Gre^t Britain. Parliament. Pouse of Commons. Interesting extracts from *Mnr if evidence t^ken Before the conpittes of the whole house . , UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES /'-,-,/ /'*.J. // f- INTERESTING EXTRACTS FROM THE MINUTES OF EVIDENCE TAKEN BEFORE THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE HOUSE, TO WHOM IT WAS REFERRED TO CONSIDER OF THE &ffair0 of $e Cast f nUta Company IN THE SESSIONS 1813; Illustrative of the Improvements in the Manufacture of Iron, Steel, Brass, Tin, Copper, Hemp, Cordage, <^c. BY THE NATIVES OF INDIA. LONDON: Printed by T. Davison, Whilefrian ; AND SOLD BY J. M. RICHAKDSON, CORNHILL. 18 14-, y A; CONTENTS. . Extract from the Evidence of Lord Teignmouth 1 L . Lieut.-Col. Sir John Malcolm 2, 35 . , Major-Gen. Alex. Kyd 4 _ . Groeme Mercer, Esq. 5 _ David Vanderheyden, Esq. ib. . Lestock Wilson, Esq. 6 . - William Fairlie, Esq. ib. . i Col. Thomas Munro 9 , Sir Charles W. Mallet, Bart, 11 . Alex. Falconer, Esq. 12 ^ . . ..- Thos. Cockburn, Esq. 14 . Charles Buller, Esq. 16 A -. John Stracev, Esq. 18 "V Thos. Sydenham, Esq. ib. 24 ^ , John Woolmore, Esq. 19 Robert Morris, Esq. 27 . , William Davies, Esq. 28 , , Wm. Stanley Clarke, Esq. 34 1 Martin Lindsay, Esq. 37 ^ Thos. G. Murray, Esq. 38 . James Horsburgh, Esq. 39 , Sir G. J. Staunton, Bart. 40 Daniel Beale, Esq. ib. i James Drummond, Esq. ib. INTERESTING EXTRACTS FROM THE MINUTES OF EVIDENCE TAKEN BEFORE THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE HOUSE, TO WHOM IT WAS REFERRED To consider of the Affairs of the East India Company, IN THE SESSIONS 1813; ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE IMPROVEMENTS IN THE MANUFACTURE OF IRON, STEEL, BRASS, TIN, COPPER, HEMP, CORDAGE, &C. BY THE NATIVES OF INDIA. Names of the Witnesses and Pages of the Minutes. Lord Teignmouth, p. 16. your lordship happen to know what the rate of wages is in India ? I certainly once knew, but have forgotten. I know that subsistence in India may be procured easier than in any other part of the world, and that a native of that country for 3s. a mouth may live luxuriously: that may be some rule for esti- mating the rate of labour. Your lordship having stated 3s. a month to be sufficient for the subsistence of a labourer in India, does your lordship happen to know what farther sum may be necessary for his clothing and his other necessary expenses ? I have not a sufficient recollection to say what further might be necessary for supplying him with clothing ; it could not be much, because cloth is very cheap in that country, and the quantity which a labourer wears is very little. Lieut. Colonel Sir John Malcolm, p. 59. Can you state, whether for the purpose of European or British consumption, in the principal settlements of the Com- pany in India, Indian artisans or manufacturers of European commodities have established themselves in those settlements ? They have; but the great proportion of such articles are manufactured under the direction, at least, of European arti- sans, who are settled at the various presidencies. Have European artisans began to settle there, and to carry on their trades ? They have : in the different settlements of Calcutta, Ma- dras^ and Bombay, are to be found coachmakers, uphol- sterers, boot and shoemakers, leather manufacturers of all kinds, particularly at Madras, watchmakers, silversmiths, all Europeans, with native workmen. Do the produce of those manufactures tend to diminish the consumption of European commodities sent from Europe ? They must, no doubt, have that tendency in a very consi- derable degree; and they are (as far as I could judge) extend- ing as fast aa Europeans come out to direct them. You have said that the artisans are Europeans, with Indiaa workmen; from your observation, are not the Indians ex- tremely ready in learning any handicraft art, and have they not been enabled to make those articles to very considerable perfection ? ITiey are extremely apt at learning all such trades : various manufactures have been established ; leather in all its branches is manufactured at a tannery established at Madras, at which they make military accoutrements, boots, shoes, and other articles, even to ladies gloves; carriages and other articles are made in very great perfection : many of the half-cast, or chil- dren of European fathers and native mothers are employed ID such trades. From this aptitude on the part of the Indians, is it not likely lliat they v\ould in process of time supply themselves with all .such articles, to a diminution of European importa- tion to India t There can be no doubt they would; I should conceive, from the price of labour, that they will be enabled to make those articles cheaper ; I mean all such articles as the nature of the climate will admit of their manufacturing. P. 67. Do not you think that it would be good policy in the British government to increase the means of information to the natives of India; information such as you have de- scribed ? I consider that in a state of so extraordinary a nature as British India, the first consideration of the government must always be its own safety; and that the political question of governing that country must be paramount to all other consi- derations : under that view of the case, I conceive every subordinate measure (and such I conceive that referred to in the question,) must be regulated entirely by the superior consideration of political security. Might not an increase in the knowledge of useful arts in the natives, conveyed by British subjects resident in India, tend to strengthen the British government in India ? I conceive that such knowledge might tend in a considera- ble degree to increase their own comforts and their enjoyment of life ; but I cannot see how it would tend in any shape to strengthen the political security of the English government in India, which appears to me to rest peculiarly upon their pre- sent condition. P. 70. You have mentioned on a former night that the natives of India were getting into the habit of manufacturing articles the same as those supplied from this country : do you think that articles so manufactured are as good as those im- ported from England? The tannery lately established at Madras by an European gentleman of the name of Parry, who has various assistants acquainted with that manufacture, has reached a very extraor- dinary degree of perfection : leather pantaloons, even for the horse artillery, are, I believe, manufactured there, also gloves of very excellent description; and I have heard within the last two years, there is a tolerable glas manufactory esta- blished at Madras ; the carriages made at Calcutta are, I be- lieve, generally speaking, preferred to those sent out from England, though many of the materials are imported from this country; the furniture is also excellent, and silver plate is manufactured by Europeans, as well as many other articlei. and I am not aware that there are any circumstances of climate which can make a difference in the production of equally good mechanics, in any of the manufactures 1 have stated. Do you think that the natives of India are likely to rival us in their manufacture of woollens, cutlery, and other hardware? In India they have no wool fit for the manufacture, and therefore can never rival us in that : I have seen articles of cutlery and even brass instruments made in very considerable perfection ; the latter was at the gun carriage yard, in Seringa- patam, where European superintendants have instructed some of the half-cast artisans and natives to be very skilful workmen ; and I cannot myself understand (if there is no ob- jection on the point of climate) why the same persons that manufacture articles in England, if they have the materials in India, should not make them there. Major General Alexander Kycl, p. 78. Can you state whether more manufacture of European articles is pursued now in Calcutta and the other presidencies than formerly ? A gieat number of European artisans have established themselves in Calcutta, in Patna, at all our cantonments at Lucknow, and almost all the great towns where there are Europeans for carrying on the various manufactures of articles used by Europeans, such as carriages, furniture of all kinds, palankeens of a peculiar construction, invented by the Euro- peans, plate, sadlery, boots and shoes, salting meats, in making guns and pistols, and a variety of other articles that I do not now recollect ; they have taught the native artificers, who are very acute arid dexterous, to execute every article in a man- ner almost to emulate those that are sent from England ; but I have to observe that the whole of these manufactures is for the use of Europeans, as they can furnish them at a cheaper rale than thvse of the same kind imported from Europe ; and I firmly bcheve, that if we were by any means to leave IJin- dostan altogether, that they would entirely drop those mann- factuies and employ themselves in carrying on their own. It in consequence of the proposed opening of the trade the number of artificers should materially increase at those re- ipective settlements, looking to the present skill of the natives as now described, and to the immense disproportion of labour between India and this country, do you think that in time such an ingress of artificers might not be the means of very much superseding the necessity for the importation of British manufactures to India ? It has already in a great measure superseded that necessity, and the increase of articles which have gone from this country has not been in proportion to the increase of the European population. Looking to the unlimited licence of ingress now proposed, and to the habits of the natives, according to your experience, do you think that such opening of the trade will be consistent either with the happiness of the natives or with the security of the British interest in India ? I do not think it can possibly be conducive to the happi- ness of the natives, and I think it would in a material degree risk our safety in that country. Gr&mt Mercer , Esq. p. 89. Are not the natives of India generally a manufacturing people, skilful in manufacturing operations, and likely to provide for themselves whatever manufactures they stand in need of? They are very much so, and have hardly any, if any, wants from foreign countries. Have not many of the natives been lately taught European arts, to supply the wants of the Europeans at the presidencies of India ? Many native artisans have been taught by Europeans, and are now settled in every principal town or station where Europeans reside, and furnish a great proportion of the articles required by Europeans. David Pander hey den, Esq. p. 93. Do you know whether there has been an increasing dis- position in the Indian artificers to manufacture articles for European use ? Yes ; they are themselves very ingenious, and excellent imi- tators ; and they have been also taught by European artificers ; they manufacture various articles, such as carriages, furniture, plate, and various other articles, very nearly to approach those manufactured in Europe in point of excellence. Supposing, in consequence of the increased facility of visit- ing India, that an increased number of artificers should go there, and looking to the immense disproportion of the price of labour between India and this country, do you apprehend that in time the necessity of import of British manufactures might not thereby be in a great degree superseded ? I should think it would annually diminish from that cause. Lestock Wilson, Esq. p. 112. You are no doubt aware that the staple articles of iron, steel, copper, and lead, would generally, if not always, yield a saving remittance to a very great extent ? I certainly am aware of the contrary, from experience, having sent copper and lost considerably by it. Have you experienced the same loss upon iron, and steel, and lead, as upon copper ? No ; I do not know that I have. I have lost, as a com- mander, upon the aggregate, by the outward-bound invest- ment : some of those things ] may have gained by, and some I may have lost by. William Fairlic, Esq. p. 113-114. To what do you ascribe the Calcutta market having been io much more glutted during the last four years, with British commodities ? The very large quantities that have been lying on hand in that market, and the extent of the investments of the Com- pany's officers, and also the importation by India-built ships returning from England. Do any particular articles seem to you as likely to in- crease ? There are few or any articles, that I re ally kaow of, that the common people would want; a few clothes might, perhaps, be increased in tune, and some few European articles for erect- ing their houses, window glass, or hinges, but in a very small degree. You were of the house that Mr. Scott belonged to, and corresponded with that house here ? Yes. Were there efforts made by the house at home to encourage the exportation of articles from Great Britain to your house at Calcutta ? There have been very large quantities of goods shipped by them at different times to the house at Calcutta, many years ago. Were those shipments repeated for any length of time ? They were repeated frequently ; when the India ships came to this country with cargoes, there was a return cargo provided for them all, of some extent, and of considerable amount. Did you find that that was sufficient to answer the purposes of the demand in India, or more than sufficient ? They were but a small proportion, of the goods we had, to the general importation of goods into Calcutta ; but almost universally a loss was left upon the goods which we imported. How long has the house ceased to continue those exporta- tions ? I cannot exactly speak to the acts of the house here in London, but in Calcutta we have discontinued them for live or six years. Was the cause of your discontinuing them, that they were disadvantageous speculations, or have you any other cause to assign ? It was on that account, that they were generally attended with loss, perhaps rive times out of six. Can you give any information respecting the articles that are manufactured at Calcutta for the consumption of the European population there, such as shoes, boots, and sadlery : There are a great many articles now manufactured in Cal- cutta, that supply the place of those formerly imported from this country; all kinds of leather, carpenters' work of every description, furniture, plate, and a variety of articles in copper and bras* ; carriages are made there, many of them made en- tirely there, others from materials imported from this country: few carriages that are imported from this country are com- pletely finished here. 8 Did those articles used to be sent from this country ? Yes ; those have been chiefly since my residence hi Cal- cutta. The rise of those manufactures upon the spot, has been since your residence at Calcutta ? Yes, the greatest part of them. Are those manufactures in sufficient perfection to induce the British population there, of the higher order and rank, to wear them and use them ? They have their plate there, their mahogany furniture and other articles made there, and by far the greatest part of them use the leather manufactured there for shoes, and boots, and harness ; buff leather for belts is made there. Are those got so much cheaper there as to induce a prefer- ence over those sent from this country ? They are greatly cheaper. Have you had occasion to observe whether the natives, who hare been taught to manufacture and fabricate those articles, have been adroit and expert in the performance of them ? They are almost wholly manufactured by the natives ; one European carpenter may perhaps employ fifty or a hundred natives, with not an European among them ; the same with the shoemakers, and also with plate : in fact there are not many European tradesmen who work themselves ; tailors there are, a few, but in comparison not one in fifty of the per- sons that are employed are natives. Are you acquainted with the price of labour or the wages paid to those artisans They receive, no doubt, according to their abilities, from perhaps seven shillings and sixpence to twenty shillings or twenty-five shillings, according to their expertness, a month ; I cannot particularly speak to that point, but I do not think that the wages exceed that. Do you consider that during the period of your thirty years residence in Calcutta, this introduction of manufacturing British articles there for British consumption, has tended to diminish the exportation of those articles from this country considerably ? I think a very considerable reduction has been made ; that it has tended considerably to reduce them ; it is in proportion to the quantity now wanted in that country ; there are per- haps forty or fifty Europeans now iu the country, for one at the time when I first arrived there ; the general consumption is great, but it is reduced in proportion by those country ma- nufactures. Colonel Thomas Munro, p. 124*. Have you means of stating with accuracy the price 01 labour in the ceded districts of which you were superintend- ant ? I had the means, but I can only now speak from memory : during my residence there, a great number of statistical tables were drawn up by many of the most intelligent natives, con- taining the price of labour and subsistence ; but those tables not having brought with me to Europe, I can only recollect the general result. 1 think that the average price of labour in agriculture is about Ss. a month; 5s. I think is a high average, some of the calculations made it as low as 4* useful to them. Is not India full of merchants and dealers of every class that are as intelligent and more economical than ours ? India is full of merchants of every class, from the pedlar up to the highest merchant; they pervade every part of the country; there is no article for which there is the most trilling demand, whether European or Indian, that is not soon carried to the spot v. here the demand is, by the travelling merchants; they have correspondents in every quarter upon the coast and in the interior, and w here\ er they hear of a demand they take care to supply it immediately. P. 127. Does it not come within your knowledge, that there are at the different presidencies British artisans and manufacturers of almost e\eiv description of trade that is exercised in this country : such as coachmakers, carpenters, cabinetmakers, upholsterers, workers in the different metals, workers in all kinds of tanned leather, tailors, and shoe- makers ? I believe that all the different artisans and manufacturers enumerated in the question are to be found at Madras, and that they will in time supply the European establishment in In- dia with all those articles winch are now sent from Europe ; and that in proportion to the number of those artisans established there, the e.iport trade of this country tcill be diminished. P. 154. You ha\e mentioned that the export trade from India might be greatly increased, particularly m the article of cotton; might not lion}) aii-o be raised in large quantities and of the best quality, particularly in the Concan and Salselte .' 1 rom all the information I have acquired, I believe that hemp might be raised m considerable quantity buth in Concan and Scilxetle. Might not coii'C. for cables and cordage become an advan- tageous article of commerce from India to tins country." There is plenty of the tree, on the Malabar coast, from wluch the coire is produced ; but I do [not] know how far the commerce might be advantageous. 1 can only speak of the produce of the article; what the prolit would be, I cannot say. n Is it not much esteemed and often preferred lo European cordage in India ? I have understood that in many cases it k preferred to European cordage, on account of its superior elasticity and lightness. Have not yon heard of ships having rode out gales with coire cables, after parting from all the European ones ? I cannot say that I have heard by what cables they rode out the gale, but I have heard often of ships riding out very strong gales with coire cables. Is not coire much cheaper in India than European cordage? It is cheaper, I believe. Have you heard that a coire cable will not cost more than one third of an European one of the same dimensions, and that it will last three times as long * I have heard that a coire cable is cheaper, and that it lasts longer than an European one, but the relative prices of the two I do not know exactly. Do you imagine that anv possible reduction in the price of freight of the imports of articles of British produce or manu- facture, could aiford those articles to be sold in India at so low a price as the same articles fit for use made there bv British artisans and manufacturers through the means of na- tive labourers ? Those articles made in India by Europeans through the means of Indian labourers will, I have no doubt, always un- dersell any thing that can be brought from this country undt-r any reduction of freight. P. 156. Have not yn: understood that tin in any quantify may be obtained from the island of Banda, and at a cheaper price than the company art obliged to pay for that which they export from this country r I have heard that tin may be obtained from the island of Banda, and likewise from other places to the euit : ,viiiJ ; ut a much cheaper price than tiie ccmpuny uuw pay. Sir Charles IV. Mukl, Bart. p. 217. Are not the people of India a trading and manufacturing people, that are fully adequate to supply their own mercan- tile wants ? 12 I conceive them to possess manufactures fully equal to the supply of all their mercantile wauls. Are they not quick in learning any European arts that they find useful to them r They are certainly extremely ingenious, docile, and indus- trious, and quick in learning such European arts as they find useful to them. P. 2o4. Have you observed any considerable use made by the natives of India of the metals of this country, such as copper, iron, steel, in universal use amongst them, but whence it is procured I am not com- petent to specify. Have the goodness to .state in vhat part of India they obtain their iron within themselves ? There are very great iron zcorks in the north of India in the neighbourhood of Gwallior ; it is now fifteen years since I was in that part of the world, and 1 do not exactly recollect the very spot where the mines are, but they were in the course of my journey to the north of India, and were visited, and have been in some measure described, by a gentleman of my suite. Do not the natives of India use copper and brass vessels for holding water, milk, and oil, and for other household pur- poses : They ccrt-ainly use copper and brass vessels for various do- mestic purposes. Alexander Falconnr, Esq. p. 263. From your experitnce are you able to state whether the natives of ludi i furnish a considerable demand for the com- modities oi Lrrope : The demand for the commodities of Europe is very small amongst the natives of India. Have you round that demand materially to increase of lat/. per ton, provided he could fill his ship ; but I understand that to be a very difficult matter. I understand it to be very difficult at this time to obtain any freight upon any terms. Therefore any thing that a ship returning to India can obtain in the way of freight is very desirable ? Of course it is a matter of profit, and no injury whatever to the ship. P. 393. You have before said you would not insure pri- vate ships at any rate ? I would not. Do you mean to say by that, you should not consider private ships insurable by a private underwriter, or that they would not be within the scope you have prescribed to your- self as an underwriter ? I consider that all ships, at certain premium';, are insurable 31 by respectable underwriters ; but they are a class of ship* that would not come within my scope of underwriting. You speak of the ships you suppose may be sent out here- after ? I am speaking of the ships that I presume may hereafter be fitted out from the different outports. If those ships fitted out from the outports were equally good with the Indian-built ships, would you decline insuring them ; would you insure the one and not the other ? I should not make that distinction : if I insured the one, the probability is I should insure the other, making a pro- portionable difference for the goodness of the ship. Would you expect, supposing you were inclined to em- bark in such underwriting, a considerable advance of pre- mium ? I really should. Taking into consideration freight and insurance, at what difference per cent, do you apprehend that, by the ships proposed to be admitted into the trade to India, goods could be exported, compared with the rate per cent, at which they .ire now exported, on the extra ships of the Company ? It is really my opinion, that it would be impossible for iny individual to export on lower terms than the freights that the Company now obtain ships at. I have, as I stated before, a ship of my own that was in the West India service; I bought her for ready money, upon low terms ; I fitted her out as cheaply as I believe any other merchant in London could have fitted her out, and at an advanced rate of freight Jo that which I now obtain from the East India Company ; she was unproductive of profit. I am not only the carrier of those goods for the Company, but I am the protector of those goods from injury, which frequently makes a consider- able difference in the freight. Is the committee to understand that the rate per cent, at which goods could be exported in the private ships proposed ro be admitted to the India trade, would not be less than the rate at which they may now be exported, taking freight and insurance together in the Company's ships ? I must beg leave to answer that question by first stating, lhat though the ship owner may be a loser upon the freight .it which he may let his ship to the East India Company, the ast India Company may, for what I know to the contrary, Charge such a freight to the public that the East India Com- 32 pany could not be losers ; but I am of opinion, that the East India Company have this last year obtained ships at such a rate of freight, that it is not desirable either for them or the public that they should get them Liver, or so loiu. Practically in point of fact, if a man had to choose at this moment, whether he would send out his goods in one of the Liverpool or Bristol ships, or in one of the Company's extra ships, would the rate of freight and insurance to which he would be subject, in the first place in the private ship, and in the second on the Company's ship, vary, and to what degree ? That is a matter of calculation. I believe the Company charge to the public 87. per ton. I believe they are not gainers by the freight that they let to the public. I have been informed, and I believe accurately informed, that their loss upon ships that they have freighted from individuals, and re-let to the public, between the year 1795 and the year 1810, has amounted to 4-44,293/. I think no Liverpool, Hull, or Bristol merchant, could export goods to India cheaper, tak- ing insurance and every thing into consideration, than he may at this time through the Company. In what way do you suppose the ship owners to be ulti- mately indemnified for these tenders, at rates apparently losing ? They are not indemnified ; they are losers. How come those tenders to go on ? Because the ship owner having got his ship into that line of service, has of late found a difficulty in getting any other employ for it; and there may be other inducements of a nobler nature, such as serving young men who have been patronised by the ship's husband. The captain of my ship happens to be a Welchman, and on that account, as a country- man of mine, I have made up my mind to make a consider- able sacrifice for his benefit. Then this is in the nature of a bonus bestowed for acquir- ing the command of those ships ? It is a bonus bestowed. You understand it to be worth while for an owner who wishes to serve a captain, to lose a certain sum of money to place that captain in the command of a Company's ip ? t\ T o, I do nor understand it to be worth while to do so j but 33 an owner having placed a young man once in the command of a ship, he, in consequence of attaining that situation, having married an amiable woman, and got a family, the owner afterwards may feel disposed to sacrifice a sum of money for the benefit of that family, and keeping the young man in a situation he has filled with credit to himself and service to his country : such were my feelings when I made an offer of this ship, 011 a second voyage, to the East India Company. Myself and partner are proprietors of twelve- sixteenths of that ship, as we are of what other ships we have, except one, and in that we have eleven. I have a great respect for some of the captains that have served us, and I should be extremely sorry to see a man lowered from the situation that I had been the means of placing him in, and leading his family to expect he for years would continue in. When I first bought this ship, it was in the hope of gain : the freights were better then, and I did hope they would increase, instead of which they have fallen oif. Do you think it possible, as a merchant, this system can go on long ? I am of opinion that the system of the East India Com- pany obtaining freights on the very low terms they do at present, cannot last long, because I presume no man would keep his ship in that employ longer than until he could find a more profitable one for her. Do not the Company take up their ships by public con- tract at the lowest bidding ? The executive body of the Company act in the most correct and honourable way ; the fault is not with them, it is the competition) it is the ivant of employment in other sei'vices. A merchant says it is better that I should gain 20,000/. by my ship, though that will not remunerate me, than that should not gain any thing for twelve months, or that I should embark her in a service where I shall only gain 1 5,000/. In general, when a ship is engaged to the Company, is she not engaged for six voyages, extending probably 15 years, so that once having made an engagement they cannot alter it ? I have built two ships for the Company ; my contract prior to the keel of those two ships being laid, was for an engagement of six voyages ; but the ship I have been last speaking of was engaged for one voyage only ; but in gene- ral the contract is for six voyages, and the only terms on 34 which I could be tempted to come into any engagement with the East India Company again as a ship owner. P. 398. Do you know the rate at which India-built ships have brought home cargoes from Bengal ? I am not well informed ? Have the goodness to explain the ground upon which the ship of 1200 tons belonging to you, now on her way home from Bombay, is not allowed any thing on the score of war contingencies ? My original contract with the East India Company was, that / should build a ship at Bombay, and bring her to England on my own account ; and, that after her arrival in England, she should perform six voyages to and from India, for the East India Company. Not deeming it prudent to import into this country 14 or 1500 tons of such goods as I could pur- chase at Bombay, I made an offer to the East India Company, to bring them a cargo of teas home from China, upon lovr terms, conditionally, that I were permitted to have the ad- vantage of freighting that ship on my own account from Bombay to China. What is the freight you received from China to England' on the teas ? Sixteen guineas per ton upon all she can bring home, the Company engaging on their part to pay certain expences at Canton, which will amount, I presume, to fourteen or fifteen hundred pounds. W. Stanley Clarke, Esq. p. 402. Do you know any thing of the island of Banca, and its produce ? The produce of Banca is principally tin. Do you know whether the island of Banca produces tin in any considerable quantities ? I understand it to do so. Have you the means of information whether that tin is easily obtained from the mines in the island of Banca ? I apprehend it to be so ; but I never visited Banca myself. Have you heard whether that tin is smelted easily or with difficulty ? I have heard easily 5 but I speak from general information. Have you heard that the Chinese have in a very great de~ 35 gree been supplied with tin through the Dutch, from the island of Banca ? Yes, in former times. Do you know whether the eastern islands produce iron ? I am told they do, some of them. Do you know whether the iron instruments and arms, used by the natives of those islands, are manufactured by them- selves from their own iron ? I believe chiefly by themselves. I have also understood that they formerly obtained an occasional supply from the Dutch of ornamented lire arms : indeed, I saw some of that descrip- tion in the Straits of Alias when I was there. P. 403. Are you acquainted with the state of manu- factured articles now made at the presidencies by native la- bourers under the instruction of British artificers, which manufactured articles were formerly imported from Great Britain ? I know it to be a fact, that there are at this time manu- factured at the presidencies a great variety of articles of lea- ther, such as boots, shoes, &c. : they also manufacture car- riages extremely well, furniture, and cabinet articles. Any articles in the metals, gold, silver, brass, iron, and steel? Yes ; all the articles enumerated in this question, generally, and very "well finished. Can you give any opinion what proportion those articles now made there and consumed by the British settlers bear to those now imported from Great Britain ? I cannot say. Has the exportation of those articles from Great Britain decreased ? I have understood it to have done so of late years. Are you of opinion that as improvements increase in the manufacture of those articles, the importation of those articles from Great Britain may be materially affected ? I think so ; certainly. Lieut.-Col. Sir John Malcolm, p. 407. Do you wish to correct any part of your evidence ? In p. 67 of my examination, a question was asked me, "might not an increase in the knowledge of useful arts in the natives, conveyed by British subjects resident in India, tend to strengthen the British government in India ?" my answer was, 36 "I conceive that such knowledge might tend, in a considerable degree, to increase their own comforts and their enjoyment of life ; but I cannot see how it would tend in any shape to strengthen the political security of the English government in India, which appears to me to rest peculiarly upon their present condition." I wish to add, that I mean by stating that the political security of the English government in India appears to rest peculiarly upon the present condition of the na- tive subjects, to refer to their actual divisions into casts, with particular duties and occupations, and to that reverence and respect which they entertain for Europeans, not only on ac- count of their knowledge of the superior branches of science, but also of their better knowledge of many of the mechanical and more useful arts in life ; and therefore, though I conceive that the communication of such knowledge to the natives would add to their comforts and their enjoyments of life, and would increase their strength as a community, I do not think that the communication of any knowledge which tend- ed gradually to do away the subsisting distinctions among our native subjects, or to diminish that respect which they entertain for Europeans, could be said to add to the political strength of the English government. I am far, however, from stating an opinion that the contemplation of its even lessening that strength, which is to be viewed as a distant, and many may conceive, a speculative danger, should operate as a motive with the English government to check the pro- gress of improvement in such useful arts among its native subjects ; but it appears to me one among many other causes that should keep the English government very awake to the growing difficulty of governing the Indian empire. Are not you of opinion that to increase the comforts and enjoyments of life of the native population of India would tend to strengthen their attachment to the British govern- ment ; and, consequently, to strengthen and ensure the sta- bility of that government in India ? From all I have ever been able to observe of nations, I do not think we can calculate upon gratitude, for the benefits of the nature described, as an operating motive that would at all balance against the danger of that strength which such a community as that of our Indian subjects might derive from the general diffusion of knowledge, and the eventual abolition of its casts, a consciousness of which would naturally incline them U throw off the yoke of a foreign power , and such they 37 always must consider the British in India. I wish to be un- derstood as alluding, in this answer, to a danger that is very remote, but yet in my opinion worthy of attention. Are not the natives of India in your opinion susceptible of gratitude in the highest degree ? Have you not known in- stances of generosity and liberality on the part of the natives of India which would have done honour to any men in any age? I think the natives of India, individually considered, are susceptible of gratitude ; and I have known many instances of liberality and generosity among them ; but I do not con- ceive that we can, as I stated before, calculate upon such mo- tives as likely to influence the community, which we shall always find it difficult to rule in proportion as it obtains union and possesses the power of throwing off that subjec- tion in which it is now placed to the British government. P. 413. Are not great quantities of iron, steel, copper, lead, and tin, now in common use among the natives of India of all casts ? Certainly ; all these metals are in use amongst them : I have no means of stating in what quantity. P. 417. Are the articles in metal, in use among the na- tives, almost universally manufactured by the natives from the native materials ? A very great proportion of the metals manufactured by the natives themselves, for domestic purposes, are obtained either in India, or from the Turkish dominions. I allude parti- cularly to iron and steel, which are found in many parts of India, the latter in great quantities in the Mysore country; and copper , ivhich is brought in considerable quantities doivn the Gulf of Persia from the mines of Diabekir ; and tin is, I believe, imported from the island of Banca in the eastern seas. Is that iron and that tin so imported into India to be had at a much lower price than the same articles brought from Europe ? I cannot answer this question from minute information ; but T must suppose, that as great quantities of those metals are imported f^om Europe, the importation from the Persian Gulf and other places 'would cease, if it ivas not from its being cheaper, zr of a superior t^' Martin Lindsay, Esq. p. 423. Do you know from information, which satisfies you, how 38 far most of the different trades for the supply of European articles of furniture, such as coachmakers, cabinetmakers, up- holsterers, workers in metals, tailors, shoemakers, and workers in ^luss, are established there ? I h;n-e understood there are, in Calcutta particularly, arti- ficer > of almost every description, manufacturers of furniture of different descriptions, very good shoes and boots, and al- most every article in leather, and certainly of tailors there are abundance ; also of manufacturers of various articles in iron and /ft/, gold and silver ; they make a great deal of the irtn work necessary for shipping. Do you know at all the proportion the price articles ma- nufactured now in India under British artificers and by native labourers, bears to the price of the same articles imported from Europe ? No ; I cannot speak decidedly to the question. Do you know whether they are the same price, or cheaper ? I should suppose they are cheaper. Do you suppose them to be of such a price as, if the articles are fit for use, would most materially diminish the import of the same articles from England ? They certainly do hurt the importation from England ; in shoes I can speak particularly ; they are procured much cheaper, and they answer the purpose extremely well both in China and in India in fine weather. Thomas G. Murray, Esq. p. 434-. Are you acquainted with the produce of the island of Banca ? I have passed Banca. Have you any information of the nature of the produce of the island of Banca ; does it produce tin ? I believe it produces tin ; and that the chief part of the tin carried to China, either from the place itself, or from Malacca or Penang, I believe is produced in Banca. Do you know the relative value of the tin carried from Banca to China, with tin that might be exported from this country ? 1 recollect once asking a Chinaman the question, which was the most preferable; and he told me, that tbt Banca tin, 39 certainly; but as to the relative value of them, I cannot speak. James Horsburgh, Esq. p. 437. Are you acquainted with the produce of the island of Banca ? Yes. Do you know that the island of Banca produces tin of a very fine quality, and in very great quantities ? I understand it does not produce so much now as it did formerly. Do you mean that so much is not exported from it, or that there is any defect in the produce of the country ? There is not so much procured, I understand. Have you understood that tin is extremely easily procured in that country, and very easily smelted ? Yes, I understand so ; it is near the surface of the ground, what they procure in small pits ; it is of a very soft quality, easily smelted. Have you understood that during the time that the Dutch power prevailed in that part of India, the Chinese Were in a very considerable degree supplied with tin by the Dutch from the island of Banca ? Yes, I believe they were. Have you any doubt that the Chinese might still be sup- plied with the same article from that island, at a much cheaper rate than they can from England ? I really do not know the relative difference of prices. You do not know the comparative prices of tin from Banca and from England ? I do not. Do you know whether iron is a produce of one of those eastern islands ? I have heard that they have iron in some of the islands. Do they not manufacture their cresses, which are offensive weapons, and other iron utensils and arms, from their own iron ? They temper their own cresses themselves, and manufac- ture them ; whether all from their own iron, I cannot say. You know, from having seen those instruments, that they are their own manufacture ? Certainly. 40 Sir G. T. Staunton, Bart. p. 445. Do you know whether the island of Banca supplies much tin to the Chinese market ? It is a considerable source of the supply of tin to the Chinese market. Do you know the relative price of the tin supplied from Banca, and that imported from England ? 1 do not recollect. Daniel Beale y Esq. p. 462. Is not tin brought to Canton by the Chinese traders and other persons from the island of Banca ? Considerable quantities of tin are imported annually by the eastern traders from the Straits of Banca. Do you know pretty nearly the relative prime cost and charges on which tin is brought from Great Britain, and what is brought from Banca ? No ; I cannot sneak to that ; but it is much cheaper from Banca, generally speaking, and the quality is far preferable, being much more malleable and soft. Jati:es Drumtnond, Esq. p. 528. Do you know the average quantity of British tin imported by the East India Company into China ? I believe it has been about 300 tons : but I cannot; charge my memory to state the exact quantity. Do you ki:-jw the average quantity of copper ? I think copper for several years has not been imported by the East India Company ; copper made into small sticks to imitate the Japan copper^ was lor a time imported into China, and I do not exactly recollect when it was given up, but i believe it has been discontinued for some years. Do you know the prices which the tin imported to China costs the Company ? I can only judge from the invoices; and as far as my me- mory will assist me, I think it was from 131. to 81 1. per ton. Do you know whether tin is not brought from Banca to Chin;;, by Chinese junks and other conveyances? We had very imperfect means in China of ascertaining the importations by the Chinese junks, for they belong to a. 41 variety of ports in the empire, and they are under a different department of the customs from what the foreign trade is, and therefore we have never been able to obtain any correct statement of their imports or exports. With respect to the importation by British or other ships, I believe for several years it has been very trifling, but I cannot say to what extent. Do not you know that great quantities of tin at present, that Banca is no longer under the Dutch monopoly, may be obtained there ; and if it can be obtained at a much inferior price, will it not be supposed, that instead of importing tin from Europe, the produce of Great Britain, private ships trading will bring it from Banca, and supersede the import of that British produce which at present takes place in China ? I cannot speak from my own knowledge with respect to the quantity of tin that is produced at Banca, or among any of the other eastern or Malay islands ; but those possessions belonging at present to Great Britain, I should conceive that facilities will be given to the obtaining of tin, which have not existed for many years past, and that consequently the sale price of Banca tin being generally higher in China than that of the British tin, it will become a considerable article of import to China. Can you inform the committee why Banca tin sells higher in general at Canton than British tin ? The reason which the Chinese generally assign is, its being more malleable. Are you acquainted with the prime cost at Banca, or the relative cost of that and of British tin ? I am not, but I should conceive it must be considerably cheaper, by having understood that all those who formerly traded in it, derived very considerable advantages from the trade. THE END. 6 T. 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