r biblution UC-NRLF 3 57b 524 "iTi. X Ai^^Si. .^=;7 •-^'^^fe^ r GIFT OF Professor B.H.Lehman w ^ ^^^Ae/t j?ou loere a tadpole and I iDos ajishr ¥.{)oluziorv hp han^don Smitk Decorations hp Yred. S. 3ertsch Lettering b-Q OftOald Cooper "^.oK^iUe Company Bofton and Chicago ^. 5' ?> CojrpHght EN j^ou xOere a tadpole and I idas dfish^ In the Valeozoic time And side hy side on the ehhinP tide H/e spraipled tkrouSi the ooze and sUme, r skittered rOitk manjl a caudal flip Throu^hthe depths of ike Cumhrian fen^ 787424 'mDlESSiVe lived and mindkjy rPe hVed, And mindless at last lOe died'. -r^AAnd deep in a, rih the Caradoc drift 5-/ ^e slumbered side ^ bfside. The rOorld turned on in die lathe of time^ T7i^ hot lands heaVed amain^ rOe caught our breath from me rOomh of death J(nd crept into li^ht a^ain. rOere Amphibians, scaled and tailed^ JKjtd drab as a. dead mans hand--, 'e coiled at ease heatk the dripping trees I Or trailed through the mud and sandj Croaking and blind, rOith \ our three-cLvfOed feet, vJritin^ a lan^ua^e dumb, With neVer a spark in the emptp dark To hint otalifetD come. gT hapj!n; vOe lived, and hayvij xOe loved, JKnd nap0 rVe died ^ once more-, Ourlvrms were nulled in the din^in^ mould Of a ^eocomian fhoe. iriie aeons came and the aeons fled. And ike sleep that ^^oifj Was riven arVaf in. a. vW^mT.-j nexoer dap, ^m^^ decdiiO^past. ]i^ 8f srOijt through ^^ ^^^ tiie jungle trees %>i&i^ ^e srOun^ in cur airf ^^}^:'|pV breathed in the halm wyMr% o/thefrmiedmlmr I [ly^j^I*^ ^ ^^ of the iM0l^ mconUxf nights. Y^^And oh! TOhat heauUful ^^^ \j7£m:r xoere ikese, when our hearts dung ,, each to each., ^.. i^hen hfe rOas filed and ,!3f .i >,,^ 1 our senses thrilled ^ ' In the Jirst faint darOn ^HUS life hp lije and hOe % bp love u)^ passed tkrou^k ^ circle strange, lAnl hreath bp breathy and death trp death, ^X ^efoUovOed the chain ^ of change. \ll mere came a time in ^larOoflife when cfVer the nursing \ sod The shadcrar broke^ and the soul arOoke In a stran^e^ dim, dream of Gjod. 41 M}AS therOed like an ' jKurock bull, JKnd- tusked like the ^eat CaVe Bear; JKnafou, mp jWeet, /fvm head to feet, J were ^ovPned in four , , I glorious hair. mDeep' in the ^loom of a ' ' fiYelefs caOe, ' r ^hen the night jell oev the vlain %JKnd the moon hundred oer the rvOer bed., vOe mumhled the hones of the slain. VlAKEDafUnttocL cutting ed^e .And shaved it rCitk brutish craft; I broke a shank jram the rOoodhind dank And fitted it, head and haft. Then I hid me close to the reedf tam^ vOhere the ^Mammoth came to drink-. Through hrarOn Sf bone I draVe the stone^ Aind slevO him upon the brinks. OUD I hojvled through the moonlit Wastes, ^ I Jj Ijoud ansrOered our ;;:, kith and kin; I Fr&m rOeft and east to I the crimson feast, I ; The clan came troop- llllfll in^in. I -O'er joint and gristle and padded hoof, ^e fought, and clarOed - ■:., anatore^ ^mZAnd cheek hp javol rCHth manj) a ^rorvl^ \Q^ talked the marVel oW. % CARX?ED thutf^kton a reindeer hone, with rude Si hairi} hand', r I pictured hifjall on the caOem tOall That men mi^kt under- Jtznd. For rOe lived bphlood, and ike ri^ht ofmi^ht. Ere human lavOs rOere drarOn, .And the Age of Sin did not begin Till our brutal tusks rOere gone. vJND that xOas a million i)ears ago. In a time mat no man __ ^ knmOs; l^^r^^ A^r^ to-night^ in the mellotO light yJesit at Dehfwmcos; \furefefaredeepasihe UeVan springs, Kour hair if as darh as jet. '\ourfearr ayefevO.Vour Lije if nerO^ your soul untried^ andjpet UR trail is on the Kimr merid^e clap, And ike scarp oj me ,„,,,r - V Vurheck fia^s, /#ui> 1 in t/i^ Ba^shotstvmr \^&/}f Ani deep in the Caroline A^i Our loVe is old, ourlife WJ . is old, ^ jKnd death shall come amain; 3, k) i\Shoidd it come toidc^y lJv'w\v.M Whatman map sap We shall not liVe a^ain/? h OD ^ouSit mr souls ffcmi ==> theuemadoc heJs ^And hirnished ikem rOin^S toflp; He soxDdl ourspavOn in die jOorlds dim daiOn J^nl I knorO that it shall not die, Though cities haOe sprung ''^ aboVe ike ^vaVes ^here the croak-honed men made xDar, ^And die ox-vOain creaks ''' oer the buried caVes where the mummied mammoths are. ^HEN as vOe linger at '0lii luncheon here, \