LJ CD 3 tf) o DC LJ Id y DO a s I < LJ DC O O LJ 0) o to i- O GIFT OF ! O n Si I P 1 STANDARD STEEL CONSTRUCTION A MANUAL FOR ARCHITECTS, ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS CONTAINING USEFUL TABLES FORMULAS AND OTHER INFORMA- TION RELATING TO THE USE OF BEAMS, CHANNELS AND STRUCTURAL SHAPES REVISED BY F. L. GARLINGHOUSE, C.E., Member A.S. C.E, SIXTH EDITION 1908 AS MADE BY JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL COMPANY AMERICAN IRON AND STEEL WORKS PITTSBURGH CHICAGO Copyrighted, 1896 Jones & Laughlins, Limited Copyrighted, 1898 Jones & Laughlins, Limited Copyrighted, 1900 Jones & Laughlins, Limited Copyrighted, 1903 Jones & Laughlin Steel Co. Copyrighted, 1908 Jones & Laughlin Steel Co. PRICE, $1.50 JONES & LAUGHLIN S TTJE L J , Preface to Sixth Edition IN submitting this revised edition of Standard Steel Construction, it is our aim to put in concise form such information as should prove most useful to Structural Engineers, Architects and Contractors. We have thoroughly revised all data relating to steel shapes manufactured by us, which shapes conform with the standard sections adopted by the American Association of Steel Manufacturers, omitting sections we no longer make, and adding a few new shapes. We have discontinued manufacturing corrugated steel, but give a table conforming with the most approved practice. We state in this edition the extreme length of beams, channels, angles, tees, bars and plates which we are willing to make, but we call attention that these lengths might be exceeded in some special cases, and would invite correspond- ence on this subject in cases where longer lengths are imperative. The Standard Specifications for Structural Steel corre- spond with those adopted February, 1903, by the Association of American Steel Manufacturers. The permissible working shear and bearing for rivets has, in many handbooks, been kept the same as when in former times wrought iron was used instead of steel. This is inconsistent with the balance of unit loads which are univer- sally used in proportioning steel structures. We therefore give tables where the shear and bearing for rivets are given, which are permissible for quiescent loads such as in buildings, and for moving loads as in bridges, craneways, motor supports, or for similar purposes. We have inserted data relating to chains which we manufacture, pages 40 and 41. Also a table of wrought steel pipe for steam, gas and water, which we do not manufacture, for reference only ; and a table of the Metric System com- pared with the U. S. Standard weights and measures. Other data will be noticed not contained in former editions. Pittsburgh, July, 1908. i -*t C r C "J'OJ 1 ? E & A LAUGHLIN STEEL CO * * * t C ^ ' i> ^ v * i. STANDARD SECTIONS Steel Beams B. O. 80, 85, 90, 95and100lbs. to. 30" Si JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. STANDARD SECTIONS Steel Beams B. 2 65, 70, 75 \bs. 6.25?- *i. 6.399-- } B. I 80, 85, 90, 95,100 Ibs. ,^ 7.00^---. *j | us. 7.284- '*} JONE^& LAUGHLIN STEEL CO STANDARD SECTIONS Steel Beams B. 2% 55,60,65&70lbs, [* 2.77~-*i R=r0.56' M : ^ 0-p ci ^ ^ 6- 25 o" K-- - - 6. 9 - B - - ---------- 6.40- ------- -* JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 7 STANDARD SECTIONS IT" ^ Steel Beams R. o.354"/f T \ B. 3. / ^! \ / I 60,65,70 & 75 Lbs. / v \ R. 0.69'V J - s v 17. y 0.590"TO 0.884" 'j 4'' to .L : // \ j i ,* j -j \^~ i*"* 4 0.59" -y \R 246"^ |~T B.4. / 4 42,45,50 & 55 Lbs. / 3 ^ R.O.M^J 1 IP ^ 0.41"TO 0.664" n'<,Qi T 5- JL 15-" 4-fc -* r i J V 6.41" Tf \"/f r T B.5. f 40,45,50 & 55 Lbs. / * R. 0.56'V-J ill 0.46"TO 0.82" 6^88/7 ,t --. i It I t y t k* 0.4 i" - -r- n B.e. " o - 2io 'f] ~T \ 3 1 % &. 35 Lbs. / \ R. 0.45 "^-J r ^ v O, . y 8V, 0.35"TO 0.435" o '7^c^ in in f~ 1 ^ //- 12 \ * ,.i: 1 1 |* 0.35" JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO STANDARD SECTIONS Steel Beams R 0.174/TT-: B. 9 R 0.162', 18, 20%, 23,25% Ibs. 0.37, 0.17" IV B. 10 R0.15 15, 17%, & 20 Ibs. 0.35' r ' JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. STANDARD SECTIONS Steel Beams S3 V 2 :: B. 1 1 R 0.138 , I4?i, I7 Ibs. n ./ .. ^ i-_yf~ \ .0.489" 0.443" 3 SPECIAL BEAM B. 15 __ 10 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO STANDARD SECTIONS Steel Channels C.- I. 33,35,40,45,50 & 55 Ibs. 0.4 TO O.f -15-' n \ 3 1 % to 52 \ Ibs. V ,0.376'Vo 0.84" R. 0.192"P / * o . es " C.^2. . R. 0.168' 20^', 25, 30, 35 & 40 Ibs. ,0.28o 0.758 R. 0.38>- \9X, 12>i, 14^ r C. 6 Ibs.. R. 0.5 0.21 TO 0.68 \ ^ C. 7 8, 10K, 13, &15> / Ibs. a -6- :. s o \ 2> lbs - /J ^ JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. SPECIAL CHANNELS TT" \i ^i in w 0.475" 7 "SHIP CHANNEL ,' "JC 0.3'" C. 21 18.20,22.1 Ibs. R 0.828^0. 41 2 A 0.60" C 0.34" 6"SHIP CHANNEL 0.28' 1C. 16 Ro.,15.9,17.1 & 18.4 Ibs. 'O.B 0.3125 TOO. 5625 N I '.-t- G SHIP CHANNEL C. 22 15.0 Ibs. 3 AVERY CHANNEL C. 13 CSee Note) 6 4? 4 "CHANNEL C. 14 ,2 Ibs. '-- 5X-" *| Note: C 13 made only by special arrangement JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 13 ANGLES WITH EQUAL LEGS 14 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO ANGLES WITH EQUAL LEGS JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. ANGLES WITH EQUAL LEGS 16 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. ANGLES WITH UNEQUAL LEGS JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 17 ANGLES WITH UNEQUAL LEGS 18 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. ANGLES WITH UNEQUAL LEGS JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 1!) ANGLES WITH UNEQUAL LEGS 20 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. UNEQUAL LEGGED TEES STEEL V T. 33 8.6 Ibs. (See note) Uf- Kl r ---3V-- --- >i K-- ---3H-"-- ---* i* ; V i *? J T v* ~^ I" "^ I ^ f 1"^ ^^rT"^ ' ^-'^f- 1 ^ T. 29 10.0 Ibs. T. 30 12.8 Ibs. T. 23 9.8 Ibs. *!.*!- -r k--- ---3H-' 1 ^ <<-- ---3-'' H I 5^r- ^ [-L I ?pr- ^ j- -i L ^f T. 24 8.7 Ibs. T. 25 8.6 Ibs. T. 26 5 9 - 8Ibs K- ---- 2*-" T. 28 4.9 Ibs. Note: T 31 & T 33 made only by special arrangement JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 21 EQUAL LEGGED TEES STEEL T. 1 13.9 Ibs. t* 3X-- - V T. 3 10.6 Ibs. |s_ 4"- <* i J~ T. 2 12.4 Ibs. T. 4 9.3 Ibs. r** 3-- - K- ---3-"- -* }*-- ---3--- T. 5 7.85 Ibs. T. 7 6.5 ibs. T. 6 6.8 Ibs. *HJ|" 1o T. 32 5.7 Ibs. i ...i. 2K T. 8 5.6 Ibs. --i. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. EQUAL LEGGED TEES STEEL M -234* J T. 16 1.60 Ibt, T. 17 1 T;-18 1.25 T. 0.9 Ibs.V STEEL Z BARS Z. 4- 6,7,8,4,10.1 Ibs, SPECIAL Z BAR. Z. 9 3. 6 Ibs. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 23 GROOVED STEEL G. 13 0.94 Ibs. 24 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO GROOVED STEEL G. 23 to 2.50 Ibs. * ..... -1%---- > G. 17 .43 to 2. 28 Ibs. to 2.28 Ibs. )-r"t* v^YJjI .jL. G. 19 2.6 Ibs. G. 16 1-33 to ;>6U- G. 21 2.75 Ibs. (See note) ._*- G. 20 .. f _ 1.6 Ibs. (See note) G.25 (< -1 % - - i J. 15 ~ G. 14 .1.46 Ibs. "{"'PI .1.46 Ibs. i-1 \+ \ T Vs__+ X . t I - 19 ' ->- ? h G.27 jjg,r 3L/(i Note : G 20 and G 21 made only by special arrangement JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 25 MISCELLANEOUS SHAPES STEEL Channel Tires _ ! M, 92 -1K-- >{ i 1.9 Ibs. -2^4" M. 93 ;*- --ir -* , K -'--- 1.84 Ibs. ! k- -11-^ >j ! i^ R . sfUf""*^) %"R. , -.- , 100 ^_.^j.iJ 0.57 Ibs. M. 95 ~ "- ! * -.^' -i 1.53 Ibs. ! I*- 1*"- 3// "f-f ~ f / M. 127 N tV 1.64 Ibs. M. 128 2.10 Ibs. Can roll 2.00 Ibs. per foot by special arrangement - *&-- - 26 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. MISCELLANEOUS SHAPES STEEL Harvester Tires M.68 50 Ibs. M. 74 6.75 Ibs. -;;- -j HUH*---- --^-.-'-MicJ' 1 ?fH I^r3=fi=? M. 76 1.63 Ibs. 2.68. 3. 14 & 4.0 Ibs. * . at JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 27 MISCELLANEOUS SHAPES STEEL DASH CHANNEL M. 126 0.72 Ibs. ICE SLIDE M. 29 60 ^. 1.34 Ibs. M-'V5\><-^-"H ^ 28 JONES & I, AUGHLIN STEEL CO. MISCELLANEOUS SHAPES STEEL Curved Sled Shoe Dropper Bar M.,1 CYLINDERT M. 19 3.83 Ibs. M g 7.6 | bs . "^ Complete Lists of Sizes ^ T o rf*MRai M. 1 3 4.95 ibsLJ-*-- 0.84 Ibs. Note: M 15 & M 16 made only by special arrangement JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 29 MISCELLANEOUS SHAPES STEEL M. 62 T H- --------- 2k- -------- H T Note : M 102, M 103 and M 105 made only by special arrangement 30 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. MISCELLANEOUS SHAPES STEEL M. 113 Plow Beams 2" 13. 17 Ibs. 10.84 it 1IT 9.67 ii 1M" 8.50 ii M. 125 ,1.50, Ibs. 11.87lbs. 9.18 Ibs. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 31 MISCELLANEOUS SHAPES STEEL Cultivator Beams is. \s m. oo ... ^ M. an M.I Rack Rails M. 81 20 Ibs. M. 82 18.75 Ibs. M. 83 12.5 Ibs \ M.88 9. 22 Ibs. 9$ / (See note) .' ,' Note: M 37 and M 88 made only by special arrangement JONES &LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. COLD-ROLLED REAPER AND HARVESTER FINGER BARS Accurately Finished and Straightened H. 4 2.6 Ibs. XX H. 6 4.28 Ibs. ^ ^ H. 7 2.75 to 3.4 Ibs. Note: H3 made only by special arrangement JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 33 COLD-ROLLED. REAPER AND HARVESTER VlNGER BARS Accurately Finished and Straightened k H. 10 1.8 Ibs. 12 - - 34 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. HOT-ROLLED REAPER AND HARVESTER FINGER BARS H. 20 (see note) 4 h* H. 19 (see note) 3.1 Ibs. bfl srn^pL j* itf-'- j X' H. 2 I (see note) 4.0 Ibs. Hot or Cold Rolled NOTE: H. t9, 20 & 21 made only by special arrangement. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 35 STEEL T RAILS SECTION R. I 40 Ibs. SECTION R. 2 35 Ibs. * L // 2 HEAD 42 Ji WEB 21JJ FLANGE 37$ JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. STEEL TEE RAILS SECTION R. 3 SECTION R. 8 30 Ibs. it ! 5l * '- L i v. *R ite3 J 1- 3 ^ -H -4MJF--*] SECTION R. 4 25 Ibs. SECTION R. 7 12 Ibs. Vw*--4i-'">! y-l'v , i fJa&ju-^p 41< ^CsjiT /wt1' WEB 21* I ^ 8 _12_'B^V_ LANGE38 ^ I " Standard Stud Link Cable Chain. Conveyor or Sprocket Wheel Chain. Twist Coil Chain. For sizes, dimensions and notes on the above chains, see page JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 41 CHAINS Sizes, Weights, Dimensions and Proof Tests of Chains Manufactured by Jones & Laughlin Steel Co. SIZE OF CHAIN IN INCHES STRAIGHT LINK COIL S'T'D CLOSE LINK CHAIN CABLE CHAIN S'T'D STUD LINK CABLE CHAIN .T2 1 "" 1 $ r Is II u * Sail 8-g 2* 5 3 !i -I | r H || 1 I t 2X 2% 2% 3% 4 4 4% w Lbs. .5 .75 1.10 1.55 2.00 2.65 3.25 4.2 5.0 5.9 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 Tons Tons Tons w Life. Tons 1 w Lbs. Tons 9 I 5 H if 1% i4 i 8 1* 1% 3 3% .39 .45 .66 .75 1-3^ 1.6 1.92 2.21 2.64 3.05 3.41 3.92 4.29 4.93 5.28 6.07 6.32 7.28 7.59 8.74 8.9110.3 10.3 11.9 11.8 13.6 13.5 15.6 .5 .8 1.7 2.36 3.33 4.42 5.5, 6.67 8.02 9.24 10.7. 12.1 14.5 16.3 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... p! .... .... .... 4/4- 5 5% 5H 7% 7% 8% 8% ii 10 10% lOg 11% 12 12% 13 2% 5.510.1 3 6.312.0 3X 8.213.7 3% 9.215.7 3^10.218.0 3%11.5|20.3 4/812.322.8 4X13.525.5 4% 15.0 28.1 4^816.231.0 4% 18.3 34.0 5/818.837.2 5^21.240.5 5^23.844.0 5% 25. 047. 5 6 26.251.2 6X28.855.2 6K 33.8 63.3 7 35.867.5 7X38.872.0 7% 42.3 76.5 7% 46.081.2 8 48.386.1 8X50.091.0 5 5% 5% 5% 6 Ok 6% 7 */ 3% 10.3 3^8 11.8 3% 12.7 4/813.7 4X15.2 4% 16.5 4K 18.8 5 19.7 5X21.7 5% 23.0 5% 25.3 12.0 12.5 15.1 16.9 18.7 20.6 22.6 24.7 27.0 29.2 31.6 5% 3% 12.5 16.2 18.6 19.6 6 4X 16.0 20.1 23.1 24.0 6% VA 19.0 24.2 27.8 28.7 7X 5X 21.0 28.9 33.2 34.6 7% VA 25.0 34.9 39.0' 41.0 NOTES. Safe working loads of chains are one-half of Proof Test Loads. Twist Coil Chains are made in all sizes from f 5 * to 3-inch, inclusive. Conveyor or Sprocket Wheel Chains are made to any dimensions required, and in order- ing give dimensions of links wanted, or preferably a sketch of same. 42 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. ROUND BARS Sizes Rolled by Jones & Laughlin Steel Co. H X K H M H MAXIMUM M . 5 H r_, H M C LENGTH E fa z M fa z fa FEET < i Q g 6-1 H o J H sg gfa S M < I 1-1 U h O 1! 1 u < I (5 z i M L >J^ H X p i -. ^ ^ ^^ SO, 8 H- -ij ^ H XCL, S J9 d M X % d o s X s o B 3 w i 7ft 142.8 23 3 ^ 40.10 45 1H 3.379 60 7 140.4 23 3/4 37.56 45 1^5 3.014 60 73*1 135.6 23 35/| 35.09 45 1 2.670 60 7 130.9 25 3^2 32.71 45 3% 30.42 45 J* 2.347 60 6% 126.2 25 334 28.20 45 2.044 60 121.7 27 33^ 26.08 45 if 1.763 60 8w 117.2 27 3 24.03 45 / 1.502 60 225 6^ 112.8 30 tt 1.262 40 265 53^ 108.5 30 2J^ 22.07 45 1.043 40 315 634 104.3 32 2^ 20.20 45 A 0.845 40 285 gi^ 100.2 32 2^ 18.40 45 H 0.754 40 395 6 96.14 34 2% 16.69 45 0.667 40 450 2/^ 15.07 45 5% 92.17 34 23^ 13.52 60 H 0.587 40 255 s| 88.29 84.49 38 38 r 12.06 10.68 60 60 1 0.511 0.441 40 40 295 340 5^ 80.77 42 N 0.375 40 400 5/^ 77.15 42 lit 10.02 60 g 0.316 40 475 5/4 73.60 45 l/-^ 9.388 60 0.261 40 575 53^ 70.14 45 113 To 8.773 60 A 0.211 30 90 5 66.76 45 1M 8.178 60 0.167 30 90 1H 7.604 60 ^ 0.128 30 85 47^ 63.46 45 1/^8 7.051 60 A 0.094 30 65 4/4 60.25 45 J^L 6.520 60 4/^ 57.12 45 IK 6.008 60 43^ 54.07 45 1A 5.518 60 4^i 51.11 45 1/^8 5.049 60 434 48.24 45 1& 4.600 60 43^ 45.44 45 1M 4.173 60 4 42.73 45 1A 3.766 60 NOTE. Maximum lengths denote shipping lengths. JONES & LAUGHLIN ST E E L C O . 43 SQUARE BARS Sizes Rolled by Jones & Laughlin Steel Co. H 5 H X H MAXIMUM o ft o o LENGTH Q C* w I , ^ J? w CO fe FEET ^ H Z 1-5 H gg ^ w w x w H O H O H \ "u Dp4 X&H I . 1 ~"" S - xf . . 3 X i/j s R-^-f ^R B Z ft A . J \ I A B R A B C A B c Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. If & Ys H No. 12 Ys M H Vs Y* 3 4 No. 12 1 ^ A % A Ys 3 4 No. 14 1 No. 12 II H Vs & 1 K Ys Ys M \y% No. 12 i 8 H Ys Ys 1 No. 13 No. 14 ixl T i/^ A Ys Ys ii 1M il NOTE. Maximum lengths denote shipping lengths. 44 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. OVALS, HALF OVALS, HALF ROUNDS, HEXAGONALS AND BLUNT OVALS Sizes Rolled by Jones & Laughlin Steel Company OVALS HALF OVALS i ' HALF ROUNDS HEXAG- ONALS 1 *! *| II ^ No. 12 to \Y % 4/^ K o. 11 to 2 9 No. 11 to 2 JS/j No. 12 to 1H 43^ N 0. LI to 2 3 5 tO 2 1/4 No. 45^ No. 11 to 2 9/4 IJi No. 12 to 154 4M No. 11 to 2 4J'8 N 0. 11 to 2 10 & to 2 2 No. 12 to \% 23^3 No. 12 to 13^ 5 N 0. LI to 2 11 J4 to 2 oH No. 12 to 2 No. 11 to 2 ' No. 12 to 1 1 A ' 5M N 0. 11 to 2 12 34 to 2 2V4 No. 12 to 234 5M No. 11 to 2 2^| No. 12 to l]4 13 Mto2 254 No. 12 to 2J^ 6 N 0. Ito2 2% No. 12 to 2M No. 11 to 2 14 J4 to 2 63^ N 0. Ito2 3 No. 12 to 2^ 654 No. 11 to 2 15 9^to2 Ix No. 12 to 3 2 16 i^to2 NUT STEEL S^ W f> H o S O II :KNESS CHES H o II 1| |l W H"" Is is ,5 i- "^ ft. * s Hz ,* 3i 1 0.664 0.767 1.080 i 1 ' 2.630 2.776 3.280 1 IrV 5-757 ItV 7. 192 lf> 8.785 if Tff 1.162 3.237 2A ITT 10.69 M 1.434 ll i 3.367 2% IfV 12.61 7^ M 1.580 US ij 3.410 IrV 8 2.483 ill 1 4.482 NOTE. See page 46 for maximum lengths of flats. 4S JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. tc 3 fc W < h M Q -o H v K 8 s IM M <>4 -i | 10.1 3.00 41 Z8 A 2^ 2 15 2^ 10.9 3.20 34 Z8 i^ 2li 3 2li 12.5 3.69 30 Z8 T 9 S 23/ JB "T^ 2^ 14.2 4.18 26 Z8 ft 2 T6 m 16.0 4.69 23 Z9 A IK 3 iy 2 3.6 1.06 52 JON E S & L A UGHLIN STEEL CO. 5 O S 00 o w < HS s J ^4 1 . rH C3TJHCO i-I !^ O 1C CO CO 0> SB rH CO Oi S^?5 - 1 00 OI-H (M(N 9K CO 9 . ij o 35 OO ^ O5 (N i-H O O5 r^ CO l 2 a O I s - O O 00 00 CO 00 CO-OOO--( s $ COOS O Ofl i-HOOiOOt^cOcOO 1 1 T 1 q 2 HS (N COCO t^"*' ^-1 OOrHCOCOOOi ICOCOOS ososooi>cdcdic^co < / OS CO 00 COSO-* H w\ Tt< (N OS i-H i ( 001>l>COiCiO^^CO O . .(M (NCOr-icOOiOO'^Os \oocO O S HS 00 t^cdcdioio'^-^cotN'^ mi V CO OOCOOSiOrHt^iNOO^ ' O iO w CO iOiCTjHTjH\I-)\ w\rH\rH\ CO\H\ eo\ eo\ eo\ CO CO CO w c. co v 10 oooi>IoiCTt<-^ooei^-C5C5O3aio6t^ t>^o?o id ^ 3 Q ^ co t- o * oo TH ^H ic as cq co oasco t~oo ** oaa t- s^ g XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XX X X X X XXX ^ ^^^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ M c/5 54 JON ES & LAUG HLIN STEEL CO. LONGEST LENGTHS Rolled by Jones & IN FEET OF ANGLES Laughlin Steel Co. a N X *l THICKNESS IN INCHES H A M A K A M A K tt X it H 1 1& IK 8 X8 6 X6 6 X4 6 X3H 5 X5 5 X4 5 X3H 5 X3 4KX3 4 X4 4 X3^ 4 X3 3HX3^ 3HX3 3HX2H 3>iX3>i 3 X3 3 X2H 3 X2 2MX29i 2HX2^ 2HX2 2^X1>4 2!*X1H 2&X2M 2 X2 2 X1H 2 X1H IHX1H IHXl^ IXXU4 1 XI &X 5i 95 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 81 2S 31 86 45 45 35 45 95 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 95 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 54 52 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 95 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 47 50 54 54 54 54 95 100 100 1(10 100 100 100 100 46 44 40 50 50 95 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 44 42 42 4(5 40 95 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 M 100 100 100 100 95 95 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 54 54 54 54 54 l\ 54 a 40 38 40 45 ; ; i 35 35 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 35 32 K 45 45 45 40 45 35 100 100 54 54 '54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 50 44 K 50 50 50 50 50 35 35 35 35 35 ... 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 35 35 35 35 35 45 54 54 54 1 'SO 50 35 35 35 45 45 50 " 50 50 50 50 50 50 35 35 35 35 35 45 45 Lengths given are in feet. In ordering extreme lengths, a leeway of five feet will facilitate the execution of orders. JONES & LAUGH LIN STEEL CO. AREAS OF ANGLES SIZE INCHES M A X A K A H A H tt K tf 12.34 9.09 7.47 7.06 7.47 6.65 6.25 5.84 5.44 5.84 5.44 5.03 5.03 n 8 X8 6 X6 6 X4 5 X5 5 X4 5 \/ QL 5 X3 4 2 X4 4 \x 7i/ 4 X3 3jjx3 3 3MX2 4 3 4 X3 2 3 X2>6 3 X2 2%X2M 2>|x2 2 2 4 X2 4 o \s 1 1/ 1 4 xi 4 j i x M ! /4^ x^ 7.75 5.75 4.75 4.50 4.75 4.26 4.00 3.75 3.50 3.75 3.50 3.25 3.25 3.00 2.75 3.00 2.38 2.75 2.50 2.25 2.50 2.25 2.00 1.76 2.00 1.75 8.68 6.43 5.31 5.03 5.31 4.74 4.47 4.18 3.91 4.18 3.91 3.62 3.62 3.34 3.06 3.34 2.64 3.06 2.78 9.61 7.11 5.86 5.55 5.86 5.24 4.92 4.61 4.29 4.61 4.29 3.98 3.98 3.67 3.^36 3.67 3.36 3.06 10.53 7.78 6.41 6.06 6.41 5.71 5.37 5.03 4.68 5.03 4.68 4.34 4.34 4.00 3.60 J 11.44 8.44 6.94 6.56 6.94 6.18 5.81 5.44 5.06 5.44 5.06 4.69 4.69 13.23 9.74 7.99 7.55 7.99 7.12 6.67 6.28 4.36 3.61 3.42 3.61 3.24 3.05 2.86 2.68 2.86 2.68 2.48 2.48 2.30 2.11 2.30 ,82 2.11 1.92 1.73 1.92 1.73 ll. 1.36 1.55 1.36 1.17 1.12 1.17 1.09 0.99 5.0 4.1? 3.97 4. IS 3.76 3.53 3.31 3.09 3.31 3.09 2.87 2.87 2.65 2.43 2.65 2.11 2.43 2.22 2.00 2.22 2.00 1.78 1.56 1.78 1.56 1.30 2.40 2.25 2.40 1.94 A i: 2.09 2.09 1.93 1.78 1.93 1.56 1.78 1.62 1.47 1.62 1.47 1.31 1.15 1.31 1.15 1.00 3.97 1.00 3.92 3.84 3.71 1.09 .' i!66 ! "!"6!8S 0.76.... 0.71.'... 0.620.88 ....0.81 . ... 0. 76 ....0.71 h.480.7l . ... 0. 62 ....0.59 0.420.62 ...0.57 0.360.53 0.300.43 0.240.34 3.190.27 3.170.25 1.44 1.56 1.26 L31 1.19 1.31 1.19 1.06 1.00 0.94 1.06 0.94 0.81 0.79 0.81 0.76 0.69 0.56 0.44 SIZE INCHES If 1 1A 1H 8X8 6X6 6X4 5X5 2 14.12 10.37 8.50 8.03 8.50 15.00 11.00 9.00 8.50 9.00 15.87 16.73 SIZE OF HOLE 07 AREA TO BE DEDUCTED FOR ONE HOLE 18'.21 21 .25 25 .30 29.35 , 7 * X A ^ .40 .76 K It 1 5f, .73 .86 1.00 .77 .91 1.06 Above table gives area of angles corresponding to thickness varying by jVinch. 56 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. K .-DIMENSIONS OF STAN- Tj ^ {t 1 j DARD STEEL BEAMS, * M A \ 11 AND MAXIMUM fir /T LENGTHS *s 1 MS 1 &8 V ,c to b 8 1 1 1 !" -i I t 1 4) ^3 J 1 II to 1 & 1 1 1 1 "o .t>',H 1.094 45 15 906.596 0.996 0.80 3% if 4S r~" 85 C..49S 0.898 51 17.253.5750.475 75 806.400 0.800 55 (1 14.753.4530.353 0.23 2 H 75 12.253.3300.230 75 756.294 0.884 3M 5(1 15 70 6. 196 656.098 606.000 0.786 0.688 0.590 0.59 1 if (10 (14 70 ft 14.75 12.25 9.75 3.2940.504 3.1470.357 3.0000.210 0.21 IK A 75 75 75 555.754 0.664 75 __ 15 505.656 455.558 425.500 0.566 0.468 0.410 0.41 3 if 75 75 75 4 10.5 9.5 8.5 2.8800.410 2.8060.366 2.7330.263 0.19 1H A 50 50 50 605.740 0.950 55 7.5 2.660 0.190 50 55 5.618 0.828 (10 12 505.496 0.706 0.46 3 if (15 7.5 2.5260.366 50 45 5.373 0.583 (15 3 6.5 2.4280.268 0.17 JJL. j JL 50 405.250 0.460 75 5.5 2.3300.170 50 Lengths given are in feet. In ordering extreme lengths, a leeway of five feet will faci itate the execution of orders. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 57 DIMENSIONS OF STANDARD STEEL CHANNELS AND MAXIMUM LENGTHS K- ^ v U~"fc~. 1 d ,r * c *^ * 0) 8 8 8 i t> /. e to J3 8 V i> J3 8 t c a 1 c g | c - j Z a 1 | 1 jj W V c *c ~~ | "5 <* bJO H M 55 3.836 0.831 2W 75 19.75 ?, 510 630 75 50 3.7330.733 2M 75 17.25 2.405 0.525 1H 75 15 45 40 3.6380.636 3.5380.538 0.40 1^ 75 75 7 14.75 12.25 2.3000.420 2.1950.315 0.21 }$ H 75 75 35 3.440 0.440 J7^ 75 9.75 2.090 210 Jl^ 75 33 3 400 400 -- p 13 52 to 31.5 4.4600.840 to to 4.0000.375 0.34 2% \i 00 to 75 7 22.0 20.5 18.0 3.5 3.43 3.33 0.50 0.43 0.33 0.475 2 2 2 if 90 90 90 40 3.4100.758 2 75 15.50 2.288 0.568 1/$ 75 35 1230 3.2900.636 3.1700.513 0.28 2 2 !? 75 75 6 13.00 10.50 2.166 ?. 043 0.446 0,323 0.20 ivf rt 75 75 25 3.0500.390 1% 75 8.00 1.920 0.200 m 75 20 5 2 940 280 1/4 ' '' 18 40 ftfiO 5fi2 10 35 30 25 20 15 3.1880.828 3.0410.681 2.8940.5340.24 2.7470.3781 2.6000.240 2 2 2 if 75 75 75i 75 75 G 17.10 15.90 14.60 13.30 15.0 3.000 2.936 2.874 2.812 3.5 0.500 0.437 0.375 0.312 0.35 0.28 0.34 i^ 2 if H 58 90 9 25 20 15 2.814 2.651 2.478 0,614 0.451 0.288 0.23 "i ti 75 75 75 5 11.50 9.00 6.50 2.044 1.897 1.750 0.484 0.337 0.190 0.19 A 75 75 75 13.25 2.4300.230 1% 75 7.25 1.727 0.327 50 4 6.25 1.6540.254 0.18 1 A 50 21.25 2.628 0.588 i/^ 75 5.25 1.5800.180 50 18 75 9 Wfi 1 AOfi T- 8 16. 25'2. 444 0.404 0.22 i;4 '-?- 75 6.00 1 606 366 50 13.75 11.25 2.3520.312 2.2600.220 w 75 75 3 5.00 4.00 1.508 1.410 0.268 0.170 0.17 tt A 50 50 Lengths given are in feet. In ordering extreme lengths, a leeway of five feet will facilitate the execution of orders. 58 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. CAST SEPARATORS FOR BEAMS Separators with Two Bolts DESIGNATION OF BEAM DISTANCES BOLTS WEIGHTS 5 2 24 Number of Shape 11 *! Out to Out of Flanges of Beams Inches Center to Center of Beam Inches sl fa 1 Distance, Center to Center, Inches I! Bolts and Nuts Pounds Increase of Bolts for i inch Additional Spread of Beams Pounds Separator Pounds Add to Separator Weight for each Inch Spread of Beams Pounds BO 80 14% 7% % 9% 3% 0.25 29% 5^ 20 20 Bl B2 80 65 v& 7 * % 10 10 8* 3% 0.25 0.25 8* 1% 18 B2* 55 12% 6% % 9 8K 3H 0.25 19 2% 15 15 15 B4 80 60 42 I I 7 7 7 9 8 0.25 0.25 0.25 12% 1 12 B6 31* 10% 5% % 6K 7% 3 0.25 9% 1H Separators with One Bolt 12 12 B 5 B 6 40 11- 10% 5% m iH 0.12 0.12 % IS 10 10 B 7 B 7 40 25 11 10% 6 % .... 1% '0.12 iO.12 7 TM. IS 9 9 B 8 B 8 35 21 10% 5 % :::: 6% m 0.12 0.12 j)K IS 8 B9 B 9 SJ 8% 5 4% % .... 6 2 1M 0.12 0.12 & If 7 7 BIO BIO 20 15 1% 5 % .... 5% 1* 0.12 0.12 8 ?! 6 6 Bll Bll 17% 12% 81 4 3% % .... 5H $ 0.12 0.12 & A 5 5 B12 B12 14% 7 ?& % .... 4% $ 0.12 0.12 % 4 B13 7^ 5% 3% % 4H 1% 0.12 1H Ji 3 B14 5^ 5% 3 % 4% % 0.12 id % Separators for 18, 20 and 24-inch beams are made of fs-inch metal. Separators for 6 to 15-inch beams are made of %-inch metal. Separators for 5-inch beams and under are made of 34-inch metal. Minimum widths given. Separators can be made wider. JONE S & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 59 STANDARD SPACING AND DIMENSIONS OF RIVET AND BOLT HOLES Through Flanges of Beams, Channels, Connection Angles TK-B-H 3 ^ r dL Jf ^wil 'wssJT^ Jl f STEEL BEAMS STEEL CHANNELS ANGLES Inches I II A B S 1 o o ta ^ y A B S? i. of Bolt Inches C A a |l II ,c $ c i f 2 o > IS f V fl B +T 1 * S 1 S P ^ S P J S a 24 80. X 4 y?. 15 45. X 2J 4 5% 6 1 3K 15 33. X 17^ 20 20 80. 65. V 4 s x , 5$ 13 31.5 X 2^ 53^ 5 1 2^ 18 55. X 3 /2 X 5K 12 12 30. 20.5 X 2 Ij 4 6A 4 1 1 2X 2 15 80. 60. X X 3^ ?4 10 10 25. 15. X 2 I 1 4 5^ 3X H IX 15 42. X 3 5 T V 9 20. 13 4 5V 3 H IX 12 40. X 3 5K 9 13.25 X 1^ /8 5^ o a/ 3/ I 1 / 12 31.5 X 2 X 5/8 8 16.25 1 r 4 J* 74 /2 10 25. X 2 H Mr 8 11.25 X il 4 s3 2/ 2 X 1/8 9 21. X 2 X 7 7 17.25 9.75 X I 1 / 5A 6X 2X X IX 8 17.75 X 2 l /4 5^ 7 Ship X 2 5r 5 S 2 >* l# 7 15., # 2 X 5X 6 6 13. 8. tl 1/8 5 1 ? IX # it 1 3 6 12.25 H 2 5X 6 Ship X 2 5^ /2 /2 TS 5 975 x 1 X 5V 5 9. ^ IX 5/8 1J< K H 5 6.5 ^ 1 5 A 4 7.5 K 1 % 5 T *s 4 5.25 1 5l S 5 1 ^8 T* 3 5.5 rs 1 b 6ft 3 4. /8 tf 5ft * X T ? 6 The spaces " B " correspond with spacing Standard Connection Angles. given on page 61 for 60 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. Notes on Standard Connection Angles for Jones & Laughlin Steel Co.'s Beams The Standard Connection Angles for Jones & Laughlin Steel Co.'s Steel Beams, illustrated on next page, are designed for an allowed shearing strain of 10,000 pounds per square inch, and a bearing strain for 20,000 pounds per square inch on rivets or bolts, corresponding with an extreme fiber strain of 16,000 pounds per square inch in the beam. The minimum span length at and above which the standard connections can be used with safety (the beam being loaded with its full capacity) are shown in the tables below. For shorter spans (the beam being loaded with its full capacity) additional strength in the connection should be made. Table of Minimum Spans for Jones & Laughlin Steel Co.'s Steel Beams for which Standard Connection Angles may be Safely Used with Beams Loaded to their Pull Capacity. Section No. Size of Beam Inches Weight & r t Minimum Safe Span in Feet Section No. Size of Beam Inches Weight iffi Minimum Safe Span in Feet BO 24 80 18.0 B 8 9 25 9.6 Bl 20 80 16.0 B 8 9 21 8.6 B2 20 65 14.0 B 9 8 25X 7.6 B2>^ 18 55 14.0 B 9 8 17* 7.0 B2^ 15 80 12.6 BIO 7 20 6.0 B3 15 70 12.0 BIO 7 15 5.6 B4 15 60 11.6 Bll 6 17* 6.6 B4 15 50 11.0 Bll 6 12X 6.0 B4 15 42 10.6 B12 5 14* 4.0 B5 12 40 8.6 B12 5 9# 4.0 B6 12 31^ 7.6 B13 4 W/2 3.0 B7 10 35 10.6 B13 4 7/2 3.0 B7 10 25 9.0 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. (51 STANDARD CONNECTION ANGLES For I Beams and Channels For 24" I For 20 I For 18"! For 15 I.'s & C.'s + m ^ +-]" _ ^4 "j Weight 40 Ibs. o x L x :i s L.O-IOH i& Weight 28 Ibs. 6 T 4 x ft L-0-8 Ig. Weight 21.9 Ibs. For 12 L's & t.'s For 7 8 9 & 10 I.'s & [ .'s For 5 & 6 I.'s & [ .'a For 3 & 4 I.'s & [\s .[I 6x4x ft L-0-31g. Weight 8.2 Ibs. jr^iir ^ :: * 6xlxft L-0-l?i Ig. Weight 5.6 Jbs. All holes for %-inch bolts or rivets. The weights of connections include . shop and field rivets. n JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. LOCATION OF CONNECTION ANGLES (For Beams of Different Sizes Framing opposite, Bottoms or Tops being Flush) T T 12" I to l&- , I | -k*ai 10 "i to 9" i 10" I I 9l> 8"l) to 7" I See Punching cf Connection Angles on page 61. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. G3 BEARING PLATES FOR BEAMS AND CHANNELS ON BRICK OR MASONRY SIZE OF BEAM OR CHANNEL BEARING ON WALL INCHES SIZE OF BEARING PLATES WEIGHT IN POUNDS SAFE BEARING VALUES IN TONS FOR PLATES RESTING ON c || 1* First Class Brick Ordinary Masonry 345 &6 inch 6 6 6X QXH 6X 6X^ 4 5 1.8 2.7 4.5 7& 8 inch 8 8 8X 8X> 8* 8X% 9 14 3.2 4.8 8.0 9 &10 inch 8 8 8X12XK 8X12XM 14 20 4.8 7.2 12.0 12 inch 31.5 pounds 12 12 12X12X^ 12X12XM 20 31 7.2 10.8 18.0 12 inch 40 pounds and up 15 inch 42 pounds 12 12 12X16X% 12X16X1 41 54 9.6 14.4 24.0 15 inch 60 and 80 pounds 12 12 12X18X?4 12X18X1 46 61 10.8 16.2 27.0 18 20 24 inch 16 16X16X1 73 12.8 19.2 32.0 Above bearing valu Allowable load on brick Allowable load on first c Allowable load on maso Use the thicker pla common brick work. When end reaction plates will be provided special calculations. es are based on the folio work ' wing table : 00 pounds per square inch 50 pounds per square inch 250 pounds per square inch ceeding those given under e bearing values, special earns will usually require lass work .... te for bearing values ex exceeds the above sa 20-inch and 24-inch b 64 JONES & LAUGH LIN STEEL CO. BUILT COLUMN SECTIONS Fig. I , Fig. 4 Fig. 7 Fig. 2 Fig. 5 Fig. 8 n n Fig. 3 H K K Fig. 6 nun Fig. 9 nrir JLL Fig. 10 Fig. 11 I - Fig. 12 Fig. 14 Column Base for light. loads. Fig. 13 \ Column Base with Cast Iron or Cast Steel Base. \ Fig. 15 Built up Column Base for heavy loads. Dotted lines indicate lattice. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 66 GENERAL DETAILS of Column Splices and of Connections for I Beams to Plate and Angle Columns NOTE; Lug T applies to all-connections. Reactions given are for Colu of ^is* metal and over; for metal reduce reactions by 15 per cent. Rivets are assumed as 66 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. Notes on Splicing of Columns and Connection of Beams to Columns Page 65 illustrates manner of splicing columns and also methods of attaching floor beams and girders to columns. It will be noted that the columns are composed of four angles and one web plate. Experience in the construction of skeleton steel frames for buildings, in the past ten years, has plainly demonstrated that columns so constructed are generally as economical in the use of material as when composed of zees or other shapes. Besides, the angles are easier to get from the mills and the connections on such columns are more simple and accessible. In the fabrication of plate and angle columns less trouble is encountered in keeping them straight and out of wind. The designer has at his command a large list of sizes and weights of angles, so that the proper strength can be easily attained either with the four shaft angles or by the addition of flange plates. Three kinds of splices are shown, designated as A, B and C. The first and last are for light and heavy columns of same widths of web plates, while that marked B is for columns of different widths of web plates, necessitating the use of pressure plates D and fillers F. Pressure plates are commonly ^-inch thick, and splice plates 2^-inch to ^4 -inch; the latter being about eighteen inches long ; the columns being spliced about 1 foot 3 inches above finished floor level. The beam connections illustrated will cover most cases occurring in practice. The reactions given for the various connections apply to columns with metal >-inch thick or more. With shafts #- inch thick, the reaction must be reduced accordingly. The bearing value of rivets should equal the double shear- ing value, where beams or girders connect on each side of column webs. See tables on pages 184 and 185. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 67 FIREPROOF FLOOR CONSTRUCTION Fig. 1. End Construction. Fig. 4 Fig. 5 DDD DDD DDD Fig. 2. Combination Construction. Fig. 6 " : ,* v >i "/^yA-*.''-^> ' -T -^ * ! Fig. 3. Parallel Web or Side Construction. Fig- 7 Fig. 8 Fig. 9 68 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. FIREPROOF FLOORS, PARTITIONS, CEILINGS AND ROOFS Fig. 15 Fig. 16 Fig. 17 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. GENERAL DETAILS OF FLOORS AND CONNECTIONS Fig. 1 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 8 Fig. 9 70 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. GENERAL DETAILS OF CEILINGS Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 H JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 71 DETAILS OF PARTITIONS Fig. 6 Fig- 4 Fig. 5 Fig. 7 FIREPROOFING COLUMNS Fig. 8 Fig. 9 Fig. 10 72 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. General Notes on Floors and Fireproofing Floors Examples of girders and joists and their connections, as they most commonly occur, are shown on page 69, Figs. 1, 2 and 4, although we occasionally have cases where a large beam frames into a smaller beam, as in Fig. 3. This is somewhat objectionable and should be avoided as much as possible. Girders consisting of two or more beams side by side, as in Fig. 4, should be connected by means of cast-iron separators, using either 1-bolt separators or 2-bolt separators, according to the size of the beams. These separators in a measure hold in position the compression flanges of the beams, preventing side deflections or buckling. They also unite the two beams and cause them to act in unison as regards vertical deflection. Separators should be placed near the supports and then spaced at regular intervals of about 6 feet. Figs. 5 and 6 show cuts of separators. (For weights of separators for different sizes of beams, see page 58.) Figs. 1, 2, 3 and 4 show different methods of framing joists into girders. Figs. 1 and 2 represent the joist framed into single girders, with standard angle connections, flush either top or bottom as the case may be. In this case the girders are of a greater depth than the joists. Fig. 4 represents joist framed into double girders, flush top and bottom. In this case the joists are of the same depth as the girders, connection being made as before with standard connection angles. Joist or floor beams should be placed about 5 or 6 feet center to center. Information regarding standard sizes of connection angles for the different sizes of beams is given on pages 60, 61 and 62. The anchors shown in Figs. 3 and 8 are in the wall end of the beams and are embedded in the stone or brick work, thus tieing walls together. Fig. 9 shows tie rods used between floor beams. They are usually made of 24-inch diameter rods and should be spaced about 6 feet apart. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. Fireproofing Within a few years, great improvements have been made in the methods and materials employed for the interior con- struction of buildings ; especially is this true of the arch filling between the steel floor members of the skeleton frame. Formerly ordinary brick arches, or corrugated sheets, curved to proper radii and filled up level with concrete to tops of floor beams, were used. This construction being too heavy for high buildings, has been discarded, and the hollow tile arches, shown on page 67, (Figs. 1 to 6) are generally used. The material is well-burned terra cotta blocks, with voids formed in them to decrease the weight. The result is that the blocks consist of a series of ribs, over which the pressure, from their own weight and the super-imposed loads, is distributed as uniformly as is practicable. Figs. 1, 4 and 5 show the ribs running lengthwise of the blocks or arches. In Figs. 2 and 6 the voussoirs have the ribs longitudinal as . before, but the keys, springers or skewbacks have the ribs parallel with the axis of the arch or supporting beams. Some- times solid-bearing tiles are inserted between the skewbacks and voussoirs or at intervals between the various voussoirs; the object being to secure a better bearing for the ribs. Fig. 3 illustrates all ribs parallel with axis of arch or support- ing beams. The first is styled "end" construction; the second "combination" construction, being a combination of the first and third, while the last is termed "side" construction. Practically, it is easier to get better joints with the "side" construction, which is certainly a great desideratum in a good solid floor. The tiles are made of suitable strength to meet conditions imposed by varying the thickness of the ribs. 74 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. The following formula is used in calculating the strength of flat arches : L= 208 A. D. in which ~s^ L=Safe load in pounds per square foot of floor. A = Least effective area of terra cotta in square inches in section of arch 12 inches wide. D=Total depth of arch in feet. S=Span of arch in feet. Two hundred and eight pounds is the permissible com- pression per square inch on terra cotta, or brick work laid in cement mortar, according to New York and Philadelphia building laws; and is equivalent to a factor of safety of 7. From the safe load thus .obtained should be deducted the dead weight, consisting of the terra cotta arch, concrete filling over same, floor finish and ceiling. The weights of terra cotta arches, of various spans and depths, are given in table in column marked " W." The total dead weight made up as stated will vary from 22 to 35 pounds per square foot of floor area, dependent upon depth and span of 'arch, nature of filling over same and kind of finish used for floors and ceilings. The net permissible live loads thus obtained should be as follows, to accord with the New York building laws : For dwellings and hotels .... 70 Ibs. per sq. ft. For office buildings 100 Ibs. per sq. ft. For places of public assembly 120 Ibs. per sq. ft. For stores, factories and warehouses 150 Ibs. per sq. ft. (or more) For roofs 50 Ibs. per sq. ft. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 75 h fc (j 1^ Si C^ (N M1 - t^ .00 OS z* c/3 y 00 (M O O -^ 00 (N CO O -^ 00 I> CO O 1 CO O 00 00 lO I> !> OOOC5COCO OCOO^OOOCO 0000 O5 O5 OS O O JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. A great many tests have been made as to strength of hollow tile arches, both by quiescent load and by dropping of heavy weights, and in every case the "end section" method has demonstrated its greater efficiency over the older systems. The usual manner of setting tile arches is by the use of portable scaffolds formed of 2 XlO plank, supported underneath by "center stringers," which in turn are carried by bolts attached to cross pieces resting on the tops of the beams. After the tile arches have been set in cement mortar for thirty-six hours, the center scaffolding is removed and the tops of the arches are then filled in with cement concrete to the required level, 2 x4 wooden sleepers being embedded in the concrete to afford nailing surface for the wood flooring ; or if marble or ^nosaic flooring is required, the wood strips are omitted. Fig. 7 illustrates a hollow tile arch between beams with a segment soffit and flat top. This form of arch has been extensively used in breweries, warehouses, etc., where the necessity for a level ceiling did not exist. Fig. 8 represents a segment hollow tile arch set in place between beams spaced 18 feet from center to center. The tiles forming this arch are 6 X 6 inches square with outside shell J^-inch thick, and center web %-inch thick. This form of arch costs less than the flat systems shown in Figs. 1 and 2, effecting as it does a considerable saving in steel beams. Its use is becoming general for warehouses, malt houses and also office structures, although great care is necessary in the arrange- ment of steel framing to anticipate the thrust by the proper distribution of tie rods. Fig. 10 shows in detail the abutment piece completely enclosing the steel beam, also the concrete filling in haunches cored out with metallic cores to lighten the weight of the floor ; the wood strips are shown embedded in the concrete, same as described above. Segment arches the sizes described have been built of 6-inch tile with a span of 18 feet, having 14 inches rise in the center, and tested to carry 300 pounds per foot, with factor of 6 for JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 77 safety. Segment arches of 5-inch and 4-inch thick tile are used for smaller spans, and effect considerable saving when a level ceiling is not essential. The weight of a 5-inch segment arch is about 28 pounds per square foot; that of a 6-inch arch, 35 pounds. Fig. 9 shows method of fireproofing a beam or girder built in a floor that projects below the ceiling line. When desired special formed tile can be made to suit the outline required for ornamental cornices, etc. On page 68, Figs. 15, 16 and 17 illustrate single and double isolated steel girders enclosed with fireproofing material, and finished out to the plaster line. On same page, Fig. 9 illus- trates method of constructing mansard or flat fireproof roofs. For this purpose tees of the required weight are used, spaced 18 inches from center to center. Between the tees hollow tiles 12 X 18 inches are bedded in cement mortar and left ready for the weathering. On steep pitched and mansard roofs the porous tiles are preferable, as the slates or roofing tiles can be nailed directly to the same. Fig. 10 illustrates a fireproof ceiling constructed by a combination of steel and tile. The main supports are constructed of 3 X 3 angles spaced 6 feet from center to center, punched at regular intervals of 12-inch centers, with triangular holes of sufficient size to permit 1 X 1-inch tees passing through the same. The 3x3 angles are supported by rods of the required length from the roof rafters at intervals of 8 feet. After the 1 X 1-inch tees are set in place J^-inch thick flat tiles with grooved edges are set in place between same and the under surface left ready for the receipt of the plaster. This form of fireproof ceiling is suffi- ciently strong to bear the weight of a man, but should not be used if required to carry anything but its own weight. x Fig. 11 shows tees and tile construction suited for ceilings or attic floors of fireproof buildings. The tees are spaced 16 inches from center to center, 3-inch thick tiles being bedded between same ; the soffits of the tees are protected with a slab of tile. A thin coat of cement mortar spread upon the tops 78 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. of the tile leaves a finished surface suitable for attic floor. Figs. 12, 13 and 14 illustrate three different forms of fireproof covering applied to steel columns. These tiles are molded to suit any size or form of column, and are secured to each other with steel clamps, and to the column with suitable fastenings. Any form of steel column can be fireproofed in a like manner. Fig. 14 shows a steel column first enclosed in a few inches of cement concrete, protecting the steel against corrosion and then encased by hollow tiles as a protection against fire and also to obtain the desired shape of column. By fireproofing columns as shown, a channel or duct between the column and tile is formed, thus allowing space for pipes, etc., to be carried up through the building without increasing the exterior dimensions of the column. Figs. 7 and 8 show an isometrical view and plan of hollow tile partition. These tiles . are manufactured from 2 to 6 inches thick, and are 12 inches square. They are laid in place in cement mortar, joints being regularly broken in every course. Steel clamps are used to tie the tiles together whenever the walls are of unusual heights. In addition to the well known systems of terra cotta and hollow tile construction, we show on pages 70 and 71 examples of one of the standard systems of concrete construction and different methods of building fireproof partitions under what is known as the expanded metal system of fireproofing. This system is well beyond the experimental stage, having been used in different classes of buildings upwards of twelve years in different cities of the United States. Page 70, Fig. 1 shows a method of construction where the floor beams are dispensed with and suitable steel channels substituted in their stead. These channels are sprung in arch form from girder to girder and are spaced generally about four feet on centers. Concrete is filled on top of these channels by means of centering, and over the whole structure is then laid a slab of concrete of the required thickness, in which are imbedded sheets of expanded metal. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 79 Fig. 2 is in all' respects similar to Fig. 1, except that the channel arches are left out and the floor beams are spaced from 5 feet to 8 feet on centers. One-half of the cut shows the method of floor construction giving paneled ceiling effect, and is the type generally used in warehouses where flat ceilings are not especially required. The other half of the cut shows the method of construction to give flat ceiling effect. This is accomplished by attaching small channel or angle irons spaced 12 inches to 16 inches on centers to the bottom of the beam with malleable iron clamps, to which the expanded metal lathing is attached with No. 19 annealed wire, the space between the ceiling and the floor plate being used to conceal the pipes, speaking tubes and electric wires. This method is generally used for office and public buildings, schools, etc. This system can be made to carry almost any weight that may be imposed upon it by simply using a thicker concrete plate and a heavier form of expanded metal. The usual requirement for a warehouse load to carry 250 pounds live load would be a plate 4 inches thick, with one sheet of No. 10 gauge, 3-inch mesh expanded metal. Fig. 3 shows the common type of floor used in apartment houses, office buildings, etc. This system is generally used where 5-inch to 7-inch beams are used spaced about 4 feet on centers. This is a very economical system, as it gives a flat ceiling effect without the additional expense of furring and lathing. This system may be used on floors where not more than 150 pounds per square foot, live load, is required. Page 71, Fig. 4 shows a very light and economical method of construction for partitions. The studding is made with two bars of light angle irons riveted together with pieces of strap iron every 2 or 3 feet, and expanded metal lathing tied on both sides with annealed wire. This affords an air space of 3 or 4 inches, depending JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. upon the width of the partitions in which the piping may be concealed as shown in the cut. It has a unique advantage, possessed by no other partition, in the fact that the pipes may be run either vertically or hori- zontally, as may be desired. Another advantage possessed by this partition is the fact that it may be plastered with common mortar, the framework being made very rigid and stiff. Fig. 5 shows detail of framing around door openings for these partitions. Fig. 6 shows the well known type of solid partition which has been in use throughout the United States for some time. This partition is so well and favorably known that no explanation is necessary further than to say that the studding is made of light channel or angle irons, generally three- quarters of an inch, set about 16 inches on centers, on one side of which expanded metal lathing is securely tied. It is then plastered on both sides with any one of the patent hard mortars to a total thickness of 1^ to 2 inches. Fig. 8 shows a method of fireproofing steel columns. Light angle iron uprights are placed at each corner and expanded metal lathing is then bent around and securely tied. Plastering is then applied in the usual manner. Fig. 9 shows the method of fireproofing columns with a double air space, which is considered preferable by many prominent engineers. Fig. 10 shows the method of fireproofing round cast-iron columns. The lathing in this case is tied on as tightly as possible to the column, the peculiar shape of the strands giving it ample set-off so that mortar will be securely keyed on the back. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 81 Girders in Buildings In the design of a building cases may occur where a single beam girder will not answer. It may be found desirable to increase the lengths of the spans so as to reduce the number of supporting columns to a minimum, or it often occurs that heavy concentrated loads, such as vaults, brick walls, etc., will render single beam girders inadequate. Various forms of girders may be used in such cases. Where the ends of the girders rest upon the wall, bearing plates should be used to distribute the pressure over a greater surface and thereby prevent the crushing of the material in the wall directly under the girder (see page 63). The allowed pressure per square foot for brick work should not exceed six tons, and for stone twelve to twenty tons, accord- ing to its character. For spanning openings in brick walls, girders composed of two or more I-beams connected by bolts and separators are most commonly used. The probable line of rupture where the bricks have been laid regularly, if the girders should fail, will be found to be inside the sides of an isosceles triangle, whose base is the span, and whose height is one-third of the span. In order to be en- tirely on the safe side, the weight of wall between vertical lines directly over the girder for a height equal to that of the triangle is frequently adopted as the load to be carried. It should be noted, however, that for green walls, or walls having openings, this rule does not 'apply. Placing the weight of brick work at 112 pounds per cubic foot, the weights per superficial foot for different walls are as follows : For 9-inch wall 84 pounds For 13-inch wall 121 pounds For 18-inch wall 168 pounds For 22-inch wall 205 pounds For 26-inch wall 243 pounds 82 JONES & LAUGH LIN STEEL CO. Explanation of Tables Jones & Laughlin's Steel Co.'s Sections The tables on pages 86 to 105, for beams and channels, give the loads which a beam or channel will carry safely (distributed uniformly over its length) for the distances between supports indicated. These loads include the weight of the beam or channel, which must be deducted in order to arrive at the net load which the beam or channel will carry. On pages 106 to 110 will also be found the safe loads for other sections; and on pages 140 to 148 for built-up girders. The values given are based on a maximum fiber strain of 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. It has been assumed in these tables that proper provision is made for preventing the compression flanges of the beams from deflecting sideways. They should be held in position at dis- tances not exceeding twenty times the width of the flange, otherwise the strain allowed should be reduced as per table, page 84. In some instances deflection, rather than absolute strength, may become the governing consideration in determining the size of beam to be used. For beams carrying plastered ceilings, for example, it has been found by practical tests that if the deflection exceeds ^Itf of the distance between supports, or -57$ of an inch per foot of the distance, there is danger of the ceiling cracking. This limit is indicated in the following tables by cross lines, beyond which the beams should not be used, if intended to carry plastered ceilings, unless the allowable loads given in the tables are reduced. There is an element of safety not taken into account in the tables, viz., the fact that the dead load of the floor is carried by the beams before the plaster is applied ; consequently, only the deflection due to the live load is liable to cause damage to the plaster. The following method can be used to obtain the reduced loads: Multiply the load given immediately above the cross line by the square of the corresponding span and divide by the square JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 83 of the required span; the result will be the required load. See example II. on page 84. A table of deflection of Jones & Laughlin Steel Co.'s sections is given on page 85. It may generally be assumed, both for rolled and built beams, that the above limit is not exceeded so long as the depth of the beam is not less than $$ of the distance between supports (^-inch per foot). Inasmuch as the carrying capacity of beams increases largely with their depth, and it is therefore economical to use the greatest depth of beam consistent with the other conditions to which it is necessary to conform (as clear height, etc.), the above cases of extreme deflection will rarely be met with in practice. As the deflection of beams is not very uniform either in iron or steel, the question of the relative deflection of iron and steel beams can be decided only from the average results of a large number of tests. Such experiments as have been made, though insufficient in number to be conclusive, indicate that a steel beam will deflect slightly less than an iron beam of the same section, under the same load, in about the inverse ratio of the moduli of elasticity for these materials as generally assumed, or say as 14 to 15. 84 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. Examples of Application of Tables I. What size and weight of beam 19 feet 6 inches long in clear between walls, and therefore 20 feet long between centers of supports, will be required to carry safely a uni- formly distributed load of 16 tons, the weight of the beam included ? ANSWER : From the table for safe loads of beams, a 15-inch beam, 42 Ibs., will carry safely for a span of 20 feet, 15.71 tons, or .29 tons less than required in this case. Therefore, a beam of this size and weight will be sufficient to carry the load. Otherwise use beam weighing 45 Ibs., which will carry 16.29 tons. II. What load uniformly distributed, including its own weight, will a 15-inch beam, weighing 50 Ibs. per foot, carry for a span of 30 feet, without deflecting sufficiently to endanger a plastered ceiling? ANSWER : From the table for safe loads of beams we find, at the limit indicated for plastered ceilings, that a 15-inch, 50-lb. beam will carry safely a uniform load of 11.91 tons over a span of 29 feet. In order not to give rise to undue deflection, the safe load for a 30-foot span, according to the rule given on page 82, will be 11.91 X29 2 n!9 trm 30 2 BEAMS WITHOUT LATERAL SUPPORT LENGTH OF BEAM PROPORTION OF TABULAR LOAD FORMING GREATEST SAFE LOAD 20 times flange width Whole tabular load 30 times flange width 9-10 tabular load 40 times flange width 8-10 tabular load 50 times flange width 7-10 tabular load 60 times flange width 6-10 tabular load 70 times flange width 5-10 tabular load JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 85 DEFLECTION COEFFICIENTS For Different Shapes, Given in 64ths of an Inch COEFFICIENT INDEX DISTANCE BETWEEN SUPPORTS IN FEET 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 C C 7 C C 7 38.0 30.0 68.0 53.0 106.0 83.0 152.5 119.0 208.0 162.0 271.0 212.0 343.0 268.0 424.0 331.0 513.0 400.5 DISTANCE BETWEEN SUPPORTS IN FEET 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 610.0 477.0 716.0 559.0 830.5 649.0 953.0 748.0 1085.0 847.0 1225.0 957.0 1373.0 1073.0 1530.0 1195.0 1695.0 1324.0 The figures given opposite C and C' are the deflection coefficients for steel shapes subject to transverse strain for varying spans, under their maximum uniformly distributed safe loads, derived from a fiber strain of 16,000 and 12,500 respectively, the modulus of elasticity being taken at 29,000,000. To find the deflection of any symmetrical shape used as a beam, under its corresponding safe load, divide the coefficients given in the above tables by the depth of the beam. This applies to such shapes as beams, channels, etc. For those shapes having unsymmetrical axes, such as tees, angles, etc., divide by twice the greatest distance of the neutral axis from the outside fiber. Example: Required, the deflection of a 10-inch beam, 25 Ibs. per foot, 20-foot span, under its maximum uniformly dis- tributed safe load of 6.51 tons as given on page 94. The above tables give 424.0 as the deflection coefficient; dividing this by 10 gives 42 as the required deflection in 64ths of an inch. For deflections due to different systems of loading, see page 115. 86 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS Uniformly Distributed, for Jones & Laughlin Steel Co. 's Steel Beams DISTANCE IN FEET BETWEEN SUPPORTS 24-lNCH BEAM, STANDARD 100 Pounds 95 Pounds 90 Pounds 85 Pounds 80 Pounds Deflection Inches 10 11 12 105.32 95.74 87.76 102.18 92.89 85.15 99.04 90.04 82.53 95.90 87.18 79.92 92.76 84.33 77.30 .07 .09 .10 13 14 15 16 81.01 75.23 70.21 65.82 78.60 72.99 68.12 63.86 76.18 70.74 66.03 61.90 73.77 68.50 63.93 59.90 71.36 66.26 61.84 57.97 .12 .14 .16 .18 17 18 19 20 61.95 58.51 55.42 52.66 60.10 56.76 53.78 51.09 58.26 55.02 52.13 49.52 56.41 53.28 50.47 47.95 54.57 51.53 48.82 46.38 .21 .23 .26 .29 21 22 23 24 50.15 47.87 45.79 43.88 48.66 46.44 44.43 42.57 47.16 45.02 43.06 41.27 45.67 43.59 41.69 39.96 44.17 42.16 40.33 38.65 .31 .35 .38 .41 25 26 27 28 42.13 40.51 39.01 37.61 40.87 39.30 37.84 36.49 39.62 38.09 36.68 35.37 38,36 36.88 35.52 34.25 37.11 35.68 34.36 33.13 .45 .48 .52 .56 29 30 31 32 36.31 35.11 33.97 32.91 35.23 34.06 32.96 31.93 34.15 33.01 31.95 30.95 33.07 31.97 30.94 29.97 31.99 30.92 29.92 28.98 .60 .64 .69 .73 33 34 35 36 31.91 30.98 30.09 29.25 30.96 30.05 29.19 28.38 30.01 29.13 28.30 27.51 29.06 28.20 27.40 26.64 28.11 27.28 26.50 25.76 .78 Safe load includes weight of beam. Maximum fiber strain of 16,000 pounds per square inch. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS Uniformly Distributed, for Jones & Laughlin Steel Co.'s Steel Beams DISTANCE IN FEET BETWEEN SUPPORTS 20-iNCH BEAM, HEAVY SECTION 100 Pounds 95 Pounds 90 Pounds 85 Pounds 80 Pounds Deflection Inches 10 88.66 86.05 83.43 80.82 78.21 .09 11 80.59 78.22' 75.84 73.47 71.10 .10 12 73.88 71.70 69.53 67.35 65.17 .12 13 68.20 66.19 64.18 62.17 60.16 .14 14 63.33 61.46 59.59 57.73 55.86 .17 15 59.11 57.36 55.62 53.88 52.14 .19 16 55.41 53.78 52.15 50.51 48.88 .22 17 52.15 50.61 49.08 47.54 46.00 .25 18 49.25 47.80 46.35 44.90 43.45 .28 19 46.66 45.29 43.91 42.54 41.16 .31 20 44.33 43.02 41.72 40.41 39.10 .34 21 42.22 40.97 39.70 38.49 37.24 .38 22 40.30 39.11 37.93 36.74 35.55 .41 23 38.55 37.41 36.28 35.14 34.00 .45 24 36.94 35.85 34.76 33.68 32.59 .49 25 35.46 34.42 33.37 32.33 31.28 .54 26 34.10 33.09 32.09 31.08 30.08 .58 27 32.83 31.87 30.90 29.93 28.97 .62 28 31.66 30.73 29.80 28.87 27.93 .67 29 30.57 29.67 28.77 27.87 26.97 .72 30 29.55 28.68 27.81 26.94 26.07 .77 31 28.60 27.76 26.91 26.07 25.23 .82 32 27.70 26.89 26.07 25.25 24.44 .88 33 26.86 26.07 25.31 24.49 23.70 .93 34 26.07 25.31 24.52 23.77 23.00 35 25.33 24.58 23.84 23.09 22.33 36 24.63 23.90 23.18 22.45 21.72 Safe load includes weight of beam. Maximum fiber strain of 16,000 pounds per square inch. NOTE. Use spans above horizontal black line for plastered ceilings. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS Uniformly Distributed, for Jones & Laughlin Steel Co.'s Steel Beams s| g 20-INCH BEAM, STANDARD 1"! 75 70 G5 Deflection Pounds Pounds Pounds Inches 10 68.13 65.51 62.90 .09 11 61.93 59.56 57.18 .10 12 56.82 54.59 52.41 .12 13 52.40 50.39 48.38 .14 14 48.66 46.79 44.93 .17 15 45.42 43.67 41.93 .19 16 42.58 40.94 39.31 .22 17 40.07 38.54 37.00 .25 18 37.85 36.40 34.94 .28 19 35.86 34.48 33.10 .31 20 34.06 32.76 31.45 .34 21 32.44 31.20 29.95 .38 22 30.97 29.78 28.59 .41 23 29.62 28.48 27.35 .45 24 28.41 27.29 26.21 .49 25 27.25 26.20 25.16 .54 26 26.20 25.19 24.19 .58 27 25.23 24.26 23.29 .62 28 24.33 23.45 22.46 .67 29 23.49 22.59 21.69 .72 30 22.71 21.83 20.97 .77 31 21.98 21.13 20.29 .82 32 21.29 20.47 19.66 .88 33 20.64 19.85 19.06 .93 34 20.04 19.27 18.50 35 19.46 18.72 17.97 36 18.94 18.20 17.47 Safe load includes weight of beam. Maximum fiber strain of 16,000 pounds per square inch. NOTE. Use spans above horizontal black line for plastered ceilings. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 89 SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS Uniformly Distributed, for Jones & Laughlin Steel Co.'s Steel Beams DISTANCE IN FEET BETWEEN SUPPORTS 18-lNCH BEAM, STANDARD 70 Pounds 65 Pounds GO Pounds 55 Pounds Deflection Inches 10 11 12 54.52 49.56 45.43 52.16 47.42 43.47 49.80 45.27 41.50 47.06 42.78 39.22 .10 .12 .14 13 14 15 16 41.94 38.94 36.34 34.07 40.12 37.26 34.77 32.60 38.30 35.57 33.20 31.12 36.20 33.62 31.38 29.42 .16 .19 .21 .24 17 18 19 20 32.07 30.29 28.70 27.26 30.68 28.98 27.46 26.08 29.29 27.66 26.21 24.90 27.68 26.14 24.77 23.53 .28 .31 .34 .38 21 22 23 24 25.97 24.78 23.70 22.71 24.84 23.71 22.68 21.73 23.71 22.63 21.65 20.75 22.41 21.39 20.46 19.61 .42 .46 .50 .55 25 26 27 28 21.81 20.97 20.19 19.47 20.86 20.06 19.32 18.63 19.92 19.15 18.44 17.78 18.82 18.10 17.43 16.81 .60 .64 .69 .75 29 30 31 32 18.80 18.17 17.99 17.39 17.17 16.60 16.23 15.69 .80 .86 .92 .98 17.58 17.04 16.83 16.30 16.06 15.56 15.18 14.71 33 34 35 36 16.52 16.03 15.58 15.14 15.81 15.34 14.91 14.49 15.09 14.65 14.23 13.83 14.27 13.84 13.45 13.07 1.04 Safe load includes weight of beam. Maximum fiber strain of 16,000 pounds per square inch. NOTE. Use spans above horizontal black line for plastered ceilings. 90 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS Uniformly Distributed, for Jones & Laughlin Steel Co.'s Steel Beams DISTANCE IN FEET BETWEEN SUPPORTS 15-lNCH BEAM, HEAVY SECTION 100 Pounds 95 Pounds 90 Pounds 85 Pounds 80 Pounds Deflection Inches 10 11 12 63.96 58.14 53.30 62.00 56.36 51.66 60.04 54.58 50.03 58.08 52.80 48.40 56.11 51.01 46.76 .11 .14 .16 13 14 15 16 49.20 45.68 42.64 39.97 47.69 44.28 41.33 38.75 46.18 42.88 40.02 37.52 44.67 41.48 38.72 36.30 43.17 40.03 37.41 35.07 .19 .22 , .26 .29 17 18 19 20 37.62 35.53 33.66 31.98 36*47 34.44 32. as 31.00 35.32 33.35 31.60 30.02 34.16 32.26 30.57 29.04 33.01 / 31.17 29.52 28.06 .33 .37 .41 .46 21 22 23 24 30.45 29.07 27.81 26.65 29.52 28.18 26.96 25.83 28.59 27.29 26.10 25.01 27.66 26.40 25.25 24.20 26.73 25.51 24.40 23.38 .50 .55 .60 .66 25 26 27 28 25.58 24.60 23.69 22.84 24.80 23.84 22.96 22.14 24.01 23.09 22.24 21.44 23.23 22.34 21.51 20.74 22.45 21.58 20.78 20.04 .71 .77 .83 .90 29 30 31 32 22.05 21.38 20.70 20.03 19.35 .96 1.03 1.10 1.17 21.32 20.63 19.99 20.67 20.00 19.37 20.01 19.37 18.76 19.36 18.73 18.15 18.70 18.10 17.54 33 34 35 36 19.38 18.81 18.27 17.76 18.79 18.23 17.71 17.22 18.19 17.66 17.15 16.68 17.60 17.08 16.59 16.13 17.00 16.50 16.03 15.59 1.24 Safe load includes weight of beam. Maximum fiber strain of 16,000 pounds per square inch. NOTE. Use spans above horizontal black line for plastered ceilings. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. ill SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS Uniformly Distributed, for Jones & Laughlin Steel Co.'s Steel Beams DISTANCE IN FEET BETWEEN SUPPORTS 15-lNCH BEAM, LIGHT SECTION 80 Pounds 75 Pounds 70 Pounds 65 Pounds 60 Pounds Deflection Inches 10 11 12 51.15 46.50 42.62 49.19 44.72 40.99 47.23 42.93 39.36 45.27 41.15 37.72 43.31 39.37 36.09 .11 .14 .16 13 14 15 16 39.35 36.54 34.10 31.97 37.84 35.13 32.79 30.74 36.33 33.73 31.49 29.52 34.82 32.33 30.18 28.29 33.31 30.93 28.87 27.07 .19 .22 .26 .29 17 18 19 20 30.09 28.42 26.92 25.57 28.93 27.33 25.89 24.59 27.78 26.24 24.86 23.61 26.63 25.15 23.82 22.63 25.47 24.06 22.79 21.65 .33 .37 .41 .46 21 22 23 24 24.36 23.25 22.24 21.31 23.42 22.36 21.39 20.50 22.49 21 .47 20.53 19.68 21.56 20.58 19.68 18.86 20.62 19.69 18.83 18.04 .50 .55 .60 .66 25 26 27 28 20.46 19.67 18.95 18.27 19.68 18.92 18.22 17.57 18.89 18.16 17.49 16.87 18.11 17.41 16.77 16.17 17.32 16.66 16.04 15.47 .71 .77 .83 .90 29 30 31 32 17.64 16.96 16.29 15.61 14.93 .96 1.03 1.10 1.17 17.05 16.50 15.98 16.40 15.87 15.37 15.74 15.23 14.76 15.09 14.60 14.14 14.44 13.97 13.53 33 34 35 36 15.50 15.04 14.61 14.21 14.91 14.47 14.05 13.66 14.31 13.89 ,13.49 13.12 13.72 13.31 12.93 12.57 13.12 12.74 12.36 12.03 1.24 Safe load includes weight of beam. Maximum fiber strain of 16,000 pounds per square inch. NOTE. Use spans above horizontal black line for plastered ceilings. 92 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS Uniformly Distributed, for Jones & Laughlin Steel Co.'s Steel Beams ill 15-lNCH BEAM, STANDARD n 55 50 45 42 Deflection j. ~ - Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Inches 10 36.52 34.55 32.59 31.41 .11 11 33.19 31.41 29.63 28.56 .14 12 30.42 28.79 27.16 26.18 .16 18 28.08 26.58 25.07 24.16 .19 14 26.08 24.68 23.28 22.44 .22 15 24.34 23.03 21.73 20.94 .26 16 22.82 21.59 20.37 19.63 .29 17 21.49 20.32 19.17 18.48 .33 18 20.28 19.19 18.10 17.45 .37 19 19.21 18.18 17.15 16.53 .41 20 18.26 17.26 16.29 15.71 .46 21 17.38 16.45 15.52 14.96 .50 22 16.59 15.70 14.81 14.28 .55 23 15.87 15.02 14.17 13.66 .60 24 15.21 14.40 13.58 13.09 .66 25 14.60 13.82 13.04 12.56 .71 26 14.04 13.29 12.53 12.08 .77 27 13.52 12.80 12.07 11.63 .83 28 13.04 12.34 11.64 11.22 .90 29 12.59 11.91 11.24 10.83 .96 30 12.17 11.52 10.86 10.47 1.03 31 11.78 11.14 10.51 10.13 1.10 32 11.41 10.80 10.18 9.82 1.17 33 11.06 10.47 9.88 9.52 1.24 34 10.74 10.16 9.58 9.24 35 10.43 9.87 9.31 8.97 36 10.14 9.60 9.05 8.73 Safe load includes weight of beam. Maximum fiber strain of 16,000 pounds per square inch. NOTE. Use spans above horizontal black line for plastered ceilings. JONES & LAUGH LIN STEEL CO. 93 SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS Uniformly Distributed, for Jones & Laughlin Steel Co.'s Steel Beams 12-iNCH BEAM, SPECIAL SECTION 12-iNCH BEAM fa 2 ^ o . STANDARD U Z z w -* [ll 60 55 50 45 40 35 31% Def. [A\iHH M.SIQ Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Inches 10 30.18 28.61 27.04 25.48 23.91 20.28 19.18 .14 11 27.44 26.01 24.58 23.16 21.73 \ 18.44 17.44 .17 12 25.14 23.84 22.54 21.23 19.92 16.90 15.99 .21 13 23.22 22.01 20.80 19.60 18.39 15.60 14.76 .24 14 21.56 20.44 19.32 18.20 17.08 14.49 13.70 .28 15 20.13 19.08 18.03 16.98 15.94 13.52 12.79 .32 16 18.86 17.88 16.90 15.92 14.94 12.68 11.99 .37 17 17.75 16.83 15.91 14.99 14.06 11.93 11.28 .41 18 16.78 15.90 15.02 14.15 13.28 11.27 10.66 .46 19 15.89 15.06 14.23 13.41 12.58 10.67 10.10 .52 20 15.10 14.31 13.52 12.74 11.95 10.14 9.59 .57 21 14.38 13.63 12.88 12.13 11.38 9.66 9.14 .63 22 13.73 13.01 12.29 11.58 10.87 9.22 8.72 .69 23 13.12 12.44 11.76 11.08 10.39 8.82 8.34 .76 24 12.57 11.92 11.27 10.61 9.96 8.45 7.99 .82 25 12.08 11.45 10.82 10.19 9.56 8.11 7.67 .89 26 11.62 11.01 10.40 9.80 9.19 7.80 7.38 .97 27 11.18 10.60 10.02 9.43 8.85 7.51 7.10 1.04 28 10.78 10.22 9.66 9.10 8.54 7.24 6.85 1.12 29 10.41 9.87 9.33 8.78 8.24 6.99 6.62 1.20 30 10.07 9.54 9.01 8.48 7.97 6.76 6.39 1.29 31 9.74 9.23 8.72 8.21 7.71 6.54 6.19 1.37 Safe load includes weight of beam. Maximum fiber strain of 16,000 pounds per square inch. NOTE. Use spans above horizontal black line for plastered ceilings. 94 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS Uniformly Distributed, for Jones & Laughlin Steel Co.'s Steel Beams (DISTANCE IN FEET 1 BETWEEN SUPPORTS ID-INCH BEAM, STANDARD 9-iNCH BEAM, STANDARD *! a 1 *l i *! si Deflection Inches | PH s1 *! 4 8 i 21 Pounds - Deflection Inches 10 11 12 16.94 15.40 14.12 15.64 14.22 13.03 14.33 13.03 11.94 13.02 11.85 10.85 .17 .21 .25 13.35 12.14 11.12 12.18 11.07 10.15 11.00 10.00 9.17 10.06 9.15 8.39 .19 .23 .27 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 13.03 12.10 11.30 10.59 12.03 11.17 10.42 9.77 11.02 10.24 9.55 8.96 10.02 9.30 8.68 8.14 7.66 7.24 6.85 6.51 .29 .34 .39 .45 .50 .56 .62 .69 10.27 9.53 8.90 8.34 7.85 7.42 7.03 6.67 9.36 8.70 8.12 7.61 7.16 6.76 6.41 6.09 8.46 7.86 7.34 7.74 7.19 6.71 6.29 5.92 5.60 5.30 5.03 .32 .37 .43 .49 .55 .62 .69 .76 6.88 6.47 6.11 5.79 5.50 9.97 9.41 8.92 8.47 9.20 8.69 8.23 7.82 8.43 7.96 7.54 7.16 21 22 23 24 8.07 7.71 7.37 7.06 7.45 7.11 6.80 6.52 6.82 6.51 6.23 5.97 6.20 5.92 5.66 5.43 .76 .83 .91 .99 25 6.78 6.25 5.73 5.21 1.07 Safe load includes weight of beam. Maximum fiber strain of 16,000 pounds per square inch. NOTE. Use spans above horizontal black line for plastered ceilings. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS Uniformly Distributed, for Jones & Laughlin Steel Co.'s Steel Beams II S-INH BEAM, STANDARD 7-iNCH BEAM, STANDARD 1 p d ] 'fl tn 2 | a 8-g 0 C fig * * Q^ Ck On PH "^ ft 5 3.81 3.60 3.39 3.18 .11 2.08 1.92 1.76 .14 6 3.17 3.00 2.82 2.65 .15 1.73 1.60 1.47 .21 7 2.72 2.57 2.42 2.27 .21 1.49 1.39 1.26 .28 8 2.38 2.25 2.12 1.99 .27 1.30 1.20 1.10 .37 9 2.12 2.00 1.88 1.77 .35 10 1.90 1.80 1.70 1.59 .43 Safe load includes weight of beam. Maximum fiber strain of 16,000 pounds per square inch. NOTE. Use spans above horizontal bkck line for plastered ceilings. 98 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS Uniformly Distributed, for Jones & Laughlin Steel Co.'s Steel Channels DISTANCE IN FEET BETWEEN SUPPORTS 15-lNCH CHANNEL, STANDARD 55 Pounds 50 Pounds 45 Pounds 40 Pounds 35 Pounds 33 Pounds 10 11 12 13 30.85 28.05 25.71 23.73 28.80 26.27 24.08 22.22 26.93 24.48 22.44 20.72 24.97 22.70 20.81 19.21 23.01 20.92 19.17 17.70 22.22 20.20 18.52 17.10 14 15 16 17 22.04 20.57 19.28 18.15 20.64 19.26 18.06 16.99 19.24 17.96 16.83 15.84 17.84 16.65 15.61 14.69 16.44 15.34 14.38 13.53 15.87 14.82 13.89 13.07 18 19 20 21 17.14 16.24 15.43 14.69 16.05 15.21 14.45 13.76 14.96 14.17 13.47 12.82 13.87 13.14 12.48 11.89 12.78 12.11 11.50 10.96 12.35 11.69 11.11 10.58 22 23 24 25 14.02 13.41 12.86 12.34 13.13 12.56 12.04 11.56 12.24 11.71 11.22 10.77 11.35 10.86 10.40 9.99 10.46 10.00 9.59 9.20 10.10 9.66 9.26 8.89 26 27 28 29 30 11.87 11.43 11.02 11.11 10.70 10.32 10.36 9.97 9.62 9.60 9.25 8.92 8.85 8.52 8.22 8.55 8.23 7.94 10.64 10.28 9.96 9.63 9.29 8.98 8.61 8.32 7.93 7.67 7.66 7.41 Safe load includes weight of channel. Maximum fiber strain of 16,000 pounds per square inch. NOTE. Use spans above horizontal black line for plastered ceilings. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 99 SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS Uniformly Distributed, for Jones & Laughlin Steel Co.'s Steel Channels DISTANCE IN FEET BETWEEN SUPPORTS 12-iNCH CHANNEL, STANDARD 40 Pounds 35 Pounds 30 Pounds 25 Pounds 20^ Pounds 10 11 12 13 17.50 15.91 14.59 13.46 15.93 14.49 13.28 12.25 14.36 13.06 11.97 11.05 12.80 11.64 10.67 9.85 11.38 ^0.35 9.48 8.76 14 15 16 17 12.50 11.67 10.94 10.30 11.38 10.62 9.96 9.37 10.26 9.58 8.98 8.45 9.14 8.53 8.00 7.53 8.13 7.59 7.12 6.69 18 19 20 21 9.72 9.21 8.75 8.85 8.39 7.97 7.98 7.56 7.18 7.11 6.74 6.40 6.33 5.99 5.69 8.34 7.59 6.84 6.09 5.42 22 23 24 25 7.96 7.61 7.29 7.00 7.24 6.93 6.64 6.37 6.53 6.25 5.99 5.75 5.82 5.56 5.33 5.12 5.18 4.95 4.74 4.55 26 27 28 29 30 6.73 6.48 6.25 6.04 5.83 6.13 5.90 5.69 5.49 5.31 5.53 5.32 5.13 4.95 4.79 4.92 4.74 4.57 4.41 4.27 4.38 4.22 4.07 3.92 3.79 Safe load includes weight of channel. Maximum fiber strain of 16,000 pounds per square inch. NOTE. Use spans above horizontal bkck line for plastered ceilings. 100 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS Uniformly Distributed, for Jones & Laughlin Steel Co.'s Steel Channels DISTANCE IN FEET BETWEEN SUPPORTS 10-iNCH CHANNEL, STANDARD 35 Pounds 30 Pounds 25 Pounds 20 Pounds 15 Pounds 10 11 12 13 12.36 11.24 10.30 9.51 11.06 10.05 9.21 8.50 9.75 8.86 8.12 7.50 8.44 7.67 7.03 6.49 7.13 6.49 5.94 5.49 14 15 16 17 8.83 8.24 7.73 7.27 7.90 7.37 6.91 6.50 6.96 6.50 6.09 5.73 6.03 5.63 5.28 4.97 5.10 4.75 4.46 4.20 18 19 20 21 6.87 6.14 5.42 4.69 3.96 6.51 6.18 5.89 5.82 5.53 5.26 5.14 4.87 4.64 4.44 4.22 4.02 3.75 3.57 3.44 22 23 24 25 5.62 5.37 5.15 4.95 5.03 4.81 4.61 4.42 4.43 4.24 4.06 3.90 3.84 3.67 3.52 3.38 3.24 3.10 2.97 2.85 Safe load includes weight of channel. Maximum fiber strain of 16,000 pounds per square inch. NOTE Use spans above horizontal black line for plastered ceilings. JONES & LAUGHLIN S ?'K E;L ^C G ;.; J 10V SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS Uniformly Distributed, for Jones & Laughlin Steel Co.'s Steel Channels fa 9-lNCH CHANNEL, STANDARD 55 JjJ W 2 W - w . ^| < W & fi 1C C Is PH PH I *! 10 8.37 7.20 6.02 5.61 11 7.61 6.54 5.47 5.10 12 6.98 6.00 5.02 4.67 13 6.44 5.54 4.63 4.31 14 5.98 5.14 4.30 4.01 15 5.58 4.80 4.01 3.74 16 5.23 4.50 3.76 3.51 17 4.92 4.23 3.54 3.30 18 4.65 4.00 3.34 3.12 19 4.41 3.79 3.17 2.95 20 4.19 3.60 3.01 2.80 21 3.99 3.43 2.87 2.67 Safe load includes weight of channel. Maximum fiber strain of 16,000 pounds per square inch NOTE. Use spans above horizontal black line for plastered ceilings. 102 J'O N E-S '& L A U G H L I N STEEL CO. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS Uniformly Distributed, for Jones & Laughlin Steel Co.'s Steel Channels ii b 8-lNCH CHANNEL, STANDARD DISTANCE IN BETWEEN SUI T, 21 *, Pounds UK Pounds 1GK Pounds IS* Pounds r, 11 * Pounds 10 11 12. 13 6.40 5.82 5.33 4.92 5.88 5.34 4.90 4.52 5.35 4.87 4.46 4.12 4.83 4.39 4.03 3.72 4.32 3.93 3.60 3.32 14 15 16 17 4.57 4.20 3.82 3.45 3.08 4.27 4.00 3.76 3.92 3.67 3.46 3.57 3.35 3.15 3.22 3.02 2.84 2.88 2.70 2.54 18 3.56 3.28 2.97 2.68 2.40 Safe load includes weight of channel. Maximum fiber strain of 16,000 pounds per square inch. NOTE. Use spans above horizontal black line for plastered ceilings. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 103 SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS Uniformly Distributed, for Jones & Laughlin Steel Co.'s Steel Channels I! WC/2 I 7-iNCH CHANNEL, STANDARD Pounds Pounds Pounds 12 K Pounds Pounds 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 10.09 8.41 7.20 6.30 5.61 5.04 4.58 4.20 9.17 7.64 6.55 5.73 5.10 4.59 4.17 3.82 8.26 6.88 5.90 5.16 4.59 4.13 3.75 3.44 7.35 6.12 5.25 4.59 4.08 3.67 3.34 3.06 6.43 5.36 4.59 4.02 3.57 3.22 2.92 2.68 3.88 3.60 3.36 3.15 3.53 3.27 3.06 2.86 3.18 2.95 2.75 2.58 2.82 2.62 2.45 2.29 2.47 2.29 2.14 2.01 Safe load includes weight of channel. Maximum fiber strain of 16,000 pounds per square inch. NOTE. Use spans above horizontal black line for plastered ceilings. 104 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS Uniformly Distributed, for Jones & Laughlin Steel Co.'s Steel Channels If 6-iNCH CHANNEL, STANDARD 5-iNCH CHANNEL, STANDARD Z D Z H < H 13 105* 8 115* 9 IE og Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds 5 6.97 6.19 5.41 4.62 4.47 3.82 3.16 6 5.81 5.16 4.50 3.85 3.73 3.18 2.64 7 4.98 4.42 3.86 3.30 3.19 2.73 2.26 8 4.36 3.87 3.38 2.89 2.79 2.39 1.98 9 3.87 3.44 3.00 2.57 2.48 2.12 1.76 10 3.49 3.09 2.73 2.31 2.23 1.92 1.58 11 3.17 2.81 2.45 2.10 2.03 1.75 1.44 12 2.91 2.58 2.25 1.93 1.86 1.59 1.32 13 2.68 2.38 2.08 1.78 14 2.49 2.21 1.93 1.65 15 2.32 2.06 1.80 1.54 16 2.18 1.93 1.69 1.44 Safe load includes weight of channel. Maximum fiber strain of 16,000 pounds per square inch. NOTE Use spans above horizontal black line for plastered ceilings. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 105 SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS Uniformly Distributed, for Jones & Laughlin Steel Go's. Steel Channels DISTANCE IN FEET BETWEEN SUPPORTS 4-lNCH CHANNEL STANDARD 3-lNCH CHANNEL STANDARD 7% Pounds OK Pounds Pounds 6 Pounds 5 Pounds 4 Pounds 5 6 2.44 2.04 2.23. 1.86 2.02 1.69 1.48 1.32 1.16 1.23 1.10 .97 7 1.74 1.59 1.44 1.06 .92 .94 .82 .83 .73 8 1.53 1.39 1.26 9 1.36 1.24 1.12 10 1.22 1.12 1.01 Safe load includes weight of channel. Maximum fiber strain of 16,000 pounds per square inch. NOTE. Use spans above horizontal black line for plastered ceilings. 106 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS Uniformly Distributed, for Jones & Laughlin Steel Go's. Angles with Equal Legs SIZE OF ANGLE DISTANCE BETWEEN SUPPORTS IN FEET 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 X8 X H 44.64 22.32 14.88 11.16 8.93 7.44 6.38 5.58 4.96 4.46 8 X8 X1H 93.49 46.74 31.16 23.37 18.70 15.58 13.36 11.69 10.39 9.35 6 X6 X A 21.71 10.85 7.24 5.43 4.34 3.62 3.10 2.71 2.41 2.17 6 X6 X H 40.75 20.37 13.58 10.18 8.15 6.79 5.82 5.09 4.53 4.08 5 X5 X *i 11.84 5.92 3.95 2.96 2.37 1.97 1.69 1.48 1.32 1.18 5 X5 X M24.ll 12.05 8.04 6.03 4.82 4.02 3.44 3.01 2.68 12.41 4 X4 X K 8.11 4.05 2.70 2.03 1.62 1.35 1.16 1.01 0.90 10.81 4 X4 X M 14.99 7.49 5.00 3.75 3.00 2.50 2.14 1.87 1.67 1.50 _ 3HX3HX H 6.13 3.07 2.04 1.53 1.23 1.02 0.88 0.77 0.68 |o.61 3MX3VX M 10.83 5.41 3.61 2.71 2.17 1.81 1.55 1.35 1.20 jl.08 3MX3MX 8 i 5.28 2.64 1.76 1.32 1.05 0.88 0.75 0.66 0.59 0.53 3MX3MX M 7.25 3.62 2.42 1.81 1.45 1.21 1.04 0.91 0.81 0.73 3 X3 X M 3.09 1.54 1.03 077 0.62 0.51 0.44 0.39 0.34 0.31 3 X3 X % 6.93 3.47 2.31 1.73 1.39 1.16 0.99 ! 0.87 0.77 0.69 2MX2MX M 2.56 1.28 0.85 0.64 0.51 ! 0.43 0.37 0.32 0.28 0.26 2MX2MX M 4.75 2.37 1.58 1.19 0.95 1 0.79 0.68 0.59 0.53 0.48 2HX2HX M 2.13 1.07 0.71 0.53 0.43 0.36 0.30 0.27 0.24 0.21 2HX2J4X J^ 3.89 1.94 1.30 0.97 0.78 0.65 0.56 0.49 0.43 0.39 2MX2MX M 1.71 0.85 0.57 0.43 0.34 0.29 0.24 0.21 0.19 0.17 3.09 1.54 1.03 0.77 0.62 0.52 0.44 i 0.39 0.34 0.31 2 X2 X M 0.80 0.40 0.27 0.20 0.16 0.13 0.11 0.10 0.09 0.08 2 X2 X A 2.13 1.06 0.71 0.53 0.43 0.36 ; 0.30 0.27 0.24 0.21 1MX1MX >| 0.59 0.30 0.20 0.15 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.06 1MX1MX A 1.60 0.80 0.53 0.40 0.32 0.27 0.23 0.20 0.18 0.16 I^XIHX H 0.41 0.21 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.04 IV^XIHX ^ 1.03 0.52 0.34 0.26 0.21 0.17 0.15 0.13 0.11 0.10 1MX1/4X H 0.27 0.135 0.090 0.067 0.054 0.045 0.039 0.034 0.030 0.027 IMXIMX k 0.48 0.24 0.16 0.12 0.096 0.080 0.069 0.060 0.053 0.048 1 XI X H 0.17 0.085 0.057 0.042 0.034 0.028 0.024 0.021 0.019 0.017 1 xi x A 0.23 0.115 0.077 0.057 0.046 0.038 0.033 0.029 0.0250.023 MX MX H 0.09 0.045 0.030 0.022 0.018 0.015 0.013 0.011 0.0100.009 MX MX A 0.127 0.063 0.042 0.032 0.025 0.021 0.018 0.016 0.014 0.013 Safe loads include weight of angle. Maximum fiber strain of 16,000 pounds per square inch. Neutral axis through center of gravity parallel to one leg. For safe loads to the right of heavy line the deflection will be greater than allowable for plastered ceiling. Limit for 8 x 8-inch L, 23 feet ; for 6 x 6-inch L, 17 feet ; for 5 x 5-inch L, 13 feet ; for 4 x 4-inch L, n feet. JONES & LAUGHLIN S T E E L C O . 107 SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS Uniformly Distributed, for Jones & Laughlin Steel Go's. Angles with Unequal Legs Long Leg Vertical DISTANCE BETWEEN SUPPORTS IN FEET SIZE OF ANGLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6 X4 X% 17.71 8.85 5.91 4.43 3.55 2.95 2.53 2.21 1.96 1.77 6 X4 Xfi 35.47 17.73 11.83 i8. 87 7. 09 5.915.07 4.44 3.95 3.55 6 XS^X^I 17.33 8.67 5.77 4.333.472.892.48 2.17 1.92 1.73 6 X3HXH 33.07 16.53 11.03 8.27 6.61 5.51 4.72 4.13 3.68 3.31 5 X4 X*4 12.53 6.27 4.17 3.13 2.51 2.09 1.79 1.57 1.39 1.25 5 X4 XH 22.99 11.49 7.67 5.754.603.833.28 2.88 2.56 2.29 5 X3J^X% 12.21 6.11 4.07 3.052.44 2.04 1.75 1.53 1.36 1.23 5 X3 1 AX% 22.51 11.25 7.51 5.634.51 3.753.21 2.81 2.51 2.25 5 X3 XY 11.89 5.95 3.96 2.972.37 1.991.69 1.49 1.32 1.19 5 X3 XH 22.03 11.01 7.35 5.51 4.40 3.67 3.15 2.76 2.45 2.20 4^X3 XfV 8.21 4.11 2.74 2.05 1.64 1.37 1.17 1.03 0.91 0.82 4^X3 XT! 19.31 9.65 6.44 4.833.863.222.762.41 2.15 1.93 4 X3H}X 3 -1$ 8.00 4.00 2.66 2.001.60 1.331.151.00 0.90 0.80 4 X&ixtf 14.56 7.28 4.85 3.642.91 2.432.081.83 1.61 1.45 4 X3 XiHs 7.63 3.81 2.55 1.91 1.52 0.85 0.76 4 X3 XM 14.19 7.09 4.73 3.55 2.84 2.362.031.77 1.57 1.41 3^X3 XM 5.81 2.91 1.93 1.45 1.16 0.97 0.830.73 0.64 0.59 3HX3 XM 10.83 5.41 3.61 2.71 2.16 1.80 1.5511.36 1.20 1.08 4.00 2.00 1.33 1.00 0.80 0.66 0.570.51 0.44 0.40 3MX2HXM 7.79 3.89 2.60 1.95 1.56 1.29 I.llj0.97 0.87 0.77 3 X2^XM 2.99 1.49 1.00 0.75 0.60 0.500.43 0.38J 0.33 0.29 3 X2 L aX L 2 5.49 2.75 1.83 1.37 1.100.920.79 0.69| 0.61 0.55 3MX2 XM 2.72 1.36 0.91 0.68 0.550.450.39 0.35 0.31 0.27 3MX2 XH 6.19 3.09 2.07 1.55 1.24 1.03 0.88 0.77 0.64 0.61 3 X2 XA 1.75 0.87 0.58 0.44 0.35 0.29 0.25 0.22 0.19 0.17 3 X2 XK 5.33 2.66 1.77 1.33 1.07 0.89 0.76 0.67 0.59 0.53 2^X2 XtV 1.55 0.77 0.52 0.39 0.31 0.25 0.22 0.19 0.17 0.16 2^X2 XH 3.79 1.89 1.26 0.95 0.76 0.63 0.54 0.47 0.42 0.38 l^XlKXrV 1.11 0.56 0.37 0.28 0.220.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.11 1HX VsX l A 0.35 0.15 0.10 0.08 0.060.05 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 1 X ^XH 0.12 0.08 1 0.05 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Safe loads include weight of angle. Maximum fiber strain of 16,000 pounds per square inch. Neutral axis through center of gravity parallel to short leg. See notes on page 106. 108 JONES & LAUGH LI N STEE L CO. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS Uniformly Distributed, for Jones & Laughlin Steel Go's. Angles with Unequal Legs Short Leg Vertical DISTANCE BETWEEN SUPPORTS IN FEET SIZE OF ANGLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6 X4 X % 8.53 4.27 2.84 2.13 1.71 1.43 1.22 1.07 0.95 0.85 6 X4 X T! 16.80 8.40 5.60 4.20 3.36 2.80 2.40 2.10 1.87 1.68 6 X3HXH 6.56 3.28 2.19 1.64 1.31 1.09 0.94 0.82 0.73 0.66 12.85 6.43 4.28 3^21 2.57 2.14 1.84 1.61 1.43 1.28 5 X4 XH 8.37 4.19 2.79 2.09 1.68 1.40 1.20 1.05 0.93 0.84 5 X4 X$4 15.25 7.63 5.08 3.81 3.05 2.54 2.18 1.91 11.69 1.52 6.40 3.20 2.13 1.60 1.28 1.07 0.92 0.80 0.71 0.64 6 XQtXH 11.63 5.81 3.88 2.91 2.32 1.94 1.66 1.45 1.29 1.16 5 X3 ~X% 5 X3 X& 4.75 8.59 2.37 4.29 1.59 2.87 1.19 2.15 0.95 1.72 0.79 1.43 0.68 1.23 0.60 1.08 O.f>3 0.96 0.48 0.86 4HX3 XA 4.05 2.03 1.35 1.01 0.81 0.68 0.58 0.51 0.45 0.41 4HX3 Xtf 9-12 4.56 3.04 2.28 1.82 1.52 1.30 1.14 1.01 0.91 4 X3HXH 6.29 3.15 2.09 1.57 1.25 1.05 0.90 0.79 0.70 0.63 4 XSHXtl 11-36 5.68 3.79 2.84 2.27 1.89 1.62 1.42 1.27 1.14 4 X3 X14 4.53 2.27 1.51 1.13 0.91 0.76 0.65 0.57 0.50 Of 4 X3 XX 8.32 4.16 2.77 2.08 1.67 1.39 1.19 1.04 0.92 0.83 O]Xy3 V?^ 4.43 2.21 1.48 1.11 0.88 0.74 0.63 0.56 0.49 0.44' 3VX3 XM 8.11 4.05 2.70 2.03 1.62 1.35 1.16 1.01 0.90 0.81 3:!^X2V^XM 2.19 1.09 0.73 0.55 0.44 0.36 0.31 0.28 0.24 0.22 3HX2HXH 4.32 2.16 1.44 1.08 0.87 0.72 0.62 0.54 0.48 0.43 3 X2HXM 2.13 1.07 0.71 0.53 0.43 0.36 0.32 0.27 0.24 0.21 3 X2^XH 3.89 1.95 1.29 0.97 ,0.78 0.65 0.56 0.49 0.43 0.39 3HX2 XX 1.12 0.56 0.37 0.28 '0.23 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.11 3MX2 XH 2.56 1.2S 0.85 0.64 0.51 0.43 0.36 0.32 0.28 0.26 3 X2 XA 3 X2 XH 1.07 2.51 0.53 1.25 0.36 0.84 0.27 0.63 0.21 J0.50 0.18 0.42 0.15 0.36 0.13 0.32 0.12 0.28 0.11 0.25 2HX2 XA 1.01 2.49 0.51 1.25 0.33 0.83 0.25 0.62 0.20 0.50 0.17 0.41 0.15 0.13 0.36 0.31 0.11 0.28 0.10 0.25 1MX1HXA 0.49 0.25 0.16 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.07 J0.06 0.05 0.05 \%X %XM 0.13 0.07 0.04 '0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 i x y 8 xy& 0.064 0.032 0.021 0.0160.013 0.011 0.009 0.008 0.007 0.006 Safe loads include weight of angle. Maximum fiber strain of 16,000 pounds per square inch. Neutral axis through center of gravity parallel to long leg. See notes on page 106. JONES & LAUGHLIN STE E L C 6 . 109 SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS Uniformly Distributed, for Jones & Laughlin Steel Go's. Tees o . H SIZE FLANGE DISTANCE BETWEEN SUPPORTS IN FEET BY STEM 10 09 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T 1 4 X4 11.67 5.83 3.89 2.92 2.33 1.95 1.67 1.45 1.29 >.n T 2 4 X4 10.28 5.15 3.432.57 2.05 1.72 1.47 1.28 1.15 1.03 T31 c V9^<> 4.59 2.29 1.531.15 0.92 0.76:0.66 0.57 0.510.46 T29 3^X4 8.27 4.13 2.762.07 1.651.37il.l9 1.04 0.920.831 T33 T30 T 3 4^X3 4.32 10.56 7.37 2.161.44 5.28's.52 3.692.45 1.08 2.64 1.84 0.86 2.11 1.48 0.720.62 1.761.51 1.231.05 0.54 1.32 0.92 0~480~43 1.17 1.05 0.810.74 T 4 3)^X3L 6.393.192.13 1.60 1.28 1.070.92 0.800.71 0.64 T23 3HX3 5.452.721.81 1.36 1.09 0.91 0.77 0.680.600.55 T24 3^X3 4.72 2.36 1.57 1.18 0.95 0.79 0.68 0.59|o.52 0.47 T26 3 X3V 7.19 3.59 ! 2.40 1.80 1.44 1.20 1.03 0.890.800.721 T25 3 X3> 6.233.11 2.081.561.24 1.040.89 0.78|0.690.63| T 5 3 X3 4.77 2.39 1.591.200.96 0.80 0.68 0.600.530.48 T 6 3 X3 4.11 2.051.37 1.03 0.83 0.68 0.59 0.510.45 0.41 T32 3 X3 3.30 1.65j 1.10 0.82 0.66 0.55 0.47 0.410.37 0.33 T 7 2^X2^ 3.25 1. 63 1. 08 0. 81 ! 0. 65 0.55 0.47 0.400.36 6.32 T8 2HX2>j 2.791.39 0.93|0. 69 0.56 0.47 0.40 0.350.31 0.28 T28 2HX2 1.690.85 0.560.42 0.33 0.28 0.24 0.21 0.19 0.17 T 9 T10 2$<2& 2.131.07 1.750.87 0.710.530.430.36 0.590.440.350.29 0.310.27 0.250.21 0.24 0.20 0.21 0.17 Til 2 X2' 1. 36 0.68!0. 45 0.34 0.27|0.23 0.20 0.17 0.15 0.14 T27 1.030.52 0.350.26 0.20 0.17 0.150.13 0.12 0.10 T13 1^X1% 1.030.5l!o.35 0.26 0.20 0.17 0.15 0.13 0.12 0.10 T12 iMxik 0.680.34 0.230.17 0.13 0.12 T14 0.730.370.240.19 0.1510. T15 iHxik 0.610.310.200.15 1 0.12 0.11^.06 T16 I^XIM 0. 52 ! 0.26 0.17 0.13|0.11 0.09 0.080.07 0.06 0.05 T17 ikxiM 0.39,0.200.13 0.100.08 0.07 0.050.05 0.04 0.04 T18 1 XI 0.25i0.13 0.08 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.040.03 0.03 0.03 T19 1 XI 0.1910.09 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 1 Safe loads include weight of tees. Maximum fiber strain, 16,000 pounds per square inch. For safe loads to the right of heavy lines the deflection will be greater than allowable for plastered ceilings. 110 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS Uniformly Distributed, for Jones & Laughlin Steel Co.'s Steel Z Bars 0* fc fc INCHES 1ESS OF 1 TAL HES .DISTANCE BETWEEN SUPPORTS, FEET jj &T | S ' 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 M 74 3 w 2.56 2.05 1.71 ~ 1.14 1.02 0.85 0.73 0.64 to JL. 3 17 2 54 2.12 1,81 1,59 1.41 1.27 1.06 0.91 0.70 85 \i 3.77 3.02 2.51 2.16 1.88 1.68 1.51 1.26 1.08 0.94 78 2H T* 3.57 2.86 2.38 2.04^1.79 1.59 1.43 1.19 1.02 0.89 3 H 4.08 3.26 2.72 2.33 2.04 1.81 1.63 1.36 1.16 1.02 to JL 4.57 3.66 3.05 2.61 2.29,2.03 1.83 1.52 1.31 1.14 3Xs \i 5.08 4.05 3.39 2.90 2.54 2.26 2.03 1.69 1.45 1.27 79 3 A 1.24 0.99 0.82 0.71 0.62 0.55 0.50 0.41 0.36 0.31 Safe loads include weight^of Z bar. Maximum fiber stress, 16,000 pounds per square inch. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. Ill W S* - 3 c 2 <5 rt +3 r P- N* t J3 S f^ ^ &5 s~ t3^^ 2-S-S sf^ III S'T S't'S w PJ %ra SJ'S.9 Til 2?* ^^^ o 55 - t o - co co c^ CO N <-< 1-H i- - pajurej pus C<) S.s 4) C > T3 it o ' TJ 55 UK 8 "S^ D JJ c jj tsljj II II 112 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. Use of Tables on the Properties of Rolled Shapes (Pages 118 to 139.) These tables afford a ready means of determining the safe uniformly distributed load a particular shape will sustain, by making one division only. Refer to columns .headed " Coefficient of Strength " C and C' and divide the numbers therein found by the length of span measured between centers of bearings. The first column gives safe uniformly distributed loads with fiber stress at 16,000 pounds per square inch. The second with fiber stress at 12,500 pounds for beams and channels and 12,000 pounds for tees and zees. Referring to 24-inch beam, 80 pounds per foot, in table under C is found 1,855,900 and under C' 1,449,900. If span is thirty feet divide said numbers by 30, giving 61,863 and 48,330 respectively, or the number of pounds uniformly distributed which a 24-inch beam, 80 pounds per foot, will safely support 30 feet between supports, the extreme fibers of beam being stressed 16,000 pounds per square inch in first case and 12,500 pounds in second. Suppose we wish to know the safe load a tee will support ten feet long, section T-30. We find, page 127, under C and C', 21,160 and 15,870. Dividing same by ten we have 2116 and 1587 pounds, respectively, as safe loads, stressing material 16,000 pounds per square inch in first case and 12,000 pounds in second. With any complicated system of loading it is only necessary to determine the moment, multiply same by eight and look up nearest number corresponding to this in columns C and C', when proper beam, channel, tee or zee will be indicated. For example, if a beam is loaded at the center with 10,000 pounds and the span is twenty feet, the reaction at each end of beam is 5000 pounds and eight times the moment or 8 M=8X 10X500=400,000. Under column C we find 405,800, which corresponds to a 12-inch 35-pound beam. Under column C' we find 396,800, which corresponds to a 12-inch, 40-pound beam. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 113 Where two beams or two channels are connected together by latticing or.stay plates, column 14 will be useful in spacing them to make radii of gyration equal. The value of I, I', r, r', R, R' will be found convenient in applying the general formulae on the flexure of beams of any cross-section, given on page 114, to particular sections. 114 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. General Formulas on the Flexure of Beams of any Cross-Section Let A = area of section, in square inches. 1 = length of span, in inches \V =; load, uniformly distributed, in pounds. M = bending moment, in inch-pounds. h = height of cross-section, out-to-out, in inches. n = distance of center of gravity of section, from top or from bottom, in inches. s = strain per square inch in extreme fibers of beam, either top or bottom, in pounds, according as n relates to distance from top or from bottom of section. D = maximum deflection, in inches. I = moment of inertia of section, neutral axis through center of gravity. I rf = moment of inertia of section, neutral axis parallel to above, but not through center of gravity. d = distance between these neutral axes. R = section factor. r = radius of gyration, in inches. E = modulus of elasticity (for wrought iron, assume 27,000,000; for steel, 29,000,000). M= Then : R = r = J Y Sl n Mn SK M I 8sl R 8s In Win 1 Wl 81 8R __ 5W1 8 for beam supported at both ends and 384 Eli uniformly loaded. .p. _ PI 3 for beam supported at both ends and ~ 48EI loaded with a single load P at middle. _ Wl 3 for beam fixed at one end and unsupported " gEl at the other and uniformly loaded. p, 3 for beam fixed at one end and unsupported D = at the other, and loaded with a single 3EI load P at the latter end. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 115 BENDING MOMENTS AND DEFLECTIONS OF BEAMS UNDER VARIOUS SYSTEMS OF LOADING JF=total load. /=length of beam. /= moment of inertia. = modulus of elasticity. (1) Beam fixed at one end and loaded at the other. (2) Beam fixed at one end, and uniformly loaded. fs^7^o----> '-'::: W"-^-''?^' -."^ ,<- -J - ->] Safe load=MJ that given in tables. Maximum bending moment at point of support = Wl. Maximum shear at point of support JfY 3 Deflection = ^~ Safe load= % that given in tables. Maximum bending moment at point of support= Maximum shear at point of sup- port = ]V. IV l^ Deflection= _ 8 E I (3) Beam supported at both ends, single load in the middle. (4) Beam supported at both ends and uniformly loaded. W r - i A i m vs) m Safe load=^ that given in tables. Maximum bending moment at mid- 107 die or beam= 4 Maximum shear at points of sup- port- y z w. Wl 3 Deflection^ Safe load = that given in tables. Maximum bending moment at mid- Wl die of beam= - Q Maximum shear at points of sup- port- %W. Wl* 48EI 1 7 6{' - ; vf- -a- ->| k-a- -H 3 L , ^.j ,*<* "li> (w) Safe load = that given in tables X 8al> Maximum bending moment under i A Wab ^^3 /^~\ ' ^~\ ^^ K'Vjy *() Safe load=that given in tables X 4 a Maximum bending moment between Maximum shear : at support near Wl, Wa a = - ; at other support = Maximum deflection lVab("l a) i loads=% Wa. Maximum shear between load and nearer support=% W. Maximum deflection ~^il~ V/3 (,/-) =^>'-*">- 116 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. VALUES OF MOMENTS OF INERTIA ^ __x .__ fl f*~ 1 U"^^^^ T rnrit Y Y ^ 1, axu. X X 12 .-dL-x. | * j ^3^_^)^_//3^. (^4_/4) T axis V V -p T---- i - 1 __x _ 1 1 1 1) d* (>J4 /4) >l T axis X X NHJ 12 r^J- ^- I, axis Y-Y ,\ > 'J 2J^ 3 +// 3 H ( a |4-p r _ r x ~r IP >L. T __ r . v ^ +/(rf-) (^)(-/) 1 3 4- it i-- ! X it jf" f-y v v ^ 3 +/(^-) 3 -(^-0(-0 3 , ^4 T> aX1S ,3 J ! x for uneven and even angles. ' T uv v d tt*+t (b-n) 3 -(d-t)(n-t)* ,.- 1^..-^] for uneven angles. sX 2 4 -2(-/) 4 -|-4^-(2 )] 3 , |X T ax io TT TT i\ '\ -fc "i A ' < tAla w v Q X " T|^.">r"l' for even angles. Jfr-dSi^"' n * ( 2 *+fy+ A2 for uneven and even > ^-' ' 2(A+^) ' Angles. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 117 VALUES OF MOMENTS OF INERTIA 7= Moment of Inertia ^?= Moment of Resistance Sections --&-* For axis X-X= For axis Y-Y= 12 12 For axis For axis 64 64 bh* 32 32^ t if__>> ^ ' 64 32 12 2 I 12 2J k 12 2J k 118 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. PROPERTIES OF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 n Number i of Beam nches 11 of Section re Inches 1 I! of Flange nches n. of Inertia utral Axis endicular to b at Center n. of Inertia utral Axis icidentwith ter Line of Web J%B* .2 1 f 11 -= 9 PJP m* *!7 0.97 24.4 260,500 203,500 7.91 0.84 24.8 265,000 207,000 6.36 0.85 22.6 241,500 188,700 7.58 0.88 20.4 217,900 170,300 6.86 DO 90 18.9 201,300 157,300 7.12 L= C orC' CorC' 8 s R -I JYL ft U Ol U Li 1 oM - o 1 o JL/ 120 'JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. PROPERTIES OF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Section Number C 1 Area of Section Square Inches fhickness of Web Inches Width of Flange Inches Mom. of Inertia Neutral Axis Perpendicular to Web at Center Mom. of Inertia Neutral Axis Coincident with Center Line of Web Radius of Gyration Neutral Axis Perpen- dicular to Web at Center I i' r 25.50 7.50 .541 4.271 68.4 4.75 3.02 23.00 6.76 .449 4.179 64.5 4.39 3.09 B V 20.50 6.03 .357 4.087 60.6 4.07 3.17 18.00 5.33 .270 4.000 56.9 3.78 3.27 20.00 5.88 .458 3.868 42.2 3.24 2.68 BIO 7 . 17.50 5.15 .353 2.763 39.2 2.94 2.76 15.00 4.42 .250 3.660 36.2 2.67 285 17.25 5.07 .475 3.575 26.2 2.36 2.27 Bll 6 14.75 4.34 .352 3.452 24.0 2.09 2.35 12.25 3.61 .230 3.330 21.8 1.85 2.46 14.75 4.34 .504 3.294 15.2 1.70 1.87 B12 5 12.25 3.60 .357 3.147 13.6 1.45 1.94 9.75 2.87 .210 3000 12.1 1.28 2.05 10.50 3.09 .410 2.880 '7.1 1.01 1.52 . 9.50 2.79 .337 2.807 6.7 0.93 1 55 Bll 4 8.50 2.50 .268 2.733 6.4 O.S5 1.59 7.50 2.21 .190 2.660 6.0 0.77 1.64 7.50 2.21 .361 2.521 2.9 0.60 1.15 B14 3 6.50 1.91 .263 2.423 2.7 0.53 1.19 5.50 1.63 .170 2.330 2.5 0.46 1.23 PROPERTIES OF SPECIAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Section Number Depth of Channel Inches I fcf Area of Section Square Inches Thickness of Web Inches Width of Flange Inches Mom. of Inertia Neutral Axis Perpendicular to Web at Center Mom. of Inertia Neutral Axis *N Parallel with Center Line of Web Radius of Gyration Neutral *t Axis Perpen- dicular to Web at Center 52. 15.3 .84 4.46 318.2 13.07 4.56 C 1H 16 31.5 9.27 .375 4. 233. 10.39 5.01 tC21 7 22.1 18. 6.50 5.29 .50 .33 3.50 3.33 46.04 41.30 7.04 2.67 5.80 2.79 tC16 6 18.4 13.3 5.41 3.91 .562 3.12 3.06 2.81 25.44 20.94 3.66 2.17 2.65 2.31 tC22 6 15. 4.41 .35 3.50 25.02 4.25 2.38 * Special channels, t Ship channels. JON E S & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. .121 STEEL BEAMS 10 11 12 13 14 15 * m 31 Section Factor Neutral Axis Perpendicular to Web at Center Coefficient of Strength for Fiber Stress of 16,000 Pounds per Square Inch. Used for Buildings Coefficient of Strength for Fiber Stress of 12,500 Pounds per Square Inch. Used for Bridges IH Section Number r' R C C' .80 17.1 182,500 142,600 5.82 .81 16.1 172,000 134,400 5.96 Bq .82 15.1 161,600 12 6,200 6.12 y .84 14.2 151,700 118,500 6.32 .74 12.1 128,600 100,400 5.15 .76 11.2 119,400 93,300 5.31 BIO .78 10.4 110,400 86,300 5.50 .68 8.7 93,100 72,800 4.33 .69 8.0 85,300 66,600 4.49 Bll .72 7.3 77,500 60,500 4.70 .63 6.1 64,600 50,500 .63 5.4 55,100 45,400 B12 .65 4.8 51,600 40,300 3* 88 .57 3.6 38,100 29,800 .58 .58 3.4 3.2 3i,000 33,900 28,100 26,500 B13 .59 3.0 31,800 24,900 3'. 07 .52 1.9 20,700 16,200 .... .52 1.8 19,100 1 5,000 B14 .53 1.7 17,600 15,800 2.24 AND SHIP STEEL CHANNELS 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Radius of Gyration Neutral Axis Parallel with Center Line of Web Section Factor Neutral Axis Perpendicular to Web at Center Coefficient of Strength for Fiber Stress of 16,000 Pounds per Square Inch. Used for Buildings Coefficient of Strength for Fiber Stress of 12,500 Pounds per Square Inch. Used for Bridges D^OO- +} p ,0 flip if! s-i r g i| iK isi Section Number r' R C c' .924 48.95 522,100 407,900 6.72 1.114 C1 LjT 1.059 35.85 382,400 298,800 7.66 10.72 1/2 1.04 13.15 140,300 109,600 2.83 1.05 P91 1.04 11.80 125,800 98,300 3.01 1.09 UH .80 8.48 90,500 70,700 2.45 0.78 Plfi .823 6.98 74,500 58,200 2.75 0.79 W4V .98 8.34 88,960 69,500 2.24 1.05 C22 122 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. PROPERTIES OF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | 5 Z of Channel 1 nches | I |f of Section ,re Inches :kness of 3, Inches i of Flange nches .of Inertia itral Axis ndicular to at Center |||| _! , 1 I P I! ft i |l|| plf !iX3H 9.3 2.73 .91 3.09 1.20 T23 T24 3^X3 3HX3 9.8 9. 2.88 2.65 .83 .75 . 2.22 1.99 1.02 .88 T26 3 X3^ 9.8 2.88 1.06 3.29 1.35 T25 8.6 2.50 .98 2.94 1.17 T 5 3 X3 7.85 2.30 .89 1.88 .89 T 6 3 X3 6.6 1.94 ' .87 1.63 .77 T32 3 X3 5.68 1.67 .83 1.35 .62 T 7 2HX2H 6.32 1.86 .79 1.04 .61 T8 2HX2H 5.4 1.59 .74 .92 .52 T28 2^X2 4.8 1.41 .54 .46 .32 T 9 2J4X2M 4.62 1.36 .68 .63 .40 T10 2MX2M 4.12 1.21 .67 .49 .33 Til 2 X2 3.5 1.03 .56 .37 .25 T27 3.9 1.15 .44 .25 .19 T13 1HX1% 3. .88 51 .24 .19 T12 1MX1M 2.33 .69 .50 .16 .13 T14 I^XIM 2.5 .77 .46 .14 .14 T15 1^X1> 1.95 .56 .47 .12 .11 T16 1MX1M 2.04 .60 .42 .08 .097 T17 1&X1M 1.6 .45 .40 .062 .073 T18 1 XI 1.25 .36 .33 .032 .047 T19 1 XI .90 .26 .30 .024 .034 J ONES & L AUG H L I N S TE E L CC 127 STE EL T'S 8 9 10 11 12 13 Radius of Gyration Neutral Axis as before Mom. of Inertia Neutral Axis through Center of Gravity Coincident with Center Line of Stem Section Factor Neutral Axis as before Radius of Gyration Neutral Axis as before Coefficient of Strength for Fiber Stress of 16,000 Pounds per Square Inch Neutral Axis through Center of Gravity Parallel to Flange Coefficient Of Strength for Fiber Stress of 12,000 Pounds per Square Inch Neutral Axis as before r i' R' r' C C' .71 4.9 1.70 1.16 9,200 6,900 .21 3.05 1.52 .85 23,320 17,490 .22 2.61 1.31 .85 20,560 15,420 .21 1.89 1.08 .72 21,160 15,870 .22 1.42 .81 .70 16,500 12,380 .87 2.60 1.16 1.03 8,650 6,490 .04 1.70 .97 .73 14,740 11,060 .01 1.47 .84 .70 12,760 9,570 .87 1.70 .97 .76 10,890 8,170 .84 1.47 .84 .72 9,420 7,070 1.06 1.08 .71 .60 14,360 10,770 1.03 .93 .62 .58 12,440 9,330 .91 .93 .62 .64 9,550 7,160 .92 .78 .52 .63 8,200 6,150 .90 .64 .43 .62 6,610 4,960 .75 .54 .43 .54 6,490 ' 4,870 .75 .45 .36 .53 5,560 4,170 .57 .43 .34 .55 3,390 2,540 .67 .32 .28 .48 4,270 3,200 .67 .25 .23 .48 3,480 2,610 .59 .18 .18 .41 2,700 2,040 .48 .37 .29 .58 2,050 1,540 .51 .12 .14 .36 2,040 1,530 .48 .092 .10 .36 . 1,360 1,020 .44 .076 .10 .32 1,470 1,100 .47 .058 .077 .33 1,210 910 ' .37 .045 .072 .28 1,040 780* .37 .034 .054 .27 770 580 .29 .017 .035 .22 510 380 .30 .012 .024 .21 360 270 128 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. PROPERTIES OF STANDARD ANGLES Equal Legs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 I fl g^S Jf ^X1H H 1.3 .36 .42 .08 .072 A 1.8 .53 .44 .11 .104 k 2.4 .69 .47 .14 .134 j^ 2.9 .84 .49 .16 .162 7% 3.4 .99 .51 .19 .188 A 3.9 1.13 .53 .21 .214 A 7 1MX1M j^ 2.2 .63 .51 .18 .14 k 2.8 .82 .53 .23 .19 A 3.4 .00 55 .27 .23 7% 4.0 .18 .57 .31 .26 A 4.6 .34 .59 .35 .30 k 5.1 .50 .61 .38 .33 A 6 2 X2 2.5 .72 .57 .27 .19 k 3.2 .94 .59 .35 .25 A 4.0 .16 .61 .42 .30 \/L 4.7 .36 .64 .48 .35 A 5.3 .56 .66 .54 .40 k 6.0 .75 .68 .59 .45 A 5 2i/v/2V< A 3.1 .91 .69 .55 .30 k 4.1 .19 .72 .70 .39 A 5.0 .47 .74 .85 .48 i 5.9 .74 .76 .98 .57 A 6.8 .00 .78 .11 .65 ' H 7.7 .25 .81 .23 .72 A 8.5 .50 .83 .34 .80 A 4 3 X3 M 4.9 .44 .84 .24 .58 A 6.1 .78 .87 .51 .71 z^ 7.2 2.11 .89 .76 .83 7 8.3 2.44 .91 1.99 .95 H 9.4 2.75 .93 2.22 1.07 A 10.4 3.06 .95 2.43 1.19 6xC 11.5 3.36 .98 2.62 1.30 H 12.5 3.66 1.00 2.81 1.40 J J N E S & L A U G I i L I N S" PEEL C 0. 129 % '^ X *tXX ^* 7T-X *s /*' 9 YV*' v' 9 10 11 1-J 13 1 ll?l Mi 8 i * |S all* a 111- IIJ$*~ S~< U.x ^Hl r n" I" R" r" .22 .33 .004 .011 .14 A-ll .22 .36 .005 .014 .14 .30 .42 .009 .021 .19 A-10 .30 .45 .013 .028 .19 .29 .48 .016 .034 .19 .38 .51 .018 ' .035 .24 A-9 .38 .54 .025 .047 .24 .37 .57 .033 .057 .24 .36 .60 .040 .066 .24 .47 .60 .031 .053 .30 A-8 .46 .63 .045 .072 .29 .45 .66 .058 .088 .29 .44 .69 .070 .101 .29 .44 .72 .082 .114 .29 .43 .75 .094 .126 .29 .54 .72 .073 .10 .34 A-7 .53 .75 .Q94 .13 .34 .52 .78 .118 .15 .34 .51 .81 .133 .16 .34 .51 .84 .152 .18 .34 .50 .87 .171 .20 .34 .62 .80 .11 .14 .39 A-6 .61 .84 .14 .17 .39 .60 .87 .17 .20 .39 .59 .90 .20 .22 .39 .59 .93 .23 .25 .38 .58 ..90 .26 . .27 .38 .78 .98 .22 .22 .49 A-5 .77 1.01 .29 . .28 .49 .76 1.05 .35 .33 .49 .75 1 08 .41 .38 .48 .75 1.11 .46 .42 .48 .74 1.14 .52 .46 .48 .73 1.17 .58 .49 .48 .93 1.19 .50 .42 .59 A-4 .92 1.22 .61 .50 .59 .91 1.26 .72 .57 .58 .91 1.29 .82 .64 .58 .90 1.32 .92 .70 58 .89 1.35 1.02 .76 .58 . .88 1.38 1.12 .81 .58 .88 1.41 1.22 .86 .58 130 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. PROPERTIES OF STANDARD ANGLES Equal Legs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 J" !i 11 Thickness Inches. & fl p AIM of Section Si|ii;ire Inches Distance of Center of Gravity from Back of Leg Inches Moment of Inertia Axis Y-V C v. 5 " iij hxh t A n I R A3 3HX3^ f f 7.2 2.09 0.99 2.45 0.98 O 8.5 2.49 1.01 2.87 1.15 JL 9.8 2.88 .04 3.26 1.32 n 11.1 3.25 .06 3.64 1.49 A 12.4 3.63 .08 3.99 1.65 % 13.6 3.99 .10 4.33 1.81 ft 14.8 4.34 .12 4.65 1.96 8^ 16.0 4.69 .15 4.96 2.11 R 17.1 5.03 .17 5.25 2.25 H 18.3 5.36 .19 5.53 2.39 A2 4 X4 ft 8.2 2.41 .12 3.71 1.29 n 9.8 2.86 .14 4.36 1.52 A. 11.3 3.31 .16 4.97 1.75 14 12.8 3.75 .18 5.56 1.97 JL 14.3 4.19 .21 6.12 2.19 N 15.7 4.62 .23 6.66 2.40 n 17.1 5.03 .25 7.17 2.61 % 18.5 5.44 .27 7.66 2.81 n 19.9 5.84 .29 8.14 3.01 H 21.2 6.24 .31 8.59 3.20 Al 6 X6 y% 14.9 4.36 .64 15.39 3.53 JL 17.2 5.06 .66 17.68 4.07 A 19.6 21.9 5.75 6.44 fc 19.91 22.07 4.61 5.14 !Ni 24.2 7.11 .73 24.16 5.66 ft 26.5 7.78 .75 26.19 6.17 Z,{ 28.7 8.44 .78 28.15 6.66 n 31.0 9.09 .80 30.06 7.15 /& 33.1 9.74 .82 31.92 7.63 i$ 35.3 10.38 .84 33.72 8.11 1 37.4 11.00 .86 35.46 8.57 AA1 8 X8 H 26.4 7.75 2.19 48.65 8.37 JL 29.6 8.69 2.21 54.09 9.34 % 32.7 9.61 2.23 59.43 10.30 ii. 35.8 10.53 2.25 64.64 11.25 8/ i 38.9 11.44 2.28 69.74 12.18 ii 42.0 12.34 2.30 74.72 13.11 y 45.0 13.24 2.32 79.58 14.02 if 48.1 14.13 2.34 84.34 14.91 1 51.0 15.00 2.37 88.98 15.80 1-Ar 54.0 15.88 2.39 93.58 16.67 1H 56.9 16.74 2.41 97.97 17.53 J< 3 N E S & LAUG I 1 L I N SI ^E EL C( ) . * 131 S\. ^' r* r 'O\v /*' ' * '*. i t._ v- v' 9 10 11 12 13 1 "SB* o-~|_ <*- X SB* |||| lljW HI* JJlj *^i |J|X Id 1* r n" i" R" r" 1.08 1.40 .99 .71 .69 A3 1.07 1.43 1.16 .81 .68 1.07 1.46 1.33 .91 .68 .06 1.50 1.50 .00 .68 .05 1.53 1.66 .09 .68 .04 1.56 1.82 .17 .68 k .04 1.59 1.97 .24 .67 , .03 1.62 2.13 .31 .67 .02 1.65 2.28 .38 .67 .02 1.68 2.43 .45 .67 .24 1.58 1.50 .95 .79 A2 .23 1.61 1.77 .10 .79 .23 1.64 2.02 .23 .78 .22 1.67 2.28 .36 .78 1 21 1.71 2.52 .48 .78 1.20 1.74 2 76 .59 . .77 1.19 1.77 3.00 .70 .77 . 1.19 1.80 3.23 .80 .77 1.18 1.83 3.46 1.89 .77 1.17 1.86 3.69 1.99 .77 1.88 2.32 6.19 2.67 1.19 Al 1.87 2.34 7.13 3.04 1.19 1.86 2.38 8.04 3.37 1.18 1.85 2.41 8.94 3.70 1.18 1.84 2.45 9.81 4.01 1.17 1.83 2.48 10.67 4.31 1.17 1.83 2.51 11.52 4.59 1.17 1.82 2.54 12.35 4.86 1.17 1.81 2.57 13.17 5.12 1.16 1.80 2.60 13.98 5.37 1.16 1.80 2.64 14.78 5.61 1.16 2.51 3.09 19.56 6.33 1.59 AA1 2.50 3.12 21.79 6.98 1.58 2.49 3.16 23.97 7.60 1.58 2.48 3.19 26.13 8.20 1.58 2.47 3.22 28.24 8.77 1.57 2.46 3.25 30.33 9.33 1.57 2.45 3.28 32.38 9.86 1.56 2.44 3.32 34.40 10.38 1.56 2.44 3.35 36.40 10.88 1.56 2.43 3.38 38.38 11.36 1.56 2.42 3.41 40.33 11.83 1.55 132 JONES & L> LUGH LIN. STEEL CO. PROPEI *TIES OF S JPECI A.L AN GLES Equal Legs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 d 1 Dimensions Inches Thickness Indies Weight per Foot Pounds Area of Section Square Inches Distance of Center of Gravity from Back of Leg Inches Moment of Inertia Axis Y-Y >< 'r C/3 hxh t A n I R A 24 2XX2X , 2.8 .81 .63 .39 .24 M 3.7 1.07 .65 .50 .32 JL. 4.5 .31 .68 .61 .39 \k 5.3 .55 .70 .70 .45 JL 6.1 .78 .72 .79 .52 H 6.8 .00 .74 .87 .58 A 23 2%X2% JL 3.4 .00 .76 .73 .37 Lj 4.5 .32 .78 .95 .48 A 5.6 .63 .80 1.15 .59 \A 6.6 .93 .82 1.33 .69 & 7.6 2.22 .85 1.51 .79 H 8.5 2.50 .87 1.67 .89 A 21 5 X5 y g 12.3 3.61 1.39 8.74 2.42 JL 14.3 4.19 1.41 10.02 2.79 $4 16.2 4.75 1.43 11.25 3.16 JL 18.1 5.31 1.46 12.44 3.51 6 20.0 5.86 1.48 13.58 3.86 ii 21.8 6.41 1.50 14.68 4.20 M 23.6 6.94 . 1.52 15.75 4.53 ii 25.4 7.46 1.55 16.77 4.85 / 27.2 7.99 1.57 17.75 5.17 ii 28.9 8.50 1.59 18.71 5.49 1 30.6 9.00 1.61 19.64 5.80 JO N E S & 1 L AUG H I , I N ST E EL CO. 133 . & X V>Cv> ^1 * /y \ s \ 9 10 11 12 13 1 adius of Gyration Axis Y-Y Inches istance of Center of Gravity from External Apex Inches Least Moment of Inertia Axis X-X Section Factor Axis X-X Least Radius of Gyration Axis X-X d J 1 DQ M n r n" I" R" r" .70 .89 .16 .18 .44 A 24 .69 .92 .21 .22 .44 .68 .96 .25 .26 .44 .67 .99 .29 .30 .43 .67 1.02 .33 * .33 .43 .66 1.05 .37 .37 .43 .86 1.07 .30 .28 .54 A 23 .85 1.10 .38 .35 .54 .84 1.13 .47 .41 .54 .83 1.17 .55 .47 .53 .83 1.20 .63 .52 .53 .82 1.23 .70 .57 .53 1.56 1.96 3.53 1.79 .99 A 21 1.55 2.00 4.05 2.03 .98 1.54 2.03 4.56 2.25 .98 1.53 2.06 5.06 2.46 .98 1.52 2.09 5.55 2.66 .97 1.51 2.12 6.03 2.84 .97 1.51 2.15 6.50 3.01 .97 1.50 2.18 6.96 3.16 .96 1.49 2.21 7.41 3.30 .96 1.48 2.24 7.85 3.42 .96 1.48 2.27 8.28 , 3.55 .95 134 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO PROPERTIES OF STANDARD ANGLES Unequal Legs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Jo 1* t/3 !i s5 5 Thickness Inches 58-S ?:! ^S. Area of Section Square Inches IP Moment of Inertia Axis Y-Y n *> B> **J dxb t A n I R A 20 2^X2 fg 2.8 .81 .51 .29 .20 T 3.7 1.07 .54 .37 .25 fg 4.5 1.31 .56 .45 .31 % 5.3 1.55 .58 .51 .36 "ft 6.1 1.78 .60 .58 .41 H 6.8 2.00 .63 .64 .46 A T.ii 2.22 .65 .69 .51 A 19 3 X2H \i 4.5 1.32 .68 .74 .40 fg 5.6 1.63 .68 .90 .49 12 6.6 1.93 .71 .04 .58 iV . 7.6 2.22 .73 .18 .66 M 8.5 2.50 .75 .30 .74 A 9.5 2.78 .77 .42 .82 5i 10.4 3.05 .79 .53 .90 A 18 3HX2H M 4.9 1.44 .61 .78 .41 A. 6.1 1.78 .64 .94 .50 2 7.2 2.11 .66 .09 .59 y^ 8.3 2.44 .68 .23 .68 V 9.4 2.75 .70 .36 .76 A 10.4 3.06 .73 .49 .84 % 11.5 3.36 .75 .61 .92 12.5 3.66 .77 .72 .99 H 13.4 3.94 .79 .83 1.07 A 17 3HX3 ft 6.6 1.94 .81 .58 .72 12 7.9 2.30 .83 .85 .85 W 9.1 2.66 .85 2.09 .98 i^ 10.2 3.00 .88 2.33 1.10 A 11.4 3.34 .90 2.55 1.21 ^ 12.5 3.68 .92 2.76 1.33 H 13.6 4.00 .94 2.96 1.44 % 14.7 4.32 .96 3.15 1.54 w 15.8 4.63 .98 3.33 1.65 H 16.8 4.93 1.00 3.50 1.75 A 16 4 X3 ft 7.2 2.09 .76 1.65 .73 8 8.5 2.49 .78 1.92 .87 9.8 2.88 .80 2.18 .99 M 11.1 3.25 .83 2.42 1.12 ft 12.4 3.63 .85 2.66 .23 % 13.6 3.99 .87 2.87 .35 j-j. 14.8 4.34 .89 3.08 .46 M 16.0 4.69 .92 3.28 .57 1 17.1 18.3 5.03 5.36 .94 .96 3.47 3.66 .68 .79 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 135 -jir : * 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 |I|| ' jffjjl Moment of Inertia Axis Z-Z Section Factor Axis Z-Z Radius of Gyration Axis Z-Z Tangent of Angle jji |o r c u n/ I' R' r' a r" .60 .76 .51 .29 .79 .632 .43 A20 .59 .79 .65 .38 .78 .626 .42 .58 .81 .79 .47 .78 .620 .42 .58 .83 .91 .55 .77 .614 .42 .57 .85 1.03 .62 .76 .607 .42 .56 .88 1.14 .70 .75 .600 .42 .56 .90 1.24 .77 .75 .592 .42 .75 .91 1.17 .56 .95 .684 .53 A19 .74 .93 1.42 .69 .94 .680 .53 .74 .96 1.66 .81 .93 .676 .52 .73 .98 1.88 .93 .92 .672 .52 .72 1.00 2.08 1.04 .91 .666 .52 .72 1.02 2.28 1.15 .91 .661 .52 .71 1.04 2.46 1.26 .90 .655 .52 .74 1.11 1.80 .75 1.12 .506 .54 A18 .73 1.14 2.19 .93 1.11 .501 .54 .72 1.16 2.56 1.09 1.10 .496 .54 .71 1.18 2.91 1.26 1.09 .491 .54 .70 1.20 3.24 1.41 1.09 .486 53 .70 1.23 3.55 1.56 1.08 .480 .53' .69 1.25 3.85 1.71 1.07 .472 .53 .69 1.27 4.13 1.85 1.06 .468 .53 .68 1.29 4.40 1.99 1.06 .461 .54 .90 1.06 2.33 ' .95 1.10 .724 .63 A17 .90 1.08 2.72 1.13 1.09 .721 .62 .89 1.10 3.10 1.29 1.08 .718 .62 .88 1.13 3.45 1.45 1.07 .714 .62 .87 1.15 3.79 1.61 1.07 .711 .62 .87 1.17 4.11 1.76 1.06 .707 .62 .86 1.19 4.41 1.91 1.05 .703 .62 .85 1.21 4.70 2.05 1.04 .698 .62 .85 1.23 4.98 2.20 1.04 .694 .62 .84 1,25 5.24 2.33 1.03 .689 .62 .89 1.26 3.38 1.23 1.27 .554 .65 A16 .88 1.28 3.96 1.46 1.26 .551 .64 .87 1.30 4.52 1.68 1.25 .547 .64 .86 1.33 5.05 1.89 1.25 .543 .64 .86 1.35 5.55 2.00 1.24 .538 .64 .85 1.37 6.03 2.30 1.23 .534 .64 .84 1.39 6.49 2.49 1.22 .529 .64 .84 1.42 6.93 2.68 1.22 .524 .64 .83 1.44 7,35 2.87 1.21 .518 .64 .83 1.46 7.75 3.05 1.20 .512 .64 136 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. PROPERTIES OF STANDARD Unequal Legs ANGLES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ' 8 if j| Thickness Inches jj| Area of Section Square Inches lip * * if- 113 " Q O J dxb t A n I R A 15 5X3 JL 8.2 2.41 .68 1.75 .75 JQ 9.8 2.86 .70 2.04 .89 JL 11.3 3.31 .73 2.32 .02 7& 12.8 3.75 .75 2.58 .15 JL 14.3 4.19 .77 2.83 .27 % 15.7 4.61 .80 3.06 .39 U 17.1 5.03 .82 3.29 .51 ?4 18.5 5.44 '.84 3.51 1.62 Q 19.9 5.84 .86 3.71 1.74 yt 21.2 6.24 .88 3.91 1.85 A 14 5X3H JL 8.7 2.56 .84 2.72 1.02 H 10.4 3.05 .86 3.18 1.21 JL 12.0 3.53 .88 3.63 1.39 H 13.6 4.00 .91 4.05 1.56 JL 15.2 4.47 .93 4.45 1.73 79: 16.8 4.93 .95 4.83 1.90 ft 18.3 5.38 .97 5.20 2.06 % 19.8 5.82 1.00 5.55 2.22 n 21.3 6.25 1.02 5.89 2.37 , A 22.7 6.68 1.04 6.21 2.52 n 24.2 7.09 1.06 6.52 2.67 A 13 6X3H % 11.7 3.43 .79 3.34 1.23 JL 13.5 3.97 .81 3.81 1.41 H 15.3 4.50 .83 4.25 1.59 JL 17.1 5.03 .86 4.67 1.77 H 18.9 5.55 .88 5.08 1.94 ii 20.6 6.06 .90 5.47 2.11 M 22.4 6.57 93 5.84 2.27 ii 24.0 7.06 .95 G.20 2.43 >1 25.7 7.55 .97 6.55 2.59 ii 27.3 S.03 .99 6.88 2.74 1 28.9 8.50 1.01 7.21 2.90 A 12 6X4 H 12.3 3.61 .94 4.90 *1.60 JL 14.3 4.19 .96 5.60 1.85 H 16.2 4.75 .99 6.27 2.08 JL 18.1 5.31 .01 6.91 2.31 INi 20.0 5.86 .03 7.52 2.54 Ii 21.8 6.41 .06 8.11 2.76 % 23.6 6.94 .08 8.68 2.97 13 25.4 7.47 .10 9.23 3.18 ys 27.2 7.99 .12 9.75 3.39 18 28.9 8.50 .14 10.26 3.59 1 30.6 9.00 1.17 10.75 3.79 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 137 *i Jw t * l z 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 ||*l Distance of Center of Gravity from Back of Shorter Leg Inches Moment of I nertia Axis Z-Z Section Factor Axis Z-Z Radius of Gyration Axis Z-Z Tangent of Angle Least Radius of Gyration Axis X-X I 6 r n' I' R' r' a r" .85 1.68 6.26 1.89 1.61 .368 .66 A15 .84 1.70 7.37 2.24 1.61 .364 .65 .84 1.73 8.43 2.58 1.60- .361 .65 .83 1.75 9.45 2.91 1.59 .357 .65 .82 1.77 10.43 3.23 1.58 .353 .65 .82 1.80 11.37 3.55 1.57 .349 .64 .81 1.82 12.28 3.86 1.56 .345 .64 .80 1.84 13.15 4.16 1.55 .340 .64 .80 1.86 13.98 4.46 1.55 .336 .64 .79 1.88 14.78 4.75 1.54 .331 .64 1.03 1.59 6.60 1.94 1.61 .489 .77 A14 1.02 1.61 7.78 2.29 1.60 .485 .76 1.01 1.63 8.90 2.64 1.59 .482 .76 1.01 1.66 9.99 2.99 1.58 .479 .75 1.00 1.68 11.03 3.32 1.57 .478 .75 .99 1.70 12.03 3.65 1.56 .472 .75 .98 1.72 12.99 3.97 1.56 .468 .75 .98 1.75 13.92 4.28 1.55 .464 .75 .97 1.77 14.81 4.58 1.54 .460 .75 .96 1.79 15.67 4.88 1.53 .455 .75 .96 1.81 16.49 5.17 1.53 .451 .75 .99 2.04 12.86 3.24 1.94 .350 .77 A13 .98 2.06 14.76 3.75 1.93 .347 .76 .97 2.08 16.59 4.24 1.92 .344 .76 .96 2.11 18.37 4.72 1.91 .341 .75 .96 2.13 20.08 5.19 1.90 .338 .75 .95 2.15 21.74 5.65 1.89 .334 .75 .94 2.18 23.34 6.10 1.89 .331 .75 .94 2.20 24.89 6.55 1.88 .327 .75 .93 /2.22 26.39 6.98 1.87 .323 .75 .93 2.24 27.84 7.41 1.86 .320 .75 .92 2.26 29.15 7.80 1.85 .317 .75 1.17 1.94 13.47 3.32 1.93 .446 .88 A12 1.16 1.96 15.46 3.83 1.92 .443 .87 1.15 1.99 17.40 4.33 1.91 .440 .87 1.14 2.01 19.26 4.83 1.90 .438 .87 1.13 2.03 21.07 5.31 1.90 .434 .86 1.13 2.06 22.82 5.78 1.89 .431 .86 1.12 2.08 24.51 6.25 1.88 .428 .86 1.11 2.10 26. 15 6.70 1.87 .425 .86 1.11 2.12 27.73 7.15 1.86 .421 .86 1.10 2.14 29.26 7.59 1.86 .418 .86 1.09 2.17 30.75 8.02 1.85 .414 .86 ' 138 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. PROPERTIES OF SPECIAL ANGLES Unequal Legs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Dimensions Inches Thickness Inches i Area of Section Square Inches 111 Moment of Inertia Axis Y-Y dxb t A n I R A 31 2*AX\ 1 A JL 2.5 .72 .35 .13 .11 ** \i 3.2 ' .94 .38 .16 .14 JL 4.0 1.16 .40 .19 .17 y* 4.7 1.36 .42 .22 .20 A 5.3 1.56 .44 .24 .23 A29 3 X2 ft 3.1 4.1 .91 1.19 .47 .49 .31 .39 .20 .26 JL 5.0 1.47 .51 .47 .32 % 5.9 1.74 .54 54 .37 JL 6.8 2.00 .56 .61 .42 H 7.7 2.25 .58 .67 .47 A 28 3HX2 A 4.3 5.3 1.25 1.54 .48 .50 .40 .48 .26 .32 y* 6.3 1.83 .52 .55 .37 JL 7.2 2.11 .54 .62 .43 1^ 8.1 2.38 .57 .69 .48 A 9.0 2.64 .59 .75 .53 A 26 4 X3H A 7.7 2.25 .93 2.59 1.01 % 9.1 2.67 .96 2.99 1.18 JL 10.6 3.09 .98 3.40 1.35 L 11.9 3. .50 1.00 3.79 1.52 A 13.3 3.90 1.02 4.17 1.68 % 14.7 4.30 1.04 4.52 1.84 11 16.0 4.68 1.07 4.86 2.00 8^ 17.3 5.06 1.09 5.18 2.15 H 18.5 5.43 1.11 5.49 2.30 A 62 4^X3 ft 7.7 9.1 2.25 2.67 .72 .74 1.73 1.98 .76 .88 JL 10.6 3.09 .76 ' 2.25 .01 LjJ 11.9 3.50 .79 2.51 .13 A 13.3 3.90 .81 2.75 .25 5^ 14.7 4.30 .83 2.98 .37 11 16.0 4.68 .85 3.19 .49 % 17.3 5.06 .88 3.40 .60 8 18.5 5.43 .90 3.60 1.71 A 25 5 X4 S 11.0 12.8 3.24 3.74 1.03 1.05 4.66 5.32 1.57 1.81 * i^ 14.5 4.2.5 1.07 5.96 2.04 A 16.2 4.75 1.10 6.56 2.26 % 17.8 5.24 1.12 7.14 2.48 it 19.5 5.72 1.14 7.70 2.69 % 21.1 6.19 1.16 8.23 2.90 13 22.7 6.65 1.18 8.74 3.11 ii 24.2 7.11 1.21 9.23 3.31 JONES 5 & L A.UGH LI N STEE L CC ). 139 Y ^ -Y k -1 U-))<-> " dr *t~ "^f I > 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 Hi IP ill Moment of Inertia Axis Z-Z Section Factor Axis /-Z Radius of ( '.\ ration Axis Z-Z Tangent of Angle Least Radius of Gyration Axis X-X Inches j| r n' I' R' r' a r" .42 .85 .46 .28 .80 .364 .33 A31 .41 .88 .55 .36 .79 .357 .32 .41 .90 .71 .44 .79 .349 .32 .40 .92 .82 .52 .79 .340 .32 .40 .94 .92 .59 .77 .331 .32 .58 .97 .84 .41 .97 .446 .44 A29 .57 .99 1.09 .54 .96 .440 .43 .56 .02 1.32 .66 .95 .434 .43 .55 .04 1.53 .78 .94 .428 .43 .55 .06 1.73 .89 .93 .421 .43 .55 .08 1.92 1.00 .92 .414 .43 .57 .09 1.36 .63 .04 .380 .45 A28 .56 .12 1.65 .77 .03 .375 .45 .55 .15 1.92 .91 .02 .369 .44 .54 .17 2.18 .05 .02 .363 .44 .54 .19 2.42 .17 .01 .357 .44 .53 .21 2.64 .30 .00 .351 .44 1.07 .18 3.56 .26 .26 .757 .73 A26 .06 .21 4.18 .50 .25 .755 .73 .05 .23 4.76 .72 1.24 .753 .72 .04 .25 5.32 .93 1.23 .750 .72 .03 .27 5.86 2.15 1.23 .747 .72 .03 .29 6.37 2.35 1.22 .742 .72 .02 .32 6.86 2.56 1.21 .738 .72 .01 .34 7.32 2.75 .20 .734 .72 .01 .36 7.77 2.92 .19 .730 .72 .88 .47 4.69 1.54 .44 .444 .66 A62 .86 .49 5.50 1.83 .44 .440 .66 .85 .51 6.29 2.10 .43 .437 .65 .85 .54 7.04 2.37 .42 .431 .65 .85 .56 7.75 2.64 1.41 .428 .64 .83 .58 8.44 2.89 1.40 .424 .64 .83 .60 9.10 3.14 1.39 .419 .64 .82 .63 9.73 3.38 1.39 .414 .64 .81 .65 10.33 3.62 L38 .410 .64 1.20 .53 8.14 2.34 1.59 .631 .85 A25 1.19 .55 9.32 2.70 1.58 .629 .85 1.18 .57 10.46 3.05 1.57 .626 .85 1.18 .60 11.55 3.39 1.56 .623 .85 1.17 .62 12.61 3.73 1.55 .620 .84 1.16 .64 13.62 4.05 1.54 .617 .84 1.15 .66 14.60 4.37 1.54 .614 .84 1.15 .68 15.54 4.69 1.53 .611 .84 1.14 .71 16.42 4.99 1.52 .608 .84 140 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS Uniformly Distributed, for Box Girders Composed of Two 10" Beams and Two 12" x y 2 " Plates iter to Center of gs, Feet 2-10" Beams 2-12" x %" 25 Pounds per Foot Steel Plates BJ s "So 1 MJ 2|j g s-og'S !f|a pq Si il HHi |^| P ill 1 41 I*? N* > V &> (U o^M *oO 5 ^ => o 2 K < 8 SIP s of Flange Plates 5| | 1 J*i 1 ' 1 Pi o c yg i^ Ijil O 3 w Hil'Sii *| sl^l & O.SM 8 H 5 i 1 Iff 1 T l:f If 12 58.7 1351 1.82 65.2 1555 2.62 4.47 71 13 54.2 1464 1.68 60.2 1685 2.42 4.12 77 14 50.3 1576 1.57 55.9 1814 2.24 3.83 83 15 46.9 1689 1.46 52.1 1944 2.08 3.57 89 16 44.0 1802 1.38 48.9 2074 .96 3.35 95 17 41.4 1914 1.30 46.0 2203 .86 3.15 101 18 39.1 2027 1.22 43.5 2333 .74 2.98 107 19 37.1 2139 1.14 ; 41.2 2462 .66 2.82 113 20 35.2 2252 1.10 39.1 2592 .58 2.68 119 21 33.5 2365 1.04 I 37.2 2722 .50 2. 6 125 22 32.0 2477 1.00 35.5 2851 .42 2.44 131 23 30.6 2590 0.96 34.0 2981 .38 2.33 137 24 29.3 2702 0.92 32.6 3110 .30 2.24 143 25 28.2 2815 0.87 31.3 3240 1.26 2.15 149 26 27.1 2928 0.82 i 30.1 3370 1.22 2.06 155 27 26.1 3040 0.78 i 29.0 3499 1.16 1.98 161 28 25.1 3153 0.76 27.9 3629 1.12 1.91 167 29 24.3 3265 0.74 27.0 3758 1.08 1.84 173 30 23.5 3378 0.72 26.1 3888 1.02 1.78 179 31 22.7 3491 0.70 25.2 4018 1.00 1.73 184 32 22.0 3603 0.68 24.4 4147 0.98 1.68 190 33 21.3 3716 0.66 23.7 4277 0.96 1.63 196 34 20.7 3828 0.64 23.0 4406 0.92 1.58 202 35 20.1 3941 0.62 22.3 4536 0.90 1.53 208 36 19.5 4054 0.60 21.7 4666 0.88 1.49 214 37 19.0 4166 0.58 21.1 4795 0.86 1.45 220 38 18.5 4279 0.57 20.6 4925 0.84 1.41 226 Above values are based on maximum fiber strain of 16,000 pounds per square inch, Ji-inch rivet holes deducted. Weights correspond to length, . center to center of bearings. 142 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS Uniformly Distributed, for Box Girders Composed of Two 15" Steel Beams and Two 14" x ft" Steel Plates | *"'-*i 1 U-c*'^ % C l> "8 if TT y liTT N I* % $ - ^^ I . ^,15 5-1 11 5.J 2J B ^ ^tL-L -5 2 *V " c- 1 ^ "w l^k^. oo *2^ it Jk C |3| ja 5 ^ 0) 1* 1 li| 1 il ffoS |M. ^-o 2"^ i s. ^Ofj E X ! l J5 o c i-3 ^t g "0 3 * 3 C/2 c ^ q ifs* |-|* "o IT w O.55Q 2^^ | Q "** il i < % ^c ^ < J b "^ 12~ 94.3 1746 0.60 111.0 2178 3.03 5.17 72 13 87.1 1891 0.55 102.4 2359 2.80 4.77 78 14 80.8 2037 0.51 95.1 2541 2.60 4.43 84 15 75.5 2182 0.48 88.8 2722 2.43 4.13 90 16 70.7 2328 0.45 83.2 2904 2.27 3.87 96 17 66.6 2473 0.42 78.3 3085 2.14 3.65 102 18 62.9 2619 0.40 74.0 3267 2.02 3.44 108 19 59.6 2764 0.38 70.1 3448 .91 3.26 114 20 56.6 2910 0.36 66.6 3630 .82 3.10 120 21 53.9 3055 0.34 63.4 3811 .73 2.95 126 22 51.4 3201 0.33 60.5 3993 .65 2.82 132 23 49.2 3346 0.31 57.9 4174 .58 2.70 138 24 47.1 3492 0.30 55.5 4356 .51 2.58 144 25 45.3 3637 0.29 52.2 4537 .45 2.48 150 26 43.5 3783 0.28 51.2 4719 .40 2.38 156 27 41.9 3928 0.27 49.3 4900 .35 2.29 162 28 40.4 4074 0.26 47.5 5082 .30 2.21 168 29 39.0 4219 0.25 46.1 5263 .25 ! 2.14 174 30 37.7 4365 0.24 44.4 5445 .21 2.07 180 31 36.5 4510 0.23 42.9 5626 .17 2.00 186 32 35.4 4656 0.22 41.6 5808 .13 1.94 192 33 34.3 4801 0.22 40.3 5989 .10 1.88 198 34 33.3 4947 0.21 39.1 6171 .07 1.82 204 35 32.3 5092 0.20 38.0 6352 .04 1.77 210 36 31.4 5238 0.20 37.0 6534 .01 1.72 216 37 30.6 5383 0.19 36.0 6715 0.98 1.67 222 38 29.8 5529 0.19 35.0 6897 0.95 1.63 228 Above values are based on maximum fiber strain of 16,000 pounds per square inch, ^g-inth rivet holes deducted. Weights correspond to lengths, center to center of bearings. ' JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 143 SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS Uniformly Distributed, for Box Girders Composed of Two 18" Steel Beams and Two 16" x %" Steel Plates ter to Center of gs, Feet !< -&&*.$ 1? ^z II ll C^lfL, ^SjLfcaJLi g ^^ B ^^T" 1* Sr i ^s g g. ^JS J x^ l! li ^ PH ^vL l/-^ ^ C/5 g -^^^t^^^ | || i* 13 % c *l II II | 1 1h M C -of. b 1 !|.| re j II <-*-* ! i *c It -$r*fr $,s it *-? . w S g 8 TT 3 ^ 1 I 32 ncrease in i fifS <"\1 l/-^ N ^ ! $ L ^ ** is 8" ^6 Q -**^ ^*^ N So ^^ ^*v o Center of f 1 5 Pounds of Beams li M Pounds 5 Pounds )f Beams |J Girder for ness of Pla to i 111 1 Is Si flj 1 H 08 v J ^S 4- -* o.a & u V cH *3 ^ 3* s if J^H O "o 3* <0_g If 5 1 3 1 si 81 J 1 si If' i 5 V f ii 31 C/3 * 3* 12 183.0 2563 4.36 8.00 256.6 2923 5.23 9.58 82 13 168.8 2777 4.02 , 7.38 236.8 3167 4.83 8.84 88 14 156.8 2990 3.74 6.85 219.9 3410 4.48 8.21 95 15 146.4 3204 3.48 6.40 205.2 3654 4.18 7.66 102 16 137.2 3418 3.26 6.00 192.4 3898 3.92 7.18 109 17 129.2 3631 3.02 5.64 181.1 4141 3.70 6.76 116 18 122.0 3845 2.90 5.33 171.0 4385 3.49 6.39 122 19 115.5 4058 2.76 5.05 162.1 4628 3.30 6.05 129 20 109.8 4272 2.62 4.80 153.9 4872 3.14 5.75 136 21 104.5 4486 2.50 4.56 146.6 5116 2.99 5.47 143 22 99.8 4699 2.38 4.36 139.9 5359 2.85 5.22 150 23 95.4 4913 2.28 4.17 133.9 5603 2.73 5.00 156 24 91.5 5126 2.18 4.00 128.3 5846 2.61 4.79 163 25 87.8 5340 2.08 3.84 123.1 6090 2.51 4.60 170 26 84.4 5554 2.00 3.69 118.4 6334 2.41 4.42 177 27 81.3 5767 1.92 3.55 114.0 6577 2.32 4.25 184 28 78.4 5981 1.86 3.43 109.9 6821 2.24 4.10 190 29 75.7 6194 1.80 3.31 106.1 7064 2.16 3.96 197 30 73.2 6408 1.74 3.20 102.6 7308 2.09 3.83 204 31 70.8 6622 1.68 3.09 99.3 7552 2.02 3.71 211 32 68.6 6835 1.62 3.00 96.2 7795 1.96 3.59 218 33 66.5 7049 1.58 2.91 93.3 8039 1.90 3.48 224 34 64.6 7262 1.52 2.82 90.5 8282 1.85 3.38 231 35 62.7 7476 1.46 2.74 88.0 8526 1.79 3.28 238 36 61.0 7690 1.40 2.66 85.5 8770 1.74 3.19 245 37 59.3 7903 1.38 2.59 83.2 9013 1.70 3.10 252 38 57.7 8117 1.36 2.52 81.0 9257 1.65 3.02 258 Above values are based on maximum fiber strain of 16,000 pounds per square inch, Jjj-inch rivet holes deducted. Weights correspond to lengths, center to center of bearings. JONES & LAUGH LIN STEEL CO. 145 SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS Uniformly Distributed, for Steel Plate Girders -jfcwSs T^TT^KTw^ ~ U 4> v *^i|r^^ " 'I 8 ft 1 I s | x 3 "a * % 8 8, v i s a ? 5 1 t^ C ^ j^ rt "-^ I * "o * ^ M 1 "N *V NN x ^ ll ^{jilL ^^^^^T X V* ^ ill ^^"^"^^"^r ^ x x ? ^ V b "- ou. Distance Center t Safe Load, Including Weight of Girder Tons Weight of Girder Tons Increase in Safe Load for ^"Increase in Thickness of Flange Plates Increase in Weight of Girder for T y In- crease in Thickness of Flange Plates Safe Load, Including Weight of Girder Tons Weight of Girder Tons Increase in Safe Load for T V'Increase in Thickness of Flange Plates J!* 20 99.91 1.62 4.92 .05 112.87 1.70 5.41 .05 21 95.15 1.69 4.67 .05 107.49 1.77 5.13 .05 22 90.82 1.76 4.46 .06 102.60 1.84 4.90 .06 23 86.87 1.86 4.26 .06 98.14 1.95 4.68 .06 24 83.25 1.93 4.08 .06 94.05 2.02 4.48 .06 25 79.92 2.01 3.92 .06 90.29 2.09 4.31 .06 26 76.85 2.07 3.77 .07 86.82 2.17 4.14 .07 27 74.00 2.14 3.63 .07 83.60 2.24 3.99 .07 28 71.36 2.21 3.50 .07 80.63 2.31 3.85 .07 29 68.90 2.31 3.38 .07 77.84 2.42 3.71 .07 30 66. 60 12.38 3.27 .08 75.24 2.49 3.59 .08 31 64.45:2.45 3.17 .08 72.82 2.56 3.48 .08 32 62.44 2.52 3.07 .08 70.55 2.64 3.37 .08 33 60.55^2.59 2.97 .08 68.41 2.71 3.26 .08 34 [58.77,2.6 6 2.87 .09 66.40 2.78 3.16 .09 35 57.08 2.73 2.79 .09 64.49 2.85 3.07 .09 36 55.50 2.83 2.72 .09 62.70 2.96 2.99 .09 ' 37 54.00 2.90 2.65 .09 61.01 3.03 2.91 .09 38 52.58 2.97 2.58 .10 59.403.11 2. 84 .10 39 51.23 3.04 2.52 .10 57.883.18 2.77 .10 40 49.9513.11 2.46 .10 56.43:3.25 2.70 .10 The above values are founded on the moments of inertia of the sections using a maximum fiber strain of 10,000 pounds per square inch for steel; ii^-inch rivet holes in both flanges deducted. Weights of girders correspond to lengths center to center of bearings and include' rivet heads, stiffeners and fillers. 146 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS Uniformly Distributed, for Steel Plate Girders f 1 8 8 1 8 | 1 1 III III & || 1 cu < c a ^ ;; -2 | ? i ^ JS 1 ^ 5Q * s ** &t *^ 1 ""* fe X *0 ^ * as ^ ^ ^ k X P?^ c*3 III X c^ 1 1? * K ** i> ^ x ^ si s o ^T?" i w Including f Girder is f Girder ns in Safe ''Increase ness of Plates "S^cJS j Including [ Girder is f Girder ns D 2 fir H u '* u .5 , n r S^ii i^- 8 ! -0 , 5 r Q g ll^ pjb i* 8 1|3* 12 h J ^3" J 20 126.24 1.77 5.90 .05 187.74 2.72 8.25 .06 21 1120.23 1.85 5.63 .05 178.80 2.84 7.85 .06 22 114.761.92 5.37 .06 170.67 2.95 7.49 .07 23 109.772.04 5.14 .06 163.12 3.12 7.17 .07 24 105. 20 2. 17 4.93 .06 156.45 3.24 6.86 .07 25 100.992.19 4.73 .06 150.19 3.36 6.59 .07 26 i 97.10 2.26 4.55 .07 144.41 3.48 6.34 .08 27 93.51 2.34 4.37 .07 139.06 3.59 6.11 .08 28 90.17 2.41 4.21 .07 134.103.71 5.88 .08 29 87.06 2.53 4.07 .07 129.473.88 5.69 .09 30 84.16 2.60 3.94 .08 125.164.00 5.51 .09 31 81.44 2.68 3.81 .08 121.12 4.12 5.32 .09 32 78.90 2.75 3.69 .08 117.33 4.23 5.15 .10 33 76.81 2.82 3.58 .08 113.78 4.35 5.00 .10 34 74.26 2.89 3.47 .09 110.43 4.47 4.85 .10 35 72.13 2.98 3.37 .09 107.28 4.59 4.71 .10 36 70.13 3.09 3.27 .09 104.30 4.76 4.58 .11 37 68.23 3.16 3.18 .09 101.48 4.87 4.45 .11 38 66.44 3.24 3.10 .10 98.81 4.99 4.32 .11 39 64.74 3.31 3.03 .10 96.27 5.11 4.21 .12 40 63.12 3.39 2.95 .10 93.87 5.23 4.12 .12 The above values are founded on the moments of inertia of the sections using a maximum fiber strain of 16,000 pounds per square inch for steel; It-inch rivet holes in both flanges deducted. Weights of girders correspond to lengths center to center of bearings and include rivet heads, stiffeners and fillers. J ONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 147 SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS Uniformly Distributed, for Steel Box Girders inf Jr HL ^ Til! ftl f ^^ ( ?T | | 4 & s ^ 1 a< < c > M) $s I 1 ^ So ^ 1 * t I j ^ c fc ^ * ? i ^ 1 Ig 4J X x I v* "x " X r - 1 & 1 | . = ( y. " s 1. 1 :e Center t ] ncluding Girder 5 Girder s sl-s, !li| Kll ? h $L "S o % a 2*0 s M g83 e~ If Is i*3 s C &t C O ^ 0) o 5 t 5 i* ^-'^ 4) -S vt-i r^ j, 'o "o 5 .* w n ^ ._. ' y r '|" 8b.SS USE If gr jf ii 3 ! ^ ^ - 5 g.S gOSs ^ $ M rt.S* gc5 S^ & ^ ~*3 u j 3 Mt S 20 120.00 2.13 7.04 .07 160.2 2.44 9.54 .09 21 114.28 2.23| 6.70 .07 152.6 2.55 9.08 .09 22 109.09 2.32 6.40 .08 145.6 2.66 8.67 .09 23 104.34 2.45 6.12 .08 139.3 2.80 8.29 ,10 24 100.00 2.54 5.86 .08 133.5 2.91 7.95 .10 25 96.00 2.64 5.63 .09 128.2 3.03 7.63 .11 26 92.30 2.74 5.41 .09 ! 123.2 3.14 7.34 .11 27 88.88 2.83 5.21 .09 118.7 3.25 7.07 .12 28 85.71 2.93 5.03 .10 114.4 3.36 6.82 .12 29 82.76 3.06 4.85 .10 110.5 3.50 6.58 .12 30 80.00 3.16 4.69 .10 106.8 3.61 6.36 .13 31 77.42 3.25 4.54 .11 103. 3 !3. 72 6.15 .13 32 75.00 3.35 4.40 .11 100.1 3.83 5.96 .14 33 72.72 3.50 4.26 .11 97.1 3.95 5.78 .14 34 70.59 3.54J 4.14 .12 94.2 4.06 5.60 .14 35 68.57 3.64 4.02 .12 91.5 4.17 5.44 .15 36 66 66 3.76 3.91 .12 89.0 4.31 5.29 .15 37 64.86 3.86 3.80 .13 86.6 4.41 5.14 .16 38 63.16 3.95 3.70 .13 84.3 4.53 5.01 .16 39 61.54 4.05 3.61 .13 ; 82.1 4.65 4.88 .17 40 60.004.15 3.52 .14 II 80.1 4.76 4.77 .17 The above values are founded on the moments of inertia of the sections using a n laxim um fibe r strain of 16,000 pot nds per s ]uare inch for steel: Jg-inch rivet holes in both flanges deducted, to lengths center to center of bearings and Weights of girders correspond include rivet heads, stiff eners and fillers. 148 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS Uniformly Distributed, for Steel Box Girders fll <5 .22 ju 2 .9 M ^|fc ( ^T 8 | g f I & * 1 j? T 1 1! ^ = Sj 1 bo v 5 1 1 { * 2x pq 1 1 EX 1 v E ">< o 1 v x v OJ J 1 X H c<5 H "** H n T x J S* LI L ^^ "^! *. * It V JP < J 3 | ^ Qk, Distance Center t Safe Load, Including Weight of Girder Tons Weight of Girder Tons Increase in Safe Load for A" Increase in Thickness of Flange Plates Increase in Weight of Girder for A" In- crease in Thickness of Flange Plates Safe Load, Including Weight of Girder Tons Weight of Girder Tons Increase in Safe Load for A" Increase in Thickness of Flange Plates Increase in Weight of Girder for T \," In- crease in Thickness of Flange Plates 20 227.5 2.92 12.92 .10 35 5.0 3.78 19.43 .13 21 216.7 3.06 12.30 .11 33 8.1 3.95 18.50 .13 22 206.9 3.19 11.74 .11 322.8 4.13 17.66 .14 23 197.9 3.36 11.23 .42 308.7 4.34 16.89 .15 . 24 189.6 3.49 10.76 .12 296.0 4.52 16.19 .15 25 182.0 3.63 10.33 .13 284.0 4.69 15.54 .16 26 175.0 3.76 9.94 .13 273.1 4.87 14.94 .17 27 168.5 3.89 9.57 .14 263.0 5.04 14.39 .17 28 162.6 4.03 9.22 .14 253.6 5.21 13.88 .18 29 156.9 4.15 8.91 .15 244.8 5.43 13.40 .19 30 151.7 4.33 8.61 .15 236.7 5.61 12.95 .19 31 146.8 4.45 8.33 .16 229.0 5.78 12.53 .20 32' 142.2 4.60 8.07 .16 221.9 5.95 12.14 .20 33 137.9 4.74 7.83 .17 215.2 6.12 11.77 .21 34 133.8 4.87 7.60 .17 208.8 6.29 11.43 .22 35 130.0 5.00 7.38 .18 202.9 6.47 11.10 .22 36 126.4 5.17 7.17 .18 197.2 6.69 10.79 .23 37 123.015.31 6.98 .19 191.9 6.86 10.50 .24 38 119.7 5.44 6.80 .19 186.8 6.94 10.22 .24 39 116.7 5.58 6.62 .20 182.1 7.20 9.96 .25 40 113.8 5.71 6.46 .20 177.5 7.38 9.71 .26 The above values are founded on the moments of inertia of the sections using a maximum fiber strain of 16,000 pounds per square inch for steel; Jjj" rivet holes in both flanges deducted. Weights of girders correspond to lengths center to center of bearings and include rivet heads, stiffeners and fillers. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 149 Steel Columns in Fireproof Buildings The construction of steel-frame fireproof buildings is be- coming general in cities and towns. In the business centers of our great cities no other form can be used to advantage, and the 'architects who are keeping pace with improvements recognize the desirability of the improved construction. This change has been facilitated in no small degree by the great improvements made in the art of fireproof construction, insuring not only a higher degree of efficiency, but a considerable reduction in cost, as compared with methods formerly practiced. The old style of solid brick or stone arch, at one time so common, has been almost wholly supplanted by the modern forms of hollow tile and terra cotta, and roofs, ceilings and par- tition walls are now largely constructed of these refractory materials. The substitution of steel for iron in beams has hastened this radical improvement. Our patterns of beams and channels, having the highest efficiency, are well adapted for this purpose. For some time past another change which has gradually taken place has been the substitution of steel for cast-iron in the composition of columns, cast-iron being a material so un- certain in character that its use in bridge construction has long since been abandoned. In buildings the loads are generally quiescent, and the liability of sudden shocks is more remote than in bridges; yet on the other hand, the columns seldom receive their loads as favorably as in bridges. In many cases there exists considerable eccentricity, that is, the loads on one side of the column are heavier than on the other side, and the bending strains arising therefrom increase the strains from direct compression materially. The following are some of the contingencies which may arise in the manufacture of castings, and which preclude anything approaching uniformity in the product: In the case of hollow cast-iron columns, while the metal is yet in a molten state, the buoyancy of the central core tends to cause it to rise, thereby reducing the thickness of the metal above and increasing the same below. When columns are of 150 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. such lengths as to make it necessary to pour the metal into the molds from both ends, it sometimes occurs that the iron becomes too much chilled on the surface to properly mix and unite, thus creating a weak seam at the very point where the greatest strength will be needed. The presence of confined air, producing "blowholes" and "honeycomb," and the collection of impurities at the bottom of the mold, may be further men- tioned as frequent sources of weakness in cast-iron. The most critical condition, however, is that due to the un- equal contraction of the metal during the process of cooling, thereby giving rise to initial strains, at times of sufficient force to produce rupture in the column or in its lugs on the slightest provocation. In many cases the trouble can be ascribed to faulty designing or carelessness in the execution of the work, yet even under favorable conditions it is so difficult to secure equal radiation from the molds in all directions, that castings, entirely exempt from inherent shrinkage strains, are probably seldom produced. As a protection against these contingencies, resort must be had either to the crude or uncertain expedient of a high safety factor, not less than 8 or 10, or a material, such as rolled steel, must be adopted, of a more uniform and reliable character than cast-iron. Steel columns fail either by deflecting bodily out of a straight line, or by buckling of the metal between rivets or other points of support. Both actions may take place at the same time, but if the latter occurs alone, it may be an indication that the rivet spacing or the thickness of the metal is insufficient. The rule has been deduced from actual experiments upon steel columns, that the distance between centers of rivets should not exceed, in the line of strain, sixteen times the thickness of metal of the parts joined, and that the distance between rivets or other points of support, at right angles to the line of strain, should not exceed thirty-two times the thickness of the metal. On page 64 are shown sections of some of the most common forms of built columns. Figs. 5, 6 and 7 are known as closed columns. As it is impracticable to repaint the inner surface of such columns, it is preferable to use them only for interior JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 151 work where the changes in temperature are not considerable and the air is dry. In places exposed to the extremes of tem- perature and unprotected from rain, the paint on the inner surface of the column will sooner or later cease to be a protec- tion. Corrosion will set in, and, once begun, will continue as long as there is unoxidized metal left in the column. The remaining figures on this page represent columns with open sections or latticed columns, which admit of repainting and are suitable for out-of-door work. Cast and steel bases are shown on page 64. Complete tables giving the safe loads in tons for plate and channel col- umns or plate and angle columns shown by Figures 5 and 10 on same page, are given on pages 152 to 169. 152 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS 6" Channel Column. Square Ends. J-g ->( Allowable strain per square inch equals 1 O AAA .^ ..,.! *",.,. !.,.,!, X f\f\ 1" H 2- 1,., or less; 17,100 57- for lengths over T*|~ ? 1" 1 1 90 radii. Safety factor = 4. rTM ED 4. Section: 2-6" - laced with l#"x,y bars; }J y^-i' or 2-6" and 2-8" wide side plates. Holes in flanges, }" or less. Rivets in flanges, ffi' or less. fj ^T3*j2 Unsupported Column Lengths Feet Section |3 IP 3 14 16 18 20 22 24 Pounds Bars 2-6"- 8 laced.... 4.76 22.75 2.34 .... 28.6 28.2 26.8 25.4 24.0 2-6"- 8 2-8XK" 8.76 31.6 2.32 .... 52.6 51.6 49.1 46.5 44.0 2-6"- 8 2- s ' .'."' " 9.76 35.0 2.32 .... 58.6 57.5 54.7 51.8 49.0 2-6".-- 8 2- 10.76 38.4 2.32 .... 64.6 63.4 60.3 57.1 54.0 2-6"- 8 2 -8XiV' 11.76 41.8 2.32 .... 70.6 69.3 65.9 62.4 59.0 2-6" 8 2-8XM" 12.76 45.2 2.321 .... 76.6 75.2 71.5 67.7 64.0 2-6"- 8 2- s , , 13.76 48.6 2.32; .... 82.6 81.1 77.1 73.0 69.0 2-6" 8 2-SX%" 14.761 52.0 2.32 .... 88.6 87.0 82.7 78.3 74.0 2-6"- 8 2-8XH" 15.76 55.4 2.32 .... 94.6 92.9 88.3 83.6 79.1 2-6"- 10H laced.... 6.18 27.75 2.21 .... 37. ! 35.6 33.7 31.8 29.9 2-6" 10>$ 2- -8XM" 10.18 36.6 2.25 .... 61. 59.2 56.1 52.9 49.9 2-6" 10H2-8XA" 11.18 40.0 2.25! .... 67. 65.0 61.6 58.1 54.8 2-6^- 10H 2 -s :; ," 12.181 43.4 2.26| .... 73. 70.9 67.3 63.6 59.9 -SX-rV" 13.18 46.8 2.2& .... 79. 76.8 72.8 68.8 64.8 2-6" 10)^ 2- -8XH" 14.18! 50.2 2.26 .... 85. 82.6 78.3 74.0 69.7 2-6" 10H 2 15.18 53.6 2.26! .... 91. 88.4 83.8 79.3 74.7 2-6" 10H 2 -%YM" 16.18; 57.0 2.27 ....I 97. 94.5 89.6 84.5 79.8 2-6"-10H2-8Xii" 17.18 60.4 2.27 ....103.1100.3 95.1 89.9 84.7 2-6"- 13 laced. . . . 7.64 32.75 2.13 45.8 45.7 43.3 40.8 38.3 35.9 2-6"- 13 2-8XA" 12.64J 45.0 2.20 .... 75.8 72.7 68.8 64.8 60.9 2-6"- 13 1 -8X /9," 13.64! 48.4 2.21 .... 81.8 78.6 74.4 70.2 65.9 2-6" 13 2-8XA" 14.64 51.8 2.22 .... 87.8 84.5 80.0 75.4 70.9 2-6"- 13 2 -8X V*>" 15.64 55.2 2.22 .... 93.8 90.4 85.5 80.7 75.9 2-6"- 13 2-8XA" 16.64 58.6 2.23 .... 99.8 96.3 91.1 85.9 80.8 2-6"- 13 2-8X5i" 17.64 62.0 2.23 ....10S.8102.2 96.7 91.3 85.8 2-6" 13 2 -8X-H" 18.64 65.4 2.24 ....111.8108.1102.3 96.6 90.8 2-6"- 13 2-8XH" 19.64 68.8 2.24 ....117.8114.0107.9101.9 95.8 2-6"- 15^ laced.... 9.12 37.75 2.06 54.7 53.7 50.7 47.7 44.6 41.6 2-6" 15^ 2 ~ 8X K 14.121 50.0 2.15 .... 84.7 80.3 75.8 71.3 66.8 2-6" 15J^j 2 15.12 53.4 2.17 .... 90.7 86.4 81.5 76.7 71.8 2-6'^- 15>i 2 -8x2* 16.12 56.8 2.17 .... 96.7 92.1 87.0 82.0 76.9 17.12 60.2 2.181 ....102.7 98.0 92.6 87.3 81.9 2-6" 15J^ 2 _ow 9.// 18.12 63.6 2.19 ! ....108.7104.0 98.3 92.7 87.0 2-6" 15^ 2 -8X^" 19.12 67.0 2.20 ....114.7109.9104.0 98.0 92.0 2-6" 15^ 2 -8XH" 20. 12 70. 4 2. 20 .... 120. 7 115. 8 109. 6 103. 3 . 97. 1 2-6" 153^ 2 8X 5^" 21.12 73.8 2.21 .... 126.7121.7115.2108.6102.1 NOTE. Weights of column shafts include rivets. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO 153 SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS 7" Channel Column. Square Ends H- **- Allowable strain per square inch equals I 12,000 pounds for lengths of 90 radii at ID jf- r g 4 4 or less ; 17,100 57 for lengths over Ur- 7" r i 90 radii. Safety factor = 4. pi 1 - Ti i Section bars ; : 2-7" laced with 1 ^" x T \" or 2-7" ^ and 2-9" bars. Holes, i j<- 8X^--*j -J-|"; rivets, $" diameter. Section cr '~ Unsupported Column Lengths V Feet r- *-* z to ? 18 20 22 24 26 28 2-7" Pounds Bars - 9Klaced 5.70 27.1 2.72 34.2 33.0 31.5 30.1 28.7 2-7" :'- 9XM" 10.20 36.82.67 '. '. .. 61.2 58.5 55.9 53.2 50.6 2-7" 2-7" - 9 3 /l2-9XA" 11.3240.62.67 9 3 42-9X 3 ^" 12.4544.5 ] 2.66 67.9 74.7 64.9 71.2 62.0 68.0 59.0 64.7 56.1 61.5 2-7" - 9542-9XA" 13.5848.32.66 81.5 77.6 74.1 70.5 67.0 2-7" 2-7" - 9 3 /42-9X^" 14.7052.12.65 - 934"2-9XA" 15.8555.92.65 '88'.2 95.0 87.8 94.4 83.9 90.3 80.1 86.2 76.3 82.0 72.5 77.9 2-7" , , Q3^ 2- 9X^6" 16.9559.8 2.64 101.7 101.0 96.6 92.2 87.8 83.4 2-7" - 12J4 laced .... 7.2032.1 2.59 43 2 42.5 40.6 38.7 36.8 34.9 2-7" 1 ' 12^1 2- 9XM" 11.70 41.8 2.59 70.2 69.1 66.0 62.9 59.9 56.8 2-7" 12J42-9XA" 12.8245.62.59 76.9 75.8 72.4 69.0 65.7 62.3 2-7" -12H 2 9X^" 13.95 49.5 2.59 83.7 82.4 78.7 75.0 71.4 67.7 2-7" 9XA" 15.0853.32.59 90.5 89.1 85.1 81.1 77.2 73.2 2-7" -12$ 2- 9XH" 16.20 57.1 2.59 97.2 95.7 91.4 87.2 82.9 78.6 2-7" 12M2-9XA" 17.3560.92.59 104.0 102.4 97.8 93.2 88.7 84.1 2-7" \2]/4 2- 9X^3" 18.4564.8 2.59 110.7 109.0 104.1 99.3 94.4 89.5 2-7" - 14 3 4 laced .... 8.6837.1 2.50 52.1 50.5 48.1 45.7 43.3 41.0 27" 2- 9XJ4" 13.18 46.8 2.53 79.1 77.0 73.5 69.9 66.4 62.9 2-7" L4342-9X&" 14.3050.62.54 85.8 83.7 79.9 76.0 72.2 68.4 2-7" 2-7" - 14?| 2-9X 15.4354.52.54 16.5658.32.55 92.6 99.4 90.4 97.1 86.3 92.7 82.1 88.2 78.0 83.8 73.8 79.3 2-7" -H 3 ^ 2- 9Xjg; 17.68 62.1 2.55 106.1 103.8 99.0 94.3 89.6 84.8 2-7" 2- 18.81 65.92.55 112.9 110.5 105.4 100.4 95.4 90.2 2-7" 9X^s" 19.93 119.6 117.2 111.8 106.5 101.2 95.7 2-7" 17^4 laced . . . 10.1442.1 2.43 60.8 58.3 55.4 52.5 49.6 46.7 2-7" - 17M2-9XJ4" 14.6451.82.49 87.8 85.0 80.9 76.9 72.9 68.9 2-7" ' 17*^ 2 -9X^" 16.89 59.5 2.50 101.3 98.2 93.6 89.0 84.4 79.8 2-7" 17k 2-9X^1" 19.1467.1 2.51 114.8 111.5 106.3 101.1 95.9 90.7 2-7" - 17M 2-9X^6" 121.39 74.8 2.52 128.3 124.8 119.0 113.2 107.4 101.6 2-7" - W4 laced... 11.62 47.1 2.39 69.7 66.1 62.8 59.5 56.2 52.8 2-7" 1924" 2-9XM" 16. 12 56. 8 2. 45 2-7"- 19M2-9XM" 18.37 64.5 2. 46 96.7 110.2 92.8 106.0 88.3 100.9 83.8 95.8 79.3 90.7 74.8 85.7 2-7" - 19 3 4 2-9X^" 20.6272.1 2.47 123.7 119.2 113.6 107.8 102.1 96.5 2-7' 19% 2- -9X?^" 22.87 79.8 2.48 137.2 132.5 126.2 119.9 113.6 107.4 2-7' -1% -9X54" 25.1287.4 2.49 150.7 145.8 138.9 132.0 125.1 118.2 NOTE. Weights of column-shafts include rivets. 154 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEELCO. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS 8" Channel Column. Square Ends ---'-* Allowable strains per square inch = _! i 12,000 pounds for lengths of 90 radii ^T fT or less. 17,100 pounds 57 'for 14 -5H-- i i M 8" lengths over 90 radii. r li ] Safety factor = 4. ode 1 ' V-n 1 Section : 2-8" ^ laced with 1 y" x tv i i bars. Holes J \"\ rivets, M" diameter, . , t k- "tf or 2-8" - and 2-10" bars. Section 6- j Unsupported Column Lengths &> < J . to Feet .-c +*. V |2 '* 3 20 22 24 26 28 30 "^ a ] 3 ound 5 Bars 2-8^- J 11K laced 6.70 30.1 3.11 40.2 39.6 38.1 36.7 35.2 2-10XK" 11.70 41.53.03 .! .! 70.2 68.3 65.7 63.0 60.4 2-8"- J UK 2-10XA" 12.95 45.7 3.02 77.7 75.5 72.6 69.6 66.7 2-8"- J UK 2-10X5V' 14.20 50.03.02.. .. 85.2 82.7 79.5| 76.2 73.0 2-8"- - 1 11K 2-lOXiV' 15.45 54.2 3.01 92.7 89.9 86.4 82.8 79.3 2-8"- -UK 2-10XM" 16.70 58.53.00.. .. 100.2 97.1 93.3 89.5 85.7 2-8"- UK 2-8"- UK 2-10XA" 2-10XH" 17.95 62.73.00.. .. 19.20 67.02.99.. .. 107.7 115.2 104.3 111.5 100.2 107.1 96.1 102.7 92.0 98.3 2-8"- - zx laced 8.08 35.12.98.. .. 48.5 46.8 45.0 43.1 41.3 2-8"- VA 2-10XK" 13.08 46.53.00.. .. 78.5 76.0 73.0 70.1 67.1 2-8"- - &A 2-10XA" 14.33 50.7 2.99 86.0 83.2 79.9 76.6 73.4 2-8"- J 35i 2-lOX^i" 15 58 55 > < T 5 /' r^ bars M ">lp. I.3.". rivpts . 3/" diam eter, i ' n k ion* * or 2-9" -" and 2-1 1" bars. tn = JJ j Unsupported Column Lengths . - ^ . In Fc et Secti on rt C Ji ; S K ^ J - C/3 u ^ i 22 24 26 28 30 32 Pounds 2-9" 13M Bars laced 7.78 34.93.49 46.7 46.7 45.2 '43.6 42.1 2-9"- 13J4 2-11XM" 13.28 47.2 3.41 79.7 78.9 76.3 73.6 70.9 2-9"- 13M 2-11XA" 14.66 57. S 3.40 88.0 86.8 83.9 80.9 78.0 2-9" 13/4 2-nxy s " 16.03 56.6 3.38 ! 96.2 94.7 91.5 88.3 85.0 2-9"- 13/4 2-11XTV 17.41 61.23.37 104.5102.0 99.1 95.6 92.1 2-9" 13M 2-11 XH" 18.78 65.93.35 112.7110.6 106.7 102.9 99.1 2-9"- 13/4 2-11XA" 20. 16 70.6 3.34 121.0 118.5 114.4 110.3 106.2 2-9" 13M 2-llX5i // 21.53 75.33.32 129.2 126.4122.0 117.6113.2 2-9" 15 kced. . . . 8.82 38.43.40... 52.9 52.3 50.6 48.8 47.0 2-9"- 15 2-11XM" 14.32 50.7 3.36 85.9 84.5 81.7 78.8 75.9 2-9" 15 2-1 IX A" 15.70 55.43.34.... 94.2 92.5 89.3 86.1 82.9 2-9" 15 2-nxy s " 17.07 60.1 3.33 102.41100.4 96.9 93.4 89.9 2-9"- 15 2-llX^^ 18.45 64.73.32... 110.7108.3 104.5 100.7 96.9 2-9" 15 19.82 69.4 3.31 118.9 116.2 112.1 108.0 103.9 2-9"- 15 2-1 IXA^ 21.20 74.13.30... 127.2 124.1 119.7 115.3 110.9 2-9" 15 22.57 78.83.29 135.4 132.0 127.3122.6,117.9 2-9" 20 laced 11.76 48.43.21.. .. 70.6 68.0 65.5 63.0 60.5 2-9"- 20 2-1 IX A" 18.64 65.43.27.. 111.8 108.7 104.8 100.9 97.0 2-9" 20 2-1 ixy s " 20.01 70.1 3.26 120.1 116.6 112.4 108.2 104.0 2-9"- 20 2-llXA^ 21.39 74.73.26.. .. 128.3 124. 5 120.0 115.5 111.0 2-9" 20 22.76 79.4 3.25 136.6 132.4 127.6 122.8 118.1 2-9"- 20 2-1 IXiV' 24.14 84.13.25.. .. 144.8 140.3 135.3130.2125.1 2-9"- 20 2-llX^i" 25.51 88.83.25.. 153.1 148.2 142.9137.5132.1 2-9"- 20 2-llXH" 26.89 93.4 3.24 161.3 156.2 150.5 144.8 139.1 2-9"- 20 2-nx 3 A" 28.26 98.13.24.. .. 169.6 164.1 158.1 152.1 146.2 2-9"- 25 kced 14.70 58.43.10 88.2 86.8 83.5 80.3 77.0 73.8 2-9"- 25 2-llX^" 22.95 80.1 3.18 137. 8137.0! 132.1 127.1 122.2 117.2 2-9"- 25 24.33 84. 7 3. 18 146. 145. 2' 140. 134. 7 129.51124.3 2-9"- 25 2-nxy 2 " 25.70 89.4 3.18 154.2 153.4:147.9 142.3 136.8 131.3 2-9"- 25 2-11XA" 27.08 94.13.18162.5161.6155.8 150.0 144.1 138.3 2-9"- 25 2-llX^" 28.45 98 .i 3.18 170.7 169.8 163.7 157.6 151.5 145.3 2-9"- 25 2-11XH" 29.83103.43.18179.0178.0171:6165.2 158.8 152.4 2-9"- 25 2-11XM" 31.20 108.1 3.18 187.2 186.3 179.5 172.8 166.1 159.4 2-9"- 25 2-9" 25 2-llXii" 2-1 1XK" 32. 58 112. 8 3. 18 195. 5 194. 5| 187. 4 180. 4^ 173. 4 33.95117.53.18203.7202.7 195.4 188.1 i 180. 7 166.4 173.4 2-9"- 25 2-11XM" 35.33122.13.18212.0210.9 203.3195.71188.1 180.5 NOTE. Weights of column shafts include rivets. 156 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS 10" Channel Column. Square Ends U aM^'-H Allowable strain per square inch = ] i ]_o 000 pound 3 for lengths of 90 radii 1 or less. 17,100 57 : for lengths H ~ 7 or 2-10" ^ and 2-12" plates. r j Unsupported Column Lengths w 8 J . Feet c JJ ^r e 2 , Section || |3 J 26 28 30 32 34 Pounds Plates 2-10"- 15 laced 8.92 38.43.87; . 53.5 52.6 51.0 49.5 2-10" 152-12XK" 14 92 52 43 76 89.5 86.9 84.2 82.5 2 10" 1 j 152 12XA" 16 42 57 53 74 98 5 95 4 92 3 89 3 2-10" 15 2-12X^6" 17.92 62.63.73 107.5107.2103.8100.5 97.2 2-10" 15 2-12X A" 19.42 67.73.71 116.5115.9112.2108.6105.0 2-10"-152-12xk" 20.92 72.83.69 12555 124.6 120.6 116.7 112.8 2-10" 15 2-12X A" 22.42 77.93.68 134.5133.2129.0124.8120.7 2-10"- 15 2-12X^" 23. 92 83. 3. 66 ..... 143.5141.9137.5133.0128.5 2-10"- 20 laced 11.76 48.43.68 70.6 69. 8i 67.6 65.4 63.2 2-10"- 20 2-12X5^" 20.75 72.63.65 2-10" 202-12XT*" 22.26 77.73.64 124.5123.0 119.1 115.2 111.3 133.5131.7127.5123.3119.1 2-10"-202-12XH" 23.76 82.83.63 142.6 140.4 135.9 131.5 127.0 2-10" 202-12X-rV' 25.26 87.93.62 151.6149.1144.4139.6134.8 2-10"- 20 2-12X^6" 26.76 93.03.61 160.6 157.8 152.8 147.7 142.6 2-10" 20 2-12XH" 28. 26 98. 1 3. 61 169.6166.6161.2155.9 150.5 2-10"- 20 2-12XM" 29. 76 103. 2 3. 60 178.6175.3,169.6164.0158.3 2-10"- 25 laced 14.70 58.43.52 88.2 85.7 82.8 80.0 77.1 2-10" 25 2-12X W 26. 70 92. 8 3. 57 160.2156.7151.5146.4141.2 2-10" 25 2-12X A" 28. 20 97. 9 3. 57| 169.2 165.4 159.9 154.5 149.0 2-10" 252-12X^" 29.70103.03.56 1178.2 174.0 168.3 162.5 156.8 2-10"- 25 2-12XH" 31.20 108. 1 3.56 187.2 182.7 176.7 170.6 164.6 2-10" 252-12XM" 32.70113.23.55 196.2191.4185.1 178.7172.4 2-10"- 25 2-12X ' 34. 20 118. 3 3. 55 205.2 200.1 193.5 186.8 180.2 2-10"- 25 2-12X \V' 35. 70 123. 4 3. 54 214.2208.7201.8194.9 188.0 2-10"^ 30 laced 17.64 68.43.42 105.8101.4 97.9 94.4 90.8 2MO" 30 2-12X5-6" 32.64113.03.50 195.8 189.8 183.4 177.0 170.6 2-10" 302-12X%" 35.64123.23.50 213.8207.1200.1 193.1 186.2 2-10" 25 2-12Xi" 38. 64 133.4 3.50 231.8 224.4 216.9 209.3 201.7 2-10" 302-12X1" 41.64143.63.49 249.8241.8233.6225.4217.3 2-10"- 35 laced i20.68 78.43.35123.5 121.3117.2:113.0108.9104.7 2-10" 35 2-12XH" 35. 58 124. 3. 45213. 5212. 5 205. 5 198. 4 191. 3 184. 3 2-10" 35 2-12X5^" 38. 58 133. 2 3. 45231. 5 230. 4 222. 8 215. 1 207. 5 199. 8 2-10"- 352-12X%" 41.58143.43.45249.5 248.3240.1 231.8223.6215.4 2-10"- 352-12X1" 44.58153.63.45267.5 266.2257.4248.6239.7230.9 2-10"- 352-12X1H" 47.58163.83.45285.5 284. 1 274. 7 265. 3 255. 8 246. 4 NOTE. Weights of column shafts include rivets. JONES & L AU G H L I N ST E E L C 0. 157 SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS 12" Channel Column. Square Ends .fHH/t.jj Allowable strain per square inch= . ,i, ! 12,000 pounds for lengths of 90 radii F or less. 17,100 57 - for lengths --8k-'- 12 " over 90 radii. r .' f Safety factor = 4. &__[ Section : 2-12" i-- laced with 2" 3 '*" bars. Holes, if" ; nvets, 2^" diam- i< -13 9 /i * eter, or 2-12" ir-- and 2-14 x plates. A Unsupported Column Lengths Section {/) tfi C " *^ X Feet r 30 32 34 36 38 40 Pounds Plates 2-12" SfnuiarpH 12 06 49 4 4 r,i 72.4 70.9 69 1 67.3 -20^ 2-14XA" 20^81 72.74.39. . 124.9 122.8 119.6 116.3 113.1 2-12"- -20V4 2-14X^1" 22.56 78.7 4.37 135.4 132.7 129.2 125.7 122.1 2-12"- 20 V| 2-14X&" 24.31 84.64.35. . 145.9142.7 138.9 135.0 131.2 2-12"- 20H 2-14XM" 26.06 90.64.33. . 156.4152.6 148.5 144.4 140.3 2-12"- -20H 2-14XA" 27.81 96.5 4.32 166.9 162.6 158.2 153.7 149.3 2-12" 20 H 2-14X^6" 29.56102.54.30. . 177.4172.5 167.8 163.1 158.4 2-12"- 20H 2-14XH" 31.31168.44.28. . 187.9 182.5 177.1 172.5 167.4 . 2-12"- 20^ 2-14X9^" 33.06114.44.26. . 198.4 192.4 187.1 181.8 176.5 2-12"- -25 laced 14.70 58.44.43. . 88.2 87.1 84.8 82.6 80.3 2-12"- -25 2-14XH* 25.20 87.7 4.30 151.2 147.3 143.3 139.3 135.3 2-12"- -25 2-14X&" 26.95 93.64.29. . 161.7 157.3 158.0 148.7|144.4 2-12"- -25 2-14XH" 28.70 99.6 4.28 172.2 167.2 162.6 158.0 153.4 2-12"- -25 2-14XiV' 30.45105.54.27. . 182.7 177.2 172.3167.4|162.5 2-12"- -25 214X5^" 32.20 111.5 4.26 193.2 192.6 187.1 181.9 176.8 171.5 2-12"^ -25 2-14XH" 33.95117.44.25203.7202.8 197.0 191.6 186.1^180.6 2-12"- -25 2 14XM" 35.70 123.4 4.23 214.2 212.9 207.0 201.2 195.5 189.7 2-12"- -25 2-14XH" 37.45129.34.22224.7223.1 216.9210.9204.81198.7 2-12"- 25 2-UXH" 39.20135.34.21235.2 233.3 226.9 220.5214.2 207.8 2-12"- -30 laced 17.64 68.44.28... 105.8 102.9 100.1 97.3 94.4 2-12"- -30 2-14X^" 31.64109.64.22189.8 188.5 183.3 178.21 173.1 168.0 2-12"- -30 2 14X 5 '1i" 35.14 121.5 4.21 210.8 209.0 203.2 197.5 191.8 186.1 2-12"- -30 2-14X54" 38.64133.44.19231.8229.5223.2216.9,210.5204.3 2-12"- -30 2 14 X I/?." 42.16 145.3 4.18 252.8 249.9 243.1 236.2 229.2 222.4 2-12"- -30 2-14X1" 45. 64 157. 2 4. 17 273. 8j 270. 4 263.0 255.5 247.9 240.5 2-12" 35 laced 20.58 78.44.17123.5 121.9 118.6 115.2 111.8 108.5 2-12"- -35 2-14X^6" 38.08 113.5 4.16 228.5 224.4 218.4 212.4 206.4 200.3 2-12"- -35 2-14XM" 41. 58 143. 4 4. 15 249. 5 245. 2 238.5231. 81225. 1'218.4 2-12"- -35 2 14X "/%" 45.08 155.3 4.14 270.5 265.9 258.5 251.1 243.8 236.4 2-12"- -35 2-14X1" 48. 58 167. 2 4. 13 291. 5 286. 6 278. 6^70. 5 262.5 254.4 2-12"- 40 laced 23.52 88.44.09141.1 138.2 134.2 130.3 126.4 122.8 2-12"- -40 214X5^" 44.52 153.4 4.10 267.1 261.8 254.4 247.0 239.5 232.1 2-12"- -40 2-14Xj^" 48.02165.34.10288.1 282.3 ; 274.3266.3 258.3 : 250.2 2-12"- -40 2-14X1" 51.52 177.2 4.10 309.1 302.8 294.2 285.6 277.0 268.4 2-12"- -40 2-14X1H" 55.02189.14.09330.1 323.3314.1 304.9;295.7 286.5 2-12" 40 2-14Xl^"58.52201.04.09351.1 343. 7,334. 0324. 2314.41304. 6 NOTE. Weights of column shafts include rivets. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS 15" Channel Column. Square Ends Allowable strains per square inch= U 12%" ->t 12,000 pounds for lengths of 90 radii or less. 17,100 57 - for lengths over 90 radii. r Safety factor = 4. Section : 2-15"'-- laced with 2X"x */*" bars. Holes, jf"; rivets, %" diameter, or 2-15" and 2-16" plates. r* 15H-" >j Section *.!*! m < i a E OK Unsupported Column Lengths Feet 35 37 39 41 43 45 Pounds Plates 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" 2-15" " 33 2-16X -332-16X -532-16XA" -332-16X 5 /s" - 33 2-16XH" -332-16X?-4" - 33 2-16X H" 33 2-16X * H" - 33 2-16X 1" - 35 laced. . . 352-16X1^" 352-16XH" 352-16X24'" 352-16XJ*" 352-16X1" 40 laced 402-16XH" 40 2-16X 1" 40 2-16X \W 40 2-16X \W 45 laced ....... 452-16XH" 452-16X^4'" 45 2-16X 1" 45 2-16X W 45 2-16X W SOlaced ....... 502-16XM" 502-16X1" 502-16X1M' 7 502-16X1)^" 55 laced ....... 552-16XM" 552-16X1" 55 2-16X 1^" 552-16XW 31.80108.85.08... 33.80115.65.07... 35.80122.45.05... 37.80129.25.03... 39.80136.05.01... 41.80142.85.00... 43.80149.64.98... 45.80156.44.96... 47.80163.24.94... 51.80176.84.91310 20.58 80.65.32... 32.58112.85.07... 36.58126.45.04... 40.58140.05.00... 44.58153.64.97... 48.58167.24.94... 52.58180.84.90315 23.52 90.65.21... 39.52136.44.98... 47.52163.64.94... 55.52190.84.90333 63.52218.04.86381 71.52245.24.82429 26.48100.65.12... 42.48146.44.94... 50.48173.64.90302 58.48200.84.87350 66.48228.04.84398 74.48255.24.80446 29.42110.65.02... 53.42183.64.84320 61.42210.84.82368 69.42238.04.80416 77.42265.24.78464 32.36120.64.96... .36193.64.82338 .36220.84.80'386 .36248.04.78434 .36275.24.76482 . 56. 64. 190. . 202. .j214. .226. .|238. .i250. . 262. .274. 8310. :;* .|219. .;243. . 267, .1291, 5.313, :i23 7 : . ^285. 1 330, 1377. 1:423 .158, . 254, 5300 5347 5393 5,440 J176. 5,317 5,363. 5410 5457, .194 2333 2380 2426 2473 8 188. 8 199. 8211. 8222. 8233. 8245. 8256. 8268. 8279. 8302. Jl23. 5 192. 5215. 5238. 5261. 5283. 8306. .[141. 1 232. 1277. 6322. 2368. 8413. 9 157. 5248. 8293. 4339. 9384. 5429. 5173. 1309. 7355. 3400. 0445. 2 189. 9325. 4371. 9416. 4461. 4 184. 1 179. 8 195.2 190. 2206.3201. 6217.4212. 9228.5223. 3239.5233. 7250.6244. 1 261.7255. 4272.8266. 2295.0287. 5 121.7119. 9 188.5 184. 6210.6205. 3 232. 7 227. 0254.8248. 7277.0270. 4299.1291. 1 137.8134. 0226.6221. 4270.8264. 8315.0307. 2359.3350. 6403.5393. 4153.9150. 5242.6236. 8286.8279. 2330.9322. 5 375. 1 365. 8419.2408. 4 169.4165. 5302.0294. 0,346.2337. 4! 390. 5 380. 9|434.8423. 61185.1 180. 9318.0310. 3362.1352. 6406.2395. 9450.4438. 8175.6 6 186.0 4196.5 2207.0 0217.5 8228.0 6238.5 4249.0 2 259. 5 7280.5 1 116.4 1 179.7 6200.6 1221.6 7 242. 5 2203.5 8 284. 4 7131.6 2215.8 2257.6 3299.5 3341.4 3383.2 3 146.8 8230.9 7 272. 7 7314.4 7356.2 6.398.0 4 161.4 4286.8 5328.8 6 370. 7 7412.6 6 176.2 0302.0 9343.8 9J385.6 91427.4 NOTE. Weights of column shafts include rivets. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 159 SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS Single Beam Columns. Square Ends Assumed strains per square inch ( _ 50000 f/ Factor of safety =4 1 (121) 2 + 36000r2 r* Q 9 If \ UNSUPPORTED LENGTH OF BEAM IN INCHES X WBIGHI P( H 4 G 8 10 12 14 1(5 18 20 22 24 100 .29 148 135 124 113 102 93 84 24 80 .36 117 110 102 94 86 78 71 20 100 .34 151 140 129 117 108 98 89 20 80 .39 123 114 105 97 89 81 74 20 65 .21 . . . 94 86 78 70 63 57 18 70 .09 . . ioe 96 87 78 69 62 18 55 .15 . 83 77 70 63 56 50 15 100 .31 160 149 138 126 115 105 95 86 15 80 .32 128 120 111 102 93 85 77 70 15 60 .22 94 87 80 72 65 59 53 15 42 .08 64 58 53 47 42 37 12 55 .04 89 81 74 66 58 52 46 12 40 .08 66 60 55 50 44 40 35 12 31^2 .01 51 47 42 37 33 29 26 10 40 0.90 62 56 49 43 37 32 10 25 0.97 . 40 36 32 28 25 22 9 35 0.84 . 53 47 41 35 30 9 21 0.90 34 30 26 23 20 8 25^ 0.80 38 33 28 24 21 8 18 0.84 27 24 21 18 15 7 20 iO.74 33 29 25 21 18 7 15 0.78 25 22 20 17 14 6 17M 0.68 28 24 20 17 14 6 1234 0.72 20 17 15 13 11 5 14^ 0.63 24 20 16 12 5 9/4 0.65 15 13 11 9 4 10*^ 0.57 16 13 11 9 4 7^10.59 12 10 8 6 3 7^2 0.52 11 9 7 3 0.53 9 7 5 160 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS For radius of gyration axis X-X using '* 6K-*-*i 12,000 pounds per square inch for lengths of 90 radii or less. Over 90 radii x -fe {ji~ v 17,100 57 - = pounds per square inch. P r SH" > Size of Angles Inches Area of wSssL itr Inches Inches Weight per Foot of Column Pounds Radius of Gyration Axis X-X Inches 3X2HX& 6X34 6.78 23.1 1.24 3X2^X^ 6X& 8.40 28.6 1.27 3X2>|xH 6xi 9.97 33.9 1.30 3X2^XT^ 6X^ 11.51 39.1 1.33 3x2^X^ 6xi 13.00 44.2 1.36 3X23xjX T% 6XA 14.50 49.3 1.39 3X2^X^1 6X^i 15.95 54.2 1.43 4X3 X& 8X& 10.86 36.9 1.67 4X3 X% 8X?i 12.96 44.1 1.70 4X3 X& 8X& 15.02 51.07 .73 4X3 XYz 8X^ 17.00 57.8 .76 4X3 X^ 8XA 19-02 64.7 .79 4X3 xj| SxJis 20.96 71.3 .82 4X3 X& 8XM 22.86 77.7 .86 4X3 XM 8XM 24.76 84.2 .89 4X3 Xil 8XH 26.62 90.5 1.92 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 161 FOR PLATE AND ANGLE COLUMNS Square Ends Rivets, 24f" diameter. Holes, ||" diameter. Short legs of angles riveted to web plates. Column weights do not include rivets. Length in Feet 9 10 12 14 1C 18 20 22 24 40 4 39.0 37.6 36.2 34.8 33.4 50.1 49 46.5 44.0 41.6 39.2 59 6 58 7 55.3 51.9 48.4 44.9 69 68 7 64.2 59.7 55.1 50.7 78 73.1 67.5 61.9 56.4 86 9 81.9 75.4 68.7 62.2 95 9 90.8 83.2 75.5 67.9 65 2 61 7 57 3 52 9 48 4 44 39 6 77 5 74 1 69 1 64 1 58 9 53 9 48 9 89 9 86 6 80 9 75 2 69 5 63 8 58 1 .... 102.0 113 9 99.0 111.5 92.7 104.5 86.4 97.5 80.0 90.6 73.7 83.6 67.7 76 7 125 5 123 9 116 3 108.7 101.1 93.5 86 137 2 136 3 128 1 119.9 111.6 103 5 95 2 148 6 139 9 131.0 122 2 113.4 104 5 159 7 151 7 142.2 132 7 123 3 113 8 1G2 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS For radius of gyration axis X-X using * iox---j 12,000 pounds per square inch for ^ ^J lengths of 90 radii or less. Over 90 radii *~~P ^1 X 17,100 57 - = pounds per square inch. J, 12*-'--^ Size of Angles Inches Size of Web Plates Area of Column Square Weight per Foot of Column Radius of Gyration Axis X-X Inches Pounds Inches 5X3X& 10XA 12.77 43.4 2.13 5X3X^ 10x/^ 15.19 51.6 2.15 5X3X f'ff 10X T^ 17.62 59.9 2.18 5X3X^-12 10XH 20.00 68.0 2.21 5X3X& lOx ^ 22.38 76.1 2.24 5X3X % 10X ^i 24.69 83.9 2.27 5X3X& lOxii 27.00 91.8 2.30 5X3X^1 5X3XM ioxil 29.26 31.48 99.5 107.0 2.34 2.37 10X3-8 33.71 114.6 2.40 6X4X% 12X^ 18.94 64.4 2.51 6X4X i 3 * 12Xi^ 22.01 74.8 2.54 6X4X^ 12X^o 25.00 85.0 2.57 12X ^ 27.99 95.2 2.60 6X4X^ 12x 5 /s 30.94 105.2 2.63 6X4X& 12XH 33.89 115.2 2.66 6X4X % 36.76 125.0 2.69 6X4Xif 12Xi 39.63 134.7 2.72 12X3^ 42.46 144.4 2.75 6x4Xif 12Xif 45.25 153.9 2.78 6X4X1 12X1 48.00 163.2 2.81 \ JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 163 FOR PLATE AND ANGLE COLUMNS Square Ends Rivets, ^" diameter. Holes, ^|" diameter. Short legs of angles riveted to web plates. Column weights do not include rivets. Length in Feet 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 76.3 91.1 105.7 120.0 134.1 148.1 162.0 175.6 188.9 202.0 72.0 86.4 100.8 115.2 129.2 143.9 158.3 172.7 187.1 201.5 113.7 131.8 150.0 167.9 185.6 203.3 67.9 81.7 95.5 109.3 123.0 136.8 150.6 164.4 178.1 191.9 108.2 126.7 145.2 163.8 182.3 200.8 220.6 237.8 254.8 271.5 288.0 63.8 77.0 90.2 103.3 116.5 129.7 142.8 156.0 169.2 182.3 105.3 122.9 140.6 158.2 175.9 193.5 211.2 228.9 246.5 264.2 281.8 59.8 72.3 84.9 97.4 110.0 122.5 135.1 147.6 160.2 172.7 102.3 119.1 135.9 152.7 169.5 186.3 203.1 219.8 226.6 253.4 270.2 55.7 67.6 79.6 91.5 103.4 115.4 127.3 139.3 151.2 163.1 99.4 115.3 131.3 147.2 163.1 179.0 194.9 210.8 226.7 242.6 258.6 51.6 62.9 74.3 85.6 96.9 108.2 119.5 130.9 142.2 153.5 96.5 111.6 126.6 141.6 156.7 171.7 186.8 201.8 216.8 231.9 246.9 93.6 107.8 121.9 136.1 150.3 164.4 178.6 192.8 207.0 221.1 235.3 90.7 104.0 117.3 130.6 143.9 157.2 170.5 183.8 197.1 210.4 223.7 87.7 100.2 112.6 125.0 137.0 149.9 162.3 174.8 187.2 199.6 212.0 ...., Ifi4 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS For radius of gyration axis X-X using r^ (rfl-f"^ 12,000 pounds per square inch for Irnii iDll - lengths of 90 radii or less. Over 90 radii x-JE^^^^jjfX ; ; 17,100 57- =pounds per square inch. If I[.._>IL r !<- ISM* H Size of Angles Inches Size of Web Plates Inches Size of Cover Plates Inches Area of Column Square Inches Weight per Foot of Column Pounds Radius of Gyration Axis X-X Inches 6X4X % 12X H 14X M 25.94 88.2 3.00 6X4X % 12x % 14X1 46.94 159.6 3.50 6X4X & 12X A 14X ^ 29.01 98.6 3.00 6X4X T 12X Tff 14X1 50.01 170.0 3.48 6X4X Y 2 12X ^ ! 14X 1 4 32.00 108.8 3.00 6X4X Yt 12X M ! 14X1 53.00 180.2 3.46 6X4X & 12X & 14X M 34.99 119.0 3.00 6X4X & 12X A 14X1 55.99 190.4 3.44 6X4X Ys 12X Ys 14X M 37.94 129.0 3.00 6X4X % 12X ^i 14X1 58.94 200.4 3.42 6X4X tt 12X H 14X K 40.89 139.0 3.00 6X4X tt 12X ft \ 14X1 61.89 210.4 3.41 6X4X M 12X M 14X M 43.76 148.8 3.00 6X4X M 12X M 14X1 64.76 220.2 3.39 6X4X % 12X ^ 14X ^ 49.46 168.2 3.00 6X4X % 12X Y* 14X1 70.46 239.6 3.35 6X4X1 12X1 14X % 55.00 187.0 3.00 6X4X1 12X1 14X1 76.00 258.4 3.31 Additional for 2-14X ^5 1.75 5.95 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 165 FOR PLATE AND ANGLE COLUMNS Square Ends Rivets, ^" diameter. Holes, j-f" diameter. Short legs of angles riveted to web plates. Column weights do not include rivets. Length in Feet 22 28 34 155.6150. 281.6281. 173.8167. 300.0300. 192.0184. 318.0318, 209.9201, 335.9335. 227.6218, 353.6353, 245.3234, 371.3371. 262.6251. 388.6388. 296.8285. 422.8422. 330.0319. 456.0456 8144. 6281. 6161. 0299. 5177. 0318. 3193. 9335, 1209, 6353. 9225. 3364. 7241. 6380. 4274. 8413. 0306. 0446 9139.0133, 6272.9263 1154.5147 8288.7278, 2170.0162 0304.4293 4185.5177, 9320.2309 6201.0192 6335.9324 7216.6207 1861:7899. 9232.1222 5367.4354 2263.1251 4398.9384 6294.1281 2430.4414 1127, 7254 9136, 8269 8150, 9283 6165 0297 5180, 1312 4195 2326 2210 2341 9240 5370 7269 6398 2121, 6245 1134, 0259 9148, 5273 8161, 9286 7175, 3300 5189 7314 4202 2328 1229 0355 2256 8383 2115.3109. 5236.3227. 8128.2121. 2249.4239. 3141.1133. 0262.5252. 9154.0146. 8275.6264. 5166.9158. 5288.7:276. 0179.8170. 3301.8289. 6192.7182. 0314.9301. 7218.5207. 5341.1326. 8244.3231. 1367.3351 4103.5 2218.0 7115.1 6229.8 9126.7 0241.6 1138.3 5253.4 4149.9 9i265.1 6161.5 3276.9 9173.1 8288.7 4196.3 6312.2 9219.4 5335.7 10.5 10.5 11.5 11.3 11.0 10.7 10.4 10.2 9.9 9.6 166 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS For radius of gyration axis X-X using f| fi"~ 12,000 pounds per square inch for L^Lj^J' - lengths of 90 radii or less. Over 90 radii x ~| n!'* 3 17,100 57- = pounds per square inch. V--*- r *--- HH-'-'-X Size of Angles Inches Size of Web Plates Inches Size of Cover Plates Inches Area of Column Square Inches Weight per toot of Column Pounds Radius of Gyration AxisX-X Inches 6X6X^ 14X /^ 14X& 31.44 106.9 2.89 6x6x^ 14x5^ 14XM 43.69 148.5 3.25 6X6x'A 14Xi^ 35.12 119.4 2.85 6X6X T^ 14X A 14 X /^ 47.37 161.1 3.20 6X6XH I4x% 14X^ 38.75 131.8 2.82 6x6x^ 14X34 14X 3 ^ 51.00 173.4 3.16 6X6X& 14Xfk 42.39 144.1 2.80 6X6X& 14X $s 14X % 54.64 185.8 3.12 6X6x|i 14X^ 14^^ 45.94 156.2 2.79 6X6X^8 14X^8 14X/4 58.19 197.8 3.10 6X6XH ]4X ^ 14X^ 49.50 168.3 2.79 6x6Xii 14XH 14XM 61.75 209.9 3.08 6X6X ^ 14x /^ 14X A^ 53.01 180.2 2.79 6X6XM 14X% 14XM 65.26 221.9 3.06 6X6Xif 14Xil 56.49 192.1 2.79 6X6XH 14XH 14X% 68.74 233.0 3.05 6X6XK 14X l/^ ]4X ^. 59.96 203.9 2.80 6X6X>8 14Xj 14X^1 72.21 245.5 3.04 Additional fnr 2-14 X A 1.75 5.95 ^ AI/'N To i JONES LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 167 FOR PLATE AND ANGLE COLUMNS Square Ends Rivets, ^" diameter. Holes, -J-f " diameter. Column weights do not include rivets. Length in Feet 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 134.9 208.0 148.2 38 40 188.6 262.1 210.7 187.0 262.1 207.4 179.6 262.1 198.9 172.2 254.0 190.5 164.7 244.8 182.0 157.3 235.6 173.6 149.8 222.4 165.1 142.4 217.2 156.7 127.4120.0 198.81189.6 139.8131.3 284.2 284.2j284.2!273.3 263.2:253.1 243.0232.9222.8212.7202.6 232.5 227.9 21 8.5 209.1 199.8 190.4 181 .01 71 .6il62.2152.9|143.5 306.0 306.0'303.6 292.5 281.51270.4259.41248.3,237.31226.21215.2 254.0 248.5 238.2,227.9 217.6 207.3 197.0 186.6il76.3|166.0jl55.7 327.8 327.6 323.41311.5,299.5 287.6 275.6263.7|251.7j239.8i227.8 275.6 269.0 257.8 246.5 235.3 224.0212.8201.5jl90.3!179.0|167.7 349.1 349.1 343.4 330.6 317.7 304.9292.0279.2266.3253.5240.6 297.0,289.5 277.4 265.3i253.2 241.1 ! 229 .021 6.8 204.7J192.6 180.5 370.5 370.5 363.1 349.4J335.7 322.0308.3294.6280.8l267.1j253.4 318.0 310.0 297.0 284.0 271 .0 258.0 245.0;232.0219.0;206.0|193.0 391.5 391 .5 383.3J368.6 354.0 339.3 324.7i310.0 295.4'280.7J266.1 338.9 330.6|316.8i302.9 289.1:275.3 261 .4:247.6:233.8 219.9;206.1 412.4 412.4|402.6 387.2 371.8 356.4341.0325.6310.2 294.8;279.4 359.7 351.51336.8 322.2 307.5:292.8278.2263.5248.8234.11219.5 433.2 433.2 422.6 406.4 390.2 374.1 ;357.9 ( 341 .7|325.5|309.3|293.2 10.5 10.5 12.0 11.8 11.6 11.4 11.2 11.0 10.8 10.6 10.4 168 JONES & LAUGHL IN STEEL CO SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS For radius of gyration axis X-X using j< 14 ^._^) 12,000 pounds per square inch for ^ f~*~ lengths of 90 radii or less. Over 90 radii 1 ^J ; ^MggJ X ^J 17,100 57 = pounds per square inch. Size of Angles Inches Size of Web Plates Inches Size of Cover Plates Inches Area of Column Square Inches Weight per Foot of Column Pounds Radius of Gyration Axis X-X Inches 6x6X Y% HX y 22.69 77 15 2 29 6x6X A 14X A 26.37 89 66 2 32 6X6X % 30 00 102 00 2 35 6X6X -fs 14X A 33 64 114 38 2 38 6X6X % 37 19 126 45 2 41 6X6X H 14X H 40 75 138 55 2 44 6X6X M 14X % 44.26 150.48 2.47 6X6X H 14X H 47.74 162.32 2.50 6X6X % 14X Y% 51.21 174.11 2.53 6X6X it 14X if 54 65 185 81 2 56 6X6X1 14X1 58 00 197 20 2 59 6X6X1 14X1 i4x y 65.00 221.00 2.78 6X6X1 14X1 14X YB 68.50 232.90 2.86 6X6X1 14X1 i4x y* 72.00 244.80 2.93 6X6X1 14X1 14X 5 /s 75.50 256.70 2.99 6X6X1 14X1 14X % 79.00 268.60 3.04 6X6X1 14X1 14X 7 A 82.50 280.50 3.09 6X6X1 14X1 14X1 86.00 292.40 3.14 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 169 FOR PLATE AND ANGLE COLUMNS Square Ends Rivets, "$" diameter. Holes, |f" diameter. Column weights do not include rivets. Length in Feet 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 136 133 126 119 113 106 99 92 86 79 158 156 148 140 133 125 118 111 103 94 180 178 170 161 153 145 137 129 119 108 202 201 191 182 173 165 156 148 135 123 223 223 213 202 193 184 175 166 152 138 245 245 235 223 213 204 194 184 168 153 266 266 256 244 233 223 213 203 1 185 167 286 286 278 264 254 243 232 221 202 182 307 307 300 285 274 262 251 2401218 197 328 328 321 306 294 283 270 258 235 212 348 348 343 327 314 301 289 276 251 226 390 390 390 380 364 348 332 316 300 284 268 252 236 411 411 411 405 388 372 355 3391323 306 290 273 257 432 432 432 429 413 397 379 362 345 328 311 295 278 453 453 453 453 437 420 402 385 368 350 333 316 299 474 474 474 474 461 444 426 308 390 373 355 337 320 495 495 495 495 486 467 449 431 413 395 3771359 340 516 516 516 516 510 491 473 454 436 417 399 380 361 170 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. O JO JO J3}3UIEIQ 3 << w t i: si * ! 1 I S I 11 s_i i N i: 8 1 Q .2 2 1 i OH LOADS IN TONS OF per square inch=12,000 pounds fo eo ^ H o .0 00 eo & 5 * 9 !8 8 S CO 3 S S S S oS CM eo 1 I |h S S S JONES & LAUGH LIN STEEL CO. 171 SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS Hollow Cylindrical Cast- Iron Columns E LENGTH OF COLUMNS IN FEET w H 3 ^ Q s a* *% **! BS .& i-i w " t/T Q *" H w U| 2 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 ~ w W Q P) 3 O ~ CO * 6 26.2 23.0 20.1 17.5 15.2 13.2 11.5 8.6 26.95 6 37.5 33.0 28.8 25.0 21.7 18.9 16.5 12.4 38.59 6 H 42.7 37.6 32.8 28.5 24.7 21.5 18.8 14.1 43 96 6 1 47 fi 41 9 36 5 31 8 27.6 24.0 21.0 15.7 49.01 6 IJi 52.2 46.0 40.1 34.8 30.2 26 3 23 17 2 53.76 47.7 43.1 38.5 34.3 30.4 26.9 23.9 21.2 18.914.7 45.96 7 1 4 61.1 55.2 49.3 43.8 38.9 34.4 30.6 27.1 24.2 18.9 58.90 7 \\/i. 67.2 60.8 54.3 48.3 42.8 37.9 33.7 29.9 26.7 20.8 64.77 8 ft 57.9 53.3 48.6 44.1 39.7 35.8 32.2 28.9 26.1 17.1 53.29 8 1 74.6 68.7 62.5 56.7 51.1 46.0 41.4 37.3 33.6 22.0 68.64 8 ! IK 89.9 82.8 75. 5i 68.4 61.7 55.5 49.9 44.9 40.526.5 82.71 9 %| 68.1 63. 6i 58.9 54.2 49.6 45.2 41.2 37.5 34.1 19.4 60.65 9 1 88.0 82.3 76.2 70.0 64.1 58.4 53.2 48.4 44.1 25.1 78.40 9 IK 106.6 99.6 92.2 84.8 77.6 70.8 64.4 58.7 53.430.4 94.94 9 l)i 123.8 115.7 107.1 98.5 90.1 82.2 74.8 68.1 62.0 35.3 110.26 9 I 1% 139.6 130.5120.8 111.1 101.6 92.7 84.4 76.8 69.939.9 124.36 10 1 1101.4 95. 9| 89.8 83.6 77.4 71.5 65.8 60.5 55.5 28.3 88.23 10 IK 123.3 116.5109.1 101.6 94.1 86.8 79.9 73 4 67.534.4 107.23 10 , 1H 143.7 135.8,127.3 118.5 109.7 101.2 93.2 85.6 78.7 40.M24.99 10 j 1MJ162.7 153.8 144.1 134.1 105.5 9? 89.145.4 141.65 11 1 1114.8 109.41103.5 1 97.3 91.0 84.8 80.2 73. 67.7 31.4 98.03 11 i IK H39.9 133. 3! 126.1 118.6 110.9 103 3 97.8 8J 4 82.5:38.3 119.46 11 1^ 163.5 155.9 147.5 138.6 128.7 12C.8 114.3 104.1 96.4 44.8; 139. 68 11 1M ll*5.7 177.1 167.5| 157. 5 147.3 13^.2 129.8 118.3 109.550.9 158.68 11 2 1206.6 196.9 186.3 1175.1 163.8 152.6 144.4 131.5 121.8 56.6 176.44 12 1 1128.0 122.9 117.2 111.0 104.7 98.4 92.2 86.1 80. 4 34. 6 ! 107. 51 12 IK: 156. 4 150.1 143.1 135.7 127.9 120.2 112.6 105.2 98.2 42.2 131.41 12 1^ ! 1S3.3 175.9 167.7 159.0 149.9 140.9 132.0123.3 115.149.5154.10 12 1 13O08.7 200.4 191.0 181.1 170.7 160.4 150.3140.5 131.1 56.4 175.53 12 2 232.7 223.4213.0201.9 190.4 178.9 167.6 156.6 146.162.8195.75 13 1 141.2 136.3130.7 124.7 118.5 S112.1 105.8 99.5 93.5 37.7:117.53 13 IK 172.8 166.8,160.0 152.7 145.0 137.2 129.4 121.8 114.4146.1 143.86 13 1^1203.0 195.91187.9 ,179.3 170.3 161.1 152.0 143.1 134.3 54.2 168.98 13 231.6 223.6 214.5204.7 194.4 183.9 173.5 163.3 153.361.91192.88 13 2* 258.9 249.9 239.7 228.7 217.3 205.5 193.9 182.5 171.3 69.1 215.56 14 154.3 149.6 144.3 138.5 132.3 125.9 119.5 113.1 106.840.8127.60 14 IK 189.2 183.4 176.9 169.7 162.2 154.4 146.5 138.6 131.0 50.1 156 31 14 1M 222.6 215.8 208.1 199.7 190.8 181.7 172.3 163.1 154. r 58. 9 183 67 14 m 254.4 246. 7 237. S 228.3 218.1 207.6 197.0186.5 176.2 67.4210.00 14 2 1284.8 276.2266.4 255.6244.2232.4 220.6208.8 197.275.4235 12 15 1 1167.4 162.9 157.8 ' 152.1 146.0 139.7 133.31 126. S 120.4 44.0 137 28 15 IK 1205. 5 200.0 193.7 186.7 179.3 171.5 163.6 155.7 147.954.0168.48 15 1M 1 242.1 235.7228.2 220.0 211.2 202.1 192.8183.5 174.2 63.6 198 74 15 15 2* 277.2 310.8 269.8J261.3 251.9 241.9 231.4 302.5293.0:282.5271.2:259.5 220.7210.1 247.5235.5 199.572.9227 45 223.681.7254 90 172 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS For Equal Leg Angle Struts Assumed strain per square inch= 12,500 pounds. Reduced by Gordon's formulae. SIZE OF ANGLES IN INCHES LENGTH IN FEET 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 8X8X1H-.. 8X8X ^... 98.93 45.80 94.41 44.02 89.89 41.85 84.54 39.37 79.01 37.05 74.33 34.64 67.96 32.16 63.28 29.60 57.75 27.51 53.06 25.34 6X6X1 ... 62.1558.0853.02 6X6X H-.' 24.4123.1021.36 48.95 19.18 43.56 17.44 38.94 15.69 34.76 13.95 31.4628.08 12.64 11.33 5X5X1 ... 5X5X H... 48.6044.1041.40 19.49^7.6915.88 34.20 14.08 29.7026.10 12.6411.04 23.40 9.75 4X4X %... 4X4X &.-. 31.2027.4523.09 12.0510.60 9.16 19.34 7.71 16.85 6.75 8888x2 25.9020.9017.69 10.03, 8.36 7.10 14.47 5.85 3X3XH.... 3X3X*.... 15.73 12.81 6.33 5.18 10.24 4.03 IS&IBxJ 9.50 3.55 7.25 2.73 2X2XH... 2X2X&.... 5.41 2.30 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 173 ULTIMATE STRENGTH OF STEEL STRUTS For different proportions of length in feet=l. To least radius of gyration in inches=r. Ultimate strength in pounds per square inch= Column Column Column Square Bearing Pin and Square Bearing Pin Bearing 50000 50000 50000 (12 I) 2 (12 I) 3 (12 l) a 11 11 11 SGOOOr 2 24000r 2 18000r a To obtain safe ( For quiescent loads, as in buildings, divide by 4. resistance | For moving loads, as in bridges, divide by 5. 1 Ultimate Strength per Square Inch, Pounds 1 Ultimate Strength per Square Inch, Pounds r Square Pin and _Square_ Pin r Square Pin and Square Pin 3.0 48262 47437 46637 11.6 32500 27662 24087 3.2 48037 47100 46212 11.8 32112 272.50 23662 3.4 47787 46750 45762 12.0 31725 26825 23237 3.6 47537 46387 45300 12.2 31337 26412 22825 3.8 47275 46012 44825 12.4 30962 26012 22425 4.0 46987 45625 44325 12.6 30587 25612 22025 4.2 46700 45212 43812 12.8 30212 25225 21637 4 4 46400 44800 43300 13.0 29837 24825 21250 4.6 46087 44375 42762 13.2 29462 244.50 20887 4.8 45775 43925 42212 13.5 28925 23887 20350 5.0 45450 43475 41662 13.8 28375 23337 19812 5.2 45112 43025 41112 14.0 28025 22975 19475 5.4 44775 42562 j 40550 1 14.2 27687 22625 19137 5.6 44425 42087 39975 II 14.5 27175 22112 18650 5.8 44075 41600 39400 14.8 26650 21612 18162 6.0 43706 41112 38825 15.0 26312 21275 17862 6.2 43337 40625 38237 15.2 25987 20950 17550 6.4 42962 40137 37662 , 15.5 25362 20487 17112 6.6 42575 39637 37087 15.8 25025 20012 16687 6.8 42187 39137 36500 16.0 24700 19712 16400 7.0 41800 38637 35925 16.2 24387 19425 16137 7.2 41412 38137 35337 16.5 23937 18987 15737 7.4 41012 37637 34775 16.8 23487 18562 15350 7.6 40612 37137 34200 17.0 23187 18287 15100 7.8 40212 36637 33637 17.2 22900 18012 14850 8.0 39812 36123 33075 17.5 22475 17625 14487 8.2 39400 35625 ' 32512 17.8 22050 17237 14150 8.4 38987 35125 31962 18.0 21775 16987 13925 8.6 38587 34625 31412 18.2 21500 16737 13700 8.8 38175 34137 30875 18.5 21100 16375 13375 9.0 37762 33650 30337 18.8 20712 16025 13062 9.2 373.50 33162 29812 19.0 20462 15787 12862 9.4 36937 32675 29287 19.2 20212 15562 12662 9.6 36537 32200 28785 19.5 19837 15237 12362 9.8 36125 31712 28275 19.8 19462 14912 12087 10.0 35712 31250 27775 20.0 19225 14700 11900 10.2 35312 30787 27287 20.2 19000 14500 11725 10.4 34900 30325 26800 20.5 186.50 14200 11462 10.6 34500 29862 26325 20.8 18312 13900 11212 10.8 34087 29412 25862 21.0 18140 13710 11040 11.0 33687 28962 25412 21.2 17870 13520 10880 11.2 33300 28525 24950 21.5 17550 13250 10640 11.4 32900 28087 24512 21.8 17240 12980 10410 174 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. ' RADII OF GYRATION For Two Equal Legged Angles, Placed Back to Back ^ Jilc ~ J ' * ilk mi ^ ^ ' ( 1 * ' 1 t " i Size Inches Thickness Inches Weight per Foot of Single Angle Pounds Radii of Gyration r ' r a r - 8 X8 26.4 56.9 2.50 2.42 3.32 3.42 3.49 3.60 3.58 3.69 6 X6 K 14.9 37.4 1.88 1.80 2.49 2.59 2.67 2.77 2.76 2.87 5 X5 1* 12.3 30.6 1.56 1.48 2.09 2.19 2.26 2.38 2.35 2.48 4 X4 if 6.6 19.9 1.25 1.18 1.65 1.75 1.84 1.94 1.93 N 2.04 3KX3J, it 7.2 17.1 1.09 1.02 1.46 1.55 1.64 1.74 1.73 1.85 3 X3 ^ 4.9 11.5 0.93 0.88 1.25 1.32 1.43 1.51 1.53 1.62 2MX2M 8 4.5 8.5 0.84 0.80 1.15 1.18 1.34 1.38 1.44 1.48 2^X2H fi 3.1 7.7 0.78 0.74 1.04 1.10 1.22 1.29 1.32 1.40 2MX2M A 2.7 6.8 0.70 0.65 0.94 0.98 1.12 1.18 1.23 1.29 2 X2 A 2.5 6.0 0.62 0.58 0.84 0.89 1.03 1.09 1.13 1.20 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 175 RADII OF GYRATION For Two Unequal Legged Angles, Placed with Longer Legs Back to Back J ^ ^j _ ^r w Size Thickness Weight per Foot of Radii of Gyration Inches Inches Single Angle Pounds r fi r 2 r 3 6 X4 H 12.3 30.6 .93 .85 1.50 1.60 1.67 1.79 1.76 1.89 % 11.7 .94 1.26 1.43 1.53 X3/ i 28.9 .85 1.37 1.56 .67 5 X4 % 11.0 24.2 .59 .52 1.58 1.66 1.75 1.85 .85 . .95 & 8.7 .61 1.33 1.50 .59 5 X3J/2 7 A 22.7 .53 1.42 1.61 .71 5 X3 & 8.2 21.3 .61 .54 1.09 1.20 1.26 1.39 .35 .49 4V/ O "I / tk 7.7 .26 1.42 1.60 .69 X 0^/2 if 18.5 .19 1.50 1.69 .79 4 X3 ft 7.2 17.1 .27 .21 1.17 1.25 1.35 1.45 .44 .55 3^X3 ft 5.3 13.6 1.11 1.02 1.20 1.28 1.38 1.48 .47 .58 3^X2^ if 4.9 12.5 1.12 1.06 0.96 1.03 1.13 1.23 .23 .33 3\/ Ol / M 4.5 0.95 1.00 1.18 .28 /\^,X2 10.5 0.90 1.06 1.26 .36 3MX2 M A 4.3 9.0 1.04 1.00 0.74 0.79 0.92 0.99 .02 .10 3 X2 ft 3.1 7.7 0.97 0.92 0.75 0.80 0.93 1.00 .03 1.10 2^X2 * 2.8 6.8 0.79 0.75 0.79 0.84 0.97 1.04 1.07 1.15 176 J ON E S I t LA UG H L IN ST EE L CO. RADII OF GYRATION For Two Unequal Legged Angles, Placed with Shorter Legs Back to Back Size Thickness Weight per Foot of Radii of Gyration Inches Inches Single Angle Pounds r fl T> H 12.3 1.17 2.74 2.92 3.01 6 X4 30.6 1.09 2.85 3.04 3.14 % 11.7 0.99 2.81 3.00 3.10 6 X3^ i 28.9 0.92 2.93 3.13 3.23 y* 11.0 1.20 2.20 2.38 2.48 5 X4 y% 24.2 1.14 2.29 2.48 2.58 5 X3^ . 8.7 22.7 1.03 0.96 2.26 2.36 2.44 2.55 2.54 2.65 5 X3 ft 8.2 21. 3 0.85 0.79 2.33 2.43 2.51 2.64 2.61 2.74 4 X3M 7.7 18.5 1.07 1.01 .73 .81 1.91 2.01 2.00 2.11 A 7.2 0.89 .79 1.97 2.07 4 X3 i 17.1 0.83 .88 2.08 2.18 3^X3 5.3 13.6 0.91 0.86 .51 .59 1.70 1.78 1.79 1.88 M 4.9 0.74 .58 1.76 1.86 372X2/2 ii 12.5 0.67 .66 .86 1.96 \s 4.5 0.75 1.31 .50 1.59 3 X2^ y^ 10.5 0.72 1.38 .57 1.67 3MX2 A 4.3 9.0 0.57 0.53 1.51 1.57 .70 .77 1.80 1.88 3 X2 i 3.1 7.7 0.59 0.55 1.37 1.42 .55 1.62 1.65 1.73 2^X2 A 8 2.8 6.8 0.60 0.56 1.10 1.16 1.28 1.35 1.39 1.46 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 177 CAST WASHERS Diameter of bolt = d A 4d + X - inch C = d -f >finch B = 2d + X-inch D = d For sizes not given below. W--D---X STANDARD CAST WASHER Diameter of Bolt=d-inch Weight in Pounds 12M 3 3M 5M 20 36 46 178 JONES LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. WOODEN BEAMS Table of safe quiescent loads in pounds for horizontal rectangular beams of white pine or spruce one inch broad, supported at both ends, the load being equally distributed over the span. \l OT 5 DEPTH OF BEAM IN INCHES 6 '1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 5 800 10901420 1800 2220 2690 3200 3750 4350 5000 5690 6 670 910ill80 1500 1850 2240 2670 3130 3630 4170 4740 7 570 7801010 1290 1590 1920 2280 2680 3110 3570 4060 8 500 680 890 1120 1390 1680 2000 2350 2720 3130 3566 9 440 600 790 1000 1210 1490178020902420 2780 3160 10 400 540 710 900 1110 1340 160018802180 2500 2840 11 360 490 650 820 1010 1220 1450 1710 1980 2270 2590 12 330 450 590| 750 930 1120 1330 1560 1810 2080 2370 13 310 420 550 690 850 1030 1230 1440 1680 1920 2190 14 290 390 510 640 790 9601140 1340 1560 1790 2030 15 270 360 470 600 740| 900107012501450 1670 1900 16 250 340 440, 560 690 840 100011701360 1560 1780 17 230 320 420 530 650| 790 94011001280 1470 1670 18 220 300 400 500 620 750 8901040| 1210 1390 1580 19 210 290 380! 470| 590| 710 840 990 1150 1320 1500 20 200 270 360' 450 560 670 800 940 1090 1250 1420 21 *190 260 340 430 530 640 760 8901040 1190 1350 22 180 250 320 410J 500 610 730 850 990 1140 1290 23 170 240 300 390 480, 580 700 810 950 1090 1230 24 160 230 290, 370 460j 560 670 780 910 1040 1180 25 160 220 280 350; 440 540 640 750 870 1000 1130 26 150 210 270, 3401 420 520 6101 720 840 960 1090 27 150 200 260! 330| 400 500 590 690! 810 920 1050 28 140 190 250 320 390 480 570 670 780 890 1010 29 140 190 250! 310; 380! 460 550 650 750 860 980 30 130 180 240| 3001 370 450 530 63C 730 830 950 This table has been calculated for extreme fiber strain of 1000 pounds per square inch, being one-sixth the breaking strain, ordinary building timber of fair quality. Oak and yellow pine will carry a load one-fourth greater. When more accuracy is required, the weight of the beam itself must be deducted. Care must be taken to let the beams rest for a sufficient distance on their supports to guard against crushing at the ends, especially in placing very heavy loads upon short but deep and strong beams, i . JONES & L A.U GHLIN STEEL CO. 179 SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS Square Wooden Posts Half seasoned white or common yellow pine C. Shaler Smith's Formula. Safe load in pounds per square inch 1 1250 I X ( ^ X .004 } l=Length of post in inches. d=Width of side in inches HEIGHT FEET SIDE OF SQUARE POST INCHES 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 4 6 8 10 6.4 4.4 3.0 2.2 17.8 14.3 11.1 8.6 35.0 30.2 25.4 21.1 57.2 51.6 45.7 39.7 84.6 78.7 71.4 64.3 117.0 110.0 102.8 94.9 154.6 147.3 140.0 130.5 196.8 189.3 181.7 171.4 244.2 237.2 229.0 218.4 12 14 16 18 20 1.6 1.2 1.0 .8 .6 6.8 5.4 4.4 3.6 3.0 17.5 14.5 12.2 10.2 8.7 34.2 29.4 25.3 21.8 18.9 57.1 50.5 44.5 39.2 34.6 86.0 77.6 70.0 62.7 56.3 121.0 111.2 101.6 92.7 84.3 161.3 150.1 139.2 128.2 118.2 207.2 194.9 182.6 170.2 158.5 22 24 26 28 30 . . 2.6 2.2 1.9 1.6 1.5 7.5 6.5 5.6 5.0 4.4 16.5 14.5 12.8 11.3 10.1 .30.7 27.2 24.3 21.8 19.6 51.0 45.6 41.4 37.2 33.9 76.7 69.7 63.3 57.7 52.9 108.6 100.0 91.8 84.6 77.8 147.3 136.6 126.8 117.6 108.9 32 34 36 38 40 . . 1.3 1.1 1.0 .9 .8 3.9 3.5 3.2 2.9 2.6 9.0 8.2 7.4 6.7 6.1 17.6 16.0 14.5 13.3 12.2 30.5 27.7 25.5 23.5 21.6 48.4 44.5 40.9 37.5 34.7 71.7 66.4 61.3 56.8 52.6 101.1 93.8 87.4 81.2 75.6 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 '.'.'.'. :::: 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.7 5.6 5.1 4.7 4.4 4.2 11.2 10.3 9.5 8.8 8.2 7.6 7.1 6.6 6.2 5.9 19.9 18.5 17.1 16.0 14.8 14.0 13.2 12.3 11.5 10.6 32.2 30.0 27.7 25.8 24.1 22.7 21.3 19.9 18.8 17.6 49.0 45.6 42.6 39.8 37.2 34.7 32.8 30.8 28.8 27.4 70.8 66.1 61.9 58.0 54.3 51.0 48.2 45.4 42.8 40.3 . NOTE. Oak posts will carry loads 15 per cent greater than given above. Southern yellow pine will carry loads 40 per cent greater than given above. The loads given in table are for posts in permanent structures. For posts in temporary structures add 25 per cent to the above loads. 180 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. STANDARD DETAIL FOR ROOF TRUSSES C b[ l _E Load per square foot of roof (hori- zontal) = W Distance center to center of trusses = m Number of panels in truss = n Length of span in feet = / Load on purlin = P Load on truss = Wy. m". W is usually 30 to 40 Ibs. J^X in X / NOTES. Coefficients given in table on opposite page are for dead load on roof from purlins and for additional stress from concentrated loads, L, L t and L 2 , suspended from bottom chord as shown. Distance from center to center of purlins should not exceed six feet. Roof covering generally used, No. 20 corrugated steel. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 181 8SS888888888SSS J ~C^ <^l~ ~ 3 _* * ' ',-i ' '** ' 'TH'I-"^H^HH "Tj ::::::::::::: :222288888S8S888 ^| ::::::::::::: :SSSS^SS8888SSS8 * o^ j rt w J^ y^S582?Sg?SSJoS8SS8^SS8S8SSg8 J P OT aaSS8S5SSSgS88S!5!53!SS3S&8g888SS8 JOOH uo pBOi JSKScoc^^HFiiSiooeCT-Hr^oif^t- || S"S nanoij z anaoi j SC Q. S c .2 g K w ^ :i- g .a s o ^^ s g H .5 H 3 E Ztt&* ^2|"3^ H-|j i bc.S'O.a ^G^^ - -, 1 " oi2^ S2 . 2^i '..SSJ =~II.,- S 5 a rt c.^S^,S_S . ' S ^_J^ Shop Field o Counters.unkand chipped both sides Countersunk but not chipped limit Other side This side Both (Not Visible) (Visible) Sides f\) P) high \Jx \ ( ?ec=; Flattened head^high and countersunkVY Flattened head % high and not countersunk 184 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. SHEARING AND BEARING VALUE OF RIVETS FOR QUIESCENT LOADS AS USED IN BUILDINGS D Ri JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 185 IVETS AS USED FOR MOV NEWAYS, ETC. R SHEARING AND BEARING VALUE OF IN BRIDGES, CRA Plate at 15,000 Ibs. pe ss of Plate X 15,000 I Value for Different Thickn ( = Diameter of Rivet X hi !> 00 00 rHCO OOr-l GO *O CO IO GO CO 10 00 00 O> 186 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. _. ,6 o 6 1 ii x x *x IS ^ iR ^ S ^ \ N J gg - d !! C^> u 4) 4?J 3 XXX E h/,e w S & if XXX XXX s oo ci rj jj 2 ' S S 2S J3 J JS P VI 3 S CO 's s s II s; 8 s X X X ?l ?1 S 81 a^ ^ ^ x x X X X ^ ^ nR ^R iR X X J> x x "x iR iR 35 JR ^ x x Si ?< ^ 18 de S rees flat on itself > without fracture on outside of bent portion. STEEL FOR RAILWAY BRIDGES 10. Ultimate strength, 55,000 to 65,000 pounds per square inch. Elastic limit, not less than one-half the ultimate strength. Percentage of elongation, 1,400,000 ultimate strength' Bendin 8 test ' 18 de S rees to a diameter equal to thickness of piece tested, without fracture on outside of bent portion. MEDIUM STEEL 11. Ultimate strength, 60,000 to 70,000 pounds per square inch. Elastic limit, not less than one-half the ultimate strength. Percentage of elongation, 1,400,000 ultimate strength* Bendin S test > 18 de S rees to a diameter equal to thickness of piece tested, without fracture on outside of bent portion. MODIFICATIONS IN ELONGATION FOR THIN AND THICK MATERIAL in thickness, the following modifications shall be made in the requirements for elongation: a. For each increase of 3^-inch in thickness above ^-inch, a deduction of 1 per cent, shall be made from the specified elon- gation, except that the minimum elongation shall be 20 per cent, for eye-bar material and 18 per cent, for other structural material. b. For each decrease of ^g-inch in thickness below -A-inch, a deduction of 2^ per cent, shall be made from the specified elongation. 190 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. c. In rounds of ^-inch or less in diameter, the elongation shall be measured in a length equal to eight times the diameter of section tested. d. For pins made from any of the before-mentioned grades of steel, the required elongation shall be 5 per cent, less than that specified for each grade, as determined on a test piece, the center of which shall be 1 inch from the surface of the bar. VARIATION IN WEIGHT 13. The variation in cross-section or weight of more than 2% per cent, from that specified will be sufficient cause for rejection except in the case of sheared plates, which will be covered by the following permissible variations: a. Plates 12% pounds per square foot or heavier, up to 100 inches wide, when ordered to weight, shall not average more than 2% per cent, variation above or 2% per cent, below the theoretical weight. When 100 inches wide and over, 5 per cent, above or 5 per cent, below the theoretical weight. &., Plates under 12^ pounds per square foot, when ordered to weight, shall not average a greater variation than the following : Up to 75 inches wide, 2% per cent, above or 2^ per cent, below the theoretical weight. 75 inches wide up to 100 inches wide, 5 per cent, above or 3 per cent, below the theoretical weight. When 100 inches wide and over, 10 per cent, above or 3 per cent, below the theoretical weight. c. For all plates ordered to gauge there will be permitted an average excess of weight over that corresponding to the dimensions on the order equal in amount to that specified in the following table: JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO TABLE OF ALLOWANCES FOR OVERWEIGHT FOR RECTAN- GULAR PLATES WHEN ORDERING TO GAUGE Plates will be considered up to gauge if measuring not over T ^-inch less than the ordered gauge PLATES X' INCH AND OVER IN THICKNESS WIDTH OF PLATE OF PLATE Up to 75 Inches to Over 100 Over 115 INCH 75 Inches 100 Inches to 115 Inches Inches Per Cent Per Cent Per Cent Per Cent M 10 14 18 rV 8 12 16 3/ 7 10 13 17 T5 6 8 10 13 /^ 5 7 9 12 & 43^ 6^2 83^ 11 H 4 6 8 10 Over Y% 3y * 5 6^ 9 PLATES UNDER I/-INCH IN THICKNESS WIDTH OF PLATE OF PLATE INCH Up to 50 inches Per Cent 50 Inches to 70 Inches Per Cent Over 70 inches Per Cent y* UP to /z 10 15 20 3 5 2 Up tO & 8H 12^ 17 TIT Up tO >| 7 10 15 NOTE. The weight of 1 cubic inch of rolled steel is assumed to be 0.2833 pound. STRUCTURAL CAST-IRON 1. Except when chilled iron is specified, all castings shall be tough gray iron, free from injurious cold-shuts or blow-holes, true to pattern, and of a workmanlike finish. Sample pieces one inch square, cast from the same heat of metal in sand molds, shall be capable of sustaining on a clear span of 4 feet 8 inches a central load of 500 pounds when tested to the rough bar. 192 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. SPECIAL OPEN-HEARTH PLATE AND RIVET STEEL TESTING AND INSPECTION 1. All tests and inspections shall be made at the place of manufacture prior to shipment. TEST PIECES 2. The tensile strength, limit of elasticity and ductility shall be determined from a standard test piece cut from the finished material. The standard shape of the test piece for sheared plates shall be as shown by the following sketch : ParaIlel_SectIpn_ "Not less than 9" Piece to be of same thickness as the plate On tests cut from other material the test piece may bejeither the same as for sheared plates or it may be planed or turned parallel throughout its entire length, and in all cases where possible two opposite sides of the test piece shall be the rolled surfaces. The elongation shall be measured on an original length of 8 inches, except as modified in section 12, paragraph c. Rivet rounds and small bars shall be tested of full size as rolled. Four test pieces shall be taken from each melt of finished ma- terial, two for tension and two for bending; but in case either test develops flaws, or the tensile test piece breaks outside of the middle third of its gauged length, it may be discarded and another test piece substituted therefor. ANNEALED TEST PIECES 3. Material which is to be used without annealing or further treatment shall be tested in the condition in which it comes from the rolls. When material is to be annealed or otherwise JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 193 treated before use, the specimen representing such material shall be similarly treated before testing. MARKING 4. Every finished piece of steel shall be stamped with the melt number. Rivet steel may be shipped in bundles securely wired together, with the melt number on a metal tag attached. FINISH 5. All plates shall be free from injurious surface defects and have a workmanlike finish. CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 6a. Flange or Boiler Steel, maximum phosphorus .06 per cent., maximum sulphur .04 per cent. 6Z>. Extra Soft and Fire Box Steel, maximum phosphorus .04 per cent., maximum sulphur .04 per cent. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES 7. Special Open-hearth Plate and Rivet Steel shall be of three grades, Extra Soft, Fire Box and Flange or Boiler Steel. EXTRA SOFT STEEL 8. Ultimate strength, 45,000 to 55,000 pounds per square inch. Elastic limit, not les^ than one-half the ultimate strength. Elongation, 28 per cent. Cold and Quench Bends, 180 degrees flat on itself, without fracture on outside of bent portion. FIRE Box STEEL 9. Ultimate strength, 52,000 to 62,000 pounds per square inch. Elastic limit, not less than one-half the ultimate strength. Elongation, 26 per cent. Cold and Quench Bends, 180 degrees flat on itself, without fracture on outside of bent portion. FLANGE OR BOILER STEEL 10. Ultimate strength, 55,000 to 65,000 pounds per square inch. Elastic limit, not less than one-half the ultimate strength. 194 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. Elongation, 25 per cent. Cold and Quench Bends, 180 degrees flat on itself, without fracture on outside of bent portion. BOILER RIVET STEEL 11. Steel for boiler rivets shall be made of the extra soft grade specified in paragraph No. 8. MODIFICATIONS IN ELONGATION FOR THIN AND THICK MATERIAL 12. For material less than ^-inch and more than j^-inch in thickness, the following modifications shall be made in the requirements for elongation: a. For each increase of ^-inch in thickness above %-inch, a deduction of 1 per cent, shall be made from the specified elongation. b. For each decrease of -j^-inch in thickness below -&-inch, a deduction of 2% per cent, shall be made from the specified elongation. c. In rounds of ^-inch or less in diameter, the elongation shall be measured in a length equal to eight times the diameter of section tested. VARIATION IN WEIGHT 13. The variation in cross-section or weight of more than 2^ per cent, from that specified will be sufficient cause for rejection except in the case of sheared plates, which will be covered by the following permissible variations: a. Plates 12% pounds per square foot or heavier, up to 100 inches wide, when ordered to weight, shall, jiot average more than 2^2 per cent, variation above or 2}/ 2 per cent, below the theoretical weight. When 100 inches wide and over, 5 per cent. above or 5 per cent, below the theoretical weight. b. Plates under 12^o pounds per square foot, when ordered to weight, shall not average a greater variation than the following: Up to 75 inches wide, 2% per cent, above or iy> per cent, below the theoretical weight. 75 inches wide up to 100 inches JONES & LAUGHLIN S T E E L C . 195 wide, 5 per cent, above or 3 per cent, below the theoretical weight. When 100 inches wide and over, 10 per cent, above or 3 per cent, below the theoretical weight. c. For all plates ordered to gauge there will be permitted an average excess of weight over that corresponding to the di- mensions on the order equal in amount to that specified in the following table: TABLE OF ALLOWANCES FOR OVERWEIGHT FOR RECTAN- GULAR PLATES WHEN ORDERED TO GAUGE Plates will be considered up to gauge if measuring not over T iy^-inch less than ordered gauge PLATES ^-INCH AND OVER IN THICKNESS WIDTH OF PLATE THICKNESS OF PLATES Up to 75 Inches to Over 100 Inche s Over 115 INCHES 75 Inches 100 Inches to 115 Inches Inches Per Cent Per Cent Per Cent Per Cent M 10 14 18 1 8 12 16 7 10 13 17 Tff 6 8 10 13 L 5 7 9 12 fV 4^3 6/^ 8/^ 11 5/Q 4 6 8 10 Over % VA 5 VA 9 PLATES UNDER J^-INCH IN THICKNESS WIDTH OF PLATE OF PLATE INCHES 50 Inches to Up to 50 Inches 70 Inches Ov Per Cent Per Cent er 70 Inches Per Cent 3/8 up to 3^2 ' 10 15 20 /2 Up tO ^6 8}/2 1 VA 17 ft up to M 7 10 15 NOTE. The weight of 1 cubic inch of rolled steel is assumed to be 0.2833 . pound. 196 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. WEIGHTS OF FLAT ROLLED STEEL Per Lineal Foot For thicknesses from &" to 2" and widths from 1" to 12%" I WIDTH IN INCHES || 1 IX i% i* 2 2X 2% 2K 12 N~ ., .638 .797 .957 1.11 1.28 1.44 1.59 1.75 7.65 M .850 1.06 1.28 1.49 1.70 1.91 2.12 2.34 10.20 & 1.06 1.33 1.59 1.86 2.12 2.39 2.65 2.92 12.75 3/g 1.28 1.59 1.92 2.23 2.55 2.87 3.19i 3.51 15.30 A 1.49 1.86 2.23 2.60 2.98 3.35 3.72 4.09 17.85 1.70 2.12 2.55 2.98 3.40 3.83 4.25 4.67 20.40 A 1.92 2.39 2.87 3.35 3.83 4.30 4.78 5.26 22.95 % 2.12 2.65 3.19 3.72 4.25 4.78 5.31 5.84 25.50 H2.34 2.92 3.51 4.09 4.67 5.26 5.84 6.43 28.05 /4 2.55 3.19 3.83 4.47 5.10 5.75 6.38 7.02 30.60 tt 2.76 3.45 4.14 4.84 5.53 6.21 6.90 7.60 33.15 |^ 2.98 3.72 4.47 5.20 5.95 6.69 7.44 8.1835.70 tt|3.19 3.99 4.78 5.58 6.38 7.18 7.97 8.77 38.25 1 3.40 4.25 5.10 5.95 6.80 7.65 8.50 9.35 40.80 1^3.61 4.52 5.42 6.32 7.22 8.13 9.03 9.93 43.35 1^3.83 4.78 5.74 6.70 7.65 8.61 9.57 10.52 45.90 1&4.04 5.05 6.06 7.07 8.08 9.09 10.1011.11 48.45 1M 4.25 5.31 6.38 7.44 8.50 9.57 10.63 11.69 51.00 1A 4.46 5.58 6.69 7.81 8.93 10.04 11.16 12.27 53.55 1^4.67 5.84 7.02 8.18 9.35 10.52 11.6912.85 56.10 1&4.89 6.11 7.34 8.56 9.78 11.00 12.2213.44 58.65 IK 5.10 6.38 7.65 8.93 10.20 11.48 12.75 14.03 61.20 1& 5.32 6.64 7.97 9.30 10.63 11.95 13.28 14.61 63.75 1^5.52 6.90 8.29 9.67 11.05 12.43 13.81 15.19 66.30 1HI5.74 7.17 8.61 10.04 11.47 12.91 14.3415.78 68.85 1M 5.95 7.44 8.93 10.42 11.90 13.40 14.8816.37 71.40 lif 6.16 7.70 9.24 10.79 12.33 13.86 15.4016.95 73.95 J7X 6.38 7.97 9.57 11.15 12.75 14.3415.9417.53 76.50 1^| 6.59 8.24 9.88 11.53 13. 18 14. 83 16. 47 18. 12J79. 05 2 6.80 8.50 10.20 11.90 13.60 15.30 17.0018.70 81.60 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 197 WEIGHTS OF FLAT ROLLED STEEL Per Lineal Foot v_ b i THICKNESS *\Sr 1 INCHES WIDTH IN INCHES 3 3* * 3% 4 x 4% 4* 12 1.91 2.55 2.07 2.76 2.23 2.98 2.39 3.19 2.55 3.40 2.71 3.61 2.87 3.83 3.03 4.04 7.65 ' 10.20 A i 3.19 3.83 4.46 5.10 3.45 4.15 4.83 5.53 3.72 4.47 5.20 5.95 3.99 4.78 5.58 6.38 4.25 5.10 5.95 6.80 4.52 5.42 6.32 7.22 4.78 5.74 6.70 7.65 5.05 6.06 7.07 8.08 12.75 15.30 17.85 20.40 I 5.74 6.38 7.02 7.65 6.22 6.91 7.60 8.29 6.70 7.44 8.18 8.93 7.17 7.97 8.76 9.57 7.65 8.50 9.35 10.20 8.13 9.03 9.93 10.84 8.61 9.57 10.52 11.48 9.09 10.10 11.11 12.12 22.95 25.50 28.05 30.60 ,5 8.29 8.93 9.57 10.20 8.98 9.67 10.36 11.05 9.67 10.41 11.16 11.90 10.36 11.16 11.95 12.75 11.05 11.90 12.75 13.60 11.74 12.65 13.55 14.45 12.43 13.39 14.34 15.30 13.12 14.13 15.14 16.15 33.15 35.70 38.25 40.80 j| 10.84 11.48 12.12 12.75 11.74 12.43 13.12 13.81 12.65 13.39 14.13 14.87 13.55 14.34 15.14 15.94 14.45 15.30 16.15 17.00 15.35 16.26 17.16 18.06 16.26 17.22 18.17 19.13 17.16 18.17 19.18 20.19 43.35 45.90 48.45 51.00 j$ 13.39 14.03 14,66 15.30 14.50 15.20 15.88 16.58 15.62 16.36 17.10 17.85 16.74 17.53 18.33 19.13 17.85 18.70 19.55 20.40 18.96 19.87 20.77 21.68 20.08 21.04 21.99 22.95 21.20 22.21 23.22 24.23 53.55 56.10 58.65 61.20 m 15.9417.27 16.58il7.96 17.2218.65 17.8519.34 18.60 19.34 20.08 20.83 19.92 20.72 21.51 22.32 21.25 22.10 22.95 23.80 22.58 23.48 24.38 25.29 23.91 24.87 25.82 26.78 25.24 26.25 27.26 28.27 63.75 66.30 68.85 71.40 2 1 18.49 19.13 19.77 20.40 20.03 20.72 21.41 22.10 21.57 22.31 23.06 23.80 23.11 23.91 24.70 25.50 24.65 25.50 26.35 27.20 26.19 27.10 28.00 28.90 27.73 28.69 29.64 30.60 29.27 30.28 31.29 32.30 73.95 76.50 79.05 81.60 ' 198 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. WEIGHTS OF FLAT ROLLED STEEL Per Lineal Foot THICKNESS INCHES WIDTH IN INCHES 5 5tf 5% 5K G GK G% CK 12 A % 3.19 4.25 3.35 4.46 3.51 4.67 3.67 4.89 3.83 5.10 3.99 5.31 4.14 5.53 4.30 5.74 7.65 10.20 1 5.31 6.38 7.44 8.50 5.58 6.69 7.81 8.93 5.84 7.02 8.18 9.35 6.11 7.34 8.56 9.77 6.38 7.65 8.93 10.20 6.64 7.97 9.29 10.63 6.90 8.29 9.67 11.05 7.17 8.61 10.04 11.48 12.75 15.30 17.85 20.40. I 9.57 10.63 11.69 12.75 10.04 11.16 12.27 13.39 10.52 11.69 12.85 14.03 11.00 12.22 13.44 14.67 11.48 12.75 14.03 15.30 11.95 13.28 14.61 15.94 12.43 13.81 15.20 16.58 12.91 14.34 15.78 17.22 22.95 25.50 28.05 30.60 ft 13.81 14.87 15.94 17.00 14.50 15.62 16.74 17.85 15.19 16.36 17.53 18.70 15.8816.58 17.1017.85 18.3319.13 19.5520.40 17.27 18.60 19.92 21.25 17.95 19.34 20.72 22.10 18.6533.15 20.0835.70 21.5138.25 22.9540.80 1* IH ift 18.06 19.13 20.19 21.25 18.96 20.08 21.20 22.32 19.87 21.04 22.21 23.38 20.7721.68 21.9922.95 23.2224.23 24.4425.50 22.58 23.91 25.23 26.56 23.48 24.87 26.24 27.62 24.3943.35 25.8245.90 27.2548.45 28.6951.00 -E-ES 1 1 1 I T 1 T-l 22.32 23.38 24.44 25.50 23.43 24.54 25.66 26.78 24.54 25.71 26.88 28.05 25.6626.78 26.8828.05 28.1029.33 29.3330.60 27.90 29.22 30.55 31.88 29.01 30.39 31.77 33.15 30.12 31.56 32.99 34.43 53.55 56.10 58.65 61.20 W 26.57 27.63 28.69 29.75 27.8929.22 29. 01130. 39 30.1231.55 31.2432.73 30.5531.88 31.7733.15 32.9934.43 34.2235.70 33.20 34.53 35.86 37.19 34.53 35.91 37.30 38.68 35.8663.75 37.2966.30 38.7368.85 40.1771.40 i m lit 2 30.81 31.87 32.94 34.00 32.35 33.47 34.59 35.70 33.89 35.06 36.23 37.40 35.4336.98 36.6538.25 37.8839.53 39.1040.80 1 38.52 39.85 41.17 42.50 40.05 41.44 42.82 44.20 41.60 43.03 44.46 45.90 73.95 76.50 79.05 81.60 JONES LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 199 WEIGHTS OF FLAT ROLLED STEEL Per Lineal Foot THICKNESS INCHES WIDTH IN INCHES 7 7* 4.62 6.16 7H m 8 8X 12 A H 4.46 5.95 4.78 6.36 4.94 6.58 5.10 6.80 5.26 7.01 5.42 7.22 5.58 7.43 7.65 10.20 \ 7.44 8.93 10.41 11.90 7.70 9.25 10.78 12.32 7.97 9.57 11.16 12.75 8.23 9.88 11.53 13.18 8.50 10.20 11.90 13.60 8.76 10.52 12.27 14.03 9.03 10.84 12.64 14.44 9.29 11.16 13.02 14.87 12.75 15.30 17.85 20.40 M 13.39 14.87 16.36 17.85 13.86 15.40 16.94 18.49 14.34 15.94 17.53 19.13 14.82 16.47 18.12 19.77 15.30 17.00 18.70 20.40 15.78 17.53 19.28 21.04 16.26 18.06 19.86 21.68 16.74 18.59 20.45 22.32 22.95 25.50 28.05 30.60 1 19.34 20.83 22.32 23.80 20.0320.72 21.5722.32 23.1123.91 24.6525.50 21.41 23.05 24.70 26.35 22.10 23.80 25.50 27.20 22.79 24.55 26.30 28.05 23.48 25.30 27.10 28.90 24.17 26.04 27.89 29.75 33.15 35.70 38.25 40.80 jl 25.29 26.78 28.26 29.75 26.19 27.73 29.27 30.81 27.10 28.68 30.28 31.88 28.00 29.64 31.29 32.94 28.90 30.60 32.30 34.00 29.80 31.56 33.31 35.06 30.70 32.52 34.32 36.12 31.61 33.47 35.33 37.20 43.35 45.90 48.45 51.00 ii 31.23 32.72 34.21 35.70 32.35 33.89 35.44 36.98 33.4834.59 35.0636.23 36.6637.88 38.2639.53 35.70 37.40 39.10 40.80 36.81 38.57 40.32 42.08 37.93 39.74 41.54 43.35 39.05 40.91 42.77 44.63 53.55 56.10 58.65 61.20 m 11 1 TS 37.1938.51 38.6740.05 40.1641.59 41.6543.14 39.8441.17 41.4442.82 43.0344.47 44.6346.12 42.50 44.20 45.90 47.60 43.83 45.58 47.33 49.09 45.16 46.96 48.76 50.58 46.49 48.34 50.20 52.07 63.75 66.30 68.85 71.40 il 2 43.14 44.63 46.12 47.60 44.68 46.22 47.76 49.30 46.2247.76 47.82:49.40 49. 41 151. 05 51.0052.70 49.30 51.00 52.70 54.40 50.84 52.60 54.35 56.10 52.38 54.20 56.00 57.80 53.92 55.79 57.64 59.50 73.95 76.50 79.05 81.60 200 JONES&L AUG HLIN STEEL CO. WEIGHTS OF FLAT ROLLED STEEL Per Lineal Foot V-ML I THICKNESS *\3" 1 INCHES WIDTH IN INCHES 9 9K 10 K m 12 5.74 7.65 5.90 7.86 6.06 8.08 6.22 8.29 6.38 8.50 6.54 8.71 6.70 8.92 6.86 9.14 7.65 10.20 I 9.56 11.48 13.40 15.30 9.83 11.80 13.76 15.73 10.10 12.12 14.14 16.16 10.36 12.44 14.51 16.58 10.62 12.75 14.88 17.00 10.89 13.07 15.25 17.42 11.16 13.39 15.62 17.85 11.42 13.71 15.99 18.28 12.75 15.30 17.85 20.40 A 17.2217.6918.1818.6519.14 19. 13|19. 65 20. 19 20. 72 21. 25 21.0421.6222.2122.7923.38 22.9623.5924.2324.8625.50 19.61 21.78 23.96 26.14 20.08 22.32 24.54 26.78 20.5622.95 22.8525.50 25.13i28.05 27.4230.60 H 24.86 25.55 26.24 26.94 27.62 28.32 29.00 29 .69 33 . 15 26.7827.5228.2629.0129.7530.5031.2431.9835.70 28.6929.4930.2831.0831.8832.6733.4834.2838.25 30.6031.4532.3033.1534.0034.8535.7036.5540.80 1A 32.52 \Ys 34.43 1& 36.34 1M 38.26 33.41 35.38 37.35 39.31 34.3235.22 36.3437.29 38.3639.37 40.3741.44 36.1237.03 38.2539.21 40.3841.39 42.5043.56 37.92 40.17 42.40 44.63 38.8343.35 41.1245.90 43.4048.45 45.6951.00 II 40.16 42.08 44.00 45.90 41. 28 42. 40 43. 52 ! 44. 64 45. 75 46. 86 43.2544.4145.5846.7547.9249.08 45. 22 46. 44i47.66 48. 88 50. 10 51. 32 47.1848.4549.7351.0052.2853.55 47.9753.55 50.2556.10 52.5458.65 54.8361.20 1^ 47.82 \Y% 49.73 1H 51.64 1M 53.56 49.1450.4851.8053.1454.4655.7857.1163.75 51.1052.4953.8755.2556.6358.0259.4066.30 53.0754.51 55.9457.3858.81 60.2461.6868.85 55.0456.5358.0159.5060.99,62.4863.9771.40 P 55.46 57.38 59.29 61.20 57.0058.5460.0961.62 58.9760.5662.1663.75 60.9462.5864.2365.88 62.9064.6066.3068.00 63.1764.70 65.3566.94 67.5269.18 69.7071.40 66.2473.95 68.5376.50 70.8379.05 73.1081.60 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 201 WEIGHTS OF FLAT ROLLED STEEL Per Lineal Foot Ig WIDTH IN INCHES 55 W SI '*' Xi-| H 11 UK 11% 11* 12 I2X 12% 12% j; ft 7.02 7.17 7.32 7.49 7.65 7.82 7.98 8.13 It 12 9.34 9.57 9.78 10.00 10.20 10.42 10.63 10.84 2 ft 11.68 11.95 12.22 12.49 12.75 13.01 13.28 13.55 |a 5 rt 8 14.03 14.3514.68 14.99 15.30 15.62 15.94 16.26 o ^ 16.36 16.7417.12 17.49 17.85 18.23 18.60 18.97 SJa H 18.70 19.13 19.55 19.97 20.40 20.82 21.25 21.67 ja i 56.10 57.37 58.6559.93 61.20 62.48 63.75 65.03 '*!$ 1ft 58.42 59.76 61.1062.43 63.75 65.08 66.40 67.74 ill 1H 60.78:62.1663.5464.9266.30 67.68 69.06 70.44 ^ 8 " lii 63.10 64.55 65.98 67.42 68.85 70.29 71.72 73.15 5 1% 65.4566.93 68.43 69.92 71.40 72.90 74.38 75.87 wUg : ^! llf 67.80 69.33 70.86 72.41 73.95 75.48 77.03 78.57 |j3^ 1^170.12 71.72 73.31 74.90 76.50 78.09 79.69 81.28 x- S 1H 72.46 74.11 75.76 77.41 79.05 80.7082.3483.99 ^ ^'c 2 74.80 76.50 78.20 79.90 81.60 83.30 85.0086.70 6<8 202 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. WEIGHTS AND AREAS Square and Round Steel, and also Circumference of Round Bars Thickness or Diameter Inches jfi $1 ill ||j lA jj! 8 |j| 0^ A .120 .094 .0352 .0276 .5890 M i .213 .332 .478 .651 .167 .261 .375 .511 .0625 .0977 .1406' .1914 .0491 .0767 .1104 .1503 .7854 .9817 .1781 .3744 i H .851 1.076 1.329 1.608 .668 .$45 1.044 1.263 .2.500 .3164 .3906 .4727 .1963 .2485 .3068 .3712 .5708 .7671 .9635 2.1598 M ti 1.914 2.246 2.605 2.990 1.503 1.764 2.046 2.348 .5625 .6602 .7656 .8789 .4418 .5185 .6013 .6903 2.3562 2.5525 2.7489 2.9452 A 3.402 3.841 4.306 4.798 2.672 3.017 3.382 3.768 1.0000 1.1289 1.2656 1.4102 .7854 .8866 .9940 1.1075 3.1416 3.3379 3.5343 3.7306 M i 5.316 5.861 6.432 7.030 4.175 4.603 5.052 5.521 1.5625 1.7227 1.8906 2.0664 1.2272 1.3530 1.4849 1.6230 3.9270 4.1233 4.3197 4.5160 if 7.655 8.306 8.984 9.688 6.012 6.524 7.056 7.609 2.2500 2.4414 2.6406 2.8477 1.7671 1.9175 2.0739 2.2365 4.7124 4.9087 5.1051 5.3014 I 10.419 11.177 11.961 12.772 8.183 8.778 9.394 10.031 3.0625 3.2852 3.5156 3.7539 2.4053 2.5802 2.7612 2.9483 5.4978 5.6941 5.8905 6.0868 Inth 2 above table one cubic foo is assumed t o weigh 490 p ounds. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 203 WEIGHTS AND AREAS Square and Round Steel, and also Circumference of Round Bars Thickness or Diameter Inches !l| fsi *g* Weight of Round Bar 1 Foot Long !- - w Ij "So . bO ill olj P! |ll If 8 217.78 224.64 231.61 238.68 171.04 176.43 181.91 187.46 64.000 66.016 68.063 70.141 50.265 51.849 53.456 55.088 25.133 25.525 25.918 26.311 n 245.86 253.14 260.54 268.03 193.10 198.82 204.63 210.51 72.250 74.391 76.593 78.766 56.745 58.426 60.132 61.862 26.704 27.096 27.489 27.882 9 Ys M 275.64 283.34 291.16 299.08 216.49 222.54 228.68 234.90 81.000 83.266 85.563 87.891 63.617 65.397 67.201 69.029 28.274 28.667 29.060 29.452 | 307.11 315.24 323.49 331.83 241.20 247.59 254.07 260.62 90.250 1 92.641 95.063 97.516 70.882 72.760 74.662 76.589 29.845 30.238 30.631 31.023 10 H 340.29 348.85 357.52 366.29 267.16 273.99 280.80 287.68 100.00 102.52 105.06 107.64 78.540 80.516 82.516 84.541 31.416 31.809 32.201 32.594 I 375.17 384.15 393.25 402.44 294.66 301.71 308.86 316.08 110.25 112.89 115.56 118.27 86.590 88.664 90.763 92.886 32.987 33.379 33.772 34.165 11 Ys M % 411.75 421.16 430.68 440.30 323.39 330.78 338.26 345.81 ! 121.00 i 123.77 126.56 129.39 95.033 97.205 99.402 101.62 34.558 34.950 35.343 35.739 7 /S 450.03 459.87 469.81 479.86 353.45 361.18 368.99 376.88 132.25 135.14 138.06 141.02 103.87 106.14 108.43 110.75 36.128 36.521 36.914 37.306 In the above table one cubic foot is assumed to weigh 490 pounds. 206 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. AVERAGE WEIGHT PER 100 Round Head Rivets LENGTH INCHES DIAMETER 3-8 1-2 5-8 3-4 7-8 I I 1-8 I 1-4 1 2 4 5.5 6.3 7.0 7.9 12.9 14.2 15.6 16.9 21.9 24.2 26.3 28.4 29.3 32.4 35.6 38.7 44.0 48.2 52.4 56.7 66.6 72.1 77.7 83.2 93.3 100.4 107.1 114.2 125.5 135.7 144.8 153.0 2^ 2^ JB 8.7 ' 9.4 10.2 11.0 18.4 19.8 21.1 22.5 30.6 32.8 35.0 37.1 41.8 45.0 48.0 51.2 61.0 64.3 69.5 73.7 88.8 94.4 100.0 105.1 121.4 128.5 135.7 142.8 162.2 170.3 179.5 187.7 3^ 3^ 3M 4 11.7 12.5 13.4 14.1 24.0 25.3 26.7 28.1 39.4 41.5 43.7 45.9 54.4 57.5 60.6 63.8 78.0 82.3 86.5 90.8 111.2 '116.3 122.4 127.5 149.9 157.1 164.2 170.3 196.9 205.0 214.2 222.4 4K P 14.9 15.7 16.5 17.2 29.5 30.9 32.2 33.7 48.0 50.2 52.4 54.6 66.9 70.0 73.1 76.3 95.1 99.3 104.0 108.1 133.6 138.7 144.8 149.9 177.5 184.6 191.8 198.9 231.5 240.7 248.9 258.1 5^ 53^ 5^ 6 18.1 18.8 19.6 20.4 35.1 36.4 37.8 39.3 56.7 58.9 61.1 63.2 79.4 82.5 85.7 88.7 112.2 116.3 120.4 124.4 156.1 161.2 166.3 172.4 206.0 213.2 220.3 227.5 266.2 275.4 283.6 292.7 6^ 1* 21.9 23.5 25.1 26.6 42.0 44.8 47.5 50.4 67.6 71.9 76.3 80.6 95.1 101.3 108.1 114.2 133.6 141.8 149.9 159.1 183.6 194.8 206.0 217.3 240.7 255.0 269.3 283.6 310.1 327 A 344.8 362.1 S* i^ 28.2 29.8 31.3 32.8 53.1 55.9 58.8 61.5 85.0 89.4 93.6 98.0 120.3 167.3 227.5 126.5 176.5 238.7 132.61184.6 249.9 138. 7; 192. 8 261.1 297.8 312.1 325.4 339/7 379.4 396.8 410.1 431.5 Heads.. 1.8 5.8 11.1 13.7 22.6 38.8 58.1 83.6 In the above table the length is from under the head. JONES & LAUGHL STEEL CO. 207 AVERAGE WEIGHT PER 100 Square Head Machine Bolts DIAMETER LENGTH 1-4 5-16 3-8 7-16 1-2 5-8 3-4 7-8 I m 4.0 6.8 10.6 15.0 23.9 40.5 70.0 llii 4.4 7.3 11.3 16.1 25.1 42.7 73.1 ...".. 2 4.7 7.8 12.0 17.2 26.3 44.8 76.2 2H 5.1 8.4 12.6 18.2 27.7 47.0 79.3 184 5.4 8.9 13.3 19.2 29.0 49.2 82.4 126' 5 2% 5.8 9 5 14.0 20.2 30.4 51.4 85.5 124.7 3 6.1 10.0 14.7 21.2 31.8 53.5 88.7 128.9 185.0 3H 6 8 11.1 16.0 23.2 34.7 57.9 95.0 137.4 196.0 4 7.5 12.2 17.4 25 2 37.5 62.3 101.2 145.8 207.0 4^ 8.2 13.2 18.7 27.2 40.2 66.7 107.5 159.2 218.0 5 8.9 14.3 20.0 29.1 43.0 71.0 113.7 167.7 229.0 5Y 2 9.6 15.4 21.4 31.2 45.7 75.4 120.0 176.1 240.0 6 10.3 }6.5 22.8 33.1 48 4 79.8 126.2 184.6 251.0 6^ 11.0 17.6 24.1 35.1 51.2 84.1 132.5 193.0 262.0 7 11.7 18.6 25.9 37.1 54.0 88.5 138.7 201.4 273.0 7^ 12.4 \ 19.7 27.7 39.1 56.7 92.9 145.0 209.9 284.0 8 13.1 20.8 29.5 41.0 59.4 97.2 151.2 218.3 295.0 9 .... 33.1 45.0 64.8 106.0 163.7 240.2 317.0 10 36.7 49.0 70.3 114.7 176.2 257.1 339.0 11 . . . . 40.4 53.0 75.8 123.5 188.7 273.9 360.0 12 44.0 57.0 81.3 132.2 201.0 290.0 382.0 13 86 7 140 7 213 4 307.7 404 14 92.2 149.2 225.9 324.5 426.0 15 97 7 157 6 238 3 341.4 448 16 103.1 166.1 250.8 358.3 470.0 17 108 6 174 6 263 2 375 2 492. 18 < 114.1 183.1 275.6 392.0 514.0 19 119 5 191 * 288 1 408 9 536 20 125.0 200.0 300.5 425.8 558.0 Per inch addi- 1.4 2.2 3.6 4.0 5.5 8.5 12.4 16.9 22.0 ' tional APPROXIMATE WEIGHT IN POUNDS Nuts and Bolt Heads Diameter of Bolt, Inches X i 6 y s & . Vz H & Weight of Hexagon Nut ) and Head j .017 .042 .057 .109 .128 .267 .43 Weight of Square Nut ) and Head ) .021 .049 .069 .120 .164 .320 .55 Diameter of Bolt, Inches H 1 IK \% 1% 2- 2% Weight of Hexagon Nut ) and Head ) .73 1.10 2.14 3.78 5.6 8.75 17.0 Weight of Square Nut ) and Head. .. .. ) .88 1.31 2.56 4.42 7.0 10.5 21.0 208 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. SIZES AND WEIGHTS, U. S. STANDARD Hot Pressed Square Nuts /K f & / \ \ \ X .\ 'f ^ ? \^ ^A ir DIMENSIONS 1 H 1 5 H SIZE OF HOLE Si o> 1 ti. ' W ^ Q 6 III 2M 2 7 A 2.550 4 28 31^ 2.754 31^ 18 %H 2.550 4 22 3M 2.879 3^ 22 2^8 3 2.629 3^ 23 3% 3.004 3/^ 26 2& 3>i 2.754 3;Hj 28 3^ 3.004 3> 19 iy> 3^ 2.754 31^ 21 3/^ 3.100 3/4 21 2^ 3M 2.879 3H 26 3^ 3.225 3M 24 2^ 3M 2.879 33^ 20 3^ 3.225 3^ 19 2U 3.004 3y 2 25 3M 3.317 3 20 2M 33^ 3.004 31^ 19 3j^ 3.442 3 23 2H 3% 3.100 3M 22 3J^ 3.442 3 18 2^8 35^ 3.225 3M 26 4 3.567 3* 21 2 ii 3^8 3.225 3M 21 4^8 3.692 3 24 3 3M 3.317 3 22 41^ 3.692 3 19 33^ 3j| 3.442 3 21 4^8 3.923 2J^ 24 3M 4 3.567 3 20 4j^ 4.028 2% 21 3^i 4^g 3.692 3 20 4^ 4.153 2% 19 31^ 4M 3.798 27^ 18 3^ 43^ 4.028 2M 23 3/ 4^ 4.153 2M 23 3% 4M 4.255 21 REMARKS. As upsjetting reduces the strength of iron, bars having the same diameter at root of thread as that of the bar invariably break in the screw end, when tested to destruction, without developing the full strength of the bar. It is therefore necessary to make up for this loss in strength by an excess of metal in the upset screw ends over that in the bar. The screw threads in the above table are the Franklin Institute standard. To make one upset end for 5-inch length of thread, allow 6-inch length of rod additional. 212 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. STANDARD SCREW THREADS, NUTS AND BOLT HEADS Recommended by Franklin Institute, December 15, 1864, and adopted by Navy Department of the United States, by the R. R. Master Mechanics' and Master Car-Builders' Associations, by the Jones & Laughlin Steel Company, and by many other of the prominent engineering and mechanical establishments of the country. Angle of thread 60. Flat at top and bottom % of pitch. Diameter of Screw Threads per Inch Diameter at Root of Thread Diameter of Screw Threads per Inch Diameter at Root of Thread M 20 .185 2 4^ 1.712 A 18 .240 234 4H 1.962 fi 16 .294 2Vi 4 2.176 14 .344 2% 4 2.426 z 13 .400 3 3/^ 2.629 A 12 .454 334 3H 2.879 K 11 .507 33^} 3M 3.100 1 10 9 .620 .731 4 3 3 3.317 3.567 i 8 .837 4/4 2% 3.798 tj* 7 .940 4^ 2^ 4.028 ik 7 .065 4^ 4.256 18 6 .160 5 2V^ 4.480 6 .284 5/4 2^ 4.730 l/^ 5^ .389 5J^ 2/^ 4.953 1% 5 .491 5M 2% 5.203 IS 5 .616 6 2M 5.423 Nuts and bolt heads are determined by the following rules, which apply to both square and hexagon nuts : Short diameter of rough nut = 1% X diameter of bolt + J^-inch. Short diameter of finished nut = \% X diameter of bolt -J- jVhich. Thickness of rough nut = diameter of bolt. Thickness of finished nut = diameter of bolt ^-inch. Short diameter of rough head = \%. X diameter of bolt -\- J4-inch. Short diameter of finished head = \ l / 2 X diameter of bolt + ^-inch. Thickness of rough head = % short diameter of head. Thickness of finished headj= diameter of bolt j^-inch. The long diameter of a hexagon nut may be obtained by multiplying the short diameter by 1.155 and the long diameter of a square nut by multi- plying the short diameter by 1.414. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 213 WEIGHT PER SUPERFICIAL FOOT Sheet Iron and Steel BIRMINGHAM WEIGHT POUNDS BIRMINGHAM WEIGHT POUNDS GAUGE GAUGE Iron Steel ! Iron Steel No. 1=.3 12.12 12.36 No. 16=. 065 2.63 2.68 2=.284 11.48 s 11.71 i - 17=. 058 2.34 2.39 " 3=.259 10.47 10.68 - 18=. 049 1.98 2.02 " 4=.238 9.62 9.81 " 19=. 042 1.70 1.73 " 5=.22 8.89 9.07 - 20=. 035 1.56 1.59 " 6=.203 8.20 8.36 " 21=. 032 1.40 1.43 " 7=.18 7.27 7.42 22=. 028 1.25 1.28 " 8=.165 6.67 6.80 23=. 025 1.12 1.14 " 9=.148 5.98 6.10 " 24=. 022 1. 1.02 " 10=. 134 5.42 5.53 " 25=. 02 .9 .92 " 11=. 12 4.85 4.95 " 26=. 018 .8 .82 " 12=. 109 4.41 4.50 " 27=. 016 .72 .73 " 13=. 095 3.84 3.92 " 28=. 014 .64 .65 " 14=. 083 3.35 3.42 - 29=. 013 .56 .57 - 15=. 072 2.91 2.97 30=. 012 .5 .51 Tank Iron and Steel WEIGHT WEIGHT THICKNESS POUNDS THICKNESS POUNDS INCHES INCHES Iron Steel Iron Steel 3^=. 03125 1.27 1.30 &= .3125 12.63 12.88 ^=.0625 2.52 2.57 y 8 = .375 15.16 15.46 ^=.09375 H -125 3.79 5.05 3.87 5.15 &= .4375 y 2 = .5 17.68 20.21 18.03 20.61 3^r=. 15625 ^=.1875 6.32 7.68 6.45 7.73 &= .5625 J| .625 22.73 25.26 23.19 25.77 &=.21875 8.84 9.02 %= -75 30.31 30.92 M=-25 10.10 10.30 7 / 8 = -875 35.37 36.08 3%=. 28123 11.38 11.61 1 =1 40.42 41.23 The low temperature (as compared with iron) at which steel plates have to be finished, causes a slight springing of the rolls, leaving the plate thicker in the center. This, combined with greater density, causes steel plates, if kept up to full thickness on the edges, to weigh more than iron. Both iron and steel over 72 inches wide are apt to run even heavier than the weights given above. 214 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. STANDARD STEAM, GAS AND WATER PIPE Not Manufactured by Jones & Laughlin Steel Co. M i M N M ORDINARY PIPE X STRONG PIPE XX STRONG PIPE Nominal Inside Diameter Actual Outside Diameter H 1 fl ^ *~ Nominal Inside Diametei -c " .405 K Nominal Inside Diametei Actual ( tutside Diametei .27 .405 .24 .205 .29 X .364 .540 .42 .294 .540 .54 H .494 .675 ..56 .421 .675 .74 X .623 .84 .84 ..542 .84 1.09 .244 .84 1.70 K .824 1.05 1.12 .736 1.05 1.39 .422 1.05 2.44 i 1.048 1.315 1.67 .951 1.315 2.17 .587 1.315 3.05 Vi 1.38 1.66 2.24 1.272 1.66 3.00 .885 1.66 5.20 IH 1.611 1.90 2.68 1.494 1.90 3.63 1.088 1.90 6.40 2 2.067 2.375 3 61 1.933 2.375 5.02 1.491 2.375 9.02 2 1 A 2.468 2.875 5.74 2.315 2.875 7.67 1.755 2.875 13.68 3 3.067 3.50 7.54 2.892 3.50 10.25 2.284 3.50 18.56 3H 3.548 4.00 9.00 3.358 4.00 12.47 2.716 4.00 22.75 4 4.026 4.50 10.66 3.818 4.50 14.97 3.13G 4.50 27.48 VA 4.508 5.00 12.49 4.28 5.00 18.'22 3.564 5.00 32.53 5 5.045 5.563 14.. 50 4.813 5.563 20.54 4.063 5.563 38.12 6 6.065 6.625 18.76 5.75 6.625 28.58 4.875 6.625 53.11 7 7.023 7.625 23.27 6.625 7.625 37.67 5.875 7 625 62.38 3 7.982 8.625 28.18 7.625 8 625 43.00 6.875 8.625 71.62 9 8.937 9.625 33.70 10 10 019 10.75 40.00 - JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 215 WEIGHT PER CUBIC FOOT OF SUBSTANCES Average Weight Name of Substances Pounds Aluminum, cast . . * . . - . . . 160 Aluminum, rolled . , . . . 167 Anthracite, solid, of Pennsylvania . . . 93 Anthracite, broken, loose . . / . . . . 54 Anthracite, broken, moderately shaken . . . 58 Anthracite, heaped bushel, loose . . . . (80) Ash, American white, dry ...... 38 Asphaltum 87 Brass (copper and zinc), cast . . . . . 504 Brass, rolled . . . . .' . . . . 524 Brick, best pressed . . . . . 150 Brick, common hard . . .. . . . . 125 Brick, soft, inferior . . ..... . 100 Brickwork, pressed brick '.',,. . . 140 Brickwork, ordinary . . ... , . . . 112 Cement, hydraulic, ground, loose, American Rosendale 56 Cement, hydraulic, ground, loose, American Louisville 50 Cement, hydraulic, ground, loose, English Portland . 90 Concrete . - . . . . . . 148 to 160 Cinder concrete . . . '. . ' . 98 to 102 Cherry, dry . . ' '. . ..''..' . . . 42 Chestnut, dry . . .- . . . , . . -,., 41 Clay, potters', dry . . . . . . 119 Clay, in lumps, loose . . . . . 63 Coal, bituminous, solid . . . . 84 Coal, bituminous, broken, loose . . . . . 49 Coal, bituminous, heaped bushel, loose . . . (74) Coke, loose, of good coal j. '. . . . . 26 Coke, loose, heaped bushel . . . . . (40) Copper, cast . . ... . . . 549 Copper, rolled . . . . . . . . 556 Earth, common loam, dry, loose ..... 76 Earth, common loam, dry, moderately rammed . . 95 Earth, as a soft flowing mud ..... 108 Ebony, dry ... . . . '. . 76 Elm, dry . . 35 Flint . . . '. '. . . .... 162 Glass, common window . . . . . . 157 Gneiss, common . . 168 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. WEIGHT PER CUBIC FOOT OF SUBSTANCES Average Weight Name of Substances Pounds Gold, cast pure, or 24-carat "..... 1204 Gold, pure hammered . . . . . . . 1217 Grain, at 60 pounds per bushel ..... 48 Granite . . . . ... . . 170 Gravel, about the same as sand (see Sand) Gypsum (plaster of paris) . . ' f . . . 142 Hemlock, dry . . .... . . 25 Hickory, dry . . . . ... . 53 Hornblende, black ... ; . . . .203 Ice . . . 58.7 Iron, cast . . . . . . . . .450 Iron, wrought, purest . . . . . . 485 Iron, wrought, average . . . . . . 480 Iron, ore . . . .- . . . . . 175 Ivory .' . .' 114 Lead . . . . . . . . . .711 Lignum-vitae, dry . ...... . . 83 Lime, quick, ground, loose, or in small lumps . . 5:J Lime, quick, ground, loose, thoroughly shaken . . 7-~> Lime, quick, ground, loose, per struck bushel . . (66) Limestones arid marbles ... . . . . 168 Limestones and marbles, loose, in irregular fragments ( .)<; Magnesium . 100 Mahogany, Spanish, dry . . ... . 53 Mahogany, Honduras, dry 35 Maple, dry . . . . . ... . 49 Marbles (see Limestones) Masonry, of granite or limestone, well dressed . . 165 Masonry, of mortar rubble 154 Masonry, of dry rubble, well scabbled . . . 138 Masonry, of sandstone, well dressed . . . . . 144 Mercury, 32 Fahrenheit , . . . , . .849 Mica . . . \ ... ...'.' . . 183 Mortar, hardened . . . . fc . . . 103 Mud, dry, close . .' . . . . . 80 to 110 Mud, wet, fluid, maximum . . . . . . 120 Oak, live, dry . .> . '. . ... . ; 59 Oak, white, dry . . . ... . . 50 Oak, other kinds . . ..-..-. . 32 to 45 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO.' 217 WEIGHT PER CUBIC FOOT OF SUBSTANCES Average Weight Name of Substances Pounds Paper . . . . . . . . . 48 to 50 Petroleum . .,..'.. . . . .' . 55 Pine, white, dry ........ 25 Pine, yellow, Northern ...... 34 Pine, yellow, Southern ...... 45 Platinum ......... 1342 Quartz, common, pure ...... 165 Resin 69 Salt, coarse, Syracuse, N. Y. . . . . . 45 Salt, fine, Liverpool, for table use . . . 49 Sand, of pure quartz, dry, loose . . . . 90 to 106 Sand, well shaken . . . . . . 99 to 117 Sand, perfectly wet . . . . .'.'. 120 to 140 Sandstones, fit for building . . . . . . 151 Shales, red or black . . ... . . 162 Silver . . . ., . '. ^ . . .. . 655 Slate . .,.....-. ..:'.- : . . 175 Snow, freshly fallen . . . . . 5 to 12 Snow, moistened and compacted by rain . . 15 to 50 Spruce, dry . ' " . . . . , . 25 Steel .. . . . . .'/ . . . . . 490 Sulphur . , . " . . . . . 125 Sycamore, dry . . . . . . . ' . 37 Tar . . . . . . . 62 Tin, cast .... . . - . . . . 459 Turf or peat, dry, unpressed . . . . 20 to 30 Walnut, black, dry . . . . . . 38 Water, pure rain or distilled at 60 Fahrenheit . . 62 >^ Water, sea . ... . ' . . . . 64 Wax, bees . . . . . . . 60.5 Zinc or spelter .;..... . . . 437.5 Green timbers usually weigh from one-fifth to one-half more than dry. 218 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. AREAS AND CIRCUMFERENCES OF CIRCLES DlAM. AREA ClRCUM. DlAM. AREA ClRCUM. 0.0 4.0 12.5664 12.5664 .1 .007854 .31416 .1 13.2025 12.8805 .2 .031416 .62832 fy 13.8544 13.1947 .3 .070686 .94248! !3 14.5220 13.5088 .4 .12566 1.2566 II .4 15.2053 13.8230 .5 .19635 1.5708 .5 15.9043 14.1372 .6 .28274 1.8850 .6 16.6190 14.4513 .7 .38485 2.1991 .7 17.3494 14.7655 .8 .50266 2.5133 .8 18.0956 15.0796 .9 .63617 2.8274 .9 18.8574 15.3938 1.0 .7854 3.1416 5.0 19.6350 15.7080 .1 .9503 3.4558 .1 20.4282 16.0221 .2 1.1310 3.7699 .2 21.2372 16.3363 ,3 1.3273 4.0841 .3 22.0618 16.6504 .4 1.5394 4.3982 .4 22.9022 16.9646 .5 1.7671 4.7124 .5 23.7583 17.2788 .6 2.0106 5.0265 .6 24.6301 17.5929 .7 2.2698 5.3407 .7 25.5176 17.9071 .8 2.5447 5.6549 .8 26.4208 18.2212 .9 2.8353 5.9690 .9 27.3397 18.5354 2.0 3.1416 6.2832 6.0 28.2743 18.8496 .1 3.4636 6.5973 .1 29.2247 19.1637 .2 3.8013 6.9115 .2 30.1907 19.4779 .3 4.1548 7.2257 .3 31.1725 19.7920 .4 4.5239 7.5398 .4 32.1699 20.1062 .5 4.9087 7.8540 .5 33.1831 20.4204 .6 5.3093 8.1681 i .6 34.2119 20.7345 .7 5.7256 8.4823 .7 35.2565 21.0487 .8 6.1575 8.7965 : .8 36.3168 21.3628 .9 6.6052 9.1106 ! .9 37.3928 21.6770 3.0 7.0686 9.4248 1 7.0 38.4845 21.9911 .1 7.5477 9.7389 .1 39.5919 22.3053 .2 8.0425 10.0531 i .2 40.7150 22.6195 .3 8.5530 10.3673 .3 41.8539 22.9336 .4 9.0792 10.6814 .4 43.0084 23.2478 .5 9.6211 10.9956 .5 44.1786 23.5619 .6 10.1788 11.3097 .6 45.3646 23.8761 .7 10.7521 11.6239 .7 46.5663 24.1903 .8 11.3411 11.9381 .8 47.7836 24.5044 .9 11.9459 12.2522 .9 49.0167 24.8186 For diameters from ^ to 100, advancing by tenths. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 219 AREAS AND CIRCUMFERENCES OF CIRCLES DlAM. AREA ClRCUM. DlAM. AREA ClRCUM. 8.0 50.2655 25.1327 12.0 113.0973 37.6991 .1 51.5300 25.4469 .1 114.9901 38.0133 .2 52.8102 25.7611 .2 116.8987 38.3274 * .3 54.1061 26.0752 .3 118.8229 38.6416 .4 55.4177 26.3894 .4 120.7628 38.9557 .5 56.7450 26.7035 .5 122.7185 39.2699 .6 58.0880 27.0177 .6 124.6898 39.5841 .7 59.4468 27.3319 .7 126.6769 39.8982 .8 60.8212 27.6460 ! .8 128.6796 40.2124 .9 62.2114 27.9602 | .9 130.6981 40.5265 9.0 63.6173 28.2743 13.0 132.7323 40.8407 .1 65.0388 28.5885 .1 1-34.7822 41 . 1549 2 66.4761 28.9027 .2 136.8478 41.4690 .3 67.9291 29.2168 .3 138.9291 41.7832 A 69.3978 29.5310 .4 141.0261 42.0973 .5 70.8822 29.8451 .5 143.1388 42.4115 .6 72.3823 30.1593 .6 145.2672 42.7257 .7 73.8981 30.4734 .7 147.4114 43.0398 .8 75.4296 30.7876 .8 149.5712 43.3540 .9 76.9769 31.1018 .9 151.7468 43.6681 10.0 78.5398 31.4159 14.0 153.9380 43.9823 .1 80.1185 31.7301 .1 156.1450 44.2965 2 81.7128 32.0442 _2 158.3677 44.6106 '.3 83.3229 32.3584 '.3 160.6061 44.9248 .4 84.9487 32.6726 A 162.8602 45.2389 .5 86.5901 32.9867 .5 165.1300 45.5531 .6 88.2473 33.3009 .6 167.4155 45.8673 .7 89.9202 33.6150 .7 169.7167 46.1814 .8 91.6088 33.9292 .8 172.0336 46.4956 .9 93.3132 34.2434 | .9 174.3662 46.8097 11.0 95.0332 34.5575 15.0 176.7146 47.1239 .1 96.7689 34.8717 .1 179.0786 47.4380 2 98.5203 35.1858 .2 181.4584 47.7522 '.3 100.2875 35.5000 .3 183.8539 48.0664 A 102.0703 35.8142 .4 186.2650 48.3805 .5 103.8689 36.1283 .5 188.6919 48.6947 .6 105.6832 36.4425 .6 191 . 1345 49.0088 .7 107.5132 36.7566 .7 193.5928 49.3230 .8 109.3588 37.0708 .8 196.0668 49.6372 .9 111.2202 37.3850 .9 198.5565 49.9513 For diameters from T \; to 100, advancing by tenths. 220 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. AREAS AND CIRCUMFERENCES OF CIRCLES DlAM. AREA ClRCUM. DlAM. AREA ClRCUM. 16.0 201.0619 50.2655 20.0 314.1593 62.8319 .1 203.5831 50.5796 .1 317.3087 63.1460 .2 206.1199 50.8938 .2 320.4739 63.4602 .3 208.6724 51.2080 .3 323.6547 63.7743 .4 211.2407 51.5221 .4 326.8513 64.0885 .5 213.8246 51.8363 .5 330.0636 64.4026 .6 216.4243 52.1504 .6 333.2916 64.7168 .7 219.0397 52.4646 .7 336.5353 65.0310 .8 221.6708 52.7788 .8 339.7947 65.3451 .9 224.3176 53.0929 .9 343.0698 65.6593 17.0 226.9801 53.4071 21.0 346.3606 65.9734 .1 229.6582 53.7212 .1 349.6671 66 .'2876 .2 232.3522 54.0354 .2 352.9894 66.6018 .3 235.0618 54.3496 .3 356.3273 66.9159 .4 237.7871 54.6637 .4 359.6809 67.2301 .5 240.5282 54.9779 .5 363.0503 67.5442 .6 243.2849 55.2920 .6 366.4354 67.8584 .7 246.0574 55.6062 .7 369.8361 68.1726 .8 248.8456 55.9203 .8 373.2526 68.4867 .9 251.6494 56.2345 .9 376.6848 68.8009 18.0 254.4690 56.5486 22.0 380.1327 69.1150 .1 257.3043 56.8628 .1 383.5963 69.4292 .2 260.1553 57.1770 .2 387.0756 69.7434 .3 263.0220 57.4911 .3 390.5707 70.0575 .4 265.9044 57.8053 .4 394.0814 70.3717 .5 268.8025 58.1195 .5 397.6078 70.6858 .6 271.7164 58.4336 .6 401.1500 71.0000 .7 274.6459 58.7478 .7 404.7078 71.3142 .8 ! 277.5911 59.0619 .8 408.2814 71.6283 .9 280.5521 59.3761 .9 411.8707 71.9425 19.0 283.5287 59.6903 23.0 415.4756 72.2566 .1 286.5211 60.0044 .1 419.0963 72.5708 .2 289.5292 60.3186 .2 422.7327 72.8849. .3 292.5530 60.6327 .3 426.3848 73.1991 .4 295.5925 60.9469 .4 430.0526 73.5133 .5 298.6477 61.2611 .5 433.7361 73.8274 .6 301.7186 61.5752 .6 437.4354 74.1416 .7 304.8052 61.8894 / 441.1503 74.4557 .8 307.9075 62.2035 .8 444.8809 74.7699 .9 311.0255 62.5177 .9 448.6273 75.0841 For diameters from j 1 ^ to 100, advancing by tenths. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 221 AREAS AND CIRCUMFERENCES OF CIRCLES DlAM. AREA ClRCUM. DlAM. AREA ClRCUM. 24.0 452.3893 75.3982 28.0 615.7522 87.9646 .1 456.1671 75.7124 .1 620.1582 88.2788 .2 459.9606 76.0265 .2 624.5800 88.5929 .3 463.7698 76.3407 .3 629.0175 88.9071 .4 467.5947 76.6549 .4 633.4707 89.2212 .5 471.4352 76.9690 .5 637.9397 89.5354 .6 475.2916 77.2832 .6 642.4243 89.8495 .7 479.1636 77.5973 .7 646.9246 90.1637 .8 483.0513 77.9115 .8 651.4407 90.4779 .9 486.9547 78.2257 .9 655.9724 90.7920 25.0 490.8739 78.5398 29.0 660.5199 91.1062 .1 494.8087 78.8540 .1 665.0830 91.4203 .2 498. 7592 ! 79.1681 .2 669.6619 91.7345 .3 502.7255; 79.4823 .3 674.2565 92.0487 .4 506.7075 79.7965 .4 678.8668 92.3628 .5 510.7052 80.1106 .5 683.4928 92.6770 .6 | 514. 7185 80.4248 .6 688.1345 92.9911 .7 J518.7476 80.7389 .7 692.7919 93.3053 .8 522.7924 81.0531 .8 697.4650 93.6195 .9 526.8529 81.3672 .9 702.1538 93.9336 26.0 530.9292 81.6814 30.0 706.8583 94.2478 .1 535.0211 81.9956 .1 711.5786 94.5619 .2 539.1287 82.3097 2 716.3145 94.8761 .3 543.2521 82.6239 '.3 721.0662 95.1903 .4 547.3911 82.9380 .4 725.8336 95.5044 .5 551.5459 83.2522 .5 730.6167 95.8186 .6 555.7163 i 83.5664 .6 735.4154 96.1327 .7 559.9025! 83.8805 .7 740.2299 96.4469 .8 564.1044 84.1947 ,.8 745.0601 96.7611 .9 568.3220 84.5088 .9 749.9060 97.0752 27.0 572.5553 84.8230 31.0 754.7676 97.3894 .1 576.8043 85.1372 .1 759.6450 97.7035 2 581.0690 85.4513 .2 764.5380 98.0177 '.3 585.3494 85.7655 .3 769.4467 98.3319 .4 589.6455 86.0796 .4 774.3712 98.6460 .5 593.9574! 86.3938 .5 779.3113 98.9602 .6 598.2849 86.7080 .6 784.2672 99.2743 .7 602.6282 87.0221 .7 789.2388 99.5885 .8 606.9871 87.3363 .8 794.2260 99.9026 .9 611. 3618 | 87.6504 .9 799.2290 100.2168 For diameters from ^ to 100, advancing by tenths. 222 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. AREAS AND CIRCUMFERENCES OF CIRCLES DlAM. AREA ClRCUM. DlAM. AREA ClRCUM. 32.0 804.2477 100.5310 36.0 1017.8760 113.0973 .1 809.2821 100.8451 .1 1023.5387 113.4115 .2 814.3322 101.1593 .2 1029.2172 113.7257 .3 819.3980 101.4734 .3 1034.9113 114.0398 .4 824.4796 101.7876' .4 1040.6212 114.3540 .5 829.5768 102.1018 .5 1046.3467 114.6681 .6 834.6898 102.4159 .6 1052.0880 114.9823 .7 839.8185 102.7301 ! .7 1057.8449 115.2965 .8 844.9628 103.0442 .8 1063.6176 115.6106 .9 850.1229 103.3584 .9 1069.4060 115.9248 33.0 855.2986 103.672I) 37.0 1075.2101 116.2389 .1 860.4902 103.9867 .1 1081.0299 116.5531 .2 865.6973 104.3009 .2 1086.8654 116.8672 .3 870.9202 104.6150 .3 1092.7166 117.1814 .4 876.1588 104.9292 .4 1098.5835 117.4956 .5 881.4131 105.2434 .5 1104.4662 117.8097 .6 886.6831 105.5575 .6 1110.3645 118.1239 .7 891.9688 105.8717 .7 1116.2786 118.4380 .8 897.2703 106. 1858 j .8 1122.2083 118.7522 .9 902.5874 106.5000 .9 ' 1128.1538 119.0664 34.0 907.9203 106.8142 38.0 1134.1149 119.3805 .1 913.2688 107.1283. .1 1140.0918 119.6947 .2 918.6331 107.4425; .2 1146.0844 120.0088 .3 924.0131 107.7566 .3 1152.0927 120.3230 .4 929.4088 108.0708 .4 1158.1167 120.6372 .5 934.8202 108.3849 .5 1164.1564 120.9513 .6 940.2473 108.6991 .6 1170.2118 121.2655 .7 945.6901 109.0133 .7 1176.2830 121.5796 .8 951.1486 109.3274 .8 1182.3698 121.8938 .9 956.6228 109.6416 .9 1188.4724 122.2080 35.0 962.1128 109.9557 39.0 1194.5906 122.5221 .1 967.6184 110.2699 .1 1200.7246 122.8363 .2 973.1397 110.5841 .2 1206.8742 123.1504 .3 978.6768 110.8982 .3 1213.0396 123.4646 .4 984.2296 111.2124 .4 1219.2207 123.7788 .5 989.7980 111.5265 . .5 1225.4175 124.0929 .6 995.3822 111.8407 .6 1231.6300 124.4071 .7 1000.9821 112.1549 .7 1237.8582 124.7212 .8 1006.5977 112.4690 .8 1244.1021 125.0354 .9 1012.2290 112.7832 .9 1250.3617 125.3495 For diameters from ^ to 100, advancing by tenths. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 223 AREAS AND CIRCUMFERENCES OF CIRCLES DlAM. AREA ClRCUM. DlAM. AREA ClRCUM. 40.0 1256.6371 125.6637 44.0 1520.5308 138.2301 .1 1262.9281 125.9779 .1 1527.4502 138.5442 2 1269.2348 126.2920 .2 1534.3853 138.8584 '.3 1275.5573 126.6062 .3 1541.3360 139.1726 A 1281.8955 126.9203 .4 1548.3025 139.4867 .5 1288.2493 127.2345 .5 1555.2847 139.8009 .6 i 1294. 6189 127.5487 .6 1562.2826 140.1153 .7 1301.0042 127.8628 .7 1569.2962 140.4292 .8 1307.4052 128.1770 .8 1576.3255 140.7434 .9 1313.8219 128.4911 .9 1583.3706 141.0575 41.0 1320.2543 128.8053 45.0 1590.4313 141.3717 .1 1326. 7024! 129. 1195 .1 1597.5077 141.6858 .2 1333.1663 129.4336 .2 1604.5999 142.0000 .3 1339.6458 129.7478 .3 1611.7077 142.3142 .4 1346.1410 130.0619 .4 1618.8313 142.6283 .5 1352.6520 130.3761 .5 1625.9705 142.9425 .6 1359.1786 130.6903 .6 1633.1255 143.2566 .7 1365.7210 131.0044 .7 1640.2962 143.5708 .8 1372.2791 131.3186 .8* 1647.4826 143.8849 .9 1378.8529 131.6327 .9 1654.6847 144.1991 42.0 1385.4424 131.9469 46.0 1661.9025 144.5133 .1 1392.0476 132.2611 .1 1669.1360 144.8274 .2 1398.6685 132.5752 .2 1676.3853 145.1416 .3 1405. 3051 j 132. 8894 .3 1683.6502 145.4557 .4 1411.9574 133.2035 .4 1690.9308 145.7699 .5 1418.6254 133.5177 .5 1698.2272 146.0841 .6 1425.3092 133.8318 .6 1705.5392 146.3982 .7 1432.0086 134.1460 .7 1712.8670 146.7124 .8 1438.7238 134.4602 .8 1720.2105 147.0265 .9 1445.4546 134.7743 .9 1727.5697 147.3407 43.0 1452.2012 135.0885 47.0 1734.9445 147.6550 .1 1458. 9635 1!35.4026 .1 1742.3351 147.9690 .2 1465.7415 135.7168 .2 1749.7414 148.2832 .3 1472.5352 136.0310 .3 1757.1635 148.5973 .4 1479.3446 136.3451 .4 1764.6012 148.9115 .5 1486.1697 136.6593 .5 1772.0546 149.2257 .6 1493.0105 136.9734 .6 1779.5237 149.5398 .7 1499.8670 137.2876 .7 1787.0086 149.8540 .8 1506.7393 137.6018 .8 1794.5091 150.1681 .9 1513.6272 137.9159 .9 1802.0254 150.4823 For diameters from ^g to 100, advancing by tenths. 224 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. AREAS AND CIRCUMFERENCES OF CIRCLES DlAM. AREA ClKCUM. DlAM. AREA ClRCUM. 48.0 1809.5574 150.7964 52.0 2123.7166 163.3628 .1 1817.1050 151.1106 .1 2131.8926 163.6770 .2 1824.6684 151.4248 .2 2140.0843 163.9911 .3 1832.2475 151.7389 .3 2148.2917 164.3053 .4 1839.8423 152.0531 .4 2156.5149 164.6195 .5 1847.4528 152.3672 .5 2164.7537 164.9336 .6 1855.0790 152.6814 .6 2173.0082 165.2479 ^7 1862.7210 152.9956 7 2181.2785 165.5619 '.8 1870.3786 153.3097 2189.5644 165.8761 .9 1878.0519 153.6239 !9 2197.8661 166.1903 49.0 1885.7409 153.9380 i 53.0 2206.1834 166.5044 .1 1893.4457 154.2522 .1 12214.5165 166.8186 .2 1901.1662 154.5664 .2 2222.8653 167.1327 .3 U908.9024 154.8805 3 2231.2298 167.4469 .4 1916.6543 155.1947 .4 2239.6100 167.7610 .5 11924.4218 155.5088 .5 2248.0059 168.0752 .6 11932.2051 155.8230 .6 2256.4175 168.3894 .7 1940.0042 156.1372 .7 2264.8448 168.7035 .8 11947.8189 156.4513 .8 2273.2879 169.0177 .9 1955.6493 156.7655 .9 2281. 7466 i 169. 3318 50.0 1963.4954 157.0796 54.0 2290.2210 169.6460 . .1 1971.3572 157.3938 .1 2298.7112 169.9602 .2 11979.2348 157.7080 .2 2307.2171 170.2743 .3 1987.1280 158.0221 .3 2315.7386 170.5885 .4 11995.0370 158.3363 .4 2324.2759 170.9026 .5 12002.9617 158.6504 .5 2332.8289 171.2168 .6 2010.9020 158.9646 .6 2341.3976 171.5310 .7 2018.8581 159.2787 .7 2349.9820 171.8451 .8 2026.8299 159.5929 .8 ! 2358.5821 172.1593 .9 2034.8174 159.9071 .9 12367.1979 172.4735 51.0 2042.8206 160.2212 55.0 2375.8294 172.7876 .1 2050.8395 160.5354 .1 2384.4767 173.1017 .2 12058.8742 160.8495 .2 2393.1396 173.4159 .3 2066.9245 161.1637 .3 2401.8183 173.7301 .4 2074.9905 161.4779 .4 2410.5126 174.0442 .5 12083.0723 161.7920 .5 2419.2227 174.2584 .6 12091.1697 162.1062 .6 2427.9485 174.6726 .7 2099.2829 162.4203 .7 2436.6899 174.9867 .8 2107.4118 162.7345 .8 2445.4471 175.3009 .9 2115.5563 163.0487 .9 2454.2200 175.6150 For diameters from T \, to 100, advancing by tenths. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 225 AREAS AND CIRCUMFERENCES OF CIRCLES DlAM. AREA ClRCUM. DlAM. AREA CIRCUM: 56.0 2463.0086 175.9292 60.0 2827.4334 188.4956 .1 2471.8130 176.2433 .1 2836.8660 188.8097 .2 2480.6330 176.5575 .2 2846.3144 189:1239 .3 2489.4687 176.8717 .3 2855.7784 189.4380 .4 2498.3201 177.1858 .4 2865.2582 189.7522 .5 2507.1873 177.5000 .5 2874.7536 190.0664 .6 2516.0701 177.8141 .6 2884.2648 190.3805 .7 2524.9687 178.1283 .7 2893.7917 190.6947 .8 2533.8830 178.4425 .8 2903.3343 191.0088 .9 2542.8129 178.7566 .9 2912.8926 191.3230 57.0 2551.7586 179.0708 61.0 2922.4666 191.6372 .1 2560.7200 179.3849 .1 2932.0563 191.9513 .2 2569.6971 179.6991 .2 2941.6617 192.2655 .3 2578.6899 180.0133 .3 2951.2828 192.5796 .4 2587.6985 180.3274 .4 2960.9197 192.8938 .5 2596.7227 180.6416 .5 2970.5722 193.2079 .6 2605.7626 180.9557 .6 2980.2405 193.5221 .7 2614.8183 181.2699 .7 2989.9244 193.8363 .8 2623.8896 181.5841 .8 2999.6241 194.1504 .9 2632.9767 181.8982 .9 3009.3395 194.4646 58.0 2642.0794 182.2124 62.0 3019.0705 194.7787 .1 2651.1979 182.5265 .1 3028.8173 195.0929 .2 2660.3321 182.8407 .2 3038.5798 195.4071 .3 2669.4820 183.1549 .3 3048.3580 195.7212 .4 2678.6476 183.4690 .4 3058.1520 196.0354 .5 2687.8289 183.7832 .5 3067.9616 196.3495 .6 2697.0259 184.0973 .6 3077.7869 196.6637 .7 2706.2386 184.4115 .7 3087.6279 196.9779 .8 2715.4670 184.7256 .8 3097.4847 197.2920 .9 2724.7112 185.0398 .9 3107.3571 197.6062 59.0 2733.9710 185.3540 63.0 3117.2453 197.9203 .1 2743.2466 185.6681 .1 3127.1492 198.2345 .2 2752.5378 185.9823 .2 3137.0688 198.5487 .3 2761.8448 186.2964 .3 3147.0040 198.8628 .4 2771.1675 186.6106 .4 3156.9550 199.1770 .5 2780.5058 186.9248 .5 3166.9217 199.4911 .6 2789.8599 187.2389 .6 3176.9043 199.8053 .7 2799.2297 187.5531 .7 3186.9023 200.1195 .8 2808.6152 187.8672 .8 3196.9161 200.4336 .9 2818.0165 188.1814 .9 3206.9456 200.7478 For diameters from ^ to 100, advancing by tenths. 226 J O N E S & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. AREAS AND CIRCUMFERENCES OF CIRCLES DlAM. AREA ClRCUM. DlAM. AREA ClRCUM. 64.0 216.9909 201.0620 68.0 3631.6811 213.6283 .1 227.0518 201.3761 .1 3642.3704 213.9425 .2 237.1285 201.6902 .2 3653.0754 214.2566 .3 247.2222! 202.0044 i .3 3663.7960 214.5708 .4 257.3289 202.3186 .4 3674.5324 214.8849 .5 267.4527 202.6327 .5 3685.2845 215.1991 .6 . 3277.5922 202.9469 .6 3696.0523 215.5133 .7 3287.7474 203.2610 .7 3706.8359 215.8274 .8 3297.9183: 203.5752 .8 3717.6351 216.1416 .9 3308.1049 203.8894 .9 13728.4500 216.4556 65.0 3318.3072 204.2035 69.0 3739.2807 216.7699 .1 3328.5253 204.5176 .1 3750.1270217.0841 .2 3338.7590 204.8318 .2 3760.9891 217.3982 .3 3349.0085 205.1460 .3 3771.8668 217.7124 .4 3359.2736 205.4602 .4 3782.7603 218.0265 .5 3369.5545 205.7743 .5 3793.6695 218.3407 .6 3379.8510 206.0885 .6 3804.5944 218.6548 .7 3390.1633 206.4026 .7 3815.5350 218.9690 .8 3400.4913 206.7168 .8 3826.4913 219.2832 .9 3410.8350 207.0310 .9 3837.4633 219.5973 66.0 3421.1944 207.3451 70.0 ;3848.4510 219.9115 .1 3431.5695 207.6593 .1 3859.4544 220.2256 .2 3441.9603 207.9734 .2 3870.4736 220.5398 .3 3452.3669 208.2876 .3 3881.5084220.8540 .4 3462.7891 208.6017 .4 3892.5590 221.1681 .5 3473.2270 1208.9159 .5 3903.6252 221.4823 .6 3483.6807 209.2301 .6 3914.7072 221.7964 .7 3494.1500 209.5442 .7 3925.8049 222.1106 .8 3504.6351 209.8584 .8 3936.9182 222.4248 .9 3515.1359 210.1725 .9 3948.0473 222.7389 67.0 3525.6524 210.4867 71.0 3959.1921 223.0531 .1 3536.1845 210.8009 .1 3970.3526 223.3672 .2 3546.7324 211.1150 .2 i 3981. 5289 223.6814 .3 3557.2960 211.4292 .3 3992.7208 223.9956 .4 3567. 8754! 211. 7433 .4 4003.9284 224.3097 .5 3578.4704 212.0575 .5 4015.1518 224.6239 .6 3589.0811 212.3717 .6 I4026.390S 224.9380 .7 3599. 70751212. 6858 .7 4037.6456 225.2522 .8 3610.3497 213.0000 .8 4048.9160 225.5664 .9 3621.0075 213.3141 .9 4060.2022 225.8805 For diameters from T 1 D to 100, advancing by tenths. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 227 AREAS AND CIRCUMFERENCES OF CIRCLES DlAM. AREA ClRCUM. DlAM. AREA ClRCUM. 72.0 4071.5041 226.1947 76.0 4356.4598 238.7610 .1 4082.8217 226.5088 .1 4548.4057 239.0752 .2 4094.1550 '226.8230 .2 4560.3673 239.3894 .3 4105 J 5040 227.1371 .3 4572. 3446 1 239. 7035 .4 4116.8687 227.4513 .4 4584.3377 240.0177 .5 4128.2491 227.7655 .5 4596.3464 240.3318 .6 4139.6452 228.0796 .6 4608.3708 240.6460 .7 4151.0571 228.3938 .7 4620.4110 240.9602 .8 4162.4846 228.7079 .8 4632.4669 241.2743 .9 4173.9279229.0221 .9 4644.5384 241.5885 73.0 4185 . 3868 1 229 . 3363 77 . 4656.6257 241.9026 .1 4196.8615229.6504 .1 4668.7287 242.2168 .2 4208.35191229.9646 .2 4680.8474 242.5310 .3 4219.8579 230.2787 .3 4692.9818 242.8451 A 4231.3797 230.5929 .4 4705.1319 243.1592 .5 4242.9172 230.9071' .5 4717.2977 243.4734 .6 4254.4704 231.2212 .6 4729.4792 243.7876 .7 4266.0394 231.5354 ; .7 4741.6765 244.1017 .8 4277.6240 231.8495 .8 4753.8894 244.4159 .9 4289.2243 232.1637 .9 4766.^181 244.7301 74.0 4300.8403 232.4779 78.0 4778.3624 245.0442 .1 4312.4721 232.7920 .1 4790.6225 245.3584 .2 4324.1195 233.1062 .2 4802.8983 245.6725 .3 4335.7827 233.4203 o 4815.1897 245.9867 .4 4347.4616:233.7345 'A 4827.4969 246.3009 .5 4359.1562 234.0487 .5 4839.8198 246.6150 .6 4370.8664234.3628 .6 4852.1584 246.9292 .7 4382.5924234.67701 .7 4864.5128 247.2433 .8 4394.3341 234.99111 .8 4876.8828 247.5575 .9 4406.0916 235.3053 .9 4889.2685 247.8717 75.0 4417.8647 235.6194 79.0 4901.6699 248.1858 .1 4429.6535 235.9336 .1 4914.0871 248.5000 .2 4441.4580 236.2478 .2 4926.5199 248.8141 .3 4453. 2783! 236. 5619 .3 4938.9685 249.1283 .4 4465.1142 236.8761 .4 4951.4328 249.4425 .5 4476.9658 237.1902 .5 4963.9127 249.7566 .6 4488.8332 237.5044 .6 4976.4084 250.0708 .7 4500.7163 237.8186 .7 4988. 9198 j 250. 3850 .8 4512.6151 238.1327 .8 5001. 4469 1250.6991 .9 4524.5296 238.4469 .9 5013. 9897 j 251. 0133 For diameters from ^ to 100, advancing by tenths. 228 [ONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. AREAS AND CIRCUMFERENCES OF CIRCLES DlAM. AREA ClRCUM. j DlAM. AREA CIRCUM. 80.0 15026.5482 251.3274 84.0 5541.7694 263.8938 .1 15039.1225 251.6416 .1 5554.9720 264.2079 .2 5051.7124 251.9557 .2 5568. 1902; 264. 5221 .3 5064.3180 252.2699 ' .3 5581.4242 264.8363 .4 5076.9394 252. 5840 ij .4 5594.6739 265.1514 .5 5089.5764 252.8982, .5 5607.9392 265.4646 .6 5102.2292 253.2124;! .6 5621.2203 265.7787 .7 15114.8977 253.5265 .7 5634.5171 266.0929 .8 J5127.5819 253.8407 .8 5647.8296 266.4071 .9 !5140.2818 254. 1548 !| .9 5661.1578 266.7212 81.0 5152.9973 254.4690 85.0 5674.5017 267.0354 .1 i5165.7287 254. 7832 !! .1 5687.8614 267.3495 .2 5178.4757 255.0973 .2 5701.2367 267.6637 .3 5191.2384 255.4115 .3 5714.6277 267.9779 .4 5204.0168 255.7256| .4 5728.0345 268.2920 .5 5216.8110 256.0398 .5 5741.4569 268.6062 .6 5229.6208 256.3540 .6 5754.8951 268.9203 .7 5242.4463 256.6681 .7 5768.3490 269.2345 .8 5255.2876 256.9823 .8 5781. 8185' 269. 5486 .9 5268.1446 257.2966 .9 5795.3038; 269.8628 82.0 5281.0173 257.6106 86.0 5808.8048 270.1770 .1 5293.9056 257.9247; .1 5822.3215 270.4911 .2 5306.8097 258.2389 .2 5835.8539 270.8053 .3 5319.7295 258.5531 .3 5849.4020 271.1194 .4 5332.6650 258.8672 .4 5862.9659 271.4336 .5 5345.6162 259.1814 .5 5876.5454 271.7478 .6 5358.5832 259.4956 .6 5890.1407 272.0619 .7 5371.5658 259.8097 .7 5903.7516 272.3761 .8 5384.5641 260.1239^ .8 5917.3783 272.6902 .9 5397.5782 260.4380 |j . .9 5931.0206 273.0044 83.0 .1 5410.6079 5423.6534 260.7522 87.0 261.0663| .1 5944.6787 273.3186 5958.3525 273.6327 .2 5436.7146 261.3805:1 .2 5972.0420 273.9469 .3 5449.7915 261.6947! .3 5985.7472 274.2610 .4 5462.8840 262. 0088 j .4 5999.4681 274.5752 .5 5475.9923 262.3230! .5 6013.2047 274.8894 / 5489.1163 262.6371 i! .6 6026.9570 275.2035 !? 5502.2561 262. 9513 j! .7 6040.7250 275.5177 .8 5515.4115 263.2655 :i .8 6054.5088 275.8318 .9 5528.5826 263.5796! .9 6068.3082 276.1460 For diameters from ^ to 100, advancing by tenths. J ONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 229 AREAS AND CIRCUMFERENCES OF CIRCLES DlAM. AREA ClRCUM. DlAM. AREA ClRCUM. 88.0 6082.1234 276.4602 i 92.0 6647.6101 289.0265 .1 6095.9542 276.7743 .1 6662.0692 289.3407 .2 6109.8008 277.0885 .2 6676.5441 289.6548 .3 6123.6631 277.4026 .3 6691.0347 289.9690 .4 6137.5411 277.7168 .4 6705.5410 290.2832 .5 6151.4348 278.0309 .5 6720.0630 290.5973 .6 6165.3442 278.3451 .6 6734.6008 290.9115 .7 6179.2693 278.6593 .7 6749.1542 291.2256 .8 6193.2101 278.9740 .8 6763.7233 291.5398 .9 6207.1666 279.2876 .9 6778.3082 291.8540 89.0 6221.1389 279.6017 93.0 6792.9087 292.1681 .1 6235.1268 279.9159 .1 6807.5250 292.4823 .2 6249.1304 280.2301 .3 6822.1569 292.7964 .3 6263.1498 280.5442 .3 6836.8046 293.1106 4 6277.1849 280.8584 .4 6851.4680 293.4248 .5 6291.2356 281.1725 .5 6866.1471 293.7389 .6 6305.3021 281.4867 ! .6 6880.8419 294.0531 .7 6319.3843 281.8009 .7 6895 5524 294.3672 .8 6333.4822 282.1150 .8 6910.2786 294.6814 .9 6347.5958 282.4292 .9 6925.0205 294.9956 90.0 6361.7251 282.7433 94.0 6939.7782 295.3097 .1 6375.8701 283.0575 .1 6954.5515 295.6239 .2 6390.0309 283.3717 .2 6969.3106 295.9380 .3 6404.2073 283.6858 .3 6984.1453 296.2522 .4 6418.3995 284.0000 .4 6998.9658 296.5663 .5 6432.6073 284.3141 .5 17013.8019 296.8805 .6 6446.8309 284.6283 .6 7028.6538 297.1947 .7 6461.0701 284.9425 .7 17043.5214 297.5088 .8 6475.3251 285.2566 .8 7058.4047 297.8230 .9 6489.5958 285.5708 .9 7073.3033 298.1371 91.0 '6503.8822 285.8849 95.0 7088.2184 298.4513 .1 6518.1843 286.1991 .1 7103.1488 298.7655 .2 i 6532. 5021 286.5133 .2 7118.1950 299.0796 .3 6546.8356 286.8274 .3 7133.0568 299.3938 .4 6561.1848 287.1416 .4 7148.0343 299.7079 .5 6575.5498 287.4557 .5 7163.0276 300.0221 .6 6589.9304 287.7699 .6 7178.0366 300.3363 .7 6604.3268 288.0840 i .7 7193.0612 300.6504 .8 6618.7388 288.3982 ! .8 7208.1016 300.9646 .9 6633.1666 288.7124 .9 7223.1577 301.2787 For diameters from ^ to ICO, advancing by tenths. 230 JONES & LAUGH LIN STEEL CO. AREAS AND CIRCUMFERENCES OF CIRCLES DlAM. AREA | CIRCUM. DlAM. AREA CIRCUM. 96.0 7238.2295 301.5929 98.0 7542.9640 307.8761 .1 7253.3170 301.9071 .1 7558.3656 308.1902 .2 7268.4202 302.2212 .2 7573.7830 308.5044 .3 7283.5391 302.5354 .3 7589.2161 308.8186 .4 7298.6737 302.8405 .4 7604.6648 309.1327 .5 7313.8240 303.1637 .5 7620.1293 309.4469 .6 7328.9901 303.4779 .6 7635.6095 309.7610 .7 7344.1718 303.7920 .7 7651.1054 310.0752 .8 7359.3693 304.1062 .8 7666.6170 310.3894 .9 7374.5824 304.4203 .9 7682.1444 310.7035 97.0 7389.8113 304.7345 99.0 7697.6893 311.0177 .1 7405.0559 305.0486 .1 7713.2461 311.3318 .2 7420.3162 305.3628 .2 17728.8206 311.6460 .3 7435.5922 305.6770 .3 7744.4107 311.9602 .4 7450.8839 305.9911 .4 7760.0166 312.2743 .5 7466.1913 306.3053 .5 7775.6382 312.5885 .6 7481.5144 306.6194 .6 7791.2754 312.9026 .7 7496.8532 306.9336 .7 7806.9284 313.2168 .8 7512.2078 307.2478 .8 7822.5971 313.5309 .9 7527.5780 307.5619 .9 7838.2815 313.8451 1 |ioo.o 7853.9816 314.1593 For diameters from ^ to 100, advancing by tenths. To compute the area or circumference of a diameter greater than M)0 and less than 1001 : Take out the area or circumference from table as though the number had one decimal, and move the decimal point two places to the right for the area, and one place for the circum- ference. EXAMPLE. Wanted, the area and circumference of 5G7. The tabular area for5C.7 is 2524.9G87, and circumference 178.1283. Therefore area for 507=252496.87 and circumference= 1781. 283. To compute the area or circumference of a diameter greater than 1000: Divide by a factor, as 2, 3, 4, 5, etc., if practicable, that will leave a quotient to be found in table, then multiply the tabular area of the quotient by the square of the factor, or the tabular circumference by the factor. EXAMPLE. Wanted, the area and circumference of 2109. Dividing by 3, the quotient is 703, for which the area is 388150.84, and the circumference 2208.54. Therefore area of 2109=388150.84 X 9=3493357.50 and circumfer- ence=2208.54 X3=25.t;2. JO N E S & L AU G H L I N STE EL CO 231 RAILROAD SPIKES SIZE MEASURED UNDER HEAD INCHES AVERAGE NUM- BER PER KEG OF 200 POUNDS NUMBER REQUIRED PER MILE, FOR TIES 2 FEET ON CENTERS, 4 SPIKES PER TIE USED FOR RAILS OF WEIGHT PER YARD 5/^X 1% 360 5920 lbs.=29^ kegs 45 to 100 5 X& 405 5230 lbs.=26 kegs 40 to 56 460 4606 lbs.=23 kegs 35 to 40 5 2 xH 475 4460 Lbs.=23& kegs 35 to 40 A\/ \s \/ 518 4080 lbs.=20A kegs 28 to 35 4 2 x 1 A 605 3515 lbs.=173^ kegs 24 to 35 670 3180 lbs.=15T^ kegs 20 to 30 4>|x^ 690 3090 lbs.=15H kegs 20 to 30 4 XA 780 2730 lbs.=13| - kegs 20 to 30 890 2377 lbs.=12 kegs 16 to 25 4>|xM 780 2730 lbs.=13| kegs 16 to 25 4 X^ 1025 2044 lbs.=104 kegs 16 to 25 1250 1740 lbs.= 83^ kegs 16 to 20 3 2 X^| 1380 1592 lbs.= 8 kegs 16 to 20 2;KXiN i 1650 1280 lbs.= 6f kegs 12 to 16 3 ~X& 1880 1152 lbs.= 5^ i kegs 12 to 16 2i^xt^ 2230 948 lbs.= 4^ ikegs 8 to 12 BOAT SPIKES % inch square, 12 to 24 inches in length % inch square, 8 to 16 inches in length Yi inch square, 8 to 16 inches in length ik inch square, 6 to 12 inches in length 2/8 inch square, 4 to 12 inches in length j^ inch square, 4 to 12 inches in length 34 inch square, 3 to 8 inches in length TWISTED BARS "> S < S o ELASTIC LIMIT ULTIMATE TENSILE STRENGTH IS ga gjf -2 ^2 5 S e| 1 j s ll &. z 2 * ,3 ' 3 ||o jj J ! 76.5 82.88 89.25 95.63 102.0 108.4 114.8 121.1 127.5 n 79.05 85.64 92.23 98.81 105.4 112.0 118.6 125.2 131.8 2 81.6 88.4 95.2 102.0 108.8 115.6 122.4 129.2 136.0 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 233 WEIGHTS OF ROLLED STEEL PLATES WIDTH, INCHES 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 21.03 28.05 13.4 17.84 14.04 18.69 14.64 19.56 16.85 22.44 17.56 23.39 18.22 24.33 18.92 25.26 19.62 26.18 20.32 27.1 22.32 26.78 31.24 35.7 23.36 28.06 32.72 37.4 24.44 29.36 34.24 39.1 27.56 32.74 37.86 42.82 27.89 34.11 39.43 44.62 29.83 35.48 41.0 46.41 30.97 36.85 42.58 48.21 32.14 38.22 44.15 49.98 33.26 39.56 45.73 51.74 34.43 40.96 47.32 53.55 40.16 44.64 49.08 53.56 42.04 46.76 51.4 56.1 44.0 48.88 53.76 58.66 47.99 53.01 58.09 63.34 49.95 55.25 60.49 65.99 51.97 57.45 62.91 68.64 53.97 59.66 65.32 71.29 55.97 61.87 67.73 73.92 57.98 64.06 70.14 76.56 59.98 66 31 72.59 79.21 58.01 62.49 66.96 71.4 60.79 65.44 70.13 74.8 63.53 68.43 73.32 78.2 68.61 73.90 79.18 84.46 71.48 76.99 82.47 87.98 74.34 80.07 85.78 91.5 77.19 83.14 89.08 95.01 80.05 86.22 92.39 98.53 82.9 89.31 95.68 102. 1 85.76 92.37 99.99 105.6 75.85 80.33 84.79 89.26 79.48 83.08 84.16 88.0 88.83 92.88 93.52 97.76 89.74 95.01 100.3 105.6 93.48 98.99 104.5 110.0 97.21 102.9 108.6 114.4 101.0 106.9 112.8 118.8 104.7 110.9 117.0 123.2 108.4 114.8 121.2 127.6 112.2 118 7 125.4 132.0 93.72 98.17 102.7 107.1 98.16 102.8 107.5 112.2 102.6 107.5 112.4 117.3 110.9 116.1 121.4 126.7 115.6 121.0 126.5 132.0 120.1 125.8 131.5 137.2 124.7 130.7 136.6 142.5 129.3 135.5 141.6 147.8 133.9 140.3 146.7 153.1 138.6 145.2 151.8 158.4 111.6 116.0 120.5 125.0 116.9 121.6 126.2 130.9 122.2 127.1 132.0 136.9 132.0 137.2 142.5 147.8 137.5 143.0 148.5 154.0 143.0 148.7 154.4 160.1 148.5 154.4 160.3 166.3 154.0 160.1 166.3 172.4 159.5 165.8 172.2 178.6 164.9 171.6 178.2 184.1 129.4 133.9 138.3 142.8 135.6 140.3 144.9 149.6 141.8 153.1 146.5 158.4 151.5 163.6 156.4 168.9 159.5 164.9 170.5 176.0 165.8 171.6 177.3 183.0 172.2 178.2 184.1 190.0 178.6 184.8 190.9 197.1 185.0 191.4 197.7 204.1 191.4 198.0 203.6 211.1 Allowances for overweight added to plates 24 inches wide and upwards, according to Manufacturers' Standard Specifications on page 191. 234 JONES &LAU GH L IN STEEL CO. WEIGHTS OF ROLLED STEEL PLATES THICKNESS WIDTH, INCHES INCHES 31 32 33 34 35 ' 36 38 40 42 A 21.73 22.44 23.14 23.85 24.55 25.26 26.62 *28.07 29.48 H 29.0 29.92 30.84 31.77 32.69 33.65 35.55 37.04 39 25 jg 35.57 36.72 37.84 39.0 40.13 41.3 43.62 45.88 48.21 $j 42.31 43.66 45.03 46.39 47.76 49.14 51.87 54.57 57.31 n 48.89 :,ii |.; 52.03 53.6 55.2 56.80 .Vi I'.', 63.07 66.23 y* 55.34 57. 12 H '.'1 60.67 >,_' is 64.26 67.85 71.4 74.97 fs 61.99 63.98 65.96 67.97 69.97 70.98 75.95 79.09 83.95 H 68.fi 70.72; 72.94 75.13 77.33 79.56 S3. 07 vs. 44 92.85 n 75.02 77.43 82.22 84.66 s: n 91.95 96.75101.6 x-l 81.85 84.47 87.11 89.75 '.'_' 4:1 95.07100.3 105.0 110.9 1$ 88.62 91.48 94.34 97.2 100.1 102.9 108.6 114.4 120.1 el 95.43 98.53101.6 104.8 107.8 110.9 117.0 123.2 129.4 XI 102.3 105.6 108.9 112.2 115.5 1118.8 125.4 Ktt 138.6 1 109.1 112.6 116.1 119.7 123.2 126.7 133.7 140.8 147.8 5ft 115.9 122.7 119.6 126.7 123 4 130.7 127.1 134.0 130.8 l.> ti 134.6 142.5 142.1 150.4 149.6 1.58.4 157.0 166. 3 UJ 129.5 136.4 133.7 140.8 137.9 145.2 142.1 il46.3 149.6 154.0 150.5 158.4 158.8 167.0 166.7 176.0 175.5 184.8 l* 143.2 147.8 152.4 157.0 161.7 166.2 175.5 184.8 194.0 8J 1.50.0 154 8 160.7 164.4 169.4 174.2 1S3.9 193.6 203.3 1 156.8 163.6 161.9 168.9 166.9 174.2 172.0 179.5 177.1 184.8 182.2 190.0 192.3 202.3 212.5 200.6 211.1 221.7 1A 170.5 176.0 181.5 186.5 192.4 198.0 208.9 219.9 231.0 js^ 177.3 183.0 188.7 194.4 200.2 205.9 1218.0 228.7 240.2 Ml 184.1 190.0 196.0 201.9 307.8 218.8 225.7 237.5 24'.). 4 l^i 190.9 197.1 203.2 .'in :i 215.5 221.7 234.0 246.3 2.YS.U 1 197.7 204.6 211.4 204.1 211.1 218.2 210.5 217.8 225.0 216.9 224.3 231.8 223.3 229.6 231.0 237.5 238.7 245.5 242.4 255.1 2C.7.9 2.50.7 263.9 277.1 259.1 272.7 i2S6.4 2 218.2 225.2 232.3 239.3 246.3 253.4 267.5 281.5 295.6 Allowances for overweight added to plates 24 inches wide and upwards, according to Manufacturers' Standard Specifications on page 191. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 235 WEIGHTS OF ROLLED STEEL PLATES WIDTH IN INCHES 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 30.89 32.22 33.7 35.11 36.43 37.84 39.25 40.66 42.06 41.12 43.02 44.88 46.77 48.66 50.51 52.36 54.21 56.10 50.46 52.79 55.13 57.37 59.66 61.95 64.27 66.53 68.86 60.05 62.82 65.43 68.22 70.96 73.7 76.44 79.18 81.92 69.37 72.58 75.73 78.86 82.01 ! 85.16 88.3 91.46 94.64 78.54 82.11 85.68 89.25 92.82 96.43 99.96 103.5 107.1 87.88 91.96 95.97 99.9 103.9 107.9 111.9 116.0 120.0 97.26 101.7 105.1 110.5 114.9 1119.3 123.7 128.1 132.6 106.4 111.3 116.2 121.0 125.8 |130.6 135.5 140.3 145.2 116.1 121.4 126.7 132.0 137.3 ! 142.6 147.9 153.1 158.4 . 125.8 131.5 137.2 143.0 148.7 154.4 160.1 165.8 171.5 135.5 141.7 147.8 154.0 160.1 166.3 172 4 178.6 184.7 145.2 154.8 151.8 161.9 158.4 168.9 164.9 176.0 171.6 178.2 183.0 190.0 184.8 197.1 191.4 204.1 198.0 211.1 164.6 172.0 179.5 187.0 194.4 201.9 209.3 216.8 224 3 174.2 182.1 190.0 198.0 205.8 1213.8 221.7 229.6 237.5 183.9 192.3 200.6 208.9 217.3 225.7 234.0 242.4 250.7 193.6 202.4 211.1 219.9 228.8 237.6 246.3 255.1 264.0 203.2 212.5 221.7 230.9 240.2 249.4 258.6 267.9 277.2 212.9 222.6 232.4 241.9 251.6 261.3 271.0 280.7 290.3 222.6 232.7 242.8 253.0 263.1 273.2 283.3 i293.4 303.5 232.3 242.8 253.8 263.9 274.5 285. 1 295.6 306.2 316.7 241.9 252.9 263.9 274.9 285.9 296.9 307.9 318.9 329.9 251.6 263.1 274. 5 285.9 297.4 308.8 320.2 331.7 343.1 261.3 273.2 285.0 296.9 308.8 320.7 332.6 344.4 356.3 271.0 283.3 295.6 307.9 320.2 332.6 344.9 357.2 369.5 280.7 293.4 306.1 318.9 331.7 344.4 357.2 370.0 382.7 290.3 303.5 316.7 329.9 343.1 356.3 369.5 382.7 385.9 300.0 313.6 326.3 340.9 354.5 368.2 381.8 395.5 409.1 309.7 323.8 337.8 351.0 366.0 380.1 394.1 408.2 422.3 Allowances for overweight added to plates 24 inches wide and upwards, according to Manufacturers' Standard Specifications on page 191. 236 JONES & LAUGHL IN STEEL CO. RADII OF GYRATION Two Equal Legged Angles Star Section I '"" \ \J i'ig xir IT iitt I./' kx. i f J "T* X Radii corresponding to direction of arrows bub, Inches Inches Area 2 Angles \\ cljilit per Ft. 2 Angles ''o '* r, 2 X2 K 1.88 6.4 .75 .96 1.12 tk 2.30 8.0 .74 .97 1.15 % 2.72 9.4 .73 .99 1.17 y* 3.12 10.6 .72 1.00 1.20 2^X2^ y 2.38 8.2 .96 .16 .32 ~fs 2.94 10.0 .95 .17 .35 % 3.46 11.8 .94 .18 .38 A 4.00 13.6 .93 .20 .41 y* 4.50 15.4 .92 .21 .43 3 X3 M 2.88 9.8 1.17 .36 .52 A 3.56 12.2 .16 .37 .55 H 4.22 14.4 .14 .38 .59 4.86 16.6 .13 .39 .61 % 5.50 18.8 .12 .40 .64 & 6.12 20.8 .11 .42 1.67 y% 6.72 23.0 .10 1.43 1.70 3^X3^ \i 3.38 11.6 .37 1.56 1.72 JL 4.18 14.4 .36 1.57 1.75 8 4.96 17.0 .35 1.58 .78 5.74 19.6 .34 1.59 .81 y& 6.50 22.2 .32 1.60 .84 X 7.24 24.8 .31 1.62 .87 H 7.96 27.2 .30 1.63 .90 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 237 RADII OF GYRATION Two Equal Legged Angles Star Section "A - -- * x i N ^ " ^is Tic Plate / ^ s ? "~/ r *\ Radii corresponding to direction of arrows b x b, Inches t Inches Area 2 Angles Weight per Ft. 2 Angles r '. r, 4X4 .ft 4.80 16.4 .57 1.78 1.96 | 5.72 19.6 .55 1.79 1.98 6.62 22.6 .54 1.80 2.01 &j 7.50 25.6 .53 1.81 2.04 ft 8.36 28.6 .51 1.82 2.07 H 9.22 31.4 .50 1.83 2.10 H 10.06 34.2 .49 1.84 2.13 M 10.88 37.0 .48 1.85 2.16 5X5 % 7.22 24.6 .96 2.19 2.39 A 8.36 28.6 .95 2.20 2.42 9.50 32.4 .94 2.21 2.45 1% 10.62 36.2 .92 2.22 2.47 % 11.72 40.0 .91 2.23 2.50 I 12.82 13.88 43.6 47.2 .90 .89 2.24 2.25 2.53 2.56 if 14.94 50.8 .88 2.26 2.59 15.98 54.4 .86 2.27 2.62 238 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. RADII OF GYRATION Two Equal Legged Angles Star Section T --4- X Tie Plate X J Kj ~^~ ; '/ X 'F * Radii corresponding to direction of arrows b x b t Inches Inches Area Weight 2 Angles P es " ^ r,- 6X6 v% 8.72 29.8 2.36 2.59 2.80 A 10.12 34.4 2.35 2.60 2.82 L 11.50 39.2 2.34 2.61 2.85 A 12.86 43.8 2.33 2.63 2.88 % 14.22 48.4 2.32 2.64 2.91 ii 15.56 53.0 2.31 2.65 2.94 M 16.88 57.4 2.30 2.66 2.96 it 18.18 62.0 2.28 2.67 2.99 % 19.48 66.2 2.27 2.68 3.02 8X8 K 15.50 52.8 3.16 3.42 JL 17.36 59.2 3.15 3.43 y* 19.22 65.4 3.14 3.44 ii 21.06 71.6 3.12 3.45 % 22.88 77.8 3.11 3.46 it 24.68 84.0 3.10 3.48 V% 26.46 90.0 3.09 3.49 it 28.24 96.2 3.08 3.50 1 30.00 102.0 3.06 3.51 Ithi 31.74 108.0 3.05 3.52 IY * 33.46 113.8 3.04 3.53 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 239 METRIC CONVERSION TABLE Arranged by C. W. Hunt, New York Millimetres X .03937 = inches. Millimetres -r- 25. 4 = inches Centimetres X . 3937 = inches. Centimetres -r- 2. 54 = inches. Metres X 39. 37 = inches. (Act Congress.) Metres X 3.281 = feet. Metres X 1-094 = yards. Kilometres X . 621 = miles. Kilometres -v- 1.6093= miles. Kilometres X 3280.8693 = feet. Square millimetres X .00155 = square inches. Square millimetres -=- 645. 1 = square inches. Square centimetres X . 155 = square inches. Square centimetres H- 6. 451 square inches. Square metres X 10.764 = square feet. Square kilometres X 247. 1 = acres. Hectare X 2.471 = acres. Cubic centimetres -f- 16.383 = cubic inches. Cubic centimetres * 3. 69 = fluid drams (U. S. Phar.). Cubic centimetres + 29.57 = fluid ounce (U. S. Phar.). Cubic metres X 35.315 = cubic feet. Cubic metres X 1 . 308 = cubic yards. Cubic metres X 264.2 = gallons (231. cubic inches). Litres X 61.022 = cubic inches (Act Congress). Litres X 33.84= fluid ounces (U. S. Phar.). Litres X .2642 = gallons (231. cubic inches). Litres -r- 3. 78 = gallons (231. cubic inches) Litres * 28. 316 = cubic feet. Hectolitres X 3.531 = cubic feet. Hectolitres X 2.84 = bushels (2150. 42 cubic inches). Hectolitres X 131 = cubic yards. Hectolitres X 26.42 = gallons (231. cubic inches). Grammes X 15.432 = grains (Act Congress). Grammes -^ 981. = dynes. Grammes (water) -r- 29.57 = fluid ounces. Grammes H- 28.35= ounces avoirdupois. Grammes per cubic centimetre -r- 27.7 = pounds per cubic inch. Joule X .7373= foot pounds. Kilo-grammes X 2.2046 = pounds. Kilo-grammes X 35.3 = ounces avoirdupois. Kilo-grammes + 907.2 = tons (2000 pounds). Kilo-grammes per square centimetreX 14.223= pounds per square inch. Kilo-gram-metres X 7.233 = foot pounds. Kilo-grammes per metre X . 672 = pounds per foot. Kilo-grammes per cubic metre X.062 = pounds per cubic foot. Kilo-grommes per cheval X 2.235 = pounds per horse-power. Kilo-watts X 1.34 = horse-power. Watts -r- 746. = horse-power. Watts X . 7373 = foot pounds per second. Calorie X 3.968 = B. T. U. Cheval vapeur X .9863 = horse-power. (Centigrade X 1.8) + 32 = degrees Fahrenheit. Franc X . 193 = dollars. Gravity Paris = 980.94 centimetres per second. Tonneau X 1. 1023 = tons (2000 pounds). 240 JON E S & LA UG H LI N ST E E L CO. AREAS OF ANGLES AND PLATES Plate and Angle Columns si S AREA AREA I w 2 o AREA 13-iNCH PLATE 14-iNCH PLATE v> *-* l-l < s W i u < fc <-> ^ j" == H H 2 Angles 4 Angles 1 Plate 2 Plates 1 Plate 2 Plates Kg 38 C/5 S ^ 6X6 8.72 17.44 4.88 9.76 5.25 10.50 y* 10.12 20.24 5.69 11.38 6.13 12.26 * S 11.50 23.00 6.50 13.00 7.00 14.00 A 12.88 25.76 7.31 14.62 7.88 15.76 A % 14.22 28.44 8.13 16.26 8.75 17.50 5 /8 tt 15.56 31.12 8.94 17.88 9.63 19.26 tt 16.88 33.76 9.75 19.50 10.50 21.00 s/A. 13 16 18.18 36.36 10.56 21.12 11.38 22.76 tt % 19.48 38.96 11.38 22.76 12.25 24.50 H tt 20.76 41.52 12.19 24.38 13.13 26.26 tt 22.00 44.00 13.00 26.00 14.00 28.00 *iS S S AREA AREA x og II l| AREA 13-iNCH PLATE 12-iNCH PLATE 83 2 .* u < M 1 "" 2 Angles 4 Angles 1 Plate 2 Plates 1 Plate 2 Plates ^ J X ^ 6X4 7.22 14.44 4.88 9.76 4.50 9.00 */8 "A or 8.38 16.76 5.69 11.38 5.25 10.50 A /^ 5X5 9.50 19.00 6.50 13.00 6.00 12.00 l /2 A 10.62 21.24 7.31 14.62 6.75 13.50 A ^ 11.72 23.44 8.13 16.26 7.50 15.00 tt 12.82 25.64 8.94 17.88 8.25 16.50 tt 13.88 27.76 9.75 19.50 9.00 18.00 M tt 14.94 29.88 10.56 21.12 9.75 19.50 tt /B 15.98 31.96 11.38 22.76 10.50 21.00 H tt 17.00 34.00 12.19 24.38 11.25 22.50 tt 1 18.00 36.00 13.00 26.00 12.00 24.00 1 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 241 AREAS OF ANGLES AND PLATES Plate and Angle Columns 8 S 9 AREA AREA 12-iNCH PLATE AREA 13-iNCH PLATE X y,z H'I-H 'f. ., < x w 1 - 1 U < 82 u < u N 2 Angles 4 Angles 1 Plate 2 Plates 1 Plate 2 Plates "SB Qj ^s X 6X3^ 6.86 13.78 4.50 9.00 4.88 9.76 V lo 7.94 15.88 5.25 10.50 5.69 11.38 A 9.00 18.00 6.00 12.00 6.50 13.00 1^ A 10.06 20.12 6.75 13.50 7.31 14.62 A /% 11.10 22.20 7.50 15.00 8.13 16.26 5^ tt 12.12 24.24 8.25 16.50 8.94 17.88 H M 13.14 26.28 9.00 18.00 9.75 19.50 % if 14.12 28.24 9.75 19.50 10.56 21.12 if J^ 15.10 30.20 10.50 21.00 11.38 22.76 T/Z if 16.06 32.12 11.25 22.50 12.19 24.38 if l 17.00 34.00 12.00 24.00 13.00 26.00 1 o x u > < a ] AREA AREA 10-iNCH PLATE AREA 12-iNCH PLATE a a i i * J~ u < gjs 1 u < H "^ 2 Angles 4 Angles 1 Plate 2 Plates 1 Plate 2 Plates A 5X3^ 5.12 10.24 3.13 6.26 3.75 7.50 A iMJ 6.10 12.20 3.75 7.50 4.50 9.00 A 7.06 14.12 4.38 8.76 5.25 10.50 A /^ 8.00 16.00 5.00 10.00 6.00 12.00 9 8.94 17.88 5.63 11.26 6.75 13.50 A y 9.86 19.72 6.25 12.50 7.50 15.00 n 1 10.76 11.64 21.52 23.28 6.88 7.50 13.76 15.00 8.25 9.00 16.50 18.00 g | 12.50 13.36 25.00 26.72 8.13 8.75 16.26 17.50 9.75 10.50 19.50 21.00 \ 14.18 28.36 9.38 18.76 11.25 22.50 15 ' 242 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. AREAS OF ANGLES AND PLATES Plate and Angle Columns si tt. U la SIZE OF i- S< ANGLES INCHES X J 1" * 2 Angles 4 Angles 1 Plate 2 Plates IPlate 2 Plates -H A 4X3 4.18 8.36 2.50 5.00 3.13 6.26 A % or 4.98 9.96 3.00 6.00 3.75 7.50 /% A 3^X3^ 5.76 11.52 3.50 7.0014.38 8.76 /^ 6. ,50 13.00 4.00 S.OOiS.OO 10.00 y> A 7.26,14.52 4.50 9.00 5.63 11.26 A 5^ 7.98 15.96 5.00 10.00 6.25 12.50 y 8 n 8.68 17.36i 5.50 11.00 6.88 13.76 H 3/ 9.38:18.76! 6.00 12.00 7.50 15.00 M 1 10.06 10.72 20.12 6.50 21.44 7.00 13.00 14.00 8.13 8.75 16.26 17.50 r JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 243 AREAS OF ANGLES AND PLATES Plate and Angle Columns ^ AREA AREA, S-INCH PLATE AREA, 10-INCH PLATE tn i M X (f u K SIZE OF 'jt J U < INCHES X - U < 2 Angles 4Angles 1 Plate 2 Plates 1 Plate 2 Plates A 33^X3 3.88 7.76 2.50 5.00 3.13 6.26 A 3 /8 4.60 9.20 3.00 6.00 3.75 7.50 14 5.32 10.64 3.50 7.00 4.38 8.76 ^2 6.00 12.00 4.00 8.00 5.00 10.00 i^ ft 6.68 13.36 4.50 9.00 5.63 11.26 ft y% 7.36 14.72 5.00 10.00 6.25 12.50 5^ H 8.00 16.00 5.50 11.00 6.88 13.76 H 3 /r 8.64 17.28 6.00 12.00 7.50 15.00 3^ p 9.26 18.52 6.50 13.00 8.13 16.26 ^ Y* 9.86 19.72 7.00 14.00 8.75 17.50 7/8 X tj- i-> AREA AREA, S-INCH PLATE AREA, IO-INCH PLATE $ (J la SIZE OF a ^ *-' vJ < INCHES B'f $ 2 Angles 4Angles 1 Plate 2 Plates 1 Plate 2 Plates y 3 y 2 X2y 2 2.88 5.76 2.00 4.00 2.50 5.00 M A or 3.56 7.12 2.50 5.00 3.13! 6.26 A 3X3 4.22 i 8.44 3.00 6.00 3.75 7.50 fa ft 4.88 i 9.76 3.50 7.00|4.38 8.76 ft Ml 5.50 11.00 4.00 8.00 5.00 10.00 i^ ft 6.12 12.24 4.50 9.00 5.63 11.26 ft 6.72 13.44 5.00 10.00 6.25 12.50 H 7.32 14.64 5.50 11.00 6.88 13.76 H X 7.88 15.76 6.00 12.00 7.50 15.00 K 244 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. AREAS OF ANGLES AND PLATES Plate and Angle Columns s! if u AREA AREA, G-INCH PLATE AREA, S-INCH PLATE I / - 13 SIZE OF f. z ta 2 .. ANGLES INCHES P <~ Ij 2 Angles 4 Angles 1 Plate 2 Plates 1 Plate 2 Plates ^ M 3v/ O1 / X^/^2 2.64 5.28 1.50 3.00 2.00 4.00 X A 3.26 6.52 1.88 3.76 2.50 5.00 TIT % 3.86 7.72 2.25 4.50 3.00 6.00 fi 7 4.44 8.88 2.63 5.26 3.50 7.00 A /4 5.00 10.00 3.00 6.00 4.00 8.00 1 S I 5.56 6.10 11.12 12.20 3.38 3.75 6.76 7.50 4.50 5.00 9.00 10.00 i H 2^X2^ 2.38 4.76 1.50 3.00 2.00 4.00 y\ 2.94 5.88 1.88 3.76 2.50 5.00 A % 3.48 6.96 2.25 4.50 3.00 6.00 A 4.00 8.00 2.63 5.26 3.50 7.00 A LZ 4.50 9.00 3.00 6.00 4.00 8.00 /^ A 5.00 10.00 3.38 6.76 4.50 9.00 A M Ol / v/ O ^ZijX ^ 2.14 4.28 1.50 3.00 2.00 4.00 M A 2.62 5.24 1.88 3.76 2.50 5.00 A 3^ 3.10 6.20 2.25 4.50 3.00 6.00 A 3.56 7.12 2.63 5.26 3.50 7.00 A M 4.00 8.00 3.00 6.00 4.00 8.00 A 4.44 8.88 3.38 6.76 4.50 9.00 A JONES & LA UGHLIN STEEL CO. 245 LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS No. 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 1 2 0086 3 0128 0531 0899 1239 1553 1847 2122 2380 2625 2856 4 5 6 0253 7 0294 0682 1038 1367 1673 1959 2227 2480 2718 2945 3160 8 0334 9 0374 Diff. 40 0000 0043 0453 0828 1173 1492 1790 2068 2330 2577 2810 0170 0569 0934 1271 1584 1875 2148 2405 2648 2878 0212 0607 0969 1303 1614 1903 2175 2430 2672 2900 0414 0792 1139 1461 1761 2041 2304 2553 2788 0492 0864 1206 1523 1818 2095 2355 2601 2833 0645 1004 1335 1644 1931 2201 2455 2695 2923 3139 0719 1072 1399 1703 1987 2253 2504 2742 2967 0755 1106 1430 1732 2014 2279 2529 2765 2989 37 33 31 29 27 25 24 23 21 ~2T 20 19 18 17 17 16 16 15 14 3010 3222 3424 3617 3802 3979 4150 4314 4472 4624 3032 3243 3444 3636 3820 3997 4166 4330 4487 4639 3054 3075 3096 31 IS 3181 3201 3263 3464 3655 3838 4014 4183 4346 4502 4654 4800 32843304 3483 3502 3674 3692 3856 3874 4031 4048 42004216 43624378 45184533 46694683 3324 3522 ; 3711 3892 4065 4232 4393 4548 4698 4843 4983 5119 5250 5378 5502 5623 5740 5855 ,5966 3345 3541 3729 3909 4082 4249 4409 4564 4713 3365 3560 3747 3927 4099 4265 4425 4579 4728 3385 3579 3766 3945 4116 4281 4440 4594 4742 3404 3598 3784 3962 4133 4298 4456 4609 4757 4771 4786 48144829 4857 4997 5132 5263 5391 5144 5635 5752 5866 5977 4871 5011 5145 5276 5403 5527 5647 5763 5877 5988 4886 5024 5159 5289 5416 5539 5658 5775 5888 5999 49CO 5038 5172 5302 5428 5551 5670 5786 5899 6010 9 14 4914 5051 5185 5315 5441 5563 5682 5798 5911 4928 5065 5198 5328 5453 5575 5694 5809 5922 4942 5079 5211 5340 5465 5587 5705 5821 5933 4955 5092 5224 5353 5478 5599 5717 5832 5944 4969 5105 5237 5366 5490 5611 5729 5843 5955 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12 11 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Diff. 24C JONES & LA UG H L I N STEEL CO. LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS No. 40 41 42 43 12314 6021 6031 6042 6053 6064 5 16075 6 7 8 9 6117 Diff. 608560966107 i 11 61286138614961606170 6232 6243 6253 6263 6274 6335 6345 6355 6365 6375 61806191620162126222 10 62846294630463146325 10 63856395640564156425 10 44 64356444645464646474 45 65326542655165616571 46 66286637664666566665 6484 6493 6503 6513 6522 65806590659966096618 6675 6684 6693 6702 6712 10 10 9 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 67216730673967496758 6812 6821 6830 6839 6848 6902 6911 6920 6928 6937 6767 6776 6785 6794 6803 6857 6866 6875 6884 6893 69466955696469726981 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 6990 6998 7007 7016 7024 70767084709371017110 7160 7168 7177 7185 7193 7243 7251 7259 7267 7275 70337042 7050 7059 7067 71187126 7202 7210 7284 7292 7135 7143 7152 7218 7226 7235 730073087316 54 55 56 7324 7332 7340 7348 7356, 7404 7412 7419 7427 7435 7482i7490 749717505 7513 J7364 7372 7443 7451 75207528 7380 7388 7396 7459 7466 7474 7536 7543 7551 8 8 8 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 7559 7566 7574 7582 7589 7634 7642 7649 7657 7664 7709 7716 7723 7731 7738 75977604761276197627 7672 7679 7686 7694 7701 7745 7752 7760 7767 7774 7 8 8 7 7 6 7 7782 7789 7796 7803 7810 7818 7825 7832 7839 7846 78537860786878757882 79247931793879457952 7993:8000800780148021 7889 7896 7903 7910 7917 7959 7966 7973 7980 7987 8028 8035 8041 8048 8055 64 65 66 8062 8069 8075 8082 8089 8129 8136 8142 8149 8156 81958202820982158222 80968102810981168122 81628169817681828189 82288235824182488254 7 6 7 67 68 69 8261 8267 8274 8280 8287 8325 8331 8338 8344 8351 8388 8395 8401 8407 8414 8293 8299 8306 8312 8319 8357 8363 8370 8376 8382 8420 8426 8432 8439 8445 6 6 6 Diff. No. 01234 & 6 7 8 9 JONES & LA UGHLIN STEE L CO. 247 LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS No. 70 71 72 73 1 A 8463 _L 8470 4 5 6 8488 8549 8609 8669 7 8 9, Diff. 7 6 6 6 8451 8457 8476 8482 8494 8500 8561 8621 8681 8506 8567 8627 8686 8513 8519 8573 8579 8633 8639 8525^531 8585 8591 8645 8651 8537 8597 8657 8543 '8603 8663 8555 8615 8675 74 75 76 8692 8698 8704 8710 8716 8751 8756 8762 8768 8774 8808 8814 8820 8825 8831 8722 8727 8733 8739 8745 8779 8785 8791 8797 8802 8837 8842 8848 8854 8859 6 6 6 77 78 79 88658871887688828887 89218927893289388943 89768982898789938998 8893 8899 8904 8910 8949,8954 8960 8965 9004 9009 9015 9020 8915 8971 9025 6 5 6 80 81 82 83 9031 9036 9042 90479053 9058 9063 9069;9074 9079 6 5 5 5 9085 9090 9096 9101 9106 91389143914991549159 9191 9196 9201 9206 9212 91129117912291289133 9165 9170 9175 9180 9186 9217 9222 9227 9232 9238 84 85 86 9243 9248 9253 9258 9263 9269 9274 9279 9284 9289 5 9294 9299 9304 9309 9315 9320 9325 9330 9335 9340 5 9345 9350 9355 9360 9365 9370 9375 9380 9385 9390 5 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 9395 9400 9405 9410 9415 9445 9450 9455 9460 9465 9494 9499 9504 9509 9513 9420 9469 9518 9425 9430 9435 9474 9479 9484 9523 9528 9533 9440 9489 9538 5 5 4 4 5 5 4 95429547 9552 9557 9562 9566 9571 9576 19581 9586 9633 9680 9727 9590 9595 9600 9605 9609 9638 9643 9647 9652 9657 9685 9689 9694 9699 9703 9614 9661 ;9708 9619 9624 9628 9666 9671 9675 9713 9717 9722 94 95 96 97 98 99 9731 9736 9741 9745 9750 9777 9782 9786 9791 9795 9823 9827 9832 9836 9841 9868J 9872: 9877 9881 9886 9912 9917 9921 9926 9930 99569961996599699974 9754 9800 9845 9890 9934 9978 5 9759 9763 9768 9805 9809 9814 98509854 : 9859 9894 9899 9903 9939 9943; 9948 9983 9987 9991 9773 9818 9863 9908 9952 9996 4 5 5 4 4 4 No. 1 2 3 4 6 | 7 8 9 Diff. 248 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. NATURAL SINES, TANGENTS AND SECANTS Advancing by 10 Minutes O DEGREES MINUTES! M 2 c/5 TANGENT SECANT 01 DEGREES . 50 00 .7660 1.1918 1.5557 55 00 .8192 .4281 1.7434 10 .7679 1.19881.561111 10 .8208 .4370 1.7507 20 .7698 1.2059 1.5666 20 .8225 .4460 1.7581 30 .7716 1.2131 1.5721 30 .8241 .4550 1.7655 40 .7735 1.2203 1.5777 40 .8258 .4641 1.7730 50 .7753 1.2276 1.5833 50 .8274 .4733 1.7806 51 00 .7771 1.2349 1.5890 56 00 .8290 1.4826 1.7883 10 .7790 1.2423 1.5948 10 .8307*1.4919 1.7960 20 .7808 1.24971.6005 20 .8323 ! 1.6013" 1,8039 30 .7826 1.2572 1.6064 30 .83391.51081.8118 40 .7844 1.2647 1-.6123 40 .8355! 1.5204 1.8198 50 .7862 1.2723 1.6183 50 .8371 1.5301 1.8279 52 00 .7880 .27991.6243 57 00 .83871.5399 1.8361 10 .7898 .28761.6303 10 .8403 1.5497 1.8443 20 .7916 .2954 1.6365 20 .8418 1.5597 1.8527 i30 .7934 .3032 1.6427 30 .8434 1.5697 1.8612 40 .7951 .3111 1.6489 40 .8450 1.5798 1.8699 50 .7969 1.31901.6553 50 .8465 1.5900 1.8783 53 00 .7986 1.32701.6616 58 00 .8480 1.6003 1.8871 10 .8004 1.3352 1.6681 10 .8496 1.6107 1.8959 20 .8021 1.3432 1.6746 20 .8511 1.6213 1.9048 30 .8039 .3514 1.6812 30 .8526 1.6319 1.9139 40 \ .8056 .3597 1.6878 40 .8542 1.6426 1.9230 50 .8073 .3680 1.6945 50 .8557 1.6534 1.9323 54 00 .8090 .3764 1.7013 59 00 .8572 1.6643 1.9416 10 .8107 .3848 1.7081i 10 .8587 1.6753 1.9511 20 .8124 .3934 1.7151 20 .8601 1.6864 1.9606 30 .8141 .4019 1.7221 30 .8616J 1.6977 1.9703 40 .8158 .4106 1.7291 40 .8631 1.7090 1.9801 50 .8175 1.4193 1.7362 50 .8646 1.7205 1.9900 254 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. NATURAL SINES, TANGENTS AND SECANTS Advancing by 10 Minutes 1 INUTKS E M H I < 1 INUTES H 1 H Z 3 z H Z < fl S3 H C/3 (5 ss H C/D 60 00 .8660 1.7321 2.0000 65 00 .9063 2.1445 2.3662 10 .8675 1.74372.0101 10 .9075 2.1609 2.3811 20 .8689 1.75562.0204 20 .9088 2.1775,2.3961 30 .8704 .7675 2.0308 30 .9100 2.1943 2.4114 40 .8718 .77962.0413 40 .9112 2.2113 2.4269 50 .8732 .79172.0519 50 .9124 2.2286 2.4426 61 00 .8746 .80402.0627 66 00 .9135 2.2460 2.4586 10 .8760 .81652.0736 10 .9147 2.2637 2.4748 20 .8774 .8291 2.0846 20 .9159 2.2817 2.4912 30 .8788 .84182.0957 30 .9171 2.2998 2.5078 40 .8802 .85462.1070 40 .9182 2.3183 2.5247 50 .8816 .8676 2.1185 50 .9194 2.3369 2.5419 62 00 .8829 1.8807 2.1301 67 00 .9205 2.3559 2.5593 10 .8843 1.89402.1418 10 .9216 2.3750 2.5770 20 .8857 1.90742.1537 20 .9228 2.3945 2.5949 30 .8870 1.92102.1657 30 .9239 2.4141 2.6131 40 .8884 1.93472.1786 40 .9250 2.4342 2.6316 50 .8897 1.94862.1902 50 .9261 2.4545 2.6504 63 00 .8910 1.96262.2027 68 00 .9272 2.4751 2.6695 10 .8923 1.97682.2153 10 .9283 2.4960 2.6888 20 .8936 1.99122.2282 20 .9293 2.5172 2.7085 30 .8949 2.00572.2412 30 .9304 2.5386 2 . 7285 40 .8962 2.0204,2.2543 40 .9315 2.5605 2.7488 50 .8975 2.03532.2677 50 .9325 2.5826 2.7695 64 00 .8988 2.05032.2812 69 00 .9336 2.6051 2.7904 10 .9001 2.06552.2949 10 .9346 2.6279 2.8117 | 20 .9013 2.08092.3088 20 .9356 2.6511 2.8334 30 .9026 2.09652.3228 30 .9367 2.6746 2.8555 40 .9038 2.11232.3371 40 .9377 2.6985 2.8779 50 .9051 2.12832.3515 50 .9387 2.7228 2.9006 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 255 NATURAL SINES, TANGENTS AND SECANTS Advancing by 10 Minutes 8 M H w H 2 H z V) Id W in H H M H 2 H Z 8 p 2 2 CO I i i o w D 2 2 c/3 9 2 < I Q S < H c/) P i C/3 70 00 .9397 2.7475 2.9238 75 00 .9659 3.7321 3.8637 10 .9407 2.7725 2.9474 10 .9667 3.7760 3.9061 20 .9417 2.7980 2.9713 20 .9674 3.8208 3.9495 30 .9426 2.8239 2.9957 30 .9681 3.8667 3.9939 40 .9436 2.85023.0206 40 .9689 3.9136 4.0394 50 .9446 2.8770 3.0458 50 .9696 3.9617 4.0859 71 00 .9455 2.9042 3.0716 76 00 .9703 4.0108 4.1336 10 .9465 2.93193.0977 10 .9710 4.0611 4.1824 20 .9474 2.9600 3.1244 20 .9717 4.1126 4.2324 30 .9483 2.9887 3.1515 30 .9724 4.1653 4.2837 40 .9492 3.01783.1792 40 .9730 4.2193 4.3362 50 .9502 3.04753.2074 50 .9737 4.2747 4.3901 72 00 .9511 3.0777 3.2361 77 00 .9744 4.3315 4.4454 10 .9520 3.10843.2653 10 .9750 4.3897 4.5022 20 .9528 3.1397 3.2951 20 .9757 4.4494 4.5604 30 .9537 3.1716 3.3255 30 .9763 4.5107 4.6202 40 .9546 3.2041 3.3565 40 .9769 4.5736 4.6817 50 .9555 3.2371 3.3881 50 .9775 4.6382 4.7448 73 00 .9563 3.2709 3.4203 78 00 .9781 4.7046 4.8097 10 .9572 3.30523.4532 10 .9787 4.7729 4.8765 20 .9580 3.3402 3.4867 20 .9793 4.8430 4.9452 30 .9588 3.3759 3.5209 30 .9799 4.9152 5.0159 40 ! .9596 3.41243. 5559 40 . 9805 4 . 9894 5.0886 50 .9605 3.4495 3.5915 50 .98115.0658 5.1636 74 00 10 20 .9613 .9621 .9628 3.48743.6280 3.52613.6652 3.56563.7032 79 00 10 20 .9816 .9822 .9827 5.1446 5.2257 5.3093 5.2408 5.3205 5.4026 30 .9636 3.60593.7420 30 .9833 5.3955 5.4874 40 .9644 3.64703.7817 40 .9838^5.4845 5.5749 50 .9652 3.6891 3.8222 50 .9843 15.5764 5.6653 1 256 J O N E S & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. NATURAL SINES, TANGENTS AND SECANTS Advancing by 10 Minutes 9 B B D M z 1 $ 1 X /. - M z \ O z Q Z c/5 z 1 O M Q y & z H 1 80 00 .9848 5.6713 5.7588! 85 00 .9962 11.430 11.474 10 .9853 5.7694 5.8554 10 .9964 11.826 11.868 ' 20 .9858 5.8708 5.9554 20 .9967 12.251 12.291 30 .9863 5.9758 6.0589 30 .9969 12.706 12.745 40 .9868 6.0844 6.1661 40 .9971 13.197 13.235 50 .9872 6.1970 6.2772 50 .9974 13.727 13.763 81 00 .9877 6.3138 6.3925 86 00 .9976 14.301 14.336 10 .9881 6.4348 6.5121 10 .9978 14.924 14.958 20 .9886 6.5606 6.6363 20 .9980 15.605 15.637 30 .9890 6.6912 6.7655 30 .9981 16.350 16.380 40S.9894 6.8269 6.8998 40 .9983 17.169 17.198 50 .9899 6.9682 7.0396 50 .9985 18.075 18.103 82 00 .9903 7.1154 7.1853 87 00 .9986 19.081 19.107 10 .9907 7.2687 7.3372 10 .9988 20.206 20.230 20 .9911 7.4287 7.4957 20 .9989 21.470 21.494 30 .9914 7.5958 7.6613 30 .9990 22.904 22.926 40 .9918 7.7704 7.8344 40 .9992 24.542 24.562 50 .9922 7.9530 8.0156 50 .9993 26.432 26.451 83 00 .9925 8.1443 8.2055 88 00 .9994 28.636 28.654 10 .9929 8.3450 8.4047 10 .9995 31.242 31.258 20 .9932 8.5555 ; 8.6138 20 .9996 34.368 34.382 30 .9936 8.7769 1 8.8337 30 .9997 38.188 38.202 40 .9939 9.0098 9.0652 40 .9997 42.964 42.976 50 .9942 9.2553 9.3092 50 .9998 49.104 49.114 84 00 .9945 9.5144 9.5668 89 00 .9998 57.290 57.299 10 .9948 9.7882 9.8391 10 .9999 68.750 68.757 20 .9951 10.0780 10.1275 20 .9999 85.940 85.946 30 .9954 10.3854 10.4334 30 1.0000 114.589114.593 40 .9957 10.711910.7585 401.0000 171.885 171.888 50 .9959 11.059411.1045 50 j 1 . 0000 343 . 774 343 . 775 90 00|1.0000i infinite Infinite JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 257 SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS AND CUBE ROOTS H H c/a M | a c/5 M M a M ZC ?* < o - ~ w M i 3 < o X 1 D o P d* p 55 I D o !* D 1 1 1 1.000 .000 51 2601 132 651 7.141 3.708 2 4 8 1.414 .260 52 2704 140608 7.211 3.733 3 9 27 1.732 .442 53 2809 148 877 7.280 3.756 4 16 64 2.000 .587 54 2916 157 464 7.349 3.780 5 25 125 2.236 .710 55 3025 166 375 7.416 3.803 6 36 216 2.449 1.817 56 3130 175 616 7.483 3.826 7 49 343 2.646 1.913 57 3249 185 193 7.550 3.849 8 64 512 2.828 2.000 | 58 3364 195 112 7.616 3.871 9 81 729 3.000 2.080 I 59 3481 205 379 7.681 3.893 10 100 1 000 3. 162 2.154 00 3600 216000 7.746 3.915 11 121 1331 3.317 2.224 61 3721 226 981 7.810 3.937 12 144 1728 3.464 2.289 1 62 3844 238 328 7.874 3.958 13 169 2^197 3.606 2.351 63 3969 250047 7.937 3.979 14 196 2744 3.742 2.410 64 4096 262 144 8.000 4.000 15 225 3375 3.873 2.466 1 65 4225 274 625 8.062 4.021 16 ! 256 4096 4.000 2.520 66 43 56 287 496 8.124 4.041 17 289 4913 4.123 2.571 67 4489 300763 8.185 4.062 18 324 5832 4.243 2.621 l 68 4624 314 432 8.246 4.0S2 19 361 6859 4.359 2.668 69 4761 328 509 8.307 4.102 20 400 8000 4.472 2.714 70 4900 343000 8.367 4.121 21 441 9261 4.583 2.759 71 5041 3579111 8.426 4.141 22 484 10648 4.690 2.802 72 5184 373 248 8.485 4.160 23 529 12 167 4.796 ^2.844 jj 73 5329 389 017 8.544 4.179 24 576 13824 4.899 12.885 74 5476 405 224 8.602 4.198 25 625 15625 5.000 2.924 ,! 75 5625 421 875 8.660 4.217 26 676 17576 5.099 2.063 76 5776 438976! 8.718 4.236 27 729 19683 5.196 3.000 77 5929 456 533 8.775 4.254 28 784 21952 5.292 3.037 78 6084 474 552 8.832 4.273 29 841 24389 5.385 3.072 79 6241 493 039 8.888 4.291 30 ; 900 27000 5.477 3.107 80 6400 512000 8.944 4.309 31 961 29791 5.568 3.141 81 6561 531 441 9.000 4.327 32 I 10 24 32 76S 5.657 3. 175 82 6724 551 368 9.055 4.345 33 10 89 ; 35 937 5.745 3.208 83 68 89 571 787 9.110 4.362 34 1156 39304 5.831 3 240 1 84 7056 592 704 9.165 4.380 35 1225 42875 5.916 3.271 85 7225 614 125 9.220 4.397 36 12 96 46 656 6.000 3.302 86 7396 636 056 9.274 4.414 37 13 69 50 653 6.033 3.332 87 7569 658 503 9.327 4.431 38 14 44 54 872 6.164 3.362 88 7744 681 472 9.3.S1 4.44S 39 15 21 59319 6.245 3.391 89 7921 704 969 9.434 4.465 40 1600 64000 6.325 3.420 90 8100 729000 9.487 4.481 41 1681 68921 6.403 3.448 I! 91 8281 753 571 j 9.539 4.498 42 17 64 74 088 6.481 3.476 92 8464 778688 9.592 4.514 43 18 49 79 507 6.557 3.503 93 8649 804 357 9.644 4. 531 44 19 36 85 184 6.633 3.530 94 8836 830 584 9.695 4.547 45 20 25 91 125 6.708 3.557 95 9025 857 375 1 9.747 4.563 46 21 16 97 336 6.782 3.583 96 92 16 884 736 9.798 4.579 47 22 09 103 823 6.856 3.609 97 9409 912 673 9.849 4.595 48 23 04 1 110 592 6.928 3.634 i 98 9604 941 192 ! 9.900 4.610 49 24 01 117 649 7.000 3.659 99 9801 970 299 9.950 4.626 50 i2500 125000 7. 071 | 3. 684 i ! 100 10000 1000000 10.000 4.642 . 258 JONES & LAUGH LI N STEEL CO. SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS AND CUBE ROOTS I % . M PC i M I I 3 g I 1 II II NUMBE I a P W H - O 3 O 101 10201 1030301 10.04994.6570 151 22801 3442951 12.28825.3251 102 10404 1061208 10.0995 4.6723 152 23104 3511808 12.3288 5.3368 103 10609 1092727 10.14894.6875 153 23409 3 581 577 12.36935.3485 104 10816 1124864 10.19804.7027 154 23716 3 652 264 12.40975.3601 105 11025 1 157 625 10.24704.7177 155 24025 3 723 875 12.4499 5 3717 106 11236 1 191 016 10.29564.7326 156 24336 379641612.49005.3832 107 11449 1 225 043 10.3441 4.7475 157 24649 386989312.53005.3947 108 11664 1 259 712 10.3923 4.7H22 158 24964 3 944 312 12.569S 5.4061 109 11881 1 2l5 02*1 10.44034.7769 159 25281 4 019 679 12.60955.4175 110 12100 1331000 10.48814.7914 160 25600 4 096 000 12.6491 5.4288 111 12321 1367631 10.53574.8059 161 25921 4173281 12.68865.4401 112 12544 1404928 10.58304.8203 162 26244 4 251 528 12.72795.4514 113 12769 1442897 10.6101 4.8346 163 26569 4330747 12.7671 5 4626 114 12996 1481544 10 6771 4.S4SS 164 26896 4 410 944 12.8062 5.4737 115 13225 1520875 10.72384.8629 165 27225 4 492 125 12.84525.4848 116 13456 1560896 10.77034.8770 166 27556 4 574 296 12.8841 5.4959 117 13689 1 601 813 10.8167 4. si) 10 187 27889 4 657 463 12.9228 5.5069 118 13924 1 643 032 I0.8f>284.9049 168 28224 4 741 632 12.96155.5178 119 14161 1685159 io.no.s7 4.'.M.S7 169 28561 4826809 13.0000 5.5288 120 14400 1728000 10.95454.9324 170 28900 4913000 13.03845.5397 121 14641 1771561 11.00004.9461 171 29241 5000211 13.07675.5505 122 14884 1815848 11.04544.9597 172 29584 5 088 448 13.1149 5. 5613 123 15129 1860867 11.0905 4.<>73:> 173 29929 5 177 717 13.1529 5. 5721 124 15376 1 Wii r.24 11. ia55 4. 9866 174 30276 5 268 024 13.19095.5828 125 15625 1 953 125 11.18035.0000 175 30625 535937513.22885.5934 128 1 5876 2000376 11.22505.0133 176 30976 5 451 776 13.26655.6041 127 16129 1? 04S 3x3 11.26945.0265 177 31329 5 545 233 13.3041 5.6147 128 16384 2 097 152 11.3137 5.0397 178 31684 5 639 752 13.3417 5.6252 129 16641 2146689 11.35785.0528 179 32041 5 735 339 13.3791 5.6357 130 16900 2197000 11.40185.0658 180 32400 583200013.41645.6462 131 17160 2248091 11.44555.0788 181 32761 5 929 741 13.45365 6567 132 1 7424 2299968 11.4891 5.0916 182 331 24 6 028 568 13.4907.5.6671 133 17689 2352637 11.53265.1045 183 33489 6 128 487 13.52775.6774 134 17956 2406104 11.5758 5.1172 184 33856 6229504 13.5647 5.6877 135 18225 2 460 375 11.61905.1299 185 34225 6 331 625 13.60155.6980 136 18496 2 515 456 11.66195.1426 186 34596 643485613.63825.7083 137 18769 2 571 353 11.7047 5. 1.551 187 34969 6 539 203 13.6748 5.7185 138 19044 2 628 072 11.74735.1676 188 35344 6644672 13.71135.7287 139 19321 2685619 11.7898 5 1801 189 35721 6 751 269 13.7477 5. 7388 140 19600 2744000 11.83225.1925 190 36100 6 S59 000 13.7840 5. 7489 141 1 98 81 2 803 221 11.87435.2048 191 36481 6 967 871 13.82035.7590 142 201 64 2 863 28S 11.9164 5.2171 192 36864 7 077 S8S 13.8564 5. 7690 143 20449 2 924 207 11.95835.2293 193 37249 7 189 057 13.81)24 5.7790 144 2 07 36 2 985 984 12.0000 5.2415 194 37636 7 301 384 13.9284 5.7890 145 21025 3048625 12.04165.2536 195 38025 7 414 875 13.9642 5. 7989 146 2 13 16 3 112 136 12.08305 2656 196 38416 7 529 536 14.00005.8088 147 21609 3 176 523 12.12445.2776 197 38809 7 645 373 14.0357 5. 8186 148 21904 3 241 792 12. 1655 5.2896 198 39204 7 762 392 14.0712 5.8285 149 22201 3 307 949 12.2066 5.3015 199 39601 7 880 599 14.1067 5.8383 150 22500 3375000 12.24745.3133 200 40000 8000000 14. 1421; 5. 8480 J ONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 259 SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS AND CUBE ROOTS 04 w 1 < i is S8 ' w a H S H 1 I a I* 5* s. I 5 ** 201 40401 8 120 601 14. 1774 5.8578 ! 251 ! 6 30 01 15 813 251 15.8430 6.3080 20240804 824240814.21275.8675 252,6 35 04 16 003 008 15.8745 6.3164 20341209 836542714.2478 5.8771 253 ! 6 40 09 16 194 277(15.9060 6.3247 20441616 848966414.28295.8868 254 6 45 16 16 387 064 15.9374 6.3330 205 4 20 25 8 615 125 14.3178; 5. 8964 255 6 50 25 16 581 375 15.9687 6.3413 206 4 24 36 874181614.35275.9059 256 ! 6 55 36 16 777 216 16. 0000 6.3496 207 4 28 49 8 869 743 14. 3875 5. 9155 257 6 60 49 16 974 593 16.0312 6.3579 208 4 32 64 8998912 14.4222 5.9250 258665641717351216.0624 6. 3661 209 4 36 81 9129329 14.45685.9345 259 6 70 81 17 373 979 16. 0935 6.3743 21044100 926100014.49145.9439 260676001757600016.1245 6.3825 21144521 9393931 14.52585.9533 26168121 17 779 581 16. 1555 6.3907 21244944 9528128 14.56025.9627 262686441798472816.1864 6.3988 213 4 53 69 9663597 14.5945 5.9721 263 6 91 69 18 191 447jl6.2173 6.4070 214 4 57 96 9800344 14.62875.9814 264696961839974416.2481 6.4151 215 4 62 25 993837514.66295.9907 265 7 02 25 18 609 625 i 16 2788 6.4232 216 4 66 56 10 077 696 14. 6969 6.0000 266 7 07 56 18 821 096 16. 3095 6.4312 217 4 70 89 1021831314.7309 G.00!)2 267712891903416316.3401 6.4393 218 4 75 24 10360232 14.76486.0185 268 7 18 24 19 248 832 16. 3707 6.4473 219 4 79 61 1050345914.7986 6.0277 26972361 1946510916.4012 6.4553 220 4 84 00 1064800014.83246.0368 270729001968300016.4317 6.4633 221 4 88 41 10793861 14.8661 6.0459 271 7 34 41 19 902 511 16.4621 6.4713 222 4 92 84 1094104814.8997 r,. ().-,.-,() 272739842012364816.4924 6. 4792 223 4 97 29 11089567 14.93326.0641 273 7 45 29 20 340 417 16.5227 6 4872 224 5 01 76 1123942414.9666 6.0732 274750762057082416.5529 6.4951 225 5 06 25 1139062515.00006.0822 275756252079687516.5831 6.5030 226 5 10 76 11543176 15.03336.0912 276761762102457616.6132 6.5108 22751529 1169708315.0655 6.1002 277 7 67 29 21 253 933 16. 6433 6. 5187 22851984 11852352 15.09976.1091 278772842148495216.6733 6.5265 229 5 24 41 12008989 15.13276.1180 279 7 78 41 21 717 639 16. 7033 6.5343 23052900 1216700015.16586.1269 280784002195200016.7332 6.5421 23153361 12326391 15.19876.1358 2817896122188041 16.7631 6.5499 232 5 38 24 12487168 15.23156.1446 282 7 95 24 22 425 768 16. 7929 6.5577 233 5 42 89 1264933715.2843 6. 1534 283800892266518716.8226 6.5654 234 5 47 56 1281290415.2971 6.1622 284 8 06 56 22 906 304 16.8523 6.5731 23555225 1297787515.32976.1710 285 8 12 25 23 149 125 16.8819 6.5808 236 5 56 96 1314425615.36236.1797 286817962339365616.9115 6.5885 23756169 13312053 15.3948 6. 1885 287823692363990316.9411 6.5962 238 5 66 44 1348127215.42726.1972 288 8 29 44 23 887 872 16. 9706 6.6039 239 5 71 21 13651919 15.4596 6.2058 289835212413756917.0000 6.6115 24057600 13824000 15.49196.2145 290 8 41 00 24 389 000 17.0294; 6.6191 241 i 5 80 81 13997521 15.52426.2231 291 8 46 81 24 642 171 17. 0587 i 6. (5267 24258564 14172488 15.5563 6.2317 292852642489708817.0880 6. 6343 243 5 90 49 1434890715.58856.2403 293 8 58 49 25 153 757 17. 1172: 6.6419 244 5 95 36 1452678415.6205 6.2488 294864362541218417.1464 6.6494 24560025: 1470612515.65256.2573 295 8 70 25 25 672 375 17. 1756 6.6569 24660516; 1488693615.6844 6.2658 296 8 76 16 25 934 336 17.2047 6.6644 24761009 15069223 15.7162 0.2743 297882092619807317.2337 6.6719 248 6 15 04 1525299215.74806.2828 298 8 88 04 26 463 592 17.2627 6.6794 249 6 20 01 15 438 249 15. 7797 5.2912 299894012673089917.2916 6.6869 250 6 25 OOi 1562500015.81146.2996 300 9 00 00 27 000 000 17. 3205 6.6943 260 JONES & LAUGH LIN STEEL CO. SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS AND CUBE ROOTS 11 i |s n i I B SH H to * a < c 5 o J! < B ~ C I I I* ** '> 1 " & * 301 9 06 01 27 270 901 17.3494 6.7018 351 12 32 01 43 243 551 18. 7350 7. 0540 302 9 12 04 27 543 608 17. 3781 6. 7092 352 12 39 04 43 614 208 18.7617 7.0607 303 9 18 09 27 818 127 17.4069 6.7166 353 12 46 09 43 986 977 18.7883 7.0674 304 9 24 16 28 094 464 17. 4356 6. 7240 354 12 53 16 44 361 864 18.8149 7.0740 305 9 30 25 28 372 625 17. 4642 6. 7313 355 12 60 25 44 738 875 18.8414 7.0807 306 9 36 36 28 652 616 17. 4929 6. 7387 356 12 67 36 45 118 016 18.8680 7.0873 307 9 42 49 28 934 443 17. 5214 6. 7460 357 12 74 49 45 499 293 18.8944 7.0940 308 948642921811217.54996.7533 358 12 81 64 45 882 712 18.9209 7. 1006 309 9 54 81 29 503 629 17.5784 6.7606 359 12 88 81 46 268 279 18.9473 7. 1072 310 9 61 00 29 791 000 17. 6068 6. 7679 360 12 96 00 46 656 000 18.9737 7. 1138 311 9 67 21 30 080 231 17.6352 6.7752 361 13 03 21 47 045 881 19.0000 7. 1204 312 973443037132817.66356.7824 362 13 10 44 47 437 928 19.0263 7. 1269 313 9 79 69 30 664 297 17. 6918 6. 7897 363 13 17 69 47 832 147 19.0526 7. 1335 314 985963095914417.72006.7969 364 13 24 90 48 228 544 19.0788 7. 1400 315 9 92 25 31 255 875 17. 7482 6. 8041 365 13 32 25 48 627 125 19. 1050 7. 1400 316 998563155449617.77646.8113 366 13 39 56 49 027 896 19. 1311 7. 1531 317 10 04 89 31 855 013 17.8045 6.8185 367 13 46 89 49 430 863 19. 1572 7. l.Vio 318 10 11 24 32 157 432 17.8326 6.8256 368 13 54 24 49 830 032 19. 1833 7. 1001 319 10 17 61 32 461 759 17.8606 6.8328 369 13 61 61 50 243 409 19.2094 7. 1720 320 10 24 00 32 768 000 17.8885 6.8399 370 13 69 00 50 653 000 19.2354 7. 17'.1 321 10 30 41 33 076 161 17.9165 6.8470 371 13 76 41 51 064 811 19.2614 7. 1855 322 10 36 84 33 386 248 17.9444 6.8541 372 13 83 84 51 478 848 19.2873 7. 1920 323 10 43 29 33 698 267 17.9722 6.8612 373 13 91 29 51 895 117 19.3132 7. 1984 324 10 49 76 34 012 224 18.0000 6.8683 374 13 98 76 52 313 624 19.3391 7.2048 325 10 56 25 34 328 125 18.0278 6.8753 375 14 06 25 52 734 375 19.3649 7.2112 326 10 62 76 34 645 976 18.0555 6.8824 376 14 13 76 53 157 376 19.3907 7.2177 327 10 69 29 34 965783 18.0831 6.8894 377 14 21 29 53 582 633 19.4165 7.2240 328 10 75 84 35 287 552 18. 1108 6.8964 378 14 28 84 54 010 152 19.4422 7.2304 329 10 82 41 35 611 289 18. 1384 6.9034 379 14 36 41 54 439 939 19.4079 7.2368 330 10 89 00 35 937 000 18. 1659 6.9104 380 14 44 00 54 872 000 19.4936 7.2432 331 10 95 61 36 264 691 18. 1934 6.9174 381 14 51 61 55 306 341 19.5192 7.2495 332 11 02 24 36 594 368 18.2209 6.9244 382 14 59 24 55 742 968 19.5448 7.2558 333 11 08 89 36 926 037 18.2483 6.9313 383 14 66 89 56 181 887 19.5704 7.2022 334 11 15 56 37 259 704 18.2757 6.9382 384 14 74 56 56 623 104 19.5959 7.2685 335 11 22 25 37 595 375 18.3030 6.9451 385 14 82 25 57 066 625 19.6214 7.2748 336 11 28 96 37 933 056 18.3303 6.9521 386 14 89 96 57 512 456 19.6469 7.2811 337 11 35 69 38 272 753 18.3576 6.9589 387 14 97 69 57 960 603 19. 6723 7.2874 338 11 42 44 38 614 472 18.3848 6.9658 388 15 05 44 58 411 072 19.6977 7.2930 339 11 49 21 38 958 219 18.4120 6.9727 389 15 13 21 58 863 869 19.7231 7.2999 340 11 56 00 39 304 000 18.4391 6.9795 390 15 21 00 59 319 000 19.7484 7.3061 341 11 62 81 39 651 821 18.4662 6. 9864 391 15 28 81 59 776 471 19.7737 7.3124 342 11 69 64 40 001 688 18,4932 6.9932 392 15 36 64 00 236 288 19.7990 7.3186 343 11 76 49 40 353 607 18.5203 7.0000 393 15 44 49 6C 698 457 19.8242 7.3248 344 11 83 36 40 707 584 18.5472 7.0068 394 15 52 36 61 162 984 19.8494 7.3310 345 11 90 25 41 063 625 18.5742 7.0136 395 15 60 25 61 629 875 19.8746 7.3372 346 11 97 16 41 421 736 18.6011 7.0203 396 15 68 16 62 099 136 19.8997 7.3434 347 12 04 09 41 781 923 18.6279 7.0271 397 15 76 09 62 570 773 19.9249 7.3496 348 12 11 04 42 144 192 18.6548 7.0338 398 15 84 04 63 044 792 19. 9499 7. 3558 349 12 18 01 42 508 549 18.6815 7.0406 399 15 92 01 63 521 199 19.9750 7.3619 350 12 25 00 42 875 000 18.7083 7.0473 400 16 00 00 64 000 000 20.0000 7.3681 JONES LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 261 SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS AND CUBE ROOTS NUMBERS SQUARES 1 3 J Of* [NUMBERS | SQUARES g a K < o 1* ss & o Of* 401 16 08 01 64 481 201 20.0250 7.3742 402 16 16 04 64 964 808 20.0499 7.3803 403 16 24 09 65 450 827 20.0749 7.3864 404 16 32 16 65 939 264 20.0998 7.3925 405 16 40 25 66 430 125 20.1246 7.3986 406 16 48 36 66 923 416 20.1494 7.4047 407 16 56 49 67 419 143 20 1742 7.4108 408 16 64 64 67 917 312 20.19SO 7.4169 409 16 72 81 68 417 929 20.2237 7.4229 410 16 81 00 68 921 000 20.2485 7.4290 411 16 89 21 69 426 531 20.2731 7.4350 412 16 97 44 69 934 528 20.2978 7.4410 413 17 05 69 70 444 997 20.3224 7.4470 414 17 13 96 70 957 944 20.3470 7.4530 415 17 22 25 71 473 375 20.3715 7.4590 416 17 30 56 71 991 296 20.3961 7.4650 417 17 38 89 72 511 713 20.4206 7.4710 418 17 47 24 73 034 632 20.4450 7.4770 419 17 55 61 73 560 059 20.4695 7.4829 420 17 64 00 74 088 000 20.4939 7.4889 421 17 72 41 74 618 4fil 20.5183 7.4948 422 17 80 84 75 151 448 20.5426 7.5007 423 17 89 29 75 686 967 20.5670 7.5067 424 17 97 76 76 225 024 20.5913 7.5126 425 18 06 25 76 765 625 20.6155 7.5185 426 18 14 76 77 308 776 20.6398 7.5244 427 18 23 29 77 854 483 20.6640 7.5302 428 18 31 84 78 402 752 20.6882 7.5361 429 18 40 41 78 953 589 20.7123 7.5420 430 18 49 00 79 507 000 20.7364 7.5478 431 18 57 61 80 062 991 20.7605 7.5537 432 IS 66 24 SO 621 568 20.7846 7.5595 433 18 74 89 81 182 737 20.8087 7.5654 434 18 83 56 81 746 504 20.8327 7.5712 435 18 92 25 82 312 875 20.8567 7.5770 436 19 00 96 82 881 856 20.8806 7.5828 437 19 09 69 83 453 453 20.9045 7.5886 438 19 18 44 84 027 672 20.9284 7.5944 439 19 27 21 84 604 519 20.9523 7.6001 440 19 36 00 85 184 000 20.9762 7.6059 441 19 44 81 85 766 121 21.0000 7.6117 442 19 53 64 86 350 888 21.0238 7.6174 443 19 62 49 86 938 307 21.0476 7.6232 444 19 71 36 87 528 384 21 .0713 7.6289 445 19 80 25 88 121 125 21.0950 7.6346 446 19 89 16 88 716 536 21.1187 7.6403 447 19 98 09 89 314 623 21.1424 7.6460 448 20 07 04 89 915 392 21.1660 7 6517 449 20 16 01 90 518 849 21.1896 7.6574 450 20 25 00 91 125 000 21.2132 7.6631 451 20 34 Oil 91 733 851 21.2368 7.6688 452 20 43 04 92 345 408 21.2603 7. 6744 453 20 52 09 92 959 677 21.2838 7. 6801 454 20 Gl 16 93 576 664 21 .3073 7. 6857 455 20 70 25 94 196 375 21.3307 7.6914 456 20 79 36 94 818 816 21.3542 7.6970 457 20 88 49 95 443 993 21.3776 7. 7026 458 20 97 64 96 071 912 21.4009 7. 7082 459 21 06 81 96 702 579 21.4243 7 7138 460 21 16 00 97 336 000 21.4476 7.7194 461 21 25 21 97 972 181 21.4709 7.7250 462 21 34 44 98 611 128 21.4942 7. 7306 463 21 43 69 99 252 847 21.5174 7. 7362 464 21 52 96 99 897 344 21.5407 7.7418 465 21 62 25 100 544 625 21.5639 7.7473 466 21 71 56 101 194 696 21.5870 7.7529 467 21 80 89 101 847 563 21.6102 7.7584 468 21 90 24 102 503 232 21.6333 7. 7639 469 21 99 61 103 161 709 21.6564 7.7695 470 22 09 00 103 823 000 21.6795 7.7750 471 22 18 41 104 487 111,21.7025 7.7805 472 22 27 84 105 154 048 21 7256 7.78CO 473 22 37 29 105 823 817 21.7486 7.7915 474 22 46 76 106 496 424 21.7715 7.7970 475 22 56 25 107 171 875 21.7945 7.8025 476 22 65 76 107 850 176 21.8174 7.8079 477 22 75 29 108 531 333 21.8403 7.8134 478 22 84 84 109 215 352 21.8632 7.8188 479 22 94 41 109 902 239 21.8861 7.8243 480 23 04 00 110 592 000 21.SOS97.8297 481 23 13 61 111 284 641 21.9317 7.8352 482 23 23 24 111 980 168 21.9545 7.8406 483 23 32 89 112 678 587 21.9773 7.8460 484 23 42 56 113 379 904 22.0000 7.8514 485 23 52 25 114 084 125 22.0227 7.8568 486 23 61 96 114 791 256 22.0454 7.8622 487 23 71 69 115 501 303 22.0681 7.8676 488 23 81 44 116 214 272 22.0907 7.8730 489 23 91 21 116 930 169 22.1133 7.8784 490 24 01 00 117 649 000 22.1359 7.8837 491 24 10 81 118 370 771 22.1585 7.8891 492 24 20 64 119 095 488 22.1811 7.8944 493 24 30 49 119 823 157 22.2036 7.8998 494 24 40 36 120 553 784 22.2261 7.9051 495 24 50 25 121 287 375 22.2486 7.9105 4-96 24 60 16 122 023 936 22.2711 7.9158 497 24 70 09 122 763 473 22.2935 7.9211 498 24 80 04 123 505 992 22.3159 7.9264 499 24 90 01 124 251 499 22.3383 7.9317 500 25 00 00 125 000 000 22.3607 7.9370 262 JONES LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS AND CUBE ROOTS SQU 501 25 10 01 125 751 501 22.3830 7.9423 502 25 20 01 426 .506 008 22.4054 7.9476 503 25 30 09 127 263 527 22.4277 7.9528 504 25 40 16 12S 024 064 22.4499 7.9581 505 25 50 25 128 787 625 22.4722 7.9634 506 25 60 36 129 554 216 22.4944 7.9686 507 25 70 49 130 323 843 22.5167 7.9739 508 25 80 64 131 096 512 22.5389 7.9791 509 25 90 81 131 872 229 22.5610 7.9843 510 20 01 00 132 651 000 22.5832 7.9896 51l!26 11 21 133 432 831 22.6053 7.9948 512 26 21 44 134 217 728 22.6274 8 0000 513 26 31 69 135 005 697 22.6495 8.0052 514 26 41 96 135 796 744 22.6716 8.0104 515 26 52 25 136 590 875 22.6936 8 0156 516 26 62 56 137 388 096 22.7156 8.0208 517 26 72 89 138 188 413 22.7376 8 0260 518 20 83 24 138 991 832 22.7596 8.0311 519126 93 61 139 798 359 22.7816 8.0363 520 27 04 00 140 608 000 22.8035 8.0415 521 ! 27 14 41 141 420 761 22.8254 8.0466 522 27 24 84 142 236 648 22.8473 8.0517 523 27 35 29 143 055 667 22.8692 8.0569 524 27 45 76 143 877 824 22.81UO 8.0020 525127 56 25 144 703 125 22.9129 8.0671 526 27 66 76 145 531 576 22.9347 8 0723 527 27 77 29 146 363 1S3 22.9565 8 0774 528 27 87 84 147 197 952 22.9783 8.0825 529 27 98 41 148 035 88!> 23.0000 8.0876 530 28 09 00 148 877 000 23.0217 8.0927 531 28 19 61 149 721 291 23.0434 8.0978 532 28 30 24 150 568 768 23.0651 8.1028 533 28 40 89 151 419 437 23.0868 8.1079 534 28 51 56 152 273 304 23.1084 S.1130 535 28 62 25 153 130 375 23.1301 8.1180 536 28 72 96 153 990 656 23.1517 8.1231 537 28 83 69 154 854 153 23.1733 8.1281 538 28 94 44 155 720 872 23.1948 S.1332 539 29 05 21 156 590 819 23.2164 8.1382 540 29 16 00 157 464 000 23.2379 8.1433 541 29 26 81 158 340 421 23.2594 8.1483 542 29 37 64 159 220 OSS 23.2809 8.1533 543 29 48 49 160 103 007 23.3024 8.1583 544 29 59 36 160 989 184 23.3238 S.1633 545 29 70 25 161 878 625 23.3452 8.1683 546 29 81 16 162 771 336 23.3666 8.1733 547 29 92 09 163 667 323 23.3SSO 8.1783 548 30 03 04 164 566 592 23.4094 8.1833 549 30 14 01 165 469 149 23.4307 8.1882 550 30 25 00 166 375 000 23.4521 8.1932 c 551 30 36 01 167 284 151 23 4734 8.1982 .552 30 47 04 168 196 608 23.4947 8.2031 553 30 58 09 169 112 377 23.5160 8.2081 554 30 69 16 170 031 464 23.5372 8.2130 555 30 80 25 170 953 875 23.5584 8.2180 556 30 91 36 171 879 616 23.5797 8.2229 557 31 02 49 172 808 693 23.6008 8.2278 55S 31 13 64 173 741 112 23 6220 8 2327 559 31 24 81 174 676 879 23.6432 8.2377 560 31 36 00 175 616 000 23.6643 8.2426 '561 31 47 21 176 558 481 23.6854 8.2475 562 31 58 44 177 504 328 23.7065 8.2524 563 31 69 69 178 453 547 23.7276 8.2573 564 31 80 96 179 406 144 23.7487 8.2621 565 31 92 25 180 362 125 23.7697 8.2670 586 32 03 56 181 321 496 23.7908 8.2719 507 32 14 89 182 284 263 23.8118 8.2768 568 32 26 24 183 250 432 23.8328 8.2816 569 32 37 61 184 220 009 23.8537 8.2865 570 32 49 00 185 193 000 23.8747 8.2913 571 32 60 41 Ige 169 411 23.8956 8.2962 572 32 71 84 187 149 24S 23.9165 S.3010 573 32 83 29 188 132 517 23.9374 8.3059 574 32 94 76 189 119 224 23.9583 8.3107 575 33 06 25 190 109 375 23.9792 8.3155 576 33 17 76 191 102 976 24.0000 8.3203 577 33 29 29 192 100 033 24.0208 8.3251 578 33 40 84 193 100 552 24.0416 8.3300 579 33 52 41 194 104 539 24.0624 8.3348 580 33 64 00 195 112 000 24.0832 8.3396 581 33 75 61 196 122 941 24.1039 8.3443 582 33 87 24 197 137 368 24.1247 8.3491 583 33 98 89 198 155 287 24.1454 8.3539 584 34 10 56 199 176 704 24.1661 8.3587 .585 34 22 25 200 201 625 24.1868 S.3634 586 34 33 96 201 230 05fi 24.2074 8.3682 587 34 45 69 202 202 003 24.2281 8.3730 5SS 34 57 44 203 297 472 24.2487 8.3777 589 34 69 21 204 336 469 24.2693 8.3825 590 34 81 00 205 379 000 24.2899 8.3872 591 34 92 81 206 425 071 24.3105 8.3919 592 35 04 64 207 474 688 24.3311 8.3967 593 35 16 49 208 527 857 24.3516 8.4014 594 35 28 36 209 584 584 24.3721 8.4061 595 35 40 25 210 644 875 24.3926 8.4108 596 35 52 16 211 708 736 24.4131 8.4155 597 35 64 09 212 776 173 24.4336 8.4202 59S 35 76 04 213 847 192 24.4540 8.4249 599 35 88 01 214 921 799 24.4745 8.4296 600 36 00 00 216 000 000 24.4949 8.4343 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 263 SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS AND CUBE ROOTS 601 36 12 01 217 081 801 24.5153 8.4390 60236 24 04218 167 20824.5357 8.4437 60336 36 09219 256 22724.5561 8.4484 60436 48 16220 348 86424.5764 8.4530 60536 60 25221 445 12524.5967 8.4577 60636 72 36222 545 01624.6171 8.4623 60736 84 49223 648 54324 6374 8.4670 | 41.68 35.94 5 66.82 2H 12.06 H .90 3 30.62 4i~f 65.15 2rV 11.36 H .83 2% 25.73 4/4 60.30 2 10.69 H .76 2^2 21.26 4^2 54.83 IT* 10.03 *t .70 2M 17.22 \ 4iV 52.62 1J^ 9.39 if .63 2 13.61 48.28 l$3r 9.09 % .50 .! 10.42 4~$r 46.87 li"l 8.78 &i .44 lx^ 8.98 4 42.77 1% 8.18 H .38 \Yi 7.66 3 15. 41.43 Hi 7.61 H .26 1% 6.43 m 40.13 l% 7.06 t^ .21 1M 5.32 v& 3tt 37.57 36.33 i 6.52 6.01 i .15 .10 Is 4.31 3.84 3^ 35.12 1M 5.77 H 1.04 1 3.40 3A 33.91 1A 5.52 .94 i* 2.99 3A 32.74 31.57 in 5.29 5.05 I .85 .74 I 2.61 2.25 3x 30.43 ifV 4.60 L .67 /4 1.91 3 28.23 1& 4.38 i^ .59 H 1.61 27.15 134 4.18 Tr .51 5^ 1.33 3/i 26.10 l^fe 3.97 ll .44 A 1.08 > 3 24.05 1A 3.85 U .38 y> .85 2-1-5. 23.06 1^ 3.77 11 .32 JL. .65 2Jxg 22.09 I'fe 3.57 rV .26 ?^ .48 2H 21.14 iJI 3.38 M .17 tt .40 2% 20.21 3.20 A .13 tV .33 2-LJ 19.30 3.11 rV .09 JL .27 25^ 18.41 3.02 M ' .21 2fV 17.55 Ni 2.84 ^ .16 2^ 16.70 i 2.67 2& 15.87 B 2.51 Made to Whitworth's Standard Gauge, and accurately straightened. The shafts are kept on hand at the mill, in lengths of 24 feet, and are cut to any length desired. SEND FOK OUR SHAFTING CATALOGUE. 268 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. STANDARD TURNBUCKLES Cleveland City Forge and Iron Company (For reference only. Not made by Jones & Laughlin Steel Co.) OS *> f 22 22 22 22 22 23 24 25 25 26 27 27 28 28 29 Weight of Buckle Pounds 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 c o ^ ^ BT3 us W c 3 4 6 8 11 13 16 19 23 26 30 OS II 29 29 30 31 32 32 33 33 34 36 36 37 37 39 41 14 17 20 22 25 30 33 36 40 50 '65* 33 35 41 47 53 61 70 78 86 96 120 iso D. Size = Outside diameter of screws. A. Length in clear between heads = 6 inches first length for all sizes. B. Length of tapped heads = \% D. C. Total length of buckle without bolt ends = 6 inches -f 3 D, nearly. L. Total length of buckle and stub ends when open. L. A = Length of two stub ends. The " size " of the buckle is the outside diameter of the screw, same as bolts, nuts, etc. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 269 STANDARD CLEVISES King Bridge Company, Cleveland, Ohio (For reference only. Not made by Jones & Laughlin Steel Co.) W varies to suit connections DIMENSIONS IN INCHES Min. Max. M 1M 2 8 2 2& i 1 -1! 6 6 6M 6U S H 8 2M 2M 3 3 33^ 2^ 2^1 23J 2^ 23J 270 JONES i L AUGH L [ N STEEL CO. STANDARD SLEEVE NUTS King Bridge Company, Cleveland, Ohio (For reference only. Not made by Jones & Laughlin Steel CouX_-- *, s *j r s K-T-i Threads, U. S. Standard WEIGHT E DIAMETER OF SCREW INCHES S LENGTH OF NUT INCHES T LENGTH ^ F 'THREAD INCHES W DIAMETER OF HEXAGON INCHES WEIGHT OF ONE NUT POUNDS OF ONE NUT AND Two SCREW ENDS POUNDS ?4 8 1 H 8 1H 8 1)4 /^ 8 IJ'i Yi 8 iQ M 8 i^l % 8 iJ^ % 8 2 y% 8 2)i . 2 10 2>i 10 25^ 2)4, 10 2J^ 2% 10 2 5 ^ 2V4 10 2?4 2% 10 2K 8 254 10 3 2j| 10 3>S 3 10 3^ 1 12 12 H 12 35^ 3J4 12 3/4 35^ 12 3Ji 354 12 4 12 4>i 4 12 4)4 12 45/ 8 JONES LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 271 STANDARD SHOULDERED PINS King Bridge Company, Cleveland, Ohio (For reference only. Not made by Jones & Laughlin Steel Co.) H H -i. Eight threads per inch. DIMENSIONS IN INCHES DIMENSIONS IN INCHES 272 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. STANDARD LOOPED EYES AND UPSETS King Bridge Company, Cleveland, Ohio (For reference only. Not made by Jones & Laugh lin Steel Co.) I*- -2 P- *! P = Diameter of pin. Threads, U. S. Standard. OT g 4 M VW * fl L, Add for Upset, Inche L, Add for pset, Inche 36 JONES & LAUGHLIN,STEEL CO. 273 ADJUSTABLE EYE BARS King Bridge Company, Cleveland, Ohio (For reference only. Not ma.de by Jones & Laughlin Steel Co.) E IrniniO A ii i mil ETiuiMT Lengths of upsets are for King Bridge Company's standard sleeve nuts. Add two inches for Cleveland turnbuckles. 3M 10.5 12.57 9.63 12.41 8.75 9.99 7.88 9.99 7. 8.64 9.75 12.57 9. 111.41 8.25! 9.99 7.5 6.75 5.25 4.5 8.64 8.64 7.55 6.51 5.43 8.75 11.41 8.131 9.99 8 7.5 i 8.64 7> 6.88| 8.64 6.25f 7.55 6.51 6.51 5.43 4.62 5.63 5. 4.38 3.75 6.75 6.19 5.63 5.06 4.5 3.94 3.38 8.64 7.55 6.51 6.51 5.43 4.92 4.16 1, 4.5 4.13 3.75 3.38 3. 2.63 2.25 8.64 7.55 7.55 6.51 6.51 5.43 4.62 4.16 3.72 5.43 4.62 4.16, 3.72 3.30 5.43 4.92 4.62 4.16 3.72 3.02 3.02 3.72 3.30 3.02 2.65 2.30 2.65 2.30 2.05 fi 274 JON E S & LA UG H L I N STE EL CO. STANDARD EYE BARS King Bridge Company Cleveland, Ohio '.B DIMENSIONS IN INCHES 14 If* 13 s* UK 11 32 29 . 26 31 30 34H 30', 27 19 32 > : , 24' j 21 35H 32 29 27 25 24 20 18 16 15 14 12 1C 24 2 22 DIMENSIONS IN INCHI 7', V j 0.5 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 275 King Bridge Company's Steel Eye Bars Notes King Bridge Company's standard eye bars are hydraulic forged without the addition of extraneous metal and without buckles or welds, and are guaranteed under the conditions given in the preceding table to develop value of the bar when tested to destruction. The heads on standard eye bars are finished of the same thickness ( B) as body of bar. We contract only for finished eye bars, that is, with the eyes bored at distances apart from center to center as required, and of right diameter to fit the size of pin to be used. Unless otherwise specified, steel of the following quality will be used: Ultimate strength, 60,000 to 68,000 pounds per square inch. Elastic limit not less than one-half the tensile strength. Elongation from 17 to 20 per cent ; the elongation to be measured after breaking on an original length of ten times the shortest dimensions of the test piece. Reduction of area 34 to 40 per cent. To all bars 1 inch thick and under add */?, inch to above adds. DATA TO BE FURNISHED JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL COMPANY WHEN REQUESTING A TENDER FOR STEEL EYE BARS NUMBER REQUIRED SIZE OF BAR HEAD A HEAD B REMARKS B 5 Thickness 8 tl | pj y Diameter Pin Diameter Head Diameter Pin Diameter Head 276 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. DECIMALS OF A FOOT FOR EACH 1-64 INCH c INCHES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 .0 .0833 .1667 .2500 .3333 .4167 .5000 .5833 .6667 .7500 .8333 .9167 JL .0013 .0846 .1680 .2513 .3346 .4180 .5013 .5846 .6680 .7513 .8346 .9180 & .0026 .0859 .1693!. 2526 .3359 .4193 .5026 .5859 .6693 .7526 .8359 .9193 A .0039 .0872 .1706!. 2539 .3372 .4206 .5039 .5872 .6706 .7539 .8372 .9206 tV .0052 .0885 .1719 .2552 .3385 .4219 .5052 .5885 .6719 .7552 .8385 .9219 JL .0065 0898 .1732 .2565 .3398 .4232 .5065 .5898 .6732 .7565 .8398 .9232 X .0078 !0911 .1745 .2578 .3411 .4245 .5078 .5911 .6745 .7578 .8411 .9245 JL .0091 .0924 .1758 .2591 .3424 .4258 .5091 .5924 .6758 .7591 .8424 .9258 n .0104 .09371.1771 .2604 .3437 .4271 .5104 .5937 .6771 .7604 .8437 .9271 A .0117 .0951 .1784 .2617 .3451 .4284 .5117 .5951 .6784 .7617 .8451 .9284 n .0130 .0964 .1797 .3464 .4297 .5130 !09M .6797 .7630 .8464 .9297 B .0143 .0977 .1810 12643 .3477 .4310 .5143 .5977 .6810 .7643 .8477 .9310 ff .0156 .0990 .1823 .2656 .3490 .4323 .5156 .5990 .6823 .7656 .8490 .9323 |p tt .0169 .1003 .1836 .2669 .3503 .4336 .5169 .6003 .6836 .7669 .8503 .9336 A .0182 .1016 . H4't .LV.M. 1 .3516 .4349 .5182 .6016 .6849 .7882 .8516 .9349 }1 .0195 .1029 .1862 2695 .3529 .4362 .5195 .6029 .6862 .7095 .8529 .9362 k .0208 .1042 i.1875 .2708 .3542 .4375 .5208 .6042 .6875 .7708 .8542 .9375 IT .0221 .1055 .1888 .2721 .3555.4388 .5221 .6055 .6888 .7721 .8555 .9388 A .0234 .1068 .1901 .2734 .3568 .4401 .5234 .0066 .6901 .7734 .8568 .9401 H .0247 .1081 .1914 .2747 .3581 .4414 .5247 .6081 .6914 .7747 .8581 .9414 A .0260 .1094 .1927 .2760 .3594 .4427 .5260 .6094 .6927 .7760 .8594 .9427 | H .0273 .1107 .1940 .2773 .3607 .4440 .5273 .6107 .6940 .7773 8607 .9440 U .0286 . 1120J 1953 .2786 .3620 .4453 .5286 .6120 .6953 .7786 .8620 .9453 || .0299 .1133.1966 .2799 .3633 .4466 .5299 .6133 .6966 .7799 .8633 .9466 H .0312 .1146.1979 .2812 .3646 .4479 .5312 .6146.6979 .7812 .8646 .9479 ?. r ; .0326 .1159 .1992 .2826 .3659 .4492 .5326 .6159 .6992 .7826 .8659 .9492 .0339 .1172 .2005,. 2839 .3672 .4505 .5339 .6172 .7005 .7839 .8672 .9505 M .0352 .1185 .2018i.2852 .3685 .4518 .5352 .6185 .7018 .7852 .8685 .9518 fs .0365 .1198 .2031 .2865 .3698 .4531 .5365 .6198 .7031 .7865 .8698 .9531 n .0378 .1211 .2044 .2878 .3711 .4544 .5378 .6211 .7044 .7878 .8711 .9544 M .0391 .1224 .2057 .2891 .3724 .4557 .5391 .6224 .7057 .7891 .8724 .9557 li .0404 .1237 .2070^.2904 .3737 .4570 .5404 .6237 .7070 .7904 .8737 .9570 ^ .0417.1250.2083.2917 .3750 .4583 .5417 .6250 .7083 .7917 .8750 .9583 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 277 DECIMALS OF A FOOT FOR EACH 1-64 INCH INCHES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 .0417 .1250 .2083 .2917 .3750 .4583 .5417 .6250 .7083 .7917 .8750 .9583 .0430 .1263 .2096 .2930 .3763 .4596 .5430 .6223 .7096 .7930.8763 .9596 .0443 .1276 .2109 .2943 .3776 .4609 .5443 .6276 .7109 .7943 .87761 .0456 .1289 .2122 .2956 .3789 .4622 .5456 .6289 .7122 .7956.8789 .9609 .9622 . 0469 . 1302 . 2135 . 2969 . 3802 . 4635 . 5469 . 6302 . 7135 . 7969 . 8802 1 . 9635 .0482 .1315 .2148 .2982 .3815 .4648 .5482 .0495 .1328 .2161 .2995 .3828 .4661 . 5495 .0508 .1341 .2174 .3008 .3841 .4674 '.5508 .0521 .1354 .2188 .3021-3854 .4688 .5521 .6315 .7148 .6328 .7161 .6341|.7174 .6354 .7188 ,7982.8815 ,7995.8828 8008.8841 ,8021.8854 .9661 .9674 . 0534 . 1367 . 2201 . 3034 . 3867 . 4701 . 5534 . 6367 . 7201 . 8034 . 8867 . 9701 .0547 .1380 .2214 .3047 .3880 .4714 .5547 .6380 .7214 .8047.8880 .9714 .0560 .1393 .2227 .3060 .3893 .4727 .5560 .6393 .7227 .8060.8893 .9727 .0573 .1406 .2240 .3073 .3906 .4740^.5573 .6406J. 7240 .8073.. 8906 .9740 .0586 .1419 .2253 .3086 .3919 .4753;. 5-586 1. 6419 .7253 .80861.8919' .9753 .0599 .1432 .2266 .3099 .3932 .4766 .5599 . 6432 . 7266 . 8099 . 8932 .976G .0612 .1445 .2279 .3112 .3945 .4779 .5612 . 6445 i. 7279 !. 81 12 .8945 .9779 .0625 .1458 .2292 .3125 .3958 .4792 .5625 .6458 .7292 .8125.8958 .9792 .0638 .1471 .2305 .3138 .3971 . 4805 j. 5638 .0651 .1484 .2318 .3151 .3984 .4818 .5651 .0664 .1497 .2331 .3164 .3997 .4831 .5664 .0677!. 1510 .2344 .31771.4010 .4844 .5677 .6471 .7305 .8138.8971! .9805 .6484.7318.8151.8984 .9818 .64971. 7331 1. 8164. 8997 .9831 .6510.7344 .8177.9010! .9844 .0690 .1523 .2357 .3190 .4023 .4857 .5690 .6523 .7357 .8190'. 9023 ' .9857 .0703 .1536 .2370 .3203 .4036 .4870 .5703 .6536 .7370 .8203. 9036 ] .9870 .0716 .1549 .2383 .3216 .4049 .4883 .5716 .6549 .7383 .8216.9049: .9883 .0729 .1562 .2396 .3229 .4062 .4896 .5729 .6562 .7396 .8229.9062 .0742 .1576 .2409 .3242 .4076 .4909 .5742 .6576'. 7409 .8242.9076 . 0755 . 1589 . 2422 . 3255 . 4089 . 4922 . 5755 . 6589 . 7422 . 8255 . 9089 . 9922 . 076S . 1602 . 2435 . 3268 . 4102 . 4935 . 5768 . 6602 . 7435 1 . 8268, .9102 . 9935 .0781 .1615.2448 .32811.4115 .4948 .5781 .6615 .7448 .8281 1.9115 .0794 .1628 .2461 .3294i. 4128 i.4961 1.5794 .66281.7461 .0807 .1641 .2474 .3307 .4141 .4974 .5807 .6641 .7474 .0820 .1654 .2487 .3320 .4154 .4987 .5820 .6654 .7487 .8307 .9128 .9141 .9154 .9961 .9974 1.0000 278 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. DECIMALS OF AN INCH FOR EACH I-64TH j g j j is "n X h "2 u 1 B x ^ s ' 8 5 p o 1 .015625 33 .515625 1 2 .03125 17 34 .53125 3 .046875 35 .546875 2 4 .0625 1-16 18 36 .5625 9-16 5 .078125 37 .578125 3 6 .09375 19 38 .59375 7 .109375 39 .609375 4 8 .125 1-8 20 40 .625 5-8 9 .140625 41 .640625 5 10 .15625 21 42 .65625 11 .171875 43 .671875 6 12 .1875 3-16 22 44 .6875 11-16 13 .203125 45 .703125 7 14 .21875 23 46 .71875 15 .234375 47 .734375 8 16 .25 1-i 24 48 .75 3-4 17 .265625 49 .765625 9 18 .28125 25 50 .78125 19 .296875 51 .796875 10 20 .3125 5-16 26 52 .8125 13-16 21 .328125 53 .828125 11 22 .34375 . 27 54 .84875 23 .359375 55 .859375 12 24 .375 3-8 28 56 .875 7-8 25 .390625 57 .890625 13 26 .40625 29 58 .90625 27 .421875 59 14 28 .4375 7-16 30 60 .921875 .9375 15-16 29 .453125 61 .953125 15 30 .46875 31 62 .96875 31 .484375 63 .984375 16 32 .5 1-2 32 64 1. 1 JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 279 TABLE CONVERTING INCHES AND FEET TO METRIC MEASURES B x in M X H t W 8 H ! 5 M (fi cu K B z s fa M s W 2 H H & .000397 1 .3048 36 10.9727 71 21.6406 x .000794 2 .6096 37 11.2775) 72 21.9454 A 2 TJf .001588 .003175 .004763 3 4 5 .9144! 1.2192 1.5240 38 39 40 11.5823 11.8871; 12.1919; 73 74 75 22.2502 22.5550 22.8598 M .006350 6 1.8288 41 12.4967 76 23.1646 A I 8 H .007938 .009525 .011113 .012700 7 8 9 10 2.1336 2.4384 2.7432 3.0480 42 43 44 45 12.8015 13.1063 13.4111 13.7159 77 78 79 80 23.4694 23.7742 24.0790 24.3838 11 3.3528 46 14.0207 81 24.6886 A .014287 12 3.6576 47 14.3255 82 24.9934 ^8 H M .015875 .017462 .019050 13 14 15 3.9624 4.2672 4.5720 48 49 50 14.6303 14.9351 15.2399 83 84 85 25.2982 25.6030 25.9078 11 % it .020637 .022225 .023812 16 17 18 4.8768 5.1816 5.4864 51 52 53 15.5447 15.8495 16.1543 86 87 88 26.2126 26.5174 26.8222 1 .0254 19 5.7912 54 16.4591 89 27.1270 2 .0508 20 6.0959 55 16.7638 90 27.4318 3 .0762 21 6.4007 56 17.0686 91 27.7366 4 .1016 22 6.7055 57 17.3734 92 28.0414 5 .1270 23 7.0103 58 17.6782 93 28.3461 6 . 1524 24 7.3151 59 17.9830 94 28.6509 7 .1778 25 7.6199 60 18.2878 95 28.9557 8 .2032 OOOJ 26 7.9247 61 18.5926 ' 96 29.2605 10 11 12 .2285 .2540 .2794 .3048 27 28 29 30 8.2295 8.5343 8.8391 9.1439 62 63 64 65 18.8974 19.2022 19.5070 19.8118 97 98 99 100 29.5653 29.8701 30.1749 30.4797 31 9.4487 66 20.1166 101 30.7845 32 9. 7535;| 67 20.4214 102 31.0893 33 10.0583 68 20.7262 103 31.3941 34 10.3631 69 21.0310 104 31.6989 35 10.6679 70 21.3358 105 32.0037 Example for explanation : 90 ft. = 27.4318 m. = 27 m. 43 cm. 1.8 mm., or = 27 metres, 43 centimetres, 1^ millimetres. 280 JONES & LAUGHL IN STEEL CO. METRIC MEASURE CONVERTED INTO INCHES ~$ MILLIMETRES V if us 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .00 .04 .08 .12 .16 .20 .24 .28 .31 .35 1 .39 .43 .47 .51 .55 .59 .63 .67 .71 .75 2 .79 .83 .87 .91 .94 .98 1.02 1.06 1.10 1.14 3 1.18 1.22 1.26 1.30 1.34 1.38 1.42 1.46 1.50 1.54 4 1.57 1.61 1.65 1.69 1.73 1.77 1 81 1.85 1.89 1.93 5 1.97 2.01 2.05 2.09 2.13 2.17 2.20 2.24 2.28 2.32 6 2.36 2.40 2.44 2.48 2.52 2.56 2.60 2.64 2.68 2.72 7 2.76 2.80 2.83 2.87 2.91 2.95 2.99 3.03 3.07 3.11 8 3.15 3.19 3.23 3.27 3.31 3.35 3.39 3.43 3.46 3.50 9 3.54 3.58 3.62 3.66 3.70 3.74 3.78 3.82 3.86 3.90 10 3.94 3.98 4.02 4.06 4.09 4.13 4.17 4.21 4.25 4.29 11 4.33 4.37 4.41 4.45 4.49 4.53 4.57 4.61 4.65 4.69 12 4.72 4.76 4.80 4.84 4.88 4.92 4.96 5.00 5.04 5.08 13 5.12 5.16 5.20 5.24 5.28 5.32 5.35 5.39 5.43 5.47 14 5.51 5.55 5.59 5.63 5.67 5.71 5.75 5.79 5.83 5.87 15 5.91 5.95 5.98 6.02 6.06 6.10 6.14 6.18 6.22 6.26 16 6.30 6.34 6.38 6.42 6.46 6.50 6.54 6.57 6.61 6.65 17 6.69 6.73 6.77 6.81 6.85 6.89 6.93 6.97 7.01 7.07 18 7.09 7.13 7.17 7.20 7.24 7.28 7.32 7.36 7.40 7.44 19 7.48 7.52 7.56 7.60 7.64 7.68 7.72 7.76 7.80 7.83 20 7.87 7.91 7.95 7.99 8.03 8.07 8.11 8.15 8.19 8.23 21 8.27 8.31 8.35 8.39 8.43 8.46 8.50 8.54 8.58 8.62 22 8.66 8.70 8.74 8.78 8.82 8.86 8.90 8.94 8.98 9.02 23 9.06 9.09 9.13 9.17 9.21 9.25 9.29 9.33 9.37 9.41 24 9.45 9.49 9.53 9.57 9.61 9.65 9.69 9.72 9.76 9.80 25 9.84 9.88 9.92 9.96 10.00 10.04 10.08 10.12 10.16 10.20 26 10.24 10.28 10.32 10.35 10.39 10.43 10.47 10.51 10.55 10.59 27 110.63 10.67 10.71 10.75 10.79 10.83 10.87 10.91 10.95 10.98 28 ill. 02 ,11. 06 11.10 11.14 11.18 11.22 i 11.26 11.30 11.34 11.38 29 ill. 42 11.46 11.50)11.54 11.58 11. 61 111. 65 11.09 11.73 11.77 30 ill.81 11.85 ill. 89 ill. 93 11.97 12.01 12.05 12.09 12.13 12.17 31 12.2012.2412.2812.3212.36 12.40 12.44 12.48 12.52 12.56 32 ,12.60 12.64 12.68 12.72 12.76 12.80 12.83 12.87 12.91 12.95 33 12.99 13.03 13.07 \ 13. 11 13.15 13.19 13.23 13.27 13.31 13.35 34 1339 13.43 13.46 13.50 13.54 13.58 13.fi2 13.66 13.70 13.74 35 '13.78 13.82 13.86 ;13.90 13.94 13.98 14.02 14.06 14.09 14.13 36 14.17 14.21 14.25 14.29 14.33 14 37 14.41 14.45 14.49 14.53 37 ! 14. 57 1 14. 61 i 14. 65 i 14. 69 14. 72 14.76 14.80 14.84 14.88 14.92 38 14.96 15.00 15.04 15.08 15.12 15.18 15.20 15.24 15 28 15.32 39 15. 35 |15.39 15.43 15.47 15.51 15.55 15.59 ! 15. 63 15.67 15.71 40 15.75 15.79 15. S3 15. 87^5. 91 15.95 1598 16.02 16.06 16.10 41 16.14 16.18 16.22 16.26 16.30 16.34 16.38 16.42 16.46 16.50 42 16.54 16.53 16.61 16.65 16.69 16 73 16.77 16.81 16.85 16.89 43 i 16. 93 116.97 1 17. 01 17.05 17.09 17.13 17.17 17.20 17.24 17.28 44 ; 17. 32 17. 36 J17.40 17.44 17.48 17.52 17.56 17.60 17.64 17.68 45 17.72 117.76 : 17. 80 17.84 17.87 17.91 17.95 17.99 18.03 18.07 46 j 18. 11 ! 18. IS! 18. 19 18.23 18.27 18.31 18.35 18.39 18.43 18.47 47 i 18. 50 118. 54; 18. 58 18.62 18.66 18.70 18.74 18.78 18.82 18.86 48 ! 18. 90 18. 94 118.98 19.02 19.06 19.09 119.13 19.17 19.21 19.25 49 19.2919.33:19.37 19.41 19.45 19.49 19.53 19.57 19 61 19.65 50 19.69 19.72 19.76 19. 80 j 19. 84 19.88 19.92 19.96 20.00 20.04 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NOTE. mm. = millimetre ; 10 mm. = 1 cm. (centimetre) ; 100 cm. = 1 m. (metre). JON ES & LAUG H LI N STEEL C o. 281 METRIC MEASURE CONVERTED INTO INCHES AS MILLIMETRES Z H - W OS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 50 19.69 19.72 19.76 19.80 19.84 19.88 19.92 19.96 20.00 20.04 51 20.08 20.12 20.16 20.20 20.24 20.28 20.32 20.35 20.39 20.43 52 20.47 20.51 20.55 20.59 20.63 20.67 20.71 20.75 20.79 20.83 53 20.87 20.91 20.95 20.98 21.02 21.0621.10 21.14 21.18 21.22 54 21.26 21.30 21.34 21.38 21.42 21.46 21.50 21.54 21.58 21.61 55 21.65 21.69 21.73 21.77 21.81 21.8521.89 21.93 21.97 22.01 56 22.05 22.09 22.13 22.17 22.21 22.2422.28 22.32 22.36 22.40 57 22.44 22.48 22.52 22.56 22.60 22.64 22.68 22.72 22.76 22.80 58 22.84 22.87 22.91 22.95 22.99 23.0323.07 23.11 23.15 23.19 59 23.23 23.27 23.31 23.35 23.39 23.43 23.47 23.50 23.54 23.58 60 23.62 23.66 23.70 23.74 23.78 23.8223.86 23.90 23.94 23.98 61 24.02 24.06 24.09 24.13 24.17 24.21 24.25 24.29 24.33 24.37 62 24.41 24.45 24.49 24.53 24.57 24.61 24.65 24.69 24.72 24.76 63 24.80 24.84 24.88 24.92 24.96 25.00 25.04 25.08 25.12 25.16 64 25.20 25.24 25.28 25.32 25.35 25.3925.43 25.47 25.51 25.55 65 25.59 25.63 25.67 25.71 25.75 25.7925.83 25.87 25.91 25.95 66 25.98 26.02 26.06 26.10 26.14 26.18 26.22 26.26 26.30 26.34 67 26.38i26.42 26.46 26.50 26.54 26.5826.61 26.65 26.69 26.73 68 26.77 26.81 26.85 26.89 26.93 26.97 27.01 27.05 27.09 27.13 69 27.17 27.21 27.24 27.28 27.32 27.3627.40 27.44 27.48 27.52 70 27.56 27.60 27.64 27.68 27.72 27.7627.80 27.84 27.87 27.91 71 '27.95 27.99 28.03 28.07 28.11 28.1528.19 28.23 28.27 28.31 72 28.35 28.39 28.43 28 47 28.50 28.5428.58 28.62 28.66 28.70 73 28.74 28.78 28.82 28.86 28.90 28.94 28.98 29.02 29.06 29.10 74 29.13 29.17 29.21 29.25 29.29 29.3329.37 29.41 29.45 29.49 75 29.53 29.57 29.61 29.65 29.69 29.73 29.76 29.80 29.84 29.88 76 29.92 29.96 30.00 30.04 30.08 30. 12 30. 16 30.20 30.24 30.28 77 30.32 30.35 30.39 30.43 30.47 30.51 30.55 30.59 30.63 30.67 78 30.71 30.75 30.79 30.83 30.87 30.9130.95 30.98 31.02 31.06 79 31.10 31.14 31.18 31.22 31.26 31.30 31.34 31.38 31.42 31.46 80 31.50 31.54 31.53 31.61 31.65 31.6931.73 31.77 31.81 131.85 81 31.89 31.93 31.97 32.01 32.05 32.0932.13 32.17 32.21 32.24 82 132.28 32.32:32.36 32.40 32.44 32.4832.52 32.56 32.60 32.64 '83 132.68 32.72 32.76 32.80 32.84 32.87 32.91 32.95 32.99 33.03 84 33.07 33.11 33.15 33.19 33.23 33.2733.31 33.35 33.39 33.43 85 33.47 33.50 33.54 33.58 33.62 33.66 33.70 33.74 33.78 33.82 86 33.86 33.90 33.94 33.98 34.02 34.06 34.10 34.13 34.17 34.21 87 34.25 34.29 134.33 34.37 34.41 34.4534.49 34.53 34.57 34.61 88 34.65 34. 69 134.73 34.76 34.80 34.8434.88 34.92 34.96 35.00 89 135.04 35.08 i35.12 35.16 35.20 35.24 35.28 35.32 35.36 35.40 90 35.43 35.47 35.51 35.55 35.59 35.6335.67 35.71 135.75 35.79 91 135.83 35.87 35.91 35.95 35.98 36.02 36.06 36.10 36.14 36.18 92 i36.22 36.26 36.30 36.34 36.38 36.4236.46 36.50 36.54 36.58 93 36.61 36.65 36.69 36.73 36.77 36.81 36.85 36.89 36.93 35.97 94 37.01 37.05 37.09 37.13 37.17 37.2137.24 37 28 37.32 37.36 95 37.40 37.44 37.48 37.52 37.56 37.60 37.64 37.68 37.72 37.76 96 37.80 37.84 37.87 37.91 37.95 37.9938.03 38.07 38.11 38.15 97 38.19 38. 23; 38. 27 38.31 38.35 38.39 38.43 38.47 38.50 38.54 98 J38.58 38.62 38.66 38.70 38.74 38.7838.82 38.86 38.90 38.94 99 38.98 39.02 39.06 39.10 39.13 39.17 39.21 39.25 39.29 39.33 100 39.37 39.41 39.45 39.49 39.53 39.5739.61 39.65 39.69 39.73 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NOTE. mm. = millimetre ; 10 mm. = 1 cm. (centimetre) ; 100 cm. = 1 m. (metre). 282 JO X ES 6 i. LA UG H L ] N STE E L CO. TABLE OF WEIGHTS Interchangeable between U. S. and Metric Systems M H [?. m III III P M M II a I 1 2 * HI * i c IIS H 2 U (H 2 w * |l |i,a M II S* 1 28.3495 35.274 0.4536 2.2046 0.9072 1.1023 2 56.6000 70.548 0.0072 4.4002 1.8144 2.2046 3 85.0485 105:822 1.3608 6.6138 2.7216 3.3009 4 118.8080 141.006 1.8144 x.xlx4 8.6288 4.4092 5 141.7475 176. 370 2.2680 11.0230 4.5360 5.5115 6 170.0970 211.644 2.7216 13.2276 5.4432 6.6138 7 198.4464 246.918 3. 1752 15.4322 6.3504 7.7Kil 8 296.7050 282. 192 :< 6288 17.6868 7.2576 x x)s4 9 25.5. 1454 317^466 4.0824 19.8414 0! 9207 10 283.4949 352.740 4.5360 22.0460 9l 0720 11.0230 11 311.8444 388.014 4.9896 24.2506 9.9792 12. 1253 12 340. 1939 4J3 _'xx 5.4432 1D.SV4 13.2276 13 5.8068 'x I'J.YO, 11.7936 14.3299 14 gft 8028 W.8M 6.8504 SO! 8644 12.7006 15.4322 15 425.2423 529.110 6.8040 33.0690 13.6080 16.5345 16 453.5918 564.384 7.2576 35.2736 14.5152 17.6308 17 7.7112 37 4782 15. 4224 18.7391 IS x l',4x , j |,v's 16 3296 19.8414 19 s iilx4 4L.XX74 17.2368 20.9437 20 9.0720 44.0920 18. 1440 22.0460 21 9.5256 46.2966 19.0512 23. 1483 22 9 9792 48 5012 1 1 j * i ") v i 24.2506 23 10. 4328 50. 70.58 20i 8656 25.3529 24 ID XM;I 52 9104 21.7728 26. 4552 25 11.3400 55.1150 22.6800 27.5575 1 metric ton=1000 kg. (kilograms). 1 kilogram =1000 g. (grams). 1 gram=10 dg. (decigrams)=100cg. (centigrams) =1000 mg. (milligrams). Weight of 1 cubic mm. of water=l milligram. Weight of 1 cubic cm. of water=l gram. Weight of 1 cubic dm. of water (=1000 grams) = 1 litre =1 kg. Weight of 1 cubic m. of water (=1000 dm 3 )=l metric ton. NOTE. 10 mm. =1 cm; 10cm. =1 dm. (decimetre); 10dm.=lm. (metre); mm = millimetre ; cm. = centi- metre. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. 283 TABLE OF LIQUID AND DRY MEASURE Interchangeable between U. S. and Metric Systems M M 2 D K LITRES TO QUARTS QUARTS TO LITRES 89 x z SS2 a 31 uO^ l 08 H * ">a s s ! h* 5 g w2 s Q w 8 0% H H 111 2% 'O 1 3 ? Q I fr Q 1 2 3 4 5 1.0567 2.1134 3.1701 4.2268 5.2835 0.908 1.816 2.724 3.632 4.540 0.9463 1.8927 2.8390 3.7854 4.7317 1.1013 2.2026 3.3040 4.4053 5.5066 264. 17 528.35 792.52 1056.70 1320.87 0.0038 0.0076 0.0114 0.0151 0.0189 2.8375 5.6750 8.5125 11.3500 14. 1875 0.3524 0.7048 1.0573 1.4097 1.7621 6 7 8 9 10 6.3402 7.3969 8. 4536 9.5103 10.5670 5.448 6.356 7.264 8.172 9.080 5.6781 6.6244 7.5707 8.5171 9.4634 6.6079 7.7093 8.8106 9.9119 11.0132 1585.05 1849.22 2113.40 2377.57 2641.75 0.0227 0.0265 0.0303 0.0341 0.0379 17.0250 19.8625 22.7000 25.5375 28.3750 2.1145 2.4669 2.8194 3.1718 3.5242 11 12 13 14 15 11.6237 12.6804 13.7371 14.7938 15.8505 9.988 10.896 11.804 12.712 13.620 10.4098 11.3561 12.3024 13.2488 14. 1951 12.1145 13.2158 14.3172 15.4185 16.5198 2905.92 3170. 10 3434.27 3698. 45 3962.62 0.0416 0.0454 0.0492 0.0531 0.0569 31.2125 34.0500 36.8875 39.7250 42.5625 3.8766 4.2290 4.5815 4.9339 5.2863 16 17 18 19 20 16.9072 17.9639 19.0206 20.0773 21.1340 14.528 15.436 16.344 17.252 18. 160 15.1415 16.0878 17.0341 17.9805 18.9268 17.6211 18.7224 19.8238 20.9251 22.0264 4226.80 4490.97 4755. 15 5019.32 5283.50 0.0606 0.0644 0.0682 0.0720 0.0758 45.4000 48.2375 51.0750 53.9125 56.7500 5.6387 5.9911 6.3436 6.6960 7.0484 21 22 23 24 25 22.1907 23.2474 24. 3041 25.3608 26. 4175 19.068 19.976 20.884 21.792 22.700 19.8732 20.8195 21.7658 22.7122 23.6585 23. 1277 24.2290 25.3304 26.4317 27.5330 5547.67 5811.85 6076.02 6340.20 6604.37 0.0796 0.0833 0.0871 0.0909 0.0947 59.5875 62.4250 65.2625 68.1000 70.9375 7.4008 7.7532 8. 1057 8.4581 8.8105 1 cu. metre (m 3 ) = 1000 1. (litres) = 1000 dm 3 (cu. decimetres). 1 hectolitre (hi.) = 100 litres. 1 litre = 1 dm 3 (cu. decimetre) = 10 dl. (decilitre) = 100 cl. (centilitre) = 1000 ml. (millilitres). 1 millilitre = 1 cm 3 (cu. centimetre). JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CO. MENSURATION TT = 3.1415926536 | = 1.5708 = 1.0472 = 0.7854 = 0.2618 = 0.04909 = 0.31831 7T i= 0.10132 r 2 7T 2 = 9.86960 7T 3 = 31.00628 log. - = Q.4971499 4/-= 1.77245 - = 0.56419 it log. I/- = 0.2485749