THE LAY OF HAVELOK THE DANE W. W. SKEAT K. SISAM OXFORD AT THE CLARENDON PRESS BRARY ilVERSlTY OP :alifornia ^. \ fwt A l^^ THE GREAT GRIMSBY SEAL 'SIGILLVM COMUMTATIS GRI.MEBVK' WITH THE FIGURES OF 'GRVEM', 'hABLOC', AND 'GOLDEBVRGH' THE LAY OF HAVELOK THE DANE RE-EDITED FROM MS. LAUD MISC. 108 IN THE BODLEIAN LIBRARY, OXFORD REV. WALTER W. SKEAT LiTT.D., LL.D., D.C.L., Ph.D. FELLOW OF THE BRITISH ACADEMY ELKINGTON AND BOSWOKTH PROFESSOR OF ANGLO-SAXON L\' THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE SECOND EDITION REVISED BY K. SISAM OXFORD AT THE CLARENDON PRESS r f^'^JL/fp^^ ^ Oxford University Press, Amen House, London E.G. 4 GLASGOW NEW YORK TORONTO MELBOURNE WELLINGTON BOMBAY CALCUTTA MADRAS KARACHI CAPE TOWN IBADAN Geoffrey Gumberlege, Publisher to the University IMPRESSION OF 1956 (with Corrections) SECOND EDITION 1915 PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION Since the previous edition of this book appeared the criticism of Havelok has been greatly advanced by the work of Heyman and Deutschbein on the story, by Holthausen's second edition, and Professor Skeat's discovery of the Cambridge Fragments. In the few weeks available for the task of revision I have used this new material freely, and have made considerable alterations the more willingly because Professor Skeat himself was always most ready to utilize the latest results. The Introduction has therefore been remodelled. The Text and foot-notes are from stereotyped plates, and such slight changes as have been made have the single aim of restoring defensible readings in the manuscript. The Notes are for the most part new; and the Glossary, which was admirably full and accurate in its references, has been revised throughout. This work, necessarily hasty, would not have been possible without generous help. The Misses Skeat have kindly placed at my disposal the materials in their posses- sion. Professor Carleton Brown collated the Cambridge Fragments, which now follow the text, with very valuable results. Dr. Craigie contributes the important emendation of 1. 64. Professor Napier has allowed me to consult his bibliographical collections, and to quote his explanation of the forms mentioned in the note to 1. 2143. Finally, in all points the revision has greatly benefited by Dr. Henry Bradley's criticism and advice. K. S. 551 CONTENTS The FRONTISPIECE represents the seal of Great Grimsby, described in the Introduction, § 12. The FACSIMILE represents fol. 207 V. (col. i, top) ot the Laud MS. Compare 11. 632-53 at p. 24. PAGE Preface to the Second Edition . . . . iii Introduction.— § I. Discovery of the Poem. §2. Select Bibliography. § 3. The Laud MS. § 4. The Cam- bridge Fragments. § 5. Geffrei Gaimar. § 6. Le Lai d'Havelok. § 7. Robert Manning of Brunne. § 8. The Lambeth Interpolation. § 9. Relations of the chief versions of the Story. § 10. Minor versions. § li. Local traditions. § 12. The Grimsby Seal. § 13. Localization of the Story. §§ 14, 15. Date of Com- position. § 16. Historical Basis of the Story. § 17. Legendary Elements. § 18. The Metre. § 19. The Rimes. § 20. Phonology. § 21. The Phonology of some Norse words. § 22. Inflexions — Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Sec. § 23. The Spelling v-xl The Lay of Havelok i The Cambridge Fragments 103 Notes 105 Glossarial Index 121 Index of Names 169 INTRODUCTION § 1. The English version of the Lay of Havelok is one of the few poems that have happily been recovered, after having long been given up as lost. Tyrwhitt, in his Essay on the Language and Versification of Chaucer, has a foot- note (no. 51) deploring the loss of the Rime concerning Gryme the Fisher, the founder of Grymesby, Hanelok \i'ead Havelok] the Dane, and his wife Goldborough ; and Ritson, in his Dissertation on Romance and Minstrelsy (vol. i; p. Ixxxviii of his Metrical Romancees), makes remarks tc the same effect. It was at length, however, discovered by accident in a manuscript belonging to the Bodleian Library, which had been described in the old Catalogue merely as Vitae Sanctorum^ a large portion of it being occupied by metrical legends of the Saints. § 2. Select Bibliography. Editions, 1828. The Ancient English Romance of Havelok the Dane, &^c,, edited for the Roxburghe Club by (Sir) Frederick Madden. (The apparatus, which includes a full Introduction, the French from Gaimar, and the * Lai d'Havelok', is still precious.) 1868. The Lay of Havelok the Dane, edited for the Early English Text Society (Extra Series IV) by the Rev. W. W. VI INTRODUCTION Skeat, with the assistance of the previous editor. Reprinted with sb'ght corrections and additions in 1889. (The best text.) 1901. HaveloJz^ edited by F. Holthausen, London, 190T. (Normalized in spelling, dialect, and metre.) 1902. The Lay of Havelok the Dane^ re-edited by the Rev. Professor W. W. Skeat, Oxford : at the Clarendon Press. (With normalized spelling, the basis of the present edition. The most important notice is that by M. Forster, Anglia^ Beiblait^ vol. xiv. ro ff.) 1928. Havelok^ edited by F. Holthausen, third (German) edition, Heidelberg and New York. (Very much improved, and invaluable for its bibliographical references.) Selectio7is. 11. i-i 83 in J. Zupitza's Alt- u?id 7Juttelenglisches Lese- buch, Wien (and Leipzig) ; and in G. E. Maclean's Old and Middle English Reader, New York ; 11. 1-748 in F. Kluge's Mittele?iglisches Lesebuch, Halle ; [11. 339-748 in Morris and Skeat's Specimens of Early English, Part I, Oxford ; and in O. F. Emerson's Middle E??glish Reader, New YorkTj 11. 2052-2265 in R. P. Wiilker's Altenglisches LesebucK^ Part I, Halle. Most of these are annotated. Collations} By Hupe, Anglia, vol. xiii. 194-5 (unreliable); by Holt- hausen, second edition, p. xvi; and, on some points, by Sisam, Herrig's Archiv, vol. cxxviii. 197-9. * These collations rarely affect the sense, and are in f^reat part concerned with such purely palaeographical matters as the occurrence of ^ where th is printed. A few of textual importance are mentioned in the Notes. SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY Vll Critical Notes} J. Zupitza: Zeitschrift fiir deutscJies Alierihum^ vol. xlx. 124 ii. ; AngHa, vol. i. 468 ff. and vol. vii. 145 ff. (all of first importance). F. Stratmann : E?jglische Sttidien^ vol. i. 423 {L E. Kolbing : Englische Studien, vol. xvi. 299 ff. (a review of Wittenbrinck's dissertation) and vol. xix. 146 ff. H. Hupe : Anglia, vol. xiii. 186 ff. F. Holthausen : Anglia, vol. xv. 499 ff. ; An E?iglish Mis- cellany presented to Dr. Ftirnivall, Oxford, 1901, pp. 176 ff.; and Herrig's Archiv^ vol. ex. 100 ff. L. Morsbach : Englische Sttidien, vol. xxix. 368 ff. K. Sisam : Herrig's Archiv, vol. cxxviii. 194 ff. G. Wittenbrinck : Zur Kritik U7id Rhythmik des altengl. Lais von Havelok (Gymnasium Arnoldinum zu Burgstein- furt, 1 891). Language, <5^'^. There is a useful dissertation by F. Schmidt, Zur Hetmat- bestimmung des Havelok, Gottingen, 1900. The Story ^ ^c. G. Storm : Englische Siudien, vol. iii. 533 ff. (On the name Havelok) H. L. D. Ward : Catalogue of Romances in the British Museum^ London, 1883, vol. i. 423 ff. J. W. Hales: Letter in Athetiaeuin, P'eb. 23, 1889, re- printed in Folia Litteraria^ London, 1893. (On the date.) ^ Only the more ijeneral studies are listed. For more recent articles and notes, consult J. E. Wells, A Manual of the Writings in Middle English, New Haven, 1916, and its Supplements. In the present impression an important article by C. T. Onions in Philologica (Malone Anniversary Studies), 1945, pp. I54ff. is used without further acknow- ledgement. viii INTRODUCTION E. K. Putnam : The Lambeth Version of Havelok^ Publications of the Modern Language Association of North America, Baltimore, 1900, pp. 1-19. H. Heyman : Studies o?t the Havelok Ta/e, Upsala, 1903. M. Deutschbein : Studien zur Sagengeschichte Englands^ Part I, *Die Wikingersagen ', Cothen, 1906. § 3. The Laud Manuscript. The only complete text of the poem is extant in MS. Laud Misc. 108, in the Bodleian Library. It begins on fol. 204, and is written in double columns each of which contains forty-five lines. Hence a hundred and eighty lines are missing after 1. 1444, where a leaf is lost of which no count is taken in the folio numbering. It ends on the back of fol. 219, and is imme- diately followed, in the same handwriting, by the 'Geste of King Horn '. These two poems form the second part of the MS. Part I is chiefly occupied by Lives of the Saints, printed by Horstmann, E. E. T. S., 1887. The hands are of about the same date as the Havelok portion, that is to say, early fourteenth century. Part III is of the fifteenth century, and contains the Lives of Saint Cecilia and Saint Blaise (also printed by Horstmann) ; Saint Alexius (printed by Dr. Furnivall in E. E. T. S., no. 69) ; and a poem called *Somer Soneday* printed in Reliquiae Antiquae^ vol. ii, pp. 7-9 ; followed by a few other scraps. From the circumstances mentioned in the note to 1. 2933, Zupitza conjectured that an older MS., from which the existing copy was made, contained only twenty lines to the page ; and Mr. Hall has noted that twenty lines in the copy of King Horn are found to be out of place, which furnishes strong evidence as to the correctness of the suggestion. If so, the MS. must have been made with small pages for the purpose of portability, and would have been well suited for THE CAMBRIDGE FRAGMENTS ix use by a wandering minstrel or reciter of poems. For further details see Hall's King Horn, pp. viii-x. The arrangement of the page and the script may be studied in Skeat's Twelve Facsimiles of Old English A/SS., Plate VII, where fol. 207 v. is reproduced. A portion of the same plate, containing 11. 632-53, is reproduced in the present volume. On the whole the writing is clear, but it is sometimes difficult to distinguish c and /, n and u. The / has a long stroke over it when written next to m or n, but this stroke is frequently misplaced in the word knifli = kniht. The letters /, y are usually distinguished by the dot over J, but }> occasionally has this dot. The few cases of the Anglo-Saxon p for w are not easily distinguished by letter form, and the only certain examples are ze/itdrow, 1. 502; wit, 1. 997; WQ^ 1. 1058; berz£;en, 1. 1426; we, mis written for wo = who, 1. 19 14. This evidence is interesting as showing that this letter was then fast going out of use. The absence of ^ from the Havelok text is the more remarkable since it occurs in King Horn. The poem is marked out into paragraphs by the use of large letters ; and in this edition a slight space is introduced at the end of each paragraph to show this more clearly. The expansion of marks of contraction is denoted in the usual way by the use of italics ; thus in 1. 9 ' ma« * is printed instead of the form 'ma', as in the MS., and the curl denoting er is represented by printing 'eu^re' in 1. 17. Additions and emendations are enclosed in square brackets, and the punctuation and capitalization are modern. § 4. The Cambridge Fragments. By a happy chance the discovery of some fragments of another manuscript fell to Professor Skeat. In the Modern Language Review for October, 191 1, pp. 455-7, he published the scraps now included at the end of the text with the following explana- X INTRODUCTION tion : 'Among the treasures of the Cambridge University Library have been preserved four small and insignificant- looking scraps of paper containing writing which appears to belong to the end of the fourteenth century. They are contained in an envelope marked 4407 (19). One of the scraps was perceived to contain a small portion of the "Proverbs of Hending". The meaning of the rest was less obvious, and I was asked to endeavour to discover it. I soon saw that some of the lines certainly belonged to Havelok the Da?ie. ... I have recommended that the eight fragments (recto and verso of four scraps) should be marked a, b, c, d^ e, / g, h. Fragment d contains Havelok 11. 174-83 (partly illegible); e contains 11. 341-64; and/ contains 11. 537-44, ten lines not in the other copy, and 11. 545-6, another new line, and 11. 547-9.' The MS., as Professor Skeat pointed out, is late and corrupt ; and it is chiefly important for the ten lines added after 1. 544. Are these to be accepted as part of the text of Havelok'^ Professor Skeat seems to have inclined to accept them, for he remarks (p. 457) 'the aspiration expressed in 1. 544 of the Oxford MS. seems to have been adopted to hide a loss of ten lines that should have been preserved'. But there is a good deal to be said against their genuineness. They are extremely feeble and dis- jointed, and trail on like the work of a man who cannot make up his mind where to stop ; they add nothing to the story, and they form just such a digression as the Havelok poet sedulously avoids : pat is \& storie for to lenge. It wolde anuye \'\s fayre genge. Again, however the body of the line may be enfeebled in a late MS., we should expect the rimes to be permanent. Yet these few lines contain two riming tags, on fele manere^ GEFFREI GAIMAR XI in mani a kas, which are quite unknown to Havelok, and which, with words h'ke co7naundet?ie\_f{\t, indicate a much increased French influence. Finally, the lines fail to link up with what follows them. For these reasons they are rather to be regarded as a late addition. In the same fragment the MS. breaks off tantalizingly just when it seemed to solve the most corrupt passage in Havelok ; see the note to 11. 546 ff. On the whole its critical value is slight. Other Early Versions of the Story. § 5. Gefirei Gaimar. The story appears in two Anglo- French versions, both derived from an earlier source that is now lost ; for each contains circumstances that are not mentioned in the other, though there is often a close agree- ment. The older of these is probably that contained in 11. 37-818 (ed. T. Wright) of the poem entitled LEstorie des Ejigks, written by Geffrei Gaimar, apparently between the years 1147 and 1151.^ In one place (1. 41) he cites Gildas as his authority, but no safe conclusion can be drawn from this vague reference. In another place (1. 758) he mentions a feast given by Havelok — ' si cum nus dit la verai estoire ' — i. e. as the true history tells us. There are three MS. copies of Gaimar's version of the story, of which perhaps the best is the Royal MS. (Bibl. Reg. 13. A. xxi) in the British Museum ; the two others belong respectively to the Dean and Chapter of Durham (Cathedral MS. C. iv. 27) and to the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln (Cathedral MS. H. 18). The Royal MS. was printed in full by Mr. T. Wright for the Caxton Society in 1850. Portions of it have also been * Lines 1-36 really belong to another book by Gaimar, \'\z his translation of The Brztt, from Geoffrey of Monmouth. xil INTRODUCTION printed by M. Michel, in his Chrojiiques Anglo- Normandes^ 8vo, Rouen, 1835; by Sir F. Madden, in his edition of Havelok (as above); and by Mr. Petrie in 1848, for which see Mo?iume?iia Historica Briiaiinica^ vol. i, p. 764. The latest complete edition of Gaimar is that by Sir T. Duffus Hardy and C. T. Martin in Rerum Britannicarum Medii Aevi Scrip fores} § 6. Le Lai d'Havelok. This Anglo-French version likewise belongs to the twelfth century, and gives a similar story, with some variations. There are two MS. copies, of which one belongs to the collection made by Sir T. Phillipps, and the other is known as the Arundel MS. (or the Norfolk MS.), and is preserved in the Heralds' College, where it is marked E. D. N. no. 14. It was printed in Sir F. Madden's edition oi Havelok, pp. 105-146; by M. Michel, Paris, 1833; in the Appendix to T. Wright's edition of Gaimar-, and by Hardy and Martin (as above) i. 290 ff.^ A brief sketch of its contents is here subjoined. The Britons made a lay concerning King Havelok, who is surnamed Cuaran. His father was Gunter, King of the Danes. Arthur crossed the sea, and invaded Denmark. Gunter perished by the treason of Hodulf, who gained the kingdom, and held it of Arthur. Gunter had a fine castle, where his wife and son were guarded, being committed to the protection of Grim. The child was but seven years old ; but ever as he slept, an odorous flame issued from his mouth. Hodulf sought to kill him, but Grim prepared a ship, wherein he placed the queen and the child, and furnished it with provisions, and set sail from Denmark. On their voyage they encountered pirates (' out- laghes'), who killed them all after a hard fight, excepting Grim, who was an acquaintance of theirs, and Grim's wife and ^ The Introduction gives a full description of the MSS., of which the Durham cojiy is ihe earliest in script and langunge. The second volume contains a translaiion of Gaimar and Le Lai d Jjavelok. ' The less accessible Phillipps MS. is the earlier. The Arundel MS., f. 148 b, has : * Athelwold auoit vne fille Goldeburgh, et il regna vi anz. Haueloc esposa melsme cele Goldeburgh, et regna iij. anz.' LE LAJ D'HAVELOK xiil children. Havelok also was saved. They at last arrived at the haven, afterwards named * Grimesbi ' from GruTi. Grim there resumed his old trade, a fisherman's, and a town grew up round his hut, which was called Grimsby. The child grew up, and waxed strong. One day Grim said to him, ' Son, you will never thrive as a fisherman ; take your brothers with you, and seek service amongst the King's servants '. He was soon well apparelled, and repaired with his two foster-brothers to Nicole [Lincoln]. Now at that time there was a king named Alsi, who ruled over all Nicole and Lindesie;^ but the country southward was governed by another king, named Ekenbright, who had married Alsi's sister Orewen. These two had one only daughter, named Argentine. Ekenbright, falling ill, com- mitted Argentine to the care of Alsi, till she should be of age to be married to the strongest man that could be found. At Ekenbright's death, Alsi reigned over both countries, holding his court at Nicole. Havelok, on his arrival there, was employed to carry water and cut wood, and to perform all menial offices requiring great strength. He was named Cuaran, which means — in the British language — a scullion. Argentine soon arrived at marriageable age, and Alsi determined to marry her to Cuaran, which would sufficiently fulhl her father's wish — Cuaran being confessedly the strongest man in those parts. To this marriage he compelled her to consent, hoping thereby to dis- grace her for ever. Havelok was unwilling that his wife should perceive the marvellous flame, but soon forgot this, and ere long fell asleep. Then had Argentine a strange vision — that a savage bear and some foxes attacked Cuaran, but dogs and boars defended him. A boar having killed the bear, the foxes cried for quarter from Cuaran, who commanded them to be bound. Then he would have put to sea, but the sea rose so high that he was terrified. Next she beheld two lions, at seeing which she was frightened, and she and Cuaran climbed a tree to avoid them ; but the lions submitted themselves to him, and called him their lord. Then a great cry was raised, whereat she awoke, and beheld the miraculous flame. 'Sir,' she ex- claimed, ' you burn ! ' But he reassured her, and attempted to give an ordinary explanation of her dream. The next day, however, she again told her dream to a chamberlain, her friend, who said that he well knew a holy hermit who could explain it. The hermit explained to Argentine that Cuaran must be of royal lineage. * He will be king,' he said, * and you a queen. Ask him concerning his parentage. Remember also to repair to his native place.' On being questioned, Cuaran replied that ^ The northern part of Lincolnshire is called Lindsey, XIV INTRODUCTION he was born at Grimsby ; that Grim was his father, and Saburc his mother. * Then let us go to Grimsby/ she rephed. Accompanied by his two foster-brothers, they came to Grimsby; but Grim and Saburc were both dead. They found there, however, a daughter of Grim's, named Kelloc, who had married a tradesman ot that town. Up to this time Havelok had not known his true parentage, but Kelloc thought it was now time to tell him, and said : ' Your father was Gunter, the King of the Danes, whom Hodulf slew. Hodulf obtained the kingdom as a grant from Arthur. Grim fled with you, and saved your life ; but your mother perished at sea. Your name is Havelok. My husband will convey you to Denmark, where you must inquire for a lord named " Sigar Testal"; and take with you my two brothers.' So Kelloc's husband conveyed them to Denmark, and advised Havelok to go to Sigar and show himself and his wife, as then he would be asked who his wife is. They went to the city of the seneschal, the before-named Sigar, where they craved a night's lodging, and were courteously entertained. But as they retired to a lodging for the night, six men attacked them, who had been smitten with the beauty of Argentine. Havelok defended himself with an axe which he found, and slew five, whereupon the sixth fled. Havelok and his party fled away for refuge to a monastery, which was soon attacked by the townsmen who had heard of the combat. Havelok tnoiitited the tower, and defended himself bravely, casting down a huge sto7ie on his eiiemies} The news soon reached the ears of Sigar, who hastened to see what the uproar was about. Beholding Havelok fixedly, he called to mind the form and appearance of Gunter, and asked Havelok of his parentage. Havelok replied that Grim had told him he was by birth a Dane, and that his mother perished at sea ; and ended by briefly relating his subsequent adventures. Then Sigar asked him his name. 'My name is Havelok,' he said, 'and my other name is Cuaran.' Then the seneschal took him home, and determined to watch for the miraculous flame, which he soon perceived, and was assured that Havelok was the true heir. Therefore he gathered a great host of his friends, and sent for the horn which none but the true heir could sound, promising a ring to any one who could blow it. When all had failed, it was given to Havelok, who blew it loud and long, and was joyfully recognized and acknowledged to be the true King. Then with a great army he attacked Hodulf ^ Hence the obvious origin of the legend of * Havelok's stone ', and a local tradition about Grim's casting down stones from the tower of Grimsby church. See § ii. ROBERT MANNING XV the usurper, whom he slew with his own hand. Thus was Havelok made King of Denmark. But after he had reigned four years, his wife incited him to return to England. With a great number of ships he sailed there, and arrived at Carletlure ; ^ and sent messengers to Alsi, demanding the inheritance of Argcntille. Alsi was indeed astonished at such a demand as coming from a scullion, and oftered him battle. The hosts met at Theford,^ and the battle endured till nightfall without a decisive result. But Argentille craftily advised her lord to support his dead men by stakes, to increase the apparent number of his army;' and the next day Alsi, deceived by this device, treated for peace, and yielded up to his former ward all the land, from Holland* to Gloucester. Alsi had been so sorely wounded that he lived but fifteen days longer. Thus was Havelok king over Lincoln and Lindsey, and reigned over them for twenty years. Such is the lay of Cuaran. § 7. Robert Manning of Brunne. It is convenient to consider next the translation of Peter Langtoft's Chronicle made by Robert Manning, of Brunne or Bourne in Lincoln- shire, and completed in the year 1338. Manning is the well-known author of the poem entitled Ha?idly?ig Sy7ine, written in 1303; and he was well acquainted with our poem, as he quotes it or imitates it at least twice ; see notes to 11. 679, 819. The later portion of Manning's translation was printed at Oxford by T. Hearne in 1725, in 2 vols. ; and the first part (British history) has since been edited, for the Master of the Rolls, by Dr. Furnivall. Now Langtoft mentions casually Guu7itere le pere Haiielok^ de Dafiays Ray claniez, i.e. 'Gunter, father of Havelok, ^ Possibly Salt fleet, suggests Mr. Haigh. Such, at least, is the position required by the circumstances. ' In the Durham MS. it is Tiedfort, i. e. Tetford, not far from Horn- castle, in Lincolnshire. ' This is an important parallel to a story told about Amleth (Hamlet) in the History by Saxo Grammaticus, bk. iv. ' He resorts to a device to increase the apparent number of his men. He puts stakes under some of the dead bodies of his comrades, to prop them up,' &c. — Gollancz, Hamlet in Iceland, p. xxviii. * A name given to the south-east part of Lincolnshire. XVi INTRODUCTION called King of the Danes', which Gunter he identifies with the Danish invader Godrum, defeated by Alfred in 878. See the edition by T. Wright (Rolls Series, i. 318). When Manning comes to this passage, he translates the French line by JJaue/ok fader he was, Gunter ivas his navie ; where Hearne prints the former name as * Hanelok '. Then follows the usual account, how Gunter (Godrum) made peace with Alfred, and submitted to be baptized, a. d. 878. After which we have the following interpolated passage, written by Manning on his own account. See ed. Hearne, i- 25 :— Bot I haf grete ferly ^at I fynd no man, pat has written in story how Hauelok ^is lond wan. Noi|)er Gildas, no Bede, no Henry of Huntynton, No William of Malmesbiri, ne Pers of Bridlynton, Writes not in ))er bokes of no kyng Athelwold, Ne Goldeburgh his d(;uhtere, ne Hauelok not of told, Whilk tyme ]>& were kyngcs, long or now late, pei mak no menyng whan, no in what date. Bot J)at ^ise lowed men vpoii JnoHsh tellis^ Right siory can me not ken, |)e certeynte what spellis. Men sais in Lyncoln castelle ligges ^it a stone, pat Hauelok kast wele forbi euerilkone. & 5it ):e chapelle standes \^x he weddid his wife, Goldeburgh j^e kynges doubter, /' mek' and kynde ; //". S, 5692. pat |>e por' man of hym had ; 5730. And |JOght' gret wunder and se()en seyd ; 5740. Unto a cherch-e bo])' |)ey yede ; 5777. * We can only conclude that the extant copy shows the poem in quite a late stage, with just a few interpolations in it to bring it up to date.^ The first draft of the poem must surely have been composed earlier than 1300; but how much earlier it is impossible to say. That the dialect was, in the first instance, that of Lincolnshire, is consistent with the fact that we can still detect the characteristic suffix -es of the pres. s. indicative as occurring in fifteen un- ambiguous rhymes (306, 396, 597, 1359, 1443, 1693, 1781, 1851, 1913, 2105, 2323, 2341, 2392, 2573, 2983); and the pi. suffix -e at the end of 11. 1325, 2099, and 2583.' § 16, Historical Basis of the Story. In the French versions Havelok is called Cuaran (Cuheran, Coraunt); and Cuaran, which is a Celtic word meaning ' a sock, a brogue of untanned leather or skin ', is the surname of a famous Viking, Olaf Sictricson, who was on the defeated side at Brunanburh in 937, and died in 981 (see Dictionary of National Biography'). In Englische Studien, vol. iii. 533 ff., Storm first proved that Havelok is a form of the Celtic name Abioc, AbloeCy &c., which is often substituted for the ^ Lines 138, 139, 264, 265, can be omitted without injury to the sense. And 1. 11 76 has to be emended, in order to make 11. 11 77-1 180 fit in. XXVI INTRODUCTION Norse name Olaf-r, OE. Anlaf. Whether they are phonetic- ally equivalent is open to doubt, as M. Forster points out in Anglia^ Beiblatt, vol. xiv, p. 13. Hence until recently it has been assumed that the story of Havelok was the story of Olaf Sictricson, though the points of connexion were not very clear. Hey man, however, puts forward a new theory. He shows that the facts of Olafs life have little in common with the events related in Havelok; and supposes that the deeds of King Swein, who became King of England in 1013, are really the basis of the Havelok tale, but have been fathered upon Olaf Sictric- son. He considers further that in some points stories connected with Olaf Tryggvason, the conqueror at Maldon, have been fused into the lay. Quite independently, Deutschbein also denies anything more than a nominal connexion with Olaf Sictricson, and sees m the Havelok tale the deeds of Olafs uncle Reginwald, again with some features from the life of Olaf Tryggvason. ; If these divergent views point to any result, it is that the iHavelok story corresponds to no history at all. Popular romances must not be taken too seriously, even when they contain historical names. Only two such names occur in the English story : Havelok, who on the evidence of other versions is identified with Olaf Sictricson, a tenth-century king ; and his father Birkabeyn — Roger Hoveden's Siverre Birkebain, chief of the Birkibeinar^ — who became King of Norway in 1 1 84. The peculiar parallelism of the main events of the story, the repeated happy coincidences which are of its essence, belong not to history, but to the story-book. § 17. Legendary Elements. To discuss all the ana- logues of the Havelok story would require a volume in itself, for it uses many of the stock themes of romance, * The name means 'wearing leggings of birch-bark '. METRE xxvii The flame of fire issuing from Havelok*s mouth as he lay asleep (11. 591, 1256) reminds us of Servius TuUius, around whose infant head flames were seen to play in his slumbers. The birth-mark which discloses his rank at a critical moment, his visions of conquest, the descriptions of the games and festivals, all these have their analogues in many mediaeval romances. More characteristic features of the story are also met with elsewhere. In the Introduction to his Hamlet in Iceland^ London, 1898, Professor Gollancz discusses the possible connexion between Hamlet and Havelok ; and more recently R. Zenker, Boeve-Amlethus^ Berlin and Leipzig, 1905, has considered the same point, and extended the comparison to the Beves Romance. Deutschbein claims kinship with the Celtic Meriaduc Saga ; and there are many points of contact with French romances. It cannot, how- ever, be said in any one case that a definite relation in essential incidents has been proved beyond doubt. § 18. Metre. The natural method of scansion followed by Professor Skeat is fully explained in his article on * The Scansion of English Poetry', printed in the Phil. Soc, Transactions for 1 908 ; and in his Chaucer, vol. vi, p. Ixxxiv. As yet many points in the history of Anglo-French and Middle English metres remain controversial, and our knowledge is certainly not precise enough to decide such minute points as the order of words in the verse, or the omission and addition of unstressed syllables, against the authority of the single manuscript. Smoothness to a modern ear is not a sufficient defence for emendation, because it is not known what the poet's ideal of smoothness was, or to what extent he attained his aim in practice. The poem is written in rimed couplets, with occasional larger groups of verses riming together, as for instance 11. 87-105. Alliteration, the native habit, is rare, though xxviii INTRODUCTION it appears in a few phrases like stark and siro7ig; lef and loth', sory afid sorfid ; felede his foos. Each line contains four stresses. For the rest, where the text is sound in grammar and sense, it is safest to give the MS. the benefit of any doubt, and to allow such normal licences as in- version of the accent, and substitution of one or three syllables for the typical disyllabic foot. § 19. The Rimes. The study of rime-words is of great j importance ; for while the body of the line, especially in j a popular tale, is subject to continual alterations, the rime- \ words are comparatively stable. This may be seen by comparing the text of the later Cambridge Fragments. Hence the importance of rimes for determining the original text and dialect of the poem. Many couplets as they stand in the MS. do not rime. Sometimes we have to do with conventional rimes, as at 11. 21-2 ry>m\fy?i. Sometimes scarcity of rime-words may account for the deficiency, as at 11. no 1-2 shop : hok. The remainder were once explained as assonances ; but in early texts which rime carefully — and Havelok is such a text- assonance is only to be assumed in the last resort. In general, a false rime in Havelok indicates corruption. Scribes sometimes substitute an English for a Norse word or form, as in the instances pointed out in the notes to 11. 1037-8 and 1397-8; sometimes they write an English alternative form instead of the original riming form ; some- times they blunder hopelessly. So whenever a pair of words give a defective rime, it is necessary to consider the possible alternatives. In 11. 1698-9, for instance, the MS. has sheive : lowe. The source of the first word, OE. sceazvian, according as the diphthong is stressed on the first or second element, yields ME. shewe or shdwe; and shdwe remains in the North, but PHONOLOGY XXIX elsewhere becomes shgwe. In the same way OE. hldw gives ME. law or Igw \ but its by-form hldew would give ME. lew. Hence any of the rimes schewe : lewe ; shawe\ lazve ; showe : lowe may have been in the original, as far as can be judged from this case. Again, 11. 2698-9 show gres : is ; where £^res has an alternative form gras, and is has an alternative Northern form es. Here we must choose the points of contact gres : es. For inflexions and phonology, too, rimes are of the highest importance. But it is necessary to distinguish those which are decisive from those which are ambiguous. Thus in 11. 2282-3 plattinde-.gangande^ the rime might be restored by making both participles end in -inde, or -ande, or -ende^ or -ifig. The instance merely proves that the extant manuscript does not retain the original forms. But at 11. 1692-3 ?iedes \fedeSy because nedes is the adverb, it is clear that the maker of the rime used the ending -es in the third person present indicative singular fedes. Or, to take a point of phonology, 11. 1924-5 heriper are ambiguous, since the known alternative forms har-.par or hor\por would rime perfectly. But in 11. 234-5 sor:hor, the Norse form hor {har) is proved, since sor (sar) < OE. sdr can have no e forms. § 20. Phonology. With this help it is possible to deal with some points in the phonology of the original. (i) OE. and ON. a remains a in the North, but becomes open [p] in the South and most of the Midlands. In Havelok both forms appear in the extant MS., q pre- dominating. But the rimes show bdpe {bgpe) at 11. 2595, 2936, riming with rape/ before dental consonants d, /, s, n, r, /; see Biilbring, Furnivall Miscellany, p. 42. Observe PHONOLOGY OF SOME NORSE WORDS xxxi for instance 11. 11-12 y-here -.y-lere; 11. 244-5 rcden\leden\ 11. 2084-5 bede-.rede'j 11. 995-6 dene-.grene. (5) Where a text has any claims to belong to the thirteenth century, it is worth noticing what evidence it contains for the lengthening of short vowels in open syllables. In the great majority of cases such vowels in Ilavelok rime only with themselves. There are only two clear indications of lengthening in Teutonic rime pairs : U. 2594, 2937 ra/?, 673, /f<9/>^, 1876. The form of the 2nd person is -est, in louest (before a vowel), 1663; but it is commonly -es, as haues^ 688, ^/^j, 907, getes, 908, slepes, 1283, weldes, ^359 j cf. ^^i", 2390, j/t^j-, 2706, mis-gos, 2707 ; and this still more marked in rime, as wenes, 598. The same ending is observable in the past tense, as in dedeSy 2393, reftes, 2394, feddes and claddes, 2907. The AS. meaht, miht, answers to maght, 1348; cf. 11. 689, 852, 1219. The subjunctive mood shows the forms bute pou gonge, (i^o, pat pu fonge, 856, &c. ; cf. bede, 668. In the 3rd person, present tense, of the same mood, we have the -e fully pronounced, as in shilde, 16, yeue^ 22, lese, 333, kue, 334, rede, 687 ; and in 1. 544 wreken should undoubtedly be wreke, since the -en belongs to the plural, as in moten, 18. The plural of the indicative present commonly ends in -en, as, we hauen, 2798, ye witen, 2208, pet taken, 1833 ; or, very rarely, in -eth, as ye bringeth, 2425, he {\.\i&y) stranglethy 2584. Sometimes the final -n is lost; note wone, 1325, to-deyle, 2099, binde^ 2583 (in rimes). The J>resent tense has often a. future signification, as in etet/i, 672^ etes, 907, getes, 908 ; and in bet/i, 1260, bes, 1744. Note. The rimes show that the third person singular INFLEXIONS XXXV in -es belongs to the original dialect of the poem (examine the examples). It was afterwards copied out in the south of England, by a scribe who frequently turned -es into -eth. The only examples at the end of a line are suereth^ dereth^ 647-8 ; instead of sweres^ deres. Fast tense. Of the third person singular and plural of the past tense the following are selected examples. Weak Verbs: hauede, 770, sparede^ Sg8, yemede, 975, semede, 976, sparkede, 2144, /^a;ikede, 2189; pi. loiieden^ 955, leykeden, 954, woundeden^ 2429, stareden^ iot,'], yemede, 2276, makeden, 554, sprauleden, 475. Also calde, 211^, gredde, 2417, herde, 2410, kepte, 879, fedde, 786, ledde^ 785, spedde, 756, clapte^ 1814, kisie^ 1279; auhte, 743, lauhte^ 744, bitauhte, 2212; ^X.herdeji, 150, brenden, 594, ktsten, 2162, ledden, 1246. Compare the past participles /z^j^^, 971, mixed, 2533, /ar/'^^, 2439, gadred, -Sll ', ^^A 1367, ^^'-^A 2005, Z£/^?/^, 2138, hyd, 1059; Z^/^, 1036, W^^ze;, 2729, Up, 1777, /^/ (spelt leth), 2651, i-Zf?/, 1280, ze;^.^, 281; di'ou, 10^, for, 2943, /(?ze', 903, slow, 1807, /^^'j, foren, 2380, lowen, 1056, slowen, 2414, &c. By way of further examples, we may instance the singular forms biga?i, 1357, ^^rze;, 2022, ^<^^ 471, swank, 788, ze/a^, 1061, j/^^«, 2144, clef, 2643, ^a^^, 2410, grop, 1965, ^r^, 725, .?^(^, ?>()2, fauth {^faizht), xxxvi INTRODUCTION 1990; pi. bigutmen, loii, sotv€?i, 1055, gripen^ 1790, driue for driuen^ 1966; also bunden^ 2436, schuten, 2431 (also sc/wten, 1864, shoten^ 1838), /(?y^^^, 2132, &c. Compare the past participles boren^ 1878, youen or yeuen^ 1643, cumen, 1436, nomen, 2265 (also niimen, 2581), /^/(?«, 1925, waxen ^ 302, drawen, 1925, slawen, 2000. The two last become drawe, slawe in 11. 1802, 1803. We should also observe the past tenses jr/(?;? (i. e. spende), 18 19; j/^V/, 812, citte, 942, ^^rd (subj.), 974, kipie, 1050, ^/cz/, 2755. Imperative Mood. Examples of the imperative mood singular, 2nd person, are e/, sit^ 925, late^ 1376, bringge^ 1 381; in the plural, the usual ending is -es, as in lipes^ 2204, ^^;;/^i-, 1798, fo/wes, 1885, /^>^^^, 2292, bes, 2246, to which set belong slos, 2596, ^(i?^, 2592 ; but there are instances of the ending -eth also, as in cometh^ 1885, yeuep^ 911, to which add doth^ 2037, goih, 1780; MS. herknet (for herkneth), i. Indeed, both forms occur in one line ; as in Cometh swipe^ andfolwes uie (1885). Of reflexive verbs, we meet with me dremede, 1284, me haueth met, 1285, me pinkes, 2169, hi7n hungrede, 654, him semede, 1652, him stondes, 2983, him reivede^ 503. The present participles, curiously enough, end mostly in -indey 2iS fasti Jide, 865, grotinde, 1390, lauhivinde, ()^6, plattinde, 2282, sfarinde, 50S ; but we also find gangande, 2283, driuende, 2702. Compare the noun tipande, 2279, which is a Norse form, tJh'ndi {p\.) being the Icelandic for 'tidings'. The suffix -ing occurs as a noun-ending o?i/y, never in the present participle. Examples of it are greting, 166, dreping, 1. e. slaughter, 2684, buttinge, shirming, wrast/ing, putting, harping, piping, reding, see 11. 2322-7 ; also corunifig, 2948, ioying, 2949. Amongst the auxiliary verbs may be noted INFLEXIONS xxxvii the use of cone, 622, as the subjunctive form of canst; we mone, 840, answering to prov. E. mim, i.e. must. We should particularly observe the use of the comparatively rare verbs btrp, it behoves, pa. t. birde, it behoved, and purte, he need ; for which see the Glossary. The prefix to- is employed in two senses, as explained in the Glossary, s. v. To-. In to-brised, io-deyle, &c., it is equi- valent to the German zer- and Latin dis-; of its other and rarer use, wherein it answers to the German zu- and to the Gothic du; there is but ojie instance, viz. in the word to-yede, 765, which signifies ' went to ' ; cf. Germ, ziigehen, ' to go to ', zugang (AS. tdga?ig), ' access ', * approach '. There are several instances of the peculiar syntax whereby the infinitive mood active partakes of a passive signification, as in he made him kesten infeteres^ * he caused him to be cast into fetters '; 1. 81. It may be considered as a phrase in which we should now supply the word men^ and we may interpret it by ' he caused [men] to cast him into fetters and to fasten him securely ' ; for in 11. 1784, 1785, the phrase is repeated in a less ambiguous form. See also 1. 86. So also, in 11. 26 11, 2612, we must consider keste^ late^ sette, to be in the infinitive mood. This construction is at once understood by comparing it with the German er Hess ihn binde?i, he caused him to be bound. In 1. 2352 appears the most unusual form tiker^ written for ilk here^ i. e. each of them. The word/nV, 730, answers to the ME. adverb thrie^ thrice, but it must be an error, possibly for yete; Hues, 509, is an adverb ending in -es, originally a genitive case, pus-gate is, according to Dr. Morris, unknown to the Southern dialect; it occurs in 11. 785, 2419, 2586; cf. hwilgat, 836. § 23. The Spelling. The manuscript spelling appears, at first sight, to be of a very lawless character, but is easily understood in the light of Professor Skeat's discovery (in xxxviii INTRODUCTION 1897) that many of our earlier MSS., especially those of the thirteenth century, abound with spellings which can only be understood rightly when we observe that the scribe was of Norman birth, and more accustomed to the spelling of Anglo-French than to that of the native language of the country, which he had acquired with some difficulty, and could not always correctly pronounce. This curious phenomenon, due to the resolute attempt on the part of the Norman to acquire English, is fully explained in Pro- fessor Skeat's paper on ' The Proverbs of Alfred ', read on May 7, 1897, and printed in the Transactions of the Philo- logical Society for that year (p. 399). See also the canons in an Appendix to 'Notes on English Etymology', p. 471. With this clue, the spelling of our MS. becomes perfectly intelligible, and the English consonants are so easily recovered, that it seems convenient to restore the usual Middle-English spelling in a number of instances, and to relegate the Anglo-French spellings of the MS. to the bottom of the page, where every variation between the printed text and the MS. is carefully recorded, according to the notice at the bottom of p. i. The correspondences between the AF. and ME. spellings are easily tabulated. MS. Spellings Removed to the Foot-notes. (i) ^ occasionally appears as gh in ghod^ 255; b7'i)ighe^ 65 ; pinghe, 66. (2) h is omitted in aueden^ 163; auelok, 503; &c. Con- versely h is added inorganically in her, 1 5 ; holde, 30 ; haysef 59; &c. (3) hw frequently appears as w in Wo, 4 ; Wii, 6 ; with, 48; &c. (4) -hi, commonly written hi or jf in ME., appears as : — hi very rarely, e.g. J^iht, 1826. HIS. SPELLINGS REMOVED TO FOOTNOTES xxxix /A commonly, e. g. brouth^ 84; nouth^ 149 ; «S:c. / is not used in this value.* cht in moiichie^ 147 (pouthte, 1073, may be a slip). ctk in micth^ 35 ; knicih, 77, 80; ricth, 78; &c. ctmbitaude, 206; awcte, 207; ??iowcte, 210; &c. t in brow t^ 58; ;z^7£//, 123; /t«//, 2427; &c. (5) j^ as ^ in ja/, 628 ; sa??ie, 1941 j •J'^^^'^j 2419 ; &c., and inT?!?/^, 216, ;^^j^j, 217. (6) /as //^ in 2x//V/z, 48; woth, 213; /«?M, 252; neih^ 808; &c. (7) th diS t finally in Herknet, i ; wit, 19, 52, 113; &c. (8) w as zf; in Hw, 93 ; &c., and, with loss of h, as w, 120 ; &c. Note the MS. in 1. 288. (9) wu appears as w in wman, 174, 281; swngen, 226; Z£;rA, 434; 2£^«^«?«, 546; ivlf, 573. There are also a great many careless spellings, the commonest of which is the omission of a final consonant, here enclosed in brackets, e.g. het\d\ 109; gol{d\ 357; forthwar\d\ 731 ; lon\d\ 340; we\l\ 115, 287, 392 ; /e, at 1. 1201. ^ On confusion oi k:J) sec Zupitza, Anglia, vol. iii. 375, xl INTRODUCTION MS. Spellings Retained. {'^) qu for OE. hw is a common spelling in the North and Midlands, and points to strong aspiration. Examples are qui, 1650; qual, 753; Quanne, 134, 162; &c. (2) ;- strongly trilled is indicated in the spellings boren : koren, 187S-9; arum-.harum, 1982-3, 2408-9. (3) u in the neighbourhood of letters of similar form like w, «, w, is written o for the sake of distinctness. Hence gome : trotne, 7-8, represent OE. giima, triima ; and wone : sone, 246-7, 1325-6, represent OE. wum'an, siinu. In 11. 2580-1, comen:numen, both representations are found. This spelling first becomes common in the second half of the thirteenth century; see Napier, History of the Holy Rood-tree, E. E. T. S., 103, p. 85. The pronunciation remains \{i\. (4) u appears sometimes as u {w\ sometimes as ou {ow). the French spelling. The riming pairs often show both forms, e.g. 7}ioiith : suth, 433-4; douw.tun, 1630-1 ; crus-.hous, 1966-7; wounde-.grunde, 1978-9. This spelling hardly becomes general till the fourteenth century (see Napier. loc. cit.\ and the pronunciation is of course always [«]. NOTE. The following abbreviations are used in the foot-notes : — E. =- Ellis, 'Early English Pronunciation', London, 1869, Part ii, p. 470. G. = Garnett ; see E. E T S. edn., 1868, pp. liv f. H. = Holthausen ; the references are to Holthausen's Jirst edition (1901), not the second .iqio). K. = Kolbing ; see above, p. vii. Mb. = MoTsbach ; see above, p. vii. Z» = Zupitza ; see above, p. vii. INCIPIT VITA HAUELOK QUONDAM REX ANGLIE ET DENEMARCHIE LJERKNETH to me, gode men, [Fol. 204,col. i] Wiues, maydnes, and alle men, Of a tale ich you wil telle, Hwo-so it wile here, and fer-to duelle. pe tale of Hauelok is i-maked ; 5 Hwil he was litel, he yede ful naked. Hauelok was a ful god srome, , Pie was ful god in eueri trome, He was Ipe wihtest rmn at nede pat ):urte ridew on ani stede. 10 pat ye moweri nou y-here, And fe tale ye mow^n y-Iere. At J)e bigi«ning of vre tale, • Fil me a cuppe of ful god ale; . And [y] wile driwken, er y spelle, 15 pat Crist vs shilde alle fro helle ! Krist late vs eu^re so to do pat we moten comen him to ; And, with-)3at it mote ben so, \}Vherever corrected forms are given hi the text, the exact forms in the MS. are quoted in the footnotes.'] I. Herknet. 3. tale I^at ich (])at is superfluous); wile. 4. Wo. 5. is of hauelok. 6. Wil. 9. wicteste. 13. biglnig («V). 15. I supply ^ \ her. 17. heu^re so for to. 19. wit. 2 THE GOOD KING ATHELWOLD Bentdtcamus domino 1 20 Here y schal bigiwnen a rym, Krist us yeue wel god fyn ! Th<. ryn> is maked of Hauelok, A staiwor{?i man \n a flok ; He was ]>e [wihtest] maw at nede 25 pat may riden on ani stede. TT was a king bi are davves, pat \n his time were gode lawes He dede maken, and ful wel holden ; Him louede yuwg, him loueden olde, 30 Erl and barun, dreng and thayn, Kniht, [and] bondemaw, and swain, Wydues, maydnes, pr^stes and clerkes, And al for hise gode werkes. He louede god with al his miht, 35 And holi kirke, and soth, and riht; Riht-wise men he louede alle, And ou^ral made hem forto calle ; Wreieres and wrobberes made he falle, And Ijated htm so ma« doth galle; 40 Vtlawes and theues made he bynde, Alle that he mihte fynde, And heye he«gen on galwe-tre ; For hem ne yede gold ne fe. In J^at time a man |?at bore 45 [Wel fifty pund, y wot, or more,] Of rede gold up-on his bac, [Fol. 204, col. 2.] 25. stalworjjeste {read wihtest, as in 1. 9). 29. an. 30. Hym; louede holde. 31. kayn (I). 32. Knict. 35. micth. 36. ant ricth. 37. Rirth (!). 39. See noie, p. loj. 42. micthe. 46. Supplied from conjecture ; cf. 11. 653, 787. 47. red; hijs. rs KING OVER ALL ENGLAND 3 In a male hwit or blac, Ne funde he non )5at him misseyde, N[e] hond on [him] with iuele leyde. 50 pawne mihte chapmen fare , purhut Englond with here ware, And baldelike beye and selle/i, Oueral )?er he wilen dwellen, In gode burwes, and fer-fram /55 Ne fundew he non fat dede htm sham, pat he ne werew to sorwe brouht, And poui-re maked, and browht to nouht. pawne was Engelond at ayse ; Michel was svich a king to preyse, 60 pat held so Engelond in grith I Krist of heuene was him wiih. He was Engelondes blome ; Was non so bold lend to lome, pat durste upon his [menie] bringe 65 Hunger ne here, wicke ]?inge. Hwan he felede hise foos, He made htm lurkew, and crepen in wros: pei hidden htm alle, and heldew htm stille, And diden al his herte wille. 70 Riht he louede of alle finge, To wronge micht h\m no ma« bringe, Ne for siluer, ne for gold : — So was he his soule hold. To ]?e faderles was he rath, 75 48. with. 50. N with iuele on hond leyde ; but see 1. 994. 51. micthe. 52. fiuruth; wit. 57. "vyerew sone to {ofnii sone) ; brouth. 58. An ; browt ; nouth. 59. athayse {sic). 61. englond. 65. I supply nienie; bringhe. 66. ])inghe. 69. fjc (/t?r Jjei). 71. Riclh. B 2 4 ATHELWOLD PUNISHES WRONG-DOERS Hwo-so dede hem wrong or lath, Were it clerc, or were it kniht, He dede hem sone to hauew riht; And hwo-[so] dide widuen wrong, ' Were he neure kniht so strong 80 pat he ne made hun sone kesten In fet^res, and ful faste festen; j And hwo-so dide maydne shame 1 Of hire bodi, or brouht \n blame, Bute it were bi hire wille, 85 He made him sone of limes spillc-^ ^ / He was Jje beste kniht at nede\^ ^^r'*^^'^^ .\-r^ pat euere mihte ride;^ on stede, /' Or wepne wagge, or folc vt lede ; Of kniht ne hauede he neu^re drede, 90 pat he ne spro«g forth, so sparke of glede. And lete him [knawe] of hise hand-dede, [Fol. 204 b, col. 1.] Hu he cou)?e with wepne spede; And ofer he refte h\m hors or wede, Or made him sone ha;/des sprede, 95 And ' louerd, m^rci ! ' loude grede. He was large, and no wiht gnede ; Hauede he [neure] so god bre'le, Ne on his bord non so god shrede, pat he ne wolde jporwith fede 100 Poure )3at on fote yede ; Forto hauew of him )?e mede pat for vs wolde on rode blede, 76. Wo. 77. knicth. 78. ricth. 79. wo ; dide. 80. knicth. 82. And in fet^resful. 83. wo. 84. brouth. 86. Ke(!). 87. Ke waste; knith. 88. heuere micthe. 90. knith. 92. / suJ>/>/y knawe. 93. Hw. 97. wictii. 98. non (r^a^ neure). 99. n (/orDon). 100. Jjorwit. HE IS ABOUT TO DIE 5 Crist, that al kan wisse and rede pat euere woneth i« ani feder 105 IF pe king was hoten Afielwold, Of word, of wepne he was bold ; In Engeland was neure kniht, pat bet^re held ]?e lond to riht. Of his bodi ne hauede he eyr • no Bute a mayden swij^e fayr, pat was so yung J?at sho ne cou]3e ^^'^dioi^ Gon on fote, ne speke with moufe. pan him tok an iuel strong, pat he wel wiste, and under-fong, 115 pat his deth was comew him on: And seyde, * Crist, hwat shal y don ? Louerd, hwat shal me to rede? I wot ful wel ich haue mi mede. Hu shal nou mi doubter fare? lao Of hire haue ich michel kare; Sho is mikel in mi fiouht, Of me self is me riht nowht. No selcouth is, )?ouh me be wo; Sho ne ka« speke, ne sho kan go. 125 Yif scho couj^e on horse ride, And a thousand me« bi hire syde ; And sho were com\s p^Mwte maked, per-after stro?7g]ike [he] quaked. 135 He sende writes sone on-on After his erles euat stede J?er he lay In harde bondes, niht and day. He was so faste with yuel fest, pat he ne mouhte haue« no rest; 145 He ne mouhte no mete ete, Ne he ne mouhte no lyj:e gete; Ne non of his iuel f)at cou]?e red; Of him ne was nouht butew ded. AI-LE )?at )?e writes herden 150 Sorful and sori til him ferde??; He wruwgen howdes, and wepew sore, And yerne preyde;? Cristes ore, pat he [wolde] twrnen him Vt of Jpat yuel })at was so grim 1 155 pawne he weren comen alle Bifor )?e king iwto the halle, At Wi«ch^stre f>er he lay : 133. MeJ)ou; riche; {cf.W. 2400, 2804). 142. \t{\). 143.' nicth. 144. wit. 145, 146. monthe. 146. hete. 147. mouchte. 149. nouth. 151. aa. 153. horc. 1 54. / supply wolde. TO BE HIS DAUGHTER'S GUARDIAN 7 * Welcome/ he seyde, * be ye ay 1 Ful michel )?ank kan [y] yow 160 That ye aren comew to me now 1 ' QUAiVNE he werew alle set, And \>Q king hau^den i-gret, He gretew, and gouledew, and goue« htm ille, And he bad htm alle ben stille; 165 And seyde, ')?at greliwg helpeth nouht. For al to dede am ich brouht. Bute nou ye sen J?at i shal deye, Nou ich wille you alle preye Of mi doubter j^at shal be 170 Yure leuedi after me, Hwo may yemew hire so longe, Bo)?en hire and Engelonde, Til fat she wuman [be] of elde, And ]5at she mowe [hir] yemew and welde?' 175 He ansueredew, and seyde« an-on, Bi [lesu] Crist and bi seint Ion, That )3erl Godrigh of Cornwayle Was trewe maw, with-ute« faile ; Wis ma« of red, wis ma« of dede, 180 And me« hauedew of h\m mikel drede. * He may alf)er-best hire yeme, [ffol. 205, col. L] Til }?at she mowe wel bew quene.' PE king was payed of that rede ; A wel fair cloth briwgew he dede, 185 And J>er-on leyde f»e messebok, 163. aueden. 166. nouth. 167. brouth. 168. nov. 170. douther. 172. Wo. 174. wman ; supply he {Z.) \ helde. 175. })a; supply h.\x {H.). 177. Supply Itsu^'E,). 179. wit. 182. hire al))er-best. 184. Rede. 185. wol B ATHELIVOLD MAKES HIS WILL pe caliz, and J^e patevn ok, pe corporaus, J?e messe-gere ; per-on he garte )>e erl suere, pat he sholde yemen hire wel, 190 With-ute« lac, \vith-ute« tel, Til l^at she were tuelf winter old, And of speche were bold ; And ))at she cou)?e of curteysye [Don,] and speken of luue-drurye ; 195 And til ]?at she louen mouhte Hwom so hire to gode thouhte ; And ]?at he shulde hire yeue / pe [hexte] ma;/ |?at mihte Hue, pe beste, fayreste, the stra/igest ok: — aoo pat dede he him sweren on )?e bok. And ]?a«ne shulde he Engelond Al bitechen in-to hir^ hond. QUAA^NE J)at was sworn on [J^is] wise, pe ki«g dede J)e mayde« arise, 205 And J3e erl hire bitauhte, And al the lond he euere awhte [Of] Engelonde, eueri del ; And preide, he shulde yeme hire wel. PE king ne movvhte don no more, 210 Bat yerne preyede Codes ore ; And dede him hoslew wel and shiiue 191. wit. 192. For i\xe\i perhaps r^ad ivftuXX; seel, 259 {ifso, omit'^sX)', hold. 194. cov))e. 195. G on (r/a^ Don). 196. mithe(!); seel. 257. 197. Worn; thoucte. 199. beste {read hexte, as in 1. 1080) ; micthe. 204. Ouawne (!) ; his {read ]>{?.). 206. bitaucte. 207. awcte. 208. I supply Oi. 210. mowcte. THE KING DIES 9 I wot, fif hundred si)5e and fiue; And ofte dede him sore swiiige, And with hondes smerte di«ge ; • 215 So Jjat fe blod ran of his fieysh, pat tendre was, and swi])e neysh. He made his quisle swipe wel, And sone gaf it euere-ilk del. Hwan it was gouew, ne mihte mew finde 220 So mikel me« mihte \\\m in winde, Of his in aike, ne in chiste, In Engelond, pat nomaw wiste: For al was youew, faire and wel, pat him was leued no catel. 235 PAA^NE he hauede be« ofte swungen, Ofte shriue«, and ofte dungen, [Fol. 205, col. 2.] * I71 manus tuas* loude he seyde, Er f»at he fe speche leyde; To \esn Crist higan to calle, ajo And deyede biforn his heymew alle. pan he was ded, })ere mihte mew se pe meste sorwe that mihte be; per was sobbing, siking, and sor, Handes wriwgiwg, and drawi/zg bi hor. 235 Alle greten swife sore, Riche and poure J>at f)ere wore; And mikel sorwe hauedew alle, Leuedyes \n boure, knihtes \n halle. 213. woth ; si])es. 214. An. 215. wit. 216. fleys. 217. neys. 218, 219. MS. transposes. 220. Wan; micte. 321. micte. 226. swngen. 229. Her. 232, 233. micte. 238. An. 239. knictes lO EARL GODRICH TAKES POSSESSION QUAN fat sorwe was somdel laten, 240 And he hau^dew longe graten, Belles dedew he sone ri;2gen, Menkes and pr^stes messe singen ; And saut^res deden he manie reden, pat God self shulde his soule lede« 245 Into heuene, biforn his sone, And J^er with-uten ende wone. pan he was to Jje er]?e brouht, pe riche erl ne foryat nouht, pat he ne dede al Engelond 250 Sone sayse iwtil his hond ; And in )?e castels let he do pe knihtes he mihte triste« to ; And alle fe Englis dede he swerew, pat he shulde;/ him god fey beren ; 255 He yaf alle mew ]3at god [him] )?ouhte, Liuen and deyen til J^at [he] mouhte, Til J?at ]?e kinges dowhter wore Tuenti winter old, and more. PAiVNE he hauede take;? J^is oth 260 Of eries, baru«s, lef and loth, Of knihtes, cherles, fre and Jjewe, lustfses dede he maken newe, Al Engelond to faren porw, Fro Douere i«to Rokesborw. 265 Schir^ues he sette, bedels, and gr^yues, Grith-sergeaws, with lo«ge gleyues, 247. wit uten hende. 24S. brouth. 249. uouth. 252. leth. 253. knictes; micte. 254. swere (see 1. 255). 255. ghod. 256. I supply Mvm \ J)oucte. 257. him (r^aa? he) ; mcmcte. 258. dowter. 259. hold. 262. knictes. 267. wit. AND PLOTS AGAINST HIS WARD H y . To yeme« wilde wodes and paj^es Fro wicke mew, that wolde don scaj^es; And forto haue« alle at his cri, 370 At his wille, at his merci; pat non him durste be« ageyn, [Fol. 205 b, col. 1.] Erl ne barun, kniht ne sweyn. Wislik^, for sothe, was him wel Of folc, of wepne, of catel. 475 So)?Iike, in a litel Jjrawe, f ' Al Engelond of him stod awe ; Al Engelond was of him adrad So is fe beste fro fe gad. PE kiwges doubter gan [to] }>riue, aSo And wex )?e fayrest wumaw on hue. Of alle J?ewes was she wis, pat gode weren, and of pris. pe mayden Goldeboru was hoten; For hire was mani a ter igroten. 285 QUAA^NE }?e Erl Godrich him herde Of )?at mayde«, hu wel she ferde ; Hu wis sho was, hu chaste, hu fayr, And J^at sho was ]>t rihte eyr Of Engelond, of al )?e rike : — 290 po bigan Godrich to sike, And seyde, ' HweJ^er she sholde be Quen and leuedi ouer me? Hvvefer sho sholde al Engelond, 27a. durste bcM him. 273. knict. 374. soth. 276. lite(!). 278. adred, a//<;r^ar/(7 adrad. 279. his. 280. douther bigan ; r^aoT doubter gan to H. 281. wman. 282. w (!) ; /^r was. 287. hw we he ferde (I). 288. Hw ; w {for 2nd\i\x) ; hw. 289. rithe. 292. wej>er. 12 GODRICH SENDS HIS WARD TO DOVER And me, and mine, hauew \n hire bond? 295 Da]?eit hwo it hire thaue 1 Shal sho it neuouh. sho it yerne ? DaJ^eit hwo it hire yeue 300 Euere-more hwil i liue 1 Sho is waxen al to prud, For gode metes, and noble shnid, pat ic haue youen hir^ to ofte ; Ic haue yemed hire to softe. 305 Shal it nouht ben als sho fjenkes: " Hope maketh fol m2in ofte blewkes." Ich haue a sone, a ful fayr knaue, He shal Ewgelond al haue. He shal [ben] ki;/g, he shal ben sire, 310 So brouke i eu^re mi blake swire I ' LJWAN )?is trayson was al J^ouht, Of his oth ne . was him nouht. He let his oth al ouer-ga, perof ne yaf he nouht a stra ; 315 But sone dede hire fete, Er he wolde etew ani mete, [FoL 205 b, coL 2.] Fro Wiwch^stre, f)er sho was. Also a wicke tr^ytiir ludas ; And dede lede« hire to Doure, 320 pat standeth on J?e seis oure; And f erinne dede hire fede ' Pourelike in feble wede. 299, ^ou. 302. alto. 304. hie; ofTte. 305. Hie. 306. nouth. 310. I supply h^n. 312. J)Outh. 313. nouth. 315. nouth. 317. hete«. 322. J)erhinne. BIRKABEYN IS KING OF DENMARK 13 pe castel dede he yemen so pat non ne mihte come« hire to 325 Of hire frend, with [hir] to spekew, pat euere mihte hire bale wrekew. /'^F Goldebortt shul we nou laten, ^^ pat nouht ne bliwneth forto gratew per sho liggeth \n prisoun : 330 \es\i Crist, that Lazarun To Hue brouhte fro dede bondes, He lese hire with hise hondes ; And leue sho mo[te] him y-se Heye hawgen on galwe-tre, 335 pat hire haued m sorwe brouht, So as sho ne misdede nouht ! CAY we nou forth \n ure spelle ! In )?at time, so it bifelle, Was in f>e lond of Denemark 34<» A riche king, and swy]?e stark, pe name of him was Birkabeyn, He hauede mani kniht and sueyn , He was fayr man, and [swij^e] wiht, Of bodi he was f>e beste kniht 345 pat eu {for J?e). 343. knict. 344- I supply swi))e {see 1. 1651); wicth. 345. knicth. 346. micte; uth. 347. onae. 348. he hauede ; read hauede he H. BIRKABEYN SELECTS EARL GODARD He hau^de a sone [and] douhtres two, 350 Swif)e fayre, as fel it so. He J3at wile non forbere, Riche ne poure, king ne kays^re, Deth him tok )?a« he best wolde Liuen, but hyse dayes were fulde; 355 pat he ne mouhte no more hue, For gold ne siluer, ne for no gyue. T_J WAiV he fat wiste, ra)?e he sende After pr^stes fer and hende, Chanounes gode, and monkes ht\>t, 360 Him for to wisse, and to rede ; Him for to hoslen, and forto shriue, [Fol. 206, col. 1.] Hwil his bodi were on Hue. "LJ WAiV he was hosled [wel] and shriuew, His qui'sit maked, and for him gyuew, 365 His knihtes dede he alle site; For J^orw hem he wolde wite Hwo mihte yeme hise children yunge, Til ))at he kouf>en spekew with tuwge ; Spekew and gangen, on horse riden, 370 Knihtes and sweynes bi her^ sidew. He spoken fer-of, and chosen sone A riche man [f>at,] under mone, Was f)e trewest, [as] he wende, Godard, \)t kinges oune frende ; 375 354. bes(I). 356. moucte. 357. gol. 359. an. 360. boVe. 361. ioxlkrn to (the ht/i being expuncted) ; Rede. 362. hoslon an. 364. Insert wel H. 366. knictes. 368. micte. 369. wit. 371. Knictes an. 372. ofFe. 373. was under ; read ]iat under Z. 374. ])at he ; read as he Z. TO BE GUARDIAN OF HIS CHILDREN 15 And seyden, he mouchte he/» best loke, Yif ]?at he hem vndertoke, Til hise sone mouhte here Helm on heued, and lede;/ vt here, In his hand a sp^re stark, 380 And king ben maked of Denemark. He wel trowede f>at he seyde, And on Godard handes leyde ; And seyde, * Here bi-teche i fe Mine children alle Jjre, 385 Al Denemark, and al mi fe, Til f>at mi sone of elde be; But fat ich wille, fat fou suere On auter, and on messe-gere, On f>e belles fat men riwges, 390 On messe-bok fe prest on singes, pat fou mine children shalt wel yeme, pat hire kin be ful wel queme, Til mi sone mowe ben kniht; pawne biteche him f o his riht, 395 Denemark, and fat fertil lodges, Casteles and tunes, wodes and wowges.* f~^ ODARD stirt up, and swor al fat ^^ pe king him bad, and sifen sat Bi f e knihtes, fat fer ware, 400 pat wepen alle swif e sare For fe king fat deide sone: lesM Crist, that makede mone On fe mirke niht to shine, 376. Moucthe. 378. Mouthe. 387. helde. 388. J)0. 392. we(!). 394. knicth. 395. Ricth. 398. an. 400. knictes. 404. nith. l6 GODARD IMPRISONS THE CHILDREN Wite his soule fro helle pine; 405 And leue J^at it mote vvone In heuene-riche with Godes sone ! [Fol. 206, col. 2.] "L_I WAN Birkabeyn was leyd \n gr^ue, pe erl dede sone tak^ ]:e knaue, Hauelok, ]?at was ]?e eir, 410 Swanborow, his sister, Elfled, )3e [fair,] And in fe castel dede hem do, per non ne mihte hem comew to Of here kyn, J^er )?ei sperd wore; per he greten ofte sore, 415 BoJ)e for hunger and for kold. Or he weren )?re winter old. Feblelike he gaf htm cloJ?es, He ne yaf a note of hise of»es ; He hem [ne] cIo)?ede riht, ne fedde, 430 Ne hem dede richelike be-bedde. pawne Godard was sikerlike Vnder God Jje moste swike, pat eure in er):e shaped was, With-uten on, ]:e wike ludas. 435 Haue he ]>e malisun to-day Of alle j^at eure spekew mayl Of p^/riarke, and of pope, And of prest with loke« kope, Of monekes and h^rmftes bo]?e ! . . . ^30 And of ]?e leue holi rode [par] God him-selue ran on blode ! 411. helfled ^e to^er {ivhich will not rhyine\ ; read J^e fair; cf. 11.605-6. 4x2. he hem ; omit he. 413. micte. 414. were; but see \. 2 ■^'j. 417. hold. 420. I supply nt; rith. 421. ne dede ; omit ne, 42S. p^/riark. 431. holi xo(\t written over an erasure. 43 2 . ]?at. GODARD PLOTS AGAINST THE CHILDREN 1 7 Crist him warie with his mouth ! Waried wurthe he of norj? and suth 1 Of alle men, )3at spekew kuwne, 435 Of Crist, ]?at made mone and suwnel pa«ne he hauede of al J?e lond pe folk al tilled in- til his hond, And alle haneden sworew him oth, Riche and poure, lef and loth, 440 pat he sholden hise vville freme, And l?at he shuldew him nouht gre children bi f>e wawe Leyen and sprauledew \n f>e blod : 475 Hauelok it saw, and fjer-bi stod. Ful sori was )?at seli Knaue, Mikel dred he mouhte haue; For at hise herte he saw a knif, For to reuen him hise lyf. 480 But ]3e knaue, )?at litel was, He knelede bifore ]?at ludas, And seyde, * Louerd, m^rci nou I Mawrede, louerd, biddi you ! Al Denemark i wile you yeue, 485 To ]3at forward Jju late me Hue ; Here i wile on boke swere, pat neure more ne shal i here 463. micte. 464. ))s (yf>r ws = us) ; see 1. 455 : supply so. 466. offe; nonth. 468. hiis. 473. wo. 474. \{for'^t). 476. \)Q{for\>erQ=^\)zr). 478. mouthe. 481. kaue (!). 482. bifor. 483. nov. 487. hi. HE SPARES HAVELOK FOR A TIME 19 Ayen )?e, louerd, sheld ne spere, Ne o]?er wepne that may you dere. 490 Louerd, haue m^rci of me! To-day i wile fro Denemark fie, Ne neuirre more comen ageyn: Swerew y wole, )?at Bircabein Neu^re yete me ne gat : ' — 495 Hwan )?e deuel herde }>at, Sum-del bigan him forto rewe ; [Fol. 206 b, col. 2.] With-drow f»e knif, )3at was lewe Of fe seli children blod. per was mirdcle fair and god, 500 pat he J?e knaue nouht ne slou. But for rewnesse him z^;ith-drow. Of Hauelok rewede him ful sore. And )?ouh he wolde J>at he ded wore, But on ]?at he [nolde] with his hend 505 Ne drepe him nouht, J?at fule fend ! pouhte he, als he him bi-slod, Starinde als he were wod: * Yif y late him Hues go. He mihte me wirchen michel wo. 510 Grith ne get y neu^re mo. He may [me] waiter for to slo; And yf he were brouht of liue. And mine children wolde^^ thriue, Loufrdiwges after me 515 Of al Denemark mihten he be. 489. shel. 490. wepne here ; 07fiit here. 496. hede. 501. nouth. 502. fo {sic) ; wit, where the initial letter is an A.S. w (j)), not '^. 503. auelok. 504. And J)oucte; read And '^ovih.. 505. nouth wit. 506. nouth. 507. J>oucte. 510. micte. 513. I supply me. 513. brouct. 516. micten, C 2 80 GODARD TELLS GRIM TO DROWN HAVELuK God it wite, he shal ben ded, Wile i takew non oj^er red ; I shal do castew \\\m in J^e se, per i wile J^at he drenched be; 520 Aboutew his hals an anker god, pat he ne flcte in the flod.' per anon he dede sende After a fishere, f>at he wende pat wolde al his wille do, 525 And sone anon he seyde him to : ' Grim, \qm wost \\x. art mi ]?ral ; Wiltu don mi wille al pat i wile [nou] biddew )?e, To-morwen [i] shal make/; Jje fre, 530 And auhte fe yeuen, and riche make, With-Jpaw \\i wilt f)is [knaue] take, And ledew him with J?e to-niht, pan |>ou sest fe mone-liht, In-to )?e se, and don him f)er-i«ne; 535 Al wile [i] take« on me fe sinne.' Grim tok j^e child, and bo«d \\\m faste, Hwil )3e bondes mihte laste, pat weren of ful strowge line : — po was Hauelok \n ful strong pine. 540 Wiste he neU(?re er hwat was wo : \es\^ Crist, J>at makede go [Fol. 207, col. 1.] pe hake, and }?e doumbe speke, Hauelok, J?e of Godard w-reke! 519. she(!); read st. 520. drench. 528. Wilte ; see 681. 529. Supply nou. 530. Supply i. 531. aucte. 532. child; ris knaue, Al-so thou [wilt] mi lif [nou saue] ; 560 I shal him drencher \n J)e se, For him shole we ben maked fre, Gold haue;? ynou, and of)er fe ; pat haueth mi louerd bihotew me.' "LJWAN dame [Leue] herde J^at, 565 Vp she stirte, and nouht ne sat, And caste J^e knaue so harde adoune, pat he crakede J?er his croune Ageyn a gret ston, )?er it lay: po Hauelok mihte sei, * Weilawei I 570 pat eU(?re was i kinges bern — 546. eld ; wnden. A line or two lost ; see note. 548. Supply ne; mouthe. 551. Hwa« (r^a^ As) ; hauede; ran. 557. Ant. 560. with ; read wilt G.; supply novi', haue ; read %2iVit 'Hi. 561. dreinchen him (j(f^ 1. 553). 564. hauet. 565. Supply Leue. 566. nouth. 567. adoun so harde. 568. i?3t hise croune he \&r crakede. 570, micte. 22 GRIM SEES THAT HAVEL OK IS THE KING'S SON pat him ne hauede grip or ern, Leoun or wulf, wuluine or bere, ,^ ^ Or o)?er best, )?at wolde him dere!* So lay f)at child to middel niht, 575 pat Grim bad Leue bringew liht, For to Ion on [him] his clo]3es : * Ne thewkestu nowht of mine oj^es pat ich haue mi louerd swore«? Ne wile i nouht be [nou] forloren. 580 I shal him beren to be se, pou wost fat [so bi-]houes me ; And i shal drenchen him ]?er-inne; Ris up swij^e, and go pu binne, And blou J^e fir, and liht a kandel:' 585 Als she shulde hise cloJ>es handel On forto don, and blawe Ipe fir, [Fol. 207, col. 2.] She saw J^er-inne a liht ful shir, Also briht so it were day, Aboute fe knaue j^er he lay. 590 Of hise mouth it stod a stem ' Als it were a su«nebem; Also liht was it J^er-inne So per brenden cergfs i«ne. ' lesu Crist ! ' [quath] dame Leue, 595 * Hwat is ]?at liht in ure cleue ! [Ris] up, Grim, loke hwat it menes, Hwat is ]?e liht [here], as fou wenes?' He stirtew boj^e up to the knaue — 573. wlf wluine. 575. nicth. 576. lict. 577. Supply him. 578. thewkeste nowt. 580. nouth ; supply nou. 581. beren him. 5S2. Supply so bi. 584. an. 585. lith. 587. >er {for ]>t), 58«. lith. 589. brith. 593. lith. 595. wat; read quzth, as z'n \. 606. 596. lith; vre. 597. Sir {/or Ris) ; and loke {om. and) ; wat. 598. lith ; supply here. AND DETERMINES TO SAVE HIM 23 * For ma« shal god wille haue ' — 600 Vnkeueledew him, and swijie unbouwdew, And sone anon [upon] him fuwden, Als he tiruedew of his serk. On his riht shuldre a kyne-merk; A swijie briht, a swif)e fair : 605 * Goddot ! ' quath Grim, *|?is ure eir pat shal [ben] louerd of Denemark, He shal be« king, strong and stark ; He shal hauew \n his hand Al Denemark and Engeland; 610 He shal do Godard ful wo, He shal him hangen, or quik flo; Or he shal him al quic gr<^ue, -'*^<^ Of him shal he no m^rci haue.' ^ pus seide Grim, and sore gret, 615 And sone fel him to J>e fet. And seide, ' Louerd, haue m^rci Of me, and Leue, pat is me bi ! Louerd, we aren bo)?e fine, pine cherles, )?ine hine. 620 Lowerd, we shoIe« )?e wel fede. Til ]:»at J>u conne ride« on stede, Til {jat )?u conne ful wel here Helm on heued, sheld and sp^re. He ne shal neuere, sikerlike, 625 Godard, wite, J?at fule swike. poru o]>tT maw, louerd, tha« J?oru )?e Shal i neuere fremaw be. 602. Supply upon. 604. rith. 605. brith. 606. ])is = y.s is {read \xx-'6). 607. Szipply htxi. 610. A. {for A\). 622,623. cone. 625,626, neuere wite; but wiie beiojigs to \. 626^ where I insert it- 628. Sal. 24 GRIM AND HIS WIFE FEED HAVELOK pou shalt me, louerd, fre [man] makew. For i shal yeme« J?e, anJ wakew; 630 poru )?e wile i [mi] fredom haue.' po was Haueloc a blij?e knaue ; [Foi. 207 b, col. 1.] He sat him up, and crauede bred; And seide, * ich am [welj ney ded, Hwat for hunger, hwat for bondes 635 pat ]?u leidest on min hondes; And for [fe] keuel at \t laste, pat in mi mouth was |:)rist [so] faste. Y was J)er-with so harde prangled, ^ pat i was ]?er-with ney strangled' 640 ' Wei is me J^at \m maght ete : Goddot ! ' quath Leue, ' y shal J^e fete Bred and chese, butere and milk, Pastees and flaunes ; al with suilk Shole we sone J?e wel fede, 645 Louerd, in J?is mikel nede; Soth is, \)a\. men seyth and suereth: vj^''"' " per God wil^ helpen, nouht ne dereth." ' PAiVNE sho hauede brouht ]>e mete, Haueloc anon biga« to ete O50 Grundiike, and was ful bli]?e ; Couj^e he nouht his hunger in'ipe. A lof he et, y wot, and more, For him hungrede swif>e sore, pre dayes J^er-biforn, i wene, 655 629. Suppljf ma.n. 631. Supply \-^\. 634. Supply wel. 635. wat. 637. Supply j-e, 63S. Supply so 639. ))e {/or\)ere = ]>CT). 640. ])e (/or \)ere = ])cv). 641. mayth hete. 642. Goddoth. 643. an {/or ist and). 647. it is {om. it); seyt. 648. nouth, 649. brouth. 652. nouth; Mi|)e. 653, het ; woth. GRIM SAYS HE HAS DROWNED HAVELOK 25 Et he no mete, }3at was wel sene. Hwan he hauede eten, and was fed, Grim dede make« a ful fayr bed ; Vnclo)?ede him, and dede \\\m )?er-i«ne, And seyde, ' Slep, sone, with michel wi«ne 1 660 Slep wel faste, and dred J)e nouht, Fro sorwe to ioie art |3U brouht/ Sone so it was Hht of day, Grim it under-tok, J^e wey To f>e wicke trait6ur Godard, 665 pat was [of] Denemark stiward. And seyde, 'Louerd, don ich haue pat pou me bede of f>e knaue ; He is drenched in ]?e flod, Aboutew his hals an anker god ; 670 He is witer-like ded, Eteth he neure more bred; -^r i,- ^(nof^'dd'n' f ■ He lijj drenched in ]?e se :— Yif me gold [and] oJ>er fe, pat y mowe riche be; 675 And with f)i chartre make fre; For f>a ful wel bi-hetet me, [Fol. 207 b, col. 2.] pawne i laste spak with ])e.' Godard stod, and lokede on him poruh-like, with eyne grim; 680 And seyde, 'Wiltu [nou] ben erl? Go horn swi)?e, fule drit-cherl; Go he]?en, and be euere-more pral and cherl, als ]?ou er wore. 661. nouth. 662. brouth. 663. lith. 666. Supply of H ; denemak a {pm. a). 674. Supply and; cf. 1. 1225. 677. bi-hetet = bi-hete it. 678. last. 680. foruth. 681. Supply nou. 26 GRIM SETS SAIL FOR ENGLAND Shaltu haue non of>er mede ; 685 For litel [shal] i do J?e lede ^ To )3e galues, so God me rede ! For Jjou hau^s don a wicke dede. pou maght stondew her to longe, Butf f»ou swijje he})en gonge.' ' 690 ^ RIM thouhte to late J?at iie ran ^"■^ Fro fat trayt6ur, J?at wicke man ; And )?ouhte, ' hwat shal me to rede ? Wite he him [Hues], he wile [us] ht]>t Heye hangen on galwe-tre : 695 Betere us is of londe to fle, And berwen boJ?en ure Hues, And mine children, and mine wiues.' XGrim solde sone al his corn, Shep with woUe, net with horn, 700 Hors, and swin, [and geet] with herd, pe gees, J»e hewnes of fe yerd ; ^ ^c Al he solde, })at ouht douhte, '■■' pat he cure selle mouhte, , ^ And al he to }?e peni drou. ' ^ 705 Hise ship he greyj:ede wel inow, ((> He dede it tere, and ful wel pike, pat it ne doutede sond ne krike ; per-inne [he] dide a ful god mast, Stronge kables, and ful fast, 710 Ores gode, and ful god seyl ; 685. Shal (read Shaltu). 6S6. Supply shal; \g {with g expuncted). 689. Mait (yi>r maght). 690. ej)en. 691. ])oucle. 692. ])a (y2>r2«^))at). 693. ])Oucte wat. 694. online; r^aaT lines (^^^ 1. 509) H ; supply us H. 700. wit ; neth wit. 701. Supply and geet; wit. 703. outh douthe. 704. moucte. 707. an. 709. Supply he. 711. an. ' t^VLV'^l* I as g^K^tv: h'McUlailS-l AND FOUNDS THE TOWN OF GRIMSBY 27 per-i«ne wantede nouht a nayl, pat tnert he sholde ]?er-iwne do r^ Hwan he hauedet greyj^ed so, Hauelok J>e yunge he ded^ J?er-i«ne, 715 Him and his wif, hise sones Jjrinne, And hise two douhtres, f)at faire wore ; And sone dede leyn in an ore, And drou him to J?e heye se, pere he miht alfer-beste fle. 720 Fro londe wore« he bote a mile, Ne were [it] neuere but ane hwile, [Fol. 208, col. 1.] pat it ne gan a wind to rise Out of f>e north, me« calleth * bise,*^'\^ lutd^ And drof ham intil Engelond, 725 pat al was sif>en in his hond, His, fat Hauelok was j^e name ; But or, he hauede michel shame, . Michel sorwe, and michel tene,''^ AV^ And [yete] he gat it al bidene r ' 73© Als ye shulew nou forthward [lere], Yf that ye wilew J^er-to here. I N Humbe sond, 735 But Grim it drou up to fe lond ; And ]?ere he made a litel cote To him and to hise flote. 712. nouth. 714. hauedet = hauede it. 717. doutres. 718. dede he (/at Grim )3at place auhte, pe stede of Grim J^e name lauhte;'^'^ So ]?at Grimesbi [it] calle 745 [He] fat f er-of speken alle ; And so shulew me« it called ay, Bituene f is and domesday. f~^ RIM was fishere swif e god, ^"^ And mikel couf e on the flod ; 750 Mani god fish fer-i;me he tok, Bofe with net, and [ek] with hok. He tok fe sturgiun, and fe qual, And fe turbut, and lax with-al, He tok f e sele, and [ek] f e el ; 755 He spedde ofte swif e wel : Keling he tok, and tuwzberel, Hering, and fe makerel, pe butte, f»e schulle, f e f ornbake : Gode |)aniers dede he make, 760 On til him, and ofer f rinne Til hise sones, to bere« fish inne, Vp o-londe to selle and fonge ; , ^ , f« ^ Forbar he neyfer tun, ne gronge, pat he ne to-yede with his ware ; 765 739. erj)e ; read erde {see note). 74.^. aute. 744. laute. 745. calleth alle ; read it calle. 746. Supply He ; offe. 747. caller it. 752. neth; supply ^V. 755. Supply €^\ hwel {for hel = el = eel). 759. Butte ; J)ornebake {pronounced |)orenbak); cf. 1. 832, 764. neyj)e (!). lo%' HE THINKS IT IS NO SHAME TO WORK 29 Kam he neue ^aniers bere ; . , , 805 Ich wot, ne shal it me nouht dere, pey )?er be i«ne a birj^ene gret Al so heui als a net. Shal ich neuere lengere dwelle, To-morwe« shal ich forth pelle.f 810 /'^N J)e morwen, hwa« it was day, ^-^^ He stirt up sone, and nouht ne lay ; And cast a panier on his bac, [Fol. 208 b, col. 1.] With fish giu^led als a stac ; Also michel he bar him one 815 So he foure, bi mine mone ! Wel he it bar, and solde it wel, pe siluer he brouhte hom ilk del; [Of] al bat he J:er-fore tok With-held he nouht a fer]5inges nok. 830 So yede he forth ilke day, /94. an. 795. nouth. 796. ])e ; read hem {or \cm). 801. pat; read Ipax ii \ nouth. 803. ine (y^r i ne). 804. to; r^a^ unto. 806. woth ; nouth. 80S. neth. 8ia. nouth. 814. giueled; see note. S16. C/. 11. 1711, 1972. 818, brouthe; 11. 819. SjtpplyOiVi. 820. nouth. A GREAT DEARTH ARISES 3i pat he neuere at home lay. So wolde he his mester lere. — > Bifel it so, a [ful] strong dere Bigan to rise of korn of bred, ^^ ^^ 825 That Grim ne cou]?e no god red, Hu he sholde his mein^ fede; Of Hauelok hauede he michel drede : ^ For he was strong, and wel mouhte ete More )?a«ne euere mouhte he gete; 830 Ne he ne mouhte on fe se take mi ^^i^^^^^iij 'h'^'^^^^ '^'^ Neyfer lewgfe, ne fornbake,, Ne non ofer fish ]?at douhte' His meyn6 fedew with he mouhte. Of Hauelok he hauede kare, 835 Hwilkgat f)at he mihte fare; Of his children was him nouht, On Hauelok was al hise J^ouht, . And seyde, 'Hauelok, dere sone, '7ii'^ ^is dere is so strong, And ure mete is uten long. Betere is f)at J?u hewne gonge pan pu here dwelle longe ; Hej^en pow maght ga«ge« to Ute; 845 Thou canst ful wel pe rihte gate To Linc61ne, f>e gode boru, pou hauest it gon ful ofte )?oru; Of me, ne is me nouht a slo. Betere is J^at f>u Jjider go, 850 824. Supply ful H. 827. Hvv. 829. mouthe. 830. heuere mouthe. 831. mouthe. 832. Pronounced \oxtXi\i^\ cf. 1. 759. 833. douthe. 834. mouthe. 836. Hwilgat ; micthe, 837,838. nouth ; ))outh. 842. hure; H. >%aj eten (MS. •atenV S45. mayt. 846. ricthe. 847. borw. 849. nouth. ^2 HAVELOK GOES TO LINCOLN 1 For )?er is mani god ma/z inne, per ])0\i maght fi mete winne. But wo is me I bou art so naked, Of mi^seyl y wolde wer^ maked A doth, f»ou mihtest iwne gongen, 855 Sone, no cold j^at }3U ne fonge.' LJ E tok ]?e sheres of \>t nayl, [Fol. 208 b, col. 2.] And made him a couel of J'e sayl, And Hauelok dide it sone on ; Hauede [he] neyj^er hosen ne sh^n, 860 Ne none kinnes of^er wede; y To Linc61ne barfot he yede. -v ^ )c.s^ Hwan he kam f)er, he was ful wil, Ne hauede he no frend to gange/z til; Two dayes ]>tv fastinde he yede, 865 pat non for his werk wolde him fede; pe )?ridde day he herde calle: ' Bermen, bermen, hider forth alle ! * [Poure f>at on fote yede] I Sprongen forth so sparke [of] glede. 870 Hauelok shof dun[e] nyne or ten- - ti^i^^*^^' Riht amideward ^t fen, And stirte forth to )?e kok, ^ [per the erles mete he tok] pat he bouhte at J»e brigge: 875 pe bermew let he alle ligge, And bar ]?e mete to ]?e castel, And gat him fiere a ferjjing wastelJ " 852. mayt {cf. 1. 1348). 854. >e were {I omit \g). 855. mithest. 857. shres (!). 860. Supply he {cf. I. 864). 861. kines o>e {sic). S63. \e {for \>ere = '^ti). ^67. herde he {cf. 1. 8S7). 869. Supplied from 1. loi. S70. on; read o{{as in I. 91). 872. Rith amidewarde. 874. Supplied. 875. bouthe. HE HELPS THE EfARL'S COOK 33 PET ofer day he kepte ok S\vi|?e yerne )?e erles kok, 880 Til f)at he say him on )?e brigge, And bi him mani fishes ligge. rpe erles mete hauede he bouht Lof Cornwaile, and kalde oft: * Bermewj bermen, hider swi)?e ! ' 885 Hauelok it herde, and was ful h\\\>t pat he herde * bermew ' calle ; Alle he made hem dune falle pat in his gate yeden and stode, Wei sixtene laddes gode. 890 Als he lep ]?e kok [un-]til, He shof hem alle upon an hyl ; L*' '' Astirte til him with his rippe, And bigan J^e fish to kippe. He bar up wel a carte-lode 895 Of segges, laxes, of playces brode, Of grete laumprees, and of eles ; Sparede he ney)?er tos ne heles Til pat he to \>t castel^cara, pat mew fro him his birj^ene nam. 900 pan vcitn hauedew holpew him doune With J>e birf)ene of his croune, ^ ,,. \ pe kok [bi] stod, and on him low, And fiouhte him stalwor]:e maw ynow, [Fol. 209, col. l.l And seyde, 'Wiltu ben with me? 905 .Gladlike ,wile ich feden )^e ; , , '\. <\ Wel is set })e mete ]pu eies, And \)Q hire ]?at ]?u getes.* 879. kepte he. 881. bigge (!). 883. herles; bouth. 884. eoinwalie (yi?r Corenwaile). 888. made he ; dun. 901. doun. 902. croun. 903. Supply bi. 904. poute. 905. wit. 34 HAVELOK IS HIRED BY THE EARL'S COOK */^ODDOTl' quoih he, 'leue sire, ^"^ Bidde ich you non oj^er hire; \ \ 910 But yeuej? me inow to ete, Fir and wat^r y wile yow fete, pe fir blowe, and ful wel^ makew ; \ ^ Stickes kan ich breken and krakew, And kindlen [ek] ful wel a fyr, .^ 915 And makew it to brennen shir^;^ Ful wel kan ich cleuew shides, Eles to-turile« of here hides; Ful wel kan ich dishes swilen, And don al ]?at ye eu^re wilen.* 920 Quoth J)e kok, * Wile i no more ; Go f>u yunder, and sit Jjore, And y shal yeue J?e ful fair bred, ^ And make \>t broys \n ]>t led. . Sit now doun and et ful yerne : . 925 Daf>eit hwo fe mete werne!' "LJAUELOK sette him dune anon, Also stille als a ston, Til he hauede ful wel eten; po hauede Hauelok fayre getew. 930 Hwa« he hauede ete« inow, He VdiM to }pe welle, wat^r up-drow, . 1 And filde ber a michel so ; Bad he non ageyn him go; Bi-twen his hondes he bar it in, 935 Al him one, to f>e kichin. 909. Soddot. 913. an. 915. Supply ek. 918. to !turue« («V). 927. dun. 933. })e (_/0r J)cre = fer). 935. But bi-twen {pm. But) ; barit. 936. A (for Al). HE CUTS WOOD AND DRAWS WATER 35 Bad he non him wat^r fete, Ne fro brigge to here ]^e mete- He bar )?e turues, he bar J?e star/ pe wode fro the brigge he bar ; Al that euere shuldew he nytte, Al he drow, and al he kitte; Wolde he neu^re haue« rest, More paw he were a best. Of alle me« was he mest meke, Lauhwinde ay, and blife of speke; ^ Eufl pat [was] ful, and swijpe wicke, 940 945 [Fol. 209, col. 2.] " J 950 nMvi^pUict 955 960 9^5 937. to fete {om. to). 938. bigge (!) ; cf. 1. 940. 942. citte. 949. Perhaps two lines are lost here. 951. wode {for wolde). 952. ydew (!). 953. he {for hat eu^re moder here ; .- \ It w^s neu^re maw J>at yemede 975 In kineriche, )?at so wel semede King or cayser forto be, pan he was shrid, so semede he ; For f>a«ne he weren alle same// At Linc61ne, at ]?e game//, 980 And )?c erles men woren alle )?ore, Was Hauelok bi be shuldrew more ^^h ,' , pan fe meste pat ]?er kam: '^ In armes him nomaw [ne] nam pat he doune sone ne caste; 985 Hauelok stod ouer hem als a mast. / Als he was heie, al[s] he was long, He was bo):e stark and strong; In Engelond [was] non hise per Of strengj^e )?at eufre k3.m him ner. 990 Als he was strong, so was he softe; pey a man him misdede ofte, Neuere more he him [misseyde], Ne bond on him with yuele leyde. [Fol. 209 b, col. 1.] 966. nouth. 968. bouthe. 969. bonthe. 971. osed 976. kinneriche. 981. al. 982. }5an was ; omi/panH. 984. Supply ne. 987. al. 987 encls with long ; 988 ends w/?'/>4 strong (^. 1. 1063"). 989. Supply ^z.%. 993. misdede; r^ar/ misseyde E. ; see 11. 49, 16S8. HE SEES SOME MEN 'PUTTING THE STONE' 37 Of bodi was he mayden clene; 995 Neuere yete in game, ne in grene, With hire ne wolde [he] leyke ne lye, No more J^an it were a strie. In pzt time al Engelond perl Godrich hauede in his hond, 1000 And he gart kome« into "pe tun ' ■ INIani erl, and mani barun; And alle [men] )?at Hues were In Engelond, J?a«ne were pere, pat f)ey haueden after sent - 1005 To ben Jjer at Ipe parlemewt. With hem com mani cha^^zpioun, Mani wiht ladde, blac and brown; And fel it so, )?at yunge men, Wei aboutew nine or ten, loio Biguwnew J^ere for to layke^ ' pider kome« stronge and wayke; pider komew lesse and more, pat in f>e borw f)a«ne werew ]?ore; Chaumpiouns, and starke laddes, 1015 Bondemew, with here gaddes, -" Als he comen fro "pe plow; pere, was sembling i-now ! , For it ne was non horse-khaue, pouh }?ei sholden in honde haue, wcrV^ ^^20 pat he ne kam )?ider, f>e ieyk to se : Biforn here fet j^awne lay a tre, And puttew with a mikel ston Q96. I^ead Neuere in gardine (Kolbing). 997. wit (pit) ; read With ; for hire read hore (Kolbing) ; supply he. 999. hengelond. 1001. Supply mtrx. 1004. englond ; wer. 1007. chabioun («V). 1009. An. loii. J)e {for \ert). 1012. konie« boJ)e ; om. bo])e. 1015. Chaunpiouns. 1020. J?o. 1023. ptiltew; read^-aiitn; cf. 1. 1031. 38 HAVELOK 'PUTS THE STONE' FURTHEST pe Starke laddes, ful god won. pe ston was mikel, and ek gret, 1025 And al so heui so a net ; Grund-stalwurfe ma« he sholde be pat mouhte it liftew to his kne; Was J5er neyfer clerc, ne prest, pat mihte it liften to his brest: 1030 perwith puttew the chaumpiouns pat fider covatn with ]?e barouns. Hwo-so mihte putten )5ore Biforn a-noJ)er, an inch or more, Wore he yung, [or] wore he old,, ^ 1035 He was for a ke;«pe told. Al-so \>t\ stoden, and ofte staredew, pe chaumpiouns, and ek^the ladde//, And he maden mikel strout [Fol. 209 b, col. 2.] Abouten )?e al)?erbeste bout, 1040 Hauelok stod, and lokede her- til ; 1 o I4 And of putti«gg6 he was ful wil, ' J For neu(?re yete ne saw he or Puttew the stone, or }?a«ne f>or. Hise mayster bad him gon ]?er-to, 1045 Als he coufe ]?er-with do. po hise mayster it him bad, He was of him [ful] sore adrad; ^y perto he stirte sone anon. And kipte up Jjat heui ston, 1050 pat he sholde putten wi|?e ; He putte, at ]?e firste sij^e, 1025. greth. 1026. neth. 1027. -wrj)e. 1028. mouthe liftew it. 1030. mithe liften it. 1031. perwit ; chaunpiouns. 1033. mithe. 1035. Supply ox; hold. 1037. J'e (y^^ J?ei) ; an; for stareden read gradden (K.), 1038. chaunpiouns. 1040. but 1048. Supply ful H. 1 05 1, puten. GODRICH HEARS OF HIS STRENGTH 39 Ouer alle )?at ]>tr wore, Twelue fote, and su;7zdel more. pe chaumpiouns J^at [J?at] put spwen, 1055 Shuldredew he ilc o]?er, and loweh; Wolde« he no more to putting gange, But seyde, *wt dwelle/^ her to longel' pis selkouth mihte nouht be« hyd, Ful sone it was ful loude kid 1060 Of Hauelok, hu he warp fe ston Ouer f)e laddes euerilkon ; Hu he was fayr, hu he was long, Hu he was wiht, hu he was strong; porhut England yede fe speke, 1065 Hu he was strong, and ek [ful] meke; In the castel, up in )?e halle, pe knihtes spekew J^er-of alle. So that Godrich it herde wel, pe speke of Hauelok, eueri del, 1070 Hu he was strong man and hey, , ,,^ Hu he was strong, and ek [ful sley], And J?ouhte Godrich, ')?oru J^is knaue Shal ich Engelond al haue, And mi sone after me ; 1075 For so i wile )?at it be. King A}?elwald me dide swere Vpon al ]>Q messe-gere, pat y shulde his douhter yeue 1054. Twel. 1055. chaunpiouns; supply Y^X. 1058. we (pe). 1059. mithe nouth. io6r. iiw. 1063. Hw; h\y. 1064. Hw; with hw. 1065. poruth; speche; read ^\>t]s.r strong r^a^ fayr H. ; ek fri (!); read ek ful sley; see 1. 1084. 1073. J)outhte. 1077. The king {om. The). 1079. shude ; douthe. 40 GOLDBOROUGH TO MARRY THE STRONGEST MAN pe hexte [man] ]>2X mihle Hue, y^^ 1080 pe beste, ):e fairest, ))e stra;zgest ok; pat gart he me swerew on f)e bok. Hwer? mihte i finden ani so hey So Hauelok is, or so sley ? [Pol. 210, col. 1.] pouh y souhte hef>en in-to Ynde, 1085 So fayr, so strong, ne mihte y finde. Hauelok is J^at ilke knaue pat shal Goldeborw haue.' pis fouhte [he] with trechery, With traysoun, and with felony; For he wende, )3at Hauelok wore Sum cherles sone, and no more ; Ne shulde he hauew of Engellond Onlepi forw in his hond With hir^, f)at was )?er-of [f>e] eyr, pat bo)?e was god and swi]?e fair. He wende, ]?at Hauelok wer a J^ral per-)joru he wewde haue;z al In Engelond, f)at hire riht ^as; He werse was ]?an Sathanas' pat lesw Crist in er]5e shop : Hanged worj^e he on an hokl fwi'r^-' mU net "09° ■' 1^ Kina lA/iLI fhi una /^ ^yn^siLfCKci to IfiiS -formi p«.\/ of Tlfc A FTER Goldeborw sone he sende, pat was boJ>e fayr and hende, And dide hire to Linc61ne bringe, Belles dede he ageyn hire ringen, And ioie he made hire swifje mikel, But ne]?eles he was ful swikel. 1080. Supply man; see 1. 199 (H.) ; mithe. 1085. f>ou ; southe. 1086. mithe. 1090. wit. su\. 1 134. 1095. Supply \t. II03' goldebow. 1099. rith. 1 105 [083. mithe. 1089. ])onthe ; supply he. HOC. was werse; SHE REFUSES ANY BUT A KING 41 He seyde, }?at he sholde hire yeue pe fayrest ma« that mihte liue. mo She answerede, and seyde anon, Bi [I(fju] Crist, and bi seint lohan, pat hire sholde noma« wedde, . ck ^ Ne noma« bringen hir? to bedde, ^ ■ '-'^ xVj a-'< ^ y^ ^' But he were king, or kiwges eyr, /VL^^^ ^ 11 1|' -1^^ Were he neuere ma« so fayr. ^/^^ /f S^ic ^9hU Ihn^h 4 QODRICH I-e erl was swij^e wroth "^"^ *"'«^*'^""* ^"^ pat she swor [)?er] swilk an oih, And seyde, * HweJ?er Ipou wilt be Quen and leuedi ouer me? iiao pou shalt haue;? a gadeling,' Ne shalt Ipou haue« non ofer ki;zg; pe shal spusen mi cokes knaue, , Shalt J^ou non of>er louifrd haue. Daf»eit )?at "pe oJ?er yeue 11 35 Eu^re-more hwil i liue I To-morwe shole;? ye ben weddet, And, maugre fin, to-gidere beddet.* Goldeborw gret, and was hire ille, [Fol. 210, col. 2.] She wold^ ben ded bi hire wille. 1130 On the morwen, hwa« day was spruwgew, And day-belle at []?e] kirke rungen, After Hauelok sente f>at ludas, pat werse was )?a«ne Sathanas : And seyde, 'Mayst^r, wiltu wif?" 1135 *Nay/ quoth Hauelok, *bi my lifl riio. mithe. 1112. Supply Jem; cfA. iioi. 11 14. to hire ; read hire to H. 1 1 1 8, / supply J)er. 1 1 1 9. hwor ; read hwe>er; cf. 11. 292, 294. 11 24. Ne shalt; omit Ne. 1 1 27. To mowe ye sholew ; weddeth. 1128. beddeth. 1129. was (pas). 1 132. Supply ])e ; as in 1. 1355. 1135. wilte. GODRICH ASKS HAVELOK TO MARRY Hwat sholde ich with wiue do ? I ne may hir^ fede, ne clo)?e, ne sho. Hwider sholde ich wimmaw bringe? I ne haue none kinnes J^inge. I ne haue hus, y ne haue cote, I ne haue stikke, y ne haue sprote, I ne haue neyfer bred ne sowe|, ^ Ne cloth, but of an old whit couel. pis cloJ>es, ]?at ich onne haue, Ar^n ]?e kokes, and ich his knaue.* Godrich stirt up, and on him dong [With dintes s\vij?e hard and strong,] And seyde, ' But fou hire take pat y wole yeue« f»e to make, I shal hangew J^e ful heye, "~^| Or y shal J^risten ut J?in eiejl.' Hauelok was one, and was adrad. And grauntede h\m al ]?at he bad. po sende he after hire sone, pe fayrest wymma« under mone; v\^\vi And seyde til hire, [fals] and slike,v^_^ pat wicke J?ral, J)at foule swike : ' But \m ]?is ma« [wel] under-stonde, I shal fleme;z f>e of londe ; Or ])0\i shalt to )?e gahves re«ne, And |?er fou shalt in a fir brewne.' Sho was adrad, for he so Jjrette, , ^ And durste nouht ))e spusi;7g lette; But }>ey hire likede swi|?e ille, 1 140 "45 1150 "55 ^*- ri6o 1165 1137. wif. 1139- Wider. 1140. kines. 1141. hws, 1 143. Ne i ; ^w// Ne (H.). ii44' hold with. 1148. Supplied. iIq2. vth; heie. 1153. odrat ; see W. 1048, 1163. "Sr* Supply i^\%. 1 1 59' Supply -v; el in. n6i. shal. 1164. nouth. HAVELOK MARRIES GOLDBOROUGH 43 [Sho] J^ouhte, it was Codes wille : God, )?at makes growew }>e korn, Formede hire wiwmaw to be born. Hwan he hauede him don, for drede, pat he sholde hire spusew and fede, 1170 And J?at she sholde til him holde,, j per werew penies ficke tolde, Mikel plentd upon )?e bok : \ y \\.q^ He ys hire yaf, arid she [is] tot. He weren spused fayre and wel, [Fol. 210 b, col. 1.] pe messe he dede, [and] eueridel 1176 pat fel to spusing, a god clerk, pe erchebishop ut of Yerk, pat kam [)?er] to J5e p^rlemewt, Als God him hauede J?ider sent. 1180 T_JWAN he weren togydere \n Godes lawe pat J?e folc ful wel it sawe, He ne wistew hwat he mouhtew, , , Ne he ne wistew hwat hem douhte, per to dweller, or J^ewne to gonge. -^ 1185 per ne woldew he dweller lowge ; For he wistew, and ful wel sawe, Godrich htm hatede, ]?e deuel h.\m awe ! And yf he dwelledew J^er ouht — pat fel Hauelok ful wel on )?ouht — 1190 Men sholde don his leman shame, Or elles bringew \n wicke blame ; 1166. Supply Sho; })outhe. 1167. to growen; om. to. 1169. don him. 1 1 74. as ; read is H. 11 76. deden ; read dede, and supply and H. 1177. and; read a. Z', clek (!). 11 78. uth. 1179. Supply J)er. 1183. mouthen. 1184 wat ; douthe. 1188. pat godrich; I omil pa.t ; havve. 11S9. outh. 1190. pouth. 44 HAVELOK RESOLVES TO GO TO GRIMSBY pat were him leuer? to ben ded. For-]:)! he tokew anoj^er red, pat J)ei sholden J^enne fle 1195 Til Grim, and til hise sones pre ; per wewden he alj^er-beste spede, Hem forto cloj^e, and for to fede. pe lond he token under fote, Ne wisten he non oj^er bote, 1200 And helden^^^a^^thejjhte^jjlij^ I Til he komewjto^^jjjEUestl^- pa«ne he kome« J>ere, f)a«ne was Gri;;z ded, Of him ne hauedew he no red; But hise children alle fyue 1205 Alle weren yet on Hue ; pat ful fayre ayeyn he;w neme, Hwan he wistew f)at he kerne, And madew ioie swi)?e mikel, V'»iL Ne werew he neuere ayera he^ fikel. 12 10 On knes ful fayre he hem setten, v And Hauelok swi)?e fayre grettew. -' ^ And seydew, * Welkome, louerd dere I And welkome be f)i fayre fere I Blessed be ]?at ilke )?rawe 1215 pat )>ou hire toke in Codes lawe 1 Wei is us we sen ]5e on lyue, pou maght us boj^e selle and yeue; pou maght us boj^e yeue and selle, With-]3at f ou wilt here dwelle. [Fol. 210 b, col. 2.] We hauew, louerd, alle gode, 1221 Hors, and net, and ship on flode, 1197. best to spede ; read beste spede. 1201. rife ( = ritbe = rihte); %i\ erased {but see \. 2618). 1207, 1210. ayen. 1217, hus. 1 2 18. mithe. 1219. mayt. 1222. neth. AND IS WELCOMED BY G RIM'S CHILDREN 45 Gold, and siluer, and michel auhte, pat Grim ur^ fader us bitawhte. Gold, and siluer, and oJ>er fe 1225 Bad he us bi-taken J^e. We hauen shep, we hauen swin, Bi-leue her, louerd, and al be f)in I pou shalt ben louerd, ]?ou shalt htn syre. And we sholen serntn J»e and hire; 1230 And ure sistres sholew do Al that euere biddes sho ; He shole« hir^ cloj^es washes and wriwgew, And to hondes water bringew; He sholen beddew hire and )?e, 1235 For leuedi wil^ we fat she be.' Hwan he fis ioie hauedew maked, Sithen stikes broken and kraked, And }>e fir brouht on brewne, Ne was J>er spared gos ne hewne, 1240 Ne fe ende, ne f>e drake, Mete he deden plent^ make; Ne wantede fere no god mete, Wyn and ale dede« he fete, And maden hem [ful] glade and blife, 1245 Wesseyl he leddew fele sife. /^N fe niht, als Goldeborw lay, ^"^^ Sory and sorwful was she ay, For she wende she were bi-swike, > pat she wer^ yeuew un-kyndelike. \ 1250 1223. auchte. 1224. bitawchte. X229. \>o. 1231. hure. 1233. clo])ew ; r^ai/ clo])es, aj m 1. 2458. 1239. brouth. T241. hende. 1245. made; supply ivX. 1246. ledde» he. 1247. "^^1^ 1250. shere, evidently miswritten for she were. 4.6 GOLDBOROUGH SEES THE WONDROUS LIGHT \ ! O niht saw she )?er-inne a liht, I A svvij?e fayr, a swi)?e bryht. j Al so briht, al so shir So it were a blase of fir. I She lokede norf>, and ek south, 1255 And saw it comew ut of his mouth, . pat lay bi hire in jje bed; No ferlike J?ouh she were adred ! , pouhte she, ' Hwat may this bi-mene 1 / He beth heymaw yet, als y wene, 1260 He beth heymaw er he be ded : ' — On hise shuldre, of gold red She saw a swij^e noble croiz, Of an angel she herde a uoyz: ^/^OLDEBORW, lat ^p\ sorwe be; [Foi. 211, col. 1.] ^-7 For Hauelok, ]>2X hauej? spuset J?e, 1266 [Is] kinges sone and kiwges eyr; pat bikewneth J)at croiz so fayr. It bikenneth more f)at he shal Denemark hauew, and Englond al; 1270 He shal ben king, strong and stark, Of Engelond and Denemark; pat shalt f u with J^in eyne sen, I And fou shalt quen and leuedi ben 1 * PANNE she hauede herd the steuene 1275 Of fe angel ut of heuene, She was so fele si)?es blithe 1251. nith; lith. 1252. bryth. 1253. brith. 1255. noj). 1258. J)ou. 1259. pouthe ; wat. 1267. He; read Is. 1273. shal; wit. 1274. ])o. 1276. uth. HAVELOK TELLS HER HIS DREAM 47 pat she ne mihte hire ioie mythe; But Hauelok sone anon she kiste, A.nd he slep, and nouht ne wiste Hwat )?at aungel hauede seyd. Of his slep a-non he brayd, And seide, * Lemn\a.n, slepes f)ou ? A selkuth drem me dremede nou. "LJERKNE nou hwat me haueth met: Me ]?ouhte y was in Denemark set, But on on }>e moste hil pat eu^re yete kam i til. It was so hey, J?at y wel mouhte Al fe werd se, als me f)ouhte. Als i sat up-on J?at lowe, I gan Denemark for to awe, * pe borwes and pe castles stronge ; And mine armes were« so lowge, That i fadmede, al at ones, Denemark, with mine lowge bones ; And p3.nne y wolde mine armes drawe Til me, and [f>ouhte hem] for to [awe], Al that euere in Denemark liueden On mine armes faste clyueden ; And ])Q stronge castles alle On knes bigunnew for to falle, pe keyes fellew at mine fet : — Anofer drem me dremede ek, pat ich fley ouer pe salte se 280 1285 1290 ^ 1295 1300 «305 1278. mithe. 1280. nouth. 1281. Hwan (!). 1284. dremede me. 1286. Jjouthe. 1289. mouthe. 1290. Jjouthe. 1292. bigan ; read gaxi H. 1298. Supply Jjouhte H. ; horn {read hem H.) ; haue {reada.yfG),as in 1. 1292 (Hupe). 1304. dremede me. 48 SHE SAYS HAVELOK WILL BE A GREAT KING . Til Engeland, and al with me , \ pat euere was in Denemark lyues, -XBut bowdemew and here wiues ; And )?at ich kom til Engelond, Al closede it iwtil min bond, [Fol. 211, col. 2.] 1310 And, Goldeborw, y gaf [it] )?e : — Deus I le»zman, hwat may J?is be ? ' Sho answerede, and seyde sone : • lesn Crist, })at made mone, pine dremes iurut to ioye, .... 1315 pat wite ^p^w that sittes \n trone! Ne non [so] strong ki«g, ne caysdre So )?ou shalt be, for Jjou shalt bere In Engelond corune yet; Denemark shal knele to ]?i fet ; 1320 Alle f)e castles }?at aren j^er-inne Shal-tow, lewman, ful wel winne. I wot, so wel so ich it sowe, To f)e shole comew heye and lowe, And alle ]5at in Denemark wone, 1325 Em and broJ)er^ fader and sone, '■?'' Erl and baroun, dreng and ]?ayn, ''*^y Knihtes, and burgdys, and sweyn. And [make ])t\ king heyelike and wel; . , aw Denemark shal be J^in euere-ilc del. 1330 'f' ■ xj5^' Haue )70U nouht )?er-of [no] doute ^ ^^^ Nouht fe worth of one noute ; per-of with-i«ne J^e firste yer c^^' 1 3 1 1 . Supply it. 1315,1316. Two lines perhaps lost ; to make sense^ alter 1. 1316 to And leue, ])at \ioxx sitte in trone ! iS^/- Supply so. 1318. fo (!). 1323. woth. 1337. an kayn {sic) ; kayn-=cayn. /<7r tayn -= thayn. 1328. Knithes. 1329. mad; read make , and supply \>e. i33i- nouth; offe; supply no; douthe. 1332- Nouth ; nouthe. 1333. ofife. WITHIN THE YEAR 49 Shalt |30U ben king, [with-outen were]. But do nou als y wile rathe ; 1335 Nimen wit to Denemark baf)e, And do ]?ou nouht on frest J>is fare ; " Lith and selthe felawes are." For shal ich neuere blife be Til i with eyen Denemark se; 134° For ich wot, fat al fe lond Shalt fou hauew in ]>\n bond. Prey Grimes sones, alle fre, That he wenden for)? with J^e; I wot, he wilen be nouht werne, 1345 With pe wende shulew he yerne, For he louew J^e herte-like, pou maght telle he aren quike, Hwore-so he o worde aren ; Here ship fou do htm swithe yare«, 1350 And loke fat fou dwelle nouht : , / / " Dwelling haueth ofte scafe vvrouht." * '^ LJWAN Hauelok herde fat she radde, | Sone it was day, sone he him cladde, ! And sone to f e kirke yede [Fol. 211 b, col. 1.] 1355 Or he dide ani ofer dede, Bifor fe rode biga« [to] falle, Croiz and Crist bi[gan] to kallp, And seyde, 'Louerd, fat al welde's, \ ' ^ ^^ Wind and wat^r, wodes and feldes, 1360 1334. king of euere-il del {repeated from 1. 1330); raX. 1369, ^w///j/ haldes ; vn-Rith. 1370. plith. I37I. int { ferkaps omii n&). 1372. haued(!); brouth. 137?)- io YxggG \,omil \o). 1376. Supply mt\ wel passe. 1377- J>at ihc ; read ^o\x\\ \ch ; offe douthe. 1379- Supply be. 13S3. Riih. HAVELOK ADDRESSES GRIM'S THREE SONS 51 And at his suete moder ok, And at }?e croiz, fat he bi lay, Sipen yede sorf grotinde awey. 1390 TJ WAjY he com horn, he wore yare, Grimes sones, forto fare In-to ])e se, fishes to gete, pat Hauelok mihte wel of ete. But Hauelok f)ouhte al anoj^er, 1395 First he kalde fe eldeste brof>er, Roberd J^e Rede, bi his name, William Wendut, and H[uwe R]aue«, Grimes sones alle f>re, And seyde, * Li|?es nou to me ; [Fol. 211 b, col. 2.] 1400 Lou^rdinges, ich wile you showe A J?ing of me f)at ye wel knowe. Mi fader was king of Denshe lond, Denemark was al in his hond pe day f)at he was quik and ded ; 1405 But fawne hauede he wicke red, pat he me, and Denemark al, And mine sistres bi-tawhte a f)ral: A deueles lime [he] us bitawhte, And al his lond, and al hise auhte. 1410 For y saw that fule fend Slo mine sistres with hise hend; First he shar a-two here }>rotes, 1389. biforn ; read hi. I39i- I" the MS. the capital letter is prefixed to the next line. 1394- niithe. I395- auelok Jjouthe. 1396. kade(!); heldcste. ^39^- wenduth ; hauew ; cf. 11. 1868,3528. On/y an assonance^ not a rime, seems intended. 1400, seye {read seyde); nou alle to (owzV alle). 1401. sheue. 1402. knewe. 1408. bi tawte. 1409. Supply \x^\ hus bitawte. 1410. authe. 1412. Mine sistres slo. 52 HE ASKS THEM TO GO WITH HIM TO DENMARK And si)?en hem al to grotes, And sij^en bad [he] in )?e se 1415 Grim, youre fader, dre«che« me. Deplike dede he him svvere On bok, })at he me sholde here Vnto ]>t se, and drewchen inne, V And [he] wolde takew on him J^e sinne. 1^20 But Grim was wis, and s\vi])e hende, Wolde he nouht his soule ,shende ; Leuere was him be for-sworen pan dre;zchen me, and ben for-loren ; But sone bigaw he forto fle 1425 Fro Denemark, forto berz^en me. For yif ich hauede J^er ben fuwden, Hau^de [he] ben slayn, or harde bunder, And heye ben henged on a tre, Hauede gon for him gold ne fe. 1430 For-J3i fro Denemark hider he fledde, And me ful fayre and ful wel fedde, So )?at vn-to fis [ilke] day ,- Haue ich ben fed and fostred ay. But nou ich am up to f>at elde i435 Cumew, that ich may wepne welde, And y may grete* diwtes yeue, Shal i neuere, hwil ich lyue, Ben glad, til that ich Denemark se ; I preie you )?at ye wende with me, \ 1440 And ich may mak you riche men ; 1415. Supply \iQ. 1418. sholde me. 14^9- an; ine. 1420. Supply he. 1422. nouth. 1423. to be {omit to). 1424. lorn. T426. MS. berpen {the A. S. w being used here) ; cf. 1.697. 1427. f\{ {with long %). 1428. Supply \vQ. 1430. go; read gon. i433- Supply ilke. I435- helde. HAVELOK GIVES UDBE A GOLD RING 53 Ilk of you shal hau? castles ten, And f)e lond f)at ]^or-til longes, Borwes, tunes, wodes and wowges/ [A leaf has here been cut out of the MS., containing 180 lines. The missing portion must have been to this effect. * To this they gladly assented ; and Havelok, accompanied by his wife Goldeborw and the sons of Grim, set sail for Denmark. Disembarking, they travel till they reach the castle of a great Danish earl, named Ubbe, who had formerly been a close friend to king Birkabeyn. Havelok begs that he will allow him to live in that part of the country, and to gain a livelihood by trading.'] * With swilk als ich byen shal : [Fol. 212, col. 1.] 1625 per-of bi-seche [ich] you nou leue ; Wile ich speke with non oj^er reue, But with [you], )?at iustise are, pat y mihte [seller] mi ware In gode borwes up and doun, 1630 And faren ich wile fro tun to tun.' A gold ring drow he forth anon, An hundred puwd was worth ]>t ston, And yaf it Ubbe for to spede : — *He was ful wis )?at first yaf mede ; * 1635 And so was Hauelok ful wis here, i-; -y- He solde his gold ring ful dere : l^dcHnt Was neuere non so dere sold . [Fro] chapme;z, neyj^er yung ne old : pat sholew ye forth ward ful wel [lerew,] 1640 Yif J?at ye wile j^e storie heren. "LJWAA^ Ubbe hauede J?e gold ring, Hauede he youenet for no j^ing, T626. Supp/y ich. 1628. ]>e; read you H. 1629. mithe sekew {but read %G.\\tn). 1639 For ; rq brest, of bodi long ; He semede wel to ben wel strong. • Deus ! ' quath Ubbe, * qui ne were he kniht ? 1650 I wot, )?at he is swif e wiht 1 Beton come, and etc with me To-day, ]?ou, and ]?i fayre wif, pat l?ou louest also ]>\ lif. And haue J?ou of hire no drede, Shal hire no man shame bede. 1665 Bi )?e fey y owe to }>e, V perof shal i [mi-self] borw be.* UAUELOK herde fat he bad, "*• [Al]-thowh was he ful sore [ajdrad ^^^^ , With him to ete, for hise wif; [Fol. 212, col. 2.] 1670 '' For him wore leuere }3at his lif 1644. Nouth; il. 1645. bi hel. 1646. Hw. 1650. hvvat (rtfaa? quath) ; knith. 1651. woth ; with, 16^^. Supply \o\x. 1660. ]>{for]>G). 1666. fey that y ; <7/w»/ that. 1667. me serf; read m\-st\t 1669. And thow ; drad. VBBE TAKES A GREAT FANCY TO HAVELOK 55 Him wore reft, )5an she \n blame / Felle, or lauhte arii shame. ,Hwa«ne [f)at] he his wille quath, pe stede, fat he onne sat, 1675 Smot Ubbe [}>o] with spures faste, And forth awey, but at ]?e laste, Or he [ferre] fro him ferde, Seyde he, J>at his folk [it] herde : ' Loke )?at ye come« bef)e, 1680 For ich it wile, and ich it rede.' LJAUELOK ne durste, f>ey he were adrad, Nouht with-sitte« )?at Ubbe bad; His wif he dide with him lede, Vn-to ])t heye curt he yede. 1685 Roberd hire ledde, '\>2X was red, pat hauede [f»oled] for hire \>e ded Or ani hauede hire misseyd, Or hand with iuele onne leyd. William Wendut was ]?at oj^er 1690 pat hire ledde, Roberdes brojjer, pat was wiht at alle nedes : ' Wei is him J^at god maw fades 1 ' pan he werew comew to ]>t halle, Biforen Ubbe, and hise mew alle, 1695 i-^u Vbbe stirte hem ageyn, n^^ And mani a kniht, and mani a sweyn. Hem for to se, and forto shewe; po stod Hauelok als a lowe 1673. lauthe. 1674. Supply J)at; he hauede his wille wat (pat); om, hauede, and write <\wax\\for wat {as in 1. 595). 1676. Supply Jjo. 1678. Supply ferre, i. e. iarther. 1679. Supply it H. 1682. j)e ; adrad {see\. 1669). 1683. Nouth. 1685. yde (!). 1687. haue ; ])arned {cf. 2492); read \>o\ed. 1690. Willam. 1692. with, i<^97. knith. 56 GOLDBOROUGH EATS WITH UBBE Abov^n [)>o] }>at )?er-i«ne wore, A^ - 1700 Riht al bi )?e heued more pa«ne ani }?at J^er-inne stod : po was Ubbe blij^e of mod, pat he saw him so fayr and hewde ; Fro him ne mihte his herte we«de, 1705 Ne fro him, ne fro his wif; He louede hem sone so his lif. Were;/ non \n Denemark, J^at him f)ouhte, pat he so mikel loue mouhte ; More he louede Hauelok one 17 10 pan al Denemark, bi mine wbne! LoVe nou, hu God helpen kan O mani wise wif and man. IJWAN it was comew time to ete, Hise wif dede Ubbe sone in fete, 17 15 [Fol. 212 b, col. 1.] And til hire seyde, al on game« : * Dame, )?ou and Hauelok shulew ele same«, And Goldeboru shal eie with me, pat is so fayr so flour on tre; In al Denemark is wimmaw [non] 1730 So fayr so sche, bi seint lohan ! ' pawne [he] were set, and bord leyd, And J>e beneysun was seyd, Biforn htm com fe beste mete pat king or cayser wolde ete ; 1725 Kranes, swawnes, ueneysun, Lax, lampreys, and god sturgiun, 1700. Supply \o, 1701. Rith. 1705. mithe. 1708. fouthe. 1709. mouthe. 171 2. hw. iji's. wit. 1720. supply non E. 1722. Supply \i&\ bord (/r^«, borred). 1727' sturgun ; see 1. 753. UBBE SENDS HAVELOK TO BERNARD 57 r- .... ; Fymewt to drinke, and god clar^, Win hwit and red, ful god plent^. Was Jr^er-inne no page so lite 1730 pat euere wolde ale biteV Of ]>t mete forto telle, Ne of )?e [win] bidde i nouht dwelle ; pat is ]>Q storie for to lenge, It wolde anuye J?is fayre genge.' 1735 But hwan he haueden ilk f)ing deyled, And fele sife hauedew wosseyled, With gode drinkes sete« longe, And it was time for . to gonge, Ilk man to fer he cam fro, 1740 pouhte Ubbe, ' Yf I late hem go, pus one foure, with-uten mo, So mote ich brouke finger or to. For y\s wi/«ma« bes mikel wo ! For hire shal me« hire louerd slo.' 1745 He tok sone knihtes ten, And wel sixti o}>er men, With gode bowes, and with gleiues, And sende him unto ]>t greyues, pe beste ma« of al ]>q toun, 1750 pat was named Bernard Brun ; And bad him, als he louede his lif, Hauelok wel yemen, and his wif, And wel do wayten al f)e niht, Til ]?e o]per day, }?at it were liht. 1755 Bernard was trewe, and swi]?e wiht, 1733. metes (!); readvf'm: nout. 1736. J)e killing (kil^Or ilk) ; om. tJe; deled {but see 1 2099). 1737. sifes ; reaU s,i]>e H. {see I. 778). 1738. And with ; om. And. 1740. II. I74i« J'outhe. ^744- mike. 1746. knithes. 174S. Wit. 1753. ymcn (!). 1754. nith. 1755. lith. 1756. with. 58 A GANG OF THIEVES BESET BERNARD'S HOUSE In al ]?e borw ne was no kniht pat beter? cou})e on stede riden, Helm on heued, ne swerd hi side. Hauelok he gladlike under-stod [Foi. 212 b, col. 2.] 1760 With mikel loue and herte god, And dide grey]?e a super riche, Also he was no wiht chiche, To his bihoue euer-ilk del, \ pat he mihte supe s\vif>e wel. 1765 ALSO he seten, and sholde soupe, i. So comes a ladde in a ioupe; And with him sixti oj?er stronge, With swerdes drawcn, and kniues lo«ge, Ilkan in hande a ful god gleiue, 1770 And seyde, ' Undo, Bernard J^e greyue I Vndo svvijje, and lat us in, Or ]>\i art ded, bi seint Austin I * Bernard stirt up, ]^at was ful big, And caste a brinie up-on his rig, 1775 And grop an ax, fat was ful god, Lep to f)e dore, so he wore wod, And seyde, * Hwat are ye, J^at are ]:er-oute, pat )?us bigiwnen forto stroute? Goth he«ne swi]?e, fule J^eiies, 1780 For, bi \>t Louerd )?at ma« on leues, Shol ich casten )?e dore open, Su/«me of you shal ich drepen! And \>e ofre shal ich kesten In fet^res, and ful faste festeni' 17S5 1757. knith. 1761. mike. 176.',. with; chinche (j« N. E. D.). 1764. 11. 1765. mithe. 1772. latus. 1776. ar; read sin {see 1. 1894). THREE OF THE THIEVES ATTACK HAVELOK 59 * Hwat haue ye seid ? ' quoth a ladde, * Wenestu )?at we ben adradde ? We sholen at J^is dore gonge Maugre fin, carl, or ouht longe.* He gripew sone a bulder-ston, 1790 And let it fleye, ful god won, Ageyn f)e dore, fat it to-rof:, 1 Hauelok it saw, and fider drof, And f e barre sone vt-drow, pat was unride and gret ynow, 1795 And caste f e dore open wide, And seide, * Her shal y now abide : Comes swife vn-to me ! Datheyt hwo you hewne fle ! ' 'No,' quod on, 'fat shaltou coupe,' 1800 And bigan til him to loupe. In his bond his swerd ut-drawe, Hauelok he wende fore haue slawe ; And with [him] comen ofer two, pat him wolde of Hue haue do. [Fol. 213, col. 1.] Hauelok lifte up fe dore-tre, 1806 And at a dint he slow htm fre; Was non of hem bat hise h^rnes r^ Ne lay f er-ute ageyn f e sternes. J ' pe ferfe fat he sif en mette, 1810 With fe barre so he him grette, Bifor f e heued, fat f e riht eye \^{,d ft*^^' ^^'^ ' Vt of fe hole made he fleye, And sife clapte him on fe cmne 1788. shole. 1789. outh. 1792. Agen. J795- Anelnk. 1798. me datheit; but datheit belongs to 1. 1799 {where it recurs) 1800. quodh. I'&o^. Supply \i\m. 1808. his. 1811. Wii. 1813. rith. 6o HAVELOK SLAYS SEVEN OF THE THIEVES So }3at he stan-ded fel for dune. 1815 pe fifte )?at he oiier-tok Gaf he a ful sor dint ok, Bitwen ]>q sholdres, J?er he stod. pat he spende his herte blod. pe sixte wende for to fle, i8ao And he clapte him with J^e tre Riht in J^e fule necke so, pat he smot hise necke on to. pawne ]:>e sixe weren doune feld, pe seuen]:e brayd ut his swerd, 1S25 And wolde Hauelok riht in the eye; And Haue/<7^ le[t \>e] barre fleye, And smot him sone ageyn J^e brest, / pat hauede he neu^re schrifte of pr^st ; V For he was ded on lesse hwile 1830 pan me« mouhie rewne a mile. "~Alle )?e of ere were« ful kene ; A red fei taken hem bi-twene, pat he sholden him bi-halue. And brisew so, fat with no salue 1835 Ne sholde him helen leche non : pey drowen ut swerdes, ful god won. And sholen on him, so don on here Dogges, fat wolden him to-tere, pawne men doth fe bere beyte: 1840 pe laddes were kaske and teyte, And vm-^bi-yeden him ilkon. Suw smot with tre, and s\im with ston ; Su;wmc putte« with gleyue \n bac and side, 1819. spen. 1822. Rith. 1824. doun. 1826. Riht. 1827. le; r^«^/ let J)e. 1829. schifte. 1831. mouthe. 1834, sholde. ^835- wit. 1842. un bi yeden. 1S43. wit. THE THIEVES RUSH AT HIM WITH SWORDS 6l And yeuew wundes longe and wide 1845 In twenti stedes, and wel mo, Fro ]:e croune til the to. - ' Hwan he saw J?at, he was wod, And was it ferlik, hu he stod, For the blod ran of his sides [Fol. 213, col. 2.] So water J?at fro ]>q welle glides; 1851 But J?awne bigan he for to mowe With the barre, and let hem shewe Hu he cowj?e sore smite; ..^ For was )?er non, long ne lite, 1855 pat he mouhte ouer-take, pat he ne garte his croune krake ; So J?at, on a litel stund, Felde he twenti to f>e grund. PO bigan gret dine to rise, i860 For )?e laddes on ilke wise Asayledew him with grete dintes, [Ful] fer he stoden, [and] with flintes And gleyues schotew him fro feme, For drepen him he wolden yerne ; 1865 But durstew he newhew him no more pawne he bor or leu« wore. "LJUWE Raue;r J^at dine herde, And j^owhte wel, fat mew mis-ferde With his louerd, for his wif; 1870 And grop an ore, and a long knif, And fider drof al-so an hert, 1849. hw. 1854. Hw. 1856. Mouthe. 1862. Him asayledew wit. 1863. Fro {read Ful H.) ; him ; read and {see 1. 1864). 1869. I'owthe. 1871. oTt is correct ; seel. 1886. 62 HUGH AND THE REST COME TO THE RESCUE And cam J?er on a litel stert, And saw how [f)at] J?e laddes wode Hauelok his louerd umbistode, 1875 And betew on him so doth fe smith With )?e hamer on )?e stith. ' ALLASl' quath Huwe, *f>at y was boreal ^^ "^ pat tuere et ich bred of koren 1 pat ich here ])\s sorwe sel 1880 Roberd I William 1 hware ar ye ? Gripeth eyfer unker a god tre, And late we nouht J^ise dogges fie, Til ure louerd wreke [be] ; Cometh swij^e, and folwes me! 1885 Ich haue in honde a ful god ore; f^ Dalheit hwo ne smite sore ! ' *Yal leue, ya!' quod Roberd sone, * We hauew ful god liht of ]>e mone.' Roberd a staf grop, strong and gret, 1890 pat mouhte ful wel bere a net, And William Wendut grop a tre Mikel grettere }>an his ):e, And Bernard held his ax ful faste; I seye, was he nouht J^e laste ; [Foi. 213 b, col. 1.] And lopen forth so he weren wode 1896 To \>Q laddes. )?er he stode, And yaf hem wundes swife grete ; per miht? men wel se boyes bete, 1873. cham. 1874. I supply \>^X.\ "R. supplies sX. 1878. hwat hvve; r^^^ quath Huwe. iSSi. willam. 1882. e])er ; see 1.2665. 1SS3. nouth; doges. 1884, Supply ht. 1S87. wo. 1889. \\i\\ ; perhaps omW^t. 1890. grop a staf. 1891. mouthe. 1892. willam. 1893- ^^e {due to tre in 1. 1892). 1S95. nouth. 1899. mithe. ALL THE SIXTY THIEVES ARE SLAIN 63 And ribbes in here sides breke, 1900 And Hauelok on hem wel [be] wreke. He broken armes, he broken knes, He broken shankes, he broken thes. ch'*'*^"-'^ "''IP He dide )?e blode J^ere rewne dune To f>e fet riht fro the crune, 1905 For was }>er spared heued non: He leyden on heuedes, ful god won, And made croune[s] breke and crake Of ]?e broune, and of )?e blake; He madew here backes al-so bloute 1910 Als here wombes, and made htm rowte Als he weren kradelbarnes : So dos fe child f>at moder J^arnes. FNApEIT hwo recke ! for he it s^nied^; Hwat dide he fore? He were« wereweQ her Drawen ware, and \2i.\.en ther. 1925 1901. Su/>/>/y he. 1905. rith. 1908. croune. 191 1. he (/or here. 1914' «;e (pe) ; read wo = hwo. 191 5« were« he ; cf, 1. 1921. 19' 7- J" or hemes read heres (^ eres) H. 19^9' i'^r awey; read avfey )?er H. 1920. hhan (/orhw3.n==hwa.n . 64 UBBE ASKS BERNARD WHAT HAS HAPPENED Sket cam tiding in-til Ubbe, Sl(mJmu/>j^ fimi\a^ pat Hauelok hauede with a clubbe Of hise slawen sixti and on Sergaunz, Jje beste f'at mihtew gon. *Deus!' quoth Ubbe, *h\vat may l^is be? 1930 Betfre is i nime miself and se [Hwat] )?is baret [oweth on] wold, pawne i sende yunge or old. For yif i sende him un-to, I wene mew sholde him shame do, 1935 And fat ne wolde ich for no J^ing ; I loue him wel, bi heuene king 1 Me wore leuere i wore lame pa«ne men dide him ani shame, Or tok, or onne handes leyde [Pol. 213 b, col. 2.] Vn-ornelike, or shame seyde/ 1941 He lep up on a stede liht, And with him mani a noble kniht, And ferde forth un-to )?e tun, And dide calle Bernard Brun 1945 Vt of his hus, hwan he ber cam ; / And Bernard sone ageyn [him] nam, Al to-tused and al to-torn, Ner also naked so he was born. And al to-brised, bac and f)e : ^, w. 1950 Quoth Ubbe, ' Bernard, hwat is J^e ? ^<^^ > Hwo haues J?e ]?us ille maked, pus to-riue«, and al mad naked ? ' 1929. niithew. I93i' his inime. 1932. I'at Yis baret on hwat is wold ; read Hwat j)is baret haueth on wold H. {rather oweth on wold ; see note). I94i' Vn omelfke {with long sfor i) ; same. 1942. lith. 1943. knith. 194^. wan. 1947. Supply him. BERNARD RELATES HAVELOK'S PROWESS 65 * T OUERD, mfrci,' quoth he sone, * To-nicht, also ros )?e mone, 1955 Come« her mo fan sixti J^eues, With lokene copes and wide sleues, Me forto robben and to pine, And for to drepe me and mine. Mi dore he broken up ful sket, 1960 And wolde me binden hond and fet. Hwan \)Q godemew J^at sawe, Hauelok, and he f>at bi fe wowe Leye, he slirte/z up sone on-on, And su/wme grop tre, and suw grop ston, 1965 And driue hem ut, j^ei he werew crus, So dogges ut of milne-hous. Hauelok grop ^pQ dore-tre. And [at] a dint he slow htm thre. He is fe beste maw at nede 1970 pat eufre-mar shal ride [on] stede I Als helpe God, bi mine wone, A ]?ousand me« is he worth one ! Yif he ne were, ich were nou ded, So haue ich don mi soule red! I975 But it is of him mikel sinne ; ^ He madew him swilke woundes J^riwne, pat of fe alj?er-leste wounde Were a stede brouht to grunde. He haues a wunde \n the side, 1980 With a gleyue, ful un-ride ; And he haues on f>oru his arum, per-of is ful mikel haru;^/ ; 1954. loxLtr^ {with large capital) ; quot. 1962. Wan. 1969. Supply at. 1971- Supply on; see 11. 10, 26. 1973. I'housend of; r(fa^ Jjousand, omitting oi {see \. 127); his. ^975. Mi. 1976. bof. J. 66 HAVELOK IS SORE WOUNDED And he haues on f)oru his )?e, pe vn-rideste fat men may se; [Fol. 214, col. 1.] 1985 And ofere wundes haues he strowge, Mo than twenti, swif>e longe. But si)3en he hauede lauht f)e sor Of )?e wundes, was neuere bor pat so fauht so he fauht J?a«ne ; 1990 Was non ]?at hauede fe hern-panne So hard, f)at he ne dede alto-crusshe, And alto-shiuere, and alto-frusshe. He folwede hew so hund dos hare, Daf)eyt on he wolde spare, 1995 pat [he] ne made hem euerilk on Ligge stille so doth J^e ston ; And J?er nis he nouht to frie, For o])tv sholde he make hem lye Ded, or j^ei him hauede slawen, 2000 Or alto-hevven, or alto-drawen. T OUERD, haui no more pliht pat ich was grey]?ed J^us to-niht. pus wolde fe theues me haue reft, God fank, he hauenet sure keft. 2005 But it is of him mikel scabe : , I wot )?at he bes ded ful ra}>e.' ! QUOTH Ubbe, *BQ {for o^ert). 1988. lauth. 1990. fauth (^wiVtf). IQ92. cruhsse. 1996. Supply \it. 1998. nouth. 2002. plith. 2003. Of I)at {om. Of) ; J)us grej)ed ; nith. 2005. But god (Bntfrom 1. 2006). 2007. woth. 2009. ine. THE OTHERS CONFIRM BERNARD'S STORY 67 To-morwen do me hengen heyc' pe burgeys J^at J?er-bi stode ]?ore Grundlike and grete o)?es swore, Litle and mikle, yunge and olde, pat was soth, pat Bernard tolde. 3015 Soth was, fat he woldew him bynde, :>^^ And trusse al ]?at he mihten fynde Of hise, in arke or in kiste, pat he mouhte in seckes ):riste. * Louerd, awey he hauedew al born aoao His ]?ing, and him-self alto-torn, But als[o] God self barw him wel, pat he ne tinte no catel. Hwo mihte so mani stowde ageyn Bi nihter-tale, kniht or swein? '^' 2025 He weie« bi tale sixti and ten, Starke laddes, stalwor)?i men, _. _And on, fe mayster of he;;z alle, Pat was }>e name Griffin Galle. Hwo mouhte ageyw so mani sto«de, [Fol. 214, col. 2.] But als fiis maw of fo foule theues, pat werew of Kaymes kin and Eues, 2045 He sholden hange bi \>q necke : Of here ded da})eit hwo recke, Hwan he yeden )?us on nihtes To binde boj^e burgmew and knihtes. For bynderes loue ich neuere mo, 2050 Of hem ne yeue ich nouht a slo.' OAUELOK was [to] Ubbe browht, pat hauede for him ful mikel J?ouht, And mikel sorwe in his herte 1 For hise wundes, J^at were so smerte. 2055 IDUT hwa« his wundes werew shewed, And a leche hauede knawed pat he hem mouhte ful wel hele, Wel make him gange, and ful wel mele, And wel a palefrey bistride, ao6o And wel up-on a stede ride, po let Ubbe al his care And al his sorwe ouer-fare; And seyde, ' C\im now forth with me, And Goldeboru, J^i wif, with )?e, 2065 And J?ine seriaunz alle )?re, 2040. mouthe. 2042. dubbe (y^r dubbe) ; knith. 2043. with. 2045. kaym. 2047. wo. 2048. nithes. 2049. knithes. 2052. bifore ; read to; browth. 2053. Jjouth. 2055. we {for yfero). 2057. knawed (i.e. made known; causa/); f>erha/>s read kna.w en. 2058. mouthe. UBBE SEES THE MIRACULOUS LIGHT 69 For nou wile y youre warant be ; Wile y [f>at] non of here Trend pat \)\i slowe with J^in hend Mouhte wa'yte )?e [to] slo, 2070 Also fou gange to and fro. I shal lene \>t a bowr pat is up in ]?e heye tour, Til )30u mowe ful wel go, And wel ben hoi of al |?i wo. [Fol. 214 b, col. l.j It ne shal no ]?ing be« bitwene 2076 pi bour and min, also y wene, But a fayr firrene wo we ; — Speke y loude, or spek y lowe, pou shalt ful wel heren me, ao8o And ]?an |?u wilt, f)ou shalt me se. A rof shal hile us bo]?e o-niht, pat none of mine, clerk ne kniht, Ne sholen J»i wif no shame bede, No more f)an min, so God me rede ! ' 2085 T_rE dide un-to ^pQ borw bringe Sone anon, al with ioyinge, His wif, and [ek] his serganz )?re, pe beste men }>at mouhte be. pe firste niht he lay J>er-inne, jopc Hise wif, and [ek] his serganz J?rinne, Aboute ]?e middel of fe niht Wok Ubbe, and saw a mikel liht 2068. Supply \2\. 2070. Moucte; supply Xo. 2076,2077. H. places bew in 1. 2077, after min ; altering also to als {it is hardly necessary). 2080. sahalt ; and the second ?i is expuncted by mistake, instead of the first. 2082. nith. 2083. knith. 2087. ioynge. 2088, 2091. Supply tV H. 2089. mouthe. 2090, 2092. nith. 209;^. lith. 70 THE LIGHT ISSUES FROM HAVELOK'S MOUTH In \>t bour [j?er] Hauelok lay, Also briht so it wer? day. 2095 ■"P\EUSI' quoth Ubbe, 'hwat may f>is be? Bet^re is i go miself, and se: Hwefjer he sittew nou, and \vesseyle«, Or ani sotshipe to-deyle, pis tid nihtes, also foles ; , 2100 pan bir)5 men castew hem \n poles, Or in a grip, or in J^e fen : Nou ne sitten none but wicke men, Glotuns, reueres, or wicke j^eues, Bi Crist, })at alle folk on leues 1 ' 2105 H E stod, and totede \n at a bord Er he spak anlepi word, And saw hem slepen faste ilkon, And lye stille so ]?e ston ; And saw []5at] al {^at mikel liht 2110 Fro Hauelok cam, J^at was so briht. Of his mouth it com ilk del, pat was he war ful swif>e wel. ' Deus ! ' quoth he, ' hwat may J^is mene 1 ' He cald^ boj^e arwe me« and kene, 2115 Knihtes and serganz swij^e sleie, Mo fan an hundred, with-ute« leye, And bad hem alle comew and se Hwat fat selcuth mihte be. 2094. J)at; read'^&T; seal. 21 21. 2095. brith. 3099. Or of ani shotshipe; omit of, and read sotshipe. 2100. nithes. 2101. birpe. 2104. reures. 2105. onne. 2107. Her; anilepi. 2110. Supply "^sxYi.', lith. 2111. brith. 2112. IL 2116. Knithes. 2119. mithe. A BRIGHT CROSS ON HAVELOK'S BACK 71 ALS ]>t knihtes were come« alle [Pol. 214 b, col. 2.] per Hauelok lay, ut of ]>t halle, aiaz So stod ut of his mouth a glem, Riht al swilk so fe sunne-bem; pat al so liht was ]?are, bi heuene I So )?er brenden serges seuene aias And an hundred serges ok: pat durste hi sweren on a bok. He slepen faste alle fine, So he weren brouht of liue; And Hauelok lay on his lift side, ai3o In his armes his brihte bride. Bi J»e pappes he leyen naked : So faire two weren neuere maked In a bed to lyen samen : — ^->„^ pe knihtes }>ouht of hem god game«, / 2135 Hem forto shewe and loken to. Riht also he stodew alle so, And his bac was toward he;^ we«d, So were;^ he war of a croiz ful gent On his riht shuldre, swij)e briht, 2140 Brihter J^an gold ageyn J?e liht; So )?at he wiste, heye and lowe, , . pat it was kunrik Jjat he sawe. '^*^ It sparkede, and ful brihte shon So doth J?e gode charbucle-ston, ai45 pat men se mouhte, by )?e liht, A peni chesen, so was it briht. pa«ne bihelden he him faste, 2120. knithes. 2123. Rith, 2124. lith ; wa (y^r was). 2129. brouth. 2130. Read\\i\.e'\ 2131. brithe. 2135. knithes J)outh. 2137. Rith. 2138. /^eaJ v/entl 2140. rith; swe {/or sv/\\)e) ; brith. 2141. Brithter; lith. 2144. bnth. 2146. Mouthese; lith. 2147. brith. 72 THE LIGHT SHOWS THA T HA VELOK IS THE HEIR So )?at he knewew, at )?e laste, pat he was Birkabeynes sone, t^ju. isUMtJ *^5° pat was here king, J^at was htm wone Wei to yeme;z, and wel were Ageynes uten-laddes here. * For it was neuere yet a bro]3er In al Denemark so lich anoj^er 2155 So f)is man, ]:»at is so fayr Als Birkabeyn ; he is hise eyr/ H E fellen sone at hise fet, Was non of hem )?at he ne gret, Of ioie he weren alle so fa wen 2160 So he him haueden of er]?e drawew. Hise fet he kisten an hundred syj?es, yo' pe tos, )?e nayles, and \>q lithes, So fat he bigan to wakne, And with htm ful sore to blakne ; [Pol. 215, col. 1.] For he wende he woldew him slo, 2166 Or elles binde him, and do wo. QUOTH Ubbe, ' Louerd, ne dred J^e nowht, Me )?inkes that I se fi fouht. Dere sone, wel is me 2170 pat y J)e with eyen se. Man-red, louerd, bede y fe, pi man auht i ful wel to be; For J)u art come« of Birkabeyn, pat hauede mani kniht and sweyn; 2175 And so shalt )?ou, louerd, haue, 2152. yeme {for yeme). 2164. Here follows the catchword— Sxidi wit hem. 2165. wit. 2168. nowth. 2169. fouth. 2171. eyn. 2175. knith. 2176. For so read also "f HAVEL OK IS BLITHE, AND THANKS GOD 73 pouh ])u be yet a ful yung knaue. pou shalt be king of al Denemark, Was J)er-inne neu^re non so slark. To-morwen shaltu manrede take 2180 Of pe brune and of pe blake; Of alle )?at aren in ]?is tun, Bo]?e of erl, and of barun, And of dreng, and of thayn, And of kniht, and of sweyn. 2185 And so shaltu ben maked kniht With blisse, for J?ou art so wiht.' PO was Hauelok s\vi}>e blife, And )?ankede God ful fele sipQ. On fe morwen, hwan it was lihi, 2190 And gon was J^istf^Tiesse of niht, Vbbe dide up-on a stede A ladde lepe, and J>ider bede Erles, barouns, drenges, theynes, Klerkes, knihtes, burgeys, sweynes, ai95 pat he sholden comen a-non Biforen him sone euerilkon, Also he louedew here Hues, And her^ children and here wiues. I_JIS bode ne durste he non at-sitte 2200 pat he ne neme, for to wite Sone, hwat wolde J)e iustise : And [he] bigan anon to rise, 2177. pou. 2185. knith. 21S6. mad; rgad maked {see 11. 5, 23); knith. 2187. Wit; with. 2190. wan; lith. 2191. J)e niht ; omt/ ^e {Mb.). 2195. knilhes bugeys, 2198. louew (_^r louedew). 2200. Hise. 2201. meme (for neme) ; see 1. '207. 2203. Supply he. .,f(cf (u 74 UBBE RELATES HAVELOK'S HISTORY And seyde sone, ' Lij^es me, Alle samen, J?eu and fre. 2205 A Jjing ich wile you here shauwe, pat [ye] alle ful wel knawe. Ye wite« wel f>at al )?is lond Was \n Birkabeynes bond, pe day \2X be was quic and ded; [FoL 215, col. 2.] a a 10 And bow ]?at he, bi youre red, Bitaubte hise children )?re Godard to yeme, and al his fe. Hauelok his sone he him [bi-]taubte, And hise two douhtres, and al his aubte. a a 15 Alle berden ye him swere On boke, and on messe-gere, pat he shulde yeme hem wel, With-uten lac, witb-uten tel. LJE let his oth al ouer-go, a^ao Euere wurf)e him yuel and wo I For ]?e maydnes here lif Refte he bo)?en, with a knif; And him shulde ok haue slawew. pe knif was at his herte drawee: 3225 But God him wolde wel haue saue, He bauede reunesse of J?e knaue, So )?at [|?o] be with his bend Ne drop him noubt, \2X sori fendl But sone dide he a fisbdre 1230 Swi}?e grete of>es swere, pat he sbolde drenchen him In \t se, J>at was ful brim. 2207. he; readyt. 2214. Supply\A-, 2217. bok (j^^ 1. 231 1). 2228. Stipply\o,or\>:\.x\'CiQ. 222g. nouth ; sor. UBBE DOES HOMAGE TO HAVELOK 75 T_J WAN Grim saw )?at he was so fayr, And wiste he was ]>t rihte eir, 4235 Fro Denemark ful sone he fledde In-til Englond, and fer him fedde Mani winter, ]:)at til ))is day Haues he ben fed and fostred ay. Lokes, hware he stowdes her: 2240 In al )5is werd ne haues he per; [Is] non so fayr, ne non so long, Ne non so mikel, ne non so strowg. In f>is middelerd/nis no kniht Half so strong, ne half so wiht. - f^"^" 2245 Bes of him ful glad and blif e, And cometh alle hider swij?e, Manrede youre louerd forto make, Bof'e brune and Jpe blake 1 I shal mi-self do first }?e gamen, 2250 And ye sif>en alle samen.* /^ knes ful fay re he him sette, ^^ Mouhte noj^ing him )^er-fro lette, And bi-cam his man riht fare, pat alle sawew f>at fere ware. [Fol. 215 b, col. 1.] 2255 A FTER him stirt up laddes ten, And bi-come« hise men; And sifen euerilk a baroun pat euere werew \n al that toun ; And sifen drenges, and sifew thaynes, 2260 2235. Rith; readxihit. 2242. Supply 1^\%^\ Is seems oetter, 2244. knith. 2245. with. 2253. Mouthe. 2254. is; Kith. 2257. A word (beye ?) is added after men in a late hand. 76 ALL SWEAR TO BE FAITHFUL TO HAVELOK And si)?en knihtes, and s\]>tn sweynes; So jjat, or )5at day was gon, In al f>e tun ne was nouht on pat [he] ne was his man bi-comen : Manrede of alle hauede he nomen. 2265 LJWAN he hauede of htm alle Manrede taken m the halle, Grundlike dide he hem swere pat he sholden him god feyth bere Ageynes alle ]:?at woren on Hue; 2270 per-yen ne wolde neuer on striue, pat he ne made« sone J^at oth, Riche and poure, lef and loth. Hwan )?at was maked, sone he sewde, Vbbe, writes fer and hende, 2275 After alle f)at castels yemede, Burwes, tunes, sibbe and fremde, pat l^ider sholdew come« swij?e Til him, and heren ti))andes blif>e, pat he hem alle shulde telle : 2280 Of hem ne wolde neu^re on dwelle, pat he ne come sone plattinde, Hwo hors ne hauede, com gawgawde. So \>2X with-i«ne a fourteniht, In al Denemark ne was no kniht, 2285 Ne conestable, ne shir^ue, pat com of Adam and of Eue, pat he ne com biforn sire Ubbe : He dredde« him so J?ef doth clubbe. 2261. knithes. 2263. nouth. 2264. it; read\\Q. 2276. castel. 2277. an. 22S4. -nith. 2285. knith. 2289. l)hef {wiih long s) =])hef= ])ef ; as in 1. 2434. UBBE DUBS HAVELOK A KNIGHT 77 L_J WAN he f)e ki«g hauedew [i]-gret, 2290 And he weren alle dune set, po seyde Ubbe, * Lokes here Vre louerd s\vif)e dere, pat shal ben king of al )5e lond, And haue us alle under hondl 2395 For he is Birkabeynes sone, pe king f)at was vmbe stonde wone [Us] for to yemew, and wel were With sharpe swerd and lowge spere. Lokes nou, hu he is fayr ; [Fol. 215 b, col. 2.] 230a Sikerlike he is hise eyr. Falles alle to hise fet, Bicomes hise men ful sket/ t- '" "^ He weren for Ubbe swijje adrad. And dide sone al f)at he bad, 2305 And yet he dedew sumdel more ; O bok ful grundlike he swore pat he sholde with him halde Bofe ageynes stille and bolde, pat euere wolde his bodi dere : 2310 pat dide [he] hem o boke swere. L_IWAN he hauede mawrede and oth ^^ Taken of lef and [ek] of loth, Vbbe dubbede him to kniht With a swerd ful swi})e briht; 2315 And pe folk of al ]>q lond Bitauhte him al in his bond, 2290. he haueden alle \c king gret ; cf. 1. 163. 2291. dun; read dune or adune; cf. 1. 162. 2298. Supply Us H. ; yeme; {cf. 1. 2152). 2299. Wit sharp. 2300. hvv. 2306. dedew he. 2310. wode. 2311. Supply he. 2112,. Supply ek. 2314. knith. 2315. brith. 78 HAVELOK IS MADE KING OF DENMARK pe cuneriche euer mouhte me« se 2320 pe moste ioie )?at mouhte be : Buttinge with [J^e] sharpe spares, Skirming with talevas f)at men beres, Wrastling with laddes, putting of ston, Harping and piping, ful god won, 2325 Leyk of mine, of hasard ok, -j^ Romanz-reding on )?e bok; per mouhte men here ]>e gestes singe, pe gleumen on \>t labour dinge ; | per mouhte men se \>e boles beyte, 2330 And l^e bores, with hundes teyte; po mouhte men se euerilk gleu, per mouhte vatn se hu grim greu; Was neufre yete ioie more In al f)is werd, fan \>o was ]:ore. 2335 per was so mikel yeft of clo]?es, pat, )?ouh i swore you grete othes,^^^^k,eK I ne wore [neuere] f)er-of crod: pat may i ful wel swere, bi God ! pere was swi)?e gode metes, [ 2340 And of wyn, j^at men fer fetes, Riht al so mikel and gret plenty So it were water of f)e se. pe feste fourti dawes sat, So riche was neuere non so J^at. [Foi. 2ie, col. 1.] 2345 pe king made Roberd |?ere [a] kniht, 2318. cunnriche (^«/ j-^is oth, Ne leten he nouht, for lef ne lolh, pat he ne foren svvi]3e rathe 2380 per he was, unto ]?e pa)?e per he yet on hunting for With mikel genge, and s\vif?e stor. Robert, J>at was of al J^e ferd Mayster, girt was with a swerd, 2385 And sat up-on a ful god stede, 1 pat vnder him riht wolde wede; \ He was fe firste {pat with Godard Spak, and seyde, ' Hede, caynard ! Hwat dost )5U here at f)is paj^e ? [Fol. 216, col. 2.] 2390 Cum to ))e kinge, swij^e and raj?e, pat sendes he )?e word, and bedes, pat ]3a J^enke hwat J^u him dedes, Hwan )?u reites with a knif Hise sistres here lif, 2395 And s\])en bede )?u in J?e se Drenchen him; )3at herde he! He is to J?e s\vij:e grim : C\}m nu swi)?e un-to him ^ ^^j- pat king is of j^is kunerike, ' 2400 pu fule man ! )7u wicke swike I And he shal yelde J»e }?i mede, Bi Crist }?at wolde on rode blede 1 ' 2377. brouth. 237S. swor; 7-ead svforn. 2379. nouth. 2385. was girt wit, 2387. Rith. 2389. canenard or cauenard). 2390. Wat dos. 2391. king. 2396. An. -2400. kuneriche. CODARD'S MEN ARE BEATEN 8l LJ WAN Goda^d herde l?at [he] \>tx frette, With )?e neue he Robert sette 2405 Biforn fe teth a dint ful strong. And Robert kipt ut a knif long, And smot him J^oru })e rihte arum: per-of was ful litel harum. "LJWAN his folk fat sau and herde, 2410 Hou Robert with here louerd ferde, He haueden him wel ner browht of Hue, Ne were« his bref>ren and o)?re fiue, [pat] slowen of here laddes ten, Of Godardes alfer-beste men. 241 5 Hwan J»e oj^re sawew J^at, he fledde«, And Godard swi|?e loude gredde: * Mine knihtes, hwat do ye ? Shule ye )?us-gate fro me fle ? Ich haue you fed, and yet shal fede, 2420 Helpe]? me nu in f>is nede, And late ye nouht mi bodi spille, Ne Hauelok don of me hise wille. Yif ye it do, ye do you shame. And bringeth you-self in mikel blame.* 2425 Hwa« he J^at herden, he wenten a-geyn, And slowen a kniht and [ek] a sweyn Of J^e kinges oune men, And woundedew abutew ten. 2404. Supply Yve. 2408. ritli. 2411. Hwou. 2412. browt. 2413. two bre))i"en ; omii two ; and perhaps read hi t\tx. 2414. Supply ]>3X. 2418. knithes. 2419. Sule. 2421. Helpe. 2422. nouth. 2424. id (/^r it). 2427. knit; supply ok. 82 GODARD IS BOUND AND LED TO HAVELOK P!E kinges men, hwan he ))at sawe, 2430 Schutew on hem, heye and lowe, And euerilk fot of hem [he] slowe But Godard one, J)at he flowe," ^ So ]>Q fef [fat] men dos henge, Or hund men shole in dike slenge. [rol. 210 b, col. L] He bundew him ful swij)e faste, 2436 Hwil f>e bondes wolden laste, pat he rorede als a bole, pat wore parred in an hole With dogges forto bite and beite: 2440 Were f>e bondes nouht to leite. He bounde;/ h\m so fele sore, pat he gan crien Godes ore, pat he [ne] sholde his hend of-plette ; Woldew he nouht )?er-rore lette, 2445 pat he ne boundew bond and fet: Da)?eit J?at on }>at J^er-fore let ! But dunte;/ him so man doth here, :'•■■' And keste him on a scabbed mere, His^ nese went un-to )?e crice : 2450 So ledde;/ he )?at fule swike. Til he biforn Hauelok was brouht, pat he hauede ful wo wrowht, BoJ^e with hungre and with cold, Or he were twelue winter old, 2455 And with mani heui swink, With poure mete and feble drink, And [with] swi]?e wikke clo]?es, 3431. Scute«. 2432. Supply he. 2434. Supply J)at. 2439. he wore; omit he. 2441. nouth. 2442. io {for \q^so). 2444. Supply ne; of his hend plette ; seel. 2755. 2452. was biforn hauelok brouth. 2453. haue {for hauede). 2454. hungred (!). 2455. twel. 2458. Supply with. HE IS CONDEMNED TO BE HUNG 83 For al hise manie grete othes. Nu beyes he his olde blame: 3460 * Old sinne makes newe shame : ' Hwan he was [brouht] so shamelike Biforn J^e king, ))e fule swike, pe king dede Ubbe s\vij?e calle Hise erles, and his? barouns alle, 2465 Dreng and thein, burgeis and kniht, And bad he sholdew demen him riht: For he kneu f)e swike dam ; Euerilk del, God was him gram. He setter hem dune bi \>q wawe, >'^ 2470 Riche and pouere, heye and lowe, pe olde men, and ek \>t grom, And made J^er ):e rihte dom, And seydew unto ]pe king anon, pat stille sat [al]-so J^e ston: 2475 * We deme, Jjat he be al quic flawen, And sij^en to ]>t galwes drawe« At J^is foule mere tayl ; poru his fet a ful strong nayl; And l^ore ben henged with two feteres, [Fol. 216 b, coL 2.] And J^are be writen ]:)ise leteres: 2481 'pis is J)e swike )?at wende wel pe king haue reft ])t lond ilk del, And hise sistres with a knif Bo):e refte here lif.' 2485 pis writ shal henge bi him ]?ore ; pe dom is demd, seye we na more/ 2460. holde. 2462. Wan : supply brouht. 2463. Brouht biforn ; but Brouht belongs to 1. 2462. 2466. knith. 2467. rith. 2469. Euerildel. 2470. dun. 2472. helde. 2473. rithe. 2476. slawen ; re gate, but ouer Ipe falwes ; And henge [him] J^ore bi j^e hals : 2510 Dafeit hwo recke ! he was fals. PAA^NE he was ded, J?at Sathanas, Sket was seysed al )?at his was In fe kinges hand ilk del, Lond and Hth, and o]^er catel, 2515 2489. wit. 2492. Supply But. 2494. Rith. 2496-7. Transposed; see note. 2497. Supply \o. 2498. mithe. 2500. with. 2502. Supply he and him ; euehl. 2503. knif; read kniue. 2505. Skabbeb. 2506. rith. 2509. But. 2510. Supply him ; Bi. 2514. il. HAVELOK FOUNDS A PRIORY OF BLACK MONKS 85 And f>e king ful sone it yaf Vbbe in )3e bond, with a fayr staf. And seyde, ' Her ich sayse f>e In al J>e lo«d, in al \t fe/ po swor Hauelok he sholde make, 2520 Al for Grim, of monekes blake A pr/brie to s^nien in ay lesM Crist, til domesday, For f>e god he hauede him don Hwil he was pou^re and [iuel] o bon. [Fol. 217, col. 1.] And }?er-of held he wel his oth, 2526 For he it made, God it wot! In ]?e tun J?er Grim was grauew, pat of Grim yet haues ^pe name. Of Grim bidde ich na more spelle. — 2530 But hwan Godrich herde telle, Of Cornwayle |?at was erl, (pat fule trayt6ur, that mixed cherl !) pat Hauelok king was of Denemark, And [with a ferde] strong and stark 2535 [Was] comen Engelond with-inne, Engelond al for to winne; And f)at she, fat was so fayr, pat was of Engelond riht eir, Was comen up at Grimesbi, 2540 He was ful sorwful and sori, And seyde, * Flwat shal me to ra]?e ? Goddot ! i shal do slon hem baj)e. 2517. wit. 2519. The author has here omitted to tell us that Havelok, at the desire of his wife, invades England. See the note. 2522. inne; read'in. 2524. haueden. 2525. vjg {for vftl, error >riuel); ^.1.3505. 2527. woth. 2531. wan. 2534. was king. 2535. ferde with him; ;'(?a^/ with a terde. 2536. Supply Was. 2539. rith. 2540. J?atwas; om.psXZ. 2541. sorful. 2543. Goddoth. 86 GODRICH RAISES AN ARMY AGAINST HAVELOK I shal don hen gen hem ful heye, So mote ich brouke mi rihte eie 1 2545 But-yif he of mi londe fle ; Hwat wendew he desherite me ? ' He dide sone ferd ut [bede,] pat al )?at euere mouhte o stede Ride, or helm on heued here, 2550 Brini on bac, and sheld and sp^re, Or ani ofjej^ wepne here, Hand-ax, sy)»e, gisarm, or spat he cou}:e he;^ god J^ank • 2560 And yif J?at ani were so rank \ That he ^p2,nnt ne come anon, He swor bi Crist, and [bi] seint lohan, That he sholde maken him ]?ral, And al his of-spring forth with-al. 2565 PE Englishe [men] ]?at . herde J?at, ^^ j Was non )?at euere his bode [dtj-sat; For he him dredde swij^e sore, So runci spore, and mikle more. At ]>Q day he come sone [Pol. 217, col. 2.] 2570 2545. Rith. 2546. lond; cf. 1. 2599. 2547. he to; om. to. 2548. bidde; rgadhede. 2557. ye ber ; read y-hoven. 2561. rang. 2563. Supply \A\ cf. 1. 1x12. 2566. Sujpply men. 2567. Read dii-^^t; seel. 2200. 2569. Runci. HE EXCITES THE ENGLISH AGAINST HAVELOK 87 pat he hem sette, ful wel o bone, To Linc61ne, with gode stedes, And al )?e wepne )?at kniht ledes. Hwa« he wore come, sket was f)e erl yare Ageynes Denshe men to fare, 2575 And seyde, * Ly)?es nu alle samen, Haue ich you gadred for no gamew, But ich wile seyen you forhwi; Lokes hware here at Grimesbi Is uten-laddes here comen, 2580 And haues pe pr/oriS numen ; , . , , Al )5at euere mihten he finde, ci^ i a . He brewne kirkes, and prat he ben of londe driuen. Nime we swi)?e, and do hem fle, a6oo And folwes alle faste me ; For ich am he, of al f>e ferd, pat first shal slo with drawee swerd. Daf>eyt hwo ne stonde faste Bi me, hwil hise armes laste ! ' 3605 * Ye ! lef, ye ! ' quoth ]?e erl Gunt^r ; * Ya ! ' quoth f>e erl of Cestre, Reyner. And so dide alle )?at f>er stode, And stirte forth so he were wode. po mouhte mew se ]>t brinies brihte a6io On backes keste, and late rihte, pe helmes heye on heued sette; ^<^o armes al so swij^e plette, ^n^^ / pat )3ei wore on a litel stunde ,;'^ / Grey|?ed, als mew mihte telle a pund ; [Fol. 217 b, col. 1.] And lopen on stedes sone anon, 3616 And toward Grimesbi, ful god won, He foren softe bi ]>t sti, Til he come ney at Grimesbi. TJAUELOK, J?at hauede spired wel a6ao Of here fare, euerilk del, With al his ferd cam hem a-geyn, For-bar he no)?er kniht ne sweyn. pe firste kniht )?at he f)er mette With }?e swerd so he him grette, 2625 [pat] his heued of he plette,"' Wolde he nouht for sinne lette. 2606; couth; read (\\\o\.\\, as m\. 260"^. 2610. mouthe. 2611. tithe. 2615. Gre>'J)et {see\. 714); mithe. 2621. eueril. 2623. knith. 2624.. knith. 2626. For; read'pdLl. 2627. nouth. COMBAT BETWEEN USEE AND GODRICH 89 Roberd saw )3at dint so hende, Wolde he neuere ]7ef)e« wende, Til ]?at he hauede ano]?er slawen 2630 With ]>t swerd he held ut-drawen. Willia/w Wendut his swerd vt-drow, And \>Q )>redde so sore he slow, pat he made up-on the feld His lift arm fleye, with the swerd. 2635 L_IUWE Rauew ne forgat nouht pe swerd he hauede )?ider brouht; He kipte it up, and smot ful sore An erl, ]?at he saw priken )?ore Ful noblelike upon a stede, 1 \ • I 2640 pat with him wolde al quic wede. He smot him on )?e heued so, pat he ))e heued clef a-two, And f)at [he] bi J>e shuldre-blade pe sharpe swerd let [dune] wade 2645 * porw the brest unto fe herte ; pe dint bigan ful sore to smerte, pat J3e erl fel dun a-non, Al so ded so ani ston. )' Quoth Ubbe, *Nu dwelle ich to lo;zge,' 2650 I And let his stede sone gonge To Godrich, with a [ful] god spere;:^''^^^ cp^^/^^^ pat he saw a-noJ>er here, '"^^ ^ ° ^ And smot Godrich, and Qodrich him, Hetelike with hfrte grim, 2655 2629. ))e>e {for\t\>t)\ cf.\. 2727. 2632. Willaw. 2635. C/! 1. 1825 (with t= by means of). 2636. nouth. 2637. brouth. 2644. Supply \i^\ shudre. 2645. Stipply d^vcn^. 2651. leth. 2652. Supply iviS.. 2654. smoth. 2655. Perhaps r^ae croune. pawne he worew falle« dune bofen, Grundlike here swerdes [he] ut-drowe«, pat werew swij^e sharp and gode, [Pol. 217 b, col. 2.] 2660 And fouhten so ]?ei wore« wode, pat fe swot ran fro J»e crune [To the fet riht pere adune.] per mouhte men se two knihtes bete AyJ?er on o}?er dintes grete, 2665 So Jjat with []5e] al]:>er-leste dint Were al to-shiuered a flint. So was bi-twene« he;;z a fiht Fro fe morwen ner to f>e niht, 1 So f)at )?ei [stinted] nouht ne blunne, 2670 Til |?at to sette bigan ]>t suwne. po yaf Godrich forw )?e side Vbbe a wunde ful un-ride, So J^at )?orw f)at ilke wounde Hauede [he] ben brouht to grunde, 2675 And his heued al of-slawen, Yif God ne were, and Huvve Rauen, pat drow him fro Godrich awey, And barw him so [pat ilke day. But er he were fro Godrich drawee?, a68o per were a J>ousind knihtes slawe« Bi bo|?e halue, and mo y-nowe, per Jje ferdes to-gidere slowe. per was swilk dreping of ]>t folk, 2658. dun. 2659. Supply he. 2663. Supplied from 11. 1904, 1905. 2664. mouthe; to knithes. 2666. Supply \t\ lest; cf. 1. 1978 H. 2670. Supply stinte H. (<7r stinted) ; nouth; blinne {error for blunne). 2675. Supply he ; brouth; ))e grunde {om. \€). HE ATTACKS THE DANES BOLDLY 9 1 pat on fe feld was neu^re a polk 2685 pat it ne stod of blod so ful pat Jje strem ran iwtil J^e hul. po tarst bigan Godrich to go Vp-on Ipe Danshe, and faste to slo, And forth-riht, also [leun] fares 2690 pat neuere kines best ne spares, pawne is [he] gon, for he garte alle pe Denshe men biforn him falle. He felde browne, he felde blake, pat he mouhte ouer-take. 3695 Was neuere non }?at mouhte ))aue Hise dintes, noyJ>er kniht ne knaue, pat he [ne] felden so dos pe gres Bi-forn Ipe sylpe f)at ful sharp is. Hwan Hauelok saw his folk so brittcne, 2700 And his ferd so swij>e littene, He cam driuende up-on a stede, And bigan til him to grede, And seyde, * Godrich, hwat is f»e pat )30U fare pus with me, 2705 And mine gode knihtes slos ? [Fol. 218, col. 1.] Siker-like )30U mis-gos. pou wost ful wel, yif pu wilt wite, pat A]?elwold pe dide sitte On knes, and sweren on messe-bok, 2710 On caliz, and on [pateyn] ok, pat pou hise doubter sholdest yelde, pan she were wimm3.n of elde, 26S8. tarst (jzV) = at arst (at first) H.; or read faste, as in\. 2689. 2690. rith; leuin ; read leun H. {as in 1. 1867). ^692. his; supply he. 2695. mouthe. 2697. knith. 2698. Supply ne. 2704. wat. 2709. site. 271 1. MS. kere repeals m^^i^Q, by mistake ; read pzteyn {cf. 1. 187) ; hok {for ok). 92 COMBAT BETWEEN GODRICH AND HAVELOK Engelond [al] euerilk del : Godrich J>e erl, ]?ou wost it wel. 2715 Do nu wel with-uten fiht, Yeld hire J>e lond, for )?at is riht. Wile ich forgiue )?e J?e lathe, Al mi dede and al mi wrathe, For y se ]?u art so wiht, a73o And of y\ bodi so god kniht.' 'pat ne wile ich neuQ swerd ut sone anon, And hew on Hauelok, ful god won. So fat he clef his sheld on-two: 3730 Hwan Hauelok saw J)at shame do His bodi, )?er bi-forn his ferd, He drow ut sone his gode swerd, And smot him so up-on f)e crune, pat Godrich fel to fe erj^e adune. 2735 But Godrich stirt up swij^e sket — Lay he nowht longe at hise fet — And smot him on J^e sholdre so, pat he dide J^are undo Of his brinie riwges mo 2740 pan )?at ich kan tellen fro ; And woundede \\\m riht \n f)e flesh, pat tendre was and swi]?e nesh, So fat fe blod ran til his to : 2714. Supply vCi\ il. 2717. rith. 2720. with. 2721. knith. 2725. rith. 2737. nowth. 2742. rith. GODRICH IS BOUND AND FETTERED 93 po was Hauelok swife wo, a745 pat he hauede of him drawen Blod, and [ek] so sore him slawen. HerteHke til him he wente, 1 And Godrich }>er fullike shente ; For his swerd he hof up heye, 2750 And J3e hand he dide of-fleye, [Foi. 218, col. 2.] pat he smot him with so sore : Hu mihte he don him shame more ? TJWAN he hauede him so shamed, His hand of-plat, and yuel^ lamed, 2755 He tok him sone bi f>e necke Als a trayt6ur, da)?eyt hwo recke! And dide him binde and fet^re wel With gode feteres al of stel ; And to fe quen he sende him, 2760 pat birde wel to him ben grim ; And bad she sholde don him gete, And fat non ne sholde him bete, ^ Ne shame do, for he was kniht, fko^-^ ' st , c ^ Til knihtes hauedew demd him riht. "^^ ^j *7^5 pan J^e Englishe men f>at sawe, pat ))ei wisten, heye and lawe, pat Goldeboru, }?at was so fayr, Was of Engeland riht eyr, And )?at ]>t king hire hauede wedded, 2770 And haueden ben samen bedded, He comen alle, to crie m^rci, Vnto \>Q king, at one cri, 2747. Supply ek, 2749. fulike. 2753. Hw mithe. 2757. wo. 2764. knith. 2765. knithes; Rith. 2769. rith. 94 THE ENGLISH SUBMIT TO GOLDBOROUGH And beden him sone manrede and oth, pat he ne sboldew, for lef ne loth, 8775 Neuere more ageyn him go, Ne rid?, for wele ne for wo. ^yjtun oux^w^vi^ PE king ne wolde nouht for-sake, pat he ne shulde of hem take Manrede fat he beden, and ok 3780 Hold o]:es s\vere» on )?e bok ; But or bad he, J^at ))ider were brouht pe quen, for hem — swilk was his J^ouht — For to se, and forto shawe, Yif Jjat he hire wolde knawe. 2785 poru hem witew wolde he Yif )5at she auhte quen to be. CIXE erles weren sone yare, "^^ After hire for to fare. He nomen on-on, and comew sone, 2790 And brouhten hire, fat under mono In al f>e werd ne hauede per Of hendeleike, fer ne ner. Hwan she was come fider, alle pe Englishe men bi-gu«ne falle 2795 O knes, and gretew swife sore, [Pol. 218 b, col. 1.] And seyden, 'Leuedi, Kristes ore And youres ! we haue« misdo mikel, pat we ayeyn you haue be fikel, For Englond auhte forto ben 2800 2777. wel. 2778. noulh. 2782. brouth. 27S3. ))OUth. 2786. J)oruth ; read]>or\x. 2787. aucte. 2791. brouthew. 2793, -leik. 2795. to falle; om. io. 2797- kistes. 2799. ayen {see 1. 2776). 2S00. ben youres ; but youres belongs to 1. 2801. THEY PASS JUDGEMENT ON GOD RICH 95 Youres, and we youre mew. Is non of us, [ne] yung ne old, pat [he] ne wot, |7at A)?elwold Was king of [al] )?is kunerike. And ye his eyr, and f>at )?e swike 2805 Haues it halden with mikel wrowge: God leue him sone [hey] to hongel' QUOTH Hauelok, * Hwan )?at ye it wite, Nu wile ich J>at ye doime sitte, And, after Godrich haues wrouht, 2810 pat haues him-self in sorwe brouht, Lokes )3at ye demew him riht, For dom ne spareth clerk ne kniht; ^ And sifjen shal ich under-stonde '''y^ Of you, [al] after lawe of londe, 2815 Manrede, and holde o]:es boj^e, Yif ye it wilen, and ek rothe.* Anon )7er du#e he hem sette, , , For non J?e dom ne durste lette, ' And demden, him to binder faste 2820 Vp-on an asse swij^e un-wraste, Andelong, nouht ouer-)?wert, His nose went unto )?e stert,' And so [un]-to Linc61ne lede, Shamelike in wicke wede — 2825 And hwan he [come] un-to ))e borw, 3801. And we youre men and youres; omit and youres, and prefix Youres /row 1. 2800 H. 2S02. Supply nt. 2S03. we; read he {agreeing with wot). 2804. Supply al. 2807. Supply hey H. 2808. Quot. 2809. doun i^j« 1. 3818) ; site. 281 1. in sorwe him self brouth. 2813. rith. 2813. spared (r^ot/ spareth;; knith. 281^). Supply a.\. 282,^. went is a pp. 2824. Supply nn-; see W. 2826, 2828. 2S26. cam; read come {subj.). 96 GOD RICH BOUND TO A STAKE AND BURNT Shamelike ben led }?er-j3oru, BisouJ^e fe borw, un-to a grene — pat )3are is yete, als y wene — And l^ere be bundew til a stake, 2830 Aboutew him ful gret fir make, And al to dust be brend riht fore: — And yete demdew he ]?er more, 0^pev swikes for to warne, pat hise children shulde }?arne 2835 Euere-more J^at eritage, ^c^ pat his was, for hise utrage. 'V ..'■■^ TJWAN Jje dom was demd and seyd, ,, Sket was )?e swike on )?e asse leyd, And [led un-]til fat ilke grene, 2840 And brend til asken al bidene. [Fol. 218 b, col. 2.] po was Goldeboru ful blife. She fa«ked God [ful] fele syfe pat J?e fule swike was brend, ^ pat wende wel hire bodi haue shend; 2845 And seyde, 'Nu is time to take Manrede of brune and of blake, pat ich ride se and go : Nu ich am wrekew of mi fo.' TJAUELOK anon ma;zrede tok 2850 Of alle Englishe, on fe bok, And dide hem grete oj^es swere, pat he sholdew him god feyth bere 2S29. yet. 2832. Rith \trc. 2S33. yet. 2S35. sulde. 3840. And him til ',!) ; {perhaps for hun-til) ; read And led un-til; see I. 2827. 2843. Supply ful. 2848. sc ride. 2S49. wreke {for wreke) ; see 1. 2992. THE EARL OF CHESTER MARRIES GUNILD g^ Ageyn [hem] alle fat worew Hues, And )?at sholde ben born of wiues. 8855 PAA^^E he hauede sikernesse Taken of more and of lesse, Al at hise wille, so dide he calle pe erl of Cestre, and hise men alle, pat was yung kniht with-ute« wif, 2860 And seyde, * Sire erl, bi mi lif, And f»ou wile mi consQyl tro, Ful wel shal ich with fe do ; For ich shal yeue )?e to wiue pe fairest f>ing that is oliue. 2865 pat is Guwnild of Grimesby, Grimes doubter, bi seint Dauy, pat me forth brouhte, and wel fedde, And ut of Denemark with me fleddc, Me for to berwen fro mi ded: B870 Sikerlike, f)oru his red Haue ich Huot in- to fis day, Blissed worf»e his soule ay! 1 rede J^at )?u hire take, And spuse, and curteysye make; 2875 For she is fayr, and she is fre, And al so hende so she may be. pertekene she is wel with me, pat shal ich ful wel she we Ipe ; For ich [wile] glue pe a giue, 2880 pat euere-more, hwil ich liue. For hire shal-tu be with me dere, 2854. Supply hem. 2856. hauedew. 2S60. knith wit. 2867. douther. 3S68. broute. 2870. burwe ; >^fl^ berwen {as in 11. 697, 1426). 2875. curteyse \for curteysye); see L 194. 2880. Supply wile. 98 HAVEL OK REMEMBERS BERTRAM'S KINDNESS pat wile ich j^at Ipis folc al here.' pe eri ne wolde nouht ageyn pe kinge be, for kniht ne sweyn, 2885 Ne of J?e spusing seyen nay, [Fol. 219, col. 1.] But spusede [hire] )?at ilke day. pat spusinge was [in] god time maked, For it ne were neuere clad ne naked In a pe^e sarnened two 2890 pat cam to-gidere, liuede so, So fey diden al here liue: He geten samew sones fiue, pat were )?e beste mew at nede pat mouhte ridew on ani stede. 2895 Hwan Guwnild was to Cestre brouht, Hauelok pe gode ne for-gat nouht Bertra;^, J>at was the erles kok, pat he ne dide [him] calle;^ ok, And seyde, * Frend, so God me rede, 3900 Nu shaltu haue riche mede ^, For wissing, and pi gode dede pat tu me dides in ful gret nede. For j:a;me y yede in mi cuuel, And ich ne hauede bred ne sowel, 2903 Ne y ne hauede no catel, pou feddes and claddes me ful wel. Haue nu for-J*! of Cornwayle pe erldom ilk del, with-uten fayle, And al pe lond ]?at Godrich held, 2910 Bo)?e in towne and ek in feld ; 2884. nouth. 2885. king; knith. 2S87. Sup/> I}' hire. 2888. Su/>J>/y inti. 2889. ne were = nere. 2892. dide (/or -dide). 2895. mouthe. 2896. bronth. 2897. nouth. 2899. Supply him H. 2905. haue 2909. ildel. BERTRAM MARRIES GRIM'S SECOND DAUGHTER 99 And ferto wile ich J^at fu spuse, And fayre bring hire un-til huse, Grimes doubter, Leuiue pe hende. For fider shal she with J^e wende. 2915 Hire semes curteys forto be, For she is fayr so flour on tre; pe heu is swilk in hire ler So [is] fe rose in roser, Hwan it is fayre sprad ut newe 2920 Ageyn \>q sunne briht and lewe/ And ^irde hiift sone with fe swerd Of pe erldom, bi-forn his ferd, And with his hond he made him kniht, And yaf him armes, for J^at was riht, 8925 And dide him fere sone wedde Hire }:at was ful svvete in bedde. AFTER )?at he spused wore, ■^^ Wolde f>e erl nouht dwelle fore, But sone nam until his lond, 2930 And seysed it al in his hond, [Fol. 210, col. 2.] And liuede fer-iwne, he and his wif, An hundred winter in god lif. And gaten mani children samen. And liueden ay in blisse and gamew. 2935 Hwa« pe may dens were spused bofe, Hauelok anon bigan ful rathe ' His Denshe men to Teste wel With riche landes and catel, 2914. douther. 2919. Supply is. 2920. fayr. 2921. brith. 2924. knith. 2925. rith. 2929. nouth. 2933. Between this line and the next are inserted in the MS. the words : For he saw J^at he, which have been subsequently struck out by the same hand, and the word vacat affixed. 2939. Wit. H 2 /; lOO HAVELOK IS CROWNED KING OF ENGLAND So bat he weren alle riche: 29 jo For he was large and nouht chicne. PER-after sone, with his here, i For he to Lundone, forto here Corune, so fat it sawe, EngHshe and Denshe, heye and lowe, 2945 Hou he it bar with mikel pride, — vw. ,^> For his barnage p.\t was un-ride. ^^..^^^^^^ PE feste of his coruni«^ » Lastede with gret ioying» Fourti dawes, and sumdel mo; 2950 po biguwnen f>e Densh^ to go Vn-to J?e king, to aske leue, And he ne wolde hem nouht greue; For he saw )?at he woren yare In-to Denemark for to fare; 2955 But gaf hem leue sone anon, And bitauhte hem seint lohan; And bad Ubbe, his iustise, pat he sholde on ilke wise Denemark yeme and gete to, 2960 pat no pleynte come him to. "LJWAN he wore parted alle samen, Hauelok bi-lefte with ioie and game;? In Engelond, and was j^er-iwne Sixti winter king with winne, -. 2965 2941. nouth chinche (read chiche. 3945- Henglishe ant. 2946. Hwou. 394S. corunig. 2949. Laste. 2953. nouth, 2963 'vit. SUCH IS THE 'GESTE' OF HAVELOK lOI And Goldeboru quen, ]?at i wene So mikel loue was hem bitwene, pat al ))e werd spak of hem two: He louede hire, and she him so, pat neyj^er oj^er mihte be 2970 Fro ofer, ne no ioie se But-yf he were to-gidere bofje; Neuere yete ne were« he wroj^e. For here loue was ay newe; Neuere yete wordes ne grewe f Fol. 219 b, col. 1.] Bitwene hem, h\var-of no lathe 2976 Mihte rise, ne no wrathe. ILJE geten children hem bi-twene Sones and douhtres riht fiuetene, Hwar-of fe sones were kinges alle, 2980 So wolde god it sholde bifalle; And fe douhtres alle quents : *Him stowdes wel j^at god child strenes/ — Nu haue ye herd J)e gest al fioru Of Hauelok and of Goldeborw; 2985 Hu he weren boren, and hu fedde, And hou he wore/; with wro«ge ledde In here youJ?e, with trecherie, With tresoun, and with felounye; And hou J)e swikes hauedew tiht 2990 Reuen hem )?at was here riht, And hou he werew wreken wel, Haue ich seyd you eu^rilk del ; 2970. o])e (/e beste knigth 345 pat euere mith nemen to werre 346 Riden on stede, or handelen spere. 347 pre childre he hauede be . . . . if. 348 pat he louede as is . . . 349 He hadde sone & doutres to 350 SwiJ>e fayr, and fellet so. 351 pan he was in is best[e po]ynt 352 luel him toke in eueri gonyt 353 pat he was so wyth euel bunde, 354 pat he (ne) mith liuen non stunde. 355 pan he mith no longere liuen 356 For siluir j?at he mithe giuen. 357 pan he ]?at wiste, he dede senden 358 176 Space left for initial ZT. 183 Rea.d ym[a']iei 352 [pa'lyni : traces ofpo visible. 104 THE CAMBRIDGE FRAGMENTS A(ter prestis, fer and henden, 359 Ader chan(o)n(e)s, munkes bo)?cn, 360 Hym to wissen and to rofen, 361 Hym to husselen and to schriue, 363 Quiles yat he wer^ oliue. 363 Quan he was husseled & wel schriuen, 364 (/) Glim toke ]?e cheld, and bond wel faste, 537 Whiles ])Q bondes mith laste, 53? pat was a foul strong line; 539 panne was haueloc in mekel pine. 540 Wiste he neu^re er of wo ; 54 ' But lesu crist, ]?at made to go 54a pe alte, & ])e dumme for to speke, 543 Haueloc pout of godard wreke, 544 *And f;at he do him al quic flo *Wyt schame and pine and mekel wo. *For (he) it seruede on fele maner^, *Als ye schuln forwar her^. *He was traitur in mani akas, And he it aboute ]5at he swilc was. *He broute fe child in mechel sorwen, *Yet wurth is soule neuere borwen. *He bad grim don is comaundemet, *And perform was he ate IpQ laste schent. For )?anne grim hadde him faste bounde, 545 And sithen in an old clofe wnden, 546 *He J?riste in his muth wel faste A corner of an old clo]:e, ful hun-wraste, 547 pat he ne mith speken ne greden, 548 Quider so he wolde hym leden. 549 364 schriuen partly cut away. 547 MS. hiimvraste. 549 After this line traces of another cut away, perhaps ' For godard hadde comaund him so ' : him so plain, tops of hadde comaund visible. NOTES [Notes taken from Sir Frederick Madden's edition of 1828 are, as ia the original edition of this book, distinguished by the letter M. Notes due to Professor Skeat are also indicated, but the greater part of his work on the text is contained in the foot-notes. Reference is made to articles only when they contain matter of first importance for the text of Havelok, and in the case of any particular emendation the first proposal only is mentioned. In general, parallels are quoted at the first occur- rence of a phrase or line, and cross-references are omitted.] 9-10. Cf. 11. 25-6, 87-8, 1970-1, 2894-5. ■27. It was, 'there was', the anticipated subject being commonly expressed by it in ME, ; cf. 11. 462, 591, 723, 2076, &c. bi are dawes, ' in former days', ON. dr-dagar. aS. f>at in his timty * in whose time' ; for since the ME. relative J>af was incapable of inflexion, it was often supplemented by the personal pronoun : /at he = * who ' ; /at his = * whose ' ; /at him « * whom '. 29. He dede maken, &c., * (which) he caused to be made and to be well kept '. The infinitive after don, maken is freely used with a passive value; cf. 11. 38, 41, &c. 31-2. For this enumeration cf. 11. 1327-8, 2183-5, 2194-5, 2260-1, 2465-6. 38. * And everywhere had them called (to preferment) '. 39. wrobheres ' informers'; see Onions, Med. ^v. x. 159. 44. ' Neither gold nor wealth went for them, i.e. ransomed them ' : cf. 1. 1430. 55-6. fram : sham. The rime perhaps points to influence of ON. skamm- on ME. shame (OE. scamu), which elsewhere rimes with 1. 727 name, 1. 1938 /ame, and 11. 83, 1 191, 1673, &c. dlame < O.Fr. bldme. 63-4. blome : rome. Dr. Craigie kindly sends me the following note : * Read loutxd to Rome. The rime with blome shows that rome cannot be the verb " to roam ". To probably means " as far as ". The correction of land to loud «= loutxd is simple and obvious.' Stratmann, E. S. i. 423, had pointed out that rome = Rome, not roam, but offered no solution. Cf. desqua Rome in this sense, Lai d' Havelok, 1. 367. 80-1. A confused construction; were requires he made him\ while Pai he ne made him would normally follow was. 87-90. Madden compares a passage in Ritson's Metrical Romances, ii. 281 : He was the beste kyng at nede That ever mihte ride on stede, Other wepne welde, other folk out-lede; Of mon ne hede he never drede. I06 NOTES 91. A common expression ; cf. 1. 870. 92. The phrasing in 1. 1853 perhaps points to [s/iowel as the better addition : * let him see from the deeds of his hand ', &c. 98. drede, WS. drsedc, ' roast meat '. 115. underfong\% a regular analogical form, and in Cursor Mundi, 11. 15 19, 1542, has the meaning required here; see Sisam in Archiv, 128. 194 flf. 118. Cf. 1. 2:;42. 123. Cf. 11. 837, 849. 130. 'And do with them (her subjects) what was pleasing to her', Garnett's emendation for MS. /an For don him of cL 11. 953, 2423. 139. See Introduction, p. xxiii. 148. * Nor any who knew a remedy for his evil '. 149. * For him there was nothing but death '. 151. Cf. 11. 1248, 2541. 154. The addition should perhaps be \_shulde] ; cf. 1. 209, * And preide he shulde yeme hire wel\ and 11. 2443-4, 244-5. Note the sequences throughout the poem. if^o. ' I am very grateful to you '. For kan ]>ank, OE. }>anc cunnan, cf. 1. 2559. 162-3. Cf. 11. 2290-r. ^164. gouen hem ille (cf. 1. 1 1 29, note). It obviously means * grieved ', but the exact sense oi give is doubtful. 175. Vtx\i2c^%yemen and welde are intransitive, * govern and rule ', and \hir\ is unnecessary ; cLyemede intransitive in 1. 975. 176-7. an-on : Ion. Since Havelok seems to have been composed in the North of England, OE. on an would possibly have a, not 0, in its second element in the original. Hence it is possible to delete the added \^Iesu], and read anan : lohan ; and so at 1. 11 12. Note that in order to make lohan a monosyllable, the M.S. has been altered here and at 11. 1112, 1721, 2563; while in the only other instance, 1. 2957, the ordinary elision before hem has to be neglected. The spelling of the MS., with four cases of lohan against one Ion, is equally decisive for the disyllabic form. "^ 190-1. Cf. 11. 221S-9. 199. Cf. 1. 1080. 201. Cf. 11. 2311, 2372. 217. Cf. 1. 2743. 21S-19. The transposition suggested by Zupitza, ZfdA. 19. 125, removes all difficulty : * he made his will very prudently, and straight- way carried it out in every particular ' ; cf. 1. 363. 221. i.e. enough to provide his winding-sheet. 222. Cf. 1. 2018. 228. In the E. E. T. S. editions, Skeat rightly preferred to take loude LINES 91-361 107 as !ou''de = loutxd{e), but abandoned it here in deference to Holthausen. See Canterbury Tales, A 4287, In manus iuas, lord, to thee I calle, and Skeat's note. The ultimate source is Luke xxiii. 46. See Kolbing in ES. 16. 302, 232-3. For the phrasing cf. 11. 2320-1. 335. drawing bi hor, ' tearing of hair ', with ON. hdr, as the rime proves, 245-7. For attempts to defend the syntax see Morsbach, ES. 29. 371 f., and Horn, Anglia, 29. 132, who supply his soule as subject of ivone. This seems to be the author's intention. Holthausen, following Schmidt, inserts late before wone ; cf. 1. 406. 355. Cf. 11. 2269, 3853. 256-7. ' To all men he gave what seemed fitting, until the day they died', i.e. for as long as they lived. Holthausen's explanation, that 1. 257 contains the same idea as 11. 1405. 2210, seems the best. 277. Literally 'awe stood from him to all England'; cf. Beowulf, 783-4 NortSdetium stod atelic egesa, and New Eng. Diet. s.v. Aive. A I Engelond is properly dative, but when the dative inflexion was lost, it was misunderstood as a nominative. Hence NE. * all England stood in awe of him '. 279. The rime shows that the vowel is short ; hence the word is not OY.. gad, but O^.gadd-r as in 1. 1016. 300-1. yeue : line ; read the alternative form yiiie, and so at 11. 485, 1079, 1109, 121S, 1437. 307. ' Hope ofien plays tricks on the fool.' For other proverbial phrases cf. 11. 600, 648, 907, 1338, 1352, 1635, ^693, 2036, 2461, 2813, 2983. There is a useful collection of Middle English Proverbs in Skeat's Early English Proverbs, Oxford, 1910. 311. 'So may I have my white neck!* cf. 11. 1743, 2545; and Canterbury Tales, B ^490, ^S"^ mote I brouke wel myn eyen tweye. 314. Cf. 1. 2220. 315. Cf. 11. 466,419, 2051. 319. also, 'as, like'; OE. alswd yields in ME. also, alse^ als, as, which are often used indifferently. 331 ff. ' May Jesus Christ', &c., the subject repeated in 1. 223. 349. Cf. 1. 1707. 354-5. Morsbach, ME. Grammatik, § 129 ^, explains the rime as tuulde -./tilde <, OE./ullian; but Hupe's suggestion (Anglia, 13. 196) ivilde : Jilde is better ; cf. Cursor, 11. 18759-60, fuljild : wild'^ Robert of Brunne's Chronicle, ed. Hearne, i. p. 86, wild: filled, &c. 360-1. be^e : rede^ MS. bo])e\ The form bejie occurs at 11. 694, 1680, always in the bad rime with rede ; and theretore it can hardly be from ON. bxbi as Bjorkmann, p. 108, supposes. Otherwise the normal forms Io8 NOTES ddjie, hope, bofen are used, rede^ii) vb., \VS. rxdan, is proved by the rime in 11. 104, 687, 20S5. But beside it occur rdj)e[n), roJ)e{n) from ON. rdda in 11. 1335, 2817. red sh., \VS. r«e : rape would become bape : rede, and then falsely bepe : rede. Hence we need not hesitate to restore the Norse forms wherever they are required, reading bope : rope or bape : rape here and at 11. 693-4, 1680-1 ; and rape (or rope^ in 1. 2585. In the ]:>resent case the change is supported by the Cambridge fragment, bopen : ropen. 375. Yoxfrc72de<^0'N.fr3i'ndi, see Glossary. 390. men is singular. Ot. vian, ' one '. 393. Apparently 'that it may be well pleasing to their kin', which seems unsatisfactory. 395. Although po his rihi, ' those his rights', is a correct form, it is worth noting that the MS. has Po iox pou at 11. 3S8, 1229, 1274; and 1 should prefer to read^ is mis- written for V = U. And hungreth may be trisyllabic = hungereth. 471-2. Cf. 11. 1413-4. 484. Cf. 1. 317a. Hence biddi stands for bede i, an early instance of the confusion of OE. beodan, 'offer, command ', with OE. biddan, 'ask'. So MS. bidde for bede in 1. 2548, destroying the rime. 504-6. 'And yet he wished that he were dead, except that he was LINES 375-664 109 unwilling to slay him with his own hands, that foul fiend I * Napier's emendation and J)otch (cf. MS. in 1. 1669) is generally accepted, though it is possible to defend and pouhte. For the repeated nouht many emendations have been suggested, but without regard to the parallel phrasing in 11. 2228-9, which requires the retention of the second nouht. The present reading seems to overcome many difficulties. For but on pat, 'but only that', 'except that', cf. 1. 962. Ilend here and at 11. 1 41 2, 2069 is the old Norse umlauted plural hend-r. 521. Cf.l. 670. 538. i.e. as long as there was rope to bind with ; cf. 1. 2437, 544. On the added lines in the Cambridge fragment see Introduction, § 4, and Skeat in MLR. 6, 457. 546-52. The whole passage seems corrupt. It is true that by assuming an elaborate sentence structure, tale : bape, or roJ)e : boJ)e ; see note on 11. 360-1. MS. Hue may be construed as infinitive. 698. wiues: OE. wtfes (gen. sg.). 721 ff. Instead of the storm, in the French text Grim's ship is attacked by pirates, who kill the whole of the crew, with the exception of him- self and family, whom they spare on the score of his being an old acquaintance. — M. 721-2. Many emendations of the MS. reading have been proposed, but the sense is clear, if loosely expressed. 739. J)erefor to crde, ' in order to dwell there'. 745. [7V] cal/e : Zupitza's emendation, Anglia, I. 470 f. 746. Here and in 11. 1331, 1377, 2337, the substitution of /^-r^ for Vi.'S. )>eroffe entails emendation of the text. Hence it seems that ])erofe is a genuine trisyllabic form. Note the MS. spellings in 11. 372, 466, 2558. Offe is an extended form of ^, like onne 1. 347 from on. 755. MS. hivel for hel — el, Holthausen's emendation. 761-2. ' One for himself and three others for his sons'. 1^%-^' fonge \ grange . A bad rime, iox gm fonge cannot be pala- talized; cf. 11. 855-6 gonge{n) : fonge. As grange seems fixed by the sense, a French word is to be expected. Holthausen, Archiv, no. 101, suggests change, * to exchange ' ; and it is worth noting that, according to Gaimar, 1. 449, Grim lived by exchanging fish for bread : Del peissun cangium le pain. 784. Zupitza's emendation, Anglia, 7. 146 f. It seems agreed that setes — set es, ' set them ' ; but perhaps the relative is omitted : * nets (which) he often sets in the sea '. 789-90. MS. horn : gram should remain; cf. OE. xt ham. See Introd. § 20 (3). Horn has few correct nmes. 791-2. Cf. 11. 829-30. 795-6. Read longe : gonge, or lavge : gange, and so at 11. 1057-8. 801. Par noiiht, 'should not'. But keep MS. Pat, construing 'ought not inouht) to have it {^Pat) except as the result of {on long) toil '. The explanation of on long is due to J. A. W. Bennett. 808. «^/< OE. «^a/, *an ox', as the rime shows; cf. 11. 1026, 1891. 819-20. Skeat points out the parallel, Handlyng Sinne, 11. 5811-12: at he tok, Wyth-helde he nat a feithyng noke*. See Introduction, § 14. They suggest thnt \_0f^, should be omitted, LINES 679-970 III 833-4. Emendations and explanations show that the editors have missed the construction : * nor any other good {^at douhtc) fish with (which) he might feed his household '. 839 ff. In the French, Grim sends Havelok away for quite a different reason, viz. because fishing is not a suitable occupation for him. 855. Read^c;;?^^. 863. he was ful wil, *he was quite at a loss ' ; cf. 1. 1042. 870. MS. on should probably remain in view of parallels like Ysum- bras, 1. 458 //if sprang for the as sparke one glede. S75-6. brigge : ligge; either OE. brycg, OE. licgan^ or the corre- sponding ON. bryggja, sb., liggfa, vb. ; 11. 1373-4 ptgge : ligge are equally ambiguous. 879. pet oper day, * the next day ', as in 1. 1755. 883-4. bouht : oft. Holthausen alters bouht to coft, participle of coupe, ON. kaupa, ' to buy '. But since the guttural spirant h becamey very early in the North, [boft] is a possible pronunciation. Observe the construction * the Earl's provisions of Cornwall', where Modem English has the group-genitive 'the Earl of Cornwall's pro- visions '. 907. 'The food you eat is well invested'; cf. 1. 2036 and note, and for the sense 1. 1693. 92S. Cf. 11. 1997, 2109, 2475. 934. 'He asked nobody to go to meet him', i.e. help lim on the return journey with the full pail. 948. For the phrasing cf. 11. 652, 127S. 949-50. It is not necessary to assume a loss of two lines, for the same rime occurs elsewhere, e.g. 2676-7 s/azven : ratten; Sir Guy, 3173, haue \ plaxve, &c. The rime of -u- (< OE. ■y^-)with -w- seems to occur in good MSS. only when w represents the OE. voiced spirant g, and perhaps indicates a dialectal development parallel to the change of the voiceless spirant h tof; see note to 11. 883-4. Translate 'there was no boy so little for the purpose of sporting and frolicking that he would not play with him'; i.e. Havelok was good-natured enough to play with children too young to make play interesting. 955. sit//e and bolde, ' shy and bold', a tag ; cf. 1. 2309. 957. Read sowe, which, from its distribution, can hardly be WS. sdwon. It may be Northern sdgun, or of Scandinavian origin, or an analogical English formation. See Bjorkmann, p. 87 note. 959. i.e. his fame spread far and wide. For this common idiom ci". Beowulf, 1. 18 bla&d wide sprong, and for later parallels Hall's note to King Horn, 1. 211. 970. denes on, ' put them on '. es {is, ys, as), an unexplained pronoun » ' them ', is particularly common in Southern and Eastern texts ; cf. 1. 1 1 74, and note to 1. 784. 112 I^OTES 987-8. By transposing strong and lottg, Ilolthausen obtains no appre- ciable improvement in sense, and breaks tlie tag siark and sircn^, which must remain; of. 11. 608, 1271, 2535. 997. Kolbing's emendation /lore, ES. 19. 146 f., seems inevitable. 1008, d/oi- and brozvn: a tag characteristic of Havelok ; cf. 11. 1909, 21S1, 2249, 2694, 2847. The phrase apparently means * dark and fair', as in the modern surnames, * Black ', ' Brown '. It belongs to a class of tags which cover all sorts of men by the coupling of two adjectives of opposite meaning: arwe and kene, 21 15 ; clad ne naked, 2889 ; fre and pewe, 262, 2205; heye and lowe, 958, 1324, 2142, 2431, 2471, 2767, 2945; lef and loth, 261, 440, 2313, 2379, 2775; lesse and more, 1013, 2857 ; lit/e ond tnikle, 2014 ; long ne lite, 1S55 ; riche and poiire, 138, 237, 2471 ; sibbe andfremde, 2277 ; stille andbolde, 955, 2309 : sironge and wayke, 1012; yunge and olde, 956, 1639, 1933, 2014, 2802. 1019-21. Apparently 'for there was no horse-boy — though they should have (work) in hand — who did not come '. 1037-8. The sense is good, the rime impossible. Kolbing, ES. 19. 147, suggests ^^-flc/^fw, which Holthausen accepts, though it destroys the alliteration stoden and stareden, and anticipates the sense of 1. 1039. The rime word is probably stadden, pret. plur. < ON. stej>ja, which, unless some further emendation such as the addition of {on'] is admitted, would mean * to look on ' ; cf. 1. 1041. Compare Cursor Mundi, 11. 204 and 22724, Many man on stad and sey, a reading undoubtedly correct. The Norse word would naturally be eliminated by Southern copyists, as in all but the oldest MS. of Cursor. 1042. * And was quite ignorant of (the art of) putting ' ; cf. 1. 863. 1051-2. wipe : si}e. The rime word, OE. si^-e, rather supports Schmidt's suggestion, p. 51, that wi])e is ON. vtba, adv., ' widely ', ' far '. But an extended form of wip, prep, gives much better sense. Such extensions are common when the preposition follows the governed word. 1055-6. Sowen : lowen : a false rime since the vowel of sowen must be g, while lowen < OE. hlogon has g. Holthausen reads {J^yowen, * they fled', which does not fit the sense. Some emendation is needed. 1070. MS. pe speken can be interpreted as * they talk ', since Pe for Pet is not uncommon. But W. J. ii. Owen, Notes and Quei'ies, 25 Oct. 1952, explains convincingly that speken is for speke n. 'report', 'fame', as in 1. 1065 above. 1 1 01 -2. shop : hok : a poor rime, perhaps due to the rareness of rimes for shop. Cf. 11. 1646-7; and for the phrase, 1. 424, which rather points to Zupitza's emendation of 1. iioo (Anglia, i. 471): He was [J)e] wers[t]e Sathanas. Ii03ff. The French romance differs here very considerably from the English, as may he seen from the summary, Introduction, p. xiii. LINES 987-1338 113 1 105-6. Read brifigen, or ringe. II 12. For the MS. reading, see note to 11. 176-7. T129. Stratmann, ES. i. 424, points out that the MS, may be read yas, and since/ and s arc often confused, yaf her ilk should stand in the texi ; cf. 1. 164 and note. 1 174. ' He gave them to her and she took them ' ; see note to 1. 970. 1177-8. clerk : Yerk. The form Yerk has not been explained. 1183. Read mouhte. 1 207-8. Perhaps here read come : nome < OE. coinon : nornon ; but the neme forms are too common to admit of this as a general explanation. 1211. Cf. 1. 2252. 1217. For MS. 071 lyue read lyiie^ infin. ; see note to 11. 300-1. I247ff. The voice of the angel is completely an invention of the English author, and the dream (which is transferred from Argentille to Havelok) is altogether different in its detail. — M. 1257 The line is pointless and unnatural. Perhaps read ftan, ' when ', for jjat. 1273. The MS. contains the bad correction shal ^u, from shaltu. 1287. Literally * on one the greatest hill', a not uncommon idiom. 1290. werd = werld with assimilation of trilled rl. The form is particularly common in Northern texts. See Glossary. 1 291-2. Read lorve : owe or lawe : awe. 1298. The MS. haue can stand (a) as a spelling for awe\ or (b) «= have^ since such rimes occur elsewhere ; see note to 11. 949-50. 1303-4. Hohmann emends the rime by reading yei for ek; cf. 11. 1319-20. 1315. The absence of rime proves corruption or loss, and no satis- factory emendation has been suggested. 1323. sowe, with vowel from the pret. plur. ; see note to 1. 957. 1329. Cf. 1. 2319. 1331-2. doiite '. noute perhaps points to lengthening of « in open syllables, so that OE. hnictu > \h)nute. For the literature on this much disputed point, see Jespersen, Modern English Grammar, i. § 4.212. 1335- Cf. 1. 2592, which points to rape infm. < ON. rdba, nut the adverb from OE. hra^e. 13.^6-8. A very difficult passage. In the text 1. 1336 follows Zupitza's emendation, Anglia, i. 471 f. : ' let us both go to Denmark' ; but although Zupitza quotes an example from Genesis and Exodus, 1. 1775, there are objections to assuming the nominative dual so late, and with the inverted subject we should expect nime not nimen. Holthausen, following Wittenbrinck, p. 11, reads «m 7ne with pe to £)enema[r']k rape; and it may be noted that the MS. has witl for with in 1. 1165. Kolbing, ES. 16. 303, proposes nime we swipe to Denema^y]k bape, based on 1. 2600. 1818 I 114 NOTES The advantage of Zupitza's reading is that it gives a reason for corrup- tion. Lith has never been satisfactorily explained. 1. 1352 shows that the meaning must be something like 'speed', so that Holthausen's hither unker, ' each of you two '. In early ME. the 1st and 2nd person dual sometimes fall together under the form of the 1st person. 1914-5. 'A curse on him who cares! for ihey deserved it. What was their business there? They were mauled'. Observe the rime, which shows that werewed is disyllabic, as in 1. 1921. 1 9 16. bet, an unusual form of the participle with short vowel as the rime shows. Such weak formations followed the analogy of iede, IMde mete, mette, &c., where the vowel of the preterite and participle was normally shortened before a double consonant. See note to 1. 2338. 1917. The reading gives no sense. Holthausen reads her nes[es'\, 'their noses', comparing for the meaning 11. 2405-6. Perhaps it is another of the Norse phrases so common in the poem. In Laxdsela Saga, chap, xiii, Melkorka, becoming enraged with Jorunn, settihnefann a nasar henni. 1930-1. Cf. 11. 2096-7. 1932. Literally ' what this strife has in meaning*. For the phrase as emended by Holthausen (Anglia, Beiblatt, 11. 306), see Genesis and Exodus, 11. 1944, 2727. 1962-3. Read wawe or sowe. 1974. ' had it not been for him ' ; cf. 11. 2413, 2677. 1976. sinne, *pity', and so at 11. 2375, 2627. 1983. Here and in 1. 2409 the insertion of \him'\ with Holthausen injures the sense. In the one case the hero Havelok, in the other the traitor Godard is concerned ; and the phrascs refer to the speaker's or the writer's sympathies, not to the extent of the wounds. Render • that 's a great pity ', and cf. 11. 1976, 2006. 2005. keft < ON. keypt-r, partic. of kaupa, *to buy', ME. coupe'\n). See New Eng. Diet. sv. Keft. I 2 Il6 NOTES 2008-9. sofh : oth. The rime of soth < OE. so) with oth < OE. a} Indicates corruption, despite Kolbing, ES. 16. 301. The extraordinary phrase i ne lepe oth fixes the corruption in the second line. And since soth has remarkably few rime words, I suggest a reading which at first glance seems far-fetched. Read i ne leye [0] \_t]oth, * I do not lie from my teeth'. Cf. Cursor, 13940-1 (Cotton MS.): Quat sum yee knau wite yee for soth Sal yee na leis here o mi toth. The repetition oi leye is stylistically good. 2029. pat is naturally dative, as in 1. 727 : 'to whom the name was ' 2036-7. This line can hardly stand ; cf. 1. 907. If the original had : * Wei is set ])e mete he etes : ' Quotii Ubbe ' gos, him swij)e fetes ' ; with two parallel imperatives, then the easy confusion dos for gos would cause y^/ou in erth cam pi word is wele trod, I say it bi William. The form clearly belongs to tro, 1. 2862, Old East Scandinavian trtfa, and the shortening is probably an English development parallel to s/ioe, shod, and in no way connected with modern Scandinavian shortening. Cf. note to 1. 1916. A scribe has substituted the corresponding form of trowe. 2352. ilkcr, ' each of them ' ; OE. ylc heora. 2353. * by day and night', adverbial genitive singulars, as is shown by the form ; OE. gen. sing, deeges > dayes, but OE. plur. dagas > dawes usually, as in 11. 27, 2344, 2950. 2355- ^'^^ ^ ^^^1 'well prepared', 'well equipped'. Dr. Craigie points out to me that the correct explanation of this phrase was first given by Madden in his Lajamon, viz. that it is Old East Scandinavian bdemt, partic. * prepared ', the form corresponding to North-west Scandi- navian b^inn, which yields ME. botin{d). The rimes here, and in 11. 2571, 2505, 2525, prove the close vowel. 3384 ff. The French story here differs wholly from the English. Instead of the encounter of Robert and Godard, and the cruel punish- ment inflicted on the latter, in the French is a regular battle between the forces of Havelok and Hodulf (Godard). A single combat takes place between the two leaders, in which Hodulf is slain. — M. 2392. fjat . . . he = who; see note to 11. 26-7. 2409. ' That was nothing to grieve about ' ; see note to 1. 19S3. 2416. Rea.d _^edde. ii8 NOTES 2432. etierilk fot nf hctn, * every one of them ' ; cf. Kathenne, 1. 2273, he het . . bihefden ham euch fot ; and the phrase ' head of cattle *. 2433. 'whom they flayed ' (subsequently). 2441. Literally, 'the bonds were not to seek' (ON. leita\ i.e. they were freely used. 2450. went is rather past participle as in 1. 2138, than preterite. 2461. Madden, Lasamon, vol. iii. p. 302, quotes De vielz peche noveU plaie from Wace [Skeat]. 2496. See an ingenious suggestion by Littlelmlcs in Trans. Phil. Soc, 1903-4, p. 161 f. He proposes to read goiiru for grim ; so that goune or gore means 'gown or garment', and refers to the stripping off of the skin as if it were a garment. From the purely linguist ic point of view the emendation is a happy one. It removes the only case where the rimes seem to show lengthening of in open syllables, an assumption the more difficult because the lengthening conditions do not obtain in the nominative ^^r, * filth'. The addition of an inorganic e in gore is a further difficulty removed if gore be taken as = OE. gdra. 2519. Here Havelok's journey to England is lost. No doubt a column or a page was dropped by the copyist, or one of his predecessors. The French, with Skeat's rendering, runs : Quant Haueloc est rois pussanz. When Havelok is a mighty king, Le regne tint plus de .iiii. anz ; Merueillous tresor i auna. Argentine li comanda Qu'il passast en Engleterre Pur son heritage conquerre, Dont son oncle Tout engettee, [Et] A grant tort desheritee. Li rois li dist qu'il fera Ceo qu'ele li comandera. Sa nauie fet a-turner, Ses genz & ses ostz mander. En mier se met quant orre a, Et la reyne od lui mena. Quatre vinz & quatre cenz Out Haueloc, pleines de genz. Tant out nage & sigle, Q'en Carleflure est ariu^. Sur le hauene se herbergerent, Par le pais viande quierent. Puis enuoia li noble rois, Par le consail de ses Danois, A Alsi qu'il li rendist He reigned more than four years, Marvellous treasure he amassed. Argentine (Goldborough) bade him Pass into England To conquer her heritage, Whence her uncle had cast her out, And very wrongly disinherited her. The king told her that he would do That which she will command him. He got ready his fleet, And sent for his men and his hosts. He puts to sea when he has a wind. And took the queen with him. Four score and four hundred (ships) Had Havelok, full of men. So far has he steered and sailed That he has arrived at Carleflure. Hard by the haven they abode, And sought food in the country round. Then sent the noble king, By the advice of his Danes, To Alsi (Godrich)— that he should restore to him LINES 2432-2659 TI9 La terre qe tint Ekenbright, The land that Ekenbright (Athelwold) held, Q'a sa niece fut donee, "Which was given to his niece, Dont il Tout desheritee ; And of which he had deprived her. Et, si rendre n'el voleit. And, if he would not give it up, Mande qu'il le purchaceroit. He sends word that he will take it. The remainder of the French poem altogether differs in its detail from the English. 2521-3. If the poet had an actual priory in mind, it was probably Grimsby (or Wellow) Abbey, a house, of Black (Austin) Canons. Madden thought rather of the Austin Friary founded at Grimsby in 1280 (?) (see Introd. § 14); but a story-teller would hardly strain the credulity of his audience by such a distortion of an event within their own memory. Grimsby Abbey was dedicated to St. Olaf. 2526-7. oth : wot. The MS. spelling oth : woth and the false rime show that oth is not, as has hitherto been supposed, the word 'oath', but stands for ot = {A)pt < OE. kdt, * a promise '. 2528-9. graueii : name; see note to 11. 1397-8. 2548. On MS. bidde for bede see note to 1. 484. 2557. MS. ye beber, with be dotted for erasure. Holthausen reads grey])ed, 'made ready', but neither emendation is convincing. Perhaps read^tf here or he bere, * (which) they bore '. 2563. For the MS. reading see note to 11. 176-7. 2567. [^at']-sat; cf. 1. 2200; but MS. sat, 'opposed', is correct. 2582-3. Holthausen transposes these lines, with some gain; cf. 11. 41-2. 2584-5. Read bo]>e : roJ)e ; see note to 11. 560-1. 258S. The MS. reading can stand, but perhaps slo is miswritten for Jlo, ' flay ' ; cf. 1. 612. The phrase withy?^ is very common, and slawen ioxjlawen occurs in the MS. at 1. 2476, owing to the likeness in form of /andy"; cf. MS. in 11. 1427^'w ; 2289///^^; 2442^;^. 2634-5. feld : swerd. The cutting off of the left arm with the shield it bears is often referred to in the Romances, e.g. Roland and Vernagu, 11.823-4: J>e left arm and J)e scheld Fel forj) into J)e feld. (Kolbing, ES. 16. 302.) Hence Madden's suggestion with J>e scheld for with J)e swerd can hardly be denied. 2658-9. bo])en : drowen. The rime is false both in consonant and vowel, for bo])en has p, drowen p. But the sense is much superior to that given by Holthausen's reading [he] lowen, 'they laughed', for boJ)en. Some emendation is necessary, but none so far proposed seems satis- factory. I20 NOTES, LINES 2676-2970 2676-7. slawen : Rauen; see note to 11. 949-50. 2687. /;«/, 'hollow', in the MS. altered from hill. The vowel u seems to be proved by the rime. The form hule occurs in Morris, C)E Misc., p. 8, 1. 253. It is perhnps O. East Norse hul. 2688. iarst = to arsi according to Kolbing, ES. 16. 303, but New Eng. Diet. sv. erst, prefers the explanation in the foot-note, since the form to erst seems unknown. But in view of the difficulty of explaining loss of a-, it would perhaps be better to read \_d]t arst. 2690. In support of the emendation of leuin, ' lightning ', to leiat, note that in the Lai d'Havelok Hodulf and Havelok attack each other come lean (1. 960). 269 1 . neuere kines : a curious phrase for none kines. 2698. felden (MS. feldern), a weak preterite form of fall. vSee New Eng. Diet. On the rime gres : is, see Introd. p. xxix, 2700-1. brittene : liitene, infinitives, the first < OE. brytnian, the second probably a new formation which would correspond to OE, *lytnian, ' to lessen '. 2719. Zupitza, Anglia, 7. 155, sugi^ests ^z rtV^e, since rathe is < OE. hrape. 2944. [alle'] is not necessary, for corune is naturally trisyllabic as in 1. 1319. 2944-5. Read sawe : lawe, or soive : lowe, 2956-7. anon : lohan; see note to 11. 176-7. 2960. gete, * watch ' < ON. gxta, as in 1. 2762. 2966. pat . . . hem bitwene = 'between whom ' ; see note to 11. 26-7. 2970. oJ>er, MS. ope. Perhaps read owe[^r'], * anywhere', for OE. } and p are confused in the MS. See a similar case in Cursor (Cotton MS.), 1. 1 1 544. But o^er , , . ne, * either , . , or', is grammatically sound. GLOSSARIAL INDEX The Glossary is now adapted to the normalized text ; but interesting MS. forms are indicated, and the references, taken in conjunction witti the foot-notes, provide a full index to the spellings. In the Text the commonest fluctuations in form or spelling are a : o (jp. xxix) ; an: on; t :y ; u :o (p. xl) ; u : ou (p. xl) ; u:w (p. xxxix) ; ei : ey. ai : ay \ c:k\ hw : qu (p. xi) ; sch \ sh; th : J>; and cross references are not always given. Many words and phrases are now added, which, though easily mtelligible, are worth recording in a text so early ; and except in references, completeness is aimed at. Except for special reasons, only verb tense forms are parsed, because the inflexion of nouns and adjectives presents no difficulty. Brief etymological indications are added, with references in difficult cases to the Oxford English Dictionary (N.E.D.). Abbreviations. L. = Latin. OE. = 01d English, especially Anglian. O.Fr. =01d French, especially the French current in England. OHG. = Old High German. OLG. =01d Low German. ON. = 01d Norse, especially Icelandic ; but O.Dan. = Old Danish, and O.Sw. = Old Swedish are sometimes specified, prec. = preceding word. * before a form or reference indicates reconstruction, of. in etymologies indicates indirect or uncertain relation. + shows that a compound first appears in Middle English. A, An(e), indef. art. 7, 14, 21, 114, 722, &c. ; one, a single, aoio, to82. [OE. (7«.] See On. Abide, v. remain, wait, 1797. [OE. onbtdan, dbidan.'] Abouen, prep, above, higher than, 1700. [OE. onbufan.'] Aboute(n), Abuten, prep. about, 521, 670, loio, 3429. [OE. onbutan.'] Adoun, Adune, adv. down, 567, 2735. [OE. of-dtme.] See Doun. Adrad (MS. Odrat, 1153), pp. afraid, 278, 1048, 1163, 1682, J304; Adradde, pi. 1787; A- dred, pp. 1258. [OE. ofdrxdd, of- dredd, pp.] Adred. See Adrad. Alter, prep, after, 171, &c.; ac- cording as, 2810; senden after, to send for, 137, 138, 524. [OE^ aefter.'] Ageyn, Agen, Ayen, prep. against, 272, 489, 569, 12 10, 1792, 2034, 2799, &c. ; to meet (with verbs of motion), 451, 934, 1207, 1696; to receive, 1106; exposed to (of light), 1809, 2141, [OE. ongen, ongegn.^ Ageyn, adv. again, 493, 2426. 122 GLOSSARIAL INDEX Ageynes, frep. against, 2153, 2270. [fT^/jj/w + adverbial ^j.] Al, adj. all, 35, 264, 277, &c. ; every one, 104; Alle, pi. 2, 16, 37, 150, &c. [OE. al/.] Al, adv. wholly, entirely, 34, 70, 139, 203, &c. ; in combination with To- {see To-), 1948, 1993, 2001, 2021, 2667. [OE. all.] Ale, «. ale, 14, 1244, 1731. [OE. alu.] Alias, w/^r/". alas, 1878. [O.Fr. alas.] Alraest, adv. almost, 962. [OE. almatst.] See Mest(e). Als, Also, Al-so, conj. as, like, so, 306, 319, &c. ; as if, 1912, &c. [OE. al-swd.] Alper-best(e), adj. best of all, 1040, 2415; adv. 182, 720, 1 197. [OE. alra heist, with epenthesis of d, and fluctuation dr 'Pr.] Alper-leste, adj. least of all, 1978,2666. \0E. alra Ixsta.] See prec. Al to, Alto-, See Al and To-. Am, I sg. pres. indie, am, 167, &c. See Art, Is, Ben. [OE. aw.] Amideward, prep, in the middle of, 872. [OE. 1428, 2377. [OE. bin- dan.] See Bynderes. Binne, adv. wiihin, 584. [OE. bintian.] Birde. See Bir]). BirJ), V. ivipers. 3 sg. pres. it behoves, 2101 ; Birde, pa. t. sg, 2761. [OE. {^ge)byrian.] GLOSSARIAL INDEX 125 Birpene, n. burden, 807, 900, 902. [OE. byrjien.'] Bise, «. north wind, 724. [O.Fr. bise.'] Biseken, v. to beseech, 2994. [OE. be + sFcanJ] BisoiTpe, on the south side of, 2828. [OE. de suj>an.'\ See Suth. Bi-stod,/a. /. S£. stood by, 507. [OE. di-, bestandati.'] Cf. Umbi- stode. Bistride,^'. bestride, 2060. [OE. bestridan.'] Bis^wike, pp. betrayed, 1249. [OE. beswtcan.'] Bitaken, v. to deliver, give in charge, 1226. [3^ + ON. taka.'] See Bitechen. Bite, V. to bite, 2440 ; to drink, 1 73 1. [OE. ^r/^/«.] Bitechen, z/. give in charge, com- mit to the charge, 203, 384, 39.-, ; Bitauhte, Bitaucte, Bitawhte, pa. t. sg. 206, 558, 1224, 140^;, 1409, 2212, 2214, 2317, 2957. [OE. betxcan, in ME. confused with Bitaken.] Bitwene(n), Bitwen, Bituene, prep, between, among, 748, 935, 1833, 2668, 2967. [OE. betw'eo- nan.'] Blac, adj. black, 48, 555, looS, />/. Blake, 1909, 2181, 2249, 2521, 3694, 2847, &c. See under Hrun. [OE. b/aec] Blake, adj. white, 311. [OE. bide] Cf. Bleike. Blakne, v. to darken (of the face), to become angry, 2165 ; or to become pale. See Note. [OE. b/aec + man or b/dc + tiian.'] Blame, n. blame, 84, 1192, 1672,2460. [O.Yi. bla{s)me.'\ Blase, n, blaze, 1254. [OE. blaese.] Blawe, Blowe, v. to blow, 5B7, 913 ; Blow, imper. sg. 585. [OE. bldwan.'] Bleie, v. to bleed, 103, 2403. [( )E. bledan.'] Bleike, adj. pi. pale, white, 470. [ON. bleik-r.] Blenkes, n. pi. : blenkes viaken, to play tricks, 307. [Cf. OE. vb. blcncan, to deceive.] Blessed,//, blessed, 1 2 15. [OE. bletsian^ Blinne, v. to cease, 329, 2367, 2374; *Blunne, /a. /. //. 2^70. [OE. blinnan.] Blisse, n. bliss, 2187, 2935. [OE. bliss.-] Blissed, pp. made happy, 2873. [OE. blissian^ blitSsian.] 'B\\'pe,adj'. happv, glad, 632,651, 777,886. [O^blipe.] Blod, n. 216, 4,^2, 1819, 1850, T904, &c. See under Renna. [OE, blod.] Blome, n. bloom, flower, 63. [ON. bldmi.] Bloute, ad/, pi. soft, pulpy, 1 910. [O^^blaut-r.'] Bods, n. command, 2202, 5607. [OE. bod.] Bodi, n. body, 84, no, 363, 995, &c. [OE. bodlg.] Bok, n. book, Bible, 20 r, 487, 1173, 1418, 2217, &c. \OE. boc] See Messel)ok. Bold, adj'. bold, 64, &c. Bclde, pi. 955, &c. [OE. bald.'] See Baldlike. Bole, n. bull, 2330, 2438. [ON. boll.] BoDd. See Binde(n). Bondeman, «. husbandman, peasant-farmer, 32, 1016, 130S. [ON. bondi + man.] Sondes, n. pi. bonds, 332, 538, 635, &c., bonds (of pain), 143. [ON. band.] See Dede-bondes. Bone, n. boon, request, 16=9. [ON. b6n.] Bon(e) in wel bon{e)^ 2355, 2571, well equijiped, in good coiidiiion ; iuele bone, poorly 126 GLOSSARIAL INDEX equipped, in poor condition, 2505. [O. East Norse bSenn, pp. of iSa^ to prepare.] Bones, n. pi. bones, arms, 1296. [OE. ban.'] Bor, n. boar, 1867, 19S9, 2331. [OE. bdr?^ Bord, n. a table. 99, 1722; a board, 2106 {see Note). [OE. bord.'\ Bore(n). See Bare. Boru, Borw, Burw, n. borough, town, y:y, 1^1, 847, 1014, 1293, 1444, 1630, 1757, 2086, 2277, 2836. [OE. bicrh.'] Borw, n. surety, 1667. [OE. borg.'] Bote, But, adv. onlv, but, 721, 722. \0Y.. butan?^ 6"^^ But(e). Bote, n. remedy, help, 1200. [( )E. botr^ Bo])e(n). See Ba])e. Bouht(e). See Beye. B(o)unden. See Binde(n). Botir, Bowr, n. chamber, 239, 2072, 2077, &c. [OE. bur.\ Bout (MS. But), n. throw, putt, 1040. [O.Fr. bout?\ Bowes, n. pi. bows (weapons), 1748. [OE. <^^^^.] Boyes, n. pi. young men, men, 1899. Brayd,/)^. /. sg. started, awaked, J 2>S2 ; drew (a sword), 1825. [OE. biegdan.'\ Bred, ;;. bread, 463, 633, 643, 1N79. [OE. bread.] Brede, n. roast meat, 98. [OE. hrxde^ Broken, v. to break, 914 ; Broken, pa. t. pi. 1902, 1903; Broken, ^/. 1238. \0K. brecan.'] Brenne, n. burning ; brouht on brcnne^ made burn, 1239. [To next.] Brennen, v. to bum, 916, 1162 ; Brenden, /a. /. pi. 594, 2125; Brend,//. 2S32, 284i,&c. [ON. brcniia. 1 Brest, n. breast, chest, 1030, 1648. [OE. breost?^ Bride, n. bride, 2 131. [OE. bryd.-] Brigge, n. brid^'e, 875, 881. [OE. brycg or ON. bryggja^ Briht, Brylit, adj. bright, fair, 589, 605, I2f2, 2131, 2610; Brihter, compar. 2 141. [OE. berht:\ Brim, adj. furious, raging, 2233. \^See N.E.D. s.v. B^eme.'] Bringe(n), v. to bring, 72, 185, &c. ; Brouhte, pa. t. sg. 767, 2S68; Brouhten,/'d!. /.//. 2791 ; Brouht, Browht,//. 57, 58, 336, 649, 1979, 2052, &c. ; to pe erfie brouht, buried, 248; brouht of line, 513, 2412, brought out of life, dead ; forth brotihie, fostered, brought up, 2868. [OE. bringan.] Brini(e), «. mail coat, 1775, 23.=i8, 2551, 2610, 2740. [ON. brynja.'] Brisen, v. to bruise, beat, 1835. [OE. brysan.'] See To-brised. Bi'ittene, v. (zs passive) to break to pieces, 2700. [OE. bryiiiian.~\ Brod, adj. broad, 1647 ; Brode, pi. 896. [OE. brdd.^ Bro])er, n. brother, 1396, &c. ; Brethren,//. 2413. [O'E. bropor."] Brouht. See Bringe(n). Brouke, v. enjoy, use, have, 311, 1743,2545. [OK. brucan.'] Broys, n. broth, 924. [O.Fr, broez.'] Brune, Broune, 1008, 1909, 2181, 2249, 2694, 2847, brown, fair (?) ; for the phrase blake and brnne see Note to 1. 1008. [OE. Bulderstone, n. boulder-stone, 1790. [ON.; cf. Gotland dialect buldtir-stajn.'] Buuden. See Binde(n). Burgeys, Burgeis, n. burgess, citizen, 1328, 2466,//. 2012, 2195. [O.Fr. burgeis.'] GLOSSARIAL INDEX 127 Burgmen, n. pi. burgesses, citi- zens, 2049. [OE. burJwian (if g Burwe. See Berwen. Burwes. See Boru. But(e), Buten, conj. except, unless, 85, III, 149, 690, 1 149, 1159, 2022, 2031, 2727; but als^ were it not that, 2022, 2031 ; but on pat, except only that , except that, 505, 962 ; but-yf, but-yif, unless, 2546,2972. [OE. biitaji.'] 6'a. t. pi 369. pank cunnen, to be grateful, 160, 2560. [OE. cunnan, can (pret. pres.), ciipe.'\ Care, Kare, n. anxiety, 121, 835, 1377. 2062. [OE. caru.'\ Carl, «. churl, slave, 1 789. [ON. karl.'\ Carte-lode, n. cart-load, 895. [ON. kart-r, OE. crxt + OE. lad.] Castel, n. castle, 252, 412, 1301, 1442. [O.Nth.Fr. castel.] Casten. See Kcsten. Catel, n. chattels, goods, 225, 275, 2023, 2515, 2906, 2939. [O.Nth.Fr. catel?^ Caynard (MS. Cauenard), fellow (term of reproach), 2389. [O.Fr. cagnard.] Caysor(e), Kaysere, n. em- peror, 353, 977, 1317, 1725. [ON. keisari. ] Cerges, S erges, n . pi. wax tapers, 594,2125. \Q.Yx. cerge?\ Chaflfare, n. merchandise, 1657. [OE. ceap +/aru.] Champioun, Chaumpioun (MS. Chaunbioun, 1007, Chaunpioun), n. champion, 1007, 1015, 1031, 1055. [O.Fr. cAamplun.] Chanounes, n. pi. canons, 360, [O.Fr. c/ianouTi.] Chapmen, n. pi. merchants, 51, 1639. [OE. ceaptnan.] Charbucle, n. carbuncle (a stone supposed to shine in the dark), 2145. [O.Fr. charboHcle.] Chartre, n. charter, deed of manumission, 676. [O.Fr. chartre.] Chaste, adj. chaste, 288. [O.Fr. chaste.] Cherl, n. churl, thrall, servant, 262. 620, 684, 1092, 2533. [OE. ceorir^ See Carl and Drii-cherl. Chese, n. cheese, 643. [OE. cese.] Chesen, v. to choose, 3147; Chosen, pa. t. pi. 372. [OE. ceosanP\ Chiche (MS. Chinche), adj. nig- gardly, mean, 1763, 2941. [O.Fr. chiche^ later chinche.] Child, n. child, 575, &c. (MS. Child, 532) ; Children, //. 348, 368, 474, &c. ; Children, gen. pi, 499. [OE. cild.] Chiste, n. dat. chest, coffer, 222. [OE. cist.] See Kist. Citte (MS.), 942. See Kitte. Clad, &c. See CloJ)e. Clapte, pa. t. sg. struck, 18 14, 1821. [OE. *ciappian.] 128 GLOSSARIAL INDEX Clar^, n. a drink consisting of vine, honey and spices, 1728. [O.Fr. ciare.'] Clene, adj. pure, 995. [OE. clUne.'] Clerc, n. clerk, one in holy orders, 33, 77, 1177, &c. [O.Fr. clerc] Cleue, M. dwelling, cottage, 557, 596. [OE. cleo/a.'] Cleuen, v. to cleave, split, 917 ; Clef, /a. /. sg. 2643, 2730. [OE. cidofan.'] Closede, /a. t. sg. enclosed, was included, 1310. [O.Fr, clore, clos-.'] Cloth, n, cloth, garment, 185, 418,546,855,968, 1144, 1145, &c. (MS. CloJ)en,//. 1 233! [OE. cldti.'] Clope, V. to clothe, 1138; Ciopede,/a. t. sg. 420; Cladde, pa. t. sg. 1354, 2907; Clad, pp. 2S89; Cloped, pp. 971. [OE. claQian and clatbani\ See Un- ci oJ)ede. Clubbe, n. club, 1927, 2289. [ON. klubba.'] Clutes, n. pi. clouts, pieces of cloth, 547. [OE. dut.'\ Clyueden, pa. t. pi. fastened, clung, 1300. [OE. cli/ian.'] Cok, Kok, ft. cook, 873, 880, 801, 903, 921, 967, 1123, 1146, 2898. [OE. coc.'] Cold, Kold, n. cold, 416, 449; cold fongen, to catch cold, 856. [OE. cold.] Comen. See Komen. Cone. See Can. Conestable, n. constable, war- den, 2286, 2366. [O.Fr. cone- stable.'] ConseyljW.counsel, 2862. [O.Fr. eonseil.l Copes. See Kopes. Corporaus, n. a linen cloth on which the sacrament is placed at Mass, and in which it is wrapped after Mass, 188. [O.Fr. cor- poraus.'] Corune, n. crown 1319, 2944., [O.Fr. corune.] See Croun(e). Coruning, «. coronation, 2948. \_See prec] Cote,«. cottage, 737, 1 141. [OE. cot:] Couel, Cuuel, Kouel, n. cloak, garment, 768, 858, 964, 1 144, 2904. [OE. cufle.] Couere, v. to recover, 2040, [O.Fr. covrer.] Coupe, V. to buy, pay dearly for, t8oo; Keft, //. 2005. [C>N. kiiupa, pp. keypt-r.] Coupe. See Can. Crake. See Kraken, Crauede, pa. t. sg. asked for, 633. [OE. crajian.] Crepen, v. to creep, 68. [OE. creopan.] Cri, n. call, summons ; at his crtf at his command, in his power, 2 70 ; at one cri, unanimously (?), with one voice (?), 2773. [O.Fr. cri.] Ciice, n. the anal cleft, 2450. [ON. kriki.] Crie(n), v. to cry, implore loud- ly, 2443, 2772 ; Criede, pa. t. sg. 2501. [O.Fr. crier.] Croiz, n. cross, 1263, 1268, 1358, 2139, &c. [O.Fr. croiz.] Croud, 2338. See Note. Croun(e), n. crown of the head, 568, 902, 1814, 2657, 2734. [In form always distinct from corune, which has the same etymology.] Crus, adj. angry, fierce, 1966. [ON. or OLG. krus.] Crussh.e. See To-crusshe. *Cuneriche iM.S. Cunnriche), Kunerike (also MS. Kuneriche), «. kingdom, 976, 2318,2400,2804; cf. Note to 2143. [OE. cynerice, influenced by ON. kuniing, see Note to 1. 2143.] See Kineriche. Cuppa, n. cup, 14. [OE. cuppeT] Curt, n. court, 1685. [O.Fr. curt.] Curteys, ad.j. well-bred, having GLOSSARTAL INDEX 129 manners fit for a court, 2916. [O.Fr. curteis.'] Curteysye, n, ; of curteysye, de- corously (?J, in accordance with courtly manners (?), 194, {iox gon in 1. 195 may stand, cf. 11. 113, 125, 370, 2059) 5 curteysye maken, treat in a courtly manner, 2875. [O.Fr. curteisie.'] Cuuel. See Couel. Dam, n. lord, fellow (?), 2468. Here used as a term of reproach, but the sameasZ'aw in Dan Chau- cer, &c. [O.Fr. damJ] Dame, n. lady, dame, 558, 17 17. [O.Fr. dame.^ Dapeit, Datheit, Datheyt, interj. a curse on ! 296, 300, 926, 1125, 1799, 1887, 1914, 2047, 2447, 2511, 2604, 2757. In daj>eyt on, 1995, it seems to imply strong negation ; cf. * devil a bit '. [O.Fr. dahait, see N.E.D. s.v. Dahet.'] Day, n. day, daylight, life-day, 143, 589, &c. ; Dayes, adv. gen. Sg. by day, 2353; Dayes,//. 355, 865 ; Dawes, //. 2344, 2950. [OE. dasg.] See Are-dawes. Day-bella, n. morning bell, 1132. i^ OE. dasg + belle.'\ Ded, Dede, n. death, 149, 167, 1 68 7, &c. [Apparently from OE. deab, but the final laf is unexplained. ] See Dede-bondes, Deth. Ded, adj. dead, 232, 464, 2007. [OE. dead.\ Dede, n. deed, 180, 550 1356, &c. See Hand-dede. [OE. ded.^ Dede, &c. See Do(n). Dede-bondes, n. pi. bonds of death. 332, is probably a compound = ON. dauda-bpnd, pi. [OE. dead + 01 1967, &c. [OE. dogga."] Dom, «. judgemeiu, 2473, 2487, 2813, &c. [OE. dom.'] Domesday, «. Day of Judgement, 748, 2523. [OE. domesdsRg.] Dore, «. door, 1788, 1792. [OE. dor^^ Dore-tre, n. bar of a door, 1806, iq68. [Prec. + OE. treo^ See Tre. Douhte, pa. t. sg. was of worth, was good, availed. 703, 833, 1 184. [OE. dUgan, deah (pret. pies.), dohte.'\ Doubter, Dowhter, n. daughter, 120, 258, 350, 717, 1079, 2712, 2867, 2914, 2979, 2982, &c. [OE. dohtor. ] Doumbe, adj. pi. dumb, 543. [OE. dumb.'] Doun, Dun(e), adv. down, 888, 901, 925, 927, 1S15, 2656, &c. See Adoun. Doute, n. fear, 1331, 1377. [O.Fr. doicte:] Doutede, pa. t. sg. feared, 708. [O.Fr. dou/er.] [Drad (MS.). See Adrad.] Drake, n. drake, 1241. [Cl. Germnn dialectal drake.] Dnwe n^, v. to draw, drag; Drou, Drew, pa. t. sg. 705, 719, 942, &c. ; Drowen, pa. t. pi. 1837; Drawe(n),//. 1769,1925, 322.5, 2477, 2603, &c. ; to ])e peni drou, see Peni ; drou him to, made for, 719. See To-, Vt-, With- drawen. [OE. dragan.] Drawing, n. pulling, tearing, 235. [To prec] Drede(n), v. to dread, fear; Dred, imper. sg. 66 1 , 2 1 68 ; Dredde n), pa. t. pi. 2289, 2568. [OE. {on)dredan.] See Adrad. Dred(e), n. dread, anxiety, 90, 181, 478, 828, 1169, 1664. [I'o prec] Drem, n. dream, 1284, 1304, 131 5. [OE. dream, ON. draum-r.'] Dremede, pa. t. sg. impers., ine d re mode, I dreamed, 1284, 1304. [To prec] Drenchen (MS. also Dreinchen, 561 ; Drinchen, 553), v. to drown, 583, I416. 1424, &c ; Drenched, //. 520, 669, 1368, 1379. [OE. drencan?}^ Dreng, n. ' a free tenant (special- ly) ill ancient Northumbria, holding by a tenure older than the Norman Conquest, the nature of which was partly militaiy, partly servile ' (N.E.D.), 31, 1327, 2184, 2194, 2260, 2466. [ON. dreng-r.] Drepe(n\ v. to kill, slay, 506, 1783 (i^^^Note), 1865, &c. ; Drop, pa. t. sg. 2229; see Note. [OE. drepan.'] Dreping, n. slaughter, 2684. [To prec] Drinken, v. to drink, 15, 459, 800, &c. [OE. drincan.'] Drink, «. drink, 1738, 2457, &c. [To prec] Drit-cherl, n. dirty fellow, 682. [ON. ^/r/V+OE. ceorl?^ Driue(n), v. to drive, rush, go quickly ; Driuende, pres. ptc. 2702 ;'Drof, pa. t. sg. 725, 1793, 1S72; Driue, pa. t. pi. 1966; Driuen, pp. 2599. [OE. drifan.\ Drop. See Drepen. Drou. See Drawen. Dubben, v. to dub, create (a GLOSSARIAL INDEX 131 knight;), 2042 ; Dubbede,/a. /. sg. 2314. ISee N.E.D. s.v. Dub.] Duelle, Dwellen, v. to tarry, linger, remain, 4, 1058, 1185, 1351 ; Dwelleden,/a. /./>/. 1189. [OE. dzvellan.'] Dwelling, n. delay, 1352. [To prec] Dun(e). See Doun. Dungen. See Dinge. Dunten, pa. t. pi. struck, beat, 2448. [Cf. Dint, n. ; but Scotch dtint, n., Swedish dunia, v., point to Norse origin.] Durste, pa. i. sg. durst, dare, 272; Dursten, pa. t. pi. 1866. [OE. dearr (pret. pres.), dorste.'] Dust, n. dust, 2832. [OE. diist.'] Eie, n. eye, 1152, 2545; Eyne, Eyen (MS. Eyn, 2171), pi. 680, 1273, i340> 1364, 2171, &c. [OE. ege.'] Eir, Eyr, n. heir, no, 289, 410 {see Note), 2539, &c. [O.Fr. eir.'] Ek, Ec, adv. also, 1025, 1038, 1066, 2348, &c. [OE. ec] Cf. Ok. El, n. eel, 755 (MS. Hwel), 897, 918. [OE. ^/.] [Eld, MS. adj. old, 546 ; Helde, pi. 2472, perhaps represent South- ern OE. eald. See Old.] Eld, n. age ; comen in-til elde^ reached years of discretion, or a marriageable age, 128, 174; be of elde, 387. [OE. eld:] Eldeste, adj. siiperl. wk. eldest, 1396. [OE. eldest.] See Old. Elles, adv. else, 1192, 2590. [OE. elks:] Em, n. uncle, 1326. [OE. (WS.) eam.\ Ende, n. duck, 1241. [OE. ened. ] Ende, n. dat. end, 247, 734, [OE. ende.] Endinge, n. end, death, 3001. [OE. endung.] Er, adv. before, 541, 684. [OE. «/-.] See Are-dawes, Or, adv. Er, conj. before, 15, 229, 317, 1 261, 2^)80. [To prec] Erchebishop, n. archbishop, 1178. [OE. xrcebiscop.] Erde (MS. ErJ)e), v. to dwell, 739. rOE. eardian.] Eritage, n. heritage, 2836. [O.Fr. erilage.] Erl, «. earl, 31, 189, 206, 273, 443, 2898, &c. [OE. eorl.] Erldom, n. earldom, 2909. [OE. eorl + dom.] Ern, n. eagle, 572. [OE. earn.] Erpe, n. earth, ground, 248, 424, 740, 2657. [OE. eorde.] *Es = is, 2699, see Introd., p. xxix. Es, Ys, *Is (MS. As, 1 1 74), pro7t. pi. them, 1174 (bis) ; dones on = don es on, put them on, 970. See^oiQ to 1. 784. [^'^^j N.E.D. s.v. His.] Et, pron. neut. sg. attached to verbs = it : bibetet = bihete et, 677; havedet, 714; youenet, 1643; hauenet, 2005. SeeYx.. Ete(n), V. to eat, 146, 317, 457, 641, 791, 800, 911; Eteth, /«/. 672 ; Et, iniper. 19, 925 ; Et, pa. t. sg. 653, 656, 1879 ; Eten, PP- 657, 929. [OE. etan.] Euere, Eure, adv. ever, 17, 207, 327, 424, 704, 830. &c. [OE. SRfre.] Euere-ich, Eueri, adj. every, 8, 137, &c. [OE. aefre-ylc] Euer(e)-ilk, -ilc (MS. Euer(e)- il generally in eueril del, 21Q, 1334, 1664, 1764^ 2318, &c.), adj. every, 1330. 2258, 2432; Eueri- del, 1070, 1 1 76, 1383. [See prec] Eueri. See Euere-ich. Euerilk-on, pron. every one, 1062, 1996, 2197 [Prec. + OE. an.] K 2 132 GLOSSARIAL INDEX Euere-mar, adv. evermore, 197 1. [OE, 8tf>'e + tfidre.'] Eyen, Eyne. See Eie. Eyr. See Eir. *EyJ?er. See AyJ)er. Fader, n. father, 1224, 1403, 1416, &c. \OE.fasder.'] Faderles, adj, fatherless, 75. [OE. {M.GXC.) feadur-leas.'] Fadmede, pa. t. sg. embraced, encircled (with the arms), 1295. \0¥j.fa2.Q}nian,fsE,dmian.'\ Faile, Fayle, n. ; with-uten faiUy without fail, 179, 2909. \p.¥r. faile.'] Falle, V. to fall, befall, happen, occur, appertain to, 39, &c. ; Falles, 2302 ; Pel, /a. /. sg. 351, 1009, 1177, 1190, 1815, 2359; Pelle(n), pa. t. pi. 1303, 2656; Felle, pa. t. subj. 1673; Felden, wk. pa. 2698 ; Fal- len,//. 265S. [OE./a//a».] Pals, adj. false, *ii57, 2511. [O.Fr./a/j.] Palwes, n. pi. ploughed fields, 2509. {See N.E.D.] Fare, n. journey, 1337, 2621. [OE.>r«.] Paren, v. to ^^o, fare, 51, 120, 264, 1392, 2690, 2705 ; 'Pot, pa. t. sg. 2382, 2943 ; Poren, pa. t. pi. 2380, 2(i\'^', faren with., to act towards, treat, 2705. [OE./a/aw.] See Ferde, Past, adj. firm, fast, 710. [OE. fxst:\ Paste, adv. fast, firmly, closely, attentively, 83, 144, 537, 2 148. [0E./«^/^.] Fastinde, /r^j. //^. fasting, 865. [OE./aj/a;;.] Fauht. See Fyhten. Pawen, adj. fain, glad, 2160. [OE./fl^^«.] Fayr, Pair, adj. fair, 1 1 1 , &c. ; Payrest(e), Fairest, superl. 200, 281, 1081, &c. \pE.fseger.'] Payre, I'alre, Feyre, adv. fair- ly. 224, 452, 785. [To prec] Pe, n. possessions, goods, money, 44, 386,563, 1225, 2213, &c. [OE. feh, *//a.] Felony, Pelounye, «. felony, crime, 444, 2989. \O.Yx.felonie^ Pen, n. mud, 873, 3102. [OE. fenn.'\ Fend, n. fiend, 506, 141 1, 2229, \OE.feond^ Per, adv. far, 1863; from far(?), 2341 ; fcr and hende, far and near, .^59> 2275 ;>rw^«^.] Fishere, n, fisherman, 524, 749, 2 230. [OE. Jiscerel] Fiuetene, adj. fifteen, 2979. [Remodelling of OE. fiftene.'] Flaunes, n. pl. a flat cake made with custard, 644. [O.Fr. Jlaon?] Flawen. See Flo. Fie, V. flee, 492, 1 195 ; Fledde, pa. t. sg. 1431 ; Fledden,/<2. 2416. [OE.yff"^;z.] Flemen, v. to put to flight, drive out, 1160. \0^. Jieman?] Flete, pres. subj. sg. float, swim, 522. [OK.Jleotan.] Fleye, v. to fly, 1791, 1813, 1827, 2751; Fley, pa. I. sg. 1305. [OK Jlegan.] Fleys(h), Flesh, n. flesh, 216, 781. [OE. Jaesc] Flintes, n. pl. flints, stones, 1863. [OE./m/.] Flo, V. to flay, 612, 2495 ; Flow, pa. t. sg. 2502 ; Flowe, pa. t. pl. 2433 ; Flawen, pp. 2476. [ON. y?i.] Flod, n. sea, 522, 009, 1222. [OE. 77^-/.] Flok, n. band, company, 24. \OE.jiocc:] Flote, n. company, household, 738. [O.Fr.>/^.] Flour, n. flower, blossom, 1719, 2917. [O.Fr._/?<7wn] Fnaste, v. to breathe, 548. [OE. ftiaastian?)^ Fo, Foo, n. foe, 67, 1363, 2849 [OE./Z-A, {ge)fd:] 134 GLOSS A RIAL INDEX Fol, n. fool, 298, 2100. [O.Fr. fol-] Fol, adj. foolish, 307. [O.Fr. fol.-] Folc, Folk, n. people, men, warriors, 89, 438, &c. [OE. folc.'] Fol"wes, follow, 1885, 2601 ; Fo'iwede, pa. t. sg, 1994. S^E. folgian?\ See Felede. Fonge, V. lo take, 763 {see Note) ; for cold fongen, 856, see Cold. [OE./>'«, \i\). fangen.'] For, p}'ep. for, on account of, 34, 44, 285, 1670, &c. ; before, 2783, 2947; for to, forto, is commonly prefixed to the infinitive, 38, 102, &c. [OY.. for, fore.'] For, conj. for, 167, 2222, &c. [OE.for, prep.] For, Foren. See Faren. Forbere, v. to spare, neglect (deliberately), 352 ; Forbar, pa. t. sg. 764, 2623. \0\L. forberan.] Forfaren, pp. brought to de- struction, 1.^80. \0E. forfaren?] Forgat, pa. t. sg. forgot, 26.^6, 2897. [OE. >r + ON. geta\ cf. QE. forgetanT] See Foryat. Forgiue, v. to forgive, 2718. [OE./^r + ON. gifa ; cf. OE. for- gefan.] For-henge, v. kill by hanging, 2724. [OE.for-\-0^.hengja.] Forhwi, adv. wherefore, why, 25,78. [OK.forhwt^ Forlor(e)n, pp. (utterly) lost, 580, 770, 1424. \0K. forleosan.] 'Fovme6.e,pa. t. sg. formed, made, 116S. [0.¥r. former.] Forsake, v. to refuse, 2778. [( )E. forsacan.] Forsworen, pp. forsworn, per- jured, 1423. [OE.forswerian.] Forth, c}dv. forth, onward, for- ward, 91, 338, &c. [OE. ford.] Forpi, adv. and conj. because, therefore, 1194, 1431, 2043, 2500. [OE. for Py(Pe).] Forthward, adv. in the future. as the tale proceeds, 731, 164O. [OE. forSward.] Forto. See For. Forw, n. furrow, 1094. [OE. furk.] Forward(e), n. promise, com- pact, condition, 554; to ^at for-- ward, on condition that, 486. [OE. foreward.] Foryat, pa. t. sg. forgot, 249. [OE.forgetan.] See Forgat. Fostred, //. nourished, brought up, 1434, 2239. [OE.foslrian.] Fot, n. foot, foot-length, 1199, 2432 (see Note) ; Fote, dat. in on fote, loi, &c. ; Fote, gen. pi. 1054; "Fet, pi. 616, 1022, 1303, 2479- [OE./J/.] Fouhten. See Fyhten. Foure, adj. four, 816; onefoure, four only, 1742. [OE. feoiver.] Fourteniht, n. fortnight, 2284. [OE. feowertene niht.] Fre, adj. free, 262, 530, 629, &c. [OE. freo.] Fredom, n. freedom, 631. [OE. f-eo-doin!] Freman, n. freeman, 628. [OE. frdoman.] Fremde, adj'. pi. (as «.) stran- gers, 2277, [OE. fremde.] Frame, v. to perform, do, 441. [Q)E.frem7'an7] Frende, friend, relative, 375 ; Frend, //, 326, 2068 ; Frendes, //. 2585. [OE. freond, but the disyllabic form and the sense at 375 point to ON.frfendz.] Frest, n. delay; do on f rest = put off, postpone, 1337. [ON. frest.] [Fri (MS.), adj. 1072, free, generous.] Frie, v. to blame, 1998. [ON. fryja.] Fro, prep, from, 16, 265, 279, 332, 692, &c. ; adv. in to and fro, 2071. [ON./ri.] Frusshe. See To-fnisshe. GLOSSARIAL INDEX 135 Ful, adv. very, much, complete- ly, 6, 82, 141, 611, 2589, &c. [0E.>//.] Pulde. See Fille. Ful(e), Foule, adj. foul, 506, 555, 626, 965, 1158, 2401, &c. [OE. /;?/.] Faille), a^'. full, 780, 2686. [OE. /«//.] Fullike (MS. Ful ike), adv. shamefully, 2749. [OE./«/(/)?V^.] Funde(n). See Finden. Fyhten (MS. Fyht), v. to fight, 2361; Fauht, pa. t. sg. 1990; Fouhten, pa. t. pi. 2661. [OE. fehlan.'] See Fiht. Fyn, n. ending, 22. [O.Fr. fin.-] Gad, n. goad, 279, 1016. [ON. gadd-r.] Gadeling, n. a low fellow, 1 1 2 1. [OE. gxiieling.'] Gadred, pp. gathered, 2577. [OE. gadrian.'] Gaf. See Giue. Galle, n. gall, 40. [OE. galla.'] Galues, n. pi. gallows, 687, 3477, 2508. [OE. galga:] Galwe-tre, n. f:allovvs, 43, 335, 695. [OE. galg-treo, ON. gdlga- tri:\ Game(n), n. game, sport, joy, 468, 980, 1716, 2135, 2577» 2935^ 2963 ; Game, 996, perhaps means * amorous play ' ; in 2250 'joyous ceremony '. [OE. gamen.'] Gan, pa. t. used with infinitive as equivalent of the simple preterite as in gan crien = cried, 2443; *ganpriue (MS. bigan), 280, &c. See Biginiien. [OE. -ginnan^ Gange(n), Gongen, v. to walk, go, 370, 796, 845, 855, 1185, I739» 2059, <^c. ; Gonge, 2 sg. pres. subj. 690, 843 ; Gangande, pres. ptc. walking, on foot, 2283. [OE. gattgan.'] Gart(e), pa. t. sg. caused, made, 189, 1001, 1082, 1857, '^c- [ON. g^ra ; the regular a is difficult.] Gat(en). See Geten. Gate, n. way, road, 846, 889, 2509. [ON. ^a/a.] 6'^<;Hwilkgat, J>usgate. *Geet, n. pi. goats, added in 1. 701. [OE. gdt, pi. gsel ] Genge, n. company, household, retinue, 786, 1735, 2353, 2362, 2383. [ON.genoL] Gent, adj. fair, noble, 2139. [O.Fr. ^^ent.] Gere. See Messe-gere. Gest, n. tale, romance, 2328, 2984. [O.Fr. gesle.] Gete, V. to watch, guard, look after, 2762, 2960. [ON.^/a.] Gete(n), v. to get, earn, catch, beget, 147, 792, 908, 1393; Gat, pa. t. sg. 495, 730 ; Gaten, Geten, pa. t. pi. 2S93, 2934, 2978; Geten, //. 930. [ON. geta?^ See Forgat. Girde, pa. t. sg. girt, 2922 ; Girt,//. 2385. \OE. gyrdan.l Gisarm, it. a halberd, a kind of battle-axe with a spike at its back, 2533. \0.¥r. gisarme.'] Giue, V. to give, 2880 {see Giue, n.) ; Ga.t, pa. t . sg. 219,418, 1311, &c. ; Gouen, pa. t. pi. 164 ; Give, pp. 24S8 ; Gyuen,//. 365 ; Gouen, //. 220. On gotten hem illc^ grieved, 164, see Note. [ON. gefa^ O.Sw. gifa\ see NE.D.] Ses Yeue. Giue, Gyue, n. gift, 357; ich gitie Pe a giue pat . . ., I give thee assurance that . . ., 2880. [To prec] Giu61ed, //. heaped up, 814. [O.Fr. *geveler.'] Glad, a^'. glad, 947. [OE.glxd.] Gladlike, adv. gladly, 805, 906, 1760. [OE. glasU/Fcc] Glede, n. dat. a live coal, 91, 870. [OE. gledP^ 136 GLOSS A RIAL INDEX Gleiue, Qleyue, n. spear or lance (cf.l 1864), sword (?). Themeaning is usually not clear from the con- text ; 267, 1748, 1770, 1844, 1864, 1 9 8 1 . [O. Fr. gleive. ] GIem,«. gleam, ray, 2 122. [OE. glxm.'\ Gleu, «. sport, amusement, 2332. [OE. gieow.'] See next word. Gleumen (MS. Glevmen altered from Gleymen), n. pi, gleemen, musicians, 2329. [OK. gleomatt.'] Glides, 3 $g. pres. indie, glides, flows, 1 85 1. \0K. glidan?^ Glotuns, n. pi. gluttons, rascals, 3104. \O.Yx. glutun?\ Gnede, adj. niggardly, mean, 97. [OE. *gnede?[ God, n. God, 35, &c. ; God, dat. sg. in God ])ank^ 2005 {see J>ank). [OE. god:\ God, n. good thing, property, goods, 797, 1 2 21, 2034, &c. [OE. god, adj.] God(e), adj. good, i, 7, 8, 22, 34, &c. [OE. god?^ (jfOddot, interj. God knows, 606, 642, 796, 909, 1656, 2543; cf. 2527. [OE. god wat.'] SeeV\'\it{r)). Gold, « gold, 44, 47, 73, 357, fee. [OE. gold.'\ Gome, n. man, 7. [OE. guma.'] Go(n), V. to walk, go, avail, 113, 125, 1045 ; Goth, 17S0; Gon, pp. 848, 1430, 2692. [OE. gdn.'] See Ouer-ga, Yede. Gonge(n\ See Gange(n). Gore, «. fi 1th (?), garment (?) 2496, see Note. [OE. gor (?) or gdra (?).] Gos, n. goose, 1240; Gees, pi. 702. [OE. gos.'] Gouen. See Giue. Goulen, v. howl, cry, 454; Gouleden, pa. t. pi. 164. [ON. gaula.l Gram, adj. angry, 2469. [OE. gram.'] Graten, Groten, v. to weep, 329; Grotinde, pres, ptc. 1390; Graten, pp. 241 ; I-groten, pp. 285. [ON. ^rJ/a.] .9^^ Grelen. Graue, v. to bury, 613; Grauen, //. 2528. [OK. grajani] Graue, n. grave, 408. [OE. grsRf.] Grauntede, pa. t. sg. granted, 1 1 54. [O.Fr. graunter.] Grede, v. to call (loudly), 96, 2703; Gredde, pa. t. sg. 2417. [OE. gredan.'] Greme, v. to anger, annoy, 442. [OE. gremian.] See Gram. Grene, adj. green, sickly in colour, 470. [OE. grefte.] Grene, n. a green, a grassy field, 996, 2828, 2840. [To prec] Gres, n. grass, 2698. [OE. grrn.] Gret(e), adj. great, big, 771, 897 ; Grettere, compar. 1893. [OK.greatP\ Greie(n}, v. to weep, 454 ; Gret,, 1129, 2159 ; Greten, pa. t. pi. 164, 236, 415, 449, 2796. [OE. gretan, greotan.] Greting, n. weeping, 166. [To prec] Grette, pa. t. sg. greeted, saluted, accosted, assailed, 452, 181 1, 2625; Grette n,/a. 1 2 1 2 ; Gret, pp. 2290; I-gret, //. 163. [OE. gretan.] Greu, Grewe. See Growen. Greue, v. to grieve, offend, 2953. [O.Fr. grever.] Greype, v. to prepare, 1762; Greypede, pa. t. sg. 706 ; Grey- ped, //. 714; Greyped (MS. Grepet),//. 2615 ; Greyped (MS. GreJ)ed), pp. handled roughly, treated badly, 2003. [Oi^ . greiba.] Greyue, n. an official in town administration, 266, 1711; Pe greyues, the official's (house), 1749. [O^.greiji.] Grim, adj. fierce, angry, severe, 155, 680, 2398, 2655, 2761. [OE. grimm.] GLOSS A RIAL INDEX 137 Grim, n. rage, excitement, 2333, see Note. [To prec] Grim(?), n. grime (?), dirt(?), 2496. See Note. Grip, n. grififin, 572. [O.Fr. Grip, «. ditch, 1924, 2102. [OE. Srype.'] Gripe(n), v. to grip, grasp, snatch ; Gripeth, 1882 ; Grop,/a. /. sg. 1776, 187 1, 1890, 3728, &c.; Gripen, /a. /.//. 1790. [OE. grTpan7\ Gritb, «. peace, security, 61, 51 1. [ON. i^rib.-] Grith-sergeans, n. pi. officers appointed to keep the peace, 267. [Prec. + O.Fr. sergant?\ Grom, n. boy, 790 ; Grom, pi. 3472. Note the rimes with nor- mal p and g. {See N.E.D.] Gronge, n. grange, farm-house, 764. [O. Fr. graunge.'] Grop. See Gripen. Grotes, n. pi. pieces, small pieces, 472, 1414. [0¥.. grot.'] Grotinde. See Graten. Growen, v. to grow, 1 167 ; OrveUy pa. t. sg. 2333, Grewe, /a. t. pi. 2975, arose; in the phrases grim gr en, 2333 (j^<;Note); wordes grewe, 2975. [OE. growan.'] Grund(e), n. dat. ground, 1859, 1979,2675. [OE. grtcnd.'] Grunden,/*/. ground, sharpened, 3503. [OE, grindan.'] Grundlike, adj. pi. solemn, 301 3. [OE. grund + Itcl Grundlike, adv. heartily, so- lemnly, 651, 2268, 2307, 2659. [OE. grund + lice.'] Grund-stalwurJ>e, adj. very stalwart, 1027. [OE. grund -^ staelwyrde.'] Gyue. See Giue. Halde, Holde(n), v. to hold, keep, be loyal, 29, 1171, 1382; Held, pa. t. sg. 61, 109, 2526; Helden,/a. t. pi. 69, 1201 ; Hal- den, pp. 2806 ; halde with, sup- port, stand by, 2308. [OE.haldan?\ Half, adj. half, 2370. [OE. half:] Halle, n. dat. hall, 157, 239, 1067, &c. [OE. hali:] Hals, n. neck, 521, 670, 2510. [OE. hals^^ Halte, adj. pi. lame, 543. [OE, halt:\ Halue, n. pi. sides ; bi hope halue, on both sides, 2683. [OE. half:] Haluendel, n. the half part, 460. [OE. half an dasl, ace] Hamer, n. hammer, 1877. [OE, harnor.] Hand, Hond, n. hand, posses- sion, 50, 251, 1342, 2446; in honde haiie, 1020, see Note; Handes, Hondas, //. 95, 215, 235. 33.^> 636, &c. ; Hend, //. See Hend. [OE. handP^ Hand-ax, n. battle-axe, 2553. [Prec. + OE. ssx.] Hand-bare, adj. empty-handed, 766. [OE.hand+bxr.] Hand-dede, n. dat. pi. deeds of the hand, 92. [OE. hand+ ded.] Handlen, Handel, v. to handle, wield, 347, 586. [OE. handlian.] Hangen, Honge, v. to hang, 335, 695, 2807. [OE. hangian, wk. ; hon, str., pp. hartgeni] See Heng. Hard(e), adj. hard, oppressive, 143, 1992. [OE. hard.] Harde, adv. hard, 567, 639, &c. [To prec] Hare, n. hare, 1994. [OE. hara.] Harping, n. playing on the harp, 2325. [OE. harpung.] Harum, n. pity, 1983 (j^^Note), 2409. [OE. harm.] Hasard, n. game at dice, 3326, [O.Fr. hasard^ Hated(e), pa. t. sg. hated, 40, 1 1 88. [OE. hatian.] 138 GLOSS A RIAL INDEX Hauen, v. to have, 78, &c. ; Haues(t), 2 sg. pres. indie. 688, 84S, &c. ; Haues, Haueth, 3 sg. pres. indie. 564, 1266, 1285, 1952, 1980, &c. ; Hauen,//. pres. indie. 1227; Haueden, fa. t. pi. 163, 238, &c. ; Hauede(n), pa. t. subj. ■would have, 1428, 1643, 1687, 2020, 2675 ; Hauenet, 2005 ; Hauedet, 714, see Et. Haul = Haue i, 2002. [OE. kabban.'] Haul. See Hauen. He, pron. 3 sg. masc. he, 6, 8, &c. ; His(e), poss. adj. 34, &c. ; Him, ace. and dat. 18, 30, 286, &C. [OE. he, his, him.'] IS.Q.pron. I pi. they, 54, 57, &c. ; Her(e),^^«. ^5/. and poss. adj. 52, &c. ; Hem, ace. and dat. pi. 367, &c. [OE. heo, heora, heom."] See J?ei. Hede, imper. sg. take heed ! have a care ! 2389. [OE. hedan.] Heie. See Hey. Held(en). See Halde. Hele(n), v. to heal, 1836, 2058. {OE.hxlan.^ ^^^ Holed. Heles, n. pi. heels, 898. FOE. hela.-] Hoile, n. hell, 16, &c. ; Helle, f^«. sg. 405. [OE. hell.] Helm, «. helmet, 379, 624, 1653, 2612, &c. \OE. helm.] Helpen, v. to help, 166, 1712 ; Helpes, imper. pi. 2595 ; Holpen, pp. in holpen doune with, 901. [OE. helpan.] Hem (MS. Horn, 1298), pron. them, 367, 376, &c. [OE. heom.] See Yitfpron. pL, and pel. Hemp, n. hemp, 782. [OE. henep.] Hend, n. pi. hands, 505, 2069, 2444. [ON. hend-r, pL] See Hand, Hende, adj. courteous, skilful, 1104, 1421, 1704, 2628, 2877, 3914. [See next.] Hende, adv. near at hand in fer and hende, 359, 2275. [OE, {ge^hende?}^ Hendeleike, n. dat. courtesy, 2793. [Hende, adj. + ON. -leikr.] Hengen, v. to hang, 43, 2486 ; Henged, pp. 1429, 1922, 2480. [ON. hengja.] See For-henge and Han gen. Henne, n. hen, 702, 1240. [OE^ henne, -a, beside henn.] Henne, adv hence, 843, 1780, 1799. [OE. heonan{e).] Her, n. hair, 1924. [OE. her.] See Hot. Herboru, «. lodging, 742. [OE. *herebeorg.] Herborwed, //. lodged, housed, 742. [To prec] Her(e), adv. here, 689, 1058, 1880, Sec [OE. her.] Her(e), Hire, p7-on. their, 52, .^93, 4^5' 953. &c. [OE. heora, hiora.] See Ilker, )>f-r(e). Here, n. army, 346, 379, 2153, &€.; rapine, 66. [OE. here.] Here(n), v. to hear, listen, 4, 732, 1640, 2279; Herde, /a. /. sg. 286, 465, &c. ; Herden, pa. A//. 150, &c. {0¥.. heran.] See Y-here. Hering, n. herring, 758. [OE. hering.] Herinne, adv. herein, 45S. [OE. her + innan.] Herkne, v. to listen, imper. sg. 1285; Herkneth, imper. pi. i. [OE. hercnian.] Hermites, n. pi. hermits, 430. [O.Fr. hermite.] Hemes, n. pi. brains, 1808, 191 7 {see Note). [ON. hjartii, earlier *hearn-.] Hern-panne, «. brain-pnn, skull, 1 99 1 . [Prec. + OE. panne.] Her-of (MS. Heroffe), adv. 2585. [OE. her + of.] Hert, n. hart, deer, 1872. [OE. heor{o^_t^ Herte, n. heart, 479, 2054; GLOSS ARIA L INDEX 139 Herte, gen. sg. 70, 1819. [OE. heortej] Hertelike, adv. heartily, brave- ly, 1 347 » 2748. [Prec. + lice.'] Hetelike, adv. fiercely, furiously, 2655. [OE. heieltce.'] Hepen, adv. hence, 683, 690, 845, 1085, 2727. [ON. hedan^ Heu, n. colour, complexion, 2918. [OE. heow.'] Heued, n. head, 379, 624, 1653, 1701, 17^9, 1907, &c. [OE. hea- fod.-] Heuen(e), n. heaven, 62, 246, 1276, &c. Heuene,^^«. //. 1937. [OE. heofon.'] Heuene-riche, n. kingdom of heaven, 133, 407. [OE. heofon- rice.'] See Rike. Heui, adj. heavy, laborious, 808, 2456, &c. [OE. he/g.'] Hew, /a. /, sg. cut, 2729. [OE. hiawan.'] See To-hewen. Hexte, adj. superl. weak, high- est, tallest, 1080, *I99. See Hey. Hey, adj. high, tall, 987, 1071, 1083, 1289; heye se, high sea, 719; ^eye cur^, high court, 1685; heye and /owe, high and low, every one, 2431, 2471, &c. [OE. /lek.-] Heye, adv. high, on high, 43, 335, 695, &c. [To prec] Hey(e like, adv. highly, nobly, 1329, 2319. [OE. /leA + /ice.'] Heyman, n. man of high rank, nobleman, 231, 1260. [OE. heh + man.] Hidden, /a. A//, hid, 69 ; Hyd, f>/>. 10^9. [OE. hydan.'] Hider, adv. hither, 868, 885, 1 43 1. [OE. hider.] Hides, n. pi. skins, 918. [OE. hyd?^ Hil, Hyl, n. hill, heap, 892, 1287. [OE. hyll.] Hile, V, to cover, 2083. [ON. hylja^, Hine, n. pi. servants, slaves, 620. [OE. hina, gen. pi.] Hire, pron.fem. ace. gen. dat. sg, her, to her, 127, 130, 131, 333, 2916, Sec. [OE. hire.] Hire, n. hire, pay, 908, 910, [OE. hyr.] His(e), Hyse (MS. Is, 735, &c. ; Hiis, 47, 468), pjss. adj. his, 34, 'hll' S.T.^^j 794, 2395, &c. ; abso- lutely used, 2018. The forms in -e are properly plural, being new formations on the analogy of mine^ pine. [OE. his., gen. sg.] See He. Hof, pa. t. sg. heaved, raised, 2750. [OE. hebban, pret. sg. hof.] Hok, n. hook, fish-hook, 752, 1 102. [OE. hoc^ Hoi, adj. whole, well, 2075. [OE. hdl.] Hold, adj. loyal ; his soule hold = loyal to his soul, i. e. actuated by care for his soul, 74 ; hold{e) opes^ oaths of loyalty or lealty (cf. OE. hold-dpas), 2781, 2816. [OE. hold^^ Holden. See Ilalde. Hole, n. dat. hole, socket (of the eye), 1813, 2439. [OE. hoi?}, Holed, pp. healed, 2039 {see Hale, V? in N.E.D.). [OE. hdlian?] lS.o\i,adj. holy, 36, 431, 1361, &c. [OE. hdiig:] Holpen. See Helpen. Horn, n. and adv. home, 557, 778 ; at homie), 789, 822. [OE. ham.] Hoiid. See Hand, Hend. Honge. See Hangen. Hope, n. hope, expectation, 307, [OE. hopa.] Hor, ti. hair, 235. [ON. iir.] See Her. Horn, n. horn, 700 ; simenels with pe horn, 779, probably refers to the shape of the simnel. Halli- well says a simnel is 'generally 140 GLOSS ARIA L INDEX made in a three-cornered form*. See N.E.D. [OE. horn.'] Hors, n. horse, 94, 126, 370, 2283; "S-OTSypL 701, 1222. [OE kors.'] Horse-knaue, n. horseboy, groom, 1019. {OY.. hors + C7iafaJ\ Hosed, //. supplied with hose, 97 1 . [To next.] Hosen, n. pi. hose, clothing for the leg, 860, 969. [OE. hosa?^ Hoslen, v. to administer or to receive the sacrament, 212, 362; Hos(e)led, //. 364, 2598. [OE. huslianP\ Hoten, //. called, named, 106, 284. [OE. hdtan?^ [Houes (MS.), 582,.yi'^*Bihoues. Shortened forms are quoted in N.E.D. from the fifteenth century.] Hu, Hou (MS. also Hwou), adv. how, 120, 288, 827, 960, 1646, 241 1, 2946, 2987, &c. [OE. /z«.] Hul, n. hollow, 2687 ; see Note. Hund, n. hound, 1994, 2331, 2435. [OE. hmid.'] Hundred, adj. hundred, 1633. [OE. hundred.'] Hunger, n. hunger, famine, 416, 635, 652, 841, 2454 (Mb, Hun- gred), &c. [OE. hungor.] Hungre(n), v. impers. with dat. ; us hungreih — wt are hungry, 455, 464; him hungrede^ he was hun- gry. [To prec] Hus, «. house, 740, 1141, 2913. [OE. hus^ See Milne-hous. Hwan, adv. when, since, 408, 474,1962,2808, &c. [O'E.hwanne.i See Quan(ne). Hw are, a^/z/. where, 1881, 2240, 2579. The predominance of a spellings points to a short vowel. [ON. hvar or OE. hwarai^).] See Hwere, Hwore-so. Hwar-of, adv. wherefrom, 2976. [Prec. + of.] Hwat, pron. what, 117,541, 596, 1137, &c. ; why, 2547; ^"^^^ '^ yu, 453; hwat is fe, 1951, 2704, what is wrong with you ; hwat for, what with, 635. [OE. hwat^ Hwat, adv. what ! 2547. [To prec] Hwere, adv. where, 1083. [OE. hwer.] See Hware. Hwere, adv. whether (?), wher- ever (?), 549. See Note. Hweper, adv. whether, 2098 ; in- troduces a question, 292, 294. [OE. hwx}er.] Hwi, Qui, adv. why, 454, 1650, &c. [OE. hwi.] Hwider, adv. whither, 11 39. [OE. hwider.] Hwil, conj. while, whilst, 6, 301, 363, 538, 2437. [See next.] Hwile, n. dat. time, little time, 722, 1830. [OE. hwiL] Hwilkgat (MS. Hwilgat), adv. how, which way, 836. [OE. hwilc + ON. gata.] See Gate, J>usgate. Hwit, adj. white, 48, 1144, 1729. [OE. hwtt.] IS^RO, pron. interrog. 172, 1952, &c. [OE. hwd?^^ Hwo, pron. indef. whosoever, 296, 300, 2604, &c. [OE. hwd7\ [Hwor (MS.), adv. whether (in- troducing a question), 11 19. [ON. hvdrr{l).] See Hwere.] Hwore-so, pron. wheresoever, 1349. *^^^ Hware and So. Hwo-so, pron. whosoever, 4, 76, 83, &c. ; Hwom so, ace. 197. See Hwo and So. Hyl. See Hil. Hyse. See His(e). Ich, I, Y, pron. I, 21, 167, 305, 487, 686, 1377, &c. Enclitic in Biddi = Bidde i, 484 ; Haul = Hatu i, 2002. Me, ace. and dat. 1,14, 295, &c. ; Mi, Min(e), pass. adj. 528, 578; used absolutely, 295, 2083, &c. [OE, ic, me, vitn.'] I-gret. See Grette. I-groten. See Graten. GLOSS A RIAL INDEX 141 Ilk, lie, adf. each, every, 1442, 1740; like, 821; ^MS. II del, every part, 818, 2112, 24S3, 2514;) ilcoJ>er, each other, 1056, cf. 192 1 ; on like wise, in every way, 1861, 2959. [OE. ylc.l See Ilkan, II- ker, Euer(e)-ilk. Ilkan, Ilkon, pron. each one, 1770, 1842, 2108, 2357. [OE. ylc d?t^ like, adj. in }at ilke, the same, the verv, 1215, 2674, 2679, &c. [OE. ilca^ Ilker^Ilk here, each of them, 2352. [OE. ylc heoraJ] Ille, adv. ; hire likede ille, it dis- pleased her greatly, 11 65; ille maked, ill-treated, handled rough- ly, 1952 ; gouen hem ille, 1. 164, see Note. [ON. ill-r, adj. ; ilia, adv.] Cf. Yuele. I-maked. See Maken, In,/)rerinne. Inow, Ynow, adv. enough, 563, 706,904,911,931, 1793; Y-nowe, pi. 2682. [OE. gendge, oblique form oigenoh.'] Intil, prep, unto, into, 128, 251, &c. [OE. in + ON. ///.] In-to, prep, into, to, unto, 203, 265, 535, 2S72, &c. [OE. in-io.] loie, loye, n. joy, 662, 1107, 1209, 1237, 127S, 1315, &c. [O.Yv.joie.^ See loyinge. loupe, n. a loose jacket, 1767. \0.¥r.jupe.'\ loying.e) (MS. loynge, 2087), n. dat. rejoicing, 2949. [O.Fr. joie + -^ngr\ Is, Ys, 3 sg.pres. indie, is, 5, &c. ; hwat is you ? what ails you ? 453. [OE. is]. See Nis, Am, Ben. It, pron. it, 4, &c. ; as antici- pated subject il was, &c. = there was, 27, (Sfc. ; nis hit, is there not? 462 ; MS. It = he, 2264 ; for It, 1. 664, see Note. [OE. hit.'] ^ Cf. Et. luel, adj. poor, bad ; iuel{e) bone, ill-equipped, in poor condi- tion, 2505, * 2525, see Note to 1. 2505. [OE.j/^/,adj.] luel, Yuel, «. evil, sickness, 114, 144, 155, 2221; with iuelie) = with evil intent, 50, 994, 1689. [OE.j/./, n.] luele, Yuele, adv. evilly, sorely, 2755 ; iuele /e^« + dative of person = displease, 132 ; cf. ille like, \pK.yfele.-\ lustise, n. a justice, 263, 1028, 2202. [O.Yx.j'ustise.'] Kables, n. pi. cables, thick ropes, 710. [O.Vx. cable.] Kalde. See C alien. Kam. See Komen. Kandel, n. candle, 585. [OE. candel.] Kaske, adj. pi. vigorous, active, 1 84 1. [01>^. karsk-r, kask-r.] [Kayn (MS.), for J)ayn, 31, 1327 ; see Introd., p. xxxix.] Kaysere. See Cayser(e). Keft. See Coupe. Keling, n. cod, 757. Kenie. See Komen. Kempe, n. champion, 1036. [OE. cempa, ON. kempa.] Kene, adj. brave, eager, 1832, 2 II 5. \y>)L. cene?] Kopte, pa. t. sg. watched, kept watch for, 879. [OE. cipan.] Kesten, Casten, v. to cast, fling, 8], 519, 1784,2101, 26 II; Cast(e), pa. t. sg. J56, 567, 813; Keste, pa. t. pi. 2449. [ON. kasta ; for the e forms belore st cf. Morsbach, ME. Gram. § 87, n. 2.] Keuel, n. a gag, 547, 637. [ON. kejii?^ Keyes, n. pi. keys, 1303. [OE. cxg?^ Kichin, n. kitchen, 936. [OE. cycene. ] 142 GLOSSARTAL INDEX Kid, //. made known, 1060. [OE. cyj)an, jip. cyJde.'] Kin, Kyn, n. kindred, relatives, stock, 414, 2045; Kin, dat.i}.), 393, see Note. [OE. cynn.'] Kindlen, v. to kindle, 915. [To ON. kyndar\ Kineriche (MS. Kinneriche), kingdom, 976. [OE. cynence.'] See Cuneriche. King, «. king, 27, &c. [OE. eyn{m)g.^ Kinnes, Kines,^^w. sg: in none kin{ti)es, of no kind, 861, 1140; neuere kines, 2691, with the same meaning, is a nonce usage. [OE. ndnes cynnes.'] See Kin. Kippe, V. to seize, snatch, 894 ; Kipt(e), pa. t. sg. 1050, 2638 ; kipt ut, pulled out, 2407. [ON. kippa.'] . Hirke, n. the church, a church- building, 36, 1132, 1355, 2583. [ON. kirkja.] Kiste, n. dat. chest, coffer, 2018. [ON. kista.'\ See Chiste. Kiste, pa. t. sg. kissed, 1279; Kisten,/a. /.//. 2162. [OE. cys- san.] Kitte (MS. Citte),/a. /. sg. cut, 942. [OE. *eyf^an (?).] Knaue, n. boy, lad, boy-servant, 308, 409, 450, 458, 949, 1087, 1123, 1 146, &c. [OE. cnafaP\ See Horse-knaue. Knawe, v. to know, recognize, find out, 2207, 2785 ; Kneu, /a. t. sg. 2468 ; Knewen, pa. t. pi. 2149; Knawec, pp. ivk, 2057. [OE. (ge)cndwan.'] Knele, v. to kneel, 1320 ; Kne- lede, pa. t. sg. 482. [OE. cncow- iian.'] Knes, n. pi. knees, 451, 1902. [OE. cneo.'\ Knif, n. a knife, 479, 498, 2484, 2493, &c. ; Kniue, dat. sg. 2503 ; Kniues,//. 1769. [ON. kn'lf-r.'] Kniht, n. knight. 32, 77, 239, 34.^. .^45, 1068, 2706, &c. [OE. cniht.'] Komen, Comen, v. to come, arrive, iS, 325, looi. &c. ; Com- eth, Comes, 1 79S, 1885, 2247 : Kam, Cam, Kom,/a, /. sg. 451, 766, 863, 1309, 2622, &c. ; Komen, Comen, pa. t. pi. 1012, 1202, 2790; Keme, 1208, see Note ; Comen, Cumen, //. 116, 1436, 1 71 4, 2580, &c. ; covien up, 2540, landed. [OK.ctwian.'] Kope, Cope, n. cope, cloak, 429, 1957- [O^- *cdpe (?), late L. cdpa.'\ Kor(e)n, n. corn, 462, 780, 1879, &c. ; korn of bred, bread-corn, corn for bread, 825. [OE. co7-n.'] Kradel-barnes, n. pi. children in the cradel, 191 2. [OE. cradol+ beam or ON. barn.'] See Bern. Krake(n), Crake, v. to crack, break, 914, 1857, T908; Crakede, pa. t. sg. 568 ; Kraked, //. 1238. [OE. craciatt.] Kranes, «.//. cranes, 1726. [OE. cran.] Krike, n. creek, a narrow arm of the sea, 708. [See N.E.D.] Kunericlie, Kunerike. See Cuneriche. Kunne. See Can. Kunrik, n. 2 143, in form is equi- valent to Norse kynrik-r, but is perhaps an error for Kunmerk ; see Note. Kynemerk, n. a birth-mark in- dicating royal rank, 604. [OE. cyne + mearc.'] See Kunrik. Lac, n. fault, failing, in withuten lac, 191, 2219. [Cf. OLG. lak.] Ladde, n. a serving-man, 1786, 2493, &c. ; Laddes, //. 1015, 1024, &c. ; Ladden, //. 1038. In the French versions valet is used in the same senses. [Set N.E.D.] Lame, adj. lame, 1938. [OE. lavia, wl<. adj.] GLOSSARIAL INDEX 143 Iiamed, pp. maimed, crippled, ^75 5. [To prec] Ijarge, adj. generous, liberal, 97, 2941. [O. Fr. large.'] Laste, V. to last, suffice, endure, 538, 2437, 2605. [OE. latsian.'] Late, aciv, late, in to late. 69 t, 845 ; Laste, supo-l. 67S ; at />e laste, finally, 637. [OE. /«/■.] Late(n), v. to allow, permit, 486, 1 741 ; Lat(e\ imper. sg. 17, 1376, 1772, 2422 ; Laten, to cease to speak, 328 ; lat be, imper. sg. desist from, 1265, cf. 1657 ; Laten, pp. abated, 240 ; Laten, //. al- lowed to remain, 1925 ; Late, in/in. to set, in late rihte, 261 1, seems nearer to Norse than Eng- lish usage, but rihte may itself be infinitive, * to straighten '. [ON. lata.'] See Let. Lath, n. injury, 76, 2718, 2976. [OE. m, n.] See Loth. Lathe, n. hostility, enmity, 2718, 2976. Spelling, disyllabic form, and rime point to short a. [OE. laeSdu.] Lauhwe(n), v. to laugh, smile ; Lavihwinde, pres. ptc. 946 ; Low, pa. t. sg. 903 ; Lowen, pa. t. pi. 1056. [OE. hlxhhan^ Lauhte, pa. t. took (a name), suffered (insult), felt (pain), 744, 1673 : Lauhte, pp. 19S8. [OE. Ixccan.] Laxunprei, -ey, -ee, n. lamprey, 771, 897, 1727. [O.P'r. *laum- preie.] Law, n. law ; Lawe, dat. 2815 ; Lawes,//, 28. [ON. *lagu.] Lawe, Lowe, adj. low, in heye and lowe, 2431, 2471, 2767, &c. ; Lowe, adv. 2079. [ON. Idg-r:] Lax, n. salmon, 754, 896, 1727. [OE. lax:] Leche, n. a physician, iS;,6, 2057. [OE. /cic.?.] Led, n. cauldron, pot (originally a pot made of lead) ; cf. Cant. Tales, Prologue, 202. [OE. lead^^ Lede(n), v. to lead, escort, carry, 245, 320, 2573, &c.; Ledde, /a. /. sg. 1686 ; Ledden, pa. t. pi. 2451 ; lede'^n) ut here, to lead an army to war, 89, 346, 379 ; him ledde, lived, managed his affairs, 785. [OE. lxdan^, Lef, Leue (oblique), adj. and n. dear, 431, 909; especially in lef and loth = beloved and hated, friend and foe, 261, 440, 2273, 2313, 2379, 2775. Lef as a title used to superiors or leaders = sir, 2606 ; cf. Leue, 18S5, which per- haps = dear (brother); Leuere, coT7ipar. in him were letcere, &c. = he would rather (lit. it was pre- ferable to him), 1193, 1423, 167J, &c. [OE. leaf.] Leidest. See Leyn. Leite, v. to seek, 2441, see Note. [ON. leita?^ Lem(m)an, n. dear one, beloved, used of both sexes. 1191, 1283, 131 2, 1322. [OE. leof-man.] Leme. See Lime. Lende, v. to arrive, land, 733. [OE. lendan.] Lene,f. to lend, give, 2072. [OE. Ixnan!] Lenge, n. ling, a kind of fish, 832. [Apparently connected with long, in which case the unpalata- lized^tells against English origin.] Lenge, v. to prolong, 1 734, 2363, [ON. lengja:] Lengere, fl^a^f., longer, 809. [Cf. OE. lengra, comparative of lattgf adj.] See Long. Leoxin, n. lion, 573, 1867, *2690 (MS. Leuin). [O.Fr. Hun.'] Lepe, V. to run, rush, leap, 2009, see Note; Lep, /a. /. sg. 891, 1777, 1942; Lopen, pa. t. pi. 1896, 2616. [OE. hleapan.] See Loupe. Ler,«. cheek, 2918. [OK.hleor.'] 144 GLOSSARIAL INDEX Ijere(n), v. to instruct, to learn, 797, 823, 259^. [OE. laran.'] See Y-lere. Lese, 3 sg. pres. stibj. to free, release, 333. [OE. Iesaii7\ Lesse, adj. compar. less, 1013. [( )E. /aessa.'] See Litel. Let, pa. t. sg. allowed, caused, 252, 876, 2062, 2651; desisted, 2447, 2500 ; Leten, pa. t. pi. 2379. [OE. letan.'] See Late(n). Leteres, ti. pL ; fiise leteres, this inscrij^tion, 2481. [O.Fr. letre.'] Lette, V. to hinder, prevent, 1164, 2253, 2819. [OE. let tan.'] Leue, n. leave, permission, 1626, 2952, &c.; tok leue at, took leave of, bid farewell to, 1387. [OE, leaf.-] Leue. See Lef. Leue, 3 sg. subj. grant, 334, 406, 2807. [OE. lefan.] Leue, V. to believe ; Leues (.] Louen, v. to love, 1347, &c. ; Louede, pa. t. sg. 71, 349, &c. ; 1818 Louedefn), pa. t. pi. 30, 955, &c. [OE. lufian:\ Louerd, Lowerd, n. lord, mas- ter, 96, 483, 621, &c.,j^(? Notes to 11. 64, 228. [OE. hldford.'] Louerdinges, n. lords, rulers (with no sense of contempt), 515, 1 401. [OE. hld/ording^ Loupe, V. to run, rush, 1801, [ON. hlaupa.'] See Lepe. Low(en). See Lauhwe(n). Lowe. See Lawe. Lowe, n. hill, mountain, 1291, 1699. [OE. hldw^ Lurken, n. hide, live in conceal- ment, sneak away(?), 68. [ON. lurkaiX)?^ Luue-drurye, n. love-making, courtship, 195. [OE. /w/w + O.Fr. druerie/\ Lyen, v. to lie (in bed, «Scc.), 673, 2134; Lay, /rt. /. sg. 812; Leyen,/a. /. //. 475, 2132. [OE. licgan.'] See Ligge(n) and Leyn. Lype, n. respite, ease, alleviation, 147. [Cf. OE. line, adj.] Mad. See Maken. Maght. See May. Make, n. wife, 1150. [OE. gemaca.'] Maken), Mak, v. to make, do, cause (with intinitive in passive sense as ffiade bynde, 41), 29, 445, 1 441 , &c. ; Make, imper. sg. 676 ; Makede, Made (MS. Maude, 436, 737), pa. t. sg. 38, 39, 41, &c. ; Makeden, Made.n), pa, t. pi. 554, 1039, 1908, &c. ; Maked, PP' 23, 365 ; I-maked, //. 5 ; Mad, //. 1953; ille maked ^ handled roughly, 1951. [OE. macian?\ Makerel, n. mackerel, 758. [O.Fr. inaqtierel?^ Male, «. a bag, 48. \O.Yx.inale^ Malisun, n. curse, malediction, 426. [O.Fr. maleisun.'] 146 GL05SARIAL INDEX Man, ;/. man, 4?; Men, pi. i, 2, &c. [OE. tuatin.'] Mani(e), adj. many, 244, &c. ; tnatii a {knihi), 1697, &c. [OE. T/ianig.'] Manrecl(e), n. homage, fealty, 484, 2172, 2180, 2248, 2265, 2312, 2774, 2816, 2847, 2850. [OE. fnanrxden!] Marz, n. March, 2559. [O.Fr. marz.'] Mast, n. mast (of a ship), 709, 986. [OE. msest.'] Maugre (pin), in spite of (thee), 1 1 28, 1 789. [O.Fr. mau.gri-\- OE. gen. sg. ^m.] May, V. may, 26, &c. ; Mow^e, I75» 394, 675, &c.; Moweu, Moun, //. II, 460, 2587, &c. ; Maght (^!S. commonly Mait, Mayt, Mayth), [pa. t. sg. 145, 356, 376, &c. ; Mihte, pa, t. sg. 233, &c. ; Milite(n), pa. t. pi. 516, 1929, 2017, &c. ; Mouhte, Mowhte, pa. t, sg. 210, &c. ; Moubte(n), /a. /. //. 1 183, 2019, 2039, 2328, 2330, &c. [OE. w^^, late subjunctive J7uige; pi. *mugon; pret maihte,ffiihte,:\nd la.ter mu/ife.^ Mayden, n. maiden, 33, 205, 467, 995, 2222. &c,; Maydne, dat. 83, 783 ; Maydnes, pi. 2, &c. [OE. msegdeu.'] Mayster, n. sir, master, chief, 1x35, 2028, 2385. [O.YT.maislre.'] [Mayt(h) (MS.), see May.] Mede, n. reward, bribe, 102, 119, 6S5, 1635, 2402, 2901. [OE. pii^d.'] Mein6, Meyn^, household, company, 8 2 7, 834 ; added in 65 = subjects. [O.Fr. meyne.'] Meke, adj. meek, 945, 1066. [ON. mjuk-r earlier *nUok-^ Mele, n. meal, ground corn, 780. [OE. vielu:\ Mele, V. to speak, 2059. [OE. melan!\ Men, impers. subject, sg. (cf. Fr. on)^ one, 390, 647, 2610, &c. [OE. man weakened under re- duced stress.] Mene, v. to mean, signify, 597, 21 14. [OE. matnan.'] Merci, n. mercy, 96, 271, &c. [O.Fr. merci.'] Mere, n. mare, 2449, 2504 ; Mere, gen. sg. (OE, merajt)^ 24 7 8. [OE. mere.'] Messe, n. Mass, service of the Mass, 243, 1 1 76. [OE. and O.Fr. messe?^ Messe-bok, n. mass-book, 186, 391, 2710. [Prec. -f OE. boc] Messe-gere, n. all things used in the service of the Mass, 188, 3S9, 1078, 2217. [Messe + ON. ^^rw2.] Mest(e). See Michel. Mester, n. trade, business, 823. [O.Fr. mester.] Met, //. impers. in me hatieth met, I have dreamed, 1285. [OE. msttan.] Mete, n. food, dish, provisions, 146, 317, 459, 649, 883, 2340, &c. [OE. mete.] Mette,/^. /. sg. met, 1810, 2624. [OE. me tan.] Meyne. See Meine. Michel, Mikel (MS. Mik, 2342, Mike, 960, 17J4, 1 761, 2336), a^^'. much, great, big, tall, 510, 660, &c. ; More, coinp. 981, &c. ; Mest(e), sziperl. 233, 945 ; Meste, pi. 983 ; Moste (with vowel of comparative), 423, 2321, &c. ; on on pe moste hi I, i2.'^7, see Note, and cf. L. amis maximns. [C^E. micel, mdra, maest (late OE. Nth. mast).] Michel, Mikel, adv. much, 60. 122, &c. [To prec] See Mo. Middel, n. middle, 2092. [OE. middel.] Middel-nibt, n. midnight, 575. [OE. middel-niht.] Middelerd, n. earth, world, 2244. [Cf. OE. middaneard.'] GLOSS A RIAL INDEX 147 Bffiht, n. power, 35. [OE, mi/iL'] Mihte(n). See May. Mik(el). See Michel. Milce, n. mercy, 1361. [OE. mi Use."] Mile, n. mile, 721, 1831, 2498. [OE. nil/.] Milk, n. milk, 643. [OE. mt/c.'] Milne-hous, M. mill, 1967. [OE. viylen + hus^\ Mine, n. a game played with dice, a kind of backgammon, 2326. In French romances, as here, coupled with /(^^ar^; seeGodefroy, Diet. s.v. Mine. [O.Fr. mine?^ Mird,cle, n. a wonder, miracle, 500. [O.Fr. miracle.'] Mirke, adj. wk. dark, 404. [ON. tnyrk-r.'] Misdo, V. to do wrong, injure, offend ; Misdede, pa. t. sg. 337, 992, 1371 ; Misdo, //. 2798. [OE. misdon.'] Misferde, pa. t. sg. ; tnisferde with, did wrong to, harmed, at- tacked, 1869. [OE. misfiran^ See Ferde. Misgos, 2 sg. pres. indie, act wickedly, 2707. [OE. mis+gan.'] Misseyde, /a. insulted, 49, *993; Misseyd, /)/. 1688. [OE. inis + secgan.'] Mipe, Mythe, v. conceal, 652, 94S, 1278. [OE. mtdan.'] Mixed, adj. filthy, 2533 (a nonce usage). [To OE. mix.'] Mo, adj. comp. more (in number), 1742, 1846. [To next.] Mo, adv. more ; neuere mo, 511, beside neuere more, 4S8, 493, &c. [OE. w<2, comp. adv.] Mod, «. mood, spirit, 1703. [OE. mod?^ Moder, n. mother, 974, 1388, &c. [OE. modor.] Mone, n. moon, 403, 1314, &c. ; under mone, in the world, 373. [OE. mona.] Mone, «. dat. opinion, in di mine mone,Si6; cf. OHG. btthia meina [OE. *waw.] Mone, I pi. pres. indie, must 840. [ON. munu.] Mon(e)kes, n. pi. monks, 343, 360, 2584; monekes blake, 2521, would normally mean Bentdictme monks; but see Note. [O'Ej.mtinuc.] Mone-liht, n. moonlight, light of the moon, 534. See Mone and Liht. More. See Michel. Morwen, «. morrow, next morn- ing, 811, 1 131, 2669, &c. [OE. morgen.'] See To-morwen. Moste. See Michel, Mote, pres. subj. may, 19, 406, i743>2545; Moten,//. 18. [OE. mot, pret. pres.] Mouhte. See May. Moun. See May. Moup(e), «• mouth, 113, 433, &c. [OE. fnuh.] Mowe. See May. Mowe, V. to mow, 1852. [OE. mdwan.^ Waked, adj. naked, 6, 853, 1949, 1953' [OE. nacod.] Warn. See Nime. Name, n. name, 342, &c On Name, 1397, 2529, see Note to 1797. [OE. nama.] Named,//, named, called, 1751. [To prec] Namore, Na more, culv. no more, 2363, 2530. [OE.ndmare.] *Nauen (MS. Name), n. name, 1397 {see Note), 2529. [ON. na/ft.] Nayl, n. nail, spike ; nail (of the hand or foot), 712, 857, 2163. [OE. nasgl.] Ne, neg. part. 49, &c.; not, 57, &c. ; and not, 148, &c. ; nor, 66 ; MS. Ne = neither . . . nor, 548. [OE. ne:] Necke, n. neck, 1822, 1823, 2046. [OE, hneccaP] L 2 148 GLOSSARIAL INDEX Nede, «. need, necessity, 9, 35, 87, 1692, &c. [OE. ned!\ Neme. See Nime. Ner, adv. near, nearly, 990, 1949. [ON.«ier,comp.; OE.«?ar, comp.] Nese, n. nose, 2450 ; and see Note to 1 91 7. Cf. Nose. Nesh, Neysh, aJj. soft, tender, 217, 2743. [OE. hnesce.'} Net, n. fishing-net, 752, 783. [OE. ueii.'] Net, n. ox, 808, 1026, 1891 ; Net,//, cattle, 700, 1222 ; Netes, g^en. sg. 781. [OE. neatJ] Nepeles,^<7«/". nevertheless, 1108, 1658. [OE. ne Pe less.'] Neue, n. fist, 191 7, 2405. [ON. hnefi.'] Neu(e)re, adv. never, not, 80, 625, &:c. ; neuere a polk, not a single pool, 2685 ; neuere kines = none kines, of no kind, 2691. [OE. nat/re.'] Newe,a^*.new, 263, 2461. [OE. neowe.'] See Span-newe. Newhen, v. to come near, 1866. [OE. nehwian.'] Ney, adv. nigh, nearly, 464, 640. [OE. neh:] See Ner. Neysh. See Nesh. Ney per, neither of two, 2970 ; Ney per . . . ne = neither . . . nor, 458, 764, &c. [OE. ne + iegSer.] See Noyjjer, Nofer and Ayper, ♦EyJ)er. Niht, n. night, 404, 533, 575, 1247, 1754, 2669, 2999, &c. ; Nihtes, gen. sg. 2100; Nihtes, adv. gen. sg. by night, 2353. [OE. Nihtertale, n. dead of night, 2025 ; cf. Canterbury Tales, Pro- logue, 1. 97. [Remodelling of ON. ndttar-]>el where ndttar is gen. sg?\ Nime, v. to take, to go, *I336 {see Note), 1931, 2600; Nimes, imper, pi. 2594; Nam, pa. t. sg. 900, 1947, 2930 ; Nomen, pa. t. pi. took, 2790; Neme, pa. t. pi. went, 1 207 {see Note) ; Neme, pret. subj. sg. 2201; Nomen, Numen, pp. 2265, 3581. [OE, niman7\ Nis, V. is not, 462, 1998, 2244, [OE, nis — ne-\-is?\ Noble, adj. noble, 1263, 1943. [O.Fr. 7iob:e:\ Noblelike, adv. nobly, 2640. [Prec. + OE. -//"<:;-eroffe, Her-of] Of-fleye, v. fly off, 2751. [OE. of+fiegan.'\ See Fleye. Oflfrende, n. offering, 1386. [O.Fr. offrende.'] Of-plette, V. strike off, cut off, 2444 ; Of-plat,/a. /. sg. 2755 ; cf. of. . .plette, 2626. See Platte(n). Of-slawen, pp. struck off, 2676. See Slo. Of-spring, n. offspring, 2565. [OE. ofsprmg.'] Oft(e), adv. often. 214, 226, 227, 884, &c. [OE. of(r\ Ok, adv. and cottj. also, 187, 200, 879, T081, &c. [ON. aukf\ Old, adj. old, 192, 259, 417; Olde = former, 2460; Olde, //. 30, 956, &c. [OE. did.'] See Eldeste. Oliue. See Lif. On, adj. one, 425, 761, 1800, 2028, 2263, &c, [OE. an.] See A, One. On, Oyprep. on, in ; bok, on the book, 2307, 231 1 ; londe, on {or in) land, 763 ; knes, on (his) knees, 2252, 2796; dones on, y>^\X. them on, 970 ; niht, in the night, 1251; on nihtes, at night, 2048; o worde, in the world, 1349; ^^ lesse hwile, in less time, 1830; tnani wise, in various wise, 1713 ; on two. on to, in two, 471, 1823, 2730 ; on brenne, to a blaze, 1239 ; on hunting, a-hunting, 2382. In wel bone, &c., 3355, 2505, &c.. it seems to be substituted for ON. of. [OE. on.] See Onne. One, adj. alone, 1153, 17 10, 1742, I973» 2433 ; {al) 'him one, (all) by himself, alone, 815, 936. [OE. dna^ See On, adj. Ones, adv. gen. sg. once ; «/ at ones = all at once, 1295. [OE. dftes.] See On, adj. Onlepi. See Anlepi. [Onne (MS.), prep, on, in, ex- tended adverbial lorm oiOn,prep., placed after the word governed, 347, 2105. See next.] Onne, adv. on, 1675, 1689, 1940, extended adverbial form of On, prep. Onon, On-on. See Anon. Open, adj. open, 1782, 1796. [OE. open?^ Or, adv. before, 728, 1043, 1044, &c. ; or ouht longe, before long, 1789; conj. 417, 1356, 1688, &c. [ON. drT^ See Ere, and Are dawes. Ore, n. mercy, grace, 153, 211, 2443, 2797. [OE. a>.] Ore, «. oar, 711,718, 1871. [OE. a>.] Oth, oath, 260, 313, 2009 {see Note), 2013, 2231, 2272. ¥ ox hold opes, 2781, &c., see Hold. For Oth, 2526, see Note. [OE. a}.] Oth, n. promise, 2526, see Note. [OE. hat.] Oj)er(e) (MS. often ope, which is to be expanded ope{r) rather than ofiere), adj. other, 518, 861, 1784, 1986,2413,2416, 2970, &c.; non oper, not otherwise, 2490 ; second, next, 879, 1690, 1755, &c. [OE. ofer?^ See To>er. Oper, conJ. either, or, 94, 787, &c. On Oper, 2970, see Note. [OE. dhwa!,per, dhwxper, awper.] See Ay])er, Noyper. Ow&Ty prep, over, above, beyond, 293. 1053, &c. [OE. ofer:] Oueral, adv. everywhere, 38, 54. [OE. ofer all.] I50 GLOSSARIAL INDEX Ouerfare, v. to cross, pass over, pass away, 1378, 2063. [OE. oferfaran!] Ouer-ga, Ouer-go, in let ouer-ga (otA), nej^lected, disregarded, 314, 2220. [OE. ofergdn.'] Ouergange, v. to conquer, 2587. [OE. ofergangan.'] Ouertake, v. overtake, come up with, 1856, 2695 ; Ouertok,/a. /. sg. 1 8 16. [OE. ofer + 0^. taka:] Ouer-]?wert, adv. crosswise, 2822. [OE.ofer-\-0^.}ver-tr\ Ouht, n. any space (of time), anything, 11 89, 1789; J>at ouht 1383- 2717 ; ^0 riht, properly, 109. [OE. riht.] Riht(e),a^'. (1) right (side, &c.), 604, 18 1 2, 2140, &c. ; Rihte, "^k. 2545, 2725 ; (2) just, right- ful, direct, 772, 846, 1201, 2235, 2473, &c. [OE. riht.] Riht(e), adv. rightly, right, exactly, just, straight (?), 420, 872, 1701, 2494, 2596, 2611, &c. *Rihtwi8e, adj. pi. righteous, 37. [OE. rihtwTs.] Rike, n. kingdom, 290. [OE. rice, ON. riki.] See Cuneriche, Heuene-riche. Rime, Rym, n. a poem, tale in verse, 21, 23, 2995, 2998. [O.Fr. rime.] Ring, n. ring, finger-ring, ring in a coat of mail, 1632, 1637, 2740. [OE. hringr] Ringen, v. to ring (a bell), 242, 1 1 06; Ringes, 3 sg. pres. indie. 390; Rungen, //. 11 32. [OE. hringan, wk. pret. hringde.] Rippe, n. dat. basket, 893. [ON. hrip:] Rise(n), v. to rise, 2203 ; *Ris, imper. sg. 597 ; Ros, pa. t. sg. 1955. [OE. rtsan.] Ritte, V. to cut, slash, 2495. [Cf. OHG. rizzen.] Robben, v. to rob, 1958. [O.Fr. robber.] ♦Robberes (Skeat's emendation), 39, see \V robberes. Rode, n. dat. the Cross, 103, I35» 431, 1357, &c. [OE. rod.] Rof, n. roof, 2082. [OE. hro/.] Romanz-reding, n. romance- reading, 2327. [O.Fr. romanz + OE. reding.] See Reden. Rome, n. Rome ; to J^ome, as far as Rome, between here and Rome, 64, see Note. Rop, n. rope, 783, 2507. [OE. rap.] Rore, V. to roar, 2497, 2499 ; Rorede, pa. t. sg. 2438. [OE. rdrian.] Rose, n. rose, 2919. [O.Fr. rose ] GLOSS ART A L INDEX 153 Roser,«. rose-bush, 2919. [O.Fr. rosier, *ro5er.'] Rothe. See Rathe. Bowte, w. to roar, 191 1. [ON. raiita.'] Runoi, n. a nag, saddle-horse, 2569 ; cf. Canterbury Tales, Pro- logue, 390. [O.Fr. ru7ici.'\ Rungen. See Ringen. Rym. See Rime. Salte, adj. weak, salt, 1305. [OE. salt.'] Salue, n. salve, healing ointment, 1835. [O.Fr. salve.l Saraen, adv. together, 467, 979, 1 71 7. [OE. ^samen.'] Samened, //. united, 2890. [OE. samnian.'] Sare. See Sore. Saue, adj. safe, *56o, 2226. [O.Fr. *save (?\] Sauteres, n. pi. psalters, a term applied not only to the whole psalter, but to smaller groups of psalms such as the Penitential Psalms, 244. [O.Fr. saulere.] Sawe(n). See Se(n), v. Say. See Seyen, Se(n), v. Sayse, v. to take possession of (land), to give possession (in land), invest (always in a legal sense), 251, 251S; Seysed, pa. t. sg. 2931 ; Seysed,//. 2513. [O.Fr. saisir^ seisi'r.'] Scabbed,* Skabbed, adj. scabby, 2449, 2505. [To O.Danish s/ead.] Scape, n. injury, harm, 269, 1.^ = 2. [01>J. skadi.'] Schal. See Shal. Sche. See She. Scho. See Sho. S(c)hoten, Schuten. See Sho- ten. Schrifte, «. shrift, 1829. [OE. scri/t.'] See Shriue(n). Schulle, n. plaice, 759. [OLG. schulle.'] Se, n. sea, 535, 719, 784, &c. ; ^eisy gen. sg. 321. [OE. sx.] Se(n), V. to see, 168, 534, 1021, 1217, 1273, &c. ; Say, /a. /. sg. 881 ; Saw, Sau, pa. t. sg. 476, 2410; Savre, Sowe, /a. /. sulj. 1323; Sawen, Soweii, pa. t. pi. 957» io.t5. 2255. The origin of the Sawe(n), Sowen forms is not clear. [OE. seon.'\ Seckes, sacks, 2019. [ON, sekk-r?^ Segges, n. pi. cuttle-fish (?), 896. \Q.Yx.seche{}.)?^ Sei. See Seyen. Seint, «. saint, 177, &c. [O.Fr. seintP\ Seis. See Se, n. Seken, v. to seek ; MS. Seken, 1629; Souhte, /a. ^ 1085. [OE. secan.] Sele, n. seal, 755. [OE. selh^ sel-.] Self , adj'. in yon-self, 2425, 2595; me self, 123; mi self, 1931 ; God self, 24^ ; God him-selue, 432. [OE. self?s Sell, adj. innocent, 477, 499. [OE. i^ge)s^lig?)^ Selkouth, Selc(o)utli, n. won- der, 124, 1059, 2119. [To next.] Selkuth, adj. wondrous, strange, 1284. [O'E.. sel{d)cup?\ Selle(n), v. to sell, 53, 763, &c. ; Solde, pa. t. sg. 699, 703, 817; Sold, //. 775, 1638. [OE. sellan.] Selthe, n. happiness, prosperity, 1338. [OE. sxld.] Sembling, verbal n. assembling, gathering, 10 iS. [To O.Fr. sem- Mer.-] Seme(n), v. to suit or fit in .ip- pearance, to seem, impers. with dat. 2916; Semede, pa. t. sg. 976, 978, 1649, <^c. [ON. s&ma^ Sende(.n), v. to send, 523, 2392 ; Sende, pa, t. sg. 136, 358, &c. ; Sant, /;/>. 1180. [OK. sendan.'] 154- GLOSSARIAL INDEX Sene, adj. evident, 656. [OE. {ge)sene.'\ Serga(u)niz, Seriaunz, n. pi. attendants, retainers, 1929, 2066, 2088, 20QI, 2166, 2361, 2371. [O.Fr. sergant, serjaunt.'\ See Grith-sergeans, Serges. See Cerges. Berk, n. shirt, 603. [ON. serk-r?\ Seruen, v. to serve, deserve, 1230, 2522; Seniede, /a. /. //. 19 14. [O.Fr. servirJ] Set(en). See Site. Sette, V. to set, place, appoint, allot; to set (of the sun), 266,2612, 2671 ; Sette, pa. t. sg. 2571 ; on knes him sette, kneeled, 451 ; Set- ten, pa. /. //. 1 2 1 1 ; Set, //. 907 ; neues under her nes[es] set. 191 7, see Note, and cf. sette a dint, gave a blow, 2406. [OE. seltan.'] Seuene, adj. seven, 2125. [OE. seofon.l Seueutenpe. adj. seventeenth, 25.59 [OE. seofonteotSa.'] Seyen, Sei, v. to say, speak, 647, 2008, 2886, &c. ; *Say we (MS. Sawe), 338 ; Seyde,/^. /. sg. 117, 159, &c. ; Seyde(n), pa. t. pi. 376, 382, 456, 1213; Seyd, Seid, //. 1281, 1786, 2993, &c. [OE. secgan."] See Misseyde. Seyl, Sayl, n. sail, 711, 854, 858, 2507. [OE. seg^ Seysed. See Snysed. Shal, Schal (MS. Sal, 628), v. shall, 21, 1151, &c. ; Shaltti, -tou, -tow, 2 sg. with affixed pro- noun, pu, J)ou, 1322, 1800, 2180, 2186, 2882, 2901; Shol, I sg. subj. 1782; Shole(ii), pi. 562, 621, 645, 1127, 1230, 1640, 1788, &c. ; Shul we, //. 328 ; Shule ye, //. 2419; Shulen, //. 731, 747, &c. ; Shulde, pa. t. sg. 245, *I079, &c.; Sholde, pa. t. sg. 190, 297, 2712 ; Shulden, pa. t. pi. 941 ; Sholdeu,/a. t. pi. 1020. [O.E. sceal (pret. pres.) ; sculon, sceolon j^l.; sceolde, sculde pret. sg.] Shalt(o)u. See Shal. Sham(e) (MS. Same, 1956), n. shame, 56, 83, 799, 2424, 2461, &c. [OE. sca}jiu?\ Shamed, //. shamed, 2754. [OE. scamian.'] Shamelike, adv. shamefully, disgracefully, 2462, 2825, 2827. [OE. scamlTce.'] Shankes, n. pi. legs, shanks, 1903. [OE. scanca.'] Shape(n), v. to shape, create; Shop,/^. 1 10 1 ; S(c)haped, //. 424, 1647. [OE. scippan, pp. scapen7\ S'har, pa. t. sg. cut, 1413. [OE. scej-an."] Sharpe, adj. pi. sharp, 2322, 2645. [OE. scearp.'] Shawe, Shauwe, Showe, v. to show, declare, *I40I, 2206; to see, 2784. See Shewe, with which there is much confusion in rimes. [OE. scedwian^ She, Sche, pron. nom. sg. fern. she, 174, 175, 172 1, &c. [See N.E.D.] ^-.f^Sho. Sheld, n. shield, 489, 624, 1653, &c. [OE. sceld.'] Shende, v. to shame, injure, destroy, 1422 ; Shente, pa. t. sg. 2749; Shend, //. 2845. [OE. scendan?\ Shep, n. pi. sheep, 700; Shepes, gen. sg 781. [OE. scepi] Sheres, n. shears, 857. [OE. scera?\ Shewe, Sheue, v. to see, exam- ine, 1853, see Note; MS. Sheue, 1401 ; Shewed, pp. 2056 {see Note). [OE. sceawian.'] See Shawe. Shides, n. pi. pieces of wood split thin, 917. [OE. sctd.'] Shilde, 3 sg. pres. subJ. shield, protect, 16. [OE. scildan.'] Shine, v. to shine, 404 ; Shon, pa. t. sg. 2144. [OE. sctnan.'] GLOSSARIAL INDEX 155 Ship, n. ship, 706, 735. [OE. scip.-] Shir, adj. bright, 588, 916, 1253, &c. [OE. scir.-] Shireue, Schireue, n. sheriff, 266,2286. lOE. sctr-gere/a.'] Shirte, n. shirt, tunic, 768. [OE. scyrte.] Sho, V. to provide with shoes, 1138; Shod, //. 971. [OE. scoi^i^an.'] See Shon, n. Sho, Scho, pron. 3 sg.fem. nom. she, 112, 126, 649, &c. See She. Shof,/a. /. sg. shoved, 871, 892. [OE. scufan?}^ Shol(en}, Sholden. See Shal. Sholdre, Shuldre, n. shoulder, 604, 1262, 2738; Sholdres, //. 1647, 1818; Shuldren,//. 982 in bi pe shuldren more, higher by head and shoulders. [OE. sculdorJ] See Shuldre-blade, Shuldreden. Shon, n. pi. shoes, 860, 969. [OE. scd{h).'] Shon. See Shine. Shop. See Shape(n). Shoten, Schoten, Schuten, pa. t. pi. assailed (with missiles), 1864; rushed (at), 1S38, 2431. [OE. seed tan.'] Shrede, n. fragment, morsel of food, 99. [OE. screade.'] Shride. See Shrud. Shride, v. to clothe, put on, wear, 963 ; Shrid, //. clad, 978. [OE. scry dan.] Shriue(n^ v. to shrive, hear confess, 212, 362; Shriue(n), pp. 227, 364, 2489, 2598. [OE. scrtfan.'] Shrud, n. clothing, 303. [OE. scrud.] Shul(en), Shulde. See Shal. Shuldre(n). See Sholdre. Shuldre-blade (MS. Shudre-), n. dat. shoulder-blade, 2644. [OE. sculdor + blaed.'] Shuldreden, pa. Lpl. shouldered. jostled, nudged, 1056. [To OE. sculdor.] Sibbe, adj\ related, akin, 2277, [OE. sibb.] Side, Syde, n. side (of the body), 127,1980,2130; Sides,//. 1850; Siden,//. 371. [0\L. side.'] Sike, V. to sigh, 291. [OE. «'- can.] See Siking. Sikerlike, adv. surely, assuredly, 422, 625, 2301, 2707, 2S71. [OE. sicor-\-lice.] Sikernesse, n. surety, guaran- tees, 2856. [OE. sicor+jtes{se).] Siking, n. sighing, 234. [To OE. slcan.] See Sike. Siluer, n. silver, money, 73, 818,1223. [OE. siolfor, sylfur.] Simenels, n. pi. a kind of bread or cake : simenels with J>e hor?i, 779; J^tf Horn. [0.¥x. sime)iel.] Singen, v. to sing, chant, 243, 391. [OE. singan.] Sinne, n. sin, 536, 2461, &c. ; pity, 1976, 2375, 2627. [OE. synn.] Sire, Syre, n. lord, sir, 310, 909, 1229, 2009, &c. [O.Fr. .v/>^.] Sister, n. sister, 411, 1231, 1365, &c. [ON. systir.] Site, Sitte, v. to sit, to lie of a ship), 366, 1316, 2098, 2809; Sat, pa. t. sg. 399, 566, 735, 2344, &c.; Seten,/a. t. pi. 1738, 1766; Set, //. 162 ; site on knes, to kneel, 2709. On MS. Sat, pa. t. sg. op- posed, 2567, j-^„ sipe is gen. pL, but noX^feUsipes, ^277; MS felesipes, 1737 : Jiue Jnmdred sipes, 213; an hundred sypes^ 2162. [(^E. J/^.] SiJ)e(n), adv. afterwards, 399, 472, 1414, 1814, &c.: Sipen, conj. after, 1988, &c. [OE. sil^Qan!] Sixe, adj. six, 1824. [OE. six7\ Sixtene, adj. sixteen, 890. [OE. sixthieP\ 156 GLOSS ART A L INDEX Sixti, adj. sixty, 1747, &c. [OE. sixtig.'] Sket, adv. quickly, 1926, i960, 2.^03, 2493, 2513, 2574, 2736, 2839. [ON. skj'dit, earlier *skeot-.'] Skirming, n. fencing, 2323. [To O.Fr. skirmer.'] Slawe(n). See Slo. Slenge, v. to sling, 2435 ; Slen- get, //. 1923. [ON. *slengja.'] Slep, n. sleep, 1282. [OE. Sle-p.-] Slepe(n), v. to sleep, 1283; Slep, imper. sg. 660, 661 ; Slep, pa. t. sg. 1280; Slepen, pa. t. pi. 2128. \0¥.. slepaii.'] Sleues, n. pi. sleeves, 1957. [OE. slefie).-] Sley, Slei(e), adj. skilful, *io72, 1084,2116. [ON. j/flp^-r.] Slike, adv. or adj. smooth or smoothly (?), 1 157. [O^.^ slice (?).] Slo, n. a sloe, 849, 2051. [OE. sld{h).-] Slo(n), to slay, strike, smite, 512, 1364, 1412, 1745, 2543, 2706; Slos, 2596 ; Slou, Slow, pa. t. sg. 501, 2633; Slowe(n), pa. t. pi. 2414, 2427, 2432; Slawe(n), //. 1803, 1928, 2000, 2681, 2747, &c.; Slayn, />/>. 1428; ^eferdes togidere slowe, the armies met in battle, 2683. [ON. sld, OE. slean, O.Nth.E. sla.\ Smerte, adj. pi. painful, 2055. [Cf, OE. smeart, but the vowel is influenced by OE. smeortan, v. or ME. smerte, n.] Smerte, adv. sharply, severely, 215. [To prec] Smerte, v. to smart, cause acute pain, 2647. [OE. smeortan.'] Smite, V. to smite, 1854; Smot, pa. t. sg. 1676, 1823, 2654. [OE. s mi tan.'] Smith, n. smith, 1876. [OE. smid.] So, n. a tub, pail, 933. [OE. sd,-] So, adv. so, 17, &c. [OE. swa."] See Also. So, conj. as, 279, 349, &c. ; so ... so, so .. . as, 1083, &c. ; so as, whereas, although, 337. [OE. swd.] Sobbing, n. sobbing, 234. [To OE. *sobbian.'] Softe, adj. gentle, mild, 991. [OE. sSfte.'] Softe, adv. luxuriously, 305; quietly, stealthily, 2618. [To prec] Somdel, Sumdel, adv. some- what, rather, 240, 450, 497, 1054, 2306, 2950. [OE. stime d^le.] Sond, n. sand, shore, shoal(?), 708, 735- [OE. sand.-] Sone, adv. straightway, 78, &c. ; sone . . . sone, conj. as soon as, 1354. [OE. sona^ Sone, n. son, 246, 660, 839, 2980. [OE. sunu.'] Sor, n. grief, pain, 234, 1988. [OE. sdr.] Sor, adj. painful, 181 7. [OE. sdr.] Sore, Sara, adv. sorely, grie- vously, 152, 214, 401, 455, 503, Sec. [OE. sdre.] Sori, Sory, adj. sad, wretched, i5i,477» 1248; vile, 2229. [OE. sdrig.] Sorwe, n. sorrow, 57, 233, 473, 1374, &c. [OE.sorg.-] Sorwful (Sorful, 151; MS. 2541), adj. sad, sorrowful, in sor{w)ful and sori; cf. 1248. [OE. sorg- full.-] Soth, «. truth, 36, 200S, &c. ; for soje, truly, 274. In sotk is, 647; /at was soth, 2015; soth was, 2015, &c., it is n. or adj. [OE. sdp:\ So]?liKe, adv. truly, 276. [OE. svniice:] Sotshipe (MS. Shotshipe), n. folly, 2099. [OE. sotscipe.'] Soule,«. soul, 245,1422; Soule, GLOSSARJAL INDEX 157 dat, 74; in mi souU red, 1975, it is dat. or gen. sg., the sense amount- ing to ' what my conscience demands*. \0^. sdwol.'] Soupe, Supe, v. to sup, 1765, 1766. [OE. stipan.'] Souhte. See Seken. Sowe(n). See Se(n), v. Sowel, n. anything eaten with bread as a relish, 767, 1143, 2905. [OE. J///?.] Spau-newe, adj. pi. brand new, 968. [ON. spdn-ny-r.'] Sparke, n. spark, 91. [OE. spear ca."] Spare, v. to spare, 1995, 2691 ; Sparede, pa. t. sg. in sparede he neyPer ios ne keles, 89S, i.e. he ran as fast as he could, 898 ; Spared, pp. 1240. [OE. spa- rian.'] Sparkede, pa. t. sg. sparkled, 2144. [OE. *spearcian.'] Speche, n. speech, power of speech, 229 {see Leyn) ; MS. Speche, 1065. [OE. specJ] Spede, V. to prosper, succeed, 93, 1634; Spedde,/a. /. sg. 756. [OE. spedan.'] Speke, n. speech, report, 946, ♦1065, *io7o. [OK. spec.'] 8peke(n), v. to speak, talk, 113, 135, 326, 369, 548, &c. ; Spak, pa. t. sg. 678, 2389, 2968 ; Bpeken, pa. t. pi. 1068, 1070; Spoken, pa. t. pi. 372 ; Speken, pp. 2369. [OE. specan.'] Spell(e), n. story, tale, 338. [OE. spell.'] Spelle, V. to relate, tell a story, '.5« 2530. [OE. spellian.] *Spende, pa. t. sg. spent, shed, 1819, but see Note. [OE. spendan.] Spord(e), //. locked in, im- prisoned, 414, 448. \OK.{^e)spear- rian, OLG. sperren.] Spere, n. spear, 380, 489, 624, 3322, &c. [OE. spere.] Spille, V. to destroy, perish, 2422; 0/ limes spille, 86, see Lime. [OE. spillan.] Spired, pp. inquired, made in- quiries, 2620. [OE. spyrian.] Spore, Spure, n. spur, 1676, 2569. [OE. spora, spura.] Sprauleden, /a. /.//. sprawled, 475. [OE. spreawliatt.] Sprede, v. to spread out (the hands in token of submission), 95 ; Sprad, //. 2920. [OE. sprxdan.] Springe (n), v. to spring ; Sprong, pa. t. sg. 91 ; on word wide sprong, 959, see Note ; Sprongan, pa. t. pi. 870; Sprungen, //. in day was sprun- gen, dawn came, 1131. [OE, springan.] Sprote, n. twig, sprout, any growingplant, 1142. [OE.sprota.] Spuse(u), V. to marry, 1123, 1 1 70; Spuse, 2 sg. subj. 2875; Spusede,/a. /. sg. 2S87 ; Spused, Spuset, pp. 1 1 75, 1266, 2928. [O.Fr. {e)spouser.] Spusing(e), n. marriage, 1164, 1177, 2886, 2888. [To prec] Stac, n. a stack, 814. [ON. stakk-rP^ Staf, n. staff, 1890, 2517. [OE, stBtf:] Stake, n. a stake, 2830. [OE. staca^ StalworJ)e, Stalworjji, adj. stal- wart, valiant, strong, 24, 904, 2027, &c. ; MS. Stalwor|)este, superl. 25. [OE. (WS.) slailwierSe + OE. -ig.] See Grund-stalwurj)e. Stan-ded, adj. stone-dead, dead as a stone, 1S15. [OE. sldn + dead.] Standen. See Stonden. Star, n. a kind of sedge used for kindling fires, 939. [ON. slar-.] Stare(n), v. to stare ; Starinde, pres. ptc. 508 ; Stareden, pa. t. pL 1037 {see Note). [OE. starian.] Stark, adj. strong, stout, 341, 158 GLOSS A RIAL INDEX 380 ; sfark ami strong^ 608, 988, &c. [OE. stearc.'] Stede, n. steed, 10, 26, 88, &c. [OE. steJa.'] Stede, n. place, 142, 744, 1846. [OE. stede.l Stel, n. steel, 2503, 2759. [OE. stele.'] Stem, n. a ray of light, 591. [OE. steam.'] Sternes, n. pi. stars, 1809 {see Ageyn). [ON. stjarna, earlier *stea7-n-.'] Stert, n. in on a litel stert, in a moment, 1873. [OE. ^sieortj cf. Stirte.] Stert, n. tail, 2823. [OE, steort.] Steuene, n. voice, 1275. [OE. stefit.] Sti, n. way, road, *I20I, 2618. [OE. stTi^.] Sticke, Stikke, Stike, n. stick, 914, 1142, 1238. [OE. sticca.] See Fir-sticke. Stille, adj. pi. quiet, shy, 955, 2.^09. [()E. j////^.] Stille, adv. quiet, quietly, not loudly, 69, 2997. [To prec] *Stmted (added in 1. 2670), /a. /. //. ceased. Stirt(e), pa. t. sg. leaped (up), rushed, 39S, 566, 812, 873, JO49, &c. ; Stirte(n\ pa. t. pi. 599, 1964, 2609. [OE. '^styrtan.'] Stith, n. anvil, 1877. [ON. Ste^i.] Stiward, n. steward, 666. [OE. Stigweard.] Ston(e), n. stone, 569, 1023, 1025, 1044, &c. ; precious stone, 1633. [OE. stdn?^ Stonden, v. to stand, remnin standing, be situated, 321, 689, 2240, &c. ; Stod, pa. t. sg. 476, 679, &c. ; in the tag-phrase ^e, n. scythe, 2553, 2699. [OE. st6e, sigde.] Tabour, n. tabor, small drum, 2329. [O.Fr. labour.] Take(n), v. to take, catch, re- ceive, seize, 409, 532, &c. ; Tok, pa. t. sg. 114, 354, 467, 537, 819; Toke, 2 sg. pa. t. 1216; Token, pa. t. pi. 1194; Taken, pp. 260 ; take red, to adopt a plan, 1833 ; take lond under fote, to set out on a journey, 1199. [ON, taka.] Tale, n. tale, 3, 5, 13, &c. ; bi tale, by number, 2026. [OE. txL] Talevas (MS Talevaces), n. pL bucklers, large shields, 2323. [O.Fr. talevas.] Tarst, adv. first, 2688 (j^ank, thanks to God, 2005. [OK.J)anc.'] pankede, pa. t. sg. thanked, 21S9, 2843. \0K. pancian.'] panne, pan, adv. then, 51, 59, io.t4, &c. ; conj. when, 226, 248, 978, &c. [0E.J)a7tne:\ panne, pan, conJ. than, 983, &c. ; than if, 944, 1867. [OE. ^anne."] *par (MS. pat), /r^/. pres. ought, 801, but see Note. [OE. J>earf.'] See purte. pare. See pore. parne, v. to lose, be deprived of, 1913, 2492, 2835. ^iS. J>arned J>e ded, 1687, is miswritten ior J>oled pe ded, owing to confusion v^xX^a yarned J>elif; of. 2492. [O'N . parfna.'] Pat, adj. and pron. that, 166, 565, &c. [OE./«A] pat, pet, pron. rel. indecl, that, which, who, &c., 10, loi, 1675, &c. ; pat, dat. 727, 2029; often supplemented by the personal pro- noun pat . . . he, who, 2392, &c. ; J)at . . . his, whose, 28 ; Jiat . . . hem, whom, 2966-7 ; J>at it, which, 2686, &c. ; pat, that which, 668, &c. [To prec] pat, conj. that, so that, in order that, 16, 18, 675, &c.; because, 161, &c. ; until, 576, 900. [OE. Paue, V. to endure, suffer, per- mit, 296, 2696. [OE./a/fa«.] payn, peyn, pein, n. thane (in enumerations usually follows dreng and precedes kniht), 31, 1327, 2184, 2194, 2260, 2466. [OE. Pegn:\ pe, def. art. indecl. the, 5, &c. [OE. (Anglian) ^i^ = se?\ pe (MS. phe, 1914), n. thigh, 1903, 1950, 3984. [OE./M.] pede, n. dat. country, 105, 2890. [OE./a7^.] pef (MS. phes, 3289), thief, 2434 ; peues,//. 41, 1780. [OE. p-eof:\ pei, pron. 3 //. nom. they, 414, 1020, 1 195, &c., beside common He; MS. pere, pass. adj. 1350, beside regular Her{e), 52, &c. ; Hem, dat. and ace. 38, 76, &c. See the separate forms. [ON. Pei-r, peirra, peim, beside OE. heo, heota, heom.'] pei, pey, conj. though, yet, 807, 992, 1165, *i682, 1966, 2501, &c. ; pei should probably be read for MS. prie, 730. [OE. /M.] See pouh. penk, V. to think, plan, 306, 578 ; penke, 2 sg. pres. subj. 2393 ; pouhte, powhte,/a. /. sg. 443, 507, 1 073, 1 869, &c. ; pouht, //. 312. \0¥^. pencanr\ penne, adv. thence, 777, 1185. [Cf. OE. /a«a«.] See^t\tx\. per(e) (MS. often pe, 142, 476, 863, 933), adv. there, 232, 234, &c. ; conj. where, 142, 158, 318, 448, 803, &c. ; there where, 1740 ; to where, 2381. [OE. Per.] See pore. per-, in perafter, after that, i 35; on that account, 776, 819, &c. ; per-bi, by, 476 ; per-fore, for it, 776 ; per-biforn, before that, 665 ; per-fram, from there, 55 ; per- fro, from it, 2253; perinne, therein, 322, 535, &c. ; perof, peroffe, thereof, 372, 466, 1068, &c. ; perjjoru, through it, by that means, 1098, 2827; pertil, thereto, 396, 1041, &c. ; perto, thereto, to it, 4, 1045, &c. ; per- GLOSSARIAL INDEX ]6i nte, ontside, 1778, 1809 ; per- ■with, therewith, 639, 1031, 1046. See )?erteken, ]?er-yen. per e). See pei. Perl i^iox fe erl), the earl, 178. perne, n. serving-maid, 298. [ON. perna.'] perteken, adv. moreover, 2878. [OE. J)er to tcaii.'\ pei'-yen, ac^ainst that, 2271. [O E . ))er + gegn . ] pet, def. adj. in J)et ojjer, the second, 870 ; and, with wrong division, MS. pe tojjer, 411 {see Note). [OE. }3e.t. neut.] pepen (MS. pe})e, 2629), adv. thence, 249S. [0N./^(5a«.] peu, adj. and n. slave, serf, 2205 ; pewe, //. 262. \0Y,. peo'w.'l peues. See pef. Pewes, n. pi. manners, virtues, 282. [OE./mw.] Pey. See pei. picke, adj. thick, stout, deep (in the chest), 1648. \0Y.. ]}icce!\ picke, adv. thickly, in great number, 1172. [To prec] pider, adv. thither, 850, 1012, 102 1, &c. \OY..])ider?^ pigge, V. to get by begging, 1.373. [OE. ]}icgan, or ON. }>ig- ping(e), n. thing, d^i, &c. ; pinge, pi. 71; ping,//. 2021; for 710 Pincr^ on no account, 1936. \OY..}mg.-\ pinke(n), v. i7iipers. it seems, 2169; pouhte, pa. t. 197, 256, 691, 1286, &c. [OE. pyncan, pret. J>ukte:] pis, pron. this, 260, 532, 841, &c. ; pis, //. 1145. [OE. pes, neut. ]>is.'] pis [jov pis is), 606. pisternesse, n. darkness, 2191. [OE. }iosternes{se).'] Po, pron. those, 395 (see Note), 19 1 8, 2044, &c. [OE. ^d, pi. of article.] po, adv. then, 930 ; conj when, 1047. [OE. pa.] per-, in portil, thereto, 1443; porwith, 100, therewith. See Per-.] pore, adv. there, 742, 922, 1014, &c. [OE. />dr, pdj-a.] ^^^ per(e). por(h)ut, pur(h)ut, prep. throughout, 52, 1065. See poru. porn(e)bake, n. skate, ray, 759, 832. [OE. por,z + dxc.'] poru, porw, prep, through, by the agency of, 264, 367, 627, 848, 2646 ; poru and poru, 774: poruth is clearly a spelling for ])oruh in 2786; and possibly in piu-iithy 52; Poruth, 1065. [OE.///r/^.] poriih-like (MS. poruthlike), 680 ; adv. searchingly. [OE. purh + lu~e.'] See pom pouh, powh (MS. always pou, pow, po ; cf. pei\ conj. though, yet, 124, 299, 1020, 1669, <^c. [ON. *pau/i, p/i.] pouht, n. thought, concern, 122, 1 1 90, 2053, &c. [OE.poAt.] pouhte. See pinke(n). pousand, pusand, pousind, adj. thousand, 127, 2355, 2371, 268 1 , &c. [OE. pusend, Pusand.'} pral, n. slave, thrall, 527, 684, 1097, 1158, 25^64, 2589; wretch, 1408. [ON./r^e/-/.] prawe, n. space of time, 276, 1 2 15. [OE.^.f^^.] pre, adj. three, 385, &c. [OE. Preo-i predde. See pridde. prette, pa. t. sg. threatened, 1 163, 2404. \0E preatianP^ pridde, predde, adj. third, 867, 2633. \0E. }riddar\ prinne, adj. three, 716, 761, 1977, 2091. [ON.^rzww-r.] priste(n), prist, v. to thrust, 1152, 2019, 2625; prist, //. 638. [ON. prysta.'] priue, V. to thrive, 280, 514. [ON.>//a.] M 1 62 GLOSS A RIAL INDEX protes, n. pi. throats, 471, 1413. [OE./ro/«.] pu, pw, pou (MS. f>o, 388, &c.), ^ron. 2 s^. nom. thou. At- tached to verbs, as in wiltu, 691, &c. ; shallow, 1322, &c. ; MS. wz'//^, 5 28; J)enkeste, 578. 7m after a dental in ^at hi, 2903. pin, gen. 1 1 28; pin(e), pi, poss. adj. 620, 1 152, 2065 ; used absolutely, 619, &c. ; pe, «r.■. t. sg. 1792. lTd+0^.rtfa.'\ To-shiuere, v. to shiver in pieces, 199.^ ; Toshiuered, pp. 2667. [7i?-fME. shiueren.] To-tere, v. to tear in pieces, 1839; To-torn,//. 194S, 2021. [OE. toteran.] To-turuen, v. to strip (eels of their skius), 918. [Since u for GLOSS A RIAL INDEX 163 OE._j' is not found elsewhere in Havuok, tiie form il correct points to OE. *tur/ian.'] See Tirueden. To-tused, pp. mauled, torn, 1948. [OE. *tj-tusian.'] To-yede, pa. t. sg. went to, 765. [OE. pret. to-geeode.'] Totede, pa. t. sg. peeped, 2106. [OE. tjtian.'] [Toper (MS.), 411. See J>et.] Toun, Tan, Town, n. town, 397, 764, looi, 1444, 1750, 2277, 291 1, &c. [OE. tun.'] Tour, «. tower, 448, 2073. [O.Fr. tour.'] Toward, pj-ep. towards, 21 38. [OE. to-weard.] Tray8o(u)n, Tresoun, n. trea- son, 312, 444, 1090, 2989. [O.Fr. traison, -un.] Trayt(o)ur, Traytur, Traitour, «. traitor, 319,692, 2757. [O.Fr. traitour.] Tre, n. a bar of wood, 1022, 1S21, 1843, 1882, &c. \pE.treo.] See Dore-tre ; Galwe-tre. Trechery, n. treachery, 443, 10S9. [O.Fr. trecheric] Trewe, adj. true, trusty, 179, 1756; Trewest, superl. 374. [OE. treozue.] Tristen, v. to trust, 253. [Cf. ON. trey St a.] Tro, V. to trust, believe in, 2862 ; *Trod (MS. Croud),//. 2338, see Note. [O. East Norse trda.] See Trowe. Trome, n. a company, troop, 8. [OE. truma.] Trone, w. throne, 1 316. [O.Fr. trone.] Trowe, v. to believe, trust, 1656 ; Trowede, pa. t. sg. 382. [OE. treowian, triiwian.] See Tro. Trusse, v. to pack up, 2017. [O Fr. trousser.] Tuenti, ad;', twenty, 259. [OE. t-wentig.] Tumberel, n. a porpoise, 757. [O.Fr. *iomlcrei.] Tun. See Toun. Tunge, n. tongue, 369. [OE. tunge.] Turbut, n. turbot, 754. [O.Fr. tnrboi.] Turnen, v. to turn, recover, 154 [O.Fr. toHijier.] Tarves, n. pi. turf, peat, 939. [OE. turf.] Tw3lue (MS. Twelf, 7S7; Twel rather for 'YwiiU, 1054, 2455), adj. twelve. [OE. twelf.] Ueneysun, n. venison, 1726. [O.Fr. veneisun.] Vmbe stonde, adv. once upon a time, formerly, 2297. [ON. umb + OE. stund.] See Stuntie. Umbistode, pa. t. pi. stood around, beset, 1875. [ON. umb + bestandan.] See Bistode. Vm-bi-yeden (MS. Unbi- ; cf. MS. Chauupioun), pa. t. pi. sur- rounded, 1842. [ON. umb + 0E. began.] Unblipe, ad/, unhappy, sad, 141. [OE. unbltde.] TJnboundeu, /a. t. pi. unbound, 601. [OE. onbindan.] Unclof>ede, pa. t. sg. undressed, 659. [OE. on-, un- + clddtan.] Undev, prep, under; under mone, 373; vnder God, 423, i.e. on earth: under hand, under (his) sway, 2295. [OE. under.] Underfong, pa. t. sg. perceived, 1 15 jee Notej. [OE. underfon, pp. -J'angen.] Under.itonde, v. to receive, 1 159, 2814; Under-stod, pa. t. sg. 1760. [OE. unde)-standan.] TJndertok, pa. t. sg. took, 664; Under-toke, 3 sg. pa. t. subj. would take in charge, 377. [OE. under +0'!ron. gen. dual, in e{y^J)er tinker, each of you two, 1882 ; sec Note. TJnkeueleden, pa. t. pi. un- gagged, 601. [?/«- + ON. kefla?^ See Keuel. Unkyndelike, adv. unsuitably, beneath (her) rank, 1250. [OE. U7i{ge)cy7ideHce?^ Unornelike, adv. roughly, shamefully, 1941. [OE. unornltc, adj.] Unride, adj. rough, clumsy , huge, very numerous, 964, 1795, 1981, 2673, 2947; Unrideste, sttperl. 1985. [OE. ungeryde.'] TTririht, n. wrong, injustice, 1 369. [OE. unriht.'] Until, prep, unto, to, 2913, 2930. [ON. *w«a'(?) + ON. /z7.] Un-to,/;Y/. to, 1934, 1944, 2086, 2399, 2474. [Cf. prec. and OLG. vjitd.'] See Intil. Un-wraste, adj. wretched, filthy, 547, 2821. [OE. tinwrsest.'] UoyZjW.voice, 1264. [0.¥r. voiz^^ Up, adv. up, 597, &c [OE. up, upp.'] TJ-p-dxoWfPa.t. sg. drew up, 932. [OE. tip + dragan.'] See Drawen. Up-on, prep, upon, against, 47, 26S9, &c. ; upon his gamen, in sport, 468. [OE. up + on.'] Yt, prep. out. 89. 155, 346, 11 78, &c. [OE. ut.'] Vt-draweu, v. to draw out ; Vt- drow, pa. t. sg. 1794, 2632 ; Ut- drawe^n), //. 1802, 2631. [OE. u( + draga7i.'] See Drawen. Uten, adv. out, exhausted, 842 (?). Zupitza suggests eten. but the MS. is possibly correct. [OE. «/a«.] Uten-laddes, «. //. men from abroad, foreigners, 2153, 2580. See Uten and Ladde. Vtla-wes, n. pi. outlaws, 41. [ON. litlagi.'] Utrage, n. outrage, outrageous conduct, 2837. [O.Fr. outrage.] Wa. See Wo. "\A''ade, V. to pass, go, 2645. [OE. wadan.] "Wagge, V. to brandish, wield, 89. [Cf. OE. wt7gian.] Waiten, "Wayte^n), v. watch, watch for an opportunity, 512, 1754, 2070. [O.Nth.Fr. zuatler.] Waken, v. to keep watch over, be awake. 630 ; "Waked,//. 2999. [OE. wnciait.] Wakne, v. intrans. to wake up, 3164. [OE. ivxcn{i)an?^ Wantede, pa. t. sg. was lacking, 712, 1243. [Qi^. vanta?^ War, adj. aware, conscious, 788, 2139. [OE. zt-asn] Warant, n. surety, 2067. [O.Nth.Fr. warant?^ Ware, n. wares, merchandise, 52, 765. [OE. 7vartil] Ware. .5*^1? Wore. Warie, v. to curse ; 3 sg. pres. j?<<^'. 433; Waried,//. 434. [OE. ^vpergan'^^ W^arne, v. to warn, 2834. [OE. zuarnian?^ V/arp, pa. t. sg. threw, cast, 1061. \0^. weorpan?^ Was, pa. t. sg. was, 6, 7, 8, &c, ; Weren, pa. t. pi. 283, &c. ; Wer(e),/a. 133, 1097, &c. ; Weren, pa. t. pi. subj. 2413, &c. [OE. ivss, weron.] See Wore. Washen,z'. to wash, 1233. [OE. wascan.^ Wastel, n. cake or loaf made of fine flour, 779, S78. [O.Nth.Fr. wastel.] Water, «. water, 912,932, &c. [OE. W8^ier^^ Wawe, Wowe, n. wall, 2078 ; in the tag bi pe wawe, 474, 1963, 2470. [OE. wag.] Waxen, v. to grow ; Wex, pa. t. sg. 281 ; Waxen, //. 302, 791. [OE. wssxan.] Wayke, ad/, pi. weak, 1012. [ON. vetk-r.] CLOSSARIAL INDEX 165 Wayte(n). See Waiten. "We, pron. 2 pi. nom. we, 457, &c. ; Us, ace. and dat. 16, 455, &c. ; TJre, poss. adj. 697, &c [OE. we, us, ure.l "Wede, V. gallop furiously (of a horse), 2837, 2641. [OE, wedan.'] See Wod. "Wede, n. clothing, garments, 94, 323, 861, 2825. [OE. 'wed^e).'\ Wedde, v. to wed, marry, 1113 ; Weddet, "Wedded, //. 11 27, 2770. [OE. weddian.'] ^Wei, n. road, way, 772, &c. ; "Weie, dat. 952. [OE. weg.'] "Weilawei, interj. alasl 462, 570. [OE. wei Id zuez.'] ^Wel (MS. Wol, 185), adv. full, quite, very ; often like/ul used as a weak intensive, 29, 115, 185, 1747 ; IVe/ bon{e), see note to 2355 ; was hint xvel, he was well off, 274 ; wel with me, in my favour, 2878.^ [OE. wei:\ 9 "Wele (MS. Wel), n. weal, happiness; m for wele ne wo, for weal or woe, on any account, 2777. [OE. wela:\ "Welde, V. to wield (a weapon), to rule, govern (a kingdom), pos- sess, 129, 175, 1359, 1436, 2034. [OE. geweldan, wk.] "Welkome, //. welcome, 12 13, 1 214. [Cf. ON. vel-kominn.'] Welle, n. spring, well, 1851. [OE. well{a), welle.'] "Wende, v. to go, turn, 1344, 1346, 1440, 1705, 2629; "Wente, pa. t. sg. 1919 ; "Wend, pp, 2138 ; Went, //. 2450, see Note. [OE. wendan?\ Wene, v. to think, expect, 598, 655, 840, 1260, 1787 ; "Wende, pa. t. sg. 524, 1091, 1803, &c. ; "Wende(n), /a. /. //. 374, 1197, 2547* [OE. wenanj\ Wepen, pa. t. pi. wept, 152, 401. [OE. wepan.'] Wepne, «, sg. if pi. weapon(s), 89' 93, 490> 1436, &c [OE. wepn.'] "Wer(en). See Was. "Werd, n. world, 1 290 {see Note) ; 2241, 2335, 2792, 296S ; worde, in the world, 1 349. [OE. weorold.'] "Were, v. to defend, 2152, 2298. [OE. werian."] Werewed,//. 191 5, is apparent- ly the same as Wirwed, pp. mauled, strangled, 192 1. On the vowel see Morsbach, ME. Gr. § 129 n. 2. [OE. wyrgan.^ "Werk, n. labour, deed, 34, 866. [OE. were.'] Werne, v. to refuse, deny, 1345 ; "Werne, 3 sg. pres. subj. 926. [OE. wemajt.'] Werse, adj. compar. worse, 1 100, 1134 ; the vowel is perhaps due to ON. verri compar., verst-r superl. [Cf. OE. wyrsa!\ "Wesseyl, n. wassail, toast, lit. be hale ! 1246. [ON. *ves heilLl "Wesseylen, pi. pres. indie, drink healths, 2098 ; Wosseyled, pp. 1737- [Toprec] "Wex. See Waxen. "Wicke, "Wikke, "Wike, adj. wicked, wretched (of clothes), 66, 269, 319, 425, 665. 688, 965, 2458, 2825; wicke red, an unfor- tunate plan, 1406. "Wide, adj. pi. wide, 1845, 1957. [OE. wid.'\ "Wide, adv. far, wide, 959, 1796. [OE. wTde:\ Wif, n. woman, wife, 348, 171 3, 2860; Wiues,//. 2, 2855. [OE. wJf.'l Wiht, n. whit, in no wiht, not at all, 97, 1763, 2500. [OE. wiht.'] Wiht, adj. courageoiis, active, 344, 1008, 1064, 1651, 1692, &c. ; Wilitest(e), stiperl. 9, *25. [ON. vig-t, adj. neut.] "Wike, Wikke. See Wicke. Wil, adj. at a loss, bewildered, i66 GLOSS A RIAL INDEX ignorant, 86^. [ON. vill-r.'] See Wilde. ^Wilde, adj. wild, 268. [OE. wilde.'] Wile, Wille, v. will, wish, de- sire, be willing, 352, 388, 485, &c. ; Wiltu (MS. Wilte, 528, 1 135), wilt thou, 681, 905; Wole, 1 sg. pres. 4^4, 1 150; Wilen, //. 732, 920, 1345, 2817, &c. ; "Wolde (MS. ^^■ode, 951, 2310), />a. t. sg. 367, &c. ; Wolden,/^. t. pi. 456, 514, 1057, &c. ; on *Wilde, 354, which per h a ps represents ON . vilda pa. t., see Note. [OE. ivillan.'] "Wille, n. will, 273; wille don, to work (one's) will, 528, 953, 2423. [OE. willa.'] "VlT'immari, Wymman, "Wviman vMS. Wman, 174, 281), «. woman, 1139, 1156, 1 168, 1720, 2713, &c. [0£. tvl/man.'] "Win, Wyn, «. wine, 1729, 2341. [OE. win.'] Wind, «. wind, 723, 1360. [OE. wind. ] "Winde.v. to wind, 221 ; Woun- den (MS. Wnden),//. 546. [OE. windan. ] "Winne, n. dat. joy, 660, 2965. i^OE. wynn.'\ Winne, v. to win, gain, 852, 1322. [OE. winnan.'] Winter, n. pi. winters, years, 259, 417, &c. [0¥.. winter.'] "Wirchen, v. to work, cause, 510; "Wrouht, Wrowht, pp. 1352,2453,2810. [OY.. wyrcan.] "Wis, adj. wise, proficient, 180, 282, 288, 1421, 1635, &c. [OE. WIS."] "Wise, «. manner, way, 204, 1713. [OE. 7utse.'\ "Wislike, adv. assuredly, 274. [OE. {ge) wis slice.'] "Wisse, V. to direct, guide, advise, 104, 361. [OE. wissian.] Wissing, n. advice, guidance, 2903. [OE. wissujig.] Wiste(n). See Wite. AVit (?) (MS. Witl), pron. dual nom. we two, 1336, see Note, and cf. Unker. [OE. wit?^ "Wite, V. to guard, decree, 405, 1 3 16. [OE. witian.] "Wite(n), z*. to know, 367, 517, 626, 2201, 2708, 2786, 2808, &c. ; Wite, 3 sg.pres. subj. if he know, 694; Wot, pret. pies. sg. 119, 213. 653, 1345,2527,2803;, 2 sg. pret. pres. 527, 582, 13.-4, 2715, &c, ; 'Witen, pret. 2208; Wiste, pa. t. sg. 115, 223, 358, 541, 1280, &c. ; Wisten, pa. t. pi. 1184, 1187, 1200, &C. [OE. wdt, wiste, inf. witan.] Waiter-like, adv. certainly, 671, [ON. vitr+OE. lice.] With (MS. Wit commonly), prep, together with, 52, 251 7, &c. ; Krist was him with^ 62 ; net with horn, horned cattle, 700, &c. ; with trechery, treacherously, 10S9, &c. By means of, 505, 1821, &c. ; with pe prestes shriue, shriven by the priests, 2489 ; wrastling with laddes, 2324. [OE. wiQ.] With-al, adv. likewise, 754. [OE. witi + all.] "Wipe, p7'ep. with, 1051 {see Note). Extended adverbial form of preposition when postponed ; cf. Offe, Onne. [To OE. wid.] Withdrawen, v. to withdraw, draw back ; With-drou (MS. Wit-drow, 502), 49S, 502. [OE. wid + dragan.] With-held, pa. t. sg. retained, 820, 2356, 2362. [OE. wid + haldajz.] W^ith-inne, prep, within, 2536. [OE. widinua/i.] With-sitten, z>. to oppose, 1683. [OE. wid + sittan.] Cf. At-sitte. With-pan, conj. provided that, on condition that, 532. [OE. wiO ^aw(».] "With-pat, con/, on condition GLOSS A RIAL INDEX 167 that, so that, 19, 1220. [OE. "Withuten (MS. Wituten com- monly), prep, except, 4.^5 ; with- out, 2S60, csp. in such p urates as withiiien faik, 179; withuten ende, 247 ; *withuten *were, with- out doubt, 1354, which are model- led on Fr. saitz faile, &c. [OE. wiS-iitan.'] Wo, Wa, n. woe, misery, wail- ing, 124, 461, 465, 510, &c. ; "wirchen wo, 510 ; ful wo wrouht^ 2453 ; wurj)e him wo, may woe betide him, 2221. [OE. wdJ] "Wo, adj. wretched ; in do ful wo = make very wretched, 611, 2589. [To prec] Wod, adj. mad, 508, 1777, 1848, &c. ; "Wode,//. 1896; to ""fyhien ivode, madly eager to fight, 2361. [OE. wod.'] See Wede. "Wode, n. wood, fuel ; "Wodes, pi. woods, 268, 397, 1444. [OE. wndu.] "Wok, pa. t. sg. awoke, 2093. [OE. wacan.'] See Waken. Wold, n. meaning, significance, 1932, see Note. \S^'E..\ge^wald.\ Wolde. See Wile. Wole. Sec Wile. "Wolle, n. wool, 700. [OE. widl.'] "Wombes, n. pi. bellies, 191 1. [OE. wamb.] "Won, «. quantity, number, opinion ; in the Jul god won, in great number or quantity, 1024, 1837, 1907. 2325, 2617, 2729; perhaps ' with great force ', 1 791 ; bi mine wone, in my opinion, 1711,1972. [ON. z/iw.] "Wone, V. to dwell, 105, 247, 406, 1325, &c. [OE. wunian.'] Wone, adj. accustomed, wont, 2151,2297. [0E.wuna,n.and3id).] "Wonges, n. pi. fields, 397, 1444. [OE. wangP^ Word, n. word, report, fame, 959, 2010. [OE. word.'l Word(e). See Werd. Wore, pa. t. sg. were, 504, iScc. ; "Wore, 2 sg. pa. t. subj. 684, &c. ; Wore(n), Ware, pa. t. pi. 237, 400, 448, &c. See Was. [ON. varum, pa. t. pL] Worth, adj. worth, 966, 1633. [OE. weorti.'\ Worth, n. worth, value, 1332. [OE. weor6?^ Worpe, "Wurjje, 3 sg. pres. suhj. be, 434, 1102, 2873; "Wurpe, impers. 3 sg. subj. in wur^e him •iuo, 2221. [OE. weorpan.\ Wosseyled. See Wesseylen. "Wot. See Wite(n). "Wounde. See Wunde. Woundede, pa. t. sg. wounded, 2742; Woundeden, pa. t. pi. 2429. [OE. wundian.~\ Wounden. See Wiade. "Wo we. See Wawe. Wrastling, n. wrestling, 2324. [OE. wrxstlung.'] Wrathe, n wrath, anger, 2719, 2977. [OE.wrMtiu.'] See\NioX.h.. "Wreieres, n. pi. betrayers, trai- tors, 39. [OE. wregere.] Wreke(n), v. to avenge, 327; Wreke, imper. sg. 544, 1363; Wreke(n), pp. avenged, 1884, 1901, 2368, 2849, 2993. [OE. wrecan. ] "Wringen, v. to wring, 1233; "Wrungen, pa. t. pi. 153. [OE. wringan7\ Wringing, n. wringing, 235. Writ, n. writing, inscription, 486; Writes, //. letters, 136, 2275. [OE. WiitP^ Writen,//. written, 2481. [OE. writan7\ Wrobberes, n. pi. informers, 39. Wrong, n. wrong, *ji, 76, 2806. [ON. *wrang-r, Icel. rang-r.'] Wros, n. pi. corners, 68. [ON. *wrd.'] Wroth,*^'. angry, 1 1 1 7; "Wrope, //. 2973. [OE.wrdti.'] 6', pron. Y-se, V. to see, 334. [OE. geseon.] See Se(n). Yuuder, adv. yonder, 922, is probably a spelling for yonder. [OE. *gconder., cf. Gothicyazwi/;v.] Yung(e), a,dj. young, 30, 112, 368, 956, &c. [OE. gting:\ Yure. See Ye. INDEX OF NAMES TO 'HAVELOK' [In this Index, the references under the words in capital letters are in general to the pages of the book ; otherwise, the references are to the lines of the poem.] Adam, 2287. Athelwold {spelt A))elwald, 1. 1077), is king of England, and governs wisely, pp. 2, 3 ; feels he is dying, p. 5 ; bequeaths his daughter to the care of Godrich, pp. 7, 8 ; dies, p. 9. (Mentioned again in 11. 2709, 2803.) Austin, seint, St. Augustine, 1773. Bernard Brun (i.e. Bernard Brown; so called in 11. 1751, 1945), provides a supper for Have- lok, p. 58 ; his house attacked by thieves, p. 59 ; fights against them, p. 63 ; tells Ubbe how well Have- lok fought, p. 65. Bertram [named in 1. 2898), is cook to the Earl of Cornwall, and employs Havelok, pp. 33, 34 ; is made Earl of Cornwall, and marries Levive, Grim's daughter, p. 99. BlRKAHEYN [spelt Bircabcin, 1. 494 ;^w. Birkabeynes, 2150,2209, 2296), is king of Denmark, p. 13; commends his three children to Godard, p. 15; dies, p. 15; his son Havelok's resemblance to him, p. 72. See Introd., p. xxvi. Cestre (Chester), 2607, 2859, 2896. Cornwayle (Cornwall), 178, 2532, 2008; MS. Comwalie, 884. Crist, 16, &c. ; — Krist, 17, 22 ; gen. Kristes, 2797. Dauy, seint, St. David, 2867. Denemark (Denmark), 340, 381, 386, &c. Denshe, adj. Danish, 1403 ; //. 2575, 2693, 2938, 2945. Danshe, 2689. Douere (Dover), 139, 265. Doure, 320. Elfled (MS. Helfled), Havelok's sister, 411. Engelond (England), 59, 202, 250, &c. ; — Engellond, 1093; — Engelonde, 208 ; — Englond, 1270 ; — Engeland, 108, 610; — MS. Hengelond, 999 ; gen. Engelondes, 63. Englishe, pi adj. {followed by men), 2766, 2795; — Englis {used absolutely), 2^^; — MS. Henglishe, 2945- Eae, Eve, 2287; gen. Eues, 2045. Griffln Galle, 2029 ; but MS. Giffin is probably correct. Godard {gen. Godardes, 1. 241 5), is made regent of Denmark, pp. 15, 16; shuts up Birkabeyn's children in a castle, p. 16; kills Swanborow and Elfled, p. 18; spares Havelok, p. 19 ; but after- 170 INDEX OF NAMES TO * HAVEL OK ' wards hires Grim to drown Have- lok, p. 20; is attacked by Havelok, p. 80 ; is taken prisoner, p. 82 ; condemned, flayed, drawn and hanged, pp. 83, 84. GoDRiCH (j/^// Godiigh, 1. 178), is Earl of Cornwall, p. 7 ; is made regent of England, pp. 8, 9, 10 ; shuts Goldborough up in Dover Castle, p. 12; makes Goldborongh marry Havelok, p. 41 ; raises an army against Havelok, p. 86 ; ex- cites his men, p. 87; marches to Grimsby, p. 88 ; fights with Ubbe, p. 89 ; fights with Havelok, p. 92; is taken prisoner, p. 93; taken to Lincoln, and burnt alive, pp. 95, 96. GOLDEiiORU (or Goldeborw, 1 2985). is daughter of King Athelwold, p. 5 ; is committed to the care of Godiich, p. 8 ; shut up in Dover castle, p. 1 2 ; is sent for to Lincoln, p. 40 ; is married to Havelok, p. 43 ; hears an angel's voice, p. 46 ; encourages Havelok to go to Denmark, p. 48 ; rejoices at Godrich's death, p. 96; is queen of England, p. 10 1. Grim, a fisher, is hired by Godard to drown Havelok, p. 20 ; discovers Havelok to be the right heir to the crown, p. 22 ; takes Havelok over to England, p. 26 ; founds Grimsby, p. 27 ; sends Havelok to Lincoln, p. 31 ; dies, p. 44. Grimesbi, 745, 2540, 2579, 2617, 2619; — Grimesby, 1202, ?866. Gunnild (daughter of Grim, marries Earl Reyner of Chester), 2 866, 2S96. Gunter (an English earl), 2606. Hauelok, son of King Birka- beyn of Der.mark, p. 14; spared by Godard, p. 19 ; but given over by him to Grim to be drowned, p. 20; spared and fed by Grim, P« 23; goes to England, p. 26; sells fish, p. 30 ; works as a porter, P- 33 ; p"ts the stone, p. 38 ; marries Goldborough, p. 43 ; returns to Grimsby, p. 44; his dream, p. 47 ; returns to Denmark, p. 52 ; trades there, p. 53 ; is noticed by Ubbe, p. 55 ; defends Bernard's house against thieves, pp. 59-63 ; is known to be heir of Denmark by a miraculous light, p. 69 ; is dubbed knight by Ubbe, p. 77 ; is king of Denmark, p. 78 ; defeats Godard, p. 81 ; invades England, p. 85 ; defeats Godrich, p. 93 ; rewards Bertram and others, p. 98 ; lives to be a hundred years old, p. 99 ; is crowned king of England at London, p. 100; is king for sixty years, p. 1 00. [The story is called * J>egest of Hauelok and of Goldeborw ', 1. 29S5.] Humber (the river), 733. Huwe Rauen (one of Grim's sons), 1.5,98, 1S68, 2349, 2636, 2677; MS. Hwe, 1878. lohan, seint ; the patron saint to whom Havelok commits his Danes, 2957; dt seint lohan! 1112,1721,2563. ^/^/Z loa, 177. ludas, 319, 425, 482, 1133. Kaym, gen. Cain's, 2045. Lazarun ( = Lazarum, ace. of Lazarus), 331. Cf. 'Lord' — seyd Gij— 'that rered Lazeroun,' &c. Gity of Warwick, ed. Zupitza, P- 592. Leue (Grim's wife), 558, 576, 595, 618, 642. lieuiue (Grim's daughter, mar- ried to Bertram), 2914. Linoolne, 773, 847, 862, 980, 1105, 2558, 2572, 2824. Lindeseye (N. part of Lincoln- shire), 734. Lundone (London), 2943. INDEX OF NAMES TO ' HAVELOK ' 171 Marz (March), 2559. Beyner (earl of Chester), 2607. Koberd [^pe Rede) (Grims eldest son), 1397, 1686, 1888, &c. ;— Robert, 2405, 2411, &c. ; ^c-n. Roberdes, 1 691. Rokesborw (Roxburgh), 265 ; — Rokesburw, 139. Sathanas (Satan), iioo, 1134, 2512. Swanborow (Havelok's sister), 411. Ubbe, a great Danish lord, p. 53 ; entertains Havelok, p. 54 ; takes him to his castle, p. 56 ; does homage to Havelok, p. 75 ; dubs him knight, p. 77; his combat with Godrich, p. 89 ; is sorely wounded, p. 90. "Willam ("Wendut) (one of Grim's sons), 1690, 1881, 1892, 2348, 2632 ; — MS. Wiliam Wen- duth, 1398. "Winchestre, 158, 318. Yerk (York), 11 78, see Note. Ynde, India, 1085. PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN' AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS OXFORD BY CHARLES BATEY PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY ETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT 202 Main Library 3AN PERIOD 1 HOM^ USE 2 3 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS DUE AS STAMPED BELOW AUTO. Ulbo. ^R 1 7 15C6 crp 1 3 1986 ^41087. .^ Jtq mc m 1 ? '87 ■ //^yy^ 7! vw^ i"? 1981 S^S^ \ur. 18 1986 ?Er G1 9 87 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY ORM NO. DD6, 60m, 1/83 BERKELEY, CA 94720 r GENERAL LIBRARY - U.C. BERKELEY 1 BDDD7MMT53 f »,•/ %',^ , ^■;, V- ^^-/v-