UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA PRECOOLING AND SHIPPING CALIFORNIA ASPARAGUS W. T. PENTZER, R. L. PERRY, G. C. HANNA, J. S. WIANT, AND C. E. ASBURY Results of a cooperative investigation conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture Bureau of Plant Industry and the California Agricultural Experiment Station BULLETIN 600 APRIL, 1936 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA CONTENTS PAGE Introduction 3 Precooling 5 Reasons for precooling 6 Principles of precooling 7 Precooling tests with portable inside fans 8 Description of car-precooling equipment used 8 Fan capacities under car-precooling conditions 9 Resistance encountered in carloads of asparagus 10 Cooling rate as affected by air volume 12 Method of measuring temperatures in precooling tests 12 Precooling test with portable brine radiator and fans 15 Precooling in tanks filled with ice water 16 Discussion and summary of precooling tests 18 Effect of loading method on cooling 20 Importance of air volume 20 Importance of air distribution 21 Value of low air temperatures in rapid cooling 21 Temperatures of various positions in the load and average temperature of load 22 Shipping tests 24 Standard versus modified refrigeration 25 Loading 7 rows wide, 4 and 5 layers high versus 8 rows wide, 4 layers high 26 Carrying quality of different varieties; loose pack, unwrapped bunches and wrapped bunches; and asparagus grown on peat soil and sediment soil. . 28 Ice-water dipping versus portable-fan precooling 30 Cellophane wraps and caps for the bunches 31 Carrying quality of long-green and white-butt asparagus as affected by delay in removal from the field after cutting 32 Discussion and summary of shipping tests 36 Respiration of asparagus 39 Respiration studies, 1933 season 39 Respiration studies, 1934 season 42 General summary and conclusions 43 Acknowledgments 45 PRECOOLINGAND SHIPPING CALIFORNIA ASPARAGUS 1 W. T. PENTZEE, 2 E. L. PEEEY, 3 G. C. HANNA, 4 J. S. WTANT, 5 and C. E. ASBUEY 6 INTRODUCTION The asparagus growers of California rely upon two outlets for their production : the cannery and fresh shipment to eastern and local mar- kets. During the five-year period 1929 to 1933, according to estimates of the Federal-State Market News Service/ the average annual acreage for canneries amounted to 44,380 acres; for fresh shipment 20,770 acres. Carload shipments of fresh asparagus for this period totaled 11,480 cars, an average per year of 2,296 carloads. The shipments of fresh asparagus represent a large investment, not only in the asparagus itself but like- wise in costs of harvesting, grading, packing, loading, freight, and re- frigeration by the time it reaches the East. Failure of the asparagus to arrive on the market in good, salable condition would therefore entail serious losses to the industry and jeopardize an important outlet for almost one-third of the production. A condition approaching this existed in 1930, 1931, and 1932, when serious losses were experienced in many shipments as a result of mold growth on the asparagus in transit. Since no experimental evidence was available to establish the cause for the excessive mold growth, the University of California was requested by representatives of the asparagus industry to investigate the handling and shipping of asparagus. These investigations were conducted cooper- atively by the University of California and the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture. Among explanations offered by shippers for the poor condition of the 1 Eeceived for publication January 27, 1936. 2 Physiologist, United States Department of Agriculture Bureau of Plant Industry. 3 Assistant Professor of Agricultural Engineering, Assistant Engineer in the Experiment Station. 4 Associate in the Experiment Station, Division of Truck Crops. 5 Associate Pathologist, United States Department of Agriculture Bureau of Plant Industry. 8 Junior Pomologist, United States Department of Agriculture Bureau of Plant Industry. 7 Cox, W. F., and W. L. Jackson. Marketing California asparagus — 1934. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. and California Dept. Agr. Bur. Markets, p. 1-29. 1934. (Mimeo.) [3] 4 University of California — Experiment Station asparagus on arrival were the kind of soil on which the asparagus was grown ; the length of time it was left in the field before being picked up and packed ; the age, or length of green area, of the spear ; and tempera- tures existing in transit. These factors and their bearing on the problem were all considered. The transit-temperature question, however, ap- peared to be the most significant. The organisms responsible for the mold growth were identified at destination markets by pathologists of the United States Department of Agriculture as species of Fusarium. Since this mold can be checked by temperatures of 40° Fahrenheit or less, its Mo/7. Tuesday Wednesday T/tarsdoy Tr/doy Sott/rdoy Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday T/>ars. j/llbt 1 erecoo/ed / ' eet-/neta/ /a/? 20', /MO ft.PM. 4 6/ade, P/?////ps aerofo/'/sect/oa fort ftortge of ' res/stortce, t>a/?/cer afid osparayvs /oatf /ooo ) Average /oarf Are/oee 3 coo/es£ />o//7£s fto/> o/'/aaa'J Z700* /ce JJS *so/£ /OO *sa/t I 1 1 . Average of toad. flveraae of J cao/est po/rfs. J- /?/7a / co/npressor started. SBrin e-sapp/y temper atc/re Defrost JC 1 c 1 Srfne or? /o O £ 4 6 S r/me precoof/r??, fioc/rs Fig. 9. — Air and asparagus temperatures in a car cooled by a portable brine-cooled radiator placed at the doorway. A cooling record for M, a typical car (fig. 8) , shows the prompt reduc- tion of the air-blast temperature and the wide difference in the cooling rate that usually occurs at top and bottom layers. All the cars were cooled during the late afternoon and night, when outside temperatures ranged from about 70° to 40° F. PRECOOLING TEST WITH PORTABLE BRINE RADIATOR AND FANS Although several types of units for precooling loaded cars with refriger- ation supplied by compressors and brine systems have been developed, few of these have been used for asparagus. A unit introduced for this purpose consisted of a set of four directly connected vertical-shaft pro- peller fans which draw air up through a finned-coil section placed across the load at the doorway and blow the cooled air over the lading. The car is cooled on a siding at a refrigeration plant. Brine hoses brought out through a false door in the car connect the finned-coil section to the brine supply of the plant. A test made with this apparatus during the 1935 season is reported below and is discussed in the summary. Car N was loaded at Antioch on April 16, 1935, with asparagus packed 16 University of California — Experiment Station the previous evening. The load was 4 layers high, being 8 rows wide al one end and 7 at the other. Loading was completed at 3 :35 p.m., with a tem- perature average of 60.4° F, which had dropped to 57° P when the ear reached the warehouse at Stockton for precooling. The precooling unit consisted of a 2-inch, 5-horsepower centrifugal pump delivering brine at 16.5° to 21° F to a finned-coil section 18 inches by 8 feet in size, placed in the car on the brace. Air was sucked through the load and the radiator by four vertical-shaft, 6-blade, 16-inch diameter fans driven by %-horse- power motors, and was blown toward the car ceiling. In operation, after each 60 minutes of cooling, the brine was shut off for 10 minutes to allow defrosting. Although some frost that melted may have evaporated, most of it dripped to the floor. The temperature records (fig. 9) show that the difference in temperature between the asparagus and the air, and the temperature rise of the air passing through the load, remained about constant, the average air temperature dropping with that of the aspara- gus. Dry and wet-bulb temperatures taken with a hygrodeik placed in the fan blast showed 2° to 3° differences except during defrosting, cor- responding to a dew point of 32° to 33° F at the fan discharge during the last 8 hours of precooling. PRECOOLING IN TANKS FILLED WITH ICE WATER As was mentioned in discussing the reasons for precooling, the more rapidly the heat is removed from the asparagus after cutting the better will its quality be preserved and the less heat will be evolved by the asparagus. One of the most rapid methods of cooling is to submerge in ice water. As one step in the preparation for packing, the asparagus is freshened by placing it in a shallow tank of water. Presumably cooling could be effected quickly by making the tank deeper and circulating ice water through it. To secure data for the design for an ice-water cooling system, labora- tory tests were made on the cooling rates of immersed asparagus bunches. Thermocouples for measuring temperatures were inserted into center and outside spears of five bunches representing four size-grades. These were placed in a wire basket that fitted a channel 5% inches wide, through which water in contact with crushed ice could be circulated. After a cooling test, warm water was run through the channel, and the test was repeated at a different circulation rate. The curves shown in figure 10 are for a rate of 3 gallons per minute, which in practice had to be reduced to 2 gallons per minute to avoid tipping over the bunches. In the first packing-shed experiment the water was recirculated from the freshening tank to an ice tank where, being sprayed over chunks of ice, it was cooled to temperatures ranging from 36° to 40° F. The bunches Bul. 600] Precooling and Shipping Asparagus 17 of asparagus were about two-thirds submerged in the water, butts down, for about 10 minutes, then taken from the tank, packed, and loaded in the car immediately. The load was covered with a canvas to retard warm- ing during the loading, which required several hours. The average aspar- agus temperature when loaded was 50.1° F as compared with 56.5° F in a companion car, not cooled. The net result of cooling 10 minutes in ice water was a temperature reduction of 6.4° F. The car loaded with aspara- 70 so I <& 30 1 \ Po//t£ sy/r?6o/ Pos/hon of spear 3i//7C/f wt. /£>. oz. tf(//7?ber ofspeers o • + ' A ovts/de center ot/ts/de eerier center 2 /4 2 /4 3 4 3 4 3 (7 // 25 42 \\ +. ^^» ^""**"-+.». — — + 6 S 77/7? e Si/S/ner&et/j a»//w£es ./-^ < o a o> u C co b o sc -5 c •b" o o O o a a eo u co s -5 o a -o o o O Good; less bruising on wrapped, other- wise same CO w fl CO u CD 8Ci 73 o c 73* O o O o c 73* CO +3 — CO ? d ■*> b. S«d .2*3 Slightly more mold and slime on long- green spears than on those partially white Slightly more mold and slime on long- green spears than on those partially white Average tempera- ture outside air r OO ., TfCO oo CO CO 1 o oo t^ CN CM •^t 1 IOK5 1 oo o 1 1 o CO «JO Average transit tem- perature top doorway t op 41 3 41 7 1 __ OOCO •<*< CM O0 CO | *# — ' CO ^* 1 ^ ^ ■it-it O C3S 1 1 CN CO 1 ©CO t~ o 00 CO CO CO O CO OS t-» CO CN OOi ^* ^ ^ CO Average temperature end of precooling o p 49.0* 44 0* » » *- — UO MM t-, - o o if is 0) co Z2 >. >, +3 -b> GO -*^ b b o o * iS co co 2Z Id a, % 73 _C3 A Ph OO MM b. u o o ^ is CO CO ZZ ~ — OO MM b, b. O O >hJh CO CO >> O M b, O \* •f CO Z >> o M b. o 'f CO o c o3 u d c o o G c b u o o jd,G o co .2.2 -b> '-3 G G a o a u O H XJ3 .2.2 1 o o o .2.2 .2 *-> -*^ i .»— G C 1 G <<< <: w O G < *3 o3 73 coco CO CO CO -9< CO CO co co 1— < 1— 1 CO CO \ as *— * CO CO CO CO l-H 1— 1 CN CN coco CO CO CN CN CO o CO \ rrt - 9 r £ DO ■d J. 11 CO ■ — CO b. O i — i a c o 03 (1) bi c a >. b 3 OS z t b o3 o o 11 b b CO c. CO M CO H o3 3 £ ■A BI ^ 1 0) b. b S CO ft > > a «<