BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF MODERN AUTHORS No. i BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF MODERN AUTHORS No. i ROBERT BRIDGES A a, Leslie Chaundy & Co. 40 Maddox Street London THE THANKS of the compilers are due to MR. ROBERT BRIDGES, who has kindly revised the proofs of this Bibliography, and also to the Editor of "The London Mercury" for his assistance. PAPERS written for periodicals and not reprinted are not included. .7921 IBLIOGRAPHY OF THE WORKS OF ROBERT BRIDGES VERSE POEMS. Pickering, 1873 THE GROWTH OF LOVE. Poem in 24 Sonnets. Edward Bumpus, 1876 DITTO. Poem in 76 Sonnets. Roman Fell Type, Daniel, Oxford, 1889 DITTO. In Black Letter. No date DITTO. Reprint of Daniel. Printed for Thomas B. Mosher, Portland Maine, 1894 CARMEN ELEGIACUM DE NOSO- COMIO STL BARTOLOMAEI, pp. 23. Edward Bumpus, Londini, 1877 POEMS. By the Author of The Growth of Love/* pp. 51 Edward Bumpus, 1879 POEMS. Bv the Author of " The Growth of Love. ' 3rd Series, pp. 27 Edward Bumpus, 1880 PROMETHEUS, THE FIREGIVER. pp. 72. Roman Fell Type, Daniel, 1883 DITTO. Chiswick Press, George Bell & Sons, 1884 POEMS by Robert Bridges. Selection from previous series, etc. pp. 52 Roman Fell Type, Daniel, 1884 PLAYS; Eight Plays : NERO (part one), (two editions) ; PALICIO, ULYSSES, CAPTIVES,ACHILLES IN SCYROS, HUMOURS "OF 'THE COURT, FEAST OF BACCHUS, NERO (part two). Issued separately. 4to., double colums, except Feast of Bacchus. Pagination continuous, pp.264 Edward Bumpus and George Bell, 1885-1894 FEAST OF BACCHUS. Original edition. pp. 96. Roman Fell Type, Daniel, 1889 ACHILLES IN SCYROS. Uniform with Bell's Shorter Poems. Bell, 1892 HUMOURS OF THE COURT AND OTHER POEMS (First Edition of Book 5 of Shorter Poems), pp. 185 Bell & Macmillan, Boston, Mass., 1893 EROS AND PSYCHE. A Poem in twelve measures, pp. 158 Chiswick Press, George Bell & Sons, 1885 DITTO. Second Revised Edition, indifferent format, pp. 170 George Bell & Sons, 1894 SHORTER POEMS. pp. 91. Four Books. Frequent re-issues. George Bell & Sons, 1890 DITTO, pp. 1 1 6. New Edition with Book Five added. Frequent re-issues, some with portrait. Bell, 1899 DITTO. In Black Letter. In five books, paged separately with general index. Daniel, 1894 ODE FOR THE BICENTENARY COMMEMORATION OF HENRY PURCELL, with Other Poems and a preface on the Musical Setting of Poetry. Shilling Garland No. 2 Elkin Mathews, 1896 POETICAL WORKS. Six Volumes. Smith, Elder, 1898-1905 EDEN. An Oratorio. (Set to music by C. V. StanfoVd). pp. 40. Uniform with Shorter Poems. Bell, 1891 NOW IN WINTRY DELIGHTS. A Poem in quantitive hexameters, with a note on prosody. Daniel, 1903 PEACE ODE WRITTEN ON THE CONCLUSION OF THE THREE YEARS WAR. Daniel, 1903 DEMETER, A MASQUE. Uniform with Smith Elder edn. Clarendon Press, 1905 3 ' AN INVITATION TO THE PAGEANT. ODE. The Oxford Pageant Book, 1907 POETICAL WORKS, excluding the Eight Dramas. Clarendon Press, 1912 POEMS WRITTEN IN THE YEAR 1913. Privately printed by St. John Hornby. Ashendene Press, 1914 IBANT OBSCURI. An Essay on the Virgilian Hexameter with translation from Virgil. New Quarterly, Jan. 1 909 DITTO. Revised and augmented with a translation from Homer and notes. Clarendon Press, 1916 FOUNDERS DAY. A Secular Ode on the Ninth Jubilee of Eton College. pp.8. 4to. Daniel, 1891 BRITANNIA VICTRIX. pp. 4, unnum- bered. Post 8vo. Oxford University Press, Nov. 23rd, 1918 OCTOBER AND OTHER POEMS. Viz., reprint of Poems written in the Year 1913, with Poems written during the War, and others. Heineman, 1920 PROSE, ETC AN ACCOUNT OF THE CASUALTY DEPARTMENT. St. Bartholomew's Hospital Reports. Vol. 14 1878 DITTO. Reprinted " Charity Organization Review." August, 1 890, and elsewhere. ON THE ELEMENTS OF MILTON'S BLANK VERSE IN PARADISE LOST. Introduction to Milton's Paradise Lost, Book i. Clarendon Press Series, 1887 DITTO. Issued as separate tract in various editions. Especially as Milton's Prosody, pp. 80 1893 DITTO. With William Stone's "Classical Metres in English Verse." pp. 175 1901 DITTO. Final Revised Edition, much amended. 8vo. 1921 A LETTER TO A MUSICIAN ON ENGLISH PROSODY. In "The Musical Antiquary." October, 1909 DITTO. Reprinted in Poetry and Drama. September, 1914 5 JOHN KEATS. A Critical Essay. Written for the Muses' Library (Keats) and sold separately in a limited edition. Bullen, 1895 DITTO. Revised for Poetical Works of John Keats. Hodder & Stoughton, 1916 ON THE INFLUENCE OF THE AUDIENCE. Bullen's Edition of Shakespeare's Works. Vol. 10. 1907 POEMS by Richard Watson D'ixon, selected with a memoir, pp. xlvi. 4- 196 Smith Elder, 1909 ON THE PRESENT STATE OF ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION. In Essays and Studies. English Association, 1910 DITTO. Enlarged, with four plates, pp. 76 Oxford University Press, 1913 POEMS by Digby Mackworth Dolben. Edited with a memoir, pp. cxi. -f 12 9, and 4 plates. Oxford University Press, 1911 DITTO. Cheap Edition, with one Portrait. 1915 POEMS of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Edited with notes, two portraits, and facsimiles. Oxford University Press, 1918 6 THE SPIRIT OF MAN. An Anthology in English and French, with notes. Frequent re-issues. Longmans, 1916 AN ADDRESS TO THE SWINDON BRANCH OF THE WORKERS' EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. Clarendon Press, 1916 THE NECESSITY OF POETRY. An Address. Clarendon Press, 1918 ON ENGLISH HOMOPHONES. (S.P.E. Tract No. 2) Oxford, 1919 THE YATTENDON HYMNAL. 100 hymns in full music = score and words, with 30 pages of annotations and index. Issued in 4 sections, folio and 4to. sizes. Oxford University Press, 1895-1900 DITTO. 2nd Issue, without annotations. 4to. Blackwell, Oxford DITTO. 3rd Issue, as first edition, from original plates. 4to. Oxford University Press, 1920 THE SMALL HYMNAL. Namely, the word book of above. Several editions. Blackwell, 1899, etc. HYMNS FOR THE Y. H. by R. B. Namely, the original words and transla- tions by R.B. for some of the tunes. Black letter, pp. 62 + 9. Daniel (no date) A PRACTICAL DISCOURSE ON SOME PRINCIPLES OF HYMNOLOGY. First number of the Journal of Theo- logical Studies, pp. 40-63 Macmillan, October, 1899 DITTO. Reprinted as a pamphlet by Blackwell YATTENDON PSALTER. Chants for the Month as used in choir. Folio lithographed M.S. Private issue, 1896 CHANTING. Two Papers in the Musical Antiquary : English Chanting, April, 1911 ; Anglican Chanting, Jan., 1912 DITTO. Condensed in the Dictionary of the Prayer Book. PRINTED AT THE PRESS OF HARDING AND CURTIS, LTD., BATH. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY