4 * * BANCROFT LIBRARY <> THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA 'SPEECH OF HOE CHARLES D. POSTCffl, OP ARIZONA, N DELIVERED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, THURSDAY, MAECH 2, 1865. NEW YORK: EDMUND JONKS & CO., PRINTERS, No 26 JOHN STREET. I860. - Bancroft ISSS& IN COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE CONSIDERING THE MISCELLANEOUS APPROPKIATION BILL : Mr. POSTON". I move to amend by inserting the following clause : For colonizing friendly Indians in Arizona on a reservation on the Colorado river and supplying them with implements of husbandry and seeds to enable them to become self- sustaining, the sum of $150,000, to be expended under the direction of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. I desire to say that in the very short time that the Territory of Arizona has had the honor of representation on this floor it has been impossible to - mature and pass through the proper committees measures providing for the settlement and regulation of Indian affairs in that Territory. I am therefore obliged to rely upon the generosity of the House to adopt the amendment which is now presented. It is essentially necessary that the friendly Indians of Arizona should be colonized upon a reservation before the white settlers can enter upon an exploration of the rich mineral resources of that Territory without danger of collision, and as a great benefit to both Indians and whites the measure will commend itself to every sense of justice, policy, and economy. Mr. "WIKDOM. I simply desire to say that this proposition was before the Committee on Indian Affairs, and was carefully examined by them. Maps and reports on the subject, and a communication from the Secretary of the Interior and the committee were unanimously in favor of the proposi tion ; but there not being time to get a bill through the House, the gentleman from Arizona was advised to take this course and test the sense of the House on the question. Mr. POSTON". Mr. Chairman, Arizona, more than any other Territory of the United States, rises to the dignity of historic fame ; it is even pro-historic, reaching far back into the dim traditions of the Aztecs. As everywhere else on earth, the history of man is here distinctly marked by the struggle between civilization and barbarism. The Aztecs lived in continual warfare with the. barbarous tribes of the mountains, and their descendants to this day maintain the warfare bequeathed to them by their ancestors. The Aztecs were peaceable, industrious Indians, living by the pursuits of agriculture, dwelling in communities, and exercising a system of government with eminent prin ciples of justice. The barbarians of the mountains were their natural foes, and finally drove them into Southern Mexico, leaving only a few degenerate descendants in the north. The Spanish explorers found a very interesting race of Indians in that part of the continent now belonging to the United States and designated as the Territory of Arizona. A knowledge of these remote people was first given to the European world by the romantic expedition of Oabeza de Vacca, who crossed the continent from the savannas of Florida to the mountains of New Mexico in 1538. In these remote regions he found a people bearing evidences of European origin and practicing many of the arts of civilization. They were supposed to be the descendants of the colony of the Welsh Prince Madoc, who sailed from Wales for the New World in the eleventh century celebrated in song by Southey. They are now called Moquis, and I beg leave to call your attention to their present condition as described in an official report of Colonel Christopher Carson, first cavalry New Mexican volunteers. HEADQUARTERS NAVAJO EXPEDITION, December G, 1863. CAPTAIN : I have the honor to report, for the information of the department com mander, that on the 15th ultimo I left this post with companies C, D, G, H, and L, first cavalry New Mexican volunteers, dismounted, for the purpose of exploring the country west of the Oribi villages, and if possible to chastise the Navajoes inhabiting that region. On the 16th I detached thirty men with Sergeant Andreas Herrera, of company C first cavalry New Mexic.au volunteers, on a fresh trail which intersected our route. The sergeant followed the trail for twenty miles, when he overtook a small party of Nava- joes, two of whom he killed, wounded two, and captured fifty head of sheep and one horse. En route the party came on a village lately deserted, which they destroyed. The energy and zeal displayed by the sergeant and his party on this occasion merit my warmest approbation. On the 21st arrived at Moqui village. I found on my arrival that the inhabitants of all the villages, except the Oribis, had a misunderstanding with the Navajoes, owing to some injustice perpetrated by the latter. I took advantage of this feeling, and succeeded in obtaining representatives from all the villages, Oribi excepted, to accompany me on the war path. My object in insisting upon parties of these people accompanying me was simply to involve them so far that they could, not retract ; to bind them to us and place them in antagonism to the Navajoes. They were of some service, and manifested a great desire to aid in every respect. While on this subject I would respectfully repre sent that these people, numbering some four thousand souls, are in a most deplorable condition, from the fact that the country for several miles around their village is quite barren, and is entirely destitute of vegetation. They have no water for purposes of irrigation, and their only dependence for subsist ence is on the little corn they raise when the weather is propitious, which is not always 5 tlie case in this latitude. They are a peaceable people, have never robbed or murdered the people of New Mexico, and are in every way worthy of the fostering care of the Gov ernment. Of the bounty so unsparingly bestowed by it on other Pueblo Indians, ay, even on the marauding bands, they have never tasted, and I earnestly recommend that the attention of the Indian Bureau be called to this matter. I understand that a couple of years' annuities for the Navajoes, not distributed, are m the possession of the super intendent of Indian affairs at Santa Fe, and I consider that, if such an arrangement would be legal, these goods would be well bestowed on these people. C. CARSON, Colonel First Cavalry New Mexican Volunteers. Captain BENJAMIN C. CUTLER, A. A. G. In antagonism to these interesting people we have the barbarous Apaches, the Bedouins of the desert and the robbers of the mountains. Time immemorial their hand has been against every man and every man's hand against them; they disdain to labor, and live by robbery and plunder. For three centuries they have stayed Ihe progress of civilization in that part of the continent, and now hold its richest mineral treasures from the grasp of the white man. They have successfully defended their mountain homes against the Spaniards, the Mexicans, and the Americans. A few hardy and enterprising Americans have been endeavoring to penetrate that El Dorado for several years, but for want of military support, and on account of the desolating war which has spread its ravages to the confines of Arizona, they are yet prevented from exploring that inviting field of mineral wealth. The subjugation or extermination of this merciless tribe is a measure of stern jus tice which ought not to be delayed. Their subjugation would open to our hardy miners an unexplored gold field north of the Gila, which the Spaniards considered the true El Dorado. A sickly sympathy for a few beastly savages should not stand in the way of the development of our rich gold fields, or the protection of our enterprising frontiersmen. The settlers around the capital (Prescott) have kept one hundred men in the field for more than a year at their own expense ; their leader, Colonel King Woolsey, had been ruined by the Apaches, and adopted this method of retaliation. They have waited in vain for the protection of the .military branch of the Government, and were forced in self-defense to take the matter in their own hands. The Pimas and Maricopas are a confederated tribe, living on the Gila river one hundred and eighty miles from its confluence with the Colorado. They are an agricultural people, living entirely by the cultivation of the soil, and number some seven thousand five hundred souls. They have always been friendly to the Americans, and boast that up to this day they do not 6 know the color of the white man's blood. They hold one of the strongest positions on the continent, accessible only after crossing deserts in every direction, and have here defended their homes and fields against the barbarous Apaches from time immemorial. The early Spanish explorers found them here in 1540, and ruined houses of grand proportions attest their occu pation for thousands of years before the Spaniards came. To the north, for several hundred miles, ruined cities, fortifications, and the remain s of irrigat ing canals, indicate the places formerly occupied by a race now passed away, without having left any history. The researches of the antiquarian are in vain, and the degenerate Indian of the present day answers all questions about past grandeur with the mystic name of Montezuma. The Pimas know no more of their origin than if they had come out of the ground, as their tradition intimates. They have no religion, and worship no deity, un less a habit of hailing the rising sun with an orison may be the remains of some sun-worshiping tribe. They are exceedingly jealous of their females ; and their chastity, as far as outside barbarians are concerned, remains, with a few exceptions, unimpeachable. They have a very good tract of land, set apart by metes and bounds plainly marked, have their irrigating canals in good condition, and present every evidence of a thrifty population, producing more than they consume. They deserve the highest consideration of this Congress. It would have been impossible for the Government troops in that Territory to have subsisted there but for the supplies furnished by these Indians. They are, in fact, the laboring population of that Territory. They produce supplies both for the army and for the miners. They were colonized by the Spanish Jesuits a hun dred and fifty years ago, and they are monuments of the civilization and pros perity of that country at that time. They have cultivated the land there from time immemorial. When the Spaniards entered that country three hun dred and forty years ago, they found these Indians in a high state of civiliza tion. It is a good country for agricultural purposes, and during my adminis tration of Indian affairs in that Territory the last year I had the pleasure of contributing something to the improvement of those Indians by giving them cotton seed, hoes, spades, shovels, &c. The Papagos are a branch of the great Piina tribe, speaking the same language and having the same manners and customs, modified by civilization ; the only difference is, that upon being baptized they were originally called Vapconia, in their language Christians, which has been corrupted into Papagos ; they also cut their hair short and wear a hat, and such clothing as they can get. The Papagos all live south of the Gila river, in that arid triangle known as the western part of the Gadsden purchase. Their lot is cast in an ungrateful soil ; but the softness of the climate reconciles them to their location, and contentment is their happiness. The fruit of the cereus giganteus furnishes them with bread and molasses ; they plant in the rainy season, raise cattle, hunt, and labor in the harvest fields. Their principal settlement is around the old mission church of San Xavier del Bac, nine miles south of Tucson. This mission was founded by the Jesuits in 1670, and is the grandest architectural monument in northern Mexico. Upon the expulsion of the Jesuits from Mexico they gave the Indians a solemn injunction to preserve the church, promising to return at a future day. It was a strange .coincidence that two Jesuit fathers from the Santa Clara College, in Cali fornia, accompanied us to their long-neglected neophytes. They were received by the Indians with great demonstrations of joy ; and, amid the ringing of bells and explosion of fireworks entered into possession of the long- neglected mission of San Xavier. These pious fathers immediately commenced laboring with the zeal and fidelity of their order, and in a few days had the mass chanted regularly by the Papagos maidens, with the peculiar soft ness of their language. Every facility was rendered the holy fathers in holding intercourse with the Indians, and a great improvement was soon perceptible in their deportment and habits. They seemed entering upon a new era of moral and material prosperity refreshing to witness. The captain, Jose Victoriana Solorse, is a highly intelligent Indian, and is exercising a beneficent influence on the tribe. The family relations of the Papagos are conducted with morality, and their women are examples of chastity and industry. These deserving people should have additional aid to enable them to colonize the straggling members of the tribe ; their principal wants are agricultural implements, carts, wheel-barrows, axes, and hoes. With the necessary aids in agricultural implements they can soon produce a surplus to exchange for clothing and the comforts of life, so that they will be an advantage to the community instead of a tax on the Government. They number about five thousand souls living within our boundaries. Now I come to the Indians of Colorado. They never reaped the benefit of the Spanish colonization, because the Spaniards never extended their con quests north of the Gila. They are of the same family, and are affiliated with the Pimas, and desire to live in the same manner. But they have no means of exercising their industry. As far as that portion of our Indian country is concerned, they never have had an officer of the Government 8 among them until the last year. As superintendent of Indian affairs, I called the confederated tribes of the Colorado in council together. The council was attended by the principal chiefs and head men of the Yumas, Mojaves, Yapapias, Hualapais, and Ohemihuevis. These tribes have an aggregate of ten thousand souls living near the banks of the Colorado, from Fort Yuma to Fort Mojave. They cultivate the bottom lands of the Colorado river, where an overflow affords sufficient moisture; the failure of an overflow, which sometimes happens, is considered a great calamity, and breeds a famine. Their resources from game, fish, and wild fruits have been very much cur tailed by the influx of Americans, and it would be dangerous for them to visit their former hunting grounds. The fruit of the mesquite tree, an acacia flourishing in this latitude, has been the staff of life to the Indians of the Colorado. A prolific mesquite will yield ten bushels of beans in the hull ; the beans are pounded in a mortar and made into cakes of bread for the win ter season, and a kind of whisky is also made of the bean before it becomes dry and hard. This resource for the Indians has been very much reduced since the irruption of the Americans and Mexicans, as the mesquite bean is more nutritious and less dangerous for animals in that climate than corn. The beans command, at the different towns and stands where they are sold from five to ten cents a pound as they fall from the tree. The improvidence of the Indians leads them to sell all the beans in the autumn, saving none for the winter consumption. During the past winter they were in such a fam ished condition that they killed a great many horses and cattle on the river, mostly belonging to American settlers, for which claims are now made. But as the representative of the Government of the United States at that time, I did not undertake to make a written treaty with these Indians, be cause I considered that the Government was able and willing to treat them fairly and honestly without entering into the form of a written treaty, which has been heretofore so severely criticised in both Houses of Congress, and with some reason. These Indians there assembled were willing, for a small amount of beef and flour, to have signed any treaty which it had been my pleasure to write. I simply proposed to them that for'all the one hundred and twenty thousand square miles, full of mines and rich enough to pay the public debt of the United States, they should abandon that territory and confine them selves to the elbow in the Colorado river, not more than seventy-five thousand acres. But I did not enter into any obligation on account of the United States to furnish them with seeds and agricultural implements. I simply old them that if 1 was elected to represent that Territory in this Congress I 9 would endeavor to lay their claims before the Government, which they under stood to be magnanimous, and that I hoped that this Congress would have the generosity and the justice to provide for these Indians, who have been robbed of their lands and their means of subsistence, and that they may be allowed to live there where they have always made their homes. They desire to live as do the Pueblo Indians of New Mexico and Arizona. Those Pueblo Indians live in settlements, in towns, in reservations, according to the wise policy of the Spanish Government, which colonized the Indians in reserva tions and made their labor valuable in building improvements for their own sustenance, for churches, and public improvements, and in that manner made them peaceable Indians, instead of having everlasting and eternal war with the people whom they had robbed of their land. These people having been citizens of the Mexican Government, are not, according to our theory, entitled to any right in the soil ; and therefore no treaty with these Indians for the extinction of their title to the soil would be recognized by this Government. It is a fiction of law which these Indians, in their ignorance, are not able to understand. They cannot see why the Indians of the Northeast have been paid annuities since the foundation of this Government for the extinction of their title, while the Indians who were formerly subject to the Spanish and Mexican Governments are driven from their lands without a dollar. It is impossible for these simple-minded people to understand this sophistry. They consider themselves just as much entitled to the land which their ancestors inhabited before ours landed on Plymouth Rock as the Indians of the Northeast. They have never signed any treaty relinquishing their right to the public domain. I beg to lay before you a memorial of the territorial Legislature on the subject : To the Senate and House of Representatives of the IT/iUed States in Congress assembled : Your memorialists, the Council and House of Representatives of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona, respectfully represent, That the four tribes of In dians known as the Yapapais, Hualapais, Mojaves, and Yumas, numbering about ten thousand, are now scattered over an extent of country from the Gila river on the south to the northern boundary of the Territory, and from the Colorado river on the .west to the Rio Verde on the east ; that these Indians are now roaming at large over the vast territory above described, gaming a precarious subsistence from the small patches of land along the Colorado river, which they cultivate, and from fishing and hunting ; that when the seasons are unfavorable to their little farming interests, or the Colorado river does not overflow to irrigate and enrich their fields, they are reduced to a starving con dition, and compelled, by necessity, to make raids upon the stock and property of the 10 whites, and not unfrequently do they ambush the traveler and miner, and waylay and stampede the stock of trains and plunder their packs and wagons ; that the whites are settling up the country, and necessarily diminishing their means of subsistence, and increasing the dangers of a collision with them ; that the late superintendent of Indian affairs of the Territory, Hon. Charles D. Poston, in view of their scattered and destitute condition, selected and caused to be laid off, on the east bank and bottom of the Colo rado river, a reservation ample enough- for the accommodation and support of all the above-named tribes ; that an irrigating canal can be constructed at an expense of a small amount (the Indians performing the labor) that will render highly productive a large tract of land that will yield an abundance for their support, and afford a large sur plus to be disposed of for their education and improvement; that when placed upon said reservation they can, under judicious management, be made not only self-sustain ing, but to produce largely for the market ; that, to enable those who may be placed over them or have charge of them to open said canal, to remove them upon said reser vation, and sustain them until they can, by their own labor, provide enough for their subsistence, your memorialists respectfully ask of your honorable body an appropria tion of $150,000 ; that to secure the attention and favorable consideration of the subject and matters of this memorial by the Congress of the United States Be it resolved by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona, That our Dele gate in Congress, Hon. Charles D. Poston, be requested to use all honorable means to bring the subject before Congress; Andbe it further resolved, That his Excellency the Governor of the Territory of Ari zona be requested to forward this memorial, together with such other information touch ing the subject as he may have in his possession, to Hon. Charles D. Poston, our Delegate in Congress. W. CLAUDE JONES, Speaker of the Rouse of Representatives. COLES BASHFORD, President of the Council Approved November 7. 1864. JOHN M. GOODWIN. In order that the proposition may be clearly understood, I will read the report of the engineer who accompanied ine on an examination of the valley of the Colorado to select a reservation for these Indians: LA PAZ CITY, ARIZONA, May 30, 1864. SIB: At your request I have made an examination of the lands on the eastern bank of the Colorado river, from La Paz to Corner Rock. I have been surprised at the great quantity of rich bottom land and alluvial soil, traversed by many sloughs and lagunas, which extend from the banks of the river for several miles into the valley. Most of them are dry now, as the river did not rise high enough last year to fill them . I directed my special attention to the lands between Halfway Bend and the Mesa. With the exception of a few stretches of heavy sand land which I estimate at about one 11 fifth of the entire area, I found the soil excellent, most of it consisting of a light loam, of which many thousand acres are covered with mesquite trees, a sure indication of rich ground, while willows and cotton trees grow luxuriantly in the vicinity of the river, the sloughs, and lagunas. At some places I noticed alkaline efflorescences, but they are not extensive. If these places could be regularly overflowed, much of the salts would be carried off. It is well known, moreover, that Indian corn and wheat grow well in alkaline soil. If the eastern boundary of the intended reservation runs from the mouth of the prin- "cipal slough at Halfway Bend (the Indians call it Mad-ku-dap) in a direction nearly north, 26 30' east to Corner Rock, it will include an area of about 118 square miles, equal to 75,520 acres. Of this, 6 square miles are Mesa lands, leaving 112 square miles, or 71,680 acres, of valley land. One fifth deducted as sand land leaves 90 square miles, or 57,600 acres, of bottom land or light loamy soil. About one fourth of this, say 22 square miles, or 14,080 acres, is covered with mesquite trees. A large mesquite tree yields sometimes several bushels of beans. Supposing, then, that in this year every acre produced five bushels, the crop would amount to 70,400 bushels, which with rabbits, lizards, tuli roots, the fish of the river, the little wheat and pumpkins they can raise, and the sale of hay, may give a precarious subsistence this year to the ten thousand Indians for which the Government intends to make provision. But not taking into consideration that many Indians do not relish mesquite beans, the mesquite trees do not bear every year, and agriculture depends entirely on the cas ual overflows of the river. Last year the crops of the Indians amounted to very little, and if the river does not soon rise it will