IRLF SB 20 t,3S STATE OF KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Laws Relating to Education SESSION OF 1919 GIFT OF STATE OF KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Laws Relating to Education Session of 1919 KANSAS STATE PRINTING PLANT IMRI ZUMWALT, STATE PRINTER TOPEKA. 1919 7-6603 V , b LAWS RELATING TO EDUCATION CHAPTER 50. STATE SCHOOL BOOK COMMISSION FOR THE FISCAL YEARS ENDING JUNE 30, 1919, 1920 AND 1921. House bill No. 446. AN ACT making appropriation to the State School Book Commission for a revolving fund available for the purchase of printers' and binders' stock for the manufacture of school books, for the payment of labor in the manufacture of school books, for the payment of copyrights, royalties, the payment of authors, compilers, critics, artists, editors and stenographers, for the payment of the salary of the secretary and the expenses of his office, and the per diem and expenses of members of the State School Book Commission, under the provisions of chapter 105, General Statutes of 1915, for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1919, June 30, 1920, June 30, 1921, and appropriation for a building fund for the purpose of erecting an addition to the present state print- ing plant on grounds already belonging to the state. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. There is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the state treasury, not otherwise appropriated, to the State School Book Commission for a revolving fund for the making of school books, for the purchase of copyrights, the payment of royalties, payment of authors, compilers, critics, artists, edi- tors, advisors, stenographers, and for the salary of the secre- tary, the expenses of his office, and the payment of clerical help in the secretary's office, for the per diem and expenses of the members of the State School Book Commission, pursuant to chapter 105, General Statutes of 1915, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1919, $50,000.00, which shall be credited by the state treasurer and made available on and immediately after the date on which this act shall go into effect, and the state treasurer shall notify the auditor of state of such credit and the auditor of state shall make proper entries on his records showing such transfer. SEC. 2. There is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the state treasury, not otherwise appropriated, to the State School Book Commission for a building fund for the erection of an addition to the state printing plant on grounds belonging to the state, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920, $35,000.00, any unexpended balance remaining in this fund at the close of the fiscal year of 1920 being reappropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1921. SEC. 3. That any unexpended balance remaining in the re- volving fund, as provided by section 1 of this act and by chap- ter .45 of the Laws of 1917, at the end of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1919, and any unexpended balances remaining in the copyright fund and the fund for the salary of the secretary of the commission, the expenses of his office, and the payment cf clerical help in the secretary's office, per diem and expenses (3) Relating to Education. of the members of the commission, and for incidental expenses, as provided by chapter 45 of the Session Laws of 1917, at the end of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1919, are hereby reappro- priated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920, and any unex- pended balance at the end of the fiscal year 1920 is hereby re- appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1921. SEC. 4. That all money received by the secretary of the State School Book Commission for the sale of books published by the state shall be deposited by said secretary in the state treasury, and shall be credited by the state treasurer to the revolving fund of the State School Book Commission: Provided, that whenever the amount accumulated in the revolving fund of the School Book Commission, as hereinbefore provided, shall at the end of any fiscal year exceed the sum of $100,000.00, it shall be the duty of the state treasurer, and he is hereby directed and required to transfer all of the excess of said revolving fund over and above said sum of $100,000.00 to the general revenue fund of the state. SEC. 5. The auditor of state is hereby authorized to draw his warrants on the treasurer of state for the several funds and for the sums and for the purposes above mentioned, upon presenta- tion of verified vouchers, approved by the chairman and secre- tary of the State School Book Commission. SEC. 6. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the official state paper. Approved March 8, 1919. Published in official state paper March 10, 1919. CHAPTER 51. EXTENSION WORK IN AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS UNDER SMITH-LEVER ACT TO KANSAS STATE AGRICUL- TURAL COLLEGE FOR FISCAL YEARS ENDING JUNE 30, 1920 AND 1921. Senate bill No. 296. AN ACT making appropriations to provide funds for the duplication of federal funds for extension work in agriculture and home economics. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. That for the purpose of duplicating federal funds for cooperative extension work in agriculture and home eco- nomics in Kansas to be carried on under the direction and supervision of the Kansas State Agricultural College, under the provisions of the federal Smith-Lever act, there is hereby appropriated to the Kansas State Agricultural College for said purpose, out of any money in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920, $63,- Laws Relating to Education. 5 073.65; anil for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1921, $75,- 203.20. SEC. 2. The auditor of state is hereby authorized to draw his warrants upon the treasurer of state for the purpose herein provided, upon duly itemized and approved vouchers by the State Board of Administration, or by such officer or person as they may authorize to approve said vouchers. SEC. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the statute book. Approved March 3, 1919. CHAPTER 52. NORMAL TRAINING IN HIGH SCHOOLS AND DISTRIBUTION OF STATE FUNDS IN AID OF SUCH TRAINING FOR FISCAL YEARS ENDING JUNE 30, 1920 AND 1921. House bill No. 707. AN ACT to provide appropriations for normal training in high schools in compliance with chapter 212 of the Session Laws of 1909 and chap- ter 24 of the Session Laws of 1911, and to provide for the introduction of industrial training in certain high schools. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. There is hereby appropriated for normal train- ing courses in high schools, seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,- 000) for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920, and seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000) for the year ending June 30, 1921, or so much thereof as may be necessary to carry out the pro- visions of the normal training act of 1909, being chapter 212 thereof, also provisions of the normal training act of 1911, being chapter 24 thereof, and the rules and regulations of the State Board of Education made in accordance therewith : Pro- vided, no high schools situated in the cities having state normal schools shall receive such aid. SEC. 2. There is hereby appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920, sixty thousand dollars ($60,000) and for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1921, sixty thousand dollars ($60,000) to be expended as follows, and to be distributed in the same manner as is provided for the distribution of the state aid for normal training courses. Any high schools that now maintain a normal training course under the provisions of chapter 212 of the Session Laws of 1909, and the 24th chapter of the Session Laws of 1911, or that shall put into operation such normal training course, shall be entitled to the sum of five hundred dollars ($500) per annum: Provided, that such schools shall also maintain courses in the elements of agricul- ture and domestic science under such provisions and regula- 6 Laws Relating to Education. tions as may be established by the State Board of Education : And provided further, that no such school shall be eligible to the five hundred dollars ($500) annual state aid or any part thereof that shall not have at least ten pupils enrolled in such industrial courses each semester : Provided, that the money appropriated for the purposes of this act shall not be used to pay the salary and traveling expenses of high school inspection: Provided, that application for appointment herein shall be made not later than May 1st of each year: And provided further, that no appointment shall be made until all schools eligible to re- ceive aid are listed, and if the amounts of money appropriated under this act are not sufficient to meet the requirements as provided by law, then said distribution shall be prorated among all the high schools of the state making application therefor and being eligible to the appropriation provided for in this act. SEC. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the statute book. Approved March 19, 1919. CHAPTER 53. STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION FOR DISTRIBUTION OF FED- ERAL FUNDS FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. Senate bill No. 425. AN ACT making an appropriation for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of chapter 280 of the Session Laws of 1917. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. For the use of the State Board of Education in carrying out the provisions of chapter 280 of the Session Laws of 1917 there is hereby appropriated out of any money in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated the sum of $52,541 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920, and the sum of $63,370 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1921. SEC. 2. The state auditor is hereby authorized and directed to draw his warrants on the state treasurer for the purpose mentioned in section 1 of this act upon vouchers approved by the state superintendent of public instruction. SEC. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the statute book. Approved March 12, 1919. Laivs Relating to Education. CHAPTER 54. STATE AID FOR SCHOOL DISTRICTS FOR FISCAL YEARS ENDING JUNE 30, 1920 AND 1921. House bill No. 706. AN ACT making an appropriation to provide state aid for certain school districts in compliance with chapter 268 of the Session Laws of 1911, for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1920, and June 30, 1921. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. That for the purpose of carrying out the pro- visions of chapter 268, Session Laws of 1911, providing for state aid for certain school districts, there is hereby appro- priated out of any money in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920, and the sum of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1921 : Provided, that if the amount so appropriated is not sufficient to pay the full sum to which each district is entitled under the provisions of said chapter 268, Session Laws of 1911, that it shall be divided pro rata among the several districts in proportion, for the amount asked for by the county superin- tendent: Provided further, that the one-fourth to be paid by the county, if insufficient, be prorated among the districts entitled to such aid. SEC. 2. The auditor of state is hereby authorized to draw his warrants upon the treasurer of state for the purposes of carrying out the provisions of chapter 268, Session Laws of 1911, and in accordance with the provisions thereof. SEC. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the statute book. Approved March 19, 1919. CHAPTER 55. FOR SUPPORT OF SCHOOLS IN DISTRICT 75, LANSING, KANSAS, FOR FISCAL YEARS ENDING JUNE 30, 1920 AND 1921. Senate bill No. 207. AN ACT making appropriation to aid in the support and maintenance of the schools in district No. 75 located at Lansing, Leavenworth county, Kansas, for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1920, and June 30, 1921. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas : SECTION 1. That there is hereby appropriated out of any money in the state treasury, the sum of one thousand dollars for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920, and one thousand dol- lars for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1921, to be used by the board of directors of school district No. 75, located in Lansing, 8 Laivs Relating to Education. Leavenworth county, Kansas, in aid of the teachers and inci- dental fund raised by said school district No. 75, at Lansing, Leavenworth county, Kansas. SEC. 2. The auditor of state is hereby ordered to draw his warrants on the treasurer of state for the sum specified in sec- tion 1 of this act, upon properly itemized and verified vouchers of the treasurer of school district No. 75, located at Lansing, Leavenworth county, Kansas, approved by the director and clerk of said school district No. 75 ; said warrants to be in the sum of one thousand dollars each, one warrant payable on the first day of September, 1919, and the other warrant payable on the first day of September, 1920. SEC. 3. All acts and parts of acts in conflict with the provi- sions of this act are hereby repealed. SEC. 4. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in. the statute book. Approved February 21, 1919. CHAPTER 93. RELATING TO THE REGISTRATION AND CANCELLATION OF BONDS ISSUED BY MUNICIPALITIES. House bill No. 102. RELATING to registration and cancellation of all bonds issued by cities, counties, townships, school districts or other municipal corporations within the state of Kansas, providing for certified transcripts of the proceedings leading up to the issuance of such bonds to be filed with the auditor of state, amending section 645 of the General Statutes of 1915, and repealing sections 635, 636 and 645 of the General Statutes of 1915. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. That before any bond hereafter issued by any city, county, township, school district, board of education, drainage district or other municipal corporation or district shall become a valid obligation a full and complete transcript properly certified of the proceedings leading up to its issuance shall be filed with the auditor of state and said bond shall be registered in the office of the auditor of state in proper records kept for that purpose, and after being so registered, the state auditor shall under the seal of his office certify upon said bonds the fact that they have been so registered. SEC. 2. Section 645 of the General Statutes of 1915 is amended to read as follows: Sec. 645. The clerk of every county, city, township, school district, drainage district, board of education, and other districts authorized to issue bonds, issuing bonds, shall register the same in his office. Such bonds Laivs Relating to Education. 9 shall also, in every case, except city bonds and bonds issued by boards of education, be registered by the county clerk, showing the date, number and amount thereof, rate of interest, number of coupons and amount of each, to whom payable, where payable, date of maturity, and if optional, under what conditions. And all bonds refunded shall have the words "Paid in full" marked in a plain manner across the face of each bond and coupon so refunded; and such canceled obliga- tion shall be carefully preserved in the office of the county clerk, or destroyed by the county commissioners, a register of the number, amount and date of issue having been first made by the county clerk. The proper officers shall, at the time of issuing refunding bonds, make out and transfer to the auditor of state a certified statement of all proceedings had by the proper board or city council, as shown of record, and that the said bonds have been issued for certain indebtedness surrendered, distinctly describing the bonds issued and the indebtedness surrendered, and that they have been duly regis- tered by the attesting clerk and the county clerk, as required herein; which statement shall be in such form and include such other information as the auditor of state may require, and be signed by all the officers whose signatures are attached to such bonds, and attested by the proper clerk with the cor- porate seal of the county, city, township, school district, drain- age district, or board of education, if any, and be duly ac- knowledged before the county clerk. And the auditor shall register the said bonds in his office in a book kept for that purpose, and shall under seal of his office certify upon such bonds the fact that they have been so registered. SEC. 3. It is hereby made the duty of the fiscal agents of the state of Kansas upon the payment of any bond of any municipality mentioned in section 1 of this act to cancel the same and deliver it to the auditor of state, whose duty it shall be to cancel the same of record in his office and to return said canceled bond to the clerk of the municipality issuing same. No fee shall be charged said municipality by any of the officers mentioned above in connection with the registra- tion or cancellation of said bonds: Provided, however, that this provision shall not apply to the regular statutory fiscal agency fees. SEC. 4. It is hereby made the duty of the auditor of state to revise the bond records in his office by canceling of record all bonds which have heretofore been paid, and for the pur- pose of enabling him to carry out the provisions of this act it is hereby made the duty of the clerk of each city, county, township, school district, drainage district, board of education or other municipal corporation, to furnish to the said auditor of state a sworn statement of all outstanding bonded indebted- ness in such form as said auditor shall direct, and said clerks 10 Laws Relating to Education. shall render any other necessary assistance required in the perfecting of said records. SEC. 5. Original sections 635, 636 and 645 of the General Statutes of 1915 be and the same are hereby repealed. SEC. 6. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the statute book. Approved March 11, 1919. CHAPTER 94. INVESTMENT OF COUNTY, TOWNSHIP, CITY OR SCHOOL DISTRICT SINKING FUND. Substitute for Senate bill No. 44. AN ACT relating to the investment of county, township, city or school dis- trict sinking fund, and amending section 680 of the General Statutes of 1915, and repealing such original section. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. That section 680 of the General Statutes of Kan- sas of 1915 be amended to read as follows : Sec. 680. That the proper officers having charge and control of any moneys which have been or may hereafter be levied and collected as a sinking fund to redeem the outstanding bonds of any county, township, city or school district may invest such sinking fund by pur- chasing the bonds of any county, township, city or school dis- trict within the state of Kansas, subject to the following con- ditions: First, no such bonds shall be purchased unless the same shall be accompanied by a certificate of the attorney- general of the state of Kansas in accordance with section 6 of chapter 110 of the General Statutes of 1909 of the state of Kansas, showing such bonds to be acceptable as security for deposit of state funds under the state depository law. Second, no such bonds shall be purchased under this act which shall not mature and become due at or prior to the time fixed for the payment of the bonds for which such sinking fund was created. Third, no sinking fund shall be invested under this act in the bonds of any county, township, city or school district where the bonded and floating indebtedness thereof shall exceed ten percent of its total assessed valuation as shown by the last as- sessment preceding such investment. Fourth, any officer or officers investing sinking funds under this act shall be author- ized to pay such premium as may be necessary to secure the bonds desired in the open market : Provided, that no premium shall be paid for any bonds purchased under this act which shall have the effect of reducing the annual income from such investment to less than three percent : Provided further, that in cities of the first class having a population in excess of Laws Relating to Education. 11 85,000, the proper officers having charge and control of moneys as hereinbefore described may and are authorized, in cases where work is being performed in and for such city, by an original contractor with such city, under contract and bonds as provided by law, and such city is about to, or has issued bonds to enable it to pay for such work or improvement, but such bonds have not been sold, or the proceeds of such bonds have not been received by such city, loan or advance to said con- tractor, out of such moneys held as a sinking fund or funds, upon a partial estimate duly issued to such contractor, and duly assigned to such city, for a period not exceeding ninety days, a sum of money not exceeding eighty-five percent of the amount of such partial estimate, at a rate of interest not less than four and one-half percent per annum, which moneys so loaned or advanced shall be immediately returned to and re- placed in the sinking fund from which the same has been taken out of the first moneys received by such city from the sale of said bonds. No such loan or advance, however, shall be made unless the bonds of said city issued or to be issued for the payment of such contract are to be sold within the said period of ninety days ; and no moneys shall be taken for the pur- pose of such loan or advance, from any sinking fund or funds, for the payment of bonds maturing within six months from the date of the making of such loan or advance. All moneys re- ceived as interest upon the loan or advance hereinbefore pro- vided for shall, upon its receipt by such officers, be immediately placed in the particular sinking fund from which such loan or advance was made and credited to, and thereafter form a part of such sinking fund. SEC. 2. That section 680 of the General Statutes of 1915 is hereby repealed. SEC. 3. That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after ; ts publication in the official state paper. Approved March 22, 1919. Published in official state paper March 31, 1919. 12 Laws Relating to Education. CHAPTER 95. RELATING TO THE REFUNDING OF OUTSTANDING INDEBTED- NESS BY THE VARIOUS COUNTIES, TOWNSHIPS, CITIES AND SCHOOL DISTRICTS IN THIS STATE. House bill No. 459. AN ACT relating to the refunding of outstanding indebtedness by the various counties, townships, cities and school districts in this state, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. That any county, township, city or school dis- trict in this state now having authority, or that may hereafter be authorized to refund its outstanding indebtedness shall issue such refunding bonds in installments of approximately equal amounts each year, none of which refunding bonds shall run for a longer period than thirty years, nor bear interest to exceed six per centum per annum, and shall annually there- after levy a tax in the same manner as other taxes are now levied to pay the installments of the principal and interest of such bonds next thereafter maturing, and collected in the same manner as may be provided by law for the collection of other taxes, it being the intention of the legislature to require that an aliquot part of the principal of such refunded bonds shall be paid annually. SEC. 2. That all acts and parts of acts in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. SEC. 3. That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the statute book. Approved March 15, 1919. CHAPTER 96. FLOATING INDEBTEDNESS IN TOWNSHIPS AND SCHOOL DIS- TRICTS; RETIREMENT BY ISSUANCE OF BONDS OR LEVY- ING TAX. Senate bill No. 76. AN ACT relating to the floating indebtedness of townships and school districts and providing for the retirement thereof by the issuance of bonds or the levy of a tax. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. Upon the presentation of a petition signed by 51 percent of the taxpayers of any township or school district, the board of township trustees of the various counties of the state of Kansas and the boards of education be and are hereby authorized and empowered to issue the bonds of such township Laws Relating to Education. 13 or school district in an amount sufficient to redeem and refund all outstanding floating indebtedness against such townships or school districts existing at the time of the passage of this act, including accumulated interest on outstanding warrants. The bonds shall be known and deemed as " Funding Bonds," and shall be issued in denominations in not less than one hundred ($100.00) dollars nor more than one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars, with interest coupons attached and shall bear interest at a rate not greater than six per cent (6%) per annum, payable semiannually, the first days of January and July in each year: Provided, however, that any township or school district not desiring to issue bonds hereinbefore provided for may levy a tax in lieu thereof, not exceeding three-tenths of a mill on the dollar of the taxable property in such township or school district, for the purpose of redeeming its outstanding and floating indebtedness: Provided, that this act shall not apply to boards of education or school districts pertaining to cities of the first class. SEC. 2. That said bonds shall be payable in not more than thirty years from the date thereof, and may be made payable in installments and shall be payable at the office of the fiscal agency of the state of Kansas at such time within the period aforesaid as the board of township trustees or boards of educa- tion shall designate. Each bond shall bear on its face the amount thereof, the rate of interest it bears, the number of such bonds, when issued, when and where payable, for what purpose issued, and be payable to bearer ; which bonds together with the coupons thereto attached shall be signed by the chair- man of the board and attested by the clerk of the county and each bond shall have the impression of the seal of the county thereon : Provided, that said bonds shall not be sold until regis- tered in the office of the county clerk and the office of the auditor of state and shall not be sold for less than par. SEC. 3. That all acts and all parts of acts in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. SEC. 4. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the official state paper. Approved February 27, 1919. Published in official state paper March 4, 1919. 14 Laws Relating to Education. CHAPTER 112. RELATING TO PUBLIC LIBRARIES, AND TO SUBMITTING THE QUESTION OF ESTABLISHMENT THEREOF. House bill No. 475. AN ACT relating to public libraries, and repealing section 949 of the General Statutes of Kansas for 1915. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. That upon the written petition of twenty-five percent of the resident taxpayers of any city presented to the mayor and city council or mayor and commissioners thereof, such mayor and council shall cause to be submitted to the legal voters of such city, at the first city election thereafter, or, if the petition so requests, at a special election to be called for that purpose, the question of the establishment and mainte- nance of a free public library and reading room by such city; and if a 'majority of the votes cast at such election on such proposition shall be in favor of the establishment and main- tenance of such library and reading room, the mayor and council or mayor and commissioners shall annually thereafter levy a tax in such sum as may be by resolution of the directors of the free library designated, not to exceed one mill on the dollar on all taxable property in such city subject to tax, to be levied and collected in a like manner with the other taxes of said city -and to be known as the library fund : Provided, that in cities having a population of 40,000 or more the levy herein provided for shall not exceed one-fourth of one mill. SEC. 2. That section 949 of the General Statutes of Kansas for 1915 is hereby repealed. SEC. 3. That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the statute book. Approved March 8, 1919. Laws Relating to Education. 15 CHAPTER 120. AUDITING ACCOUNTS OF CITIES FIRST CLASS, AND OF BOARDS OF EDUCATION IN SUCH CITIES. Senate bill No. 112. AN ACT relating to the auditing of the accounts of cities of the first class and boards of education in such cities and providing for the appoint- ment of accountants and the duties and compensation of such account- ants and the publication of such accountants' report. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. That in the month of May in each year, after the election and qualification of the city officers and members of the board of education, the mayor and city commissioners, or mayor and councilmen of each city of the first class in the state of Kansas, may cause a full and complete audit of the financial affairs of said city and the affairs of the board of edu- cation of said city to be made for the preceding two years; said audit shall embrace all moneys received from every source whatsoever, giving in detail the dates, the amounts, and sources from which received and the same shall be itemized in detail and shall bo made in duplicate ; said audit shall also embrace in detail all moneys paid out, the date of the payment, to whom paid, the amount of the payment and for what services, p'rop- erty or consideration the same was so paid ; also including all bonds issued, the amount of the same and for what the same were issued, the amount for which the same were sold, the rate of interest the bonds bear, to whom issued or sold, the premium received on the same and whether the same were sold at private or public sale, or on bids ; also to what fund the pro- ceeds were credited ; also show the amounts levied for a sink- ing fund on outstanding bonds or debts ; the amount received on account of such sinking fund ; the account to which the same was credited, the amount paid out on account of such sinking fund, and, in fine, all matters relating to the sinking fund shall be specifically shown. The series of bonds to which the sink- ing fund relates shall be shown ; said audit shall also show the purchase or condemnation of all property for street and alley purposes, the acquirement of rights of way for sewer purposes and also all land acquired by the city or board of education and all expenses of every kind incurred by the city or board of edu- cation, the amount thereof, to whom paid, the amount paid to each appraiser, giving his name and the time employed ; each condemnation or appropriation of property shall be made sep- arately and in detail and the same shall be made in duplicate and both signed as originals by the auditing committee or ac- countant, and certified by the city clerk, as correct; one copy shall be journalized and kept by the city clerk and the other 16 Laivs Relating to Education. shall be kept in the city clerk's office, for the use of the public at all times during business hours, for examination and mak- ing copies of the same, or any item or part thereof : Provided, that this act does not apply to cities having a population of less than 50,000 which have a city auditor. SEC. 2. That after the said audit is made, if a petition is filed with the city clerk, signed by one hundred taxpayers in said city, praying that the same be published in the official city paper, then the same shall be ordered published by the mayor and councilmen, or mayor and board of commissioners in such city, in twenty (20) days from the filing of such peti- tion, and the same shall be paid for by the city at the same rate as other city printing is paid for, as provided by law. SEC. 3. That the auditing committee shall consist of two persons, who shall be expert bookkeepers or public account- ants, one selected by the city authorities and one by the judge or judges of the district court of the county in which the city is situated, upon an application filed with the judges by the city attorney of the city, or by five taxpayers, in the event that the city attorney does not make the application. SEC. 4. No person shall be appointed as an accountant who solicits the appointment, either directly or indirectly, or who has been employed by the city within two years prior to his appointment, or who is related to either of said judges, or any member of the city council or board of commissioners or a city official, or any member of the board of education, or who is, in any way, connected with, or related to, any person, who was a city official or member of the board of education within two years prior to the date of the appointment. And the said accountants shall take an oath to the facts set out in the report, referred to in section one hereinbefore, and also that they will each honestly, faithfully and truthfully perform their duties as set out in this act. Said accountants shall be paid not to exceed $15.00 per day and actual necessary expense for the time employed, and eight hours shall be counted as a day, and they shall make oath of the time employed, and said account- ants shall be entitled to a stenographer, to be furnished by the city, who shall make the report herein set forth, in duplicate. SEC. 5. Said auditing committee shall make and file its re- port in duplicate in the month of July following the appoint- ment. SEC. 6. That if the said city officials shall fail, in the month of May, following the election of the city officials, to proceed to carry out the provisions of this act, then any five taxpayers may file a petition in the district court of the county, and the same shall be acted upon by the judge, or if more than one judge, by the judges of the district court of the county, in ten (10) days from the date of the filing thereof, and said judge or judges shall then appoint said persons to make the audit, and Laws Relating to Education. 17 the city shall not have the power to make any appointment, and said appointees of the judge or judges shall make said audit or report, all as set out in this act, and the city shall pay for their services in twenty (20) days after the report is made and filed. SEC. 7. That if said auditing committee fails to make and file its report, in duplicate within thirty-five (35) days from the date of its appointment, it shall forfeit all compensation, and if it fails to substantially comply witn the terms of the act as to the matters, things and facts required to be set out in such report and in detail, no compensation shall be allowed to them for their services until the said report shall be fully cor- rected and amended, so as to show all of the facts, matters and things required by this act. Said accountants may at any time within twenty days after filing of their said report make such corrections or amendments to said report as may be necessary to state the facts. SEC. 8. That it is hereby made the duty of the city treasurer, the city clerk, the city engineer, mayor and councilmen of said city, or mayor and board of commissioners of said city, the president of the school board and the members thereof, the secretary of the school board and the treasurer of the school board and all other persons in the employ of the city, to furnish and give to said accountants all information they, or any of them, possess, which shall enable such accountants to make said audit and report complete, and all said officials hereinbe^ fore mentioned shall place at the disposal of said accountants all records, books, papers, documents, checks, vouchers, re- ceipts and memoranda in their possession or under their con- trol that the said accountants may need and demand to enable them to make said report fully and correctly, as hereinbefore set forth. SEC. 9. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the statute book. Approved March 18, 1919. 2 Instruction 6603 18 Laws Relating to Education. CHAPTER 139. ENABLING BOARDS OF EDUCATION IN CITIES OF THE SEC- OND CLASS TO COMPLETE THE CONSTRUCTION OF AND TO EQUIP AND FURNISH SCHOOL BUILDINGS WHERE THE FUNDS NOW PROVIDED ARE INSUFFICIENT. House bill No. 349. AN ACT to enable boards of education in cities of the second class to com- plete the construction of and to equip and furnish school buildings where the funds now provided for are insufficient for that purpose and supplemental to chapter 272 of the Laws of Kansas of 1917 and supple- mental to sections 10889, 10890 and 10892 of the General Statutes of Kansas for 1915. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. That in any city of the second class in the state of Kansas, and located in a county having a population of more than 30,000, where the people have, prior to January 1, 1919, and pursuant to the provisions of chapter 272 of the Session Laws of Kansas for 1917 and sections 10889, 10890 and 10892 of the General Statutes of Kansas for 1915 voted in favor of the construction of a school building, or for the building, fur- nishing and equipping of a school building, and the issuance of bonds to provide funds therefor, and where the board of edu- cation of such city has begun the actual construction of said building, or purchased the site for said school building, or any material to be used in constructing or equipping said school building, and it is found by said board of education that the funds now authorized or voted for the same are insufficient or inadequate to complete said building or to properly equip and furnish the same, the said board of education is hereby authorized and empowered to issue and sell additional bonds in such sum as may be necessary for such purpose, provided the amount of such bonds, in addition to those already authorized or issued shall in no case exceed the sum of fifty thousand dol- lars: And provided further, that the provisions of this act shall expire after two years from the passage thereof. SEC. 2. That before any bonds shall be issued by any board of education of any city of the second class as provided by sec- tion one of this act it shall not be necessary to hold or call an additional election for that purpose, but said board of educa- tion shall first give notice by publication in a newspaper pub- lished in such city for a period of four consecutive weeks prior to the issuance of said bonds, which notice shall state the ob- ject and purpose of said bonds and the date on which they shall be issued, and said bonds shall bear the same rate of in- terest, run the same period of time, be executed in the same manner and be subject to all other laws applying to the bonds already authorized for said purpose. Laivs Relating to Education. 19 SEC. 3. This act is supplemental to chapter 272 of the Ses- sion Laws of Kansas for 1917 and sections 10889, 10890 and 10892 of the General Statutes of Kansas for 1915. SEC. 4. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the official state paper. Approved March 3, 1919. Published in official state paper March 6, 1919. CHAPTER 142. AUTHORIZING LEVY OF TAX FOR PURCHASE OF SITE FOR FREE LIBRARY BUILDING. Senate bill No. 79. AN ACT authorizing the levy of a tax by certain cities of the second class for the purpose of producing a fund for the purchase of a site for a free library building, and enabling such cities to purchase such site. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. That the mayor and council, or the mayor and commissioners, of any city of the second class, having and maintaining a free public library, and having an assessed val- uation of the property in such city of not more than three million dollars, and not more than 2,500 inhabitants, are hereby authorized to levy an annual tax during the years 1919 and 1920 not to exceed one mill on such valuation for the pur- pose of producing a fund or the purchase of a site for a free library building, and the mayor and council, or mayor and commissioners, of such city are hereby authorized to purchase such site with the money thus produced. SEC. 2. That should the fund so produced be more than suf- ficient for the payment of such site, then the remainder of such fund shall become a part of and be credited to the library fund of such city, and there shall be no further levy thereafter. SEC. 3. That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the statute book. Approved March 22, 1919. 20 Laws Relating to Education. CHAPTER 144. RECLASSIFICATION OF CITIES OF THE SECOND CLASS SUB- MITTING QUESTION AT ELECTION. Senate bill No. 29. AN ACT relating to the reclassification of cities of the second class. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. That whenever any city of the second class organized under the laws of the state of Kansas has been re- duced in population to one thousand or less, as shown by the last returns of the assessor taking the enumeration of said city, the mayor of such city of the second class or the president of the council, if there is no acting mayor, may by proclama- tion call an election within such city for the purpose of deter- mining whether said city shall be set back into a city of the third class. Such proclamation to be published in some news- paper of general circulation within said city for two weeks preceding such election and shall also be posted in four con- spicuous places within said city. The question to be submitted to the electors of said city by such proclamation shall be: Shall the city of be changed from a city of the second class and set back to a city of the third class? Yes D No D A cross in the square opposite either the word "yes" or "no" shall be made by the voter to indicate the way he votes, and such election shall in all other respects be held in the same manner as any other general election. A majority of the votes cast at such election shall decide the proposition and if a ma- jority of the votes cast are for the affirmative, then the mayor or acting mayor of such city shall certify the result of such election to the county clerk of the county in which such city is situated, who shall file such certificate in the files of his office and register the same in the same book where records of other elections in such county are kept, and from and after the filing of such certificate with such county clerk, such city shall be a city of the third class. SEC. 2. The officers of such city holding office at the time of such election shall, including the mayor and councilmen, as well as all other city officers, hold their office until the next regular election for city of the third class and until their suc- cessors are elected and qualified. SEC. 3. Wherever there shall exist any indebtedness at the time of the change of said city from the second class to the third class, this act shall in no manner change the amount of taxes that may be levied under the laws pertaining to cities of the second class until such indebtedness shall have been paid, Laws Relating to Education. 21 but in all other respects such city shall be governed by the laws pertaining to cities of the third class. SEC. 4. All of the ordinances in force in such city as a city of the second class shall remain and be in force and be the ordinances of such city after it shall have become a city of the third class. SEC. 5. All laws of the state of Kansas now existing which are in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. SEC. 6. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the official state paper. Approved March 3, 1919. Published in official state paper March 6, 1919. CHAPTER 184. MAKING IT A FELONY TO DISPLAY A FLAG DISTINCTIVE OF BOLSHEVISM, ANARCHY OR RADICAL SOCIALISM. House bill No. 714. AN ACT relating to the flag, standard, or banner of bolshevism, anarchy, or radical socialism; declaring any violation hereof a felony, and pro- viding penalties therefor. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. That hereafter it shall be a felony for any person or persons, organization or body of persons to fly, to carry, to exhibit, or to display, or to assist in carrying, exhibiting or dis- playing in this state any red flag, standard or banner dis- tinctive of bolshevism, anarchy, or radical socialism, or any flag, standard or banner of any color or design that is now or may hereafter be designated by any bolshevistic, anarchistic or radical socialistic group, body, association or society of per- sons as the flag, standard or banner of bolshevism, anarchism or radical socialism. SEC. 2. That any person or persons who shall violate any provision of section 1 of this act shall, upon conviction of such violation, be punished by imprisonment in the State Peniten- tiary for a period of not less than eighteen (18) months nor more than three (3) years. SEC. 3. That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the official state paper. Approved March 22, 1919. Published in official state paper March 31, 1919. 