UC-NRLF mmm m m Jill III Illllj jllll ilii ||i| i M 11 ;., , .. r~r * cl \ D7:i STRUCTURAL WATERPROOFING ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING EDITION THE TRUSCON LABORATORIES WATERPROOFINGS - DAMPPROOFINGS DETROIT, MICHIGAN, U. S. A. 1 PRICE 50 CENTS STRUCTURAL WATERPROOFING A Waterproofing handbook and reference guide for the use of Architects, Engineers, Building Contractors and others interested in the general subjects of Water- proofing and Dampproofing THE, TRUSCON LABORATORIES WATERPROOFINGS, DAMPPROOFINGS TECHNICAL COATINGS DETROIT, MICHIGAN, U.S.A. (Copyrighled 1919) Table of Contents Part I CHAPTER ONE Structural Waterproofing and Dampproofing. This chapter is designed to show the reader the relation of Integral Waterproofing to the general subjects of Waterproofing and Dampproofing. Waterproofing and Dampproofing How They Differ Where each should be Employed Gen- eral Classification of Waterproofings and Dampproofings Graphic Chart Classifications of Water - proofings Transparent, Opaque and Bituminous Coatings Discussion of Various Types of Dampproofings coming under these Classifications Classifications of Waterproofings The In- tegral and Membrane Methods Various types of Waterproofings included under Integral Method Integral Powders and Pastes Various Types of Powders Colloidal Properties of Waterproof- ing Pastes The Membrane Method of Waterproofing Its Various Usages. Analytical Reasons for the Necessity of Incorporating a Waterproofing Compound in Concrete. Importance of density in structural materials for Strength and Resistance Danger of Porosity Causes of Porosity Examples Porosity of Concrete Why Concrete is Porous Function of Integral Waterproofing in eliminating Porosity Importance of Repellancy in Integral Water- proofing Compounds Importance of Colloidal Properties in Integral Waterproofings. CHAPTER THREE The Physical Characteristics of Integral Waterproofing Compounds. Waterproofing Powders and Pastes Methods of Introducing Waterproofing Powders into Con- crete Theory underlying Waterproofing Powders Behavior of Powders in practical use Var- ious types of Powders Methods of Introducing Waterproofing Pastes into Concrete Behavior of Pastes in practical application The Simplicity of Pastes Illustrations. CHAPTER FOUR The Colloidal Behavior of Integral Waterproofing Compounds. Significance of Colloidal Characteristics as applied to Integral Waterproofings Difference be- tween Portland cement and Plaster of Paris Presence of Colloids in Portland Cement Semi- Waterproofness of Portland Cement Mortar due to presence of Colloids Addition of sufficient more Colloid to produce complete Waterproofness Types of Colloidal Material which will pro- duce most complete and permanent Waterproofing results Manner in which they should be introduced into the concrete. CHAPTER FIVE Influence of Water on Concrete By Frank Burton, Department of Buildings, Detroit, Mich. Influence of Wetting and Drying of Concrete on its Physical Properties Colloidal Nature of Portland Cement Experiments by Campbell fa White on Expansion and Contraction of Concrete due to alternate Wetting and Drying Similar experiments by Considere An interesting prac- tical Example Further observations by Professor White Curves showing variation in Tensile Strength of Concrete on Wetting and Drying Importance of Subject as related to entire Field of Concrete Construction Theoretical Considerations More Practical Examples. CHAPTER SIX Integral Waterproofing with Particular Reference to the Mass Method. By A. D. Hyman, Waterproofing Engineer, New York City. The Function of Waterproofing Compounds What Waterproofing cannot do Composition of Concrete Proper Proportioning Amount of Gauging Water Correct Proportioning of Water- proofing Compounds Cautions on Concreting Work Importance of Proper Bond in Construction Joints How to provide proper Bond Necessity of Removing Water Pressure during Construc- tion How this can be done Six Important Considerations in Waterproofing. CHAPTER SEVEN Waterproofing Stucco. Why Waterproofing for Stucco is Necessary Penetration of Moisture into Pores of Stucco . Effect on Stucco of Freezing of this Moisture How Waterproofing relieves this condition Porosity of Stucco as demonstrated by Test Circumstances of Test Practical Illustrations of Unwaterproofed Stucco. CHAPTER EIGHT Integral Waterproofing by the\Cement Coating Process. By A. D. Hyman, Chief Engineer of the Waterproofing & Construction Co., New York City. Introductory Discussion The Cement Coating Process Preliminary Steps Preparation of Surface for Bond Preparation of Plaster Coat Plaster Coat Ingredients and their Properties Thickness of Coat for Walls and Floor Necessity of Continuity of Plaster Coat Necessity of Insulating Waterproofing under Abnormal Conditions Construction Joints between different days' work How to Eliminate Weaknesses from appearing Bleeding Walls to Remove Pressure Construction of Drainage System to eliminate pressure Concluding Comments. CHAPTER NINE Practical Application of Waterproofed Plaster Coat. Manner in which Wall should be Roughened Illustration of Roughened Wall Why a %" Water- proofed Plaster Coat is Adequate Roughening of Columns and Footings Application of Water- proofed Plaster Coat to Columns and Footings to Prevent Electrolysis Results of Plaster Coat Waterproofing A Typical Illustration. CHAPTER TEN Relieving Pressure Before Application of a Waterproofed Plaster Coat. Method of Draining Bleed Pipes Siphon Central Sumps Complete Work of Drainage Bleeding Wall to eliminate Slow Seepage Practical Illustration of Bleed Pipes Results of fail- ure to Relieve Pressure. CHAPTER ELEVEN Integral Waterproofing a Consistent Principle of Engineering. The use of the Safety Factor in Engineering Design Its application to Waterproofing Engineer- ing not an exact Science Safety Factor in Reality Factor of Ignorance Definition of Exact Sciences Illustrations Method of Procedure in Exact Sciences How Engineering differs from Exact Science Why the Factor of Safety is necessary in Engineering Concrete offers greatest Variation of all Building Materials Why it does so Why the Safety Factor Principle is par- ticularly applicable to Concrete Construction Direct bearing of this to Waterproofing of Con- crete Concluding Review and Discussion. Part II Discussion of Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated. Nature of Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated How Used Method of Incorporating Truscon Waterproofing Paste Concentrated in the Concrete Its Economy Colloidal Nature of Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated Effect on Concrete General Directions for Use Table of Quantities Illustrations Reports Testimonial Letters Prominent Users. General Specifications for the Use of Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated. Specifications for Waterproofing Mass Concrete by Integral Method Applicable to Standpipes, Cisterns, Reservoirs, Foundations and Similar Structures Specifications for Waterproofing and General Masonry Structures by means of Waterproofed Plaster Coat Applicable fo Cisterns, Reservoirs, Foundations, Basements, Tunnels, Subways and Similar Structures Specifications for Waterproofing Cement Stucco. Part III Representative Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated, Installations. Preface HIS is the era of concrete construction. For a number of years past the use of concrete as a building material has been grow- ing by leaps and bounds. It is most natural that this should be the case. Concrete is the most ideal building material known. It is durable and fireproof. It provides rapidity in construction and economy in labor. It has, in fact, few limitations. Its natural absorbent property, however, had a tendency to limit its use in certain directions. There seemed to be no reason, though, why this difficulty could not be overcome and the use of concrete further extended, by eliminating this absorbent characteristic. It seemed logical that the intro- duction of some element into the concrete during the process of mixing, would accomplish this purpose and add to the other splendid qualities of concrete, the highest degree of impermeability. As later events demonstrated, this proved true, and it is when in a waterproofed state that concrete finds its highest and most complete expression. Out of this idea itself, however, together with its subsequent development, has grown the science of integral waterproofing. But because of the comparative newness of integral waterproofing as a science, there has been little organized literature or data on the subject. The architect and engineer, faced with a condition where waterproofing seemed necessary, or desiring to extend his use of concrete by some effective system of waterproofing, has found difficulty in knowing where to turn for instruction or suggestion. In other words, the science of waterproofing has lacked a handbook to which the builder could turn as a reference guide. This Architectural and Engineering Edition of Structural Waterproofing is an endeavor to supply this deficiency and to place at the disposal of the architect and engineer, a thoroughly organized and complete handbook upon the entire subject of integral waterproofing. The theory underlying waterproofing, the nature of waterproofing compounds, a discussion of their chemical and physical characteristics and their practical use in mass concrete, cement plaster coat and stucco, are all fully dealt with in the various chapters of this book. We hope very sincerely that Structural Waterproofing will fulfill a much needed require- ment in supplying full information upon the subject, to all persons who may be interested. We desire to make acknowledgment to Mr. Frank Burton of Detroit and Messrs. H. A. and A. D. Hyman of New York City for the valuable chapters which they contributed to Structural Waterproofing. THE TRUSCON LABORATORIES CHAPTER ONE Structural Waterproofing and Dampproofing This chapter is designed to show the reader the relation of Integral Waterproofing to the general subjects of Waterproofing and Dampproofing Waterproofing and Dampproofing How They Differ Where each should be Employed Gen- eral Classification of Waterproofings and Dampproofings Graphic Chart Classifications of Waterproofings Transparent, Opaque and Bituminous Coatings Discussion of Various Types of Dampproofings coming under these Classifications Classifications of Waterproofings The In- tegral and Membrane Methods Various types of Waterproofings included under Integral Method Integral Powders and Pastes Various Types of Powders Colloidal Properties of Waterproof- ing Pastes The Membrane Method of Waterproofing Its Various Usages. The general subject of structural dampproofing and waterproofing as it confronts us today in- volves the methods and means of protecting structural materials against the disintegrating action of water. Masonry building materials are generally more or less porous and capillary in their structure, permitting the absorption and permeation of water. The presence of water in masonry is structurally injurious, due to its solvent action on any soluble content, but more particularly its disintegrating action by the expansive force that is manifested by the congeal- ing of the water on freezing. Water that is drawn into foundations from the surrounding soil grad- ually ascends into the structure, due to the cap- illary nature of the constructive materials, and finally permeates the entire wall, producing damp and clammy conditions that foster and spread disease. While the subject of structural waterproofing and dampproofing deals primarily with the prevention of gradual decay and dis- integration of structural materials, it also per- forms the useful and necessary function of pro- viding more hygienic conditions for the benefit of humanity in general. The subject of the protection of structural materials against the disintegrating action of water should, for the most comprehensive under- standing, be considered under the two general divisions of Waterproofing and Dampproofing. The term Waterproofing should correctly be confined to the consideration of methods and means of protecting subterra construction and structures intended for retaining and containing water under and against hydrostatic head. Consistent with this definition, the term Water- proofing as a part of this great subject would apply directly to the methods of treating founda- tions, tunnels, reservoirs, cisterns, standpipes and similar construction. The term Dampproof- ing should correctly be confined to the considera- tion of the methods and means of keeping water and dampness out of the superstructure of buildings. In accordance with this definition, dampproofing should involve the various methods of treating exposed walls above grade line to avoid the entrance or penetration of moisture and dampness into the structure. While there is a slight opportunity for dis- cussion on the absolute literal correctness of the above definitions, nevertheless this division of the general subject serves most admirably to differentiate between waterproofing conditions and dampproofing requirements and to qualify the various materials into either waterproofing or dampproofing products. It was only a few years ago that in the absence of any comprehensive understanding of this subject, transparent washes were recommended in the literature of manufacturers for treating foundations, tunnels and general subterra con- struction, with no apparent recognition that such materials have absolutely no application to these severe requirements. By making the above separation of this general subject, and with further sub-division of each individual part, the various materials can be very simply classi- fied and confined for treating conditions where they have a useful and valuable application. In a paper from one of our larger universities, which recently appeared in the technical press, the following statement was included in the introductory remarks : "Waterproofing materials for use with concrete are divided into four gen- eral classes Membrane, Integral, Surface Washes, and Oil Paint Films." Such a statement can only be confusing, as it does not suggest or indicate any differentiation between the proper- ties of the various materials which are suggested and is, in fact, no more progressive than the general understanding of the subject a few years K unfortunate and ago whcj"i Jit/w&s {ir? & chaotic condition. In the absence of a classification of this subject, it is very confusing to the engineer or architect to know exactly what material to select for any particular condition. Naturally, each particular product or method has some special properties that make it advantageous for certain conditions, and at the same time may have limitations that would correctly prohibit its use under certain requirements. Is it not advan- tageous to the development of this important subject to carefully consider the properties and behavior of each particular method, and so classify it as to be able to select the material and the method that best suit a certain fixed condition? The architect or engineer will find the follow- ing classification of this subject a big advantage in preparing his specifications and also in his general consulting work. As an example : If a client should inquire whether a simple trans- parent wash was applicable for treating the in- terior of a reservoir of considerable depth, he could very much simplify his reply with the advice that the method suggested by the client is fundamentally a dampproofing treatment and confined to conditions subjected only to damp- ness and has no application to a condition where hydrostatic pressure is to be withstood. The client can be easily made to recognize that his condition is literally a waterproofing require- ment and that he must employ a method that has actual waterproofing value and not simply a material with such limitations as will only per- mit its use for dampproofing requirements. Both the subject of dampproofing and of waterproofing can be sub-divided into various sub-headings, each of which has characteristic properties and insures quite a complete and comprehensive understanding of the full subject. The following discussion develops quite a full sub-classification of the two general subjects, with comment on the distinctive properties and values of each separate sub-class. The subject of dampproofing, which we have already defined as correctly applying to a con- sideration of methods and means of keeping water and dampness out of the superstructure of buildings, may be very simply sub-divided into the three following classes, viz: A Transparent Coatings and Treatments. B Opaque Decorative Coatings. C Special Bituminous Coatings. This classification is quite a complete one and includes practically every treatment that has ever been suggested or used to any practical extent in connection with the treatment of exterior exposed walls above grade line. Again, the above classification of damp- proofing treatments may be further sub-divided. The method involving the use of transparent coatings may be sub-divided into three quite characteristic sub-heads, viz: (1) The Sylvester Process. (2) Hot Paramne and Waxes. (3) Special Proprietary Products. (1) The Sylvester Process is one of the oldest dampproofing treatments, and while it has been used to some practical extent, it is at the present time very seldom considered. The Sylvester Process provides for the alternate treatment of a porous masonry surface with solutions of soap and alum. These solutions are preferably applied hot so as to insure good penetration and to accelerate the chemical re- action between the two materials. The theory of this treatment is to provide by inter-reaction of the soap and the alum, an aluminum salt of the fat contained in the soap, which will be deposited in the pores of the surface and tend to repel the moisture. While from a theoretical standpoint, the treatment may appear to be quite an effective one, yet on a practical consideration it is not very satisfactory. It is necessary to make a number of alternate applications of the soap and alum in order to obtain a sufficient quantity of the aluminum soap to provide any repellent or dampproofing action. The number of coats required is made necessary by the fact that the conditions of contact between the wash applications of soap and alum are not such as to insure a good, thorough chemical reaction be- tween the two materials, and there is necessarily considerably soluble material left in the pores that is not utilized, due to the poor and inade- quate physical contact. (2) The second classification of transparent dampproofing treatments covers all of the var- ious methods which have been proposed and used, involving the heating of the masonry surface and the application of melted paraffine or wax. While a dampproofing treatment of this type can be made very effective, its applica- cation is necessarily limited to only special cases where the high cost of its application is not prohibitory. The application can only be made slowly, as the surface has to be heated with a blow torch, and only when at the proper temperature can the melted paraffine or wax be applied, to insure the proper penetration and A-Transparent Coatings and Treatments { DAMPPROOFING Protection of Structural Materials Against Disintegrating Action of Water B-Opaque Decorative Coatings (1) Sylvester Process , (2) Hot Paraffins and Waxes (3) Special Proprietary Products (1) Various Cement Washes (2) Common Oil Coatings (3) Special Proprie- tary Cement Coatings C-Special Bituminous Coatings (1) Finely powdered dry compounds mixed with dry cement A-Integral (WATERPROOFING (2) Compounds either in liquid or paste form added to water used to temper concrete (a) Repellent \ (b) Non-repellent (c) Metallic (a) Unsaturated Colloids (b) Extended Colloids (c) Concentrated Colloids f (1) Coal Tar Pitch B-Membrane < (2) Natural Asphalts I, (3) Special Bituminous Compositions absorption of the repellent material into the pores of the surface. A very representative incident of the use of this method for preserving masonry exposed to weather exposure is the application to Cleo- patra's Needle in Grand Central Park, New York City, in 1885. This obelisk, while resisting the climatic exposure of old Egypt for ages, soon developed indications of rapid superficial decay when subjected to the climatic conditions char- acteristic of our country. This stone was quite absorbent and as a result of the freezing of water in the pores, the outer surface of the stone was slowly disintegrating. In cleaning the obelisk previous to the application of the hot paraffine, about two and one-half barrels of pieces, weighing a total of nearly 780 pounds, were removed. Some of the pieces were so much decayed and disintegrated that they would crumble easily when removed from the surface. After removing the outer crust of disintegrated stone, the entire surface of about 270 square yards was heated and then immediately treated with a hot solution of paraffine. (3) The third class of transparent treat- ments, viz: Special Proprietary Products, sug- gests quite an interesting and unfortunate chapter in the history of the development of the general subject of the preservation of struc- tural work against the disintegrating action of water. Following the general recognition that one of the objections to concrete construction was its absorbent nature, there appeared on the market an almost innumerable number of trans- parent liquids presented with the most extra- ordinary and extravagant claims. According to the literature of the several manufacturers of these products, there was absolutely no condi- tion associated with the general protection against water in constructional work that could not be very effectively and efficiently overcome by a simple application of their product. There was no intent or indication of a proper recogni- tion of the limitations of a transparent treat- ment, but they were recommended without qualification for tunnels, foundations, reservoirs, tanks, etc., in fact, every single condition that would require waterproofing treatment would find the manufacturers of these transparent treatments recommending their materials. It will always be the subject of a great deal of regret on the part of all who are vitally inter- ested in the scientific development of this im- portant subject, that the manufacturers of these various transparent treatments did not exercise greater judgment in recognizing the limitations of their products. They were un- fortunately prompted alone by the mercenary instinct of a quick return and profit on the sale of their material, not realizing that the ineffec- tive and unsatisfactory results which would follow the use of their materials would tend to establish a general skepticism, and, in fact, dis- belief in the efficiency and value of all water- proofing materials. Practically all of the earlier proprietary transparent dampproofing products were nothing more or less than low melting point paraffines or waxes which had been melted and fluxed back into a volatile solvent. The theory of such a preparation is entirely correct, but unfortunately these several paraffines and waxes can only be dissolved in solvents to a very limited extent, producing a product that actually carries a very small amount of repellent base and an excessive amount of volatile material. On application to the surface, practically 90 to 95 per cent of the original material would be lost by evaporation, leaving only a small residue deposited in the pores of the surface. It would require a number of repeated applications in order to leave deposited in the pores of the surface a sufficient quantity of the repellent base to provide any efficient dampproofing results. Of course, it was usually recommended with these materials that two coats were all that was necessary in order to provide efficient dampproofing results. There were a few materials that involved a little more technical effort than the simple so- lution of paraffine or waxes, but in the majority of cases only a small amount of actual total solids was introduced and not sufficient to im- part any satisfactory dampproofing results to the surface over which they were applied. The reason for not making more successful early progress on a transparent dampproofing treatment of this character is unquestionably the fact that the condition is by no means a simple one. A satisfactory transparent damp- proofing material that is applied cold with a brush must be one that is practically colorless, as any tendency for the material to stain or dis- color the surface is highly objectionable. Nature, unfortunately, has not provided many materials that offer possibilities for producing a product of this kind. The majority of products, when used in quantity sufficient to provide the neces- sary amount of total solids to give efficient dampproofing results, will impart such a color to the material that when used over stone that is more or less sensitive to discoloration, it will become badly stained, and the injury will be more serious than the difficulty which it was originally intended to overcome. The repellent base held in solution in such transparent materials must also be of such a nature as will be more or less transparent after the volatile material has evaporated. This is an essential requirement, as the transparent treat- ments are used quite generally over porous brick or stone surfaces of various colors, and if the coating tends to leave a white deposit after evaporation of the volatile material, it will stand out in contrast to the colored masonry surface and appear as if the surface had a slight efflorescence. The difficulties which the requirements for such a material presented, and the complaints which followed the use of so many of the in- ferior products, have resulted in the slow disap- pearance of a great number of products that originally appeared, and today there are only two or three of the materials on the market that were numbered originally among the great list of special products. It is a problem that has involved a great deal of careful scientific investigation in order to select such materials which, due to their chem- ical affinity, can be so combined as to produce a synthetic base which has the properties of dis- solving in the combination of solvents, to yield a product that will contain a comparatively high percentage of base so that when applied to a surface and the volatile material has evapo- rated, there will be a sufficient quantity of material deposited in the pores to fill them and change their natural absorbent nature to a negative repellent action. B The second class of general dampproof- ing treatments, viz: Opaque Decorative Coat- ings, may be sub-divided similarly to transpar- ent treatments, affording a very simple con- sideration of this important part of the general subject of dampproofing. This classification is as follows: B Opaque Decorative Coatings. (1) Various Cement Washes. (2) Common Oil Coatings. (3) Special Proprietary Cement Coatings. (1) The first conception of applying an opaque decorative treatment is evidenced in the use of a mixture of cement and water applied with a brush, for the dual purpose of obscuring any imperfections in the surface and giving an outer shell that is of a denser texture, so as to protect the masonry from the penetration or absorption of moisture. While this treatment is more or less effective in uniforming the ap- pearance of the surface, it hardly possesses any great or efficient dampproofing results. This is due to the fact that the cement is mixed with water and when applied the water occupies a definite volume and on evaporation leaves the surface full of small microscopic pores and aper- tures through which water can penetrate. There is also considerable trouble experi- enced in using a cement wash, due to the diffi- culty in obtaining a satisfactory bond to the masonry surface, if the material is not applied to concrete that has not fully hardened. The usual result with a cement wash is that the coating will be efficient for a little time but after having been subjected to frost when thor- oughly wet and saturated, it will be forced off from the surface by the expansion of the water on freezing, and any possible efficiency and value which it might originally have contributed entirely destroyed. (2) The second class of opaque dampproof- ing treatments, viz.: ordinary oil paints, has been tried at various times with unsatisfactory results. This is very obviously due to the fact that in contrast to a wood or metal surface, a concrete surface is chemically active, due to the presence of alkali. When a common oil paint is applied over wood or metal, there is no chemical influence to in any way interfere with its nor- mal process of drying to a tough, elastic linoxyn film. When such a product is applied over a concrete surface, the condition is distinctly different. In the natural process of hydration of Port- land cement, there is developed approximately 37 per cent of calcium hydroxide. It is the pres- ence of this calcium hydroxide that contributes a distinctive alkaline nature to concrete sur- faces. Any drying oil, such as linseed, is easily decomposed when in contact with an alkali, tending to form a soap of the metal represented in the alkali. In accordance with this natural characteristic of a drying oil, the calcium hydroxide reacts with the oil, forming a calcium soap which entirely destroys the characteristic toughness, elasticity and durability of the prod- uct. In place of a weather-resisting and pre- serving paint film, as would result if the mate- rial were applied over a wood or metal surface, only a sticky, incoherent, easily-perishing coat- ing is left, presenting absolutely no damp- proofing or uniforming effect. Periodically we hear from various sources comment in regard to the use of lead and oil on concrete, which may be suggested by an occasional application that is more or less satis- factory. Actually, bitter experience has indi- cated that an oil paint is not adapted in its constituency to a concrete surface, and so long as a concrete surface is characterized by the presence of alkali which, in fact, is an in- separable property it will be impractical to attempt to use a product containing an oil that is so easily saponified. Common oil paint is generally characterized by a glossy texture which is an objection for treating concrete surfaces. There is stability, strength and endurance associated with a masonry surface, and it is not consistent with good architectural treatment to apply an oil paint coating that will impart a glossy appear- ance so strongly contrasted to the naturally soft, flat texture of masonry surfaces. (3) The third method of opaque damp- proofing treatments, viz.: specialized cement coatings, offers the greatest opportunity for producing effective and satisfactory damp- proofing results. With a full knowledge of the physical and chemical characteristics of a con- crete or masonry surface, it is possible to select raw materials and so treat and combine them as to produce a product that is in every sense a specialized cement coating. Such a product cannot be produced by any effort to re-adapt a common oil paint, but must be built up funda- mentally from special materials which, due to their physical characteristics and chemical properties, are suited for the production of a strictly specialized product. C The third class of dampproofing treat- ment involves the application of bituminous products to the interior of exposed walls. The treatments in the first two classes as outlined above are applied to the exterior of the super- structure, while the special bituminous prod- ucts are distinct in being applied to the inside of the wall. These products are black in appearance and usually of quite heavy body, being applied with a brush so as to provide a thoroughly contin- uous coating. They are characterized by indefi- nitely remaining tacky, and provide bond for a coat of plaster applied directly to the coated surface. It is to be emphasized that the prime purpose in the application of such products to interior walls is for dampproofing results, and the fact that they have the associated property of bonding a coat of plaster is distinctly secondary. It has become a very general practice in con- struction work to provide for the application of such a dampproofing on the interior of all ex- posed walls, as it gives an element in the wall that will prevent the continuous penetration of dampness or moisture through the wall, which would injure and destroy the interior decora- tions and produce a damp and unhealthful condition. The subject of waterproofing proper, as we have defined applying to the treatment of sub- terra construction and structures intended for retaining and containing water under hydro- static head, may very correctly be divided into the two characteristic methods, viz.: Integral and Membrane, each of which has further sub- divisions. The Integral Method of waterproofing in- volves the addition of compounds to the con- crete at the time it is placed, and becomes a unit or integral part of the mass. This method is also known as the Rigid Method of treatment in distinction to the Membrane, which permits greater movement and conformation in the structure without injuring the effectiveness of the waterproofing treatment. The Integral Method has been received with a great deal of favor by engineers, and its appli- cation has been increasing quite rapidly. Un- doubtedly the more general selection and speci- fication of the Integral Method in preference to the Membrane, in general substructural con- crete work, is due to the fact that the develop- ment in the design of reinforced concrete has served to enable the engineer to anticipate his tensile stresses and strain and provide against the rupture or cracking in the concrete by in- troduction of the proper area of steel. For all concrete construction work where proper rein- forcing or provisions are made against cracking, the Integral Method is by far the most satisfac- tory, due to its greater general economy. Various compounds which are used for general integral waterproofing requirements may be divided into two classes characterized by the physical condition in which they are added to the concrete, viz.: (1) Finely powdered dry compounds which are mixed with the dry cement. A Integral \ (2) Compounds either in liquid or paste form which are added directly to the water used to temper the dry mixture of cement and aggregate. The products coming under the first classi- fication may be further divided, due to their characteristic physical properties, into three classes, viz.: I (a) Repellent. (1) Finely Powdered Compounds a orer Co/umn fb.otmga, Pits, ef-c Waterproofing Contractor, and the Water- proofing of the floor carefully joined thereto. Plate No. 1 shows a typical view of work under way. In the background a portion of the wall has been coated, while to the extreme left the surface has been chipped preparatory to receiving the Coating. The Waterproofing of the pit has been completed, and the floor and foundations in the foreground prepared and cleaned for the installation of same. In Plate No. 2 the general scheme is illus- trated for carrying the Coating continuously over various portions of the building. Par- ticular attention is called to the necessity of insulating the Waterproofing, where abnormal conditions prevail. Upon boilers and wherever the surface will be exposed to intense heat, the Coating is depressed some six or eight (6 or 8) inches to allow the placement of a protective coat of sand and firebrick, a slab of cinder concrete or other suitable heat resisting me- Alternative Me/ftoa Gump Pit Bo'ilerP/t-shomrg Protection to Hbf&proof/ry fte/nforced Concrete Column Steel Co/umn with Concrete footing #ith (jri/lage footing Plate No. 2 schenie should be discouraged, however, as the chief advantages of the Process are lost thereby. The correct position for the Waterproof Coating is upon the inside faces of the mem- bers; that is, the Coating should be carried over the interior surfaces of the exterior walls and the upper surface of the lower level Floor Slab, and unless some special interior finish is desired the Coating should ordinarily be left exposed. It is troweled smooth to an even surface, and presents a Wall Plaster Finish and Cement Floor Finish of highest grade. When fully cured, the Coating is of light gray, uniform in color and pleasing in appearance, but if preferred it may be painted to the shade desired by employing strictly specialized Concrete Coatings. The Waterproofing is carried continuously over all pits, trenches, etc., and either up the sides of the interior columns to the required heights or over the footings and up around the column bases to join with the Floor Water- proofing. In some cases where the construc- tion permits, the grillages are encased in Water- proofed Concrete under the direction of the dium. Plate No. 3 portrays the Waterproofed Coating depressed for this purpose just prepara- tory to the installation of the protective coat. The Coating should be carried under all machine foundations, that it be not subjected to excessive vibration and that its continuity be not destroyed by the anchor bolts. Where cold water pipes enter the building, the Coating can in general be bonded to them directly by care- fully removing all paint and roughening the metal. However, where hot water or steam pipes are encountered, metallic collars allowing for the lateral movement of the pipes should be supplied, the Coating bonded to the collar and a plastic material forced into the void between the collar and the pipe. The matter of construction joints in the Coating between different day's work is all- important, as these will develop points of weak- ness unless they be specially treated. A fresh straight edge an inch within the edge of the completed work should be cut and this thor- oughly grouted to aid in the knitting process. The joining should never be placed at the juncture between the wall and floor or at angles in walls as it is quite impossible to adequately trowel the work at these points. Since the Waterproofed Coating is applied over the opposite face from that against which the pressure is exerted, the bond with the under- lying base must be absolute. When this is at- tained the efficiency of the Waterproof Coating is limited in its resistance to hydrostatic pressure only by the strength of the structural member. When the bond is positive, the Waterproof Coating forms a series of beams or arches over the minute pores of the masonry and effectively seals the water in their separate channels. The span of the beams is of course of infinitesimal length only, and thus the total force applied upon each individual beam and the consequent stresses exerted are of negligible magnitude; also it is quite probable that the pressure is lost to a large extent by the capillarity, depending for this feature upon the impermeability of the masonry itself. Only so long as the particles of water are confined within their tiny channels does the Cement Coating possess real efficiency, for if the water be allowed to collect in a con- tinuous sheet behind the Waterproofing (which may occur when the bond is imperfect) the beams become of appreciable length and the coating is ruptured or forced from its position. Considering these facts, it is readily per- ceived that the success of the Process is de- pendent to a very great extent upon the effi- ciency of the bond existing between the Water- proofing and the underlying base. Only by virtue of this bond is it possible to attain such excellent results by applying the Waterproofing upon the interior faces of the members. The fact must be always borne in mind that the actual function of any Waterproofing agent is to make the masonry impervious and that it is not a pressure resisting medium of appreci- able structural strength. Thus if a wall or floor Plate No. 3 View showing depression in floor for protective coat under boilers. Alan Realty Building, 37th Street and Broadway, New York City. George and Edw. Blum, Architects. Alan Realty Const. Co., Owners and Builders. slab, efficiently Waterproofed, be subjected to stresses beyond its ultimate strength, the member itself will fail and the Waterproofing be ruptured. Obviously this failure cannot be attributed to any fault of the Waterproofing, and in the design of a structure due allowance must be made for adequate strength of the members to resist hydrostatic pressure when such exists or is likely to exist. This truth is apparent, but in the mass of detail that enters into the design of a structure its importance is often not appreciated. The control of water during the progress o/ construction work is important as the Coating, of course, is of such nature that it is unable to resist hydrostatic pressure until it has become fully hardened. Various means are devised for relieving this pressure, and no little ingenuity is required to successfully apply the Waterproof- ing against members through which water is percolating. The general method of procedure in such cases for vertical surfaces, is to drill holes through the wall at various points to concen- trate the flow of water. Metallic or porcelain tubes are inserted, protruding several inches from the interior surface of the wall to prevent the water from flowing over the fresh Coating. Where the floor is being simultaneously Water- proofed, rubber tubes are attached to the me- tallic or porcelain ones to conduct the water directly to a sump pit. When hydrostatic pressure exists, before placing the slab of horizontal members, the best method is to construct a drainage system so that this pressure can be temporarily relieved. Excavation should be made some eight or ten (8 or 10) inches below the lower side of the pro- posed slab and this backfilled with cinders, gravel or similar porous material. Drains of hollow tile should be constructed at intervals, converging to sump pits. Pumping or bailing should be resorted to from these pits until the concrete has attained its initial set, and then again for some ten to fifteen (10 to 15) hours after the Waterproof Coating has been placed, or until the latter has become sufficiently set that the water will overflow the sump pit, and not seep through the Coating, as in this latter event its efficiency will be entirely destroyed. After final set of the Coating has obtained, the sump pit can be sealed. As may be ascertained from the preceding discussion, where water exists during construc- tion work, the walls may be erected regardless of the Waterproofing, but the floor slabs should not be placed until proper means have been taken to control the water. Where this scheme is not followed or in the case of the repair of leaky floors, it is necessary to install drains in trenches. These should be cut entirely through the members, or at least to such depths that the flow will be concen- trated, and that concrete of sufficient thickness to resist the pressure can be placed above the drains. Both of these requisites must be ful- filled. Great care must also be taken that the new concrete in the trenches be carefully bonded with the old, so as to form a continuous slab possessing adequate structural strength. When scientifically undertaken the Cement Coating Process is absolutely positive and per- manent in its results and its merits as a Water- proofing medium are excelled byjio other method. Cherry Street Wharf, Philadelphia, Pa. Snare & Triest, Contractors All concrete waterproofed with Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated. CHAPTER NINE Practical Application of Waterproofed Plaster Coat Manner in which Wall should be Roughened Illustration of Roughened Wall Why a %" Water- proofed Plaster Coat is Adequate Roughening of Columns and Footings Application of Water- proofed Plaster Coat to Columns and Footings to Prevent Electrolysis Results of Plaster Coat Waterproofing A Typical Illustration. The accompanying illustration (Figure 1) shows the thoroughness with which a concrete wall is usually roughened before applying a waterproofed plaster coat. This thorough chip- ping and roughening insures a surface which will very firmly and securely hold the waterproofed plaster coat. The importance of this thorough preparation of the wall is appreciated when it is considered that a waterproofed plaster coat is applied to the interior of the wall and must hold the water back through the security of its bond to the surface. With the exercise of reasonable care to roughen the surface so the plaster coat will Figure No. 1 Figure No. 2 Figure No. 3 securely bond, it will positively hold back the water under considerable hydrostatic head. This is probably explained by the fact that the water in comirig through the wall, follows pores and capillaries, and on reaching the waterproofed plaster coat is held right in the capillary, and its pressure considerably reduced over what would be expressed if the water could circulate and col- lect in considerable area and volume behind the plaster coat treatment. Theoretically, with the water confined to the definite pores and capillaries in the concrete, even a three-quarter inch plaster coat represents a considerable thickness in comparison to the span between the points at which the plaster coat is securely bonded and fixed to the wall and the area in which the water is present in the definitely limited and defined capillarity of the concrete. The second illustration (Figure 2) shows the same roughening treatment as applied to a col- umn and footing. The waterproofed plaster coat is coming in quite general use for enclos- ing footings and grillage to avoid the penetra- tion of any moisture and preventing any corrosion through electrolysis. The essential thing in the application of a plaster coat in such a condition is to be certain of the continuity so as to leave no opening for any moisture to work itself into the mass. This illustration-also*shows a section in the concrete apparently defined as a section between old and new work where the bond was not satisfactory. Observe that water has been percolating through this crack and the con- tractor has inserted bleed pipes to concentrate the flow before applying the plaster coat. The third illustration (Figure 3) is a very typical example of the utility and appearance of a basement which has been protected against any moisture or dampness by the application of a plaster coat. In fact, illustrations 1 and 2 show the work in progress on the same operation that is shown in the completed form in Figure 3. It is interesting to observe the fine, attractive appearance of the walls as they are left in a smooth, polished condition after the application of the waterproofed plaster coat. Although in the illustration shown, the walls were subject to considerable hydrostatic pressure so that pre- vious to the waterproofed plaster coat water was penetrating and percolating through the walls at various points, after the treatment as shown the walls are absolutely free from any moisture or dampness and the basement has nearly the same practical utility as any other floor. Architects and engineers will be particularly interested in the features of this waterproofed plaster coat treatment on account of its economy and general effectiveness. St. Paul Public Library, St. Paul, Minn. E. D. Litchneld, Architect All foundation work waterproofed with Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated. CHAPTER TEN Relieving Pressure Before Application of a Waterproofed Plaster Coat Method of Draining Bleed Pipes Siphon Central Sumps Complete Work of Drainage- Bleeding Wall to eliminate Slow Seepage Practical Illustration of Bleed Pipes Results of failure to Relieve Pressure. In undertaking a waterproofing operation t by means of a waterproofed plaster coat, it is very necessary to provide for the free flow of any water that is present either under seepage or hydrostatic pressure. In order to get a firm and secure bond of the plaster coat it is essential that the surface be free from the movement of any water. Even moisture under the slightest seepage pressure, the occurrence of which is hardly dis- cernible, will, when concentrated back of a waterproofed plaster coat, weaken the bond and cause unsatisfactory results. In undertaking an operation, the method to be followed must be determined as appropriate to the existing conditions. Attention is first directed to the treatment of the walls. .* *. * : A :/ // ^.v:.-- ;;> : : // fl '* . K ' >7y **'*0 ''fl ^ . // Q. ' '.'&' . .: M :':' T 1 '.'.' '*/'* /J .' . ;7 '.'--i : u- ;. /? >.^V '-" ^ .' >>: // 3 ^^Rubber Tubing. //Q v:*- fci-'^ ^ Saa; ^^ A ? ;' ' ;ft'-'-ft-. ^^^^^ /Well to Col- > V: ^ : '.-' '' . */ InK lect Wdter; ;* >.: ***r _IB_ rtt*^ .<-..' '/.n^md rNi&iil5Jii&ni^/j/&' 'ztrsij^f. .wn^ll&lll&li/^' ^*K. mx.-.---,-:"M\ ^*=nT ift&lllz: >s ^7^^-^nr '" 2- Drcxin Tile in Trench""^ Covered with Cinders Figure 1. Figure No. 1 illustrates a section of a wall showing the method of draining that would generally be followed. To relieve the seepage or flow of water through the wall on the left of the figure, a hole has been drilled continuously through the wall in which has been inserted a pipe which is then made continuous with a sump constructed in the center of the excavation. Any sections of the wall showing the presence of sufficient moisture to give any movement or 'Cover-ing ovr Trench Figure 2. flow must be drained by means of a "bleed" pipe before the plaster coat application can be under- taken. Figure No. 1 also illustrates the erection of a two-inch drain tile in a trench around the foot of the wall, which is constructed to grade so as to empty into the sump where the water is relieved by means of the syphon pump. Figure No. 2 is a plan of the same condition illustrated in Figure 1. Observe that two bleed pipes have been inserted in the wall which are connected with a syphon and the presence of the drain tile, which is covered with cinders and gravel running continuously around the outside and connected to the central sump. ,1 Coating on Wai la 2Coatir>jj on Floor inTile in Trench, Covered with Cinders Figure 3. With the flow of water through the wall con- centrated in the sump, the surface is then in condition for application of the plaster coat. The bleed pipe should be left in operation for a matter of ten days to two weeks in order to insure proper hardening of the plaster coat before it is required to withstand the pressure. Figure 3 illustrates the completed work. With the water draining freely into the sump and then removed by the syphon, the concrete base can be constructed and the concrete take its full normal hardness without any possible injury of water accumulating and seeping up through the soft concrete mass. The floor is finished with a waterproofed plaster coat, which is made con- tinuous with the applications on the side walls. After the sump has been kept in operation for a period sufficient to allow for the proper hardening and bonding of the plaster coat, the pump can be stopped and the cap screwed on top of the sump to close it. The water pressure is then entirely resisted and held back by the waterproofed plaster coat. Figure 4 illustrates a section of brick wall through which a bleed pipe has been driven and connected with a rubber hose to a central sump. This illustration is particularly interesting, as it shows the result of having undertaken to apply a plaster coat to a surface where there was a slow seepage of water. While to the naked eye the movement was hardly discernible, as soon as the Figure 4. green plaster coat was applied it began to be carried down on the thin film of moisture that slowly but positively accumulated back of the plaster coat and separated it from its bond and Figure 5. contact with the surface. It was necessary to insert the bleed pipe and concentrate the flow of the water before the plaster coat could be applied safely. Figure 6. Figures 5 and 8 are unusually good illustrations of the use of bleed pipes in actual practical opera- tions. The walls to be treated showed evidences of the movement of considerable moisture. The holes were drilled into the walls in which the bleed pipes as shown in the illustrations were placed and only after the water pressure was relieved by the bleed pipes was the application of the waterproofed plaster coat undertaken. After the thorough hardening of the water- proofed plaster coat, the bleed pipes are broken, off and closed by driving in a wooden plug. Figure 6 is a typical illustration of the result that usually follows when care is not taken to relieve the pressure. The accumulation of the moisture back of the plaster coat naturally works itself into the plaster coat, destroying the density and compactness of the mechanical pressure used in application and defeats the object of obtaining a thoroughly continuous and dense application. Figure 7 is a little closer view of Figure 6 showing the effect of the moisture and dampness that is flowingjand seeping through the imper- fectly applied waterproofed plaster coat. Figure 7 Figure 8 CHAPTER ELEVEN Integral Waterproofing a Consistent Principle of Engineering By R. Alfred Plumb The use of the Safety Factor in Engineering Design Its application to Waterproofing Engineer- ing not an exact Science Safety Factor in Reality Factor of Ignorance Definition of Exact Sciences Illustrations Method of Procedure in Exact Sciences How Engineering differs from Exact Science Why the Factor of Safety is necessary in Engineering Concrete offers greatest Variation of all Building Materials Why it does so Why the Safety Factor Principle is par- ticularly applicable to Concrete Construction Direct bearing of this to Waterproofing of Con- crete Concluding Review and Discussion. INTRODUCTORY NOTE: The presentation of the use of integral waterproofing in waterproofed concrete as an action consistent with the usual performance in employing a "factor of safety" (or a "factor of ignorance") is a direct and thoroughly logical application. Integral water- proofing produces waterproofed concrete and provides qualities for conserving the strength of the concrete and protecting it against dis- integration. Accordingly it should have a very significant consideration as a "factor of safety" (or as a "factor of ignorance") as it is so closely and directly associated with the subject of the strength and stability of concrete. The correct and practical present conception of the use of a factor of safety is a necessity, due to the fact that engineering has not de- veloped to the basis of a true science and does not embrace concise knowledge of the laws of natural forces and their application to the strength and resistance of materials. Engineer- ing is really more of an empirical consideration of practical observations and results. If the engineer was in position from his knowledge to proceed with perfect definiteness of the strength of materials and the accuracy of workmanship, engineering in conception and practice would become a definite science. It would then be entirely superfluous to con- sider the use of any excess of materials over what was very definitely and positively known to be sufficient to meet the requirements of any particular structure. Actually the term and practice involved in the consideration of factor of safety would become obsolete. However the factor of safety may be more literally inter- preted a factor of ignorance, due to the fact that our present engineering practices are only reasonably accurate methods of approximation. It is such subjects as Chemistry and Astron- omy that present the truer conception of an exact science. Chemistry as a science involves a very definite knowledge of the various elements that compose matter and the laws which regulate the reactions and the relationships of these various elements to each other. The chemist knows by the definite, concise knowledge of the science that when two or more of the established elements are brought together, that certain definite changes will take place and that such reactions will be in accordance with very defin- itely predetermined scientific facts. Astronomy is even a better illustration of an exact science. Due to the mathematical accur- acy with which the knowledge of this subject has been developed, the position of the sun, the moon, and the stars are determinable for almost any time. The position of the sun one year from today is not a matter of empirical deduction or of approximate determination but a fact which can, from the conciseness of Astronomy as a science, be precisely determined by mathemati- cal calculations. It is when any subject reaches that point of development where its laws can be determined with mathematical precision, and then can be accurately expressed in practice, that the par- ticular subject reaches a really true scientific basis. While engineering design is based on mathe- matical calculations, there are so many uncer- tainties involved in the qualities of materials and workmanship that engineering cannot, when considered in relationship to its practical execu- tion, be accepted as mathematically concise. By laboratory tests, it is possible to deter- mine the strength and qualities of any specific material under ideal conditions, but the engineer must substantially discount the laboratory tests to anticipate the variations in the quality of such materials when used in actual, practical construction. In design, the engineer, while he can be quite confident of the accuracy of his knowledge of a few of the simpler stresses, such as direct tension and compression in members subject to flexure, there are so many complicated stresses that will develop that the engineer does not understand that he is compelled to use materials at unit stresses, much less than their ultimate strength, in order to provide for the uncertainties in stresses that he does not understand. For instance, in any beam or girder there are developed such additional stresses as horizontal and vertical shear and diagonal tension and compression stresses which vary so much in different parts of their members, and combine themselves in such ways, that the engineer at times is unable to actually determine their direction of action, much less being able to calculate with any accuracy even their approxi- mate intensity. It follows logically that the real, practical conception of the "factor of safety" is more a "factor of ignorance," as the engineer is required to use excessive amounts of materials in order to insure protection against variation in the quality of materials, in the uncertainties in workmanship and the actual lack of concise knowledge of the intensity and direction of the stresses that will develop in the structure. The engineer can be concise and accurate in the mathematical calculations of his design, but he cannot extend the same mathematical pre- cision to the examination of the interior of every piece of material that enters into the construc- tion to determine the extent of flaws and im- perfections that are likely to be present. It is recognition by the engineer of the fact that he cannot make this internal examination of the structure of the materials that compels him to figure the unit stress of any material at a value which is only a fraction of the full ultimate strength. In design no engineer will make a building stronger than he believes will actually be re- quired, but he uses the lower stresses because his lack of knowledge in the variation in con- ditions involving materials, workmanship, and stresses is such that he dare not go further. The engineer often finds himself groping in the dark, and occasionally when he becomes a little too confident in the uniformity of materials, a little too courageous in depending on the human element of workmanship, a little too certain in his ability to concisely figure strains and stresses, he is confronted with a Quebec disaster that is sure to intimidate and to bring greater emphasis on the necessity of a care and caution in pro- ceeding on facts that are really positively and definitely known. It is that recognition in the mind of the engineer that, between the accuracy of his cal- culation of stresses that are known and the expression of his design in actual material form, there are so many uncertainties, so many qual- ities of which he is uncertain that he realizes he cannot draw his design closer to the actual ultimate but must provide excessive materials to compensate for what he does not know and what he cannot accurately determine. A Represents standard practice in steel work allowing a safety factor of four. B Represents a beam which would carry the load assuming ulti^ mate strength. A Represents standard practice in a concrete column under definite load, providing a fac- tor of safety of four. B Represents a column which, at ultimate strength, will carry the same load. Illustrating the use of the "safety factor" in general construction work. The amount of space that has been given in the foregoing to a discussion of the conception of "Factor of Safety" is intended to establish in the reader's mind the general extent to which the engineer recognizes his limitations in engi- neering as a science, and must secure and protect himself on things he does not know by use of materials figured at ultimate stresses only representing a small percentage of the actual ultimate value. The effort has been, not so particularly to give the reader information that he does not know, but bring to his mind in concise, defined perspective the exact reasoning why a factor of safety is used. These facts are not theory but absolute practice. Now, considering the various types of con- structive materials, what one stands out most specifically as offering the biggest opportunity for variation in actual construction? The answer is Concrete. The reader recognizes steel as a product of thoroughly standardized manufacture, yet, due to lack of confidence in what is actually known about steel and what it will do under various conditions of stress, the engineer employs from two and a half to four times more than if figured at full, ultimate value. Similarly with wood, a product of Nature's laboratory, the engineer has not sufficient confidence in his knowledge of its uniformity or of its behavior under various loadings but what he provides from seven to twelve times more actual material than would be required if it was figured on the basis of its ultimate strength. If the engineer's confidence in steel and wood and materials of a similar type is so limited, what can be his actual confidence in a material like concrete with a vastly greater opportunity for variations? In concrete there is fluctuation that is associated with different brands of cement, there are the differences in the time of setting, there is the variation in the fineness and the strength, etc. In the aggregate, there is prob- ably the widest variation of any type of raw material entering into the actual finished con- struction. It not only varies in different sec- tions but in the same locality there is consider- able difference. In one section of the country, a crushed rock is used in preparing concrete and there is associated with it a great deal of fluctua- tion due to the inherent nature of the rock itself. In other sections gravel is employed with a wide fluctuation in its granularmetric composition. In fact almost unlimited comment could be made bearing on the varieties of aggregates employed in concrete. Further, there is the influence on the finished concrete by the method of mixing, the amount of water used, the time of mixing, the method of placing, spading, tamping, curing, etc. It requires little comment to bring to the reader's mind, in very forceful vision, that when he is proceeding to figure a factor of safety as a method of protecting against the wide uncertain- ties and unknowns of structural materials, there is hardly any material that requires the same attention or the same provision for factor of safety as concrete. It is the association of the two facts that a factor of safety is employed as a protection and a security against the uncertainty in materials, workmanship, etc., and in these qualities of indefiniteness and uncertainty that concrete stands out pre-eminently, that we conclude that any provision that will add any definiteness or positiveness to the production of a waterproofed result in concrete should be employed and figured as a reasonable, economical factor of safety. It is occasionally suggested that by a scien- tific grading of aggregate a density can be pro- duced in concrete that makes it impermeable. The interesting part of this statement is the word "scientific." The correctness of the asser- tion is to be granted with the provision of the possibility of an execution of the scientific requirement. It is exactly the fact that concrete among structural materials does not permit a scientific expression in result that this statement falls far short of any real significance. To accept such a possibility is to accept conditions prevail- ing in engineering practice that will enable us to use ultimate stresses rather than only fractions of ultimate value in practical construction. It is not the purpose of the discussion of this chapter to show by analytical consideration that it is a physical impossibility to actually obtain waterproofed concrete by scientific grading, but simply to bring to the engineer's mind the positive inconsistency of conceiving a thing in his mind as a possibility which he cannot apply in any other phase or feature of engineering practice. The engineer today who recommends a scientific grading of aggregate as a method of producing impermeable concrete must in the same breath endorse the use of ultimate stresses in steel, wood, and other structural materials. PART II Discussion of Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated Nature of Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated How Used Method of Incorporating Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated, in the Concrete Its Economy Colloidal Nature of Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated Effect on Concrete General Directions for Use Table of Quantities Illustrations Reports Testimonial Letters Prominent Users. NY integral waterproofing compound to successfully serve its purpose must have the following characteristics: It should be simple to use. It should readily mix with water, as water must be its distributor. It should be so economical as to permit of general use. Its effect must be permanent. Finally it must be of such a chemical composition that the strength of the finished structure shall not be one particle lessened by the possible increase. Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated, is the one product which effectively meets all of these requirements. Developed by many years of experiments and now tested and proved by successful use in thousands of structures, it is recognized by engineers as the one standard product for waterproofing by the integral method. The following pages set forth the nature and qualities of Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated, and serve to explain the extra- ordinary success this product has gained. The Truscon Laboratories, Detroit, Mich. A. Krolik & Co. Building, Detroit, Michigan Albert Kahn, Architect, Ernest Wilby, Associate All concrete below grade line waterproofed with Truscon Waterproof- ing Paste, Concentrated. The Detroit River is directly back of the building. Simple to Use The method of using TRUSCON Water- proofing Paste, Concentrated, is the simplest possible. All that is required is to add this Paste to the water which is used to temper the dry mixture of cement, sand, stone, etc. No other method is so easy, rapid and convenient. When powder compounds are used for water- proofing they must be mixed with the dry cement. This operation involves considerable delay, as well as extra labor cost. By the TRUSCON method there is no hindrance to rapid, economical work. Readily Mixed with the Gauging Water Because it comes in paste form, TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated, mixes very readily with water, forming a milk-like solution. It distributes itself evenly throughout the water and hence is carried uniformly to every part of the mortar or concrete. To produce a perfect mixture between ordinary oils and water is of course impossible. It is for this reason that most of the dry powders offered for waterproofing purposes are more or less inefficient, for they consist of chemically insoluble soaps with hydrated lime, and such metallic salts of fatty acids, as is well known, are naturally repellent to water. Consequently, these waterproofing compounds do not become evenly distributed throughout the con- crete and thus they cannot fulfill their purpose of waterproofing it. This result comes partly because of the difficulty of mixing such dry compounds with the cement. However, even were a perfect mixture obtainable, nevertheless the waterproofing compounds, being lighter than the cement, sand, etc., naturally float toward the top of the mixture as soon as the water is added. The use of a dry powder for waterproofing purposes involves a difficulty such as would follow an attempt to evenly mix and hold in distribution finely pulverized cork. It is obvious that when the mass is very heavy and dry the cork is entrapped and mechanically held, but as soon as any fluidity is produced, as by the addition of water, the cork, due to its repellent nature, naturally works itself to the top of the mass, entirely destroying the origi- nal distribution. Because TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated, readily mixes with the gauging water and thus becomes evenly distributed throughout the concrete, its waterproofing qual- ities safeguard every part of the concrete. There can be no weak spots where leaks may develop. Moreover, its protection against water does not weaken with age but on the contrary becomes stronger. Most Economical Waterproofing Compound A lower cost results from the use of TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated, than with any other integral waterproofing treatment. This is the case because of the concentrated nature of the Paste and because it contains no fillers like hydrated lime, clay, silica, etc., which Notre Dame Cathedral, New York City Cross & Cross, Architects Waterproofing & Construction Co., Waterproofing Contractors Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated, used to Waterproof Concrete Work Rheinstein & Haas Building, New York, N. Y. Starrett & Van Vleck, Architects Rheinstein & Hass, Contractors increase the bulk of many other waterproofing compounds without raising their efficiency. In TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste, Concen- trated, only materials of the greatest water- proofing value are used; and hence this product, even though its cost were considerably higher, would remain the most economical to use. The wide recognition of TRUSCON Water- proofing Paste, Concentrated, as the standard product for the integral method of waterproof- ing, has come because it combines the qualities of simplicity and efficiency, together with the lowest unit of cost. Thus, TRUSCON Water- proofing Paste, Concentrated, has brought about the more general use of waterproofing in concrete. Because of its low cost its use has extended, not only to structures where water- proofing was absolutely essential, but also to work where waterproofing was merely desirable. Colloidal in Composition Portland cement mortar, as is well known, is partly waterproof. This results because of a jelly-like or colloidal substance in the cement, which tends to fill up the pores. TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated, is itself colloidal in nature ; hence it completes the water- proofing tendency of the cement by entirely filling the pores in the mortar or concrete. It thus protects fully against the softening ten- dency of water and does this not only efficiently but permanently. Careful study of those chemical and physical processes which take place when Portland cement is mixed with water has made it evident that to give satisfactory results a waterproofing compound must necessarily be of a colloidal nature. The process of Statler Hotel, St. Louis, Mo. Mauran, Russell & Crowell and Geo. B. Post & Sons, Associated Architects Construction work below grade waterproofed with Truscon Water- proofing Paste, Concentrated. Rochester Sewage Disposal Plant, Department of Engineering, City of Rochester, Engineers C. Arthur Poole, Supervising Engineer Concrete Waterproofed with Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated setting and hardening of Portland cement mortar and concrete is not alone a process of solution, hydration and recrystallization, but is supplemented by the formation of a colloidal substance which surrounds and protects the crystals of cement that bind the particles of sand and stone together. The partial degree of waterproofness which is characteristic of Portland cement mortar and con- crete is due entirely to the presence of its colloidal constituent. In its absence there would be no medium to protect the crystallization against the action of water which would tend to gradually soften, dissolve and disintegrate the mass when subjected to actual practical exposure. This colloidal substance, however, is never formed in sufficient quantity to entirely fill out all the voids in the mass, and it is accordingly the function of an efficient integral waterproofing not only to intensify the formation of the colloid origi- nating from the cement itself, but to add a sufficient quantity of colloid so as to fill out the voids and impart to the concrete sufficient density to render it absolutely impermeable. It is a further essential of an efficient integral waterproofing that the body not only be originally colloidal, but have the property of indefinitely re- taining its colloidal development. Such absorbent colloids as clay, hydrated lime, aluminum hy- droxide, etc., which have been used with very ques- tionable success, have been found in time to dehy- drate, losing their colloidal development, and are very slow and inactive in reverting to the colloidal condition. This behavior undoubtedly explains the very inconsistent results obtained with products of this character, as in some cases where conditions are particularly favorable for maintaining the colloidal condition, results will be quite satisfactory, but generally where there is any opportunity for the drying out of the colloid, the waterproofness is destroyed. Cornell Stadium Gibb & Waltz, Architects Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated, used throughout all Concrete Concrete Stand Pipe Singson Water Works, Philippine Islands All concrete waterproofed with Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concen tra ted. Not Weakening the Concrete The strength of concrete ought not, of course, to be sacrificed for waterproofness. The favor with which TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated, has always been received by engineers, follows partly because, far from reducing the strength of concrete, this product enhances and maintains it. It does so because, as already explained, it protects the concrete against the disintegrating action of water. Compounds containing large percentages of free fats, soluble soaps, active silicic acid, etc., invariably reduce the strength of concrete materially, for these products react seriously with the constituents of the cement and interfere with the normal process of hardening that is essential to develop the full strength. A Record of Success Even at its introduction TRUSCON Water- proofing Paste, Concentrated, was recognized as possessing qualities that should make it most efficient and satisfactory. Now that its success has been demonstrated in a practical way by its use in great numbers of important and ex- tensive operations, its reliability has become a matter of general recognition among engineers and contractors. The range of work upon which it has been used is consequently very wide; in- deed, it embraces practically the entire field of concrete construction, including foundations, dams, tunnels, reservoirs, tanks, floors and all similar structures. The illustrations and letters in this book refer to a few examples of these uses. The simple method of employing TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated, is defined on succeeding pages in the form of general specifications. Upon request special specifica- tions will be furnished showing in detail the method of using this product in the case of any unusual waterproofing problem. Ford Service Building, Long Island City, N. Y. Concrete Foundations and Floors Waterproofed with Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated Directions for Using TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste Concentrated Only ordinary care and reasonable attention are necessary to obtain the very best results with this product. In the general integral waterproofing of mass concrete, TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated, should be employed in the pro- portion of one (1) part of Paste to thirty-six (36) parts of water, which provides the most eco- nomical waterproofing available. Federal Reserve Bank, Atlanta, C a. A. Ten Eyck Brown, Architect, W. C. Spiker, Structural Engineer Allen J. Krebs, Contractor All concrete sub-terra construction and floors waterproofed through with Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated. For conditions that are particularly extreme, due to small mass or especially high pressure, the Concentrated Paste should be used in the proportion of one (1) part of Paste to twenty- four (24) parts of water, but under average conditions of waterproofing the Paste can be employed in the proportion of one to thirty - six (1:36) as previously recommended. For a waterproofed cement plaster coat, the Concentrated Paste should be employed in the proportion of one (1) part of Paste to eighteen (18) parts of water. The best results are obtained by thoroughly mixing one part Paste with an equal volume of water and while stirring vigorously add suffi- cient more volumes of water to give proportions required above. The milky solution resulting from the mix- ture of Paste and water in the above proportion should be used in place of clear water to temper the dry mixture of cement and aggregate. In case the mixture of Paste and water is allowed to stand for any interval between using, it should be most thoroughly stirred to insure an even and uniform solution each time just before using. The Paste diffuses so readily that this imposes no ad- ditional trouble, as very little agitation will insure its perfect distribution. The following table gives the quantities of cement, sand and TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated, required for a 1:2 water- proofed plaster coat to cover 100 square feet of surface. Bbls. Cement Thick- Proportions ness 1 part Cement 1 1" 1.00 2 parts Sand \ %" 0.75 Area 100 sq. ft.j H* 0-50 Cu. yds. Sand .28 .21 .14 Pounds Paste 8 6 4 Hotel Biltmore, New York, N. Y. Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated, used in construction of this building. TRUSCON Service Waterproofing and dampproofing problems have been the province of The TRUSCON Laboratories for many years. Its organization includes a corps of expert chemists and chem- ical engineers, whose advice upon special prob- lems in this field is at your disposal. This service is without charge or obligation do not hesitate to avail yourself of it at any time. Elks Building, New Orleans, La. Toledano, Wogan & Benard, Architects All mortar used in brick work waterproofed with Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated. Transportation Building, Atlanta Ga. A. Ten Eyck Brown, Architect, W. C. Spiker, Structural Engineer Gude & Company, Contractors Truscon Waterproofing Paste used in all retaining walls, floors and other concrete coming in contact with the ground. Bangor, Me. High School Architects, Peabody & Stearns. Contractors, George H. Wilber & Sons Difficult Leakage Remedied by Truscon Pas e, ConantnteJ STOPS STUBBORN LEAKAGE Bangor, Maine, November 17, 1914. The Truscon Laboratories, Detroit, Mich. Gentlemen: In justice to your product, Truscon Waterproofing Paste, we wish to say that in the new Bangor High School we met with a par- ticularly stubborn leakage in the basement and, after some delibera- tion on the part of the School Board. and our firm, we concluded to use your product, namely, the Truscon Waterproofing Paste, and proceeded to use the same as per your instructions. The floors of the two rooms which we waterproofed had been finished, but we simply went over them with your Waterproofing Paste in a plaster coat one inch (1 ") thick and continued same up the walls to a ground two feet (2') above same, and on completion of this work had it absolutely waterproof. We do not know that there is anything more to say in regard to this work, but we wish to further add that on the writer's own resi- dence in Old Town, Maine, he has used this Paste in his stucco work on the second story, which has proved absolutely waterproof and, after several driving storms, south and east, there are no indications of any dampness whatever. Further along he used your "Stone- Tex" on his outside veranda floor, and after using only one coat the waterproofing is absolutely perfect, draining everything to the outlet. If there is anything more we can say in regard to our highest approval of your products, we will be only too pleased to do so. Yours very truly, GEORGE H. WILBUR & SONS. EIGHT FEET'FLOOD WATER BASEMENT STAYED DRY Rochester, N. Y., April 3, 1916. The Truscon Laboratories, Detroit, Mich. Gentlemen: In 1915 we erected for George C. Buell & Company in this city a new warehouse building and due to the close proximity of this building to the Genesee River, we waterproofed the basement walls and floor with TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste. The building has recently undergone a most severe test from flood water and we have no doubt you will be interested to learn of the successful outcome of the waterproofing work. The basement floor is two feet below the normal water level in the river and taking into consideration the possibility of the river overflowing its banks at flood time, the floor was heavily reinforced to resist hydrostatic pressure and the concrete floor slab, together with the 14* concrete walls of the basement to a point 12" above grade, was waterproofed by adding TRUSCON Paste to the water used in tempering the concrete. The water rose to a height of over eight feet, overflowing the river banks, completely surrounding the building, at one time reaching a height of nearly 12' above grade on the street side. The basement interior, walls and floors remained at all times as dry as in midsummer, the only water coming in was that which seeped in through the basement windows (when same were half under water), through form wires which had been left in the wall and in a few instances not properly plugged, and through some water coming into the basement through the backing up of the sewer. The con- crete work we found to be absolutely impervious to dampness and feel that the use of the waterproofing paste has been entirely successful. We are quite enthusiastic over the performance and have no hesitancy in approving the use of the material for all waterproofing work. Thanking you for the assistance and personal attention given this work at the time of construction, we are, Very truly yours, C. A. LIVINGSTON, For Walker, Livingston & Bracket!. Municipal Pier No. 78, Philadelphia, Pa. Snare & Triest Co., General Contractors This pier extends 1,000 f*et into the river. All concrete waterproofed with Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated. George C. Buell Company's Warehouse, Rochester, N. Y. Walker, Livingston & Brackett, Architects Basement waterproofed with Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Con- centrated. The letter printed above shows how effectively Truscon Paste waterproofed this basement as demonstrated by the Rochester flood. MOFFETT 8s SONS Wholesale Grocers Flint, Mich., May 27, 1913. The Truscon Laboratories, Detroit, Mich. Gentlemen: Last summer, as you are aware, we erected a building in this city for the accommodation of our Wholesale Grocery Business. The- location on which we erected this building while ideal from a dis- tributive point of view, being in the heart of the business district is near the river and the floor of our basement being necessarily sev- eral feet below the level of the river, caused us considerable anxiety as to the results of our efforts to insure a dry basement. We had pre- viously received through the mail some of your printed matter relat- ing to TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste, and having faith in your statement that this paste would actually make concrete mixture waterproof, we purchased enough to cover the necessary require- ments for waterproofing the basement floor and walls to a height of one foot above the ground level. We used this paste strictly in ac- cordance with your instructions, and it affords us pleasure to assure you that the results are most gratifying, for notwithstanding the fact that our building stands on porous ground and sandy soil, and as before stated the basement floor is lower than the level of the river, we have an absolutely dry basement, which means to us. another story added to our building, which we believe would not have been possible were it not for the fact that we used your TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste in our concrete mixture. We are building another block of two stores this summer in "a similar location and have specified that TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste[must be used in floor and wall construction. Assuming that the foregoing information may be of interest'to you, we are Cordially, MOFFETT 86 SONS. Municipal Reservoir, Asheville, N. C. Thoroughly and Permanently Waterproofed with Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated A CONVINCING REPORT Asheville, N. C., October 15, 1910. The Truscon Laboratories, Detroit, Mich. This reinforced concrete reservoir, built to insure an auxiliary or emergency supply for the water system of Asheville, N. C., has a capacity of 5,000,000 gallons of water. The reservoir is 150 feet in diameter at the bottom and is 40 feet deep. The wall is three and one-half feet thick at the bottom and tapers to a thickness of eight inches at the top. As originally constructed the reservoir was not satisfactory, but has been brought to stand a thorough test and has just been accepted by the city after additional work, which was done by Mr. George H. Davidson, a contractor of Asheville. The bottom of the tank, when Mr. Davidson began work on it, was from two to six inches thick with concrete filling up the crevices and the entire floor of the tank was cracked very badly. The sides of the tank were originally built in five- foot sections, and at these seams there was a constant leakage. At some places there were cracks up and down the wall, while nearly all of the wall was porous and water seeped through. Mr. Davidson broke out all of the old bottom entirely around for a distance of two feet from the wall, going down to solid rock and cleaning out all cracks and crevices. He then filled all with good concrete mixed with TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste to the level of the old floor. On top of this he laid the 8-inch floor with J^-inch reinforcing steel, filled with TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste and concrete as per TRUSCON specifications, using fifteen barrels of the Paste in the bottom. He then cut out all joints on the wall and filled them with cement mortar mixed with TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste. Mr. Davidson's contract was "no pay if not water-tight" after a test of 90 days with reservoir full of water; and at the end of 90 days the mayor and five aldermen examined the reservoir and found that he had complied with his contract and made good. Quite a number of outside firms made bids for waterproofing of this reservoir, the lowest bid of these being in the neighborhood of $20,000, while the cost under Mr. Davidson's plan was $11,400, and he made some money. A number of firms making waterproofing material solicited this business but after demonstrations and examining the merits of the various waterproof materials, Mr. Davidson told me that he had decided that TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste was the best material to use; and he used it and made good. N. BUCKNER, Secretary Asheville Board of Trade. TWO YEARS LATER Ashville, N. C., December 14, 1912. The Truscon Laboratories, Detroit, Mich. Gentlemen : Referring to your booklet, "Science and Practice in Waterproof- ing," in which you show an illustration of the Asheville Auxiliary Reservoir with description of its repairs made by the writer. It gives me pleasure to state that this tank is still in good shape, and I am sending you under separate cover a new picture, which was made about two or three weeks ago. Yours very truly, N. BUCKNER, Secretary. FOUR YEARS LATER Asheville, N. C., March 20, 1914. The Truscon Laboratories, Detroit, Mich. Your telegrams received. I have sent the following message to-day: "Our big auxiliary concrete reservoir water-tighted in nine- teen ten with TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste by Geo. H. David- son, a local contractor, has been and is now satisfactory. Prior to that time, could not be used." N. BUCKNER, Secretary Asheville Board of Trade. SOHO PUBLIC BATHS 2410 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Truscon Laboratories, January 31, 1912. Detroit, Mich. Dear Sirs: Regrading the waterproofing of the Soho Baths with your TRUSCON Paste, will say that the same is perfectly satisfactory. Our condition was rather extreme; the building is situated on Fifth Avenue, 3 stories above and 3 stories below Fifth Avenue. Our front wall extends down 36 feet below the street, being 12 H feet thick at the bottom, composed of concrete. The water backed up against the wall from springs in the hill and came through a dozen different places, running continually at all seasons of the year at 100 gallons per hour. By applying a plaster coat scinch thick 1:2, mixing the TRUSCON Paste to the water, we have secured a water-tight job and our walls are now perfectly dry, enabling us to utilize the floors below Fifth Avenue and make a swimming pool in which we have used the TRUSCON Paste with satisfaction. The walls were so dry that the carpenter, thinking there was no water back, drilled through the plaster coat to fasten partition, when instantly the water gushed forth in a stream with much pressure, proving conclusively that your material is a thorough waterproof, and we will always use it in our waterproofing. Yours truly, D. P. MARSHALL, Superintendent. Pittsburgh, Pa., March 20, 1914. The Truscon Laboratories, Detroit, Mich. At Mr. Mackin's request I send you my best indorsement of TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste. We had an almost impossible job successfully treated with this material. Conditions too extreme to go into details. Using nothing else now. D. P. MARSHALL, Supt-, Soho Public Baths, City of Pittsburgh Swimming Pool, Soho Public Baths, Pittsburgh, Pa. Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated, Remedies a Seem- ingly Impossible Condition Swimming Pool, Y. W. C. A. Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Hewitt & Granger, Architects. Charles Gilpin, General Contractor Effectively Waterproofed with Truscon Paste, Concentrated CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT WELL PLEASED Philadelphia, Pa., July 31, 1915. The Truscon Laboratories, Detroit, Mich. Regarding the use of Truscon Waterproofing Paste in the swim- ming pool of the Y. W. C. A. Building, would say that I have found it very satisfactory indeed. The pool is 4 feet deep at the shallow and 9 feet 6 inches at the deep portion. It is 20 feet wide and 60 feet long. The walls are 10 inches thick with a 10 inch bottom. We used a 1:2:4 mix with 24 parts of water to every one part of your Waterproofing Paste. We stripped the outside of the pool the day after pouring, to allow the air to get to it and to see if there were any voids. In a week, we stripped the inside of the pool and cleaned it thoroughly. We then allowed it to stand for one week. Following this we filled it half full of water, allowing it to stand thus for a week, then filling it to over- flow, and leaving the pool standing full of water. We found the pool absolutely water-tight, with the exception of where the feed water pipes and over-flows passed through the wall. Underneath these pipes, there were several small leaks, caused by shrinkage of the concrete. After pumping the pool, we stopped the leaks by cutting around the pipes about two inches, and taking strings of oakum soaked in Truscon Plaster Bond, and caulking tightly. We then cemented over these places with a 1 :1 mix using 18 parts of water to one part of Waterproofing Paste. I cannot speak too highly of Truscon Waterproofing Paste. If conditions are thoroughly examined, and the Paste used according to directions, an absolutely watertight job will be obtained. Yours truly, W. HARVEY, Supt. of Construction. R. D. BURNETT CIGAR COMPANY Birmingham, Ala., June 12, 1913. The Truscon Laboratories, Detroit, Mich. Gentlemen: Regarding your inquiry as to the results obtained through the waterproofing of the basement in our Wholesale Cigar House, part of which is also used for Retail and Wholesale Piano Store purposes: wish to state that through the directions of the architect for this building, Mr. H. B. Wheelock, this city, we bought of you about 1500 pounds of the TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste, as manufactured by THE TRUSCON LABORATORIES, and used same on the work with the best results. The basement, even after the concrete base of the floor and the concrete walls were poured, was certainly in very bad condition owing to the great amount of water which ran every- where through the concrete. As I understand, the Waterproofing Paste was used in the 1-inch cement finish of the floors and in the ?4-inch cement coat applied to all the basement walls, and as we had a very competent man direct the application of the cement finish, we were very successful indeed in getting an absolutely water- tight job, in spite of the pressure under which the water seemed to come through the concrete previous to the time of applying the cement finish. Since the work has been completed, about four months ago, we have had some very hot weather, but so far have not had any signs of defective work or defects due to the material in any part of the base- ment. The goods stored in the basemerj; require absolutely dry stor- age space as even a slight dampness would affect them seriously, and we can only say that we have no trouble whatever on account of dampness or wet spots in floor or walls. We, therefore, take occasion to state that we can unhesitatingly recommend the use of this material for waterproofing purposes, under severe conditions, as we certainly had bad conditions before the work was waterproofed and had all kinds of water in the base- ment. You are at perfect liberty to use this letter in any way that will help you to bring this excellent material before the trade. Very truly yours, R. D. BURNETT CIGAR COMPANY, Per R. D. Burnett, Pres. New Sheeter Building, Charleston, S. C. Lockwood, Greene & Co., Engineers Concrete waterproofed with Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Con- centrated. Concrete Purifying Tanks, Arlington Gas Light Co., Arlington, Mass. Tanks made Gas Tight through use of Trus-Con Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated THE LIGHT, HEAT & POWER CORPORATION Boston, Mass., August 11, 1914 The Truscon Laboratories, Detroit, Mich. Gentlemen: Regarding your inquiry concerning the results obtained from using Truscpn Waterproofing Paste in the reinforced concrete gas purifiers which we built recently for the Arlington Gas Light Com- pany at Arlington, Mass., I beg to state that the paste was applied by the integral method according to your directions, and after the forms were removed the boxes were given a one-inch plaster coat inside. After being completed, these boxes were subjected to an air and gas test of one pound pressure. The concrete in two of the boxes was found to be perfectly gas tight and that of the third had one very slight leak which was stopped immediately after its location. We are very well satisfied with the results obtained with this Paste and believe it will give satisfaction on any work of similar character. Yours very truly, F. E. LEARNED, Mgr. H. B. NELSON & SONS Contractors Muskogee, Okla., June 25, 1914. The Truscon Laboratories, Detroit, Mich. Gentlemen: In March, 1913, we finished the Agency Hill Reservoir for the City of Muskogee and waterproofed this 6,000,000 gallon reservoir with Truscon Waterproofing Paste. We first used the Waterproofing Paste in the construction of a small tank in which to store wcter for mixing concrete as the reservoir site was above the reach of city water. This tank we reinforced with woven wire and concrete of 1-2-4 mix- ture. We used in this the recommended mixture and this tank with three-inch walls was completely waterproof. In constructing the large reservoir, after removing the forms and while the concrete was yet damp we put upon it a thin coating of cement made up of Waterproofing Paste diluted in water. Upon the floor of the reservoir while green we put on two heavy coats of the Waterproofing (as above mixed). In this way we closed all sand voids and overcame any unevenness in the concrete with very satis- factory results. Our specifications permitted of not more than five gallons of seepage per minute, but when the test was made by the city for its acceptance there was only one quart seepage. The structure was thoroughly sub-drained with tile around and under the floor and any seepage there was, occurred not through the concrete but at points where the supply and delivery pipes passed through the floor. At any rate at this time, one year after completion, the seepage is practically nothing. Yours truly, H. B. NELSON & SONS, By J. Perwitt Nelson. iflfff Agency Hill Reservoir, Muskogee, Okla. H. B. Nelson and Sons, Contractors Effectively Waterproofed with Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concert tra ted Iron Removal and Filtration Plant, Camp Funston, Kansas Basins and all concrete walls and floors coming in contact with water JAMES KENNEDY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY The Truscon Laboratories, Portland, Oregon, Feb. 9, 1915. Detroit, Mich. Replying to your inquiry with reference to our use of Truscon Waterproofing material. We used your material last year in the construction of six reservoirs: Two at Linnton, two at Willbridge, and two at Whitwood Court. The Waterproofing proved to be satis- factory in every way, as the city test showed no leaks through the concrete. The engineer on this work was Mr. L. C. Kelsey, Selling Building, Portland, Oregon. He can certify to the truth of this state- ment, as he was present and in charge of the city when the tests were made. Yours truly, JAMES KENNEDY CONSTRUCTION CO. By J. D. Hanley. THE FAIRMONT CREAMERY COMPANY The Truscon Laboratories, May 1st, 1914. Detroit, Mich. Referring to your inquiry as to whether we were pleased with Truscon Waterproofing Paste Concentrated which we used on all floors of our new building in Columbus, where water was freely used, will say that we found it very satisfactory. We put six inches of concrete and one inch of topping on these floors and we used the Paste in both. We have never had any trouble with the water soaking through, and in fact we are so well pleased with this material that we used it on some concrete floors which were placed upon wooden floors in a building we fitted up for a creamery at Buffalo, N. Y. So far, in the latter building, we have seen no leaks through this material. As far as we can see, and we have given it an eight months' test in Columbus, this material gives perfect satisfaction. Yours truly, THE FAIRMONT CREAMERY COMPANY, By M. H. Bennett, Construction Manager W. H. SIEVERLING, C. E. General Contractor Springfield, Ohio. The Truscon Laboratories, Detroit, Mich. Gentlemen: Regarding the waterproofing you furnished for the Springfield Light, Heat & Power Co.'s new consolidated power-house, will say that nearly two tons of "TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste" were used. The situation seemed hopeless, as I had not only to contend with numerous living springs, flowing through the power plant, coming up from the fissures and seams of limestone cliffs out of which the foundations were blasted, but also high waters from a turbulent creek, flowing by the plant. I had as much as eight (8) feet of water in the basements about all last winter and spring. After much pumping and building of sheep troughs and sumps, and using plenty of TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste incorporated into the concrete for walls, floors and top coat, I succeeded in getting a perfectly dry basement for their electrical machinery. I like to use TRUSCON Paste, because with the average common labor you can get, it is easier to use and get results than with any other waterproofing that requires intelligent, if not expert, manipula- tion. I can assure you that the Light Company is more than satisfied, as we have had some high waters since, and everything proved water- tight. Very truly, W. H. SIEVERLING. New Electric Plant of Oshkosh Gas Company, Oshkosh, Wis. Wm. A. Baehr, Chief Consulting and Constructing Engineer Truscon Waterproofing Paste used in Crusher and Water Softening pits, 14 ft. head of water. Factory of the Abrasive Co., Bridesburg, Pa. Horace W. Castor, Architect John R. Wiggins Co., Inc., General Contractors Pits under grinding machines waterproofed with Truscon Water- proofing Paste, Concentrated. Absolute dry ness essential in these pits. BICKS 85 KLUNPP The Truscon Laboratories, Decatur, 111. Detroit, Mich. Gentlemen : We are in the concrete business, and are making burial vaults. We are told that if we used Waterproofing Powder we could make these vaults waterproof, but we find by filling the vaults with water, that they leak like sieves, and that the waterproofing powder comes up to the top as the concrete is pored. After the vaults have set, you can scrape the powder off with your finger, and it leaves the concrete full of soft places. We do not care to risk any more labor or material with powder waterproofing, but want you to send us prices on your Waterproofing Paste. We have poured a box about 12 inches square, using TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste, and upon filling same with water, note that the outside keeps perfectly dry. In using the powder water- proofing, we gave the same careful attention to the mixing. We first mixed the cement and waterproofing compound through a fine sieve, and made sure that the dry mixture was perfectly uniform. Very truly yours, BICKS & KLUNPP. BATES MANUFACTURING CO. The Truscon Laboratories, Lewiston, Maine, Detroit, Mich. Gentlemen: Your telegram of today received. We used 53 barrels of TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste to waterproof concrete walls and floors of turbine chambers, forebay and tailrace of hydraulic power plant. Present conditions indicate perfect success. Very respectfully, BATES MANUFACTURING CO. F. B. HATCH Contractor and Builder San Juan, Porto Rico. Messrs. Behn Bros., San Juan, P. R. Gentlemen: I take pleasure in stating that I have used your TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste on several pumping pits where they had very severe test and will say that I am highly pleased with it. It is the best waterproofing for mixing with concrete that I have yet found. Yours very truly, F. B. HATCH. WAUKESHA CONCRETE BLOCK & MATERIAL CO. Waukesha, Wis. The Truscon Laboratories, Detroit, Mich. We believe your TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste to be superior to other preparations we have used. Very truly, WAUKESHA CON. BLOCK & MAT. CO. New Orleans Country Club, New Orleans, La. Favrot & Livaudais, Architects Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated, used in basements and on all floors. Tacony Ordnance Co., Tacony, Pa. W. F. Mark Const. Co., General Contractors Basements of all buildings waterproofed with Truscon Waterproof- ing Paste, Concentrated. Water in the foreground is the Dela- ware River which at this point has a tide of five feet; basements are well under water at high tide. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING COMPANY Portland, Oregon. The Truscon Laboratories, Detroit, Mich. In answer to your inquiry of recent date, we beg to say that we used eighty gallons of TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste last Febru- ary in the floors and walls of the machinery pit of the power house, erected by us at Oswego for the Oregon Iron and Steel Co. After the pit walls were completed and before the cement had time to fairly set, an accident occurred at the headgates which caused the water to stand in the pit about three feet deep for a week. Dur- ing this time the walls showed no leakage and we are thoroughly con- vinced that you have an article that will waterproof any cement that it is applied to. Should we need any in the future you may rest assured that you will hear from us. Yours very truly, PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. GLENMORE DISTILLERIES COMPANY Owensboro, Ky. The Truscon Laboratories, Detroit, Mich. Gentlemen: Regarding the use of TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste for the construction of tanks and cisterns, we are pleased to advise that last summer we constructed a beer well 16 feet in diameter by 12 feet deep, using a 1-2-4 mix of washed gravel concrete, and mixing this with TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste as per your standard speci- fications. Two days after this beer well was poured it was surrounded with water to within one foot of the top, but so far we have yet to see the slightest sign of seepage, and it is apparently absolutely water-tight. Yours very truly, GLENMORE DISTILLERIES COMPANY, By H. S. Barton, V. P. and Gen. Mgr. THE LEHIGH COAL & NAVIGATION CO. Bangor, Maine Bangor, Me., October 23, 1913. Messrs. N. H. Bragg & Sons, City. Gentlemen: I have refrained from reporting the results of our waterproofing until the TRUSCON work had adequate water-resisting tests. The last three weeks of rain have afforded us satisfactory demonstration of the goodness of TRUSCON. Our pocket is erected over a tunnel, about 150 x 8 x 8, and be- neath the tunnel is a subterranean river, icy-cold, with swift current. At far end of tunnel, a ledge retarded egress of water, down the gen- eral gently sloping tract on which the pocket is built. The tunnel was well built, the action of the river, and boiling springs nearly broke its back, despite the several thousand tons of dead -weight. The floor and both sides of the tunnel opened, and through the fissures poured the water, at times. An endless carrier with several hundred balancing buckets runs in the tunnel through ends and across top of pocket. * Frequently, upon starting work for the day, and particularly in winter, we would find a seepage during the night of about 30,000 to 35,000 gallons of crystal, cold water in the tunnel submerging the buckets. In zero weather, the attendant ice was costly and annoying, to put it mildly. The combined efforts of rotary pump and six-inch drain leading from far end of tunnel failed to carry off the water at all times. We had the tunnel waterproofed two years ago, and for a time it held. Although at no time did this repaired tunnel have so long a siege of rain, feeding the river and springs, it eventually broke under strain less severe than to which subjected since October 1. Finally, we evolved a new plan. We dug auxiliary side drains, giving total drainage length of about 3,000 feet, blasted the ledge, and then having, as we believe, diverted the water in a measure, we followed your TRUSCON book to the letter, and used that wonderful compound in repairing and water- proofing the great fissures in our heavy concrete tunnel floor and walls. The work was performed under great difficulties, as water con- stantly was bubbling up in the tunnel, although diminished in a measure by the new drains. The concrete mixture with TRUSCON in it hardened in the water, and it was remarkable to note its stiffen- ing propensities under circumstances that would simply wash away ordinary concrete as fast as placed in position. TRUSCON, we believe, has solved our costly, vexatious and at times baffling problem. I might add that the cost of the waterproof- ing did not exceed $25, although several thousands had been expend- ed previously in the attempt to overcome the trouble. We will gladly impart personal information, and exhibit the work to any others annoyed by similar troubles, and show them how to overcome them with TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated, properly applied. Very truly yours, J. McLEOD, Agent. The Gowan-Lenning-Brown Building, Duluth, Minn. F. G. German, Architect. Leif Jenssen, Assistant Architect W. J. Zitterell, Contractor Basements Waterproofed against heavy hydrostatic pressure with Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated Smithfield Street Public Comfort Station, Pittsburgh, Pa. J. P. Brennan, Architect Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated, used throughout all Concrete Municipal Reservoir, Daly City, Cal. F. C. Roberts, Engineer. Tieslau Bros., Contractors Waterproofed with Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated in accordance with Waterproofed Cement Plaster Coat proceess ' HARDY & ARONS Dayton, Ohio The Truscon Laboratories, Detroit, Mich. Gentlemen : Ever since the erection of the Colonial Building, corner of Third and Grimes streets, the basement has been useless because of the great seepage of water through the walls and cement floor. We contracted with the Dayton Fiber Plaster Co., of this city, to make this basement watertight and dampproof with your products. They applied a M-inch coating of cement mortar on these walls and a 2-inch cement floor, using your Waterproofing Paste in the water with which the material was mixed. The surface thus treated amounted to about 10,000 square feet. Our basement is now absolutely dry, and we cannot too highly recommend your products. Respectfully yours. HARDY & ARONS. A Few Representative Users of Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated St. Louis South-Western Ry. Albion Shale Brick Co.. Albion, III. Old Crow Distillery, Glenn Creek, Ky. Packard Motor Car Co.. Detroit and Philadelphia. Medical College, Charleston, S. C. Western Sugar Refining Co., San Francisco. Ford Service Buildings Cincinnati. Louisville. Indianapolis. Atlanta. Dallas. New York City. Philadelphia. Detroit. Minneapolis. Bates Mfg. Co., Lewiston, Me. Oliver Chilled Plow Co., South Bend, Ind. Stroh Brewing Company, Detroit, Mich. Edison Illuminating Co., Detroit, Mich. Pittsburgh Comfort Station, Pittsburgh, Pa. Arlington Gas Co. City Reservoir, Daly, Cal. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. Kresge Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Hotel Statler, Detroit, Mich. Lever Bros. Soap Co., Boston, Mass. Thomas A. Edison, Newark, N. J. Goodyear Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio. Agency Hill Reservoir, Muskogee, Okla. Grand Central Terminal, New York City, N. Y. Hawley & Hoops Company, New York City, N. Y. Revere Rubber Company, Chelsea, Mass. Bath Iron Works, Bath, Maine. Lozier Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. Hudson Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. Gramm Motor Car Co., Lima, Ohio. City Reservoir, St. Charles, Mo. City Reservoir, Hancock, Mich. City Reservoir, Asheville, N. C. City Reservoir, Lafayette, Ind. Lighting Plant, Springfield, Ohio. Mexican Light & Power Co., Mexico City, Mexico. Westinghouse Lamp Factory, Watsessing, N. J. Grain Elevator, Fort Worth, Texas. General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y., Goldfield Milling & Transportation Co., Goldfield, Nev. Rogers-Brown Ore Co., Deerwood, Minn. Markham Air Rifle Co., Plymouth, Mich. Seaboard Airline Ry., Portsmouth, Va. Beckett Paper Co., Hamilton, Ohio. Western Electric Co., New York City, and elsewhere. Inter-Ocean Steel Co., Chicago, III. Jefferson Powder Co., Birmingham, Ala. Chicago, Rock Island & Southern Ry. Magee Theatre, Schenectady, N. Y. Hartman Furniture Co., Warehouse, Chicago, III. Beckwith Stove Plant, Dowagiac, Mich. Anderson Forge Co., Detroit, Mich. Armstrong Tannery, Detroit, Mich. Wissmath Packing Co., Fort Madison, la. Quartermaster's Department, Washington, D. C. Kling Brewery, Detroit, Mich. Capitol City Brewery, Montgomery, Ala. Great Lakes Engineering Co., Ashtabula, Ohio. Brunett Falls Mfg. Co., Cornell, Wis. Continental Motor Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich. Central Market Building, Detroit, Mich. Government Light House Caissons, Detroit River Pere Marquette R. R. Grand Rapids & Indiana R. R. Edward Ford Plate Glass Co., Rossford, Ohio. Detroit Free Press Building, Detroit, Mich. Shepard Building, Chicago, III. Press Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. Oil Well Supply Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. Hamburger Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. Y. M. C. A., Butler, Pa. Y. M. C. A. Building, Greensburg, Pa. Y. M. C. A. Building, New Castle, Pa. Y. M. C. A. Swimming Pool, Red Wing, Minn. Y. M. C. A. Swimming Pool, Fostoria, Ohio. Y. M. C. A. Swimming Pool, St. Joseph, Mo. Y. M. C. A. Swimming Pool, Burnham. Pa. E. I. DuPont DeNemours Co., Wilmington, Del. M. H. McCloskey, Jr., 1620 Thompson St., Philadelphia, Pa. Clifton Mfg. Co., Waco, Texas. Jones & Mclaughlin Steel Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Spelts Grain Co., Sterling, Col. Estate of Charles M. Schwab. Loretto Road, Pa. A. G. Riser, Contractor and Builder, Tazewell, Va. Ivy White Ash Coal Co., Ivaton, W. Va. Georges Creek Coal Co., Inc., Setzel, Logan Co., W. Va. John Griffiths & Son Co., 1011 Merchants Loan & Trust Bldg., Chicago, III. The Gun Pits placed on lower Delaware River by U. S. Government. Vacuum Oil Co., Paulsboro, N. J. Houston Collieries Co., Maitland, W. Va. Tug River Power Co., Welch, W. Va. Keystone Coal & Coke Co., Keystone, W. Va. McDowell Coal & Coke Co., McDowell, W. Va. Pennsylvania Rubber Co., Jeannette, Pa. Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Detroit, Mich. Cadillac Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. Swift & Company, South Omaha and Cambridge. Boston & Maine Railway. Dodge Bros., Detroit, Mich. Sellwood Park Swimming Pool, Portland, Ore. Water Tank, Cojimar, Cuba. Cook Brewing Co., Evansville, Ind. Frick & Lindsay Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. Heider Manufacturing Co., Carroll, Iowa. The Mission Conception, San Antonio, Texas. Los Angeles Brewing Co., Los Angeles, Calif. Sparta Gas & Electric Co., Sparta, III. Jacksonville Concrete Co., Jacksonville, Fla. Stitzer Engineering & Contracting Co., Philadelphia. Turner & Stewart, Camden, N. J. McClintic-Marshall Construction Co.. Pottstown, Pa. Atlantic City Gas Company, Atlantic City, N. J. Bright & Co., Hazelton, Pa. R. D. Burnett Building, Birmingham, Ala. U. S. Glass Company, Butler, Pa. Butler Concrete & Plaster Co., Butler, Pa. Standard Steel Car Co., Butler, Pa. 10th Reg. Armory, Monongahela, Pa. Moose Temple, Monnessen, Pa. U. S. Government Experimental Mine, Wallace Sta., Pa. U. P. Church, Erie, Pa. St. Pius Church, McKeesport, Pa. Duquesne Parochial Schools, Duquesne, Pa. Pittsburgh Water Heater Co., Idlewood, Pa. Boggs Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. Crafton High School, Crafton, Pa. P. & L. E. Ry. Keystone Coal & Coke Co., Greensburg, Pa. New Castle Dry Goods Co., New Castle, Pa. Pittsburgh Coal Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Monongahela Saw & Planing Mill Co., Monongahela. Pa. Northern Power Co., Potsdam, N. Y. Caledonia Milling Co., Caledonia, Mich. Henahan King Co., Toledo, Ohio. Columbus Machine & Tool Co., Columbus, Ohio. J. M. Wagenheim & Son, Newark, Ohio. Herman Gundlach, Houghton, Mich. Thomas Culinan, Providence, R. I. Ottaray Canning Co., Ltd., Henderson, N. C. Wayne County Farm, Eloise, Mich. Stark Brewing Company, Canton, Ohio. Penn Mining Co., Vulcan, Mich. Ledbetter Manufacturing Co., Rockingham, N. C. Morgan Engineering Co., Alliance, Ohio. Rubber Regenerating Co., Mishawaka, Ind. Prestolite Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Sterling Silk Glove Co., Bangor, Pa. Adam E. Ferguson Creamery, Lansing, Mich. Consolidated Gas, Electric Light & Power Co., Baltimore, Md. Bedford Foundry & Machine Co., Bedford, Ind. Thomas Brothers, Moosejaw, Sask. Plymouth Milling Co., Plymouth, Mich. International Time Recording Co., Endicott, N. Y. Dr. C. E. Schmitz, Cambridge, Idaho. First National Bank, Lestershire, N. Y. Fonnesbeck Knitting Co., Ogden, Utah. Cheboygan Manufacturing Co., Cheboygan, Mich. U. S. Gun Pits on the Delaware River. E. I. Dupont de Nemours & Co., Deep Water Plant, Carney's Point, N. J. Penn. Harris Hotel, Harrisburg, Penna. Penna. Ry. Co. Philadelphia & Reading Ry. Co. Swimming Pools, City of Philadelphia. MASS CONCRETE //V FOUNDAT/OM WALLS WATERPROOFED THROUGHOUT W/TH TRUSCO/V WATERPROOF/MG PASTE CO/YCE/VTRATED MASS COS/CRETE //V FLOOR SLAB WATERPROOFED THROUGHOUT W/TH I TRUSCON WATERPROOF/MG PASTE COMCEMTRATED ,CEMEMT TOPP//VG S/M/LARLY WATERPROOFED Waterproofing mass concrete by integral method. Specification for Waterproofing Mass Concrete by Integral Method Applicable to Standpipes, Cisterns, Reservoirs, Foundations and Similar Structures 1. Intent It is the intent of these specifications to obtain a water-tight concrete structure. 2. Method Water-tightness shall be secured by the addition of TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated, as manufactured by THE TRUSCON LABORA- TORIES, Detroit, Michigan, to all water used to temper the dry mixture of cement and aggregate, in proportions and mixed as directed below. 3. Ingredients and Proportions for Concrete The concrete composing the main body of the structure shall consist of one (1) part cement, two (2) parts of sand, and four (4) parts of stone, each to meet the following requirements: (a) The cement shall be a high grade Portland, which has been carefully tested and found to satisfactorily pass the requirements of the Standard Specifications of The American Society for Testing Materials, and preferably ground so that eighty per cent (80%) shall pass a standard two-hundred (200) mesh sieve. (b) The sand shall consist of spherical grains of any hard rock that is practically free from clay, absolutely free from organic matter, and uniformly graded in size from coarse to fine. (c) The stone shall be screened from gravel, and shall for sixty per cent (60%) of its bulk be uniformly graded be- tween diameters of one (1) and one and one-half (lH") inches, and for forty per cent (40%) of its bulk be uni- formly graded between diameters of one quarter ( J4) and one (1) inch. A hard crushed trap rock may be sub- stituted for gravel if screened to meet the requirements indicated. 4. Mixing The dry mixture of cement, sand and stone in the above proportions shall be tempered to a medium wet consistency with water to which one (1) part of TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated, has been added as directed by the manufacturers, for every thirty-six (36) parts of water. 5. Placing All the concrete shall be placed in one continuous operation, each pouring being thoroughly spaded to insure uniform density. In cases where joints are absolutely unavoidable, very special care shall be taken to clean and roughen the old surface and have it thoroughly wet and slush-coated immediately before placing additional concrete. TRUSCON WATERPROOF/NG PASTE CONCENTRATED 2 " CEMENT F/N/SH WATERPROOFED W/TH TRUSCON WATERPROOF/NG PASTE CONCENTRATED Waterproofing concrete or masonry by means of waterproofed plaster coat applied to interior surfaces. Specifications for Waterproofing Concrete and General Masonry Structures by Means of Waterproofed Plaster Coat Applicable to Cisterns, Reservoirs, Foundations, Basements, Tunnels, Subways and Similar Structures 1. Intent It is the intent of these specifications to obtain a water-tight structure. 2. Method Water-tightness shall be secured by plastering the interior surface of the structure with a continuous coat of Portland cement mortar waterproofed with TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated, as manufactured by THE TRUSCON LABORATORIES, Detroit, Michigan. 3. Ingredients and Proportions of Waterproofed Plaster Coat The mortar com- posing the plaster coat shall consist of one (1) part of cement and two (2) parts of sand, to meet the following requirements: (a) The cement shall be a high grade Portland, which has been carefully tested and found to satisfactorily meet the requirements of the Standard Specifications of the American Society for Testing Materials and preferably ground so that eighty per cent (80%) shall pass a standard two hundred (200) mesh sieve. (b) The sand shall consist of spherical grains of any hard rock that is practically free from clay, absolutely free from organic matter, and uniformly graded in size from coarse to fine. 4. Preparation of the Coating The waterproofed cement mortar shall be pre- pared by thoroughly tempering (to required consistency) a dry mixture of one (1) part of cement and two (2) parts of sand, with water to which TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated, has been added in the proportion of one (1) part of Paste to eighteen (18) parts of water, as directed by the manufacturers. 5. Preparation of Surface to be Coated Before plastering the cement mortar on the hardened concrete, the surface of same shall be treated as indicated in the following: (a) The hardened surface shall be mechanically roughened by chipping and very thoroughly cleaned with a heavy wire broom, so as to remove all dust and dirt. A jet of steam shall be employed to clean the wall, if available. (b) To the mechanically cleaned surface apply with a large acid brush, a liberal ccat of one to ten (1 :10) solution of Hydrochloric Acid. (Muriatic Acid). Allow the acid to remain until it has exhausted itself, which will require at least ten minutes. Apply a second coat of acid solution if the first does not sufficiently clean and expose the surface of the aggregate. (c) With a hose under good pressure, slush the surface so as to remove the salts and locse particles resulting from the action of the acid. Continue the slushing until the old concrete is thoroughly cleaned and soaked to its full hydrometric capacity. Thoroughly wire-brush the surface so as to remove the particles which have been loosened by the action of the acid. (d) To the cleaned saturated surface apply with a strong fibre brush a coating of pure cement mixed to a thick, creamy consistency with water to which TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated, has been added in the proportion of one (1) part of Paste to eighteen (18) parts of water. Rub in vigorously so as to fill all crevices and cavities produced by the action of the acid. In applying waterproofed plaster coat to either in- terior or exterior of brick wall the acid treatment is ur necessary. Surface should be thoroughly wet before applying plaster ccat. CEMENT PLASTER COAT WATERPROOFED W/TH TRUSCON WATERPROOF/NG PASTE CONCENTRATED 2" CEMENT F/N/SH WATERPROOFED W/TH TRUSCO/V WATERPROOF/NG PASTE CONCENTRATD ''ffi. V-'-^'ftx^?-^^^ Waterproofing concrete or masonry by means of waterproofed plaster coat applied to exterior surfaces. 6. Application of Coating to Sides Immediately after applying the slush coat, the first coat of waterproofed cement mortar shall be applied to a thickness of three-eighths of an inch 0/s") directly on the slush coat, and well troweled and rubbed into the crevices of the surface. This first coat shall be lightly scratched before show- ing initial set. Before this first coat has reached its final set, the second coat shall be applied, of equal thickness, so as to give a full average thickness of three-quarters of an inch (24")- Most special care shall be exercised to apply this finish coat before the first coat has reached its final set. The finish coat shall be thoroughly floated to an even surface and subsequently troweled free from any porous imperfections. 7. Floor Coating The floors shall be prepared and treated exactly as indicated above, and finished with a waterproof cement mortar to a thickness of two inches (2")- Special care should be exercised to bond the wall coating to the floor coating, so as to make the waterproofed coating continuous over the entire surface. 8. Pressure Where water is running through the wall, proper drainage must be provided by drilling holes and inserting tubes in the wall, to concentrate the flow of water. With the pressure relieved, the waterproofed plaster coat shall be applied to the drained portions of the wall. The drainage pipes shall remain open until the water- proofed plaster coat has thoroughly set and is capable of resisting the pressure of its own adhesive strength, when the drainage pipes shall be closed with suitable plugs and overcoated with the waterproofed cement mortar. 9. Inspection When hardened, the waterproofed plaster coat shall be sounded with a light hammer and all loose and defective plaster shall be cut out and replaced. Specifications for Waterproofing Cement Stucco 1. Intent It is the intent of these specifications to obtain a sound, permanent and waterproof stucco. 2. Materials The materials composing the stucco shall consist of: (a) Portland cement which has been carefully tested and found to satisfactorily meet the requirements of the Speci- fications of the American Society for Testing Materials. (b) Sand which is practically free from organic matter and uniformly graded in size from coarse to fine. (c) Hydrated lime that is uniform in quality and perfectly hydrated. (d) TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated, as manufactured by THE TRUSCON LABORATORIES, Detroit, Michigan. 3. Proportions The proportions of the above specified materials by volume, shall be five (5) parts of cement, twelve (12) parts of sand, and one (1) part of hydrated lime. One (1) part of TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated, shall be added to every eighteen (18) parts of water used to temper the mortar. 4. Mixing The cement and hydrated lime, after being thoroughly mixed dry to uniform color, shall be added to the dry sand and the whole manipulated until evenly mixed. The dry mixture shall then be tempered to the correct working con- sistency with water to which TRUSCON Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated, has been added in proportion specified. The mortar must be thoroughly worked until perfectly homogeneous. This composition shall only be made up in lots that can be immediately applied, and any material that has been mixed with water over thirty (30) minutes before applying shall be rejected. 5. Application All walls shown on elevation for stucco finish shall be two-coat work. The first coat shall be prepared as specified above, with the addition of long cow hair for keying when applied to metal lath. The face of the first coat shall be thoroughly scratched over to form a key for the finish coat, which shall be applied to a total thickness of one inch (1"), when the first coat has set sufficiently hard to safely hold it. The finish coat shall be carefully floated from any porous imperfections. When plastering over a masonry surface, special care must be taken to thoroughly saturate the masonry with water and the plaster applied at once. 6. Drying Special care shall be taken to avoid too rapid drying. If in direct rays of the sun, the stucco shall be protected with a damp canvas or burlap, and when sufficiently resistant, shall be frequently sprinkled with water. 7. No exterior plastering shall be permitted until all interior partitions are stud- ded up and completely braced. PART III ;;/,: :;.:;:: : A Few More Representative Building Operations Where Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated Has Been Used Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, N. J. Ballinger & Perrot, Architects. Irwin & Leighton General Contractors This building is located near the Delaware River, the basement of the working establishment being some five or six feet below high tide. Foundation work waterproofed with Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated. Carter, Carter & Meiggs Building, Boston, Mass. Densmore & Le Clear, Architects, George A. Fuller Co., Contractors Basement waterproofed against heavy tide water pressure with Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated. Merchants Refrigerating Co., New York, N. Y. John B. Snooks & Sons, Architects Turner Construction Co., Contractor This building was used by the United States Government for storage of food products for the Army and Navy. Entire sub- structure of this building is waterproofed with Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concen- trated. Van Tine Building, New York. N. Y. Basement waterproofed with Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated. Residence of James Deering, Miami, Florida F. Burrall Hoffman Jr., and Paul Chalfin, Associate Architects; John B. Orr, Stucco Contractor Stucco Waterproofed Throughout with Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated Detroit News Building, Detroit, Michigan. Albert Kahn, Architect, Ernest Wilby, Associate Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated, used in all foundation work. Rogers Peet Building, New York, N. Y. Townsend, Steinle & Haskell, Architects Basement waterproofed with Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated. New Plant Kansas City Light and Power Co. Sargeant & Lundy, Chicago, Arch i tec ts'and Engineers Foundation Company, New York City, Contractors Pennsylvania Freight Terminal, Chicago, 111. Designed and constructed under the direction of Thos Rodd, Chief Engineer Union Station Co., Robert Trimball, Chief Engineer Maintenance of Way, Pennsylvania Lines, Geo. A. Fuller & Co., General Contractors Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated, used in construction of these buildings. Ford Motor Co., Service Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated, used in construction of this building. Mulford Residence, Miami, Florida. W. C. De Garmo, Architect, J. B. Orr, Stucco Contractor Stucco waterproofed throughout with Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated. Construction of the Bevis Hill Reservoir, Schenectady, N. Y. Capacity twenty million gallons, C. C. McWilliams, Supt. Bureau of Water, City of Schenectady. Concrete waterproofed throughout with Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated. Alan Realty Building, New York, N. Y. R All under gra , N. Y. Rouse & Goldstone, Architects, Waterproofing & Construction Co., Waterproofing Contractors :de foundation work waterproofed with Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated. Residence, E. C. McGraw, Miami, Florida. George C. Pfeiffer, Architect, John B. Orr,' Stucco Contractor All stucco waterproofed with Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated. Residence of James MacRoberts, Miami, Florida. August Geiger, Architect, J. B. Orr, Stucco Contractor All stucco waterproofed with Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated. New Western Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh, Pa. Thomas Hannah, Architect All concrete waterproofed with Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated. 8 feet of Flood Water but Basement stayed Dry. Warehouse of George C. Buell & Co., Rochester, N. Y. Walker, Livingston & Brackett, Architects The basement of this building was waterproofed with Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated. It withstood an exceedingly difficult practical test during the Rochester flood of 1916. See letter from architects page 57. Rochester Sewage Disposal Plant, Rochester, N. Y. Department of Engineering, City of Rochester, Engineers C. Arthur Poole, Supervising Engineer All concrete waterproofed throughout the mass with Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated. L. G. Highbyman, Residence, Miami, Florida. August Geiger, Architect, J. B. Orr, Stucco Contractor All stucco waterproofed with Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated. Hanna Residence, Miami, Florida. August Geiger, Architect, J. B. Orr, Stucco Contractor All stucco waterproofed with Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated. Lincoln Apartments, Miami, Fa. August Geiger, Architect, J. B. Orr, Stucco Contractor, St. John Construction Co., Gen. Contractors-' All stucco waterproofed with Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated. Construction of concrete water tank for Bethlehem Chili Iron Mines Co., Cruz Grande, Chili. C. H. Kuster, Engineer All concrete waterproofed with Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated. niutiti (lijitjjii Vinton Building, Detroit, Michigan. Albert Kahn, Architect, Ernest Wilby, Associate Foundations waterproofed with Truscon Waterproofing Paste, Concentrated. List of Illustrations Page Alan Realty Co., New York City 39 Alan Realty Co., New York City 81 Asheville Tank, Asheville, N. C 58 Arlington Gas Tanks, Arlington, Mass 59 Agency Hill Reservoir, Muskogee, Okla 60 Abrasive Co., Bridesburg, Pa 61 American Can Co., Kansas City, Mo 72 Bangor Maine High School, Bangor, Maine 57 Buell Warehouse, Rochester, N. Y. . . . t : 57 Buell Warehouse, Rochester, N. Y 84 Bevis Hill Reservoir, Schenectady, N. Y 80 Bethlehem Chili Iron Mines Co., Cruz Grande, Chili 86 Chalmers Motor Co., Detroit, Mich 27 Cherry Street Wharf, Philadelphia, Pa 40 Cornell Stadium, Ithaca, N. Y 54 Carter, Carter & Meiggs Building, Boston, Mass 74 Daly City Municipal Reservoir, Daly City, Calif 62 Deering Residence, Miami, Fla 76 Detroit News Building, Detroit, Mich 76 Elks Building New Orleans, La 56 Edison Illuminating Co., Detroit, Mich 73 Ford Service Building, Long Island City 55 Federal Reserve Bank, Atlanta, Ga 55 Foot Schulze & Co., St. Paul, Minn 72 Ford Service Building, Philadelphia, Pa 79 Grand Central Terminal, New York City 14 Gowan-Lenning-Brown Building, Duluth, Minn 62 Hotel Statler, St. Louis, Mo 53 Hotel Biltmore, New York City 56 Highbyman Residence, Miami, Fla ~.< 85 Hanna Residence, Miami, Fla 85 Iron Removal & Filtration Plant, Camp Funston, Kas 60 Krolik Co., Detroit, Mich 52 Kansas City Light & Power Co., Kansas City, Mo 78 Lincoln Motor Co., Detroit, Michigan 21 Lincoln Apartments, Miami, Fla 86 Municipal Pier, Philadelphia, Pa 57 Merchants Refrigerating Co., New York City 74 Mulford Residence, Miami Fla 80 McGraw Residence, Miami, Fla 82 MacRoberts' Residence, Miami, Fla 82 Notre Dame Cathedral, New York City 52 New Sheeter Building, Charleston, S. C 59 New Orleans Country Club, New Orleans, La 61 Oshkosh Gas Co., Oshkosh, Wis 60 Pennsylvania Freight Terminal, Chicago, 111 78 Rheinstein & Haas Building, New York City 53 Rochester Sewage Disposal Plant, Rochester, N. Y 54 Rogers Peet Building, New York City 77 Rochester Sewage Disposal Plant, Rochester, N. Y 84 St. Paul Public Library, St. Paul, Minn 43 Stand Pipe, Singson Water Works, Philippine Islands 54 Soho Baths, Pittsburgh, Pa 58 Smithfield Street Public Comfort Station, Pittsburgh, Pa 62 Transportation Building, Atlanta, Ga 56 Tacony Ordnance Co., Tacony, Pa 61 Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, N. J 71 Van Tine Building, New York City 75 Vinton Building, Detroit, Mich 87 Ward Bakery, East Orange, N. J 37 Western Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh, Pa 83 Y. W. C. A. Swimming Pool, Philadelphia, Pa 59 RETURN TO the circulation desk ot any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Bldg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW SEMTONILL MAP 7 2000 U. C, BERKELEY 12,000(11/95) UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY