^(?Aav}i8n-# saaAiN(imv sMlOSANCEia^ <:$,l[mmo/: -^ILlBRARY^k. ^OFCAiIF0% ^;OFCAIIFO/?^ I "^/JijaMNa 3wv^ ^^ AME-UNIVER5-//) .vWSANCElfj> o ^\ILIBRARY6?/^ ;,OFCAIIFO/?^ .^^OFCAilFOff^ ^^AavaaiiivN "^^^Aavaaii-^ ^WEUNIVER5//, . Dramatis Perfonae. MEN. . - Don Pedro Mr. WILSON, Lyfander Mr. BRET. Fabio Mr. BANNISTER, Perez Mr. WESTON. Two Friars WOMEN. Marcella Mrs. JEWEL. Juletta Mrs. WESTON. SCENE, SEVILLE. THE \ mm w (Mm w (^m / THE METAMORPHOSES, ==^==3W&^ ACT I. SCENE, thejlreet before Don Pedro'j houfe. Lyfander, and Fabio drejfed like a tinker^ comes forward^ ^W Lyfander waits at a diftance* AIR. Fabio. T AM a tinker by my trade, * Each day I live I mend ; Vm fuch an univerfal friend, I hide the faults by others made, Work for the tinker, ho ! good wives ; 'Tvvere well, while 1 your kettles mend, If vouM amend your lives. B The 2 THE METAMORPHOSES The beft that's going is my trade, 'Tis even better than the law ; By them are breaches wider made, I daily flop up many a flaw. That we fhou'd mend, is each man's cry, A doftrine 'tis that all will teach ; Then how much better, pray, am T, Who pra6life what they only preach ? Knter Juletta. Jul. Oh, Fabio, I was glad to hear the found of your fweet voice- -Ha, ha, ha, what a figure you cut ! Fab. Oh! what you are looking at my ap- pearance ; 'tis whimfical enough, to be fure, for a man of my confequence. Who would think now, that I was valet, companion, and confidant to Lyfander; the mofl: hopeful and wealthy heir in all Seville ; and lover, fervant, and mofl humble (lave to the accomplifti'd Juletta, gentle- woman, duenna, and advifer of Donna Mar- cella, the ward of Don Pedro de Cafl:ro. Jul. She is only his ward at prefent, to be fure ; but if your mafter does not make great hafte, they will be man and wife within thefe two hours. Fab, The devil ! this is a fudden ftart, is it not ? ytiL Here comes your mafl:er. Enter Lyfander. Fab. Did you hear. Sir, the pretty news that Mrs. Juletta has brought ; your miftrefs is going to marry her old dragon of a guardian. Lyf. THE METAMORPHOSES. 3 Ltyf. 'Tis impoffible ! She could not confent to fuch a thing. yuL Why, it coft her a great many tears to be fure ; but at laft, Sir, I fcconded his requeft, and then flie complied. Fab. How ! you, Mrs. Minx ! Jul. Yes, I, Mf. Impudence ! ah. Why, you ungrateful, mifchievous I don't know what to call you have you a top- knot, a ruff, or a ruffle, that you don't owe to my matter's generofity ? Has there a letter, or a mefli^ge, pafs'd through your means to Donna Marcella, that has not coft him fome new-fangled gew-gaw or other for you, befide my ufual pcr quifite. Jul, Very well. Sir go on. Fab, Nay, becaufe his happinefs was dearer tO' me than my own, have not I, to forward the bufinefs, condefcended to caft the eyes of affection upon you ? yul. Intolerable affurance !"-'tis I, Jackanapes, 'tis I that am abufed. Did not I fee a poor, un- fortunate couple, moping in diftrefs ? Did not I, for the confideration of a few trifling prefents, fuffer myfelf to be prevailed upon to extricate them from it ? Fab. Very well, Ma'am go on. Jul. And did not I, becaufe I wou'd not fee you expire before my face, take pity on you, and give you my virgin heart, while thoufands vainly tried to tear me from you ? And what is my re- ward for all this ? Why, truly, when ! have perfuaded my miftrefs feemingly to confent to B 3 marry 4 THE METAMORPHOSES. marry her guardian. In order to get her fortune into her own pofleffion, that (he may the eafier run away with the man fhe lov^es Fab. Hey ! how*s this ? Lyf, Seemingly, did you fay, Juletta ? Jul [Cryh?g. ] Yes, I did ; but I don't under- ftand being ill-ufed when I am trying to ferve people all I can. I am fure I never was thought mercenary before ; and any body in the world would be vexM at being nbufed and fcandalized by a brute of a fellow, who only prefumes fo becaufe I have been too kind to him. Fab. Oh ! zounds, now her clack's fet a-going, ftop it who can. -Well, well, don't cry I forgive you, child. ful. Forgive me, varlet ! I can tell you, I fhan't eaiily forgive you. Fab. Well, well ; but for my matter's fake--- Lyf. Aye, Juletta, for my fake. [Giving her a purfe. Jul. I do aflure you 'tis entirely for your fake then [looking at the furfe'] if 1 am reconciled. Brute of a fellow! Here, Sir, is a letter for you ; and if Confidence here, cou'd find a way of getting into the houfe to bring an anfwer, I fhou'd be gla.d, becaufe 1 am fo watch'd AIR. THE METAMORPHOSES. 5 A I R. And for yon, Sir, Tell me true, Sir, . Are you not a gracelefs wretch ? For this abufe now, What excufe now Can you trump up what new fetch ? Come, proteft now 'Twas all jeft now. Let me fee fome figns of grace ; How nay then. Sir, Ne'er again. Sir, Dare to look me in the face. [Exit, Lyf. Well, my Proteus, this letter has given me fpirits. She fays, {he'll be in readinefs, at a minute's warning, to take the wing, if I can but open the door of her cage. Fab, Suppofe, Sir, 1 was to try if I cou'd get old Crufty out of the houfe. Lyf. I don't think it practicable. Fab. Faith, Sir, I have hopes ; I know that he expefts news of the arrival of one of his fhips. Lif. Well, and what then ? Fab. Nothing, Sir, only I fhall make my next appearance in the charader of a failor, that's all. Lif. And muft I be difguifed, good Sir ? for you know I march under your command. Fab. Old Grumble here has never feen you, J)as he ? 6 THE METAMORPHOSES, hyf. I believe not. Fah, Then there will be no neceffity for it vet ; but here comes my wife fellow- fervant, Pe- rez; let him flay about the ho ufe, Sir, while you go with me to receive further inftruftions. I ihall foon return equipM for my enterprize. \Ex\t. hyf. rU follow you. Enter Perez. So, Perez ! how go on affairs ? Per, Lord, Sir ! I have emptied all the (hops in town ; I have got fuch a cart-load of vizors, veils, jackets, hats, feathers, doublets, and mufta- chios ! why. Sir, we have diiguifes enough to flock a Venetian carnival. Lyf. Well, that's all right. Do you watch about Don Pedro's houfe ; and, I charge you, let nothink efcape your notice till I return. Per. 1 warrant you, Sir. Lyf, Ah, dear Marcella ! let but fortune be propitious to us, and my future life fhall be devo- ted to gratitude and thee. A I R. I. Ah, dear Marcella ! maid divine, No more will 1 at fate repine, If I this day behold thee mine. For dearly do I love thee. Thy THE METAMORPHOSES. 7 Thy eafe (hdl be my fvreet employ, My conftant care, my every joy. May then no chance my hopes deftroy. For dearly do I love thee. II. Sweet is the woodbine to the bee, The rifing fun to every tree, But fweeter far art thou to me, For dearly do I love thee. And let me but behold thee mine, No more will I at fate repine. But while I live, thou maid divine. With rapture will 1 love thee, [Exit, Enter Don Pedro. , [Perez for fometime does not regard Mm.] Don P. Truly I doubt of every thing, there's fuch a confounded running in and out. Juletta is fo impertinent and Marcella fo haughty, that I am afraid this confenting to marry me, was only a pretence to get her fortune out of my hands- Well, a very Ihort time will now put the matter out of difpute, and in the mean while TU be my own porter, and let every body in and out Hey, who have we hear ? Per, How that man eyes me. Don P. He looks mighty fiifpicious, meihinks. Per, He does not know me fure. Don 8 THE METAMORPHOSES. Don P, What (?an he be doing fo near my hoiife ? Per. Why he is not watching, fure, to fee who goes in and out, is he ? Don P. I'll fpeak to him. Per, He comes this way. Don P. If he is one of their fpies, I muft go cunningly to work. Per, Let him be who he will, he (han't get any thing out of me. Don p. Your fervant, friend. Per, Yours, friend. Don P. What makes you watching about this houfe fo, eh ? Per, Hufli. Don P. What d*ye mean ? Per, Hold your tongue, I tell you. Don P. Why muft I hold my tongue ? Fer, You muft not tell a living foul that you faw me watching about this houfe. Don P. Oh ! I muft not. Per. Not for the world ; if it fhould come to Don Pedro's knowledge, laud a mercy ! what a work would there be. Don P. Oh, ho ! I guefs how the matter is : what, you are ftanding centinel, to watch their motions within ? Per, W^hy, how the devil fliou'd you know that ? Don P. Ah ! you fee Pm in all your fecrets > I know too, that you want to get an anfvver to the letter that you deliver'dtwo days ago to Ju- letta, for her miftrefs, -A Per* THE METAMORPHOSES. ^ Per, No : there you are out 'twas yefterday morning 1 deliver'd the letter, and fhe herfelf brought my mafter an anfvver, not an hour ago. Don P. So, fo ! why then Don Pedro is finely impofed upon. Per. Impofedupon! why what is fuch an old fool good for, but to be impofed upon : I can tell you, he muft look (harp, or we (hall run away with this delicate morfel from him, as fure as he thinks hlmfelf of it You don't know him, do you? Don P. Never faw him in my life. Per, I wi(h you did, for I'm fure you'd laugh at him every time you fet eyes on him Well, 1*11 ftay hereabout, and don't you now drop a word of what I have told you. Don P. Me ! No, I enjoy it, I alTure you. Per. I dare fay you do ; every body mu(t ea(i]y fuppofe how agreeable it is to trick fuch an old coveteous curmudgeon. Don P, Oh ! you may depend upon it, not a word (hall efcape me. Per* That's right ; we can't be too cautious; you underftand me. Don P. Oh ! perfectly I confound you ! Per, Thefe are not matters to blab to every body you apprehend nie. Don P. Clearly an Alguzile apprehend you. Per, Well now, keep my eounfel, and when we meet again, I'll tell you how my mafter has fped. Pon P. The devil fpeed him, ''";^ri: Q Per* io . THE METAMORPHOSES. Per, Mum now. ' \Kx\t% \ ^'Pon P> I warrant you, AIR. Some men, I know. On this would go, And to the matter put an end ; But hold you there, J^et's argue fair. The pohit a little, my good friend, 'Ti's this girl's pelf, And not herfelf, About which I make fo mqcb ftir y Give me but that, I anfwer flat, Who will, for PedrOj may take her. SCENE, a room In T>on Pedro'x houfe^ Marcella> Juletta, difcovered, AIR. I. A choir of bright beauties infpring did appear, To chufe a May-lad v to govern the year ; All the nymphs wtre in red, and the fhepherds io green, The garland was given, and Phillis was queen : 2 But THE METAMORPHOSES^ if But Phillis refus'd it, and, lighing, did fay, ril not wear the wreath, for my ihepherd's away^ IL So I, confined here with no view of relief. No companion btit Hope, which ftill mocks at my grief; Each ftep meeting anguifh, fnfpicion and care. And driven, alas! to the brink of defpair ; And, worfe than all thefe, from Lyfander away* Ah! tell me, Juletta, how can I Ibok gay? Jul, Ah! Madam, hang melancholy; an ounce of contrivance is worth a cart-load of It; for the firft may keep us moaping here 'till we break our hearts, and the latter will point out tp ^ a way to break our prifon, " , v ;' ,. /* r Mar. Wou'd it were once ef!e<3:ed ; tor I have a thoufand terrible apprehenlions. You naay depend on't my guardian won't ^et me outof hij light, if he can help it. And, at laft, wjien v^e have form'd a fcheme, if it fhould mifcarry^ we fhould be all undone* . . /: , JuL So we fhould, indeed, Ma*am; ai>d IT the houfe was to tumble, ten to one .but fofne of us would be hurt. Lord, Ma'am ! have a iittk more fpirit Is not it your duty to cheat Don Pedro all you can ? Is not he old, jealous, and coVetous ? Does not he want to make you the moft miferable creature in the world ? C 2 Enter vi THE METAMORPHOSESi Knter Don Pedro. As fure as I live, Ma'am, there he is. I fay. Ma'am, is not it your duty to oblige Don Pedro all you can ? Is not he kind, careful, and tender ? And does not he want to make you the happieft woman in the world ? t)on J*. Here's a baggage for you. I fhould be very much obliged to you, Ma'am, if you tvould do me the favour to get down ftairs, Jul. What's the matter, I wonder. [^ExiC Don P. Well, I have fent away the lawyers ; but, methinks, fince the deeds were executed, you don't fhew fo much willingnefs as you did before. Mar. 'Tis becaufe you are fo unwilling to con- fide in me : I am not allow'd to take any manner cf liberty ; and at the very time I yield myfelf entirely to you, fuch is your fufpicious temper, that I am obliged to keep a guard upon all my words and aftions. Don. P. My dear Marcel la, 'tis becaufe my love is fo very delicate I take offence at even a fmile, or a glance, that any perfon forces from you ; and the care you fee me take, is for nothing elfe but to debar all accefs of galants, and fecure to myfelf the poffefficn of a heart, the leaft thing relative to which I can't bear to think any body fhould rob me of. Mar, In good truth you take a very wrong method, and the pofleffion of a heart is very ill fccured, when people think to keep it up by force. For my part, was I gallant to a lady in the power of another, I fhou'd bend all my ^ftudy THE METAMORPHOSES. 13 ftudy to make bim jealous. For the way to for- ward fuch affairs, is to take every advantage of the iinealinefs and refentments which conftraint and fervitude create in the mind of a woman. Don P. Very fine I fo, according to this, if any fhould make love to you, he would find you difpofed to receive his addrefles. Mar. There's no knowing what a woman may be driven to in fuch a fituation. Don ? But I tell you, it all proceeds from my love for you. Mar, If that be your way of loving, I defirc you to hate me. AIR. I. What ftate of life can be fo bleft As love that warms a lover's breaft ; Two fouls in one the fame defire. To grant the blifs, and to require ? But if in heav'n a hell we find, 'Tis all from thee, Oh ! jealouly. Thou tyrant of the mind. II. Falfe in thy glafs all objeds are, Some fet too near, and fome too far ; Thou art the fire of eiidlefs night, The fire that burns, and gives no light. All 14 THE METAMORPHOSES, All torments, ev'ry ill, we find In only thee, Oh ! jealoufy, Thou tyrant of the mind. Don P. What ! and you give me no provoca- tion, I warrant, to be jealous. Mar, No, Sir, I don't. Don P. I know you don'tyou don't re- ceive letters, and fend anfwers to them by your emiflary, Mrs. Jezebel there, who went out juft now you don't encourage a fellow to come after you; and you have not confented to run away from me, and choufe me out of your for- tune ? Mar, -How could he have heard this ? [Ajide, Enter Juletta, yul. Sir, there's a failor below wants to fpeak to you ; he has brought you fome news about one of your (hips. Don. P. Let him come up and heark'e are you fure he is a failor ? arc you fure he has not giv^en you a letter to deliver to your miftrefs ? and are you fure you don't want to get me out of the way while fhe writes an anfwer ? jful. Sir, I defpife fuch fufpicions, and lam not, like my lady, obliged to put up with them, I thank my flars. [Goes off. Don P. There ! you fee what you expofe me to. Mar. Rather fay, that I fee to what you ex- pofe yourfelf. Enter THE METAMORPHOSES. 15 Enter Fabio, difgutfed as afatlor. Fab. Good cheer to the noble owner of the Antler galleon, (he is arrived fafe with all her hands. Don P. I am glad to hear it, had you a plea- fant voyage. Fab. If the young gentlewoman pleafes I'll tell you. You muft know that juft as we made the land upon our ftarboard-bow- I v*^as fianding upon the forecaftle finging a fong made by one of our crew upon me and my fweet- heart if the young gentlewoman pleafes I'll Jing it to you. I. The bufy crew the fails unbending. The fhip in harbour fafe arriv'd. Jack Oakum all his perils ending. Had made the port where Kitty liv'd IL His rigging no one durft attack it, Tight fore and aft, above, below, Long quarter'd (hoes, check (hirt, bluejacket, And trowfers like the driv'n fnow. And s6 THE METAMORPHOSES, III. And thus his heart with pleafure ftowing, He flew like lightning o*er the fide ; And fcarce hiid been, the boat's length, rowin-g When lovely Kitty he efpied, IV. A flowing penant gayly fluttered, From her hat, all made of ftraw, ^ed, like her cheeks, when firft fhe iitterM, *' Sure 'twas my failor tliat I faw,'* V. And now the thronging crew furround her, And now fecure from all alarms. Swift as a ball from a nine pounder. They d^rt into each others arms, Don P. Adod, you failors are merry folks ; but I have a little buiinefs at prefent, fo if you'll let me know where I can find your captain, Til fee him in the afternoon. Fab. Why, if fo be it was all one to you, I'd lleer you to him now, for when he gave me the lignal to hail you, he faid as how he wanted marveloufly to haul along-fidc of you. Don P. Well but I tell you I can't go now. Fab. Then I'll give you inftrudions what courfe you fhall ftand, if the young gentlewoman plcafcs to hold thefe papers, I have got the name of THE METAMORPHOSES. iy of the port fonlewhere het-e upon the back of a letter from poor Kitty : here, young gentlewoman, Don P. Not quite fo familiar with the young gentlewoman, if you pleafe. Fab, *Tis the way of us feameri, we are al- way,s, as the faying is, in chace of a (hip or a pet- ticoat. Here, young gentlewoman, you may read this if you pleafe, 'twill make you laugh, you'll find how that Kitty Don P. Zounds, we have nothing at all to do with Kitty hey ^this is a pander-^^ i*?* Shut the door there--give me that letter. Madam. Mar. What letter, Sir ? [Giving it to Fabio.] Fab. Why, old gentleman, you have urifhip'd your fenfes. Don P. Give me that letter, rafcal. Fab, What, (hew you my letter from Kitty ! Don P. The devil Kitty you ^^fetch me a horfe-whip. Mar, For Heaven's fake what are you going to do? P.nter Ljfander and Juletta. Don P. How now ! who have we here ? Lyf. I beg your pardon, but hearing a violent tiproar in your hoiife, I thought fome alliftance might be neceflary. Don P. Sir, I am much obliged to you, but 'tis only a rafcd I have detected, difguifed like a failor. Jul, \^o Fabio.] Pretend to be mad, Lvf, Where is he, Sii- ? D Doit il5 THE METAMORPHOSES. Don P. This is the villain. Lyf. That, Sir Lord Sir, that's a pooi* diftracled fellow, that I have the care of; I keep a houfe for the reception of lunatics, and this wretch, by fome means, got out of his cell yefter- day, fince when I Have in vain been feeking for him. He was a failor once, fo nothing elfe now runs in his head his name is Cozenado Pe- dronado, Sir. Fab. Who's that calls me ? Did you fee my Kitty ? there flie is, climbing up the main top gallant maft. Lyf. At the fight of me, his interval is gone off. Sir, and I dare fay we fhall have work enough to force him away. A I It. Fab. Hark, don't you hear the roaring main, The howling winds driving the rain. From every point of the compafs blow { We fly to meet the thunder. And now again. Our leaky vefl'el dafhing low, Pitches forecaftle under. Lyjl Force him away. 1. * j Poor foul, poor foul, Fab. See on the billows how we rowl. Don P, ril rowl you dogbolt. Fab. Clear the fhip. Don P. clear you the room Here, where's my whip ? Jul. THE METAMORPHOSES. 19 yul. The poor man's poflefs'd. Mar. How Tm diftrefs'd. Lyf. *TwIll be nothing, Ma'am, when his fit's over. Fab, They are boarding us now, See they ftand on the bow. Lyf. When he gets in the ftreet he'll recover. Fab. But, I'll put them to flight r My cutlas fo bright. ^ Don P. Get out of my light. yul. He's mad, don't you fee ? Don P. He's no more mad than me : Nay I'm maddeft, I think, of the two Lyf, Believe me, my charmer, I'm true. [Tb Marcella, Let your heart be my pleader. Fab. I've feiz'd the ringleader. [T'ak'mg Pedro by the collar* Pon P. If two minutes longer you flay, To an alguzil. Sir. I'll inftant appeal. Sir, Who quickly (hall force you away. END OF THE FIRST ACT, D 2 ACT 20 THE METAMORPHOSES. Ac T ir. SCENE, the Jifeet before Don Pedro'j houfe, Lyfant^er and Fabio difgutfed as ballad-Jingers with Mandolines, Enter Fabio. JTah, 'TPHE next fong in the book is the cruej * guardian, or the fortunate runaway ; the next fong in the book is Philomelo's foft notes ; the next fong in the book is Come all you Swains and hear my lay ; the next fong in the book is the cobler or a wife of ten thoufand, Liften, neighbours, this is one of the cufioufteft ditties, A I R. I, ^Twas in a village, near Caftlebury, A cobler and his wife did dwell ; And for a time no two fo merry. Their happinefs no tongue can tell : But to this couple the neighbours tell us, Something.did happen that caus'd much ftrife, For going to a neighbouring alehoufe, The man got drunk ^nd beat his wife. II. But though he treated her fo vilely, What did this wife, good creature, do ; Kept fnug, ?ind found a method flily, To wring his heart cjuite through an4 through J ' Fo|r THE METAMORPHOSES. 2t For Dick the tapfter, and his mafter, By the report that then was rife, Were both in hopes by this difafter. To gain the cobler*s pretty wife. III. While things went on to rack and ruin, And all their furniture was fold, She fdem'd t' approve what each was doing, And got from each a purfe of gold : So when the cobler's cares were over. He fwore to lead an alter'd life, To mind his work, ne'er be a rover. And love nq other but his wife^ Don Pedro and Marcella above at a window* Fab. Faith, Sir, the noife has brought her to the window. Lyf. Dear Marcella, how fliall I exprefs to yotl my gratitude, for that anxiety you have endured on my account, but take courage and a little time will relieve you from all your apprehenfions ; we have plan'd a fcheme that gannot fail of fuc- cefs. Mar, You muft be very cautious, I alTurd you, for all that p'affes, by fome means or other, comes to my guardian's knowledge Good heaven, he's behind me Indeed, good man, I have nothing for you, and I aflure you your fi- tuution is not more diftreffing than mine. Don P. Talking to ballad fingers out of the window ; and, 1 fuppofe, they are as much bal- lad 22 THE METAMORPHOSES. lad fingers, as that Jackanapes was a failor Go along, hang dogs, or I'll make you iing in a cage, I will. Fab. Nay, good your honour, weMl prefent you with the jealous Spaniard outwitted. Don P. Come in, you fha'n*t hear it. Mar, Nay, pray let me liftcn to the fong, there can be no harm in that. Fab. *Tis a dialogue between the lover and his miftrefs. My poor wife that is dead, wou'd have given you the woman's part to a nicety ; however, you (hall have it as near her manner as poflible. Gome, Guzman, ftrike up. Ped. What you won't begone I'll come down and fee what authority my cane has with you Get you in. [^q Marcella.] Fab, He's coming. Sir ; let us decamp. Lyf, Now for one bold effort, Fabio, and we fhall be matters of the town. Fab, Never doubt the vidory, while I am general. A I R. I. Befriend me, ev'ry tender power, A lover's hopes befriend ; Be this the bright aufpicious hour. When all my cares ihall end ; When dread fufpicion's far away, So fweetly I'll beguile. In rapture ev'ry paffing day, To fee Marcella fmile. 11. The THE METAMORPHOSES. 23 II. ^he heavleft chains are eafy borne, The culprit, once reprievM ; And tho' Vm from my fair-one torne My bbfom is reliev'd ; For dread fufpicion's far away, I, fweetly (hall beguile. In rapture ev'ry paffing day. To fee Marcella fmile. [Exeunt. Enter Don Pedro. t)on P. A pack of rafcals if I catch you* I'll mar your mufic. [Coming on. 1 How! gone* Enter Perez. Perez. [Looking about. ^ I thought to have my mafter and Fabio here. Don P. Oh ! yonder's my communicative friend- I'll try if I can't come at fome more of their fecrets. Perez. Oh, you're there, Mr. Tittle Tattle, are you, to whom I gave fuch charge not to fpeak a word ? you muft go and tell every body, muft you ? Don P. I! Perez. Yes, you ! you told old Pedro every word I entrufted you with, and he has made fuch a clutter about it- Don P. I do afl'ure you Perez. No, no, I won't hear a word You'll I never 24 THE METAMORPHOSESf never get any thing from me again, I promife you. Don. P. But, friend ^ Perez, I teil you, Til have nothing to fay td you if you had not betray'd me, 1 wou'd have told you what was doing now. Don P, Why, is there any thing doing now ? Perez, Not that you will be the better for, I Can tell you that. Don P. I'm afraid not, faith ! but, pr'ythee tiow Perez, Ay, you fee what you gtt by tattling ; you (hall hear no more ; good bye, Til leave you with your mouth watering. Don p. Nay, but ftay a little. Perez. What you want to pump fomething elfe out of me, do you ? Don P, No, I have no curioliey at all. Perez. Ah, you may fpell, but it will be all to no purpofe I'm a faithful fervant, and who- ever fays to the contrary, tells fl:ories-*-Perhaps, you may expedt to hear from me, that my matter and fellow fervant were iinging ballads under the old fellow's window -but it will be long enough before I fhall be fuch a fool. Don P. Oh, dare fay ! Perez. Or, may be you expert that I have fo little prudence, as to tell you, that they are going to difguife themfelves like two friars but you won't get a word out of little Perez. D. P. That's eafily feen. Perez. No, no, I'm not fuch an afs that comes to. Don THE METAMORPHOSES. 25. Don P. Nay, now Perez. Not a fyllable ; I don*t want you to make any more mifchief. [^Exif, Don P, Now, pray. Enter Juletta. Jul. Why, what the deuce can Perez hav^e been doing here with my mailer? ' Don P. Two friars ! the devil ! Could they find no other difguife ? >/. So! fo! Don P. Well, my black gentlemen, it fhall go hard but I will be too cunning for you. , Jul. Yes, yes, he has difcover'd us. Don P, I ihall never bear the fight of a friar's gown again as long as I live Zounds ! here they are. [Goes in fuddenly\ andJJmts the door* Enter two Friars, ift Fri. Brother, to fay the truth, though St^ Dominick's vineyard is a pretty fruitful foil, yet the Benedidtines, in genera], reap the befi: harveih 2d Fri, Hufh ! we are interrupted. Jtd. Dear gentlemen, you come this way very opportunely ; I was coming to yoUr convent, by my mafber Don Pedro's olf-ders, to inform you^ that he has a deftgn of placing his ward in a re- ligious retirement, and wanted to receive the ad- vice of loine holy perfon, what abbefs he (hould apply to. I \vd^ coming for father Bernardo, but i dare fay you will do as well* E s '^/^ Friar, 26 THE METAMORPHOSES. \Jl Fri, Is the damfel comely ? ytd. She is thought to be the greateft beauty la all Seville. iftFri. He may command us. Jul. That's the door Now, to letLyfander know a blunder that fool, Perez, has made \Jl Fri. [Kfwcking hard at the door.] Peace be imto this houfe. Don P. [^IVith'm.] I won't let you in. 2d Fri. How's this, what can he mean ? Don P. You are wolv-es in flieep's cloathing. id Fri. The man is furely poflefs'd - Don P. Get about your bulinefs, or Pll fend you packing with a vengeance. I ft Fri. We are play'd fome trick here Don Pedro, we are friends, and are come at your own defire, to confult you about placing your ward in a nunnery. Don P. You are no friends, but a couple of villains in black, who, together with the old gentleman in black, want to cheat me, and de- traud me of my ward. \Ji Fri. Don Pedro, you flander us, and you piay expecfl the heavieft vengeance of the church for this injury. Don P. 1 defy you. 2d Fri. You ihall be anathemetiz'd. I ft Fri. Excommunicated. Don P. You (hall be cudgelled. \Ji Fri. The old fool ! to ierve us fuch a trick, 2d Fri. Let us begone. ijl Fri. With all my heart. [^Speaking as he goer of.] I fay, that though the Dominicans, what with flattery THE METAMORPHOSES. 27 flattery tb ftrangers, confeflional opportunities, and impofing upon biggots, gather together a pretty handfome portion of the good things of this world, yet the Benediclines \^E:cennt, Enter Don Pedro. Don P. I fancy they are gone Yes, yonder they march along what a fine ftory they trump'd up, about placing Marcella in a convent ' Who have we here ? Enter Fabio, in a rich Spanlfh drefs^ ^d?Lyfander. Fah, Sir, your fervant ; 1 don't believe I have the honour to be known to you ; but underftand- ingyour reputation for courage, and hearing you are generally engaged in an affair of honour about once a week Don P. Me, Sir ! I affure you, whoever told you fo deceived you there is not a more peacea- ble man living Fab. Ah, Sir ! that is your modefty, there is not a truer fign of courage in the world ; you'll find I have a great deal of it myfelf. My name is Don Valafquez D'Avolos ; the hillory of Spain muft have inform'd you of my confequence. Don P. It has. Sir. The devil fetch me if ever I heard of you before. Fah. Well, Sir, I came to alk your advice up- on a point of honour This way, if you pleafe, that nobody may hear us. \lVhile Fabio draws E % off 28 THE MEIUMORPHOSES. of Don Pedro, Lyfander 7^//>j into tht houfe,'] You miift know, Sir, that 1 Iiave receivM a flap on the face; 1 fuppofe, Sir, you know what a flap on the face is, when it is given with an open hand in the middle of the cheek Now, Sir, this flap o'the face flicks mightily in my fl:omach, and 1 am in doubt whether to revenge the affront, I ought to fight my man or have him aflafiinated. Don P. Affaffination is the furefl: and fhortefl: way. Fab, Well but, Sir. Don P. Sir, you have my opinion, and I kifs your hands. Fab. One word, Sir. Don P. Vm. in a great hurry. Sir, and Fab. Well, Sir, your humble fervant ; I am infinitely obliged to you, and when you receive a flap o'the face I fliall as freely give my advice 1 hope mafter has made good ufe of his time. [Exit, Don P. Another pander ! zounds ! I fliall fure- ly tire them out at lafl: what a legion of plagues have I to encounter with AIR, THE METAMORPHOSES. 29 A I R. Great Hercules, weVe heard, was a flave to Omphale, And all forts of hardfhips fubmltted to daily ; Still ad venturing, in hopes to have her for his pains, What giants, and monfters, and fnakes did he flay ; What ftables clean out, and what birds drive away, Even lions, that fool hardy, at him fhook their manes. With his club, Wou'd he drub, 'Till he dafh'd out their brains. So having an Omphale too, Sir, Like him I have nothing to do, Sir, But to ward off fome evil defign : Nay what with failors, and madmen, and fing- ers, and friars, And Jezebel jade?, bragadocios and liars, To neither fide lean, And 'twill quickly be feen, That his labours were nothing to mine. [Exit. Enter Lyfander and Marcella, Lyf. Yes, beautiful Marcella, I love you more than life, and I have no other thoughts, no other end, no other defire, but to be yours for ever. Have you then courage enough to confent to the defign I mentioned to yoii ? Mar, 30 THE METAMORPHOSES. Mar. When love perfuades, how eafily is one prevail'd upon to form a refolution. Lyf. Do you confent then ? Mar. Provided you promife, that my hafty determination fhall not alter your good opinion of me. Lyf. No : there is nothing can efface from my mind, that gratitude with which it is infpired. Love will ever protect its votaries, when they feel a pure and fincerc paffion like ours ; and one fmile from you, arms me againft a thoufand dangers. A I R, Ah, droop no more, The thunder s roar. That founded deep and loud, Thank Heaven, at laft Is gone and paft With every threatning cloud. Calm Is the air, The morning's fair. The fun begins to fhine ; A fmiling day. Now feems to fay, Marcella fhall be mine. Efjter Don Pedro. Mar. Good Heav'n ! here is my guardian, Don P. What the deviFs here! another of tbera ? Lvf. THE METAMORPHOSES. 31 Lyf. Don't feem to regard him, but fpeak' to me of what I told you. Mar, Upon my word, Sir, (he's not in this houfe. , * Lyf. Madam, I fhou'd not have been guilty of fuch an indecorum, as to prefs in here fo abruptly, if I had not had the evidence of my own fenfes in my vindication. Mar. Well, Sir, I do aflure you, the perfon you feek for is not here, and I cannot any longer re- frain from telling you, that your prefence gives me great uncafineft for if my guardian was to fee you, I don't know what the confequence might be. Don P. Is all of this real, I wonder, or only hatch'd up there can be no harm at leaft in fend- ing him out of the houfe. Who are you, and what's your bufinefs here ? Lyf. Sir, I came to fearch for my wife, who has efcaped from my juft indignation, and fled into your houfe for fhelter. Don. P. I do aflure you, Sir, if I could pre- vail upon myfelfto credit you, 1 don't know any thing I fhould fooner do than affifl: you ; but as I have a way of difl^eheving what moft people tell me, and you among the reft-, ^ I fhou'd take it as a favour if you would fulTer me to conduct you to the ftreet-door. Lyf. Sir, this is very cavalier treatment ; but fince that lady has afliired me that my wife is not in your houfe, I Ihall take my leaved-Nay, Sir, you need not give yourfclf the trouble to lee me down. \_Exit. Don 3^2 THE METAMORPHOSES, Don P. Well, upon fecond thoughts, I'll flay where I am Within there fomebody (hew the gentleman out. Well, Madam, what do you fay to all this ? I fuppofe I have no reafon yet to be jealous the failors, the ballad-fingers, the friars, the gentleman of honour, and above all, this fmooth-fpoken Sir, are none of them objefts of jealoufy ! but, however. In ten minutes I expeft the prieft, and then I fhall have a privilege, if perfuafion won't do it, to keep you from rebel- lion,'by confinement. Mar. You give me a good fample of what kind of life you expect me to lead but. Sir, I defpife your fufpicions, and if it was not that I have given my word, nothing fhould compel me to marry you. Knter '^ultXXz, dtfgulfed and veiled, Jul. Oh ! good Sir, fave me from a furious hufband, who purfues me ; his jealoufy is incredi- ble, and works him up to an excefs beyond ima- gination ; he goes fo far, as to infifl: upon my always going veil'd, and becaufe he caught me with my face a little uncover'd, he fnatch'd up his fvvord, and would have kilFd me, Sir, if 1 had not flown to your houfe for proteftion. Don P. There was fomething then in this lail afiair, I fee^ Jul. Oh, Heaven's ! here he comes : fave nie, good Sir, from his fury. z Don THE METAMORPHOSES. 33 Don P. Take her to you bed-chamber, Mar- cella fear nothing, Madam. [Exeunt Marcella ^;?^ Juletta^ Efiter Lyfander. Lyf. So, Sir, I had caufe for what I faid ; de- liver her up to my juft refentment this inflant, oi* meet it yourfelf. Don P, Good Sir, be a little patient, the of- fence is too fmall for fuch violent anger* Lyf How, Sir ! do you take her part ? Yoii, who are fo delicate upon thefe fort of things. Don P. No, Sir, I don't take her part ; but if you could be friends with her it would be a cha- rity, for the poor creature feeems frightened out of her fenfes. Lyf, Don Pedro, will it oblige you if I forgive her? Don P. Truly it will ; for 1 love to fee peacfe and harmony between married people. Lyf. 'Tis enough : I'll lay by my anger and my fword together. I Don P. ril bring her to you. t Lyf. This is the bright moment that rewards me for all my pains and anxiety. [Afde, Enter Marcella. Don P. You may appear, 1 have made your peace. Here (he comes- You'll promife me now not to relapfe. Lyf. I do, Sir. [Marcella here comes on ivlth JulettaV veil. F Don 34 THE METAMORPHOSES, Don P. Poor foul, how fhe trembles ! You really, Sir, (hould not put yourfelf in thefe vio- lent paffions. You have nothing to apprehend, Madam ; your hufband is entirely pacified. Come, Sir, lince yovi are fo kind to abandon your re- fentment at my requeft, allow me to join your hands, and to conjure you both, at my defire, to live in perfeft union for the future. Lyf. Sir, there's no refufing, and I promifc you, fince you defire it, Til endeavour to make her the beft hufband in the world. Don P. Sir, you give me pleafure to hear you fay fo.. Lyf, Nay, no ceremony, Sir. Don P. Pray give me leave to fee you out. For 1 half fufpet that this is a trick. [JpJe, [Exeunt, SCENE, thejtreet^ Don Pedro feeing Lyfan- der and Mar cell a out, Don P. I do aflure you. Sir, you have no obligation to me. 1 wifh you a good day. Lyf Sir, I can't exprefs how happy you've made me. Come, my love, I promife you that all our flrife (hall end from this moment. ['77/ry go off. Don P. Really one receives a pleafure in doing a friendly office for any one How loving they feem Well, I'll go and ftcure Marcella's obe- dience. Hey ! what's the meaning of this ? Enter Juletta difguifed, and without her veil, Jid, Why, Sir, the meaning is, that a jealous 4 man's THE METAMORPHOSES. q 53 man's a.fiionitier bated by tbe who?e world ; that all the locks and bolts in the unlverfe are not capa- ble of boWing us ; that the heart (lioukl be fecured by gentlenefs and camplalfance ; that Marcella is in the hands of a gentleman ; and that you are caught for a dupe. Don P. If there's juftice to be had in Spain Til be reveng'd fhe (han't have a (hilling of her fortune they (ball fue me for it, however; and then, if 1 am obliged to part with it, I'll bang myfelf, that I mayn't have the mortiticxition of feeing them enjoy it- Zounds ! I'll hang myfelf at any rate I'll have them all alfaffi- nated 111 -I don't know what I'll do. [Evit, Enter Lyfander, Fabio, and Marcella. Fab. Let him go to law, Sir, and us to dinner. Lyf. So we will, Fabio, where thou (halt be king ; for 'tis to thy wit I owe my dear Marcella. Jul. And mine. Sir. Lyf. True, Juletta; and thou (li alt not be for- gotten. Man And for me A I R. I've cheated an old man to-day. And put him in a fury ; And for this crime, I think they fiy, I'm now before a jury. But 36 THE METAMORPHOSES. But Tve a witnefs, IMl be bound, Will clear me, if admitted ; 'Tis love pray am I guilty found -; Or Ihall I be acquitted ? F I N I S. v^ I Ml i Ml i::!!^ >&Aavji8ii# ^ o &AbvjiaiH^J^ ^ ^lllBRARY^/^ ^^MIBRARYQr so 3 aweuniver% v/_ig > ^WEl)NIVER5/A -^UIBRARYQc ^TiUDNVSOl"^ %a3AINn3WV^ ^^OJIWDJO^ A\\EUNIVERS/A. g -n O ^lOSANCElfXvi. ^Aa3AiNa-3W^^ .^OFCAIIFO% >&Aavaan# ^ ^. ^illBRARYQ-r^ ^^UIBRARYa^ .\MEUNIVER5"/A UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 081 446 7