no'n'n' o'a'n'D' ' THE SPEAKERS OF THE THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE ; : THE SPEAKERS OF ! '. THE HOUSE OF COMMONS BY THE SAME AUTHOR THE LIFE AND LETTERS OF JOHN DELANE THE HISTORY OF ST. JAMES'S SQUARE ETC. ETC. THE SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO THE PRESENT DAY WITH A TOPOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION OF WESTMINSTER AT VARIOUS EPOCHS & A BRIEF RECORD OF THE PRINCIPAL CONSTITUTIONAL CHANGES DURING SEVEN CENTURIES BY ARTHUR IRWIN DASENT WITH NOTES ON THE ILLUSTRATIONS BY JOHN LANE & A PORTRAIT OF EVERY SPEAKER WHERE ONE IS KNOWN TO EXIST LONDON : JOHN LANE THE BODLEY HEAD NEW YORK : JOHN LANE COMPANY MCMXI WILLIAM BKENDON AND SON, LTD., PRINTERS, PLYMOUTH DEDICATED WITH SINCERE REGARD TO ARTHUR WELLESLEY PEEL SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS 1884-1895 NOW 1ST VISCOUNT PEEL OF SANDY PREFACE IT is now more years ago than I care to remember since the outline of this book suggested itself to me. Undeterred by the adverse opinion of some who insisted that there was little or nothing, worth the telling, to be said of the earlier Speakers with the possible exceptions of Coke, Lenthall and Arthur Onslow, to mention the three names which most readily occur to the superficial enquirer I received sufficient encouragement from the late Sir Archibald Milman and other friends to induce me to supplement and revise the earlier labours of Townsend and Manning in the same field. The outcome of these years of toil, performed in the intervals of official duty, is a blend of history and bio- graphy based on authentic records, and leavened, here and there, with topographical matter tending to throw light upon some of the obscurities which surround the origin of Parliaments. I have endeavoured to show the close nature of the ties which united the greatest of Benedictine Monasteries to the popular assembly in the earliest days of its existence, though I must admit that the allusions to Parliament remaining in the archives viii PREFACE of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster are disappoint- ingly few. There are occasional entries in the carefully kept accounts of the monks of wine bought by the abbots for the entertainment of distinguished personages re- pairing to Westminster in obedience to the Royal summons, but, with the exception of the extremely interesting entry on page 45 of this volume, I have found little which adds to our previous knowledge of the relations of Church and State in the Middle Ages. One minor survival of this ancient connection may be mentioned here. This is the custom, still annually observed, of opening the gate leading from Dean's Yard into Great College Street on the first day of a new session, but on no other. This practice, far from being a mere police regulation of modern date, carries the mind back to that remote period when the Plantagenet Kings, in conjunction with the Abbots of Westminster and the Archbishops of Canterbury, watched with jealous care the growth of representative institutions. In the middle of the fourteenth century that great ecclesiastic Simon Langham, who sleeps to-day in the chapel of St. Benedict, walked with measured steps to his place hi the House of Lords, resplendent in jewelled cope and mitre, escorted by a long train of attendant priests and acolytes, and with his processional cross of gold borne high before him. In his progress to the Palace he would have met a PREFACE ix throng of knights, scarcely less picturesque in their glittering armour than his own cortege, making peaceful invasion of his monastic house. Drawn from every shire in the land, they filled the cloisters and choked the vestibules leading to the Chapter House or to some other chamber temporarily set apart for their use, there forthwith to deliver a mighty shout of assent (or the contrary, as the case might be) to the demands of their sovereign lord for the support of the realm and the maintenance of his Royal estate. There would be little or nothing in the way of dis- cussion. Their voices were collected then and there by some official of the Court, as they stood leaning on their swords. It is true that the carrying of arms within the Palace during the sittings of Parliament had been discountenanced by Edward II, but the prohibition was so commonly disregarded that his successor formally sanctioned the practice in the case of Earls and Barons, save only in his Royal presence. Once their duty had been performed, the Knights of the Shire were at liberty to depart to their homes, and, until they were again summoned to Westminster to repeat the process with little or no variation, save in the amount of the subsidy required of them, the monks could pursue their ordinary avocations undisturbed by the clank of spurs and the tramp of armed men. Having very briefly outlined the nature of an early Parliamentary assembly, I may here indulge in a frag- ment of autobiography by way of excuse for having x PREFACE attempted the history of over two hundred separate elections to the Chair, covering between them a period of more than seven centuries. Born as I was under the shadow of the Abbey in the Broad Sanctuary it was my good fortune to re- ceive my first intelligent impressions of Westminster from the lips of my father's friend and neighbour, the late Dean Stanley. In a sense I may be said to have assisted at the funeral of Lord Palmerston, and, inci- dentally, at the inauguration of a new Parliamentary epoch, for I retain to this day a vivid recollection of being held up at a window by my nurse to see that great man's coffin carried into the Abbey by the west door. As a boy I was present at the last Westminster election fought under the old system, and I remember the hustings in Trafalgar Square. But my most enduring memories of the Abbey and its priceless historical associations are those which I received from the holder of an ecclesiastical office, unique in its dignity in this or any other country, and it would be strange, indeed, if I had not acquired from the teach- ings of so fascinating a guide an abiding interest in Westminster, and all that it means to Englishmen. Somehow my life has been bound up with the place of my birth. Returning to it in 1882 on the nomination of Sir Thomas Erskine-May (Lord Farnborough), my first official chief, to devote myself to the service of the House of Commons for more than a quarter of a century the greater part of my days, and, in the aggregate, PREFACE xi an appalling number of hours after midnight, have been passed within the walls of St. Stephen's. I need hardly say that this book is written in no party spirit, nor is it designed to serve any purpose other than that of accuracy. My publisher has shown such zeal and enthusiasm in the preparation of the portraits and other illustrations, that it will be unnecessary for me to add a word con- cerning them. I may say, however, that, to the best of my belief, no likeness of either Catesby, Dudley, or Empson has ever been published before. The various printed authorities consulted are, in the majority of instances, indicated in the footnotes, but I desire to acknowledge here my frequent indebtedness to Messrs. Longmans' recently completed Political History of England. Sir Courtenay Ilbert, K.C.B., the present Clerk of the House, gave me the benefit of his views on Mediaeval Parliaments, but my especial thanks are due to Mr. T. L. Webster, the second Clerk Assistant of the House, for many valuable suggestions throughout the course of my labours, and for unreservedly placing his know- ledge of the more technical questions dealt with in these pages at my disposal. Mr. M. W. Patterson, of Trinity College, Oxford, was good enough not only to help me in the revision of the proof sheets, but to save me from many errors both of omission and commission. The Rev. R. B. Rackham, of the Deanery, Westminster, searched the Sacrist's and other Rolls in the Abbey xii PREFACE Muniment room with a view to helping me in this branch of my researches. Miss Lenthall, of Besselsleigh, Berks, a descendant of the celebrated Speaker of that name, also gave me much valuable information, as did Colonel La Terriere, the present owner of Burford Priory. Last, but by no means least, I must tender my grateful acknowledgments to Mr. J. Horace Round, the first living authority on peerage law and the most discrimin- ating, as well as the most fascinating, genealogist of the present age. He kindly brought to my notice the very instructive account of the election of Sir Thomas Lovell to the Chair in the first year of Henry VII. Though unfortunately received too late for incorporation in my Tudor chapter, I trust that it will gain importance by appearing, as it does, in an Appendix at the end of the book. The same remark applies to the speech of Sir Thomas More, on presentation for the Royal approval, which I have also placed by itself, on account of the eminence of the man who made it. I shall be grateful for any additions or corrections which I may be favoured with, and, especially, for any unpublished letters or documents relating to individual Speakers. ARTHUR IRWIN DASENT. THE DUTCH HOUSE, HAMPTON-ON-THAMES, February 5/A, 1911. CONTENTS CHAPTER I PAGE WESTMINSTER IN THE REIGN OF HENRY III. THE ISLE OF THORNS. THE PALACE AND THE ABBEY. PREFER- ENCE OF HENRY FOR WESTMINSTER. DAWN OF THE ENGLISH CONSTITUTION. WESTMINSTER THE EARLIEST MEETING-PLACE OF THE COMPLETE PARLIAMENT. . 3 CHAPTER II THE HOUSE OF COMMONS UNDER THE PLANTAGENETS . 22 CHAPTER III THE HOUSE OF LANCASTER AND THE INFLUENCE OF THE WARS OF THE ROSES UPON PARLIAMENTARY INSTITUTIONS 6 1 CHAPTER IV THE HOUSE OF COMMONS UNDER THE HOUSE OF YORK, A PERIOD, FOR THE MOST PART, OF SUBSERVIENCY TO THE CROWN 87 CHAPTER V WESTMINSTER AND PARLIAMENT IN TUDOR TIMES. RE- STRICTION OF THE POWERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS AND INCREASED POWER OF THE PRIVY COUNCIL . 99 CHAPTER VI THE STUARTS AND THE LIBERTIES OF THE PEOPLE . 164 xiv CONTENTS CHAPTER VII PAGE THE HOUSES OF HANOVER AND SAXE-COBURG GOTHA. RISE OF THE SYSTEM OF CABINET GOVERNMENT, WITH MINISTERIAL RESPONSIBILITY TO PARLIAMENT . .251 CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO THE PRESENT DAY, WITH THE PLACES THEY SAT FOR, THE DATES OF THEIR APPOINTMENT TO AND CLOSE OF OFFICE, ETC 341 APPENDIX I 419 APPENDIX II . . . . . . . . .421 INDEX 4.21; ILLUSTRATIONS SIR THOMAS HUNGERFORD, 1376-7 . Frontispiece (in colour} From a stained-glass window in Farleigh Hungerford Church. Drawn by Stanley North. FACING PAGE THE JEWEL TOWER, WESTMINSTER . ... 8 From a drawing by L. Hussell Conway. STAIRCASE AND ANCIENT DOORWAY IN THE JEWEL TOWER . 10 From a photograph by Sir Benjamin Stone. VAULTED CHAMBER IN THE JEWEL TOWER . . . . 12 From a photograph by Sir Benjamin Stone. SIR THOMAS HUNGERFORD, 1376-7 . . 52 From a drawing in the National Portrait Gallery. SIR THOMAS HUNGERFORD, 1376-7 . . . . 54 From a drawing by Stanley North of the monumental effigy in the chapel at Farleigh Castle. HENRY IV CLAIMING THE THRONE OF ENGLAND . 60 From the Harleian Manuscripts. SIR ARNOLD SAVAGE, 1400-1, 1403-4 . . 66 From a brass in S. Chancel of Bobbing Church, Kent. JOHN TIPTOFT, EARL OF WORCESTER . . 70 From a monumental effigy in Ely Cathedral. THOMAS CHAUCER, 1407, 1409-10, 1411, 1414, 1421 . . . 72 From a print of the memorial brass in Ewelme Church, Oxfordshire. SIR WALTER HUNGERFORD, AFTERWARDS LORD HUNGERFORD, 1414 74 Formerly in the north ^ide of the nave of Salisbury Cathedral. Reproduced from Cough's Sepulchral Mouuments. ROGER HUNT, 1420 . . . ... 76 From a memorial brass of 1473 in Great Linford Church, Bucks. It may possibly be that of his son. EFFIGY OF SIR RICHARD VERNON, 1425-6 . . . . 78 In the Church of Tong, Shropshire. SIR JOHN SAY, 1448-9, 1463, 1467 . . ... 80 From a brass in Broxbourne Church, Herts. Reproduced from Waller's Monumental Brasses, 1864. WILLIAM CATESBY, 1483-4 . . ... 96 From a memorial brass at Ashby St. Ledgers, Northants. xvi ILLUSTRATIONS FACING PAGE SIR THOMAS LOVELL, 1485 (in photogravure) . ... 102 From the bronze medallion in Henry VII Chapel, Westminster Abbey, by Torregiano (photogravure). SIR JOHN MORDAUNT, 1487 . . ... 105 From a monumental effigy in Turvey Church, Beds. SIR RICHARD EMPSON, 1491, AND EDMOND DUDLEY, 1503-4, WITH HENRY VII . . . ... 106 From a painting in the possession of the Duke of Rutland. SIR ROBERT DRDRY, 1495 ... 108 From a monumental effigy in St. Mary's Church, Bury St. Edmunds. SIR REGINALD BRAY, 1496 . . . . no From a drawing in the possession of Mr. Justice Bray of a window in the Priory Church, Malvern. SIR ROBERT SHEFFIELD, 1511-12 . . . . . 118 From a print. SIR THOMAS NEVILL, 1514-15 . . ... 120 From a memorial brass in Mereworth Church, Kent. SIR THOMAS MORE, 1523 . . . . . . 122 From a painting at the Speaker's House. SIR THOMAS AUDLEY, 1529 . . . . . 124 From a painting at the Speaker's House. SIR HUMPHREY WINGFIELD, 1533 . . ... 126 From a painting in the possession of Major J. M. Wingfield, Tickencote Hall, Stamford. SIR RICHARD RICH, 1536 . . . . 128 From a print. SIR JOHN BAKER, 1545, 1547 . . ... 130 From a drawing in the National Portrait Gallery. SIR JAMES DYER, 1552-3 . . . ... 132 Reproduced from an original painting in the possession of Canon Mayo, of Long Burton, Farley. SIR ROBERT BROOKE, 1554 . . ... 132 From a drawing at the National Portrait Gallery. SIR CLEMENT HEIGHAM, 1554 . . ... 133 From a drawing in the National Portrait Gallery. SIR WILLIAM CORDELL, 1557-8 . . ... 134 From a portrait at St. John's College, Oxford. SIR THOMAS GARGRAVE, 1558-9 . . ... 136 From a painting in the possession of Milner Gibson Gery Cullum, Esq. THOMAS WILLIAMS, 1562-3 . . ... 138 From a memorial brass at Harford Church, Devon. ILLUSTRATIONS xvii FACING PAGE SIR CHRISTOPHER WRAY, 1571 . . ... 138 From a painting in the National Portrait Gallery. RICHARD ONSLOW, 1566 . . . ... 140 From a painting in the Speaker's House. SIR ROBERT BELL, 1572 . . . ... 140 From a print. SIR JOHN POPHAM, 1580-1 . . ... 142 From a painting in the National Portrait Gallery. SIR JOHN PUCKERING, 1584, 1586. . ... 142 From his tomb in Westminster Abbey. From a print. SPEAKER SNAGGE'S MONUMENT, 1588-9 . ... 144 At Marston Morteyne, Beds. From a drawing. LETTER FROM LORD BURGHLEY TO SPEAKER SNAGGE, 1588-9 . 146 SIR EDWARD COKE, 1592-3 . . ... 148 From a painting at Holkham. SIR CHRISTOPHER YELVERTON, 1597 . ... 158 From a print. SIR JOHN CROKE, 1601 . . . ... 160 From a drawing in the National Portrait Gallery. SIR EDWARD PHELIPS, 1603-4 . . ... 166 From a painting at Montacute, Somerset. MONTACUTE, SOMERSET . . . ... 168 Built by Sir Edward Phelips. SIR RANDOLPH CREWE, 1614 . . ... 170 From a painting in the Speaker s House. SIR THOMAS RICHARDSON, 1620-1 . . ... 172 From a drawing in the National Portrait Gallery. SIR THOMAS CREWE, 1623-4, 1625 . . ... 174 From a painting in the. Speaker's House. SIR HENEAGE FINCH, 1625-6 . . ... 176 From a painting at Guildhall, by J. M. Wright. SIR JOHN FINCH, 1627-8 . . . ... 176 From a painting by Van Dyck in the possession of Lord Barnard. THE KNIGHTS, CITIZENS AND BURGESSES OF THE COUNTIES, CHIESAND BOROUGH TOWNES OF ENGLAND AND WALES AND THE BARONIE OF THE PORTS NOW SITTING IN PARLIAMENT, HOLDEN AT WESTMINSTER THE 17 OF MARCH, 1627-8, IN THE THIRD YEAR OF THK RAIGNE OF OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD KING CHARLES, ETC. (SPEAKER, SIR JOHN FINCH) . . 178 From a woodcut in the possession of Sir Walter Spencer-Stanhope. b xviii ILLUSTRATIONS FACING PAGE SIR JOHN GLANVILLE, 1640 . . ... 182 From a painting at the National Portrait Gallery. WILLIAM LENTHALL, 1640, 1647, 1654, 1659 (2), 1659-50 . . 184 From a painting in the National Portrait Gallery. WESTMINSTER AS SPEAKER LENTHALL KNEW IT . 186 From Hollar's etching of New Palace Yard. JOHN RUSHWORTH, CLERK ASSISTANT OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS, 1640 . . . . ... 192 From a painting at the Speaker's House. BURFORD PRIORY, FORMERLY THE RESIDENCE OF SPEAKER LENTHALL, AS RESTORED IN 1908-9 . ... 204 HENRY PELHAM, 1647 . . . ... 208 From a painting in the possession of the Earl of Yarborough. FRANCIS Rous, 1653 . . . ... 210 From a print. SIR THOMAS WIDDRINGTON, 1656 . . ... 212 From a drawing in the National Portrait Gallery. BULSTRODE WHITELOCKE, 1656-7 . . ... 212 From a painting in the National Portrait Gallery. CHALONER CHUTE, 1658-9 . . ... 214 From a painting at the Vyne, Basingstoke. SIR HARBOTTLE GRIMSTON, 1660 . . ... 214 From a painting in the National Portrait Gallery by Lely. THE MACE . . . . ... 216 im a photograph in the Erskine, of Cardross). SIR EDWARD TURNOUR, 1661 . . ... 218 From a painting in the Speaker's House. SIR JOB CHARLTON, 1672-3 . . . . . 222 From a painting in the Speaker's House. SIR EDWARD SEYMOUR, 1672-3, 1678, 1678-9 . . . 224 From a drawing in the National Portrait Gallery. SIR ROBERT SAWYER, 167*5 . . ... 226 From a painting in the possession of the Earl of Carnarvon. SIR WILLIAM GREGORY, 1678-9 . . ... 228 From a painting in the Speaker's House. SIR WILLIAM WILLIAMS, 1680, 1680-1 . ... 228 From a painting in the Speaker's House. SIR JOHN TREVOR, 1685, 1689-90 . . ... 230 From a painting in the Speaker's House. From a photograph in the possession of the Serjeant-at-Arms (Mr. H. D. " Cardro ILLUSTRATIONS xix FACING PAGE HENRY POWLE, 1688-9 . . . ... 232 From a print. STOKE EDITH, HEREFORDSHIRE. BUILT BY SPEAKER FOLEY . 234 PAUL FOLEY, 1694-5, 1695 . . ... 234 From a miniature in the possession of Paul Henry Foley, Esq., at Stoke Edith. SIR THOMAS LITTLETON, 1698 . . ... 236 From a print. ROBERT HARLEY, 1700-1, 1701, 1702 . ... 238 From a painting in the National Portrait Gallery. JOHN SMITH, 1705, 1707 . . . . . 240 From a drawing in the National Portrait Gallery. SIR RICHARD ONSLOW, 1708 . . ... 242 From a painting in the Speaker's House. WILLIAM BROMLEY, 1710 . . ... 244 From a print. SIR THOMAS HANMER, 1713-14 . . ... 250 From a print. SIR SPENCER COMPTON, 1714-15, 1722 . ... 252 From a print. ARTHUR ONSLOW, 1727-8, 1734-5, 1741, 1747, 1754 . . 254 From a painting in the National Portrait Gallery. SPEAKER ARTHUR ONSLOW'S HOUSE IN SOHO SQUARE . . 256 No. 20, formerly Falconbergh House. WESTMINSTER AS SPEAKER ONSLOW KNEW IT ... 262 From Lediard and Fourdrinier's Map of 1740. JEREMIAH DYSON, CLERK OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS 1814-20 . 268 From a portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds in the possession of Mrs. Myddelton. SIR JOHN Cusr, 1761, 1768 . . ... 27$ From a painting in the Speaker's House. SIR FLETCHER NORTON, 1770, 1774 . . ... 278 From a painting by Sir Wm. Beechy in the possession of Lord Grantley. SIR FLETCHER NORTON . . . ... 280 A caricature by Ingleby lent by Lord Grantley. CHARLES WOLFRAN CORNWALL, 1780, 1784 . ... 282 From a painting by Gainsborough in the Speaker's House. WILLIAM WYNDHAM GRENVILLE, 1789 . ... 286 From a painting in the National Portrait Gallery. HENRY ADDINGTON, 1789, 1790, 1796, 1801 . . . 290 From a print. xx ILLUSTRATIONS FACING PAGE SKETCH OF THE INTERIOR OF ST. STEPHEN'S, WITH PORTRAITS OF ADDINGTON, SPEAKER ABBOT, AND JOHN LEY (CLERK OF THE HOUSE) . . . . ... 292 From a print by Js. Gillray. SIR JOHN MITFORD, 1801 . . ... 294 From a painting in the Speaker's House. CHARLES ABBOT, 1802 (2), 1806, 1807, 1812 . . . 298 From a print. CHARLES MANNERS-SUTTON, 1817, 1819, 1820, 1826, 1830, 1831, 1833 . . . . . . 304 From a print. SPEAKER MANNERS-SUTTON. "MAKE WAY FOR MR. SPEAKER" 314 By H. B. JAMES ABERCROMBY, 1835, 1837 . . ... 318 From a print. * CHARLES SHAW-LEFEVRE, 1839, 1841, 1847, 1852 . . . 320 From a print. JOHN EVELYN DKNISON, 1857, 1859, 1866, 1868 . . . 326 From a print. HENRY BOUVERIE WILLIAM BRAND, 1872, 1874, 1880 . . 334 From an engraving in the possession of the Serjeant-at-Arms after F. Sargent. ARTHUR WELLESLEY PEEL, 1884, 1886 (2), 1892 . . . 336 WILLIAM COURT GULLY, 1895 (2), 1900 . ... 338 JAMES WILLIAM LOWTHER, 1905, 1906, 1910, 1911 . . . 340 A NOTE ON THE ILLUSTRATIONS BY THE PUBLISHER BOUT two years ago Mr. Arthur Dasent wrote, as a stranger, offering me his book on the Speakers of the House of Commons from the earliest times to the present day, hoping that I would publish it and that I would afford the book eight or twelve illustrations. He was informed, when I replied, that if I undertook the publication I would give a picture of every Speaker of whom we could find a portrait. Later on we recollected that our common interest in prints had brought us together on several occasions many years earlier. The present is one of the rare opportunities which a publisher interested in portraiture has of giving rein to his fancy. I certainly have never published a book which has afforded me greater interest in this direction. It has also confirmed a conviction which I have had for many years, that there should be a Royal Commission on historical portraits on the same lines as the Royal Commission on historical manuscripts, for I have abundant proof of surprising ignorance on the part of many owners of portraits of distinguished Englishmen, who neither xxii NOTE ON THE ILLUSTRATIONS know the names of the subjects of the portraits they possess nor those of the artists who painted them. The head of one notable house sent me three portraits of successive ancestors, each bearing the same Christian name, but which was which and which was the man I wanted for my purpose I had to find out for myself. I seldom wander round the picture gallery of a country house, however remote, without finding one or more unidentified portraits, and occasionally examples of what I believe to be paintings by English Primitives. From some points of view, this is the most interesting collection of portraits known to me ; its range of date, from the close of the fourteenth century to the present day, the historical and decorative importance of the subjects and the various forms of portraiture, all but unique, make it a veritable pageant of English History. Within these covers are gathered two portraits from church windows, eight memorial brasses, six monu- mental effigies ; and there is one noble example of the art of Torregiano in the beautiful medallion of Sir Thomas Lovell, now thanks to the munificence of Sir Charles Robinson preserved in Westminster Abbey. This is appropriately placed in Henry VII Chapel, guarding, as it were, the same artist's masterpiece, the recumbent figure of Margaret Beaufort, likewise in bronze. There is also a miniature, that of Paul Foley, reproduced by kind per- mission of Mr. Paul Henry Foley. There are forty-seven paintings, some of which are of rare interest ; and seven- NOTE ON THE ILLUSTRATIONS xxiii teen fine prints, mostly after famous portraits, the originals of which in many instances cannot now be traced. It has been a difficult matter to get together so many early portraits. One obstacle has been the fact that Mr. Dasent has added sixteen important characters to the Dictionary of National Biography : William Alington (1429), William Alington (1472), Richard Baynard (1421), Henry Beaumont (1331-2), John Bowes (1435), Sir Robert Brooke (1554), Sir Thomas Charlton (1453-4), Sir John Cheyne (1399), John Dorewood (1399), Sir Thomas Englefield (1496-7), Sir Thomas Fitzwilliam (1488-9), John Green (1460), Sir John Guildesborough (1379-80), Peter de Montfort (1258), Henry Pelham (1647), and William Stourton (1413). It is comparatively easy to hunt up portraits when these are given in the D.N.B. ; but it is not always certain even then that the picture is available for reproduction. For instance, the D.N.B. states that a portrait of is in the possession of a peer whose ancestor was a Speaker in the eighteenth century, but although I have written three times to the noble possessor he has not vouchsafed a reply ; which recalls the famous story about this same ancestor a well-known Counsel before he was elected to the Chair who was notorious for his disagreeable, abrupt manner, and broad dialect. On one occasion, when pleading before the Court on some disputed question of manorial rights, he remarked to the presiding judge that he could speak from personal experience on the subject, " for I myself xxiv NOTE ON THE ILLUSTRATIONS have two little manors." The judge bowed and said, " We all know that, Sir " The earliest Speaker of whom we have any kind of portrait is Sir Thomas Hungerford, who was also the first " Speaker for the Commons " mentioned on the Rolls, of whom I have reproduced as frontispiece a drawing by Mr. Stanley North from the portrait at present in the window of the church at Farleigh Hungerford. As Sir Walter Hungerford did not build the church until 1443, forty-five years after the death of Sir Thomas, it may not be exactly contemporary, though experts agree in as- signing it a very early date. It is possible, too, that the window may have been removed from Farleigh Castle Chapel after the church was built. A drawing, also by Mr. North, of the freestone monumental effigy in Farleigh Castle has been included. I have, in addition, reproduced a drawing from an Album of the Speakers which will be dealt with later in the library of the National Portrait Gallery. This drawing is inscribed as being copied from a picture in the possession of Richard Pollen, Esq. It will be observed that all three portraits have a striking resemblance to each other. The nondescript costume of the picture is, of course, of a later date. The son of Sir Thomas Hungerford, Sir Walter, was also Speaker in 1414. His tomb is in Salisbury Cathedral, where there was a monument with his effigy in brass. I have reproduced the brassless figure in the hope that, if the brass should be in some private collection, the owner will see fit to restore it to its proper position. I NOTE ON THE ILLUSTRATIONS xxv will now consider the other seven portraits represented by memorial brasses, namely, Thomas Chaucer at Ewelme Church, Oxon ; Sir Arnold Savage at Bobbing Church, Kent ; and William Catesby at the Church of Ashby St. Ledgers, Northants. These three names impart a strange, opalescent character to one's vision, for apart from the Speakership they suggest pilgrimages, romance, poetry, prose, and even conspiracy. There are also brasses of Sir John Say, slightly restored, in Broxbourne Church, Hert- fordshire ; Sir Thomas Nevill in the church at Mere- worth, Kent ; and Thomas Williams in Harford Church, Ivybridge, Devon. In this church there is also a fine brass in colours to the memory of the ancient family of Prideaux, one of whom was the mother of Thomas Williams. The epitaph on Thomas Williams is so quaint that it has been thought desirable to reproduce it : tyetfc t&e corpg o CjjomjS ftflliUrfo reafcer Ije in Court appounteti toa gfacreti min&e to bertu Mo aspire parlament fie Speaker fjence oio comen peace fje gtuaieu to pregerue treto rel^ffion euer to m&vnttynz 3|n place of Jugtpce ^^ete as? ty ty notoe in jjeaben to^ mi0fjtie 31otie tiot^ Kaigne The brass of Roger Hunt, dated 1473, in Great Linford Church, Bucks, may possibly be that of the Speaker of 1420 and 1433, but it is more probably that of his son. Of monumental effigies and tombs the following have xxvi NOTE ON THE ILLUSTRATIONS been reproduced : Sir Thomas Hungerford ; Sir Richard Vernon in Tong Church, Salop ; Sir John Mordaunt in Turvey Church, Bedfordshire ; Sir Robert Drury in St. Mary's Church, Bury St. Edmunds ; Sir John Puckering, in Westminster Abbey ; Thomas Snagge, at Marston Morteyne, Beds, which has been reproduced from a drawing kindly supplied by his descendant, Sir Thomas Snagge. In addition to the portrait of Sir Thomas Hungerford in the window of Farleigh Hungerford Church, it should be stated that the portrait of Sir Reginald Bray is from a window in the Priory Church at Malvern. Mr. Justice Bray possesses a drawing of it, from which our reproduc- tion has been made. Sir Reginald Bray died without issue, but he left the greater part of his estates, including the manors at Shere, to the eldest son of his younger brother John ; Edmund became Lord Bray, and he gave his estates at Shere to Sir Edward Bray, his next brother, from whom Mr. Justice Bray is descended, and to whom the manors at Shere still belong. Judge Edward Bray is also descended in the same line, being a brother of Mr. Justice Bray. It must be owned that the piece de resistance of the collection is the wonderful picture at Belvoir, which the Duke of Rutland has most kindly allowed us to repro- duce, of Henry VII, with Empson and Dudley on either side of him. This extraordinary picture is on panel, yj\ by 29! inches, but, unhappily, the master who painted it is unknown, though there can be but little doubt that NOTE ON THE ILLUSTRATIONS xxvii it is the work of an English artist. It is, of course, the earliest and finest representation of the painter's art in our Valhalla. In the National Portrait Gallery are the following paintings, all of which have been used excepting the one of Sir James Dyer : William Wyndham Grenville, Arthur Onslow, Sir John Popham, Sir Christopher Wray, Sir John Glanville, William Lenthall, Sir Harbottle Grimston, Bulstrode Whitelocke, and Robert Harley. In the case of Sir James Dyer a reproduction has been made from a painting in the possession of the Rev. Canon Mayo, of Long Burton. There is also, as mentioned above, a kind of Speakers' Album in the Reference Library of the National Portrait Gallery, which contains forty-five clever water-colour drawings copied by an early nineteenth-century anony- mous artist, probably S. P. Harding or Sylvester Harding, most likely the former, who did much work of this kind. We have, however, only used the following from this in- teresting collection : Sir Thomas Hungerford, Sir John Baker, from an original picture in the possession of William Baker, Esq., of Norwich ; Sir Robert Brooke ; Sir Clement Heigham, from a picture in the possession of John Higham, of Bedford ; Sir John Croke ; Sir Thomas Richardson ; Sir Edward Seymour ; John Smith ; and Sir Thomas Widdrington. This last-named Speaker was buried in the Church of St. Giles-in-the-Fields, where there was an imposing monument to his memory ; but this was broken up and, curiously enough, it is believed xxviii NOTE ON THE ILLUSTRATIONS to have been buried in the course of some church restoration, as was undoubtedly done in the case of a ponderous memorial of the Bellasis family in the same church which had fallen into disrepair. I must not omit to enumerate the names of the other Speakers whose portraits figure in the Album referred to above, for in some cases the names of the contem- poraneous owners of the original pictures from which the water-colour drawings were made are given : Sir Thomas More ; Sir Thomas Audley ; Sir Richard Rich, from a drawing after Hans Holbein, in the possession of Mr. Simco ; Sir James Dyer ; Richard Onslow ; Sir Chris- topher Wray ; Sir Robert Bell, from a miniature in the possession of J. Bell, Esq. ; Sir Edward Coke ; Sir Edward Phelips ; Sir Randolph Crewe ; Sir Thomas Crewe ; Sir Heneage Finch, from an original picture at the Guild- hall ; Sir John Finch, from a picture at the Speaker's house (a similar portrait by Van Dyck is at Raby Castle) ; Francis Rous, from an original picture at Pembroke College, Oxford ; Sir Harbottle Grimston ; Sir Edward Tumour ; Sir Robert Sawyer, from an original picture at Barbers Hall ; Sir William Gregory, from an original picture in the possession of Mr. Gregory ; Henry Powle ; Paul Foley, from an original picture at Coldham ; Robert Harley ; Sir Richard Onslow ; Sir Thomas Hanmer ; Sir Spencer Compton ; Arthur Onslow ; Sir John Cust ; Sir Fletcher Norton ; Charles Wolfran Cornwall ; William Wyndham Grenville ; Henry Addington ; Sir John Mitford; Charles Abbot, from an original picture at NOTE ON THE ILLUSTRATIONS xxix Christ Church College, Oxford; and Charles Manners- Sutton. We are indebted to the Earl of Yarborough for per- mission to reproduce his portrait of Henry Pelham ; to the Earl of Leicester for the portrait of Sir Edward Coke ; to Lord Barnard for that of Sir John Finch ; to MajorWingfield for the picture of Sir Humphrey Wingfield ; to Mr. George Gery Milner-Gibson Cullum for that of Sir Thomas Gargrave ; to Mr. William Robert Phelips, of Montacute, for the fine portrait of Sir Edward Phelips ; to Mr. Charles Chute for the portrait of Chaloner Chute at the Vyne ; to Lord Grantley for that of Sir Fletcher Norton ; to the President of St. John's College, Oxford, for the distinguished portrait of Sir William Cordell, who was executor to the Will of Sir Thomas White, the founder of the college ; and to Mr. Bernard Kettle, of the Guildhall Library, for the very interesting por- trait of Sir Heneage Finch, by John Michael Wright. Finch was also one of the " Fire " Judges whom Lely fortunately declined to paint. The Corporation then commissioned Wright, a native of Scotland, to paint a number at 36 each. This artist's work is not sufficiently appreciated. He is the only man, we can recollect, who was endowed with two Christian names in the seventeenth century, but perhaps he felt over- weighted by the fact, for he frequently signed himself " Michael Ritus." The following have been reproduced from rare en- gravings, a few from my own collection, but chiefly from xxx NOTE ON THE ILLUSTRATIONS those loaned to me by that most intelligent and obliging of dealers, Mr. Bruen, of Greek Street : Sir Robert Sheffield ; Sir Richard Rich ; Sir Robert Bell ; Sir Christopher Yelverton ; Francis Rous ; Henry Powle ; Sir Thomas Littleton ; William Bromley ; Sir Thomas Hanmer ; Sir Spencer Compton ; Henry Addington ; Charles Abbot ; Charles Manners-Sutton ; James Abercromby ; Charles Shaw - Lefevre ; John Evelyn Denison ; and Henry Bouverie Brand. This last was kindly lent by the Serjeant-at-Arms, Mr. H. D. Erskine, of Cardross. I have reserved till the last the important collection of portraits which adorns the Speaker's official resi- dence. These Mr. Lowther with great kindness placed at our entire disposal. The collection is of varied interest and the pictures are of different sizes ; some are un- questionably copies. We have reproduced the following : Sir Thomas Audley ; Sir Job Charlton ; Charles Wolfran Cornwall, by Gainsborough ; Sir Randolph Crewe ; Sir Thomas Crewe ; Sir John Cust ; Sir William Gregory ; Sir John Mitford ; Sir Thomas More ; Richard Onslow ; Sir Richard Onslow ; Sir John Trevor ; Sir Edward Tumour; and Sir William Williams. There is also a portrait of the last-named, by Kneller, in the Members' Dining-room of the House, where a collection of paintings of English statesmen is in process of formation. In addition to the above, the collection contains the following, which have not been used for the reasons that some were fixtures, and in a position where it was im- NOTE ON THE ILLUSTRATIONS xxxi possible to obtain satisfactory results for reproduction, whilst others, it will be seen, have been reproduced from other sources : Charles Abbot, by Lawrence ; James Abercromby ; Henry Addington, by Phillips ; Henry Brand, by Frank Holl ; William Bromley ; Sir Edward Coke ; Sir Spencer Compton, by Lely ; John Evelyn Denison, by Sir F. Grant ; Sir John Finch ; Sir John Glanville ; William Wyndham Grenville ; Sir Harbottle Grimston ; William Court Gully, by Sir George Reid ; Sir Thomas Hanmer ; Robert Harley ; Charles Shaw- Lefevre, by Sir Martin Archer Shee ; William Lenthall, by Van Dyck or his pupil, Henry Peart ; Arthur Onslow ; Arthur Wellesley Peel, by Orchardson ; Sir Edward Phelips ; Francis Rous ; Sir Edward Seymour ; John Smith ; Charles Manners-Sutton ; and Sir Christopher Wray. Since the time of Mr. Speaker Addington it has become a rule that each Speaker's portrait should be added to the collection on his retirement. It is a national loss that this rule has not been longer in operation. The most effectual manner to gauge that loss is to compare this collection with that great historical collection across the river at Lambeth. I shall always remember being shown after lunch one day, by Archbishop Benson, the portraits in Lambeth Palace. The Archbishop told me that Lam- beth was the only official residence known to him where could be found the portraits of all the successive occupiers, at any rate for any considerable length of time. During our tour through the various rooms I well remember the xxxii NOTE ON THE ILLUSTRATIONS Archbishop stopping in front of the portrait of Laud, and impressively informing me that this identical portrait fell with a terrible crash from its position a few days before Laud was beheaded, and that the incident caused the gravest apprehension, for it was held by Laud's friends to be a bad omen. As we passed from this gallery into another room I was shown a large engraving (some sixteen feet long) of Rome, before which the Archbishop stood, and told me that some time previously he had had an old Oxford friend to lunch with him there, Father Edward Purbrick, the head of the Jesuit College, to whom he repeated the Laud story. As they passed out of the room into the corridor they heard a tremendous thud on the floor, and on re-entering the room the huge engraving of Rome had fallen to the ground. The Jesuit Father stood by, placing his hand over it, and cried out, " Oh, that I should live to see the fall of my beloved Rome ! " and straightway left the Palace. I hope I may be pardoned for dragging in this story, but I do not remember having seen it in print. It was certainly not in the Life, and it occurs to me that it may not be in- appropriate to record it here. In addition to the eighty -one portraits of Speakers it has been decided to add three other portraits, not of Speakers, to the series. But perhaps no apology is here necessary. The first is that of John, Earl of Worcester, and the son of the redoubtable Speaker of the same name. The magnificent portrait of this wonderful face is from the cenotaph in Ely Cathedral. He was a great NOTE ON THE ILLUSTRATIONS xxxiii patron of learning and art. Indeed, Caxton says of him : " he floured in vertue and cunnyng ; to whom he knew none lyke, among the lordes of the temporalitie in science and moral vertue," and Fuller exclaims of his beheadal, " The axe did at one blow cut off more learning than was left in the heads of the surviving nobility." The Dukes of Rutland are descended from the Tiptofts. The next character is that of John Rushworth, Clerk- Assistant of the House of Commons, who on that memo- rable day, January 3rd, 1641-2, embalmed for all time the kingly speech, and the never-to-be-forgotten, if equivocal, and certainly epigrammatic reply of Speaker Lenthall. The third portrait is that of Jeremiah Dyson, after Sir Joshua Reynolds, the original picture being now in the possession of his great-granddaughter, Mrs. Myddleton, of Chirk Castle. Dyson was Clerk and after- wards a member of the House. In the course of my researches I have discovered the whereabouts of several portraits and monumental effigies of Speakers, which have not been used in this work for various reasons. As some of these may be useful to students, it is proposed to place them on record. In Westminster Abbey there is the fine bronze bust of Sir Thomas Richardson, by Le Sueur, whose equestrian statue of Charles I still stands at Charing Cross. There is a painting of Sir Thomas Audley, by Holbein, in the possession of Lord Braybrooke, and Lord Onslow has portraits of his three Speaker ancestors in xxxiv NOTE ON THE ILLUSTRATIONS the Speaker's Parlour at Clandon. He has also the well- known picture of Sir Robert Walpole as Prime Minister, with Arthur Onslow in the chair. This is partly painted by Hogarth, and partly by his father-in-law, Sir James Thornhill, who was a member of Parliament, and painted the faces. Lord Redesdale possesses a fine portrait of Sir John Mitford by Sir Thomas Lawrence. At Barrow Church, Bury St. Edmunds, there is the effigy of Sir Clement Heigham. In Felstead Church, Essex, there is a monumental effigy of Lord Rich ; in Claverley Church, near Wolverhampton, one of Sir Robert Brooke ; and at Checkenden, Bucks, where Sir Walter Beauchamp was buried, there is an allegorical brass, his coat of arms, and the following inscription : " Hie jacet Walterus Beauchamp films Willi : Beauchamp Militis cujus aie ppiciet : Deus Amen." A monument was also erected in St. Chad's Church, Shrewsbury, to Richard Onslow, the Speaker of 1566. In Eastwell Church, Kent, where Sir Thomas Moyle is buried, there is an altar tomb with his coat of arms, and apparently it was intended to place an effigy upon it, but none exists. There is also in the same church a bust and mural tablet of Sir Heneage Finch, who was a grandson of Sir Thomas Moyle, and at Coverham Church, Yorkshire, where Sir Geoffrey le Scrope's body was taken after his death at Ghent, there is a coloured window with the arms of the Scropes. At Wellington Church, Somerset, is a monumental effigy of Sir John Popham. Mr. Harold St. Maur, M.P., is the possessor of a painting of Sir Edward Seymour, NOTE ON THE ILLUSTRATIONS xxxv and there is a fine monumental effigy of him at Maiden Bradley. Lord Crewe also possesses paintings of Sir Randolph Crewe and Sir Thomas Crewe, and the Right Hon. James Round has an oil painting of Sir Harbottle Grimston at Birch Hall, Colchester. At Oxford there are portraits of Sir Thomas More (in the Bodleian), of Francis Rous, at Pembroke (the portrait engraved by Faithorne, 1656), of Arthur Onslow at Wadham, by Hysing (engraved by Faber in 1728), three of William Wyndham Grenville, one at Oriel, by Owen, another at Christ Church also by Owen, and a third in the Bodleian, by Phillips. At Christ Church there is a portrait of Charles Abbot, by Northcote (engraved by Picart, 1804), also one of William Bromley, by Dahl, at the Bodleian. The reproduction of the Broadside or List of Members, in the possession of Sir Walter Spencer Stanhope, Bart., is one of the earliest if not the earliest known representa- tion of the House in session. It is dated March I7th, 1627-28, with Sir John Finch in the chair. It is greatly to be regretted that no earlier authentic illustration of a sitting of " The Mother of Parliaments " is available, for such must surely exist either from early wood- blocks or from still earlier miniatures. It is hoped, however, that this Note may prove to be the means of bringing others to light. Mr. Dasent has placed on record some hundred and thirty Speakers, and there are doubtless others whose names, when verified, will some day be added to the xxxvi NOTE ON THE ILLUSTRATIONS list, when the State Papers shall have been exhaust- ively examined and carefully calendared, possibly by Americans. When we reflect on our rough island story as portrayed by Mr. Dasent from the Parliamentary or Speakers' point of view for the past six and a half centuries, we discover that, in addition to the beheading of Lord Wor- cester, no less than nine Speakers have lost their lives for performing what they considered to be their public duty, and in most cases their estates were sequestrated and their wealth confiscated. Thus life and property were less secure than in these democratic days. For the Speaker of our time is known as " the first Commoner in England," with a salary of 5000 per annum, a palatial residence, picturesque privileges, and a retiring pension of 4000. Surely this ought to be some consolation, even to the most Conservative minds. The names of the Speakers who suffered death were : Sir John Bussy, Thomas Thorpe, William Tresham, Sir John Wenlock, Sir Thomas Tresham, William Catesby, Sir Richard Empson, Edmond Dudley, and Sir Thomas More. Unfortunately I have not been able to discover any portraits of the following Speakers, though it is almost certain that many of these exist in the shape of paintings, miniatures, stained-glass windows, memorial brasses, and monumental effigies. William Alington (1429), William Alington (1472), Thomas Bampfylde (1659), Sir Walter Beauchamp NOTE ON THE ILLUSTRATIONS xxxvii (1416), Sir John Bussy (1393-8), Henry Beaumont (1331-2), William Burley (1437). John Bowes (1435), Richard Baynard (1421), Sir Thomas Charlton (1453-4), Sir John Cheyne (1399), John Dorewood (1399), Sir Thomas Englefield (1496-7), Sir Thomas Fitzwilliam (1488-9), Roger Flower (1416), Sir John Guildesborough (1379-80), Henry Green (1362-3), John Green (1460), Sir Nicholas Hare (1539), Sir Lislebone Long (1659), Sir Peter de la Mare (1377), Peter de Montfort (1258), Sir Thomas Moyle (1542), Sir William Oldhall (1450), Sir James Pickering (1378), Sir John Pollard (1553), Sir John Popham (1449), Sir Henry Redford (1402), Richard Redman (1415), Sir John Russell (1423), William Say (1659-60), Sir Geoffrey le Scrope (1332), William de Shareshull (1350-1), William Stourton (1413), Sir James Strangeways (1461), Sir William Sturmy (1404), Thomas Thorpe (1452-3), William de Thorpe (1347), Sir John Tiptoft (1405-6), William Tresham (1439), Sir Thomas Tresham (1459), William Trussell (1326-7), Sir John Tyrrell (1427), Sir Richard Waldegrave (1381), Sir Thomas Walton or Wauton (1425), Sir John Wenlock (1455). John Wood (1482-3). After the names of the Speakers I have added the year of election to the Chair, so as to make it easier to identify the various holders of the office, and I hope that correspondents will continue to help me towards the com- pletion of the list. In response to a letter recently published by the editors of The Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Standard, The xxxviii NOTE ON THE ILLUSTRATIONS Athenceum, and Notes and Queries, asking for information on the subject of Speaker Portraits, I was fortunate enough to obtain valuable information from the readers of each paper. It would be extremely useful too if readers would help to locate other portraits than those already reproduced or recorded in this work, espe- cially of Speakers down to the end of the eighteenth century. The topographical illustrations require little notice here, as they are, for the most part, fully explained in the text. The views of the interior of the Jewel Tower are from photographs kindly supplied by Sir Benjamin Stone. Hollar's view of New Palace Yard has not often been reproduced in so perfect a state. The one herein inserted is taken from the late Sir Francis Seymour Haden's own copy, now in Mr. Dasent's possession. The view of the House of Commons in session is interesting from the idea it gives of St. Stephen's Chapel in the reign of Charles I. It will be noticed that there are two Clerks at the table, thus disproving the usually accepted belief that Rushworth was the first Clerk-Assis- tant. Speaker Onslow said, on the authority of Hatsell, that he had seen a print of the House in 1620 in which two Clerks were shown sitting at the table ; if his state- ment is correct, this is probably a re-issue of the same view. The illustration of the Jewel Tower is from a drawing specially made by Mr. L. Hussell Conway. The map of Westminster in 1740, which Mr. Dasent discovered in the NOTE ON THE ILLUSTRATIONS xxxix British Museum, is valuable as showing streets projected as well as actually completed. Parliament Street was not built until many years later, nor did Abingdon Street come into existence before 1750. The caricatures of Gillray and H. B. explain them- selves, and the views of Montacute, Burford, and Stoke Edith are from photographs supplied by the present owners. The illustration of the Mace is from a photograph kindly lent by the Serjeant-at-Arms (Mr. H. D. Erskine). The Mace dates from the Restoration. Although there is no decipherable mark upon it, in all probability it originally bore both date and hall-mark. The wear and tear have, however, been so great that these may have been obliterated, for the Mace has lost in weight, since it left the silversmith's, no less than 23 ounces. Originally it weighed 251 ounces, now it scales only 228 ounces. Arthur Onslow's house in Soho Square is an especially interesting London view, as it stands on the site of Old Falconbergh House, once the residence of Cromwell's daughter. The author regrets that an illustration of the house in which Coke was born, still standing at Mileham, near Swaffham, has not been included, but the information only reached him at the last moment when the book was in the hands of the binders. If it should be so fortunate as to reach a second edition the omission shall be repaired. It now only remains for me to express my thanks to : Earl Beauchamp, Earl and Countess Cairns, The Earl xl NOTE ON THE ILLUSTRATIONS of Crewe, The Earl of Iddesleigh, The Earl of Onslow, The Earl of Radnor, Earl Waldegrave, Viscount Peel, Vis- count Powerscourt, Lord Barnard, Lord Hylton, Lord Redesdale, Lady Poltimore, Lady Victoria Manners, Mrs. Stanley Lane Poole, The Rev. Charles H. Coe, The Rev. H. H. B. Ayles, D.D., The Rev. C. T. Eland, The Rev. J. A. Halloran, The Rev. C. W. Holland, The Rev. E. Hutton-Hall, The Rev. John T. Steele, The Rev. C. B. Hulton, The Rev. R. Wall, The Serjeant-at-Arms, Mr. C. J. Holmes and Mr. J. D. Milner, of the National Portrait Gallery, Mr. R. P. Chope, Mr. J. G. Earle, F.S.A., Mr. Henry Greensted, Mr. A. L. Humphreys, Mr. Geo. Robinson, Mr. J. Horace Round, LL.D., Mr. J. L. Rutley, Mr. Henry Yates Thompson, for much valuable aid, and to Mr. Dasent himself for his kindness in permitting me to append this note to his exhaustive researches. JOHN LANE. THE BODLEY HEAD. '. : THE SPEAKERS OF ! ! THE HOUSE OF COMMONS v THE SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS CHAPTER I WESTMINSTER IN THE REIGN OF HENRY III THE ISLE OF THORNS THE PALACE AND THE ABBEY PREFERENCE OF HENRY FOR WESTMINSTER DAWN OF THE ENGLISH CONSTITUTION WESTMINSTER THE EARLIEST MEETING PLACE OF THE COMPLETE PARLIAMENT NOTWITHSTANDING the inevitable ten- dency of the age to disparage the past, the opinion is still widely held that the House of Commons is amongst the greatest of human institutions. The primary object of the following pages has been to present a fuller and more accurate account than has previously been attempted of the presiding officers of this great instrument of popular liberty. At the same time it has been the author's aim to de- scribe how the Lower House of Parliament came into existence ; the place where it first held its deliberations (with a topographical and architectural description of Westminster at various epochs) ; the circumstances under which Parliament assembled, with a brief retrospect of 4 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS its principal legislative and administrative achievements. An attempt has also been made to trace throughout the history of the House of Commons the close connection which formerly existed between the Abbey and the seat of government. These points are severally of importance not only to the student of constitutional history, but to all who value the conditions under which modern England is governed. The cities of Oxford and Lincoln are entitled to take precedence of London as the places in the kingdom selected for the holding of the earliest known Parlia- ments; but to Westminster undoubtedly belongs the distinction of having witnessed the dawn of the English Constitution. King John frequently visited Oxford, and in 1204 he held a colloquium there for the purpose of procuring a grant in aid. In November, 1213, writs were addressed to the Sheriffs requiring them to send all knights in arms in their bailiwicks, and four knights from each county, " ad loquendum nobiscum de negotiis regni nostri " ; and two years later the same king again came to Oxford in the vain hope that his nobles would meet him there. Lincoln was the city chosen by Henry III in 1226, whilst he was still a minor, as the rendezvous of four knights elected by the milites et probi homines of the bailiwicks of eight specified counties, in order to settle long-standing disputes with the Sheriffs as to certain articles of their Charter of Liberty. But of the proceed- ings of these embryo Parliaments no record has been preserved. No returns to these tentative and restricted assemblies have been discovered, and the earliest germ of popular representation is to be found in connection with the Isle of Thorns. The history of that traditionally sacred spot, revered by Edward the Confessor above all other parts of his dominions, is inextricably associated with the second founder of the Abbey. Born at Winchester, Henry III was the first of the Plantagenet line to identify himself with Westminster. Distrusting the city of London, he felt himself secure within the sheltering walls of the great Benedictine Abbey, the re-edifying and beautifying of which was to be the darling project of his later years. Between 1245 and his death in the place of his adoption Henry is believed to have spent more than half a million of money on the rebuilding of the Confessor's church, and, according to the somewhat exaggerated view of the late Dean Stanley, his enormous exactions have left their lasting trace on the English Constitution in no less a monument than the House of Commons, which rose into existence as a protest against the lavish expenditure on the mighty Abbey which it con- fronts. 1 As if to point the moral, the only contemporary memorial of Simon de Montfort is to be seen to this day, carved with the arms of other benefactors, upon the Abbey walls. 2 The tendency of modern historical re- search has been rather to deprive De Montfort of his 1 Stanley's Historical Memorials of Westminster Abbey, 1896 edition, p. no. At the same time a large amount of money was raised by sub- scriptions which entitled the donors to indulgence in purgatory, and much of the money spent in the rebuilding of the church was derived from the King's private income. a Simon de Montfort's shield, a double-tailed lion, is reproduced on the outer cover of this volume. 6 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS claim to be the originator of the representative system, 1 but there can be no manner of doubt that, in the closing years of his strenuous Parliamentary life, his efforts in the cause of popular government caused his name to be regarded as a talisman among the English people. Henry III was the first of the English kings who could properly be called a great patron of the arts. Though, in his remodelling of the Abbey, his conception of archi- tectural effect was derived from foreign sources, yet it is to his encouragement of native art that London and the nation owe that triumph of the Early English style (happily little altered internally since the thirteenth century), the choir and transepts which replaced the church of the Confessor. Some doubt exists as to how far westward Henry carried the rebuilding of the nave, but Dean Stanley was of opinion that the beautiful diaper pattern upon the walls marked the limits of his work, leaving only the remaining bays to the westward to be completed by his successors on the throne. The vault- ing of the nave was not finished till a much later date, but the junction of the thirteenth- and fourteenth-century work, where the diaper pattern ceases, is still readily dis- cernible in the altered level of the triforium string courses. 2 The delay in the completion of the nave, as it now stands, was probably due to the fact that the first three Edwards cared less for the Abbey than did Henry III, and pre- 1 The representative principle in England may be said to date from the introduction of the jury system for purposes of inquests, etc., by William I and its further development under Henry II. * Since Dean Stanley wrote, the researches of Messrs. Micklethwaite, Lethaby, Bond and, more recently, the Rev. R. B. Rackham, have added enormously to our knowledge of the fabric of the Abbey and the exertions made by individual abbots to complete the original design of Henry III. THE GENESIS OF WESTMINSTER 7 ferred to concentrate their attention on the rebuilding of St. Stephen's Chapel in the palace, the building which, as we shall show later on, was destined in after years to become the home of the Commons, and so to continue for well-nigh three centuries. The influence of Amiens and Rheims, which Henry III knew and loved, is apparent in the apse of Westminster Abbey, in the am- bulatory, and in the nest of chapels radiating from the central shrine, yet, to their lasting credit be it spoken, the erection and adornment of almost the whole of the great church was due to native craftsmen. It was customary for the Kings of England to wear their crowns at least once a year at Winchester, and preferably at Eastertide. In the case of Henry III this symbol of sovereignty was a mere circlet of gold, for his father had lost the ancient crown with the other regalia in the Wash. And at Winchester, the place of his birth, Henry continued to keep his money and his treasure. The office of the Exchequer at West- minster, where the money was in the first instance paid in, has been frequently confused with the Winchester Treasury, where it was permanently stored. Gradually the Winchester storehouse was superseded for all pur- poses by that at Westminster, and from Plantagenet times both Treasury and Jewel House formed part of the appurtenances of the Palace. But little known, owing to its remote situation, in a quiet mews off Great College Street, the venerable Jewel Tower still stands much as it left the builder's hands not later than the reign of Richard II. To a chamber in this historic building Charles I and Rushworth, the Clerk Assistant of the House of Commons, retired to compare their respective 8 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS notes of the proceedings on the occasion of the attempted arrest of the Five Members in 1642. An illustration of this interesting relic of old West- minster will be found reproduced in this volume. In it are now stored the standard weights and measures in the custody of the Board of Trade. Surrounded as it is on nearly every side by high modem buildings, it is difficult to obtain a good view of the exterior. The view here given is taken from the leads at the back of the house lately in the occupation of Mr. Henry Labouchere, and tradition says that under it have been discovered the traces of an underground passage leading from the Palace to the Abbey. It is perhaps not known to many of those who frequent the Palace at the present day that a portion of the outer surface of the western wall of Westminster Hall has been preserved precisely as it left the hands of its Norman builders, and with their masons' marks still intact on many of the stones. 1 The lower storey of the cloister, 2 added to the Hall by Mr. Pearson in 1888 on the demolition of Sir John Soane's Law Courts, replaces, according to the views of that capable architect, an earlier lean-to structure on the same site. For some 800 years the outer air has been excluded from the Norman masonry, and to the protecting influence of this cloister and its prede- cessors is due the preservation of this relic of the Palace of Rufus. Even after the great fire of 1834, one of the 1 I give this information on the authority of Mr. Pearson, though good judges have also been of opinion that no part of the ashlar work of the Hall is of earlier date than Richard II. * * Now used as the Journal office and Private Bill office. THE JEWEL TOWER drawing l>y A. llitsscll Conway THE GENESIS OF WESTMINSTER 9 original Norman windows remained at the south end of the eastern side of the Hall, immediately above the string- course added by Richard II, and a good illustration of it will be found in Brayley and Britton's Palace of Westminster * but it was most unnecessarily destroyed in the course of some repairs to the Hall in the reign of William IV. By an ingenious contrivance Mr. Pearson filled the spaces between the buttresses (added by Richard II to support the great thrust of the incomparable roof) with a two-storeyed gallery, which, though much criticised at the time of its erection, should preserve for centuries to come the only genuine fragments of Norman work remaining in and about the Hall. If, when Mr. Pearson's additions were made, the sills of the windows on the west side had been lowered to correspond with those on the east, the symmetry of this noble building would have been enhanced, but unfortunately the opportunity was missed. The same architect desired to rebuild the principal, or northern, fa?ade, the towers of which have a spurious air, but a parsimonious Treasury withheld the necessary funds, as it withheld them from Sir Charles Barry when he proposed to cover the roof of the Hall with copper and to carry his Victoria Tower up a hundred feet higher than it is now. On entering the gates of New Palace Yard the least observant will notice that the ground falls rapidly towards the great door of the Hall. In the course of centuries the level of the soil has been raised many feet in the vicinity of the Abbey, but were the ground to be excavated to the same depth as in 1 Plate VIII. io SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS the ornamental garden between St. Margaret's Church and the Hall, it would at once be apparent to the most casual observer that the Abbey as originally designed stood on considerably higher ground than the ancient residence of the Saxon and Norman kings. Thus its commanding situation in the centre of Thorney Island caused it to dominate the surrounding buildings, producing a grand architectural effect which is now, unhappily, lost. Both Palace and Abbey were surrounded, not only by strong walls of defence, but by running water on every side. A considerable stream, having its source in the wooded northern heights, ran through what is now the Green Park to join the estuary of the Thames. This was the Aye bourne, from which Hay [Aye] Hill, Tyburn, and Ebury derive their names. Eye Cross, an oft- quoted boundary in the precincts of the Abbey, stood on the same stream. Successive alterations of the surface have obliterated many of its channels, but, by carefully comparing the terrain with the most trust- worthy maps, the limits of Thorney Island can even now be traced. A stream ran from near Storey's Gate to De La Hay Street, through Gardeners Lane, and emptied itself into the Thames near Cannon, or, as some have called it, Channel, Row. This waterway in its turn was connected with a long ditch or moat occupying the site of Princes Street, whilst another brook flowed by Great Smith Street and Great College Street to the river near Millbank. Westward of this again lay a great marsh known to the Anglo-Saxons as Bulinga Fen. 1 It must be remembered that in Norman, and probably 1 The name has been wisely revived by the London County Council in forming a new street by the Tate Gallery of British Art. STAIRCA>E AND ANCIKNT DOORWAY IN THE .1 KAVKI. TOWKR Front n photograph l>y Sir Renjatnin Stone THE GENESIS OF WESTMINSTER u much later, times the whole site of St. James's Park and Tothill Fields was a tidal swamp, and that where Buckingham Palace now stands bitterns boomed and snipe drummed. St. James's Park is said to have been formed by Henry VIII to gratify Anne Boleyn after the Court had removed from Westminster to White- hall. To this day there is water in the cellars of the houses in Birdcage Walk at certain states of the tide, and when the new building for the Office of Works at Storey's Gate was in course of erection, a few years ago, the greatest difficulty was experienced in procuring a solid foundation, owing to the boggy nature of the sub- soil at this spot. Whenever an old house on the site of the Long Ditch is rebuilt similar difficulties are en- countered, and the fact that the soil underlying the Abbey and the Palace is composed of pure water-worn sand is the probable explanation of there being no crypt under the church, and no subterranean chamber under the great Hall. The gardens and orchards, and even the vineyards, of Westminster were famous for centuries before the atmosphere of London became laden with soot, and foul from the smoke of innumerable chimneys ; and in a place called the Herbary, " between the King's Chamber and the Church," Henry III ordered pear trees to be planted, so that he might see the Abbey rising in all its fairness, in the springtime, above a wealth of white blossom. Before the destruction of Gardeners Lane simul- taneously with King Street for centuries the only approach to Westminster from the north, for Parlia- ment Street is, as it were, a thing of yesterday it was easy to trace in its bends and curves the tortuous course 12 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS of the bed of the stream which once divided the Isle of Thorns from what we now call Whitehall. The King Street avenue to Westminster only came into existence when the Empress Maud, at her own charge, threw a bridge across the stream at this point, additional proof, if such were needed, of the detachment of the city of London from the residence of the Norman kings. When the river was yet unembanked, the usual mode of approach to Westminster was by water, and, shifting the scene to Great College Street, it requires no great effort of imagination to picture in the mind's eye the clear, cool water flowing alongside the wall of the Infirmary garden, and the Abbot issuing from his water-gate to take barge upon the Thames. Archi- tecturally, London may have gained by the formal align- ment of the Embankment, but much that was picturesque was destroyed when, on the destruction of the foreshore, a great natural force was hemmed in between solid walls of stone, and a mighty river reduced to the commonplace proportions of the Liffey or the Seine. Before the Thames was urbanised, so to speak, Thorney Island was subject to periodical inundations, and Matthew Paris relates how the untrammelled waters swept into West- minster Hall and boats floated within its gates. 1 The space enclosed in the thirteenth century by these various streams, of which the Gardeners Lane channel formed the northern boundary of the island, the Thames the eastern, the Long Ditch the western, and the College Street brook the southern, measured rather less than five hundred yards from north to south, and less than 1 Only within the last decade a violent thunderstorm which burst over Westminster once more flooded the Hall, so that the water stood a foot deep at its principal entrance. VAn.TEI) CHAMKKR IN THE JKtt'EI. T;;/ a print of /// M tutorial Hrnss i> Incline Church, Oxfordshire THE HOUSE OF LANCASTER 73 exactly when to give way, and in 1407 he succeeded in pleasing both parties to the dispute : the Lords by his permission to deliberate, even in his absence, on the state of the realm and the appropriate remedies ; the Commons by conceding the principle that no report of a money grant should henceforth be made to the Crown until both Houses were agreed on its terms, such report then to be delivered only by the mouth of their Speaker. 1 In this connection it should be borne in mind that all Bills granting supplies to the Crown are, after third reading in the Lords, returned to the custody of the Commons (unlike other Bills, which are retained by the Lords pending the Royal Assent), and are taken up by the Speaker when the Commons are summoned to the Lords to hear the Royal Assent given. If, on such an occasion, the King should be present in person, the Speaker addresses the Sovereign on the principal measures awaiting his assent, not forgetting to mention the supplies which have been granted by the Lower branch of the legislature. Having obtained all the money he wanted, the King did not call Parliament together again until January, 1409-10. By this time Archbishop Arundel, the greatest enemy the Lollards ever had, had retired from the Chancellor- ship, and the reformers must have secured a majority in the new House, for the first act of the Commons was 1 The original words of this famous Declaration are worth quoting : " Purveux toutes foitz qe les Seigneurs de lour part, ne les Communes de la leur, ne facent ascun report a fire dit S r le Roy d'ascunt grant p r les Communes grantez, & p r les Seigneurs assentuz, ne de les Com- munications du dit Graunt, aviunt ce qe mesme les Seigneurs & Communes soient d'un assent & d'un accord en celle partie & adouges en manore & forme com il est accustomez, c'est assever p r bouche de Purparlour de la dite Commune par le temps estant." 74 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS to reverse their former attitude of hostility towards the Anti-Clerical movement. They now recommended to the King the wholesale confiscation of Church lands, but this revolutionary proposal was not destined to receive the Royal Assent. Though the Houses continued in session until May, no great constitutional change marked their labours. 1 Shortly before his death, the last subsidy voted to him having nearly expired, Henry called another Parliament ; but in consequence of his serious illness no formal opening took place, and therefore no choice of a Speaker. On 20 March, 1413, the King died in the Jerusalem Chamber at Westminster, whither he had been carried by the monks after he had fallen down in a swoon before the shrine of the Confessor. The short reign of Henry V, the greatest soldier of his age, was also the shortest since the Norman Conquest. Yet in nine years of, for the most part, glorious strife, Parliamentary institutions saw considerable development. This period has usually been associated with military achievement rather than with Constitutional progress. Yet, in 1414, when a Hungerford was again called to the Chair 2 and the Lower House met in the " Fermerie " at Leicester, the King granted to his Commons a boon which they had long desired. This was to the effect that their petitions, which now, for the first time, were be- 1 Or those of the succeeding Parliament of 1411, in which Chaucer was Speaker for the third time. 1 Sir Walter (son of the Speaker of 1377), created Lord Hungerford in 1425-26 and buried in Salisbury Cathedral in 1449, where his mutilated brass is still to be seen with its stone slab powdered with sickles, the favourite device of this family before crests came into general use. .\l/' in the rriorv Church, THE HOUSE OF TUDOR in pendants, seeming to rest on unsubstantial air, look down upon the finest piece of embellished metal-work in all England the gilt bronze railing, or " grate " as it is called in contemporary writings which surrounds the tombs of Henry and Elizabeth of York. Their recumbent effigies, on which Torregiano was engaged for many years, are admitted to be among the greatest of their kind. Novel as was Robert Vertue's system of vaulting in England, his scheme of exterior abutment is even more strikingly original. By substituting octagonal domed turrets for the flying buttresses of an earlier age, the architect not only economised space, but introduced into his scheme of fenestration a new and attractive feature. The windows, no longer mere flat insertions, are here made to follow the curved lines of the exterior walls, with the happiest results of light and shade. The beauty of Henry VII's Chapel induced Barry to adopt the Tudor style for the new Houses of Parliament. With all their imperfections, of which not the least was the selection of a stone which has proved incapable of resisting the destructive effect of the London atmosphere, they stand out by themselves as the most picturesque Gothic building, on a large scale, added to the metropolis in the nineteenth century. The daring combination of gilding and masonry exhibited in both the Victoria and the Clock Towers has elicited nothing but commendation from qualified critics, while the design of the members' private staircase is held to equal that at Christ Church, Oxford, in lightness and elegance, than which no higher praise can be given. The mistake of employing a Gothic architect to design H2 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS a classical building, which Lord Palmerston made when Sir Gilbert Scott was selected to build the Home and Foreign Offices, is only too apparent in Whitehall. That artistic failure should have taught a lesson to successive Commissioners of Works, but not much can be said in praise of the more recently erected Public Offices, mostly of a machine-made type, which line what ought to be the finest thoroughfare in London the approach from Trafalgar Square to Westminster. At the present time London happens to want a digni- fied and adequate memorial to King Edward VII. What an opportunity for a First Commissioner of Works to immortalise himself by reconstructing Trafalgar Square and the main approach to the Houses of Parlia- ment on an heroic scale ! If he could obtain the neces- sary funds there is actually a vacant pedestal awaiting him in the finest site in Europe, whereon he might, in course of time, be exhibited to a grateful posterity as a pendant in extravagance to George IV. The formation of a Via Regia from the Forum to the Senate, such as would have delighted ancient Rome, would present no insuperable difficulty to Paris, or even to Berlin. Yet the example of the New Processional Road through the Mall, which, whilst it opens up a clearer view of the hideous front of Buckingham Palace, destroyed a genuine relic of seventeenth-century London, almost makes one despair of the artistic future of metropolitan improvements. Leaving St. James's Park by a well-pro- portioned triple arch the scheme of the architect has been choked and strangled at its birth for want of the funds required to demolish a few insignificant business premises. To buy out the banks, clubs, hotels, and shops which dis- THE HOUSE OF TUDOR 113 figure three sides of Trafalgar Square would cost a large sum, but a beginning might be made by sweeping away the paltry fountains feebly spurting from amidst a waste of sombre asphalte. And although the public sentiment would probably not approve of any material alteration in the central feature of the nation's memorial to Nelson, our sympathy is rather with the survivor of the Victory's crew who exclaimed, on being invited to admire the gigantic column : " Well, I'm blessed if they haven't mast-headed the Admiral ! " At the accession of Henry VIII continuous Parlia- mentary government was neither expected nor desired by the constituencies, and the burden of paying their representatives at Westminster would account for no public indignation being evoked, when nearly six years elapsed x before a new Parliament was called. When at last it did meet it sat for less than a month, and, though at its opening the Chancellor, Archbishop Warham, expatiated on the necessity of making good laws and spoke of the constitutional assembly as " the stomach of the nation," the legislative output of the session was infinitesimal, and when, after the Houses had granted the King a liberal subsidy, the dissolution was reached, 2 the only concession made to popular opinion was the condemnation of Dudley and Empson, who expiated their crimes on Tower Hill in the following August. 3 Assuredly, this was the only occasion hi Parliamentary history when two former Speakers died on the same day. Yet in the seventeenth century the situation was nearly 1 Between 1504 and January, 1509-10. * On 23 February. * This stop-gap Parliament was presided over by Sir Thomas Englefield, who had preceded Dudley in the Chair during the last reign. I H4 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS paralleled, when Chaloner Chute and Lislebone Long died within a month of one another, and in the eighteenth, when Mr. Speaker Cornwall expired within twenty-four hours of his old antagonist Fletcher Norton. It would be interesting to know, remembering his former intimacy with the twin extortioners, what were Speaker Lovell's feelings when he heard that Dudley and Empson were to be brought to the block. As it was, he lived just long enough to see the profession of the law once more pre- ferred to the Chair in the person of Sir Thomas More, the gifted author of Utopia that happy land which he described as having few laws and no lawyers. The temporary eclipse of the House of Lords as a legislative body enabled Henry VIII to introduce Bills into the Upper House which had previously been prepared by the Privy Council, in concert with the law officers of the Crown ; to pass them rapidly through that complacent assembly ; and to present them cut and dried to a packed House of Commons. The practice of referring Government measures to the consideration of a committee of both Houses was also initiated by the Tudors. At the same time the power of the Crown over the legislature was much increased by so manipulating the elections as to ensure the return of the King's Household officers. And while Henry was careful to lay stress upon the independence of Parliament in his communications with the Pope, there is abundant evidence to the effect that, aided as the King was by Thomas Cromwell, the constituencies had little or no free choice in the election of their representatives. The earliest and crudest form of intimidating voters was to beat them off by armed force on the day of the THE HOUSE OF TUDOR 115 poll, as related in the Paston letters, and even where no coercion was employed the preliminaries to election were often accompanied by strange and novel conditions. Some amusing instances of payment in kind for Parlia- mentary service occur in the fifteenth century, as when John Strange entered into an agreement with the bailiffs of Dunwich to give his attendance at Westminster " for a cade of full herring " whether the House " holds long time or short," while the borough of Weymouth at the same period was able to secure a member to watch over its interests at the even cheaper rate of five hundred mackerel. Five shillings a week was all that Ipswich was willing to pay for the services of William Worsop in 1472, whilst John Walworth, the junior member, covenanted to serve for as little as three shillings and four pence ! Though little is heard of direct bribery in the sixteenth century, instances occurred of members compounding with their constituents by agreeing to accept less than the statutory allowance for travelling expenses. Some even went so far as to offer to serve altogether without pay. This negative form of bribery became increasingly common in the reign of Henry VIII, and the city of Canterbury, overjoyed, on one occasion, at having saved the wages of one of its members who stayed away from Westminster on account of the plague, actually rewarded him for his abstention. There is this much to be said for bribery as understood and practised in olden days. The briber did at least pay the money out of his own pocket, therefore the revenues of the State did not suffer. Nowadays the would-be briber offers the money of the State in order to corrupt voters, and whilst party leaders talk grandiloquently of the great constitutional n6 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS issues involved in a general election, the actual canvas- sing for votes in many constituencies turns mainly on the granting of pecuniary rewards by the State. The seventeenth century brought with it increased cost to candidates, but bribery was not translated into a fine art until the division of the House of Commons into parties, each anxious to turn the other out and obtain the spoils of office, became an accomplished fact. Wasteful expenditure at contested elections attained its height towards the end of the eighteenth century, but since 1832 bribery in an acute form has tended steadily to decline. Traces of the old leaven occasion- ally manifested themselves far on into the nineteenth century, but under an extended franchise, and a pure and beneficent system which substitutes cheerfully paid subscriptions and charitable donations for the whole- sale treating and degrading corruption of the electorate prevailing within the memory of many still living the cost of entering the House of Commons, and, what is often more difficult, of securing re-election at the second attempt, is now appreciably less than it was before the passing of the Corrupt Practices Act of 1883. Although it has not been possible to discover that the measures adopted by Thomas Cromwell to secure a compliant House of Commons included anything in the nature of wholesale pecuniary corruption, the constant pressure put upon the sheriffs and mayors by the Privy Council was so stringent and so far-reaching that throughout the period of the Reformation the popular assembly was almost entirely subservient to the Sovereign, from the Speaker in his Chair to the humblest burgess. To a House so constituted was assigned the THE HOUSE OF TUDOR 117 spade work of severing England from Rome and despoiling the Church, and, owing to the spirit of independence being almost wholly absent from its deliberations, it became possible for the real rulers of the country, under the thin disguise of a constitutional movement which was in reality a hollow sham, to rob the English people of a faith which, of their own free will, they had never deliberately rejected. Henry's second Parliament, a " War Parliament " as it has been called, was presided over by Sir Robert Sheffield, of Butterwick, near Boston, in Lincolnshire, an ancestor of the Dukes of Buckingham of that family. 1 The ancient seat of the Sheffields had been at a place called Hemmeswelle, but a fortunate match with the heiress of Delves enabled the Speaker to build extensively at Butterwick, in the Isle of Axeholme. It has been supposed that the Speakers had no official residence at Westminster until a much later period, but from the journal of a Venetian traveller, who visited England in 1512, it appears that not only did the Speaker thus early live within the precincts of the Palace, but that a certain amount of ceremonial hospitality was expected of him by the general body of members : " The Parliament has begun, that is to say all the gentlemen of the Kingdom have come, and are making a Parliament in the Palace of the King called Vasmonestier, distant from London less than two miles ; and all the gentlemen who come have houses in London, and it 1 Speaker Sheffield was buried in 1518 in the church of the Augustinian Friars. This, which has been since 1550 the meeting- place of the Dutch Communion in London, was for centuries a favourite burying-place with the greater nobility and the wealthier City merchants. n8 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS behoves them to pass before the door of the House of the Worshipful Speaker, as well those who go by land as those who go by water ; for there is a river called the Tamixa, whereon they can go in 100 boats, made after their fashion, from London to the said Vasmonestier. And they are bound to pass before the said worshipful house ; and having reached the said door, these gentlemen, for the love they bear to the magnificent and worshipful speaker, visit him with 16 and more or less servants ; some come to dinner and some to breakfast (eolation), for^this is the custom of the country : they have breakfast every morning. . . . Every morning he goes to Mass with some of these gentlemen, who hold him by the arms and walk up and down with him for an hour ; then they go to the Council and he to his house." 1 During Sheffield's tenure of the Chair 2 a disastrous fire broke out in the Palace of Westminster, and many old buildings between the Great Hall and the Abbey were destroyed. Details of the calamity, which occurred in 1512, are scanty. The Hall itself, the Painted Chamber, St. Stephen's Chapel, the Star Chamber, and the Clock Tower escaped injury, but many of the King's private apartments were burnt. This fire, by no means the first in which the Palace had been involved, was the primary cause of the removal of the Court, first to Bridewell and thence, after the fall of Wolsey, to Whitehall. Apparently the Cloister Court of St. Stephen's, dating 1 This delightful bit of Parliamentary anecdote will be found in Gentlemen Errant, by Mrs. Henry Cust, 1909, p. 512, note. 1 The Dictionary of National Biography, following Manning, says that Sheffield had also been Speaker in 1510, but the Rolls conclu- sively prove that Englefield was Speaker from 23 January, 1509-10, until 23 February. And as under the old style the year was reckoned to begin on 25 March, Parliament was not actually in session at any time in 1510. ; fe^:: 7f iX: -i -So/, . SIR ROBERT SIIKKFI KI.I) I5II-2 ' THE HOUSE OF TUDOR 119 from the middle of the fourteenth century, was involved in the conflagration, for it is known to have been rebuilt in 1526 by Dr. John Chambers, the last Dean of the Saint Chapdle of the Palace. A bell tower rising on the east side of Westminster Hall escaped the flames in 1512, and was heightened when the Cloister Court was rebuilt, only to be once more practically destroyed in the still greater fire of 1834. Its subsequent restoration by Sir Charles Barry ranks as one of the most successful achievements of that architect at Westminster. In the library of Hatfield House are two interesting plans, drawn by John Symonds in 1593, showing in detail the various buildings between the Great Hall and the Receipt of the Exchequer as they existed when Coke sat in the Speaker's Chair. The Palace of Bridewell was only divided from the Blackfriars by the Fleet Ditch, and in consequence of the damage caused by the fire at Westminster, the sittings of Parliament were temporarily held in the Priory. The next Speaker after Sheffield was Sir Thomas Nevill, fifth son of the second Baron Bergavenny. He was voted to the Chair on 6 February, 1514-15, and held office till the dissolution, on 22 December. When he was pre- sented for the royal approval in the House of Lords he had the honour of knighthood conferred upon him in the presence of the assembled Lords and Commons, "the like whereof was never known before." During the session an Act was passed which laid down that no knight, citizen, or burgess " do depart until Parlia- ment be fully finished except he have licence of the Speaker and the same be entered in the book of the clerk," upon pain of losing his wages. An earlier statute of Richard II had dealt with the subject of absenting members and the penalties to be inflicted for non- attendance at Westminster. In the reign of Elizabeth, and probably earlier, the House was called over at the opening of every session, and members in their places answered to their names. But in spite of all attempts to ensure regular attend- ance, there were frequent complaints of scanty houses in Tudor times, and even such expedients as locking the doors and forcibly preventing members who were present from leaving until the business of the day was concluded proved ineffectual ; nor has it ever been possible to devise any effective machinery for securing a full attendance of members throughout the lifetime of a Parliament, or even during a single session. The accurate reporting of debates, the publication of the division lists, and the fierce light which now beats upon the doings of private members, to say nothing of ministers of the Crown, has done more to ensure constant attendance than any penal resolutions passed by the House in order to meet individual cases. After an interval of over seven years a new Parlia- ment met, not at Westminster, but again in the Great Chamber of the Priory at Blackfriars, where now stands the Times office. It chose for its Speaker a man in the prime of life, the member for Middlesex, no other than the great Sir Thomas More, the first layman, with one exception, to be Chancellor of England. It was not his first appearance in the House, for in the previous reign he had successfully resisted a grant to the King, for which temerity, as it would have been a violation SIR THOMAS XEVILL ISH-IS from a Memorial Brass in Mereworth Church, Kent THE HOUSE OF TUDOR 121 of the Constitution to punish a member for his vote, More's aged father was imprisoned and fined. This truly great man may be said to have only flitted across the stage of the House of Commons, for the session of 1523 lasted less than four months. Short as it was, it is memorable for the wholly unconstitutional irruption of Wolsey into the Chamber to demand a grant of 800,000 1 in order to carry on the war with France. 2 The proposed tax, which was in the nature of a graduated toll upon income and property amounting to four shillings in the pound upon land and goods, was unparalleled in amount, and was stoutly resisted, though More, who seems to have considered it justified under the circum- stances, urged the House to comply with the royal demands. But when the Cardinal entered, after the question of his being admitted at all had been debated at length, he was met by a chilling and preconcerted silence. "Masters," cried Wolsey, "unless it be the manner of your House, as in likelihood it is, by the mouth of your Speaker whom you have chosen for trusty and wise (as 1 About 12,000,000 at the present computation of money. * In Fiddes' Life of Wolsey, 1724, there is a representation, at page 302, of Henry VIII sitting in Parliament (? at Blackfriars) with the Archbishop of Canterbury (War ham), Cardinal Wolsey, the mitred Abbots, the Prior of St. John of Jerusalem, and the temporal peers. The Clerk of the Parliaments and his assistant are shown kneeling behind one of the woolsacks, and the Speaker of the House of Com- mons with several members of the Lower House are standing at the bar. This print, which was communicated to Fiddes by John Anstis, Garter, in 1722, bears a striking resemblance to a plate printed in Pinkerton's Iconographica Scotica from a drawing formerly in the Heralds' College, but not now to be found there, supposed to represent Edward I with the King of Scotland, and Llewellyn, Prince of Wales, in Parliament assembled. It is probably, however, of much later date and of little or no historical value. 122 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS indeed he is) in such cases to utter your mind, here is, without doubt, a marvellous obstinate silence." Falling upon his knees, More replied that though the Commons might entertain communications from with- out, it was not according to precedent to enter into debate with outsiders. Thomas Cromwell, the man who, a few years later, was more than any other responsible for the spoliation of the Church and the degradation of the House of Commons, sat in this Parliament for the first time. Combining the unpopular profession of a solicitor with the disreputable one of a money-lender, by the double experience so gained he made himself the master of the secrets of half the aristocracy, including many members of both Houses. On the present occasion he was not acting under Henry's orders, and he delivered a telling speech against the war. Not till 13 May did the House consent to grant any portion of the land tax, and then only a much lesser sum than Wolsey would be satisfied with. The burgesses, who declared that the tax was only in- tended to affect the squires and the land, declined to vote at all. A few days later the House adjourned for Whit- suntide ; but on its reassembling a proposal that, in addition to the sum derived from landed estate, one shilling in the pound should be levied on goods was supported by the squires, and vehemently opposed by the borough members. It was only by the personal interven- tion of the Speaker that the differences of the country party and the burgesses were composed and the tax finally voted. At the close of the session Cromwell wrote to a friend : "Ye shall understand that I, SIR THOMAS MOKE 1523 a painting at the Speaker's Ho THE HOUSE OF TUDOR 123 amongst others, have endured a Parliament which continued by the space of seventeen whole weeks where we communed of war, peace, strife, contention, debate, murmur, grudge, riches, poverty, trouble, false- hood, justice and equity. . . . Howbeit we have done as well as we might and left off where we began." After the Great Hall of Blackfriars, the scene of Katherine of Arragon's trial before Cardinal Campeggio, ceased to be used for Parliamentary purposes, the site of the Priory was devoted to various secular uses, and many famous names are found in connection with it. A theatre, in which no less a man than Shakespeare trod the boards, flourished in the old home of the monks from the reign of Elizabeth until all theatrical enterprise was stifled under the Commonwealth. 1 Vandyck, on his first coming to London, took a house in the precincts, where he had been preceded by Isaac Oliver and other painters. Towards the close of the eighteenth century the first John Walter set up his logographic press in Printing House Square, and laid the foundations of a gigantic instrument of popular enlighten- ment the greatest newspaper the world has ever seen. Here, almost on the identical spot where More con- fronted Wolsey, Delane sat in the editorial chair of The Times for thirty-six arduous years. It would be superfluous, if not impertinent, to dwell in these pages upon More's subsequent career and tragic fate. There is in the Speaker's house a recently ac- quired portrait of the great Chancellor in the Holbein manner, but it is at best a contemporary copy. Another 1 Play House Yard preserves the association of the drama with Blackfriars to this day. 124 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Sir Thomas, cast in a very different mould, succeeded More as Speaker, and also on the Woolsack. This was Thomas Audley, a " sordid slave," according to Lord Campbell, whose promotion coincided with Wolsey's disgrace. The " Black " or Reformation Parliament, an epoch in our national history, met at Westminster in November, 1529, and was not dissolved until 1536, so that it was easily the longest known to that time. If not actually packed with the nominees of the Crown, as far as it was possible to control the elections, only candidates hostile to the Church were held to be eligible. " With the Commons it is nothing but down with the Church," said the Bishop of Rochester from his place in the House of Lords in the course of the first session. While Audley was in the Chair only the outworks of the Church were laid siege to, and not till after his transfer to the Woolsack, when Sir Humphrey Wingfield became Speaker, did the actual severance from Rome take place. 1 Audley left no male heir, but his grandson Thomas, Earl of Suffolk, ultimately inherited his vast wealth, and built Audley End in Essex between 1603 and 1616. It is said to be the largest private house in England, and to have cost 200,000. The Chancellor died in 1544, and was buried in a chapel which he had built at Saffron Walden in his native county. An elaborate monument was 1 The Acts contrived by Cromwell in 1533-34 in order to ensure the final breach with Rome were four in number : " An Act for the sub- mission of the Clergy to the King's Majesty," " An Act restraining the payment of annates," " An Act concerning the exoneration of the King's subjects from exactions and impositions heretofore paid to the see of Rome, and for having Licences and Dispensations within this Realm without suing further for the same," and " An Act declaring the establishment of succession of the King's most Royal Majesty in the Imperial Crown of this Realm." {'mm a painting at the Speaker's Jhnis THE HOUSE OF TUDOR 125 erected to his memory. His portrait in official robes with gold-laced sleeves is in the Speaker's house. With the exception of that of Sir Thomas More it is the earliest in point of date hi the collection, but the painting is not earlier than the eighteenth century, having prob- ably been painted to order with several others of the series. Wingfield, in early life a protege of Wolsey, though not otherwise remarkable, deserves mention for his having been the first Speaker to sit for a borough constituency. Sir Robert Brooke, temp. Mary I, is said by Hakewil and others to have been the first burgess so honoured, but this is inaccurate. Wingfield represented Great Yarmouth in 1529, and Sir John Say, who was Speaker in 1448-49, had represented the borough of Cambridge before he became a Knight of the Shire. The salary received by Wingfield was 100 a year. Sprung from an old East Anglian family of Brantham Hall, in the county of Suffolk, he was educated at Gray's Inn, where his coat of arms is still to be seen in a north window of the hall. The precedent set in Wingfield's case was soon followed, for Sir Richard Rich, of Leigh's Priory, Co. Essex, sat for Colchester when elected to the Chair in 1536. Hypocrite, perjurer, oppressor, and time-server, he is without manner of doubt the most despicable man who ever sat in the Chair of the Commons. Shrinking from no infamy so long as he was on the winning side, he had a part in the fall of Wolsey, the deaths of More (whose con- viction was only obtained on Rich's perjured evidence), of Fisher, Cromwell, Wriothesley, the Protector Somerset, and his brother Lord Seymour of Sudeley 126 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS and of Northumberland. A monster in human shape, Rich stretched the rack with his own hands when Anne Askew was put to torture in the Tower. 1 During the short session of 1536 for it sat little more than a month Parliament passed an Act by which Elizabeth as well as Mary was declared illegitimate, the King having married Jane Seymour shortly before the Houses met. Before another Parliament was summoned Edward the Confessor's golden shrine had been hacked down by sacrilegious hands, and the Abbey despoiled of its treasures, an irreparable loss to the nation as well as to the Church. At the same time the priceless jewelled shrine of Becket at Canterbury was totally destroyed, and the spoils, which are said to have filled six-and-twenty carts, were swept into the royal treasury. The " Regale of France," a large diamond which was considered to be one of its chief glories, was long worn by Henry as a ring, and it is shown on his enormous thumb in some of his later portraits. It reappeared in the inventory of Queen Mary's jewels, after which date its history cannot be traced. Rich was one of the principal gainers through the disposition of the monastic lands. Henry VIII gave him St. Bartholomew's, Smithfield, as his share of the spoils of the Reformation, and he made his town house in Cloth Fair. Long known as Warwick House, it was standing in quite recent years. In the list of Speakers in the library of the House of Commons, the date of Rich's advancement to the Chair 1 Rich was then Chancellor of the Augmentations, and Wriothesley, who was associated with him in the torture of this unfortunate woman, was Chancellor. SIK IU Ml'HRKY \\ INCI'IKI.Ii THE HOUSE OF TUDOR 127 is given as 1537, but this is an obvious error, as no Parlia- ment was summoned in that year. He resigned the Great Seal in 1551, and died in 1567 or 1568. 1 There is a recumbent effigy of him in Felstead Church, but the inscription on the tomb has been destroyed. Sir Nicholas Hare, another compliant tool of Henry VIII, was Speaker hi 1539-40 in the Parliament which passed the atrocious Act known as the " Whip with six strings." Hare was also Keeper of the Great Seal, though only for fourteen days. There is some doubt as to the constituency he represented whilst he was Speaker. One of the name sat for Downton in 1529, and Hare is supposed to have been Knight of the Shire for Norfolk in 1539, though the official returns for that year are wanting. He was the ancestor of the Hares of Stow Hall in that county, having bought the hundred of Clackhouse (which included Stow Bardolph) from Lord North in I 553- Appointed Master of the Rolls in that year, he died in Chancery Lane and was buried in the Temple Church. It should be mentioned that he was absent during part of the session of 1539-40, having been committed to the Tower for advising Sir John Skelton how to evade the Statute of Uses in his will. This was deemed to be an infringement of the royal prerogative. He was released in Easter Term, 1540, and, strange to say, his imprisonment does not seem to have been considered a 1 The Dictionary of National Biography gives the earlier and the Complete Peerage the later date, and they are also at variance as to the year of his birth. The Earls of Warwick and Holland were de- scended from him, hence the name of Warwick House, Smithfield. 128 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS breach of privilege. To such a degree of subserviency was the House reduced that even the imprisonment of its Speaker passed without remonstrance. The next Parliament, which passed the Act for the Reformation of Religion, chose for its Speaker Sir Thomas Moyle. Originally a Cornish family, the Moyles migrated to Kent in the fifteenth century. In Queen Mary's reign Sir Thomas posed as a true friend of the Reformation, and vacated his seat rather than support the policy of Rome. He died at Eastwell, near Ashford, in 1560, and his youngest daughter married Sir Thomas Finch, the progenitor of the Earls of Winchilsea and Nottingham, thus carrying the estate into a family which gave two subsequent Speakers to the House of Commons. During Moyle's Speakership occurs an early use of the well-known term " Member of Parliament." Henry VIII, writing to the Deputy and Council of Ireland, apropos of O'Brien, Earl of Thomond, said : " But you must remember that the heir of the Earl of Thomond from henceforth must abide his time to be admitted as a Member of our Parlia- ment till his father or parent shall be deceased, and to be only a hearer standing bareheaded at the bar beside the Cloth of Estate as the young Lords do here in our realm of England." l It has been thought that Rich again filled the Chair in Henry's ninth and last Parliament, but from an entry which the present writer found in the Registers of the Privy Council, it appears that Sir John Baker, whom previous writers have not noticed in this connection until the reign of Edward VI, was the next to hold the office. February 7, 1546-47. " Also Sir John Baker had 1 State Papers, III, 395. Hans Holbein, rielt THE HOUSE OF TUDOR 129 warrant to the Treasurer and Chamberlains of the Exchequer for 100 to be given to him in considera- tion of his service in the room of Speaker in the last session of the Parliament as hath been heretofore ac- customed." It was also customary for the Speaker to receive an allowance for his diet, five pounds for every private Bill passed by both Houses, and five pounds for every name in any Bill for denizens, unless he agreed to accept less. [Harleian Miscellany, Vol. IV, page 561.] On Christmas Eve, 1545, Henry made the last of his many speeches to Parliament, urging the nation to religious unity, and on 31 January, 1546-47, the day that Wriothesley announced the King's death, only just in time to save the Duke of Norfolk from a traitor's death, Parliament was dissolved. Sir John Baker, who was re-elected Speaker in Edward VI 's first Parliament, was the head of an old Kentish family seated at Sissinghurst, near Cranbrook. He erected a castle, long since dismantled, on a com- manding site overlooking the Weald. Originally a quadrangular edifice of great extent and profusely ornamented in the Tudor style, it has fallen by gradual stages from its former high estate until little remains of Speaker Baker's building with the exception of one wing, now converted into cottages and stabling, and a lofty tower, of somewhat unusual design, capped by two conical turrets. After being bred to the Law, Baker was sent Am- bassador to Denmark by Henry VIII, and, in the same year in which he was called to the Chair, 1 he became Chancellor of the Exchequer, a post which he continued 1 1545- K 130 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS to fill until the death of Queen Mary in 1558. His zeal for the Roman faith coinciding with a ruthless persecu- tion of Kentish Protestants caused him to be known and execrated throughout the Weald as " Bloody Baker." Some of his hapless neighbours, after being arraigned before him, were burnt at Maidstone for their religious convictions, and it is said that, having procured an order from the Privy Council for sending yet two more to the stake, it was only at the last moment that their lives were miraculously spared. The ex-Speaker was riding towards Cranbrook with full intent to carry his sinister purpose into effect, when, at a spot where three roads meet, known to this day as Baker's Cross, the bells of the parish church intimated to him that Elizabeth had ascended the throne. Sir John Baker died in London in 1558, but his body was brought down to Cranbrook and buried with great ceremony in the church there. A monument erected to his memory was accidentally destroyed in 1725 when, on opening the family vault, a portion of the middle aisle fell down owing to the loosening of one of the supporting arches. The Bakers ceased to be connected with Sissinghurst in the eighteenth century, and the dilapidated castle came into the possession of Horace Walpole's correspon- dent, Sir Horace Mann. During the Seven Years' War it was used as a place of confinement for French prisoners, as many as three thousand being horded together in it at one time. After their withdrawal in 1763 it was un- inhabited for about twenty years, and in 1784 the paro- chial authorities hired the premises from Sir Horace Mann for the purpose of a poor-house. With the dissolution of the ecclesiastical houses the l-'ivin a drawing in t/te \ational t'oi'trait C.allo- THE HOUSE OF TUDOR 131 long and intimate connection between the Abbey and the House of Commons came to an end. It ceased to meet in the precincts of St. Peter's and took possession of the disused Chapel of St. Stephen in the Palace of Westminster. It met there for the first time on 4 Novem- ber, 1547, and by a singular coincidence the city of Westminster now first obtained separate representation in the House. 1 The posthumous generosity of Henry VIII involved a heavy charge on the Exchequer, and, Somerset's ambitious policy entailing great expense, such old devices as tamper- ing with the coinage were once more resorted to, and endeavours were made to persuade Parliament to grant the King the lands held by guilds and fraternities, and to sell them hi order to supply the pressing necessities of the Government. But the new House of Commons was not quite so subservient as some of its predecessors, and it became necessary for the State to come to terms with the most determined opponents of the measure in the House. From entries in the Registers of the Privy Council we gather that systematic obstruction and many of the devices of modern Parliamentary tactics were not un- known. Lynn and Coventry were two boroughs princi- pally affected, and the Council came to the conclusion that " the article for the guildable lands should be dashed" (this being the current phraseology for the rejection of a Bill or one of its articles or clauses), since " the time of the 1 The Journals of the House begin with this Parliament ; on the first page Baker's election to the Chair is recorded, but the appoint ments of several subsequent Speakers are unnoticed in their pages, and the earlier Journals are, in many respects, of a fragmentary character. 132 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS prorogation being hard at hand the whole body of the Act might sustain peril unless by some good policy the principal speakers against the passing of that article might be stayed." 1 History has a habit of repeating itself, and three hundred years later than Protector Somerset, ministers of the Crown have often had occasion to resort to very similar measures in "staying" loqua- cious members, so that unpopular " articles " in Govern- ment Bills should not be " dashed." Early in 1549 the Act of Uniformity passed through both Houses and the celebration of the Mass in England was prohibited after the month of May. At the dissolution in 1552 the Privy Council directed the payment of fifty marks to John Seymour, " Clerk of the Lower House of Parliament," for his pains (and in 1554 he received the same sum), but it is not stated that the Speaker received any reward for his services. 2 The second and last Parliament of Edward VI, like so many of its predecessors, was a packed assembly. Sir James Dyer, 3 who appears to have been the willing tool of Northumberland, then at the zenith of his power, was its Speaker. The House only sat for a month, and almost the only Act of importance which it passed was one for the suppression of the Bishopric of Durham. Speaker Dyer's portrait in judge's robes, for he became Chief Justice of the Common Pleas in 1560, in which capacity he was noted for an incorruptible integrity, has recently been added to the National Portrait Gallery. 1 Acts of the Privy Council, 6 May, 1548. 1 Ibid.. 15 May, 1552. 8 Youngest son of Richard Dyer, of Wincanton and Roundhill, Co. Somerset. Rtproiluccd fro SIR JAMES HVKR 1552-3 an original painting in the possession l-'arlcv of Canon Mav SIR ROBKRT BROOKK 1554 From a draining at the National Portrait Gallery .SIR CI.KMENT HK1GHAM 1554 t-'ront a. lira-ring in the Xntional rortrait Gallery THE HOUSE OF TUDOR 133 Just as the country seemed to be settling down into Protestantism, a state of affairs which coincided with the apportionment of the remaining lands of the Church amongst the members of the Privy Council, Edward VI, whose health had long been precarious, grew suddenly worse, and on 6 July, 1553, he died. The Council, controlled by the Duke of Northumberland, who wished to place his daughter-in-law, Lady Jane Grey, on the throne, were anxious to keep Mary misinformed as to her brother's death. But from Kenninghall, whither she had summoned Sir Clement Heigham, a staunch Catholic and a subsequent Speaker of the House of Commons, Mary sent a spirited message to the Council in London asserting her rights, and from that moment the tide of public opinion turned in her favour. She set up her standard at Framlingham, was proclaimed Queen at Norwich, and within a month she entered London in triumph. On i October she was crowned at Westminster amidst every sign of popular rejoicing. Five days later her first Parliament met and at once proceeded to repeal the laws concerning religion passed under her predecessor and to declare the Queen legitimate. The new Speaker was Sir John Pollard, the second son of Walter Pollard, of Ply- mouth, by Avice, daughter of Richard Pollard of Way, Co. Devon. Parliament was dissolved early in December, after requesting the Queen to marry, and suggesting that she should choose her husband from amongst the English nobility, for the possibility of union with Philip of Spain was strongly resented. Mary returned a diplomatic answer, denying the right of the House to influence her choice, but declaring that her sole wish was to secure her 134 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS people's happiness as well as her own. Immediately afterwards she entered upon the final negotiations for her marriage to Philip. Pollard was re-elected Speaker in October, 1555, and during the session an Act was passed to restore some at least of the Church property alienated by Henry VIII. It was only carried in the Lower House by 193 to 126, but in the Lords only two peers voted against it. Machyn records the burial of Sir John Pollard on 25 August, 1557, but he omits to mention the place of interment. Sir Robert Brooke was Speaker of Mary's second Par- liament, summoned to ratify the Queen's contract of marriage. Of a Shropshire family, he was the first Speaker to sit for the City of London. He died in 1558, and in the chancel of Claverley Church near Wolverhampton a stately monument to his memory was erected. Sir Clement Heigham, an intimate friend of the Queen, was Speaker of her third Parliament (the first of Philip and Mary). It was opened in great state by Mary and her consort in person, who rode on horseback from Whitehall to Westminster. Two days later, his attainder having been reversed, Cardinal Pole arrived at Westminster in his state barge, bearing the Legatine emblem of a silver cross at the prow. Between the dissolution of this Parliament and the end of the reign three hundred heretics were burnt at Smithfield and other places. Much the same precautions were taken to secure the return of members acceptable to the Court as had been taken by Henry VIII. The sheriffs were enjoined only to return such as were resident in the constituencies, a regulation well worthy of imitation at the present day, and " men given to good order, Catholic, and discreet." SIR WILLIAM COKDKLI. 1557-8 front a portrait at St. John's College, O.vfan/ THE HOUSE OF TUDOR 135 In the year in which Calais was lost, Queen Mary, sick at heart at Philip's desertion, met her last Parliament. She opened it in person after attending Mass in the Abbey. Sir William Cordell, of Long Melford, Suffolk, member for the county, was chosen Speaker. The session was not in any way remarkable, and, after granting a subsidy, the Houses were prorogued from March till November. The Commons on their reassembly were about to consider a Bill for the limitation of the powers of the Press, a new subject to engage the attention of the legislature, when the Queen's fatal illness brought the sittings to an abrupt termination. Cordell became Master of the Rolls, and held that lucrative office for nearly a quarter of a century. From that time forward the Speakership came to be re- garded by ambitious lawyers as a stepping-stone to high legal preferment. The spacious days of Queen Elizabeth saw ten Parliaments and eleven Speakers ; all of them without exception were lawyers. 1 The tenure of the Chair, even for a single session, served as a bridge to higher legal honours. Nor is the reason far to seek. Whilst the majority were men in good practice at the Bar, the emoluments of the Chair at the close of the sixteenth century were so small that the natural trend of their ambition was towards the better-paid offices of the profession. Including the great Sir Thomas More, five Speakers have risen to the Woolsack either as Chancellor or Keeper of the Great Seal : Audley, Rich, Puckering, and Heneage Finch, whilst Hare, Lenthall, and Whitelocke were Commissioners during vacancy. Seven became Masters of the Rolls : Hare, Cordell, Phelips, Lenthall, Grimston, Trevor, and Powle. More numerous still have 1 The same was the case in the two succeeding reigns. 136 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS been the instances in which the post of Chief Justice of the King's Bench or the Common Pleas has been conferred on a former Speaker. Sir James Dyer, Sir Robert Brooke, Sir Christopher Wray, Sir John Popham, Sir Edward Coke, Sir John Croke, Sir Randolph Crewe, Sir Thomas Richardson, and Sir Job Charlton filled one or other of these coveted places, whilst Barons of the Exchequer and Recorders of London are to be found in plenty in the catalogue. For 170 years the Speakership was farmed by the Law, and that during the least glorious period of its history. When Sir John Trevor was expelled the House hi 1695 for taking bribes he was allowed to re- main Master of the Rolls. So many Speakers had lived in Chancery Lane that in the seventeenth century the Rolls House came to be looked upon as the official residence of the presiding officer of the Commons sooner or later in his career. This house, which was pulled down to make way for an extension of the Public Record Office, was designed by Colin Campbell in the reign of George I to replace an earlier structure on the same site. It was a comfortable, rambling building large enough to accom- modate a big family. A good story is told of Sir William Grant in connection with it. When his successor arrived, the great Judge personally conducted him over the ground floor. " Here are two or three good rooms : this is my sitting-room ; my library and bedroom are beyond ; and I am told there are some good rooms upstairs, but I never was there myself." The illegal system of State monopolies, l which originated 1 A monopoly conferred the right of selling articles at a higher price than could have been obtained under a system of competition. THE HOUSE OF TUDOR 137 under the Tudors, was perpetuated and extended by the Stuarts. These encroachments on the liberty of the subject provided a convenient means of raising money without the consent of Parliament, and tended, as much as anything, to produce that rooted antagonism to the misuse of the royal prerogative which characterised the House of Commons in the first half of the seventeenth century. The valuable collections of Sir Symonds D'Ewes, supplemented by the Registers of the Privy Council, throw a lurid light on the proceedings of Parliament in the reign of Elizabeth. As a rule, the Speaker was elected by the unanimous vote of the House, but the appointment of Richard Onslow is an early instance, perhaps the earliest, of a contested election to the Chair. On I October, 1566, he was chosen by eighty-two votes to sixty, and though he pleaded as an excuse for serving the necessity of his attendance in the House of Lords as Solicitor-General, the House decided that he might fill the two offices concurrently. Onslow, the first of three Speakers of his name and family, married Katherine Hardinge in 1559, whose father lived at Knowle, Cranley, Surrey, and from him the Earls of Onslow are descended. His brother Fulk was Clerk of the House at the time of Richard's election, and in that capacity it fell to his lot to record the result of the division. Richard Onslow's town house was in Blackfriars, so that he was doubtless in the habit of proceeding to Westminster in his state barge, as the roads leading to the House were still un- suited to the passage of a heavy coach in bad weather. An interesting account of the arrangement of the House of Commons as Richard Onslow knew it was prepared in 138 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS 1568 by Hooker, a well-known antiquarian writer of the day, for the use of the then Speaker of the Irish Parlia- ment. " The Lower House, as it is called, is a place distinct from the other : it is more of length than of breadth ; it is made like a theatre, having four rows of seats one above another round about the same. At the higher end, in the middle of the lower row, is a seat made for the Speaker, in which he always sitteth ; before it is a table board, at which sitteth the Clerk of the House, and thereupon layeth his books, and writeth his records. Upon the lower row, on both sides the Speaker, sit such personages as be of the King's Privy Council, or of his chief officers ; l but as for any other, none claimeth nor can claim any place, but sitteth as he cometh, saving that on the right hand of the Speaker, next beneath the said counsels, the Londoners and the citizens of York do sit, and so in order should sit all the citizens accordingly ; without this House is one other, in which the under clerks do sit, as also such as be suitors and attendant to that House. And whensoever the House is divided upon any Bill, then the room is voided, and the one part of the House cometh down into this place to be numbered." Here is indicated the origin of the outer lobby, and the primitive manner of taking divisions under the Tudors. St. Stephen's Chapel, in addition to its still-existing crypt, had also an attic storey in which were kept the manuscript records of Parliament. A great clearance of these was made in the time of the Commonwealth, when Scobell, the then Clerk of the House, was found to have carried many of them away to his own house. 1 An early mention of the front Government and Opposition benches. SIR CHRISTOPHER \VRAY 1571 From a painting in the A ational Portrait Gallery THE HOUSE OF TUDOR 139 Richard Onslow died of a pestilent fever in 1571, and was buried at St. Chad's Church, Shrewsbury, where a monument with the effigies of himself and his wife was erected. Sir Robert Bell, a Norfolk gentleman, who was Speaker from 1572 to 1575-76, met with a somewhat similar end. Having been made Chief Baron of the Exchequer, in succession to Sir Edward Saunders, he died, at the Oxford summer assizes, of gaol fever, con- tracted whilst presiding at the trial of a bookseller for slandering the Queen. Of Sir John Popham, Speaker from 1580-81 to 1583, the first Balliol man to fill the Chair, a witty saying is recorded by Bacon. The Commons had sat a long time without achieving much in the way of legislation, and when the Queen asked him : " What hath passed in the House, Mr. Speaker ? " he made answer : " May it please Your Majesty, seven weeks ! " He acted as Prosecutor for the Crown at the trial of Mary, Queen of Scots, and only in this present year, 1910, the original document signed by Elizabeth prescribing the payment of 100 as "blood money" for his services on that occasion was sold by auction in London. In his oration on his elevation to the Chair, Popham advised his fellow-members " to use reverent and dis- creet speeches, to leave curiosity of form, and to speak to the matter." Further, as the Parliament was likely to be a short one, to avoid superfluous argu- ment. Increased respect was now beginning to be paid to the Chair, and a motion was made by the Comptroller of the Household and universally approved by which the residue of the House " of the better sort of calling " 140 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS were enjoined, at the conclusion of each day's sitting, " to depart and come forth in comely and civil sort," curtseying to the Speaker on leaving, and not thrusting and thronging "as of late time hath been disorderly used." Members were further required to keep their servants, pages, and lacqueys attending on them in good order. 1 In the course of the same session D'Ewes makes mention of a concession by the House at large to the Serjeant-at-Arms, who was infirm, but without specify- ing the occasion. " The House being moved did grant that the Serjeant, who was to go before the Speaker, being weak and somewhat pained in his limbs, might ride upon a foot-cloth nag." Although he appears to have ruled the House wisely, Popham's attitude in the Chair was occasionally unfavourably commented upon, a Mr. Cope complaining, on one occasion, that Mr. Speaker " in some such matters as he hath favoured, but without licence of this House, hath spoken to a Bill, and in some other cases which he did not favour and like of, he would prejudice the speeches of other members." Probably a descendant of the Popham who was Speaker in 1449, his legal knowledge is embodied in his well-known volume of " Reports and Cases." His por- trait, by an unknown artist, in the National Portrait Gallery, represents him as a benevolent-looking old man of sixty-eight. Sir John Puckering, Speaker from 1584-86, and again from 1586-87, is not mentioned in the official Commons Journals (which indeed contain no record of the proceed- ings of any of the later Parliaments of Elizabeth), but 1 D'Ewes, Journals of Elizabeth, 1682 edition, p. 282. RICHARD ONSI.O\V 1566 Front a /tainting in the Speaker s House 3H, lUSBKPvT ;:: :. SIR K01JKKT HKI.I. 1572 l-'rain it print THE HOUSE OF TUDOR 141 deserves more than passing notice here. When he was voted to the Chair for the second time Parliament had been especially convened to consider the verdict in the trial of Mary, Queen of Scots. -Elizabeth sent an order to the Commons by her Vice-Chamberlain 1 requiring that no laws should be made in the course of the session, " there being many more already than could be well executed." A compliant House was only too willing to endorse the views of the advisers of the Crown, and after the prelimi- naries of meeting had been disposed of, Puckering put the House in remembrance of its duty to deal forthwith with what he hypocritically described as " The Great Cause," recommended to its consideration by the Queen. In the debate which followed, Francis Bacon made his maiden speech and the Speaker was unanimously directed to wait upon Elizabeth and to urge her to comply with the findings of the House against her prisoner. The Queen received Puckering in audience at Rich- mond, 2 when he submitted a petition calling for Mary's speedy execution, using many " excellent and solid reasons," in a memorial written with his own hand, why her life should be taken. Of these reasons the one which weighed most with Elizabeth was that which declared that Mary was " greedy for her death," and preferred it before her own life or safety. The House adjourned over Christmas, and before it could meet again 3 the last act in the long-drawn tragedy of Fotherin- gay had taken place. In after days Puckering was rewarded for his complaisant servility by being made Keeper of the Great Seal. In the Upper House he 1 Sir Christopher Hatton. * 1 3 November. * On 15 February. 142 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS deserted the Commons' cause when hi his reply to Coke's demand for the ancient privileges of the House he replied hi overbearing terms, " Your right of free speech is not to say anything that pleaseth you and come out with what- soever may be your thought. Your right of free speech is the right of Aye or No." Puckering lived at Kew, where he entertained the Queen, who was graciously pleased to take away a knife and fork as a memento of her visit. When in town he lived at Russell House, near Ivy Bridge, on the south side of the Strand. The Hotel Cecil now covers the site. He was buried in Westminster Abbey, the second in the long catalogue of Speakers to be so honoured. A ponderous monument, erected by his widow in the Chapel of St. Paul, with effigies of both husband and wife, may still be seen. Rather less than justice has been done by Parlia- mentary historians to Serjeant Thomas Snagge, who was Speaker in 1588-89, in the Parliament summoned by Elizabeth, after the defeat of the Armada, to place the country in a state of security in the event of a renewal of Spanish aggression. Coming as he did after Puckering, who became Keeper of the Great Seal, and immediately before Coke, whose effulgence overshadowed his more modest attainments, Snagge, though he never reached the judicial bench, seems to have been an excellent public servant and a man in advance of his time in advo- cating the simplification of legal phraseology in the drafting of Acts of Parliament. Though a staunch supporter of the royal prerogative, he was less subser- vient to the Court than the majority of his predecessors, which may account for his having been passed over, SIR JOHN POl'HAM I58O-I Front a painting in tkf Xational Portrait Gallery SIK JOHN ITCKKRING 1584, I 5 86 frroiti lus tomb in M'estminster Abbey From ti ftrin t F. Ctle, sculpt. THE HOUSE OF TUDOR 143 whilst less scrupulous members of his profession were raised to hereditary honours. His speech to the throne, on presentation as Speaker for the royal approval, compares very favourably with the bombastic language employed by Coke on a similar occasion. The son of Thomas Snagge, of Letchworth the "garden city " of the twentieth century a gentleman bearing arms at the Heralds' Visitation of Hertfordshire in 1572, he acquired a large landed estate by his marriage with Elizabeth, daughter and heiress of Thomas Decons, of Marston-Morteyne, in the county of Bedford, and became a wealthy man independently of his professional emolu- ments. He was bred to the law at Gray's Inn, where he formed the acquaintance of Walsingham, and the first mention to be found of his Parliamentary services is on 7 April, 1571, when he was appointed to serve on a Committee which met in the Star Chamber to consider the subsidy to be granted to the Queen. At this time he sat for Bedfordshire, though at the time of his promotion to the Chair he represented the borough, while his eldest son, also Thomas Snagge, sat for the county. His brother, Robert Snagge, had also been a member of the House in 1571. In the course of the session he made speeches advocating the use of simpler language in the making of laws, " where- by all entrapments should be shunned and avoided," an enlightened view, coming from the source which it did. He also spoke at some length on the difficult question of Simony. 1 Probably through Walsingham' s influence he was made Attorney-General for Ireland in 1577. The Lord Deputy, Henry Sidney, had written to the 1 D'Ewes, Journals of Elizabeth, pp. 163 and 165. 144 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Privy Council in England to say that there were no lawyers in that country capable of filling the post, with the exception of Sir Lucas Dillon, the Chief Baron. The Queen's choice fell upon Thomas Snagge, and in a letter, dated from Oatlands in September, 1577, she wrote that she was " sufficiently persuaded of his learning and judgment," and that he was to have 100 a year in addi- tion to his fees, and the wages of two horsemen and three footmen. Moreover, " forasmuch as for an infirmity taken by an extreme cold he hath once in the year used his body to the baynes in England, the continuance whereof was requisite to his health," he was to be at liberty to repair to Bath once a year for six weeks " at such time of vacation as may best agree with his cure and be least hindrance to the public service." In sending Snagge's Patent of Appointment to Sidney, Walsingham wrote as follows : " The Dutye that he oweth to Her Majestic and his Countrye doth make him leave all other Respects and willinglie to dedicate him- self to that Service, for the which I find him a Man so chosen both for Judgement and bould Spirit ... as hardly all the Howses of Court could yield his like." 1 Snagge's first letter to Walsingham is dated from Holyhead, to which he had been driven back by stress of weather. In it he mentions that his journey had already cost him forty-eight pounds, and he feared that it would cost him eight pounds more. But on 7 Novem- ber he wrote from Dublin, saying that " he had seen what there is to be seen concerning the course of law in Ireland, which I find to be but a bare shadowe of Westminster Hall." A little later he is found com- 1 Collins, Letters and Memorials of State, i. 228. SPEAKER SNAr.GF/S MONt'MKNT 1588-9 At Marston-Morteyne, Bi'ifs. From a drawing THE HOUSE OF TUDOR 145 plaining of the conduct of the Master of the Rolls in Ireland, whom he found to be " very negligent in his office, which greatly hindereth Her Majesty. I can get nothing of him but fayre words, and he hath not delivered into the Exchequer these 3 yeares past any estreates for things which passed the scale." He also told Walsing- ham that the same official would, in his opinion, " do more hurt in this Commonwealth than all the rest of the counseyle can do good." The Lord Deputy, who was then engaged in the con- genial task of crushing Desmond's rebellion, appears to have thought highly of Snagge's capacity, and he wrote to the Privy Council from Dublin Castle i 1 "I find him a man well learned, sufficient stoute and well-spoken, an instrument of good service for Her Majesty, and such as is carefull to redresse by wisdome and good discretion such errors as he findeth in H.M.'s courts here, so that by his presence I find myself well assisted, and I humbly thank your Lordships for the sending of him unto me," adding, significantly enough, that more of his sort were then needed in Ireland. In 1578 Snagge was still complaining of the dis- service done to the Queen's Government by the ineffi- ciency of the officials of Dublin Castle, and the Chief Remembrancer in particular, whose office he described as being the key of all the services touching the revenue, " the wrong turning whereof hath greatly hindered the good I would have done in my service, and, to be plain, if the place is not filled with a special man it is in vain to send over any in my place to serve here." On his return to England Snagge was rewarded by being 1 On November 26, 1577. L 146 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS made one of Her Majesty's Serjeants - at - Law, and resumed his attendance in Parliament. Nor were Wal- singham and Sidney the only ministers of the Crown whose confidence he enjoyed. Lord Treasurer Burghley, another celebrity hailing from Gray's Inn in its most glorious days, signed himself " Your loving friend " in a letter which he addressed to the Speaker shortly after his elevation to the Chair. This document, which is preserved in the Public Record Office, is reproduced in facsimile on the adjoining page, and deserves to be inserted here, as it contains an early allusion to the state of public business in the House of Commons, and reveals the anxiety of the Government of the day to secure the passage of the measures referred to in an accompanying schedule : " Mr. Speaker, " I praie you consider of this note which I had of my Lord Chancellor, 1 and to cause the Clerk of the Lower House to sett down how theie stande at this daie in their Readinge, etc. " Your loving friend, " W. Burghley, xv Martii, i588-[89]." Fulk Onslow, brother of the Speaker of 1566, was the person referred to by the Lord Treasurer. Speaker Snagge died in 1593, and was buried in a sumptuous alabaster tomb at Marston-Morteyne adorned with the recumbent effigies of himself and his wife. Manning, writing in 1851, erroneously supposed that the male line of the family was extinct ; but the present Sir Thomas Snagge, Judge of County Courts, is the 1 Sir Christopher Hatton. THE HOUSE OF TUDOR 147 representative head of this ancient family and tenth in descent from the Speaker of 1588-89. l Sir Edward Coke, like Sir Thomas More, now crossed the stage of Parliament. He was Speaker for less than two months, and it was not until the evening of his days, and after he had been out of the House for twenty-seven years, that he re-entered it, as an independent member, to become the foremost champion of the liberties of the subject. His Parliamentary fame therefore belongs rather to the Stuart period and will be treated of in the next chapter. What little is known of Coke's attitude in the Chair during the few weeks in which he was Speaker is mainly due to the collections of the inde- fatigable Sir Symonds D'Ewes. His speech (or speeches, for he made two), on presentation for the royal approval, differed in no material degree from the language of extravagant metaphor employed by most of his prede- cessors, and showed little of the independence and courage which marked the later years of his career. Although anxious to pose as the faithful servant of the House, he seems to have misconceived the true function of the Speaker's office, and never to have been able to forget that he was also the Queen's Solicitor-General. Likening himself with mock humility to untimely fruit " not yet ripe, but a bud scarcely blossomed," 2 he expressed the fear that Her Majesty " amongst so many fair fruit had plucked in him a shaking leaf." The Lord Keeper, Puckering, answered him in similar 1 The illustration of Speaker's Snagge's monument was kindly sup- plied to the author, together with much interesting genealogical infor- mation, by Sir Thomas Snagge, from a drawing by G. Wilson, of Messrs. Farmer and Brindley, Lambeth. 1 Coke was now in his forty-second year. 148 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS strain, and in his second oration, the new Speaker, after a complimentary reference to Elizabeth's late successes over her enemies the Pope and the King of Spain, passed in rapid review the legislative achievements of every reign since that of Henry III. But, as Coke was notoriously careless in verifying his references, even his great and acknowledged erudition could hardly have prevented him from making many mistakes in attempting such an epitome of Parliamentary history. He also spoke of there being already so many laws that they might properly be termed Elephantince Leges, saying that to make more would seem superfluous were it not that the malice of " our arch-enemy the Devil " required the passing of measures designed to counteract his evil influence. He concluded with the usual formal requests for liberty of speech, freedom from arrest, and access to the Sovereign. To which Puckering, an even greater sycophant, having received fresh instructions from the Queen, made the singular reply already mentioned 1 in which he denned his latest interpretation of the right of free speech. Two days later Coke was suddenly taken ill and could not attend the sittings of the House. " On Saturday 24 February the House being set, and a great number of the members of the same assembled, Mr. Speaker not then as yet being come to the House, some said to one another, . they heard he was sick ; and one affirmed it to be so indeed, showing that he had been with him this morning himself, and left him sick in his bed, 2 and his physician and his wife with him ; and some others 1 At page 142 of this volume. 1 At his house in Serjeant's Inn, Fleet Street, for he did not remove to Holbornjuntiljhis second marriage. SIR KDWARI) CORK '592-3 // n fainting at llolkka THE HOUSE OF TUDOR 149 supposing that he would shortly signify unto this House the cause of that his absence, moved that the Clerk 1 might in the meantime proceed to saying of the Litany and Prayers. Which being so done accordingly the Serjeant of this House, presently after the said prayers finished, brought word from Mr. Speaker unto the Rt. Hon. Sir John Woolley, Kt., one of H.M.'s most honourable Privy Council, and a member of this House and then present, that he had been this last night and also was this present forenoon so extremely pained with a wind in his stomach and looseness of body, that he could not as yet without his further great peril and danger adventure into the air at this time, which otherwise most willingly he would have done." Whereon : " all the said members of this House being very sorry for Mr. Speaker, his sick- ness, rested well satisfied. And so the House did rise, and every man departed away." 2 His recovery must have been as rapid as his indis- position was sudden. On the 27th of the same month, when he returned to the Chair, he dealt a blow against the advocates of complete religious liberty by ensur- ing the postponement of an inconvenient debate which had been sprung upon the House in connection with the abuses prevailing in the Ecclesiastical Courts. An unequal contest was in progress between the Crown and a numerous section of the House which sought to prevent the Bishops and Ecclesiastical Judges from applying the penal laws originally directed against the Papists to the Puritan Clergy. The subtlety which he had acquired in the practice of the law enabled Coke, 1 Fulk Onslow. * Sir Symonds D'Ewes, Journals of Queen Elizabeth's Reign, p. 470. 150 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS knowing as he did the Queen's wishes, so to utilise and amplify the forms of the House as to serve what he conceived to be the royal interests without, at the same time, alienating from himself the confidence of the assembly over which he presided. A Mr. Morris, Attorney of the Court of Wards, brought forward a Bill to protect the Puritans from harsh eccle- siastical jurisdiction, and its reception by the House was not unfavourable. Sir Francis Knollys, the Treasurer of the Household, and Oliver St. John l supported it, whilst Sir Robert Cecil 2 and Doctor William Lewin, M.P. for Rochester and a judge of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, inveighed against it. Coke, who owed much of his early advancement to the Cecil family and to Lord Burghley in particular, dexterously pre- vented the House from coming to an immediate decision, by stating that the Bill was too complex for him to comprehend its full meaning on such short notice, and by asking leave to consider its provisions in private on the understanding that he would keep them secret. The Bill was accordingly left in his hands for perusal. But the House at large had not foreseen the dangers of procrastination so adroitly recommended to it by an expert in the manipulation of precedent. The Queen forthwith sent for the Speaker to St. James's Palace and commanded him to deliver a message to the Body of the Realm, as she was pleased to describe the House of Commons, peremptorily forbidding its Members 1 Afterwards first Viscount Grandison and Lord High Treasurer of Ireland in 1625. Raised to the Peerage in the next reign as Viscount Cranborne and Earl of Salisbury, the well-known builder of Hatneld House. THE HOUSE OF TUDOR 151 to meddle in matters of State policy or in ecclesiastical causes. That the Coke of 1593 was a wholly different man from the fearless champion of liberty which his many admirers assert that he became after his final estrangement from the atmosphere of the Court, is apparent from the speech which he made to the House in commendation of the royal message. In it he stands revealed as the docile servant of the Crown, whilst endeavouring, with scant success, to justify himself to the House for having dis- closed the contents of the Bill to the Queen. " I must be short, for Her Majesty's words were not many, and I may, perhaps, fail in the delivery of them. For though my auditors be great, yet who is so impudent whom the presence of such a Majesty could not appal ? Her Majesty did not require the Bill of me, this only she required of me, what were the things in the Bill spoken of by the House ? Which points I only delivered as they that heard me can tell. . . . Her Majesty's express commandment is that no Bill touching the said matters of State or Reformation in causes ecclesiastical be ex- hibited. And, upon my allegiance, I am commanded, if any such Bill be exhibited, not to read it." Not only was the Bill quashed, but Mr. Morris, the unfortunate sponsor of it, was sent for to the Court, and committed to the custody of the Chancellor of the Exchequer. 1 Later in the same session there was a serious disagreement, perhaps the most remarkable since 1407, between the two Houses as to the amount of the subsidy to be granted to the Crown, and the means to be taken to expedite it. In a periodically 1 Cobbett's Parliamentary History, Vol. I, p. 889. 152 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS recurring controversy, wherein, thirty-five years later, Coke was destined to play the foremost part in deter- mining the questions at issue in favour of the repre- sentative Chamber, the Speaker acted once more as the instrument of the Sovereign rather than as the jealous protector of the privileges of the Commons. An animated and, from the constitutional point of view, a highly instructive debate continued for several days, touching the right of the Lords to intervene in the matter of finance. On I March their Lordships sent down a message to the Commons requiring them to expedite the passing of an increased supply and desiring a conference on the subject. The great Sir Francis Bacon, Coke's lifelong rival, was foremost in opposing the adoption of such a course, declar- ing that it was contrary to the privileges of the Commons to join with the Lords in the granting of a subsidy : " For the custom and privilege of this House hath always been," he said, " first to make offer of the subsidies from hence, then to the Upper House. . . . And reason it is, that we should stand upon our privilege, seeing the burthen resteth upon us as the greatest number, nor is it reason the thanks should be theirs. And in joining with them in this motion, we shall derogate from ours ; for the thanks will be theirs and the blame ours, they being the first movers. Wherefore I wish that in this action we should proceed, as heretofore we have done, apart by ourselves, and not join with their Lordships." He argued further that though the Lords might give notice to the Commons what need or danger there was, they ought not to prescribe the sum to be given. It will be noted that he based his argument for the supremacy of the Commons in finance, THE HOUSE OF TUDOR 153 not upon their representative character, but upon their numerical superiority. Sir Walter Raleigh spoke in favour of an increased subsidy without alluding to the consti- tutional aspect of the question, but Robert Beale, the representative of the Borough of Lostwithiel, an old member of the House and a well-known diplomatist and antiquarian writer, vehemently insisted on the preser- vation and maintenance of the ancient liberties of the House, citing the inevitable precedent of the reign of Henry IV, in the Parliament held at Gloucester in 1407, whereat it was asserted that a conference between the two Houses in the sphere of finance would be a derogation of the privileges of the representatives of the people. 1 Sir Robert Cecil used his great influence in favour of holding the conference, but on a division being taken only 128 voted for it and 217 against it. But the matter was not even then finally disposed of. A message was sent to the Lords to acquaint them that the Commons could not join with them in cases of benevo- lence or contribution, but, on a later day, Mr. Beale, who seems to have been but a pinchbeck Hampden after all, receded from his former uncompromising attitude, and humbly asked leave of the House to make a personal explanation. This was to the effect that he had mistaken the precise significance of the question already put from the Chair and decided by the House, and that he now thought that if the Lords desired a conference it ought to be accorded. "Mr. Beale desired to satisfy the House, by reason it was conceived by the Lords the other day, that upon his 1 For his share in the dispute and his attitude towards the mal- practices of the Ecclesiastical Courts referred to above, Beale was banished from Court and Parliament. 154 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS motion, and by his precedent showed, the House was led to deny a conference with the Lords, acknowledged he had mistaken the question propounded. For there being but a conference desired by the Lords, and no confirming of any thing they had done, he thought we might, and it was fit we should confer. And to this end only he showed the Precedent. That hi the ninth year of Henry IV the Commons havingjgranted a subsidy,! which the Lords thought too little,J[and they agreed to a greater and would have the Commons to confirm that which they had done ; this the Commons thought they could not do without prejudice to this House. Wherefore he acknowledged himself mistaken inline question, and desired if any were led by him, to be satisfied, for that he would have been of another opinion if he had conceived the matter as it was meant." 1 Sir Walter Raleigh, quick to see the advantage to be gained through this change of front, then proposed and carried, without a dissentient voice, a motion for a general conference with the Lords, " touching the great imminent dangers of the Realm and State, and the present necessary supply of Treasure to be provided speedily for the same according to the proportion of the necessity." At these Conferences the Lords sat covered whilst the members of the Lower House stood uncovered. This curious Parliamentary survival lingered well into the nineteenth century, and the late Mr. Evelyn Philip Shirley, of Ettington, who died so recently as 1882, not only remembered the observance of this custom, but to have seen the carpet spread, not on the floor of the Conference room, but on the table. This usage is believed to have given rise to the phrase " on the tapis." 1 D'Ewes, Journals, p. 487. THE HOUSE OF TUDOR 155 Macaulay attended one of these Conferences, 1 and made an interesting comment on the relations of the Lords and Commons in this connection. " The two Houses had a conference on the subject in an old Gothic room called the Painted Chamber. The painting consists in a mildewed daub of a woman in the niche of one of the windows. The Lords sat hi little cocked hats along a table, and we stood uncovered on the other side, and delivered in our Resolutions. I thought that before long it may be our turn to sit, and theirs to stand." 2 The last time the Painted Chamber was ever used was on 13 August, 1834, when a Conference between the two Houses was held in it on the County Coroners Bill. In October of the same year it was destroyed by fire. The Conference of 1593 was held in due course in the " chamber next to the Upper House of Parliament," and from that moment victory rested with the Lords. For, notwithstanding a sharp wrangle as to the wording of the preamble of the Bill of Supply, it was drawn up and finally assented to in the following terms : " We the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons of this present Parliament assembled, do by our like assent, and authority of this Parliament, give and grant to your Highness," etc. etc. Thus, hi 1593, the Com- mons yielded to the Lords the very point which Coke, when the question of the wording of the preamble of Bills of Supply came up for settlement in 1628, was foremost in insisting upon, namely, the right of the Com- mons to be exclusively named in the granting of supplies. 1 On Indian Resolutions, June 17, 1833. 1 Trevelyan's Life and Letters of Macaulay, Vol. I, p. 302. 156 Sir Symonds D'Ewes, whose collections are especially valuable for this period, further states that the Bill of 1593 was only passed with much difficulty, and after many days' agitation, " by reason of the greatness thereof," owing to the Speaker " over-reaching the House in the subtle putting of the question, by which means it had only been considered of in the Committee Chamber by eighteen members of the House appointed in the beginning of this forenoon, 1 though many of the House desired a longer time for it to have been considered in Committee." It had actually been under consideration on ten separate occasions between 26 February and 22 March, when it passed the third reading. Some scraps of information concerning the more personal aspect of the House of Commons at this period are to be gleaned from contemporary sources. On the occasion of the great debate on the financial relations of the two Houses, it fell to Coke's lot to reprimand an unfortunate stranger, 2 who had wandered into St. Stephen's Chapel and sat there for the greater part of the morning. He was committed to the custody of the Serj can t-at- Arms and imprisoned for several days. Matthew Jones, " gentleman," was charged with a similar offence on 27 March, and appearing to the House to be a simple ignorant old man, he was pardoned after being admonished by the Speaker. On another day Coke, perceiving some men to whisper together, said that it was not the manner of the House to talk secretly, for that only public speeches were to be used there. Purely legal Bills were committed to the Serjeants- 1 22 March. * John Legge, a servant of the Earl of Northumberland. THE HOUSE OF TUDOR 157 at-Law who were members of the House, and were con- sidered not in the precincts of St. Stephen's, but at Serjeant's Inn in Fleet Street, perhaps with the inten- tion of keeping them under the direct surveillance and control of the Speaker, who had his town house there. Coke regularly asserted his right of speaking and voting hi committee, and he appears to have inaugurated a rule whereby the chairman was empowered, in the case of two or more members rising at the same time, to ask on which side they desired to speak, and to give pre- cedence to a member who desired to oppose the arguments of the last speaker. Members who, for any good reason shown, desired leave of absence were required to leave a small sum of money with the Serjeant to be distributed amongst the poor. The amount varied from one shilling to six, but Mr. Wilfrid Lawson, Knight of the Shire for Cumberland, a direct ancestor of the late member for Cockermouth, left town without making the customary donation. In 1593 every member gave a shilling to the Serjeant for his attendance on the House, and for the cost of a clock which he had set up for the general con- venience. Every Privy Councillor paid thirty shillings as a charitable contribution to the relief of the poor, every Knight of the Shire, and Serjeant or Doctor of Law twenty shillings, and every burgess five shillings. One poor burgess refused to pay more than half a crown, whereupon Coke would have committed him to the custody of the Serjeant for disobeying the order of the House. But the general sense of the House being against such harsh dealing he escaped. The legislative harvest of the Session of 1592-93, a remarkable Parliament, owing to its standing nearly 158 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS midway between the earliest Plantagenet assemblies and those of modern times, and from its having been presided over by one of the greatest intellects of his own or any age, was not a large one. It comprised only fourteen public and thirteen private Bills. In the former category, apart from the contro- versial Subsidy Bill, two only were of any consequence. Both of them, according to strict Tudor precedent, originated in the House of Lords, and both were penal measures, one directed against the Puritans and the other to restrain papal recusants to some certain place of abode. On quitting the Chair, Coke apologised for the unbecoming expressions into which his natural pro- clivity to violent language had often led him. 1 When Sir Walter Raleigh was being tried for his life in 1603, Coke denounced him from the Bench as : " Traitor, viper and spider of hell " ; nor was this the only occa- sion when " one of the toughest men ever made," as Carlyle described him, so far forgot himself as to descend to vulgar abuse of his political opponents. In the person of Sir Christopher Yelverton the House once more chose a Northamptonshire man for its Speaker. His family was of Easton Mauduit and is not yet extinct in the county. In excusing himself to the House, Yelverton is reported to have said : " Your Speaker ought to be a man big and comely, stately and well-spoken, his voice great, his carriage majestical, his nature haughty, and his purse plentiful. But contrarily, the stature of 1 The Speaker's Chair, by E. Lumniis, 1900, a concise and useful contribution to the literature of the subject, to which the present author hereby acknowledges his frequent indebtedness. SIR CHRISTOPHER YELVERTON 1597 From a print THE HOUSE OF TUDOR 159 my body is small, myself not so well-spoken, my voice low, my carriage of the common fashion, my nature soft and bashful, my purse thin, light, and never plentiful." Previous to the summoning of this Parliament the Privy Council sent out no less than fifty-two cautionary letters to the sheriffs directing them to use their utmost endeavours to procure the election of " men of under- standing and knowledge for the particular estate of the places whereunto they ought to be chosen," and to select, " without partiality as sometimes hath been used," fit persons to serve, especially in the boroughs. No doubt the Council, in looking so far ahead, anticipated that by October, when the House was appointed to meet, Essex would have returned in triumph from his ex- pedition against Spain. Speaker Yelverton composed the prayer still in use in the Commons, and a very beautiful piece of English it is. The usual hour of assembling was then eight o'clock in the morning, and, as now, the day's proceedings were opened with prayer, but so early as 1558 it had been customary for the Clerk of the House to repeat the Litany kneeling, " answered by the whole House on their knees with divers prayers." 1 In 1571 the hour of meeting was as early as seven a.m., and the afternoon sittings of recent times had their forerunners in May of the same year, when, as an experiment, the House was appointed to meet on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at three o'clock and to sit till five. An instance of a still earlier meeting is on record, for on 28 March, 1641, the House met at six o'clock in the morning. Later in the seventeenth century nine or ten was the usual hour for assembling, and Lord 1 Sir Symonds D'Ewes, p. 473. i6o SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Clarendon spoke of from eight till twelve as the old Par- liamentary hours. To Sir Robert Walpole the House owes its Saturday holiday, and to Sir Robert Peel the short sitting on Wednesday, now altered to Friday in each week. The last of the Elizabethan Speakers was Sir John Croke, Recorder of London, " a very black man by com- plexion," thus resembling the "black funereal Finches" of a later era. Fulk Onslow, the Clerk of the House, was stricken with ague, and through the Speaker he petitioned the House for one Cadwallader Tydder to be allowed to execute the duties of his office until it should please God to restore him to health. The House, which has always been careful of its officers' interests, and jealous of their privileges, at once granted Onslow's request, and Tydder took the oath of supremacy. An interesting question of Parliamentary procedure was settled during Croke's tenure of the Chair. On a division in which the Ayes were 105 and the Noes 106 (in the discussion on a Bill for compelling attendance at church), the minority claimed the Speaker's vote to make the numbers even and secure a casting vote in their favour. Sir Walter Raleigh spoke in opposition to this view, and ultimately the House decided that the only vote a Speaker has is a casting vote between equal numbers. This precedent still obtains, and the Speaker has no right to enter the division lobby, except in committees of the whole house, and even this right has not been exercised since Speaker Denison 1 passed through the lobby in wig and gown to record his vote. 2 1 Lord Ossington. 2 When the question of the Speaker's casting vote was debated Secretary Cecil said : " The Speaker hath no voice ; and, though I am sorry for it, the Bill is lost, and farewell to it." SIR JOHN CROKE 1601 J''rom a drawing in the \ational Portrait Gallery THE HOUSE OF TUDOR 161 In an address to the throne Speaker Croke was al- luding to the defeat of Essex's insurrection, " by the mighty arm of our dread and sacred Queen," when Elizabeth caught him up, and interposed, " No, by the mighty hand of God, Mr. Speaker." Croke was responsible for the introduction of sundry orders tending to the general convenience of members. They were forbidden to come into the House with spurs, and a similar restriction was sought to be imposed on rapiers. 1 This Speaker was fifth in descent from Nicholas Le Blount, who changed his name to Croke in consequence of his cousin, Sir Thomas Blount, having been engaged in a conspiracy to restore Richard II to the throne. At a dinner given by the Abbot of Westminster in December, 1399, it was agreed to surprise Henry IV at a tournament to be held at Windsor on the following Twelfth Night. But the plot was revealed within a few hours of its being carried into execution, and Sir Thomas Blount was put to death under circumstances of excep- tional barbarity. Having been partially hanged, he was slowly roasted before a blazing fire, his bowels were cut out, and he was then beheaded, exclaiming, shortly before he expired, " Blessed be this day, for I shall die in the service of my sovereign lord, the noble King Richard ! " Their estates having been forfeited to the Crown, the family fled abroad and entered the service of the Duke of Milan. Having acquired fresh wealth in foreign parts, they returned to England after the death of Henry IV, when they could appear in public in safety. They bought lands in Buckinghamshire, and on the 1 Sir Symonds D'Ewes, p. 623. M 162 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS marriage of Speaker Croke to the daughter of Sir Michael Blount, of Maple Durham, the name of Blount was altogether omitted by the branch of the family which had previously styled itself Croke, alias Blount. The direct line of the Crokes is now extinct, and their property at Studley, in Oxfordshire, where the Speaker's portrait was formerly preserved, has passed into the possession of the Henderson family. The deep-rooted antagonism of the English people to Spain, which reached its culminating point with the coming of the Armada, resulted in the return to the House of Commons of a permanent Protestant majority, whereas, at the beginning of Elizabeth's reign, the adherents of the old faith were a preponderating element both in Parliament and hi the country. The Parliament of 1571, in which Sir Christopher Wray was Speaker, was in the mam a Puritan assembly. It bestowed the authority of the legislature upon the thirty-nine articles drawn up by convocation nearly ten years earlier, but, as it evinced a strong desire to amend the Prayer Book and to impose new penalties upon the Catholics, it was hastily dismissed. The next House of Commons included many followers of Thomas Cartwright, the chief exponent of Calvinism in England, and when in 1581 the teachings of the Jesuit, Edmund Campion, inflamed the public mind against Rome, no great indignation was shown when the penal laws against the Catholics were revived. Though the fires of Smithfield were not relighted, recourse was once more had to torture, and the rack was again set up in the Tower in order to extract confessions from prisoners as in the darkest days of the Marian persecution. THE HOUSE OF TUDOR 163 Notwithstanding the sharp contrasts of Elizabeth's civil and religious legislation and her determination to regard the two Houses as mere instruments of taxation, convened for the express purpose of replenishing the royal purse, a growing spirit of self-reliance manifested itself in the House of Commons towards the close of a reign in which England became great, not so much because of, as in spite of, the popular assembly. The fact that the responsible ministers of the Crown, Hatton and Cecil amongst the number, now sat in the House of Commons and took part in its debates on equal terms with the general body of members is conclusive proof that the right of argument was beginning to be recognised as an essential feature of a Constitution hitherto mainly controlled by prerogative. 1 1 Portraits of Elizabethan Speakers are not numerous. There is one of Sir Thomas Gargrave at Hardwick House, Bury St. Edmunds, the property of Mr. Gery Cullum, who has kindly allowed it to be re- produced in this volume. Of Richard Onslow and Sir John Popham there are likenesses in the Speaker's collection ; and of Sir Christopher Wray there are portraits both at Westminister and in the National Portrait Gallery. Sir Edward Coke is also doubly represented, but of Thomas Williams, Sir John Puckering, and Thomas Snagge, no portraits have been traced. CHAPTER VI THE STUARTS AND THE LIBERTIES OF THE PEOPLE THIRTY-TWO James I Edward Phelips Randolph Crewe Thomas Richardson Thomas Crewe Charles I Heneage Finch John Finch John Glanville William Lenthall Commonwealth Henry Pelham Francis Rous Thomas Widdrington Bulstrode Whitelocke Chaloner Chute Lislebone Long Thomas Bampfylde William Say SPEAKERS Charles II Harbottle Grimston Edward Tumour Job Charlton Edward Seymour Robert Sawyer William Gregory William Williams James II John Trevor William III- Henry Powle Paul Foley Thomas Littleton Robert Harley Anne John Smith Richard Onslow William Bromley Thomas Hanmer first of the Stuart line was an unkingly pedant who entirely failed to understand the temper of the nation over which he was called upon to rule. The new and aggressive spirit which showed itself in the House of Commons early 164 I THE STUARTS AND THE COMMONWEALTH 165 in the reign of James I was stimulated by the perverse and persistent egotism of the " wisest fool in Europe " ; and boded ill for the Crown in an age which was beginning to value privilege more than prerogative. The efforts, partial and incomplete though they were, which had been made under Elizabeth to bring about some amelioration of the hard lot of the lower classes, to promote education and to relieve the necessities of the poor, were succeeded by a period of retrogression during which Parliamentary progress was first hindered and then rendered impossible. A plague in London, which carried off 30,000 people, caused the meeting of James's first Parliament to be delayed until March 1603-4. Sir Edward Phelips, a Somersetshire gentleman, was elected Speaker " by general acclamation," after the names of Sir Henry Nevill, Sir Francis Bacon, Sir Edward Hoby, Sir Henry Montagu, and Sir Francis Hastings had been proposed. The last of these was the colleague of Phelips in the representation of the county of Somerset. The English counties were very unequally represented in the new Parliament, for whilst the official returns give the names of 39 members for Cornwall, 34 for Wiltshire and 26 for Hampshire, Lancashire had only 12, Kent 10, Cumberland and Westmorland 4 each, and Northumberland only 2. 1 Speaker Phelips succeeded to the estate of Montacute in 1598, and soon after that date he began to build the 1 The writs for the Parliament were issued under a Royal Proclama- tion, which in its terms directly infringed the privileges of the House of Commons. [N.B. Especially the order that the writs should be re- turned to the Chancery.] It assumed entire control of the elections, and threatened fines and imprisonment if its injunctions were traversed (History of the English Parliament, by G. Barnett Smith, 1892. Vol. I. p. 361). 166 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS magnificent Renaissance mansion which remains to this day one of the principal architectural glories of the county of Somerset. His portrait here reproduced is by permission of his lineal descendant the present owner of Montacute, where, by the way, are preserved the original minutes of the Gunpowder Plot inquiry. As was customary at this period, the King's speech abounded in metaphor, 1 nor was Speaker Phelips' reply, in which he expressed the usual formal desire to be excused from executing the office, less free from the extravagantly flowery language then considered appropriate to the occasion. Whilst he spoke of himself as " not tasting of Parnassus' springs, nor of the honey left upon the lips of Pluto and Pindarus by the bees," he defined the duties of the Chair as being : " Managed by the absolute perfection of experience, by the profoundness of litera- ture, and by the fullness and grace of natural gifts, which are the beauty and ornament of arts and actions." Nevertheless, the Speaker of the Gunpowder Plot Parliament deserves to be remembered for his energetic vindication of the privileges of the House of Commons. The important case of Sir Thomas Shirley, wherein the amount of protection afforded by the House to its mem- bers was carried a step further than in the well-known instances of Haxey and Strode, was determined in the opening session of James's first Parliament. The member for Steyning, Sussex, a small borough long consigned to oblivion, had been cast into prison, after his return to, but before the meeting of Parliament, in execution of a private debt. Instead of wasting time in 1 It occupies more than twelve closely printed double columns in Cobbett's Parliamentary History. SIR EUWARU PHKLIPS 1603-4 From a painting at Montacute, Somerset THE STUARTS AND THE COMMONWEALTH 167 discussing abstract matters of law, the House focused its attention on the means necessary to secure Shirley's immediate release. The Warden of the Fleet was com- manded to deliver up his prisoner, and six members acting as a deputation of the whole body, to be accom- panied by the Serjeant and the Mace, were empowered to free him, if need be by force, and to bring him in triumph to Westminster. The Warden of the Fleet, however, proved obdurate, whereupon he was summoned to the Bar and admonished by the Speaker in the follow- ing terms : " That, as he did increase his contempt, so the House thought fit to increase his punishment ; and that their judgment was that he be committed to the prison called Little Ease, within the Tower." An ingeniously worded request to the King was sent through the Vice-Chamberlain desiring him to command the contumacious Warden to deliver Shirley " not as petitioned for by the House, but as if himself thought it fit out of his own gracious judgment." It was now the Warden's turn to sue for release from durance vile, and, on his making due submission for his dilatoriness in com- plying with the original Order of the House, the Speaker pronounced pardon, the Warden, on his knees at the Bar, expressing unfeigned regret for his offence. To legalise the position an Act was hastily passed whereby the privileges of members in cases of arrest were, for the first time, defined. A creditor was authorised to sue for a new execution against any one delivered by virtue of his Parliamentary privilege, and power was taken to discharge from liability those out of whose custody such persons should be released. 1 1 I James I, c. 13. 168 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS The Journals at this time reveal a growing tendency to make rules for the guidance of the House and its presiding officer. On 26 March, 1604, a Mr. Hext moved " against hissing to the interruption and hindrance of the speech of any man in the House," and the clerk re- corded that the motion was " well approved." l And on 27 April it was agreed for a rule that " If any doubt arise upon a Bill, the Speaker is to explain, but not sway the House with argument or dispute." Nor was the lighter side of Parliamentary life wholly unrepresented at this period, for on 3 July, 1604, the Merchant Taylors Company gave a solemn feast to the Speaker and a great number of members of the House of principal rate and quality to the number of one hundred. The King sent a buck and a hogshead of wine, and the Clerk of the House, not to be outdone in gener- osity, presented the Company with a marchpane repre- senting the Commons in session. Phelips was taken ill in March, 1607, and, as there was no precedent for choosing a temporary Speaker, a com- mittee was ordered to search the records in order to avoid a Parliamentary deadlock. But, as Phelips resumed the Chair next day, nothing was done to meet the emergency, and though temporary Speakers were occasionally chosen in Commonwealth times, it was not until 1853 that the Chairman of Ways and Means was empowered to act as Deputy Speaker. Under more recent Standing Orders the Speaker may call upon the Chairman to take the Chair at any time. Phelips, who, in the opinion of Sir Julius Caesar, was the most worthy and judicious Speaker 1 Commons Journals, Vol. I, p. 152. 169 since Sir John Popham, became Master of the Rolls, and in that capacity occupied the house in Chancery Lane which so many Speakers have inhabited. He opened the indictment of Guy Fawkes, at which the vener- able Sir John Popham presided as Lord Chief Justice. Fawkes was executed in Old Palace Yard on 31 Jan- uary, 1606, and from an old print published at the time some idea can be gathered of its appearance at this date. The Crewes of Crewe Hall are said, on the authority of Ormerod, to have been a family of established position in Cheshire as early as the thirteenth century, but more discriminating genealogists have preferred to date the fortunes of the family from one John Crewe, a tanner at Nantwich in the sixteenth century. Cases of nepotism may have occurred in connection with the Speaker's office, but to John Crewe of Nantwich belongs the unique honour of having had two sons, Randolph and Thomas, both of whom sat in the Chair of the Commons. Both were bred to the law, Randolph at Lincoln's Inn and Thomas at Gray's. Both took the usual lawyer's road to notoriety by standing for Parliament. Randolph, who bought the estate of Crewe Hall from the heirs of Sir Christopher Hatton in 1608, entered the House of Com- mons as member for Brackley, Northants, in 1597. x On 5 April, 1614, he was chosen Speaker nemine contradicente, though there is some doubt as to the constituency he then represented. The session opened with two separate speeches from 1 He is called Randal in the official return, but this variation in the spelling of the Christian name has not been uncommon, especially in Cheshire. 170 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS the throne, one delivered at Westminster on the open- ing day, and one, a few days later, in the Banqueting House, Whitehall. The Speaker's reply has not been preserved. Two months later the Houses were dis- solved without having passed a single Bill, a prece- dent in Parliamentary history which earned for this assembly the name of the " Addled Parliament." It is on record that Speaker Crewe's experiences in the Chair " gave him a strong distaste for politics," and well they may have done, for during his tenure of office were heard the first mutterings of the storm which was soon to break over England in the form of Civil War. In 1625 he became Chief Justice of the King's Bench, only to be dismissed a year later by Charles I for re- fusing to acknowledge the legality of forced loans. Sir Randolph Crewe, after his retirement from public life, lived in Westminster, where, according to Fuller, he was renowned for his hospitality ; and dying there in January, 1646, he was buried in a chapel which he built at Barthom- ley on his Cheshire estate. The present Earl of Crewe is descended from him. It was some years before James summoned another Parliament, and meanwhile he resorted to the old and discredited system of raising money by means of be- nevolences, a grievance as old as the days of Richard III, by selling patents for peerages and baronetages, and by the creation of monopolies. Before Crewe's younger brother was preferred to the Chair, Sir Thomas Richardson, the son of a country clergyman in Norfolk, became Speaker in James's third Parliament. In making his formal excuse to the House he " wept outright," an incident which points to his well-known SIR RANDOLPH CREWK 1614 From a. painting in the Speaker s House THE STUARTS AND THE COMMONWEALTH 171 tenderness of heart. His refusal, when Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, to allow Felton, the assassin of the Duke of Buckingham, to be subjected to torture, marks an epoch in the annals of the criminal law. Richardson was faced in Parliament by the redoubtable Coke, who, after an interval of twenty-seven years, now re-entered the House as member for Liskeard. Though Richardson's tenure of the Chair was marked by many events of the highest constitutional importance, he does not seem to have been what is called a strong Speaker. The Parliament over which he presided soon showed itself active against the holders of monopolies. It impeached Sir Giles Mompesson, the chief delinquent in this category ; it imprisoned a bishop who was implicated in a charge of bribery; it degraded Lord Chancellor Bacon, who was proved to have accepted money cor- ruptly tendered, if without corrupt motive. And when the hostility between King and Commons, which charac- terised the entire reign, came to a crisis in December, 1621, the House addressed a Petition and Remonstrance to the King recommending that he should declare war against Spam, and that the Prince 1 " may be timely and happily married to one of our religion." James, in return, directed the Commons to forbear from meddling " with anything concerning our government and mysteries of State," warning them, at the same time, that they derived their ancient liberty of freedom of speech from " the grace and permission of his ancestors and himself." By the dim candlelight of a winter afternoon, 2 the House forthwith resolved that " The Liberties, franchises, 1 Charles I. * 18 December, 1621. 172 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS privileges and jurisdictions of Parliament, are the ancient and undoubted birthright and inheritance of the subjects of England ; and that the arduous and urgent affairs concerning the King, State, and the defence of the Realm, and of the Church of England, and the making and maintenance of laws, and redress of mischiefs and griev- ances, which daily happen within this Realm, are proper subjects and matter of counsel and debate in Parliament ; and that in the handling and proceeding of those businesses every member of the House hath, and of right ought to have, Freedom of Speech, to propound, treat, reason and bring to conclusion the same ; and that the Commons in Parliament have like liberty and freedom to treat of those matters, in such order as in their judgments shall seem fittest ; and that every such member of the said House hath like freedom from all Impeachment, Imprison- ment, and Molestation (other than by the censure of the House itself), for, or concerning any speaking, reasoning or declaring of any matter or matters, touching the Parliament, or Parliament business : and that, if any of the said members be complained of, and questioned for any thing said or done in Parliament, the same is to be shewed to the King, by the advice and assent of all the Commons assembled in Parliament, before the King give credence to any private information." On learning of this emphatic pronouncement of its liberties, James dispersed the House by a compulsory adjournment; he sent for the Journal Book and tore the protestation out of it with his own hand. 1 At the same time Coke and Pym were committed to the 1 The Manuscript Journals of the House of Commons. Privately printed by the late Sir Reginald Palgrave, Clerk of the House, 1897. SIR THOMAS RICHARDSON I62O-2I From a drawing in the Xational l\ri trait Gallery THE STUARTS AND THE COMMONWEALTH 173 Tower. Reflections were cast upon Richardson from time to time for his conduct in the Chair. It was alleged that he curtailed discussion at a moment opportune for the King, and Sir H. Manners declared that " Mr. Speaker is but a servant to the House, not a master, nor a master's mate," while one Sir W. Herbert bade him " sit still." This much -tried man, who witnessed the earliest rise of the Court and country parties, which, in after years, so sharply divided the House, died at his house in Chancery Lane in 1635. He was accorded the honour, seldom bestowed upon a Speaker, of burial in Westminster Abbey. His monument is still to be seen in the south choir aisle, 1 surmounted by a bronze portrait bust by Le Sueur, the sculptor of King Charles I's statue at Charing Cross. Sir Thomas Crewe, Sir Randolph's younger brother, was Speaker in James's last Parliament, which met in Feb- ruary, 1623-24, and was dissolved, in consequence of the death of the King, in May, 1625. Elsynge declared that Sir Thomas, on presentation for the royal approval, made the best speech, delivered on a similar occasion, since Speaker Nevill's in the sixth year of Henry VIII, that it did not consist of mere verbal praises but that it was, on the contrary, real and fit for the times. Yet it certainly was not free from the extravagant metaphor indulged in by Phelips and most of the previous Speakers, whose ad- dresses to the Crown have been preserved. Sir Thomas, amongst other oratorical gems, likened himself to a lowly shrub planted amongst many cedars of Lebanon. He went on to express the hope that the King, "like Ahasuerus," would extend to him his sceptre of grace " to sustain him 1 The Dictionary of National Biography says wrongly, " north aisle." 174 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS in his fainting." After a passing allusion to the " hellish inventions " of Guy Fawkes, he declared, in the most uncompromising Protestant manner, that it was the wish of every loyal subject of the Crown that the " generation of locusts," the Jesuits and Seminary Priests, who were wont to creep in holes and corners, but who now came openly abroad, might, as with an east wind, be blown away into the sea. He added that though the Pope cursed Queen Elizabeth, God blessed her, and that the ark of true religion would ultimately land James in Heaven, when that "hopeful Prince" 1 would sway the sceptre of England, the while his father wore a celestial crown. 2 It has been well said that from this time forth the history of England was written at the Clerk's table of the House of Commons. Elsynge, Scobell, and Rushworth are the three best-remembered men who filled the office of Clerk or Clerk- Assistant in the seventeenth century, and the historical collections of the last-named are the most valuable record of the doings of the Long Parliament extant. It is sad to think that this zealous public servant spent the closing years of his life in straitened circumstances in the King's Bench prison in Southwark. The animated debates on the war with Spain (for which the House voted 300,000) ; the impeachment of the Earl of Middlesex for bribery, in which Coke took the lead, whilst the prosecution ultimately devolved upon the Speaker's brother acting as Attorney-General ; the im- portant concession by the Crown whereby Parliament 1 Charles I. 1 Journals of the House of Lords, Vol. Ill, p. 211. When reappointed in the next reign he made a somewhat similar oration, not forgetting his old enemies the Jesuit locusts. SIR THOMAS CREWE 1623-4, 1625 From n fainting in the Speaker's House THE STUARTS AND THE COMMONWEALTH 175 won the right of appointing its own Commissioners for the disbursement of supply : all these intricate questions were so tactfully handled by the younger Crewe, that he was once more voted to the Chair when Charles I ascended the throne. He now sat for Gatton, in Surrey, a small borough, as notorious in later times as even Old Sarum. Its political history, prior to the passing of the great Reform Bill, excited Lord Rosebery's scathing ridicule in a recent speech in the House of Lords, though he did not suggest that Gatton was corrupt when a Crewe sat for it. Charles's first Parliament, holding that the refusal of supplies to the Crown was its most potent weapon against the abuses of prerogative, would only grant a beggarly 140,000, by way of subsidy. It was there- fore dissolved after a session of less than three months. To Thomas Crewe succeeded Sir Heneage Finch, son of Sir Moyle Finch, of Eastwell, Kent, and member for the City of London. 1 His brief term of office was marked by an increasing boldness on the part of the Commons, as instanced by the impeachment of Buck- ingham, the King's prime favourite. It was managed by that trio of patriots, Eliot, Pym, and Dudley Digges. 2 Sir John Eliot, writing in 1625, spoke of the Speaker- ship as being then regarded by the general body of members as "an office frequently filled by nullities, men selected for mere Court convenience," nor was the charge altogether an unjust one. Eliot came into collision with the Chair when Sir John 1 Of which he was also Recorder. * Eliot and Digges were arrested, but their imprisonment was held by the Judicature to be a breach of privilege. 176 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Finch, cousin to the Sir Heneage above mentioned, filled the post in the third Parliament of this reign ; the first, by the way, in which Oliver Cromwell, then only twenty-nine years of age, had a. seat. Sir John Eliot, desiring to raise a question on the subject of tonnage and poundage, Finch, who was a very nervous man, refused to put it on the ground that the King had commanded the House to adjourn. Eliot then read the remonstrance for himself, and on the Speaker rising to adjourn the debate, he was forced back into the Chair by Denzil Holies and some other members, Holies exclaiming : " That by God's wounds he should sit there till it pleased him to rise." J The Speaker then burst into tears, saying : " I will not say I will not, but that I dare not." Straightway the House adopted the substance of Eliot's motion, and shortly afterwards Parliament was dissolved, not to meet again for eleven years. This was not the first occasion on which tears started to this nervous Speaker's eyes. A royal message of 5 June, 1628, commanding the Commons not to meddle with affairs of State or to asperse the King's ministers, having been read in the House, Eliot rose ostensibly to rebut the implied charge of implicating ministers. The Speaker, apprehending that he in- tended to make an attack upon the Duke of Buck- ingham, cried whilst he faltered out : " There is a command laid upon me to interrupt anyone that should go about to lay aspersion on the Ministers of State." Eliot then resumed his seat, and on the next day the Speaker brought down a conciliatory message from the King. 1 Parliamentary History, Vol. II, p. 487. SIR HENKAGK FINCH 1625-26 /'rout a painting at (.'tliildhall !>y J. M. IV. From SIR IOIIN FINCH "l627-8 I'y I'an Dyck in the possession of Lord I>arnard THE STUARTS AND THE COMMONWEALTH 177 That Finch was the creature of the Crown appears certain when it is remembered that he was mainly re- sponsible for the judgment in the Ship Money case that monstrous exaction never intended to be spent wholly on ships. On the other hand, he was quite unable to stem the rising tide of popular indignation, which found its ade- quate expression in the right of free speech so forcibly contended for by Pym, Hampden, and Coke until it became a reality, and not the sham it had been under the Tudors. But there is this much excuse to be made for Finch, that no Speaker before his time had ever been confronted with so many difficulties. On 7 June, 1628, the very day on which Charles I gave a reluctant assent to that bulwark of English Constitutional liberty the Petition of Right a strong Committee of the Commons was appointed to draw up the preamble of the Bill of Supply. It numbered thirty - two members, including an ex - Speaker and a' future one in Coke and Glanville, Selden, the most famous jurist in Europe, 1 Pym, Sir John Eliot, and Sir Dudley 1 The " great dictator of learning of the English nation " was the title by which Selden was known, not only at home, but on the Conti- nent. Some of his political opinions have been quoted in recent dis- cussions of the great Constitutional question now agitating the public mind. It will, therefore, not be inappropriate to recall the views which he entertained on the relations of the two Houses. "There be but two erroneous opinions in the House of Commons: That the Lords sit only for themselves, when the truth is, they sit as well for the Commonwealth. The second error is, that the House of Commons are to begin to give subsidies, yet if the Lords dissent, they can give no money." In another remarkable passage, dealing with the composition of the hereditary chamber, he said : " The Lords that are ancient we honour, because we know not whence they come ; but the new ones we slight, because we know their beginning." (Selderis Table Talk, edited by S. W. Singer, 1847.) 178 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Digges. Coke, then in his seventy-seventh year, but in full possession of his remarkable powers, was Chairman, and on the next sitting day he reported the findings of the Committee to the House. The form of words, omitting the assent of the Lords to a money grant, and requiring only their assent to the Bill founded upon such grant to clothe it with the form of law, had been altered three years before and accepted by the Upper House without demur ; while hi 1626 a Supply Bill, with a similarly worded preamble, was only lost owing to the premature dissolution of Parlia- ment. In 1628 the popular indignation against the Duke of Buckingham, who, rightly or wrongly, was believed by the Commons to be the primary cause of all the recent strainings of the Royal Prerogative, was at the flood-tide. Coke denounced him by name as " the grievance of grievances," and it was felt that the rights of the repre- sentative Chamber in the matter of finance stood in need of more explicit and emphatic assertion. A few days later * a free conference between the two Houses was appointed to be held in the Painted Chamber, at which Coke, Glanville, and Hakewil, the latter a legal antiquary deeply versed in the laws and customs of Parliament, were to speak on behalf of the Commons. Unfortunately the names of the Lords' representatives are, contrary to custom, not given in their own journal. On 17 June the conference took place, not in the place first appointed, but in the Star Chamber, and at it the Lords made formal complaint of the wording of the preamble, " Wherein they were excluded, contrary to ancient precedents, though 1 On 13 June. T1IK KNICHTS, CITIZENS AND Bl'RC.ESSES OK THE COUNTIES, CITIES AND BoROI IN PARLIAMENT, HOI. DEN AT WESTMINSTER THE I? OK MARCH, I627-X. IN (SPKAKI-: From a tiwi/fut in the fi'sn VNK.S OK KXOI.ANII AM) WALKS AND TIIK BARONIK OK TIIK PORTS NOW SITTINC. IKI) YKAR f>K TIIK RAKiNK <>!' OCR SOVKRAIllNK I. OKU KINd CM A K I.KS, ]: I C. "UN FINCH) THE STUARTS AND THE COMMONWEALTH 179 the last were not so." 1 They intimated their desire to have the name of the Commons struck out of the preamble, requesting the Lower House to show warrant for the insertion, as they, on their part, were prepared to show cause for the omission. Lord Keeper Coventry, whose role in life seems to have been, though with indifferent success, to mediate between the King and the popular leaders, had previously been instructed by the Peers to signify at the conference " the great care the Lords had had, all this Parliament, to continue a good correspond- ency between both Houses, which is best done where nothing is intrenched upon either House ; to show them, that in the front 2 of the Bill of Subsidies, which they lately sent up, the Commons are only named ; whereas in many precedents (but 3 only in the last Parlia- ment) it is ; 4 neither naming the Lords nor yet the Commons ; That the Lords conceived this rather to have happened by some slip, than done of set purpose ; To move them, that the word 5 may be struck out, for as the Commons give their subsidies for themselves and for the representative body of the Kingdom, so the Lords have the disposition of their own." The Journals of the Commons state expressly that " this course was not liked, as being of a dangerous example, in point of consequence " ; and a further mes- sage was delivered to the Peers by Sir Edward Coke, 1 An allusion apparently intended to refer to the alterations which had been made in 1625 and 1626. 2 Or preamble. 8 i.e. except. 4 We, Your Majesty's most humble and loyal subjects, in your High Court of Parliament assembled, etc. 6 " Commons " i8o SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS the wording of which is so curious as to deserve quota- tion in full : " There is nothing more desired by that 1 House than the good concurrence between the Lords and them, which they esteem an Earthly Paradise. They have en- tered into consideration of the proposition to omit the words ' The Commons ' in the Subsidy Bill, which they find to be a matter of greater consequence than can be suddenly resolved on. But to-morrow morning they will consider of it, and return an answer with all the con- venient speed they can." A dramatic surprise was in store. A deadlock be- tween the two Houses was averted by the Lords passing the Bill as it stood, 2 and as soon as the Commons learnt of it they sent the following magnanimous message to their late opponents : " That, after the Conference yesterday touching the amendment of the Subsidy Bill propounded by the Lords, they took the same presently into their consideration, with a full intent to have proceeded therein this morn- ing ; but were prevented by a constant report that their Lordships had passed and voted the said Bill of Subsidies. Yet, nevertheless, the Commons have thought good to signify unto their Lordships, that they will always en- deavour to continue a good correspondency with their Lordships, knowing well that the good concurrence be- tween the two Houses is the very heartstring of the Commonwealth, and they shall be ever as zealous of their Lordships' Privileges as of their own rights." Whilst the crisis was still undetermined the Duke of Buckingham had called the attention of the Peers^to a 1 The Commons. 2 Journals of the House of Lords, 17 June, 1628, Vol. Ill, p. 860. THE STUARTS AND THE COMMONWEALTH 181 statement made by a member of the House of Commons, 1 who declared that he 2 had said at his own table : " Tush, it makes no matter what the Commons or Parliament doth ; for, without my leave and authority, they shall not be able to touch the hair of a dog." The Duke asked leave to move that the member in question should be called upon to prove his words, as not only had he never uttered them, but that they were never so much as in his thoughts. 3 The next day he returned to the charge, adding that Mr. Lewkenor had acknow- ledged having made use of the words attributed to him, though he refused to name his informant. After the Conference was over, the Duke again ap- pealed to the Peers to be allowed to make the same protest before the Commons as he had made in the House of Lords. Lord Keeper Coventry was instructed to intimate his desire to the Lower House, but he does not seem to have made any such dramatic appearance as his entrance at the Bar would have given rise to. 4 The Duke's unpopularity seems to have been at its summit all through the crisis of June, 1628, and, signifi- cantly enough, on the same day that the deadlock be- tween Lords and Commons was averted a protege of his, Dr. John Lambe, was fatally injured by a mob of London apprentices, and a couplet, illustrating the vindictive feeling which prevailed against his patron, was hawked about the town and passed from mouth to mouth : " Let Charles and George do what they can, The Duke shall die like Doctor Lambe." 1 Mr. Lewkenor. 2 The Duke. 3 Lords Journals, 18 June, 1628. 4 There were two members named Lewkenor in the House at this time, Richard, Knight of the Shire for Sussex, and Christopher, member for Midhurst. 182 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS As all the world knows, Buckingham fell by an assassin's knife, at Portsmouth, only two months later. One further fact concerning this memorable dispute between the two Houses must be placed on record. The Speaker, Sir John Finch, was prevented, on the day of the prorogation, from carrying up the Subsidy Bill to the Lords for the Royal Assent, according to ancient custom. He was thus debarred from making a speech to the Throne and alluding to the victory won by the Commons in the matter of finance. To which, the Journal states, " much exception was taken." Finch's last appearance in the House of Commons he had succeeded Lord Coventry as Lord Keeper was when he appeared at the Bar in 1640, after being im- peached by the Long Parliament. Though he spoke in his own defence, and spoke well, he did not await the conclusion of the indictment, but fled to The Hague, where he died in 1660. 1 The Speaker of the " Short Parliament " came of a very ancient West of England family, and it is strange that Sir John Glanville's election should have received the royal approbation, for he was known to have been opposed to the Court, and, in a former House, he had prepared a protest against arbitrary dissolution. Possibly during the period of personal government his convictions had undergone modification. Great changes in popular feeling had, indeed, taken place in those eleven years in which Charles had essayed to rule without Constitutional assistance. Hampden had 1 The first article in his impeachment was his arbitrary conduct in the Chair on the occasion of Sir John Eliot's motion on tonnage and poundage. He is buried in St. Martin's Church, near Canterbury, under a stupendous marble monument. SIR JOHN GI.ANV1I.I.K 1640 I* rout a fainting at the National /'or h ait Cal/e>y THE STUARTS AND THE COMMONWEALTH 183 become a popular hero through his opposition to ship money ; the abuse of justice by the Court of Star Chamber had sunk deep into the public mind ; Strafford had been recalled from Ireland to give the King counsel in his dire necessity ; and, though Coke and Eliot were dead and Holies was no longer a member, Hampden and Pym re- mained the indomitable champions of English liberty when Glanville succeeded to the Chair. His tenure of it was too brief for fame ; but a very sin- gular story of his private life deserves to be rescued from oblivion. His elder brother, Francis, a profligate and a spendthrift, had been cut off with the proverbial shilling by his father, and when the will was read it had such an effect upon the son's mind that he retired from society and became a changed man. One day Sir John, seeing the alteration in his brother's mode of life, invited him to dine at his house, and placing a dish before him, re- quested him to take off the cover and help himself to the contents. To the surprise of all present, it was found to contain the title deeds of the family estate of Kil- worthy, with a formal conveyance from the Speaker to his elder brother. Nor was this the only disinterested action of Glanville's life, for he is said to have reclaimed the celebrated Sir Matthew Hale from an idle and dis- solute life to become a great pleader and a greater judge. 1 When the Long Parliament was about to assemble, 1 Sir John Glanville's portrait is in the Speaker's collection, and there is another likeness by an unknown artist in the National Portrait Gallery, painted at the age of sixty-two. The ex-Speaker of the Short Parliament was imprisoned in the Tower from 1645 to 1648. Some of his speeches are contained in Rushworth's Collections. He was buried at Broad-Hinton, Wilts. 184 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Charles I designed the post of Speaker for Sir Thomas Gardiner, but, as he failed to obtain a seat in the House, William Lenthall, by the merest accident, was chosen in his stead ; 504 members being returned to serve at Westminster, of whom more than half had sat in the previous Parliament. The remarkable man who was called to the Chair in November, 1640, was born in 1591, not at Henley-on-Thames as has been generally supposed, but at Hasely in Oxfordshire, of parents whose lineage in that county can be traced to the fifteenth century, when a Lenthall married the heiress of Pypard of Lachford. He received the early part of his education at Thame grammar school under Richard Bourchier, and before he was sixteen years old he was entered at St. Alban Hall, Oxford, was called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn in 1616, and entered the House of Commons as Member for Woodstock in the last Parlia- ment of James I. He therefore sat for some years in the House with the redoubtable Coke. Having prospered at the Bar, he bought Besselsleigh, in Berkshire, from the ancient family of Fettyplace, in I 633, a property which is still enjoyed by his descendants. In the course of the next year, he paid the Cavalier Lord Falkland, it is believed under an assumed name, 7000 for Burford Priory, the house with which his name will always be chiefly associated. His wife, Elizabeth Evans, it will be remembered, was a cousin of Lord Falkland. The statement that Burford was acquired for him by the Parliament appears to be untrue. However that may be, he was living in the town for some years before he became the owner of the Priory. Nearly every modern writer who has treated the sub- WILLIAM LENTHAI.I. 1640, 1647, 1654, 1659, 1659-60 h'roin a painting in the National Portrait Gallery THE STUARTS AND THE COMMONWEALTH 185 ject of Parliamentary history and control has lauded Lenthall to the skies. Yet the opinion of many of his contemporaries was decidedly unfavourable. Claren- don thought him " in all respects very unequal to the work ; and not knowing how to preserve his own dignity, or to restrain the licence and exorbitance of others, his weakness contributed as much to the growing mischiefs as the malice of the principal con- trivers." D'Ewes, who sat under him from 1640 until ejected from the House by Pride's Purge, was suspicious of his honesty, and being himself a recognised authority on questions of Parliamentary procedure and etiquette, he was a vigilant and unsparing critic of his conduct in the Chair, until it was more than hinted that the Member for Sudbury, and not the Speaker, was the right man to settle questions of order, and to com- pose jarring discords in debate. On one occasion he reminded Lenthall that it was his duty to read to the House a message from the King, which he was about to delegate to the Clerk. Alternately patronising and criti- cising, D'Ewes would have been a thorn in any Speaker's side, and during the early days of the Long Parliament Lenthall must often have longed to be rid of him. Sir H. Mildmay was another member who treated him with scant courtesy. He dared to say in his place that the Speaker should come down to the House in good time. On which Lenthall, in a sudden access of passion, threw down a shilling upon the table, this being the customary fine imposed on members who came in late. But if he was not exactly loved in the early days of his career, he was cordially hated by the Cavaliers when he 186 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS continued to sit at Westminster after the death of the King. There was, however, one responsible official of the Long Parliament whose personal scruples proved, in the hour of crisis, to be tenderer than those of its presiding officer. This was Henry Elsynge, Clerk of the House from 1640 to 1648, when he voluntarily relinquished the service of the Commons to pass the remainder of his days in grinding poverty, rather than have it said that he even tacitly concurred with Cromwell and the Army in the trial and condemnation of his Sovereign. He appears to have been esteemed by men of all shades of political opinion, and to have consistently maintained the dignity of his office, despite occasional differences of opinion with the irrepressible D'Ewes, whose egregious vanity sometimes brought him into collision with constituted authority. Such was Elsynge 's acknowledged ability and discretion that in the turbulent years preceding his withdrawal from Westminster quite as much genuine respect was paid to the impersonal Clerk at the table as to the Speaker invested by the House at large with the traditional authority of the Chair. Lenthall, a consummate opportunist throughout his career, made the utmost possible use of the tool he found ready to his hand, and, in the early days of his power, he was deeply indebted to Elsynge for guidance and advice, habitually leaning upon him as a prop to sup- port his own inexperience in questions of procedure demanding an immediate decision from the Chair. What he thought of his colleague's unfailing devotion to duty and high character appears in the vindication THE STUARTS AND THE COMMONWEALTH 187 of his own conduct, which he issued at the Restoration, when the changed circumstances of the time compelled him to make tardy confession of his gains and losses in the service of the State. Almost the only unfavourable critics, in modern times, known to the author are John Forster, who in his Arrest of the Five Members calls him "weak and common- place," and the late Mr. Charles Townsend, whose Memoirs of the House of Commons still afford such good reading. But Townsend somewhat overstates the case when he calls Lenthall "a poor creature, the tame instrument of a worse and more vulgar tyranny, the buffeted tool of the Army and the Rump, subdued to sit or go, to remain at home or return to find the doors of St. Stephen's shut or open, according to the will of his masters, the officers, and at the bidding of Cromwell." Rather would we say, with Dr. Gardiner, that, if not a great and heroic man, he knew what his duty was, and defined it in words of singular force and dexterity. Great historical crises have been determined one way or the other, and will be determined hereafter, not so much by men of heroic degree as by men who know what duty is and are prepared to act upon the knowledge. In the case of an office like the Speaker's there can be no posthumous fame without contemporary appreciation. And this, notwithstanding the adverse opinions quoted above, was accorded to the presiding genius of the Long Parliament to an extent unparalleled in the previous history of the Chair. The Corporation of Windsor voted him a gift of wine and a sugar-loaf 1 in the early days of his Speakership, and similar presents were showered upon him from time to time by the various 1 Tighe and Davis, Annals of Windsor, 1858, Vol. II, p. 154. i88 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS municipalities which espoused the Parliamentary cause. The inscription on his portrait in the National Collec- tion also shows that it was painted expressly to com- memorate his action in the Chair at the time of the attempted arrest of the Five Members. Without any special gifts of oratory, Lenthall, at a time of exceptional difficulty, impressed his personality upon the House by his eminent common sense ; and, although his honesty at the time of the breaking off of negotiations with the King has been called in question, there is no room to doubt that by sheer force of character he preserved, during the twenty years in which he was in and out of the Chair, the historic continuity of his office, and this at a time when the monarchy itself suffered an interruption. On the other hand, he was avaricious ; obsessed by a desire for the accumula- tion of wealth ; l greedy of power and rank ; and, towards the close of his career, somewhat unduly impressed with a sense of his own importance. One fact emerges very clearly from his tenure of office : he made rules, with the assistance of Elsynge, for the preservation of order in debate, without which the pro- ceedings of the Long Parliament would have been even more turbulent than they sometimes were. The quorum of the House of Commons was fixed at its present number on 5 January, 1641, when Lenthall had not been in the Chair more than two months. As late as 1801 an attempt was made to raise the limit to sixty, 1 At one time he held the Mastership of the Rolls worth ^3000 a year, the Speakership for which he received ^2000, a commissionership of the Great Seal ^1500, the Chancellorship of the Duchy of Lancaster, 1500 ; and he was also Chamberlain of the City of Chester, a lucrative sinecure coveted by many lawyers, before and since Lenthall's day. THE STUARTS AND THE COMMONWEALTH 189 but without avail, and at forty it remains to this day. In the " Short Parliament " Lenthall was one of the committee on ship money and chairman of the com- mittee on grievances. Mr. Firth, in his admirable Life in the Dictionary of National Biography, states that he had occupied the Chair, in the absence of the real Speaker, during one or more debates in the Short Parliament, but the official Journals 1 show that it was as Chairman of the Committee of the whole House that he so presided. LenthalTs first complete session was an index to the stormy times ahead of him. In one year the House of Commons passed the Triennial Bill, a measure which it almost immediately ignored; it impeached Strafford and Laud ; it declared the levying of taxes without consent to be illegal; it abolished the Star Chamber; and, after a short recess, it sat for fifteen hours to pass the Grand Remonstrance. 2 No wonder that the Speaker complained in pathetic tones to the House of the unusual length of their sittings. The unaccustomed strain of long hours in the Chair told upon his strength ; he became irritable and petulant, and after a little more than a year of office he had serious thoughts of tendering his resig- nation to the King. Long sittings in the House itself were not the only strain upon the Speaker's patience. On a fast day, piously observed by Parliament in November, 1640, Dr. Burgess and Master Marshall preached between them before the unfortunate Commons for the space of seven hours ! 3 and there were occasions when the protracted 1 Commons Journals, 23 April, 1640, Vol. II, p. 9.- 1 22 November, 1641. 8 Diurnal Occurrences of the Great and Happy Parliament, 1641, P- 4- 190 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS debates prevented the Speaker from going home to dinner. LenthalTs personal expenditure at this time was heavy, as he entertained lavishly, amongst his guests being many courtiers as well as members of the Lower House. 1 Early in his career he lived in a house on the site of the Westminster Fire Office in King Street, Co vent Garden ; but later on he took Goring House, on the site of Buckingham Palace, then a perfect rus in urbe, and it was there that most of his entertaining was done. Sir John Lenthall, his son, also lived in the same house and seems to have owned the freehold at one time. On 3 January, 1641-42, that misguided monarch Charles I desired to impeach the five most prominent opponents of his government in the House of Commons, 2 and he sent a message, delivered at the Bar of the House to the Speaker, requiring from him the five members, that they might be arrested, in His Majesty's name, on a charge of high treason. Lenthall, by command of the House, enjoined them to give attendance in the House de die in diem. On the next day the House met early in the morning, and considered in committee the charges which the King had brought against five of its number. Notice was taken of the muster of armed men at Whitehall and in the immediate neighbourhood of the Houses of Parliament. At noon the sitting was suspended " for an hour's space," but before it had ended the King's design to seize the accused was unfolded. 1 On 9 April, 1642, the House voted Lenthall a sum of 6000 in consideration of his long and strict attendance to duty. * Denzil Holies. Haselrig, Pym, Hampden, and Strode. THE STUARTS AND THE COMMONWEALTH 191 Lenthall returned to the Chair between one and two o'clock, when the House resumed the discussion on the gathering of armed men in the precincts of Westminster. The five members were then in their places, uncertain whether to remain or to depart, when news was brought in hot haste to the Speaker by a Mr. Fiennes to the effect that the King was nearing Westminster Hall at the head of a large company of guards. Leave was given to the accused to withdraw, but they had barely quitted the House and reached the boats which lay on the river at Westminster Stairs, when a loud knock on the door announced the entrance of the only King of England who has ever penetrated into a House of Commons in session. According to Rushworth, the Clerk- Assistant, who was, of course, an eye-witness of all the events of that memo- rable day : " His Majesty entered the House, and as he passed up towards the Chair, he cast his eye on the right hand near the Bar of the House, where Mr. Pym used to sit ; but His Majesty not seeing him there (knowing him well) went up to the Chair, and said, ' By your leave, Mr. Speaker, I must borrow your Chair, a little ' ; whereupon the Speaker came out of the Chair, and His Majesty stepped into it. After he had stood in the Chair awhile, casting his eye upon the members as they stood up uncovered, but could not discern any of the five members to be there nor, indeed, were they easy to be discerned (had they been there) among so many bare faces all standing up together, " Then His Majesty made this speech : ' Gentlemen, " ' I am sorry for this occasion of coming unto you. Yesterday I sent a Serjeant-at-arms upon a very im- 192 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS portant occasion, to apprehend some that by my com- mand were accused of High Treason ; whereunto I did expect obedience, and not a message. And I must de- clare unto you here, that albeit no king that ever was in England, shall be more careful of your privileges, to maintain them to the utmost of his power, than I shall be, yet you must know that in cases of treason, no person hath a privilege. And therefore I am come to know if any of these persons that were accused are here.' " Then, casting his eyes upon all the members in the House, he said, ' I do not see any of them ; I think I should know them.' " ' For I must tell you, gentlemen, that so long as these persons that I have accused (for no slight crime, but for treason) are here, I cannot expect that this House will be in the right way that I do heartily wish it. Therefore I am come to tell you, that I must have them, wheresoever I find them.' " Then His Majesty said, ' Is Mr. Pym here ? ' To which nobody gave answer. ' Well, since I see all my birds are flown, I do expect from you, that you shall send them unto me, as soon as they return hither. But I assure you, on the word of a king, I never did intend any force, but shall proceed against them in a legal and fair way, for I never meant any other. " ' And now since I see I cannot do what I came for, I think this no unfit occasion to repeat what I have said formerly, That whatsoever I have done in favour, and to the good of my subjects, I do mean to maintain it. " ' I will trouble you no more, but tell you I do expect as soon as they come to the House, you will send them to me ; otherwise I must take my own course to find them.' ' When the King was looking about the House, the Speaker standing below by the Chair, His Majesty asked JOHN KUSmVORTH, C I.ERK ASSISTANT OF THK HOUSE OF COMMONS 1640 I-'roin a painting at the Speakers House THE STUARTS AND THE COMMONWEALTH 193 him whether any of these persons were in the House ? whether he saw any of them ? and where they were ? To which the Speaker, falling on his knees, thus answered : W> " May it please your Majesty, " I have neither eyes to see, nor tongue to speak in this place, but as the House is pleased to direct me, whose servant I am here ; and I humbly beg Your Ma- jesty's pardon, that I cannot give any other answer than this, to what Your Majesty is pleased to demand of me." The King, having concluded his speech, went out of the House, which by this time was in great disorder, and many cried out, so that he might hear, " Privilege ! Privilege ! " Fortunately for posterity, Rushworth, on this occasion, disregarded the condition of his appoint- ment on 25 April, 1640, namely : " That he shall not take any notes here without the precedent directions and command of this House, but only of the orders and reports made to this House." On the contrary, whilst the hand of Elsynge, his official superior, was stayed by doubt, Rushworth took down the King's words in short- hand, and also the memorable reply which he received from Lenthall. The accuracy of his notes is unquestionable, as the King, baffled and perplexed as he was when standing on the step of the Speaker's chair, had noticed Rush- worth's pen at work and sent for the report of the words so noted down, returning it to him with corrections. The incidents of this single day inspired John Forster, the biographer of Dickens, with material for an entire volume. Soon after this unique incident in the history of the House of Commons Charles left Whitehall, never to return to it till he came there to die; and 194 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS on the final disruption between Crown and Parliament the only course which remained was the arbitrament of arms. In June, 1642, the Speaker gave a horse and fifty pounds in money in defence of the Parliament, a suffi- cient indication of the trend of his political convictions, and in direct contrast to the fulsome language in which he had addressed the Throne at the conclusion of the session of 1641. In that speech, reported in full in the Journals of the House of Lords for 2 December, he said : " Give me leave here, most gracious Sovereign, to sum up the sense of eleven months' observation, without in- termission (scarce) of a day, nay an hour in that day, to the hazard of life and fortune, and to reduce all into this conclusion : The endeavours of your Commons assembled, guided by your pious and religious example, is to preserve Religion in its purity, without mixture or composition, against these subtle invaders ; and, with our lives and fortunes, to establish these Thrones to your sacred person, and those beams of Majesty your Royal progeny, against treason and rebellion." Lenthall probably participated in the spoliation of Whitehall Palace, and he secured for his own collection a portrait of the King, by Vandyck, 1 and a group, in the manner of Holbein, of Sir Thomas More and his family. This latter picture hung at Burford Priory for many years, and after being sold in 1833, it reappeared at Christie's during the present year, 2 when it fetched 950 guineas at auction. Some of the Speaker's biographers have assumed, quite erroneously, that he secured for the gallery at 1 Sometimes stated, however, to have been a gift to the Speaker from the Sovereign. * 1910. THE STUARTS AND THE COMMONWEALTH 195 Burford some of the pictures removed from Hampton Court at this period. In making this statement they were probably unaware that Lenthall owned a large landed property in Herefordshire, also called Hampton Court, which had been in the possession of his family since the reign of Henry IV. Sir Roland Lenthall, Master of the Robes to that sovereign, and who fought at Agincourt, had licence to embattle his manor-house and to impark a thousand acres, and from his brother Walter, whose will was dated in 1421, the Speaker was seventh in direct descent. A curious portrait, painted on panel, presented by Henry IV to Sir Roland, is still preserved at Besselsleigh, together with the bulk of the pictures from Burford, an interesting collection of Stuart relics, including a glove of Charles I, the Speaker's walking- stick, a portrait group of himself and his family by Dobson, and a great number of rare Civil War tracts and pamphlets. The canopy of the Chair which Lenthall filled with such distinction was presented by him to Radley Church, near his Berkshire estate, at the Resto- ration. Though black with age, it is still in good pre- servation, and is in all probability the oldest piece of Parliamentary furniture in existence. Lenthall continued to preside over the House until 26 July, 1647, when, the Army and the Parliament having quarrelled, both Lords and Commons and the City were placed at the mercy of the military party, which had, by that time, become a highly organised political association. The Speaker, acting on a hint conveyed to him by Rushworth, abandoned his post and left London, fearing the violence of the mob. On the same day the Common Council appeared at Westminster SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS and compelled the two Houses by threats to rescind their late votes, Cromwell and the army being the absolute masters of the situation. " Several members having been desired by the House to repair to the Speaker's house, 1 reported that Mr. Speaker was not to be heard of, that he had not lodged at his house that night, but was gone out of town yester- day morning." 2 On 6 August the truants returned with the army for escort, and Lenthall was back in the Chair he had so recently deserted. An ordinance annulling all orders " made or pretended to be made " in his absence was promptly passed, and Pride's Purge, the real object of which was to exclude the Presbyterians from the House as being too favourable to the King, took place on Decem- ber, 1648, apparently without articulate protest from the Speaker. It has often been stated by unauthoritative writers that in the previous August Lenthall gave his casting vote in favour of breaking off negotiations with the King in the Isle of Wight on the basis of the Hampton Court proposals. Neither Dr. Gardiner, in his exhaustive History of the Civil War, nor Professor Firth, in the Dictionary of National Biography, makes any allusion to this supposed discreditable incident in his career ; and the present writer was at first disposed to regard both debate and division as the phantom of some partisan brain. However, on searching the official Journal for the year in question, he found that on 28 July not in the month of August the Speaker did give a cast- ing vote, but only on a minor and immaterial issue 1 Goring House, in Pimlico, now Buckingham Palace. 1 Commons Journals, 29 July, 1647. THE STUARTS AND THE COMMONWEALTH 197 connected with a more important decision of the House. On the question being put : " That a Treaty be had in the Isle of Wight with the King in person, by a Com- mittee appointed by both Houses upon all the proposi- tions presented to him at Hampton Court, for the taking away of Wards and Liveries, and for settling of a safe and well-grounded Peace," a member, unnamed, moved that the words " and not elsewhere " be added after the words " Isle of Wight " to the question already proposed from the Chair. On a division being taken, fifty-seven were found to have voted for the inclusion of those words, and fifty-six against. A Mr. Askew, who was in the Gallery at the time, and who withdrew into the Committee Chamber without having declared upon which side he wished his vote to be recorded, was ordered by the Speaker to make his choice, and having given his vote with the Yeas, 1 the numbers became equal, fifty- seven on either side. The Speaker then gave his casting vote, but only against the addition of the words " and not elsewhere " ; and on the Main Question being put, it was unanimously resolved " that a Treaty be con- cluded," etc. etc., in the terms of the original motion. 2 Whilst Lenthall must therefore be acquitted of the charge of having influenced the decision of the House at a critical moment in the King's fortunes, he cannot be wholly exonerated from a suspicion of double dealing at this period in the struggle between the Crown and the Parliament, as there is evidence of his having been en- gaged in secret correspondence with the Prince of Wales at the very moment that the question of resuming nego- 1 Sic in the original Journal, but the sense requires the substitution of the word " Noes," for " Yeas." ' Commons Journals, Vol. V, p. 650. 198 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS tiations with his royal father was hanging in the balance. Manning, though he may be presumed to have con- sulted the Journals of the House when he wrote his book on the lives of the Speakers, gives an inaccurate version of the facts related above, and treats Lenthall's vote as if it had turned the scales in favour of the King, which, it will be seen, it did not. It was, however, Lenthall's casting vote which saved the life of Lord Goring ; l and the humanity and courage which he displayed in incurring the displeasure of the more powerful party, which was in favour of sending Norwich to the scaffold, probably induced him, on his deathbed, to issue a public apology for his attitude at the King's trial. After Goring's reprieve the Speaker was invited to a banquet by the Lord Mayor, who re- signed to him the civic sword, an honour usually paid to Royalty alone. After the establishment of the Commonwealth the nation was not truly represented at Westminster, and the rift between the Army and the Parliament broad- ened in consequence. A Bill was brought in, with Cromwell's approval, to fix a time for the dissolution of the existing House, as many of his adherents were beginning to chafe under the uncontrolled rule of a single chamber. During the Dutch war the Army be- came still more disaffected, until it was rumoured that Cromwell was meditating the restoration of monarchical government under another guise. " What if a man should take upon himself to be King ! " he said to Whitelocke, realising, as he did, that the rivalry between the Army and the Parliament could not be indefinitely prolonged without grave danger to the State. 1 Afterwards Earl of Norwich. THE STUARTS AND THE COMMONWEALTH 199 Continuous Parliamentary government is, in all essentials, antagonistic to the supremacy of an army, and this was the condition which Cromwell had to take seriously into account when, in 1653, he determined to get rid of the existing House of Commons, lest the Army, which had made him what he was, should instal Lam- bert, the second man in England and the darling of the soldiery, in his place. After he had addressed a meeting of officers at the Cockpit, in the month of April, urging the reform of the realm, but not with the existing Parlia- ment, news was brought to him at Whitehall that the House was disposed to bring its existence to a close. The rumour proved to be untrue, for the House was busily engaged in passing a Bill designed to perpetuate its authority. Once his mind was made up Cromwell acted at once. He marched a file of musketeers down to the House, and stationed them at the very spot where Charles Fs guard had remained stationed on the occasion of the attempted arrest of the five members. This time they filed through the doorway, Cromwell shouting to the House that he would put an end to " their prating." The Speaker was pulled out of the Chair, the " bauble " mace was taken away, the members were dispersed by force, and Cromwell, with the keys in his pocket, returned to Whitehall. " Make way for honester men ! " was the cry which rang in LenthalTs ears as he was helped out of the chair. Scobell, the Clerk of the House, siding with the victor, put the finishing touch to the work of the Lord General by entering on the Journal page : " Wednesday, 2Oth April, 1653. This day his Excellency the Lord General dissolved this Parliament." He made a false entry in 200 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS order to curry favour with Cromwell, well knowing that the only authority which could effect a dissolution of the House of Commons was the Crown. Though Crom- well could and did disperse the House, he could not dis- solve it. With the expulsion of the Long Parliament fell Lenthall, for a time, for he was not a member of the Barebones or Little Parliament which elected Francis Rous as its Speaker. This assembly, " the Reign of the Saints," 1 consisted of 140 nominees of Cromwell, which, after it had served the purpose of its masters by preparing the Instrument of Government, and paving the way for Oliver's assumption of the title of Protector, was cajoled by its Speaker into summary abdication. In the first Parliament of Oliver, Protector, summoned in September, 1654, the first name put forward was that of the old Speaker. " Something was said to excuse him, by reason of his former services, and something objected as if he had served so long, that he had been outworn " ; 2 but in the end his re-election to the Chair was unanimous, " in regard of his great experience and knowledge of the orders of the House and his dexterity in the guidance of it." This Parliament came to an end on 22 January, 1654-55 ; but in the next, the second Parliament of the Protectorate, he was not re-elected to the Chair. Lenthall now hankered after a writ of summons to Cromwell's House of Lords, and he complained that he, who had been for some years the first man of the nation, was denied to be a member of either House of Parliament ; 1 Oliver Cromwell, by John Morley, 1900, p. 358. 1 Burton's Diary. THE STUARTS AND THE COMMONWEALTH 201 for he was held to be incapable of sitting in the House of Commons by his place as Master of the Rolls, whereby he was obliged to attend merely as an assistant in the other. Cromwell eventually sent him a writ, and in the carica- ture of the Upper House, which met in January, 1658, he took his place, in company with Fleetwood, Monk, and Pride. Hazelrig, whom Cromwell had designed for the same dignity, refused to be promoted, and became the recognised leader of the Commons, and, after Cromwell's death, one of the most powerful men in England. On the fall of Richard Cromwell the Army desired to restore the Long Parliament, and a deputation waited on Lenthall to urge him to return to his seat. After many excuses, 1 he consented to preside over the forty- two mem- bers of the Rump, and on 7 May, 1659, he proceeded once more to St. Stephen's Chapel with the mace in front of him. His position was now greatly increased in dignity, even commissions in the army were not valid until countersigned by him, and no Speaker before him was invested with such far-reaching authority. " Cut out more work than can be done In Pluto's year but finish none. Unless it be the bulls of Lenthall, That always pass'd for fundamental." 2 Once more the attenuated assembly was to be violently dispersed. On 13 December Lambert drew up his forces in Westminster, obstructing all passages to the House both by land and water, setting guards at all the doors, and interrupting the members from coming to take their seats. When the Speaker appeared in his 1 Lenthall had previously declared that he was not altogether satis- fied that the death of the King had not put an end to the Parliament. 2 Butler's Hudibras, and au obvious allusion to the " Rump." 202 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS coach the horses were turned back. " Do you not know me ? " he said. " If you had been with us at Winnington Bridge, we should have known you," replied the soldiers. 1 Lenthall was unceremoniously conducted to his own house, the mace was taken from him by Lambert, and the Army recovered supreme authority. On Christmas Eve, 1659, a new revolution took place. The soldiery assembled in Lincoln's Inn Fields and resolved to restore the Parliament. They halted in Chancery Lane at the Speaker's door, for Lenthall was in residence at the Rolls House, and there they hailed him as their general and the father of their country. Two days later he was again in the Chair, and the remnants of the Long Parliament were once more restored. Pepys noted in his diary that the Speaker hesitated to sign the writs for the choice of new members in the place of the excluded, but on Monk declaring for a free Parlia- ment in February, 1659-60, the Restoration was in sight. Military and Parliamentary rule had alike become distaste- ful and obnoxious to the people, and the nation at large was prepared to welcome the restoration of the Monarchy. Lenthall, having decided to throw in his lot with Monk, declared himself to be devotedly attached to the monarchical principle, and he told a personal friend, who was present at his deathbed, 2 that Monk was able to assure Charles II that, had it not been for his secret concurrence and assistance, the Restoration could never have been brought about. 1 Sir George Booth headed a rising in Cheshire for Charles II. Lambert marched against him and defeated him at Winnington (not " Warrington," as the Dictionary of National Biography has it) Bridge. 1 Dr. Dickenson, a physician in St. Martin's Lane and a Fellow of Merton. THE STUARTS AND THE COMMONWEALTH 203 Lenthall was a candidate for the University of Oxford in the Convention Parliament, but, in spite of Monk's influence being cast in his favour, he was not elected, nor was he able to retain the Mastership of the Rolls at the Restoration. He was excepted from the Act of Indemnity, but, possibly on account of his having lent Charles II 3000, a sum which has never been repaid to this day, he subsequently obtained the King's pardon. 1 His son, Sir John Lenthall, was returned for Abingdon in 1660, but his connection with Parliament on this occasion was brief. Having made an incautious speech on the Indemnity Bill, in which he said " that he that drew his sword against the King committed as high an offence as he that cut off the King's head," he was severely reprimanded at the bar by the new Speaker, Sir Harbottle Grimston, who had no great liking for the presiding genius of the Long Parliament, and, perhaps, rather welcomed the opportunity of administering a reproof to his offspring. Two days later he was expelled the House, soon after to be rewarded by the King with the Governorship of Windsor Castle. Lenthall seems to have thought it advisable to publish a pamphlet, copies of which are now extremely rare, purporting to give a full and accurate account of his profits and gains in the public service from 1648 to 1660, but deliberately excluding all mention of sums received before the first-mentioned date. In it he declared that before he became Speaker he had an assured income of 2500 from his practice at the Bar, that when he suc- ceeded Sir Charles Caesar as Master of the Rolls the 1 The original document with the royal seal and signature is still preserved by the family at Besselsleigh. 204 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS emoluments of the office were less than in the time of his predecessor by 2200, a sum equivalent to what he received in respect of private Bills and Pardons. He pointed out that as the Clerks of the House were also paid by fees these could not have been excessive, since one of the ablest men who ever executed that office l died in such poor circumstances that he was buried at the expense of his friends. He asserted that the Chancellorship of the Duchy of Lancaster brought him "only labour for his pains," that he was prepared to state on oath that from 1648 he never received anything from the Chair by way of fee or reward; and that, having settled the bulk of his estate on his son, he estimated his total annual income in 1660 at 800, and his personal property (including, oddly enough, his debts) at no more than 2000. The short remainder of Lenthall's life was passed in retirement at his Oxfordshire home. In a remote situation in a fold of the Cotswold hills, in the valley of the little river Windrush, and surrounded by the most delightful sylvan scenery, Burford Priory exhibits many interesting features of the domestic archi- tecture of the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries. After years of wanton neglect, which eventu- ally led to its becoming a melancholy ruin the home of bats and owls it has recently been thoroughly and lovingly repaired, rather than restored, under the capable supervision of its present owner, Colonel de Sales La Terriere, acting as his own architect. In 1808 the whole of the north wing was pulled down, together with half of the eastern front. The 1 Elsynge. THE STUARTS AND THE COMMONWEALTH 205 south wing, which was built by the Speaker as was the existing but disused chapel connected with the main building by an external gallery fell into decay and was demolished in order to provide material for new farm buildings within the last fifty or sixty years. Neither of the wings so ruthlessly destroyed has been rebuilt, but the ballroom, or great chamber, on the first floor, with a beautiful plaster ceiling and a chimney-piece enriched with the armorial bearings of the Lenthalls, presents much the same appearance as it must have done when the Speaker of the Long Parliament hung the pictorial spoils of Whitehall on its lofty walls. An even more interesting feature of the Priory, as it stands to-day, is the rediscovery of some of the original pointed arches of the thirteenth-century religious house. These, which were found embedded in the interior walls during the repairs undertaken during the last two years, appear to have been deliberately concealed from view in the time of Henry VIII by the then owners, the Harmans, whose heraldic supporters, with the Lenthall coat of arms between them, are still to be seen over the entrance door. These arches, the very existence of which must have been quite unknown to the Speaker, have been carefully re-erected within a few feet of where they were found, and constitute, with their fine curves and time-worn edges, an enduring link between the monastic building and the Tudor dwelling-house. The stone fire-place, now in the hall, though not occupying its original site, may date from an even earlier period than the ownership of the Harmans. Since its conversion from ecclesiastical to lay uses Burford has known many owners, most of them 206 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS persons of distinction in their day, and nearly all of whom have left their mark upon the old building. After the Harmans it came into the possession of the Duchess of Somerset, but, having passed to the Crown, Queen Elizabeth sold it to Sir John Fortescue, Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1589, who, in his turn, parted with it to Sir Lawrence Tanfield, Chief Baron of the Exchequer in 1625. He rebuilt the greater part of the house in the reign of James I, and Lucius Cary, Lord Falk- land, LenthalTs immediate predecessor here, was his grandson. King James and Anne of Denmark stayed with the Tanfields at the Priory in 1603 ; Charles I refreshed him- self and his troops at the Speaker's in 1644 on his way from Oxford to Bourton-on-the- Water ; Charles II dined here in 1681 with Sir John Lenthall, 1 and attended the races held on the neighbouring downs, the King being received by the Mayor and Corporation of Burford on the occasion. These time-honoured races, which gave birth to the Bibury Club of after days, were held on an upland course between Burford and Bibury for 150 years before their removal, first to Danebury, near Stockbridge, and, more recently, to Salisbury. Nell Gwynne was also an occasional visitor to the Priory in its roystering days, and it will be recollected that one of the minor titles of her son, the Duke of St. Albans, was Lord Burford. William III slept at the Priory in 1695, when it was in the occupation of the fifth Earl of Abercorn, who married the widow of William Lenthall, only daughter 1 The Speaker's son and a well-known profligate at the Court of Whitehall. THE STUARTS AND THE COMMONWEALTH 207 and heiress of James Hamilton, Lord Paisley, by his wife Catherine, daughter of a brother of the Speaker. Lord Abercorn seems to have carried on the dissipated traditions of the Priory in the days of Charles II, for he was tried at Oxford in 1697 for the murder of John Prior of Burford, his wife's steward. It is only fair to add that he was acquitted of the capital charge. Incident- ally, justice was appeased by the hanging of a gardener in his stead. Numerous alterations were made to the house at the beginning of the nineteenth century, since which its history has been one of sordid disfigurement at the hands of its responsible owners until it was saved from utter ruin and destruction by Colonel La Terriere in 1908. When Lenthall was nearing his end his conscience so troubled him that he sent to Witney to ask Dr. Ralph Brideoak, afterwards Bishop of Chichester, to come over to Burford and hear his dying confession and to absolve him from his sins. It was then that he apologised for his share in the trial and execution of the King; and though it is usually unsafe to attach much importance to deathbed confessions, admirers of the independence which he displayed earlier in his Parliamentary career can appreciate the remorse which filled his soul and induced him to make such reparation as he could when at the point of death. Dr. Brideoak, having entreated the dying man to relieve his conscience by a full confession, invited him to say to what extent he considered that his public career had transgressed the teaching of the Ten Com- mandments. Laying stress upon the fact that dis- obedience, rebellion, and schism were the greatest 208 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS sins against the fifth of these precepts, Lenthall replied : "Yes, sir, there is my trouble, my disobedience, not against my natural parents, but against the Pater Patriae, our deceased Sovereign. I confess, with Saul, I held their clothes whilst they murdered him ; but herein I was not so criminal as Saul was ; for God, Thou knowest ! I never consented to his death ; I ever prayed and endeavoured what I could against it ; but I did too much. Almighty God, forgive me ! " " I then desired him to deal freely and openly on that business, and if he knew any of those villains that plotted or contrived that horrid murder, who were not yet detected, now to discover them. He answered that ' he was a stranger to that business ; his soul never entered into that secret, but what concerns myself I will confess freely. Three things are especially laid to my charge, wherein, indeed, I am too guilty : that I went from the Parliament to the Army ; that I proposed the bloody question for trying the King ; and that I sat after the King's death. To the first I may give this answer, that Cromwell and his agents deceived a wiser man than myself, that excellent King, and they might deceive me also, and so they did. I knew the Presby- terians would never restore the King to his just rights ; those men swore they would. For the second no excuse can fce made, but I have the King's pardon, and I hope Almighty God will show me His mercy also. Yet, sir,' said he, ' even then, when I put the question, I hoped the very putting the question would have cleared him, because I believed four for one were against it ; but they deceived me also. To the third I make this candid con- fession, that it was my own baseness and cowardice and HKNRY I'KI.HAM 1647 Front a /Hunting in the possession oj tlie Karl o/ THE STUARTS AND THE COMMONWEALTH 209 unworthy fear to submit my life and estate to the mercy of those men that murdered the King, that hurried me on, against my own conscience, to act with them, yet then I thought also I might do some good and hinder some ill. Something I did for the Church and Univer- sities, something for the King, when I broke the Oath of Abjuration, as Sir O. B. and yourself know ; some- thing, also, too for his return, as my lord G., Mr. J. T., and yourself know. But the ill I did overweighed the little good I would have done. God forgive me for this also/ ' Brideoak then allowed him the absolution of the Church, and Lenthall received the Sacrament the next day. Having repeated the substance of his confession to Dr. Dickenson, of Merton College, who was at Burford at the time, he spent the few remaining hours of his life in devotion and penitential meditation. 1 In his will he humbled himself to the dust, and ordered that no monument should be raised to his memory other than a plain stone with the legend " Vermis sum." The original terms of the will are worth quoting : " As to my body and burial I do leave it to the disposition and discretion of my executors hereafter named. But with this special charge : That it be done as privately as may be without any pomp or state, acknowledging myself to be unworthy of the least outward regard of this world, and unworthy of any remembrance, that have been so great a sinner. And I do further charge and desire that no monument be made for me, but at the utmost a plain stone with this superscription only : 1 This deathbed repentance and confession was twice printed in 1662, and reissued forty years later as an appendix to the Memoirs of the Two Last Years of the Reign of King Charles I, by Sir Thomas Herbert and others. 210 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONb ' Vermis sum.' ' The inscription was, however, placed on his coffin plate, as was discovered when the vault in which he was buried was opened to allow of another interment. There is a portrait of Lenthall, attributed to Vandyck, in the Speaker's House, but it is more probably the work of Henry Peart, one of his many pupils. Rushworth, whose name will always be associated with Lenthall, by reason of his action on the attempted arrest of the five members, is also commemorated in the Speaker's Portrait Gallery. Some mention should be made of the temporary Crom- wellian Speakers, eight in number, who sat in the Chair of the Commons between the date of Lenthall's first leaving it in 1647 and the final dissolution of the Long Parliament. Henry Pelham, of Belvoir, Lincolnshire, though not mentioned by Manning, was chosen by the Presbyterian section of the House by general approba- tion on 30 July, 1647, on Lenthall's joining the Army, and not long after Charles was taken prisoner. 1 The member for Grantham (who sat for the same con- stituency in the Short Parliament of 1640, and earlier for Great Grimsby) was conducted to the Chair by Sir Anthony Irby and Mr. Richard Lee, and there he re- mained until replaced by Lenthall in the month of August, when the Army and Cromwell had become the real masters of the situation. As one of the leading Presbyterians, he was secluded and imprisoned when Pride's Purge took place in 1648, but was liberated six days later. In the " Barebones," or Little Parliament, the Chair 1 He was the third son of Sir William Pelham, of Brocklesby, by Anne, daughter of Charles, second Lord Willoughby of Parham. /////./// ,?,/f jfr-i //// /\l;unjj Initioo >.< J nil /., //;x ,in/,/ffi Hacc ///>/ /r //// ''i-'ffitf,. .'in/ d.iij // Av.s- . //,'/// GDOS Face J/M// v/- . FRANCIS RODS 1653 . from a print THE STUARTS AND THE COMMONWEALTH 211 was filled by the Rev. Francis Rons, a Cornish gentleman of good family and education. His career was a most sin- gular one, even in an age of unexpected happenings. An ordinance passed by the Lords on 10 February, 1643-44, deprived Richard Steward, the Provost of Eton, of his post and appointed Rous in his stead " for the term of his natural life." He contrived to get Eton exempted from the " Self-Denying Ordinance," in order that he might retain his emoluments, and it was probably owing to Rous's exertions that the College was also exempted from the sale of the estates of religious corporations. The Provost was rewarded for his subservience in the Chair by a writ of summons to Cromwell's short-lived House of Lords. He was buried in Lupton's Chapel at Eton, and his portrait still hangs hi the Provost's Lodge. Sir Thomas Widdrington, of an old Northumbrian family, many of whose members were Cavaliers, rilled the Chair in Oliver's second Parliament, from 17 September, 1656, till it was dissolved on 4 February, 1657-58. He then became Chief Baron of the Exchequer. He was brother-in-law to Fairfax, and sat in the Commons Chair when Cromwell declined the crown. At the Restoration Widdrington was deprived of all his offices. Pepys alludes to him as " My Lord Widdrington going to seal the Patents for the Judges in January, 1659-60," he having been a Commissioner of the Great Seal on three separate occasions. Such evidence as exists as to his demeanour hi the Chair shows him to have been any- thing but a strong Speaker, but his incompetence was perhaps partly due to his habitual ill-health. On 8 January, 1657, the adjournment of the House 212 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS for a week was agreed to by reason of his indisposition. On the 1 2th the Speaker was brought in a sedan chair to the lobby door, and with much ado he was hoisted into the Chair, but " looked most piteously." Being asked to deal plainly with the House, he was invited to declare the cause of his sufferings. " If you please to go on," was his meek answer, " I shall sit till Twelve o'clock." But his intentions were obviously beyond his strength, and the House again adjourned for a week. In 1657 Cromwell was an inexorable master, and, as Thurloe observes, he required " too much to have been expected" of Parliament. The House confirmed more than a hundred Bills and Ordinances in one day, nothing being read but the titles. From 24 to 30 April members were kept in attendance from eight in the morning till nine o'clock at night, and the strain of sitting dinnerless in the Chair told upon Speaker Widdrington's health. On a division, in which the numbers were equal, he rose and said, " I am a Yea, a No I should say." Amid much ill-bred laughter another member claimed that he too had been mistaken in giving his vote ; but it was determined that, while some latitude might be extended to a weary Speaker, other members were not at liberty to recall their votes. Later in the same sitting Speaker Widdrington blundered in putting a question to the House for its decision, and, when the mistake was chal- lenged, he appeared to be quite at a loss to explain his meaning. The House thereupon " fell into great con- fusion." During Widdrington's temporary absence from indisposition, that great lawyer, Bulstrode Whitelocke, well known from his Memorials of English Affairs, filled the SIR THOMAS WIDDRINGTON 1656 From a drawing in the National Portrait Gallery BL'LSTRODE WHITELOCK 1656-7 From a painting in the Xational Portrait Gallery THE STUARTS AND THE COMMONWEALTH 213 Chair for a short time. 1 When a proposal came before the House that lawyers should be precluded from prac- tising their profession if elected to Parliament, he used the following words : " With respect to the proposal for compelling lawyers to suspend their practice while they sit in Parliament, I only insist that in the Act for that purpose it be pro- vided that merchants should forbear their trading, phy- sicians from visiting their patients, and country gentle- men from selling their corn or wool while they are members of this House." In Richard Cromwell's only Parliament Chaloner Chute, of the Vyne (a fine property which he bought in 1653 from the sixth Lord Sandys), " a worthy gentleman of the long robe," was Speaker. He resigned from ill- health on 9 March, and died on 14 April. He had a great reputation as an advocate, and amongst other eminent men whom he defended was Archbishop Laud. Sir Lislebone Long, " by general consent of the House," was chosen in his stead ; but on 14 March he too informed the House that he was too unwell to sit, and within forty-eight hours of Chute he died. Thomas Bampfylde (M.P. Exeter) succeeded Long on 16 March, 1658-59, after one Mr. Reynell (M.P. Ashburton) had been pro- posed. Bampfylde was, however, preferred as being " a person of greater experience and of approved learning and gravity." From his nephew, Sir Coplestone Bampfylde, the present Lord Poltimore is descended. This Speaker's tenure of office was interrupted by the Committee of Safety. The last of Lenthall's many substitutes was 1 He is not mentioned by Manning, but the fact of his having been Speaker is established by reference to the Commons Journals, Vol. VII, p. 482. 214 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS William Say, or Saye, 1 a Bencher of the Middle Temple, and one of the Regicides, who sat in the Chair for a few days in January, 1659-60, during Lenthall's tempo- rary absence from indisposition. He was a member of the Long Parliament from 1647. At the Restoration his name was exempted from the Act of Indemnity, but he contrived to make his escape to the Continent. It is a curious fact that of these Cromwellian Speakers Pelham, Rous, and Bampfylde were members of old knightly families boasting pedigrees which satisfied that most exclusive of genealogists, Mr. E. P. Shirley, who in- cluded their names in his Noble and Gentle Men of England. Lenthall, Widdrington, Chute, and Long were all men of good family. Whitelocke, on his mother's side, was descended from the very ancient Buckinghamshire house of Bulstrode of Hedgerley. Even the Regicide Speaker could claim kinship with the Sir John Say who filled the same office in 1449, so that in the darkest days of the Commonwealth the House was jealous of the status and origin of its presiding officer. At an age somewhat older than that of most holders of the office, Sir Harbottle Grimston was unanimously elected Speaker at the Restoration, on the motion of Mr. William Pierpont. Early in life he had been a strong Presbyterian, and prominent amongst those who opposed the rise of Cromwell and the Independents in the army. He was excluded from the House by Pride's Purge, and, disapproving as he did of the King's execution, he with- drew from public life. Again elected for Essex in 1656, he was once more excluded. About 1652 he purchased the reversion of the estate of Gorhambury, his second 1 M.P. Camelford. /'roin 11 f>,i!ntl CHAI.dM-.R CHI IK 1658-59 SIR HARBOTTLE GRIMSTON 1660 From a painting in t/te National Portrait Gallery by Lely THE STUARTS AND THE COMMONWEALTH 215 wife having been a great-niece of Sir Nicholas Bacon, the builder of the now ruined mansion. Grimston held the Mastership of the Rolls concurrently with the Speaker- ship, and until his death in I685. 1 At the Restoration he was living in Lincoln's Inn, and he entertained the King at his house there soon after his arrival in London. The existing mace of the House of Commons dates from Sir Harbottle Grimston's Speakership. The earlier "fool's bauble," removed by Cromwell, was made in 1649 by Thomas Maundy, a goldsmith in Fetter Lane, and, though it was formerly supposed that it was re- fashioned at the Restoration, it appears certain that the one now in use is wholly of the Charles II period. It weighs upwards of 250 ounces, and is rather less than five feet in length, whereas the Commonwealth mace is known to have been considerably smaller. The tradition that a mace at Kingston, in Jamaica, is the one turned out of the House by Cromwell appears to be without foundation, as the oldest now preserved in that island is of eighteenth-century workmanship. When the House of Commons is not in session the Serjeant-at-Arms re- turns the emblem of his office to the custody of the Lord Chamberlain's Department, whence it is reissued after each Parliamentary recess. The Convention Parliament met on 25 April, 1660. Charles II landed at Dover a month later, and on 29 May (his thirtieth birthday) the only one of the Stuarts who had tact and who knew when to give way entered London 1 In 1803 the Speaker's lineal descendant, the third Viscount Grimston, presented Sir Harbottle' s portrait to the historical series preserved at Westminster, and his coat of arms from the old Rolls Chapel is still to be seen in a window of the museum at the Public Record Office. 2i6 SPEAKERS OF^THE HOUSE OF COMMONS amidst universal rejoicing. The " Pensionary Parliament " of Charles II, though often unfavourably contrasted with the Long Parliament, showed itself extremely jealous of the privileges of the Commons, and sat for an even greater number of years than its famous predecessor. It ex- tended over seventeen sessions, and was presided over by four Speakers. The first of these, Sir Edward Tumour, an ancestor of the present Earl Winterton, occupied the Chair for ten whole years. Samuel Pepys, who knew him well, appeared before him on 4 March, 1668, to deliver his celebrated defence of the principal officers of the Navy. In the speech of his life he held the attention of a crowded House for over three hours in justification of himself and his colleagues. So favourable an impression did the speech produce that when Sir William Coventry, the Chief Commissioner of the Navy, met him the next day he greeted him in the following words : " Good-morrow, Mr. Pepys that must be Speaker of the Parliament House." Coventry also told this invaluable public ser- vant that he could earn 1000 a year at the Bar ; the Solicitor-General said that he was the best speaker in England ; and the Speaker himself declared that in all his experience of the House of Commons he had never heard such a good defence. All which must have been extremely gratifying to Pepys' well-known vanity. The diarist confesses that before going to Westminster on this memorable morning of his life he drank half a pint of mulled sack and a dram of brandy, after which he felt himself " in better order as to courage." He took great interest in the House of Commons even before he became a member, and in his Diary for 27 July, 1663, he of Cardross) THE STUARTS AND THE COMMONWEALTH 217 relates how he crowded into the House of Lords, stand- ing close behind the Speaker when he recapitulated the Acts of the session to the King and desired the Royal Assent. " The Speaker's speech was far from any oratory, but was as plain (though good matter) as any- thing could be, and void of elocution." No man up to this date had occupied the Chair for anything like so long a time as Speaker Tumour. Len- thall's longest continuous term of office was, as we have shown, under seven years ; but during the decade of 1661-71 the Speaker witnessed events as stirring and as far-reaching in their political effect as any of his pre- decessors had taken part in. He saw the wreck of Clarendon (though his policy continued to commend itself to the majority of the House of Commons), the loss of England's command of the sea in the disastrous war with Holland, ending with the humiliating Treaty of Breda, hurriedly concluded after the Dutch fleet had sailed up the Medway, bombarded Chatham, and threatened Dover and Harwich. And when the thunder of the enemy's guns caused a panic in London the Speaker was hindered from taking the Chair until after the King had proceeded to the House of Lords, for fear anything should be resolved upon by the Commons contrary to the wishes of the Court. 1 1 Considerable light is thrown upon the temper of the House at the time of this discreditable mano3uvre by the ubiquitous Pepys. Writing on 25 July, 1667, when details of the disaster were still wanting, he said : " Contrary to all expectation by the King that there would be a thin meeting, there met above 300 this first day, and all the dis- contented party ; and indeed the whole House seems to be no other almost. The Speaker told them, as soon as they were sat, that he was ordered by the King to let them know he was hindered by some important business to come to them and speak to them as he had 218 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Speaker Tumour saw the rise of the Cabal, that inner conclave of the King's advisers, two of whose members, at least, were in favour of restoring the Roman Catholic religion in this country ; but he may never have known that by a secret treaty, which Charles concluded with Louis XIV in 1670, in return for a heavy bribe, the King was pledged to declare his own adhesion to the Church of Rome as soon as the times were deemed to be ripe for a public declaration. Like many other public men at this period, Speaker Tumour received large grants of public money, amount- ing in the aggregate to 11,000, as free gifts ; nor did he altogether escape the stigma of corruption. It was found that he was in receipt of a small gratuity from the East India Company, and in 1669 it was rumoured in the House that evidence existed of corrupt dealings on his part on a much larger scale. His elevation to the Judicial Bench may have been accelerated by a desire to shield him from unpleasant consequences if these charges were found to be proven. An order which was passed by the House shortly be- intended, and therefore, ordered him to move that they would adjourn themselves till Monday next, it being very plain to all the House that he expects to hear by that time of the sealing of the peace." Four days later, when the signing of the peace was generally known, he wrote : "I went up to the Painted Chamber thinking to have got in to hear the King's speech, but upon second thoughts did not think it would be worth the crowd, and so went down again into the Hall. . . . But presently comes down the House of Commons, the King having made them a very short and no pleasing speech to them at all." The King informed them that he had made peace, but gave no particulars and dismissed Parliament until October. But it leaked out that the Speaker's detention had been deliberately planned " for fear they should be doing anything in the House of Commons to the further dissatis- faction of the King and his courtiers." SIR EDWARD TTRNOUR 1661 J-'roin n painting in the Speaker's House THE STUARTS AND THE COMMONWEALTH 219 fore his retirement from the Chair " That the Back Door of the Speaker's Chambers be nailed up and not opened during any sessions of Parliament " has given rise to some speculation without eliciting any definite agreement as to its motive. Though backstairs influence was so much in the ascendant at this period, it does not appear that the House, in making the order, had any ulterior object in view beyond regulating the entry of its members through one, and that the main, approach to the Chamber. From a much earlier date the Speaker had been provided with private apartments in which to don his robes, but there is no evidence to show that he was required to live in the Palace in the seventeenth century. Sir Edward Tumour, when in town, lived, like so many of his predecessors, at the Rolls House in Chancery Lane. He died 4 March, 1675, at Bedford during the hearing of the assizes, and was buried with much ceremony at Little Parndon, Essex, on the south side of the chancel. An account of St. Stephen's Chapel, as it appeared in the sixteenth century, has been given at an earlier page. In the second part of Chamberlayne's Anglia Notitia, published in 1671, there is a very full and interesting account of both Houses of Parliament as Pepys saw them. " The Commons in their House sit promiscuously, only the Speaker hath a Chair placed in the middle, and the Clerk of that House near him at the Table. They never had any robes (as the Lords ever had), but wear every one what he fancieth most, which to strangers seems very unbecoming the gravity and authority of the Great Council of England." But few nowadays will be found to endorse the recom- mendation which follows : 220 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS " During their attendance on Parliament, a robe or grave vestment would as well become the honourable members of the House of Commons, as it doth all the noble Venetians, both young and old, who hath right to sit in the Great Council of Venice, and as it doth the Senators of Rome at this day." Though Chamberlayne only mentions one Clerk, there had been an assistant at least as early as the reign of James I. In the House of Lords, while the Clerk of the Parliament sat on the " lowermost woolsack " hi 1671, his two assistants knelt behind it and wrote their minutes in the same uncomfortable posture. In another passage Chamberlayne speaks of the House of Commons as the " Grand Inquest of the Realm," an early use of a very familiar definition. But even before this the watchful eye of a foreigner had noted the general aspect of the House of Commons in the latter half of the seventeenth century. Monconys, who accompanied the Due de Chevreuse to London, Oxford, and other places in 1663, has placed on record his impressions of St. Stephen's, and, if for no other reason, they are valuable because they contain the earliest reference of which the author is aware to the green benches of the Lower House : " Avant diner je fus a Westminster, d'ou les Deputez de la Chambre Basse sortoient. Le lieu ou ils s'assem- blent est une Chambre mediocrement grande, environne"e de six ou sept rangs de degrez couverts de sarge verte, & disposez en Amphite'atre, au milieu desquels il y a un preau, au fonds duquel vis a vis de la porte est une grande Chaise a bras, avec un dossier de menue sarge dore" & ouvrage", haut de sept ou huit pies, dans lequel s'assoit le President, tournant le dos a la fenetre, & le visage a la porte. Au dessus de la porte, bien plus haut que les THE STUARTS AND THE COMMONWEALTH 221 derniers degrez, il y a une tribune, ou il y a encore trois ou quatre rangs de ces degres ; il y a place pour 500 personnes. Devant la chaise du President il y a un Bureau, oil sont les Griffiers, ou Secretaires." This French traveller and his patron were lodged in Westminster during their visit to London, at a house in the immediate vicinity of Palace Yard, which appears to have been set apart for the reception of foreign am- bassadors on their first coming to town. " II y a une assez belle place au devant, au fond de laquelle M. le Due alia loger, a cinq pieces par semaine ou 100 Chelins, dans la maison que M. Brunetti lui avoit loiiee, & ou le Roi loge les Ambassadeurs extra- ordinaires les trois premiers jours qu'ils arrivent, & ou il les defraye." l The session of 1671 is memorable in the annals of Parliament for the contention then first seriously ad- vanced by the Commons that the Lords were unable to amend a Money Bill. A slight diminution of a proposed duty on sugar having been proposed by the Peers, a deadlock ensued between the two Houses, and, as neither side was disposed to give way, the Bill was dropped. Six years later the same difficulty was experienced when the Lords amended a Bill granting money for an increase in the fleet. On this occasion, however, the Lords did not insist upon their amendment. But in the following year the struggle between the two 1 Mr. de Moncony's descriptions of London, though little known, are so vivid and so evidently the results of personal experience, that they will repay careful attention. In the National Review, some years ago, the present author wrote an article on the French traveller's impres- sions of 1663, and the above extracts are taken from an edition, published in Paris in 1695, in the writer's possession. 222 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Houses was renewed over a Money Bill for the dis- bandment of troops. Public opinion being found to be hostile to a reduction of the armed forces of the Crown, in view of the threatening attitude of France, the ques- tion was not fought out to a conclusion ; but the venal assembly, contemptuously known as the " Pensionary Parliament," passed the Resolution quoted in every text- book of constitutional history, which has ever since been held to debar the Lords from amending, though not of rejecting or suspending, a Money Bill originating in the Lower House. Sir Job Charlton, whom Roger North calls " an old Cavalier, loyal, learned, grave, and wise," was the next Speaker. He is generally said to have been the son of a London goldsmith, by name Robert Charlton, and that his mother was the daughter of another, by name Thomas Harby ; but in the exhaustive list of London goldsmiths printed in Jackson's English Goldsmiths and their Marks, neither of these names occurs. It seems more probable that he came of a Shropshire stock, and that his father was Robert Charlton, of Whit- ton, in that county. He represented Ludlow in 1659, 1660, and 1661, and died at his seat at Ludford, Here- fordshire, 24 May, 1697. As he only held office for eleven days, little or nothing is known of his conduct in the Chair. He became Justice of the Common Pleas, but was removed on account of his opposition to James II 's dispensing power. He had also been Chief Justice of Chester, but here he was no luckier, for he had to resign the post in favour of Jeffreys, who had " laid his eye on it." Charlton was the first Speaker to be made a Baronet, and when he resigned from ill-health, the House, for the SIR JOB CHARI.TON 1672-3 J''>oiii a painting in the Speaker's House THE STUARTS AND THE COMMONWEALTH 223 first time for 150 years, elected a Speaker who was not a lawyer. This was Sir Edward Seymour, of Maiden Bradley, Wilts, an aristocratic Tory, who held office for five years, when he too resigned on the plea of ill-health, though there is reason to believe that this was but a convenient excuse. The real reason was a difference of opinion with Danby, the master mind of the Government. Seymour was first voted to the Chair on 18 February, 1672-3, and in October of the same year a wholly irregu- lar debate was initiated by Sir Thomas Littleton, who declared that he was unfitted to hold the office, owing to his being a Privy Councillor and his having admission to the most secret conclaves of the Court. " You are too big for that Chair, and for us," he said; " and you, that are one of the governors of the world, to be our servant, is incongruous." A Mr. Harbord was even more uncom- plimentary. " You expose the honour of the House in resorting to gaming-houses, with foreigners as well as Englishmen, and other ill places. I think you to be an unfit person to be Speaker, by your way of living." Colonel Strangways, however, came to Seymour's rescue, declaring that as for his being a gamester, exception might just as well be taken to the Judicial Bench for the same reasons. 1 In Seymour's first session a debate arose on the printing of addresses to the King in connection with grievances concerning the billeting of soldiers. On a motion to adjourn the debate, the numbers (on a division) were found to be equal, whereupon the Speaker gave his casting vote in favour of adjournment, saying, " He would have his reason for his judgment recorded, viz. 1 Cobbett's Parliamentary History, Vol. IV, p. 589. 224 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS because he was very hungry." Seymour was a very proud, not to say overbearing, man, and he was un- popular with the general body of members. A trick was once played upon him by a wag, who handed him a petition, which the Speaker began to read aloud : " The humble petition of Oliver Cromwell the devil," whereon a shout of laughter caused him to throw down the paper and hasten from the Chair. On 10 May, 1675, a serious disturbance arose in Com- mittee of the whole House on the consideration of His Majesty's answer to an address for recalling British sub- jects from the service of the French King. The riot could only have been quelled by a strong man, and the Speaker's intervention has scarcely had a parallel since that day until Mr. Speaker Peel's memorable intervention in the Home Rule debate on 27 July, 1893* Seymour " very opportunely and prudently rising from his seat near the Bar, in a resolute and slow pace, made his three respects through the crowd, and took the Chair." The mace was laid on the table and the disorder ceased on the Speaker stating that he had acted, "though not accord- ing to order, with the intent of bringing the House into order again." 2 He " maintained the dignity of the Chair after that of the House was gone" by obliging every member present to stand up in his place and engage on his honour not to resent any of that day's proceedings. As an instance of his pride it is related that when he was presented to William III the King remarked that he believed Sir Edward was of the Duke of Somerset's family, whereupon the ex-Speaker retorted " that the 1 Commons Journals, Vol. CXLVIII, p. 469. * Grey's Debates, Vol. Ill, p. 129. THE STUARTS AND THE COMMONWEALTH 225 Duke was rather of his family." Once, when his coach broke down at Charing Cross, he ordered the next gentleman's to be stopped and brought to him, and when its occupant expressed surprise, Sir Edward told him that it was more proper for him to walk in the streets than for the Speaker of the House of Commons. The year 1675 was a memorable one in English politics. Alternately inclining to the counsels of Shaftesbury and religious toleration, and to the advice of Danby, who desired the supremacy of the Anglican Church, Charles had allowed the Nonconformists to be harried to please the Churchmen, and had assented to the Test Act of 1673 to gratify the hatred of both persuasions for the Roman Catholics. But a haunting fear in the public mind that the Protestant succession to the throne was still endangered convinced Danby that a new and more stringent test was required. The reorganisation of his sup- porters in the Commons which followed led to a cleavage of parties, out of which was gradually evolved the perma- nent division of English political opinion into two distinct bodies : the Tory and the Whig of after days. Whilst Danby's proposals were under consideration the relations of the two Houses became once more strained. Evelyn, writing in the summer of 1675, mentions a con- ference of Lords and Commons in the Painted Chamber, at which the Lords accused the representatives of the people of infringing their privileges, and brought forward once more the oft-quoted precedent of Henry IV. To gam time the King suddenly prorogued Parliament for four months, and the storm blew over. Sir Robert Sawyer, Pepys' " old chamber fellow " at Magdalene College, Cambridge, succeeded Sir Edward Q 226 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Seymour in the Chair on n April, 1678 ; but years before that the same assiduous gossip had noted that " he do very well in the world." Like his two predecessors, he resigned from ill-health. Within a month of his election he was found to be suffering from a violent fit of the stone, attributed to his long sitting one day in the Chair. Sawyer's subsequent career was a chequered one. He became Attorney-General, defended the Seven Bishops, was expelled the House for his conduct in the case of Sir Thomas Armstrong in 1690, and was again re- turned (for Cambridge University) later in the year. The beautiful seat of Highclere, Hants, came to Lord Carnarvon's family from the Sawyers. The eighth Earl of Pembroke married Margaret Sawyer, Sir Robert's only daughter and heiress, in 1684, and her father built the church at Highclere in which he lies buried. Seymour's health being conveniently re-established, he returned to the Chair on 6 May, 1678, and held office till the Pensionary Parliament was dissolved, 24 January, 1678-79. On the meeting of Charles's third Parliament the King wished to force Sir Thomas Meres upon the House, but the Commons desired to have the services of Seymour once more. In a long dispute Seymour's re-election was refused by the King, 1 and, though the Commons did not insist upon their original choice, they elected Serjeant Gregory in preference to the King's nominee. This was the last occasion on which the Sovereign attempted to impose his own choice upon the House ; and with Sey- mour's rejection began that period of 150 years, more or less, ending with the Speakership of Mr. Shaw Lefevre, 1 15 March, 1678-79. SIR ROKKRT SAWYER 1678 a painting in the possession of the Karl of C n THE STUARTS AND THE COMMONWEALTH 227 during which the evolution of the non-partisan Speaker steadily proceeded. At the same time it should be noted that, though Charles failed to force Sir Thomas Meres upon the House, he was still powerful enough to procure the removal of his successor from the Judicial Bench when he gave a judgment in opposition to his personal wishes. Sir William Gregory, of How Caple, Herefordshire (a junior branch of the family of Gregory of Styvechal, in Warwickshire), like Speaker Charlton, was so removed for giving judgment against the King's dispensing power. He only sat in the Chair for four months, during which time the famous Habeas Corpus Act the Statute which becomes more famous still when suspended was passed into law. Towards the close of the reign of Charles II the growth of the party system brought with it considerable expense to Parliamentary candidates, especially in the counties. Evelyn's brother George spent nearly 2000 in 1678-79 by " a most abominable custom " in carrying the county of Surrey against Lord Longford and Sir Adam Brown, 1 when most of the money was spent in eating and drink- ing. His colleague was Arthur Onslow, grandfather of the celebrated Speaker of the same name. In 1685 Evelyn and Onslow stood again, their opponents being Sir Adam Brown, who was stone deaf, and Sir Edward Evelyn, a cousin of the diarist. But, through a trick of the sheriff in holding the election a day before it was expected, the old members were not returned. The new names of Whig and Tory were generally applied to the respective members of the country and the Court party at the next general election. Though 1 Evelyn's Diary, 4 February, 1678-79. 228 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS summoned for October, 1679, Charles's fourth Parliament did not meet for the despatch of business until a year later. Sir William Williams, the Whig member for Chester, and a notable champion of the liberties of the Commons, was elected Speaker, nemine contradicente, on 21 October, 1680. The first Welshman to fill the Chair, he migrated from Jesus College, Oxford, the home of the leek, to Gray's Inn. 1 Luttrell tells a story of Sir Robert Peyton, 2 who had been expelled the House, going to Williams a few days after the dissolution and demand- ing satisfaction for a severe rebuke administered to him at the time of his expulsion. He wanted to challenge the Speaker to a duel, but thought fit to retreat in haste on the " young gentlemen of Gray's Inn " (of which Williams was a Bencher) showing signs of taking the law into their own hands on account of what they held to be Peyton's insolence to the Chair. In this Parliament, though the Exclusion Bill was thrown out in the Lords, the Lower House set itself steadily to curtail the prerogative of the Crown. It was, in consequence, dismissed in January, 1680-81. Popular excitement ran high in London over the fate of the Bill, and the King thought it prudent to summon his fifth Parliament to meet at Oxford in the month of March. Convocation House was fitted up for the Commons, and the Lords sat in the gallery above. Williams was unanimously recalled to the Chair, but after sitting for a week the King sent it about its busi- ness, saying, " Now am I King of England, if I never was 1 This Parliament ordered the Votes and Proceedings of the House of Commons to be printed, and in the Journal Office are preserved many of the earliest issues extant. 8 Knight of the Shire for Middlesex. SIR WILLIAM GREGORY 1678-9 From a painting in the Speaker s House THE STUARTS AND THE COMMONWEALTH 229 before." Relieved of the Speakership, Williams returned to the Bar and became Solicitor-General in 1687. He died at his chambers, in Gray's Inn, in 1700, and was buried at Llansilen, Denbighshire. His portrait by Sir Godfrey Kneller has recently been presented to the House by Sir Alfred Thomas, Chairman of the Welsh Parliamentary Party. The Welsh precedent, once set, was soon followed, for in James H's only Parliament Sir John Trevor, of Bryn- kinalt, the ancestor of the present Lord Trevor, was unanimously called to the Chair, and at the accession of William III he was re-elected. Having been convicted of taking bribes, he was expelled the House in March, 1695, though he was allowed to remain Master of the Rolls, an office which he had held concurrently with the Speaker- ship. In the Speaker's Portrait Gallery at Westminster there hangs his likeness, showing him to have had a decided squint, a defect which, it might be thought, would have increased the proverbial difficulty of catching the Speaker's eye. His early days had been passed in the chambers of a kinsman in the Inner Temple Arthur Trevor. One day a visitor observed a strange-looking boy seated at a desk, and asked his name. " Oh," said old Trevor, "he is a connection of mine whom I have allowed to sit here to learn the knavish part of the law." Being addicted to high play, he became a recognised authority in gambling disputes, and amongst his fellow- gamesters he had the authority of a judge whose decision was final. Trevor is said to have owed his promotion to the Chair to his cousin, the notorious Judge Jeffreys; and some years before, on a motion to remove Jeffreys from the 230 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Recordership of London, Trevor's was the only voice raised in his cousin's behalf. It was probably owing to this support that he was advanced to the position of a K.C. when Jeffreys became Chief Justice. The wits of the day declared that justice might be blind, but that bribery only squinted ; and when Trevor was expelled in 1695 they added that he could no longer take an oblique view of every question from the Chair. When Archbishop Tillotson chanced to meet him some little time before his disgrace, Trevor exclaimed, in an audible whisper, " I hate a fanatic in lawn sleeves " ; whereon the Archbishop turned and faced him, saying, " And I hate a knave in any sleeves." On the Bench he appears to have been as upright as he was unscrupulous in the House of Commons, and though he favoured the Protestant interest he remained faithful to James II. As Master of the Rolls he lived in Clement's Lane, then a fashionable street. On the erection of the New Law Courts, the greater part of it was demolished, but a small portion remains at the nor- thern end. Dying there in May, 1717, he was buried in the Rolls Chapel, so unnecessarily pulled down some years ago to make way for an extension of the Public Record Office. In the museum erected on its site Trevor's arms, with an enlarged copy of his signature, taken from one of the windows of the old chapel, are still to be seen. The Trevor estate at Knightsbridge belonged to the ex- Speaker, and, as Master of the Rolls, he set the bad precedent of hearing suitors at his private house, in what was then a pleasant suburb of London. With the Revolution which placed William III upon the throne, the history and importance of the Speaker- SIR JOHN TREVOR 1685, 1689-90 From a painting in the Speaker s House THE STUARTS AND THE COMMONWEALTH 231 ship may be said to enter upon a new phase. From that date the first Commoner of the realm has occupied his proper station at the head of English gentle- men ; whilst the character and consideration of his office was then, for the first time, recognised by the legislature. By I William and Mary, c. 21, he ranks next to the peers of Great Britain, both in and out of Parliament, though not until many years later did he cease to hold, concurrently with the Speakership, any office of profit under the Crown. The great Arthur Onslow, to silence any imputations of leaning towards the ministry of the day, set an example of independence almost invariably adhered to by his successors, yet, in his case, the now customary reward of a peerage after long service in the Chair was unaccountably withheld. The Speaker of the Convention Parliament, which assembled on 22 January, 1688-89, was naturally a member of the Whig party ; and though Sir Edward Seymour, the vehement Tory of earlier days, joined the Prince of Orange at Exeter in the vain hope of once more presiding over the Commons, the choice of the House fell upon Mr. Henry Powle, the son of Henry Powle, of Shottesbrooke, and member for the royal borough of Windsor. Powle had identified himself with the opponents of the Court in the reign of Charles II, and was more than suspected of having been in the pay of Barillon ; but his tact and discretion caused him to become the trusted adviser of William, who, on the first convenient opportunity, conferred on him the Mastership of the Rolls. " I will not invade prerogative, neither will I consent to the infringement of the least liberty of my country," 232 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS were the proud words in which he sought to define his Parliamentary position ; but the proudest day of his life was when, on 13 February, 1688-89, he stood at the head of the assembled Commons in the Banqueting House at Whitehall, Lord Halifax, the Speaker of the Lords, and the peers facing him, and heard the Declaration of Right asserted prior to the tender of the crown to William. In the magnificent procession which paraded the streets of London to proclaim the King and Queen, the Speaker in his coach took precedence even of the Earl Marshal and others of the great nobility. At the dissolution Powle lost his seat on petition and returned to the administra- tion of justice at the Rolls, maintaining his wonted in- dependence when he refused to attend the Lords at their pleasure, declaring that he was an assistant to, but not an attendant upon, the Upper House. He did not live to see Trevor's expulsion from the Chair, having died at Quenington, in Gloucestershire, in 1692. On his tombstone is inscribed the following epitaph, possibly, according to the practice of the times, his own composition : " Regi et rcgno fidelissimus, Aequi rectique arbiter integerrimus, Pius, probus, teraperans, prudens, Virtutum omnium Exemplar magnum." The next Speaker after Trevor's fall was a man of an altogether different mould and of a different political com- plexion. The rise of his family was somewhat singular. Richard Foley, and his son Thomas after him, made a for- tune in Stourbridge by selling nails. Thomas Foley bought Witley, in Worcestershire, for his eldest son, and Stoke Edith, the old home of the Lingens, for his second son, &0ITLE /?'' f>/ (avw.YS . '. ttMTfiKe/ >//-/V/ trri/~w v -' 3fUCjC( __L5 HKNRY I'0\VI.K 1688-9 I-'roin a print THE STUARTS AND THE COMMONWEALTH 233 Paul. In 1679 Paul Foley became member for the city of Hereford, but, though a Tory, he was not a courtier, and he supported the Revolution of 1688-89. Only a vear before his elevation to the Chair he showed his independent spirit, in Grand Committee on the state of the nation, and used remarkably plain language in stating his personal opinions'on the King's veto. " I believe," he said, "the King hath a negative voice, and it is necessary that it should be so. But if this be made use of to turn by all bills and things the Court likes not, it is misused ; for such a prerogative is committed to him for the good of us all." 1 Roger North called him " a factious lawyer, very busy in ferreting out musty old repositories," which was another way of stating that he had a great know- ledge of precedents. North was also responsible for the cryptic utterance attributed to Foley, that " Things would never go well in England till forty heads flew for it." In 1695 he was put into the Speaker's chair in opposition to Sir Thomas Littleton, the nominee of the Court, and there he remained till within a year of his death. Foley has been styled the first non-partisan Speaker, and, though this is not a strictly accurate description, his tenure of the office undoubtedly marks a stage in the evolution of the office. Paul Foley, like Speaker Phelips, was a mighty builder in his day. Stoke Edith, one of the best-proportioned country houses in England, a thoughtful mingling of brick and stone, was in part designed by Wren, who appears to have been consulted on most of the im- portant houses built at the close of the seventeenth century. The harmony and proportion of Foley's house 1 Porritt's Unreformed House of Commons, 1903, Vol. I, p. 444. 234 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS were somewhat marred by alterations carried out by the brothers Adam, when the windows were taken out and replaced by others less suitable to the original design. Sir James Thornhill, who was entrusted with the decoration of the great hall, introduced an allegorical figure of constitutional liberty, with Foley's own por- trait in a contemplative attitude. 1 On the occasion of Foley's first election to the Chair, Sir Thomas Littleton, the candidate of the Whigs, was defeated by 179 votes to 146 ; but in 1698, after his rival's retirement, having been again put forward by the Junto, he was chosen Speaker in William's third Parlia- ment by a large majority. Shortly before the meeting of the new House in December, 1698, a curious pamphlet, Considerations upon the Choice of a Speaker of the House of Commons in the Approaching Session, was published by the Tories with a view to excluding Littleton. His appointment, like Sir Edward Seymour's, was a reaction from the custom of promoting lawyers, the House once more preferring to have a country gentleman to preside over their deliberations. Sir Thomas Littleton, who was the youngest son of a poor baronet, had, however, served an apprenticeship to trade, having been trained hi business habits from his youth. He is said to have been recommended to William III by the Duke of Shrewsbury, the " favourite 1 Paul Foley was the ancestor of the present Lord Foley. He married Mary, daughter of John Lane, an alderman of the City of London, and dying on n November, 1699, was buried at Stoke Edith. The Speaker's nephew was one of the twelve emergency peers created by Queen Anne in 1712 to secure a Tory majority in the House of Lords. When they made their first appearance at Westminster, Lord Wharton ironically asked them if they desired to give their votes singly, or, as a jury, through their foreman. , PAL' I. KOLEY 1 694-95> 1695 From a miniature in the possession of t'aul Henry Foley, Esq., at Stoke Edith THE STUARTS AND THE COMMONWEALTH 235 of the nation," according to Swift, and a statesman whose biography deserves to be written at length. Although he had but one eye, his political vision was remarkably clear, and at critical moments in the lives of both William III and Anne the Duke rendered invaluable service to the Crown. The sessions of 1698-99 and 1700 proved to be full of humiliations for the Court. Though the ministry had succeeded in securing the election of a Whig Speaker, the new House of Commons contained a composite majority made up of avowed Tories and members who were opposed to a forward military policy. Charles Montagu, afterwards Earl of Halifax, who must not be confounded with the celebrated Trimmer, had carried all before him in the last Parliament, but he now found himself powerless to guide or control the deliberations of the House. In addition to demanding the reduction of the Dutch guards, the Commons became inquisitive in the matter of royal grants, and proposed to appoint Commissioners to inquire into the manner in which the forfeited Irish lands had been conferred on William's personal favourites. In order to force their Bill through the House of Lords the Commons deliberately tacked it on to a Bill granting the Land Tax. And though William reluctantly gave his assent to the measure, rather than throw the Constitution into the melting-pot, he prorogued Parliament l without making a speech from the throne, and wrote to a friend : ' This has been the most dismal session I ever had. The members have separated in great disorder and after many extravagances. Unless one had been present, he could have no notion of their intrigues : one cannot even describe them." 1 1 1 April, 1 700. 236 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Party government was still in its infancy in 1700, and the prolonged quarrel between the two Houses having engendered a dangerous spirit in the Commons, the way was paved for a better understanding between the King and the acknowledged leaders of the Tory party. Thus was established, almost unconsciously, the general prin- ciple, ever since accepted, that ministers who cannot command a majority in the House of Commons cannot cling to office without being discredited in the country. When his fourth Parliament was about to assemble in February, 1700-1, William intimated to Littleton, who lacked the physique necessary to the efficient per- formance of the duties of the Chair, his desire that he should give way to Harley, and, with the prompt com- pliance of a courtier, the late Speaker absented himself from the House on the day of meeting, to be rewarded with the valuable office of Treasurer of the Navy, a post which he retained till his death, unshaken by all the efforts made to remove him. On this occasion Harley was proposed by Sir Edward Seymour, the ex-Speaker of the Pensionary Parliament, but the House was by no means unanimous in his favour, 249 members voting for him and 129 against him. Bishop Burnet, who knew Littleton well, wrote of him earlier in his career : " I happened in looking for a house to fall accident- ally on the next house to Sir Thomas Littleton, knowing nothing concerning him. But I soon found that he was one of the considerablest men in the nation. He was at the head of the opposition that was made to the Court, and living constantly in town, he was exactly informed of all that passed. He came to have an entire confidence in me, so that for six years together we were seldom two days without spending some hours together. I was by THOMAS I. II 'll.l-.l ON 1698 /row !. listin HOUSES OF HANOVER AND SAXE-COBURG 255 the Pelhams, the Duke of Newcastle, the elder Pitt, and the Coalition Ministry of 1757, the Chair was rilled, in five successive Parliaments, by the great Arthur Onslow, the third of his family to be so honoured, and unquestion- ably one of the most distinguished Speakers the House has ever known. As from 1720 to 1727 he represented Guildford, and from 1728 to 1761 the county of Surrey, in the Whig interest, at the time of his retirement in the latter year there can have been very few members of the House who sat in it when he was first called to the Chair. The story goes that having in early life conceived a great desire to become Speaker, Sir Robert Walpole wrote reminding him that " the road to that station lay through the gates of St. James's " ; but whether or not Onslow owed his selection to the direct interest of the Crown, no better choice could have been made. He was first returned for Guildford at a bye-election, and in the course of the same year, 1720, he married. He em- braced, as a matter of course, the orthodox Whig creed, which professed to regard the passing of the Septennial Act as coincident with a Constitutional millennium. This measure, although often threatened with radical curtailment of its provisions, still sets a convenient limit to the activities of a Parliament, and when Onslow made his appearance at Westminster this great constitutional landmark had not outrun its first allotted term. The ideal Speaker, that was to be, chose for his London home a modest dwelling in Leicester Street, a narrow thoroughfare converging, at its upper end, upon Lisle Street. Despite its proximity to the abode of Royalty (in the person of the Prince of Wales at Leicester House, 256 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS where the Empire Theatre now stands), it can never have been a very cheerful situation, and, at the present day, having been long since deserted by private residents of any and every rank in life, it is a singularly un- attractive row of business premises. Probably no district in the West End has so changed for the worse, from the residential point of view, as the once fashionable Leicester Fields, to give it the name usually attributed to it in the reign of the first and second George. Yet Onslow lived there for no less than thirty years, only quitting it in 1752 to take up his abode at the finest and largest house in Soho Square. No. 20 stands on the site of Old Falconbergh House, built at the end of the seventeenth century by the head of the Bellasis family. It has a handsome facade in the Square (reproduced in this volume), and the London County Council would be well advised to place a memorial tablet on its walls, if only for the sake of an interesting link between the Commonwealth and the reign of George III. Mary, Lady Falconbergh, was Oliver Cromwell's daughter, and is said to have borne a striking resemblance to her father. Marrying in his lifetime, she did not die until 1713, so that Arthur Onslow might well have re- membered her. Sir Thomas Frankland and Mr. Anthony Buncombe also lived at No. 20, Onslow's immediate predecessor there being the Lord Tylney for whom Colin Campbell, the author of Vitmvius Britannicus, built Wanstead House in the Essex marshes. In its original state Falconbergh House, to give it its earliest name, must have been well suited to the holding of the Speaker's levees, but the interior, with the excep- tion of one room on the first floor decorated with coats O D S O c s a v: x; 3 O O HOUSES OF HANOVER AND SAXE-COBURG 257 of arms and a highly enriched ceiling, was practically gutted by Messrs. Crosse and Blackwell in adapting it to business purposes. The fine staircase and a quantity of tapestry were then removed, but the well-proportioned front fortunately escaped alteration. The Duke of Argyll and Lord Bradford were other occupiers after the Speaker, and, before it was consecrated to jam and pickles, this historic mansion was used for a time as D'Almaine's pianoforte showrooms. Next door, now No. 21 in the square and the corner house of Sutton Street, was the notorious " White House." Some years after Onslow had left the neighbourhood it became a den of infamy unexampled in the annals of disreputable London, thus affording another instance of the vicissitudes which surround the former abodes of the most impeccable citizens. The positive identification of Speaker Onslow's house has only been arrived at after an exhaustive examination of the parochial rate-books. Much confusion has pre- vailed in the minds of even recent writers on Soho respecting the actual sites of houses in the square for- merly occupied by distinguished men. The statement that Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovell and the Dutch adventurer Ripperda lived at No. 20 is as inaccurate as the one frequently put forward that Onslow's man- sion was one and the same with the " White House " of evil memory. As a matter of fact, Sir Cloudesley lived on the west side of the square and Ripperda on the north, in a house represented by Nos. 10 and IOA of the modern numbering. When first called to the Chair, Onslow confessed to feeling apprehensive at being raised to so dangerous 258 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS a height, saying that greater men before him had tried their abilities in the same station and had found the eminence too high for them. He was then only thirty- six, a comparatively early age for a Speaker, and had sat in the House for rather less than eight years. When his re-election was proposed in 1747 he felt some com- punction at accepting a further term of office, telling the House that, " painful as the situation [of Speaker] is, at any time, and worn as I am, perhaps, with its labours, since honourable gentlemen seem inclined to try my poor abilities once more . . . I do not think it decent in me to dispute their commands. I therefore resign myself to the judgment of the House, which has a right to dis- pose of me here in whatever manner it may think proper." And, pausing on the step of the Chair, he added, much after the manner of his immediate predecessors, " It is my duty to let honourable gentlemen know that, before I go any further, they have it in their power to call me back to the seat from whence I came, and to choose some other person to fill this place." And not until every member then present had cried out, " No, no," did he consent to preside over the de- liberations of the House for the fourth time. Onslow was the first in the long catalogue to realise the supreme importance of the independence and impartiality of the Chair. Whereas most of his predecessors had been pluralists or expectant office-holders, he raised the character of the Speakership by resigning the lucrative office of Treasurer of the Navy and contenting himself with the modest income derived from fees on private bills. Hatsell, who went to the Table of the House while Onslow was still in the Chair, wrote of him, in HOUSES OF HANOVER AND SAXE-COBURG 259 connection with the rules then obtaining, that the Speaker endeavoured to preserve order in debate with great strictness, yet always with civility and courtesy, saying that he had often heard, as a young man, from old and experienced members, that nothing tended more to throw power into the hands of the Administration than the neglect of or departure from these rules. That he, Onslow, was of opinion that they had been instituted by our ancestors as a check on the action of ministers, and as a protection to the minority against the arbitrary exercise of power. There can be little doubt that Speaker Onslow's rigid adherence to duty, and his detachment from political office, notwithstanding some divergence from his standard on the part of his imme- diate successors, paved the way for the wholly non- partisan Speaker evolved during the nineteenth century, and that the methods introduced by him have con- tributed to the shaping of the system of Party Govern- ment as understood at the present day. His demeanour in the Chair is said to have been firm but impartial, his voice clear and impressive, and his temper imperturbable. By way of contrast this grave and dignified man, when released from his official duties, would steal away from Westminster to enjoy his pipe and glass incognito in the chimney-corner of the "Jew's Harp," a famous tavern and bowling alley in Marylebone Fields, the site of which is now merged in the Regent's Park. As the great man was driving to the House of Commons one day in his state coach his identity was accidentally revealed to the landlord, who insisted, on the occasion of the Speaker's next visit, on treating him with the deference due to his exalted position. But his secret having been 260 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS betrayed, Marylebone and its diversions knew the First Commoner no more. During the forty-one years which Arthur Onslow passed at Westminster he witnessed great changes, not only in the composition and in the manners of the House, but hi the actual conditions of Parliamentary life. Speaker Onslow the third saw the development of the modern system of Cabinet Government coupled with ministerial responsibility to Parliament. He saw the elder Pitt make his first entrance on the Parliamentary stage, 1 and during the most glorious period of the great Commoner's career those two short years in which Clive laid the foundations of our Indian Empire, and Wolfe, at the cost of his life, added Canada to the English dominions beyond the sea he was still in the Chair. He witnessed the rise and fall of the Pelhams, and he lived to see Pitt temporarily supplanted by Lord Bute. He was also directly interested in a movement which has exercised enormous influence on the House of Com- mons and the management of parties the rise of the power of the newspaper press. The Parliament of 1728 returned a large and docile majority for Walpole, and one of the first questions which agitated the minds of its members was the illicit reporting of the debates. A publisher, who had ex- tended and amplified the summaries of speeches given by Boyer 2 since the reign of Queen Anne, was summoned to the Bar and imprisoned ; but still the practice grew. In the Gentleman's Magazine, which first appeared in 1731, the reporting of the debates became a prominent 1 As M.P. for Old Sarum, 1734-35. * In his monthly publication the Political State of Great Britain. HOUSES OF HANOVER AND SAXE-COBURG 261 feature, as it did in the London Magazine, wherein they were compiled by Gordon, the translator of Tacitus. When the next Parliament met the Speaker himself called the attention of the House to the subject, and in so doing allowed it to be seen that he was personally strongly opposed to the proceedings of the House being made public. Few historical writers have taken any notice of this debate. In the course of an interesting discussion, in which Sir William Wyndham, Pulteney, and Sir Robert Walpole took part, the most sensible view was that taken by the leader of the Opposition. He, Wyndham, contended that the public had a right to know something more of the proceedings of the House than appeared in the votes. But the majority, who seem to have lived in dread of their constituents discovering what passed within the walls of St. Stephen's Chapel, declared that it was a high indignity and a notorious breach of privilege to print the debates at all. The official record of the day's proceedings runs as follows : " Thursday, 13 April, 1738. " Privilege. A complaint being made to the House, That the Publishers of several written and printed News Letters and Papers had taken upon them to give accounts therein of the Proceedings of this House ; . . . " Resolved, That it is an high indignity to, and a notorious Breach of the Privilege of this House, for any News Writer, in Letters, or other Papers (as Minutes, or under any other Denomination), or for any Printer or Publisher of any printed News Paper, of any Denomi- nation, to presume to insert in the said Letters or Papers, or to give therein any account of the Debates, or other Proceedings, of this House, or any Committee thereof, 262 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS as well during the Recess as the Sitting of Parliament ; and that this House will proceed with the utmost severity against such offenders." * The account in Cobbett's Parliamentary History of the speeches delivered on this occasion is valuable from its containing an early reference to the custom of the Govern- ment and the Opposition sitting on opposite sides of the House. Some doubt has been expressed as to the date at which this practice was first introduced, but it is evident that in 1738 it was well established. Mr. Thomas Winnington, a member who was all in favour of drastic treatment of offending newspapers and magazines, alluded to his being in complete agreement with " the honour- able gentleman over the way." Sir Robert Walpole, in the course of his remarks on the supposed iniquities of the Press, declared that all the debates in which he had taken part which he had had an opportunity of reading in print were so garbled as to convey an entirely contrary meaning to that which he had intended. As to the charge frequently brought against him that he had instigated the publication of newspaper articles, in order to suit the policy of the Government, he only wished to say that, so far as he was able to judge, four pages were written against the Government for every one in its favour. " No Government, I will venture to say, ever punished so few Libels, and no Government ever had provocation to punish so many. For my own part, I am extremely indifferent what opinion some gentlemen may form of the writers in favour of the Government, but I shall never have the worse opinion of them for that ; there is 1 Commons Journals, Vol. XXIII, p. 148. rs/ ,,: // /uK/M//.-""// 1 ""* rjefert* WESTMINSTER AS SI'K. \SI.O\V K\K\V IT IN 1740 'fun/i-in/i-r's .!/./ HOUSES OF HANOVER AND SAXE-COBURG 263 nothing more easy than to raise a laugh : it has been the common practice of all minorities, when they were driven out of every other argument." About this time a systematic attempt was first made to classify the members of both Houses according to their political convictions. Probably owing to an in- creasing interest on the part of the outside public in Parliamentary proceedings, the Court Kalendar for 1732 specified the members who were protesters against the Hessian troops in 1730 ; and a rival publication, The Court and City Register, in its issue for 1742, which was probably printed and circulated immediately after Walpole's defeat, divided the list of Peers into those who voted for and against the Cdnvention ; whilst those members of the Commons " who are supposed to be in the country interest at the creation of Robert, Earl of Orford," have their names marked with an asterisk. 1 By passing a drastic Resolution against the printing and publishing of its debates the House was only acting on the principle observed since the time of Elizabeth, when Hooker wrote : " Every person of the Parliament ought to keep secret and not to disclose the secrets and things done and spoken in the Parliament House to any manner of person, 1 These lists, of which those printed before 1740 are now very scarce, were probably first issued soon after the accession of George II. Watson's Court Kalendar for 1732, with a full list of both Houses of Parliament and the London addresses of the members, in the author's own collection, is the earliest hitherto met with. The British Museum Library contains the 1733 and many subsequent issues, and a fairly complete series of The Court and City Register from 1742 onwards. The better-known Royal Kalendar first appeared in 1767, and is still published annually. 264 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS unless he be one of the same House, upon pain to be sequestered out of the House, or otherwise punished as by the order of the House shall be appointed." Notwithstanding the efforts of Sir Symonds D'Ewes and others to spread the light, and the journals kept by private members in the seventeenth century, our knowledge of the actual sayings and doings of Parliament from day to day remained extremely limited until the periodical magazine and the daily newspaper had come to stay. For a century after Speaker Onslow directed attention to the subject the unequal struggle between the Press and the Commons went on. Prosecutions, usually abortive, of offending newspapers and magazines were instituted from time to time, but the publications of Almon, Debrett, and Woodfall attained too much popularity with the outside world to be effectually suppressed. In 1771 the whole question was threshed out in the House, when the Press was so far successful that, from that date forward, the Commons tacitly acquiesced in the claim that the constituencies had a right to be in- formed of the proceedings of their Parliamentary repre- sentatives. With the growth of the modern newspaper both the Morning Post and The Times from their earliest issues have continued to supply a tolerably complete record of the speeches delivered in both Houses came the shorthand reporters, who, as Speaker Abbot noted in his diary, gained a footing in St. Stephen's as early as 1786. In 1803 they occupied the back bench in the Strangers' Gallery without molestation, though, by one of those curious anomalies which abound in connection with Parliamentary institutions, the Press had still no official HOUSES OF HANOVER AND SAXE-COBURG 265 recognition at Westminster. An earlier entry in the same diary shows the scant regard entertained for the newspaper press a century ago. Speaker Onslow could not have been more emphatic in his disapproval of what has been called the fourth estate of the realm : " 19 December, 1798. Went to the Cockpit in the evening to hear the King's Speech. Two thirds of the room were filled with strangers and blackguard news- writers." When, in 1836, the House of Commons began the publication of its own division lists (a reform which had been advocated by Burke in 1770) the battle was vir- tually won. The earliest instance known to the present writer of the publication of a division list, or something closely resembling one a minority protest was when the names of the members who voted against Strafford's attainder in May, 1641, were posted up outside West- minster Hall and headed : " These are the Straffordians, Betrayers of their Country." The names of the Lords who voted against the occa- sional Conformity Bill in 1703 were published surrep- titiously, as were those who voted for Sacheverell's impeachment in 1710. From that time forth more or less accurate particulars of the more important divisions in both Houses, compiled hi the first instance by Abel Boyer, are to be found in the volumes of Cobbett's Parliamentary History. It should be mentioned that before the adoption of the present system of taking divisions a trial had been made in 1834 of a very primi- tive plan by which the names were called out by a 266 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS member in the House and another in the lobby outside, and recorded by the Clerks. After the great fire of 1834 reporters were admitted to the temporary building used by the Commons, and when, in 1852, the representatives of the people took possession of their new chamber in the Palace of West- minster, 1 the Press was at last officially recognised, and the reporters' gallery, as it at present exists, was an acknow- ledged fact. So voluminous have the verbatim reports of speeches become, and so vivid the descriptions of "scenes" in the House within the last few years, that one is some- times tempted to wish that the penal regulations of the eighteenth century could once more be enforced ; for there is some reason to believe that there would be little or no obstruction of business if there were no picturesque reporting of the scenes to which obstruction gives rise. It is only fair to add that The Times has been an honour- able exception amongst its competitors in the purveying of sensational reports. 2 During the long years in which Onslow ruled the House many improvements were introduced in the keeping of its official records, all of them tending to regularise and simplify its procedure. The Journals, which had for centuries been kept in a haphazard manner, according to the capacity or incapacity of the Clerk of the House for the time being, assumed a more intelligible shape after 1750, in which year the Clerk of the Journals is first heard of. His office was from the first one of trust 1 3 February, 1852, after an experimental sitting in the spring of 1850. 1 The whole history of Parliamentary reporting has been ably summarised by Mr. Porritt in Chapter XXX of The Unreformed House of Commons, 19x53, a work of consummate ability and vast research. HOUSES OF HANOVER AND SAXE-COBURG 267 and responsibility, and, as the House had no library of its own until early in the nineteenth century, he had the custody of all books and papers relating to the business of the House. He fulfilled, in addition to the compila- tion of the Journals, which have always been accepted as authoritative evidence in the courts of law, many of the duties which now appertain exclusively to the Libra- rian. It was owing to Speaker Onslow's exertions that the House, hi 1742, first ordered its Journals to be printed. On the recommendation of a Select Committee, Nicholas Hardinge, then Clerk of the House, entrusted the printing of the Manuscript Journals, from the com- mencement in 1547, to Samuel Richardson, printer and novelist, then in the first bloom of Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded, in " whose skill and integrity," as the Com- mittee reported, Mr. Hardinge could safely confide. They were printed in Roman letter upon " fine English Demy worth fifteen shillings a ream." By 1825, when another report was made to the House on the same subject, the outlay had reached a grand total of between 160,000 and 170,000. * It is certain that Journal books of an earlier date than 1547 were formerly in existence, as a statute passed hi the sixth year of Henry VIII provided that members of Parliament who absented themselves without the licence of the Speaker and of the House, " entered of record in the book of the Clerk of the Parliament appointed for the Commons," should be deprived of their wages. Many instances could be cited of quaint entries made 1 Report of the Select Committee appointed to consider of printing the Journals of the House. (Commons Journals, Vol. XXIV, p. 262.) 268 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS by the earlier Clerks of the House in its official Journals, but two must suffice : " 31 May, 1604. Prohibitions Bill. During the argu- ment on this Bill a young Jack Daw flew into the House, called Malunt Omen to the Bill." " 14 May, 1606. A strange spanyell of mouse colour came into the House." * The earliest issue of the printed Votes and Proceedings now in the Journal Office is that of 21 March, 1681 (the Oxford Parliament). But the daily proceedings of the House had certainly been published prior to that date, and the author had in his own possession a single sheet of earlier date in the reign of Charles II. This solitary issue is, unfortunately, no longer in existence, it having been accidentally destroyed by fire some years ago. It was reserved for Sir Thomas Erskine May (Lord Farnborough) to compile a general index to the whole series of Journals from 1547 to the death of Queen Anne, an invaluable work of reference containing many thou- sands of cross references which, had he never written a line of his better-known Treatise on the Law and Practice of Parliament, would entitle him to rank amongst the very highest authorities on this complex subject. The form in which the Journals, which are elaborated each day from the shorter minutes known as the Votes and Proceedings (compiled in the first instance from the Minute Books kept by the Clerks at the table), are now produced and indexed leaves little to be desired. Yet such was the slavish adherence to precedent which formerly characterised the compilation of these 1 Commons Journals, Vol. I, pp. 229, 309. JKREMIAH DYSON, CI.KRK OF THE HOUSE OK COMMONS front a portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds in the possession of Mrs. HOUSES OF HANOVER AND SAXE-COBURG 269 valuable records that not until November, 1890, were the names of members moving amendments to questions inserted in their pages, although this convenient practice had been followed in the Votes at least as early as 1837, when Mr. Speaker Abercromby was in the Chair. In February, 1866, an alteration was made in the form of the printing of the Votes, whereby the Latin names of the days of the week were replaced by their English equivalents. 1 In 1750, when the Clerk of the Journals instituted a better method of preserving the official acts of the House, Jeremiah Dyson was Clerk of the House. He purchased the office in 1748, but he was the first to dis- continue the objectionable practice of selling the sub- ordinate clerkships to the highest bidder. Dyson left the service of the House to re-enter it as the Tory member for Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, after Onslow's retirement from the Chair. He became a Lord of the Treasury and a Privy Councillor, and, from his acknowledged authority on questions of Parliamentary procedure, he acquired the nickname of " Mungo " Dyson. 2 Disorderly scenes were comparatively rare in the House of Commons in the middle of the eighteenth century, but in 1751 the authority of the Speaker was defied by a Mr. Alexander Murray, brother to the Lord Elibank of that day, who was summoned to the bar to be reprimanded for riotous behaviour in Covent Garden during a recent Westminster election, and for threatening the high bailiff in the execution of his duty. He is said to 1 The Lords still adhere to the use of Latin names of week days in their Journals. 1 The ubiquitous negro slave in Isaac Bickerstaffe's Padlock. 270 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS have called repeatedly to his followers, " Will nobody kill the dog ? " and to have incited them to other acts of violence. When Murray was brought to the bar he refused to kneel in obedience to the Speaker's order, whereupon the House marked its sense of his contumacy and the enormity of his original offence by committing him to Newgate. There he caught gaol fever, and, after having declined to avail himself of an offer for his transference to the milder custody of the Serjeant-at-Arms, he languished in durance vile until the prorogation brought with it his release. He then made a kind of triumphal progress through the streets of London, escorted to his home by a noisy mob, after which, like many another comet, blazing for a brief hour in the Parliamentary firmament, nothing more was heard of him. In this same year [1751] Arthur Onslow spoke, of course in Committee, in opposition to the clause in the Regency Bill establishing a Council. Horace Walpole thought his speech " noble and affecting," and it was also warmly praised by Bubb Dodington. The Speaker favoured the House with an historical retrospect of the question from the Regency of the Earl of Pembroke temp. Henry III to the Hanoverian era, contending that, though the royal power might with advantage be limited, it could not be divided without grave injury to the State. The Bill, however, received the Royal Assent, at the close of the session, without material alteration. 1 Onslow was a determined opponent of late sittings 1 Commons Journals, XXVI, p. 32, and Cobbett's Parliamentary History, Vol. XIV, p. 1017. HOUSES OF HANOVER AND SAXE-COBURG 271 and late hours of meeting, for which he was inclined to blame the Government of the day. " This," he wrote, " is shamefully grown of late, even to Two of the Clock. I have done all in my power to prevent it, and it has been one of the griefs and burdens of my life. It has innumerable inconveniences attending it. The Prince of Wales that now is l has mentioned it to me several times with concern, and did it again this very day, 7 October, 1759, and it gives me hopes that, as in King William's time, those of his ministers who had the care of the Government business in the House of Commons were dismissed by him to be there by eleven o'clock. " But it is not the fault of the present King ; his hours are early. It is the bad practice of the higher offices, and the members fall into it, as suiting the late hours of pleasure, exercise, or other private avocations. " The modern practice, too, of long adjournments at Christmas and Easter, and the almost constant adjourn- ment over Saturdays, are a great delay of business and of the sessions. " This last was begun by Sir Robert Walpole for the sake of his hunting, and was then much complained of, but now everybody is for it." 2 Onslow was a whole-hearted supporter and fearless advocate of the privileges of the House of Commons whenever it chanced to come into conflict with the Lords. It was, in his opinion, within his province, in presenting Money Bills, to advert not only to measures which had received the Royal Assent or were hi readiness 1 George III. 1 Speaker Abbot, Lord Colchester, also raised a wail in his diary over the protracted sittings of the House, as is mentioned more par- ticularly hereafter. 272 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS to receive it, but also to those which, after having occu- pied the attention of the Commons, had failed to pass the House of Lords. In the last Parliament of George II, when several Bills had been thrown out by the Peers, he thought it his right and duty to have animadverted upon their failure and their value and importance to the Constitution, and, as appears by a copy of his intended speech endorsed in his own hand, he was only prevented from delivering his opinion at the Bar of the House of Lords by the accident of the King's sudden indisposition, which disabled him from coming in person to prorogue Parliament. 1 Onslow took leave of the House of Commons, two days before the dissolution, on 18 March, 1761, in the follow- ing simple words, spoken straight from his heart : " I was never under so great a difficulty in my life to know what to say in this place as I am at present In- deed it is almost too much for me I can stand against misfortunes and distresses : I have stood against mis- fortunes and distresses ; and I may do so again : But I am not able to stand this overflow of good will and honour to me. It overpowers me ; and had I all the strength of language, I could never express the full sentiments of my heart upon this occasion, of thanks and gratitude. If I have been happy enough to perform any services here, that are acceptable to the House, I am sure I now receive the noblest reward for them : the noblest that any man can receive for any merit, far supe- rior, in my estimation, to all the other emoluments of this world. I owe everything to this House. I not only owe to this House that I am hi this place, but that I have had their constant support in it ; and to their good 1 Vide Lord Colchester's Diary. HOUSES OF HANOVER AND SAXE-COBURG 273 will and assistance, their tenderness and indulgence to- wards me in my errors, it is, that I have been able to perform my duty here to any degree of approbation : Thanks therefore are not so much due to me for these services, as to the House itself, who made them to be services in me. " When I began my duty here, I set out with a resolu- tion and promise to the House, to be impartial in every- thing, and to show respect to everybody. The first I know I have done, it is the only merit I can assume : If I have failed in the other, it was unwillingly, it was in- advertently ; and I ask their pardon, most sincerely, to whomsoever it may have happened I can truly say the giving satisfaction to all has been my constant aim, my study, and my pride. " And now, sirs, I am to take my last leave of you. It is, I confess, with regret, because the being within these walls has ever been the chief pleasure of my life : But my advanced age and infirmities, and some other reasons, call for retirement and obscurity. " There I shall spend the remainder of my days ; and shall only have power to hope and to pray, and my hopes and prayers, my daily prayer will be, for the continuance of the Constitution in general, and that the freedom, the dignity and authority of this House may be perpetual." 1 The ex-Speaker died of a gradual decay in Great Russell Street on February I7th, 1768. He had removed there, on quitting the Chair, in order to be near the British Museum, of which he was one of the founders. In his retirement he found his principal solace in his well- stored library, and in the visits of politicians of both parties who desired the benefit of his advice and experience. He was buried first at Thames Ditton, near a former 1 Commons Journals, Vol. XXVIII, p. 1 108. 274 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS residence of his at Imbcr Court, 1 but his remains were subsequently removed to Merrow, near Guildford. There are two portraits of him in the Speaker's House, and another at Clandon Park. A likeness of him, as a young man, habited in his Speaker's robes, attributed to Sir Godfrey Kneller, is in the National Portrait Gallery. But unless Kneller was a prophet as well as a painter this ascription must be incorrect, for Sir Godfrey died in 1723, and Onslow did not become Speaker until 1727-28. The story, which originated with Lord Colchester, that the chairs in which he and his uncle, Richard Onslow, sat were removed to Clandon is apo- cryphal, though Speaker Addington, in the next century, claimed the chair as his personal property and took it away with him. The chair occupied by Manners-Sutton at the time of the great Reform Bill, is however pre- served at Melbourne. In Onslow's time a proposal was set on foot to build a new House for the Commons, and plans were even prepared for it and for a new House of Lords by Lord Burlington, in consultation with the Speaker. As early as 1719 the condition of many parts of the old Palace of Westminster was considered to be danger- ous, and the Speaker, after consultation by the Office of Works, was requested to report on the repairs which were necessary to make secure the passage leading from St. Stephen's Chapel to the Painted Chamber, the roof and gable end of the Court of Requests, the roof of the Speaker's private chambers and those belonging to the Clerk of the House, Paul Jodrell. 2 The condition of the 1 Speaker's Lane is still known locally. 1 Commons Journals, Vol. XIX, p. 65. HOUSES OF HANOVER AND SAXE-COBURG 275 Cottonian Library was inquired into at the same time, and it was eventually condemned as ruinous. Nothing came of Lord Burlington's scheme of 1733, yet from time to time the demand for an enlarged Chamber is renewed, and even quite recently the congested state of the House on occasions of important divisions has been put forward as an argument in favour of Home Rule for Ireland ! The first Parliament of George III, which met for business on 3 November, 1761, chose as its Speaker Sir John Cust, of Belton, Lincolnshire, the ancestor of the Earls Brownlow, and the Tory member for Grantham. Horace Walpole, who was naturally critical of the suc- cessor to the really great man whom Sir Robert had selected to fill the Chair, wrote a few days later : " Sir John Cust is Speaker, and baiting his nose, the Chair seems well filled." He was by no means a success, and he allowed great licence in debate. During the hearing of John Wilkes's case he sat in the Chair for sixteen hours, which was considered a great feat in those days. " Think of the Speaker, Nay, think of the Clerks taking most correct minutes for sixteen hours and reading them over to every witness ; and then let me hear of fatigue ! Do you know, not only my Lord Temple who you may swear never budged as spectator but old Will Chetwynd, now past eighty, and who had walked to the House, did not stir a single moment out of his place, from three in the afternoon till the division at seven in the morning." l On 17 January, 1770, Cust was taken ill and could not attend the sitting of the House; he resigned on 1 Horace Walpole to the Earl of Hertford, 15 February, 1764. 276 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS 22 January, and died five days later from a paralytic seizure at an age when men are still considered young. Educated at Eton, he lived in Argyll Buildings, Great Marlborough Street, in 1761 and 1762, but re- moved to Downing Street after the latter year. He is buried in St. George's Church, Stamford. 1 Hogarth, who had already painted the interior of the House of Commons with Speaker Onslow in the Chair, introduced Gust's portrait in The Times, Plate 2. Drawn in 1762, the plate, for some unexplained reason, was not issued until after the artist's death. Lord North, in looking for another Speaker, reverted to the practice of appointing an experienced lawyer. His choice fell upon Sir Fletcher Norton, who, after having been leader of the northern circuit, had been Solicitor- General in the Bute Administration, and Attorney- General in that of George Grenville. He was dismissed from the latter post on the formation of the Rockingham Cabinet in July, 1765. He was talked of for the Master- ship of the Rolls, but the Lord Chancellor objected to the appointment being made. If it had been, he would have been the last Speaker who ever held that office. At the Bar he earned the reputation of being a bold pleader rather than a learned counsel, and his greed of money gained him the nickname of " Sir Bull Face Double 1 Of Speakers known to have been educated at Eton, Cust was the first, though in the absence of the earlier school lists it is not possible to say with certainty whether any of his predecessors were trained at Henry's " holy shade." Speakers Grenville, Manners- Sutton, Denison, Brand, Peel, and Lowther were all at Eton, whilst Harley, Hanmer, and Abbot were Westminster boys ; and Arthur Onslow, Cornwall, Addington, Mitford, and Shaw-Lefevre received their early education at Winchester. No Harrow roan has ever filled the Chair. SIR JOHN CfST I76l. i;68 /Vow a fainting in the Speaker's House HOUSES OF HANOVER AND SAXE-COBURG 277 Fee." His demeanour, both in public and private, was over- bearing, and his manners coarse ; and he showed his con- tempt for his fellow-members when on one occasion he told the House that in debating a point of law he should value their opinion no more than that of a parcel of drunken porters. Mrs. Piozzi, in her autobiography, quotes one of the many satirical verses made on this Speaker : " Careless of censure, and no fool to fame, Firm in his double post and double fees, Sir Fletcher, standing without fear or shame, Pockets the cash, and lets them laugh that please." Junius was even more severe in his strictures. "This," he said, " is the very lawyer described by Ben Jonson," who " 'Gives forked counsel; takes provoking gold On either hand, and puts it up. So wise, so grave, of so perplexed a tongue __, And loud, withal, that would not wag, nor scarce lie still, without a fee.' " He fell foul of the elder Pitt in 1766, and accused him, during the debates on the petition of the Stamp Act, of " sounding the trumpet to rebellion," whereon Pitt in- timated that he would be ready to fight a duel with him " when his blood was warm." Naturally the Whigs opposed his elevation to the Chair, but Norton was successful by 237 votes to 121 recorded for Mr. Thomas Townshend, who had been put forward, against his will, as a protest against the nominee of the Court. Horace Walpole had a strong aversion to Norton, though he was quick to see that he would rule the House more firmly than Speaker Cust had been able to do : 278 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS " Sir Fletcher Norton consented to be Speaker of the House of Commons. Nothing can exceed the badness of his character, even in this bad age ; yet I think he can do less hurt in the Speaker's Chair than anywhere else. He has a roughness and insolence, too, which will not suffer the licentious speeches of these last days, and which the poor creature his predecessor did not dare to reprimand." l If ever a Court nursed a viper in its bosom, it was Sir Fletcher Norton. No sooner was he installed in the Chair than he entered into unseemly wrangles with private members, and in a peculiarly offensive article, " The Memoirs of Sir Bull Face Double Fee and Mrs. G h m," 2 which appeared in the Town and Country Magazine for May, 1770, it was said that he persistently used his position to browbeat the minority. When some disorder arose hi debate, he cried, " Pray, gentlemen, be orderly : you are almost as bad as the other House." On ii February, 1774, he called the attention of the House to a letter written by Home Tooke in the Public Advertiser, reflecting on his conduct in the Chair, but in a truly magnanimous spirit the House vindicated its Speaker and ordered Woodfall, the printer of the letter, to appear at the Bar. In the next Parliament, despite his unpopularity with the Court, Norton was re-elected to the Chair and with- out a contest, as his very audacity prevented men from placing themselves in competition with such a notorious bully. In presenting to the Lords the Bill for the better support of the Royal Household on 7 May, 1777, he 1 Horace Walpole to Mann, 19 January, 1770. 1 Goreham. KI.KTCHER NORTON 1770, 1774 l-'roni a painting l>y Sir II 'in. Bccchy in the possession of Lord Grant Icy HOUSES OF HANOVER AND SAXE-COBURG 279 made an extraordinary speech, recalling some of the utterances of the mediaeval Speakers in drawing attention to the extravagance of the Plantagenet kings. He said that the Commons had granted to His Majesty a very great additional revenue, " great beyond example, great beyond Your Majesty's highest expense." l Some con- temporary reports gave the last word as " wants " in- stead of " expense," but the Speaker denied their ac- curacy. The Court was, naturally, highly indignant, and Richard Rigby was put up in the House to arraign the conduct of the Speaker, which he did in a speech of great acrimony, declaring that the general sense of the House had been grossly misrepresented by its official spokesman. Thurlow, who was Attorney-General at the time, also contended that the Speaker had given utter- ance to his own sentiments, and not those of the House at all. But on this occasion Fox came to his rescue, and, by a skilful piece of special pleading, induced the House to assent to a motion exonerating the Speaker whilst stultifying its previous action. During the debate on Burke's Establishment Bill 2 the Speaker made a violent attack on Lord North : " There was a strange scene of Billingsgate between the Speaker and the Minister ; the former stooping to turn informer, and accusing the latter of breach of promise on a lucra- tive job, in which Sir Fletcher was to have been advan- taged." 3 As the Speaker continued to act in hostility to the Court, George III was determined that, if he could 1 Cobbett's Parliamentary History, Vol. XIX, p. 213. * 13 March, 1780. * Horace Walpole to Mann, 14 March, 1780. 280 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS prevent it, he should not be voted to the Chair a third time. It was during Norton's tenure of office that women were excluded from the gallery of the House in conse- quence of a disturbance which took place in the year 1778. After that date they were only permitted to view the proceedings from a ventilator in the roof of St. Stephen's Chapel. Twenty-five tickets for this apart- ment were issued every night by the Serjeant-at-Arms. Wraxall relates that he had seen the Duchess of Gordon habited as a man sitting in the Strangers' Gallery, and the beautiful Mrs. Sheridan is said to have adopted the same disguise in order to listen to her husband's oratory. In the middle of the eighteenth century the House of Commons presented a much more picturesque appear- ance than it does at the present day. Members wore their orders, stars glittered on the front benches, and after the revival of the Order of the Bath red ribands were contrasted with blue. Lord North was always spoken of as " the noble lord in the blue ribbon." It was the etiquette of Parliament to wear orders, as at Court, and the lace cravat and ruffle, the powdered hair worn in a queue, were all but universal. The members for the City of London were the last to pre- serve a trace of the former splendour of vestment when on the first day of a new session they took their seats on the Treasury Bench in all the gorgeousness of mazarine robes and gold chains. The last Speaker of the unreformed House, Manners-Sutton, with the red riband of the Bath thrown across his manly figure, looked the impersonation of grandeur in apparel. Even Fox, before he adopted the blue frock-coat and buff waistcoat, was seen in the House by the all-observant Wraxall in a hat and feather. SIK FI.KTCHKK NOKTdN cature fy Ingleby lent !y /.,rin t S, SCIllpt. HOUSES OF HANOVER AND SAXE-COBURG 305 nor did it adjourn until half -past five, after defeating Lord Morpeth's motion by a majority of ninety-four. Five years later Manners-Sutton's reputation was so well established, that on the resignation of Speaker Abbot, in June, 1817, little surprise was expressed when he was put forward by the Ministry of the day to fill the vacant Chair. The Opposition proposed C. W. Williams Wynn, the member for Merionethshire, who was heavily handicapped by a high falsetto voice, and in the Creevey Papers there is a complimentary reference to the successful candidate in the contest. " We all like our new Speaker most extremely ; he is gentlemanlike and obliging. The would-be Speaker l (alias Squeaker) has, as I suppose you have heard, moved down to my old anti-Peace of Amiens bench. I rejoice sincerely that I did not vote for said Squeaker, but some of those who did are, I hear, very much ashamed of themselves for it." 2 Mr. Wynn's brother, Sir Watkin, was also a member of the House, and from the peculiarity of their voices the two were commonly known as " Bubble and Squeak." At the election referred to Manners-Sutton had been chosen by a majority of one hundred votes, and some spiteful wit said that if Williams Wynn had minded his P's and Q's he might have been Speaker instead of Squeaker ! Once in the Chair, not even the most bitter Radical found cause to complain of the Speaker's par- tiality. He " rode the House with a snaffle rein, and not with a curb," as one of his political opponents remarked. Some colour is lent to his understanding of the changing 1 Wynn. * Lord Folkestone to Creevey, 23 February 1818. 306 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS relations between the House and the Chair by the fact that when he intervened in the debates hi Committee on the Catholic Relief Bill of 1825, he prefaced his re- marks with an apology for joining in the discussions. In 1827, in Canning's Administration, he could have been Home Secretary for the asking, but he preferred to remain where he was. Tom Moore's Diary for May, 1829, reveals a glimpse of Manners-Sutton's private life in the old official residence on the banks of the Thames. Daniel O'Connell, the " Liberator," had made a dramatic appearance at the Bar of the House, to claim the seat for Clare denied to him as a Roman Catholic, a circumstance which con- vinced the Duke of Wellington that Catholic Emancipa- tion could not be much longer delayed. " Went to the House of Commons early, having begged Mr. Speaker yesterday to put me on the list for under the gallery. An immense crowd in the lobby, Irish agitators, etc. ; got impatient and went round to Mr. Speaker, who sent the train-bearer to accompany me to the lobby, and after some little difficulty I got in. The House enormously full. O'Connell's speech good and judicious. Sent for by Mrs. Manners-Sutton at seven o'clock to have some dinner ; none but herself and daughters, Mr. Lockwood, and Mr. Sutton. Amused to see her in all her state, the same hearty, lively Irishwoman still. Walked with her in the garden ; the moonlight rising on the river, the boats gliding along it, the towers of Lambeth rising on the opposite bank, the lights of Westminster Bridge gleaming on the left ; and then, when we turned round to the House, that beautiful, Gothic structure, illuminated from within, and at that moment containing within it the council of the nation all was most picturesque and striking." HOUSES OF HANOVER AND SAXE-COBURG 307 The Speaker's second wife, a Miss Ellen Power, from the county of Waterford, was only a recent bride at the time of Moore's visit. His first wife was Miss Denison, of the Nottinghamshire family which gave another Speaker to the House hi after years. The worst fault that could be laid to Manners- Sutton's charge was that he was never able wholly to dissociate himself from old party ties and obligations. Lord Grey has left it on record that as early as 1831 the opponents of Reform met at a party at the Speaker's house to discuss the plan of campaign, and " looked with confidence to its affording them the means of striking an effectual blow at the Administration " whenever the question should come before the House. On Lord Grey's resignation in May, 1832, whilst the Duke of Wellington was endeavouring to form an administration, a short-lived intrigue was got up to offer the post of Prime Minister to Manners-Sutton. The idea seems to have originated with Lord Lynd- hurst, aided and abetted by Vesey Fitzgerald and Ar- buthnot. Peel, if we may believe Greville, also favoured the scheme, and, animated by a singular mixture of ambition and caution, he desired to make Manners-Sutton a second Addington, whilst he was to be another Pitt. But at a meeting held at Apsley House, at which Peel was not present, Manners-Sutton made a bad impression. He " talked infernal nonsense " for three hours, and Lyndhurst and the Duke were convinced of the im- possibility of forming a Government under such leader- ship. The idea, so hastily conceived, was as promptly abandoned. As all the world knows, the Duke of Welling- ton declined to take office, and Lord Grey returned. 308 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Nettled perhaps at the turn of events, Manners-Sutton intimated to the House his wish to retire. 1 A vote of thanks was accorded to him, and his pension of 4000 a year settled. Merely to state that Speaker Manners-Sutton saw the Reform Bill of 1832 carried through all its stages would be to give a very inadequate idea of the strain imposed upon his physical powers and those of the responsible officers of the House. From 1830 the length of the sittings of the Commons went up with a bound. In that year the hours after midnight totalled 126 ; in 1831 they rose to 156; and in 1832, the crucial year, they amounted to no less than 223, a figure never exceeded or approached until 1881, when, at the beginning of the serious agitation for Home Rule in Ireland, they reached the unprecedented total of 238, a figure only since ex- ceeded in the memorable session of 1887, when Speaker Peel was in the Chair. When, at last, in June, 1832, exactly five hundred years after the generally accepted date of the separation of the two Houses, 2 Manners- Sutton went up to the House of Lords to hear the Royal Assent given to Bills agreed upon by both Houses, it was to the provisions of a measure more far-reaching in its after effects upon English political life than any em- bodied in a statute of the realm since the origin of Parlia- ments. When Reform was carried the Whig leaders played into the Speaker's hands. Nervous at the prospect of meeting the first Parliament to be elected under the new system, they implored Manners-Sutton to serve yet 3 Juty. 1832. 1332- HOUSES OF HANOVER AND SAXE-COBURG 309 another term of office. Lord Althorp wrote him what Greville calls " a very flummery letter," and he accepted the offer. 1 On 29 January, 1833, he was voted to the Chair by 210 votes over Edward John Littleton, 2 who was put forward as a candidate by the Radicals. In the course of the year the King conferred upon him the Order of the Bath, an honour not enjoyed by any of his predecessors since Speaker Compton. 3 Manners-Sutton was rather short-sighted, and when the new Parliament assembled, like the strong party man that he was, he affected not to be able to distinguish the new Whig members' faces, nor to remember their names. When he had to call on Mr. Bulteel to speak he made a great pretence of looking at the name through his glass before he cried out, " Mister Bull Tail," at which the House laughed loud and long. One of the first of the new members returned in the Tory interest was the young representative of the Duke of Newcastle's pocket borough of Newark William Ewart Gladstone. ' The first time," he wrote to a correspondent many years later, " that business required me to go to the arm of the Chair to say something to the Speaker, Manners- Sutton the first of seven whose subject I have been who was something of a Keate, I remember the revival in me bodily of the frame of mind in which the school- boy stands before his master." Mr. Gladstone had been at Eton under Dr. Keate, and 1 Greville Memoirs, 11 January, 1833. 2 Afterwards Lord Hatherton. 3 " At Court yesterday, the Speaker was made a Knight of the Bath, to his great delight. It is a reward for his conduct during the session, in which he has done Government good and handsome service." (Greville Memoirs, 5 September, 1833.) 3 io SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS he retained a lively recollection of the methods of persua- sion favoured by that well-known advocate of the birch. He took his seat in January, 1833, in the old House of Commons, which was soon afterwards to be destroyed by fire. On his first entry into Parliament the future Prime Minister took rooms in Jermyn Street, lodging over the shop of a corn-chandler named Crampern, a few doors west of York Street, St. James's Square. The corn- chandler in question was a relation of some of his con- stituents at Newark. Removing soon after to the Albany, Mr. Gladstone retained a lifelong partiality for St. James's, and during the session of 1890 he lived at No. 10, St. James's Square, the former home of Chatham. Lord Derby, the " Rupert of Debate," lived in the same house from 1837 to I854. 1 Lord John Russell admitted in after years that he had supported the candidature of Manners-Sutton in 1833 because he felt exceedingly solicitous and somewhat diffi- dent concerning the reformed House of Commons. For the purpose of securing the advantage of his long experience he was willing to depart from the general rule that the Speaker should be the representative of the majority. During Manners-Sutton's last term of office Sir Thomas Erskine May, the greatest authority on Parliamentary Procedure that the House has ever known, first became officially connected with the Commons. Placed at first in the library, he undertook, whilst a mere youth, the enormous labour of indexing the whole series of Journals 1 The London County Council has recently placed a memorial tablet on the front of the house to commemorate its association with the names of three Prime Ministers. Mr. Gladstone personally informed the present writer of the circumstances attending his early connec- tion with the neighbourhood. . HOUSES OF HANOVER AND SAXE-COBURG 311 from the year 1547 to the reign of Queen Anne. As an illustration of the changed habits of the House within his personal recollection, Sir Thomas Erskine May told the present writer that he remembered the Speaker leaving the Chair, some time in the 'thirties, followed by the great majority of members, and proceeding in haste to the riverside in order to watch the race for Doggett's Coat and Badge as it passed by Westminster. There was then a pleasant garden, fringed with tall trees on the river bank, attached to the Speaker's house. The most memorable incident of Manners-Sutton's last Speakership was the destruction of the old Houses of Parliament by fire on 16 October, 1834. The Speaker was with his family at Brighton at the time, recuperating his energies after the fatigues of the session. Recalled by an express, he arrived in town the next morning to find the flames still raging and his own house a smoking heap of ruins. Having witnessed the destruction of the whole Palace, with the exception of Westminster Hall, the Star Chamber, and a few unimportant exceptions, it was suggested to him that it was his duty to write to the King, informing him of the actual state of affairs, so far as it was in his power to form a judgment ; the more so as, by the gracious permission of the Crown, he was living in a portion of a royal palace. He waited upon the King at St. James's to discuss the expedients neces- sary to secure another place of meeting for the Parliament. William IV commanded him to survey Buckingham House and its gardens, with a view to the erection of a temporary building, and to take Blore, the royal archi- tect, with him. It is necessary to mention these facts because his interviews with the King at this period were 312 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS later on made the foundation of a groundless charge against his conduct in the Chair. During the great fight to save Westminster Hall from the flames the Speaker's house was stripped of its contents, and even the furniture, china and mirrors, were thrown out of the windows. The official residence of Mr. Ley, the Clerk of the House, fared even worse, every- thing in it being destroyed, even to his wig and gown. It was one of the many misfortunes of that calamitous night that the tide was very low throughout the earlier hours of the conflagration, so that the floating fire- engines on the Thames were unable to render any ser- vice during the time when by their help the spread of the flames might have been checked. A strong south- west wind blew the fire into the heart of the ancient buildings, and added to the fears of the bystanders that the Great Hall would be destroyed. So great was the glare in the heavens that the King and Queen saw it at Windsor, twenty miles away. Thus perished in a single night the historic chamber replete with memories of Raleigh, Hampden, Coke, and Cromwell ; the arena in which Chatham delivered his immortal eloquence ; where Pulteney and Walpole, Pitt and Fox, Canning and Brougham, in turn confronted one another ; where Burke threw down the dagger, and Castlereagh walked proudly to his seat with the Treaty of Paris in his hand. " By the Clerk's table in that ancient chapel the brow of the boldest warrior had grown pale as he stood up to receive the thanks of the House and a grateful nation. There Blake and Marlborough, and that hero of a hun- dred fights, the Duke of Wellington, drank in the pealing applause which foreshadowed Westminster Abbey, and HOUSES OF HANOVER AND SAXE-COBURG 313 there the noblest sons of genius, Bacon, Newton, Addison, and Gibbon sat ' mute but not inglorious.' Its historic walls rang with the shout of triumph when the slave trade went down in its iniquity ; there Grattan poured forth his matchless eloquence, and Meredith and Romilly pleaded, against capital punishments, that criminals still were men." x After the fire it became necessary further to prorogue Parliament, and if ever a prorogation took place under difficulties it was this one, owing to the difficulty of find- ing any habitable room in the precincts of the Palace in which to perform the ceremony. An eye-witness of the scene wrote : " The two Mr. Leys (the Clerk of the House and the second Clerk Assistant) called on Saturday. They de- sired Mr. Rickman to attend the Prorogation because they have lost their wigs, and Mr. William Ley says : ' We shall follow you to the Bar in plain clothes, but where the Bar is to be we know not.' ' When the Houses met again in 1835 it was in tem- porary chambers hastily improvised for the occasion. The House of Lords was installed in a room on the site of the Painted Chamber, and the Commons in an apart- ment to the south of Westminster Hall improvised out of the ruins of the House of Lords. Gladstone made his maiden speech in the old chapel of St. Stephen's, but Disraeli's " The time will come when you shall hear me " was uttered in the temporary building in use until 1852. After Lord Melbourne's summary dismissal by the King, 2 Sir Robert Peel undertook to form an administra- 1 Townsend's Memoirs of the House of Commons, 1844, Vol. II, p. 465. 2 In November, 1834. 314 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS tion, and, though unsuccessful in obtaining a majority at the polls, he pluckily determined to face Parliament, and allowed it to be known that it was his intention once more to propose Manners-Sutton for the Chair. Grave charges were circulated against the late Speaker in the Press and on the platform, some of them un- doubtedly founded upon fact, whilst others were devoid of any solid foundation. For weeks before the date fixed for the opening of the session the newspapers were filled with arguments for and against Manners-Sutton's claim to the renewed confidence of the House. Great excitement prevailed as to the issue of the coming contest for the Chair, but Manners-Sutton waited patiently and submissively under imputations affecting his honesty and integrity until such time as he could refute them in his place. The gravamen of the accusations of his enemies was that, being Speaker, he had busied himself in the subversion of Lord Melbourne's Government, that he had assisted, with others, in the formation of the new Cabinet, and that he had advised the dissolution of the late Parliament for party pur- poses. Charles Greville, who, though he never entered Parlia- ment, was perhaps better informed than any man of his time as to the secret springs of politics, has left a vivid picture of the intense interest excited by the promulga- tion of these charges against the late Speaker. He made a book on the event, and having at first favoured the chances of Manners-Sutton, he eventually leant to the side of his opponent and made 55 by back- ing his opinion. On 19 February, 1835, the opening day of the session, HOUSES OF HANOVER AND SAXE-COBURG 315 Manners-Sutton replied to his accusers in the fullest House ever known. The first charge, he was able to show, grew out of the fact (alluded to on a previous page) that he had been commanded by the King to attend him during the autumn, and he read a letter which he had addressed to His Majesty proving that it had reference solely to the burning of the Houses of Parliament. To the second and graver charge he admitted that he had been in communication with the Duke of Wellington during Peel's absence abroad, and that, on the latter's return, he had paid him a visit at the Prime Minister's own request. The only other occasion on which he visited Peel was when he waited on him for the purpose of obtaining the sanction and signature of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, in order to make good the payment of the Clerks of the House. " He had never advised, had never suggested, never was in any way consulted, and he never knew of the appointment of any one individual member of the Government until after it had taken place. He admitted, however, that he did attend the meeting of the Privy Council after William IV had dismissed Lord Melbourne. So little did he know of the last charge, that of having counselled a dissolution, that he did not attend the meeting of the Privy Council from which the proclama- tion for dissolution emanated. " He was not at it, he was not summoned to it, he was never consulted with regard to it, he never had any- thing to do with the dissolution, and so little did he know of the steps that had been taken, that he did not even know it had been resolved upon, until he read it in the Gazette." Lord John Russell, in spite of these emphatic dis- 3 i6 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS claimers, insinuated that for Manners-Sutton to have attended any meeting of the Privy Council at such a juncture was conduct unbecoming the Speaker of the House of Commons. Versed as Lord John was in the dead lore of the Constitution, he quoted from speeches made by Sir Harbottle Grimston and Mr. Speaker Williams in the seventeenth century, with a view to showing that if Manners-Sutton was elected, and the majority of the House gave up its right for the sake of a compliment, they might say fare- well to the choosing of a Speaker for all time ; but, as Peel was quick to remark, Lord John must have selected his precedent when he thought that the charge of having counselled a dissolution could be proved, for the only part of his speech which extorted the faintest cheer from the House was that in which it was insinuated that, if he should be re-elected, the Speaker would do as he had done before. Although Manners-Sutton had completely vindicated himself, the combination of Whigs, Radicals, and the Irish members under Daniel O'Connell carried the elec- tion of Abercromby, in the fullest House ever known, by the narrow majority of ten votes. It cannot be said that the Whigs triumphed out of their turn, for they had not had a Speaker of their own political complexion since Arthur Onslow's distinguished rule. Grenville, though he came of a Whig stock, was a supporter of Pitt when called to the Chair in 1789, and to all intents and purposes a member of the Tory fold. " The great battle is over," wrote Greville on 20 Feb- ruary, " and the Government defeated by 316 to 306. Such a division never was known before in the House of HOUSES OF HANOVER AND SAXE-COBURG 317 Commons, and the accuracy of the calculations is really surprising. Mulgrave told me three days ago that they had 317 people, which with the Teller makes the exact number. " Holmes went over the other list and made it 307, also correct. In the House so justly had they reckoned, that when the numbers first counted (306) were told to Duncannon in the lobby, he said : ' Then we shall win by 10.' Burdett and Cobbett went away, which with Tellers makes a total of 626 members in the House. All the Irish members voted but four, all the Scotch but three, and all the English but 25. The Irish and Scotch, in fact, made the majority." So disappeared Manners-Sutton from the Commons. He spoke but seldom in the House of Lords, though he lived for ten years after his ungenerous dismissal from the Chamber he had ruled so wisely and so well. The only Speaker who ever came from north of the Tweed was James Abercromby, third son of General Sir Ralph Abercromby. Nicknamed by Brougham " Young Cole," in contradistinction to Tierney, " Old Cole," he had sat in the House for over a quarter of a century without attracting much attention or making many enemies. Creevey, indeed, calls him, in 1809, " as artificial as the devil," and a few years later " factious and violent," but the censure seems to have been undeserved. His career in the Chair was not marked by any incidents calling for the display of those higher qualities by which the office of Speaker acquires importance in emergencies. If he did not succeed in entirely repressing the tendency to disorder in the House which had grown up under the somewhat lax rule of Manners-Sutton in his later years, his impartiality was never called in question. His chief claim to remembrance rests upon his unremitting efforts 3i8 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS to reform the conduct of the private business of the House. Before Abercromby's time the passage of a Private Bill through the Commons was attended with much jobbing and confusion, and he succeeded in placing some salutary restrictions upon the expenses attending the promotion of many useful measures of routine. On the occasion of his re-election, on 7 November, 1837, he was proposed by his successor in the Chair Mr. Charles Shaw-Lefevre. Abercromby was treated with marked rudeness by William IV, who took every opportunity of showing his resentment at the treatment of Manners- Sutton in 1835, and his general distrust of the Whigs. " Tavistock told me a day or two ago that His Majesty's ministers are intolerably disgusted at his behaviour to them and his studied incivility to everybody connected with them. The other day the Speaker was treated by him with shocking rudeness at the drawing-room. He not only took no notice of him, but studiously over- looked him while he was standing opposite, and called up Manners-Sutton and somebody else to mark the difference by extreme graciousness to the latter. Sey- mour, who was with him as Serjeant-at-Arms, said he had never seen a Speaker so used in the five-and-twenty years he had been there, and that it was most painful. The Speaker asked him if he had ever seen a man in his situation so received at Court. " Since he has been Speaker the King has never taken the slightest notice of him. It is monstrous, equally undignified and foolish." * Speaker Abercromby, on his retirement in 1839, was created Lord Dunfermline, with a pension of 4000. 1 The Greville Memoirs, 15 July, 1835. Jok.i Jnrtto,,. A'../. JAMP:S ABKRCROMBY 1835- 1837 Front a print HOUSES OF HANOVER AND SAXE-COBURG 319 There is a portrait of him in the collection at West- minster. He wrote a memoir of his father, Sir Ralph Abercromby, published, after Lord Dunfermline's death, in 1861. The first Lord Monteagle, Chancellor of the Exchequer in the Melbourne Administration, 1 had set his heart on the Speaker's Chair, and when Abercromby informed Lord Melbourne of his wish to resign, the then Prime Minister virtually promised Spring-Rice the reversion of the place, but finding that he would not be accept- able to the Radicals, Mr. Shaw-Lefevre was preferred in order to maintain the unity of the party. With the appointment of the latter, in 1839, the evolution of the non-partisan Speaker was all but complete. Born in London in February, 1794, the eldest son of a Hampshire squire, Shaw-Lefevre was predestined to become one of the most conspicuous successes in the Chair whom the House of Commons has ever known. His father, a man of tall and imposing figure, though of somewhat pompous manners, entered Parliament in 1796, and elicited from Canning the somewhat malicious remark that " there are only two great men in the world, Shah Abbas and Shaw-Lefevre." After being educated at Winchester and at Trinity College, Cambridge, the son was destined for the Bar by his father. In 1819 he was admitted to Lincoln's Inn, but though by no means idle, his heart was in the healthy pursuits of a country gentleman rather than in the mysteries of the law. So keen a sportsman and so accomplished a shot did he become that his father once regretfully observed, " As for Charles, he is only fit to be a game- 1 Thomas Spring-Rice. 320 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS keeper." After his father's death the young squire acquired a definite position in the county as a magistrate, a member of quarter sessions, and an officer of yeomanry. But he was perhaps even better known as the best shot in all that sporting county. In 1830, through the influence of a relative, Lord Radnor, he was put forward as the Whig candidate for the pocket borough of Downton, a seat which he soon exchanged 1 for his own county of Hants. He attracted the favourable notice of Lord Althorp, who asked him to move the Address at the opening of the session of 1834. Like his father before him, Shaw- Lefevre applied himself to the study of the rules and practice of the House, and to those useful but modest labours on Committees, which do so much to train the mind of the young member. By 1837 his position was so far established that he was selected to propose Abercromby for re-election to the Chair. Two years later Abercromby suddenly retired, and Lord Eversley used, in after years, to relate how, stand- ing behind the chair surrounded by a group of county members, one of the number said to him, " Now, Lefevre, we mean to have you as our Speaker." The friendly jest was found to express the general sentiment of the country gentlemen in the ministerial ranks. Ministers who had hitherto favoured the claims of Spring-Rice were forced to defer to the unmistakable desire of the bulk of their supporters. Nature had marked out Shaw-Lefevre as the fittest representative of an assembly of English gentlemen. His manly bearing, his handsome features and frank and open countenance commanded the ready confidence of men of his own class. 1 te. in 1831. CIIAKI.KS SIIANV I.KI- KVKK 1839, iS 4 i, 1847, 1852 HOUSES OF HANOVER AND SAXE-COBURG 321 On 27 May he was formally proposed for the Chair, though on this occasion his election was not allowed to pass unchallenged. Goulburn, the rival candidate, had had longer experience of the House, had held office under the Crown, and he was, moreover, proposed by the greatest living authority on Parliamentary lore, 1 who had himself been spoken of as not unworthy to fill the post. In form and feature Goulburn presented an infelicitous contrast to his young rival, but, as usually happens in these contests, the ultimate verdict depended upon the relative strength of parties, and Shaw-Lefevre secured a majority of eighteen votes. From the first his conduct in the Chair won the approval of all parties. He could call unruly members to order with a smile which disarmed anger. He knew how to rule them without giving offence to their amour propre. But when he was compelled to exercise a sterner authority his manner could be both resolute and unbending. In his intercourse with men of all shades of opinion he displayed the genial humour of his healthy nature. When twenty members sprang to their feet at once, someone asked him how he contrived to single out his man. " Well," he replied, " I have not been shooting rabbits all my life for nothing, and I have learnt to mark the right one." His firm rule was greatly needed in the stormy times of O'Connell's agitation for the repeal of the Union and during the great debates on the Corn Laws. Re-elected unanimously in 1841, 2 1847, 1 Mr. Williams Wynn. 2 " The Tories were beginning to quarrel about the Speakership, some wanting to oust Lefevre, but the more sensible and moderate, with Peel and the leaders, desiring to keep him. The latter carried 322 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS and 1852, he did not finally vacate the Chair he adorned until March, 1857. The Commons met, experimentally, in the present House on Thursday, 30 May, 1850 whilst it was still in an unfinished state in order to test the acoustic properties of the building. It might have been so utilised even sooner, but as no provision had been made for artificial warmth, and the season was an unusually cold one, it was deemed prudent to wait for a fine day. Mr. Speaker, accompanied by Sir Robert Peel, so soon to be snatched away from public life and usefulness, took the Chair at twelve o'clock, accompanied by upwards of 200 members. Hume, Cobden, and Bright were amongst those present, and below the Bar Hallam the historian and the architect Barry were provided with seats. The fittings of the House were still incomplete ; there was no stained glass in the windows, no heraldic decora- tion on the panels, and the benches were nothing but common deal and green baize knocked together with rough-and-ready haste. The primary idea of the archi- tect had been not to produce a great hall, in which 656 gentlemen could lounge at their ease, but rather a com- pact house of business, in which 200 or 300 working members could enjoy reasonable facilities for transacting the public affairs. Mr. Wilson Patten was the first member to raise his voice in the new chamber, and Mr. Sullivan, an Irishman, their point without much difficulty. Peel wrote to four or five and twenty of his principal supporters and asked their opinions. All, except Lowther, concurred in not disturbing Lefevre, and he said that he would not oppose the opinions of the majority. So Peel wrote to Lefevre and gave him notice that he would not be displaced." (Greville Memoirs, 10 August, 1841.) HOUSES OF HANOVER AND SAXE-COBURG 323 the first to present a petition. This was from the mayor and corporation of Kilkenny, " praying to be relieved from the odious tax of ministers' money." Mr. Glad- stone also spoke, and amongst those present on this historic occasion in the annals of Parliament may have been the veteran Earl of Wemyss, now in his ninety- second year, for he was then, as Lord Elcho, a member of the Lower House. Sir Robert Peel took a seat in the galleries, as well as on both sides of the floor, being anxious to ascertain the tone of voice which members who desired to be audible without being noisy should in future adopt. The experiment was not altogether satis- factory, as every one who could, members and strangers alike, entered into loud and earnest conversation with his neighbour. Many groups talked all at once ; in vain, therefore, did the orators of the assembly, who affected to debate the questions under consideration, strain their lungs to raise a shout which might be heard above, not the murmurs, but the roar of general conversation. One member, addressing the Speaker from the gallery, said that he did not know whether the Speaker could hear him, but this he knew that he could not himself hear what was passing on the floor of the House. At three o'clock the Speaker proceeded to the old House of Lords, which had been used by the Commons as a temporary home since the fire, and finished the business of the day there. This was assuredly the only time in its history when the House has occupied two separate chambers on one and the same day. " Shaw-Lefevre was the best Speaker I ever knew," said Lord John Russell ; " when there was not a pre- cedent, he made one," adding, so as to prevent any 324 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS further discussion, " according to the well-known prac- tice of the House," a formula which pleased everyone and permitted of no further discussion. This remarkable man maintained his vigour at an age when most men have retired from all outdoor pursuits. He bought a new pair of guns after he had passed his ninetieth birthday. He refused a pension of 2000 a year for two lives on the ground that he could not bear the thought of being a burden to posterity ; but he consented to accept 4000 for his own life, and enjoyed it for over thirty years. Lord Eversley's portrait, by Sir Martin Shee, is at the Speaker's House. Up to 1839 every Speaker on taking omce had been provided with an ample service of plate, but, on the motion of Hume, the most persistent economist the House has ever known, it was henceforth attached to the office and no longer made personal to the holder. It is within the knowledge of the writer that Lord Palmerston consulted Delane and asked him informally to adjudicate upon the credentials of the various candi- dates for the Chair, and they were not few, when, in 1857, Mr. Shaw-Lefevre retired. The qualifications which the editor of The Times held to be essential were : (i) imperturbable good ' temper, tact, patience, and urbanity ; (2) a previous legal training, if possible ; (3) absence of bitter partisanship in his previous career ; (4) the possession of innate gentlemanly feelings which involuntarily command respect and deference ; (5) per- sonal dignity in voice and manner. To these indis- pensable requirements Delane might have added the importance of a sense of humour in the holder of the office, for many a delicate situation has been saved, HOUSES OF HANOVER AND SAXE-COBURG 325 especially in recent times, by the Speaker's possessing this precious gift of nature. It would be invidious to mention the names of other candidates on whose merits Delane was asked to pro- nounce. But he made no secret of his opinion that the fittest man to succeed Mr. Shaw-Lefevre was Mr. Evelyn Denison, who had sat in the House for more than thirty years, and whose experience of its procedure dated from before the passing of the great Reform Bill. In after years Speaker Denison occasionally wrote in The Times for Delane, and one of his contribu- tions to the paper was an article comparing the French legislative assembly with the English House of Commons. On 7 April Lord Palmerston wrote as follows : " My dear Denison, " We wish to be allowed to propose you for the Speakership of the House of Commons. Will you agree ? " On the 3oth of the same month he was unanimously chosen. The retiring Speaker, when asked if there was any one whom he could call to his assistance in a difficulty, said, " No one ; you must learn to rely entirely upon yourself." " I spent the first few years of my Speakership like the captain of a steamer on the Thames," Denison wrote in his interesting Journal, 1 "standing on the paddle-box, ever on the look out for shocks and collisions. The House is always kind and indulgent, but it expects its Speakers to be right. If he should be found often tripping, his 1 First privately printed in 190x3. and since re-Lssucd for general circulation. 326 authority would soon be at an end." Disraeli, in con- gratulating Denison on his re-election in 1859, spoke of him as combining in his person the purity of an English judge and the spirit of an English gentleman. He had a great admiration for Palmerston, and when he attended in state the opening of the International Exhibition of 1862 he bore witness to the great popu- larity which the veteran minister enjoyed with the people. On arriving at South Kensington, taking Lord Charles Russell, the Serjeant-at-Arms, and the mace and his train-bearer with him in his coach, the Speaker had to walk first in the procession ; but seeing the Prime Minister, he asked him to accompany him, when Palmer- ston replied, " No, the Speaker of the House should walk alone ; I will follow." And on Denison saying, " I should think it a great honour if we might pro- ceed together," they entered the building side by side. The moment Lord Palmerston came in sight shouts of welcome were raised : " Palmerston for ever ! " and so on throughout the whole building. One voice cried, " I wish you may be Minister for the next twenty years," at which Lord Taunton, who was standing by, drily re- marked, " Well, he would only then be a little more than a hundred ! " Some men, it has been frequently proved, reach the maturity of their intellect at twenty-one, and some, like Lord Palmerston, the typical statesman of the Victorian era, at seventy-one. Denison was in the Chair at the time of Lord Derby's and Disraeli's famous " leap in the dark " the Reform Bill of 1867, the era from which pessimists date the de- clension of the usefulness of the Lower House, during the ^ JOHN KVKI.VN DKNISON 1857, 1859, l866. 1868 /'nnn 1*72. 1X7}. INS.. HOUSES OF HANOVER AND SAXE-COBURG 335 inheritor of an illustrious Parliamentary name, it will be unnecessary to say more at present than that he main- tained to the full the high traditions of the Chair during a period of unexampled difficulty. Such was his command of the House that the mere rustle of his robes, as he rose to rebuke a breach of order, was sufficient to awe the most unruly member into prompt submission to his ruling. l Mr. Speaker Brand's tenure of office will always be re- garded as a landmark in the history of Parliamentary institutions, if only for the great change adopted by the House in entrusting the Chair with the power of closure by a bare majority, a necessary change which, more than any other, has tended to aggrandise the power of the Government of the day, though with a corresponding decline in the usefulness and efficiency of the private member. 2 In 1887, under Mr. Speaker Peel, the Chair was relieved of the initial responsibility for the closure. Power was then conferred upon any member to move that the ques- tion be now put, the Chair being directed to put such question forthwith, unless the rights of the minority seemed to him to be infringed or the rules of the House abused. One hundred members must now vote in the majority to make the motion effective. When the motion for closure has been carried, and the question on 1 Mr. Gladstone had offered the post, in the first instance, to the late Lord Goschen, who felt himself obliged to decline the honour on account of defective eyesight. 1 The principle of closure of debate, first adopted in 1882, was never actually put in practice until February, 1885, when Mr. Speaker Peel was in the Chair. In March, 1888, the Chair was invested with increased powers for maintaining order and checking irrelevancy in debate, while a fixed hour for the adjournment of the House, subject to certain exceptions, was also agreed to. 336 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS which it has been moved has been decided, any question already proposed from the Chair may be put forthwith without a further closure motion. Another innovation designed to facilitate the despatch of business has been the passing of Orders regulating the procedure on certain stages of Bills. These have differed from one another in their scope and severity, but their general object has been to fix the time at which certain stages or parts of a stage should be brought to a conclusion, and to provide a special form of procedure for the summary disposal of that part of the stage which has not been concluded at the prescribed time. As a rule, the " guillotine," as it has come to be called, has taken the form of directing the Chair to put at a pre- scribed hour the question then under discussion, and to put any questions necessary to dispose of the allotted portion or stage of the Bill without debate, and when amendments are admissible, to put the question only on amendments moved by the Government. Since 1887 this procedure has been adopted occasionally in order to dispose of the necessary supply before the close of the financial year. Mr. Speaker Peel l during his whole term of office kept a diary, which it is to be hoped will one day be given to the world, far exceeding, as it does, in interest similar journals kept by Speaker Denison and Speaker Abbot. From his entry into Parliament, in 1865, Mr. Peel familiarised himself with the features and idiosyncrasies of the members over whom he was one day to be called upon to preside. On one occasion, he told the present writer, he was asked by Mr. Gladstone if he could 1 Now Viscount Peel of Sandy, Beds. II K \\ I-.M l.-l l.\ I '1. 1. 1 S4. |SS() (j). iS<)2 HOUSES OF HANOVER AND SAXE-COBURG 337 tell him the name of a gentleman who had walked into the House and seated himself on the front Opposi- tion bench. For once he was at fault, and, as neither the Speaker, 1 on being applied to, nor the doorkeepers could solve the mystery, a messenger was sent to the intruder to ask his name. It transpired that he had mistaken the House of Commons for the House of Lords (to which assembly he was an in- frequent visitor), and had imagined that he was sitting amongst his peers. Mr. Gladstone, whose eagle eye had at once spotted an unfamiliar face, re- marked to Mr. Peel that he should have thought the colour of the benches might have suggested to him that he had taken the wrong turning from the Central Hall. An elaboration of this anecdote, for which, how- ever, we do not vouch, was to the effect that, after listening for some time to the debate, the intruder asked his neighbour, in perfect good faith, whether the noble lord who was addressing the House was Lord Salisbury ! Mr. Peel was in the seat of power all through the period of the dynamite outrages which disgraced London and baffled the police in 1884. Once word was brought to him that a desperado, disguised as a woman, had obtained admission to the ladies' gallery immediately above his head, no doubt with the intention of hurling a bomb into the crowded chamber. But fortunately the necessary courage was lacking, and no outrage took place, though it was not without a feeling of relief that the Speaker put the question " That this House do now 1 Then Mr. Dcnison. 338 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS adjourn " at the conclusion of an anxious sitting. A propos of the reign of terror, the present writer has excellent reasons for remembering the dastardly outrage in Westminster Hall on 24 January, 1885, when a bomb was placed on the staircase leading to the crypt by a miscreant who deliberately chose a Saturday for his fiendish purpose, when the Houses of Parliament are usually thronged with visitors. The writer walked through the Hall a few minutes before the per- petration of the outrage, returning later on to find every pane of glass blown out of the great stained window by the terrific force of the explosion, and the Hall itself smoking from end to end with the dust of ages which had been shaken from its rafters. Of Mr. Speaker Gully it would be unbecoming to speak at any length, owing to his recent untimely decease. Recommended to the attention of the Government in the first instance by the late Lord Herschell, his election to the Chair on April 10, 1895, was the closest contest of the kind ever known, with the exceptions of Harley in December, 1710, and Abercromby in 1835. Whereas Abercromby was successful by ten votes, Mr. Gully received only eleven more than Sir Matthew White- Ridley in 1895. By his winning manner and unfailing courtesy he gained the respect and affection of every quarter of the House during the ten years in which he filled the Chair. In August, 1895, and December, 1900, his re-election was unanimous, nor was he again put to the trouble of a contest at the latter appeal to the country. There can be no indiscretion in mentioning in these pages that, on the occasion of Mr. Gully's promotion, HOUSES OF HANOVER AND SAXE-COBURG 339 the late Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman would have liked to succeed Mr. Peel ; but it may not be generally known that, though he was fortified by the opinion of Mr. Gladstone to the effect that ample precedent existed for his projected transference from the ministerial bench, the then ruling powers in the Cabinet thought otherwise, with the result that he stood aside, to attain, in after years, an even more strenuous position in the State. With the advent of Mr. James William Lowther to the Chair of the House of Commons in June, 1905, exactly six hundred years after a member of his family sat as Knight of the Shire for Westmorland, 1 this record perforce ceases, to be taken up hereafter, it may be, by some more skilful hand. Politicians and parties may come and go, changes may, and must, occur in the aims and aspirations of the democracy of England, which will affect the relations of the House of Commons towards the parent assembly ; but the Speaker's office, unfettered by the exigencies of party, and administered in the lofty and impartial spirit which has characterised the later years of its existence, will endure as long as the Constitution itself. Tradition binds the Commons together with amazing strength, and so long as the peculiar and essential func- tions of the Chair, in ruling by general consent rather than by compulsion, in upholding freedom of speech without ever allowing it to degenerate into licence, are adhered to by the successors of the great Englishmen whose names have been recorded in these inade- quate pages, it is safe to predict that the proud heritage of seven centuries of liberty and progress will be handed 1 XXXIII Edward I, 1305. 340 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS on unimpaired to many future generations of a free and self-governing nation. In bidding farewell to Westminster and to the " well- ordered inheritance " of the Speaker's Chair, it only remains to add those two words so familiar and so dear to all of Eton's sons ESTO PERPETUA JAMF> \VI! I 1AM I OU I Ill-.k HiO.v KKX>. HMO. KM I CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO THE PRESENT DAY ! 342 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Parliament Speaker or other Presiding Officer Authority XLII Henry III, n Peter de Register Book June, 1258, at Ox- Montfort of St. Alban, ford. The Parliament " " Mad Cottonian Li- brary, British Museum, now illegible through dam- age by fire. Hake w i 1 , 1641, p. 106 Date of Appointment XX Edward II, and WilliamTrussell Styled Procura- 27th Parliament tor of Parlia- summoned to meet mentinHenry at Westminster of Knighton's 7 January, 1326-7 chronicle con- tained in T wy sde n's Decem Scrip- tores VI Edward III, and Henry Browne - Willis, loth Parliament Beaumont and Rot.Parl., summoned to meet Vol. II, p. 64 at Westminster, 16 March, 1331-2, " Le lundi prechein apres la Feste de Seint Gregoir." VI Edward III, and Sir Geoffrey Rot. Par/., Vol. nth Parliament Le Scrope II, p. 66 summoned to meet at Westminster, 9 September, 1332, " Le Lendemayn de la Nativite N re Dame " CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS 343 Subsequent Close of Office Constituency Rank or Style Remarks Said to have consented " vice totius com- munitatis " to the banishment of Ay- mer de Valence, 1259-60. (?) Died 1287. Owned the manor house of II- mington, Warwick- shire, where traces of thirteenth-century work remain. One of this name was Knight of the Shire for Leicester in 1314. Buried in Westminster Abbey, circa 1346 " Lesqueux Comtes Barouns & autres Grantz puis revin- drent & repondir- ent touz au Roi par la bouche [de] Mons r Henri de Beau- mont " Probably the same man who was Chief Jus- tice of the King's Bench from 1324 to 1338, and Secretary to Edward III in 1339. He was a Trier of Petitions as early as 1320. These important officials arc- first heard of in 1304. Hot. Part.. Vol. I. p. 159. Le Scropc died in 1 340 344 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Parliament XIV Edward III, and 26th Parliament summoned to meet at Westminster, 29 March, 1340. " Au- jour de meskerdy prochein apres la fest de la Translation de Seint Thomas le Martir " XV Edward III, 1341 Speaker or other Presiding Officer Authority Date of Appointment WilliamTrusscll Rot. Parl., Vol. again II, p. 118 XVII Edward III, and WilliamTrussell Rot. Parl., Vol. 3Oth Parliament again II, p. 136 summoned to meet at Westminster, 28 April, 1343. "A la quinzeme de Pask " XXI Edward III, 1347 William de Elsynge, Rot. Thorpe Parl., Vol. II, 164 XXII Edward III, William de Elsynge and Rot. 1348 Thorpe again Parl., Vol. II, p. 200 CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS Close of Office Constituency Subsequent Rank or Style Chief Justice Baron of the Exchequer. 1352 Remarks Announced a naval victory to the Com- mons and undertook to raise wools for the King's aid. "Apres grand trete & par- lance cue entre les Grantz & les dits Chivalers & autre les Communes " " Les ditz Grantz & autres de la Com- mune qu ils se trais- sent ensemble, & s'avisent entre eux c'est assaver les grantz de p. eux & les Chivalers des Counteez & Burgeys de p. eux " " Et puis vindrent les Chivalers de Coun- teez et les Com- munes & responder- ent p r Mons r William Trussell [to a com- munication from the Pope]. The Com- mons met in the Chambre Depeint or Painted Chamber and the Lords in the Chambre Blanche Elsynge considered that the Chief Justice habitually acted as Speaker tcmf>.^ Ed- ward III. though the cause of sum- mons was occa- sionally delivered by the Chancellor. Thorpe was a Trier of English and Irish Petitions in 1346 346 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Parliament ; Speaker or other '_ Presiding Officer XXV Edward III, and 36th Parliament summoned to meet at Westminster, 9 Feb ruary, 1350-51 William de Sharcshull Authority Rot. Parl., Vol. II, p. 226 Date of Appointment XXV Edward III, and 37th Parliament summoned to meet at Westminster, 1 3 January, 1351-52 William de Shareshull again Rot. Parl., Vol. H. P-. 237 In 1354 William de Shareshull again declared the cause of summons, and in 1355 he stated that the King was pleased to command the cause to be delivered by Monsieur Walter de Manny, " overtement a totes gentz." In 1362 the cause of summons was delivered by Monsieur Henry Green in English. In 1363 Sir Henry Green, Chief Justice, told the Parliament in English (in the Painted Chamber) that the King was ready to begin his Parliament, but the cause of summons was subsequently delivered by the Bishop of Ely. In 1372 the Chancellor, John Knyvet (in the Painted Chamber), and the next day Sir Guy Brian (in the Chambre Blanche), " more particularly," declared the cause of summons. L Edward III, 55th The Chancellor, Parliament sum- John Knyvet, moned to meet at againdeclared Westminster, 28 the cause of April, 1376 summons Close of Office CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS Constituency 347 Subsequent Rank or Style Chief Justice 1350 Chief Justice 1361 Remarks Pronounced the cause of summons to Par- liament and consid- ered by Elsynge to have acted as Speaker. He was a Trier of Petitions from Flanders in 1340 The Commons now meet in the Chapter House of the Abbey. The Lords in the Chambre Blanche. " Et q le remenant des Communes se trahissent elChapitre de Westminster." (A committee of the Commons) Rot.ParL.Vol II, p. 237 So early as 1347 Walter de Manny had been a Trier of Petitions In 1354 Green acted as a Trier of Petitions for England Chancellor of England 1372-77 Died 1381. As early as 1 362 Kny vet had been a Trier of Peti- tions for foreign parts, whilst Brian acted in a similar capacity for England in I3S4 In this Parliament the Commons were under the leadership of Sir Peter de la Mare, though there is no mention in the Rolls of his having been formally elected to the chair. 348 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Parliament Speaker Authority Date of Appointment LI Edward III, and Sir Thomas Rot. Parl., Vol. January, 1376-7 S6th Parliament Hungerford II, p. 374 summoned to meet at Westminster, 27 January, 1376-77 ; sat till 2 March I Richard II, and ist Sir Peter de la Rot. Parl., Vol. October, 1377 Parliament sum- Mare III, p. 5 moned to meet at Westminster, 13 Oc- tober, 1377 II Richard II, and 2nd Sir James Parliament sum- Pickering moned to meet at Gloucester, 20 Oc- tober, 1378 Rot. Parl., Vol. 22 October, 1378 HI, p. 34 III Richard II, and Sir John Rot. Parl., Vol. January, 1379- 4th Parliament sum- Guildesborough III, p. 73 80 moned to meet at Westminster, 16 January, 1379-80 IV Richard II, and Sir John Rot. Parl., Vol. November, 1380 5th Parliament sum- Guildesborough III, p. 89 moned to meet at again Northampton, 5 No- vember, 1380 Rot. Parl., Vol. 18 November, III, p. 100 1381 V Richard II, and Sir Richard 6th Parliament sum- Waldegrave moned to meet at Westminster, 1 6 Sep- tember, 1381, and his prorogation, 3 November, 1381 VI Richard II, and Sir James Pick- Rot. Parl., Vol. 23 February, 9th Parliament sum- ering again III, p. 145 1382-83 moned to meet at Westminster, 23 Feb- ruary, 1382-83 CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS 349 Close of Office Constituency 2 March, 1 376-7 Wilts Subsequent Rank or Style 28 Nov., 1377 Hereford Remarks Died 1398 and was buried at Farleigh Hungerford, in the county of Somerset. Described in the Rolls as the " Chi- valer qi avoit les paroles pur les Com- munes d'Engleterre en cest Parlement " 16 Nov., 1378 Westmorland See also 1382-83 3 Mar., 1379-80 Essex Sometimes erroneously called Goldes- borough, but he docs not appear to have been related to the Yorkshire family of that name 6 Dec., 1380 Essex 25 Feb., 1381-2 Suffolk Died 1402. Waldcgrave may also have been Speaker in the two next Parliaments, but the Rolls arc de- fective at this period 10 Mar., 1382-3 Yorkshire He sat in Parliament altogether (or thirty- five years 350 Parliament Speaker Authority Date of Appointment From 1383 to 1393 the Rolls of Parliament are defective, and it is not definitely known who was Speaker in Richard IPs loth, nth, i2th, I3th, I4th, I5th, i6th, i7th, i8th, igth, 2Oth, or 2ist Parliament; but as Sir James Pickering sat for Yorkshire in 1384, 1388, 1389-90, and 1390, he probably acted as Speaker in one or more of them. XVII Richard II, and Sir John Bussy Rot. Par/., Vol. 28 Jan., 1393-94 22nd Parliament summoned to meet at Westminster, 27 January, 1393-94 III, p. 310 XVIII Richard II, and 23rd Parliament summoned to meet at Westminster, 27 January, 1394-95. Sat till 15 February. Probably Bussy again Speak- er, though not mentioned in the Rolls XX Richard II, and 24th Parliament summoned to meet at Westminster, 22 January, 1396-97 XXI Richard II, and 25th Parliament summoned to meet at Westminster, 1 7 September, 1 397, and adjourned to Shrewsbury, 27 Jan- uary, 1397-98, and sat till 31 January, when it resigned its authority to a Com- mittee of i 8, 12 peers and 6 com- moners, of whom the Speaker was one Sir John Bussy again Sir John Bussy again Rot. Parl., Vol. HI, P- 338 Rot. Parl., Vol. III. P- 357 22 Jan., 1 396-97 17 Sept., 1397 Close of Office CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS Constituency 351 Subsequent Rank or Style 6 Mar., 1393-94 Lincolnshire 12 February, 1396-97 Lincolnshire Remarks VII Richard II, 1384. The Commons are directed to choose a Speaker : "la per- sonne qi'auroit les paroles en cest Par- lement pur la C6e." The cause of sum- mons was delivered by Mons' Michel de la Pole, Chancellor Beheaded 29 July, 1399. He lived at H o u g h a m , near Grantham, and several memorials of his family remain in the parish church. Styled " Commune Parlour" in the Rolls The Commons were charged by the Chan- cellor to assemble either in the Chapter House or the Refec- tory of Westminster, to choose a Speaker (Rot. Part., Vol. III. P- 329) 31 Jan., 1397-8 Lincolnshire 352 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Parliament Speaker Authority XXIII Richard II, and None chosen 26th Parliament, met 30 September, J 399. but sat only one day to depose the King Date of Appointment I Henry IV, and ist Sir John Cheyne Rot. Parl., Vol. 14 October, 1399 Parliament, met at or Cheney III, p. 424 Westminster, 6 Oc- tober, 1399 Ditto John Dorewood Rot. Parl., Vol. 15 October, 1399 III, p. 424 II Henry IV, and 2nd Parliament sum- moned to meet at York, 27 October, 1400, and by proro- gation at Westmin- ster, 20 January, 1400-1. [The cause of summons was, however, still de- clared by the Chief Justice, Sir William Thurning.] Sir Arnold Rot. Parl., Vol. 21 Jan., 1400-1 Savage III, p. 455 III Henry IV, and 3rd Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 30 Jan- uary, 1401-02 III Henry IV, and 4th Sir Henry Red' Rot. Parl., Vol. 3 October, 1402 Parliament sum- ford III, p. 486 moned to meet at Westminster (in the Painted Chamber), 15 September, 1402, and by prorogation on 30 September Close of Office CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS Constituency 353 Subsequent Rank or Style Remarks Filled the Chair for only two days Gloucestershire 19 Nov., 1399 Essex (Not'mentioned in the " D.N.B.) Hakewil makes him Speaker again in 1405-6, but this is inaccurate. He was still living in 1409 See also 1413 10 March, 1400-01 Kent Again Speaker in 1403-4, and died in 1410. Memorial brass in Bobbing Church, Kent Possibly Savage was again Speaker, but the Rolls do not mention him at this date 25 Nov., 1403 Lincolnshire Died circa 1404. He owned lands at Hey- ling, Lincolnshire 2 A 354 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Parliament Speaker Authority Date of Appointment V Henry IV, and 5th Sir Arnold Sa- Rot. Parl., Vol. 15 Jan., 1403-4 Parliament sum- vage again III, p. 523 moned to meet at Coventry, 3 Decem- ber, 1403, and actu- ally met there, and at Westminster, after prorogation, 14 Jan- uary, 1403-04 VI Henry IV, and 6th Sir William Parliament sum- Sturmy, or moned to meet at Esturmy Coventry, 6 October, 1404 Rot. Parl., Vol. 7 October, 1404 | III, p. 546 VII Henry IV, and 7th Sir John Tiptoft Rot. Parl., Vol. 2 March, 1405-6 Parliament sum- III, p. 568 moned to meet at Coventry, 15 Febru- ary 1405-06 (after- wards at Gloucester), and, after proroga- tion, met at West- minster, i March, 1405-06 IX Henry IV, and Thomas Rot. Parl., Vol. 25 October, 1407' 8th Parliament sum- Chaucer III, p. 609 moned to meet at Gloucester, 20 Oc- tober, 1407 XI Henry IV, and Thomas Rot. Parl., Vol. 28 Jan., 1409-10 9th Parliament sum- Chaucer III, p. 623 moned to meet at again Westminster, 27 Jan- uary, 1409-10 XIII Henry IV, and Thomas Rot. Parl., VoL 5 Nov., 1411 loth Parliament Chaucer III, p. 648 summoned to meet again at Westminster, 3 November, 1411 CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS Close of Office C. 10 April, 1403-4 Constituency Kent Subsequent Rank or Style 355 Remarks Died 1410 14 November, 1404 Devon " Parliamentum indoc- torum " or Laymen's Parliament 22 December, Huntingdon- Baron Tiptoft 1406 shire 1426 The first Speaker to be raised to the Peerage. Died 1443 2 December, Oxfordshire 1407 9 May, 1410 Oxfordshire Believed to be son of the poet. Died 1434. Buried at Ewelme, Oxon. The Commons were directed to as- semble in the Fratry of the Abbey at eight o'clock 19 December, Oxfordshire 1411 The King, in replying to the Speaker's ex- cuse on presentation for the royal accept- ance, said : " Qar il ne vorroit aucune- ment avoir nullc manieredeNovellerie en cest Parlement " 356 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Parliament XIV Henry IV, and nth Parliament summoned to meet at Westminster, 3 February, 1412-13 Speaker Speaker un- known Authority Date of Appointment I Henry V, and ist William Stour- Rot. Par I., Vol. 18 May, 1413 Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 14 May 1413 ton. " Gisoit cy malades en son lyt qu'il ne purroit pluis outre entendre d' oc- cupier le dit office de Par- lour " IV, pp. 4, 5 Ditto John Dorewood Rot. Parl., Vol. 3 June, 1413 again IV, p. 5 II Henry V, and 2nd Sir Walter Hun- Rot. Parl., Vol. i May, 1414 Parliament sum- gerford IV, p. 16 moned to meet at Leicester, 30 April, 1414 II Henry V, and 3rd Thomas Rot. Parl., Vol. 19 Nov., 1414 Parliament sum- Chaucer IV, p. 35 moned to meet at again Westminster, 19 No- '.vember, 1414 III Henry V, and 4th Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 2iOct.^ 1415, and, by pro- rogation, on 4 Nov. Richard Red- Rot. Parl., Vol. 5 Nov., 1415 man, or Red- IV, p. 63 mayne III Henry V, and Sir Walter Rot. Parl., Vol. 18 Mar., 1415-16 5th Parliament sum- Beauchamp IV, p. 71 moned to meet at Westminster, i6Mar. 1415-16 CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS 357 Subsequent Close of Office Constituency Rank or Style Remarks 3 June, 1413 Dorset (?) Died 1417. Ancestor of Baron Stourton 9 June, 1413 Essex 29 May, 1414 Wilts Baron Hunger- Son of Sir Thomas ford, 1425-26 Hungerford (Speaker in 1377), died 1449, and was buried in Salisbury Cathedral Date of dissolu- Oxfordshire tion not as- certained Sat less than a Yorkshire Died 1426 fortnight May, 1416 Wiltshire Styled " Prolocutor " 358 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Parliament Speaker IV Henry V, and 6th Roger Flower Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 19 Oc- tober 1416 V Henry V, and 7th Roger Flower Parliament sum- again moned to meet at Westminster, 16 No- vember, 1417 VII Henry V, and Roger Flower 8th Parliament sum- again moned to meet at Westminster, 16 Oc- tober, 1419 VIII Henry V, and Roger Hunt 9th Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 2 Dec., 1420 Date of Authority Appointment Rot. Parl., Vol. October, 1416 IV, p. 95 Rot. Parl., Vol. November, 1417 IV, p. 107 Rot. Parl., Vol. October, 1419 IV, p. 117 Rot. Parl., Vol. 4 Dec., 1420 IV, p. 123 IX Henry V, and Thomas Rot. Parl., Vol. May, 1421 xoth Parliament Chaucer IV, p. 130 summoned to meet again at Westminster, 2 May, 1421 IX Henry V, and Richard Rot. Parl., Vol. 3 December 1421 nth Parliament Baynard IV, p. 151 summoned to meet at Westminster, I December, 1421 I Henry VI, and ist Roger Flower Parliament sum- again moned to meet at Westminster, 9 Nov., 1422 Rot. Parl., Vol. n Nov., 1422 IV, p. 170 II Henry VI, and Sir John Russell Rot. Parl., Vol. 21 Oct., 1423 2nd Parliament sum- IV, p. 198 moned to meet at Westminster, 20 Oc- tober, 1423 CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS 359 Close of Office 1 8 November, 1416 Constituency Rutland Subsequent Rank or Style Remarks Died 1428 17 December, 1417 Rutland November, 1419 Rutland Date of close Bedfordshire of this Parlia- ment unascer- tained Date of close Oxfordshire of Parliament unascertained Date of close Essex of Parliament unascertained Omitted by Hakewil at this date. An'eminent lawyer and a Baron of the Exchequer. Memorial brass dated 1473 at Gt. Linford, Bucks, may represent him or his son First to be five times Speaker. Died 1434 and was buried at Ewelme, Oxfordshire, where his monument and brass remain (Not mentioned in Dic- tionary of National Biography) 1 8 December, 1422 Rutland 28 February, 1423-24 Herefordshire 360 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Parliament Speaker Authority Date of Appointment III Henry VI, and Sir Thomas 3rd Parliament Walton, or summoned to meet Wauton at Westminster, 30 April, 1425 IV Henry VI, and Sir Richard 4th Parliament sum- Vernon moned to meet at Leicester, 18 Febru- ary, 1425-26 Rot. Parl., Vol. 2 May, 1425 IV, p. 262 Rot. Parl., Vol. 28 Feb., 1425-26 IV, p. 296 VI Henry VI, and Sir John Tyrrell Rot. Parl., Vol. 15 October, 1427 5th Parliament sum- IV, p. 317 moned to meet at Westminster, 13 Oc- tober, 1427 VIII Henry VI, and William Aling- Rot. Parl., Vol. 23 Sept., 1429 6th Parliament sum- ton IV, p. 336 moned to meet at Westminster, 22 Sep- tember, 1429 IX Henry VI, and Sir John Tyrrell Rot. Parl., Vol. 13 Jan., 1430-31 7th Parliament sum- again IV, p. 368 moned to meet at Westminster, 12 Jan- uary, 1430-31 X Henry VI, and Sir John Russell Rot. Parl., Vol. 14 May, 1432 8th Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 1 2 May, 1432 again XI Henry VI, and Roger Hunt 9th Parliament sum- again moned to meet at Westminster, 8 July, 1433 XIV Henry VI, and John Bowes joth Parliament summoned to meet at Westminster, 10 October, 1435 IV, p. 389 Rot. Parl., Vol. 10 July, 1433 IV, p. 420 Rot. Parl., Vol. 12 October, 143 5 IV. p. 482 CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS 361 Subsequent Close of Office Constituency Rank or Style 14 July, 1425 Bedfordshire Remarks Died 1437. Owned lands at Great Staughton, Hunts i June, 1426 Derbyshire Died 145 1. Ancestor of Lord Vernon 25 March, 1428 Herts Died 1437 23 Feb., 1429-30 Cambridgeshire 20 March, Essex 1430-31 17 July, 1432 Herefordshire 21 December, Huntingdon- 1433 shire 23 December, Nottingham- 1435 shire (Not mentioned in Dic- tionary of Nationa Biography) 362 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Parliament Speaker Authority Date of Appointment XV Henry VI, and Sir John Tyrrell Rot. Parl., Vol. 23 Jan., 1436-37 nth Parliament again IV, p. 496 summoned to meet at Westminster, 21 January, 1436-37 Ditto William Burley, Rot. Parl., Vol. 19 Mar., 1436-37 or Boerley IV, p. 502 XVIII Henry VI, and William Rot. Parl., Vol. 13 Nov., 1439 1 2th Parliament Tresham V, p. 4 summoned to meet at Westminster, 12 November, 1439 XX Henry VI, and William Rot. Parl., Vol. 26 Jan., 1441-42 1 3th Parliament Tresham V, p. 36 summoned to meet again at Westminster, 25 January, 1441-42 XXIII Henry VI, and William Burley Rot. Parl., Vol. 26 Feb., 1444-45 1 4th Parliament again V, p. 67 ; and Appendix to Return of Names of Members of Parliament, p. xxiii, where he is styled "Prolocutor" summoned to meet at Westminster, 25 February, 1444-45 XXV Henry VI, and William 1 5th Parliament summoned to meet at Bury St. Ed- munds, 10 February, 1446-47 Rot. Parl., Vol. 1 1 Feb., 1446-47 Tresham V, p. 129 again XXVII Henry VI, and Sir John Say 1 6th Parliament summoned to meet at Westminster, 12 February, 1448-49 Rot. Parl., Vol. 13 Feb., 1448-49 V, p. 141 CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS 363 Close of Office March Constituency Essex Subsequent Rank or Style Remarks 27 March, 1437 Salop 1440 Northants Murdered atThorpland, Northants, 1450. Owned lands at Sywell, Northants. Leland, in his Itiner- ary, gives a circum- stantial account of his death 27 May. 1442 Northants 9 April, 1445 Salop 3 March. 1446-47 Northants 16 July. 1449 Cambridgeshire Died 1478. Buried in Broxbourno Church. Herts, where his me- morial brass remains 364 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Parliament Speaker Authority Date of Appointment XXVIII Henry VI, Sir John Rot. Parl., Vol. 8 Nov., 1449 and 1 7th Parliament Popham V, p. 171 summoned to meet at Westminster, 6 November, 1449 Ditto William Tresham again Rot. Parl., Vol. 8 Nov., 1449 V, p. 172 XXIX Henry VI, and Sir William i8th Parliament summoned to meet at Westminster, 6 November, 1450 Oldhall Rot. Parl., Vol. V, p. 210 7 Nov., 1450 XXXI Henry VI, and Thomas Thorpe Rot. Parl., Vol. 8 Mar., 1452-53 1 9th Parliament V, p. 227 summoned to meet at Reading, 6 Max., H52-53 XXXII Henry VI, and Sir Thomas Rot. Parl., VoL 16 Feb., 1453-54 1 9th Parliament Charlton V, p. 240 continued XXXIII Henry VI, and 2oth Parliament summoned to meet at Westminster, 9 July, 1455 Sir John Wenlock Rot. Parl., Vol. V, p. 280 ; and Appendix to Return of Names of Members of Parliament, p. xxiii, where he is styled " Prolocutor" 10 July, 1455 CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS 365 Close of Office Excused on ground of ill- health Constituency Hants Subsequent Rank or Style Remarks Died c. 1463 Spring, 1450 Northants This Parliament, after being prorogued over Christmas, reassem- bled 22 January, and was sitting on 17 March. In April it met again at Leices- ter ~ May, 1451 Herefordshire Died "1460. Buried in St. Michael, Pater- noster Royal, Lon- don 1 6 February, 1453-54 Essex Beheaded at Haringay Park, Middlesex, 1461 April, 1454 Middlesex In place of Thorpe im- prisoned. (Not men- tioned in D.N.B.) January, 1455-56 Bedfordshire Lord Wenlock 1461 Killed at the battle of Tewkesbury, 1471 366 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Parliament Speaker XXXVIII Henry VI, Sir Thomas and 2ist Parliament summoned to meet at Coventry, 20 No- vember, 1459 Tresham Authority Date of Appointment Rot. Parl., Vol. 21 Nov., 1459 V, p. 345 : and Appendix to Return of Names of Members of Parliament, p. xxiv, where he is styled " Prolocutor" XXXIX Henry VI, John Green and 22nd Parliament summoned to meet at Westminster, 7 October, 1460 Rot. ParL, Vol. 8 October, 1460 V, p- 373 I Edward IV, and Sir James Rot. Parl., Vol. 5 Nov., 1461 ist Parliament sum- Strangeways V, p. 462 ; and Appendix to Names of Members of Parliament, p. xxiv, where he is styled " Prolocutor" moned to meet at Westminster, 4 No- vember, 1461 III Edward IV, and Sir John Say 2nd Parliament sum- again moned to meet at Westminster, 29 Ap- ril, 1463 Rot. Parl., Vol. 30 April, 1463 V, p. 497 : and Appendix to Names of Members of Parliament, p. xxv, where he is styled " Prolocutor" VII Edward IV, and Sir John Say 3rd Parliament sum- again moned to meet at Westminster, 3 June, 1467 Rot. Parl., Vol. 5 June, 1467 V, p. 572 IX Edward IV, and No Speaker 4th Parliament sum- chosen moned to meet at York, 22 Sept., 1469 CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS 367 Subsequent Close of Office Constituency Rank or Style Remarks 20 December, Northants Beheaded at Tewkes- 1459 bury, 1471 Only sat about Essex (Not mentioned in D. ten days N.B.) 6 May, 1461-62 Yorkshire Introduced a new pre- cedent. Besides mak- ing the customary " excuse " on elec- tion he offered a formal address to Crown on the politi- cal situation. Buried in St. Mary Overy's, Southwark 1465 Herts May, 1468 Herts 368 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Parliament X Edward IV, and 5th Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 26 No- vember, 1470 Speaker 'Authority Date of Appointment XII Edward IV, and 6th Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 6 Oct., 1472 William Aling- Rot. Parl., Vol. 7 October, 1472 ton VI, p. 4 XVII Edward IV, and 7th Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 1 6 Jan- uary, 1477-78 William Aling- ton again Rot. Parl., Vol. VI, p. 168 17 Jan., 1477-78 XXII Edward IV, and John Wood, or Rot. Parl., Vol. 21 Jan., 1482-83 8th Parliament sum- Wode VI, p. 197 ; moned to meet at and Appendix Westminster, 20 Jan- to Return of uary, 1482-83 Names of Members of Parliament, p. xxv, where he is styled " Prolocutor" I Richard III, and ist Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 2 3 Jan- uary, 1483-84 William i Rot. Parl., Vol. 24 Jan., 1483-84 Catesby VI, p. 238 ; and Appendix to Return of Names of Members of Parliament, p. xxv, where he is styled " Prolocutor" CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS Close of Office Constituency Subsequent Rank or Style 369 Remarks No particulars known. Henry VI again tem- porarily dominant, and records, if any were kept, probably destroyed by order of Edward IV 1 4 March, 1474- 75 Cambridgeshire Date of close of Parliament unascertained but it sat about five weeks Cambridgeshire Believed to have been buried in Bottisham Church, Cambridge- shire, in an altar tomb from which the brass has dis- appeared February, 1482-83 Sussex (prob- ably) There is some doubt as to whether he repre- sented Surrey or Sus- sex, but the latter appears to be more probable 20 February, 1483-84 Northants Beheaded 1485, after the Battle of Bos- worth. Memorial brass in the church at Ashby St. Ledgers, Northants 2 P. 370 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Parliament I Henry VII. and ist Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 7 Nov., "1485 Speaker Sir Thomas Lovell Authority Date of Appointment Rot. Part., Vol. 8 Nov., 1485 VI, p. 268 ; and Appendix to Return of Names of Members of Parliament, p. xxvi, where he is styled "Prolocutor" III Henry VII, and Sir John 2nd Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 9 Nov., 1487 Mordaunt Rot. Parl, Vol. 10 Nov., 1487 VI, p. 386; and Appendix to Return of Names of Members of Parliament, p. xxvi, where he is styled " Prolocutor" IV Henry VII, and Sir Thomas 3rd Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 1 3 Jan- uary, 1488-89 Fitzwilliam Rot. Parl, Vol. 14 Jan., 1488-89, VI, p. 410 ; and Appendix to Return of Names of Members of Parliament, p. xxvi, where he is styled " Prolocutor" VII Henry VII, and Sir Richard 4th Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 17 Oc- tober, 1491 Empson Rot. Parl., Vol. 1 8 October, 1491 VI, p. 440 ; and Appendix to Return of Names of Members of Parliament, p. xxvi, where he is styled "Prolocutor" CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS 371 Subsequent Close of Office Constituency Rank or Style Remarks March, 1486 Northants The last of the martial Speakers. Died 1524. Bronze medallion portrait by Torre - giano now placed in Henry VII's Chapel, Westminster Abbey Date of close Bedfordshire Chancellor of Died 1506. Monu- of Parliament the Duchy of mental effigy at unascertained Lancaster Turvey, Beds. Feb. 27, 1490 Yorkshire (Not mentioned in D.N.B.) Died 1495 March, 1491-92 Northants Chancellor of Beheaded with Dudley the Duchy of 1510 Lancaster 372 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Parliament XI Henry VII, and 5th Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 14 Oc- tober, 1495 Speaker Sir Robert Drury Authority Rot. Parl., Vol. VI, p. 458; (Choice of Speaker de- clared by a Committee without nam- ing the person elected) Date of Appointment 15 October, 1 49 5 XII Henry VII, on 24 October, 1496, a great Council, rather than a Parliament, met at Westminster Sir Reginald Bray (Pre- sident or Chairman) Appendix to Re- turn of Names of Members of Parliament, p. xxvii XII Henry VII, and Sir Thomas Rot. Parl., Vol. 19 Jan., 1496-97 6th Parliament sum- Englefield VI, p. 5 10 ; and Appendix to Return of Names of Members of Parliament, p. xxvii moned to meet at Westminster, 16 Jan- uary, 1496-97 XIX Henry VII, and 7th Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 25 January, i 503-04 Edmond Rot. Parl., Vol. 26 Jan., 1503-04 Dudley VI, p. 521 ; and Appendix to Return of Names of Members of Parliament, p. xxvii, where he is styled " Prolocutor" I Henry VIII, and Sir Thomas ist Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 21 Jan- uary, 1509-10 Englefield again Appendix to 23 Jan., 1509-10 official Return of Names of Members of Parliament, p. xxviii, where he is styled " Prolocutor" CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS Close of Office Constituency Subsequent Rank or Style Date of the close of this Par- liament unas certained Suffolk 373 Remarks Died 1536. Monu- mental effigy in St. Mary's Church, Bury St. Edmund's Bedfordshire or Chancellor of Northants in the Duchy of Parliament of Lancaster 495 Died 1503, and was buried in St.George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, but without a monument Date of close of this Par- liament unas- certained Berkshire (Not mentioned in D.N.B.) Died 1514 Date of close Staffordshire of this Par- liament unas- certained Advocate of absolute monarchy. Beheaded with Empson 1510 23 February, 1509-10 Berkshire Died 1514 374 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Parliament Speaker Authority Date of Appointment III Henry VIII, and Sir Robert Appendix to 5 Feb., 1511-12: 2nd Parliament sum- Sheffield official Return moned to meet at Westminster, 4 Feb., 1511-12 of Names of Members of Parliament, p. xxviii, where he is styled "Prolocutor" VI Henry VIII, and Sir Thomas Appendix to 6 Feb., 1514-15 3rd Parliament sum- Nevill official Return moned to meet at of Names of Westminster, 5 Feb., Members of 1514-15, but met Parliament, p. ultimately at Black- xxviii, where friars he is styled "Prolocutor" XIV Henry VIII, and Sir Thomas 4th Parliament sum- More moned to meet at Black Friars, 15 Ap- ril, 1523 Appendix to 16 April, 1523 official Return of Names of Members of Parliament, p. xxviii, where he is styled " Prolocutor" XXI Henry VIII, and Sir Thomas Appendix to 5 Nov., 1529 5th Parliament sum- Audley Return of moned to meet at N ame s of Westminster, 3 Nov., Members of 1529 Parliament, p. xxix, where he is styled "Prolocutor" Ditto Sir Humphrey Cobbett's 9 Feb., 1533 Wingfield Parliamentary History, Vol. I, p. 524 XXVIII Henry VIII, Sir Richard Cobbett's 9 June, 1536 and 6th Parliament Rich Parliamentary summoned to meet History, Vol. at Westminster, 8 I, p. 529 June, 1536 CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS 375 Subsequent Close of Office Constituency Rank or Style Remarks ? Dec., 1513 Lincolnshire Died 1518. Buried in the Church of the Augustinian Friars, London 22 Dec., 1515 Kent Died 1542. Memorial brass in Mereworth Church, Kent 13 August, 1523 Middlesex Lord Chancellor Beheaded 1535 26 Jan., 1 533 Essex Lord Chancellor. Died 1544 Lord Audley 1538 4 April, 1536 Great Yar- The first Speaker to mouth sit for a borough constituency. Died 1545. This was the longest Parliament known to this date 18 July, 1536 Colchester Lord Chancellor Died 1567 1547-51. Lord Rich 376 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Parliament Speaker Authority Date of Appointment XXXI Henry VIII, Sir Nicholas Cobbett's 28 April, 1539 and 7th Parliament Hare Parliamentary summoned to meet History, Vol. at Westminster, 28 I, p. 536 April, 1539 XXXIII Henry VIII, Sir Thomas and 8th Parliament summoned to meet at Westminster, 16 January, 1541-42 Moyle XXXVII Henry VIII, Sir John Baker and 9th Parliament summoned to meet at Westminster, 23 November, 1545 Edward VI, and ist Parliament met in St. Stephen's Chapel, Westminster, 4 November, 1547 Sir John Baker again 19 Jan., 1541-42 November, 1545 Cobbett's Parliamentary History, Vol. I. P- 550 Acts of the Privy Coun- cil (edited by Sir J. R. Dasent), Vol. II, p. 24 Commons Jour- 4 Nov., 1547 nals, Vol. I, p.i VII Edward VI, and Sir James Dyer Commons Jour- 2 Mar., 1552-53 2nd Parliament sum- nals, Vol. I, moned to meet at p. 24 Westminster, i Mar., 1552-53 I Mary, and ist Parlia- Sir John Pollard Cobbett's 5 October, 1553 ment summoned to Parliamentary meet at Westminster, History, Vol. 5 October, 1553 I, p. 607 I Mary, and 2nd Par- Sir Robert Cobbett's 2 April, 1554 liament summoned Brooke Parliamentary to meet at West- History, Vol. minster, 2 April, I, p. 613 1554 I and II Philip and Mary, and ist Par- liament summoned to meet at Westmin- ster, 12 Nov., 1554 Sir Clement Heigham Cobbett's Parliamentary History, Vol. I, p. 617 12 Nov., 1554 Close of Office 24 July, 1540 CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS Constituency Norfolk 377 Subsequent Rank or Style Remarks Master of the Died 1557 Rolls 1553 28 March, 1544 Kent Died 1560 31 Jan., 1 546-47 Huntingdon- shire Chancellor of Died 1558 the Exchequer 15 April, 1552 Huntingdon- shire Died 1558 31 March Cambridgeshire Chief Justice of Died 1582 the Common Pleas 5 December Oxfordshire Died 1557 5 May London 16 Jan., 1554-55 West Looe Chief Justice of Died 1558. The first the Common Speaker to represent Pleas the City of London. Monument in Cla- verley Church, near Wolverhampton Chief Baron of Died 1570. Memorial the Exchequer brass in Barrow Church. Suffolk 378 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Parliament Speaker Authority Date of Appointment II and III Philip and Sir John Pollard Commons Jour- 21 Oct., 1555 Mary, and 2nd Par- again nals, Vol. I, liament summoned p. 42 to meet at West- minster, 21 October, 1555 IV and V Philip and Sir William Mary, and 3rd Par- Cordell liament summoned to meet at Westmin- ster, 20 January, 1557-58 I Elizabeth, and ist Sir Thomas Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 2 5 Jan- uary, 1558-59 Gargrave Commons Jour- 20 Jan., 1557-58 nals, Vol. I, P- 47 Commons Jour- 25 Jan., 1558-59 nals, Vol. I, P- 53 V Elizabeth, and 2nd Thomas Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 1 1 Jan- uary, 1562-63 Williams Symonds D'Ewes, Journals, P- 79 12 Jan., 1562-63 VIII Elizabeth, and Richard Onslow Symonds 2nd Parliament. D'Ewes, Second session began Journals, 30 September, 1566 p. 121 i October, 1566 XIII Elizabeth, and Sir Christopher Symonds 2 April, 1571 3rd Parliament sum- Wray D'Ewes, moned to meet at Westminster, 2 April, 1571 Journals, P- 156 CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS 379 Close of Office Constituency 9 December, 1555 Exeter or Chip- pcnham. The latter is the more probable as the official return gives the name as Johannes Pol- lard "Armi- ger," whereas the member for Exeter is called ' Miles,' and the Spea- ker was not a knight in 1555 Subsequent Rank or Style Remarks Died 1557 17 November, 1558 Suffolk Master of the Died 1581 Rolls 8 May, 1559 Yorkshire Vice-President Died 1579 of the Council of the North 10 April, 1563 Exeter Died 1566. Buried in Harford Church, Co. Devon 2 Jan., 1566-67 Steyning Died 1571 29 May, 1571 Ludgershall Chief Justice of Died 1592 the Queen's Bench 38o SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Parliament XIV Elizabeth, and 4th Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 8 May, 1572 Speaker Sir Robert Bell Authority Symonds D'Ewes, Journals, p. 205 Commons Jour- nals, Vol. I, p. 94, which gives the date of his election as 10 May Date of Appointment 8 May, 1572 Ditto continued. 4th and last session be- gan 16 January, 1580-81 Sir John Popham Commons Jour- nals, Vol. I, p. 117 18 Jan., 1580-81 XXVII Elizabeth, and Sir John Symonds 5th Parliament sum- Puckering D'Ewes, moned to meet at Journals, Westminster, 23 No- p. 333 vember, 1584 23 Nov., 1584 XXVIII Elizabeth, and 6th Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 29 Oct. 1586 Sir John Puckering again Symonds D'Ewes, Journals, P- 392 29 Oct., 1586 XXXI Elizabeth, and 7th Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 4 Feb., 1588-89 Thomas Snagge Symonds D'Ewes, Journals, p. 428 4 Feb., 1588-89 XXXV Elizabeth, and Sir Edward 8th Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 19 Feb- ruary, 1592-93 Coke Symonds D'Ewes, Journals, p. 469 19 Feb., 1592-93 CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS Close of Office 1576 Constituency Lyme Regis Subsequent Rank or Style Remarks Chief Baron of Died 1577 the Exchequer 19 April, 1583, Bristol but the House did not sit after 18 Mar., 1580-81 Chief Justice of the King's Bench Died 1607 14 Sept., 1586 Carmarthen Lord Keeper of the Great Seal 1592 Died 1596 23 March, 1586-87 Gatton 29 March, 1589 Bedford Died 1593. (The Dic- tionary of National Biography says he was chosen on 12 November, 1588, but there was no Parlia- ment in session at that date) I o April, 1593 Norfolk Chief Justice of Died 1634 the Common Pleas 1606, Chief Justice of the King's Benchi6i3-i6 382 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Parliament XXXIX Elizabeth.and pth Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 24 Oct. 1597 Speaker Sir Christopher Yelverton Authority Symonds D'Ewes, Journals, P- 550 Date of Appointment 24 Oct., 1597 XLIII Elizabeth, and Sir John Croke loth Parliament summoned to meet at Westminster, 27 October, 1601 I James I, and ist Par- Sir Edward liament summoned to meet at West- minster, 19 March, 1603-04 Phelipe Symonds D'Ewes, Journals, p. 621 Commons Jour- nals, Vol. I, p. 141 27 October, ifioii 19 Mar., 1603-41 XII James I, and Sir Randolph 2nd Parliament sum- Crewe moned to meet at Westminster, 5 April, 1614 Commons Jour- 5 April, 1614 nals, Vol. I, P- 455 XVIII James I, and Sir Thomas Commons Jour- 30 Jan., 1620-21 3rd Parliament sum- Richardson nals, Vol. I, moned to meet at p. 507 Westminster, 16 Jan. 1620-21 XXI James I, and 4th Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 12 February, 1623-24. King's speech de- livered 19 February Sir Thomas Crewe Commons Jour- 19 Feb., 1623-24 nals, Vol. p. 670 I, I Charles I, and ist Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 1 7May, 1625. (Adjourned to Oxford) Sir Thomas Crewe again There is no men- 18 June, 1625 tion in the Journals of his re-election to the Chair. Cobbett's Parliamentary History, Vol. II, p. 3 CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS Subsequent Close of Office Constituency Rank or Style 383 Remarks 9 Feb., 1597-98 Northants Justice of the Died 1612 Queen's Bench 19 December, London 1601 Judge and Re- Died 1620 corder of Lon- don 9 Feb., 1 610-11 Somerset Master of the Died 1614 Rolls 1611 7 June, 1614 ? Brackley Chief Justice of Died 1646 the King's Bench 8 Feb., 1621-22 St. Albans Chief Justice of Died 1635 the Common Pleas 1626 27 March, 1625. Aylesbury but the House did not sit after 29 May, 1624 Died 1634 12 August, 1625 Gatton 384 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Parliament I Charles I, and 2nd Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 6 Feb., 1625-26 Speaker Sir Heneage Finch Authority Commons Jour- nals, Vol. I, p. 816 Date of Appointment 6 Feb., 1625-26 III Charles I, and 3rd Sir John Finch Parliament summon- ed to meet at West- minster, 17 March, 1627-28 Commons Jour- 17 Mar., 1627-28: nals, Vol. I, p. 872 XVI Charles I, 4th Sir John Commons Jour- or " Short " Parlia- Glanville nals, Vol. II, ment summoned to p. 3 meet at Westminster 13 April, 1640 XVI Charles I, 5th or " Long " Parlia- ment summoned to meet at Westminster 3 November, 1640. Dispersed by Crom- well, 20 April, 1653 1 647 continued William Lenthall Commons Jour- nals, Vol. II, p. 20 13 April, 1640 3 Nov., 1640 Henry Pelham Commons Jour- 30 July, 1647 nals, Vol. V, p. 259 " Long " Parliament William Len- and " Rump " Par- thall again liament Commons Jour- nals, Vol. V, p. 268 6 August, 1647 returned to the Chair " Barebones " or Little Rev. Francis Commons Jour- 5 July, 1653 Parliament met 4 Rous July, 1653. (Len- thall not a member of it) First Parliament of William Len- Oliver, Protector, as- thall again sembled 3 September 1654 nals, Vol. VII, p. 281 Commons Jour- 4 Sept., 1654 nals, Vol. VII, P- 365 Second Parliament of Oliver, Protector, as- sembled 17 Septem- ber, 1656 Sir Thomas Widdrington Commons Jour- nals, Vol. VII, P- 423 17 Sept., 1656 CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS Subsequent Close of Office Constituency Rank or Style Remarks 15 June, 1626 London Died 1631 385 10 March. Canterbury Lord Keeper of Died 1660 1628-29 the Great Seal 1639-40 Baron Finch of Fordwich 5 May, 1640 Bristol Died 1 66 1 Held office till Woodstock 26 July, 1647, when he aban- doned the post to join the Army Master of the Died 1662 Rolls, and a Commissioner of the Great Seal 5 August, 1647 Grant ham (Not mentioned by Manning or D.N.B.) so April, 1653 Woodstock 12 December, ? Devonshire 1653 Sat in Crom- Died 1659 well's House of Lords 32 Jan., 1654-55 Oxfordshire 4 Feb.. 1657-58 Northumber- Chief Baron of Died 1664. Buried in land the Exche- St. Giles's - in - the - quer 1658-60 Fields a C 386 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Parliament Second Parliament of Oliver, Protector continued Speaker Bulstrode Whitelocke Authority Date of Appointment Commons Jour- 27 Jan., 1656-57 nals, Vol. VII, appointed pro p. 482 tern. during the absence of Widdrington from indispo- sition Parliament of Richard Cromwell, Protector, assembled 27 Jan., 1658-59 Chaloner Chute Commons Jour- 27 Jan., 1658-59 nals, Vol. VII, P- 594 Ditto Sir Lislebone Long Commons Jour- nals, Vol. VII, p. 612 9 Mar., 1658-59 Ditto Thomas Bampfylde Commons Jour- nals, Vol. VII, p. 613 i6Mar., 1658-59 and formally chosen, 1 5 Ap- ril, 1659, after the death of Chute Rump," or that por- William Len- Commons Jour- tion of the Long thall again nals, Vol. VII, Parliament which p. 797 had continued sitting till ejected by Crom- well, recalled 7 May, 1659 The Rump restored a second time William Len- thall again William Say Whole surviving body William Len- of the Long Parlia- thall again ment recalled after Monk's arrival in London Cobbett's Parliamentary History, Vol. HI, p. 1571 Commons Jour- nals, Vol. VII, p. 811 26 Dec., 1659 13 Jan., 1659-60 (during Lent- hall's absence from indispo- sition) 21 Jan., 1659-60 CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS Close of Office Constituency Subsequent Rank or Style Buckingham- Commissioner shire of the Great Seal 1648 and 1659 387 Remarks Died 1675 9 March, 1658-59 Middlesex Died 1659 14 March, Wells 1658-59 Died 1659 22 April, 1659 Exeter (Not mentioned in D.N.B.) Died Oc- tober 8, 1693, and was buried in St. Stephen's Church, Exeter October 1 3, 1659, Oxfordshire when the Rump was expelled by Lambert 13 Jan., 1659-60 Oxfordshire 21 January. 1659-60 Camelford Died 1665 ? 1 6 March, 1659-60 Oxfordshire 388 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Parliament XII Charles II, and ist or Convention Parliament summon- ed to meet at West- minster, 25 April, 1660 Speaker Sir Harbottle Grimston Authority Commons Jour- nals.Vol.VlU, p.i Date of Appointment 25 April, 1660 XIII Charles II, and Sir Edward Commons Jour- 8 May, 1661 2nd or "Pensionary" Turnour o/s,Vol.VIII, Parliament sum- p. 245 moned to meet at Westminster, 8 May, 1661 Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Sir Job Commons Jour- 4 Feb., 1672-73 Charlton nals, Vol. IX, P- 245 Sir Edward Commons Jour- 18 Feb., 1672-73 Seymour nals, Vol. IX, P- 253 Sir Robert Sawyer Sir Edward Seymour again Commons Jour- nals, Vol. IX, P- 463 n April, 1678 Commons Jour- 6 May, 1678 nals, Vol. IX, p. 476 XXkl Charles II, and Sir Edward Cobbett's Parl. 6 Mar.. 1678-79 3rd Parliament sum- Seymour Hist., Vol. IV moned to meet at again Westminster, 6 Mar., 1678-79 Ditto Sir William Gregory Cobbett's Parl. Hist., Vol. IV 1 5 Mar., 1678-79 XXXI Charles II, and 4th Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 17 Oc- tober, 1679. Met for business 21 October, 1680 Sir William Williams Commons Jour- nals, Vol. IX, p. 636 21 Oct., 1680 CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS Subsequent Close of Office Constituency Rank or Style Remarks 29 December, Colchester 1660 Master of the Died 1685 Rolls 389 23 May, 1671 Hertford Chief Baron of Died 1676 the Exche- quer 15 February, Ludlow 1672-73 Justice of the Died 1697 Common Pleas ii April, 1678 Totnes A Lord of the Died 1708 Treasury (6 May, 1678 Wycombe Attorney- Died 1692 General 1681-87 24 Jan., 1678-79 Totnes 115 March, 1678- Devonshire 79, when his re-election to the Chair was refused by the King 112 July, 1679 Weobley Baron of the Died 1696 Exchequer 118 Jan.. 1680-81 Chester Solicitor- Died 1700 General 1687 390 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Parliament XXXIII Charles II. and 5th Parliament summoned to meet at Oxford, 21 Mar., 1680-81 Speaker A uthority Date of Appointment Sir William Commons Jour- 21 Mar., 1680-81 Williams nals, Vol. IX, again p. 705 I James II, and ist Sir John Trevor Commons Jour- 19 May, 1685 Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 19 May, 1685 nals, Vol. IX, P- Convention Parliament Henry Powle summoned to meet at Westminster, 22 January, 1688-89 Commons Jour- 22 Jan., 1688-89 nals, Vol. X, p. 9 II William and Mary, Sir John Trevor Commons Jour- 20 Mar., 1689-90 and i st Parliament summoned to meet at Westminster, 20 March, 1689-90 Ditto again Paul Foley VII William and Mary, Paul Foley and 2nd Parliament again summoned to meet at Westminster, 22 November, 1695 X William III, and Sir Thomas 3rd Parliament sum- Littleton moned to meet at Westminster, 24 Au- gust, 1698, and met for despatch of busi- ness 6 December nals, Vol. X, P- 347 Commons Jour- nals, Vol. XI, p. 272 Commons Jour- nals, Vol. XI, P- 334 1 4 Mar., 1694-95 22 Nov., 1695 Commons Jour- 6 Dec., 1698 nals, Vol. XII, P- 347 XII William III, and Robert Harley 4th Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 6 Feb., 1700-01 Commons Jour- 10 Feb., 1700-11 a/s,Vol.XIII P-325 CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS Close of Office Constituency 28 March, 1681 Chester 391 Subsequent Rank or Style Remarks 2 July, 1687 Denbigh Master of the Expelled the House Borough Rolls for taking bribes, 1 6 March, 1694-95. Died 1717 6 February, 1688-89 Windsor (Whig) Master of the Died 1692 Rolls 14 March, 1694-95 Yarmouth, Isle of Wight (Whig) ii October, 1 695 Hereford (Tory) Died 1699 7 July, 1698 Hereford (Tory) 19 Dec., 1700 Woodstock Treasurer of the Died 1710. He re- (Whig) Navy quested to be excused from executing the office on the ground that he suffered from the stone ii Nov., 1701 New Radnor Chancellor of Died 17.14 (Tory) the Exche- quer, Earl oi Oxford 1711 392 Parliament XIII William III, and 5th Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 30 De- cember, 1701 Speaker Robert Harley again Authority Commons Jour- nals, Vol. XIII p. 645 Date of Appointment 30 Dec., 1701 I Anne, and ist Par- liament summoned to meet at West- minster, 20 August, 1702, and met for despatch of business 20 October Robert Harley again Cobbett's Parliamentary History, Vol. VI, p. 46. 20 Oct., 1702 IV Anne, and 2nd Par- liament summoned to meet at West- minster, 14 June, 1705, and met for despatch of business 2 5 October. Declared First Parliament of Great Britain, 29 April, 1707 John Smith Commons Jour- nals, Vol. XV, pp. 5 and 393 25 Oct., 1705 VI Anne, and ist Parliament of Great Britain met at West- minster, 23 October, 1707 Ditto Commons Jour- nals, Vol. XV, P- 393 23 Oct., 1707 VII Anne, and 3rd Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 8 July, 1708, and met for despatch of business 1 6 November Sir Richard Onslow Commons Jour- 16 Nov., 1708 mb.Vol.XVIi p. 4 IX Anne, and 4th Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 2 5 Nov. 1710 William Bromley Commons Jour- a/s,Vol.XVI, p. 401 25 Nov., 1710 CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS 393 Subsequent Close of Office Constituency Rank or Style Remarks 2 July, 1702 New Radnor Elected by a majority (Tory) of four votes over Sir Thomas Littleton 5 April, 1705 New Radnor (Tory) 13 April, 1708 Andover (Whig) Chancellor of Died 1723 the Exchequer 1708-10 Andover (Whig) 21 Sept., 1710 Surrey (Whig) Chancellor of Died 1717 the Exchequer Baron Onslow 8 August, 1713 Oxford Univer- Secretary of Died 1733 sity (Tory) State 1713-14 394 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Parliament XII Anne, and 5th Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 12 No- vember, 1713 ; and met for despatch of business 16 Feb., 1713-14. Queen's speech delivered 2 March Speaker Sir Thomas Hanmer Authority Date of Appointment Commons Jour- 16 Feb., 1713-14 nals. Vol. XVII, p. 472 I George I, and ist Sir Spencer Parliament sum- moned and met for business at West- minster, 17 March, 1714-15 Compton Commons Jour- 17 Mar., 1714-15 nals, Vol. XVIII, p. 16 VIII George I, and Sir Spencer 2nd Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, i oMay , 1722 ; met for busi- ness 9 October Compton Commons Jour- 9 Oct., 1722 l. XX, again p. 8 I George II, and ist Arthur Onslow Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 28 No- vember, 1727 ; met for despatch of bu- siness 23 January, 1727-28 Commons Jour- 23 Jan., 1727-28 wfl/s,Vol.XXI p. 20 VIII George II, and Arthur Onslow 2nd Parliament sum- again moned to meet at Westminster, 13 June, 1734 ; met for despatch of busi- ness 14 January, 1734-35 Commons Jour- 14 Jan., 1734-35 nals, Vol. XXII. p. 324 CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS 395 Subsequent Constituency Rank or Style Rem IS Jan.. 1714-15 Suffolk (Tory) Died 1746. Subsequent Close of Office Constituency Rank or Style Remarks 10 Mar., 1721-22 Sussex (Whig) First Lord of Died 1743. the Treasury 1742, and Earl of Wilmington 5 August, 1727 Sussex (Whig) 17 ApriJ, 1734 Surrey (Whig) Died 1768, having been Speaker for the re- cord number of years 27 April, 1741 Surrey (Whig) 396 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Parliament Speaker XV George II, and Arthur Onslow 3rd Parliament sum- again moned to meet at Westminster, 2 5 J une , 1741 ; met for des- patch of business i Dec., 1741 Authority Date of Appointment Commons Jour- i Dec., 1741 nals, Vol. XXIV, p. 8 XXI George II, and Arthur Onslow 4th Parliament sum- again moned to meet at Westminster, 13 Au- gust, 1747; met for despatch of business 10 Nov., 1747 Commons Jour- 10 Nov., 1747 nals, Vol. XXV, p. 416 XXVII George II, and Arthur Onslow Commons 5th Parliament sum- again Journals, moned to meet at Vol. XXVII, Westminster, and p. 7 met for despatch of business 31 May, 1754 31 May, 1754 I George III, and ist Sir John Cust Commons Parliament sum- Journals, moned to meet at Vol. XXIX, Westminster, 1 9 May, p. 8 1761. King's speech delivered 3 Novem- ber 3 Nov., 1761 VIII George III, and Sir John Cust 2nd Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, and met for despatch of business 10 May, 1768 again Commons Journals, Vol. XXXII. p. 6 10 May, 1768 Ditto Sir Fletcher Norton Commons Journals, Vol. XXXII, p. 613 22 Jan., 1770 Close of Office 1 8 June, 1747 CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS Constituency Surrey (Whig) 397 Subsequent Rank or Style Remarks 8 April, 1754 Surrey (Whig) 20 March, 1761 Surrey (Whig) n March, 1768 Grantham (Tory) Died 1770. 17 Jan., 1770 Grantham (Tory) Died five days after his resignation. 30 Sept., 1774 Guildford(Tory) Baron Grantley Died 1789. 1782 398 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Parliament Speaker XV George III, and Sir Fletcher 3rd Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, and met for despatch of business 29 Novem- ber, 1774 Norton again Authority Commons Journals, Vol. XXXV, P-5 Date of Appointment 29 Nov., 1774 XXI George III, and Charles Wolfran Commons 4th Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, and met for despatch of business 31 October, 1780 Cornwall Journals, Vol. XXXVIII, p. 6 31 Oct., 1780 XXIV George III, and Charles Wolfran Commons $th Parliament sum- Cornwall Journals, moned to meet at again Vol. XL, p. 5 Westminster, and met for despatch of business 18 May, 1784 1 8 May, 1784 Ditto William Wynd- Commons ham Grenville Journals, Vol. XLIV, P- 45 5 Jan., 1789 Ditto Henry Commons Addington Journals, Vol. XLIV, P- 434 8 June, 1789 XXX George III, and Henry 6th Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 10 Au- gust, 1 790 ; met for despatch of business 25 November, 1790 Addington again Commons Journals, Vol. XLVI, p. 6 25 Nov., 1790 Close of Office i Sept., 1780 CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS Constituency Subsequent Rank or Style Guildford(Tory) Baron Grantley 1782 399 Remarks 2$ March, 1784 Winchelsea (Tory) Died 1789 2 January, 1789 Rye (Tory) 7 June, 1789 Buckingham- Prime Minister Died 1834 shire. Of a "All the Tal- Whig family ents." Baron but a sup- Grenville porter of Pitt 1790 n June, 1790 Truro (Tory) Prime Minister. Died 1844 Viscount Sid- mouth 1805 20 May, 1796 Devizes (Tory) 400 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Parliament Speaker XXXVI George III. Henry and 7th Parliament Addington summoned to meet again at Westminster, 12 July, 1796 ; and met for despatch of busi- ness 27 September (XLI George III, by ditto proclamation of 5 November, 1800. Members then sitting were declared mem- bers of the First Par- liament of the United Kingdom, to meet 22 January, 1801. King's speech de- livered 2 February, 1801) Authority Commons Journals, Vol. LII, p. 8 Commons Journals, Vol. LVI, p. 6 Date of Appointment 27 Sept., 1796 22 Jan., 1801 7th Parliament con- Sir John Mitford Commons tinned Journals, Vol. LVI, P- 33 II Feb., 1 80 1 Ditto XLII George III, and 8th Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 31 Au- gust, 1 802 ; and met for despatch of busi- ness : 6 November. King's speech de- livered 23 November Charles Abbot Charles Abbot again Commons Journals, Vol. LVII, p. 93 Commons Journals, Vol. LVIII, p. 8 10 Feb., 1802 1 6 Nov., 1802 XLVII George III, and Charles Abbot 9th Parliament sum- again moned to meet at Westminster, and met for despatch of business 15 Decem- ber, 1 806. King's speech delivered 19 December Commons Journals, Vol. LXII, p. 4 15 Dec., 1806 Close of Office 16 Feb., 1801 CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS 401 Subsequent Constituency Rank or Style Remarks Devizes (Tory) Devizes (Tory) 9 February, 1 802 Northumber- land (Tory) Baron Redes- dale 1802. Lord Chancellor of Ireland 1 802 Died 1830 29 June, 1802 Woodstock Baron Colches- Died 1829. Buried in (Tory) ter 1817 Westminster Abbey. The last Speaker to be so honoured 29 April, 1807 Woodstock (Tory) 29 April, 1807 Oxford Univer- sity (Tory) 2 D 402 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Parliament XLVII George III, and loth Parliament summoned to meet at Westminster, and met for despatch of business 22 June, 1807. King's speech delivered 26 June Speaker Charles Abbot again Authority Commons Journals, Vol. LXII, p. 560 Date of Appointment 22 June, 1807 LIII George III, and Charles Abbot nth Parliament again *M summoned to meet at Westminster, and met for despatch of business 24 Novem- ber, 1812. Prince Regent's speech de- livered 30 Nov. *' Commons Journals, Vol. LXVIII, P-4J 24 Nov., 1812 Ditto Charles Manners- Sutton Commons Journals, Vol. LXXII, P- 307 2 June, 1817 LVIII George III. and Charles 1 2th Parliament Manners- summoned to meet Sutton again at Westminster, 4 August, 1818 ; met for despatch of busi- ness 14 January, 1819. King's speech delivered 21 Jan. Commons Journals, Vol. LXXIV, p. 8 14 Jan., 1819 I George IV, and ist Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, and met for despatch of business 2 1 April, 1820. King's speech delivered 27 April Charles Manners- Button again Commons Journals, Vol. LXXV, p. 1 08 21 April, 1820 CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS 403 Subsequent Close of Office Constituency Rank or Style Remarks 29 Sept., 1812 Oxford Univer- sity (Tory) 2 June, 1817 Oxford Univer- sity (Tory) 10 June, 1818 Scarborough Viscount Died 1845 (Tory) Canterbury 1835 29 Feb., 1820 Scarborough (Tory) 2 June, 1826 Scarborough (Tory) 404 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Parliament VII George IV, and 2nd Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 2 5 July, 1826 ; met for des- patch of business 14 November. King's speech delivered 21 November Speaker Charles Manners- Sutton again Authority Commons Journals, Vol. LXXXII p. 8 Date of Appointment 14 Nov., 1826 I William IV, and ist Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 14 September, 1830; met for despatch of business 26 October. King's speech de- livered 2 November Charles Manners- Sutton again Commons Journals, Vol. LXXXVI, p. 6 26 Oct., 1830 I William IV, and 2nd Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, and met for despatch of business 14 June, 1831. King's speech delivered 21 June Charles Manners- Sutton again Commons Journals, Vol. LXXXVI, p. 522 14 June, 1831 III William IV, and 3rd Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, and met for despatch of ^business 29 January, 1833. King's speech delivered 5 February Charles Manners- Sutton again Commons Journals, VoLLXXXVIIl P- 5 29 Jan., 1833 V William IV, and 4th Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, and met for despatch of business^ 1 9 Febru- ary, 1835. King's speech delivered 24 February James Abercromby Commons Journals, Vol. XC, p. 5 19 Feb., 1835- CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS 405 Subsequent Close of Office Constituency Rank or Style Remarks 24 July, 1830 Scarborough (Tory) 23 April, 1831 Scarborough (Tory) 3 Dec., 1832 Scarborough (Tory) 29 Dec., 1834 Cambridge Uni- versity (Tory) 17 July, 1837 Edinburgh Baron Dunferm- The only Speaker to (Whig) line 1839 come from north of the Tweed. Died 1858 406 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Parliament Victoria, and ist Parliament summon- ed to meet at West- minster, ii Septem- ber, 1837; and met for despatch of busi- ness 1 5 November. Queen's speech de- livered 20 November Speaker James Abercromby again Authority Commons Journals, Vol. XCIII, P-7 Date of Appointment 15 Nov., 1837 Ditto Charles Shaw- Lefevre Commons Journals, Vol. XCIV. p. 274 27 May, 1839 V Victoria, and 2nd Charles Shaw- Commons Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, and met for despatch of business 19 August, 1841. Queen's speech delivered 24 August Lefevre again Journals, Vol. XCVI, p. 465 19 August, 1841 XI Victoria, and 3rd Parliament summon- ed to meet at West- minster, 21 Septem- ber. 1847; and met for despatch of busi- ness 1 8 November. Queen's speech de- livered 23 November Charles Shaw- Lefevre again Commons Journals, vol. cm. p. 7 1 8 Nov., 1847 XVI Victoria, and 4th Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 20 August, 1852. Met for despatch of busi- ness 4 November. Queen's speech de- livered 1 1 November Charles Shaw- Lefevre again Commons Journals, Vol. CVIII. P-7 4 Nov., 1852 CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS 407 P Subsequent Close of Office Constituency Rank or Style Remarks 15 May, 1839 Edinburgh (Whig) 23 June, 1841 North Hamp- Viscount Evers- Died 1888 shire (Liberal) ley 1857 23 July, 1847 North Hamp- shire (Liberal) i July, 1852 North Hamp- shire (Liberal) 21 March, 1857 North Hamp- shire (Liberal) 4o8 Parliament XX Victoria, and 5th Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, and met for despatch of business 30 April, 1857. Queen's speech delivered 7 May Speaker John Evelyn Denison Authority Commons Journals, Vol. CXII, p. 119 Date of Appointment 30 April, 1857 XXII Victoria, and 6th Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, and met for despatch of business 3 1 May, 1859. Queen's speech delivered 7 June John Evelyn Denison again Commons Journals, Vol. CXIV, p. 191 31 May, 1859 XXIX Victoria, and 7th Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, 15 August, 1865 ; and met for despatch of business I February, 1866. Queen's speech delivered 6 February John Evelyn Denison again Commons Journals, Vol. CXXI, P-9 i Feb., 1866 XXXII Victoria, and 8th Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, and met for despatch of business 10 Decem- ber, 1868. Queen's speech delivered 16 February, 1869 John Evelyn Denison again Commons Journals, Vol. CXXIV, P-5 10 Dec., 1868 Ditto Henry Bouverie William Brand Commons Journals, Vol. CXXVII, P- 23 9 Feb., 1872 CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS 409 Subsequent Close of Office Constituency Rank or Style Remarks 23 April, 1859 North Notts ViscountOssing- Died 1873. His election (Liberal) ton 1872 to the Chair was unanimous on each occasion 6 July, 1865 North Notts (Liberal) II Nov., 1868 North Notts (Liberal) 7 Feb.. 1872 North Notts (Liberal) 26 Jan., 1874 Cambridgeshire Viscount Hamp- Died 1892. His elect ion (Liberal) den 1884 to thr Chair w unanimous on each ,, i i, ui 410 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Parliament Speaker Authority XXXVIII Victoria, Henry Bouverie Commons and gth Parliament William Brand Journals, again Date of Appointment 5 Mar., 1874 summoned to meet at Westminster, and met for despatch of business 5 March, 1874. Queen's speech delivered 19 March Vol. CXXIX, P-S XLIII Victoria, and Henry Bouverie Commons loth Parliament William Brand Journals, again 29 April, 1880 summoned to meet at Westminster, and met for despatch of business 29 April, 1880. Queen's speech delivered 20 May Vol.CXXXV, P-S Ditto Arthur Welles- ley Peel Commons Journals, Vol. CXXXIX, P- 74 26 Feb., 1884 XLIX Victoria, and Arthur Welles- Commons nth Parliament ley Peel again Journals, summoned to meet Vol. CXLI, at Westminster, and p. 5 met for despatch of business 12 January, 1886. Queen's speech (delivered in person by Her Majesty) 21 January 12 Jan., 1886 L Victoria, and I2th Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, and met for despatch of business 5 August, 1886. Queen's speech delivered 19 August Arthur Welles- ley Peel again Commons Journals, Vol. CXLI, P- 315 5 August, 1886 CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS 411 Close of Office Constituency .24 March, 1880 Cambridgeshire (Liberal) Subsequent Rank or Style Remarks 2$ Feb., 1884 Cambridgeshire (Liberal) 18 Nov., 1885 Warwick and Leamington (Liberal) Viscount Peel, 1895 His election to the Chair was unanimous on each occasion 26 June Warwick and Leamington (Liberal) 28 June, 1892 Warwick and Leamington (Liberal) 412 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Parliament Speaker Authority LVI Victoria, and i3th Arthur Welles- Commons Parliament sum- ley Peel again Journals, moned to meet at Vol. CXLVII, Westminster, and p. 412 met for despatch of business 4 August, 1892. Queen's speech delivered 8 August Date of Appointment 4 August, 1892 Ditto William Court Gully Commons Journals, Vol. CL, p. 149 10 April, 1895 LIX Victoria, and I4th Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, and met for despatch of business 12 August, 1895. Queen's speech delivered 15 August William Court Gully again Commons Journals, Vol. CL, P- 340 12 August, 1895. LXIV Victoria, and 1 5th Parliament summoned to meet at Westminster, i November, 1900 ; and met for despatch of business 3 Decem- ber. Queen's speech delivered 6 Dec. William Court Gully again Commons Journals, Vol. CLV, p. 406 3 Dec., 1900 And I Edward VII, and ist Parliament summoned to hear the King's speech 14 February, 1901 Ditto continued James William Lowther Commons Journals, Vol. CLX, p. 249 8 June, 1905 CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS 413 Subsequent Close of Office Constituency Rank or Style Remarks 9 April, 1895 Warwick and Leamington (Liberal) 8 July, 1895 Car lisle (Liberal) Viscount Selby, Died 1909. 1905 25 Sept., 1900 Carlisle (Liberal) 7 June, 1905 Carlisle(Liberal) 8 Jan., 1906 Cumberland (Penrith Div.) (Conservative) 414 Parliament VI Edward VII, and 2nd Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, and met for despatch of business 13 Feb., 1906. King's speech delivered 19 Feb. Speaker James William Lowther again Authority Commons Journals, Vol. CLXI, P-5 Date of Appointment 13 Feb., 1906 X Edward VII, and 3rd Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, and met for despatch of business, 15 Feb., 1910. King's speech delivered 21 Feb. James William Lowther again Commons Journals, Vol. CLXV, P- 5 15 Feb., 1910 And I George V, 7 May, 1910 I George V, and ist Parliament sum- moned to meet at Westminster, and met for despatch of business 31 January, 1911. King's speech delivered 6 Feb. James William Lowther again Commons Journals, Vol. CLXVI, P- 5 31 Jan., 1911 It will be noticed that the dates of several elections to the Chair and the sequence of names do not, in all cases, correspond with the list of Speakers inscribed on the panels of the Library of the House of Commons. They, unfortunately, contain many inaccuracies, and it has been the Author's endeavour to correct them as far as possible in these pages. CATALOGUE OF SPEAKERS 415 Subsequent Close of Office Constituency Rank or Style Remarks 10 Jan., 1910 Cumberland (Penrith Div.) (Conservative) 128 Nov., 1910 Cumberland (Penrith Div.) (Conservative) Cumberland (Penrith Div.) (Conservative APPENDICES 2 E APPENDIX I f "^HE following curious account of Sir Thomas LovelTs election to the Chair in 1485 shows that at the commencement of the Tudor era the Speaker was recommended for the Royal approval by a committee of Knights of the Shire, aided, apparently, by a small number of borough members, acting in concert with the Lord Chancellor and the Recorder of London. It is taken from a report made to the corporation of Colchester, by Thomas Christmas and John Vertue, burgesses for Colchester, of the first Parliament of Henry VII (printed in Benham's Red Paper Book of Colchester [1902], pp. 61-2) : " The vij 01 day of November, be ix of the clokke, so for to precede unto a leccion for [to] chose a Speker. So the leccion gave hir voyse unto Thomas Lovell, a gentle- man . . . Lincolnes Inne. That doon, it pleased the Knyghts that were there present for to ryse f[rom] ther sets and so for to goo to that place where as the Speker stode and [brought him and] set hym in his sete. That done, there he thanked all the maisters of the plase. Then [it pleased] the Recorder of London for to shew the cus- tume of the place. This was his seycng : ' Maister Speker, and all my maisters, there hath ben an ordir in this place in tymes passed [that] ye shuld commaunde a certayn [? number] of Knyghts and other gcntilmen, such as it 419 420 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS pleaseth you ... to the number of xxiiij, and they to goo togedir unto my Lord Chaunceler, and there to show unto his lordship that they have doon the Kyngs com- maundement in the chosyn of our Speker, desyring his lordship if that he wold shew it unto the Kyng's grace. And . . . whan it plesith the King to commaunde us when, we shall present hym afore his high grace. Yt pleased the Kyng that we shuld present hym upon the ix day of Novembre. That same day, at x of the cloke, sembled Maister Speker and all the Knyghts, sitteners, 1 and burgeyses in the parlement house, and so departed into the parlement chamber before the Kyngs grace and all his lords spirituall and tempo rail and all his Juggs, 2 and so presented our Speker before the Kyngs grace and all his lords spirituall and temporall.' ' The Lord Chancellor referred to was John Russell, Bishop of Lincoln, and the Recorder of London was Thomas Fitzwilliam, who was himself Speaker in 1488-89. Speaker Lovell was a contemporary of Abbot Islip, the last of the great monastic builders to stamp his individuality on the fabric of the Abbey. As Treasurer of the Royal Household Lovell probably assisted at the laying of the foundation stone of Henry the Seventh's Chapel, in which, after the lapse of four centuries, his noble medallion portrait by Torregiano has, with singular appropriateness, recently been placed. (See illustration in this volume.) 1 Citizens. 2 Judges. APPENDIX II Sir Thomas More's Speech on presentation for the Royal Approval, 1523. Translated from the original Latin. ON Saturday the i8th day of April, the 4th day of Parliament, the Commons from their House, appearing before our Lord the King in full Parliament, presented to our Lord the King Thomas More, knight, as their Speaker ; whom our aforesaid Lord the King was graciously pleased to accept. " Whereupon Thomas, after making his excuse before our Lord the King, inasmuch as his excuse could not be admitted on the part of our Lord the King, made his most humble supplication, that, with the like liberty of speech, he might publish and declare all and singular things to be by him published and declared in the Parlia- ment aforesaid, in the name of the said Commons ; but that if he declared any things enjoined on him by his Fellows otherwise than they themselves were agreed upon, either by adding or diminishing, he might be enabled to correct and amend the things so declared by his Fellows aforesaid ; and that his Protestation to this effect might be entered on the Roll of the Parliament aforesaid. " To whom, by the King's command, answer was made 421 422 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS by the most Reverend Legate, the Lord Chancellor, that Thomas should employ and enjoy the like liberty of speech as other Speakers, in the times of the noble ancestors of our Lord the King of England, were wont to use and enjoy in Parliaments of this kind." INDEX INDEX Abbey of Westminster, v. West- minster Abbey Abbot, Charles (afterwards Lord Colchester), Speaker in 1802, 1806, 1807, and 1812, xxviii, xxx, xxxi, xxxv, 264, 295, 298, 299, 300, 301, 3 2 . 303, 33 '. 400, 402 Abbots of Abingdon, 14 Abbots of Furness, 1 3 Abbots of Westminster, 12, 20, 37, 46, 47. 59, 161 William of Colchester, 46, 47, 48 Thomas Henley, 37 ; John Islip, 420 Simon Langham, 42, 43, 44, 45. 47 Nicholas Litlington, 44, 45, 47 Thomas Millyng, 95 Richard Ware, 42 Abbot's School, Westminster, King Edward V educated at, 95 Abercorn, Earl of, 206 Abercromby, James (Lord Dunferm- line), Speaker in 1835 antl I &37> xxx, xxxi, 269, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 404, 406 Abingdon, Abbots of, 14 Abingdon Street, xxxix Addington, Dr. , the Speaker's father, 293 Addington, Henry (Lord Sidmouth), Speaker in 1789, 1790, 1796, and 1801, xxviii, xxx, xxxi, 289, 291, 292, 293, 294, 398, 400 "Addled Parliament," 170 Adjournment, fixed hour for, adopted by the House of Commons in 1888, 335 Agincourt, Battle of, a Speaker fights t, 75 Album of water-colour drawings of Speakers in the National Portrait Gallery, xxiv, xxvii, xxviii Alexander IV, Pope, 34 Alington, William, Speaker in 1429, xxiii, xxxvi, 79, 360 Alington, William, the younger, Speaker in 1472 and 1477-78, xxxvi, 91, 368 "All the Talents," Ministry of, 288 Almon, printer of Parliamentary debates, 264 Althorp, Lord, 308 Amiens, 7, 291 Anne, Queen of England, 234, 244, 245 Argyll Buildings, London residence of Speaker Cust, 276 Argyll, Duke of, 257 Armstrong, Sir Thomas, 226 Arundel, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, 62 Ashby St. Ledger's, Northants, church of, xxv ; burial place of Speaker Catesby, 369 Askew, Mr., 197 " Assenters as well as Petitioners," Commons so described in the Rolls of 1414, 75 Audley, Sir Thomas (afterwards Lord Audley), Speaker in 1529, xxviii, xxx ; painting by Holbein, xxxiii; 124, 125, 374 Audley End, Essex, said to be the largest private house in England, 124 Austin Friars, burial place of Speaker Sheffield, 117 Aye Bourne, 10 Ayles, Kev. Dr. H. II. I?., xl Aymer dc Valence, Bishop Elect of Winchester, 34, 343 Ayremine, William dc, Clerk in Chancery, records the doing* of both Houses, ttmf. Edward ft, 32 425 426 INDEX B Bacon, Sir Francis, 152, 165, 171 "Bad Parliament" of 1376-77, 52 Baginton, Warwickshire, seat of Speaker Bromley, 244 Bailly, Inner, of the Palace of West- minster, 19 Outer, of the Palace of West- minster, 19 Baker, Mr. William, of Norwich, xxvii Baker, Sir John, Speaker in 1545 and 1547, xxvii, 128, 129, 130, 131, 376 Ball, John, hanged in 1381, 80 Bampfylde, Thomas, Speaker in 1659, xxxvi, 213, 386 Banqueting House, Whitehall, 170 Bankside, Southwark, 21 Barbers Hall, xxviii "Barebones" Parliament, 200 "Bares " or Bars, a game prohibited within the precincts of the Palace of Westminster, temp. Edward III, 3i Barnard, Lord, xxix, xl Barnet, Battle of, 86 Barones Minores, severance of, from the House of Lords, 22 Barrow, Suffolk, burial place of Speaker Heigham, xxxiv, 377 Barry, Sir Charles, architect of the new Houses of Parliament, 9, 59, in, 322 Baynard, Richard, Speaker in 1421, xxiii, xxxvii, 76, 358 Beale, Robert, 153 Beauchamp, Earl, xxxix Beauchamp, Richard, Earl of War- wick, 78 Beauchamp, Sir Walter, Speaker in 1415-16, and the first lawyer to be called to the Chair by the Commons themselves, xxxiv, xxxvi, 76, 78, 356 Beaudesert, 36 Beaufort, Margaret, bronze effigy of, in Westminster Abbey, xxii Beaumont, Henry de, xxiii, xxxvii, 33. 40, 343 Becket's shrine in Canterbury Cathe- dral, 126 Bedford, Duke of, 288 Bedford Row, birthplace of Speaker Addington, 293 Bell, Mr. J., xxviii Bellasis family, memorial of the, in St. Giles's in the Fields, xxviii Bell, Sir Robert, Speaker in 1572, xxviii, xxx, 139, 380 Bell Tower of the Palace of West- minster, 1 8 Belvoir, reproduction of picture of Dudley and Empson at, xxvi Benevolences, 92, 96, 170 Benson, Edward White, Archbishop of Canterbury, xxxi, xxxii Berkeley of Stratton, Lord, 246 Besant, Sir Walter, 19, 45 Besselsleigh, Berks, property of the Lenthall family, 184, 195 Bibury Club Races, 206 "Big Ben" of Westminster, the largest chiming clock in the world, 103 Bills, early use of the word in the Parliamentary sense, 53, 75 Bills of Supply, a frequent cause of disagreement between Lords and Commons, 152, 177 Birch Hall, Colchester, xxxv Birdcage Walk, n "Black," or Reformation, Parlia- ment, 124 Black Prince, Edward the, 39, 51 Blackfriars, 49, 119, 120, 123, 137 Parliaments held at, 49, 119, 120 Blood, Col., 283 "Bloodless Rencontre, The," 289 Blount, Sir Thomas, 161 Sir Michael, 162 Le, Nicholas, 161 Bobbing, Kent, burial placeof Speaker Savage, xxv, 353 Bodleian Library, Oxford, xxxv Boerley v. Burley, 362 Boleyn, Anne, n Bolingbroke, Viscount, Henry Saint- John, 247 Bourchier, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, 85 Bowes, John, Speaker in 1435, xxiii, xxxvii, 360 Boyer's Political State of Great Britain, 248, 265 Bradford, Lord, 257 Brand, Henry Bouverie William, (Viscount Hampden), Speaker in 1872, 1874 and 1880, xxx, xxxi, 333-5, 408, 410 INDEX 427 Brassington, Robert, a craftsman em- ployed on Westminster Hall, temp. Richard II, 59 Bray, Edmund, xxvi Bray, John, xxvi Bray, Judge Edward, xxvi Bray, Lord, xxvi Bray, Mr. Justice, xxvi Bray, Sir Edward, xxvi Bray, Sir Reginald, President or Chairman of a great Council in 1496 : portrait of, xxvi ; 108, 109, 372 Braybrooke, Lord, xxxiii Brembre, Sir Nicholas, Lord Mayor of London, 88 Bribery, 115, 116, 227 Brideoak, Ralph, Bishop of Chiches- ter, 207, 209 Bridewell, Palace of, 118, 119 Bristol, surrender of, to Henry of Lancaster, 57 British Museum, Map of Westmin- ster in 1740, xxxviii ; Speaker Arthur Onslow, one of the founders of, 273 " Broad-bottomed Administration," 253 Broadside of List of Members, xxxv Bromley, William, Speaker in 1710, xxx, xxxi, xxxv ; 239, 243, 244, 245, 246, 248, 332, 392 Brooke, Sir Robert, Speaker in 1554 ; and the first to represent the City of London, xxiii, xxvii, xxxiv, 125, 134, 376 Brown, Sir Adam, 227 Browne, Sir George, 83 Broxbourne Church, Hertfordshire, burial place of Speaker Sir John Say, xxv, 81 Bruen, Mr., of Greek Street, xxx " Bubble and Squeak," nicknames of the two brothers Wynn, 305 Buckingham, Dukes of, 171, 178, 180, 181, 182, 188 Buckingham Palace, Goring House on site of, occupied by Speaker Lenthall, 112, 190 Bulinga Fen, 10 " Bull Face, Double Fee, Sir," nick- name applied to Speaker Norton, 278 Bulled, Mr., 309 Burford Priory, Oxfordshire home of Speaker Lenthall, 184, 204, 205, 206, 207 Burford, view of, xxxix B urges, Dr., 189 Burgh, William, a craftsman em- ployed on Westminster Hall, temp. Richard II, 59 Burghley, Lord Treasurer, 146 Burgoyne, General, 283 Burke, Edmund, 265, 285 Burke's Establishment Bill, 279, 282 Burley or Boerley, William, Speaker in 1436-37, and 1444-45, xxxvii, 362 Burlington, Lord, plans new Houses of Parliament in 1733, 274, 275 Burnet, Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury, 236, 237 Bury St. Edmunds, St. Mary's Church in, burial place of Speaker Drury, 373 Bussy, or Bushey, Sir John, Speaker >n 1393-94. 1396-97, and 1397, xxxvi, xxxvii, 33, 56, 57, 350 the first Speaker mentioned by Shakespeare, 57 "Butcher of England," The, John Tiptoft, Earl of Worcester, 70, 71, 83 Butterwick, Lincolnshire, seat of Speaker Sheffield, temp. Henry VIII, 117 Cabinet Government Ministerial re- sponsibility to Parliament, origin of the system, 260 ; increased power of, in recent years, 330 Cade, Jack, 80, 83 Caesar, Sir Charles, 203 Cairns, Countess, xxxix Cairns, Earl, xxxix Call of the House in Tudor times, 120 Campbell-Bannerman.Sir Henry, J3Q Campbell, Colin, Architect, 136, 256 Campeggio, Cardinal, 123 Campion, Edmund, 162 Cannon, or Channel Row, lo Canning, George, 292 Canterbury Cathedral, 126, 300 Canterbury, Viscount, v. Manners- Sutton, Charles Cardinal Cap Alley,, 21 428 INDEX Carteret, Lord, 253 Carey Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, 237 Caricatures of Speakers, 284, 288 Cartwright, Thomas, 162 Casting Votes of Speakers, 160, 196, 223, 283 " Cat, the Rat and Lovell the Dog," 96 Catesby, Robert, 96 Catesby, William, Speaker in 1483- 84, xxxvi, 96, 97, 368 ; memorial brass of, xxv Caxton, William, 48, 150 Cecil, Sir Robert, 153, 169 Chair, Speaker Lenthall's, canopy of, preserved at Radley, Berks, 195 Chamber of the Chauntor of St. Stephen's Chapel, Palace of West- minster, 17 Chamber of the Cross in the old Palace of Westminster, 18 Chamberlayne's Anglia Notitia, 219, 220 Chambers, John, Dean of St. Ste- phen's Chapel, Westminster, 119 Chambre Blanche, or White Hall, in the old Palace of Westminster, 42, 43 Chancery Lane, 103, 202 Chapel of St. Benedict, Westminster Abbey, 44 Chapel of St. Erasmus, Westminster Abbey, 95 Chapel of the Pyx, Westminster Abbey, 58 Chapel of St. Michael, Westminster Abbey, Wm. Trussell's tomb in, 40 Chapel of St. Stephen, in the old Palace of Westminster, v. St. Stephen, Chapel of ; Chapel, Henry VII's, in Westminster Abbey, 94, 105, 109, no, III Chaplain of the House of Commons, in the reign of Queen Anne, 245 Chapter House of the Abbey, 41, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 Charles I, King of England, 7, 190, 191, Charles II, King of England, 215, 226, 227, 228 Charlton, Sir Job, Speaker in 1672- 73, xxx, 222, 388 Charlton, Sir Thomas, Speaker, in 3~S4> xxiii xxxvii, 81, 83, 364 Chaucer, Geoffrey, 53, 71 Chaucer, Thomas, Speaker in 1407, 1409-10, 1411, 1414, and 1421, 71, 72, 354, 356, 358; memorial brass of, xxv Checkenden, Bucks, xxxiv Cheney, v. Cheyne Cheyne, Sir John, Speaker in 1399, xxiii, xxxvii, 62, 352 Chope, Mr. R. P., xl Christ Church College, Oxford, xxix, xxxv Church and State, symbol of the Union of, in Plantagenet times, 48 Church, spoliation of the, proposed by the House of Commons in 1404, 69 Chute, Chaloner, Speaker in 1658-59, xxix, 213, 386 Chute, Mr. Charles, of The Vyne, Basingstoke, xxix Cinque Ports, 25 City of London, Sir Robert Brooke the first Speaker to represent it in Parliament, 134 Clarence, Duke of, 92 Claverley, near Wolverhampton, burial place of Speaker Brooke, xxxiv, 134 Clement's Lane, 230 Clergy Residence Bill, introduced by Speaker Manners-Sutton, 304 Clerk of the House of Commons, 33, 159, 168, 267, 315 Clerk Assistant of the House of Commons, print disproving the belief that John Rushworth was the first, xxxviii Clerk of the Parliaments, 33 Cleuderre, William, a craftsman em- ployed on Westminister Hall, temp. Richard II, 59 Clifford Street, Burlington Gardens, 294 Clive, Lord, 260 Clock for use of the House of Commons, first mention of, 157 Clock Tower of the old Palace of Westminister, 118 Cloister Court of St. Stephen's Chapel, Palace of Westminister, 118, 119 Closure of Debate, institution of, 335 Cloth Fair, Smithfield, 126 Coalition Ministry of 1783, 284 INDEX 429 Cobbett's Parliamentary History, 265, 374, 376, 382, 386, 388, 392 Cockpit in Whitehall, 199, 265, 281 Coe, Rev. C. H., xl Coke, Sir Edward, Speaker in 1592-93, xxviii, xxix, xxxi, 31, 147, 148, I49-IS 8 , l?l, I? 2 , i?8, 179, 184, 331, 380 Colchester, Lord, v. Abbot, Charles College Street, Great, Westminster, viii, 10, 12 Cold ham, xxviii Commercial Treaty with France, 1713. 247 "Committee of Safety," 213 Committee of the whole House, Speaker formerly votes in, 331 Commons, House of Plantagenet Period Dawn of the English Constitu- tion, at Westminster, 4 JBarones Afirwres, or lesser Ten- ants in Chief, separate from the House of Lords, 22 Simon de Montfort and the writ of summons, 23 The Writ becomes a right, in- stead of, as in the case of the House of Lords, a privilege, 25 Transition of the principle of representation from tenure to selection, 23 Knights of the Shire, when first summoned to Westminster, 24 Novelties and experiments intro- duced into the Parliamentary system in the thirteenth cen- tury, 27 Burgesses, when first summoned to Westminster, 28 ; seldom attend in person, contenting themselves with petitioning the Crown, 23 End of the experimental stage and permament establishment of an assembly comprising three estates of the realm, 28 Separation of the two Houses, temp. Edward III, 30; not- withstanding some uncertainty as to Lords and Commons having, at any time, delilwr- ated in the same Chamt>er, 31 Commons, House of Plantagenet Period Lords and Commons make separ- ate grants in 1332 and 1339,31 Earliest mouthpieces of the Commons, the precursors of the formally elected Speakers mentioned in the Rolls of Par- liament, 33 Important constitutional as- sembly at Westminster in February, 1304-05, 29 In 1322 the Commons obtain from Edward II an acknow- ledgment of the supremacy of a representative assembly, vir- tually amounting to a written Constitution, 32 Maintenance of order within the Palace of Westminster, temp. Edward III, 31 Clerk of the House of Commons appointed in 1338, 33 Peter de Montfort said to have acted " vice totius com muni- tatis" in the " Mad Parlia- ment," held at Oxford, 1258, a restricted assembly of Barons and Prelates, 35 Differences between Lords and Commons in 1339 lead to the summoning of a new Parlia- ment, 39 Commons assemble in the Painted Chaml>er in the Easter Parliament of 1343, 42; in the Chapter House of the Abbots of Westminster in 1351-52, during the rule of Simon Langham, 43 A Parliamentary leader, holding a position not dissimilar to that of Speaker (William Trus- sell), buried in Westminster Abl>ey, temp. Edward III, ^44 Commons assemble in the Re- fectory of the Monks of West- minster in 1397, 48 Sir Thomas Hunger ford, I he first Speaker whose name is entered on the Rolls, calls the attention of the King to (he grievances of his subjects, both male and female, Si 430 INDEX Commons, House of Plantagenet Period Sir James Pickering, Speaker in 1378, asserts the right of free speech, 54 Sir John Guildesborough, Speaker in 1380, foreshadows the modern procedure in Committee of Supply in his speech to the Throne, 56 Lancastrian Period Henry IV, driven by necessity to depend upon constitutional methods, endeavours to con- ciliate Parliament, 63 No taxation without consent and legislation to be based upon mutual recognition of the rights of both Houses, 63 Harmonious relations of Lords and Commons at the beginning of the reign. Both Houses invited to dine at Westminster by the King, 64 Reunion of the two Houses for social purposes contrasted with a recent proposal that the Lords and Commons or a committee drawn from both Houses should meet as one deliberative body in cases of deadlock, 65 Income tax sought to be im- posed in 1404 proves highly unpopular, and is only granted on the understanding that it should not be considered a precedent, 66 The Declaration of Gloucester 1407 lays down that no reports of money grants shall be made to the Crown until both Houses have agreed on their terms, such reports to be de- livered only by the Speaker of the House of Commons, 73 The Commons described in the Rolls of 1414 as Assenters as well as Petitioners, 75 Bills gradually supersede peti- tions, and are to be engrossed as statutes without alteration by the Crown, 75 Commons, House of Lancastrian Period The county electorate limited to freeholders of forty shillings annual value in 1429-30, and so continued for 40x5 years, 79 A constitutional opposition headed by the Duke of York receives the sympathy of the City of London and many provincial municipalities, 8 1 An ex-Speaker beheaded by a London mob, 83 Yorkist Period The growth of borough repre- sentation coincides with the gradual relinquishment of the custom of payment of mem- bers, 87, 88 Speaker Strangeways reviews the political situation in his speech to the Throne, 1461, 89 The Commons thanked by the King for their support, 90 Unpopularity of the method of raising money by means of income tax, 92 Unambitious nature of the legis- lation attempted, and little or no redress of grievances, 93 In the intervals of Parliamentary government the King is de- pendent for supplies on confis- cations and benevolences, 91, 96 Statutes of the realm for the first time printed in English, temp. Richard III, 96 No measures of repression or severity towards opponents in- troduced to the House during his reign, 96 Tudor Period Powers of the Commons re- stricted, and those of the Privy Council increased, 99 Court of Star Chamber set up, 101 Sir Thomas Lovell, the last of the Martial Speakers, called to the Chair, 104 Unostentatious character of legislation achieved by the earlier Tudor Parliaments, 107 INDEX 431 Commons, House of Tudor Period Continuous Parliamentary gov- ernment neither expected or desired by the constituencies, temp. Henry VIII, 113 Two ex-Speakers beheaded on Tower Hill, 113 Bills prepared by the Privy Council presented cut and dried to the Commons, 114 Intimidation and bribery lead to little or no free choice in the election of members, 114, "5 Pressure put upon sheriffs and mayors by Thomas Cromwell to ensure return of candidates favourable to the Court, 116 Spirit of independence almost wholly dead in the House of Commons at the Reformation, 117 A graduated tax upon income and property is, however, stoutly resisted in 1523, 121 The Commons reduced to such a degree of subserviency that even the imprisonment of their Speaker passes without re- monstrance, 128 A sessional allowance of ,100 made to the Speaker, 129 The long and intimate connection between the Abbey and the Commons comes to an end, and the latter remove to the disused Chapel of St. Stephen, in the Palace of Westminster, 13' Revival of independent spirit in the Commons, temp. Ldward VI, 131 Precautions taken by Queen Mary I to ensure the return of members favourable to the old faith, 134 Early instance of a contest for the Chair, in 1566, 137 Description of the House of Commons in 1568, 138 Queen Eliza!>eth orders the Com- mons to make no fresh laws, 141 Commons, House of Tudor Period Compliance of the Commons with the advisers of the Crown on the occasion of the trial and execution of Mary Queen of Scots, 141 Thomas Snagge, a lawyer, and a future Speaker, advocates the use of simpler language in the framing of laws, 143 Sir Edward Coke becomes Speaker, but shows little of the independence and courage marking the later years of his career, 147 ; discourages the making of new laws, 148 ; ensures the postponement of an inconvenient debate, 149 ; prevents the House from com- ing to an immediate decision unpalatable to the Court, 150 Serious disagreement between the two Houses in connection with the granting of supplies, 151 Sir Francis Bacon upholds the privileges of the Commons, 152 A conference held with the Lords in 1593, at which the Commons give way on the question of the wording of the preamble of Bills of Supply, 55 The Subsidy Bill only passed in the Lower House through the subtlety of Speaker Coke in putting the question, 156 Right of the Speaker to speak and vote in committee asserted by Coke, 157 Extraordinary precautions taken by the Privy Council in 1597 to ensure the return of members favourable to the Queen's Government, 159 Prayers adopted in the Commons, '59 Early hours of meeting of the House, 159 Casting vote of Speaker, early decision as to, loo Suspicion of Spain in the public mind leads to a permanent Protestant majority in the House of Commons, 162 432 INDEX Commons, House of Tudor Period A growing spirit of self-reliance manifests itself in the Commons towards the close of Elizabeth's reign, 163 The right of argument recog- nised when responsible Minis- ters of the Crown sit in the House and take part in debate on equal terms with the general body of members, 163 Stuart Period The great struggle between the Commons and the Crown Notwithstanding the advent of a generation which valued pri- vilege more than prerogative Parliamentary progress is re- tarded, temp. James I, 165 The important case of Privilege of Sir Thomas Shirley carries the amount of protection afforded by the House to its members a step further than in the instan- ces of Haxey and Strode, 166 Rules made for the guidance of the House and its Speaker, 168 Old or discredited system of raising money by benevolences, the sale of honours, and the creation ofmonopolies, resorted to by the King, 170 The Commons make formal assertion of their liberties in 1621, 171 ; whereon the King tears the page out of the Journal with his own hand, 172 The refusal of supplies in Charles I's first Parliament leads to its summary dismissal, 175 Increasing boldness of the Commons instanced by the impeachment of the Duke of Buckingham, 175 Oliver Cromwell enters the House at the age of 29, 1 76 A committee appointed by the Commons to draw up the pre- amble of the Bill of Supply, 177 A conference held between the two Houses, 1628, and a threatened deadlock averted by the Lords passing the Bill as it stood, 180 Commons, House of Stuart Period The Long Parliament assembles, 184 Lenthall chosen Speaker, 184 ; owes his election to an acci- dent, 184 ; the opinion of most of his contemporaries unfa- vourable, 185 ; derives great assistance from Henry Elsynge, the Clerk of the House, 186 ; the latter resigns his post in 1648 rather than it should be said that he even tacitly ap- proved of the trial and con- demnation of the King, 186 Quorum of the House fixed at forty, 1 88 Long hours of sitting cause the Speaker to think of resigning office, 189 Attempted arrest of the Five Mem- bers, 3 January, 1641-42, 190 A King of England enters the House of Commons and takes the Speaker's Chair, 190 Lenthall's memorable reply to Charles I, 192 Incidents of the day described, 192, 193 Lenthall abandons his post on the military party becoming absolute masters of the situa- tion, 195 ; but returns to the Chair a few days later, 196 " Pride's Purge " effected with- out articulate protest from the Speaker, 196 Lenthall gives a casting vote on a question connected with the Isle of Wight Treaty with the King, 197 The rift between the Army and the Parliament broadens, 198 The nation not truly represented at Westminster, 198 The uncontrolled rule of a single Chamber proves distasteful to many of Cromwell's sup- porters, 198 Expulsion of the Long Parlia- ment by Cromwell, 199 The Speaker pulled out of his Chair and the mace removed, 199 INDEX 433 Commons, House of Stuart Period "Barebones" or Little Parlia- ment, Lenthall not a member of it, 200 This assembly, known as "The Reign of the Saints," having served its purpose, is cajoled by its Speaker (Francis Rous) into summary abdication, 200 Lenthall unanimously re-elected in the first Parliament of Oliver, Protector, but replaced by Sir Thomas Widdnngton in his second, 200 Lenthall takes his seat in the caricature of the House of Lords set up by Cromwell in January, 1658, 201 Lenthall consents to preside over the restored " Rump" in May, 1659, 20 1 The * Rump ' violently dis- persed by General Lambert, 202 The whole surviving body of the Long Parliament having been restored by the army, Lenthall again takes the Chair, 202 Military and Parliamentary rule having alike become distasteful to the country, the way is paved for the Restoration of the Monarchy, 202 Proposal to exclude lawyers from the House, Speaker Bulstrode Whitelocke's sarcastic remarks upon, 213 The "Pensionary Parliament" of Charles II shows itself extremely jealous of the privileges of the Commons, 216 The House of Commons as seen by French eyes in 1663, 220, 221 Formal contention of the House of Commons in 1671 that the Lords are unable to amend a Money Bill, 221 The struggle between the two Houses renewed over a Money Bill for the disbandment of troops, 222 2 F Commons, House of Stuart Period The Commons pass a resolu- tion debarring the Lords from amending, though not of re- jecting or suspending, a Money Bill, 222 A grave disturbance in com- mittee of the whole House quelled by the prompt action of the Speaker, 224 The reorganisation of Danby's supporters in the House of Commons leads to a cleavage of parties, out of which sprang the Whigs and Tories of later days, 225 The relations of the two Houses become once more strained (the precedent of Henry IV again quoted), 225 Evolution of the non-partisan Speaker foreshadowed, 227 The terms Whig and Tory first generally applied, 227 The Commons seek to curtail the prerogative of the Crown, 228 Parliament summoned to meet at Oxford, 228 Speaker Trevor expelled the House for taking bribes, 229 Importance of the Speaker's office enters upon a new phase after the Revolution of 1688, 231 Position of the Speaker, as first Commoner of the Realm, defined by the Legislature, 231 The Speakership of Paul Foley, temp. William III, marks a stage in the evolution of the independence of the Chair, 233 Reaction, in 1695, from the custom of promoting lawyers to the Chair, 234 "Tacking," in 1699 and 1700, 2 3S A quarrel Iwtween the two Houses leads to a Iwttcr under- standing between William III and the Tory party, 236 Speaker Littleton's antipathy to the legal profession in Parlia- ment, 237 434 Commons, House of Stuart Period INDEX Speaker Harley, by birth and education a Whig, develops, by imperceptible stages, into the leader of the Tory party, 238 ; said to have been the in- ventor of the newspaper press as an instrument of party war- fare, 239 A Speaker confronted in the House of Commons by no less than three previous holders of the office (1708), 242 Sir Thomas Hanmer, Speaker in 1713-14, a popular leader before his elevation to the Chair, 246 ; makes the speech of his life in 1713, 247-49 A Tariff Reform debate in the reign of Queen Anne, 247 The Speakership assumes a per- manent character, hitherto un- known in its annals, temp. George I, 251 Under Sir Robert Walpole the House of Commons becomes the real seat of power, with a corresponding increase in the dignity and importance of the Chair, 252 Arthur Onslow, Speaker for the record number of years, elected to the Chair, 255 ; embraces the orthodox Whig creed, 255 ; the first Speaker to realise the paramount importance of the impartiality of the Chair, 258 ; his conception of the duties and responsibilities of his office, contributes to the shap- ing of the modern system of Party Government, 259 Hanoverian and Saxe - Coburg Period Rise of the system of Cabinet Government coupled with min- isterial responsibility to Par- liament, 260 The Speaker brings to the notice of the House the illicit report- ing of its Debates, 260-66 Rise of the influence of the newspaper press, 260-66 Commons, House of Hanovtrian and Saxe - Coburg Period Speaker Arthur Onslow's au- thority defied by a culprit at the bar in 1751, 269 The Speaker opposes, in com- mittee of the whole House, a measure promoted by the Government, 270 His fearless advocacy of the privileges of the Commons and his opposition to late sittings and late hours of meeting, 271 His farewell speech to the House, quoted in extenso, 272 Proposals for building a new House of Commons, 274 Speaker Gust sits in the Chair for sixteen hours, 275 The Commons revert to the practice of appointing a law officer of the Crown to the Chair, 276 ; the experiment not altogether successful, 277- 79 Speaker Norton's extraordinary speech to the Throne on pre- senting a Bill for the better support of the Royal House- hold, 279 The Speaker makes a violent attack on the Prime Minister (Lord North), in the debate on Burke'sEstablishmentBill, 279 Picturesque appearance of the House in the middle of the eighteenth century, as com- pared with the present day, 280 Ladies excluded from the gallery in consequence of a distur- bance in 1778, 280 Speaker Cornwall gives a casting vote against the Government of the day, 283 William Wyndham Grenville, (Pitt's cousin) raised to the Chair at the early age of 29, 286 Speaker Addington, a genial mediocrity, owes his election to the Chair to the influence of Pitt, 290 ; becomes Prime Minister, 291 ; replaced by Pitt, 292 INDEX 435 Commons, House of Hanoverian and Saxe Coburg Period The Speaker takes up his official residence at Westminster, 292 ; and gives his State dinners in the crypt of St. Stephen's Chapel, which had long been used as a coal-cellar, 295 The procession of Tory Speakers continued by Charles Abbot (the inventor of the Census), 298 ; his conversation with Pitt as to the most convenient hour for beginning public busi- ness, 299 ; induces the Govern- ment to spend .70,000 on his official residence, 300 ; incurs a motion of censure for hav- ing introduced the subject of Roman Catholic aggression into his speech to the Throne, 320 ; his action exonerated by the House by a substantial majority, 302 Speaker Abbot, the last Speaker to be buried in Westminster Abbey, 303 Speaker Manners-Sutton fills the Chair of the Commons on seven separate occasions, 303 ; is offered the post of Prime Minister, 307 ; in the Chair at the passing of the great Re- form Bill, 308 ; is asked by the Whigs to retain the Speakership after the Reform Bill had been carried, 308 Destruction of the old Houses of Parliament by fire in 1834, 311 Manners-Sutton is superseded by Al>ercromby in 1835 by a com- bination of minorities voting with the Whigs, 316 Speaker Abercromby, the first Whig to occupy the Chair since Arthur Onslow, and the only Speaker from north of the Tweed, 317 Speaker Shaw-I/cfevre, one of the conspicuous successes of the Chair, and the first non- partisan Speaker of modern times, 319 ; wins the approval of all parties in the House, 32 1 Commons, House of Hanoverian and Saxe - Coburg Period The Commons meet, experiment- ally, in the present Chamber, May 30, 1850, 322 Changing conditions of the House of Commons, its causes described, 330 Lord Palmerston consults Delane as to the choice of a successor to Speaker Shaw-Lefevre, 324 John Evelyn Denison, first chosen in 1857, 325 ; the last Speaker to exercise his right of voting in Committee, 331, and the first to occupy the new official residence in the Palace of Westminster, 332 Mr. Speaker Brand's coup (ft"tat of February, 1881, declaring the state of public business to be so urgent as to justify him in closing the debate, 333 Urgency resolutions adopted by the House and power given to the Speaker to put the question forthwith, 334 The principle of Closure of De- bate adopted in 1882, and further powers for maintaining order and checking irrelevancy, conferred on the Chair in 1888, 335 A fixed hour for the adjournment of the House adopted in 1888, 335 Orders regulating procedure on certain stages of Bills intro- duced by the Government, generally known as "Guillo- tine" Resolutions, 336 Since 1887 occasionally applied in order to dispose of the necessary supply before the close of the financial year, 336 Dynamite explosions at West- minster in 1884, 337 Control and initiative in legisla- tion gradually j Missing from the House to the executive Govern- ment, with a corre<|>onding decline in the power and use- fulness of the private memlxrr, 330 436 INDEX Commons, House of Hanoverian and Saxe Coburg Period Altered rules of procedure in the last two decades tend to en- hance the power of the Government, 330 The Speaker's office, unfettered by the exigencies of party, and administered in the im- partial spirit characterising the later years of its existence, will endure as long as the Constitution itself, 339 Compton, Sir Spencer, Earl of Wil- mington, Speaker in 1714-15, and 1722, xxviii, xxx, xxxi, 252, 253, 254, 394 Compton Wynyates, Warwickshire, burial place of Speaker Compton, 254 Conferences between Lords and Commons, 152-55, 178, 225 Contests for the Chair, early instance of, 137 Convention Parliament of 1660, 215 ; 1688-89, 2 3 I Convocation House, Oxford, fitted up for the House of Commons in I 680-8 I, 228 Conway, Mr. L. Hussell Conway, xxxviii Cordell, Sir William, Speaker in 1557-58, xxix, 135, 378 Cornwall, Charles Wolfran, Speaker in 1780 and 1784, xxviii, xxx, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 398 Cornwall, Earl of, Richard, 24 Corrupt Practices Act, 1883, 116 Cottonian Library, Westminster, 275 Council Chamber in old Palace of Westminster, 17 County Franchise, qualification for, in 1429-30, 79 Coup toot of February, 1881, under Speaker Brand, 333 Court and City Register, addresses of Members of Parliament, pub- lished in, 263 Court and Country Parties, rise of, in English political history, 173 Court Kalendar, 263 Courts of Law, establishment of, in the old Palace of Westminster, 21 Coventry, Lord Keeper, 181, 182 Coventry, Parliament at, in 1404, 69; in 1459. 8 3 Coverham Church, Yorks, xxxiv Cranbrook, Kent, burial place of Speaker Baker, 130 Creevey, Thomas, 290, 302, 305, 317 Crewe, Earl of, xxxv, xl Crewe, Sir Randolph, Speaker in 1614, xxviii, xxx, xxxv, 169, 382 Crewe, Sir Thomas, Speaker in 1623- 24 and 1625, xxviii, xxx, xxxv, 169, 173, 382 Croke, Sir John, Speaker in 1601, xxvii, 160, 161, 162, 382 Cromwell, Mary, v. Falconbergh, Lady Cromwell, Oliver, 176, 196, 198, 199, 200, 201, 212, 224, 256; House of Lords set up by, in 1658, 200, 20 1 Cromwell, Richard, 201 Cromwell, Thomas, 122, 125 Crosby Hall, 96 Crypt of St. Stephen's Chapel, 18 ; (formerly used as a coal-cellar) as the Speaker's State dining-room, 292, 293 ; attempted destruction of, by dynamite, in 1884, 338 Cullum, Mr. George Gery Milner- Gibson, xxix Cust, Sir John, Speaker in 1761 and 1768, xxviii, xxx, 275, 276, 396 D Dahl, Michael, painter, xxxv Danby, Lord, Thomas Osborne, afterwards 1st Duke of Leeds, 223, 225 Dasent, Sir John Roche, Editor of the Acts of the Privy Council mentioned, 376 Dasent, Sir George Webbe, the author's father, mentioned, x Davis, Moll, 254 Dean's Yard, Westminster, viii, 20 Debrett, John, printer of Parliamen- tary Debates, 264 Declaration of Gloucester in 1407, 72 D'Ewes, Sir Symonds, 34, 137, 156, 185, 264, 378, 380, 382 Defoe, Daniel, 247 De la Mare, Peter, v . Mare, De la De La Hay Street, 10 INDEX 437 Delane, John, Editor of The Times, 123, 324, 325, 327 ; on the Speaker's office, 327 De L'Isle, Robert, 37 Denison, John Evelyn (Viscount Ossington), Speaker in 1857, 1859, 1866 and 1868, xxx, xxxi, 160, 325, 326, 327, 328, 330, 331, 332 De Thorpe, William, xxxvii Desmond's rebellion in Ireland, 145 Despencer, Le, Hugh, 37 Dickenson, Dr., of Merton College, Oxford, 202, 209 Dictionary of National Biography, important names added to, xxiii Digges, Dudley, 175 Dignity of the Peerage, Report of Lord Shaftesbury's Committee on, 23, Dillon Sir Lucas, Chief Baron of Ireland, temp. Elizabeth, 144 Dining-room in the House of Com- mons, contains portrait of Speaker William Williams by Kneller, xxx ; collection of paintings being formed there, xxx Disagreements between Lords and Commons, in 1399, 38; in 1407, 72; in 1592-93. IS', 152, J 53. 154 ; in 1628, 177 ; in 1671, 221 ; in 1675, 225; in 1700, 236; in 1909, 38 Disorder having arisen in committee of the whole House, Speaker re- sumes the Chair, 224 Disraeli, Benjamin, Earl of Beacons- field, 313, 328, 332, 334 Division of Lords and Commons into two bodies, temp. Edward III, 31 Divisions of the House of Commons, officially recorded since 1836, 265 Doggett's Coat and Badge, Speaker leaves the Chair to witness the race for, 311 Dorewood, John, Speaker in 1399 and 1413, xxiii, xxxvii, 63, 352 Downing Street, Speaker Cust lives in, 276 Dress in the House of Commons, 220, 280, 281 Drury, Sir Rolwrt, Speaker in 1495, xxvi, 106, 107, 372 Drury Lane, 107 Dublin, letter from Speaker Snagge at, 144 Dudley, Edmond, Speaker in 1503- 04, xxxvi, 107, 113, 331, 372 Duel between Pitt and Tierney on Wimbledon Common in 1798, wit- nessed by the Speaker, 290 Duncombe, Anthony, 256 Dundas, Henry, afterwards Viscount Melville, 291 Dunfermline, Lord, v. Al>ercromby Dyer, Sir James, Speaker in 1552-53, xxvii, xxviii, 132, 376 Dynamite explosions in Palace of Westminster, 1884, 337 Dyson, Jeremiah, Clerk of the House of Commons, 1747-62, xxxiii, 269, 289 Earle, Mr. J. G., xl Easton Mauduit, Northants, 158 Eastwell Church, Kent, xxxiv Ebury, or Eybury, 10 Edenestowe, Henry de, Clerk of the Parliaments in 1330, 33 Edward, The Black Prince, 39, 50, 51,52 Edward the Confessor, 5, 17, 1 8 Edward I, King of England, 27, 121 Edward II, King of England, 16, 36 Edward III, King of England, 50 Edward IV, King of England, 91, 92, 93 Edward V, King of England, 95 Edward VI, King of England, 129, 132, 133 Edward VII, King of England, 93 Eland, Rev. C. T., xl Elcho, Lord, now Earl of Wemyss, 323 Eleanor of Provence, 24 Eliot, Sir John, 175, 176 Elizabeth, Queen of England, 130, '.50, 141. 142, 144, 148, 150, 151, i''i, 163 Elliot, Sir Gillwrt, a candidate for the Chair in 1789, 287, 290 Elms, The, (Dean's Yard, West- minster) ; 20 Elsyngc, Henry, Clerk of the House of Commons 1640-48, 41, 174, 186, 188, 193 Ely Cathedral ; tomb of John Tiptofi, Karl of Worcester, in, xxxii, 70 Embankment, the Thames 12 438 INDEX Empson, Sir Richard, Speaker in 1491, xxxvi, 105, 106, 107, 113, 370 Englefield, Sir Thomas, Speaker in 1496-97 and 1509-10, xxiii, xxxvii, 107, 113, 303, 372 English Primitives, paintings by, in country houses, xxii Erskine, Mr. H. D. , of Cardross (Serjeant-at-Arms), xxx, xxxix, xl Erskine-May, Sir Thomas, v. May Esturmy, or Sturmy, Sir William, Speaker in 1404, 69, 354 Etaples, Peace of, 105 Eton, 76, 211, 276, 286, 287 Evans, Elizabeth, wife of Speaker Lenthall, 184 Evelyn, John, 225 Evelyn, George, 227 Evelyn, Sir Edward, 227 Eversley, Viscount, v. Shaw-Lefevre, Charles Ewelme, Oxfordshire, burial place of Speaker Chaucer, xxv, 71 Exchequer, Office of, 7, 119 Exclusion Bill of 1 860, 228 Eye, or Aye, Cross, 10 Exeter, burial place of Speaker Bampfylde, 387 Experimental meeting of the House in the new Chamber, May 30, 1850, 322 F Faber, Johann, engraver, xxxv Fairfax, General, brother-in-law of Speaker Widdrington, 21 Faithorne, William, engraver, xxxv Falconbergh House, Soho Square, former residence of Speaker Arthur Onslow, xxxix, 256 Falconbergh, Mary, Lady, Oliver Cromwell's daughter, 256 Falkland, Viscount, Lucius Gary, 184, 206 Farleigh Castle, Somerset, seat of the Hungerford family, xxiv, 53 Farleigh - Hungerford, Somerset, burial place of Sir Thomas Hungerford, Speaker in 1376-77, xxiv, xxvi, 53 Fawkes, Guy, 169 Felstead Church, Essex, xxxiv ; burial place of Speaker Rich, 1 27 Felton, John, 171 Fenwick, Sir John, 237 Fermerie at Leicester, meeting-place of the House of Commons 1414, 74 Fiennes, Mr, 193 Financial supremacy of the House of Commons, asserted in the Declara- tion of Gloucester, 1407, 72 Finch, Sir Heneage, Speaker in 1625-26, xxviii, xxix, xxxiv, 175, .384 Finch, Sir John, Speaker in 1627-28, xxviii, xxix, xxxi, xxxv, 176, 177, 182, 384 Fire at old Palace of Westminster in 1512, 118; in 1834, 17, 311, 312, 313 FitzWilliam, Sir Thomas, Speaker in 1488-89, xxiii, xxxvii, 105, 370, 420 Five members, attempted arrest of, by Charles I, 190 Fleet Ditch, 119 Fleet Prison, 83 Flower, Roger, Speaker in 1417, 1419, 1422, xxxvii, 75, 358 Foley, Mr. Paul Henry, xxii Foley, Paul, Speaker in 1694-95 and 1695, xxviii, 223 ; miniature of, xxii Foley, Richard, 232 Foley, Thomas, 232 Forster, John, " biographer of Dickens," 193 Fortescue, Sir John, 206 Fox, Charles James, 279, 280, 285 Frankland, Sir Thomas, 256 Franchise Act of 1884, 330 Free Trade and Protection in the reign of Queen Anne, 248 Furness, abbot of, 13 Gainsborough, Thomas, xxx Gallows, the new, beyond the Tem- ple Gate, 75 Gardener's Lane, 10, 12 Gardiner, S. R., Dr., opinion of Lenthall, 187 Gardiner, Sir Thomas, 184 Gargrave, Sir Thomas, Speaker in 1558-59, xxix, 378 Gascony, 17, 24 Gasquet's Henry III and the Church, referred to, 35 INDEX 439 Gallon, Surrey, 175 Gaunt, John of, 50, 51 Gentlemen Errant, by Mrs. Henry Cust, quoted, 118 " George," The, by Paul's Wharf, 89 George I, King of England, 251, 253 George II, King of England, 253 George III, King of England, 271, 275. 279, 287, 300, 301 George IV, King of England, 50 Gillray, James, caricature by, xxxix Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W. E., 309, 313, 323, 335. 336, 337, 339 Glanville, Sir John, Speaker in 1640, xxvii, xxxi, 182, 183, 384 Gloucester, Parliament held at, in 1407, 72 Golden Square, town residence of Speaker Cornwall, 285 "Good " Parliament of 1376, 49 Gordon, Thomas, translator of Taci- tus, compiles Parliamentary De- bates for the London Magazine, 261 Gorhambury, estate purchased by Sir Harbollle Grimslon, 214 Goring House, now Buckingham Palace, occupied by Speaker Lenthall, 190, 196 Goring, Lord, afterwards Earl of Norwich, 198 Goschen, Lord, 335 Goulburn, Henry, a candidate for the Chair in 1839, 321 Government and Opposition Benches in Elizabethan times, 138; in the reign of George II, 262 Grant, Sir F. , xxxi Grant, Sir William, 136 Grantley, Lord, xxix Granville, 2nd Earl, 334 ; Grattan, Henry, 304, 331 Gray's Inn, Speaker Snagge at, with Walsingham and Burghley, 143 Great College Street, 7, 10, 12 Great George Street, 19 Great Linford Church, Bucks, xxv Great Russell Street, death of Speaker Arthur Onslow in, 273 Great Smith Street, 10 "Great Tom" of Westminster, 104 Green, Sir Henry (Chief Justice), xxxvii, 41, 57, 346 Green, John, Speaker in 1460, xxiii, xxxvii, 81, 85, 366 Greensted, Mr. Henry, xl Gregory, Mr., xxviii Gregory, Sir William, Speaker in, 1678-79, xxviii, xxx, 227, 388 Grenville, George, 276 Grenville, William Wyndham (Lord Grenville), Speaker in 1789, xxvii, xxviii, xxxi, xxxv, 286, 287, 288, 289, 398 Greville, Charles, 307, 314 Greville Memoirs quoted, 309, 314, 316,318 Grey, Lady Jane, 133 Grey de Ruthyn, Lord, 80 Grimston, Sir Harbottle, Speaker in 1660, xxvii, xxviii, xxxi, xxxv, 214, 215, 388 Grimthorpe, Lord, 163 Guildesborough, Sir John, Speaker in 1379-80, xxiii, xxxvii, 33, 54, 348 Guildhall, the, xxviii Guillotine orders, regulating the pro- cedure of the House on Bills and Supply, 336 Gully, William Court (Viscount Selby), Speaker in 1895 (2), 1900, xxxi, 338, 412 Gunpowder Plot, The, 166, 169 Gwynne, Nell, 206 II Habeas Corpus Act, of 1679, 388 Haden, Sir Francis Seymour, the late, xxxviii Hakewil, William, 30, 34, 178 Hale, Sir Matthew, 183 Halifax, Earl of, Charles Montagu, 235 Hall, Sir Benjamin, First Com- missioner of Works, 103 Halloran, Rev. J. A., xl Hampden, John, 177, 183, 190 Ilampden, Viscount, r. Brand, Henry Hampton Court Palace, proposals between Charles I and the Parlia- ment, 1647, 196 Hampton Court, Herefordshire, property of Speaker Lcnthall, 195 Hanbury- Williams, Sir Charles, 253 Hanmcr, Sir Thomas, Speaker in 1713-14, xxviii, xxx, xxxi, 246, 248, 249, 250, 332, 394 Harbord, Mr., 223 440 INDEX Harding, S. P., xxvii Harding, Sylvester, v . Harding, S. P. Hardinge, Nicholas, Clerk of the House of Commons, 267 Hare, Sir Nicholas, Speaker in 1539, xxxvii, 127, 376 Haringay, Speaker Thorpe beheaded at, 83 Harford, North Devon, burial place of Speaker Thomas Williams, xxv, 379 Harley, Robert (Earl of Oxford), Speaker in 1700-01, 1701, and 1702, xxvii, xxviii, xxxi, 236, 238, 239, 240, 246, 331, 390, 392 Harling, East, Norfolk, home of Speaker Lovell, 105 Harman, family of, owners of Bur- ford Priory, 205, 206 Hartley, David, 285 Hasely, Oxfordshire, birthplace of Speaker Lenthall, 184 Hastings, Sir Francis, 165 Hatton, Sir Christopher, 141, 163, 169 Hatfield House, Herts, plans of Westminster Palace in 1593 pre- served at, 119 Hatsell, John, Clerk of the House of Commons, xxxviii, 253, 258, 289 Haxey, Sir Thomas, 56, 166 Hay or Aye Hill, 10 Hazlerig, Arthur, 190, 201 H. B., caricatures by, xxxix Heigham, Sir Clement, Speaker in 1554, xxvii, xxxiv, 133, 134, 376 Henley in Arden, 36 Henley, Thomas, Abbot of West- minster, 37 Henry III, King of England, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 19, 24, 28, 45 Henry IV, King of England, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 161 Henry V, King of England, 74, 76 Henry VI, King of England, 76, 79, 81, 83, 85, 86 Henry VII, King of England, 99, loo, 101, 102, 104, 105, 107, 109, I IO ; with Empson and Dudley, painting of, xxvi ; Chapel, West- minster, xxii Henry VIII, King of England, 113, 114, 117, 121, 122, 126, 128, 129 Henry of Knighton's Chronicle, 36 Herbary, The, "between the King's Chamber and the Church," II Herschell, Lord, 338 Hervey, Lord, 253 Higham, Mr. John, of Bedford, xxvii Highclere, Hants, seat of Sir Robert Sawyer, Speaker in 1678, 226 High Gate of the Palace of West- minster, 19 Hoby, Sir Edward, 165 Hogarth, William, paints interior of the House of Commons, xxxiv, 276 Holbein, Hans, drawing after, xxviii; portrait of Sir Thomas More, 194 Holl, Frank, xxxi Holland, Rev. C. W., xl Hollar, Wenceslaus, engraver, xxxviii Holies, Denzil, 190 Holmes, Mr. C. J., xl Holywell, Nunnery of, Shoreditch, i5 Hooker's description of the House of Commons in the reign of Eliza- beth, 138 ; remarks on publica- tion of proceedings of the House, 263 Hours of meeting of the House of Commons in former times at sun- rise in the fourteenth century, 49; at 6 a.m., 159; at 7 a.m., 159 House of Commons, v. Commons House of Lords, v. Lords Howard's Coffee House, at upper end of Westminster Hall, 295 "Hudibras," quoted in connection with Speaker Lenthal, 201 Hulton, Rev. C. B., xl Hume, Joseph, 324 Humphreys, Mr. A. L., xl Hungerford, Sir Thomas, Speaker in 1376-77 ; first Speaker mentioned in the Rolls, xxiv ; monumental effigy of, xxvi ; portrait of, xxvi ; xxvii, 33, 52, 53, 348 Hungerford, Sir Walter (Lord Hungerford), Speaker in 1414, xxiv, 74, 75, 356 Hunsdon House, Herts, seat of Speaker Oldhall, 82 Hunt, Roger, Speaker in 1420 and 1433, 358, 360 ; memorial brass of, xxv Hustings in Trafalgar Square, x INDEX 441 Hutton-Hall, Rev. E., xl Hylton, Lord, xl Hysing, Hans, painter, xxxv I Iddesleigh, Earl of, xl Ilbert, Sir Courtenay, Clerk of the House of Commons, from 1902, xi, 289 Ilmington, Warwickshire, owned by Peter de Montfort, 343 Imber Court, Thames Ditton, resi- dence of Speaker Arthur Onslow, 274 Impeachment of Lord Melville, Speaker Abbot's casting vote, 298 Income Tax, sought to be imposed on all owners of land and house property, temp. Henry IV, . 66 ; institution of, in an inquisitorial form, by Edward IV, 92 Infirmary garden of St. Peter's Monastery, 12 Inner Palace of Westminster, Con- stable of England's apartments in, 70 Inns, wretched accommodation af- forded by, in the Middle Ages, 26 " Instrument of Government," 200 Intimidation of voters in mediaeval times, 114 Inundations of the Thames at West- minster in former times, 12 Ireland, early mention of in English Parliament, 29 ; Speaker of the Irish House of Commons, 97, 138 ; great debate on the state of, in 1812, 304, 305 ; demand for Home Rule, rejected in 1 886 and 1893, 330 Insh House of Commons, Speakers of, 97 Islip, John, Abbot of Westminster, 420 Ivy Bridge, Strand, 142 J James I, King of England, 165, 172 James II, King of England, 229, 230 Jeffreys, Judge, 222, 229, 230 Jermyn Street, residence of Mr. Gladstone in, on first entry into Parliament, 310 Jerusalem Chamber, Westminster Abbey, 74 Jewel Office, 282 Jewel Tower of the Palace of West- minster, the, illustration of, from a drawing, xxxviii ; view of the interior, xxxviii, 7 "Jew's Harp," Marylebone Fields, 259 Jodrell, Paul, Clerk of the House of Commons, 242, 274 John, King of England, 4 Jonson, Ben, his description of a dishonest lawyer applied to Sir Fletcher Norton by "Junius," 277 Journals of the House of Commons, defaced by James I, 172 ; ordered to l>e printed in 1 742, under Speaker Arthur Onslow, 267 ; Sir Symonds D'Ewes prints portions of Eliza- bethan Journals, 147 ; antiquity of, 267 ; curious entries in, temp. James I, 268 ; improvements in, 269; indexed by Sir T. Erskine May, 268 Journals, Clerk of the, first mention of, in 1750, 266 "Junius" and Sir Fletcher Norton, 277 K Katherine of Arragon, Queen of England, 123 Keate, Dr., he;id master of Eton, 309 Kenilworth, 37 Kettle, Mr. Bernard, of the Guild- hall Library, xxix Kew, residence of Speaker Pucker- ing, 142 King Street, Covent Garden, 190 Kingston, Jamaica, mace at, 215 King Street, Westminster, 1 1 Kneller, Sir Godfrey, portrait of Speaker William Williams, in the Dining-room of the House of Com- mons, xxx ; portrait of Speaker Arthur Onslow in National Portrait Gallery, erroneously attributed to, 274 KnightslirMgc, Speaker Trevor's es- tate at, 230 of the Shire, the aristocracy <>t the Lower House, 1 8, 22, 23, 25. 79 442 INDEX Knollys, Sir Francis, 150 Knyvet, Sir John (Chancellor), 51, 346 L Labouchere, Henry, Rt. Hon., his house in Old Palace Yard, 8 Labour, representation of, in the House of Commons, 330 Ladies' Gallery of House of Commons, 280, 301, 337 Lambe, John, Dr., 181 Lambert, John, Parliamentary General, 199, 201, 202 Lambeth Palace, xxxi ; fall of en- graving at, xxxii, 14 Landor, Walter Savage, Imaginary Conversations, 67 Land taxes, early unpopularity of the principle, 43, 66, 235 Langham, Simon, Abbot of West- minster, Cardinal and Archbishop, Preface, viii, 42, 43 Langland's " Richard the Redeless," 80 Late hours in the House of Commons and late hours of meeting strenu- ously opposed by Speaker Arthur Onslow, 270, 271 La Terriere, Colonel, restores Burford Priory, Lenthall's former house, 204 Latimer, Lord, impeachment of, in 1376, 51. Laud, William, Archbishop of Canter- bury, xxxii, 189, 213 Law, firm grip of the Speaker's Chair by the legal profession, 135 Law and Practice of Parliament, by Sir Thomas Erskine-May, 268 Law in Ireland, Speaker Snagge's opinion of, temp. Elizabeth, 144, 145 Lawrence, Sir Thomas, xxxi, xxxiv, 303 ; portrait of George III by, formerly at Westminster, 301 Lawson, Wilfrid, Mr., 157 Layard, Sir Austen Henry, 328, 329 Lefevre-Shaw, Charles (Viscount Eversley), Speaker in 1839, 1841, 1847, and 1852, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 329, 406 Leicester, Earl of, v. Montfort, De, Simon Leicester, Earl of, xxix Leicester, Parliament held at, in 1414, 74 Leicester Street, Leicester Square, Speaker Arthur Onslow's house in, 255 Lely, Sir Peter, xxix, xxxi Le Marchant, Sir Denis, Clerk of the House of Commons from 1850 to 1871, 289 Lenthall, Sir John, 190, 203, 206 Lenthall, Sir Roland, 195 Lenthall, William, Speaker in 1640 1647, 1654, 1659, 1659-60, xxvii, xxxi, xxxiii, 184-210, 384, 386 Le Scrope, Sir Geoffrey, xxxiv, xxxvii Le Sueur, Hubert, sculptor, xxxiii, 173 Lesser Tenants in Chief, or Barones Minores, 22 Leveson-Gower, Frederick, 334 Lewin, William, 150 Lewkenor, Mr. 181 Ley, John, Clerk of the House of Commons from 1797 to 1814, 289, 291 Ley, John Henry, Clerk of the House of Commons from 1820 to 1850, 289, 312, 313 Ley, William, 313 Ley, a Devonshire family of that name connected with the House of Commons for 150 years, 289, 3'3 Library of the House of Commons, books and papers formerly in the custody of the Clerk of the Jour- nals, 267 Lincoln, 4 Lincoln's Inn, the gateway of, built by Speaker Lovell, 103 Lincoln's Inn Fields, 202, 215, 281 Litlington, Nicholas, Abbot of West- minster, 44, 45, 47 Little Hall, in old Palace of West- minster, 17, 48 Littleton, Edward John (afterwards Lord Hatherton), a candidate for the Chair in 1833, 309 Littleton, Sir Thomas, Speaker in 1698, xxx, 223, 233, 234, 236, 237, 238, 239, 390 Liverpool, Earl of, 285 Livery and maintenance, evils of, 81 Lollards, The, 69 INDEX 443 London, Sir Robert Brooke, the first Speaker to represent the City of, 134 Long Ditch, Westminster, n, 12 Long Parliament assembles, 183 Long, Sir Lislebone, Speaker in, 1658-59, xxxvii, 213, 386 Longford, Lord, 227 Lords Lords, House of, viii ; the parent assembly, 22 A body lineally descended from the feudal Norman Curia, 22 The writ of summons to, a privi- lege to be issued or withheld at the will of the Sovereign, 25 Constitution of in Plantagenet times, the non-hereditary ele- ment a moiety of the whole until the Reformation, 28 Separation of the two Houses, usually accepted date of, 3 1 The Upper House appoints its own Clerk in 1330, 33 " The Mad Parliament " of Ox- ford in 1258, a restricted assembly of Barons and Pre- lates, 35 Grants made by the Lords in 1339, and disagreement with the Commons, lead to the call- ing of a New Parliament, 39 The Deadlock of 1339 not dis- similar to that of 1909, 39 The Lords meet in the Chambre Blanche of the Palace of Westminster in 1368, 43 The Speaker of the House of Commons (Sir Thomas Hun- gerford) delivers seven Bills to the Clerk of the Parliament in 1376-77, but the Lords vouchsafe no reply, the session having come to an end, 53 Consolidation of the Peerage, temp. Henry IV, and a re- markable unanimity prevailing between Lords and Commons, 63 Establishment of a permanent hereditary Chaml>cr acting as a Court of Appeal in civil cases, 64 Lords, House of King Henry IV invites both Lords and Commons to dine with him at Westminster in 1402, 65 Social reunion of the two Houses in Plantagenet times contrasted with the recent scheme for two Chambers sitting as one deliberative body, in cases of deadlock, 65 The Declaration of Gloucester, in 1407, defines the functions of the Lords in assenting to money grants, 72, 73 Exhaustion of the English no- bility consequent on the Wars of the Roses, 87 Depletion of the numbers of the House of Lords at the com- mencement of the Tudor era, 99 Only twenty-nine temporal peers entitled to sit at the accession of Henry VII, 100 The peerages created in the six- teenth century lay the founda- tions of a new aristocracy, 100 Henry VII relegates the House of Lords to a position of legis- lative impotence, at the same time desiring to be indepen- dent of the Lower House, 101 The temporary eclipse of the Lords as a legislative body continued under Henry VIII, 114 A serious disagreement with the Commons in 1593, in connec- tion with a Money Bill, 151 Sir Francis Bacon, on behalf of the Commons, opposes a con- ference with the Lords, as contrary to their privileges, 152 The conference held, and the wording of the preamble of the Bill decided in favour of the Lords, 155 The Bill hurriedly passed by the Commons through the action of its Speaker (Sir Edward Coke), 156 444 INDEX Lords, House of In 1625 the Lords concur in a Money Bill, founded upon a grant to which their assent had not been specified in the preamble, 178 In 1628 the wording of the pre- amble of a Money Bill again gives rise to serious disagree- ment between the two Houses, a deadlock averted by the Lords passing the Bill as pre- sented to them, after a con- ference with the Commons, I So A message sent to the Lords by the Commons declaring that " the good concurrence be- tween the two Houses is the very heart-string of the Com- monwealth, and that they shall be ever as zealous of their Lordships' privileges as of their own rights," 180 Cromwell's House of Lords meets in January, 1658, Lenthall, the Speaker of the Long Parlia- ment, takes his place in it, together with Fleet wood, Monk and Pride, 201 In 1671 the Pensionary Parlia- ment of Charles II passes a formal resolution to the effect that the Lords are unable to amend a Money Bill, 221 In 1675 the relations of the two Houses again become strained, and the Lords accuse the re- presentative Chamber of in- fringing their privileges, 225 Queen Anne creates a dozen peers to ensure a Tory majority in the House of Lords, 234 ; Lord Wharton's sarcastic ob- servations upon, 234 The House of Lords most com- pact body in the State at the accession of George I, 251 Several bills having been rejected by the Lords in the last Parlia- ment of George II, the Speaker of the House of Commons de- sired to have animadverted upon the cause of their failure, Lords, House of but was prevented from doing so by the accidental absence of the Sovereign, 272 A Bill for the repeal of the paper duty having been rejected by the Lords in 1860, Speaker Denison deprecates the action of the Peers as calculated to break down the distinc- tion between the duties and powers of the two Chambers, 328 Lovell, Sir Thomas, Speaker in 1485, 102, 103, 104, 105, 370, 419, 420 ; medallion portrait of, by Torre- giano, in Westminster Abbey, xxii, 420 Lowe, Robert (Viscount Sherbrooke), 33 Lowther, Right Hon. James William, Speaker in 1905, 1906, 1910, and 1911, xxx, 339, 412,414 M Macaulay, Lord, on conferences be- tween the two Houses, 155 Mace of the House of Commons ; description of, xxxix ; 215 "Mad" Parliament of 1258, held at Oxford, 35, 342 Maiden Bradley, xxxv Maitland, Professor, his introduction to the Memoranda de Parlia- mento, 29 Mall, The, 112 Manners, Lady Victoria, xl Manners-Sutton, Charles (Viscount Canterbury), Speaker in 1817, 1819, 1820, 1826, 1830, 1831, and 1833, xxix, xxx, xxxi, 281, 301, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 314, 3!5> 3 l6 , 3W, 402, 404 Marculph's Tower, Palace of West- minster, 17 Mare, Sir Peter De la, Speaker in 1377, xxxvii, 33, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 348 Margaret of Anjou, Queen of Henry VI, 86 Marlowe's Edward II, reference to Trussell in, 37 Marshall, Master, 189 INDEX 445 Marston Morteyne, Beds, burial place of Speaker Snagge, xxvi, 146 Mary, Queen of England, 133, 134, I3S Mary, Queen of Scots, 139, 141 Maud, Empress, 12 Maundy, Thomas, goldsmith in Fetter Lane, maker of the mace removed by Cromwell, 215 May-Erskine, Sir Thomas (Lord Farnborough), Clerk of the House of Commons from 1871 to 1886, x, 242, 268, 289, 310, 311 Mayo, Rev. Canon, of Long Burton, xxvii Melbourne, Lord, 313 Melville, Lord, Impeachment of, decided by casting vote of Speaker Abbot, 298 Member of Parliament, early uses of the term, 75, 128 Memoranda de Par liamento, 1304-05, 29 Memorial Brasses, xxii, xxv Meres, Sir Thomas, 226 Mereworth, Kent, burial place of Speaker Nevill, xxv, 375 Merchant Taylors Company, 168 Merrow, near Guildford, burial place of Speaker Arthur Onslow, 274 " Michael Ritus," v. John Michael Wright Middlesex, Earl of, impeachment, J74 Mildmay, Sir H., 185 Mileham, near Swaffham, Norfolk, birthplace of Sir Edward Coke, house in which he was lx>rn, xxxix Mill bank, 10, 19 Millyng, Thomas, Abbot of West- minster, 95 Milman, Sir Archibald, Clerk of the House of Commons from 1900 to 1902, 289 Milner, Mr. J. D., xl Mit ford, Sir John (Lord Redesdale), Speaker in 1801, xxviii, xxx, 294, 295, 400 Mompesson, Sir Giles, 171 " Model " Parliament of 1295, 27 Monastery of Blackfriars, v. Black- friars Monastery of Westminster, v. West- minster Monconys, description of the House of Commons in 1663, 220, 221 Money Bills, Speaker Arthur Onslow's attitude on presentation to the House of Lords, 272 Money grants, differences between Lords and Commons as to, in Gloucester Parliament of 1407, 72 ; in 1593, 152; in 1628, 178; in 1671, 221 Monk, General, 201, 202, 203 Monopolies, 136, 137, 171 Montacute, co. Somerset, built by Speaker Phelips, xxxix, 165, 106 Montagu, Sir Henry, 165 Monteagle, Lord, Thomas Spring Rice, 319 Montfort, de, Peter, xxiii, xxxvii, 33, 34, 35 Montfort, de, Simon, 5, 23, 24, 27, 35i 36 ; his coat of arms remaining in the Abbey, 5 Monumental Effigies of Speakers, xxii Moore, Thomas, 306 Mordaunt, Sir John, Speaker in 1487, monumental effigy of, xxvi ; 105, 370 Morecambe Bay, 13 More, Sir Thomas, Speaker in 1523, xxviii, xxx, xxxv, xxxvi, 49, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 331, 374, 421, 422 ; portrait of, formerly at Burford Priory, 194 Morley's Life of Gladstone, 333 Morpeth, Lord, 302 Morris, Mr., 150 " Mother of Parliaments, The," xxxv Mowbray, John, Earl- Marshal of England, 78 Moyle, Sir Thomas, Speaker in 1 54 1 - xxxiv, xxxvii, 42, 128, 376 Murray, Alexander, defies Speaker Arthur Onslow in 1751, 269 Myddleton, Mrs., of Chirk Castle, xxxiii N National Portrait Gallery : libraiy of, xxiv, xxvii ; album of water- colour drawings of S| in, xxiv, xxvii, xxxviii 446 INDEX Nelson, Horatio, Admiral, memorial to, in Trafalgar Square, 113 ; Lady Sidmouth's anecdote of, 293 Nevill, Sir Henry, 165 Nevill, Sir Thomas, Speaker in 1514-15, 119, 173,3745 memorial brass of, xxv Newcastle, Duke of, 253 Newgate Prison, 270 New Palace Yard, Westminster, view of, xxxviii ; 9, 20 Newspaper Press, rise of the power of, 260 Neyte, Manor House of, belonging to the Abbots of Westminster, 5i Norfolk, Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of, 129 Norman masonry remaining in Westminster Hall, 8 North, Lord, 276, 279, 280, 281 North, Roger, 222, 233 North, Mr. Stanley, xxiv Northampton, Mary, Countess of, 254 Northcote, James, painter and en- graver, xxxv Northumberland, Duke of, 133 Northumberland, Earl of, thanked by Parliament in 1402, 64 Norton, Sir Fletcher (Lord Grantley), Speaker in 1770 and 1774, xxviii, xxix, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 396, 398 Nottingham Castle, Sir Peter de la Mare imprisoned in, 52 O Occasional Conformity Bill of 1703, 265 O'Connell, Daniel, 306, 316 Official residence of the Speaker, in 1511-12, 117; in the seventeenth century, 136; in 1795, 2 9 2 > m 1802, 300 ; new house, designed by Sir Charles Barry, first occupied by Speaker Denison, 332 Oglethorpe, Mr., 241 Old and new peerages, Selden's opinion of, 177 Oldcastle, Sir John, 75 " Old Cole," a nickname bestowed on Tierney, 317 Oldhall, Sir William, Speaker in 1450, xxxvii, 81, 82, 83, 364 Old Palace Yard, Westminster, 19, 20, 71, 169 Oliver Isaac, 123 Onslow, Arthur, grandfather of the Speaker of that name, 227 Onslow, Arthur, Speaker in 1727-28, 1734-35. I74I, 1747, and 1754, xxvii, xxviii, xxxi, xxxiv, xxxv, xxxviii ; view of his house in Soho Square, xxxix ; 255-274, 394, 396 Onslow, Earl of, xxxiii, xl Onslow, Fulk, Clerk of the House of Commons, 137, 160 Onslow, Richard, Speaker in 1566, xxviii, xxx, 137, 139, 378 Onslow, Sir Richard, Speaker in 1708, xxviii, xxx, 239, 241, 242, 392 Opposition, early rise of a constitu- tional, temp. Henry VI, 81 Orchardson, Sir W. Q. , xxxi Order in debate, rules adopted in 1888, 335 Order, maintenance of, in the Palace of Westminster, regulations, temp. Edward III, 31 Orders regulating the procedure of the House on Bills and Supply, 336 Oriel College, Oxford, xxxv Ossington, Viscount, v. Denison, John Evelyn Otway, Mr., 328 Owen, William, painter, xxxv Oxford, xxxii, xxxv ; a colloquium held there in 1204, 4; provisions of, 35; assizes at, 139; Parlia- ments at, 35, 228, 342, 390 Painted Chamber in the Old Palace of Westminister, 17, 48, 49, 96, 118, 155, 178, 218, 225, 274, 296, 297, 313 Paisley, Lord, James Hamilton, 207 Palace of Westminster, v. West- minster Palace Gate, Westminster, 17 Palgrave, Sir Reginald, Clerk of the House of Commons from 1886 to 1900, 289 INDEX 447 Pall Mall, 246 Palmerston, Viscount, x, 324, 325, 326, 328, 329 Paris, Matthew, 12 Parliament held at Blackfriars, 119, 120, 374; Bury St. Edmund's, 362 ; Coventry, 69, 354, 366 ; Gloucester, 72, 348, 354 5 Leicester, 74, 356, 360 ; Lincoln, 4 ; Northampton, 348 ; Oxford, 4, 35, 228, 342, 390 ; Reading, 364 ; Shrewsbury, 350 ; Winchester, 45 ; York, 32, 352, 366 " Parliamentary Indoctorum," or Lay- men's Parliament, held at Coventry, 1404, 355 Parliament Street, xxxix Parndon, Little, Essex, burial place of Speaker Tumour, 219 Party government, rise of, 225, 236 Paston family, co. Norfolk, 15, 87 Agnes, 82 ; Elizabeth, 83 ; John, 88-89: Margaret, 15 Patten- Wilson, Mr., 322 Payment of members in the Middle Ages, 88 Pearson, J. L. , architect employed on Westminster Hall, temp. Queen Victoria, 8, 9 Peart, Henry, pupil of Vandyck, xxxi, 210 Peel, Arthur Wellesley (Viscount Peel), Speaker in 1884, 1886 (2), and 1892, xxxi, xl, 224, 334, 335, 336, 337, 4o, 412 Peel, Sir Robert, 160, 313, 315, 322, 323 Peerage and Pedigree, by J. Horace Round, 23 Peerages, created by Queen Anne in 1712 to secure a Tory majority in the House of Lords, 234 Peerages old and new, Selden's opinion of the comparative value set upon them, 177 Pelham, Dr., chaplain to Speaker Bromley, 245 Pelham, Henry, Speaker in 1647, xxiii, xxix, 210, 214, 384 Pembroke, 8th Earl of, 226 Pembroke College, Oxford, xxviii, XXXV " Pensionary Parliament," 216, 222 Pepys, Samuel, 216, 217, 218 Ferrers, Alice, 50, 52, 53 Pery, Edmond Sexten, Speaker of the Irish House of Commons, 1772-85, 97 Petite Salle in the old Palace of West- minster, 43 Petition of Right, 177 Petitions, gradually replaced by Bills, 75. Petitions, triers of (first mentioned in 1304), 17, 343 Peyton, Sir Robert, 228 Phelips, Sir Edward, Speaker in 1603-04, xxviii, xxix, xxxi, 165, 166, 167, 168 Phelips, Mr. William Robert, of Montacute, xxix Philip II of Spain, husband of Queen Mary, 133, 134, 135 Phillips, Thomas, painter, xxxi, xxxv Picart, Charles, engraver, xxxv Pickering, Sir James, Speaker in 1378, xxxvii, 33, 54, 55, 56, 348 Pimlico, 19 Pinkerton's Jconographica Scotica, plate in, supposed to represent Edward I sitting in Parliament, 121 Piozzi, Mrs., 277 Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 260, 277 Pitt, William, the younger, 290, 297, 298, 299, 310 Play House Yard, Blackfriars, 123 Plate, service of, used by the Speaker, formerly his personal property, but now attached to the holder of the office for the time being, 246, 250, 295. 324 " Pleine Parlement, proposed rever- sion to, in case of disagreement between the two Houses, 65 Plough Inn, Lincoln's Inn Fields, 237 Podlicote, Richard, rol the Royal Treasury in Westminster Ably in 1303. 5 Pole, Cardinal, 134 Pole, William dc la, 37 Pollard, Sir John, Speaker in 1553 and 1555, xxxvii, 133, 134, 370, 378 Pollen, Richard, xxiv Pollimore, I*aert, 69, 100, 251, 255, 260, 261, 262, 271 ; portrait of, xxxiv Walter, John, founder of The Times, 123 Walsingham, Sir Francis, 143, 144, 146 Walton, or Wauton, Sir Thomas, Speaker in 1425, xxxvii, 78, 360 454 INDEX Warden of the Fleet Prison, 167 Ware, Richard, Abbot of West- minster, 42 Warfield, Berks, 40 Warham, William, Archbishop of Canterbury, 113 "War Parliament" of 1511-12, 117 Wars of the Roses arrest constitu- tional progress, 8 1 Warwick House, Cloth Fair, town residence of Speaker Rich, 126 Warwick, the "King-maker," 86 Wauton, v. Walton Webster, T. L., Second Clerk- Assistant of the House of Com- mons, xi Wellington Church, Somerset, xxxiv Wenlock, Sir John (Lord Wenlock), Speaker in 1455, xxxvi, xxxvii, 8 1, 84, 364 Wentworth, Peter, 249 Westminster Abbey, x, xxii, xxvi, xxviii, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 18, 19, 20, 21, 27, 36, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 58, 59, 62, 85, 94, 95, 105, 109, no, in, 118, 126, 135, 142, 173, 303 Westminster Hall, 8, 9, 64, 93, 338 . Westminster Palace, great fires at, in 1512, 118; in 1834, 311 Westminster Stairs, 191 Westmorland, Earl of, Ralph Nevill, 100 Wharton, Lord, 234 Whig and Tory, early growth of rival parties, 225, 227 " Whimsicals," The, 250 "Whip with six strings," 127 White, Sir Thomas, xxix White-Ridley, Sir Matthew, v. Ridley Whitehall, 14, 112, 199, 232 White Hall or Salle Blanche in the old Palace of Westminster, 18, 42, 43 "White House" in Soho Square, 257 White Lodge in Richmond Park, residence of Speaker Addington when Lord Sidmouth, 293 Whitelocke, Bulstrode, Speaker in !6s6-57> xxvii, 212, 213, 231, 386 Widdrington, Sir Thomas, Speaker in 1656, xxvii, 211, 212, 384 Wilkes, John, 275, 281 William III, King of England, 224, 231, 234, 235, 236, 238 William IV, King of England, 311, 3*3. 315, 3i8 William of Colchester, Abbot of Westminster, 46, 47, 48 Williams, Thomas, Speaker in 1 562- 63, 378 j epitaph on, xxv ; memo- rial brass of, xxv Williams, Sir William, Speaker in 1680 and 1680-81, xxx, 228, 229, 388, 390 Wilmington, Earl of, v. Compton, Sir Spencer Windsor, 93, 161 Wingfield, Major, xxix Wingfield, Sir Humphrey, Speaker in 1533, xxix, 124, 125, 374 Winnington Bridge, 202 Witley, Worcestershire, 232 Wolfeton, Dorset, seat of Sir Thomas Trenchard, 77 Wolsey, Cardinal, 121, 122, 125 Wood, John, Speaker in 1482-83, xxxvii, 93, 368 Woodfall, H. S., Printer of Parlia- mentary debates etc. , 278 Woolley, Sir John, 149 Worcester, Earl of, John Tiptoft, son of the Speaker of 1405-06, xxxii, 70 ; execution of, xxxvi Worsop, William, 115 Wraxall, Sir Nathaniel, on Speaker Cornwall, 286 Wray, Sir Christopher, Speaker in I57 1 , xxvii, xxviii, xxxi, 162, 3.78 Wright, John Michael, xxix Wriothesley, Sir Thomas, ist Earl of Southampton, 129 Writ of summons, origin of the issue to Members of Parliament, 22 Wyatt, James, architect and Sur- veyor - General to the Board of Works, 300, 301 Wyndham, Sir William, 261 Wynn, Sir Watkin, 289, 305 Wynn, Williams, C., a candidate for the Speakership in 1817, 305 INDEX 455 Yarborough, Earl of, xxix Yelverton, Sir Christopher, Speaker in 1597, xxx, 158, 159, 382 York, 86 Archbishop of York, William Thomson, 332 York- Archbishops of, resident at White- hall until the fall of Wolsey, 14 Parliaments held at, 32, 352, 356 York, Richard Duke of, 85, 86 "Young Cole," nickname bestowed on Speaker Abercromby by Lord Brougham, 317 THE WORKS OF ANATOLE FRANCE has long been a reproach to England that only one volume by ANATOLE FRANCE has been adequately rendered into English ; yet outside this country he shares with TOLSTOI the distinction of being the greatest and most daring student of humanity living. H There have been many difficulties to encounter in completing arrangements for a uniform edition, though perhaps the chief bar- rier to publication here has been the fact that his writings are not for babes but for men and the mothers of men. Indeed, some of his Eastern romances are written with biblical can- dour. ** I have sought truth strenuously," he tells us, " I have met her boldly. I have never turned from her even when she wore an unexpected aspect.** Still, it is believed that the day has come for giving English versions of all his imaginative works, as well as of his monumental study JOAN OF ARC, which is undoubtedly the most discussed book in the world of letters to-day. f MR. JOHN LANE has pleasure in announcing that the following volumes are either already published or are passing through the press. THE RED LILY MOTHER OF PEARL THE GARDEN OF EPICURUS THE CRIME OF SYLVESTRE BONNARD BALTHASAR THE WELL OF ST. CLARE THAIS THE WHITE STONE PENGUIN ISLAND THE MERRIE TALES OF JACQUES TOURNE BROCHE JOCASTA AND THE FAMISHED CAT THE ELM TREE ON THE MALL THE WICKER-WORK WOMAN AT THE SIGN OF THE REINE PEDAUQUE THE OPINIONS OF JEROME COIGNARD MY FRIEND'S BOOK THE ASPIRATIONS OF JEAN SERVIEN LIFE AND LETTERS (4 vois.) JOAN OF ARC (2 vols.) f All the books will be published at 6/- each with the exception of JOAN OF ARC, which will be 25/- net the two volumes, with eight Illustrations. 1f The format of the volumes leaves little to be desired. The size is Demy 8vo (9 X 5|), and they are printed from Caslon type upon a paper light in weight and strong of texture, with a cover design in crimson and gold, a gilt top, end-papers from designs by Aubrey Beardsley and initials by Henry Ospovat. In short, these are volumes for the biblio- phile as well as the lover of fiction, and form perhaps the cheapest library edition of copyright novels ever published, for the price is only that of an ordinary novel. V The translation of these books has been entrusted to such competent French scholars as MR. ALFRED ALUNSON, THE WORKS OF ANATOLE FRANCE MR. FREDERIC CHAPMAN, MR. ROBERT B. DOUGLAS, MR. A. W. EVANS, MKS. FARLEY, MR. LAFCADIO HEARN, MRS. W. S. JACKSON, MRS. JOHN LANE, MRS. NEWMARCH, MR. C. E. ROCHE, MISS WINIFRED STEPHENS, and MISS M. P. WILLCOCKS. f As Anatole Thibault, dit Anatole France, is to most English readers merely a name, it will be well to state that he was born in 1844 in the picturesque and inspiring surroundings of an old bookshop on the Quai Voltaire, Paris, kept by his father, Monsieur Thibault, an authority on eighteenth-century history, from whom the boy caught the passion for the principles of the Revolution, while from his mother he was learning to love the ascetic ideals chronicled in the Lives of the Saints. He was schooled with the lovers of old books, missals and manuscript ; he matriculated on the Quais with the old Jewish dealers of curios and objets d'art; he graduated in the great university of life and experience. It will be recognised that all his work is permeated by his youthful impressions ; he is, in fact, a virtuoso at large. f He has written about thirty volumes of fiction. His first novel was JOCASTA & THE FAMISHED CAT (1879). THE CRIME OF SYLVESTRE BONNARD appeared in 1881, and had the distinction of being crowned by the French Academy, into which he was received in 1896. f His work is illuminated with style, scholarship, and psychology ; but its outstanding features are the lambent wit, the gay mockery, the genial irony with which he touches every subject he treats. But the wit is never malicious, the mockery never derisive, the irony never barbed. To quote from his own GARDEN OF EPICURUS : " Irony and Pity are both of good counsel ; the first with her smiles makes life agreeable, the other sanctifies it to us with her tears. The Irony I invoke is no cruel deity. She mocks neither love nor beauty. She is gentle and kindly disposed. Her mirth disarms anger and it is she teaches us to laugh at rogues and fools whom but for her we might be so weak as to hate." H Often he shows how divine humanity triumphs over mere asceticism, and with entire reverence ; indeed, he might be described as an ascetic overflowing with humanity, just as he has been termed a " pagan, but a pagan constantly haunted by the pre-occupation of Christ." He is in turn like his own Choulette in THE RED LILY saintly and Rabelaisian, yet without incongruity. THE WORKS OF ANATOLE FRANCE At all times he is the unrelenting foe of superstition and hypocrisy. Of himself he once modestly said : " You will find in my writings perfect sincerity (lying demands a talent I do not possess), much indulgence, and some natural affection for the beautiful and good." 11 The mere extent of an author's popularity is perhaps a poor argument, yet it is significant that two books by this author are in their HUNDRED AND TENTH THOU- SAND, and numbers of them well into their SEVENTIETH THOUSAND, whilst the one which a Frenchman recently described as " Monsieur France's most arid book " is in its FIFTY-EIGHT-THOUSAND. 11 Inasmuch as M. FRANCE'S ONLY contribution to an English periodical appeared in THE YELLOW BOOK, vol. v., April 1895, together with the first important English appreciation of his work from the pen of the Hon. Maurice Baring, it is peculiarly appropriate that the English edition of his works should be issued from the Bodley Head. ORDER FORM. .. _ 190 To Mr _ : - Bookseller. Please send me the following works of Anatole France: THAIS PENGUIN ISLAND BALTHASAR THE WHITE STONE THE RED LILY MOTHER OF PEARL THE GARDEN OF EPICURUS THE CRIME OF SYLVESTRE BONNARD THE WELL OF ST. CLARE THE MERRIE TALES OF JACQUES TOURNE- BROCHE THE ELM TREE ON THE MALL THE WICKER WORK WOMAN JOCASTA AND THE FAMISHED CAT JOAN OF ARC (2 VOLS.) for which 1 enclose _ Name . Address _.. _ _ JOHN LANE, PUBLISHER. THE BODLEY HEAD, VIGO ST., LONDON.W. TICE Those who possess old letters, documents, corre- spondence, MSS., scraps of autobiography, and also miniatures and portraits, relating to persons and matters historical, literary, political and social, should communicate ivith A CATALOGUE OF MARIA EDGEWORTH AND HER CIRCLE IN THE DAYS OF BONAPARTE AND BOURBON. By CONSTANCE HILL. Author of "Jane Austen : Her Homes and Her Friends," "Juniper Hall," "The House in St. Martin's Street," etc. With numerous Illustrations by ELLEN G. HILL and Reproductions of Contemporary Portraits, etc. Demy 8vo (9 x 5 1 inches), zis. net. NEW LETTERS OF THOMAS CARLYLE. Edited and Annotated by ALEXANDER CARLYLE, with Notes and an Introduction and numerous Illustrations. In Two Volumes. Demy 8vo. 25*. net. Pall Mall Gazette. " To the portrait of the man, Thomas, these letters do really add value ; we can learn to respect and to like him the more for the genuine goodness of his personality." Literary World. " It is then Carlyle, the nobly filial son, we see in these letters ; Carlyle, the generous and affectionate brother, the loyal and warm-hearted friend, . . . and above all, Carlyle as the tender and faithful lover of his wife." Daify Telegraph. " The letters are characteristic enough of the Carlyle we know : very picturesque and entertaining, full of extravagant emphasis, written, as a rule, at fever heat, eloquently rabid and emotional.' NEW LETTERS AND MEMORIALS OF JANE WELSH CARLYLE. A Collection of hitherto Unpublished Letters. Annotated by THOMAS CARLYLE, and Edited by ALEXANDER CARLYLE, with an Introduction by Sir JAMES CRICHTON BROWNE, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S., numerous Illustrations drawn in Litho- graphy by T. R. WAY, and Photogravure Portraits from hitherto unreproduced Originals. In Two Volumes. Demy 8vo. 25^. net. Westminster Gazette. " Few letters in the language have in such perfection the qualities which good letters should possess. Frank, gay, brilliant, indiscreet, immensely clever, whimsical, and audacious, they reveal a character which, with whatever alloy of human infirmity, must endear itself to any reader of understanding." World. "Throws a deal of new light on the domestic relations of the Sage of Chelsea. They also contain the full text of Mrs. Carlyle's fascinating journal, and her own ' humorous and quaintly candid ' narrative of her first love-affair." THE LOVE LETTERS OF THOMAS CAR- LYLE AND JANE WELSH. Edited by ALEXANDER CARLYLE, Nephew of THOMAS CARLYLE, editor of " New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle," " New Letters of Thomas Carlyle," etc. With 2 Portraits in colour and numerous other Illustrations. Demy 8vo (9x5^ inches). 2 vols. 25*. net. CARLYLE'S FIRST LOVE. Margaret Gordon Lady Bannerman. An account of her Life, Ancestry and Homes ; her Family and Friends. By R. C. ARCHIBALD. With 20 Portraits and Illustrations, including a Frontispiece in Colour. Demy 8vo (9 x 5! inches). I oj. 6t), and kt will always be remembered for kis association witk South Place Chapel, inker* kit Radical opinions and fame as a preacher and popular orator brought him in contact witk an advanced circle of thoughtful people. He was the discoverer of tht youthful Robert Browning and Harriet Martineau, and the friend of J. S. Mill, Home, John Forster, Macready, etc. At an Anti-Corn Law orator, he swayed, by the power of kis eloquence, enthusiastic audiences. As a politician, he was the unswerving champion of social reform and the cause of oppressed nationalities, his mast celebrated speech being in support of his Bill for National Educa- tion, 1850, a Bill which anticipated many of the features of the Education Bill of our own time. He died in tSOj. The present Life has been compiled from manuscript material entrusted to Dr. Garnet t l-y Mrs. Bride II Fox. ROBERT DODSLEY: POET, PUBLISHER, AND PLAYWRIGHT. By RALPH STRAUS. With a Photo- gravure and 1 6 other Illustrations. Demy 8vo (9 x 5$ inches). 2 is. net. THE LIFE AND TIMES OF MARTIN BLAKE, B.D. (1593-1673), Vicar of Barnstaple and Preben- dary of Exeter Cathedral, with some account of his conflicts with the Puritan Lecturers and of his Persecutions. By JOHN FREDERICK CHANTER, M.A., Rector of Parracombe, Devon. With 5 full-page Illustrations. Demy 8vo (9 x 5 j inches). io/. 6ie ecclesiastical, social, and intellectual problems of contemporary France and their influence upon the works of French novelists of to-day. MEN AND LETTERS. By HERBERT PAUL, M.P. Fourth Edition. Crown 8vo. 5/. net. Daily News. " Mr. Herbert Paul has done scholars ad the reading world in general a high service in publishing this collection of his essays." JOHN LANE, THE BODLEY HEAD, VIGO STREET, LONDON, W. Date Due Libfiry Burnu Cjl. No 1137