 52. 4 2.3 3.2 8.29 8.5 15.90 .14 16 57 3.2 445 282 3.43 .971 1,300 19 16 L.O 56.5 2.9 3.8 9.10! 9.6 17.45 .27 18 36 2.9 444 333 3.49 .954 1,400! 20 59 .9 60.5 3.7 4.5 9.94! 10.7 19.07 .41 20 19 2.6 442 392 3.56 .936 1,500 22 48! .'.) 64.5 4.7 5.4 10.811 11.8 20.79 .5622 8 2.4 440 460 3.63 .919 1,600; 24 46 .s 68.4 5.9 6.5 11.72 13.4 22.65 .7224 (i 2.1 439 540 3.69 .903 1,700 25 57 . 7 72.2 7.4 7.8 12.70 15.0 24.70 1.9026 17 1.9 437 637 3.74 .889 1,800; 29 27 .(i 76.0 9.2 9.3 13.77 16.6 27.03 2.1128 47 1.7 436 756 3.76 .885 1.900J 32 26i .5 79.7 11.6 11.1 14.99 18.2 29.81 2.3731 46 1.5 434 905 3.72 .895 2,000j 36 11 .3 83.4 14.9 13.2 16.48 19.8 33.35 2.7235 31 1.3 433 1,100 3.60 .925 2,068: 40 .2 85.7 17. S 1!.7 18.25 20.7 36.97 3.2239 20 1.1 433 1.300 3.43 .972 ! 1 1 34 ALLOWANCE OF AMMUNITION. Shell and shrapnel ammunition is issued by the Ordnance Depart- ment in moisture-proof, zinc-lined wooden packing boxes, one round per box. The annual allowance of ammunition for the instruction of Field Artillery is prescribed from time to tune in War Department orders. BLANK AMMUNITION. Blank metallic ammunition consists of the following components: A brass cartridge case, a percussion primer, a charge of black powder in a cloth bag, and a tight-fitting felt wad. The powder charge is contained in a silk cartridge cloth bag; this is to prevent any powder from leaking out in event of the dislodge- ment of the wad, due to rough handling in transportation or jolting in caissons and Umbers. THE CARTRIDGE CASE. The cartridge case for blank ammunition is identical with the serv- ice cartridge case. Cartridge cases that have become deformed in service should ba turned in to the posts or arsenals designated in current orders for resizing and re-forming. THE PRIMER. The saluting primer (percussion) is used in the preparation of blank metallic ammunition for the 6-inch howitzer. The primer should be a tight fit in the primer seat in the cartridge case, and must be pressed into place with the primer-inserting press provided for the purpose, and not hammered in. No primer should be used that is not a tight fit in its seat in the case. Cartridge cases should be primed just before the insertion of the powder charge, and under no circumstances will primers be inserted after the powder charge has been inserted. Primers are issued in hermetically sealed tin boxes, which should not be broken open until the primers are to be used, as they dete- riorate when exposed to atmospheric influences. THE CHARGE. The charge to be used in the preparation of blank metallic ammu- nition for the 6-inch howitzer is 2 pounds. 35 PREPARATION OP BLANK METALLIC AMMUNITION. Blank metallic ammunition will be assembled at posts or in the field under the personal supervision of a commissioned officer, who will be held responsible that it is prepared in the manner prescribed in the annual target-practice orders. For this purpose there are issued cartridge cases, saluting powder in bulk, cartridge cloth bags, twine, tight-fitting felt wads, rubberine or other quick-drying paint, primers, and reloading and cleaning outfits. When saluting powder is issued in bulk for use in blank ammuni- tion the bags and twine should be requisitioned for separately and .should be invoiced separately. Before assembling, the cartridge cases should be carefully inspected to see that they are in sound condition and thoroughly clean and dry. The^ should also be tested by trying them in the gun, to determine whether they have become deformed. Any cases that do not readily -enter the chamber in the gun or that are otherwise seriously deformed should be laid aside for resizing. After inspecting the cartridge cases the blank ammunition should be prepared as follows : (a) Insert the primers with the primer-inserting press. (6) Pour the proper weight of powder into the cloth bag and tie up the mouth of the bag with twine. Before inserting in the car- tridge case, see that the opening in the bottom of the bag is free to .allow it to settle around the primer. In tying the bag, use no more twine and leave no more cloth in the "choke" than necessary, and place the bag in the cartridge case with the choke end toward the mouth of the case. (c) Insert the felt wad and press it down hard until it rests squarely on the powder charge. (d) Give the upper surface of the felt wad and the inside of the cartridge case just above the wad a good coat of the rubberine or other quick-drying paint furnished for the purpose, using a brush, -and allow the case to stand until this coat is dry. Then apply another coat of rubberine paint in a similar manner. The object of using rubberine paint, which is strongly adhesive, is to thoroughly seal the joint between the wad and the case to prevent any powder grains from leaking out, and at the same time to firmly hold the ivad in place. PRECAUTIONS TO BE OBSERVED. Firings with blank metallic ammunition will be greatly facilitated foy a careful observance of the following: Before all firings a careful examination should be made of the -assembled rounds to see that the felt wads have not become dis- placed or the cartridge cases dented or deformed by careless handling. 36 If the cartridge cases have been properly resized and are clean, no difficulty should be experienced in inserting them in the howitzer provided the chamber of the latter is clean. The continued insertion of cartridge cases that are not clean causes an accumulation in the powder chamber which may make the insertion of subsequent rounds difficult or impossible. In firing blank ammunition the powder chamber will be sponge< after each round with a damp sponge, to extinguish sparks an( remove powder residue resulting from the previous round befoi the insertion of another round as prescribed in the annual target practice orders. Care will be taken to see that the sponges are not worn and thai they thoroughly fit the chamber. The interval between rounds ii firing blank ammunition should be sufficient to allow thorougl sponging of the chamber and examination to ascertain that- al sparks have been extinguished. Wads for the preparation of blank metallic ammunition are mad< to tightly fit in the cartridge case. No wads should be used thai are not a tight fit in the case. CARE OF CARTRIDGE CASES. As soon after firing as practicable the fired primers should removed from the cartridge case by means of the decapping too] furnished with the reloading outfit. The case should be thoroughly washed in a strong solution of lye or soft soap to remove all powdei residue. It should then be thoroughly dried. If the cartridge cases are carefully cleaned and washed immediately after firing, not only will less labor be required but the life of the cases will be greatly prolonged. A good solution for washing cartridge cases may be prepared by using ingredients in the following proportions : 1 gallon of water. 2J ounces soft soap. 5 ounces soda. The mixture should be boiled and stirred until the ingredients are entirely dissolved. In washing cartridge cases this solution should be used hot and in sufficient quantity to completely immerse the cases. Primers that misfire should be turned in with the cases to the ordnance establishment prescribed in the target-practice order. Resizing of cartridge cases. The resizing of 6-inch howitzer car- tridge cases that have become deformed in service is done at Frank- ford Arsenal, Philadelphia, Pa. Plate VI RELOADING AND CLEANING OUTFIT FOR 6 INCH HOfttTttR. MODLL Of 1908 STORAGE: CHEST. DE CAPPING TOOL. CLEANING BRUSH. CASE HOLDER. CASE HOLDER STAND. e - i HAMMER. SALUTING POWDER MEASURE. BUSHING. LARGE PRIMER INSERTING PRESS. 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 ., CL56-DIV25-DRI 37 THE RELOADING AND CLEANING OUTFIT. (Plate VI.) This outfit consists of the following parts and is furnished to each post where a saluting gun or battery is kept : Large primer-inserting press. Bushing. Saluting powder measure. Decapping tool with guide. Cleaning brush. Class V, Section 5. Hammer, bronze. Case holder. Case-holder stand. Storage chest. The primer-inserting presses are standard for all guns using metal cartridge cases, there being two sizes, one size for cartridge cases for 1 -pounder to 3-inch guns, inclusive, and one size for 3-inch guns, model of 1903, to 6-inch guns, inclusive. The bushings, are furnished to suit the size of cartridge case that is to be reprimed, one bushing for each different size of case. The case-holder stand is the same for all cases. The case holder varies with the size of case. The decapping tool and case holder are used for removing fired primers. The decapping tool varies in length with the size of the cartridge case to be decapped. A light blow on the rod with a piece of wood or the bronze hammer generally removes the primer. A powder measure to suit the saluting charge for each caliber of gun is furnished, and when level full holds the required charge. Each powder measure is plainly marked on the base for the caliber of gun for which it is intended. The cleaning brush is furnished for cleaning the cartridge cases after they have been used and should be ordered to suit the size of case for which intended. The parts constituting the reloading and cleaning outfit for the 6-inch howitzer are shown on Plate VI. THE 6-INCH HOWITZER CARRIAGE, MODEL OF 1908. (Class IV, Section 3.) WEIGHTS, PRINCIPAL DIMENSIONS, ETC. Weight of carriage, complete pounds. . 5, 443 Weight of howitzer and carriage, complete do 7, 354 Weight at lunette, carriage limbered and in battery do 455 Weight at lunette, carriage limbered and howitzer in traveling position, .do 1, 193 Diameter of wheels inches. . 60 Width of track do 60 Maximum angle of elevation . degrees. . 40 Maximum angle of depression do 5 631117- 4 38 Amount of traverse of howitzer on carriage milliemes. . 107 Length of recoil of howitzer on carriage, howitzer at zero- degrees eleva- tion inches . . 63 Length of recoil of howitzer on carriage, howitzer at 40 degrees elevation . . do 26 Height of axis of howitzer do. . . Height of line of peep sight do. ... 51 Length of sight radius do 19 Nomenclature of parts of carriage. Num- ber. Name of part. Location, etc. Property classification. Class. Sec- tion. 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 Apron latches, complete, including: Apron-latch bodies >0n apron latch bases V 3 Apron-latch handles Apron-latch springs Apron-latch plungers Pinned to bell-crank bracket Apron-latch washers Brake mechanism, consisting of: Bell crank left Bell crank right do Bell crank bearing bolts Bolt bell cranks to bell-crank brackets Through bell cranks and connecting rod.. . Hinged to brake-beam bracket Bell-crank bolts Brake-beam body, left . . Brake-beam bodv risht _do Brake-beam hinges Riveted to brake-beam bodies. Brake-beam stiffeners . ...do Brake-eccentric strap On brake-lever hub Brake-lever catch Riveted to brake lever Brake-lever hook do Brake-lever pin In brake-lever hub Brake rod, left Connects left brake beam and brake-rod end. Connects right bell crank and brake-rod end. Riveted to brake-beam body. . Brake rod, right Brake-rod bracket, left Brake-rod bracket right do Brake-rod ends Connect left brake rod and left bell crank. . Connect right brake rod and brake-eccen- tric strap. Through right brake-rod end and brake- eccentric strap. Riveted to right brake beam i Brake-rod pin Brake segment Brake-segment rack Riveted to brake segment. . Brake shoes.. .. Pinned to brake-shoe bearings Brake shoe bearings Riveted to brake beam bodies Brake shoe pins ; Pin brake shoes to brake shoe bearings Connects bell cranks . - Connecting rod Cradle, complete, including Bushings Forced on trunnions Bushing Cradle bottom plate Riveted in cradle head (rear) Forms bottom of cradle Cradle head At front end of cradle . . Cradle head (rear) Riveted near rear end of cradle Cradle head side clips Cradle head top clips do. . Cradle plate Forms hood over recoiling parts Cradle plate angles Reinforce rear end of cradle plate Gun slides Patent plate . . Screwed on left side of cradle plate Pawl bearing, left Riveted to cradle plate Pawl bearing, right . . . do . Rack bolts . . Fasten quick release rack to trunnion Screwed into right trunnion Rack studs Shaft bearing (front) Supports intermediate shaft of valve turn- ing gear, do Shaft bearing (rear) Shoulder guard . . Riveted to left side of cradle plate At front end of cradle Spring retainer Spring retainer clip, left. ... Riveted on front end of cradle plate Spring retainer clip, right do . Spring stirrup guide, left Rivet.p.d tn firarllp, hnt.tnm nlat Spring stirrup guide, right i do Swing bolts In cradle head and spring retainer clips. . . TniTiTiioi Ifift Trunnion, right ...do... 39 Nomenclature of parts of carriage Continued. Name of part. Property classification. Class. Sec- tion. Elevating mechanism consisting of Collar I IV 3 Elevating gear On left end of elevating shaft Elevating handwheel consisting of Counterbalance Handwheel body. . . Hub .. On elevating shaft Sleeve Spindle E levating worm bevel gears Handwheel shaft In bearings on left side of top carriage Handwheel shaft bevel pinion On forward end of handwheel shaft Rocker (left) Rocker (right) do Rocker brace Washers Riveted to rocker hubs ' Washers Washer On elevating shaft Worms In elevating worm bearings - . 1 Firing mechanism, complete, consist- ing of Bracket studs Secure firing handle bracket to cradle Check nut Firing handle Assembled on firing handle hub Firing handle hub . . In firing handle bracket Firing links Connect firing shaft and firing pallet Firing pallet Assembled in lower bearing of bracket On firing pallet Firing pallet collar Firing shaft Assembled in upper bearing of bracket PaLet collar pin Secures firing pallet collar Shaft trip collar On front end of firing shaft . . . ' Trip collar pin Trip latch Trip-latch pin Trip-latch plunger Trip-latch spring \Attached to front locking pin and chain f rivet. In front traveling lock Front traveling lock, complete, con- sisting of Chain Chain rings Chain rivet Front locking pin On chain j Front traveling lock. In front traveling-lock bearings ' Locking-pin spring Traveling-lock fastener On axle . Handspikes, complete, consisting of Handspike bodies On sides of handspike webs Handspike latch, left Pinned to handspike Handspike latch, right do Handspike webs Pinned to spade key brackets . . Lower bands Middle bands . . . Around middle of handspikes Tips A.t upper ends of handspikes Quick-return mechanism, consisting of Bearing retainer Bushings Bushing, lower ! Tn Inwpr ond nf shaft, hnnsin? . . . Bushing, upper In upper end of shaft housing Clutch spring Gear Bevel gear on lower end of intermediate shaft. Screwed to inside of top carriage, right clip. In handwheel shaft bearing Gear cover Hand wheel shaft' ... . Handwheel shaft bearing Assembled in top carriage, right clip On pinion shaft . . . Inner spring washer.. . 40 Nomenclature of parts of carriage Continued. Num- ber. Name of part. Location, etc. Class. Quick-return mechanism, consisting of Continued. 1 Intermediate gear Bevel gear on pinion shaft 1 Intermediate-gear sleeve On pinion shaft Intermediate shaft In shaft housing Key In bearing retainer Outer spring washer On pinion shaft Pawl, left... On pawl shaft Pawl, right do Pawl hand e Riveted to right pawl Pawl plungers In pawls , Pawl shaft Conne:ts pawls through cradle. Pawl springs On plungers , Pinion shaft ' In pinion-shaft bearing Pinion-shaft bearing In bearing case Pinion-shaft clut, 3h On pinion shaft Quick-return handwheel, consist- ing of Counterbalance Handwheel body Rf orce pie"eV. \ '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. ' ' ! On handwheel shaft . Sleeve Spindle Quick-return segment Bolted to right trunnion . Retainer b->lts Secure bearing retainer Safety iatch Pinned to safety-latch bearing Safety-latch bearing Riveted to right pawl bearing Safety-latch plunger ! In safety-lat^h bearing ". Safety-latch spring On safety-latch plunger Shaft housing Between top carriage right clip and bear- ing case. Washer On pawl shaft Do. On safety-latch bearing Rear traveling lock, complete, con- sisting of 2 Chains \Attached to rear locking pins and rear Chain rings jj trave ing lock. Chainrivets In rear traveling lock IV 3 Rear locking pin, long Secures traveling lock in position 1 Rear locking pin, short. do 1 Rear trave ing lock In traveling-lock clips Stop pins, with chains, rings, and In rear traveling lock rivets. Recoil and counterrecoil arrangement, consisting of Inner counterrecoil springs In spring stirrup on recoil cylinder Inner spring separators Between sections of inner counterrecoil spring. Outer counterrecoil springs In cradle on spring stirrup Outer spring separators Between sections of outer counterrecoil spring. Spring follower On recoil cylinder Spring stirrup Inside outer counterrecoil spring Stirrup inner ring Screwed into rear end of stirrup Stirrup outer ring i On front of spring stirrup Recoil cylinder, complete, in- I eludes Counterrecoil buffer j Screwed into rear cylinder head Cylinder liner Secured in cylinder Cylinder-liner lock j Screwed through liner and cylinder Cylinder-liner lock gasket On cylinder-liner lock Cylinder-locking screw Locks cylinder retaining ring on cylinder. . Cylinder-retaining ring Connects cylinder to howitzer Filling and drain plugs In front cylinder head Filling plug In front end of recoil cylinder Filling-plug gasket i Under filling-plug Front cylinder head In recoil cylinder Gland lock Secures piston-rod gland in adjustment. . . . Liner bolts i Bolt liner on piston Lock fulcrum ' Screwed in front cylinder head Piston and piston rod In recoil valve Piston liner Bolted on piston Piston-rod gland On front cylinder head Piston-rod plug Screwed in piston rod Piston-rod washer On front end of piston rod . . . Rear cylinder head Screwed into rear end of recoil cylinder. . . tion 41 Nomenclature of parts of carriage Continued. Num- ber. Name of part. Location, etc. Class. Sec- tion. Recoil and counter recoil arrangement, consisting of Continued. Recoil cylinder, complete, in- cludes Cont inued . 1 Recoil cylinder In cradle. 1 Recoil valve Inside oi cylinder liner 4| Rings of Garlock hydraulic In stuffing box of front cylinder head waterproof packing, 0.375 square. 2 Screw plugs j In cylinder-retaining ring . . . Valve retainer On end of recoil valve Vent gasket j Under vent plug Vent plug I In rear end of recoil cylinder Valve turn ing gear, consisting of I Collar j On intermediate shaft Gear retainer ' Retains \al\e-gearsector to cradle head... Gear-retainer nut j On gear retainer Intermediate shaft In bearings in left side of cradle. . Shaft arm ! On rear end of intermediate shaft Val\ e-gear sector j On cradle head Valve link Connects shaft arm and trunnion cap 2 Valve-link pins | Connect \ahe link and trunnion 2 Valve-link trunnions i One in shaft arm; one in left trunnion cap of top carriage. Valve-link trunnion nuts ; On valve-link trunnions 1 Valve-pinion sector Attached to cradle head , Shields, consisting of 1 Apron shield, complete, includ- ing 1 Apron plate Hinged to lower end ol main shield 2 Apron -latch staples ; Riveted in apron plate Shield hinges, female i Riveted to apron plate 1 Main shield, complete, includ- ing 1 Bracket base, 'eft lnitp chain Secures trail prop in folded position TV 1 Trail prop oh :iin bracket Under bottom plate 1 Trail rr tp chain swivel Attached to prop chain bracket 1 Trail prop hook On prop chain 1 Trail i rip honk button On front transom 1 Trail seat.left On left seat support 1 Trail seat, right I On right seat support 8 Trail seat, ri ets In trail seats and support 1 Tra > el ing lock clip bol t I Used in traveling lock clips 1 Traveling lock clip, left j On flange of flask 1 Tra. elintr lock clip, front do 1 Traveling lock clip, right, do 1 Tra ersinir pi -ot bracket Riveted to left flask 1 Traversing pivot reinforce plate... Inside of left flask at traversing pivot bracket. 4 Upper handle brackets Riveted to flasks and top plate 2 Upper trail handles In upper handle brackets 2 "VMir-ol (jnnrds Riveted to flasks 2 Wheel truanl liners On wheel guards 2 Wheel iruanl liner screws Secure liners to wheel guards Trail pr >p, o >nsisting of 2 Tmpeyes -. 1 1'rop foot.. lUnder trail 2 1'rnptubes I Traversme mechanism, consisting of Ball thrust bearing In traversing pivot Clamp Secures traversing screw dust guard Thrust V earim- nut, In traversing pivot. Thrust bearine nut locking screw. Secures thrust bearing nut in adjustment. Traversing bearing caps On top carriage left clip . Traversing Kearinp studs Secure caps to top carriage left clip. Traversing handw heel, consisting of Counterbalance Ilandwheel bodv Tub ". Insi ruction plate On traversing screw. Rein force piece.... 1 Sleeve I Spindle 45 Nomenclature of parts of carriage Continued. Num- ber. Name of part. Location, etc. Property classification. Class. Sec- tion. 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 16 16 16 16 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 i 2 2 16 16 2 16 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Traveling mechanism, consisting of Continued. Traversing nut In top carriage left clip IV 3 Traversing nut dust guard On innftr find of traversing scrnw Traversing pivot Tn t.ravprsinir nivnt rirnnknt. Traversing pivot washer Under nut on traversing pivot ... Traversing screw. In traversing nut Traversing screw dust guard On screw, between pivot and nut Traversing screw washer Wheels, 60-inch, complete, consisting of Carriage bolts and nuts On right end of screw Rftr>nrA snoVp.s tn hurts Dowels... i "Rfttwftfln felloe segments.-- . Felloe rivets and washers . . Through felloe segments . Felloe segments Form felloes of wheels Hub bands. . Screwed on hub boxes. ... Hub boxes Hub caps On ends of hub boxes Hub latches Actuate hub latch plungers Hub latch pins. . Pin hub latches to plungers. .... | Hub latch plungers Lock hub caps in place i Hub latch springs. . . On hub latch plungers Hub liners Forced into hub boxes ] Hub rings Outer flanges of wheel hubs Lock washers Between hub bands and hub rings Oil valves Slide in hub caps " Oil valve springs .. Around oil valves Oil valve washers On inner ends of oil valves Spokes, left . . . Spokes right Tires. ... Tire bolts nuts and washers Through tires and felloe segments Wheelhooks On outside of hubs Wheel hook bushings Bearings for wheel hooks Wheel fastenings, complete, consisting of Wheel fastenings On ends of axle Wheel fastening plugs. In wheel fastenings. ... . ... Wheel fastening plungers Hold wheel fstenings in place Wheel fastening springs . DESCRIPTION OF THE CARRIAGE. (Plates VII, VIII, and IX.) The 6-inch howitzer carriage, model of 1908, is of a type known as the variable recoil, in which the howitzer is permitted a sufficient length of recoil on the carriage at low angles of elevation to render the carriage stationary under firing stresses, but in which the length of recoil is reduced to maintain clearance from the ground at high angles of elevation. For the purpose of description the carriage is considered as com- posed of the following groups, viz, cradle (complete), top carriage, elevating mechanism, quick return mechanism, trail (including axle), traversing mechanism, road brake, traveling lock, shield, and wheels. A detailed description of the above groups follows : CRADLE (COMPLETE). Under this group are considered the cradle, the recoil-controlling parts, the valve-turning mechanism, and the firing mechanism. 46 The cradle supports the howitzer, guides it in recoil, and forms a housing for the recoil mechanism and parts of the valve-turning mechanism. It consists of the cradle bottom plate, gun slides, spring stirrup guides, cradle plate, cradle head (rear), trunnions, pawl bear- ings, shoulder guard, and several other attachments riveted thereto. The cradle bottom plate is made of forged steel. It is shaped on the underside so as to form two clips. These clips are lined with bronze gun slides and form ways in which the howitzer recoils. The spring stirrup guides are riveted to the top of the cradle bottom plate. Their object is to form a bearing and support for the projections of the stirrup outer ring and also for guides for the spring stirrup during the recoil. The cradle plate is arch shaped and made of flange steel, the sides being riveted to the flanges on the cradle bottom plate. The cradle head (rear) is made of cast steel, bushed with a bronze bushing. It is riveted to the rear end of the cradle plate and is used to take the thrust of the outer spring column and support the rear end of the spring stirrup. The trunnions are riveted on each side of the cradle plate, and ai so located as to bring the preponderance of the loaded howitzer at the breech and of the unloaded piece at the muzzle, thus aiding the movements to and from the loading position. The trunnions are made of forged steel bored out in the center to reduce the weight. Bronze bushings forced on these trunnions form bearing surfaces. The pawl bearings are forged steel pieces riveted to each side of the cradle plate near the rear end. Bosses on these bearings form supports for the pawls of the quick return mechanism. The pawls are assembled to the pawl shaft, which extends through the pawl bearings and the cradle. The shoulder guard is a pressed flange steel plate riveted to the left side of the cradle. Clips for securing the cradle head and spring retainer to the cradle are riveted to the front end of the cradle plate. The recoil, con trolling parts of the carriage include the counter- recoil springs, spring stirrup, recoil cylinder, cylinder liner, recoil valve, piston, counterrecoil buffer, and cradle head. Immediately inside the cradle plate are located the four helical spring sections comprising the outer counterrecoil spring column. The sections are separated by the outer spring separators. The rear end of the column bears against the bushing of the cradle head (rear) and the front end against the stirrup outer ring. The stirrup outer ring is screwed and pinned to the front end of the spring stirrup. The spring stirrup is a forged steel tube, which separates the outer and inner spring columns. Inside the rear end of the spring stirrup is^threaded and pinned the stirrup inner ring, which is bored out so as to form^a^slidingifit^for^the recoil "cylindei^ Immediately 47 inside the spring stirrup are located the four helical spring sections composing the inner counterrecoil spring column. These sections are similarly separated by the inner spring separators. The rear end of the column bears against the stirrup inner ring, while the front end bears against the spring follower. The spring follower is a bronze ring which fits over the recoil cylinder in front of the inner counterrecoil spring column. The forged steel spring retainer is secured to the cradle by means of two lugs and swing bolts. It is located immediately hi front of the spring stirrup and spring follower, and serves to hold the springs in position when the cylinder is removed. The springs are assembled in the carriage under sufficient tension to return the howitzer into battery at maximum angles of elevation. The approximate force exerted by the spring at assembled heights ,is 3,000 pounds for the outer column and 2,900 pounds for the inner. The cylinder extends to the rear through the stirrup inner ring and the lug of the howitzer, and is locked to the lug by the cylinder- retaining ring screwed on its rear end. To prevent entrance of dirt the clearance between the cylinder and the stirrup inner ring is closed by means of a felt washer. The front cylinder head closes the forward end of the cylinder. The stuffing box is packed with four rings of Garlock hydraulic water- proof packing, held by the bronze piston-rod gland, threaded to the cylinder head. Two holes through the walls of the cylinder head are closed by filling and drain plugs and copper gaskets. The rear cylinder head closes the rear end of the recoil cylinder. It is threaded to the cylinder, and in turn is bored and threaded for the counter- recoil buffer. Both the front and rear cylinder heads are supplied with fiber gaskets to insure oil- tight joints. The cylinder liner is a tube assembled inside the cylinder, the front end being threaded for a short distance and the rear end fitting into a tapered seat of the cylinder. A threaded plug through the cylinder and extending into the liner prevents any turning of the liner in the cylinder, and similarly a pin in the howitzer lug prevents rotation of the cylinder in the lug. Between the end bearings of the liner the cylinder is counterbored to a larger internal diameter. The space thus created is called the by-pass. It is utilized for the passage of oil from the front to the rear of the piston head. Parallel to the axis of the liner are cut three rows of rectangular ports through its wall. These rows are 120 apart, and are for the purpose of connecting the valve chamber with the by-pass. At the extreme rear of the liner are drilled additional holes for the same purpose. 48 Fitting with a very small clearance inside of the cylinder liner, but free to rotate in it, is the recoil valve. This valve is a hollow cylinder having three equally spaced longitudinal ribs or keys on its inner surface. Rows of holes parallel to each other and to the axis of the valve are drilled through the wall. The number of holes in any one row is practically the same as the number in each of the rows 120 from it. The total number of holes in three rows 120 apart varies from that in any other three rows 120 apart, except where the length of recoil is the same, and depends on the number of apertures needed at any given length of recoil for the passage of the oil from the ulterior of the valve through the liner ports into the by-pass and back to the other side of the piston head. The bronze piston liner working inside the valve and bolted to the head of the piston rod has three notches or keyways which fit over the ribs or keys of the recoil valve. This piston liner fits closely inside of the valve and practically prevents any oil from passing from one side of the piston head to the other except through the holes in the valve and liner and the by-pass. The piston rod extends through the stuffing box in the front cylinder head and through the valve pinion sector, as hereafter described. The rear end of the piston rod is bored out to receive the counterrecoil buffer, which fits into this bore with a very small clearance. The buffer is threaded in the rear cylinder head and moves with it during recoil. In counterrecoil the oil caught in the piston-rod bore can escape only by the small clearance around the buffer. This checks the return into battery so that very little shock and derange- ment of aim is experienced. The front end of the cradle is closed by the cradle head, a forged- steel piece with four projecting lugs. It is secured to the cradle plate by four clips and swing bolts. The cradle head is bored out and is used to cover parts of the valve-turning mechanism. The valve-turning mechanism consists of the valve pinion sector, the valve-gear sector, the intermediate shaft, the valve link, and several other smaller parts connected with it. The hub of the valve pinion sector fits into the bearing formed by the bore in the cradle head. A clip interlocking with the flange on the cradle head prevents longitudinal movement. The front end of the piston rod passes through the valve pinion sector. Two keys on the piston rod, so placed as to prevent assemblage in any but the correct position, fit into key slots in the sector and bronze piston-rod washer. The latter is located immediately in rear of the piston-rod nut. The piston rod and valve pinion sector are free to revolve in the cradle head, but longitudinal movement is prevented by the piston-rod nut and shoulders on the rod and sector. 49 A zero mark on the piston-rod washer, together with a scale on the hub of the cradle head, serves to indicate the elevation of the howitzer for which the valve is set. The valve pinion sector meshes with the valve-gear s ; ector, which is located on the forward end of the intermediate shaft. This shaft is located in the lower left corner formed by the cradle plate and the cradle bottom plate. For convenience in assembling, the valve-gear sector is made removable from the shaft and is secured in its proper relation longitudinally with regard to the valve pinion sector by the gear retainer. The gear retainer is a short stud screwed and pinned in the hub of the valve-gear sector and extending through the hole in the cradle head, to which it is secured by a nut and split pin. The intermediate shaft is supported by the front and rear bronze bearings riveted to the cradle plate and cradle bottom plate. The shaft is squared near its rear end and is fitted with the shaft arm, which projects through the rear shaft bearing and through the side of the cradle. The shaft arm is connected by means of the valve- link trunnions to the valve link, which in turn is connected to the lug on the left trunnion cap of the top carriage. ACTION OF THE MECHANISM DURING RECOIL. The gears and other parts of the valve- turning mechanism are so assembled that as the howitzer is elevated the piston and piston rod, and with it the valve, are rotated inside the liner through a propor- tionate angle. Forty-five degree movement of the howitzer corre- sponds to a 100 movement of the valve. As stated above, there are three rows of ports in the cylinder liner 120 apart. Similarly there are three sets of rows of holes in the valve, the corresponding rows of each of the three sets having practically the same number of holes, while for all adjacent rows, except such as have identical lengths of recoil, the number varies. For the howitzer at 5 depression, the three rows having the largest number of holes are opposite the ports of the liner, while for higher elevation the valve turns, putting rows with a less number of holes opposite the ports. In this way the orifice through which the oil passes from one side of the piston head to the other is automatically reduced as the howitzer is elevated. When the howitzer recoils it pulls with it the cylinder, cylinder liner, and valve. The piston, being fastened to the cradle head, remains stationary. The oil in front of the piston head is forced through such holes in the valve as may be opposite the liner ports and through the ports into the by-pass. From there is it forced again through the ports and holes in the valve into the valve chamber in rear of the piston head. 631117 5 50 The energy of recoil of the piece is absorbed by the resistai which the oil offers to being forced through the small openings an< by the resistance of the counter-recoil springs. The energy stoi in the springs returns the piece to battery. This return movement is checked by the counterrecoil buffer and limited by the gun coming in contact with the rear of the cradle. The number of holes in the valve is calculated so as to stop th< howitzer at a recoil of 63 inches at 5 depression and at a recoil oi 26 inches at 40 elevation. The carriage mechanism for firing the howitzer is as follows: A firing pallet has its bearing arm assembled in a bracket bolted to the rear end of the cradle on the right side. The pallet or lip is in such a position as to engage an arm on the trigger shaft of the breech mechanism. A helical spring in the bracket tends to hold the pallet in a position free from the trigger. In a second bearing of the bracket, above and parallel to that of the firing pallet, is assembled the firing shaft, having on its rear end a crank arm which is connected to a similar arm of the firing pallet by two links. The rotary movement of the pallet in its bearing, caused by its return spring, is limited by a stop pin in the bracket coming in contact with a projection on the firing shaft. The forward end of the firing shaft is squared and fitted with a small ratchet shaft trip collar. The firing-handle hub adja- cent to the shaft trip collar and free to turn on the shaft carries a spring pawl trip latch which engages a notch of the trip collar. The front end of the firing-handle hub is slotted to receive the rear arm of the pawl handle, as hereafter described. A helical spring in the bracket rotates the firing-handle hub into firing position. In another bearing in the bracket is located an adjusting screw which limits the movement of the firing handle. The action of the firing mechanism is as follows : Pulling the handle rotates the trip latch, shaft trip collar, firing shaft, and pallet until the head of the trip-latch plunger, on the end of which is located the trip latch, strikes the adjusting screw in the bracket when the trip latch is released from the collar and the lower return spring returns the pallet and firing shaft to their original position. The trigger should fire the piece just before the trip latch releases. When the handle is released the upper spring throws it upward and resets the mechanism in the firing position. The piece may be fired by a lan- yard attached directly to the trigger shaft of the breech mechanism, but should habitually be fired by the cradle-firing mechanism. THE TOP CARRIAGE. The top carriage is built up of flange steel plates pressed into shape and riveted together. The two side plates are flanged all around, the flanges turning inward. The bottom plate rests on the 51 lower flanges of the side plates and extends upward in front, forming a stiff connection for the sides, which are further reinforced by inner plates of flanged steel. A bronze bushing extends through an opening in the bottom plate and fits in the pintle plate bushing of the trail. A steel filler ring is riveted on the underside of the bottom plate. A forged steel top carriage front clip riveted to the front of the bottom plate engages the front trail clip. Bronze top carriage left and right clips riveted on the rear end of the top carriage side plates engage the left and right rear trail clips. The top carriage left clip has a projecting arm with a bearing for the rear end of the handwheol shaft of the elevating mechanism. Vertical bearings for the traversing nut are cast integral with the top carriage left clip. On the top of the side plates are located the cast steel trunnion bearings which support the trunnions of the cradle. The rear of the left trunnion bearing forms a "seat for the sight fastening. The trun- nion caps are hinged to the trunnion bearings and secured by the trunnion cap swing bolts. Near their forward ends the side plates are stamped to form vertical and parallel seats for the flanges of the elevating bearings of the elevating shaft. A similar vertical seat is formed near the center of the right side plate for the bearing case of the quick-return mechanism. Top carriage bearing plates of bronze, riveted under the forward ends of the side plates, bear upon the upper surfaces of the brake-beam brackets of the trail. Other parts riveted to the top carriage are the bronze elevating- gear case on the left side plate, the bronze depression stop on the upper edge of the front face of the bottom plate, and the elevating- worm bearings just inside the inner plates. The bearing surfaces of all of these riveted parts are finished after riveting, and the top carriage, complete, is regarded as one inter- changeable piece. THE ELEVATING MECHANISM. The elevating mechanism consists of the rockers, rocker brace, worm, elevating shaft, and handwheel shaft, and their accompanying parts. The rockers are made of forged steel. A circular hole at the center of the arc fits over the cradle trunnion. The rockers are located between the rim bases of the cradle trunnions and the trun- nion bearings of the top carriage. Lugs on their extreme rear end engage pawls of the quick-return mechanism, as hereafter described. A tubular rocker brace passing under the howitzer connects the rockers and insures their action as a unit. Bronze washers are riveted to the inside of the rockers and afford a wearing surface against the top carriage trunnion bearings. 