A Booklet of Designs 25 cts Will Bradley's Art Service for Advertisers 131 East 23rd Street New York D 6! $2.50 GENERAL INFORMATION The designs in this catalog are furnished in plate form blocked and ready for printing, in any size, any proportion and for as many colors as desired. They may also be had in the form of mats, curved multigraph plates, and lantern slides. The prices for same will be found in our current price list ex- cept in the case of our stock electrotype sizes where the prices are listed under each cut. DELIVERV: — All prices include delivery by Parcel Post or express according to our judgement. TERMS:— All cuts are sold on "cash with order" basis and to avoid confusion and delay, this rule should be closely observed. Remittance may be made by cash, mail or express money -orders, draft or check ( to include exchange ). The prices given are strictly net and not subject to discount. Out of town mail orders are filled and shipped promptly so as to reach their destination at the ear- liest possible moment. Will Bradley's Art Service for Advertisei's M % $ .85 ' M lOfi $1.25 Above prices are for electrotypes, size as shown L 205 $ .75 131 East 23rd Street New York L235 $!00 L26 $1.00 L210 $ .85 LI14 $ .65 M76 $125 L57 $1.00 M 54 $ .75 L 39 $ .75 L 139 $ .85 L50 $1.00 L17 $.75 EL 108 $1.25 L315 $1.00 Above prices are for electrotypes, size as shown. Will Bradley's Art Service for Advertisers L l«0 $1.00 L202 $1.00 L 1.64 $1.00 Alcove prices are for electrotypes, size as shown. 131 East 23rd Street New York M 100 $ .75 M88 $1.35 L65 $1.00 L291 $135 For special sizes see current price list. M 87 $ .75 M 38 $ .85 Will Bradley's Art Service for Advertisers L52 $1.00 L 123 % .75 *vrT LW<^z: M66 11.25 M68 J .85 L6I $1.00 Above prices are for electrotypes, size as shown. 131 East 23rd Street New York L269 $1.25 L75 $1.00 M79 $1.00 L 8 $ .75 L 14 $ .75 L 16 $ .75 L 145 $ .75 M77 $125 L5I $1.00 For special sizes see current price list. M80 $1.00 L6 $1.00 M78 $1.25 Will Bradley's Art Service for Advertisers L 158 $ .75 LI36 $ .75 L 124 $ .75 L 143 $ .75 L 162 $ .75 L 128 $ .75 LI3I $.75 L 137 $ .75 LM7 $.75 L 142 $ .75 L 156 $ 75 L 149 $ .75 L127 $.75 L28 $.75 L79 $1.00 Above prices are for electrotypes, size as shown. 131 East 23rd Street New York LI 15 $ .75 L89 $. 75 L10 J .75 L29 J. 75 LI $ .75 L33 $ .75 M65 J1.00 L143 $.75 M45 J .60 For special sizes see current price list. L67 si. oo Will Bradley's Art Sen ice for Advertisers L 141 } .75 LI5I * 75 LI44 91.00 L 37 $ .75 L 138 $ .75 M18 $£0 L42 $ .75 L4 S .75 L86 *.?5 L31 J.75 Alxne prices are for electrotypes, size as shown. 131 East 23rd Street New York L23 $1.00 L64 $1.00 L25 $1.00 L63 $100 L70 $1.00 L68 $«.00 L209 $ .75 L 183 $ .60 M81 $.75 L77 $1.00 LI70 $75 For special sizes see current price list. L 172 $.75 Will Bradley's Art Sen ice for Advertisers M 70 $ .75 L 153 $ .75 L 19 $ .75 L 1 1 $ .75 M 34 $ .75 M63 $ .75 L 9 $ .75 L 34 $ .75 L54 $1.00 M 72 $ .75 L44 $1.00 M86 $.75 L45 $1.00 M 71 $ .75 Above prices are for electrotypes, size as shown. 131 East 23rd Street New York L64 % .65 FL9 I .75 L74 $1.00 L9I % .75 L15 * .75 L 18 $ .75 L4! S .75 L107 J £5 LI77 t .85 For special sizes see current price list. ^V*"^ L32 J .75 Will Bradlev's Art Service for Advertisers L2I8 $ .85 M 40 $ .85 L21 $1.00 L22 $1.00 L 176 $ .60 L 13 $ .75 L72 $1.00 L 188 $ .75 L 216 $ .75 L 194 $. 75 M 39 $ .85 L 76 $1.00 L 165 $ .85 L 168 $ .75 Alx>ve prices are for electrotypes, size as shown. 131 East 23rd Street New York L 324 * .60 L 323 S .60 L 126 $ .75 L47 SI. 00 L48 JI.00 LI33 $100 For special sizes see current price list. L46 JI.00 Will Bradley's Art Sen ice for Advertisers L7I $1.00 L 2 $ .75 L66 $1.00 L 296 $ .85 L80 $1.00 LI " $ 60 L 110 $ .60 L56 $1.00 L40 $ .75 M 10 $ .75 L27 $1.00 L182 $1j00 M82 * .60 L 199 $ £5 Above prices are for electrotypes, size as shown. 131 East 23rd Street New York ? Pro € rani3i L8I * .85 L266 $ .85 L21I * .85 L265 $ .85 LI 13 $1.00 M33 S .75 L256 J .85 For special sizes see current price list. Will Bradley's Art Service for Advertisers L 181 $1.00 L204 $ .85 L 130 $ .85 L62 $1.00 LI40 $1.25 LI2I $.85 L157 $.75 Alxne prices are for electrotypes, size as shown. 131 East 23rd Street New York M 36 I .75 L217 11.00 L75 II. 00 LI 34 1.75 LI55 I .75 L59 11.00 L78 1100 L24 11.00 L69 1100 L180 I .75 L49 11.00 For special sizes see current price list. L 150 I .75 Will Bradley's Art Service for Advertisers L201 $1.00 L196 $1.00 L214 $ .75 L19I $1.00 L 187 $ .85 L 193 $ .85 L 186 $ .85 L 195 $ .75 L 184 $ .60 L36 $.75 L173 $75 L 198 $1.00 Above prices are for electrotypes, size as shown. L2I2 $.75 131 East 23rd Street New York L 179 $1.00 L200 $ .75 L 169 $ .75 LIOI $1.00 L208 $" For special sizes see current price list. LI66 $.75 Will Bradley's Art Service for Advertisers M85 $1.00 L243 $1.35 L53 $1.00 Above prices are for electrotypes, size as shown. 131 East 23rd Street New York M 146 $1.35 DL68 $1.35 M 144 $1.35 Will Bradley's Art Service for Advertisers Plates can be furnished in any size required 131 East 23rd Street New York Plates can be furnished in any size required Will Bradley's Art Service for Advertisers •ir-.."vy\/TK > j c j s • > + < . . . w \ N • >. ^s m - > \ I < ; ' c ) E% ^ / ( > i * '\j\fs* K * Plates can be furnished in any size required 131 East 23rd Street New York The Highest Class a Salesmanship F t In A Mock of Caaloo or any hgh< face raua letter ui dixs pewinon within the border. The wle to the adrertiaenrtnt placed ai indi- cated abo»t The addreaa in three abort line* below. A combrnanoii which hat dubneuon, balance and harmony. A ■Method rod form worthy of die hagbeat ch». of roeichandmog. Apvropiatc for a* ndvcraiemeni, • catalogue, j ride page, • circular or a folder. 1 C^S ABU cS^b w^^ara.CwbJiwfc.^aaJraww^waa' UJi? Wail Cow.*-, wi-wiiawt rw - wwwl a «-*» ,,!« aa . w . r— . fr~* » .w. aww wwe (=16) ^aawwawwoW^^lwrw-a/CdUWw.. < C*'* fcj W >«. Caawr wwaV if a> waww. {Sl^i a»w.^iwna./>* l r»rtl« fW ««>W>rwa/aVa<<> > n»s*>®<*5 F S S F N T 1 A 1. W I T H I H ES F I) F S I Ci N S i J m si .65 !*4**5$ 1. 283 $ .85 I 284 $ .85 Above prices arc tor electrotypes, size as shown. 131 East Twenty third Street New York 1' 79 $ .85 P 50 JI.35 For special sizes see current price list. Will Bradley's Art Service for Advertisers / $ \f& / r* IT TAKES A BRASS BAN L) TO SELL SOME GOODS NOT SO Wl I H OURS mm | MAGAZINE ■ i * Will Bradley's Art Service lor Advertisers* QL.&. ^L &L ^ QJ&. Plates can he furnished h 131 K;ist Twenty thirti Street New York F 77 Plates ran i>e furnished in any size recjuire*! Kast Tu cm \ -third Street New York R< \ p 1- () R A O E A D V E R IIS K M E N I S COVER BORDERS \ I) OTHER FORM S OF REFINE I) V R I N T IXC il 75 special sizes sec current price list, Will Bradley's Art Service for Advertisers P 49 JI.65 P 4 $1.75 Above prices for electrotypes, size as shown. 131 East Twenty-third Street New York P 55 $1.75 P8 $1.75 For special sizes see current price list. Will Bradley's Art Service lor Advertisers \l 165 &33 LiU sf^Srriiii M 149 $1.00 Hundreds ot Borders arc available in any size and proportion tor Magazine and Catalogue pages and Genera Printing M 166 $ .75 ' M 167 $1.35 Alxne prices are lor electron pes, size as shown. 131 East Twenty third Street New York -»»5$<^M«3s>3#cccc- v K F 122 — , — __J 4^ Alt 37 AB W Will Bnulie\ "s Ar; Sen ice for Advertisers Th. Mot, fSsI^ £} '«(?■ J M HARWOOD L PRICE T i ii i H .. r ,i , #•<« 8&M B H Useful Tint Borders and Background Designs 131 Kast T\ventv -third Street New York THE FIRM NAME LABEL TINT if Bill of Fare i< li j^," ' * "". vC" THE TITLE HERE A Simple M e d .v I I i o n F. I J T H 1 FOR THE N A M E C 16 D 13 C 17 Catalogue and Booklet Covers and Lal)el Tints Will Bradley's Art Service for Advertisers r ,1 PROGRAM ^ for the season 1913-1914 AB42 I.. G I FTS of Choice SILVERWARE delicately suggest Personality and indicate Good Taste Our Designs are Exclusive, Beautiful and of Refined Individuality ON I HOPE TO HAVE THE PLEASURE OF ACCORDING YOU AN ADVANCE SHOWING OF OUR LINE FOR NEXT SEASON DIAMONDS PEARLS JEWELRY SILVER WATCHES CLOCKS B40 New Price List JANUARY 1915 A blocked zinc etching may be had of any of our designs in any size desired at the following rates : Small Sizes When the longest dimension does not exceed : I inch 75 cents; 2 inches $1.; 3 inches $1.50 Above Three Inches When the longest dimension exceeds 3 inches: $ 1 for the use of design, plus eight cents per square inch for plate. Minimum $2.00 Alteration $1 additional charge for change of proportion. Color Plates Any design may be had for two colors, at double the cost of same for one color. The above prices are upon the basis of cash with the order. By this plan we offer 5 percent discount on immediate cash payment on any order above $ I 0, and 1 percent discount on immediate cash payment on any order above $25. Prices include mailing. Will Bradley's Art Service for Advertisers 131 East 23rd Street New York CUTS FROM WILL BRADLEY'S ART SERVICE ARE ALL NEW AND UP TO DATE IN DESIGN