22 Laws Relating to Education. CHAPTER 201. RELATING TO THE DUTIES OF COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION; COMPENSATION AND CLERK HIRE. House bill No. 725. AN ACT relating to the compensation and duties of county superintend- ents, providing for clerk hire, amending section 1, chapter 191, Laws of 1917, and repealing said original section. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas : SECTION 1. That section 1, chapter 191, Laws of 1917, is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 1. The county superintendent of public instruction shall be allowed by the board of county commissioners of their respective counties, as full compensation for all their services in the performance of the duties required of them by statute, the following sums and no more, to be paid out of the county treasury in monthly or quarterly installments ; said compensation shall be fixed by the board of county commissioners at the first meeting in July of each year, based on the enumeration of the school enumer- ator for that year, and the salary so fixed shall begin on July first of that year. In counties having a school population of less than 500, the county superintendent shall receive for each day actually employed in the discharge of his duties in his office the sum of four dollars per day for a number of days not to exceed 180 in any one year. In counties having a school population of from 500 to 1,000 he shall receive the sum of four dollars per day for a number of days not to exceed 200 in any one year. In counties having a school population of 1,000 to 1,500 he shall receive the sum of twelve hundred dollars per annum ; in counties containing more than 1,500 persons of school age, exclusive of those in cities of the first and second class, he shall receive twelve hundred dollars and twenty dollars per annum for each 100 persons of school age in excess of said 1,500, up to the sum of sixteen hundred dollars : Provided, that in counties of 45,000 or more population the salary of the county superin- tendent shall be two thousand dollars per annum: Provided further, that if the county superintendent shall fail to spend at least one hour in each schoolroom each school year, so as to observe for at least one hour the work of each teacher under his supervision, the county commissioners may deduct from the last quarterly installment the sum of five dollars for each de- linquency. The county commissioners shall allow county su- perintendents having under their jurisdiction more than 100 and not more than 200 teachers the sum of five hundred dollars per annum for clerk hire, and for more than two hundred teachers the sum of six hundred dollars per annum for clerk Laws Relating to Education. 23 hire. The county superintendent shall be entitled to all money actually expended for stationery, postage, freight and express. All money paid out of the county treasury for this purpose shall be out of the general fund of the county. That the county superintendents of the several counties in the state of Kansas shall receive the sum of two dollars per teacher per annum as traveling expenses in visiting said schools: Provided, in no case shall any county superintendent receive traveling expenses for schools not visited. SEC. 2. Section 1 of chapter 191, Laws of 1917, is hereby repealed. SEC. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after the second Monday in May, 1919, and after its publication in the official state paper. Approved March 22, 1919. Published in official state paper March 28, 1919. CHAPTER 205. COMPENSATION OF ASSISTANTS, DEPUTIES, CLERKS AND OTHER PERSONS EMPLOYED IN COUNTY OFFICES IN CER- TAIN COUNTIES. Senate bill No. 169. AN ACT providing for the compensation of necessary assistants, depu- ties, clerks and persons employed in certain county offices in counties having more than sixty thousand and less than eighty thousand in- habitants and property of an assessed valuation of more than ninety- five million dollars, and repealing all acts in conflict with the pro- visions hereof. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. That in each county of this state in which there are more than sixty thousand and less than eighty thousand inhabitants and property of more than ninety-five million dol- lars' assessed valuation, and less than one hundred and ten million dollars, the board of county commissioners shall allow for the compensation of the assistants, deputies, clerks or per- sons necessarily employed in the discharge of the duties of each of the county offices hereinafter named, the amounts in this act provided, or so much thereof as may be necessary as determined by the officer charged with the duty of administer- ing such office, as follows, namely : For the office of county clerk the sum of forty-five hundred dollars per annum. For the office of county treasurer the sum of forty-five hundred dollars per annum. For the office of sheriff the sum of forty-five hundred dollars per annum. For the office of probate judge and the employment of a clerk in the juvenile court the sum of thirty-six hundred dollars per annum. 24 Laws Relating to Education. For the office of clerk of the district court the sum of thirty- four hundred dollars per annum. For the office of register of deeds the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars per annum. For the office of county attorney the sum of forty-two hundred and sixty dollars per annum. For the office of county superin- tendent of public instruction seven hundred and twenty dollars per annum. That the probation officers of the juvenile court shall receive a sum to be fixed by the court but not exceeding four dollars per day for services actually performed. That the county auditor shall receive as full compensation for his serv- ices the sum of eighteen hundred dollars per annum payable out of the county treasury in monthly installments. Each of the assistants, deputies, clerks and persons em- ployed in the county offices mentioned in this section shall be paid monthly upon sworn vouchers approved by the head of the department in which such person is employed in the same manner in which the salaries of county officers are paid. SEC. 2. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. SEC. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the official state paper. Approved March 19, 1919. Published in official state paper April 4, 1919. CHAPTER 256. RELATING TO THE STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION AND THE PERSONNEL OF SAID BOARD, THEIR POWERS AND DUTIES; AUTHORIZING THE APPOINTMENT OF CERTAIN ASSIST- ANTS AND THE PAYMENT OF PER DIEM, SALARIES AND MILEAGE. Senate bill No. 399. AN ACT relating to the State Board of Education, amending sections 8871, 8873 and 8876 of the General Statutes of Kansas for 1915, and repealing original sections 8871, 8873 and 8876. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. That section 8871 of the General Statutes of Kansas for 1915 is amended to read as follows: Sec. 8871. That the State Board of Education shall be composed of the state superintendent of public instruction, who shall be ex officio chairman; the chancellor of the State University; the president of the State Agricultural College ; the president of the State Normal School at Empbria; the president of the State Manual Training Normal School at Pittsburg; the president of the Fort Hays Normal School at Hays, and two county or city superintendents of public instruction ; and a county super- Laws Relating to Education. 25 intendent of public instruction to be appointed by the governor on the first Monday in April, 1919, for a period of two years, and each and every two years thereafter, from any county in which none of the foregoing institutions may be located. Each member of the State Board of Education shall receive all neces- sary and actual traveling expenses incurred in attending the meetings of the board and in the discharge of the duties re- quired by law, and in addition thereto each appointed member shall receive as full compensation the sum of five dollars per day for each day's actual service not exceeding ten days in any one year. SEC. 2. That section 8873 of the General Statutes of Kansas for 1915 is amended to read as follows : Sec. 8873. At a meet- ing called by the state superintendent of public instruction during the month of April, 1919, the State Board of Education shall elect a secretary, not a member of the board, who shall be an expert in education, a graduate of a four-year course of study of a university, college, normal school, or institution of like rank, and who shall have had not less than five years of experience in educational work as superintendent or supervisor. The secretary first elected under this act shall serve from the first day of July, 1919, until the first day of July, 1923 ; and thereafter the secretary of the board shall serve for a term of four years and until his successor is elected, unless removed by the board for cause ; and the regular election of secretary shall be held during the month of April next preceding the date of the expiration of the term of office. The secretary of the State Board of Education shall be subject to the direction of the state superintendent of public instruction. He shall serve as in- spector of colleges and universities accredited by the state board and shall have charge of all matters relating to state teachers' certificates, and shall perform such duties as may be required by the State Board of Education or the state super- intendent of public instruction, and he shall receive a salary of two thousand four hundred dollars per annum. The state su- perintendent of public instruction may employ a stenographer, who shall serve as a stenographer to the State Board of Edu- cation during its meetings and in addition do such other work as may be directed by the state superintendent, who shall re- ceive a salary of $1,200 per annum. SEC. 3. That section 8876 of the General Statutes of Kansas for 1915 is amended to read as follows : Sec. 8876. That the state superintendent of public instruction may appoint assist- ants not exceeding four in number, who shall serve as super- visors of the public schools of the state, including rural, graded and high schools. Said assistants shall perform such other duties as may be required by the state superintendent; and these assistants shall be allowed actual and necessary traveling expenses incurred in the performance of their duties, and shall 26 Laws Relating to Education. receive a salary fixed by the State Board of Education not ex- ceeding $2,000 per annum: Provided, that no state funds ex- cept as herein provided shall be expended for the purpose of visitation of rural, graded and high schools. SEC. 4. That original sections 8871, 8873 and 8876 of the General Statutes of Kansas for 1915 are hereby repealed. SEC. 5. That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the official state paper. Approved March 22, 1919. Published in official -state paper March 28, 1919. CHAPTER 257. PROVIDING FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN ALL ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. House bill No. 3. AN ACT in relation to instruction in public, private and parochial schools, and providing for the enforcement thereof. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. All elementary schools in this state, whether public, private or parochial, shall use the English language exclusively as the medium of instruction. SEC. 2. All schools, public, private, or parochial, shall pro- vide and give a complete course of instruction to all pupils, in civil government, and United States history, and in patriotism and the duties of a citizen, suitable to the elementary grades. SEC. 3. The State Board of Education shall have the power of visitation to see that the provisions of this act are complied with, and if it be found that any provision of this act is being violated, the state board shall order such school forthwith to comply with this act, and if such order be not complied with within thirty days after such order, excluding vacation periods, then the state board shall be authorized to order such school to be closed, and the county attorney of the county, where such school is located, or the attorney general of the state of Kan- sas, at the election of the State Board of Education, shall en- force the orders of the board by action in the name of the state on his relation or the relation of such board of education. SEC. 4. This act shall be in force and effect from and after its publication in the statute book. Approved March 13, 1919. Laws Relating to Education. 27 CHAPTER 258. SCHOOL AGE IN DISTRICT SCHOOLS; DISTRICT SCHOOLS TO BE FREE AND ACCESSIBLE TO ALL CHILDREN RESIDENT THEREIN. House bill No. 79. AN ACT concerning school age in district schools; and to repeal section 8988 of the General Statutes of 1915. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. That the district schools established under the provisions of this act shall at all times be equally free and ac^ cessible to all the children resident therein over six and under the age of twenty-one years, subject to such regulations as the district board in each district may prescribe : Provided, that any child who will attain the age of six years on or before the first day of January of any school year shall be entitled to enter school at the beginning of such school year : Provided further, that in districts maintaining a free kindergarten in connection with the public schools the school age shall be over four and under twenty-one years to all children resident in such dis- tricts. SEC. 2. That section 8988 of the General Statutes of Kansas for 1915 be and the same is hereby repealed. SEC. 3. That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the statute book. Approved March 11, 1919. CHAPTER 259. CERTIFICATION OF TEACHERS OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Senate bill No. 489. AN ACT relating to the certification of teachers of the public schools, supplementing sections 8995 and 9000 of the General Statutes of Kan- sas for 1915, amending section 8998 of the General Statutes of Kansas for 1915, and repealing said original section 8998 of the General Stat- utes of Kansas for 1915. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. That to any person to whom a three-year cer- tificate shall have been issued in accordance with section 8995 of the General Statutes of Kansas for 1915, the State Board of Education shall issue a permanent certificate valid for teach- ing in any school in which the original three-year certificate was valid: Provided, that such person shall have been suc- cessfully and continuously engaged either in teaching in the 28 Laws Relating to Education. grade or department of school named in the original certificate or in supervising teaching in the public schools of this state, or in both such teaching and supervising, for not less than three years: Provided further, that attendance at any accredited normal school, college or university for one year during such interval, for which full credit is given by such normal school, college or university, shall be allowed as equivalent to experi- ence in teaching or supervising. SEC. 2. That to any person to whom a three-year elementary certificate shall have been issued in accordance with section 9000 of the General Statutes of Kansas for 1915, the State Board of Education shall issue a permanent certificate valid for teaching in elementary schools: Provided, that such per- son shall have been successfully and continuously engaged in teaching in the grade or department of school named in the original certificate, or in supervising teaching in the public schools of this state, or in both such supervising and teaching, for not less than three years: Provided further, that attend- ance at any accredited normal school, college or university for one year during such interval, for which full credit is given by such normal school, college, or university, shall be allowed as equivalent to experience in teaching or supervising. SEC. 3. That to any person who at the time when this act shall take effect shall have been successfully employed for not less than three years in this state as a teacher in any high school, deemed to have been such by the State Board of Educa- tion, or successfully and continuously engaged either in teach- ing in such high school, or in supervising as county superin- tendent in the public schools of this state, or in both such teach- ing and superintending, for a period of not less than five years, and who during such employment shall have held a valid teacher's certificate, the State Board of Education shall issue a certificate valid for teaching in such high school and in no other school or department for life. SEC. 4. That section 8998 of the General Statutes of Kan- sas for 1915 is hereby amended so as to read as follows : Sec. 8998. Special certificates may be issued by the State Board of Education to persons who by examination or otherwise may show satisfactory evidence of their qualifications as teachers of kindergartens, manual training, domestic science, domestic art, agriculture, commercial branches, physical training, music, drawing and such other highly specialized subjects as may be designated by the state board. Such certificates shall be valid in any public school of the state for teaching in the department or subject specified in the certificate and in no other department or subject than those thus specified, for three years, and may be renewed successively for three-year periods on conditions prescribed by the State Board of Education. Laws Relating to Education. 29 SEC. 5. That original section 8998 of the General Statutes of Kansas for 1915 is hereby repealed. SEC. 6. That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the official state paper. Approved March 22, 1919. Published in official state paper April 7, 1919. CHAPTER 260. PROVIDING FOR THE DISSOLUTION OF UNION SCHOOL DISTRICTS. House bill No. 561. AN ACT providing for the dissolution of union school districts. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. That whenever two or more school districts have united to form a union school district under the provi- sions of section 9048 of the General Statutes of 1915, and when there is established and maintained in one of the original dis- tricts composing said union district a high school under the act commonly known as the Barnes high school act, said union district may be dissolved in the following manner: Upon a written petition of twenty-five percent of the voters of every original district comprising such union school district asking that said district be disorganized as herein provided, the clerk of said union school district shall post printed notices such as are now required by law for school district meetings, calling a school district meeting of such union district at the school house of said district for the purpose of voting upon the propo- sition of disorganization of said union district as stated in said notices. In any school district voting on the proposition, a majority of the votes cast shall be sufficient to carry the propo- sition. The vote at such school meeting shall be by ballot, which shall read "For disorganization" or "Against disorgani- zation." Upon such proposition being carried, the clerk of said school district shall thereupon, in writing, notify the county superintendent of such action. Upon receiving such notice, it shall be the duty of the county superintendent to make an order dissolving said union district and to file said order with the county clerk, and the county superintendent shall publish in the official county paper for three consecutive weeks a notice of such dissolution and of the order by him, which publication notice shall be completed not less than sixty days after the re- ceipt by the county superintendent of the notice from the clerk of said union district as herein provided, and upon the completion of said notice and the filing of proof of publication, the said district shall be disorganized and dissolved, and the 30 Laws Relating to Education. districts composing said union district shall be and become separate school districts, with their boundaries remaining the same as they were at the time of the original consolidation of said districts into a union district. SEC. 2. Upon the disorganization of said union school dis- trict, the school property owned by the various districts com- posing said union district at the time of the organization of said union district shall become and be the property of the district originally owning such property, and any property ob- tained and owned by such union district since its organization shall upon such dissolution be divided among the various school districts in proportion to the assessed valuation of such districts. SEC. 3. Such division shall be made by the county superin- tendent, and if he shall find it impossible to make a division of the joint property in kind, then he shall notify such districts of such fact, and such districts composing the original union district shall have an opportunity to bid for such joint prop- erty, and he shall sell the same to the school district making the highest bid therefor : Provided, that if none of the school districts composing such union district shall bid for such joint property, then said county superintendent shall cause the same to be sold, and shall divide the proceeds among the several districts according to the assessed valuation of such districts. SEC. 4. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the official state paper. Approved March 22, 1919. Published in official state paper March 29, 1919. CHAPTER 261. CONCERNING THE PURCHASE AND KINDS OF BOOKS FOR DISTRICT LIBRARY. Senate bill No. 397. AN ACT concerning the purchase and kinds of books for district libraries, amending section 9058 of the General Statutes of Kansas for 1915, and repealing original section 9058. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. That section 9058 of the General Statutes of Kansas for 1915 be amended to read as follows : Section 9058. That the money so collected shall be used under the direction of the board of directors for the purchasing of a school-district library, and for no other purpose; and the district board, in the purchase of books, shall be confined to works of arithmetic, geography, history, literature, biography, travels, science, and Laws Relating to Education. 31 two monthly school journals, one to meet the needs of the pri- mary classes and the other the more advanced and general needs. SEC. 2. That original section 9058 of the General Statutes of Kansas for 1915 is repealed. SEC. 3. That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the official state paper. Approved March 19, 1919. Published in official state paper March 22, 1919. CHAPTER 262. RELATING TO THE ISSUING OF BONDS BY BOARDS OF EDU- CATION IN CITIES OF THE FIRST CLASS. House bill No. 63. AN ACT relating to the issuing of bonds by boards of education in cities of the first class, limiting the amount of bonds which may be issued by said boards, amending chapter 268 of the Laws of 1917 and repealing said original chapter 268. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas : SECTION 1. That section 1 of chapter 268 of the Laws of 1917 is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 1. That it shall be the duty of the mayor of such city of the first class within thirty days after receiving a certified copy of the action of the board of education showing the necessity and giving a statement of the estimated cost of such school sites, repairs, additions, building or buildings, signed by the clerk and coun- tersigned by the president of the board, to issue a proclamation for holding an election to vote bonds to the amount prayed for by the board ; and no bonds shall be issued unless a majority voting at such election shall vote therefor ; nor shall the entire amount of such school bonds issued exceed in the aggregate, including existing indebtedness, two and one-half percent of the valuation of taxable property of such city as ascertained by the last assessment for state and county purposes previous to incurring the proposed indebtedness. Any member of a board of education or officer thereof who shall vote for, counsel, con- sent to or in any wise assist in the issue of any bond or bonds in excess of the per centum herein authorized shall be liable jointly and severally to the holder of any such bonds for the amount due thereon, to be recovered in a civil action in any court of competent jurisdiction ; and judgment thereon may be collected and enforced in the same manner as other judgments are col- lected and enforced. SEC. 2. That chapter 268 of the Laws of 1917 be and the same is hereby repealed. 32 Laws Relating to Education. SEC. 3. That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the official state paper. Approved February 27, 1919. Published in official state paper February 28, 1919. CHAPTER 263. FREE DENTAL INSPECTION IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. House bill No. 323. AN ACT to create and maintain free dental inspection in the public schools in the state of Kansas, amending sections 9099, 9100 and 9101 of the General Statutes of 1915 and repealing said original sections. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. That section 9099 of the General Statutes of 1915 be amended to read as follows: Sec. 9099. That the boards of education of cities of the first and second class and school boards of school districts are hereby required to pro- vide for free dental inspection annually for all children, except those who hold a certificate from a legally qualified dentist showing that this examination has been made within three months last past, attending such schools. SEC. 2. That section 9100 of the General Statutes of 1915 be amended to read as follows : Sec. 9100. That said boards of education and district boards of each school shall pro- vide a place of inspection and designate some competent, licensed dentist or dentists to make such inspection, and such boards of education and district boards may fix a compensa- tion for such services, which sum may be paid out of the school fund of each school for the services rendered therein, and said boards of education for their respective cities and the county superintendent of public instruction for school districts are hereby authorized to make all necessary rules and regula- tions for the proper conduct of such inspection and carrying into effect all of section 1 of this act, and furnish all necessary forms and blanks for the reports of such inspection. SEC. 3. That section 9101 of the General Statutes of 1915 be amended to read as follows: Sec. 9101. That certificate of the result of such inspection, together with suggestions of requirements for the curing of any defects found shall be made by the party making such inspection, in duplicate, one copy of same to be furnished to the child examined, the other to be filed with the clerk of the school board to which said child be- longs : Provided, however, that no work other than the inspec- tion and report shall be performed by examining dentist with- out the consent of the parents or guardian of the child. Laics Relating to Education. 33 SEC. 4. That sections 9099, 9100 and 9101 of the General Statutes of 1915 be and the same are hereby repealed. SEC. 5. This act shall take effect and be enforced from and after its publication in the statute book. Approved March 22, 1919. CHAPTER 264. LIMITING BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF BOARDS OF EDUCA- TION IN CITIES OF THE SECOND CLASS. House bill No. 260. AN ACT limiting the bonded indebtedness of boards of education of cities of the second class and amending section 1 of chapter 272 of the Session Laws of Kansas, 1917. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. That section 1 of chapter 272 of the Session Laws of 1917 be amended so as to read as follows: Section 1. That whenever it shall become necessary for the board of education of any city of the second class to provide funds for the purchase of a school site or sites, or to erect a suitable building or buildings thereon, or to equip and furnish the same, or to fund any bonded indebtedness or any floating in- debtedness which may at the present exist in the public schools of said cities of the second class, it shall be lawful for the board of education of any such city of the second class, to borrow money, for such purposes; and for such purpose or purposes the said board of education is hereby authorized and em- powered to issue bonds bearing a rate of interest not exceeding five per cent per annum, payable annually or semi-annually at such time and place as may be mentioned on the face of the bonds, which shall be payable in not more than twenty years from their date, and the board of education is hereby author- ized and empowered to sell such bonds at not less than their par value: Provided, that no such bonds except refunding bonds shall be issued until the question of issuing the same shall be submitted to a vote of the people, and a majority of the qualified electors who shall vote on the question at any election called for that purpose shall have declared by their votes in favor of issuing bonds: Provided further, that the total indebtedness of the said board of education shall not thereby be increased to an amount exceeding two and [one-] * one-half per cent of the authorized valuation of the territory within the jurisdiction of said board of education: Provided further, that the boards of education of cities of the second * NOTE. Original bill reads "two and one-half percent." 