(Pn^ GIFT OF BIBLIOGRAPHY WOODROW WILSON 1875-1910 AN ESSAY TOWARDS A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PUBLISHED WRITINGS AND ADDRESSES OF WOODROW WILSON 1875-1910 BY HARRY CLEMONS Reference Librarian * - " Princeton The Library of Princeton University 1913 Copyright, 1913, by The Library of Princeton University The following list of the published writings and addresses of Mr. Wilson is intended to cover the portion of his career extending from his undergraduate days at Princeton to his resignation of the Presi dency of the University and his election as Governor of New Jersey. Since this is the first attempt at such a list it is necessarily incomplete. The compiler, therefore, takes occasion to ask Princeton alumni and others for information concerning additional titles, to be incorporated in a later edition. Kindly address such additions to the Reference Librarian, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey. H. C. February 1913. 258139 THE PUBLISHED WRITINGS AND ADDRESSES OF WOODROW WILSON 1875-1910 J 877-9- (The Princetonian. Editor, Apr. 1877 to A P r - ^S, vol. 2; one of two managing editors, Nov. 15, 1877 to Jan. 10, 1878, nos. 10-13. Managing editor, May 1878 to May 1879, v l- 3-) 1877. Prince Bismarck. (Signed "Atticus".) Nassau literary magazine, Nov. 1877, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 118-127. 1878. William Earl Chatham. Prize essay. Nassau literary magazine, Oct. 1878, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 99-105. 1879. Cabinet government in the United States. International review, Aug. 1879, vol. 6, pp. 146-163. 1880. John Bright. (Oration delivered before the Jefferson society of the University of Virginia. Unsigned.) University of Virginia magazine, Mar. 1880, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 354-370. Is the Roman Catholic element in the United States a menace to American institutions? (Argument on the nega tive in a debate before the Jefferson society, April 1880.) Abstract in University of Virginia magazine, Apr. 1880, vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 448-450- Bibliography Woodrow Wilson 1875-1910 Mr. Gladstone; a character sketch. (Signed "Atticus".) University of Virginia magazine, Apr. 1880, vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 401-426. 1882. (Statement regarding the tariff, made in Atlanta, Georgia, Sept. 22, 1882, before the Tariff commission appointed under act of Congress approved May 15, 1882.) United States, 47th Congress, 2d session, House miscel laneous documents, vol. 3 ; Report of the Tariff com mission, vol. 2, pp. 1294-1297. 1884. Committee or cabinet government? Overland monthly, Jan. 1884, series 2, vol. 3, pp. 17-33. - 1885. CONGRESSIONAL GOVERNMENT: A STUDY IN AMERICAN POLITICS. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1885 (Jan. 24). (Twenty-four impressions printed 1885-1912; new preface added to fifteenth impression, Nov. 1900.) 1886. Responsible government under the Constitution. Atlantic monthly, Apr. 1886, vol. 57, pp. 542-553. Also, somewhat altered and with title Government under the Constitution, in An old master and other political essays, 1893, pp. 141-181. 1887. Of the study of politics. New Princeton review, Mar. 1887, vol. 3, pp. 188-199. Also, with title The study of politics, in An old master and other political essays, 1893, pp. 31-57. The study of administration. Political science quarterly, June 1887, vol. 2, pp. 197-222. Bibliography Woodrow Wilson 1875-1910 1888. Taxation and appropriation. The national revenues : a collection of papers by Ameri can economists. Edited by Albert Shaw. Chicago, A. C. McClurg & company, 1888 (June 15). pp. 106- iii. An old master. (Adam Smith.) New Princeton review, Sept. 1888, vol. 6, pp. 210-220. Also in An old master and other political essays, 1893, pp. 3-28. 1889. Bryce s American commonwealth. Political science quarterly, Mar. 1889, vol. 4, pp. 153- 169. f THE STATE : ELEMENTS OF HISTORICAL AND PRACTICAL POLI TICS. Boston, D. C. Heath & co., 1889 (Oct. 11). (Revised and rewritten 1898; chapter on Norway and Sweden revised by C. H. Mcllwain 1910. "A reprint of the book has been made practically every year since 1889." Statement by the publishers.) Character of democracy in the United States. Atlantic monthly, Nov. 1889, vol. 64, pp. 577-588. Also, somewhat altered, in An old master and other po- litical essays, 1893, PP- 99~ 1 2^- THE STATE AND FEDERAL GOVERNMENTS OF THE UNITED STATES : a brief manual for schools and colleges. Boston, D. C. Heath & Co., (Nov. n, 1889). (Reprinted 1889, 1890, 1891, 1908, 1912, some of the issues bearing the cover title The United States gov ernment. This book is a reprint of chapter eleven of The state ; elements of historical and practical politics, edition of 1889.) Bibliography Woodrow Wilson 1875-1910 1890-1. The English Constitution. Chautauquan, Oct., Nov., Dec. 1890, Jan. 1891, vol. 12, pp. 5-9, 149-154, 293-298, 430-434- 1891. A system of political science and constitutional law. (A re view of Political science and comparative constitutional law, by John W. Burgess. Boston, Ginn & co., 1891. Unsigned.) Atlantic monthly, May 1891, vol. 67, pp. 694-699. The author himself. Atlantic monthly, Sept. 1891, vol. 68, pp. 406-413. Also in Mere literature and other essays, 1896, pp. 28- 49- Extracts in Public opinion, Aug. 29, 1891, vol. n, p. 518, and in Review of reviews (American), Oct. 1891, vol. 4, p. 333. (A review of) Studies in constitutional law : France Eng land United States, by Emile Boutmy. Translated by E. M. Dicey, with an introduction by A. V. Dicey. New York, Macmillan & co., 1891. Educational review, Nov. 1891, vol. 2, pp. 392-393. J 1893. DIVISION AND REUNION, 1829-1889. New York and London, Longmans, Green, and co., 1893. Half-title: Epochs of American history (vol. 3). (Copyright Feb. 27, 1893, 1898, 1909, 1910. First edi tion Mar. 1893 ; reprinted May 1893 > Feb., Apr. [re vised], and Aug. 1894; July 1895; Apr. 1896; Jan. and Oct. 1897; Apr. and July [revised] 1898; Jan. 1899; Apr. 1900; Mar. 1901; Mar. and Nov. 1902; Sept. 1904; Aug. 1905; May and Sept. 1906; June 1907; Jan. and May 1908; Jan. and Aug. [revised and en larged by Edward S. Corwin] 1909; Oct. 1910; Mar. 1912.) Bibliography Woodrow Wilson 1875-1910 Mr. Cleveland s cabinet. Review of reviews (American), Apr. 1893, v l- 7> PP- 286-297. Should an antecedent liberal education be required of stu dents in law, medicine, and theology? (Address de livered at the Columbian exposition, Chicago, July 26, 1893.) National educational association of the United States. Proceedings of the International congress of education of the World s Columbian exposition, Chicago, July 25-28, 1893. New York, published by the association. 1894. pp. 112-117. (A review of Abraham Lincoln, by John T. Morse, jr. Bos ton, Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1893. Unsigned.) Atlantic monthly, Aug. 1893, v l- 7 2 > PP- 268-271. (A review of Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner, vols. 3 and 4, 1845-1874, by Edward L. Pierce. Boston, Rob erts brothers, 1893. Unsigned.) Atlantic monthly, Aug. 1893, vol. 72, pp. 271-272. (A review of History of the United States from the compro mise of 1850, vol. i and 2, by James Ford Rhodes. New York, Harper & brothers, 1893. Unsigned.) Atlantic monthly, Aug. 1893, v l- 7 2 > PP- 272-274. AN OLD MASTER AND OTHER POLITICAL ESSAYS. New York, Charles Scribner s sons, 1893 (Oct. n). Contents An old master. (Adam Smith) The study of politics. Political sovereignty. Character of de mocracy in the United States. Government under the Constitution. Bibliography Woodrow Wilson 16*75-7910 "Mere literature." Atlantic monthly, Dec. 1893, v l- 7 2 > PP- 820-828. Also in Mere literature and other essays, 1896, pp. 1-27. Mr. Goldwin Smith s "views" on our political history. Forum, Dec. 1893, vo1 - J 6, pp. 489-499. Extract in Review of reviews (American), Jan. 1894, vol. 9, pp. 94-95. 1894. A calendar of great Americans. Forum, Feb. 1894, vol. 16, pp. 715-727. Also in Mere literature and other essays, 1896, pp. 187- 212. The legal education of undergraduates. (Address delivered at Saratoga Springs, Aug. 23, 1894.) American bar association. Report of the seventeenth annual meeting . . . held at Saratoga Springs, New York, August 22, 23, and 24, 1894. Philadelphia, Dando printing and publishing company, 1894. pp. 439-451- University training and citizenship. Forum, Sept. 1894, vol. 18, pp. 107-116. Extract in Review of reviews (American), Oct. 1894, vol. 10, p. 430. 1895. The course of American history. An address delivered at the semi-centennial anniversary of the New Jersey historical society, Newark, N. J., May 16, 1895. Paterson, N. J., The Press printing and publishing co., 1898. Also in Mere literature and other essays, 1896, pp. 213- 245- In New Jersey historical society, Proceedings, second series, 1899, vol. 13, pp. 367-392. Bibliography Woodrow Wilson 1875-1910 In New Jersey historical society, Collections, 1900, vol. 8, pp. 181-206. In Modern eloquence; editor, Thomas B. Reed . . . Philadelphia, John D. Morris and company (CIO/DO). Vol. 9, pp. 1199-1218. Extract, with title The west in American history, in Library of the world s best literature, ancient and mod ern; Charles Dudley Warner, editor . . . New York, R. S. Peale and J. A. Hill (01897). 30 vols. Vol. 27, pp. 16055-16060. Also, somewhat shortened and with title The proper perspective of American history, in Forum, July 1895, vol. 19, pp. 544-559- Extracts in Public opinion, July 25, 1895, v l- I 9> PP- 105-106, and in Review of reviews (American), Aug. 1895, vol. 12, pp. 214-215. Address before the society of alumni (of the University of Virginia, June 12, 1895). Abstract in Alumni bulletin, published quarterly by the faculty of the University of Virginia, July 1895, v l- 2, no. 2, pp. 53-55. The proper perspective of American history. Forum, July 1895, vo1 - 1 9> PP- 544~559- (See, above, The course of American history.) On the writing of history. Century magazine, Sept. 1895, vol. 50, pp. 787-793. Extract in Public opinion, Sept. 26, 1895, v l- X 9> PP- 45" 406. Also, with title The truth of the matter, in Mere litera ture and other essays, 1896, pp. 161-186. Extract in Library of the world s best literature, ancient and modern; Charles Dudley Warner, editor . . . New York, R. S. Peale and J. A. Hill (01897). 30 vols. Vol. 27, pp. 16048-16054. Bibliography Woodrow Wilson 1875-1910 A literary politician. (Walter Bagehot.) Atlantic monthly, Nov. 1895, vol. 76, pp. 668-680. Also in Mere literature and other essays, 1896, pp. 69- 103. 1896. In Washington s day. Harper s magazine, Jan. 1896, vol. 92, pp. 169-189. Incorporated as chapter one of George Washington, 1897 (01896). Great leaders of political thought: syllabus. Philadelphia, American society for the extension of uni versity teaching, 1895. (Copyright Jan. 30, 1896.) At head of title: University extension lectures. Contents : Aristotle Machiavelli Montesquieu Burke De Tocqueville Bagehot. On an author s choice of company. Century magazine, Mar. 1896, vol. 51, pp. 775-779. Also in Mere literature and other essays, 1896, pp. 50- 68. Extract in Public opinion, Mar. 26, 1896, vol. 20, pp. 403-404. Colonel Washington. , Harper s magazine, Mar. 1896, vol. 92, pp. 549-573. Incorporated as chapters two and three of George Wash ington, 1897 (ci896). At home in Virginia. Harper s magazine, May 1896, vol. 92, pp. 930-954. Incorporated as chapters four and five of George Wash ington, 1897 (ci896). Bibliography Woodrow Wilson 1875-1910 General Washington. Harper s magazine, June 1896, vol. 93, pp. 165-190. Incorporated as chapters six and seven of George Wash ington, 1897 (ci896). First in peace. Harper s magazine, Sept. 1896, vol. 93, pp. 489-512. Incorporated as chapters eight and nine of George Wash ington, 1897 (ci896). Princeton in the nation s service. (Oration delivered at the Princeton sesquicentennial celebration, Oct. 21, 1896.) Forum, Dec. 1896, vol. 22, pp. 447-466. Extracts in Science., Dec. 18, 1896, new series, vol. 4, pp. 908-910; in Review of reviews (American), Jan. 1897, vol. 15, pp. 83-85; in Electrical engineering, May 15, 1897, vol. 9, pp. 121-124; and in Popular science monthly, July 1902, vol. 61, pp. 269-271. The first president of the United States. Harper s magazine, Nov. 1896, vol. 93, pp. 843-867. Incorporated as chapter ten of George Washington, 1897 (01896). MERE LITERATURE AND OTHER ESSAYS. Boston, Houghton, MifHin and company, 1896 (Nov. 7). (Five reprints have been made, the last in July 1912.) Contents. Mere literature. The author himself. On an author s choice of company. A literary politician (Walter Bagehot) The interpreter of English liberty (Edmund Burke) The truth of the matter. A cal endar of great Americans. The course of American history. Bibliography Woodrow Wilson 1875-1910 GEORGE WASHINGTON . . . illustrated by Howard Pyle. New York and London, Harper & brothers, 1897. (Copyright Dec. 17, 1896.) (Popular edition, May 3, 1900.) The west as a field for historical study. Remarks (on a paper by Frederick J. Turner, read at the twelfth an nual meeting of the American historical association in New York, Dec. 29-31, 1896). Amencan historial association. Annual report . . . for the year 1896. Washington, Government printing office, 1897. 2 vol. Vol. i, pp. 292-296. 1897. Mr. Cleveland as president. Atlantic monthly, Mar. 1897, vol. 79, pp. 289-300. Extract in Review of reviews (American), Mar. 1897, vol. 15, p. 327. The making of the nation. Atlantic monthly, July 1897, vol. 80, pp. 1-14. Extract in Review of reviews (American), July 1897, vol. 1 6, pp. 69-70. Leaderless government. Annual address delivered ... at the ninth annual meeting (of the Virginia state bar association) held at the Hot Springs of Virginia, Aug ust 3, 4 and 5, 1897. Richmond, James E. Goode printing co., 1897. On being human. Atlantic monthly, Sept. 1897, vol. 80, pp. 320-329. Extracts in Public opinion, Sept. 23, 1897, vol. 23, pp. 406-407, and in Current literature, Feb. 1898, vol. 23, pp. 149-150- Bibliography Woodroiv Wilson 1875-1910 1898. A lawyer with a style. (Sir Henry Maine.) Atlantic monthly, Sept. 1898, vol. 82, pp. 363-374. A wit and a seer. (Walter Bagehot.) Atlantic monthly, October 1898, vol. 82, pp. 527-540. 1899. Our last frontier. Address ... at a meeting in the interests of Berea college, at the Brick church (Dr. van Dyke s), New York, Jan. 1899. Berea quarterly, May 1899, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 5-6. Spurious versus real patriotism in education. (Address de livered at the fourteenth annual meeting of the New England association of colleges and preparatory schools, Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 13, 1899.) School review, Dec. 1899, v l- 7 PP- 599-62O. 1900. (Presentation of the Hon. John Hay, Secretary of State, for the degree of doctor of laws of Princeton university, Oct. 20, 1900.) Princeton university bulletin, Nov. 1900, vol. 12, no. I, p. 12. Speech (delivered in New York city before the New England society, Dec. 22, 1900). New England society. Ninety-fifth anniversary celebra tion ... in the city of New York . . . December 22, 1900. (New York, printed by William Green), n. d. PP- 39-49- 1901. The reconstruction of the southern states. Atlantic monthly, Jan. 1901, vol. 87, pp. 1-15. Bibliography Woodrow Wilson 7#/5-7p70 Colonies and nation: a short history of the people of the United States. Harper s magazine, Jan. to May 1901, vol. 102, pp. 173- 203, 334-369, 529-554, 709-735, 902-918; June to Nov. 1901, vol. 103, pp. 115-130, 285-300, 465-474, 638-654, 791-807, 933-943- ^y In revised form in volumes one and two of A history of the American people, 1902. Democracy and efficiency. Atlantic monthly, Mar. 1901, vol. 87, pp. 289-299. When a man comes to himself. Century magazine, June 1901, vol. 62, pp. 268-275. Edmund Burke and the French revolution. Century magazine, Sept. 1901, vol. 62, pp. 784-792. (Address in memory of President William McKinley, given in Alexander hall, Princeton, Sept. 19, 1901.) Princeton university bulletin, Oct. 1901, vol. 13, no. i, pp. 5-6. The real idea of Democracy: a talk. Problems in modern democracy. (Philadelphia, The booklovers library, entered for copyright Nov. 2, 1901.) pp. 57-67. The coming of peace. Harper s magazine, Dec. 1901, vol. 104, pp. 104-110. Incorporated in A history of the American people, 1902, vol. 3, chap, i, pp. 1-30. The significance of American history. Preface, vol. i, pp. 27-32, of Harper s encyclopaedia of American history. New York, Harper and brothers, 1902. 10 vol. (Entered for copyright Nov. 22, 1901 ; volumes one to five published Dec. 3, 1901, volumes six to ten Apr. 1902. New and revised edition Oct. 1912.) Bibliography Woodrow Wilson 15/5-79/0 The ideals of America. (Address delivered on the one hun dred and twenty-fifth anniversary of the battle of Trenton, Dec. 26, 1901.) Atlantic monthly, Dec. 1902, vol. 90, pp. 721-734. 1902. Address (delivered at the Johns Hopkins university Feb. 21, 1902). Johns Hopkins university. Celebration of the twenty- fifth anniversary of the founding of the university and inauguration of Ira Remsen, LL.D., as president of the university, February twenty-first and twenty-second, 1902. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins press, (1902), PP. 37-43- Early migrations westward. Harper s magazine, Sept. 1902, vol. 105, pp. 586-591. Incorporated in A history of the American people, 1902, vol. 3, chap. 2, pp. 38-66. Princeton for the nation s service. An address delivered on the occasion of his inauguration as president of Prince ton university on October twenty-fifth MCMII, by Woodrow Wilson. Princeton, Printed not published (The Gilliss press), 1903. Also in Princeton alumni weekly, Nov. i, 1902, vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 89-98, and in Princeton university bulletin, Dec. 1902, vol. 14, no. i, pp. 17-33. A HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE . . . illustrated. New York and London, Harper & brothers, 1902 (Oct. 28). 5 vols. (An alumni edition of 350 copies, a subscription library edition, and a regular trade edition were issued Oct. 28, 1902; in 1910 a popular edition was published.) Bibliography Woodrow Wilson 1875-1910 Relation of university education to commerce. (Chicago, Geo. E. Cole & co.), 1902. (Address delivered before the Commercial club of Chi cago at its 171 st regular meeting, Nov. 29, 1902.) Speech ... at the Princeton dinner given at the Waldorf- Astoria, December 9, 1902. (New York, Evening post job printing house, 1902.) Also in Princeton alumni weekly, Dec. 13, 1902, vol. 3, no. 12, pp. 199-204. 1903. State rights (1850-1860). Cambridge modern history. Cambridge, University press, 1902-1912. 13 vol. Vol. 7, The United States, 1903 (June 23), chap. 13, pp. 405-442. John Wesley s place in history. (Address delivered June 30, 1903 in Middletown, Conn.) Wesleyan university. Wesley bicentennial . . . (1703- 1903). Middletown, Conn., Wesleyan university, 1904. pp. 156-170. The statesmanship of letters. (Address delivered Nov. 5, 1903 in Pittsburgh.) Carnegie institute, Pittsburgh. The eighth celebration of founder s day . . . (Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh printing company), n. d. pp. 7-21. Extract in Princeton alumni weekly, Nov. 14, 1903, vol. 4, no. 7, pp. 117-119. 1904. The revision of the courses of study . . . Address at the alumni luncheon in the new gymnasium (Princeton), June 14, 1904. Princeton alumni weekly, June 18, 1904, vol. 4, no. 36, pp. 604-606. Bibliography Woodrow Wilson 1875- ip/o The young people and the church . . . An address delivered before the fortieth annual convention of the Pennsyl vania state sabbath school association at Pittsburgh, October 13, 1904. Philadelphia, The Sunday school times company, 1905. (Entered for copyright Dec. 23, 1904.) On the political future of the south. (Address at the third annual dinner of the Society of the Virginians, New York city, Nov. 29, 1904.) Extract in Princeton alumni weekly, Dec. 3, 1904, vol. 5, no. 10, pp. 160-161. Annual report of the president of Princeton university, 1904. (Princeton), n. d. (Presented to the trustees of the university at their meeting Dec. 8, 1904.) Also in Princeton alumni weekly, Dec. 17, 1904, Jan. 7 and 21, 1905, vol. 5, nos. 12, 13, 15, pp. 195-198, 215- 220, 252-253. 1905. (Address, delivered before the Princeton club of western Pennsylvania, Mar. 18, 1905.) Extract in Princeton alumni weekly, Mar. 25, 1905, vol. 5, no. 24, pp. 406-407. (Introduction.) The handbook of Princeton, by John Rogers Williams . . . New York, The Graf ton press (June 8, 1905). pp. xi-xvii. New plans for Princeton. Harper s weekly, June 24, 1905, vol. 49, p. 904. The Princeton preceptorial system. Independent, Aug. 3, 1905, vol. 59, pp. 239-240. Bibliography Woodrow Wilson 1875-1910 Annual report of the president of Princeton university, 1905. (Princeton), n. d. (Presented to the trustees of the university at their meeting Dec. 14, 1905.) Also in Princeton alumni weekly, Jan. 6 and 13, 1906, vol. 6, nos. 13 and 14, pp. 232-234, 252-256. 1906. Notes on constitutional government. (Princeton), Printed for Princeton university store, (1906). (Reprinted 1909.) The spirit of Jefferson. (Address delivered at Jefferson day dinner of Democratic club of New York, April 16, 1906.) Abstract in Princeton alumni weekly, Apr. 28, 1906, vol. 6, no. 29, pp. 551-554. (Address delivered before the Western association of Princeton clubs, Cleveland, Ohio, May 19, 1906.) Princeton alumni weekly, June 2, 1906, vol. 6, no. 34, pp. 651-655. Annual report of the president of Princeton university, 1906. (Princeton), n. d. (Presented to the trustees of the university at their meeting Dec. 13, 1906.) Also in Princeton alumni weekly, Jan. 19 and 26, 1907, vol. 7, nos. 15 and 16, pp. 254-258, 273-275. 1907. THE FREE LIFE ... a baccalaureate address. New York, T. Y. Crowell & co., (Aug. 6, 1908). (Address delivered before the graduating class of Princeton university June 9, 1907.) Bibliography Woodrow Wilson 1875-1910 Report on the social co-ordination of the university (sub mitted to the trustees of Princeton university at their meeting June 10, 1907). Princeton alumni weekly, June 12, 1907, vol. 7, no. 36, pp. 606-615. Also separately reprinted from Princeton alumni weekly ; at head of title : Princeton university. The author and signers of the Declaration of independence. (Address delivered at Jamestown exposition, Nor folk, Virginia, July 4, 1907.) North American review, Sept. 1907, vol. 186, pp. 22-33. The residential quad system. (Letter to Mr. Andrew C. Imbrie, dated July 29, 1907.) Princeton alumni weekly, Sept. 25, 1907, vol. 8, no. i, pp. 8-9. Politics. (1857-1907.) Atlantic monthly, Nov. 1907, vol. 100, pp. 635-646. Address (delivered before the Princeton alumni association of Tennessee at Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 9, 1907). Princeton alumni weekly, Nov. 20, 1907, vol. 8, no. 9, pp. 138-141. Ideals of public life. (Address delivered at the fifty-eighth annual dinner of the Cleveland chamber of commerce, Nov. 1 6, 1907.) The Cleveland chamber of commerce. Sixtieth year. April, 1908. n. p., (1908). pp. 218-230. Abstract also in Princeton alumni weekly, Nov. 27, 1907, vol. 8, no. 10, pp. 160-162. Bibliography Woodrow Wilson 1875-1910 Response to address of welcome. (Nov. 29, 1907.) Association of colleges and preparatory schools of the middle states and Maryland. Proceedings of the twenty-first annual convention . . . 1907, held at the College of the city of New York . . . November 29 and 30, 1907 n. p., published by the association, 1908. pp. 7-8. School and college. (President s address, Nov. 29, 1907.) Association of colleges and preparatory schools of the middle states and Maryland. Proceedings of the twenty-first annual convention . . . 1907, held at the College of the city of New York . . . November 29 and 30, 1907. n. p., published by the association, 1908. PP- 73-89. Address (delivered before the Indiana state teachers asso ciation in Indianapolis, Dec. 27, 1907). Abstract in Princeton alumni weekly, Jan. 8, 1908, vol. 8, no. 14, pp. 224-225. 1908. Annual report of the president of Princeton university, 1907. (Princeton, Princeton university press, 1908?) (Presented to the trustees of the university at their meeting Jan. 9, 1908.) Also in Princeton alumni weekly, Jan. 22, 1908, vol. 8, no. 1 6, pp. 257-259. Speech (delivered at the annual dinner of the Princeton club of Chicago, Mar. 12, 1908). Abstract in Princeton alumni weekly, Mar. 25, 1908, vol. 8, no. 25, pp. 402-405. Bibliography Woodrow Wilson 1875-1910 Government by commission. Abstract from address . . . before the Commercial club of Chicago, March 14, 1908. n. p., (1908). Abstract, with title The government and business, in Princeron alumni weekly, Mar. 18, 1908, vol. 8, no. 24, pp. 386-389. The states and the federal government. North American review, May 1908, vol. 187, pp. 684-701. Address at the Pittsburgh dinner (of the Princeton club of western Pennsylvania, May 2, 1908). Extract in Princeton alumni weekly, May 13, 1908, vol. 8, no. 32, pp. 520-522. Address (delivered at the annual dinner of the Princeton alumni association of New England in Boston, May 15, 1908). Abstract in Princeton alumni weekly, June 3, 1908, vol. 8, no. 35, pp. 568-569. CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT IN THE UNITED STATES. New York, The Columbia university press, 1908 (May 29). Half-title: Columbia university lectures. George Blu- menthal foundation. 1907. (Reprinted Nov. 1911.) Address ... in behalf of the honorable delegates. Williams college. The induction of Harry Augustus Garfield, LL.D., into the office of president, October seventh, MDCCCCVIII. (Cambridge? Mass.), Print ed at the Riverside press, (1909?). pp. 22-26. Bibliography Woodrow Wilson 1875-1910 The banker and the nation. (Address delivered at the an nual convention of the American bankers association at Denver, Colorado, Sept. 30, 1908.) United States, Congressional record, 626. Congress, 2d session, Aug. 8, 1912, vol. 48, pt. 12, appendix, pp. 502-503. The life of the college . . . address at the seventy-fifth an niversary of Haver ford college (at Haver ford, Pa., Oct. 16, 1908). Princeton alumni weekly, Oct. 28, 1908, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 70-72. Conservatism, true and false. (Address delivered before the Southern society of New York, Dec. 9, 1908.) Abstract in Princeton alumni weekly, Dec. 16, 1908, vol. 9, no. 12, pp. 185-189. 1909. The meaning of a liberal education. (Address delivered before the High school teachers association of New York city, Jan. 9, 1909.) High school teachers association of New York city. Volume 3, 1908-1909. n.p., (1909). pp. 19-31. Annual report of the president of Princeton university, 1908. (Princeton, Princeton university press, 1909?) (Presented to the trustees of the university at their meeting Jan. 14, 1909.) Also in Princeton alumni weekly, Jan. 27, 1909, vol. 9, no. 1 6, pp. 247-250. Address (delivered at Chapel Hill, N. C., on the anniversary of Robert E. Lee s birthday, Jan. 19, 1909). University of North Carolina record, May 1909, no. 73, Alumni bulletin no. 2. Anniversary of Lee s birthday, pp. 6-21. Bibliography Woodrow Wilson 1875-1910 The minister and the community. New York, Student Young men s Christian association, 1909 (Jan. 25). (The claims and opportunities of the Christian ministry . . . edited by J. R. Mott.) The centenary of Abraham Lincoln. (Address at the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lin coln, Chicago, Feb. 12, 1909.) Abstract in Princeton alumni weekly, Feb. 17, 1909, vol. 9, no. 19, pp. 296-298. Civic problems ; address delivered March 9, 1909, at the annual meeting of the Civic league of St. Louis. (St. Louis), The civic league of St. Louis, (1900). Also in United States, Congressional record, 62d Con gress, ist session, Aug. 19, 1911, vol. 47, pt. 5, pp. 4202-4205. Abstract in Princeton alumni weekly, Mar. 17, 1909, vol. 9, no. 23, p. 359. The present task of the ministry. An address at the celebra tion of the seventy-fifth anniversary of Hartford theo logical seminary. Hartford, Conn., Hartford seminary press, 1909. (Address delivered May 26, 1909.) Also in Hartford seminary record, July 1909, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 226-233. The spirit of learning. (Oration delivered before the Har vard chapter of Phi beta kappa, Sanders theatre, Cambridge, July I, 1909.) Harvard graduates magazine, Sept. 1909, vol. 18, no. 69, pp. 1-14. The tariff make-believe. North American review, Oct. 1909, vol. 190, pp. 535-556. Bibliography Wood-row Wilson 1875-1910 My ideal of the true university. Delineator, Nov. 1909, vol. 74, p. 401. What is a college for? Scribner s magazine, Nov. 1909, vol. 46, pp. 570-577. The ministry and the individual. (Address delivered in Chi cago, Nov. 2, 1909.) McCormick theological seminary. Historical celebration in recognition of the eightieth year of the origin of the seminary, the fiftieth year of its location in Chicago, and the one hundredth year of the birth of Cyrus H. McCormick, November first and second, nineteen hun dred and nine. Chicago, Illinois, (Lakeside press), 1910. pp. 163-173. 1910. Position and importance of the arts course as distinct from the professional and semi-professional courses. (Ad dress delivered Jan. 5, 1910.) Association of American universities. Journal of pro ceedings and addresses of the eleventh annual confer ence, held in Madison, Wisconsin, January 4 and 5, 1910. (Chicago), published by the association, 1910. pp. 73-84. Extract also in Columbia university quarterly, Mar. 1910, vol. 12, pp. 210-213. Annual reports of the president and the treasurer, (1909). Official register of Princeton university, Jan. 1910, vol. i, no. 3. Report of the president, pp. 3-33. (Presented to the trustees of Princeton university at their meeting Jan. 13, 1910.) Baltimore address (delivered before the Princeton alumni association of Maryland, Mar. n, 1910). Abstract in Princeton alumni weekly, Mar. 16, 1910, vol. 10, no. 23, pp. 371-374. Bibliography Woodrow Wilson 1875-1910 Mr. Cleveland as president. (Address delivered Mar. 18, 1910.) National Democratic club, New York. Annual dinner on the birthday of Grover Cleveland, March eighteenth, nineteen hundred and ten, at the club house, n. p., (1910). pp. 29-34. Brooklyn speech (delivered before the Princeton alumni association of Long Island, Mar. 21, 1910). Abstract in Princeton alumni weekly, Mar. 23, 1910, vol. 10, no. 24, pp. 394-396- St. Louis speech (delivered before the Western association of Princeton clubs, Mar. 26, 1910). Abstract in Princeton alumni weekly, Mar. 30, 1910, vol. 10, no. 25, pp. 412-415. Address at the Princeton club of New York (Apr. 7, 1910). Princeton alumni weekly, Apr. 13, 1910, vol. 10, no. 27, pp. 447-453- Living principles of Democracy. Harper s weekly, Apr. 9, 1910, vol. 54, pp. 9-10. (Address delivered before the Princeton alumni association of western Pennsylvania at Pittsburgh, Apr. 16, 1910.) Abstract in Princeton alumni weekly, Apr. 20, 1910, vol. 10, no. 28, pp. 470-471. Culture and democracy. (Letter addressed "To the editor of the Nation" and dated April 21, 1910.) Nation, Apr. 28, 1910, vol. 90, p. 428. Also in Princeton alumni weekly, Apr. 27, 1910, vol. 10, no. 29, pp. 479-48o. Bibliography Woodrow Wilson 1875-1910 Hide-and-seek politics. North American review, May 1910, vol. 191, pp. 585-601. Address (delivered before the New Jersey bankers associa tion at Atlantic City, May 6, 1910). New Jersey bankers association. Proceedings of the seventh annual convention . . . edited by William J. Field, n.p., (1910?). pp. 81-87. Address (delivered before the Princeton club of Chicago, May 12, 1910). Abstract in Princeton alumni weekly, May 18, 1910, vol. 10, no. 32, pp. 533-534. The lawyer and the community. Annual address (delivered before the American bar association at Chattanooga, Tennessee, August 31, 1910). American bar association. Report of the thirty-third annual meeting . . . held at Chattanooga, Tennessee, August 30 and 31 and September i, 1910. Baltimore, The Lord Baltimore press, 1910. pp. 419-439. Substance also in North American review, Nov. 1910, vol. 192, pp. 604-622. Extract in Review of reviews (American), Nov. 1910, vol. 42, pp. 602-603. Life and education. Nassau literary magazine, Oct. 1910, vol. 66, no. 4, pp. 167-169. (Letter, resigning the presidency of the university, read to the trustees of Princeton university at their meeting October 20, 1910.) Princeton alumni weekly, Oct. 26, 1910, vol. n, no. 5, p. 68. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. : , 9Ju! 62SSg IN JUN 2 5 1962 KtC D LD JUN 2 9 1962 " REC D HT 1 9 KM /v. LD 21A-50m-12, 60 (B6221slO)476B General Library University of California Berkeley 23 n 11 1953 258139 : ; ?- . :j^ ; -^m . * V TlB* pi .