POEMS. EMILY SEAVER. " IF ever floating from faint earthly lyre, Was wafted to your soul one faint desire, By all the trembling hopes ye feel Think on the minstrel as ye kneel ; And let your prayer for charity arise That her own heart may hear her melodies, And a true voice to her may cry ' Thy God forgives, thou shaltnot die.' ' KEBLH BOSTON : A. WILLIAMS & CO. 283 WASHINGTON STREET. Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1878, by EMILY SEAVER, In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. Printed and bound by :JBI2SXJ COMPANY. *N. B. *V- mg JElotljer. M 9520 Ije Christian gear. FT1HROUGH danger, doubt and sickening fear, JL One guiding clue the Church retains, at least ; She sees her LORD through all the changing year, And follows Him, in vigil, fast, and feast. We have not handled of the Living Word, Our eyes have never seen His human form, Our ears His loving voice have never heard, He has not stilled, for us, life's bitter storm. We only know a Man Divine has trod This weary earth, has suffered here, and died ; And we believe that, rising from the sod, We shall behold Him, living, glorified ! Sometimes we almost feel His loving hand, Sometimes we almost hear His tender voice, The cloudy pillar leads us through the land, Like earth at touch of Spring our hearts rejoice. 6 THE CHRISTIAN YEAR. Then come the winter, and the dark, cold night, And Faith and Hope give place to doubt and fear: Happy -the soul that the.a perceives the light That shines, for us, through all the Christian Year; The heavenly light, that drops from Christmas skies, As once of old, on Bethlehem's peaceful plain ; The starry light that blest the sages' eyes, And led them where their infant King was lain ; The sad, pale light, Gethsemane, that gleamed Upon thine hoary, ancient olive shade ; The awful light that through the darkness beamed, When, for our sins, the ransom price was paid ; The golden light that filled the eastern skies, And waked each little bird to joyful strains, On that glad morn that saw^ the LORD arise, And break, forevermore, Death's cruel chains; The tender glory of the noonday light, When, ere our SAVIOUR did to Heaven ascend, He blest His chosen, on the mountain height, Saying, Lo ! I am with you to the end ; THE CHRISTIAN YEAR. 7 And from that day the Church has ever kept The way-marks of His holy, blessed life ; Age after age His saints with Him have wept, And shared His triumph in the bitter strife. And as we trace again, thus, year by year, The story of the manger, cross and throne, The LORD Himself does to our souls draw near, And all our coldness and our doubts are flown, Thus, while the Church the wilderness must tread, Still bears she witness to her absent King; Not with cold doctrines are her children fed, But to the living CHRIST she bids them cling. ADVENT. The Church, the pillar and ground of the truth, i Tim. iii. 15. AMID a thousand voices wild, Which is the false, and which the true ? By fear and hope, alike, beguiled, We stumble in these pathways new. Hark ! to one voice, that, sweet and clear Rings out through every age the same ; The Church, that each returning year Calls by her absent Master's name. "What old and threadbare myths are these? The world needs doctrines new and fresh." She calls her children to her knees, With that old tale the Word made flesh. " Oh, for some guide to lead aright Our footsteps to our Father's home !" Rejoicing in December's night, She sings The SON OF GOD has come ! " Oh, might some Man divine arise To free us from sin's weary load !" She spreads the Feast of Sacrifice, And cries, Behold the LAMB OF GOD ! ADVENT. Thus bears she witness to her LORD, Unchanged, unmoved, whatever betide, Still holding forth the LIVING WORD, If men will hear or will deride. Then wake from sleep, and in the faith Which we from her dear lips receive, Let us show forth, in life and death, That in her LORD we do believe. 10 THE PRISONERS OF HOPE. prisorgrs of Where is the promise of His coming? and Peter, iii- 4. Turn ye to the stronghold, ye prisoners of hope. Zech. ix, 12. " TITHEKE is the promise ?" weary V ? With conflict, toil and pain, The Church, through all the ages, This question asks in vain ; Yet only they, victorious, Shall with the foeman cope, Who turn them to this stronghold, The prisoners of hope! Long since the war had ended, And the gates of hell prevailed, And the banner of salvation Low in the dust had trailed, But that the hope grew stronger With every battle past, And every generation Hoped it might be the last. THE PR SONERS OF HOPE. 11 The souls beneath the altar, That now cry, "LORD, how long !" When in the flesh they suffered Were by this hope made strong ; And in the darkest ages Of superstition's night, They waited for His coining As for the morning light ! And now we bear the burden, To us the strife has passed, And still the hope grows stronger That ours shall be the last. There are signs in earth and heaven, As once the LORD foretold, And the whisper of His coming Makes even the weakest bold ! Then sound the Advent trumpet; Call each man to his post, To greet the King, Who cometh With all His angel host ! And they, with songs triumphant, Shall march up Zion's slope, Whose trust was in this stronghold, The prisoners of hope ! 12 THE WISDOM OF THIS WORLD. of tl)is roorlb. St. Matt. iii. 4, 5. AH, yes! the lawyers and the scribes The Scriptures knew full well ; And where, and when, the CHRIST should come, They could most surely tell. "In David's city, Bethlehem," (Thus they the prophets read), " A child shall rise, of David's line, And to his throne succeed." Wise brains and stupid hearts ! no joy To them the tidings bring; Nor go they forth to Bethlehem To hail their new-born King. Content in Herod's court to dwell, And fawn upon his word, No angel songs salute their ears, Proclaiming, CHRIST the LORD ! THE WISDOM OF THIS WOULD. 13 Their eyes, with midnight study dim, Perceive not Judah's Star, Guiding, with pure and holy light, The wise men from afar. LORD, we Thy vigil keep to-night, Beneath the midnight sky ; May we not own Thee with our lips, And in our hearts deny ! The simple, loving, child-like faith Vouchsafe us evermore, To seek Thee where Thou mayst be found, And finding, to adore ! 14 THE EPIPHANY STAR. Star. OF old, the wise men, from afar, Made haste the new-born King to hail, Their only guide the eastern Star O'er mountain steep, through lonely vale. So, LORD, Thy Church, in pilgrim guise, Is traveling on, her King to meet: Oh, bid the star of Faith arise, When shadows gather round her feet. Though loudly howl the winds of night, And thronging crowd the shapes of ill, Her face turned to that heavenly light, She presses on to Zion's Hill. And when her skies are warm and bright, Let not the sun, with noon-day glare, Have power to quench that guiding light; Still may it shine divinely fair ! THE EPIPHANY STAR. 15 But some have sought a path, and failed ; In doubt and fear how long they roam ; For them the lights of earth have paled, Have pity, LOUD, and lead them home. Oh, from Thy throne, where light has birth la glory that no eye can bear, If one faint ray shall reach the earth, Its beams shall lighten their despair. Then let it shine, a kindly star, To light them on their desert road, To lead them to their home, afar, Their home within the light of GOD ! 16 CHRIST IN TH TEMPLE. <2EI)ri0t in tlje QLemyle. " And they sought Him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance." T1JHERE is the CHRIST ? Our longing hearts IT are aching With grief and doubt, and with unspoken dread, Our kindred and companions all forsaking, We search the city through with weary tread. Where have ye sought him ? In the market places, Where crowd th j insatiate throngs, athirst for gain; But when we asked for Him, with scornful faces They told us there our search was all in vain. Where have ye sought Him ? Where the gates inviting Of Herod's gorgeous courts were open wide; We looked within, our very soul delighting, The meek and lowly doth not there abide ! Where have you sought him ? In the groves of 'Mid the philosophers of Rome and Greece ; Their brows are heavy with the lore of ages, But for our souls they had no word of peace. CHRIST IN THE TEMPLE. 17 Seek ye the LORD, within His Temple holy, Whom ye have sought so long, in wanderings blind, Who seek Him there, with contrite hearts and lowly, The long-desired shall never fail to find. Kneel there, your sorrows and your doubt confessing, And though He say, Why elsewhere sought ye Me? Yet with reproof shall still be mingled blessing, And peace undoubting shall your portion be. But ye must go, not always there abiding, And lift, again, the load of care and strife ; Lo ! He goes, too, your homeward footsteps guiding, And shares with you the daily tasks of life ! 1 8 ASH-WEDNESDAY. OF those who hailed the SAVIOUR'S birth With festive cheer and song, Glory to GOD, and peace on earth, Where is the countless throng ? For now the Church her children calls Their suffering LORD to see ; And on each ear the whisper falls, Canst thou not watch with me ? Alas ! how few, who lift the lay To hail the Virgin-born, Can bear with Him to watch and pray, Forsaken and forlorn. Yet only they who follow Him Even in the wilderness, And when His glory waxes dim Still nearer, closer press ; Who follow on, where, day by day, His patient steps they see, Nor fear to tread the bitter way That ends at Calvary, ASH-WEDNESDAY. 19 They, only, when the shadows flee Before the Easter light, The risen LORD and SAVIOUR see, Who conquers Death and night. This holy season, LORD, may we To-day, aright begin ; Each day more humble may we be, More deeply mourn for sin ! And when beneath Thy Cross we bow, May Faith, adoring, say, Oh, LAMB OF GOD, 'tis only Thou Canst take our sins away ! And oh ! when Easter fills the sky With gold and scarlet flame, To every mourner, LORD, draw nigh, And bless us, each, by name! 20 PALM SUNDAY. flalm /CHILDREN of Zion ! rise to hail your KING, \J With loud hosannas meet him in the gate, Garments and branches in His pathway fling, He comes in royal state. Haste to prepare for Him the kingly throne, The royal robe, the princely diadem, For lo ! MESSIAH comes to claim His own. Springing from David's stem. Ride on, O King, ride on ! the end is near, Thy work is wrought, Thy victory is won, The crown of thorns, the purple robe are here On Calvary, Thy throne ! Oh, holy crown, oh, royal robe of red ! Pain and contempt by you are made divine ; Oh Cross, where JESUS bowed His dying head, We conquer by that sign ! And now, a countless throng His name who bear, The thorns their glory, and the Cross their boast, Pass through the gates, His shame and death to share, Then join His ransomed host. EASTER LILIES. 21 (Easter Cilies. HOW shall we keep this holy day of gladness, This queen of days, that bitter, hopeless sadness Forever drives away ? The night is past, its sleep and its forgetting : Our risen SUN, no more, forever, setting, Pours everlasting day ! Let us not bring, upon this joyful morning, Dead myrrh and spices for our LORD'S adorning, Or any lifeless thing ; Our gift shall be the fragrance and the splendor Of living flowers, in breathing beauty tender, The glory of our spring. And with the myrrh, oh, put away the leaven Of malice, hatred, injuries unforgiven, And cold and lifeless form ; Still, with the lilies, deeds of mercy bringing, And fervent prayers and praises upward spring- ing, And hopes pure, bright and warm. 22 EASTER LILIES. So shall this Easter shed a fragrant beauty O'er many a day of dull and cheerless duty, And light thy wintry way ; Till rest is won, and Patience, smiling faintly, Upon thy breast, shall lay her lilies saintly, To crown Heaven's Easter Day ! EASTER DAY. 23 UNCHANGED, through all the changing years, The widowed Church at dawning grey Goes forth to weep beside the tomb Where once our LORD and SAVIOUR lay, And carries with her spice and balm That through the air their fragrance shed: Oh, hush! nor ask of her, in scorn, " Why seek the living 'mid the dead ?" Draw near and see the precious store, Until she all her gifts display, Which through the year she garners up, And pours them forth on Easter Day. And first she brings her children's prayers, Which she has taught them, day by day, Through life, and death, to offer still, At home, at sea, or far away. And next she gives each loving word, And every holy, fruitful thought ; Each effort for the souls of men, Each work, in love and mercy wrought. 24 EASTER DAY. And then, her last and choicest gift, Wherewith she crowneth all the rest, The memory of her holy dead Who sleep, of perfect peace possessed ! Still bears she forth her precious hoard, And hope grows strong, with every year, That many Easters shall not pass Before her BRIDEGROOM shall appear. Then shall her days of fasting end, And she her weeds aside will lay ; For Death and Sin will be no more, When dawns that endless Easter Day! ASCENSION DAY. 25 Ascension DISCIPLE, lift to-day, thine eyes, Thy risen LORD behold Pass through the portals of the sky, Beyond the gates of gold. Those golden gates, they open wide Their monarch to receive ; But then the glorious vision hide, And we the mount must leave. But when we turn, with weary feet This lonely earth to tread, > Our hearts can rise, in musings sweet, To our ascended Head ! No golden gates, no deepening skies The longing heart restrain ; On wings of love and prayer she flies To find her LORD again. And they, who win the power through grace By faith to enter in, Bring blessings from that holy place, Back to this world of sin. 26 ASCENSION DAY. Oh, LORD, our life is hid with Thee, While here on earth we move ; Help us, unworthy though we be, To lift our hearts above ; Till, sweeping through the gates of gold, The angel hosts once more Descend, and we Thy Face behold Whom we, unseen, adore ! VESTA'S ALTAR. 27 VESTA'S ALTAR. OF Old, on Vesta's sacred hearth, Beneath the heaven's blue dome, The vestal virgins kept the flame That held the fate of Rome. For vain the boasted Roman arms, And weak the Roman might, Unless the mystic flame should burn On Vesta's altar bright ! And vain is now man's boasted skill, And strength to do and dare, Unless the Church's altars glow With purest flames of prayer ; Altars concealed from human gaze, But open to the sky ; Upon them burns, undimmed, the fire While centuries roll by. The soldiers of the Cross go forth, No victory they know, Unless, at home, the altars burn With warm devotion's glow. 28 VESTA'S ALTAR. The world, perhaps, may laugh in scorn, But ruin, shame and blight That nation feels, where impious hands Have quenched that holy light. Oh, GOD the HOLY GHOST, whose breath First lit that living flame, When, on the Apostles' heads of old, In tongues of fire it came ; Still guarded by a faithful Church, May it more brightly burn, Till He, Who is the Light of light, Our LORD and KING, return! TRINITY SUNDAY. 29 Srinitg Sun&aj}. THE TWO-FOLD WITNESS. Rev. v. 13, 14. WHEN Nature on her leafy bed, Sleeps through the long December night, The Church lifts up her patient head And watches for the Advent light. And when the sun returns again, With lengthening days the earth to bless, She sings her glad, triumphant strain, To hail the SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS ! In the first thrill of opening spring Her days of penitence are set, Lest, rising on too joyful wing, We should the sinful past forget. \ When Nature wakes to sudden life, And finds that wintry snows are fled, The Church 'sings of victorious strife, " The LORD is risen from the dead" ! When, like new-fallen snowy drifts, The blossoms cluster on the trees, To GOD the HOLY GHOST she lifts Her prayer for fruitful boughs like these. 30 THE TWO-FOLD WITNESS. But oh, the fulness and the glow, The light, the fragrance and the song, The days that only June can know To One great Name, alone, belong! Thus, in one glorious autiphone, Nature and Grace, in sweet accord, The FATHER, SON and SPIRIT own, And of both kingdoms hail Him LORD I FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 31 dolled for tfje jFoitrtl) QuribaQ after OH, LORD, our Protector, to whom we belong, We are sinful and weak, Thou art holy and strong ; Though dangers affright, and temptations assail, Yet, trusting in Thee, our hearts shall not fail. We know that if Thou art our Ruler and Guide, Our way will be plain, and our steps shall not slide ; And, looking to Thee, as we journey along, The LORD our Salvation shall still be our song. Though thorny the road, yet our home draweth near; Unseal our dim vision, and make it appear ; Then, fixing our eyes on its glistening walls, We pass on, rejoicing, whatever befalls. And oh, when the bramble gives place to the rose, And soft verdant meadows invite to repose, Amid pleasures so fleeting, forbid us to stray, Life eternal to lose for what passes away. Some jewels we drop from our trembling clasp ; Some flowers will fade in our feverish grasp ; What matter, if only we hold, to the last, The gems that will brighten when ages roll pnst ? 32 FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. And when we shall come to the dark river's shore, Redeemer and Guide, Thou hast passed it before, Thou wilt lead us across, and then, low at Thy feet, Thy praises, forever, our songs shall repeat. EIGHTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 33 Collect for tJje igl)tfj Sunima after Srinitg. A LL things hurtful/' dost thou know \- What thou askest praying so, It may be the very thing That thy soul doth dearly love, That to which thy heart doth cling, Thou are praying, " Lord, remove" ! Canst thou, dar'st thou, thus to pray, "All things hurtful take away" ? " Things of profit", they may be Care and want and misery ; Days of toil, and nights of grief, Loneliness of heart and soul, Sickness finding no relief, Hunger fed by stranger's dole ! When thou prayest, dost thou know Thou wilt not be answered so ? Nay, whatever He remove, He will grant me still His love ; And whatever else He grant, He will give Himself to me ; Need I fear for earthly want, If the LORD my portion be ? Give me all things good, I pray, All things hurtful, take away ! 34 ST. MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS. St. itticljael cm& all Angels. A NGEL hosts, in strength excelling, XJL Ye whose very name is love, Now JEHOVAH'S praises telling, Bowing at His throne above : - Then, as if on eagle pinions, Downward through the radiant sky, To his uttermost dominions To fulfil His word ye fly. Now, with saddened looks descending, Where was wrought some deed of shame, Ye, the Eden gates defending, Conscience wake with sword of flame ; Ye, from out the doomed city To the righteous point a path, Then, repressing all your pity, Pour the vials of GOD'S wrath. When the pilgrim rests at even With a stone beneath his head, To the very gate of Heaven Ye can change that lowly bed! Ye, JEHOVAH'S law declaring, Teach His people life to win, Then, His awful judgments bearing, Smite them even in their sin. ST. MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS. 35 Hark ! the angel choir is singing, Shining with celestial light, And the joyful tidings bringing, "CHRST, your LORD, is born to-night" ! Happy they whom GOD selected On His Only Son to wait ! Though by man despised, rejected, Angels served His royal state. Angels came, the mourners cheering, " CHRIST is risen from the dead/' To the wondering twelve appearing, " Follow your ascended Head" ! For the captive, calmly sleeping, Whil'e the Church to GOD compl ains, Bolts and bars before him sweeping, Lo an angel breaks his chains ! The poor exile, in his vision, On the golden pavement stands, And he sees the hosts elysian, Michael and his warrior bands ; Angels seven, of retribution, Awful servants of the LORD, Saw he cleanse the earth's pollution With the vial and the sword. 36 ST. MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS. Still their ministry fulfilling, Angel hosts keep watch and ward, And with loving hearts and willing Still our feeble footsteps guard. Still they soothe the mourner's weeping, Still the lonely cell they grace, Still the children they are keeping, While they see our Father's face ! LORD, Whose love that overfloweth, In each darkened heart doth shine, Till the earthly love it knoweth Leads it up to the Divine ; Still, behind our angel keeping, May we own Thy tender care; Own the love that is unsleeping, Love that all Thy children share. THE MINISTRY OF ANGELS. 37 l)e JHinistrg of Angela. THE angel host victorious, In ordered ranks they stand Around the Throne so glorious, Or speed at GOD'S command. Shall mortal man be shielded By creatures so divine ? Or Michael's sword be wielded For Adam's sinful line ? Yes ! even for this ascendeth To-day, the Church's prayer ; Since JESUS condescendeth Our human flesh to wear ! But angel hosts no blessing To faithless hearts can bring, Who fail His Name confessing, Of men and angels, King ! That Name the charm containeth That binds those spirits free, And hearts of flame constraineth Slaves of the Cross to be ; But woe to those refusing To own Him LORD of all, At their own peril choosing Spirits unbound to call ! 38 ST. MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS. Nor shall those angels holy Descend for him, whose pride Disdains the task most lowly, For love of Him Who died. One law His Kingdom bindeth, The humble shall be great, And he who serveth, findeth That angels on him wait. VIGIL OF ALL SAINTS. 39 of all Saints. THE vigil of All Saints ! Awake, my soul, to prayer ; Oh, heart that fails and faints At all that thou must bear. Behold, serenely fair, The vision of All Saints. Far back the names begin, From righteous Abel slain, Till patriarch, prophet, psalmist win A place in that bright train, And join the joyful strain The New Song of All Saints. There holy Stephen kneels, And Peter mounts the Cross, And Paul in bonds and prison feels All earthly riches dross, And counts them all as loss, For CHRIST the King of Saints ! There, John his head reclines Upon his Master's breast, And Mary's virgin beauty shines, Above all women blest ; Not Queen of Heaven, but still confessed Foremost among All Saints. 40 VIGIL OF ALL SAINTS. There James, killed by the sword The fiery Baptist there, Matthew called from his hoard, Nathanael from prayer ; Thomas, no longer doubting, share The glories of the Saints ! And then a glorious train, Whose numbers none can tell, White-robed, and palms in every hand, In joy unspeakable The ceaseless praises swell Of Him Who made them Saints. Why should I tell their names? No human praise they sought, Whether they trod through blood and flames, Or all unnoticed wrought His will, to serve Whom is the thought, The one Rule of All Saints. Some, like glad sunshine, burst On dens of woe and vice, And some through years of suffering nursed The flame of sacrifice : Alike, they rest in Paradise Among the blessed Saints. VIGIL OF ALL SAINTS. 41 Nor yet their number is complete, For, from the Church below, For that inheritance made meet, Each year our loved ones go; And earth grows darker ; but we know They rest with all the Saints. LORD JESUS, give us strength, Who keep this vigil here, To follow them, till we at length, Unmoved by praise, unmoved by fear, Before Thy blessed face appear, To praise Thee with All Saints. Lo ! the first streak of dawn ; The midnight watch is o'er : All hail ! the festal morn, , The bridegroom shuts the door : Enter, tried soul, to leave no more The glad Feast of All Saints ! 42 LAST NIGHT OF THE YEAR. Cast Nigl)t of ilje gear. WAKE, careless soul, and watch this night and pray Beside this bier; Her breath, ere morning come, shall pass away This dying year. Kemember how she smiling came to thee, So young and fair ; Alas, now pale and drawn her wan cheeks be, And lined with care. Laden with many a rich and precious thing, From GOD she came ; Think, ere she die, of all that she did bring, And bless His Name. She daily strewed thy path with flowers Of love and peace : She sometimes brought thee studious hours Of rest and ease. She gave thee many a task, and duty, too, All for Love's sake ; Canst tell how sweet those daily duties grew, That Love did make ? LAST NIGHT OF THE YEAR. 43 Give thanks that she did bring thee, day by day, (This dying year), Some trembling feet to guide upon life's way, Some hearts to cheer. She brought to thee some weary nights of pain, Some feverish days ; Didst thou see Patience smiling in her train, With Prayer and Praise ? Say not she brought, then killed, some hopes most fair, Not dead they be, They are transplanted to that Garden where They'll bloom for thee. She gave to thee, oh, thankless soul, each week, One day of rest ; Didst thou remember, then, thy LORD to seek To be thy Guest ? When morning flushed with joy the eastern skies, She brought thee light From GOD'S dear word, and closed thy weary eyes With that, at night. 44 LAST NIGHT OF THE YEAR. Now, in the midnight chill and gloom, she died ; That groan her last ; Up to the very Throne of GOD she flies, Where lives the Past. Oh, kneel and offer now one hearty prayer, One earnest cry For pardon for the sins she must declare To GOD Most High ! Look, where her sister, with averted face, And covered hands, (Thou knowest not what they hold of woe or grace), Before thee stands. Kneel on, but offer now an altered prayer, Thy pardon won ; Say, whatsoe'er of grief or pain she bear, " Thy will be done 1" Then rising, with a cheerful face receive The glad New Year ; To GOD thy present, past and future, leave, Thou needst not fear ! PART II. often Cegenfc. This is one of thermost striking of the Middle age Legends. It is founded on those mysterious verses, St. Matt, xxvii. 52, 53, and i Pet. ii. 19, 20; and Dante alludes several times to the account given in it of our LORD'S descent into Hell. AT length the awful day had reached its close, Day on whose like, before nor since, sun rose ; That saw the Prince of Life to death descend, Well might the sun grow dark, earth quake, rocks rend! They met together, o'er their guilt to feast, Lawyers and Scribes, with Annas the High priest. What chills their joy? have they not slain the prey For which they watched and waited many a day ? What sudden light illumes the dusky room ? What shapes are these returning from the tomb ? They know them well dead sons of Simeon mild, Who, in the Temple, blest the Holy Child. 48 THE GOLDEN LEGEND. They speak no word, but answering to their signs, They give to each a roll, where many lines They swiftly write, then vanish ; and, behold, The rolls compared do, each, one tale unfold. And, as they read, what terror and dismay To all their guilty souls the words convey ! Sudden, abrupt, the mystic scroll began No words superfluous and thus it ran : " Oh, Hell rejoice!" thus Satan cried, " Since Christ the Prince of Life has died ! His dreaded Kingdom has its end, Behold Him to thy shades descend." " But Hell made answer, sad and slow,