3 Instruction 6603 34 Laws Relating to Education. class may issue bonds at any time without such election to pay outstanding warrants or floating indebtedness which may exist at the passage of this act ; and such boards of education may issue at any time a bond for a sum not greater than ten hun- dred dollars to raise money to pay for needful repairs on school buildings or heating plants for the public school build- ings, if the state school superintendent shall approve in writ- ing such issue of bonds for floating indebtedness and for the purposes in the above provisio [proviso] : Provided, it shall not at any time exceed an aggregate amount of the sum of five thousand dollars: Provided further, that the right granted herein to boards of education to issue bonds without such elec- tion shall not be construed to authorize an issue of bonds which, with those of the same kind already outstanding, shall exceed one-half of one per cent of the assessment for taxation, as shown by the last finding and determination of the proper board of education : Provided further, that where bonds have been voted at the time of the passage hereof, the funds derived from the sale of such bonds shall be available for any and all of the purposes herein above set forth. SEC. 2. That section 1 of chapter 272 of the Session Laws of Kansas, 1917, be and the same is hereby repealed. SEC. 3. That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the official state paper. Approved February 27, 1919. Published in official state paper March 4, 1919. CHAPTER 265. APPORTIONMENT AND DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS OF HIGH SCHOOLS IN CERTAIN COUNTIES; COUNTY COMMISSION- ERS LEVY TAX. House bill No. 33.2. AN ACT amending section 2, chapter 281, Laws of 1917, relating to dis- tribution of county high school tax, and repealing said original section 2 and section 3 of said chapter. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. Section 2 of chapter 281, Laws of 1917, be amended to read as follows: Sec. 2. That each high school entitled to participate in the funds produced by the tax pro- vided for in section 1, chapter 281, Laws of 1917, shall receive the same in proportion to the total number of days of actual attendance of all pupils in the high schools of said city and districts during school year immediately preceding said pay- ment, which attendance of said pupils shall be certified to the county treasurer by the county superintendent of public in- Laws Relating to Education. 35 struction ; and said county treasurer shall pay such proportion of such fund to the respective treasurers of boards of educa- tion and school districts and rural high school districts as are entitled to participate in said fund. SEC. 2. That sections 2 and 3 of chapter 281 of the Laws of 1917 be and the same are hereby repealed. SEC. 3. This act shall be in force from and after its publica- tion in the statute book. Approved March 22, 1919. CHAPTER 266. LEVY OF TAX AND DISTRIBUTION THEREOF IN JOINT SCHOOL DISTRICTS MAINTAINING HIGH SCHOOLS. Senate bill No. 539. AN ACT in relation to the levy of tax and distribution thereof in certain school districts under chapter 397 of the Laws of 1905 and its amend- ments, and repealing and amending section 4 of chapter 281 of the Laws of 1917. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. That section 4 of chapter 281 of the Laws of 1917 be amended so as to read as follows : Sec. 4. Whenever any high school to which this act shall apply shall be maintained in any joint school district or in any rural high school district lying partly in two or more counties in each of which the pro- visions of chapter 397 of the Laws of 1905 and amendments thereto shall be in force, the cpunty superintendent having jurisdiction over such joint school districts, or the county superintendent of the county in which such rural high school is located, shall apportion the number of teachers employed in said high school to the several counties in which any part of said joint school district or said rural high school district shall lie, in the proportion which the number of days of attendance in said high school of the pupils residing in each county shall bear to the total number of days of attendance in said high school during the school year preceding the levy of the tax pro- vided for in section 1 of this act, and said county superinten- dent shall report said apportionment to the county superin- tendents of the several counties in which any part of said joint school district or said rural high school district shall lie, and said county superintendents shall certify the same to the county commissioners of their respective counties. Whenever any high school, meeting the requirements of chapter 397 of the Session Laws of 1905 and its amendments, shall be main- tained in any joint school district or in any rural high school 36 Laws Relating to Education. district, any part of which district shall lie in any county in which the provisions of chapter 397 of the Laws of 1905 and amendments thereto shall be in force and part in a county in which said law is not in force, it shall be the duty of the county superintendent having jurisdiction over said joint school dis- trict or rural high school district to make an equitable ap- portionment of the teachers employed based on the attend- ance of the pupils residing in the county in which said chapter 397 is in force, and he shall on or before July 25 in each year certify the same to the county superintendent of the county in which chapter 397 of the Laws of 1905 and the amendments thereto is in force, together with a state- ment of the total number of days of actual attendance of pupils in such high school residing in such county during the school year immediately preceding, and said county super- intendent shall certify said number of teachers so appor- tioned to the board of commissioners of his county, and there- upon such number of teachers shall be included in the compu- tation of the tax to be raised as provided in section 1 of chapter 281 of the Laws of 1917, and shall certify such attendance of pupils to the county treasurer of his county, who shall disburse the fund produced by the tax levied under the provisions of section 1 of chapter 281 of the Laws of 1917 to the treasurer of such joint school districts or rural high school district in proportion as provided in sections 2 and 3 of the said chapter 281 of the Laws of 1917. SEC. 2. Said original section 4 of chapter 281, Laws of 1917, is hereby repealed. SEC. 3. This act shall take effect on its publication in the statute book. Approved March 14, 1919. CHAPTER 267. RELATING TO HIGH SCHOOLS RECEIVING COUNTY AID, AND TO HIGH SCHOOLS IN A RELOCATED COUNTY SEAT. House bill No. 582. AN ACT relating to high schools receiving county aid, amending section 9338 of the General Statutes of 1915 and repealing said original sec- tion 9338. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. That section 9338 of the General Statutes of Kansas of 1915 is amended to read as follows : Sec. 9338. No high school as herein provided for shall be eligible for such aid except upon a petition to the county superintendent and county commissioners of the county in which such school or schools are sought to be aided, signed by a majority of the school Laws Relating to Education. 37 electors of the county in which the school is sought to be aided : Provided, that in counties having a population of less than 2,000 and where only one high school located at the county seat is receiving aid under the provisions of chapter 263 of the Session Laws of 1911, or the provisions of said chapter as amended, then in the event such county seat is relocated as provided by law the aid hereinbefore provided may be ex- tended by the board of county commissioners and the county superintendent to the high school of the district to which the county seat is relocated without the necessity of a petition as hereinbefore provided for : And provided further, that there- after no aid shall be extended to the high school in the district from which the county seat is removed, unless there be a peti- tion presented to the county commissioners and county super- intendent signed by a majority of the school electors of said county asking that such aid be given to the high school of the district from which the county seat has been removed. SEC. 2. That original section 9338 of the General Statutes of 1915, and all acts or parts of acts in conflict with the pro- visions of this act are hereby repealed. SEC. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the statute book. Approved March 11, 1919. CHAPTER 268. ISSUANCE OF BONDS AND ERECTION OF BUILDINGS FOR HIGH SCHOOL PURPOSES IN COUNTIES. Senate bill No. 122. AN ACT relating to high schools in certain counties and authorizing the issuance of bonds; amending sections 1 and 2 of chapter 282 of the Session Laws of Kansas for 1917, and repealing said original sections 1 and 2 of chapter 282. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. That section 1 of chapter 282 of the Session Laws of Kansas for 1917 be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows : Section 1. That any county in which a county high school has heretofore been, or may hereafter be, established under the authority of the provisions of chapter 147 of the Laws of Kansas for 1886, and all acts amendatory there- of and supplementary thereto, or any county in which a county high school has heretofore been established by authority of any special law, shall have authority to issue bonds of the county for the purpose of purchasing a site and erecting, equipping and f urnLhimj buildings for such high school, or to erect additional buildings or additions to high school buildings, when the build- 38 Laws Relating to Education. ings of any such high school shall become inadequate or insuf- ficient for the needs of such school, in the manner as herein provided. SEC. 2. That section 2 of chapter 282 of the Session Laws of Kansas for 1917 be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows : Sec. 2. Whenever one-third of the num- ber of electors, as shown by the vote for secretary of state at the next preceding election in any county having a county high school organized under the provisions of said chapter 147 of the Laws of Kansas for 1886, and all acts supplemental and amendatory thereof, or under the provisions of any special law, shall petition the board of county commissioners of such county to call an election for the purpose of voting bonds for the pur- chase of a site and the erection, equipping and furnishing of buildings, or to build additions to buildings, or to erect addi- tional buildings for such county high school, at the place named in said petition, the said board shall cause a twenty-day notice previous to the next general election, or previous to a special election called for the purpose, that they will submit to the electors of said county the question of issuing bonds of the county in an amount not exceeding the amount named in the petition and for the purpose therein stated. At said election the electors of the county shall vote by ballot for or against the issuance of such bonds, and the notice of such election shall be given as are all legal notices of general or special elections And the ballots shall be canvassed and other proceedings had in the same manner as is provided in the case of elections for the establishment of such county high schools under the provisions of chapter 147 of the Laws of Kansas for 1886, and the acts supplemental and amendatory thereof, or under the provisions of any special law. If a majority of all votes cast upon the question of issuing bonds as aforesaid shall be in favor of the issuance of such bonds, the county commissioners shall issue and deliver to the board of trustees of such county high school, such bonds or such portion thereof as may be necessary to pay for the purchase of such site and erection, equipping and fur- nishing of such buildings, or for the building of additions or additional buildings in accordance with contracts that may be entered into by said trustees under the provisions and authority of s \id chapter 147 of the Laws of 1886, and acts supplemental and amendatory thereto, or under authority of any special law by virtue of which any county high school has heretofore been organized. SEC. 3. That sections 1 and 2 of chapter 282 of the Session Laws of Kansas for 1917 be and the same are hereby repealed. SEC. 4. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the official state paper. Approved March 5, 1919. Published in official state paper March 10, 1919. Laws Relating to Education. 39 CHAPTER 269. STATE SCHOOL BOOK COMMISSION CREATED; REPLACES SCHOOL TEXTBOOK COMMISSION; POWERS AND DUTIES. Senate bill No. 9. AN ACT amending section 9366, General Statutes of 1915, relating to State School Book Commission and repealing said original section. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. That section 9366, General Statutes of 1915, be and is hereby amended to read as follows : Sec. 9366. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act, there is hereby created a State School Book Commission consisting of seven members which shall be composed of the state superin- tendent of public instruction, the president of the State Normal School, the president of the State Agricultural College, the state printer, a person elected by the members of the State Board of Agriculture from their own membership, for a term of two years, and two other persons to be appointed by the governor for a term of two years from April 1, 1919. The commission thus created shall perform the duties and exercise the power granted in this act and shall have all the power and authority heretofore belonging to the School Textbook Commission, ex- cept so far as these duties are modified by the provisions of this act. The members of the commission shall take an oath of office, the form of which shall be prepared by the attorney- general. Within twenty days after this act shall take effect the state superintendent of public instruction shall call a meeting for the purpose of effecting an organization; and thereupon all authority heretofore belonging to the School Textbook Com- mission shall be transferred to the State School Book Commis- sion, and the said School Textbook Commission shall cease to exist. All contracts made by the School Textbook Commission and in force at the time when this act takes effect shall be en- forced by the State School Book Commission created by this act. The commission shall have authority to make its own rules and regulations, and to determine the method of its procedure in accordance with the provisions of this act. Each member of said commission who shall, at the time of service thereon, be receiving a stated salary from the state, shall not be allowed per diem, but the other members shall receive as their full compensation the sum of five dollars for each day's actual service in attending the meetings of the said commis- sion. And each member shall receive all necessary and actual traveling and hotel expenses incurred in attending all meet- ings of the commission and in discharge of their duties. SEC. 2. Section 9366, General Statutes of 1915, and any 40 Laws Relating to Education. other acts or parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. SEC. 3. This act shall take effect from and after its publi- cation in the official state paper. Approved March 22, 1919. Published in official state paper March 27, 1919. CHAPTER 270. RELATING TO SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS, THE SALE OR DISPOSAL THEREOF TO DEALERS OR AGENTS AND LIMITING THE COMMISSION TO BE ALLOWED. Senate bill No. 375. AN ACT relating to school textbooks and the sale and disposal thereof through dealers and agents and otherwise, and amending section 9383; of the General Statutes of 1915, and repealing said original sec- tion. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. That section 9383; of the General Statutes of 1915 be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows : Sec. 9383;?. Within thirty days, after the issuing of the procla- mation by the governor of this state provided for in this act, any person, persons, company or corporation having contracted for the furnishing of school textbooks to the people of this state, for use in the public schools thereof, shall arrange with at least one dealer or agent at the county seat in each county of this state, and in each city of the first, second and third class in this state, for the handling, sale and exchange of the school books provided for in this act. Such dealer or agent shall be allowed to charge the people of this state a commission not exceeding fifteen percent on the contract price established in this act for the handling and sale of such books : Provided, that any person, company or corporation having a contract under the provisions of this act shall be required to furnish books to any citizen or school district in Kansas at the same price and on the same terms as provided for the furnishing of such books to dealers or agents in cash orders of not less than ten dollars each, and deliver the same at any railroad station in Kansas mentioned in such order. SEC. 2. Original section 9383; be and the same is hereby re- pealed. SEC. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the statute book. Approved March 22, 1919. Laws Relating to Education. 41 CHAPTER 271. RELATING TO THE SESSIONS OF PUBLIC NIGHT SCHOOLS. House bill No. 528. RELATING TO NIGHT SCHOOLS. AN ACT relating to the sessions of public night schools, when and where held, the term thereof, amending section 9396 of the General Statutes of Kansas for 1915 and repealing original section 9396 of the General Statutes of Kansas for 1915. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. That section 9396 of the General Statutes of the state of Kansas for 1915 be amended to read as follows : Sec. 9396. The sessions of said public night school shall be held at night on not less than three nights each week during the continuance of such schools in one or more of the regular class rooms in one or more of the public school buildings of said district or city, and the term or terms of said public night school shall continue only during the term or terms of the reg- ular public school in such district or city, said term to com- mence at the discretion of the board of education and shall con- tinue for not less than five months, except as provided in sec- tion one of this act. SEC. 2. That original section 9396 of the General Statutes of Kansas for 1915 be and it is hereby repealed. SEC. 3. That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the statute book. Approved March 11, 1919. CHAPTER 272. TO PROMOTE THE ATTENDANCE OF PUPILS IN SCHOOLS. House bill No. 80. AN ACT to promote the attendance of pupils in schools and to amend section 9415 of the General Statutes of Kansas for 1915, and repeal- ing said original section. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. That section 9415 of the General Statutes of Kansas for 1915 be amended to read as follows: Sec. 9415. That every parent, guardian or other person in the state of Kansas having control or charge of any child or children hav- ing reached the age of eight years and under sixteen years, shall be required to send such child or children to a public school, or a private, denominational or parochial school, in which all 42 Laws Relating to Education. instruction shall be given in the English language only, each school year, for such period as said school is in session: Provided, that any child of the age of fourteen years or more who is able to read and write the English language, and who is actively and regularly employed for his own support or for the support of those dependent upon him, shall not be required to attend the aforesaid schools for a longer period or term than eight consecutive weeks in any one year : Provided, that any and all children that have received a certificate of gradua- tion from the common schools of any county or certificate of admission to a high school in any city of the state of Kansas shall be exempt from the provisions of this act : Provided, that the children who are physically or mentally incapacitated for the work of common schools are exempt from the provisions of this act ; but the school authorities shall have the right, and they are hereby authorized, when such exemption under the provision of this act is claimed by any parent, guardian, or other person in the control or charge of such child or children, to cause an examination of such child or children by a physi- cian or physicians employed for such purpose by such authori- ties, and if such physician or physicians hold that such child or children are capable of doing the work in the common schools, than [then] such child or children shall not be exempt from the provisions of this act. SEC. 2. That section 9415 of the General Statutes of Kan- sas for 1915 be and the same is hereby repealed. SEC. 3. That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the statute book. Approved March 11, 1919. CHAPTER 273. RELATING TO THE DISTRIBUTION OF STATE AND COUNTY AID TO SCHOOL DISTRICTS. House bill No. 420. AN ACT relating to the distribution of state and county aid to school districts amending section 9431 of the General Statutes of Kansas for 1915, and repealing original section 9431. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. That section 9431 of the General Statutes of Kansas for 1915 be amended to read as follows: Sec. 9431. That to determine the amount to be apportioned to each dis- trict the county superintendents shall find the estimated ex- penditures of the district for the current year and subtract therefrom the estimated income of that district from all sources for the current year. The estimated income for the Laws Relating to Education. 43 current year shall be the sum of all moneys belonging to the district on hand in the district and county treasuries, plus the amount which a levy of a four and one-half mills tax upon the assessed value of the district will raise, plus the estimated ap- portionment of state and county funds, as now provided by law. The estimated expenditures for the current year shall be the amount necessary to provide for a teacher, fuel and inci- dentals, and to maintain school for seven months; and shall not exceed the sum of six hundred dollars for any one year to schools receiving such state and county aid. SEC. 2. That original section 9431 of the General Statutes of Kansas for 1915 is hereby repealed. SEC. 3. That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the official state paper. Approved March 22, 1919. Published in official state paper March 29, 1919. CHAPTER 274. CONCERNING THE PURCHASE, DISPLAY, CUSTODY AND CARE OF THE UNITED STATES FLAG FOR THE SCHOOLS OF KANSAS. House bill No. 198. AN ACT concerning the purchase, display, custody and care of the United States flag for the schools of Kansas; providing for rules and regula- tions for custody, care and display of such flag; making violations of this act a misdemeanor, and prescribing penalties therefor; and re- pealing sections 9445 and 9446 of the General Statutes of Kansas for 1915. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. That it shall be the duty of the school directors or boards of education of every public or proprietor of a private or parochial school in the several cities, counties, districts and school districts of this state to purchase a suitable United States flag, flagstaff and the necessary appliances therefor, and to display such flag upon or near the public, private or pa- rochial school building or grounds belonging thereto in which school is held during school hours, and at such other times as such school directors, boards of education or proprietors may direct. SEC. 2. That it shall be the duty of the said school directors, or boards of education of every public or proprietor of a private or parochial school in the several cities, counties, districts and school districts of this state to purchase a suitable United States flag for each and every room of their respective school building or buildings and to keep such United States flag or 44 Laws Relating to Education. flags in display in each such school room or rooms during the school hours and at such other times as such school directors or boards of education may direct. SEC. 3. That the said school directors or boards of educa- tion or proprietor of a private or parochial school shall estab- lish rules and regulations for the proper custody, care and dis- play of the said United States flag, and, when the weather will not permit it to be otherwise displayed, it shall be placed con- spicuously in the principal room in the schoolhouse. SEC. 4. That it shall be the duty of the county superin- tendent of public instruction in each county of the state of Kansas to notify the principal or proprietor of such public, private or parochial school, having charge of such school build- ings and grounds, to observe the provisions of section 1 of this act, and if after such notification the said principal or pro- prietor of such public, private or parochial school shall fail to comply therewith for a period of thirty days, such principal or proprietor of such public, private or parochial school shall be judged guilty of misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not less than $1 nor more than $5 for each thirty days thereafter that he shall continue to neglect to obey the provisions of this act. SEC. 5. That sections 9445 and 9446 of the General Statutes of Kansas for 1915 be and the same are hereby repealed. SEC. 6. That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the official state paper. Approved March 13, 1919. Published in official state paper March 19, 1919. CHAPTER 275. BOARD OF SCHOOL FUND COMMISSIONERS AUTHORIZED TO MAKE AN ORDER ENABLING ANY CITY OR SCHOOL DIS- TRICT TO VOTE BONDS FOR THE ERECTION OF SCHOOL BUILDINGS. House bill No. 648. AN ACT relating to the voting of bonds for the erection of school build- ings, and amending section 10890 of the General Statutes of Kansas for 1915, and repealing said original section. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. That section 10890 of the General Statutes of Kansas for 1915 is amended to read as follows: Sec. 10890. That the board of school-fund commissioners of the state of Kansas is hereby authorized and empowered to make an order authorizing any city or school district to vote bonds for the purpose of erecting school buildings to an amount of not more than one hundred per cent in excess of, and in addition to, the amount of bonds that may be voted under laws now in force. Laivs Relating to Education. 45 SEC. 2. That section 10890 of the General Statutes of Kan- sas for 1915 is hereby repealed. SEC. 3. That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the official state paper. Approved March 11, 1919. Published in official state paper March 17, 1919. CHAPTER 276. HIGH SCHOOLS IN CERTAIN COUNTIES HAVING COUNTY HIGH SCHOOLS. Senate bill No. 312. AN ACT relating to high schools in certain counties having county high schools and providing for their support. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. That in every county in this state having a county high school located in the county seat and said county seat be- ing a city of the second class, and in which said county there are, including joint districts, at least seven other high schools maintaining a university preparatory high school course ap- proved by the State Board of Education, a general county tax for the aid of all such high schools shall be levied each year in such county and apportioned and distributed as provided for by this act. SEC. 2. All funds raised by any future levy in each such county for the support of county high school shall be appor- tioned among all school districts maintaining high schools re- ferred to in section 1 of this act for the support of such high schools. SEC. 3. The county high school trustees shall each year on or before the last Thursday in July make an estimate of the amount which in their judgment should be raised for the pur- poses described in this act, and report said amount to the county clerk, who shall thereupon make a levy sufficient to raise the same upon all of the taxable property within such county: Provided, that such levy shall not exceed the rate of five-tenths of a mill upon the dollar for valuation. SEC. 4. The county high school trustees shall cause all funds to be raised from such levies, except the amount necessary to pay their salaries and expenses, to be distributed among all of the school districts maintaining such high schools referred to in section 1 of this act, for the support of such high schools only, and to the county high school fund of the city in which the county high school is located, in proportion to the average daily attendance of pupils actually resident in said county tak- ing regular courses above the eighth grade in such high schools 46 Laivs Relating to Education. during the year previous to such apportionment. For the pur- pose of such distribution the attendance of a pupil for one day in such high school, of the highest class as fixed by the rules of the State Board of Education, shall be 100 percent of a day, and of the next lower class 90 percent, and in the second lower class 80 percent, and in the third or any other lower class 70 percent of a day. The fact that any school district or city, or the city in which the county high school is located, may divide its high school into senior and junior or other like divisions shall not, of itself, affect the proportion of funds that such dis- trict or city shall receive under this act. SEC. 5. Should any district fail to keep its high school stand- ard up to the standard referred to in this act, such district shall cease to participate in the distribution of said funds for any year in which such failure exists. SEC. 6. Any school district in such county, and joint dis- tricts, that shall in the future provide and maintain a high school of the standard referred to in this act shall be entitled to participate in the distribution of the funds raised from the levy provided in this act beginning with the year next follow- ing that in which the standard of such school is so established. SEC. 7. The board of education of the city in which is located the county high school shall appropriate to the support of such county high school an amount equal to or greater than the pro- portion of county high school funds apportioned to the support of such county high school under the levy referred to in section 3 of this act, and board of education is hereby authorized to make any levy necessary for that purpose. SEC. 8. All districts participating in the apportionment of county high school funds as provided in this act, shall offer and furnish free high school education to all persons of school age residing in such county. SEC. 9. The board of education of the city in which is located the county high school shall have the management of such county high school. SEC. 10. The county high school trustees shall have full supervisory powers over all of the high schools of such county to the extent of requiring that all funds appropriated to such high schools under the provisions of this act are properly used for the purposes set forth in this act. SEC. 11. For the purpose of this act, in making levy and collection of taxes and distribution of funds, all high schools participating therein shall be considered portions of the county high school, but nothing in this section shall affect the distribu- tion of funds or control of schools as provided in this act. SEC. 12. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1st, 1920, and its publication in the statute book. Approved March 3, 1919. Laivs Relating to Education. 47 CHAPTER 277. FOR THE RELIEF OF CERTAIN PURCHASERS OF SCHOOL LANDS. Senate bill No. 146. AN ACT for the relief of certain purchasers of school lands. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. That in all cases of sales of school land hereto- fore made, where the purchasers thereof have made partial payment or payments thereon and have by law forfeited their rights to such lands and the money paid thereon; and where the said purchaser or purchasers have not been ejected, and are and have been in continuous possession thereof, and no pur- chase has been made of such lands by any person subsequent to the date when the forfeiture of such sales become effective; that said persons, having made such partial payment or pay- ments, their heirs and assigns may, within one year from the passage of this act, renew their right to retain the land so for- feited, by paying the amount due on said lands in the manner provided by existing law. SEC. 2. This act shall not apply to any certificate of pur- chase that has been forfeited by any proceeding other than the forfeiture by operation of law for nonpayment as provided by section 9198 of the General Statutes of 1915. SEC. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the official state paper. Approved March 22, 1919. Published in official state paper April 7, 1919. CHAPTER 278. AUDITOR OF STATE ISSUE PATENTS TO SCHOOL LANDS IN CERTAIN CASES. Senate bill No. 133. AN ACT to authorize the auditor of state to make investigation and to issue patents to school land purchasers in certain cases and to validate such patents. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. Section 9204 of the General Statutes of 1915 is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 9204. That in all cases where school lands have been or may hereafter be sold and certificates issued therefor upon application for patent being made, it shall appear that the improvements have been appraised and such land was sold without including the im- 48 Laws Relating to Education. provements, or if it shall appear that there was a defect in the advertisement for the sale of such land by reason of not being published as long as the statute requires, or that where any tract of school land has been sold since May 22, 1915, but in compliance with the laws in force prior to May 22, 1915, and the purchaser has been issued a certificate of purchase therefor, and has paid into the county treasury the full amount of the purchase price thereof with interest, or other errors that were not material, or if said lands were under lease at the time of the advertisement or sale, or if they were sold subject to a lease when such lease had expired, the state auditor shall in all cases make careful investigation, and if he finds that such defect or defects do not operate to the detriment of the state or to the exclusion, of bona fide purchasers, and that the purchasers in such cases were bona fide and innocent of fraud or collusion, the state auditor shall in such cases cause patents to issue for such lands, as provided by law. SEC. 2. Section 9204 of the General Statutes of 1915 be and the same is hereby repealed. SEC. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the statute book. Approved March 5, 1919. CHAPTER 302. LISTING PROPERTY IN BEHALF OF OTHERS; PLACE OF ASSESSMENT OF LIVESTOCK AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS; THE PROPERTY OF BANKS, BANKERS, BROKERS, INSUR- ANCE AND OTHER COMPANIES. Senate bill No. 258. AN ACT amending section 11158 of the General Statutes of Kansas 1915 relating to the listing and assessment of property for taxation and re- pealing said section 11158 of the General Statutes of Kansas 1915. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. That section 11158 of the General Statutes of Kansas of 1915 be amended to read as follows: Sec. 11158. Every person required to list property in behalf of others shall list such property in the same township, school district or city in which said property is located ; but he shall list such prop- erty separate and apart from his own, specifying the name of the person, estate, company or corporation to which the same may belong. All toll bridges shall be listed in the township or ward where the same are located ; and if located in two wards or townships, then one-half in each of such wards or town- ships. And all personal property shall be listed and taxed each year in the township, school district or city in which the prop- Laivs Relating to Education. 49 erty was located on the first day of March, but all moneys and credits not pertaining to a business located shall be listed in the township or city in which the owner resided on the first day of March. The property of banks, bankers, brokers, mer- chants, and of insurance or other companies (except of mutual fire insurance companies) shall be listed and taxed in the county, township, city, and school district where their business is usually done, and manufactories and mines in the county, township, city and school district where the manufactory or mine is located. Animals and farming implements shall be listed and taxed where usually kept; but, when animals and farming implements shall have been removed from the place where formerly kept to another taxing district and shall have been kept therein for sixty days prior to the first day of March, they shall be held to have acquired a tax situs in such taxing district. In case animals and farming implements are tempo- rarily outside the limits of the state, then said animals and im- plements shall be listed and taxed in the county, township and school district where the owner resided on the first day of March. All animals and farming implements that do not have their tax situs in accordance with the preceding provisions of this section or as provided in other statutes shall be assessed and taxed in the taxing district wherein the owner has his dom- icile. The assessment of animals which under any provision of law have their tax situs in a pasture whose area embraces sev- eral taxing districts shall be apportioned among the taxing districts in proportion to the acreages of land in the said sev- eral taxing districts. Personal property in transit shall be listed in the taxing district where the owner resides : Provided, however, that if such property is intended for a particular business, it shall be listed at the place where the business is to be transacted. SEC. 2. That original section 11158 of the General Statutes of Kansas 1915 be and the same is hereby repealed. ' SEC. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the official state paper. Approved March 11, 1919. Published in official state paper March 15, 1919. 4 Instruction 6603 50 Laws Relating to Education. CHAPTER 308. LIMIT OF LEVY BY BOARDS OF EDUCATION IN CITIES OF THE FIRST CLASS. House bill No. 57. AN ACT concerning assessment and taxation, relating to the levy of taxes for the support of schools in cities of the first class, amending chapter 324 of the Laws of 1917, and repealing said original chapter 324. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. That chapter 324 of the Laws of Kansas of 1917 is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 1. That the authority of boards of education in cities of the first class to levy taxes as provided in chapter 330, Laws of 1907, is hereby limited so that the board of education of any such city shall not fix a rate of levy for the respective purposes in excess of the following named rates : For the support of the schools of the city the rate of levy shall not exceed 8 mills ; for the pur- chase of sites and for the construction and repairing of school buildings the rate of levy shall not exceed 2 mills: Provided, however, that in cities of the first class having an assessed valu- ation of more than $90,000,000 and a population of more than 85,000 the board of education shall not fix a rate of levy for the support of schools of such cities to exceed the sum of 7 1 / i mills ; and for the purchase of sites and for the construction and re- pair of school buildings a rate of levy not to exceed 114 mills. SEC. 2. That chapter 324 of the Laws of Kansas of 1917 is hereby repealed. SEC. 3. That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the official state paper. Approved February 27, 1919. Published in official state paper February 28, 1919. Laws Relating to Education. 51 CHAPTER 310. PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF WARRANTS AND AN IN- CREASE IN TAX LEVIES FOR EMERGENCY CASES. House bill No. 416. AN ACT concerning assessment and taxation and to provide for the issuance of warrants and an increase in tax levies for emergency cases. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. That whenever it shall be apparent to a ma- jority of the members of any board authorized to levy taxes in any taxing district or of any officer solely charged with that duty therein that the rates of levy in the particular taxing dis- trict under consideration are so limited as to be insufficient for the raising of funds necessary to supply the needs of said taxing district for general maintenance expenses for the cur- rent tax year, such officers or officer shall have the authority to issue warrants to meet such general maintenance expenses for the current tax year to the amount of money not exceeding twenty-five percent of the amount of money which can be raised in such taxing district by using the rates limited by law : Provided, that no such authority to issue warrants shall be exercised until an application for such exercise shall be made to the Tax Commission, which body, if the evidence submitted in support of the application shall show an emergency need for the issue of warrants for the said additional amount hereby authorized or any part thereof, is hereby empowered to order the issuance of such warrants as may be shown to be neces- sary : And provided further, that at no time shall the issuance of such warrants authorized by the Tax Commission in any such taxing district exceed in amount twenty-five percent of the amount of money that can be raised by taxation in any such district for the current tax year under the existing rates. SEC. 2. That whenever any board or officer shall issue war- rants under the authority prescribed in section 1 of this act, the said board or officer is authorized and empowered to fix rates of levy in such district which will raise an amount of money sufficient to pay and discharge such warrants. Such rate of levy shall be in addition to the rate authorized by law at the time of making such levy : Provided, that the amount of such warrants shall not exceed by more than twenty-five per- cent the amount of money that could be raised by taxation in any such district for the year in which the indebtedness rep- resented by the warrants was incurred. SEC. 3. That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the official state paper. Approved March 22, 1919. Published in official state paper March 29, 1919. 52 , , Laws Relating to Education. CHAPTER 311. CONCERNING ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION, AND TO PRO- VIDE FOR AN INCREASE IN TAX LEVIES FOR EMERGENCY CASES. House bill No. 366. AN ACT concerning assessment and taxation and to provide for an in- crease in tax levies for emergency cases. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION 1. Whenever it shall be the opinion of the majority of the members of any board authorized to levy taxes in any taxing district or of any officer solely charged with that duty therein that the rates of levy in the particular taxing district under consideration are so limited as to be insufficient for the raising of the funds necessary to supply the needs of said tax- ing district for general or maintenance expenses for the current tax year such levying officers or officer shall have authority to fix rates of levy in such district which will raise an amount of money for such taxing district exceeding by twenty-five percent the amount of money which can be raised in such taxing dis- trict for the current tax year by using the rates limited by law : Provided, that no such authority shall be exercised until an application for its exercise shall be made to the Tax Commis- sion, which body, if the evidence submitted in support of the application shall show an emergency need for the said addi- tional amount hereby authorized or any part thereof, is hereby empowered to order such increase as may have been shown to be necessary : And provided further, that at no time shall any increase authorized by the Tax Commission in any such taxing district exceed by more than twenty-five percent the amount of money that can be raised by taxation in any such district for the current tax year. SEC. 2. Chapter 78, Laws of 1908, is hereby repealed. SEC. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the official state paper. Approved March 22, 1919. Published in official state paper April 4, 1919. D UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. SEP 27 1920 OCT131920 50m-7,'16 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY