XOfit^XHK^^KXddiX S ui- Uli L ^NDEX TO GEOLOGIC MAPS OF CALIFORNIA 19571960 A Supplement to Special Report 52 U^v^u-™ ^^ DAVIS UNIVERSITY OF CALI DAVIS FEB 2 1 1978 GOV T. DOCS. - LIBRARY L REPORT 52 A ORNIA DIVISION OF MINES AND GEOLOGY i * S BRARVu ■m mUEddiX S w«- ^NDEX TO GEOLOGIC MAPS OF CALIFORNIA 1957-1960 A Supplement to Special Report 52 FEB 2 1 1978 GOV'T. DOCS. - LIBRARY SPECIAL REPORT 52A CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF MINES AND GEOLOGY 124° 123° 1 -JWEED \ 122° 121° -J 120° 42° LTURAS WHSTWOOD 38° SAWM ROSA V 4(0 Index map of California, showing State Geologic Map sheets. 40° Y SAN FRANC1J 123° 36< — !san jpse \ r /WASIPC SANT^ CRUZ SAN LUIS OBISPO S 119° V^ALKER LAKE .J /TFRESNO \ ) ) -I BAKERSF1ELD 38* 117° 1160 \ 370 DEATH VALLEY 115° 114° TRONA 3*4 «- < s z 5 33< •^— t T LC|S ANGELES \ u LONG BEACH 121° 120° I 119° 5AN ^ X SAN BERNARDINO ^ANTA ANA _.SALTON_S^A 117° INDEX TO GEOLOG 1957-1960 A Supplement to Special Rep By JAMES B. KOENIG, Mining Geolog California Division of Mines and Geology CALIFORNIA LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS SPECIAL REPORT 52A California Division of Mines and Geology Ferry Building, San Francisco, 1962 STATE OF CALIFORNIA EDMUND G. BROWN, Governor THE RESOURCES AGENCY WILLIAM E. WARNE, Adrmnisrrofor DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION DeWITT NELSON/ Director DIVISION OF MINES AND GEOLOGY IAN CAMPBELL, Chief Special Report 52A Price $1.00 CONTENTS Page Introduction _ - 5 Alturas Sheet - — - - - 7 Bakersfleld Sheet 1 _____ _ 8 Bakersfleld Sheet 2 _ __ _ 9 Chico Sheet — ___ 1 Death Valley Sheet __ 1 1 Fresno Sheet __ 12 Kingman Sheet _ __ ._ 1 3 Long Beach Sheet 1 _ _ 14 Long Beach Sheet 2 _ 15 Los Angeles Sheet 1 16 Los Angeles Sheet 2 — 17 Los Angeles Sheet 3 . 18 Mariposa Sheet 1 19 Mariposa Sheet 2 _ __ _ _~. 20 Needles Sheet _ _._ 21 Redding Sheet 1 22 Redding Sheet 2 23 Sacramento Sheet ____ .. 24 Salton Sea Sheet 25 San Bernardino Sheet 1 __ ___ .. 26 San Bernardino Sheet 2 __ 27 San Bernardino Sheet 3 28 San Diego-El Centro Sheet ____. _____ 29 San Francisco Sheet 1 30 San Francisco Sheet 2 ___ 31 San Jose Sheet __ 32 San Luis Obispo Sheet ___ _.._ __ 33 Santa Ana Sheet 1 34 Santa Ana Sheet 2 ... 35 Santa Cruz Sheet 36 Santa Maria Sheet ___. 37 Santa Rosa Sheet 1 _ 38 Santa Rosa Sheet 2 39 Trona Sheet 1 40 Trona Sheet 2 ___ _ 41 Ukiah Sheet 1 ._ 42 Ukiah Sheet 2 _ _ ___ 43 Walker Lake Sheet _ 44 Weed Sheet ____ __ 45 Westwood Sheet __ _ __ 46 Bibliography of geologic maps of California _ ____ ___. 47 Index to geologic maps by State Geologic Map sheets _____ 58 Index to authors _ __ 59 Illustration Index map of California, showing State Geologic Map sheets Inside front cover [ 3 ] INDEX TO GEOLOGIC MAPS OF CALIFORNIA 1957-1960 A SUPPLEMENT TO SPECIAL REPORT 52 By JAMES B. KOENIG INTRODUCTION Purpose. This report supplements Special Report 52, Index to Geologic Maps of California to December 31, 1956. The Index to Geologic Maps was originally pre- pared to aid staff geologists of the Division of Mines and Geology engaged in compiling the new Geologic Map of California, by providing them with a complete bibli- ography of published geologic maps. The Division of Mines published this index as a Special Report in response to widespread public need for such bibliographic ma- terial. Acknowledgments . John L. Burnett, of the California Division of Mines and Geology, helped extensively in the early stages of this compilation. Help and encouragement also were given by Charles W. Jennings of the Division. Bibliographic data cards supplied by Mrs. Ruth R. King, of the U. S. Geological Survey, proved useful as a check- list. Scope. The Index to Geologic Maps has been con- tinued, in this report, through 1960. In addition, this in- dex lists about 20 pre-1957 geologic maps which were inadvertently omitted from Special Report 52. Also in- cluded in this new index are about 35 open-file reports and field-trip road logs in which geologic maps appear, and a smaller number of maps showing marine geology off the coast of California. Over 250 maps are cited in this index. Of these, some 50 maps are repeated from earlier publications, and, ex- cept for minor modifications, are unchanged. The re- maining 200 are either original geologic maps, or are significantly different from earlier maps upon which they are based. An attempt has been made to make this index as com- plete as possible. However, there can be no certainty of completeness, as geologic maps of California occasionally appear in unlikely or obscure journals and reports, some of which are not printed in this country. Occasionally, too, a report is not issued until months after the end of the year that it is dated. Therefore, some "1960" publi- cations may not have been issued at the time this index was completed. Readers of this report who note errors or omissions are urged to notify the Division of Mines and Geology in order that future editions may be cor- rected. No attempt has been made to include all open-file re- ports or field-trip road logs, especially as many were is- sued in very limited numbers. Those included generally cover areas of recurring interest, or areas where there is limited published geologic mapping. Wherever possible, the places at which open-file reports may be consulted have been listed in the bibliography. With a few exceptions, maps with scales smaller than 1:1,000,000 (16 miles to the inch) have been omitted. Also, underground mine maps and subsurface geologic maps generally have been excluded. Maps that show only certain of the geologic features of an area have been so noted in the bibliography: for example, maps of glacial or alluvial deposits, or maps showing only faults or rocks of one specific age. Index Map Sheets. As in Special Report 52, outlines of the geologic maps referenced in this report are plotted on index map sheets. These index map sheets correspond to the 27 sheets of the California State Geologic Map. In general, these sheets cover areas bounded by 2 de- grees of longitude and 1 degree of latitude. An outline map of the state, inside the front cover, shows the name and location of each of these sheets. Changes have been made in the names of, and areas covered by, some map sheets of the State Geologic Map since the publication of Special Report 52. The Fort Bragg sheet has been re- named Ukiah; Goldfield has been merged with Mariposa, taking the latter's name; a joint San Diego-El Centro sheet replaces the individual San Diego and El Centro sheets; and the area of the Eureka sheet has been divided [5l California Division of Mines and Geology [Special Report 52 A between the Weed and Redding sheets. These changes are observed in this index. In many cases it has been necessary to use two or more index map sheets in order clearly to show all of the geo- logic maps of a specific area. This has been done for the map sheets covering the Los Angeles and San Francisco metropolitan areas, and for the Death Valley sheet. Numbering System and Cross-Indexes. The number- ing system used in this publication is the same as that used in Special Report 52. The first two digits of the number denote the year in which the map was originally published. (This is not necessarily the same as the date of the publication here cited.) For each year the publi- cations are numbered serially. Terminal letters are used in cases where several geologic maps appear in a single publication. The maps are referenced in three separate indexes: by number, under the system described above; by author; and by State Geologic Map sheet. 1962] Index to Gf.ologic Maps of California, 1957-1960 (O -J= fO UJ LU X C/) < 3 California Division of Minf.s and Gfology [Special Report 52A LU Q _ _l Q- (/) uj rr o < m 1962 Index to Geologic Maps of California, 1957- 1960 10 California Division of Minks and Gf.ology fSpecial Report 52A UJ LlI X en o o x o 1962 Index to Geologic Maps of California, 1957- 1960 11 UJ Ld X >■ UJ < > IE Y- < Ld O 12 California Division of Mines and Gf.ology [Special Report 52A UJ LU X if) UJ rr 1962] Index to Geologic Maps of California, 1957- 1960 13 U X < 14 California Division of Minf.s and Geology [Special Report 52 A 1962] Index to Geologic Maps of California, 1957- 1960 15 O - + 16 California Division of Minfs and Gfology [Special Report 52 A 1962 Index to Geologic Maps of California, 1957- 1960 17 California Division of Mines and Geology [Special Report 52A 1962 Index to Geologic jMaps of California, 1957- 1960 19 LU u. X o (/) - 4r- -^ zr- G 6« 8 4^y I 3 ^9V frl 1 ? / /% — 1 — I i ^r X T ? |i I "f. P s V - i I CM IT) i\ 1 1 °? ,* ^v / IJ 09 \ / ""l \ V is ( P— ^ >r ^\ £ Mi ■ * \ ^1 \ J / r- ! ! il If m ro J 1 ) — » 1* f J: CO i I* i 1 i - 3— V 1 ^ 1 CD m en --* \—%i ' »- \\ ) y- """' O i- — -~^— *ii : : ^J ( -i ! i II CJ ■ j - I: i' : °l 8 a c r* S h * ■ (V» S2 D « L *fc i, it 1- I E II r< c u S* £ r- ■2 f °* Z » o { i <£> r- so " ' u i C in _l II c < i s J » o CD 2 i in 1 5 o o / g i 1 | rO o o 8— 5 7 s 3 • X % -■(■■j ■ i : n CM - I 1 I. SI -9 S ~09 <^i j x i 111 4) t taJ ' la ^- £5 1* E j j.aioBHr H ! L £ S 10 cv 4 ! i ; CJ 4- 1 X 4 en - OL o < Q X LU z cr - 1962] Indfx to Geologic Maps of California, 1957- 1960 23 Q. ■Z. 5 Q X Si 24 California Division of Minfs and Gf.ology [Special Report 52A UJ X if) LlI < or o < a) 1962 Index to Geologic Maps of California, 1957-1960 25 Ld UJ X < UJ en o _l < (f) California Division of Mines and Geology [Special Report 52 A 1962] Index to Geologic Maps of California, 1957-1960 27 I- UJ UJ X en ro CM Q. or < < 2 z X cr l±J UJ gq z z < (fi 28 California Division of Mines and Geology [Special Report 52A UJ UJ X ro OO Q CL < 2 -z. or x UJ uj cd o z < 1962] Index to Geologic Maps of California, 1957-1960 29 30 California Division of Minf.s and Gf.ology [Special Report 52A 19621 Indfx to Gfologic Maps of California, 1957- 1960 31 California Division of Mines and Gfology [Special Report 52 A t>-o I- UJ LJ X if) l±J C/> O < 1962 Index to Geologic Maps of California, 1957- 1960 33 + cr> ' . 34 California Division of Minf.s and Gf.ology [Special Report 52A I- Ld cm LU u. X O CO _ <(L z < < 5 < X h- UJ Z O r- co en - ■N n "> 10 1 A 'J a / UJ J£L* ~ .1. 4^1 / . \\y 1©/ iy CD ^/ / wjl V £ f r^ 7 Y . r <> 1 w »* 1 / oO r / ^ * I — # - jf | T -I /< c / O { ? * • -1 10 /> i A r £ T «■ 5 SI > J > ■J- n | / * / 1 • " T rt **" „ ■ in :" / ?! - ■>■ Ld 10 i ? 5 CD * *J Q. t" >^ 1 ■0 >" 3 M V J m li( t If at \ ° *■» a IT) i sf J 1 1 ! ' I 1 | J w ^ CM in J 71 ° 13 2 -. .y <9 A. | \ *N 1 rn i \ K i ! Jf * \ Ul j; <■ J ^ *o /|l r g ZL 1 1 „/? ?, » »\ *"<*. 2 £ 02Z-85 ?» • u , [in - s h " 5 e I \ 1 3 j X \ 5 ; 1 r f 1 / A A | 1 >a ** • \ 1 is CO C\J e .y P» # I c 5 w / \ I 1° | f 1 /I: | j 3 £ jy / *♦ 2 9 • K _ \ ** i :: • J 1 \ I *o *" 1" * 5/ « \ _■!*/ nj V 1 ■ ""i*^ l l 5 E «r IS 1, i * o f\ s i| l*- J ! " l\ \.\ * 1 5 m • -s \ ^ is Y / J 5 ^^Sr-. -. /tt \ i J ^ 1 ■*• I'X. l /T 1 /^ 10 &Z> i \ V 1, s.- Jy S 5 W z f r\ n Kf / f^ \ 1 c -i \ 3 \~? 1 \ 1 3 l±J 'ss |j«~- %/ y^ s 3 i \^ qOI-09 jL/ CO S ° 1 9 it Sc £" I 1 k^ 5 ^y< H + 1 ^^ DC j - e dl i V X 1 ID E/^ Su]/$ S 5*-w u Jf J z of 0^ O tS B. 1 tl. */M CO i_*> l ^: /•S 3|/ p O yJB CSJ 4- 36 California Division of Mines and Geology [Special Report 52A 1962] Index to Geologic Maps of California, 1957- 1960 37 ,00,021 ,00oS£ 00„22l + ,00„9£ "92^65 1 ' 00 ° S£ 4= 92-65 LU LlI X if) < < in + ,00„SE ,00o22l 38 California Division of Minf.s and Gfoi.ogy [Special Report 52 A roC2 1962 Indf.x to Geologic Maps of California, 1957- 1960 39 a- CM < _ or * x \- CM UJ u. UJ O X - CO Q_ < 5 Z X O uj cr9 1962; Index to Geologic Maps of California, 1957- 1960 41 ,_CM Ld u- X <* < O LJ l_ z 42 California Division of Minks and Geology [Special Report 52A I- " L±J u. Id ° X - if) O. < X 2 < X — LU ^ Q => ? Index to Geologic Maps of California, 1957- 1960 43 "c c c b « CM CM CO -1- > > ) c c °r p .0 "1 3 3 r> o O O CM CM CM 1 1 . H*i — tf T - U^ j- c s If 1 _L H - in ztt — ^f K> *"! IfcW, - f ^ — M i I HfflK»5 i 8 " - fr2|-9 9 i^r ^>>. 4- " 1- in ^ J 1 ^ ^ fjllJ T1 o5\ M r^oi F^S" 1 ft j _l !• cr' f ^"i— r- 1 1 / 7 I UJ : — 1— 1 1 ; cm T 1 CD 1 1 1 , — i. 1/ v^ ! ^ | CO £1-09 en O < rvl en 1 ! ■k • 1 1 1 1 UKIAH SHEET INDEX MAP 2 OF I O — aZ. , B .° GE 18 1 O c _J — =¥ = f s 4 ^ " l >-r CM ! , s X L , TT 2 CM ro VT in ID : - °9 4- • 00 o 01 — CM CD r) D N I s a u^>-^ 5 ! r- s I * I ^~ ~\ 1 ,A O a * 1 U3 5 m 1 G i E z I f. ID '• e E E 1 % 2 •3 t 4- ^ i 3 | X t> 1/ 1 1 1 I I — r .IX Itr | - 3 <^ ro / -*■ 1 5 ■ b W O N "2 /^ O CVJ CM CM CM CM CM 1 00 r- (0 m v O O 44 California Division of Minf.s and Gf.oi.ogy [Special Report 52A Index to Geologic Maps of California, 1957-1960 45 LlI LlI X C/> o Ixl UJ 46 California Division of Minf.s and Gf.oi.ogy [Special Report 52 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF GEOLOGIC MAPS OF CALIFORNIA 26-6 Calif. Div. Mines, 1953, Geologic map of the northern Santa Ana Mountains: Mineral Informa- tion Service, v. 6, no. 10, p. 5. Map-1: 250,000. 27-1 Stock, G, 1935, Exiled elephants of the Channel Islands, California: Scientific Monthly, v. 41, no. 3, p. 205-214. Fig. 2-1:250,000. 32-14 Calif. Div. Mines, 1953, Geologic log for Ventura basin field trip, Los Angeles to Wheeler Springs: Mineral Information Service Supplement, Feb. 1953. (c) map, p. 2-3-1:375,000 (map adapted from Guidebook 15, International Geological Congress, 1932). 32-17 Galliher, E. Wayne, 1932, Sediments of Monterey Bay, California: Calif. Div. Mines Mining in Cali- fornia, v, 28, no. 1, p. 42-79. PI. 3-1:135,000 (ap- prox.). 34-8 Williams, Howel, 1934, Mount Shasta, California: Sonderabdruck aus der Zeitschrift fur Vulkanol- ogie (Volcanological Review), Band XV, p. 225- 253. PI. 16-1:240.000. 42-1 Goldman, Harold B., 1957, Antimony: Calif. Div. Mines Bull. 176, p. 35-44. Fig. 2-1:12,000. 42-7 Kanaya, T., 1957, Eocene diatom assemblages from the Kellogg and "Sidney" shales, Mt. Diablo area, California: Science Reports of the Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, Second Series (Geol- ogy), v. 28, p. 27-124. Fig. 2-1:145,000. 43^*8 Richey, K. A., 1943, A marine invertebrate fauna from the Orinda, California, formation: Calif. Univ. Pubs. Geol. Sci., v. 27, p. 25-36. Fig. 1- 1:102,000. 44-1 Woodring, W. P., and Bramlette, M. N., 1950, Geology and paleontology of the Santa Maria district, California; U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 222. PI. 1 — 1:24,000 (colored photogeologic map— 5 sheets). 45-11 Poland, J. F., 1959, Hydrology of the Long Beach-Santa Ana area, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 1471. PI. 3-1:31,680. 46-4 Oakeshott, Gordon B., 1957, Diatomite: Calif. Div. Mines Bull. 176, p. 183-193. Fig. 3-1:70,000. 46-12 Smith, George I., Almond, Hy, and Sawyer, D. L., 1958, Sassolite from the Kramer borate district, California: Am. Mineralogist, v. 43, no. 11-12, p. 1068-1078. Fig. 1-1:125,000. 47-9 Wilson, H. D., Jr., 1959, Ground-water appraisal of Santa Ynez River basin, Santa Barbara County, California, 1945-52: U.S. Geol. Survey Water- Supply Paper 1497. PI. 1-1:48,000; pi. 2-1:31,680; pi. 6-1:31,680; pi. 7-1:62,500. 50-20 Oakeshott, Gordon B., 1957, Diatomite: Calif. Div. Mines Bull. 176, p. 183-193. Fig. 2-1:100,000 (approx.). 51-24 Jennings, Charles W., 1957, Asphalt and bitumi- nous rock: Calif. Div. Mines Bull. 176, p. 59-70. Fig. 10-1:20,000. 51-35 Bromery, R. W., Emery, K. O., and Balsley, J. R., Jr., 1960, Reconnaissance airborne magnetometer survey off southern California: U.S. Geol. Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-211. Fig. 1 — 1:1,000,000 (revised from original). Emery, K. O., 1954, General geology of the off- shore area, southern California: Calif. Div. Mines Bull. 170, p. 107-111. Fig. 1-1:2,000,000 (revised from original). Emery, K. O., 1960, The sea off southern Califor- nia: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 366 p. Figs. 62 & 68-1:2,500,000 (revised from original). 52-24 Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineral- ogists, 1952, Reliz Canyon: Field Trip, S.E.P.M., May 10, 1952. Map-1: 62,500. 53-24 Goodwin, J. G., 1958, Mines and mineral resources of Tulare County, California: Calif. Jour. Mines and Geology, v. 54, no. 3, p. 317-492. (1) fig. 16- 1:2,160. Carlisle, D., and Cleveland, George B., 1958, Plants as a guide to mineralization: Calif. Div. Mines Special Rept. 50. (1) fig. 8-1:1,030. 53-26 Geological Society of Sacramento, 1960, North- western California; a traverse of the Klamath up- lift, northern Coast Ranges, and Eel River basin: Annual Field Trip, G.S.S., June 3-5, 1960. PI. 5- 1:78,000. 53-28 Calif. Water Resources Board, 1953, revised 1956, Geology and ground-water of Ventura County, California; Appendix B of Ventura County inves- tigation: Bull. no. 12, v. 2, p. B1-B127. (a) pi. B-1A-1: 156,000; (b) pi. B-lB-1: 156,000; (c) pi. B-1C-1: 156,000. 54-4 Kinkel, A. R., Jr., Hall, Wayne E., and Albers, J. P., 1957, Geology and base-metal deposits of the west Shasta copper-zinc district, Shasta County, California: Calif. Div. Mines Mineral Information Service, v. 10, no. 8, p. 14-17. Map-1: 281,250. O'Brien, J. C, 1957, Copper: Calif. Div. Mines Bull., 176, p. 169-182. Fig. 2-1:325,000. 54-21 Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineral- ogists—American Association of Petroleum Geol- ogists, 1958, Imperial Vallev: Annual Spring Field Trip, S.E.P.M.-A.A.P.G., May 2-3, 1958. Map 1 -1:375,000. 54-36 Sharp, Robert P., 1957, Geomorphology of Cima Dome, Mojave Desert, California: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 68, no. 3, p. 273-290. Fig. 2- 1:192,000. [47] 48 California Division of Mines and Gf.olocy [Special Report 52 A 54-37 Calif. Dept. Water Resources, 1959, Water quality and water quantity problems, Ventura County: Div. Resources Planning Bull. no. 75, v. 1. PI. 8— 1:425,000. 54_49 Lydon, Philip A., 1957, Titanium: Calif. Div. Alines Bull. 176, p. 647-654. Fig. 2-1:140,000. 54—75 Pray, Lloyd C, 1957, Rare earth elements: Calif. Div. Mines Mineral Information Service, v. 10, no. 6, p. 1-8. (b) map-l:4,000. Pray, Lloyd C, 1957, Rare earth elements: Calif. Div. Mines Bull. 176, p. 467-474. (b) fig. 2- 1:4,800. 54-79 Calif. Div. Mines, 1958, Death Valley: Mineral Information Service, v. 11, no. 10, p. 1-9. (e) map 1-1:250,000; (f) map 2-1:250,000; (g) map 3- 1:250,000; (h) map 4-1:250,000. 54-82 Kahanovitz, Yona, and Manning, John C, 1954, Ground-water hydrology of Pleasant Valley, Fresno Countv, California: Stanford Univ. Pubs. Geol. Sci., v. 4. Fig. 2-1:250,000. 55-12 Troxel, Bennie W., 1957, Thorium: Calif. Div. Mines Bull. 176, p. 635-640. Fig. 3-1:20,400. 55-14 Calif. Dept. Water Resources, 1959, Geology of the San Jacinto and Elsinore units; Appendix B of Santa Ana River investigation: Bull. no. 15. PI. B-1A & B-1B-1: 125,000. 55-17 Oakeshott, Gordon B., 1959, San Andreas fault in Marin and San Mateo Counties: Calif. Div. Mines Special Rept. 57, p. 7-24. Fig. 2-1:270,000. 55-20 Mack, Seymour, 1958, Geology and ground-water features of Scott Valley, Siskiyou County, Cali- fornia: U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 1462. PI. 1-1:62,500. Calif. Dept. Water Resources, 1960, Klamath River basin investigation: Div. Resources Planning Bull, no. 83. PI. 12-1:150,000. 55-21 Oakeshott, Gordon B., 1959, San Andreas fault in Marin and San Mateo Counties: Calif. Div. Mines Special Rept. 57, p. 7-24, Fig. 3-1:250,000. 55-40 Calif. Div. Water Resources, 1955, Geology of the Putah Creek cone area: Appendix E of Report to the California State Legislature on Putah Creek cone investigation. PI. E- 1 — 1:204,000. 55-41 Graham, J. J., and Classen, W. J., 1955, A lower Eocene foraminiferal faunule from the Woodside area, San Mateo County, California: Contribu- tions from the Cushman Foundation for Foram- iniferal Research, v. VI, part 1. Fig. 1 — 1:25,600 (geol. sketch map). 55-42 Calif. Water Resources Board, 1955, Geology: Appendix D of Interim report, Cache Creek in- vestigation, (a) pi. Dl-1:62,500; (b) pi. D2-1: 10,800. Calif. Dept. Water Resources, 1958, Geology of Wilson Valley and Guinda damsites on Cache Creek; Appendix C of Interim report, Cache Creek investigation: Div. Resources Planning Bull. no. 20. (a) pi. C5-l:62,500; (b) pi. C6-1: 10,800. 55-43 Calif. Water Resources Board, 1955, Geology of Alameda Count\- area; Appendix C of Alameda County investigation: Bull. no. 13. PI. Cl — 1:145,- 000. 56-7 Kunkel, Fred, and Riley, F. S., 1959, Geologic reconnaissance and test-well drilling, Camp Irwin, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 1460-F. PI. 9-1:62,500. 56-10 Thomasson, H. G., Jr., Olmsted, Franklin H., and LeRoux, E. F., 1960, Geology, water resources and usable ground-water storage capacity of part of Solano Count)', California: U. S. Geol. Survev Water-Supply Paper 1464. (a) pi. 1-1:62,500; (b) pi. 2-1:24,000. 56-2 3 Byers, F. M., Jr., 1960, Geology of the Alvord Mountain quadrangle, San Bernardino Countv, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1089-A. PI. 1-1:62,500. 56-24 Geological Society of Sacramento, 1960, North- western California; a traverse of the Klamath up- lift, northern Coast Ranges, and Eel River basin: Annual Field Trip, G.S.S., June 3-5, 1960. PI. 6- 1 : 500,000. 56-25 Chesterman, Charles W., 1957, Pumice, pumicite, perlite and volcanic cinders: Calif. Div. Mines Bull. 176, p. 433-448. (b) fig. 3-1:72,000; (1) fig. 4- 1:12,500. Chesterman, Charles W., 1957, General geology of the Coso Range pumice and perlite- area, Inyo County, California; Appendix A of Volcanic lightweight aggregates of western United States: XX Session, International Geologic Congress, Mexico City, 1956; Section I, Vulcanologia del Cenozoico, V. 1, p. 205-229. (b) fig. 3-1:100,000; (1) fig. 4-1:18,200. 56-29 Olmsted, Franklin H., 1958, Geologic reconnais- sance of San Clemente Island, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1071-B. PI. 1-1:31,680. 56-31 Rinehart, C. D., and Ross, D. C, 1957, Geology of the Casa Diablo Mountain quadrangle, California: U. S. Geol. Survev Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-99. Map-1: 62,500. 56-37 Calif. Div. Water Resources, 1956, Geology, hy- drology, and water quality of the alluviated areas of Mendocino County and recommended standards of water well construction and sealing: Water Qualitv Investigations, Rept. no. 10. (a) pi. 3—1: 62,500'; (b) pi. 4-1:62,500; (c) pi. 5-1:62,500; (d) pi. 6-1:62,500; (e) pi. 7-1-1:62,500 & 1:40,- 000; (f) pi. 7-2-1:62,500; (g) pi. 7-3-1:62,500; (h) pi. 7-4-1:62,500 & 1:40,000. Calif. Dept. Water Resources, 1958, Recom- mended water well construction and sealing stand- ards, Mendocino County: Div. Resources Planning Bull. no. 62. (a) pi. 3-1:62,500; (b) pi. 4-1:62,- 1962] Index to Geologic Maps of California, 1957- 1960 49 57-1 500; (c) pi. 5-1:62,500; (d) pi. 6-1:62,500; (e) pi. 7-1-1:62,000 & 1:40,000; (f) pi. 7-2-1:62,500; (g) pi. 7-3-1:62,500; (h) pi. 7-4-1:62,500 & 1: 40,000. 56-38 Mabey, Don R., 1956, Geophysical studies in the intermontane basins in southern California: Geo- physics, v. 21, no. 3, p. 839-853. Fig. 7-1:425,000 (approx.). 56-39 Calif. Div. Water Resources, 1956, Santa Margarita River investigation: Bull. no. 57, v. 1, p. 25-106. (a) pi. 13A-1: 156,000; (b) pi. 13B-1: 156,000. 56^40 Davis, Dudley L., and Hetland, Donald L., 1956, Uranium in clastic rocks of the Basin and Range Province: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 300, p. 351-359. (a) fig. 114-1:145,000; (b) fig. 1 17— 1:3,600. Troxel, Bennie W., Stinson, Melvin C, and Chesterman, Charles W., 1957, Uranium: Calif. Div. Mines Bull. 176, p. 669-687. (b) fig. 6-1: 4,320. 56-41 Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineral- ogists, 1956, Huasna basin, San Luis Obispo County: Annual Spring Field Trip, S.E.P.M., May 5, 1956. Map-1:96,000. McCulloh, Thane H., 1957, Simple Bouguer gravity and generalized geologic map of the north- western part of the Los Angeles basin, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-149. Map-1: 48,000 (map indicates faults and major time-rock units). Yerkes, R. F., 1957, Volcanic rocks of the El Modeno area, Orange County, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 274-L. PI. 46-1:10,800. Radbruch, Dorothy H., 1957, Areal and engineer- ing geology of the Oakland West quadrangle: U. S. Geol. Survey Miscellaneous Geologic Inves- tigations Map 1-239. Map-1: 24,000. Smith, George I., and Pratt, W. P., 1957, Core logs from Owens, China, Searles, and Panamint basins, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1045- A. Fig. 1-1:2,300,000 (Quaternary lakes only, three areas). Allen, Clarence R., 1957, San Andreas fault zone in San Gorgonio Pass, southern California: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 68, no. 3, p. 315-350. (a) pi. 1-1:63,360; (b) pi. 2-1:31,680; (c) pi. 3- 1:15,840; (d) pi. 4-1:15,840. Back, W., 1957, Geology and ground-water fea- tures of the Smith River plain, Del Norte County, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 1254. PI. 6-1:62,500. Vedder, J. G., Yerkes, R. F., and Schoellhamer, J. E., 1957, Oil possibilities of San Joaquin Hills- San Juan Capistrano area, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Oil and Gas Investigations Map OM-193. Map-1: 24,000. 57-2 57-3 57-4 57-5 57-6 57-7 57-8 Stinson, Melvin C, 1957, Geology of the Island Mountain copper mine, Trinity County, Califor- nia: Calif. Jour. Mines and Geologv, v. 53, no. 1-2, p. 9-33. PI. 1-1:18,000; pi. 3-1:2,400-, fig. 13 -1:2,500. 57-9 Johnson, B. K., 1957, Geology of a part of the Manly Peak quadrangle, southern Panamint Range, California: Calif. Univ. Pubs. Geol. Sci., v. 30, no. 5, p. 353-424. Fig. 1-1:53,000 (approx.). 57-10 Evernden, J. E., Curtis, G. H., and Lipson, J., 1957, Potassium-argon dating of igneous rocks: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 41, no. 9, p. 2120-2127. Fig. 1-1:535,000 & 1:120,000. Curtis, G. PL, Evernden, J. F., and Lipson, J., 1958, Age determination of some granitic rocks in Cal- fornia by the potassium-argon method: Calif. Div. Mines Special Rept. 54. Fig. 3-1:250,000 & 1:53,- 000. Rose, Robert L., 1957, Andalusite- and corundum- bearing pegmatites in Yosemite National Park, California: Am. A4ineralogist, v. 42, no. 9-10, p. 635-647. Fig. 1-1:187,500. 57-11 Hail, W. J., Jr., 1957, Reconnaissance for uranium in asphalt-bearing rocks in the western United States: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1046-E, p. 55-85. Fig. 15-1:31,560 (adapted from U. S. Geol. Sur- vey Oil and Gas Investigations Map OM-16). 57-12 Merriam, Charles W., and Hall, Wayne E., 1957, Pennsylvanian and Permian rocks of the southern Inyo Mountains, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1061-A. Fig. 1-1:700,000 (Carboniferous and Permian age rocks only). 57-13 Wilshire, H. G., 1957, Propylitization of Tertiary volcanic rocks near Ebbetts Pass, Alpine Countv, California: Calif. Univ. Pubs. Geol. Sci., v. 32, no. 4, p. 243-271. Fig. 1-1:70,000. 57-14 Bonham, L. C, 1957, Structural petrology of the Pico anticline, Los Angeles Co., California: Jour. Sedimentary Petrology, v. 27, no. 3, p. 251-264. Fig. 2-1:97,000. 57-15 Quaide, W. L., 1957, Clay minerals from the Ven- tura basin, California: Jour. Sedimentarv Pe- trology, v. 27, no. 3, p. 336-341. Fig. 1-1:94,000. 57-16 Nelson, Harry E., 1957, Uranium occurrences in the Mojave mining district, Kern Countv, Cali- fornia: U. S. Atomic Energv Commission RME- 2058. (a) fig. 2-1:125,000; (b) fig. 3-1:4,800; (c) fig. 4-1:636; (d) pi. 1-1:6,000. 57-17 Gianella, V. P., 1957, Earthquake and faulting. Fort Sage Mountains, California, December, 1950: Seismological Soc. America Bull., v. 47, no. 3, p. 173-177. Fig. 1-1:75,000. 57-18 Benda, William K., Erd, R. C, and Smith, Ward C„ 1957, Core logs from five holes near Kramer, in the Mojave Desert, California: L T . S. Geol. Sur- vev Open File Report. Map— 1:62,500 (geolotjv by" T. W. Dibblee, Jr.). 50 California Division of jMinf.s and Gfology | Special Report 52A Benda, William K., Erd, R. C, and Smith, Ward C, 1960, Core logs from five test holes near Kramer, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1045-F, p. 319-393. PI. 11-1:62,500 (geology by T. W. Dibblee, Jr.). 57-19 Dibblee, T. W., Jr., 1957, Simplified geologic map of the western Mojave Desert, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Open File Report. Map- 1:250,000. On file at: Calif. Div. Mines, Ferry Bldg., San Francisco; U.S.G.S., 345 Middlefield Rd., Menlo Park; U.S.G.S., Rm. 1031, Bartlett Bldg., Los An- geles; U.S.G.S., Rm. 1242-G, G.S.A. Bldg., Wash- ington, D. C. Mabey, Don R., 1960, Gravity survey of the west- ern Mojave Desert, California: U. S. Geol. Survev Prof. Paper 316-D, p. 51-73. PI. 10-1:250,000. 57-20 Gribi, E. A., Jr., 1957, Santa Cruz basin holds important promise: Oil and Gas Journal, v. 55, no. 13, p. 113-116. Fig. 1^1:920,000. 57-21 Wood, P. R., and Davis, George H., 1957, Ground-water conditions in the Avenal-McKit- trick area, Kings and Kern Counties, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Open File Report. Map— 1:125,000. Wood, P. R., and Davis, George H., 1959, Ground-water conditions in the Avenal-McKit- trick area, Kings and Kern Counties, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 1457. PI. 1-1:125,000. 57-22 Kunkel, Fred, 1957, Data on water wells in the Willow Springs, Gloster, and Chaffee areas, Kern County, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Open File Report. PI. 1-1:62,500. Calif. Dept. Water Resources, 1960, Data on water wells in the Willow Springs, Gloster, and Chaffee areas, Kern County, California: Federal-State Co- operative Ground-Water Investigations, Bull. no. 91-4. Fig. 2-1:62,500. 57-23 Moore, D. G., 1957, Acoustic soundings of Qua- ternary marine sediments off Pt. Loma, Cali- fornia: Research Report 815, U. S. Navy Elec- tronics Laboratory, San Diego. Fig. 10—1:83,000 (approx.). 57-24 Bowes, W. A., Bales, W. E., and Haselton, G. M., 1957, Geology of the uraniferous bog deposit at Pettit Ranch, Kern County, California: U. S. Atomic Energy Commission RME— 2063 (Pt. 1). PI. 1-1:2,600 (approx.). 57-25 Calif. Div. Mines, 1957, Proposed wildlife with- drawal: Mineral Information Service, v. 10, no. 10, p. 1, 6-12. Map- 1:250,000. 57-26 Chesterman, Charles W., 1957, Pumice, pumicite, perlite and volcanic cinders: Calif. Div. Mines Bull. 176, p. 433-448. (a) fig. 6-1:15,000; (b) fig. 8-1:6,900. Chesterman, Charles W., 1957, General geology of the Rust perlite area, San Bernardino County, California; Appendix B of Volcanic lightweight 57-27 5 7-2 1 57-29 57-30 57-31 57-32 57-33 57-34 57-35 57-36 57-37 aggregates of western United States: XX Session, International Geologic Congress, Mexico City, 1956; Section I, Yulcanologia del Cenozoico, v. 1, p. 205-229. (b) fig. 5-1:9,300. Wright, Lauren A., 1957, Talc and soapstone: Calif. Div. Mines Bull. 176, p. 623-634. (a) fig. 2- 1:500,000; (b) fig. 4-1:700,000. Troxel, Bcnnie W., Stinson, Melvin C, and Chesterman, Charles W., 1957, Uranium: Calif. Div. Mines Bull. 176, p. 669-687. (a) fig. 3- 1:S3,()00; (b) fig. 7-1:32,750; (c) fig. 9-1:150,000 (approx.); (d) fig. 11-1:250,000. Troxel, Bcnnie W., 1957, Wollastonite: Calif. Div. Mines Bull. 176, p. 693-698. (a) fig. 1-1:35,600 and 1:40,800; (b) fig. 3-1:1,140. Rodda, Peter U., 1957, Paleontology and stratig- raphy of some marine Pleistocene deposits in northwest Los Angeles basin, California: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 41, no. 11, p. 2475-2492. Fig. 3-1:9,600. Calif. Dept. Water Resources, 1958, Sea-water in- trusion in California: Div. Resources Planning Bull. no. 63. PI. 22-1:24,000. Calif. Dept. Water Resources, 1957, Geologic studies relative to investigational work for pre- vention and control of sea water intrusion; Ap- pendix A of Report by Los Angeles Flood Con- trol District on investigational work for preven- tion and control of sea water intrusion, West Coast Basin Experimental Project, Los Angeles County; Appendix B of Sea-Water Intrusion in California: Div. Resources Planning Bull. no. 63. PI. 1-1:30,000. Troxell, Harold C, 1957, Water resources of southern California, with special reference to the drought of 1944-1951: U. S. Geol. Survey Water- Supply Paper 1366. Fig. 40-1:1,000,000 (approx.; alluvial and playa deposits only). Smith, Bernice Young, 1957, Lower Tertiary foraminifera from Contra Costa County, Cali- fornia: Calif. Univ. Pubs. Geol. Sci., v. 32, no. 3, p. 127-242. Fig. 2-1:28,000 (approx.). Calif. Dept. Water Resources, 1957, West Walker River investigation: Div. Resources Planning Bull, no. 64 (preliminary edition). PI. 4—1:133,000 (alluvium, lake beds and glacial deposits only). Geological Society of Sacramento, 1957, The Cre- taceous and associated formations of the Redding area, Shasta Countv, California: Annual Field Trip, G.S.S., May 25-26, 1957. PI. 1-1:36,000. Miller, William J., 1957, California through the ages; the geologic story of a great state: Western- lore Press, Los Angeles, 264 p. (a) fig. 44—1:625,- 000; (b) fig. 95-1:437,500 (approx.). Kirkpatrick, Doug, 1957, San Andreas fault near Redlands, California: The Compass, v. 34, no. 4, p. 304-309. Fig. 1-1:146,000 (approx.). 1962 Index to Geologic Maps of California, 1957- 1960 51 58-1 58-2 58-3 58^ 58-5 58-6 58-7 58-8 58-10 58-1 1 58-12 Dibblee, T. W., Jr., 1958, Geologic map of the Castle Butte quadrangle, Kern County, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Mineral Investigations Field Studies Map MF-170. Map- 1:62,500. Schlocker, Julius, Bonilla, M. G., and Radbruch, Dorothy H., 1958, Geology of the San Francisco North quadrangle, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations Map 1-272. Map-1: 24,000. Winterer, E. L., and Durham, D. L., 1958, Ge- ologic map of a part of the Ventura basin, Los Angeles County, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Oil and Gas Investigations Map OM-196. Map— 1 : 24,000. Radbruch, Dorothy H., and Schlocker, Julius, 1958, Engineering geology of Islais Creek basin, San Francisco, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations Map 1-264. Map-1: 12,000. Dibblee, T. W., Jr., 1958, Geologic map of the Boron quadrangle, Kern and San Bernardino Counties, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Mineral Investigations Field Studies Map MF-204. Map— 1:62,500. Klein, Ira E., and Goldman, Harold B., 1958, Sand and gravel resources of Cache Creek in Lake, Co- lusa and Yolo Counties, California: Calif. Jour. Mines and Geologv, v. 54, no. 2, p. 237-296. PI. 1 -1:185,000. Cleveland, George B., 1958, Poverty Hills diato- maceous earth deposit, Inyo County, California: Calif. Jour. Mines and Geology, v. 54, no. 3, p. 305-316. Fig. 2-1:6,000 (approx.). Bellemin, G. J., and Merriam, R. H., 1958, Petrol- ogy and origin of the Poway conglomerate, San Diego County, California: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 69, no. 2, p. 199-220. Fig. 1-1:312,500 (approx.). Dibblee, T. W., Jr., 1958, Tertiary stratigraphic units of western Mojave Desert, California: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 42, no. 1, p. 135-144. Fig. 1-1:500,000 (approx.). Gay, Thomas E., Jr., and Aune, Quintin A., 1958, Alturas sheet: Calif. Div. Adines Geologic Map of California. Map-1: 250,000. Goodwin, J. G., 1958, Mines dnd mineral resources of Tulare County, California: Calif. Jour. Mines and Geology, v. 54, no. 3, p. 317-492. (a) fig. 3- 1:8,700; (bj fig. 4-1:6,600; (c) fig. 5-1:31,250; (d) fig. 6-1:40,800; (e) fig. 7-1:4,000; (f) fig. 8 -1:960; (g) 9-1:83,300; (h) fig. 12-1:1,000; (j) fig. 17-1:16,320; (k) fig. 18-1:1,000. Carlisle, D., and Cleveland, George B., 1958, Plants as a guide to mineralization: Calif. Div. Mines Spe- cial Rept. 50. (a) fig. 6-1:4,800; (b) fig. 7- 1:2,760. 58-13 Higgins, J. W., editor, 1958, A guide to the geol- ogy and oil fields of the Los Angeles and Ventura regions: Annual Meeting, Pacific Section, Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists— Society of Economic Paleontologists and A4ineralogists, March 10-13, 1958. (a) map, p. 80-1:62,500; (b) map, p. 81- 1:62,500; (c) map, p. 82-1:62,500; (d) map, p. 83-1:62,500; (e) map, p. 122-1:125,000; (f) map, p. 130-1:125,000; (g) map, p. 146-1:26,400; (h) map, p. 156-1:375,000; (j) map, p. 168-1:24,000. 58-14 Hackel, Otto, and Krammes, K. F., 1958, Round Mountain area: Spring Field Trip, San Joaquin Geological Society, A'lay 17, 1958. Map-1 :48,000. 58-15 Geological Society of Sacramento, 1958, East side Sacramento Valley-Adother Lode area, California: Annual Field Trip, G.S.S., April 19-20, 1958. (a) pi. 2-1:18,000; (b) pi. 3-1:50,000 (geology by L. D. Clark, A. A. Stromquist and others). 58-16 iVIuehlberger, W. R., 1958, Geology of northern Soledad basin, Los Angeles County, California: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 42, no. 8, p. 1812-1844. (a) fig. 2-1:395,000; (b) fig. 3- 1:51,600. 58-17 Hall, Wayne E., and MacKevett, E. M., 1958, Economic geology of the Darwin quadrangle, Inyo County, California: Calif. Div. Aiines Special Rept. 51. (aj pi. 1-1:62,500; (b) pi. 2-1:21,000 & fig. 23 -1:2,800; (c) pi. 3-1:2,400 & fig. 9-1:2,400; (d) pi. 5-1:3,600; (e) pi. 3-1:2,400 & fig. 20- 1:3,000; (f) pi. 9-1:3,000 & fig. 6-1:2,400; (g) fig. 10- 1:1,200; (h) fig. 13-1:1,200 & fig. 14-1:2,400; (j) fig. 22-1:2,000. Hall, Wayne E., 1958, Structure and ore deposits of the Darwin quadrangle, Inyo County, Califor- nia: U. S. Geol. Survey Open File Report, (a) pi. 2-1:140,000 & fig. 2-1:150,000; (b) pi. 3-1:20,- 000; (d) pi. 5-1:2,400. On file at: Calif. Div. Adines, Ferry Bldg., San Francisco; U.S.G.S., 232 Appraisers Bldg., San Francisco. 58-18 Hill, M. L., Carlson, S. A., and Dibblee, T. W., Jr., 1958, Stratigraphy of Cuyama Valley, Caliente Range area, California: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 42, no. 12, p. 2973-3000. (a) fig. 3-1:275,000; (b) fig. 4-1:32,800 (approx.); (c) fig. 5-1:32,800 (approx.); (d) fig. 6-1:32,800 (approx.); (e) fig. 7-1:32,800 (approx.); (f) fig. 8-1:48,000 (approx.); (g) fig. 9-1:32,800 (approx.); (h) fig. 10-1:32,800 (approx.); (j) fig. 11-1:32,800 (approx.). 58-19 Cardwell, G. T., 1958, Geology and ground-water in the Santa Rosa and Petaluma Valley areas, So- noma County, California: U. S. Geol. Survev Water-Supply Paper 1427. PI. 58-20 Ver Planck, William E., 1958. Calif. Div. Alines Bull. 175. Fig. Ver Planck, William E., 1957, Alines Bull. 176, p. 483-494. Fig. 1-1:62,500. Salt in California: 10, p. 31-1:4,800. Salt: Calif. Div. 11-1:5,000. 52 California Division of AIinf.s and Geology [Special Report 52A 58-21 Olmsted, Franklin H., and Davis, George H., 1958, Geologic features and ground-water storage capacity of the Sacramento Valley, California: 58-27 U. S. Geo!. Survey Open File Report. PI. 1- 1:125,000. On file at: U.S.G.S., 2929 Fulton Ave., Sacramento; Calif. Div. Mines, Ferry Bldg., San Francisco. 58-22 Dutcher, L. C, and Garrett, A. A., 1958, Geologic and hydrologic features of the San Bernardino area, California, with special reference to under- flow across the San Jacinto fault: U. S. Geol. Sur- vey Open File Report, (a) pi. 1-1:500,000 (approx.); (b) pi. 3-1:31,250. Dutcher, L. C, and Burnham, W. L., 1959, Geol- ogy and ground-water hydrology of the Mill Creek area, San Bernardino County, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Open File Report, (a) pi. 1 — 1:500,000. On file at: Calif. Div. .Mines, Ferrv Bldg., San Francisco; U.S.G.S. 2929 Fulton Ave., Sacramento; U.S.G.S., 221 Redondo Ave., Long Beach; U.S.G.S., Rm. 1242-G, G.S.A. Bldg., Washington, D.C. 58-23 Bader, J. S., and Movie, W. R., Jr., 1958, Data on water wells and springs in Morongo Valley and vicinity, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Open File Report. PI. 1-1:62,500. On file at: Calif. Div. Alines, Ferry Bldg., San Francisco; U.S.G.S., 2929 Fulton Ave., Sacramento; U.S.G.S., 221 Redondo Ave., Long Beach; U.S.G.S., Rm. 1242-G, G.S.A. Bldg., Washington, D.C. 58-24 Bader, J. S., Page, R. W., and Dutcher, L. C, 1958, Data on water wells in the upper Mojave Valley area, San Bernardino County, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Open File Report. PI. 1-1:62,500. On file at: Calif. Div. Mines, Ferry Bldg., San Francisco; U.S.G.S., 2929 Fulton Ave., Sacra- mento; U.S.G.S., 221 Redondo Ave., Long Beach; U.S.G.S., Rm. 1242-G, G.S.A. Bldg., Washington, D.C. 58-25 Pistrang, Al. A., and Kunkel, Fred, 1958, A brief geologic and hydrologic reconnaissance of the Furnace Creek Wash area. Death Valley National Monument, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Open File Report. PI. 2-1:31,250. On file at: Calif. Div. Mines, Ferry Bldg., San Francisco; U.S.G.S., 2929 Fulton Ave., Sacramento; U.S.G.S., 221 Redondo Ave., Long Beach; U.S.G.S., Rm. 1242-G, G.S.A. Bldg., Washington, D. C. 58-37 58-26 Green, J. H., and Cochran, W. A., 1958, Prelim- inary map showing geology of the deposits of Late Tertiary and Quaternary age along the west border of the San Joaquin Valley, California, from 58-38 Los Banos to Kettleman City: U. S. Geol. Survey Open File Report. Map- 1:62,500. On file at: Calif. Div. Alines, Ferry Bldg., San Francisco; U.S.G.S., 58-28 58-29 58-30 58-31 58-32 58-33 58-34 58-35 58-36 2929 Fulton Ave., Sacramento; U.S.G.S., Rm. 1242-G, G.S.A. Bldg., Washington, D.C. Wood, P. R., 1958, Geology and ground-water features of the Butte Valley region, Siskiyou County, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Open File Report. PI. 1-1:62,500. Wood, P. R., 1960, Geology and ground-water features of the Butte Valley region, Siskiyou County, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Water- Supply Paper 1491. PI. 1-1:62,500. Calif. Dept. Water Resources, 1960, Klamath River basin investigation: Div. Resources Planning Bull, no. 83. PI. 6-1:165,000. Alerriam, R. H., 1958, Geology of the Santa Ysabel quadrangle, San Diego County, California: Calif. Div. Alines Bull. 177. PI. 1-1:62,500. Hall, Clarence A., Jr., 1958, Geology and paleon- tology of the Pleasanton area, Alameda and Contra Contra Costa Counties, California: Calif. Univ. Pubs. Geol. Sci., v. 34, no. 1, p. 1-90. Map 1- 1:39,000. Jennings, Charles W., 1958, Death Valley sheet: Calif. Diy. Alines Geologic Alap of California. Map— 1: 250,000. Merriam, R. H., 1958, Orbicular gabbro near Pine Valley, California: Southern California Acad. Sci. Bull., v. 57, part 1, p. 24-33. Map-1: 36,000 (geol. sketch map). Aluehlberger, W. R., and Hill, H. S., 1958, Ge- ology of the central Sierra Pelona, Los Angeles County, California: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 256, no. 9, p. 630-643. Fig. 2-1:30,000. Ross, D. C, 1958, Igneous and metamorphic rocks of Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, California: Calif. Div. Alines Special Rept. 53. PI. 1-1:62,500. Nelson, C. A., 1958, Sketch map of the area pro- posed as the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest: Calif. Div. Mines Mineral Information Service, v. 11, no. 10, p. 11. Alap- 1:468,750. Curtis, G. H., Evernden, J. F., and Lipson, J., 1958, Age determination of some granitic rocks in California by the potassium-argon method: Calif. Div. Alines Special Rept. 54. Fig. 2-1:750,000. Calif. Dept. Water Resources, 1958, Geology of Wilson Valley and Guinda damsites on Cache Creek; Appendix C of Interim report, Cache Creek investigation: Div. Resources Planning Bull, no. 20. PI. 0-1:7,500. Calif. Dept. Water Resources, 1958, San Luis Obispo County investigation: State Water Re- sources Board Bull. no. 18, v. 1. PI. 7a, 7b, 7c— 1:200,000 (approx.). Rogers, John J. W., 1958, Textural and spectro- chemical studies of White Tank quartz monzonite, California: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 69, no. 4, p. 449-464. Fig. 1-1:330,000. 1962 Index to Geologic Maps of California, i 957-1960 53 58-39 Sherlock, Donald G., and Hamilton, Warren, 1958, Geology of the north half of the Mt. Abbot quadrangle, Sierra Nevada, California: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 69, no. 10, p. 1245-1267. PI. 1- 1:62,500. 58-40 Thompson, George A., and Sandberg, Clarence H., 1958, Structural significance of gravity sur- veys in the Virginia City-Mount Rose area, Ne- vada and California: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 69, no. 10, p. 1269-1282. PI. 1-1:125,000. 58-41 Bateman, P. C, 1959, The geology of the Bishop 15-minute quadrangle, California: U. S. Geol. Survev Open File Report, (a) pi. 1-1:48,000; (b) fig. 11-1:49,500. On file at: U.S.G.S., Rm. 1242-G, G.S.A. Bldg., Washington, D.C.; U.S.G.S., 345 Middlefield Rd., Menlo Park; Calif. Div. Mines, Ferry Bldg., San Francisco. 58-42 Davis, Stanley N., 1958, Glaciated peaks in the northern Coast Ranges, California: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 256, no. 9, p. 620-629. Fig 2-1:60,000 (glacial deposits). 58-43 Ames, L. L., Jr., Sand, L. B., and Goldich, S. S., 1958, A contribution on the Hector, California bentonite deposit: Econ. Geol., v. 53, no. 1, p. 22- 37. Fig. 2-1:20,400 (approx.). 58-44 Power, W. Robert, 1958, Preliminary report on the geology and uranium deposits of Haiwee Ridge, Inyo Countv, California: U. S. Atomic Energy Commission'RME-2066. PI. 1-1:24,000. 59-1 Geological Society of Sacramento, 1959, Coast Ranges, Livermore Valley to Hollister area: An- nual Field Trip, G.S.S., May 2-3, 1959. (a) map- 1:250,000; (b) map-l:62,500; (c) map-l:24,000. 59-2 Krammes, K. F., and Curran, J. F., 1959, Correla- tion section across Santa Maria basin: Pacific Sec- tion, Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists. Map— 1:48,000. 59-3 Davis, Stanley N., and Hall, F. R., 1959, Water quality of eastern Stanislaus and northern Alerced Counties, California: Stanford Univ. Pubs. Geol. Sci., v. 6, no. 1. PI. 2-1:300,000 (approx.). 59-4 Dibblee, T. W., Jr., 1959, Geology of the Rosa- mond quadrangle, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Open File Report. Map-1:62,500. On file at: U.S.G.S., Rm. 1242-G, G.S.A. Bldg., Washington, D.C.; U.S.G.S., 345 Middlefield Rd., Menlo Park; Calif. Div. Mines, Feny Bldg., San Franicsco. 59-5 Dibblee, T. W., Jr., 1959, Geology of the Rogers Lake quadrangle, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Open File Report. Map-1: 62,500. On file at: U.S.G.S., Rm. 1242-G, G.S.A. Bldg., Washington, D.C.; U.S.G.S., 345 Middlefield Rd., Menlo Park; Calif. Div. Mines, Ferry Bldg., San Francisco. 59-6 San Joaquin Geological Society, 1959, Chico Mar- tinez Creek area, California: Field Trip Guide- book, S.J.G.S., May 9, 1959. (a) photogeologic map— 1:55,000 (approx.); (b) geologic map— 1: 48,000. 59-7 Poland, J. F., Garrett, A. A., and Sinnott, Allen, 1959, Geology, hydrology and chemical character of ground-waters in the Torrance-Santa Monica area, California: U. S. Geol. Survev Water-Supplv Paper 1461. (a) pi. 1-1:625,000; '(b) pi. 2 & 3- 1:31,680. 59-8 Dutcher, L. C, 1959, Data on water wells in the Fremont Valley area, Kern County, California: U. S. Geol. Survev Open File Report. PI. 1 — 1:62,500. On file at:" U.S.G.S., 221 Redondo Ave, Long Beach; U.S.G.S, 2929 Fulton Ave, Sacra- mento; U.S.G.S, Rm. 1242-G, G.S.A. Bldg, Washington, D. C, Calif. Div. Alines, Ferry Bldg, San Francisco. 59-9 Durham, D. L, and Yerkes, R. F, 1959, Geologic map of the eastern Puente Hills, Los Angeles basin, California: U. S. Geol. Survev Oil and Gas Investigations Ajap OAI-195. Map— 1: 24,000. 59-10 Burnham, C. Wayne, 1959, Contact metamor- phism of magnesian limestones at Crestmore, Cali- fornia: Geol. Soc. America Bull, v. 70, no. 7, p. 879-920. (a) pi. 1-1:2,400; (b) pi. 2-1:7,560; (c) fig. 2-1:1,680; (d) pi. 10-1:600. 59-1 1 Rinehart, C. D, Ross, D. C, and Huber, N. K, 1959, Paleozoic and Alesozoic fossils in a thick stratigraphic section in the eastern Sierra Nevada, California: Geol. Soc. America Bull, v. 70, no. 7, p. 941-946. Fig. 1-1:420,000. The Sierra Club, 1959, The Mammoth Lakes Sierra, a handbook for roadside and trail: The Sierra Club, San Francisco, 145 p. Fig. 17—1: 156,000. 59-12 Lydon, Philip A, 1959, Geology along U.S. High- way 40: Calif. Div. Mines Mineral Information Service, v. 12, no. 8, p. 1-9. Map-1: 125,000. 59-13 Dibblee, T. W, Jr., 1959, Geologic map of the Alpine Butte quadrangle, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Mineral Investigations Field Studies A lap A4F-222. Aiap-1: 62,500. 59-14 Grose, L. T, 1959, Structure and petrology of the northeast part of the Soda Alountains, San Bernar- dino County, California: Geol. Soc. America Bull, v. 70, no. 12, p. 1509-1548. PI. 1-1:31,680. 59-15 Drewes, Harald, 1959, Turtleback faults of Death Valley, California: a re-interpretation: Geol. Soc. America Bull, v. 70, no. 12, p. 1497-1508. (a) fig. 1-1:200,000; (b) fig. 2-1:40,000; (c) fig. 3- 1:40,000. 59-16 Bailey, Edgar H, and Irwin, William P, 1959, K- feldspar content of Jurassic and Cretaceous grav- wackes of northern Coast Ranges and Sacramento Valley, California: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geolo- gists Bull, v. 43, no. 12, p. 2797-2809. Fig. 2- 1:1,250,000. 59-17 Hall, Clarence A, Jr., Jones, David L, and Brooks. S. A, 1959, Pigeon Point formation of Late Cre- taceous age, San Alateo Countv, California: Am. 54 California Division of AIinfs and Gf.ology [Special Report 52 A 59-18 59-19 59-20 59-21 59-22 59-23 59-24 59-25 59-26 59-27 59-28 59-29 59-30 Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 43, no. 12, p. 2855-2865. Fig. 2-1:195,000. California Association of Engineering Geologists, 1959, East side San Joaquin Vallev: Field Trip, C.A.E.G., June 5-6, 1959. Map-1: 2,400. Haines, D. V., 1959, Core logs from Searles Lake, San Bernardino County, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1045-E. Fig. 6-1:145,000 (approx.). Glen, William, 1959, Pliocene and lower Pleisto- cene of the western part of the San Francisco peninsula: Calif. Univ. Pubs. Geol. Sci., v. 36, no. 2, p. 147-198. (a) fig. 2-1:46,875; (b) fig. 3- 1:31,250. Jennings, Charles W., and Strand, Rudolph G., 1959< Santa Cruz sheet: Calif. Div. Alines Geologic Map of California. Map-1: 250,000. Dutcher, L. C, and Burnham, W. L., 1959, Geol- ogy and ground-water hydrology of the Mill Creek area, San Bernardino County, California: U. S. Geol. Survev Open File Report. PI. 2— 1:25,000. On file at. U.S.G.S., 2929 Fulton Ave., Sacramento; U.S.G.S., 221 Redondo Ave., Long Beach; U.S.G.S., Rm. 1242-G, G.S.A. Bldg., Washington, D. C; Calif. Div. Mines, Ferry Bldg., San Francisco. Calif. Dept. Water Resources, 1959, San Dieguito River investigation: Bull. no. 72, v. 1. PI. 5— 1:104,000. Engel, Rene, Gay, Thomas E., Jr., and Rogers, B. L., 1959, Mineral deposits of Lake Elsinore quadrangle, California: Calif. Div. Mines Bull. 146, p. 59-141. (a) pi. 5-1:41,600; (b) pi. 6-1:1,200; (c) pi. 7-1:2,000. Jennings, Charles W., 1959, San Luis Obispo sheet: Calif. Div. Mines Geologic Map of California. Map -1:250,000. Jennings, Charles W., 1959, Santa Alaria sheet: Calif. Div. Mines Geologic Map of California. Map-1: 250,000. Bowen, Oliver E., Jr., and Gray, Cliffton H., Jr., 1959, Geology and economic possibilities of the limestone and dolomite deposits of the northern Gabilan Range, California: Calif. Div. Mines Spe- cial Rept. 56. (a) fig. 2-1:250,000; (b) pi. 1- 1:15,840. Bonilla, M. G., 1959, Geological observations in the epicentral area of the San Francisco earth- quake of March 22, 1957: Calif. Div. Mines Spe- cial Rept. 57, p. 25-37. Fig. 2-1:10,340. Hart, Earl W., 1959, Geology of limestone and dolomite deposits in the southern half of Standard quadrangle, Tuolumne County, California: Calif. Div. Mines Special Rept. 58. PI. 1-1:41,625. Rose, Robert L., 1959, Tertiary volcanic domes near Jackson, California: Calif. Div. Alines Special Rept. 60. (a) fig. 3-1:39,000; (b) fig. 4-1:8,000. 59-31 Lydon, Philip A., 1959, Geological section and petrography along the Poe Tunnel, Butte County, California: Calif. Div. Alines Special Rept. 61. PI. 1-1:18,000. 59-32 Evenson, R. E., 1959, Geology and ground-water features of the Eureka area, Humboldt County, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supplv Paper 1470. PI. 1-1:62,500. 59-33 Radbruch, Dorothy H., 1959, Former shoreline features along the east side of San Francisco Bay, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Aliscellaneous Geologic Investigations Alap 1-298. Alap- 1:48,000 (alluvium and fill only). 59-34 McGill, John T., 1959, Preliminary map of land- slides in the Pacific Palisades area, City of Los Angeles, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Miscella- neous Geologic Investigations Alap— 1-284. Alap— 1:4,800. 59-35 Davis, George H., Green, J. H., Olmsted, Frank- lin H., and Brown, D. W., 1959, Ground-water conditions and storage capacity in the San Joaquin Valley, California; U. S. Geol. Survey Water- Supplv Paper 1469. PI. 24-1:1,000,000. ' 59-36 Durrell, Cordell, 1959, Tertiary stratigraphy of the Blairsden quadrangle, Plumas County, Califor- nia: Calif. Univ. Pubs. Geol. Sci., v. 34, no. 3, p. 161-192. (a) map 3-1:24,000; (b) map 4- 1:24,000; (c) map 5-1:24,000. 59-37 Durrell, Cordell, 1959, The Lovejoy formation of northern California: Calif. Univ. Pubs. Geol. Sci., v. 34, no. 4, p. 193-220. (a) map 3-1:62,500; (b) map 4-1:62,500. 59-38 Paschall, Robert, and Off, Ted, 1959, San Gabriel fault problem in the Castaic area: Coast Geolog- ical Society Occasional Papers no. 1, p. 1-8. (a) pi. 1-1:125,000; (b) pi. 2-1:45,500. 59-39 Society of Economic Paleontologists and Alineral- ogists, 1959, Big Basin area, Santa Cruz Moun- tains, California: Guidebook, Annual Field Trip, Pacific Section, S.E.P.A1., April 24-25, 1959. (a) fig. 2-1:90,000; (b) fig. 4-1:290,000. Beveridge, Alexander J., 1960, Heavy minerals in Lower Tertiary formations in the Santa Cruz Alountains, California: Jour. Sedimentarv Petrol- ogy, v. 30, no. 4, p. 513-537. (b) fig. 1-1:435,000. 59-40 Cro well,- John C, and Susuki, Takeo, 1959, Eocene stratigraphy and paleontology, Orocopia Aloun- tains, southeastern California: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 70, no. 5, p. 581-592. PL 1-1:62,500. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Alineral- ogists— American Association of Petroleum Geol- ogists, 1958, Imperial Valley: Annual Spring Field Trip, S.E.P.AL-A.A.P.G., May 2-3, 1958. Map 2- 1:78,000. 59-41 Wells, Francis G., Walker, George W., and Merriam, Charles W., 1959, Ordovician (?) and Upper Silurian formations of the northern Klam- 1962] Index to Geologic Maps of California, 1957- 1960 55 ath Mountains, California: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 70, no. 5, p. 645-650. PI. 1-1:312,500. 59-42 Dibblee, T. W., Jr., 1959, Geologic map of the Inyokern quadrangle, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Open File Report. Map-1: 62,500. On file at: U.S.G.S., 232 Appraisers Bldg., San Francisco; U.S.G.S., Rm. 1031, Bartlett Bldg., Los Angeles. 59-43 Sharp, Robert P., Allen, Clarence R., and Meier, Mark F., 1959, Pleistocene glaciers on southern California mountains: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 257, no. 2, p. 81-94. (a) fig. 3-1:26,400 (glacial deposits); (b) fig. 4-1:26,400 (glacial deposits); (c) fig. 5 -1:26,400 (glacial deposits); (d) fig. 6-1:26,400 (glacial deposits); (e) fig. 7—1:26,400 (glacial deposits). Ingle, James C, Jr., and Moran, Douglas E., 1958, Evidence of glaciation on Mount San Gorgonio, San Bernardino Countv, California: The Compass, v. 35, no. 4, p. 230-237. (b) fig. 7-1:36,500 (gla- cial deposits). 59-44 Bloxam, T. W., 1959, Glaucophane-schists and associated rocks near Vallev Ford, California: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 257, no. 2, p. 95-1 12. Fig. 1-1:18,000. 59-45 Lovering, J. Kerry, and Durrell, Cordell, 1959, Zoned gabbro pegmatites of Eureka Peak, Plumas Countv, California: Jour. Geol., v. 67, no. 3, p. 253-268. Fig. 2-1:31,400. 59-46 Wasserburg, G. J., Wetherill, G. W., and Wright, Lauren A., 1959, Ages in the Precambrian terrane of Death Vallev, California: Jour. Geol., v. 67, no. 6, p. 702-708. (a) fig. 2-1:33,600; (b) fig. 3- 1:33,600. 59-47 Kunkel, Fred, 1959, Map of the Murrieta, Bache- lor Mountain, and parts of the Pechanga and Te- mecula quadrangles showing geology, locations of selected wells, and water-level contours for October, 1958: U. S. Geol. Survey Open File Report. Map-1: 62,500 (2 maps). On file at: U.S.G.S., 2929 Fulton Ave., Sacramento; U.S.G.S. 221 Redondo Ave., Long Beach; U.S.G.S. Rm. 1242-G, G.S.A. Bldg., Washington, D. C. 60-1 Higgins, Charles G., 1960, Ohlson Ranch forma- tion, Pliocene, northwestern Sonoma County, Cal- ifornia: Calif. Univ. Pubs. Geol. Sci., v. 36, no. 3, p. 199-232. Map 1-1:47,260. 60-2 Jennings, Charles W., and Strand, Rudolph G., 1960, Ukiah sheet: Calif. Div. Mines Geologic Map of California. Map-1: 250,000. 60-3 Pakiser, L. C, Press, Frank, and Kane, M. F., 1960, Geophysical investigations of Mono basin, Cali- fornia: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 71, no. 4, p. 415-448. PI. 1-1:200,000. 60-4 Clark, Lorin D., 1960, Foothills fault system, west- ern Sierra Nevada, California: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 71, no. 4, p. 483-496. PI. 1-1:625,000. 60-5 Kupfer, Donald L., 1960, Thrust faulting and chaos structure, Silurian Hills, San Bernardino 60-7 60-8 County, California: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 71, no'. 2, p. 181-214. (a) pi. 1-1:9,600; (b) pi. 2 -1:36,000 & pi. 3-1:48,000; (c) fig. 8-1:1,800. 60-6 Pakiser, L. C, 1960, Transcurrent faulting and volcanism in Owens Valley, California: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 71, no.' 2, p. 153-160. Fig. 1- 1:1,500,000. Kane, M. F., and Pakiser, L. C, 1961, Geophysical study of subsurface structure in southern Owens Valley, California: Geophysics, v. 26, no. 1, p. 12-26. Fig. 2-1:550,000 (approx.). Putnam, William C, 1960, Origin of Rock Creek and Owens River gorges, Mono County, Califor- nia: Calif. Univ. Pubs. Geol. Sci., v. 34, no. 5, p. 221-280. Map 1-1:24,000. Sullwood, Harold H., Jr., 1960, Tarzana fan, deep submarine fan of late Miocene age, Los Angeles County, California: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geolo- gists Bull., v. 44, no: 4, p. 433-457. (a) fig. 6-1: 108,000; (b) fig. 10-1:800,000 (approx.). 60-9 Dibblee, T. W., Jr., 1960, Preliminary geologic map of the Shadow Mountains quadrangle, Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Mineral Investigations Field Studies Map MF-227. Map-1: 62,500. 60-10 Smith, Patsy B., 1960, Foraminifera of the Monte- rey shale and Puente formation, Santa Ana Moun- tains and San Juan Capistrano area, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 294-M. (a) fig. 155-1:100,000; (b) fig. 156-1:109,000. 60-11 Dibblee, T. W., Jr., 1960, Geologic map of the Barstow quadrangle, San Bernardino County, Cali- fornia: U. S. Geol. Survey Mineral Investigations Field Studies Map MF-233. Map-1: 62,500. 60-12 McNitt, James R., 1960, Geothermal power: Calif. Div. Mines Mineral Information Service, v. 13, no. 3, p. 1-9. (a) fig. 2-1:62,500; (b) fig. 5-1:28,500. 60-13 Irwin, William P., 1960, Geologic reconnaissance of the northern Coast Ranges and Klamath Moun- tains, California, with a summary of mineral re- sources: Calif. Div. Mines Bull. 179. PI. 1-1:500,- 000. 60-14 Marsh, Owen T., 1960, Geology of the Orchard Peak area, California: Calif. Div. Mines Special Rept. 62. PI. 1-1:36,000. 60-15 Sanborn, Albert F., 1960, Geology and paleonto- logy of the southwest quarter of the Big Bend quadrangle, Shasta County, California: Calif. Div. Mines Special Rept. 63. PL 1-1:62,500. 60-16 Cleveland, George B., 1960, Geology of the Otay bentonite deposit, San Diego County, California: Calif. Div. Mines Special Rept. 64. PI. 1-1:12,000. 60-17 Dibblee, T. W., Jr., 1960, Preliminary geologic map of the Victorville quadrangle, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Mineral Investigations Field Studies Map MF-229. Map-1: 62,500. 56 California Division of Mines and Geology [Special Report 52A 60-30 60-3 1 60-32 60-33 60-34 60-18 Dibblee, T. W., Jr., 1960, Preliminary geologic 60-29 map of the Apple Valley quadrangle, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Mineral Investigations Field Studies Map MF-232. Map-1: 62,500. 60-19 Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineral- ogists, 196.0, Type Panoche, Panoche Hills area, Fresno County, California: Annual Field Trip, Pacific Section, S.E.P.M., April 15-16, 1960. (a) fig. 2-1:62,500; (b) fig. 3-1:100,000. 60-20 Dibblee, T. W., Jr., 1960, Geologic map of the Hawes quadrangle, San Bernardino County, Cali- fornia: U. S. Geol. Survey Mineral Investigations Field Studies Map MF-226. Map-1: 62,500. 60-21 Calif. Div. Oil and Gas, 1960, San Joaquin-Sacra- mento Valleys and northern coastal regions: Cali- fornia Oil and Gas Fields, Maps and Data Sheets, part 1. (a) map, p. 446-1:45,000 (approx.); (b) map. p. 466—1:48,000 (approx.). 60-22 United States Dept. of Interior, National Park Service, 1960, Proposed Point Reyes National Sea- shore: Preliminary Land Use Survey, Region Four Office, San Francisco, 30 p. Map, p. 14—1 : 125,000. United States Dept. of Interior, National Park Service, 1961, Proposed Point Reyes National Sea- shore: Land Use Survey, Region Four Office, San Francisco, 18 p. Map, after p. 18—1:125,000. 60-23 Woodford, A. O., 1960, Bedrock patterns and strike-slip faulting in southwestern California: Am. Jour. Sci., Bradley Volume, v. 258-A, p. 400-417. Fig. 1-1:2,000,000. 60-24 Scholl, David W., 1960, Relationship of the in- sular shelf sediments to the sedimentary environ- ments and geology of Anacapa Island, California: Jour. Sedimentarv Petrologv, v. 30, no. 1, p. 123- 139. (a) fig. 3-1:46,500, (b) fig. 4-1:175,000. 60-25 Matthes, Francois E., 1960, Reconnaissance of the geomorphology and glacial geology of the San Joaquin basin, Sierra Nevada, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 329. (a) pi. 1-1:125,000 (glacial geology only); (b) fig. 5—1:937,500. 60-26 MacKevett, E. M., 1960, Geology and ore deposits of the Kern River uranium area, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1087-F, p. 169-222. (a) pi. 21 -1:24,000; (b) pi. 23-1:2,400; (c) pi. 24-1:2,400. 60-27 Kunkel, Fred, and Upson, J. E., 1960, Geology and ground-water in Napa and Sonoma Valleys, Napa and Sonoma Counties, California: U. S. Geol. Survev Water-Supplv Paper 1495. PI. 2— 1:62,500. 60 _38 60-28 Mack, Seymour, 1960, Geology and ground-water features of Shasta Valley, Siskiyou County, Cali- fornia: U. S. Geol. Survev Water-Supplv Paper 1484. PI. 1-1:62,500. Calif. Dept. Water Resources, 1960, Klamath River basin investigation: Div. Resources Planning 60-39 Bull. no. 83. PI. 9-1:150,000. 60-35 60-36 60-37 Brown, Robert D., Jr., and Rich, Ernest I., 1960, Early Cretaceous fossils in submarine slump de- posits of Late Cretaceous Age, northern Sacra- mento Valley, California: U. S. Geol. Survev Prof. Paper 400-B, p. B318-B320. Fig. 149.1 — l': 187,500. Dibblee, T. W., Jr., 1960, Geologic map of the Lancaster quadrangle, Los Angeles County, Cali- fornia: U. S. Geol. Survey Mineral Investigations Field Studies Map MF-76. Map-1: 62,500. Emery, K. O., 1960, The sea off southern Califor- nia: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. 366 p. Fig. 78-1:145,000 (approx.). Langenheim, Ralph L., Jr., and Tischler, Herbert, 1960, Mississippian and Devonian paleontology and stratigraphy, Quartz Spring area, Inyo County, California: Calif. Univ. Pubs. Geol. Sci., v. 38, no. 2, p. 89-152. Fig. 1-1:31,680. Coogan, Alan H., 1960, Stratigraphy and paleon- tology of the Permain Nosoni and Dekkas forma- tions (Bollibokka group): Calif. Univ. Pubs. Geol. Sci., v. 36, no. 5, p. 243-316. Fig. 2-1:58,000 (approx.). McCulloh, Thane H., 1960, Gravity variations and the geology of the Los Angeles basin of Califor- nia: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 400-B, p. B320-B325. Fig. 150.1-1:450,000 (shows faults and gravity anomalies only). Calif. Dept. Water Resources, 1960, Investigation of upper Feather River basin development: Div. Resources Planning Bull. no. 59-2. (a) pi. 2—1: 440,000; (b) pi. 7-1:2,400; (c) pi. 12-1:2,400; (d) pi. 13-1:6,000; (e) pi. 15-1:2,400; (f) pi. 16 -1:4,800; (g) pi. 17-1:2,400; (h) pi. 18-1:2,400. Calif. Dept. Water Resources, 1960, Northeastern counties investigation: Div. Resources Planning Bull. no. 58. (a) pi. 1-1:665,000 (sheet 1); (b) pi. 1-1:665,000 (sheet 2); (c) pi. 1-1:665,000 (sheet 3). Calif. Dept. Water Resources, 1960, Data on wells in the west part of the middle Mojave Valley area, San Bernardino County, California: Federal-State Co-operative Ground-Water Investigations, Bull, no. 91-1. PI. 1-1:62,500. Page, R. W., Movie, W. R., Jr., and Dutcher, L. C, 1960, Data on wells in the west part of the middle Mojave Valley area, San Bernardino Countv, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Open File Report. Map-1: 62,500. Calif. Dept. Water Resources, 1960, Data on water wells and springs in the Yucca Valley-Twenty- Nine Palms area, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, California: Federal-State Co-operative Ground-Water Investigations, Bull. no. 91-2. Fig. 2-1:62,500. Calif. Dept. Water Resources, 1960, Data on water wells in the eastern part of the middle Mojave 1962] Index to Geologic Maps of California, 1957- 1960 57 Valley area, San Bernardino County, California: Federal-State Co-operative Ground-Water Investi- gations, Bull. no. 91-3. Fig. 2-1:62,500. 60— 1-0 Geological Society of Sacramento, 1960, North- western California; a traverse of the Klamath up- lift, northern Coast Ranges and Eel River basin: Annual Field Trip, G.S.S., June 3-5, 1960. PI. 4- 1:250,000. 60-41 Chesterman, Charles W., 1960, Intrusive ultrabasic rocks and their metamorphic relationships at Leech Lake Mountain, Mendocino County, California: International Geological Congress, Report of the Twenty-First Session, Part XIII, p. 208-215. Map, p. 212-1:20,000. 60-42 Crowell, John C, 1960, The San Andreas fault in southern California: International Geological Con- gress, Report of the Twenty-First Session, Part XVIII, p. 45-52. Fig. 1-1:2,000,000. 60-43 Putnam, William C, 1960, Faulting and Pleisto- cene glaciation in the east-central Sierra Nevada of California, U. S. A.; International Geological Congress, Report of the Twenty-First Session, Part XXI, p. 270-274. Fig. 1-1:90,000. 60-44 Orr, Phil C, 1960, Late Pleistocene marine terraces on Santa Rosa Island, California: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 71, no. 7, p. 1113-1120. Fig. 1- 1:36,000. 60-45 McCulloh, Thane H., 1960, Geologic map of the Lane Mountain quadrangle, California; U. S. Geol. Survev Open File Report. Map-1:45,000. On file at: U.S.G.S., 345 Middlefield Rd., Menlo Park; U.S.G.S., 232 Appraisers Bldg., San Francisco; U.S.G.S., Rm. 1031, Bartlett Bldg., Los Angeles; Calif. Div. Mines, Ferry Bldg., San Francisco. 60-46 Castle, R. O., 1960, Geology of the Baldwin Hills area, California: U. S. Geol. Survev Open File Re- port. Map-1: 12,000. On file at: U.S.G.S., 232 Appraisers Bldg., San Francisco; U.S.G.S., Rm. 1031, Bartlett Bldg., Los Angeles; Calif. Div. Mines, Ferry Bldg., San Francisco. 60-47 Castle, R. 6., 1960, Surficial geology of the Bev- erly Hills and Venice quadrangles, California: U. S. Geol. Survev Open File Report. Map— 1:24,000. On file at: U.S.G.S., 232 Appraisers Bldg., San Francisco; U.S.G.S., Rm. 1031, Bart- lett Bldg., Los Angeles; Calif. Div. Mines, Ferry Bldg., San Francisco.' 60^8 Lydon, Philip A., Gay, Thomas E., Jr., and Jen- nings, Charles W., 1960, Westwood sheet: Calif. Div. Mines Geologic Map of California. Map— 1:250,000. 60-49 Pestana, Harold R., 1960, Fossils from the John- son Spring formation, Middle Ordovician, Inde- pendence quadrangle, California: Jour. Paleo., v. 34, no. 5, p. 862-873. Fig. 1-1:125,000. 60-50 Bloxam, T. W., 1960, Jadeite-rocks and glauco- phane-schists from Angel Island, San Francisco Bay, California: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 258, no. 8, p. 555-573. (a) fig. 2-1:18,200; (b) fig. 3-1:1,056. 60-51 Compton, Robert R., 1960, Charnockitic rocks of Santa Lucia Range, California: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 258, no. 9, p. 609-636. (a) fig. 1-1:520,000; (b) fig. 2-1:37,200. 60-52 Churkin, Michael, Jr., and Langenheim, Ralph L., Jr., 1960, Silurian strata of the Klamath Moun- tains, California: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 258, no. 4, p. 258-273. Fig. 1-1:80,000. 60-53 Murphy, Michael A., and Rodda, Peter U., 1960, Mollusca of the Cretaceous Bald Hills formation of California: Jour. Paleo., v. 34, no. 5, p. 835-858. Fig. 1-1:77,500 and 1:44,000. 60-54 Sharp, Robert P., 1960, Pleistocene glaciation in the Trinity Alps of northern California: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 258, no. 5, p. 104,000 (glacial 50,000 (glacial 45,000 (glacial 45,000 (glacial 305-340. (a) fig. 2- only); (b) fig. 4- only); (c) fig. 5- only); (d) fig. 6- only); (e) fig. 7- deposits deposits deposits deposits :35,000 (glacial deposits only); (f) fig. 8-1:62,- 500 (glacial deposits only); (g) fig. 9-1:45,000 (glacial deposits only); (h) fig. 10—1:45,000 (gla- cial deposits only); (j) fig. 11—1:45,000 (glacial deposits only); (k) fig. 12-1:48,000 (glacial de- posits only). 60-55 Trujillo, Ernest F., 1960, Upper Cretaceous fora- minifera from near Redding, Shasta County, Cali- fornia: Jour. Paleo., v. 34, no. 2, p. 290-346. Fig. 2-1:156,250. 60-56 Kunkel, Fred, 1960, Reconnaissance of ground- water in the western part of the Mojave Desert region, California: U. S. Geol. Survev Open File Report. A4ap— 1:250,000 (compilation, after T. W. Dibblee, Jr.). On file at: U.S.G.S., Rm. 1242-G, G.S.A. Bldg., Washington, D. C; U.S.G.S., 2929 Fulton Ave., Sacramento; U.S.G.S., 221 Redondo Ave., Long Beach; U.S.G.S., Rm. 1031, Bartlett Bldg., Los Angeles. 60-57 Yerkes, R. F., 1960, Preliminary geologic maps of the La Habra and Whittier quadrangles, Los An- geles basin, California: U. S. Geol. Survey Open File Report, (a) map— 1:24,000; (b) map— 1:24,000. On file at: U.S.G.S., 345 Middlefield Rd., Menlo Park; U.S.G.S., Rm. 1031, Bartlett Bldg., Los Angeles; Calif. Div. Alines, Ferry Bldg., San Francisco. 60-58 Merriam, R. H., 1960, Portugese Bend landslide, Palos Verdes Hills, California: Jour. Geol., v. 68, no. 2, p. 140-153. Fig. 2-1:27,000. INDEX TO GEOLOGIC MAPS BY STATE GEOLOGIC MAP SHEETS Alturas: 58-10; 58-27; 60-15; 60-36c. Bakersfield: 53-24/; 57-19; 57-21; 57-22; 57-24; 57-28c,d; 57-32; 58-9; 58-llc,f,k; 58-14; 58-18a,d,e,f,g,h; 58-37; 59-6a,b; 59-8; 59-35; 60-26a,b,c; 60-42; 60-56. Chico: 58-21; 58-40; 59-12; 59-31; 59-36a,b,c; 59-37a,b; 59-45; 60-4; 60-2 lb; 60V35a,b,c,d,e,f; 60-36b. Death Valley: 54-79e,f,g,h; 56-25b,/; 56-40a,b; 57-4; 57-12; 57-27a,b; 57-28a; 58-17a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,j; 58-25; 58-30; 58-44; 59-15a,b,c; 60-6; 60-32. Fresno: 56-40a; 57-4; 57-12; 57-27b; 58-1 la,b,d,e,g,h,j; 58-26; 58-33; 59-18; 59-35; 60-6; 60-25b; 60-49. Kingman: 54-36; 54-75b; 57-27a; 60-5b. Long Beach: 27-1; 45-11; 46-4; 51-35; 56-29; 57-1; 57-31; 57-36b; 58-l'3c; 58-22a; 59-7a,b; 60-8b; 60-23; 60-24b; 60-31; 60-34; 60-46; 60-47; 60-57b; 60-58. Los Angeles: 27-1; 32-14c; 47-9; 51-35; 53-28a,b,c; 54-37 54-49; 57-1; 57-14; 57-15; 57-16a,b,c,d; 57-19; 57-22 57-28b; 57-30; 57-32; 57-36b; 58-3; 58-9; 58-13a,b,e,h,j 58-16a,b; 58-18a,b,c,f,g,h,j; 58-22a; 58-32; 58-37; 59-4 59-7a,b; 59-34; 59-35; 59-38a,b; 60-8a,b; 60-23; 60-24a,b 60-30; 60-34; 60-42; 60-46; 60-47; 60-56. Mariposa: 56-31; 57-10; 57-26a; 57-27b; 58-7; 58-34; 58-39; 58-41a,b; 59-11; 59-18; 59-35; 60-3; 60-4; 60-6; 60-7; 60-2 5a,b; 60-43. Needles: 58-38. Redding: 53-26; 54-4; 56-24; 56-37e; 57-8; 57-35; 58-21; 58-35; 59-16; 59-32; 60-13; 60-2 la; 60-33; 60-36b,c; 60-40; 60-53; 60-54a,f,g,h,j; 60-55. Sacramento: 55-40; 56-10a,b; 58-6; 58-1 2b; 58-15a,b; 58-21; 59-12; 59-30a,b; 59-35; 60-4; 60-36a. SaltonSea: 54-21; 57-29a; 58-38; 59-4c; 60-42. San Bernardino: 55-12; 56-38; 57-5a; 57-18; 57-19; 57-22 57-26b; 57-32; 57-37; 58-9; 58-22a,b; 58-23; 58-24 58-38; 58-43; 59-5; 59-7a; 59-8; 59-10; 59-13; 59-22 59-43a,b,c,d,e; 60-8b; 60-9; 60-11; 60-17; 60-18; 60-20 60-23; 60-34; 60-37; 60-38; 60-39; 60-42; 60-56. San Diego-El Centro: 51-35; 57-23; 58-8; 58-31; 59-23 60-16; 60-23. San Francisco: 43-48; 55-17; 55-21; 55-41; 55-43; 57-3 57-20; 57-33; 57-36a; 58-2; 58-4; 59-17; 59-20a,b; 59-28 59-33; 59-39a,b; 60-22; 60-50a,b. San Jose: 42-7; 55-43; 57-20; 58-26; 58-29; 59-la,c; 59-3 59-29; 59-35; 60-4; 60-25b. San Luis Obispo: 56-41; 57-11; 57-21; 58-18a,d; 58-37 59-25; 59-35; 60-14; 60-51a. Santa Ana: 26-6; 45-11; 51-35; 54-21; 55-14; 56-39a,b 57-2; 57-5a,b,c,d; 57-7; 58-8; 58-12a; 58-13d,f,g; 58-22a 58-28; 58-38; 59-7a; 59-9; 59-23; 59-24a,b,c; 59-47 60-10a,b; 60-23; 60-34; 60-42; 60-57a. Santa Cruz: 32-17; 42-1; 52-24; 54-82; 57-20;.57-25; 58-26 58-37; 59-la,b; 59-21; 59-27a,b; 59-35; 59-39b; 60-19a,b 60-25b; 60-5 la,b. Santa Maria: 44-1; 47-9; 51-35; 58-20; 58-37; 59-2; 59-26 60-44. Santa Rosa: 51-24; 55-17; 55-40; 55-42a,b; 56-10a,b; 56- 37a,d,h; 57-33; 57-36a; 58-6; 58-19; 58-21; 58-36; 59-16; 59-44; 60-1; 60-1 2a,b; 60-13; 60-22; 60-27; 60-36a. Trona: 46-12; 54-79e,h; 56-7; 57-4; 57-9; 57-18; 57-19; 57-22; 57-27a; 57-29b; 57-32; 58-1; 58-5; 58-9; 59-8; 59-14; 59-1 5a; 59-19; 59-42; 59-46a,b; 60-5a,b,c; 60-45; 60-56. Ukiah: 56-24; 56-37a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h; 58-6; 58-21; 58-42; 59-16; 60-2; 60-13; 60-29; 60-36b; 60-41. Walker Lake: 57-13; 57-34; 59-35; 60-3; 60-6. Weed: 34-8; 55-20; 56-24; 57-6; 58-27; 59-41; 60-13; 60-28; 60-36c; 60-52; 60-54b,c,d,e,k. Westwood: 57-17; 58-21; 60-4; 60-35a,g,h; 60-36b,c; 60-48. [58] INDEX TO AUTHORS Albers, J. P.-54-4 Allen, Clarence R.-57-5; 59-43 Almond, Hv-46-12 American Association of Petroleum Geologists— Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists— 58-13 Ames, L. L., Jr.- 58-43 Aune, Quintin A.— 58-10 Back, W.-57-6 Bader, J. S.-58-23; 58-24 Bailey, Edgar H.-59- 16 Bales, W. E.-57-24 Balsley, J. R., Jr.— 51-35 Bateman, P. C-58-41 Bellemin, G. J.-58-8 Benda, William K.-57-18 Beveridge, Alexander J.— 59-39 Bloxam, T. W.-59-44; 60-50 Bonham, L. C-57-14 Bonilla, M. G.-58-2; 59-28 Bowen, Oliver E., Jr.— 59-27 Bowes, W. A.-57-24 Bramlette, M. N.-44-1 Bromery, R. W.-51-35 Brooks, S.A.-59- 17 Brown, D. W.-59-35 Brown, Robert D., Jr.-60-29 Burnham, C. Wayne— 59-10 Burnham, W. L.-58-22; 59-22 Byers, F. M.,Jr.-56-23 California Association of Engineering Geologists— 59-18 Calif. Dept. Water Resources-54-37; 55-14; 55-20; 55-42; 56-37; 57-22; 57-31; 57-34; 58-27; 58-36; 58-37; 59-23; 60-28; 60-35; 60-36; 60-37; 60-38; 60-39 Calif. Div. Mines-26-6; 32-14; 54-79; 57-25 Calif. Div. Oil and Gas-60-21 Calif. Div. Water Resources-55-40; 56-37; 56-39 Calif. Water Resources Board-53-28; 55-42; 55-43 Cardwell, G. T.-58-19 Carlisle, D.-5 3-24; 58-12 Carlson, S.A.-58-18 Castle, R. O.-60-46; 60-47 Chesterman, Charles W.-56-25; 56-40; 57-26; 57-28; 60-41 Churkin, Michael, Jr.-60-52 Clark, Lorin D.-60-4 Classen, W. J.-55-41 Cleveland, George B.-53-24; 58-7; 58-12; 60-16 Cochran, W. A.-58-26 Compton, Robert R.— 60-51 Coogan, Alan H— 60-33 Crowell, John C-59-40; 60-42 Curran, J. F.-59-2 Curtis, G. H.-57-10; 58-35 Davis, Dudley L.-56-40 Davis, George H.-57-21; 58-21; 59-35 Davis, Stanley N.-58-42; 59-3 Dibblee, T. W, Jr.— 57-19; 58-1; 58-5; 58-9; 58-18; 59-4; 59-5; 59-13; 59-42; 60-9; 60-11; 60-17; 60-18; 60-20; 60-30 Drewes, Harald-59-15 Durham, D. L.-58-3; 59-9 Durrell, Cordell-59-36; 59-37; 59-45 Dutcher, L. C-58-22; 58-24; 59-8; 59-22; 60-37 Emery, K. 0.-5 1-35; 60-31 Engel, Rene— 59-24 Erd, R. C-57-18 Evenson, R. E.-59-32 Evernden, J. F.— 57-10; 58-35 Galliher, E. Wavne-32-17 Garrett, A. A.-5 8-2 2; 59-7 Gay, Thomas E., Jr.— 58-10; 59-24; 60-48 Geological Society of Sacramento— 53-26; 56-24; 57-35; 58-15; 59-1; 60-40 Gianella, V. P.-57-17 Glen, William-59-20 Goldich, S. S.-58-43 Goldman, Harold B.-42-1; 58-6 Goodwin, J. G.-53-24; 58-11 Graham, J. J.-55-44 Gray, Cliffton H., Jr.— 59-27 Green, J. H.-58-26; 59-35 Gribi, E. A., Jr.-57-20 Grose, L. T.-59-14 Hackel, Otto-58-14 Hail,W. J., Jr.-57-ll Haines, D. V.-59-19 Hall, Clarence A., Jr.-58-29 Hall, F. R.-59-3 Hall, Wayne E.-54-4; 57-12; 58-17 Hamilton, Warren— 58-39 Hart, Earl W.-59-29 Haselton, G. M.-57-24 Hetland, Donald L.-56-40 Higgins, Charles G.— 60-1 Higgins, J. W.-58-13 Hill, H. S.-58-32 Hill, M. L.-58-18 Huber, N. K.-59-11 Jennings, Charles W.-51-24; 58-30; 59-21; 59-25; 59-26; 60-2; 60-48 Johnson, B. K.-57-9 Jones, David L.-59- 17 Kahanovitz, Yona— 54-82 Kanaya, T.-42-7 Kane, M. F.-60-3; 60-6 Kinkel, A. R., Jr.-54-4 [59] 60 California Division of Mines and Geology [Special Report 52 A Kirkpatrick, Doug— 57-37 Klein, Ira E.-58-6 Krammes, K. F.-58-14; 59-2 Kunkel, Fred-56-7; 57-22; 58-25; 59-47; 60-27; 60-56 Kupfer, Donald L.-60-5 Langenheim, Ralph L., Jr.-60-32; 60-52 LeRoux, E. F.-56-10 Lipson, J.-57-10; 58-35 Lovering, J. Kerry— 59-45 Lydon, Philip A.-54-49; 59-12; 59-31; 60-48 Mabev, Don R.-56-38; 57-19 Mack', Seymour-55-20; 60-28 MacKevett, E. M.-58-17; 60-26 Manning, John C-54-82 Marsh, Owen T.-60-14 Matthes, Francois E.— 60-25 McCulloh, Thane H.-57-1; 60-34; 60-45 McGill, JohnT.-59-34 McNitt, James R.-60- 12 Meier, Mark F.-59-43 Merriam, Charles W.-57-12; 59-41 Merriam, R. H.-58-8; 58-28; 58-31; 60-58 Miller, William J.-57-36 Moore, D. G.-57-23 Moran, Douglas E.-59-43 Movie, W. R., Jr.— 58-23; 60-37 Muehlberger, W. R.-58-16; 58-32 Murphv, Michael A.-60-53 Nelson, C.A.-58-34 Nelson, Harrv E.— 57-16 Oakeshott, Gordon B.-46-4; 50-20; 55-17; 55-21 O'Brien, J. C.-54-4 Off, Ted-59-38 Olmsted, Franklin H.-56-10; 56-29; 58-21; 59-35 Orr, Phil C-60-44 Page, R. W.-58-24; 60-37 Pakiser, L. C.-60-3; 60-6 Paschall, Robert-59-38 Pestana, Harold R.-60-49 Pistrang, M. A.-58-25; 59-35 Poland, J. F.— 45-11; 59-7 Power, W. Robert-58-44 Pratt, W. P.-57-4 Pray, Lloyd C-54-75 Press, Frank— 60-3 Putnam, William C.-60-7; 60-43 Quaide, W. L.-57-15 Radbruch, Dorothy H.-57-3; 58-2; 58-4; 59-33 Rich, Ernest I.-60-29 Richey, K. A.-43-48 Riley, F. S.-56-7 Rinehart, C. D.-56-31; 59-11 Rodda, Peter U.-57-30; 60-53 Rogers, B. L.-59-24 Rogers, John J. W.-58-38 Rose, Robert L.-57-10; 59-30 Ross, D. C-56-31; 57-19; 58-33; 59-11 Sanborn, Albert F.-60-1 5 Sand, L. B.-58-43 Sandberg, Clarence H.— 58-40 San Joaquin Geological Society— 58-14; 59-6 Sawyer, D. L.-46-12 Schlocker, Julius-58-2; 58-4 Schoellhamer, J. E.— 57-7 Scholl, David W.-60-24 Sharp, Robert P.-54-36; 59-43; 60-54 Sherlock, Donald G.-58-39 Sierra Club, The-59- 11 Sinnott, Allen— 59-7 Smith, Bernice Young— 57-33 Smith, George I.— 46-12; 57-4 Smith, PatsvB.-60-10 Smith, Ward C.-57-1 8 Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists— 52-24; 56-41; 59-39; 60-19 Society of Economic Paleontologists and A4ineralogists— American Association of Petroleum Geologists— 54-21; 59-40 Stinson, Melvin C-56-40; 57-8; 57-28 Stock, C.-27-1 Strand, Rudolph G.-59-21; 60-2 Sullwood, Harold H., Jr.-60-8 Susuki, Takeo-59-40 Thomasson, H. G, Jr.— 56-10 Thompson, George A.— 58-40 Tischler, Herbert— 60-32 Troxel, Bennie W.-55-12; 56-40; 57-28; 57-29 Troxell, Harold C-57-32 Trujillo, Ernest F— 60-55 United States Dept. of Interior, National Park Service— 60-22 Upson, J. E.-60-27 Vedder, J. G-57-7 Ver Planck, William E.-58-20 Walker, George W.-59-41 Wasserburg, G. J.-59-46 Wells, Francis G-59-41 Wetherill, G W.-59-46 Williams, Howel-34-9 Wilshire, H. G-57-13 Wilson, H. D., Jr.-47-9 Winterer, E. L.-58-3 Wood, P. R.-57-21; 58-27 Woodford, A. O.-60-23 Woodring, W. P.-44-1 Wright, Lauren A.-57-27; 59-46 Yerkes, R. F.-57-2; 57-7; 59-9; 60-57 A64984 5-62 3,500 printed in California state printing office f » -81 SP> 22 '8? APR 11 '« '.#•> offW '83 LIBRARY USE ONLY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS '"■II |l| " 1175 02060 988