GIFT OF MARY JVCKSCH A LE1IMB FBOM JEFFMB8ON. A VALUABLE DOCUMENT OWNED BY A MINNESOTA MAN. MILWAUKEE, Wis., Feb. 19. -Harry Hill of Fairbault, Minn., owns an autograph letter written by Thomas Jefferson in 1814 which gives in a measure a cause for the Jeffersonian simplicity" of the famous lawmaker. Bishop Whipp e, the eminent Episcopal divine, recently iound the letter among his papers, and it is to day published for the first time. It was gl ven to" Bishop \Vhipple by a New- York gentleman many BIBLIC to uneasiness from t ANA * s 0*9tft ?B 9 J0 PJ04i BIBLIOTHECA JEFFERSONIANA 35 COPIES PRINTED No. BIBLIOTHECA JEFFERSONIANA A LIST OF BOOKS WRITTEN T!Y OR RELATING TO THOMAS JEFFERSON HAMILTON BULLOCK TOMPKINS i ^ NEW YORK AND LONDON G. P. PUTNAM S SONS faty |inukcrbocker |)rtss 1887 Coi YRlcilT BY HAMILTON BULLOCK TOMPKINS 1887 Press of i.l. P. PUTNAM S SONS New York INTRODUCTORY. In the following pages an attempt has been made to bring together the titles of the books written by, or relating to, Thomas Jefferson. The arrangement is alphabetical, under the name of the author when this is known, otherwise under the first word of the title, omitting particles. To avoid cross-references, in the body of the work, books issued anonymously, or under a pseudonym, and there placed under the name of the real author, are given in the first Index under a short title. The initials following some of the titles indicate the public libraries in which the books may be con sulted. A. signifies Astor Library. B. " Boston Public Library. BA. " Boston Athenaeum Library. C. " Library of Congress. H. " Harvard University Library. M. " Massachusetts State Library. M.H.S. " Massachusetts Historical Society Library. N. " New York Historical Society Li brary. P. " Library Company of Philadelphia. 269020 6 Introductory. P. M.S. signifies Pennsylvania Historical Society Library. New York State Library. Senate Library, Washington. American Antiquarian Society Li brary, Worcester, a line omitted in the title, lines " " " no change in the title-page. H. B. T. S. S.L. W. BIBLIOTHECA JEFFERSONIANA. Address of Ajax to James A. Bayard, Esq., dated March 25, 1802. From the American Literary Advertiser. Svo, pp. 7. BA. i Defends Jefferson against the attack made by Mr. Bayard in his speech in the House of Representatives, February, 1802. Address, An, to the People of Massachusetts on the Choice of Electors for President and Vice- President. [1804.] 8vo, pp. 16. 2 Favors the re-eiection of President Jefferson. [ 1 Address, An, to the Citizens of Massachusetts on the Causes and Remedy of Our National Dis tresses. By a Fellow Sufferer. Boston : Printed at the Repertory Office, 1808. 8vo, pp. 13. BA. 3 Dated October 10, 1808. Accuses Jefferson of " a base disposition to truckle to the insulting, domineering conduct of France, and sacrificing our national independence, our character, and dearest rights." 7 Bibhotheca Jejfersomana. Address, An, to the Independent Citizens of Massa chusetts on the Subject of the Approaching Election : Exhibiting a View of the Leading- Measures of the Jefferson and Madison Admin istrations. Worcester : Published at the Spy office, March, 1810. 8vo, pp. 23. B. 4 A Federal campaign document. , Addresses, The, and Messages of the Presidents of the United States to Congress, Comprising all the Inaugural, Annual, Special, and Farewell Ad dresses and Messages of Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, John Q. Adams, Jackson, and Van Buren. Complete in one vol ume. New York : Published by Charles Loh- man. 1837. Svo, pp. 486. [ J Imaginary, An, Conversation between President Jackson and the Ghost of Jefferson. Columbia, S. C 1831. T2mo, pp. 22. 6 On nullification. Appendix, An, to Aristides Vindication of the Vice-President of the United States, by a Gen tleman of North Carolina, Proving that General Hamilton at the Last Presidential Election Ex erted All His Influence to Support Mr. Jefferson Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. n in Opposition to Mr. Burr. Virginia : Printed and for sale by the booksellers in this State. 1804. 8vo, pp. 20. BA. 7 Aristides Vindication was entitled : An Examination of the Various Charges against Aaron Burr, Vice-President of the United States, and a De velopment of the Character and Views of His Political Opponents." By Aristides [William P. Van Ness]. New York : Printed by Wood & Gould. 1803. 8vo, pp. 118. Austin (B., Jr.). Constitutional Republicanism in Opposition to Falla cious Federalism, as Published Occasionally in the Independent Chronicle, under the Signature of Old South, to Which is Added a Prefatory Address to the Citizens of the United States, never before published By Benjamin Austin, Jun. Boston : Printed for Adams & Rhodes, Editors of the Independent Chroni cle. 1803. 8vo, pp. 327. C. 8 Defends Jefferson against the attacks of the Federalists. Bache (B. F.). To the Democratic Republican Electors of the State of Pennsylvania. [1804.] C. 9 A broadside signed by Benjamin Franklin Bache favoring the re-election of Jefferson. Barry ( W. T.). Speech of William T. Barry, Esq., on the Death of Adams, Jefferson, and Shelby. Delivered in Lexington on Tuesday, Fifteenth August, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty-six. Lex ington, Ken. : Printed by John Bradford. 1826. Svo, pp. 24. 10 Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 13 \Bayard (Richard H. and James A.\\ Documents Relating to the Presidential Election in the Year 1801, Containing a Refutation of Two Passages in the Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Aspersing the Character of the Late James A. Bayard, of Delaware. Philadelphia : Mifflin Parry, Printers. 1831. Svo, pp. 14. C. ii See Randall s " Life of Jefferson," vol. II., pp. 597-609. \Bayard (James A.}.\ Remarks in the Senate of the United States, Janu ary 31, 1855, Vindicating the Late James A. Bay ard, of Delaware, and Refuting the Groundless Charges Contained in the Anas" of Thomas Jefferson Aspersing His Character. Washing ton : 1855. Svo, pp. 14. C. 12 \Beckley (John)] Address to the People of the United States, with an Epitome and Vindication of the Public Life and Character of Thomas Jefferson. Philadelphia : Printed by James Carey. 1800. Svo, pp. 32. W., BA., C. 13 Also printed by Oliver Farnsworth, Newport, R. I., 1800. Second Edition, Worcester, Mass. : Printed by Sewell Goodridge, MDCCCII. The address is signed " Americanus," and dated Pennsylvania, July, iSoo. Biddle (A 7 !). An Eulogium on Thomas Jefferson, Delivered before the American Philosophical Society, April 11, 1827. By Nicholas Biddle. Philadelphia: 1827. Svo, pp. 55. P. U.S., M.H.S. 14 Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 15 Bishop (A.}. Connecticut Republicanism. An Oration on the Ex tent and Power of Political Delusion, Delivered in New Haven on the Evening Preceding the Public Commencement, September, 1800. By Abraham Bishop ...... New Haven. | 1800. | 8vo, pp. (iv) 64. Appendix, pp. xi. C., P.H.S. 15 + Philadelphia : Printed for Matthew Carey, Nov. 13, 1800. Svo, pp. 80. Newark: Pennington & Gould, MDCCC. Svo, pp. 71. Albany: Printed by John Barber, 1801. Svo, pp. xi., (i) 68. Bishop Oration Delivered in Wallingford, on the nth of March, 1801, before the Republicans of the State of Connecticut, at Their General Thanks giving, for the Election of Thomas Jefferson to the Presidency, and of Aaron Burr to the Vice- Presidency, of the United States of America. By Abraham Bishop. Our Statesmen to the Con stitution and Our Clergy to the Bible. New Haven: Printed by William W. Morse, 1801. 8vo, pp. in. M.C. 16 Contains an Appendix and Jefferson s Inaugural Address. Another Edition, Bcnnington : Reprinted by Anthony Haswell, 1801. Svo, pp. 80. Bishop (A.}. Oration, in Honor of the Election of President Jef ferson, and the Peaceable Acquisition of Louisi ana, Delivered at the National Festival, in Hart ford, on the nth of May, 1804. By Abraham Bishop. General Committee of Republicans. Hartford: Sidney s Press, 1804. 8vo, pp. 24. P. 17 Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 17 Brackenridge (Henry M^). A Eulogy on the Lives and Characters of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. By the Hon. H. M. Brackenridge. Delivered at the Court House in Pensacola, on Tuesday, i5th August, 1826, in compliance with a request from the Citizens in Town-meeting assembled. Pensacola, Florida : Published by W. Hasell Hunt, 1826. 8vo, pp. 18. N. 18 Also found in Brack en ridge s Speeches, etc., Philadelphia, 1829. 8vo, pp. 236. Brazer Address Pronounced at Hatfield on the 4th March, 1807, in Commemoration of the Inauguration of Thomas Jefferson as President of the United States. By Samuel Brazer, Jun. Published at the Unanimous Request of the Company En gaged in the Celebration. Northampton : Printed by Horace Graves. 1807. Svo, pp. 15. M. 19 Brooks (E^). An Address by Hon. Erastus Brooks. What True Democracy Means ; as Illustrated in the Life and Character of Thomas Jefferson. Delivered before the Jefferson Club, of New Brighton, S. I ...... Printed for Circulation on the Birthday Anniversary of Thomas Jefferson, April 2, 1884. Richmond County Democrat Steam Job Print, Tompkinsville. 8vo, pp. 27. B. 20 Bryant (W. C). The Embargo ; or, Sketches of the Times. A Satire. The Second Edition, Corrected and Enlarged, Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 19 together with the Spanish Revolution, and Other Poems. By William Cullen Bryant. Boston : Printed for the Author by E. G. House, No. 5 Court Street, 1809. I2mo, pp. 36. 21 The Embargo ; or, Sketches of the Times. Satire. By a " Youth of Thir teen." I2mo, pp. 12, was printed in Boston in 1808 ; it was enlarged and a new edition published in 1809, as above, and is, says Duyckinck, "A reflec tion in good set heroic measure of the prevalent New England anti-Jeffersonian Federalism of the times." " Oh, snatch me, Heaven, to some sequestered spot, Where Jefferson and faction are forgot." p. 15. See Parton s " Life of Jefferson," pp. 690-2. Burk (John Daly}. An Oration Delivered on the Fourth of March, 1803, at the Court House in Petersburg, to Celebrate the Election of Thomas Jefferson and the Tri umph of Republicanism. By John D. Burk, Attorney-at-Law. Printed at the Request of the Committee. T. Field, Printer. 8vo, pp. 18. C. 22 Calhoun (y.) and Jefferson (7".). Opinions of John C. Calhoun and Thomas Jefferson on the Subject of Paper Currency [n.p. n.d] [i8 7 3(?).] 8vo, pp. 26 H. 23 The pamphlet is made up of extracts from the Translator s Preface to De Cassagnac s " History of the Noble and Ennobled Classes." \Callender > (James Thompson)^ The Prospect Before Us. Volume I. But, Sir ! it has an awful squinting ! it squints at Monarchy ! P. Henry. Richmond, Virginia : Printed for the Author and sold by M. Jones, S. Pleasants, jun., and J. Lyon. 1800. (Price One Dollar.) 8 vo, pp. 184. N. C. 24 Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 21 The Prospect Before Us. Vol. II., Part I. And Hell followed. St. John. I will not sit un concerned when my Liberty is invaded, nor look in silence upon public Robbery. I will exert my endeavours, at whatever hazard, to repel the ag gressor and drag the Thief to Justice. Dr. Johnson. Richmond : Printed and Sold by M. Jones, Printer to the Commonwealth ; by S. Pleasants, jun., at the office of the Virginia Argus ; by T. Field, Petersburg ; and by the Author in the Jail of Richmond. [Price Three Quarters of a Dollar.] MDCCC. Svo, pp. 152. N. C. 25 The Prospect Before Us. Vol. II., Part II. Mine is an Inferior, Ministerial Office, in the Temple of Justice. I have bound the Victim and dragged him to the Altar. Junius. Richmond: Printed by H. Place, and sold by M. Jones, Printer to the Commonwealth ; by S. Pleasants, jun., at the office of the Virginia Argus ; by T. Field, Petersburg ; and by the Author in the Jail of Richmond. [Price Half a Dollar.] MDCCCI. 8vo, pp. 96. C. 25* Callender was a Scotchman and a political writer of some notoriety before coming to this country. His writings here were characterized by a severe in vective, and for his abuse of the Federal Administration he was tried for sedition and convicted. At the time of writing "The Prospect Before Us " he was friendly to Jefferson, and sought to advocate the interests of the Repub licans by denouncing Adams ; later, however, he became equally violent against Jefferson himself. Callender was drowned while bathing in the James River at Richmond, Va., July, 1803. Vide. McMaster s "History of the People of the United States," vol. Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 23 II., pp. 338, 468-72, 618-19. See also " Life of Jefferson," by Randall, vol. III., pp. 18 and 19. A notice of " The Prospect Before Us " is printed in The Magazine of American History, vol. XVII., (April, 1887,) pp. 284-5. {Callender ( /. T.\\ Letters to Alexander Hamilton, King of the Feds, Ci-Devant Secretary of the Treasury of the United States of America, Inspector-General of the Standing Armies Thereof, Counsellor at Law, &c., &c., &c. Being intended as a Reply to a Scandalous Pamphlet lately published under the sanction, as it is presumed, of Mr. Hamilton, and signed with the signature of Julius Philaenus. By Tom Callender, Esq., Citizen of the World. New York : Printed by Richard Reynolds, No. 27 Dey Street. 1802. 8vo, pp. 64. C., N. 26 I place this book alphabetically under Callender, although I am inclined to agree with Mr. Ford, Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana, p. 67, that Callender did not write it; the pamphlet criticises the Philaenus Letter, No. 198 infra ; in 1802, Callender was as bitter towards Jefferson as he had formerly been against the Federalists. Reprinted as follows : Letters to Alexander Hamilton, King of the Feds. New York : Printed for the Hamilton Club, 1866, Bradstreet Press. 410 and 8vo, pp. (4) 89. Sixty copies printed, of which 20 were in quarto. This reprint forms No. IV. of the Hamilton Club Series. [Carpenter (Step ken Cullen).~\ Memoirs of the Hon. Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State, Vice-President, and President of the United States of America, Containing a Con cise History of those States from the Acknowl edgment of their Independence. With a View of the Rise and Progress of French Influence Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 25 and French Principles in that Country ...... In two volumes. Printed for the Purchasers. 1809. 8vo, pp. iv, 400, 434. C., A., B. 27 Suppressed by the printers on account of the libels it contained. Parton calls them "two octavo volumes of vituperation." See Menzies Catalogue, title, Carpenter. Catalogue of the Library Purchased by Congress from Thomas Jefferson, Late President of the United States. Washington, i8i5. 4to. 28 As is well known, the Congressional Library having been destroyed at the burning of the Capitol by the British on the 24th of August, 1814, Jefferson, in the following September, offered to dispose of some of his books to the gov ernment ; they numbered nine or ten thousand volumes, and were purchased by Congress for the sum of $23,950. See Nos. 72, 73, infra. [ 3 Catalogue of Valuable Oil Paintings, many of them by the Old Masters, and all Choice Pictures, being the Collection of the late President Jeffer son. To be sold at Auction on Friday, July 1 9th, at Mr. Harding s Gallery, School St. ..... (Price 12^ cents.) [1833.] 8vo, pp. 8. BA. 29 Containing fifty-six lots. "The Pictures," says the advertisement, "were purchased in Paris by Mr. Jefferson, while residing there as Minister of the United States. The selection was made with the assistance of Col. Trumbull, the celebrated painter." . Celebration of Jefferson s Birthday in Washington, Wednesday, April 13, 1859. Washington, D. C.: Buell & Blanchard, Printers. 1859. 8vo, pp. 16. C. 30 Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 27 \Cheetham (James). ~\ A Narrative of the Suppression by Col. Burr, of the History of the Administration of John Adams, late President of the United States, written by John Wood, Author of the History of Switzer land, and of the Swiss Revolution, to which is added A Biography of Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States, and of General Hamilton. With Strictures on the Conduct of John Adams, and on the Character of General C. C. Pinckney. Extracted verbatim from the Suppressed History. By a Citizen of New York. New York : Printed by Denniston & Cheetham, No. 142 Pearl Street. 1802. Svo, pp. 72. BA., N. 31 + Second edition revised and corrected. Svo, pp. 72. See Wood (John), No. 279, infra. [Clinton (De Witf).~\ A Vindication of Thomas Jefferson against the Charges Contained in a Pamphlet, Entitled Serious Considerations, etc. By Grotius. New York : Printed by David Denniston. 1800. 8vo, pp. 47. B., C. 32 See No. 201. \Coleman (William) ^\ An Examination of the President s Reply to the New Haven Remonstrance. With an Appendix containing the President s Inaugural Speech, the Remonstrance and Reply ; together with a List of Removals from Office, and New Appointments made since the Fourth of March, Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 29 1801. (Signed Lucius Junius Brutus.) New York: George F. Hopkins. 1801. 8vo, pp. 66. BA. 33 See Nos. 239 and 259. Gushing, in his "Initials and Pseudonyms" (New York, 1885), attributes this pamphlet to William Cranch. See, however, Sabin s Dictionary, No. 23,365. Colvin (J. B.). Republican Economy ; or, Evidences of the Superi ority of the present Administration over that of John Adams ; together with a correct View of the late sale of Bank Stock. By John B. Colvin, Editor of the Republican Advocate, Frederick-Town, Maryland. Fredericktown,i8o2. Svo, pp. 12, Table. C. 34 + Also second edition. Colvin A Candid View of Facts, in a Letter from John B. Colvin to a Federal Friend. Frederick-Town, Md. : Printed at the office of the Republican Advocate, 1804. I2mo, pp. 48. C. 35 Discusses Washington s, Adams and Jefferson s administrations, and favors Jefferson s re-election. . Concise, A, Account of the Life of Thomas Jeffer son, President of the United States. To which is annexed the Speech he delivered at his Inaugural on the 4th of March, 1801. Phila delphia: Printed by John Thompson for G. Helmbold, Junr., Publisher of Jefferson s Full Length Portrait. 1801. + 1804. I2mo, pp. 40. 36 Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. a 1 Considerations on the Embargo Laws. [n. p. n. d.] 8vo, pp. 16. BA. 37 The writer doubts their constitutionality. [Cook (John Esten).^\ The Youth of Jefferson ; or, A Chronicle of College Scrapes at Williamsburg, in Virginia, A.D. 1764. New York : Redfield. 1854. I2mo, pp. 249. 38 Cragin (Aaron //!). Jefferson against Douglas. Speech of Hon. A. H. Cragin of New Hampshire, in the House of Representatives, August 4, 1856. Colophon, Washington, D. C. Buell & Blanchard, Print ers. 1856. Svo, pp. 14. C. 39 C ]. Cursory Reflections on the Consequences which may ensue, should Mr. Jefferson & Mr. Burr have Equal Votes both from the Electors and States. New York : Printed by Furman & Loudon. 1801. i2mo, pp. 25. H. 40 Gushing (Caleb). Eulogy on John Adams and Thomas Jefferson . . . in Newburyport, July 15, 1826 By Caleb Cushing. Cambridge : Hilliard & Met- calf. 1826. 8vo, pp. 60. P., P.H.S., B., H. 41 Dallas (George Mifflin). Oration on the Centennial Anniversary of the Birth Bibliotheca Jejfersoniana. 33 of Thomas Jefferson, delivered at the County Court House, Philadelphia, April 13, 1843. By George M. Dallas. Published by Request of the Meeting. Philadelphia : Printed by Mifflin & Panes. 1843. 8vo, pp. 8. P.H.S. 42 Danvers (jf. T.). A Picture of a Republican Magistrate of the New School : being a Full-Length Likeness of his Excellency Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States. To which is added a Short Criticism on the Characters and Pretensions of Mr. Madison, Mr. Clinton, and Mr. Pinckney. By John Thierry Danvers of Virginia. New York: Printed for E. Sargent. 1808. 8vo, pp. 96. BA., S. 43 The author accuses Jefferson of hypocrisy and cunning. Davies (C. S.). An Address Delivered at Portland on the Decease of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, August 9, 1826. By Charles Stewart Davies, Portland, 1826. 8vo, pp. 55. P.H.S. , M.H.S. 44 Daviess (J. H.}. A View of the President s Conduct Concerning the Conspiracy of 1806. By J. H. Daviess, late Attorney of the United States for Kentucky, Frankfort, Kentucky. 1807. 8vo, pp. 64. BA. 45 Severe in its denunciations of Jefferson. Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 35 Davis (T. 7). A Sketch of the Life, Character, and Public Services of Thomas Jefferson, with some account of the aid he rendered in establishing our Indepen dence and Government. By Thomas J. Davis, Philadelphia : Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger, 624, 626 & 628 Market Street. 1876. I2mo, pp. 179. 46 [ ] Defence, The, of Young and Minns, Printers to the State, before the Committee of the House of Representatives. With an Appendix, contain ing the Debate, etc. . . . Boston, 1805. 8vo, pp. 68. BA. 47 The alleged offence of Young and Minns, was the publication of an attack upon President Jefferson in their newspaper, The New England Palladium. [ 1 Democratic, To the, Republican Electors of Penn sylvania. Philadelphia, 1804. 4 8 A broadside on the Presidential Election. \De Saus sure (Henry W.}.\ Address to the Citizens of South Carolina, on the Approaching Election of President and Vice- President of the United States by "a Federal Republican." Charleston, 1800. 8vo, pp. 34. C. 49 An And- Jefferson Campaign document. \_De Witt (Cornells). } Thomas Jefferson sa vie et sa Correspondance. Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 37 Extrait de la Revue des Deux Mondes, July, 1859. 8vo, pp. 39. 5 De Witt (Cornells). Thomas Jefferson, Etude Historique sur la Democra tic Americaine. Par Cornells De Witt. Paris : Librairie Academique, Didier et Cie., Libr. Edi- teurs. 1 86 1. I2mo, pp. 568. M.H.S. 51 Most of this book appeared as contributions to the Revue des Deux Mondes, 1857-60. De Witt (Cornells). Jefferson and the American Democracy, an Histori cal Study. By Cornelis De Witt. Translated, with the Author s permission, by R. S. H. Church. London. 1862. 8vo, pp. 448. 52 De Witt(W. R.). Sermon on the Death of the Patriots and Statesmen Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, delivered by the Rev. W. R. De Witt, Pastor of the Presby terian Congregation, Harrisburg, in the German Reformed Church, on Friday the 22, July, 1826, in compliance with a request of the Citizens of Harrisburg Printed by Cameron & Krause, Market Street. 8vo, pp. 16. P.H.S. 53 [Die kins (Asbury).\ The Claims of Thomas Jefferson to the Presidency Examined at the Bar of Christianity. By a Layman. Philadelphia. 1 800. Svo, pp. 54. P.H.S. 54 Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 39 Vide Sabin s Dic t, Nos. 8,573, 35>9 2 3- The writer claims that Jefferson denied the truth of Christianity. Dodge (A".). A Discourse at Lebanon 4, March, 1805, m Honor of the Election of Thomas Jefferson. By Ne- hemiah Dodge, of Middletown. Norwich, Conn. 1805. Svo. 55 \Duane ( William) J\ Politics for American Farmers : being a Series of Tracts, exhibiting the Blessings of Free Gov ernment, as it is administered in the United States, compared with the Stupendous Fabric of British Monarchy. Originally written for, and published in the Aurora of Philadelphia, in the Beginning of ... 1807. Washington City : Printed by R. C. Weightman for W. Duane, Philadelphia. 1807. Svo, pp. 200. 56 William Duane was born in America in 1760 but of Irish extraction ; he went to Ireland with his mother in early life, and afterwards to India, where he estab lished a newspaper called The World. In 1795 he came to Philadelphia, and wrote for the Aurora, then under the editorial management of Benjamin Frank lin Bache, and of which, in 1799, upon the death of Bache, he became the edi tor. The Aurora exerted a great influence upon the politics of the country and, in the hands of Mr. Duane, was an ardent supporter of Jefferson. Duer (William). An Eulogy on John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, Pronounced by Request of the Common Council of Albany, at the Public Commemoration of their Deaths held in that City on Monday the 3ist of Bibliotheca Jejfersoniana. 4* July, 1826. By William Alexander Duer. Al bany. 1826. 8vo, pp. 20. BA., P.H.S. 57 Dwight (T.\ An Oration, delivered at New Haven on the 7th of July, A.D. 1 80 1, before the Society of the Cin cinnati for . . . Connecticut, assembled to cele brate the Anniversary of American Independence. By Theodore Dwight. . . . Hartford : Printed by Hudson and Goodwin. 1801. 8vo, pp. 43. BA. 58 See Randall s " Life of Jefferson," vol. ii., p. 661. Dwight (T.}. The Character of Thomas Jefferson, as Exhibited in his Own Writings. By Theodore Dwight. Bos ton : Weeks, Jordan & Company. 1839. I2mo, pp. 371. S. 59 \Elwyn (Thomas) J\ A Letter to a Federalist in Reply to some of the Popular Objections to the Motives and Tendency of the Measures of the Present Administration. February, 1805. [Portsmouth, N. H.] 8vo, pp. 31. N., C. 60 . . Epaminondas : originally published in numbers in the New York Gazette. New York : Printed for John Lang, by G. F. Hopkins. 1801. Svo, pp. 17. C. 6r Probably by Augustus B. Woodward. Addressed to the Federal members of the House of Representatives of the United States, urging the election of Burr, instead of Jefferson, to the Presidency. Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 43 Essex Resolutions. Colophon, Newburyport. E. W. Allen, Printer. Svo, pp. 14 (2). BA. 62 Resolutions and address adopted at a meeting of delegates from the several towns in the county of Essex, at Topsfield, October 6, 1808, assembled for the purpose of taking into consideration the alarming and ruinous condition of public affairs. They condemn Jefferson s policy towards the belligerents and call for the removal of the embargo. [Evans (Thomas). \ A Series of Letters Addressed to Thomas Jefferson, Esq., President of the United States, concerning his Official Conduct and Principles, with an Ap pendix, important Documents and Illustrations, by Tacitus. Philadelphia : For E. Bronson. Printed by Thos. Smith. 1802. Svo, pp. 127, Appendix [45]. BA., P.H.S. 63 A Federalist tract. \_Evarts (William M.}.~\ Monument over the Grave of Thomas Jefferson. Letter from the Secretary of State to Hon. D. W. Voorhees, Chairman of the Committee on the Library, transmitting Letter of the Attorney General in relation to the obstacles in the way of erecting a monument over the grave of Thomas Jefferson. May n, 1880. 8vo, pp. 4. 64 46th Congress, 2d Session, Senate, Mis. Doc., No. 88. Everett (A. H.). A Defence of the Character and Principles of Mr. Jefferson, being an Address delivered at Wey- Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 45 mouth, Mass., at the Request of the Anti- Masonic and Democratic Citizens of that Place, on the 4th of July, 1836. By Alexander H. Everett. Boston: Beales & Greene. 1836. 8vo, pp. 76. H., BA., C. 65 Everett (.). An Address Delivered at Charlestown, August i, 1826, in Commemoration of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. By Edward Everett. Bos ton : William L. Lewis. 1826. Svo, pp. 36. P.H.S. 66 [ ] Federalist, The, containing 1 some strictures upon a pamphlet entitled "The Pretensions of Thomas Jefferson to the Presidency Examined, and the Charges against John Adams Refuted," which Pamphlet was first published in the Gazette of the United States, in a series of essays under the signature of Phocian. Philadelphia : November, 1796. Svo, pp. 48. BA., P. 67 See No. 252. The Same. Part the Second. Republished from the Gazette of the United States, and the New World. By Matthew Carey, No. 118 Market Street, November 1796. 8vo, pp. 27. P. C ] Federal, The, Chatechism Metamorphosed ; or the Natural Spirit of Federalism Exposed, from the Works of their Federal Holiness. Calculated Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 47 for the Meridian of Grafton : But will serve for the whole of New Hampshire, and any other of the Federal States, without any material altera tion. By Urial Faber Republique. For the Use of Schools. Printed for the Purchaser, 1804. Svo, pp. 24. C. 68 \Fessmden {Thomas Green) ~\ Democracy Unveiled ; or Tyranny Stripped of the Garb of Patriotism, by Christopher Caustic, LL.D., &c., &c., &c., &c., &c., &c., &c., &c., &c. Caecum domus scelus omne retexit. You rogues ! you rogues ! you re all found out ! And, " We the People," I ve no doubt, Will put a period to your dashing And honest men will come in fashion. Boston. Printed by David Carlisle. For the Author, 1805. Small Svo, pp. viii., 220. C. 69 + Second Edition, Boston : the Author, 1805. I2mo, pp. viii., 220. H. + Third Edition, with Large Additions, New York, 1806. 2 vols. I2mo, pp. 179, 238. A poem in Six Cantos, being a severe tirade against the Republican (Demo cratic) Party in general, and Jefferson in particular. [. J. First, The, Jubilee of American Independence and Tribute to John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Newark, N. J. 1826. 70 Forsytk (John). Eulogium on Adams and Jefferson, delivered at the request of the Citizens of Augusta. By the Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 49 Hon. John Forsyth Augusta, Printed at the Georgia Courier Office, By Brantly & Clarke. 1826. 8vo. BA. 71 Goldsborough (Robert 77.). Report on the Library of Congress, by Senator R. H. Goldsborough, asking to be empowered to Contract for the purchase of the Library of Thomas Jefferson for the use of both Houses. ..... Oct. 7, 1814. 8vo, p. i. 72 Senate Docs., I3th Congress, 3d Session. Goldsborough (Robert //.). Report on the Library of Mr. Jefferson, by Senator R. H. Goldsborough. 8vo, p. i. 73 The report states that the Committee has contracted conditionally with the agent of Mr. Jefferson, Mr. S. H. Smith, for the purchase of the Library, con taining 6,487 volumes, at estimated price of $23,950. Dated, Nov. 28, 1814. Senate Docs., I3th Congress, 3d Session. [Granger (Gideon).} A Vindication of the Measures of the Present Ad ministration. By Algernon Sidney. " Where Liberty is There is my Country." Taken from the " National Intelligencer." Trenton : Wil son & Blackwell. May 16, 1803. 4to, pp. 16. H., C. 74 Hartford : Printed by Luther Pratt, 1803. 8vo, pp. 32. Second Edition, Wilmington Del.: James Wilson, 1803. I2mo, pp. 36. City of Washington : Printed by Samuel H. Smith, 1803. Svo., pp. 20. Bib Hot he ca Jeffersoniana. 51 [Granger (Gideon). ~\ An Address to the People of New England. By Algernon Sidney. January 23d, 1808. Wash ington : Printed by Dinmore and Cooper 1808. 8vo, pp. 38. B., H. 75 Philadelphia, 1809. 8vo, pp. 32. Albany, 1809. Svo, pp. 32. + I2mo, pp. 36. + Pittsfield, Mass. pp. 24. In defence of Jefferson s Administration. Gr is wo Id (-SI). Overcoming Evil with Good. A Sermon delivered at Wallingforcl, Connecticut, March 11, 1801 ; before a numerous collection of the friends of the Constitution, of Thomas Jefferson, President, and of Aaron Burr, Vice President of the United States. By Stanley Griswold, A.M. of New Milford. Hartford. Printed by Elisha Babcock 1801. 8vo, pp. 36. C. 76 | Grymes (JPhilip).\ Letter to Gabriel Jones, dated July 20, 1803, on his attempt to impeach the honesty of Jefferson. One leaf folio, signed Veritas. 1803. C. 77 This called forth the following reply : " A Refutation of the Charges made by a Writer under the signature of Veritas, against the Character of Gabriel Jones the lately acknowledged Author being the Honorable Philip Grymes, Member of the Council of State, in which every charge or insinuation against him in that libel is fully and clearly refuted." Winchester : Printed by Richard Bowen. n. d. [1803], Small 4to, pp. 32. BA. [Hamilton (Alexander)^ The Politics and Views of a Certain Party Displayed. Printed in the Year M,DCC,XCII. Svo, pp. 36. 78 The "Certain Party" refers to Jefferson, and the pamphlet contains a Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 53 severe attack upon him. Its authorship has been generally attributed to Hamilton, although Ford (Bib. Ham., p. 39) thinks it was probably written by William L. Smith. Hamilton (A.) and Jefferson American Budget, 1794. The Income and Expen ditures of the United States of America, as Presented to the House of Representatives, in Sundry Estimates and Statements relative to appropriations for the Service of the Year 1 794. By Alexander Hamilton, Esq., Secretary of the Treasury of the United States of America. To which is added, The Report to the Congress of the United States of America, on the Nature and Extent of the Privileges and Restrictions of the Commercial Intercourse of the United States with Foreign Nations, and the Measures proper to be adopted for the Improvement of the Com merce and Navigation of the Same. By Thomas Jefferson, Esq., Secretary of State. London : Printed for J. Debrett, opposite Burlington House, Piccadilly, 1794. 8vo, pp. (2) 42. B. 79 [Hamilton (A.)~\ The Examination of the President s Message at the Opening of Congress, December 7, 1801. Re vised and Corrected by the Author. Ducit Amor Patrise. New York : Printed and pub lished at the office of the New York Evening Post, 1802. Svo, pp. 127. N., P., BA. 80 First appeared in the Evening Post, under the signature of Lucius Crassus. Reprinted in this form with the addition of the Message. Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 55 Hamilton (Alexander), and others. The Speeches at full Length of Mr. Van Ness, Mr. Caines, the Attorney-General, Mr. Harrison, and General Hamilton, in the Great Cause of the People, against Harry Crosswell, on an In dictment for a Libel on Thomas Jefferson, Presi dent of the United States. New York : Printed by G. & R. Waite, No. 64 Maiden Lane. 1804. [ Copyright secured.] Svo, pp. 78. S. 81 Crosswell charged Jefferson with having paid money to James Thomson Callender to assist him in the publication of " The Prospect Before Us." Hamilton (A.) and Jefferson The Soundness of the Policy of Protecting Domestic Manufactures ; fully established by Alexander Hamilton, in his Report to Congress on the Subject, and by Thomas Jefferson in his Letter to Benjamin Austin ...... Philadelphia : Printed by J. R. A. Skerrett for the Philadelphia Society for the Promotion of American Manu factures. 1817. 8vo, pp. 24. B. 82 [Hammond (Jabez /?.).] Life and Opinions of Julius Melbourn ; with Sketches of the Times of Thomas Jefferson, John Quincy Adams, John Randolph, and several other Emi nent American Statesmen. Edited by a Late Member of Congress. Syracuse, 1847. I2mo, pp. 239. S., B. 83 Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 57 \Hawks (Francis Lester).\ A Criticism on Tucker s Life of Jefferson. New York, 1837. Svo, pp. 58. 84 From the New York Review and Quarterly Church Journal. Dr. Hawks attacks the character of Jefferson. See No. 266. -4 Henderson (George). A Short View of the Administrations in^the Govern ment of America under the formed Presidents, ) the late General Washington and J<*n Adams ; and of the Present Administration uncrer Thomas Jefferson, with Cursory Observations on the present State of the Revenue, Agriculture, Commerce, Manufactures, and Population of the United States. By George Henderson, Esq London : 1802. 8vo, pp. 71. P. 85 Henry (Wm. Wirf). Character and Public Career of Patrick Henry. Comments upon Mr. Jefferson s Letter. 1867. 8vo, pp. 8. 86 Defends Henry against, what the writer considers, the misstatements of Jef ferson. See Memorandum by Thomas Jefferson on Patrick Henry, printed in "Historical Magazine and Notes and Queries," vol. ii., second series (1867) p. 90. Hoge (James). Discourse on Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. 86* See proceedings of Columbus Bar on death of Adams and Jefferson. No. 232, infra. [ 3 ... Honest, The, Politician. Part I., containing the first eight numbers, together with a publication Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 59 under the signature of Vindex relative to the same subject : addressed to the President, and published in the District of Columbia about the middle of February last. Baltimore : Printed for the Author. 1 808. Svo, pp. 65 (3). BA. 87 Imaginary, An, Conversation between President Jackson and the Ghost of Jefferson. 121110, pp. 22. 87* See No. 6 supra where, owing to the misplacement of copy, this title was erroneously inserted. [ 1 Impartial Address of the Federal Committee of Albany ; or the Thirty-five Anti-Federal Objec tions refuted. Albany. 1787. 161110. 88 Relates to Jefferson. From Sabin s Dictionary. _ _ Inquiry, An, into the Present State of the Foreign Relations of the Union, as Affected by the Late Measures of Administration. Published by Sam uel Bradford, Philadelphia ; and the Principal Booksellers in the United States. 1806. Svo, pp. 183. . C. 89 Irelan (jfohn R^). History of the Life, Administration, and Times of Thomas Jefferson, Third President of the United States. American Independence and the Political Development of the American Repub- Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 61 lie. By John Robert Irelan, M.D. Chicago: Fairbanks and Palmer Publishing Co. . i8<^ 8vo, pp. 541. Portrait. C. 90 Forms vol. III. in " The Republic ; or a History of the United States of America in the Administrations, from the Monarchic Colonial Days to the Present Time." By John Robert Irelan, M.D. James (J. Eulogy on Thomas Jefferson, Delivered at the Co lumbian College, D. C., on the Fourth of Octo ber, 1826. By John W. James. A Member of the Senior Class. Motto " Magnanimous in youth, glorious in life, great in death." Wash ington. 1826. 8vo. Title i, pp. 6, double columns. P.H.S. 91 \Jefferson (Thomas). \ A Dialogue between a Southern Delegate and his Spouse on his Return home from the Grand Continental Congress. A Fragment inscribed to the Married Ladies of America by their most Sincere and Affectionate Friend and Servant, Mary V. V. Printed in the year M,DCC,LXXIV. 8vo, pp. 14. H., BA. 92 Printed in Boston, and also in New York. Mr. Sabin, in his Dictionary, No. 19,933, says: "This tract, which is in verse, is supposed to have been written by Jefferson." Manuscript note in J. B. Chandler s copy. In the edition of Thomas " History of Printing, "issued by the American Antiquarian Society of Worcester, vol. ii., p. 644, it is also attributed to Jefferson. \Jefferson (Thomas) .] A Summary View of the Rights of British America. Set forth in some Resolutions intended for the Inspection of the present Delegates of the Peo ple of Virginia, Now in Convention. By a Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 63 Native, and Member of the House of Burgesses. Williamsburg : Printed by Clementina Rind. [1774.] I2mo, pp. 23. C., P., M.H.S. 93 Other editions : Williamsburg, printed ; Philadelphia, reprinted by John Dunlap, M,DCC,LXXIV. 8vo, pp. 23. N., W., H. Printed in London ; title same as above : imprint Williamsburg, printed by Clementina Rind. London, reprinted for G. Kearsley, at No. 46, near Serjeant s Inn, in Fleet Street, 1774. 8vo, pp. xvi., 44. The second edition (probably of the reprint), London : same title, imprint, and date. Svo, pp. xvi., 44. H. The title of the Williamsburg edition is in Roman capitals. This summary " was intended to convey to the late meeting of delegates the sentiments of one of their body whose personal attendance was prevented by an accidental ill ness." See " Life of Jefferson," by Tucker, vol. I., p. 58 ; also Monthly Re view, vol. LI., p. 393. The Library of Congress has Jefferson s own copy, with his manuscript notes. \Jefferson ( Thomas). \ Draught of a Fundamental Constitution for the Com monwealth of Virginia. Svo, pp. 14. H. 94 Drawn by Jefferson in anticipation of a convention to be held in 1783 by the Commonwealth of Virginia for the establishment of a constitution. \Jefferson ( Thomas). \ Notes on the Establishment of a Money Unit, and of a Coinage for the United States. Dated Annap olis, May 9, 1 784. Svo, pp. 14. H. 95 Notes on the State of Virginia. These notes were written by Mr. Jefferson in answer to inquiries propounded to him by the Marquis de Barbe-Marbois, then Secretary of the French Lega tion in Philadelphia. Jefferson had two hundred copies privately printed in Paris in 1784, but dated 1782, for distribution among his friends abroad and in America. \Jefferson ( Thomas) . \ Notes on the State of Virginia ; Written in the Year 1781, somewhat Corrected and Enlarged in the Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 65 Winter of 1782, for the Use of a Foreigner of distinction in Answer to certain queries proposed by him respecting i, Its Boundaries; 2, Rivers; 3, Sea Ports ; 4, Mountains ; 5, Cascades and Caverns ; 6, Productions, mineral, vegetable and animal ; 7, Climate ; 8, Population ; 9, Military Force; 10, Marine Force; n, Aborigines; 12, Counties and Towns ; 13, Constitution ; 14, Laws; 15, Colleges, Buildings and Roads; 16, Proceedings as to Tories; 17, Religion; 18, Manners ; 19, Manufactures ; 20, Subjects of Commerce; 21, Weights, Measures and Money; 22, Public Revenue and Expences ; 23, Histories, Memorials and State Papers. MDCCLXXXII. 8vo, pp. (2) 391. C., H., S., P.H.S. 96 Contains an Eye-draught of Madison s Cave, and folded Table of Names of Indian Tribes. The pages from 367 to 391 comprise the Appendix, made up of observations furnished to Jefferson by Mr. Charles Thomson, Secretary of Congress. A copy of this book in the Lenox Library contains the following note in Jef ferson s handwriting : " Mr. Jefferson having had a few copies of these Notes printed to offer to some of his friends and to some other estimable characters beyond that line, begs the Abbe Morellet s acceptance of a copy ; unwilling to expose them to the public eye, he asks the favor of the Abbe Morellet to put them into the hands of no person on whose care and fidelity he cannot rely to guard them against publication." This copy is as above described ; the copy mentioned by Rich (Bibliotheca Americana Nova, p. 301), presented to M. de Malesherbe, and the copy men tioned in the John Carter Brown Catalogue (Part III., vol. II., p. 192), pre sented to Dr. Bancroft, have the same note, and are also described as above, from which it is evident that the first copies issued by Jefferson had no addi tional matter. Appended, however, to many copies of the Notes in the form of a separate pamphlet is the " Draught of a Fundamental Constitution for the Commonwealth of Virginia," pp. 14, some of the copies of which, I am cognizant, contain, be sides the " Draught of a Fundamental Constitution," " Notes on the Establish ment of a Money Unit, and of a Coinage for the United States," pp. 14, and "An Act for Establishing Religious Freedom, passed in the Assembly of Vir ginia in the beginning of the year 1786," pp. 4. The " Draught of a Funda- Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 67 mental Constitution," and the " Notes on the Establishment of a Money Unit " had both been prepared by Mr. Jefferson before the " Notes on Virginia" were printed in Paris. The " Act for Establishing Religious Freedom," however, was not passed until more than a year after the Notes were printed. Its presence in the copies referred to is accounted for on the ground that Jeffer son had it put in type after it had passed, and added to such copies of the Notes as he had not yet distributed among his friends ; the type and paper being the same as the body of the work indicate this. Jefferson was the author of the Act, and introduced it into the Assembly of Virginia in 1778 or 1779, b \j--t it did not become law until the year above mentioned. The type of the first two appendices is the same, although different from that of the body of the book ; the paper, however, is similar to that of the book itself. One of the copies which I have seen, containing the three additional pamphlets, was a presenta tion copy : " Mr. Jefferson begs Mr. Sparrmann s acceptance of this volume," which clearly shows that the work as now found in its completest form was made up by Jefferson himself when in Paris. The copy of the Notes in the State Library at Albany is composed of the proof-sheets having the author s corrections. [See article of Dr. E. B. O Cal- laghan in Historical Magazine, vol. III., Second Series (Feb., 1868), p. 96.] This copy has the " Draught of a Fundamental Constitution " only. Jefferson s reason for desiring to prevent the publication of the Notes was because he feared that the terms in which he spoke of slavery and the Consti tution might produce an irritation in the minds of his countrymen against reformation in these two articles. See Letter to Monroe, Jefferson s Works (Con. Ed.), vol. I., p. 348. A copy, however, upon the death of its owner, found its way into the hands of a French publisher who caused it to be translated as below : J \effer son (Thomas). ~\ Observations sur la Virginie, Par M. J * * *. Tra- duites de 1 Anglois. A Paris. Chez Barrois, 1 aine, Libraire, rue du Hurepoix, pres le pont Saint-Michel. 1 786. 8vo, pp. (4) xiii., 290 (iv.). Map and Table. 97 The number 290 is a misprint and should read 390. The map which ap peared in this translation was engraved by S. J. Neele, and prepared under Jefferson s supervision ; it was also used in the English edition of 1787. This translation was made by the Abbe Morellet and, as he claims, in a note in his copy above alluded to, with Jefferson s consent ; it contains many mis takes although in part revised by Jefferson. In a letter to George Wythe, dated Paris, Aug. 13, 1786 (Works, vol. II., p. 6), alluding to the Notes, Jef ferson says : "A bad French translation, which is getting out here, will oblige me to publish the original more freely, which it does not deserve and which I Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 6 9 did not intend." Jefferson consented to its republication in England by Stock- dale of London, who had asked leave to print the book, and who issued the following : Jefferson (T.). Notes on the State of Virginia. Written by Thomas Jefferson. Illustrated with A Map, including the States of Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and Pennsylvania. London : Printed for John Stockdale, opposite Burlington House, Picca dilly. M,DCC,LXXXVII. 8vo, pp. (4) 382. Map and Table. BA., A., C. 98 This edition contains three Appendices : the first containing certain observa tions furnished to Jefferson by Mr. Charles Thomson, Secretary of Congress ; the second, "A Draught of a Fundamental Constitution for the Commonwealth of Virginia" ; the third, " An Act for Establishing Religious Freedom, passed in the Assembly of Virginia, 1786." Jefferson (T.). Notes on the State of Virginia. Written by Thomas Jefferson. Philadelphia : Printed and Sold by Prichard and Hall, in Market Street, between Front and Second Streets. M,DCC,LXXXVIII. Svo, pp. (ii.) 244. Folded Sheet. C. 99 The first American edition, and contains the three Appendices of the English edition. Jefferson (7 1 .). Beschreibung von Virginien. . . . Leipzig, 1789. 100 From Mr. Sabin s Dictionary. Jefferson (T.\ Notes on the State of Virginia. By Thomas Jeffer son. Second American Edition. Philadelphia : Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 7* Printed for Matthew Carey, No. 118 Market Street, November 12, 1794. 8vo, pp. (4) 336. Map and Table. M.H.S., H. 101 Contains the same Appendices as previous American edition. Dr. O Callaghan, in the Historical Magazine (Boston, February, 1857), vol. I., p. 52, mentions a "Second American Edition," Philadelphia, 1788, pp. ii., 336, and another Second American Edition, Philadelphia, 1792, pp. ii., 336. I have not been able to find a copy of either, but if they exist they are undoubt edly the same as the one described in the above title. Jefferson (T.\ An Appendix to the Notes on Virginia Relative to the Murder of Logan s Family. By Thomas Jefferson. Philadelphia : Printed by Samuel H. Smith. M,D,CCC. 8vo, pp. 51. Wood-cut. C., BA. 102 Also another edition, pp. 58. C. In this pamphlet Jefferson gives the evidence upon which he charged Capt. Cresap and his party with the murder of Logan s family. Jeffersoris Notes on the State of Virginia ; with the Appen dixes complete. Baltimore : Printed by W. Pechin, cor. Water and Gay Streets. 1800. Svo, pp. 194. Appendix, 52. B. 103 Jeffersoris Notes on the State of Virginia ; with the Appendixes complete. To which is subjoined a Sublime and Argumentative Dissertation on Mr. Jeffer son s Religious Principles. Baltimore : Printed by W. Pechin, corner of Water and Gay Streets. 1800. 8vo, pp. 194. Appendix, 53. A Vindication 21, and Folded Table. C. 104 To the three Appendices alluded to in the previous editions, the one relating to the murder of Logan s family is here added, and these four appear in all future complete editions of the Notes. Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 73 The " Sublime and Argumentative Dissertation on Mr. Jefferson s Religious Principles," announced on the title-page, is entitled "A Vindication of the Religion of Mr. Jefferson, and a Statement of his Services in the Cause of Religious Liberty." See No. 267. Jefferson Notes on the State of Virginia. With an Appendix. By Thomas Jefferson. Third American Edition. New York : Printed by M. L. and W. A. Davis for Furman and London, opposite the City- Hall. 1 80 1. 8vo. pp. 392. Portrait, Map, and two Wood-cuts. 105 Jefferson (7".). Notes on the State of Virginia. . . . Newark : Printed by Pennington & Gould. 1801. 8vo, pp. 392. 106 Precisely the same as the preceding copy. Jefferson Notes on the State of Virginia. By Thomas Jeffer son. First Hot-Pressed Edition. Philadelphia : R. T. Rawle. June, 1801. John Thompson, Printer. 8vo, pp. (4) 436. Appendix, 56. Portrait, Map, two Plans, and View of Natural Bridge. N., C., H. 107 Contains also Jefferson s Inaugural Address of March 4, 1801. Jefferson Notes on the State of Virginia. With an Appendix. By Thomas Jefferson. Fourth American Edi tion. New York : Printed for and Sold by T. B. Janson & Co., No. 148 Pearl St., and J. Janson & Co., No. 196 Water Street. 1801. 8vo, pp. 392. Portrait. 108 Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 75 Jefferson Notes on the State of Virginia. With an Appendix. By Thomas Jefferson. Eighth American Edi tion. Boston : Printed by David Carlisle for Thomas & Andrews, J. West, West & Green- leaf, J. White & Co., E. & S. Larkin, J. Nan- crede, Manning & Loring, Boston, Thomas & Thomas, Walpole, N. H., and B. B. Macanulty, Salem. 1801. 8vo, pp. 364. Portrait, Map, and Plan. H., B. 109 Jefferson (T.\ Notes on the State of Virginia. With an Appendix. By Thomas Jefferson. Ninth American Edition. Boston : Printed by H. Sprague, No. 44 Marl boro Street. 1802. I2mo, pp. 368. Portrait, Map, Table and Two Cuts. C., W. no Jefferson (T.). Notes on the State of Virginia. With an Appendix relative to the Murder of Logan s Family. By Thomas Jefferson. Trenton : Printed by Wil son & Blackwell, July 12, 1803. I2mo, pp. 363. P. in The first edition in which the Appendix relating to the murder of Logan s family by Captain Cresap was announced on the title-page. Jefferson Notes on the State of Virginia. With an Appendix relative to the Murder of Logan s Family. By Thomas Jefferson. Trenton : Printed by Wil son & Blackwell for Matthew Carey, No. 118 Market St., Philadelphia ...... 1803. I2mo, pp. 356. Portrait, Map, and Folded Sheet. C. 112 Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 77 Jefferson Notes on the State of Virginia. By Thomas Jeffer son. New York. 1804. 8vo, pp. 392. 113 Jefferson (?".). Notes on the State of Virginia. With an Appendix. By Thomas Jefferson. Philadelphia. 1812. I2mo. Portrait. 114 The same. Trenton, 1812. I2mo. Portrait. The same. Philadelphia : Hogan and Thompson. 1815. I2mo. Jefferson (7".). Notes on the State of Virginia. By Thomas Jeffer son. Philadelphia : H. C. Carey & T. Lea, E. Bliss & E. White, New York, Wells & Lilly, Boston, and John Miller, London. 1825. I2mo, pp. 344. C. 115 Jefferson Notes on the State of Virginia. By Thomas Jeffer son. Boston : Wells & Lilly, Court Street. 1829. I2mo, pp. (4) 280. B., P. H. S. 116 Jefferson (T^). Notes on the State of Virginia. By Thomas Jeffer son. Boston : Published by Lilly and Wait. 1832. I2mo, pp. (4) 280. C. 117 Jefferson Notes on the State of Virginia. By Thomas Jeffer son. Illustrated with a Map, including the States of Virginia, Maryland, Delaware and Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 79 Pennsylvania. A New Edition, prepared by the Author, containing Notes and Plates never before published. Richmond, Va. : J. W. Ran dolph, 121 Main Street. 1853. 8vo, pp. iv. (4), 275. Map, 2 Plates, and Folded Sheet. C. 118 Printed from Mr. Jefferson s own copy of Stockdale s edition, with his manuscript annotations. Jefferson Republican Notes on Religion ; And An Act Estab lishing Religious Freedom, passed in the Assem bly of Virginia, in the Year 1 786. By Thomas Jefferson, Esquire, President of the United States. Danbury : Printed by Thomas Row. 1803. 8vo, pp. IT. 119 \Jefferson (Thomas) ^\ Observations on the Whale Fishery. [1788]. 8vo. P. i 20 A Memoire on the Arret of Sept. 28, 1788, prohibiting the importation of whale oils of foreign fishery into France. In compliance with this Memoire, whale oils of the United States " were relieved from the general prohibition." See Tucker s " Life of Jefferson," vol. I., p. 264. This paper was privately printed by Jefferson to be given to the French Ministers. A few copies, were, however, sent to his friends. See his letters to Jay (Jefferson s Works, vol. II., p. 513) and Adams, (p. 539). \Jefferson (Thomas) .] Report of the Secretary of State on the Subject of Establishing a Uniformity in the Weights, Meas ures and Coins of the United States. Pub lished by Order of the House of Representa tives. New York : Printed by F. Childs and J. Swaine. M,DCC,XC. 8vo, pp. 49. M.H.S., N. 121 Bibliotheca J effersoniana. Jefferson (T^) and Sabine Cod and Whale Fisheries, Report of Hon. Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State, on the Subject of the Cod and Whale Fisheries, made to the House of Representatives, February i, 1791. Also Report of Lorenzo Sabine, Esq., on the princi pal fisheries of the American Seas ...... Ordered to be printed January 8, 1872. House of Representatives, 42d Congress, 2d Session. Mis. Doc. No. 32. 8vo, pp. 272. B. 122 Jefferson {Thomas). Report of the Secretary of State, to whom was re ferred, by the House of Representatives of the United States, the petition of Joseph Isaacks of Newport in Rhode Island. Signed Thomas Jefferson, and dated Philadelphia, March 21, 1791. i leaf, folded. P. 123 The petition relates to a method of converting salt water into fresh. \Jefferson (Thomas). ~\ Report of the Secretary of State on the Privileges and Restrictions on the Commerce of the United States in Foreign Countries. Philadel phia : Childs and Swaine, 1793. 8vo, pp. 20. 124 \Jefferson (Thomas). ~\ Papers relative to Great Britain. [Philadelphia] [1793] 8vo, pp. 159 (i). B. 125 Commencing with a letter dated November 29, 1791, and ending with one Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 83 of September 25, 1793. A collection of letters and papers prepared by Jeffer son, as Secretary of State, containing the correspondence with George Ham mond, the British Minister, and others, relating principally to arranging the commercial intercourse between the two countries and the settling of various matters growing out of the treaty of peace. Reprinted in England as below. Jefferson (7?) and Hammond Authentic Copies of the Correspondence of Thomas Jefferson, Esq., Secretary of State to the United States of America, and George Hammond, Esq., Minister Plenipotentiary of Great-Britain, on the Non-Execution of Existing Treaties, the delivering the Frontier Posts, and on the Pro priety of a Commercial Intercourse between Great-Britain and the United States. Philadel phia, Printed ; London : Reprinted J. Debrett, opposite Burlington-House, Piccadilly. 1794. 8vo, pp. (2), 89. M.H.S. 126 "These papers comprehend everything necessary to afford complete infor mation with respect to the grounds of the disputes which arose between Great Britain and the United States." Monthly Review (enlarged), vol. XIV., 459. Sabin says this book has two parts, pp. (2), 89 ; (2), II, 59 ; the copy in the Mass. Hist. Soc. Library, however, to which he refers, is in one volume. Jefferson A Manual of Parliamentary Practice, for the Use of the Senate of the United States. By Thomas Jefferson. Washington City. M,D,CCC. I2mo. 127 The Same. Washington City, Printed by Samuel Harrison Smith. MDCCCI. I2mo, pp. [188], 4. Another Edition, + Washington, pp. 199. H. Second Edition, with the last Additions of the Author. Georgetown : pub lished by Joseph Milligan and William Cooper, Washington. 1812. 24mo, pp. 188. C., M.H.S. Third Edition. Lancaster, Pennsylvania : Printed by William Dickson. 1813. I2mo, pp. 166, 29, 46. P. Bibliotheca Jejfersoniana. 85 [Jefferson (T.)J\ Manuel du droit parlementaire, ou precis des regies suivies dans le Parlement d Angleterre et dans le Congres des Etats-Unis, pour 1 introduction, la discussion et la decision des affaires ; traduit de 1 anglais par L. A. Pichon. Paris : Nicolle. 1814. 8vo, pp. 233. H.. S., 128 Jefferson A Manual of Parliamentary Practice for the Use of the Senate of the United States. By Thomas Jefferson. To which is added the Rules and Orders of the Senate and House of Representa tives of the United States and Joint Rules of the Two Houses. Washington City. Printed by Davis & Force. 1820. i6mo, pp. 220. 129 Jefferson A Manual of Parliamentary Practice, composed origi nally for the Use of the Senate of the United States. By Thomas Jefferson. To which are added the rules and orders for both Houses of Congress. Washington, Published by Gales & Seaton. 1822. I2H1O, pp. 224. I3O Same. Concord : Published by George Hough & Jacob B. Moore. 1823. i6mo, pp. 180. P., C. + Washington, 1828. I2mo. + Cincinnati : Published by Drake and Con- clin, 1828. I2mo, pp. 162. Philadelphia : Hogan and Thompson, 1834. i8mo., pp. 191. The Same, 1837. Also printed in Italian, Paris, 1837. I2mo. Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 87 Jefferson A Manual of Parliamentary Practice, composed origi nally for the Use of the Senate of the United States. By Thomas Jefferson. With Refer ences to the Practice and Rules of the House of Representatives. The whole brought down to the present time, to which are added the Rules and Orders, together with the joint rules of both Houses of Congress, and accompanied with Co pious Indices. Philadelphia: Hogan & Thomp son. 1 840. i8mo, pp. 204. 131 + 1843, 1848, 1850, i6mo, pp. vi. (2), 13-196. The Same, New York : Clark, Austin & Smith, 1858. + New York : Clark, Austin & Maynard. + New York : Clark & Maynard, 1876. I2mo, pp. 204. The Manual is also found in Jefferson s Works, vol. IX., p. 5. Jefferson s Manual is also printed in the volume which has been issued from time to time by Congress, containing the Constitution of the United States, the Rules of Order of both Houses, and other matters pertaining to the Legislative Department of the Government. Jefferson ( Thomas). Speech of Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States, delivered at his Instalment, March 4, 1 80 1, at the City of Washington. To which are prefixed His Farewell Address to the Senate, and a brief Account of the Proceedings at the Instal ment. Philadelphia : Printed by Cochran & McLaughlin for Matthew Cary, 118 Market Street. 1801. i6mo, pp. 24. Portrait. C. 132 Jefferson (7".). Speech of Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States ; delivered in the Senate Cham- Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 89 her of the Capitol, the 4th of March, at 12 o clock. New York : Printed by William Durell, No. 106 Maiden Lane. 1801. 8vo, pp. 1 6. Portrait. C. 133 Jefferson {Thomas). The Address of Thomas Jefferson, to the Senate, the Members of the House of Representatives, the Public Officers, and a large Concourse of Citi- cens, delivered in the Senate Chamber, on the 4th of March, 1801, on his taking the Oath of Office as President of the United States of America. Baltimore : Printed and sold by W. Pechin, corner of Gay and Water Streets. 1801. 8vo, pp. 8. B. 134 The Same. Baltimore : Printed for Keatinge s Book-Store. 1801. 8vo, pp. 8. M.H.S. Jefferson (Thomas). The Inaugural Speech of Thomas Jefferson, March 4th, 1 80 1. Broadside. B. 135 Jefferson Correspondence of Thomas Jefferson, with his Ad dress in the Senate Chamber, 1801, on taking the Oath of Office as President. Baltimore. 1801. 8vo. 136 Jefferson (T.). Inaugural Address of Thomas Jefferson, third Presi dent of the United States, Delivered March 4th, 1 80 1. Philadelphia: B. Franklin Jackson. 1801. 8vo, pp. 8. 137 Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 9 1 Jefferson Speech of Thomas Jefferson, the newly elected Presi dent, to the Senate of the United States. With a few Remarks by an Englishman. London. 1801. 8vo. C. 138 Jefferson (Thomas). Discorso del Signer Tommaso Jefferson. I2mo, pp. 12. C. 139 Another Edition of Same. i6mo, pp. 8. C. Inaugural Address of March 4, 1801, translated into Italian by Philip Mazzei. Jefferson (T.). Discourse of Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States, for the opening of the Session. Discours de Thomas Jefferson, President des Etats- Unis pour TOuverture de la derniere Session du Congres. (Traduction Litterale). A Paris, Imprimerie Librairie du Cercle-Social, Rue du Theatre Frangais No. 4. An. X [1802]. 8vo, pp. 36. C. 140 The English is on one page, and the French translation on the opposite one. Jefferson (T.). Speech of Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States, delivered at his Instalment, March 4, 1 80 1, at the City of Washington. With trans lations into the French, Italian, and German Tongues. Paris : Printed at the English Press. [1802.] 8vo, pp. 16. 141 Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 93 Jefferson (T.) and Others. Inaugural Speeches of Washington, Adams, and Jefferson. Printed by H. Sprague. 1802. I2mo, pp. 40. C. 142 Jefferson {Thomas). President s Speech. [1805.] 8vo, pp. 8. C. 143 Jefferson s Second Inaugural. Jeffersoniad (The), or an Echo to the Groans of an Expiring Faction. By Democraticus, March 4, 1 80 1. First Year of the Triumph of Republican Principles. I2mo, pp. 18. 144 Messages. In this list of messages I have given only the most important of those which I have found. Those which are omitted contain only a few lines by Jefferson. and merely transmit documents. A complete set of the Messages by Jefferson, as separately printed pamphlets, is not believed to be in existence. The set that would naturally be found in Washington was destroyed at the burning of the Capitol in 1814. "A De scriptive Catalogue of the Government Publications of the United States, from September 5, 1774, to March 4, 1880," compiled by Ben: Perley Poore, was issued from the Government Printing-Office in Washington in 1885, and pur ports to contain a list of the messages and papers by Jefferson, and other matters relating to him, which were printed by order of Congress. \Jefferson (Thomas) ^\ Message from the President of the United States, ac companying a report to him from the Secretary of War, and sundry documents relative to the establishment of Trading-houses with the Indian Tribes, and other regulations for their benefit and accommodation. 27th January, 1802. 8vo, pp. n. W. 145 Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 95 \Jefferson (Thomas) .] Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a roll of the Persons having office or employment under the United States. Pub lished by order of the Senate, February 16, 1802. Washington City : Printed by William Duane. 1802. 8vo, pp. 52, 21, 3, 32, 22, 8, 15, 13. B. 146 \Jefferson ( Thomas) .] Message from the President of the United States, transmitting sundry documents respecting the French Corvette Berceau. [Apr. 15, 1802.] 8vo, pp. 8. B. 147 \Jefferson (Thomas).^ Message from the President of the United States to the Senate and House of Representatives, deliv ered at the Commencement of the First Session of the Eighth Congress, October 17, 1803. Printed by order of the Senate. 8vo, pp. 10. M., B. 148 \Jefferson ( Thomas) .] An Account of Louisiana, being an Abstract of Documents, in the Offices of the Departments of State, and of the Treasury. Philadelphia : Printed by William Duane, No. 106, Market Street. 1803. 8vo, pp. 50. M. 149 + Reprinted in London 1804. C. \Jefferson (Thomas) .] Message from the President of the United States, inclosing a Treaty and Conventions entered into Biblioiheca Jeffersoniana. 97 and ratified by the United States of America and the French Republic, relative to the cession of Louisiana, 22d October, 1803. 8vo, pp. 18. W. 150 \Jefferson (Thomas) .] Message from the President of the United States to both Houses of Congress, 8th November, 1804. Washington City. Printed by William Duane & Son, 1804. 8vo, pp. 8, (14), 22. W. 151 Relates to the general condition of affairs in the country, and accompanied by three documents the first containing extracts from letters from the Spanish Minister, withdrawing any opposition, on the part of his government, to the cession of Louisiana by France; second, creating the "District of Mobile," with Fort Stoddart as a port of entry; and third, "A Summary Description of the Lead Mines in Upper Louisiana," also an estimate of their product for three years past. Jefferson (Thomas). Discorsi (Messagio) del Sig. Tommaso Jefferson, Presidente delli Stati Uniti di America. Fatti tradurri dall Sig. Giacomo Leandro Cathcart. Livorno, 1804. Presso Pietro Meucci. Con Approvazione. i6mo, pp. 34. C. 152 \Jefferson (Thomas) J\ Message from the President of the United States, containing his Communication to both Houses of Congress at the Commencement of the First Session of the Ninth Congress. 3d December, 1805. Printed by Order of the Senate. City of Washington: A. & G. Way, Printers. 1805. 8vo, pp. ii. B. 153 Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 99 \Jefferson (Thomas) .] Message from the President of the United States, respecting the Application of Hamet Caramalli, Ex-Bashaw of Tripoli, January 13, 1806. City of Washington : A. &. G. Way, Printers. 1 806. 8vo, pp. 56. B. 154 Additional Message on Same Subject, February 4, 1806, pp. 14. \Jefferson ( Thomas) .] Message from the President of the United States, transmitting an Act of the State of South Caro lina ceding to the United States various Forts and Fortifications, and Sites for the Erection of Forts in the Same State. February 3, 1806. City of Washington : A. & G. Way, Printers. 1806. 8vo, pp. 8. 154* \Jefferson ( Thomas) J\ Message from the President of the United States, communicating discoveries made in exploring the Missouri, Red River, and Washita, by Captains Lewis and Clark, Doctor Sibley and Mr. Dunbar, with a statistical account of the Countries adjacent. February 19, 1806. Printed by order of the Senate. City of Wash ington : A. & G. Way, Printers. 1806. 8vo, pp. 178. A. 155 \Jefferson (Thomas) .] Message from the President of the United States, transmitting Information touching an Illegal Combination of Private Individuals against the Bibliotheca Jejfersoniana. 101 Peace and Safety of the Union. June 22d, 1807. Washington. 1807. 8vo, pp. 16. M.H.S. 156 Vide Jefferson s Works, vol. VIII., p. 71. Relates to Aaron Burr. \Jefferson (Thomas) ^\ Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a Copy of the Proceedings, and of the Evidence Exhibited on the Arraignment of Aaron Burr and others before the Circuit Court of the United States held in Virginia in 1807. Washington. 1807. 8vo, pp. 554. 157 \Jefferson (Thomas). ~\ Message from the President of the United States, containing his Communication to both Houses of Congress, at the Commencement of the First Session of the Tenth Congress. October 27, 1807. City of Washington: A. & G. Way, Printers. 1807. 8vo, pp. 15. B., S.L. 158 \Jefferson (Thomas) .] The Embargo Laws, and Message from the Presi dent to the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, dated Dec. 18, 1807. With an Appendix. Colophon, Boston : Joshua Cush- ing, Printer, 79 State Street. I2mo, pp. 36. C. 159 \Jefferson (Thomas). ~\ Message from the President of the United States, communicating Documents and Information Bibliotheca Jejffersoniana. 103 touching the official conduct of Brigadier-Gen eral James Wilkinson, in pursuance of a resolu tion of the House of Representatives of the thirteenth instant, January 2Oth, 1808. City of Washington : A. & G. Way, Printers. 1808. 8vo, pp, 30. 160 \Jefferson (Thomas).^ Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a Treaty of limits between the United States of America and the Choctaw na tion of Indians, January 30, 1808. City of Washington : A. & G. Way, Printers. 1 808. 8vo, pp. 10. S.L. 161 \Jefferson (Thomas) .] Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a Treaty made at Detroit on the seventeenth of November, 1807, between the United States and the Ottaway, Chippeway, Wyandot and Pottawatamie nations of Indians. January 30, 1808. City of Washington : A. & G. Way, Printers. 1808. 8vo, pp. 8. S.L. 162 \Jefferson ( Thomas). ~\ Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a Report on the subject of the Mil itary Academy established at West Point. March 1 8, 1808. City of Washington : A. & G. Way, Printers. 1808. 8vo, pp. ii. 163 Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 105 \Jefferson (Thomas).^ Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a letter from the Secretary of State to Mr. Monroe on the subject of the Attack on the Chesapeake ; the Correspondence of Mr. Monroe with the British Government ; and also Mr. Madison s Correspondence with Mr. Rose on the same subject. March 23d, 1808. Printed by order of the House of Representatives. City of Washington : A. & G. Way, Printers. 1808. 8vo, pp. 88. 164 \Jefferson {Thomas) .] Message from the President of the United States, transmitting Correspondence ist. On the Sub ject of the Attack on the Chesapeake. 2d. On the Subject of the Impressments. 3d. On the Subjects Submitted to the Joint Negotiations of Messrs. Monroe and Pinckney. March 23d, 1808. Washington. 1808. 8vo. 165 \Jefferson (Thomas).^ Message from the President of the United States respecting the Execution of the Act for Fortify ing the Ports and Harbours of the United States. March 25, 1808. City of Washington : A. & G. Way, Printers. 1808. 8vo, pp. 4. 166 \Jefferson (Thomas) .] Message from the President of the United States to both Houses of Congress at the Commencement Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 107 of the Second Session of the Tenth Congress, November 8, 1808. Received and in part read. City of Washington : A. & G. Way, Printers. 1808. 8vo, pp. ill. C. 167 Relates to the edicts against our commerce, and our relations with foreign powers ; also gives the correspondence between Mr. Madison, Sec y of State, and our Ministers abroad. \Jefferson (Thomas). ~\ Message from the President of the United States, communicating a copy of his Proclamation is sued in Consequence of the Opposition in the Neighborhood of Lake Champlain to the Laws laying an Embargo. November 30, 1808. City of Washington : A. & G. Way, Printers. 1808. 8vo, pp. 7. 168 \Jefferson (Thomas) ^\ Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the annual Account of the Fund for Defraying the Contingent Charges of Govern ment during the year 1808. January 13, 1809. City of Washington : A. & G. Way, Printers. 1809. 8vo, pp. 4. Folded table. S.L. 169 \Jefferson (Thomas) ^\ Message from the President of the United States, communicating certain letters which passed be tween the British Sec. of State, Mr. Canning, and Mr. Pinkney. January i7th, 1809. Print ed by order of the Senate. Washington City : Printed by R. C. Weightman. 1809. 8vo, pp. 32. S.L. 170 Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 109 Jefferson (T.) and Monroe Correspondence between his Excellency Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States, and James Monroe, Esq., late American Ambassador to the Court of St. James. Boston : Printed and Sold by B. Parks, No. 75, State-Street, 1808. 8vo, pp. 8. BA. 171 Published by the consent of the President at the request of Mr. Monroe. Defends Monroe s course while Minister to England. Jefferson (7".) and Madison The Inaugural Speeches and Messages of Thomas Jefferson, Esq., late President of the United States, together with the Inaugural Speech of James Madison, Esq., his successor in office. Printed by S. G. Snelling, No. 10, State-Street, Boston. 1809. I2mo, pp. 126. BA. 172 Jefferson The Proceedings of the Government of the United States, in maintaining the Public Right to the Beach of the Missisipi, Adjacent to New-Orleans, against the Intrusion of Edward Livingston. Prepared for the Use of Counsel, by Thomas Jefferson. New York : Published by Ezra Sar- geant, No. 86 Broadway. 1812. 8vo, pp. 80. Map. N. B. BA., S. 173 + Republished with corrections and additional notes by the author, [n. p. n. d.] 8vo, pp. 299. Three plans. A. Also printed in Jefferson s Works, vol. VIII., p. 503. [ . 1 Jefferson against Madison s War, being an Exhibition of the late President Jefferson s Opinions of the Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. m Impolicy and Folly of All Wars, especially for the United States, together with Some Remarks on the Present War, and the Propriety of choos ing Electors who will vote for a Peace President. By a True Republican, [n. d.] [1812.] 8vo, pp. 20. BA. 174 A campaign document in favor of DeWitt Clinton, and opposing the re election of Madison. \Jefferson (Thomas) .] President Jefferson s Library. A Catalogue of the extensive and valuable Library of the late Presi dent Jefferson (copied from the original MS., in his hand-writing, as arranged by himself), to be sold at auction, at the Long Room, Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington City. By Nathaniel P. Poor. On the February, 1829. Sale to commence at o clock, M., and will be continued from day to day until the whole Library is dis posed of. Price of Catalogue, Twelve and a half cents Washington : Printed by Gales and Seaton. 1829. 8vo, pp. 14. BA., C. 175 Comprised 931 lots. Jefferson (7!). Reports of Cases determined in the General Court of Virginia, from 1 730 to 1 740 ; and from 1 768 to 1772. By Thomas Jefferson. Charlottsville : Published by F. Carr and Co. 1829. 8vo, pp. viii., 145. 176 The cases from 1730 to 1740 were extracted by Jefferson while at the bar, from three manuscript volumes of Reports in the possession of John Randolph, Attorney-General of Virginia. Those from 1768-72 were some of the leading cases of that day, arising under the laws of Virginia, which were committed to writing by Jefferson himself. The above volume was prepared for the press by Thomas Jefferson Randolph, the legatee of Jefferson s manuscript papers. Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 113 Jefferson (T.). Memoir, Correspondence and Miscellanies, from the papers of Thomas Jefferson. Edited by Thomas Jefferson Randolph. Charlottsville : F. Carr and Co. 1829. 4 vols., 8vo. N.B. 177 Vol. I., pp. viii. (2), 466. Memoir, Appendix to Memoir, Correspondence to 1786 and Appendix. Vol. II., pp. (4), 500. Correspondence, 1786 to 1789. Vol. III., pp. (4), 519. Correspondence, 1789 to 1803. Vol. IV., pp. (4), 532. Portrait and Fac-simile of Declaration of Inde pendence (four sheets). Correspondence from 1803 to 1826. Anas. Second Edition. + Boston : Gray and Bo wen. 1830. 4 vols., 8vo, pp. viii., 464; (4), 500 ; (4), 519 ; (2), 532. Portrait. + New York : G. & C. & H. Carvill. 1830. B.BA., H. See North American Review, vol. XXX., p. 511. These volumes contain some matter not included in the Edition of Jeffer son s Works published by order of Congress. Jefferson (T.). Memoirs, Correspondence and Private Papers of Thomas Jefferson, late President of the United States. Now first published from the original manuscripts. Edited by Thomas Jefferson Ran dolph, Henry Colburn, and Richard Bentley. 1829. 4 vols., 8vo. Portrait. N. 178 This is a reprint of the first American Edition. " These volumes begin with a short fragment concerning Jefferson himself, drawn up at the age of seventy-seven : and close with a still shorter journal kept by him while Secretary of State during Washington s administration. The rest consists exclusively of a voluminous correspondence, ranging from 1775, after blood had been spilt at Boston, to June, 1826, ten days only before his death, so appropriately fixed for the fiftieth anniversary of American Inde pendence." Edinburgh Review, vol. LI., p. 500. " The name of Jefferson will be ranked among the principal ornaments of literature and philosophy. Mr. Jefferson will occupy an elevated place in the very highest order of writers the one of which Cicero and Burke are the great exemplars in ancient and modern times, writers, who by combining lit erary and active pursuits, and exhibiting in both a first-rate talent, furnish in Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 115 their own works the most complete reflection that can possibly be given of the finished man." ALEXANDER H. EVERETT in North American Review, vol. XXXI., p. 34. Jefferson, Madison and Calhoun. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 and 1799 ; with Jefferson s Original Draught There of. Also, Madison s Report, Calhoun s Ad dress, Resolutions of the Several States in Relation to State Rights. With Other Docu ments in Support of the Jeffersonian Doctrines of 98. " Liberty, the Constitution, Union." Published by Jonathan Elliot. Washington, May, 1832. 8vo, pp. 82. 179 The immediate cause of the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions was the op position to the " Alien and Sedition Laws. The Kentucky Resolutions were originally prepared by Jefferson, and passed, with some changes, by the Ken tucky Legislature on the I4th of November, 1798. The Virginia Resolutions, of similar import, were passed by the Legislature of that State on the 24th of December of the same year. They were a protest against the Alien and Sedi tion Laws as " palpable and alarming infractions of the Constitution." See No. 269 infra. Jefferson (Z!) and Raw le Melanges Politiques et Philosophiques. Extraits des Memoires et de la Correspondance de Thomas Jefferson, precedes d un Essai sur les Principes de 1 Ecole Americaine et d une Traduction de la Constitution des Etats-Unis, avec un Commen- taire tire, pour la plus grande partie, de 1 ouvrage publie, sur cette Constitution, par William Rawle, LL.D. Par L. P. Conseil. Paris: Paulin. MDCCCXXXIII. ? vols., 8vo, pp. (4), 448 ; (4), 475 (2). E. 180 Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. uj Jefferson \_(Thomas)\. Mr. Jefferson on the Slave Question. 8vo, pp. 5. [1849.] H. 181 Taken from the National Intelligence? : only three copies printed in this form. Jefferson An Essay towards facilitating instruction in the Anglo-Saxon and Modern Dialects of the English Language. For the use of the Uni versity of Virginia. By Thomas Jefferson. Printed by Order of the Board of Trustees for the University of Virginia. New York : John F. Trow, Printer, 49 Ann-Street. 1851. quarto, pp. 43. A. 182 Jefferson {Thomas). Autobiography, with Appendix. [Washington, 1853.] 8vo, pp. 178. Portrait. B. 183 Jefferson Die Selbstbiographie. Thomas Jefferson s, mit einem darauf bezuglichen Anhange. Mit Bildness von Jefferson. Nach dem Englischen bearbitet von Wilhelm Kapp. Philadelphia. Herausgegeben von John Weik, 1853. Chicago, 111., bei Charles Wieck. 8vo, pp. 104. C. 184 Jefferson The Writings of Thomas Jefferson : Being his Auto biography, Correspondence, Reports, Messages, Addresses and other Writings, Official and Pri vate. Published by the Order of the Joint Com mittee of Congress on the Library, from the Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana! 119 Original Manuscripts, deposited in the Depart ment of State. With Explanatory Notes, Tables of Contents and a Copious Index to each Vol ume, as well as a General Index to the Whole, by the Editor H. A. Washington. New York : Published by John C. Riker, 129 Fulton St. Taylor & Maury, Washington, D. C. John C. Riker, Taylor & Maury, Washington, D. C., for George W. Gorton, 56 North Third St., Philadelphia. New York : Riker, Thorne and Co. Taylor & Maury, Washington, D. C. 1853-4- 9 vols., 8vo. 185 Vol. I., pp. viii. (2), 615. Portrait and Fac-simile of Declaration of Inde pendence, Autobiography and Correspondence to 1786. Vol. II., pp. vi. (2), 598. Correspondence, 1786 to 1789. Vol. III., pp. vi., 599. Correspondence, 1789 to 1793. Vol. IV., pp. vii., 597. Correspondence, 1793 to 1806. Vol. V., pp. ix., 612. Correspondence, 1806 to 1811. Vol. VI., pp. vi., 6n. Correspondence, 1811 to 1816. Vol. VII., pp. viii., 658. Correspondence, 1816 to 1826, and Official Papers. Vol. VIII., pp. vii., 607. Inaugural Addresses and Messages, Replies to Public Addresses, Indian Addresses, Notes on Virginia, Biographical Sketches of Distinguished Men, The Batture at New Orleans. Vol. IX., pp. vii., 589. A Manual of Parliamentary Practice, The Anas. Miscellaneous Papers. The above work was compiled from the Manuscripts bequeathed by Jefferson to his grandson, Thomas Jefferson Randolph, and purchased by Congress in 1848. See Nos. 216, 217. Jefferson (Thomas). Works. J. B. Lippincott & Co. Philadelphia. 1864. 9 vols., 8vo. Portrait. 186 Same title and contents as above, but lacks the Fac-simile. Jefferson (?".). The Works of Thomas Jefferson. Published by order of Congress from the Original Manuscripts de- Bibliotheca Jejfersoniana. 121 posited in the Department of State. Edited by H. A. Washington. New York ; Townsend MacCoun. 1884. 9 vols., 8vo. 187 The contents same as No. 186. Jefferson (T.) and Cabell (J. C). Early History of the University of Virginia, as con tained in the Letters of Thomas Jefferson and Joseph C. Cabell. Hitherto Unpublished ; with an Appendix, consisting of Mr. Jefferson s Bill for a Complete System of Education, and other Illustrative Documents ; and an Introduction, comprising A Brief Historical Sketch of the University, and a Biographical Notice of Joseph C. Cabell. Richmond : J. W. Randolph. 1856. 8vo, pp. xxxvi., 528. B., BA., C. 188 Jefferson (Thomas). The Declaration of Independence. Fac-Simile of the Original Document, in the Handwriting of Th. Jefferson, and Views of the Centennial Buildings. Philadelphia. 1876. Quarto, pp. 20. P. 189 [ ] Jefferson, The, Monument. Correspondence relating thereto, (n. p.) 1883. 8vo, pp. 3. N. 190 Contains letters from James S. Rollins and Mary B. Randolph relating to "the old Jefferson Monument, transplanted from Monticello, Va., to the campus of the University of the State of Missouri at Columbia." Johnson (A?). Eulogy delivered at Belfast, Me., August 10, 1826, on John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, at the Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 123 Request of the Citizens of Belfast. By Alfred Johnson, Jr. Belfast: E. Fellows, Printer. 1826. 8vo, pp. 28. W. 190* Johnson (W. R.). An Oration delivered at Germantown, Pennsylvania, on the 2Oth July, 1826, in Presence of the Citi zens of Germantown, Roxborough, Bristol and Penn Townships, assembled to Commemorate the Virtues and Services of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. By Walter R. Johnson. Phila delphia : Robert H. Small. 1826. 8vo, pp. 25. B. 191 Johnson Eulogy on Thomas Jefferson, Delivered August 3d, 1826. By the Hon. William Johnson. Charles ton : Printed by C. C. Sebring. 1826. 8vo, pp. 38. Portrait. BA. 192 Jones (J. ). A Defence of the Revolutionary History of the State of North Carolina from the Aspersions of Mr. Jefferson. By Joseph Seawell Jones, of Shocco, North Carolina. Boston : Charles Bowen. Raleigh, Tower & Hughes. 1834. I2mo, pp. xii., 343. BA.,C. 193 Kirkland(J. T.). A Discourse in Commemoration of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson ; delivered before the Ameri can Academy of Arts and Sciences, October 30, Bibliotheca Jejfersoniana. 125 1826. By John Thornton Kirkland, Vice Presi dent of the Academy. Quarto, pp. xxxi. BA. 194 In Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, New Series, vol. I. Cambridge. 1833. Knapp (S. Z.). An Address delivered in Chauncy Place Church be fore the Young Men of Boston, August 2, 1826, in Commemoration of the death of Adams and Jefferson. By Samuel L. Knapp. Boston. 1826. 8vo, pp. 31. P.H.S., B. 195 Lee (Henry). Observations on the Writings of Thomas Jefferson, with Particular Reference to the Attack they contain on the Memory of the late Gen. Henry Lee. In a Series of Letters. By H. Lee, of Virginia. New York : Charles De Behr, No. 102 Broadway. M,DCCC,XXXII. 8vo, pp. 237. BA..P.H.S. 196 First edition and scarce, the book having been suppressed. Lee (C. C). Observations on the Writings of Thomas Jefferson, with particular reference to the Attack they contain on the Memory of the late Gen. Henry Lee. In a Series of Letters. By H. Lee. Second Edition, with Introduction and Notes by Charles Carter Lee. Philadelphia : J. Dobson. 1839. 8vo., pp. (xix.) 262. 197 Another edition + 1845. [ ] Letter, A, to Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States. By Junius Philsenus. New Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 127 York : Printed and sold by P. R. Johnson, No. 29 Gold Street. 1802. 8vo, pp. P.H.S. 198 The writer accuses Jefferson of cunning, trickery, hypocrisy, equivocation, and subterfuge. Letter, A, to the President of the United States, touching the Prosecutions under his patronage before the Circuit Court in the District of Con necticut, containing a faithful narrative of ex traordinary measures pursued, and of the inci dents both serious and laughable that occurred during the pendency of these abortive prosecu tions. By Hampden. New Haven : Printed by Oliver Steele & Co. 1808. pp. 28. B.,H.,N. 199 [Lincoln (Levi)^\ A Farmer s Letters to the People. Philadelphia : Published by Robert Johnson. 1802. 8vo, pp. 95. 200 By Levi Lincoln, of Worcester, Mass. Lincoln was Attorney-General of the United States under Jefferson. [Linn ( William)^ Serious Considerations on the Election of a President ; addressed to the Citizens of the United States. New York : Printed by John Furman. 1800. 8vo, pp. 36. P.H.S. 201 Another edition. Trenton. Printed by Sherman, Mershon, & Thomas. 8vo, pp. 31. C., BA. By the Rev. Dr. Linn, one of the ministers of the Dutch Reformed Col legiate churches in the city of New York. He accuses Jefferson of being an unbeliever in divine revelation, and opposes his election, " as it would give us an unfavorable character with foreign nations, and the effect upon our own country would be to destroy religion, introduce immorality, and loosen all the bonds of society." See No. 247. Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 129 Linn The Life of Thomas Jefferson, Author of the Dec laration of Independence, and Third President of the United States ...... By William Linn. Ithaca : Printed and published by Mack & Andrus. 1834. I2mo, pp. 267. Portrait. S. 202 List (F.). Outlines of American Political Economy, in a Series of Letters addressed by Frederick List, Esq. ..... to Charles J. Ingersoll, Esq ...... to which is added the celebrated Letters of Mr. Jefferson to Benjamin Austin, and of Mr. Madison to the Editor of the Lynchburg Virginian. Philadelphia : Printed by Samuel Parker. 1827. 8vo, pp. 40. A., BA. 203 Little A Funeral Sermon on the Death of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, Ex-Presidents of the United States, Preached on Sunday Evening, July i6th, 1826, in the First Unitarian Church, Washing ton City. By Robert Little. Washington. 1826. 8vo, pp. 22. 204 Livingston (.). Address to the People of the United States on the measures pursued by the Executive with respect to the Batture at New Orleans. To which are annexed a full Report of the Case ...... the Memoire of Mr. Derbigny, an Examination of Bibliotkeca Jeffersoniana. 131 the Title of the United States ; The opinion of counsel therein ; and a number of other Docu ments necessary to a full understanding of this interesting case. By Edward Livingston. New Orleans : Printed by Bradford & Anderson. 1808. 8vo, pp. 1., 50, 15, xxix., 68, Ixxv. N., C., P. 205 Livingston An Answer to Mr. Jefferson s Justification of His Conduct in the Case of the New Orleans Bat- ture. By Edward Livingston. . . . Philadel phia : Printed by William Fry. 1813. 8vo, pp. 187. 2 Maps. BA., P. 206 Lor ing (G. B.). Celebration of the Birth-Day of Thomas Jefferson, at Salem, Mass., April ist, 1859. Oration by Dr. Geo. B. Loring ...... Salem : Printed at the Advocate Office. 1859. 8vo, pp. 23. H. 207 \Lowell (John).} Peace without Dishonor, War without Hope. Being a calm and dispassionate Enquiry into the Ques tion of the Chesapeake, and the Necessity and Expediency of War. By a Yankee Farmer. Boston : Printed by Greenough and Stebbins. 1807. 8vo, pp. 43. BA., H. 208 \Lowell (John)^ Peace Without Dishonor, War Without Hope. An argument against War with Great Britain, re- Bibliotheca Jejfersoniana. 133 cently published at Boston. By an American Farmer. London : T. Butterworth. 1807. 8vo, pp. 43. 209 An English reprint of No. 208. {Lowell (John)] Thoughts upon the Conduct of our Administration in relation both to Great Britain and France, more especially in reference to the late negotia tion concerning the attack on the Chesapeake. By a Friend to Peace. Boston : Printed at the Repertory Office. 1808. 8vo, pp. 28. BA. 210 {Lowell (John)] The New England Patriot : being a candid compari son of the Principles and Conduct of the Wash ington and Jefferson Administrations. The whole founded upon Indisputable Facts and Public Documents, to which reference is made in the Text and Notes. " Read and Disbelieve if you can But Read." Boston : Printed by Russell & Cutler. 1810. 8vo, pp. (2) 148, notes, 12. 211 Lyman (T. P. The Life of Thomas Jefferson, LL.D., late Ex-Pres ident of the United States. Arranged and com piled from original Documents. By T. P. H. Lyman. Philadelphia : D. & S. Neall. 1826. 8vo, p. in. 212 Madison {(James)] and Jefferson {(Thomas)] The Resolutions of Virginia and Kentucky : Penned Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 135 by Madison and Jefferson : in relation to the Alien and Sedition Laws. Richmond, 1826. 8vo, pp. 71. 213 Another edition, with the debates and proceedings in the House of Delegates of Virginia on the same, in December, 1798. Richmond, 1835. 8vo, pp. 228. Martin (H. A.}. Jefferson as a Vaccinator, by Henry A. Martin, M.D. 214 In volume VII., North Carolina Medical Journal, Jan., 1881, pp. 1-34. [Mason (James M.).~\ Report on claim of Thomas J. Randolph. 8vo, pp. 3. 215 Recommends purchase of manuscript papers of Thomas Jefferson, and also the volume of his official opinions given to General Washington while a member of his cabinet. June 8, 1848. 3oth Congress, 1st Session, Senate Rep. Com., No. 167 See Nos. 217, 236, infra, [Mason (John Mitchell).] The Voice of Warning to Christians in the ensuing Election of a President of the United States. Blow the Trumpet in Zion Who is on the Lord s side ? New York : Printed and sold by G. F. Hopkins, at Washington s Head, No. 136, Pearl Street. 1800. 8vo, pp. 40. B. 216 See Parton s " Life of Jefferson," p. 571. . . Memorial, regarding Jefferson s Papers. T. J. Ran dolph petitions Congress to purchase manuscript papers left him by Will of Thomas Jefferson. Copy of report made on the subject at second session of the Twenty-ninth Congress. 8vo, pp. 3. S.L. 217 3Oth Congress, ist Session, H. of Rep., Miscellaneous, No. 7. Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 137 Mitchell (S. .) A Discourse on the Character and Services of Thomas Jefferson, more especially as a promoter of Natu ral and Physical Science. Pronounced by request before the New York Lyceum of Natural History on the nth of October, 1826 By Samuel L. Mitchell. New York : Published by G. & C. Carvill. 1826. 8vo, pp. 67. BA., P. 218 [Moore (Clement Clarke).] Observations upon Certain Passages in Mr. Jeffer son s Notes on Virginia, which appear to have a Tendency to Subvert Religion, and Establish a False Philosophy. New York, 1804. 8vo, pp. 32. B., H. 219 [Moore (Justus E.).~\ The Warning of Thomas Jefferson ; or Brief Expo sition of Dangers to be apprehended to our Civil and Religious Liberties from Presbyterianism. Phila., 1844. pp. 35- 220 Morse (John T., Jr.). American Statesmen. Thomas Jefferson. By John T. Morse, Jr. Boston : Houghton, MifHin and Com pany. New York : 1 1 East Seventeenth Street. The Riverside Press, Cambridge. 1883. i6mo, pp. vi., 351. C., B., BA. 221 Nichols ( ). Jefferson and Liberty ; or Celebration of the Fourth of March. A Patriotic Tragedy : A Picture of Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 139 the Perfidy of Corrupt Administration. In Five Acts. Written by Nichols. ... [n. p.] Sold at the Printing Office, Temple Street. 1801. I2mo, pp. 28 (i). BA. 222 \Niles (HezekiaK).~\ ^ Things as they are, or Federalism turned Inside out ; being a Collection of Extracts from Federal Papers, &c., and Remarks upon them, originally written for and published in the Evening Post, By the Editor. Baltimore : Printed at the Office of the Evening Post. By H. Niles. [1809.] 8vo, pp. 75. 223 Osgood (>.). A Discourse delivered at Cambridge in the hearing of the University, April 8, 1810. By David Osgood, D.D., Pastor of the Church in Medford. Cambridge : Published by William Milliard. E. W. Metcalf, Printer. 1810. 8vo, pp. 40. BA., M.H.S. 224 See Parton s " Life of Jefferson," p. 690. Parton Life of Thomas Jefferson, Third President of the United States. By James Parton. Boston : James R. Osgood & Co. 1874. 8vo, pp. vi., 764. Portrait. 225 Pickering (^.). A Review of the Correspondence between the Hon. John Adams, late President of the United States, and the late Wm. Cunningham, Esq., beginning in 1803 and ending in 1812. By Timothy Pick- Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. ering. Salem : Published by Gushing and Ap- pleton. John D. Gushing, Printer. 1824. 8vo (2!), pp. 197. 226 4- Second Edition, 1824, 8vo, pp. (4), 140. Mr. Pickering, among other matters, refers to the Mazzei letter, in which it was claimed that Jefferson had traduced Washington. Jefferson characterizes this book as an " elaborate philippic against Mr. Adams, Gerry, Smith, and my self." Vide letter to Van Buren, Jefferson s Works, vol. VII., p. 362, and Randall s "Life of Jefferson," vol. III., p. 608, Appendix No. XVI. Also Tucker s Jefferson, vol. II., p. 458. Pierson (H. W.). Jefferson at Monticello. The Private Life of Thomas Jefferson. From entirely new Materials. With numerous Facsimiles. By Rev. Hamilton W. Pierson, D.D., President of Cumberland College, Ky. New York : Charles Scribner. 1862. 8vo, pp. 138. Engraving of Monticello, and eight fac-similes. 227 Political Intolerance, or the Violence of Party Spirit exemplified in a recent removal from office, with a Comment upon Executive Conduct, and an ample refutation of Calumny, in a Sketch of the Services and Sacrifices of a Dismissed Officer. By one of the American People. Printed in Boston, Massachusetts, by Benjamin Russell, at the Centinal Office in the year 1801. 8vo, pp. 36. W. 228 Relates to the removal by Prest. Jefferson of Major Winthrop Sargent, as Governor of the Northwest Territory. [ _ ] Political Queries and Statements. Addressed to Candid Men of all Parties. PP. 15. 229 An anti-Jefferson pamphlet. Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 143 [ 1 Political, A, Sermon addressed to the Electors of Middlesex, n. d. [1808] 8vo, pp. 39. BA. 230 Text : By their fruits shall ye know them. An anti-Madison campaign document. Condemns Jefferson s administration, and calls upon the electors " to unite in restoring to our national government that ability, patriotism, and character to which it has long been a stranger " !!! C ] Proceedings had in the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the United States, April 23, 1880, on the occasion of the presentation of Jeffer son s writing desk. Washington. 1880. 8vo, pp. 37. C. 231 This desk, on which was written the Declaration of Independence, is in the Library of the State Department at Washington. [ 3 Proceedings of the United States Court, Gentlemen of the Bar, and Citizens of Columbus, in testi mony of respect for the late Thomas Jefferson & John Adams ; also the Discourses delivered on the Occasion by the Rev. James Hoge. (Pub lished by Order of the Bar.) George Nashee & Co., Printers, Columbus. 1826. I2mo, pp. 20. BA. 232 [ ]. Proposals by Oliver Fairplay for Publishing the Pri vate and Public Life of the First Consul. Phila delphia, 1804. 8vo, Folded. C. 233 Title from Sabin. See his No. 35, 913. Randall (H. ). The Life of Thomas Jefferson. By Henry S. Ran- Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 145 dall, LL.D. " Thomas Jefferson Still Survives" ! The last words of John Adams. In Three Vol umes. New York : Derby & Jackson. 1858. 3 vols., 8vo, pp. xxiv, 645 ; xii., 694 ; xii., 731. 2 portraits, 2 plates and 7 fac-similes. 234 + Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1863. 3 vols., Svo. "We have never examined a memoir better adapted to place a great man before the world in the aspect in which he was seen by his family and his inti mate friends." North American Review, vol. LXXXVII., p. 562. See also vols. XCL, p. 107, and CI., p. 313. " The most valuable of the biographies of Jefferson." Professor C. K. Adams, " Manual of Historical Literature," p. 584. Randolph (S. N.). The Domestic Life of Thomas Jefferson, Compiled from Family Letters and Reminiscences, by his Great-Granddaughter, Sarah N. Randolph. New York : Harper & Brothers. 1871. 8vo, pp. xiii., 432. Portrait, fac-simile, and nine wood-cuts. 235 Randolph (T. ). Report on Memorial of Thomas J. Randolph. 8vo, pp. 2. 236 29th Congress, 2d Session. Rep. No. 39, H. of Reps. Favorable to the purchase (by Congress) of the papers and manuscripts of Jefferson. Rayner (B. Z,.). Sketches of the Life, Writings and Opinions of Thomas Jefferson, with selections of the most valuable portions of his voluminous and un rivalled Private Correspondence. By B. L. Rayner. New York : Published by A. Francis and W. Boardman. 1832. 8vo, pp. 556. Portrait and view of Monticello. M.H.S. 237 Rayner (B. Z,.). Life of Thomas Jefferson ; with selections from the Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 147 most valuable portions of his voluminous and unrivalled Private Correspondence ...... By B. L. Rayner. Boston : Lilly, Wait, Col- man & Holden. 1834. I2mo, pp. 431. Portrait. S. 238 " An unpretending but judicious and entertaining Life of Mr. Jefferson." North Am, Review, vol. XL., p. 170. ..... Reply, A, to Lucius Junius Brutus s Examination of the President s Answer to the New Haven Re monstrance, with an Appendix containing the number of Collectors, Naval Officers, Surveyors, Supervisors, District Attornies and Marshals in the United States, showing how many Incum bents are Republicans, and how many are Fed eralists. By Leonidas. New York : Printed by Denniston and Cheetham, No. 162 Pearl- Street. 1 80 1. 8vo, pp. 62 (3) C., N. 239 [ . 3 Report relating to the Statue of Jefferson. Favor able to placing the bronze statue of Thomas Jef ferson, presented by Lieut. Uriah P. Levy, in the National Statuary Hall of the Capitol. Feb. 25th, 1874. 8vo, pp. 5. 240 43d Congress, ist Session, Senate Report No. 138. Republican, To the, Citizens of the State of Pennsyl vania. 8vo, pp. 16. 241 Dated Lancaster, Sept. 17, 1800. Campaign document favoring Jefferson s election. Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 149 Rowan (S. N.). An Address delivered July 12, 1826, in the Middle Dutch Church, at the request of the Common Council, on the occasion of the Funeral Obse quies of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. By Stephen N. Rowan, D.D. New York : Printed by William Davis, Jun., No. 38 William St. 1826. 8vo, pp. 36. S. 242 [Russell (Jonathan)^ To the Freemen of Rhode Island. By a Republican, [n. A] 8vo, pp. 16. 243 Schmucker (S. M.). The Life and Times of Thomas Jefferson. By Sam uel M. Schmucker, LL.D Philadelphia: John E. Potter and Company, Nos. 614 and 617 Sansom Street. [1857.] I2mo, pp. xiii., 400. Portrait. 244 [ ] Selection, A, of Eulogies Pronounced in the Several States in Honor of those Illustrious Patriots and Statesmen, John Adams and Thomas Jeffer son. Hartford : Published by D. F. Robinson & Co. and Norton & Russell. Norton & Rus sell, Printers. 1826. 8vo, pp. 426. B., BA. 245 Contains eulogies pronounced by : C. C. Cambreling in the city of New York, July 17, 1826. Caleb Cushing at Newburyport, Mass., " 15, " William A. Duer at Albany, N. Y., " 31, Felix Grundy at Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 3, William Johnson at Charleston, S. C., (Eulogy on Jefferson only.) Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 15 ! Aug. 2, 1826. July 20, " 26, Aug. 2, July 20, " 22, Aug. 10, July Aug. 10, July n, Aug. 2, " 24, Oct. 19, Sergeant An Oration delivered in Independence Square, in the City of Philadelphia, on the 26th of July, 1826, in commemoration of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. By John Sergeant. Philadelphia. 1826. 8vo, pp. 44. M.H.S. 246 Samuel L. Knapp, at Boston, Mass., Henry Patten, in Fayetteville, N. C., John Sergeant, in Philadelphia, Pa., John A. Shaw, at Bridgewater, Mass., Samuel Smith, in Baltimore, Md., Sheldon Smith, at Buffalo, N. Y., Joseph E. Sprague, at Salem, Mass., Peleg Sprague, at Hallowell, Me., Wm. F. Thornton, at Alexandria, D. C., Edward Turner, at Portsmouth, N. H., John Tyler, at Richmond, Va., Daniel Webster, at Boston, Mass., William Wilkens, at Pittsburgh, Pa., William Wirt, at the city of Washington, Serious Facts opposed to " Serious Considerations," or the Voice of Warning to Religious Repub licans. October, 1800. 8vo, pp. 16. Signed Marcus Brutus. See No. 201, supra. 247 Shaw (J. A.). Eulogy on John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, de livered August 2, 1826, by Request of the In habitants of Bridgewater. By John A. Shaw. Printed by Samuel W. Mortimer, Taunton, Mass. 1826. 8vo, pp. 20. M.H.S. 248 [Simpson (Lloyd D.}.~] Notes on Thomas Jefferson. By a Citizen of Mary- Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 153 land. Philadelphia : Sherman & Co., Printers. 1885. 8vo, pp. 182. C. 249 Simpson (-51). The Lives of George Washington and Thomas Jeffer son. With a Parallel. By Stephen Simpson, Philadelphia. 1833. I2tno, pp. 389. Portrait. H. 250 Smith (S. H.). Memoir of the Life, Character and Writings of Thomas Jefferson, delivered in the Capitol, be fore the Columbian Institute, on the sixth of January, 1827, and published at their request. By Samuel Harrison Smith. Washington. 1827. 8vo, pp. 38. BA. 251 [Smith (William L.).\ The pretensions of Thomas Jefferson to the Presi dency examined ; and the charges against John Adams refuted. Addressed to the Citizens of America in General ; and particularly to the Electors of the President. United States : Oc tober, 1796. 8vo, pp. 64 [Part I.]. BA., P. 252 [ ] The Pretensions of Thomas Jefferson to the Presi dency examined, and the charges against John Adams refuted. ..... Part the Second. United States. November, 1796. 8vo, pp. 42. This tract has been attributed to Noah Webster. It was written, however, by William L. Smith of South Carolina (Phocian). Callender, in the " American Annual Register, or Historical Memoirs of the United States for the year 1786," at pages 205 etseq., defends Jefferson against Phocian s attacks. Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 155 Sprague (J. E.). An Eulogy on John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, Pronounced August loth, 1826, at the Request of the Town of Salem. By Joseph E. Sprague. Salem : Printed by Warwick Palfrey, Jun. 1826. 8vo, pp. 48. M.H.S., BA. 253 Sprague (P.). Eulogy on John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, Pro nounced in Hallowell, July, 1826. At the Re quest of Committees of the Towns of Hallowell, Augusta and Gardiner. By Peleg Sprague. Hallowell. 1826. 8vo, pp. 22. BA. 254 Stanford (J.). A Discourse on the Death of the Honorable Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. Delivered in the Chapel at Bellevue, New York. By John Stan ford, A.M., Chaplain to the Institute. New York. 1826. 8vo, pp. 20. BA. 255 Stoddard ( William <9.). The Lives of the Presidents, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, by William O. Stoddard. New York: White, Stokes & Allen. 1887. 8vo, pp. 358. Portrait. 256 Strictures and Observations upon the Three Execu tive Departments of the Government of the United States ; Calculated to shew the Neces sity of some Change therein, that the Public may Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 157 derive that able and impartial Execution of the Powers delegated, upon which alone their Hap piness at Home and their Respectability Abroad must materially Depend. By Massachusettensis. Printed in the United States of America. M,DCC,XCII. 257 Praises Hamilton, but criticises Jefferson. [ ] Strictures upon the Letter Imputed to Mr. Jefferson, Addressed to Mr. Mazzei. Printed, June, 1800. Signed "Greene." 8vo, pp. 12. 258 This letter (Jefferson s Works, vol. IV., p. 139), dated April 24, 1796, was written to Mr. Philip Mazzei, an Italian by birth, but who had been for a long time a resident of Virginia, and a neighbor and intimate friend of Jefferson s. Upon the reception of the letter by Mr. Mazzei, then in Florence, he, without permission, published a translation of it in the Florentine Gazette. It was translated into French, and printed in the Moniteur, the official paper of the French government. From thence it was translated into English. Naturally some changes from the original was the result of all these translations. The letter created quite a stir at the time, and was severely commented upon by the Federalist newspapers. See Tucker s " Life of Jefferson," vol. I., pp. 517-528, and Randall s " Life," vol. II., 363 and following pages. [ . 1 Strictures on a Pamphlet entitled "An Examination of the President s Answer to the New Haven Remonstrance, signed Lucius Junius Brutus, with Appendix, containing number of Collect ors, Naval Officers, Surveyors, Supervisors, Dis trict Attorneys, and Marshals in the United States, showing how many incumbents are Re publicans and how many are Federalists. By Leonidas." By Tullius Americanus. Albany, 1801. 8vo, pp. 38. 259 Attributed to Abraham Bishop. Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 159 {Taylor (John) (f)^ A Defence of the Measures of the Administration of Thomas Jefferson. By Curtius. Taken from the National Intelligencer. Washington : Printed by Samuel H. Smith. 1804. 8vo, pp. 136. BA., C., P.H.S. 260 See Sabin s Dictionary, No. 18,070. [ ] Test, A, of the Religious Principles of Mr. Jeffer son. Extracted (verbatim) from his Writings. " The path of true piety is too plain to want any political direction."- Washington. Philadelphia: Printed by John Bioren, for Robert T. Rawle, No. 50 North 2d St. 1800. I2mo, pp. ii., 10. 261 Another Edition. Easton : Reprinted by Thomas Perrin Smith, and presented (gratis) to the patrons of the Republican Star. September 9, 1800. 8vo, pp. ii., 8. C. [ ] Three, The, Patriots ; or, the Cause and Cure of Present Evils. Addressed to the Voters of Maryland. Baltimore : Printed for the Author. B. Edes, Printer. 1811. 8vo, pp. 55. 262 The three Patriots (?) were Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe, whose acts and measures the writer severely criticises. Tillinghast (Joseph Z.). Eulogy pronounced in Providence, July 17, 1826, upon the Characters of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, Late Presidents of the United States. By Request of the Municipal Authorities. By J. L. Tillinghast, Esq. Providence : Miller & Gratten, Printers, 12 Market Square. 1826. 8vo, pp. 28. 263 Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 161 Tucker The Life of Thomas Jefferson, Third President of the United States, with parts of his Correspond ence never before published, and notices of his Opinions on questions of Civil Government, National Policy, and Constitutional Law. . . By George Tucker. In two volumes. Vol. I. Philadelphia : Carey, Lee & Blanchard. 1837. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. xx., 545, 525. Portrait. C.,S. 264 Published in London, by Knight, 1837. (Some copies, 1838.) " It was the fate of Thomas Jefferson to be at once more loved and praised by his friends, and more hated and reviled by his adversaries, than any of his compatriots." Extract from Preface, \Tucker (George).^ Defence of the Character of Thomas Jefferson against a writer in the New York Review and Quarterly Church Journal. By a Virginian. New York : Printed by William Osborn. 1838. 8vo, pp. 46. 265 See Hawks, No. 84 ante. C ] Vindication of the Public Life and Character of Thomas Jefferson. Richmond, Va. 1800. Philadelphia. 1800. 8vo. W. 266 Vindication, A, of the Religion of Mr. Jefferson, and a Statement of his Services in the Cause of Re ligious Liberty, by a friend to Real Religion. " From Envy, Hatred and Malice and All Un- charitableness, Good Lord, Deliver Us." Balti- Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 163 more : Printed for the Editor of the American by W. Pechin. [n. d] 8vo, pp. 21. 267 Waite (John). An Address to the Members of the House of Repre sentatives, Jan., 1807. 8vo, pp. 8. 268 Relates to Jefferson and Burr. Warfield (E. D.). The Kentucky Resolutions of 1798. An Historical Study. By Ethelbert Dudley Warfield, A.M., LL.B., Barrister at Law. New York & Lon don : G. P. Putnam s Sons. The Knickerbocker Press. 1887. I2mo, pp. ix. 203. 269 This writer claims that John Breckinridge, who introduced them into the Kentucky Legislature, " was the master workman and responsible author of the Resolutions." He admits, however, that Breckinridge sought and received aid from Mr. Jefferson, and used a draught of resolutions largely composed by Jef ferson himself, but so revised and modified by Breckinridge as to really make them his own. [Washington (George) and Jefferson (Thomas)^ A Message of the President of the United States to Congress relative to France and Great Britain. Delivered December 5, 1793, with the papers therein referred to. To which are added the French originals. Published by order of the House of Representatives. Philadelphia : Printed by Childs & Swayne. M,DCC,XCIII. 8vo, pp. 102 (2), 116, 32 (4), n, 26, 4. 270 London, the same. J. Butterworth, 1794. 8vo, pp. 103. Philadelphia, printed (without the French originals) for Matthew Carey, No. 118 Market Street, October 24, 1795. 8vo, pp. iv., 132 (i). This is the official account of the famous Genet affair, and contains letters and papers by Jefferson as Secretary of State. Bibliotheca jeffersoniana. 165 [ Washington (George) and Jefferson ( Tkomas).~\ Message from the President, with Report of Jeffer son on Laws, Decrees, &c., respecting the Com merce of the United States with Foreign Coun tries (Dec. 30, 1793). Philadelphia. 8vo, pp. 12. 271 Washington (George) and Others. Letters by Washington, Adams, Jefferson and others, written during and after the Revolution to John Langdon, New Hampshire. Philadelphia : Press of Henry B. Ashmead, Nos. 1102 & 1104 Sansom Street. 1880. Large 8vo, pp. 131. H. 272 Edited by Alfred Langdon Elwyn. Webster (/?.). A Discourse in Commemoration of the Lives and Services of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Delivered in Faneuil Hall, Boston, Aug. 2, 1826. By Daniel Webster. Boston. 1826. 8vo, pp. 62. P., P.H.S. 273 [ Webster (NoaK).~\ An Address to the President of the United States on the subject of his Address. 1802. 8vo. 274 [Williams (John).] The Hamiltoniad ; or, An Extinguisher for the Royal Faction of New England. With Copious Notes, Illustrative, Biographical, Philosophical, Critical, Admonitory and Political. Being Intended as a High-Heeled Shoe for all Limping Republicans. Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 167 By Anthony Pasquin, Esq Copyright secured according to Act of Congress. Sold by the Author, price 31 cents, at the Independent Chronicle Office, Court-Street, Boston. [1804.] 8vo, pp. 104. BA. 275 A poem in two cantos ; has several allusions to Jefferson, and the notes con tain illustrative comments on his character and administration. Williams (?.). The Hamiltoniad. By John Williams (Anthony Pasquin). New York : Printed for the Hamil ton Club. Bradstreet Press. 1865. 4to and 8vo, pp. (10), 122. Portrait. 276 Edition of sixty copies ; twenty on large paper. Wilson (?.). The lie direct. A Refutation of the Charges in the Proclamation of President Jefferson. By Jasper Wilson, Jun., Esq. " Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee," Luke xix. 22. London. 1807. 8vo, pp. 31. BA. 277 Severely criticises Jefferson s Proclamation of Neutrality. Wirt(W.). A Discourse on the Lives and Characters of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, who both Died on the Fourth of July, 1826. Delivered at the Request of the Citizens of Washington, in the Hall of Representatives of the United States on the Nineteenth of October, 1826. By William Wirt, Attorney General of the United States. Washington : Printed by Gales and Seaton. 1826. 8vo, pp. 69. P.H.S. 278 Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 169 Wood (John). The History of the Administration of John Adams, Esq., Late President of the United States. By John Wood, Author of the History of Switzerland, and Swiss Revolution. New York Printed 1802. 8vo, pp. 506. N.,BA.,C.,P.H.S. 279 Contains a Biography of Thomas Jefferson, This book was printed and ready for publication in December, 1801, but was suppressed at the instigation of Aaron Burr as being incorrect and also libel lous. Overtures were made to the publishers, Messrs. Barlas and Ward, by Burr and his friends, for the purchase of the edition, and it was finally given up to them. The book was subsequently issued, and the following advertise ment appeared in the New York Evening Post for June 2, 1802, " This day is published in one large octavo volume and for sale by Naphtali Judah, 84 Maiden Lane, The History of the Administration of John Adams, Late President of the United States. By John Wood, Author of the History of Switzerland and Swiss Revolution. The above is the work said to have been suppressed by the Vice-President." Copies of the history exist with the title-page mutilated by having the names of Barlas and Ward cut out. When the book was placed on sale a new title-page was added bearing the imprint, " New York Printed 1802." James Cheetham published a " Narrative" of its suppression, see our No. 31, ante, which was answered by John Wood in "A Correct Statement of the Various Sources from which the History of the Administration of John Adams was compiled and the Motives of its Suppression by Col. Burr, with Some Observations on a Narrative by a Citizen of New York." New York, 1802. 8vo, pp. 58. The history was reprinted in Philadelphia in 1846, under the title: "The Suppressed History of the Administration of John Adams (from 1797 to 1801), as printed and suppressed in 1802. By John Wood . . . now republished with Notes, and an Appendix by John Henry Sherburne." Sm. 8vo, pp. 391. Portrait. \Wortman (Tunis) ^\ A Solemn Address to the Christians and Patriots upon the Approaching Election of a President of the United States, in Answer to a Pamphlet entitled "Serious Considerations," &c. New York : Printed by David Denniston. 8vo, pp. 36. N., P.H.S., BA. 280 Defends Jefferson against the attacks of deism and infidelity. See No. 201. Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. Wortman An Address to the Republican Citizens of New York on the Inauguration of Thomas Jefferson, Presi dent of the United States. Delivered on the 4th of March, 1801. By Tunis Wortman. New York. 1 80 1. 8vo, pp. 24. C. 281 NOTE. In arranging the material collected for this Bibliography, the follow ing books were not deemed of sufficient moment to be placed alphabetically in the foregoing pages. For convenience of reference, however, they are here printed under an abridged title. Abbott (John S. C). Lives of the Presidents of the United States of America. Boston. Jefferson, p. 97. B. 282 Baldwin (Joseph G.). Party Leaders. New York. 1854. Jefferson, pp. 1-134. C. 283 Brougham (Henry). Statesmen who flourished in the Time of George III. London. 1843. Jefferson, p. 237. BA. 284 " Next to Washington and Franklin, undoubtedly among the great men that founded the American Republic is to be mentioned Jefferson." See also Lord Brougham s Works, vol. III., p. 280. Cobb (Joseph H.). Leisure Labors ; or, Miscellanies, Historical, Liter ary and Political. By Joseph H. Cobb. New York. 1858. Jefferson, pp. 5-130. B. 285 Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 173 Craighill (Robert T.). The Virginia " Peerage," or Sketches of Virginians distinguished in Virginia s History. Vol. I. Richmond. 1880. Jefferson, p. 145. 286 Duyckinck (Evert A.). National Portrait Gallery of Eminent Americans. New York : Johnson, Fry & Company. [1862.] Jefferson, vol. I., p. 117. 287 Dwight (TV.). Sketches of the Lives of the Signers of the Declara tion of Independence. New York. 1830. Jefferson, p. 217. 288 Gilpin (H. >.). A Biographical Sketch of Thomas Jefferson, by Henry D. Gilpin. Philadelphia. 1827. A., P.H.S. 289 From the " Biography of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence." Also Sketch of Jefferson, by the same writer, in "National Portrait Gal lery," (Herring, James, and Longacre, James B.), vol. II., Philadelphia, 1834-39. [Godwin (Parke).\ Homes of American Statesmen. New York. 1854. Jefferson, p. 79. 290 C ] Hundred, The, Greatest Men. Portraits and Biogra phies of the One Hundred Greatest Men of His tory. New York: D. Appleton & Co. 1885. Jefferson, p. 438. 291 Lincoln (Robert W^). Lives of the Presidents of the United States. New York. 1836. Jefferson, p. 97. 291* Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 175 Lossing (B. ). Biographical Sketches of the Signers of the Declara tion of American Independence. New York. 1848. Jefferson, p. 174. 292 Mackay (Charles). The Founders of the American Republic. Edin burgh and London. 1885. Jefferson, p. 208. 293 Parker (Theodore). Historic Americans. Boston. 1870. Jefferson, p. 233. BA. 294 Par ton (James). People s Book of Biography. New York. 1868. Jefferson, p. 346. B. 295 Sanderson (John). Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Inde pendence. Philadelphia. 1820-7. 9 vols., 8vo. Jefferson, vol. VII., p. 9. 296 Slaughter ( W. B.). Reminiscences of Distinguished Men, by Wm. B. Slaughter. Madison, Wis. [1878.] Jefferson, p. 125. B. 297 Smith (Helen A ins lie). One Hundred Famous Americans. New York : George Routledge & Son. Jefferson, p. 68. 298 Taine (Henri). Nouveaux Essais de Critique et d Histoire. Par H. Taine. Paris. 1865. Jefferson, p. 171. BA. 299 Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 177 Williams The Twelve Stars of the Republic. New York, 1850. Jefferson, p. 99. 300 Williams (E.). Statesman s Manual, containing the Presidents Mes sages from 1789 to 1858. With their Memoirs and Histories of their Administrations, by E. Williams and B. J. Lossing. New York. 1858. Pages 231-360 of vol. I. refer to Jefferson. 301 For articles in magazines and reviews, see Poole s " Index to Periodical Literature" (Boston, 1882), and Fletcher s "Cooperative Index to Periodicals," Jeff erson. INDEX To books issued anonymously, or under a pseudonym, and placed under the name of the author. (See Introduc tion.) The figures refer to the numbers following the titles. Address to the People of the United States, with an Epitome and Vindication of the Life and Character of Thomas Jefferson, 13. Address to the Citizens of South Carolina, 49. Address, An, to the People of New England, 75. Address, An, to the President of the United States on the Subject of his Ad dress, 274. Claims, The, of Thomas Jefferson to Presidency Examined, 54. Criticism, A, on Tucker s Life of Jefferson, 84. Defence, A, of the Measures of the Administration, 260. Defence of the Character of Thomas Jefferson, 265. Democracy Unveiled, 69. Dialogue, A, between a Southern Delegate and his Spouse, 92. Documents Relating to the Presidential Election in the Year 1801, n. Draught of a Fundamental Constitution for Virginia, 94. Examination, An, of the President s Reply to the New Haven Remonstrance, 33. Examination, The, of the President s Message, 80. Farmer s, A, Letters to the People, 200. Freemen, To the, of Rhode Island, 243. Hamiltoniad, The, 275, 276. Letter, A, to Alexander Hamilton, King of the Feds., 26. Letter, A, to a Federalist, 60. Letter to Gabriel Jones, 77. Life and Opinions of Julius Melbourn, etc., 83. Message from the President, 145-8, 150-70, 270, 271. (See following Index.) Memoirs of the Hon. Thomas Jefferson, 27. Narrative, A, of the Suppression of the History of John Adams, 31. New England Patriot, The, 211. Notes on the Establishment of a Money Unit, 95. Notes on the State of Virginia, 96. Notes on Thomas Jefferson, 249, Observations on Certain Passages in Mr. Jefferson s Notes on Virginia, 219. Observations on the Whale Fishery, 120. Papers Relative to Great Britain, 125. 179 Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 181 Peace without Dishonor, War without Hope, 208, 209. Politics for American Farmers, 56. Politics and Views of a Certain Party Displayed, 78. Pretensions, The, of Thomas Jefferson to the Presidency Examined, 252. Remarks in the Senate of the United States Vindicating James A. Bayard, 12. Report, etc. (see following Index). Series, A, of Letters Addressed to Thomas Jefferson, 63. Serious Considerations on the Election of a President, 201. Solemn, A, Address to Christians and Patriots upon the Approaching Election, 280. Summary, A, View of the Rights of British America, 93. Thomas Jefferson sa Vie et sa Correspondance, 50. Thoughts upon the Conduct of our Administration, 210. Vindication, A, of the Measures of the Present Administration, 74. Vindication, A, of Thomas Jefferson against the Charges in a Pamphlet En titled " Serious Considerations," 32. Voice, The, of Warning to Christians in the Ensuing Election, 216. Warning, The, of Thomas Jefferson, etc., 220. Youth, The, of Jefferson, 38. m INDEX To names and subjects. The figures refer to the numbers following the titles. Abbott, J. S. C., 282 Act Establishing Religious Freedom, etc., 119 Adams, J., 5, TO, 18, 24, 25, 31, 34, 41, 44, 49, 53, 57, 66, 67, 70, 71, 85, 190*, 191, 194, 195, 204, 226, 232, 242, 245, 246, 248, 252-6, 263, 272, 273, -278, 279 Adams, J. Q., 5, 83 Ajax, i American Budget 1794, 79 Americanus, 13 Anglo-Saxon Language, 182 Aristides, 7 Aurora, The, 56 Bache, B. F., 56 Baldwin, J. G., 283 Barbe-Marbois, 96 Batture at New Orleans, 173, 185, 205, 206 Bayard, J. A., I, n, 12 Bishop, A., 259 Breckinridge. J., 269 Brougham, H., 284 Burr, A., 7, 16, 31, 40, 45, 61, 7_6, 156, 157, 268, 279 Cabell, J. C., 188 Caines Speech, 81 Calhoun, J. C., 23, 179 Callender, J. T., 25*. 81, 252 Callender, Tom., 26 Cambreling, C. C., 245 Capitol, Burning of the, 28 Chesapeake, Attack on the, 164, 165, 208, 210 Church, R. S. H., 52 Clinton, DeWitt, 43, 174 Cobb, J. B., 285 Cod and Whale Fishery, Report on, 122 Commerce, Report on, 124, 271 Congressional Library, 28 Conseil, L. P., 180 Contingent Charges, Message on, 169 Craighill, R. T., 286 Cranch, W,, 33 Cresap, Capt., 102 Crosswell Case, 81 Cunningham, W., 226 Curtius, 260 De Cassagnac, 23 Declaration of Independence, 177, 185, 189 Defence of Jefferson s Administration, 260 Democracy, 20, 51, 52, 69 Democraticus, 144 Devens, C., Attorney-General, 64 Douglas, S. A., 39 Duane, W., 56 Duyckinck, E. A., 21, 287 Dwight, N., 288 Election Addresses, 2, 4, 9, 13, 35, 48, 49, 53, 174, 201, 229, 241, 243, 281 Embargo, 3, 21, 37, 62, 159, 168 Epaminondas, 61 Eulogies, 10, 14, 18, 41, 44, 53, 57, 66, 70, 71, 91, 190*, 191, 192, 194, 195, 204, 242, 245, 246, 248, 253-5, 263, 273, 278 Everett, A. H., 178 Fairplay, Oliver, 233 Federalism, 8, 68, 223 Ford, P. L., 26, 78 Foreign Relations, 89 Fortifications, Message on, 166 Forts, Cession of, to United States, 154* France, 150, 210, 270 Franklin, B., 284 Genet, 270 Gerry, E., 226 183 Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. 185 Gilpin, H. D ., 289 Godwin, P., 290 Great Britain, 125, 164, 204-10, 270 Grotius, 32 Grundy, F., 245 Hamilton, A., 7, 26, 31, 79, 257, 275, 276 Hamilton Club, 26, 276 " Letters to, 26 " Report on Protecting Manufactures, 82 Hammond, G., 125, 126 Hampden, 199 Harrison s Speech, 81 Henry, P., 86 Inaugural Addresses, 5, 33, 36, 107, 132-43, 172 Indians, 145, 161, 162 Isaacks, J., Petition of, 123 Jackson, A., 5> 6 Jefferson, T., Autobiography, 183-7 Biographies of (see Lives) Birthday of, 30, 42, 207 Election of, 16, 17, 55, 76 Library of, 28, 72, 73,175 Manuals by, 127-31 " Manuscripts of, 215, 217, 236 Memoirs of, 27, 177, 178, 180, 251 Monument to, 64, 190 Opinions of, on Paper Currency, 23 Paintings of, 29 as a Promoter of Science, 218 Religious Principles of, 261, 267 Report of, on Cod and Whale Fisheries, 122 Report of, on Commerce, 79, 124, 271 Report of, on Petition of J. Isaacks, 123 " Report of, on Weights and Measures, 121 Reports of, 176 Statue of, 240 Writing-Desk of, 231 Works of, 177,178,185-7 as a Vaccinator, 214 Junius Philsenus, 26, 198 Kentucky Resolutions, 179, 213, 269 Langdon, J., 272 Layman, 54 Lee, H., 196, 197 Leonidas, 239, 259 Lewis and Clark, 155 Library of Congress, 28, 72, 73 Lincoln, R. W., 291 Linn, W., 201 Lives of Jefferson, 31, 36, 46, 50, 59, 83, 90, 183, 184, 202, 212, 221, 225, 227, 234, 235, 237, 238, 244, 250, 251, 256, 264, 279 Logan s Family, 102, 104 Lossing, B. J., 292, 301 Louisiana, 17, 149, 150 Lucius Crassus, 80 Lucius Junius Brutus, 33, 239, 259 Mackay, C., 293 Madison, J., 4, 5, 43, 172, 174, 179, 203, 230, 262 Manual of Parliamentary Practice, 127-31 Manufactures, 82, 85 Marcus Brutus, 247 Massachusettensis, 257 Massachusetts, 2, 3, 4 Mazzei, P., 139, 258 Mazzei Letter, 226, 258 Melanges Politiques, 180 Memoirs of Jefferson, 27, 177, 178, 180, 251 Message at the Opening of Congress, 148, 151, 153, 158, 167 " Examination of, 80 Transmitting Roll of Office- Holders, 146 " Treaty with France, 150 Relating to Trading-Houses with the Indians, 145 the ex-Bashaw of Trip oli, 154 " the Cession of Forts to United States, 154* " " Lewis and Clark Ex pedition, 155 " " Aaron Burr, 156, 157 " the Embargo, 159, 168 " Gen. James Wilkinson, 160 " Treaty with Choctaw Indians, 161 " Military Academy, 163 " Attack on the Chesa peake, 164, 165 " Fortifications, 166 " Contingent Expenses for 1808, 169 " France and Great Brit ain, 270 " Commerce, 271 Bibliotkeca Jeffersoniana. 187 Messages, 5, 145-170, 270, 271, 301 Military Academy, 163 Money Unit, Notes on, 95 Monroe, J., 5, 164, 165, 171, 262 Monument over Jefferson s Grave, 64 Morellet, Abbe, 96, 97 Neutrality, 277 New Haven Remonstrance, 33, 239, 259 North Carolina, History of, 193 Notes on Religion, 119 " State of Virginia, 96-118 Nullification, 6 O Callaghan, E. B., 96, 101 Old South, 8 Paper Currency, Opinions on, 23 Parker, T., 294 Parton, J., 295 Pasquin, Anthony, 275, 276 Phocian, 67, 252 Pinckney, C. C., 31, 43 Pinkney, W., 170 Potter, H., 245 Presbyterianism, 220 Protection, 82 Randolph, J., 83 M. B., 190 T. J., 176-8, 215, 217,236 Rawle, W., 180 Religion, Notes on, 119 Religious Freedom, Act Establishing, 96, 119 Republicanism, 8, 15 Report on Cod and Whale Fishery, 122 Commerce, 79, 124, 271 Library of Congress, 72 " Jefferson, 72, 73 Claim of T. J. Randolph, 215 Memorial of T. J. Ran dolph, 236 Protecting Manufactures, 82 Statue of Jefferson, 240 Weights and Measures, 121 Rhode Island, 243 Rights of British America, 93 Rollins, J. S., 190 Sabin, J., 92 Sabine, L., 122 Sanderson, J., 296 Sargeant, W., 228 Sermons, Political, 76, 216, 224, 230 Shelby, Isaac, 10 Sidney, Algernon, 74, 75 Slaughter, W. B., 297 Smith, H. A., 298 " S., 245 " W. L., 78 South Carolina, Cession of forts by, 154* State Rights, 179 Statesman s Manual, 301 Statue of Jefferson, Report on, 240 Tacitus, 63 Taine, H., 229 Thomas, History of Printing, 92 Thomson, C., 96, 98 Thornton, W. T., 245 Trumbull, J., 29 Tullius Americanus, 259 Turner. E., 245 Tyler, J., 245 University of Virginia, 188 Van Buren, 5, 226 Van Ness, W. P., 7 " Speech of, 81 Veritas, 77 Vindex, 87 Virginia, Notes on, 96-118 " Resolutions, 179, 213 Reports, 176 Virginian, A., 265 Voorhees D. W., 64 Washington, G., 5, 85, 142, 211, 215, 226, 250, 272, 284 H. A., 185 Webster, N., 252 Weights and Measures, Report on, 121 Whale Fishery, 120, " Report on, 122 Wilkinson, J., 160 Wilkins, W., 245 Williams, E., 300, 301 Woodward, A. B., 61 Works of Jefferson, 177, 178, 185-7 Young and Minns, 47 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRAR BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 30Nov51CF 21NOV51LU \ REC D OCT21 70-1PM18 LD 21-100m-9, 47(A5702 S 16)6 10 19700 1Q7n JlHlO 1970 LIBRARY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. THIS BOOK IS DUE BEFORE CLOSING TIME ON LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW LIBRARY USE . . i: 1365 $S^ Q-l r; 0. 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