52 The worm teeth of the rockers engage the worms lying in the elevating-worm bearings riveted to the bottom plate and inner plates of the top carriage. The worm-bearing caps are bolted to the bearings. Bevel gears on the forward ends of the worms engage gears on the elevating shaft. The right end of this shaft is sup- ported in the right bearing bushing, which is secured by bolts to the elevating bearing, right. The left end of the shaft is supported by the elevating bearing, left, on the inside of the top carriage and supports the elevating gear on the outside. The elevating-gear case on the left side plate, together with the elevating-gear cover forms a bearing for the forward end of the handwheel shaft ; a pinion on this shaft meshes with the gear on the elevating shaft. When the handwheel shaft is rotated, by means of the elevating handwheel located on its rear end, the gears transmit the motion through the elevating shaft and the worms to the rockers, forcing them to rotate about the trunnions, elevating or depressing the cradle. Drain plugs are provided in the elevating-gear case and worm- bearing caps for draining off the excess oil. QUICK-RETURN MECHANISM. The quick-return mechanism is designed to afford means of quickly returning the cradle and howitzer to the loading position and re- leasing them from the elevating mechanism without interfering with the laying of the piece or disturbing the setting of the sights. By this means the howitzer can be brought to the loading position without changing the sight setting, thereby saving time in firing. The quick-return mechanism consists of the pawls, the hand- wheel shaft, the intermediate shaft, the pinion shaft, and accom- panying parts of each. The pawls are heavy hooks supported on bosses of the pawl bearings and connected through the cradle by the pawl shaft. The shaft is operated by the pawl handle on the right pawl. The pawls have spring plungers which bear against projections oil the bearings and tend to keep the pawls locked to the rockers. For quickly bringing the howitzer to loading position when the pawls are released from the rockers a train of gears is provided in the right side of the top carriage which act on the cradle through the quick-return rack bolted to the right trunnion. The bearing case is a short, hollow cylinder of bronze riveted between the right side plate and the inner plate (right) of the top carriage. The inner end of the bearing case is bored to a smaller diameter and fitted with a bronze hub called the pinion-shaft bearing. The bearing retainer telescopes in the larger bore of the bearing case and holds the flange of the pinion-shaft bearing firmly against the shoulder in the bearing case. The pinion shaft projects through the pinion-shaft bearing 53 and bearing retainer and has a pinion formed on its inner end which meshes with the quick-release rack. The outer end of the pinion shaft is squared and fitted with the pinion-shaft clutch which meshes with the intermediate gear sleeve mounted on the pinion shaft and carrying the intermediate gear. The end pressure on the clutch is supplied by the clutch spring between the inner and outer spring washers mounted on the shaft. The intermediate gear meshes with a bevel pinion on the upper end of the intermediate shaft which is carried in bearings in the shaft housing assembled between the bearing case and the top carriage right clip. A bevel gear on the lower end of the intermediate shaft meshes with a pinion on the handwheel shaft which is supported in the handwheel-shaft bearing bolted to the clip. A bronze gear cover screwed to the inside of the top carriage right clip incloses the lower pair of gears. The shaft housing rests in a cup-shaped socket at its lower end and is locked in position when the bearing retainer is assembled. Means of oiling the inner bearing of the pinion shaft is provided through an oil tube leading from the right side plate through the bearing case to the pinion-shaft bearing. When the pawls are disengaged one revolution of the quick- return handwheel elevates or depresses the cradle about 9.8. As will be seen from the above, by elevating or depressing the rocker the gears and handwheel of the quick-return mechanism will be actuated also, while by turning the quick-return handwheel only the cradle and handwheel move. By means of the intermediate gear sleeve and pinion-shaft clutch, described above, it is possible to move the rocker without actually moving the quick-return mechanism except the pinion shaft, pro- vided the resistance at the quick-return handwheel is sufficient to overcome the resistance of the clutch. This may occur when the howitzer is fired, where, due to play in the pawls and elevating worms, a certain movement of the howitzer takes place during firings and the mass of quick-return handwheel and shafts resist movement sufficiently to bring the clutch into action. SAFETY FIRING DEVICE. The bronze safety latch bearing is riveted to the right pawl bearing and forms a support foi the safety latch and a seat for the safety latch plunger and spring. The rear arm of the pawl handle engages the slot ir the firing handle hub when the pawls are released, making it impossible to pull the firing handle. The pawl handle is locked in this position by the hook of the safety latch engaging the notch on the top of the right pawl. The safety latch plunger bears against a projection on the safety latch and tends to keep the latch hooked. 54 When the cradle and howitzer are bi ought back to the firing position the lower arm of the safety latch comes in contact with the rocker and releases the pawl handle. TRAIL. The flasks of the trail are made of flange steel, shaped to form a channel section and reinforced to form a box section. The forward ends are connected with each other by means of the flange steel pintle plate. The latter forms a support for the pintle which engages in the corresponding part of the top carriage bottom plate. The axle is made in three parts, the two axle arms and the body. In assembling the axle arms are forced onto the body of the axle. The inner ends of the axle arms are flanged. Rivets through these flanges and corresponding flanges on the pintle plate connect the axle to the flasks. The spindles of the axle arms are offset 6.5 inches from the body. They are given a slight set so as to bring the lowest spoke in the wheel vertical when the carriage is limbered. Both the axle and axle arms are bored out to i educe weight; the bore in the arms is closed at the inner end by a plug. The space thus created is used as a reservoir for the lubricating oil. The pintle plate bushing is riveted to the pintle plate 12^ inches forward of the axis of the wheels and forms a circular seat for the bottom plate bushing on the top carriage. Forged steel rear trail clips riveted on the upper flanges and sides of the flasks and a front trail clip bolted to the front of the pintle engage with the rear and front clips of the top carriage. For about half its length from the axle the trail is open to allow the howitzer to pass between the flasks when fired at the higher angles of elevation. In this open part each flask is strengthened inside by a flange steel reinforce plate. At the middle of the trail the flasks are connected and braced by the front transom; below this the rear and the lunette transoms perform the same function. A flange steel end plate, riveted to the lower flanges of the flasks, is bent up around their extreme rear ends, while the top plate covers the trail from the front transom to the rear end. The cast-steel spade key bracket rests on the top plate at its lower end and is riveted through it to the flasks. It has also a flange turned downward over the end plate and riveted to the latter and to the end flanges of the flasks. This spade key bracket has a heavy lug 011 each side bored to receive the keys which lock the spade in position and is surmounted by projections for the engagement of the handspikes hinged to other lugs farther forward on the bracket. Six other steel pieces the spade bearings, right and left, the spade phi bearings, right and left, and the spade brackets are riveted to the trail as additional points of attachment of the spade; the spade 55 and spade pin bearings are located on the sides of the flasks and are used to receive the spade pin. The spade brackets are lo- cated on the top plate and are used to secure the spade in a folded position. The trail end reinforce is a flange steel piece riveted to the end plate. It has a flanged opening to receive the horn of the top carriage of the limber. The lunette transom riveted to the flasks and the end plate supports the lunette, a forged steel piece having a seat for engaging the pintle of the limber. A bottom plate closes the underside of the trail between the front and rear transoms; the space in the trail thus created is divided into right and left compartments by the intermediate transom riveted to the front and rear transoms and the bottom and top plates. Flanged openings in the top plate closed by hinged covers give entrance to these compartments, of which the right is used as a tool chest and the left as a sight box. The covers are secured by hasps and padlocks. Four trail handles are riveted to the tiail for use in limbering; a trail prop is hinged in brackets under the rear transom. The trail prop when not in use is swung forward and its foot held against the bottom plate by a chain with a hook slipped over a button on the front transom. Two seats for cannoneers serving the piece are mounted on brackets riveted to each side of the trail. Attachments foi carrying the sponge and rammer are provided on the right flask, and attachments for carrying the maneuvering bar are provid'ed on the left flask. Wheel guards with removable cast-iron liners riveted to each side of the flasks protect the latter from the limber wheels. Other brackets for the attachment of the front and rear traveling locks, loading barrow, brakes, and traversing mechanism are riveted to the trail, as described later. A steel cleaning track is riveted to the top plate of the trail between the covers for use when it is desired to clean the howitzer slides. A name plate, giving the number of the carriage, model, name of manufacturer, year of completion, and initials of inspector, is riv- eted on the top plate. In all reports and correspondence the carriane is to be desiqndted bu L X- y */ y the number and model given on the name plate. The spade frame is a plate of flange steel stiffened by the spade reinforce riveted to its rear face and placed crosswise to the center line of the trail, with wings extending to the front. Between these wings and parallel to them, with flanges butting against and riveted to the spade frame, are two spade braces, whose upper portions extend above the frame and are riveted to the forged-steel spade bearings. Riveted to the wings of the spade frame and to the spade 56 braces is the float, and on this is a steel angle stiffener, called the float reinforce. The float and the float reinforce form a heavy rail across the top of the spade frame. The spade pin passes through the forward holes of the spade boar- ings and through the spade-pin bearings riveted to the trail. The spado keys, in conjunction with the rear holes of the spade bearings and corresponding holes in the spade-key bracket, serve to lock the spado in its position in rear of the trail when the carriage is unlim- berod. For traveling the spade is rotated about tho spade pin to the top of the trail and secured by means of tho spade keys. A hard- ened-steel wearing edge is riveted to the lower edge of tho spade frame, and hardoned-steol spade points are riveted to the spade frame and spado edge. Both the spade edge and spade points can be replaced in the service. Two handspikes are mounted on the spade-key bracket of the trail in such a manner as to fold forward on tho trail when not hi use; in this position they are held by tho folded spade. When in use, they are locked to the projecting lugs of tho spade-koy bracket by the handspike latches, hinged to the central webs of the hand- spikes. The apron-latch body is pivoted on the apron-latch base, riveted to tho flanges of the axle arms. Tho lower end of the latch body terminates in a hook, which engages tho latch staple riveted to the apron plate and holds tho latter in traveling position. To prevent accidental disengagement of the hook from the staple, tho opening of the hook is closed by a plunger seated in the latch body and pressed outward into position by a spring. TRAVERSING MECHANISM. The traversing mechanism consists of the traversing screw and handwheel, the traversing pivot, tho traversing nut, the thrust- bearing nut, the ball thrust bearing, and tho traversing-pivot brack- ets and thoir accompanying parts. Tho bronzo traversing pivot swivels on a vertical axis in the steel traversing-pivot bracket, the latter being riveted to tho loft trail flask. Tho upper part of this pivot is bored horizontally to form ja housing for tho ball thrust bearing. Tho thrust-bearing nut is bored to fit over the hub of tho hand- wheel and threaded to the traversing pivot. The ball thrust bearing takes tho thrust between this nut and the traversing screw. The thrust-bearing nut is hi adjustment when the end play of the screw is taken up without any interference with the movement of the balls. The traversing nut, which is of bronzo, swivels on a vertical axis in bearings on the top carriage loft clip. On its inner end is screwed tho travorsing-nut dust guard. The traversing screw is threaded into the traversing nut with a loft-hand thread and extends outward 57 through bearings in the traversing pivot to the handwheel. A dust guard, located on the screw between the nut and the pivot, protects the screw against dust and dirt. When the handwheel is turned, the traversing nut is forced along the screw and carries the top car- riage with it. Angular movement of the axis of the screw as the top carriage turns about the pintle center is allowed for by the vor- tical bearings of the nut and the, pivot. The collar on the screw also serves as a stop to limit the traversing movement to the loft, while a washer nut assembled on the inner end of screw limits movomont in the opposite direction. An azimuth scale is attached to the left rear clip of the trail and in conjunction with a zoro mark on the top carriage indicates the position in azimuth. The scale is graduated to minimum readings of 5 mils. ROAD BRAKE. The brake consists of the brake beams, the brake shoes, the brake lever, the bell cranks, the brake rods, the connecting rod, tho brake segment and rack, and their accompanying parts. The two brake beams are each built of a flango steel body having a brake-shoo bearing riveted to one ond and two hinges for attach- ment to tho brake-beam bracket riveted at the other end. Noar the brake-shoe bearing tho flangos of the beam are stiffened by the brake-beam stiffonor, and on the insido face of the beam is rivotod the brake-rod bracket. Tho brake segment, with its rack, is riveted to the top of the right brako beam and to tho brake-rod bracket. The flange at the rear of tho brako segment is widened and forms a stop for tho brako lover when tho brakes are roloasod. To tho brake- shoe bearing is pinned tho brako shoo, which boars against tho tire of tho wheel. The hingos on tho brako beam aro pivotod to the brake-beam bracket, rivotod to tho front ond of the trail flask. The hub of the brake lever is pinned in the right brake rod bracket, and is bored eccentrically. The brake eccentric strap turns freely on the hub of tho brake lever and is fastened to the right brake rod, which in turn is fastened to the right bell crank mounted in the bell- crank bracket riveted to the flask of the trail. The connecting rod links the right bell crank to the left bell crank, and the latter is connected directly through the left brake rod to the brake-beam bracket of the left brake beam. A leaf spring attached to each flask bears against the bell cranks, thus preventing the swinging or whip- ping of the entire brake system. When the brakes are set, the brake lever is held by the teeth of the brake-segment rack engaging the brake-lever catch, a small steel piece riveted to brake lever. For the purpose of adjustment for orn brake shoes, etc., the brake rods aro made in two parts screwed ether. The brako may be used as a firing as well as a road brake. 58 THE TRAVELING LOCK, To relieve the pointing mechanisms from undue stresses in travel- ing, two distinct means of locking the howitzer to the trail are pro- vided. The front traveling lock is in shape an inverted V with a yoke at the apex embracing a lug under the breech of the howitzer, and the ends of the legs bolted to bearings riveted inside the trail to the flask reinforce plates. A pin with a spring catch is passed through the yoke and the howitzer lug and is chained to one of the legs. When not in use the locking pin is withdrawn and the yoke is disengaged from the howitzer lug, rotated upon the bolts and engaged in the traveling lock fastener clamped on the axle, where 1 it is again secured by the locking pin. The front traveling lock should be used only in an emergency, when there is not time to retract the howitzer to the position afforded by the rear traveling lock. The rear traveling lock consists of a bar with one end hinged in a clip on the left flask and the other end secured by a locking pin in a sim^ar clip on the right flask. The middle of the bar is shaped as a yoke to embrace the lug of the howitzer and is provided with a locking pin for securing the latter in the bar. When the howitzer is drawn back to the rear traveling lock the load on the wheels of the carriage and limber is equalized, and the howitzer should habitually be kept in this position except when unlimbered and ready for firing. When not in use the rear traveling lock is swung forward and its right end secured in a third clip on the left flask. The maneuvering bar and retracting chain are used to retract the howitzer to the rear traveling lock. To accomplish this, the howitzer is disconnected from the cylinder, the toggle of the retract- ing chain is passed through the hole in the lug of the howitzer, and the maneuvering bar put through the ring of chain. The side of one of the holes in the reinforced plate of the flask may be used as a fulcrum for starting the howitzer. The maneuvering bar may be left in the chain ring for the balance of the pull, or may be used directly back of the lug of the howitzer. The cradle should be placed at the proper elevation and azimuth before the retracting operation is begun. The shifting of the weight of the howitzer should be done while the carriage is limbered, both to avoid lifting the extra weight in Umbering and to avoid the tendency of the piece to slide out of the cradle when it is elevated and not held by the recoil springs. THE TRAVELING COVERS. The traveling breech cover protects the howitzer slides, breech mechanism, and firing mechanism from dust and dirt. The cover is first placed over the upper lug of the breech hoop and is then drawn 59 forward. A pocket is provided on the left to accommodate the shoulder guard, and a smaller pocket at the right is drawn over the firing handle. Four straps on the underside of the cover secure it in position. Two buckles are sewed at the front end of the cover to .engage the straps on the traveling muzzle cover. The traveling muzzle cover closes the muzzle of the howitzer. 'The upper extremities of the cover fit into the gun slides of the .cradle, and in removing the cover it should be drawn forward to the ,end of the slides to clean them. A metal handle is welded to the .cover to assist in removing it. Two straps are provided which .engage the buckles on the front end of the traveling breech cover ; and hold both covers in position longitudinally. THE SHIELD. 'The shield for the protection of the cannoneers is a hardened steel plate 0.15-inch thick, made in three parts the apron, main shield, and top shield. The main shield has a large opening through which the howitzer and cradle project, and smaller openings for the lines of sight. Its lower edge is attached to the front end of the trail by short shield angles and shield-support plates. Two steel angle shield stiffeners, ; riveted on the rear of the main shield to maintain its shape, are "braced at the upper ends by tubular braces which extend to lugs on the axle arms. Additional diagonal shield braces extend front the same dugs and are attached to the main shield near the top carriage trunnions. The lower edge of the main shield extends slightly below the trail and is fitted with three hinges for the apron shield. A panoramic sight case for carrying the panoramic sight in traveling is attached to the left rear side of the main shield by means of the right and left bracket bases and bolts. The top shield is hinged to the main shield and is arranged so as to fold back for traveling to an approximately horizontal position. It is fastened in the upright position by the top shield brace on either side extending from near its upper edge to the top shield brackets riveted on the main shield. In folding the top shield, the pins supporting the bracket ends of the top shield braces are removed, the shield laid back upon the bracket, thus locking the shield in the new position. The apron extends to within 5 inches of the ground, and for travel- ing it is swung to the under surf ace of the trail, where it is held by the two apron latches. WHEELS. The wheels are a modified form of the Archibald pattern, 60 inches in diameter and with 0.625-inch tires. The hub consists of a steel hub box and hub ring, the two having flanges which clamp the spokes and are drawn together by eight heavy bolts and a ring called a hub 60 band, which is threaded to the hub box. The lock washer and th( wheel-hook bushing are located on the hub box between the hub band and the hub ring. The wheel-hook bushing is assembled under th( wheel hook and by means of a flange secures the hook to the wheel. The wheel hook is used for attachment of ropes or chains in emergency traction. The lock washer is located between the wheel-hook bushinj and the hub band and prevents the latter from unscrewing. A removable bronze liner is forced into the hub box to form wearing surface, and the outer end of the hub is closed by a bronze hub cap screwed on the hub box and locked with a small bolt callec the hub-latch plunger, which is withdrawn and held in the disengagec position by the hub latch when the cap is to be unscrewed. The hul cap is also fitted with the standard wheel oil valve, which is pullet out to expose the opening for oiling the wheel and closes to rendei the hub dust proof. The wheel fastening, a yoke of bronze, fitting recesses in the outei end of the axle arm, secures the wheel to the axle and is expose< when the hub cap is removed. The yoke is secured to the axle arm by the wheel-fastening plunger. A description of one of the accessories follows : Two loading handbarrows for transporting ammunition to the breech of the howitzer are supplied with each carriage. The barrow is made up of a flange steel tray, concave in section, riveted to handle supports having handles on either side for the servers. A breech- recess guide is riveted to the front end to support the tray in the breech recess of the howitzer while the projectile is being rammed into place. The barrows are carried, with the handles folded, on brackets riveted to the inside of the trail flasks and are secured by a pin passing through holes in the tray stop on the barrow and in the stop bearing riveted to the front transom. DISMOUNTING AND ASSEMBLING HOWITZER AND CARRIAGE. To dismount the howitzer. Unscrew the cylinder-retaining ring on the rear end of the cylinder and draw the piece to the rear until the rails are free from the cradle gun slides. To mount the howitzer. Shove the piece from the rear, with the gun slides engaging the rails, guiding the cylinder carefully into the lug on the howitzer, taking care that the locating pin in the bore of the lug enters the notch cut on the exterior surface of the cylinder. Assemble the cylinder-retaining ring, locking it in place on the cylin- der with the locking screw. In moving the piece on or off the cradle particular care must be taken to support the breech end so that the howitzer rails are in pro- longation of the cradle gun slides. The firing pallet is also exposed to injury during this maneuver, and care should be taken to prevent 61 it from being struck by the muzzle of the piece or by implements in the hands of cannoneers. The cradle should be placed at the desired elevation and azimuth before beginning either of these maneuvers and not changed during its progress, since the working of either of the elevating or traversing mechanisms when the piece is partially out of battery brings an excessive and unnecessary strain and wear upon the parts. To dismount the cylinder. The cradle should always be brought to zero elevation before the cylinder-retaining ring is removed. If the cylinder is to be dismounted without removing the howitzer, the howitzer should be securely lashed to the cradle to prevent move- ment to the rear. The piece having been brought to the horizontal position, the piston-rod nut is removed, the four swing-bolt nuts securing the cradle head are released and the cradle head removed. Only those swing bolts affecting the front cradle head are to be dis- turbed; the two securing the spring retainer are only to be loosened when the spring compressor is in place and when it is desired to re- move the springs. The cylinder-retaining ring in rear of the howitzer lug is taken off, and the cylinder with piston rod, etc., withdrawn to the front. To assemble the cylinder. The springs, spring stirrup, and spring retainer, being in assembled position, shove the cylinder into its seat from the front, taking care that the locating pin in the bore of the lug of the howitzer enters the notch cut on the exterior surface of the cylinder. Screw in place the cylinder-retaining ring and secure it with the locking screw. Assemble the cradle head and screw in place the piston-rod nut. In replacing the cylinder it sometimes happens that the inner springs have become displaced in a way to prevent the entrance of the cylinder; in such a case, reach in from the rear of the cradle and place the coil in its right location, either with the hand or a wooden stick. To drain the cylinder. Clean receptacles for holding 8 gallons of oil are to be provided. With the trail of the carriage limbered or supported on the trail prop, unscrew both drain plugs from the front cylinder head, and depress the cradle to its maximum. A duct should be improvised to lead the flow of oil beyond the muzzle, where it can be caught by the receptacles provided. To jill the cylinder. Practically all damages to the rear cradle head and parts of cylinder can he traced to the fact that the cylinder was not completely filled with oil. For that reason the cylinder should he filled with the greatest care; a commissioned officer should himself verify that the cylinder is full and that no air is left in it, with the exception of the void noted below. 62 The easiest way to fill the cylinder is to fill it when disassembled from the carriage. If this is impracticable, fill as follows: The piston, rod, valve, counterrecoil buffer, and cylinder heads being assembled, th '. piston rod is drawn out until clear of the counterrecoil buffer, approxi mately 32 inches. With the cylinder assembled to the howitzer lug ir, such a location as to bring the filling and drain holes in a nearly vertica I line, elevate the howitzer to maximum elevation. Remove both plugs and fill slowly through either hole. When about two-thirds full, replace the plugs and depress to zero elevation to permit the air pocketed in the counterrecoil buffer recess to escape. The piston rod is now forced in to within an inch of its firing position. The cradli is again elevated, the cylinder entirely filled, and the rod forced in. Before final insertion of the plugs the valve should be rotated slowki to permit the escape of any entrapped air in the by-pass; also allow plenty of time for pocketed air to escape. When satisfied that the cylinder is entirely full, allow about 10 cubi< 1 . inches (about one-third pint) of oil to escape, this providing a void fo the expansion of the oil. Tighten both plugs and secure them wiii, copper wire. It may happen that after firing a few rounds the howitzer will not return to battery. This may be due to, first, weakness o' springs; second, stuffing-box gland being screwed up too tightly; or, third, the oil having expanded, due to heat. In either case the cause must be ascertained and remedied; if duo to expansion of oil, it is proven by the fact that the gun can not bo pushed into battery by force exerted on the breech of the howitzer In that case elevate to maximum elevation and remove the upper- most plug. The oil will now escape, permitting the howitzer to return to battery. Approximately 62 pints of oil are required for filling the cylinder. Hydroline oil of a specific gravity of 0.85 is furnished by the Ordnance Department for use in these cylinders; it is characterized by its low freezing point and by its noncorrosive action on metals. The oil used in the cylinder is to be clean and free from grit and dirt; to insure this it is to be strained through a clean piece of linen or muslir. before using. In emergencies water may be used in the cylinder. This should be done only when absolutely necessary and never in freezing weather, and as soon as practicable the cylinder is to be emptied, cleaned, and thoroughly dried and filled with hydroline oil. To dismount the springs. The carriage should either be limbered, or the trail supported in an approximately horizontal position by the trail prop or temporary blocking. With the cradle approxi- mately level, remove the cylinder-retaining ring, screw the retracting; eye into the threaded recess in the rear end of the counterrecoil 63 buffer. Hitch the trail chain securely around the lugs on the spade- key bracket on the end of the trail (spade removed), and attach the upper hook of the duplex block to it. By means of the retracting chain and the block put sufficient strain on the retracting eye to relieve the spring retainer from spring pressure. Kemove the spring retainer and cradle head by loosening the swing bolts. Ease off the block until the springs are free. On account of the great length of the free spring column, temporary blocking must be placed in front of and on line with the bottom of the cradle to support the weight of the cylinder, stirrup, and springs, both in releasing and in assembling the column. To assemble the springs. With the cradle approximately level and the trail up as directed for dismounting, shove the first section of the outer springs into the cradle until the front end has entered a few inches ; set up a separator against the forward end of this section, keeping the separator upright betwetn the sections; enter the second section and shove the column against the rear head of the cradle, setting up the second separator. Place the other two outer springs with the third separator on the spring stirrup and enter the rear end of the stirrup into the spring column in the cradle. Similarly assemble the springs of the inner column, two into the stirrup, two on the cylinder. Extend the duplex block as far as possible and, passing the end of the retracting chain through the spring column, engage it in the retracting eye screwed into the rear end of the counterrecoil buffer. The elevation of the cradle and the position of the supporting blocking should be such that when the chain is taut it will be in the center of the hole in* the gun lug. While the spring column is being compressed, care must be taken to see that the feet on the stirrup outer rings enter the spring stirrup guides and that the rear ends of the cylinder and stirrup are properly guided through the rear head of the cradle. When the springs are suffi- ciently compressed, the spring retainer is assembled. The retracting chain can then be released and disengaged and- the cylinder-retaining ring assembled. As the spring columns are assembled under a load of 3,000 pounds, serious results may attend a sudden release by breakage of the chain or other part during the process of compressing; all parts should be carefully inspected before using, and all members of the gun crew be required to keep arms and bodies away from the front of the column during these operations. To dismount the piston and piston rod. The cylinder is removed from the cradle and drained. The gland lock is released and the gland slackened a few turns. Each carriage is furnished with two large wrenches, one of which fits the rear cylinder head and one the spring compressing ring; noting that the last named is locked by 631117 6 64 the spring compressing ring lock, the rear cylinder head may be un- screwed and the piston and rod may be withdrawn from that end; or, the front cylinder-head spanner may be applied and that head removed, and the piston and rod taken out toward the front. If it be desired to dismount the valve the front cylinder head is taken off as the valve is removed at that end. If the piston only is to be removed it is best to break the joint in the cylinder exposed to the least internal pressure, i. e., that of the rear head. When either head of the cylinder is removed the opening is to be closed immedi- ately by returning the head or by using clean cotton cloths to pre- vent grit from blowing into the valve and cylinder liner ports. The cylinder liner screws into the cylinder from the front end and is locked by a plug at the rear end screwed through the cylinder wall. It is never to be disturbed outside of the machine shop, as each liner is forced in its seat and located individually by the lock, the notches in the rear of the cylinder being cut later to insure the exact position of the rows of cylinder liner ports in relation to the keys of the valve. Each cylinder, cylinder liner, and lock are there- fore considered collectively as one interchangeable piece. In dismounting and assembling the cylinder heads the cylinder is always to be held by the wrenches. It should never be held by clamping bars at its middle or by using a chain wrench, as its walls are thin and not intended to withstand such usage. In assembling the valve in the cylinder liner it will be noted that the keys hi the valve do not come to within 0.5 inch of one end; this is the forward end the other enters the cylinder liner first. Before assembling the valve be perfectly sure that it is clean. In assembling the piston rod the operations of dismounting are reversed. It ought not to be necessary to take out the stuffing-box packing. The necessity for dismounting parts of the cylinder will seldom arise. It is to be done only, in the presence of a commissioned officer, who will see that the parts are handled with the greatest care. In assembling the parts are to be thoroughly cleaned, as the clearances in the valve are very small and the presence of small foreign particles may interfere with the proper working of the parts. To pack the stuffing box. The stuffing box is packed with four rings of Garlock hydraulic waterproof packing 0.375 inch square, issued in rings cut to such size that the ends nearly meet around the rod. These rings are assembled in the cylinder, each ring being placed so as to break joints with the preceding one, and each in suc- cession being forced into its seat by a packing tool of copper or hard wood; one end of this tool is shaped like a carpenter's gouge, while the other end is formed jnto a handle strong enough to withstand light taps from a hammer. Such a tool may be readily improvised 65 by the battery mechanic. After the four rings are firmly seated in the chamber the gland is screwed on. Be sure that at least eight threads of the gland are engaged with the threads of the cylinder head, as otherwise the threads oi the gland may be stripped in firing. The adjustment of the gland will require the exercise of some judgment. If screwed up too tight the frictional resistance of the packing on the piston rod will be so increased that the counter- recoil springs may fail to return the howitzer to battery, especially at high angles of elevation, or the valve-turning mechanism may be strained. It is to ~be screwed up just tight enough to prevent the leakage of oil. Ordinarily this can be done by hand, but where hand power is not sufficient the wrench provided for the purpose should be used. When adjusted, the gland is to be locked. To assemble and disassemble the valve-turning mechanism. -The valve gear sector assembled in the cradle head and the valve pinion sector are always to be engaged with their assembling marks coinciding The seats for the valve gear sector and the shaft arm on the inter- mediate shaft are so arranged as to admit assembling in but one position, which arrangement, together with the assembling marks of the gears and the keying of the valve to the piston rod, insures the correct alignment of valve and cylinder liner. To remove the valve gear sector from the cradle head it is only necessary to dismount the latter and remove the gear retainer nut. The valve gear sector being disengaged, the valve pinion sector may be given a half turn, when its clip will be free from the cradle head. A loose coUar in rear of the shaft bearing (front) is secured to the intermediate shaft by a split pin; with this pin removed the shaft may be withdrawn forward. No instructions for dismounting or assembling other parts of the valve-turning gear should be required. To dismount the quick-return mechanism,. The pinion-shaft nut and the four nuts securing the bearing retainer are removed and the intermediate gear and sleeve, clutch, washers, and spring, with the bearing retainer, may be withdrawn from the bearing case. Remove the gear cover and the nut on the lower end of the intermediate shaft. The shaft and the housing may now be removed through the bearing case, after which the pinion shaft may be unseated. To assemble the quick-return mecJianism. The pinion shaft being assembled in the pinion-shaft bearing, seat the latter in the bearing case. With the intermediate shaft in its housing, the latter is assembled in the bearing case and top carriage right clip, at the same time placing the gear on its squared seat on the shaft and securing it with the intermediate shaft nut and split pin. On the pinion shaft placed in succession are the inner spring washer, the spring, 66 outer spring washer, intermediate gear sleeve, with the intermediate gear in place, and the pinion-shaft clutch. The bearing retainer is then assembled and secured with the four nuts, after which the pinion-shaft nut is assembled and the gear cover replaced. To remove the shield. First remove the bolts and nuts connecting the shield braces and lugs on the axle, the shield angles and trail, and the shield-support plates and the shield. The shield is then free to be moved to the front. The apron may be removed before the shield braces are loosened to facilitate handling. To dismount the cradle. The howitzer, shield, and quick-return pinion are dismounted, the valve link disconnected from the left trunnion cap, the trunnion-cap swing bolts loosened, and the caps swung open; the cradle and rockers may now be lifted free from the top carriage toward the rear. To dismount the elevating mechanism.. Note that the worms can not be assembled or disassembled while the rockers are engaged. With the howitzer dismounted it is possible to depress the cradle sufficiently to disengage the rockers from the worms, but in dis- mounting the worms it will generally be preferable to dismount the cradle first. The right worm bearing cap may then be removed and the right worm dismounted. The elevating-gear cover and the nut from the left end of the elevating shaft are removed, the right bearing bushing unbolted, and the elevating shaft withdrawn through the right side plate. The left worm bearing cap may now be removed and the worm dismounted. To remove the handwheel shaft, the nut in front of the bevel pinion is removed and the shaft withdrawn through the bearing on the rear clip. To assemble the elevating mechanism. Note that both rockers must elevate simultaneously, and to do so the following points are observed in the manufacture: The threads on the worms are in exactly the same relative position; the flat faces of the squared end of the worms are located in fixed relation to the thread; the teeth of the gears are cut in exact location with respect to the squared hole, and the teeth of the elevating-shaft pinions are located exactly alike. To assure the proper assembly of the worms, the thrust washers on the rear of the worms have cut upon them assembling marks which should coincide simultaneously with the dividing lines between their respective worm bearings and caps. To assemble, reverse the order of dismounting. The handwheel shaft collar is placed in the half bearing of the elevating-gear case (shoulder to the rear) and the handwheel shaft and pinion assembled. The left worm and gear are next assembled in the worm bearing and the intermediate worm shaft replaced, adjusting as it enters, the collar on the inside of the left elevating bearing. The right bearing bushing is restored, and the right worm, gear, and cap assembled. 67 To dismount the traversing mechanism. Remove the traversing nut dust guard, and the traversing-screw washer and nut, from the inner side. The handwheel is then taken off, the locking screw taken out, the thrust-bearing nut unscrewed, and the ball-thrust bearing removed; the traversing screw is then unscrewed and with- drawn through the traversing pivot. No special instructions are required for removing the balance of the mechanism. In reassem- bling the thrust-bearing nut must not be tightened enough to clamp the ball-thrust bearing. To dismount the -firing mechanism. No special instructions should be required. Withdrawing the taper pin securing the collar on the forward end of each shaft allows th6 shaft to be withdrawn to the rear. In assembling, tension is put upon the springs as the firing- handle hub is assembled. To dismount the top carriage. The howitzer, shields, cradle, and traversing mechanism are dismounted and the front clip of the trail is removed. The top carriage may then be traversed to the left until free from the clips. To remove a wheel. Support the axle to bring the wheel clear of the ground. Lift up the flap of the hub latch, thus disengaging its bolt, and unscrew the hub cap; the wheel fastening, which is now exposed, is secured to the axle by a spring pin in one side; when this is pressed back, the wheel fastening may be lifted free and the wheel slipped off. To remove a hub liner. Take the wheel from the axle and drive the liner out by striking with a heavy hammer or sledge upon a suit- able wooden or metal block placed against the small end of the liner. A hub-liner driving tool is carried in the forge limber for this purpose. In assembling a new liner be sure the surfaces are perfectly clean and that no dust gets under the flange of the liner to prevent it being driven solidly against the face of the hub. Unless the liner is forced completely into the hub the distance from the face of the liner to the small end of the hub may be too great to allow the assemblage of the wheel fastening. Should the outer end of the liner project beyond the small end of the hub, it may be filed flush. The parts of this carriage in general are made with sufficient clearance to permit the assemblage of any part without the use of force. In assembling them no part should be directly struck with a hammer. If resort to force is necessary, a piece of wood or copper drift should be interposed between the hammer and the part struck. Most of the nuts and pins are provided with split pins as keepers. The split pins must, of course, be removed to remove the nut, and when the nut or pin is assembled the split pin should be inserted and properly opened. 68 CARE AND CLEANING OF RECOIL CYLINDER AND OTHER PARTS OF THE CARRIAGE. The carriage is a machine for controlling the recoil of the howitzer and should be properly cleaned and cared for to insure its working correctly. The officers responsible for the efficiency of the battery should familiarize themselves with the carriage mechanism and with the foregoing instructions as to the methods of mounting and dis- mounting the various parts and should see that the carriage is properly handled, cleaned, and cared for. The following general directions for its care and cleaning are given. The recoil cylinder should be emptied and refilled once every three months. The piston and valve should be examined every six months (or of tener if conditions require it) for rubbing or scoring of the inside of the valve or piston. If such roughening be noted, the roughness is to be carefully smoothed down by a skilled workman with a dead smooth file or with fine emery cloth; the cause of the roughness should be ascertained and removed. To prevent chips and emery from entering the cylinder liner ports, work on the valve should always be done with the valve removed from the liner. When unusual rubbing or scoring has occurred, the facts will be reported to the officer of the Ordnance Department charged with the duty of keeping the battery in repair for his information and action. Before reassembling the valve, liner, piston, counterrecoil buffer, and the tuffing box should be thoroughly cleaned by the use of cotton cloths and coal oil and wiped dry. The use of cotton waste, especially in the cylinder liner, is not recommended, as particles of waste will work into the ports. The removal of the packing is not necessary in cleaning the stuffing box. The parts are to be reassembled immediately after their clean- ing and inspection and the cylinder filled with the hydroline oil issued for that purpose. The piston should be moved back and forth and rotated in the cylinder by hand to make sure that all parts are correctly assembled and without interference. After the cylinder is mounted in the cradle, the howitzer should be pulled from battery by means of the 2-ton chain b n ock and permitted to counterrecoil rapidly to insure that all parts are in proper position for firing. This should never be done, however, unless the cylinder is known to be filled with oil. In reassembling the parts the condition of the fiber washers between cylinder heads and cylinder should be noted ; they should be replaced whenever necessary. In removing and inserting the piston rod, care should be taken to keep it central in the cylinder, so as not to bind, burr, or spring any parts. The dismounting and reassembling of the parts of the cylinder should in every case be supervised by a commissioned 69 .' officer. Before firing, an inspection should be made to ascertain that the different parts, especially the piston rod and nut, are correctly assembled. The recoil-cylinder oil should be stored in the closed cans provided for the purpose, and be carefully protected from dirt, sand, or water. Oil withdrawn from cylinders and containing any sediment must not be used again for any purpose until it has been allowed to settle for not less than 24 hours. When sediment has thus been permitted to settle, great care must bo taken not to disturb it in removing the oil. To insure the cleanliness of all cylinder oil it should be strained through a clean piece of linen or muslin before using. The counterrecoil springs should be dismounted at least once every six months and be thoroughly cleaned. All rust should be removed and the springs well oiled before assemblage. When the springs are dismounted the interior of the cradle should be cleaned and examined for defective riveting, missing rivet heads, and scor- ing. The stirrup should be carefully examined for bulged or cracked ends, and all burrs or scores on the bronze heads carefully smoothed off. The gun slides should be kept well cleaned and lubricated. The operation of cleaning the slides is as follows: First clean those parts of the howitzer guides projecting in front of the cradle. Remove the cylinder locking screw and cylinder retaining ring, and with the aid of the retracting chain and maneuvering bar, as described under the traveling locks, pull the howitzer back a sufficient distance to permit inserting the arm between the howitzer lug and the rear of the cradle, and clean the parts of the gun slides thus exposed. The howitzer should then be pulled back to the extreme position with the lug resting on the ways of the cleaning track. When in this position the howitzer guides will still have a bearing of 5 inches in the gun slides, thus supporting the muzzle end of the howitzer. The slides should be well oiled before the howitzer is returned into battery. Before beginning to fire, the gun slides should always be oiled through the oil holes on the sides of the cradle. Lack of proper lubrication of the gun slides is the most frequent cause of failure to return fully into battery. In traveling the howitzer should be locked to the trail oy means of the rear traveling lock, so as to relieve the pointing mechanisms of all travel stresses. After the howitzer is so locked the pawls should be released and the rockers elevated until the pawls are clear. The wheels and wheel fastenings should be dismounted periodi- cally and the fastenings, hub boxes, axle arms, and axle bore cleaned and examined. All roughness due to scoring or cutting should be smoothed off. In oiling the wheels in service, a small quantity (about 1 gill) of lubricating oil should be placed in the axle bor<> through the oi 1 valve in the hub cap. A short experience will en- able the battery commander to determine how often the wheels should be oiled. The nuts on the hub bolts should be tightened monthly the first year of service and twice a year thereafter. The ends of the bolts should be lightly riveted ovei to prevent the nut from unscrewing. When the hub bolts are tightened, the hub band should be screwed up as tightly as possible against the lock washer at the outer end of the wheel-hook bushing. The wooden parts of the wheels are made of thoroughly seasoned materials, and the hub bolts and bands, when the wheels are issued,. are properly tightened; but all wood is stfsceptible to change with atmospheric conditions, so that the spokes speedily become loose, and if a wheel is used in this condition it will rapidly be made un- serviceable, and may be damaged beyond repair. TJie importance of strict compliance with these rules can not be over- estimated. THE 6-INCH HOWITZER CARRIAGE, MODEL OF 1908 MI (Class IV, section 3.) WEIGHTS, PRINCIPAL DIMENSIONS, ETC. Weight of carriage, complete pounds. . 5, 671 Weight of howitzer and carriage, complete do 7, 582 Weight at lunette, carriage limbered and howitzer in battery do 550 Weight at lunette, carriage limbered and howitzer in traveling position . .do 1, 371 Diameter of wheels inches. . 60 Width of track do 60 Maximum angle of elevation degrees. . 40 Maximum angle of depression do 5 Amount of traverse of howitzer on carriage milliemes . . 107 Length of recoil of howitzer on carriage, howitzer at zero degrees eleva- tion inches. . 63 Length of recoil of howitzer on carriage, howitzer at 40 elevation do 26 Height of axis of howitzer do 43 Height of line of peep sight do 51 Length of sight radius do 19 71 Nomenclature of parts of carriage. Name of part. Location, etc. Apron latches, complete See nomenclature of parts of 6-inch how- itzer carriage, model of 1908 Brake mechanism do I Cradle, complete, including Bushing In front cradle head Do In rear cradle head I Bushings Forced on trunnions Connecting rod bearing, front Bearing for middle connecting rod of valve turning gear. Connecting rod bearing, rear do Connecting rod guides Riveted on right side of cradle bottom plate. Cradle bottom plate Forms bottom of cradle Cradle head side clips I Riveted on front end of cradle plate Cradle head top clips do Cradle plate Forms hood over recoiling parts Cradle plate angles Reinforce rear end of cradle plate Front cradle head At front end of cradle Gun slide, left Riveted in cradle bottom plate Gun slide, right do Patent plate Screwed on left side of plate Pawl bearing, left Riveted to cradle plate Pawl bearing, right do Rack bolts Fasten quick-release rack to trunnion Rack studs Screwed into nght trunnion Rear cradle head Riveted to rear of cradle plate Shoulder guard Riveted to left side of cradle plate Spring retainer At front end of cradle Spring-retainer clips Riveted on front end of cradle plate Spring stirrup guide, le r t Riveted to cradle-bottom plate. Spring stirrup guide, right do Swing bolts In cradle head side clips, t'op clips, and spring-retainer clips. Thrust bearing Riveted to inside of front cradle head Trunnion, left Riveted to cradle plate Trunnion, right do Elevating mechanism . . See nomenclature of parts of 6-inch how- itzer carriage, model of 1908. Firing mechanism I do IV 3- Front traveling lock do Handspikes do Quick-return mechanism, consisting of Bushings In right and left pawls Gear-case cover I Bolted to quick-return gear case Intermediate shaft In quick-return gear case Pawl, left On pawl shaft Pawl, right do Pawl handle Riveted to right pawl Pawl plungers I In pawls Pawl shaft I Connects pawls through cradle Pawl springs I On pawl plungers Quick-return gear On intermediate shaft Quick-return hand wheel See nomenclature of parts of 6-inch how- izter carriage, model of 1908. Quick-return pinion ' In quick-return gear case with extension for hand wheel. Quick-return segment Bolted to right trunnion Safety latch Tinned to safety-latch bearing Safety-latch bearing I Riveted to right pawl bearing Safety- latch plunger j In safety-latch bearing Safety-latch spring On safety-latch plunger Washer On pawl shaft Washer On safety-latch tearing Rear traveling lock j See nomenclature of parts of 6-inch how- itzer carriage, model of 1908. i Recoil and counter-recoil arrangement. See nomenclature of parts of 6-inch how- itzer carriage, model of 1908, except val ve-turning gear. Valve-turning gear, consisting of j 1 I Connecting-rod nut ! On connecting-rod pin, rear 1 j Connecting- rod pin, front ! In valve turning gear and front connect- j ing rod. 1 ! Connecting-rod pin, middle ... In ront and middle connecting rods 1 { Connecting-rod pin, rear j In rear connecting rod and right trunnion 1 i Front connecting rod i Connects valve turning gear and middle connecting rod. Property classification. Class. Sec- tion. 72 Nomenclature of parts of carriage Continued. Num- ber. Name of part. Recoil and counter-recoil arrange- mentContinued, Valve-turning gear, consisting of Continued. Middle connecting rod Rear connecting rod Shields. Slide Val . r e turning gear . . . Valve turning pinion. Washer Sighting arrangement Spade Top carnage complete, consisting of Bottom plate bushing Depression stop Elevating bearing, left Elevating bearing, right Elevating gear case Elevating gear cover Elevating worm bearings Filler ring Inner plate, left Inner plate, right Quick-return gear case Sight fastening Sight fastening studs Top carriage bearing plate, left.. . Top carriage bearing plate, right. . Top carriage bottom plate Top carriage front clip Top carriage left clip Top carriage right clip Top carriage side plate, left Top carriage side plate, right Trunnion bearing, left Trunnion bearing, right Trunnion cap, left Trunnion cap, right Trunnion cap pins Trunnion cap swing bolts Worm bearing caps Trail Location, etc. Connects front and rear connecting rods . .. Connects middle connecting rod and trun- nion cap. On connecting-rod pin, rear In iront cradle head Keyed to \ iston rod Under nut on valve turning gear See nomenclature of parts of 6 inch how- itzer carriage, model of 1908. Sa ety depression stops not used withshield See nomenclature oi parts of 6-inch how- itzer carriage, model of 1908. See nomenclature of parts of 6-inch how- itzer materiel, model of 1908. Riveted to top carriage bottom plate .do. Inside of side plate Inside of side plate Riveted to top carriage side plate, left Bolted to elevating gear case Riveted to top carriage bottom plate .do. Reinforces side plate inside ....do Riveted to top carriage side plate, right. . . Bolted to trunnion bearing, left Screwed into trunnion bearing, left Riveted to top carriage bottom plate .do. Proi Class. Riveted to top carriage side plates Riveted to top carriage bottom plate On rear end of side plate, left On rear end of side plate, right Riveted to top carriage bottom plate .do. Trail prop Traversing mechanism . Wheels, 60-inch Wheel fastenings Riveted to top carriage side plate, left Riveted to top carriage side plate, right. . .1 On trunnion bearing, left On trunnion bearing, right | In trunnion bearings and caps : In trunnion caps I Bolted to elevating worm bearings i See nomenclature of parts of 6-inch howit- i zer carraige, model of 1908. ...do .do. .do. .do. IV Sec- tion. DESCRIPTION OF THE CARRIAGE. The 6-inch howitzer carriage, model of 1908 MI, is similar to the 6-inch howitzer carriage, model of 1908, and many of the parts of the two carriages are identical and interchangeable. A number of minor changes and improvements have been made, as hereafter described. THE CRADLE. The right trunnion and cradle plate are slotted to allow for the movement of the rear connecting-rod pin of the valve-turning mech- anism. The outer counterrecoil spring column is of slightly larger diameter, and the dimensions of the cradle plate, cradle heads, recoil- controlling parts, etc., are changed to correspond. Plate XI Quick Refu Quick Ftetu r n fvfechanis m. Section ffiy Camaye Model Of 1908/fV 73 The valve- turning mechanism consists of the valve- turning pinion, the valve-turning gear, the connecting rod, and the connecting-rod pins. The hub of the valve- turning pinion fits into the bearing formed by the bore in the front cradle head and meshes with the valve- turning gear, also located in a bearing in the front cradle head. An arm on the valve-turning gear is pinned to the connecting rod which slides between the right spring stirrup guide and connecting-rod bear- ings bolted in the upper flange of the cradle bottom plate. The con- necting rod is in three parts, connected by the connecting-rod pins. The rear connecting-rod pin projects through the side of the cradle and flange of the trunnion and engages the lug on the right trunnion cap. A bronze slide on the rear connecting-rod pin works in a groove in the cradle plate. ACTION OF THE MECHANISM DURING RECOIL. The action of the mechanism during recoil is the same as on the 1908 carriage. THE TOP CARRIAGE. The top carriage is built in the same manner as the 1908 carriage, except that the quick-return gear case riveted to the right side plate is different, as hereafter described. THE ELEVATING MECHANISM. The elevating mechanism is the same as on the 1908 carriage, and all parts for both carriages are identical and interchangeable. THE QUICK-RETURN MECHANISM. The quick-return mechanism consists of the quick-return gear, the quick-return pinion, the quick-return segment, quick-return gear case and cover, handwheel, pawls, and accompanying parts of each. The pawls with their accompanying parts are identical and inter- changeable with those on the 1908 carriage. The quick-return gear case is riveted to the top-carriage side plate, .right, and with the gear-case cover completely incloses the gears of the quick-return mechanism. The intermediate shaft has a pinion cut on its inner end which meshes with the quick-return segment bolted to the right trunnion. A collar formed on the intermediate shaft fits in a groove in the bearing of the gear case and prevents axial movement of the shaft. The quick-return gear is fitted on the squared outer end of the intermediate shaft and meshes with the quick-return pinion. The quick-return handwheel is located on the end of the quick-return pinion. When the pawls are disengaged, one revolution of the quick- return handwheel elevates or depresses the cradle about 9.6. 74 As will be seen from the above, by elevating or depressing tin rocker the gears and handwheel of the quick-return mechanism wiJ be actuated also, while by turning the quick-return handwheel onb the cradle and quick-return gears move. SAFETY FIRING DEVICE. The safety firing device is the same as used on the 1908 carris and all parts for both carriages are identical and interchangeable. THE TRAIL. The trail is the same as that used on the 1908 carriage, and a] parts for both carriages are identical and interchangeable, with tl exception of the axle and the sight packing. The axle is made in two parts, each part being forged from a singl piece of steel. Each half of the axle is flanged, and rivets througl these flanges and corresponding flanges on the pintle plate conru them to the flasks. The coupling nut with right and left ham threads joins the parts of the axle. Both the body and the arm each part of the axle are bored out to reduce weight ; the bore in tl arm being closed at the inner end by the axle-arm plug. The spa( thus created is used as a reservoir for lubricating oil. The sight packing in the trail is designed to accommodate the mod< of 1912 sight, and the cover, bottom plate, and front transom drilled to correspond. THE TRAVERSING MECHANISM. The traversing mechanism is the same as used on the 1908 carriage and all parts for both carriages are identical and interchangeable THE ROAD BRAKE. The road brake is the same as now used on the 1908 carriage, an< all parts for both carriages are identical and interchangeable. THE TRAVELING LOCKS. The traveling locks are the same as used on the 1908 carriage an< all parts for both carriages are identical and interchangeable. THE TRAVELING COVERS. The traveling breech cover and the traveling muzzle cover are identical and interchangeable with those used on the 1908 carriage. THE SHIELD. The shield is the same as used on the 1908 carriage and all parts for both carriages, except the main shield plates, are identical and interchangeable. 75 The large opening in the main shield is cut to accommodate the large cradle, and projections into the openings serve the purpose of the safety-depression stops used on the 1908 carriage. THE WHEELS. The wheels and wheel fastenings are the same as and interchange- able with those on the 1908 carriage. The loading handb arrows are also the same as those used with the 1908 carriage. DISMOUNTING AND ASSEMBLING HOWITZER AND CARRIAGE. The instructions for dismounting and assembling the 1908 howitzer and carnage apply also to the model of 1908 Ml, except in the case of the valve-turning mechanism, the quick-return mechanism, and the cradle. To assemble and dismount the valve-turning meclianism. The valve- turning gear assembled in the cradle head and the valve-turning pinion are always to be engaged with their assembling marks coin- ciding. The seat for the valve-turning pinion on the piston rod is so arranged as to admit assembling in but one position, which, together with the assembling marks on the gear and pinion and the keying of the valve to the piston rod, insures the correct alignment of valve and cylinder liner. In dismounting, the split pin in the rear connecting-rod pin is removed and the pin taken out. The four swing bolts holding the front cradle head are released and the cradle head removed just far enough to disconnect the valve-turning gear from the connecting rod. In reassembling, the connecting rod should be pulled out far enough to pin it to the arm of the valve-turning gear. The rear connecting-rod pin is assembled in place by elevating or depressing the cradle. No special instructions are necessary for the dismounting and assembling of the quick-return mechanism. All the parts are readily accessible after the gear-case cover is removed. In dismounting the cradle, the parts are lifted free from the top carriage toward the front. THE 4.7-INCH GUN AND 6-INCH HOWITZER LIMBER, MODEL OF 1905. [This limber is common to the 4.7-inch gun and 6-inch howitzer batteries.] WEIGHTS, DIMENSIONS, ETC. Weight, complete, including spare connecting pole pounds. . 1, 545 Weight, with 6-inch howitzer and carriage, model of 1908 do 8, 900 Weight, with 6-inch howitzer and carriage, model of 1908 MI do 9, 127 Diameter of wheels inches. . 50 Width of track do 60 Free height under limber and carriage do 16. 5 Turning angle with 6-inch howitzer carriage degrees. . 39 76 Nomenclature of parts . Num- ber. Name of part. Axle Bucket holders Bucket straps Bucket strap fasteners, style No. 1 . . . Center angle, left " Center angle, right Center angle plate clip :.. . Doub etree, complete, consisting of Doub etree bndy Double hooks Nipp'.e Nipp'e nut Nipple separator Reinforce piece Separatcrs Doub:etree chnins. complete, consist- ing of Chains Clevises End links Doubletree pivot Doubletree pivot strap Doubletree strap Eye rivet Name plate Neck yoke, complete, consisting of Neck-yoke body Center eye sleeve End eye sleeves Eye rings Eye-ring loops Loop sleeves Martingale staples Pole ring Pintle, complete, consisting of Pintle Lower bashing Key Pintle nut Upper bushing Pintle bearing Pintle bolt, complete, consisting of Pintle bolt . . . Pintle-bolt lever Bolt snap Chain Ring Pole, complete, consisting of Pole body Pole-pin bushing Pole plug Butt reinforce Neck-yoke chafing plate Neck-yoke counter stop Neck-yoke counter stop pin Neck-yoke counter stop spring. Neck-yoke stop Location, etc. Riveted to side braces In strap fasteners Riveted to bucxet holders Under axle ....do Over ax e Bra:es*top carriage rail at center. Class. At ends of doubletree Thr nigh center of doubletree On nipple Ar ^und nipp'e Reinfor es middle of doub.etree. Around rivets Limit movement rf doubletree. Bolted to rail brackets Loop over double hooks In pivot strap Bearing for doubletree. Bolted to pole housing On underside of pintle bearing.. On right side of pole housing . . . Around middle of body . . Riveted on ends of body . Through end eye sleeves.. In eye rings On eye-ring loops Through nock-yoke body. In center eye sleeve Through pintle bearing In lower end of pintle In side of pintle On lower end of pintle In upper end of pintle Riveted to rear ends of center angles and center-angle plate. Through pintle On lower end of pintle bolt Snaps into eye rivet Holds pintle bolt in locked position Through hole in end of pintle-bolt lever. , In side of body ............................ Riveted in front end of pole ............... Riveted in rear end of pole ................ Riveted to upper side of body ............. Hinges on counter stop pin ............... Riveted in pole body ...................... Bears on neck-yoke counter stop .......... Riveted in body ........................... Pole bracket reinforce, left ............ Riveted to pole bracket, left Pole bracket reinforce, right. . . ........ Riveted to pole bracket, right. fpoU Pole housing Over rear of pole socket Pole pin Secures pole hi socket Pole-prop pocket \ Riveted to side brace, left . . Pole-prop support do Pole-prop strap \ In strap fasteners Pole-prop strap fasteners, style No. 2. . Riveted to side brace, left. . Pole socket, complete Hinges in pole brackets Consisting of Pole socket body i Pole socket clamp ', Riveted to pole-socket body Pole socket end Over end of pole-socket body Pole socket reinforce ! Riveted to top of pole-socket body The components are for steel pole, which will be issued to replace the wooden pole when the latte becomes unserviceable and the present supply of wooden poles is exhausted. IV Sec- tion 631117- I wi - f HII s i 5 * *|>5* II ^^s ^ ^ ^ ^ N a 3 3 '\ 77 Nomenclature of parts Continued. Property ^lassiflcatfon. Name of part. Pole stop ! Rail bracket, left i Rail bracket, right i Side brace, left I Side brace, right j Singletrees, complete j Consisting of Singletree bodies j Singletree eyes Singletree hooks ' Spare connecting-pole bracket (front) . Spare connecting-pole bracket (front) 'i upper strap. Spare connecting-pole support, com- plete, consisting of Spare connecting-pole support ; (lower). Spare connecting-pole support pin.j Chain, with bolt snap and two rings. Chain rivet i Top carriage, complete, consisting of Top carriage ! Top-carnage clips j Rollers j Roller pins j Top-carriage rail i Wheels, 50-inch, complete, consisting of Carriage bolts and nuts Dowels Felloe rivets and washers Felloe segments Hub bands Hub boxes Hub caps Hub latches Hub latch pins Hub latch plungers Hub latch springs Hub liners Hub rings Lock washers Oil valves Oil-valve springs Oil- valve washers -. Spokes Tires Tire bolts with nuts and washers.. Wheel hooks Wheel-hook bushings Wheel fastenings, complete, consist- Location, etc. Class. Sec- tion. Under rear of pole socket Brace top carriage rail at sides . do Attached to doubletree. In middle of singletree At ends of singletree Riveted to center angles Riveted to spare connecting-pole bracket (front). Hinged to spare connecting-pole support (upper). Locks pole support (lower) in position In end of connecting-pole support pin In pole support (lower) ingpf- heel fastenings Wheel fastening plugs Wheel fastening plungers. Wheel fastening springs . . Turns in pintle bearing Bolted to top carriage On roller pins Pinned in top carriage Bearing for top-carriage rollers. . . Through hub box and spokes . In ends of felloe segments Through felloe segments Screwed on hub boxes. On ends of hub boxes Actuate hub-latch plungers Pin hub latches to plungers Lock hub caps in place On hub-latch plungers Forced into hub boxes Outer flanges of wheel hubs Between hub bands and hub rings . Slide in hub caps Around oil valves On inner ends of oil valves . . . Through tires and felloe segments On outside of hubs Bearings for wheel hooks On ends of axle In wheel fastenings Hold wheel fastenings in place . . . Actuate wheel fastening plungers . IV DESCRIPTION OF THE 4.7-INCH GUN AND 6-INCH HOWITZER LIMBER MODEL OF 1905. (Plate XII.) The carriage limber is designed to afford the usual arrangement for the attachment of the team and to support the trail in traveling. Motor traction may also be employed by substituting a short con- necting pole for the regular limber pole. The principal parts are the wheels, axle, frame, top carriage, pole socket, pole, doubletree, singletrees, and neck yoke. The limber is made of metal through- out, wood being used only in the spokes and felloes of the wheels. The top carriage is formed for use with the trails of either the 4.7- inch gun carriage, model of 1906, or the 6-inch howitzer carriage. The trail of the carriage rests on the top carriage of the limber. When the limber is turning a corner the top carriage revolves aboul the pintle center, rolling on the top-carriage rail of the limber frame. A wide flange steel center angle plate is riveted to the axle as middle rail, and with the braces of heavy steel angles underneatl and at the sides forms a trussed frame for the vehicle. Sixteei inches to the rear of the axle a bronze bearing for the pintle is solidly riveted between the rear ends of the center angle plate and centei angles. Forward, these converge with the side braces and form yoke in which the pole socket may oscillate in a vertical plane. Th( front ends of this yoke are connected by the riveted doubletre< pivot strap. A seat for the doubletree is formed on the top of th< doubletree pivot strap; the doubletree pivot is screwed into tl seat and projects up through the doubletree; its upper end threaded for a crown nut and is braced back to the pole housing, flange steel part which constrains the pole socket in its vertical plane and limits the upward movement of its rear end. The pole socket is of flange steel with its forward end split and furnishe< with a clamp bolt for drawing firmly about the pole. The pole pin passes through pole brackets and pole bracket rein- forces, riveted on each side of the yoke, and the clamp forging oi the socket, securing the socket to the frame. Between the pol housing and the pole stop the socket may swing through an angle oi about 31 with the socket pin as an axis. This pivoting of the pol is necessary, as the entire limber body rotates about the axle passing over uneven ground. The top-carriage rail is a steel angle bent to the arc of a circle am located on the frame with the center of the arc at the pintle center. It is riveted to the side braces by the rail brackets and to the centei angle plate by a suitable clip. The top carriage is a steel casting. Its rear end fits in the bearing of the frame and is bored to receive the steel pintle, a heavy pii with a long head of elliptical section, keyed in with the major axis of the ellipse on the center line of the top carriage. The pintle boll in the center of the pintle has an elliptical head to match the pintl< and at its lower end a lever with chain-and-snap fastening. Whei a carriage is to be limbered, the bolt is turned until its elliptical heac coincides with the pintle so that both may enter the elliptical lunetl transom bushing of the carriage trail; once so entered, the pintle bolt is turned 90 in the pintle and secured by its chain in thai position, the head thus preventing the disengagement of pintle and lunette. The front end of the top carriage is provided with three bronze conical rollers which rest and run on the top-carriage rail; and with clips which embrace the edge of the rail to prevent accidental dis- mounting. There is also a spur located on the top of the top carriage which enters the trail-end reinforce plate of the carriage and holds the trail and top carriage in line. The wheels are 50 inches in diameter, with tires 5 inches wide. The hubs are exactly similar and interchangeable with those in the wheels of the carriage. The axle is hollow and is made from a single piece of forged steel. The pole is of steel and is prevented from turning in its socket by the pole pin. A pole plug is riveted in the front end of the pole, and a neck-yoke stop near the end. Just forward of the neck-yoke stop is the neck-yoke counters top, which, with its spring, is hinged inside of the pole and works through a slot cut in the underside of the pole. A neck-yoke chafing plate is riveted to the top of the pole above the neck-yoke stop. The doubletree and singletrees are made of flange steel formed to a U shape. The hole in the former for the doubletree pivot is bushed with a bronze nipple, held in place by a steel nut, and may be replaced when worn. Two doubletree chains reach from the ends of the doubletree to the rail brackets on the frame, to which they are bolted. The neck yoke is of steel tubing with steel sleeves and rings. The spare connecting pole is carried in brackets under the frame. A pole prop is carried on the left side brace. A bucket holder with straps is located on each side brace for carrying the four 'canvas watering buckets. A name plate is riveted to the left side of the pole housing, giving number, name of limber, model, name of manufacturer, year of completion, and initials of inspector. In all reports and correspondence, the limber should be designated by the number, name, model, etc., as given on the name plate. As repairs to the limber may from time to time be required, the parts needed should be referred to by the names given in the nomenclature of parts, and the symbols should be copied exactly as stamped upon the unserviceable pieces. THE 6-INCH HOWITZER LIMBER AND CAISSON, MODEL OF 1909. WEIGHTS, DIMENSIONS, ETC. Weight of limber, empty, without implements or ammunition. . . .pounds. . 1, 866 Weight of tools and equipments carried on limber do 84 Weight of limber completely equipped and loaded do 3, 948 Weight of caisson, empty, without implements or ammunition do 2, 120 80 Weight of tools and implements on caisson, including spare connecting pole, pounds . . 171 Weight of ammunition carried in caisson or limber do .... 1, 849 Weight of caisson completely equipped and loaded do 4. 289 Rounds of ammunition carried in limber number . . 14 Rounds ol ammunition carried in caisson do .... 14 Diameter of wheels inches . . 60 Width of track do. . . . 60 Free height under caisson do .... 19. 75 Turning angle degrees . . 67 Nomenclature of parts. Num- Num- ber I ber on on lim- I cais- ber. i son. Name of part. Property fication. class! Location, etc. Class. 1 Apron : Hinged to bottom of chest front 3 Apron hinges, male ! Riveted to top of apron 3 Apron hinges, female ! Riveted to bottom of chest 3 Apron-hinge pins j 2 Apron latches, complete, consisting , of 2 Latch bodies 2 Latch handles 2 Latch springs Attached to chest sides 2 Plungers 2 Handle pins 2 Apron-latch staples Riveted into apron 1 i 1 Ax-handle bracket On left side of chest 1 1 Ax-handle bracket plate ! On left side under ax-handlc bracket. 1 1 Axpocket j On left side of chest 1 1 Ax strap i In fastener 1 1 Ax-strap fastener, style No. 1 j On left side of chest 1 1 Axle I I 1 Axle bearing (2 parts) right | Riveted on outside of side plate of chest. 1 Axle bearing (2 parts) left | do ... 1 Axle bearing (2 parts) right do 1 Axle bearing (2 parts) left do I 4 4 Axle-bearing bolts, and four crown J Clamp axle in bearings nuts. 12 12 Axle-bearing reinforce plates | Inside of chest body under axle bear- ings. 1 1 Bolt snap with 3 inches of 0.125 j At lock bar handle catches twist coil chain . 2 Brake beams, complete, consisting ) IV of 2 Brake-beam bodies Hinged to brake-beam brackets 2 Brake-beam s tiff eners do ! 2 Brake-rod brackets do 2 i Brake-shoe bearings ' do 4 , Hinges 1 Brake-beam bracket, right ' Riveted to chest front 1 Brake-beam bracket, left ! do 2 Brake-beam pins ! Secure brake beams in brackets 2 Brake-bracket reinforce plates [ Under rivets of brake shaft bearing. . 4 do Brake crank On left end of brake shaft Brake guard Riveted to right side of chest Brake rack do Brake separator do Brake le ver Brake-lever catch. 2 Brake rods, consisting of 2 Brake-rod bushings In spring cover ends 2 Brake-rod ends Beam end of brake rods 2 Brake-rod springs 2 j Brake-spring cover ends Crank end of brake rods 2 I Brake-spring covers Inclose springs and plungers 2 i Brake rods 2 Brake-rod pins Fasten brake beam and brake rod | connection. 1 Brake shaft 2 Brake-shaft bearings, with two One on either side of chest bushings, 4 bronze pins, and 2 handy oilers. I, tion. 81 Nomenclature of parts Continued. Num- Num. ber ber on on lira- cais- ber. son. Name of part. Location, etc. Brake shoes Brake-shoe pins Bucket-holder body Bucket-holder strap Bucket-holder strap fasteners, style No. 10. Button bracket Caisson instruction plate Caisson prop, complete, consisting of Prop eyes Prop foot Prop tubes Carrier stop Carrier tubes Cartridge-case carriers, complete, consisting of Bodies (in halves) Front ends (in two parts) Rear ends (in two parts) Handles Handle eyes Hinge pins Springs Separators (in halves) Cartridge-case carrier stop On end of brake beams Pin shoes to brake beams On front of chest , In strap fasteners Riveted to chest and bucket-holder body. Riveted to bucket holder On caisson chest door (upper) Hinged to connecting pole do do Inside of chest door (upper) Connect rear and middle diaphrams. . . Carried in ammunition chest . do do ...do... Property classification. Class. .do. .do. .do. .do. 1 | Center bearing, right. Horizontally through chest in front of cartridge-case carriers. ! Riveted to underside of upper interme- diate plate. 1 ; Center bearing, left j do 1 I Chest body j In two sections, forms top, sides, and bottom of chest. do do 1 Chest door (lower) Flangesteel 1 Chest door (upper).... Armor plate on caisson . . do | Flange steel on limber 1 . . . 1 Chestframe ' Steel angle around chest front 1 Chestfront ! Armor plate on caisson do : Flange steel on limber 1 Connecting pole, complete, consist- ing of 1 Body Of steel tubing 1 Caisson-prop connection Bracket for caisson prop 1 Key bearing i Riveted in rear end of Dody 1 Lunette i In lunette bearing 1 Lunette bearing ! Riveted in front end of body 2 Lunette pins 1 Wheel guard.. ' Riveted to body 1 Connecting-pole key Keys connecting pole in socket 1 Diaphragm brace, with three crown Separates upper middle diaphragm nuts. and upper diaphragm, front . 2 Door angles Stiff en edges of doors 1 Door handle (lower) without stop . . One on right side of chest door, lower, on the caisson and on limber. 1 Door handle (lower) with stop Left side of chest door, lower, on the caisson. 2 i Door handles (upper) On chest door, upper 7 Door hinges, female 7 Door hinges, male , 7 Door hinge pins 2 Door props Attached to door-prop stud 2 Door-prop rivets Slide in door-prop guides 1 Door-prop guide, right On side of chest 1 Door-prop guide, left do 2 Door-prop studs, with 2 crown nuts. Riveted to chest door, upper 1 Door stiffeners, right Inside of chest door, upper 1 Door stiffeners, left do . . ! Doubletree, complete See nomenclature of parts on 4.7-inch gun and 6-inch howitzer limber, model of 1905. 2 Doubletree chains In doubletree-chain eyes 2 Doubletree-chain clevises Connect doubletree chains and chain eyes. 1 | Doubletree-chain eye, right i Riveted to side of chest 1 | Doubletree-chain eye, left j do 2 I | Doubletree-chain pins ! Fasten chain to chest Sec- tion. 82 Nomenclature of parts Continued. Num- ber on cais- son. Name of part. Doubletree-pin and crown nut Doubletree strap Filler plate. Foot rest Foot-rest support, right Foot-rest support, left Grip strap Grip-strap fasteners, style No. 7... Handbarrow brackets Handles (for lock bars), right, left. Handle catches Handle-catch bearing, right Handle-catch bearing, left Handle-<:atch rivets Handrails Handrail shanks Hatchet-blade bracket Hatchet-handle bracket Hatchet strap Hinge pins with 8 steel pins Intermediate angle (lower) Intermediate angle (upper) Intermediate plate (lower) Intermediate plate (upper) . Key Key bracket Lantern-bracket body Lantern-bracket bottom Lantern strap Lantern-strap fasteners Latch base, right, with washer Latch base, left, with washer Limber blanket straps (front) Limber blanket straps (rear) Limber blanket strap fasteners, style No. 5. Limber instruction plate Limber prop, complete, consisting of Prop eye Prop foot Prop tube , Lock bars with Pins Washers Lock-bar bracket, right Lock-bar bracket, leit , Lock-bar bracket reinforce plates . . , Locking levers , Locking-lever bearings Lower diaphragm: Front Middle Rear Lower stiffener: Right...... Left Lunette bracket Lunette strap Lunette-strap fastener, style No. 1. Name plate ....do Neck yoke, complete Oil-can guide, right. . Oil-can guide, left Oil-can packing block. Pro Location, etc. Attaches doubletree to pole socket on limber. Braces doubletree pin In pintle support, under pintle spring. On foot-rest supports Riveted to chest front ...do... In fasteners Riveted to chest front Riveted to upper diaphragm . . On outer end of each lock bar. On handle catch bearings Riveted on side of chest ...do... Steel tubing Riveted to sides of chest. On right side of chest ...do... In hatchet-blade bracket Through locking levers and bearings. . Riveted to intermediate plate and chest front. ...do... Forms top of lower compartment of chest. Forms bottom of upper compartment of chest. Secures connecting pole in pole socket . On right side of chest Riveted to chest front Riveted in lantern-bracket body In lantern-strap fasteners Riveted to lantern-bracket body Riveted to side of chest ...do... On top of chest On limber chest, door, upper. Hinged to pole socket. do ...do... Operate the locking levers.. .do. On side of chest. ...do.... Inside of chest Secure upper and lower doors Riveted to upper and lower interme- diate plates. Brace for lower intermediate plate and chest front. ...do.... Holds lunette of spare connecting pole. With Oval head machine screws, washers and nuts. On left side of chest On limber chest front On caisson chest front See nomenclature of parts of 4.7-inch gun and 6-inch howitzer limber, model of 1905. On upper side of lower intermediate plate of caisson. ....do intermediate plate j Fasten oil-can packing block. Sec- tion. IV 83 Nomenclature of parts Continued. Num- ber on lim- ber. Num- ber on cais- son. Name of part. Location, etc. classification. Class. Sec- tion. 1 2 1 3 Oil-can stop . . . Riveted to intermediate plate (upper). Riveted in sides of chest IV 3 2 1 3 3 3 2 Padlock-chain rivets 2-inch Yale lock No. 850, with bolt snap clevis, and 3 inches of 0.125 twist-cord chain. Paulin straps. For left lock bar handle .*. On top of chest Paulin-strap fasteners, style No. 3 . . Paulin-strap fasteners, style No. 10 . Picket-rope straps On chest front 3 On top of chest On chest front 3 3 6 Picket-rope straps (upper) On top of chest Picket-rope straps (lower) do , 4 Picket-rope strap fasteners, style No. 5. do ; On chest front . . On top of chest 1 ..... Pick-head strap On pick rest Pick-mattock strap do 1 1 Pick-head strap fastener, style No. 2. Pick-head strap fastener, style No. 1 . Pick-mattock strap fastener, style No. 1. Pick-mattock strap fastener, style No. 2. Pick rest do On left side of chest 1 j 1 1 j o 4 1 1 1 2 .do On pick rest 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 2 1 On top of chest Pick staple... . .do Pintle, complete, consisting of Pintle In pintle bearings Pintle latch do ... Pintle-latch spring do Pintle-latch pin .do Pintle bearings Between pintle-bearing supports Pintle-bearing bolts and 4 crown nuts. Pintle-tearing support (upper) Pintle-bearing support (lower) Clamp pintle-bearing supports Riveted to upper intermediate plate. . Riveted to lower intermediate plate. . . Bears against flat on pintle Pintle spring, with 2 washers, 1 bolt, and 1 crown nut. Pintle-spring guide On pintle spring . Plates Bases for lock-bar staples Pole, complete See nomenclature of parts on 4. 7-inch gun and 6 inch howitzer limber, model of 1905. Supports right end of square connect- ing pole. [At left end of spare connecting pole. . At left end of connecting pole 1 1 1 1 1 18 2 14 ..... 1 1 1 1 1 Pole bracket (right) Pole bracket (upper left) . Pole bracket (lower left) Pole-bracket pin 1 1 1 1 2 1 Pole pin... . Through pole and pole socket Pole-prop bracket On chest front Pole-prop bracket plate . On chest front under bracket Pole-prop pocket On chest front . ... Pole-prop pocket plate On rvhfist. front, nnrlnr nnnlcfit Pole-prop strap On chest front. Pole-prop strap fasteners, style No. 1 Pole socket with bolt and 1 crown nut. Pole socket (without lugs) On pole prop bracket and bracket plate Screwed into pole socket base rin 1 18 2 14 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 ..... Pole-socket base Bolted to chest front Pole-socket bolts and nuts Through chest front and pole socket base. Inside of chest, between intermediate plates. Connect rear and middle diaphragms.. Bolted to pole socket Pole-socket bolt filler plates. . Projectile tubes Prop bracket halves Prop chain, complete, consisting of Prop chain Secures limber prop in folded position. rln Prop-chain fastening Prop-chain handle do Prop-chain button Riveted to button bracket Tn riVht. Hnnhlfit.rfifi nhain nlovis Prop-chain eye Prop chain, complete, consisting of Prop chain On connecting pole Prop eve do Prop hook do . . ... Prop-eve bolt do Prop-hook bolt do Reinforce plate (upper). . . . Above pintle bearing support, upper. 84 Nomenclature of parts Continued. Num- ber on lim- ber. Num- ber on cais- son. 1 Name of part. Location, etc. Property classification. Class. Sec- tion. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Reinforce plate (lower) Below pintle bearing support, lower.. On top of lower intermediate plate Riveted to lower intermediate olate and chest on right. > IV ' Shot-tongs* leg pocket Shot-tongs pocket Shot-tongs stop Shot-tongs strap In fastener Shot-tongs strap fastener style No. 3 . Shovel-handle rest. On top of lower intermediate plate . . . On left side of chest Shovel-handle strap .... do... Shovel-handle strap fastener, stvle No. 1. Shovel support . . . do do .. Singletrees See nomenclature of parts on 4.7-inch gun and 6-inch howitzer limber, model of 1905. On right side of limber chest ""2" 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Spanner bracket (front) Spanner bracket (rear). do Spanner-bracket plate do Spanner strap . do.. Spanner-strap fastener, style No. 1. Spanner-strap fastener, style No. 2. Tie-rods...... On spanner-bracket plate Brace pole socket Tie-rod bracket (right) On front corners of chest Tie-rod bracket (left) do Tie-rod pins Upper diaphragm, (front) Upper diaphragm, (rear) Upper middle diaphragm. . . . Upper stiffener (right) Brace for upper intermediate plate and chest front, do Upper stiffener (left). . wishers On brake crank and brake lever See nomenclature of parts of wheel on carriage, do 2 2 1 1 1 1 Wheels, 60-inch diameter Wheel fastenings Wrench holder (right) Upper side of lower intermediate plate. . do Wrench holder (left) Wrench strap... do Wrench-strap fastener, style No. 1. do DESCRIPTION OF THE 6-INCH HOWITZER LIMBER, MODEL OF 1909. (Plate XIII.) The limber is a two-wheeled vehicle provided with an ammunition chest for the transportation of ammunition for the 6-inch howitzer. The principal parts are the wheels, axle, ammunition chest, pintle, pole socket, pole, limber prop, doubletree, singletree, and neck yoke. The wheels and the wheel fastenings are the same as and inter- changeable with those on the carriage. The axle is hollow, and is made from a single piece of forged steel. The ammunition chest is built of flange steel, and is divided into an upper and lower compartment by means of the flange steel inter- mediate plates, upper and lower, between which passes the axle. The axle is secured to the chest by the right and left bearings riveted to the sides of the chest and to the intermediate plates. The two sections of each axle bearing are clamped together by bolts passing through lugs on the axle, thus preventing any longitudinal move- ment of the axle. The chest front is a flange steel plate riveted to 85 flanges on the intermediate plates and to the vertical flanges of the chest frame, a steel angle formed into a rectangle and riveted through its horizontal flanges to the body of the chest. Four flange steel stiffeners and two steel angles brace the intermediate plates to the chest front. Inside the chest, in the upper compartment, are located three vertical diaphragms flanged all around and riveted to the chest body and intermediate plate (upper). The front and rear diaphragms are perforated with 15 holes each, 7 designed for cartridge-case carriers and 8 for projectiles. The middle diaphragm is of smaller size, and perforated with 8 holes, to match those of the front and rear dia- phragms designed for projectiles. The front and rear diaphragms are braced at their middle by a short round bolt. In the lower compartment are located three vertical diaphragms of the same size, flanged all around, and riveted to the chest body and intermediate plate (lower). The lower diaphragms have 6 perforations each for projectiles. Corresponding holes for cartridge-case carriers in the front and rear diaphragm are connected by brass tubes called carrier tubes, which are rolled in in assembling, and serve to guide the cartridge-case carriers and stiffen the diaphragms. Similar brass tubes, called pro- jectile tubes, extend between corresponding holes for the projectiles in the middle and rear diaphragms to guide the projectiles and stiffen those diaphragms. The perforations for projectiles in the rear diaphragms are made conical, and, after the brass trays are seated, these cones fit the taper of the rotating bands of the projec- tiles, forming stops for the same. The chest doors close against the rear of the projectiles, holding them firmly in position. A pressed steel beam placed transversely in the upper chest, forward of the front diaphragm, serves as a stop, determining the position of the cartridge- case carriers. The chest door (upper) consists of a flange steel plate strengthened by a steel angle riveted to its lower edge and by two steel stiffeners of T section riveted on its inner surface. Its top edge is secured to the chest by four hinges, allowing the door to swing to the rear and upward. In its uppermost position it is held by door props attached to each end of the door and to the sides of the chest, as shown in the plate. The door bears on its outer surface an instruction plate as follows: u This chest for shell only." The chest door (lower) is of flange steel strengthened by an angle along its upper edge, and is secured to the chest body by three hinges, which allow the door to open to the rear and downward. Two door handles are located on each door to assist in opening and closing the door. When closed, the lower edge of the upper door and the upper edge of the lower door are securely fastened by locking levers hinged 86 to the intermediate plates and operated by lock bars having handles on the chest sides. These lock-bar handles are held in a closed posi- tion by suitable catches, the left handle having a padlock. Through the chest front, intermediate angles, and intermediate- plate flanges are 18 bolts, securing the pole-socket base. The cylin- drical cast-steel pole socket is threaded into the pole-socket base and riveted, its interior being finished as a conical seat for the pole. The doubletree is mounted upon the doubletree pin projecting up through a boss on the forward end of the pole socket. The upper end of this pin is threaded for a nut, and is braced back to the pole socket by the doubletree strap. Tie rods attached to lugs on either side of the socket brace it to brackets riveted at the forward corners of the chest. The pole socket is split at its forward end, and is pro- vided with a clamping bolt for drawing the socket firmly about the pole. The pole is prevented from turning by the pole pin inserted at an angle through the socket and the pole. The clamping bolt for the socket also secures the prop bracket in place, to which the limber prop is hinged. When traveling the prop is folded back and held by the prop chain, which passes through the chain eye in the doubletree chain clevis, and secured by placing the prop-chain handle over the button on the bucket holder. Pintle-bearing supports are riveted to the upper and lower inter- mediate plates at the rear of the chest, and form brackets for clamping the pintle bearing. This bearing is in two parts, secured together by bolts, and may be renewed when worn. The pintle may swivel 360 in the bearing, but is normally held in a vertical position by a spring bolted to the pintle-bearing support (lower) which bears upon a flat at the front end of the pintle shank. The lunette ring of the caisson is retained upon the pintle hook by the pintle latch. The latter is pivoted by the latch pin upon the end of the pintle horn, and is arranged to be held in either the open or closed position by the pintle-latch spring. The latch is opened by the lu- nette in entering it upon the pintle hook, but must be closed by hand. The spring is peened in its seat, but if required may readily be driven out and a new one inserted. The cartridge-case carriers are half cylinders hinged together at one end and are designed to hold two cartridge cases each. The bodies and front ends are of flange steel and the rear ends are steel forgings. A folding handle on the exposed end is held in folded position by a spring, and serves as a latch to hold together the free ends of the carrier halves. The equipment of each limber includes seven cartridge case carriers. The opening at the rear between the upper and lower intermediate plates is utilized to receive the shot tongs for removing projectiles. The shot tongs are carried in fastenings in the right side of the opening. 87 Upon the left side of the chest front is riveted a box for carrying two canvas buckets, and in the center is a lantern bracket A name plate above the lantern gives the name, number, and model of the vehicle, name of manufacturer, year of completion, and initials of the inspector. In all reports and correspondence the vehicle is to be designated by the number and model given on the name plate. The fixtures for holding the pick on top of the chest will accom- modate either a pickax or a pick mattock; those upon the left side for the shovel will take either a long or short handled implement. A pickax and a long-handled shovel are issued with each limber; a pick mattock and short-handled shovel with each caisson. Other fastenings and straps are provided on top of the chest for a paulin and for kits; on the front for a pole prop and picket rope; on the left side of the chest for an ax, and on the right side for a hatchet, wrench, and a spanner for tightening the hub bands of the wheels. The pole, doubletree, singletrees, and neck yoke are standard and interchangeable with those on any limber of the battery. Doubletree chains attached to the chest body prevent excessive swinging of the doubletree. DESCRIPTION OF THE 6-INCH HOWITZER CAISSON, MODEL OF 1909. (Plate XIV.) The 6-inch howitzer caisson is built upon the same general plan as the 6-inch howitzer limber, model of 1909, and many parts of the two vehicles, the wheels, axles, pintles and pintle bearings, lock bars, diaphragms, and most of the chest parts and implement fastenings are identical and interchangeable. The principal parts are the wheels, axle, ammunition chest, pintle, pole socket; connecting pole, caisson prop, foot rest, apron, and brake. The chest front and chest door (upper) are hardened armor plates 0.15 inch thick, needed for the protection of the ammunition servers in the rear from small-arms and shrapnel fire. The door bears on its outer surface an instruction plate as follows: "This chest for 5 shell and 9 shrapnel." An apron of armor plate of the same thick- ness is hinged to the lower edge of the chest front and extends to within a short distance of the ground, for the same purpose. To clear obstructions in traveling, the apron is made to swing to the rear up against the bottom of the chest, in which position it is held by apron latches attached to the sides of the chest. The apron latch bases riveted to the sides of the chest are similar to those on the carriage. All other parts, with the exception of the latch handle, are the same as and interchangeable with those on the carriage. 631117 8 88 The connecting pole, a heavy steel tube, has riveted in the rear end a forged steel key bearing which is used as a seat for the rectan- gular key which secures the pole to the pole socket. In the front end of the connecting pole is located the bronze lunette bearing, in which the lunette is secured by two pins. A wheel guard to protect the connecting pole from injury from the limber wheels in making short turns is riveted to the body near its middle. As the pole seats in the sockets are the same for limber and caisson, the connecting pole may be used in place of the steel pole in the limber whenever it is desirable to connect a number of these vehicles entrain. For this purpose the body of a spare connecting pole is carried on each caisson in brackets on the chest front, the lunette is placed in a bracket on the left side of the chest, and a fixture for a spare key is provided on the right side. A caisson prop of steel tubing with a bronze foot is attached to the connecting pole for a support when the caisson is unlimbered. When not in use the prop is swung up under the connecting pole and held by a chain leading from a button on the right side of the wheel guard, under the prop to a button on the left. The beams of the road brake are hinged in brackets riveted to the chest front. They are built up of flange and forged steel parts, and carry cast-iron shoes to bear against the wheel tires. A brake shaft passes through the chest forward of the axle and is mounted at either end in bearings riveted to the chest sides. This shaft is operated by a spring steel brake lever on the right end having a renewable brake lever catch, which engages a toothed rack riveted to the chest, to hold the brake when applied. A brake crank is assembled on the left end of the shaft in line with a similar crank arm forged integral with the hub of the brake lever. These cranks are connected to the brake rod brackets on the brake beams by elastic brake rods. The construction of the brake rod is as follows: The brake rod passes through a stiff helical spring and the end of a bronze brake spring cover, and is screwed into the brake rod end , which is joined to the brake beam by the brake rod pin. The brake spring cover end or crank end of the rod is screwed into the other end of the brake spring cover and has a guiding bushing to receive the rear end of the brake rod. The spring is compressed between the forward end of the brake spring cover and a collar on the brake rod, which is thus arranged to have a small longitudinal movement against the pressure of the spring. The tension on the spring may be regulated by screwing the brake spring cover end into or out of the brake spring cover. Adjustment to compensate for wear of brake shoes is secured by varying the distance the brake rod is screwed into the brake rod end. 89 Brackets supporting a short perforated sheet steel foot rest are mounted on the right side of the chest front; a handrail projects above the top of the chest on< either side and with the grip strap provides handhold for a cannoneer. The picket rope for the caisson is carried in fastenings on top of the chest. The paulin strapped to the top of the chest serves as a seat cushion. The shovel, ax, pick, hatchet, lantern, shot tongs, and bucket fastenings are similar to those of the limber. The opening at the rear between the upper and lower intermediate plates on the left side is utilized to carry an oil can. The oil can with a capacity of 2.25 gallons, is held between two steel angles riveted to the intermediate plate (lower), and oil can packing block and stop bolted to the. intermediate plate (upper), and a stop on the door handle (lower). In each four caissons, three oil cans carry lubricating oil, and the fourth hydroline oil, the contents of each being indicated by a name plate. A name plate is attached to each caisson chest front above the lantern. In all reports and correspondence the caisson is to be desig- nated by the name, model, and number given on this plate. In request for spare parts for repairs, etc., the parts are to be asked for by the names given in the table giving the nomenclature of parts, and the symbol or piece mark of the unserviceable piece copied exactly as stamped thereon. THE 6-INCH HOWITZER LIMBER AND CAISSON, MODEL OF 1916. WEIGHTS, DIMENSIONS, ETC. Weight of limber, empty, without implements or ammunition pounds. . 1, 905 Weight of tools and implements carried on limber, including spare con- necting pole pounds. . 185 Weight of limber -completely equipped and loaded do 4, 088 Weight of caisson, empty, without implements or ammunition do 2, 065 Weight of tools and implements carried on caisson do 100 Weight of caisson completely equipped and loaded do 4, 163 Weight of ammunition carried in limber or caisson do 2, 000 Rounds of ammunition carried in limber number. . 14 Rounds of ammunition carried in caisson do 14 Diameter of wheels inches. . 60 Width of track do 60 Free height under caisson do 19. 75 Turning angle degrees . . 71 90 Nomenclature of parts. Num- ber on lim- ber. Num- ber on cais- son. Name of part. I ocation, etc. Prope classinc (lass. rty ation Sec- tion 1 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 Apron Hinged to bottom of chest IV Apron hinges, male. Riveted to top of apron Riveted to bottom of chest Apron hinges female Apron latches, complete, consisting of Apron-latch bases, right and left. Apron-latch washers Riveted to chest sides On latch base phis Handle pins Pin latch handles to latch bodies Latch-base pins. Pin latch bcdies to apron latch bases. . Latch bodies Latch springs . Around plungers Latch riandles Pinned to latch bodies Plungers.. . . . . Tn latch bodies Apron-la cch staples Riveted into apron 1 1 Ax-handle bracket Riveted to ax handle bracket plate On right side of chest Ax-handle bracket plate 1 do On left side of chest 1 Ax pocket On right side of chest 1 do On left side of chest 1 1 1 Ax strap In strap fastener Ax-strap fastener style No 1 On left side of chest 1 do On right side of chest 1 1 1 Axle Axle bearing, lower left . . Riveted outside of side plate of chest . . . do 1 do 1 do 1 do do 1 do 1 do do 1 Axle bearing, upper right ...do... 1 do do 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 Brake beams, complete See nomenclature of parts of 6-inch howitzer limber and caisson, model of 1909. Riveted to rear of chest . . . Brake-beam bracket, left Brake-beam bracket, right do Brake beam pins Secure brake beams in brackets Brake crank . . . On right end of brake shaft . . Brake guard Bolted to brake segment rack Brake-guard separator Between brake guard and segment rack. On left end of brake shaft . . . Brake lever.. . . Brake-lever catch Riveted to brake lever Brake rods, complete See nomenclature of parts of 6-inch howitzer Umber and caisson, model of 1909. Pin brake rod ends to brake beam brackets. Riveted to left side of chest Brake-rod pins Brake segments rack Brake shaft In brake-shaft bushings Brake- shaft bushings In axle bearings, lower Brake shoes ... On end of brake beams Brake-shoe pins Pin shoes to brake beams 1 Bucket-holder body On front of chest 1 ... do On rear of chest 1 2 1 1 1 2 Bucket-holder strap In strap fasteners . Bucket-holder strap fasteners, style No. 10. Button bracket Riveted to chest and bucket holder body. Riveted to bottom of bucket holder. . . do Button bracket reinforce 1 1 1 7 7 1 Caisson instruction plate On chest door, upper Caisson prop, complete See nomenclature of parts of 6-inch howitzer limber and caisson, model of 1909. Inside of chest door, upper 1 7 7 1 1 1 1 Carrier stop Carrier tubes Connect diaphragms Cartridge-case carriers See nomenclature of parts of 6-inch howitzer limber and caisson, model of 1909. Horizontally through chest in front of cartridge-case carriers. Riveted to underside of intermediate plate, upper, do Cartridge-case carrier stop Center bearing left Center bearing right 1 Chain, complete with bolt snap, chain ring, and chain rivet. At lock liar handle catch 91 Nomenclature of parts Continued. Num- ber on lim- ber. Num- ber on cais- son. Name of part. Location, etc. Prop classifu Class. erty ration. Sec- tion. 3 1 1 1 1 ..... 1 1 1 Chest angle Riveted to chest body and front plate . Riveted to chest body and rear plate. In two sections, forms top, sides, and bottom of chest. Flange steel... IV do Chest body Chest door, lower Chest door, upper .... do do Armor plate 1 ..... 1 1 2 Chest front plate Flange steel . ... Chest rear plate Armor plate Connecting pole, complete See nomenclature of parts of 6-inch howitzer limber and caisson, model of 1909. Separates upper middle diaphragm and upper diaphragm. Stiffen edges of doors 1 2 2 Diaphragm brace, with three crown nuts. Door angles Door handles, lower, without stop . . do On chest door, lower 1 On left side of chest door, lower On right side of chest door, lower On chest door, upper. . 1 2 7 7 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 Door handle, lower, with stop 2 7 7 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Door handles, upper Door hinges, female Riveted to chest Door hinges male Riveted to chest doors Door props Attached to door-prop stud Door-prop guide, left On side of chest . . Door-prop guide, right do. Door-prop sliding rivets Slide in door-prop guides. . . . Door-prop studs Riveted to chest door upper Door stiffener, left Inside chest door upper Door stiffener, right do. . Doubletree, complete See nomenclature of parts on 4.7-inch gun and 6-inch howitzer limber, model of 1905. do Doubletree chains complete Doubletree-chain eye, left Riveted to side of chest Doubletree-chain eye, right do Doubletree pin Attaches doubletree to pole socket Braces doubletree nin Doubletree strap 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 4 2 Filler plate In nintle snnnnrt. vmrtfir ^nT-intr Foot rest On fnnlurAfit flnimnrfa Foot-rest support , left Riveted to rear nf nhest. Foot-rest support, right do Grip strap In left paulin-strap fastener 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 .... i i i i i 1 i Hand-barrow brackets On upper diaphragms Handle, left (for lock bar) On outer end of lock bar ...do Handle right (for lock bar) Handle catches On handlp.-na.tnh hflarinpft: Handle-catch bearing, left Riveted on side of chest do. Handle-catch bearing, right Handle-catch rivets ' i Pin handle catches to handle-catch bearings. In handle-catch staple plates Riveted to side of chest .. Handle-catch staples Handle-catch staple plate, left Handle-catch staple plate, right .. .do Handrail shanks Riveted to sides of chest Handrail tubes In handrail shanks Hatchet, blade bracket Riveted on chest front plate 1 do Riveted on chest rear plate Hatchet-handle bracket Riveted on chest front plate 1 1 . .do Riveted on chest rear plate Hatchet strap In strap fastener Riveted to chest front plate ! Hatchet-strap fastener, Style No. 1 . . do 1 Riveted to chest rear plate Intermediate angle lower Brace for chest front and intermediate plate, lower. Brace for chest front and intermediate plate, upper. Forms top of lower compartment of chest, do Intermediate angle upper Intermediate plate lower 1 do i Intermediate plate upper i Forms bottom of upper compartment of chest. do I 1 do ""i" i 1 1 Key Secures connecting pole in pole socket . ' On riVht "drip nf nhpst Kev bracket Lantern-bracket body ' Riveted to chest front plate i i 1 1 Lantern-bracket bottom Riveted in lantern bracket body \ In strap fastener ... 92 Nomenclature of parts Continued. Num- Num- ber ber on on lim- | cais- ber. i son. Name of part. Lantern-strap fasteners Limber-blanket straps, front , Limber-blanket straps , rear Limber-blanket strap fasteners, style No. 5. Limber instruction plate Limber prop, complete. . .". Lock bars Lock-bar bracket, left . . Lock-bar bracket, right. Lock-bar pins Lock-bar washers Locking levers Locking-lever bearings.. Lower diaphragms: Front Middle Rear Lunette bracket Lunette strap Lunette-strap fastener, style No. 1. Name plate ....do Neck yoke, complete Oil-can guides Oil-can packing block . Oil-can stop "... 2-inch Yale padlock, with bolt snap, clevis, chain, and rings. Paulin straps Paulin-strap fasteners, style No. 3.. Paulin-strap fasteners, style No. 7.. Paulin-strap fasteners, style No. 10. Picket-rope straps Picket-rope straps, lower Picket-rope straps, upper Picket-rope strap fasteners, style No. 5. do Location, etc. Property classification. Class. Sec- tion. Riveted to lantern bracket . In strap fasteners do Riveted to top of chest On chest door, upper See nomenclature of parts of 6-inch howitzer limber and caisson, model of 1909. Operate locking levers On side of chest .do. Through lock bar and locking levers.. On lock-bar pins Secure upper and lower doors Riveted to upper and lower inter- mediate plates In lower compartment of chest ....do ....do On left side of chest In strap fastener Riveted to left side of chest On chest front plate On chest rear plate See nomenclature of parts of 4.7-inch gun and 6-inch howitzer limber, model of 1905. On upper side of intermediate plate, lower. On underside of intermediate plate, lower. On underside of intermediate plate, upper. At lock-bar handle catch In strap fasteners . . . On chest front plate. On chest rear plate. . On top of chest In strap fasteners do .do. Pick-head strap Pick-head strap fastener. style No. 1.1 Pick-head strap fastener, style No. 2 Pick-mattock strap , Pick-mattock strap fastener, style No. i. Pick-mattock strap fastener, style No. 2. Pick rest Pick staple Pintle, complete Pintle bearings Pintle-bearing support, lower., Pint le- bearing support , upper . Pintle- bearing washers Pintle spring. . f Pintle-spring guide Pole, complete Riveted to chest front plate. Riveted to top of chest. In strap fasteners On left side of chest On pick rest In strap fasteners On right side of chest . . On pick rest IV Pole bracket .left Pole bracket, right Pole pin Pole-prop bracket 1 Pole-prop bracket plate ; Pole-prop pocket | Pole-prop pocket plate Pole-prep strap j Pole-prop strap fasteners, style No. 1. Riveted on top of chest ....do See nomenclature of parts of 6-inch Howitzer limber and caisson, model of 1909. Between pintle bearing supports Riveted to intermediate plate, lower. . Riveted to intermediate plate, upper. . On pintle-spring bolt Bears against Mat on pintle On pintle spring See nomenclature of parts of 4.7-inch gun and 6-inch howitzer limber, model 1905. Riveted to top of chest ...do... Through pole and pole socket On chest-front plate Under pole-prop bracket On chest-front plate Under pole-prop pocket In strap fasteners On pole- prop bracket and bracket plate: j 92 Nomenclature of parts Continued. Num- Num- ber ber on on lim- cais- ber. son. Name of part. Location, etc. Property classification. Class. Sec- tion. 1 Pole socket... Bolted to chest-front plate IV 3 1 Do Between intermediate plates, upper and lower. Inside of chest between intermediate plates. Connect rear and middle diaphragms. Riveted to prop eye 2 14 1 1 Pole-socket bolt-filler plates 14 Projectile tubes. . . Prop bracket . . Prop chain, complete. See nomenclature of parts of 6-inch howitzer limber and caisson, model of 1909. ...do.... 1 do 1 Prop-chain button .- 'On bucket holder . . . Prop-chain eye ... In doubletree chain clevis 1 1 12 2 1 1 Prop-eye bolt. . On connecting pole Prop-hook bolt do 12 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Reinforce plates ... For axle bearing . .do ' Tfnr Innk-har hranlrpt Reinforce plate, lower. . . . Above pintle-bearing support, lower. . Above pintle-bearing support, upper. . See nomenclature of parts of 4.7-inch gun and 6-inch howitzer limber, model of 1905. Riveted to intermediate plate, lower. . Riveted to inside of chest and interme- diate plate, lower. Riveted to inside of chest Reinforce plate, upper. . . Singletrees 1 1 1 1 1 Shot-tongs handle fastening Shot-tongs pocket Shot-tongs stop Shot-tongs strap In strap fastener Shot -tongs strap fastener, style No. 3 Shovel-handle rest. . Riveted to intermediate plate, lower. .. On left side of nhp.st 1 ... .do On riVht. sirtft of rVhp do On right side of chest 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 j 2 2 1 1 1 1 "l 2 .... 2 . Spanner bracket front ...do.... Spanner-bracket plate . '< Under snannftr hrankfit frnnt Spanner bracket, rear. . . . On right side of chest..'. Spanner strap .... In strap fasteners Spanner strap fastener, style No. 1.. Spanner-strap fastener, style No. 2.. Stiff eners, right On spanner-bracket plate On spanner bracket, front Braces for chest front and intermedi- ate plate, upper. dn Stiff eners left Tie-rods Brace pole socket Tie-rod bracket, left . On front corner of chest Tie-rod bracket, right do Upper diaphragm .... In upper compartment of chest do do Upper middle diaphragm -do Wheels 60-inch diameter See nomenclature of parts of 6-inch howitzer carriage, model of 1908. do Wheel fastenings . Wrench holder, left On right side of chest . Wrench holder, right . . do Wrench Strap Tn st.ran fastpnpr Wrench-strap fastener, style No. 10. On right side of chest . DESCRIPTION OF THE 6-INCH HOWITZER LIMBER, MODEL OF 1916. (Plate XV.) The 6-inch howitzer limber, model of 1916, is similar in design to the 6-inch howitzer limber, model of 1909, and most of the parts I of the two vehicles are identical and interchangeable with the excep- tion of the ammunition chest body, intermediate plates, front plate, axle bearings, pole socket, pole bracket, double tree strap, and some of the implement fastenings. 94 The seats in the pole sockets are the same for limber and caisson and a connecting pole identical with that used on the caisson may be used in place of the regular limber pole whenever it is desired to connect a number of these vehicles entrain. The body of a spare connecting pole is carried on the top of the chest, the lunette is car- ried in a bracket on the left side of the chest, and the spare key is carried on the right side. The hatchet is carried on the front of the chest instead of on the side. The name plate is riveted on the front of the chest above the lantern. DESCRIPTION OF THE 6-INCH HOWITZER CAISSON, MODEL OF 1916. (Plate XVI.) I The 6-inch howitzer caisson, model of 1916, differs principally from the 6-inch howitzer caisson, model of 1909, in that the ammu- nition chest is reversed in position, the chest doors opening toward the front. Most of the parts of the two vehicles are identical and interchangeable with the exception of the ammunition chest body, intermediate plates, rear plate, axle bearings, pole socket, pole bracket, brake details, and some of the implement fastenings. A number of the parts of this caisson are also identical and interchange- ble with parts of the 6-inch howitzer limber, model of 1916, and the 6-inch howitzer limber, model of 1909. The rear plate of the chest and chest door (upper) are hardened armor plates 0.15 inch thick, needed for the protection of the ammu- nition servers, in front of the caisson and in the rear of the limber, from small-arms and shrapnel fire. An apron of armor plate of the same thickness and for the same purpose is hinged near the middle of the chest bottom and extends to within a short distance of the ground. To clear obstructions in traveling, the apron is made to swing to the rear up against the bottom of the chest, in which posi- tion it is held by apron latches attached to the sides of the chest. The spare connecting pole parts are carried on the limber instead of the caisson, and the hatchet is carried at the rear of the chest instead of on the side. The name plate is riveted on the rear of the chest above the lantern. THE 4.7-INCH GUN AND 6-INCH HOWITZER FORGE LIMBER, MODEL OF 1908, AND THE 4.7-INCH GUN AND 6-INCH HOWITZER STORE LIMBER, MODEL OF 1908. (These limbers are common to the 4.7-inch gun and 6-inch howitzer batteries.) WEIGHTS, PRINCIPAL DIMENSIONS, ETC. Weight of forge limber, empty, without implements, etc pounds. . 1, 654 Weight of forge limber, fully equipped do 2, 499 Weight of forge limber and battery wagon, model of 1908, combined, fully 'equipped pounds. . 7, 568 95 Weight of store limber, empty, without implements, etc pounds . . 1, 629 Weight of store limber, fully equipped do 2, 184 Weight of store limber and store wagon, model of 1908, combined, fully equipped pounds. . Weight upon pintles of either forge or store limbers, from battery wagon or store wagon pounds. . Diameter of wheels inches. . Width of track do. ... Free height above track under wagon for either combination do Turning angle 7,711 100 Nomenclature of parts. Num- ber on forge lim- ber. Num- ber on store lim- ber. Name of part. Location, etc. Property classification. Class. Sec- tion. 2 1 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 Arbor clips Part, of erindstnnfi nankin IT rv 9 1 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 Axle Axle bearings, right and left Axle bearing bolts with, nuts Riveted to sides of chest damn axle bearines . . . Axle-bearing reinforces Under axle bearings rivets Ax blade bracket On left side of chest Ax-handle support do . Ax strap . . .do Ax-strap fastener, style No. 2 do Bolt snaps with 4-inch chains Temporary locks for doors . . Chain staples Chest body, right side Chest body left side Chest bottom Chest braces, right and left Chest floor, upper, with Floor braces, right and left . Frames of upper front door openings . . Chest-floor reinforce Middle rail upper, to chest floor Chest frames, front and rear Reinforce lower edge of chest Chest front doors, upper Swing up under foot rest Chest front doors, lower Chest rear doors, upper, right and left. Chest rear doors lower Swing down do 2 \ 1 3 3 3 3 ...... 8 8 4 ..... 2 2 1 1 Chest reinforces At foot rest bracket rivets Chest top angle Around top of chest Cushion, for battery commander's telescope, consisting of Block In compartment No 5 ... 1 1 4 12 16 16 8 2 1 2 2 1 1 "~2 Cleats .. do... Cover do Filling do Cushions, for buzzers, consisting of Blocks... In compartments Nos. 1, 2, and 3 .. do.. . Covers Fillings do Grips do Die-box holders, right and left Die-box holder spring, with hinge and hinge pin. Die-box pocket Riveted to inside of lid . Riveted to inside of lid .... Door hinges On rear doors Door hinges lower On front and rear doors Door hinges upper Door-hinge filler pieces lower Door-hinge filler pieces upper Doubletree Same as on carriage limber Doubletree chains ' From doubletree to foot rest Doubletree chain bolts In pole clamp Doubletree strap End cleat front left In corners of upper chest End cleat front right ...do... End cleat rear left do End cleat' rear right do End fillers ' Back of hammer packing End lining left In ends of chest End linine. risrh't. .. ...do... 96 Nomenclature of parts Cont inued . Num- ber on store lim- ber. Property classification. Name of part. False bottoms, consisting of Bodies Braces Ends False bottom, consisting of Body Brace Ends False bottom, consisting of Body Brace Ends False bottoms, consisting of Bodies .. Braces Ends False bottoms, consisting of Bodies Braces Ends False bottom, consisting of Body..... Brace Ends Fastener clip stud Filler strips, long Location, etc. For compartments Nos. 1, 2, and 3. ....do ...do... Class. Sec- tion. For compa: tment No. 4 . . . do ...do... Filler strips, short Flat bastard file fastening Floor lining, front piece Floor lining, rear piece Front lining Front lining end cleat, left Front lining end cleat, right Front lining middle cleat Floor stiffeners, right and left Floor stiffeners Foot rest Foot-rest brace Foot-rest brackets, right and left Foot-rest supports, right and left. . . Fore punch and creaser fastenings . . Forge fastenings Forge-legs fastening, No. 1 Forge-legs fastening, No. 2 Grindstone-legs fastening Grindstone-legs-fastening clip Grindstone-legs-fastening lock Grindstone legs hanger Grindstone-legs pocket Grindstone-packing tracks, inner and outer. Grindstone strap For compartment No. 5. ....do ...do... For compartments Nos. 6 and 7 ....do 1 ...do... For compartments Nos. 8 and 9. do ...do... For compartment No. 10 do do -On grindstone upper packing Riveted to underside of intermediate floors. do On packing block for small tools In bottom of upper chest do In front of upper chest Screwed to front lining do do Brace rear of intermediate floors ....do Riveted to chest and middle rail ! Riveted to foot rest \ At sides of foot rest . Suspend outer corners of foot rest Riveted to lid Riveted to transverse partition, right. . On hanger On right upper grindstone packing On fastener clip stud Riveted under chest floor ....do Riveted to intermediate floor Bolted to chest floor. Slides in left upper rear compartment . . j Grindstone upper packing right and let. Grindstone lower packing Grindstone-packing bolts and nuts . . ! For upper packing Grindstone plate ; On lower packing Grip straps On front 01 lid Grip-strap fasteners, style No. 7 do Hammer packing, right .with cover In upper chest, rear compartment plate. Hammer packing, left, with cover do plate. Handrail brackets, rear Riveted to side of chest Handrail brackets, front do Hand-rail tubes In handrail brackets Hand-rail seats In compartments 8 and 9 Hasp On rear of lid Hasp hinge. Hasp-hinge pin % Hatchet-blade bracket On right side "of chest Hatchet-handle fastener do Hatchet strap do IV 97 Nomenclature of parts Continued. Num- ber ' on forge lim- ber. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Num- ber on store lim- ber. Name of part. Horseshoe packing, right, consisting Front . Location, etc. Prqpc classific Class. rty ation. Sec- tion. Upper chest, horseshoe compartment., do IV 9 2" ...... 1 1 2 ..... 1 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 Inner i -do Outer . ! -do . Bottom do Horseshoe packing, left, consisting of Front Ho Rear . . do Inner do . Outer i .do Bottom . Ho . . Intermediate floors, right and left.. . do Between chest floor and chest bottom, do . 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 1 1 4 4 4 Jack-lever bracket No 1 * Bolted to bottom of chest do Riveted to front of chest Lantern strap . In strap fasteners Lantern-strap fasteners Riveted to lantern-bracket body Lever-jack packing, consisting of In bottom of chest Packing "B" do Packing "C" do Packing "D " do Pins do Lid I id band Reinforce edges of lid . . I id hinges lower On chest front On lid I id-hinge pins I id lining front Inside of lid . I id-lining strip do Lid lining middle do I id lining, rear . do 1 1 1 .... "~2~ 1 1 1 I id prop with rivet Supports open lid ^ On lid On right longitudinal partition . . 1 1 4 2 2 1 4 4 8 I id-prop guide le t Inside of chest ends - do Under lid-prop guides Lid-prop-guide fillers (middle) do In lid props and guides Pasted to lid On lower edge of chest, rear Lock -bar-hinge pins Longitudinal partitions, right and left. Middle rail, lower 5 Extends through chest, front to rear . . do Middle rail upper . >Jpmp nlat.A i ' fin do 1 1 4 4 8 4 2 2 2 2 2 "124" 4 2 Neck yoke complete Same as with carriage limber Secure lower oil cans i Oil-can packing blocks, No 1 Tn r>il-an norrmartmants. . . Oil-can packing blocks No 2 do ' Oil-can packing blocks, No. 3, right and left. Oil-can packing blocks No 4 do do Oil-can packing blocks No 5 do "T i i i ... Oil-can packing blocks, No. 6, right and left. Oil-can packing blocks No 7 do do Oiler fastening On packing for anvil i Packing for anvil . In center compartment of upper chest. .. .do Packing for forge Packing for small tools do Pads complete with lining In chest compartments "Rnrlnnlr phains Padlock-chain rivets! short... ...do.... [ > 98 Nomenclature of parts Continued. Num- Num- ber ber i on on ! forge store lim- ! lim- i ber. ber. ! Name of part. 1 .... Location, etc. Property classificatior Class. Padlock, with 4-inch chain Marked " 4.7-inch gun and 6-inch how- itzer forge limber, model 1908. No. .do. Marked " 4.7-inch gun and 6-inch how- itzer store limber, model 1908. No. Between compartments 1, 2, and 3 ... Between compartments 3 and 4 Between compartments 4 and 5 Between partitions "B" and "C".... Front longitudinal partition Middle longitudinal partition Partitions "A' Partition "B" Partition "C". Partition "D" Partition "E" Parti tion"F" Partition " G" | Between compartments 6 and 7 . Partition "H," body Between compartments 7 and 8 Partition " H," guides (small) Screwed to partition " H," body , Partition "J," body Between compartments 8 and 9 Partition "J," guides (small) | Screwed to partition "J" body Partition " J, " guides (large) ! do . Partition " K," body i Between compartments 9 and 10 Partition " K," guides (large) Screwed to partition " K," body Partition "L," Right side of compartment 10 Partition brace Over partition "H" Partition guides For partition "E" Partition guides (bottom) Brace partition " F " Partition guides (side) For all partitions except "E" Partition-guide stops Riveted in partition guides Paulin straps On top of chest , Paulin-strap fasteners, style No. 10. do , Pick-ax bracket On right side of chest Pick-ax bracket filler On chest bottom Pick-handle rest Pick-head strap Pick-head strap fastener, style No. 12| Pick-point support I Pintle, complete, including Pintle ! In pintle bearing Pintle latch do Pintle-latch spring do Pintle-latch pin j do T v Pintle bearing In rear end of middle rail Pintle brace ! Forms rear end of middle rail, riveted to chest floor. Pintle spring Riveted to middle rail, lower Pintle-spring pin ! Pocket for T. I. recorders, includ- ing Box (2 side pieces, 1 bottom piece, 1 front piece). Fastener Attached to right end of partition " F Fastener chape j Lining | Flap Pole, complete Same as on carriage limber Pole clamp On middle rail Pole-clamp bolt, with nut Pole pin ! Secures pole in pole seat Pole-pin reinforce : -Riveted to middle rail Pole-prop pocket j Under left side of foot rest Pole-prop support Pole-prop strap j Pole-prop strap fastener, style No. 1. j Pole stop i Riveted between middle rails Prop, complete, consisting of Prop eye Hinged to prop bracket Prop foot do Prop tube do Prop bracket Riveted to pole clamp Prop chain, consisting of Prop chain i Secures prop in folded position Prop chain fastening i do Prop chain handle i do Prop-chain button ! Riveted to foot rest Prop-chain button rivet Rear lining In rear of upper chest Rear-lining end cleat, left Hinged to prop bracket Rear-lining end cleat, right do Rear-lining middle cleat j do 631117- 99 Nomenclature of parts Continued. Num- ber on forge lim- ber. 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 10 1 6 2 2 2 Num- ber on store lim- ber. Name of part. Location, etc. Property classification. Class. Sec- tion. 9 2 Separators Riveted between middle rails IV Shoeing-rasp fastening Shot bolts for grindstone packing. . . Shot bolts right and left On packing for small tools On lower packing 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 In shot-bolt brackets Shot-bolt brackets, right and left. . . Shot-bolt filler pieces Riveted to rear of chest Shot-bolt hasps, right and left Shot-bolt stops Riveted to lid Riveted to shot-bolt brackets Shovel-blade bracket On left side of chest Shovel-handle support Shovel-handle strap I Side fillers Back of hammer packing 2 "10" Singletrees Same as on carriage limber . . . . . I Sledge-handle support On right side of forge limber ; Sledge pocket Sledge strap Sledge-strap fastener, style No. 10 Springs Under cushion for buzzers and battery commander's telescope. Riveted to lid Square fastening Stamped washers Under rivets in packing tracks Tie-rods right and left Brace forward end of middle rail to chest. In upper chest, extend from chest sides to longitudinal partition. do Transverse partitions, front, right, and left. Transverse partitions, rear, right and left. Washers 6 4 For buzzer cushion springs . ..do For cushion under battery com- mander's telescope. Same as on carriage . . . 2 2 6 4 1 2 16 8 2 2 6 Wheels, 60-inch Wheel fastenings do Wing nuts Secure doors and lock bars Wing-nut brackets, with washers. . . Wing-nut filler piece Riveted to intermediate floors 1 7 20 On wing nut pin Wing-nut pins, with washers . . Riveted in chest braces 0.312 (5/16) rivet reinforces Under lid hinges 0.375 rivet reinforces Under handrail brackets DESCRIPTION OF THE 4.7-INCH GUN AND 6-INCH HOWITZER FORGE LIMBER, MODEL OF 1908. (Plate XVII.) The forge limber is a two-wheeled vehicle designed to accompany the battery wagon, model of 1908, and fitted to carry the tools and supplies pertaining to a farrier's shop with the addition of some machinist's tools. The principal parts are the wheels, axle, chest, middle rail, pintle, foot rest, pole clamp, pole, limber prop, doubletree, singletrees, and neck yoke. The wheels and wheel fastenings are the same as those upon the carriage. The axle is hollow, made of a single piece of forged steel and is made identical with the axles of the store limber, model of 1908, and battery and store wagons, model of 1908. The axle passes through the chest between horizontal plates and is secured to the chest sides by axle bearings riveted to the chest. 100 The chest is formed from flanged-steel plates and is divided by the horizontal plates above and below the axle into three sections the upper being fitted to carry the forge, anvil, blacksmith's tools horseshoes, and supplies, and entered from the top. The upper edges of the body plates are reinforced by a steel angle; the lie which covers this upper section is a steel plate with its edges rein- forced by a steel band. The lid hinges are in front. Two longitudinal partitions divide the upper chest into a middle compartment and two side compartments, and each side compart- ment is subdivided by two transverse partitions. The forward side compartments are wood lined and have a capacity of 350 pounds oj horseshoes, to be carried loose in the box; the intermediate side compartments will take 50 pounds of horseshoe nails either loose or in the 25-pound box of nails as issued; the rear side compartments are fitted for carrying tools. The middle compartment is fitted to take the field forge in front, the anvil in the center, and severa small tools in fastenings on the rear wall. The anvil and forge are bedded in wooden seats on the chest floor and are held in position by attachments on the lid. The latter is held in its open position by a lid prop which is hinged to a door prop bracket riveted to the underside of the lid and having at its other end a button running in a lid prop guide riveted to the right longitudinal partition. Other attachments on the underside of the lid form fastenings for a stee square and a box of dies and taps for cutting threads. Shot bolts at each rear corner and a hasp and turnbuckle with padlock in th< middle secure the lid when closed. The space between the intermediate plates and in front of th( axle is to be used for carrying the picket rope and water buckets doorways are cut through the front of the chest for admission thereto and closed by drop doors. The similar space to the rear of the axle is entered through doorways cut in the rear of the chest; the right side is intended for the tackle blocks, the left side being fitted with packing blocks for the grindstone and its frame. The grindstom frame legs are to be assembled in their fastenings before the block containing the stone and frame is slid into place. The lower section of the chest is fitted to carry two lever jacks one on either side; 150 feet of 1-inch manila rope for the tackle blocks is to be carried either in this compartment or above as proves most convenient. Openings in the front and rear of the chest foi admission to the lower compartment are closed by doors which swing down to open. Corresponding doors to the compartment above swing up to open and when closed overlap the lower doors to shec rain water. These doors are secured by wing nuts with bolt snaps The socket for the pole, instead of being bolted to the chest fronl as in the limber and caisson, has for its lower member a flange stee channel or middle rail which extends to the rear through the chest, its rear end forming a seat for the pintle. This middle rail, lower, divides the lower horizontal plate or intermediate floor and is riveted to flanges turned downward on the two sections of the plate so formed. The upper part of the pole socket middle rail, upper, is riveted to the upper horizontal plate or chest floor, upper, and to strong rein- forces in the front of the chest as well as to the lower middle rail. The pole clamp forms a seat for the doubletree pin and has a bolt in lugs on the left side for drawing the two parts of the middle rail firmly about the pole. On the underside of the pole clamp is riveted the prop bracket, to which the limber prop is hinged. The double- tree pin is exactly similar to that on the caisson limber and is braced by a doubletree strap as on that vehicle. The pintle and pintle latch are interchangeable with those of the limber and caisson; the pintle bearing is of bronze and in two sections and is secured by two bolts passing through the middle rail and pintle brace. The latter is formed of flange steel and braces the pintle and middle rail to the chest floor above. A foot rest is riveted to the chest front, its forward edge being shaped to fit the middle rail to which it is riveted, and its forward corners tied to the handrail brackets on the chest sides by round supports. Foot-rest brackets of flange steel reinforce the ends of the foot rest, and to these are fastened doubletree chains extending to the doubletree and preventing excessive movement thereof. The pole, neck yoke, doubletree, and singletrees are standard with those of the other battery vehicles. The paulin on the lid is to serve as a seat cushion; attachments for carrying a sledge hammer, a hatchet, and a pickax are on the right side of the chest; a lantern bracket is riveted to the chest front and fastenings for a short- handled shovel and an ax are on the left side of the chest. A folding pole prop is carried in fastenings on the underside of the foot rest. A name plate is riveted on the front of the chest and gives the name, number, and model of the vehicle for reference in correspondence and reports. DESCRIPTION OF THE 4.7-INCH GUN AND 6-INCH HOWITZER STORE LIMBER, MODEL OF 1908. (Plate XVIII.) This vehicle, designed to accompany the store wagon, model of 1908, is very similar to the 4.7-inch gun and 6-inch howitzer forge limber, model of 1908; the wheels, axle, axle bearings, middle rail, pintle brace, pintle and bearing, pole clamp, doubletree bolt, tie- rods, foot rest, etc., being identical in the two vehicles. The chests differ only in the fittings for the articles to be carried. *' 102 The upper chest of the store limber is fitted with compartments for carrying the fire-control equipment, viz: 3 buzzers, service model 1914. in cases. 3 inspector's pocket kits, each containing 1 pocket knife. 1 pair scissors. 1 wire cutter. 1 half-round file. 1 p*ir tweezers. 1 screw driver. 1 2-foot rule. 1 battery commander's telescope, in case. 6 field glasses, type "E," in cases. 2 hand reels. 2 spools of single buzzer wire. 1 battery case (containing 6 dry cells). 3 plugs for buzzers, with connection lines. 3 battery commander's rulers, in cases. 2 time-interval recorders. 2 chains for time-interval recorders. 8 semaphore kits. 1 battery commander's telescope tripod, in case. 1 100-foot steel tape. Spare parts for buz/er. The compartments for buzzers, pocket kits, battery commander's telescope, field glasses, and battery case are padded to protect the contents from injury. The intermediate and lower sections of the store limber are ar- ranged to carry six oil cans for the reserve supply of oils. In the intermediate section to the rear of the axle are two rectangular cans made of heavy sheet brass, each having a capacity of 7.5 gallons of coal oil. In the lower section are four longer cans of 5 gallons' capacity each, two for lubricating oil and two for hydroline oil. Each can is provided with a filling hole on top and with a special stopcock at the rear end. The stopcock is placed so that oil may be conveniently drawn without removing the cans from the limber. Wearing strips of brass are soldered to the bottoms of the cans and contact blocks on the forward ends of each can embrace projections to hold each can in place when the others are removed. Wooden packing strips to serve as guides for the cans are bolted to the floors and walls of the compartments. Instead of doors on the rear of the chest the cans are secured by lock bars, held in closed position by wing nuts and bolt snaps. No sledge-hammer fastenings are placed on the store limber. With this exception the implement fastenings are the same as on the forge limber. The name plate is riveted on the front of the chest. 103 THE BATTERY AND STORE WAGONS, MODEL OF 1908. Nomenclature of parts. Num- ber in one store i wagon ! Name of part. Axle Axle bearings Axle clamping bolts and nuts Axle clamping sleeves Brake beam, complete, includ- ing Brake-beam bearing plates. . . . Brake-beam end fillers Brake-beam end plugs Brake-beam guide plugs, 1 right. 1 left. Brake-beam middle fillers Brake-beam reinforce plates... Brake-beam stops Brake-shoe bearings Brake-beam guides, 1 right, 1 left. . Brake-beam plungers Brake-beam springs Brake connecting rod Brake crank Brake-crank cover Brake cross brace Brake cross brace stiffener Brake lever Brake-lever catch Brake-lever hook Brake nut Brake segment rack Brake shaft Brake-shaft bearing Brake shoes Brake-shoe pins Brake stud Brake-stud bearing Chest bottom plates, 1 right, 1 left. Chest compartment Chest floor hoods, 1 right, 1 left.. . . Chest floor stiffeners Chest intermediate floor plates, 1 right, 1 left. Chest lower floor plate Chest lower front ends, 1 right, 1 left. Chest partition Chest rear end Chest rear end reinforce Chest reinforce strips Chest sides, 1 right, 1 left Chest top Chest top reinforces Chest upper floor plate, front Chest upper floor plates, rear Chest upper front end Chest upper front end reinforce. . . Chest lower doors, complete, in- cluding Chest lower door center hinges Chest lower door end hinges. . . Chest lower door hasps Chest lower door hinge rivets. . Chest lower door staples Door handles Door-handle reinforces Door hinges, female Door hinges, male Door hinge, female, reinforces Door-hinge pins Fastening nuts Fastening washers Foot rest Foot-rest supports, 1 right, 1 left . . Location, etc. Same as on forge and store limber Riveted inside rails Assembled in axle bearings ...do... In brake-beam guides . ....do do.... .do. .do. .do- do. ....do..... Riveted to side rails., Assembled in guides. ...do... do On brake shaft Riveted to brake cross brace Connects side rails through front of chest. Riveted to brake cross brace On right end of brake shaft Riveted to brake lever ...do.... Property classifica- tion. Class. Assembled in brake beam Riveted to chest In brake shaft bearing Riveted to brake cross brace Pinned in brake shoe bearings In brake shoes and bearings Screws into brake nut Riveted in brake beam All riveted together to form chest do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Close lower compartments. do Riveted to large doors Under door-handle rivets. On spare pole fastening bolts do Riveted to foot-rest supports Riveted to upper front-door plate tion. IV 104 Nomenclature of parts Continued . Num- ber in one hat Num- ber in one Name of part. ' Location, etc. Property classifica- tion. tery wagon. store wagon. Class - Won. 2 2 2 2 Lid props, including Eyes . . . Hold door in open position ( 2 2 Fillers.. do 2 2 Guides ...do... 2 2 Reinforces do.. i 4 4 Lock bars.. Secure doors 4 4 Lock-bar hinges, front and rear Riveted to chest 2 2 Ix)ck-bar hinge front reinforces Inside of chest 2 2 Lock-bar hinge, rear, reinforces ... .do 4 4 Lock-bar hinges top Riveted to chest 4 4 Lock-bar hinge, top, reinforces Inside of chest 1 Lunette In lunette bearing. 1 1 Lunette bearing; At front end of rails 2 2 Lunette pins. . Secure lunette in bearing. 1 Name plate.. Riveted to chest rear end 6 6 Padlocks, with chains Lock doors. . . . 4 4 Padlock chain rivets Attach chains to lock bars 2 2 Prop chains Hold prop in folded position ( 2 2 Prop-chain guides On wheel guard cross brace . 1 Prop-chain take-up. . do 1 2 1 2 Prop, consisting of Prop-cha'n clamps... Riveted or pinned together 1 1 Prop foot . . do . . . 1 1 Prop head ...do 2 2 Prop legs ... do 1 1 Prop pin Connects prop to lunette bearing 1 1 Prop nook Joins prop chains 1 1 Rear door casing.. Riveted to chest 1 1 Rear door frame Riveted to rear door plate 2 2 Rear door hinge, male reinforces Inside of chest 2 2 Rear door hoots' Pinned in supports 2 2 Rear door hook pins Pin hooks in supports 2 2 Rear door hook spri ngs In rear door hook support 2 2 Rear door hook support Riveted to chest rear end 1 1 Rear door plate . . Hinged to chest rear end 2 2 Rear door studs . . . 2 2 Side rails. 1 right, 1 left Form frame of wagon . . . 2 2 Spare pole compartment sides 1 Riveted to chest 2 right, 1 left. Spare pole fastening bolts Support large end of poles i IV 9 Spare pole fastening bracket Riveted to side rails near lunette 1 Spare pole fastening bracket rein- bracket. Riveted to bracket 1 force, lower. Spare pole fastening bracket rein- do 1 force, upper. Spare pole rest Riveted to spare pole compartment Spare pole rest cover sides. Sewed on spare pole rest 1 Spare pole support, inner Riveted together to spare pole com- 1 Spare pole support outer partment sides. do Spare pole support cover inner On spare pole support 1 Spare pole support cover, outer do 2 4 4 ! 4 Spare wheel casings Spare wheel fastenings, lower, consisting of Lower wheel fastening bolts Riveted to chest sides Pinned in hinges 4 4 Lower wheel fastening guards Riveted to chest 4 ; inside. Lower wheel fastening guards, do 4 4 outside. Lower wheel fastening hasps Pinned in hinges 4 4 Lower wheel fastening hinges Strap outside of wheels 4 4 4 4 Lower wheel fastening hooks. . Thongs Riveted to chest sides In eye of hooks 4 4 4 4 Spare wheel fastenings, upper, complete, consisting of Upper wheel fastening clips Nut levers 4 4 4 4 Upper wheel fastening bars, 2 right, 2 left. Strap outside of wheel Riveted on chest 4 4 Upper wheel fastening nuts On swing bolts 4 4 Upper wheel fastening pins In swing bolts and hinges 4 4 4 4 Upper wheel fastening rein- forces, 2 right, 2 left. Unner wheel fastening rivets. . Riveted inside of chest Hinee studs to bars ... 105 Nomenclature of parts Continued . Num- ber in one bat- tery wagon. 4 4 4 4 1 2 4 2 I 2 1 1 6 2 2 2 1 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 Num- ber in one store wagon. 4 4 4 4 1 2 4 2 1 2 1 Name of part. Location, etc. Property classifica- tion. Class. Sec- tion. Spare wheel fastenings, upper, complete, consisting of Contd. Upper wheel fastening sock- ets, 2 right, 2 left. Upper wheel fastening studs. . Upper wheel fastening swing bolts. Wearin 01 plates Riveted on chest IV 9 Screwed into sockets Pinned in hinges Riveted to chest Step On rear of wagon Top door frames Riveted to top door plate Top door hinge, male, reinforces. . Top door plates Riveted inside of chest Hinged to chest Upper front door frame Riveted to upper front door plate Upper front door hinges, male Upper front door plate Vise handle strap Riveted to chest Hinged to chest . . Secures vise handle. 6 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Weather strips (leather) . . . Wheels Riveted to doors See nomenclature of parts of 6-inch howitzer carriage, model of 1908. do Wheel fastenings Wheel guards Riveted to side rails Wheel guard cross brace do Wing nuts Secure lock bars Wing nut clasps On lock bars Wing nut pins, with Washers Riveted to chest Reinforces do . . Left packing, consisting of Body Left end, upper rear compartment do Front packing Lunette transom bushing pack- ing, consisting of Back Right rear corner, upper rear com- partment. do Bottom End (left) . . do End (right) do Front do Packing "A" Left front corner, upper rear com- partment. Through middle, upper rear compart- ment, do ----- Packing "B," consisting of Body. Steel angle 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 1 Packing "C" Between end of chest and packing "B," upper rear compartment. Right middle, upper rear compartment Left rear corner, upper rear compart- ment, do Right packing Spare nub liner packing, consist- ing of Body Bottom Front liner packing (middle). Front liner packing (upper and lower). Front (middle) do do .do do Rear liner . -do Rear (middle) do Ribs dn Top do Spare pintle and lunette packing, consisting of Center piece Right end, upper rear compartment... do End (rear) Filler cleat (bottom) do Filler cleat (left) Filler cleats (right) do do do dn urer p e eb.... , Side (left) do Side (right). . . . . -do 106 DESCRIPTION OF THE BATTERY WAGON, MODEL OF 1908, AND STORE WAGON, MODEL OF 1908. (Plate XIX.) The battery wagon is a rectangular steel box on wheels, provided for the transport of battery tools and supplies, spare parts of guns, carriages and harness, materials for cleaning and preservation, etc. The store wagon is exactly similar to the battery wagon, except in such minor details as pertain to the packing of various pieces of equipment. To bring the center of gravity as low as possible the axle of the battery wagon is made to pass through the chest. The frame consists of two side rails of channel section, with flanges turning inward running parallel inside the sides of the chest. The rails are riveted to the sides of the chest, fastened to the axle by suitable bearings, and are joined in front to secure the bracket for the lunette, the latter exactly similar to that on the connecting pole on the caisson. At the front of the chest the brake cross brace con- nects the side rails and at the proper distance from the lunette bracket the wheel cross brace stiffens the frame to withstand the impacts of the limber wheels in turning. A projection cast on the .underside of the lunette bracket receives the hinge pin of a prop for use when the vehicle is unlimbered. The prop is formed of two steel tubes, united at the lower end by a bronze prop foot and at the upper end by the prop head. When not in use the prop is swung up under the spare poles and held in that position by chains leading from the prop legs through guides on the wheel-guard cross brace and uniting in a hook which is engaged over one of the button-like heads of the lunette pins. The chest is built up of flange steel plates and divided into 10 compartments for the convenient disposal of the load. A vertical transverse partition divides all that part of the chest above the lower flanges of the side rails and strengthens the chest against stresses resulting from lurching. The space forward of this transverse parti- tion is floored to form a compartment entered through a flanged opening in the top. The compartment beneath has a flanged opening in the chest front. The edges of these doorways are reinforced by steel angles ; the doors are metal sheets with angle flanges faced with leather to shed rain water. The space in rear of the transverse partition is floored, forming a compartment entered from the top. Underneath, a central space with door in the chest rear accommodates two tool boxes, and on each side of this are two shallow compartments for small articles, access to these being through handholes in the walls of the tool-box recess. 107 To permit the transport of two spare pole bodies underneath the frame that portion of the chest below the side rails is built with compartments on each side, leaving a central space. In this the poles are supported by suitable fastenings. The spare poles are carried only on the battery wagon. The lower side compartments are entered from the front, and may also be reached through aper- tures in the floor of the compartment for tool boxes. They are pro- vided for transporting the spare counter-recoil springs of the car- riages, which will occupy three of the four compartments of the two wagons. In the fourth may be carried spare sponge staves, shovel handles, or other long articles. The doors of these lower compartments are hinged and fitted with hasps and padlocks. The forward top door opens from the front and the rear top door from the rear; that on the chest front is hinged at its lower edge to open downward and that on the rear of the chest opens upward and is held in the open position by latches which engage studs on the door. These four larger doors are secured by lock bars with chained pad- locks. Spring wing-nut clasps on the lock bars hold the wing nuts in place. The foot rest is secured to the upper front door, and a step for convenience in unloading the upper rear compartment is attached to the rear of the chest. Upon each side of the chest are provided arrangements for carrying a spare wheel. A hole in the side of the chest and the spare wheel casing riveted around this hole on the inside of the chest receives the inner face of the hub, while the tire and felloe are clamped to the side by four wheel fastenings. Forged steel lugs are riveted to the chest body against which the tire of the spare wheel rests. Heavy metal straps are hinged to these, and passing outside the tire are secured in the lower fastenings by hasps to wheel-fastening hooks 'riveted to the chest and in the upper fixtures by swing bolts with lever nuts. To bring the center of gravity of the vehicle as low as possible the spare wheel is so placed that the wagon axle passes between its spokes. To remove a wheel from the fastenings, there- fore, the wagon wheel must first be taken off. To secure proper clearance between the spare wheel hub and the spokes of the wagon wheel the spare wheel hub cap will not be carried on the spare wheel but in the battery-wagon chest and a special spare wheel hub cover put in its place to protect the threads of the hub box and exclude dirt. In the replacement of a damaged wheel it is probable that the original hub cap and wheel fastening may be used. When speed is especially desirable in changing wheels the battery- wagon wheel may be taken to replace a broken one on a carriage, limber, or caisson, and the spare wheel assembled on the battery- wagon axle. The spare-wheel fastening will fit either the 50-inch 108 or 60-inch spare wheels. As issued three 60-inch and one 50-incl spare wheels are assembled in the fastenings of the two wagons. A flange steel brake beam of box section passes through the sid< rails forward of the wheels and carries at each end a forged stee brake-shoe bearing with renewable cast-iron shoes to bear againsi the tires. The side rails at these points are reinforced by bronz< brake-beam guides riveted on, which contain spring plungers tc force the beam forward and away from the wheels. The brake set by a lever on the right side of the chest, which operates througl the brake shaft, brake crank, and brake connecting rod to draw the shoes against the wheels. The brake shoes are interchangeable witt those of the carriage and caissons. A strong vise is fitted to the right side rail of the battery wagoi it may be dismounted and carried in the chest if desired. For oth( articles carried see list of equipment to follow. In loading a battery or store wagon the weight must be so distrib- uted as to bring less than 105 pounds load on the pintle of the limber, as more will tend to make the pole of the limber rise. For convenience the various compartments in the battery and store wagons are lettered and items in the tables of equipment marked to indicate the particular compartment in which they should be car- ried, in order that the weight at the pintle maybe that desired. The following shows the lettering of the compartments. Letter. Position of compartment. Letter. Position of compartment. A... B... C Upper, rear. Middle, rear. Right rear upper F G H Left, rear, intermediate. Right, lower. Left lower D... Right, rear, intermediate. j Upper front. E Left, rear, upper. K Intermediate, front. DESCRIPTION OF SEVERAL TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES FOR THE BATTERY AND STORE WAGON. Four chests containing tools and stores are carried in the rear com- partments of the two wagons. They are a carpenter's tool chest, a saddler's chest, a chesb for miscellaneous spare parts, and a chest for cleaning materials and small stores. The carpenter's chest is an iron-bound wooden box containing an assortment of carpenter's tools so arranged that each tool may be taken from its place in the chest without removing any other. The saddler's chest, is a combined tool chest and stitching horse. For the latter purpose the chest forming the seat rests upon four hinged legs cross braced to each other. The stitching clamp is secured in a socket on one end of the chest, while the door swinging open on the left side brings the tools into convenient reach of the saddler. For transpor- tation the clamp is removed from its seat and placed within the 109 chest, the legs are folded over against each end and held by the leg braces, permitting the placing of the chest in a small compartment. Both the carpenter's and saddler's chests are provided with handles and locks and have sufficient capacity inside to take a canvas bag of small stores in addition to the articles given in the list at the back of this book. The chest for cleaning materials is a wooden box with hinged lid containing sueh perishable materials as sal soda, rotten stone, soap, tripoli, petrolatum, etc. The chest for miscellaneous spare parts holds various small stores for the artificer's use, such as nails, buckles, rivets, screws, tacks, etc. One chest for a spare breech mechanism, one level chest containing a testing level, one chest for the engineer's reconnoissance outfit, and one chest for spare sights are issued to each battery; the latter contains provisions for the safe packing of one front and rear sight complete, one panoramic sight, and one set of bore sights. CYCLOMETER. One carriage limber in each battery is fitted with a device which registers the number of miles traveled. This instrument, called a cyclometer, is mounted on^the limber axle near the left wheel and is composed of a star wheel and shaft actuating a train of gears, which bring figures representing 0.1 mile to 9,999.9 miles before a glass window in the usual manner of such meters. A tally pin riveted to the wheel hub strikes the star wheel and moves it one tooth at each revolution of the wheel. In assembling a tally pin on the wheel hub two 0.312 CA) inch rivet holes must be drilled in the flange of the hub box 1.3 inches apart and 0.55 inch from the end of the hub. The dowel pinhole in the axle locating the cyclometer bracket is 21.437 (21^) inches from the center line of the limber, 2.437 (2^) inches from the shoul- der of the axle, and at an angle of 16 to the rear of a vertical plane through the center line of the axle. Nomenclature of cyclometer parts : 1 bracket. 1 bracket strap. 2 bracket-strap bolts. 1 bracket bolt with nut and split pin. 1 cover. 4 cover bolts with nuts and split pins. 1 stop. 1 spring. 1 tally shaft. 1 tally pin. 1 washer (felt). 1 counter. 1 case (for counter). 4 case screws. 631117 10 110 PADLOCKS AND BOLT SNAPS. The padlocks furnished for each separate vehicle, as carriage forge limber, battery wagon, store limber, or store wagon, excepting the limbers and caissons, will have keys interchangeable for all locks of that particular vehicle, but differing from all others. Limbers and caissons are furnished with a lock, marked " AMMU- NITION, " which has only one key, these being universally inter- changeable. Bolt snaps for temporarily securing doors, etc., occur where n shot bolts are provided. THE ARTILLERY HARNESS. The component parts of the artillery harness are given in the tabl< below. Plate XX shows the harness for the off-wheel and off-lea( horses. The nomenclature corresponding to the numbers in th< plate will be found in the table. Wheel. Lead. No. in plate. 1-4 1 2 3 4 2-7 5 6 2 3 7 4 10-19 10 11 12 18 19 13 14 16 17 20 21 40 22,23 22 23 24,25 24 25 Prop classifu Component parts. Near horse. on horse. Ni-ar Oil horse, horse. Backstrap and crupper, complete Consisting of Body and hip straps Crupper dock Loin strap Trace loops Backstrap hook Bellyband, complete Consisting of Bellyband 1 1 Holding-down strap 2 2 Holding-down strap, loop . 2 2 Breast strap, complete 1 1 Consisting of Breast strap 1 1 Breast-strap hooks 2 2 Breechings, complete 1 1 Consisting of Backstrap and hip straps I 1 Body 1 1 Crupper dock. . 1 1 Backstrap hook 1 1 Side strap hooks 2 2 Loin strap 1 Side straps 2 2 Trace loops 4 Bridle, complete 1 1 1 1 Consisting of Brow band ^ 1 1 1 Brow-band ornaments. Cheek pieces 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Coupling strap 1 Connecting strap . . . 1 Crown piece 1 1 1 Snaffle bits 1 Reins (pairs) 1 1 1 1 1 1 Throat latch Collar, steel } i 1 1 Hame tug (part of collar) Collar strap. , , 1 Halter, complete 1 1 1 Consisting of Headstall , 1 1 1 Tie rope 1 1 1 1 Martingale, complete Consisting of Martingale 1 1 1 1 Cinchastrai)... i 1 Sec- tion. 1 Twenty curb bits with chains are issued for use in place of snafHe bit on fractious draft horses. 5? * II i! Ill No. in plate. 26,33 27 15 28 29,42 43 44 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Component parts. Wheel. Lead. Property classification. Near horse. 1 1 Off horse. Near horse. Off ! horse. Class. Sec- tion. Saddle, complete 1 1 1 1 IV 8 Consisting of Cinchas with reinforces and loops Cinchas without reinforces and loops 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2J Lead rein roller and strap 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 Quarter straps, including rings, safes, and cincha straps 1 3 1 Coat strap, 33-inch (pommel) Coat strap, 45-inch (cantle) .... Coat strap^ 60-inch Saddletree' leather covered 1 2 2 1 2 2 Stirrups (nickel steel) . . Stirrup straps Saddlebags, pairs Saddlebags side straps Traces, lead, model of 1908 2 Each consisting of 1 trace body 1 trace cover 3 links 1 chain 1 toggle 2 sockets 2 cones 2 filler pieces Traces, wheel, model of 1908 2 2 Each consisting of 1 trace body 1 trace cover 1 ring 2 sockets 2 links ... 2 chains 2 toggles 2 cones 2 filler pieces 1 Mogul spring 1 loop hook 1 ring 1 Mogul spring loop 1 locking strap Trace chains 2 1 2 1 2 Whip 1 2 1 Sweat leathers Blanket, issued separately from harness. . . 1 STEEL COLLARS. (Class IV, Section 8.) SIZES AND DIRECTIONS FOR FITTING. Steel collars are made in the following sizes: 2A, 2B, 4A, 4B, 5, 5A, 5B, 6, 6A, 6B, 7, 7A, 7B ; and 8A. The number and shape of the collar are stamped on the front side under the extension bolt. The A and B shapes have straighter sides than the numbers without letters. When issued with harness, unless otherwise ordered, 20 per cent of the collars are No. 4A, 30 per cent No. 5, 40 per cent No. 5A, and 10 per cent No. 6. In requisitions, the size of collars desired should be given. The steel collar pads are made in seven different sizes: No. is 4 inches wide, No. 1 is 4.5 inches wide, No. 2 is 5 inches wide, etc., to No. 6, which is 7 inches wide. The pad connections are also furnished in seven sizes, from No. to No. 6. For the plain number 112 of collar (5, 6 7 or 7), the regular adjustment requires a pad connection of the same number as the pad. The A and B shapes have straighter sides and take a pad connection two sizes larger than the pad that is, it would take a No. 3 connection with a No. 1 pad, etc., for the regular adjustment in these shapes. When the collar is very wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, the size of the pad connection must be increased one or two numbers to allow the collar to close easily at the bottom. In the reverse case a smaller pad connection should be used. The collar pads are numbered on the front inner side. The pad connections are numbered on the side having the round holes, which side must be kept to the front on the collar. In requi- sitions for collar pads and pad connections the sizes desired must be stated. The buckle is made in two sizes. No. 2 is 1 inch longer than No. 1 and is used with the larger sizes of collar pads. The correct adjustment and fitting of collars is of the utmost Importance. The variety of sizes and shapes of collars, pads, pad connections, and buckles issued by the Ordnance Department is sufficient to enable any horse to be correctly fitted. Efficient super- vision by officers of the fitting of collars and of the adjustment of the point of draft (trace plate) is required to secure proper results. Table of dimensions . . Number of collar. Size of collar fitted with No. 3 pads. Size of collar fitted with No. 1 pads. Length of collar inside. Width 6 inches down from top. Width 8 inches down from top. Width at draft. Length of collar inside. Width 6 Width 8 inches inches down down from top. ; from top. Width at draft. 2A.. Inches. 18 18 194 194 21 21 21 22l 24 24 24 25J Inches. P 1 P 7 7| Inches. i 1 I 84 | 84 Inches. I I 8^ ft 9; 10; 9| 10 93 I Inches. 164 164 18 18 194 194 194 21 21 21 224 224 224 24 Inches. '; Inches. 4| | 54 5| : 5| 6i ; 7i 5f 61 5 | ] 9 6 8 ! 6f 51 ' 6i 6| ; 7| 5| 64 Inches. 7 74 7j n 71 84 1 2B 4A 4B 5 5A 5B 6 6A. . 6B 7 7A. 7B 8A... . The table of dimensions gives the largest and smallest size that each collar can be made with the No. 3 and No. 1 pads. Adding one-half inch in length and width to the smallest dimensions given in the table will give the size of the collars when fitted with the No. 2 pads. These examples are given to show the three regular adjustments in each size of collar, but these dimensions can be varied to suit the different shapes of necks. The largest pad can be put in the top of the collar and the bottom taken in to its smallest dimensions, or the s. I Plate XXII Collar Lifting Device. 100-1. 113 smallest pad can be put in the top and the bottom left out. While each collar can be lengthened or shortened and taken in or let out at the bottom by means of the adjustments provided, the width at the top can not be changed without using a larger or smaller pad. In fitting irregular shapes none of the connections may give just the proper tension on the pad. In such a case use the one that comes nearest and straighten or bend the extension at the top. When the collar requires to be widened at top to relieve the pressure on the pad and make it lock easily at the bottom, open the collar wide and place a round piece of hard wood or iron, 1 inch in diameter and 2 inches long, between the connection and collar side close up to the hinge, then press the sides together and bend both sides alike, so that they will be the same length at the bottom. Do not let the fulcrum rest on the pad, for it will bend it. If the collar sides require straighten- ing to close them tighter on the pad and give more tension on the latch at the bottom, open the collar at the bottom, hook the wrench over the top of collar side, and press down the lever, treating .both sides alike. Both of these operations can be performed with the collar put together. The spare parts furnished for the repair of the collars, with the correct names of the parts, are shown on Plate XXI. Canvas collar pads are not part of the artillery harness, but are furnished upon requisitions. They are made in sizes Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, as called for; if no size is called for, they are made in equal proportions of Nos. 4, 5, and 6. COLLAR-LIFTING DEVICE. (Plate XXII.) This is a simple device for lifting the steel collar from the horse's neck, when, for any reason, the neck becomes sore. The straps securing it to the hame tugs afford easy attachments to or removal from the collar. By supporting the collar by canvas pads in front and in rear of the collar, the pressure is removed from the surface of the neck directly beneath the collar, and the weight is more evenly distributed along the neck. In case of necessity, such a device made by the organization mechanic, will allow working a horse when suffering with a sore neck. THE CARE AND PRESERVATION OF LEATHER. Attention is invited to the folio whig: "It is forbidden to use any dressing or polishing material on the leather accouterments or equipments of the soldier, the horse equip- ments for cavalry, or the artillery harness except the preparations supplied by the Ordnance Department for that purpose." (A. R. 293 of 1910.) 114 REASON FOR OILING LEATHER. Leather, as it comes from the tannery in manufacture, is hard, rough, brittle, inflexible, and readily absorbs water. To remove these undesirable qualities and render the leather soft, pliable, flexible, and impervious to water, to increase the strength anc toughness of the fiber, and to give the leather such a surface color and finish as will make it most sightly and suitable for the purpose for which intended, the manufacture is continued by hand stuffing it with a dubbing made of pure cod-liver oil and tallow, which the experience of curriers has shown to be the best material for this purpose. This dubbing is thoroughly absorbed by the leather, penetrating it completely, and is not merely limited to the surface. The russet leather now used by the Ordnance Department in the manufacture of all leather equipments is pure oak tanned, of No. 1 tannage and finish, hand stuffed with a light dubbing made of pure .cod-liver oil and tallow to preserve the leather, the dubbing being so sparingly used that the oil will not exude. This leather as it comes from the manufacturer contains enough oil to materially improve its quality and prolong its life, but not enough oil to soil the clothing if the equipment is properly cared for. No oil whatever is added to the leather in the manufacture of the equipments at the Government arsenals. CARE OF RUSSET LEATHER. Leather equipments which have become wet should be dried in the shade. Wet leather exposed to the direct rays of the sun or to the heat of a stove or radiators becomes hard and brittle. When russet-leather equipments become soiled in service they should be cleaned by carefully washing the leather with a sponge moistened with a heavy lather made of clean water and castile or Frank Miller's soap, and then rubbing vigorously with a dry cloth until the leather is completely dry. If the leather becomes harsh, dry, and brittle from exposure to water or other causes, clean as above described, and while the leather is still slightly moist apply an exceedingly light coat of neat's-foot oil by rubbing with a soft cloth moistened (not saturated) with the oil. If it is found that too much oil has been used, the surplus can be readily removed by rubbing with a sponge moistened with naphtha or gasoline. But these oils are not issued for this purpose. Where a polish is desired, the leather should first be thoroughly cleaned and then the leather polish or dressing supplied by the Ordnance Department should be applied sparingly and thoroughly rubbed in with a soft, dry cloth. Scars, cuts, or abrasions of the leather may be improved in appearance but not obliterated by similar use of the leather polish. 115 Russet leather may be cleaned, oiled, and polished ae described above, but it should be noted that if more than a light coat of oil be given, the leather will be greatly darkened and will quickly soil the clothing. No method of cleaning will restore the original light color of the leather or remove stains or discolo rations. CARE OF BLACK LEATHER. To clean and dress black leather, wash it in water (lukewarm pre- ferred) with Castile soap. An old horse brush will be found very satisfactory for applying the soap and water. Dry in the shade; when almost dry, apply the blacking, rubbing it in thoroughly. Dry in the shade and then apply neat's-foot oil with a sponge or rag, rubbing in well until the leather is soft and pliable. When dry, a certain amount of oil and blacking will exude from the leather; this should be rubbed off with a dry cloth. SIGHTS. OPEN OR TANGENT SIGHT. (Plate XXIII.) The parts for sighting and laying the piece include an open or tangent sight, consisting of a peep sight in rear with a corresponding front sight carrying cross wires and a panoramic sight. A sight fastening having a bore parallel to the center line of the cradle trunnion is keyed and bolted to the left trunnion bracket. The bore in the sight fastening acts as a seat for a shank on the sight lever, the outer end of the shank being clamped to the sight bar. The other end of the sight lever is fastened to the sight link which is secured to the left rocker. Lines in the plane of rotation joining the centers of the cradle trunnions, sight link bolt, joint between sight link and sight lever, and bore of the sight fastening form the sides of a parallelogram which insure equality of angular movement of the sight bar and rocker in elevation. This sight fastening has also an arm on which is located the front sight. The front sight consists of two cross wires set at an angle of 45 to horizontal in the circular bore of the cross- wire holder and held in place by the cross-wire ring and the cross-wire retainer. The shank of the holder is threaded with 32 threads per inch, which allows it vertical movement in the holder sleeve. The outside of the holder sleeve is threaded with 30 threads per inch, which allows it a vertical movement in the sight-fastening arm. A f-inch split pin passes through the arm and through slots in the cross-wire holder and holder sleeve, and fixes the cross-wire holder in a plane normal to the line of sight, the slots allowing vertical adjustment by the differential threads of the sleeve. The sight bar which is secured to the sight-lever shank extends to the rear and supports the peep and panoramic sights. 116 The rear end or head of the sight bar is provided with circular guides cut with the line of sight, howitzer at elevation, as an axis and upon these guides a socket for the sight shank is mounted. A clip formed on the lower end of the shank socket forms a bearing for a leveling screw, whose threads engage worm-gear teeth cut in the lower guide of the sight bar. Turning the leveling screw rotates the sight- shank socket about the line of sight and in a plane perpendicular to it This permits the sight shank to be brought vertical, thereby correcting for any difference in the heights of the wheels due to inequalities o: the ground. The sight shank is an arm curved to the arc of a circle of which the bore of the sight fastening is the center; it slides in guides in the shank socket and is moved up and down in elevation by a scroll gear seatec in a boss upon the shank socket and engaging in a rack cut upon the left side of the shank. The scroll gear is held in mesh with the rack the scroll-gear spring and the scroll-gear lock. The sight shank ma} be dismounted from the sight-shank socket, or a considerable change in elevation may be quickly effected by releasing the scroll-gear lock, pulling the scroll-gear handle to compress the spring and disengage the scroll gear from the rack, and then sliding the sight shank through the shank socket by hand. A German silver range strip fits in a dovetailed seat cut in the rear face of the sight shank, and is divided into three range scales, each graduated in yards to correspond to the ranges of the particular zone used. Mounted upon a trunnion on the rear face of the sight shank socket is a notched zone shutter, the notches being so arranged that only the range scale to be utilized is exposed. The knurled knob is used for turning the zone shutter to the desired zone, in which position it is held by a tooth of the shutter spring engaging a notch in the shutter. Raised figures on the shutter indicate the number of the zone of the range scale being read. A shank socket cover is provided to close the inner side of the shank socket. A spring plate attached to the front of shank recess in the socket supports two plungers which are actuated by springs to force the shank against the rear wall of the socket, thus taking up the play of the parts. The upper part of the sight shank is fashioned into a deflection guide and mounting for the peep sight and is prolonged to form a support for the panoramic sight. The peep-sight guide is located in an open- ing in the sight shank and is perpendicular to the line of sight. The peep sight is secured by clips to this guide and is traversed along it by the peep-sight screw. The latter passes through a tapped hole in the peep sight and is supported at each end in bearings in the sight shank. The screw is turned by a knurled head at its left end. The peep hole is 0.125 inch in diameter. 117 The deflection scale is attached to the rear face of the peep-sight guide and the index for the scale is on the peep sight. The gradua- tions are in milliemes, or points equivalent to one one-thousandth part of the range. There are 45 mils upon each side of the zero, and the scale is marked from left to right as follows : 40 30 20 10 90 80 70 60 the actual mils being 40 30 20-10 6390 6380 6370 6360 thus making deflection readings on this sight uniform with those of the panoramic sight and the battery commander's telescope. The scale has a short longitudinal adjustment by which the zero of the scale may be located so as to bring the line of sight parallel to the plane containing the axes oi howitzer and cradle. The sides of the upper sight shank converge above the peep sight and form a support for the panoramic sight. This support has a vertical T slot into which the guide lug of the panoramic sight fits. A clamp screw with a ratchet head is seated in the support and holds the panoramic sight in position by forcing it against the ways of the support. A small spring plunger detent seated in the sight shank bears against the ratchet head of the clamp screw and fixes it in position. Upon the left side of the upper sight shank is attached a level bracket, in which is mounted a level screw and an elevation level holder, the construction allowing the movement of the level holder through the arc of a circle in the vertical plane parallel to that of the sight shank. The amount of angular movement of the level holder is measured by the level scale, graduated on the level holder with an index on the level bracket, supplemented by a level micrometer disk on the level screw. The level scale is graduated in sixty-fourths of the circumference, and one complete turn of the screw moves the level holder through one of these divisions. The level micrometer disk on the level screw has 100 divisions, so that one of these divisions corresponds to 1 mil ( 1 ^ of the range). The divisions of the cir- cular scale are marked 1 to 5 and in connection with the level disk are read 100, 200, etc., plus the indications of the latter. The 3 or 300 corresponds to the mean or zero position of the elevation-level holder. This arrangement of graduated level serves the same purpose as the range quadrant on other carriages; it has the advantage that the sight and quadrant is combined in one instrument, thereby permitting the duties of laying for direction and elevation to be performed by one man. This probably slightly increases the time of laying, but permits the cannoneer on the right side to be free to operate the quick-return gear, firing handle, and breech block. In firing, the sight is left in its seat. 118 THE PANORAMIC SIGHT, MODEL OF 1904. (Class IV, Section 3.) (Plate XXIV.) The panoramic sight is a vertical telescope so fitted with reflecting prisms that the gunner with his eye at the eyepiece, which is fix< in a horizontal position, may bring into the field of view an object situated at any point in a plane perpendicular to the axis of th( telescope. The details of the optical part of this instrument are shown n Plate XXIV, and comprise the rotating head prism A, the rotatinj prism B, the objective lens C, the lower reflecting prism D, and th< eyepiece E. The rays coming from the object are reflected down- ward from the prism A into prism B, which rectifies them; aft their passage through the objective lens C, the prism D reflects thei in such a way that there is presented to the eyepiece E a rectifie< image, which the eyepiece magnifies. The prism B is of rectanguL cross section. Its peculiarity is that on rotation about its longi- tudinal axis the image of an object seen through it turns with twi< the angular velocity of the prism. As, therefore, the prisms A an< B are so mounted as to rotate about this axis, prism B following with one-half of the angular velocity of the latter, the image alwa] remains as it would appear to one observing it directly with an ordi- nary terrestrial telescope. The image formed by the objective lens would naturally be versed and inverted. The lower inclined faces of the prism D b; cross reflection transfer the rays to opposite sides of the axis, thi correcting the reversal. The correction of the inversion is accom- plished by the combined action of the three prisms A, B, and D, th< nature of the action varying with the different positions of the prisms. In the position shown on Plate XXIV prisms A and D act as parall< reflectors, and they without the lens system would present an erect image. Prism B, however, inverts the rays and corrects the inv< si on produced by the objective lens. It will be noted the effecl would be the same whether the prism B occupies the position sho> on the plate or be revolved 180 from that position. This latl position is the one it would assume if the prism A were rotat< through 360. If the prism A be now rotated through 180, th< prisms A and D would form two reflectors set at right angles an< would give, without the lens system, an inverted image, and ii conjunction with the lens system an erect image. Prism B in case will occupy a position 90 from that shown on the plate, in whicl position it causes no inversion, but counteracts the inversion producec by prism D. 631117 11 119 A glass reticule marked with cross lines is located in the focal plane of the instrument, with the intersection of the cross lines coin- cident with its optical axis. No provision is made for changing the focus of eyepiece or objective lens. As issued, theiinstrument is focused for the usual range and the average eye. The magnifying power of the instrument is four; the field of view is 10. The mechanical construction of the instrument is as follows: The body consists of a shank, provided on its front surface with a T lug, which fits into a corresponding slot in the head of the sight shank and is held in the position on sights by a detent, ratchet, and clamp screw. To the lower end of the body is screwed the eyepiece elbow, forming a housing for the prism D and the eyepiece E. The latter projects to the rear just above the peep of the rear sight. To the upper end of the shank is screwed the azimuth circle support, to which is screwed the hood for the azimuth circle, forming a seat for the rotating mechanism of the sight. The opening in the rotating head is closed by the rotating head glass window, which forms a dust guard. The rotating head prism A is mounted opposite this opening. The lower end of the rotating head is seated in the azimuth circle hub and gear. A worm located in worm box in the hood for azimuth circle engages in a worm gear cut on the azimuth circle. The worm is pivoted at its rear end in the worm box by a ball and socket bear- ing. This bearing consists of the bearing socket, worm ball, and bearing cap. The worm throw-out mechanism consists of the draw pin, draw pin spring, spring retaining nut and lever. The rotating prism B is secured in the upper end, and the objective C in the lower end, of the supporting sleeve for rotating prism resting in the hub and gear. The upper end of this supporting sleeve for the rotating prism and the lower end of the azimuth circle have gears which engage in a double pinion seated in the azimuth circle support. The gears and pinions are calculated so that the angular velocity of the rotating head is twice that of the rotating prism B and is in the same direction. The motion of rotation is transmitted from the worm to the azimuth circle, thence to the azimuth circle hub and gear, thence to the pinion, and through it to the supporting sleeve for rotating prism. The amount of motion of the rotating head prism is indicated by a grad- uated scale on the perimeter of the azimuth circle, visible through the glass azimuth circle window in the rear face of the hood for the azimuth circle. The zero of the scale and the index on the head- piece are located so that the line of sight of the panoramic sight is parallel to that of the rear sight, and consequently to the axis of the gun, when both sights are set at elevation and deflection. The scale is formed by dividing the circumference into 64 equal parts. One complete turn of the worm moves the rotating head 120 prism through one of these divisions, or 1/64 of a circle. The real end of the worm carries the azimuth micrometer knob with circum- ference graduated into 100 equal parts to form a micrometer scale. One of these subdivisions, therefore, equals 1/100 of a division of the main scale or marks a movement of the rotating head prism and line of sight through 1/6400 of a circle. An angular movement of the line of sight through 1/6400 of a circle corresponds very closely to a lateral displacement of 1/1000 of the range. Practically the subdivisions of the deflection scale on the panoramic sight are con- sidered as points equal to 1/1000 of the range and are called milliemes or mils. The reading of the deflection scale or the size of an angle is given in the units of the micrometer scale as 2763, 1521, etc., meaning 2763/6400, 1521/6400, etc., of 360. The alternate divisions of the main scale are numbered in a clockwise direction 0, 2, 4, etc., to 62, inclusive. In reading the deflection scale, therefore, hundreds are read directly from the main scales and tens and units from the deflection-screw micrometer scale. At the line of sight is parallel to the vertical plane through the axis of the gun; at 16 (or 1,600 mils) it is perpendicular to that plane and pointing directly to the right, etc. The azimuth micrometer knob is secured on the rear end of the worm by a locking screw. This arrangement permits the of the scale to be set opposite the index line on the azimuth micrometer index without movement of the worm in adjusting the sight. The worm, which is seated at its front end in the draw pin, is held in contact with the worm gear on the azimuth circle by the draw pin spring and is arranged so that it may be disengaged from the worm gear by movement of a lever. When disengaged the line of sight may be rapidly oriented to approximately the desired direc- tion, the worm then thrown into gear, and finer adjustments made by turning the azimuth micrometer knob. All panoramic sights have been made interchangeable, so as to fit in seats. The following device for illumination of the cross lines of the reti- cule of panoramic sights is used: A small slit is cut in the eyepiece elbow and the reticule cell on the side of the sight next the gun. A shutter is provided which encircles the eyepiece elbow opposite the slit, affording means fo] closing. On some sights this shutter is provided with a transparent celluloid window to prevent the entrance of dust. On the latei sights a glass window is fitted in the side of the eyepiece. For illumination at night electric flash lights are used. The 1 should be held close to the illuminating slot or window. 121 PANORAMIC SIGHT, MODEL OF 1915. (Plate XXV.) The panoramic sight is a vertical telescope so fitted with an opti- cal system of reflecting prisms and lenses that the gunner with his eye at the fixed eyepiece in a horizontal position can bring into the field of view an object situated at any point in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the telescope. The rays coming from the object are reflected downward from the rotating head prism into the rotating prism. The rotating prism rectifies the rays; after their passage through the achromatic objec- tive lens, the lower reflecting prism reflects them in such a way that there is presented to the eyepiece a rectified image, which the eye- piece magnifies. The peculiarity of the rotating prism is that upon rotation about its longitudinal axis the image of the object seen through it turns with twice the angular velocity of the rotating prism. The rotating head prism and rotating prism are so mounted as to rotate about this axis, the rotating prism following the rotating head prism with one-half of the angular velocity of the latter; the image always remains as it would appear to one observing it directly with an ordinary telescope. The image formed by the achromatic objective lens would then be reversed and inverted. The rays are cross reflected to the opposite sides of the axis by the inclined faces of the lower reflecting prism, thus correcting the reversal. The combined action of the rotating head prism, the rotating prism, and lower reflecting prism and the nature of action varying with different positions of the prisms, provide for the correction of the inversion of the image. The rotating head prism and lower reflect- ing prism, as shown in position on Plate XXV, act as parallel reflectors and they without the lens system would present an erect image. The rotating prism, however, inverts the rays and corrects the in- version produced by the achromatic objective lens. It will be noted that the effect would be the same whether the rotating prism occupies the same position shown on the plate or be revolved 180 from that position. The rotating head prism must be turned through 360 to get a position of 180 for the rotating prism. If the rotating head prism is rotated through 180, the rotating prism and lower reflect- ing prism would form reflectors set at right angles, and would give, without the lens system, an inverted image, and in conjunction with the lens system an erect image. The rotating prism in this case will occupy a position 90 from that shown on the plate, in which position it causes no inversion but counteracts the inversion pro- duced by the lower reflecting prism. The instrument has a magnifying power of 4 and a field of view of 10. 122 The principal parts of the panoramic sight are the rotating head mechanism, the elevation device, the azimuth mechanism, the rotating prism mechanism, the deflection mechanism, the shank, and the eye- piece. The rotating head mechanism consists principally of the rotating head, rotating head prism, rotating head prism holder, prism holder cover, elevation index support, prism shield, and rotating head cover. The rotating head forms a housing for its movable parts, and pro- vides seats for the elevation-worm bushing and rotating head prism holder. The front opening of the rotating head is closed by the prism shield which forms a dust guard. The bottom threaded seat of the rotating head screws upon the upper end of the azimuth worm wheel and is locked in place by four azimuth scale retaining ring screws. Upon the rear face of the rotating head is engraved a scale which is used for measuring the elevation of the rotating head prism holder, which retains the rotating head prism and has an index mark upon the projection which coincides with the graduations of the elevation worm micrometer head. The rotating-head prism is mounted within the rotating-head prism holder between the prism support front, prism support bottom, and prism support back, and secured in position by the rotating-head prism spring, which bears upon the prism support back. The rotat- ing-head prism is protected on the right side by the prism-holder cover and on the left side by the elevation index support. The prism shield is held within the rotating head by the prism shield retaining piece, which is in turn secured by two prism shield retaining piece screws. The prism-holder cover screws into its threaded seat, located in the right side of the rotating-head prism holder and locked in position by the prism-holder cover screws. The rotating head cover screws into its threaded seat, located in the right side of the rotating head and held in place by the rotating- head cover screws. The exterior of the rotating-head cover has two small holes for teat wrench, and engravings " Field 10 " and " Power 4" are located on the exterior surface. The elevation-index support screws into its threaded seat, located in the left side of the rotating-head prism holder and secured in place by the elevation-index support screw. The small holes in the exte- rior surface allow the use of teat wrench to enable the elevation- index support to be screwed in place. The support retaining ring retains the elevation-index support with rotating-head prism holder within the rotating head, and is locked in position by the support- retaining ring screw. 123 The elevation index is held upon the elevation-index support by the two elevation-index retaining screws. The arrow engraved upon the German-silver piece, which is dovetailed in the elevation index, coincides with the graduations of the scale engraved upon the rear face of the rotating head. The elevation device consists principally of the elevation segment, elevation worm, elevation-worm bushing, elevation-worm retaining nut, and elevation-worm micrometer head. The elevation segment is held in its seat, provided in the rotating- head prism holder, by the segment lock pin. The movement of the elevation segment is limited between two dowel pins, which are diiven through the rotating head. The elevation worm is mounted eccentrically within the elevation- worm bushing, which when turned provides an adjustment to take up the wear between the worm threads and the worm teeth of the eleva- tion segment. The elevation-worm bushing has a screw-driver slot in its lower end, which is used for adjusting and is retained in position by the elevation- worm bushing clamp plug, which is secured by the bushing clamp plug screw. The elevation-worm retaining nut retains the elevation-worm bush- ing and elevation worm lengthwise within the rotating head. The screw-driver =!.lot in the top of the elevation -worm retaining nut is used for adjusting, and is locked in position by the elevation-worm retaining nut screw. The elevation-worm micrometer head is held upon the upper slotted end of the elevation worm by the locking screw. The scale engraved upon the periphery is graduated into 100 equal divisions, numbered every 10 divisions. The upper exterior diameter of the elevation- worm micrometer head is straight knurled to facilitate turning. One complete revolution of the elevation-worm micrometer head is equal to the distance between each graduation upon the scale on the rear face of the rotating head. The open sight is constructed of bronze plate, bent to shape having an arm projecting out at each end, each arm containing a hole. A bronze knee is soldered to the interior of the front pro- jecting arm over the center of the hole in such a manner as to form a sight which is used for quick sighting. The open sight is secured to the rotating head cover by two open-sight retaining screws. The principal parts of the azimuth mechanism are the azimuth- worm wheel, azimuth-worm wheel support, azimuth-worm wheel cover, azimuth worm, azimuth-worm ball, throw-out cam, throw-out plunger, azimuth-micrometer knob and azimuth scale. The azimuth scale is retained upon its bearing, provided on lower end of the rotating head, by the azimuth-scale retaining ring which 124 in turn is secured by four azimuth-scale retaining ring screws. The four elongated holes in the azimuth scale provide for adjusting. The scale, engraved upon the lower, exterior diameter, is graduated into 64 equal divisions, numbered every 2 divisions. The azimuth-worm wheel cover forms a housing for the movable parts of the azimuth mechanism and provides seats for the ball and socket bearing throw-out mechanism and deflection worm wheel and support ring. The arrow, engraved upon the upper exterior diameter of the azimuth-worm wheel cover, coincides with the graduations of the azimuth scale. The scale engraved upon a boss on the rear face of the azimuth-worm wheel cover is used for measuring the deflection of the object. The arrow, engraved upon the offset on the rear right side of the azimuth-worm wheel cover, coincides with the gradua- tions on the azimuth-micrometer knob. The felt washer which is retained in its seat, is located in the upper end of the azimuth-worm wheel cover, and provides for sufficient friction between the rotating head and the azimuth worm-wheel cover. The azimuth-worm wheel support spring tends to retain the azimuth-worm wheel upon the azimuth-worm wheel support. The gear teeth of the lower part of the azimuth-worm wheel mesh with the rotating head pinion, which upon rotation moves the rotating head mechanism. The lower part of the azimuth- worm wheel sup- port screws into its threaded seat provided in the upper part of the shank. The azimuth worm is provided at one end with an azimuth-worm ball, held in place by a bearing cap and bearing socket. A clearance space is provided so that the bearing cap can be adjusted to take up wear. A throw-out plunger with a spring and spring retaining nut, is provided for compensating for wear between the azimuth worm and azimuth-worm wheel. A throw-out lever which is pinned to a throw- out cam, which in turning acts on the throw-out plunger, is a means provided for disengaging the azimuth worm and azimuth-worm wheel. The azimuth-micrometer knob is held on the slotted end of the azimuth worm by the locking screw. The scale is divided into 100 equal divisions, numbered every 5 divisions. One complete revolution of the azimuth-micrometer knob is equal to the distance between each graduation on the azimuth scale. The rotating-prism mechanism consists principally of the rotating prism, rotating-prism holder, rotating-prism supporting sleeve, rotating-prism pinion, and rotating-prism block. The rotating prism is of rectangular cross section, mounted and retained in position within the rotating-prism holder by rotating- prism block, which is secured by the rotating-prism set screw. The rotating-prism holder is seated in the upper section of the rotating- prism supporting sleeve. The rotating-prism pinion is driven upon 125 the pinion shaft. The rotating-head pinion is driven upon the hub of the rotating-prism pinion. The pinion shaft is mounted at both ends in its seat provided in the azimuth-worm wheel support which upon rotation, moves the pinion shaft. This gear system is so designed that the rotating head moves twice the angular distance. of the rotating-prism holder. The principal parts of the deflection mechanism are the deflection worm wheel and support ring, deflection worm, deflection-worm bushing, deflection dial, and deflection-worm knob. The deflection-worm wheel and support ring is seated within the azimuth-worm-wheel cover located by two dowel pins and then retained by six deflection-worm wheel and support-ring screws. A segment, projecting downward into the shank, carries a worm wheel which meshes with the deflection worm. The deflection- worm-wheel support is located within the shank and against the deflection-worm wheel and support ring by two dowel pins, and se- cured by two deflection-worm-wheel support screws. The deflection worm is mounted eccentrically within the deflec- tion-worm bushing which when turned provides an adjustment to take up the wear between the worm threads and the worm teeth of the deflection-worm wheel and support ring. The deflection-worm bushing is adjusted by using the fingera upon the rear end and is restrained in position by the deflection- worm-bushing clamp plug which is secured by the deflection-worm- bushing clamp-plug screw. A German silver piece is pinned and soldered to the rear end of the deflection-worm bushing on which is engraved three arrows with letters "R" and "L". The middle or large arrow coincides with the graduations of the deflection dial. The compensating spring is provided for taking up all lost motion that appears lengthwise in the mechanism. The worm knob is se- cured to the deflection worm by a taper pin, the periphery being straight knurled to facilitate turning. The deflection dial is held on the front slotted end of the deflection worm by the locking screw. The scale engraved upon the front end is graduated into 100 equal divisions, numbered every 10 divisions. The shank forms a body for the instrument and provides seats for the azimuth-worm-wheel support, deflection-worm bushing, and elbow. The front surface is provided with a T lug which fits into a corresponding slot in the upper end of the shank of the rear sight. Upon the rear surface is dovetailed the deflection index which is retained in place by the de- flection-index screw. The arrow engraved upon the deflection index coincides with graduations on the rear face of the azimuth-worm- wheel cover. The eyepiece consists principally of the reticule, reticule cell, achromatic field lens, achromatic eyelens, and eyelens cell. 126 The achromatic objective lens is mounted in the upper end of the objective lens cell. This cell is secured in its threaded seat in the upper end of the elbow by two objective lens cell-retaining screws. The elbow is screwed in the lower end of the shank and secured by the four elbow-retaining screws in such a manner that its projecting arm is horizontal to the axis of the instrument. The elbow provides seats for the lower reflecting prism and the eyelens cell. The lower reflecting prism is held upon its bearing surfaces, provided in the elbow by two wedges which in turn are secured by the two wedge screws. These screws are retained by the wedge screw-lock screw. The wedge-screw cover is provided to retain the wedge screw-lock screws in position. The wedge-screw cover is secured by the wedge- cover screw. The opening of the elbow upon the right and left sides are closed by the elbow covers, which are locked by the elbow-cover screws. Upon the left side of the elbow is an opening through which the light is thrown upon the reticule. This opening is covered by the window to protect the interior of the eyepiece from dust and dirt. The shutter is so designed to slide over the opening in the elbow, being guided by the shutter-stop screw and movement lim- ited by the elongated slot. The reticule has two crosslines etched on its surface and is mounted in the forward end of the reticule cell which is secured in the eyelens cell by the reticule cell-retaining screw. The achromatic eyelens is mounted in the eyelens cell and is separated from the achromatic field lens by the lens separator. The achromatic field lens is held within the eyelens ceU by the field lens retaining ring, which in turn is locked by the field-lens cell-retaining- ring screw. The eyelens cell is secured to the elbow by the eyelens cell-retaining screw. All interior metallic surfaces exposed to the refracted light are finished with dull black baking enamel. All exposed optical ele- ments, covers, and nonrotating joints are sealed with the litharge cement or equal. All German silver graduated surfaces are sand blasted and lacquered. USE OF THE PANORAMIC SIGHTS, MODELS OF 1914 AND 1915. For direct aiming. Set the rear sight at the required elevation and correct for difference of level of wheels; set off the desired deflection on the azimuth circle of the panoramic sight; bring the cross lines of the sight upon the target by means of the elevating and traversing devices of the carriage. For imparting the approximate initial direction the line sight may be used with advantage. Jn using the model of 1915 sight for direct fire, care must be taken that the rotating head be set at 300 mils and the deflection mech- anism at 0. L27 For indirect aiming. Set the rear sight at the required elevation and make correction for difference of level of wheels; set the azimuth circle of the panoramic sight at the deflection ordered. Lay the gun for deflection by directing the vertical line of the panoramic 'sight at the auxiliary aiming point, the elevation of the gun being given by using the range quadrant. The angle of deflection to be set off on the azimuth circle of the panoramic sight is the same as the angle made by joining the target and the auxiliary aiming point with the sight. USE OP PANORAMIC SIGHT FOR MEASUREMENT OF RANGES. Distances or ranges may be roughly calculated from readings made by two panoramic sights mounted on their guns, as follows : Direct the guns on the target; then sight the panoramic sights on each other. The angle at the target subtended by the line connecting the two guns is then 3,200 mils minus the sum of the actual angles in mils measured at the guns. If B is the distance between the guns in yards, then range equals B multiplied by 1,000 divided by the number of mils in the angle at the target. The accuracy of this method increases as B becomes smaller, so long as the instruments can be read correctly. USE OF SIGHTS. The powder charges and sighting arrangements are prepared so that firings may be carried on in three different zones. The ranges for each zone extend from to maximum range for the particular zone. As far as the sights are concerned they are used the same for each zone, the only precaution necessary being that the zone shutter for the rear sight must be set so as to permit reading the proper scale. Rear sigJit. When used in connection with the front sight its use is ordinarily limited to direct firing only. For this purpose set the sight scale at the ordered range and the peep sight at the ordered deflection and correct for difference of level of wheels. Elevate and traverse until line of sight through peep and front sights is on the target. When used in connection with the panoramic sight it may be used for direct or indirect firing. CARE OF THE REAR SIGHTS. For traveling, the sight shank is withdrawn from the shank socket, covered with the cover for the sight shank, and placed in its packing in the left trail box. A cover is provided to protect the surfaces of the shank socket and should be slipped over the sight bar when the shank is removed. 128 When convenient, and especially when not in use in garrison, the sight shanks and panoramic sights should be removed from the car- riages and kept in some dry place, as in the barracks storeroom or office. All parts of the sight shanks and shank sockets should be kept clean, free from rust, and lightly oiled. When stored or not used for short periods they should be thoroughly cleaned and well coated with light slushing oil. Should any part become rusted, it should be carefully cleaned by softening the rust with kerosene oil and rubbing with a soft pine stick. In handling all parts of sights care must be exercised to avoid injur- ing them by dropping, striking them upon or with other parts, etc. Extra glass level vials assembled in brass tubes, to replace broken vials in sights, except for the angle of site level, will be issued on requisition. In case the latter level requires replacement the level holder will be removed and turned in to an arsenal designated by the armament officer. Only ordinary tools, such as a hammer and a punch or a piece of wire, are required for the removal of pins from level caps in order to replace vials. All pins on level caps are driven in toward the center of the instrument. They should be driven out in the opposite direc- tion. Four radial screws in the vial tubes are used for adjusting the tubes in their holders. ADJUSTMENT OF SIGHTS. The sights are correctly adjusted when, at zero elevation and deflec- tion, the line of sight is parallel to the axis of the bore. With the gun horizontal and the range scale at zero, the reading of the elevation disk should be 300 when the bubble is at the center of its vial. In adjusting the sights the panoramic sight should first be corrected. If the rear sight is taken first, it will require readjustment, provided the adjustment of the panoramic sight causes a change imposition of the range strip. TO ADJUST THE REAR SIGHT. The rear-sight shank is set at zero elevation and the direction of the line of sight is changed by means of the peep-sight screw and by altering the front sight until the line of sight is parallel to the axis of the bore. The method of determining when this condition exists is given below. The deflection scale on the sight shank is then shifted until its zero registers with the index on the peep sight. This movement of the deflection scale is provided for by elongated holes in the scale, through which pass the screws which clamp it in position on the sight shank. The front-sight holder is attached^to 129 the sight fastening in a manner to provide means of altering its height as previously explained. To adjust the elevation level holder: With the bore of the piece horizontal and the sight set at zero elevation, the position of the level holder is changed by the level screw until the bubble is in the center of its vial. The nut inside the level handle which clamps the grad- uated disk is released and the disk rotated until zero comes opposite its index. TO ADJUST THE PANORAMIC SIGHT, MODEL OF 1915. Should backlash or lost motion appear lengthwise in the elevation device, it can be removed by loosening the elevation-worm retaining- nut screw, setting up on the elevation-worm retaining nut, and then tightening up on the elevation-worm retaining-nut screw. To remove backlash between the threads of the elevation worm and worm teeth of the elevation segment, loosen the bushing clamp plug screw which releases the elevation-worm bushing clamp plug, and then turning the elevation bushing, in which the elevation worm is eccentrically mounted, so as to bring the elevation worm closer in contact with the worm teeth of the elevation segment. The elevation-worm adjusting clamp plug must be firmly clamped after adjusting by tightening up on the bushing clamp plug screw to secure the elevation-worm bushing against rotation. After adjusting, should the zero, upon the elevation worm micrometer head not coincide with its index when the elevation index coincides with the graduations of the scale upon the rear face of the rotating head, it can easily be remedied by the loosening up on the locking screw and turning the elevation-worm micrometer head until the zero just coincides with its index, after which it must be firmly secured by tightening up on the locking screw. Backlash which may occur between the threads of the azimuth worm and the worm teeth of the azimuth worm wheel is taken up automatically by the spring that forces the throw-out plunger which seats the azimuth worm at its left end in toward the azimuth worm wheel. The four elongated holes in the azimuth scale afford means for adjusting when its zero does not coincide with the arrow head upon the upper exterior diameter of the azimuth worm-wheel cover when the zero of the deflection scale, upon the rear of the azimuth worm- wheel cover, coincides with arrow head upon the deflection index. After this adjustment is made the azimuth micrometer knob should be inspected similar to that of the elevation-worm micrometer head. Backlash, that appears between the threads of the deflection worm and the worm teeth of the deflection worm wheel and support ring, can readily be removed when the method of adjusting similar to that of the elevation device is followed out. 130 TO ADJUST THE PANORAMIC SIGHT, MODEL OF 1904. Direct the panoramic sight by means of the azimuth micrometer knob and rear sight scroll gear until its line of sight is parallel to the axis of the bore. The method of determining when this condition of parallelism exists is described hereafter. Without disturbing the direction of this line of sight move the azimuth micrometer knob of panoramic sight and the range strip of the rear sight until the zero marks come opposite their respective indices. The azimuth microme- ter knob may be moved after loosening the locking screw in the end of the worm. This locking screw may be loosened by the combined teat wrench and screw driver issued for the purpose. If the azimuth micrometer knob can not be readily removed, grasp the sight by the azimuth micrometer knob, release the worm from the worm gear of the azimuth circle, and gently tap the exposed end of the worm with a small piece of wood or soft metal. To locate the index opposite the zero of the scale, loosen the four screws that hold the movable index cover in place and move this cover until the index is properly located, then tighten the screws. Movement of the range strip of the rear sight is made possible by a slot in the shank in which the range-strip screw can be moved when the nut has been loosened. CARE OF THE PANORAMIC SIGHT, MODELS OF 1904 AND 1915. These sights are delicate instruments and must not be subjected to any rough usage, jars, or strains. In firing they remain in position on the carriage; in the field, when not in use, they are kept in the padded leather cases prepared for them on the rear of the main shield. To obtain satisfactory vision, the glasses must be perfectly clean and dry. The T lug on the sight and the slot forming its seat should be kept lightly oiled as a preventive of rust. The worm and worm rack should be oiled with vaseline. When dust accumulates on the pointers it should be removed by a fine camel' s-hair brush in the hands of an experienced person. To clean the rotating-head window and the front face of the rotating head, do not remove the rotating-head window from the window cell. To clean the reticule and eyepiece lenses, remove the screw holding the eyepiece to the eyepiece elbow and unscrew the eyepiece. To disassemble the lenses remove the set screw on the underside of the eyepiece and unscrew the eye-lens cell. The field lens is held in place by a retaining spring, both of which may drop out as soon as the eye- lens cell is disassembled. In assembling note that the flat surface of the field lens of the eye- piece is placed next to the reticule. Do not remove or change the adjustment of the reticule. Its rear surface may be cleaned with a camel' s-hair brush after the eyepiece has been removed. 131 In panoramic sights of serial numbers after 752 the exposed optical elements and all nonmoving joints are sealed and no attempt should be made to remove them. For serial numbers 873 and up the slight change in the appearance and construction of the elbow and rotating head is made for the pur- pose of making these parts dust and moisture proof. VERIFICATION OF PARALLELISM OF LINES OF SIGHT AND AXIS OF BORE. By construction the vertical plane of the lines of sight at zero deflection is distant 17.5 inches from the vertical plane of the axis of the bore; the horizontal plane of the line of sight of the rear sight at zero elevation is distant 8 inches from the horizontal plane of the axis of the bore; the corresponding distance for the line of sight of the panoramic sight is 14.657 inches. Therefore, when the carriage is placed with wheels on a level platform, the gun with axis of bore horizontal, and the sights at zero elevation and deflection, the points in which the lines of sight and the axis of the bore prolonged pierce a distant plane perpendicular to the latter should be located with ref- erence to each other as indicated above, provided the sights are cor- rectly adjusted. The details of a method for the practical verification of this adjust- ment are as follows : A 6.995 FOR PaNOMMK SIGHT. MODCL OF I9O4. X? 6438 fOt? PftNOROMIC SIGHT. MOKL Of Iff/3. FIGURE 1. A target of dimensions given in figure 1 is placed in a vertical position perpendicular to the line of sight at a distance of not less than 100 yards from the gun (and at such a height that the point "bore" is at the same height as the axis of the bore of the gun). The 631117 12 132 vertical! ty of the target is assured by a plumb line attached at A, coinciding with the vertical line A B. The carriage is placed with the wheels and trail resting upon solid supports of wood or stone ; the surfaces of which have been carefully leveled so as to bring the axle axis horizontal. Now, direct the gun so that the prolongation of the axis of the bore, as determined by the bore sights, pierces the target at the proper point; the lines of sigh.1 of the open and panoramic sights are then adjusted in direction by the means explained above until they pierce the targets in the points marked, respectively, "open" and "panoramic." The axis of the bore is determined and prolonged by means of bor< sights. In the absence of such means a breech-bore sight may be made from an empty cartridge case from which the primer has been removed; a piece of paper should be pasted over the primer seat and a pinhole made in its exact center to serve as a peep sight. If the cartridge case does not completely fill the bore, it should be shimmed all around with tissue paper until it does so. For a muzzle-bore sight use should be made of the traces of the horizontal and vertical planes containing the axis of the bore, which are marked on the muzzle of the gun. Fine threads or hairs stretched across the muzzle to coincide with these lines form a good bore sight, and the ends of such threads may be conveniently fastened to a cloth strap buckled around the muzzle of the gun. In the field, where from lack of time or proper facilities the method just given can not be followed, the adjustment of the sights may be verified by bringing the lines of sight at zero elevation and deflection to bear upon some sharply defined point of a distant object. At such a range (for instance, 2,000 yards or more) the parallax may be neglected, and if the sights are correctly adjusted the lines of sight and the prolongation of the axis of the bore will sensibly pass through the selected aiming point. The adjustment of the sights is of such importance and should be verified so frequently that battery commanders will find it advan- tageous to make permanent arrangements for such verification. The leveled supports constituting the carriage emplacement should preferably be of stone. The site of the target (fig. 1) should be prepared, and the exact locations of the target and horizontal reference points permanently marked. If these arrangements are properly made, subsequent verifications of sights will become a simple matter. ADDITIONAL TESTS. After the sights are adjusted they should be subjected to the following tests to insure their accuracy at extremes of elevation and azimuth : i 133 (a) With carriage level and gun and sights at zero elevation and deflection the lines of sight and axis of bore, prolonged pierce the tar- get (fig. 1) in the proper points. (6) The gun is then moved to its maximum elevation; as the sight elevation is altered the lines of sight should follow the vertical lines through the same points of the target (fig. 1). (c) With conditions as in (a) the gun is moved upon the carriage to its extreme positions in azimuth; as the sight deflections are now altered the lines of sight should follow the horizontal lines through the same points on the target (fig. 1). By construction and assemblage the sights, if correctly adjusted, should fulfill the above conditions with substantial accuracy. If error be noted, a report of the facts of the case with the cause, if known, should be made to the ordnance officer charged with the repair of the materiel for his information and action. SPARE SIGHTS. To each battery is issued one set of spare sights, consisting of one front-sight holder with sleeve, complete, one sight bar with lever, link, link bolt, and sight shank, complete, and one panoramic sight. These parts are carried in a special packing chest in the battery wagon. One set of bore sights (consisting of one breech and one muzzle bore sight) and one testing level for use in adjusting sights, etc., are also issued to each battery. ADJUSTING INSTRUMENTS. A complete detailed description of the method of disassembling and adjusting the different instruments is given in Ordnance Office Pamphlet No. 1795, Instructions for the Care, Preservation, Repair, and Adjustment of Instruments for the Fire-Control Systems for Coast and Field Artillery. Attention is invited to General Orders No. 47, War Department, March 24, 1905, with reference to the care and repair of panoramic sights, battery commander's telescopes, and range finders. No disassembling of instruments except as prescribed herein will be permitted. The disassembling of telescopic instruments allowed herein must be done only in the presence of a commissioned officer. Disassembling as permitted in pamphlet 1795 must be done only by officers or employees of the Ordnance Department. TARGETS. The description and allowances of targets and accessories for mobile Artillery are given in Ordnance Office pamphlet, Form No. 1994: "Mobile Artillery Targets and Accessories." 134 GENERAL INFORMATION. PAINTING ARTILLERY MATERIEL. (Class X, Section 10.) The paint issued for this purpose is of olive-drab color, put up ii 5-pound cans ready for use, and is applied to both wood and metal parts. If the paint is too thick, turpentine should be used as thinner, but not to greater extent than 2 per cent by volume. All steel and iron nonbearing surfaces will be painted, including that portion of the underside of the gun between the clips. Wearing and bearing surfaces, teeth of gear wheels, elevating screws, pistoi rods, cylinders, counter-recoil springs, and interiors of spring cylin- ders will not be painted. All parts to be painted should be free from dirt or grease. may be washed in a liquid made by dissolving one-half pound sal soda in 8 quarts of warm water, then rinsed in clean water, anc wiped thoroughly dry. Where the materiel is in fair condition and only marred in spots, the marred places should be primed with olive-drab paint, secom coat, and permitted to dry. Then the whole surface should sandpapered with No. 1^ sandpaper and a coat of paint applies and allowed to dry thoroughly before use. Where the materiel is in bad condition all parts should be thor- oughly sandpapered with No. 2J sandpaper, be given a coat of paint, and be permitted to dry for at least 24 hours ; then sandpaper wit] No. 00 sandpaper, apply a finishing coat, and permit the parts to dr thoroughly before use. In general, two coats of paint per year will be sufficient to kee] the materiel in good condition. After repeated painting the paim may become so thick as to scale off in places or give an unsightl; appearance. It may then be removed for repainting, as follows: Dissolve 1 pound of concentrated lye, powdered form, in 6 pinl of hot water, and slake in enough lime to give the solution the con- sistency of paint. Use the solution freshly mixed and apply to th( parts where paint is to be removed with a brush or with waste tie< to the end of a stick. When the solution begins to dry on the surface use a scraper to remove the old paint, and complete the cleaning oi the surface with cloth and water. If one application is not sufficient to loosen the paint, apply a second coat. Before painting wash th( surface with sal-soda water, rinse with clean water, and then wip< thoroughly, as described above. OILS FOR ARTILLERY MATERIEL. For the service, cleaning, and preservation of this materiel th< Ordnance Department issues hydroline oil, lubricating oil (or engiru oil No. 1), clock oil, sperm oil, coal oil, neat's-foot oil, and light slush- 135 ing oil. Each of these oils is suited for the particular purpose for which it is issued, as stated below, and care should be taken that it is not used for other purposes. The hydroline oil is for use in the recoil cylinders of the carriages and for no other purpose. The lubricating oil (or engine oil No. 1) will be used exclusively in all oil holes of the materiel, and in lubricating such parts as wheels and axles, gun and cradle slides, pintle bearing, elevating and traversing mechanisms, exterior of cylinders, brake bearings, lunges, different surfaces of breechblocks, threads of breech recess,etc. Clock oil should be used on the spindle and all bearings of the battery commander's telescope, bearings of the panoramic sight, and fuse setters, and on the observation telescope, field artillery plotter, sextant telemeter, and worms of the rear sight. In all cases clock oil should only be used when the instruments mentioned are disassembled for cleaning. When used it should be applied by dropping from the end of the dropper attached to the end of the cork. The sperm oil is a lighter lubricant then the engine oil No. 1, and may be used on the gears of sights, fuse setters, parts of revolvers, etc.; engine oil No. 1 may also be used on such parts. Coal oil is used by the Ordnance Department for cleaning pur- poses. In the field it may be used for lanterns. Coal oil for general illuminating purposes is furnished by the Quartermaster's Depart- ment. Neat's-foot oil is used for the care and preservation of all leather equipment, and should be applied as directed on pages 95 to 97. Light slushing oil is prescribed for use in the protection and preser- vation of all bright or unpainted surfaces of steel or iron on all parts of the equipment when the materiel is to remain unused for an appreciable length of time. Its use as a lubricant for mobile artillery is forbidden. Before applying the slushing oil to any surface, the part should be thoroughly cleaned, so as to be free from rust, water, coal oil, lubri- cating oil, etc., as their presence will cause rusting under the slushing oil. The slushing oil should then be applied in a thin, uniform coat, since this is ALL that is necessary to give good protection. All unpainted surfaces should be kept clean and free from rust, but in no case is a polish required. Except in very cold, weather it can be applied by using a paint brush as when painting; in cold weather it should be applied by stippling that is, lightly tapping the surface with the end of the sash tool, held with bristles perpendicular to the surface to be cov- ered. It can be applied to the bores of gun by the slush brush issued for the purpose. In cold weather it should be warmed before use for coating the bores of gun. 136 It may be readily removed by the use of burlap or waste dipped in coal oil. REPAIRS FOR FIELD ARTILLERY MATERIEL ISSUED TO THE UNITED STATES ARMY AND THE NATIONAL GUARD. Instructions relative to making repairs to field batteries and fur- nishing ordnance stores and supplies for them will be found in Gen- eral Orders, No. 9, War Department, Washington, January 12, 1911; General Orders, No. 116, of 1911; and General Orders, No. 136, OJ 1911, so far as pertains to the United States Army, and in General Orders, No. 225, War Department, Washington, December 19, 1910, so far as pertains to the Organized Militia. Instructions in reference to the care, use, and repair of delicate instruments, such as sights, telescopes, and range finders, will be found in General Orders, No. 47, War Department, Washington, March 24, 1905. SUGGESTIONS FOR CARE AND MAINTENANCE OF MATERIEL. Various suggestions in reference to the care of this materiel an hints regarding things to be done or to be avoided are scattere throughout the text of this handbook; some of the more important are here condensed for more convenient reference. Careful compli- ance with these suggestions will avoid delay and possible injury to personnel or materiel. The breechblock should not be opened for at least one minute after a misfire. All work upon recoil cylinders, sights, and other optical equip- ment should be done in the presence of a commissioned officer. The recoil cylinder should never be clamped in a vice, but when necessary to hold it from turning, a spanner applied to front end o cylinder should be used. Never remove the cylinder-retaining ring when the piece is at an elevation. See that proper kind of oil is used in cylinders and for lubrication. Strain the oil used in filling the cylinders through a fine, clean cloth, and be sure that the receptacles used in handling the oil are clean. Take every precaution to keep the interior -of the cylinders clean and to prevent the entrance of foreign particles. In assembling the gland, be sure that at least eight threads of the gland are engaged with the threads of the stuffing box. Lash parts with copper wire to prevent unscrewing. Before firing, inspect to insure that cylinders are properly closed and that the cylinder retaining ring and the piston-rod nut are in pi If time permits, oil slides before firing. ace. 137 If the gun fails to return fully into battery, except when caused by expansion of oil, it is probably due (1) to dirt on sides and guides; (2) to cutting of sliding surfaces on account of dirt and lack of oil; (3) to gland being screwed up too tightly; (4) to dirt or foreign particle in the cylinder, and especially in the counterrecoil buffer recess; (5) to weakness of springs. Ninety per cent of such cases will be found due to (1), (2), or (3). At all times, except when used for firing, the rocker should be disengaged from the howitzer. To relieve the elevating mechanism, the howitzer should be locked by means of the rear traveling lock when traveling. The front traveling lock is intended to be used only in case of emergency when there is not time to retract the howitzer to the position afforded by the rear traveling lock. The object of the rear traveling lock is to permit the howitzer to be retracted from its firing position, thereby relieving the carriage axle and wheels of some of the weight and transmitting it to the carriage limber. The length of the recoil of the howitzer during firing should be carefully observed. The approximate recoil that should be obtained for different elevations is as follows : Inches. 5 degrees depression 63 degrees 3CK depression 63 4 degrees elevation 61 8 degrees 30' elevation 57 13 degrees elevation 54 17 degrees 30' elevation 50 22 degrees elevation 43 26 degrees 30' elevation 37 31 degrees elevation 30 35 degrees 30' elevation 26 40 degrees elevation 26 If the variation from these recoils differs by more than 5 per cent over or 10 per cent short, it should be investigated and the cause for this variation ascertained and remedied. For satisfactory action of the recoil-controlling parts it is necessary that the cylinder be filled with oil in the exact method previously given and that the parts be kept scrupulously clean. For that pur- pose the ports in the liner and valve should be carefully inspected before assembling to see that no foreign particles have collected hi them. One set of covers will be issued, as noted under the description of the carriage. The elevating-worm mechanism must at all times be kept thoroughly clean, as dust and dirt will interfere with its operation and often prevent its being used at all. The traveling covers do not protect this part of the carriage, and particular atten- tion is invited to the fact that the elevating-worm mechanism must be thoroughly cleaned before using. 138 Keep hub bolts and hub bands properly tightened. To tighten hub bands, screw them as tightly as possible with the wrench and then force them further by striking the end of the wrench with a hammer. Do not permit brake levers to be released by a kick or a blow. Remove locking screw before trying to unscrew cylinder-retaining ring. Prevent possible injury to cannoneers by causing them to stand clear of the counter-recoil spring column in assembling or dismounting. In moving the gun on or off the cradle, piovide ample support for the breech end, so that the gun clips are in prolongation of the cradle guides; if this is not done, the cradle guides may be ruined. Do not strike any metal part directly with a hammer; interpose a. buffer of wood or copper. Frequently verify the adjustment of sights. Require special care in handling sights. Be sure that the range strip of the rear-sight shank is graduated for the particular type of ammunition as used by the battery. Do not unnecessarily expose ammunition to the sun or load it into a warm gun before time for firing; if this is done, erratic shooting may result. Battery commanders should frequently make a detailed inspection of all .the vehicles in the battery to see if any parts of them are broken and any nuts, screws, split pins, etc., missing. If any such defects are found, he should immediately take steps to replace broken or missing parts. This is of the utmost importance, and compliance with these instructions will do much toward prolonging the life of the vehicles. It has been found that the apron hinges occasionally become broken, and that the apron-hinge pins are frequently lost. When- ever this happens the hinges or hinge pins should be immediately replaced, for if this is not done the apron, which is a very expensive piece, is apt to become cracked or broken. Whenever the lunettes become loosened the lunette nuts should at once be tightened up. All wheels and pintle bearings should be frequently oiled. When orders for spokes for repairing wheels are given, they should specify which kind of spokes are required (right or left) , there being two kinds, due to the relative locations of the hub bolts. All nuts are secured by split pins, which should be replaced and properly opened when nuts are screwed home. All working and bearing surfaces of the carriage require oiling; those not directly accessible for this purpose are provided with oil holes closed by spring covers or handy oilers. See that fuzes are set at safety for transport. 139 Use the small primer-inserting press for inserting primers in car- tridge cases and the decapping tools provided for removing old primers. In all requisitions and correspondence the correct name of the part referred to (if known) should be given. If the name of the part is not known, submit a sketch showing the location, shape, materiel, etc., sufficient to establish definitely the identity of the parts in question. The use of the word " complete" in requisitions to signify a com- bination of parts sometimes leads to misunderstanding of the exact parts wanted. The tables of nomenclature of parts have been arranged to show the parts included under the terms "one trail, complete; one wheel, complete," etc., and should be carefully studied before requisitions are made out, to insure that all the parts wanted are included and duplications avoided. For example, if a piston rod is wanted the order should state whether it is to be with or with- out the nut. If all details are itemized, it will avoid mistakes and unnecessary expense. SUPPLIES IN GENERAL. All bits, both curb and snaffle, are made of 30 per cent nickel steel, a practically noncorrosive metal. The olive-drab saddle blanket is regulation for all arms of the service. The supply of ammunition to be kept on hand in a 6-inch howitzer battery will be a sufficient amount to fill all the ammunition chests of the equipment, and in addition a sufficient number of rounds to cover the needs for annual target practice. Revolver arm racks are issued for use of Field Artillery in such number as may be required to hold the revolvers on hand in the battery. Each revolver arm rack holds 80 revolvers. Lanyards with metal snaps are issued with revolvers when called for. Such articles as may be needed for training the horse the cavesson, longing rein, running rein, etc. may be readily made up by the battery saddler from supplies furnished by the Ordnance Department. For the training of enlisted men leather heads and wooden stands for supporting them will be needed. The saddler and the wheelwright or carpenter will be able to supply these by means of the tools in the forge limber and battery wagon. Odometer and reconnaissance instruments are furnished by the Engineer Department. A reloading and cleaning outfit for 6-inch howitzers for removing fired primers from and cleaning cartridge cases and for reloading blank ammunition is furnished to each battery. 140 METHOD OF LOADING ONE 6-INCH HOWITZER BATTERY FOR TRANS- PORTATION BY RAIL. The flat cars usually obtained from railroad companies vary in length from 34 to 44 feet. Cars longer than 42 feet are unusual, and cars longer than 44 feet are very seldom seen at all. In loading a battery on cars during service operations it is very desirable to keep complete gun sections together as much as possible. Pursuing this idea, a 6-inch howitzer battery on war footing may be loaded as follows when cars at least 38 feet long are obtained: Four cars, each to contain One 6-inch howitzer and carriage. One 4.7-inch gun and 6-inch howitzer limber. Two 6-inch howitzer limbers. Two 6-inch howitzer caissons. One car to contain One 6-inch howitzer battery wagon. One 4.7-inch gun and 6-inch howitzer forge limber. Two 6-inch howitzer limbers. Two 6-inch howitzer caissons. One car to contain One 6-inch howitzer store wagon. One 4.7-inch gun and 6-inch howitzer store limber. Two 6-inch howitzer limbers. Two 6-inch howitzer caissons. If a 6-inch howitzer battery, having 8 limbers and 8 caissons, is to be transported, it may be loaded as follows when cars at least 38 feet long and less than 44 feet long are obtained: Four cars, each to contain One 6-inch howitzer and carriage. One 4.7-inch gun and 6-inch howitzer limber. Two 6-inch howitzer limbers. Two 6-inch howitzer caissons. One car to contain One 6-inch howitzer battery wagon. One 6-inch howitzer store wagon. One 4.7-inch gun and 6-inch howitzer forge limber. One 4.7-inch gun and 6-inch howitzer store limber. This car will be only about three-quarters filled if a 38-foot car is procured. The additional space may be utilized as tht battery com- mander sees fit. If cars less than 38 feet long are obtained, one limber or one caisson will have to be omitted. If cars 44 feet long are obtained, one addi- tional limber or caisson can be loaded on the same. In loading the cars, if there is any permanent loading platform along the railroad tracks in the vicinity, the vehicles should be run on 141 to these platforms and loaded from them. If there is no permanent platform in the vicinity, it will be necessary to build a temporary ramp. This should be built at the end of the cars. When loading vehicles from a permanent platform on the side of the cars it may be necessary, if short cars are obtained, to remove the pole of the last limber placed on the car in order to get the same on to the car. The pole should, however, be replaced in its socket as soon as the vehicle is placed in position. When loading the cars care must be exercised to load them so that there can be no movement of the vehicles on the cars longitudinally, transversely, or vertically. All wheels and trails of carriages, poles of limbers, lunettes of caissons and wagons must be secured to the bottom of the car. The vehicles are secured as follows: 3 by 4 inch timbers nailed to the floor of the cars on both sides of all the wheels hold the wheels securely against transverse motion; 3 by 4 inch chocks nailed to the 3 by 4 inch pieces which lie along the sides of the wheels hold the wheels against longitudinal motion on the cars; 3 by 4 inch timbers, placed over the felloes r resting on the floor, between the two lowest spokes and bolted to the floor of the car with two ^-inch bolts, hold the wheels against vertical motion. The bolts should preferably be bolted through these braces on the outside of the wheels. If bolts for bolting these 3 by 4 inch crosspieces can not be obtained, the crosspieces should be nailed down with 7 or 8 inch spikes. The poles and lunettes should be secured to the floor by nailing one 3 by 4 inch block on both sides of same, and one 3 by 4 inch piece across the top near the end of the poles or lunettes. The trails should be secured to the floor by nailing 3 by 4 inch blocks as follows:^ One on each side of the trail. One at the end of the trail in prolongation of the axis. One across the top near the end. All of the lumber used on the cars is 3 by 4 inch stock. To load a 6-inch howitzer battery on war footing will require 1,100 linear feet of 3 by 4 inch lumber; a battery with 8 limbers and 8 caissons will require 920 linear feet. For carrying all harness and all accessories of the vehicles which are not carried in compartments of these vehicles or rigidly attached to them, one box car should be obtained. The material in this box car should be packed in boxes if on hand. In case no box car can be obtained all of the harness, etc., should be packed in boxes and placed on the flat cars near the vehicles. These boxes must be securely fastened to the floor to prevent them from falling off of the cars or from striking and injuring the vehicles. 142 EQUIPMENT. The following table sets forth the total equipment of one 6-inch howitzer battery on war and peace footing. The right-hand column shows in general where each article should be carried, but the battery commander may use his discretion as to the disposition of many articles for which no particular fitting or receptacle is provided. Statement of total equipment of one 6-inch howitzer battery. Article. Location, etc. Propertj Class. Sec- tion. WHEELED MATERIEL. Howitzers and howitzer carriage. Howitzer limbers Caissons Caisson limbers 2-horsereel Battery wagon Forage limber Store limber Store wagon . Kit or escort wagons (furnished by Quar- termaster's Department). TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES FOR HOWITZER AND HOWITZER CARRIAGES, MODEL OF 1908 AND 1908 Ml. Breech cover Canvas tool kits, each containing 1 cross peen hammer 1 0.375 and 0.5 wrench 1 screw driver, 3-inch blade 1 sight wrench 1 small bronze drift 1 small punch 1 pliers, wire-cutting, 8-inch 1 screw slot wrench and blade 1 screw wrench, 8-inch 1 0.75-inch cold chisel, 8 inches long. . . . 1 large bronze drift 1 6-inch 3-square dead smooth file 1 8-inch hand smooth file 1 0.625 and 0.75 wrench Cleaning brushes Double spanners Double wrenches Dust guards .- Hand fuze setters, with cases Horizontal oilers Lanyards Leather pouches for spare parts Loading hand barrows Maneuvering bars Muzzle covers Oil-can boxes 14-inch panoramic sight extensions Maneuvering chains Retracting eyes Screw wrenches, 15-inch Sight bar covers Sight shank covers Socket wrenches Spanners (for 60-inch wheel) Spanner wrenches Sponges and rammers Sponge covers Traveling breech covers Traveling muzzle covers Traveling thrust bearing wrench Valve retainer tools , Wire, 3-pound spools, No. 20, annealed bare copper. Wrenches, 1 by 1.25 On howitzer In right trail box (in pocket) No.2 No. 3 No. 4... No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 No.9 No. 10 No. 11 No. 12... No. 13... No. 14 No. 15 No. 16 In right trail box. ...do... ....do On wheels In right trail box. ...do... ....do ....do On supports on trail , On left side of trail.. On howitzer In right trail box In left trail box In right trail box ...do... ....do On sight bars On sight shanks . . In right trail box. . ...do... .do. On right side of trail. On sponges On howitzer On howitzer In right trail box do ...do.... .do. IV IV IV 3 143 Statement of total equipment of one 6-inch howitzer battery Continued. Article. class Property unification. Location, etc. Class. SPARE PARTS FOR HOWITZERS AND HOW- ITZER CARRIAGES. (For howitzers.) Breech mechanism, complete, including ! In spare breech mechanism chest in block carrier, loading tray and extractor, battery wagon. and small parts. Block latches In leather pouches for spare parts ; . .U Block-latch springs do Firing pins do Firing-pin springs do. Firing-spring sleeves do. Handy oilers. : do. Hinge-pin keys do. Lever latch pivots do .. *,, Lever latch springs do. Lever pivot detents .... ."do! Locking bolts, nuts, and pins [ do. Locking-bolt springs ... do Sears "do" Tray latches "do Tray-latch springs do. Trigger-shaft detents do. For fuze setters. Corrector scale screws In leather pouches for spare parts ... TV R ange ring screws : do For carriages. (Parts common to 6-inch howitzer car- ' riages, models of 1908 and 1908 MI.) j Apron latch, complete, consisting of 1 body In store wagon, compartment " C " ; 2 extra springs in chest for mis- cellaneous spare parts. 1 handle do 1 h andle pin do ....."..!.!!...........!...!!... 1 plunger do 3 springs (1 assembled, 2 extra) i do Apron latch washer -. In chest for miscellaneous spare parts Bell-crank bearing bolts, with nuts do Bell-crank bolt with nut do Brake eccentric strap do Brake lever with catch and hook In store wagon, compartment " K" . . Brake lever catches In chest for miscellaneous spare parts Brake-lever hooks do Brake-lever pins ! do Brake-rod pins do Brake-rod pins (type A) do Brake-segment rack do Brake shoes In store wagon, compartment H-K . . Brake-shoe pins In chest for miscellaneous spare parts Brake springs with rivets do IV Counterrecoil springs, inner In compartments G and H, battery wagon, and compartment G, store wagon. Counterrecoil springs, outer do Cradle clip pins (type A) Inchest for miscellaneous spare parts Cradle-head swing bolts with nuts do Cylinder-gland lock with split pin do Cylinder-gland lock fulcrum ' do Elevating-gear case bolts with nuts ! do Elevating-gear hand-wheel shaft collar do Elevating-gear right bearing bushing do Elevating-worm bearing bolts with nuts... do Filling plugs with gaskets do Firing mechanism, complete, consisting i of 1 adjusting screw do. j 2 bracket studs with nuts i do. 1 check nut ; do. 1 firing handle do. 1 firing-handle bracket do 1 firing-handle hub do Sec- tion. 144 Statement of total equipment of one 6-inch howitzer battery Continued. War footing (4 guns and 12 cais- sons). Article. classification. Location, etc. Class. Sec- tion. SPARE PARTS FOR HOWITZERS AND HOW- ITZER CARRIAGES continued. For carriagesContinued. Firing mechanism, complete, consisting of Continued. 2 firing-handle pins (type A) (1 assem- ! In chest for miscellaneous spare parts bled, 1 spare). 2 firing links ; do 2 firing-link phis , do 1 firing pallet i do 1 firing-pallet collar do 1 firing shaft | do 4 handle return springs (2 assembled, I . . . .do 2 extra). 1 pallet-collar pin do 1 shaft trip cottar do 1 trip latch do 1 trip-collar pin I do 1 trip-latch phi ' do 1 trip-latch plunger do 2 trip-latch springs (J assembled, 1 do extra). 16 Garlock waterproof packing, 0.375 rings 4 in each leather pouch for spare parts . 4 Handspikes, complete, each consisting of 1 fulcrum phi (type "A") In store wagon, compartment "H".. 2 handspike bodies do 1 handspike latch do 1 handspike web (with chain eye on do left). 1 latch pin (type "A") do 1 lower band do Imiddleband do Itip do 1 Set hexagon nuts, standard, consisting of 2 0.19 inch by 30 threads In chest for miscellaneous spare parts. 2 0.25 inch by 20 threads do 2 Hub liners In store wagon, compartment "A".. 1 Lock washer .- Inchest for miscellaneous spare parts. 2 | Right bearing bushing bolts with nuts do 50 I Rivets assorted do Rivets, steel, button IV 10 0^375 by 1.25"!!!!!!!! '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. .~.'!do"! 10 0.375by2.125 do 2 | 0.5byl.25 do 10 0.5byl.75 ...do... 6 0.5 by 2.562 (2^) do Rivets, steel, countersunk, 60 0.375 by 0.75 do 2 0.375 by 2.125 do 1 Safety firing device, consisting of 1 safety latch do 1 safety latch bearing with split phi do and rivets. 1 safety latch plunger with split phi. . . .do 1 safety latch springs (1 assembled, .....do 1 extra). 1 washer do 2 Segment racks In store wagon, compartment " K". . 1 Sight, complete In chest for spare sights 1 Sight , panoramic do 1 Sight wrench Inchest for miscellaneous spare parts. Spade edge In store wagon, compartment " K". . 2 Spade points i do 18 Spade point rivets ' In chest for miscellaneous spare parts . 1 Sponge and rammer, complete, consisting of 1 carpet (with lacing) In store wagon, compartment " H " . . lend staff do 1 head staff I do 2 hoops (with screws) do 1 rammer head do 1 sleeve do 1 sponge head (with leather washers). J do 1 staff coupling, female I do 2 staff coupling, male ! do 145 Statement of total equipment of one 6-inch howitzer lattery Continued. Article. SPAKE PARTS FOR HOWITZERS AND HOW- ITZER CARRIAGES continued. For carriages Continued. Sponge cover Thrust bearing nut Thrust bearing nut locking screw Top shield brace pins with chains Top shield fastening pins (type "A"). Traversing ball thrust bearing Traversing bearing caps Traversing bearing studs with nuts... Traversing nut Traversing pivot with nut Traversing pivot washer Trunnion cap pins with split pins Trunnion cap swing bolts with nuts.. Valve link trunnions with nuts Wheels, complete In chest for miscellaneous spare parts. do ....do ....do... ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ...do.... On battery wagon, the two hub caps in compartment "H," battery wagon. Wheel fastenings , complete In chest for miscellaneous spare parts Additional parts supplied with model of 1908 carriage only. Set crown nuts, special, consisting of 4 0.25 inch by 20 threads 6 0.375 inch by 20 threads 2 0.5 inch by 13 threads 6 0.5 inch by 13 threads 2 0.625 inch by 11 threads 6 0.75 inch by 10 threads , 4 1 inch by 8 threads , 4 1.25 inch by 7 threads 4 1.25 inch by 20 threads , 2 1 .625 inch by 12 threads , Set crown nuts, standard, consisting of 2 0.25 inch by 20 threads , 46 0.375 inch by 16 threads 98 0.5 inch by 13 threads 38 0.625 inch by 11 threads 16 0.75 inch by 10 threads 12 1 inch by 8 threads 2 1.5 inch by 6 threads Handy oilers, 0.312 (&) inch , Handy oilers, 0.375 inch Handy oilers, 0.5 inch Set hexagon nuts, special, consisting of 4 0.19 inch by 30 threads 2 0.375 inch by 16 threads do 2 leveling screw nuts do Quick return mechanism, consisting of 2 bushings 4 clutch springs (1 assembled, 3 extra). 1 inner spring washer 1 intermediate gear sleeve 1 outer spring washer 1 pawl, left 1 pawl, right, with handle riveted on.. 1 pawl shaft with washer and nut 4 pawl springs (2 assembled, 2 extra) . . 1 pinion shaft with nut 1 pinion shaft clutch 2 plungers with split pins Spade edge rivets Set split pins, consisting of 4. 0.046 (&) by 0.312 (&) inch Carried equally in the leather pouch- es for spare parts. Location, etc. On spare sponge In chest for miscellaneous spare parts, .do .do. .do. .do. .do. Property ossification. Class. Sec- tion. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. IV .do. In chest for miscellaneous spare parts. ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ...do... 4, 0.062 to) by 0.562 (&) inch by 0.75 inch t, V.W6 \J^ 12, 0.062 ( . 3, 0.093 (A) by 0.75 inch 45,0.093 (A) by 1 inch do 4, 0.125 by 0.75 inch I do. 20, 0.125 by 1 inch ! do. 146 Statement of total equipment of one 6-inch howitzer battery Continued. War footing (4 guns and 12 cais- sons). Article. Location, etc. nation. Sec- tion. SPARE PARES FOR HOWITZERS AND HOW- ITZER CARRIAGES continued. Additional parts supplied with model of 1908 carriage only Continued. Set split pins, consisting of Continued. 150, 0.125 by 1.25 inch 10, 0.125 by 1 .5 inch 4, 0.156 (A) by 1 inch I do. Carried equally in the leather pouch- es for spare parts, .do .do. .do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. In chest for miscellaneous spare parts. In chest for miscellaneous spare parts . ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ...do.... .do. .do. .do! .do. .do! .do. .do! 8, 0.156 (A) by 1.25 inch. 40, 0.156 (&) by 1.5 inch. 10. 0.156 (&) by 1.75 inch.... 10, 0.156 (A) by 2.25 inch 4, 0.203 (M) by 2 inch 12, 0.203 () by 2.25 inch 2, 0.25 by 1.25 inch 3, 0.25 by 1.5 inch 4, 0.25 by 2.75 inch 15, 0.25 by 3 inch Spring covers No. 1, with screws and washers. Additional parts supplied ivith model of 1908 Mi carriages only. Set crown nuts, special, consisting of 4, 0.25-inch by 20 threads 6, 0.375-inch by 20 threads 2, 0.5-inch by 13 threads 8, 0.75-inch by lOthreads 6, 0.75-inch by 10 threads 4, 1-inch by 8 threads 4, 1.25-inch by 7 threads 2, 1.625-inch by 12 threads Set crown nuts, standard, consisting of 2, 0.25-inch by 20 threads 20, 0.375-inch by 16 threads 74, 0.5-inch by 13 threads 46, 0.625-inch by 11 threads 20, 0.75-inch by 10 threads 8, 1-inch by 8 threads 2. 1. 5-inch by 6 threads ^ Handy oilers, 0.312 (&) inch i do Handy oilers, 0.375-inch ! do Pins, steel 0.062 (l^) by 0.65-inch do Taper pins, 0.135 by 1 .5 inch do Set hexagon nuts, special, consisting of 2, 0.19-inch by 30 threads do 2, 0.242-inch by 20 threads ' do 2, 0.375-inch by 16 threads do Quick return mechanism, consisting of 2 bushings do 1 pawl, left do 1 pawl, right, with handle riveted on do 2 plungers with split pins do 1 pawl shaft with washer and nut do 2 pawl springs do Spade edge rivets do Set split pins, consisting of 2, 0.046 (ft) by 0.312 (&) inch Carried equally in the leather pouch- es for spare parts. 6, 0.062 (A) by 0.562 (A) inch do 6, 0.062 (A) by 0.75 inch do 4, 0.093 (A) by 0.5- inch do 4, 0.093 (A) by 0.75 inch do 32, 0.093 (A) by 1 inch do 24, 0.125 by 0.75 inch do 8, 0.125 by 0.875 inch do 16, 0.125 by 1 inch do 90, 0.125 by 1.25 inch do 12, 0.156 (A) by 1 inch do 82, 0.1 56 (A ) by 1 .5 inch do 4, 0.156 (&) by 2.25 inch do 24, 0.203 (if) by 1.5 inch do 20, 0.203 (H) by 2 inch do IV 147 Statement of total equipment of one 6-inch howitzer battery Continued. Article. SPARE PARTS FOR HOWITZERS AND HOWIT- ZER CARRIAGES continued. Additional parts supplied with model of 1908 Mi carriages only Continued. Set split pins, consisting of Continued. 4, 0.203 (H) by 2.25 inch 8, 0.25 by 1.25 inch 8, 0.25 by 2.5 inch 4, 0.25 by 3 inch covers No. 1, with screws and Spring covers No. 3 Vent plugs, with gasket. ACCESSORIES FOR HOWITZER CARRIAGE LIMBER, MODEL OF 1905. Cyclometer Dust guards Neck yoke, complete Singletree, complete Pole props : Spare connecting poles, complete. Watering buckets, canvas Straps Spare parts for howitzer-carriage Umber. Doubletree hooks with screws and nuts. Doubletree pivot with nut Hub liner Lock washer Singletree Wheel, complete Wheel fastening. TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES FOR CAISSON LIMBER, MODEL 1909 AND 1916. Axes Dust guards Hatchets I anterns Lantern-bracket pads Paulins, 12 by 12 feet Pickaxes Picket ropes Pole props Shot tongs Shovels, long-handled Spanners (60-inch wheels) Watering buckets, canvas Wrenches, 0.625 by 50.75 Neck yol IV X IV IV X IV IV IV IV IV X IV IV 3 9 1 9 a 1 a & 9 9 s 3 I 1 3 9 a a 9 9 9 a 50,0.093 (&) by 0.875 inch 82. 0.093 ( A) by 1 inch ..do 5,0.12.') by 0.75 inch do 8,0.125 by 1 inch ...do... 35,0.125 by 1.25 inch ..do 6, 0.156 (,&) by 1 inch do 5,0.156 (A) by 1.25 inch 72,0.156 ( X) by 1.5 inch do ...do.. 3,0.203 (H) by 1-25 inch do 12,0.203 (11) by 1.5 inch ...do... 2,0.25 by 1 inch do. 2,0.25 bv 2.5 inch do 8,0.25 by 3.25 inch do Shot tongs . . In store wagon, compartment "K" In reserve Wheels, complete Wheel fastenings, complete In chest for miscellaneous spare parts TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES FOR FORGE LIMBER. Ax- Dust guards On wheels Grindstone, with frame, complete Hatchet In grindstone packing fixtures In hatchet brackets Hub liner driving tool In chest Lantern. . In lantern bracket Lantern bracket pad . .do Lever jacks, 3-ton In lower compartment Paulin, 12 by 12 feet On lid Tickax On ri^hc side of chest Picket rope On chest Pole prop Under foot rest Rope, 1-inch manila, 150 feet In chest . . Set blacksmith's tools (field battery, heavy, as enumerated below). Shovel, short-handled Snatch block, for 1 25 rope .do On left side of chest In chest Tackle block, 8-inch double do W atering buckets, canvas do Wrench (for grindstone) . . . With grindstone Neck yoke, complete On pole . Singletree, complete On doubletree Straps . . .... On limber Lantern strap On lantern bracket TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES FOR BATTERY WAGON. Bore sight, breech In chest for spare sights ] Bore sight rnu/ilc do J Chest, carpenter's, with tools (as enumer- ated below). Chest for duplex chain block Chest for spare breech mechanism In compartment " B" In compartment " \" do 1 Chest for spare sights do Chest, saddler's," with tools (as enumer- ated belov). Duplex; chain block Y &T 2 tons In compartment " B " In chest in compartment "A." D ust guards . On wheels Forge coal bag In compartment "A" 1'auliii 12 by 12 foet In compartment " B " . . . Retracting chain n chest for duplex chain block On spare wheels bpare wheel hub covers Testing level and cuest Trail ciiain In compartment " A " \\ n chest for duplex chain block I/ )n right side rail Vise Watering buckets, galvanized steel Strap . . Over duplex chain block On battery wagon h Vise Handle stra,j.. . ...do... 150 Statement of total equipment of one 6-inch howitzer battery Continued. War footing (4 guns and 12 cais- sons). Article. Location, etc. Property classification. Class. Sec- tion. 1 2 2 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 2 11 1 20 20 1 1 t 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 4 4 4 2 3 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 2 2 1 TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES FOR STORE LIMBER. Ax In ax brackets IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV ( VII } IV IV IV X IV X IV IV IV X IV IV }:v J IV IV i v 9 3 9 3 3 9 9 9 3 5 9 5 3 9 3 5 9 3 9 3 3 1 On wheels Filling funnels, cylinder. . In chest Hatchet In hatchet brackets Lantern In lantern bracket Lantern bracket pad do Oil cans 5-gallon In lower compartment Oil cans 7 5-gallon . . . In rear intermediate section Paulin 12 by 12 feet On lid Pickax' In pickax bracket Picket rope In forward intermediate compart- ment. Under foot rest Pole prop Shovel short-handled In shovel supports Watering buckets canvas In forward intermediate compart- ment. In chest Filling funnel, cylinder (for 6-inch howit- zer, model of 1908 Mi). Neck yoke complete On pole . Singletree complete do Straps ' On limber Lantern strap On lantern . . TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES FOR STORE WAGONS. Bolos In compartment " A " Bolo scabbards do Chest for cleaning materiel and small stores. Chest for miscellaneous spare parts . . In compartment " B " do Crowbar In compartment " H " Dust guards On wheels Marking outfit, for stamping leather In chest for cleaning material and small stores, do Marking outfit for stamping metal Ordnance Department insignia stencil do Paulin 12 by 12 feet Seal stamp In chest for cleaning material and small stores. In compartment " H " Slush brush . . . . .... Spare staff couplin" caps do * Spare whe^l-hub covers On spare wheels Stencil outfit In chest for cleaning material and small stores. In store wagon, compartment " K " . . do MISCELLANEOUS ACCESSORIES. Ax helves Hatchet handles Padlocks, with chains, clevises, and bolt snaps. Pickax handles In chest for miscellaneous spare parts. In store wagon, compartment " K " . . In store wagon, compartment " H " . . In store wagon, compartment " K". . In case on rear of main shield Shovel handles long Shovel handles short . . . SIGHTS Sight complete In sight fastening on carriage Teat wrenches for panoramic sights In left trail box SPARE SIGHTS. Panoramic sight In chest for spare sights 5-inch panoramic sight extension do do Sight' wrench . . . do Teat wrench and screw driver combined do RANGE-FINDING AND FIRE-CONTROL EQUIPMENT. Aiming circle Aiming circle tripod Battery commander's rulers, wooden Battery commander's telescope and mount. Battery commander's telescope tripod In store limber 1 on pack horse; 1 in store limber do Case for aiming circle On pack horse Case for aiming circle tripod. . . ...do... 151 Statement of total equipment of one 6-inch howitzer battery Continued. War footing (4 guns and 12 cais- sons). 1 1 2 1 1 5 1! } RANGE-FINDING AND FIRE-CONTROL EQUIP- MENT Continued. Case for battery commander's telescope and mount containing 1 camel's-hair brush 1 pin wrench 1 screw driver 1 teat wrench Case for battery commander's telescope tripod. Case for range finder Case for range-finder tripod Chains for time-interval recorders One-meter base range finder One-meter base range finder tripod Flash lights with hood Flashlights without hood Reel for caisson Tape, steel, 100 feet Time-interval recorders Map and plotting board Observation tower Prismatic compass Protractor xylonite Ruler for solution of triangles (Furnished by Signal Corps.) Battery case (containing 6 dry cells) Buzzers, service, complete Connectors, buzzer, type "A" Connector studs , 19-pomt Cords, buzzer Glasses, field, type" EE" Kits, flag, combination, Artillery Kits, inspector's pocket, each containing 1 electrician's knife 1 file, 3-inch 1 pair scissors 1 pair tweezers 1 pliers, 5-inch Irule, 2-foot 1 screw driver Plug, buzzer Reels, hand Rods, ground, type "D" Wire, buzzer, one-half mile Megaphones HARNESS. Harness, lead, sets Harness, wheel, sets Harness sacks >. Pack harness, special pack equipment. SPARE PARTS FOR HARNESS. Breast straps Location, etc. in store limber. ...do... .do. .do. .do. Class. - tion. In upper compartment, store limber On pack horse ...do... In upper compartment, store limber. On caisson chest. ...do... .do. Where convenient On caisson in the fifth section , Where convenient. In upper compartment, store limber do ...do.. .do., .do., .do., .do.. .do., .do., .do. .do.. .do. .do., .do.. .do. do ....do ....do , Carried by men. On horses, 1 is spare, .do Not carried in field. In battery wagon, compartment Bridles and bits, Artillery do. Cinchas, Artillery, lead do. . Cinchas, Artillery, wheel do. 5 ! Collars, steel, with 2 home tugs each In battery wagon, 2 in compart- ment " J," 3 in compartment " K." Inbattery wagon, compartment "J". a 7 I Collar pads., 10 j Collarstraps j do. 20 Curb bits.. In battery wagon, compartment *20 j Curb chains with hooks. 10 ! Feed bags , 10 Grainbags 8 Halter headstalls j do 25 | Halter tie ropes In battery wagon, "H." .do. .do. .do.. compartment IV IX 1 This set of pack harness and special pack equipment will be issued to carry the fire-control equipment until the reel, 2-horse, is available. J Not part of harness. 152 Statement of total equipment of one 6-inch howitzer battery Continued. War footing (4 guns and 12 cais- sons). Article. Location, etc. Class. Sec- tion. SPARE PARTS FOR HARNESS Continued. Martingales, with cincha straps In battery wagon, compartment * K. 5 Mogul springs In battery wagon, compartment i Side strap for breeching In battery wagon , compartment 16 Stirrup straps do... 10 Traces, lead, with chains In battery wagon, compartment "A" 5 Traces, wheel do 5 Whips, artillery In battery wagon, compartment " K." SPARE PARTS FOR STEEL COLLARS. 8 Bolts for bottom of collars, with nuts In chest for miscellaneous spare parts 8 i Bolts for extensions, with nuts do 8 Bolts for top connections, with nuts do 8 Bolts for trace plates, with nuts and do washers. 3 Buckle latches do 8 Buckle springs do 5 Draft springs do 8 Pad bolts, with nuts ! do 8 Pad hooks, with collar back-strap connec- \ do tions. 3 Trace plates and loops do INSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT. 1 Shell, sectionalized Not carried in field v ; 1 Shrapnel, sectionalized do. MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT. Arm racks, pistol Not carried in field X 1 8 Cartridge cases In ammunition chests 8 Drill projectiles,- with the following spare parts: 1 fixed stop-pin screw Carried in ammunition chest for , Tv peace footing; not carried for war ' footing. 1 graduating time-train ring do 8 rotating pins with stop pins do 1 Set of decapping, cleaning, and priming tools, consisting of 1 chest for storage of reloading and cleaning outfits, contain- ing 1 bushing In store wagon, compartment " K . . 1 case hoi der do 1 case-holder stand , do 1 cleaning brush do i y 1 decapping tool I do.. 1 hammer do.. 1 large primer-inserting press do.. 1 saluting-powder measure do.. 1 Pistol-cleaning kit Where convenient AMMUNITION. 167 Shrapnel, rounds; '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. i} In ammunition chests. . . PERSONAL EQUIPMENT. The equipment of the enlisted men of Field Artillery will be as follows: (a) For each enlisted man 1 Bacon can, model of 1913 Carried by man . 1 Canteen, model of 1910 do > IX 1 Canteen cover, dismounted, model do. of 1910. 21 Cartridges, ball, pistol do VII 1 Cup, model of 1910 ....do. 1 Fork do } IX 1 1 Knife do. Magazines, pistol, extra do VII . 153 Statement of total equipment of one 6 -inch howitzer battery Continued. Article. PERSONAL EQUIPMENT continued. (a) For each enlisted man Continued. Meat can Pistol ;;..; Pistol belt without saber ring. . . . Pistol holster Pouch for first-aid packet Spoon First-aid packet (medical depart- ment). (Furnished by Quartermaster Corps.) Identification tag Shelter tent, half Shelter-tent pegs Shelter-tent pole (6) For each enlisted man individually mounted in addition to (a) Bridle, Field Artillery Currycomb Horse brush Link Saddle, McClellan, Field Artillery. Saddlebags, pair Spurs, pair Spur straps, set (c) For each driver, in addition to (a) Currycomb Horse brush Spurs, pair Spur straps, set (d) For each cannoneer, not mounted, in addition to (a) Condiment can Haversack, model of 1910 HORSE EQUIPMENT. The following equipments are pre- scribed for each horse of the Field Artillery: Feed bag Grain bag Halter headstall Halter tie rope Saddle blanket Surcingle Horse cover CONTENTS OF SADDLER'S CHEST. Awl blades, harness, assorted Awl, pegging Awl, seat, handled Carriage, pricking, 3 wheels, Nos. 7. 8, and 10. Compass, 6-inch Greaser, double Edge tool, No. 1 Edge tool, No. 2 Extra blades, with followers for draw gauge Gauge, draw, brass Hafts, awl, with wrench Hammer, riveting, No. 3 Handle, pegging awl, with wrench Knife, round Knife, splitting, 6-inch Needle case, leather Nippers, cutting, 10-inch Oil stone, unmounted Paper glovers' needles, No. 3 Papers harness needles, No. 4 Papers harness needles, No. 5 Papers harness needles, No. 6 Papers sacking needles, Nos. 4 and 4^, as- sorted. Location, etc. Carried by man. ....do ....do..... ....do ....do ....do ...do.... IX VII IX IX .do. .do. .do. .do. On horse. ....do.... ...do.... do do do Carried on man . ...do.... On horse do Carried on man. ...do .do. IX IX IX IX IX Carried on horse. ....do do.... .do. do do Not carried in field. IX In saddler's chest, battery wagon ...do.... .do. .do. .do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Lo. lo. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Sec- tion. 154 Strtement of total equipment of one 6-inch howitzer battery Continued. War footing 255 cais- sons). Article. Location, etc. Property classification. Class. Sec- tion. l CONTENTS OF SADDLER'S CHEST COntd. Pliers, 6-inch In saddler's chest, battery wagon do X X X 9 I 9 Punches, hand, Nos. 5, 7, 8, and 10, round. Punch revolving 4 tubes Nos 4, 5 6, and 7 do do Rule boxwood 2-foot 4-fold do Screw driver 3-inch blade do Sewing palm do Shears 10-inch do Shoe knife broad point do Shoe knife square point do... Slicker steel do Thimbles do Tool, claw do .. CONTENTS OF CARPENTER'S CHEST. Ax, bench In carpenter's chest battery wagon . . ...do. .. Bags, canvas, for small stores.. Bevel, 8-inch do . Bits, auger, sizes i, , f , 1 inch, 1J and ij inches. Bit expansive two cutters J to 3 inches do do Bit, wood countersink, f-inch diameter . . . ...do... Bits, screw driver, size f , f and f inch .do.. Brace ratchet 10-inch sweep do Chisels, socket, framing, sizes, f, 1, and ij inches. Divider wing 10-inch do do Drills, twist, sizes ^, -fa, A and -fa inch ...do... File, 10 inch flat bastard do Files saw sizes 4 and 6 inches do Gage, marking. . .. do Gouges socket firmer sizes J and 1 inch do Hammer, claw ...do... Handles, file do .. Handle 'tool containing 10 tools do Knife, drawing, 9-inch blade . . do Mallet do . . .... Nail set do Oiler ...do Oil sto^e unmounted do . Pincers, small, 8-inch ...do... Plane, jack, 16-inch do... Plane smoothing 8-inch do Plate ' auger handle do Rasp, wood, 10-inch do . Reamer half round do Rule, boxwood, 2-foot, four-fold do Saw, crosscut 24-inch 7-point do Saw rip 24-inch 5-point do Saw set do.. Screw driver 5-inch blade do Spoke shave . . do Square, steel do Tape linen 100-foot do Vise, table, 1\ inch jaw .. do Wrench, screw, 12-inch do ... BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS. Anvil, 100-pound In forge limber chest Aprons . . do . . Bags canvas for nails do Box, leather shoeing . .do Chisel, cold, 8-inch do Chisel' handled for cold iron do Chisel, handled, for hot iron . do Clinching iron do Cutting nippers do Drills, flat do File, 12-inch flat bastard do Fire rake ....do ! Fire shovel... do Flatter, handled do Fore punch and creaser. . . ...do.., 155 Statement of total equipment of one 6-inch howitzer battery Continued. War footing (4 guns Artipla and 12 Article, cais- sons). ! Location, etc. Property classification. Class. Sec- tion. 5 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS continued. Forge, Empire, portable In forge limber chest X 9 Hammer, hano, 2-pound do Hammer' riveting * 1-pound 2-ounce do Hammer, shoeing, 10-ounce .. do... Handle, file, aluminum * do Hardie ' 0.75' square shank 1 25 bit do Oiler ...do... Pritchel, 0.75 flats . do .. Punch, nail do Punch, round, 0.312 (-A) diameter ...do... Punch, round, 0.375 diameter. . .... . do. .. Punch, square do Ratchet drill for square shank drills ...do... River sets, sizes ,-& , f , \ and inch .... .... do... Rule boxwood, 2-foot four-fold do Screw plate, taps and dies, with tap wrench, including chest. Shoeing knives .*. do do Shoeing pmcer, 14-inch . ...do Shoeing rasp, 16-inch . do . Sledge 11-pound On forge limber Square In forge limber chest Toe knife . do . Tongs horseshoer's do Tongs, for 0.25 iron .... .. do... Tongs for 0.5 iron do Vise do Whetstone, farrier's, 10-inch .... do Wrench, forge do . Wrench screw do War footing i as cais- sons). Article. Where carried. In store. Property classification. Class. Sec- tion. 5 1 3 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 6 2 *7 25 15 5 MATERIALS FOR CLEANING AND PRES- ERVATION. (Six months' supply, all expendable.) In battery wagon, compartment "J." In chest for cleaning material and small stores. X 10 Brush varnish No 4-0 In battery wagon, compartment ... do... Brushes varnish No 50 In chest for cleaning material and small stores. .... do 1 1 Cloth crocus quires 1 hi chest for cleaning material and small stores, do Cloth emery No quire . . . ..do . . do In store wagon, compartment " J" 3 in chest for cleaning material and small stores, 1 in store wagon, compartment "J." In chest for cleaning material and small stores. In store wagon, compartment " J" 5 hi store wagon, compartment Dressing russet leather, boxes 2 ""26" 15 Lavaline 16-oz cans Oil, coal, ea'llons... In cans on store limber *Only dfce of these items will be issued to an organization. 156 Statement of total equipment of one 6-inch howitzer battery Continued. War footing (4 guns 1 and 12 cais- sons). Article. MATERIALS FOR CLEANING AND PRES- ERVATION Continued. Oil, clock, ounce Oil, hydroline, gallons Oil, linseed, boiled, gallons Oil, linseed, raw, pint Oil, lubricating (engine No. 1), gallons. Oil, neat's-foot, gallon , Oil, slushing, light, gallons Oil, sperm, gallons , Paint, olive-drab, second coat, pounds, Paint, olive-drab, third coat, pounds. . Paint, rubberine, gallons Petrolatum (vaseline), ounces (in tin box). Polish, Gibson's soap, 16-ounce cans . , Primer, brown enamel, quarts Sal soda, pounds Where carried. In store. Sandpaper, No. 2, quires. Sandpaper, No. 1$, quires Sandpaper, No. J, quires , Sandpaper. No . 00, quires Soap, castile, pounds , Soap, H. & EL, cakes Soap, saddle, Frank Miller's, pounds. Sponges, 5-inch. Sponges, large, 5i or 6 inches Tape, black, adhesive, J inch wide, i-pound roll. Turpentine, gallons Waste, white cotton, pounds Wicks, lantern, size "O " Batteries, everready Tungsten , Bulbs, everready, Mazda, 2.7 volts SADDLERS' MATERIAL. (Six months' supply, all expendable.) Awl blades, harness, assorted Awl haft, with wrench Buckles, bar, 1-inch, Saalbach . . . Buckles, bar, f-inch, tongueless. . Buckles, bar, 1-inch, tongueless . . Buckles, bar, IJ-inch, tongueless. Buckles, center bar, f-inch Buckles, center bar, f-inch Buckles, center bar, f-inch Buckles, center bar, 1-inch Buckles, center bar, 1 J-inch Buckles, center bar, 1 f-inch Buckles, roller, f-inch Buckles, roller, f-inch Buckles, roller, |-inch Buckles, roller, 1 inch Buckles, roller, li-inch Buckles, roller, l-inch Buckles, satchel, -inch Buckles, wire, J-mch Buckle, wire, f-inch Buckles, wire, f-inch Cheeks "D"... Conway loops, f-inch In chest for cleaning material and small stores. In cans on caissons and store lim- ber. 1 in store wagon, compartment J. In chest for cleaning material and small stores. In cans on caissons and store lim- ber. 6 in store limber, compartment "3" 2 in store limber, compartment "J" 1 in store limber, compartment "3" 5 in store limber, compartment " J" do In chest for cleaning material and small stores. In store wagon, compartment " J" 20 in chest for cleaning material and small stores. In chest for cleaning material and small stores. .do. .do. In store wagon, compartment " J' do .do. In store wagon, compartment " A " ....do In chest for cleaning material and small stores. In battery wagon, compartments *'J" and "G"; in store wagon, compartments "A," "G," and In chest for cleaning material and small stores ....do ...do... In saddlers' chest ....do In canvas bag for small stores, bat- tery wagon. do ....do . ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ...do... Property classification. Class. 10 Sec- tion. 10 10 Only one of these items will be issued to an organization. 157 Statement of total equipment of one 6-inch howitzer battery Continued. War footing (4 guns and 12 cais- sons) . Article. Where carried. In battery wagon, compartment ' A. In canvas bag for small stores,bat- tery wagon. Ho In store. classification. Class. Sec- tion. 23 15 28 21 25 12 24 12 10 2 12 12 2 2 5 200 1 9 1 10 10 4 2 12 24 9 12 12 10 9 3 2 1,260 2 10 2 3 2 2 10 6 4 2 6 SADDLER'S MATERIAL Continued. Duck, olive-drab cotton, 2J-inch, yards. End buckles 1-inch with clip , X IX IV IX IX IV IX X X IX X IV X IX X s 10 5 8 1 5 8 5 10 9 5 10 8 10 5 10 5 5 End clips f-inch End clips, 1-inch i do End clips. If-inch i do Foot staples high In saddler's chest Foot staples, low i ... do Foot staples semicircular ' dn Hooks, back strap or collar strap Hooks breast strap In canvas bag for small stores, bat- tery wagon, do In saddler's chest Hooks, end do Hooks side strap In canvas bag for small stores, bat- tery wagon, do . *.... Hooks, wire (for links) Leather, bridle, sides 2 in store wagon, compartment " K" do 4 4 150 Leather, collar, backs Leather, harness, backs, pounds 50 in store wagon, compartment In battery wagon, compartment ' K. In saddler's chest Leather, latigo, side Nails saddle do do do do Ornaments brow band do Ovals, saddle .... do Ovals saddlebag do Pins, screw, brass, f-inch, No. 2, gross . Rings, | inch diameter saddlebag do . . do Rings 1} inches diameter saddle do Rings, If inches diameter, back strap. Rings, 1 J inches diameter, throat strap Rings, 2 inches diameter, halter Rings, 4 inches diameter, quarter strap Rings, "D," 1 inch diameter, feed bag . Rings, "D," 1| inches diameter, with clasp. Rings "D " l a inches diameter do do In canvas bag for small stores, bat- tery wagon. . do do .... do Rings, "D," 2 inches diameter (spec). Rivets and burs, brass, f-inch, No. 12, pounds. Rivets and burs, brass, $-ineh, No. 10, pounds. Rivets and burs, brass, f-inch, No. 10, pounds. Rivets and burs, brass, 1-inch, No. 8, oval head, pound. do do do do In saddler's chest do Rope J-inch halter In battery wagon, compartment Screws, brass, wood, 1-inch, No. 6, gross. 2 in battery wagon, compartment 8 Shield saddle 11-inch do do - do do do onap nooK, Lrfrman, i incn.... -._..... do do do Snan-hook sack. 1-inch. . . ...do.... 158 Statement of total equipment of one 6-inch howitzer battery Continued. War footing (4 guns and 12 cais- sons). Article. Where carried. Property classincai In Class. tion Sec- tion. SADDLER'S MATERIAL Continued. Squares, halter In canvas bag for small stores, battery wagon. 2 Strap loops, coupling, 2-inch (for do bridle). I IX 5 10 Strap loops, feed bags [ do 5 Studhooks ! In saddler's chest . Studs , saddle bag do 1 Tacks, copper, No. 12, paper do 1 Tacks, copper, No. 20, paper do 1 Thimble, aluminum-lined, |-inch do 1 Thread, carpet, No. 18, olive-drab, do pound. 1 Thread, shoe, No. 3, brown, pound.. . do , 2 Wax, brown stitching, pounds ; do I X 10 21 Webbing, olive-drab, cotton, heavy, I In battery wagon, compartment f-inch, yards. "A." Webbing, olive-drab, cotton, heavy, [ do 1-inch, yards. 14 Webbing, olive-drab, halter, H inches. do 18 Webbing, olive-drab, jute, 3J inches do. FOE POLO EQUIPMENT. Buckles, girth, 1-inch 2 Buckles, stirrup strap , 1 1-inch 2 Buckles, wire, |-inch , 2 Buckles, wire, f-inch 12 Buckles, wire, I-inch i Not carried X 10 4 Buckles, wire, I-inch 4 Rings, i-inch diameter 5 Web, linen, straining, 3J-inch, yards.. 7 Web, linen, straining, 5-inch, yards. . . 159 Statement of total equipment of one 6-inch howitzer battery Continued. SUPPLIES KEPT IN RESERVE FOR FIELD BATTERY, HEAVY (IN STORE). No. Article. Class. Sec- tion. 3 | Buckle, bar, tongueless, S-inch 5 Buckle, bar, tongueless, 1-inch 12 Buckle, center bar, f-inch 2 Buckle, center bar, f-inch 4 i Buckle, center bar, 5-inch : 4 Buckle, center bar, li-inch 4 Buckle, center bar, l|-'inch 4 ; Buckle, roller, f-inch 7 i Buckle, roller, |-inch 12 Buckle, roller, Ifinch 9 Buckle, 1-inch wire 2 Burner, Ian tern, Dietz Vesta 1 Cheek "D" 1 ; Chamois skin. Not smaller than 13 by 17 5 ; Con way loop, 2-inch 4 Dressing, russet leather, boxes, 16-ounce 5 End buckle 2 Globe, lantern 2 \ Hook, back strap, tool steel 2 | Hook, collar strap, tool steel 4 Hook, double, brass wire 4 Hook, end, brass wire v 2 Leather, bridle backs * j 2 i Leather, collar backs 40 | Leather, harness backs 1 Leather, latigo side 3 ! Saddle nails, $-mch diameter of head 1 | Oil, clock, 1-ounce bottle 12 Oil, hydroline, gallons 20 Oil, neat's-foot, gallons 2 i Oil, slushing, light, gallons 1 ; Oil, sperm, gallon 4 : Oil, coal, gallons 12 Oil, lubricating, gallons 3 Ornament, brow band copper 2 ; Ring, 3-inch diameter, saddle bag 8 Ring, H-inch diameter, saddle 4 Ring, 2-inch diameter, halter 4 Ring. 4-inch diameter, cincha strap 4 Ring, 4-inch diameter, quarter strap.. r 3 Ring, 1-inch diameter, feed bag 1 ; Rivets and burs, -inch, No. 10, pounds 1 Rivets and burs, f-inch, No. 10, pounds 25 Salsoda, pounds, bulk 2 i Snap hook, haversack 3 1 Snap hook, feed bag 12 ! Square , halter 40 Soap, castile, pounds 4 Soap, H. and II., cakes or "Paco" 60 i Soap, saddle, Frank Miller's, pounds I 25 Sponges, 5-inch 3 Strap loop, feed bag 2 Stud, saddlebag 1 ! Tacks, copper, paper of 1,000, 12-ounce 1 Tacks, copper, paper of 1,000, 20-ounce 1 Thread, carpet, pound 1 Thread, shoe, pound X 10 1 i Thread, No. 10, pound 30 Waste, cotton, pounds 1 ' Wax, stitching, pound 2 i Wick, lantern 1 No material will be drawn from this supply for making repairs and replacements except in sudden calls for field service if necessary to replace missing items of the regular supplies. To avoid deteriorations, all perishable articles should be replaced by similar ones received with the regular 6 months' allowance. INDEX. A. Page. Adjusting instruments 133 Ammunition 19 Ammunition, allowance of , 34 Ammunition, blank: Composition of 34 Description of 34 Precautions during firing 35 Preparation of 35 Weight of charge 34 Ammunition chest 84 Apron: Caisson, model of 1909 87 Caisson, model of 1916 94 Carriage, model of 190S 59 Carriage, model of 1908M1 59 Apron latch: Caisson, model of 1909 87 Caisson, model of 1916 94 Carriage, model of 1908 56 Carriage, model of 1908M1 56 Axle: Caisson, model of 1909 87 Caisson, model of 1916 94 Carriage, model of 1908 54 Carriage, model of 1908M1 74 Forge and store limbers 99 Battery and store wagons 106 Howitzer limber 79 Limber, model of 1909 84 Limber, model of 1916 93 Azimuth scale 57 B. Battery wagon: Description 106 Nomenclature 103 Block carrier 16 Bottom plate 46 Brake: Caisson, model of 1909 1 88 Caisson, model of 1916 94 Carriage, model of 1908 57 Carriage, model of 1908M1 74 Battery and store wagons. 108 (161) 162 Breech mechanism: Page. Action of 17 Description 12 To dismantle 18 C. Caisson, model of 1909: Description 87 Nomenclature of parts 80 Weights and dimensions 79 Caisson, model of 1916: Description 94 Nomenclature of parts 90 Weights and dimensions 89 Care and maintenance of materiel, suggestions for 136 Carpenter's chest 108 Carriage, model of 1908: Description 45 Nomenclature of parts Weights and dimensions 37 Carriage, model of 1908M1: Description Nomenclature of parts 71 Weights and dimensions 70 Carriage parts, care and cleaning of 68 Cartridge case 19 Cartridge case, care of 36 Cartridge case carrier 86 Chest: Battery and store wagons 106 Caisson, model of 1909 87 Caisson, model of 1916...' 94 Forge and store limbers 100 Limber, model of 1909 84 Limber, model of 1916 93 Collars, steel Ill Collar-lifting device 113 Connecting pole: Caisson, model of 1909 88 Caisson, model of 1916 94 Contents 5 Counter-recoil buffer: Carriage, model of 1908 48 Carriage, model of 1908M1 72,48 Cradle: Carriage, model of 1908 Description 45 To dismount 66 Carriage, model of 1908M1 Description 72 To dismount 75 Cyclometer: Description 109 Nomenclature of parts 109 163 Cylinder: Carriage, model of 1908 Page Description 47 To assemble 61 To dismount 61 To drain 61 To fill 61 Carriage, model of 1908M1 72 Cylinder liner 47 - D. Diaphragms: Caisson, model of 1909 87 Caisson, model of 1916 94, 87 Limber, model of 1909 85 Limber, model of 1916 93, 85 Doubletree 87 Drill projectile 31 E. Elevating mechanism: Carriage, model of 1908 Description 51 To assemble 66 To dismount 66 Carriage, model of 1908M1 73 Elevating shaft: Carriage, model of 1908 52 Carriage, model of 1908M1 73, 52 Equipment, list of total 10, 142 Extractor 16 F. Firing lock case 15 Firing mechanism: Carriage, model of 1908 Description 50 To dismount 67 Carriage, model of 1908M1 74 Firing mechanism (howitzer) : Description 13 To dismantle 17 Firing pin 13 Firing spring 14 Flasks 54 Foot rest: Caisson, model of 1909 89 Caisson, model of 1916 94 Forge and store limbers 101 Forge limber: Description 99 Nomenclature of parts 95 Weights and dimensions 94 631117 14 164 Frame: p age . Battery and store wagon 106 Howitzer limber 78 Front cylinder head 47 Fuze, combination 23 Fuze setter, hand 26 G. Gland, to adjust 65 H. Handspike 56 Handwheel shaft (elevating mechanism) : Carriage, model of 1908 52 Carriage, model of 1908M1 73 Handwheel shaft (quick-return mechanism): Carriage, model of 1908 52 Harness, Artillery, component parts of 110 Howitzer: Care 18 Description 11 To dismount 60 To mount 60 Weights and dimensions 11 Hub liner, to remove 67 I. Intermediate shaft (quick-return mechanism): Carriage, model of 1908 53 Carriage, model of 1908M1 73 Intermediate shaft (valve-turning mechanism) : Carriage, model of 1908 49 L. Leather: Care and preservation 113 Reason for oiling 114 Leather, black, care of 115 Leather, russet, care of 114 Limber, model of 1909: Description. 84 Nomenclature of parts 80 Weights and dimensions 79 Limber, model of 1916: Description 93 Nomenclature of parts 90 Weights and dimensions 89 Limber, howitzer, model of 1905: Description 77 Nomenclature of parts 76 Weights and dimensions 75 List of plates 9 165 Loading hand barrow: Page Carriage, model of 1908 60 Carriage, model of 1908M1 60 Loading tray: Description 13 To dismantle 18 Lunette (for carriages) 55 Lunette bearing (caisson) gg Lunette transom (for carriages) 55 M. Main shield : Carriage, model of 1908 59 Carriage, model of 1908M1 74 Marking on ammunition packing boxes 30 Method of loading a battery for transportation 140 Middle rail (forge and store limbers) 100 Misfires and hangfires '. 30 0. Oils for artillery material 134 Oil can: Caisson, model of 1909 89 Caisson, model of 1916 94, 89 Store limber 102 Operating lever 16 Operating lever latch 16 P. Padlocks and bolt snaps 110 Painting artillery material 134 Pawls 46, 52 Pinion shaft 52 Pintle: Howitzer limber 78 Limber and caisson, model of 1909 86, 101 Limber and caisson, model of 1916 93 Pintle bearing 78, 86, 101 Pintle bolt 78 Pintle plate 54, 74 Piston and piston rod : Carriage, model of 1908 48, 49, 63 Carriage, model of 1908M1 72 Pole 78,79,87 Pole socket: Limber and caisson, model of 1909 , 86 Limber and caisson, model of 1916 93 Powder charge 21 Primer: Description 20 Composition of 20 Primer, saluting percussion: Description 20 Composition of 20 Projectiles .22 166 Q. Quick-return mechanism: Carriage, model of 1908 Page. Independence of elevating mechanism 52 Description 52 To assemble 65 To dismount 65 Use of 52 Carriage, model of 1908M1 Description 73 To assemble 75 To dismount 75 R. Range tables 32 Recoil, energy of 50 Recoil, length of 38,50 Recoil controlling parts: Carriage, model of 1908 46 Carriage, model of 1908M1 72 Recoil cylinder, care and cleaning of (for both carriages) 68 Recoil mechanism, action of Carriage, model of 1908 - 49 Carriage, model of 1908M1 73 Recoil springs: Carriage, model of 1908 Description 46 To assemble 63 To dismount 62 Carriage, model of 1908M1 Description 72 To assemble 75 To dismount ' 75 Recoil valve: Carriage, model of 1908 48 Carriage, model of 1908M1 73 Reloading and cleaning outfit 37 Repairs for field artillery materiel 136 Rocker 51 S. Saddler's chest... 108 Sear 14 Shells, common steel 22 Shield, to remove 66 Shoulder guard 46 Shrapnel 22 Side plate 50 Sight, open or tangent 115 Sight, panoramic, model of 1904: Care of 130 Description 118 To adjust 130 Use of, for measurement of ranges 127 167 Sight, panoramic, model of 1915: p age . Care of 130 Description 121 To adjust 129 Use of, for measurement of ranges 127 Sight, rear: Care of 127 To adjust 128 Sight, verification of parellelism of lines of sight and axis of bore 131 Sights: Adjustment of 128 Additional tests for adjustment 132 Spare 133 Use of 127 Spade: Carriage, model of 1908 55 Carriage, model of 1908M1 72 Spring retainer 47 Spring stirrup 46 Store limber: Description 101 Nomenclature of parts 95 Weights and dimensions 94 Store wagon: Description 106 Nomenclature of parts 103 Stuffing box, to pack 64 Subcaliber gun 30 Supplies in general 139 T. Targets 133 Thrust-bearing nut 56 Top carriage: Carriage, model of 1908 Description 50 To dismount 67 Carriage, model of 1908M1 Description 73 To dismount 75 Howitzer limber 78 Top shield: Carriage, model of 1908 59 Carriage, model of 1908M1 74 Trail: Carriage, model of 1908 54 Carriage, model of 1908M1 74 Traveling covers: For carriage, model of 1908 58 For carriage, model of 1908M1 74 Traveling locks: Carriage, model of 1908 58 Carriage, model of 1908M1 74 168 Traversing mechanism: Carriage, model of 1908 Page. Description 56 To dismount 67 Carriage, model of 1908M1 74 Trigger fork 14 Trigger shaft 15 Trunnions: Carriage, model of 1908 46 model of 1908M1 72 V. Valve-turning mechanism: Carriage, model of 1908 Action of . . .' 48 Description 48 To assemble 65 To disassemble 65 Carriage, model of 1908M1 Description 73 To assemble 75 To dismount 75 W. Wheel: Carriage, model of 1908 Description 59 To remove 67 Carriage, model of 1908M1 75 Howitzer limber 79 Worm 51 WAR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF ORDNANCE, Washington, August 1, 1917. JANUARY 1, 1913. REVISED AUGFST 1, 1917. FORM No. 1779. ED. AUG. 117 5,000. YC 64320 370920 v^v UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY