^0 LM©-i:M.NAT: 'UJA jay " ^ -^d-^ ' ^ J^ -y^ \ ;^>f>' i^' ^^\X^ 10 v> ^> Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2007 witin funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/fifteentlibookofsOOcincricli C//^ FIFTEENTH BOOK OF SPECIMENS {QowMp^cY ^hVilovv FROM THE CINCINNATI TYPE FOUNDRY. KSTAHLI.SHED 1817. CHARLES WELLS, Treasukek. HENRY BARTH, Pkes. - WM. P. HUXT, Sec. OFFICE, No. 201 VINE STKEET. WORK!^, 7 TO 17 LONGWORTH STREET, CINCINNATI. 1882. Hints about Orders. When ordering Book or Newspaper type, state whether or not Italic or Leaders are wanted. When ordering sorts, state number of face as well as body, or send a cap H and lower case m, as little used as you have. When ordering Job type, such as Titles, Gothics, Antiques, etc., state whether or not Quads and Spaces are wanted. They are not sent if not specially named in order, and charged extra when sent. When giving measure for leads or slugs by cms without specifying body, Pica ems are always understood. When ordering Brass Rules to be mitered, state whether the size given is to be inside or outside of mitres. When orders for mitered Double Rules are received, it is always understood that the heavy line is to be on the outside, unless other- wise stated. When ordering Chases, send diagram with correct inside and out- side measures marked. When ordering material from a specimen book not our own, state name of the Founder from whose" book selections are made. When writing an order, put each item on a line by itself, and do not mix things up ; show plainly whether the quantity that follows or precedes an article is the amount wanted. When writing for information, tell us what you want us to do rather than ask us what we can do. Knowing your wants, we aim to supply it ; to ask us what we can do is to set us to guessing what you want. Always indicate the way of shipping, whether by railroad, steam- boat, or express. When shipping old type, mark your own name on every package. raicii; LIST TYPES, PRESSES, — AND — PRINTING MATERIAL GENERALLY. 1882. Bt^ The continuance of present prices ls very uncertain. We shall issue new lists when important changes are made, but in absence of a list of even date with your order, it is always well to send a complete detailed list of goods wanted, and get fresh prices by return mail. Cash in all cases where a special time is not agreed uix)n. ACCENTS— Double the price of Romans. See Type. ADVERTISING RULES- Single, each $0 0:5 Wave, " 03 Parallel, " 04 Double, '• 04 AMES' PERFORATOR. See Perforators. AWLS. See Bodkins. BEARERS— For Hand Presses, per pair $0 40 BELLOWS— Each $1 85 to 2 50 BELTING- Widtli. Per foot. Width. Per foot. 2 inches $0 18 2>V inches $0 25 2,>4' " 20 3 " 28 2>j " 23 Z\i " 33 BLANKETS FOR CYLINDER PRESSES— Felt, 28X40 $6 40 " 31X46 7 50 " 33X48 7 75 Other sizes, 16 cts. per running inch, yard width. Rubber, 28X40 8 80 31X46 10 10 33X48 10 55 Other sizes, 22 cts. per running inch, yard width. BODKINS— Common Awls $0 10 Closing Spring Bodkin • . . 60 Spring Bodkin ! 40 Bodkin and Knife 1 75 , Printer's Knife 1 50 BOOKS- Printer's Manual (Lynch) $1 25 Printer's Price List (DeVinne) 4 00 Treatise on Punctuation (Wilson) 2 25 BORDERS— Half Nonpareil, Nos. 1-34 10 feet each . . $2 25 Nonpareil, Nos. 12-155 6 " " . . 1 55 Nos. 201-230 10 " "2 60 Nonpareil and one-half. No. 1-3 10 " " . . 3 00 Three-line Nonpareil No. 1 10 " " . . 4 95 Pica, Nos. 201-215 10 " " ..300 Two-line Pica No. 200 10 " " . . 5 00 Three-line Pica No. 100 10 " " . . 8 00 Half Minionette, Nos. 1-8 10 " " . . 2 25 Minionette, Nos. 11-3:? 10 " " . . 2 90 Two-line Minionette, Nos. 4-35 10 " " . . 3 50 Three-line Minionette, Nos. 1-4 10 " " . . 4 85 Fonr-line Minionette, Nos. 2-5 10 " " .6 65 BORDERS, COMBINATION— Series 15 $3 00 Series 32 $3 00 " 17 4 20 " 3;} 4 80 " 21 2 40 " 43 3 20 " 22 6 00 " 44 4 50 " -23 7 50 " 46 5 10 " :»............. 5 00 " 48 6 00 " 31 6 00 BRASS BRACES— Nos. 1-10 .... each . , |0 12 Nos. 2:3-27 each . $0 25 Nos. 11-17 " 15 Nos. 28-;?2 " 30 Nos. 18-22 " 38 Nos. ,3.3-38 " 12 Complete set, $5 60. Nos. 14-17 each. $1 00 Nos. 18-20 ■' 125 BRASS CIRCLES— Nos. 1-6 each. .$0 60 Nos. 7-13 " 75 BRASS CORNER QUADS— Per set of four $0 15 BRASS CURVES AND CLAMPS— Per font of 180 pieces $8 00 BRASS DASHES— No.s. 1 to 174 each. .$0 10 Nos. 214, 21.5, 216 " 25 Nos. 217; 219 ■ " 30 Nos. 212, 213 " :?5 Nos. 211, 218, 220 '^ 40 Nos. 208, 209, 210 '• 50 Nos. 221, 222, 223 - o 75 BRASS DASH RULES— Single, column width $0 04 Double, " " 05 BRASS FLOURISHES- Whole font $8 00 Half font 5 00 BRASS LEADS— Six and eight to pica, cut to measure $0 60 Ten to pica, cut to measure 85 BRASS LEADERS- Nonpareil, per lb $1 60 Lg. Prim., per lb $1 50 Brevier 1 60 Pica 1 40 BRASS OVALS— Nos. !-<■> each .$0 90 No.'s. 13-16 each. .$1 25 Nos. 7-12 " 100 No.s. 17-19 " 150 BRASS RULES— Body. In two ft-ot Cut Smallest fonts IMct?. strips, labor-saving, of ten feet. Per toot. Per lb. Weight. Per font. Pica $0 .50 $1 50 6 lbs., oz $9 00 Long Primer. . . 40 1 (50 4 lbs., 8 oz 6 75 Brevier :ii 1 60 4 lbs., oz 6 40 Minion 32 1 60 31b.s., 5 oz 5 30 Nonpareil 28 1 60 3 lbs., oz 4 80 Pearl 18 1 W 2 lbs., 4 oz 3 60 Three to Pica . 14 1 60 1 lb., 14 oz. . . . . 3 00 Four to Pica . . 12 1 W) lib., 8 oz 2 40 Five to Pica... 10 1 75 lib., 2 oz 2 00 Six to Pica 08 1 75 1 lb., 2oz 2 00 Eight to Pica. . . 06 2 00 12 oz 1 50 Ten to Pica ... 05 2 00 10 oz 1 50 Brass Space Rule, on six to pica body, cut by half ems from 1 to 6 ems Nonpareil at $2.(X) per lb. BBONZES- Various shades, extra fine, per oz $0 30 In quantities, jjer pound from $2 00 to 5 00 BRONZING PADS— Steiner's Patent $2 50 BRUSHES, LEY- Tampeco |0 35 Bristle 75 Proof, Bristle 1 00 CABINETS- With 12 cases, two-thirds .lob, fiat top $15 00 " 14 " ■■ •■ " 17 00 ■' 16 '• ■ ■• " 19 00 " IS ■■ ■• •■ " 21 00 " 20 " " '■ " 23 00 Galley top, $1 00 additional each. (iin Price List of Printing Material. CABIKETB— Continued. With 12 cases, Full, Job, and Triple, flat top $17 50 " 14 " " " " " 19 50 " 16 " " •' " " 21 50 " 18 " " " " •' 23 50 " 20 " " " " '• ... 25 50 Galley top, $1 00 additional each. With 40 full cases. Job, and Triple, galley top. . . 50 00 Perfection, with 16 full Job Cases, 18 two-thirds Job Cases, 8 Rule and Cut Drawers, 5 Sorts Drawers, and 2 Copy Drawers 70 00 Improved News Cabinet with 18 full Job Cases, 8 Sorts Cases, 2 Copy Drawers, Bracket for 4 Cases on top, and Galley Rest 3Ci 00 Same with two-thirds cases W 00 CABINET, INK— Witli four compartments for ink and marble top, 18X24 .112 00 CARD CUTTERS— Elm City, 12 inch shear, cuts full board $10 00 Improved No. 1, rotary 30 00 " 2, " 45 00 CARD ORNAMENTS— Per font $3 75 CASES— News, plain per pair. .|1 20 " (patented) " " 1 75 Job or Italic, plain each .0 70 " " " (patented).. " .100 Triple, plain " . . 70 " (patented) " . . 1 00 Figure 80 Quad and Space 80 Labor-saving Lead and Slug 80 Rule 90 Blank, full size 50 " two-third size 35 Two-thirds pairs, upper and lower per pair. . 1 00 " Job or Italic each.. 60 Millcr'.s Pat. News, with movable boxes, per pair 4 00 CHASES, BOOK— Outside measure. Each. 26>iX39>i shifting bars $10 50 " skeleton 7 00 28>^X42X shifting bars 11 00 " skeleton 8 00 32)iX47X shifting bars 12 00 " skeleton 9 00 373^X51 Ji shifting bars 13 00 " skeleton 10 00 Other sizes made to order. CHASES, CAST IRON— Cheap Heavy, extra finish. Ea.stem style. Card 4 X5 inside $0 60 $0 28 " 4>iX 6>i " 70 ;J5 " 5X7 " 080 040 Bill Head... 6 X8 • 90 40 .... 8 XIO ■• 1 20 55 .Fob 9 X12 ■• 1 40 70 " 10 X14 1 90 75 " 14 X17 " 2 40 90 " 18 X24 " 3 20 1 15 Programme. . 5 X16>i " ... 1 80 65 ..8 X23>^ " 2 40 75 Other sizes made to order. For Nonpareil Presses. 7X12 inside, each 10X16 " " 15X19 " " 15X25 " " 9X12 " '■ ; 10X15 " " 12X17 " " 17X24 •• east, each 3 25 17X24 " wrought iron, each .'> 00 |1 75 . 2 23 . a 00 . 3 50 . 1 75 . 2 2.5 . 2 50 CHASES, WROUGHT IRON— News. Inside each half. Per pair. 5 column folio 12^^X20 $ 9 00 « " " 15 X21K ' 10 00 7 " " 17>iX23X 1100 8 " " 19>iX25X 12 00 '•> " " ■•• 21%X27% 13 00 4 " quarto 16 X22 12 00 5 " " 20 X26K 13 00 6 " " 21?iX31 15 00 7 " " 23%X35 17 00 CHICKEN FOOT— Kacli $0 75 CIRCULAR QUADS— Font of 8 sots $3 50 COLUMN RULES- X(>ii))in-eil Ixxly, per inch $0 02>i COMBINATION BORDERS. See Border.s. COMPOSITION. See Roller Composition. ('()iiilH>.' Confectionery 116 Bee-hive 148 Coppersmith 116 Beer and Wine 12;J Cotton 105 Bellhangers 105 Cows, Bulls . .105, 112, 143 Bellows 105 Crate 105 Bill-head Logos . IW), 107 Crockery 105, 1.31 Billiards 128 Cutlery ia5, 116 Bird Cages la"), 14« Deer 105, 143, 144, 145 Birds 105 Dental 105, 148 Books 105, 131 Depart. Headings .114, 115 Boots, Shoes . . 105, 115, 127 Dogs 105, 112, 144 Bowling Alley 128 Dove 105 Buffalo 144 Dray 105 Buggies 138 Drugs 105, 115, 132 Butcher 115 Ducks Iftj, 145 Camel 145 Eagles .105, 112, 120, 121 Canal-boat 10.') Ears 148 Canon 121 Elephants 143. 145 Card Logotypes 10<'> Express Wagons. .105, 138 Card Scrolls 108,109 Eyes 148 Carriages 105, 138. 139 Farm Scene 112, 144 Cat 145 Finis 148 Check Blanks . . .110, 111 - Fire Engine. . 105 Check Ends ...11-J, 113 Fish IO.1, 145 Price List of Printing Material. Page. I'eddlar's Wagon 130 Penmanship 105 Photographer 116 Ph)W lOf) Printer's Emblem — 12'^ Kabbits 112, 145 Kaee Cuts.... 105, 140, 141 Railroads 105, 124 Restaurant IIC, 123 Jioosters 146, 147 .Saddlery 10.'), 115, 148 Safes 135 Santa Clans 148 Seals 10.5, 117 Secret Society 105, 118, 119 Sheep 105, 143 Sleigh 105 Society Cuts 105 Spectacles 105, 130 Stages 105 Stars 137 Stationery 115, 131 Steamboats 105, 125 Stoves 105, 116, 128 Tailor r 116 Tea 105,116, 131, 1.33 Tiger 144 Tobacco 116, 133 Transfer Wagon 139 Trees 105 Trunks 105, 116, 128 Truss 105 Turkey 145 Turtle 105,145 Umbrella 105, 126 Undertaker 105,115,139,148 Vehicles 105,137, 138 Velocipede 139 Vessels 105 Wagons 138 Washington 122 Watches 105, 130 CUTS — Continued. Page. Flags 112,121 Flowers 105, 123 Fly 112 Fox 146 Franklin 122 Frogs 112, 113 Fruits 123 Furniture .105, 116, 128, 129 Furs 105 (ilobe 105 (iloves 105 (}oat 144 (Jrocer 116 (iuns and Pistols 135 Hardware — 105, 116, 135 Harnesmaker . . .115, 148 Hats, Caps . .105, 115, 126 Hearses 139 Hogs •. 10-5, 142 Horses. 105, 112, 140, 141 Horse-shoe 105, 130 Horse-shoeing 141 Hose Carriage 105 Houses 105, 148 Humorous 136 Indians 112 Indices 105, 133, 137 .racks 10.5, 141 .Fewelry 116, 130 LaFayette 122 Lincoln 122 Lions 105,126,144 Livery .115, 140, 141 Locksmith . . . .105, 110, 135 Maltese Cros'Ss 137 Monkey 113, 132 .Monument .112.113,110,134 Musical . .105, 116, 128, 129 Omnibus 138 Optician 105, 116, 130 Owl 113, 145 Oysters 105 DASHES. Sec Brass Dashes. DASH RULES— Single and Wave, each $0 04 Double and Parallel, each 05 DATE LINES- Flectrotyped JfO 50 ELECTROTYPING in all its branches. Estimates on cuts, bookwt)rk, etc., furnished an application. ENGRAVING ON WOOD. Estimates furnished. ENGRAVER' S TOOLS— IVr .-^ft of (i tools .$2 50 ENGRAVER'S BOXWOOD- Per s((uaru inch ^0 05 ENGRAVER'S MAPLE— Per sciuare inch !fO 03 ENGINES— Four horse power, 4X5 $ 400 00 Six Eight " Ten Twelve " FIGURE SLUGS- Cast. cut to measure, each FLOURISHES— Serie.-i .V •' n FLY STICKS- I'er (IdzcM FOOT SLUGS- Hevck'd. metal, each !f0 05 FRISKETS— For Hand Presses !f3 00 to f) 00 FURNITURE AND REGLET, CHERRY— Nonpareil to Two-line Pica, per yard $0 02 Three-line to Twelve-line Pica, per yard 05 Beveled Side Sticks 05 OALLEYS- Job Galleys, brass lined . . . 6X10 inches |2 00 " ..8^^X13 " 2 50 " ...10X16 " 3 00 " ...12X18 " 3 50 " ...14X20 " 4 00 " ...15X22 " 4 50 Mailing Galleys of any size made to order. News Galley, all brass, single 2 50 " ' " " double 3 00 " " single column, brass lined 2 00 double " " " ^•; . . 2 50 " " single " not lined 1 25 double " " " 1 50 . • .Slice Galleys OXlOinches 2 00 " " 10X16 " 2 50 •■ 16X22 " 4 00 Wood 6X18 " 30 •' 8X20 •' 40 GALLEY RACKS— For 12 galleys $ 8 00 " 15 " U 00 GLASS INK SLABS. See Ink Slabs. GOLDING PRESSES. See PRE.'iSES. GORDON PRESSES. See Presses. GREEK TYPE- Brevier, 10 A, . 50 a $6 40 Long Primer, 10 A, .50 a . .' 7 50 GUAGE PINS, MEGILL'S PAT — No. 1, Pica high per doz. $0 60 No. 2, English high " 60 No. 3, Great Primer high " 60 No. 4, Pica high, no lip " 60 Patent Spring Tongue " 1 20 HAND PRESSES. See Presses. HEAD RULES- Nonpareil body, per inch $0 02>a HEBREW TYPE— Long Primer, 25 A $3 00 Pica, 15 A 2 40 Two-line English, 5A 3 40 HOE PRESSES. See Presses. IMPOSING RULES- Xews $0 30 IMPOSING STONES— Marble, double sawed, 2 inches thick, without stand. 24X36 1 7 50 30X84 $22 00 30X60 15 75 30X90 23 50 30X72 18 75 Other sizes at .$1 25 per square foot. Stands, .fS 00 and upward, according to material and finish. ' INITIALS- S ingle Letter. Per font. Series 32 fO 40 $3 55 6X7 550 00 6X7 650 00 7X9 850 00 8X9 1,000 00 ifO 10 $3 50 . 6 00 .Jfl 50 37 50. 20. 25 30. 25. 4 25 1 00 1 25 2 00 1 25 INK- News Ink in 10 poinid cans per lb. |0 16 " in kegs, 25 lbs 12 .50 lbs 11 100 lbs. or 200 lbs 10 " in barrels, 400 lbs 08 Book Ink, fine $0 25, 40, .50 .Job Ink for dry and calendered paper, will not set off . ... " |0 .50, 75 1 00 Si)ecial quick-drying Black 1 00 Superfine Ink, do 1 50 Extra Super Ink, do 2 00 Extra fine Cut Ink 3 00 Wood ( 'nt Ink 5 00 (V) Price List of Prinfuig Material. INK — Continued. Gold Size $1 00, 1 ^O 2 00 White Size, for dry colors 1 oo Ultramarine Ink |0 50, 75, 1 00, 1 .50 2 00 Light and Dark Blue $0 75, 1 00, 1 .50 2 00 Blae and Green Poster Ink .50 Light and Dark Green $0 7,5, 1 00, 1 .50 2 00 Red Poster Ink .50 Fine Red, for paper $2 00 3 00 Red Ink for paper ^ 75, 1 00 1 50 Extra fine Red $5 00 10 00 Lake Ink 10 00 Scarlet Red $3 00 to 5 00 Cardinal Red $8 00 to 10 00 Crimson Lake $3 00 to 5 00 Red Copying 5 00 Light and Dark Brown $1 00, 1 50 2 00 Carmine Ink per oz. 2 00 Purple Ink " 2 00 Bronzes of every shade " 30 White Ink |0 .50 1 00 Lemon and Orange Yellow $1 00 2 00 Emerald Green 3 00 Varnish No. 1 and 55 Gloss Varnish 1 00 Special prices given on Job and Book ink in large quan titles. High-priced inks furnished in half pound and quarter pound cans, if desired. INK CABINETS. See Cabinet.^. INK FOUNTAIN— For Nonpareil Press $10 00 INKING APPARATUS FOR HAND PRESS- Stand, Cylinder, Roller Frame and Cores !|!35 00 Same, with self-distribution screw, imp. frame. . . 45 00 Roller Frame for two rollers, ;^5 inches 6 00 " 42 •• .8 ;50 47 •• . i)'TO Extra Roller Core 1 25 With double cylinder for single roller. 30 inches long $15 00 40 inches long $19 00 32 " " 16 00 42 " " 20 00 36 " " 17 00 44 " " 21 00 38 " •• 18 00 INK KNIFE- 6 inch blade $0 45 9 inch l)lade $0 95 7 " " 05 12 '• " 1 45 INK SLABS- Marble, per square foot |0 80 ()sitor\s take, each $o 10 LEY BRUSHES. See Biushes. MAILING MACHINES— Times Mailer $30 00 Piner's Mustang Mailer 10 00 Galleys extra, each ,50 Mailin,!,' Type, Dates, etc., furnished to order. MAKE-UP RULES, STEEL— News ■. ... .$0 30 MALLETS- LlKiium Vit;i' $0 .50 to $0 75 METAL FLOURISHES. See Floikishes. METAL FURNITURE. See Labok-Saving Fikniture. MITRE Box- wood $0 50 Iron 3 00 MITERING MACHINE- Universal Rule Shaper !|;25 00 ri)right Mitering Machine 20 00 Rotary :Mitering Machine 25 00 MITERING SAW— Fach $1 50 MUSIC- Nonp. No. 1, m lbs.$ 60 00 •• No. 2, 30 lbs. 60 00 ■• No. 3, 60 lbs 120 00 50 Excelsior, 26 lbs $ 93 liO Diamond, .30 lbs 9(1 00 Agate: 30 lbs 72 (H) NEWS INK. SeeLNKs. NONPAREIL PRESS. See Presses. NOVELTY PROOF PRESS. See Proof Presses. OILERS- Tin $0 15 Malleable Iron.. Zinc 25 Rubber 50 OLD MATERIAL taken in exchange for new at list prices. Type and Brass Rule per lb. $0 08 Ix-ads '■ 05 Electro-plates " 04 St,ereo-plates ■• 05 Freight deducted. ^^ Mark the bf)xes contiiining old type with your name and our address, No. 201 \\x\c Street, weigh them, take freight receipt, and .send us duplicate. PAPER CUTTERS- Chaiiipioii, :!0 inch, rotary Steam Fixtures extra . . Defiance, 9-inch, lever Gem, :50-inch, lever Guillotine, 32-inch, power Hardy, 30-inch n)tan,- " ;i3-inch " Leader, 23-inch " 28-inch 30-ineh .32-iuch Plow, 28-inch ... Printer's, 30-ineh, lever Undercut, 12-inch lever " 24-lnch '■ 28-inch " 2.5-inch, improved 1-50 00 :JO-inch " 175 00 :W-inch, power ;500 00 .U-inHi ■■ 600 00 PAPER CUTTER STICKS- Per dozen $1 50 PAPER FASTENER— Heyl's 12 00 Staples No. 1, per 1,000 60 •• No. 2 •• •• 80 $300 00 3,50 00 .500 00 900 00 25 00 ,30 00 1.50 00 .550 00 165 00 185 00 115 00 170 00 175 m 215 00 40 00 175 00 40 00 8.5 00 115 00 (vi) Price List of Printing Material. Per font. IxHig Primer |3 50 Small Pica :? 30 Pica 3 00 Great Primer PATTERN LETTERS, ROMAN— 1.^ in. to 5-16 in each |0 02 ;',iln. to>,in " 02,'2 9-16 in. to >« in " 03 }i\n., Z}i cts. ; Ji in., 4 ets. ; 1 in., 4>a ets. ; I'i in., 6 cts ; l^s in., 7>2 cts. ; 2 in., 9 cts. Round-face Gothic : .'4 in., 2 cts. ; % in., 2^2 cts. ; ia in., 2}^ cts. ; ?„ in., 3 cts ; ;>( in., 3»2 cts. Roman, Brand: '4' in., 3 cts.; ^i in., 3 cts.; »2 in., 4 cts. ; % in., 5 cts. ; % in., 6 cts. PERFORATING MACHINES- Ames. 3 '4 inch $ 250 Round hole, 20 inch 75 00 " 24 inch 100 00 " 28 inch 125 00 PERFORATING RULE- Hrass, iier foot $0 15 Steel " 50 Cut in labor-saving lengths to order. PIECE FRACTIONS— Per font. Nonpareil $5 00 Minion 5 (K) Brevier 3 60 Bf)urgeois ". . 3 60 PLANERS— Mahogany $0 30 with leather top 40 " curved 75 proof ....> 50 " " with leather top 60 Jones' Pat. Rocking Proof Planer, 3,'iXlO in 1 50 7 X12in 2 50 POINTS- For Hand Presses, per pair $0 50 PRESSES, ARMY— 6 column, complete $60 00 7 " '• &5 00 PRESSES, CHROMATIC CYLINDER- Bed, 22X37 inches .$1 ,800 00 Same press for one color printing 1,200 00 PRESSES, CYLINDER— Hand Turning- Campbell. Xo. 0. ..3r.X.")2 |1,5.50 00 No. 5. .2");<31 $1,000 00 No. 1. .32X50 1,200 00 No. 0. .23X28 900 00 No. 2. .32X48 1,100 (X) No. 7. .20X25 800 00 No. 3. .31X46 1,000 00 Stoam Fixtures . .')() 00 Cincinnati Type Foundry. Rack and Screw Distribution Bed. Largest form printed. Price. 28>'40 inch 24X:W inch $1,000 (X) :nX46 ". 27X42 " 1,200 00 34X52 •' 30X48 " 1,400 00 Boxing and Shipping included. Each press furnished with tapes, blankets, moulds, etc. Table Distribution. 33X48 for hand turning 29X43 $1,000 00 " forpower 1,060 00 Boxing and Shipping included. Each jiress furnished witli tai)es, blanket and cast rollers. Four Roller Presses. Table Distribution. i inch Rollers ink entire form. Inside Matter Bearers. Printed. Price. 2»4'X37 I8.I2X33 No. No. No. No. No No Three : 4 G E 27X40 22X36 7E 29X41 22X37. 7G 29X41 25X37. SE 2i)X45 22X41. 8G 29X45 25X41. No. 9 G 31X46 26»;^X42 No. 10 G 32X46 26^X42 No. 11 G .33X48 26»4X44 No. n H 33X48 29X44 No. 12 G 33X50 26?4'X46. No. 12 H .33X50 29X46. No. 13 G :«X52 26?iX48. No. 13 H 34X52 30X48. Xo. 14 H 38X52 30^^X48 Xo. 14 1 :., 38X52 34X48 Xo. 15 1 .40X60 .:?4X.')6 $ PRESSES— CoHiX33 f . No. 5C 27X40 20J^X36 $. No. 5 E 27X40 .23X36 $. No. 6 C 28X40 20%X36 $. No. 6 E 28X40 24X36 f . No. 7 C 29X41 20%X37 $. No. 7 E 29X41 24?„'X37 $. No. 8 29X45 20%X41 $. No. 8 E 29X45. . . . . .24%X41 $. No. 10 E 32X46 24?iX42 $. No. 10 G 32X46 28X42 % No. 11 E .33X48 24%X44 $. No. 11 G 33X48 29X44 $ No. 12 E &3X50 24-'iX46 $ No. 12 G 33X50. 29X46. No. 13 G 34X52 29X48. No. 13 H 34X52 30X48. No. 14 G 38X52 29X48. No. 14 H 38X52 32^2X48. No. 15 H 40X60 32i^X56. No. 15 I 40X60 36X56. Price. Table distribution may be left off on any of the above presses if desired. Chromatic Apparatus may be added to any of them. Extra Heavy Four Roller Presses. Cylinder and Table Distribution. Three Z}i inch Rollers ink entire form. Inside Matter Bearers. Printed. Price. No. 7 G 29X41 25X37 $ No. 8 G 29X45 26X41 | No. 9 G 31X46 25X42 ? No. 10 H 32X46 28X42 $ No. 11 H :33X48 28?^X44 $ No. 12 H 33X50 28>^X46 $ No. 13 H 34X52 28?„X48 $ No. 14 I .38X52 ...82X48 $ No. 15 1 40X60 32X56 $ Price. No. No. No, No. No, No. No, No, No. No. No. No. Extra Heavy Four Roller Presses. Cylinder and Table Distribution. Four Z}i incli Rollers ink entire form. Inside Matter Bearers. Printed. 3 G 24X30 20X26 $ 6 H 28X40 24X36 $ 7 H 29X41 24X37 $ 8 H 29X45 24X41 $ 9 1 31X46 27X42 $ 10 1 32X46 27>2X42 $ 11 1 33X48 27>^X44 $ 12 1 3:050 27;2X46 $ Cottrell & Babcock. Table and Cylinder Distribution. 4 . . Bed, 31X46 inside bearers $1,050 00 5.. " :?2X46 " " 1,300 00 6 . •' :^2X50 •■ " 1,400 00 7.. " 37X.54 •• ■• 1,800 00 (vii) Price List of Printing Material. PRESSES— Co7itinued. Cottrell &; Babcock. Table, Kiick, and Screw Distribution. No. 5. .Bed, 32X46 iu.side bearers 1,400 00 No. 6.. " 32X50 " " 1,600 00 No. 7.. " 37X54 •' " : 2,000 00 For steam power, extra 50 00 Including boxing and carting, etc. Hoe & Co. Size bed. Matter printed. No. 5 29X42 24X37 $1,200 00 No. 6 32X47 27X42 1,400 00 No. 7 35X51 30X*") 1,600 00 For steam power, extra 75 00 Including boxing and carting. Potter, Jr., & Co. Table Distribution. No. 2. .31X46 inside bearers $1,050 00 No. 3.. 32X46 " " 1,300 00 No. 4.. 33X50 •■ " 1,400 00 Rack and Screw Distribution. No. 3. .32X46 inside bearers 1,400 00 No. 4.. 33X50 " " 1,(>00 00 For steam power, extra 50 00 Including boxing and carting, etc. Taylor & Co. Bed, 31X46, for hand power $1,000 00 " 32X50 " " " 1,100 00 For steam power, extra 60 00 Including boxing and carting, etc. PRESSES, CYLINDER— Steam Power- Double Cylinder Press. Hoe & Co. No. 5 29X42 24X37 $3,750 00 No. 6 32X47 27X42 4,2,50 00 No. 7 35X51 30X46 4,750 00 No. 8 38X55 33X50 5,250 00 No. 9 41X58 36X53 5,750 00 Including boxing and carting, etc. Double Stop Jobber. Cincinnati Type Foundry. Bed. Size of form. Rollers. Price. 18X24 inch 14X21 inch 4 $1,500 00 Each press furnished with blanket, moulds, counter-shaft, two five-speed cone pulleys, and chases. New Style Drum Cylinder Press. Potter, Jr., & Co. With Patent Bnnter Springs. No. 00. .20X25. . . .$1,2.50 00 No. 3. . .32X46. . . .$2,.)00 00 No. 0. . .21X27. . . . 1,4:50 00 No. 4. . .34X50. . . . 2,750 00 No. 1 . . .24X:i0 .... 1,.5.50 00 No. 5 . . .36X52. . . . 3,000 00 No. 2. . .25X35. , . . 1,850 00 No. 6. . .40X54. . . . 3,300 00 No. 2>^ 29X42 .... 2,1.50 00 No 7. . .40X60. . . . 3,.500 00 Including boxing and carting, et<'. Patent Drum Cylinder Press. Taylor & Co. No. 1 . .44Xv.56 $3,tX)0 m No. (i . 29X41 $1,8(X) 00 No. 2. .40X54 2,700 00 No. 7. .2.5X.33 1,500 00 No. 3. .34X52 2,400 00 No. 8. .23X28 1,2.50 00 No. 4 .31X50 2,250 00 No. 9. .19X24 1,000 00 No. 5. .31X46 2,100 00 Extra Fountain if-'iO to $100 Including boxing and carting, etc. Single Large Cylinder Press. Hoe & Co. Size bed. Matter printed. No. 1 17X21 13X17 $ 800 00 No. 2 20X25 1.5X20 1,000 00 No. 3 24X29 19X24 1,250 00 No. 4 26X34 22X29 1,500 00 No. 5 .29X42 24X36 1,800 00 No. 6 32X47 27X41 2,100 00 No. 7- :i5X51 .32X47 2,400 00 No. 8 38X.55 35X49 2,700 00 No. 9 41X58 36X.53 3,000 00 With each Press are sent two sets of Roller Stocks, two Roller Moulds, .set of Blankets, Counter-shaft, Driving Pnl- ley. Hangers, and two Cone Pulleys. VKESSES—Continned. Stop Cylinder Press. Cincinnati Type Foundry. Bed. Size of form. Rollers. Price. 18>iX24 inch 15 X22 inch 4 $1,400 00 23 X28 " 19>iX26 " 4 1,800 00 25 X35 " 20 X31 " 4 2,200 00 32 X47 '• 26 X42 " .6 3,000 00 38>iX52 " ....^...32 X48 " 6- 3,. 500 00 Boxing and Shipping included. Each press furnished with blankets, moulds, cones, and counter-shaft. PRESSES, HAND, WASHINGTON— I'hiin. Platen. Bed. IMnts. Price. 14X18.... 18 X22 $1,50 00 19X25... 22 X29 5 column folio 175 00 23X.31. . . .26>iX35 6 column folio 200 00 23X35.... 263 jX39 7colunmfolio 225 00 2.5X39. . . .28^2X43 8 col. fol. or 5 col. quar, . 2.50 00 27X43 .... 31 '2X47/2 .... 9 column folio 275 00 Patent lielling Bed. 23X:«. . 26>iX39 7 column folio 250 tH) 25X.39 . . .28%X43. . . .>. .8 col. folio, or 5 col. quar. 275 00 27X43 . . .31>^X47>i ... .9 column folio 300 00 29X43 . . ..32>^X47»2. . . .(! column quarto .325 00 Boxing included. Two pairs of jwints, one wrench, one sheeps-foot, pair of bearers, and (me extra fri.sket go witli eacli press. PRESSES, JOB— Chromatic Bag Printing Press. Platen, 15X25 $goO 00 ].5X2i5, j)lain 500 00 10X16 .3.50 00 Goldlng Job Press. 8X12 inside chase $200 00 10X15 •■ " 275 00 Boxing and drayage inchided. Gordon Job Press. ICiglith Medium— ,S 12 inside chase $22;") 00 9X13 •• " 2.50 00 Quarto Medium— 10X15 inside chase .300 00 11X17 " " :i50 00 Half Medium— 13X19 inside chase 400 00 Steam Fixtures, extra 15 00 Ink Fountain 2.5 00 Boxing, $6 00. $7 («1. $10 00. Liberty Job Press. No. 2. . .7X11 inside cha.se $215 (M) No. 2a. .9X13 2.50 (M) No. 3. .10X15 300 00 No. 4. .13X19 400:00 Steam Fixtures, Extra 20 00 Ink Fountain 25 00 Boxing, $6 00. $7 .50. $10 00. Monumental Job Press. 6X9 inside chase $ 80 (M) 8X12 •■ •■ 135 00 Boxing included. Nonpareil Press. Plate Distribution. Quarter Folio — 9 ■vl2, inside chase, witli treadle, including Receding Bed $225 OO Pulleys for power 10 00 Fountain 10 00 Half Folio — 12X17, inside chase, with treadle, in- cluding Receding Bed 3ij 00 Pulleys for po\ver 15 00 Fountain • 10 00 Folio — 17X24, inside chase, with treadle 500 00 Pulleys for power 25 00 Hand ( 'rank 15 00 Less 10 per cent, for cash. Boxing included. Each press is furnished witli mould, three chases, and double set of cores. (viil; Price Li>it of Printing Mater iaJ. VRESSES—ConltJivci!. Peerless Job Press. Eighth Medium— 8>: 12 inside chase $2i") 00 9X13 " " 250 00 Quarto Medium — 10X15 inside chase 300 00 11X16 " " 350 00 Half Medium— 14X19 inside chase 400 00 14X20 '• " 450 00 Steam Fixtures, extra 15 00 Fountain 25 00 Boxing, |6 00. $7 00. $10.(X). Reliable Job Press. 8X12 inside chase $180 00 11X15 '• ■■ 225 00 Boxing Included. United States Job Press. 6X9?i inside chase $ 60 00 8X12 •' " 85 00 10X15 " '• 150 00 Including boxing and cast rollers. Universal Job Press. Eighth Medium— 7X11 insiile chase $200 00 Quarto Medium— 10X15 " " 275 00 Half Medium— 13X10 " " 375 00 Half Super Royal— 14X22 inside chase 450 00 Steam Fixtures, extra 15 00 Ink Fountain . . 25 00 Boxing included. PROOF BRUSHES. See Brushes. PROOF PRESSES— Novelty. 9 inch |500 Roller, 8X28— without stand 30 00 " " on wofxl stand 37 50 " " (m iron stand 45 00 16X30— without stand 40 00 " " on wood stand 48 00 " " on iron stand 60 00 221^X39)^— on inm stand 75 00 PULLEYS, SHAFTING, AND HANGERS- Wrought Iron Turned Shafting. Diameter of shaft. Price i' Diameter per of foot. shaft. Price per foot. 1 Diameter 1 of ! shaft. Price per foot. 1 .3-16 in. 1 7-16 in. 1 11-16 in. 1 1.5-16 in. $0 45 ; 2 3-16 in. 55 2 7-16 in. 70 2 11-16 in. 87 2 15-16 in. |1 06 1 30 1 53 1 86 3 3-16 in. 3 7-16 in. 3 15-16 in. $2 18 2 56 3 75 Ball and Socket Adjustable Hangers. Without Oil Fountain. Size Journal. 15-16 1 3-16 1 7-161 11-16 1 15-16 2 3-16 Drop 10 inch 3 81 " 12 "... 4 62 " 13 " . 5 98 7 05 8 51 10 11 " 16 "... 6 64 8 03 9 27 10 59 " 19 "... 10 11 11 84 " 22 "... 10 97 12 74 " 25 "... Size Journal 2 7-16 2 11-16 2 15-16 3 3-16 3 7-16 3 15-16 Drop 13 inch 11 38 12 63 13 91 "16 " 11 87 13 53 14 96 17 85 " 19 " 13 06 14 84 15 78 18 39 19 13 25 08 " 22 " 14 02 15 26 16 62 18 94 19 90 25 79 .. 25 " 15 01 15 88 17 70| 19 63 20 87 Rigid Hangers. Without Oil Fountain. Babbitt Bearings. Size Journal. 15-16 i Vi6 1 5-16 1 7-16 1 11-16 1 15-16 Drop 10 inch " 12 "... " 14 "... " 16 "... " 18 "... " 21 "... 4 56 4 71 4 60 4 75 4 91 5 13 5 36 4 98 5 21 5 44 5 41 5 57 5 77 5 86 6 18 7 24 7 55 7 85 9 83 10 44 Size Journal 2 3-16 2 7-16 2 11-16 2 15-16 3 3-16 3 15-16 Drop 12 inch 8 00 " 14 " 8 40 8 84 9 15 11 44 " 16 " 8 72 9 15 9 45 11 74 " 18 " 10 09 10 53 10 75 12 50 " 21 " 10 8.5 11 58 11 74 13 72 PULLEYS, ETC.— Continued. Rigid Post Hangers. Without Oil Fountain. Babbitt Bearings. 1 11-16 inch post hanger. 1 15-16 " 2 3-16 2 7-l(i 2 ll-l(i 2 15-16 3 3-16 3 7-16 7 00 8 40 10 21 10 82 11 58 Ball and Socket Post Hangers. Without Oil F'ountain. 1 7-16 inch post hanger $ 5 60 1 11-16 1 1.5-16 2 3-16 2 7-16 2 11-16 2 15-16 3 ,3-16 3 7-16 3 15-16 14 8 70 9 16 10 34 11 44 12 83 14 90 16 46 20 22 Ball and Socket Counter Hangers. With shipper arm. Without Oil Fountain. " " ■ " " inch drop .f4 16 1.5-16 inch Counter hang 1 3-16 •• 4 97 Prices of Pulley s. Bored. Turned and Balanced with Set Screws or Key Seat. Dia. Face. Price. Dia. Face. Price. Dia. Face. Price. 6 3H $ 2 00 ' 16 10k $ 7 15 l! 30 16 k $26 17 6 iV. 2 27 16 12 k 8 26 1 30 18 k 6 h% 2 54 17 3 k 3 88 1 30 20 k 6 6>i 2 81 : 17 4 k 4 31 32 6 k 12 19 6 8^ 3 10 , 17 5 k 4 74 j 32 8k 15 34 7 3 IS 2 15 1 17 6}^ 5 17 32 10k 18 49 4U 2 42 17 8 k 6 35 32 12 k 21 64 5 k 2 69 17 10 k 7 53 ! 32 14ii 24 79 6K 2 96 1 17 12 k 8 71 1 32 16 k 28 14 8>s 3 23 18 3 k 4 01 32 20>i 8 3K 2 42 . 18 4 k 4 44 ! 34 6 k 12 97 8 ^y-, 2 57 4 18 ■4 87 ! 34 8 k 16 22 « 5y^ 2 M 18 6 k 5 50 34 10k 19 47 8 e^i 3 11 18 6 65 34 12 k 22 72 8 8^^ 3 38 18 10 k 7 92 34 14 k 25 97 8 10K 3 65 18 12 k 9 19 34 16 k 30 13 9 3;.., 2 .53 19 3 k 4 2<» 1 .34 20k 9 4« 2 76 19 4 k 5 03 36 4>a 11 50 9 5H 2 99 19 5 k 5 37 36 6>i 13 60 9 6H 3 22 19 6 k 6 42 [ 36 8 k 17 18 9 8k 3 69 19 8 k 7 64 1 36 10 k 20 76 9 10k 4 16 19 10 k 8 58 36 12 k 24 34 9 12k i 19 12 k 9 52 3(i 14k 27 92 10 3 k 2 65 20 3 k 4 77 36 16>i 32 47 10 4 k 2 90 20 4 k 5 32 36 18 k 36 17 10 5 k 3 15 20 5 k 5 87 ' 36 20 k 40 68 10 6 k 3 40 20 6 k 6 70 38 6 k 14 68 10 8 k 3 98 20 8 k 7 88 i 38 8k 18 85 10 10k 4 62 ' 20 10k 9 47 1 .38 10>i 22 62 10 12k 5 26 20 12 k 11 06 38 12 k 26 59 11 3k 2 84 20 14 k 12 65 as 14 k 30 .56 U 4k 3 07 22 3 k 5 10 :« 16 k 35 28 11 5k 3 30 22 4 k 5 72 38 20>i 11 6 k 3 60 22 5k 6 36 40 4.k 13 21 11 8k 4 28 22 6 k 7 00 40 6ii 16 48 11 10k 5 03 22 8 k 8 5() 40 8 k 19 55 11 12k 5 78 22 10k 10 32 40 10 k 24 0(i 12 2 98 22 12k 12 08 40 12 J,, 28 57 12 4 k 3 24 22 14 k 13 84 i 40 14 k 33 08 12 Oyi 3 50 24 3k 5 4l! 40 16 k 37 67 12 6 k 3 86 24 4k 6 13 ; 40 20 k 46 31 12 8 k 4 60 f24 5k (> 85 42 6 k 16 61 12 10k 5 45 '24 6k 7 57 42 8k 21 22 12 12k 6 30 24 8k 9 30 i 42 10 k 25 m 13 3 k 3 12 24 10k 11 21 42 12>j 30 44 13 4 k 3 42 24 12k 13 12 42 14k 35 05 13 5 k 3 72 24 14>2 15 00 42 16>2 40 18 13 6 k 4 04 24 16k 17 53 42 20k 13 8>4 4 96 24 18k 20 85 44 6>i 13 10k 5 85 26 4 k 7 00 44 8 k 22 55 13 WA 6 74 26 5>2 7 64 44 10k 27 70 14 3 k 3 32 26 6 k 8 28 44 12 k 32 85 14 4 k 3 65 26 8>^ 10 15 44 14 k 38 00 14 5k 3 98 26 10>i 12 3ff 44 16,k 46 00 14 6k 4 31 26 12k 14 57 44 20k 14 8k 5 28 26 14k 16 78 46 6 k 14 10k 6 21 28 4 k 7 79 46 8>i 24 34 14 12k 7 22 28 0/3 8 90 46 10k 30 11 15 3k 3 47 1 28 6 k 9 65 46 12k &5 88 15 4k 3 82 28 8k 11 88 46 14 k 41 65 15 5k 4 17 28 10k 14 51 4(i 16k 15 6k 4 52 1 28 12k 17 14 46 20k 15 8k 5 62 28 14 k 19 77 48 6.k 21 97 15 10k 6 68 ,30 4 k 10 45 48 8!, 25 73 15 i2k 7 74 .30 5k 10 90 48 10>a 32 22 16 3k 3 72 30 G^i 11 a5 48 12k 38 71 16 4>i 4 10 30 8k 13 73 48 14k 45 20 16 5k 4 48 30 lO^-a 16 77 48 16)2 51 69 16 6k 4 80 30 12k 19 81 48 20 k 16 8>i 6 04 30 14.k 22 85 (ix) Price Lht of Print I ay MutrridJ. PULLEYS, CONE- 3 speefls, 12. 14, Ifi in. X 3% in. face. . 4 " r)>^ to !)?i in. X 1% in. face. 4 " 12 to 155^ in. X S'i in. face 5 " 7 to l.'j in. X 2% in. face ... . .per pair $18 00 15 00 25 00 20 00 Split, 4 speed.s, 14>^ to 19,^ in. X 3>i in. face, ea. 17 00 5 " 7 to 15 in. X2?.i' in. face... each, 15 00 QUOINS— Boxwood, per 100 $0 fiO Ilemplc, No. 1, per doz $2 50 No. 2, " 3 00 Key, plain .. 50 " nickeled 75 Scott's, No. 1, per doz 2 00 No. 2, ■" 2 00 Key, plain 35 " nickeled 50 QUADS AND SPACES— Pearl to Bourseoi-s Per font, $0 75 Txing Primer to Paragon 40 Double Small Pica to Six-line Pica 75 ROLLERS, C AST- Rollers for 9X12 Nonpareil each |0 .50 " 10X16 " " 75 15X19 " " 125 15X25 •' " 1 50 31X46 Cin. Cylinder Press, per set 12 00 33X48 " " " " 17 50 Eighth Medium Rollers each 50 Quarter Medium " " 75 Half Medium " " 125 Hand Rollers, 3!^ in. diam per running inch 11 Cores and Boxing extra. ROLLER COMPOSITION- Van Bibber's Roller Composition per lb. .?0 .30 Souer's " " " 30 Rollers ca.st " 40 ROLLER COVERING— Felt, 2' , inch wide, per yard $0 60 ROLLER FRAMES AND CORES— Frames with one core. Extra core. 6 and 8 inch, with one handle ?1 25 |0 40 10 inch " " " 1 50 50 12 " with two handles 175 60 14 ' 2 00 70 10 " " " " 2 25 80 18 " " " " 2 50 90 ROLLER MOULDS— Fur 9X12 Nonpareil Press $300 " 10X15 " " 3 75 " 12X17 " " 4 25 " 17X24 " " 8 00 " 7X12 " " 3 00 " 10X10 " " 3 75 " 15X19 " " 8 00 " 15X25 " " 8 00 " 28X40 Cylinder Press, iron, 3>i in. diam. ... 20 00 " 28X40 " " brass, 2 " " .... 12 50 " 31X46 " " iron, 3>i" " ....2200 " 31X46 " " brass, 2 " " .... 13 50 " 33X48 " " iron, 3)4 " " ....2500 " .34X52 " " iron, 3«^ " " .... 25 00 " 34X52 " " brass, 2 " " ...1500 Other sizes, cast iron, per inch 40 " " brass, per pound 60 RUBBER BLANKET. See Blankets. OA'^ Stiff back |1 50 SCREW DRIVERS— 2 inch blade $0 15 6 inch blade $0 35 4 " " 25 8 " " 45 SCRE-W OR MONKEY 'WRENCHES- 10 inch $1 00 12 inch $1 50 SHAFTING. See Pulleys, Etc. SHEEPSFOOT— For Hand Press $1 25 SHOOTING-STICKS— Steel $0 00 Brass $1 50 SIDE AND FOOT STICKS— Iron, per inch $ 04 SLUGS. See Leads and Slugs. X12 inches $10 00 12mo. 18mo. . 32mo. 48mo. . 5 X « 4>^X 6,^4- 3 X \yi 2^X 4 2}iX 3% 14 00 16 00 24 00 28 00 42 00 STANDS— Single, without Racks $3 00 with Racks 3 .50 Double, without Racks 4 00 with Racks 4 50 Double .lob. with Double Racks, full size 7 50 STEAM FIXTURES sold with presses, do not include overhead fixtures unless specially mentioned in price li.st of presses sold. For prices, see Pulleys, etc. STEREOTYPE BLOCKS— 4to 4 Blocks .... Plate 8vo ... 8 " " 12 •■ •' 18 •• ..." 32 " " 48 " .... With Rule Border, double price. With Bra.ss Headpiece, each Block extra 30 With End Hook, each extra 75 Ratchet 1 00 STEREOTYPE TOOLS— Shaving Machine, improved $160 00 rising table, 9-inch 2.'j0 00 " 14-inch 375 00 Chiseling Machine 100 00 Shooting Boards and Planes, all iron 35 00 TAPES- J« and ^A inch Tapes, 36 yards in bolt per yard $0 02>i Ya inch Tape " 03 1 and 1 '4' inch Tapes " 06 TREATISE ON PUNCTUATION. See Books. TYMPAN 6UAGE PINS. See Gxtage Pins. TYPE— Price per pound. 1 First Class Sizes. Fonts of I Fonts of 25 lbs. and! less than I upwards. | 25 lbs. Second Class. Third Class. Diamond Pearl Agate Nonpareil . . Minion Brevier Bourgeois . . Long Primer .Small Pica Pica English Two-line Brevier! Great Primer . . . Paragon Dbl. Sm. Pica Dbl. Pica Dbl. English . . Dbl. Gt. Primer Dbl. Paragon . Four-line Pica Five-line Pica . Six-line Pica . $1 50 1 08 68 58 52 48 44 42 40 38 38 38 38 ;» .38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 $2 50 1 80 1 44 1 16 1 00 90 80 74 70 66 62 60 60 60 56 56 56 56 54 54 52 52 $2 50 1 80 1 44 1 16 1 00 90 80 74 70 66 62 60 60 60 56 56 56 56 54 54 52 52 $3 20 2 80 2 40 2 00 1 80 1 60 1 44 1 30 1 22 1 16 1 12 i 1 06 I 1 00 I 94 90 ! 90 I 86 I 82 I 78 I 72 i 64 I 64 German, and FiKST Class — Roman, Italic, Old Style Quads and Spaces. Second Class— Titles, Two-line Letter, Condensed, Doric Aldine, Antiques, Gothics, Clarendons, French Clarendons, Ionics, and Roman Card fonts. Third Class— Ornamental, Shaded, Scripts, etc. Job Type. The words in italic are intended for use in ordering by telegraph. You can order a. single font with a single w'ord, or ten different fonts with ten words. It will be inferred, of course, that all telegraphic orders are to be sent by the quickest method : and when we have no ac- counts" with persons so ordering, the goods will be sent C. O. D. Persons with whom we have no accounts, order- ing goods by mail, should send the money with order. AGATE.— ^. Antique Extended N o.l ( age). .40 A $ 3 40 Light Face Extended /atd^rjo A, 60 a. .... ■ 3 10 ' M A, «) a 2 50 .30~A,66a^ 2 50 (X) Price List of Printing Material. NONPAREII,.— B. Aldine [Pearl] (back) . . 30 A, 60_a .... .$1 50 BREVIER Caxtonian . —D. —Continued, (decline). U A, 18a .$2 90 " (bad) 30 A, 60 a . 2 00 Celtic No. 2 .. (delay) 20 A 20 A . 2 10 Antique No. 2 (bags). 24 A, 60a . 1 90 Cloister ..(defeat). 30 A . 2 60 No. 4 .(bailing) 30 A, 60a . 190 Cloister Shade (defense). 30 A . 2 80 No. 5 .. .(baker). 30 A, 60 a . 1 90 Condensed No. 4 . .(deacon). 30 A, 60a . 2 75 No. e ....(bait) 30 A, 60 a . 2 25 No. 5 Cond. Cloister Shade (deer). ~T( default) . 24A 1 40 " Condensed No. 2 ....(ball). .30 .\, 60 a . 2 15 30A . 2 40 " Exten. No. 1 (balsam). " No. 3 [Pearl] (band). 15 A, 30a .35 A .... ... . 3 00 2 50 Doric Eastlake (desks). . (destiny). 35 A, 38a 22 A ..: 3 40 .2 00 " No. 3 (banker). .35A . 2 40 Egyptian Extended (dewy). 20 A, 30a 2 40 " No. 4 ...(barge) 18 A, 36a ... 3 50 French Antique ...(deceit). 30 A, 60a 2.70 Armenian Extended — (barn). .25 A . 1 30 " Clarendon ... (dirty). .30A,60a.. .. 2 5a Athenian (basn) 25 A, 30a . 3 00 " " Extended, .^dme/ .20 A, 36a . 3 00 Backslope Imprint ....(bath) ^50 A . 2 10 Geometric . (dinner). 16 A, 45 a 3 50 Caxtonian .(bastile). 18 A, 20a . 2 .50 German Title No. 1 .. (dishes). .15 A, 45 a, ... . 3 80 Celtic No. 2 (bearing) 35A . 1 50 " No.2 . ...(dice) .15 A, 45a . 3 10 Concave ...(beard) .30 A . 1 30 " " Cond. No. 1 . ...(docket). 15 A, 40 a . 3 30 Condensed No. 4 ..(beams) :MA. 60a 2 20 " No.2 . . (doing) .15 A, 50a . 2 60 No 5 (beast) 36 A . 1 55 Gothic No.2 . . (domes). 30 A, 60a . 3 50 Doric (beer). 30 A, 50a . 3 00 No. 3 . . (doors). .30 A, 50a . 2 00 Eastlake . . (bench) :« A . 1 90 No. 9 . . (doctor). .30 A, 60a . 2 80 Frencli Clarendon ....(bills). 30 A, 60a . 2 00 " Condensed No. 5. — (dove). 30A,60a . . 2 75 • " Clar. Exten. [Pearl].. Y6/rf;. 30 A, 42a 2 65 Italic No. 1 . . . (drab). .35 A, 50 a . . 2 60 " " " . . (bison) 30 A, 42 a 30A, 60a. .... . 3 40 4 40 " No.2 (dray). 36 A, 52 a 2 60 German Title No. 2 ..(binder) " No. 3 . .(drama) 30 A, 52a . 2 00 •• Cond. No. 1 . . (bite). 25 A, 60a . 2 80 (Jrotesque Gothic ...( .. 24 A, 36 a 2 " No. 6^ Extra' Cond. No. 2 (hinder). .'&t\ A, b2& 3 Italic No. 1 (hinge.) 22 A, 32a^_. . ... 3 " ' No. 2. (hint). .22 A, 38a. . .72 20 A, 25 A. . 8 A,'45a7 20 A, 30^ 14A . ... Gravers Shade (hireling). (Jrotesqiie Gothic (hi rst). Grotesque Shaded (hiss). Hancock Script (h istory). Inclined Antiqu e .(hitch) Interline (hives). Ionic r. ~.( iiobbie)~. 20A, 38a^ " No. 2 . . ^ . ._^_^. 77. (hoist) . . 16 A, 32 a Italic Hairline (holder) . 8 A, 16 a. " Ray . .T.T (h oliday) .12X7 . . . Latin Conden.sed. : (hollow). .30 A, 50a. Latin Antique (holland) l."> A, 30 a. Laurel : . (holocaust) . . 15 A Law Italic (homage). .18 A, 40 a. Light Celtic~T 7rT .T T (home) . 25 A, 32 a ! Light-face (honest). ISA, 50a. Extended (honey) 12 A, 18a. Light Model lilaek (honorary) 12 A, 30 a . Lithographic Italic (honor) 10 A, 25 a. " "'Wir277:7.. .(hood) .12 a; 36 a^ " Slope 7j[hope) 7^ 14 A, 20 a . Madisonian (horizon). . 6 A, 30 a. Minster ."........". (hornet). .10 A, 27 a. Model Black" .^777. (horror) '. 12 A, 30aT " " Shaaed7:7r.~ (hostile). . 12 A, 30 a^ Modern Anticjue (hosting). 20 A, 40 a . Monastic Condensed (hostler). .18 A, 18 a^ Norman Condensed (host). .12 A, 20 a. Norman Italic (hostess) .16 A, 28 a. Normanesque No. 2 (h ospodar) . . 15 A Normanesque No. 3 (hostage). .15 A, 15 a. Note Italic No.~r ^"777777. (hotel) . . 18 A_7. 7' " No. 2... r.('Ao(md>..18A724a. Old Shaded Extended^ . .7 . . . (hour) . 6 A, 8a^ Italic Cond_7. 7.^/iovei/.15A720a. " Style Cond. No. ^V. . .7. .(hover) 16 A, .32a. . " " Shaded r7. . ..777. 7.7 (how). ■18A724a. ^7 J" Title7 ..:.... ( howling). 22 A, 32a^ Orna. NoT 4 . . 7. ( huddle) 10 A77 . . . " No. 15 (huge) No. 16 7.77 7 7 (hulky) " No. 257. 77 .7 (hull). " No. 26 (humming) " No. 39 777. .^^ . (human). Pen Text . . 777 .7 .*: . .(humble). Radiant 7(humidity). " No. 2 (humorist) . Ray Shade No. 2. (hump) Roman Card fon t (hunch) " Shade .(hundred) . Runic (hungry). Ruskin (hunks). Schwabacher (hunter). Skeleton Antiqu e No. 2. . .(hu ntsman). Slanting Shade (hurdle). Sloping Black (hurl). " Shaded (hurrah). Telephone Gothic (hussar). Tendril (hurricane). Teutonic Title (hurry) Title No. 1 (hurtful) " No. 2 (husband) . " No. 4 (hush). " Italic No. 1 (husky). " No. 2 ..(hustings) Title Extended "No. 1 , .7Y hustle). No. 3 .7 (ftui). Treasury (hutch) " Open (hux) PICA M.— Continued: Utility Script (hunt). . 8 A, 45a |3 15 Venitian ...(humor). 12 A, 32 a 4 36 TWO-LINE NONPAREIL. Condensed No. 1 (hyson) 24 A . 1 50 No. 2 — (hyena). .24 A . 1 35 No. 5 . (hysteric). .2A A . 2 20 No. 5 ...(hybrid). 20 A . 1 50 No. 6 .(hydrant) .20 A . 1 65 No. 7 (hydraulic) 20 A . 200 No. 8 (hyacinth). 2i A . 3 10 Old Style Antique .. Y/i.'/nd*V 24 A . 2 85 Old Style Condensed . (hymns). .30 A . 2 70 No. 3 ..(hyphen). IS A 1 80 " Half Title (hypo). 16 A . 1 80 ENGI,ISH X. Antique Condensed No. 4 (ice). 18 A, 36 a . 2 70 Black Condensed No. 2. . . (idea). 10 A, dO a, . 1 40 Boldface Black (idiot). 8 A, 20a . 3 40 Condensed No. 1 (ignorant). 10 A, 20a 1 40 " No. 4 ...(illegal) .15 A, 30 a. . 2 75 Extra Condensed No. 3 ..(illness). 12 A, 24a . 3 25 French Clarendon Shaded . .. (image). 22 A, 32a 525 French Ionic (imbecile) .15 A, 20 a . 325 German Title Cond. No. 2 (imitate) . 8 A, 25 a . 2 60 Gothic Condensed No. 5 (imbibe).. 20 A, 38 a. 2 75 Grotesque Gothic (impeach). .15 A, 15 A . 3 90 Ionic (imperial) .15 A, 20a . 2 60 Lithographic Slope . . .(import). . 14 A, 20 a . 480 Orna. No. 3 .' (inch). 10 A 150 " No. 16 . 1 50 Pen Text . . (income). . 4 A, 4 A, 25a. . 4 70 Schwabacher. . . .' . .(increase). . 9 A, 30 a . 3 15 Slanting Shaded ...(induce). 18 A, 32a . 460 Teutonic Title .. (infant).. 8 A, 20a . 420 TWO-LINE MINION. Condensed No. 1 (ink). ISA . 1 50 No. 5 (innocent) .20 A . 205 No. 7 ... (insect). 18 A . 2 50 No. 8 . . (instant). 2A A . 2 95 Old Style Half Title . . (insure). 12 A . 1 90 TWO-riNE BKEVIER J. Antique Extended No. 3 (jade). .10 A . 2 25 No. 4 . ....(jailer).. 8 A, 16a 550 Condensed No. 1 . . (jealous) .15 A . 1 50 No. 5 (jelly). .18A . 2 00 Doric (jerk). 12 A,12a. . 3 50 Extra Condensed (jesting). .15 A . 1 00 Filigree . ...(jewel).. 6 A, 14a . 4 35 Gothic No. 2 ....(ji7igle)..15A,20a. . 300 " Italic No. 1 . . (jockey) . 18 A, 25 a 3 50 No. 5 . ...(joirtt) .18 A . 240 No. 7 (pke)..18A . 250 No. 8 . (journal). .18 A . 3 15 Old Style Antique (journey). .20 A . 3 75 Old Style Conden.sed ... (judge)..2iA . 265 No. 3. (juice).. 16 A . 2 00 Parallel Shaded .. (justice).. 5 A . 2 25 GREAT Aldine PRIMER.— i. ( label). 12 A, '2i a . 3 60 American ... /"Joftor;. .14 A, 18 a . 3 65 Antique No. 2 (lace).. 8 A, 16a . 250 No. 3 .. (lacking). 10 A,12a..... . . 2 60 No. 6 ...(ladder).iryA,'2ia. . 3 50 " Condensed No. 1. ...(lading). 16 A, 20a 2 80 No. 2 (ladle) 15 A, 24a . 3 50 No. 4 (lady). 15 A, 2ia, . 3 30 " Extended No. 1. . (lake).. 4 A, 8a . 4 50 Ancient Shaded . (lament). .10 A, 14a . 6 25 Aquatint ....(lance). 10 A, 14 a . 425 Arabesque Armenian Extended . .(landing). .10 A, 20a (language). . 10 A, 10 a . 160 . 400 Black No. 1 ..(langor).. 6 A, 20a . 1 90 " Condensed No. 2 . . ..(lantern) . 8 A, 20 a . 1 75 (xiii) Price List of Pi •intiny Material. GREAT PRIMER.— X. Black Conden.sed No. 3 (Uipel) —Continued. . 8A,16a ..fl 65 . 1 65 .5 00 GREAT PRIMER I.- Madisoniau (liberty) -Continued. 5 A, 16 a .$3 00 " Orna. No. 3 (lapse) . 8 A, 16a. . . Maltese (library) . 6 A, 12a . 3 75 " Inlaid , . . .(larceny). . 8 A, 10a. . . Open Manhattan. . (license). ..T. (lichen) . 6 A. 12a . 10 A, 15 a . .. . 3 75 Boldface Black (larder) . 8A,18a 4 00 2 75 Celtic (largest) .10 A, 15a . 3 30 Mezzotype :...•.. Minster (lick). . 5A, 10a . 8A, 20a....\. . 2 80 Caligraphic Script (lark) . 8A,50a . 4 00 (lien). . 460 Campanile (last) .10 A, 14a . 2 90 Missal (We)- . 6 A, 10a . 1 .50 Caxtonian . . . .(lascar). . 7A,10a . 4 00 Model Black ....(lifting). . 8A,20a . 5 0(» Celtic No. 2 ...(lashing) .10 A, 10 A . 3 00 " Shaded. . . (lightning). . 8A, 20a . 5 00 Condensed (latch) 10 A, 15a . 2 10 Modern Antique Monastic Condensed (light) ... (likiiy) 16 A. 24a . 4 00 " Initials (lately). .10 A 2 75 14 A, 14 a . 390 Chased Black . . .(latitude) . 8 A, 14a . 4 50 Norman Condensed (lily). .10 A, 16 A . 3 40 Circlet — (lattice) . 8A 3 25 Normanesque No. 2 Normanesque No. 3 . Norman Italic Note Italic No. 1 " No. 3 (lilt). .12A . 1 50 Clarendon (laugh) .15 A, 20a . 2 65 . (limbate) 12 A, 12 a . 2 60 Cloister ..(laureate), (iaumonite) 12 A 3 15 (lillKltioil) (limbs) 8 A, 12 a 2 95 Cloister Shade .12 A.. . 3 30 18 A, 8a . 4 50 Concave (launch) .14A 2 50 (lime) 12A, 8A, 18a. . . 6 00 Condensed No. 1 . . .(laundry) . 6 A, 12a . 1 50 Old Style (limit) 18 A, 12 A, 50 a 7 00 No. 4 (laurel) .12 A, 24a . . 3 20 " No. 2 (limpid) ISA, 12 A, 50a. . 7 20 Condensed Athenian . . (laudation). . 8 A, 8 A, 15 a . 4 50 " " Cond. No. 2. .. — (linden) .10 A, 20a . 3 25 Condensed Clarendon.. (laudanum). .12 A, 8 a, 24 a .12A, 16a; ... ;i2A.;.;;. . 5 00 . 3 25 ; 2 75 " Shaded ....(linger). .15 A, 18a . 7 25 Condensed Shade . (laudable). (lava). Old Shade Italic Cond . ... (lining) 10 A, 12a . 5 50 Cond. Cloister Sha^e. Oma. No. 4 ~" No.io.:; " No. 11 .;. .... (link). .15A . 2 aj Copperplate . (lavender). .12 A . 3 80 . (lion), (liquid) lOA 12 A :: . 2 00 Italic . (lavish). .12 A. 60a . 5 00 . 2 00 Copperplate Text . . ..(lawful). . 7 A, 12a. . . 4 65 Parallel Shaded Paysou Script (lists), (little) . 5 A . 2 &-) Doric Shade . . . (lawns). . 8 A, 12 a 5 00 15 lbs 15 00 Eastlake . . (lawsuit) .10 A . 2 :» " (liver) . 3 A, 12a . 2 50 Egyptian Extra Cond. . . . — (lawyer). .15 A, 24 a . 2 00 . 4 65 6 00 Pen Text (lively) 4A, 4A, 25a.. . 5 00 " Extended . .(layman). .12 A, 20a lOA, 15a;. .. Radiant " No. 2 Ray Shade No. 2 Relievo No. 2 Rimmed Extra Condense Ripple Text (living). .14 A . 3 80 Sh^ed (lead). (loading). .14 A . 3 .50 Electric Italic Epitaph (leach). ..(laziness). . 8 A, 24a 10 A ......'..'. . 6 25 ". 2 50 (load) . ... (loaf) d. . (loamy). .12 A .14A...:.. ; 12 A, 18a..;... 8 A, 18a;; ... .10 A, 20a;' .10 A, 10 a ISA .10 A 8 A, 45a 8A.24a.;... 15 A, 30a;...'. 16 A, 24a.' .. . 8 A, 20a..;.":; . 5 65 . 3 70 Extra Condensed ...(leading). .15 A . 1 35 . 5 00 No. 3... (leafy). .12 A, 24a 3 85 (lobby) 3 95 Fancy Text . . . (league). .12 A, 32a 4 00 Roman No. 5 (lobster) . 2 85 Fashion ...(leakage) ~.T. .(leaky). . 8 A, 12a 5 00 Roman Shaded (local). 5 25 Fashion Condensed ". 12 A, 18a. . . 4 00 Runic Ruskin Script No. 2... Script Text Skeleton ,\ntique No. 2. Slanting Shaded (locket) (locks) (locust) (lodgment) . (lodge) (lofty) 2 00 Franklin Ray Shade (lean). . 7A,10a ; 10 A, Ilia .18 A, 24a . .12 A. 14a 6 00 2 75 . 3 00 . 5 00 . 2 65 French Antique '. . . . . (leaper). . 5 20 " Clarendon . .(learning). 5 00 " " lilxtended. ...^Jeasc;. . 2 75 (leather). — (leaves) 18 A, 27a. 10 A, 16 a . 5 75 . 3 25 5 65 French Ionic Sloping Black " Shaded Steel Plate Text Telephone (Jothi<' Tendril Title No. 1 .r.7 " Extended No. 1. No. 3.. (y>9) . 4 75 German >fo. 5 — (lecture) .24 lbs . 9 12 (logic) f!i)inh(ird) ( logiiifui ) (loitering), (lonely) (longing). (lords) 8 A, 20a. ... 6 A. 14 a 12 A 8 A, 20 a. 10 A, 20 a 4 A, 8a ; 9 A, 14a.;.... . 4 75 " Title No. 2 " " Cond. No. 1 . . . (ledger) .......(left) . 7 A, 20a . 7 A, 20 a . 7 A, 20 a 14 A . 3 00 6 00 3 15 2 95 3 00 3 00 . 3 00 3 60 3 75 2 10 ' No. 2 . . . .(legacy). 4 60 Glyptic (hgal) . 3 65 Gtothic Condensed No. 1 . . . .(legator). :«) A . 3 40 No. 3 . . . (legend). .18 A, 36a .18 A, 24 a. .. ISA. 24a . 3 20 No. 4 . ..(legible). " T^xt (lottery) " " Ojjen (loudly) Treasury (Uiviiuj) Open (loyal). Utility Script .(lucid) Venitian (lucky). TWO-LINE BOURGEC Condensed No 1 ■ /Uiatf„n . 8A,20a . 8 A, 20 a..;... 7.\, 16 a;.';..; 7A, 16a; ;;. . 8 A, 46a. '. ;.. .12 A, 32 a I.S. 12 A 16 A 15 A ; . 3 50 No. 5 . . (legion). , 3 50 No. 6. — (leisure). 18 A, 24 a .24 A, 42a. ;.. 18 A, 25a. 10 A 3 15 . 4 50 2 80 . 5 00 8 50 Extra Cond. No. " Italic No. 2 Gravers Shade 2 — (lemon). (lend) . ..(length). 350 ; 5 75 7 00 Grotesque Shaded . . .(lenient). . ..(lending). .... ..(lent). 12 A, 20 A . 5 25 4 15 5 00 . 4 30 . 4 25 Grotesque (Jothic 12 A, 12 a. . . ; 8A, 25a 7 6 A, 14a. ... loA. ;....;;; . 1 .')(> Hancock Script No. 5 No. 5 (luxury) (lumber). 2 00 Illuminated Interline . . (leopard) (lessee). . 2 40 Ionic . ..(lessons). lOA, leaT.TT .: ' 3 00 ; 4 00 Old Style Half Title ... . . ; 7. (luther). .10 A . . PARAGON.— 3r. Antique Extended No. 3 (mace) 10 A 2 45 " No. 2 (letter) 10 A, 20a " Compressed .. . (lettuce). ISA, 30a 10 A, 20 a 5 40 . 2 50 5 00 Italic Title (level). 3 25 " Ray (lever). 8 A, 10 a Clarendon (machine). 12 A, 18a . 2 85 Latin (levity). . 15 A, 25 a . 4 00 Extended Doric . . (nuidam). (magic) . 6A, 8a 4 00 " Antique . (levigate). (levy). 12 A, 18 a 24 A, 36a; . 3 80 4 05 10 A, 12a 4 50 " Condensed Extra ('ondensed No. 3 Filigree .7 ...7;. ....;. . (magnet). . (majesty). 10 A, 20 a 6 A, 14a..... 4 35 Laurel (lewd) 10 A, 10 a . 3 50 590 Light Celtic . . .(lexicon). .14 A, 20a . 4 10 French Clarendon Extend. . (malice) 7 A, 10a 5 20 Light-face . .(liable) .18 A, 36a 10 A. 20 a . 5 25 . 5 00 Gothic _ " Condensed No. 1 . . . . (manage). 8A,12a 3 25 . . (liability) Light Model Black . (mansion) . 24A 8 00 Lithographic Italic (liar). . 8 A, 18a 6 00 . 7 50 No. 3 (mantle). 12 A, 24a 3 40 " No. 2. . . . (libel). 8A,24a " Italic No^l.. Oma....... (marble). . (nKU-ghi) 14A,20a 4 10 Slope . . (liberal). 10 A, 14 a . 5 60 12 A 2 iJO (xiv) Price Lwt of Printiiu/ Material. PARAGON — M.—Co> Model Script (master). tinned. . 6A, .")0a . .no 00 DOUBLiE SMALL, PICA.- Normanesque No. 8 . ( noiMUon) -N.— Continued lOA.lOA .$3 25 Norman Condensed — (medal). . 8 A, 12 A ... . . 4 00 Norman Italic (nonchalent). 6 A, 8 a . 2 95 Old Shade Extended. . .(medium). . .5 A, 6a... .. 7 .50 Note Italic No. 1 (nonsuit). . 8A, 6a . 4 75 Orna. No. 6 . (member). . 8A . 2 00 " No. 2 . ..(noontide). . 8A, 12a . 6 50 " No. 11 . (memory). . 8A .. 2 00 Old Style (noose) .12 A, 8 A, 24 a. . 6 30 " No. 21 .(merchant). . 8A:... .. 2 00 " No. 2 (normal). .18 A, 12 A, 24 a. . 7 70 " No. 23 ..(mercury) . 6A, 6a.... .. 3 00 " " Shaded (notes). .12 A, 16a . 7 50 Roman .. (method) 10 A, 20a.... 3 90 Orna. No. 5 (notary). . 6A . 2 00 Riniic . . (meteor). .12A .200 " No. 6 (notch) . 6A . 200 Teutonic Title . (minstrel). . 8A,20a .. 5 30 " No. 9 — (nothing). . 6A . 2 00 TWO-LIN E LONG PRIMEK. (monarch) .12 A .. 1 60 " No. 11 (iwtice). . 8A . 200 Condensed No. 1 " No. 12 ^....(notify). . 6A . 2 00 No. 5 . . .(minute) lOA i... .. 2 20 " No. 13 Parallel Shaded (notions). 6A 4A . 2 00 . 2 75 Old Style Antique ... Old Style Condensed. . . . . (mirror) .. (melody). 18 A . . 4 50 Pen Text (noun). . 3A, 3A, 20 a. r52d 18A . . ... CA — y. 12A, 24 a. .- T. 2 70 . . 4 20 Roman No. 2 (nourish). 10 A, 20 a . 4 30 " " " " MAtIi PI . . . (nabob). Shaded — (novelty). 6 A, 6 A 5 15 DOUBLE S Schwabacher (novice). 5 A, 15a . 3 15 Aldine Script No. 2 (nozzle). 5A,40a . 6 75 Antique No. 3 (nag) 8 A, 10 a . 2 75 " No. 7 (nucleus). 9A, 50a 10 00 " Condensed No. 2 (nail). .18 A, 24 a .. 4 80 Script Text . .(nudation) 8A, 20a . 5 00 No. 4. . . . (naked) .12 A, 18 a . 3 00 Skeleton Antique No. 2. (nude) 15 A, 30a . 5 00 " Extended No. 4 . . .. (name) 6 A, 12a .. 6 60 Slanting Shaded . . (nuisance) 12 A, 20a . 5 90 (nankeen) 10 A ,. 2 50 Sloping Black . . . (nullify). 8 A, 18a 6 00 Black No. 1 . . (napkin). . 4A, 8a. . 1 95 " Shaded . . — (number). 8 A, 18a . 6 00 " No. 4 . (narrate). . 8 A, 16a .185 Spencerian Script . (numerate). . 9A,50a .13 65 " Condensed No. 8 . . . ..(narrow). . 6 A, 15a. ... .. 2 00 Title Text . (numerous). 8 A, 20a . 4 30 Inlaid (nasal). . 8A,18a . 6A,15a . :. .. 6 40 .2 00 " Open ,. — (nuptial). . 8A,20a . 4 30 " Orna. No. 3 . (nation). " No. 2... — (nursery). 8A,20a . 4 20 Boldface Black ..(nativity) . 6 A, 16a. . . .. 4 00 Treasury — (nurture). . 6 A, 14a . 3 90 Celtic Initials (naughty) (navigate). . 8A . 6 A, 12a . 3 50 . . 5 00 " Open (nustle) . 6 A, 14a . 3 90 Chased Black TWO-LINE SMALL PICA. Condensed No. 5 (nut). .12 A. Circlet — (naval). 6A . 3 50 . (navy). . 8 A, 16a.... .. 3 00 . 2 25 Cloister . (naze). 10 A ". . 3 95 No. 5 (nutmeg) 10 A . 2 10 (neap) 10 A .. 4 00 No.8 . ..(nutshell). 12A . 3 25 Concave .(neatness). .12A .. 3 10 Old Style Cond. No. 3. . . (nutriment). .10 A . 2 70 Cond. Cloister Shade. . . ...(nearly). 10 A .. 3 05 " Half Title (nymph). . 8A . 3 20 Condensed Clarendon. . . .. (nebula). 8 A, 16 a .. 3 60 DOUBLE PICA.- American (pacific). -:p. .10 A, 14a < 'onden.sed Shade Condensed No. 4 (necessary), (necessity). 8A, 12a. ... .12Ar24a..".. .10 A, 60 a..... .. 3 25 .. 3 40 .. 5 75 . 4 90 Copperplate Italic ..(needful). Ancient Shade (paddle). . 7 A, 10 a . 6 25 Text . . . (needle). . 6A, 10a. ... . . 4 75 Antique No. 2 — (pageant). . 8A,12a . 3 80 Egyptian Shaded , (negative). . 6 A, 10a. . . .. 5 40 No. 3 (pain) . 8 A, 10a....... 3 40 Fancy Text . ..(neglect) .10 A, 27a. . .. 4 30 No. 6 Extended No. 1 (palace). ~77T( palfrey). .10 A, 16a . 4A, 4a . 5 00 Fancy Text Shaded ....(negro). .10 A, 27a.... .. 4 30 . 5 75 Fashion (neighbor) 6 A, 10 a . 6 00 No. 3 (palm). 6A . 3 00 French Antique . (nephew). lOA, 16a ... . 3 90 Aquatint . .(pamphlet). . 7A, 10a . 555 Clarendon Shaded (nerve) 14 A, 20a. . .5 80 Boldface Celtic (panic). . 8 A, 12a 4 35 " " Extended . . . (nesh). . 5A, .7a .. 5 20 Campanile (pansy). . 7 A, 10a . 3 65 French Ionic ..(nervous). 10 A, 20a . 4 75 Caxtonian : .(pantaloon) 5A, 7a . 5 10 German (nest). .24 lbs .912 Celtic No.2 — (panther) 8 A, 8 a . 450 " No. 5 . . (netting). .24 lbs , .. 9 12 " Condensed (paper). . 6 A, 10a . 2 60 " Title No. 2 . . (neutral). 7A,20a .. 4 75 Concave (parade). lOA . 3 50 " Cond. No. 2. (never). . 7 A, 20a. 4 00 Condensed Athenian.. . .(parodox) 6 A, 6A,10a. . 5 85 Gothic Condensed No. 5. (news). .18 3,24a.. . 4 15 Condensed No. 1 ...(paradise) . 4A, 8a . 1 50 (Grotesque Gothic . . . .(nncel). .lOA.lOA . .. 4 40 Copper-plate (parcel). 8A . 4 90 Hancock Script (next). ....(nibble). — (nicety). . 6A. 30a .. .. 5 00 Doric Shaded Double Scored Gothic7r (pardon). (parent). 6A, lOa 10 A, 20 A 6 .50 Ionic .10 A, 16 a .. 3 75 . 400 " No. 2 lOA, 20a. .. .. 5 25 Eastlake ... (parget). 7A . 2 80 " Compressed (nickel) r2A, 24a. .•. . 4 50 '.'~ 365 Egyptian Extended (parish). . 8 A, 12a 4 90 Italic Gothic No. 2 (niece). .18 A, 24 a... " Extra Condensed (park). Engravers Text No. 2 (parlor). .12 A, 18a . 8 A, 12a..::.' . 2 00 " Ray (night). . 7A, 8a.... .. 5 25 . 4 00 " Title ...(nimble). . 8A, 16a. .. .. 2 70 Epitaph (parody). 7 A . 3 25 Latin (nine). 10 A, 15a.... .. 3 60 Extra Condensed (parrot). 15 A . 1 85 Light Celtic (noble). lOA, 14a. .. .. 4 40 No. 3.. (parson). . 8 A, 15a . 4 80 Light-face . . .(nobody). .18 A, 36a. .. .. 6 20 Fahnestock . . .(parting). 8A . 3 00 ", Extended . . .(noctum). (nod). ... (nodule) . 8 A, 12a. . . 8A,T6a . . 4 25 " 7 00 Fashion Condensed No.2 (partition). 6A, 10a . 5 00 Light Model Black Filigree Franklin Ray Shade (partner). 5A, 5A . 6 60 Lithographic Italic . 6 A, 12a. . 6 00 — (passage). . 6A, 8a . 7 50 Slope (noise) . 7 A," 14a.... . . 6 15 French Clarendon — (passion). 12 A, 18a 16 A, 60a . 440 Maltese . (nominal). . 5 A, 10a... . . . 4 25 German (patient) 12 45 " Open . (nominee). . 5A, 10a. .. .. 4 25 Glyptic Gothic .7.. ..... ... (pattern) (pecwh) . 10 A 3 70 Model Black . .(rumplvs) . 10 A, 16a . . 7 00 . 8A,12a.. .. 12A... :.::..:. . 4 .50 " Shaded . (nonsense). .10 A, 16a. . .. 7 00 " Condensed No. 1. (pebble) . 2 25 Modern Antique . . .(noodle). .12 A, 20 a . . 4 ."lO No. 3. (pencil) 12 A, 24 a . 4 60 Xorinanes(iue No. 2 (niKik) l(t.\ . 1 80 No 6. (penny). .12 A, 29 a . 4 05 (XV) Price List of Printing Mnterinl. DOUBLE PI Gothic Extra Cond No 1 CA.— P.— C . (pension) . (people) ontinued. 10 A $1 50 i DOUBLE ENC Clarendon Extended . Cloister il.lSW..—lt.— Continued. (rattle) . 8 A, 16a. . ., . . (ravine). 6 A, 8a $4 40 " No. 2 18 A, 32a . 6 20 6 50 Gravers Shade (perfection). . 8A . 600 . 1 20 . 5 25 .5 05 . 5 00 . 2 20 .4 50 .4 50 (raving). . 7 A . 4 ;i5 Grecian (peril). . (permit) (pewter). (picture). 8A 5A, 10a. ... 7 A 10 A. 12a 6A, 18a. .... 18A, 24a.. ... 8 A, 8 a,...." Cloister Shade (ravenous) 7 A . 4 45 Illuminated Interline Ionic Concave Cond. Cloister Shade. . . . Condensed Clarendon. . . (ravish). . 8 A (raw) . 7 A (rays) . 8 A, 15 a 3 80 . 3 80 . 4 60 Italian Text . . (vioeonl. Condensed Shade . (razor) . . 6 A, 10 a . 4 00 ..(pilgrim). Latin Condensed Condensed No. 4 . ...(reader ).. 10 A, 16 & . 4 20 Laurel ...(pilfer) . Copperplate Text . .(ready).. 4 A, 8 a . 5 50 Legend Manhattan (pilchard) . . . (pillow). 16 A 8 A. 12a..... . 3 00 . 3 85 . 4 15 . 5 75 Engravers Text " Ornate.. Fancy Text " Shaded . . (reasons). . o A, 12 a — (receiit). . 5 A, 12 a .(reception). . 8 A, 18 a. . : . ....(recital).. 8 A, 18 a.:.. . . 5 00 5 00 Mezzotype Minster (pillar). (pilot). 4A, 8a. ... 6 A, 14a : 5 40 . 5 40 Missal . (pioneer) 4A,10a . 225 French Antique " Clarendon " " " Shaded . (reckless).. 6 A, 8a .. ..(record). lb A, 16a .. ^re/tt(/e>.. 10 A, 14 a. r,... 4 60 Monastic Condensed . . (pirate). 10 A, 10 A 5A, 8a.'.... 8 A ......... .4 45 . 4 25 : 2 00 . 3 50 . 5 25 Norman Condensed . (planet). . 7 00 Nornianesque No. 2 . . Normanesque No. 3 . . . (plank). . . . (plasm) . . French Ionic German " No. 5 .(refusal).. 6 A, 12a . ..(regard). 16 A, to A... . . . (register). .24 lbs . 6 30 .16 75 8A, 8a:.:.. Old Style . . (plaster). 8 A, 6 A, 16 a 6A,12a. ... . 6 00 . 3 70 . 9 12 " Cond. No. 2 (plum). " Title No. 2 '• Cond. No. 2. Gothic Condensed No. 5 " Extra Cond. No. 2 ionic No. 2 Compressed Italic " Gothic No. 2 •' Ray Latin , Light-face Light Model Black Maltese Open Missal . Model Black " Shaded Modern Antique Norman Italic Old Style " " Shaded Oma. No. 13 " No. 14 " No. 16 " No. 18 " No. 22 " No. 26 Parallel Shaded Pen Text Roman No. 3 Script No. 4 .Script Text Skeleton Antique No. 2 Slanting Shaded Sloping Black " Shaded .. Spencerian Script Steel Plate Text Teutonic Title Title Text " Open Title Text Open No. :! Treasury Open TWO- Condensed No. 1 " No. 5. Old Style Cond. No. :; '• " Half Title TWO-LI Old Style Cond. No. 3. DOUBLE G Aldine American ....(regret).. 4 A, 10a . . (regular). . 4 A, 10a . ..(remark) li A, 18 &..^.. ...(remedy) .14 A, 20a. . . .. (remnant). 6 A, 12 a . 4 85 " Shade Italic Cond ..(plunder). 8 A, 10a 7 00 . 4 10 Oma No 16 . . .(plunge). 6A . 2 00 . 5 00 " " 17 — (plural). 8A . 200 . 5 50 » " 19 -.... . . (poems). 6A . £50 . 5 50 (poetry). . . (point). 4A . 2 00 . 3 00 . 2 50 . . (remorse). . 8 A, 16 a . (removal). . 7 A, 12 a (repair). .10 A, 14 a. ... . . . .(repeal). . 5 A, 6 a (request) .10 A, 15 a — (rescue). .12 A, 24 a (resemble) . 5 A, 12 a ..(reserve) . 4 A, 8 a. (resident). . 4 A, 8a . (respect) 4 A, 12a (result) . 5 A, 12a (retail) 5 A, 12 a. (rrtire). WA, ICu (retrospect) . 5 A, 6 a . . . . (revenge). : 8 A, 6 a, 16 a. . (rigging) .10 A, 12 a (righteous). . 4 ,\ (riot) 4 A (risk).. 4 A (rivalry . 4 .\ (rivulet).. 4 A (robin) 4 A, 6 a " " 25 12 A . 4 65 " " 26 . . (poison) . 4A . 4 50 " 27 (poker) 6A . 250 . 6 80 " 30 (policy). 6A . 2 50 5 80 " 33 (polish). 6A . 200 6 :w Payson Script ....(polite). 15 lbs .18 50 7 50 " ...(pontiff). 3A,12a. ... . 3 50 4 75 Penman Script, with lower case No. 1 (pope) .24 32 4 75 " " " No. 2 " No. 1 (portrait) (poplar) 22 40 . 2 80 " " " " Find 2. . (port). .29 76 . 7 50 Radiant 10 A 4 50 7 50 " No 2 (position) 10 A 4 10 Ray Shade No. 2 (postage) . (practice). (praise). ...(prayer) 10 A . . . . 9 15 . 4 80 .. 4 55 3 30 10 A 6 80 8 50 " No. 2 10 A Rimmed Extra Cond . 8A,12a.... . 6 A, 14a . 8A,16a ..600 ..5 15 .. 4'65 2 00 Ripple Text (pretty). ■2 00 Roman (pride). . . (prince) (printer) ■2 .50 Round-face Script 3 A, 10a ..800 2 50 Runic 12A 7A ..5A, lOii 8A 6 A 14 a 2 85 :! 2."> I 2.') . 2 <•)•"> 5 60 . 2 50 Ruskin Steel Plate Text (prior). . . . (prism). ..(prisnge) . . (private). (prisoner). (problem). (process). (produce). (promise) 4 00 3 05 Telephone Gothic (rosebud) 3 A, 3 A, 20 a (rotary).. 8 A, 16 a (route.").. 8 A, :?0a. (rudeness) . 6 A, 16 a (roving). .12 A, 24 a 8 40 Teutonic Title Title Extended No. 1 " Text . 6 A, 14a . 4A, 8a 6 A, 14 a 5 70 .. 6 00 .. 4 85 12 00 6 IMJ . 4 75 " " Open ' No. 3 6 A, 14a 6 A, 14 a 12A -.485 4 85 . . 2 .35 .2 10 . . (royalist) . 8 A, 14 a (rubber) 5 A, 10 a. ... (ruby) . 5 A, 10a (rudiment) 8 A, 30 a. .. . .. (rudder) 4 A, 8 a . . (ruffian) . 5 A, 10 a. . (ruins), . 6 A, 14 a (ruler).. 6 A, 14a (rumor) 6 A, 14a (rural) 5A, 10a (rushing). 5 A, 10a. . UNE KNGLLSII. (rustic) 6 A (ruthle-fg) 10 A (rusk). S A (rut) 6 A NE COI.U.MBIAN. (rye) .6 A BEAT PRIMER — S. (sabre). 8 A, 12 & (s-ack) 6 A, 8a .. 6 60 . 6 60 TWO -UNK PICA. (proverb) (prompt) (proiid). provender) . 6 60 .14 40 No. 5 . 8A . . 4 75 .. 6 85 5 75 . . 5 75 No. 8 Old Style Antique / 12 A 12 A 4 f)0 1 fi.') •J 95 .. 6 40 .. 5 65 ..500 .. 4 00 '. . 7 05 Old Style Condensed (province). .12A DOUBLE Aldine Antique Condensed No. 2 ENGLISH.— Jf. (rabbit) .10 A, 16 & frace; 12 A, 18 a . 4 95 4 95 Antique Condensed No. 4 Extended No. 3 — (racket). . (radical). .10 A, 16a . 5A ....' 4 A, 8"a . 2 25 No. 4. (raffle) (raft) (raging). (rainbow). (rally) 3 20 . 7A .. 3 00 3 60 Black ('ondensed No. 2 . . . 4A, 8a:. .. 77 216 . 3 a5 No. 3. Inlaid . 4A, 6a 5 A, 10 a..;.: . 2 10 .. 6 55 " Orna. No. 3 . (ram). . 4A. 6a.. -. .. 2 10 3 60 Bold-face Black Celtic (random), (range). . 6 A, 12a . 6 A, 10 a .. 6 20 7 5 80 Celtic No. 2 ... Chased Black (rank) . (mscal) . 6A, 6a . 5 A, 8 a .. 5 30 . 5 50 .. 8 20 . 5 ti(^ (xvi) Pr'ive List of Printing Material. DOUBLE GKEAT PKIMEI^-A' Continued. Ancient Shaded. (saddle). .4 A, (i a $7 Antique No. 6 (safety) 7 A, 12a 6 Cond. No. 1 (saint). .9A 3 " No. 2 ^satorj// .8 A, 11 a 5 Aquatint (salmon) 5 A, 7 a 7 Black Condensed No. 2 (sample) A A, 8 a 3 " No. 3 (sanction) A A, 6a 3 Inlaid (sanguine) .4 A, 7 a 6 " Orna. No. 3 (sapling). .4 A, 6 a 2 Boldface Borussian (sardine) .4 A, 7a 5 " Celtic (satin). .4 A, 6a 5 Campanile (savage,). .4 A, 6 a 4 Caxtonian (saviour) .4 A, 6 a 7 Celtic Condensed (saw) .8 A, 12 a 5 Initials (scalp). .6 A 4 Clarendon (scandal) .4 A, 8 a 5 Cloister (scanning) .b A 4 Cloister Shade (scanty) .5 A 4 (scamp). 6 A 3 . 3 Concave Condensed No. 1 (scarlet). .4 A, 8a " No. 4 (scenery). .8 A, 12 a Condensed Athenian '. (scent) .4 A, 4 a, 8a. 7 Condensed Clarendon (sceptre) i^ A, 16 a, 6 Cond. Cloister Shade (schedule) 5A 4 Doric (scheme) 6 A, 10 a 5 " Shaded (scholar) Jy A, 8a 9 Double Scored Grottilc (school). . 6 A, 12 a 4 Eastlake , . .(schoolhouse) . . 5 A 3 pjgyptiaii Extended (schooner). .5 A, 8a 6 Extra Cond . Engravers Text " No. 2 - . " Ornate Epitapli (science) 8 A, 12a 3 (scouting). .5 A, 8 a 5 . (scratch). .1 A, 4Q& 5 . (scripture). .5 A, 8a 5 (scrubbing) .5 A 4 Extra CJondensed (score) . 10 A 2 No. 3 (sculptor). 6 A, i2a. 6 Fahnestock (seaside) 6 A 4 P'ancy Text (secret). .6 A.ri2a7.7. _ V 5 " Shaded (section). .& A, \2B.7r.....b Fashion (Condensed (selfish) .HA. 8a 5 Filigree (senate) A A, 7a.' 7 French Clarendon (sentence) 8 A, 12 a 6 " " Shaded (serene) 7 A, 10 a 7 Antique (servant). A A, 6a 5 German Title No. 2 (sexton) 3 A, 6a 4 GrOthic Condensed No. 3 {sheep) W A, 16 a 5 " Extra Cond. No. 2 (shelter) 14 A, 20&.. ./.. e Gravers Shade (sheriff) 6A 8 Illuminated . (shield) . .4 A, 7 a 6 Interline (shilling) .^ A 7 Ionic (shingle) .6 A, 8a 6 " No. 2 (shock) .4 A, 8 a....... 5 Compressed (shoulder) .8 A, 12& 5 Italic (shower) .4 A, 8a 3 Latin (show). .8 A, 12 a.. 6 " (Condensed (shot) 10 A, 14 a 5 Laurel ( shroud ) .ti A, 6 A. 5 Legend (shrove).lO A 3 Lightfacc ^s/«rM6/ .8 A, 16 a. . . . . . . 7 Liglit .Model Black (sick) '> A. 10 a... . . . . 7 Litliographic Italic No. 2 (siege) 5 A, 10 a 8 Manhattan (sift) .6 A, 10a. . . ... 6 Mezzotyi)e (side) .HA. 5a 4 Model Script (sights). .16 lbs 13 " " (signs). '^ A, 10 a, 6 Modern Antique (sighing). 8A, 12a 7 Monastic Condensed (signature). .7 A, 7 a 5 Norman Condensed (sigrud). .4 A, 6 A 5 Normanesque No. 2 (signifij) 6 A • 2 Normanesque No. 3 (signet). 6 A, 6 a 4 Old Style (silence). .8 A, 6 A, 16 a . . .11 " No. 2 (silk). .8 A, 6 A, 16 a. . . 9 " Condensed No. 2 (silver). .4 A, 8 a 4 Orna. No. 1 (simple). .4A 3 " No. 13 (sincere). .6 A 2 " No. 14 (sinful) 4A 3 ■■ No. 18 (singular) 4 A 3 DOUBLE GREAT PRIMER.— S.—Oo«ight-face. Ant. Tus. Cond. L. Shad. (ierman. Antique Tuscan Open. (ierman Full Face. Class v>. Ant. Tuscan Open No. 11. Municli. Antique Extra C^ond. Egyptian. Ant. Tus. Ex. Cond. Open Ornate No. 1. Ant. Ex. Cond. No. 1, 2, 3. Egyptian Condensed. Clarendon No. 1 Open. Phantom ShalllliiiiiillliirilliililllliliwMIIIIIHIIIIIIillll|||U Army Press, as above $6000 1 Single Galley 2 00 2 Wood Galleys gQ 2 six-inch Composing Sticks 1 50 3 pairs Cases 3 go 6 Job and Triple Cases 4 20 Mallet, Planer, finish, Bodkins i 60 10 lbs. News Ink j gg Column and Head Rules for two pages 5 00 Advertising, Parallel Rules, and Dashes 2 60 15 lbs. Leads 2 40 80 lbs. Ijong Primer 33 60 50 lbs. Brevier 24 00 Head to Paper 2 50 Ley Brush and Bodkins 1 00 1 „ . „. , ^„' ^^ T, ^ "" I Brevier Title No. 4 3 =0 25 lbs. News Ink 3 00 ! ^ . " "" ' Brevier Title ItaUc No. 2 • 3 25 Brevier Antique Extended No. 3 2 50 Long Primer Aldine 2 25 Long Primer Clarendon Extended 3 20 Two-line Brevier No. 5 2 40 Two-line Pica Extra Condensed 1 85 Two-line Great Primer Antique Cond. No. 1 3 60 Column and Head Rule for two pages 8 00 50 Advertisement Rules 1 ,^0 12 Paragraph Rules 48 50 Single Dash Rules 2 00 30 lbs. Leads and Slugs 4 80 2 Composing Rules 50 150 lbs. Long Primer 63 00 50 lbs. Brevier 24 00 50 lbs. Double Pica 19 00 Head to Paper 2 50 1 font Brevier Gothic Condensed No. 5 2 75 Pica Doric 3 00 Boxing and drayage . $167 75 I J]stimate for Seven Column Newspaper. Two-line Long Primer Doric 4 50 ' ^^""y Press, 1658X22;<4 inches. Two-line English Aldine fi 40 Two-line Nonpareil No. 5 1 50 Two-Line Nonpareil Cond. No. 1 150 Brevier Gothic Italic No. 2 2 60 Dbl. Pica Norman Condensed 4 25 Great Primer Celtic No. 2 3 00 Nonpareil French Clarendon 2 00 Pica French Clarendon 2 75 Dbl. Gt. Primer French Clarendon 6 40 Six-line Pica Egyptian Ex. Cond 8 00 Five-line Pica Gothic Ex. Cond 5 00 $85 00 1 Single Brass Galley 2 00 2 Wood Galleys go 2 six-inch Composing Sticks i 50 3 pairs Cases 3 go Mallet, Planer, Brush, and Bodkins l 60 10 lbs. News Ink j go Column and Head Rules for two pages 8 00 Advertising, Paragraph, and Dash Rules 2 60 2 Steel Composing and 1 Imposing Rule 75 15 lljs. Leads cut to measure 2 40 5 lbs. Slugs cut to measure 80 Four-line Pica Fahnestock tl 50 i '^ ^^^- ^''^^S Primer. Two-line Pica Fahnestock 3 00 Nonpareil Antique Cond. No. 2 2 15 Long Primer Antique Cond. No. 2 3 00 Four-line Pica Skel. Ant. No. 2 6 25 Two-line Brevier Ant. Extend. No. 3 2 25 Nonpareil Antique E^xteiui. No. 3 2 40 Scripts and Fancy Type 4.5 00 12 lbs. Long I'rimer Law Italic 8 88 Labor-saving Rule, 6 to pica No. 71 2 00 Labor-saving Double Rule 3 60 10 lbs. long Leads 1 50 Reglet and Furniture 2 00 Wood Rule assorted 1 20 3 fonts Wood Type 25 00 Job Inks asscxrted 5 00 Quads and Spaces a.ssorted 4 00 Total Boxing and Drayage 42 16 •• 42 00 50 lbs. Brevier - 24 00 Head to Paper 2 50 Brevier Title No. 4 350 Brevier Antique Cond. No. 4 2 20 Brevier Antique Extended No. 3 2 50 Long Primer Aldine 2 25 Long Primer Gothic Cond. No. 5 2 90 Long Primer Gothic No. 2 30O Pica Doric 3 oo Two-line Brevier No. 5 2 40 Two-line Brevier Cond. No. 1 i 50 Two-line Pica Extra Condensed 1 85 Two-line Gt. Primer Antique Cond. No. 1 3 60 $207 65 Tlie Newsi)aper Esthnates here given contain the essentials only. Many conveniences may be added to suit purchasers. ("xxiii) .-■S.' C' i»^ I'fic t'l'icit ^^^illac|c o^ C: i iici ii ncili , bi| ll'iv: c|tci ubpcirc iil\> of llic aC-HCZal-ioi^ 1lOt4.i in pO.^:«C.^.^io^l. '(^"•llCrC arc |-CIU liU.iillC.>.> llCll^C.^ ii-v ll'ic coiuil'Mj H'lal' fiauc .^l'oo^ .^o lonc|. ^^S'c lrit.>l' li'ial' Hic cftara<;tcr^ for pto&il'ij atib Fciit ^caliitc| c.>lci blL''^^c^ in all Hio.>c u\iw^^ ttiatj C'C .^otIlc a,^.>iirancc lo iiciu ctLMoiuc:.-* •ll'val' ific i| arc ^cifc hv iiUr ii.>li nc| ii.'i luilti their br^cr.>. ^^Vc I'lai'c, ill- rcccnl' {'iuic.i, a6^cb c|rcai'li| \'o H'lc I'aricl'ij o[' our itiaivu['aciiirc >, at' ll'ic .^au^c I'iiiic bciiicj carcj-id lo p:o^l(Cc itctliiiici li'ial' t,> iiol' oF tlic tiic|ric.>l' or^c: o( c .vccllc tvcc. Our iSpcciincu o^J^oofs i.i nol' ll'ic I'arcjc-il' in iTtc cou iilr ij, luil it \y hUcb U'ilTi ll-^c^'lli' a^l^ pradicaf li\inc|.> luliicl'i lllll.^^ coiii- lna»l^ ll'ic all'cniioii auL' a^lutra|■io^l oF ll'ic i1li|■ialc^. Oiir^ Cni.'ii llC-^.^ lia.i c|rou rapiMu a."" lna^c, oivr a |■icl^ rcaciiinc] From ^llainc lo Cliu>rraria, From ^Itatitlota lo i^ltc.vico. Our cjuaranl'cc oF -vnl't."*Faclion c.v|■cn^.^ lo crcrij cirliclc luc mafic or rccolnlncn^ For -mFc ; an^, I'l'ianFiFul j-'or- pa.">l' [auor.'', iL'C I'lopc For a cjrcal' accc.v^ion lo our lMl^inc^.^ in I'lic near Fulurc. e. ^^S^cl'f.. Scotch Series. Pearl No. 8. The mere communication of book knowledge is not the only object to keep in mind in con.itriictinf; a system of academic education. However important tlie information we receive from particular authors may he and whatever improvement mi^ht be made in the methods of communicating it by more strict examinations, it must lie observed that these methods embrace the means, not the ultimate (»bject of our education They, indeed, tend to improve the power of memory and of coniiirehension, but they are never calculated to confer that penetration by means of which students generate new train of thinking, and aciinire the habit of estimating the grounds of their judgment, and combining or expressing information that has been obtained. In all respects, the lecture system abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Nonpareil No. 8. Solid. Thk nierp communication of knowledge is not the only object to be kept in minds in constructing a sj-stem of academical education. However important ma.y be the information we receive from any particular author and whatever improvement might be made in the methods of communicating it by strict examinations, it must be observed, that these methods embrace the means, and not the ultimate object of our education. They indeed tend to improve the power of comprehension and mem- ory, but are not calculated to confer that penetration by which students generate new trains of thinking and acquire habits of estimating grounds of their judgment abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvv MiNiox No. 8. Solid. Thk mere communication of a knowledge i.s not the only object to keep in mind in constructing good systems of academic education. However important the informations leecived from some authors may be, and wliatever improvement be made in the methods of coinmunieating it by a strict examination it must now be observed that these methods embrace the means, and not the ultimate objects of our education. They indeed tend to improve the power of comprehension or abcdefghijklninopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnop Brevieu No. S. Solid. The uicre communication of knowledge is not the only object to keep in mind in construct- ing systems of academic ('(hication. However important the inforniiitioiis wc received from some particular author may be, and whatever improvements might be made in tiie methods of communicating it by strict examination, it must be observed that tiiese methods emlirace the means, and not the ultimate object of our abcdelghijklmnoptp-stuvwxyzabcdeighijklmno Bourgeois No. 8. Solid. The mere communication of ii knowledge is not the onlj' object to l)e kept in mind when con.structing systems of academical education. However important might be the informations received from ])articular authors, and whatever improvement may be made in the method of communicating- it by a more strict examination, it should abcdefghijklmnop(irstuvwxyzabcdefghijk Long Primer No. 8. Solid. The mere communication of knowledge is not the only object to keep in minds in constnicting a system of academical education. However important may be tlie informations we received from some author, and whatever improvements are made in the methods of communicating abcdefgliijklmnoptp-stuvwxyzabcdefghi Agate No. 8. Thk mere communication of knowledge is not the only object to keep in our minds in constructing a system of academical education. However important niii.v be the information we receive from any particular autiior, and whatever improvement may be "made in the methods of communicating it by strict examination, it mvist now be observed that tlwiso methods embrace the means, not the ultimate object of our iMlucatioii. They, indeed, tend to improve the powers of (■oinpi-eheiisionaiid iiieiiKiry, hut they are not calculated to ecinfer tliut penetration Ij.v the means of which a student generates trains of thinking and acquires habits of estimating grounds of judgment abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklinnopqrstuvw Nonpareil No. 8. Leaded. The mere communication^of knowledge is not the only object to be kept in minds in constructing a system of academical education. However Important may be the information we receive from any particular author and whatever improvement might be made in the methods of communicating it by strict examinations, it must be observed, that these methods embrace the means, and not the ultimate object of our education. They indeed tend to improve the power of comprehension and mem- ory, but are not calculated to confer that penetration Minion No. 8. Leaded. The mere communication of a knowledge is not the only object to keep in mind in constructing good systems of academic education. However important the informations received from some authors may be, and whatever improvement be made in the methods of communicating it by a strict examination it must now be observed that tliese methods embrace the means, and not the ultimate objects of our education. They indeed Brevier No. 8. Leaded. The mere coininunication of knowledge is not the only object to keep in mind in construct- ing systems of academic education. However important the informations we received from some particular author may be, and whatever improvements might be made in the methods of communicating it by strict examination, it must be observed that these methods embrace BouRCiEois No. 8. Leaded. The mere communication of a knowledge is not the only object to be kept in mind when constructing systems of academical education. However important might be the informations receiveil from particular authors, and whatever improvement may be made in the method of communicating Long Pri.mer No. 8. Leaded. The mere communication of knowledge is not the only object to keep in minds in constructing a system of academical education. However important may be the informations we received from some author, and whatever improvements are made in the methods of communicatiii!'- (1) Cindniinii Tjipr Fimndrii. 201 Viiir St. Large Book Faces. Long Primer No. 10. Solid. The mere communications of general knowledge are not the only objects to be kept in our minds in constructing an3" systems of academical education However important the informations received from particular authors may be and whatever improvement might be made in the method of communi- cating it by a minute examination, it abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxj'zabcdefg LoxG Primer No. 11. Solid. The mere communication of know- ledge is not the only ol\ject to keep in mind in constructing a system of academic education. However im- portant the information we receive from particular authors may be and whatever improvements should be made in a method of communicat- ing it by a more strict examination abcdefghij klmnopqrstu vwxyzabcdt S.MALL Pica No. 11. Solid. The mere communications of l)ook knowledge are not the only objects to be kept in mind in constructing a system of academical education. However important may be certain information we receive from some author and whatever improvement miglit be made in any methods of abcdefgliijklnmopqrstuvwxyzabcde Viva. No. (>. Solid. The mere communication of book knowledge is not the only object to keep in minds in constructing systems of academical education. However important might be the information that we receive from a particular author, and whatever abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcc Pica Xo. 8. Solid. The mere communications of a knowledge are not the only objects to be kept in minds in constructing good systems of academic education. However important the information we receive from particular author abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Long Primer Xo. 10. Leaded. The mere communications of general knowledge are not the only objects to be kept in our minds in constructing am'- systems of academical education However important the informations received from particular authors may be and whatever improvement might be made in the method of communi- LoNG Primer No. U. Leaded. The mere communication of know- ledge is not tlie only object to keep in mind in constructing a system of academic education. However im- portant the information we receive from particular authors may be and whatever improvements should be made in a method of communicat- Small Pica Xo. 11. Leaded. The mere communications of book knowledge are not the only objects to be kept in mind in constructing a system of academical education. However important may be certain information we receive from some author and whatever imx)rovement might be made in any methods of Pica Xo. 6. Leaded. The mere communication of book knowledge is not the only object to keep in minds in constructing systems of academical education. However important might be the information that we receive from a particular author, and whatever Pica X'o. 8. Leaded. The mere communications of a knowledge are not the only objects to be kept in minds in constructing good systems of academic education. How ever important the information we receive from particular author (2) Cincinnati Tijpc Foundri/, 201 Vine lit. American Series. Agate No. 12. Solid. Thk mere communication of a knowledge is not the only object to be kept In our minds in constructing a system "of academical education. However important tile iiiforiiuitioiis we receive from iiarticiil.-ir aulliors may li<'. and whatever iiiipnivi'iiicnts iiii'.;lit lie made ill I'lie iiictlicid ol' coiiiiiiiiiiicatiii'4- it li\ a iiiorc -strict examiiiatiiiii, it must be dliscivcd that siicli methods emiirace the means, not the ultimate objects of our education. Tliey, Indeed, tend to improve tlie power of c(>iii|irehension and of memory, but thev are not cah-ulated to confer that ijenetriitioii. by tli<^ means of which a student generates new trains'of thinking and aciinires the habits of estimating the grounds of judgment, and of i-oinliining and expressing certain inlormation that has lieen obtained. In all respects the lecture systems conibined witli reading are now abcdefgliijkliimopiirstiivwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrsti Nonpareil No. 12. Solid. The mere conimnnication of a knowledge is not the only object to keej) in mind in constructing a good system of academical education. However imiKirtant (lie information that we receive from some iiarliciilar aiitliors miglit be, and whatever iniiirovemeiits iniglit lie made in the metliods of (•ommtinieatiiig it by iinu'e strict examination, it must be oliscfved lliat siicli mellioils eiiibrjiee the means, and not the ultimate object of education They tend to improve the power of memory and comprehension, but are not cab'iilated to confer that penetration by means of which tlie students generate trains of 'thinking, ami aciniire a habit of estimating the grounds of tlieii' judgment and abcdefghijklmnoptirstuvwxyzabcclefghijklmnopc MiNio.N No. 12. Solid. The mere eoimminiciition of kiiowledj^e is not the only object to l)e kejit in mind when constructing systems of iicixlemieal educa- tion. However ini])ortimt the informations we receive from particular authors may be and whatever improvement is made in the method of comnuinicatlnjf it by more strict examination, it must be observed that such a method emln-aces the means, not the ulti- mate object of education. They indeed tend to Improve the power of comprehension and memory, but are never calculated to confer that penetration by the meiins of which all abcdeffi'hijklmnop(irstuvwxyzal)cdefj!;hijkli) Brevier No. 12. Solid. The mere comnuinication of n knowledge is not tlie only object to be kept in minds when constructing systems of academical education. However imijorttint might be the informations received from paiticidar authors, and whatever improvement may be made in the method of communicating it by more strict examin.-itions, it must be observed that these methods embrace the means, and not the ultimate object of our education. They, indeed, tend to improve abcdefghijklmnopcjrstuvwxyzabcdefghijk Bourgeois No. 12. Solid. The mere coiniminication of scientilic knowledge is not the only object to be kept in uiiud in constructing a system of good academic education. However important may be the information we receive from any particular author and Avhatever imi)rovements may be made in the method of communicating it by more minute examinations, it must be observed, that these melhods embrace the means, and not the idtimate object abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdcfgh Agate No. 12. Leaded. The mere communication of a knowledge is not the only object to be kept in our minds in constructing .a system of academical education. However Important the informations we receive from particular authors may be, and wliatever improvements might be mjide in the method of communicating it by a more strict examination, it must be observed that such methods embrace the means, not the ultimate objects of our education. They, indeed, tend to improve the power of comprehension and of memory, but they are not calculated to confer that penetration by the means of which a student generates new trains of thinking NoxPAREii, No. 12. Leaded. The mere communication of a knowledge is not the only object to keep in mind in constructing a good system of academical education. However important the inforniiUion that we receive from some particular authors might be, and whatever improvements might be made in the methods of communicating it by more strict examination, it must be observed that such methods embrace the means, and not the ultimate object of education They tend to imjjrove the power of memory and comprehension, but are not calculated to confer that penetration by means of which the students Minion No. 12. Leaded. The mere communication of knowledge is not the only object to be kept in mind when constructing systems of academical educa- tion. However imi)ortant the informations we receive from particular authors may be and whatever im])rovement is made in the method of connnunicating it by more strict examination, it must be observed that such a method embraces the means, not the ulti- mate object of education. They indeed tend to improve the power of comprehension and Brevier No. 12. Leaded. The mere communication of a knowledge is not the only object to be kept in minds when constructing systems of academical eductition. However important might be the informations received from particular authors, and wluitever iinpi-oveinent may be made in the method of communicating it by more strict examination, it must be observed that these methods embrace the means, and not the ultimate object of our Bourgeois No. 12. Leaded. The mere communication of scientilic knowledge is not the only object to be kept in mind in constructing a system of good academic education. However important may be the information Ave receive from any particular author and whatever improvements may be made in the method of communicating it by more minute examinations, it must be observed, that these methods embrace (?') Cincinnati Ti/pe Foundry, 201 Vine St. Old Style Series. KONPAUEIL No. 13. Solid. The mere communication of knowledge is not the only object to be kept in mind in constructing- any good system of academical education. However important the information received from particular authors may be, and whatever improvements may be made in the methods of communicating it by a more strict examination, it must be observed that such methods embrace the means, not the ultimate object of our education. They tend to improve the power of comprehension and'meniory, but are not calculated to confer that penetration by the means of which students generate trains of thinking and acquire habits of estimating the grounds of^their judgment, and of combining or expressing certain abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabdcefghijklmnopqr Brevip;r No. VA. Solid. The mere communication of" knowledge is not the only object to keepi in our minds in constructing systems of academic education However important the information we re- ceive from any author may bo and whatever improvements may be made in the method of communicating it by strict examinations it must now be obser\ed that such methods embrace the means, not the ultimate object of education. They indeed tend to improve the powers of comprehension and memory abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklm Long Primer No. 13. Solid. The mere communication of knowl- edge is not the only object to 1:)c kept in our minds in constructing systems of academical education. However important the informations received from particular authors may be, and whatever improvements are made in the methods of communicating it by a strict examination, it must now be abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdef Small Pica No. ]:{. .Solid. The mere communication of our knowledge is not the only object to be kept in mind in constructing a system of academical education However important might be the information we receive from some particular authors, and whatever improvement may be made in the abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxvzabc Pica No. 13. i^olid. The mere communication of a good knowledge is not the only object to keep in our minds in constructing a system of good academic education. However important the informations we received from some particular authors may be, and whatever abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyza (■i) Nonpareil No. 13. Loaded. The mere communication of knowledge is not the only object to be kept iif mind in constructing any good system of academical education. However important the information received from particular authors may be, and whatever improvements may be made in the methods of communicating it by a more strict examination, it must be observed that such methods embrace the means, not the ultimate object of our education. They tend to improve the power of comprehension a:id memory, but are not calculated to confer that penetration by the means Brevier No. 13. Leaded. TifE mere communication of knowledge is not the only object to keep in our minds in constructing systems of academic education However important the information we re- ceive from any author may be and whatever improvements may be made in the method of communicating it by strict examinations it must now be observed that such methods embrace the means, not the ultimate object of education. They indeed tend to improve LoN(i Primer No. 13. Leaded. The mere communication of knowl- edge is not the only object to be kept in our minds in constructing systems of academical education. However important the informations received from particular authors may be, and whatever improvements are made in the methods of ccjmmunicating it by Small Pk a No. 13. Leaded. The; mere communication of our knowledge is not the only object to be kept in mind in constructing a system of academical education However important might be the information we receive from some particular authors, "and whatever improvement may be made in the I'K A No. 13. Leaded. The mere communication of a good knowledge is not the only object to keep in our minds in constructing a system of good academic education. However important the informations we received from some particular authors may be, and whatever ('iiiciinidti Ti/i)r I-'oiiiiilrji, iOl Vine .St. Latest Book Faces. Nonpareil Nd. 14. Solid. The mere communication of a knowledge is not the only object to keep ii> mind in constructing good system of academical education. However important tlic information we receive from some autliors may lie and wliatever improvement may Ijc made in the mothodbf communicating it by a minute examination, it milstliow be observed tliat su(di methods embrace the means, and not the ultimate object of our etlucation. Thev tend abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnop MiNiox No. 14. Solid. The mere conimunioation of a kiiowledjro is not the only object to keej)iii our minds in constructing systems of academic ed.ucation However imjiortant the inforniation derired from some authors mijjht he, and.wluiteVer imi>rovements may Ije made in the nietliod of communicating; it hy an examination, it must he ol)served tliats\ic]i method embrace ahcdefgliijkhunop(|rstuvAvxyzabcdefghijklm Brevier No. 14. Solid. TiiK mere communication of knowledge is not the only object to be kept in mind in constructing good systems of academical education. However important might be the information received from particular authors, and whatever improvements are made in the method of communicating it abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijk Bourgeois No. 14. Solid. The mere comniunicatioii of a knowl- edge is not the only object to be kei)t in mind when constructing systems of good academical education. However important tlie informations we receive from i)articiilar authors might be, and abcdefg]iijklmnop(ivstuvwxyzabcdefgh LoN(; I'lti.MEK No. 14. Solid. Thk mere coinmiiiiication of knowl- edge is not the only object to l)e kept in mind in constructing a system of good academic education., How^ever im])()rtant the informations received from i)articular authors may be, and ahcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdef S.MAM. I'icA No. 14. Solid. TnK more coninmiiication of our knowledge is not the only object to keep in our minds in constructing a system of academical education However .im})ortant might he the al)C(lefohijklninop(i[rstuvw.\vzal)C(l I'H A No. 14. Solid. TiiK mere coniinunications of a knowledge are not the only objects to keep in our mind in constrncting a system of good abe( k'fghij k 1 m m )pqrstu vwx yzn (->) Nonpareil No. 14. Leaded. The mere communication of a knowledge is not the only object to keep in mind in constructing good system of aeadeniical education. However important the information we receive from some authors may be and whatever improvement may be made in the method of communicating it by a minute examination, it must now be observed that such methods embrace the means, and not Minion No. 14. Leaded. The mere conimimication of a knowledge is not the only object to keep in our minds in constructing systems of academic education However important the information derived from some autliors mighfe be, and whatever improvements may be made in the method of communicating it by an examination, it Brevier Ng. 14. Leaded. The mere communication of knowledge is not the only object to l)e kept in mind in constructing good systems of academical education. However important might be the information received from particular authors, and wliatever improvements are made in the method of communicating it BoiRGEois No. 14. Leaded. The mere communication of a knowl- edge is not the only object to be kept in mind when constructing systems of good academical education. However important the informations we receive from i^articular authors might be, and LoNtem i, nihil timor po puli, nihil concursus bonorum omnium, nihil hie munitissimus habendi senatum locus, nihil horum ora vultus que moverunt? patere tua consilia non sentis? constrictam jam horum omnium eonscientia teneri conjuratio nem tuam non vides? quid proxima, quid superiore, nocte egeris, ubi fueris, quos convocaveris, quid consilii ceperis, quern nostrum ijfnorare arbitraris? O temporal O mores!. Senatus ha-c intelligit, consul videt, hie tamen vivit. Vivit! immo vero etiam in senatum venit: fit publici consilii particeps: notat et desifjnat oculis ad ca>dem unumquemque nostrum. Nos autem viri fortes, satisfacere reipublica> videmur, si istius furoreni ac tela vitemus. Ad mortem te, Catilina, duci jussu consulis, jampridem opportebat: in te conferri pestem istam quam tu in nos omnes jamdiu machinaris. An vero vir amplissimus Plubius Scipio, pontifex maximus Tiberium Gracchum, mediocriter labefactantem statum reipublicw privatus interfecit: Catilinam, orbem ter rarum ca>da atque incendiis vastare cupientem nos consules perferemus? Nam ilia nimis antiqu'a priftcren quod Caius Servilius Ahala, Spurium Meliuni, novis rebus studentem, manu sua occidit. Fuit. fuit ista quon dam in hac republica virtus ut vir fortes acrioribus suppliciis civem perniciosum quam acerbissimuni liostem A B C D E F G H IJ K L M X O P Q H S T U V \V X Y Z ABCDKFGHIJKLMNOPQBSTUVWXyZ 1234567890 Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra? quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus vns ehidetf quern ad flnem sese effrenata jactabit audaciaf nihilne te nocturnum, pnvsidium palatii. nihil iirbit< riiiiliiv XONPARf:iL No. 12. Quousque tanrlcm abuti'iv. (':italin;i, i)ali('ntia nostra? (|uani(liu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludef? queui ad llueni sese elVrenala Jactal)il aiulaeiay nihilne te uocturnuui presidium (lalalii. niliil urb is viji-ihe, niliil tinioi' i)o|)uli, nihil eiincursiis bonorum omnium, nihil hie munitissimus lialieiidi sen atum locus, nihil horum ora vultusque movemuit y iiatere tua consilia non seiitis - const ricta jam horum omuium eonscientia teueri conjurationem tuam non vides y (|uid ]iroxima, i|uid superioi-e nocte egeris ubi fueris, quos convocaveris, quid consilii cepi'ris, (|uem nostrum ij::iiorare arbitraris O temporal O mores! Senatus luec intellifrit, consul videt, hie tanu'ii vi\it. ^'ivitI immo vei-o et iam in senatum venit: lit publici consilii ]>articeps: notat el desi^nat oculis ad c;cdem ununuiuem que nostrum. Xos autem viri fortes, satislacere reiiudilica' videmui-. si istius furorem ac tela vite mus. Ad mortem te, Catalina, (luci jussu consulis, iam|iridem oi)|iortebat : in te conlVrri jieslem istam, quam tu in nos omnes jamdiu machinaris. An vero vir aniiilissimus, I'ublius Scipio, ])onti fex maximus, Tiberrium Gracchum, mediocriter labefactantuni siatum reipublica', iirivatus inter fecit: Catilinam orbem terrarum ciede atque incendis vastare cupientem nos consules perfermusV Nam ilia nimis antiqua pra-tereo, quod Cains Servilius Ahala, Spurium Melium, novis rebus stud A B C D E F G II IJ K L M N O P (J K S T I' N W X Y Z ABCDEFGHIJKLMXOPtJKSTtVWXVZ 12S4.567S90 Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra f quamdiu etiam Juror iste tuus nos cludetf quern ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia f nihilne te nocturnum prcesidium palatii, nihil ur XOXPAREII, Xo. 11. Quousque tandem abutere Catilina patientia nostra ? qunmditi etiam funtr iste tuus nos ebidet ? (juem ad finem sese ell'renata jactabit audacia? nihilne te nocturnum pnesidium jialatii, nihil urbis vigihe, nihil tinu)r populi, nihil concursus bonorum omnium, nihil hie munitissimus hah end! seiuitum locus, nihil horum ora vultusque moverunt? patere tua consilia non seutis? con strictam jam horum omnium eonscientia teneri conjurationem tuam non vides? quid proxima quid superiore nocte egeris, ubi fut'ris, quos convocaveris, quid consilii ceperis, quem nostrum ignorare arbitraris? () temiioral () moresi Senatus luce intelligit, consul videt, hie tamen vivit Vivit! immo vero etiam in seinitum venit: lit publici consilii jiarticeps: notat et designat oculis ad cicdem unumquemque nostrum. Xos autem veri fortes, satislacere reipublic;e videmur, si is tins furorem ac tela vitemus. Ad nu)rtem te Catilina duci jussu consulis jampridem oi)iiorteliat in conferri pestem istam, (ituim tu in nos omnes jamdiu machinaris. An vero vir anii'lissimus Publius Scipio, ])ontifex nuiximus, Tiberium (iracchum, mediocriter labefactantem statum reip ublica-, privatus interfecit: Catilinam, orbem terrarum civde atque incendiis vastare cupientem nos consules perferemus? Nam ilia nimis antiqua pr.'etereo, . Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra? quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos ehidet? quem ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia? nihilne tenoctur mini i)r;esi(liuni i)alatii, nihil urbis vigihe, nihil timor populi, nihil concursus bon oruni oiiiiiiiiin, niliil hie niiinitissiiiins lialK'ndi senatum locus nihil horum ora vul tusciue moverunt? patere tua consilia non sentis? constrictam jam horum omnium conscientia teneri conjurationem tuam non vides? quid proxima, quid superiore nocte egeris, ubi fueris, quos convocaveris, quid consilii ceperis, quem nostrum ig norare arbitraris? O tempora! O mores! Senatus hsec intelligit, consul videt, hie tamen vivit. Vivit ! immo vero etiam in senatum venit: fit publici consilii parti ceps: notat et designat oeulis ad csedem unumquemque nostrum. Nos autem viri fortes, satisfacere reipublicse videmur, si istius furorem ac tela vitemus. Ad mor ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY^Z ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 Quousque tandem abutere Catilina patientia nostra? quamdiu etiam fiiror iste tuus nos eludet? quem ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia? nihilne tua nocturnum (9) Cincinnati Type Foundry, 201 Vine St. 15REVIKK \(). 8. Quousciuo tiuuleni abutoro, Ciitalina, imtientia nostra V (luaindiu ytiam furor i.ste tuus nos oludet V qxwm ad finom sosi> offronata jactabit audacia V nihihic to noctvirmim presidium palatii, iiiliil concursus bonoruin oniniuni, nihil liic niunitissinni.s hal)endi sonatuni locus nihil horuni ora vultus(|uo nioverunt '! patere tua consilia non sentis '! constrictam jam ho rum omnium conscicntia teneri conjurationom tuam non vides V (juid j)roxima, (juid super iore nocte egeris, ubi fuoris, ((uos convocaveris, (piid consilii ceperis, (juem nostrum ignor are arbitraris ? tompora ! mores ! Senatus hrec intelligit, consul videt, hie tamen vi vit. Vivit I immo vero etiam in senatum venit: fit pu))lici consilii particeps; notat et de signat oculis ad ca-dem unumcpienniue nostrum. Xos autem viri fortes, satisfacere reipub ABCDEFGHIJKLMXOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCnEFGHIJKLMXOI'QRSTUVWXYZ Qitoiit^qae tandem ahnU-rc, CatiUmt, patktitki nostra f f/tiainciiit etlam furor iste tuus nos eJiidt'tf (jiirni ad Jineni scsc fffn'nata jaftnhif andaciaf nihiJnc tc nortiirnnm pnvs Hkevikk Xo. 12. Qnousqiu' taiidoin nbntcre, ( ';italiii:i, patieiitia nostra? (luaindin ctiaiii furor hte tu us nos elndety (HK-ni ad tincni sese ctiVenata jaetabit audacia':' niliilno t<' noi-turnu ])ra'si(liuni jmlatii, niliil url)is vi«>ila', nihil tiinor pojjuli, niliil i-onoursus bonoruni onniiuni, nihil hie niunitissiinus halu'iidi senatum locus, nihil horuni ora vultusque nioycrunfr' ])atcr(' tua consilia non sentis? constrii-tani jam liorum ouniimn consci entia teneri conjurationem tuam non vides? norare ar bitraris? O temporal () mores I Senatus li;ec intelligit, consul vitlet, hie tamen vi vit. Vivit I innuo vero etiam in senatum venit : tit public! consilii particeps : notat ABCDEFGHIJKLMXOPQRSTUVWXYZ AlJ('l)KK(;HIJKLMNOIHiKSTrVWXVZ 12845G7890 Quonsque tandem abittere, Catilina, patientia nostra? Quauidiu etiam furor iste tiais nos eludetf quern ad Jinem sese effretiata jactabit audacia! nihilnete nocturnum prcesid Hhkvikh Xo. 14. (.in()US(iuc tandem abutere, Catilina, i)ationtia nostra? (juamdiu etiam furor iste tu UK nos eludct? (|ucm ad finem scse etIVenata jactabit audacia? niiiilne te nocturnu pra'sidiiuH, i)alatii, nihil urbis viuihe, niliil timor jxipuli, niliil concursus bonoruin omnium, nihil hie munitissimus liabcndi senatum locus, nihil horuni ora vultusciue moyerunt? paten- tua consilia non sentis? constrictam jam horuni omnium con.sci entia teneri conjurationem tuam non vides? (luid iiroxima, (piid suiieriore nocte eg eris, ubi fueris, (juos convocaveris, quid consilii cei)eris, (juem nostrum ignorare ar bitraris? () tempora ! () mores! Senatus luec intelligit, consul videt, hie tamen vi vit. Vivit! immo vero etiam in senatum venit : tit imlilici consilii jiarticeps; notat ABCDKF(niI.TKL:\IN()P(iRSTrVWXVZ AI{('I)KK(iIII.lKl,>INOI'(iHSTl VW.WZ 1 2:i45t)7SiU«, nihil timor populi, nihil concursus honor omnium, nihil hie munitissimus haheiuli senatum locus, nihil horum ora vultusque moverunt? patere tua consilia non sentis ? eonstrietam jam horum omnium consci . entia teneri eonjurationem tuam non vides ? quid proxinui, (juid superiore nocte e^ eris, ubi fueris, quos eonvoeaveris, quid eonsilii ceperis, (juem nostrum ignorare ar bitraris ? O tempora ! mores ! Senatus hajc intelligit, consul videt, hie tamen vi ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQKSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 Qiiousqne tandem (ihutcir, (\itUina, lutticntid noatra'/ qmoniHn ctium furor i.ste fKKS nos eludet f q(te)n od finem .v.v rff'renotd jactid)it (tudac/'a f niliilne te nor H()i:rop:ois Xo. 12. (^uousque tandem abutere, (Uitaliua, patientia nostra? quanidiii etiani furor iste tuiis nos eliidot ? (|ueni ad tineni sese eftrenata jaetabit andacia? nihilne te nocturniini pnesidium i)alatii. nihil nrbis vigilae, nihil timor popnli, nihil eoncnrsns bonornm omnium, nihil hie munitissimns liabendi senatum loeus luhil horum ora vultns((U(^ moverunt? patere tua eousilia sentis ? eonstrietam jam horum omnium eonseientia teneri eonjurationem tuam non vides? quid ])roxinui. (piid superiore uoete ej^eris, ubi tuei'is, qiu)s eonvoeaveris, quid con silii eeperi.s, quem nostrum ignorare arbitraris? O tempora! mores ! Sena ABC T)P]F(iHIJKLMXOPQ]?STrVWXYZ AHCDKFiiMIJKLMNOI'QKSTrVAVXYZ 1234567890 Quousque tandem ahutere, CatoUna, jniUentia nostra? quamdiu etiam furor iste tims nos eludet? quem ad Jin em sese effrenata jactahit audacia? nihil ]{()ru(;Eois Xo. 1-1. (Quousque tandem abutere, Catalina, patientia nosti'a? (luunidiu etinni furor iste tuus nos eludet? ([uem ad tinem .^ese etfrenata jaetabit audacia? nihilne te uoeturnum priesidiuni i)alatii, nihil urbis vi<;ihe, nihil timor populi, niliil concursus bonoruni oniniuni, nihil hie munitissimus lial)endi senatum loeus nihil horum ora vultus([ue moverunt ? patere tua consilia, non sentis ? con strietani jam horum omnium eonseientia teneri eonjurationem tuam non vi (les ? (piid jtroxima, ([uid superiore nocte egeris-ubi fueris, (pios eonvoeaveris (|uid eonsilii eei)eris, (|uem nostrum ignorare arbitraris ? O temjjora! more ABC'I)P:F(IHIJKLMX0PQRSTUVAVXYZ .\I?(I)i:K(;7ir.IKLMXOI'QKSTtVWXVZ 1 284r)(>7() (iuousque tandem ahutere. Catalina, patientia iioxtraf quamdiu etiani furor iste tuus nos eludet f quem ad jinem sese eff'renata jact(d>it (indavia':f nihihie te noc HoritcKuis Xo. 1.'). Quou.sque tandem ubutere Catalina i)atieutia nostra? (luanuliu etiani fu ror iste tuus nos eludet? (pieni ad tineni sese etfrenata jaetabit audacia? nihilne te iiocturnuni pra'sidiuni, i)alatli, nihil urbis vigiho, nihil timor populi, nihil concursus bonoruni oniiiiuni, nihil hie niunitissiinus habeii di senatum locus, nihil horum ora vultus(iue moverunt? patere tua con silia non vides? eonstrietam jam horum omnium eonseientia teneri con jurationem tuam non vides? (piid proxima, (juid superiore nocte egeri.s ubi fueris, (pu)s eonvoeaveris, (juid eonsilii ceperis, (luem nostrum ignor ABCI)EF(Hn.JKL>rX()PQRSTUV\VXYZ Aiui)i;F(;iir.iK[..MX()rit ((udaciaf Ml) CiiiciniKiti T(/])i' Fixnidri/, Ml Vuic St. Long Primer No. 8. Quousque tandem abutere, Catalina, patientia nostra? quamdiu etiam furor is te tuns nos eludet ? quern ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia ? nihilne te nocturnum pra'sidium, palatii, nihil urbis vigila?, nihil timor populi, nihil con cursus bonorum omnium, nihil hie munitissimus habendi senatuni locus, nihil honam ora vultusque moverunt ? patere tuam consilia non sentis ? constrictam jam horum omnium conscientia teneri conjui-ationem tuam non vides ? quid et proxima, quid superiore nocte egeris, ubi fueris, quos convocaveris, quid consil ABCDEFGHIJKLMXOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOl'QRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 Quousque tandem abutere CatiUna, patientia nostra f quamdiu etiam. furor iste tuus nos eludet f quern adfinem sese effrenata jactabit audacia f nihiln Long Primer No. 10. Quousque tandem abutere, Catalina, patientia nostra ? quamdiu etiam fu ror iste tuus nos eludet ? quera ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia ? nihilne te nocturnum proesidium palatii, nihil urbis vigilje, nihil timor po puli, nihil concursus bonorum omnium, nihil hie munitissimus habendia senatum locus, nihil horum ora vultusque moverunt V patere tua consilia non sentis ? constrictam jam horum omnium conscientia teneri conjuratio nem tuam non vides ? quid proxima, quid superiore nocte egeris, ubi fuer ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopQrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Quousque tandem abutere, Catalina, patientia nostra? quamdiu etiam fu ror iste tuus nos eludet? quem ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia? Long Primer No. 11. Quousque tandem abutere, Catalina, patientia nostra? quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet? quem ad finem sese effrenata jactabit and acia? nihilne te nocturnum praesidium palatii, nihil urbis vigihe, nihil timor poi)uli, nihil concursus bonorum omnium, nihil hie munitissimus habendi senatum locus, niliil horum ora vultusque moverunt? i^atere tua consilia non sentis? constrictam jam horum, omnium conscientia teneria conjurationem tuam non vides? quid proxima, quid superiore ABCDEFGHIJIvLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 Quousque tandem abutere^ Catali7ia^ j^^i^^^^^^ft' '^o^^'^^"'^ quaindiu eti am furor iste tuus nos eludet ? quem, ad finem sese effrenata jactabit Long Primer No. 11. Quousque tandem abutere Catalina, patientia nostra? quamdiu etiam fu ror iste tuus nos eludet? quem ad finem sese effrenata jacta1:)it audacia? nihilne te nocturnum, prajsidium palatii, nihil urbis vigila), nihil timor populi, nihil concursus bonorum omnium, nihil hie munitissimus haben di senatum locus, nihil horum ora vultusque moverunt? patere tua con silia non sentis? constrictam jam horum omnium conscientia teneri con jurationem tuam non vides? quid proxima, quid superiore, nocte egeris ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 Quousque tandem abutere Catalina^ patientia nostra? quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet f quem ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia f nihiln (12) Cincinnati Type Foimdry, 201 Vine St. Small Pica No. 11. Quousque tandem abutere Catalina patientia nostra ? quamdiu etiam furor iste tims nos eludet? quern ad finem sese effrenata jactabit aud acia ? niliilne te nocturnum, prcPsidium palatii, nihil urbis vigilne, ni hil timor populi, niliil eoncursus bonorum omnium, nihil hie munitis simus habendi senatum locus, nihil horum ora vultusque moverunt ? patere tua consilia non sentis'^ constrictam jam horum omnium cons ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 Quousque tandem abutere Catilina patientia nostra? quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet f quern ad finem sese effrenata jactabit aud Small Pica No. 14. Quousque tandem abutere, Catalina, patientia nostra ? quamdiu et iam furor iste tuus nos eludet ? quern ad finem sese effrenata jacta bit audacia ? niliilne te nocturnum, presidium palatii, nihil urbis vigihr, nihil timor populi, niliil eoncursus bonorum omnium, nihil hie munitissimus habendi senatum locus, nihil bora ora vultusque moverunt ? patere tua consilia non sentis ? constrictam jam horum ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345G7890 Quousque tandem abutere, Catalitia, patientia nostra f quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet f quern ad finem sese effre)iata jactabit audaci Pir-A Xo. (1. Quousijue taudeni al)utere Catalina, patientia nostra ? quamdiu et iam furor iste tuus nos eludet ? quern ad finem sese effrenata jact abit audacia ? nihilne te nocturnum prsesidium palatii, nihil urliis vigilse, nihil timor })opuli, nihil eoncursus bonorum omnium, nihil hie munitissimus habendi senatum locus, nihil horum ora vultusque ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 Quousque tandem ahutere Catalina, patietitia nostra f quam diu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet f quema ad finem sese Pica Xo. 14. Qiiousqiio tandem abutere Catalina, })atientia nostra? quain diu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet? quern ad finem sese ef frenatia jactaliit audacia? nihilne te nocturnum prresidium palatii, nihil urbis vigibe, nihil timor populi, niliil eoncursus bonorum omnium, nihil hie munitissimus habendi senatum ABGDEFGHIJKLMNOPQHSTl^VWXYZ ABCDJ:F(tHIJKLMNOPQKSTLVWXYZ 12845(17890 Quousque tandem ahutere Catalina patiodia iu)stra f quamdiu etiam. furor iste tun.s nos eludet f quern ad Jiiwui sese ejfrcnata (l;!) CiiK-inimti Type Foundry, ilOl Vine St. Pica No. S. Quousqiie tandem abiitere Cataliiia patientia nostra? quam din etiani furor iste tuns nos eludct? qneni ad fineni sese ef frenata jac'tal)it audacia? nihilne te nocturnum pra^sidium palatii, nihil nr])i8 vigila?, nihil tinior popnli, nihil concursu bonoruni, nihil hie niunitissimns habendi senatuni locus, ni hil horuni (n'a vultnsque niovcrunt? patere tua consilia non sentis? constrictam jam horuni omnium conscientia teneri conjurationem tuam non vides? quid proxima, quid superi ore nocte egeris, nbi fuens, quos convocaveris, quid consil ceperis, quern nostrum ignorare arbitraris? O temporal O ABCa)EFGIIIJKLMXOPQRSTLTVWXYZ ABCDEF(iHIJKLMX()PQHSTUYWXYZ 1234567890 EX(iLISH Xo. •>. Qiiousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patieiitia nostra ? quamdiu etiam furori iste tnam nos eludet ? quern ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia? nihilne te noct urnum pra?sidium pahitii, nihil urbis vigila^, nihil timor populi, nihil coneursus bonoruni (jmnium, nihil hie mu nitissimus habendi senatum locus, nihil liorum ora vul tusque movei'unt ? patere tua consilia non sentis ? con strictam jam liorum omnium conscientia teneri con jura tionein tuam non vides ? (luid proxima, quid siiperiore ABCDEFGHIJKLMXOPQESTUYWXYZ ABCDEFGmJKLMXOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ORKAT FlUMKIt No. 4. Quousque tandem abutere Cataliua, patienta nostra ? quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos el udet ? quem ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia? nihilne te nocturnum praesidium pa latii^ nihil urbis vigite, nihil timor populi, ni hil coneursus bonoruni omnium, nihil hie mu nitissimus habendi senatum locus, nihil hora ora vultusque moverunt ? patere tua consilia ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIKLMXOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 (14) (hiriiiiKiti Ti/jx- Ftiiiiiilrj/. J'll \'hii St. Light-Face Romaxs. <;i{KAT PltlMKU Xo. .') EUROPEAN INTENTIONS French and German Academies of Design Practical Engineers 37 DoiHi.K Small I'ica N( PRINTING HOUSES Lithographers and EngTavers Fine Specimens 2 DoiBi.K En(;li.sii X( DEPARTMENT American Manufacturers Iron Miners DoTBLK <;i!KAT I'ltlMKI! X< MOUNTAIN Cumberland Range Romantic Fori! I.iXK I'HA Xo. •?. MOUNDS Prairie Scenes (l.j) CinciniMiti Type Foundry, Ml Vine St. J Heavy Poster Romans. (iREAT Prim?:r No. ;i FOKEIOIV NATIONS Ooverniiient of Oreat Britain* Freiicli Republic Dot-RLE I'ica. FOREST HOME J^orth American Iiidiaiii§. Hunting Cirrounds DorBLE Great I'RnrER Xo. MORNINGS Nuinmer Resorts. Hxeursion DoiBi.E Paragon. THRONES Ancient Ruin^ Monarch American Canon. NOTICE Continental (16) CinciniKiti Ti/pc FoumJrij, iOl Vine St. Agate Title No. 1. ;WA, tiOa. |2..'>0 THE WKSTERX JOURIVAL OF EDUCATION Temperance and Social Improvement Society Nonpareil Title No. 2. 30 A, GO a. p.r>0 PRODUCE AJSn PROVISION STORE liiberal Advances on Consig'unients Minion Title No. 2. 30A, (iOa. ;f3.70 MOti^XAirVOl S COUi^XRIES. Kiicltiiiitiug; Scenes in Aniei'ica, Brevier Title No. 3. 30 A, 60 a. $3.50 Paper, jVIeinorandunifSi, Pencils Bourgeois Title No. 2. :»A, (iOa. $3.r)0 €£I>AR COUWTY DEMOCRAT Interesting' Democratic Papers. Long Primer Title No. 1. ;MA, ;jOa. fl.JiO mEI^TAL. PHILOSOPHY. Ancient and JUodern Idea Small Pica Title No. 1. 20 A, 30 a. )f2..j0 FIELDS Al^D GARDEI^fS The Farnier'§ Companion Pica Title No. 2. l.")A, :»a. $2..j0 LUMBER REGIONS Petroleum Consumers Pica Title No. 1. 1.5 A, 30 a. $:!..=» DOMESTIC BREED AnJiiial Mechanism Great Primer Title No. 1. IOA, 20a. |3.&5 50 lbs. at :« cts. per lb. PATENT Olli Family Orocery Paragon. IOA, 20a. $3.90 50 lbs. at SS cts. per lb. Diamond Crown Double Pica. 8 A, 1(> a. $4.ft5 50 lbs. at 3H ets. per lb. Pine Timber Double Gt. Primer, No. 2. 4 A, 8 a. $5.1.' 50 lbs. at :« cts. per lb Agate Title No. 4. 30 A, 60 a. $2.50 EXCELLENT ADVERTISING MEDIUM Advertisements Inserted at Lowest Kates Nonpareil Title No. 4. :»A, 60 a. $2.60 OFFICE OF THE LEBANON TRIBUNE Every Description of Fine Job Printing Minion Title. No. 4. 30 A, 60 a. $3.00 LETTER OF PERMANENT VALUE And of Long Established Reputation Brevier Title No. 4. 30 A, 60 a. $3.50 GLENN'S FAMILY JOURNAL Great Iiiduceiiieiits to Fanners. Bourgeols Title No. 4. ;M A, 60 a. $3.10 RUSTIC AND GILT FRAMES Aniericaii, French, antl German Long Primer Title No. 4. :WA, 50 a. $3..50 DRUGS AND CHEMICALS Medicines and Perfumery. Pica Title No 4. 22 A, 32 a. $3..50 BALTIMORE TIMES. Independent Jovirnal Gre.\t Primer No. .5. 10 A, 20a. $2.8.5 50 lbs. at 38 cts. per lb. ORPHANS HOMES Model Establishment Double Small Pica No. 2. IOA, 20a. $4.30 50 lbs. at 38 cts. per 11). METAL RULE Grand Selection Double English No. 3. 8 A, 16 a. $6.(X) 50 lbs. at :W cts. per lb. Manufacture Dbl. Gre.\t Primer No. 3. 4 A, 8a. f5.20 50 lbs. at ;W cts. per lb. Mountain Four-Line Pica No. 3. 4 A, 4 a. $6.30 50 lbs. at 38 cts. per lb. _^^^ 50 lbs. at m cts. per 1^- ■ ■ I Romans JiOUndH Fiinirrs to nil. (17) Quadu and .Spaces extni. Nonpareil Italic Title No. 2. 30 A, CO a. $2.60 CSItOMATIC CYJ^INDJSIt PItlNTIIfO. Various Colors Printed at one Impression Brevier Italic Title No. 2. 30 A, 60 a. $3.2.5 3IILXEJR'S rmCE CUMMENT Authentic Meports of Inventions. Bourgeois Italic Title No. 2. 20 A, 30 a. $3.25 LIFE AND FIME IWSUBANCE Foreign and Domestic Exchange Lg. Primer Italic Title No. 2. 20 A, 30 a. $2.45 WESTERN FINANCIER National and County Bonds *Lg. Prim. Italic Title No. 1. 20 A, 40 a. $2.90 nsEFuZf .jfiJiTEniJiijS JEsphaltum Cement Roof *PicA Italic Title No. 1. 8 A, 18 a. $2.40 PURE BR.iJ^n^r 10oniestlc LlQMors Pica Italic Title No. 2. 15 A, :Ma. $2.80 B ULING MA CHINE Pencil Mantifactiirer *Great Primer Italic Title. 10 A, 20 a. $2..'j0 GOLD BRONZES. Superior Colored Inks *Dbl. Sm. Pica Italic Title. 8 A, 16 a. $2.70 REFERENCE Patent Medicine *Dbl. English Italic. 7 A, 12 a. $4.65 BELMONT Amusements *Dbl. Gre.^t Primer Italic. 4A, Sa. $3.75 MODEL Ornament Nonpareil and Pearl Aklines line, and can be used as Caps ami Small Caps. Historical Events ok the American Bevolction NARRATni OK PKR.SONAL AdVENTLRES AND TRATEIS. Southern Coiiiiiiissiuii mid Fnrwanlin^ Merehaiitij* Kxclians^ Pearl Aldine on Nonp. body. 30 A, 60 a. $1.50 AmiENTIC BIOGRAPHIES OF EMINENT FRENCH WRITERS. Extensive Assortment of Handsome Combination Borders. $4.^ Nonpareil Aldine. .30 A. 60 a. $2.00 MANUFACTURERS OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Memoirs of American and European Meclianics 5 Brevier Aldine. 30 A, 60 a. $3.25 CENTRAL STEAM PRINTING HOUSE Publishers of Journals and Periodicals Long Primer Aldine. 18 A, 40 a. $2.25 SPECIMENS AND ESTIMATES North American Trade Reporter Pica Aldine. 15 A, 30 a. $2.60 MADISON REPUBLICAN Best Advertising Medium Great Primer Aldine. 12 A, 24 a. $3.60 IRON MERCHANTS Insurance Companies Del. Small Pica Aldine. 12 A, 24 a. $4.20 MONROE TIMES Printer's Manual. Dbl. English Aldine. 10 A, 16 a. $6.40 RECORDER Improvement Dbl. GRE.iT Primer Aldine. 8 A, 12 a. $8.'20 IMPORTS Mountains Figures to all except* Quads and Spaces extra. (18) Cincinnati Ti/pe Foundnj, 201 Vine Street. Nonpareil Condensed No. 4. 30 A, 00 a. |2.20 UNITED STATES TEEASURY DEPARTMENT Merchants and Manufacturers Life Insurance Brevier Condensed No. 4. .30 A. 60 a. $2.75 STANDARD HISTORY OF GERMANY Select Readings from Standard Works Lg. Primer Condensed No. 4. 18 A. 40 a. .$2.25 THE PRINTERS INSTRUCTOR Productions of Modern Genius 2 Pica Condensed Xo. 4. 15 A, 30 a. |2.2o THE FREMONT REGISTER Herald Publishing Company English Condensed No. 4. 15 A, :» a. |2.75 MOENING CHRONICLE Devoted to General News Gt. Primer Condensed No. 4. 12 A, 24 a. .$3.20 HANDSOME DESIGNS Numerous Delineations. Dbl. Sm. Pk'A COND. No. 4. 12 A, 24 a. $3.40 MOEIING EDITION American Eevolutioii Dbl. English CoND. No. 4. 10 A, 16 a. $4.20 HUEON TIMES Latest Specimen Dbl. Gt. Primer Cond. No. 4. 8 A, 12 a. $0.20 MECHANICS Importations Fol'R-LiNE Pica Cond. No. 4. 5 A, 8 a. $8.00 TEIBUIE Insurance Lg. Primer Condensed No. 1. 15 A, 30 a. $1.10 MANUFACTURERS OF PRINTING 3IACHINES Standard Specimens of the Latest Invention Pica Condensed No. .3. 20 A, 38 a. $2.70 FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS International Conventions English Condensed No. 1. 10 A, 20 a. $1.40 TREASURY DEPARTMENT Memoirs of Eminent Statesmen Gt. Primer Condensed No. 1. 6 A, 12 a. $1.50 MERCANTILE AGENT Commission Merchants Del. Pica Condensed No. 1. 4 A, 8 a. $1.50 SPECIMEN SHEETS Oriiaiiiental Brass Rule Dbl. Gt. Primer Cond. No. 1. 4 A, 8a. $3.50 IRON MINER Mantel Frames Dbl. Paragon Cond. No. 2. 4 A, 4 a. $.3.70 SUPERIOR Instrument Dbl. Paragon Cond. No. 1. 4 A, 4 a. $5.50 Borders Five-Line Pica Cond. No. 1. 4 A, 4 a. $8.00 Cement Figures to all. Qiiadu and Spaces extra. (10) Cwcimviti'Type Foundry, 201 Vine Street. Two-Line Agate No. 7. 20 A. $2.()0 WESTERN SCE:N^ES Two-Line Nonpareil No. 7. 20 A. !f2.00 ROMAlSr EMPIRE Two-Line Minion No. 7. 18 A. $2..")0 HOME RECORD Two-Line Brevier No. 7. ISA. $2.r>0 TEANSCPaPT Two-Line Diamond No. 5. 20 A. $1.00 PRINTERS AND ENGRAVERS Two-Line Pearl No. 5. 20 A. $1.20 AMERICAN INSTITUTES Two-Line Agate No. ."). 20 A. $1.20 SIDNEY INDEPENDENT Two-Line Nonpareil No. 5. 20 A. $1.')0 WESTERN FARMER Two-Line Nonpareil No. 6. 20 A. $!.(),'> FIEESIDE FEIEND Two-Line Minion No. .5. 20 A. $2.0.5 MOUNT VERNON Two-Line Brevier No. 5. ISA. $2.40 JASPER TIMES Two-Line Bourgeoi.s No. .'). 1.") A. $2.10 INSTRUCTION Two-Line Long Primer No. 5. 10 A. $2.20 ORNAMENTS Two-Line Small Pica No. 5. 10 A. $2.10 SPECIMENS Two-Line Pica No. 5. S A. $2.10 DIRECTOR I Two-Line Pearl C( nd. No. I. 24 A. .fl.lO MANUFACTURERS' DIRECTORY Two-Line Nonpareil Cond. No. 1. 24 .\. $1.50 THE COMMERCIAL RECORD Two-Line Nonpareil Cond. No. 2. 24 A. $1.3.5 MADISO^T COUfiTY HERALD Two-Line Minion Cond. No. 1. 15 A. $1.')0 PRINCETON LEADER Two-Line Brevier Cond. No. 1. 15 A. $1.50 SHEEMAN COURIER Two-Line Bourgeois Cond. No. 1. 12 A. $1.50 CANTON LEDGER Two-Line Lg. Primer Cond. No. 1. 12 A. $1.(10 SALEM JOURNAL Two-Line Pica Cond. No. 1. 12 A. $2..%5 MARION TIMES Two-Line English Cond. No. 1. ()A. 11.."),') EMINENT MECHANICS OF GREAT BRITAIN BIOGRAPHIES OF DISTINGUISHED POETS Brevier Condensed No. 5. 24 A. |].40 THE CINCINNATI TYPE FOUNDRY IMPROVED PRINTING MACHINES Two-Line Pearl Condensed No. 5. 24 A. $l.:?0 GEORGIA MONTHLY RECORD DEVOTED TO AGRICULTURE Two-Line Agate Condensed No. 5. 24 A. |l.a") HUNTINGTON SENTINEL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Two-Line Nonp. Condensed No. 5. 24 A. |2.20 TEEMOUNT EEGISTER MORNING EDITIONS Two-Line Brevier CoND.' No. 5. 18 A. |2.00 COMMERCIAL NEWS FOREIGN ITEMS Two-LiNE Bourgeois CoND. No. 5. l(i A. 12.00 SUPERIOR COURTS Two-Line S.m. Pica Cond. No. 5. 12 A. $2.2.) CAMDEN POST Two-Line English Cond. No. 5. 10 A. fViO OEDIMNCE Two-Line Gt. Primer Cond. No. ."). CA. .$2.70 SPECIMEN Two-Line P.\r.\gon Cond. No..'). •') .V. .$8.20 TEMPEST Agate Light-F.u:e Extended. 30 A, 60 a. $3.10 M:EIiCAlSrTII.E JOB PKIISTTING Cards, ri-ogramnies, and Invitations NoNP. LiGHT-F.\cE Extended. 30 A, CO a. $3..')0 T'YFIi: FOXnSTDKY OFFICK Estiinates sent on Application Brevier Ligiit-Face E.\tend. 24 A. 30 A. $.3.00 FOI^EIG^]Sr PRODUCTS IirLinense Transportation Lg. Pri.m. Light-Fage E.xtend. 18 A, 24 n. $2.70 FUEISTCH P»OEMS Commercial nVTonitor Pica Ligiit-Face Extend. 12 A. 18 a. $3.00 moxj:n^tai^s Finest Selection Dbl. Sm. Pica Lt.-Face EXTEN. 8 A. 12 a. $4.2.5 HECORD ^ iTier ioans Two-Line Brevier Extra Cond. 1-") A. $1.00 GOVERMIEP PRIMIKG IIOl'SB Great Primer Extra Cond. 15 A. $1.3.') mm\m independence Two-Line Pica Extra Cond. !•') A. $La') Dbl. Great Primer Extra Cond. 10 A. $2.f>0 Canon Extra Cond. 8 A. .$4.00 II Four-Line Pica Extra Cond. (iA. $2.40 Fhjiircx to (ill. (21) Quids and Spaces extra. NoNP. Title Extend. No. 3. 3') A. 40a. $3.35 CO]!MCBIlV^TIO]V BOnDDEK- Improvetl I»i'liitlngr IMaterlal Brevier Title Extend. No. 3. 30 A, 30 a. f3.30 Oonsulting- Departments Lg. Prim. Title Extend. No. 3. 24 A, 24 a. $3.2.5 STE^^IVX EIVGMIVES Latest ImproveiTient Pica Title Extend. No. 3. ISA, 20a. ?3.40 Gt. Prim. Title Extend. No. 3. 9 A, 14 a. f3.20 3IaiivifaotxTrer Pica Title Extend. No. 1. 6 A, 12 a. |2.50 ^^XB.~C;j§i sm^ Gt. Prim. Title Extend. No. 1. 4 A, 8 a. |3.40 Dbl. Pica Title Extend. No. 1. 4 A. s a. $(5.00 Lg. Primer Claren. Extend. 10 A, IG a. $3.20 Pica Claren. Extend. 8 A, 12 a. $3..50 Paragon Claren. Extend. 6 A, 8 a. $4.00 Dbl. English Claren. Extend. OA, 8 a. I6..50 Nonpareil and Pearl Antique Extended line, and can be ii.sed as Caps and ifinall Cap.s. Pearl Antique Extend. No. 3, on Xonp. body. 35 A. .$2.. 50 Nonpareil Antique ExTEN. No. 3. 35 A. $2.40 Brevier Antique E.XTEN. Xo. 3. 25 A. $2..50 Lg. Primer Antique Exten. No. 3. 24 A. $2.60 Pica Antique Exten. No. 3. 15 A. $2.40 2-LiNE Brevier Ant. F.xtes. No. 3. 10 A. $2.25 2-LiNE Lg. Prim. Ant. Exten. No. 3. 10 A. $3.25 i^OTjnsriD 2-LiNE Pica Antique Exten. No. 3. 6 A. $3.00 2-Line English Ant. E.kten. No. 3. 5 A. $4.00 Agate Ant. Exten. No. 1. 40 A. f.3.40 NoNPAitEH. Ant. Exten. No. 1. 15A,.!0a. $3.(X) 3F»IOTXJI=lE I»H.-A.3VtE IWI<:>c3.ex*zx OxrxxA^xxxexxtis Brevier Ant. Exten. No. 1. 15 A, 30 n. $3.50 i»i]>a"E3 ijXJiM::]BE3rt Lg. Prim. Ant. Exten. No. 1. 12 A. IS a. $3.50 Pica Ant. Exten. No. 1. 10 A. 12 a. $4.00 Gt. Primer Ant. Exten. No. 1. 4 A, 8 a. $4.50 Dbl. Pica Ant. Exten. No. 1. 4 A, 4 a. $5.75 Fic/iire.< to all. Quads and Spaces extra. (22) Cincinnati Tijpe Foundri/. 201 Vine Street. Nonpareil Antiques line, and can be used as Caps and Small Caps. THE Cincinnati Type foundry, 201 Vine Street Printing Material of Every Description. $75 IMPROVED STANDARD NONPAREIL PRESSES Nonpareil Antique No. 5. 30 A. 00 a. |1.90 importers of thermometers and microscopes standard Mathematical and Astronomical Instruments N0NP.\REiL Antique No. 4. 30 A, 60 a. |1.90 FOURTH NATIONAL BANK OF BLOOMINGTON The Southern Merchants Banking Association 54 Noxpareil Antique No. 6. 30 A, 60 a. ?2.25 ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF GREAT BRITAIN Reproductions from Distinguislied Authors Minion Antique No. 6. 30 A, 60 a. $2.75 MERCHANTS' UNION EXPRESS COMPANIES The Atlantic and Great Western Railroad Brevier Antique No. 6. 30 A, 60 a. -$2.90 FINE BLACK AND COLORED INK Plain and Ornamental Type and Rules Long Primer Antique No. 6. 21 A, 'tO a. 12.60 BERLIN FEMALE SEMINARY Modern Educational Institutions Pica Antique No. 6. 20 A, .38 a. $3.20 ANCIENT MANUSCRIPTS Dramatical Entertainments. Great Primer Antique No. 6. 15 A. 24 a. $3.50 FOREIGN NATION. Farming Implements Del. Pica Antique No. 6. 10 A, 16 a. $5.00 GOLD MINES Mining District Del. Gt. Prim. Antique No. 6. 7 A, 12 a. $6.70 CISTERN Americans I'iyvres to all. Quads and Spaces e.rtni. Brevier Antique Cond. No. 4. 30 A, 60 a. $2.20 MANUFACTURE OF PRNITING MACHINES Cylinder Distribution Nonpareil Presses Lg. Prim. Antique Cond. No. 4. 24 A, 50 a. $2.35 MEMOIRS OF EMINENT ARTISTS Narrative of Personal Adventures Pica Antique Cond. No. 4. 20 A, 28 a. .$2.50 IMPORTERS AND EXPORTER Foreign and Domestic Liquors English Antique Cond. No. 4. 18 A, 36 a. .$2.70 UNION COUNTY TRIBUNAL Washington Correspondence Gt. Prim. Antique Cond. No. 4. 15 A, 24 a. $.3.30 INSURANCE AGENCIES Home Mutual Insurance Dbl. S.M. Pica Ant. Cond. No. 4. 12 A, is a. .'P3.00 TRADE REPORTER American Grocers Dbl. English Ant. Cond. No. 4. 10 A, 16 a. $5.00 IRON FOUNDER Fine Specimens 1 Lg. Primer Ant. Cond. No. 1. 20 A, 40 a. $2.00 UNITED STATES SENATORS Horning and Evening Session 45 Pica Ant. Cond. No. 1. 20 A. ,30 a. .$2.40 REAL ESTATE AGENCIES Elegant Country Residence Gt. Piumek Ant. Cond. No. 1. 15 A, 20 a. .$2.80 OFFICE FURNITURE Extensive Assortment 1 Two-Line Gt. Prim. Ant. Cond. No. 1. 9 A. $3.60 PROVIDENCE (23) Cincinnati Type Foundry, 201 Vine Street. Bkevier Skel. Antiquk No. 2. 8GA,70!i. .fii.i') PICTURESQUE AND ANIMATED DESCRIPTION OF AFRICA Most AdmiraWe CoUeclIon of Anecflotes and lUustratlons Lg. Primer Skel. Ant. No. 2. ;!0 A, 00 a. ?3.00 LITEMTDEE AND GENERAL INFORMATION Beantiful Productions of Dislingiiisliei Artists Pica Skel. Ant. No. 2. 20 A. 40 a. $2.00 NEW AND ATTRACTIVE NOVELTIES German Porcelain ant Eiianielet Ware Gt. Primer Skel. Ant. No. 2. 1.'>A, :^0a. $2.7.5 PARISIAN PAPER HAN&INCtS CoiMninE Coloirs will Eleiaice Del. Sm. Pica Skel. Ant. No. 2. ]."> A. :^0a. |.').00 M aM Silf Br lEstrieiits Del. English Skel. Ant. No. 2. 12 A, 21 a. $4. 7') CLIBTON MONITOR StenPriiiig House Del. Paragon Skel. Ant. No. 2. HA. Ida. ^G.fMi 4-LiNE Pica Skel. Ant. No. 2. CA.rJa. ^O.i'i NoNi'AitEiL Ant. Cond. No. 2. :!0A. (iOa. $2.1.') MODERN INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE GUITAR Manufacturer and Importer of Pianos and Organs Brevier Ant. Cond. No. 2. ;!0A. (iOa. $:>.(H1 INDEPENDENCE PRINTING WOEKS North American Journal of Horticulture Lg. Primer Ant. Cond. No. 2. 24A, -"lOa. $:100 IMPOKTED WRITING FLUIDS Standing Committee on Commerce Pica ANT. Cond. No. 2. 20 A, 48 a. $3.2.'> PATENT STEAM ENGINE Continental Fire Department Gt. Primer Ant. Cond. No. 2. l.")A, 24 a. $:i.')0 FRENCH CHROMOS Extensive Assortment DliL. Sm. Pica Ant. Cond. No. 2. is A, 24 a. $4.80 MODERN DESIGN Morning Chronicle Del. ENGLi.^iii Ant. Cond. No. 2. 12 A. is a. .f-l.e.') HOME RECORD Printing House Del. Gt. Prim. Ant. Con. No. 2. s A, 11 A. $.").7.> PRESIDENTS Commanders Canon Ant. Cond. No. 2. .')A, Sa. $7.00 Inventions 4-LiNE Pica Ant. Cond. No. 2. .'>.\. 8 a. $7.7.') President Figures t) all. (24) (liiitdx 11)1(1 Span's ( .rtrn. Pkarl Ionic; No. 2, on Nonp. bodv. •24 A, -JS a. fi.S.") "WAILING WINDS SHAIiIj BE THY CHUM Balmy-Breathed Bud-Cro-wned Queen of Spring: "With Her Laugrhingr, Teasingr, Be-wlldering, 238 Nonpareil Ionic No. 2. 24 A, 48 a. fJ.s.") WIIiliFTJL AS A WOMAN, FULL. OF Coquetry and Fond Beg-uilderingrs, Moors To Her Fitful Moods. One Moment 896 BuEViKit Ionic No. 2. 24A, 4Sa. .$S.10 UNITED STATES PATENT LAWS The Protection of American Citizens. Strict Rules and Regxilations. $15.75 Long Primer Ionic No. 2. 18 A, 36 a. $2.75 NATIONAL GOVERNMENT Regular Candidates for OfB.ce State and County Election 14. Pica Ionic No. 2. ItiA, :^2a. .fi.'.M) LUMBER MERCHANT Fine Building Material Flower-Tinted Robes 4 Grkat Pri.mkr Ionic No. 2. 10 A, 20a. $4.00 SPRING ROSES Foreign Products Dbl. Sm. Pica Ionic No. 2. 10 A, 20 a. |.').2.'> CONTINENT Hudson Bank Dbi,. Knclisii Ionic No. 2. tiA. 12 a. |-')..')0 HUNTERS Companion i 1)BL. Gt. Primer Ionic No. 2. 4 A, 8 a. |.'i.9.") PLANTS Summers FUlureti to all. Quads and SjKices extra. (i)) Nonpareil Ionic. 30 A, 60 a. $3.00 MAGNIFICENT WOOD ENGRAVING Superior Productions of Eminent Artists Brevier Ionic. .30 A, 60 a. $2.70 PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY San Francisco and Australian Lines. Long Primer Ionic 20 A, 38 a. $2.2.5 STEAM ENGINE BUILDER Safe, Durable and Economical Pica Ionic. 20 A, 38 a. $3.20 PRINTING MACHINES Design and Arrangement English Ionic. 15 A, 20 a. $2.60 SOUTHERN TRADE Democratic Meetings Great Primer Ionic. 10 A, 16 a. $3.00 CAMDEN TIMES Liberal Principles. Del. Small Pica Ionic. 10 A, 16 a. $.3.75 FORMATIONS Moderate Terms Double Pica Ionic. 10 A, 12 a. $5.00 ARGUMENT French. China Dbl. Great Primer Ionic. 6 A, 8 a. $6.(X) CHIMES Garment Canon Ionic. 6 A, 8 a. $10.00 SHINE Frames Cincimmti Type Foundry, SOt Vine Street. French ionic. Long Pri.mek FiiENCH Ionic. 20 A, 40 a. $2 7.5 i Pica French Ionic. 20 A, 38 a. *3 G.j FIRE INSURANCE I FRENCH POEM American National Banks. GoYernment Bond Second Grand Concert. Entertainment lOA, 2U!i Doriu.K Small Pica French Ionic. $4 75 FREIGHT AGENT MicMgan Central Railroad Direct Route 5 English French Ionic. l.')A.20a. $3 2."i SPRING TIME Foreign Commerce. Manufacture Premium Great Pri.mer Fren( h Ionic. 10 A, 10 a. $3 2-5 MOUNTAIN Lumber Regions. DoiBLE Knglish FreN( h Ionic. $0 MINER Commander Figures to all. Qiinch and .Spaces cxlra. (26) Cincinnati Tape Foiniilnj, iOl Vine St. Nonpareil Doric. ;'.()A.r,()a. $o.(iO LATEST IMPROVED MACHINES Manufacturers of Seixring Machines Bkevikk Doitic. :!"iA, :;s;i. .■?:!. lo INSURANCE COMPANY Tentli Annual Statement. Pica Doric. 18A, i>Oa. :f:!.(M) NOVEL READING Historical Romance Brevier Frknch .Vntique. :!0A, fiOa. $2.70 GEEMAIT CBEOMO-LITHO&HAFB. Landscapes, Portraits, and Diplomas Lg. Primer French Antique. JOA, :!,sa. .fJ.od FUEUCH CHZITA TEA SETS Bohemian Enameled G-lassvrare. Pica French Antique 20 A. .38 a. *;?.2.") SCIENTIFIC HECOHD. Department of Literature Two-Line Brevier Doric. 12 A, 12a. p.M I gt Primer French Antique. lOA, Ifia. 12.75 AMUSEMENT Reduced Price aAEDEIT SCEITE Fragrant G-eranium Two-Line Lo. PuiMEK DoKic. lOA. TJa. $4..")0 Dki.. S.\i. Pica Fi;ex(ii Ant. lOA, ICa. .fi.lHl TRIBUNAL Calcedonian. PEEFECTIOITS Mountain Eange Dbl. Gkeat Pkimei: Domk . ii.\.l(ia. .'f.").7"> Dbi,. EN(iLisH French .Knthjuk. r>.\,Kn. .14. (id BURNET Premises Del. Paragon Doric. f>A. 10 a. ^7.00 POUNDER Inducement Dm.. (iT. Prim. Freniii Antique. 4 A. Oa. $5.80 HOUND DESIGH Medium Premium Canon Ere^ch Antique. 4 A, 5a. |8.20 ESTER BIEDS Recent Chimes Four-Line Pica French Ant. :^ A. 4 a. $8.25 Five-Line Pica Dohk . lA.iia. $!i Tame Brand Fifftireg to all. Quadx and Spaces extra. (27) Cincinnati Type Foundry, 201 Vine St. NONP. FREXrH Cl.AKENDON. ;!0 A, 60 a. ?2.f>0 ELEMENTS OP MATHEMATICS FOS 70UNG PEOPLE. Brown's Elementary Practical and Ccmmercial Arithmetic Brevier French Clarendon. 30 A, 60 a. $2..5.5 DEALERS IN OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS manufacture of Astronomical Instruments L(i. PiUM. Fkencii Clakkndon. .'.OA.^Oa. !f:'..(iO BRASS AND IRON FURNITURE. Magnificent Specimens of Designs Pica French Cr.ARENDON. •JOA,;!Oa. $2.7o THE MARION SENTINEL Journal of Madison County Gt. Prim. French Clarendon. 1S.\, 'in. .$0.00 ELEGANT MONUMENTS Eronze Mantle Ornaments. Two-Line Pica French Clar. 12A, l«a. |4.40 CUSTOM HOUSE French Trimming Two-Line Enc. French Clar. 10 A, 16a. *.").2.'j MEMORIALS Fiist Premium Del. Great Primer French Clarendon. 8 A, 12 a. $6.40 MEMBER Prominent Four-Line Pica French Clar. 6 A, 8 a. $9.00 HONEST Romance Figures to all. Quads and Spaces extra. (28) Gt. Primer Antique No. ."?. 1().\, I2a. .?2.G0 IRON FOUNDERS Western Mountains I)BL. Sm. Pica Antique No. 3. 8 A. 10a. ^2.7.') DIRECT LINES Central Railroad Del. Pica .Antique No. 3. 8 A, 10 a. $3.40 COMMERCE Eoreign Emit. LoNc. Primer Clarendon. 24 A. 60 a. .^2..')0 CHEAP AND ELEGANT EDITION Published from Ancient Documents. Pica Clarendon. 20A, 4.'>a. $2.70 MODERN IMPROVEMENTS Commercial Correspondent 5 Great Pri.mer Clarendon. l-iA, 20a. $2.6-5 MERCANTILE AGENT Permanent Investment Paragon Clarendon. 12A. ixm. $2.8.5 FREIGHT DEPOT. Railroad Companies Del. .Small Pica Clarendon. 8 A, 16a. $3.00 INDUCEMENTS Southern Trader Del. English Clarendon. 8 A, 16 a. $4.40 SPEOIHENS REarion Times Del. Gt. Primer Clarendon. 4 A, 8 a. $-5.70 FRUITS Premium Cincinnati Type Foundry, 201 Vine street. Nonpareil and Pearl French Clarendon Extended line, and can be used as Caps and Small Caps. Pearl French Claren. Exten. on Nonp. bodv. 80 A, 42 a. fi.G.'. NoN'PAREii. French Clar. Ext. liOA, 42 a. $3.40 E33a.por3.-va.32ci. for ^ra.ctica.1 I'rin.ters Brevier French Clar. Ext. 20 A, 8(3 a. $8.00 IFTJBILilC BTJII^HDIlSrO-S ^vdIa-gT:5.ifice2:3.t DDecorsttion 3. Lg. Prim. French Clar. Ext. 22 A, 82 a. $8.4.') IF'oij.^iitsiin of HeaulttL Pica French Clar. Ext. Hi A, 20 a. $8.60 Gt. Prim. French Clar. Ext. 12 A, 14 a. $5.00 Coa::i:a.pia3:a.io3:3. Paragon French Clar. Ext. 7.\, 10a. $5.20 2-LiNE .'^M. Pica Fch. Clar. Ext. .^a. 7a. $5.20 TC^IE^^ Six-Line Pica Egyit. Ex. Con. 4 A, 6 a. $s.00 Pica Egyptian Extra Cond. 15 A, 24 a. $2.-50 CBOiC! mm:m or mm foeis Smnittcr Kanbles thiougli Cileltated Fhcei. Gt. Pi'.iMKR Egypt. Ex. Cond. 15 a, 24 a. $2.00 or taerous Utoiis HecoDDeniations 3 Del. Pica Egypt. Ex. Cond. 12 A, 18 a. $2.00 Fine kriml of hsM Paper Dbl. Gt. Prim. Egypt. Ex. Con. 8 A. 12 a. $8.40 1 Dniii aii Wm Dbl. Paragon Egypt. Ex. Cond. 8 A, 12 a. $4.00 Sokian Fantosiiiiie Four-Line Pica Egypt. Ex. Con. fiA.Sa. $5.25 Flour Mercliant Five-Line Pica Egypt. Ex. Con. 5A,Sa. $7.25 I Fronon!i>d( Momnial Finiirt's to all. (IikkIk find Space." i.rtr(i. (29) CincimMti Type Fowulry, 201 Vine Street. Nonpareil Telescopic Gothics line, and can be used as Caps and Small Caps. Second Grand Musical Entertainment, Christmas Night. Historical and Descriptive Account of North America Southern Produce and Commission Merchant Williams & Baldwin, Printers and Engravers Commercial Steam Printing Houses NoNP. Telescopic Gothic No. 5. 60 A. $1.60 profitable and important industries of the united states smith & henderson, printers and binders, monroe, kansas XoNP. Telescopic Gothic Xo. 6. 60 A. $1.90 THE CINCINNATI TYPE FOUNDRY, 201 VINE STREET. manufacture of platen and CYLINDER PRESSES NoNP. Telescopic Gothic No. 7. 60 A. $2.4.') CATALOGUE FURNISHED ON APPLICATION CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES NoNP. Telescopic Gothic No. s. liu.v. $2,4") COMMERCE AND AGRICULTURE. AMERICAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY NONPARKll. (ioTlllc Xo. !». :!0.\. liOa. $2.:!0 MERCHANTS AND BANKERS ASSOCIATIONS Fire Insurance Companies of North America Brevier Gothic Xo. 9. :!0A, 60 a. $2.so NATIONAL STATE CONVENTIONS Twenty-Second Congressional District. Lg. Prim. CIothic Xo. 9. 20 A. Jn .v. :'>0a. Jf.'l.OO LARGE GERMAN CHROMOS Davidson Commercial Academy American Building Societies Pica Gothic X'^o. 9. l.'> A. i.") a. 20 a. $2.n . REDUCED PRICE LIST Mechanical Construction Steam Printing Houses Lg. Prim. Gothic Con D. Xo. 4. 18 A, 24 a. $;'..oo USEFUL CONDENSED GOTHICS. Comprehensive Guides for Printers Pica (ioTHic CoND. Xo. 4. 2(iA.:!Sa. .$:'..IMI MERCHANTS DEPARTMENT Handsome Gothic Monument GT. Prim. Gothic Cond. No. 4. is A. 24 a. $:;.00 STEAM FIRE ENGINES Practical Improvements Xoni'areil Gothic Xo. 3. 40A,(iOa. .$2.2.") BEAUTIFUL NOVELTIES OF LATE IMPORTATION Handsome Selections of Jewelry, Gold and Silverware Brevier Gothic Xo. ."5. :!0A,50a. $2.00 FASHIONABLE CLOTHING EMPORIUMS. Extensive Assortment of Furnishing Goods Lox(; Primer Gothic Xo. 3. 20 A, 40 a. $2.(K) GERMAN SAVINGS INSTITUTION Job Printers' Furnishirig Warehouses Pica Gothic Xo. 3. 20 A, 30 a. $2.;i') HUNTINGTON REPUBLICAN Foreign Telegraphic Dispatches Nonpareil and Pearl Gothics line, and can be used as Caps and Small Caps. Empire Mutual Insurance Company Register of Important Events, sea Pearl (Jothic Xo. 2, on Xonj). body. 30 .\. liOa. $2. Ml LATEST IMPROVED CYLINDER PRESSES Printing Material of Every Description. $17 XoNHAUEiL Gothic Xo. 2. :!(>.\,(>0a. $2.80 HANDSOME STEEL ENGRAVINGS Attractive and Valuable Premiums BitEViER <;()Tiiic Xo. 2. :'.0 .\. ii;ia. $3,511 GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS Dramatical Entertainment. Long Primer Gothic Xo. 2. 211A. .ioa. $3.00 MONROE DEMOCRAT Farmers Home Journal I'icA GoTJiic Xo. 2. I'l A. Jda. $2.7-') REVISED EDITION French Revolutions Two- Line IHrev. Gothic Xo. 2. lo A. 20. $;!.(Xi TYPE FOUNDRY Printing iVIaterial. *T\vo-LiNK L<;. Prim. Gothic. .sA.12a. $.!.2."> MECHANICS Home Record *T\vo-LiNE Pica Gothic. KA. 12a. $4..'>o CONCERT Instrument Fi;iiire.'< to all e.rcept * Qiiitd!.- miil Sixices e.rfra. (:10) CiiiciniKifi Tijiie Foundrij. 201 Vine St. Pica Gothic Ex. Cond. No. 2. 3(5 A. 5:2 a. !f3.00 NoNP. Gothic Uond. No. 5. 35 A, 70 a. $2..50 EL[M[fiIS OF et][IORIC UNO LIIERARy CRIIICISMS ^^'-^^^'-^ information for color printings Luminous and Prominent Colors and Delicate Tints Illustrated Maoual of Spherical and Practical Astrooomy Brevikr Gothic Cond. No. 5. 30 A, (iO a. 12.75 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS AND PLANS BUCK UNO COLOHEO PRINTING INKS Forming a complete Manual for Builders Great Primer Gothic Extra Cond. No. 2. . . .MA42« .$150 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS AND PLANS Nortli American Journal of Agriculture Two-Line Pica Gothic Extra Cond. No. 2. 18 A, 32 a. $6.20 NURSERIEN M FLORISTS Prosperous, Enterprising Farmers Two-LtNE English Gothic Extra Cond. No. 2. • 14 A, 20 a. I5..50 Lg. Prim. Gothic Cond. No. 5. 30 A, 50a. |2.00 EXCURSION TO THE MOUNTAINS Delineations of Mountain Scenery. Pica Gothic Cond. No. 5. 20 A, 38 a. $2.75 LIMESTONE COUNTY SIGNAL Democratic County Convention Engli.sh Gothic Cond. No. 5. 20 A, 3S a. $2.75 JOURNAL AND MESSENGER P Handsome Card Ornaments ''" '"''' *"" ^''s"'"''""' Two-Line Gt. Prim. Gothic Extra Cond. No. 2. . 1 1 A, 20 a. $0..5O F Instructions in Grammar Del. Paraoon Gothic Extra Cond. No. 2. S .V, 14 a. $5.40 Gt. Prim. Gothic Cond. No.. 5. 18 A, 24 a. $3.60 FURNITURE TRIMMING Carriage Manufacturer Dbl. Sm. Pica Gdrn. Con- No. 5. 18 A. 24 a. $4.15 BOILER BUILDERS Perforating Machine Dbl. English Goth. Con. No. 5. 14 A, 18 a. $5.00 MODERN TIMES Latest Invention Dbl. Paragon Goth. Con. No. 5. 6 A, 10 a. $4.30 Landscape Painters, P'our-Line Pica Gothic Extra Cond. No. 2. 7 A, 10 a. $7.25 MOOERI TIMES Americans Insurance Agent Manufacturer 2-Line Pica Gothic Ex. Con. No. 1. lo A. $1..50 Double Pica Grecian. 8 A. $1.20 TYP[ FOUNDRY COMPANY SCIEHTIFIC HHEIICU. Figuvcis to ull. QiMch aitd Spaces extra. (31) Cimiiinati Type Foundry, SOI Vine St. Pica Gothic Cond. No. 3. 1.'>A, oOa. $2.00 IRON MERCHANTS AND TRADER Metropolitan Banking Companies Gt. Prim. Gothic Coxd. No. .3. is A, :5f) a. |3.oo PUBLISHING COMPANIES Memoirs of Eminent Men Paragon Gothic Cond. No. 3. 12 A, 24 a. $3.40 JOURNAL OF HEALTH Important Information 2-LiNE Pica Goth. Cond. No. 3. 12 A. 24 a. *4.(50 MOUNTAIN SCENE Emigration Trains 2-L. Gt. Prim. Goth. Con. No. 3. lOA.lfia. f'l.tt FRENCH POET Prose Writers 2-LiNE Para. Goth. Con. No. .3. SA. 12 a. $i;..'>() MONUMENTS Banner House 4-LiNE Pica Goth. Con. No. 3. (JA.lOa. $7.7.") PRINTERS Nonpareil Concave. 30 A. $1.30 SEA BREEZES FROM THE ATLANTIC. LnN(; Primer Concave. 22 .\. $1.30 SHADOWS AND SUNSHINE Pica Concave. ISA. $1.7-") STEEPLE BUILDER Great Primer Concave. 14 A. $2..)0 RIVER SCENE DoiBi.E S.MALL Pica Concave. 12 A. $3.10 THUNDERS DocBi.E Pica Concave. 10 A. $3..>0 MORNING DoiBi.E English Concave, sa. $3.so STUMPS Double Gt. Primer Concave, (i A. $3.<)-) MOUND *PicA Gothic Cond. No. 1. 10 A. $2.00 NORTHERN MANUFACTURERS. *Gt. Primer fioTHic Cond. No. 1. 30 A. $3.00 FOREIGN COMMERCE ♦Paragon Gothic Cond. No. 1. 24 A. $3.(K) MOUNTAIN RANGE *T\vo-LiNE Pica Gothic Con. No. 1. 12 A. $2.2.") EMPIRE BRAND Five- Line Pica Gothic E.\. Cond. ft X. $").00 *FouR-LiNE Pica Gothic. 4 A. $").00 Instructors GEM Figures fodtl c.irrjt* Qiiads and Spacen extra. (32) Cincinnati Tijpe Fnnndry, SOI Vine Street. Nonpareil Gothic Italics line, and can be used as Caps and Small Caps. The French and German Educational Institutions. Biographical Sketches of Distinguished Writers Southern Produce and Commission Houses Pearl Gothic Italic No. 2 on Xonp. bodv. :«)A. 0a. |2.40 PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL NEWS LETTERS The Cincinnati Type Foundry, 201 Vine Street Bkf.viek Gothic Italic No.:!. :')()A, .Via. $2.00 NORTH AMERICAN PUBLISHING COMPANY Magazines for Mechanics and Architects 2 Brevier Italic Gothic No. 2. i^fiA, -VJa. !(!2.60 AUTHENTIC REPORT OF NEW INVENTIONS Manufacturer of Latest Improved Machinery Lg. Prim. Italic Gothic No. 2. :'.a. $2.80 D/irrON TRADE JOURNAL Printers' International Union 2-L. Sm. Pica Ital. Goth. No. 2. ISA, 24 a. if3.6."> j FLOUR MERCHANTS National Government. I I I 2-LixK Kn<:. Ital. Goth. No. 2. 10 A. 14 a. $4..">0 CORNER PIECE Card Ornaments Fif/urpx tit all. Qiimlx mid SpacrK /.rfm. (X!) Brevier Gothic Italic No 1. .>')A, .■)0a. $2.6<1 THE NONPAREIL PRINTING PRESS Chases. Cabinets and Imposing Stones Lg. Prim. Gothic Italic No. 1. ajA, 4f>a. $2.90 TREATISE ON MATHEMATICS Amusing and Instructive Lecture Pica Gothic Italic No. 1. •22 A, ;?2a. $:?.oo COMBINATION BORDER. American Printers' Manual 2-LiNE Brev. Goth. Ital. No. l. 18 A. 2.'>a. |S..'>0 TRENTON COURIER Foreign Correspondent Paragon Gothic Italic No. 1. 14 A, iOa. $4.10 MANUFACTURES Government Bonds. Noxpareu. Antiqie No. 2. 24A, liOa. $1.90 GREAT WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY Important Connection with the Western States Brevier Antiqie No. 2. ;WA, .'lOa. $2.7') MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY Annual Meeting of Prominent Agents Lox(; PRIMEP. ANTIylK No. 2. 24 .V, "iO ii. $2.8(1 DIRECT COMMUNICATION Southern Transfer Companies. Pica Antique No. 2. I') A, 24 a. $2.10 USEFUL SPECIMENS Extensive Improvement Great Primer Antique No. 2. s A. 1(5 a. $2..')0 COMBINATION Ornamental Rule 1)BL. Pica Antiqii: No. 2. 8A. ISa. $;i.80 PRINTING Department. Cincinnati Tupe Foundry, SOI Vine Street. I'KA COM). II.VlK-LlNi;. lOA, -Jlil. .fl.-.'d Historical Events of tlie American Revolutionary War. L()N(i I'lilMKlt XOI'.M.VX Co.NI). •_'() A, :!J A. fi.OO SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD Freight and Passenger Trains I'K A XOKMAN CdXI). IJA, 2(IA. f!.-J(l UNITED STATES MINTS Gold and Silver Dollars (iKKAl- TKIMKIt XOK.MAN Co.M). 10 A, 1(1 A. fJ.JO FOREIGN JOURNAL Manchester Tribune l'AI{A(i()N NOKMAX <,'<).\I>. S A, 12 A. |4.()() FRENCH POETS Picture Framer Hm,. I'K'A XOHMAN CoNl). .'>.\..S.V. ^4. 2") MERCHANTS Iron Founder XoNPAitKii, ('Ki/ric Xo. J. X>.\. .tL.'.O GRAND DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS GIVEN BY THE HARMONIC SOCIETY. -Minion Cektic Xo. L'. liOA, i2()a. .fl.T.') ELEGANT STEEL ENGRAVING Southern Commission Merchants HKKVIKI! Ckltic Xo. -J. liOA, -JiA. if-J.lO UNITED STATES COURT Supreme Court Reports l.ONi; I'ltl.MKl! ('KI,TIC X(l. 2. ISA. ISA. .fj.20 INSURANCE AGENCY Rich Mining Region I'lcA CKl/ric Xo. 2. 11 A, 14 a. :)!2.20 grand edition Tremont Courier (iltKAT I'ltniKI! Cki.tk Xo. 2. Id .\. 1(IA. p>.00 TELEGRAPH Foreign Items T\VO-I,lNK I'K A CKI.TIC Xo. 2. SA.SA. ^4.')0 REPORTS Monument Dm.. (;t. I'lU.MKlt XoKMAN CoNh. lA.dA. f").O.I TWO-LiN K KN(i I.ISII (' F.I.TK Xo. 2. ti A. I'> A. f'>.:5() 3 ROUND Exposition Empires XA, 42il. |:!.2.') MORNING chronicle Journal of Current Events (JHKAT I'HIMKK LKillT CKI.TIC. 14 A. 20 a. fl.lO instruction Kminent Artists. HuKViKK LioiiT ('f;i,tic. :!(;A,'i2ii. |:{.")0 TYPE FOUNDRY COMPANY Specimen of Elegant Printing I'ICA I.IOIIT CKI.TIC. 2"lA.:i2!l. p.-W SPECIMEN SHEETS Printer and Publisher. Dm,. Sm. I'K a I. k:iit CKI.TIC. lO.V, 14ii. .$4.4(1 PRODUCTS Indueenrent Finiirc" to nil. Qiiiidf iiiid Simns i:rtm. (:;4) Vincimuiti Type Fouixh-ji, iOl \'iii(' Street. \ ■V fle^H' ^ecc'fc. Hrevikr Pen Tkxt. -JO A, ilOa. fi.fiO of iitot/taa^c, 6catiii.j bate tl'tc^ fit:l^iil^;rc^tiot^ tfietciit iiiiiiitioiicb, cmfe tojcciiii? tfic pciijiiiciit of Hic iiioiicy tlvcic- Ui spcciPiob, bib coni'cij certain te iiciiictvts aitb fauS, of lufiicfi tl'ie fancS I'lcteinaftor. bo.x-tiCcb LoN(i I'RiMEH Pen Text, s a, s A, .">Oii. 1-1.20 ^I'lippcb, in goo^ orbcr a lib coiibi- tioii, 6ii 9ltootuiaiiii, fttroiia & (i^o., oiv tfie Steamer oSciv oFralvfiCtiv, tfie ^aib art'icfe>: §iafit cSoxc.> 9'TCcrcriciiibi.">c, Ciciiic] uicttficb aiib nuiiif'etcb ci^ iiv 4A. -I A, ii.'>a. CiKEAT PlU^rEU PEX TEXT. f>.a» §f€/aa4^^ ^evvla4i.> For pi>i/H't'^tv> Pica Pen Text, (i A, (i A, :!ti a. *4.:'..". ^I'lc p^ca.^tlr^2 of tjoiit com- pel It Hiv^ rc:>peclfuffu ^oficii'eb iiv all'ciibancc {c a (^ra»v^ ^Ittft- lciti| ^i^iilc r ta i n mcni given Inj ■I'fic ^icilioncil' eHoitic C|icar^.'>. En(;m,xii Pen Text. 4A, 4A.i")a. .14.70 S^J^?e, Hie iin-bcr^icjvicb, arc 140IU prcparcb ("o oFfcr, I'or tn^pccl'ioii o[ our ehricub.^, an CA'l'en^i uc a>>or hue nl' oj- :! A, :!A, 20 a. DorBLE Smai.i, Pica Pex Text. !f-').-_'0 ;!A, .'.A, --'Oa. Doriii.E KxiiMsii Pen Text. f><.40 el HM I vane a fli cj c 1 1 cic > a^cfici'nty ^atiovxcit W^anh ST" ;i A, :!A, Ida. Ddiiu.e Pai!A(:on Pen Text. ?!I.O(l !P 44^ tic £i fc^ CI t i C .> ^ '^ f i .> ft 44/1 C| H(inrcH to till crrriif * (Imitls (iiid Siiiins r.iirii. {'■>■'>) wioawi pawu ('iiich)ititti Ti/pc FoiiiKlri/, JiOl ]'iiii' Street. Pica I'tility Schitt. ka,-1.")u. Jf^.l.") Wrdnr.iffrof/, ^Jrcfiii/'ft 27y/t . (fREAT PltlJIEK I'TIMTY SCRIPT. .SA,^(ill. f'>.7') Great Primer ScRiiT No. 2. SA, ^-'m. |').J(i ^ Tz/j/ffa/' '^ //ff.t/firf/' ^'''/ 'f//rft/, C-^/e/ae'm/'cP /A, 4()a. | ~^{//?n'fef/ O/^/a/rj dca^y^re-Jd. // c/ua/zirjC'^/i!. A) OP a. Lo. Prim. Madisonian Scriit. ('>.V.2()a. |2..")0 Pica Madi.sonian Script. CiA. :!((ii. p>M ^leaLcj'^A Lit (f£ I'-c/iAad Iljuiihcl. RiTuulc^Lv jSfmmeA. $Y^S (JT. pRi.M. Madiso.man Script. •").V, Kiii. |:!.U() £0-t m,ie Sfheet. Pica Hancock Script, sa, i')a. ^:i..)() (iT. Primer Hancock S( ript. ,sA, 2.'>a. |.").00 \a;. Primer Italic Hair-Line. s.V. odn. ll.X) (X>es 'riptJve JIjjouT't of South fimerica Pica Italic Hair-Line. .sA, Ida. Il.do (PlaPTi CLTZcL Oi'-TLameThtal JVezvspapei^ Letter^s ^8 Pica ("ALKiRAPHic Script. l2A, (ida. |;!..")0 cAlV,am(l«tc\w\<;:(K A \oIi «i\cl V >Ua'«<\«X S!x,S«Jv (;t. Prim. (,'ALiuRAPiiic Script. sA,-")iia. *4,(M) Brevier La^v Italic. 24A,.s(ia. |:!.I.'i RULES J. YD REGULATIO.KS Mercantile Library Associations Long Primer Law Italic. 20 A. 70 a. |:3.(K) THE MOn.YIJVG TIMES. Latest Telegraphic Reports Pica Law Italic. l.sA,40a. fS.lO FLOUR MERCHA.YTS Southern Grahi Dealers Lfi. Prim. Copperplate Ital. .IOA, (lOa. 12.7.') UXIO.Y RAILBOAD CENTRE Passenger Accommodation Train Pica Copperplate Italic. MA. 42 a. |2.'.)0 JOURNAL OF SCIFXCF. Kiunerouii Steel Engrarings Gt. Prim. Copperplate Ital. 12A,(iOa. f'>.(M) jS'cw Cabinet Furnituie Cases and Stands $25 Dbl sm. Pica Hancock Script. (iA,:!Oa. f-).(K» Dbl. Sm. Pica Cop'pl.vte Ital. loA.dOa. Printers^ JVarehouse Finest Assorfments. riijiiris to nil. (liKiil.t (uid Si)ficr.i rxtrd. (:i(i) ('inchiiiiiti Tjiix: Foiiiitlri/. Jdl \'iiic Stmt. Long PiiiMER Arahesqve. 1">A, itOa. .fl.-'O Cheat Phimer Arabesque. lOA, 2(iii. .fLiiO ?^oi)i^oe £i]H3i^i? ^ebiebD Pica Black No. 1. SA. Ki a. ifl.i'> C)amUton Scminarn anb College Great Primer Black No. 1. nA.JOa. Il.'.io itiusical iEntcrtaiumcut. Dbl. Small Pica Black Xo. 1. 4A, Sa. $l.!t') Citerarn Document *I)i!L. Sm. Vka Black Xo. 4. S A, Ida. ^l.S-') fUmni Bxnmnmiid (^oxntts *Dbl. Pica Italian Te.xt. (iA, isa. |-'.i'0 |..::i?nrkiii ,Sc:i::::iiii:n^}inii ♦English Bl.a.ck Conh. Xo. 2. 1().\, liOa. p.M) llhistrattij llaga^incs anl) |oMrnals *Gt. Prim. Black t'ONn. Xo. 2. S.V, I'Oa. $].7.j i'itnnn; |nbiistri;il €j|ositron *Dbl. Eng. Black Cond. Xo. 2. 4 A, 8 a. $2.10 :al listrkt Pica Black Orna. Xo. 8. 10 A, 20 a. *1.40 *Gt. Prim. Black Orna. Xo. :!. SA. Itia. ll.O'i "Dbl. Hm. Pica "Dbl. En(;. Bl ♦Dbl. Sm. Pica Blk Orna. Xo. .i. C.A, l-')a. ♦2.00 I "Dbl. En(;. Black Orna. Xo. :^. 4A,C>a. |2.10 *Dbl. (;t. Phim. Blk Ohna. Xo. 3. 4 A. (;a. |2..')0 ♦Pica Black CoNi). Xo. :5. loA. 20a. *1.40 Southern S^obarfo ^avchousifisi ♦<;t. Prim. Black Cond. Xo. :?. sA, lOa. ll.C) ♦Dbl. sm. Pica Blk Cond. Xo. :!. c A, l.")a. |2.oo IlistiiiDttisIifd ^\\i\m ♦Dbl. Eng. Black Cond. Xo. :!. 4A,(;a. $2.10 SPtintcvs' Pamial *Dbl. Gt. Pr. Bl.uk Con. Xo. 2. 4.\,«a. |:!.00 HJount iernon Brevier Bold-Face Black. l.SA,.")Oa. $2.7-') Lg. Primer Bold-Face Black. 12.V,:Wa. |2.9) printer©' ;S|immen ^t^ttia Pica Bold-Face Black. 10 .\. 24 a. .'!:2..")0 ptorniu0 Performancea English Bold-Face Black, sa. 20 a. !t!;!.40 Gt. Primer Bold-Face Black, sa. Isa. .1;4.(M) Dbl. Sm. Pica Bold-Face Black. oA, KJa. $4.(HI ^tttmt W^u^t great Primer Missal. (lA. 10a. .fl.-')0 c^mi Wrmtrjiirit 'BuHrHu Dbl. Pica Missal. 4 A. 10 a. |2.2.') Hmrrirjiu f^nirruls Dbl. Es(;lish Missal. 4 A, 12a. fJ.HO ^nSiui* i B Dbl. I'AHAtioN Missal. 4A, sa. !t!4..')0 Canon Missal. I A, 4 a. )|i'>.(K) (^1 ♦Dbl. (;t. Prim. Blk CoNi). Xo.;?. 4A.iia. |;!.(HI j /^^^ f^ ^ ^ ^ latest f tglrs. lipntripal Fiijitrcs ill nil r.,-ri'i>t * HikkU iukI Spacer cvtin. (■>') Cinriiiiiati Ti/pi' Fouiidrii, 201 Vine Street, Bkevikk Orna. No. 7. 20 A. .f 1.50 Long Primer Orna. No. 15. 15 A. |1.50 Two-Line Nonpareil Orxa. No. 4. 10 A. |1.50 'im .11 II III 'III 'iiiii ill lil Ml! m » nil II '.III .iiiuic 11. ■ iiiiiiii .11 II Mil iiiiii Tavo-Line Lg. Primer Orxa. No. (i. 8 A. ?2.00 w '''liiiiiiil ''iiiii'iiiii''!iii"'iii!ii ''''iiiiiiii'iiiii ''''.iiiiiip ''Itfiiiiii '''mi Two-Line Minion Orna. No. ri. lOA. ^1..")0 fYFl TOIDMBMIES Two-Line Sm. Pica Orna. No. 13. (lA. |2.00 &0F1AM; Two-Line Smai.t. Pica ouna. No. (i. c, \. if-2M) Two-Line 15oi'R(iEois Orna. No. 11. 12 A. ^2.(K) Two-Line Pk a Orna. No. 2('>. 4 A. |2.."i() Two-Line NoNPAREii, Orna. No. ;?<». SA. |1..")() Two-L. Lc. Pri.m. (^rna. No. 2;i. liA.dii. if:\M) MONTHLY MAGAZINE Two-Line Pica Ouna. No. :B. (iA. .fJ.iHi Two-Line Minion Orna. No. Hi. lOA. $l..)0 Two-Line English Orna. No. 1(1. 4 A. !f2.")0 Two-Line Nonp.vreil Orna. No. 2"). lu A. ij;i..')() WRESTS Of A.lERiCA Two-Line Hour(;eois Orna. No. 10. lOA. !t!2.(H) •ma © Mmmn Two-Line Pica Orna. No. 17. H A. ^ 1.115 ill IMm Two-Line Nonp. Orna. No. 2(1. 10 A. ifi..")(i SEEDS All® Fi©WEKS Two-Line L*;. Primer Orna. No. 21. sA. |2.(K)' Two-Line Ot. Piumei: orna. No. 1. i \. |:'..0() Two-Line English Orna. No. 2ii. 4 A, Oa. fl.iH) TRI TTR MT^ WWW Natoral History of Birds West em x iaiB I Csi a "V H Tr« ihl Tp Two-Line Lg. Prim. Gothic Orna. 12 A. ^J.-Vi FIRE INSURANCE PorRCJEoi.'i Orna. \o. :!. 20A. ^l..')0 rR15l@iNTl^L StLiCTIOKS Two-Line Nonp. Orna. No. Ki. loA. if\.M) Amim EMPEOlTIOfi Two-Line Small Pica Orna. No. 11. SA. |2.(K) TWO-I.INH S.MALI. I'ICA OUNA. Nil. '.t. C .\. .fJ.IK) Two-Line Pica Ouna. No. li;. OA. .1;2.of) IT iii Two-Line English Orna. No. is. 4.\. |2..">0 Mrf% ,/ir%\ '^,ir% =^^^ ^^ ^|f% n $mmMM QukIk A. f2.r)0 Two-Link Pica OuNA. No. 21. 4 A. |2.tK) Two-Line ENCii.isii Okna. No. 14. 4 A. $2.00 Two-Line Pica Ouna. No. .".0. (iA. $2..")0 imY Two-Line (ir. Pki.mkk Okna. No. IS. 4 A. $:!.00 Kont-LiXE Pica Okna. No. 1. 1 A. $:!.•">() f^^K J^^K 'Wl^^k il \}i h (iiiKit.s kikI Sitiir/f c.iirii. Long PiiiMER Runic. 30 A. $1..'>0 PUBLIC LIBRARY BUILDINGS. Pica Runic. ISA. $1.20 LITERARY COMPOSITOR Gl'.KAT ]»KIMKl: liUNIC. ISA. .$2.00 NONPAREIL PRESS Two-Line Long T'rimek Runic. 12 A. $2.00 FRENCH POETS Two-Line Pica Runic. 12 .V. $2.»> INSTRUCTOR Dm.. Paragon Runic. 4A, Oa. $1.00 American Nonpareil Shanghai. 40A. $2..j0 DEVOTED TO COMMERCE AND ACRICUITURE Two-Line Nonpareil Orna. No. 15. 20 A. $2.05 AMERICAN IMPORTATIONS Two-Line Bourgeois Orna. No. 4. 15 A. $2.25 ENCH/lNTmG SCENEny Two-Line Pica Orna. No. 2i). 12 A. $8.t)0 MOUNT HOPE Two-Line Gt. Pkim. OKNA. No. 1!). OA. $3.70 MOmtOR KoiK-LiNK Pica Oksa. No. 21. 4 A $3.25 Double Pica Fahnestock. SA. $3.00 PIONEERS Dbl. (iT. Piti.MEK Fahnestock. OA. $4. .50 MINER Four-Line Pica Fahnestock. 4 A. $(')..50 HOM (39) Cincinnati Tijite. Foundry, 'Ml Vine Street. Nonpareil Latin Antique. •24A, .'jOa. $2.95 ELEGANT PAINTINGS Expedition of Henry Stanley 1 23 Pica Latin Antique. 15 A, 30 a. |2.95 NEW BANK Brevier Latin Antiqt:e. 'J4A, r)Oa. !f_>.o.') OUR ALDERMAN At the Narragansett Park 480 Superintendent 476 12 A, 18 a. Great Primer Latin Antique Lg. Primer Latin Antique. IMA, :»a. )|!2.'.r> GOLD MARKET The Dramatic News 278 ?:5.S0 Union FOREIGN Line 23 Pica Olu Style Cond. No. 2. 16 A, 32 a. *2.40 MOUNTAINOUS REGION Enchanting Scenes in Virginia. Cumberland 245 The Mineral Resources Gt. Primer Old Style Cond. No. 2. 10 A, 20 a. 13.2.-) GOVERNMENTS United States Treasurer Bondholders 75 r> A, 12 a. 13.70 Dbl. Pica Old Style Condensed No. 2. FOREIGN COMMERCE Commission and Produce Merchants Extensive Plantations 4 A, 8 a. Dbl. Gt. Primer Old Style Condenskd Xo. 2. |4..">() FINE SPECIMENS Plain and Ornamental. 86 Modern Design 3 A, 6 a. Dbl. Paragon Old Style Condensed No. 2. 14.10 COMBINATION Useful Condensed Series Printers' Journal Figures to all. Qnads and SjKires crtrn. (40) Cincinnali Ti/pe Foundry, 201 Vine street. Pica Extra Condensed No. S. Iti A, 32 a. $3.0: OUTLINES AND SKELETONS Gt. Prim. Ionic Co.MrREssED. 18 A, .31! a. $5.40 SAFE INVESTMEIfT LoDgshanks Spindlcfellow, Editor and Publisliep ^ PraTlfl TIPTnnTi^itT'PitinTi 1 Engu.sh Extra Cond. No. 3. 12 A, 24 a. $3.25 SOCIETY OF EXCLl'SIVES Autumnal Reception at Delacreuie Mansion Gt. Prim. Extra Cond. N(». 3. 12 .\, 24 a. $3.S.') [iOLI Warrant and Cerfcte of IndeMcdness Paragon Extra Cond; No. 3. 10 A, 20 a. $4.35 EVENING MEMGS Immoral and Profane Association Del. PifA Extra Cond. No. 3. ,h a, Itl a. $4. HO MONOTONOCSiy Brilliaiit Leanied Professor Del. Gt. Pki.m. p:x. Cond. No. 3. i'i.\, 12a. $(>.;« fi ill laiieii am Del. Paragon Ex. Cond. No. 3. 5 A, 10 a. $;5.70 LEiTHEii FouR-L. Pica Ex. Cond. No. 3. 4 A, H a. $ti.'K) ) ununi 1 I l)i!i.. .Small Pica Ionic ('ompressed. 12 A, 24 a. $4.50 HARD METALS Central American. 6 Del. Eng. Ionic Compressed. 8 A, 1(3 a. $5.20 IIPOETAIT Electoral College. Del. fiT. Pr. Ionic Compressed. HA, 12a. $5.45 RED STAR Premiums 8 Four-Line Pica Ionic Compressed. M A, 12 a. $11.00 BATHS Premier 4 Five-Line Pica Ionic (Compressed. C A, 8 a. $11.25 HALL Eomer 1 4-Line Pica Anti. Cond. No. 2. 5 A. s a. $().r)(i MODNDS Qnaik nnd Sporc)' r.rfni. (-11) Fifiurfit to (ill. LONG Primer Light-Face. 24 A, 50 a. $3.60 Tlie Morning Telegram. 78 Pica Light-Face. 18 A, 50 a. $3.80 E'ew York Lotiis Club 76 Great Primer Light-Face. 18 A, 36 a. $5.25 Good Old Time. 7 Dbl. Sm. Pica Light-Face. 18 A, 36 a. $6.20 River Bank. 47 Del. English Light-Face. 12 A, 24 a. $6.30 Our Nation 5 Del. Gt. Primer Light-Face. 8 A, 16 a. $7.20 Tlie Union Two-Line Diamond No. 8. 24 A. $1.80 RURAL EXPEDITIONS. 24 Two-Line Pearl No. 8. 24 A. $2.25 AMERICAN GARDEN 8 Two-Line Nonpareil No. 8. 24 A. $3.10- THE NATIONAL. 1 Two-Line Minion No. 8. 24 A. $2.95 LANDMARK 84 Two-Line Brevier No. 8. 18 A. $3.15 NEW YORK. 7 Two-Line Bourgeois No. 8. 18 A. $3.45 OUR MINE 4 Two-Line Long Primer No. 8. 12 A. $3.25 RANSOM 75 Two-Line Small Pica No. 8. 12 A. $3.25 AFGHAN. 5 Two-Line Pica No. 8. 12 A. $4.60 POSTEE 9 Brevier Old Style No. 13. 12 A, 6 a, 120 a. $4,r>0 WESTERN JOB PRINTING HOUSE Printing and Binding Establishment 5 Lg. Prim. Old Style No. 13. 15 A, 6 a, 60 a. $3.70 MONROE MORNING TIMES Handsome Combination Borders. Pica Old Style No. 13. 18A, 5 a, TOa. $.5.95 Cincinnati Type Foundry 21 Gt. Prim. Old Style No. 2. is A, 12 a, 50 a. $7.20 Our Newest Styles 5 Del. S.mall Pica Old Style No. 2. 18 A, 12 A, 24 a. $7.70 Astley Belt. 78 Del. Great Primer Old Sty^le No. 2. 8 A, 6 A, 16 a. $9.75 Best Type. FouR-L. Pica Old Style No. 2. 6 A, 8 a. $9.25 Banks 9 Gt. Primer Old Style. 18 A, 12 a, Ma. $7.00 New Fashionable Suits Del. Sm. Pica Old Style. 12A, 8 a, 24 a. $6..30 The National Bank Del. Pica Old Style. 8A, 6 a, 16 a. $6.00 Exquisite Art. 4 Del. Engllsh Old Style. 8A, 6 a, 16 a. $6.80 Hudson City. Dbl. Gt. Prim. Old Style. 8 A, 6 a, 16 a. $11.15 Jack Frost Del. Paragon Old Style. 6 A, 10 a. $8.2.5 Arabian 8 Four-Line Pica Old Style. 6 A, 8 a. $9.75 Honor 2 Qunds arid Spaces extra. (42) Figures to all. Two-Line Pearl Old Style Condensed No. 3. | Two-Line Pearl Old Style Cond. 36 A. $2.30 DEWY MORN AND WE "" j NEW TRANSPORTATION. 48 SUDDENLY COLLAPSED IN 79 ! two-l.n. nonp. o,,i, stv,.e (-...vo^ »a^ cto MUSICAL PARTIES. 180 Two-Line Brev. Old Style Cond. 24 A. |2.65 NEW YORK LIFE Two-L. Lg. Prim. Old Style Cond. 18 A. $2.70 Two-Line Nonpareil Old Style Cond. No. 3. 18 A. $L80 PESTIFEROUS. POLICY 3 Two-Line Brevier Old Style Cond. No. 3. 16 A. $2.00 STREET MANNERED 2 Two-Line Small Pica Old Style Cond. No. 3. 10 A. 12.70 ORIGINALITY. 8 ^ _-,^ -»-r-w-/->»-w--w--w--»-r>'->. TwO-LlNE PICA OLD STYLE COND. 12 A. $2.95 FURNISHING? XHE UNION 6 Two-Line English Old Style Cond. No. 3. 8 A. $3.60 HUMPING 8 Two-Line Columbian Old Style Cond. No. .3. 6 A. $3.60 FISHING 5 Nonpareil Old Style Half Title. 32 A. $1.65 UNSKILLED IN SPEECH. MATURE 2 Brevier Old Style Half Title. 24 A. $1.95 WING CHORISTERS CHIRP 3 Two-Line Pearl Old Style Half Title. 18 A. $1.75 COIN OF OUR REALM 4 Two-Line Nonpareil Old Style Half Title. 16 A. $1.80 LATE DISCOVERED 5 Two-Line Minion Old Style Half Title. 12 A. $1.90 SECRET BANKS 6 Two-Line Bourgeois Old Style Half Title. 10 A. $^.45 HISTORICAL? Two-Line Sm. Pica Old Style Half Title. 8 A. $3.20 DEVISED 8 Two-Line English Old Style Half Title. 6 A. $3.85 Nonpareil Old stylk Title. ■M) A. a2 a. Price, $3.75. COlTRTSHir RKCUI^ATIOKS Only Silent and Hurried Kissins Minion Old Stylk Titlk. 25 a, 42 a. Price, J3.b.'). UXIVEieSAI^ lHARXYRDOm Fasliion's Slavisli Follo^jvers Bkevier Old Style Title. 25 a, 42 a. Price, $3.90. DUSTY XRAim^JG SKIRX Inexpensive City Sweepers Bourgeois Old Style Title. 25 A, 42 a. Prico. $:i.!IO. MOONI^IGHT COURTING Hvening: Fortune-Hunting; Long Primer Old Style Title. 25 A, 42a. Price. $4.35. ACTING TEI.EPHONES Eons^-Distance Speakers Pica Old Style Title. 22 A, 32 a. Price, $4.95. HUMAN mo]sk:eys Burlesque Mimicing^ Two-Line Xonp. Old Style Ant. 24 A. $2.8-5 BANKING HOUSE Two-Line Breyier Old Style Ant. 20 A. $:).75 JACK FROST Two-Line Lg. Prim. Old Style Ant. 18 A. $4.r)0 BROKERS Two-Line Pica Old Style Ant. 12 A. $4.65 CENTS 9 USEFUL Qitodii and Sjxices extra. (4:^) Figures to all. (JREAT Pkimkk Latin. 15 A, io a. $4.00 12 COMPOSITOR 38 Steam Job Printers Dbl. S.m. Pica Latin. 10 A, 1.') a. $3.00 Gt. Primek Celtic CoNi). lo A, l.') a. $2.10 LITERATURE 12 Educational Institute Dbl. Pica Celtic roNi). A, 10 a. $5.80 ASIA 3 Historical Dbl. (,Jt. PR. Bold-Face Celtic. 4.\, 6 a. $5.75 Pica Latin Condensed. 30 A, 50 a. $3.00 PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES 329 New York Central Rail Road Company 80 GT. Primer Latin Cond. 24 A, 36 a. $4.05 DEVOTED TO PLEASURE 789 Printing Material of all Makers 7 Two-Line Pica Latin Cond. 18 A, 24 a. $4.50 MUCH ADMIRED 126 Commissioner of Deeds. Two-L. (Jt. Prim. Latin Cond. 10 A, 14 a. $5.00 AT HALIFAX 5 Weekly Times. 6 Four-Line Pica Latin Cond. (i A, 10 a. $6.30 THEATRES 4 RULES Corners Jol) Tvpes, 8 Quuls iriiil Spacer r.rtrtt. ,f4-l) Fiijiirra to (ill. I,ON(; I'RIMKI! CONDEXSKI) CLARENDON. 25A, 15 a, 40 a. ?2.9o RURAL EXPEDITIONS The Printer's Moonlight Excursion Truth Correspondent. 489 I'ICA r0M>. CI.AHENDON. 1"> A, 10 A. •_'.') a. .f2.70 HARVEST HOME Winter Evening at Hungary (ilSKAT I'lUMKK COND. f'LAKENDON. l-'A, .S A, 2-lu. $.').00 DAILY PAPER Advertising Reporter DBL. SM. I'KA ('()NI>. (LAUENK. ,s A, Ilia. $;160 REDUCTION Prices of Shoes 159 Dbl. Enhlish Cond. Cr.AiiENi). sA. l.">a. $4.(10 BRANCH Block Toys 738 DBL. GT. I'KIM. CoND. Cl.AKENIt. S A, 1-') a. JfC.K'l OREGON Breakers 12 DBL. I'AKACON CoNI). (LAKENl). S A. iL'a. |K.10 BANK Orapes 25 Font-I.INE I'rcA ('()M>. Cl.AEtENI). (I A. 10a. !f9..s,j DAM BIRD Cases 14 Modest Lr;. Primer Modern Antique. lMA, Wa. $:5.r)0 PRINTING MATERIALS Spring" and Autumn Importation Pica Modern Antiuie. jo A, 40 a. $3.75 MODERN ANTIQUE Our Latest Improvements Gt. Primer ^foDERN .V.vrKnE. 10 A, •24 a. $4.00 GRAND DESIGN Musical Combinations Dbe. Sm. I'll A Modern Anti. VJA, 20 a. $4.50 NEW YORK Banking Houses I)BI,. KN(iLisn Modern Anti. 10 A, Ida. $5.50 SOCIETY My Diplomas Dbl. Gt. Prim. Modern Anti. S a, 12 a. $7.00 GRAND Silver Coin Dbl. Para(;on Modern Anti. (iA, 10a. $8.00 HOME Printers Foir-LinePka Modern Anti. 5 A, 8 a. $<).(X) (iiiiidK mill Sjiiin.t i.iii (45) l-Vj/iirif! til nil. NONP. Antique Extend. No. 4. 18 A, 36 a. $3.50 Brevier Ant. Extend. No. 4. 16 A, 32 a. $3.75 Lg. Prim. Ant. Extend. No. 4. 10 A, 20 a. $3..")0 SOLIID rtOOKS Bills 'JPsLysL\ole Pica Ant. Extend. No. 4. 10 A, 20 a. $4.55 FP?.-A.3SrK:]ljIIT Long Primer Fashion. 18 A, 24 a. $4.25 Fashionable Society. 27 Pica Fashion. 12 A, 16 a. $4.50 Reduced Prices. 79 Great Primer Fashion. 8 A. 12 a. $5.00 Grand Ariny T Del. Small Pica Fashion. 6 A, 10 a. $6.00 Union Line Brevier Egyptian Extend. 20 A, .30 a. $2.40 DEPAKTXylElTTS 6S JL'blsLaa'fcio Zxis-ursLzice Coxxipem.^ Lg. Prim. Egyptian Extend. 20 A, 30 a. $3..35 ITE-W TITI^E 13 Two-L. Brev. Ant. Ext. No. 4. 8 A, 16 a. $5.50 <-,;{ I )"| r^l — T^T i"P1 SteaxM. r»rinting IIo-u.se IR"CLrm.ing Del. Sm. Pica Ant.. Ext. No. 4. 6 A, 12 a. $5.60 OxxlDlin. Del. English Ant. Ext. No. 4. 4 A, 8 a. $7.05 DSZCort Del. Paragon Ant. Ext. No. 4. 3 A, 6 a. $10.60 Pica Egyptian Extend. 20 A, 30 a. $4.00 COZ.TJMBT7S 12 American Steamers Gt. Prim. Egyitian Extend. 12 A, 20 a. $4.65 COOPER 18 Second Edition Del. Pica Egyptian Extend. 8 A, 12 a. $4.90 GRAZ2T 9 Expositions I)BL. GT. Prim. E(;ypt. Extend. 5 A, 8 a. $6.10 Four-Line Pica Ionic. 4 A, 6 a. $8.8.5 REN Dime 7 Dunkirk FouR-L. Pica Egypt. Extend. 4 A, 6 a. $9.90 IRON I , Quads and Spaces extra. (46) Figures to all. Nonpareil Inclined Antique. 30 A, 50 a. |2.90 Lg. Primer Goth. Cond. No. 0. 30 A, 50 a. $2.70 ORNAMENTAL FLORAL DECORATIONS 598 This Very Useful Series we Recommend. 29 AMERICAN MOUNTAINS 123 New Summer and Autumn Guide Boo Brevier Inclined Antique. 30 A, 50 a. $3.30 HISTORIC LEGENDS 76 Simms' Revolutionary Romances Lg. Primer Inclined .Antique. 25 .V, 40 a. $3.45 ENGLISH BOOKS 19 Pica Goth. Cond. No. 0. 24 A, 36 a. $2.95 FOREIGN m DOMESTIC FRUITS 13 Engraving and Electrotyping done 97 Gt. Prim. Goth. Cond. No. G. 18 A, 24 a. $3.15 Library Edition of Byron CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC 14 The Latest Moiiern Faces. 79 Pica Inclined Antique. 20 A, ,30 a. $3.70 CATALOGUE 15 American Publication Pica Telephone Gothic. 18 A. $1.65 STATE GOVERNMENT 5 Gt. Primer Telephone Gothic. 12 A. $2.10 Del. Pica Goth. Con. No. 6. 12A,20a. $4.05 SeGond National Bank. Gt. Primer Manhattan. 10 A, 15 a. $2.75 IKTEENATIONAL 12 FOR AUDE^RMAN 1 Forsign and Kative Proiiuction Two-IiNE Pica Telephone Gothic. 8 A. $2.05 Del. Pica Manhattan. 8 A, 12 a. $3.85 TEUEGRAM T ™^^^^ COMPANIES New York State Guard Del. Pica Legend. 1(1 A. $3.00 THE - UTEST » SPECIMEN Del. Gt. Primer Legend. 10 A. $3..)0 \ STEAM PRINTER / Del. Paragon Legend. (> A. $4.25 Del. Gt. Primer Manhattan. 6 X, 10 a. $5.15 American TRADE Pica Epitaph. 14 A. $2.25 PATENT MEDICINES 13 Gt. Primer Epitaph. 10 A. $2.50 (D FOUNDRIES ^ ^coNciNENT>c^ Del. Pica Epitaph. 7 A. $3.25 MECHRNiC. Del. Gt. Primer Epitaph. 5 A. $4.25 THRONE Pbl. Pic.\ Diu,. Scored (JoTHic. 10 A, 20 a. .$4.00 E lEGtNT $ UHHER J iMES Del. (\t. Prim. Pel. Scored Goth. 6 A, 12 a. $4..50 M oney /| dyanced Canon Epitaph. 3 A. .$6.00 Scored 4 A, 8 a. $5.25 I I ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^ HMi&soN HOME (iuacU and Spcwrs rxtm. (47) Figures to all. NONPAKKII. AKJIKNI.VN EXTKXl). 2-3 A. $1.80 BREYIKK AlOlEXIAN KXTKNl). JO A , 20 A . $J.40 5-4 ^v£OiTTI3: 7S LG. PRIiM. AKMENIAN KXTENI). ir)A,]">A. 12.70 Pica AioiKNiAN I^xtknd. 12 A, 12 a. $.?.lo Gt. Prim. Ai!Mi;man Kxtend. IOA.IOa. .t^.iM) Pica Monastic (■o.nI). IK .\, 1« h. $3.75 THE JOB COMPOSITOR'S DELIGHT 392 Grand PFesideniial Demoi(str/tion. 1 Gt. Primer Monastic ('oni>. 1-1 A, U a. ifo.'.H) P YORK ME[|CHAHTS 194 TheCommereial/DVEpER] Two-L. Pica Monastic Coxd. 10 A. 10 a. |4.4.'> 1 Combination Borders. B Two-L. Gt. Puni. Monastic ("OND. 7 A, 7 a. |.5.0.') FIfiE SpDy\RD 6 Cineinnali Hotel 1 T\vo-L. Paragon Monastic Cond. (iA.flA. *-').ir) m -I D H ji| 1 i'Jij < 1 m MienaiQ iype. I'IC.V CoND. .VrilHNIAN- 10 A, 10 A, 20 a. -l;:!.')!! THE MOTHER COUNTRY Its Scenery and Associations 12 Chromosraph 86 Gt. Prim. Cond. .\tiienian. sA, S a, l.')a. ifi.M) MODERN SCIENCE Progress and Poverty 13 Commerce B6 DHL. Pica Cond. .\i iiknian. O.V.Oa, Uhi. .f")..s:> HUGUENOTS History of Rome 16 Decline 89 Dbi-. (iT. Pii. CoNi). Athenian. 4 A, 4 a, sa. $7.00 PUBLISHER Explo rations 5 Books 8 Pic.v Fashion ('oNi)ENsEii. ISA. 24 a. ■'f:i.">ii MUSICAL FRIENDS Beautiful and Reliable Type Gt. I'uimek Fashion Conh. 12.\. ISa. |4.(K» FAHCY CARDS European Impcrtation I)Ki.. Pi( A Fashion Cond. (;a. loa. •1!').(ki FASHIONS Hational Banker Dm,. (iT. Pkim. Fashion Conk. •')A. sa. |.').'>(,V<\»,>.», tVA'*., WO. Brevier Geometric. $3.50 MARCH DF IMPRDVEMENT The West Taking Its Fnsltinn 2S LoNt; Primer Geometric. $3.50 'TIS PITY TIS, 'TIS TRUE The Latest SpEcimens 12 3 Pica Geometric. pt.OO STUDY G-EDMETRY And Work nn a Farm B Nonpareil Athenian. 2.3 A, ."0 a. 13.00 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 79 Italian Sculptors, Painters and Architects r)iu:viEK Athenian. 2-3 A, 30 a. $3.80 ANCIENT RECORDS 35 Recent Explorations in, Jerusalem Long Primer Athenian. 20 A, 2.') a. $3.90 REGULATIONS 46 Marine and Fire Insurance Pica Athenian. l.')A,20a. $4.10 MOUNTAINS 18 Midsummsr Ramblings Nonpareil Eastlake. 30 A. $1.90 -^DESIRES *OF"HMBITIOUS« YOUTHS ^784^- Brevier Kastlake. 22 A. $2.00 ^29501 RAREtTROPICAL? PLANTS^ LoN(i Primer Kastlake. 22 A. $2.20 -^63^ RAILROAD ^ MONARCHS^ Pica Eastlakf:. lOA. $2.20 -4MINSTRELIJ0KESI85^ ' ' Great I'rimer Eastlake. 10 A. $2.-30 -!31«GR]1IN=-B11GS^- . . -. ' . ; DoijBLE Pica Eastlake. 7 A. $2.80 ''DbL. Great Phimhr P^astlake. 5 A. $3.80 ^\/^ -^j\^ Nonpareil Grotesque Gothic. 30 A. $1.75 STROJM® TEJVlPTy\TIOJMS BESET THE UJMWy\f\Y RISHT AND LEFT AT EVERY STEP Brevier Grotesque Gothic. 25 A, 25 a. $2.90 HOy\RSE TOJ^JED WINDS HOWL AF^OUJMD By\TTERED TeNEJvIENT OF POVERTY Lg. Prim. Grotesque Gothic. 20 A. 20 a. $2.(>5 LOJNCB y\FTEf^THEJV!ORJN OF LIFE Is Spent y\j\iD Age ©FLEERS OjN Pica Grotesque Gothic. 15 A, 15 a. $2.80 y\PART FF^OM Af^D y\BOVE HOVEF^INCB IJ^ I^/ID HEyWEJN English Grotesque Gothic. 15 A, 15 a. $3.90 60NTy\CT WITH JNJATUF^E y\PPLE PIE CONDITION Gt. Prim. Grotesque Gothic. 12 A, 12 a. $4.15 EN6y\GED l|^ T^ADE With y\LL |\Iatio]NS Del. Sm. Pica Grotesque Goth. 10 A, 10 a. $4.40 THF^ieE y\RIVlED For ^ed Wa^ Pica NORMANESQUE No. 2. 15 A. $1.25 HIGH*LIFB»II2sTHEtDA!^K Gt- Primer Normanesque No. 2. 12 A. $1.50 POEMS*OF#EU]^OPB Dbl. Sm. Pica Normanesque No. 2. 10 A. $1.80 HIGHlAND^DRY Del. Pica Normanesque No. 2. 8 A. $2.00 ORsTHEsSUN Del. Gt. Prim. Normanesque No. 2. GA. $2.75 v_y ^ Qiuids and Spaces extra. (i9j Figures to all. Gt. Primer Celtic Initials. 10 A. f2.75 Dbl. Gt. Primer Celtic Initials. 6 A. $4.50 $#)! MM Dbl. Sm. Pica Celtic Initials. 8 A. $3.50 Long Primer Minstek. 12 A, 32 a. Price, $3.25. apolitical (Candidate Mc\k6 Gc5Aiper6 Pica Minster. 10 A, 27 ». Pripo. $3.70. gancy gthiopian ghcek golidh Great Primer Minster. 8 A, 20 a. Price, $1.60. rjeputationd Bencercd Two-Line Pica Minster. 6A,Ua. Price, $5.75. ^&M¥ ■tg%e<9toa^6 o>i"L-(jjJ'553 4 LoNu Pkimku Campanile. 16 A, U a. Pilue, $2.25. -^MONTHLY GOLLEGTION OF DAINTIES^ Applicantst Enlightened + on + Questions + oft Law Pica Campanile. U A, 20 a. Price, $2.50. ■^-GRAGKSMAN & LIGHTFINGER-^ -^Transactions x Strictly x Gonfidentialf^ Obkat Primer Campanile. lOA.Ua. Price, $2.!M. ••^OMNIBUS INDIGATOR^ GoachesxtlirougljxtoxEintown Two-liiNE Pica Campanile. T A, 10 a. Price, $S.65. •^ROASTxBEEF-^ •^!;Healtl}y-jand-5-Good»- Two-Line Great Primer Campanile. 4 A, 6 a. Price, $4.56. M * Brevier Glyptic. 22 A. Price, 82.10. Long Primer Glyptic. 2UA. Price. $2.10. Pica Glyptic. in A. Price, $2.55. Great Primer Glyptic. UA. Price, $2.95. Two-Line Pica Glyptic. 10 a. Price, $3.70. Long Pki.mkk Tknijhh,. 12A,S2a. Price, $3.15. ^atentefl l)Esign in ^eacli Dumpling Pica Tendril. 10 A, 27 a. Price, $3.75. OiricumYalktcry 5^an5Ei{ings Great Primeu Tendril. 8A, 20n. Price. $4.60. 5ugilistical Jfomicifle Two-Line Pica Tendril. 6 A. 14 a. Price, $5.60. goii ^^iiiEnolagy Dbl. S.v. Pica Armorial. 10 A. $2.50 ^OBi;^^I]QO]^I^Ix. Del. English Armorial. 7 A. $3.00 Dbl. Paragon Armorial. 5 A. $4.00 DISPMY Qimds and Spaces extra. im FifivreH to all. Pica Old Style Shaded. 18 A, 24 a. $6.60 Gt. Prim. Old Style Shaded. 15 A, 18 a. |7.25 ©real Imeterjoi % Dbl. Sm. Pica Old Style Shaded. 12 A, 16 a. 17.50 Two-Line English Old Style Shaded. 10 A, 12 a. ?8.50 ifflder Pica Roman Shaded. 12 A, 12 a. $4.10 Gt. Primer Roman Shaded. 10 A, 10 a. $5.25 SSBISS IS Dbl. Sm. Pica Roman Shaded. 6 A, 6 a. $.5.15 IjAIT! Pica Circlet. 10 A. $2.75 Great Primer Circlet. 8 A. $3.25 Del. Small Pica Circlet. 6 A. $3.50 Pica Old Shade Extend. 6 A, 8 a. $5.50 Paragon Old Shade Extend. 5 A, 6 a. $7.50 Lg. Prim. Egyptian Shaded. 20 A, 25 a. $4.50 Pica Egyptian Shaded. 15 A, 20 a. $5.00 Gt. Prim. Egyptian Shaded. 10 A, 15 a. $6.00 Two-L. Brev. Parallel Shaded. 5 A. $2.25 Two-L. BouRG. Parallel Shaded. 5 A. $2..55 Two-L. Sm. Pica Parallel Shaded. 4 A. $2.75 Two-L. English Parallel Shaded. 3 A. $3.05 Two-L. Gt. Prim. Parallel Shaded. 4 A. $6.10 Del. Sm. Pica Egypt. Shaded. 6 A, 10 a. $5.40 Gt. Primer Doric Shaded. 8 A, 12 a. $5.00 Del. Pica Doric Shaded. 6 A, 10 a. $6.50 Del. Gt. Primer Doric Shaded. 5 A, 8 a. $9.00 Qwads and Spaces extra. (51) Figures to all. Gt. Primer Condensed Shade. 12A, liia. |8.25 Dbl. Sm. Pica Condensed Shade. 8 A, 12 a. $.3.2.5 IIBTOI! Dbl. Engdish Condensed Shade, fi A, 10 a. |4.00 ktel Ii Gt. Prim. Rimmed Ex. Cond. 12 A, 18 a. fo.OO Isi ffliil iill«®i. 11 Two-L. Pica Rimmed Ex. Cond. 8 A, 12 a. $6.00 2-L. Gt. Pr. Rimmed Ex. Cond. 6 A, 8 a. $6..'>0 fl skg^ V. m Long Primer American. 22 A, 32 a. |3.00 mmim km mumim ImemeaHe W&itewssb Uf Cumntittees Pica American. 20 A, 24 a. |3.15 lIMfiF i f IBMPICI Great Primek American. 14 A, 18 a. $3.65 Plrtme f 181©, WaMni Line Pica American. 10 A, 14 WEOIIMI Two-Line Pica American. 10 A, 14 a. $4.90 l.oSG Pbimeb Fkknch Clarknuok Shadkd. 30 A, « a. Price, $3.75. gUMMlE EISOEIS f QE F14CS-SE1S1ES Pica French Clarendon Shaded. ■ioA,32il Price. $4.80. lOBllI Ap4fIC EXPLOITS fia f hsiMii a Tiif ladisgensablg KXGLISH FUENCH CLAREXDON SHADED. 22 A, 32 a. Price, 8.j.-i5. FIAGIFUL AID IGIQRAill Memofies of loblt Womaniiooi Great Primer French Clarendon Shaded. 18 A 27 a. I'riw, $o.7J. POLITICO JQCEIYMII m m the Fublie lasks Two-Line Sm. Pica French Clarendo.n Shade.o. 14 A, 20 a. Price, $.'i.X0. SliSIOl lOMMCi Two-Line English French Clarendon Shaded. 10 A, 14 a. Price, $7.00. nil iiMii SliMiliik liiti Two-Line Gt. Primer Fr. Clarendon Shaded. 7A,10». Price, $7.90. Double Paragon French Clarendon Shaded. 7 A. 10 a. Price, $9.25. fOlTlBlD Four-Line Pica French Clarendon Shaded. 5 A, 7 a. Price. flO.fiO. Two-Line Gt. Prim. American. 6 A, 8a. $5.60 IWO-LINE UT. I-RIM. AMERICAN, h A, 8 a. ?0.60 ■i^H ■' Quads and Spaces extra. (52) Figures to all. Pica Gravers Shade. 12 A. $3.50 THE! NATION. 8 Two-L. XoNP. Ray Shade No. 2. 15 A. $4.10 Gt. Primer Gravers Shade. 10 A. |5.00 Two-L. Bourg. Ray Shade No. 2. 12 A. |5.()5 Two-Line Pica Gravers Shade. 8 A. $6.00 Two-Line Pica Ray Shade No. 2. 10 A. $9.15 Two-L. GT. Prim. Gravers Shade. 6 A. $8.00 Two-L. Gt. Prim. Ray Shade No. 2. 7 A. $14.25 ^ J Long Primer Copperplate. 18 A. Price. $2.aO. Pica Copperplatk. IK A. Price. $.i.'.iU. Great Primer Coppekpi.ate. 12 A. Price, J:i.»0. Two-LixE Pica Copperplate. 8 A. Price, $4.90. Gt. Prim. Franklin Ray Shade. 7 A, 10 a. $6.00 DHL. Pica Franklin Ray Shade. 6 A, 8 a. $7.50 Del. Para. Frank. Ray Shade. 4 A, 6 a. $10.00 ll3iflt\lfititl(^^ JlEll tiF|Jlilil.ilS(tk Pica Radiant, No. 2. 18 A. Price. fi.lO. Great Primer Radiant, No. 2. HA. Price. $S.oO. Two Line Pica Radiant, No. 2. 10 A. Price. J«. 10. ;3.T Li: I Two-Line Great Phimer Radiant, No. -2. 5 A. Price, $4.:iO. Pica Aquatint. 14 A, 20 a. Price, $a.70. lt©al®ill§i for tlu' MUlUli Great Primer Aquatint. IQA, 14 a. Price, $4.25. lillgR CQ 41111 Two-Line Pica Aquatint. 7 A, 10 a. Price, $5.55. Boiible Secuvi Two-Line Great Primer Aquatint. 5 A, 7 a. Price, $7.20. ffKffilllM Pica" Radiant. 18 A. Piice, $3.10. lillli Great Primer Radiant. 14 A. Price. $3.80. Two-Line Pica Radiant. 10 A. Price. $4. .50. Two-Line Great Primer Radiant. 5 A. Price. $,).15. ^=1R^ QiM(]i< and Spaces extra. (5S) Figures to all. Long Primer Slanting Shaded. 25 A, 36 a. Price, 13.60. STEMPLS mdSMS, MSABMM'B MSSS Pica Slanting Shaded. ■n a, 32 a. Price, 14.35. English Slanting Shaded. 18 A, 32 a. Price, $4.60. Great Primer Slanting Shaded. 16 A, 24 a. Price, {5.65. m. mnwBj rmmBf immm Two-LixE Small Pica Slanting Shaded. 12 A 30 a Price S5 90 AwwmwmMSMf MmMig^i Gb§§m G§. Two-Line English Slanting Shaded. 8 a. 14 a. Price, 16.60. TWSf MOFE Brevier Lithographic Slope. 22 A, 32 a. Price, $4,10. MQNiBYINj THE ^AVINQB BANiE AaQmsl Imprest TwqIyq Per QemU Long Primer Lithographic Slope. 18 a, 27 a. Price, $4.10. FATPQQEET GOl^WBAOm Pica Lithographic Slope. 14 A, 20 a. Price, $4.20. Timmmr gq&bm&w^ English Lithographic Slope 14 A, 20 a. Price, $4.80. mwrnmiME mamam Great Primer Lithographic Slope. 10 A, 14 a. Price, $5.60. PgU&i MiiMm ■ ^inwo^^rAiwnwe fW/Ei Two-Line Small Pica Lithographic Slope. 7 a, 14 a. Price, $6.15. M&MT&ABEB Am&tMM M@1&M Pica Old Shade Italic Cond. 1.5 A 20 a. $5.00 Pica Grotesque Shaded. 20 A, 25 a. $4.35 Gt. Prim. Grotesque Shaded. 12 A, 20 a. $5.25 Pica Interline. 14 A. $.3.-55 Gt. Prim. Old Shade Ital. Con. 10 A, 12 a. $5.50 Mr&t Mmmk 4 2-L. Pica Old Shade Ital. Con. 8 A, 10 a. $7.00 Quads and Spaces extra Pica Ruskin. 12 A. $1.75 SPABKWNG DIAMOND Great Primer Ruskix. 10 A. f2.65 Great Primer Maltese Open. 6 A, 12 a. |.3.75 Dbl. Sm. Pica Maltese Open. 5 A, 10 a. $4.25 Double Pica Ruskin. 7 A. $3.25 Dbl. Great Primer Ruskin. 5 A. $4.05 ( .Oi/Uif IV Great Primer Mezzotype. 5 A, 10 a. $2, Dbl. English Maltese Open. 4 A, 8 a. $4.75 Great Primer Maltese. 6 A, 12 a. $3.75 i \ Dbl. Small Pica Maltese. 5 A, 10 a. $4.25 Double Pica Mezzotype. 4 A, 8 a. $4.15 Dbl. Great Primer Mezzotype. 3 A, 5a. $4.90 1 o Two-Line Brevier Filigree. ^A. 6 A, U i. Price, »«.35. Two Line Long Pkimer Filigree. 6 a, 14 A. Price, $5.!M). ..")() 4-L. Pica P:ngrav. Text Xo. 2. .'> .\, 8 a. $0.00 Great Pki.mer iLi.r.MiNATEn. (i .\, 14 a. $4.80 Two-H.ne Pica Ili.u.minatei). ."> .\, 10 a. $5.2.5 Two-L. Gt. Prim. Ilu'minated. 4 \. 7 a. $().(>.■) #5v\^^P^ ^i' ^^^$ Two-Line (Jt. Prim. Engraver.? Text Ornate- 5 A, 8 a. |r).2r) II #fl f #tf tt iff '] flit Two-L. Eng. Engravers Text. 5 A, 12 a. $.3.00 Two-L. Gt. I'ltiM. Engkav. Text. :> A, 8 a. $5.2-5 Q»ad.s a?id Spaces extra. , (57) Gt. Primer Chased Black. 8 A, 14 a. $4.-50 Del. Sm. Pica Chased Black, fi A, 12 a. $.5.00 Dbl. English Chased Black. 5 A, 8 a. .$5.-50 ^^^ Dbl. Paragon Chased Black. 4 A, (> a. $7.^50 Gt. Primer Ancient Shaded. 10 A, 14 a. $6.25 Two-L. Pica Ancient Shaded. 7 A, 10 a. $6.25 Two-L. Gt. Prim. Ancient Shad. 4 A, 6 a. $7.00 Fifinrrs to all. English Black CoND. No. 2. 10 A, 30 a. |1.40 lilt Strntqtl) anb Bcsourtt 0f Irak Two-LiNJO Pica Title Tkxt Open, No. 3. 6 A, U a. Price, $4.85. s^ Two-Line Exoli.sh Title Text Open, No. 3. 6 A, U a. Price, $5.75. I0iiiii;ai »glcirHii0iij Double Paragon Title Text Open, No. .S. 4 A, 7 a. Price, $5.30. + + . ■ Great Primer Title Text Open. S a. 20 a. Price. $.t.50. Two-Line Smali, Pica Title Text Open. H A, 20 a. Price, $4.30. Two-Line Small Pica Title Text Open, No. 2. 8 A, 20 a. Price. $4.20. Two-Line Pica Title Text Open. 6 A. 14 a. Price. $4.K5. Two-Line Enolish Title Text Open. 6 A, 14 a. Price, $5.75. I] erf limes of Hit |^0S^ two-Line Great Primer Title Text Open. 5 A, 10 a. Price. $o.H0. liUli Double Paragon Title Text Open. 4 A, 7 a. Price, $5.30. liuttiiii] 4jw- Four-Line Pica Title Text Open. 3 A, 5 a. Price, $6.85. Two-Line Small Pica Fancy Text Shaded. 10 A, 27 a. Price. $1.30. Two-Line English Fancy Text Shaded. 8 A, 18 a. Price, $5.40. li....^ ^i1r,r ♦ Two-Line Gt. Prim. Title Text Open, No. 3. 5 A, 10 a. Price, $5.80. Two-Line Great Primer Fancy Text Shaded. 6 A. 12 a. Price. $5.40. Double Paragon Fancy Text Shaded. 5 A, 10 a. Price. $5.40. n t\m til Jti|0i|tti| Four-Line Pica Fancy Text Shaded. 4 A, 7 a. Price, $7.20. I h n fiite ^ifiii!|ilif Great Primer Title Text. 8 A, 20 a. Price, $3.50. xi^nHH ¥tne» to pooif ^arbonij Two-Line Small Pica Title Text. 8 A, 20 a. Price, $4..i0. Two-Line Pica Title Text. 6 A; 14 a. Price, $4.85. Two-Line English Title Text. 6 A, 14 a. Price, $5.75. Two-Link Great Primer Title Text. 5 A, 10 a. Price, $5.80. Double Paragon Title Text. 4 A, 7 a. Price. $5.31). Four-Line Pica Title Text. 3 A, 5a. Price. S6.85. Qiiads and Spaces extra. (58) Gkkat Primer Black Inlaid. 8 A. 20 a. Price. $5,011. "^aw W^iced Mdrmkeets Two-Link Smat.i, Pica Black Inlaid. 8 A, l«a. Price. $«.40. Pica Copperplate Text. 10 A, 20 a. $4.00 Two-Line English Black Inlaid. 5 A. 10 II. Prico, $fi.5.i. Gt. Prim. Copperplate Te.\t. 7 A, 12 a. $4.65 Del. Sm. Pica Cop'plate Text. (lA, 10a. $4.7.5 ^ti &^^ mlialttit Munbt Two-Line Great Primer Black Inlaid. 4 A, 7 a. Price, 86.90. m. fi!%^4 BW S> Pica Treasury Open lU a, '24 a. Price, f3.20. Great Primer Treasury Open. 7 A, 16 a. Price. $3.50. 'Mm onumdvmm &MeidAd Two-Line Small Pica Trea.sury Open. 6 a, 14 a. Price, $3.90. Del. English Cop'plate Text. 4 A, 8 a. I,').;'^) '<^ <^* Two-Line English Engravers Text Ornate. 5 A, 12 a. $.').(X) Inr^' Pica Sloping Black Shaded. 12 A, 32 a. Price, $4.60. \suniiful 0^£ra}wij for ^ehimH Great Primer Sloping Black Shaded. « a, 20 a. Price, $4.75. Ck^ Two-Line English Treasury Open. 5 A, 10 a. Prico. $4.95. wumm sn Two Line Great Primer Treasury Open. 4 A, 8a. Price, $5.55. ^€ s?^ Mdt Two-LiNE Small Pica Sloping Black Shaded. 8 A, 18 a. Price, $«.00. ^Wf ^ Two-Line English Sloping Black Shaded. 5 A. 10 a. Price. $6.60. Two-LiNE Gt. Primer Sloping Black Shaded. 4 A, 7 a. Price. $6.60. Pica Treasury. 10 A, 24 a. Price, $3.20. Great Primer Treasury. 7 A, 16 a. Price, $3.50. $mji> all $Jm H %hm Two-Line Small Pica Treasury. 6 A, 14 a. Price, $3.90. ind frcUd^d, gl§c Two-Line English Treasury. 5 A, 10 a. Price, $4.95. Two-Line Great Primer Treasurt. 4 A, 8 a. Price. $5.55. Pica Sloping Black. 12 A. 32 a. Price, $4.60. c/i Quads and Spaces extra. ,^c^ filing ^hH ^imul'actimnq j^o. Great Primer Sloping Black. 8 A, 20 a. Price, $4.75. r^BL. Paragon Heading Script No. 2. 5 A, 12 a, |14.00; Lower Case only, $6.00. mM^ ^m/F (^mm Dbl. Paragon Heading Script No. 3. 5 A, 12 a, $13.00; Lower Case only, f").00. mu dm/ Price of complete font, including the three styles of Lower Case, If2.').00 FivK-LiNE Pica Heading .Script No. 1. 4 A, 8 a, ^IT.-W; Lower Case only, ?8..i0. 'a& Five-Line Pica Heading Script No. 2. 4 A, 8 a, $1(),.')0 ; Lower Case only, $7..')0. Five Line Pica Heading Script No. 3. 4 A, 8 a, ^Ki.OO ; Lower Case only, |7.00. eima^Md Price of complete font, including the three styles of Lower Case, .$30.00. Quads and Spaces iiidiidcd. (M) ■ Fu/iirrs to all. ^^ ai4^ ^ Series 34. Single Letter, 20 cents ; per set of 25 Letters, $L00 -% ,A -te -ss W W 'i4 i i s € « i a « '^ ¥ 6i' '^T2>^ ^'' c-^ Series 3^- Single Letter, 25 cents ; per set of 25 Letters, $1.25. r^ ^^o C.O .< mm "* » « p » M ® IP m Series 36- Single Letter, 30 cents ; per set of 25 Letters, |2.00. Series 3'7'- Single Letter, 25 cents; per set of 2G Letters, $1.25 C\r:> M i '^ ^ ^Q Series 3S. Single Letter, 40 cents ; per set of 25 Letters, $3.55. Series 33- Single Letter, 50 cents ; per set of 26 Letters, $4.25 (05) Cincinnntl Ti/pe Foundry, 201 Vine Street. Nonpareil German No. 2. Solid. aSBo i)at bie CiScfd)id)te ber ajiilfer eiiie ©poc^e aufju= itieifen, ber gleid), in roeld^er bic folgetu-eic£)fteii ©reigj niffe: bie Cntbedung unb CSolonifotioii oon 3lmerifa bie S(J)ifffat)rt nad) Dftinbien urn bag Sorgebirge ber guten .^offiiung, unb IJfageUan's evfte (Srbumfegtung mit ber t)ijd)ftcn S5Iittl)e ber .ftunft, tnit bem ©rnngen geiftiger, religiofev rfrciljeit, unb ber plo^Uc^en ©r= itieiterung ber ©rb^ unb ©immeisfunbe ;(ufammen= trafen ? 6ine folc^e Gpod)e' oerbanU einen geringen %i)eil i£)rer ©rope ber gerne, in ber fie uns erfd)etnt, bem Umftonb, bag fie ungetriibt ron ber ftBrenben 2Birt[id)fcit ber ©egenroart nur in ber gefd)i(^ttic^cn ®rinner«ng auftritt. 2Bie in alien irbi'fdjen 3)tngen ift auc^ l)ier bes OSliide^ @lan,? tnit tiefetn Sffie^ r)er= fdiroiftert geroefen. Sie (^ortfdtritte tcs fosmif^en SBiffens rourben burd) alle ®eroalttl)atigfeitcn unb GJrfiuel ertouft, roelcfee bie fogenannten cioilifirenben ©roberer iiber ben ©rbboU oerbreiten. n ber ftorenben "ilUrflid^teit ber ©egenUHirt nur in ber gefdndtlidicn tS"rinner= ung auftritt. !ilUe in alien irbifc^en 3)ingen ift aud) Ijier be^S G^)liictes ©lanj mit tiefem 3Be^ »erfd)tinftert geivefen. Xk gortfc^ritte bC'o fo6= Bourgeois German No. 3. Solid. 2Bd f)at nun bie @efc{)id)te ber33i3(fer eine 6)}i:'(i)e auf^umcifen, ber cjleidi, in meld)er bie foloenreid)ften (T-reiijntffe : (Jntberfung unb erfte (iolonifation Hon "Olmerifa, bie Sd)ifffal)rt nod) Oftinbicn nm ba§ i^Dr= oebiroe ber guten C>offniuui, ^J3laoeIIan'§ @rbumfertluni3, mit ber pd)ften 39lut{)e ber ^unft mit bem (f rringen tjeiftiijer, relifliiiier grei!)eit, unb ber pi5l3lic()cn (frmeiterumj ber @rb= unb .v>immel5funbe 5u)iimmen= trafen ? @ine fold)e @pod)e nerbantt^inen jet)r t^erimjen %h(\l if)rer ©riJBe ber i^erne in ber fie un5 erfd)eint, bem Umftanb, baB fie ungetriibt Don ber fttirenben 2Birflid)= feit ber ©egenmart nur in ber oeid)id)tUdien (Srinnerun'ij auftritt. Wu in alien irbij^e Brevier German No. 4. Leaded. SSo l)at bie ®efd)id)tc ber SSiilter eine 6)3od)e auf= julncifen, ber gleid), in U)cld)er bie folgenreid)ften ©reigniffe : bie ©ntbecfung unb erfte ©olonifation bon ?lmeiifa, bie Sd)ifffal)rt nad) Cftinbien um bag 5Sorgebirge ber guten §offnung, unb ^)Jhigel= lan'g erfte (Srbumfeglung, mit ber ^6d)ften 2^liitt)e ber Sunft, mit bem ©rringen geiftiger, religiofer ?^reil)cit, unb ber ^lo|Iid)cn (Srmeiterung ber @rb unb .^innnel^tunbe jufammcntrafen? (Sine fold)e (S)3od)e berbanft einen fetjr geringen 2;l)eil i^rer (§ri3|e ber grerne, in ber fie un^ erfd)eint, bem Umftanb, ba^ fie ungetriibt bon ber ftorenben 2Sirtlid)teit ber ©egenluart nur in ber gef(^ic§t» lid)en ®rinnerung auftritt. 2Sie in alien irbifd)en Brevier German No. 5. Leaded. i 2Bo l^at bie ©efd)id)tc ber 5^olfer eine (Spod)e auf^uiDeifen, ber gleid), in )t»e[d)er bie folgen= reid)ften Crreigniffe : bie (Sntberfung unb erfte (Sotonifation von 'Jimerifa, bie Sd)ifffal;rt nad) Dftinbien um ba§ i^orgebirge ber guten ,^off= nung, unb 3Jfagellan'g erfte (5rbumfegtung, mit ber [)i)d)ften 33liitl)e ber ^unft, mit bem (5"rringen geiftiger, rcligii^fer 5reif)eit, unb ber plo^lid)en (grjveiterung ber (Srb; unb ,'cimmel§funbe ^n- f ammentrafcn V (Sine fotd)e (5"pod)e berbanft einen fel^r geringen l:i}i\l il^rer &x'6\ii ber ^yerne in ber fie uns erfd,)eint, bem Umftanb, ba^ fie ungetriibt bon ber ftorenben 3Birflid)feit ber (SJegenivart nur in ber ge)d)id)ttid)en (Srinner- ; Bourgeois German No. 3. Leaded. SCSo t)at nun bie (S5efd)i(i)te ber 58blfer eine @pod)e auf^umeijen, ber gleid), in meli^er bie folgenreid)ften @reigniffe : (Sntbecfung unb erfte golonifation Don ^^(merifa, bie ®^ifffal)rt nad) Dftinbien, um ba§ 33Dr= gebirge ber guten -^offnung, 3JlageIIan'§ grbumfeglung, mit ber t)od)ften 33lutt)e ber ^unft mit bem ©rringen geiftiger, religiijfer greil)eit, unb ber plDt3lid)en ©rraeiterung ber @rb= unb Oimmelefunbe 5ufammen= I trafen ? (Sine foli^e ®pod)e nerbanft einen fe'^r geringen 2{)eil it)rer ©roBe ber i^erne in ber fie un§ erfd)eint, bem Umftanb, baB ((JC) Cincinnati Tirpe Foundry, Wl Vine Street. Long Primer German No. 3. Solid. 31hi ^at bic 0cfd)icf)te beu "^blfct cine G'podic auf^uiticifcu, bcu c^Icid), in tueld)cr bic foUKnvcid)[tcn O'rcitptiffe: bic Gnt== bcrfnm] nnb (5oloni[ation Don ^^Inicrifo, bic 3d)ifffaf)rt nad) Cftinbicn urn bog iHirc]cbiv(]c bcr gutcn .s>offnnnrt nnb '9}fa* (]cllan'e drbumfecihint], mit bcr [)od)i'ten !^littf)c bcr Mnn[t, bcm (^'rrini^cn t]ci[tiiicr rcliciiiifcr [^Tcilicit, nnb bcr pliilUid)en (^rmcitcrnnd bcr (?'rb nnb .sSimmclefnnbe jufanimcntrnfcn ? (Sine [oId)c (Spod)e bcrbanft cincn [c^r (^crinncn I^eit if)rer (%of5c bcr '^-crne in bcr [ic nne er[d)cint, bcm Ihnftnnb, bn^ fie nnijetriibt Don ber Long Primer German No. 4. Solid. SSo t)Qt bie @eld)ic^te ber 3}blfer eine 6))od)e nufjnmeijen, ber gleid), in melc^er bie foIc3enrcid)ften (^reigniffe : bie 6nt= bednng nnb Kolonijation Don ^^(merifa, bie Sd)ifffa()rt nad) Oftinbien urn ba§ S?orgebirge ber gnten §offnung, nnb 93iQgeIIan'§ erfte (^rbnmieglung, mit ber t)5d)[ten 33Iitt^e ber .^nnft, mit bem (^r= ringcn gciftiger, religiojer t^rci{)eit, unb ber plo^lid)en ^rmeiterung bcr @rb unb ^immel^tunbe jnjammentrafen? Sine foId)e @pod)e Dcrbanft cincn jet)r gerin= gen 2I)ci( it)rer &x'6^c ber i^erne, in ber fie nn§ erfd)cint, bem Umftanb, ba^ fie Small Pica German No. 2. Solid. 2Bo ()nt bic OH'fd)id)tc bcr ^inilfcr cine Gpodjc auf^nmcifcn, bcr gleid), in n)cld)cr bic foIgcnrcid)ftcn O'rcigniffc : bic Gnt== bedung nnb (5oloni[ation Don "iJtmcrifa, bic 8d)ifffnl)rt nad) "Oftinbien um ba§ ^nn-gcbirge bcr gnten Moffnnng, nnb 9J?agc(Ian'^ crftc (SrbnmfcgUing, mit bcr I)od)ftcn 33liitl)c bcr ^Innft, mit bcm 6r* ringcn gciftigcr, rdigiiifcr ^-rcitjcit, unb bcr |.ilotUid)cn (^'ruicitcrung bcr (?rb unb .s^immclefnnbc ^nfnmmcntrafcn ? (fine fold)c (5')3od)c Dcrbanft cincn fcl)r gcrin- gen Il)cil i()rcr ©rii^c bcr ^crnc, in bcr Pica German No. 1. Solid. S©o l)at bic (^5efd)tcl)te ber 25M!er eine (£pod)c auf^iiwcifen, ber gleic^, in meld)er bie folgenreid)ften (Sr^ eigniffe : bie Sntbednng unb erfte (Eolonifation yon 3lmeri!vi nnb bie (Sd)itffal)rt nad) Oftinbien utn ba^ 25orc^ebirge ber gnten .^cjfnnng, unb 9iWvigettvin'^ erfte @rbnmfeg=^ lung, mit ber l^ixtften Stutl)e ber ^unft, mit bem (irringen geiftiger religicfer greil)eit, ber plo^lic^en Long Primer German No. 3. Leaded. 2So ^at bie @e[(^id)tc ber ^l^olfcr eine @|3od)e auf^utueifen, ber glei^, in rtcld^er bic foIgcnreid)ftcn (Sreigniffe : bie ©nt- berfung nnb (5otonifation Don 5(mcrifa, bie 8d)ifffal)rt nad) Oftinbicn um ba^ ^l^orgcbirgc ber gnten -Vioffnung unb Wa^ gellnn'g ©rbumfcghmg, mit bcr ^o(^ften 33 little bcr -tunft, bem ©rringen geiftiger religiofer g-rei^cit, unb bcr |3loMid)cn @rn)citerung bcr @rb unb tf)immelgfunbe gufammcntrafen ? Sine foId)e (S^oi^e Dcrbanft cincn fe^r geringcn i§eit i^rer Long Primer German No. 4. Leaded. 2So ^at bie ®efd)id)te ber S3i3lfer eine @|)od)e anfjuiDcifen, ber gleid), in lDeId)er bie fo(genreid)ften ©reigniffe : bie (Snt= bedung unb Kolonifation Don ^merifa, bie (Sc^ifffa'^rt nad) Oftinbien um ba§ 33Drgebirge ber guten §offnung, unb 5J^ageIIan'§ erfte (Jrbumfeglung, mit ber t)od)ften 33(ut^e ber ^unft, mit bem {Sr= ringcn geiftiger, religiofer |^rci()eit, unb ber plotilic^en (Srloeiterung ber @rb unb ^immclgtnnbe jufammentrafen ? Sine foId)e (Specie Dcrbanft einen fe'^r gerin= Small Pica German No. 2. Leaded. SSo I)at bie ©ef^id^te bcr 3>oIfcr cine Cf|3od)c aufjiumcifen, bcr glcic^, in mclc^cr bic folgcnrcid)ftcn (f rcigniffe : bie (Snt^ bccfung unb Golonifation Don 5lmerifa, bic Sdiifffa^rt nai} Dftinbien um bag inugcbirgc bcr guten .v^offnung, unb 9}fagcQan'8 erfte ©rbumfeglung, mit ber ^od)ftcn '!B(iitf)e bcr -^unft, mit bcm (^r- ringcn geiftiger, religiofer g'rcil)eit, unb ber ))16Mi(^en (Srmcitcrung ber &xb unb f)immelgfunbe ^ufammentrafcn ? @tne Pica German No. I. Leaded. SOBo Ijat bie Cs5efd)ic()te ber mihx eine (f pod)e anf^umeifen, ber gleid), in n3e(d)er bie folgenreic^ften @r^ etgniffe: bie Sntbecfung xmb erfte golonifation »on Slmerila, unb bie (2d)ifffat)rt nad) Dftinbien xim ba^ 23ergebirge ber gnten .^poffnung, unb 3}?agellan'^ erfte grbnmfeg== lung, mit ber l)6d)ften 23(nt()e bcr (C7) Cinciiiiiati Tijpe Fnumlry, 201 Vine Street. NONP. Ger. Title Cond. No. 1. •2r)A,(!0a. .$2.80 @e(enfd^aft jur SBeforbenino nii^Itr^er SB iffenfrf) often Brev. Ger. Title Cond. No. 1. l.')A, 40 a. $3.30 Ocrmanta Scftcng^SBfrfii^cruugci ©cfcCf^aft Lg. Pr. Ger. Title Con. No. 1. 12 A, 40 a. |3..j0 2)ie ©rbffnung ber ^^ncben^confcrcnj Pica Geu. Title Cond. No. 1. 9 A, :iOa. $4.00 :Oanbtt)irtI)f^ttftlic^cg SSof^cnblatt. Gt. Pr. Ger. Title Cond. No. 1. 7 A, 20 a. ifi-.OO @efrf)irf)te kr 9{cDDlutiDii NoNP. Ger. Title Cond. No. 2. l.")A, ^Oa. $2.15 @ctneiueigentt)um iBider, unb ttai nndjtommenbe @c< Minion Ger. Title Con. No. 2. 1.') A, .">0 a. 12.45 ^er 3Mfo«n'iifn^tt«9 iift Uiiiftoube, bcr Watur Brev. Ger. Title Cond. No. 2. 15 A, ,50 a. $2.60 ^nv(Si Suftcrc Umitfinbe, mctitcng burc^ bic Bourg. Ger. Title Con. No. 2. 15 A. .50 a. $2.aj 9Jlcttfd)cn «nb Sittcn bcr Untcrbrac^ unb Lg. Pr. Ger. Title Con. No. 2. 12 A, 40 a. $2..55 5lube0^cim (Sraubenj ^msftrrf) 5lnt» Sm. Pica Ger. Title Con. No. 2. 0A.30a. $2.05 ^crjbcrg Solotfjuru Ufcrmarf Ulm ■Pica Ger. Title Cond. No. 2. !iA,.SOa. $2..50 ^laftrcjctt unb 3«ocnbfc0nften English Ger. Title Con. No. 2. SA,25a. $2.r,0 Sifenk^n tJon ®t 2oui^ m Gt. Pr. Ger. Title Cond. No. 2. 7 A, 20 a. $3.15 l^ofomo, an !!9lQl(enbe(t Dbl. Sm. Pica Ger. Ti. Con. No. 2. 7 A. 20a. $4.00 ®(|ittet'§ ^enfmal Del. Eng. Ger. Title Con. No. 2. 4 A, 10 a. $4.10 Dbl. Par. Ger. Title Con. No. 2. 3 A, 6 a. $4.00 9i^nt Sena Brevier German Title No. 1. 15 A, 45a. $3.80 aBottcrbud) bcr ®n9Ufct)cu ^praci)C Bourg. German Title No. 1. 12 A, 40 a. $3.75 9*lcpubnfanifrf)C cntion Lg. Prim. German Title No. 1. 14 A. 30 a. p,AO ^inetifaniidye ^(ihtitnnten Pica German Title No. 1. 12 A, 30 a. $3.60 Nonp. German Title No. 2. 30 A, 60 a. $4.40 SUHcS im Unttierfum unfcrcd a«cltftjftcmg ift Brevier German Title No. 2. 15 A, 45 a. $3.10 3tac§ im Uniticrfum unfcrc^ 2Sca= Lg. Prim. German Title No. 2. 14 A, 30 a. $3.15 MUc^ im UniDcrfum uttfetc^ Pica German Title No. 2. 12 A, 30 a. $3.40 5(ffe§ im Uninetfum unf etc Gt. Prim. German Title No. 2. 7 A, 20 a. $3.00 ^0td^ cine foment Dbl. Sm. Pica Ger. Title No. 2. 7 A, 20 a. $4.75 (^ot^e in ^ittrttt Del. Eng. German Title No. 2. 4 A, 10 a. $4.&5 ^em, «crn Del. Gt. Prim. Ger. Title No. 2. 3 A, 6 a. $4.10 ©etntitttiit Del. Para. German Title No. 2. 3 A, 6 a. $4.80 Four-Line Pica German. 6 A, 10 a. $10.45 Five-Line Pica German No. 1. 4 A, 8 a. $12.75 (Sntene (68) Cincinnati Ti/pe Foiimlnj, 201 Vine Street. Brevier Schwabacher. lo A, 50 a. $2.r)0 Sctn £icbftC5 ift bic ^ciqb unb bas ^ifct^cn Sittb iiberall ipillfommcn Long Primer Schwabacher. 12 A, 40 a. .f2.45 Die (Sefdjtdjte let^rt uns (£rfal)rung Dcr :nenfd} ift fterblid? Pica Schwabacher. 9A, ;Ma. .|2.35 2no5art unb feine geitgcnoffen Don Couife 2nul]Ibacl^ English Schwabacher. 9 A, .30 a. -f.^.lo 2lIIcntorDn Kepubifaner Dbl. Sm. Pica Schwabacher. 5 A, 15 a. |.3.15 Coutfe tniif^lbacf? 5ortfd?rttte Great Primer German No. 5. 24 lbs. |9.12 S)te @eri(^t§barfeit ber 23u^ne fangt an, m ba§ Del. Small Pica German No. 5. 24 lbs. |9.12 SKettn men fic^ ber f(^Dneit 9latiir erin= Dbl. English German No. 5. 24 lb.s. i|!9.12 Unb bD(| tt)ore, fiir ben ^reimb Del. Small Pica German. 24 lbs. ^9.12 (Specerei SBaaren Del. Pica German. Ki A, fiO a. $12.4.5 Dbl. English German, li! A, 70 a. JflG.To 3um SSerfauf Pica Black Cond. No. 3. 10 A, 20 a. |1.40 Dbl. S.m. Pica Black Con. No. 3. f> A, 15 a. $2.00 f 0lgted)ttifrl;c f d;ulctt Great Primer Missal. OA, lOa. |1.50 Del. Pica Missal. 4 A, 10 a. $2.25 Del. English Missal. 4 A, 12 a. $2.80 fflnrgrn grifung Del. Paragon Missal. 4 A, 8 a. $4..50 Canon Missal. 4 A, 4 a. $5.00 Quids anil Spacer rxtm. VO'J; Brevier Bold-Face Black. ISA, 50 a. $2.75 gUuftvtrte |tta0a|tncn fitr ^Itttnnt Lg. Prim. Bold-Face Black. 12A, ;«a. $2.95 Pica Bold-Face Black. 10 A, 24 a. $2.50 English Bold-Face Black. 8 A, 20 a. $;i.40 Gt. Primer Bold-Face Black. 8 A, 18 a. $4.05 Del. Sm. Pica Bold-Face Bl'k. 7 A, 14 a. $-5.15 Dbl. Eng. Bold-Face Black, fi A, 12 a. $0.20 Del. Par. Bold-Face Bl'k. 4 A, 8 a. $().30 Cincinnati Type Foundry, 201 Vine Street NEWSPAPER HEAD-LINES. Two-Line Great Primer Condensed No. l. DAILY EXCHANGE Two-Line Paragon Condensed No. 4. AUBUEI REFORMER Four-Line Pica Condensed Xo. 4. TKUE DEMOCEAT 1 H AMDEN LEDGER ' Two-Line Paragon Condensed No. 1. Four-Line Pica Condensed Light-Face No. 1. HOME RECORD Four-Line Pica Condensed Light-Face No. 2. DILTON NE¥S Six-Line Pica Condensed Light-Face No. 4. r THE RECORD The average price of Electrotyped Heads in any Specimen Book is $2.50. Special Engraved Heads made to order at prices according to style and size, from f 15.00 to $100.00. (70) Cincinnati Type Foundry, 201 Vine Street. NEWSPAPER HEAD-LINES. FouH-LiNE Pica No. 3. FULTON POST Foi'R-LiNE Pica Light-Face No. 2. ERIE TIMES Five-Line Pica No. 1. SENTINEL Six-Line Pica Light-Face No. 2. TRIBUNE Si.x-LiNE Pica No. 1. ARGrUH Six-Line Pica Italic. HOME The averajre price of Electrotypcd Heads from any type in any Specimen Book is |2..')0. Special Engraved Heads made to order at price.s according to style and size, from $15.00 to $100.00. (71) Cincinnaii Ti/pe Foundry, SOI Vine Street, NEWSPAPER HEAD-LINES. Four-Line Pica Old Style. THE MONITOR Fouu-LiNE Pica Old Style wijh Five-Line Initials. Huron News Five-Line Pica -Old Style. REPORTER Home Journal Five-Line Pica Old Style with Six-Line Initials. Morning Six-Line Pica Old Style. EDITION Peoria ItemI The average price of Electrotyped Heads in any Specimen Book i.s $2.50. Special Engraved Heads made to order at prices according to style and size, from $15.00 to iflOO.OO. Si (72) Cincinnati Tjpe F.xuirlr!/, 301 Vine Street^ NEWSPAPER HEAD-LINES. SIX-LINE PICA SLOPING BLACK. Also Eight-Line Pica Sloping Black. FIVE-LINE PICA BLACK ORNA. h SIX-LINE PICA BLACK CONDENSED No. 3. xi Mmxml SEVEN-LINE PICA MODERN TEXT DOUBLE SHADED. 4- Also Eight and Ten-Line Pica Modebn Text Double Shaded. SEVEN-LINE PICA MODERN TEXT ORNA. No. 1. Also Eight and Ten-Line Pica Modern Text Orna. No. 1. EIGHT-LINE PICA MODERN TEXT. tcHmattil Also Ten-Line Pica Modern Text. (73) Cincinnati Type Foundry, 201 Vinj^Street. COMBINATION BORDERS. ^ r ~i , I '^^' I Km u J - r 1, x.__j[zz:3!:zz:"5"zrir — irs^^ ^^ 2 3 _4_ _2_ f> V S Sfrifs 46 $■> 10 ^ 4 5 6 7 8 9 ^^I^ M /'- 10 11 lb 12 17 13 14 -^K S^ ^j S-"-^ "^' -"^ 15 lb 18 ^ "^ iq 20 i€5 5ki^ >>t ^^.- ^.i9. 9. S^^^ti a!& .e Series '^3. !(i7..")0. 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 =^ f o 9 r ^ ^: M ^ 13 14 11 12 Ki 17 is 15 19 "%C~ « 1 1 ^■c ^- © t^ V METAL X f COENERS # RULES J«^' Series 22. |C..0(). 4 5 6 m 2G .^^i(!^ '^'^ ^m ^ M J ^ — -- •' — r^ .^vm Cincinnati Type Foundry, 201 Vine Street. COMBINATION BORDERS. (75) Cincinnati Type Fmindry, SOI Vine Street. t^-^rsf^9-*pr-*rf^^^-v "T^^ ;4s^."^j (70) ClncinuaU Type Foumlry, 201 Vine Street. Fonts of 10 feet each, $2.25. Half Minionette Border No. 1. Half Minionette Border No. 3. Half Minionette Border No. . Half Minionette Border No. 7. Half Minionpitte Border No. 2. SlSlSlSlSlEnSlSlSlSlSlSLSlSI S"ISTSIS1SIS1SIS1S1S\ Half Minion?:tte Border No. 4. Half Minionette Border No. 6. Half Minionette Border No. 8. Fonts of 10 feet each, $2.90. Minionette Boedeb No. 16. Minionette Border No. 31. HPflMlMI^MlMUlIlMIllPM^IIlilIllia Minionette Border No. 2.5. Minionette Border No. 13. Minionette Border No. 22. Minionette Border Xo. 32. Minionette Border No. 3.3. Minionette Border No. 12. [□amTia^MaEi[^Ei^i^Oii?i t.iyii.-ibit.-itJiwm ai Minionette Border No. IS. Minionette Border No. 1.5. Minionette Border No. 30. Minionette Border No. 17. Minionette Border No. 14. Minionette Border No. 23. "^ Minionette Border No. 21. Minionette Hordku No. :')1. H H5H5a5g555H5E5555555S5H5a5H5H555E5H5a5a5E5g5a5 1l Minionette Border No. 11. Minionette Border No. 20. ?€3:i:i3i:5:3ni:i:mira3nj:i:3:3i:5:.ij:5:^ T"wo-XjiiiiiiiMMiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiMiL' Half Nonp. Bor. No. 30. $2.25. Half Nonp. Bor. No. 34. $2.25. .iiliiiililill i lilllll IXi^ia ililliiiilAili iXLiOX Half Nonp. Bor. No. 28. $2.25. Half Nonp. Bor. No. 21. .12.2.). aillililllilJi|'ll|{|i|i|i|:|!l'll|!|:|:|i|il:r|]|i|:|illlilll!l^^ '^ iiiiiiiiuu!ijiiiia li^ l?^ Mnf^IJ uJInrJtJir'itnrJ'nr^IJitJPnsin TJtn pllJirJEi?^ M rJCjjJCirJCitJCirJCiiJlJnJInigin fJl mJliiigp^ (82; Ciiicliuiati Tj/iic Foundry, 201 Vine St. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\A o ■» > » » » » TTTTTTTTTT^ •» iC€ 1 I :| I ^ «■ -. » ^ ■» ^ » ^ o I :; » 1 » ::;■« ^ o -c O - o ILi -> o 11111 iiiiij^ ! K^i^lM I ,["%. ;-^;!iiKTTT?TT;[TTtTrrn^irTrfy7X'irTtTTTT^if^^ ■ ,1 r"!'- i j^j^j'jCj'j'j'iiQiaaaaa F'l^''' ;i ! Miiniijiiiiiiin | iiininiMiimiii i |iiiiMn | miiiiii |i ii |i miiiii| iiiiiiiiiii in'iiii|iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiimi|niihii! ii iiiiiiii |iHiimi|m^ (83) Cinchiiiati Ti/pe Foundry, SOI Vine St. NONP. AND ONE-HALF BOR. No. 1. $3.00. Original Borders. Fonts of 10 feet each. NONP. AND ONE-HALF BOR. No. 2. |3.tM). (5) Pica Bor. No. 20.5. $3.00. Pica Bor. No. 202. |:!.(K). (P^^ Pica Bor. No. 212. |3.00. Pica Bor. No. 20'.). $:!.00. NoNP. and one-half Bor. No. 3. $3.00. « Pica Bor. No. 213. .f3.(«). Pica BoI!. No. 2U. .1;3.(K). ^[sifE] LSI rsiisi rHjEiraisifzi sn ap 151 ill Pica Bor. No. 21.'). $3.(M). ij ^^jfTiu^rBUismMj ^M Pica Bor. No. 204. $3.(^1. Pica Bor. No. 207. p,.iX). m Pica Boh. No. 211. $3.(H). PJgMllllPIUUgJgJSIl m ^ I'KA Holt. No. •jn.'i. .f:;.!!!!. B ^llllilllilllllllillllillllllllllllllliilLI Pica Bor. No. 203. !t!3.(K). I Three Line Nonpareil Bor. No. 1. Il.ic w. :©; :©; ■0 W. M Two Line Pica Bor. No. 200. .$,').fKi. gfgj ifS: SjgJSjglSjgJip Three Line Pica Bor. No. 100. $«.00. (SSa) ('inchuKtti Tijpr Fotniclri/, 201 Vine St. ^I!IIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!I!IIIIIIIIIII1 I pJ^FtJJlT^^ITtLfMj^^rTlJJ^fTtiJ^n^^rrt^^rrtiJ^rr^ m m m i m s-^.9'ji C. Wells e. WELLS, Tr. 201 vine street. F^^^ P 1 i ir^M?^a[ T^JJa[rtiMfPaWE3[TtLianaB[7t!Jia[?HJa[Taa[TiJa[7tiJBr 7ii. bL f^i-^ 11 BUiLIE; ^ l5WeJ (a36) Cincinnati Type Foundry, SOI Vine St. METAL CORNERS 112. 25c. 186. 30c. 27. 30c. 24. 30c. 25. 30c. n s) (2 □_ 5. .'Mc. I mm 11 '/^~^; 4. 30c. 6. 30c. 16. 30c. ;-5. 30e. -^ If--| ^-^ 90^^^ 1 ( 35>i. 30c. ^ ''^ '"'^ 31. ;i0c. 131. 30c. -I r 1^1 - : b^ 30. 40c 29. 40c. rTM (3 73. 30c. 19. 40c. 4 11. 40c. 20. 40c. . "1 12. 40c. 14. 40c. 10. 40c. 13. 40c. i 15. 402. 18. 40c. W 132. 30c. 134. 30c. 135. .30c. 28. 30c. 159. 50c. W/ I #^ ^^^ fS"^ Y-^'^i 111. 25c. 113. 25c. 116. 25c. 164. 25c. 136. 30c. m r'f F'- U^^^rr^r: ■^11 iir 125. 30c. 34. 30c. 160. 30c. 144. 40c. 26. 40c. .5S^%^. >;^-m ^"^ 145. 40c. 173. 40c. 148. 40c. 146. 40c. [jilE ^TEl 165. 30c. ^ tT^^ 163. 40c (8.30) Cincinnati Type Foundry, 201 Vine St. G^METAL CORNERS^^ 109 20c. 103. 30c. 55. 25c. 7. 30c. 115. 30c. 102. 25c. 9. 25c. 158. 25,e. 157 20c mmm ^^ [^a^ ^^ ^ 1^ 5^^ 171. 20c. 139. 40c. 141. 30c. Ijltfl \* h ^& 152. 30c. JIj 129. 30c. «M 114. 40c. 138. 50c ^ ^ 118. 30c. rTl 121. 30c. 110. 2oc. 101. 25c. m\ ^^ ^M m 188. 40c. 174. 40c. m m 102. 2")C. 130. 25c. 58. 25c. 59. 25c. 57. 25c. 52. 25c. 60. 25c. ^^ ir^ r^ r^ r^ ^4* ^i* 02. 40c. 63. 30c. 61. 40c. 54. 40c. *. ^^j? ^. -G^ . ^_ , CAST BY .~^^^= ^--Jj^, c ^^^^ Founts 3^:^; pounds. 15 PATENTED. 3 7 ,.^. Price, ii!3./)o -^"-^.^ 36 25 24 57 46 23 45 44 37 46 42 (?) '^ 52 55 56 58 67 51 (iy printing i^liuhiuf ^ot1i5i» ''<■) (80) Cincinnati Type Foundry, 301 Vine St. Whole font, |8.00. ,^0^ S*^®^^ti Half font, $5.00. PRINTING MACHINERY (87) Cincinnati Type Foinidrij, Wl Vine St.. BI^^SS I^TJrjES. Series O. Pica, No. o. Long Prim er, N 0. 0. Br€ vier, No. o. Mi No. N on Dareil No 0. Pearl, No. o. 3 to Pica No. o. 4 to Pica No. o. 5 to Pica No. 0. 6 to Pica No. 0. 8 to Pica No. o. 10 to Pica No. 0. Series 3. Pica, No. 3. Long Primer, No. 3. Brevier, No. 3. Minion, No. 3. Nonparei , No. 3. Pearl, No. 3. 3 to Pica, No. 3. 4 to Pica, No 3. Series 1,©. Series 1. Pica, No. Long Primer, No. I. Brevier, No. 1. Mir ion, No. 1. Nonpareil, No. 1. Pearl, N 0. 1. 3 to Pica, No. 1. 4 to Pica No. 1. 5 to Pica, No. t. 6 to Pica, No. 1. 8 to Pica, No. 1. 10 to Pica No. 1. Series •€:. Pica, No. 4. Long Primer, No. 4. Brevier, No. 4. Minion, No. 4. Nonpareil, No. 4. Pearl, No. 4. 3 to Pica, No. 4. 4 to Pica, No. 4. ^^iscellstneo'o.s. Pica, No. 17. Series 2. Pica, No. 2. Long Primer, No. 2. Brevier, No. 2. Mir. ion. No. 2. Nonpareil, No. 2. ^ Pearl, No. 2. 3 to Pica, No. 2. 4 to Pica, No. 2. 5 to Pica, No. 2. 6 to Pica, No. 2. 8 to Pica, No. 2.- 10 to Pica, No. 2. Series 5. Long Primer, No. 5. Brevier, No. 5. Minion, No. 5. Nonpareil, No. 5. Pearl, No. 5. 3 to Pica, No. 5. 4 to Pica, No. 5. 2S/£iscella.zieo-a.s. Pearl, No. lOJ-j Nonpareil and one-half. No. i6. Nonpareil, No. i6. For Prices ace Price Lint. Nonpareil and one-half. No. i5. Nonpareil, No. i5. Nonpareil, No. 142T (88) Brevier, No. 143V Cinciininti Type Foundry, 201 Vine'St. 1 -i BiE^j^ss :Ry"cri-.ES. Series ©. Long Primer, No. 6. Brevier, No. 6. Minion, No. 6. Nonpareil, No. 6. Pearl, No. 6. 3 to Pica, No. 6. 4 to Pica, No. 6. Series 12. Pica, No. 12. Long Prinner, No. 12. Brevier No. 12. Minion No. 12. Nonpare 1, No. 12. Pearl, No. 12. 3 to Pica, No. 12. 4 to Pica, No. 12. Series T. Pica, No. 7. Long Primer, No. 7. Brevier No. 7. Minion, No. 7. Nonpare' 1, No. 7. Pearl, No. 7. 3 to Pica, No. 7. 4 to Pica, No. 7. Series 1.3. Pica, No. 13. Long Primer, No. 13. Brevier, No. 13. Minion, No. 13. Nonpareil, No. 13. Pearl, No. 13. 3 to Pica, No. 13. 4 to Pica, No. 13. Series S. Long Primer, No. 8. Minion, No. 8. Nonpareil, No. 8. Pearl, No. 8. 3 to Pica, No. 8. 4 to Pica, No. 8. Series 1-4. Pica, N.o 14. Long Primer, No. 14. Nonpareil and one-half. No. 14. Brevier, No. 14. Minion, No. 14. Nonpareil, No. 14. Pearl, No, 14. 3 to Pica, No. 18 6 to Pica, No. le 6 to Pica, No. 169 6 to Pica, No. i58 6 to Pica, No. 159 6 to Pica, No 5. 6 to Pica No. 7- 5 to Pica, No. 86+ ■ ■■■1 3!v!riscellsineo-u.s 1^-a.les. 6 to Pica, No. 71. I 6 to Pica, No. 137. I 6 to Pica, No. 72+ 6 to Pica, No. 73i 6 to Pica, No. 74i 6 to Pica, No. 75t 6 to Pica, No. 77-; 6 to Pica, No. leef ■• Pearl, No. o5f Minion No 146+ Pearl, No. 144-r Nonpare il, N 0. io8f ▼ Brevier No. I47T n V"^ ^^W^^ WW- All Rules except tho.e thus (f) designated can be made in labor-saving fonts to order. Waved and Scolloped Rules have been imitated in Borders, for which see another page. Cindiinali Type Foundry, 201 Vine St. For Prices see Price List. (89) 173. 10c. BRASS DASHES. Cut to any length. 1. 10c. 80. 10c. ^ 171. 10c. 96. 10c. 79. 10c. 103. 10c. 18. 10c. 130. 10c. -■ <^> ■- S. 10c. 10. 10c. 157. 10c. 174. 10c. ■ ■■■««»«■■ I iSo. loc. 81. 10c. —• — 164. 10c. 9. 10c. 215. 25c. 105. 10c. 85. 10c. 217. 30c. 93. 10c. 73. 10c. 76. 10c. 11. lOc. 219. 30c. 12. 10c. • 2. 10c. 216. 25e. 72. 10c 212. a5c. 213. 3.5c. 218. 40c-. 211. 40c. 220. 40c. 210. 50c. 209. 50c. B. .50c. 221. 75c. (90) Cincinnati Type Foundry, 201 Vine St. BRASS CURVES AND CLAMPS. Fonts of 170 Pieces. $8.00. "";t''^^^- ■**> >C^^"i". is! ■0! f-"" ■ -""SV ■ jFOii3vi;i3sr(3- ! !«'#> /f/nmM'mm. 1^-1 : ::toi 1 00: v„...'l We here exhibit the complete construction of a form containing straight and bent lines. It is intended to illustrate the use of our New Improved Patent Brass Curves and Clamps. They are indicated by hyphen rule, and are made to hold lines of any shape and body firmly. The Clamps match nonpareil, brevier, long primer, pica, great primer, double small pica, double english, double great primer, and four-line pica, and are marked to designate body. All inter- mediate sizes, for instance, bourgeois can be clamped with long primer clamps in connection with a thin lead in order to make up for smaller body. They can be used in connection with 6-to-pica leads, enabling the printer to produce every possible variation of straight or curved lines. Lines clamped in this way, occupy scarcely any additional space, can never be thrown off their feet, and save a great amount of justification. All the reglets and quads required to lock up those ten lines in our little job are shown in print in order to prove these facts. BI^^^SS LEAI>EI^S. Price per pound Price per pound. Brevier .?1 60 Long Primer 1 50 Pica 1 50 A very important item in blank work, having the face of tine dotted rule on bodies from six- to-pica upward. They are made to line with any face, and are cut in labor-saving lengths from one to eighteen ems pica. (91) Cincinnati Type Foundry, 201 Vine St. Sra,ss :Sra.ces. Price of Complete Set, $5.60. 1 -' 33 ~ ^- .^^ 34 ■ '^ 35 ^~^^~ 36 — ■ 11 37 — — 13 ^ ---'' 38 ^ - 15 ^- Prices.— Nos. 1-10, 12 cts. each ; Nos. 11-17, 15 cts. each ; Nos. 18-22, 18 cts. each ; Nos. 23-27, 25 cts. each: Nos. 28-32, 30 cts. each ; Nos. a3-38, 12 cts. each. Bra-ss OttsiIs siii<5. Oircles. Prices of Ovals, Nos. 1 to 6, $0.90 each ; Nos. 7 to 12, $1.00 each ; Nos. 13 to 15, $1.25 each. , " Circles, Nos. 1 to 5, $0.60 each ; Nos. 7 to 11, $0.75 each. Larger Ovals and Circles furnished to order. (92) Cincinnati Type Foundry, 201 Vine Street. I*,A.(^E'S A^ OOI> TY^I*E. Six Line Roman Ex. Cond. I igli!: Vtxcc. 3 A and fi;s. |.').().") Clas.s C. 3 A, 3 a, and figs., $«.:«) iTENNIO NUT lenmai Serb Eight I.inc Roman Ex. Con. I.iglit l-'acc. ;! A and tigs. $7..06 3 A. 3 a, and figs., lO.iXi Eight Line Roman Light Face. 3 A, and figs., $8. ( Class K. 3 A, 3 a, and figs.. |13.; Class B. Ten Line Roman Light Faee. 3 A and figs., $10.10 3 A. 3 a. and figs., $1C).60 Fourteen Line Roman Light Face. 3 A and figs., $12.12 Class B. 3 A, 3 a, and figs., $19.92 (93; I*.A.G^E'S AVO<)I> T^ I*E. Vive Line .F.tna. 3 A and figs., f').05 gjx Line ('larondon Light Face. 8 A and figs., Ifi.Oel :! A, A a, and figs., $8.:a) Class B. :5 A, 3 a, and figs., $9,961 Six Line 3:tna. .'iA and figs.. |(i.0() Class B. 3 A, 3 a, and figs., i'.).9<> EiRht Line ^tna. 3 A and figs., $8.0K Class B. 3 A, 3 a, and figs., |13.28 INM Ten Line .mna. 3 A and figs., $10.10 Class B. 3 A, 3 a, and figs., $16.60 Twelve Line iEtna. 3 A and figs., $11.11 Class B. 3 A, 3 a, and figs., $18.26 Six Line Aldine. 3 A and figs., $6.0«j Class B. 3 A, 3 a, and figs., $9.96 Class K. en Kiglit Line Aldine. 3 A and figs.. $8.08 3 A, 3 a, and figs., $13.28 Twelve Line Aldine. 3 A and figs., $11.11 Class B. 3 A, 3 a, and figs., $18.26 PJLCj^K'S ^v^ooi> tyi>e. Six Line Aiiti.'>.0.') Class C. SA, 8 a. unci Jigs., iH.riO Ten Line Antique Dbl. Kx. Condensed. :! A and figs. $0.09 Class C. -^ A, :! a, and tigs., IfU.iM Twelve Line Anticiiie I bl. Kx. Coiid. :i A. mid figs., 112.12 Class ( ■. :! A. :! a. and figs., $19.92 FoMiteeii Line Antique Dbl. Kx. C'ond. 3 A, $8.20 Class C. 8A,:!a, *15.4.-. iSix Line Clarendon Xo. 1. S A and figs., f>.05 Class C. 3 A, S a, and figs., $8.30 SELGER Ten Line Clarendon Xo. 1. :? A and figs.. |9.09 Class C. 8 A, 8 a, and figs., $14.9-1 Twelve Line Clarendon Xo. 1. :! A and figs., $10.10 ( lass C. 8 A, 8 a, and figs., $lG.t>0 Class C Fifteen Line Clarendon Xo. 1. :'. A, $8.2.5 8 A. 3 a. $15.-10 r.A.GMi:'S >\ 0013 TL^lk I*E, Six Line Egyptian ("onilcnsert. :i A and figs., ^o.Oo Class ('. ;! A, .-! a, and fijis., i8.:!(; rarodi TmOi Ten Line Parisian. 3 A and tif;s., |<).(»9 Class C. :\ A, 3 a, and fijrs., |14.!)4 Ten Line p:gvptlan Condensed. 3 A and figs., |ii.()9 Ten Line Parisian. 3 A and figs., |<.).09^H Class C. ■ 3A, 3 a, and figs., !!;1-1.'.14 Class C. 3 A, 3a, and figs., IH.'.H^B Mm Twelve Line Egyptian Condensed. 3 A and figs., 110.10 Class C. ■ 3 A, 3 a, and figs., fUi.CH* Fifteen Line Egyptian Condensed. 3A, $S.2') Class C. ■ 3A. 3 a, 118.26 Six Line J'arisian. 3 Aland figs., $.'>.05 Class C. 3 A, 3 a, and tigs., $8.30 i Twelve Line Parisian. 3 A and figs., 110.10 Class C. 3 A, 3 a, and figs., $16.60 BEDFE^ Fifteen Line Parisian. 3 A, $8.i') Class C. 3 A, 3 a, $10.40 JP^4.GJ^E'H >VOOI> TYl^E. Ten Line French Antique. 3 A and fl^js., |il.Oi» ( 'lass C". 3 A, 3 a, and figs., |H.<)4 Twelve Line Frencli Anticine. :! A and fl,'s., ^10.10 Class C. :! A, :s a, and fl r.s., il(i.(i() Class C. Twenty Line French Antique. :i A, $10..')0 3 A, :! a, f 19.<30 Ten Line French Clarendon. 3 A and fifis., JfO.og <'la.ss C. 3 A, 3 a, and li^s., $14.94 Class (• Fifteen Line French ('larendi)n. oA, |S.'>.5 ;!A, .-ia, ;|:i.-).40 Class C. Tvventy'Llne French Clarendon. 3 A, $10..50 3A, 3 a, 119.60 (97) PAOE-'H A>'001> TA I^K. Six Lino Cliironrlon Dbl. Ex. Cond. :i A aiui tiRS., |.5.05 I six Mno Clarendon Kxtra Coiid. :! A aii7 3 A, 3 a. and flg.s., ifU.it Twelve Line Clarcn. Dbl. Ex. Cond. 3 A, and figs., iflO.lO Class (;. 3 A, 3 a, and figs., .fltLC)*) Eigliteen Line Clarendon Dl)l. Ex. Cond. 3 A, if;).".") Class C. 3 A, 3 a. IIS.L'O Eight Line Clarendon Extra Class C. Cond. 3 3 A, 3 a, \ and figs.. |7 and figs., |11.( Twelve Line Clarendon Extra Cond. 3 A and figs., ^;i0.10l Class C. 3 A. 3 a, and figs., |lf..(iOi iMghteen i.ine (lareiidon Ex.Cond. :! A anil figs.. .I',)."') Class C. 3 A, 3 a, and figs., |ls.L.'0 I*ACjMi2'S AV001> TVI»E. Class B ! T^ I»E. Class (■ Ten Line Efryitian. 3 A and tigs.. !f<).m Ten Line ClnreiKlon Italian. :! A and tiKs.. !f<.).{ :'> A, ;i a, and tijis., |1-I.'.I4 Class ('. :; A, :i a, and titrs., $14.' FndMN Class r. Fifteen Line Kgvptian. ?.A, $8.2.") ;iA, :!a, 115.40 Class C. Twenty Line Kj;vi>tiiin. ;; A. ijilo.rw) ■'.A. oa. ifV.KM Fifteen Line Clarendon Italian. ;i A. |8.25 Class C. :! A, ;!a, *I.'>.4^ Twentv Line Clarendon Italian, .f A. lflO.50 Class C. :! A, :!a,.|l!).TO (100) I*.A.G^E'S AVOOD TYr»E. Six Line Norwich Aldine. 3 A and figs., $ti.or. Six IJik' Colurabiiiii. 3 A mikI fiifs.. SC.Of) Class H. 3 A, 3 a, and figs., |»t.!t(> Class B. ;5 .\, 3 a and figs I'* 'w; BroatBID Ton Line Xoiwicli Aldine. 3 A and figs., |10.10 Class B. 3 A, 3 a, and figs., ^fld.dfl Class B. Twelve Line Norwich Aldine. ■', \ and fiL's., |1L(X) 3 A, 3 a, and figs., Jfis.-Jfi M Class B. Fifteen lane Norwich Aldine. 3 A, $',i.7.'> 3 A, 3 a, *1X.'J(» Ten Line Columbian. 3 A and figs., $10.10 <'Iass B. 3 A, 3 a, and figs., ^16.(iO Twelve Line Columbian. 3 A and figs., 111.11 Class B. 3 A, 3 a. and figs., !j;i8.26 Fifteen Line Columbian. 3 A. 19.7.") Class B. 3 A, 3 a, $18.20 (101) I^A^G^E'S AV0013 T^^I^E. 1 Class C. Six IJue French Clureixlon. 3 A (ind fiss., $').0<; .•5 A, 3 a, and figs., ifl.MH; Sofiskiill2Comence Eight Line Gothic Treble Extra Cond. 3 A and figs.. $7.07 Class C. 3 A, 3 a, and figs., $11.02 Ten Line Gothic Treble J;xtra Cond. 3 A and figs., ^it.Oii Class C. 3 A, 3 a, and figs.. $14. TYJPE. Class A. Throe I.iiH' Anf.(iue Kxtended. SA and fifrs., |o.<5 3 A, :!a, and fifis., IfS.M Class A Four Line Antique Extended. 3 A and figs., |S.05 ;'. A, 3 a, and figs., $8.30 Class A. Five Line Antique Extended. 3 A and figs., |!6.0(i 3 A, 3 a, and figs., J9.% Class ]{ Six Line Antique Condensed. 3 A and figs., ffi.OC) 3A, 3 a, and tigs., |".i.% ECut Class B Eight Line Anti(iue Condensed. 3 .V and figs., ?8.0« 3 A, 3 a, and figs., $13.28 Six Line Composite Condensed. 2 A, 3 a, and figs., $9.24 Class D. 3 A, 4 a, and figs., $10.56 Class D. Six Line Prussian. 2 A, 3 a, and figs., $9.24 3 A, 4 a, and figs., $10.56 Mcde Class B. Six Line Bavarian. 2 A, 3 a, and figs., $9.24 3A,.4a, and figs., $10.56 Hooce Class E. Six Line German. 2 A, 3 a, and figs., $12.32 3 A, 4 a, and figs., $14.08 Class B, Ten Line Antique Condensed. 3 A and figs., $10.10 3 A, 3 a, and figs., $10.60 mh Six Line German Full Face. 2 A, 3 a, and figs., $12.32 3 A, 4 a, and figs., $14.08 Class E. MiiC Eight Line German Condensed. 2 A, 3 a, and figs., $12.32 Class D. . 3 A, 3 a, and figs., $14.08 (103) I» AGUE'S "WOOT> RULE. Wood Kule, 15 cents per foot on end Avood ; 12 cents per yard on side wood. No. 3.'). No. :vt. No. 38. No. 44. No. 'tO. NO. •")(;. No. (12. No. No. 37. No. 43. No. .V). No. r,i. No. (!:!. Star Rule, 20 cents per foot in labor-saving lengths on end wood ; Corners, 2.') cents per set of four. No. 9. rrr No. 2. No. ."). • • • No. Ill, No. C. ¥ ^ No. No. S. • • • • • raoTif** (1(14) i nSTE'W'SJP.A.I^EIR GTJTS. Price, 6 cents each, '-i 3 1 .-) r-, 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ^ ^^ It M ^ ^m ^ F-i ^ ^ 8 17 18 21 2") 26 27 28 20 30 g^ 31 32 aJ 34 IC) 3r, 37 38 41 42 44 47 48 49 zS2 50 51 53 54 5f> 59 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 m ik 9(1 97 261 127 128 129 130 131 132 151 152 148 149 157 M£lM/ KeS a£ 162 16:5 227 12c. 188 192 ]"3 195 297 228 12c. 229 12c. 230 12c. 601 20c. 700 20c. 69:! 12c. 647 12c. 624 15c. 649 12c % Vincinnati Typv Fonndri/, 301 Vive St. In fonts of 108 pieces. Price, $3.00. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ■-f? ^4 2.i 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 63 2.-)c. BILL-HEAD LOGOTYPES. 87 40a. 06 2.5c. 65 20c. 64 12c. /^/ 67 12c. 85 40c. 68 12c. a: 7 69 12e (S^>^^(S^© 76 20c. 74 12c. 73 12c. 91 12c. 12c. 157 12c ■^// ^^S" m 188 BILL-HEAD LOGOTYPES. 55 35c 14;! .-iO;-. 131 35c-. mm 133 40c. 132 40c. 78 50r'. 52 40c. 11!> 75c. (107) Cincinnati Type Fonndri/, 201 I'inc St. C.^]RI3 SOI^OLLS. 977 40c. CAK^D SCI?:OLLS. 981. 60c. 1450. GOc. 1460. 60c. Cincinnati Type Foiuidri/, £01 \'ine St. CHECIi BL^^lVXiS, 13 30c. 19 30('. 29 40c. CHECK BLA]VK^. (111) Cincinnati Type Foiuulrij, :;oi \ine,st. 140S lof. 1490 l.')C. 1.300 2.')C. 1">01 v: 1502 18c (112) Cincinnati Ti/pe FoiUKb-i/, 201 Vine St. 1.W8 7.'>C'. I.v4!) lOc. l.V)<) :i-,(.. ].-,,5i .|(,(. (113) Ciiiciniiati Tyiir Fouiidri/, iOl Viiir ,S7. DEPARTMENT HEADINGS. iiS>-. 2 50c. ;> .")0c. IFTTCABIE, SK^>^^^PyM ^^'j^-'A jumrnrtnT- (! iMk". 10 .We. 11 .50c. 12 .50c. ^;f^ptfi^^>r .^ trjM^E^riFlC 1.5 50e. 18 .50c. 2:5 .50c. (114) Cincinnnti Type VoiimXi-y, 201 Vine St. DEPARTMENT HEADINGS. 12-t 50i-. mmm. BBWm\ <\i .l Y/^^ ' \->: 26 oOc. 50c. 32 ,tOc. 28 50c. ^SPfeSs l^=t^ g:i l-f{Kp:K^^^ TI^^SLi:>E CUTS. 1239 .")0c. 1244 .50c. 1246 50c. 1242 50c. (115)- Cineinna ti Tifpe Foundvii, MOl Vine SI. I 1249 oOc. 12")!) r-iOc. 12.W 50(!. 12.").S .-lOc. 1254 .")()(• 12.")7 .">()(■. 12G0 TiOc. 12(il oOc. 12ti3 500. 12f.4 r)Oc. 12GG 50c. ////// //L^^'>i^y//^M///////// //, 1268 dOc. (116) f'iitriint'iti Ti/iJC Foil ml ri/. 201 \'i>ir St. Seals of all Staffs styles and prices, as above. (HT) Cincinnati Ti/pe Foundnj, 201 Vine St. (lis) ChiciidKiti Ti/iir Fiiinidrn. Ml Vhir St. 570 (iOf. 5C1 GOc. •Mi) 50c. 115;! *].00. 115C $1.00. 1^ ^//^/v// ' .^"^^-.^^ (119) Chiciiuiati Tjipi' Foinnlri/, Ml 17«r ,s7. 12C ^- l.")!> G( 1360 fiOe. 2.-)7 me. I-arjiX' I'^iiick' Cuts furiiishccl to order. a 21 1; Ciiiciiniutl Ti/])! FiiiDidri/. .201 Mix St. Cincinnati Ti/ih' Fotimlry, iOt Vine St. 1346 40c. ;>95 40c. lajO 40c. 093 40e. 020 40e. 1071 50c. 1348 50c. 1201 7.'c. (122) Cincimiati Tijije Fuandnj, 201 Vine St. OlS 30c. con ao(>. 608 30e. 610 30c. (123) Cincinnati Type Foundry, SOI Vine St. ^^^#g^ 13.")4 .")0e. -190 $].2-'). 1081 .n.2o iii.s:i .•fi.ai. fS-" "9 «' IIW 11. oO. -li)2 oOc. 1122 .fl.iXI. 4<)f) oOe. 11 24 *1.(W. -ISS 3(k'. (124) Cincinnati Tijix: Foinidrij, 201 Vine St. 1465 n.OO. 500 3oc. 515 11.50. \ '^'"'"''M Srrn'i ■ 1 1 1 w ■ i , >:i»i ■■I'v I "■■■®si — -rr Large cuts of M' inriiished to order. (125) Cincinnati Type Foundry, 201 Vine St. m^ n.oo. 12s;) 2()c. 128-') $1.00. 1019 -JOc. 708 2.">c. iiu; .ll.OO. (127) Ciaciiinatl Type Foundry, SOI Vine SI. 449 30c. 1142 $1.01 127.S 30c. (128) Cinciiumti Ti/pe Foinidri/. 201 Vine St. 450 n.o'\ 451 3.->f. T207 7.V'. 1143 fil.OO. 1141 11.00. 4.")S $1.00. (129) Cincinnati Type Foundry, Wl 1 'ine St ^'m 30i'. l-">3] .fl.OO. 1540 250. 1.541 $1.75. 1542 GOc. C94 12e. 295 12c. 1543 18c. (130) Cincinnati Ti/pe Foundry, Wl Vine St. 471 4Cc. 734 ISc. 738 18c. (131) Cincinnati Type Foundry, SOI Vine St. (>.}0 -lOo. (•.22 ;Mc. 1220 40e. G15 50c. 1523 lOe. 1524 fie. 1525 lOe. 152r) (ip. 1527 10c M %J 1528 ()C. 1529 Gc. / 10:54 50e. 1528 ()C. / R 1601 fjfft> 75c. lom 50c. 128;) -5c-. 12S2 75c. 1307 $1.00. (133) Cincinnati Type Foundry, ^01 ]'ine St. 1301 $1.00. 13W 50c. (ili; 7.'.e. 1305 $1.2-5, 1302 50c IKVJ 30o 920 25c. 1210 75c. (135) Cincinnati Type Foundry, SOl ''*'«« St, 702 18c. 763 18c. 7?,9 ISc. 698 7.')C. l:») 2.')c. 632 ISc. 634 ISc. 774 50c. 1343 40c. 1340 30c. (136) Ciiiciiuiati Ti/jjc Fdiiinh'n 201 Vinf St. Five-pointed Stars. * * * ^ * * * • 1410 50c. 792 12e. 750 18e. 741 18c. Fonts of four of each size, |1.00 1406 - COc. 781 38c. wm^ 790 30e. 1407 f.Oc. 1520 50c. ''•i 1521 60e 1522 GOc. (137) Cincinnati Ti/pc Foiaidri/, 201 Vine ,si. lo()8 G5c. 8->3 C5c. 939 30o. 1371 Jfl.'i.'). 13GC inc. (138) Cincinnati Type Foandnj, 201 \'nie St. 849 30c. 1369 75c. 848 3C)e. 371 50c. 370 50c. 380 $1.25. 373 75c. (139) Cincinnati Tijpe FoHuilnj, SOI Vive St. 089 lOc. 364 11.00. 390 40c. 391 75c. 1380 .$1.00. lOCl $1.00. 1057 75c 1059 30c. (140) Cincinnati. Type Foundry, 201 Vine St. 384 50e. 3C5 50c. 1378 50c. 388 $1.00. 717 18c. Specimen sheets of larger Horse and .Tack cuts sent on application. (141) Cinciannti Type Foundry, 201 Vine St. 14S4 75c. ICis 40e. d-Ji') Cinciiiita/i Ti/pe Fuinidri'. 201 Vine SI. 710 l.'^c. 31-1 12c. 322 30c. 1392 50c. Cincinnati Type Foundri/, 201 Vine St. 332 7oc. 1385 7')C. 337 7.5c. ^:^*^o^^TrustLis deadJ^ (i-ii) Cincinnati Tijiic Foundry, SOI Vine SI. loGo SJC. (145) Cincinnati Type Foundry, 301 Vine St. i:;09 -.fl.OO. !51 50c. 401 oOo. 1468 35c. 346 35c. 576 30c. 1469 35c. 1395 60e. 1396 75c. 342 35c. 345 75c. ■'-^-T'DSf^ 1394 75c. 1400 .tl.OO. (146) (. tin^cit/uiLc Iifpf: Jifandif/, ^ui I t/^c St. 1397 60c. 405 75c. ^-„"J'-^V'S. a.v (147) Cincinnatl Type Foundry, HOI Vine St. I 1581 2oc (148) Cincinnati Ti/pe Foundrij, 201 Vine St. Gothic jsjo. 2. " '^' ^ ^- DoiBi.E English Gorinr No. •>. |5 go COMMERCE European Countries Government 6 5 A, 8 a. DoiBLK Geicat Primf.h Gothic No. 2. 17 50 MOUNDS North American Homes 28 4 A, G a. DocBLK Paragon Gothic No. 2. |8 00 THRONE Ancient Ruins German 6 4 A, fi a. roii!-l,i\K I'lCA . '" G S.2 i? '^ »o C tH > P. ! 3 6 i -H 00 o >> a - - '^ - ^ ^ ^ ;>?; :i5! ^5? ;>? ;i ^ (^ •«i in in « o^ S^ a , . . , 2 be 5 c Tf o rH 04 IM M •- > O -E « tr> O 00 ^ 03 ' s s tC Tl< ■* lO to 1 -^ CO O! CO ' "T O •- .S ■* lO iC t^ en r a y X X X X c ^ a = " - ^ ,, i) a) f_) fH o CO c X! I—* f"! 53 +^ ^ :; :: :; :; a. CO o (M 1 ^ 2 c 11 ^ 5 3 5 o ^ ^i^ ■«• ;d 00 rH to Ja! ^^ ^ ■* Tf ■* iO to . O = « A tH -a ^ S CO ^ 2? X X X X X i? '^ p. 3 o s S5 ^ . S « §1 S g ^ s? c g X X X X X Z^ * :)? i? 00 S s S3 §s « This Press is adapted to the finest kinds of wood cut, book and color printing. The register is perfect ; speed equal to Drum Press of any size. Each press is i)rovided with our new patent guide, which is fastened to the cylinder, and does away witli the tongues. They rvm quietly, smoothly, without bed-spring, or the need of them, and occupy far less room than large cylinder presses of the same capacity. The price includes the counter-shaft, hangers, driving jniUeys, two cone pulleys, two sets stocks, roller moulds, and shipping. For setting up, we only charge actual traveling expenses. The above cut shows the delivery with tapes, but we make i)resses with and without them, as preferred by the purchaser. Other sizes made to order. (3a) Cincinnati Type Fovndry, SOI Vine St. COMBINATION NEWSPAPER AND JOB PRESS. 17 X 24 Inside Chase. Press, 17x24 inside chase, with treadle i$500 00 Pulleys for power, extra S!35 00 Hand Crank, extra !S15 00 Less 10 per cent, for cash. This Is a massive piece of machinery, but it moves with wonderful ease. It is an admirable machine for large job work or small book forms, and is es- pecially adapted to a seven-column newspaper, one page at the time. In labor, one man works on the Jobber less laboriously than he can on the hand press, although he there has the help of the roller boy ; thus, it not only doubles the speed, but does so with about half the labor. A hand-wheel can be furnished, if desirable, but our opinion is that, when two boys are employed on the press, they had better both work on the treadle, the foot-board of which is made long for that purpose. In quality of work — evenness of impression and color— it has no superior. In economy, in the use of other material, one page only being printed at the time, considerably less type is needed, and hand press, inking apparatus, chases, roller-mould, and hand-roller may be omitted from cost of outfit. Still, the saving on all these articles does not make up for the cost of the Jobber, and it is only when the paper is ruu in connection with a job office that great economy in first cost is di.scernable. Then it saves also the u.sually indispensable half- medium job press, and reduces the cost of the com- bined news and jobbing outfit by about !fi")0, besides the first mentioned advantages and its great superior- ity over the usual job press in point of size. In constniction, the machine is very similar to our 9x12 and 12x17 disk-distribution Xonpareil Presses in general use. It continues the series by doubling the size of the last named. It has a good fountain. The arrangement for setting the impression is new, very simple, and effectual, and there is not the slightest spring to bed or platin under any impression — they are enormously strong. To facilitate the feeding of large sheets, a feed-board is placed directly over and projecting to the front of, and preventing dust from falling on the distributing disk, and the tables to the right and left of feeder are ample for all purposes. All the tables are loose from the press, and can be removed in an instant to change forms or clean up. The space occupied by the ground frame is about three by four feet ; height, to top of bed, nearly four feet: weight, boxed, H.OOO pounds ; it can be handily worked in a space eight feet square. For any form, from a seven-column folio page or two five-column folio pages of standard size, an eight-page book form, or job work, from a poster to a visiting card, at a speed from 4.i0 to .")00 by foot power, or 800 to 900 by hand-wheel or steam, it will completely fill the bill. A five-column folio daily, with a list under 1,000 copies, can be worked on it verj' advantageously. The great points of excellence in this large Jobber over other attempts are : its greater cheapness and the small amount of power required to run it. CINCINNATI TYPE FOUNDRY, CHAS. WELLS, Treas. TVo. 301 Vine Street. t4a) NONPAREIL PRESS WITH RECEDING BED. Nonpareil Presses have a stationary bed in front of feeder. The platen is moved back and forth by a crank motion, vibrating between the type and the feeder, never absolutely stopping, but by a motion peculiar to those presses moving slowly and opening wide when under the feeder's hands, so that he has ample time and conven- ience to feed in and remove the sheet. They have three rollers over the full form and disk distribution. The fountain is placed between the bed and the disk. The rollers transfer the ink from it to the disk as they rise, and the fountain is withdrawn, so that the rollers miss it as they pass from the disk to the form. The smaller sizes (9x12 and 12x17) have the bed adjusted to a wedge, the withdrawal of which draws the bed back from both or either the rollers or platen, enabling the pressman to dis- tribute without rolling, to roll repeatedly to each impression, or to print a dirty form clean of ink without removing the rollers — advantages possessed by no other disk- distribution press. In the presses of this construction, also, the impression, though adjusted by four screws in front of the platen, may be evenly increased or diminished by a single screw in the wedge like a hand press. Sizes antl 3?rices. Folio— 17X24 inside chase .$500 00 Pulleys for Power 2.5 00 Hand Crank 15 00 Half Folio — 12X17 inside chase, with patent Receding Bed 325 Op Pulleys for Power 15 00 Fountain 10 00 Quarter Folio— 9X12 inside chase, with patent Receding Bed $225 00 Pulleys for Power 10 00 Fountain 10 00 Boxing and drayage included. One Roller Mould, two sets of Roller Stocks, and three Chases are sent with each P*ress. Less 10 per cent, for cash. CINCINNATI TYPE FOUNDRY, CHAS. WELLS, Treas. No. 201 Vine Street. (5a) THE EELIABLE JOB PRESS Is what its name indicates, a very simple, strong machine, runs easily, with fair speed, does the best of work, and can safely be trusted in the most inex- perienced hands. Three rollers pass over the entire form. The impression adjustment is extremely simple and very effective. Its simplicity renders a description of the cut unnecessary. It is sold on a warrantee of complete satisfaction, and at a price far below that of any press of equal excellence. Each press is furnished with 4 cast rollers and 2 chases ; or roller-mould instead of cast rollers, at the option of the purchaser. Inside of chase 11x15 inches. Price, $225.00. Cincinnati Type Foundry, No. 201 Vine Street. Chas. Wells, Treas. (6rt) WASHINGTON HAND PRESS. PATENT ROLLING BED. Pat October 25, 1876. This is the most vahiable improvement in Hand Presses made in thirty years. On large presses, it saves half the labor. The improvement consists in placing wheel-tracks beside the ordinary ways, and instead of sliding the bed with great friction, it is easily rolled in and out on wheels, so arranged that they are free and do not support the bed when in position. Besides the wheels, the press has also the old-fashioned ways, and in case of damage or removal of wheels, you simply fall back on the ways, and slide the bed as usual ; but the whole arrangement is very simple, and not at all likely to become disordered. The cut above shows the details of the improvement. SZZIJES -A.2:T3D I'l^ICES. Without Patent Rolling Bed. Platen. Bed. Prints. Price. 14X18.18 X22 |1.')0 00 19X2.5. .22 X29. . . .5 oolumn folio 175 00 2.3X31. .26>iX3r). . fi column folio 200 00 2 pair of points, 1 wrench, 1 shecps-foot, 1 pair of bearers, and 1 extra frisket go with each press. With Patent Rolling Bed. Platen. Bed. Prints. Price". ;' 2.3X35. .26>^X.39. . . 7 column folio $22.5 iX43. . . .8 col. fol. or 5 col. quarto. . 2,'^^ 27X43. .31>^X47ii . .9 column folio 27oT)0 29X43. .32>iX47>^ . .(> column quarto iOQJ^ CIXCINNATI TYPE FOUNDRY,' CHAS. WELLS, Treas (7a) iTo. 201 Tri3a.s Stre«-t. THE ARMY PRESS. Resembles the modern common Hand Press in liavinj,' Avays, toed, tynipan, and frisket. In \Aace of a platin and levers, it lias a cylinder, by tlie rotation of wbioh the bed is moved and the imjjression given at each motion, back or forth; The tympan is covered with the best gum cloth. The frisket is covered witii i>ai>er, same as other Hand Presses. The form is inked by hand. The imi)ression is adjusted by screws under the bearings of the cylinder. The slieet is worked folded, and turned, taking four im- pressions to complete each paj^er. The j)ressman can work from 200 to 300 imj)ressions per hour and do good newspaper work. Tliere is nothing wonderful about this kind of newspaper work except the cheapness of the outfit for it. Wliere it is desirable to start on a very economical scale, commencing with a small circulation, this outfit does admirably. Each Press is furnished with two chases, six Hemple jiatent (pioins, roller frame and cast roller, oiler and wrench. The Army Press should not be confounded with the Adams (.'ottage Press. The latter has no frisket, the former has; the latter has a loose cylinder, while, in the Army, the bed and cylinder are firmly geared together, and there are other important differences. Estimate for 6-column Paper. Army Press, 14X20 inches $60 00 1 Single Galley 1 CO 2 Wood Galleys 60 2 six-inch Composing Sticks 1 50 3 pairs Cases 3 CO 6 Job and Triple Cases 4 20 Mallet, Planer, Brush and Bodkins I 60 10 lbs. News Ink 2 00 Column and Head Rules for two pages 5 00 Advertising, Parallel Rules, and Dashes ... 2 60 15 lbs. Leads 1 95 80 lbs. Long Primer 33 60 50 lbs. Brevier 24 00 Head to Paper 2 50 Brevier Title No. 4 3 50 Brevier Title Italic No. 2 3 25 Brevier Antique Extended No. 3 2 25 Long Primer Aldine 2 25 Long Primer Clarendon Extended 2 90 Two-line Brevier No. 5 2 10 Two-line Pica Extra Condensed 1 85 Two-line Gt. Primer Ant. Cond. No. 1 2 60 $165 45 Estimate for 7-eolumn Paper, Army Press, 16>i X22Ji inches 1 Single Brass Galleys 2 Wood Galleys 2 si.x-inch Composing Sticks 3 pairs Cases 8 Job and Triple Cases Mallet, Planer, Brush, and Bodkins 10 lbs. News Ink Column and Head Rules for two pages Advertising, Paragraph, and Dash Rules. . 2 Steel Composing and 1 Imposing Rule 15 lbs. Leads cut to measure 5 lbs. Slugs '• " 100 lbs. Long Primer 50 lbs. Brevier Head to Paper Brevier Title No. 4 Brevier Antique Cond. No. 4 Brevier Antique Extended No. 3 Long Primer Aldine Long Primer Gothic Cond. No. 5 Ijong Primer Gothic No. 2 Pica Doric Two-Line Brevier No. 5 Two-line Brevier Cond. No. 1 Two-Line Pica Extra Condensed Two-Line Gt. Primer Antique Cond. No. 1. $85 00 , 2 00 60 1 50 3 60 . 5 60 1 60 . 1 60 6 00 , 2 60 75 , 2 40 80 . 42 00 24 00 . 2 50 3 50 , 2 20 , 2 25 2 25 2 90 2 85 2 80 . 2 10 1 35 . 1 85 2 60 $209 20 (8a) Cincinnati Type Foundry, SOI Vine St. UNIVERSAL RULE SHAPER. This is the first prac- tical instrument for tlie purpose that has ever been introduced for the use of printers ; others will do to mitre a few special rules occasion- ally, but this one is equal to all emergencies likely to occur in a printing office. It does its work rapidly and ac- curately, and the cut- ters are easily sharp- ened and kept in order. You can cut the rule squarely off, or mitre any of the common an- gles in use, with the cutters or bits sent with the machine, and special bits can be cheaply made for extraordinary or fancy shapes. The machines in use by type founders and those who prepare rules for printers' use have always been too complicated and costly, and the saws by whicii they do their work, too delicate to be kept in order to work smoothly by any but a skilled man expert in their use. The heavy shears often used to cut rule always ruin one, and often both, of the cut surfaces; and if planes are used to trim the ends into shape, the rule being fed up to the bit by hand often springs, twists, chatters, and boggles the surface it is so important to make smooth and true. This machine is constructed on the gen- eral plan of a machinist's shaper — of course, simplified and confined to this one use. The rule is cut off, and the ends properly mitered at one operation. The tool is screwed into the slot made to contain it — set to the proper depth — the strip of rule is clamped down to the table in proper position — the little crank is turned — the bit passes firmly back and forth across the table, and each time it recedes, touches a little lever, which raisies the table firmly the hight of one shaving — the rule is rapidly cut away, leav- ing both ends mitered with the greatest smoothness and accuracy. The work-table rises only to a given point, where it stops while the bit makes several passages through the groove, when the table suddenly falls to the starting point, ready to repeat the oper- ation. In setting the bit, the table should Price, ^3.5.00. be raised to its highest point, and the bit so adjusted as in no case to cut quite through the rule or gouge into the taljle. It is best to cut only through the face of the rule, leaving the shoulder to be bent around the corner, or broken ofi", and the broken edge trimmed off with a fine file. The table has motion enough to cut pica rule ; consequently, when a thinner rule is on it, some motion of the ma- chine is necessary be- fore it rises so as to be- gin to cut. To obviate the tediousness of this, place the bit immediately over the face of the rule, lift the table by hand till the bit touches the brass, turn the rachet below with the finger as far as it can move, and you will no longer turn the crank ineff"ectu- ally. Every time a cut is made, the strip should be taken out, and the little burr turned up at the corner filed smoothly off. To use the guage. — For instance, you want to mitre rule for a card, 10x24 ems, outside measure : lay a strip of rule on the table, face from you, so that the end will be cut off, set the guage against the left-hand end, clamp the rule down and cut it, take it out, dress off the burr at foot, put 1(5 ems of type in front of the guage, clamp in the rule as before, cut, take out, dress burr at foot, lay in 24 ems more in front of guage, repeat the clamping, cutting, and dressing, lay in 16 ems and repeat, 24 ems and repeat again, break off" the ends and smooth them up, bend up your corners, and tie your rules with a string, and set your card in a frame, or, if you prefer, separate all the sides and smooth them up, and use as ordinary mi- tered rule. It is a very strong machine. The cutters are simply shaped bits, to be sharpened only on the flat side, and, consequently, always retaining their shape as long as they last. A set 01 ordinary page rule of given size can be well mitered in two minutes, and rule for a large number of pages of uniform size still more rapidly. CHAS. WELLS, Treas. CINCINNATI TYPE FOUNDRY, IVo. 301 Vine (Street. (9a) THE UNDERCUT PAPER CUTTER. 12 inch lever $ 40 00 24 " " R-) 00 28 " " llo 00 25 inch improved loO 00 30 " " 175 00 30 inch power 500 00 34 " " 600 00 LEADER PAPER CUTTER. PLOW PAPER CUTTER. 28 inch MO 00 GEM PAPER CUTTER. 30 inch, lev er $175 00 PRINTER'S PAPER CUTTER. PARAGON PAPER CUTTER. 30 inch, lever $175 00 HARITyPAPER CUTl er^ 223i inch $80 00 ! 30 inch, rotary $150 00 (10a) •Cincinnati Type Foundry, 201 Vine St. PREMIUM CARD CUTTER No. 1. THORP'S MITERING MACHINE. 28 inch rotary, improved $30 00 PREMIUM CARD CUTTER No. 2. 28 inch rotary, plain . $45 00 ELM CITY CARD CUTTER. 12 inch shear Cuts an entire card board with two cuts. .flO 00 EARTH'S PATENT LEAD CUTTER. With Reversible Knives. DOUBLE LEYER RULE CUTTER. Price, $15.00. Price |24 00 ROUND HOLE PERFORATOR. The above cut illustrates an improved Perforating machine for printers and stationers. The table extends in front and back of the machine and has adjustable guages for squaring work. The scraps are caught in caps attached to the machine, thus avoiding litter on the floor. The punches are made of the finest steel needle wire, and are hard and durable, and are made in sections. Prices. To perforate 20 inches in length $ 75 00 28 " " " 125 00 Other sizes made to order. LITTLE GIANT LEAD CUTTER. Price, $8.00. (lla) Cincinnati Type Foundry, SOI Vine St. MAILING MATERIAL. LONGLEY'S TIMES MAILEE. EUKENBEOD'S MAILING PEESS. Price, ^30,<>C>. PINEE'S MUSTANG MAILEE For hand, including 4 galley.^ |22 50 Extras: Gallevs, each, 50 cts ; Bell quads, per 100, fl.OO : Galley reglets, per 100, &5 cts. Frank Talbott 31S78 |C W Smith 3|77 E PTardin.s 1S|79 DANBURY Mass S M Pendleton 29|78 I Mary Stivers 19|79 COLD SPRINGS Tex Galleys extra, 50 cents each. J F Murphy 23|78 G L Waterman '4|'79 Ford Hohno.^ 29|79 ROCHESTER Mich Martin Kramer 1^|79 IJane Pomeroy 6|78 PITTSBURGH >a Directions for Mail ins: List. 1. Bring into alphabetical order the Post Offices found in the mailing books by taking twentj'-six slips of paper, about three inches wide, each headed with a letter of the alpha- bet. On these sUi)s classify all Post Offices. 2. Prepare Post Office list for compositor by commencing with the first Post Office in A ; turning to its list of names on the mailing book, write them all on a slip of paper, and after each name write the precise date up to which each has paid for the paper. As fast as the lists are thus written (jut, they can be passed to compositor and set up. 3. Adjust to ten ems pica, which affords room for name, date, or number on which subscription terminates, and all the private marks requisite in book-keeping. Commence each name flush, omit points, never space the date, and, if necessary, omit spacing name. If additional lines are used to complete an address, indent respectively one and two ems, if jwssible. The name of the Post Office is placed at the bottom in Antique letter, as shown above. By this arrangement the Post Office address falls systematically from the dispatch machine on its appropriate bundle of papers, which is then ready to be wrapped. corded, and mailed, lea\ing the address ex- posed on the white margin, unless the Post Offices are set uj) in order a second time, with figures or symbols annexed, indicating the size of wrapper retpiired to be used in each case, so as to have all the wra])])ers addressed before going to press. The setting up of the subscription list being completed, arrange the whole according to mail routes and post of- fices in alphabetical order in chases or galleys. All this done, take three impressions from the type, if the Longley mailer is used ; the others print 1 A'iiio Street- THE NILES ENGINE. Specifications and Prices. All engines warranted to develop the rated horse power with a pressure of sixty pounds of steam. FOUR HORSE POWER. Diameter of cylinder, 4 inches ; stroke, o inelies. Revolutions per minute, 300. Boiler, 28 inches diameter, 02 inches high ; has twenty-seven 2}i inch tubes. Weight, 1,800 pounds. Price, $400.00. SIX HORSE POWER. Diameter of cylinder, (i inches ; stroke, 7 inches. Revolutions per minute, 225. Boiler, 30 inches diameter, (ifi inches high ; has thirty-seven 2>^ inch tubes. Weight, 2.700 pounds. Price, $.").")0.00. EIGHT HORSE POWER. Diameter of cylinder, inches ; stroke, 7 inches. Revolutions per minute, 225. Boiler, 33 inches diameter, 71 inches high ; has forty-two 2>^ inch tubes. Weight, 3,000 pounds. Price, 1^50.00. TEN HORSE POWER. Diameter of cylinder, 7 inches ; stroke, 9 inches. Revolutions per minute, 100. Boiler, 30 inches diameter, 77 inches high ; has fifty-five 2^2 inch tubes. Weight, 5,000 pounds. Price, $8.50.00. TWELVE HORSE POWER. Diameter of cylinder, 8 inches ; stroke, 9 inches. Revolutions per minute, KiO. Boiler, 42 inches diameter, 80 inches high ; has sixty-nine 2)i inch tubes. Weight, 5,800 pounds. Price, $1,000.00. Is specially adapted for any purpose requir- ing an engine of from 4 to 12 horse power. The engine and boiler are mounted together upon a substantial cast iron base, forming a complete power outfit, simple and dural)le and economical in perform- ances. The engine is not at- tached to the boiler, but is erected on the same base with it, thus pre- venting all injurious ef- fects of expansion » and contraction. Each engine In provided with a heater, mto which exhaust steam escapes, heating the feed water, thereby saving fuel and preventing the injection of cold water into boiler. The engine is hor- izontal, with long steam chest and short steam pas- sages, and the cylinder is provided with a hot air jacket. The connecting rod is a wrought-iron forging with gun metal brasses, adjustable for'wear. The main shaft is of steel, and the bearings are unusually large with simple devices for tak- ing up wear. The engine is com- pletely equipped with governor, fly-wheel, oil cups, stop valves, and drip pipes. The boiler is made entirely of wrought iron of the very best quality, and is of ample size to furnish the engine with steam when exerting its maximum power, having fifteen square feet of heating surface per horse power. The tubes are arrang- ed for complete circula- tion, and are entirely I below the water line, preventing the possibil- ity of leakage. The trimmings are the best, comprising guage cocks, glass water guage steam guage, safety valve , check valve, blow-off cock, 'and feed pump. Purchasers will do well to consider the superiority of the Niles P^ngine as a power outfit before looking elsewhere. CHAS. WELLS, Treas. CINCINNATI TYPE FOUNDRY, No. 201 VINE .STREET. (13a) PULLEYS, SHAFTING AND HANGERS. Pulleys, Shafting and Hangers furnished of the best material on shortest notice. Esti- mates made on receipt of description of room to be occupied, and number and sizes of presses to be used. Wrought Iron Turned Shafting. Diameter of shaft. Price per foot. Diameter of shaft. Price per foot. Diameter of shaft. Price per foot. 1 3-16 in. 1 7-16 in. 1 11-16 in. 1 15-16 in. $0 4,5 55 70 87 2 3-16 in. 2 7-16 in. 2 11-16 in. 2 15-16 in. $1 06 1 30 1 53 1 86 3 3-16 in. 3 7-16 in. 3 15-16 in. $2 18 2 56 3 75 Ball and Socket Adjustable Hangers. Without Oil Fountain. Size Journal. 15-16 1 3-16 1 7-16 1 11-16 1 15-16 2 3-16 Drop 10 inch . 3 81 " 12 "... 4 62 " 13 "... 5 98 7 05 8 51 10 11 " 16 "... 6 64 8 03 9 27 10 59 " 19 "... 10 11 11 84 " 22 "... 10 97 12 74 " 25 "... Size Journal 2 7-16 2 11-16 2 15-16 3 3-16 3 7-16 3 15-16 Drop 13 inch 11 38 12 63 13 91 " 16 " 11 87 13 53 14 96 17 85 " 19 " 13 06 14 84 15 78 18 39 19 13 25 08 " 22 " 14 02 15 26 16 62 18 94 19 90 25 79 << 25 " 15 01 15 88 17 70 19 63 20 87 Ball and Socket Post Hangers. Without Oil Fountain. 1 7-16 inch post hanger $ 5 60 1 11-16 1 15-16 2 3-16 2 7-16 2 11-16 2 15-16 3 3-16 3 7-16 3 15-16 7 14 8 70 9 16 10 34 11 44 12 83 14 90 I6 46 20 22 Rigid Hangers. Without Oil Fountain. Babbitt Bearings. Size Journal. 15-16 1 3-16 1 5-16 1 7-16 1 11-16 1 15-16 Drop 10 inch . 4 56 4 60 4 91 4 98 5 41 " 12 "... 4 71 4 75 5 13 5 21 5 57 7 24 " 14 "... 5 36 5 44 5 77 7 55 " 16 "... 5 86 7 85 " 18 "... 6 18 9 83 " 21 "... 10 44 Size Journal 2 3-16 2 7-16 2 11-16 2 15-16 3 3-16 3 15-16 Drop 12 inch 8 00 " 14 " 8 40 8 84 9 15 11 44 " 16 " 8 72 9 15 9 45 11 74 " 18 " 10 09 10 53 10 75 12 50 " 21 " 10 85 11 58 11 74 13 72 Rigid Post Hangers. Without Oil Fountain. Babbitt Bearings. 1 11-16 inch post hanger | 115-16 " " " 7 00 2 3-16 " " " 8 40 2 7-16 " " " 10 21 211-16 " " " 10 82 215-16 " " " 11 58 3 3-16 " " " 3 7-16 " " " Ball and Socket Counter Hangers. With shipper arm. Without Oil Fountain. 15-16 inch counter hunger, 10 inch drop $4 16 1 3-16 " Prices o 12 " 4 97 d and Bal- f Pulleys, Bored, Turne anced with Set Screws or Key Seat. Dia. Face. Price. Dia. Face. Price. Dia. Face. Price. 6 3Ji $ 2 00 16 W}i % 7 15 30 16 k $26 17 6 ^H 2 27 1(> 12>i 8 26 30 18>i 6 by^ 2 54 17 3 k 3 88 30 2OI2 6 6^ 2 81 17 4^ 4 31 32 6 k 12 19 6 8H 3 10 17 by. 4 74 32 8 k 15 34 7 3Ji 2 15 ; 17 6H 5 17 32 lOk 18 49 4Ji. 2 42 17 ay. 6 35 32 12>i 2l 64 5Ji 2 69 17 \()y. 7 53 32 14>2 24 79 6>a 2 96 i 17 viy. 8 71 32 16.k 28 14 7 ii!>i 3 23 1 18 •sy. 4 01 32 20>i 8 •Si', 2 42 1 1« 4H 4 44 34 6 k 12 97 8 4H 2 57 ! 18 by. 4 87 ;« a). 16 22 8 b% 2 84 18 6 k 5 50 34 lo.k 19 47 8 6H 3 11 1 18 a% 6 65 ;« 12 k 22 72 8 ^% 3 38 18 10 k 7 92 34 14 k 25 97 8 10^^ 3 (» 18 12 k 9 19 ;w 16 k 30 13 9 •i% 2 53 19 3 k 4 29 •?A 20>i 9 \% 2-76 19 4 k 5 03 .36 4 k 11 50 9 b^i 2 99 19 5 k 5 37 :« 6 k 13 60 9 6^ 3 22 19 6 k 6 42 36 8 k 17 18 9 ay. 3 69 1 19 8k 7 64 ;^6 10 k 20 76 9 lOi-i 4 16 1 19 10k 8 58 'm 12 k 24 34 9 viy. 1 li> 12k 9 52 •m 14 k 27 92 10 •Ay, 2 65 20 3k 4 77 36 16 k 32 47 10 'iH 2 90 20 4 k 5 32 3() 18 k 36 17 10 bf-i 3 15 20 5 k 5 87 36 20 k 40 68 10 6^i 3 40 20 6k 6 70 :« 6 k 14 68 10 ay. 3 98 20 8 k 7 88 38 8k 18 85 10 10>^ 4 62 20 10 k 9 47 :« lo.k 22 62 10 12JJ 5 26 20 12k 11 06 38 12 k 26 59 11 •S!>i 2 84 20 14 k 12 65 ;w 14 k 30 56 11 'iy. 3 07 22 3 k 5 10 38 16 k 35 28 11 5>i 3 30 22 4 k 5 72 .38 20 k 11 6^i 3 60 22 5 k 6 36 40 4 k 13 21 n ay. 4 28 22 6 k 7 00 40 6k 16 48 11 Wi-i 5 03 1 22 8 k 8 56 40 8 k 19 55 11 xiy. 5 78 22 10k 10 32 40 lo.k 24 06 12 •6y, 2 98 1 22 12k 12 08 40 123s 28 57 12 4y, 3 24 22 14 k 13 84 1 40 14 k 33 08 12 by. 3 50 24 3 k 5 41 \ 40 16 k 37 67 12 ay. 3 86 24 4 k 6 13 1 40 20ii 46 31 12 ai>i 4 60 24 5 k 6 85 42 6 k 16 61 12 ^oy, 5 45 24 .6k 7 57 42 8 k 21 22 12 xiy. 6 30 24 8k 9 30 42 10k 25 83 13 •iy. 3 12 24 10k 11 21 42 viy^ 30 44 13 4>j 3 42 24 12 k 13 12 42 14 k a5 05 13 5>„ 3 72 1 24 14k 15 00 42 16 k 40 18 13 6>» 4 04 24 16>i 17 53 42 20>i 13 ay. 4 96 24 18k 20 85 44 6xk 13 10^, 5 &5 26 4k 7 00 44 8 k 22 55 13 xiy,. 6 74 26 5k 7 (H 44 lo.k 27 70 14 •sy. 3 32 26 6 k 8 28 44 12 k 32 85 14 ^y. 365 26 8 k 10 15 44 14 k 38 00 14 b^i 3 98 26 10k 12 36 44 16 k 46 00 14 6>4 4 31 26 12k 14 57 44 20>i 14 8>i 528 26 14k 16 78 46 6 k 14 I0>i 6 21 28 4k 7 79 1 46 8k 24 34 14 r2^i 7 22 28 5 k 8 90 46 10;>i 30 11 15 3>i 3 47 28 6 k 9 65 46 12k 35 88 15 4>i 3 82 28 8k 11 88 46 14 k 41 65 15 b^i 4 17 28 10k 14 51 46 vs% 15 6>i 4 52 28 12>i 17 14 4(i 20}i 15 8>i 5 62 28 14k 19 77 48 ay. 21 97 15 I0>i 6 68 30 4 k 10 45 48 ay. 25 73 15 12>S 7 74 .30 5 k 10 90 48 lok 32 22 16 3li 3 72 30 6 k 11 35 48 12>i 38 71" 16 4.*^ 4 10 .30 8 k 13 73 48 i4.k 45 20 16 byi 4 48 .30 10k 16 77 48 lo.k 51 69 16 (,y,. 4 86 .30 12>^ 19 81 48 20,k 16 8>i 6 04 30 14>^ 22 85 CINCINNATI TYPE FOUNDRY, CHAS. WELLS, Tr. (14fl) No. 201 Vine Straet. 0>«^\.^JbjS« Two -thirds Cap Case. Two -thirds Lower Case. Each, oO cts. Per pair, $1.00. Each, 50 cts. Two-thirds Job Case. Each, 60 cts. Cap Case, Plain. Lower Case, Plain. Each, GO «t.s. Per pair, $1.30. Each, 60 cts. Triple Case. Job Case. Each, 70 cts. Each, 70 cts. Labor-Saving Rule Case. Old Style. Each, OO cts. Labor-Saving Rule Case. New Style. - -♦ - :» /■ A \ Each, OO cts. Quad and Space Case. Figure Case. Each, 80 cts. Labor-Saving Lead Case. Each, 80 cts. Blank Case. Each, 80 cts. CHAS. WELLS, Treas. Each, 50 cts. CINCINIVATI TYPE FOUNDRY, / (loa) No. 201 VINE STREET. Enreka Labor-SaTiiig Lead and Sing Rack. Galley Rack. Two-third Galley-top Cabinet. Price, $3.50. Furniture, Lead and Rule Rack with Cabinet. rrice, ««0.00. Price, 20 cases, $23.00. Perfection Cabinet. Price, 870.00. 40-Case Cabinet, plain. Price, $60.00, Combination Cabinet. Price, $80.00. (16a) Cincinnati Type Foundry, 301 Vine Street. ZZ50 J m ^m »1 'Mi ■ 'J