be the same this year. The most humane and cheapest way to provide permanently for the Indians, and ed ucate at least their rising generation to useful labors, would be, in my humble opinion, that the Government not only give them the land between Halfway Bend and Corner Rock, but also assist them in digging an irrigating canal from the Mesa toward Halfway Bend. They would then become independent of the uncertain rise and fall of the river, could raise regular crops, and would soon be able to sell a large surplus. From Halfway Bend to the Mesa, I noticed at various points that the ground slopes gently back from the bank of the river toward the valley. The best proofs of this are the numerous sloughs. Ascending finally the Mesa and looking down the valley, I was struck with the evident facility with which a canal could be dug to irrigate many thou sand acres of the richest soil, barren only for want of moisture. According to Lieutenant Ives's report the fall from the foot of the Mesa to Halfway Bend is fifty-five feet, the distance by land twenty-seven miles. The foot of the Mesa seems to have been destined by nature for the head of a canal. The river flows to this point between hills of conglomerate, upon which freshets can make but little impression. A few piles would make an efficient wing-dam. A belt of willow and ash trees should protect the lower embankment for the first few miles. At the foot of the Mesa I estimated the difference of level between the bottom of the river and the top of its upper bank fourteen feet. Following the natural level of the country, and giving one foot fall to the mile, which is much for a large body of water, then, after fourteen miles of canal, all the land be tween the canal and the river for the remaining thirteen miles could be irrigated. If the 12 canal were at this point only two miles distant from the river, deducting one fifth for sand land, 20 square miles, or 12,800 acres, up to Halfway Bend, could be irrigated. But long before the canal has reached the first-mentioned point, sloughs could be filled, de pressed flats overflowed by branch ditches, and many Indians could plant little patches along the embankments of the canal while it is in progress of construction. Taking, now, twenty square miles as a minimum of irrigable land at thirty bushels of Indian corn per acre, they could produce 384,000 bushels ; and at twenty bushels of wheat per acre, 256,000 bushels ; one third of which, even with the propensity of the Indians to waste, would be more than sufficient for home consumption of ten thousand souls, allowing to each of them, women, children, and babies included, five hundred pounds of corn or grain. How the canal should actually be laid out, how branch ditches and flood-gates have to be constructed and distributed, what amount of earth the Indians have to remove, what dimensions it should have what, finally, the cost of this canal would be, (proba bly less than one hundred thousand dollars,) all this can only be ascertained by a sys tematic survey of the valley for that special purpose. Since for years accustomed in my profession to ascertain scientifically if the plans conceived by practical men can be executed,! feel some reluctance in making estimates before I have reduced them to a thorough scientific basis. The estimates of the amount of land to be reclaimed from a desert, and its productiveness, are therefore rather underrated. The foregoing considerations have convinced me that the lands between Halfway Bend and Corner Rock are not only suitable for a reservation, but, in my humble opinion, are in every regard the best that could be selected in this section of Arizona. The difference of level between Halfway Bend and La Paz is twenty-eight feet for a distance of nine miles by land, so that the canal could easily be continued from Halfway Bend to the foot of the valley, changing La Paz from " the city of the desert" to the city of a terrestrial Eden of laughing gardens and waving grain fields. I have the honor to remain, very respectfully, your obedient servant, EADOLPHUS F. WALDEMAR, Civil Engineer. Col. CHARLES D. POSTON, Superintendent Indian Affairs, La Paz, Arizona Territory. Irrigating canals are essential to the prosperity of these Indians. Without water there can be no production, no life ; and all they ask of you is to give them a few agricultural implements to enable them to dig an irrigating canal by which their lands may be watered and their fields irrigated, so that they may enjoy the means of existence. You must provide these Indians with the means of subsistence or they will take by robbery from those who have. During the last year I have seen a number of these Indians starved to death for want of food. They were eating the bark and leaves of trees, and also the lizards, frogs, and snakes, so that it was impossible for me to procure any 13 of the great natural curiosities of that country for the Smithsonian Institu tion. It was a matter of profound regret that the natural history of Arizona could not be illustrated in that depository of science; but the Starv ing condition of the Indians forced them to consume the wonderful reptile production of that country, which, had a better fate been reserved for them, would have delighted my friend Professor Baird and the many visitors at that fountain of science. I was especially charged to examine and report upon the customs and hab its of the grasshoppers or locusts of the western plains, to determine if they were the locusts of Asia, their mode of procreation, subsequent length of life, and many other interesting details ; but alas for the lights of science and opportunity of grasshopper fame, these interesting insects had all disappeared down the wide-spread gullets of my red children. The Indian policy that I have the honor to present to you is simple and plain easily understood by the Indians and not to be mistaken by the whites. We must have peace or war with the Indians, and I propose to give them their choice. The Indians that choose to be friendly with the Americans and one another will move westward to the reservation selected for them on the Colorado river and betake themselves to habits of industry and thrift. The Indians that reject the proffered friendship must go eastward and mingle with the barbarous Apaches and share their fate. It will then be easy to draw the distinction between friendly and unfriendly Indians. No Amer ican and no friend of civilization will disturb or be allowed to disturb the friendly Indians engaged in the active pursuits of productive indus try on the Colorado reservation. Here they will have a resting-place and a home on the banks of the river they have bathed in since childhood, and with the generous aid of the great Government whose hapless wards they are, will soon become a self-sustaining people. They will learn the first great lesson that by the sweat of their brows they shall earn their bread, and in due time reap the reward that sweetens toil. ^BHMMlltibnQF With an irrigating canal, the soil of the Colorado will become wonderfully productive. In that latitude the sun is over-genial ; and the valley, not hav ing an altitude of more than three hundred and fifty feet above the level of the sea, possesses an immunity from snows and frosts, so destructive to crops in more northern latitudes. There is no reason why the valley of the Colo rado may not be made as productive as the valley of the Nile. In that tem perature, it only needs the vivifying influence of water to make the produc tions of nature spring up like magic. 14 The system of irrigation is no new experiment ; it existed in Egypt before the pyramids were born; it was practiced in Asia before Confucius wrote; it was brought to great perfection by the Aztecs of America, when our ances tors were dressed in skins and furs, and lived by the booty of the chase ; it is scientific agriculture, and the only insurance against the uncertainties of a crop. "With a proper system of irrigation, yon shall surely reap where you sow ; yea, even twice or thrice per annum. The sediment of the Colorado will plaster the walls of a canal and make them impermeable to water ; such is the beautiful arcana of nature. On this river a lively commerce is already springing up, and some half dozen steamboats plow its turbid waters. It is navigable five hundred miles from its mouth, and its sources drain the Great American Basin. The Indians will have a ready market for their surplus . production at their very doors, and the friendly current of the Colorado will bear it, tin taxed, to market. It will be necessary for the Government to furnish the Indians with some intelligent superintendence in opening their irrigating canal, and the neces sary implements of husbandry and seeds to enable them to raise a crop. Then let them work or starve ; but do not force them to starve or steal with out first giving them a chance to labor. It is a cruel thing to force men into a new civilization without preparing them for its duties. As the Amer icans come into the country the wants of the Indians increase ; but with out aid the means of satisfying these artificial wants are not commensu rate. Without tools a man is helpless indeed. What would a man do with out a knife, an ax, a hoe, a spade, or a shovel? He could make very little progress in agriculture ; but tenfold is his power of production increased with these simple implements of husbandry. Among these Indians, as well as all primitive "people, the women are the " hewers of wood and drawers of water," the very slaves of the lords of creation. It is only where the light of Christianity and the spread of civilization illuminate the pathway of a people that woman assumes a position " a little lower than the angels." The Indian women have to work out their salvation in sweat and blood, or, lacking food and clothing, flock around a military post like moths around a candle. The dusky maidens of the Colorado are fast disappearing under the influences of these debasing establishments of military power, and soon their graceful forms and melodious voices will be only remembered in tra dition and song. The disappearance of a people is a melancholy spectacle, and bodes no good to us. The tide of civilization is bearing them to eter nity with the same certainty that their native Colorado bears its sands to 15 the sea. On what distant shore they will be stranded or saved is a mys tery which they do not attempt to penetrate. The smoke of incineration floats away on the breeze, and a few charred bones and smoldering ashes are all that remain of the "human form divine." Ireteba, the great chief of these Indians, was in Washington a year ago, on a visit to the President and the army. He returned to his own country much pleased with his visit to the Americans, lie told his tribe that it would ^ be of no use to go to war against the Americans ; that they were a great peo ple, against whom the Indians could never war [successfully. He made an effective speech to them; and he and they agreed that, if the Americans would deal with them fairly and justly, and provide them with the means of existence, they would bury the scalps that they had taken from one another ; they would bury the tomahawk, and would never strike an American again. The responsibility now rests upon you. The Great Spirit, who deals alike with the destinies of the red man and the white man, will judge between you. In the long muster-roll of nations, which will be called after the echoes of Gabriel's trumpet shall have died away, if it shall be found that you have dealt fairly with your red brethren on this continent, you will stand before the Dispenser of universal justice acquitted of crime. If, on the other hand it shall be decided that your track across the continent has been a succession of wrong, without an honorable effort at reparation, what terrible judgments may be meted out to you ! We have always time to do justice, and to delay it is a crime. Jt is especially a duty to render justice to the weak and the helpless. Be merciful to the degenerate, for in the cycle of time our own doom may come. It is not alone for the Indians that I ask your generosity, however much may be their due; but, looking far beyond the present moment, it must be appa rent to every man who lifts his mind from the struggle of the hour and indulges in a contemplation of the grand future of our country, that the settlement of the aborigines of the mineral Territories in reservations must precede the active and full development of the great treasures of the nation. It is to these great mineral fields that the financiers of the Government and the world are now * looking for relief from the financial embarrassments consequent upon a civil war unprecedented in the history of nations. The idea of discounting or re pudiating the national debt can never be indulged in for a moment while the mountains west of the Sierra Madre are teeming with mineral wealth. In 4k order to allow scope and verge enough for our hardy and enterprising fron tiersmen to prospect the mines of Arizona, it becomes necessary to have the 16 Indians colonized in a reservalion,'so that a miner may know, when he meets an Indian in a lonely gorge in the mountains, whether he is a friend or a foe. Ifc scarcely becomes me to allude to the subject; but justice to the brave and hardy pioneers who have risked their lives a thousand times to carry the institutions of the American people into Arizona deserves a tribute at the hands of their first Representative. No people have ever endured the hard ships, dangers, and privations of those brave and adventurous men who left the homes of their ancestors a thousand miles behind and penetrated the wil- derness, sending its golden sands into the Gulf of California. In the year 1824, Sylvester Pat-tie and his son James, from Bardstown, Kentucky, with a party of about one hundred hardy and adventurous fron tiersmen, set out upon a trapping expedition to the head waters of the Ar kansas river. After many romantic adventures in New Mexico, the party dispersed, and a few of the boldest spirits undertook to reach the Pacific ocean. They spent one winter at the celebrated mines of Santa Eita del Cobre, on the head waters of the Gila river, and the next spring trapped down that river to its confluence with the Colorado. Here they embarked their canoes on the turbid waters of the Colorado, and drifted down to the Gulf of California, whence they crossed the peninsula to the Pacific ocean. Here they were imprisoned by the Spanish commandant at San Diego, and, after along and cruel confinement, the elder Pattie died in prison. The oldest living trapper in Arizona at this day is old Pauline Weaver, from "White county, Tennessee. His name is carved in the Casa Grande, near the Pima villages, on the Gila river, under date of 1832. This old man has been a peacemaker among the Indians for many years, and is now spending the evening of his life in cultivating a little patch of land on the public domain in the northern part of the Territory of Arizona, on a beautiful little stream called the Hassiamp. In the early settlement of our western country the pioneers formed the advancing wave of civilization, and were generously sustained by the friends and relations they had left behind ; but the pioneers of Arizona leaped be yond the reach of succor and led the forlorn hope of civilization. Self-reliant and full of manhood, they went forth to battle alone. And manfully they bore themselves in the struggle, until overborne by the misfortunes which have nearly enveloped the nation in ruin. Many of them had seen the glori ous banner of our country carried to the tides of the Pacific ocean, where na ture said to man : " Thus far shalt thou go, and no farther." We had to turn our course southward, and sought the unpeopled lands of Northern Mexico. 17 The Government followed in the train of the people, and in a period of great prosperity, when the Treasury was overflowing with gold, gave $10,000,000 for what was called the Gadsden purchase. The people rushed into the new " purchase" and soon the indomitable industry and energy of the coming race was apparent in the discovery of mineral wealth and the estab lishment of relations with the nearest commercial centres. The industry of our people soon spread a beneficial influence in all Northern Mexico ; the In dians were softening under the influence of civilization, and I wish the sequel could be omitted. Would that Lethean waters could produce oblivion. In less than sixty days after the demon of civil war had commenced his ravages on this side the continent, the infant settlements of Arizona were abandoned and the track of receding civilization was for the first time in the history of this country turned eastward, marked in its reti'eat by new-made graves. For two years the Territory remained a prey to anarchy. At the end of that time, by the indefatigable efforts of a few fast friends, a provisional government for the Territory was organized, and a staff of Fed eral officers of more than ordinary ability and character were sent across the plains to establish civil government in that remote region. In the over whelming events of the great civil war impending, it was a grand moral spectacle to see the Republic sending its agents to a remote and distant Ter ritory to plant the banner of freedom on the ruins of a former civilization. We are but repeating history in following the footsteps of the Aztecs from their northern homes to Central Mexico. The civil officers sent out by the President have discharged this duty, and discharged it well. At a greater distance from this capital than any proconsul ever planted the eagles of Rome from the imperial city they established the stars and stripes of the Republic. In a beautiful lap of the mountains, where never white man trod before, they located the capital of the Territory and named it in honor - of the Aztec historian, Prescott. On this very spot there is an Indian mound with the remains of an ancient fortification of the Montezumas, reminding us forcibly of the mutations of time and the rise and decline of nations ; but nowhere yet in ruins do we find a temple dedicated to the living God. Let us take warning and lay deep the foundations of the Christian faith, not only in the monuments of Christianity, but in the hearts of the people. In that peaceful mountain home no sectional political differences rankle in the heart. It was my good fortune on the last anniversary of our Independ ence to assist in its celebration in that primitive capital. The people who had borne the banner of freedom from Bunker hill to those distant moun- 18 tains and the men who had escaped the horrors of war in the Old Dominion joined in fraternal celebration of Independence day, and consecrated them selves to the future prosperity of the Territory. And there in those ever lasting mountains the genius of the American people will build a capital which will rear its domes and spires to the heavens when " Time shall doubt of Rome." Such is the genius of American civilization. It may be impeded now by the horrors of civil war, but the day is not far distant when it will overleap the boundary of nations like an avalanche, and spread itself over Northern Mexico. It is destiny, and it may be a duty to carry our institutions into that country ; and God send the day when, as a united people, we may heal the discords of civil war by joining the armies now engaged in fratricidal strife to drive from this continent the fungus of European monarchy. I am willing to join in paoans to universal emancipation for the sake of national unity. "The nationality of the American people" is the motto upon which I was sent into this House, and when it ceases I shall leave it without regret. It is a source of extreme mortification that I am unable to present this amendment with the approbation of the Committee of Ways and Means, but it has not been possible to bring them to an estimate of the justness and im portance of the measure. If the same economy pervades every branch of the administration of the Government, the tax-payers will have no cause of complaint. We have neither military protection, mail facilities, nor any of the fostering cares of Government ; but we prefer rather to indulge in pleas ant hopes of the future than unworthy complaint. The Pacific States and Territories are rich in wealth, filling up rapidly with an indomitable popula tion, and "by-and-by will grow a little stronger." Confiden^ in strength and hopeful of the future, we are willing to " bide our time/' With five hundred thousand square miles of mineral lands, we do not despair. With a climate surpassing any other part of the continent, and perhaps of the world, we shall " multiply and replenish the earth." No Alpine top nor Apennine valley is waked to industry by a brighter sun light than bathes the mountains and valleys of Arizona. It is the land of the olive and the vine. The pearls of the Orient were not richer in purity and value than those of the sea of Cortez. The gold of Ophir was not so abundant as that which awaits the hand of industry in our pregnant mountains. The " planchas de Plata" are the richest silver mines known to history. We are the children of your loins ; give us sympathy. We are brethren of the same family ; give us help. Nurture us, strengthen us, raise us up to dignity, and 19 in a few short years we shall come to add another block to this grand mosaic temple of freedom which we hope will endure to the remotest ages. The uniform courtesy and kindness with which the Delegates from the remote Territories are received in this capital inspires the most grateful emotions. As this is the first occasion on which I have presumed to occupy the valu able time of the House, accept my sincere thanks for your kind attention. Mr. STEVENS. 1 am sorry to be obliged to object to the proposition of the gentleman from Arizona, [Mr. POSTON,] who represents a very worthy 'Territory. An application for an appropriation of this kind was made to the Oommittee of Ways and Means, who, on examining the matter, thought such an appropriation a little premature. There have been as yet no treaties with the Indians under which appropriation should be made. We found there were some four or five thousand very excellent white men in the Territory, and that the remainder were Indians ; and we made such appropriations, which have already passed here, as were necessary for the proper organiza tion of the Territory. We did not think it would be proper to organize this great Indian system at this time. We thought that it would be better for us to wait until the whole matter can be fully considered and reported on by the commission which we have already appointed for that purpose. The Com mittee of Ways and Means were reluctant, on account of the eloquent gentle man who represents the Territory, to reject these large appropriations, holding them to be wholly disproportionate. I move to strike out the gentleman's amendment, and insert the following For increase of the salary of the territorial judges of Arizona, $1,000 each, $3,000. Mr. WILSON. I ask whether this amendment is in order ; for it is cer tainly not germane to the amendment of the gentleman from Arizona. Mr. STEVENS. I move to strike out the amendment of the gentleman from Arizona, and to insert my amendment instead of it. The CHAIRMAN. The Chair overrules the point of order. Mr. WILSON. I desire to say one word in reply to the gentleman from Pennsylvania who made the declaration that there is no provision of treaty for these Indians. I remember well, when the Indian appropriation bill was under discussion a few days since, that we were told by gentlemen that appro priations were necessary for certain tribes of Indians in Oregon and Wash- 20 ington because there were no treaties with them. Now, if it were a good reason to make appropriations for the Indians of Oregon and Washington that there had been no treaties made with them, I do not see why the same reason may not be urged in the case of Arizona. I do not know whether the sum is too large or too small ; but I do know that the same reason which car ried the appropriation for the Indians of Washington and Oregon ought to induce the adoption of the appropaiation for Arizona. Mr. STEVENS. I withdraw my amendment. Mr. WILSON. I move to reduce the appropriation to $100,000. Mr. POSTON. I accept that as a modification of my amendment. The question recurred on Mr. POSTOS'S amendment, as modified. The committee divided; and there wero ayes 54, noes 43. So the amendment was adopted.