THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID It, WILLIAM MACGILLIVKAY M.A., LL.D. ORNITHOLOGIST; PROFESSOR OF NATURAL HISTORY, MARISCHAL COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY, ABERDEEN A MEMOEIAL TBIBUTE TO WILLIAM MACGILLIVRAY M.A., LL.D. ORNITHOLOGIST ; PROFESSOR OF NATURAL HISTORY, MARISCHAL COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY, ABERDEEN BY WILLIAM MACGILLIVRAY WHITER TO THE SIGNET ' In tfje ege of nature fjc fjas li&eli ' EDINBURGH PRINTED FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION 1901 * Ctutfj from ftfe lips prefraileK foritfj tooufcle * Cfje oft orKer cfjangetl), gfeltftttfl place to ndn ' PREFATORY NOTE THE sketch of Professor MacGillivray's life and work which follows was at first written in the form, and with the brevity, of an article intended for a newspaper in connection with the movement, then begun, for the promotion of a Memorial of him ; but it was not so used, and was retained, altered, and added to from time to time, the result partly of suggestions from friends, most of them former pupils of the Professor, and partly of information which came to me from different sources at odd times. It is in no sense a " Life " of my eminent namesake for such a work I am not competent but merely an appreciative sketch in which I have tried to record, and to some extent illustrate, my own conception of his special pre-emi- nence as an ornithologist, and my warm admiration of his high qualities of mind and character, as these come out so prominently in connection with his life's work in the different spheres in which his lot had been successively cast. W. MACGILLIVRAY. 4 ROTHESAY PLACE, EDINBURGH, 15th May 1901. CONTENTS I. SKETCH OF PROFESSOR MACGILLIVRAY'S LIFE AND WORK . II. PRESENTATION OF THE MEMORIAL MURAL TABLET TO THE UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN III. EXTRACTS FROM PROFESSOR MACGILLIVRAY'S TRIBUTE TO THE MEMORY OF DR. BARCLAY .... IV. JOURNAL OF A VISIT TO MUSEUMS IN GLASGOW, DUBLIN, LIVERPOOL, BRISTOL, AND LONDON BY PROFESSOR MAC- GILLIVRAY IN 1833 ..... V. EXTRACTS FROM PROFESSOR MACGILLIVRAY'S WORKS EX- PLANATORY OF HIS SYSTEM OF ORNITHOLOGICAL CLASSIFI- CATION . . -. '..... VI. EXTRACTS FROM HIS WORKS DESCRIPTIVE OF BIRD LIFE, OF PERSONAL ADVENTURE FOR SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION, OR OF PICTURESQUE SCENES, ETC. 1. Night Excursion to the Wells of Dee 2. Mountain Inspiration .... 3. Flight of Birds . 4. A Lover of Nature Audubon 5. A Tame Rock Dove .... 6. A Winter Bird Scene at the Mouth of the Almond 7. On Clisheim in a Snow-Storm 8. Crossbills Feeding ..... PAGE 1 53 73 81 134 140 145 146 147 148 150 151 153 xiv MEMORIAL TRIBUTE PAGE 9. The Raven in the Hebrides , , .154 10. Scene on an April Day . . . .155 11. Some of Professor MacGillivray's Friends . .156 12. The Song of the Blackbird . . .157 13. The Song of the Thrush . . . .158 14. The Carol of the Lark . . . 160 15. The Hen-Harrier . . . . 160 16. The Golden Plover . . . .162 17. The Common Ring-Plover . . .164 18. The Sea-Pie . . . . .165 19. Dunlins Feeding . . . .. , .166 20. The Common Snipe . . . .169 21. The Grey Heron . . . . .171 22. The Great Black-backed Gull . * .172 23. God's Works . . . . ' .173 24. Promise of a Bright Day . . . .174 25. Lochnagar . . . . .174 26. View from Invercauld Bridge . . .175 27. The Raven Poor Bird ! . . . .176 28. Another Night Visit to the Sources of the Dee . 177 29. Object of the Study of Nature . . .182 30. The Scenery of Benabuird . . .183 31. Aged Birch Trees . . . . .184 32. The Wind in Beallach-bhui Forest . . 185 33. Merry-making of Birds . .< . j . 187 34. The Highland Moor . . . , .188 35. Three Pine Trees . . , . .191 36. Ravens Poor Fellows! . . . . 192 37. Home . . . , . 193 38. Scene at Torquay .