photr BENARD NICARAGUA AND THE INTEROCEANIC CANAL BANCROFT University of California Berkeley CANAt, BMILIO BEIM 'A.RD, jj : )iA>.?J.Sl>'-U?y'iSD*>JI.NlotEK PLENit'OtKNTiiBV OF ^f.^i.mviMUj'irpuc I.M-/TKE UJOTED STATT:-: '" 1874, =-- CONSIDERATIONS KESI'ECTISO THE NICARAGUA SHIP CANA The discovery of the now world, ami the project of cut ting a canal through it to facilitate coin mimifat ion be- tween the Atlantic and Pacific v>ee:ms, arc eoetaneous. But tlie elaboration of those doe.ds which mark an epoch is slow. Great events often need centuries to be executed, arnl tlie previous discussions to whieh they from time lo time give rise, are only the forerunners of their future re- alization. While the various countries of America, were still colo- nies, the canal was n<>(. forgotten, it is true, although no adequate efforts were made to secure its construction. The commerce, of those days did not. demand such an aux- iliary. 'When, however, the entire .continent began to share that liberty which was first secured and proclaimed by the United States; when it found itself tlie arbiter of its own destinies, every section that possessed an isthmus became enthusiastic for the const ruction of the great, work, thinking that the time for its accomplishment had arrived. Such was the feeling in Central America, :lnd espeeiallv in Nicaragua, when that country became a sovereign na- tion, for Nicaragua, thinks that the canal will be the most speedy and ellicacious means to promote her prosper- ity, and that its construction is only a question of time. Kntertaimng this conviction, the Xicaraguan Govern- ment has always received proposals fur the construct. ion of the work with enthusiasm. It may he confident 1 v as- serted that so great joy never prevailed in that Republic,. _- I 2 \ MS \vliou the CsiHfonlia gold mi no* wore discovered, be- cause it wji.-; thought th;:t, by reason <>f (ho impetus which would thus ho. given to emigration and I,, tlic commerce of all lint ions, tin; longed-for moment \vus at hand. Over-hash-, resulf ing-from the. eon viol ion above referred to, has,:it various times, boon a 'snmvi'of disappointment to the Republic, negotiations having hoon entered into with parties who were powerless to fulfill their engage- ment. Those disappoint nients, liowovor, have not dis- couraged her ; she has remained unshaken in lier belief that the interest of the world at large will one day cause the powerful hand to he uplifted, which is to open com- munication between the two oceans. The Uniied States, that enterprising nation, which has j the gift of accomplishing what it designs, and which has the genius and the power to thrust aside all obstacles that stand in the way of great things, have doubtless inspired the men who control their destinies, and who will, beyond a doubt, satisfy their noble aspirations. This Government has sent various exploring expedi- tions to examine the routes by which the work was con- sidered practicable. This shows the lively interest with which this matter is ivg.-irdcd at the present time, and furnishes evidence that, it will hereafter receive the con- sideration that it deserves. In view of the many facts now in of the pub- lic, which it is unnecessary to repeat here, the expeditions which have visiled Nicaragua are satisfied that they have found the route marked out by nature. If Nicaragua would be gratiiiod to see the canal con- structed through the territory of any nation on this conti- nent, inasmuch as they arc all her sisters, and the bene- fits accruing from such a work would be enjoyed more or less by all, her gratification would of course be greater should the territory selected be her own. The engineers who have- examined the Nicaragua!) isth- %^ O inns have seen that there are no serious obstacles in the way of the enterprise, and although their observations were confined to the line of the canal, they nevertheless gained a clear idea of the elements of wealth in which that favored region abounds; still, A short description will not he superfluous, for the benefit of those who have not visited the country, and of those who may have become or who may desire to become directly interested in the matter. I. The healthful ness of the Xicaraguan coast, on either ocean, could not be greater than it is ; it is exceptional, because the coasts of tropical countries on this continent are for the most part sickly. At Sun Juan del Xoiie, "Capo Gracias, Corinto and San Juan del Sur, families, both native and foreisrn, have been living for manv vears, r> ^r> . . and have never found it necessary to emigrate on account of diseases prevailing in those places. When the journey to California was made via Nicaragua, hundreds of thou- sands of persons crossed that isthmus, and, notwithstand- ing the delays rendered necessary by a defective transit, the health of travelers was never known to suller from epidemics. This statement will he vouched for by the va- rious exploring expeditions which this Government .has recently sent to Nicaragua. The many persons composing the same have had a good opportunity to appreciate, dur- ing the performance of the long anil painful tasks allotted to them, the incomparable salubrity of that delightful cli- nuite, which is cooled and purified by a constant breeze. Along the river San Juan this salubrity is to be won- dered at, when we consider that its banks are covered with the most luxuriant vegetation. Hundreds of A/ While Kicanigna $as, in abundance, the materials rc- quitvd lor the work, slic also has a population which un- derstands its meaning; wbieli desires it, and wbieli will give it a derisive impulse by furnishing its quota of me- chanics, ansed, that it would lie necessary toivrile many pages in order merely to give an idrji of thenu In those hejiartments we find, succeeding cadi other in admiral)!*! harmony, extensive plains oi natural pas- ture, where vast herds of neat cattle and horses, graze; fertile table-lands at ;i considerable height above the level otM he sen, W'heit* wheat grow* by t.he side of the finu'ar-cnnc: and, on the lofty and cold mountain-toiis, wild silk and vc:;'(dnblo wax are produced in the imme- vlinte vic.inity of l!ie iit:ijestio forests of piich-pine. Those regions only need adequate means of .communi- cation in order to oiler their incalculable wealth in the utmost abundance to the thrones of emigrants who an- nually leave their native hind, fleeing from the .sterility of a soil which has bcvn impoverished by long and unin- terrupted cultivation, v-r: Few localities are . so well adapted as those which I am now describing, to one of the imperative necessities of the canal. This is- referred TO by lion. C. M. Hobcson, Secretary of the Xavy, in his report, for IST'J, in the fol- lowing remarkable wor<1s: u The route of the. proposed canal, besides geographical position, should, if possible, be through a locality ijahle of developing local |>opula- tion, wealth, trade, ami agrieull me; for the.-e, in them- selves, would be a protectorate and guardian of the great work, and would provide sufficient supplies, repairs, and other necessities to passing navigation, which, in locali- ties less favored or more remote, could only be secured at great expense and uruler certain conditions." VI. Nicaragua, as everybody knows, posscsses, among its various lakes, two whieli are especially worthy of atten- tion, viz: Lake Managua and Lake Nicaragua, whose 9 ivjitciv; co u I'd not he better than fln'y are for all the ordi- nary uses of life. The former, whi<-h is smaller than the latter, Hows into it through the Tipifapa river, and both, together with that natural canal, occupy an extent of nearly two hundred miles in length. Many never failing rivers ami streams, which water thr vast side* of tin: great basin of those lakes, discharge UUMT waters during the entire year, more or less abundantly, into those immense The smaller lake, which is highly picturesque, and on the shore of which stands the capital of the Republic, ter- minates at the north near the Pacific. A strip of hunt, eighteen miles in width, separates it from that ocean. This circumstance, together with that of its being con- nected with the great lake by the- Ti pita pa river, doubt- less led the illustrious prisoner of Ham to suggest this line as the best for the proposed Nicaragua canal. Xow that the question lias been examined and discussed in all its bearings, science has demonstrated the superiority of tlubt other portion of the isthmus, -which was selected by Colonel ChiMs as being the best, route, ami which, in view of the additional light which lias Jwen thrown upon it. by the recent, expeditions of Commanders 1 fat field and Lull} is the one which decidedly deserves the preference. The great lake and the Pacific are in such close proximity to each other, in this section, that the noise of the waves of both is oi'len heard at the same tiisio. The shortest dis- tance between them is not greater than ten miles; and notwithstanding the curves of the line now proposed, which wrmi nates at the port of .Brito, tlie length of said line does not exceed sixteen miles. jf Lake Managua is, for many reasons, deserving of at- tention, Lake Nicaragua is infinitely more so. With a length of one hundred and ten, and u breadth of thirty-live miles, it cannot properly be called it lake; it is really an inland sea. The great body of water which it pours into the Atlantic through the San Juan river, and which is. 10 estimated to be thirty times greater than the amount needed for the purposes of the canal; its small elevation above the average level of the two oceans (10G feet); the groat relative depth of its waters ; the constant breeze which cools it ; the fertility, the abundant products, the population and the continual traffic of its shores; its ex- cellent ports; its numerousund rich islands, among which Ometepe is ;i real wonder, on account of the majesty of its cone and the spontaneous growth of its vegetation; all these inestimable conditions make that great lake the true harbor of the canal, where all the squadrons of the> world will at all time* be able to find shelter. VII. As a complement of the advantageous circumstances which militate in favor of (he proposed canal, it is neces- sary to give an idea of the total extent of the territory of Nicaragua, of the population which it is able to maintain, and of the desire of its inhabitants to promote immigra- tion. The Republic emlmiees a surface of #1,500 square miles of a soil whose fertility is such that it could easily support several millions of inhabitants. One third of this surface is owned by individuals, nnd by communities; the remaining two thirds arc the property of the nation, and arc one of the sources of income of the public treasury. Foreigners, as well sis natives, can now purchase these lands at the insignificant rate of from twenty to forty cents per acre, according to their quality, and the kind of wood Vr'hich they contain; but they may even be obtained by the former without Uie payment of any money whatever. The people of Nicaragua, being well aware of the advan- tages consequent, np*u immigration, have taken variourt measures t.o promote it, among which may be men- tioned the passage of the law of March 10, .18(15, in relation to land-grants, Even if the Republic had * 11 not, on sundry invasions, furnished incontestable evidence of its liberality and ot' its earnest desire to f>faee itself iu contact with tin.? most. advanced civilization, this law alone would he sufficient to prove to the whole world that Hcllishncss has no hold upon flu 1 Nicaraguan [K*ftjiUy The law in question authorises tho govern men t to grant'to any family (of whatever nationality) coming to the Republic with tlie intention of becoming naturalised, as many as one hundred and twenty iiiaHzannf?* of public land, such families being, moreover, entitled to use thq lands of eom- inunities on the same terms as natives of the country. The same law exempts the immigrant for ten years from municipal service, and from the performance of military duty. There is no tax on property in Nicaragua. VII f. I now pass on hriclly to sketch the distinguishing characteristics of the proposed Nicaragua canal in relation to its practicability as regards the work of the engineer, and the expectations of the capitalist ; since the necessity of a .ship-canal through one of the isthmuses of America- is a question which no longer admits of debate. IX. It is very noteworthy that throughout the route pro- posed for the construction of the canal in Nicaragua, tho maximum depth of the cut is so small, that the tcrrihle hughear of a tunnel is entirely eliminated. The dillicultu's and dangers connected with such a work would he incalculable. The exceptionally great width and height of such a subterranean passage, the'quantity of timber that would be required even to begin the construction of so vast an arch, the enormous cost of the entire work, and finally, 'The mwuana i a square containing uinoiy-tivo yards cm c;u-h side. Ilio damage to which it would be liable from the forma- tion of fissures and from the considerable filtration pro- duced by tbo tropical .rains, arc obstacles of such magni- tude that, were it necessary to overcome them, their in- fluence in the scale of probabilities would be decidedly adverse. ( - ' r) f; ' Hi . x That inexhaustible body of water, the in'cat lake to J o wjiich I have alluded, is no less remarkable, situated, ns it is, at the highest point of the route, and yet at such an elevation above the level ot the oceans, that the descent will 1)0 very gradual. I The supply of water, in all plans for an inter oceanic canal to cross the American continent, has perhaps always been the most important, problem, a satisfactory solution , regards the canal. Science will enelUs to he, dorivc'd iVorai it. In so tloiug, I shall huso my statements upon the esiti mates made ly the, most recent expeditions which haw ex])lored the.Istlimus of .Nicaragua, and upon .some abridged statistics of the com- merce of certain parts of the world. The important lahors of th*.- I'xpeditions referred to, wliich were organized l>y the Government of the United States, were performed with the most scrupulous care. The high character of the gentlemen who composed thorn is a guarantee of the reliability of their assertions. The entire length of the propped canal, from ocean to ocean, is one hundred and cigidy-one miles. It is in- tended that it shall bo one hundred and iifty feet wide, and twenty-six deep. Deducting from the above length fifty-seven miles of sailing through the lake, and sixty- 16 three through the San Juan river, there remain but sixty- one miles of canal, properly so called. The average depth of the cut between the lake and the Pacific will be thirty feet ; between the lake and the Atlantic it will bo one foot ami seven tenths. The construction of the work rc<[?iiring neither a tun- nel nor the formation of a deposit of water, the length of the purely artificial canal being HO limited, and con- sidering the small number of locks, the cost of improving ports, and of accessory labor of less importance that will Ue required, I. think I hazard .nothing in saying that the estimate of. 05,000,000 made by these expeditions as- the total co*t, is a close approximation to the truth. This outlay, which i,s by no means exorbitant for an enterprise of such transcendent importance, will be di- minished to tin* amount of several millions by a more de- tailed location of the proposed line, by the value of the lands which Nicaragua has al ways been disposed to grant in favor of the canal, with the mines and other natural wealth which they contain, and by the sums with which she would now aid the immediate improve- ment of navigation in the San .Juan river. At such small cost, the undertaking must be a finan- cial success. Even supposing the amount required to be double the above estimate, the commerce of the world would insure a remunerative interest. The Sue/, canal, the cost of which cannot be placed at less than ?! 00,000,000, whose success was so long a matter of dispute, and whose impor- tance will undoubtedly always be inferior to that of the American canal, is now an enterprise whose future suc- cess is assured. The distinguished Professor J. K. Xonrsc, of the United States Naval Observatory, in bis pamphlet published in 1S70, "m relation to the Sue/, canal, says, in comparing it with the American one: "The probabilities are that a canal here would even far 17 < in value that of Sucx. It will he not for South- ern hurope only, or for Asia, or coast-bound Africa only; but lor the world's trade/' He adds that if (he i.,f Imms r. >ue, , the centre of the old continent, the other is the centre o( the great ocean, the Atlantic-Pacific; of the water as well as of the land of our globe." '' oisis'sii;;. ' w " s 14)0 '' " Tho .Suex Canal Company, (akin- as their I,,*. ,] u . nnual tonnage of Liverpool at. six millions, MuiWillca at hve.and the trade around the Dardanelles and ]!!aek sea ^ suv nnlhn,, S expect six, nillions as the .uiuinann |ro^, the canal, and across receip,. of ,;,,, 0ll ,, m ) A.ln.iUin,- these data, and in view nf the .uceess of (he N,e, eanal, (he appr,,ximaf, cost of that of m-;,, bou,g known, to^efh,,. with the superiori^- of it '^ i i^v il. IM" (Ililt is. 8 .,xv:,p in a direct ratio to (he ,TC; ot kss latMllfy o! coiiiiiiuiiU^ittoii \\-4- IMJtJJIKXTS. REITHMC OF ,MlMSTKYOK FOKI.K'.N I'KI.ATION?. Ci,\f AYAiiTA, April If., 1ST4. JiC Mtnitlrr of F,trf.itjn llclutinn* nf the Hi-public <>f Ni>'(irosotl of distin^nishiMl Anu'rican civil engineers, sc.nt by the siMont.ilir. commission :it \V;tshin^ton for thor cxjuvss inr])>sc of deciding HJXMI tlio ronl^ to bo sclocti'd for the ro:it|. work of the inlcroocunic canal, stating that, according to all the in- formation rt-coivcd by yon, the dfoision of tlu*, f.x^cditioii would bo in favor of Nicaragua, and, in conclusion, nri^injj tlu; government of Honduras to instruct its representative at Washington t.( use his bosfc-- olVorts to brin^j about such a solution of this important, question afl should be favorable, to the interests of Central America. The <'i:i/.'ii President, to whom I have communicated the contents! of your aforesaid note, has instructed me to assure the government of Nicaragua of the very deep intercut which is felt, by the ^overnmena and people of Honduras in the accomplishment of that, greatest and most important work of the a^e, which will at once- change the face of Central America. Although Honduras has, as yet, no representative! at \Yas]iin;;ton, it will make a point of accrediting an envoy exiraorl dinary, if the government of Nicaragua shall think ]roj>er, to the cn< that the question of the canal may he settled in a manner calculated tol promote the interests of Central America. With the highest consideration, I have tho honor to bo Your excellency's very obedient servant, Signed) ADOLFO ZUNIOA. 1 MlXJSTIlY OH 1 FOJIKKJX KKLATIONS or TIIK i \KruuLic OK SAIA'ADOH. HAN SALVADOR, Apiil Tit (In. Minister <\f l*iirc,'fjn llddtions ttf'Jficttftfgtm: Sju: I have received your exeellency'sesJecmed note of the 2:' whereby you were pleased to inform my Government that the Vniteil Slates steamer (JeUysbur^ anchored i>i U' 1 ' o:l >' <'f ^ : "> .Juan del Xorte on the 7lli ult., having on board ;t new expedition commis- sioned to explore the isthmus of Nicaragua, which, after ascertaining Certain facts, is to join another expedition under the command of ie highly favorable t.> the interests of Central America; instruct ions a re therefore this an!->n, Minister I'lenipotentiary and Knvoy Kxtr:u>rdinary of this Itcjmblic in North America, sending him a copy of the esteemed note of your Department, dated the ^2.'!d ultimo, and instructing him to do all in his power in favor of the Nicaragua canal, in conjunction with theoepiv- .xentativc of your country. In having the honor to .state this to your excellency for the. informa- tion of the Chief Magistrate of your KcpubhV, I am happy to .suhseriljc myself, Your obedient and faithful servant, (^ t!<1 ) MARCO A. SOTO. To the Mirtixter of Fnrciyn Relations ut Niciirayu /. SO 62